EXCHANGE SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA FROM THE CODE OF 1897 AND THE SUPPLE- MENT TO THE CODE OF 1907. WITH NOTES, FORMS AND DECISIONS, FOR USE AND GOVERNMENT OF DIRECTORS AND SCHOOL OFFICERS. EDITION OF 1907. JOHN R RIGGS, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. DES MOINES: EMORY H. ENGLISH, STATE PRINTER E. D. CHASSELL, STATE BINDER 1907 TRANSMIT TO SUCCESSOR Each school officer, upon the termination of his term of office, shall immediately surrender to bis successor all books, papers and moneys pertaining or belonging to the office, taking a receipt therefor. CODE SECTION 2770. PREFACE Section 2624 of the code authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to cause to be printed every four years all school laws in force up to that time, with such notes, forms, rulings and decisions as may be of value to school officers in the proper discharge of their duties, references being made to previous laws amended or changed, so as to indicate the effect of such amendment or change. As the use of former editions will be most likely to mislead, and since each school corporation and each school director is entitled to receive a copy of this law, it is urged that the use of all former editions be discontinued. Since another edition may not be published for four years, it is earnestly advised that special pains be taken to preserve every copy of this edition, and that school officers superseded by elec- tion or otherwise will deliver to their successors in office copies in their possession. The explanatory notes printed in connection with the law governing school corporations have been carefully revised and in some instances extended to include a larger number of rulings. These notes are based upon decisions of the supreme court, opinions of the attorney-general, and the decisions or opinions of the superintendent of public instruc- tion. Since the value of the notes may be considered to depend mainly upon the source from which the same originated, refer- ences have, so far as seemed necessary, been given. It is urged that the general authorities cited be consulted where more extended in- formation is sought. Reports of the supreme court are found in every county, and may be consulted at the court house upon application to the clerk of the district court. By school law decisions is meant the decisions rendered by the superintendent of public instruction in appeal cases. Cases involv- ing the chief principles are contained in the present volume. A care- ful reading of the same is earnestly urged. PKEFACE We have placed those sections which relate particularly to the administration of the public schools first, followed in order by that part of the Constitution of Iowa relating to public schools, the law gov- erning the state institutions, and that concerning county high schools. Following the law are some suggestive forms for the use of school officers, after which are placed some of the more important decisions of superintendents of public instruction. The numbering of the older sections is that of the code of 1897, while through the courtesy of Honorable C. N. Jepson, editor of the code supplement of 1907, we are enabled to give the more recent sections the numbering as they will appear in that supplement. The sections are arranged according to number, or number and letter, except where such an arrangement of the newer laws would separate closely related sections. To bring closely related sections together, section 1306-b is made to follow section 2812-f, which in turn is followed by sections 2820-a to 2820-d. Also section 2794-a is made to follow section 2796, while it in turn is followed by section 2820-e to 2820-h. Each section appears in full followed by all of the notes relating to it. Titles and catch words have been used to aid the reader to find the particular note he desires, and numerous cross references are given to aid him in finding all of the law on any point. The labor of revision has been performed by Mr. J. C. Bennett, deputy superintendent, in addition to his regular duties otherwise much increased by recent legislation. JOHN F. RIGGS, Superintendent Public Instruction. September 3, 1907. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. SECTION 2621. Office records deputy. The superintendent of public instruction shall have an office in the capitol, in which shall be filed and kept separately all papers, reports and documents trans- mitted to him each year by the several county superintendents, and open to inspection by the governor or a committee of either house of the general assembly whenever required. He shall keep a record of all matters and things done in his office, which, together with all other papers and documents, at the conclusion of his term, shall be turned over to his successor. He may appoint a deputy, who shall qualify in like manner as his principal, and who, in the absence or inability of the superintendent, shall perform his duties. [C. '73, 766-7, 770, 1578; C. '51, 416, 1078.] SEC. 2622. Duties teachers' conventions and institutes. He shall be charged with the general supervision of all- the county superin- tendents and the common schools of the state ; may meet county super- intendents in convention at such points in the state as may be most suitable for the purpose, at which proper steps may be taken looking toward securing a more uniform and efficient administration of the school laws. He shall appoint, upon the request of county superin- tendents, the time and place for holding teachers' institutes, such institutes to be called when it is probable that not less than twenty teachers will be present, and remain in session not less than six work- ing days, of which time and place of meeting he shall give notice to the county superintendent of the proper county. He shall attend teachers' institutes thus called in the several counties of the state, so far as consistent with his official duties, and assist in their man- agement and instruction. He shall have power to collect, publish and distribute statistical and other information relative to public schools and education in general; to visit teachers' association meetings and make tours of inspection among the common schools and other insti- tutions of learning in the state, and may deliver addresses upon sub- jects relative to education ; to prepare, publish, and distribute blank forms for all returns he may deem necessary, or that may be required by law, of teachers, or school officers; to publish and distribute an- nually leaflets and circulars relative to arbor day, memorial day, and other days considered by him worthy of special observance in public schools, the number to be determined by the executive council; t 6 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. prepare questions for the use of county superintendents in the exami- nation of applicants for teachers' certificates; and to prepare, publish, and distribute, among teachers and school officers, courses of study for use in the rural and high schools of the state, the number thereof to be fixed by the executive council. When any county superintendent fails to make any report as required of him by law the superintendent of public instruction may appoint some suitable person to perform such duties and fix reasonable compensation therefor, which shall be paid by the delinquent county superintendent. [31 G. A., ch. 3, 6; 28 G. A., ch. 94, 1; C. '73, 1577, 1584; C. '51, 1080.] NOTES: 1. Term of institute. No teachers' institute will be appointed for less than six working days. There may be two or more sessions, but one of them must be of at least six working days' duration. 2. Supplemental institute. Supplemental institutes will be appointed for less than siix days if requested by the county superintendent. The sup- plemental session should be requested in connection with the regular in- stitute. SEC. 2623. Opinions appeals. He shall render opinions in writing upon request of any school officer regarding the school law, its ad- ministration, and the duty of such officer, and shall determine all cases brought before him on appeal from the decisions of the county super- intendents. [C. '73, 1577; C. '51, 1080.] NOTES: 1. All questions answered. It has been the custom for many years to answer all proper inquiries, from whatever source, touching the construction and application of the school laws. 2. Letters not returned. As all correspondence of value must be filed for preservation, it is obvious that it is impossible to comply with a request to return a letter with tine reply. SEC. 2624. Publication of school laws. He shall every four years, 'f deemed necessary, cause to be printed and bound in cloth all school taws in force up to that time, with such notes, forms, rulings and decisions as may be of value in aid of school officers in the proper discharge of their duties, reference being made to previous laws amended or changed, so as to indicate the effect of such amendment or change; one copy of which shall be sent to each county superin- tendent, and one to each district and independent district in the state, to be distributed by the several county superintendents. Vol- umes bound in paper covers shall be furnished to each school director, to be distributed by the county superintendent, which shall be turned over by the director to his successor in office. Should he deem it un- necessary at any time to prepare a volume as above provided, the superintendent may cause to be published in pamphlet form such amendments to the school laws as have been passed by the general assembly, which shall be distributed in the manner and to the parties hereinbefore provided. He may subscribe for a sufficient number of copies of some educational school paper, printed and published in the state, to furnish one to each county superintendent; but no paper shall be selected which will not publish each decision made by him relating to the school law, and which he may regard of general im- portance; and the certificate of having thus subscribed shall be smf- SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 7 ficient authority for the auditor of state to issue his warrant upon the state treasurer 'for the amount of the subscription. [22 G. A., ch. 59; 18 G. A., ch. 150, 1, 2; C. '73, 1579, 1581.] SEC. 2625. Reports. He shall on the first day of January report to the auditor of state the number of persons in each county between the ages of five and twenty-one years, and biennially to the governor ; which report shall contain a statement of the condition of the common schools in the state, the number of school townships and districts therein, number of independent districts, number of teachers, number of schools, number of schoolhouses and value thereof, number of per- sons of school age, number of scholars in each county attending school the previous year, number of books in district libraries, the value of all apparatus in schools, and such other statistical information as may be of public importance, plans matured or adopted for the more perfect organization and efficiency of the common schools; and any sugges- tions he may deem important, regarding further legislation, which will strengthen the common schools of the state. Provided, however, he shall make a report during the year 1906, which said report shall cover the period only from the date of his last biennial report, and shall report to the governor biennially thereafter. [31 G. A., ch. 121; 22 G. A., ch. 82, 29; C. '73, 1582-3; C. '51, 1086.] NOTE: Explanation. The word districts in Ifne five means Subdistricts. SEC. 2626. Appropriations for institutes. To defray the expenses of county teachers' institutes, there is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise set apart a sum not to exceed fifty dollars annually for each institute held in each county, which sum the superintendent shall receive from the state treasurer, upon the warrant of the state auditor, to be issued to him upon his certificate ; which amount, when drawn, shall be forthwith remitted to the proper county superintendent. If any balance remains of this sum after paying the expenses of the institute, it shall be covered into the county treasury of the proper county and credited to the institute fund. [C. '73, 1584.] SEC. 2627. Salary and expenses. The salary of the superintendent of public instruction shall be twenty-two hundred dollars per annum, and that of his deputy eighteen hundred dollars, to be paid monthly upon the warrant of the state auditor, and, in addition thereto, the state superintendent shall receive three hundred dollars annually, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay actual traveling expenses incurred in the performance of official duties, to be allowed upon an itemized and verified account filed with the state auditor, who shall draw his warrant upon the state treasurer for the amount allowed. [32 G. A, ch. 2, 5 ; 28 G. A., ch. 94, 2 ; 22 G. A., ch. 109, 1 ; 21 G. A., ch. 118, 6; C. '73, 3760.] THE EDUCATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINERS. SECTION 2628. Members. The educational board of examiners shall consist of the superintendent of public instruction, president of the 8 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. university, principal of the normal school, and two persons to be ap- pointed by the governor, one of whom shall be a woman, the appointees to hold office for a term of four years and be ineligible as his or her successor, the superintendent of public instruction to be by virtue of his office president of the board. [19 G. A., ch. 167, 1.] SEC. 2629. Meetings examination. The board shall meet for the transaction of business at such times and places as the president may direct, and shall annually hold at least two public examinations of teachers, to be conducted by a member or the secretary of the board or by such qualified person or persons as the board may select. All ex- aminations shall be conducted in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the board, not inconsistent with the laws of the state, and a record shall be kept of all its proceedings. It may issue state certifi- cates and state diplomas to .such teachers as are found upon examination to possess a good moral character, thorough scholarship and knowledge of didactics with successful experience in teaching, or with such other training and qualifications as the board may require. The examination for certificates and diplomas shall cover orthography, reading, writ- ing, arithmetic, geography, English grammar, bookkeeping, physiology, history of the United States, algebra, botany, natural philosophy, drawing, civil government, constitution and laws of the state, and didactics; those for diplomas, in addition to the foregoing, geometry, trigonometry, chemistry, zoology, geology, astronomy, political econ- omy, rhetoric, English literature, general history, and such other studies as the board may require. [32 G. A., ch. 6, 2 ; 29 G. A., ch. 114; 28 G. A., ch. 95; 19 G. A., ch. 167, 2-4.] SEC. 2630-b. Special certificates. The educational board of exam- iners may issue a special certificate to any teacher of music, drawing, penmanship, or other special branches, or to any primary teacher, of sufficient experience, who shall pass such examination as the board may require in the branches, and methods pertaining thereto, for which the certificate is sought. Such certificates shall be designated by the name of the branch, and shall not be valid for any other depart- ment or branch. The board shall keep a complete register of all per- sons to whom certificates or diplomas are issued. [28 G. A., ch. 96, 2; 23 G. A, ch. 22.] NOTES: 1. Kinds. Under authority of this section, the board of exam- iners may issue special state certificates for music, penmanship, drawing or primary work only. Attorney-General, report 1904, page 198. 2. For whom. The special state certificate is intended for teachers of special branches, as a recognition of professional skill, expert scholarship, and successful experience in teaching a particular subject. 3. Scholarship. Wihile the candidate must possess complete and technical knowledge of the special branch for the teaching of which a certificate is desired, some general education and culture will the superintendent of public instruction, giving a full abstract of the several reports made to him by the secretaries -and treasurers of school boards, stating the manner in and extent to which the requirements of the law regarding instruction in physiology and hygiene are observed, and such other matters as he may be directed by the state superintendent to include therein, or he may think important in showing the actual condition of .the schools in his county. At the same time, he shall file with the county auditor a statement of the number of persons of school age in each school township and independent district in the county. He shall also report, as provided by law, to the superintendent of the college for the blind, the name, age, residence and postoffice address of every person, resident of the county, so blind as to be unable to acquire an education in the common schools; to the superintendent of the insti- tution for the deaf and dumb, with the same detail, all persons of school age whose faculties in respect to hearing or speaking are so deficient as to prevent them from acquiring an education in such schools; and to the institution for the feeble-minded, all persons of like age who, because of mental defects, are entitled to admission therein. [31 G. A., ch. 136, '1; 21 G. A., ch. 1, 2; C. 73, 1771, 1772; R., 2070.] NOTES: 1. Blanks. The blanks for the annual report of the county superintendent, together with instructions for making the report, are fur- nished by the superintendent of public instruction. The blanks for the re- ports to the different institutions should be furnished by the superintendents in charge of such institutions. 2. Tests. The superintendent should test the accuracy of the treasurers' reports by consulting the books of the county treasurer. The amount of the several funds reported received from the district tax, also the amount received from the semi-annual apportionments, must agree with the county treasurer's receipts. 3. Errors. All errors must be corrected. The balances reported on hand in the last report from the district treasurer should the following year be correctly accounted for and sihould form the first item of such report and be designated: "On hand at last report." , 4. Enumeration. The abstract of the enumeration of children in each district should be made with special care, complete and accurate; other- wise the county will not obtain its just proportion of the income of the per- manent school fund. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 21 5. Delayed reports. Should the district secretaries or treasurers fail to make their reports in time, the superintendent should take prompt meas- ures to secure them, going after them if necessary. SEC. 2740. Enforcing laws. The county superintendent shall see that all provisions of the school law, so far as it relates to the schools or school officers within his county, are observed and enforced, specially those relating to the fencing of schoolhouse grounds with barb wire, and the introduction and teaching of such divisions of physiology and hygiene as relate to the effects of alcohol, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system, and to this end he may require the assistance of the county attorney, who shall at his request bring any action nec'essary to enforce the law or recover penalties incurred. [21 G. A., ch. 1, 2; 20 G. A., ch. 103, 2.] SEC. 2741. Penalty. Should he fail to make the report herein re- quired of him to the superintendent of public instruction or the county auditor, he shall forfeit to the school fund of his county the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered in an action brought by the county for the use of the school fund, and in addition shall be liable for all damages occasioned thereby. [C. '73, 1773; R, 2072.] NOTE: 1. Additional to penalty. In addition to the penalty provided in this section for a failure to make the annual report, the delinquent county superintendent is required to pay a reasonable compensation to the person whom the superintendent of public instruction may appoint to make such report for 'him. Section 2622. SEC. 2742. Compensation. He shall receive a salary of twelve hundred and fifty dollars a year, and the expenses of necessary office stationery and postage, and those incurred in attendance upon meet- ings called by the superintendent of public instruction ; claims therefor to be made by verified statements filed with the county auditor, who shall draw his warrant upon the county treasurer therefor; and the board of supervisors may allow him such further sum by way of com- pensation as may be just and proper. [29 G. A., ch. 124; 19 G. A., ch. 161, 1; C. '73/ 1776; B., 2074.] NOTES: 1. Superintendent determines office days. It is the intention of the law that each county superintendent shall determine the time neces- sary to be employed in the duties of his office, and the division of labor to be made. Of course, specific duties are required, such as making certain reports at times designated, visiting schools, and that he shall conform to the instructions from the superintendent of public instruction. But in gen- eral, he is to decide for himself, as indicated in his oath of office, what means will best advance the work in his county. 2. Office supplies furnished. The board of supervisors s'hall furnish the county superintendent with an office at the county seat, together with fuel, lights, blanks, books and stationery necessary and proper to enable him to discharge the duties of his office, but in no case shall such officer be per- mitted to occupy an office also occupied by a practicing attorney. Code, section 468. Report, attorney-general, 1906, page 261. 3. Office stationery what may be included. Attendance and classifica- tion registers, record books for school directors and secretaries, librarian's records for rural libraries, institute records, report cards, and packages of blanks for use of school officers in calling meetings and making reports were held to be necessary office stationery. See decision of Judge J. H. Applegate in case of Hammond & Stephens Co. vs. Dallas county, Dallas county district court. 22 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. THE SYSTEM OP COMMON SCHOOLS. SEC. 2743. School districts corporate powers. Each school dis- trict now existing shall continue a body politic as a school corporation, unless hereafter changed as provided by law, and as such may sue and be sued, hold property, and exercise all the powers granted by law, and shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all school matters over the territory therein contained. [C. '73, 1713, 1716; R., 2022, 2026; C. '51, ' 1108.] NOTES: 1. Boundaries. In boundaries, school townships usually coin- cide with civil townships. 41 Iowa, 30. 2. Garnishee. Section 3936 of the code provides that a. municipal or po- litical corporation shall not be garnisheed. However, the corporation may waive exemption from this process. 25 Iowa, 315. 3. All territory in some corporation. The policy of our law is, that the territory once organized for school purposes must always remain within some jurisdiction, and that it may not be detached from the jurisdiction to which it belongs without at the same time becoming a separate jurisdiction or a part of another jurisdiction for school purposes. 82 Iowa, 10. Decisions, 33 and 58. 4. General powers. A school corporation may possess and exercise the following powers: (a) Those granted in express terms, (b) Those neces- sarily implied or necessarily incident to the powers expressly granted, (c) Those absolutely essential to the declared objects and purposes of the cor- poration. 25 Iowa, 163; 39 Iowa; 447; 52 Iowa, 193; and 19, Iowa, 199. 5. Validity of school organization. Quo warranto, rather than certiorari, is the proper remedy to test the validity of the organization of a school district, and appeal to the superintendent is not the exclusive remedy. 129 Iowa, 538. 6. Unauthorized official acts test of. Code, section 4313, authorizing a quo warranto proceeding to test the official and corporate rights does not preclude a school township from maintaining an action in equity in its own name to enjoin persons, assuming without authority to act as officers of an independent district within the township, from interfering with the rights of the school township and also for an accounting, as the former proceeding is for the protection of public interest and the latter to redress private wrongs. 122 Iowa, 602. SEC. 2744. Names. District townships now existing shall here- after be called school townships, subdivisions of which shall be called subdistricts. School corporations shall be designated as follows: The school township of (naming civil township), in the county of (naming county), state of Iowa; or, the independent school district of (naming city, town or village, and if there are two or more districts therein, including some appropriate name or number), in the county of (nam- ing county), state of Iowa; or, the rural independent school district of (some appropriate name or number), township of (naming town- ship), in the county of (naming county), state of Iowa. [27 G. A., ch. 91, 1 ; C. '73, 1716 ; R., 2026 ; C. '51, 1108. NOTES: 1. Subdistrict not a corporation. A subdistrict is not a corpora- tion, and hence can neither hold property nor perform any corporate act. Decisions, 13. 2. Use of corporate name. In suits, contracts and conveyances, the cor- porate name should 'be strictly observed. 3. Change of name. At their annual meeting, the electors of any rural independent school district may vote by ballot to change the name of the dlotrkt, and the board will be guided by this expressed wish. SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 23 SEC. 2745. Directors. The affairs of each school corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors, the members of which in all independent school districts shall be chosen for a term of three years, and in all snbdistricts of school townships for a term of one year. [26 G. A, ch. 40; 18 G. A., ch. 143; 17 G. A., ch. 113; 15 G. A., ch. 27; C. '73, 1802; R., 2099, 2100, 2106.] NOTES: 1. Term begins. The terms of directors of independent city, town and village corporations begin on the third Monday of March and of rural independent districts and school townships on the first day of July following their election. Sections 2757, 2758. 2. Term when filling vacancies. A director "holding over," or elected or appointed to fill a vacancy, assumes the duties of the office within ten days (section 1275), and, if "'holding over," or appointed, serves until the next regular election (section 1276), or, if elected, for the remainder of the term (section 1277). SEC. 2745-a. Duty of boards of school directors. It shall be the duty of all boards of school directors in school districts where the schoolhouse site adjoins the cultivated or improved lands of another to build and maintain a lawful fence between said site and cultivated or improved lands. [27 G. A., ch. 88, 1.] NOTES: 1. Barbed wire. Barbed wire may not be used to fence a school site, nor for any fence or other purpose within ten feet of the site Section 2817. 2. Lawful fence. For the specifications for a "lawful fence" see section 2367 of the code. 3. "Tight" fence. A partition fence shall be made tight by the party desiring it. Section 2367 of the code. 4. Fence viewers. The township trustees constitute the fence viewers for the purpose of determining matters in controversy. Section 2367 of the code. 5. Additional law. See section 2773. SEC. 2745-b. Rights of owner of adjoining lands. The owner of lands adjoining any schoolhouse site shall have the right to connect the fence on his lands with the fences around any schoolhouse site, but he shall not be liable to contribute to the maintenance of the fence around said site. [27 G. A., ch. 88, 2.] NOTE: Barbed wire prohibited. Barbed wire may not be used to con- nect the fence of an adjoining land owner with the fence around a school site. Barbed wire may not be brought nearer than ten feet of the school premises. Section 2817. SEC. 2746. Annual meeting of corporation. A meeting of the voters of each school corporation shall be held annually on the second Monday in March for the transaction df the business thereof. Notice in writing of the place, day and hours during which the meeting will be in session, specifying the number of directors to be elected, and tho terms 'thereof, and such propositions as will be submitted to and ~Be determined by the voters, shall be posted by the secretary of the board in at least five public places in said corporation, for not less than ten days next preceding the day of the meeting. The president and secretary of the board, with one of the directors shall act as judges of the election. If any judge of election is absent at the organ- ization of the meeting the voters present shall appoint one of their 24 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. number to act in his stead. The judges of election shall issue certifi- cates to the directors elected. [19 G. A., ch. 51; 18 G. A., ch. 7, 1 : 18 G. A., ch. 63; C. '73. 1717, 1719; R., 2027-8, 2031. 2033; C/'51. 1111, 1114-15.] NOTES: 1. But one day. The meeting cannot be adjourned to another day, and must be held at the time and in the manner directed by the law. Section 2746. 2. Notice necessary. It is mandatory upon the secretary to give ten days' notice of the annual meeting of the school corporation and of such propositions as the board or the electors by petition, as provided in section 2749, may desire to have submitted to the electors at that time. Failure to do so will invalidate any action that may be taken by the electors at such meeting. 118 Iowa, 207. Form 8. 3. Secretary must be directed. The secretary cannot give legal notice of any proposition unless directed to do so by the board of directors. McNees et al. vs. School Township, East River, HON. W., 325. Kinney vs. Howard, 110 N. W., 282; and note 1, section 2829. 4. Notice kind. Not less than ten days' notice by posting in at least five public places must be given. Section 2746. But in school corporations having five thousand or more inhabitants, notice shall be posted in each precinct and published in a newspaper. Section 2754. 5. Registration. In corporations of five thousand or more inhabitants, the board must provide for the registration of voters. Section 2755. At- torney-general, report 1906, page 174. 6. Polls open. In corporations of five thousand or more inhabitants, the polls shall open at 9 A.M. Section 2756. In all other corporations at 1 P.M. 7. Duration. In corporations of five thousand or more inhabitants, the polls shall remain open until 7 P.M. Section 2756. In independent city, town and village corporations of less than five thousand inhabitants they must remain open five hours and in rural and independent districts and school townships two hours. Section 2754. 8. Official record. The secretary shall make a complete record of the transactions of each annual or special meeting of the electors Section 2761. In the absence of a record the action taken may be shown by parol evi- dence. Kinney vs. Howard, 110 N. W., 282. 9. Poll book. A record of the names of all persons voting shall be kept by the secretary. Section 2761. 10. By ballot. All elections by the people shall be by ballot. Constitution of Iowa, article 2, section 6. Directors of subdistricts shall be chosen by ballot. Section 2751. Members of the board in independent districts shall be chosen by ballot. Section 2754. Director-at-large of school township is chosen in the same manner. Section 2823. All propositions must be voted upon by ballot. Section 2749. 11. Form of ballot. (a) As to candidates. The ballot should designate the term voted for in connection with the name of the candidate. Section 2746. (b) As to propositions. The ballot must state each proposition for which notice has been given and shall provide an appropriate place in connection with each for the voter to express his wish. Section 2749. Decisions. 113. (c) General rule. "It is a general rule that in submitting a question of issuing bonds, a substantial compliance with the statute is sufficient." Calahan vs. Handsaker et al., Ill N. W., 22; Kinnie vs. Howard, 110 N. W., 282. 12. Tie vote. A tie vote shall be publicly determined by lot before ad- journment under the direction of the judges. Section 2754. 13. Judges. In corporations of five thousand or more, the judges for each precinct shall consist of a. member of the board and two voters of the pre- cinct (section 2756). In all other corporations (a subdistrict is not a cor- poration), the judges shall consist of the president, the secretary and a member of the board. Sections 2746, 2756, SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 25 14. Failure of judges to serve. In case any judge is absent, the electors present at the opening of the polls shall fill the vacancy from among their number. Section 2746. 15. Compensation of judges and registrars. In corporations of five thou- sand or more, persons (not members of the board) appointed by the board to serve as judges and those appointed as registrars may receive compensa- tion for their services. Section 2755. Attorney-general, report 1904; page 298. 16. Members receive no compensation as judges. Section 2780. 17. Biennial amendment effect of. The provisions of the biennial amend- ment do not apply to school and municipal elections. 127 Iowa, 181. 18. Qualifications electors. See section 2747. School officers. See section 2748. 19. Powers of electors. See sections 2749, 2750, 2812-d, 2836, 2837. 20. Special elections. See sections 2750, 2763 -a to 2763 -c. 21. Regular election. See sections 2749, 2754, 2755, 2756. 22. Term of director beginning duration. See section 2745. 23. When qualify. See section 2758. SEC. 2747. Electors. To have the right to vote at a school meeting a person must have the same qualifications as for voting at a genera! election, and must be at the time an actual resident of the corporation or subdistrict. In any election hereafter held in any school corpo- ration for the purpose of issuing bonds for school purposes or for in- creasing the tax levy, the right of any citizen to vote shall not be de- nied or abridged on account of sex, and women may vote at such elections the same as men, under the same restrictions and qualifica- tions, so far as applicable. [25 G. A., ch. 39.] NOTES: 1. Qualification of electors. To be entitled to the rights of suffrage, a person must be a male citizen of the United States, twenty-one years of age, a resident of the state six months next preceding the election, and of the county sixty days. Constitution, article 2, section 1. 69 Iowa, 368, and 75 Iowa, 220. He must be a legal resident of the corporation or subdistrict, also. 2. Naturalization must be completed. The declaration of intention by- one who expects to become fully naturalized, does not entitle such person to vote. In some states this is a fact, but in Iowa what is called second papers must be taken out; that is, an elector must be either a native born, or a naturalized citizen, must be a male, and not disfranchised in any way men- tioned by the law. 3. Citizen. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and sub- ject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the stajte wherein they reside. Constitution United States, amendment XIV. See page 27, code 1897. 4. Residence voting. The precinct in which an unmarried man rooms and sleeps, rather than the one in which hie takes his meals, will determine the question of his residence with respect to the right to vote. 129 Iowa, 122. 5. Residence three rules. (1) Must have residence somewhere. (2) Residence established remains until a new one is acquired. (3) Can have but one legal residence. 129 Iowa, 122. 6. Residence the vital question. The vital inquiry then in determining the residence of a person always is, where is his home, the home where 'he lives and to which he intends to return when absent or when sick, or when his present engagement ends. 129 Iowa, 122. 7. Women voting. The law confers upon women the right to vote upon only the matters distinctly mentioned. They may vote upon propositions to issue bonds and levy schoolhouse taxes. Kinney v. Howard, 110 N. W., 282. 8. Separate ballot box. A separate ballot box must toe provided for the ballots cast by women, and a separate canvass made of their votes. Code, seetim 1131. 26 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 9. Registration. Registration is necessary in shol orporatitns of five thousand or more inhabitants. Section 2755 and attorney general, report 1906, page 174. SEC. 2748. Officers qualifications. A school officer or member of the board may be of either sex, and must at the time of election or appointment be a citizen and a resident of the corporation or sub- district, and over twenty-one years of age, and, if a man, he must be a qualified voter of the corporation or subdistrict. [16 G. A., ch. 136.] NOTES: 1. Sex not a bar. No person shall be deemed ineligible by rea- son of sex, to the office of director, secretary, treasurer, truant officer or county superintendent. Sections 2748 and 2734-b. 2. Residence essential. Only a resident may be elected to a school office. Section 2748. Removal from the corporation or suibdistrict creates a vacancy Section 1266, paragraph 3. 3. De facto officers. In the absence of any color of election or appoint- ment a party to be treated as a de facto officer must have served under such circumstances of reputation cr acquiesence as would induce the public tc believe without inquiry that he was in fact such officer. 129 Iowa, 406. 4. De facto officers test of title. See Vette vs. Byington, 109 N. W., 1073. 5. Powers of school officers. School officers have only such powers as ire conferred by statute and when the conditions under which these are to be exercised are clearly defined they cannot be ignored. 110 Iowa, 652. 6. De facto officers legality of acts. The acts of officers acting under color of election or appointment, and in good faith, are valid. 101 Iowa, 382. See also note 8, section 2771. SEC. 2749. Powers. The voters assembled at the annual meeting shall have power: 1. To direct a change of text-books regularly adopted; 2. To direct the sale or make other disposition of any schoolhouse or site or other property belonging to the corporation, and the ap- plication to be made of the proceeds of such sale ; 3. To determine upon added branches that shall be taught, but, instruction in all branches except foreign languages shall be in English ; 4. To instruct the board that school buildings may or may not be used for meetings of public interest; 5. To direct the transfer of any surplus in the schoolhouse fund to the teachers' or contingent fund; 6. To authorize the board to obtain, at the expense of the corpora- tion, roads for proper access to its schoolhouses; 7. To vote a schoolhouse tax, not exceeding ten mills on the dollar in any one year, for the purchase of grounds, construction of school - houses, the payment of debts contracted for the erection of school- houses, not including interest on bonds, procuring libraries for and opening roads to schoolhouses. The board may, or, upon the written request of five voters of any rural independent district, or of ten voters of any school township, or of twenty-five voters of any city or town independent district having a population of five thousand or less, or of fifty voters of any other city or town independent district, shall, provide in the notice for the annual meeting for submitting any proposition authorized by law to the voters. All propositions shall be voted upon by ballot in substantially SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA, 27 the following form: "Shall a change of text-books be directed f" (or other question as the case may be) ; and the voter shall designate his vote by writing the word "yes" or "no" in an appropriate place on the ballot' [21 G. A, ch. 131, 1 ; 19 G. A., ch. 51 ; 18 G. A., ch. 63 ; C. '73, 1717, 1807; R., 2027-8, 2033; C. '51, 1114, 1115.] NOTES: 1. Additional powers, (a) To vote on a proposition for county uniformity of textbooks. Section 2831. (b) To authorize the board to purchase textbooks to be loaned to the pupils. Section 2836. (c) To authorize the board to issue school building bonds. Section 2812-d. 2. Limitation of powers. The voters have only such powers as are con- ferred by the statute, either expressly or by reasonable implication. Note 4, section 2743. 110 Iowa, 652. 3. Disposition of school property. The voters of any district wlien as- sembled at their annual meeting may direct that a schoolhouse or the school- house grounds not needed for public school purposes may be sold, rented, leased, or the use thereof granted, for any purpose that will not interfere with the subsequent use or value of such schoolhouse property for public school pur- poses. Section 2749. 4. By ballot. Special attention is called to the fact that under the pres- ent law all propositions before the electors at their 'annual meeting must be voted upon by ballot. See last paragraph, section 2749. 5. Sale must be directed. Schoolhouses cannot >be sold without previous direction of the voters, but their action in voting a tax for the erection of a new schoolhouse on the old site gives the board authority to remove the old house. Paragraph 2, section 2749. See also 110 Iowa, 652. 6. Loaning funds. The voters lhave no authority to instruct the board to loan money belonging to the district, nor to order money invested in gov- ernment bonds. See note 2, ante. 7. Vested right. The general statement is that when an amount has been voted for a specific purpose, the parties directly interested thereby acquire a vested right in such money appropriated, of which they may not be de- prived, even by the voters. 50 Iowa, 648; 100 Iowa, 317. 8. Transfer. The only change of money from one fund to another pos- sible under the law is the transfer of surplus schoolhouse funds to either of the other funds. Paragraph 5, section 2749. 9. Added branches. If the voters direct that any additional branches shall be taught in one or all of the schools, their action is mandatory, and the board is bound -to endeavor in good faith to fulfill such wish. 44 Iowa, 564. 10. Course of study. The voters may not limit nor restrict the board to the adoption of a course of study including only such branches as the voters may name. Nor may the voters direct that a particular branch, or certain branches, shall not be taught. It is the province of the board to de- cide what branches besides those named by the voters shall be included in the course of study and taught in the schools. Section 2772. 11. Voters may not prohibit. The voters >have no power to prohibit any branch being taught, if introduced by the board, neither has the board power to prevent the teaching of any study which the voters have directed shall be taught. 44 Iowa, 564. Section 2772. 12. Schoolhouse taxes. All schoolhouse taxes must be voted by the voters of the corporation, or the su'bdistrict; this power cannot be delegated to the board. For exceptions see section 2806, note 3; sections 2811 and 2813. 13. Sum necessary. The specific sum of money deemed necessary, and not a certain number of mills on the dollar, should be voted, except when a district lies in two counties. The per centum necessary to raise this sum is de- termined by the board of supervisors. Section 2806.' 14. Taxes to be voted by electors. The power to vote schoolhouse taxes for the purchase of sites, erection and repair of schoolhouses, and the pay- ment of debts contracted therefor belongs exclusively to the voters. The sums necessary for the teachers' and contingent funds are determined by th board. Amounts necessary t p.y oa judgments and bonds mav be 28 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. voted by the electors or estimated by th board. Sctini 274S, 2166 ami note 3, 2813. 15. Compelling board to act. Failing to carry out instructions from this meeting, the board may be compelled by mandamus to show reason why the expressed wish of Oie law. Note 4, section 2743. 17. Notice necessary. In order that action may be taken at the annual meeting of the school corporation, it is essential that notice shall be given, as provided in section 2746, that such a matter will be presented at the meeting. When assembled, the voters have power to act only upon such of the powers conferred as have been incorporated in the notice for the meeting. Section 2746; 118 Iowa, 207; decisions, 113. 18. Subdistricts claim. A subdistrict has no legal claim upon school- house property, although in equity a tax voted to build in a certain subdistrict must be expended as voted, and when a schoolhouse has been built or repaired from schoolhouse funds raised upon that subdistrict alone, even the voters should recognize the vested right of the subdistrict to retain such property and to enjoy its use. 50 Iowa, 648. 19. Removal from subdistrict. If it is desired to move the schoolhouse out of the subdistrict the voters of the school township must first so order' at the annual meeting. Decisions, 15; paragraph 2, section 2749. 20. Jurisdiction of court. It is the exclusive province of the courts to determine questions with relation to any vote at a school meeting, or with relation to the choice of members of the board or of officers of the board. Notes 10 to 13 inclusive, to section 2758. 129 Iowa, 441. 21. Roads. See sections 2815, 2750, 2773. 22. Text-books change of. Sections 2749, 2829. 23. Original indebtedness. Original indebtedness may not be created except by vote of the electors. Section 2823. 24. Limit of indebtedness. See section 1306-b, and section 2820-a, follow- ing section 2812-f. SEC. 2750. Special meeting. The board of directors may call a spe- cial meeting of the voters of any school corporation by giving notice in the same manner as for the annual meeting, which shall have the powers given to a regular meeting with 'reference to the sale of school property and the application to be made of the proceeds, and to vote a schoolhouse tax for the purchase of a site and the construction of a necessary schoolhouse, and for obtaining roads thereto. [28 G. A., ch. 104-/24 G. A., ch. 21; 18 G. A., ch. 84.] NOTES: 1. Additional powers. To authorize the board of directors to issue school building bonds. Section 2812-d. 2. Additional indebtedness. Bonds may be voted under section 2820-a to 2820-e only at a special meeting called for that purpose. 3. Number of special meetings. The law does not limit the number of special meetings that may be called. Section 2750. 4. Petition may not be ignored. When petitioned to call a special elec- tion for the submission of any proposition that may come before a special meeting, the board may not ignore the petition. See decisions, 93. SEC. 2751 Subdistrict meeting. The meeting of the voters of each subdistrict of a school township shall be held annually on the first Monday in March, and shall not organize earlier than nine o'clock a. m., nor adjourn before twelve o'clock m. Notice in writing of the time and place of such meeting and the amount of schoolhouse tax to SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 23 be voted shall be given by its director, or if there is none by the school township secretary, by posting in three public places in the subdistrict for five days next preceding the same. The voters shall select a chair- man and secretary of the meeting who shall act as judges of election, and shall also elect a director for the subdistrict by ballot. The vote shall be canvassed by the judges of election, and the person receiving the highest vote shall be declared elected. [22 G. A., ch. 51 ; 18 G. A., ch. 7, 1; C. '73, 1718-19, 1789; R., 2030-1; C. '51, 1111.] NOTES: 1. Purpose of the law. The object is to prevent a few design- ing persons from meeting at an unusual hour, dispatching the business with unseemly haste, and adjourning before many of the electors arrive. The meeting should be conducted with entire fairness, and an opportunity given for an expression of the real sentiment of the subdistrict. 2. Notice. At least five days' notice shall be given by posting in at least three places in the district. Section 2751. If a special schoolhouse tax is to be voted on the property of the subdistrict, ten days' notice must be given. Section 2753. In case there is no director the above notice must be given by the secretary of the school township. The notice should designate the hour of meeting, which cannot be earlier than 9 o'clock A.M., and the hour of closing, which shall not be later than 12 M. Section 2751; form 11. 3. Duration of meeting. While this section does not in terms specify the length of time during which a subdistrict meeting should remain in session, section 2754 provides that in rural independent districts the polls must remain open not less than two hours. For obvious reasons a subdistrict meeting should continue in session at least the same length of time. The voters of the subdistrict should be given a reasonable opportunity to partici- pate in the meeting. 37 Iowa, 131; 39 Iowa, 380. 4. In case of controversy. If subdistrict boundaries are in controversy by way of appeal, the election for directors should be made on the basis of the status of the subdistricts on the day of election. 5. Organization. A chairman and secretary shall be chosen from among the voters present. Section 2751. 6. Judges not qualify. The chairman and the secretary are not required to qualify. 7. Judges' vote. A judge of election is entitled to his vote the same as any other elector. 8. Who may not vote. No minor, non-resident, nor alien can take part in PL meeting of voters. Section 2747. 9. No caucus. If the voters desire to hold a caucus, it should be done before the subdistrict meeting is called to order. After organization but one lawful ballot can be taken. 10. Tie vote. A tie vote for any elective school office shall be publicly determined by lot forthwith, under the direction of the judges. Section 2754. This applies to all school elections. If more than two persons have each an equal number of votes, the same rule will apply. No second ballot may be taken. 11. One ballot. Only one ballot may be taken for the election of director, and the person receiving the greatest number of votes is elected, even though he has not received a majority of all the votes cast. Section 2751. 12. Eligibility. A member or officer of the 'board must have the qualifica- tions of an elector, if a male, but no person is ineligible to any school office by reason of sex. Section 2748. 13. Special schoolhouse tax. The subdistrict may vote a tax for school- house purposes and the secretary of the subdistrict meeting shall certify the same to the secretary of the school township who shall certify it to the board of supervisors. Section 2753; form 12. 14. A vote of the subdistrict not notice. A vote of the electors at a sub- district meeting is not legal notice that such proposition will come before the electors at the school township meeting as contemplated in sections 2746 and 2749, 30 SCHOOL LAWB OF IOWA. 15. Tax provision legal. The provision irith reference to tax voted by electors of subdistricts for schoolhouse purposes, held, to give implied authority to vote such taxes, although the power was not elsewhere expressly conferred. 69 Iowa, 533. 16. Term of director of subdistrict beginning duration. See section 2745 and 2757. 1 7 . When to qualify. See section 2758. 18. Special subdistrict meeting. See section 2753. 19. Funds classification of. See section 2768. 20. Electors qualifications of. See section 2747. 21. Subdistrict lines voting taxes. Subdistrict lines determine who may vote at a subdistrict meeting and also fixes the limit of taxation, when a schoolhouse tax is voted upon the subdistrict. Sections 2747, 2753. SEC. 2752 Number of directors. The board of directors of a school township shall be composed of one director from each subdistrict. But when there is an even number of subdistricts another director shall be elected at large by all the voters of the school township. When the school township is not divided into subdistricts, a board of three di- rectors shall be elected at large, on the second Monday in March, by all the voters of the school township. [27 G. A., ch. 92 ; 15 G. A., ch. 27; C. '73, 1720-1; R., 2031, 2035, 2075-6; C. '51, 1112, 1721.] NOTES: 1. Number of members. The board of a school township cannot consist of less than three members. Wihen there is an even number of subdistricts one director at large must be elected on the second Monday of March by all the voters of the school township. 2. Power of director-at-large. The director-at-large has the right to vote upon all questions before the board the same as any other member. 3. Independent district townships. In school townships that organized as independent district townships under section 1814, code of 1873, the board consists of five members. See section 1814, code of 1873, chapter 27, fifteenth general assembly, and section 2754. 4. Other corporations number of directors. See section 2754. SEC. 2753. Special schoolhouse tax. At the annual subdistrict meet- ing, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, the voters may vote to raise a greater amount of schoolhouse tax than that voted by the voters of the school township, ten days' previous notice having been given, but the amount so voted, including the amount voted by the school township, shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum of fifteen mills on the dollar. The sum thus voted shall be certified forthwith by the secretary of said subdistrict meeting to the secretary of the school township, and shall be levied by the board of supervisors only on the property within the subdistrict. [C. '73, 1778; E., 2033-4, 2037, 2088.] NOTES: 1. Tax certified. The vote should be certified to the secretary of the school towns'hip forthwith. Forms 12 and 14. 2. Vote of subdistrict meeting not notice. A vote of the subdistrict meet- ing is not legal notice that such proposition will come before the electors at the school township meeting as contemplated in sections 2746 and 2749. 118 Iowa, 207. 3. Levy of subdistrict tax. Taxes voted at a subdistrict meeting shall be levied only on the property in the subdistrict. Section 2573. Such action is not notice that the proposition will be submitted at the regular meeting. Sections 2746 and 2749; see note 14, section 2751. 4. Other meetings. Regular subdiistriot meeting, section 2751; regular meeting of corporation, sections 2746, 2749, 2754, 2755, 2756; special meet- ing of corporation, section 2750. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 31 SEC. 2754 Elections in independent districts tie vote. At the an- nual meeting in all independent districts members of the board shall be chosen by ballot. In any district including all or part of a city of the first class, or a city under special charter, the board shall consist of seven members, three of whom shall be chosen on the second Monday in March, 1898, two on the second Monday in March, 1899, and two on the second Monday in March, 1900. In all other independent city, town or village districts, and in all rural independent districts where the board now consists of six members, the board shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be chosen on the second Monday in March, 1898, two on the second Monday in March, 1899, and two on the second Monday in March, 1900. In all independent city, town, or village dis- tricts where the board now consists of three members such board shall hereafter consist of five members, three of whom shall be elected on the second Monday in March, 1898, one for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. In all other rural independent districts the board shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be chosen on the second Monday in March, 1898, and one each year thereafter. In districts composed in whole or in part of cities or towns, a treas- urer shall be chosen in like manner, whose term shall begin on the first day of July, unless that date falls on Sunday, in which case, on the day following, and continue for two years, or until his successor is elected and qualified.- The term of office of the incumbent treas- urer in said districts shall expire on the third Monday in March, 1898. In such districts the polls must remain open not less than five hours, and in rural independent districts and school townships not less than two hours. In each case the polls shall open at one o'clock p. m., ex- cept as provided in section twenty-seven hundred and fifty-six of this chapter. A tie vote for any elective school oifice shall be publicly determined by lot forthwith, under the direction of the judges. [31 G. A., ch. 136, 2; 27 G. A., ch. 91, 93; 22 G. A., ch. 51; 18 G. A., ch. 7, 2 ; C. '73, 1789, 1808.] NOTES: 1. No change of date. Any election by the people -must be held on the day designated, and can neither be postponed nor adjourned to an- other day, and the officers voted for by the people must be elected by a single ballot. 2. Caucus informal ballot. The practice of taking an informal ballot for the purpose of placing persons in nomination may render the election illegal. Such nomination should be made outside the meeting, or at least before the meeting is organized. 3. Form of ballot. In all cases, the ballot should state the term voted for, in conection with the name of the person. It should state all propositions to be voted upon. Sections 2746 and 2749. 4. Vacancies. All vacancies should also be filled by election, and the ballot should designate the vacancy to be filled, and the person so elected holds for 'the remainder of the unexpired term. Sections 2758 and 2771. 5. Membership of boards. All districts comprising cities of the first- class and those under special charter have seven directors. In all other city, town or village districts, and in the rural independent districts which formerly had six members the board now consists of five members. In all other rural independent districts the board consists of three members. Sec- tion 2754. For school townships, see section 2752. 6. Treasurer. In districts composed in whole or in part of cities or towns, the treasurer must be elected by the people for the term of two 32 SCHOOL LAWS TOF .IOWA. years. This does not apply to village districts. In these and in all other dis- tricts, except those specified above, this officer is elected by the board. Section. 2754 and 2757. 7. Tie vote. A tie vote for any elective school office must be publicly determined by lot forthwith, under the direction of the judges. This applies to all school elections. If more than two persons have each an equal number of votes, the same rule will apply. No second ballot may be taken. Section 2754. 8. Polls open. In corporations of five thousand or more, the polls shall open at nine o'clock a. m. (section 2756), and in all other corporations at one p.m. Sections 2754 and 2756. 9. Polls close. In corporations of five thousand or more, the polls shall not close earlier than seven o'clock p.m. (section 2756) ; in other Independent city, town or village districts they shall remain open at least five hours; and in rural independent districts and school townships, two hours. Sections 2754 and 2756. 10. Judges. In corporations of five thousand or more, the judges for each precinct shall consist of a member of the board and two voters of the precinct (section 2756); in all other corporations the judges shall consist of the president, the secretary and one member of the board. In case any judge is absent, the electors present at the time the polls open shall fill the vacancy. Sections 2754 and 2756. 11. Qualifications of electors. See section 2747. 12. Regular meeting notice, etc. See section 2746. 13. Powers of electors. See sections 2749 and 2750. 14. Special election. See section 2750. SEC. 2755. Election precincts register of voters notice. Each school corporation having five thousand or more inhabitants may be divided into such number of precincts as the board of directors shall determine, in each of which a poll shall be held at a convenient place, fixed by the board of directors, for the reception of the ballots of voters residing in such precinct. A separate register of the voters of each precinct shall be prepared by the board from the register of the electors of any city included within such school corporation, and for that purpose a copy of such register of electors shall be fur- nished by the clerk of the city to the board of directors. Before each annual meeting these registers shall be revised and corrected by com- parison with the last register of elections of such cities, and shall have the same force and effect at school meetings held under this section, in respect to the reception of votes thereat, as the register of election has by law at general elections. The board of directors of such school corporation, on or before the last Monday preceding such election shall appoint two suitable persons to be registrars in each of the election pre- cincts of such school corporation for the registration of voters therein, who shall have the same qualifications as registrars appointed for gen- eral elections and shall qualify in the same manner, and receive the same compensation to be paid by the school corporation. The regis- trars shall meet on the day of election at the voting place in the pre- cinct in which they have been appointed and shall hold continuous session from nine o'clock in the forenoon until seven o'clock in the afternoon. Any person claiming to be a voter, and who is not already registered in the proper precinct, may appear before them in the election precinct where he claims he is entitled to vote and make and subscribe under oath a statement in the registry book, which oath and statement shall be of the same general character as that prescribed SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 33 by section one thousand and seventy-seven (1077) of the code, and shall thereupon be granted a certificate of registration. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit women from voting at all elections at which they are entitled to vote. The secretary must post a. notice of the meeting in a public place in each precinct at least ten days before the meeting, and by publication once each week for two consecutive weeks preceding the same in some newspaper published in the corporation, such notice to state the time, respective voting pre- cincts and the polling place in each precinct, and also to specify what questions authorized by law, in addition to the election of director or directors, shall be voted upon and determined by the voters of the several precincts. [31 G. A., ch. 9, 3; 29 G. A., ch. 125; 28 G. A., ch. 105; 18 G. A., ch. 8, 1-4.] NOTES: 1. Registration mandatory. Registration is required in school corporations having five thousand or more inhabitants. Attorney-general, 1904, page 298; 1906, page 174. 2. Registrars compensation. Registrars and judges of election who are not members of the board may receive compensation for their services. Section 2755 and attorney-general, 1904, page 298. 3. Compensation of directors. Members of the board may not receive compensation as judges of election. Section 2780. 4. Conducting election notices duration. In cities of five thousand or more see section 2756. In other corporations, sections 2746 and 2754. In subdistricts, section 2751. SEC. 2756. Conduct of elections. As judges of the election referred to in the preceding section, the board shall appoint one of its number and two voters uf the precinct, one of whom shall act as clerk, who shall be sworn as provided in case of a general election. If any person so appointed failb to attend, the judge or judges attending shall fill the place by the appointment of any voter present, and like action shall follow a refusal to serve or to be sworn. Should all of the appointees fail to attend, then- places shall be filled by the voters from those in attendance. The board shall provide the necessary ballot box and poll- book for each precinct, and the judges shall make and certify a return to the secretary of the corporation of the canvass of the votes for office and upon each question submitted. On the next Monday after the meeting the board shall canvass the returns made to the secretary, ascertain the result of the voting with regard to every matter voted upon, declare the same, cause a record to be made thereof, and at once issue a certificate to each person elected. At all meetings held under this and the next preceding section, the polls shall be kept open from nine o'clock a. m. until seven o'clock p. m. [Same, 5, 6.] NOTE: 1. Compensation of judges. Judges w>ho are not members of the board may receive compensation. Attorney-general, 1904, page 298. 2. Polls. Open at 9 o'clock a. m.; remain open until 7 o'clock p. m. Sec- tion 2756. For other corporations, see section 2754. For subdistricts, section 2751. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ORGANIZATION OFFICERS POWERS. SEC. 2757. Meetings of directors election of officers. The board of directors of all independent city, town and village corporations shall 34 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. organize on the third Monday in March, and those of all other school corporations on the first day of July, unless that date falls on Sunday, in which case on the day following. Such organization shall be effected by the election of a president from the members of the board, who shall be entitled to- vote as a member. Such special meetings may be held as may be determined by the board, or called by the president, or by the secretary upon the written request of a majority of the members of the board, upon notice specifying the time and place, delivered to each member in person, but attendance shall be a waiver of notice. Such meetings shall be held at any place within the civil township in which the corporation is situated. On the first day of July, unless that date falls on Sunday, in which case on the day following, the board of all independent city, town and village corporations and the retiring board in all other school corporations shall meet, examine the books of, and settle with the secretary and treasurer for the year ending on the thirtieth day of June preceding, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. On the same day the board of each inde- pendent city, town and village corporation, except as provided in sec- tion twenty-seven hundred fifty-four (2754) of this chapter, and the new board of every other school corporation, shall elect from outside the board a secretary and treasurer, but in independent districts no teacher or other employee of the board shall be eligible as secretary. All officers shall be elected by ballot and the vote shall be recorded by the secretary. Should the secretary or treasurer fail to report as provided in sections twenty -seven hundred sixty-five (2765) and twen- ty-seven hundred sixty-nine (2769) of this chapter, it shall be the duty of the new board to take any action necessary to secure a proper settlement. NOTES: 1. Settlement. It is suggested that the retiring board in all rural corporations meet in the morning of the day for the July meeting to settle with the secretary and treasurer and to close up the business for the year. It will be necessary for the retiring board to complete its business in time for the new board to organize and transact its business. 2. Organization. The new board should organize immediately thereafter, elect successors to the retiring secretary and treasurer and transact such other business as may come before it. 3. Adjourned Meeting. If a quorum be not present, the members present should effect a temporary organization (section 2772) and appoint a date and place for an adjourned meeting, at which time a permanent organization may be effected and the business of the annual meeting completed. 75 Iowa, 196. 4. President must qualify. The director chosen as president must qualify before assuming the duties of that office. Constitution of Iowa, section 5, article 11. 5. Special meetings notice of. If the president is unwilling to call a special meeting in compliance with a request from members, then a majority of the board may cause a notice of the meeting to be given by the secretary, signed by the members who desire to have the meeting called, which written notice should be by the secretary handed to each member of the board and to the president. Section 2757. 6. Notice time of. As the law is silent with regard to the length of time notice should be given before the time of meeting, it is taken for granted the law intends that a reasonable notice as to the time shall be given. What such reasonable notice is must be determined for each locality by the con- ditions. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 35 7. Neglect of duty. If a school officer habitually or wilfully neglects his duty, and the public good suffers by such negligence, a court may compel him to attend to the necessary duties of his office. 50 Iowa, 648. Section 2822. 8. Place of meeting. This section authorizes boards to hold meetings in any district within the same civil township. 9. Day of meeting. There is no provision of law that will prevent a board from transacting business upon any day except Sunday. 9 10. Failure to elect officers. If the board fails to elect a president, a secretary, or treasurer, in districts where such officer is elected by the board, upon the day fixed by law or at a meeting adjourned from that day to a day certain, then the incumbent may qualify anew and hold the offce for another year. 75 Iowa, 196. But in order that a president may thus hold over, his term as a member of the board must also continue. Section 2757. 11. Hold but one office. No person may hold two offices of the board at the same time. 12. May not be compelled to qualify. No one may be compelled to qualify as a member or officer of the board. 13. Duties must be performed. Any duty imposed upon the board as a body must be performed at a regular or special meeting, and made a matter of record. 47 Iowa, 11. 14. Consent of individual members. The consent of the board to any particular measure, obtained of individual members when not in session, is not the act of the board, and is not binding upon the district. 67 Iowa, 164. 15. Receive reports of committees. The board may receive and act upon communications from persons selected outside the board to report upon matters referred to such persons as a committee. 16. Power may not be delegated. An official trust cannot be delegated. Neither the board nor any member may appoint a substitute to perform the official duties of a member or of the board, but the board may appoint a committee of its number with power to act for the board in a given case. 17. Adjourned meetings authorized. Where the law requires a certain duty to be performed by the board upon a fixed day, and does not expressly forbid its performance later than the date mentioned in the law, as for instance the election of a secretary and a treasurer, an adjournment of the meeting to another fixed date will allow the transaction of the business directed to be done on the day of the regular meeting. 75 Iowa, 196. 18. Director ineligible as secretary or treasurer. A director is ineligible to the office of se^rftary or treasurer so long as he remains a member of the board. Section 2757. 19. Presumption of regularity. In the absence of proof, it will be pre- sumed on appeal, that the proceedings (of school officers; were regular and the grounds sufficient. 109 Iowa. 169. 20. Rules and regulations. The board should adopt necessary rules and regulations to govern the members thereof in their deliberations. This is necessary in order that business may be conducted legally and with dis- patch. Section 2772. 21. Order of business. To further expedite business, a board should adopt and follow an "order of business." The following is suggested and may be changed to suit the needs of the board: 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call to determine that a quorum is present. 3. Reading minutes of previ- ous meeting. 4. Reports of standing committees. 5. Reports of special committees. 6. Communications and petitions. 7. Auditing claims. 8. Unfinished business. 9. New business. 10. Adjourn. SEC. 2758. Qualification of directors vacancies. Any member of the board may administer the oath of qualification to any member elect, and to the president of the board. Each director elected in March, 1906, or at any regular election thereafter, shall qualify on or before the date for the organization of the board of the corporation in which he was elected by taking an oath to support the constitution of the United States and that of the state of Iowa, and that he will 36 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. faithfully discharge the duties of his office; and shall hold the office for the term to which he is elected, and until a successor is elected and qualified. In casc of a vacancy, the office shall be filled by ap- pointment by the board until the next annual meeting. In all rural school corporations, the term of office of directors whose terms expire on the third Monday in March, 1906, is hereby extended to July 1, 1906. [31 G. A., ch. 137; C. 73, 1752, 1790; B., 2032, 2079; C. '51, .1113, 1120.] NOTES: 1. Oath who may administer. Any school director is author- ized to administer to a school director elect the official oath required by law, but the secretary cannot administer this oath unless he is one of the many officers empowered by law to administer oaths. 2. Oath when director may take. A director-elect may take the oath of qualification at any time between the day of election and the close of the day for organization of the board. 53 Iowa, 687; 101 Iowa, 382. Section 2758. A person appointed as a member of the board is required to qualify within ten days. Code, section 1275. 3. Hold over. In case a director-elect fails to qualify by the close of the day for the organization of the board, the incumbent may continue in office until the next regular election, but, in order to do so, he must qualify anew within ten days from that time. Code, sections 1265 and 1275. 4. Failure to qualify. If a person who is elected as 'his own successor fails to qualify on or before the day for the organization of the board, a vacancy exists which should be filled by appointment. Code, section 1266. 5. Failure to appear. Failure to appear at the meeting of the board on the day /or its organization will not prevent a qualification being valid if the member-elect takes the oath of office before the close of that day. 6. Time directors serve. A director continues in office until a successor is elected and qualified, whether chosen by the electors or appointed by the board. Section 1276. 7. Term. (1) Beginning. The term of director in independent city, town and village corporations begins the third Monday of March, and of rural independent districts and school townships on the first of July following his election. Section 2757. (2) Length of. In school townships the term of director is one year; in independent corporations, three years. Section 2745. 8. Filling vacancies. (1) Beginning. Persons holding over or appointed or elected to fill a vacancy must qualify within ten days. Section 1275. (2) Length of. Persons holding over or appointed by the board to fill vacancies serve until their successors elected at the next regular meeting of the corporation, qualify. Section 1276. Persons chosen by the electors to fill vacancies serve the remainder of the term. Section 1277. 9. When to qualify- contested election. When an election is contested, the person elected shall have ten days in which to qualify, after the date of the decision. Code, section 1177. 10. Refusal to issue certificate of election. The failure or refusal of the proper officers to issue a certificate to a person duly elected, cannot operate to deprive such person of his rights. The certificate or commission is the best, but not the only evidence of an election, and if that be refused secondary evidence is admissible. McCrary on elections, section 171; decisions, 9. Mandamus is the proper remedy to compel the board of canvassers to declare elected and certify to the election of the party receiving the highest number of votes. 36 Iowa, 291. 11. Board determines identification of members. While a board may use its own judgment as to who shall or who shall not be received as a member of the board, any one aggrieved has his remedy through the courts; that is, the membership of the board is not finally determined by any action of the board. 125 Iowa, 193. 12. Title how determined. The right or title to hold office cannot be determined by an appeal to the county superintendent. The proper remedy for SCHOOL, LAWS OP IOWA. 37 any person aggrieved by the action of the '"board relating thereto is a petition (to the district court. Code, sections 4313 and 4320; decisions, 9. Quo war- ranto is the proper proceeding to determine the title to an office. 125 Iowa, 193. 13. Province of courts. It is the exclusive province of the courts to determine questions with relation to any vote of a school meeting or with re- lation to the choice of members of the board or officers of the board. De- cisions, 20. 14. Elections regular. Sections 2746, 2751, 2754; to fill vacancy, sec- tion 2771. SEC. 2759. President employment of counsel. The president of the board of directors shall preside at all of its meetings, sign all war- rants and drafts, respectively, drawn upon the county treasurer for money apportioned and taxes collected and belonging to his school corporation, and all orders on the treasurer drawn as provided by law, sign all contracts made by the board, and appear in behalf of his corporation in all actions brought by or against it, unless individ- ually a party, in which case this duty shall be performed by the sec- retary. In all cases where actions may be instituted by or against any school officer to enforce any provision of law, the board may employ counsel, for which the school corporation shall be liable. [19 G. A, ch. 46; C. '73, 1739-40; R., 2039-40; C. '51, 1122-3, 1125.] NOTES: 1. President may not hold over. A president whose term as director has expired may take no further part in the 'board, even though a new president has not been chosen. 2. President may vote. The president has the right to vote on all ques- tions coming before the board. If by such vote a tie is produced, the motion is lost. Section 2757. 3. Temporary president. Wihen the board is without a president, a tem- porary president may be appointed from the members of the board, who, dur- ing the time he is acting as president, may sign orders and contracts and do all other acts proper to be done by the president, but he is not authorized to act except when the board is in session. Section 2772. 4. Order book custodian of. The secretary is the custodian of the order book. He fills out the orders, which the president afterward signs. Section 2762. 5. Order must indicate fund. To be valid, an order must express upon tits face the fund on which it is drawn, and name the purpose 'for which it was issued. Section 2762. 6. Failure to attach official title. The failure of an officer to attach his official title to his signature will not affect the instrument so far as the dis- trict is concerned, provided the writing was authorized, and made for the district, and this fact can be shown. 7 Iowa, 509; 11 Iowa, 82: 7. Personal liability. Unless the fact that official approval was author- ized can be shown, personal liability may follow. 59 Iowa, 696. 8. Authority for signing. An order on the treasurer may be drawn only by the authority of the board. Section 2780. 9. Expense of litigation. The expense in suits provided for by this section should be paid from the contingent fund. Section 2768. 10. Appeals not actions. Appeals to the county superintendent or super- intendent of public instruction, are not actions brought by or against the district, nor are they actions brought by or against any of the school officers, within the meaning of the law, and no charge can be made against the district for attorney fees. 36 Iowa, 411. 11. President may not bring suits. The president does not have author- ity to bring suits in the name of the corporation on his own motion. 85 Iowa, 387. 12. Service of notice. Service of notice may be made on either the presi- dent or the secretary. Code, section 3531. SEC. 2760. Bonds of secretary and treasurer. The secretary and treasurer shall each give bond to the school corporation in such penalty 38 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. as the board may require, and with sureties to be approved by it, which bond shall be filed with the president, conditioned for the faithful performance of his official duties, but in no case less than five hundred dollars. Each shall take the oath required of civil officers, which shall be indorsed upon the bond, and shall complete his quali- fication within ten days. In case of a breach of the bond, the presi- dent shall bring action thereon in the name of the school corporation. [15 G. A., ch. 27; C. '73, 1721, 1731; R., 2035, 2037, 2076; C. '51, 1144.] NOTES: 1. Official bond. The law requires all official bonds to be se- cured by at least two sureties who are freeholders, and whose aggregate prop- erty is double the amount of the bond, the oath of office to be subscribed on the back of the bond, or attached thereto, and the sureties to make affidavit that they are worth the amount named. Form 15. A guarantee company may be accepted as surety. Sections 360 and 1187. 2. Sureties and principal must qualify. At least two sureties are re- quired, who must be resident freeholders of this state, and each of whom must make an affidavit as surety. Both the principal and the sureties must qualify before some one empowered to administer oaths. Code, sections 358 and 359. 3. Requalify. If the treasurer is re-elected, or continues in office by reason of failure to elect a successor, his bond must be renewed and he should produce and account for the funds in his hands, and the statement of such settlement should be endorsed upon his new bond before the same is ap- proved by the board. Code, section 1193. 4. Liability of treasurer. The treasurer- of a school district is absolutely liable for all money coming into his hands by virtue of his office. 40 Iowa, 130; 37 Iowa, 550; 80 Iowa, 497. 5. Member should not be surety. As the bonds of the secretary and the treasurer must be approved by the board, no member should become surety for one of these officers. 6. Failure to give bond. Any officer whose duty it is to give bonds for the proper discharge of the duties of his office, and who neglects so to do, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and is liable to a fine. Code, section 1197. 7. Liability of board. A board approving bonds known to be insufficient, does not discharge the duty incumbent upon it, and is liable on a charge of misdemeanor. 14 Iowa, 510; 18 Iowa, 153. Code, section 4904. 8. Additional security. Any officer or board who has the approval of another officer's bond, when of the opinion that the public security requires it, upon giving ten days' notice to show cause to the contrary may require him to give such additional security by a new bond, within a reasonable time to be prescribed. Code, section 1281. 9. Relief of surety. By petitioning the board a surety may ask to be re- lieved from his obligation on a bond. Code, sections 1283 and 1285. 10. Board not bound to notify. The board of directors is not bound to notify or warn sureties of the dishonesty of a re-elected treasurer. 11. All qualify. All the officers of the board must take the oath of office as prescribed by section 5, article 11, of the constitution. See form 55. 12. When qualify. The secretary and the treasurer have ten days in which to qualify. 13. Guarantee company may become surety. Any association or corpora- tion which does the business of insuring the fidelity of others, and which has authority by law to do business in this state, shall be accepted as surety upon bonds required by law, with the same force and effect as sureties above qualified. Code, section 1187. 14. Guarantee company's certificate. Any company engaged in the busi- ness of becoming surety upon bonds shall file, with the clerk of any county in which it shall do business, a certificate from the state auditor that it has complied with the law and is authorized to do business in this state; and Should said authority be withdrawn at any -time, the state auditor shall at SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 39 once notify the clerk of each distnict court to that effect. Code, .sections 359 and 360. SEC. 2761. Duties of secretary. The secretary shall file and pre- serve copies of all reports made to the county superintendent, and all papers transmitted to him pertaining to the business of the corpo- ration ; keep a complete record of all the proceedings of the meetings of the board and the voters of the corporation in separate books; keep an accurate, separate account of each fund with the treasurer, charge him with all warrants and drafts drawn in his favor, and credit him with all orders drawn on each fund ; and he shall keep an accurate account of all expenses incurred by the corporation, and present the same to the board for audit and payment. At the annual meeting he shall record, in a book provided for that purpose, the names of all persons voting thereat, the number of votes cast for each candidate, and for and against each proposition submitted. [C. '73, 1741, 1743; R., 2041-2; C. '51, 1128.] NOTES: 1. Importance of secretary's work. A large amount of labor de- volves upon the secretary. The fidelity and promptness with which he at- tends to (his duties make his assistance very valuable to the board and the district, and determine, in a large degree, the accuracy and completeness of his annual report to the board and to the county superintendent. 2. Minutes keeping of. It is essential that the record of the proceedings of the board and of the district meetings should be properly kept. Every transaction should be carefully noted, and the proceedings read and ap- proved. Decisions, 113. 3. Minutes as evidence. The minutes of a meeting as recorded at the time by t'he secretary, must be regarded the best evidence as to the understanding the board had of a subject, at the time the question was voted upon. De- cisions, 6, 31, 36 and 50. 4. Proceedings submitted to board. The proceedings of any meeting in relation to voting schoolhouse taxes, must ,be submitted by the secretary, who is the proper custodian of the records, to the board, to form the basis of its action in appropriating and certifying schoolihouse taxes to the board of supervisors. Section 2806. 5. Failure to record proceedings in separate books. The failure of the secretary to record all the ^proceedings of the board and of the district meetings in separate books, kept for that purpose, will not render the pro- ceedings void. 8 Iowa, 298. 6. Public records may be inspected. Public records are public property, and are open to inspection at proper times by any citizen. No puiblic officer may refuse examination of the records, but as he is their custodian, and is charged with their safe keeping, 'he must keep them in his possession. 7. Records certified copy of. Every officer having the custody of a public record or writing is bound to give any person, on demand, a certified copy thereof on payment of the legal fees therefor. Code, section 4638. 8. May not act. The secretary may not act as president or treasurer of the board. 9. Librarian. The secretary, as the clerical officer of the board, *cares for the records of the district (section 2761) and is the librarian of the corporation, unless the board appoints some other person. Section 2823-r. 10. Cash account. The secretary is required by this section to keep an account current with the district treasurer. This account, properly kept, will assist the board in its frequent settlements with the treasurer, as re- quired by section 2780. 11. Minutes correction of. A court of equity may hear parol evidence ,o correct the record. 110 Iowa. 707. SEC. 2762. Warrants. He shall countersign all warrants and drafts upon the county treasurer drawn or signed by the president ; draw 40 SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. each order on the treasurer, specify the fund on which it is drawn and the use for which the money is appropriated; countersign and keep a register of the same, showing the number, date, to whom drawn, the fund upon which it is drawn, the purpose and the amount ; and at each regular annual meeting furnish the board with a copy of the same. [31 G. A., ch. 136, 4; 19 G. A., ch. 46; C. '73, 1739 1782- R., 2039, 2061; C. '51, 1122-3.] NOTES: 1. Claims must be audited. All demands, whether by contract or otherwise, must 'be approved by the board when in session, 'before an order may be drawn on the treasurer, and the secretary shall draw no order unless he is authorized to do so by a vote of the board, at a regular or special meeting. Form 17. Section 2780. 2. Secretary holds the order book. The secretary should hold the order book, for by this means he can better keep Ms records, make the transcript to the treasurer of orders drawn, and more easily make his final report to the board in July. Section 2762. 3. Comply with lawful instructions. The secretary, president, and treas- urer, must conform to the instructions of the board, as far as those direc- tions are in accordance with law, but they should not comply with an in- struction directing them to do an illegal act. Section 2760. 4. When warrant should be refused. If the board appropriates money to pay its members, or for any other illegal purpose, the secretary should refuse to draw and the president should decline to sign the order, and, if drawn, the treasurer should refuse to pay it. Section 2760. 5. How relieved from responsibility. A member may relieve -himself of the responsibility of an illegal act of the board, by moving that the ayes and noes be taken, and by voting no on the unlawful proposition. Members of the board are not liable to prosecution for errors when not shown that they acted in bad faith. 69 Iowa, 533. 6. Teachers' salaries. The board may authorize the president and secre- tary to draw warrants for the payment of teachers' salaries at the end of each school month, upon proper evidence that the service has been per- formed, but the order for wages for the last month should not be drawn until the full report required by isection 2789 is filed in the office of the secretary. 7. Warrants when illegal. School orders issued without a vote of the board, or otherwise illegally issued, although they may be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary, are not binding upon the dis- trict, neither can they acquire validity by being transferred to third parties. If Illegal when issued, they are illegal forever. 19 Iowa, 199 and 248. De- cisions, 11. 8. Not negotiable. An order is not a negotiable paper. It is subject to all equities and defenses to which it would have been subject in the hands of the payee. 22 Iowa, 595; 29 Iowa, 339, and 92 Iowa, 676. 9. Defects not removed by transfer. An order issued illegally does not acquire validity by transfer. See note 8. 10. Terms of. School orders may not be drawn payable on time, nor should any mention regarding interest be in the order. An order may not be made payable at any other place than the treasury of the district. Sec- tion 2768. 11. Registration. The registry of orders is an important matter. Every order drawn s'hould be promptly reported to the district treasurer, as he has no other means of determining the amount of outstanding orders, and otherwise cannot comply with the law requiring >him to make partial pay- ments. Section 2768 and form 18. SEC. 2763. Repeal. That section twenty-seven hundred sixty- three (2763) of the code be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following enacted in lieu thereof. [31 G. A., ch. 138, 1 ; 18 G. A., ch. 59; C. '73, 1742, 1822; R., 2043; C. '51, 1129.] SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 41 SEC. 2763-a. Notice of special meetings in corporations of five thou- sand or more. The secretary of the board of directors of any school corporation which is divided into precincts, shall give notice of all special meetings of the voters, as provided by section twenty-seven hundred fifty -five (2755) of the supplement to the code. Each notice shall state the date, place and hours during which the meeting will be in session, and the object of the meeting. [31 G. A., ch. 138, 2.] NOTES: 1. Computing time. The statutory mode of computing time ex- cludes the day on which the notice is posted, and includes the day of meeting. 61 Iowa, 303. Code, section 48, subdivision 23. Forms 8 and 11. 2. Notice necessary. Failure to comply with the law with respect to the notice invalidates the proceedings of the meeting, even if regular in other re- spects. Sections 2746, 2749, 2750, 2755. 118 Iowa, 207. 3. Kind of notice. It follows that notice through the newspapers or any other notice than as named in the law, will not take the place of the kind of notice required by the law, given in the manner indicated. 4. Proving. The posting up or service of any notice or other paper re- quired by law may be proved by the affidavit of any competent witness at- tached to a copy of said notice or paiper and made within six months of the time of such posting up. Code, section 4681. SEC. 2763-b. Notice of special meetings in independent corporations of less than five thousand. The secretary of the board of directors for any school corporation, located wholly within or partly within the corporate limits of cities of the first class, cities of the second class, or incorporated towns, which may not have adopted the provisions of section twenty-seven hundred fifty-five (2755) of the supplement to the code and divided into precincts, shall give notice of special meet- ing of the voters in the same manner as for the annual meeting, by posting at least five notices in five public places within said corpora- tion, for not less than ten days next preceding the day of special meeting. Each notice shall state the date, place and hours during which the meeting will be in session, and the object of the meeting. [31 G. A., ch. 138, 3.] NOTE: See notes to section 2763-a. SEC. 2763-c. Notice of special meetings in school townships. The secretary of the board of directors for any school township or for any school corporation not included in the preceding sections, shall give ten days' printed or written notice of special meeting to the voters, posted in at least five public places within the corporation. They shall be posted at the door of each schoolhouse, and also at or near the last place of meeting, and each notice shall state the date, place and hours of meeting. [31 G. A., ch. 138, 4.] NOTE: See notes to section 2763-a. SEC. 2764. Register of persons of school age. He shall, between the first day of June and the first day of July of each year, enter in a book made for that purpose, the name, sex and age of every person between five and twenty-one residing in the corporation, together with the name of the parent or guardian. [32 G. A., 5; C. '97, 2764.] 