M m ^:r'? ^. . <^^ y- ^ ' i ' (. - V * ' - N ^ •* .' J^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementsofdescriOOmaccrich WORKS OF PROFESSOR C W. MACCORD PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS. INC. Doscriptive Geometry. With Applications to Isometrical Drawing and Cavalier Projection. 8vo. vi -|- 248 pages, 280 figures. Cloth, $3.00. Kinematics; or, Practical Mechanism. 8vo. xi-f335 pages, 306 figures. Cloth, $5.00, Mechanical Drawing. Part I. Progressive Exercises. Part II. Practical Hints for Draughtsmen. The two parts complete in one volume. 4to. 258 pages, 232 figures. Cloth, $4.00. Velocity Diagrams. Their Construction and their Uses. Addressed to all those interested in Mechanical Movements. 8vo. iii-|- 116 pp., 83 figures. Cloth, $1.50. ELEMENTS OP DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. WITH APPLICATIONS TO ISOMETRICAL DRAWING AUD CAVALIER PROJECTION. BY CHARLES WILLIAM MacCORD, A.M., Sc.D., Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Drawing and Designing in the Stevens Institute of Technoloffy, Hohoken, N. J. ; Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Formerly Chief Draughtsman for Capt. John Ericsson ; Author of " Kinematics,'' " Mechanical Drawing : Progressive Exercises and Practictd Hints,'' " Velocity Diagrams," and Numerous Monographs on Mechanism. SECOND EDITION, REVISED. EIGHTH THOUSAI^D. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited 1914 M 3 Copyright, 1895, BY CHARLES WILLIAM MacCORD. THE SCIENTIFIC PRESS ROBERT DRUMMONO ANO COMPANr BROOKLYN, N. Y. PREFACE. Having been convinced, by a class-room experience of many years at the Stevens Institute of .Technology, of the desirability of a text-book on Descriptive Geometry different in some respects from any previously existing, I have endeavored to produce a work suit- able for use in colleges and scientific schools, and also by those who may wish to acquire some knowledge of the subject without the aid of an instructor. In the course of that experience many points have arisen, leading to original work embodied in this treatise; in the preparation of which, however, much benefit has been derived from reference to the works of Olivier, Jullien, Church, Warren, Watson, and others. The study of Descriptive Geometry is not usually begun, nor should it ever be, until some familiarity with the ordinary opera- tions of Mechanical Drawing has been attained. But when the former is taken tip its identity with the latter should never be lost sight of, as it too often is : for this reason a departure has been made from the stereotyped methods of treatment, which in fact tend rather to conceal than to exhibit tliat identity. At the outset considerable difficulty is often experienced in forming clear conceptions of the relations between abstract things, such as lines and planes, by the aid of orthographic projections only. The power of doing so is of course essential; and it is believed that the pictorial representations which have been intro- duced will be of assistance in acquiring it. But that power will be best developed, and greatly increased, by the instrumental construc- tion of the problems — which indeed is absolutely necessary to the iii 359450 IV PREFACE. attainment of such a mastery of the principles and processes as alone would be of any practical value. As a hint to those who may choose to dispense with an instruc- tor, it may be stated that at the Stevens Institute of Technology it is required that tlie diagrams shall be drawn with care, but not required that they shall be drawn in ink. JS^or is the larter recom- mended; the time required to ink in one diagram can be better occupied in drawing another; moreover, work of this description affords the best of practice in neat, effective, and accurate pen- cilling, — an accomplishment which is becoming more and more important to the practical draughtsman. C. W. JVIacCord, HOBOKEN, New Jersey, September 23, 1895. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGB Definitions. — The Principal Planes of Projection. — The Four Dihedral Angles. — The Profile Plane. — Representation of the Point, Right Line, and Plane.— Geometrical Principles and Deductions. — Revolu- tion and Counter-revolution. — Separate Construction of the Hori- zontal and Vertical Projections. — Supplementary Planes and Projections 1 CHAPTER II. Elementary Problems Relating to the Point, Right Line, and Plane . . 32 CHAPTER III. Generation and Classification of Lines and Surfaces. — Tangents, Normals, and Asymptotes to Lines. — Osculation, Rectification, Radius of Curvature. — Tangent, Normal, and Asymptotic Planes and Surfaces 69 CHAPTER IV. On the Determination of Planes Tangent to Surfaces of Single and of Double Curvature 93 CHAPTER V. Of Intersections and Developments 113 Intersection of Surfaces by Planes.— Development of Single-curved Surfaces. — Tangents to Curves of Intersection before and after Development. — Problem of the Shortest Path. — Intersections of Single-curved Surfaces. — Infinite Branches. — Intersections of Double- curved Surfaces. — Intersection of a Cone with a Sphere.— Develop- ment of the Oblique Cone. V VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PAGE Of Warped Surfaces 152 The Hyperbolic Paraboloid ; its Vertex, Axis, Principal Diametric Planes, and Gorge Lines.— The Conoid. — The Hyperboloid of Revolu- tion. — The Elliptical Hyperboloid, and its Analogy to the Hyperbolic Paraboloid. — The Helicoid of Uniform and of Varying Pitch. — The Cylindroid. — The Cow's Horn. — Warped Surfaces of General Forms. — Planes Tangent to Warped Surfaces. — Warped Surfaces Tangent to Each Other. — Intersections of Warped Surfaces. CHAPTER VII. Isometrical Drawing, Cavalier Projection, and Pseudo-perspective . . . 230 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS. THE PRINCIPAL PLANES OF PROJECTION. THE FOUR DIHEDRAL ANGLES. THE PROFILE PLANE. REPRESENTATION OF THE POINT, OF THE RIGHT LINE, AND OF THE PLANE. ■ GEOMETRICAL PRINCIPLES AND DEDUCTIONS. REVOLUTION AND COUNTER-REVOLUTION. SEPARATE CONSTRUCTION OF THE HORI- ZONTAL AND VERTICAL PROJECTIONS. SUPPLEMENTARY PLANES AND PROJECTIONS. 1. Descriptive Geometry treats of tlie methods of making, Avitli nmthematical exactness, drawings for the representation not only of geometrical magnitudes, but of the solutions of problems relating to them. 2. This branch of science does not deal with the phenomena of t)inocular vision, and for its purposes the eye is regarded as a single point. The surface upon which a drawing is made may be of any form, as cylindrical, in panoramic painting, or spherical, in deco- rating the interior of a dome. But in order to make correct draw- ings upon such surfaces, it is necessary to be thoroughly familiar Avith the methods of making them upon planes, which are usually employed ; and to these our attention will be confined. 3. The object to be drawn may be placed between the eye and the plane, or the plane may be placed between the eye and the object. In either case, light is reflected from any point of the object to the eye in a right line ; and the point in which that line, produced if necessary, pierces the plane, is the representation of 2 b'ESCRTPflVE GEOMETRY. that point in tlie object from wliicli it came. A sufficient nnin])ei of such points being found, the outhnes maj be fullj determined ; and the drawing thus made will present to the eye, if placed in the position originally assigned to it, the same appearance as the actual contour of the object itself. It may be said, then, that the representation of a point is found by projecting it along a right line passing through the eye. Sucli a line is called a projecting line, and all drawings thus made are technically called projections. 4. If the eye is at a Unite distance, the drawing, on any surface, is called a scenographic projection. If made upon a vertical plane, against winch the eye is directed jperpendiciilarly , the drawing is said to be in perspective; the plane is then called the picture pl&ne, and the projecting lines, which converge, are called visual rays. If the eye is removed to an infinite distance, the i3rojecting lines become parallel to each other and to the axis of vision. The plane upon which the drawing is made is called the plane of projection; it may be perpendicular to tlie projecting lines, in wliicli case the drawing is called an orthographic projection; or it may cut them obliquely, and the drawing is then called an oblique projection. 5. Of these three systems of projection the second is the most simple and the most extensively used, and a knowledge of it is an essential preliminary to the study of the. others. We proceed then at present to consider the methods of representing magnitudes and the solution of problems in orthographic projection only. Evidently the number of such projections, or views, necessary to tlie adequate representation of an object of three dimensions, will depend mucli on the form of the object itself. But, beginning with the least of geometrical magnitudes, the point, considered as a visible and material particle ; it can be located in space by giving its distance from each of two fixed planes, and represented by its projections upon them. 6. The Principal Planes of Projection. The most simple and natural relation between two planes for this purpose, which is universally adopted, is that shown in Fig. 1 ; the one being hori- zontal, the other vertical. Moreover, these suffice for many, though by no means all, of the ordinary operations of descriptive DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. geometry ; lience we may say that the principal planes of projection are 1. The horizontal plane, usually designated simply as H for brevity. 2. The vertical plane, usually designated simply as T for brevity. These planes are supposed to extend indefinitely in each direc- tion ; they intersect in a line called the ground line, designated and referred to as AB. The eye is supposed to be at an infinitely re- mote point, in front of the vertical plane and above the horizontal plane ; whence it is directed either perpendicularly against T, as V 2 1 •p 1 H 30 V 4 i Fig. ^ H 2 ip Tig. 3 d' ^-^ \ f i d E* c 1 e' Fig. 4 i. 2. 3. 4. d\ et 1 1 i A i 1 ■et B c* 1 ft /I 64 /i Fig. 5 -■^E,, Fig. 6 shown by the horizontal arrow, or perpendicularly downward upon H, as sliown by the vertical arrow. 7. The Four Angles. Fig. 1 is a pictorial representation of a model, such as can readily be made by cutting tAVO cards, each through half its length, and "halving" them together. If this model be lield so that the eye is directly in front of the point A, and looking in the direction AB, it will appear as shown in Fig. 2 ; the ground line appearing as the point 0, while each plane, being 4 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. seen edgewise, will appear as a mere line. Thus the two planes form four equal dihedral angles, which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, in the order shown; that in which the eye is placed, as above set forth, being the Jirst angle. Thus we have : 1st Angle Above H and in front of V„ 2d Angle Above H and behind V. 3d Angle Below H and behhid V. 4th Ano:le Below H and in front of V. 