42 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. NOTES: 1. Time. The law intends that no part of the enumeration shall be taken before the first day of June. What is desired is that the number of persons of the ages of five to twenty-one having an actual residence in a corporation on the first day of June, shall be enumerated in that corpora- tion. No enumeration shall be made after the first day of July. 2. Whom to include in the enumeration. Every person between five and twenty-one should be enumerated where he resides. A child in one of the charitable or reformatory institutions temporarily, and whose parents or guardian reside in another part of the state, or in another school district, is a resident of the district in which his parents reside, and should be enumer- ated there. If in the institution to remain permanently, having no parents or guardian, ihis residence is in the district in which the institution is located, and he should be enumerated therein. 3. AVhat desired. The actual truth as to the number of school age is what is sought. Anything else disturbs the equality which by right exists, and prevents all from receiving exact justice in the apportionments. 4. How obtained. The number of persons of school age can be obtained only by a careful and conscientious census. It includes all persons between five and twenty-one years having a residence within the district, even if married. Form 19. 5. Rights of each district. Each district deserves credit for every one of proper age, but is entitled to no more. It is obvious that a guess or esti- mate regarding even a single individual is to be avoided. Section 2808. 6. By whom taken. In Independent districts it is the duty of the secre- tary to take the annual school enumeration required !by the first clause of this section, unless the board assigns the duty to another person. In any case proper extra compensation should be given for the work required, if the district is a large one. Section 2764. 7. Joint districts. In districts formed of parts of two or more counties, the secretary should make the annual report to the county superintendent (having jurisdiction over their teachers, and with whom they register their certificates. This report should not include those children who reside in portions of the district lying in other counties. The remaining number of children should be reported by the secretary to the superintendents of the other counties having territory in such district. 8. Guardian. Upon the death of both parents the grandfather or grand- mother, if living, becomes the natural guardian of an orphan infant. 127 Iowa, 625. 9. School census seven to fourteen. At the time of making the enu- meration of those of the ages of five to twenty-one, the secretary shall make a list of those of the ages of seven to fourteen and of those of seven to four- teen not atendins school, as provided in section 2823-a. Section 2823-i. 10. Seven to fourteen, inclusive meaning. See section 2823-a. SEC. 2765. Reports. He shall notify the county superintendent when each school is to begin and its length of term, and, within five days after the regular July meeting in each year, file with the county superintendent a report which shall give the number of persons in the corporation, male or female, of school age, the number of schools and branches taught, the number of scholars enrolled and average attend- ance in each school, the number of teachers employed and the average compensation paid per month, distinguishing the sexes, the length of school in days, and the average cost of tuition per month for each scholar, the text-books used, number of volumes in library, the value of apparatus belonging to the corporation, the number of schoolhouses and their estimated value, the name, age and postoffice address of each deaf and dumb or blind person in the corporation between the ages of five and twenty-one years, and this shall include those vrhc are so blind or deaf as to be unable to obtain an education in the common schools, SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 43 a like report as to all feeble-minded children of and between such ages, and the number of trees set out and in a thrifty condition on each schoolhouse ground. [31 G. A., ch. 136, 6; 19 G. A., ch. 23, 3; 16 G. A., ch. 112, 1; C. '73, 1744-5; R., 2046; C. '51, 1127-8.] NOTES: 1. Data. The name of the teacher should be given, and any other information which will aid the county superintendent in planning his work of visitation, provided for in section 2734-b. 2. Annual reports. The blanks for the annual report of the secretary are furnished by the state through county superintendents. The secretary should copy the report required by this section, in the district records. If the original report is filed in his office, it is liable to be destroyed or mislaid, which may prove detrimental to the interests of the district. 3. Daily register. Ev^ry teacher should take great pains to keep very carefully the register required by section 2789, in order that the report re- quired by this section may be made out correctly. By the teacher's doing so the secretary will be able to make his annual report with greater ease, and with added accuracy. SEC. 2766. Officers reported. He shall report to the county super- intendent, auditor and treasurer the name and postoffice address of the president, treasurer and secretary of the board as soon as practi- cable after the qualification of each. [C. '73, 1736.] NOTE: 1. It is very important that the secretary should file the certificate with the county officers named, immediately after the regular meetings of the board in March and July, otherwise funds belonging to the district may be paid to persons not authorized to receive them. Whenever a change is made the county officers should be notified. Form 20. SEC. 2767. Certifying tax. Within five days after the board has fixed the amount required for the contingent and teachers' fund, he shall certify to the board of supervisors the amount so fixed, and at the same time shall certify the amount of schoolhouse tax voted at an}' regular or special meeting. In case a schoolhouse tax is voted by a special meeting after the above certificate has been made and prior to the first day of September following, he shall forthwith certify the same to the board of supervisors. He shall also certify to such board any provision made by the board of directors for the pay- ment of principal or interest of bonds lawfully issued. [C. '73, 1777, 1823 ;R., 2037, 2044.] NOTE: 1. The secretary has no discretion but must certify the tax to the board of supervisors. He should also certify to the board of supervisors any provision made by the board of directors for the payment of principal or interest of bonds lawfully issued. SEC. 2768. Duties of treasurer payment of warrants. The treas- urer shall receive all moneys belonging to the corporation, pay the same out only upon the order of the president countersigned by the secretary, keeping an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures in a book provided for that purpose. He shall register all orders drawn and reported to him by the secretary, showing the number, date, to whom drawn, the fund upon which drawn, the purpose and amount. The money collected by tax for the erection of school- houses and the payment of debts contracted therefor shall be called the schoolhouse fund; that collected for the payment of school build- 44 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. ing bonds shall be called the school building bond fund ; that for rent, fuel, repairs, and other contingent expenses necessary for keeping the school in operation, the contingent fund; and that received for the payment of teachers, the teachers' fund; and he shall keep a sep- arate account with each fund, paying no order that fails to state the fund upon which it is drawn and the specific use to which it is to be applied. Whenever an order cannot be paid in full out of the fund upon which it is drawn, partial payment may be made. All school orders shall draw lawful interest after being presented to the treas- urer and by him endorsed as not paid for want of funds. [31 G A , ch. 139; C. '73, 1747-50; R., 2048-50C. '51, 1138-40.] NOTES: 1. Custodian. The language of this section is very explicit. It makes the treasurer the custodian of all moneys belonging to the district, which effectually precludes the idea of dividing the money belonging to any particular fund among the subdistricts. Decisions, 13. 2. Use of funds. The treasurer may pay out the funds only on the order of the president, countersigned by the secretary, and the president may not sign an order unless he is authorized to do so by tine board. Sections 2768 and 2780. 3. Claims must be audited. No order shall be drawn on the district treas- ury, until the claim for which it is drawn has been audited and allowed. Section 2780. 4. Orders order of payment. In making payment, when there is not sufficient money on hand to pay all outstanding orders, one order may not be given preference over another. 40 Iowa, 620. 5. Loaning. Neither the electors nor the board may authorize the treas- urer to loan money belonging to the district. Code, section 4840, as note 11 to section 2769. 6. Responsibility of treasurer. The treasurer is responsible for all moneys coming into his hands by virtue of his office, even if stolen or destroyed by fire. The board has no authority to release him, unless he accounts in full for all moneys received by virtue of his office. 37 Iowa, 550; 39 Iowa, 9; 40 Iowa, 130, ana 80 Iowa, 497. 7. Depositing. It is generally advisable for the treasurer to deposit the money in some safe and secure bank; but the treasurer and his bondsmen are as fully responsible as they would be if the money is held by the treasurer in person. A general deposit is not conversion. 120 Iowa, 695. 8. May not reimburse. The spirit of our law forbids the electors to vote schoolhouse funas to reimburse a treasurer or his bondsmen for a loss of the money belonging to the district. There is no way under the law by which the treasurer and his bondsmen may be released from absolute liability. Note 6. 9. No highway fund. There is no authority in law for a county treasurer and a district treasurer to keep a part of the schoolhouse fund separate as a so-called ihighway fund or library fund. It is obvious that all moneys col- lected as voted by the electors must belong to the schoolhouse fund or the school building bond fund. Section 2768. 10. Cost of removal. When possible, it is desirable that the cost of re- moving and repairing schoolhouses shall be paid from the schoolhouse fund. If there is no schoolhouse fund on hand unappropriated, the expense of re* moval, if not too considerable, may be paid from the contingent fund. 11. Flag staff. Contingent fund may be used to erect a flag staff upon the schoolhouse or a flag pole upon the school grounds for the purpose of dis- playing a school flas. 12. Minor improvements. Minor improvements, such as the erection of ordinary outhouses, storm caves, fences, and the like, may be paid for from either the contingent or the schoolhouse fund. 13. Ordinary repairs rebuilding. Ordinary repairs should 'be charged to the contingent fund; but when such repairs assume the magnitude of a re- building, or of an extensive addition, they should be charged to the school- house fund. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 45 14. Use of unappropriated schoolhouse fund. Any unappropriated school- house fund in the district treasury may be used for the erection or repair of schoolhouses, at the discretion of the board, without the action of the electors. 15. Seating. The cost of seating new schoolhouses should be paid from the schoolhouse fund. The law does not authorize the use of the contingent fund for the erection or completion of schoolhouses, but when a house needs reseating or other repairs, the cost may be defrayed either from the con- tingent fund, or from any unappropriated schoolhouse fund in the treasury. 25 Iowa, 436. 16. School furniture. The term school furniture, as generally used in our state, means school desks, tables, chairs, and such similar articles as are closely related to making the schoolhouse more suitable for its use as a school- house; school apparatus has been understood to include the articles mentioned in section 2783, or such similar articles as would clearly come under the same designation for use in the schools for the purpose of instruction. 17. Transfer of funds. Boards have no authority to transfer money from one fund to another, even temporarily, unless they are authorized by the electors under section 2749, subsection 5, to transfer any surplus in the school- house fund to another fund. Notes 3 and 4 to section 2810. . 18. Teachers' fund not divided. The teachers' fund should not be divided among the subdistricts, equally, according to the number of children, or upon any other basis. This fund can be paid out only to teachers for services, upon orders authorized by the board. 19. Orders must specify fund. The treasurer shall pay no order which does not specify the fund on which it is drawn, and the specific use to which the money is applied. 20. Tuition belongs hi teachers' fund. Tuition fees collected from non- residents belong to the teacher's fund. 21. Teachers' fund use of. No part of the teachers' fund may be used for any other purpose than to pay teachers or to pay tuition of pupils at- tending school in another district under sections 2774 and 2803; except the amount withheld from the apportionment for the purchase of library books. Section 2823-n. 22. Register of orders. The law requires both the secretary and the treas- urer to keep a register of all orders drawn on the district treasury, containing a record of each item enumerated. Form 24. Sections 2762, 2768.. 23. School orders terms of. The board has no authority to make a con- tract by which school orders shall draw interest before their presentation nor a higher rate than six per cent. 90 Iowa, 53. 24. Caves. The board of directors may build a cave near the schoolhouse, using any unappropriated schoolhouse or contingent fund for that purpose. 25. Secretary furnish list of orders. It is essential that the treasurer should know the exact amount of outstanding orders, and tor this reason the secretary is required to report to him all orders drawn on the district treasury. Section 2762. 26. Register importance. The register provided for in this section is in- dispensable to the treasurer, under the law requiring him to make partial payments on orders when he has not funds sufficient to pay them in full. 40 Iowa, 620. 27. When treasurer may refuse to pay. The treasurer may rightly ob- ject to paying an order that is defective in any of the particulars named. It is especially essential that the purposes for which the order was given shall be written in the order. The stub in the order book should also be properly filled out and carefully preserved. 28. Partial payment. The provision as to partial payment applies to all orders on that fund. The holder of an order drawn to pay a judgment can- not insist on its being satisfied in full to the exclusion of other orders. 40 Iowa, 620. 29. Indorsement for want of funds. By keeping a correct account of the orders, as by form 18, the treasurer will know the amount outstanding, and can readily determine what per cent on each he can pay with the funds on 46 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. hand. When requested by the holder, he should indorse an order so that the amount remaining unpaid may draw legal interest. Section 2768. 30. Payments should be indorsed. Whenever partial payment is made, the treasurer should indorse the payment on the order and take a receipt for the amount paid. When paid dn full, the order should, in all cases, be in- dorsed by the person presenting it, and left with the treasurer. It is then a voucher for the amount paid. Section 2768. 31. To compel payment. The remedy of any one holding an order which the treasurer refuses to pay or indorse is application to a court for a writ to compel such officer to make payment. At the final hearing before the court it will be definitely determined whether the order is of such character that it should be either paid by the treasurer or indorsed by him as not paid for want of funds. Section 2768 32. Limit of taxation. See sections 2749, 2753, 2806, 2813, 2825. SEC. 2769. Financial statement. He shall render a statement of the finances of the corporation whenever required by the board, and his books shall always be open for inspection. He shall make an annual report to the board at its regular July meeting, which shall show the amount of the teachers' fund, the contingent fund, and the school- house fund held over, received, paid out, and on hand, the several funds to be separately stated, and he shall immediately file a copy of this report with the county superintendent. [31 G. A., ch. 136, 7; 16 G. A., ch. 112, 2; C. 73, 1751; R., 2051; C. '51, 1141.] NOTES: 1. Settlement. The interest and protection of the taxpayers re- quire that a full and complete settlement should be made at least once each year, and more frequently if deemed necessary, and that the settlement at the July meeting requires that the funds and property shall be produced and fully accounted for, and that these facts should be indorsed upon the new bond of the treasurer, if he is re-elected. Code, section 1193, quoted in note 9 below. 69 Iowa, 269; 91 Iowa, 198, and 110 Iowa, 58. 2. Treasurer may demand. The outgoing treasurer and his bondsmen have a right to expect and to require that the board shall make a complete settlement, and the treasurer may demand and receive written evidence that such settlement is complete. 110 Iowa, 58. 3. Responsibility. The responsibility of the treasurer and his bondsmen to the district is absolute, and it rests with the treasurer to deposit the money in a bank, or not, as may seem best fo him. 4. School funds deposit in bank. A school township treasurer may right- fully make a general deposit of the funds of his district, and the title to the funds will not thereby pass to the bank, nor does it amount to conversion; and any guaranty which the bank may give to secure him against loss in case of its failure is not invalid, either on the ground that the deposit was wrongful or as against public policy. 120 Iowa, 695. 5. Officers may not be released. It is not within the power of even the electors to release the board or its officers from their obligation to protect the funds of the district. 6. Term sureties liable. The sureties on an official bond may be held for three years from the time that it is presumed an irregularity occurred. Code, section 3447. 91 Iowa, 198. 7. Vouchers preserved. The vouchers of the treasurer should not be destroyed until after three years from the expiration of a term of office. The stub books of the secretary should also be retained, and not destroyed until after several years. 8. Arbitration. In making settlement, the board may submit a difference with the treasurer, to arbitration. 70 Iowa, 65. 9. Re-elected requalify. When the incumbent of the office of secre- tary or treasurer is re-elected, he shall qualify anew, as directed by section 2760 of the code, and when the re-elected officer has had public funds or property in his control, under color of his office, his bond shall not be ap- SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 47 proved until he has produced and fully accounted for such funds and prop- erty to the proper person to whom he should account therefor; and the officer or board approving the bond shall indorse upon the bond, before its approval, the fact that the said officer has fully accounted for and pro- duced all funds and property before that time under his control as such officer. Code, section 1193. 110 Iowa, 58. 10. Hold over requalify. When it is ascertained that the iincumbenit is entitled to hold over iby reason of the non-election of a successor, or for the neglect or refusal of the successor to qualify, he shall qualify anew, within ten days. Code, section 1275. 11. Embezzlement. If any state, county, townsihip, school or municipal officer, or officer of any state institution, or other public officer within the state, charged with the collection, safe keeping, transfer or disbursement of public money or property, fails or refuses to keep the same in any place of custody or deposit that may be provided by law for keeping ^such money or property until the same is withdrawn therefrom as au-thorfzed by law, or keeps or deposits such money or property in any other place than in such place of custody or deposit, or unlawfully converts to his own use in any way whatever, or uses by way of investment in any kind of property, or loans without the authority of law, any portion of the public money intrusted to him for collection, safe keeping, transfer or disbursement, or converts to his own use any money or property that may come into his hands by virtue of his office, ihe shall be guilty of embezzlement to the amount of so much of said money or the value of so much of said property as is thus 'taken, converted, invested, used, loaned or unaccounted for, and shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not exceeding ten years, and fined in a sum equal to the amount of money embezzled or the value of such property converted, and shall be 'forever after disqualified from holding any office under the laws of the state. Any such officer who shall receive any money belonging to the state, county, township, school or municipality, or state institution of which he is an officer, shall be deemed to have received the same by virtue of his office, and in case he fails or neglects to account there- for upon demand of the person entitled thereto, he shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement, and shall be punished as above provided. Code, section 4840. 12. Blanks. The blanks for the annual report of the treasurer are fur- nished by the state, through the county superintendents. 13. Treasurer's report to county superintendent. Treasurers should not fail to mail a copy of their annual report at once to the county superin- tendent, as only by timely attention on the part of the treasurers, can the county superintendent compile and forward his annual report to the super- intendent of public instruction, on the last Tuesday in August. SEC. 2770. Surresderir-g office to successor. Each school officer, upon the termination of his term of office, shall immediately surrender to his successor all books, papers and moneys pertain ; nparate buildings located at the farthest point from the main entrance the schoolhouse, and as far from each other as may be, and keep them in wholesome condition and good repair. In independent city or town districts, where it is inconvenient or undesirable to erect two separate outhouses, several closets may be included under one roof, and if out- side the schoolhouse each shall be separated from the other by a brick wall, double partition, or other solid or continuous barrier, extending from the roof to the bottom of the vault below, and the approaches to the outside doors for the two sexes shall be separated by a substantial close fence not less than seven feet high and thirty feet in length. [25 G. A. ch. 3.] NOTES: 1. Provisions mandatory. This provision of the law requiring it to take special pains with regard to outbuildings is mandatory upon every board. A director may not refuse to carry into effect instructions from the board with regard to such a matter. And a board refusing to give attention to the subject risks a censure from a court if its failure or refusal to provide proper facilities as regards privies or water-closets is brought to the attention of a court, See also section 2822, 68 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 2. Defacing public property. If any person wilfully write, make marks, or draw characters on the walls or any other part of any church, college, academy, schoolhouse, courthouse or other public building, or on any furniture, apparatus or fixtures therein; or wilfully injure or deface the same, or any wall or fence enclosing the same, he shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than thirty days. Code, section 4802. 3. Teacher's duty. Very much depends upon teachers to determine the manner in which this law is observed. A listless indifference, a half-hearted activity, a want of confidence, will defeat the purpose of the law for the time at least. Serious consideration, a high-minded approbation of its intention, a courageous insistence upon its observance, together with untiring attention and frequent inspection, will make the law a continued success. No con- scientious teacher will be irresolute, when the immeasurable interests involved are regarded. 4. May invoke assistance of peace officers. Teachers should not hesitate to bring the case of persistent offenders to the attention of the board. As a last resort it may become necessary for the board to invoke the assistance of the peace officers. It sometimes happens that nothing less than a strong arm of the civil authorities is able to compel a respect for law, and a decent regard for the rights of others. No community may justly claim to be a moral people, who knowingly fail to guard and preserve the purity, the morals, and the health, of its children and youth. SEC. 2785. Duties of director contracts. The board of directors of a school township may authorize the director of each sub district, sub- ject to its regulations, to make contracts for the purchase of fuel, the repairing or furnishing of schoolhouses, and all other matters necessary for the convenience and prosperity of the schools in his subdistrict. Such contracts shall be binding upon the school township only when approved by the president of the board, and must be reported to the board. Each director shall, between the first and fifteenth days of June in each year, prepare a list of the heads of families in his sub- district, the number and sex of all children of school age, and by the twentieth day of said month report this list to the secretary of the school township, who shall make full record thereof. The powers speci- fied in this section cannot be exercised by individual directors of inde- pendent districts. [31 G. A., eh. 136, 9; C. '73, 1753-5; R., 2052-3; C. '51, 1124, 1142.] NOTES: 1. Powers how exercised. It is a general statement that nearly all the powers of the director are to be exercised under the regulations of the board. Any person about to contract is bound to know what restrictions have been made, and should be governed accordingly. 2. Director power of. The director is clothed with certain general pow- ers by this section, but these are to be exercised under the direction of the board. The board must instruct him, for example, as to the extent of repairs, and prices to te paid for same, and the amount and cost of fuel. 3. Powers possessed by officers. School officers are possessed of specially defined powers and should attempt to exercise no others, except such as arise by fair implication from those granted. 110 Iowa, 652. 4. Director may not contract. No director has authority to make a con- tract in behalf of the school township, except under specific instructions of the board. 5. Approval of contracts. All contracts made by the director must be approved by the board and signed by the president. 6. Liability of director. If a director Intentionally violates law he becomes personally liable. 14 Iowa, 510; 17 Iowa, 155; 24 Iowa, 337; and 38 Iowa, 47. 7. Liability of agent. If an agent makes a valid contract without author- ity, he is himself bound thereby. 37 Iowa, 314, SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 69 8. Member may not receive compensation. It is a violation of law for a board to pay any member of the board for labor as a building committee, for attendance at meetings, or for any other service performed for the district whether official in character or not. Section 2780. 9. Member may not be employed at compensation. A member may not be employed by the board to oversee the building of a schoolhouse and re- ceive pay therefor, or to act in any like capacity for which he would be paid from the funds of the district. Such engagement is contrary to public policy and clearly illegal. 78 Iowa, 37, and 87 Iowa, 81. 10. Approval of contract. It is the duty of the director to file any con- tract at once with the president of the board, who should submit the same to the board for approval. 11. Enumeration record. A record book containing the enumeration cor- rectly filled out will be of much assistance to the director each year. Form 32. 12. Where enumerated. Minor children at a state institution, or a private school, should be enumerated where their parents or guardians reside. 13. Failure to enumerate. The failure of a director to make the report, as required by this section, will reduce the semi-annual apportionments for the year, since they are made upon the enumeration of persons of school age. Section 2808. 14. Director report. In school townships the secretary should require the director of each subdistrict to make this report promptly, and should insist that it be made in writing, and certified to be correct. Directors in inde- pendent districts do not take the enumeration. 15. Wilful failure. A wilful failure or refusal on the part of the director to make the report to the secretary as required may be found by the courts to be a misdemeanor. Code, section 4904, and section 2822. 16. Duty of secretary. In case a director fails to make ihis annual report as required the secretary should at once collect the statistics necessary for a complete report. The board should insist on promptness in preparing this report, and then should give the .secretary a suitable compensation for his labors. Sections 2764, 2765. SEC. 2786. Industrial exposition. The board of any school cor- poration or the director of any subdistrict deeming it expedient may, under the direction of the county superintendent, hold and maintain an industrial exposition in connection with the schools of such district, such exposition to consist in the exhibit of useful articles invented, made or raised by the pupils, by sample or otherwise, in any of the departments of mechanics, manufacture, art, science, agriculture and the kitchen, such exposition to be held in the schoolroom, on a school day, as often as once during a term, and not oftener than once a month, at which the pupils participating therein shall be required to explain, demonstrate or present the kind and plan of the articles exhibited, or give its method of culture ; and work in these several departments shall be encouraged, and patrons of the school invited to be present at each exhibition. [15 G. A., eh. 64.] SEC. 2737. hac ? e trees. The board of each school corporation shall cause to be set out and properly protected twelve or more shade trees on each schoolhouse site where such trees are not growing. The county superintendent, in visiting the several schools of his county, shall call the attention of any board neglecting to comply with the requirements of this section to any failure to carry out its provisions. [19 G. A., ch. 23.] NOTES: 1. Trees should be planted. Trees should be set out on all school- house sites where good, thr'fty shade trees are not already growing, whether such site was secured by purchase, by lease, by gift, or by condemnation under Sections 2814, 2$16 ? 70 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 2. Duty of county superintendent. County superintendents should not fail to call the attention of boards of directors to the provisions of this section. The annual Arbor Day affords a good opportunity for planting trees and otherwise improving the school grounds. 3. Reporting. In reporting the number of shade trees on the school site, planted trees only should be reported. Section 2765. SEC. 2788. Teacher qualifications. No person shall be employed as a teacher in a common school which is to receive its distributive share of the school fund without having a certificate of qualification given by the county superintendent of the county in which the school is situated, or a certificate or diploma issued by some other officer duly authorized by law, and no compensation shall be recovered by a teacher for services rendered while without such certificate or diploma. [C. '73, 1758; R., 2062.] NOTES: 1. Certificate necessary. The teacher must 'have a certificate during the whole term of school. He is not authorized to teach a single clay beyond the period named in his certificate, nor to give instruction in any subject which he does not hold a valid credential to teach. In case of a violation of this section the county superintendent should promptly notify the officers of the board. Section 2740. 2. Without a certificate. If a person is teaching without a certificate any one interested in a legal sense may apply to a court for a writ to prevent the board from continuing such instruction, and to restrain the board from paying for the same. 3. Illinois case. In an Illinois case a certificate was not obtained until the middle of the term. A new contract was entered into at that time to pay the teacher double wages for the remainder of the term. This was considered an attempt to do indirectly what there was no power to do directly, and therefore the contract was held to be void, as was the original contract. 4. Supply payment of. In case of the temporary absence of the teacher, from sickness or other cause, the place should be supplied with some one duly authorized to teach. The supply should be paid by the teacher whose place is filled, unless other provision is made, either by regulation or contract. 5. Bights of patrons. In case a person is employed or continued as a teacher in violation of law without a certificate, a resident of the district may sue out a writ of injunction restraining the person from teaching and the district from paying. Boards employing and paying such teachers arc liable to prosecution under the provisions of the general statutes for misapplication of funds. Code, sections 4904, 4906 and 2822. SEC. 2789. Keep register report. Each teacher shall keep a daily register which shall correctly exhibit the name or the number of the school, the district and county in which it is located, the day of the week, month, year, and the name, age and attendance of each scholar, and the branches taught; and when scholars reside in different districts separate registers shall be kept for each district, and a certified copy of the register shall immediately at the close of the school be filed by the teacher in the office of the secretary of the board. The teacher shall file with the county superintendent such reports and in such manner as he may require. '[C. '73, 1759-60; R., 2062.] NOTES: 1. Necessity of correct record. Every teacher should take great pains to keep the register required by this section very carefully, in order that the term report may be made out correctly. By doing so the secretary will be able to make his annual report with greater ease, and with added accuracy. All books and blanks necessary for keeping record of attendance and making reports to the board and to the county superintendent must be furnished by the board. SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 71 2. Term report. The teacher should file a complete and accurate copy of the daily register with the secretary immediately after the close of the term or year. He is not entitled to final settlement until this is done. The secretary should insist on this report before drawing the warrant for the last installment of the wages. Without this report he cannot prepare his annual report as the law directs it to be made. The secretary should carefully examine the report to see whether the record is complete in all respects. Form 34. 3. Comply with directions of county superintendent. It is the duty of every board to see that the teachers comply strictly with all requirements made by the county superintendent, as well as with all rules made by the board. Decisions, 56. 4. Board may require reports. It is within the power of the board to require such reports from teachers as seem desirable for the information of the board. It may require reports weekly, monthly, toy the term, by the year, or all of these together. It is the duty of teachers to comply with the regula- tions of the board, so far as it is within the power of the teachers to do so. 5. All teachers report. Every teacher in the county may be required to make such reports, agreeing with the spirit of the law, as the county superin- tendent may request, in such form and at such reasonable time as the county superintendent may determine. 6. In case of refusal. The continued refusal to comply with all uniform and reasonable regulations made by the county superintendent, or by the board, on the part of any one employed as a teacher, constitutes good cause for revocation or subsequent refusal of certificate, or for dismissal by the board. Sections 2734-u, 2782. 7. Non-resident pupils. The record of attendance of non-resident pupils must be kept separate from that of those residing in the corporation. This does not mean that different books shall be kept. CORPORATIONS ORGANIZATION CHANGE OF BOUNDARIES. SEC. 2780. New township. When a new civil township is formed, the same shall constitute a school township, which shall go into effect on the first Monday in March following the completed organization of the civil township. The notices of the first meeting shall be given by the county superintendent, and at such meeting a board of three direct- ors shall be chosen. [C. '73, 1713.] NOTES: 1. Purpose of the law. The design of the law is that civil and school township boundaries shall coincide as far as possible. Code, sections 551, 552 and 2743. 2. When organized. A new school township is not organized until the month of March after an election of officers for the civil township. 3. Boundaries of subdistricts. The boundaries of subdistricts lying wholly within the old or new school townships are not affected by the division of civil townships. 4. When subdistricts are divided. When subdistricts are divided by changes in civil township boundaries, the boards should incorporate the several parts with other subdistricts, or otherwise provide for such territory, so that all entitled may vote at the following su'bdistrict election. In the absence of such action the territory properly belongs to the subdistrict which it adjoins, and the voters should be allowed to vote therein. SEC. 2791. Attaching territory to adjoining corporation. In any case where, by reason of natural obstacles, any portion of the inhabitants of any school corporation in the opinion of the county superintendent cannot with reasonable facility attend school in their own corporation, he shall, by a written order, in duplicate, attach the part thus affected to an adjoining school corporation, the board of the same consenting 72 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. thereto, one copy of which order shall be at once transmitted to the secretary of each corporation affected thereby, who shall record the same and make the. proper designation on the plat of the corporation. Town- ship or county lines shall not be a bar to the operation of this section. [C. 73, 1797.] NOTES: 1. Natural obstacles what constitutes. The natural obstacle must be a largs stream unbridged, an impassable slough, the entire absence of a public highway, or some such natural insurmountable difficulty. 2. Petition must allege obstacle. A petition which does not allege the existence of natural obstacles, and where, in fact, no such obstacles exist, is invalid. 62 Iowa, 616; 110 Iowa, 30. 3. What not obstacles. Streams well bridged and distance are not natural obstacles in tha contemplation of the law. 4. Jurisdiction of county superintendent. As the county superintendent has original concurrent jurisdiction, an appeal cannot be taken from refusal by the board to accept the territory. 109 Iowa, 169. 5. Assets and liabilities. When the boundaries of districts are changed the territory transferred carries with it a just proportion of all assets and liabilities of the district from which it is taken. Section 2802; 58 Iowa, 77; 110 Iowa, 702. 6. Attaching territory, natural obstacle. Acting under section 2791 a clivis on made on petition which does not allege the existence of such obstacles and where, in fact, no such obstacles exist is invalid. 110 Iowa, 30; 109 Iowa, 169. SEC. 2792. RGStor^tloi!. Where territory has been or may here- after be set off to an adjoining school township in the same or another county, or attached for school purposes to an independent district so situated, it may be restored to the territory to which it geographically belongs upon the concurrence of the respective boards of directors, and shall be so restored by said boards upon the written application of two- thirds of the electors residing upon the territory so set off or attached, together with a concurrence of the county superintendent and the board of the school corporation which is to receive back the territory. [19 G. A., ch. 160; 18 G. A., ch. Ill; C. '73, 1798.] NOTES: 1. Two methods. It will be noticed that two distinct and sep- arate methods are provided by this section. 2. When take effect. The restoration may take effect at any time agreed upon, but if no agrscment is made, it will take effect the following March. 59 Iowa, 109. 3. Assets and liabilities. Wihen the boundaries of districts are changed, the territory transferred carries with it a just proportion of all assets and liabilities of the district from whiich it is taken. 58 Iowa, 77. Section 2802. 4. Action on petition mandamus. Where the law is mandatory in re- quiring a board to act upon a petition, the remedy for its refusal to do so is mandamus, and not appeal. 86 Iowa, 669. 5. How test. Any conflict between districts with regard to boundaries will be best determine;! by the one aggrieved asking a court to restrain the county treasurer from paying taxes to the other district, on the ground that the district complaining is entitled to receive said taxes. 100 Iowa, 617. 6. Restoration of territory. Code, section 2792, relating to severance (restoration) of territory of an independent school district, applies only to a restoration of territory attached to an independent district after its organization, and not to a portion embraced in the original district. Albin vs. Board of Directors, 58 Iowa, 77, reversed; 124 Iowa, 213. SEC. 2733. Boundary lines changed. The boundary lines of con- tiguous school corporations in the same county may be changed by the concurrent action of the respective boards of directors at their regular SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 73 meetings in July, or at special meetings thereafter called for that pur- pose. The corporation from which territory is detached shall after the change contain not less than four government sections of land, and its boundary lines must conform to the lines of congressional divisions of land. . In the same manner, the boundary lines of contiguous school cor- porations in the same county may be so changed that one corporation shall be included in and consolidated with the other as a single corpora- tion. [31 G. A., ch. 136, 10; 22 G. A., ch. 62, 1.] NOTES: 1. Township line not a bar. Township lines are not a bar to a change of boundaries under section 2793. 2. New boards necessary. Whenever a change is made in the* boundary between two school corporations, both corporations must elect entire new boards at the next regular annual election. See attorney general, report 1906, page 194. Note 22, section 2802. SEC. 2733-a. Corporation limits changed. When the boundary line between a school township and an independent city or town district is not also the line between civil townships, such boundary may be changed at any time by the concurrence of the boards of directors ; but in no case shall a forty-acre tract of land, by the government survey, be divided; and such subdivisions shall be excluded or included as entire forties. The boundaries of the school township or the independent dis- trict may in the same manner be extended to the line between civil town- ships, even though by such change one of the districts shall be included within and consolidated with the other as a single district. When the corporate limits of any city or town are extended outside the existing independent district or districts, the boundaries of said independent dis- trict or districts shall be also correspondingly extended. But in no case shall the boundaries of an independent district be affected by the reduc- tion of the corporate limits of a city or town. [27 G. A., ch. 89.] NOTES: 1. Township line a bar. If the boundary between an independ- ent city or town district and a school township is also the line of a civil township, such boundary may not be changed under authority of section 2793-a, but may be under section 2793. 2. Extension of corporate limits effect. When the corporate limits of a city or town in an independent district are extended beyond the boundary of the school corporation, the boundary of the school corporation is thereby extended, regardless of the effect upon the territory of the adjacent school corporation. See 120 Iowa, 119. 3. New boards necessary. See notes 2, section 2793, and 22, section 2802. SEC. 2794. Formation of independent district. Upon the written petition of any ten voters of a city, town or village of over one hundred residents to the board of the school corporation in which the portion of the town plat having the largest number of voters is situated, such board shall establish the boundaries of a proposed independent district, including therein all of the city, town or village, and also such con- tiguous territory as is authorized by a written petition of a majority of the resident electors of the contiguous territory proposed to be included in said district, in not smaller subdivisions than entire forties of land, in the same or any adjoining school corporations, as may best subserve the convenience of the people for school purposes, and shall give the 74 SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. same notices of a meeting as required in other cases, at which meeting all voters upon the territory included .within the contemplated inde- pendent district shall be allowed to vote by ballot for or against such separate organization. When it is proposed to include territory outside the town, city or village, the voters residing upon such outside territory shall be entitled to vote separately upon the proposition for the forma- tion of such new district, by presenting a petition of at least twenty-five per cent of the voters residing upon such outside territory, and if a majority of the votes so cast is against including such outside territory, then the proposed independent district shall not be formed. [29 G. A., ch. 126, 19 G. A., ch. 118, 1; 18 G. A., ch. 139; C. '73, 1800-1; R., 2097, 2105.] NOTES: 1. Where reside. The one hundred residents must be contained within the limits of the town or village. Additional territory should be se- cured by the board in forming the new independent school district. 2. How number determined. The last official census will, as a general rule, be sufficiently accurate to determine questions relating to the population, but in case of doubt, the actual existing facts govern, which may be ascertained by any reliable means. 77 Iowa, 676. Code, section 177. 3. Must include. The contemplated independent school district must in- clude all of the city, town or village, and may include all contiguous territory petitioned for. 110 Iowa, 652. Decisions, 105. 4. Board must act on petition. When the required petition is presented the law is mandatory upon the board to establish the boundaries and submit the proposition. 110 Iowa, 652. Decisions, 84, 105. 5. Determining boundary. The baard may determine the boundaries of the proposed corporation, subject to the following: (1) All of the town or village must be included; (2) Territory not described in the petition may not be included; (3) It is not necessary to include all territory described in the petition. 110 Iowa, 652. 6. Formation of independent town districts effect on districts from which territory is taken is immaterial. A portion of a rural independent dis- trict may be included with part of a school township and the new independent district formed under code, section 2794, although there remain in the independ- ent district thus severed less than four sections of land, and in so construing said section it may be necessary to extend its provisions to include independent districts. 120 Iowa, 119. See also school township of Bloomfield vs. Independent District of Castalia, 112 N. W., 5. 7. Boundaries time as an element. Time does not settle the boundaries of an independent district so that they cannot be changed according to law. 120 Iowa, 119. 8. Electors determine desirability. It is for the electors and not the board to determine the desirability or necessity of the independent organization. 110 Iowa, 652. 9. Conform to congressional divisions. When the boundaries extend be- yond the limits of a town or city, they must conform to lines of congressional divisions of land. Note 9 to section 2801. 10. Which board. The board of the school corporation in which a major- ity of the voters on the town plat reside, must establish the boundaries of said district without the concurrence of any other board, even when said territory is taken from two or more civil townships in the same or adjoining counties. 41 Iowa, 30; 25 Iowa, 305. 11. Notices. The notices of the election to determine the question of a separate organization should state clearly the boundaries of the proposed district. 12. Who vote. All of the electors residing within the proposed limits must be permitted to vote on the question of separate organization. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 75 13. Separate ballot. The electors residing on the territory to be included, but outside of the town or village, are entitled to vote separately on the proposi- tion if they ask such privilege by petition, either to the board or to the judges of the election. 14. Desirability determined by. The desirability or necessity of the in- dependent district is for the people to determine and not the board. 110 Iowa, 652. 15. Judges. The president and secretary of the school corporation should act as chairman and secretary of this meeting, and with one of the board, as judges of the election. 16. Incorporation of town. The incorporation of a town does not in itself affect the school organization of the district in which the town may be situated. However, it does change the' method of choosing the treasurer. . See sec- tions 2754 and 2757. 17. Village defined. Town sites platted and unincorporated shall be known as villages. Code, section 638. 18. Organization. Section 2795. 19. Effect upon adjacent corporation. The fact that the territory of an adjacent rural independent district from which territory is taken is reduced below four government sections does not affect the validity of the organ- ization. 120 Iowa, 119. 20. Consolidated city districts^-organization of consolidated independent districts. See section 2820-e and 2820-h, page 77. See section 2794-a, page 76. SEC. 2795. Organization. If the proposition to establish an inde- pendent district carries, then the same board shall give the usual notice for a meeting to choose a board of directors. Two directors shall be chosen to serve until the next annual meeting, two until the second, and one until the third annual meeting thereafter. The board shall organize by the election of officers in the usual manner. [15 G. A., ch. 27 ; C. '73, '1802; R., 2099, 2100, 2106.] NOTES: 1. When organize. The first board will enter upon its duties as soon as qualified and will organize by choosing a president and a secretary. The term of office of the president will expire on the third Monday in the fol- lowing March, that of the secretary, on the first day of July following. In cities and towns a treasurer, to serve until the first day of the following July, will be chosen at the time the directors are chosen. 2. Certificate of organization. The secretary should immediately file with the county superintendent, auditor and treasurer, each, a certificate showing the officers of the board, and their postoffice address. All subsequent changes made in the officers of the board should be reported. Section 2766. 3. Officers when qualify. The secretary and treasurer must qualify within ten days. Section 2760. 4. Record of organization. All proceedings connected with the organiza- tion of the new district should be recorded by the secretaries in the records of the districts from which territory is taken, so that the facts concerning its formation and organization may be readily obtained, in case the validity of the proceedings is ever questioned. 5. Division of assets and liabilities. As soon as the board of the new in- dependent district has been organized, it may join with the 'boards from which territory has been taken in making a division of the assets and liabilities. Section 2802. 6. Validity of organization. See note 5, section 2743. SEC. 2796. Taxes certified and levied. The organization of such independent district shall be effected on or before the first day of August of the year in which it is attempted, and, when completed, all taxes cer- tified for the school township or townships of which the independent district formed a part shall be void so far as the property within the 76 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. limits of the independent district is concerned, and the board of such independent district shall fix the amount of all necessary taxes for school purposes, including schoolhouse taxes, at a meeting called for such pur- pose at any time before the third Monday of August, which shall be cer- tified to the board of supervisors on or before the first Monday of Sep- tember, and it shall levy said tax at the same time and in the same man- ner that other school taxes are required to be -levied. [C. '73, 1804.] NOTES: 1. When organization completed. This section is construed to mean that the organization contemplated must be made between January first and the first of August. This limitation as -to time is directory only, and does not apply when an appeal is taken. 110 Iowa, 652. Decisions, 88. 2. Taxes. When a new independent school district is organized as pro- vided by this section, the board has authority to determine and certify all necessary taxes, for school purposes, for that year, including schoolhouse taxes. 3. Joint district jurisdiction. An independent school district composed of territory from two or more counties, belongs, for school purposes, to the county in which the school corporation, with whose board the petition for separate organization was filed and which conducted the elections for the organiza- tion of the new corporation, is located. Certificates of the teachers of such corporations must be registered with the superintendent of the same county. SEC. 2794-a. Consolidation how effected. When a written de- scription describing the boundaries of contiguous territory containing not less than sixteen (16) government sections within one or more coun- ties is signed by one-third of the electors residing on such territory and approved by the county superintendent, if of one county and by the superintendents of each if of more than one county, and by the state superintendent if the county superintendents 1 do not agree, and filed with the board of the school corporation in which the portion of the proposed district having the largest number of voters is situated, re- questing the establishment of a consolidated independent district, it shall be the duty of said board within ten days to call an election in the proposed consolidated independent district, for which they shall give the same notices as are required in sections twenty-seven hundred and forty-six (2746) of the code and twenty-seven hundred and fifty .(2750) of the supplement to the code, at which meeting all voters residing in the proposed independent district shall be allowed to vote by ballot for or against such separate organization. If a majority of votes cast at such election shall be in favor of such independent organization, the organiza- tion of the proposed corporation shall be completed by the election of a board of directors as provided in section twenty-seven hundred and ninety-five (2795) of the code, said board to organize on the first day of July following unless that day falls on a Sunday, in which case on the day following. All taxes previously certified shall be void so far as the property within the limits of the consolidated independent district is concerned, and all taxes necessary for the new corporation shall be cer- tified and levied as provided in section twenty-seven hundred and ninety- six (2796) of the ctfde, but no school corporation from which territory, is taken shall, after the change, contain less than four government sec- tions, which territory shall be contiguous and so situated as to form a suitable corporation. When it is proposed to include in such district a town, city or village, the voters residing upon the territory outside of SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 77 the town, city or village shall be entitled to vote separately upon the proposition for the formation of such new district by presenting a peti- tion of at least twenty-five per cent of the voters residing upon such out- side territory, and if a majority of the vote so cast is against including such outside territory, then the proposed independent district shall not be formed. [31 G. A., ch. 141.] NOTES: 1. Petition approved. The petition should be submitted to the county superintendent before being circulated. 2. Duty of superintendent. The county superintendent should exercise sound discretion, considering the effect of the change upon all concerned, both within and without the proposed new corporation. SEC. 2820-e. Consolidation authorized. That in all cities of the first class containing a population of fifty thousand or over, according to any census taken by the authority or under the direction of the state of Iowa or of the United States, all the territory embraced within the cor- porate limits of any such city may be consolidated into and become one independent school district, known as the independent school district of (naming the city), state of Iowa, in the manner following: [32 G. A., ch. 155, 1.] SEC. 2820-f. Petition question submitted consolidation effected board of directors officers. When a written petition, requesting the establishment of a consolidated independent district whose territory shall be co-extensive with that of such city, signed by one hundred voters of such city, is filed with the board of the school corporation, therein having the largest number of voters, it shall be the duty of said board within ten days, to call an election, at which all the voters residing in the proposed district shall be allowed to vote by ballot for or against the proposition, "Shall all the territory within the city of (naming it) be united into one school district?" The board calling said election shall divide the territory within the proposed district into such number of precincts, as the board shall determine, and the judges of election shall make and certify a return of the vote to the secretary of the same board which shall, on the next Monday after the election, canvass the returns made to the secretary, ascertain the result of the election, declare the same and cause a record to be made thereof, and in all other respects, except as inconsistent with the provisions of this act, the election shall be conducted as provided by law for elections in independent school districts in cities of the first class. If a majority of the votes cast at such election is favorable to the proposition, the consolidation and for- mation of said independent district shall thereby be effected, and the board of directors, treasurer, and other officers of the school corpora- tion then holding office in the district affected by such consolidation having the largest number of voters, shall become the board of directors, treasurer and other officers of such consolidated district, and shall con- tinue to hold their respective offices until the terms for which they were originally elected shall expire. The terms of office of all directors, treasurers and officers of boards in all the other districts affected by this act, lying wholly within such consolidated district and holding office at the time of such consolidation, shall cease and determine, and in case of districts lying partly without such consolidated district, the directors, 78 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. officers and treasurers shall continue to have authority only over the territory lying within their districts, and without the consolidated dis- trict; provided that nothing herein contained shall affect the terms of employment of superintendents, principals, or teachers for the current school year, in which such consolidation may be effected. [32 G. A., ch. 155, 2.] SEC. 2820-g. Taxes. All taxes previously certified during that year, shall be void so far as the property within the limits of the con- solidated independent district is concerned. And all taxes necessary for the new corporation for that year shall be certified and levied as pro- vided in section twenty-seven hundred ninety-six (2796) of the code. All property belonging to districts affected by such consolidation shall become the property of the consolidated district, except that in case of districts lying partly without such city, the liabilities and assets of such districts shall be equitably apportioned in accordance with chapter one hundred thirty-six (136), section thirteen (13) acts of the thirty-first (31) general assembly, but nothing herein contained shall affect the rights of existing creditors. [32 G. A., ch. 155, 3.] SEC. 2820-h. Election expense. The expense of such election shall be borne by the consolidated district, in case such district shall be formed, otherwise by the separate districts in proportion to the assessed valuation therein within the proposed consolidated district. [32 G. A., ch. 155, 4.] SEC. 2797. Rural independent districts. At any time before the first day of August, upon the written request of one-third of the legal voters in each subdistrict of any school township, the board shall call a meeting of the voters of the subdistrict, giving at least thirty days' notice thereof by posting three notices in each subdistrict in each school town- ship, at which meeting the voters shall vote by ballot for or against rural independent district organization. If a majority of the votes cast in each subdistrict shall be favorable to such independent organization, then each subdistrict shall become a rural independent district, and the board of the school township shall then call a meeting in each rural independent district for the choice of three directors, to serve one, two and three years, respectively, and the organization of the said rural independent district shall be completed. [22 G. A., ch. 61.] NOTES: 1. When taken. The vote upon the change may be taken at any time of year, but the organization cannot be completed between August and January. 2. Must carry in all. Unless each and every subdistrict in the school township gives a majority vote favoring the change in form, the township remains a school township. 3. Town or village may organize. A single subdistrict may be organized independent only when a village, town or city is included. Section 2794. 4. Assets and liabilities. When the new boards are organized, they should meet as soon as possible, and make settlement of assets and liabilities, as directed by section 2802. 5. One subdistrict may not. One subdistrict cannot be changed to a rural independent district unless all the subdistricts of the school township vote to become rural independent districts. 6. Validity of organization. See note 5, section 2743. SEC. 2798. Subdivision of independent districts. Independent dis- tricts may subdivide for the purpose of forming two or more independent SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 79 districts or have territory detached to be annexed with other territory in the formation of an independent district or districts, the board of directors of the original independent districts 1 to establish the boundaries of the districts thus formed, such new districts to contain not less than four government sections of land each; but in case a stream or other obstacle shall debar a number of children of school privileges, an in- dependent district may be thus organized containing less territory; or, if such new district shall include within its territory a town or village with not less than one hundred inhabitants, it may in like manner be made up of less territory ; but in neither case shall the new district con- tain less than two government sections of land, nor be organized except on a majority vote of the electors of each proposed district, and the pro- ceedings for such subdivision shall in all respects be like those provided in the section relating to organizing cities and towns into independent districts, so far as applicable. [18 G. A., ch. 131 ; 17 G. A., ch. 133, 1-4.] NOTES: 1. Township lines not a bar. The provisions of this section apply to all independent districts, and civil township lines are not a bar. 2. Area. The amount of territory cannot be less than an equivalent of four government sections, unless the provision of this section apply. 3. When less than ftfur sections. An independent district containing ter- ritory amounting to less than eight government sections may be divided into two independent districts, if an unbridged stream or other obstacle prevents a considerable number of scholars from attending school, or if one portion con- tains a village of not less than one hundred inhabitants. The district so formed must contain territory amounting to not less than two government sections, and a majority of the votes cast in each contemplated district must be cast for the division. 4. Minimum. When an independent district is subdivided under this sec- tion the one of the districts not formed in accordance with the exception made must have at least four sections. 5. Validity of organization. See note 5, section 2743. 6. New boards necessary. Attorney general, report 1906, page 194; notes 2, section 2793, and 22, section 2802. SEC. 2799. Uniting independent districts. Independent districts located contiguous to each other may unite and form one and the same independent district in the manner following: At the written request of any ten legal voters residing in each of said independent districts, or, if there be not ten, then a majority of such voters, their respective boards of directors shall require their secretaries to give at least ten days' notice of the time and place for a meeting of the electors residing in each of such districts, by posting written notices in at least five public places in each of said districts, at which meeting the electors shall vote by ballot for or >against a consolidated organization of said independent districts, and, if a majority of the votes cast at the election in each dis- trict shall be in favor of uniting said districts, the secretaries shall give similar notice of a meeting of the electors as provided for by law for the organization of independent districts including cities and towns. [22 G. A., ch. 63, 1; C. '73, 1811.] NOTES: 1. Vote separately. The proposition to consolidate independent districts must be separately voted upon in each of the districts affected. Unless a majority of the votes cast at such election in each district Js in favor of such consolidation, it fails. 80 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 2. Application. The provisions of this section also apply to rural inde- pendent districts. Opinion of attorney general, report 1902, page 161. 3. Times for elections. It is not essential for the consolidation of two school districts that the election in each district be held at the same time, as code section 2799, governing such elections, is only directory. 130 Iowa, 100. 4. Validity of organization. See note 5, section 2743. 5. New board necessary. Attorney general, report 1906, page 194; notes 2, section 2793, and 22, section 2802. SEC. 2800. Rural independent districts united into school township. A township which has been divided into rural independent districts may be erected into a school township by a vote of the electors, to be taken upon the written request of one-third of the legal voters residing in such civil township. Upon presentation of such written request to the town- ship trustees, they shall call a meeting of the electors at the usual place or places of holding the township election, upon giving at least ten days ' notice thereof by posting three written notices in each rural independent district in the township, and by publication in a newspaper, if one be published in such township, at which meeting the said electors shall vote by ballot for or against a school township organization. If a majority of the votes cast at such election be in favor of such organization, each rural independent district shall become a subdistrict of the school town- ship, and shall organize as such on the first Monday in March following by the election of a director, notice of which shall be given as in other cases by the secretary of each of the rural independent districts, and the directors so elected shall organize as a board of directors of the school township on the first day of July following, unless that date falls on Sunday, in which case on the day following. [31 G. A., ch. 136, 11 ; 16 G. A., ch. 155; C. '73," 1815-20.] NOTES: 1. Who may act. The electors of any civil township which has adopted the rural independent school district organization, may vote upon the question of returning to the school township organization. 2. Petition to whom presented. The petition provided for in this section may be presented to the trustees and the vote ordered at any time of the year. When a proper petition is presented, the law makes it mandatory upon the township trustees to call and hold an election. 3. A school township meeting. The meeting held to determine the ques- tion of school township organization, is a township meeting; if the vote is in the affirmative, each and every rural independent school district in the township becomes a subdistrict of the school township. 4. Election of judges. The township trustees may act as judges of this election, but in their abstn?e the electors assembled may choose a chairman and one or two secretaries to act as judges. 5. When organization completed. The board of each rural independent school district will continue to act until the first day of July following the election, at which time a full statement of all assets and liabilities of the dis- trict should be reported to the board of the school township when organized. 6. Township as a single district. The first board of a school township formed from a township organized as a single rural district, will consist of three directors elected by the whole township. Section 2752. If this board chooses to subdivide the township it may do so. Section 2801. 7. Township meeting. The school township meeting is held on the second IT^Tifiay in March, to vote the necessary schoolhouse taxes as provided in section 2749. 8. Authority of boards. Between the time of the election provided for and the first day of July following, the boards of the several rural independent school districts have authority to perform all necessary acts relating to the SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 81 affairs of their districts, but they cannot incur any indebtedness, nor make any contracts, except such as may be necessary to maintain the usual schools of their districts. 9. Duty of secretary. Upon the organization of the school township, the secretary should file with the county auditor and treasurer a certified plat of the district, and report to the county superintendent, auditor and treasurer, the name and address of each officer of the new board. Section 2766. 10. Assets and liabilities. The school township receives all the assets and assumes all the liabilities of the several rural independent school districts. In case a rural independent school district has issued bonds or otherwise incurred an indebtedness, for the erection of a schoolhouse and the electors have failed to provide for the payment thereof, the board of the school township has authority to apportion schoolhouse taxes for the payment of such indebtedness, from time to time, as justice and equity may require. Section 2813. 1.1. Validity of organization. See note 5, section 2743. SEC. 2801. Division of school township into subdistricts. The board of any school township may by a vote of a majority of all the members thereof, at the regular meeting in July, or at any special meet- ing called thereafter for that purpose, divide the school township into subdistricts such as justice, equity and the interests of the people require, and may make such alterations of the boundaries of subdistricts hereto- fore formed as may be deemed necessary, and shall designate such sub- districts and all subsequent alterations in a distinct and legible manner upon a plat of the school township provided for that purpose, and shall cause a written description of the same to be recorded in the records of the school township, a copy of which shall be delivered by the secretary to the county treasurer and also to the county auditor, who shall record the same in his office. The boundaries of subdistricts shall conform to the lines of the congressional divisions of land, and the formation or alteration of subdistricts as contemplated in this section shall not take effect until the first Monday in March thereafter, at which time a di- rector shall be elected for any subdistrict newly formed. [31 G. A., ch. 136, 12 ; 21 G. A., ch. 124 ; 16 G. A., ch. 109 ; C. '73, 1725, 1738, 1796 ; R., 2038.] NOTES: 1. Compliance. All changes in subdistrict boundaries must be made in strict conformity with this section. 2. Vote necessary. Subdistrict boundaries can be changed only by affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the board. 3. When made. While this section provides that boards may change subdistrict boundaries at the regular meeting in July, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, it must be understood that such change cannot be made so late as to prevent the notices of election from 'being given at least five days previous to the subdistrict elections, as required by section 2751. Decisions, 52. 4. Change of civil township effect of. When new civil townships are formed, the corresponding changes in school township boundaries take effect at the next subdistrict election. Section 2790. 5. All territory in some corporation. All territory must be included within some school corporation, and all of a school township must be included in some subdistrict, when the territory is so subdivided. Decisions, 33. 6. Suhdistrict not a corporation. A subdistrict is not a corporate body and has no financial claims, nor can it be held liable for debts, except as a part of the school township. Decisions, 13. 7. Bedistricting. The hoard may discontinue or abolish any subdistrict by a readjustment of boundaries, and it may provide that there shall be no subdistricts, and that the schools of the corporation shall be governed by a board of thr ee directors chosen from the township at large. Section 3752, 6 82 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 8. County officers notified. It is especially important that the county auditor and treasurer be officially notified by the secretary, whenever any changes are made in district boundaries, by the formation of independent districts or otherwise, to enable these officers to perform their duties in the levy of taxes, and the apportionment and disbursement of school funds. 9. Congressional divisions. By congressional divisions of land is meant those divisions authorized by congress in government surveys, of which the smallest is, in general, one-sixteenth of a section, or a tract of forty acres in a square form. Government lines, however, sometimes meander along streams and other bodies of water, and divisions of land are thus formed of less than forty acres. Decisions, 33. 10. Number necessary for new subdistrict. There is nothing in the law fixing the number of persons of school age necessary for a new subdistrict, nor is the exact amount of territory to be included determined by the law. 11. Entire corporation considered. When establishing subdistrict bound- aries the interests of the entire corporation must be considered. Decisions, 111. SEC. 2802. Changes of boundaries division of assets and liabilities. When any changes are made in the boundaries of any school corporation the new corporation shall elect a board of directors in accordance with the new boundaries, and such new boards shall organize as provided in section twenty-seven hundred fifty-seven (2757) of this chapter. The boards of directors in office at the time the changes are made in the boundaries of the school corporation, shall continue to act until the boards of directors representing the newly formed districts have been duly organized, whereupon the new boards shall make an equitable division of all assets and liabilities of the corporations affected; and, if they cannot agree, the matters upon which they differ shall be decided by disinterested arbitrators, one selected by each board having an interest therein, and if the number thus selected is even then one shall be added by the county superintendent, and the decision of the arbitrators shall be made in writing, either party having the right to appeal therefrom to the district court. [C. '73, 1715; 31 G. A., ch. 136, 13.] NOTES: 1. Assets and liabilities. Assets include schoolhouses, sites, and all other property and moneys belonging to the district. Liabilities include all debts for which the district in its corporate capacity is liable. In deter- mining the assets, school property should be estimated at its present cash value. 2. Assets apportionment of. The division of assets will relate to the schoolhouse and other property, moneys in all funds on hand, and uncollected taxes. The territory transferred carries with it such a part of the assets and liabilities of the corporation to which it belonged as the assessed valuation of such territory is part of the assessed valuation of the property of the corpora- tion. 3. Teachers' fund apportionment. Any portion of the teachers' fund derived from the semi-annual apportionment, should be divided in propor- tion to the number of persons between five and twenty-one years of age, ac- cording to the last enumeration. 4. Schoolhouse where belong. Schoolhouses will usually become the property of the district in which they are situated. If their va-lue exceeds the amount justly due that district, and there is not sufficient schoolhouse fund on hand to equalize the division, the boards should fix the amount each district should receive or pay. 5. Equitable division desired. An equitable arrangement mutually sat- isfactory to the parties in interest will be in accordance with the intent of the law. Any agreement should be reduced to writing, and entered upon the records of each district. SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 83 6. Claim. The districts, after the division, which do not receive their just proportion of schoolhouse property, have a claim against those that do obtain more than a due share. The last are indebted to the first in the difference. 36 Iowa, 216. .7. Unpaid and delinquent taxes apportionment. A simple and just method to dispose of unpaid and delinquent taxes, also of all funds in the hands of the county treasurer, is to direct the payment of these funds in such manner that taxes derived from any part of the territory shall be paid to the district to which such territory will then belong. 8. Recovery. If money is received which belongs to another, the rule is a general one that the law implies a promise on the part of the receiver to pay it over. Based upon this promise an action may be maintained for its recovery. 11 Iowa, 506; 80 Iowa, 495. 9. Injunction as a test. Any conflict between districts, with regard to boundaries will be 'best determined 'by the one aggrieved asking a court to re- strain the county treasurer from paying taxes to the other district, on the ground that the district complaining is entitled to receive said taxes. 10. Scope of the law. Section 2793 provides for a change of boundaries between adjoining independent districts in the same county and for con- solidation. 11. Change of boundaries. If the boundary .between an independent district and a school township is the line of the civil township, it cannot be changed under section 2793-a, except there be an incorporated town, and then only by the extension of the corporate limits of such town. If the independent school district includes a portion of a civil township, the remainder of which is a school township, the boundary between the districts may be changed. 12. Concurrencce appeal. Where a change of boundaries between dis- tricts is desired, and one of the boards acts favorably, a petition may be pre- sented to the other board to concur in that action, although it formerly may have refused to grant a similar petition. Prom the action of the latter board upon the request an appeal may be taken. 13. Initiatory no appeal. No appeal can -be taken from an action of the board taking the initiatory step, while it requires the concurrence of another board to complete the action. The concurrence or refusal of the second board is the order from which an appeal may be taken. Decisions, 49, 58. 14. Power of county superintendent. When an appeal is taken from the proper board, the county superintendent must affirm the action of one board or the other, but cannot himself modify the action of the board acting first. Decisions, 58. 15. Assets and liabilities. Territory transferred from one district to another carries with it an equitable proportion of the assets and liabilities of the district from which it is taken, the district accepting it becomes responsi- ble for such liabilities. 16. Initiatory immaterial. It is not material which board takes the first action with regard to the transfer of territory. Usually it is desirable to secure the action of the board with regard to which there is no doubt, and afterward to endeavor to induce the other board to take the same action. If the board last acting takes an action different in kind it may be regarded as initiating a new order, which in turn must go to the other board for adoption or rejection. 17. Assets and liabilities no appeal. An appeal to the county super- intendent will not lie from a joint action of the boards in making a settlement of assets and liabilities. Decisions, 80. 18. Who may demand. Demand for settlement and division of assets must be made by one authorized to make such demand upon one authorized to act. 110 Iowa, 702. 19. Arbitrators mandamus. When arbitrators have been appointed, mandamus will lie to compel them to act. 110 Iowa, 702. 20. Power of arbitrators. The arbitrators can consider only such as- sets and liabilities as existed between the districts at the time the new district was formed. 107 Iowa, 73. 84 SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 21. Choice of arbitrators. When the respective boards of directors have met and failed to agree, mandamus may be maintained to compel a choice of arbitrators, but not to compel the making of equitable division. 68 Iowa, 486. 22. Change of boundaries new boards. The boards of directors of the respective districts where the boundaries of the school districts are changed by the extension of the lines of the corporation, can act in their official capacity only until the next regular election in the respective districts. At such regular election, each of the districts must elect an entire new board of directors in accordance with the new boundaries. This section applies also to cases where such change is made by agreement of the respective boards of the school district. See report of attorney general, 1906, page 194. SEC. 2803. Attending school in another corporation. A child resid- ing in one corporation may attend school in another in the same or ad- joining county if the two boards so agree. In case no such agreement is made, the county superintendent of the county in which the child re- sides and the board of such adjoining corporation may consent to such attendance, if the child resides nearer a schoolhouse in the adjoining corporation and one and one-half miles or more from any public school in the corporation of his residence. But before granting such consent the county superintendent shall give notice to the board where the child resides and hear objections, if any. In case such consent is given, the board of the district of the child's residence shall be notified thereof in writing, and shall pay to the other district the average tuition per week and an average proportion of contingent expenses for the school or room thereof in which such child attends. If payment is refused or neglected, the board of the creditor corporation shall file an account thereof certi- fied by its president with the auditor of the county of the child's resi- dence, who shall, at the time of the making of the next semi-annual appor- tionment, deduct the amount from the sum apportioned to the debtor district, and cause it to be paid to the corporation entitled thereto. [17 G. A., ch. 41; 16 G. A., ch. 64; C. '73, 1793 ; R., 2024; C. '51, 1143.] NOTES: 1. By agreement of boards. This section grants to all boards the power to agree upon terms of attendance. Such agreement should name the amount to be paid, if any, the time during which the stipulation shall be in force, and other matters. 2. Without agreement of boards. If scholars reside more than one and one-half miles from a school in their own district and nearer to a school in another district, which they desire to attend, application should first be made to both boards of directors; if the boards refuse to enter into an agreement, they may attend school in such district with the consent of the board of the district where they desire to attend and of the county superintendent of the county in which the children reside. 3. Different townships. This section applies to districts in the same or in different civil townships or counties. 4. Purpose of law. What is sought by the law is to supply to every child advantages equal as nearly as possible with those afforded to the average child. 5. When consent of both boards necessary. If scholars live nearer to a school in their own district, or less than one and one-half miles of one, they can attend school in another district at the expense of their own district, only by an agreement of both boards. 6. Consent of board necessary. In no case may scholars attend school in a district in which they do not reside, without the consent of the board thereof. 7. When superintendent may act. The first three lines give the boards power to agree upon terms of attendance, without regard to the distance in the SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 85 case. But advantage may not be taken of the remainder of the section unless all the provisions enumerated are fulfilled. 8. Distance how determined. In determining distances to different schools the measurement must be made by the nearest public highway to each school. And if the person lives off the highway, the distance should be com- puted by the nearest and most accessible private way as usually traveled from the residence to the highway. 9. What is sought. What is sought to be determined is the actual dis- tance necessary to be traveled by the scholar. It may therefore sometimes be required to measure from the door of the home of the scholar to the door of the schoolhouse, in order to ascertain definitely the actual distance from school. 10. Must provide school. Every district is bound to provide school fa- cilities for the children thereof; and children living in a school district in one county may attend school in an adjoining district in another county under the provisions of this section. 113 Iowa, 549. 11. Consent of county superintendent. In giving or withholding his con- sent, the county superintendent should consider all the circumstances, and when he has concurred or refused to concur, the matter is concluded for that time, as no appeal will lie. 12. Position of county superintendent. The position of the county superintendent is somewhat similar to that of a disinterested arbitrator between the two boards. He should confer with both boards if possible and should take into account all the conditions of the case. 13. Superintendent should hesitate. If there is little difference in the distance, or if the schoolhouse of the scholar is only slightly in excess of a mile and a half, then the county superintendent should ihesitate to concur, especially if it will weaken the funds or diminish the attendance at the home school so as to unduly impair its success. 14. Action is concurrent. The action of the board where the children desire to attend and of the county superintendent is a concurrent one. The two parties are thus supposed to have equal discretionary powers. 15. Collection of tuition. Collection of tuition cannot be made by ap- peal to the county superintendent, but such questions in controversy must be settled through the courts. 16. Notice. The notice referred to cannot be said to 'be officially trans- mitted unless signed by both the president and secretary. Payment for at- tendance can be collected from the district where the children reside, only from the date of such notice. Form 44. 17. Term of. This notice holds only for the term, or such time as the county superintendent and board name in their written concurrent agree- ment. 18. Mailing, not notice. Depositing a letter in a postoffice without fur- ther proof that such letter reached the party addressed, is not a legal notice as required to secure payment of tuition. Code, section 3531. 19. Amount how determined. The average proportion of tuition and contingent expenses for any number of scholars is found by dividing the amount expended for these purposes in the school where they have at- tended, by the total attendance in days, and multiplying the quotient 'by the number of days said scholars have attended. 20. Average in graded schools. When scholars attend a graded school, the average tuition should be computed on the basis of the expenses of each pupil in the grade or room in which such scholars are placed; the average expense of contingent fund may be computed as a part of the whole con- tingent expense of such school. 21. Comply with law. Any other action than compliance with the ab- solute and explicit terms of the law, will render the collection of tuition difficult and in most cases impossible. Decisions, 48. 22. Law equitable. The provisions of this section are the result of a long experience in this state with regard to the matter of attendance. As a general provision, the law is very equitable and gives almost universal satisfaction. SEC. 2804. School age nonresidents. Persons between five and twenty-one years of age shall be of school age. Nonresident children 86 SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. and those sojourning temporarily in any school corporation may attend school therein upon such terms as the board may determine. The parent or guardian whose child or ward attends school in any independent dis- trict of which he is not a resident shall be allowed to deduct the amount of school tax paid by him in said district from the amount of the tuition required to be paid. [C. '73, 1795.] NOTES: 1. Under school age. Children under five years of age would be more injured by the confinement than benefited by the instruction. They cannot claim the advantages of the school, and should not be al- lowed to attend. They may not be admitted to receive instruction even upon the payment of tuition. 2. Over school age. Persons over twenty-one years of age are not en- titled to attend the public schools, but they may be admitted upon such terms as the board deems -proper. 3. Board determines residence. The board must be satisfied that the residence of the sciholar in the district is actual before allowing free at- tendance. 4. Method of determining. In determining whether a person is entitled to attendance free of tuition, the board may take any impartial method of deciding the question. Decisions, 68. 5. Appeal. Any one aggrieved by an order of the board admitting, or refusing to admit, a scholar, has the remedy of appeal. 6. Taxes not basis for attendance. Paying school taxes does not entitle non-residents to school privileges, but school taxes paid in an independent district shall be deducted from the amount of tuition required of a non- resident pupil. 7. Self-supporting minors. Young people who are making their own living should not be excluded from school privileges in the district where they are at home. 8. Admission of pupil mandamus. The action of a school board in denying a pupil free admission to the schools on the ground of non-resi- dence cannot be reviewed in a mandamus proceeding; the remedy is ap- peal. 124 Iowa, 355. SEC. 2805. Bible not excluded. The bible shall not be excluded from any public school or institution in the state, nor shall any child be required to read it contrary to the wishes of his parent or guardian. [C. '73, 1764 ;R., 2119.] NOTES: 1. A suitable exercise. Our common schools are maintained at public expense, and the law contemplates that they shall be equally free to persons of every faith. A very suitable devotional exercise consists in the teacher's reading a portion of scripture without comment, and the repetition of the Lord's prayer. 