't5^ 8. In Figs. 1 and 2, P is a point in space, here taken in the first angle ; the vertical line Pjp is its horizontal projecting line, and jp is its horizontal projection. The line Pj)' perpendicular to V is its vertical projecting line, and^' is its vertical projection. This illustrates the notation adopted, the capital letter denoting a point in space, and the small letters denoting its projections, that npon the vertical plane being accented : thus we write, for ex- ample, " the point J/," indicating the point whose horizontal pro- jection is w, and whose vertical projection is m' . These two projections suffice to detennine the position of the point in space ; for if in Fig. 1 we suppose ^j> and 2^' only to be given, a vertical line through _^ and a perpendicular to Y through ^' will intersect in P, 9. In Fig. 1, draw through J9 a perpendicular to V, cutting AB in c ; then jpc is parallel and equal to Pjp' . Completing the rect- angle, ;p'g is parallel and equal to Pp. That is to say, the distance of a point in space from the vertical plane is equal to the distance of its horizontal projection from the ground line ; and its distance from the horizontal plane is equal to tlie distance of its vertical pro- jection from the ground line. 10. Hold the page in a vertical position, and looking perpeiN dicularly against it at Fig. 3, suppose the paper to be the plane ] of Fig. 1 ; the line AB will then represent the horizontal plane seen edgewise, and the line p'c will be seen in its true length and position. Next, hold the page in a horizontal position, and look- ing vertically downward at the same figure, imagine the paper to represent the plane II oi Fig. 1. The line AB will then represent DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 5 the vertical plane seen edgewise, and the line ^c will be seen in its true length and position. Thus the single plane of the paper rep- resents both H and V, and with a little effort can at pleasure be re- garded as either the one or the other. Fig. 3, then, is a repre- sentation of a point P, situated in the Urst angle, in orthographic projection upon the tw^o principal planes. In reality, only the ground line and the two points^ and^i' are absolutely necessary; but we observe, tliat since in Fig. 1 jpc and p'c are both perpen- dicular to ^^ at the same point ' Fig. 32 .iV Fig. 34 28. Oblique Lines in Profile Planes. In Fig. 31 both projections are perpendicular to the ground line. In tins case these projec- tions upon the principal planes are utterly inadequate to convey a clear idea of the position of a limited portion of the line, even with the aid of the letters. The indefinite projections, even supposing it to be known which is the vertical and which the horizontal, do not suffice (18) to locate the line in space, and since their prolongations coincide, it is impossible by their use to find the traces. The obvious and the only sensible course is to make an independent and detached drawing in profile, as shown in Fig. 32, which exhibits in the clear- est possible manner the position of the line in relation to both H 10 DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. and V, whether it crosses one angle or another, like MN^ or like GE intersects the ground line. 29. Lines Parallel to Both Principal Planes. A line which is parallel to botli H and V is parallel to the ground line. It may lie in one of those planes; where.it is its own projection, the projec- tion on the otlier plane falling in AB, If it does not lie in either 11 or V, both its projections are parallel to the ground line. The projections of such a line upon the principal planes are sufficient to locate the line in space, and, as shown in Fig. 33, they suffice to represent it. Nevertheless, in this case also the reading of the drawing is facilitated, and the locution of the line more clearly indi- cated, as shown in Fig. 34, by adding a profile. REPRESENTATION OF THE PLANE. 30. The intersection of a plane with V is called its yertical trace ; its intersection with H is called its horizontal trace ; and the plane i& represented by drawing these traces. Any horizontal plane, being parallel to H, has no horizontal trace, and its vertical trace is parallel to AB. Example : the ver- tical projecting plane of 6ZZ>, Fig. 14. If a plane is parallel to V it has no vertical trace, and its hori- zontal trace is parallel to AB. Example : the horizontal projecting plane of CD, Fig. 16. If a plane is parallel to AB and inclined to H and V, both traces will be parallel to AB ; or, they may coincide in the ground line itself. These cases will be illustrated farther on. If a plane is perpendicular to AB, i.e., if it is a profile plane, both traces are perpendicular to AB. Example : the projecting planes of KG, Fig. 9. It will be perceived from the examples here quoted that the projections of all lines are the traces of their projecting planes (14). 31. If a plane be inclined to AB, it will cut it in a point; the traces must intersect at this point, and one or both of them will be incHned to AB. Thus in Fig. 35, the oblique plane Jf Aleuts AB at D ; its horizontal trace is dDc, and d'Dc' is its vertical trace. Such a plane is represented in projection as in Fig. 36 ; it is designated and referred to as the plane dDd' . If, as often hap- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 17 pens, 'itteution is to be confined to tliat portion of the plane which lies in the first angle, between H and V, the parts Dc^ Dc' of the traces are omitted ; but it must be kept in mind that the plane is capable of indefinite extension, and both traces can be indefinitely produced. It is to be observed, in regard to this notation, that d and d' are not used to indicate the two projections of the same point ; d merely designates a point in H, and d' designates a point in V. If the loca- tion in space of a particular point in either trace is to be indicated. Fig. 36 the two projections of that point are lettered in the usual manner ; thus c, o' are the projections of a point in Dd\ and ^, r' those of one in Dd ; these points are referred to as and R respectively. 32. For the purpose of aiding those who may at first find dif- ficulty in reading the diagram, Fig. 36, there are placed above it drawings, on a reduced scale, of the two cards with their slots which form the planes of projection in the model. Fig. 35. In looking at the card F", the paper is held, or supposed to be held, in a vertical position ; while in looking at the card H^ it is held, or imagined to be, in a horizontal position, and viewed from above. The diagram represents both these cards in skeleton ; make therefore the same suppositions in regard to the position of the paper and the direction in which it is to be viewed, closing the mental eye to one projection while studying the other. By persist- ent eft'orts of this kind, the power may gradually be acquired of 18 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. reading tlie diagrams with ease — that is to saj, of forming by tlie aid of tlie projections alone, clear mental images of the positions and relations of the lines and planes which thej represent, so that they will, as one may say, stand out in relief with stereoscopic dis- tinctness. 33. In regard to these two cards, it is evident that the direc- tions of the slots are entirely arbitrary and independent of each otlier ; but when put together, the point D on one must coincide with tlie point D on the other. Which is only another way of say- ing that from the same point on AB we may draw one line in any direction on H, and another in any direction on V, and these two lines will determine a plane, of whicli they are the traces. If the vertical trace is perpendicular to AB, the plane is verti- cal, but may make any angle with V, as in the swinging of a com- mon door upon its hinges. If tlie horizontal trace is perpendicular to AB, the plane is perpendicular to V, but may make any angle with H ; as in the opening of a trap-door whose hinges are perpen- dicular to the wall. The plane dDcV illustrates the former, and the plane tTif illustrates the latter, of these two cases, in Figs. 37 and 38. .Fig. 37 ^ y 6! / D ' T / t \^, > Pig; 38 34. In relation to the angle included between the parts of the traces in front of V and above H, it is apparent that the angle pic- torially represented by dDd' in Fig. 35 is in fact acute, while in Fig. 37 dDd' and tTt' represent right angles. In Fig. 39 dDd' DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 19 represents an obtuse angle ; and in the diagram, Fig. 40, are given the traces of the same plane, similarly lettered. Above are added the small drawings of the cards with their slots, for forming the planes H and V of the model. These slots are inclined to AB in the same direction, though the angles are somewhat different in the two cards. A moment's reflection will show that these angles might be made exactly the same, and also that if they were, the two traces dD, Dd\ instead of forming an angle with each other in the diagram, would form A -^i^"' "" R ^ ! A Di>\ " R / y Fig. 39 Fig. 40 one continuous right line ; which is the case with the traces of the plane tTt\ Clearly, the position of the plane shown in Fig. 39 would be but slightly changed by this modification. 35. In Fig. 41, the plane TT is parallel to AB; consequently its horizontal trace tt and its vertical trace ff are both parallel to the ground line. The plane DD passes through AB, which there- fore constitutes both traces. The diagram, representing these two planes is given in Fig. 42 ; but it is very obvious that they are represented much more clearly in the profile, Fig. 43. Since any number of planes may be passed through the ground line, the position of any one of them must be determined by some other condition ; but when it is determined, its true relation to H and V is at once shown by the detached profile. In Fig. 44, the horizontal trace dd coincides with the vertical trace d'd', the former being as far behind V as the latter is above 20 DESCinrnVE GEOMETRY. H. Again, tt is the liorizontal trace of a plane, and lies as far in front of V as the vertical trace t't' is below H, so that these two traces are also represented bj one line. Finally, mn^ nn'n' are the projections of a line, parallel to AB, in the fourth angle, and equi- distant from the principal planes. The superiority of the profile, B y^ ' / t' r ^ d' d' ^ A ^ d B t t Pig. 42 d' n' t' Fig. 44 Fig. 43 M* Fig. 45 Fig. 45, in respect to distinctness and ease of comprehension, is too obvious to require comment. GEOMETRICAL PRINCIPLES AND DEDUCTIONS. 36. If two planes intersect, any line of either will pierce the other in a point of their common line, if at all ; hence — 1. If a line lie in a plane, the traces of the line will be points in the corresponding traces of the plane. 2. To draw a line in a given plane, join any point in one trace w-ith any point in the other. 3. To draw a plane containing a given line, join the traces of the line with any point on AB. Any horizontal line in a given plane is parallel to the horizontal trace, pierces V in a point of the vertical trace, and its vertical pro. jection is parallel to AB. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 21 If a line in a- given plane is parallel to T, it is parallel to the vertical trace, pierces H in a point of the horizontal trace, and its horizontal projection is parallel to AB. If a plane contain any two lines, it will also contain any third line which cnts those two. 3 7. In illustration of the above : Let it be required to draw a line in the plane tTt\ Fig. 46. Assume c as the horizontal projec- tion of a point in the horizontal trace ; its vertical projection is o' in the ground line. Let d' be the vertical projection of a point in the other trace, then its horizontal projection is d in the ground line ; cd^ c'd\ are the projections of a line which lies in the giveu plane. It follows from this^ that if one projection of a point in a given plane be assumed, the other can be found by drawing through the assumed one, the corresponding projection of a line in the plane. Then the otlier projection of the point must lie on the other pro- jection of the line. For example, suppose the horizontal projection o in Fig. 46 to have been assumed. Join o with any point c of the horizontal trace, and produce this horizontal projection to cut AB in d. Since this line is to lie in the plane, its vertical projection is cd\ upon which must lie the vertical projection o' , The point O thus determined lies in the given plane. Again, let it be required to draw in the plane tTt' ^ Fig. 47, a horizontal line at a given distance above H. Draw c'd' parallel to AB, at the given distance above it: this is the vertical projection of the required line, and d' that of its verti- cal trace, which is horizontally projected at d in AB. Therefore dc parallel to Tt is the horizontal projection of the required line. 22 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Let it be further required to draw in the same plane a line parallel to V, at a given distance in front of it. The horizontal projection is mn^ parallel to AB and at the given distance below it ; the line pierces H at the point iT, whose vertical projection is n' on AB, and n'm' parallel to Tt' is the vertical projection of the re- quired line. 38. The two lines CD and JfiT evidently intersect; and since they cannot intersect in more than one point, the test of the accu- racy of the constructions lies in this, that the intersection o of the horizontal projectioils, and the intersection o' of the vertical pro- jections, lie on the same perpendicular to the ground line. 39. To draw two lines which shall intersect. This may be done by assuming the point of intersection 6', Fig. 48 ; c and c must necessarily lie on the same perpendicular to AB (10). The hori- zontal projection of each line must pass through c, and its vertical projection through c' ; but the directions of mc?i, in'e'n^ as well as those of jpcr^ jp'c'r\ are entirely arbitrary, with the excej^tion that if one projection of either line is perpendicular to AB, the other projection of that line must be so likewise (18). The two lines GL^ DE^ in Fig. 48, intersect at 0\ the hori- zontal projections intersect at 6>, but the vertical projections coin- cide. This merely shows that the plane determined by the two Fig. 49 lines is perpendicular to V, and is their common vertical projecting plane (16). 40. To draw two lines which shall not lie in the same plane. ^Neither the vertical nor the liorizontal projections can coincide, since if they did the two lines would have a common projecting DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 23 plane. The horizontal projections must therefore cross eac-h other, and so must the vertical projections ; but these two points of inter- section must not lie in the same perpendicular to AB. Thus in Fig. 49, the horizontal projections of the lines CG^ LO^ intersect; let this point of intersection be the horizontal pro- jection m of a point M upon L 0^ then its vertical projection is m' upon Vo'. Let the same intersection be the horizontal projection d of a point upon CG^ tlien its vertical projection is d' upon eg'. Similarly, the intersection of I'o' and c'g' is the common vertical projection of two points, J^ upon L 0^ and E upon CG. 41. If two parallel planes are cut by a third plane, the lines of intersection are parallel. Therefore, in order to represent a plane parallel to one of which the traces are given, draw the vertical trace of the second parallel to that of the first, and the horizontal trace of tlie second parallel to the horizontal trace of the first. If the new plane is required to be so located as to satisfy some special condition, it is clear that the determination of one point in either trace is sufficient. For example : Let it be required to draw a plane parallel to the given plane tTt\ Fig. 50, through the given point 0. Draw, through the given point, a line parallel to the horizontal trace ; its Horizontal projection passes through o and is parallel to^ Tt, its vertical projection passes througli o' and is parallel to AB. This is a line of the required plane, and pierces V at the point C^ whose vertical projection c is a point in the vertical trace, which is d'c' D parallel to Tt' . This trace cuts AB at />, and the horizontal trace Dd is parallel to Tt. 24 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 42. Let ZJf, LN^ Fig. 51, be two planes, and Zi^ their line of intersection. From any point P let fall upon these planes the perpendiculars PR^ P0\ these two lines determine a plane which is perpendicular to both the others, and therefore to LF\ it also cuts them in the lines CRD^ COE^ which meet at C on LF. But LF is perpendicular to the plane OPR^ and therefore to the lines CEy CD^ which pass through its foot in that plane. Now, regard- ing ZJf as a plane of projection, andZT^as the trace upon it of any plane LIi\ then CR is the projection of PO^ a perpendicular to LN^ and the trace LF is perpendicular to the projection CR. 43. Therefore, if a line be perpendicular to a plane, the yertical projection of the line will be perpendicular to the vertical trace of the plane, and the horizontal projection will be perpendicular to the horizontal trace. And conversely : if the projections of the line are respectively perpendicular to the traces of the plane, the line itself is perpen- dicular to the plane. In illustration, let it be required to draw through the point 0, Fig. 52, a line perpendicular to the plane tTt. Since the projec- / p '1 / V" y Fig. 52 Fig. 53 tions of the line must pass through those of the point, we have merely to draw m'o'n' perpendicular to Tt' ^ and mon perpendicular to Tt ; then MN is the required line. Or, having given the line MN and the point 6^, let it be re- quired to draw a plane through that point and perpendicular to the line. Here again, since the directions of the traces are known, the determination of one point in either trace suffices to locate the plane ; and this is effected by drawing through the point a parallel to the other trace. Thus, to find a point in the horizontal trace, draw DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 25 tlirongli C a line parallel to the vertical trace ; its vertical projec- tion is o'd' perpendicular to mn ^ its horizontal projection is cd parallel to AB, and it pierces ^in the point d^ d' . The horizontal trace of the required plane is therefore tdT perpendicular to mn^ and tlie vertical trace is Tt' perpendicular to rrin' . 44. In Fig. 53, let ZZ be a plane of projection, iTiV^ a pro- jecting plane perpendicular to it, of which dd is the trace, andP(? a line perpendicular to iViVand consequently parallel to LL. Then po^ the projection of PO^ is parallel to that line itself, and therefore perpendicular to NN and to its trace dd. Now P (9, being per- pendicular to ^iY, is perpendicular to all right lines drawn through its foot in that plane, as OR^ 0S\ and the projections of all these lines fall in the trace dd^ which is perpendicular to po\ conse- quently we have, that the projection of a right angle will be a right angle, if one of its sides is parallel to the plane of projection. REVOLUTION AND COUNTER-KEVOLUTION. 45 . The axis of a circle is a right line passing through its centre, and perj)endicular to its plane. A point is said to revolye about a right line as an axis, when it describes the circumference of a circle whoso centre is in the axis, and whose plane is perpendicular to the axis. When all the points of any geometrical magnitude move in this manner, without change of relative position and therefore with tlie same angular velocity, the whole magnitude is said to revolve about the right line as an axis. It will be found in subsequent operations, that magnitudes under consideration can often be thus revolved into positions in which certain processes can be more conveniently executed ; after which they are revolved back again into their original positions; and this restoration is called counter-revolution. 46. One of the simplest- examples of this kind of manipulation is the following : Given ^ a line lying in a plane of projection, and a point not in the plane ; Pequired^ to show where the point will fall, when revolved about the line into the plane. This is pictorially illustrated in Fig, 54, where EF is the line, lying in the plane LL^ and P the given point. The plane of rota- 26 DESCRIPTIVE Geometry, tion is WW^ perpendicular to EF and therefore to ZL ; it contains the projecting line P/? of the given point, and^ lies in the trace dd^ which is perpendicular to EF and cuts it at C, the centre of the circular patli of P. Consequently tlie point will fall in the plane LL either at r or Fig. 55 at s on the trace dd^ at a distance from 6^ equal to PC i\\Q radius of the circle. And it is seen that PC is the hypothenuse of a tri- angle, of which the altitude Pp is the distance of the point from the plane, and the base ^ 6^ is the distance of the projection of the point from the axis. The axis may pass through this projection ; that is, P may coincide with (7, in in which event the projecting line Pj) is^ the radius of the circle. 