2. Teacher determines. Neither the board nor the electors may direct the teaciher to follow a given course in respect to the reading of the bible in school. Each teacher will be guided by his own good judgment, re- stricted only by the provision that no child shall be required to read it contrary to the wishes of his parent or guardian, and such provision is not unconstitutional. 64 Iowa, 367. The wishes of his patrons may properly be given weigiht in aiding him to determine his action. 3. Regulation regarding religion. While moral instruction should be given in every school, neither this section nor the spirit of our constitu- tion and laws will permit a teacher or board to enforce a regulation in regard to religious exercises, which will wound the conscience of any, and no scholar can be required to conform to any particular mode of wor- ship. 64 Iowa, 367. 4. Moral instruction. Moral instruction tending to impress upon the minds of pupils the importance of truthfulness, temperance, purity, public spirit, patriotism, and respect for honest labor, obedience to parents and due deference for old age, should be given by every teacher in the public schools. SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 87 5. Injunction. If a teacher gives religious instruction or teaches in the interest of any church or denomination, the board may be prevented from continuing or sanctioning such instruction, by injunction from the courts; and having ordered or countenanced this instruction, may be prevented in the same manner from paying such teacher from the public school funds. 6. Public funds may not be used. Tihe diversion of the school fund in any form or to any extent for the support of sectarian or private schools is inadmissible and clearly in violation of our laws. 59 Iowa, 70. 7. Public funds may not be loaned. Public money shall not be appro- priated, given or loaned by the corporate authorities of any county or township, to or in favor of any institution, school, association or object which is under ecclesiastical or sectarian management or control. Code, section 593. TAXES. SEC. 2806. School taxes. The board of each school corporation shall at its regular meeting in July, or at a special meeting called for that purpose between the time designated for such regular meeting and the third Monday in August, estimate the amount required for the con- tingent fund, not exceeding five dollars for each person of school age, but each school corporation may estimate not exceeding seventy-five dollars for each school thereof, and such additional sum as may be necessary not exceeding five dollars for each person of school age for transporting children to and from school; and also such additional sum as may be authorized in the chapter on uniformity of text-books ; also such sum as may be required for the teachers' fund, which, including the amount received from the semi-annual apportionment, shall not exceed fifteen dollars for each person of school age therein, but each corporation may estimate not exceeding two hundred and seventy dollars, including such apportionment, for each regular school therein. No tax shall be esti- mated by the board after the third Monday in August in each year. School corporations containing territory in adjoining counties may vote and estimate all taxes for school purposes in mills. The board .shall apportion any tax voted by the annual meeting for schoolhouse fund among the several subdistricts in such a manner as justice and equity may require, taking as the basis of such apportionment the respective amounts previously levied upon said subdistricts for the use of such fund. [31 G. A., ch. 136, 14; 28 G. A., ch. 108; 15 G. A., ch. 67, 1; C. 73, 1738, 1777-8, 1780; R., 2033-4, 2037-44, 2088.] NOTES: 1. Specific sums certified. This section requires boards to cer- tify the specific sums necessary to be raised for teachers' and contingent funds to the board of supervisors, whose duty it is to estimate and levy the per centum necessary to raise the amounts so certified. 2. Joint districts certify mills. Districts formed from territory lying in adjoining counties, may vote and certify to the respective boards of supervisors the number of mills on the dollar required to raise the neces- sary school taxes. 3. Tax void. The general rule is that a tax estimated by the board after the third Monday in August is void. This renders it essential that boards certify taxes within the required time. 73 Iowa, 304. For excep- tions see sections 2767, 2796, 3973. 4. Schoolhouse fund voted by electors. It is the rule that schoolhouse funds must be voted by the electors. Exceptions, sections 2767, 2796, 2811, 2813 and 3973. 5. Board determines amount necessary. It is wholly within the dis- cretion of the board to determine the amounts required for the contingent 88 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. and teachers' funds. 41 Iowa, 153. Any vote of the electors with refer- ence to these amounts is only suggestive, and is not at all binding. 6. Limit of levy. This section limits the amount which may be levied for any one year, to fifteen dollars per scholar for teachers' fund, five dol- lars per scholar for contingent fund, and five dollars per scholar extra when necessary for transportation of pupils; but authorizes the levy of seventy-five dollars for contingent, and two hundred and seventy dollars for teachers' fund for each regular school, even if the levy thereby exceeds five and fifteen dollars per scholar, for these funds. When free text-books have been authorized, an additional amount not exceeding one and one-half dollars for each person of school age may be estimated for the contingent fund. Section 2825. 7. Maximum levy. If the amount of schoolhouse tax voted and certified by the board of directors in any one year exceeds the limit which the board of supervisors is allowed to levy under the provisions of this sec- tion, it is the duty of the board of supervisors to levy only the maximum amount authorized by law. Section 2807. 8. Apportionment of funds. The teachers' and contingent funds are not to be apportioned among the subdistricts, but levied uniformly on the tax- able property of the school township. 9. When not apply. The first provision in this section does not apply where a larger tax is required to meet the interest on valid outstanding bonds. 69 Iowa, 612. Section 2813. 10. Minimum levy. The second provision in this section was added for the relief of sparsely settled communities, in which five dollars per scholar for contingent fund and fifteen dollars per scholar for teachers' fund, is not adequate to maintain schools for the time required by law. 11. How compel secretary to certify. To determine conclusively whether it is the duty of the secretary to certify a tax supposed to have been voted by the voters, but with regard to which vote there is some doubt, an appli- cation to a court for a writ of mandamus or injunction, as the case may be, will secure a settlement of all questions involved. 12. A school corporation not a municipality. A school district is not a municipality within the meaning of chapter 62, section 14, laws of 1894 (code, section 2445) and cannot claim one-half of the mulct tax. 102 Iowa, 5. 13. When levy unnecessary. If the board finds a sufficient amount of teachers' fund and contingent fund on hand and in sight to support the schools for the current year, it may decline to certify any amount to be raised under this section. 14 Taxes laches estoppel. 123 Iowa, 55. 15 Taxes recovery. 109 Iowa, 606. SEC. 2807. Levy by board of supervisors. The board of super- visors shall at the time of levying taxes for county purposes levy the taxes necessary to raise the various funds authorized by law and certified to it under this chapter, but if the amount certified for any such fund is in excess of the amount authorized by law it shall levy only so much thereof as is authorized by law. If a schoolhouse tax is voted at a special meeting and certified to said board after the regular levy is made, it shall at its next regular meeting levy such tax and cause the same to be forthwith entered upon the tax list to be collected as other school taxes. It shall also levy a tax for the support of the schools within the county of not less than one nor more than three mills on the dollar on the assessed value of all the taxable property within the county. [C. '73, 1779-80; R., 2057, 2059.] NOTES: 1. Transfer. A board of review has no authority to transfer property from one gchoql corporation to another for assessment. 108 N. W., 220, SCHOOL LAWS 05 s IOWA. 89 2. Taxes liability. Property in a school corporation at the time of the levy of a sohoolhouse tax is liable for the tax, though not a part of the corporation at the time the tax was voted. 108 N. W., 528. SEC. 2803. Apportionment. The county auditor shall on the first Monday in April and the first Monday in October of each year, apportion to 1 the school tax, together with the interest of the per- manent school fund and rents on unsold lands to which the county is entitled as shown in the notice from the auditor of state, and all other money in the hands of the county treasurer belonging in common to the schools of the county and not included in any previous appor- tionment among the several corporations therein, in proportion to the number of persons of school age, as shown by the report of the county superintendent filed with him for the year immediately preceding. He shall immediately notify the county treasurer of such apportionment and of the amount due thereby to each corporation. The county treasurer shall thereupon give notice to the president of each corpo- ration, and shall pay out such apportionment moneys in the same manner that he is authorized to pay other school moneys to the treasurers of the several school districts. [32 G. A., ch. 151, 3; 27 G. A., ch. 94; C. '73, 1781-2, 1841; R., 1966, 2060-1.] NOTES: 1. Warrant for. This warrant must be signed by the presi- dent and countersigned by the secretary, to authorize payment of the amount named therein upon presentation by the district treasurer. Form 16. 2. Basis of apportionment review. The auditor, in making the appor- tionment, performs a ministerial duty and is without authority to review the school census. Ill N. W., 943. SEC. 2809. Auditor to report. The county auditor, shall on the first Monday in January of each year, forward to the superintendent of public instruction a certificate of the election or appointment and qualification of the county superintendent, and shall also on the first day of January of each year make out and transmit to the auditor of state, in accordance with such forms as said auditor may prescribe, a report of the amount of permanent school fund held by the county and also the amount of interest due prior to January first, still re- maining unpaid, and shall file said report with the auditor of state on or before the first day of February. [32 G. A., ch. 151, 2; C. '73, 1783.] NOTES: 1. Certificate of election. This certificate should be forwarded to the superintendent of public instruction as soon as the qualification and bond, properly approved, have been filed in the office of the county auditor. 2. AVhat certificate should show. The certificate should in all cases certify to the qualification as well as the election or appointment of the county superintendent, for although he may be properly elected or ap- pointed, yet he cannot be recognized until it is known that he has taken the necessary oath of office, and that his .bond is approved. 3. In case of change. Whenever any change is made by resignation or otherwise, a certificate of the appointment and qualification of a suc- cessor should be immediately forwarded. Forms 37 and 38. SEC. 2810. Taxes paid over. Before the -third Monday of Jan- uary, April, July and October in each year, the county treasurer shall give notice to the president of the board of each school corporation in 90 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. the county of the amount collected for each fund to the first day of such month, and the president of each board shall draw his draft therefor, countersigned by the secretary, upon the county treasurer, who shall pay such taxes to the treasurers of the several school boards only on such draft. He shall also keep the amount of tax levied for schoolhouse purposes separate in each subdistrict where such levy has been made directly upon the property of the subdistrict, and shall pay over the same quarterly to the treasurer of the school township for the benefit of such subdistrict. [C. '73, 1784-5.] NOTES: 1. Certify amount collected. It is the duty of the county treas- urer to notify the president of the board of each district, quarterly, of the amount collected for each fund and pay it to the district treasurer on the warrant of the president countersigned by the secretary. Form 39. 2. When draft is drawn. Whenever a draft is drawn on the county treasury, it is the duty of the secretary to charge the district treasurer with the amount named in the draft, keeping a separate account with each fund. Section 2761. 3. Funds kept separate. The four funds teachers', schoolhouse, con- tingent and school building bond fund must be kept separate by the county treasurer, as directed in this section, to enable school officers to comply with the law in the discharge of their official duties. Sections 2761, 2762, 2768 and 2769. Form 39. 4. Division reported by county treasurer. The division of funds made by the county treasurer must be respected by the board, unless the electors direct schoolhouse funds unappropriated transferred to other funds. This is the only transfer provided for by law. Section 2749. SEC. 2811. Judgment tax. When a judgment shall be obtained against a school corporation, its board shall order the payment thereof out of the proper fund by an order on the treasurer, not in excess, how- ever, of the funds available for that purpose. If the proper fund is not sufficient, then, unless its board has provided by the issuance of bonds for raising the amount necessary to pay such judgment, the voters thereof shall at their annual meeting vote a sufficient tax for the purpose. In case of failure or neglect to vote such a tax, the school board shall certify the amount required to the board of super- visors, who shall levy a tax on the property of the corporation for the same. [18 G. A., ch.' 132, 6; C. '73, 1787; R., 2095.] NOTES: 1. No order has preference. An order drawn under this sec- tion is not entitled to payment to the exclusion of other orders. 40 Iowa, 620. 2. Bonds to pay judgments. Judgment indebtedness may be converted into bonded indebtedness, ,but not beyond the constitutional limit. 3. Limit of indebtedness. See sections 1306-b and 2820-a to 2.820-d, following section 2796, page 92. BONDS INDEBTEDNESS. SEC. 2812-b. Repeal. That chapter one hundred and forty (140) laws of the thirty-first general assembly, be and the same is hereby repealed and the following sections enacted in lieu thereof [29 G. A., ch. 127 ; 28 G. A., ch. .142 ; 27 G. A., ch. 95 ; 21 G. A., ch. 95 ; 18 G. A., ch. 51, 1, 3; 18 G.'A., ch. 132, 1-5; 16 G. A., ch. 121; C. 73 S 1821-2^; 31 G. A, ch. 140; 32 G. A., ch. 152, 1.] SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 91 SEC. 2812-c. School funding bonds. The board of directors of any school corporation may issue the bonds of said school corporation to pay any judgment against said school corporation or any indebted- ness represented by bonds heretofore lawfully issued. Said bonds shall be known as school funding bonds and shall be authorized by resolution of the board. The proceeds derived from said bonds shall be applied in payment of any such outstanding judgment or bonded indebtedness, or said bonds may be exchanged for outstanding judg- ments or bonds, par for par. [32 G. A., ch. 152, 2.] NOTES: 1. When issued. Bonds voted under the provisions of this section may be issued and sold as the necessities of the school corporation require. 2. Funding bonds. This section authorizes the board of directors of any school corporation to issue funding bonds without a vote of the electors, but the board cannot issue school building bonds without a vote of the electors. See section 2812-d. 3. Taxes bonds. There is no intimate connection between the levy of taxes and an outstanding bonded indebtedness. The levy of taxes is not intended by the law to be considered as an outstanding indebtedness. The limit of bonded indebtedness is fixed by chapter 41, laws of 1900. The limit for levy of taxes by sections 2749, 2806-7, 2813. See 1306-b and 2820-a, page 92. SEC. 2812-d. School building bonds. For the purpose of borrow- ing money necessary to erect, complete, equip, furnish or improve a schoolhouse, or to purchase sites therefor, the board of directors of any school corporation, when they have been heretofore, or when they may hereafter be authorized by the voters at the annual meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose, may issue the negotiable interest bearing bonds of said school corporation; said bonds to be known as school building bonds. [32 G. A., ch. 152, 3.] NOTES: 1. Valuation tax lists. As indicating the valuation of the district, the tax lists may not be taken into account until after the levy of the taxes in September. 70 Iowa, 230. 2. Defeat of proposition effect of. The fact that the vote for bonds was defeated will not prevent the board from calling another election at any time when it thinks best to do so. 3. Issue not mandatory. While a vote to issue bonds is regarded by the courts as somewhat in the nature of permissive authority to the board, yet a board may not attempt to defeat the wish of the voters clearly expressed. Decisions, 75, laws of 1897. 4. Compliance necessary. In the matter of issuing bonds, every legal requirement should be scrupulously adhered to, in order that not even the slightest irregularity may be urged against the validity of the bonds, when they come to be negotiated. 5. Bights of interested persons. If a board takes an action calculated to thwart the will of the voters, perhaps any person interested could secure from a court a writ directing the board to proceed in the line of fulfilling the expressed wish of the voters. SEC. 2812-e. Form duration rate of interest where registered. All of said bonds shall be substantially in the form provided for county bonds, but subject to changes that will conform them to the action of the board providing therefor, shall run not more than ten years, and may be sooner paid if so nominated in the bond; be in denomination of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or lesj 92 SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. than one hundred dollars ($100) each, to bear a rate of interest not exceeding six (6) per centum per annum, payable, semi-annually, to be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary of the board of directors, and shall not be disposed of for less than par value, nor issued for other purposes than this chapter provides. All of said bonds shall be registered in the office of the county auditor. The expenses of engraving and printing of bonds may be paid out of the contingent fund. [32 G. A., ch. 152, 4.] SEC. 2812-f. Redemption treasurer to keep record. Whenever the amount in the hands of the treasurer, belonging to the funds set aside to 1 pay bonds, is sufficient to redeem one or more of the bonds which by their terms are subject to redemption, he shall give the owner of said bonds thirty (30) days' written notice of the readiness of the district to pay and the amount it desires to pay. If not presented for payment or redemption within thirty days after the date of such notice, the interest on such bonds shall cease and the amount due thereon shall be set aside for its payment whenever it is presented. All redemptions shall be made in the order of their numbers. The treasurer shall keep a record of the parties to whom the bonds are sold, together with their postoffice addresses, and notice mailed to the address as shown by such record shall be sufficient. [32 G. A., ch. 152, 5.] SEC. 1306-b. Amount of indebtedness limited. No county or other political or municipal corporation, including cities acting under special charters, shall be allowed to become indebted, in any manner or for any purpose, to an amount in the aggregate exceeding one and one- fourth per centum on the actual value of the property within such county or corporation, to be ascertained by the last state and county tax list previous to the incurring of such indebtedness. [28. G. A., ch. 41, 2.] NOTES: 1. For additional indebtedness. See sections 2820-a to 2820-d, Below. 2. Warrants in excess of limit action on. Either a school .district or intervening tax-payers .may, where the officers refuse to act, defend an ac- tion to recover on warrants of the district on the ground that the same are in excess of the constitutional limitation, although the officers of the district acted in good faith in creating the debt for which the warrants were issued, and still recognize their validity. 122 Iowa, 99. SEC. 2820-a. Indebtedness authorized amount. Any independent school district containing, or contained in, any incorporated town or city of the second class, of three thousand or less population shall be allowed to become indebted, for the purpose of building and furnish- ing a schoolhouse or houses and procuring a site therefor, to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate, two and one-half per centum of the actual value of the taxable property, within such independent school district, such value to be ascertained by the last county tax list previous to the incurring of such indebtedness, anything contained in section two (2), chapter forty-one (41) of the acts of the twenty-eighth general assembly notwithstanding. [30 G. A., ch. 114, 1.] I4v4t of indebtedness. Section 1306-b, above. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 93 SEC. 2820-b. Petition. Provided, that before such indebtedness can be contracted in excess of one and one-quarter per centum of the actual value of the taxable property ascertained as provided in section one (1) of this act, a petition signed by a majority of the qualified electors of such independent district, shall be filed with the president of the board of directors asking that an election shall be called, stat- ing the purpose for which the money is to be used, and the neces- sary schoolhouse or houses cannot be built and furnished within the limit of one and one-quarter per centum of the valuation. [30 G. \., ch. 114, 2.] NOTE: Qualified electors. See section 2747. SEC. 2820-c. Question submitted. The president of the board of directors on the receipt of such petition shall within ten (10) days call a meeting of the board who shall call such election fixing the time and place thereof, and give four weeks' notice thereof by publi- cation once each week in some newspaper published in the said town or city, or if none be published therein in the next nearest town or city in the county. At such election the ballot shall be prepared and used in substantially the following form : For the issuance of bonds in the sum of $ for School Q] House purposes. Against the issuance of bonds in the sum of $ for School Q] House purposes. [31 G. A., ch. 9, 29; 30 G. A., ch. 114, 3.] SEC. 2820-d. Bonds. If two-thirds or more of all the electors voting at such election vote in favor of the issuance of such bonds, the board of directors shall issue the same and make provision for the payment of the same and the interest thereon as provided in section twenty-eight hundred and twelve (2812) and twenty-eight hundred and thirteen (2813) of the code. [30 G. A., ch. 114, 4.] SEC. 2813. Tax to pay bonds or money borrowed. The board of each school corporation shall, at the same time and in the same man- ner as provided with reference to other taxes, fix the amount of tax necessary to be levied to pay any amount of principal or interest due or to become due during the next year on lawful bonded indebtedness, which amount shall be certified to the board of supervisors as other taxes, and levied by them on the property therein as other school taxes are levied, but such tax shall not exceed five mills upon, the dollar of the assessed valuation of such property for money borrowed for improvements. [27 G. A., ch. 95; 18 G. A., ch. 51, 2; 18 G. A., ch. 132, 6; C. '73, 1823.] NOTE: It is the duty of the board to certify whateyer amount is neces- sary to pay principal and interest on bonds. 69 Iowa, 612. SCHOOL SITES. SEC. 2814. Repeal schoolhouse sites acquisition. Any school corporation may take and hold so much real estate as may be required for schoolhouse sites, for the location or construction thereon of schoolhouses, and the convenient use thereof, but not to exceed one acre, exclusive of public highway, except in a city, town, or village it may include one block exclusive of the street or highway as the 94 SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. case may be; or in districts consolidated under the provisions of section twenty-seven hundred and ninety-nine (2799) of the code, or chapter one hundred and forty-one (141) of the laws of the thirty-first general assembly, or in school townships holding not more than two school sites, may consist of not to exceed four acres, for any one site, unless by the owner's consent, which site must be upon some public road already established or procured by the board of directors and shall, except in cities, towns, or villages, be at least thirty rods from the residence of any owner who objects to its being placed nearer, and not in any orchard, garden or public park. [32 G. A., eh. 153 ; C. 73, 1825-6.] NOTES: 1. Purchase. The board should, if possible, purchase a site. 2. Enlarging. A site of less than one acre may ,be enlarged to an acre. 3. Not include road. The acre authorized to be set apart may be so measured as not to include any portion of the highway. 101 Iowa, 556. 4. Thirty rods. The objection of an owner living within thirty rods on the opposite side of a site will not prevent an addition to the site on the side away from the residence, so as to include an entire acre. 5. Appeal. From an order of the board making a location of a site to be secured by condemnation, an appeal will lie the same as from any other order of the board. 6. Incumbered property. Property incumbered, occupied as a home- stead, or belonging to minor heirs, may be taken under the provisions of this section. 7. Condemn. If the district cannot establish its claim to the school- house site, owing to the loss of the deed, or for other reason, and the owner refuses to sell or lease the site, the district may avail itself of the pro- visions of this and the following sections and secure a site not to exceed one acre. 8. When provisions do not apply. When purchased, the provisions of this section do not apply. The district stands in the same relation to the public and to individuals, in this respect, as do other corporations, and may purchase whatever amount of land may be necessary for school pur- poses. 9. Location. All sites taken under the provisions of these sections must be located on a public road, and at least thirty rods from the residence of the owner of -the site so taken if he objects to its being placed nearer. A person not the owner of the land upon which the site is located cannot legally object if the site is located nearer than thirty rods from his resi- dence. In cities, incorporated towns, or villages, this prohibition does not apply. Decisions 86, School Laws 1892. 10. How measured. When a site is sought to be condemned, the dis- tance of thirty rods mentioned in this section, is measured from the nearest part of the residence to the nearest part of the site, in a straight line. 11. Rebuild. Boards may rebuild on sites without consent of owners of residences within thirty rods. 12. Ten years' use. Under the Iowa statute of limitations, ten years' use of a highway by the public, under a claim of right, will bar the owner of the soil. 19 Iowa, 123. 13. Title by prescription. If the public, witih the knowledge of the owner of land, has claimed and continuously exercised the right of using the same for a public highway, for a period equal to that fixed by the statute for the limitation of real actions, a complete right to the highway thereby .becomes established against the owner, unless it appears that such use was by favor, leave or mistake. 22 Iowa, 457. Code, section 3004. 14. When mortgaged. In case the land desired for a school site is under mortgage, the district may receive from the owner the lease of a portion not to exceecj the authorized ampunt, to be held by the district as long SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 95 as used for school purposes, and when no longer so used, to revert to the owner. 15. Title. If a district is in continuous possession under claim of own- ership for more than ten years, it becomes the absolute owner of the fee title. 93 Iowa, 45, and 94 Iowa, 676. 16. Include highway when. When land is purchased for a site, it will include a part of the highway on which it is situated, unless otherwise stipu- lated in the deed. 17. Four acres. In consolidated corporations and school townsihips hold- ing not to exceed two sites, four acres may be acquired for a site. SEC. 2815. Condemnation. If the owner of the real estate desired for a schoolhouse site, or a public road thereto, refuses or neglects to convey the same, or is unknown or cannot be found, the county superintendent of the proper county, upon the application of either party in interest, shall appoint three disinterested referees, unless a less number shall be agreed upon, who shall take and subscribe an oath to the effect that they will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties laid upon them, due notice having been given by the super- intendent to the owner of the time and place of making the assess- ments of damages as and for the length of time required for the commencement of actions in the district court; such referees shall inspect the grounds proposed to be taken, fix the damages sustained as near as may be on the basis of the value of the real estate so ap- propriated, and report in writing to the superintendent their doings and findings, which report shall be filed and preserved in his office; and upon the amount found by the referees being deposited with the county treasurer, for the use of the owner, possession may at once be taken and the necessary building or buildings erected and occupied. From the assessment so made either party may appeal to the district court by giving notice thereof as in case of taking private property for works of internal improvement within twenty days after receiving notice of the award made. If such appeal is not taken, the assessment shall be final; if taken, the board may proceed with the construction of improvements, if the deposit hereinbefore provided has been or shall be made. Upon such appeal the school corporation shall not be liable for costs unless the owner shall be allowed a greater sum than given by the referees ; all costs in making the referees ' assessment to be paid by the school corporation. [C. 73, 1827.] NOTES: 1. Service. If personal service cannot be made, the notice must be published in a newspaper. If the owner of the land lives in the county, notice must be served on him at least ten days before the time set for the assessment of damages. If the owner or parties having an interest therein reside outside of the county and in the same judicial district, fifteen days' notice must be given. If outside of the judicial district but dn the state, twenty days' notice. If parties live outside of the state, the notice must be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper pub- lished in the county. Code, sections 3514-3544. Forms, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44. 2. Oath to referees. The oath to the referees may not be administered by the county superintendent by reason of his office. Such oath may be administered by some one empowered in a general way to administer oaths. One referee may administer the oath to another referee. Code, section 393. A district may condemn a full acre of land. 101 Iowa, 556. 3. Opening road. If the land cannot be procured 'by contract, the road may be established in the same manner and by the proceedings provided 96 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. for the establishment of highways, and when the damage has been as- sessed, the district may pay the same. Sections 1482-1517. Decisions, 81. 4. Lease approval. As a matter of safety, a lease should 'be executed in duplicate, one to be held by the secretary of the board, and the other by the lessor. The lease should be approved by the board, as in case of a contract, and should be filed with the secretary. 5. Notice of appraisal. Sufficient time must be allowed between the appointment of this commission and the time set for appraising the damages to give the owner legal notice thereof. Code, sections 3517 and 3540. 6. Compensation of referees. The referees are entitled to two dollars for each day's service, and ten cents per mile from their residence to the location of the property appraised. Code, sections 354 and 1290. 7. Holder of tax certificate. The holder of a tax certificate on property sought to be condemned is an owner in such sense that he is entitled to notice. 50 Iowa, 663. 8. When owner cannot be found. Wlien the owner of land taken is unknown, or cannot be found, it is not necessary to print the report of appraisement, or to attempt other notice to said owner than the printed notice required by this section. It is sufficient for the county superintendent to send a certified copy to the board. 9. Possession- deposit. If the board has deposited with the county treas- urer the amount assessed by the referees in accordance with this section, we think the courts would hold that the district had come into possession of the site, or would 'be entitled to the use of the road. 10. Money deposited. The money deposited with the county treasurer should be held for the benefits of the owner of the fee, and not for the mortgagee. 11. Value of receipt. Since the receipt of the treasurer for the money deposited with him for the owner of the land, may be the only evidence of title, such a receipt should have a full description of the property, and should be recorded by the county recorder. 12. Deed not necessary. No deed or other instrument from the owner is required to authorize the district to occupy the land for school purposes. The proceedings should be recorded in full by the district secretary. 13. Should be recorded. All deeds for school property should be re- corded with the county recorder, and the proceedings relating to the ac- quisition of such property should be recorded in full by the district sec- retary. 14. Abandonment condemnations-damages on appeal. A district may abandon the improvement and decline to pay the amount assessed. 113 Iowa, 486. 15. Application to supervisors. When land sought to be taken for a road has been legally condemned, and the amount found by the referees has been deposited with the county treasurer, application sihould be made by the board to the board of supervisors for the establishment of the road under sections 1482-1517. 16. Petition by electors. Petition to the board of supervisors may be made by the electors as individuals. 110 Iowa, 707. , 17. School property not exempt. The property of school districts in cities and towns is not exempt from special taxation, for improvement of streets and laying of sidewalks. 55 Iowa, 150. 18. Road how established. A road to the schoolhouse may be estab- lished in the same manner and by the proceedings provided for the estab- lishment of highways in general, and when the damages have been assessed, the district may pay the same. Sections 1482-1517. 19. Expense intended. The expense that is intended shall be paid by the district is not more than that of surveying, locating and establishing the highway. The building of bridges and the repair of the road with the funds of the district would not be warranted by the law. 20. Under control of. After a highway has become legally established it is wholly and entirely under the control of the board of supervisors. Code, section 1482. SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 97 21. Private way permissive use. The use by a non-owner of a private road is permissive and does not vest in him prescriptive rights in the same. 123 Iowa, 620. 22. Condemnation appeal notice. It is proper to serve notice of appeal on the county superintendent before whom condemnatory proceedings were commenced. 113 Iowa, 486. SEC. 2816. Reversion. In the case of non-user for school purposes for two years continuously of any real estate acquired for a school- house site it shall revert, with improvements thereon, to the owner of the tract from which it was taken, upon repayment of the pur- chase price without interest, together with the value of the improve- ments, to be determined by arbitration, but during its use the owner of the right of reversion shall have no interest in or control over the premises. [C. 73, 1828.] NOTES: 1. Reversionary clause. In case of the donation of a school- house site, the following reversionary clause may be appended to the deed: ''Provided, that if, for the space of two consecutive years said premises shall cease to be used for school purposes, the same shall revert to the original donor, his heirs or assigns, without legal hindrance or expense." 2. Receipt should describe site. Since the receipt of the treasurer for the money deposited with him, for the owner of the land, may be the only evidence of title, such receipt should have a full description of the property, and contain this proviso in addition to note 1 above: "Upon the repayment of the principal amount paid by the district, without interest, together with the value of any improvements thereon made by the district," and the receipt should be recorded by the county recorder. 3. When not non-user. When consent of county superintendent is se- cured to the closing of a school, the corporation may not be considered a non-user. See sections 2773, 2774. SEC. 2817. Use of barbed wire. Barbed wire shall not be used to enclose any school buildings or grounds, nor for any fence or other purpose within ten feet of any such grounds. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. [20 G. A., ch. 103.] NOTE: See also sections 2773, 2745-a.and 2745-b. APPEAL. SEC. 2818. Appeal to county superintendent. Any person aggrieved by any decision or order of the board of directors of any school cor- poration in a matter of law or fact may within thirty days after the rendition of such decision or the making of such order, appeal there- from to the county superintendent of the proper county; the basis of the proceedings shall be an affidavit filed with the county superintend- ent by the party aggrieved within the time for taking the appeal, which affidavit shall set forth any error complained of in a plain and concise manner. [C. 73, 1829-31; R., 2133-5.] NOTES: 1. Matters not appealable. There are many matters that may not .properly be brought before the county superintendent on appeal. From time to time questions are likely to arise upon which the board sihould be governed by its best judgment, or by competent legal advice. 2. Official opinions jurisdiction. School officers should not express an official opinion upon matters entirely outside of their jurisdiction. Upon 7 98 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. these subjects it is therefore useless to expect county superintendents, or this department, to give any other than general information, such as is pre- sumably already within the knowledge of those applying. 3. Affidavit of appeal effect of. The filing of an affidavit of appeal has the effect of arresting all action by the board in relation to the matter ap- pealed from until the appeal is disposed of. 4. Statu quo. During the pendency of an appeal all matters must remain in statu quo, and this can be enforced by writ of injunction. No opinion relating to matters involved in an appeal will be given by this department. 5. Affidavit. An affidavit is a written declaration sworn to before some officer authorized to administer oaths. Code, section 4673. 6. Jurisdiction affidavit. A county superintendent can have no juris- diction of an appeal case until the affidavit has been filed. Decisions, 5. 7. Affidavit necessary. A notice of intention to file an affidavit, a verbal complaint, or a petition, is not sufficient to give the county superintendent jurisdiction in appeal cases. Form 45. 8. Affidavit contents. The affidavit should contain a statement (5f the decision complained of and its date, a statement of facts showing that the appellant has an interest in the decision and is injuriously affected by it, and the assignment of errors. Form 45. 9. Affidavit must be clear. An affidavit of appeal, to be of any value, must he sufficiently clear to enable the county superintendent to call upon the secretary for a complete transcript of an action that must 'be described so as to be identified. 10. Title of case. This affidavit being the first paper filed, care should be taken that the case is properly entitled, and this title should be pre- served throughout the further progress of the appeal. The date of filing should be indorsed upon the affidavit by the superintendent. 11. Notice of filing effect. When a board receives official notice that an affidavit of appeal from its order has been filed, all action by the board in relation to the matter appealed from will be suspended until the decision in appeal has been given. 12. Bight of appeal. The right of appeal is limited to persons aggrieved or injuriously affected by the decision or order complained of. Decisions, 21, 33. 13. When barred. If a person aggrieved by a decision or order of the board fails to protect his rights by taking an appeal within the thirty days prescribed, he is barred by the statute from the remedy of appeal. 14. Computing time. In computing time the first day shall be excluded and the last included, unless the last falls on Sunday, in which case the time prescribed shall be extended so as to include the whole of the follow- ing Monday. Code, section 48, subsection 23. 15. Discretionary act weight of. When the act complained of is of a discretionary character, the action of the board should be sustained, unless it is clearly shown that the board violated law, abused its discretion, or acted with manifest injustice. Decisions, 44, 57, 61, 66. 16. Choice of remedies. In certain cases an aggrieved party has a choice of legal remedies. 56 Iowa, 476. 17. Mandamus. As an appeal often consumes valuable time, mandamus is sometimes a more speedy as well as a better remedy, to compel the per- formance of an official duty. Decisions, 13, 39. 18. Mandatory Mandamus. Where the law is mandatory in requiring the board to act upon a petition, the remedy for its refusal is mandamus and not appeal. 86 Iowa, 669. 19. Violation of mandatory law mandamus. When a board violates a mandatory requirement, application by an interested party to a court for a writ to compel the board to act as directed by the statute is the more speedy and preferable remedy. 44 Iowa, 432; 50 Iowa, ^48, and 71 Iowa, 632. Decisions, 39. 20. Certiorari. A writ of certiorari is never used to correct a mere error, but only to test the jurisdiction of the tribunal and the legality of its actiton. 118 Iowa, 519; 55 Iowa, 215. SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 99 22. Action of board defined. By an action of the board is meant a vote taken by it and made of record at a meeting legally constituted. The board may at any time correct mistakes in its record, or supply omissions. 23. When no appeal. Appeal cannot be taken where the board simply refuses or neglects to act. 71 Iowa, 632. 21. When appeal will lie. That an appeal may lie there must be an order or action by the board. To compel an action, appeal is not the remedy, but application to a court of law. Decisions, 93. 24. Remedy in case of neglect. In case of wilful neglect or intentional failure to take action as intended by the law, the remedy for any party aggrieved is application to a court for a writ to require the board to consider and act upon the important matter brought to its attention. And its order when made of record will then be subject to be made the basis of an appeal. 25. Complete record. If desirable to clear the record, or to make a mat- ter plain beyond question, sometimes the board may re-enact all its former transactions with regard to the matter involved. If it is supposed that the board took an action which purposely was not made a matter of record, it may be compelled by an order of court to complete its record. 26. Initiatory step no appeal. No appeal may be taken from the action of the board taking the initiatory step, while it requires the concurrence of another board to complete the action. The concurrence or refusal of the second board is the order from which an appeal may be taken. Note 13 to section 2802. 27. To lay on table. An appeal may be taken from an action of the board to lay a petition on the table. Decisions, 101. 28. Jurisdiction de novo. In an appeal to the county and state super- intendent of public instruction, from the action of the board fixing bound- aries, fthe superintendents have jurisdiction de novo, and can enter any order that the board could have made in the matter. 110 Iowa, 652; 95 Iowa, 300; 69 Iowa, 161. For contrary opinion see Jos. Doubet vs. Ind. Dist.'Clearfield, 111 N. W., 326. 29. Discharge effect of appeal. An appeal to the county superintendent settles conclusively the wrongfulness of the teacher's discharge, though such appeal was determined on the ground that plaintiff had not been given a hearing before the board of directors, and not on the merits of the case. 110 Iowa, 313. 30. Burden of proof. In a trial before the county superintendent on an appeal from an action of the board discharging a teacher, the burden of proof is on the board. Decisions, 116. 31. Review of actions of boards. While the review of the action of a school board with reference to a matter within its jurisdiction is by appeal to the county superintendent, yet the question of whether the board had power to make a certain rule for the government of the schools, can be reviewed .by the court in a mandamus proceeding. 129 Iowa, 441. 32. Discretionary acts appeal. When a county superintendent is exer- cising a discretionary act the courts will not interfere and any abuse of discretion must be remedied on appeal. 110 Iowa, 30. See also 93 Iowa, 269. 107 Iowa, 29, differs. 33. Notice of appeal on whom served. Notice served on the president of the board is held to be sufficient. 113 Iowa, 486. 34. Expediency review of. A question of expediency cannot be re- viewed by certiorari. 61 Iowa, 334. 35. Appeal when necessary. Before an action for damages may be maintained, the wrongfullness of the discharge must be determined by appeal. Section 2782, 53 Iowa, 585. See note 29. But the remedy of one dis- charged on the ground of illegality of contract is by an action in court. 107 Iowa, 29. SEC. 2819. Hearing and decision. The county superintendent shall, within five days after the filing of such affidavit in his office, notify the secretary of the proper school corporation in writing of the taking of such appeal; the latter shall, within ten days after being thus notified, file in the office of the county superintendent a 100 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. complete transcript of the record and proceedings relating to the de- cision complained of, which transcript shall be certified to be correct by the secretary; after the filing of the transcript aforesaid the county superintendent shall notify in writing all persons adversely interested of the time and place where the matter of the appeal will be heard by him. At the time fixed for the hearing he shall hear testimony for either party, and he shall make such decision as may be just and equitable, which shall be final unless appealed from as here- inafter provided. [C. '73, 1832-4; R., 2136-8.] NOTES: 1. Notice of appeal. The notice should describe the decision or order appealed from, so that it may be identified, and sihould require the district secretary to file the transcript with the superintendent within the time specified. The notice may be served personally or sent by mail. Form 46. 2. Secretary's transcript. The secretary shall make and forward a tran- script or copy of the record of all actions of the board relating to the decision or order appealed from; also of all petitions, remonstrances, plats, and other papers pertaining thereto. The original papers mus-t be pre- served with the district records. Form 47. 3. Basis of appeal. The basis of an appeal is the recorded action of the board. If the secretary certifies that there is no record of an action by the board in any such matter as is described in the notice for a transcript, then it will be impossible to carry forward the appeal. Notes 22 to 24, section 2818. * 4. Effect of delay in filing transcript. A failure to file the transcript will not affect the proceedings in any other way than to cause delay. The secretary will take the risk of censure by a court for failure to attend to his official duty. Decisions, 34, Laws of 1897. 5. Date of hearing. The time to elapse between the filing of the tran- script and the hearing of the appeal is not fixed by the statute. This is left to the county superintendent to determine. 6. Notice of hearing. Notice of the time and place of hearing should be given to the appellant, to the secretary of the board, and to any other persons known to be directly interested. The notices may be served per- sonally or sent by mail. Form 48. 7. Notice to whom sent. The appellant, the president, the secretary of the board, and other parties known to be directly interested, should receive a copy of this notice. 8. Date of filing indorsement. The date of filing every paper should be indorsed thereon; also in the case of motions, orders and rulings of the county superintendent. All oral motions and an abstract of the testimony should be reduced to writing at the time of trial. 9. Docket. The docket or minutes of the superintendent should com- mence by noting the filing of the affidavit. He will afterward, as the acts transpire, record the sending of the notice of appeal to the district secre- tary, the filing of the transcript, the sending of notices of the hear- ing, and any adjournment of the case that may be granted. At the trial he will carefully note down the names of all parties appearing, and their postoffice address, and whether they appear for or against the appeal; also, the filing of all papers and names of witnesses, and in whose behalf such papers or witnesses are introduced. The decision of the superintendent will form an appropriate close of his minutes. 10. Under oath. All evidence must be given under oath, and the sub- stance reduced to writing at the time by the county superintendent. It is recommended that a summary of what each witness testifies be made, read to the witness, and signed by him. It is of the first importance that the record of the testimony be full and accurate, as the decision of the county superintendent, also of the superintendent of public instruction, in case the appeal is carried up, must be based upon the record of evidence intro- duced. This testimony should be preserved with the other papers of the case, SCHOOL LAWS' OF 7OWA. 101 11. Introduction of evidence. While the county superintendent will not be prevented from entertaining and considering testimony not before the board, the general rule and practice should be to attempt to confine the hearing as far as practicable to the matters considered by the board and to the facts, statements, and testimony, that were within the possession of the board at the time the action complained of, which is being reviewed by the county superintendent, was taken. 12. Preserving order. In case of disturbance or interruption during the trial of an appeal before a county superintendent, as he is not invested with complete judicial power, he has only the ordinary remedy of complaint to the proper authorities. Code, section 5033. 13. Call witness. Tihe county superintendent may upon his own motion call any witness to the stand and have his testimony taken. 14. Technicalities. While mere technicalities should not toe permitted to prevent the attainment of justice, it is proper that as to evidence and practice the superintendent should be governed by many of the rules which ordinarily obtain in courts. 15. Question to be determined. The leading question to be determined by the county superintendent is wihether in making the decision or order complained of, the board committed error to such an extent as to require a reversal. 16. Discretionary acts weight of. Acts of a board purely discretionary in their nature should be given great weight. To warrant a reversal, posi- tive error must be found, and such error must appear clearly in the testi- mony. 17. Remanding. When an appellate tribunal is unable to decide an appeal because the testimony is insufficient or the transcript of the action of the board is incomplete, and the facts are not sufficiently shown to determine what should be done, the case may be remanded for a new trial, or for further action by the board. 18. Report of decision. To those interested in the issue of an appeal the county superintendent should send a statement of the result; that is, whether the order of the board was affirmed or reversed. 19. Stenographer evidence. The expense of a stenographer should not be incurred unless the parties to the case provide for defraying it. An abstract of the testimony of each witness should be made and should be signed by him before he is excused. See note 3, section 2821. 20. Decision jurisdiction. Section 2818, notes 27 to 34. SEC. 2820. Appeal to state superintendent no money judgment. An appeal may be taken from the decision of the county superintendent to the superintendent of public instruction in the same manner as pro- vided in this chapter for taking appeals from the board of a school cor- poration to the county superintendent, as nearly as applicable, except that thirty days' notice of the appeal shall be given by the appellant to the county superintendent, and also to the adverse party. The de- cision when made shall be final. Nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to authorize either the county or state superintendent to render judgment for money; neither shall they be allowed any other compensation than is now allowed by law. All necessary postage must first be paid by the party aggrieved. [C. '73, 1835-6; R 2139-40.] NOTES: 1. Appeals manner of conducting. Appeals to the superin- tendent of public instruction are conducted in the same manner and gov- erned by the same rules, so far as applicable, as appeals to county super- intendents. The basis of appeal must be an affidavit filed in the office of the superintendent of public instruction, within thirty days from the date of the decision appealed from. 102 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 2. Notice to county superintendent. Upon the filing of an affidavit the superintendent of public instruction will notify the county superintendent to forward a transcript of the papers in the case within thirty days. The original papers must be preserved on file in the county superintendent's office. 3. County superintendent's transcript. When an appeal is taken to the superintendent of public instruction, the county superintendent must have a copy of the testimony and of his docket prepared. It is very desirable that this transcript should be in typewritten work. 4. What included. The transcript of the county superintendent will consist of a literal copy of every paper filed and all indorsements thereon, together with a copy of all testimony given, the whole arranged in chrono- logical order, closing with the decision of the county superintendent in full, with the certificate annexed. Form 49. 5. Transcript a copy. The transcript in an appeal is supposed to be an exact copy of the papers and testimony in the case, preserved on file in the office of the county superintendent. Any one interested may claim the privilege of examining the original records in the case, at any proper time. 6. Expense of stenographer. It is obvious that the county superintendent himself should not be expected to pay for having a typewritten transcript of the record made in an appeal to the superintendent of public instruction. Expenses of this character, closely connected by law with the work of the county superintendent's office, should be paid for by the board of super- visors in the same manner that assistance is furnished to other county officers when needed. 7. Notice. The law requires that the appellant shall give thirty days' notice to the county superintendent, and also to the adverse party, of the taking of the appeal. This notice should be served as soon as the affidavit of appeal has been filed and proof of such service should be filed with the affidavit. The time for final hearing of the appeal will be fixed by the superintendent of public instruction, and may be at any time after thirty days from the filing of the affidavit. 8. Appearance. At the hearing, parties interested may appear person- ally or by attorney, and argue their cases orally if they desire, or they may send arguments in writing or if possible, in typewriting. 9. Sourre of data. The record of the case in the office of the county superintendent, which is a public record and open to examination by parties interested, will furnish all needed data, where access to transcript sent up is inconvenient. 10. Original evidence. The superintendent of public instruction will not hear original testimony in cases submitted to him. Decisions, 50, Laws of 1897. 11. Revocation of certificate appeal. Any person aggrieved by the action of a county superintendent revoking a certificate may. appeal to the super- intendent of public instruction, provided such appeal is taken within ten days from the mailing of the notice of revocation. Section 2734-u. 12. Decision enforcement. A person in whose favor an appeal is de- cided has the remedy of a writ of mandamus from a court of law to enforce the decision of appeal. 69 Iowa, 533, and 72 Iowa, 379. 13. Decision final. A decision in appeal by a county superintendent or the superintendent of public instruction is final in the sense that no court will attempt to review or set aside such a decision if the matters included are clearly within the jurisdiction of such school officers. 69 Iowa, 533, and 110 Iowa, 652. 14. When board may take different action. An appeal decision does not always prevent the board from acting anew upon the matters involved in the appeal. If the order of a board is affirmed the board will be left free to take any action thought best by it; that is, it will have the same freedom to act that it would have if no appeal had been taken. 15. Mandamus. Until the board has taken a different action no doubt mandamus will be a remedy to compel the board to carry into effect the appeal decision and the former action of the board. 16. Remanding. If it is shown conclusively that a transcript is mate- rially defective, that valuable testimony heard upon the trial before the SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 103 county superintendent is not included in the transcript, or that testimony which sihould not have been omitted was excluded, an appeal case may be remanded to the county superintendent for another trial. 17. Reversing a reversaleffect. When the decision of the county su- perintendent on appeal, reversing the order of the board, is reversed by the superintendent of public instruction on the appeal to him, the effect of the last decision, which is final, is to affirm the original order made by the board, and the result of this is to leave the matter as entirely in the hands of the board as though no appeal had ever been taken from its action. Decisions, 57. 18. Affirming a reversal effect. . But if the county superintendent re- verses an order of the board and the superintendent of public instruction affirms the decision of the county superintendent, such decision will prevent the board from taking any action in the matter until some material change occurs, rendering such a new action necessary. Decisions, 40, 74. 19. Postage. Payment for postage in advance will be required with the affidavit. It is impossible to tell what amount of postage will be needed in each case, and one dollar will be required to cover all needed postage. If the dollar does not accompany the affidavit, the filing will be delayed until the amount is received. 20. Material change of conditions different action. A material change of conditions in a corporation may warrant a board of directors in taking action different from that ordered by the county superintendent or superin- tendent of public instruction on appeal. Doubet v. Board of Directors, 111 N. W., 326. See also 70 Iowa, 338. Decisions 44. 21. Witnesses fees. Section 2821 below. SEC. 2820-a to 2820-d. Indebtedness authorized bonds. Following section 2812-f and 1306-b. See page 92. SEC. 2820-e to 2820-h. Consolidation in cities of fifty thousand or more. Following section 2794-a. See page 76. SEC. 2821. Witnesses fees. The county superintendent in all matters triable before him shall have power to issue subpoenas for witnesses, which may be served by any peace officer, compel the at- tendance of those thus served, and the giving of evidence by them, in the same manner and to the same extent as the district court may do, and such witnesses and officers may be allowed the same compensation as is paid for like attendance or service in such court, which shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the proper school corporation, upon the certificate of the superintendent to and warrant of the secretary upon the treasurer; but if the superintendent is of the opinion that the proceedings were instituted without reasonable cause therefor, or if, in case of an appeal, it shall not be sustained, he shall enter such findings in the record, and tax all costs to the party responsible therefor. A transcript thereof shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the district court and a judgment entered there- on by him, which shall be collected as other judgments. NOTES: 1. Costs includes what. The term costs includes only witness fees and fees to officers for the service of subpoenas. Fees cannot be allowed to any witness unless such witness is subpoenaed by the county superintendent. Decisions, 109. 2. Filing transcript. When an appeal is taken from the decision of the county superintendent that officer should not file his transcript of costs with the clerk of courts until the case is finally determined by this depart- ment. Bond for costs cannot be required. Decisions, 98. 3. Stenographer expense of. The expenses of a stenographer cannot be taxed as a part of the costs. There is no authority in law to employ a 104 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. stenographer and tax the expenses of such stenographer as costs in an appeal case. Opinion of attorney-general, 1899. 4. Rehearing costs. Section 2821 does not provide for the payment of costs or expenses in case of a rehearing on the question of issuing a certifi- cate. SEC. 2822. Penalties. Any school officer wilfully violating any provision of this chapter, or wilfully failing or refusing to perform any duty imposed by law, shall forfeit and pay into the treasury of the particular school corporation in which the violation occurs the sum of twenty-five dollars, action to recover which shall be brought in the name of the proper school corporation, and be applied to the use of the schools therein. [C. '73, 1746, 1786; R, 2047, 2081; C. '51, 1137.] SEC. 2823. Provisions apply to all corporations issuance of bonds. The provisions of this chapter shall apply alike to all districts, except when otherwise clearly stated, and the power given to one form of cor- poration, or to a board in one known corporation, shall be exercised by the other in the same manner, as nearly as practicable. But school boards shall not incur original indebtedness by the issuance of bonds until authorized by the voters of the school corporation. NOTE: What included. The chapter referred to in this section includes everything contained in the school laws from section 2743 to section 2823-4 inclusive. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. SEC. 2823-a. Duties of parents or guardians penalty. Any person having control of any child of the age of seven (7) to fourteen (14) years inclusive, in proper physical and mental condition to attend school, shall cause such child to attend some public, private, or parochial school, where the common school branches of reading, writing, spelling, arith- metic, grammar, geography, physiology, and United States history are taught, or to attend upon equivalent instruction by a competent teacher elsewhere than school, for at least sixteen (16) consecutive school weeks in each school year, commencing with the first week of school after the first day of September, unless the board of school directors shall deter- mine upon a later date which date shall not be later than the first Monday in December. Provided, that this section shall not apply to any child who lives more than two (2) miles from any school by the nearest traveled road except in those districts in which the pupils are transported at public expense, or who is excused for sufficient reasons by any court of record or judge thereof. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not less than three ($3) dollars nor more than twenty ($20) dollars, for each offense. [30 G. A., ch. 116, 1; 29 G. A., ch. 128, 1.] NOTE: Seven to fourteen, inclusive meaning. The language of the section "to fourteen years" cannot be construed to extend beyond the time when the child becomes fourteen years of age. The word "inclusive" follow- ing clearly applies to the time intervening between the ages of seven and fourteen years. * * * I am therefore of the opinion that the word "inclusive," as used in the section, does not extend the period during which a child can be compelled to attend school beyond the time he becomes four- teen years of age. Report of attorney general, 1904, page 95. SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 105 SEC. 2823-b. Reports to secretary. Upon notice from the secretary of the school corporation within which such school is conducted, it shall be the duty of each principal of each private or parochial school, once during each school year, and at any time when requested in individual cases, and within ten days from the receipt of such notice, to furnish to such secretary a certificate and report of the names, ages and attendance of the pupils in attendance at such school during the preceding year and from the time of the last preceding report to the time at which a report is required and any person having the control of any child be- tween seven and fourteen years of age inclusive, who shall place the same under private instruction, not in a regularly conducted school, upon receiving notice from the secretary of the school corporation, shall fur- nish a like certificate stating the name and age of such child and the period of time during which said child has been under said private in- struction ; and any person having the control of such child who is phys- ically or mentally unable to attend school, public or private, shall furnish proofs by affidavit or affidavits as to the physical or mental condition of such child. All such certificates, reports and proofs shall be filed and preserved in the office of the secretary of the school corporation as a part of the records of his office. [29 G. A., ch. 128, 2.] SEC. 2823-c. Certified copies. It shall be the duty of the secretary of the school corporation to furnish to any person interested, where so requested, certified copies of all certificates contemplated by this act, on file in his office. [29 G. A., ch. 128, 3.] SEC. 2823-d. Truant schools. The board of directors of any school corporation may establish truant schools, or set apart separate rooms in any public school building, for the instruction of children who are habitually truant from instruction, as contemplated by this act. Such directors may provide for the confinement, maintenance, and in- struction of such children in such schools, under such reasonable rules and regulations as they may prescribe. If any child, committed or sent to the truant school shall prove insubordinate and escape from such school during school hours, or absent himself or herself therefrom with- out the consent of the persons in charge thereof, then it shall be the duty of the person in charge of said school with the consent of the parent or guardian to file information before the judge of a court of record, who may, if the charge be found to be true and the said child be habitually vagrant, disorderly, or incorrigible commit such child to one of the in- dustrial schools of the state, under the same proceeding as is provided by section twenty-seven hundred eight (2708) of the code so far as the same may be applicable. [29 G. A., ch. 128, 4.] SEC. 2823-e. Truant officers. The board or directors of each school corporation may, and in school corporations having a population of twenty thousand (20,000) or more shall, at their annual meeting in each year, appoint one or more truant officers, who shall serve for one year, and who may be a constable or a member of the police force, whose duty it shall be to report violations of this act to the secretary of the school corporation, and see to the enforcement of the provisions of this act. It shall be the duty of said truant officer or officers to apprehend and take into custody without warrant any child of the age of seven 106 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. (7) to fourteen (14) years inclusive, who habitually frequents or loiters about public places during school hours without lawful occupation, or cannot produce a certificate as provided in section two (2) hereof, also any truant child who absents himself or herself from school, and place him or her in charge of the teacher having charge of any school, which said child is entitled to attend, and which school may be designated to said officers by the person having legal control of such child : Provided,, however, in case the school so designated by the parent or person having the care and control of said child be a public school it shall be such as directed by the rules and regulations of the school board and the statutes of the state, and if other than a public school, the maintenance of said child in such school shall be without expense to the school corporation or state. Upon failure of such child to properly attend or when on report of the teacher having the custody of such child, said child is shown to not properly conduct itself in the school where placed as herein provided, the child may be removed therefrom by the board of directors and placed either in a public school or a truant school conducted in said district. The truant officer or officers 1 shall be entitled to such compen- sation for service rendered under this act, as shall be fixed by the board of directors appointing him or them, which compensation shall be paid from the contingent fund of 'said district. [30 G. A., eh. 116, 2 ; 29 G. A., ch. 128, 5.] SEC. 2823-f. Enforcement. It shall be the duty of the director or president of any board of directors, or any truant officers appointed by such board of directors, to enforce the provisions of this act, to sue for and recover the penalties herein provided, and to institute criminal prosecution against any person violating the provisions of this act, and any such officers neglecting to do so within thirty (30) days after a written notice has been served upon him by any citizen of said district or the county superintendent of the county within which the offending person shall reside, shall himself be liable for a fine of not less than ten ($10) dollars nor more than twenty ($20) dollars for each offense. [32 G. A., ch. 154; 29 G. A., ch. 128, 6.] SEC. 2823-g. Teachers and school officers duties. All teachers of the public schools of the state, and county superintendents, and school officers and employes shall promptly report to the secretary of the school corporation any violations of the provisions of this act, of which they have knowledge or information, and he shall promptly inform the presi- dent of the board of directors thereof and such president shall, if neces- sary, call a meeting of the board of directors to take such action thereon as the facts shall justify, and any child placed in any truant school may be discharged therefrom at the discretion of the board, upon sufficient assurance of the future good conduct of such child. [29 G. A., ch. 128, 7.] SEC. 2823-h. Provisions for punishment. The board of directors of every school corporation is hereby authorized to provide such reason- able methods of punishment of children who are habitually truant from school, or who habitually frequent or loiter about public places during school hours without lawful occupation, as may be necessary to carry out and make effectual the provisions of this act, [29 G. A., ch, 128, 8.] SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 107 SEC. 2823-i. School census. It shall be the duty of all officers, em- powered to take the school census, to ascertain the number of children of the ages of seven (7) to fourteen (14) years, inclusive, in their respec- tive districts, the number of such children who do not attend school, and so far as possible, the cause of failure to attend school. [29 G. A., ch. 128, 9.] SCHOOL LAWS SALE. SEC. 2823-j. County auditors requisition duplicate receipts. On or before the 15th day of November of each year, the auditor of each county shall make an estimate of the number of copies of the school laws of Iowa as will, in his judgment, be required to supply the demand for such laws in his county, in addition to the number of copies of said school laws furnished by the state as provided for in section 2624, chapter 1, title 13 of the code. The county auditor shall transmit his estimate to the superintendent of public instruction, together with a requisition for the number of copies required. On receipt of the requisition the super- intendent of publie instruction shall forward to the county auditor the number of copies named in the requisition. On receipt of the copies transmitted to him, the county auditor shall execute receipts therefor in duplicate, one of which he shall immediately transmit to the superin- tendent of public instruction and the other to the state auditor. [27 G. A., ch. 90, 1.] SEC. 2823-k. Sale price. The county auditor shall keep for sale at his office in the court house of the county, copies of the school laws of the state of Iowa, which he shall receive in the manner hereinbefore provided, at a price not to exceed twenty (20) cents per copy of such laws, bound in paper and not to exceed 30 cents per copy of such laws bound in cloth and pay the proceeds of such sales into the county treasury on or before the 15th day of November of each year. [27 G. A., ch. 90, 2.] SEC. 2823-1. Statement of copies sold. The said county auditor shall also on or before the 15th day of November of each year, make out in writing under oath, a statement of the number of copies sold by him and not before accounted for, and the number remaining on hand and the amount paid' to the county treasurer, and transmit such statement to the auditor of state, who shall charge the county treasurer with such amount, and the superintendent of public instruction shall certify to the state auditor the number of copies transmitted to each county auditor and the state auditor shall charge each county auditor therewith, and subsequently credit him with such as may be sold or otherwise lawfully disposed of. [27 G. A., ch. 90, 3.] SEC. 2823-m. Copies delivered to successor. When the county audi- tor goes out of office, having any such copies remaining, he shall deliver them to his successor, taking his receipt therefor in duplicate, one of which shall be sent to the state auditor which shall be his sufficient dis- charge for the same. [27 G. A., ch. 90, 4.] 108 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. LIBRARIES. SEC. 2823-n. Libi'ui'y fuiu. ILe treasurer of each school township and each rural independent district in this state shall withhold annually, from the money received from the apportionment for the several school districts, not less than five nor more than fifteen cents, as may be ordered by the board, for each person of school age residing in each school cor- poration, as shown by the annual report of the secretary, for the pur- chase of books as hereinafter provided. When so ordered by the board of directors, the provisions of this section shall apply to any independent district. [28 G. A., ch. 23, 1.] NOTES: 1. Mandatory. It is mandatory upon the treasurer in each school township and each rural independent district to withhold from the appor- tionment each year a certain number of cents for each person between the ages of 5 and 21 years, for the purchase of library books. 2. Amount withheld. The amount withheld, annually, for each person, may not exceed fifteen cents, nor be less than five cents. The exact amount per pupil is left to the discretion of the board of directors, and may vary from one year to another. In determining the amount the board should consider the special needs of the district. 3. Contingent fund. Under section 2783, the board may use the con- tingent fund to purchase dictionaries, library books, maps, charts, and ap- paratus, to an amount not exceeding twenty-five dollars in any one year for each schoolroom under its charge. 4. When apply to city and town districts. The provisions of the law apply to independent districts having cities, towns, and villages, only when so ordered by the board of directors. Independent districts without libraries should avail themselves of the benefits of the law. 5. Schoolhouse fund. The electors may vote schoolhouse fund for the purchase of library books. Section 2749. SEC. 2823-0. Purchase of books distribution. Between the third Monday of September and the first day of December in each year the president and secretary of the board, with the assistance of the county superintendent of schools, shall expend all money withheld by the treas- urer as provided in section one of this act, in the purchase of books selected from the lists prepared by the state board of educational ex- aminers as herein-after provided, for the use of the school district; in school townships the secretary shall distribute the books thus selected to the librarians among the several subdistricts, -and at least semi-annually collect the same and distribute others. [28 G. A., ch. 23, 2.] NOTES: 1. Use of library fund. The money withheld by the treasurer cannot be used for any purpose except the purchase of books. All expenses such as freight charges, express, postage, exchange, library cases, and record books, should be paid from the contingent fund. 2. Listing inspecting. The county superintendents in visiting schools should carefully inspect the library to see that it is properly kept; that the books are properly listed and labeled, and that the teachers know the best use to make of it. SEC. 2823-p. State board of educational examiners to prepare list of books. It is hereby made the duty of the state board of educational examiners to prepare annually or biennially lists of books suitable for use in school district libraries, and furnish copies of such lists to each president, secretary, and each county superintendent, as often as the same shall be published or revised, from which lists the several presi- dents and secretaries and county superintendents shall select and pur- chase books. [28 G. A., ch. 23, 3.] SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 109 NOTE: What may be purchased. It is illegal to purchase books or editions not included in the list recommended by the state board of ex- aminers. SEC. 2823-q. Record book. It shall be the duty of each secretary to keep in a record book, furnished by the board of directors, a complete record of the books purchased and distributed by him. [28 G. A., ch. 23, 4.] SEC. 2823-r. Librarian. Unless the board of directors shall elect some other person, the secretary in independent districts and director in subdistricts in school townships shall act as librarian and shall receive and have the care and custody of the books, and shall loan them to teachers, pupils, and other residents of the district, in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the state board of educational examiners and board of directors. Each librarian shall keep a complete record of the books in a record book furnished by the board of directors. During the periods that the school is in session the library shall be placed in the schoolhouse, and the teacher shall be responsible to the district for ite proper care and protection. The board of directors shall have super- vision of all books and shall make an equitable distribution thereof among the schools of the corporation. [28 G. A., ch. 23, 5.] NOTES: 1. Librarian duties of. Much of the success of the library work will depend upon the librarian, and it is urged that great care be taken in making the selection. 2. Library free. The library is free to all pupils of suitable age, teachers and residents of the district, and the librarian shall- loan the books to them in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the state board of educational examiners, and the board of directors. 3. Where kept. The library must be kept in the schoolhouse during the term of school. At other times it is placed under the control of the librarian. 4. Transfer to successor. Each school officer, upon the termination of his term of office, shall immediately surrender to his successor all books, papers, and moneys pertaining or belonging to the office, taking a receipt therefor. Code, section 2770. VOCAL MUSIC. SEC. 2823-s. Instruction in vocal music authorized. That the ele- ments of vocal music, including when practical the singing of simple music by note, be taught in all of the public schools of Iowa, and that all teachers teaching in schools where such instruction is not given by special teachers be required to satisfy the county superintendent of their ability to teach the elements of vocal music in a proper manner. Pro- vided, however, that no teacher shall be refused a certificate or the grade of his or her certificate lowered on account of lack of ability to sing. [28 G. A., ch. 109, 1.] NOTE: Music required. For a first grade certificate, section 2734-d; for a second, section 2734-h, note 1; for a third, section 2734-i, note 1. SEC. 2823-t. Normal institute. That it shall be the duty of each county superintendent to have taught annually in the normal institute the elements of vocal music. [28 G. A., ch. 109, 2.] 110 SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. TEXT-BOOKS ADOPTION PURCHASE LOANING. SEC. 2824. Adoption contract agent. The board of directors of each and every school corporation in the state of Iowa is hereby author- ized and empowered to adopt text-books for the teaching of all branches that are now or may hereafter be authorized to be taught in the public schools of the state, and to contract for and buy said books and any and all other necessary school supplies at said contract prices, and to sell the same to the pupils of their respective districts at cost, and said money so received shall be returned to the contingent fund. The books and supplies so purchased shall be under the charge of the board, who may select one or more persons within the county to keep said books and supplies for sale, and, to insure the safety of the books and moneys, the board shall require of each person so appointed a bond in such sum as may seem to the board to be desirable. [25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 1, 2.] NOTES: 1. Term of contract. There is nothing in this and the following sections from which it can be inferred that a contract must be entered into for five years. The law does not attempt to fix an exact limitation as to the time for which a contract should be made. It seems to be the intent of the law that the board of directors or the county board of education should carefully avoid making a contract which might have the effect of binding its successors in office. 2. Books must be used. It is within the power of any board to forbid the use of other books than those adopted for the district, and to provide by rule or regulation that scholars persistently and continuously refusing to conform to such regulation shall be refused instruction until they comply with the rule. Teachers failing to regard a rule or direction of the board that instruction be given from no other books than those legally in use, take the risk of being cited for trial under section 2782. 3. Cost how construed. The word cost, in this section, should be under- stood to mean contract price. Any extra expense connected with securing the books should not be added to their purchase price, but should be paid from the contingent fund, upon separate orders. In this way the cost to the purchaser will agree with the contract price, and uniformity in cost for the same book will obtain all over a large district having several selling places, and will also be common in many districts and counties, while the extra expense for handling, drayage, storage, etc., may differ somewhat in connection with each different person selected to keep the books for sale. 4. Other necessary school supplies. We think the words any and all other necessary school supplies are intended to include only such articles as it is customary for parents to purchase for the use of their children in school work. For instance, globes and charts have not been furnished by the children. They cannot be bought with the money of the district, resold, and the money returned to the contingent fund as directed by the law. 5. Text-books included. Text-books of every variety, in all classes and grades, and all kinds of supplies usually purchased by the children for use in the schools for the purpose of instruction, may be purchased under this act. 6. Responsibility of board. It is evidently not the intention to impose a hardship upon the person wiho keeps the books and supplies for sale, but simply to guard the district against possible loss. The board is not to be considered as released in the slightest decree from its obligation, under the general law, to protect the funds. The bond is required for additional pro- tection. Form 50. Nor will the fact that the board requires a bond from another person in any way release the treasurer from his absolute responsi- bility for all funds of the district coming into his hands, from whatever source. 7. Contracts made conditional. In order to avoid a possible misunder- standing, every contract should be made subject to the action of the electors as provided for in section 2829. SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. Ill 8. Adoption of text-books contract. See McNees vs. School Township of East River, Page County, 110 N. W., 325. SEC. 2825. Use of contingent fund additional tax. All the books and other supplies purchased under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid for out of the contingent fund, and the board of directors shall annually certify to the board of supervisors the additional amount neces- sary to levy for the contingent fund of said district to pay for such books and supplies. But such additional amount shall not exceed in any one year the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each pupil residing in the school corporation, and the amount so levied shall be paid out on war- rants drawn for the payment of books and supplies only, but the district shall contract no debt for that purpose. [25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 2.] NOTES: 1. Contingent fund use of. Any contingent fund on hand may be used to purchase books and supplies. As the proceeds from sales must be returned at once to the contingent fund, no large additional amount will ordinarily be needed to enable the average district to secure books and supplies under this law. 2. Contingent fund estimate for. When the board is estimating the levy for the contingent fund, it may include in the estimate an amount needed to pay any necessary expense connected with securing the books. 3. Orders audited. All payments under this chapter must be made. in strict accordance with the other provisions of law governing the disburse- ment of school moneys. No order for any purpose may be drawn until the account has been regularly audited by the board. Section 2780. 4. Price to pupils. It is desirable that the cost to the scholar shall be the lowest possible. Any extra expense connected with securing the books should not be added to their purchase price, but sihould be paid out of the contingent fund, upon separate orders. In this way the cost to the pur- chaser will agree with the contract price, and uniformity in cost for the same book will be common in many districts and counties. Note 3 to sec- tion 2824. 5. Anticipate taxes. While the district may contract no indebtedness for the purchase of books and supplies, the board may anticipate the levy and collection of taxes certified for those purposes. SEC. 2826. Purchase exchange. In the purchasing of text-books it shall be the duty of the board of directors or the county board of education to take into consideration the books then in use in the respec- tive districts, and they may buy such additional number of said books as may from time to time become necessary to supply their schools, and they may arrange on equitable terms for exchange of books in use for new books adopted. [25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 3.] NOTE: Uniformity of books. The good of the schools will be best ad- vanced if it is ordered that the same book or books in any branch must be used in all the schools of the same grade in the district. This will sim- plify the purchase, and also facilitate the introduction of uniform books. SEC. 2827. Suit on bond. If at any time the publishers of such books as shall have been adopted by any board of directors or county board of education shall neglect or refuse to furnish such books when ordered by said board in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, at the very lowest price, either contract or wholesale, that such books are furnished any other district or state board, then said board of direct- ors or county board of education may and it is hereby made their duty to bring suit upon the bond given them by the contracting publisher. [25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 4.] 112 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. SEC. 2828. Bids. Before purchasing text-books under the pro- visions of this chapter, it shall be the duty of the board of directors, or county board of education, to advertise, by publishing a notice once each week for three consecutive weeks in one or more newspapers pub- lished in the county; said notice shall state the time up to which all bids will be received, the classes and grades for which text-books and other necessary supplies are to be bought, and the approximate quantity needed ; and said board shall award the contract for said text-books and supplies to any responsible bidder or bidders offering suitable text-books and supplies at the lowest prices, taking into consideration the quality of material used, illustrations, binding, and all other things that go to make up a desirable text-book; and may, to the end that they may be fully advised, consult the county superintendent, or, in case of city in- dependent districts, with city superintendent or other competent person, with reference to the selection of text-books: Provided, that the board may reject any and all bids, or any part thereof, and re-advertise there- for as above provided. [31 G. A., ch. 9, 4; 25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 5.] NOTE: Must advertise. A board may not secure the advantages of purchasing text-books without first advertising for bids and letting the con- tract in the manner required. And this is equally true even if it is expected that a new contract will be made for the books in present use. Form 5. 110 N. W., 325. SEC. 2829. Change question submitted. It shall be unlawful for any board of directors or county board of education, except as provided in section twenty-eight hundred and twenty-seven of this chapter, to dis- place or change any text-book that has been regularly adopted or re- adopted under the provisions of this chapter, before the expiration of five years from the date of such adoption or re-adoption, unless author- ized to do so by a majority of the electors present and voting at their regular annual meeting in March, due notice of said proposition to change or displace said text-books having been included in the notice for the said regular meeting. [25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 6.] NOTE: Notice secretary must be directed. Where notice that the ques- tion of a change of text-books would be voted on was included in the notice of election by the clerk (secretary) without the action of the board, the vote thereon was invalid, though a petition of ten voters had been filed, and though the members of the board individually had authorized the action of the clerk (secretary). McNees vs. School Townsihip of Bast River, Page county, 110 N. W., 325. SEC. 2830. Samples lists bonds. Any person or firm desiring to furnish books or supplies under this chapter in any county shall, at or before the time of filing his bid hereunder, deposit in the office of the county superintendent samples of all text-books included in his bid, accompanied with lists giving the lowest wholesale and contract prices for the same. And said samples and lists shall remain in the county superintendent's office, and shall be delivered by him to his successor in office, and shall be kept by him in such safe and convenient manner as to be open at all times to the inspection of such school officers, school patrons and school teachers as may desire to examine the same and com- SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 113 pare them with others, for the purpose of use in the public schools. The board of directors and the county board of education mentioned shall re- quire of any person or persons with whom they contract for furnishing any books or supplies to enter into a good and sufficient bond, in such sum and with such conditions and sureties as may be required by such board of directors or county board of education, for the faithful per- formance of any such contract. But bonds of surety companies duly authorized under the laws of Iowa shall be accepted. [25 G. A., ch. 35 ; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 7.] SEC. 2831. County board of education question as to county uni- formity. The county superintendent, the county auditor and the members of the board of supervisors shall constitute a county board of education. When petitions shall have been signed by one-third the school directors in any county, other than those in cities and towns, and filed in the office of the county superintendent of such county at least thirty days before the annual school elections, asking for a uniform series of text-books in the county, then such county superintendent shall immediately notify the other members of the county board of education in writing, and within fifteen days after the filing of the petitions said board of education shall meet and provide for submitting to the electors at the next annual meeting the question of county uni- formity of school text-books. [28 G. A., ch. Ill ; 25 G. A., ch. 35 ; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 8/9.] NOTES: 1. Petition. It is intended that -at least one-third of the in- dividuals composing all boards, except those of city and town districts, shall sign the petition referred to. Form 53. 