47. The construction in projection is shown in Fig. 55, where is the given point. First : to revolve this point about CD into the horizontal plane. Draw through , the projection of the point sought. Therefoi-e erect at r? a j)erpendicular to LL^ cutting PD in 0^ the required point. 50. This construction, in projection, is shown in Fig. 57, where EF in the horizontal plane is the axis, P the first point in its original position, andj^'' its revolved position determined as in Fig. 55. Take o" as the revolved position of tlie second point ; draw j?"(>'' and produce it to cut the prolongation Gi fe in d. This is the horizontal projection of a point in H, therefore its vertical projection is d' in AB, and j9<^, jp'd\ are the projections of the line PD whicli contains the point sought. In the counter-revolution, o" describes a circle in a vertical plane perpendicular to the axis, of which the horizontal trace is perpendicular to , the horizontal projection of the required point; o' \v^ i^'d' \^ its vertical projection. SEPARATE CONSTRL^CTION OF THE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL PROJECTIONS. 51. The combination of the projections on H and V in one diagram, and the use of AB to represent one plane in reading tlie vertical and the other in reading the horizontal projection, is often a source of perplexity at first, even to those thoroughly familiar with the various views which represent solid objects in ordinary mechanical drawing. Moreover, this combination is often a cause of excessive and needless obscurity ; the various lines used in repre- senting magnitudes, operations of revolution, counter-revolution, and what not, upon one plane, becoming so interwoven with those of the projections upon the other, as to present a bewildering maze €ven to tlie expert in reading such diagrams. Now, the fact that these two projections can be and always have been thus combined is not at all a good reason why they always DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 29 ^lioiild be. Tliey may be constructed separately as sliown in Fig. 58, where in'n' is the vertical projection of a line, i/7/ represent- 3/ VERTICAL PROJECTION OR FRONT ELEVATION H H- PROFILE OR END ELEVATION .Fig. 58 HORIZONTAL PROJ. PLAN, OR TOP VIEW \m, ing the horizontal plane; mn is the horizontal projection, YY representing the vertical plane ; and at the left of the vertical pro- jection is the profile, where the two planes are shown in their true relative positions. These three views correspond to what in working drawings are called the front elevation or side view, the top view or plan, and the end view or end elevation. For the purpose oi comparison, the combined diagram of the projections of the same line is sliown in Fig. 59 ; and there are no doubt many to whom the latter will seem far less clear, and more difficult to read, even in regard to so simple a magnitude as this oblique line. In what follows, both methods wdll be used, as circumstances may indicate one or the other to be the more convenient. The student, of course, may use either in any case at pleasure. It is desirable that he should become familiar with both, but in any given construction he alone can tell which method seems to him the clearer, and that is tlie one for him to adopt. SUPPLEMENTARY PLANES OF PROJECTION. 52. Thus far but three planes of projection have been con- sidered, viz., H, V, and the profile plane. It will, however, fre- quently be found convenient to make use of others, which may be called supplementary planes ; upon these the object is projected, remaining fixed in respect to the principal planes. The positions of such supplementary planes are determined wholly by conditions of convenience, and therefore depend upon 30 DESCKTPT[YE GEOMETRY. the nature of the object; but thej are in the great majority of cases such that the j)lanes are j^erpendicular to one of the principal planes ; indeed, it may be said tliat they are probably more often vertical than otherwise. .53. The use of such a plane is j^it^torially represented in Fig. 60, in which OR is, let us say, an oblicpiely placed wire, suj^ported Fig. 60 by two vertical ones fixed in the horizontal plane. There are shown the projections of these not only upon H and T, but uj^on a supplementary plane S, in this case parallel to the horizontal jiro- jecting plane Or. The three lines are therefore projected upon S in their true lengths and relative positions, while upon II and V tliey are not ; and it is for tlie purpose of thus convejdng directly in- formation which the other views do not give explicitly, that such supplementary projections are chiefly employed. It is obvious that in viewing S perpendicularly, as indicated by the arrow, the axis of vision is parallel to H, which, being thus seen edgewise, will in projection be represented by a line bearing the same relation to this new drawing that the original ground line bears to the vertical projection. 54. This is shown in Fig. 61, where , r, from AB. 56. Such supplementary projections, like the profiles, should always be constructed as detached and independent view^s; their precise location is of course arbitrary, but should always be such as to j^revent the possibility of confounding the lines with those of the other views. d2 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. CHAPTER II. ELEMENTARY PROBLEMS RELATING TO THE POINT, RIGHT LINE, AND PLANE. 57. It is necessary to make a clear distinction between tlie solution of a problem and tlie representation of that solution. Tlie solution is effected by abstract reasoning : one link after another being added to a cliain of logical ai-guments until a detinite conclusion is reached which demonstrates that the object sought can be accomplished in a certain way. This is a purely mental process ; clear conceptions can be formed in the dark, or by a blind man, of the magnitudes involved, of their relations to each other, of the various steps to be taken and their results — in short, of the complete solution of any problem ; which is wholly independent of its representation and of any graphic operation whatever. The processes of descriptive geometry, on the other hand, are purely graphic. And it is the province of this science to explain the methods, not of solving j^roblems, but of exactly representing the data, steps, and results of solutions already effected by mathe- matical reasoning. This distinction is natural and inevitable, be- cause before a thing can be represented it must be known what that thing is. 58. Analysis and Construction. A problem being enunciated, then, its treatment will consist of two distinct parts. First^ a clear statement of the principles and reasoning employed in the solution and applied to the magnitudes in space ; this is the analysis. Second y an explanation, in due order, of the lines employed in representing^ on paper, the problem and its solution ; this is called the construction of the problem. 59. Method of Study. The same processes may in general be applied to magnitudes under widely varying conditions; and in the DESCKIPTIYE GEOMETRY. 33 nature of tilings but a limited number of eases, and often only one, can be worked out in illustration. Consequently great care should be taken to avoid associating the solution of any problem with tlie aj^pearance of the figure, because the assumption of different data may result in the production of a totally dissimilar diagram. This is of especial importance in regard to these elementary problems, because they are subsequently to be used as mere steps in the solu- tion of more complex ones, and the conditions thus fixed may be quite unlike those previously met with. The best course therefore is to di823ense, as soon and as far as possible, with all reference to the illustrations ; first mastering the analysis and fixing in mind the successive stej)s, and then making an original construction by apply- ing them to assumed data. 60. Problem 1. To find the true distance between two imlnt^ given hy their jyrojections. Analysis. The required distance is the length of the right line joining the two points. If either projecting plane of this line be revolved about its trace into the corresponding plane of projection, the line will be seen in its true length. Construction. This is represented pictorially in Fig. 62, and Fig. 63 shows it in projection, M and N being the given points. Revolving the horizontal projecting plane of MN about nm into H, Fig. 62 liie point M goes to m" ; mm" being perpendicular to mn and equal to tn'x^ the horizontal projecting line. Similarly, N goes to n" ^ the distance nn" being equal to n'y\ and m"n" is the distance required. The required distance may also be ascertained by means of a supplementary projection, as shown in Fig. 61, or by means of an 34 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. independent construction, apart from tlie drawing, as explained in (15). JS^.B. In this case the distances tnm"^ nn'\ are set off in op23osite- directions, because the points M and N are on opposite sides of the axis. Had tliej been on the same side, as M and P are, these dis- tances would have been set off in the same direction. In either case, the line joining the two points, if not parallel to the plane into which it is revolved, will pierce it if j)rolonged, as at o^ o' in Fig. 63. This point of penetration, being in the axis, remains fixed, and the given line must pass through it in its revolved as well as in its original position; thus 7irh"n" passes through o. 61. If it is required to set off from Jf a distance along J/iV^ equal to a given line cd^ first revolve the line MN into H as above, and then lay off m!'p" equal to cd. In the counter-revolution, j)" goes, in a direction perpendicular to mn^ to the position^, ^vhich is vertically projected at p' on m'n\ This operation is identical with that represented in Figs. 56 and 57. 62. Problem 2. To jpass ajplane through three given points tiot in the same right line. Analysis. Through either tw^o of tlie points draw a right line. Through the third point draw another right line, either parallel to the first or intersecting it at any point. These two Ihies determine the plane, and their traces wiU be points in the corresponding traces of tlie plane. Construction. In Figs. 64 and 'oOy C\ J), and J^ are the given Fig. 64 "^ Fig. 65 points. Draw CD and produce it to pierce II at 6>, and V at Jf ; then <9 is a point in the horizontal and m' a point in the vertical trace of the required plane. Join the third point E with any point DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 35 G of OM^ and produce EG to pierce H and V at 7? and N\ then r is another point in tlie horizontal and n! another point in the verti- cal trace. Therefore n'm' ^ or are tlie required traces, which, when produced, must meet in the ground line, unless tliej are parallel. Note. — The direction of the second line EG should be so chosen that the distance between o and r^ and also that between /?/ and m\ shall be as great as possible. 