2. County board of education. By the provisions of this section every county in the state has a county board of education composed of the county superintendent, county auditor, and members of the board of supervisors. 3. Notice. In order that every voter may be fully advised of the sub- mission of the question of county uniformity, the county board of education should publish the proposition to be voted upon in the official papers of the county at least ten days before the annual school election, and they sihould also transmit to the secretaries of the several boards of directors copies of said proposition, and direct said secretaries to give notice thereof and provide for the taking of a vote thereon at the annual meeting. SEC. 2832. Selection of books depositories. Should a majority of the electors voting at such elections favor a uniform series of text- books for use in said county, then the county board of education shall meet and select the school text-books for the entire county, and contract for the same under such rules and regulations as the said board of educa- tion may adopt. When a list of text-books has been so selected, they shall be used by all the public schools of said county, except as herein- after provided, and the board of education may arrange for such deposi- tories as it may deem best, and may pay for said school books out of the county funds, and sell them to the school districts at the same price as provided for in section twenty-eight hundred and twenty-four of this chapter, and the money received from said sales shall be returned to the county funds by said board of education monthly. The boards of school officers, who are hereby made the judges of the school meetings, shall certify to the board of supervisors the full returns of the votes cast at said meetings the next day after the holding of said meetings, who shall, 114 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. at their next regular meeting, proceed to canvass said votes and declare the result. Unless otherwise ordered by the board of education, the county superintendent shall have charge of such text-books and of the distribution thereof among the depositories selected by the board; he shall render to the board at each meeting thereof itemized accounts of his doings, and shall be liable on his official bond therefor. [28 G. A., ch. 112; 25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 9.] NOTES: 1. A continuous body. The county board of education is a con- tinuous body. 2. Rules. County boards of education should from time to time make such rules and regulations as seem necessary to carry out the purpose and spirit of the law. 3. May not be purchased. Purchases of records, dictionaries, apparatus and similar supplies for the use of the district may not be made by contract under this law, but such articles should be bought with contingent fund, as provided by section 2783. Note 4 to section 2824. 4. Sold direct. The county board of education must cause the books to be sold to the people 'direct, under such regulations as the board may adopt. 5. Must be used. When a List of text-books has been selected as provided in this section, they must be used by all the public schools of said county, except as provided in section 2835, notwithstanding the fact that contracts made by boards of school corporations may not have expired. 6. Bonds. Security by bond made payable to the county may be required from depositories. But the fact that the money from sales must be returned to the county funds monthly will lessen the need for as much security as would be necessary if a large sum of money could be held by a depository for a long time. 7. Depositories. The county board of education should arrange for a sufficient number of depositories to accommodate fully the people of every district in the county. 8. Contingent expense. It will promote an equality of price for the same book in the several counties, if any slight extra expense connected with securing or handling the books be not added to the contract price, but paid for from the county funds, by the board of supervisors. In this way, the books and supplies may be sold to the people at cost, the same as provided under section 2824, when purchase is made by a district. Note 4 to sec- tion 2825. 9. May not render opinions. It is apparent that there will be many questions arising upon which we cannot venture an opinion. Any matter in which the binding force or validity of a contract is involved, can be de- termined only by the courts of law. 10. Legal adviser. The county attorney is the legal adviser of the county board of education, and he should be freely consulted on questions upon which the board may be in doubt. Code, section 302. 11. By ballot. The vote upon county uniformity must be by ballot. The result of such vote should be duly certified by the judges of election to the board of supervisors the next day after the annual meeting. 12. Judges. "The boards of school officers" who are made the judges of election by this section consist of the president, the secretary, and one of the directors as provided for in section 2746. 13. Printing ballots. In order to facilitate matters in holding this elec- tion, the board of education might very properly provide for the printing and distribution of ballots, and make such other arrangements as may be necessary. SEC. 2833. Proceedings of county board. The county superin- tendent shall in all cases be chairman of the county board of education, and the county auditor shall be the secretary, and a full and complete record shall be kept of their proceedings in a book kept for that pur- pose in the office of the county superintendent. A list of text-books so. SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 115 selected, with their contract prices, shall be reported to the state super- intendent with the regular annual report of the county superintendent. [25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 10.] NOTE: Who report. The county superintendent will report only the list of books adopted by the county board of education. The superintendents of counties that have not adopted county uniformity as provided in sec- tions 2831 and 2832 will not make this report. SEC. 2834. Officers not to be agents. It shall be unlawful for any school director, teacher or member of the county board of education to act as agent for any school text-books or school supplies during such term of office or employment, and any school director, officer, teacher or member of the county board of education who shall act as agent or dealer in school text-books or school supplies, during the term of such office or employment, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction therof, be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and pay the costs of prosecution. [25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 11.] NOTES: 1. Purpose of the law. The intention of this section is to pro- hibit any of the persons named from engaging in any business in connection with school text-books or supplies, by which his pecuniary interests might be brought in conflict with his official duties. 2. Violation effect. The fact that a person is subject to the penalties named, for violating the provisions of this section, will not operate to deprive him of his office or position. 3. Who prohibited. School directors, teachers, and members of the county board of education are by this section absolutely prohibited from acting as agents for, or dealers in, school text-books or school supplies. 4. Director as dealer. Code, section 2834, applies to and prohibits a school director from engaging on his own account in the sale of school books and supplies to fche pupils, and is not limited to cMrectors acting as agents of the board under code, section 2824. 130 Iowa, 31. 5. Sale of books use of contingent fund. A school board has no author- ity to contract with a bookseller and pay him out of the contingent fund for handling books, where the district does not buy the books for re-sale, but simply arranges with the publishers to place the same with the dealer to be sold by him at a stated price. 127 Iowa, 408. SEC. 2835. City schools. The provisions of sections twenty-eight hundred and thirty-one, twenty-eight hundred and thirty-two and twenty-eight hundred and thirty-three of this chapter shall not apply to schools located within cities or towns, nor shall the electors of said cities or towns vote upon the question of county uniformity ; but nothing herein shall be so construed as to prevent such schools in said cities and towns from adopting and buyipg the books adopted by the county board of education at the prices fixed by them, if by a vote of the electors they shall so decide. [25 G. A., ch. 35; 23 G. A., ch. 24, 12.] . NOTES: 1. Apply to whom. All except sections 2831, 2832 and 2833 apply to city and town independent school districts, and such districts may purchase books and supplies in the same manner as other districts, under sections 2824 to 2830. 2. How adopt. City and town independent districts may by a vote of the electors, at a regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose, decide to adopt and use the books adop'.od by the county board of education. 116 SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. SEC. 2836. Free text-books question submitted, whenever a pe- tition signed by one-third or more of the legal voters, to be determined by the school board of any school corporation, shall be filed with the secretary thirty days or more before the annual meeting of the electors, asking that the question of providing free text-books for the use of pupils in the public schools thereof be sumbitted to the voters at the next annual meeting, he shall cause notice of such proposition to be given in the call for such meeting. [26 G. A., ch. 37, 1.] NOTES: 1. Purpose benefits. These provisions afford all school cor- porations the opportunity to supply free books, so that every child may continuously enjoy the privileges of school. It is believed that if districts will take action in accordance with the spirit of the law, the percentage of attendance at school can be materially increased, and the usefulness of our schools to all the children greatly enhanced. 2. Rules importance of. Much of the success of free text-books will depend upon the rules and regulations adopted by the board to govern the use and care of such books. The board should take more than the usual pains to adopt plain, comprehensive, and effective rules for the guidance of all concerned. SEC. 2837. Loaning discontinuance. If, at such meeting, a ma- jority of the legal voters present and voting by ballot thereon shall authorize the board of directors of said school corporation to loan text- books to the pupils free of charge, then the board shall procure such books as shall be needed, in the manner provided by law for the purchase of text-books, and loan them to the pupils. The board shall hold pupils responsible for any damage to, loss of, or failure to return any such books, and shall adopt such rules and regulations as 1 may be reasonable and necessary for the keeping and preservation thereof. Any pupil shall be allowed to purchase any text-book used in the school at cost. No pupil already supplied with text-books shall be supplied with others without charge until needed. The electors may, at any election called as provided in the last section, direct the board to discontinue the loan- ing of text-books to pupils, [26 G. A., ch. 37, 2-6.] NOTES: 1. Success of. As much of the success of free text-books will depend upon the rules and regulations adopted by the board to govern the care and use of the books, a board should take more than the usual pains to adopt plain, comprehensive, and effective rules for the guidance of all concerned. 2. Anticipate tax. While the district may contract no debt for the pur- chase of books, the board may anticipate the levy and collection of taxes certified under section 2825, so as to carry out the instructions of the electors without unnecessary delay. ADVERTISEMENTS PROHIBITED. SEC. 5028-s. What prohibited. That no bills, posters or other mat- ter used to advertise the sales of intoxicating liquors and tobacco shall be distributed, posted, painted or maintained within four hundred feet of premises occupied by a public school or used for school purposes, provided, however, that nothing in this act contained shall apply to advertisements in newspapers of regular publication distributed to sub- scribers or purchasers thereof. [30 G. A., ch. 137, 1.] SCHOOL LAWS OP IOWA. 117 SEC. 5028-t. Penalty. Any person violating -any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dol- lars or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding thirty days. [30 G. A., ch. 137, 2.] BEQUESTS CORPORATIONS MAY RECEIVE. SEC. 740. Power to take property by gift or bequest how ad- ministered. Counties, cities, towns and school corporations, are authorized to take and hold property, real and personal, derived by gifts and bequests; and to administer the same through their proper officers in pursuance of the terms of the gift or bequest ; and when made for the establishment of institutions of learning or benevolence, and there is no provision made in the gift or bequest for the execution of the trust, the court having charge of the probate proceedings in the county shall appoint three trustees, residents of said county, who shall have charge and control the same, and who shall continue to act until removed by the court. And they shall give bond as required in case of executors, to be approved in the same manner as in case of executors' bonds, and said trustees shall be subject to the orders of said court. [28 G. A., ch. 23, 1; 26 G. A., ch. 20.] CONSTITUTION OF IOWA ARTICLE 9. 1. EDUCATION AND SCHOOL LANDS. 2. SCHOOL FUNDS AND SCHOOL LANDS. SECTION 1. Under control of general assembly. The educational and school fund and lands, shall be under the control and management of the general assembly of this state. SEC. 2. Permanent fund. The university lands, and the proceeds thereof, and all moneys belonging to said fund shall be a permanent fund for the sole use of the state university. The interest arising from the same shall be annually appropriated for the support and benefit of said university. SEC. 3. Lands appropriated. The general assembly shall en- courage, by all suitable means, the promotion of intellectual, scientific, moral and agricultural improvement. The proceeds of all lands that have been, or hereafter may be, granted by the United States to this state, for the support of schools, which may have been or shall here- after be sold or disposed of, and the five hundred thousand acres of land granted to the new states, under an act of congress, distributing the proceeds of the public lands among the several states of the Union, approved in the year of our Lord one thousand e^ght hundred and forty- one, and all estates of deceased persons who may have died without leav- ing a will or heir, and also such per cent as has been or may hereafter be granted by congress, on the sale of lands in this state, shall be, and remain a perpetual fund, the interest of which, together with all rents of the unsold lands, and such other means as the general assembly may provide, shall be inviolably appropriated to the support of common schools throughout the state. SEC. 4. Fines, etc., how appropriated. The money which may have been or shall be paid by persons as an equivalent from exemption from military duty, and the clear proceeds of all fines collected in the several counties for any breach of the penal laws shall be exclusively applied in the several counties in which such money is paid, or fine collected, among the several school districts of said counties, in propor- tion to the number of youths subject to enumeration in such districts, to the support of common schools, or the establishment of libraries, as the board of education shall from time to time provide. (118) f SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 119 SEC. 5. Proceeds of lands. The general assembly shall take meas- mres for the protection, improvement, or other disposition of such lands as have been, or may hereafter be reserved, or granted by the United States, or any person or persons to this state, for the use of the univer- sity, and the funds accruing from the rents or sale of such lands, or from any other source for the purpose aforesaid, shall be, and remain, a permanent fund, the interest of which shall be applied to the support of said university, for the promotion of literature, the arts and sciences, as may be authorized by the terms of such grant. And it shall be the duty of the general assembly, as soon as may be, to provide effectual means for the improvement and permanent security of the funds of said university. SEC. 6. Agents of school funds. The financial agents of the school funds shall be the same that, by law, receive and control the state and county revenue, for other civil purposes, under such regulations as may be provided by law. SEC. 7. Distribution. The money subject to the support and main- tenance of common schools shall be distributed to the districts in pro- portion to the number of youths, between the ages of five and twenty-one years, in such manner as may be provided by the general assembly. An act providing for 'a different method of distribution of the school fund, held unconstitutional as in conflict with the above section. Dist. Tp. v. County Judge, 13 Iowa, 250. THE STATE UNIVERSITY. SECTION 2635. Board of regents powers. The state university shall be governed by a board of regents, of which the governor and superin- tendent of public instruction shall be members by virtue of office, and the governor president, which shall meet at such times as it may appoint, and the governor may call special meetings when found expedient, or they may be called by the secretary of the board upon the written re- quest of any three members thereof. It shall elect a secretary and treasurer, who shall hold their offices at the pleasure of the board. It shall have power to appoint a president and the requisite number of professors and tutors, with such other officers as it may deem expedient, and fix the compensation to be paid them, including that of the secretary and treasurer, and the amount' to be paid for tuition. It shall have power to remove any officer or employe connected with the university when in its judgment the good of the institution so requires. [21 G. A., ch. 181; 16 G. A., ch. 147; C. '73, 1587, 1590, 1592-3, 1596; R., 1934.] **. * SEC. 2639. Apparatus library cabinet of natural history. The board of regents may from time to time expend of the income of the university fund such portion as it may find expedient in the purchase of apparatus, library, and a cabinet of natural history, to provide suitable means to preserve and keep the same, and in procuring other necessary 120 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. facilities for giving instruction. For the purpose of supplying a cabinet of natural history, all geological and mineralogical specimens which are now or may hereafter be collected by the state geologists, or by others appointed by the state to investigate its natural history and physical resources, shall belong to and be the property of the university, under the charge of the professors of those departments. [C. '73, 1597-8; E., 1931, 1935.] SEC. 2640. Object departments degrees. The university shall never be under the exclusive control of any religious denomination. Its object shall be to provide the best and most efficient means of imparting to men and women, upon equal terms, a liberal education and thorough knowledge of the different branches of literature and the arts and sciences, "with their varied applications. It shall include a collegiate, law, and such other departments, with such courses of instruction and elective studies, as the board of regents may determine, beginning the same in its collegiate department, so far as practicable, at the points where the same are completed in high schools; and no pne shall be ad- mitted who has not completed the elementary studies in such branches as are taught in the common schools throughout the state. Graduates in each of the several courses shall receive such degrees and diplomas or other marks of distinction as the board of regents may determine and such as are usually conferred and granted by other universities. [C. '73, 1585-6, 1589; R., 1926, 1930; C. '51, 1020.] SEC. 2641. Reports. On the first day of October preceding the meeting of the general assembly, the president of the university shall make a report to the board of regents, which shall exhibit the condition and progress of the institution, the different courses of study pursued, the branches taught, the means and methods of instruction adopted, the number of students, their names, classes, and residences, with such other matters as he may regard important. The board of regents, on the fifteenth day of October in each even numbered year, shall make report to the governor, which report shall show the number of professors, tutors, and other officers, the compensation of each, the condition of the univer- sity fund, the income received therefrom, the amount of expenditures with the items thereof, and such other information and such recommen- dations as it shall regard important. [31 G. A., ch. 123 ; 22 G. A., ch. 82, 29; C. '73, 1600-1.] NOTE: Reports. See also section 2682-b, page 125. ft*********** THE STATE COLLEGE OP AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Act of Congress, July 2, 1862. AN ACT donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts. SECTION 1. That there be granted to the several states for the purpose hereinafter named, an amount of the public land, to be appor- tioned to each state, a quantity equal to thirty thousand acres for each senator and representative in congress to which the states are respec- SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 121 tively entitled, by the apportionment under the census of 1860 ; provided, that no mineral lands shall be selected under the provisions of this act. SEC. 2. That the land aforesaid, after being surveyed, shall be ap- portioned to the several states in sections or sub-divisions of sections, not less than one-quarter of a section; and whenever there are public lands in a state subject to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty- five cents per acre, the quantity to which said state shall be entitled shall be selected from such lands within the limits of such state, and the Secretary of the interior is hereby directed to issue to each of the states in which there is not the quantity of public lands subject to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, to which said state may be entitled under this act, land scrip to the amount in acres for the deficiency of its distributive share; said scrip to be sold by said states and the proceeds thereof to be applied to the uses and purposes prescribed in this act, and for no other purpose whatever; provided, that in no case shall any state to which land scrip may thus be issued, be allowed to locate the same within the limits of any other state, or of any territory of the United States, but their assignees may thus locate said land scrip upon any of the unappropriated lands of the United States subject to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty- five cents or less per acre; and provided further, that not more than one million acres shall be located by such assignees, in any one of the states ; and provided further, that no such location shall be made before one year from the passage of this act. SEC. 3. That all the expenses of management, superintendence, and taxes from date of selection of said lands previous to their sale, and all the expenses incurred in the management and disbursement of the moneys which may be received therefrom, shall be paid by the state to which they may belong, out of the treasury of said state, so that the entire proceeds of the sales of said lands shall be applied without any diminution whatever to the purposes hereinafter mentioned. SEC. 4. That all moneys derived from the sale of the lands afore- said by the states to which the lands are apportioned, and from the sale of land scrip hereinbefore provided for, shall be invested in the stocks of the United States, or of the states, or of some other safe stocks, yield- ing not less than five per centum upon the par value of said stocks ; and that the money so invested shall constitute a perpetual fund, the capital of which shall remain forever undiminished (except so far as may be provided in section fifth of this act), and the interest of which shall be inviolably appropriated by each state, which may take and claim the benefit of this act, to the endowment, support, and maintenance, of at least one college, where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the states may re- spectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical educa- tion of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life. 122 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. [Chapter 108, Statutes at Large, 47th Congress, approved April 26, 1882, amends this section "so as to permit the state of Iowa, which has provided a college in accordance with this act, to loan endowment fund belonging to said college, upon real estate security, under such rules and regulations as the General Assembly shall hereafter provide.] SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the grant of land and land scrip hereby authorized shall be made on the following conditions, to which, as well as to the provisions hereinbefore contained, the previous assent of the several states shall be signified by legislative acts : First If any portion of the fund invested as provided by the fore- going section, or any portion of the interest thereon shall, by any action or contingency, be diminished or lost, it shall be replaced by the state to which it belongs, so that the capital of the fund shall remain forever undiminished, and the annual interest shall be regularly applied, without diminution, to the purposes mentioned in the fourth section of this act, except that a sum not exceeding ten per centum upon the amount re- ceived by any state under the provisions of this act may be expended for the purchase of lands for sites or experimental farms, whenever author- ized by the respective legislatures of said states. i LAWS OF IOWA. SECTION 2645. Grant accepted. Legislative assent is given to the purposes of the various congressional grants to the state for the endow- ment and support of a college of agriculture and mechanic arts, and an agricultural experiment station as a department thereof, upon the terms, conditions and restrictions contained in all acts of congress relating thereto, and the state assumes the duties, obligations and responsibilities thereby imposed. All moneys appropriated by the state because of the obligations thus assumed, and all funds arising from said congressional grants, shall be invested or expended in accordance with the provision of such grant, for the use and support of said college located at Ames. [24 G. A., ch. 6; 20 G. A., ch. 76, 1; C. '73, 1604; E., 1714.] SEC. 2646. Board of trustees. The college shall be under the con- trol and management of a board of trustees of which the governor and superintendent of public instruction shall be members, by virtue of office; but neither the president nor other officer or employe of the col- lege and farm shall be eligible to membership therein. [27 G. A., ch. 76; 20 G. A., ch. 76, 1; C. '73, 1604; E., 1714.] ************ SEC. 2648. Courses of study. There shall be adopted and taught practical courses of study embracing in their leading branches such as relate to agriculture and the mechanic arts, and such other branches as are best calculated to thoroughly educate the agricultural and industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life, including military tactics, and, as a separate department, a school of mines, in which a complete course in theoretical and practical mining in its different branches shall be taught. [25 G. A., ch. 107 ; 20 G. A., ch. 27 ; C. '73, 1621.] SEC. 2649. Tuition admission. Tuition in the college herein es- tablished shall be forever free to pupils from the state- over sixteen SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 123 years of age, who have been residents of this state six months previous to their admission. Each county in this state shall have a prior right to tuition for three scholars from such county; the remainder, equal to the capacity of the college, shall be by the trustees distributed among the counties in proportion to the population, subject to the above rule. Transient scholars otherwise qualified, may at all times receive tuition. [C. '73, 1619.] #***********. SEC. 2651. President. The president shall manage and control the affairs of the college and farm, subject to such rules as may be pre- scribed by the board of trustees, and shall report to it at its annual meet- ing, and at such other times as it directs, all his acts and the condition of the several departments, with his recommendations for the future management thereof. [C. 73, 1611.] SEC, 2652. Secretary. The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the board, and all documents and papers connected with the office, and conduct the correspondence. All acts of the board re- lating to the management, disposition, or use of the lands, funds or other property of the institution shall be entered of record, and show how each member voted upon each proposition. He shall also prepare the biennial report of the board to the governor ; and report to the execu- tive council annually, and at such other times as may be required by it, all loans made since his last report to it ; and also, to the board, all loans made since its last meeting, unless otherwise ordered; but such reports must be made at least quarterly. Upon the election of any person to any office under the board, he shall give notice thereof to the secretary of state. He shall also keep an account with the treasurer, charging him with all money paid him, and crediting him with the amounts paid out upon the order of the board of audit, which account shall be balanced monthly. [20 G. A., ch. 193, 4; C. 73, ' 1612.] ************ NOTE: Reports. See also section 2682-b, page 125. SEC. 2673. Sale of liquors. No person shall open, maintain or conduct any shop or other place for the sale of wine, beer or spirituous liquors, or sell the same at any place within a distance of three miles from the agricultural college and farm ; provided, that the same may be sold for sacramental, mechanical, medical or culinary purposes; and any person violating the provisions of this section shall be punished on conviction by any court of competent jurisdiction, by a fine not exceed- ing fifty dollars for each offense, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. [C. '73, 1620.] THE NORMAL SCHOOL. SECTION 2675. Board of trustees officers. The normal school at Cedar Falls, for the special instruction and training of teachers for the common schools, shall be under the management and control of a board of trustees, of which the superintendent of public instruction shall be, by virtue of office, a member and president. It shall meet annually on 124 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. or before June fifteenth, at the call of the president, and organize by the election of one of its members vice-president, and a secretary and treas- urer, neither of the latter to be a member of the board. The treasurer shall give bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sureties, to be filed with and approved by the secretary of state, which bond shall be conditioned for the safe keeping and proper dis- bursement of all money coming into his hands by virtue of his office. [16 G. A., ch. 129, 1, 4.] SEC. 2676. Powers of board admissions fees. The board shall have power to employ a sufficient number of suitable and competent teachers and other assistants ; fix their compensation ; make all necessary rules and regulations for the management of the school, the admission of pupils from the several counties in the state, giving to each county its proper representation therein in proportion to the population thereof, and to all teachers in the state equal rights, requiring that each one received as a pupil shall furnish satisfactory evidence of good moral character and the honest intention of following the business of teaching school in the state ; and make such arrangements as it may for the lodg- ing and boarding of pupils-, which shall be paid for by them. It may charge a fee for contingent expenses not to exceed one dollar monthly, and a tuition fee of not more than six dollars a term, if necessary for the proper support of the institution, and shall determine what part of the year the school shall be open, its sessions to continue, however, for at least twenty-six weeks of each year. [17 G. A., ch. 142, 2; 16 G. A., ch. 129, 5.] SEC. 2677. Branches of study. Physiology and hygiene shall be included in the branches of study regularly taught to and studied by all pupils in the school, and special reference shall be made to the effect of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system, and the board of trustees shall provide the means for the enforcement of the provisions of this section and see that they are obeyed. [25 G. A., ch. 1, 1.]. SEC. 2678. Contract with school districts. The board of trustees may contract with the board of directors of the school township or in- dependent district in which the school is situated, and those contiguous thereto, for a period not exceeding two years at a time, to receive the pupils thereof into the normal school and furnish them with instruction, payment therefor to be made out of the teachers' fund of such town- ships or districts, which shall not exceed fifty cents, weekly, for each pupil; the contract to be in writing, and a copy filed with the county superintendent. [25 G. A., ch. 40, 1-3.] SEC. 2679. Teachers' reports tuition. If such a contract is entered into, all reports required by law to be made to the board of directors of such townships or districts and the . county superintend- ent, by the teachers thereof, shall be made by the principal of the normal school, and all sums paid for tuition shall go to its contingent fund. [Same, 3, 4.] SEC. 2680. Report to governor. The board shall biennially, through its secretary, make a detailed report to the governor of its pro- ceedings during the preceding two years, which report shall show the SCHOOL, LAWS OF IOWA. 125 number of teachers employed, the compensation of each, the number of pupils and classification, an itemized statement of receipts and expendi- tures, and such further information with such recommendations as may be regarded important to the interests of the institution, and with refer- ence to its connection with the educational work of the state. Provided that the report made in the year 1906 shall cover the period only from the dates of its last biennial report. [31 G. A., ch. 125 ; 22 G. A., ch. 64, 2; 16 G. A., ch. 129, 9.] NOTE: Reports. See section 2682-b, below. SEC. 2681. Compensation of officers. The secretary of the board shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by it, not exceeding one hundred dollars annually, with actual traveling expenses. The treas- urer shall be allowed only his actual traveling expenses, the claim for which, as well as that of the secretary, to be itemized and verified before it is allowed and paid which shall be done out of the state treasury upon the warrant of the state auditor. [22 G. A., ch. 64, 1 ; 16 G. A., ch. 129, 2.] SEC. 2682. Appropriation. There is hereby appropriated the sum of twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars annually as an endow- ment fund for the payment of the teachers of said normal school, and the further sum of nine thousand dollars annually as a contingent fund therefor. The amount herein appropriated shall be drawn and paid quarterly on the first days of March, June, September and December, on the requisition of the board of trustees of the school. [27 G. A., ch. 77.] SECTION 2682-b. Reports what to contain. That the secretary of the state university, the secretary of the state college of agriculture and mechanic arts, and the secretary of the state normal school be required hereafter to make report to each general assembly within three days after the said general assembly shall have convened. Said reports shall show in plain manner the amount available each fiscal year from state appropriations and all other sources, for the erection, equipment, im- provement and repair of buildings, also the funds received from state appropriations, interest on endowment funds, tuition, laboratory fees, janitor fees, donations, rent of lands and from all sources whatsoever, going to affect the annual income of the support funds of said institu- tions. Any appropriation of funds received for any special purpose whatsoever shall also be reported. Hospital receipts and sales of depart- ments shall be listed separately. The report shall show how the moneys thus received were expended, giving under separate heads the cost of instruction, administration, maintenance and equipment of departments, and the general expenses of the institutions. It shall clearly state the number of professors, instructors, fellows and tutors, and the number of students enrolled in each course during each year of the biennial period. Students attending the short courses shall be reported sepa- rately. The amount of unexpended balances of departments, remaining in the hands of the treasurer, and the amounts undrawn from the state treasury on the thirtieth of June of the last year of the biennial period shall be given. The report of the secretary of the state college of agri- culture and mechanic arts shall also show the receipts of the experiment station from all sources for each fiscal year and how such funds were expended, [30 G, A., ch. 104,1 126 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS. SECTION 2728. How established. Any county may establish a high school in the following manner: When the board of supervisors shall be presented with a petition signed by one-third of the electors of the county as shown by the returns of the last preceding election, request- ing the establishment of a county high school at a place in the county named therein, it shall submit the question, together with the amount of tax to be levied to erect the necessary buildings, at the next general election to be held in the county, or at a special one called for that pur- pose, first giving twenty days' notice thereof in one or more newspapers published in the county, if any be published therein, and by posting such notice, written or printed, in each township of the county, at which election the vote shall be by ballot, for or against establishing the high school, and for or against the levying of the tax, the vote to be can- vassed in the same manner as that for county officers. Should a majority of all the votes cast upon the ouestion be in favor of establishing such school, and the levying of such tax, the board of supervisors shall at once appoint six trustees, residents of the county, not more than two from the same township, who, with the county superintendent of com- mon schools as president, shall constitute a board of trustees for said high school. [27 G. A., ch. 84, 1; C. 73, 1697-9, 1.701.] SEC. 2729. Trustees officers. The trustees, within ten days after appointment, shall qualify by taking the oath of civil officers, and giving bond in such sum as the board of supervisors may require, with sureties to be approved by it, and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified, who shall be elected at the general election follow- ing. The trustees, then elected, shall be divided into two Masses of three each, and hold their office two and four years, -respectively, their several terms to be decided by lot ; and in all county high schools hereto- fore established the terms of all trustees thereof shall expire on the first d.ay of January, 1907, and at the general election in 1906 there shall be six trustees elected for each of said county high schools, three of whom shall be elected for two years, and three of whom for four years, and at each general election thereafter three trustees shall be elected for the term of four years ; the trustees so elected to qualify in the same manner and at the same time as other county officers and all vacancies occurring to be filled by appointment by the board of supervisors, the appointee to hold the office until the next general election, and a majority of which trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi- ness. At the first meeting held in each year, the board shall appoint a secretary and treasurer from their own number, who shall perform the usual duties devolving upon like officers. The treasurer, in addition to his bond as trustee, shall give one as treasurer, in such sum and with such sureties as may be fixed by the board, and receive all moneys from all sources belonging to the funds of the school, and pay them out as directed by the board of trustees, upon orders drawn by the president and countersigned by the secretary ; both of which officers shall keep an accurate account of all moneys received and paid out, and at the close of each year, and whenever required by the board, shall make a full itemized and detailed report. [31 G. A., ch. 135; C. '73, 1699, 1700, 1704, 1711.] SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. 127 SEC. 2730. Site tax. As soon as convenient after the organization of the board, it shall proceed to select the best site that can be ob- tained without expense to the county, at the place named in the petition upon which the vote was taken, for the erection of the necessary school buildings, the title to be taken in the name of the county, and shall pro- cure plans and specifications for the erection of such buildings, and make all necessary contracts for the erection of the same, the cost of which, when completed, shall not exceed the amount of the tax so levied therefor. They shall also annually make and certify to the board of supervisors on or before the first Monday of September of each year, an estimate of the amount of funds needed for improvements, teachers' wages and contingent expenses for the ensuing year, designating the amount for each, which, in the aggregate shall not exceed, in any one year, two mills on the dollar, upon the taxable property of the county. No expenditures for buildings or other improvements shall be made, or contract entered into therefor, by said board, involving an outlay of to exceed five hundred dollars in any one year, without the same first being submitted to the electors of the county in which said school be located, for their approval ; the tax to be levied and collected in the same manner as other county taxes, and paid over by the county treasurer in the same manner as school funds are paid to district treasurers. [27 G. A., ch. 84, 2; C. '73, 1702-3, 1705.] SEC. 2731. Buildings management. Said board shall make no purchases, nor enter into any contracts in any year, in excess of the funds on hand and to be raised by the levy of that year. It shall em- ploy, when suitable buildings have been furnished, a competent principal teacher to take charge of the school, and such assistant teachers as may be necessary, and fix the salaries to be paid them, and in the conduct of the school may employ advanced students to assist in the work. Annual reports shall be made by the secretary to the board of supervisors, which report shall give the number of students, with the sex of each, who have been in attendance during the year, the branches taught, the text-books used, number of teachers employed, salary paid to eav*:, amount ex- pended for library, apparatus, buildings and all other expenses, the amount of funds on hand, debts 1 contracted, and such other information as may be deemed important, and this report shall be printed in at least one newspaper in the county, if any is published therein, and a copy forwarded to the superintendent of public instruction. And for their services the trustees shall each receive the sum of two dollars per day for the time actually employed in the discharge of official duties, claims for services to be presented, audited, and paid out of the county treasury, in the same manner as other accounts against the county. [27 G. A., ch. 84, 3; C. '73, 1705-6, 1710, 1712.] SEC. 2732. Regulations. The principal of any such high school, with the approval of the board of trustees, shall make such rules and regulations as is deemed proper in regard to the studies, conduct and government of the pupils; and any pupil who will not conform to and obey such rules may be suspended or expelled therefrom by the board of trustees. Said board of trustees shall make all necessary rules and regulations in regard to the age and grade of attainments necessary to 128 SCHOOL LAWS OF IOWA. entitle pupils to admission into the school, and shall, on or before the tenth day of July of each year make an apportionment between the different school corporations of the county, of the pupils that shall attend said school, and shall apportion to each of said school corporations its proportionate number, based upon the number of pupils that can be reasonably accommodated in said school, and the number of pupils of school age, actual residents of such school corporations, as shown by the county superintendent's report last filed with the county auditor, of said county; said apportionment shall be published in the official papers of such county, to be paid for, as other county printing; pupils from the said school corporations to the number so designated in such apportion- ment, shall be entitled to admission into said school, tuition free, and none others, and it shall be unlawful to accredit pupils so attending to any other school corporation, than the one in which they are enumerated for school purposes. Should there be more applicants for such admis- sion from any school corporation than its proportionate number, so de- termined, then the board of directors of such school corporation shall designate which of said applicants shall be entitled to so attend. If the school shall be capable of accommodating more pupils than those attend- ing under such apportionment, others may be admitted by the board of trustees, preference at all times being given to pupils desiring such admission, who are residents of the county. The board of trustees shall fix reasonable tuition for such pupils. If such pupils are residents of the county the school corporation from which they attend shall pay their tuition out of its contingent fund. The principal of such high school shall report to the said board of trustees under oath, at the close of each term the names and number of pupils attending such school during said term, from what school corporation they attended, and the amount of tuition, if any, paid by each, the same to be included in the annual re- port of the secretary of the board of trustees to the board of super- visors, provided for in section twenty-seven hundred and thirty-one (2731) of the code. The tuition so paid to be turned over to the treas- urer of the board of trustees to be used in paying the expenses of said school under the direction of said board. [27 G. A., ch. 84, 4; C. 73, 1709.] SEC. 2733. Petitions to abolish election. Whenever citizens of any county having a county high school desire to abolish the same or to dispose of any part of the buildings or property thereof, they may petition the board of supervisors at any regular session thereof in rela- tion thereto, and sections three hundred and ninety-seven (397), three hundred and ninety-eight (398), three hundred and ninety-nine (399) and four hundred (400) of the code shall apply to and govern the whole matter, including the manner of presenting and determining the suffi- ciency of such petitions and remonstrances thereto so far as applicable. If an election is ordered the same shall be held at the time of the general election or at a special election called for that purpose and the proposi- tion shall be submitted and the election conducted in the manner pro- vided in title six (6) of the code. If any proposition as herein provided be legally submitted and adopted, the board of supervisors is hereby empowered to carry the same into effect. [27 G. A., ch. 84, 5; C. '73, 1707-8.] INDEX 129 INDEX TO LAWS. ACCOUNTS, by educational board of examiners, 2633; by trustees normal school, 2680; by county high school, 2729; of applicants examined, 2734-p; of regis- tration fees, 2734-q; of institute fund, 2738; kept by secretary, 2761; kept by treasurer, 2768; audited by board, 2780; for attendance, certified to county auditor, 2803; kept by county auditor, 2808; of bonds sold, kept by treasurer, 2812-f; kept by county board of education, 2833. ACRE, site taken by condemnation, may or may not exceed, 2814. ADJOURNMENT, less number of board than quorum may adjourn, 2771. ADVERTISEMENT, proposals to build of $300 and over, must be invited by, 2779; before text-books are adopted, 2828. AFFIDAVIT, of appeal, of what it consists, 2818; is basis of appeal, 2818; must be filed within thirty days, 2818; shall set forth error complained of in a plain and concise manner, 2818. AGE, of voter at school meeting, 2748; for enumeration, 2764; for free attend- ance, 2773; of scholars in attendance kept, 2789; of scholar, 2804; of per- sons when compelled to attend school, 2823-a. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, see State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND NARCOTICS, effects of, taught in normal school, 2677; examination of teacher must include, 2734-d; county superintendent must report manner and extent of instruction in effects of, 2739; law with regard to teaching effects of, must be enforced, 2740; instruction as to effects of, must be given all scholars, 2775. ANNUAL MEETING, held second (Monday in March, 2746; officers of, 2746; voters at, 2747; powers of, 2749; voting at, must be by ballot, 2749; in independent districts, 2754; notice of, 2746; vote of, must be executed by board, 2778; statement of receipts and expenditures to be presented at, by board, 2780; vote tax to pay judgment indebtedness, 2811; may authorize change of textbooks, 2749, paragraph 1, 2829; may vote free text-books, 2836; may discontinue loaning of text-books, 2837. APPARATUS, value of, reported to governor, 2625; amount expended for, in county high school reported, 2731; value of, reported by secretary, 2765; may be purchased with contingent fund, 2783. APPEAL, from decision by county superintendent, 2623; who may take, 2818; affidavit is basis of, 2818; county superintendent to notify secretary, 2819; secretary to send up transcript, 2819; time of hearing fixed, 2819; inter- ested persons notified, 2819; testimony heard and decision rendered, 2819; decision final unless appealed from, 2819; to superintendent public instruc- tion, 2820; judgment for money not to be rendered, 2820; county superin- tendent issues subpoenas, 2821; compels attendance of witnesses, 2821; compensation of witnesses in, 2821; costs of, may be paid, 2821; transcript of costs filed with clerk of court, 2821. 130 INDEX APPOINTMENT, of deputy, by superintendent public instruction, 2621; of teach- ers' normal institute, 2622; of two members board educational examiners, by governor, 2628; of assistant examiners, 2629; to fill vacancies in trus- tees, county high school, 2729; of deputy, by county superintendent, 2734-b; of assistants at examination, 2734-c; of judges of election at annual meet- ing, 2746; qualifications of persons for, as school officer or member of board, 2748; of chairman and secretary for subdistrict meeting, 2751; of judges of election in districts of 5,000 or over, divided into election pre- cincts, 2756; no teacher or other employe of the "board eligible as secretary in independent districts, 2757; by board to fill vacancy in its member- ship, 2758; to fill vacancies, must be by ballot, 2771; of temporary president or secretary, 2772. APPOBTIONMENT, see semi-annual apportionment. APPBAISEES, see referees. ARBITRATORS, when boards cannot agree on division of assets and liabilities, may be selected, 2802; decision of, made in writing, 2802; appeal from decision of, to district court, 2802. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, boards shall make equitable division of, 2802. ATTENDANCE, at normal school, 2676; at county high school, 2733; school for, determined by board, 2773; every school free to actual residents, 2773; in other districts, 2774; expenses of transportation paid, 2774; register of, 2789; in another district, 2803; age for, 2804; of non-residents, 2804; com- pulsory, 2823-a. AUDITOR, see county auditor. AUDITOR OF STATE, issues warrant for subscription to educational school paper, 2624; receives report of enumeration from superintendent public instruction, 2625; issues warrant for each institute, 2626; issues warrant for salaries and expenses, 2627; issues warrants for compensation board educational examiners, 2634-a; issues warrants for compensation officers board trustees normal school, 2681. BALLOT, director for subdistrict elected by, 2751; directors elected by, 2754; election in districts of 5,000 or more divided into precincts, must be by, 2755; officers of board elected by, 2757; vacancies among officers or members of board, filled by, 2771; vote on formation of independent school district taken by, 2794; vote for rural Independent school district organization taken by, 2797; vote to unite independent districts, taken by, 2799; vote to unite rural independent school districts into school townships -taken by, 2800; vote to authorize free text-books taken by, 2837; vote to organize consoli- dated independent districts, taken by, 2794-a. BALLOT BOX, provided for each precinct in independent school districts of 5,000 and over, divided into election precincts, 2756. BARBED WISE, county superintendent shall see that provisions relating to use of, are observed and enforced, 2740; shall not be used to inclose school building or grounds, 2817; not used within ten feet of schoolhouse site, 2817; penalty for use of, 2817. BEQUESTS, may be accepted by school corporations, 740, page 117. BIBLE, shall not be excluded from any school, 2805; no child required to read, contrary to wishes of parent or guardian, 2805. BLIND PERSONS, of school age, reported to College for the Blind, 2739; of school age, reported to county superintendent, 2765. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, county superintendent not to be a member of, 2734; term of, 2745; qualifications for member of, 2748; number of, in school town- ships, 2752; number of, in independent districts, 2754; election of, in school townships, 2751-2752; election of, in independent districts, 2754-2756; meet- ings of, 2757; election of officers, 2757; qualification of members, 2758; INDEX 131 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Continued. vacancy in, filled by appointment, 2758; president of, duties of, 2759; may employ counsel, 2759; secretary and treasurer each gives bonds, 2760; bonds to be filed with president, 2760; secretary, duties of, 2761-2767; proceedings of, to be recorded by secretary, 2761; treasurer, duties of, 2768-2769; quorum of, 2771; vacancies in, filled by ballot, 2771; appoints temporary president or- secretary, 2772; prescribes course of study, 2772; makes rules and regu- lations, 2772; requires performance of duty, 2772; fixes site for schoolhouse, 2773; determines number of schools, 2773; determines particular school each child shall attend, 2773; designates period each school shall be held beyond time required by law, 2773; may rent room and employ teacher for any ten scholars, 2774; may contract for instruction in other districts, 2774; may pay transportation of children, 2774; shall require teachers to give and scholars to receive instruction, in effects of stimulants, 2775; may establish graded or union schools, 2776; may select person to have general supervision of schools, 2776; shall carry into effect instructions from annual meeting, 2778; shall elect teachers and make contracts, 2778; shall consult county superintendent before building schoolhouse, 2779; if amount exceeds $300, shall advertise before contracting, 2779; shall audit all claims, 2780; shall make settlement with treasurer, 2780; shall present statement of annual receipts and expenditures, 2780; fixes compensation of secretary and treas- urer, 2780; no member of, may receive compensation, 2780; provides for visiting schools, 2782; may discharge teacher for cause, 2782; may expel scholar, 2782; may readmit scholar, 2782; may empower teacher to dismiss scholar temporarily, 2782; may insure school property, 2783; may purchase dictionaries, library books, and apparatus, 2783; may furnish text-books to indigent children, 2783; may loan text-books to scholars, 2783; shall give special attention to matter of water-closets, 2784; shall limit director of subdistrict in contracting, 2785; may hold an industrial exposition, 2786; shall have shade trees set out, 2787; shall not pay person for teaching with- out certificate, 2788; how chosen, when new civil township is formed, 2790; may consent to attach territory, 2791; territory restored by concurrent con- sent of, 2792, territory restored by consent of, and county superintendent, 2792; may establish boundaries of contemplated independent school district, 2794; shall give notice of election of directors, 2795; may change boundaries of subdistricts by majority vote of, 2801; shall divide assets and liabilities, 2802; in case of disagreement, arbitrators shall be appointed, 2802; may agree upon terms of attendance, 2803; fixes terms for attendance of non- residents, 2804 ; may not exclude bible from school, 2805 ; shall estimate taxes, 2806; shall pay judgment out of proper fund, 2811; shall certify tax to pay judgment, 2811; may issue bonds to pay judgment indebtedness, 2812-c; may issue bonds to pay bonds maturing, 2812-c; may issue bonds for erect- ing, completing or repairing schcolhouses, when, 2812-d; shall provide tax to pay bonds or interest due, 2813; may take schoolhouse sites, 2814; shall deposit amount of referees' assessment, 2815; sliall pay costs of referees' assessment, 2815; may not use barbed wire to inclose schoolhouse grounds, 2817; may adopt and purchase text-books, 2824; may select person to keep 'books and supplies for sale, 2824; must advertise for bids before adopting text-books, 2828; shall arrange for free text-books when voted, 2837. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, of independent school district, term of, 2745; election of, 2754-2756; may establish kindergarten departments, 2771; change bound- aries, 2793; for new district, 2795; certifies taxes for new district, 2796; may subdivide district, 2798; may unite districts, 2799; may issue school funding bonds, 2812-c; may issue school building bonds when, 2812-d; shall certify to pay bonds or interest due, 2813. BOAED OF DIRECTORS, of rural independent school district, term of, 2754; election of, 2754; changes boundaries, 2793; for new district, 2797; may subdivide district, 2798; may unite districts, 2799; may unite districts into school township, 2800. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, of school township, term of, 2745; number of, 2752; elec- tion of, 2751-2752; may instruct directors, 2785; may change boundaries, 2793; may divide school township into subdistricts, 2801; must apportion schoolhouse tax among eubdistricts, 2806. 132 INDEX BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL EXAMINERS, of whom consists, 2628; superintendent public instruction president, 2628; shall hold at least two examinations annually, 2629; adopts rules and regulations, 2629; keeps record of proceedings, 2629; may issue state certificates and state diplomas, 2629; may grant special cer- tificates, 2630-b; to primary school teachers, 2630-b; keeps complete register of persons to whom certificates or diplomas are issued, 2630-b; may duplicate certificates of other states, 2630-c; may revoke certificate or diploma^ 2631; shall require fee for examination, 2631; shall pay all moneys into state treas- ury, 2631; shall keep a detailed account of moneys received and expended, and publish such account, 2633; compensation of members, 2634-a; compensa- tion of assistants, 2634-a; may issue certificates to graduates of college and normal school graduates, 2634-f; shall inspect accredited schools, 2634-c; shall examine graduates of accredited schools, 2634-d; all licenses to teach must be registered, 2734-q; must prepare list of library books, 2823-p. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, may submit question of establishing county high school, 2728; appoints trustees county high school, 2728; may fill vacancies in trus- tees of county high school, 2729; requires bond of trustees, 2729; shall levy tax to build, 2731; county superintendent not to be a member of, 2734-b; shall provide room at county seat for county superintendent, 2734-c; may appropriate additional funds for support of institute, 2738; may allow county superintendent additional compensation, 2742; shall levy special schoolhouse tax voted by subdistrict upon itself 2753; shall levy tax for new independent school district, 2796; shall levy .taxes for school funds, 2807; shall levy county tax of one to three mills, 2807; shall levy tax to pay bonds or inter- est due, 2813; included in county board of education, 2831. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, of county high school, who shall constitute, 2728; county superintendent member and president of, 2728; shall qualify, 2729; election of, 2729; in three classes, 2729; shall appoint secretary and treasurer, 2729; shall select site for school, 2730; shall estimate funds needed, 2730; shall proceed to build, 2731; shall employ teachers, 2731; shall have annual re- ports made, 2731; compensation members of, 2731; shall approve rules and regulations, 2732; shall admit students from county without charge, 2732; may admit from outside the county, 2732; shall make no purchase in excess of funds on hand, 2731. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, of normal school, shall elect officers, 2675; shall make rules and regulations, 2676; may charge for contingent expenses, 2676; may charge a tuition fee, 2676; must have effects of alcoholic drinks and narcotics taught, 2677; may receive scholars from same school district, 2678; shall report biennially to governor, 2680. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, of state college of agriculture and mechanic arts shall man- age the college, 2646; shall designate the number from each county entitled to free tuition, 2649. BOND, of officer, of treasurer normal school, 2675; of trustees county high school, 2729; of treasurer county high school, 2729; of secretary and treasurer of board, 2760; shall be filed with the president, 2760; president shall bring action on, 2760; of contractor to build, 2779; of person appointed to keep 'books and supplies for sale, 2824; of publishers, suit on, 2827; of contractor furnishing books or supplies, 2830; surety companies accepted on, 2830. BONDS, may not be voted without notice, 2746; women may vote on question of issuing, 2747; board may issue to pay indebtedness, 2812-c; voters may vote, 2812-d; signed by president, 2812-e; countersigned by secretary, 2812-e; when payable, 2812-e, 2812-f; cost of engraving and printing paid from con- tingent fund, 2812-e; treasurer keeps record to whom bonds are sold, 2812-f; form and other requirements of, 2812-e; not to be disposed of for less than par value, 2812-e; must be paid in order of issuance, 2812-f; tax to pay bonds or interest due, 2813; in excess of one and one-fourth per cent, 2820-a, BOOKS, see Text j books, INDEX 133 BOUNDARIES, of divisions for attendance at school, 2773; changed by attaching territory, 2791; changed by restoration of territory, 2792; of contiguous cor- porations, 2793; established to form independent school district, 2794; to form consolidated corporation, 2794-a; subdivision of independent districts, 2798; uniting independent districts, 2799; division of school township into subdistricts, 2801; alterations in subdistrict, designated on plat, 2801; de- scription of, recorded in records of school township, 2801; copy description of changes delivered to county treasurer and auditor, 2801; of subdistricts must conform to congressional divisions, 2801; changes in subdistrict, take effect at next subdistrict election, 2801; division of assets and liabilities, 2802. BRANCHES OF STUDY, in normal school, 2676; trustees in normal school shall have effects of stimulants taught, 2677; in county high school, 2732; added to course of study by voters, 2749; determined by board, 2772. CANVASS OF VOTES, to establish county high school, 2728; at annual meeting of voters, 2746; at annual subdistrict meeting, 2751; in districts of 5,000 or over, divided into election precincts, 2756; when officers of board are chosen, 2757; record of, to be kept by secretary, 2761; when vacancy among officers or members of board occurs, 2771; when formation of independent school district is voted upon, 2795; when consolidated corporation is organ- ized, 2794-a; when vote is taken to form rural independent school districts from subdistricts of school township, 2797; to unite independent districts, 2799; to unite rural independent school districts into school township, 2800; when county uniformity is voted upon, 2832. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION, to directors elected, 2746, 2756; to director of sub- district, 2751. CERTIFICATE OF TEACHER COUNTY, examination for, 2734-e to 2734-n; for special studies, 2734-e; term of, 2734-g, 2734-h, 2734-i, 2734-j, 2734-t; revocation of, 2734-u; fee for, 2734-p; every teacher must have, 2788. CERTIFICATE OR DIPLOMA STATE, granted upon examination, 2629; list of sub- jects, 2629; certificate given to primary teachers, 2630-b; validation of cer- tificates of other states authorized, 2630-c; how long valid, 2631; revocation of, 2631; fee for, 2631; registration of, 2734-q; of graduates of approved schools, 2634-b to 2634-e; of colleges and normal schools, 2634-f to 2634-h. CHAIRMAN, superintendent public instruction president board educational exam- iners, 2628; superintendent public instruction president board trustees nor- mal school, 2675; county superintendent president board trustees county high school, 2728; president of board acts as, of annual meeting of district, 2746; voters select, of subdistrict meeting, 2751; president of board acts as, at all meetings of board, 2759; temporary, appointed when regular officer is absent, 2772; county superintendent is, of county board of education, 2833. CHANGE OF BOUNDARIES, see Boundaries. CHARTS, may be purchased with contingent fund, 2783. CHILD, see Scholar. CITY AND TOWN DISTRICTS, see Independent School District. CIVIL TOWNSHIP, name applied to school township, 2744; meetings of board may be held at any place in same, 2757; when formed constitutes a school town- ship, 2790; lines of, shall not prevent attachment to territory, 2791; bound- aries of not a bar to change of boundaries of school districts, 2793; rural independent school districts of, may be united into a school township, 2800. CLAIMS, for traveling expenses superintendent public instruction, 2627; for expenses board educational examiners, 2634-a; traveling expenses of county superintendent, 2734-b; for traveling expenses treasurer normal school, 2681; for trustees county high school, 2731; for expenses county superintendents filed with county auditor, 2742; for expenses incurred, kept by secretary, 2761; audited and allowed by board, 2780; when changes of boundaries are made, 2802; for damages when site is condemned, 2815. 134 INDEX CLEBK OF ELECTION, secretary acts as, of annual meeting, 2746; for subdistrict meeting, chosen by voters, 2751; appointed in each precinct of districts of 5,000 or over, divided into precincts, 2756; shall record result of votes at annual meeting, 2761. COMPENSATION, of superintendent public instruction, 2627; of his deputy, 2627; of board of educational examiners, 2634-a; of teachers in normal school, 2676; of secretary normal school, 2681; of treasurer normal school, 2681; of trustees county high school, 2731; of teachers county high school, 2731; of county superintendent, 2742; to be paid teachers, 2778; of secretary and treasurer, 2780; no member of board may receive, 2780; not recovered by teacher for services without certificate, 2788; of referees, 2815; to owner of sohoolhouse site condemned, 2815; to witnesses in appeal, 2821; to person keeping books and supplies for sale, 2824; of registrars, 2755. COMPULSORY EDUCATION, of what children, 2823-a; how enforced, 2823-f; pun- ishment for violation of statute, 2823-h; appointment and duties of truant officers, 2823-e; duties of teachers and officers, 2823-g; school census, 2823-i. CONCURRENT ACTION, of county superintendent and board In attaching territory, 2791; of boards in restoring territory, 2792; of electors, county superin- tendent and board, of supervisors, 2729; oath and bond of trustees, 2729; terms of office of trustees, 2729; secretary and treasurer of, appointed from board, 2729; treasurer gives bond as such, 2729; board selects site, 2730; makes estimate of funds needed, 2730; presents estimate to board of supervisors, 2730; tax not to exceed two mills, 2730; tax levied and collected, 2730; tax paid to treasurer of, 2730; board makes purchases and contracts for, 2731; employs teachers, 2731; provides for payment of salaries, 2731; annual report of, made to board of supervisors, 2731; annual report of, printed in at least one newspaper in county, 2731; copy forwarded to superintendent of public instruction, 2731; compensation of trustees, 2731; rules and regulations made, 2732; refractory students may be expelled, 2732; tuition in, free to .residents of county, 2733; apportionment of students, 2732; students from other counties may be admitted, 2732; question of tax levy for buildings must be submitted to voters, 2728; board to select the best site that can be obtained without expense to the county, 2730; contract for building cannot be made in excess of amount voted, 2730; an outlay exceeding five hundred dollars must be submitted to the electors, 2730; may be abolished, 2733; petition and elec- tion to abolish, 2733. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, shall distribute school laws, 2624; member board trus- tees county high school, 2728; president board trustees county high school, 2728; may be of either sex, 2734-b; shall hold certificate or diploma, 2734-b; ineligible as school director or member board supervisors, 2734-b; may appoint deputy, who cannot visit schools or try appeals, 2734-b; shall com- ply with directions from superintendent public instruction, 2734-b; shall transmit communications, 2734-b; shall visit schools, 2734 j b; shall conduct examinations for county certificates, 2734-c; may request special examina- tions, 2734-s; shall conduct special examinations appointed for his county, 2734-s; shall keep a record of all examinations, 2734-f; shall collect a fee from every candidate admitted to the examination, 2734-p; shall deposit one-half of examination fee with county treasurer and one-half with state treasurer, 2734-p; shall register certificates and collect registration fees, and shall deposit same with the county treasurer, 2734-q; shall revoke cer- tificates for cause, 2734-u; shall hold a normal institute, 2738; shall require an enrollment fee and shall deposit same with the county treasurer, 2738; shall draw no order on institute fund except for bills approved, 2738; shall report annually to superintendent public instruction, 2739; shall file enu- meration with county auditor, 27d9; shall report to institutions, 2739; shall enforce school laws, 2740; may require assistance of county attorney, 2740; shall forfeit $50 for failure to make report, 2741; shall receive compensa- tion, 2742; shall receive expenses for attendance at convention of county superintendents, 2742; shall file statement of traveling expenses, 2734-b; shall file statement office expenses, 2742; notified by secretary when each school begins, 2765; receives annual report from secretary, 2765; receives report of officers of district, 2766; receives annual report from treasurer, 2769; may release board from obligation to have school taught, 2773; may 136 INDEX COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT Continued. grant kindergarten certificate, 2777; approves plans for sohoolhouse, 2779; shall call attention of board to neglect to protect shade trees, 2787; gives notice of first meeting in new school township, 2790; shall attach territory to another district, 2791; shall concur in restoration of territory, 2792; may con- cur in attendance, 2803; certificate of qualification of, made by county auditor, 2809; appoints referees to condemn schoolhouse site, 2815; gives notice to owner of land, 2815; receives affidavit of appeal, 2818; notifies secretary to file transcript, 2819; notifies interested parties of hearing, 2819; hears testimony and decides appeal, 2819; appeal from decision of, 2820; has power to issue subpoenas, 2821; files transcript of costs of appeal with clerk of court, 2821; may be consulted in adoption of text-books, 2828; is cus- todian of samples of text-books, 2830; member county board of education, 2831; receives petitions for county uniformity, 2831; is chairman county board of education, 2833; reports list of books, with contract prices, 2833; may not act as agent or dealer in text-books or supplies, 2834; must report to board of supervisors, 2738; must report violations of compulsory school law, 2823-f. COUNTY TREASURER, pays over tax to county high school, 2730; receives institute fund from county superintendent, 2734-p, 2734-q, 2738; records changes in subdistrict boundaries, 2801; pays apportionment due, 2808; gives notice quarterly of taxes collected, 2810; pays taxes to district treasurer, 2810; keeps taxes for schoolhouse purposes separate, in each subdistrict, if neces- sary, 2810; amount found by referees deposited with, 2815. COURSE OF STUDY, shall be prescribed by board, 2772; in graded or union schools, must be approved by superintendent public instruction, 2776; in accredited schools to be inspected and approved by board of educational examiners, 2634-b, ,2634-c; persons taking, in accredited schools, to be re- ported, 2634-d, 2634-e. DEAF AND DUMB, number of, of school age, reported to superintendent school for the deaf, 2739; of school age, reported to county superintendent by secre- tary, 2769. DECISIONS, in appeal, by superintendent public instruction, 2623; important, included in volume of school laws, 2624; of board may be appealed from, 2818; of county superintendent final unless appealed from, 2819; of superintendent public instruction final, 2820. DEPOSITORIES, arranged for by county board of education, 2832. DEPUTY, of superintendent public instruction, 2621; of county superintendent, 2734. DIPLOMA, see Certificate or Diploma. DIRECTOR, in independent districts,term of, 2745; may be of either sex, 2748; number in independent districts, 2754; tie vote 1 for, publicly determined by lot, 2754; annual and special meetings of board, 2757; qualifies on or before third Monday in March, 2758; shall take oath, 2758; any member may ad- minister official oath to, 2758; holds until successor is qualified, 2758; va- cancy filled by appointment, 2758; surrenders office to successor, 2770; in school township may be instructed by board to make certain contracts, 2785; penalty for wilful failure or neglect of duty, 2822. DIRECTOR, in school townships, of subdistrict, chosen for one year, 2745; may be of either sex, 2748; gives notice of subdistrict meeting, 2751; elected in subdistricts, 2751; number in school townships, 2752; may be authorized by board to employ teachers in his subdistrict, 2778; may be authorized by board to make contracts for fuel and in like matters, 2785; shall prepare annually list of children in subdistrict of school age, 2785; shall report list to secretary of school township, 2785; may have industrial exposition held, 2786; elected for new subdistrict, 2801; must enforce compulsory attend- ance law, 2823-f. INDEX 137 DISMISSAL, of teacher, 2782; of scholar, 2782. DISTRIBUTION, of cloth bound school laws, 2624; of paper bound school laws, 2624, and 2823-k. DISTRICT, see School District. DISTRICT COURT, appeal may be taken to, from assessment made by referees, 2815; transcript of costs in appeal filed by county superintendent in office of clerk of, 2821. DISTRICT TREASURER, see Treasurer. DIVISION, into election precincts of 5,000 or over, 2755; into wards for attendance, 2773; of independent districts to form two or more, 2798; of school township into subdi'Stricts, 2801; of assets and liabilities, 2802. DWELLING, see residence. EDUCATION, general constitutional provisions relating to, page 118, school fund and lands under control of general assembly, page 118; fines, how applied, p. 118; method of distribution of funds, page 118. EDUCATIONAL EXAMINERS, see Board of Educational Examiners. EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL, superintendent public instruction may subscribe for, 2624. ELECTION, to vote upon establishment of county high school, 2728; to choose trustees for county high school, 2779; in all districts, 2746; qualifications to vote at, 2747; of director of subdistrict, 2751; in independent districts, 2754; of treasurer by voters, in independent school districts, 2754; precincts in districts of 5,000 or over, 2755; of officers of board, 2757; notice of, 2763; to fill vacancies among officers or members of 'board, 2771; to form independent school district, 2794; to form consolidated districts, 2794-a; to choose board for new district, 2795; to form rural independent school districts, 2797; to subdivide independent district, 2798; to unite independent districts, 2799; to unite rural independent school districts into a school township, 2800; when changes in boundaries are made, boards continue to act until next, 2802; to vote bonds, 2812-d, 2820-a to 2820-d; to change or displace text- books, 2749, 2829; to vote on county uniformity, 2831; to vote on free text- books, 2836; to vote on the abolishment of county high school, 2733. ELECTION PRECINCTS, in districts of 5,000 or over, 2755; register of voters in, 2755; conduct of elections in, 2756; registrars in, 2755; compensation of registrars, 2755. ELECTORS, see Voters. ELEMENTS OF VOCAL MUSIC, instruction in, authorized, 2823-; must be taught in normal institutes, 2823-t. ELIGIBILITY FOR OFFICE, one appointed member board educational examiners must be a woman. 2628; county superintendent must hold first grade certifi- cate or state certificate or diploma, 2734-b; county superintendent may be of either sex, 2734-b; county superintendent may not be a school director or member of board of supervisors, 2734-b; officer or member of board may be of either sex, and must be a citizen and resident, 2748; if a man, must be a -qualified voter, 2748; secretary and treasurer must be chosen outside the board, 2757; no teacher or other employe of board eligible as secretary in any independent district, 2757. EMPLOYE, no teacher or other, of the board eligible as secretary in any inde- pendent district, 2757. ENGLISH LANGUAGE, all instruction shall be given in, 2749. ENUMERATION, reported to auditor of state, 2625; register of, kept by secretary, 2764; reported to county superintendent, 2765; list of, prepared by director of subdistrict, 2785; seven to fourteen, 2823-i. 138 INDEX EXAMINATION, for state certificate or ci.'.ploma, 2629; for county certificates, 2734-a to 2734-t; record of, 2734-f; _ee for, 2631, 2734-p; upon kindergarten principles and methods, 2777; of graduates of approved schools, 2634-b to 2634-e. EXAMINERS, see Board of Educational Examiners. EXTENDING CORPORATIONS, effect of, 2793-a. EXPENSES, traveling, of superintendent public instruction, 2627; necessary, of member board educational examiners shall be paid, 2634-a; of person ap- pointed to assist in conducting examination, 2634-a; actual traveling, of treasurer normal school to be paid, 2681-a; of county superintendent, 2734- b, 2742; of readers of answer papers and clerks, 2734-n; for counsel in suits, 2759; account of, incurred by district, kept by secretary, 2761; statement of, made to board by treasurer, 2769; full statement of, made by board to annual meeting, 2780; statement of, in independent school districts pub- lished, 2781; estimate of, for following year published in detail, 2781; for tuition when scholars attend by concurrence of county superintendent and board, 2803; average proportion of contingent, 2803; when schoolhouse site is condemned, 2815; as costs of appeal, 2821. EXPOSITION, see Industrial Exposition, 2786. EXPULSION OF SCHOLAR, by majority vote of the board, 2782. FAMILIES, list of heads of, prepared by director of subdistrict, 2785. PEE, for state certificate, 2631; for state diploma, 2631; paid into state treasury, 2631; contingent, at normal school, 2676; tuition, at normal school, 2676; tuition, at county high school, 2733; enrollment, at institute, 2738; of every applicant for a certificate, 2734-p; transmitted to county treasurer, 2738 and 2734-p; for registration of certificates and diplomas, 2734-q; tuition, for attendance in another district, 2774; for transportation of children, 2774; tuition, lor attendance, 2803; of witnesses in appeal, 2821; for certificate to graduates of approved accredited schools, 2634-d. FEEBLE-MINDED, county superintendent reports, to institution for, 2739. FENCES, may be provided for schoolhouse sites, 2773; barbed wire shall not be used for, of schoolhouse grounds, 2817; where sites adjoin fields, 2745-a, 2745-b. FIDELITY COMPANIES, see Surety Companies. FINANCIAL STATEMENT, made by treasurer to board, 2769; made by board- to voters, 2780; published in each independent school district, 2781. FINES, see Penalty. FORFEIT, of county superintendent for failure to make report, 2741; upon breach of bond of secretary or treasurer, 2760; of compensation of teacher for serv- ices rendered without certificate, 2788; for violation of provisions regarding use of barbed wire, 2817; for wilful violation of law, or for wilful failure or refusal to perform duty, 2822; for neglect or refusal of contractor to furnish text-books at lowest price, 2827. FORMATION OF INDEPENDENT DISTRICT, including a city, town, or village, 2794; consolidated district, 2794-a; from subdistricts of school township, 2797; by subdividing independent district, 2798; by uniting independent districts, 2799. FORMS, see Index to the Forms, page 173. FUEL, bought with contingent fund, 2768; director of subdistrict may contract for, under direction of the board, 2785. FUNDS, secretary keeps separate account with each fund, 2761; secretary cer- tifies amounts required for contingent and teachers' funds, 2767; secretary certifies the amount of tax voted by the electors for the schoolhouse and school building bond funds, 2767; schoolhouse, contingent, and teachers' defined, 2768; separate account kept with each, by treasurer, 2768; order INDEX 139 FUNDS Continued . must specify fund and object, 2768; annual report of treasurer must show separate, 2769; insurance paid with contingent, 2783; library books and apparatus bought with contingent, 2783; free text-books provided from con- tingent, 2783; teachers' and contingent, estimated by board, 2806; amount for contingent, not to exceed $5 per scholar, 2806; amount for transporta- tion of children not to exceed $5 per scholar, 2806; amount for teachers' fund not more than $15 per scholar, 2806; $75 for each school may be levied for contingent fund, 2806; $270 for each school may be levied for teachers' fund, 2806; interest on permanent, apportioned, 2808. GARDEN, may not be taken by condemnation for schoolhouse site, 2814. GOVERNOR, records in office superintendent public instruction open to inspection of, 2621; reports to, made biennially by superintendent public instruction, 2625; two members educational board examiners appointed by, 2628; report to, made by board trustees normal school, 2680. GRADED OH UNION SCHOOLS, may be established by any board, 2776; course of study in, must be approved by superintendent public instruction, 2776. GUARDIAN, name of parent or, registered by secretary, 2764; school taxes paid by, in an independent district may be deducted from tuition of ward, 2804; ward may not be required to read bible contrary to wishes of, 2805; must cause child to attend school, 2823-a. HIGHWAYS, voters may authorize board to obtain, 2749; voters may vote school- house tax for opening, 2749; special meeting of district may vote school- house tax to procure, 2750; schoolhouse site taken by condemnation must be on a public highway, 2814. IMPROVEMENTS, value of, repaid by owner when site reverts, 2816; tax to pay money borrowed for, in an independent school district must be levied, 2813. INCUMBENT, treasurer holds until successor is elected and qualified, 2754; term of, treasurer expires on July first, 2754, 2757; director holds until successor is elected and qualified, 2758. INDEBTEDNESS, in division of assets and liabilities, 2802; judgment, shall be paid, 2811; bonds to pay judgment, may be issued, 2812-b; tax to pay bonds or interest due, 2813; original, shall not be incurred by issuance of bonds, until voters have so authorized, 2823; may not be contracted to purchase books and supplies to be resold, 2825; limit of, 1306-b, page 92, 2830-a, page 92. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, corporate name, 2744; board of, 2745; number of directors in, 2754; treasurer of, elected by voters, 2754; in independent dis- tricts below 5,000, polls open at 1 P.M. and remain open not less than five hours, 2754; of 5,000 and over, shall be divided into election precincts, 2755; of 5,000 and over, divided into election precincts, polls shall be open from 9 o'clock A. M. until 7 o'clock p. M., 2756; no teacher or other employe of, eligible as secretary, 2757; higher schools in, 2776; board may establish kindergarten departments in 2777; board of, must publish financial state- ment, 2781; water-closets in, 2784; change of boundaries, 2793; formation of, 2794, 2794-a; organization of, 2795; subdivision of, 2798; uniting of, 2799; may borrow money by issuing bonds, 2812-b, 2812-c; tax to pay bonds qr interest due, 2813; city or town not under county uniformity, 2835; schools in, may adopt and buy same books adopted by county board of education, 2835. INDEX TO FORMS, page 173. INDORSEMENT, of unpaid orders by treasurer, 2768. INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, board may provide for in each school, 2786; director of subdistrict may provide for, 2786; of what consists, 2786; kind and plan of articles exhibited at, explained, 2786; parents and friends invited to be present at, 2786; ornamental work encouraged, 2786; held in the schoolroom not oftener than once a month, 2786. 