63. The problems of drawing a plane through one right line and parallel to another, and of drawing a plane through a given point parallel to two given right lines, are scarcely more than varia- tions of the preceding one ; for, in the first case, we have already one line of the required plane and know the direction of another, w^hich may be drawn through any given point of the given line ; and in the second case, we know the directions of two lines of the required plane and have merely to draw them through a given point and find their traces. If either line be parallel to AB, the plane itself and both its traces will be parallel to the ground line. In this case a profile should be drawn, in addition to the projections on II and V. 64. Problem 3. To draw through a given jpoint a plane per- 'pendieular to a given right line. Analysis. Tlie directions of the traces are known, being respec- tively perpendicular to the projections of the line (43). Draw through the given point a line parallel to either trace ; this wiU be a line of the plane, and will pierce the other plane of projection in a point of the required trace upon that plane. This trace, being perpendicular to the corresponding projection of the line, may now be drawn ; it will cut the ground line in a point of the remainiDg trace, of which the direction is also known. Construction. Let P, Figs. QQ and 67, be the given point and MN the given line. Draw through P a line parallel to the hori- zontal trace of the required plane; its horizontal projection isj[?o, perpendicular to mn^ and its vertical projection \s, j[>'o\ parallel to AB. This is a line of the plane, and its vertical trace is a point in the vertical trace of the plane. Therefore t'o'T^ perpendicular 36 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. to m'n',^ is that vertical trace, Avliicli cuts AB at T\ and Tt^ per* pendicular to inn^ is the horizontal trace. N. B. If the projections of the given hne coincide, as in Fig. 29, the traces of the plane will also coincide, like those of the plane tTt' in Fig. 40, If the given line lie in a profile plane, the re- quired plane will be ]3arallel to the gronnd line. Thus in Fig. ^'^^ P is the given point, MN the given line ; these are seen in their true relations to H and V in the prohle, Fig. 69, where a per- n \ *P m Fig. 68 Fig. 69 pendicular to MN through P represents the required plane, cutting V in ^' and H in ^; these points are the profile projections of the traces tt^ t't^ in Fig. ^'^. 65. The reasoning in the analysis of this problem is precisely the same as that used (41) in reference to the drawing of a plane through a given point and parallel to a given plane, the construc- tion of which was shown in Fig. 50. The gist of the argument is Bimply this, that when the directions of the ti-aces are known, the location of a single point in either trace determines the plane, ex- cept when it is parallel to the ground line \ in that case a point in each trace must be found. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 37 66. Problem 4. To find tJie intersection of two flanes. Analysis. The intersection of the vertical traces will be one point, and the intersection of the horizontal traces will be anotiier, in the required line, which is determined by those two points. If both planes are perpendicular to either of the principal planes, their traces on the other jDlane will be parallel to each other and to the required line, which Avill pass through the intersection of the other two traces. If both planes are parallel to the ground line, the re- quired line will be so likewise ; it is determined by tlie intersection of the profile traces of the given planes. Construction. In Figs. 70 and 71, sSs\ tTt' are the two planes. Fig. 72 Fig. 74 Fig. 73 The horizontal traces intersect at c, whose vertical projection is , of the required Kne is determined by the intersection of the vertical traces. In order to ascertahi its direc- tion, draw an auxiliary plane ILL \ parallel to tTt' and cutting sSs' Fig. 77 Fig. 78 Fig. 79 in the line JfiT, found as in Fig. 71. Tliis intersection is parallel to the one sought, of which, therefore, the vertical projection is c'd\ parallel to r)i'n\ and cd, parallel to mn^ is its horizontal projection. In Fig. 76 the intersections of the vertical traces and of the horizontal traces are both inaccessible. Draw an auxiliary horizon- tal plane, of which Jc'h' is the trace. This cuts the plane tTt' in a DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 3.9 line of which one point is r' on Y, horizontally projected at r on AB ; this line, being horizontal, is parallel to the horizontal trace and its horizontal projection is therefore drawn through r and par- allel to Tt. The auxiliary plane also cuts sSs' in a line whose hori- zontal projection is drawn through o, parallel to Ss. These two lines, one in eacli given plane, cut each other in a point of which the horizontal projection is the given line, tTt' the given plane. Since any plane containing MN will serve our purpose, we use for convenience one of its projecting planes; in this case the horizontal. Its horizontal trace coincides with the horizontal projection of the line, and its vertical trace is perpen- dicular to AB ; it intersects tTt' in the line (7i>, whose vertical pro- jection c'd' cuts the vertical projection m'n' in , on cd. N. B. Had the intersection at o' been very acute, the deter- mination would have been less reliable ; "and a better result might have been obtained by using the vertical projecting plane, thus de* 40 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. terminiiig first the horizontal projection o of the required point. It is not certain that this would happen, since if the line were but slightly inclined to the plane, both these intersections would be acute ; in which case both determinations should be made, and if JFiG.Sl Fig. 80 they do not agree, a mean between them may be taken as the cor* rect result. 69. The preceding construction involves the use of the traces of the given plane : but if two lines of a plane are given, it is not necessary to dnd the traces in order to determine the j)oint in which it is pierced by a third line. Thus in Fig. 82, let it be required to Fig. 82 Fig. 83 find the point in which the line MN pierces the plane determined by the two intersecting lines Kl^ Gl. Using again for conven- ience the horizontal projecting plane mdd' of the given line, it cuts DESCiUPTlVE GEOMETRY. 41 KI in E^ and GI in F\ EF therefore lies in both planes, and tlie point in which it intersects MN^ is the required point. The traces of the given j)lane are shown in this pictorial representation, for tlie purpose of calling attention to the fact that EF\^ merely a portion of the same line of intersection GD^ which was determined in Fig. 80 by means of the traces of the two planes. The construction in projection is given in Fig. 83, where GR^ KL^ intersecting at /, determine a plane, and it is required to find the point in which this plane is pierced by the line MN. The horizontal trace mn^ of the horizontal projecting plane, must con- tain the horizontal projections of all lines and points that lie in it, because the plane is vertical. And mn cuts gr at/*, which is the horizontal projection of a point on GR^ whose vertical projection is/" on g'r' . Similar Iv, the line KL is seen to pierce the project- ing plane in a point whose horizontal projection is e^ and whose vertical projection is e' on h'V . Consequently e'f is the vertical projection of the portion of the line of intersection thus determined ; it cuts m'n in o\ the vertical projection of the required point, and the horizontal projection is o on mn, 70. Some Sjyecial Cases of the Above Problem. In Fig. 84, the given plane is parallel to AB, and the projections of the Fig. 86, V i o' N \ H /y Fig. 87 • V given line MN coincide. The horizontal trace of the horizontal projecting plane cuts tt at , the horizontal projection of the required point. In Fig. 85, the traces of tTt' coincide, and MN is parallel to AB. The horizontal projecting plane cuts tTt' in a line parallel to y aivd therefore to Tt' \ one point of this line is determined by the intersection of the horizontal traces at 6', vertically projected at c' in AB, and its vertical projection c'o' cuts m'n' at o\ of which o on 7nn is the horizontal projection. In Fig. '^^^ the two projections of J/LZTare nearly perpendicular to AB. In such cases the direct determinations by the method* before explained are apt to be very unreliable on account of the acuteness of the intersections : and the profile may be used to great advantage in the manner here i]lustrated. In this instance the vertical projecting plane of the given line has been used ; its verti- cal trace cuts Tt' at x' ^ and the ground line at L ; its horizontal trace is perpendicular to AB and cuts Tt at ?/. Tlie line of inter- section will therefore pass through x' on V and y on H ; but its projection on the latter is not drawn. In drawing the profile, Fig. 87, x' is projected horizontally across from Fig. 86, and the distance of ?/ from FF is equal toZy in the horizontal projection; then x'y represents the line of intersection. In this particular case MN pierces V ati\'^, therefore n' is projected directly across to W\ the altitude of M is the same in both views, and so is its distance from V ; and MN in the profile intersects x'y in 0^ which being projected back to in'n! in Fig. 86, determines o' the vertical projec- tion of. the required point. Tlie distance of from T is seen in the profile ; and drawing in Fig. ^^^ a parallel to AB at that dis- tance from it, the horizontal j)rojecti()n o is determined much more accurately than it could be by drawing through o' a perpendicular to AB. Should the given line lie in a plane perpendicular to AB, tlic construction of a profile is of course a necessity. 71. Problem 6. To find the distance of a given ^oint from a given jplane. Analysis. ]. Draw through the point a perpendicular to tlie DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 43 plane. 2. Find tlie point in wliicli it pierces tlie plane. 8. Find the distance between tins point and the given point. Construction. In Fig. 88, let P be the given point, tTt' the given plane. Draw through P a perpendicular to tTf as in Fig. 4 e „ .^ — 7*" c/' >' t/ / d \JrKf V \p FiG.89 Fig. 88 52. Find the point in which it pierces the plane as in Fig. 81. Find the true length oi PO as in Fig. 63. In Fig. 89, the direction of the vertical trace Tf is the same as in Fig. 88, but that of the horizontal trace 2Y is different. In con- sequence of this change, the vertical trace of the horizontal pro- jecting plane cuts that of the given plane at a point d' below AB in- stead of above it as before, and d^c' must be produced to detennine g\ PO is here revolved into V instead of H; it pierces Y at a point of which the horizontal projection is ^, and the vertical pro- jection is e' on p'o^ produced ; and since e' is on the axis, it re- mains fixed, and the prolongation oi p"o" passes through it. When the given plane is parallel to AB, the required distance is found directly by constructing a profile. 72. Problem 7. To jproject a given right line tipon a given plane. Analysis. Through any point of the given line, draw a per- pendicular to the given plane : these two lines determine a second plane, perpendicular to the first. The intersection of these two planes is the required projection. Construction. In Fig, 90, let KG be the given line, tt the hori- zontal trace, and t't' the vertical tra(;e of the given plane. From any point P on KG^ draw a perpendicular to the plane ; the traces of 44 DESCJtiPTiVE geomp:try. this perpendicular are X and Z, and the traces of the given Hne are TJ and Y. Therefore 112 is the horizontal and x'y' is the vertical trace of tlie plane sSs ^ determined by the given line KG and the projec ing perpendicular PX. This plane cuts the given plane in the line CD^ which is the required projection. 73. This intersection CD evidently must contain the point TT, in which the given line pierces the plane tTt' ^ and also the point (9, which is the foot of the perpendicular let fall upon the plane from the point P ; and ON is the projection of the hypothenuse PN of the right-angled triangle PON. The points and N might have been found as in Problem 5, without determining the traces of sSs . And if the projection of a definite portion of the line, as for instance PG in the figure, is required, two perpendiculars, as PO^ GA, may be drav/n, and the points of penetration, and A^ found in the same way; indeed, this may be necessary, if the line is but slightly inclined to the plane. The three methods are identical in j^i'inciple, and the selection must depend upon considerations of convenience, deter- mined by the given conditions in any particular case. If the giTen line be parallel to the given plane, its projection on DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 45 that plane will be parallel to the line itself (14). Therefore the required projections will be parallel to those of the given line, and the determination of one point in each is sufficient. 74. Some Special Cases of the Above Problem. In Fig. 91, tTt' is the given plane; and the given line KG is parallel to AB. Draw througli any point P on GK 2, perpendicular to tTt' \ it pierces the horizontal plane in Z and the vertical plane in X. The plane of these two lines is parallel to AB, therefore its traces are sz and s'x ^ also parallel to AB ; and it cuts tTt' in the line CD^ the required projection. In Fig. 92, tTt' is the given plane ; it is required to project the ground line on it. From any point P on AB draw Pr perpen- dicular to Tt and Pr' perpendicular to Tt' ; these are the pro- jections of a line perpendicular to the plane. The vertical pro- jecting plane of this line cuts tTt' in the line (72>, which intersects PR in (9, the projection of the point P upon the given plane. That plane cuts AB in the point T\ consequently To is the hori- zontal and To' is the vertical projection of the required line. In Fig. 93, the given line is inclined to both planes, piercing H in the point ^and.V in the point Y. The given plane being par- allel to the ground line, the perpendicular to it from the point P Fig. 94 will lie in a plane perpendicular to AB ; its traces are readily deter- jnined by drawing the profile, Fig. 94 ^ then setting off z and x' in Fig. 93 at the distances from AB thus found, we have, as before, 46 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETKY. uz for the horizontal and x'y' for the vertical trace of the plane sSs\ which cuts tTt' in the Hue CD^ the required projection. 75. Problem 8. To find the distance of a given point from a given line. First Method. Analysis. 1. Through the given point pass a plane perpendicular to the given line. 2. Find the point in which the given line pierces this plane. 3. Find the distance between this point and the given point. Construction. In Fig 95, let P be the given point, KG the given line. Draw through P a plane tTt' perpendicular to KG^ as Pig. 96 in Fig. 67. Find the point 0, in which KG pierces tTt\ as ip Fig. 81. Find the length of PO as in Fig. 63. Special Case. In Fig. 96, the two projections of P coincide, as do those of KG ; consequently the traces of the perpendicular plane tTt' also coincide. The horizontal projecting plane of KG cuts tTt' in the line CD^ which intersects KG in 0. The line KG lies in a plane bisecting the second and fourth angles, and cuts AB at iV"; the line OP also lies in that bisecting plane, and since it is at the same time a line of the plane tTt\ it will when produced cut AB at T. Therefore NT is the hypothenuse of the right-angled triangle TOK\ and when this triangle is revolved about AB into either V or H, will fall at o" on the circumference of a semicircle of which NT \& the diameter, and /-* falls at/)" on o"T. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 47 76. Second Method. Analysis. Througli the given point draw a line either parallel to or intersecting the given line. Revolve the plane of these two lines about one of its traces into tlie corresponding plane of projection ; the line and point will then be seen in their true relative positions. A perpendicular from this revolved position of the point to that of the line will be the required distance. Construction. In Fig. 97, P is the given point, KG the given line. Draw through P a parallel to KG ; it pierces Y in iV, and KG pierces it in M. Eevolve this plane about its vertical trace Fig. 98 Tim' into Y\ P goes to p" ^ and as n' remains fixed, being in the axis, jp"n' is the revolved position of the second line. And since the two lines are parallel, a line through m', parallel to p"n\ is the revolved position of the given line, and Jp"o" ^ perpendicular to it, is the actual distance required. In the counter-revolution, jp" returns to jp\ and o" goes, in a direction perpendicular to the axis mn\ to the position o' on Tn'h' . This is the vertical, and o on hm is the horizontal, projection of , and revolve the lines about cd until they are parallel to H ; in this revolution goes to o'\ the distance xo" be- ing equal to the hypotlienuse of a triangle liaving for its base ox^ and for its altitude o'y^ the distance of tlie point from tlie plane hh. Then co"d is the angle in its true size, the bisector cuts cd in Sy and its projections after the counter-revohition are os^ o's' . Fig. 99 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 49 In Fig. 101, the line OP is but slightly inclined to AB, so that it is inconvenient to find where it pierces either of the principal Fig. 102 planes. In this event, draw a plane ZZ, perpendicular to AB, cut- ting the given lines in the points P and N. Constructing the pro- iile, Fig. 102, the vertex of the angle appears at ^,, and n^jp^ is the trace of the plane of the two lines upon the plane LL. Revolve the lines about this trace into that plane ; 6>, goes to o'\ the distance xo" being equal to the hjpothenuse of a triangle whose base is o^x^ the distance of the projection of the point from the axis, and the altitude is o'y^ the distance of the point from the plane in which the axis lies ; nfi"p^ is the angle in its true size. 79. In Fig. 103, the line OP is perpendicular to V; and so, consequently, is the plane of the two given lines. A supplement- ary projection upon a plane parallel to this plane at once shows the angle in its true size. In this projection, the vertical plane will appear (55) as a line FT^ parallel to o'li'^ and OP as a line o^p^ perpendicular to VV. Draw any line NM cutting both the given lines: the points uj^on OP will all be vertically projected in o\ and the vertical projection of iV^ is n\ These points are all pro- jected perpendicularly toward W^ and the distances of ??z,, 7i,, o^^ from VY^ in the new projection, are equal to the distances of 7/z, n^ and from AB in the horizontal projection. The angle, being now seen in its true size, may be bisected as before, the bisector cutting mi?i, at r, : this point is projected back to 7'\ and thence to r, giv- ing 07' as the horizontal projection of the bisecting line. 60 DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 80. Such projections as this are not only of great convenience in many of tlie operations in abstract descriptive geometry, but they are of every-day occurrence in making mechanical drawings for in- dustrial purposes. Indeed, the construction in Fig. 103 is identi- Fig. 104 cal with that used in making the three views of the draughtsman's triangle, shown in Fig. 104. Tliis implement is seen edgewise in the front view, wliere the side CD is perpendicular to the paper ; and it is foreshortened in the top view. Now in order to exhibit the true form and size, no practical man will " revolve it about its side until it becomes horizontal," or otherwise disturb it: on the con- trary, leaving it at rest, a view is drawn, looking perpendicularly against it as indicated by the arrow. There is no need of using a reference plane, like YY'wl Fig. 103, in ordinary cases, because its place is supplied by lines or planes of the object itself : thus, the distances from EC in this instance are the same in the original top view and in the third or supplementary view. 81. Special Case of the Above Problem. To find the angle included between the vertical and horizontal traces of a given plane : Kevolve the vertical trace about the horizontal trace into H. In Fig. 105, let be any point on the vertical trace of the plane tTt' ; its vertical projection is o on Tt' ^ and its horizontal projec- tion is o on AB. In the revolution, goes to o'\ on a perpendicu- lar to 215 through o, the distance xo" being equal to the hypoth- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 51 enuse of a triangle of which ox^ oo\ are the base and the altitude. Also, To" is equal to To\ since the distance To' is seen in its true length, and remains unchanged during the revolution: and tTo" is the required angle. t' v^ CC/ 1 \ ; r/ \ \ T/ /' \\ !o 1 A 4 Fig. 105 82. Problem 10. To find the angle between a gwen line and a given plane. Analysis. The angle which a line makes with a plane is the same as that included between the line itself and its projection on the plane. From any point of the line, draw a perpendicular to the plane. From any other point of the given line, draw a perpendicular to the second line. This third line will be parallel to the projection of the given line upon the plane, and the angle which it makes with the given line is the one required. Construction. The pictoral representation. Fig. 106, illustrates the analysis ; the given line MN pierces the given plane tTt' at iT, Pig. 106 ^ FiG. 107 the perpendicular from P pierces it at (?, WO is the projection of j^P, and PNO is the required angle. But PC^ perpendicular to 62 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. jP(9, is parallel to NO^ and the angle PDC is equal to the angle PNO. Consequently it is not necessary to find either the point iV^or the point O^ but DC md^y be drawn anywhere in the project- ing plane determined by MN and PO. Now in Fig. 107, from any point P on the given line 3IN^ draw a perpendicular to the given plane tlY ; it pierces H at 7?, and MN pierces H at E. Eevolve the plane of these two lines into H about its horizontal trace er\ P goes to p" ^ and rjy'e is the angle at P in its true size. From any point d oiip''e^ draw dc perpendicular to p"r^ the revolved position of the projecting line PP\ tliQnp'dc is the required angle. Note. Should the given line be inconveniently situated, any parallel to it may be used instead. 