140 INDEX INSTITUTE FUND, see Teachers' Normal Institute. INSTITUTE, see Teachers' Normal Institute. INSURANCE, contingent fund may be used to pay, 2783. INTEREST, provision should be made for interest of bonds, 2767; six per cent on unpaid orders after indorsement, 2768; of permanent school fund a part of the apportionment, 2808; on bonds may not exceed six per cent, 2812-e; tax to pay interest due on bonds must be levied, 2813; may not be taken upon pur- chase price when schoolhouse site reverts, 2816. JOINT DISTRICTS, on account of natural obstacles, 2791; restoration of portion of, to district in which it geographically belongs, 2792. JUDGES OF ELECTION, at annual meeting, who are, 2746; if absent, voters present appoint, 2746; shall issue certificates to directors elected, 2746; vote can- vassed by, 2751; tie vote publicly determined by lot, 2754; in districts of over 5,000, divided into election precincts, board acts as judges, 2756; to organize independent school district, 2794; to organize a consolidated district, 2794-a. JUDGMENT, against a district paid from proper fund, 2811; if not paid, voters vote schoolhouse tax to pay, 2811; if unpaid and no tax is voted, board shall certify to board of supervisors amount required to pay, 2811; bonds may be issued to pay, 2812-c; county or state superintendent may not give for money, 2820; county superintendent shall tax all costs to party responsible for ap- peal, 2821; clerk of court shall enter, for costs of appeal, 2821. JURISDICTION, each district has exclusive, over all its territory, 2743; powers granted by law apply alike to all districts, unless otherwise stated, 2823. KINDERGARTEN, in any independent school district, 2777; teacher in must hold kindergarten certificate from county superintendent, 2777. LAND, for schoolhouse site or highway, may be taken by condemnation, 2814. LANGUAGE, teacher may have special certificate for, 2736; voters may determine that a foreign language shall be taught as a branch, 2749; schools must be taught in English, 2749. LEVY OF TAXES, see Taxes. LIABILITIES, see Assets and Liabilities. LIBRARIES, funds for, how set apart, 2823-n; books for, how purchased and dis- tributed, 2823-o; lists of books for, how prepared, 2823-p; records, how kept, 2823-q; librarian, how selected, 2823-r. LIBRARY, tax to procure, may be voted by annual meeting, 2749; number of vol- umes in, reported, 2765; books, for, furnished with contingent fund, 2783. LIMIT, annual meeting may vote not exceeding ten mills for schoolhouse fund, 2749; subdistrict may vote additional schoolhouse taxes, but not to exceed fifteen mills in all, 2753; not to exceed $25 annually for each schoolroom may be used to purchase dictionaries, library books, maps, charts and ap- paratus, 2783; of taxes, 2806; of county school tax, 2807; in paying judgment indebtedness, only funds available for that purpose may be used, 2811; of time that bonds are to run, shall not be more than ten years, 2812-e; of tax to pay principal or interest due, shall not exceed five mills, 2813; real estate taken for schoolhouse site not to exceed one acre, 2814; contingent fund certified to purchase books and supplies to be resold, shall not exceed $1.50 for each person of school age, 2825; limit of indebtedness, 1306-b, page ; 2820-a. MAJORITY VOTE, not required to elect director of subdistrict, 2751; majority of board a quorum, 2771; of board required to discharge teacher, 2782; of board required to expel scholar, 2782; of votes required to organize an independent city, town or village corporation, 2794; of votes necessary to organize a con- solidated district, 2794-a, 2820-f, page 77; of votes cast in each subdistrict, necessary to change subdistricts of school township into rural independent INDEX 141 MAJORITY VOTE Continued. school districts, 2797; of voters in each proposed district required when one district in subdivision of independent district contains less than two sec- tions, 2798; of votes cast in each district necessary to unite independent districts, 2799; of votes cast in civil township divided into rural independent school districts makes each rural independent school district a subdistrict of a new school township, 2800; of all members of board necessary to change subdistrict boundaries, 2801; two-thirds of votes necessary to increase in- debtedness beyond one and one-fourth per cent, 2820-d, page 93; majority of votes of annual meeting necessary to authorize board to change or dis- place text-books before expiration of contract, 2829: necessary to adopt county uniformity, 2832; necessary to authorize free text-books, 2837. MAPS, may be purchased with contingent fund, 2783. MEETINGS OF DIRECTORS, regular, when held, 2757; special, how called, 2757; where held, 2757; to elect officers, 2757; to estimate school taxes, 2806. MEMBER OF BOARD, see Board of Directors. MISDEMEANOR, in case of failure of county superintendent to make report, 2741; in case of breach of bond of secretary or treasurer, 2760; in case of violation of provisions regarding barbed wire, 2817; in case of wilful failure or refusal to perform duty, 2822; in case school director, teacher, or member county board of education acts as agent or dealer in text-books, 2834. MONEY, see Funds. Music, elements of vocal music required, 2823^s; must be taught in normal institute, 2823-t. NAME, of school district, 2744. NARCOTICS, see Alcoholic Drinks. NEGLECT OF DUTY, in case of breach of bond of secretary or treasurer, president brings action, 2760; board shall require performance of duty, 2772; teacher may be discharged for, 2782; penalty for use of barbed wire near schoolhouse grounds, 2817; penalty for wilfully failing or refusing to perform duty, 2822; suit on bond of publisher to be brought, if books are not furnished at very lowest price, 2827; director, officer, teacher, or member county board of edu- cation, may not act as agent or dealer in text-books or supplies, 2834. NEWSPAPER, notice of annual meeting in election precinct published for two weeks in, 2755; bids must be invited by advertisement in, for four weeks before contract to build may be made for more than $300, 2799; financial statement of independent school district published in, two weeks before annual meeting, 2781; before purchasing text-books, board of directors or county board of education must publish notice in, for three weeks, 2828. NONRESIDENTS, board may contract for attendance in another district, 2774; may attend in another district by agreement of boards, 2803; may attend in an- other district by concurrence of county superintendent and board, 2803; may attend on such terms as the board may determine, 2804. NON-USER OF SITE, for two years, cause site to revert, 2816. NORMAL INSTITUTE, see Teachers' Normal Institute. NORMAL SCHOOL, location and object, 2675; controlled by board of trustees, 2675; officers of board, 2675; treasurer of, to give bond, 2675; board of, employs teachers, 2676; session of, must continue at least 26 weeks, 2676; effects of alcoholic stimulants must be taught in, 2677; biennial report of, made to gov- ernor, 2680; compensation of officers of, 2681; appropriation for, 2682. NOTICE, of appointment of institute, 2622; of election to establish county high school, 2728; to teacher, of charges, 2734-u; of annual meeting, must be posted, 2746; for submitting proposition to voters, 2749; of special meeting of voters, 2750; of subdistrict meeting, 2751; of special subdistrict meeting, 2753; in each election precinct, 2755; of special meeting of board, 2757; given 142 INDEX NOTICE Continued . by secretary of special meetings of voters, 2763; of special meeting, 2763; of receipts and disbursements in independent school districts, 2781; to teacher, before trial, 2782; of first meeting in new school township, 2790; for forma- tion of independent school district, 2794; for formation of consolidated dis- trict, 2794-a; to elect a board of directors, 2795; to vote upon changing to rural independent school districts, 2797; for subdivision of independent districts, 2798; for uniting independent districts, 2799; for uniting rural independent school districts into a school township, 2800; of concurrent consent for attendance, 2803; to president of apportionment due, 2808; to president of taxes due, 2810; of meeting to vote bonds, 2812-d; to owner of bonds, 2812-f; to owner of schoolhouse site condemned, 2815; of appeal from assessment, 2815; to secretary to file transcript, 2819; of hearing of appeal, 2819; of appeal to state superintendent, 2820; of meeting to vote bonds in excess of one and one-fourth per cent, 2820-c, page 93; to accept bids for text-books, 2828; of election on county uniformity, 2831; of voting upon free text-books, 2836. OATH, any member of the board may administer oath of qualification to a mem- ber elect, and to the president, 2758; of what oath consists, 2758; of secretary and treasurer, 2760; of referees to condemn schoolhouse site, 2815. OFFICE, see Qualification for Office. OFFICIAL BONDS, see Bonds. OPINIONS, superintendent public instruction shall render, regarding the school law, 2623. OBCHAED, not to be taken by condemnation for schoolhouse site, 2814. ORDERS, secretary shall draw, 2762; secretary shall countersign, 2762; secretary shall keep register of, 2762; secretary shall furnish register of, to board, 2762; treasurer shall register, 2768; treasurer shall pay, 2768; must state fund on which it is drawn, 2768; part payment of, may be made, 2768; un- paid to draw interest after indorsement, 2768; shall not be drawn until claim has been audited, 2780; to pay judgment, 2811. ORGANIZATION, of annual meeting, 2746; of subdistrict meeting, 2751; of board of directors, 2757; of new school township, 2790; of independent school district, 2795; on or before first day of August, 2796; of rural independent school dis- tricts from subdistricts of school township, 2797; of independent district out of territory detached from other independent districts, 2798; of independent district by uniting other independent districts, 2799; of school township from rural independent school districts of civil township, 2800; of new subdistrict, 2801; of county board of education, 2833. OWNER, in certain cases, may object to site nearer than thirty rods from his resi- dence, 2814; refusing or neglecting to give site or road thereto, land may be taken by condemnation, 2815; secures premises when site reverts, 2816. PARENT, name of, registered by secretary, 2764; list of heads of families kept by director of subdistrict, 2785; school taxes paid by, in any independent dis- trict, may be deducted from tuition of non-resident child, 2804; child may not be required to read bible contrary to wishes of, 2805; shall cause child to attend school, 2823^a. PARK, may not be taken by condemnation for schoolhouse site, 2814. PENALTY, of county superintendent for failure to make report, 2741; board fixes, in bond of secretary and treasurer, 2760; for failure or refusal to perform duty, 2822; shall be applied to use of schools, 2822; for failure to cause children to attend school, 2823-a; for failure by officers to enforce com- pulsory school law, 2823-f. INDEX 143 PETITION, for formation of independent school district, 2794; to form consoli- dated districts, 2794-a, page 76; to form rural independent school districts from subdistricts of school township, 2797; for uniting independent dis- tricts, 2799; to unite rural independent school districts into a school town- ship, 2800; for county uniformity of text-hooks, 2831; to abolish county high school, 2733: for increasing limit of indebtedness, 2820-b, page 93. PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE, with reference to effects of stimulants, must be taught in normal school, 2677; county superintendent must report extent to which requirements of the law are observed, 2739; county superintendent may re- quire assistance of county attorney to enforce law, 2740; must be taught in all schools, 2775; must be studied by every scholar, 2775; study of sub- ject must be completed in that class, before scholar is advanced, 2775. PLACE, superintendent public instruction determines, of teachers' normal insti- tute, 2622; board of educational examiners meets at such, as president may direct, 2629; petition for establishment of county high school must name, 2728; site for county high school must be selected at place named in the petition, 2730; county superintendent must hold examination at county seat on last Friday, Wednesday and Thursday preceding in January, June, July and October, 2731-c; of annual meeting given in notice, 2746; of subdistrict meeting given in notice, 2751; meetings of board held any place within same civil township 2757; notice of special meeting of board must specify, 2757; secretary shall post notice of meetings in at least five public places, 2763; notice shall be posted at or near last place of meeting, 2763; each notice Bhall state place of meeting, 2763; persons notified of, where appeal will be heard, 2819. PLAT, of subdistricts shall be made by secretary. 2801; written description of, shall be recorded in records of school township, 2801; copy of, shall be deliv- ered to county treasurer and auditor, 2801; shall be recorded, 2801. POISONS, see Alcoholic Drinks. POLL BOOK, must be provided for each precinct in districts having 5,000 or over, divided into election precincts, 2756; secretary shall keep full record in, 2761. POLLS, at elections in all districts except those of 5,000 or more, shall open at 1 P.M., 2754; at subdistrict election, shall remain open not less than two hours, 2754; in independent school districts below 5,000, must remain open not less than five hours, 2754; in rural Independent school districts and school town- ships, must remain open not less than two hours, 2754; in districts of 5,000 or over having election precincts, shall be kept open from 9 A. M. until 7 p. M., 2756. POPULATION, in districts including cities of the first class or cities under special charter, board consists of seven members, 2754; in all other independent school districts, board consists of five members, 2754; districts of 5,000 or over may be divided into election precincts, 2755; any city, town, or village, of over 100 may become the basis of an Independent school district, 2794. POSTAGE, for use of county superintendent, 2742; in appeal, must be paid by party aggrieved, 2820. POSTING OF NOTICES, see Notice. PBECINCTS, see Election Precincts. PBESIDENT, acts as judge of election, 2746; elected from board by ballot, 2757; may call special meeting of board, 2757; any member may administer oath of qualification to, 2758; vacancy in office of, filled by appointment, 2758; duties of, 2759 ; signs all contracts, 2759 ; presides at meetings of board, 2759 ; signs drafts on county treasurer, 2759; appears for district in suits, 2759; bonds of secretary and treasurer filed with, 2760; brings action on breach of bond, 2760; temporary, appointed, 2772; signs contract with teacher, 2778; approves contract made by director of subdistrict and reports same to board, 2785; certifies account for tuition to county auditor, 2803; receives notice of apportionment, 2808; draws dran on county treasurer, 2810; signs district bonds, 2812-e; must enforce compulsory attendance law, 2823-f. 144 INDEX PROPERTY, schcolhouse or other, may be disposed of by annual meeting, 2749; may be disposed of by special meeting, when schoolhouse is destroyed, 2750; value of, reported by secretary, 2765; rules for care of, made by board, 2772; schoolhouse, may be fenced by board, 2773; may be insured, 2783; when schoolhouse tax is levied on subdistrict, county treasurer shall keep amount separate, 2810; tax on property of district shall be levied by board of super- visors to pay judgment indebtedness, 2811; tax to pay bonds shall not exceed five mills upon the dollar, 2813. PROPOSITIONS SUBMITTED, to establish county high school, 2728; notice of annual meeting given by secretary shall name propositions directed by the board to be submitted, 2746 ; board may give notice in call for annual meeting that cer- tain propositions named will be submitted, 2749; on written request of voters, board must give notice that proposition will be submitted, 2749; notice of sub- district meeting shall name amount of schoolhouse tax to be voted for, 2751; for special schoolhouse tax by subdistrict, 2753; in each precinct of districts having 5,000 or over divided into election precincts, 2755; votes for and against each, to be recorded by secretary, 2761; to change or displace text- books before expiration of contract, 2829; to vote on county uniformity, 2831; to vote on free text-books, 2836. PROPOSALS TO BUILD, to exceed $300, invited by advertisement, 2779. PUBLICATION, see Newspaper. PUPIL, see Scholar. QUALIFICATION FOB OFFICE, of deputy superintendent public instruction, 2621; of secretary and treasurer normal school, 2675; of trustees county high school, 2729; of secretary and treasurer county high school, 2729; by director, 2758; by president of board, 2758; time of, for secretary and treasurer, ten days, 2760; by member or officer appointed, 2771; by directors of new independent school district, 2795. QUALIFICATION OF SURETIES, see Sureties. QUESTIONS TO BE VOTED ON, see Propositions Submitted. QUORUM, majority of board shall constitute, 2771. RATE OF TAXATION, see Taxes. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, statement of, made to annual meeting, 2780; in city or town districts, published two weeks before annual meeting, 2781; of normal institute fund, must be published, 2738. RECORD, by superintendent public instruction, 2621; by board educational exam- iners, 2633; by board trustees normal school, 2680; by board trustees county high school, 2729; of examination of teachers, 2736; of result of voting in dis- tricts of 5,000 or over, divided into election precincts, 2755; of vote for officers of board, made by secretary, 2757; secretary keeps complete, 2761; secretary makes full record of votes at annual meeting, 2761; secretary prepares regis- ter of persons of school age, 2764; treasurer keeps account of receipts and expenditures, 2768 ; of enumeration made by director of subdistrict, 2785 ; daily register kept by teacher, 2789; proper record made on plat of district when territory is attached, 2791 ; changes in subdistrict boundaries, shall be shown on plat of school township, 2801; of changes in subdistrict boundaries shall be made by county treasurer and auditor, 2801; of persons to whom bonds are sold, kept by treasurer, 2812-f; of report of referees, 2815; transcript of, in appeal, certified by secretary, 2819; of costs of appeal filed with clerk of dis- trict court, 2821; of proceedings county board education kept in office of county superintendent, 2833; of books purchased for school libraries, 2823-q. REFEREES, to assess damages when site is condemned, 2815; oath of, 2815; shall report in writing, 2815; report of, filed and preserved in office of county super- intendent, 2815; either party may appeal from assessment by, 2815; cost of assessment by, paid by school district, 2815. INDEX 145 REGISTER, of voters in districts of 5,000 or over, divided into election precincts, furnished and revised, 2755; by secretary, of persons of school age, 2764; teacher must keep, 2789; files copy with secretary, 2789; of bonds in office of county auditor, 2812-e; of persons to whom bonds are sold, 2812-f. REGISTRARS, shall be appointed in each election precinct in school corporations of 5,000 or more inhabitants, 2755; qualification, duties, and compensation of, 2755. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS, see Register. REPORTS, from county superintendents preserved, 2621; from superintendent pub- lic instruction, 2625; of enumeration by superintendent public instruction to auditor of state, 2625; from board educational examiners, 2633; from board trustees normal school, 2680; from board trustees county high school, 2731; from county superintendent annually, 2739; of blind, deaf and dumb, and fee- ble-minded, by county superintendent, 2739; copies of, preserved by secretary, 2761; secretary to make annually, 2765; name and postoffice of officers re- ported to county superintendent and treasurer, 2766; treasurer to make an- nually, 2769; director of subdistrict to make to secretary, 2785; teacher shall file with county superintendent such reports as he may require, 2789; of in- terest on permanent school fund, 2809; county auditor of sales of school laws, 2823-1; from principal or superintendent of persons taking teacher's course in accredited schools, 2634-e; from principal of private or parochial school to secretary, 2823-b; of truants, from school officers to secretary, 2823-g; from county superintendent to be published, 2738. RESIDENCE, of students in normal school, 2676; of students in county high school, 2733; of voter at school meeting, 2747; of officer or member of board, 2748; of person between 5 and 21 entitles him to school privileges, 2773; scholars from another district may attend, 2803; scholars not having residence in district, may be admitted, 2804; schoolhouse may not be located by condem- nation nearer than thirty rods of, if owner objects, 2814. REVERSION, of schoolhouse site to owner, 2816. REVOCATION, of certificate, 2731, 2734-u. RIGHT TO VOTE, see Voters. ROADS, see Highways. ROOM, provided for examination at county seat, 2734-c; may be rented and teacher employed for ten or more children, 2774; kindergarten, may be established in independent school districts, 2777; $25 annually of contingent fund may be used for each, to purchase library books and apparatus, 2783; tuition and contingent expenses based upon room in which child attends, 2803. RULES AND REGULATIONS, board trustees normal school shall make, 2676; prin- cipal county high school shall make, 2732; board directors shall make for its own government, 2772; for officers and others, 2772; for care of schoolhouse and other property, 2772; board shall aid teachers in enforcing, 2782; board may expel scholar for violation of, 2782; for government of director of sub- district, 2785; for sale of books and supplies, 2824; of county board of educa- tion, 2832; to govern use of free text-books, 2837. RURAL INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, corporate name, 2744; annual meeting, 2746; number of directors, 2754; polls open at 1 P. M. and remain open not less than two hours, 2754; no teacher or other employee eligible as secretary, 2757; change of boundaries in same civil township, 2793; formation of, 2797; subdivision of, 2798; uniting of, 2799; erection into a school township, 2800. SALARIES, see Compensation. SALE OF PROPERTY, may be directed by voters, at regular meeting, 2749; a.t special meeting, 2750. 10 146 INDEX SCHOLAR, register of all of school age kept by secretary, 2764; report of number enrolled and average attendance, 2765; report for deaf and dumb, blind, and feeble-minded, 2765; board shall make rules for government of, 2772; school- house located for convenience of, 2773; board determines particular school each shall attend, 2773; must attend school designated by board, 2773; an actual resident shall be allowed to attend free of tuition, 2773; additional school may be provided for any ten or more, 2774 ; instruction of, may be pro- vided for in another district, 2774; board may pay transportation of, 2774; must receive instruction in effects of stimulants, 2775; board may expel, 2782; teacher may dismiss, 2782; may be readmitted, 2782; books may be loaned to, 2783; indigent, may be supplied with school books, 2783; enumeration of, by director of subdistrict, 2785; shall be required to explain kind and plan of articles exhibited at industrial exposition, 2786; teacher's register of, must be kept, 2789; may attend in another district, 2803; school age of, 2804; non- resident may attend, 2804; shall not be required to read bible, 2805; appor- tionment based on number of, 2808; text-books loaned to, 2837; responsible for damage to books, 2837; shall be allowed to purchase books at cost, 2837. SCHOOL, must be visited by county superintendent, 2734-b; must be visited, when requested by board, 2734-b; voters may instruct that added branches shall be taught in, 2749; secretary notifies county superintendent when each begins, 2765; secretary reports to county superintendent for each, 2765; board pre- scribes course of study for, 2772; board determines number of, 2773; deter- mines particular school each child shall attend, 2773; designates period each shall be held, 2773; shall be free of tuition to all residents, 2773; shall con- tinue at least twenty-four weeks in each school year, 2773 ; county superintend- ent may excuse board from maintaining, 2773; shall not be in session during teachers' institute except by permission, 2773; extra school for ten or more children, 2774; board may secure advantages of attendance in another dis- trict, 2774; board may pay transportation of children to and from, 2774; effects of stimulants must be taught in, 2775; graded or union may be estab- lished, 2776; person to have general supervision of, may be selected, 2776; kindergarten department may be established in any independent school dis- trict, 2777; board shall provide for visiting, 2782; scholar expelled from, 2782; scholar dismissed by teacher, 2782; library books and apparatus for each, 2783; board shall provide water-closets for, 2784; director of subdistrict cares for schools, 2785; industrial exposition in, 2786; teacher of, must hold valid credential, 2788; teacher keeps register of, 2789; files register of, 2789; attendance in another district, 2803; age for attendance, 2804; attendance of non-residents, 2804; bible not excluded from, 2805; taxes for support of, 2806; county tax for, 2807; semi-annual apportionment for, 2808; in cities or towns, exempted from county uniformity, 2835; free text-books for, 2837; corporations may accept bequests, 740, page 117; libraries, how selected and managed, 2823-n to 2823-t; accredited, what is, 2634-c; visitation of by board of examiners, 2634-c; census of persons between 7 and 14 years of age, 2823-i; fund and lands under control of general assembly, page 118. SCHOOL BOARD, see Board of Directors. SCHOOL BONDS, see Bonds. SCHOOL BOOKS, see Text-books. SCHOOL DIRECTORS, see Board of Directors. SCHOOL DISTRICT, each existing continues, 2743; may sue and be used, 2743; has exclusive jurisdiction over territory in, 2743; every, a body corporate, 2743; name of, 2744; board of, 2745, annual meeting of, 2746; right to vote in, 2747; qualifications for officer of, 2748; powers of voters, 2749; special meeting of voters, 2750; meetings of directors, 2757; election of officers, 2757; qualifica- tion of directors, 2758; vacancies in office filled by appointment, 2758; duties of president, 2759; suit to be brought in name of, 2759; bonds of secretary and treasurer, 2760; duties of secretary, 2761-2767; duties of treasurer, 2768-2769; quorum of board, 2771; vacancies in officers or members filled by ballot, 2771; schoolhouse site for, 2773; division of, for school purposes, 2773; may maintain higher schools, 2776; all contracts in, made by board, 2778: INDEX 147 SCHOOL DISTEICT Continued. compensation of secretary and treasurer, 2780; claims against, audited by board, 2780; may have territory attached, 2791; territory restored, 2792; when boundaries are changed, boards continue to act, 2802; assets and liabilities divided, 2802; arbitrators may be appointed, 2802; either party may appeal to district court, 2802; attendance from another district, 2803; taxes for school purposes estimated, 2806; levy of taxes, 2807; apportionment to, by county auditor, 2808; taxes paid to, 2810; judgment paid by, 2811; tax to pay bonds or interest due, 2813; may take schoolhouse site by condemnation, 2Si4; may n.t use barbed wire, 2817; provisions of law apply alike to every, unless otherwise stated, 2823; may adopt text-books if county uniformity is not in force, 2824; may provide free text-books, 2836; may discontinue loan- ing text-books, 2837. SCHOOL ELECTIONS, see Election. SCHOOL GROUNDS, see Schoolhouse Site. SCHOOLHOUSE, voters may sell or otherwise dispose of, 2749; voters may direct use of, 2749; voters may- provide roads to, 2749; voters may direct that, shall be used for meetings of public interest, 2749; voters at annual meeting may vote tax to build, 2749 ; voters of district vote tax to build, at special meeting, 2750; voters of subdistrict vote tax to build, 2753; notice of district meetings shall be posted at the door of each, 2763; board has care of, 2772; site fixed by board, 2773; site fenced by board, 2773 and 2745-a; plans for, approved by county superintendent, 2779; when built or repaired to extent of over $300, must be by advertisement, 2779; may be insured, 2783; water-closets for, must be provided, 2784; board may authorize director of subdistrict to look after, 2785; may not be inclosed with barbed wire, 2817; location of, when site is condemned, 2814. ' SCHOOLHOUSE FUND, see Funds. SCHOOLHOUSE site, fixed by board, 2773; fenced by board, 2773, 2745-a; shade trees on, 2787; in city or town, may include entire block, 2814; taken by con- demnation must be on public highway, 2814-2815; reversion to owner, 2816; may not be fenced with barbed wire, 2817; fencing of, 2745^a, 2745-b. SCHOOL LAWS, publication of, 2624; in cloth, how distributed, 2624; in paper covers, how distributed, 2624; to be delivered to successor, 2624; amendments to, published, 2624; amendments to, distributed, 2624; volume of, surrendered to successor, 2770; for sale by county auditor, 2823-j to 2823-m. SCHOOL MONTH, is of four school weeks of five days each, 2778. SCHOOL OFFICER, see title of officer. SCHOOL ORDERS, see Orders. SCHOOL TAXES, see Taxes. SCHOOL TEACHERS, see Teachers. SCHOOL TOWNSHIP, corporate name, 2744; board of, 2745; annual meeting, 2746; number of directors, 2752; polls must open at 1 p. M. and remain open not less than two hours, 2754; duties of director in subdistrict of, 2785; newly formed, 2790; formed from rural independent school districts, 2800; divided into sub- districts, 2801; apportionment of schoolhouse tax among subdistricts of, 2806. SCHOOL WARRANTS, see Orders. SCHOOL WEEK, is of five school days, 2773; compensation of teacher may be agreed to for, 2778. SCHOOL YEAR, see Year. SECRETARY, board trustees normal school elected, 2675; compensation of, 2681; of board trustees county high school, 2729; of subdistrict meeting, 2751; of county board of education, 2833. 148 INDEX SECRETARY, acts as judge of annual election, 2746; if no subdirector, gives notice of subdistrict meeting, 2751; certifies special schoolhouse tax, 2753; chosen outside of board, 2757; elected by ballot, 2757; records vote, 2757; in independent districts no teacher or other employe of board eligible as, 2757; appears in suits when president is a party, 2759; gives bond, 2760; takes oath, 2760; qualifies within ten days, 2760; files copies of reports and papers, 2761; keeps a complete record, 2761; keeps a separate account of each fund, 2761; keeps an accurate account of all expenses, 2761; presents account of expenses to board to be audited, 2761; keeps record of votes at annual meet- ing, 2761; countersigns warrants and drafts, 2762; draws orders, 2762; keeps register of orders, 2762; furnishes board copy register of orders, 2762; gives notice of all meetings, 2763; prepares register persons of school age, 2764; reports each school to county superintendent, 2765; files report annually with county superintendent, 2765; reports name and postoffice of officers 2766; cer- tifies taxes, 2767; vacancy in office of, filled by board, 2771; temporary, appointed, 2772; files contract of teacher, 2778; compensation of, fixed by board, 2780; records list of enumeration made by director of subdistrict, 2785; records order attaching territory, 2791; gives notice of election to unite rural independent school districts into a school township, 2800; delivers copy of description of subdistricts to county treasurer and auditor, 2801; counter- signs bonds, 2812-e; files transcript of record in appeal, 2819. SEMI-ANNUAL APPORTIONMENT, number persons for, reported to auditor of state, 2625; number persons for, filed with county auditor, 2739; taken into account * in estimating teachers' fund, 2806; made by county auditor, 2808; not less than five nor more than fifteen cents per person of school age may be with- held for library fund, 2823-n. SEX, see Women. SHADE TREES, see Trees. SITES, see Schoolhouse Site. SPECIAL MEETING, of any district to sell property or vote a tax, 2750; of subdis- trict, 2753; of board, 2757; notice of, 2757; may be called by president, 2757; may be called by written request of a majority of the board, 2757; form of notice for, 2763; to organize new township, 2790; to form independent school district, 2794; to form a consolidated district, 2794-a; to organize rural in- dependent school districts, 2797; to subdivide independent district, 2798; to unite independent districts, 2799; to unite rural independent school districts into a school township, 2800; of board to change subdistrict boundaries, 2801; to estimate school taxes, 2806; to vote bonds, 2812-d, 2820-c. STATE AUDITOR, see Auditor of State. STATE CERTIFICATE, see Certificate and Diploma. STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS, act of congress relating to, page 120; grant of land for, page 120; acceptance of grant by the state, 2645; to be governed by board of trustees, 2646; courses of study, 2647; tuition and rules of admission, 2649; duties of president, 2651; secretary, duties of, 2652; intoxicating liquors not to be sold within a distance of three miles from, 2673. STATEMENT, of expenses attending official meetings, made by county superin- tendent, 2742; rendered by treasurer to board at any time, 2769; of receipts and expenditures, made to annual meeting, 2780; in independent school dis- tricts, published in newspaper, 2781. STATE TREASURER, see Treasurer of State. STATE UNIVERSITY, how governed, 2635; powers of board of regents, 2635; officers of board, how elected, and tenure of office, 2635; president and professors, how elected, 2635; apparatus library, and cabinet of natural history of, 2639; object, departments, degrees, 2640; reports to board of regents, 2641; report by regents to the governor, 2641. STATIONERY, for use of county superintendent, 2742, STATISTICS, see Reports. INDEX 149 STIMULANTS, see Alcoholic Drinks. STUDIES, see Course of Study. SUBDISTRICT, a subdivision of a school township, 2744; director for, elected for one year, 2745; right to vote in, 2747; qualifications for director of, 2748; an- nual meeting of, 2751; notice of amount of schoolhouse tax to be voted in, 2751; notice of annual meeting in, 2751; powers of annual meeting, 2751; meeting shall not organize earlier than 9 A. M., nor adjourn before 12 M., 2751; embracing entire school township, 2752; special meeting of, to vote schoolhouse tax, 2753; vote of schoolhouse tax in, certified to secretary of school township, 2753; schoolhouse tax voted by, levied on subdistrict, 2753; director of, may be instructed to make certain contracts, 2785; director of, shall prepare list children of school age, 2785; director of, shall report list to secretary, 2785; director of, may hold industrial exposition, 2786; may be formed from rural independent school districts, 2800; may be created, 2801; boundaries of, changed by vote of majority of board, 2801; boundaries of, conform to congressional lines, 2801; plat of, to be made, 2801; description of, to be recorded in records of school township, 2801; copy of description de- livered to county treasurer and auditor, 2801; changes in boundaries of, take effect first Monday in March, 2801. SUBDISTBICT MEETING, held annually, 2751; officers of, 2751; special, to vote schoolhouse tax, 2753. SUBPOENAS, for witnesses, may be issued by county superintendent, 2821. SUCCESSOR IN OFFICE, all matters turned over to, by superintendent public in- struction, 2621; volume of school laws to be turned over to, 2624; appointed member board educational examiners not to succeed himself, 2628; director holds until successor is elected and qualified, 2758; county auditor must turn over copies of school laws to, 2823-m. SUFFRAGE, who has right of, 2747. SUIT, to recover penalty from county superintendent, 2741; any district may sue and be sued, 2743; president appears for district in, 2759; of president is a party in, secretary appears for district, 2759; board may employ counsel in, 2759; brought against secretary or treasurer in case of breach of bond, 2760; for wilful failure or refusal to perform duty, 2822; brought in name of county, 2822; on bond of publisher of text-books, 2827; against school officer acting as agent for text-books or supplies, 2834. SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, shall have office in capitol, 2621; may appoint deputy, 2621; files papers, reports, and documents, 2622; keeps record of things done, 2622; turns over office to successor, 2622; is charged with gen- eral supervision of all county superintendents and the common schools, 2622; may meet county superintendents in convention, 2622; shall appoint teachers' institutes, 2622; shall attend teachers' institutes, 2622; shall render opinions on the school law, 2623; shall determine cases on appeal from county superin- tendents, 2623; shall have school laws printed and distributed, 2624; shall have amendments distributed, 2624; may subscribe for educational school paper, 2624; may furnish copy of paper to county superintendents, 2624; shall report to auditor of state number persons of school age, 2625; shall report biennially to the governor, 2625; shall receive and transmit $50 for each institute, 2626; salary of, 2627; traveling expenses of, 2627; is president board educational examiners, 2628; is president board trustees normal school, 2675; receives reports from county superintendents, 2739; approves course of study for graded or union schools, 2776; receives certificate of qualification of county superintendent, 2809; hears appeal from county superintendent, 2820; shall not render a judgment for money, 2820; receives report from county superintendent of list of text-books adopted, 2833. SUPERVISION, by superintendent public instruction, 2622; by county superin- tendent, 2735; by board of directors, 2772; by person selected by board, 2776. 150 INDEX SUEETIES, of treasurer normal school, 2675; of trustees county high school, 2729; of treasurer county high school, 2729; of secretary and treasurer of board, 2760; of contractor to build, 2779; of person to keep books and supplies for sale for district, 2824; of contractor to furnish books and supplies, 2830; bonds of surety companies accepted, 2830. SURETY COMPANIES, bonds of, shall be accepted on bond of contractor to furnish text-books, 2830. SUSPENSION, see Expulsion of Scholar. TAXES, estimated by board trustees county high school, 2780; may not be voted without notice, 2746; women may vote upon question of, 2747; voters may vote schoolhouse, at annual meeting, 2749; board may give notice that propo- sition to vote, will be submitted, 2749; board shall give notice that proposi- tion to vote, will be submitted, 2749; may be voted at a special election, 2750; notice given by director of subdistrict that schoolhouse, will be voted, 2751; voted at special meeting of subdistrict, 2753; shall not exceed in all fifteen mills on the dollar, 2753; certified by secretary of subdistrict meeting, to secretary of school township, 2753; levied by board of super- visors upon property of subdistrict only, when, 2753; president signs drafts for taxes collected, 2759; secretary certifies to board of supervisors amount fixed for contingent and teachers' fund, 2767; secretary certifies schoolhouse tax voted at regular or special meeting, 2767; secretary certifies provision made for payment of principal or interest of bonds due, 2767; collected for building schoolhouses, called schoolhouse fund, 2768; collected for expenses necessary to keep the schools in operation, the contingent fund, 2768; col- lected for the payment of teachers, the teachers' fund, 2768; board estimates and publishes amounts necessary to maintain schools, 2781; to purchase free text-books provided by board, 2783; void for school township when independ- ent school district is created, 2796; when independent school district is formed, board estimates and certifies all necessary taxes, and board of super- visors levies same, 2796; for teachers' and contingent funds, determined by board by third Monday in August, 2806; limit of, for contingent fund, 2806; for uniformity of text-books, 2825; limit of, for teachers' fund, 2806; on territory in adjoining counties, may be estimated in mills, 2806; for school- house fund, apportioned among subdistricts, 2806; levy by board of supervi- sors, 2807; levy of schoolhouse tax voted at special meeting, 2807; levy of one to three mills county 'tax, 2807; apportioned by county auditor, 2808; presi- dent to be notified of tax collected, 2808; president issues warrant in favor of district treasurer, 2808; county treasurer gives notice of amount collected, 2810; county treasurer pays to district treasurers quarterly, 2810; county treasurer keeps separate tax levied directly upon a subdistrict, 2810; voters vote tax to pay judgment, 2811; if voters do not vote tax to pay judgment, board certifies amount required to board of supervisors, who shall levy tax, 2811; board fixes amount necessary to pay principal or interest, if needed, 2813; board certifies to board of supervisors not to exceed $1.50 annually for each person of school age, on contingent fund, for text-books and supplies to be resold, 2825; not exceeding five dollars for each person of school age for transporting children, 2806. TEACHERS, number in the state reported, 2625; state certificates and diplomas to, 2629; state certificate to primary teachers, 2630-b; certificates of other states validated, 2630-c; certificates to graduates of Iowa colleges and normal schools, 2634-f; certificates to graduates of accredited schools, 2634-d; shall have state certificate or diploma registered with county superintendent, 2734-q; may attend normal school, 2676; in normal school reported, 2680; in county high school reported, 2731; receive blanks and circulars through county superintendents, 2734-b; county examination of, last Friday and the Wednesday and Thursday preceding in January, June, July and October 2734-c; special examination, 2734-e; examination in first grade subjects, 2734-d; examination in special studies, 2734-e; shall not be employed to teach subjects not in a special certificate, 2630-b, 2734-e; first grade certificate for term of three years, 2734-g; renewal of same, 2734-g; second grade certificate for term not to exceed two years, 2734-h; INDEX 151 TEACHERS Continued . one renewal of, 2734-h; third grade, six months, 2734-i; extension of, 2734-i; provisional certificates, six months, 2734-t; extension of, 2734-t; special certificates, three years, 2734-e; renewal of 2734-e; certificate may be revoked after an investigation, 2734-u; when certificate shall be re- voked, 2734-u; certificates must be registered, 2734-q; fee for registration, 2734-q; normal institut'3 held for, annually, 2738; fee for enrolling at insti- tute, 2738; fee of applicant for examination, 2734-p; number employed re- ported by secretary, 2765; money received for payment of, the teachers' fund, 2768; rules and regulations for government of, made by board, 2772; must give instruction in effects of alcoholic stimulants, 2775; in kindergartens must hold kindergarten certificate, 2777; elected by board in all cases, 2778; contracts with, what they must contain, 2778; contracts with, signed by president and teacher, 2778; contracts with, filed with secretary, 2778; aided in government of school by board, 2782; may 'by majority vote of board be discharged, 2782; before being discharged shall have fair trial, 2782; may temporarily dismiss a scholar, if empowered by board, 2782; may readmit a scholar, if dismissed by teacher, 2782; may not be employed unless having a valid certificate of qualification, 2788; may not be paid from school funds for teaching without a certificate, 2788; shall keep daily register, 2789; shall keep separate register for non-resident scholars, 2789; shall file copy of register with secretary, 2789; shall file reports with county superintendent, 2789; may not act as agent or dealer in text-books or supplies, 2834; course in accredited schools, 2634-c; must pass an examination in the elements of vocal music, 2823-s; library books may be loaned to, 2823-r; shall be respon- sible for care of library, when, 2823-r; must report violations of compulsory school law, 2823-g. TEACHER'S CONTRACT, see Contracts. TEACHERS' NORMAL INSTITUTES, appointed, 2622; must remain in session at least six days, 2622; superintendent public instruction shall attend, 2622; aided by state appropriation of $50 annually, 2626; county superintendent shall hold annually, 2738; registration fee from each person attending, 2738; institute fund, 2738; board of supervisors may appropriate additional sum for, 2738; disbursement of fund shall be only for services rendered or expenses incurred, 2738; elements of vocal music must be taught in, 2823-t; report of expendi- tures to be published, 2739. TERM OF OFFICE, member board educational examiners appointed for four years, 2628; of member board trustees county high school, 2729; of member board of directors, 2745; of treasurer in independent city and town districts, 2754; of president of board, 2757; of secretary and treasurer, 2757; of member board of directors appointed, 2758; director shall hold office for the term to which he is elected, 2758; and until his successor is elected and qualified, 2758; at end of, books shall be surrendered to successor, 2770; when independent school district is organized, 2795. TERRITORY, each district has exclusive jurisdiction over all, therein contained, 2743; contained in ward or other division of district for school purposes, 2773; of new civil township constitutes a school township, 2790; may be attached to adjoining district, if natural obstacles intervene, 2791; restored to district to which it geographically belongs, 2792; change of boundary lines between independent districts in same civil township, 2793; contiguous, may be in- cluded in independent school district at formation, 2794; taxes void upon part of, included in independent school district, 2796; may be detached from independent districts to form new independent district, 2798; in every case of transfer of, division of assets and liabilities must be made, 2802; school tax on, in independent district where non-resident child attends, shall be de- ducted from tuition, 2804. TESTIMONY, taken in trial of an appeal, 2819; witnesses may be subpoenaed to give, in trial of an appeal, 2821. 152 INDEX TEXT-BOOKS, used by county high school reported, 2731; used in district reported 2765; furnished to Indigent children, 2783; purchased and loaned with contin- gent fund, 2783; board of directors certifies sum authorized under district uniformity, 2806; board of directors in county not having uniformity may adopt, 2824; may contract for and buy, 2824; books and supplies to be under charge of board, 2824; board may select persons within the county to keep books and supplies for sale, 2824; bonds shall be required of person keeping books and supplies for sale, 2824; paid for out of the contingent fund, 2825; amount certified annually to secure, not to exceed $1.50 for each person of school age in the district, 2825; no debt shall be contracted to purchase, 2825; in purchasing, books in use must be taken into consideration, 2826; board may arrange for exchange of, 2826; must be furnished at very lowest price, 2827; before purchasing, notice for bids must be given, 2828; before accepting bid, competent persons may be consulted, 2828; change in, not to be made within five years, unless by vote of electors, 2829; samples of, filed in office of county superintendent, 2830; samples kept for public inspection, 2830; bond taken from contractor, 2830; bonds of surety companies to be accepted, 2830; peti- tions for county uniformity of, 2831; if county uniformity carries, county board of education contracts for, 2832; depositories for sale of, arranged for, 2832; list of, reported by county superintendent to state superintendent, 2833; school officers not to be agents for, 2834; cities and towns exempted from county uniformity, 2835; cities and towns may buy same books if electors so decide, 2835; question of free text-books submitted, 2836; if voted, board shall procure books to be loaned, 2837; board shall adopt rules and regula- tions for preservation of, 2837; any scholar allowed to purchase at cost, 2837; no free text-books supplied until needed, 2837; loaning of, may be discon- tinued, 2837. TIE VOTE, how determined, 2754. TIME, of holding teachers' normal institute fixed by superintendent public in- struction, 2622; that annual meeting will be in session must be stated in notice, 2746; that subdistrict meeting will be held shall be stated in notice, 2751; that polls must remain open, in different districts, 2754; that special meeting of board shall be held must be given in notice, 2757; secretary and treasurer shall qualify within ten days, 2760; of meeting, stated in notice, 2763 ; teacher must be given reasonable time to make defense against charges, 2782; appeal must be taken within thirty days, 2818; secretary must send transcript within ten days, 2819; county superintendent notifies persons when appeal will be heard, 2819; thirty days' notice of the appeal must be given by the appellant, 2820; thirty days' notice of special election to vote bonds in excess of one and one-fourth mills, 2820-a. TOWN, may become basis of independent school district, 2794. TOWNSHIP, see Civil Township, and School Township. TRANSCRIPT, secretary shall be notified by county superintendent to furnish, 2819 ; secretary shall certify transcript to be correct, 2819 ; after transcript is filed, county superintendent shall notify in writing where appeal will be heard, 2819; of costs in appeal filed in office of clerk of court, 2821; tax-levy for, 2806. TRANSFER, a surplus in the schoolhouse fund may be transferred to teachers' or contingent fund by annual meeting, 2749; of territory to adjoining district, 2791; restoration of territory to district in which it geographically belongs, 2792; by change of boundaries between independent districts in same civil township, 2793; assets and liabilities must be divided in case of, 2802. TRANSPORTATION OF CHILDREN, board may arrange for, 2774. TREASURER, of normal school, 2675; of county high school, 2729. TREASURER, in city and town districts, chosen by the electors, 2754; chosen out- side the board, 2757; elected by ballot, 2757; gives bond, 2760; takes oath of office, 2760; has ten days in which to qualify, 2760; receives all moneys, 2768; pays out moneys, 2768; keeps account of receipts and expenditures. INDEX 153 TREASURER Continued. 2768; registers all orders, 2768; keeps separate account with each fund, 2768; makes partial payments, 2768; indorses unpaid orders, 2768; renders state- ment of finances, 2769; makes annual report to board, 2769; files copy of report with county superintendent, 2769; vacancy in office of, filled by board, 2771; compensation fixed by board, 2780; draws money from county treasury, 2808; receives taxes quarterly, 2810; keeps record of persons to whom bonds are sold, 2812-f ; proceeds of sale of school laws to be paid to county treasurer, 2823-k. TREASURER OF STATE, board of educational examiners pays fees to, 2631. TREES, number in thrifty condition to be reported, 2765; board shall have twelve or more growing on each schoolhouse site, 2787; for failure or neglect to pro- test, county superintendent shall call attention of board, 2787; ground in- cluded in orchard, may not be taken for schooihouse site by condemnation, 2814. TRIAL, before state certificate or diploma may be revoked, 2631; before certificate of teacher may be revoked by county superintendent, 2734-u; before teacher may be discharged by board, 2782; of appeal to county superintendent, 2819; of appeal to superintendent of public instruction, 2820. TRUANT OFFICERS, how appointed, 2823-e; duties of, 2823-e; compensation of, 2823-e; must enforce provisions of the compulsory school law, 2823-f; penalty for failure to enforce law, 2823-f. TRUANT SCHOOLS, board of directors' may establish, 2823-d; rules governing, 2823-d; punishment of insubordinate children, 2823-d. TRUSTEES, see Board of Trustees. TUITION, in normal school, 2676; in county high school, 2733; average cost per month for each scholar, reported by secretary, 2765; every school free of, to actual residents, 2773; may be paid by board in another district, 2774; boards may agree upon, 2803; when child attends by consent of board and county superintendent, 2803; for non-resident children, fixed by board, 2804; school tax paid by parent whose non-resident child attends, may be deducted from, in independent district, 2804; in State College of Agriculture and Mechanic arts, 2649; in State Normal School, 2679. UNIFORMITY OF TEXT-BOOKS, see Text-books. UNION SCHOOLS, see Graded Schools. UNIVERSITY, see State University. UNKNOWN OWNER, see Owner. VACANCY IN OFFICE, of trustee county high school, how filled, 2729 ; in board of directors, filled by appointment, 2758; of officer or member of board, filled by ballot, 2771. VILLAGE, may become basis for independent school district, 2794. VISITATION OF SCHOOLS, by county superintendent mandatory, 2734-b; by county superintendent upon request of a majority of the board, 2734-b; pro- vided for by board, 2782; visitation of accredited schools, 2634-c. VOTERS, of district hold annual meeting, 2746; who may vote, 2747; powers of, at annual meeting, 2749; powers of, at special meeting of district, 2750; of sub- district, hold annual meeting, 2751; special meeting of subdistrict, to vote schoolhouse tax, 2753; register of, in districts of 5,000 or over, divided into election precincts, 2755; petition for formation of independent school district, 2794; vote on formation of independent school district, 2794; vote to form consolidated district, 2794-a; vote on forming independent districts from sub- districts, 2797; vote on subdividing independent district, 2798; vote on uniting independent districts, 2799; vote on uniting rural independent school districts into a school township, 2800; vote tax to pay judgment indebted- ness, 2811; in independent school districts, vote to issue bonds for original indebtedness, 2812 j b; vote to issue bonds in excess of one and one-fourth 154 INDEX VOTERS Continued . per cent, 2820-a; authorize board to change or displace text-books, 2829; vote upon county uniformity, 2832; in cities and towns, authorize board to adopt books used in county uniformity, 2835; authorize free text-books, 2836; direct the loaning of text-books discontinued, 2837. WARD, school tax paid by guardian of non-resident, in an independent district, deducted from tuition, 2804. WARDS, district divided into, or other divisions, for school purposes, 2773. WARRANTS, see Orders. WATER-CLOSETS, board shall give special attention to matter of, 2784; in inde- pendent school district, shall be separated by solid or continuous barrier, 2784; approaches to outside doors of, separated by close fence, 2784; must be kept in wholesome condition and good repair, 2784. WITNESSES, may be subpoenaed in appeal by county superintendent, 2821; attend- ance of, may be compelled, 2821; compensation of, 2821. WOMEN, one member board educational examiners must be a woman, 2628; county superintendent may be a woman, 2734-b; right to vote on taxes or issuing bonds not denied to women, 2747; any school officer or member of board may be a woman, 2748; shall not be prohibited from voting at elec- tions at which they are entitled to vote, 2755. WRITTEN CONTRACT, see Contracts. YEAR, for organization of board, 2757; for election of secretary and treasurer by board, 2757; for enumeration by secretary, 2764; for report of secretary to county superintendent, 2765; for report of treasurer to county superin- tendent, 2769; minimum, for school purposes, 2773; for school purposes com- mences first day of July, 2773; for financial statement to be published, 2781; for enumeration, by director of subdistrict, 2785; for organization of school township, 2790; for division of school township into subdistricts, 2801; for certifying of taxes regularly voted, 2806 ; for certifying and levying of school- house tax voted at special meeting, 2807. YOUTH, see Enumeration, and Scholar. BLANK FORMS. 155 BLANK FORMS NUMBER 1 SECTION 2734-u. (MAKE IN DUPLICATE) REVOCATION OP TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE. OFFICE OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, , Iowa,... .__190 To. You are hereby notified that a certificate to teach, granted to dated 190___, is hereby revoked in accordance with the provisions of section 2734-u, the said revocation to take effect from and after 190__ County Superintendent. NUMBER 2 SECTION 2738. APPLICATION FOR TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. OFFICE OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, County, Iowa, , 190___. To the Superintendent of Public Instruction: I desire to hold days of institute during the school year ending June 30, 190 , as follows: days commencing 190 , at , and days commencing 190 , at I have also appointed subject to your approval the follow- ing persons to assist in said institute. You are hereby requested to appoint the institute for county at the places and on the dates above named, and to approve the faculty submitted below. County Superintendent. NOTE One of the sessions must be of at least six consecutive working days' duration. Institute Faculty for the Session Commencing 190 Names. Address. Subjects Assigned. Conductor : Assistants : For the Preliminary or Supplemental Session Commencit ig 190 Conductor : Assistants : 156 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 3 SECTION 2738. MONTHLY REPORT OF EXAMINATION FEES, INSTITUTE FUND. ' , Treasurer County. Dear Sir Inclosed find Dollars received from fees for the month of 19 , collected from the following named persons : g Name of Applicant Received *& Name of Applicant Reived 1 $ 26 $. * * ******* * 49 ... 50 ... Total $. I hereby certify that the above report is correct. Iowa, County Superintendent. , 190 NUMBER 4 SECTION 2738. REPORT OF INSTITUTE ENROLLMENT FEES, INSTITUTE FUND. , Treasurer County. Dear Sir Inclosed find Dollars received from enrollment fees for the normal institute held at commencing and continuing __days. No. Name of Teacher R^ved No - Name of Teacher Revived 1 $ 151 2 * * ******* * 149 299 [.. 150 State appropriation . . Total |$. I hereby certify that the above report is correct. Iowa, County Superintendent. , 190___. NUMBER 5 SECTION 2734-p. MONTHLY REMITTANCE OF EXAMINATION FEES TO THE TREASURER OF STATE. OFFICE OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, County, Iowa , 190_ Hon , Treasurer of State, Des Moines, Iowa: Dear Sir Inclosed find Dollars, being one-half of the exam- ination fees collected during the month of 190, as provided in section 2734-p. _, 190. County Superintendent. BLANK FORMS. 157 NUMBER 6 SECTION 2738. RECEIPT FOR INSTITUTE FUND. $ Received of county superintend- ent, Dollars institute fund for the month ending 190_. Iowa. 190 County Treasurer. NUMBER 7 SECTION 2738. ORDER ON COUNTY AUDITOR. OFFICE OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, County, Iowa, 190.... $ To Auditor County: Please draw and deliver to a warrant upon the Institute Fund for Dollars, as by duly verified bill No accompanying this order. No County Superintendent. NUMBER 8 SECTION 2746. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the of , in the county of , state of Iowa, that the annual meeting of said district will be held at on the second Monday in March, 190.., at o'clock m., and closing at o'clock m. A director will be elected for a term of years to succeed , one for years, to succeed , and __. The meeting will be open for the transaction of such business as may fegally come before it, and the board has directed that the following propositions shall be sub- mitted to and determined by the voters : .190__ Secretary. NUMBER 9 SECTION 2746. PROCEEDINGS OF ANNUAL MEETING. March 190__ The electors of the in the county of state of Iowa, assembled at pur- suant to notice. The meeting was called to order by the president at o'clock__m. The secretary being absent, was elected secretary. The order of business and powers of the meeting were stated by the president. It was moved by seconded by , that the ballots provide for voting upon a tax of Dollars for schoolhouse purposes. Carried votes for and votes against. On motion of seconded by , it was voted that the ballots provide for voting a tax of Eight Hundred Dollars for the purpose of building a schoolhouse in subdistrict No It was ordered that the ballots afford opportunity to vote upon the proposition to transfer Dollars of unused schoolhouse fund to the teachers' (contingent) fund. The polls for voting were opened at minutes after ...o'clock. At minutes after o'clock the polls were closed, the ballots were counted, and the vote upon the several matters voted upon was in each case as follows : The time required by law during which the meeting must be kept open having passed, the meeting adjourned at minutes after o'clock. Secretary, Chairman.. 168 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 10 SECTION 2746. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION. We hereby certify that at the annual meeting of the in the county of state of Iowa, held on the second Monday in March, 190, was duly elected of said district, for a term of years, to succeed - Judges of President. Election | ' -"Secretary. 190.. -Judge"of"Election. NUMBER 11 SECTION 2761. NOTICE OF SUBDISTRICT MEETING. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the qualified voters of subdistrict No of the school township of in the county of , state of Iowa, will be held at on the first Monday in March, 190 , at o'clock m., for the election of a director and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come before it. The question whether Hundred Dollars schoolhouse tax shall be voted upon the property of the subdistrict will be determined by ballot at such meeting. -190__ Director of Subdistrict No NUMBER 12 SECTION 2761. PROCEEDINGS OF ANNUAL SUBDISTRICT MEETING. March 190.. The voters of subdistrict No , of the school township of in the county of , state of Iowa, met pursuant to notice. , was appointed chairman, and. secretary of the meeting. The chairman announced the powers of the meeting. The polls were opened at minutes after o'clock. At minutes after o'clock the polls were closed, and the judges proceeded to count the bal- lots. For director votes were cast for , votes for , and votes for , upon which was declared elected director for the ensuing year, and he was given his certificate of election. Upon the proposition to vote a schoolhouse tax of Hundred Dollars upon this subdistrict, votes were cast for the tax, and against the tax. It was declared that the vote was__ ____-____ At minutes after. o'clock, on motion of the meeting adjourned. Secretary. Chairman. NUMBER 13 SECTION 2751. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR DIRECTOR OF SUBDISTRICT. We hereby certify that at the annual meeting of subdistrict No , of the school township of , in the county of , state of Iowa, held on the first Monday in March, 190... was duly elected director of said subdistricL Judges of I Chairman. Election ) Secretary. 190- NUMBER 14 SECTION 2753. CERTIFICATE OF TAX TOTED BY SUBDISTRICT MEETING. To _, Secretary Board of Directors of the School Township of : I hereby certify that the voters of subdistrict No of the school township of , in the county of , state of Iowa, at the meeting held 190, voted a tax of Dollars for the erection of a schoolhouse in said subdistrict. Secretary of Subdistrict Meeting. BLANK FORMS. 159 NUMBER 15 SECTION 2760. BOND OF SECRETARY OR TREASURER. Know all Men by These Presents: That I, , as principal, and and as sureties, of the in the county of ., , state of Iowa, are held and firmly bound unto the in the said county and state, in the penal sum of Dollars, to be paid to the said , for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is that as of the , in the county of state of Iowa, he will render a true account of his office and of his doings therein to the proper authority, when required thereby or by law ; that he will promptly pay over to the officer or person entitled thereto all moneys which may come into his hands by virtue of his office; that he will promptly account for all balances of money remaining In hi* hands at the termination of his office; that he will exercise all reasonable diligence an : care in the preservation and lawful disposal of all money, books, papers, securities, or other property appertaining to his said office, and deliver them to his successor, or -* any other person authorized to receive the same ; and that he will faithfully anu impartally, without fear, favor, fraud or oppression, discharge nil duties now or hereafter required of his office by law ; and the sureties on such bond shall be liable for all money or public property that may come into the hands of such officer :.t any time during his possession of such office. In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this day of... 190.. S re tics. STATE OF IOWA, County, ss. I, ., do solemnly swear (or affirm) thi I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the stale of Iowa, and that I will faithfully and impartially, to the best of my ability, discharge all the duties of the office of secretary (or treasurer) of the. ., In tlie county of , state of Iowa, as now or hereafter required by law. Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above named ...this ._ day of 190._ In testimony whereof witness my hand and official seal. (Seal.) Notary Public. STATE OF IOWA, County, ss. I, , being duly sworn, depose and say that I am a resident freeholder of the state of Iowa, and am worth the sum of Dollars beyond the sum of my debts, and have property liable to execution in this state equal to the sum of , Dollars. Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above named this day of 190.. In testimony whereof witness my hand and official seal. (Seal.) Notary Public. NUMBER a 6 SECTION 2762. DRAFT ON THE COUNTY TREASURER. 190- To , County Treasurer: Pay to , treasurer of the in the county of , state of Iowa, Dollars teachers' fund Dollars schoolhouse fund, and Dollars contingent fund, being the amount of tax collected and due this district for the quarter ending 190.., as shown by your notice of 190 Secretary. President. NUMBER 17 SECTION 2762. ORDER ON DISTRICT TREASURER. $ 190 To.. _ , Treasurer of the. Pay to or order.. Dollars from the fund, for - '"Secretary"' 'President. 160 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 18 SECTION 2762. ORDER REGISTER OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER. t-l i I a; 1 Date In Whose Favor Drawn For What Purpose 1* +3 a a C v d 3 QJ *H o ^ * H o&c-S ^ H OQ Q 1 April 7, 190 John Smith. .. Teaching school ... $ 45.00 April 7 190 A J Adams Repairs on schoolhouse $ 5 00 * 3 April 7, 190 .. Joel B. Young .. . Fuel $ 5 66 4 May 10, 190.... Thomas Harrison . . Erection of schoolhouse .. 125.00 5 May 14, 190.... Sarah Johnson Teaching school 63.74 NUMBER 19 SECTION 2764. REGISTER OF PERSONS OF SCHOOL AGE. Names AI ?e 5 9 OJ " Parents or Guardians Children 1 3 rt3 ** REN, KEPT BY DIRECTOR. Age 1 rears a| Parents or Guard- Names of Children ot- non-attend- Q *!* ance % Q John Smith Peter Smith 10 40 See below Eliza Smith 12 100 James Jones William Jones 8 80 Charles Peters (ward) 15 120 Anna Byron James Byron 12 See below NOTE Read section 2823-i. BLANK FORMS. 165 NUMBER 33 SECTION 2789. TEACHER'S DAILY REGISTER. Register of the school taught in subdistrict No of the school township of county of , state of Iowa, for the term commencing May 18, 190 , and closing 190 Teacher. Branches Studied NoxE-The board should supply each schoolroom in the district with a bound copy of school register. In the above form, E indicates the date of entrance; \, absence in the forenoon; ' , absence in the afternoon; 20, twenty minutes late in the forenoon; lOe, ten minutes late in the afternoon, excused. The absence of marks indicates that the scholar was present the entire day. Absence at roll-call is Indicated by a dot, which is afterward changed by figures, or a diagonal mark, as the circumstances require; *, indicates branch studied. I hereby certify that the above is a faithful and correct register of said school. SOUOOJBU * * ^JOJSIH 'S 'Q A'SOIOISA'IIJ aBraraBao * * AqdBaSoao * * oijatn * otjara * * 8UHIJM. * * * SUIPB8H * * * AUdBaSoxuao * * ni aonBpu9ttv IBIOJ, 9 a a s s & <-3 d o Q XJBUI -rans ^raaaM. 5 so to to s'-j fm, S"^ X S"X e- t "It t- -rane/i"?^ <* 62 "d 82 ''qj, 5 LZ'-A^ i 9Z'M 5 9Z"R X X.IBIU Ift 10 * MS ZZ ''d &> 12 "m, X OZ'-Ai s- GT'-J, 81 "W WWW W "5 e 88V s ^ a 1 1 03 fe 2 j i i 1 00 i g a 3 w ^ Charles Peters aaqranN M * 166 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 34 SECTION 2789. TEACHER'S TERM REPORT. Register of the school taught in subdistrict number , of the school township of , in the county of , state of Iowa, for the term commencing on the 18th day of May, 190.., and ending 190.. Pupils Name Attendance in Days for Weeks Com- mencing Branches Studied >> 0,ift :0 aiS M i & a 3 o Peter Smith. Eliza Smith. William Jones.. Charles Peters. 10 4.5 12 4.5 4.5 I hereby certify that the above is a faithful and correct register of said school. ^Teacher. NUMBER 35 SECTION 2803. NOTICE PERMITTING ATTENDANCE FROM ANOTHER DISTRICT. To , Secretary of the Board of Directors of Notice is hereby given that and , children residing in the , have been granted permission by the board and county superintendent to attend school in , commencing on the day of 190 , for a term of months. 190.. " ""President. 'Secretary. NUMBER 36 SECTION 2808. NOTICE OP SEMI-ANNUAL APPORTIONMENT. OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER, , 190_. To , President of the You are hereby notified that according to the semi-annual apportionment made this day by the county auditor, as provided by section 2808, the sum of Dollars is due the , in the county of , state of Iowa. County Treasurer. NUMBER 37 SECTION 2809. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, _., 190_. I hereby certify that was elected to the office of county superintendent, for the term commencing January , 190 His postoffice address is , Iowa. County Auditor. BLANK FORMS. 167 NUMBER 38 SECTION 2809. CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR,, , 190_. I hereby certify that has duly qualified for the office of county superintendent for the term commencing January 190 His postoffice address is Iowa. County Auditor. NUMBER 39 SECTION 2810. NOTICE OP SCHOOL TAX COLLECTED. OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER, 190. To , President of the Board of Directors of the. You are hereby notified that the amount now collected and due the in county, state of Iowa, is : $ teachers' fund. $ schoolhouse fund. $ contingent fund. $ school building bond fund. County Treasurer. NUMBER 40 SECTION 2815. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF REFEREES. To , Superintendent of County: In accordance with the action of the board of directors of the you are hereby requested to appoint three disinterested persons to inspect, and assess the damages which the owner will sustain by appropriating for school purposes, the following described real estate : .190__ President. 'Secretary. NUMBER 41 SECTION 2815 APPOINTMENT OF REFEREES. To and You are hereby appointed and constituted a board of reierees, under the provisions of section 2815, to assess the damages which the owner will sustain by the appropriation for school purposes, of the following described real estate: in , in the county of , state of Iowa, containing one acre of land, exclusive of highway. You will, therefore, on the day of _190 , at o'clock__m., proceed to examine the real estate above described, and assess, under oath, the cash damages which the owner will sustain by the appropriation of said land for school purposes, and immediately thereafter report to me in writing the amount of said damages. 190_. County Superintendent. OATH OF REFEREES. We, and do solemnly swear that we will well and truly, and to the best of our abilty perform all the duties imposed upon us by the foregoing commission. Subscribed and sworn to before me by and this day of 190. Notary Public. 168 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 42 SECTION 2815. NOTICE TO OWNER OF REAL ESTATE. To , County: You are hereby notified that I have this day appointed referees to assess the dam- ages which the owner will sustain by the appropriation for school purposes of the following described real estate : Said referees will meet at the above described real estate on the day of 190.-, at o'clockin., and assess said dam- ages as provided by law. .190 County Superintendent. NUMBER 43 SECTION 2815. REPORT OF REFEREES. To , Superintendent of County: We, the undersigned, appointed to assess the dameges which the owner will sustain by the appropriation for school purposes, of the following described real estate: do'nereby report that we have o"n this day of""". .". . " T90_Ycare~fuffy examined said described real estate and have assessed the damages at Dollars. .190-. Referees. NUMBER 44 SECTION 2815. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES. To , County: You are hereby notified that referees were appointed to assess the damages which the owner would sustain by the appropriation for school purposes of the following described real estate: and that said referees met at said premises on the day of 190, and assessed said damages at Dollars, as shown by their report on file in my office. .190 County Superintendent. NUMBER 45 SECTION 2818. AFFIDAVIT OF APPEAL. STATE OF IOWA, County, ss. V. SCHOOL TOWNSHIP OF I, , being duly sworn, on oath, say: That on the day of 190, the board of directors of said school township rendered a decision (or made an order) whereby (here state facts showing affiant's interest in the decision and the injury to that interest); that said board in rendering the decision (or making the order) aforesaid, committed errors as follows. (Here state the errors charged.) Subscribed and sworn to by . before me, this day of 190- Notary Public. NUMBER 46 SECTION 2819. NOTICE OF APPEAL. STATE OF IOWA,.. County, ss. To IIIIII IIIIIIII II II _, Secretary Board of Directors of the School Township of .' You are hereby notified that has filed in my office an BLANK FORMS. 169 affidavit alleging that said board of directors, on the day of 190, made a decision (or an order) whereby (here describe the decision or order so that the secretary may identify it), and claiming an appeal therefrom. You are therefore re- quired within ten days after receiving this notice, to file in my office a complete tran- script of the record of the proceedings of the board relating to said order, together with copies of all papers filed with you pertaining to said action appealed from. 190 County Superintendent. NUMBER 47 SECTION 2819. CERTIFICATE TO SECRETARY'S TRANSCRIPT. I f , secretary of the board of directors of the school township'of ~ , in the county of , state of Iowa, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct and complete transcript of the record of all proceedings of the board and of all papers filed relating to the case .190 Secretary. NUMBER 48 SECTION 2819. NOTICE OF HEARING OF APPEAL. STATE OF IOWA, County, ss. v. SCHOOL TOWNSHIP OF J To You are hereby notified that there is on file in this office a transcript of the pro- ceedings of the board of directors of the school township of at a meeting held on the day of 190__, in relation to (here describe the decision or order appealed from) from which appeal has been taken ; and that the said appeal will be heard before me at on the day of 190, at o'clock m. .190 County Superintendent. NUMBER 49 SECTION 2820. CERTIFICATE TO COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S TRANSCRIPT. I, , superintendent of county, state of Iowa, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct and complete transcript of the records of all proceedings had, testimony given and papers filed in my office, and my rulings thereon, also of my decision in the case v .190 County Superintendent. NUMBER 50 SECTION 2824. BOND FOR SALE OF BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. Know all Men by These Presents: , That we, , of the county of , as principal, and and as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the in the county of , state of Iowa, in the penal sum of Dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation is, that whereas the above named is to take charge of, care for, and account for all text-books and supplies, and to return all moneys received from the sale of such books and supplies to the contingent fund of said district; now, if the said shall promptly pay over to the treasurer of the district all money which may come into his hands from the sale of books and supplies, and shall account in full at any time for all books and supplies coming into his hands, and shall deliver to any person or officer authorized to receive the same, all books and supplies unsold, and make full settlement as required by law, then this bend to be void, otherwise in full force. Signed this. .day of 190. ""Principal. Sureties. 170 BLANK FORMS. NUMBER 51 SECTION 2828. NOTICE TO PUBLISHERS OF TEXT-BOOKS. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with law, bids will be received up to of the day of 190... by at for the following text-books and supplies for the use of the schools of said Approximate Number Needed for First Supply. Readers First to Fifth, inclusive Arithmetics, two books Speller Geographies, two books United States History Grammar Language Lessons Copy Books, 1-5, inclusive Physiology Approximate number in attendance upon the schools of said dur- ing the year 190 Samples of all text-books included in any bid must be deposited and remain in the office of the county superintendent. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or any part thereof. .190__ President. 'Secretary. NUMBER 52 SECTION 2830. BOND OP CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH TEXT-BOOKS. Know all Men by These Presents: That we, of , as principal, and , as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the in the penal sum of Dollars to be paid to the said for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. The conditions of the above obligation are such that if the above bounden shall well and truly fulfill and comply with all the obligations of their contract made on the day of 190__, with the aforesaid Sroviding for the furnishing of school text-books at prices an(f on conditions set forth i their said contract, a copy of which said contract is hereto attached and made a part hereof, then this obligation to be void ; otherwise to rejnain in full force and effect. In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this day of ...190__ Principal. Sureties. NUMBER 53 SECTION 2831. PETITION FOR COUNTY UNIFORMITY. To , County Superintendent: We, the undersigned, holding the office of school director, ask for the adoption of a uniform series of text-books in the schools of this county, and that you take steps to submit the question to the electors of the county, at the annual school meeting in March, as provided by law. T Names District Name Township .190. BLANK FORMS. 171 NUMBER 54 SECTION 2831. PROPOSITION AND BALLOT FOR COUNTY UNIFORMITY. Shall there be a uniform series of school text-books in Iowa? Write yes or no in the square to the right. .county, NUMBER 55 SECTION 2758. OATH OF PRESIDENT OR DIRECTOR. STATE OF IOWA,_ County, ss. I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the state of Iowa, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of *as now or hereafter required by law. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence "by tlie said this day of _ A. D. 190__ * Director of subdistrict or president of the board, as the case may be. NUMBER 56 SECTIONS 2823-n TO 2823-r. ORDER FOR LIBRARY BOOKS. To the city of state of _: I have been authorized to order the following books for the school library in the district (No ), of , township of , county of , state of Iowa. Enclosed find money order or bank draft for $ , in full payment of the same. No. Copies rr.-t,- Catalogue wt Prip ^ OQ tc eS d I o 1 'U 3 I & Jj o s ^ NUMBER SECTION 2823-q. REPORT BY THACHBRS, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS, SCHOOL OFFICERS, OR EMPLOYEES, *TO THE SECRETARY OF THE SCHOOL CORPORATION CONCERNING VIOLATIONS OF THE LAW FOR COMPULSORY EDUCATION. .190. To , Secretary of the Board of Directors of Distrct (No ) township of , county of . ., state of Iowa: I hereby certify that I have reason to believe that and , children between the ages of seven and fourteen years, are not attending school as required by the provisions of chapter 128, acts of the Twenty-ninth General Assembly providing for compulsory education. BLANK FORMS. 173 INDEX TO FORMS. NO. PAGE. Revocation of Teachers' Certificate 1 155 Application for Teachers' Normal Institute 2 155 Monthly Report of Examination Fees, Institute Fund 3 156 Report of Registration Fees, Institute Fund 4 156 Monthly Remittance to State Treasurer 5 156 Receipt for Institute Fund 6 157 Order on Institute Fund 7 157 Notice of Annual Meeting 8 157 Proceedings of Annual Meeting 9 157 Certificate of Election 10 158 Notice of Subdistrict Meeting 11 158 Proceedings of Annual Subdistrict Meeting 12 158 Certificate of Election of Director of Subdistrict 13 158 Certificate of Tax Voted by Subdistrict Meeting 14 158 Bond of Secretary or Treasurer 15 159 Draft on County Treasurer 16 159 Order on District Treasurer 17 159 Order Register of Secretary and Treasurer 18 160 Register of Persons of School Age 19 160 Certificate to County Officers 20 160 Certificate of Tax 21 161 Certificate Apportioning Tax 22 161 Certificate of Tax Voted by a Subdistrict 23 161 Treasurer's Account 24 162 Certificate of Appointment 25 162 Deed for Schoolhouse Site 26 162 Lease of Schoolhouse Site 27 162 Contract Between Board and Teacher 28 163 Proposals for Erection or Repair of Schoolhouse. . 29 163 Contract for Building Schoolhouse 30 163 Bond Performance of Contract 31 164 List of Parents and Children, kept by Director 32 164 Teacher's Daily Register 33 165 Teacher's Term Report 34 166 Notice Permitting Attendance from Amother District 35 166 Notice of Semi-annual Apportionment 36 166 Certificate of Election of County Superintendent 37 166 Certificate of Qualification of County Superintendent 38 167 Notice of School Tax Collected 39 167 Application for Appointment of Referees 40 167 Appointment of Referees 41 167 Notice to Owner of Real Estate 42 168 Report of Referees 43 168 Notice of Assessment of Damages 44 168 Affidavit of Appeal 45 168 Notice of Appeal. . . : 46 168 Certificate to Secretary's Transcript 47 169 Notice of Hearing of Appeal 48 169 Certificate to County Superintendent's Transcript 49 169 Bond for Sale of Books and Supplies 50 169 Notice to Publishers of Text-Books 51 170 Bond of Contractor to Furnish Text-Books 52 170 Petition for County Uniformity 53 170 Proposition and Ballot for County Uniformity 54 171 Oath of President or Director 55 171 Order for Library Books 56 171 Notice to Principal of Private or Parochial School 57 171 Notice About Child Under Private Instruction 58 172 Report of Principal to Tutor or Secretary of Board 59 172 Report Concerning Violations of Compulsory Law 60 172 DECISIONS IN APPEAL CASES Compiled for the Use of School Officers and Directors EDITION OF 1907 JOHN F. RIGGS Superintendent of Public Instruction PREFACE. In the compilation of the following decisions it has been our aim to select, as far as possible, only such cases as have a decisive bearing upon some impor- tant point of school law. There are many questions arising in the administration of these laws which the courts alone have power to decide. All questions involving the right and title to office, the interpretation of contracts, the right to- levy and collect taxes, the payment of money, and any act of the electors of a school district, are matters that should be tried in the courts, and can not be determined by appeal to the county superintendent or to the superintendent of public in- struction. Many of the appeals taken in the past have grown out of contention over the location of schoolhouse sites. As our state becomes more generally set- tled these questions arise with less frequency. V/hen possible, appeals to the superintendents or courts should be avoided. The timely and judicious advice of county superintendents will do much more to secure amicable adjustment of many school controversies. A careful perusal and study of these decisions by the school officers will enable them to administer the laws so justly and intelligently that many of the unfortunate contests that too frequently involve school districts and neigh- borhoods may be avoided. JOHN F. RIGGS, July 4, 1907. Superintendent of Public Instruction. TABLE OF GASES Amsden v. Macedonia ? 2 Arthur v. Fairway 25 Bacon v. West Des Moines. . .95, 97 Badger, O'Connor v 44 Baker, Martin v. 82 Baker v. Waukon 38 Bartlett v. Spencer 33 Baxter v. Bear Grove 1 Bear Grove, Baxter v i Bear Grove, Messner et al. v 98 Belmond, Thompson v < Benson et al. v. Silver Lake 67 Boomer, Remington v J Boyle, Grey v 70 Brighton, Woods v 24 Brown v. Van Meter 2 2 Burrington, Moody v - Byrne v. Struble H 6 Cedar, Miner v 9 Center, Folsom v 41 Center, Sheafe v 56 Charles City, Harwood v 17 Clarence, Tanner v 53 Claxton v. Holmes 60 Colburn v. Silver LaKe 32 Cook, Hammer v 109 Cormack v. Lincoln 30 Crawford, Walker v 45 Curry v. Franklin 5 Davis v. Linn 48 Davis v. Madison 13 Deck v. Eden. . .' 40 Des Moines, Handersheldt v. . . . 34 Donald v. South Fork 28 Donelon v. Kniest 52 Eagle, Reed v 55 Eden, Deck v 40 Eldon, Taylor v 16 Empire, Watkins v 49 Engbers v. Richmond 113 Exira, Watson v 17 Fairway, Arthur v 25 Fallon v. Fort Dodge. 68 Fieldberg Severied et al. v 62 Folsom v. Center 41 Forsythe v. Kirkville 58 Fort Dodge, Fallon v 68 Franklin, Curry v 5 Franklin, Hancock v Ill Franklin, Rush v 101 Fremont, Hook v 11 Glenwood, Rogness v 69 Gosting v. Lincoln 21 Grant, Odendahl v 80 Gregory v. McCord 71 Grey v. Boyle 70 Grove, McKee v 74 Hale v. Riverdale 93 Hammer v. Cook 109 Hancock v. Franklin Ill Handersheldt v. Des Moines 34 Hartford, Ingraham v 65 Harwood v. Charles City 17 Heath v. Iowa 77 Hiteman, Wilson v 107 Holmes, Claxton v 60 Hook v. Fremont H Hubbard v. Lime Creek 20 Hudgens v. No. 10 84 Ingraham v. Hartford 65 Iowa, Heath v , ,,,,,,, 77 TABLE OF CASES Jackson v. Steamboat Rock 78 Jacoby v. Nodaway 29 Jasper, Thomson v 23 Johnston v. Sanborn 98 Johnston v. Utica 39 Jones v. Ocheyedan 103 Kenworthy v. Oskaloosa 66 Kirkville, Forsythe v 58 Kletzing v. Montour 86 Kniest, Donelon v 52 Lester, Sipple v 6 Lime Creek, Hubbard v 20 Lincoln, Cormack v 30 Lincoln, Costing v 21 Lincoln, Maxwell v 50 Linn, Davis v 48 Lodomillo, Rankin v 31 Lytle v. Washington 105 Macedonia, Amsden v 72 Madison, Davis v 13 Martin v. Baker 82 Maxwell v. Lincoln 50 McCord, Gregory v 71 McKee v. Grove 74 McMillan v. Waveland 75 Messner, Rigler v. Bear Grove.. 98 Miner v. Cedar 9 Monroe, Wilson v 27 Montour, Kletzing v 86 Moody v. Burrington 14 Munn v. Soap Creek 88, 91 Nodaway, Jacoby v 29 No. Seven, Webster v 57 No. Ten, Hudgens v 84 O'Connor v. Badger 44 Ocheyedan, Jones v 103 Odenhall v. Grant 80 Oelke v. Spencer 99 Oskaloosa, Kenworthy v 66 Park v. Pleasant Grove 36 Peck v. Polk 12 Pleasant Grove, Park v 36 Polk, Peck V 12 Randall v. Vienna 15 Rankin v. Lodomillo 31 Reed v. Eagle 55 Remington v. Boomer 11 Richmond, Enbers v 113 Riverdale, Hale v 93 Rogness v. Glenwood 69 R\ish v. Franklin 101 Sanborn, Johnston v 93 Severied et al. v. Fieldberg 62 Sheaf e v. Center 56 Shelby, Sutton v 100 Silver Lake, Benson et al v 67 Silver Lake, Colburn v 32 Sipple v. Lester 6 Soap Creek, Munn v 88, 91 South Fork, Donald v 28 Spencer, Oelke v 99 Spencer, Bartlett v 33 Steamboat Rock, Jackson v 78 Struble, Byrne v ..116 Button v. Shelby 100 Tanner v. Clarence 53 Taylor v. Eldon 16 Thompson v. Belmond 61 Thompson v. Jasper 23 Topping & Williams v. Union. . .108 Union, Topping et al. v 108 Utica, Johnston v 39 Van Meter, Brown v 22 Vienna, Randall v 15 Walker v. Crawford 45 Watkins v. Empire 49 Washington, Lytle v 105. Watson v. Exira 17 Waukon, Baker v 38 Waveland, McMillan v 75 W T ebster v. No. Seven 57 West Des Moines, Bacon v. ... 95, 97 Wilson v. Hiteman 107 Wilson v. Monroe 27 Woods v. Brighton 24 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS. S. L. CUBBY v. DISTBICT TOWNSHIP OF FBANKLIN. Appeal from Decatur County. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Has no jurisdiction of an appeal until an affidavit is filed in his office. The appeal must be taken by affidavit. AFFIDAVIT. An affidavit is a statement in writing of the errors complained of, signed and made upon oath before an authorized magistrate. JURISDICTION. An application for an appeal filed within thirty days from the act complained of will not give the county superintendent jurisdiction of the case. NOTICE. The county superintendent should not issue notice of final hearing until the transcript of the district secretary has been filed. TESTIMONY. Unless obviously immaterial, testimony offered should be ad- mitted and given such weight as it merits. DISCBETIONABY ACTS. Should not be disturbed except upon evidence of unjust exercise of discretion. December 16, 1867, at a special meeting of the board, a vote to change the boundaries of subdistricts so as to form a new subdistrict in accordance with the prayer of petitioners, resulted in a tie. From this virtual refusal to act, S. L. Curry appealed to the county superintendent, who on the thirty-first of the same month formed a new subdistrict. Appellant alleges in his affidavit that the county superintendent assumed jurisdiction of this case without war- rant of law, that there never was "at any time an affidavit or any other state- ment in said appeal case filed in the office" of the superintendent, hence the want of jurisdiction. The "act to provide for appeals," section two, provides that "The basis of proceeding shall be an affidavit, filed by the party aggrieved, with the county superintendent, within the time allowed for taking the appeal." An affidavit is a statement in writing, signed and made upon oath before an authorized magis- trate. A county superintendent can have no proper jurisdiction of an appeal 6 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS case until such affidavit has been filed. A notice of intention to file an affi- davit, a verbal complaint, or a petition, is not sufficient to give the county superintendent jurisdiction in appeal cases. The affidavit setting forth "the errors complained of in a plain and concise manner," must be in his hands before he is justified in commencing proceedings. The decision of the super- intendent recites that the affidavit was filed December 21st, which might be taken as conclusive, if it was not contradicted by the record. The transcript shows that said affidavit was not subscribed and sworn to until December 28th, hence we do not clearly see how it could have been filed on the 21st. December 24th, four days before the affidavit was made, and which appellant alleges was never filed with the superintendent, said superintendent gave no- tice to the parties that the hearing would take place on the 30th. This pro- ceeding, as an appeal case, was entirely unauthorized by law, and as he com- menced proceedings in disregard of the plain provisions of the law and without legal jurisdiction, his decision is annulled. It may be said, and not without authority, that as both parties responded to the notice, and came before the superintendent, he thereby acquired jurisdiction, but we feel unwilling to sanction disregard of law by approving such great irregularities. Without touching the real merits of the questions at issue, the formation of a new subdistrict, which we are willing to leave to the local authorities, we refer briefly to three points of law raised by appellants. The county superintendent should not issue notice of final hearing until both the affidavit and the transcript of the secretary have been filed in his office. Though the change of subdistrict boundaries by the board is a discretion- ary act, it may be reviewed by the county superintendent, on appeal, but the decision of the board should not be disturbed unless said discretionary power has been abused or exercised unjustly. The county superintendent should have received the remonstrances offered on trial in evidence, and exercised his judgment as to their weight and value. REVERSED. D. FRANKLIN WELLS, March 26, 1868. Superintendent of Public Instruction. ELIAS SIPPLE v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF LESTER. Appeal from Black Hawk County. TESTIMONY. At the hearing of an appeal, it is competent for the county super- intendent, upon his own motion, to call additional witnesses to give testimony. RECORDS. In the absence of the allegation of fraud, testimony to contradict or impeach the records of the district cannot be received. RECORDS. The board may at any time amend the record of the .district, when necessary to correct mistakes or supply omissions. And it may upon proper showing be compelled by mandamus to make such corrections. AFFIDAVIT. The affidavit answers its leading purpose if it sets forth the errors complained of with such clearness that the proper transcript may be secured. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS ? At the regular meeting of the board held September 16, 1867, attended by four of the seven members, motions were made and seconded for the creatior* of two new subdistricts whose boundaries were described in the motions. In regard to the action on these motions the record of the secretary contains merely the word "carried." At a special meeting held February 15, 1868, the action of the board in September in relation to the formation of new sub- districts was "reconsidered" and "rescinded." From the February action Elias Sipple appealed to the county superintendent. During the progress of the hearing, which took place March 20, 1868, the county superintendent called upon one of the four members that attended the September meeting, who testified that he did not vote for the motion to create a new subdistrict. As it thus appeared that the new subdistricts were not established by a vote of a majority of all the members of the board, as required by law, and as said September action was rescinded at a full meeting of the board in February, the county superintendent, considering the formation of the subdistricts illegal and void, dismissed the appeal. From this decision Barney Wheeler appeals. Appellant alleges substantially that the county superintendent erred as follows: In himself calling a witness to give testimony; in receiving testimony to impeach the district record, which is claimed to be valid and binding after thirty days; in dismissing the appeal; in not establishing the subdistricts. The law requires the county superintendent to give a "just and equitable" decision, and as the calling of additional witnesses may sometimes enable him to discharge this duty more faithfully, his action in this respect is sustained. The second error assigned really includes two distinct points, which will be considered separately; and first, in regard to the impeachment of the district record. The law provides for an annual meeting of the electors of the district township, and for semi-annual and special meetings of the board of directors; also that "the secretary shall record all the proceedings of the board and dis- trict meetings in separate books kept for that purpose." It Is a general prin- ciple of law that "oral evidence can not be substituted for any instrument which the law requires to be in writing, such as records, public documents," etc. 1 Greenleaf's Evidence, 86. "It is a well-settled rule that, where the law re- quires the evidence of a transaction to be in writing, oral evidence cannot be substituted for that> so long as the writing exists and can be produced; and this rule applies as well to the transactions of public bodies and officers as to those of individuals." The People v. Zeyst, 23 N. Y., 142. In the case of Taylor v. Henry, 2 Pick., 397, the supreme court of Massachusetts held that an omission in the records of a town meeting could not be supplied by parol evidence. Chief Justice Shaw, in discussing the case, said that it would be "dangerous to admit such a proof." Mr. Starkie, in his valuable treatise on evidence, says: "Where written instruments are appointed either by the im- mediate authority of the law or by the compact of the parties, to be the per- manent repositories and testimony of truth, it is a matter both of principle and policy to exclude any inferior evidence from being used either as a substi- tute for such instruments or to contradict or alter them; of principle, because such instruments are, in their own nature and origin, entitled to a much higher degree of credit than that which appertains to parol evidence; of policy, because it would be attended with great mischief and inconvenience, if those instruments upon which men's rights depend were liable to be impeached and 8 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS controverted by loose collateral evidence." Starkie, part IV, page 995, volume III, 3d Am. Ed. The reason of the rule upon which the courts agree with such entire una- nimity applies with force in the case now under consideration. The records of the district and board meetings contain a statement of the regulations adopted, and the acts done in the exercise of the powers with which the respective bodies are invested by the law. They present to all the citizens of the district township, in a permanent form, certain and definite information which could be obtained, with equal certainty, in no other way. Memory is defective, but the secretary records the transactions as they occur. The actors change from year to year, but the record is permanent. And though the admission of oral testimony to alter a record or supply an omission therein might sometimes promote the attainment of justice, the prevalence of such a practice would result in more evil than good. It is held, therefore, that in the absence of alleged fraud the county superintendent errs, in admitting parol evidence to contradict or impeach the record of the September meeting of the board. In regard to the other part of the second point a few words will suffice. The counsel for appellant urges that though the record of the September meet- ing was imperfect, the lapse of thirty days made the record valid and binding upon the district. It is true that the right to take an appeal to the county superintendent expires after thirty days, but I am unable to see how the lapse of time will validate what was before invalid. The secretary is the proper custodian of the records of the school district, and before the record of the proceedings of the board has been approved or adopted by the board, the secre- tary may amend them by supplying omissions, or otherwise correcting them. After they have been approved they may be amended and corrected by direc- tion of the board, even after the lapse of thirty days. In Massachusetts a town clerk is permitted to amend the record in order to supply defects, even after a suit involving a question respecting them has been commenced. I am of the opinion that if the secretary or board of directors decline to make necessary corrections in the record, that a party interested may proceed by mandamus to compel the correction. If the record is to be impeached, it must be, in the absence of fraud, by a direct proceeding instituted for that purpose, and not by 1 collateral or indirect method. The People vs. Zeyst, 23 N.- Y., 147-8. The district record in this case is not as full as it might with propriety be. The law provides that the boundaries of subdistricts shall not be changed ex- cept by the vote of a majority of the members of the board. The record fails to show that this requirement of the law was complied with at the September meeting. The secretary says that the motion to redistrict "carried." This is his opinion, but he fails to give the fact upon which it is based. Four of the seven members were present, but he does not say who, or how many voted for the change. Properly this should have been stated. When, however, the dis- trict record declares that a motion was "carried," the law will presume that it was carried in accordance with the requirements of the statute; though there is reason to believe that the presumption in this instance is a violent one. It follows that there was no legal evidence that the subdistricts were not established in accordance with law; hence, the conclusion is inevitable that the county superintendent erred in dismissing the appeal for the cause as- signed. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS S At the commencement of the trial and again during its progress, the de- fendant moved the county superintendent to dismiss the case on account of the insufficiency of the affidavit. The affidavit of Mr. Sipple is not as full as it is usual to make affidavits in such cases, yet it "set forth the errors complained of" with such plainness and conciseness as enabled the county superintendent to obtain the necessary transcripts, and this is all the law really requires. It has not been customary heretofore to force any particular form of affidavit, a i;l the superintendent's ruling refusing to dismiss on defendant's motion is su.. Gained. As the testimony appears not to have been all in when the case was dis- missed by the county superintendent, no opinion can be given in regard to the propriety or necessity of establishing the proposed new subdistricts. The case is therefore returned to the county superintendent, who will proceed with the hearing, first allowing a reasonable time for the correction of the district record or for the enforcement of its correction should such correction be deemed necessary by either of the interested parties. Should the district record be amended so as to show conclusively that the said subdistricts were not legally formed at the said meeting in September, it will follow that the said subdistricts never had a legal existence, and that the plaintiff could not be aggrieved by the action of the February meeting, hence the county superin- tendent will determine the case in favor of the appellee. Should said record not be amended, or should it be amended so as to show clearly that said sub- districts were established in all respects in conformity with law, the question of establishing the new subdistricts, or more properly retaining their organiza- tion, will be determined upon its merits. REVEESED. D. FRANKLIN WELLS, July 23, 1868. Superintendent of Public Instruction. E. J. MINER v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF CEDAR. Appeal from Floyd County. CONTESTED ELECTION. The proper method of determining a contested election for school director is by an action brought in the district court. ELECTION. The certificate of the officers of the subdistrict meeting is the legal evidence of election as subdirector, and as a general rule a board of directors is justified in declining to recognize a person as a member of the board until he produces such certificate. EVIDENCE. Where the law requires the evidence of a transaction to be in writ- ing, oral evidence can be substituted only if the writing cannot be produced. Quo WARRANTO. The remedy of a person denied possession of an office to which he has been chosen is an action in court. At the regular meeting of the board in March, 1868, E. J. Miner appeared and filed his oath of office as subdirector of subdistrict number three, and' claimed recognition as a member of the board. The said Miner failed to pre- 10 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS sent the certificate of the officers of the subdistrict meeting, or any other evi- dence or his election except his own verbal statement. It was alleged in the board that he was not legally elected. Under these circumstances the board refused him a seat and recognized his predecessor as holding over. From this order the said Miner appealed to the county superintendent, who, after a full hearing of the manner in which the election was conducted, reversed the order of the board and directed that the said Miner should be recognized as sub- director of subdistrict number three and as a member of the board of directors. From this decision an appeal is taken by A. J. Sweet, president of the board. The above are but a small portion of the facts presented in the well arranged transcript of the county superintendent, but yet all that are material to the issues involved. The case presented by these facts is similar to that of Ockerman v. District Township of Hamilton, page 77, School Law Decisions of 1868, and must be governed by the same principles. It was there held that the only proper way of determining a contested election or the right of exercising any public office or franchise is by an action in the nature of quo warranto brought in the district court. It seems unnecessary to repeat the arguments there used. Reference is made to that case, as well as to the 19 Iowa, 199; 18 Iowa, 59; 16 Iowa, 369; 17 Iowa, 365; and the other cases there cited. The principle involved in the preceding references was recognized by the county superintend- ent, when he said in his decision that "the board of directors has no jurisdic- tion to inquire into the legality of the election of its members." When this just conclusion was reached the case should have been dismissed, for the county superintendent can do on appeal only what the board itself might legally have done. The county superintendent held that as the president of the subdistrict meeting refused to sign a certificate of election for the said Miner, the board might receive other evidence of his election. In this the county super- intendent departed from well established legal principles. The school law provides that at the meeting of the electors of the subdistrict on the first Monday in March "a chairman and secretary shall be appointed, who shall act as judges of the election and give a certificate of election to the sub- director elect." It is a well-settled rule that where the law requires the evi- dence of a transaction to be in writing, oral evidence can not be substituted when the writing can be produced; this rule applies alike to transactions of public bodies, officers and individuals. There can be no doubt that the law contemplates that the certificate of the officers of the subdistrict meeting shall be the legal passport to a seat in the board, and that, as a general rule, a board of directors is justified in declining to recognize a person as a member of the board until such certificate is pro- duced. If the certificate has been given and lost, the accident may be remedied by other testimony. If illegally withheld, the officer may be coerced by man- damus to furnish it. If it has been fraudulently given, the law still provides a remedy. By the light of the previous principles it is evident that when, under the circumstances, the county superintendent proceeded to investigate the rights of the plaintiff as a school director, he exceeded his jurisdiction, and that his decision must therefore be overruled. The law requires that the plaintiff, SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS ii Miner, shall seek his remedy in the courts. The decision of the county super- intendent is therefor reversed and the case dismissed. REVERSED. D. FRANKLIN WELLS, July 29, 1868. Superintendent of Public Instruction. N. R. HOOK v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF FREMONT. Appeal from Mahaslca County. SCHOOL PRIVILEGES. Are not acquired by temporary removal into a district for the purpose of attending school. At a meeting of the board an order was made excluding one George Check from school. From this order Dr. N. R. Hook, with whom the boy was at the time living, appealed to the county superintendent, who affirmed the order of the board, and Hook again appealed. The ground upon which the boy was debarred from school was that he was not a bona fide resident of the district, and this is fully sustained by the cir- cumstances of the case as shown by the weight of the evidence as adduced before the county superintendent. The apparent primary purpose of George Check in going to live with Dr. Hook was that he might attend the school at Fremont, and after the term of school should expire his further continuance at Hook's would be uncertain. He did not go there with the intention of re- maining, but the intention to return to his father's house seems to have been manifested in the contract or agreement made with Hook. Counsel for appellant argues that the law should not be technically con- strued, but that it should receive a liberal construction, and in this he is correct. It should receive such a construction as that all the youth of the state, without regard to race or condition in life, can with equal facility participate in the benefits of our free schools. There is evidence that the schools in Fremont are so crowded that many of the youth of the district are unable to gain admis- sion, and the law gives to them the prior claim. The board should see that the ckildren of the district are first accommodated, and then, if not detrimental to the interests of the school, it may admit, in its discretion, those from outside districts upon such terms as it may agree. Believing that the county superintendent properly sustained the board of directors, his decision is hereby AFFIRMED. A. S. KISSELL, May 1, 1870. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Z. W. REMINGTON v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF BOOMER. Appeal from Pottawattamie County. JURISDICTION. The county superintendent does not have jurisdiction of cases involving a money demand. ORDERS. When improperly issued, a proper remedy is injunction. 12 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS On the 12th day of October the board met in special session and made a settlement with one L. S. Axtell, who was the contractor for the erection of certain schoolhouses in said district township. From the action cf the board Z. W. Remington appealed to the county superintendent, who dismissed the appeal upon the ground that the settlement with Axtell was for a money de- mand, and therefore involved a question over which he could exercise no juris- diction. Remington again appeals. If there was anything wrong in the action of the board issuing orders in favor of Axtell for the payment of his claim for building the schoolhouses that would render them invalid, his remedy, if any, would have been by injunction to restrain the payment of such orders, or by some other proper action in the civil courts, and not by appeal to the county superintendent, as the latter tribunal is not clothed by the statute with the authority to inquire into or de- termine the validity of school orders. The county superintendent, therefore, very properly decided to dismiss the appeal, and his order in the case is hereby AFFIRMED. A. S. KISSELL, May 17, 1870. Superintendent of Public Instruction. W. D. PECK et al. v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF POLK. Appeal from Jefferson County. SUBDISTRICTS. Should be, if possible, compact and regular in form. In well populated district townships two miles square is considered a desirable area. SCHOOLHOUSE SITES. It is important that a schoolhouse site be located on a public road, and as near the center of a subdistrict as practicable. It appears from a transcript in this case that the board, on the presentation of a petition from the majority of the inhabitants of subdistrict number eight, Issued an order attaching a strip on the northeast from subdistrict number seven to number eight, relocating the schoolhouse site, and arranging for the removal of the schoolhouse from the present site to said new location. From this action of the board an appeal was taken to the county superintendent, who sustained the action cf the board, and from his decision an appeal is taken to this tribunal. The trial before the county superintendent developed that the board has in contemplation the redistricting of the entire township into subdistricts two miles square, and that the order providing for the change of boundaries in subdistrict number eight is the initiatory step in that direction. The sub- district in question, previous to the order, had very irregular boundaries; and except that the district is too large for convenience without further change in the boundaries there would seem to be every reason for attaching the strip from number seven. That being attached, the change of location and the removal of the schoolhouse to a site occupying the geographical center of the subdistrict with its changed boundaries must follow of course. Besides this, there seems to be the additional good reason for the change of location for the schoouhouse site: the present site is not on a public road; the one in pros- pect is. and as all the territory is in a condition to be easily and rapidly set- SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 13 tied, the new site will, with the additional change in contemplation, be the exact geographical center of the subdistrict. The action of the board in this case is manifestly of a discretionary char- acter, and I can see nothing in the testimony that would induce the belief that it has in any way exceeded its prerogative or abused its discretion. The decision of the county superintendent is therefore AFFIRMED. A. S. KISSELL, February 4, 1871. Superintendent of Public Instruction. W. P. DAVIS v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF MADISON. Appeal from Fremont County. CONTRACTS. Made by a committee, require the approval of the. board in ses- sion. SCHOOL FUNDS. The treasurer is the proper custodian of all funds, and may legally pay them out only upon orders specifying the fund upon which they are drawn and the specific use to which they are applied. SUBDIRECTOR. The subdirector may expend money in his subdistrict only in the manner authorized by the board. CLAIMS. Just claims against the district can be enforced only in the courts. MANDAMUS. Is a remedy if the board refuses to carry out a vote of the electors. SUBDISTRICT. A subdistrict is not a corporate body, and has no control of any public fund. The electors on the eleventh day of March, 1871, voted a tax of two and one-half mills on the taxable property of the district township for schoolhouse purposes, and directed that three hundred dollars of the amount thus raised should be used for the erection of a schoolhouse in subdistrict number nine. March 20, 1871, W. P. Davis, subdirector of subdistrict number nine, was appointed a committee to build a schoolhouse in said subdistrict. The house having been completed, at a special meeting of the board held June 1, 1872, it was moved that the report of the committee be received and the schoolhouse be accepted; also, that the secretary be instructed to draw an order on the treasurer for three hundred dollars for subdistrict number nine. Both mo- tions were lost, from which action the said W. P. Davis appealed to the county superintendent, who on the ninth day of August, 1872, reversed the action of the board. The district township, through its president, W. H. Gandy, appeals. The history of this case very fully illustrates the loose and irregular man- ner in which school officers too frequently transact official business. Section 15 of the School Laws provides that the board "shall make all contracts, pur- chases, payments, and sales necessary to carry out any vote of the district, but before erecting any schoolhouse they shall consult with the county super- intendent as to the most approved plan of such building." If the contract is made by a subdirector or committee of the board, it should in all cases be approved by the board before work is commenced. A misapprehension often exists as to the manner in which school funds should be disbursed. The treasurer is the proper custodian of all funds be- 14 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS longing to the district township and the law provides that he "shall pay no order which does not specify the fund on which it is drawn, and the specific use to which it is applied," that is, for work done, material furnished, or the like. The board is also required to "audit and allow all just claims against the district, and no order shall be drawn on the district treasury "until the claim for which it is drawn has been so audited and allowed." This rule applies equally where funds are voted by the district township for the purpose of build- ing scnoolhouses in particular subdistricts, also where taxes have been raised on the property of subdistricts, in accordance with the proviso of section 28. Such funds, or so much of them as may be required to carry out the vote of the electors, should be devoted to the specific object for which they were voted, but the disbursement should,' in all cases, be under the direction and authority of the board. Boards have no authority to give subdirectors money to use in their subdistricts for building schoolhouses or any other purpose, nor subdirectors to use money so received. A subdistrict is not a corporate body and has no control of any public fund. If Mr. Davis has a just claim against the district township of Madison which the board refuses to allow, or if the board refuses to apply the amount voted by the electors to the specific object for which it was designed, the erection of a schoolhouse in subdistrict number nine, the civil courts, only, can frunish a means of redress. REVERSED. ALONZO ABERNBTHY, October 30, 1872. Superintendent of Public Instruction. W. J. MOODY v. H. H. BUBBINGTON, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Appeal from Bremer County. CERTIFICATE. The county superintendent may refuse to entertain a petition for the revocation of a teacher's certificate. APPEAL. An appeal may be taken from the refusal of the county superin- tendent to investigate charges brought against a teacher. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. The decision of the authority having original jurisdiction is entitled to much consideration. A petition containing charges against a teacher was presented to H. H. Bur- rington, county superintendent, asking an investigation of the charges, and the revocation of her certificate. The county superintendent refused to make the investigation as requested by the petitioners, and W. J. Moody appeals. The question whether an appeal will lie from the refusal of the county su- perintendent to investigate charges brought against a teacher, has not been to our knowledge before determined. Since it is held that an appeal may be taken from an action of the board refusing to perform a discretionary action, we see no reason why appeal will not lie from a similar action of the county super- intendent. In the case before us, statements testifying to the moral character and good reputation of the teacher are made by reliable and disinterested parties who have been intimately acquainted with her for several years past; and it i: SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 15 believed that, in no instance, is the judgment and discretion of a local tribunal entitled to more consideration than in this case. AFFIRMED. July 10, 1873. ALONZO ABERNETHY, Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. W. RANDALL v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF VIENNA. Appeal from Marshall County. SCHOOLIIOUSE. The board may legally remove a schoolhouse from one subdis- trict to another only by vote of the electors. SCHOOLHOUSE. When the electors have voted to remove a schoolhouse from one subdistrict to another the board must execute such vote, and from its action in so doing no appeal can be taken. INJUNCTION. The execution of a fraudulent vote of the electors may be pre- vented by a writ from a court of law. At the district township meeting held the second Monday in March, 1873, it was voted to remove the schoolhouse situated in subdistrict number four into subdistrict number three. On the seventeenth day of March, the board ordered the removal of the schoolhouse, in accordance with said vote of the electors. From this action, appeal was taken to the county superintendent, who reversed the action of the board. The district township, through its president, appeals. Section seven, School Laws of 1872, provides that the electors shall have the power "to direct the sale, or other disposition to be made of any school- house;" also "to vote such tax, not exceeding ten mills on the dollar in any one year, on the taxable property of the district township, as the meeting shaH deem sufficient for the purchase of grounds and the construction of necessary schoolhouses for the use .of the respective subdistricts." Section fifteen provides that the board "shall make all contracts, purchases, pay- ments and sales necessary to carry out any vote of the district." Section sixteen provides that the board "shall fix the site for each schoolhouse." From the law as above quoted, we understand that the electors may vote a tax for the erection of a schoolhouse in any particular subdistrict, or may direct the removal of one already built, from a subdistrict, and that the board determines the site within a subdistrict, but has no authority to remove a schoolhouse from a subdistrict without affirmative action of the electors, such action, however, being taken, the board must execute their vote, if in accordance with law. From the action of the board in thus executing the vote of the electors no appeal can be taken. If the vote of the electors is contrary to law, its execution may be prevented by injunc- tion; if unwise, the electors, themselves, must bear the consequences. REVERSED, ALONZO ABERNETHY, July 11, 1873, Superintendent of PuWic Instruction, 16 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS D. K. TAYLOR v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF ELDON. Appeal from Wapello County, APPEAL. Appeal may not be taken from an action or order complying with the terms of a contract previously made, nor from an action authorizing the issu- ance of an order in payment of a debt contracted by previous action of the board. APPEAL. A case whose main purpose is to determine the validity of an order on the district treasury, or the equity of a claim, cannot be entertained on ap- peal to the county superintendent. SCHOOL FUNDS. The courts of law alone can furnish an adequate remedy, if the law has been violated and the money of the district has been misappro- priated. From the transcript, it appears that on the third day of December, 1873, the board passed an order authorizing the payment of five per cent com- mission for negotiating the district bonds, and on the same day another authorizing D. P. Stubbs to negotiate said bonds. On the third day of February, 1874, the board passed an order instructing the president and secretary to draw an order for ninety dollars on the district treasury In favor of said D. P. Stubbs, for services" rendered in negotiating said bonds, in accordance with the previous action of the board on December 3, 1873. From the action of the board in issuing said order of ninety dollars, this appeal was taken. The county superintendent dismissed the case, on the ground that it was an action authorizing the payment of money, and a decision thereon would be equivalent to rendering a judgment for money, which is prohibited by the provisions of section 1836. D. K. Taylor again appeals. Appeal may be taken from .any action of the board which authorizes the making of a contract, but not from a subsequent action or order com- plying with the terms of a contract previously made, nor from an action authorizing the issuance of an order in payment of a debt contracted by a previous action. The order appealed from in this case is not a new action of the board, but a necessary result of the order of December 3, 1873. If the first action was legal and proper, the last is both proper and necessary, the services having been performed. Any interested party might have appealed at the proper time, from the action of December 3, 1873, authorizing the pay- ment of five per cent commission for negotiating bonds or authorizing the appointment of an agent therefor. But the time for an appeal, thirty days, having expired, appeal can not now be taken from the subsequent action, which is simply carrying out its previous action, and the terms of the contract made thereunder. To determine the validity of an order on the district treasury, or the equity of a claim, is equivalent to the rendition of a judgment for money, and a case whose sole purpose is to determine this question can not be entertained on appeal. The courts of law alone can furnish an adequate remedy, if the law has been violated, or the interests of the district have SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 17 suffered by the making of contracts or the issuing of orders for money on the treasury. AFFIRMED. ALONZO ABERNETHY, May 5, 1874. Superintendent of Public Instruction. E. WATSON v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF EXIRA. Appeal from Audubon County. PUNISHMENT. The punishment of a pupil with undue severity, or with an im- proper instrument, is unwarrantable, and may serve in some degree to indi- cate the animus of the teacher. PUNISHMENT. In applying correction, the teacher must exercise sound discre- tion and judgment and should choose a kind of punishment adapted not only to the offense, but to the offender. Charges were preferred against E. E. Watson for harsh and unreason- able punishment of a pupil, and upon investigation the teacher was dis- charged. From this action of the board he appealed to the county superin- tendent, who reversed its action, and the district appeals. From the evidence, it appears that the pupil upon whom the punish- ment was inflicted was a boy thirteen years of age, and that the offense was such that punishment was deserved. The instrument selected was a hickory stick, three-fourths of an inch in diameter at one end, and one-half inch at the other, and fifteen or eighteen inches long. The punishment was in- flicted by striking upon the palm of the hand from eight to twelve strokes. It appears that the boy's hand was thereby disabled for some days. It is alleged by the teacher that the punishment was inflicted for the good of the school, and that it was without malice on his part. We consider the selection of such an instrument for the punishment of a pupil inju- dicious, unwarrantable, and dangerous, and that the consequences might be fraught with the gravest results, and that such selection may serve in some degree, to indicate the animus of the teacher. REVEBSED. ALONZO ABERNETHY, June 6, 1874. Superintendent of Public Instruction. SANFORD HARWOOD v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF CHARLES CITY. Appeal from Floyd County. PUNISHMENT. The right of the parent to restrain and coerce obedience in children applies equally to the teacher or to any one who acts in loco parentis. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Boards of directors and their agents, the teachers, may establish reasonable rules for the government of their schools. RULES AND REGULATIONS^ The teacher has the right to require a pupil to an- swer questions which tend to elicit facts concerning his conduct in school. RULES AND REGULATIONS. The pupil is answerable for acts which tend to pro- duce nj^rriment in the school or to degrade the teacher, 2 18 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Open violation of the rules can not be shielded from investigation under the plea that it invades the rights of conscience. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The board shall be sustained in all legitimate and reason- able' measures to maintain order and discipline, to uphold the rightful author- ity of tne teacher, and to prevent or suppress insubordination in the school. This case involves the right of a teacher to require a pupil to answer questions concerning his conduct in school, or to testify against him- self. Burritt Harwood, a member of the high school department, having broken certain rules of the school, was suspended by the superintendent for refus- ing to answer a question relating thereto. The pupil's father petitioned the board to restore the pupil. The board, having investigated the facts, adopted the following: "Resolved, That the school board sustain Prof. Shepard in his suspension of Burritt Harwood; provided, Burritt Harwood be reinstated if he answer the question, for the refusal to answer which he was suspended, subject to such further action as may be taken by the principal or school board for making and circulating the caricature." The president and four other members voted for, and one against the resolution. From this action of the board, S. Harwood appealed to the county superin- tendent, who reversed its action. The board appeals. The power of the parent to restrain and coerce obedience in children can not be doubted, and it has seldom or never been denied. This principle applies equally to the teacher or to any one who acts In loco parentis. Boards of directors, and their agents, the teachers, may establish all rea- sonable and proper rules for the government of schools, and to control the conduct of pupils attending the same. "Any rule of the school not sub- versive of the rights of the children or parents or in conflict with humanity and the precepts of divine law, which tends to advance the object of the law in establishing public schools, must be considered reasonable and proper." Burdick v. Babcock, 31 Iowa, 562. The superintendent had occasion to leave the high school in charge of his assistant while he should attend to official duties elsewhere. On his re- turn, about 4 p. m., the assistant reported that there had been much dis- order on the part of some of the pupils, and that she required several of the pupils to remain and report their misdemeanors to the superintendent. Burritt Harwood, being called upon, said in substance: "I have two mis- demeanors to report: I threw snow in the lower hall during recess, and I passed a piece of paper across the aisle to my brother's desk." Both are recognized as violations of the rules of the school. The nature and magni- tude of the first are readily discernible, and need no further investigation; not. so of the second; much depends upon the character of the "piece of paper," whether simply blank paper or containing writing or other marks. Being asked to state the nature of the paper, he at first answered evasively. Being further questioned, replied that it was "pictoral," that it was a "burlesque or caricature," that "it represented the schoolhouse and some nerson or persons," that "the person or persons represented were connected with the school." The question, "whom he had intended to burlesque," after some hesitation he declined to answer. For this act of disobedience he was suspended, SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 19 The question which he refused to answer appears to differ in no essential feature from those previously answered. By it the teacher simply sought to discover an additional fact in connection with the case. If he had a right to ask the former, he had the latter. If there is any reason why the pupil had the right or should claim the privilege of declining to answer the last, he should have stated it. Certainly no good reason appears from the nature of the offense, and the degree of punishment which it merited depended upon the information which the teacher sought to obtain by this and the previous question. If the paper contained simply the solution of a problem or something connected with his lesson, it merited one degree of punish- ment; if its purpose was to create merriment among the pupils, thus divert- ing their attention from their studies, it required another degree; if by it the pupil sought to bring ridicule upon a teacher, to the prejudice of good order and government of a school, still another; each would be a violation of the rules, but not each equally punishable. The Claim of appellee that it was an attempt to pry into the secrets of the heart, and was a violation of the right of conscience, is scarcely sustained by the facts. The question, "whom did you intend to represent?" is essentially equivalent to "whom did you represent." Its purpose evidently was not to find out the thought or intent, but the act of the pupil. The question was simply what was the character of the picture drawn and circulated to the disturbance of the school. It does not appear how the rights of conscience would be violated in answering the question. It may be true that the picture itself, if pro- duced, would furnish the best evidence, but the teacher clearly had the right, in its absence, and knowing nothing of its nature beyond what the pupil had already revealed, to seek this information directly and immedi- ately by proper questions. Nor can the pupil shield himself under the pro- visions of the law that a prisoner at the bar can not be compelled to answer questions which will tend to render him criminally liable or expose him to public ignominy. He is, in no proper sense, accused of crime before a court of law, authorized to sit in judgment under a criminal code. The picture, which was afterward produced, reveals anything but a right spirit in the pupil. Probably no one who has seen it doubts that it is a coarse caricature of the superintendent and his assistant. His refusal to answer was evidently not that he could not conscientiously do so, nor that it would tend to criminate himself, but was a deliberate act of in- subordination. All the attendant circumstances, the evasive and studied replies to the superintendent's questions, the caricature itself, and its circu- lation through the school during the absence of the superintendent, to- gether with a previous malicious caricature of the same nature, all reveal a disregard for the regulations of the school, the respectful conduct due from a pupil, and an animus toward the teacher anything but proper. In our opinion, unnecessary stress was laid, in the trial before the super- intendent, upon the technical ground of suspension by the superintendent. The board having had the whole subject under investigation, including statements of the offenses from both the superintendent and the pupil, sustained the superintendent, or in other words, suspended the pupil con- ditionally from the school, as it probably had a right to do for any one of the offenses named. This being a discretionary act, due weight must be given to such action by an appellate tribunal, especially should the board be sustained in all legitimate and reasonable measures to maintain order 20 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS and discipline, to uphold the rightful authority of the teacher, and to pre- vent or suppress insubordination in the school. REVERSED. ALONZO ABERNETHY, June 8, 1874. Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. W. HUBBARD v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF LIME CREEK. Appeal from Cerro Gordo County. APPEAL. The execution by the board of the vote of the electors upon matters within their control is mandatory; from such action of the board no appeal can be taken. If such action is tainted with fraud, an application to a court of law is the proper remedy. I . . ! BOARD or DIRECTORS, The board, though not bound by a vote of the* electors directing the precise location of a schoolhouse site, is required to so locate it as to accommodate the people for whom it is designed. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. If in the selection of a site the board violates law or abuses its discretionary power, its action may be reversed on appeal. CERTIORARI. A fraudulent or illegal action may be corrected by application to a court for a writ of certiorari. The electors of the district township voted a tax to build a school- house on what is known as the Simons road, near where it crosses the Central railroad. On a separate motion, the board was instructed to sell the schoolhouse known as number three. In accordance with the first mentioned action, the board located a schoolhouse site on said road, fifty feet from said crossing. From this action appeal was taken, the appellant claiming it to be a relocation of the site known as number three, and that such action was with the express intention of selling the schoolhouse and abandoning the site thereof. The county superintendent reversed the action of the board and the district township appeals. The district township coincides with a congressional township in bound- aries and extent, and is comprised in one subdistrict. It is claimed that the action of the district township meeting did not represent the wishes of the people; that there are ninety-five voters in the district, and but twenty- seven were present at such meeting; also that in the location of the site the board did not consult the convenience of the people. Section 1717 provides that the electors, when legally assembled at the district township meeting, shall have power "to direct the sale or other disposition to be made of any schoolhouse, or site thereof, and of such other property, personal and real, as may belong to the district." Section 1723 provides that the board "shall make all contracts, purchases, payments, and sales necessary to carry out any vote of the district." Section 1724 provides that the board "shall fix the site for each schoolhouse, taking into consider- ation the geographical position and convenience of the people of each por- tion of the subdistrict." The execution of the vote of the electors by the board is mandatory; from its action in so floing, no appeal can be taken, In case such action SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 21 is in any manner tainted with fraud, an application to a court of law is the proper remedy. The power to locate schoolhouse sites is vested originally in the board. Although the board has authority to locate schoolhouse sites, yet money legally voted by the electors for a specific purpose, must be expended in accordance with such vote; if voted to erect a schoolhouse in a certain subdis- trict, it can not legally be used to build a schoolhouse in another. While any directions of the voters attempting to locate precisely a schoolhouse site, are void, yet the board is bound so to locate it as to accommodate the people for whom designed; in the absence of such instructions, the board may exercise more widely its discretion in fixing schoolhouse sites. If in the performance of this duty it violates law, acts with manifest injustice, or in any manner shows an abuse of discretionary power, its action may properly be reversed by the county superintendent. In this case we do not discover that the board has in any manner failed in the proper performance of its duty. REVERSED. ALONZO ABERNETHY, July 7, 1875. Superintendent of Public Instruction. E. GOSTING v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF LINCOLN. Appeal from Plymouth County. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. The action of a committee appointed by the board to locate a site is of no force until officially adopted by the board while in session. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. Subdistrict boundaries can not be changed in appeal re- lating solely to locating a site, nor can a site be located with the expectation that boundaries will be changed, unless such intention of the board is shown. JURISDICTION. The county superintendent has jurisdiction only of the matter to which the appeal relates. APPEAL. The right of appeal is confined to persons injuriously affected by the decision or order complained of. Ordinarily a person living in one subdistrict can not appeal from an action of the board locating a site in another. A committee appointed to locate a schoolhouse site for the accommoda- tion of the residents of subdistricts number seven and nine, reported that it had selected the northwest corner of section ten, and afterward that it had chosen instead, a site about eighty rods east of the northwest corner of section eleven. There is no record showing that any action was taken in relation to these reports. Subdistrict number nine consists of the east one-half of congressional township number 90, range 45. The appellant resides in subdistrict number seven, which comprises the west one-half of the same congressional town- ship. The decision of the county superintendent is as follows: "After considering the evidence and the plat introduced, I sustain the committee in its first location at the northwest corner of section ten of said township." D. M. Relyea appeals. The power to locate schoolhouse sites is vested in the board of directors. The action of a committee appointed by the board to locate a schoolhouse 22 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS site is of no force until its report is officially adopted by the board while in session. Section 1725 provides that the board "shall determine where pupils may attend school; and for this purpose may divide their district into such subdistricts as may by them be deemed necessary." The object of dividing a district township into subdistricts is to determine where pupils shall attend school. While it is frequently the case that pupils may more con- veniently attend school in an adjoining subdistrict, it would obviously be improper to locate a schoolhouse site expressly for the accommodation of such pupils, unless with the intention of subsequently making a redivision of the district township. The county superintendent has jurisdiction only of the matter to which the appeal relates. He can not properly, upon an appeal relating to the location of a schoolhouse site, change subdistrict boundaries, nor can he locate a schoolhouse site with the expectation that such boundaries will ultimately be changed, unless such is shown to be the intention of 'the board. The right to appeal from actions of the board is confined to persons in- juriously affected by the decision or order of which complaint is made. Or- dinarily, a person living in one subdistrict can not properly appeal from an action of the board locating a schoolhouse site in another. The decision of the county superintendent is set aside, and the location of the schoolhouse site is left to the discretion of the board. REVERSED. ALONZO ABERNETHY, September 7, 1875. Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. E. BROWN v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF VAN METER. Appeal from Dallas County. APPEAL. The adoption of the committee's report in favor of retaining the old schoolhouse site is an action from which appeal may be taken. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The action of the board can not be reversed upon the al- legations of appellant without proof, or by reason of failure to make defense. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The acts of the board are presumed to be regular, legal and just and should be affirmed unless proof is brought to show the contrary. SUBDISTRICT BOUNDARIES. The acts of a board changing subdistrict boundaries and locating schoolhouses are so far discretionary that they should be affirmed on appeal, unless it is shown beyond a doubt that there has been an abuse of discretion. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. The weight that properly attaches to the discretion- ary actions of a tribunal vested with original jurisdiction does not apply to the decisions of an inferior appellate tribunal. The county superintendent reversed the action of the board in selecting the old site in subdistrict number two, upon which to erect a schoolhouse, and located the site about eighty rods westward of the old one. From this decision the district township appeals, claiming in substance that the county superintendent erred as follows: That there was no action of the board relative to the selection of a schoolhouse site in subdistrict number two SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 23 from which an appeal would lie; that the board failed, by reason of a mis- understanding, to appear and defend, and that it was unjustly refused a rehearing; that the old site was suitable, convenient and at the center of population, both present and prospective, and that the reversal of the action of the board was without sfncient cause, there being no evidence that it abused its discretionary pcwer or acted with injustice. From the transcript, it appears that a committee was appointed to select a site for the erection of a schoolhouse in subdistrict number two; that it reported in favor of the old site, and that its report was adopted by the board. The law provides that an appeal may be taken by any party aggrieved, from any order or decision of the board. That there was an action of the board, and that the subject-matter to which such action relates is the location of a schoolhouse site in subdistrict number two, there can be no reasonable doubt, hence the action of the board was subject to appeal, and such appeal gave to the county superin- tendent jurisdiction in the matter of location of said schoolhouse site. It is the duty of the county superintendent to give due notice to all parties directly interested in an appeal from the board, and to afford full opportunity for the presentation of evidence, but the action of the board can not properly be reversed upon the allegations of the appellant without proof, or by reason of the failure of the board to be present and make defense. The acts of the board are presumed to be regular, legal and just, and should be affirmed by the county superintendent, unless proof is brought to show the contrary. In this case, however, the board appears to have had due notice and ample opportunity to defend the case. It is not claimed that any additional evidence could be produced that would materially affect the issue; but that the board, understanding through popular report that the case was withdrawn, failed to be present at the trial, and upon this ground asks for a rehearing, which was very properly refused. The site selected by the county superintendent is nearly central, being eighty rods west of that chosen by the board. Both appear to be suitable. The eastern part of the subdistrict is mostly prairie land, while the western portion is, to a considerable extent, timber land. The evidence as to which site will better serve the interests and con- venience of the residents of the subdistrict is conflicting. The board is entitled to the benefit of any doubt upon this point. Unless it is clearly proven that it has violated the law, abused its discretionary power, or has acted with manifest injustice, its action should be affirmed. It is urged by the appellee that the same weight attaches to actions of an inferior appellate tribunal, upon appeal, that is given to tribunals hav- ing original jurisdiction. It is held that the action of the board in matters of which it has original jurisdiction, is alone entitled to this consideration by any superior tribunal upon appeal. REVERSED. ALONZO ABERNETHY, September 17, 1875. Superintendent of Public Instruction. MARY M. THOMPSON v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF JASPER. Appeal from Adams County. TEACHER. When a teacher is dismissed in violation of his contract, an action in the courts of law will afford him a speedy and adequate remedy; when dis- 24 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS charged for incompetency, dereliction of duty, or other cause affecting his qualifications as a teacher, he has the right of appeal. TEACHER. The teacher is entitled to the counsel and co-operation of the sub- director and board in all matters pertaining to the conduct and welfare of the school. The board discharged the teacher in one of the public schools of the district for dereliction of duty. She applied to the county superintendent, who reversed its decision; from this action, the board, through its president, appeals. At the hearing before the county superintendent, the board filed a mo- tion to dismiss the case for want of jurisdiction, insisting that the teacher having been dismissed in accordance with the provisions of section 1734, her proper remedy was an action at law for damages. When a teacher is dismissed in violation of his contract, an action in the courts of law, on the contract, will afford him a speedy and adequate rem- edy. When discharged for incompetency, dereliction of duty, or other cause affecting his qualifications as a teacher, he has the right to appeal to the county superintendent, who is the proper officer to review questions of this character, and to determine whether the board has in the exercise of its authority violated the law or abused its discretionary power. Questions con- cerning the validity of contracts, the right to recover for services performed, and the interpretation of law, belong especially to judicial tribunals. Ques- tions concerning the character and qualifications of the teacher, and his management of the school, are by appeal within the jurisdiction of the county superintendent. The motion to dismiss was properly overruled. The charges of dereliction were want of promptness in commencing school in the morning, and an occasional refusal to hear the recitation of one or more of her pupils. For this dereliction there appears .to have been some extenuating circumstances. Under the contract, it was the subdlrector's duty to have fires built. The boy employed to do this work often failed to have the schoolhouse in comfortable condition at nine o'clock. The teacher usu- ally made up lost time by teaching after four o'clock, and there is no evi- dence that the subdirector or board ever advised her with regard to the performance of her duties. The board convened at the schoolhouse without previous notice to the teacher, and after taking the tesimony of pupils, unanimously voted to discharge her. AFFIRMED. ALONZO ABERNETHY, May 8, 1876. Superintendent of Public Instruction. S. W. WOODS et al v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF BRIGHTON. Appeal from Cass County. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The acts of the board must be presumed to be regular, and should be affirmed unless positive proof is brought to show the contrary. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. The prospective wants of a subdistrict may properly have weight in determining the selection of a site, when such selection becomes necessary, but not in securing the removal of a schoolhouse now conveniently located. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 25 SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. To make a distinction between the children of freeholders and those of tenants in determining the proper location for a schoolhouse, is contrary to the spirit and intent of our laws. The board by a vote of five to two rejected a petition asking the removal of the schoolhouse in subdistrict number eight. On appeal, the county superintendent reversed the action of the board, and ordered the removal of the schoolhouse to the place named in the petition. Win. F. Altig ap- peals. Subdistrict number eight contains sections 27, 28, 33, 34, and sixty acres lying in section 32, and has a good commodious schoolhouse, erected three ' years ago, one-half mile west of the center, on a public road passing east and west through the center of the subdistrict. There are about thirty chil- dren of school age in the subdistrict, twenty-two of whom reside in the western half, and nineteen west of the present site. All those residing east of the present site, except one child, are within one and a half miles of the schoolhouse, while by the proposed removal, a large number would be at a greater distance. The action of the board in refusing to remove a schoolhouse should not be interfered with on appeal, except upon evidence of violation of law, or abuse of discretionary power. In this case there is no evidence of such abuse. The prospective wants of a subdistrict may properly have weight in determining the selection of a site upon which to build a schoolhouse, when such a selection becomes necessary, but not in determining the re- moval of a house, located conveniently for the present wants of the sub- di-strict. It appears that a .considerable portion of the school population consists of the children of tenants, and much stress is laid upon the assumed dis- tinction that should be made between the children of tenants and those of freeholders, in determining the proper location of the schoolhouse. Dis- tinctions based upon the ownership of property or permanence of residence are not made in the law, would not well comport with the fundamental prin- ciples upon which our public school system is based, and should not have weight in determining the location of schoolhouse sites. It is the duty of the board to provide equal school facilities for the youth of the district as far as practicable, regardless of considerations relating to permanence of residence. The schoolhouse may properly be removed whenever the con- ditions of the subdistrict require it, but unnecessary expense should not be incurred in such removal in anticipation of possible, or even probable, changes of this character. REVERSED. ALONZO ABERNETHY, July 31, 1876. Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. N. ARTHUR et al. v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF FAIRWAY. Appeal from Adams County. SCHOOLHOUSE SITES. The necessities of the present must be observed in lo- cating schoolhouse sites, in preference to the probabilities of the future. 26 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS TESTIMONY. New testimony can be introduced only when the facts materially affecting the case could not have been known before the trial. REMANDING OF CASES. When the evidence discloses that the action of the board was unwarranted, and the facts are not sufficiently shown to determine what should be done, the case should be remanded to the board. In this case the board made an order relocating the schoolhouse site; from this order J. N. Arthur and others, residents of the district, appealed to the county superintendent, and upon his affirming the action of the board, to the superintendent of public instruction. The district consists of sections one, two, eleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen, and the old schoolhouse stands near the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section one. The proposed new site is in the north- west corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twelve, on a public highway and one-quarter of a mile north of the geo- graphical center of said district. The grounds of objection by the appellants to the removal are substan- tially, that the new site is on low bottom lands and subject to overflow, not accessible at all times of the year, and that it is not as near the center of the school population as the old site. They also suggest that a location at the cross roads one-half mile east of the new site is better ground and more convenient to the people. In fixing the schoolhouse site, the geo- graphical position and the convenience of the people of each portion of the district should be considered. From the large amount of testimony, it is evident that the new site chosen is in a low place, and an affidavit sent to this office, and signed by a number of residents, proves beyond question that the site has. been overflowed for several days of the last month. By a close comparison it is found that the number of residents who will have their distance to school increased by choosing the new site, is greater than those who will have their distance diminished. By locating the schoolhouse at the cross roads, one-half mile east of the proposed new site, which location is claimed to be higher, and therefore less liable to overflow, three-fourths of the residents will have their distance diminished by forty to one hundred and sixty rods. Although it may be true, as affirmed in the testimony, that the western part of the district is as capable of settlement as the .eastern part, the necessities of the present must be observed in locating schoolhouse sites, in preference to the probabilities of the future. While it is the rule of this department to sustain discretionary acts of the board, it seems that in this case the true interest of all concerned, and justice to a large portion of the people, demands that the schoolhouse should not be moved to the new site chosen. To what extent the high waters of last month did affect the other loca- tions under consideration, is not known to this department; it is therefore best to let the matter come up anew before the county superintendent for a rehearing. The decision of the county superintendent is therefore reversed, and the case remanded for a rehearing, with the direction from this depart- ment that the proposed new site is an unsuitable one for school purposes. REVERSED. C. W. VON COELLN, October 31, 1876. Superintendent of Public Instruction. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 2? J. ,T. WILSON et al. v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF MOXKOI . Appeal from Mahaska County. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. The county superintendent is not limited to a re- versal or affirmance of the action of the board, but he determines the same questions which it had determined. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. The location of a schoolhouse can be dependent upon a change of boundaries only when it is shown in evidence that it is the definite and positive intention to make such a change. HIGHWAY. If possible, every schoolhouse site should be upon a public highway. COI:NTY SUPERINTENDENT. May make a conditional ruling, by which his own decision will be governed. On the fourteenth day of April, 1877, the board located the site for a schoolhouse. From its action, J. J. Wilson and others appealed to the coun- ty superintendent, alleging that the board had erred in making the location, in that, by reason of distance owing to the location of the roads, the location as made effectually deprived many of the subdistrict of the privilege of at- tendance at school. On trial, the county superintendent reversed the action of the board, and located a new site. Prom his decision the board appeals, claiming that the county superintendent erred in selecting a site entirely different from those with reference to which testimony was taken; that it is on the extreme east line of said subdistrict, and hence can not be called at all central; that the board took into account in making the location the possibility of a change in the northern boundary of the subdistrict, which would make the situation chosen a suitable one for the remaining sub- district; that a portion of his decision was conditional and void; and that the board did not abuse its discretion by making the location as it did. The assumption that the county superintendent did not have the right to locate a schoolhouse site differing in location from the one made by the board, or the one petitioned for by the appellants, is a mistake. See John Clark v. District Township of Wayne, School Law Decisions of 1876, page 47; also the opinion of the attorney-general in Iowa School Journal for April, 1866, in which the following ruling was made: "The county superin- tendent is not limited to a reversal or affirmance of the action of the board, but he determines the same questions which it had determined." The nature of the subdistrict is peculiar. It is long and narrow, and its western boundary, the North Skunk river, which also makes nearly all its southern boundary, is a disturbing element when we attempt to locate the site of a schoolhouse to accommodate all the people. While under ordinary circumstances a site near the boundary of a subdistrict would be unadvis- able, in this case it seems necessary, unless additional road facilities can be secured. The site selected by the county superintendent is clearly the one best calculated to accommodate the whole subdistrict as constituted at present. The location of a schoolhouse site can be dependent upon a change of boundaries only when it is shown in evidence that it is the intention of the board, or boards, to make such change. In this case, it is not claimed that any change is actually intended or expected. The limit, as made provision- <2$ SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS ally by the county superintendent, of thirty days for such changes of roads as would make a more central location feasible and desirable, was too short a time, under the provisions of law, to effect the result. For that reason we shall extend the time for the establishment of a road to ninety days from the date of his decision, or to such time as the board of directors may show to be necessary to establish the road, provided that immediate steps shall be taken to bring about the result, if desired. The discretion of the board was evidently abused in not providing equal school facilities for those lying in the northern portion of the subdistrict, by the location of the schoolhouse site. In case the road contemplated is secured, the board may locate the site thereon, as near the center of the subdistrict as good and suitable ground can be found. If no steps are taken to secure such a road, or in case the road can not be procured, the location last chosen by the county superin- tendent is to be regarded as the site, and his decision is hereby AFFIBMED. C. W. VON COELLN, August 7, 1877. Superintendent of Public Instruction. WM. DONALD v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH FORK. Appeal from Wayne County. SALARY OF TEACHERS. The salary of teachers should be in proportion to their ability and responsibility, and not equal when these differ materially. SALARY OF TEACHERS. The control of salaries is wholly within the power of the board and can not be determined by an appeal, because it is not within the jurisdiction of county or state superintendent to order the payment of money. EXPLANATORY NOTES. Notes to the school law, while proper aids to school of- ficers, have not the binding force of law, and a non-compliance with them is not necessarily a violation of law. SCHOOLS. The wealthier portions of the community should aid their neigh- bors in sustaining good schools. On the eighteenth day of March, 1878, the board made an order fixing the salaries of teachers for the summer schools at the uniform price of twenty dollars per month. From this action William Donald appealed to the county superintendent, who affirmed the action of the board. From his decision William Donald appeals. It is alleged by the appellant that the county superintendent erred in deciding that the board did not violate law in voting that the same amount of salary should be paid to the teacher in each subdistrict. It is claimed that the board should have provided for a higher salary in some schools of the township. The difficulty with appellant's counsel is that he believes the note to be a part of the law. My predecessor gave his own views of the employment of teachers and I most fully agree with him in his view. The law leaves the whole matter to the board and presumes that it will deal equitably. Un- fortunately, selfishness is a nearly universal characteristic of human kind, and too often the majority, representing weak subdistricts, weak both in SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 29 numbers and in property, demands an equal distribution of the money on hand for teachers' pay. The law organizing the rural independent districts, passed in 1872, arose from the feeling that this selfishness was working injustice to little towns and wealthy and populous subdistricts. The creation of these independent districts works an injustice to the weaker districts, for it is proper and desir- able that the wealthier districts should aid their weaker neighbors to sus- tain fair schools. With regard to this case, we do not see wherein the board violated law. The idea of prejudice is slightly apparent from the testimony, but not suffi- ciently to reverse the action of the board. That equity has not been ob- served seems very evident, for it must be presumed that a larger school population requires a better teacher, and if a better and more experienced teacher is needed, a better salary ought to be paid. There are other con- siderations. Usually the expense of living is greater in the town than in the country. It is also the probability that a larger tax is paid by the town than by the country. We are not able at this distance to determine whether twenty dollars is a sufficient compensation for the teacher of subdistrict number four of South Fork. But if twenty dollars is only sufficient compensation for the country subdistricts, it is our belief that a higher salary should be given the teacher in the town. It is out of our jurisdiction to give advice to the board what to do in this case, after determining that we have no power to reverse its action, but we suggest that equity would be served if it should pay the five dollars per month assumed by Mr. Anderson. After giving our views thus in full, we must agree with the county superintendent, and his decision is there- fore AFFIRMED. C. W. VON COELLN, June 29, 1878. Superintendent of Public Instruction. JAMES JACOBY et al. v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF NODAWAY. Appeal from Adams County. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. A schoolhouse site fixed by county or state superintendent affirming the discretionary act of the board, allows the board to exercise its discretion again, especially if material changes have occurred. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. Suggestions from the electors upon matters entirely within the control of the board will in no manner prevent the fullest exercise of the discretion vested in the board by the law. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. The endeavor to show regard for the expressed wishes of the electors in the choice of a site will be an added reason in support of the action of the board. In the summer of 1877, the board located a schoolhouse site, selecting one not desired by a large majority of the electors, as expressed at an informal meeting called by the board. An appeal was -taken to the county ^uperintendent, who reversed ttie action of the board, and in turn to the 30 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS superintendent of public instruction, who reversed the decision of the county superintendent, thereby sustaining the action of the board, on the ground that the abuse of the discretion given by the law to the board, as charged, was not proved. Since the decision above referred to was rendered, a dwelling has been erected within twenty rods of the site chosen. Also, a material arldition has been made to the district on its east side of a strip of land three miles in length and one-half mile in width. At a meeting of the board held April 22, 1878, it relocated the school- house site, choosing the old site in place of the one selected by it last year. From its action, James Jacoby and others appealed to the county superin- tendent, who affirmed the order of the board. D. Shipley and Ed. Kennedy appeal. This case was before us last year and we affirmed the action of the board in selecting the new site, sustaining the discretionary act of the board. Hence, the principle that a site selected by the county or state superinten- dent can not be changed unless there have been material changes in the district, does not , apply. There have been changes by the addition of new territory and a dwelling being erected within less than forty rods of the proposed site. The choice of the old site is in conformity with the wish of a majority of the electors, and does not prove any abuse of discretion, much less a violation of law. The action of the board is sustained, and the decision of the superintendent AFFIRMED. C. W. VON COELLN, August 26, 1878. Superintendent of Public Instruction. L. E. COKMACK v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF LINCOLN. Appeal from Adams County. JURISDICTION. An appeal will not lie to enforce a contract. JANITORIAL SERVICES. If a teacher serves as janitor in sweeping the room and building fires, he should be paid from the contingent fund for such services. Mr. Vandyke, a subdirector, contracted with Mrs. L. E. Cormack as teacher for the winter term of school. The terms of the contract included that the teacher was to receive twenty-five dollars per month for teaching and one dollar and twenty-five cents a month for building the fires and sweeping the schoolhouse. The board refused to audit the full account, which would give the teacher pay for janitor's work, claiming that the said subdirector exceeded his authority in so contracting. Mrs. Cormack appealed to the county superintendent, who reversed the action of the board. W. C. Potter, president of the board, appeals. This case has evidently for its object the securing of money on contract, and as section 1836 prevents county and state superintendents from ren- dering a judgment for money, it has been the common custom to refuse to entertain any appeal in which a contract is to be decided by such appeal; for this reason the county superintendent should have dismissed the case for want of jurisdiction, SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 31 It may not be out of place here to state that unless a contract with the teacher provides that building fires and sweeping the house is included, the board can not require such service of the teacher. The payment for such services should come from the contingent fund and should be specifically mentioned. The teachers' fund is not to be used for paying for janitorial services. Without deciding any question at issue, we are of the opinion that the subdirector did not exceed his authority given him by section 1753 when he agreed to pay a reasonable sum for janitorial services besides the twenty- five dollars paid under instruction from the board for teachers' services. But since we do not consider the case within our jurisdiction, the decision of the county superintendent is reversed and the case DISMISSED. C. W. VON COELLN, March 1, 1879. Superintendent of Public Instruction. W. F. RANKIN v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF LODOMILLO. Appeal from Clayton County. RECORDS. The record of the secretary shall be considered as evidence, and can not, be invalidated by parol evidence unless there is proof of fraud or falsehood. TERRITORY. Where territory is to be transferred by concurrent action of two boards to the district to which it geographically belongs, a majority of the members elect is not necessary, as required for the change of subdistrict boundaries. APPPEAL. The action of two boards upon a subject over which .they have divided control constitutes a concurrent action, and appeal may be taken only from the order of the board taking action last. This appeal relates to the transfer of territory in the civil township of Cass, which has belonged to the district township of Lodomillo since 1856, to the township to which it geographically belongs. The board of the district township of Cass appointed a committee to meet a committee chosen by the Lodomillo board, to agree upon terms of transfer. The district township of Lodomillo also appointed a committee. The joint committee agreed upon a report, which the board of Cass adopted September 16, 1878. On the twelfth day of October, 1878, the Lodomillo board, by a vote of four to six members present of a board of ten, also adopted the report and accepted the proposition agreed to by the board of Cass. From the action of the Lodomillo board W. F. Rankin appealed to the county superintendent, who dismissed the case for want of jurisdiction, and stated that the action of the board was plainly in violation of the law, since section 1738 requires a majority of the board to change the boundaries of subdistricts. From this decision W. F. Rankin appeals. The secretary's transcript of the transactions of the meeting of the board of Lodomillo, held October 12, 1878, does not show any irregularity in the *Note We have since learned that the teacher recovered in a suit in the courts at law. 32 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS transaction, does not show the number of members present nor the number of votes cast by which the motion was carried. According to a well established principle of law, the records of any public or private corporation must be considered regular, and can not be set aside by parol evidence, except under an allegation of fraud. Based upon the evi- dence of the transcript, the whole transaction was carried on in conformity with law, and we can see no reason to interfere with the action of the board. If we admitted the testimony of M. E. Axtel, showing that only six members of a board of ten were present, and that four of these six voted for the trans- fer, we would still hold that said transfer was legally made. The action of the board was not a change of boundaries of subdistricts, but a transfer under section 1798. The territory transferred, being part of the districts organized before the law of 1858 took effect, could be transferred by con- current action of the boards to the district to which it geographically be- longs, and the limitation of section 1738, requiring a majority of the board to change subdistrict boundaries, is not applicable to this case. The appeal is brought from the action of the board which concurred, and is therefore taken in a proper manner. For the reasons set forth, the action of the board is sustained and the decision of the superintendent is REVERSED. C. W. VON COELLN, May 28, 1879. Superintendent of Public Instruction. L. B. COLBURN et al. v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF SILVER LAKE. Appeal from Palo Alto County. EVIDENCE. To establish malice or prejudice on the part of the board, positive testimony must be introduced, and the evidence must be conclusive. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. A county superintendent should not ask the state superintendent to decide a case on appeal for him, but may ask for an inter- pretation of law, either by the state superintendent, or through him, by the attorney-general. On the twenty-fifth day of August, 1879, the board fixed the location of a schoolhouse on the old site. From this order L. B. Colburn and others appealed to the county superintendent, who affirmed the action of the board, and from this decision the same parties appeal. Among the errors enumerated, the appellants urge that the county su- perintendent erred in holding that the board was not actuated by passion or prejudice. We fail to find any evidence establishing the existence of such malice or prejudice on the part of the board. Appellants also claim that the county superintendent erred in basing his decision on the verbal opinion of the state superintendent, given prior to the hearing of the case. This affords an opportunity of censuring a practice quite common among county superintendents to ask the superintendent of public instruc- tion for his opinion in an appeal which is pending. We have made it a universal practice to refuse answers upon the questions involved in the particular case, and have given only general principles which should SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 33 govern county superintendents in determining eases of appeal. These general principles are so well established that an intelligent county super- intendent ouglit to be familiar with them. We advised the county superintendent in this case not to measure the respective dietances of the diiierent locations from the geographical center, before the trial of the appeal. It is proper for the cornty superintendent to ascertain the interpreta- tion of points of law, by securing an opinion from this department, or from the attorney-general through this department. Without fully determining the merits of the respective locations, we must hold that the board did not abuse its discretion sufficiently to war- rant interference. The appellants failing to prove malice or prejudice on the part of the board, its order should stand, and the decision of the county superintendent affirming its action is AFFIRMED. C. W. VON COELLN, March 30, 1SSO. Superintendent of Public Instruction. WM. BABTLETT v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF SPENCER. Appeal from. Clay County. APPEAL. May be taken by any resident aggrieved by an action of the board. BOUNDARIES. Must conform to congressional divisions of land. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. Proper location of, depends upon form of subdistrict. TERRITORY. All territory must be included within some school district. On the twenty-second day of October, 1881, the board adopted the re- port of a committee locating a site for a schoolhouse in subdistrict number nine on the southeast corner of the southeast quarter of section twenty-one. From its order, William Bartlett appealed to the county superintendent, who reversed the action of the board and located the site on the north- west corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-one. C. F. Archer appeals. The counsel for the appellants files a motion to dismiss the appeal on the ground that persons not parties to a hearing below are debarred from appealing to the superintendent of public instruction. It has been re- peatedly held that any person aggrieved may prosecute an appeal from the decision of the county superintendent, unless the right of appeal has been waived by previous agreement. The subdistrict in which the location was made was formed by action of the board at the regular meeting in last September. The boundaries fixed by the board at that time, as shown by the plats in evidence, are the Little Sioux River and Prairie creek on the north, east and south, and the half section line running north and south through sections eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty-one, as the western boundary. It is shown by the plat that the half mile strip on the western side of the subdistrict is supposed not to belong to subdistrict number nine, and it is stated by the county superintendent that this territory is supposed 3 34 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS to be temporarily attached to the adjoining township for school purposes. We are compelled to notice this irregularity of boundaries, since the pro- per location of any schoolhouse obviously depends largely upon the form and extent of the territory for which the house is designed. Section 1796, providing for the creation of subdistricts, and for subsequent alterations in their boundaries, contains the following: "Provided that the boundaries of subdistricts shall conform to the lines of congressional divisions of land." When government lines follow large streams or other bodies of water, a division is sometimes formed containing less than forty acres; but unless such exception applies, the smallest congressional division is the one-sixteenth of a section, or forty acres in a square form. In fixing the boundaries of subdistricts no smaller subdivision can be made, and a forty-acre tract must be included in the subdistrict or excluded as a whole. The only provision of law by which the half mile strip could be at- tached to the adjoining district township is found in section 1797. The transfer can be made only when natural obstacles intervene. It is ap- parent from the plats in evidence that no large unbridged stream, or any other natural obstacle exists. Hence we must conclude that it is the duty of the board of directors of the district township of Spencer to provide that the strip in question shall be a part of some subdistrict. It seems probable that a portion of the territory referred to will naturally fall to subdistrict number nine. The county superintendent appears to have pre- sumed that the subdistrict would ultimately include all the territory to the township line. That the territory does belong to the district township of Spencer, unless it has been attached to the adjoining township, in ac- cordance with section 1797, there can be no question. Such being the facts in this case, and the evidence disclosing that the board did not ex- ercise that care in selecting a site which is desirable when so many inter- ests are involved, we are disposed to remand the case to the board, with the suggestion that it adjust the boundaries of the subdistrict, and deter- mine upon some other site than the one chosen by it, with the intention to furnish the best accommodation to all parties REVERSED AND REMANDED. J. W. AKERS, February 15, 1882. Superintendent of Public Instruction J. D. HANDEESHELDT v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF DBS MOINES. Appeal from Jefferson County. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. Abuse of discretion is not established by testimony show- ing that a different action would have been preferred by the electors. DISTRICT ORGANIZATION. The county superintendent has no Jurisdiction to determine the validity of district organization. TESTIMONY. To be legal must be given under oath. BOUNDARIES. Of subdistricts, changed between September and March. MAJORITY VOTE. Of whole board required to change subdistrict boundaries. A petition was presented to the board asking that certain territory in Des Moines township be set aside to form, in connection with territory to SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 35 be obtained from the independent district of Liberty, number eight, a new subdistrict to be known as subdistrict number nine, Des Moines township. The board acted on this petition and made the following order: "In the matter of the petition of J. D. Handersheldt and Silas Pearson, asking for the formation of a new subdistrict to be known as number nine, in the district township of Des Moines, all the territory within the boundary lines therein described, is hereby granted, provided sufficient territory be granted by the independent school district of Liberty, "number eight, to make a suitable and convenient subdistrict as to the amount of territory and the number of children of school age; and, provided, that in case the territory is not granted by said independent district of Liberty number eight, then said territory hereby granted shall remain and be a part of subdistrict number five, of the district township of Des Moines." On the twenty-eighth day of April, 1882, the board of the district town- ship of Des Moines, at a special meeting, adopted the following resolution: "It is hereby ordered that all action heretofore taken by the board of the district township of Des Moines, in the formation and organization of subdistrict number nine, in the above named township, is hereby re- scinded." From this action of the board, J. D. Handersheldt appealed to the county superintendent, who upon hearing the case on appeal rendered the following decision: "A resolution passed rescinding an action which has not yet taken effect, is legal, but so far as it concerns formation and organization which is already completed, it is illegal." From this action or decision of the county superintendent, J. D. Handersheldt ap' peals. It appears from the transcript of the county superintendent that the witnesses were not sworn. A failure to take testimony under oath ta fatal to the case, even though from its nature it came properly before the superintendent on appeal. A brief examination will be sufficient, we think, to show that this action should have been dismissed by the county superintendent for want of ju- risdiction, since no appeal will lie when the validity of the district organization is involved. This appeal was taken from the action of the board to the superintend- ent, for the purpose of determining whether or not the board erred in rescinding its former action creating subdistrict number nine. There was very little evidence bearing on this, the sole issue in the case. Witnesses simply stated that they were or were not in favor of subdistrict number nine. Such testimony can have no bearing in an action to establish error on the part of the board. Appellants set forth in their affidavit that the county superintendent erred, in that he refused to admit testimony to show that there never had been any legal organization of subdistrict num- ber nine. We think such evidence was properly excluded, and yet it is necessary, to enable any tribunal to arrive at a decision of the case; for if the district was organized according to law, then the board committed error in making an order which operated to discontinue it, and hence to change boundaries of subdistricts at a time of year in which, according to cur holding, it can not De done. Upon the presumption that the district was legally organized, it committed error by making a change of subdis- trict boundaries without a majority of the whole board, 36 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS It must therefore be determined whether the conditions upon which the hoard of Des Moines township granted the territory, were fulfilled, or, in other words, it must be known whether or not the independent district number eight, of Liberty, concurred in the transfer of the territory. But neither the county superintendent nor this department is competent to determine the legality of a district organization, and it is therefore im- possible for us to decide whether or not the board committed error. The remedy is an application to a court of law for mandamus to compel the board to recognize the subdirector of subdistrict number nine, as a school officer and member of the board of the district township of Des Moines. Were the issues involved within our jurisdiction, we would not hesitate to consider them, but as no question of such nature is connected with the case it is DISMISSED. J. W. AKERS, November 2, 1882. Superintendent of Public Instruction. APPLETON PARK v. INDENPENDENT DISTRICT OF PLEASANT GROVE. Appeal from Des Moines County. RECORDS. The official record is its own best evidence. Testimony intended to contradict the record should not be admitted. RECORDS. Records not made and certified to by the proper officers as required by law are defective and may be impeached by collateral evidence. TEACHER. The law provides that a teacher shall have a fair and impartial trial, with sufficient notice to enable him to rebut the charges of his accusers. CHARGES. Must be clearly sustained by the evidence. Appleton Park was duly engaged and contracted with. He began teach- ing on the fourth day of September, 1882; after some ten or eleven days had expired, during which time he had taught the school, he was waited upon by the entire board, called to the door and informed that certain rumors were being circulated, to the effect that he had been guilty of using obscene and vulgar language in the presence of his pupils, and dur- ing regular school hours. The board called at the schoolhouse again about the hour for closing the school in the afternoon, and the school hav- ing been dismissed, it proceeded to examine three of the boys as to the truth of the charges above referred to. The result of this action was that the teacher left the school and the board employed another teacher. Mr. Park appealed to the county superintendent, who reversed the action of the board, whereupon D. L. Portlock, president of the board, appeals. The principal difficulty presented in this case seems to be to determine Just what that action or order of the board was from which the appeal vas taken. The transcript filed by the secretary of the board, is as fol- lows:- "Complaint being made by some of the scholars to the school board, in regard to the teacher, Appleton Park, using indecent, rough and insulting language during school time, the board met at the schoolhouse to make an investigation. The board stated the above charges to the teacher, Appleton Park, who after reflecting upon the matter, proposed his SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 87 resignation to the board. The board, after due consideration, accepted the same. The question being settled in the above way, and no other business before the board, the board then adjourned." The parol evidence of Appleton Park was admitted to offset and im- peach the record. This was clearly in violation of well established law, if the record was really what it purported to be, a true and authenticated copy of the proceedings of the meeting of the board referred to. Starkie on Evidence, says: "Where written instruments are appointed, either by the immediate authority of law, or by the compact of the parties, to be the permanent repositories and testimony of truth, it is a matter both of principle and of policy, to exclude any inferior evidence from be- ing used, either as a substitute for such instruments, or to contradict or alter them; of principle, because such instruments are in their own nature and origin entitled to a much higher degree of credit than that which appertains to parol evidence; of policy, because it would be attended with great mischief and inconvenience if those instruments upon which men's rights depend were liable to be impeached and controverted by loose col- lateral evidence." Starkie, part IV. p. 995, Vol. Ill, 3d Amer. Ed. The fact that the transcript referred to is not certified to by the secre- tary, and the further fact that he was not present at the board meeting in question, and wrote the minutes as dictated from memory by the presi- dent of the board, three days after the meeting, fully justified the super- intendent in ruling it out and in admitting parol evidence. We come now to consider whether the trial before the board was such a proceeding as is required by section 1734. The board called in the morn- ing and informed the teacher of the charges preferred against him, where- upon he offered to resign. It instructed him to proceed with his school and stated that it would return in the evening. During the day the board worked up its case against the teacher, while he was so employed as to pre- vent him from giving thought or attention to the charges, or to the pre- paration of any adequate defense. . We must sustain the superintendent in finding that the trial and op- portunity to defend was not what the law intends every teacher shall have. Every teacher is entitled to the sympathy and support of the school board, and where there is any reasonable doubt as to the truth of stories circulated by school children, the teacher should have the benefit of such doubt. We believe that had the board been in sympathy with the teacher in this instance, it would have decided that the charges were not sustained by the evidence, at least by any evidence which appears of record. That the teacher offered to resign in the evening does not appear from the evidence offered in behalf of the board, while it does appear that at least one member of the board told him "he had better quit." We are compelled to hold that the teacher was dismissed, and that in doing so for no sufficient reason the board erred and the decision of the county superintendent is therefore AFFIBMED. * J. W. AKERS, February 16, 1883. Superintendent of Public Instruction. *Note Our supreme court rendered a decision regarding the measure of dam- ages resulting from the wrongful discharge of this teacher. The opinion is found in 65 Iowa, 209. 38 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS J. B. B. BAKER v. INDEPENDENT DISTBICT OF WAUKON. Appeal from Allamakee County. RULES AND REGULATIONS. In establishing and enforcing regulations for the government of scholars the board has a large discretion. On the seventh day of June, 1886, Maud Baker was suspended for re- peated violation of a rule of the board, known as rule five, which reads as follows: "Any scholar who shall be absent five half-days in four con- secutive weeks, without any excuse from parent or guardian satisfactory to the teacher that the absence was caused by said pupil's sickness, or by sickness in the family, or, in the primary grades, by severity of the weather, shall forthwith be suspended. No pupil so suspended shall be reinstated without a permit from the principal." Rule twelve provides that the principal of the school may suspend pu- pils temporarily, and that he shall immediately notify the parent or guard- ian of a suspended child of such suspension, the notice to be in writing, and furthermore, that he shall immediately inform the board of his action. Maud Baker was absent without excuse, and when called to account for her absence stated that she had gone on a fishing excursion, and expected to go the week following. Having failed to render a satisfactory excuse, she was suspended, as above stated. Notice in writing was sent to parent, as required by rule five, and the board informed of the suspension. The board approved the action of the principal. J. B. B. Baker appealed to the county superintendent, who reversed the action of the board. D. W. Reed appeals. The facts in this case are not controverted. It appears in evidence that the suspension of Maud Baker was reported to the board, and that a special meeting of the board was held for the consideration of the act of the principal. Maud Baker was present at this meeting of the board, and the president testifies that he read to her the rule under which she had been suspended, and asked her to give the board some promise of amendment in the future, as a condition of reinstatement and she replied that she would not make any promise for the future, and expected to go fishing the following week. The county superintendent finds that the suspension was made in com- pliance with the rules of the board for the government and regulation of the schools, and that the act of the principal in suspending, and of the board in approving his action, was without prejudice or malice. The board was reversed on the ground that the law does not confer upon the principal, or the board, power to suspend for the cause for which Maud Baker was suspended. The case turns, therefore, upon the power of the board to establish and enforce a rule providing for the suspension of pupils, who are absent a given number of days, or half-days, without a satisfactory excuse. The point has been fully discussed and settled by our supreme court in the case of Burdick v. Babcock, 31 Iowa, 562, and need not be considered here. Murphy v. Independent District of Marengo has been cited, but does not apply, as in that case it is stated that the offense for which the pupil was dismissed was not in violation of any rule or regulation. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 39 We are compelled to overrule the decision of the county superintendent, and to sustain the action of the board. REVERSED. J. W. AKBRS, October 23, 1886. Superintendent of Public Instruction. N. R. JOHNSTON v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF UTICA. Appeal from Chickasaw County. MANDAMUS. To compel the performance of an official duty, appeal sometimes consumes valuable time. Mandamus is often a more speedy and better remedy. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. Action by the board unduly delaying the final considera- tion of an important matter, may be regarded as an evidence of prejudice. The issues involved in this case were the formation of a new subdistrict to be known as number twelve, and the providing for a school during the winter of 1887-8, pending the election of subdirector for the new subdistrict. The case came in due order to the county superintendent on appeal, and from his decision the board appeals. At its meeting on the nineteenth of September, 1887, the board had before it a petition signed by Caleb Boylan and others, to redistrict num- ber two, and to form a new subdistrict. After various motions it was voted to adjourn to the second Saturday in February, 1888, to consider said petition. Appeal was taken to the county superintendent. At the trial before that officer, October 27, 1887, and adjourned to October 31st, a motion was made to dismiss the case, on the ground that the matter was still pending before the board, as no final action had been taken by that body. The motion to dismiss was overruled, and the county superintendent proceeded to hear the case. Did the county superintendent commit an error? We think not. Without impunging in any way the motives of the board, its action In adjourning to a date as late as the second Saturday in February, was calculated to delay and defeat the prayer of the petitioners. The ag- grieved parties had an undoubted right to appeal, but we regret that they did not avail themselves of the more speedy remedy of resorting to th courts. A writ of mandamus would undoubtedly issue in such a case, com- pelling the board to perform its enjoined duty. A motion to dismiss on the ground that there was no evidence to show that the board acted with passion, prejudice, or injustice, was also very properly overruled. The action of the board delaying the whole matter until the second Saturday of February, 1888, was in our opinion an act of manifest injustice, which the superintendent very properly took into account in making his decision. The county superintendent reversed the action of the township board and ordered the new subdistrict, number twelve, to be formed, with an extra school for the winter of 1887-8, in accordance with the prayer of the petitioners. Ought his decision to be sustained? A careful review of the evidence in the case, including the plat "exhibit A," shows that the township of Utica is divided into eleven subdistricts, some of them very large and irregular in shape. A better division than that 40 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS proposed by the formation of the new subdistrict, number twelve, can possibly be made. The county superintendent, however, provides for this, as his decision does not prevent any changing of the boundaries of sub- district lines, if necessary to faciliate the school privileges of the town- ship. A new subdistrict is needed to furnish reasonable school facilities for the children in that neighborhood, and so far as ordering the new sub- district, to be known as number twelve, is concerned, the decision of the county superintendent is AFFIBMED. HENRY SABIN, March 15, 1888. Superintendent of Public Instruction. JACOE DECK et al. v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF EDEN. Appeal from, Decatur County. SUBDISTRICT BOUNDARIES. A case involving a change of subdistrict boundaries, having been adjudicated by the county superintendent reversing the action of the board, and being affirmed by the superintendent of public instruction, can not again be brought upon appeal, unless it can be shown that some change materially affecting the conditions of the case has taken place since the date of the former decision. SUBDISTRICT BOUNDARIES. In changing subdistrict boundaries, both the present and the future welfare of the district township should be considered. SUBDISTRICT BOUNDARIES. A subdistrict long established, embracing a territory having a sufficient number of scholars to maintain a good school, should not be abolished, unless the general school facilities of the township will be improved thereby. On the nineteenth day of September, 1887, the board voted to abolish subdistrict number eight. Jacob Deck and others appealed to the county superintendent, who on the fifth day of December rendered a decision re- versing the action of the township board, and the board appeals. The council for the directors urged in their written argument that the county superintendent should be required to send up to this department all the testimony taken in the trial before her. It was certainly the duty of the county superintendent to send up all the testimony upon which she based her decision. In the absence of any proof to the contrary, the pre- sumption is that the transcript furnished by her contains all the testi- mony on file in her office. There is no proof offered that she has not com- plied with the law in all respects. On the twenty-sixth day of December, 1885, the county superintendent rendered a decision reversing the action of the board in abolishing sub- district number eight. As no material changes have taken place since then, in the condition of the township, does that former decision act as a bar to any further proceedings in this case? We think not. The principle enunciated here is undoubtedly correct. A case involving a change of subdistrict boundaries, having been adjudicated by the county superintendent reversing the action of the board, and being affirmed by the superintendent of public instruction can not again be brought upon SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 41 appeal, unless it can be shown that some change materially affecting the conditions of the case has taken place since the date of the former decis- ion. In this case, however, the decision of the county superintendent can not act as a bar to further proceedings, because the district board did not take an appeal. Such proceedings can not be considered as final in such a sense until they have been affirmed by the superintendent of public instruction. It is urged that the county superintendent erred in taking into consid- eration the distance which many of the pupils must travel in order to reach their school, if the action of the township board, abolishing subdistrict number eight, is affirmed. The law does not contemplate that one and one- half miles is in all cases an unreasonable distance. It depends largely upon the age of the pupil and upon the condition of the roads. In the case before us a natural obstacle, the Little Turkey river, must be taken into consideration. The opening of additional roads and the construction of a bridge would simplify matters somewhat, but no steps have been taken to accomplish this. Until this is done, to abolish the school in number eight would impose an undue hardship upon a large number of pupils. What are the conditions of the school as at present constituted? The report of the secretary put in evidence, shows that the school in number eight will average with other subdistricts in the number of pupils enrolled; it is above the average in daily attendance, and below the average in cost of tuition. The board fails to show that reduced numbers render it ex- pedient to abolish this subdistrict, nor does it show that the township is excessively taxed to support its schools. This department has alreay ruled that subdistrict lines, which have been long established, embracing a territory having a sufficient number of pupils to maintain a good school, should not be disturbed, unless it can be proved that the general school facilities of the township will be im- proved by the change. The board does not show that there is any general benefit to be ex- pected from the proposed change of boundaries, nor does it prove that any existing necessity makes it desirable. The board undoubtedly intended to act fairly toward all, but we think it failed to properly consider all the circumstances involved in its action. The decision of the county superin- tendent is therefore AFFIBMED. HENRY SABIN, March 16, 1888. Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. S. FOLSOM et al. v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF CENTEB. Appeal from Cedar County. REHEARING. To warrant a rehearing, some valid reason must be urged. TESTIMONY. Sufficient latitude should be allowed in the introduction of testi- mony to permit a full presentation of the issues involved, even if irrelevant testimony is occasionally admitted. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. Every dwelling-house must be taken into account, as some- one entitled to school advantages may hereafter reside there. 42 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. When it is the evident intention of the board to relocate the site as near as possible in the center of the subdistrict, in order to furnish equal school facilities to all the residents, its action should not be materially interfered with. The transcript in this case shows that on the twenty-first day of March, 1887, at a meeting of the board, a committee was appointed to investigate the needs of subdistrict number two and report at the meeting in Septem- ber. It further shows that on the nineteenth day of September, 1887, such committee reported, recommending that the new house be built for said subdistrict, to be located in the center of the district. The report was received and the committee discharged. The report was also upon motion, laid upon the table. On the nineteenth day of March, 1888, at a meeting of the directors, the above report was finally adopted and a building committee was ap- pointed to confer with the county superinendent in regard to plans and specifications. From this decision of the board Folsom et al. appealed to the county superintendent, and the case was heard at Tipton on the ninth day of April, 1888. The records in the county superintendent's office show that the appellee consented to the filing of an amendment to the affidavit by appellant, and that the appellee filed a motion to modify the decision of the board, and the trial then proceeded. On the eleventh day of April the county superintendent filed a decision reversing the action of the board. On the seventeenth day of April, 1888, a motion was filed for a rehearing, within the time given by the county superintendent. On the nineteenth day of April, 1888, the motion for a rehearing was argued be- fore the county superintendent and overruled. From the decision of the county superintendent the borrd appealed to the superintendent of public instruction, and the whole case came up on a hearing before him on the fifth day of June, 1888. The first question to be decided is: Did the county superintendent err in overruling the motion for a rehearing? A rehearing of such a case can be granted only when it can be shown that some injustice has been done, or some mistake has been made which can be corrected by a new trial; or when some additional evidence has been discovered which is in favor of the party applying, but which could not have been presented before by reasonable diligence. The affidavit upon which the motion for a rehearing was based failed to show any such reasons. All the main points alleged therein had already been ruled upon by the county superintendent, and we think she did not commit any error in pverruling the motion. This also disposes of all the testimony sent up in support of the motion for a rehearing; these affidavits will not be taken into account in the final de- cision. ; ] ; ] : | rSgj3 It is not necessary here to determine the legal residence of William Busier. His own testimony is that the distance from his residence to the site selected by the board is one and one-fourth miles. The fact that Mrs. Morgan does not desire to send to school is not material. It is not the in- dividual but the residence that is to be considered. Some other person living at the same place may hereafter desire school privileges. We are now free to approach the main question upon which issue is joined. The testimony shows that the directors desired to relocate the SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 43 schoolhouse in subdistrict number two in a more central location; no other reason is assigned for the contemplated removal. There is nothing to show that the present site is unsuitable, except that it does not well ac- commodate the pupils from the northern part of the district. In this de- termination to relocate the site near the center, there is no evidence of any abuse of discretion on the part of the board and we think this action should not be interfered with. There, is, however, evidence which shows that the exact acre which the committee staked out is not a desirable site for a building. The board itself acknowledges this in its amended order by which the site is removed ten rods north. The county superintendent, in her decision, locates the site upon a piece of ground known as the "grave-yard site." It is urged that the county superintendent has only appellate jurisdiction, and must therefore confine her decision to the two sites upon which the parties joined issue. She seems to have entertained some such idea, as she sustained a motion to rule out all testimony in regard to the unsuitableness of the grave-yard site when such evidence was offered in the original trial. We think that such evidence should have been admitted. In April, 1866, the Hon. O. Faville, then superintendent of public in- struction, obtained this opinion from Hon. P. E. Bissell, then attorney-gen- eral: "The case does not come before him (the county superintendent) merely to correct an error of the board of directors, but to hear and decide the same matter that the board had decided. The county superintendent is not limited to an affirmance or reversal of the action of the board, but he determines the same question that the board determined." See also John Clark v. District Township of Wayne, page 47, School Law Decisions of 1876. To this opinion the decisions of this department have always conformed. The county superintendent, therefore, did not go beyond her jurisdiction in selecting a site different from any which had been considered by the board. We can not see, however, that the grave-yard site has any advantage over the old site. It is irregular in shape, and is about as far north of the center of the subdistrict as the present site is south. In fact, its selection as a site for the new building defeats the very end which the board had In view in its action locating the site in the center of the subdistrict. The case is remanded to the board with instructions not to build upon the site selected by the committee, but to select the best site possible within a dis- tance not more than forty rods from the center of the site staked out by the committee; the south corner of said site, however, to be at least fifteen rods north of the south corner of the committee's site; said site also to contain not less than an acre, and to be as nearly square in form as the circumstances will admit. The decision of the county superintendent is REVERSED. HENRY SABIN, June 7, 1888. Superintendent of Public Instruction. i 44 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS P. O'CONNOR, JR., v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF BADGER. Appeal from Webster County. JURISDICTION. In most matters with which boards have to do under the law, their authority and responsibility are absolute, and their jurisdiction is com- plete and exclusive. JURISDICTION. A former order of the board, or a decision of the county super- intendent on appeal, will not operate to prevent the board from exercising its discretion anew, when good reasons exist for such action. REHEABING. To obtain a rehearing the necessity must be clearly shown. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. In the exercise of discretion, the benefit of every reason- able doubt must be given in favor of the correctness of official acts. APPEAL. The hearing is not to be conducted by a rigid adherence to the tech- nical forms and customs which prevail in the courts. At a special meeting of the board held February 10, 1888, it was voted to remove the schoolhouse in subdistrict number seven, forty rods north from its present site. P. O'Connor, Jr., appealed to the county superintendent, who heard the case on the twenty-third day of April and affirmed the action of the board. P. O'Connor, Jr., appeals. The proceedings in this case are regular and the facts admitted by both parties. The only point in dispute is this: On the tenth day of November, 1887, the county superintendent heard the same case and rendered his decision reversing the action of the board. As the board did not see fit to appeal, and as no material changes have taken place in the subdistrict, it is claimed that the decision of the county superintendent rendered No- vember 10, 1887, must be considered as final, and that no further proceed- ings can be had in the case. If this allegation is true, then the county superintendent committed error in not dismissing the case. Let us examine it a moment, that we may arrive at the intent of the law. It is plain that the law reposes great confidence in the discretionary acts of a board of directors. The instructions from the department of public in- struction to county superintendents have always been that such discre- tionary acts are to be affirmed unless it can be very clearly shown that the board has in some way abused its powers; if there is a doubt, even, the board is to have the benefit of it. It has become a well established principle that the conduct of the schools and the location of schoolhouses should be left with those officers who have the closest relation to the people for whose benefit the schools are maintained. With this principle this department is not willing to interfere. Is it right, then, that in this present case because the county superin- tendent reversed the board in November, 1887, it should be left without further remedy? We think not. After its former action was reversed, the board had its choice of three courses of action; it was bound to take the one which it believed to be for the best interests of the subdistrict. It could ask for a rehearing, but to obtain that it must be able to show that some very grave mistake had been made, or that it had discovered some additional evidence which could not have been presented before by using reasonable diligence. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 45 It could appeal to the superintendent of public instruction, but in that event it must base its case wholly upon the evidence as presented before the county superintendent, as this department has no right to hear addi- tional testimony. It could begin the case de novo, amend its record if it was faulty, supply omissions, introduce new testimony, and perfect its proceedings in such ways as to obtain a possible different decision from the county superintendend- ent, or so as to make a stronger case before the superintendent of public instruction if either party found it necessary to appeal to him. In this case the board chose the last remedy, and we think it was wise in doing so, as the most ready manner of obtaining a final adjudication of the whole matter. After careful study of the authorities cited by counsel, we can only reach this conclusion. If the aggrieved party fails to appeal within the thirty days allowed by the law, the decision of the county superintendent be- comes final as far as that particular case is concerned; but we find nothing in the law to warrant the conclusion that a reversal by the county superin- tendent acts as a bar to any further proceedings because the district board did not then and there take an appeal to the superintendent of public In- struction. Such a conclusion would defeat the ends aimed at by the law In placing the management of the schools in the hands of the school officers as chosen by the people. The county superintendent and the superintend- ent of public instruction, in hearing these appeal cases have the jurisdic- tion, somewhat of a court of equity and are not bound by a rigid adherence to the technical forms and customs which prevail in the courts of Jus- tice. In reaching this conclusion we are supported by the case of Morgan v. Wilfley et al., 70 Iowa, 338. "The power to redistrict and change subdistricts is con- ferred upon the board by the statute, and action in that direction, for suffi- cient cause, can not be considered as unauthorized." The power to change or fix the schoolhouse site is conferred in the' same manner. Further: "The board of directors can not be so fettered by its prior action, or by legal proceedings that it may not, at any time, for sufficient cause, redistrict the township, as in its best judgment may be demanded by the interest of all the children of the district." The principle here enunciated is so broad that it applies to all the actions of the board, and it is not necessary to dwell upon it. In regard to the merits of the case, there is nothing to be said. There is no evidence to show that the board abused its authority, and consequently no reason for setting its order aside. The decision of the superintendent is AFFIRMED. HENRY SABIN, July 9, 1888. Superintendent of Public Instruction. SAMUEL WALKER v. J. S. CRAWFORD, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Appeal from Cass County. CERTIFICATE. The county superintendent is his own judge as to how fully he will give the applicant reasons for the refusal of a certificate. 46 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS CERTIFICATE. The county superintendent is charged with the responsibility of refusing to issue a certificate to any person unless fully satisfied that the ap- plicant possesses the essential qualifications demanded of teachers by the law. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. Unless a marked violation of the large discretion vested in the county superintendent is proved clearly and conclusively, his action ii refusing or revoking a certificate will not be interfered with on appeal. CERTIFICATE. The decision of a county superintendent refusing a certificat will not be interfered with on appeal unless it appears that he acted from pas sion or prejudice. This case arises from the refusal of J. S. Crawford, county superintend ent of Cass county, to grant a certificate to Samuel Walker to teach in the schools of said county. The case was reheard on the first day of December, 1888, by way of appeal, the superintendent affirming his former decisior Samuel Walker appeals. Section 1766 requires the county superintendent to examine each cand date desiring to teach in the public schools of the county, in certai branches enumerated therein, with special reference to his competency an ability to teach the same. But section 1767 still further directs that th county superintendent must satisfy himself that the applicant possesses good moral character and the essential qualifications for governing and in structing children and youth. Here, then, are three distinct qualification to be investigated and determined by the county superintendent before h issues the certificate. My predecessor very pointedly says in a wrltte opinion on file in this office: "Under the law the county superintenden must be satisfied that you (the candidate) possess all the qualification enumerated by law." In this case it is not claimed that the appellant is deficient in th branches usually taught in the public schools. Neither is it charged tha he does not possess a good moral character. The only point in question i his ability to instruct and govern children and youth. We confess that thi is an exceedingly difficult point to determine in many cases. The sures way undoubtedly is to visit and inspect the school, but we think the count superintendent took the next best way when he drew the candidate into conversation and allowed him to express himself freely and without re serve. Certain traits of character most essential to a teacher can not b ascertained by a written examination alone. At the time of the trial on appeal the county superintendent was place on the stand as a witness for the appellant. In the course of his test: mony he made this statement: "I refused Mr. Walker a certificate becaus I thought, and still think, Mr. Walker did not have judgment, a well ba anced mind, and common sense, to teach a good school." It is not the dut of the superintendent of public instruction to try this case de novo in order 1 determine the correctness of this conclusion. We are not called upon t pass upon the fitness or unfitness of Mr. Walker to teach in the schools ( Cass county. Did the county superintendent err, in that he was actuated by wror motives? If through passion or prejudice he refused Mr. Walker a certi' cate he did him an injustice, and his decision should be reversed. The exis ence of such a ruling motive would show itself somewhere in the e^ I SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 47 dence. We have read the transcript several times with care, and we fail to find any disagreement existing between the parties previous to, or at the time the appellant was first examined, or that Mr. Crawford has spoken unkindly of Mr. Walker or shown a disposition to injure him in any way. It was competent for the appellant to show clearly at the trial that the county superintendent was prejudiced against him to such an extent as not to do him justice; this he has failed to do by any reliable testimony. The weight of the testimony is to the effect that the county superintendent was endeavoring to do his duty as a school officer and in this the superin- tendent of public instruction must sustain him. The counsel for the appellant claims that the county superintendent erred in not informing the applicant upon what grounds he refused him a cer- tificate. The testimony of Mr. Frosi, from his long experience in the office of county superintendent, has great weight. We agree with him that it is usually better to inform the applicant frankly and fully why the certificate is refused, but cases may arise in which it is as well not to do this. The law is silent upon this point, the county superintendent must be his own judge of what it is best to do. We do not think the refusal in this case Is an error on the part of the county superintendent. It is also alleged on the part of the appellant that "the county superin- tendent made a wrongful decision upon the facts in the case." The appel- lant introduced evidence to show that he had taught a fairly successful school, and that he was in good repute as a teacher in his own neighbor- hood. All this was pertinent to the question at issue, but if the conversa- tion and actions of the appellant made such an impression upon the mind of the county superintendent at the time of examination that this evidence even could not overcome it, the county superintendent could not consist- ently do otherwise than as he did. The discretion vested in the county superintendent by the law is very large, and for this purpose, that he may guard the public schools against the intrusion of persons unworthy or unfit for the office of teacher. The department of public instruction can not release him from his responsi- bility, nor can it interfere with his discretionary acts except upon the clearest and most convincing proofs of violation of law, or of the influence of passion or prejudice in the performance of his official duty. The appellee on the other hand seems to argue that the action of the county superintendent, in refusing to grant a certificate, can not be inter- fered with by the superintendent of public instruction. In 1867, Hon. D. Franklin Wells, then superintendent of public instruction, obtained an opinion from the attorney-general of the state, Hon. F. E. Bissell, upon this point. The following extract from that opinion is answer to each of the claims just considered. "Chapter 52, laws of the tenth general assembly, provides that the superintendent of public instruction shall be charged with the supervision of all the county superintendents, and shall deter- mine all cases appealed from the decision of the county superintendent. I hold that under the above provisions, the right of appeal is clearly inferable, if not directly given to any one aggrieved by the refusal of the county superintendent to give a certificate, or by the revocation of a certificate. The power should, however, be very cautiously exercised and the decision of the county superintendent should not be interfered with except in case of a clear violation of duty, or when the act was the clear result of passion or prejudice," 48 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS After a careful review of the testimony and the able arguments sub- mitted to us, we do not find sufficient reason for reversing the decision made heretofore. AFFIRMED. HENRY SABIN, February 4, 1889. Superintendent of Public Instruction. G. W. DAVIS et al. v. DISTBICT TOWNSHIP OF LINN. Appeal from Linn County. APPEAL. Will not lie to control the action of a board or of the county super- intendent, where concurrence is provided for. TUITION. To enable- the districts in which the children reside to collect tui- tion, all the requirements of the law must first be fulfilled. At its regular meeting on the eighteenth of March, 1889, the board passed a resolution excluding from the privileges of the school, in sub- district number seven, children from the independent district of Laurel Hill, in Jones county, who had from time to time for many years, been allowed to attend the school in said subdistrict number seven. On the thirtenth of April the board considered a petition of parties in the ad- joining district of Laurel Hill desiring to send to the school in Linn town- ship, and passed an order refusing to admit their scholars. Prom this action, G. W. Davis and others appealed to the county superintendent, who heard the case on the ninth of May, affirming the order of the board. From his decision G. W. Davis appeals. The attendance of scholars living in an adjoining district is governed by section 1793. By the portion of the section to .which this appeal relates, children may attend in another district on such terms as may be agreed upon by the respective boards. In the history of this case, it is not shown that any action was taken by the board of Laurel Hill as to agreement regarding terms of attendance. The board of the district township of Linn refused to admit the scholars in question. It is from this order, an initial action, that appeal was taken. At the trial before the county superintendent a statement of facts was submitted and was agreed to by both parties to the appeal, as a basts upon which the appeal should be heard. At this point the board by its attorney filed a demurrer, urging that the county superintendent could not ac- quire jurisdiction; that the action of the board complained of was not sub- ject to revision upon appeal and asking the county superintendent to dis- miss the case for want of jurisdiction. The demurrer was overruled, the case was tried on the agreed statement of facts, and the order of the board affirmed. Did the county superintendent err in overruling the motion to dismiss the case for want of jurisdiction? We think he did. If the boards fail to agree upon terms of attendance, certain condi- tions regarding distance from the respective schools being fulfilled, as they are in this case, section 1793 itself provides the next step to be taken. The " county superintendent of the county in which the children reside may give his consent with that of the board of the district where the children desire to attend, admitting them. But from the refusal of the board to admit the SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 49 children it is held and has been uniformly held in opinions by this depart- ment, that appeal will not lie. It has always been conceded to be the in- tention of the lawmakers to leave with the board of the district in which the school is maintained, the matter of determining finally and conclusively, if it chooses that scholars shall not be admitted under the provisions of section 1793. If its consent is withheld, neither the courts of law nor any appellate tribunal may set aside its order of refusal, and compel it to admit outsiders and accept as compensation for their instruction the amounts fixed by section 1793. We have referred to this matter at such length, because the counsel for the appellant urges the claim that the case should be remanded for a new trial. We are compelled to find that there are but two methods in law, by which attendance in subdistrict number seven may be secured for their children by the appellants. The two boards may agree as to the terms of attendance. Or after they have refused to agree the concurrent con- sent of the county superintendent of Jones county and the board of the district township of Linn, will entitle the children to attendance and bind their home district for the expenses of their instruction in the manner provided by section 1793. But appeal will not lie to control the action of either board or of the county superintendent. REVERSED AND DISMISSED. HENRY SABIN, August 6, 1889. Superintendent of Public Instruction. ISHAM WATKINS v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF EMPIRE. Appeal from Marion County. APPEAL. An appeal will not lie from an order* of the board initiating a change in boundaries, where the concurrence of the board of an adjoining district is necessary to effect the change. APPEAL. Where changes are effected in district boundaries by the concurrent action of two boards, appeal may be taken from the order of the board con- curring or refusing to concur, but not from the order of the board taking ac- tion first. JURISDICTION. The jurisdiction of an appellate tribunal is not greater than that of the board from whose action the appeal is taken. On the sixteenth of September, 1889, the board of the independent dis- trict of Highland determined to notify Isham Watkins of Empire district, that his children could not any longer attend the school in Highland dis- trict. The records show that it was willing that he should be attached to Highland district. This was taken as an initiatory movement. Isham Wat- kins petitioned the board of the Empire district to set off the north half of northeast quarter of sections 25, 75, 21, to the independent district of High- land. The petition was rejected; in effect the Empire board refused to con- cur. An appeal was taken to the county superintendent, who ordered that the northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 25 be detached from the independent district . of Empire and attached to the independent dis- trict of Highland. 4 50 . SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS Of the several questions involved in this case it is necessary to discuss only one. Did the county superintendent exceed his jurisdiction? The board of Highland initiated an action. The board of Empire district must either concur or non-concur, and from its action an appeal could be taken. If it did not choose to accede to the proposition of the Highland district, then action in that particula.r ended with its vote to non-concur. If it had a different proposition to make, as for instance granting forty acres, it could only initiate a movement to that effect and leave it for Highland dis- trict to act, and from the action of the latter board an appeal could then be taken. In this case the county superintendent initiates a new action, and leaves it for Highland district to act. Now, if this action is allowed to stand, any one aggreived may take an appeal from the action of the board of the Highland district. He would then have an apeal brought before the county superintendent from an action which he himself initiated. It might be fur- ther agreed that if the county superintendent has original jurisdicton, then this appeal can not lie, as an appeal can be taken only from the order of the board completing the action. The precedents established have been followed closely by this department and we can see no reason for breaking away from them. It is held that in cases requiring the concurrent action of two boards, the board completing the action can only concur or non-concur. Any action involving a new proposition initiates a new case, which must be passed upon by the other board concerned in the matter, and from which an appeal can be taken. It is further held that the county superintendent upon appeal is limited to reversing or affirming the action of the board completing the action, and that he can not assume original jurisdiction and do what the board appealed from could not do. It seems apparent that Mr. Watkins has not reasonably good school facilities and we regret that we are compelled to set aside the decision of the county superintendent. He was actuated by laudable motives and was looking for the best interests of the chidlren in this case. We are, however, forced to the conclusion that the county superintendent erred in assuming ; original jurisdiction. REVERSED AND DISMISSED. HENRY SABIN, March 18, 1890. Superintendent of Public Instruction. ROBERT MAXWELL v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF LINCOLN. Appeal from Union County. PROCEEDINGS. The regularity of all the proceedings will be presumed upon, This is true in an especial sense when the records are more than usually com- plete. TEACHER. In the trial of a teacher the board is bound carefully to protect the interests of the district and to seek the welfare of the school, as well as to regard the rights guaranteed to the teacher. NOTICE, Appearance" at the trial is a complete waiver of notice. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 51 RECORDS. The record of the secretary must be considered as evidence, unless there is proof of fraud or falsehood. On the ninth day of December, 1889, the secretary, acting upon a peti- tion signed by five residents, called a meeting of the board for December 14th, to examine the teacher of subdistrict number eight. A notice was also served upon the teacher the same date, signed by the secretary, both the call and the notice being spread upon the records in due form. The meeting was held on the fourteenth of December. The records show that the appellant was present and objected to the consideration of the charges, as the proceedings were not in accordance with section 1734. At the same time he demanded a copy of the charges and that one week be given him in which to prepare his defense, which demand was complied with and the board adjourned to December 21st. If the appellant had moved to dismiss the case it would not have been an error to sustain the motion, but he submitted to the jurisdiction of the board and obtained a continuance of the case until December 21st. It must be held that by this action he waived any defect or irregularity in the jurisdiction of the board in this case. The purpose and object of the process, as pointed out in section 1734, was fully accomplished. See Wilgus et a,l. v. Gettings et al., 19 Iowa, page 82. At the meeting held December 21st the board voted to discharge the teacher. An appeal was taken to the county superintendent who affirmed the board. The appellant appeals to the superintendent of public instruction. The only question before the county superintendent was whether the conditions as prescribed in section 1734 were fully complied with. It is alleged that while the teacher was present he was not allowed to make his defense. The secretary's transcript furnishes the only means of determin- ing this. The records show that he was allowed to cross-examine wit- nesses, and they do not show that he was barred from offering evidence had he chosen to do so. There can be no question of the power of the b.oard under the law to discharge the teacher. It is held in the cure of Kirkpatrick v. Independent District of Liberty, 53 Iowa, 585, that the board does not act as a court, in any strict sense, and is not bound by the rules applicable to a court. The intent of the statute is evidently, while it guards carefully the rights of the teacher, to enable the board to discharge a teacher who, after a careful investigation, is determined to be unfit for the position. It is termed "a simple and inexpensive way of determining rights." It is claimed by the counsel for the appellant that when a certain mode is pre- scribed in determining a case not in the usual course of the common law, such mode must be followed, and reference is made to the case of Cooper v. Sunderland, 3 Iowa, 125. But it is held in the same case that when sufficient appears on the face of the records to give it jurisdiction under the law conferring the power, then the presumption attaches in favor of the remainder of the proceedings of the court. If the action of the appellant in appearing for trial gave the board jurisdiction, then all the proceedings must be held to be regular. The discharge of a teacher is largely within the discretionary power of the board. It is to guard the rights of the dis- trict and the interests of the school, as well as the rights of the teacher. After a full and fair investigation it is its duty to act as it deems best, under all the conditions and circumstances of the case. See Smith v. 52 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS Township of Knox, 42 Iowa, 522. This being the case, it is the duty of the county superintendent not to interfere with the action of the board unless he is convinced that it in some way abused its discretion. He is right in sustaining the board, even though as an indivdual he would have preferred some other action on its part. Our conclusion is, after a careful consideration of the matter and after reading the transcript with unusual care, that the defendant had a fair and impartial trial, and that the terms of the law were substantially complied with. The decision of the county superintendent is AFFIRMED. HENRY SABIN, June 12, 1890. Superintendent of Public Instruction. MICHAEL DONELON v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF KNIEST. Appeal from Carroll County. SUBDISTRICT BOUNDARIES. The boundaries of subdistricts may be changed or new subdistricts formed only at the regular meeting of the board in Septem- ber, or at a special meeting held before the following March. On the twenty-fourth of March, 1890, the board made an order changing the boundary between subdistricts four and five. Michael Donelon, resid- ing upon the territory transferred, appealed to the county superintendent, who on the fourteenth of April affirmed the order of the board, and from his decision Mr. Donelon appeals. The action of the board called in question was taken under section 1796, the first of which section reads: "The board of directors shall, at their regular meeting in September, or at any special meeting called there- after for that purpose, divide their township into subdistricts," etc. It has been continuously held by this department ever since the enactment of . the provision of law quoted above, that as changes in the subdistrict boundaries under section 1796 do not take effect until the following sub- district election, it is therefore the manifest intention of the law as indi- cated in the reading of the portion of section 1796 we have quoted, that said changes should be ordered at the regular meeting of the board in Sep- tember, or at a specially called meeting held long enough before the sub- district election to allow time for notices to be given for the election of subdirectors, and that the law does not give the board power to change subdistrict boundaries between March and September, but only between September and March. If this is the meaning of the law it is decisive of this case, #,nd we shall be compelled to dismiss the case for want of juris- diction. A careful examination of the question leads us to the same conclu- sions uniformly announced by our predecessors. We are able in no other way to explain the wording of the section. It seems plain that the law in- tends to impose the limitation upon the board so clearly indicated by the phraseology of section 1796. Attention is invited to the decisions found on pages 25, 26 and 63, School Law Decisions of 1876. It is also worthy of notice that this principle has been considered to be so fully established in practice and so well understood, that cases referring to the universally ad- mitted fact have been omitted from the three compilations of decisions SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 53 made since 1876. This case is the first appeal for many years past reviving the question. We are aware that the case in 70 Iowa, 338, may be urged as affording opportunity for a different view than the one taken by us. But it must be observed that the matter at issue in that case is whether the board has power to exercise its discretion in so full and complete a manner as to dis- pense entirely with a new subdistrict recently created by a former board, and thus by a single order opposite in intention to nullify all that had been done previously in regard to change of boundaries. It was urged that the board does not have such power after the subdstrict has acquired a legal existence. The effect of the decision is to establish the power of the board to exercise its fullest discretion in determining the necessity for change of boundaries, subject to the remedy of appeal. We can not interpret the decis- ion as setting aside that provision of 1796, which directs that such changes in boundaries shall be made at the regular meeting of the board in Sep-< tember, or at a special meeting thereafter, obviously not to be held later than the first Monday in March. It is apparent then that the action of the board complained of in this case was not in accordance with law, and hence was null and void. It is fortunate that the board has an opportunity within a few weeks to take such action as may then seem to it for the best interests of the district and all concerned. REVERSED AND DISMISSED. HENRY SABIN, August 23, 1890. Superintendent of Public Instruction. ELISHA AND ELDA TANNEB v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF CLARENCE. Appeal from Cedar County. AFFIDAVIT. A technical error in the affidavit not prejudicial to either party will not defeat the appeal. AFFIDAVIT. The affidavit may be amended when such action is not prejudicial to the rights of any one interested.- SCHOOL PRIVILEGES. The law is to be construed in the interest of the child. The actual residence of the scholar at the time will establish the right to at- tend school free of tuition. The board excluded Elda Tanner from school until such time as her tui- tion is paid, on the ground that she is a non-resident pupil. The county superintendent, on appeal, reversed the action of the board and appeal was taken to the superintendent of public instruction. It was claimed before the county superintendent that inasmuch as the affidavit upon which the appeal was based was without the seal of the notary public, that there were no grounds upon which the appeal could be legally based. While it is true that the notarial seal is necessary to constitute an affidavit, in this case the notary public was present at the time of trial and under oath testified that the omission of the seal was only an oversight on his part, and that the persons therein designated did make oath to the pa.per and affix their signatures to it in his presence, then he also there affixed 64 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS the notarial seal. It is held that since no interests were prejudiced by the error which at the best was only technical, the county superin- tendent did not commit an error in overruling the motion to dismiss the case. The allegations of facts made by Elda Tanner are that she is sixteen years of age, that her father and mother have parted, and that for ten years or more she made her home in the family of Mrs. McCartney in Massilon township. Before she came to Clarence she had an understanding with her father that she was to care for herself thereafter. She also claims that being thus emancipated from her father's control, she chose to be- come a resident of Clarence, and as an actual resident of that school dis- trict is entitled to the privileges of school under the provisions of sec- tion 1794. It is of interest to ascertain how far such an agreement constitutes eman- cipation of a minor child. It is held in 1 Iowa, 356, that in the absence of statutory requirements such emancipation need not be evidenced by any formal or record act, but may be proved like any other fact. The evi- dence of Elda Tanner in this case is corroborated by that of her father, and of Mrs. McCartney, who was present during the conversation. We are disposed to hold that Elda Tanner under the facts as sworn to before the county superintendent was at liberty to choose such a place of residence as seemed to her most fitting. The evident and beneficent intent of the law is that no child shall be deprived of school privileges. The father of a family may move into the district from an adjoining State, and although certain time must elapse before he is entitled to vote he may place his children in school the very day he arrives. In the same spirit it has been held that children living in families in which their work compensates for their board, are actual residents and are entitled to school privileges. The law is to be construed in their interests. The district is entitled to have such children enumerated, if they are thus actual residents at the time the school census is taken. We do not undertake to decide that parents or guardians can transfer children from one district to another for school purposes alone, but only that those who are actual residents under the pro- visions of the law may attend school without the payment of tuition. While it is true in general that the residence of a child is the same as that of the parents or guardian, the law evidently contemplates exceptions to this general rule and leaves the right to attend school to be established by the actual residence of the child. Any other construction would not be in accordance with the spirit of the law, and would deprive many children of the right to attend the public schools. In this case the question of residence is largely one of intent. The testimony of Elda Tanner is to the effect that she was at the time of attendance an actual resident of Clarence, and had no ether residence. It was competent for the board to disprove this, but we do not find the evidence to that effect conclusive. It is held that the board erred in excluding Elda Tanner from school and the decision of the county superintendent is AFFIRMED. HENRY SABIN, April 24, 1891. Superintendent of Public Instruction. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 55 J. C. REED et al. v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF EAGLE. Appeal from Sioux County. SUBDISTRICTS. The board should be encouraged in forecasting a general plan looking toward an ultimate regularity in the form of subdistricts. SCHOOLHOUSE. There is no limitation in law as to the number of scholars to be accommodated, in order that the board may provide a schoolhouse. SUBDISTRICTS. Should be, if possible, compact and regular in form. In well populated district townships two miles square is considered a desirable area for each subdistrict. SUBDISTRICTS. It is very important that subdistricts should be regular In form, and that where it is possible schoolhouses should be located at or near geographical centers. BOUNDARIES. In the determination of district and subdistrict boundaries, tem- porary expenditures and individual convenience should be subordinated to the more important considerations relating to simplicity of outline, compactness of shape, uniformity of size, and permanence of sites and boundaries. The above named district township coincides with a congressional town- ship and consists of a single subdistrict. Portions of the district are yet sparcely settled. The board seems to have projected a plan to so locate schoolhouses when they must be supplied, that ultimately the township shall have nine subdistricts, each of four sections. On the sixteenth of March the board ordered a schoolhouse built at the center of the square of four sections in the southeastern corner of the township. From this action J. C. Reed appealed to the county superintend- ent, who affirmed the order of the board. From this decision Mr. Reed appeals. It was urged before the county superintendent that the board was pre- vented by the law from building a schoolhouse for the accommodation of a less number than fifteen of school age. The question now to be deter- mined is whether the county superintendent erred in affirming the order of the board. The board seemed to have outlined a policy of regarding each four sec- tions as a separate division, to be provided with school advantages by itself. So far as forecasting the probable form of subdistricts to be created in the future, we think the board might be guided in the location of school- houses at the present time by such policy, in order that ultimately each subdistrict will have the form desired and each schoolhouse will b,e located so as best to accommodate all patrons. But while matters are in this progressive condition, we think the law does not confer power upon the board to apply the limitations of section 1725, and decide that until fifteen of school age are to be accommodated by the schoolhouse to be built no house can be erected. In this case for instance there is but one single subdistrict. The board may create other subdistricts provided fifteen of school age are included within the bound- aries of each one so formed: But the board is not prevented from build- ing more than one schoolhouse in any subdistrict. See 69 Iowa, 533. In the absence of specific instructions in connection with the voting of the 56 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS taxes by the electors, the board is empowered to locate sites where in its judgment a schoolhouse seems to be most demanded. We are unable to find from the evidence any reason to disturb the finding of the county superintendent and his decision is therefor AFFIBMED. HENRY SABIN, July 3, 1891. Superintendent of Public Instruction. " E. A. SHEAFE v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF CENTER. Appeal from Wapello County. TEACHER. As an employe of the district the teacher may justly claim and ex- pect to receive the official assistance and advice of the board. TEACHER. The law insures the teacher a fair and impartial trial before he may be discharged. The history of this case presents nothing unusual. The board voted to discharge the teacher upon certain preferred charges. The teacher ap- pealed to the superintendent, who reversed the action of the board. The board appeals. Section 1757 sets forth plainly the nature of the contract which is the evidence of agreement between the board acting for the district as one party, and the teacher as the other party. Section 1734 prescribes the only method by which the board may terminate the contract in advance or dis- charge the teacher. Both parties are equally bound by this contract, and as the board is a continuous body, the election of an entire new board does not change the relations of the contracting parties. But inasmuch as the directors also act as judges whose duty it is to decide whether the contract shall be terminated, being themselves parties to the contract, it becomes them to weigh the evidence in the case with the greatest care and to give the teacher the benefit of any reasonable doubt. In the present case the forms of the law were complied with, and the teacher was permitted to be present and make his defense. The transcript sent up by the county superintendent shows that one of the complaints upon which the teacher was tried was signed by Jacob Ream, who also is one of the directors and acted as one of the judges in the case. This is strong presumptive evidence of prejudice on the part of one of the judges at least, and this evidence is strengthened by the fact that Jacob Ream is the father of John Ream, whose punishment is made a matter of complaint. It is further strengthened by the fact brought out in evidence, that the present board was elected for the purpose and with the intent of displacing the teacher. The law is very careful to guard the rights of the teacher and to insure him a fair trial. That certainly can not be considered a fair trial in the eyes of the law, in which one of the judges who is to give his vote for acquittal or conviction is a complainant in the case and is as ready to pronounce the verdict before he hears the testimony as afterward. The board invited the teacher to resign at Its first meeting, and upon his refusal it proceeded at once to take steps to discharge him. Under certain circumstances this might be right, when necessary to relieve the SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 57 school from a teacher proved to be incompetent or immoral. But general dissatisfaction as alleged in the petition or the desire to hire a lady teacher for the summer term, or to lessen the expenses of the district, can not be held to form any reason for discharging the teacher. The alleged punish- ment of the two boys is not proved in either case to have been unreason- ably severe, to have been inflicted in passion, or to have resulted in any permanent injury. These punishments happened some weeks before and any complaint should have been made to the old board. It does not appear necessary to enter any further into the merits of this case. It is held that no error was committed in reversing the action of the board and the decision of the county superintendent is therefore AFFIRMED. HENRY SABIN, October 20, 1891. Superintendent of Public Instruction. C. A. WEBSTER v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN. Appeal from Winneshiek County. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. To warrant interference with a discretionary act, abuse of discretion must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. It is not the province of an appeal to discover and to correct a slight mistake. The board alone must bear any blame that may attach to a choice deemed by appellants somewhat undesirable, but not an un- wise selection to such a degree as to indicate an abuse of the discretion ordi- narily exercised. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. In the absence of proof that the board has abused the authority given it by the law, its orders will not be set aside, although an- other decision might to many seem preferable. JURISDICTION. When its order is affirmed, the board is left free to take an- other action, if thought best. On the third day of October, 1891, the board relocated the schoolhouse site in independent district number seven, Burr Oak township. Appeal was taken to the county superintendent, who reversed the action of the board which ordered the house removed to the new location. From this decision John Knox, president of the board, appeals. The proceedings in this case are entirely regular. It is not claimed that there was any direct violation of law, nor that prejudice or improper mo- tives in the least influenced the action of the board. The very common complaint that the discretion vested in the board by the law had been abused was virtually the only error urged. The only question for us to determine is the single one as to whether the county superintendent was warranted in setting aside the order of the board. Unless the evidence clearly sustains his conclusions we shall be compelled to reverse his decision. But if the evidence shows plainy a gross abuse of discretion on the part of the board, then we must affirm. Where an abuse of the large discretion vested in the board is urged, to warrant interference by an appellate tribunal, such abuse must be proved $8 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS conclusively. The testimony must disclose so fully the nature of the un- warranted action as to leave no reasonable doubt. The acts of a board must be presumed to be correct, and they are entitled to the benefit of every doubt. Unless it is fully apparent that the discretionary power of the board has been abused to such an extent as to render interference necessary, it is the duty of the county superintendent to allow the act of the board to stand, although he may differ from the board very strongly as to the desirability of the order in question. In this connection, attention is called to appeal decisions found on pages 35, 82, 90, 100 and 135, School Law Decisions of 1888. In this case while the testimony shows that .the removal of the site se- lected will bring the schoolhouse quite a distance south of the center of the district, it is not in evidence that a suitable site might have been found nearer the center. It must be presumed that the board carefully weighed all the reasons in favor of and against the site chosen, and also that it endeavored to find the best site. The evidence is by no means conclusive that it did not select the best site obtainable. If in the opinion of the people an error has been made, it rests with the electors to choose a board favoring another location. It is with reluctance that we reverse the decision of the county super- intendent. There can be no question that he intended to seek substantial justice for the people of the district. This decision does not prevent the board, if thought desirable to do so, from reconsidering the action by which the new site was chosen and selecting a different site. But we can not find that the evidence supports the county superintendent in overruling the order made by the board and his decision is therefore REVERSED. J. B. KNOEPFLER, February 26, 1892. Superintendent of Public Instruction. R. G. W. FORSYTHE v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF KIRKVILLE. Appeal from Wapello County. APPEAL. Where the changes are effected in district boundaries by the con- current action of two boards, appeal may be taken from the order of the board concurring or refusing to concur, but not from the order of the board taking action first. TERRITORY. All territory must be contiguous to the district to which it be- longs. JURISDICTION. In change of boundaries by two boards, an appellate tribunal acquires only the same power possessed by the board from whose action appeal is taken, and may do no more than affirm the order, or to reverse and do what the board refused to do. PETITION. A petition may be used to bring to the attention of the board the kind of action desired by the petitioners, but a board may act with equal directness without such request. The board of the above named district refused to concur in the action of the board of the district township of Richland, offering to transfer certain SCHOOL LAW territory to the independent district. Mr. Forsythe", desiring the trarisfer, appealed to the county superintendent, who reversed the action of the board and ordered the transfer of the territory under consideration by the two boards, with the exception of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter or' section eighteen, which the county superintendent directed should re- main a part of the district township of Richland, and also ordered the transfer of the northwest quarter of section eighteen, which would other- wise be cut off from the district township to which it belongs. From this decision L. Jones, president of the board of the independent district of Kirkville, appeals. This case turns on the power of the county superintendent to modify the order appealed from in the manner done by him. It is true that even if the board of the independent district of Kirkville had concurred in the , transfer of the territory released by the other board, such order would not have been in conformity with the spirit of the law, because forty acres would then be left belonging to the district township of Richland and not contiguous to the remainder of the district. The county superintendent was led to conclude that the forty acres in question should be transferred, if any change of boundaries was made. But could the county superin- tendent so determine in this appeal? We think not. The board of the independent district might concur or refuse to concur. They might refuse to concur, and initiate a new proposition which the board of the district township could act upon, when appeal would then lie from the last action. But an attempt to change the order originally made would render it neces- sary to have such new 'action considered by the other board, before be- coming effective, or even in order that the action could be brought within the power of the county superintendent to consider on appeal. For in a case of this kind no matter can come into the case on appeal, unless the second board, the one last acting, concurs or refuses to concur in the order initiated or proposed by the board first taking action. It follows then that the county superintendent having only appellate jurisdiction, could not assume original jurisdiction and do what the board from whose action the appeal was taken could not have done. Therefore we are compelled to hold that the county superintendent did not have the power to decide that the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section eighteen should be transferred. A careful investigation of the transcript leads us to believe that per- haps-such a change of the boundaries as would transfer the residence of Mr. Forsythe to the independent district, might be desirable. Of course such transfer would include entire forties of land, and no territory could be separated from the district to which it should belong. Whether any change is best, must be determined by the boards interested, the action of the board last acting being subject to correction on appeal. In order that the matter may come again without prejudice to the attention of the boards, the decision of the county superintendent is reversed and the case remanded to him to be reopened and heard again. We think he will be compelled by necessity to affirm the decision of the board of the inde- pendent district of Kirkville, in refusing to concur in the transfer proposed by the district township. This will leave all matters as nearly as possible in the same condition they were before any action was taken. It will then be in order for either board at any time to initiate such a change of bound- 60 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS aries as may seem demanded. There is no absolute necessity for a petition or request. A petition may be used to bring to the attention of the board the kind of action desired by the petitioners, but a board may act with equal directness without such request. REVERSED AND REMANDED. J. B. KNOEPFLER, April 6, 1892. Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. A. CLAXTON v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF HOLMES. Appeal from Fayette County. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. The necessities of the present must be observed in locat- ing schoolhous sites, in preference to the probabilities of the future. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. The prospective wants of the district may properly have weight in determining the selection of a site, when such selection becomes necessary, but not in securing the removal of a schoolhouse now conveniently located. On the twenty-first of March last, the board, by two affirmative votes to one negative, relocated the scchoolhouse site at a point eighty rods west of the present site. From this action J. A. Claxton appealed. The county superintendent reversed. D. S. Thompson now appeals to this department. The proceedings in this case appear to be entirely regular. There was no violation of law. Appellant does not allege malice or prejudice. Therefore abuse of discretion was the only point to be considered by the county superintendent. He decided, after a full hearing of the case, that there had been abuse of discretion sufficient to warrant him in reversing the board's order. It is for us to review the testimony on which he made this decision, and the argument offered in the appeal before this tribunal. In cases such as the present, the question for an appellant tribunal to determine is not which of the two sites is the better but whether the site selected is under existing and prospective conditions of the district, at all fit and suitable for a schoolhouse site, as well as fair to the patrons. And to determine this, various factors must be taken into consideration. There should be unusually strong reasons for abandoning a site provided with a good well, especially if the new site is on lower ground as in the present case, where good water may not be procurable. Trivial differences in distance should not usually be allowed to lose to a district the value of shade trees already well advanced. Wells and trees cannot be removed, and with the latter, it not only makes expense, but requires years to re- place them. However, in all this, and in the doubt that is raised whether the new site is a fit one at all on account of being low and wet, we are dis- posed to give the board the benefit of the doubt. Counsel for appellant states that the little village of Donnan, in the northwestern part of the district, is certain to grow considerably in the near future because of being at the junction of two railroads, and that therefore it should have better school facilities than are afforded by the old site. Taking the premises in this reasoning as correct the conclusion is sound, only that it does not go far enough. Donnan village would demand SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 61 better school facilities than even the new site would afford. It would ask to be set off in an independent district and have its own local school, taking with it more or less of territory off the west side of the Holmes district. This would leave the schoolhouse on the new site considerably too far west of the geographical center and center of population of the district as it would then be left, especially so since many of the residents in the eastern half live in the extreme eastern limits of the district. Therefore, taking all tnese things into consideration, while fully real- izing how reluctant this department has always been to interfere with the discretionary acts of a board, we think it will be better for the school- house to remain on the old site for the present. When a north and south highway shall have been actually constructed and its location thus made certain, and when the necessities of the northwestern portion of the dis- trict shall be more definitely understood, it will be easier to determine the needs of the district, and choose a site that shall be permanent, if removed from the present site. The board may then, if it sees fit, take action again on the question of relocation. The decision of the county superintendent is hereby AFFIRMED. J. B. KNOEPFLER, November 23, 1892. Superintendent of Public Instruction. OLE THOMPSON et al. v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF BELMOND. Appeal from Wright County. TESTIMONY. Opinions unsupported by facts do not become satisfactory evi- dence. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. The order complained of is reviewed not to discover the desirability of the action, but to determine whether sound reason and wise discretion were followed. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. The fact that some other action would have been desir- able or preferable does not establish that the board abused its discretion. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Its action is presumed to be correct and for the interest of the district, until proved to be otherwise. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. In the determination of appeals, the weight which prop- erly attached to the discretionary actions of a tribunal vested with original jurisdiction should not be overlooked. This- case comes before the superintendent of public instruction on ap- peal taken by John L. McAlpine from the decision of the county superintend- ent reversing the action of the board in refusing to create certain ad- ditional subdistricts as prayed for in a petition. The point at issue is a simple one, being merely a question of discretion on the part of the board as to whether it was best to take or not to take a certain action. The decision of the county superintendent compels the board to do what it did not deem wise or necessary. Doubtless there are instances when such a ruling on the part of the appellant tribunal is needed. But does the evidence warrant such a decision in the present case? 62 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS The affidavit bringing the case before the county superintendent does not allege violation of law, or prejudice. Neither does such appear in the testimony. The law gives boards very wide latitude in the exercise of their discretionary powers. Not infrequently cases arise in which an ap- pellate tribunal would sustain their discretionary action whether they granted or refused to gr^nt s, given petition, there being no manifest abuse of such discretion in either action. In any event, the action of a board i3 presumed to be correct and for the interest of the district until proved to be otherwise. Mere opinions of witnesses that a different action would have been preferable can not be accepted as evidence. Statements of facts and existing conditions must be given. Even then the fact that some other ac- tion would have been desirable or preferable does not establish that the board abused its discretion. It must be shown that the action complained of is an injury to the district or doss gross and needless injustice to the patrons thereof. The decisions in this line by our predecessors are nu- merous and pointed, and we fully concur in the position taken. In the present case the evidence does not show that any one is made to suffer injustice by the board's action. Ample provision has been made to accommodate all of the pupils of the territory in question with school privileges. It is not in evidence that the formation of three subdistricts out. of the one would improve these facilities, since the subdistrict now has three schoolhouses located for the convenience of the respective portions of said subdistrict. For the county superintendent, or the state superintendent, to render a decision invariably as he would have voted had he been a member of the board, is not what the law intends when clothing these officers with au- thority to try and decide appeals. Malice, prejudice, violation of law, is the board guilty of any of these? Or has it gone beyond sound reason and wise discretion in taking or refusing to take a civen action? These are the questions for both tribunals to inquire into. While we believe the county superintendent endeavored conscientiously to hear and decide the present case fairly, yet in the light of the foregoing reasoning we do not find that the evidence discloses grounds sufficient for refusing to affirm the board, and the decision of the superintendent is therefore REVERSED. J. B. KNOEPFLER, March 11, 1893. Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. O. SEVEREID AND JOHN STENBERG v. IND. DISTRICT OF FIELDBERG. Appeal from Story County. SCHOOL PRIVILEGES. Are not guaranteed children elsewhere than in the dis- trict of their residence. SCHOOL PRIVILEGES. To the fullest ex-tent possible, the board should equalize the distance to be traveled to school. SCHOOL PRIVILEGES. Attendance in another district depends upon the board of that district, and must therefore be regarded as a contingency. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 63 The transcript in this case shows that on March 20, 1893, the board in answer to a petition relocated the school site and made an order to move the schoolhouse on the site selected, the latter being more than three- fourths of a mile north of the present site. John O. Severeid and John Stenberg appealed to the county superintendent who affirmed the order of the board. The same parties now appeal to the superintendent of public instruction. The essence of affidavit filed by appellants is abuse of dis- cretion by the board because several families will be compelled to go two miles or more to reach the schoolhouse on the new site. The district consists of four sections in the southwest corner of Palestine township. The schoolhouse as now located is in the geographical center of the district and within a distance of one and three-fourths miles from the most remote patrons. In the northern part of the district, in fact on the extreme northern boundary, lies the village of Huxley. It is in the edge of this village, and therefore almost in the limits of the district, that the new site has been selected. Two of the directors residing in said village and being the two who voted for the new location. The district has a school enumerating sixty-eight, of whom about forty live in Huxley. These pupils have beeri going to the cen- ter of the district, where the schoolhouse now is, a fraction over one and one- fourth miles. For the better accommodation of these pupils the removal was ordered. While some attempt is made to show that the site chosen is unfit, that the cost of moving will be excessive, and that there was undue prejudice, we do not find that any of these charges are sustained. We may therefore con- sider merely the element of distance to the new site. It is in evidence that some of the school patrons will have to travel two and one-fourth miles to reach the new site, while there are five families with nine children whose distance will be over two miles, also that about twenty-nine children at present will be un- favorably affected and about thirty-seven favorably. While the new site will accommodate a majority of the pupils, still it is consideraDly north of the center of population. The board and the petitioners seemed to realize clearly that the contemplated site would leave several families at a great disadvantage as to school privileges, since they state that these families can be accommodated in other districts. They realized that an injustice would be done if these fami- lies should be compelled to travel to the new site for school conveniences. But there is nothing offered in evidence to show how said patrons can be accommo- dated elsewhere. It is not shown that they will be as near even another school as to their own, provided they might attend such a school. For aught that ap- pears in the evidence, they may be three or mere miles from any other school. Even if there be one nearer, there is no positive evidence that the board has made arrangements for the schooling of said pupils in another school, or even that it can make such arrangements. Witnesses say that they think said pupils could attend in some other district, but this belief merely can not be received as satisfactory evidence on this point. What are the probabilities that such provisions can be made for the children of the five families under consideration? 'j.he territory on which these families reside can not be set off to another dis- trict for the reason that territory can not be detached to districts in a different township, as would be necessary in this case. Neither is it legal to reduce in- dependent districts to less than four sections except in special cases. See chap 1 ter 133, Jaws pf J878, as amended by chapter 131, laws of 1880, page 84, S. L. 1892. 64 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS The board is not sure of securing school privileges for said pupils elsewhere without such transfer of territory, because it will require the concurrence of another board which may absolutely refuse. In any event the board of Field- berg independent district is not able to guarantee school privileges to these families elsewhere than in their own district, since the matter does not rest wholly in its own power. While the law does not, as many suppose, prescribe a maximum distance for school travel, yet by permitting provisions to be made under given conditions for children to attend other schools than their own when they live more than one and one-half miles from the latter, it is evident that the legislature regarded this distance about as far as a child should travel to reach school. It is the duty of the board to furnish reasonable facilities in Its own district for all the children thereof. Even a minority of only five families has rights and claims which may not be ignored. To give a majority of the district lo- cated in a village convenient school privileges by practically cutting off others entirely from any privileges of education, we believe after long and careful study to be an abuse of discretion sufficient to warrant reversing a board taking such action. The distance these families will be compelled to travel to school will be such as largely to deprive them of their just rights In the matter of enjoying school accommodations. We are aware that this department has ever stood for sustaining the dis- cretionary acts of a board. In this case, however, we believe that abuse of discretion has been fairly proven by the appellants. Doubtless the board had not fully considered the fact that rights of appellants could not bft so ignored in the effort to improve the school conveniences of other parts of the district, or did not consider that providing school privileges for appellants in some other district is hedged about with such complications and uncertainties. The case is different from what it would be had theirs been a district township in- stead of an independent district. In the former case the matter would be much more in its own hands. It could rearrange boundaries to accommodate those at too great a distance from the new site, a matter which the board in the present case can not do. If it was satisfactorily established that said families had been or could and would be permanently provided with better school facili- ties elsewhere, such accommodations being annually dependent upon conditions in the district in which they might desire to attend, especially in the disposi- tion of each new board, it would have been a comparatively clear case for affirming the action of both board and county superintendent. Because the distance of five families is to our mind needlessly increased and their school privileges nearly cut off, and because there is no proof that another school is nearer, with provision that they could attend such school, if there is one, and it seeming quite doubtful whether such provision can be made at all, we feel that the interests of said families should be protected. We have no reason to question the intentions of any parties connected herewith. We simply state that in our opinion the board did not consider the difficulties in the matter of providing school facilities for the five most distant families. The decision of the superintendent is REVERSED. J. B. KNOEPFLER, August 14, 1893. Superintendent of Public Instruction, SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 65 BRADFORD INGRAHAM v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF HARTFORD. Appeal from Iowa County. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. It is not the province of an appeal to determine which of two sites is the better. TESTIMONY. If selfish or other improper motives are complained of, the testi- mony must show such facts conclusively. The history of this case is brief. March 20, 1893, the new township board having then just organized, on motion appointed a committee of three to re- locate the site of schoolhouse in subdistrict number eight, said site to be near the geographical center of said subdistrict. On the twentieth of May, at a special called meeting, it was moved to reconsider the motion to relocate the Bchoolhouse in subdistrict number eight, which motion was carried. By an- other motion the committee appointed at the former meeting was discharged. It is from this action of the board on May 20th that Bradford Ingraham ap- pealed to the county superintendent, and from the latter's decision affirming the action of the board to the superintendent of public instruction. In his affidavit, Mr. Ingraham alleges that the board was influenced by eelfish motives and further alleges in effect that the board abused its discre- tionary powers. The abuse of discretion, if such it is, consisted in the un- equal distance of travel from the different parts of the subdistrict to the school- house. A careful reading of the case as filed in the transcript fails to disclose any selfish or improper motives on the part of the board, and we dismiss this charge without further comment. Counsel for appellant discusses at some length the effect of a -vote to recon- sider, and then not reconsidering, not voting on the former motion. It is claimed that the board merely voted to reconsider former motion to relocate, and that no further action being then taken, the motion to relocate remained before the board until it should be acted upon one way or the other, or that not being taken up within a month, it was terminated, leaving the previous action thereon in force. Counsel for appellees claims if the first be true, then the case should have been dismissed, as no action had been taken from which to appeal. Technically the vote to reconsider the former motion placed said motion before the board again, as if it had not been voted on, and left it ready for debate and adoption or rejection. But it is clear that the board intended to rescind its former action and evidently understood the word reconsider in the sense of rescinding. It is quite a common misapplication of the word. That this was the intention is the more conclusive when we note the subsequent vote of the board in discharging its committee. In providing for appeals before the county and state superintendent, it was the manifest purpose of the lawmakers to afford a speedy, inexpensive remedy, stripped of undue technicalities, for certain classes of grievance. Holding this view, we must recognize the intent of the board, rather than what it did under a technical construction of language. Apparently the board itself made the relocation, and appointed a committee chiefly to arrange the details and see to the removal of the schoolhouse. At the May meeting no action was taken by the board on the report or statement made by the committee. The resolu- tion of the board at the March meeting located the site about eighty rods east 5 66 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS of the old site. The rescinding of this amounted to a new location or to un- doing the former action, a thing they clearly had a right to do. Members of the board had changed their views. No evidence is introduced to show that either site is in itself unsuitable. It is merely a question of distance. It is a question of moving the schoolhouse away from some and nearer to others. Neither site would seriously discom- mode any one according to the plat sent up with the transcript. It is in evi- dence that only one more pupil would be better accommodated at the new site than at the old. It is not the province of this department, nor of the county superintendent, to determine which of the two sites is the better. An appel- late tribunal in such cases may determine only whether the board has chosen a grossly unsuitable or unjust and unfair site. If so, the board should be reversed. If not, it should be sustained, even though a better site could be found. In the present instance no gross injustice is done, no manifest error com- mitted. In fact, both sites are good, and we should be compelled to sustain the board on appeal in the selection of either the present* or new site. We hold that the county superintendent committed no error in affirming the action of the board when- it practically rescinded its former motion for relocation and chose to keep the old site. His decision is therefore AFFIRMED. J. B. KNOEPFLER, December 21, 1893. Superintendent of Public Instruction. W. S. KENWORTHY et al. v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF OSKALOOSA. Appeal from Mahaska County. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. The order of a board should be reversed only upon the plain showing that the law has been violated or discretion grossly abused. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Has full power to provide and enforce a course of study. RULES AND REGULATIONS. The burden of proof is with the appellant to show that a rule is unreasonable. The history of the case is this. The board has a regulation that all pupils shall provide themselves with text-books suitable to their grade, and that fail- ing to do this they shall be suspended until they comply with the rule. The children of the appellants were under this rule suspended from school for not being provided with the music books in use in said schools. The par- ents appealed from the ruling of the board to the county superintendent, who reversed the action of the board, and the board appeals. It is an established rule that the action of a school board should be reversed only upon the showing that it has abused its discretion or violated the law. In this case the county superintendent avers that it violated the law in that it did not advertise for bids as required by section 5 of chapter 24, Laws of 1890, before the music books were adopted. There is nothing in the transcript to show that it was acting under the provisions of this chapter, which it could not do unless so instructed by the electors of the district. See section 12 of said chapter. So much of the county superintendent's decision as refers to this may then be dismissed from the case. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 67 It is further claimed that it abused its discretion by adopting an unreason- able rule. This is the real question at issue. With their power to establish and maintain graded schools, all boards are invested with the authority to prescribe a course of study in the different branches to be taught. It is not our province to determine what the courts might hold in this case. They have held that in case a pupil refuses to. con- form to a course of study as prescribed by the board the proper remedy is sus- pension, and not corporal punishment. See 50 Iowa, 145. They have also held that a rule suspending a pupil for a certain number of absences or tardiness is reasonable, and may be enforced. See 31 Iowa, 562. It is true that they also have held that a pupil may be suspended only for gross immorality or persistent violation of reasonable rules. See 56 Iowa, 476. In this case it is nowhere shown that the children would in any way be injured by the study of music, or that their health or well being demanded that they should be excused from the study in question. There is fair ground for considering the refusal to purchase the books as a failure to comply with a reasonable regulation of the board. The rule of the board was made so as to bear with equal force upon all the pupils in the school. And in order to make it as little oppressive as possible it offered the books at the least expense possible, and that none might be deprived of the benefits of the study the board authorized the teachers to loan the text-book in music without charge to children whose parents were in indigent circum- stances. The law has invested boards with very large discretionary powers, under which they may grade the schools and establish such regulations as may seem to them best for the interest of the entire school. The burden of proof in this case was with the appellants to show that the rule is unreasonable, or th?,t in obeying it their children would suffer some hardship. This we think they have failed to do, and the decision of the county superintendent is therefore REVERSED. HENRY SABIN, February 12, 1894. Superintendent of Public Instruction. ELLA BENSON AND BELLE ROBERTSON v. DIST. TWP. OF SILVER LAKE. Appeal from Dickinson County. CONTRACT. It is the province of the courts of law to decide as to the validity of a contract. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Does not have the power to interpret the legal value of a contract. This case turns upon the construction to be given to a contract. The valid- ity of the contracts in the sense claimed by the appellants is questioned and denied by the board. The teachers assert that said contracts are of full force for the nine school months named in the contracts, and the board contends that no authority was granted by it to any one to contract for more than six months, and that therefore the contracts can have no force beyond the term of six months. It is the province of the courts of law to decide as to the validity of 68 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS a contract. In the trial of an appeal as soon as it becomes clearly apparent that the principal issue is of a kind intended by our statutes to be heard and determined only by the courts of law, the appeal should be dismissed. As the real matter to be decided in this case is what the contracts actually are and what force must be given to their essential conditions, it follows that the county superintendent did not err in dismissing the appeal for want of juris- diction. This case is not parallel with Kirkpatrick v. The Independent District, etc., 63 Iowa, 585, in which it is held that the remedy of a teacher wrongfully dis- charged is appeal, and not an action at once in the courts to recover compen- sation. In the present case the board did not make an order discharging these two teachers, but it is clearly apparent that the county superintendent could not review that order of the board without proceeding upon the assumption that the contracts had force and validity, and he did not have the power to interpret the legal value of the contract. We are compelled to find that the only remedy of the appellants is an action in a court of law. The decision of the county superintendent is affirmed and the case DISMISSED. HENRY SABIN, August 11, 1894. Superintendent of Public Instruction. SAMUEL FALLON v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF FORT DODGE. Appeal from Webster County. ATTENDANCE. An actual resident may not be denied equal school advantages with other residents. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. May adopt its own course to decide the question of act- ual residence. TUITION. Failing to substantiate a claim to residence, a non-resident may at- tend school only upon such terms as the board deems just and equitable. In this case the two sons of the appellant, aged nineteen and sixteen years, were refused admission to the schools unless they would pay tuition. They claimed to be residents of the district and that they were entitled to the same privileges as otner residents. Being denied admission they appealed to the county superintendent, who affirmed the order of the board. The entire case turns upon the fact of the residence of the children. If a board concludes that a child is an actual resident, it can not deny him equal school advantages with other residents. But if it can not be satisfied that an applicant is an actual resident, then it is its duty to make the same require- ments that are demanded of other scholars who may be sojourning temporarily in the district. It will be of interest to inquire as to who may decide definitely the question of residence, and as to the manner in which the matter should be considered. In view of the fact that the matter has given a great deal of trouble in a number of districts, this department has had occasion frequently to submit questions involving some phases of the subject to the attorney-general for his official opinion. In one of these opinions he uses the following language, which we think is quite applicable jn this present case: SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 69 "It may be said that it is nowhere provided in the law what course the board of directors shall pursue in determining whether a pupil is a resident of the district, nor is the board directed as to the kind of evidence that shall be produced, nor as to the manner of producing it in determining such ques- tion. In the absence of such a provision directing the board as to its course of proceeding in such cases I think that body may adopt any course it sees fit, and take any kind of evidence it chooses in deciding this question of resi- dence. I think it may make such decision from its own knowledge of facts; from the observations of the members; from the statements, sworn or unsworn, of parties who have knowledge of the facts, or from any other fair and im- partial method of obtaining information bearing upon the point at issue. I do not think the board has power to compel the attendance of witnesses, or to administer oaths to them; but in gathering its information and in deciding the question it must act in entire good faith and with a view to getting the exact truth and making its decision according to the very right of the matter." It is in evidence that the board in this case acted with deliberation, and it is not claimed that it failed to receive any testimony or statements that would tend to make a final determination of the matter by it any more clear or conclusive. In reviewing its decision on appeal the county superintendent was unable to find that it had abused its discretion, had acted without the fullest information within its reach, or had arrived at any other than an equitable conclusion. This department has continuously held, in interpreting section 1794, that the board is to be satisfied that the residence of the scholar is actual. The burden of proof rests upon the child who has recently come Into the district, to establish the fact of residence, before he can be admitted to school privileges free of tuition. Failing to convince the board and to substantiate his claim of residence he can attend only upon such terms as the board may deem just and equitable. In this case we do not find that the county superintendent erred in affirm- ing the order of the board requiring the children of Mr. Fallon to pay tuition as an essential condition to attendance. His decision is therefore AFFIRMED. HENRY SABIN, September 1, 1894. Superintendent of Public Instruction. G. O. ROGNESS v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF GLENWOOD. Appeal from WinnesUieTc County. APPEAL. Will lie from an action of the board which is made a matter of record. APPEAL. May be taken from the action of the board in laying the subject- matter of a petition on the table. It appears that at a meeting of the board, held September 17, 1894, George O. Rogness presented a petition asking that the board redistrict said township, and also that an extra school be kept for four months in a certain school build- ing, situated on the farm of E. Bolson. By vote of the board said petition was laid on the table. An appeal was taken to the county superintendent, who 70 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS dismissed the same on the ground that no action was taken by the board which could furnish the basis of an appeal. The case comes now on appeal be- fore the superintendent of public instruction. The only point to be decided is whether an appeal may be taken from a vote to lay on the table. The words of the law in section 1829 are that any person aggrieved by any order or decision of the board may appeal. The tran- script sent up by the secretary in this case reads: "Moved and carried that the bill (petition) of G. Rogness be laid on the table." It must be held that this constitutes an action on the part of the board. The motion to lay on the table was made, was voted upon, was declared carried, and is so recorded upon the secretary's book. The above conclusion is in accord with the unvarying opinion of this department for a long number of years. It is to be noted that in the case cited by counsel for the side of the dis- trict, in 71 Iowa, page 634, the supreme court does not attempt to decide what constitutes an action. It refers to cases in which the board purposely intend, by neglect or refusal, to avoid taking an action or making an order or decision. In the case we are now deciding the board made an order, which the secretary recorded in the minutes, "that the petition be laid upon the table." The de- cision of Superintendent Abernethy (see S. L. Dec. 1892, page 62), that the motion to lay 'on the table "furnishes a convenient method of disposing of the matter," appears to be to the point. The right of the board to make such a disposition of a case can not be questioned, but it must be regarded as an action subject, like any other action, to appeal. After studying up carefully the precedents as established by the rulings of this department, and reading with equal care the cases cited by counsel, we can arrive at no other conclusion. The case is reversed, with the suggestion to the superintendent that he remand the case, in order that the board may take such further action as may seem fair and just to all concerned. REVERSED. HENRY SABIN, January 11, 1895. Superintendent of Public Instruction. MARY GREY v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF BOYLE. Appeal from Iowa County. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. In locating a site the board acts wisely in taking into consideration the prevailing sentiment of the people. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Should reverse the action of the board only upon the clearest and most explicit proof of abuse of discretion. The history of this case is .not different from that of many others. The schoolhouse of the district is unfit for use, and the electors voted, bonds to build a new one. By a vote very nearly unanimous they directed the board to locate the new house on a site 160 rods east of the present site. While we do not hold that this vote was binding upon the board, it showed at least the pre- vailing sentiment of the district, and the board acted wisely in taking it into consideration in selecting a new location. See also case on page 75, S. L. Dec. 1892. ' - SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 71 As it was not able to purchase a site desired by the electors, the board chose one 30 rods farther west. From this action Mrs. Mary Grey appealed. The county superintendent reversed the .order of the board, and appeal is taken to the superintendent of public instruction. The transcript as sent up with the case reveals no new point of law to be considered. The proceedings of the board were regular and in accordance with the law. The evidence nowhere shows any passion, prejudice, or malice on the part of the board. The responsi- bility of selecting the site rests with the board, that body having original juris- diction. See also case on page 138, S. L. Dec. 1892. The county superintendent having only appellate jurisdiction, should reverse its action only upon the clearest and most explicit proof of abuse of discretion. Reference is here made to the case of Edwards v. Dist. Twp. of West Point, page 22, S. L. Dec. 1892, as presenting a very conclusive discussion of the principles involved. While we always regret to be compelled to disturb the decision >of a county superintendent, and concede that in this particular case the county superin- tended was actuated only by the best motives, we can not find any such satis- factory proof that the board erred as would warrant the county superintendent in reversing its action. The decision of the county superintendent is REVERSED. HENRY SABIN, August 26, 1895. Superintendent of Public Instruction. MARY GREGORY v. W. A. McCoRD, Co. SUPT. Appeal from Polk County. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Unless a marked abuse of discretionary power is clearly and conclusively proved, his action in refusing or revoking a certificate will not be interfered with on appeal. Section 1767 provides that if the county superintendent is satisfied that an applicant possesses the requisite knowledge of the branches specified in section 1766, and a good moral character, together with the essential qualifications for governing and instructing children and youth, then said county superintendent shall grant a certificate to teach in the schools of his county, for a time not to exceed one year. If he is not satisfied that the candidate is adequately quali- fied in every one of these particulars, then the certificate may be denied. Section 1771 provides that the county superintendent may revoke a certifi- cate for any reason which would have justified the withholding thereof when the same was given, provided that there shall be an investigation, of which the teacher shall have personal knowledge and be permitted to be present and make defense. It must be left entirely to the judgment of the county superintendent to determine what are the essential qualifications for governing and instructing children and youth. No court will attempt to control his discretion in this matter. He may conclude that the teacher fails through laziness, moroseness of temper, want of self-control, or by reason of some marked physical defect concealed at the time of examination, or any one of many other points, with- out in the least impeaching the moral character of the teacher, or his technical knowledge of the branches to be taught. 72 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS We are compelled to hold that the county superintendent had full and com- plete jurisdiction of the case at bar. The law provides that the teacher shall have the fullest opportunity to make his defense. The county superintendent was decupled nine days in trying this case. There can be no doubt that this provision of the law was complied with in every particular. The only other point to be determined concerns the abuse of discretion on the part of the county superintendent. A careful review of all the papers sent up in the transcript fails to show any passion, prejudice or malice on his part. We find that the proceedings were regular and in accordance with the law. The counsel for Mary Gregory submits a large number of errors on the part of the county superintendent, but we can not find that any one of them is vital to the case. The rulings made by the county superintendent have no material effect on the final decision of the case, and the exceptions of the plaintiff are passed over. Special reference is made to the case of Dougherty v. Tracy, page 17, S. L. Dec. 1892, in which this whole subject is thoroughly and fully dis- cussed by one of the ablest men who ever occupied this office. The same discretion which the county superintendent has in issuing a cer- tificate he possesses in revoking it. The supreme court has held that it can not control such discretion, or substitute its own judgment for that of the officer. See 5*2 Iowa, 111. It is not for us to say that Mary Gregory is or is not a fit person to teach in the schools of Polk county. The law vests that* right in the discretionary power of the county superintendent, and he must assume the responsibility. Unless a marked abuse of his discretionary power is clearly and conclusively proved, his action in refusing or revoking a certificate will not be interfered with on appeal. See Walker v. Crawford, page 115, S. L. Dec. 1892. After a careful consideration of all the points involved, we find no reason to warrant reversing the action of the superintendent. AFFIRMED. HENRY SABIN, September 26, 1895. Superintendent of Public Instruction. E. E. AMSDEN v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF MACEDONIA. Appeal from Pottawattamie County. AFFIDAVIT. The affidavit may be amended when such action is not prejudicial to the rights of any one interested. AFFIDAVIT. Must be accepted, if sufficient to give the appellant a standing. APPEAL. Mere technical objections should not prevent the fullest presentation of the merits of the case in the trial of an appeal. TESTIMONY. Sufficient latitude should be allowed in the introduction of testi- mony to permit a full presentation of the issues involved, even if irrelevant testimony is occasionally admitted. There are certain facts in this case concerning which there is no disagree- ment. The board of directors contracted on the twenty-sixth day of March, 1895, with E. E. Amsden to teach upon terms clearly set forth in the contract SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 73 as signed by both parties. Concerning the validity of this contract there is no doubt expressed. Upon the fifth day of July the said Amsden had a hearing before the board upon definite and well specified charges. He was duly notified of these charges, was present both himself and by counsel at the time of trial, and was allowed to make his defense. The board took time for deliberation, and finally on the eighth day of July made an order annulling the contract, and in effect discharging the teacher. From this decision Mr. Amsden appealed to the county superintendent, who on the third day of September rendered a decision dismissing the case on account of the legal insufficiency of the affidavit. There are only two -questions involved. Was the original affidavit sufficient to enable the county superintendent to assume jurisdiction of the case? And could the affidavit be amended at the time of trial? It must be held that the lapse of thirty days from the making of the order sought to be appealed from does not affect in any way the right of the ap- pellant to amend his original affidavit. If he offered his amendment at the time of trial he complied with the usual practice. Whether the amendment should be admitted depends upon its nature. If it set up a new and distinct issue, one not involved in any way in the original affidavit, then the county superintendent should refuse to allow the amendment to be made. See case on page 141 in S. L. Dec. 1884. An amendment is, however, admissible when it tends to correct mistakes or to make clearer or more explicit the charges contained in the original affidavit. See case on page 25, S. L. Dec. 1892. In the case at bar the amended affidavit introduces no new issue and does not in any way prejudice the rights of any person. We think the county superin- tendent committed error in refusing to admit the amendment. Now as to the original affidavit. We do not understand what is meant by tue term legal insufficiency. It is to be remembered that no very definite rules have been or can be adopted for the trial of cases before the county superin- tendent. This department has always held that the system of appeals was in- tended as a speedy and inexpensive method of adjusting school difficulties. See case on page 25, S. L. Dec. 1892. The supreme court has held that it "is abund- antly manifest that the legislature designed to afford an inexpensive and sum- mary way of disposing of these cases." See 68 Iowa, 161. Mere technicalities can not be allowed to intervene to defeat the ends for which the system of ap- peals was instituted. The appellant sets forth in his affidavit that the board acted through pas- sion and prejudice, and that he did not have the fair and impartial trial guar- anteed to him by section 1734. On these as well as on other grievances set forth in the affidavit the appellant has the right to be heard bjefore the county superintendent, to introduce testimony, and to be heard, by himself or his counsel. The law makes it obligatory upon the county superintendent to hear such a case, to weigh carefully and without prejudice the evidence and the argu- ments, and to render his decision in accordance with his judgment. This is the more important in such cases, because the teacher has no other remedy in law of which he can avail himself. Through some informality which does not in any way affect the issues in the case he should not be deprived of his right of appeal. 74 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS We say nothing of the merits of this case. We know nothing of them. We believe the affidavit of appeal was sufficient to give the appellant a standing before the county superintendent, and that is the only point upon which we are called to pass. The case is remanded to the county superintendent, with directions to fix a time of hearing the same within fifteen days from the date of this decision, and to notify all concerned, that they may be present. REVERSED AND REMANDED. HENRY SABIN, November 21, 1895. Superintendent of Public Instruction. D. C. McKEE v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF GROVE. Appeal from Humboldt County. SUBDISTRICT BOUNDARIES. When an action has been reversed by the county superintendent, and that decision affirmed by the superintendent of public in- struction, the board can not act again until a material change has taken place. SCHOOLHOUSE SITE. When purchased need not necessarily be upon a highway. DISCRETIONARY ACTS. An appellate tribunal is not to decide mainly whether the action complained of was wise, or the best that might have been taken, but simply whether a reversal is required by the evidence. In this case the board on September 16, 1895, made two orders. By the first of these it divided subdistrict number seven in said township into two subdis- tricts, to be known as number seven and number nine, and established the boundary line between them. By the second action it ordered the removal of the schoolhouse, now located on section 34, township 92 north, range 28 west, removed and located on section 33, township 92 north, range 28 west, on the Sherman and Dakota road, and authorized the president to draw an order for the payment of the same on report of the committee. From these two actions D. C. McKee appealed to the county superintendent, who reversed both actions of the board and relocated the schoolhouse on the old site. From the order removing the schoolhouse D. C. McKee takes an appeal to the superintendent of public instruction. The former action of the board dividing the subdistrict and reversed by the county superintendent is not in the case. This simplifies the matter and leaves as the only point to be considered the discretionary act of the board in ordering the removal of the building to the new site. The district 'as at present constituted is four and one-half miles -from east to west in extreme length. The two schoolhouses stand within a mile of each other. There are several points brought in by the county superintendent and in the arguments of the attorneys which need but a brief notice. It appears that at a previous meeting of the board it took action removing the schoolhouse to a site near the present new site, which action was reversed by the county super- intendent, and that there has been no material change in the district since that. This does not act as a bar in any sense to the present proceedings. For a full discussion of this point see P. O'Connor, Jr^, v. District Township of Badger, page 108, S. L. Dec. 1892. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 75 The only case in which the board can not act again without a material change is when a former action has been reversed by the county superintendent, and on appeal to the superintendent of public instruction has been affirmed. In the case at bar the county superintendent reversed the action of the board, but appeal was not taken to the superintendent of public instruction. Much stress has also been laid upon the question whether the road upon which the new site is located is a highway in the sense intended by the law. Section 1826 has reference to a case in which the board condemns a piece of land for schoolhouse purposes. But when said site is purchased by the board the provisions of sections 1825-1826 do not apply. See, also, for a full discus- sion of this point, case of H. D. Fisher v. District Township of Tipton, page 86, S. L. Dec. 1892. If the site selected and purchased should be inaccessible it might be a case warranting the reversing of the board, but in the case at bar the site pur- chased by the board is on a highway, which both parties acknowledge has been traveled more or less for at least nine years. This leaves the only point for consideration whether the board abused its discretion in ordering the removal of the schoolhouse. The location of the schoolhouse is a matter entirely within the discretionary power of the board. Its action ought not to be reversed by the county superintendent without the clearest proof that it has acted through passion or prejudice, or from somo Improper motive. There is nothing in this case whatever to show that the board was not endeavoring to do what it believed to be for the best interests of all the people of the subdistrict. The vote in the board stood four in favor of removal and one opposed. We can not discover that there are any reasonable grounds for reversing Its action. We are not called upon to decide whether it acted wisely or un- wisely, but simply and solely whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant the county superintendent in reversing its action on the grounds of abuse of discretion. We regret very much that we are obliged to reverse the action of the county superintendent, and do not doubt that he acted according to his best judgment. We are, however, compelled to decide that the board did not in any way so abuse its discretion as to warrant an interference. REVERSED. HENRY SABIN, February 8, 1896. Superintendent of Public Instruction. HUGH MCMILLAN v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF WAVELAND. Appeal from Pottawattamie County. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. It is the first duty of a board to co-operate with and assist the teacher in the conduct of the school. TEACHER. A teacher may justly claim and expect to receive the assistance and advice of the board, and especially the help of his own subdirector, in the proper conduct of his school. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. In exercising its power in a semi-judicial capacity the board should be able to show the very best reasons for its conclusions. 76 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS TEACHER. It is alike due to the dignity of the board and the rights of the teacher that no one should be discharged except after thorough investigation and the clearest proof. If possible, the teacher should be shielded from the Btigma of discharge. After a trial, conducted in accordance with law, the board, by a vote of three to two in a board of nine members, discharged the teacher for in- competency, in accordance with the provisions of section 1734. Hugh McMillan appealed to the county superintendent, who reversed the order of the board. John W. Rush, president of the board, appeals here. The proceedings of the board in this case were entirely regular, and it is not claimed that the law was violated by it in any particular, as to its manner of proceeding. The question to be determined by us is, was the county superintendent warranted in finding that the board abused its dis- cretion to that extent to require a reversal of its action in discharging the teacher. The testimony discloses a very undesirable condition in the school in ques- tion, as to the matter of discipline and behavior of the scholars. The testimony discloses the fact that many of the older scholars, instead of being an assistance to the teacher, and a credit to themselves and their parents, were insubordinate, disobedient and disrespectful to the teacher. The testimony also discloses that the subdirector, instead of assisting the teacher in maintaining discipline and good order in the school, withheld that support so much needed by any teacher under such circumstances. It is not shown nor is it claimed that any of the board had visited the school for the purpose of aiding the teacher in enforcing rules for its government, as it is required to do by the first part of section 1734. Nor did the subdirector visit his school, as he is required to do by the latter part of section 1756. The testimony in the case is to the effect that after the incorrigible scholars were dismissed the teacher was much more successful in his work. We can not find from the testimony that the teacher failed in any important particular to attempt to do his full duty by his school, and to regard equally the rights of every scholar. Under all circumstances, we think it is the first duty of any board to co-operate with and assist the teacher in the conduct of his school. This is the duty of the local subdirector in a peculiar sense, as he is in close relation to his own school and his teacher. A teacher may justly claim and expect to receive, the assistance and advice of the board, and especially the help of his own subdirector, in the proper conduct of his school. See case on page 135, S. L. Dec. 1892. It is often the case that a little timely assistance, offered at the right time and in the proper spirit, will aid a teacher very materially in maintaining good order and discipline in his school, and in preventing many difficulties from arising which might, under a different course, almost certainly tend to injure the efficiency of the school. In this case, two of the five members present at the trial voted to dis- charge the teacher, two voted in the negative, leaving the casting vote with the subdirector of the school, who, as we have seen, was out of sympathy with the teacher, and had failed to afford his assistance to a successful management of the school. While it is true that in general the discre- tionary acts of a board are entitled to great weight, yet it is also true that in exercising its power in a semi-judicial capacity, the board should be SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 77 able to show the very best reasons for its conclusions. Except upon the clearest proof, and the most convincing reasons apparent to the board that the good of the school demands the discharge of the teacher, a teacher should be shielded from the stigma of discharge, and the authority of the board and the respect due the board and its teachers, should be main- tained, by a decision on the part of the board to assist and support the teacher in bringing his school to a conclusion as nearly as possible satis- factory to the board and creditable to himself. The decision of the county superintendent is AFFIRMED. HENRY SABIN, May 20, 1896. Superintendent of Public Instruction. S. B. HEATH v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF IOWA. Appeal from Wright County. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. On appeal may do no more than the board might have done. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT. The boundaries outside the town plat depending upon the petition of the electors, such boundaries may not be fixed until petitioned for. This is a case arising under the amendment to section 1800 made by the Twenty-fifth General Assembly. It is the effect of this amendment that when a town or village has less than two hundred inhabitants and not less than one hundred inhabitants, the territory contiguous to such town plat may not be included in the proposed independent town district except on a written petition of a majority of the electors residing upon such territory outside the town plat. In this case the board refused to fix the boundaries of a contemplated independent town district. From its order appeal was taken to the county superintendent, who reversed the order of the board and fixed the bound- aries of a contemplated independent district, but different from the bound- aries asked for in the petition presented to the board from the electors residing outside the town. Without considering any of the other merits of the case it becomes necessary to inquire whether the county superintendent might in reversing the order of the board, fix different boundaries than those petitioned for by the majority of the electors residing upon the outside territory. We find that the territory included in the contemplated district by order of the county superintendent excludes at least four and one-half sections that were before included. Did the county superintendent have power to fix different boundaries for the outside territory from those petitioned for when appli- cation was made to the board, without first himself having a written peti- tion from a majority of the resident electors upon the territory outside the town which said county superintendent included within the contemplated independent district? We think he did not. If our view is correct it is decisive of the case and we will be compelled to reverse the county superintendent's decision. Not many cases have arisen under the amendment to section 1800, found in chapter 38, Laws of 1894. But it seems to us that there can be no 78 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS doubt as to the intention of the general assembly to require that before territory outside a town or village of over one hundred and of less than two hundred inhabitants may be included within a contemplated inde- pendent town district, a majority of the electors must consent that such boundaries may be fixed. Any other conclusion would seem to defeat the purpose of the amendment. It is not reasonable to urge that the county superintendent would have greater power on appeal than the board would have. It will be noticed that this decision has no reference whatever to the merits of the case as to the boundaries which should be fixed for a town independent district. That matter is still within the discretion of the board under the limitation of the law. REVERSED. HENRY SABIN, August 3, 1896. Superintendent of Public Instruction. LETHA JACKSON v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF STEAMBOAT ROCK. Appeal from Hardin County. TEACHER. Full opportunity must be afforded the teacher to make defense against charges. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Is required by the law to visit the school and to aid and sustain the teacher in maintaining order and discipline. TEACHER. Should not employ unsuitable and unusual methods of punishment. On the twenty-eighth day of November, 1896, the board voted to dis- charge from its employ Miss Leth?, Jackson, the teacher in the intermediate room of its school. The reason, as spread upon the record, is that she inflicted inhuman and cruel punishment upon her pupils, especially upon Minnie Platts. An appeal was taken to the county superintendent, who reversed the order of the board. Appeal was then taken to the superin- tendent of public instruction. There is no doubt from the testimony sent up with the transcript that Minnie Platts was insolent and disobedient, and also that the teacher failed to control herself, and that they engaged in an unseemly squabble .in the presence of the school. It is also evident that the teacher was accustomed to use methods of punishment which are, at the best, not customary in well disciplined schools. Much of the testimony is conflict- ing, and that part of it relating to matters which occurred under a pre- vious contract can not be allowed to have any weight in determining this case. The contract, as placed in evidence, specifies that the teacher shall not make use of any cruel or unusual punishment in the discipline of the school. Whether she violated the contract in this respect is a matter to be determined by the -board, and in doing so it may avail itself of any sources of reliable information within its power. The notice sent to the teacher, November 23, 1896, charges as follows: "for inhuman and un- justifiable punishment of pupils by pinching, pulling their ears, pulling their hair, and pounding their heads and faces with your fists, and pound- ing tfceir heads on the wall, flpor, and seats of the schoolroom with your SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 79 fists." November 28th she was notified by the secretary that she was dis- missed from the school. At a meeting of the board held November 27th, the president appointed the entire board an investigating committee. It appears that it carried on its investigation by questioning the pupils in Miss Jackson's room, and that its vote to dismiss her was based entirely upon information obtained in this way, as appears in the records of November 27th. This method placed the teacher at an immense disadvantage. It would at least have been just to have examined these pupils in her pres- ence, and that she should have been allowed to correct their misstate- ments, if any, and to give the investigating committee her own account or the matter. We can not consider this an impartial method of conducting an investigation against a teacher. Justice would seem to demand that she should have been furnished a copy of the findings of this committee, and should have been given a reasonable time in which to prepare her defense. The board places on file the unanimous report of this investigating committee recommending that the teacher be discharged. It, in effect, finds her guilty and asks her to show cause why sentence should not be pronounced. Now, as to Miss Jackson's failure to appear before the board. Her physician sent a certificate to be read at the first meeting, stating that she was not able to attend on account of sickness. At the same meeting her attorney, Mr. Albrook, in a letter, asks that the board appoint Monday afternoon as a time for hearing the case. It appears to have been a reasonable request and should have been granted in justice to all parties. That Miss Jackson sent her statement denying the Charges and averring that she, by her conduct, had given the board no occasion to investigate, furnishes an additional reason and a very strong one why she should have been given the opportunity to be heard by counsel of her own choos- ing. We do not think that the board intended by an early adjournment to shut her counsel out Saturday night, but it ought to have shown an anxiety to have him present if possible, in order that it might ascertain the very right and justice of all parties in the case. Miss Jackson could very justly plead that her presence would avail nothing, after the board had before it a report signed by every member of that tribunal, saying that she ought to be dismissed from her school. The board seems also to have forgotten that the law makes it its duty to visit the school and to aid and sustain the teacher in her efforts to maintain order and discipline. It has duties on the side of the teacher as well as on that of the pupils or the community at large. We do not wish to be understood as upholding a teacher in the methods of punishment which appear in this case. To pull the hair or the ears of pupils, or to strike them with the fists, are relics of another age of school government, and can not be justified today. We only reach the con- clusion that the teacher did not have that fair and impartial trial before the board that is contemplated in the law. Therefore the decision of the county superintendent is AFFIRMED. HENRY SABIN, April 7, 1897. Superintendent of. Public Instruction. * The teacher's right to recover for wrongful dismissal in this case was sus- tained in 110 Iowa, 313, 80 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS R. ODENDAHL et aL v. DISTRICT TOWNSHIP OF GRANT. Appeal from Carroll County. APPEAL. Will not lie from joint action of boards making settlement of assets and liabilities. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Should dismiss an appeal as soon as it becomes cer- tain that the leading issue may be heard and decided only by a court of law. JURISDICTION. It is very undesirable to bring matters involving a money con- sideration before the county superintendent on appeal. Certain territory in the civil township of Grant and part of the inde- pendent district of Carroll was restored to the district township of Grant. A settlement of assets and liabilities between the two districts necessarily followed. Robert Odendahl and others were aggrieved with the conclusions reached by the two boards, and took an appeal to the county superin- tendent, who reviewed the questions presented to him, finding in effect as to the time when the territory did actually become a part of the district township of Grant, as to the disposition of taxes during a period when the control of such territory was in controversy, and also whether the agreement entered into by the board should be changed by him. The first question we are required to consider is whether the county superintendent had jurisdiction to hear the case. If we find that he did not have jurisdiction, it will of course be impossible for us to review the questions he determined, and we shall be compelled to dismiss the case for want of jurisdiction. It has been the uniform opinion of this department that appeal will not 'lie from the joint action of boards in making the settlement of assets and liabilities required by section 1715, but that the only remedy, if the law affords relief, would be an action in court to protect the rights of me persons complaining. In order that the matter might be more authori- tatively determined, so that this case may be a guide to school officers, ^e su omitted an inquiry to the attorney-general, and quote briefly from his reply: "Your favor came duly to hand, requesting my opinion upon the follow- ing question: "When the two boards have made a division of assets and liabilities, under section 1715 of the code, will a person claiming the settlement to be inequitable and insufficient as to the amount agreed upon have the right to appeal to the county superintendent from such agreement, that is, from such joint action of the boards taken as provided in section 1715, will an appeal lie? "The section in question provides that the respective boards shall make an equitable division of the then existing assets and liabilities between the old and the new districts; it also provides that in case of the failure to agree the matter may be decided by arbitrators chosen by the parties in interest. It has been held by our supreme court that under this section the boards of directors become a special tribunal for the determination of the re- spective rights of the parties. And it is held that this tribunal thus con- stituted has exclusive jurisdiction. The action of the special tribunal, SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 81 consisting of the several boards of directors, is not the action or order of a board of directors, but an order of a special court for the determination of the rights of the several new districts with reference to the assets and liabilities of the old district of which they formed a part. The statute does not give an appeal from such tribunal. My conclusion is that a right of appeal does not exist and a person claiming the settlement to be in- equitable has no right of appeal to the county superintendent." The opinion of the attorney-general is decisive of the case. We think there are many added reasons why questions of this kind should not be heard on appeal before the county superintendent. That officer should not be compelled to review matters involving the jurisdiction over territory, the disposition of taxes, or the right and justice of finding of boards upon a settlement of assets and liabilities. But these a court may very prop- erly do, as its jurisdiction for such purposes is not questioned, and the preced- ents for the control of the courts over this class of cases are well estab- lished. It is very undesirable to attempt to bring matters involving a money consideration before the county superintendent on appeal. As soon as it becomes clearly apparent that the principal issue is of a kind intended by our statutes to be heard and determined only by the courts of law, the appeal should be dismissed. In this case it was the duty of the boards interested to make a proper settlement. If fraud or other irregularity was urged, perhaps a court would afford relief to a complainant, but an appeal to the county superintendent would not become a remedy. We are compelled to remand this case to the county superintendent with instructions to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction. DISMISSED. HENRY SABIN, June 16, 1897. Superintendent of Public Instruction. C. M. BAXTER v. SCHOOL TOWNSHIP OF BEAB GROVE. Appeal from Cass County. PUBLIC RG^D TO SCHOOLHOUSE. The beard is bound to carry out the vote of the electors in the matter of opening roads to schoolhouses. ABUSE OF DISCRETION. The board may not substitute its own discretion for the clearly expressed instruction of the electors. At their regular meeting, on the second Monday in March, 1897, the electors voted a schoolhouse tax of $200 and instructed the board to open an east and west road to intersect a north and south road which give Mr. Baxter access by the public road to his schoolhouse. Instead of carrying into effect the vote of the electors, the board took steps to secure a different road, and from their action in so doing appeal was taken to the county superintendent, who reversed the order of the board, finding} laat the board should have attempted in good faith to carry out the ex- pressed wish of the electors. The board appeals here. It is shown in the testimony, and it is not denied, that the board thought best to attempt to secure the cheapest road possible, in order to provide a way by which Mr. Baxter could reach the schoolhouse. The real question a 82 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS in this case, and the one which the county superintendent was compelled to determine, was whether the board committed error in its discretion. From a careful examination of the entire case we must conclude that the county superintendent made no mistake in determining that it is the duty of the board to make a strenuous effort to fulfill the intention of the electors. We think it was the duty of the board to carry into execution the vote of the electors, if possible to do so, and if not possible, the attempt should have been made, and the matter then referred back to the electors for further instructions. See first part of section 2778 and first division of syllabus in appeal case on page 17 S. L. Decisions 1897. We think it was not within the .power of the board to substitute its own discretion for the clearly expressed instruction by the electors. It K clear that the electors intended to provide relief for Mr. Baxter. This could be done only by providing him with a public highway upon which his children could reach school. This matter is of such importance to Mr. Baxter, and the vote of the electors providing the means by which the road was to be secured was so definite, that we feel compelled to sug- gest to the electors that at their annual meeting on next Monday, the fourteenth day of this month, they indicate still more clearly their desires in the matter, and that they instruct the board what further steps shall be taken by the board. As indicated, we can see no reason to interfere with the finding of the county superintendent and his decision is therefore AFFIRMED. RICHARD C. BARRETT, Des Moines, March 9, 1898. Superintendent of Public Instruction. JOHN MARTIN v. SCHOOL TOWNSHIP OF .BAKEB. Appeal from Guthrie County. NOTICE OF APPEAL. The superintendent of public instruction may not entertain an appeal unless thirty days' notice of such appeal has been served upon the adverse party. COSTS. Before an appeal from the order of the county superintendent taxing costs can be entertained by the superintendent of public instruction, a motion to retax such costs should be filed with the county superintendent. The question involved in this case is the taxing of costs. In 1897 John Martin petitioned the board of directors of the school township of Baker for a school for the accommodation of his ten children. The board re- fused to grant the request of the petitioner. Appeal was taken to the county superintendent, who affirmed the action of the board. In rendering his opinion, the county superintendent taxed the costs, amounting to $30.75, to appellant Martin. From the action of the county superintendent Martin appeals to this department. Counsel for appellee moves the dismissal of the appeal for the following reasons: First, that notice of appeal was not given as is required by section 2820 of the code of Iowa, Second, that all of the record in the case was not certified to this department by the county superintendent, and for tuat reason tfce department should refuse to consider or entertain toe SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 83 appeal. Third, that the record nowhere discloses that the county super- intendent, before whom the appeal was tried, ever had opportunity or occasion to pass upon the question of taxation of costs, that no motion or request was made for him to retax. Fourth, that said appeal from decision of county superintendent was taken too late. The question to be determined is whether this department has juris- diction to hear the case. Section 2820 provides that "thirty days' notice of the appeal shall be given by the appellant to the county superintendent and also to the adverse party." There is nothing in the transcript to show that this notice was served either on the county superintendent or the adverse party. For many years It has been the holding of the supreme court of the state of Iowa that appeal can only be taken by serving a written notice upon the adverse party or his attorney, and the clerk. In the 74th Iowa the court rules that service of notice of appeal is essential to give a court jurisdiction of the case and that fact must be shown by the record. A recent general assembly makes similar provisions applicable in cases of appeal to this department. While it is true that only a partial record is presented, we are of the opinion that the transcript is sufficiently complete to enable us to pass upon the question raised. By this we would not be understood as favoring the certification of only a part of the transcript, in case of appeal. In regard to the taxating of costs, the code of 1897 provides that in all mat- ters triable before him the county superintendent "shall have power to issue subpoenas for witnesses which may be served by any peace officer, compel the attendance of those thus served, and the giving of evidence by them, in the same manner and to the same extent as the district court may do, and such witnesses and officers may be allowed the same com- pensation as is paid for like attendance or service in such court, which shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the proper school corporation, upon a certificate of the superintendent to and warrants of the secretary upon the treasurer; but if the superintendent is of the opinion that the pro- ceedings were instituted without reasonable cause therefor, or if, in case of an appeal, it shall not be sustained, he shall enter such findings in the record, and shall tax all costs to the party responsible therefor. A tran- script thereof shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the district court and a judgment entered thereon be made, which shall be collected as other judgments." The question of costs is one entirely new to this department. Prior to October 1, 1897, any one aggrieved by the order or decision of a board of directors could, without cost, appeal to the county superintendent and again to the superintendent of public instruction. The provisions of the law are plain. If the county superintendent is of the opinfon that the proceedings were instituted without reasonable cause, or the case be not sustained on appeal, he shall tax all costs to the party re- sponsible therefor. A careful study of the case reveals no error on the part of the county superintendent. The costs appear to have been taxed and filed as required by the statute. Any person aggrieved might, upon application, have had the same retaxed and all errors corrected. Counsel for appellant argues that the question at bar was presented informally to the county superintendent, who overruled ftis objections, 84 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS after having considered the same. An additional transcript of the pro- ceedings filed by the county superintendent, substantiates the claim of counsel but nullifies the force of it by stating "that no formal or written objection to the taxing of said costs were filed by said appellant, nor any motion to retax said costs." In the 101 Iowa, case of John Roane, ap- pellant, vs. J. A. Hamilton et al., involving the question of costs, the supreme court .held that since no motion was made in the district court to retax costs, no consideration would be given the matter by the supreme court. It can not, we think, be contended reasonably that rules of court practice, so far as applicable, should not be followed in matters triable before this department. A failure on appellant's part to avail himself of his legal rights may not wisely be overlooked here. In regard to the time in which appeal may be taken, the law provides that thirty days' notice shall be given. The transcript shows that the case was heard -by the county superintendent, January 7, 1898. The affidavit of appeal was received by special delivery Sunday, February 6, and filed Monday, February 7, 1898. We think appeal was taken in time, since in computing time, the first day shall be excluded and the last day included, unless the last day falls on Sunday, in which case the time prescribed shall be extended so as to include the whole of the following Monday. Code, section 48, sub-section 23. While the counsel for appellee does not refer to the fact, we find in addition to the foregoing that the affidavit of appeal presented is defective in this, that the notary, before whom appellant was sworn, failed to attach notarial seal. This, however, has not been considered irremediable in the consideration of the appeal. After having carefully considered the whole matter, we are of the opinion that the case is not legally before us, since the transcript fails to show service of proper notice and a motion to retax costs. The legality of this department entertaining any appeal in which a money consideration is the principal issue is seriously questioned. Certainly neither the county nor the state superintendent is authorized to render judgment for money. Acts of these officers are held by the courts to be ministerial, and not judicial. To burden this office with the adjustment of affairs involving such considerations as can best and only be determined finally by the courts is, from our point of view, to place unnecessary and unproductive labor upon the depart- ment. DISMISSED. RICHARD C. BARRETT, Des Moines, Iowa, May 26, 1898. Superintendent of Public Instruction. THOMAS HUDGENS v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT No. TEN, CEDAR FALLS TOWNSHIP. Appeal from Black Hawk County. DISCHARGE OF TEACHER. A teacher can not be discharged by the board except after a full and fair investigation. SPECIAL MEETING. A meeting of the board, called for no specific purpose and of which the teacher was not served with due and proper notice, could not legally discharge such teacher. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS $5 DEFENSE. The teacher is entitled to a reasonable time to prepare for and make his defense. The refusal of the board to grant a teacher a single day's time in which to make such defense is not only an abuse of discretion but a viola- tion of law. On the third day of January, 1898, Thomas Hudgens, a teacher in Independ- ent District Number Ten, Cedar Falls Township, was dismissed by a majority vote of the board. From the action of the board he appealed to the county superintendent, who affirmed the. order of the board. From his decision appeal is taken to this department. Section 2782, laws of Iowa, concerning the dismissal of the teacher, is as follows: "It may by a majority vote discharge any teacher for incompetency, inattention to duty, partiality, or any good cause, after a full and fair investi- gation made at a meeting of the board, held for that purpose, at which the teacher shall be permitted to be present and make defense, allowing him a reasonable time therefor." Did appellant have a fair trial? Was the meeting held for the purpose of discharging the teacher or giving a full and fair investigation? Did the teacher have a reasonable time to make defense? In his decision the county superintendent says: "Then from the minutes of the school board as kept by the secretary, January 3rd, we must determine what occurred at this meeting:" If the correctness of the record were unques- tioned this would be true. In the case of Appleton Park v. Independent District of Pleasant Grove, this department held that "the fact that the transcript referred to is not certified to by the secretary, and the further fact that he was not present at the board meeting in question, and wrote the minutes as dictated from memory by the president of the board, three days after the meeting, fully justified the superin- tendent in ruling it out and in admitting parol evidence." The testimony of the secretary of the board is to the effect that the original notes made by himself at the time of the discharge of the teacher were destroyed; that the notes from which the certified transcript was made were written days after the meeting. His further testimony, which is not denied, is that the record of the meeting as finally certified to the county superintendent was written by himself, aided by the president and another member of the board, after appeal was taken to the county superintendent. A record of such a character "made in view of appeal" can scarcely be said to be its own best evidence. In his decision the county superintendent quotes a former opinion of this department to this effect: "The discharge of a teacher is largely within the discretionary power of the board. It is to guard the rights of the school, as well as the rights of the teacher. After a full and fair investigation it is its duty to act as it deems best under all circumstances of the case. This being the case, it is the duty of the county superintendent not to interfere with the action of the board unless he is convinced that it in some way abused its dis- cretion. He is right in sustaining the board even though as an individual he would have preferred some other action on his part." In the case at bar did the board make that full and fair investigation con- templated? We think not. The evidence submitted reveals many irregular- ities on the part of the board. The meeting was not called for a specific pur- pose. Appellant was not served with due and proper notice. The law pro- vides that a reasonable time shall be given the teacher in which to make his 86 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS defense. Appellant's request for a single day's time was refused. In fact, ac- cording to the president's own testimony, no investigation took place. The school may not have been as ably conducted as the board desired, or in accordance with the particular views of the different members, but we can not approve of the action of the board in discharging the teacher without first mak- ing that full and fair investigation contemplated by the statute. A teacher is the employe of the board and as such is entitled to its co-operation and sup- port. For certain causes the teacher may be discharged, but only after charges preferred have been carefully and impartially investigated. We have given the case unusual attention and are forced to the conclusion that the teacher was not accorded that investigation which the law intends. The decision of the county superintendent is REVERSED. RICHARD C. BARRETT, Des Moines, Iowa, June 23, 1898. Superintendent of Public Instruction. R. A. KLETZING v. THE INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF MONTOUR. Appeal from Tama County. DISCHARGE OF TEACHER. The action of the board in discharging a teacher, after a full and fair investigation, will not be reversed unless it is clearly shown that the board violated the law, abused its discretion, or acted with manifest injustice. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. The county superintendent has only appellate juris- diction, and should sustain the action of the board unless it be clearly shown that they violated law or abused their discretion. On February 14th, J. D. Booher, resident of Montour, filed with the secre- tary of the school corporation a complaint charging the principal, R. A. Kletz- ing with incompetency, partiality, the infliction of inhuman and cruel punish- ment and general inability to govern the school over which he had supervision. The record, which is unquestioned, shows that a notice of the hearing was served on the appellant and the time fixed for the nineteenth day of February, at which time all parties interested appeared. Appellant was represented by his attorney who filed a general statement denying charges preferred. Affi- davit of appellant was also filed claiming that the board had negligently or willfully refrained from visiting the school or in any manner advised with or directed appellant in his conduct and management of the school. The hearing was concluded on February 26th and appellant was discharged by the unani- mous vote of the board. Appeal was then taken to the county superintendent who reversed the board. The board appeals to this department. As it appears to us, the question to be determined is of sound judgment and discretion and not of law. Should it appear that the county superintendent opposed his judgment to the judgment of the board, there is but one course for an ultimate tribunal to pursue. It is the earnest desire of this department to sustain decisions of county superintendents. Their official acts and the correctness of their views will not be set aside unless for cause. A similar principle should be held by county superintendents when called upon to pass upon the decisions or orders of boards pf directors. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 87 For almost a third of a century it has been the holding of this department that discretionary action of a board should be affirmed on appeal, unless by the evidence it is clearly proven that the board violated law or abused its discre- tion. "If there is reasonable doubt the board is entitled to its benefits. The action of the board may not be wholly approved by the judgment of the county superintendent, but if it be not illegal or clearly unjust, it should be sustained." See Edwards et al. v.District Township of West Point, School Law Decisions of 1884. The county superintendent is a court of appellate jurisdiction and is com- pelled to sustain the action of boards unless the evidence clearly indicates that they have violated law, acted with passion or prejudice, or with manifest in- justice, or abused their discretion. In the case before us we are inclined to the opinion that the superintendent passed upon the case as though he had original instead of appellate jurisdic- tion, and failed to give due consideration to the discretionary power granted school boards. The power to discharge a teacher is conferred upon boards of directors by section 2782, which in part reads as follows: "It may by a majority vote dis- charge any teacher for incompetency, inattention to duty, partiality, or any good cause, after a full and fair investigation made at a meeting of the board held for that purpose, at which the teacher shall be permitted to be present and make defense, allowing him a reasonable time therefor." Affiant, in appealing to the county superintendent, alleges that he was not accorded a full and fair investigation. In reversing the board the county super- intendent so found and assigned as a reason that Mr. Stevens, president of the board, appeared as the prosecuting attorney. We can not concur with the view expressed by the county superintendent that appellant was not given a fair trial. That the board gave the case care- ful thought is shown by the fact that the hearing occupied nearly all of a week. Appellant was given every opportunity to prepare for his defense, to call wit- nesses, and was ably represented by his attorney. So far as we have been able to learn from the transcript, which appears to be complete, it is not shown that malice or prejudice was exhibited on the part of any member of the board. The fact that Mr. Stevens, the president of the board, is an attorney, may not be considered prejudicial. Naturally, as president, he would be expected to lead in the investigation of complaints, since in cases of this kind the board may not employ counsel. The claim that the board had negligently or willfully refrained from visit- ing the school or advising with the teacher, is worthy of most careful con- sideration. It is the duty of the board to aid teachers in the government and management of schools; to counsel with them and co-operate in the promotion of all the educational interests of the district. It does not appear that members made regular and frequent visits to the school, but that general interest was manifested and a desire shown on the board's part to strengthen the schools is evidenced by the fact that the course of study was revised, rules for the govern- ment of teachers and pupils adopted, and consultations held by members of the board with the principal. In his decision, the county superintendent finds that appellant Kletzing was obstinate and worked in opposition to the board of directors; that his punish- ment of pupils was open to severe criticism; that he was disliked; that he did 88 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS not give satisfaction; that a very undesirable condition existed; and that he did not exercise that judgment necessary to carry on the school harmoniously and without friction. The evidence clearly sustains the above enumerated find- ings. The opinion of the county superintendent is REVERSED. RICHARD C. BARRETT, Superintendent cf Public Instruction. Des Moines, Iowa, September 10, 1898. J. L. MUNN v. SCHOOL TOWNSHIP OF SOAP CREEK. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. The provision of section 2794 of the Code, requiring the board of a school township, upon proper petition, to establish the boundaries of a proposed independent district, is mandatory. BOUNDARIES. Must include all of the city, town or village, and also such con- tiguous territory as is petitioned for by a majority of the resident electors. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. On appeal the county superintendent can make such order touching the boundaries as the board should have made. TIME. The time in which to take the initiatory steps to form an independent district is not fixed by the statute. COMPLETION. The provision of section 2796, "that the organization of such in- dependent district shall be effected on or before the first day of August of the year in which it is attempted," is directory and has special reference to the levying of taxes. It does not apply where by reason of an appeal to the county superintendent, or to the superintendent of public instruction the completion is not effected until after such date. ELECTION. The boundaries having been fixed, it is the duty of the board to give notice of a meeting of the voters of the territory included in the proposed dis- trict. MANDAMUS. Should the board fail or refuse to give the required notice of elec- tion, they may be compelled to do so by mandamus. ELECTORS. The electors are the sole and final judges of the desirability of a separate organization. This case relates to the formation of an independent district out of a school township. Residents of the village of Belknap petitioned the board of directors to form an independent district. The board by a vote of two to six refused to establish the boundaries of the district. From the board's refusal appeal was taken to the county superintendent. Before this officer motion to dismiss was made by appellee on the ground that Mandamus and not appeal was the proper remedy. The statute provides that a writ of mandamus "shall not be used in any case where there is a plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary courts of law, save as herein provided." Section 4344 Code. In the 73 Iowa, 134, case of Barnett et al. v. Board of Directors Independent District of Earlham, the su- SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 8-9 preme court held that where the party has the right of appeal to the county superintendent, mandamus will not lie against a board of directors. It is provided in the school laws that "any person aggrieved by any decision or order of the board of directors of any school corporation in a matter of law or fact may, within thirty days after the rendition of such decision or the making of such order, appeal therefrom to the county superintendent of the proper county." Section 2818 Code. "Upon the hearing of the appeal the county superintendent is required to hear testimony on behalf of either party. The fullest opportunity is allowed for a thorough investigation of the matter of the appeal and the superintendent is required to make such decision as shall be just and equitable. And if the appellant is aggrieved at the decision of the county superintendent he may appeal in like manner to the state superintendent of public instruction." 35 Iowa, 444. We find no error on the superintendent's part in overruling the motion to dismiss. The superintendent reversed the board and established the boundary lines of Belknap, and ordered that the district consist of the present town plat. J. L. Munn appealed to the superintendent of public instruction, who heard the case July 30th. At the hearing before this department, appellee moved to dismiss the case for the reason that the organization of the contemplated independent district could not be completed on or before the first day of August, 1898. The time in which to take the initiatory steps to form an independent dis- trict is not fixed. The law says: "Upon the written petition of any ten voters such board shall establish the boundaries." A petition signed by the requisite number of voters might be presented at such a date as to preclude the possibility of completing the organization on or before the first day of August. To grant reasonable requests made by attorneys for continuance might also prevent the formation of districts. The wishes of parties interested could easily be thwarted by dilatory tactics on the part of attorneys. Under the laws of this state both county and state superintendents are called upon to perform many and varied duties. Not infrequently engagements are made weeks and sometimes months in advance. In some cases it is quite impossible for these officers to grant a hearing and render a decision within the time mentioned in the statute. While it may be desirable that the organization be perfected within the statutory time, we are inclined to the opinion that the date is only directory and has special reference to the levying of taxes. To sustain the motion to dismiss would establish a precedent far-reaching in its effects and one tending in many cases to hinder educational advancement. The record upon which the county superintendent decided the appeal shows the following facts, which are undisputed: The village of Belknap is located at the crossing of the Rock Island and Wabash railways on the east one-half (%) of section thirty-five (35) and the west one-half (^) of section thirty- six (36) and includes forty acres more or less. On the twenty-first of March, sixteen residents of Belknap petitioned the township board to form an inde- pendent district. At the time action was taken by the board there was on file a petition signed by B. B. Shaffer and twenty-two other citizens asking that sec- tions twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), thirty-five (35), thirty-six (36) and the east three-quarters (%) of section thirty-four (34) be included in the proposed new district; also a petition from A. J. Blankenship and five others asking that tne remainder of section thirty-four (34) and section twenty-seven (27), less 90 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS the northwest quarter (}4) of the northwest quarter (*4), together with the southeast -quarter (%) of the southeast quarter (%) of section twenty-two (22) be included in the Independent District of Belknap. B. B. Shaffer and P. H. Burns presented an amendment to the original Shaffer petition asking that it be amended by striking out the north one-half (*/) of section twenty-five (25). The record however fails to show that the amendment was filed with the board of directors. With these petitions before it, what was the duty of the board? We regard the construction of section 2794 so important that it was sub- mitted to Hon. Milton Remley, attorney-general, for his opinion. He says in part: "The language of the section relating to the duties of the board is as follows: 'Such board shall establish the boundaries of a proposed independent district, including therein all of the city, town or village, and also such con- tiguous territory as is authorized by a written petition of a majority of the resident electors of the contiguous territory proposed to be included in said district in not smaller subdivisions than entire forties of land in the same or in an adjoining school township, as may best subserve the convenience of the people for school purposes, and shall give the same notices of a meeting as is required in other cases. "The board of directors of the school township is elected by the people of the entire township. They may have interests antagonistic to the formation of an independent district. There seems to be but little left to the discretion of the board. They are required to include therein all of the contiguous territory proposed to be included in said district in not smaller subdivisoins than forty acres of land. It seems to be obligatory upon them to include the territory petitioned for, except where the proposed boundary line would divide forty acres of land, according to the government survey. They might, however, in case the convenience of the people of some subdistrict left out of the proposed inde- pendent district demanded it, include more territory than was described in the petition. The circumstances might be such that a few families, after the pro- posed independent district was carved out of the school township, would be practically left without school privileges. The law seems to require, in fixing the boundaries, that all of the contiguous territory petitioned for shall be in- cluded, but does not even inferentially prevent the board of directors, in fixing the boundaries, from including some not petitioned for. "I think the statute is mandatory, requiring the boundaries to he established by the directors, which boundaries shall include all territory petitioned for, and as much more as the judgment of the board of directors shall deem neces- sary to subserve the convenience of the people for school purposes. It is also mandatory upon the board to give notice of the meeting at which the people may vote." To the question, "In case an appeal is taken to the county superintendent from the action of the board in refusing to establish boundaries, should the county superintendent consider both the convenience of the people and the peti- tion presented by the majority of the electors, or is he limited to the petition alone?" His reply is: "He can exercise no power not given by statute to the board of directors, and can make such order as the board of directors should have made. In adding any territory not embraced within the petition he should certainly consider the convenience of the people, both in the proposed independent district, SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 91 and also the convenience of any who are left in a school township; but like the board of the district township, he would not be authorized to omit any of the territory included within the petition from the proposed independent dis- trict. He is not, however, limited any more than the board would be by the petition in regard to adding to the proposed independent district land not in- cluded in the petition." Since it is the duty of the board and the superintendent, In case of appeal, to include in the proposed district at least all of the contiguous territory peti- tioned for, it only remains for us to do likewise. Our opinion is not final, however. The voters themselves are to determine whether or not they desire a separate organization. A careful consideration of the facts in the case leads us to the opinion that the formation of the independent district of Belknap is desirable; that it will accommodate well a large number of children. At no distant day a graded school will be provided, and with modern equipment and trained teachers, pupils will enjoy advantages superior to those now granted them. In harmony with the petitions of the electors and the ruling of the at- torney-general, it is therefore ordered that the independent district of Belknap be constituted to contain sections twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty- seven (27), less the northwest quarter (^) of the northwest -quarter (^4) thirty-four (34), thirty-five (35), thirty-eight (38), and the southeast quarter (%) of the southeast quarter (}4) of section twenty-two (22) of Soap Creek township. It is further ordered that in accordance with section 2794 the board shall take the necessary steps to provide for the holding of an election. The same to be held before November 1, 1898. REVERSED. * RICHARD C. BARRETT, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Des Moines, Iowa, October 1, 1898. J. L. MUNN v. SCHOOL TOWNSHIP OF SOAP CREEK. Appeal from Davis County. APPLICATION FOR REHEARING. NEW QUESTIONS. Questions not raised at the hearing before the county super- intendent nor before the superintendent of public instruction at the time the appeal was heard by him can not be considered for the first time on an appli- cation for a rehearing. REHEARING. The application for a rehearing will be denied unless sufficient reasons have been presented warranting a change in the former opinion. Application for a rehearing in the above entitled case is now made by the appellee, the district township of Washington, on the ground that "this case does not decide whether or not an appeal lies where a board fails to take action." A review of the case shows that the board did act. It declined to establish the boundaries of the proposed independent district of Belknap. We do not understand that counsel contends otherwise. For decision of supreme court in this case see 110 Iowa, 652. 92 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS Affidavit of appellant Munn, made in taking appeal from the decision of the board, says: "The school board of said school township rendered a decision refusing to grant the petitions of residents of Belknap and contiguous terri- tory." Again, quoting from affidavit: "Said board erred in that they have no legal discretion in the matter, and should have granted the independent dis- trict as asked for by said petitions." Attorney for appellee argues that only the single petition from the village of Belknap was refused and that others from contiguous territory are now be- fore the board and may be called up and passed upon at any meeting. This point was presented both orally and in written argument by counsel, and was given due consideration before announcing former decision. In the case of Johnson v. School Township of Utica, appeal from Chicksaw county, the board had before it at its September meeting a petition requesting the formation of a new subdistrict. Without action the board adjourned to consider the petition the following February. At the trial before the county superintendent motion was made to dismiss the case on the ground that the petition was still before the board. The motion was overruled by the county superintendent. On appeal, this department, we think, rightly sustained the lower tribunal. In the case before us no action of the board could have barred more effectu- ally the formation of the independent district. That petitions from contiguous territory were before the board has not been questioned. Our attention is again called to the time in which the organization of the independent district may be completed. No sufficient reason has been pre- sented to warrant us in changing our opinion in regard to this point. The other question, whether or not the Village of Belknap has sufficient population, was not raised at the hearing before the county superintendent nor this department and may not be considered now. The foregoing review disposes of the material points involved in the motion for rehearing. This department might have reversed the decision of the county superintend- ent and remanded the case to the board with instructions to establish the boundaries of the proposed district in accordance with the opinion of the attorney-general. Had this been done the only course for the board to pursue would have been to fix the boundaries of the district including all contiguous territory petitioned for. The course adopted appeared to be the more speedy and for that reason was chosen. As previously stated, our decision is not final. The law wisely leaves the final settlement covering the formation of districts, in such cases as this, to the voters themselves. If those residing upon the outside territory proposed to be in- cluded, desire to vote separately on the proposition, they may do so. Should a majority of the votes cast on such outside territory be against the proposed district, it shall not be formed. The application for rehearing is DENIED. RICHARD C. BARRETT, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Des Moines, Iowa, October 18, 1898. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 93 O. F. HALE v. SCHOOL TOWNSHIP OF RIVEBDALE. Appeal from Kossuth County. APPEALS. Should be conducted with fairness and impartiality. TIME OF HEARING. If the county superintendent can not hear testimony for both parties at the time set for such hearing, he should give the parties ample time later to make a clear and full presentation of their cause. At a special meeting of the board of directors held September 30, 1898, it was voted to change the schoolhouse in subdistrict number one, from the present site to a point one mile west. From the decision rendered, O. F. Hale appealed to the county superintendent, who affirmed the board's action. In appealing to the superintendent of public instruction, appellant alleges errors as follows: 1st. He, the county superintendent, failed to take into consideration the geographical position, number and convenience, of the scholars and residents of the subdistricts, as required by section 2773, Code of 1897. 2d. That the trial being set for 1 P. M. on October 27th, he failed to appear until about 4 P. M. and then conducted the trial in such haste and evident impatience as to embarrass appellant whose witnesses had returned to their homes before the superintendent's arrival, and thus prevented him from fully presenting his case. 3d. That he refused to allow your appellant to argue his case and adjourned the trial without affording appellant an opportunity to fully present his case. It is due all parties in controversy that appeals be conducted with impar- tiality. The law expressly declares that notice of the time and place of hearing appeals shall be sent in writing by the county superintendent to all parties ad- versely interested. It is expected that the utmost fairness will be shown. A failure on the part of the county superintendent to appear at the appointed hour set for hearing the case is not an error of great consequence, provided ample time is given all parties to make a clear and complete presentation of their cause. We find no denial of errors charged and are disposed to remand the case to the county superintendent with the suggestion that he fix a time in the near future for hearing the case anew, and give notification to interested parties as provided by statute. Having heard the testimony, and considered the geographical position, num- ber and convenience of the pupils, he shall then make such decision, as may appear just and equitable. REMANDED. RICHARD C. BARRETT, February 3, 1899. Superintendent of Public Instruction. IRVING J. JOHNSTON v. INDEPENDENT DISTRICT or SANBOBN. Appeal from O'Brien County. RESTORATION OF TEBBITOBY. The refusal of a board of directors of an inde- pendent district to concur in the restoration of certain territory may not be reversed except when clearly shown that such refusal was an abuse of discretion. 94 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS COUNTY ATTORNEY. It is not only wise but in conformity with law for the county superintendent to consult the county attorney before deciding an appeal. The proceedings in this case are founded upon section 2792 of the code of 1897 and is brought to have several sections of land now included in the Inde- pendent District of Sanborn restored to the school township of Summit to which they geographically belong. The section to which reference is made above provides that territory so situ- ated may be restored by the concurrent action of the boards of directors, and shall be so restored upon petition of two-thirds of the electors residing upon the territory proposed to be set off, provided the school corporation that is to receive back the territory and the county superintendent concur. The transcript forwarded in this case is very complete. It shows that a peti- tion signed by two-thirds of the electors was presented to the board of directors of the school township of Summit and the territory accepted. For some reason not apparent, it was not then presented to the county superintendent, but was laid before the board of directors of the Independent District of Sanborn. Said board failing to act, an action was brought at the May term of the district court in 1898 to compel action. In response to the court's order the board met and considered the petition on the eighteenth of June and rejected the same. From the decision of the board Irving J. Johnston et al. appealed to the county superintendent who affirmed the order of the board, and said parties now appeal to the superintendent of public instruction. In all cases of appeal the county superintendent is charged to make such decision as may be just and equitable. It is alleged that the decision rendered is not that of the county superintendent, but one given by the county attorney. We can not concur in the view taken by counsel for appellants. It is not denied, however, that the county attorney did submit to the county superintendent an opinion. In fact the complete opinion of the county attorney is made a part of the transcript. Having heard the evidence, we think she acted wisely and in con- formity with law in -requesting the county attorney for the correct interpreta- tion of the law relating to the issues, before deciding the appeal. It is also alleged that the county superintendent erred in refusing to concur with the board of directors of the school township of Summit as provided in section 2792. A careful reading of the transcript convinces us that the appeal is not, in this instance, from the action of the county superintendent in refusing to concur, but from her decision in affirming the order of the board of directors in rejecting appellant's petition. The question to be determined then is whether the board of directors of the Independent District of Sanborn in refusing to concur in the restoration of ter- ritory abused its discretion or violated law. The latter is not claimed. It is contended that the restoration of the territory is desired in order that additional school facilities may be provided for the children of the school town- ship of Summit. Such motives are commendable. Doubtless, the refusal to consent to the transfer of territory is, in part, for the reason that better school facilities are provided appellants by the board of directors in the Independent Pistrict of Sanborn. As a part of the Independent District of Sanborn those residing upon the territory in question enjoy several advantages. Among them is that of attending a well graded school in which is taught not only the common school branches, but tne advanced studies $g well. Again, if territory i detached it become? SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 95 necessary for pupils to travel from the town while now not infrequently convey- ances in the regular order of business carry children both to and from school. That these advantages are appreciated is evidenced by the remonstrance signed by all but one of the present electors having children of school age, and pre- sented to the board of directors of the Independent School District of Sanborn prior to its action on the eighteenth of June. If pupils of the school township of Summit are not enjoying school facilities such as are most profitable and the board is desirous of securing increased advan- tages it may arrange with any person outside the board for their transportation to and from school in the same or in another corporation. Expense incurred for such services may be paid from the contingent fund. Having carefully considered all of the facts and circumstances entering into the merits of the case, we can find no reason to warrant us in disturbing the decision of the county superintendent or setting aside the action of the board. AFFIRMED. RICHARD C. BARRETT, Des Moines, Iowa, February 8, 1899. Superintendent of Public Instruction. E. F. BACON v. THE INDEPENDENT DISTRICT OF WEST DES MOINES. Appeal from Polk County. EXPULSION OF PUPILS. Pupils may be expelled by the board for immorality, violation of the regulations and rules established by the board, or when their presence is detrimental to the best interests of the school. JURISDICTION. The board of directors of a school corporation have no jurisdic- tion over children after the termination of the school year. EXISTING SCHOOL. The order expelling a scholar must be from an existing school. The scholar's relationship with the school is severed when the school year has closed and vacation has begun. The facts presented for consideration in this case show that on the third day of June, 1898, the superintendent of the West Des Moines city schools, in ac- cordance with the provisions of section 2782 of the Code, notified the president of the board of directors of the suspension of certain pupils, among them Julius Bacon, son of the appellant, for acts of disorder, insubordination, and for con- duct dertimental to the best interests of the school. On the sixth day of June the board of directors met in regular session and was addressed by the appellant in behalf of his son. Several of the suspended pupils present also spoke, acknowledged their wrong and asked for reinstatement. Julius Bacon acknowl- edged his error but pleaded extenuating circumstances. The board then ad- journed without action until June 13th, a week after the close of the school year, at which time Bacon was expelled for one year from June 3, 1898, and the others from four to seven months. From the action of the board E. F. Bacon appealed to the county superintendent who heard the case in regular form and affirmed the action of the board. Appellant now appeals to the super- intendent of public instruction. The law provides that the board of directors may expel any scholar from school; first, for immorality; second, for violation of rules; third, whet; t\[$ presence of the scholar is detrimental to the best Interests of tbe school, 96 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS To warrant the board in exercising its expulsive power it is not necessary that the scholar be a corrupter of youth, or a flagrant, or a persistent violator of the established rules. It may, if occasion requires, summarily expel a pupil whose presence is considered harmful to the best welfare of the school. To deprive a pupil of school privileges however is an act of so much conse- quence that it should be decided upon only after all the circumstances entering into the case have been thoughtfully weighed. The provision authorizing boards to expel when the presence of any scholar is harmful is a recent enactment. Formerly courts held that pupils could be expelled from school only as a punishment for breach of discipline or for offenses against good morals. Instances have arisen where pupils intellectually the superior of their asso- ciates and possessed of high ideals in many respects have, without displaying a spirit of insubordination themselves or openly disregarding the expressed wishes of those placed over them, become leaders and incited others to open revolt against the school authorities. Recognizing the weakness of the former pro- visions of law to deal with such cases, the general assembly in revising the code inserted the third division above given in order that boards could protect the interests intrusted to them. While the provision is an excellent one, the power conferred by it should always be exercised with great care and within proper and legal limits. Several questions are presented to us for consideration by counsel for ap- pellant. In view of the construction we feel obliged to put upon section 2782 it is only necessary to determine the question: Has the board of directors of a school corporation jurisdiction over children after the termination of a school year as determined by the board of directors? We are unable to find that this question has ever been determined by the supreme court of our state; hence to a certain extent reliance is placed upon the holdings of the judicial tribunals in other states. In a Nebraska case given in 48 Northwestern Reporter we find that an attempt was made to show that the board was justified in expelling a pupil because of an alleged insubordination. In answer to the allegation the court said: "But the charge even if true relates to her conduct during a former term of school. We need not determine therefore whether the testimony sustains that charge or not." Here the court declined to consider alleged charges of insubordination because they were committed at a term of school having previously closed. The statute says that the board of directors have power to "expel any scholar from school." This language evidently means that before a board of directors may issue a valid order expelling a scholar from school, there must be an existing school and also a scholar to be expelled therefrom. The transcript shows that all school exercises for the year had closed, con- tracts had expired and teachers were released. While boards of directors are charged with the making of rules for the gov- ernment of schools, we are not disposed to hold that the law authorizes them to exercise control over teachers and pupils during vacation. Notwithstanding the fact that the board in this case ordered one pupil expelled for four months, three of which are for the vacation months of June, July and August, we are not fully satisfied that the board claims such authority or wishes to be charged with the responsibility. If such is the view taken, however, it can not be sustained. SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS 97 Julius Bacon had been a scholar the past year but the relationship was severed at the time of the board's action. There is nothing to indicate that he would present himself and claim school privileges at the opening of the next year. We are always gratified when we can affirm the decision of a county super- intendent who has sustained a discretionary act of a board. A statement of fact such as was in this case presented to the county superintendent for his con- sideration would warrant an affirmance of a board's action in expelling a pupil for a reasonable time, if jurisdiction were not questioned. Inasmuch as there was no school and consequently no scholars we can only find that Julius Bacon was not subject to the authority of the board of directors of the school corporation of West Des Moines and could not therefore be expelled. The decision of the county superintendent is REVERSED. RICHARD C. BARRETT, Des Moines, la., March 18, 1899. Superintendent of Public Instruction. E. F. BACON v. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF WEST DES MOINES. Appeal from Polk County. APPLICATION FOR REHEARING. ORAL ARGUMENT. The failure of counsel for appellee to present oral argument, after being informed of the hearing, will not justify a reopening of the case. REHEARING. To warrant the superintendent of public instruction in granting a rehearing it must be shown that some very serious error has been made. The attorney for the appellee comes now and asks for a rehearing in the above cause for the reason "that the sole question considered by the state super- intendent was one upon which this appellee was not heard in oral argument be- fore him." For many years it has been the custom of the department of public instruc- tion in hearing appeal cases to notify interested parties. The office record shows that both appellant and counsel for appellee were notified of the time set for final hearing. The failure of counsel for appellee to present oral argument after being duly informed of the hearing will not justify the department in reopening the case. It is somewhat doubtful whether under the law a rehearing is contemplated or possible. An examination of the statute fails to reveal any direct provision authorizing the same, while section 2820 relating to appeals to the superintend- ent of public instruction says: "The decision when made shall be final." Doubtless, upon being convinced that a decision rendered was erroneous, either the county superintendent or superintendent of public instruction might recall the same and reverse or modify former holdings. To warrant either of these officers in reopening a case, it must be shown that some very serious error has been made, or that some additional testimony has been discovered which could not have been presented at the former hearing by using reasonable dili- gence. See case of Mary Grey v. Independent District of Boyle, S. L. 1897. In response to the application for a rehearing a willingness to receive and consider a written argument which counsel for appellee might submit touching 7 98 SCHOOL LAW DECISIONS the point determined in our former decision was expressed by the superintend- ent of public instruction. Before rendering our decision of March 18, 1899, all of the material points suggested were fully and carefully considered. Since the receipt of counsel's argument we have reviewed the case and read with care the cases cited, and believe that nothing would be accomplished by a rehearing. The application is DENIED RICHARD C. BARRETT, Des Moines, Iowa, June 1, 1899. Superintendent of Public Instruction. W. H. MESSNEE AND FOSTER RIGLEB v. THE SCHOOL TOWNSHIP OF BEAR GROVE. Appeal from Gutnrie County. BOND FOR COSTS The law does not require the filing of a bond for