83. The determination of the angle may, however, sonietiiues he facilitated by finding the actual projection of the line upon the plane. Thus in Fig. 108, the given plane is parallel to AB; and t' L 1 y /f\ t Fig. 108 ^^ t p Fig. 109 the construction is as follows : Draw a plane ZL perpendicular to AB; the given line J/ jY pierces this plane at P, and the given plane at N. Construct the profile. Fig. 109 : the given plane is here seen edgewise as the line t,t,\ to which n' is projected at n, , and the point P is found at j?,. From p, let fall upon t^t/ the per- pendicular p^o^ , and project a, back to o' ; the distance of o below AB in Fig. 108 is equal to the distance of o, in the proiile in front of V. "We have thus the projection JVO of the line NP upon the given plane; and it is seen that the line PO lies in the plane ZZ. DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 53 Revolve N about p^o^ into this profile plane ; N falls at n'\ the dis- tance o,n" being equal to the hypothenuse of a triangle whose base is o^ti^ , and altitude n'y ; and p{ifi"o^ is the angle sought. 84. Special Cases of the Above Problem. In Fig. 110, it is required to tind the angle made by the plane tTt' with the ground Tig. 110 ^•x? Fig. Ill line. From any point P on AB, draw Pe^ Pd\ respectively per- pendicular to Tt and Tt' ; these are the projections of a perpendic- ular to the plane, and is the point in which it pierces the plane. Therefore TO is the projection of AB upon tTt\ and PO is per- pendicular to it. Revolve the plane of these two lines about AB into V ; falls at o'\ and PTo' is the required angle. The points px\ draw Tt*'' perpendicular iop"P^ 1:hGnp"To" is the required angle. Evidently o" is also the revolved position of 0^ the foot of a 54 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. perpendicular let fall from R to tlie plane tTi\ and To" tlie re- volved position of tlie projection of AB upon that plane. There- fore RTo" is the angle made by the ground line with the given plane, and RTjp" is the angle between AB and the given line. 85- Problem 11. To find the angle hetween two given planes. Analysis. Any plane perpendicular to the intersection of the given planes will be perpendicular to both, and will cut each of them in a line. These two lines w^ill be perpendicular to the inter- section at the same point, and the angle between tliem is the required angle. Construction. This might be accomplished by ajij^lying the preceding problems, thus: 1. Find the intersection of the given planes as in Problem 4. 2. Through any point of that line draw a plane perpendicular to it, as in Problem 3. 3. Find the inter- section of this plane with each of the given planes, as in Problem 4. 4. Find the angle between these two lines, as in Problem 9. But a neater and less laborious process is pictorial ly represented in Fig. 112, where CKD^ CID^ are the given planes, and CED is the liorizontal projecting plane of CD their line of intersection. The plane MFN is perpendicular to CD^ therefore its horizontal Fig. 112 trace MN is perpendicular to the horizontal projection CE^ and cuts it at 0. MN is also perpendicular to the vertical line through O^ which lies in the projecting plane. Therefore MN is perpen- dicular to the plane CED^ and consequently to OF^ whicli is thus shown to be the true distance from to the vertex of the angle. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY, 55 Eevolving JlfPiT about JO^into H, P falls at F on CE, OF he- ing equal to OP^ and MFN is the required angle. 86. This construction in projection is given in Fig. 113, where tTt\ s.Ss\ are the given planes, and CD is their intersection. Con- struct a supplementary view, looking perpendicularly against the liorizontal projecting plane of CI), as shown by the arrow ; in this view the horizontal plane is seen as M^S^, in which e lies : the al- titude dd' is tlie same as in the vertical projection, and the line CD is thus seen in its true length and inclination. Draw ZL per- pendicular to cd^ in this view; it is the plane MPJVin Fig. 112, seen edgewise, and cuts the horizontal plane in the line appearing as 7nn, perpendicular to cd, in the horizontal projection. It also cuts cd' in a point p, which may be projected back to cd, thus de- termining j9m, pn, the horizontal projections of the lines including the angle sought. But for the purpose of measuring the angle, this is not necessary, since op in the supplementary view is the true distance fi-om to the vertex; and setting this distance off as of on cd in the horizontal projection, we have mfn as the angle in its true size. In Fig. Ill, the traces of one plane, tTt\ are coincident, and the other plane, sSs\ is parallel to AB. The construction is the Fig. 115 V^-^ ^ Fig. 114 same as in Fig. 113, and the two diagrams being lettered to corre- spond throughout, no further explanation is required. In Fig. 115, both planes are parallel to AB; the profile tells the whole story, and the projections on H and V are simply useless. 66 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 87. To find the angle made by a gUen plane with either plane of projection. In Fig. 116, tTf is the given plane; to measure its inclina- tion to H, draw a j)lane sSs^ perpendicular to tlie horizontal trace, as in the diagram at the left, and revolve its intersection CD with Fig. 116 ^ the given plane, about cd into H ; D falls at d'\ the distance dd'^ being equal to dd\ and dcd'^ is the required angle. To find the angle made with the vertical plane, draw sSs' perpendicular to the vertical trace, as in the diagram at the right, and revolve the inter- section into T about its vertical projection : O falls at c'\ c'c" being equal to c'c^ and c'd'c" is the required angle. Conversely : Oiven one trace and the angle with the corresponding plane of projection, to find the other trace. This is done by simply reversing the preceding operation. Thus, let \\\ii horizontal trace and the angle with H be given ; then in the diagram at the left, draw sS perpendicular to Tt and Ss perpendicular to AB : make the angle Scg equal to the given angle, draw at aS' a perpendicular to sS^ cutting eg in d" . Then set up Sd' equal to 8d'\ and Tt' drawn through d' will be the required vertical trace. 88. Special Case of the Above Problem. In Fig. 117, it is required to find the angle made by the oblique plane tTt' with the profile plane sSs' . Drawing the profile. Fig. 118, the line of in- tersection CD is seen in its true length and inclination as cd' ^ and tlie plane LL perpendicular to it is parallel to AB. The traces of this plane in Fig. 117 are ZZ, I'V \ it cuts the plane tTt' in the line PN. The lines P6>, PM^ of Fig. 112, in this case coincide in one line, cut from the profile plane s8s' by the plane LL^ and seen in its true length as o'jp^ in Fig. 118. Revolve LL about its vertical trace into T; P falls at/*, and Sfn' is the required angle. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 57 Fig. 118 " Fig. 117 89. Problem 12, To jhid the cominon perpendicula/r of two lines not in the same plane. Analysis. If the two lines be projected upon a plane parallel to both, the pi-ojections will be respectively parallel to the lines themselves, and will intersect in a point. A perpendicular to the plane at this point, being perpendicular to both projections and therefore to each line, will cut them both ; the portion intercepted between them is the required connnon perpendicular. This is illustrated in Fig. 119, where CD^ MN^ are the two lines ; their projections cd^ mn, upon the parallel plane, intersect at J^ ; the intersection of their projecting planes is the perpendicular at ^, and the intercept PO is the required lea^t distai:ce between the given lines. If the plane approach the given lines, the project- ing perpendiculars J/m, JVn^ will be reduced in length, until, as in Fig. 120, they disappear, and J/iVlies in the plane, which is paral- lel to CD^ and its intersection with cd at once determines the point P. Upon this is based one method of construction, which consists of tlie following steps, viz. : Construction. 1. Through any point of one line, draw a ])arallel to the other, and find the traces of the plane thus de- termined. 2. Through any point of the second line, draw a perpendicular to this plane, and find the point in which it pierces the plane. 3. Through this point draw a parallel to the second line; it is the projection of that line upon the plane. 58 DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 4. At the intersection of this projection with the first line, erect a perpendicular to the plane. It will cut the second line, and is the common perpendicular. 5. Determine the length of the intercept. Fia.l22 90. In the execution of the above processes, the representa- tions are all made on the principal planes of projection. But DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 59 the result may be attained in a far more direct and practical man- ner by tlie use of other planes. As a preliminary to the explana- tion, let c'd\ Fig. 121, be the vertical projection of a vertical line in V ; its horizontal projection is o in AB : and let MN" be an oblique line in another plane. Let (?/?, perpendicular to mn, be the liorizontal projection of a horizontal line intersecting CD and MN \ itS' vertical projection is ^'(9' parallel to AB, The line P 6^, being horizontal, is perpendicular to CD ; and being perpendicular to the horizontal projecting plane of MN^ it is also perpendicular to that line ; moreover, it is seen in its true length as op in the horizontal projection. 91. Now in Fig. 122, the group (1', 2) contains the vertical and the horizontal projections of two lines CD^ MN^ not in the same plane; it is required to find their common perpendicular- Make a supplementary projection, 3', looking perpendicularly, as shown by the arrow a?, against the liorizontal projecting plane Y' Y' of the line CD, In this projection the horizontal plane appears as H'W parallel to Y' F', and the distances of ,^, perpendicular to c^d^^ and on H' II' set off o^g^ equal to it ; project g^ back to g on cd^ draw ?7z^, and make the angle nign equal to the given angle. Then gn produced cuts mo^ produced if necessary, in n^ a point in the horizontal trace required ; c is a point given, and scnB is the horizontal trace, aSV^'^' being the vertical trace, of the second plane. Note, By reference to Figs. 112 and 113, it will be perceived that this operation is nearly the converse of the process of measui*- ing the angle between two planes. And it should now be readily understood that, instead of making a supplementary view^, the hori- zontal projecting plane of CD might be revolved into either H or Y, and after the determination of 0,^1, revolved back to its original position. 99. Example 3. To draw a vlane jparallel to a given plane y at a given distance front it. Constraction. In Fig. 127, let tTt' be the given plane. Draw a plane ILL' perpendicular to tT^ and revolve it into H about its- horizontal trace; cd" is the revolved position of its intersection with the given plane. Make cg^ perpendicular to Gd'\ equal to tlie given distance, and draw e''h parallel to cd" ; it is the revolved po- sition of the line cut from the plane ILo'hy the required plane, and cuts LI in ^, a point in the horizontal trace *aS'; which is parallel to DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 65 iT. Tlie vertical trace Ss is parallel to Tt' ; also, it cuts LV in e\ making de' equal to de" , 100. Example 4. To draw the projections of a circle m a given jjlane. Argument. Let G on the horizontal line CO in the plane tTt\ Fig. 128, be the centre, about which is to be drawn a circle of a given diameter. Through c draw an indefinite perpendicular to Tt^ and revolve the plane about Tt into H, where C falls at c" ; draw the circle, and circumscribe it by a square, whose sides are 1' P' mf o'X-^ ^,yi \ 0^5? V tX di i , ■s oVC ^ / ^m ^ / Fig. 128 parallel and perpendicular to Tt. At points on the diameter <3^"J'', as V\ 2'\ draw ordinates to the circle: during tlie counter-revolu- tion, the lengths of a''b" and of its subdivisions will remain un- changed, and the sides of the square which are parallel to tho axis will remain parallel to it and to each other. So that in the projec- 66 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. tion the square will appear as a rectangle, and the circle as a curve inscribed within it ; and, since tlie radius and the ordinates which are perpendicular to 2t are foreshortened in the same proportion, it follows that this curve is an ellipse, whose major axis ah is equal to the given diameter of the circle. Let do and oo' be the traces of a plane, perpendicular to Tt, cutting the given plane in the line DO', revolving this line about do into H, it falls at do^ : on this set off o^e^ = ac, then on counter- revolution e^ falls at^. This gives oe as the projected length of the radius ; set oft* cr and cp equal to it, and the length ^'p of the minor axis of tlie ellipse is determined. 101. Construction. Draw through c a parallel to Tt, and on it set oft" ca, ch, equal to the given radius. Draw through e a per- pendicular to Tt, cutting it at ^ ; on Tt set oft' grk equal to so', the distance of from H ; draw Jcc, produce it, and on it set oft" e7i, em, equal to the given radius. Tlirough n and m draw parallels to Tt, thus determining rp the minor axis. It is evident that ho is parallel to do, of the preceding argument, because oo^ is equal to oo' , and that again to sc' . A similar argument would apply to a square circumscribing the circle, with its sides parallel and perpendicular to the vertical trace. Therefore in the vertical projection draw through c' a parallel to that trace, and on it set off the major axis equal to the given diam- eter. Draw through c' a perpendicular to the trace, cutting it at i ; set off it equal to so, the distance of C from V : draw a line through I and c' , and on it set off c'u, c'v, equal to the given radius. Through u and "o draw parallels to Tt' , determining x and y the extremities of the minor axis. The two ellipses may now be drawn by any of the usual methods. 102. It is obvious that p is the horizontal projection of the highest point in the curve, and mpq of the tangent to the curve at that point ; the vertical projection of this tangent is g'm! parallel to AB, andjt>' lies on g^wl \ in like manner, ux, yv, being parallel to the vertical trace, will be horizontally projected as lines parallel to AB, which will also be tangents to the horizontal projection of the circle. Moreover, the ellipses will be limited at the right and left by DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 67 two common tangents perpendicular to AB. The exact location of these can be found if desired by regarding each as the intersection of tTt by a proiile plane. Draw through O a plane perpendicular to AB; it cuts the given plane in a line which, when revolved into H about Tt. takes the position o^o" . Parallel to this draw two tan- gents to the circle, cutting Tt in f and li ; perpendiculars to AB thr(jugh these points are the tangents required. 103. The fact that in either projection, lines perpendicular to the trace are all equally foreshortened, while those parallel to it are not foreshortened at all, can be advantageously applied in many other cases. Referring to the figure, it is seen that in the horizon- tal projection the apparent length, cr^ of the radius is to the actual length as the base do of the triangle doo^ is to the hypothenuse do^^ Now let two scales be made, whose units are to each other in this proportion, and divided into the same number of equal parts; then by measuring the ordinates, as V ^ 2'', with the larger scale, and setting them off, as 1, 2, with the smaller scale, the projection of any plane curve can be constructed, often more rapidly than by anv other means. Fig. 129 104. Example 5. To revolve a given point about a given line 68 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. which does not contain the jpoint^ into a given jplane which contains neither. Analysis. The plane of rotation passes throngli the given point, is perpendicular to the given line, and cuts it in the centre of the circular path. It also cuts the given plane in a line ; and if the given point reach the given plane at all, it will be at some point of this line. Construction. In Fig. 129, 7^ is the given point, J/iYthe given line, tTt' the given plane. Draw through P the plane sSs perpen- dicular to MN\ it cuts tTt' in the line DE^ and MN in the point C. Revolving the plane sBs a,bout its horizontal trace into H, DE falls in the position de'\ C falls at c" and P at p" . About c" describe a circular arc through jf)'^ ; it cuts de" in the points r" and a". Making the counter-revolution, c" and p" return to their original positions, and r" and o'^ are found respectively at B and on the line DE: these are the required points in the giv^en plane, at one of which P must fall when revolved about the given line into that plane. DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. CHAPTER III. Generation and Classification- of Lines and Surfaces.— Tangents, JS^ormals, and Asymptotes to Lines. — Oscula- tion, Eectification, Radius of Curvature. — Tangent, JS'or- MAL, AND Asymptotic Planes and Surfaces. GENERATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF LINES. 105. Eyery line may be generated by the motion of a point, whicli is regarded as a material particle. Any two successive positions of the generating point, Laving no assignable distance be- tween them, are called consecutive points of the line ; practically, they may be considered as coincident. But in going from one of these positions to the next, the generating point moves in a deter- minate direction, whicli cannot be conceived to differ from that of the right line joining those consecutive points. This infinitely short right line is called an elementary line : and every line may be regarded as made up of an infinite number of these rectilinear elements. Any two consecutive elements, since they have one point in common, must lie in one plane ; but they may have different directions. A Hue thus generated is called the locus of the successive po- sitions of the moving point. 106. Lines are divided into classes, according to the law of the motion of the generating point, as follows : 1 . Right Lines. 2, Single-curved Lines. 3. Double-curved Lines. If the point moves always in the same direction, all the elements lie in the same direction, and the line is a right line. If the point in moving continually changes its direction, no two consecutive elements have in general the same direction, and the line is a curye. If all the elements of a curve lie in one plane, the line is of single curyature. 70 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. If no three consecutive elements lie in tlie same plane, the line is of double curvature. This last may be more clearly seen by the aid of Fig. 130, where m, n, 0, p, r, are tlie horizontal, and m', n\ o\ p', r\ are the ver- tical, projections of five consecutive points, the elements MI^^ OP^ Fig. 131 etc., being enormously magnified. The three points iT, (?, Py and therefore the two elements NO and OP^ lie in the horizontal plane, but If lies above and P lies below it. The plane of MN and NO is oblique, on being its horizontal trace, and it does not contain OP : in like manner, op is the horizontal trace of the plane determined hj PP and PO, which does not contain JVO. Tims it is seen that any three, but no four, consecutive points — or, wliat is the same thing, any two, but no three, consecutive elements — - lie in the same plane. REPRESENTATION OF CURVES. 107. A curve is represented by its projections; which contain the projections of all its points, as shown in Fig. 131. And the curve is in general fully determined if its projections on the princi- pal planes are given. For the projections d, d\ for instance, sufiice to locate the point D in space (8), and the same is true of all the other points. The traces of a curve are found in the same manner as those of a right line (25). Thus, in Fig. 131, let the horizontal projection deg be produced to cut the ground line at Ic ; then a perpendicular to AB at that point, cutting the vertical projection in Tc\ will lie iu V, and ^is the vertical trace of the curve. ' DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 71 JN^o projection of a double-curved line can in any case be a right line. But if tlie plane of a single-curved line be perpendicular to any plane of projection, the projections of all points of the curve will lie in its trace, which is a right line. If the plane of the curve be parallel to any plane of projection, its projection on tnat plane will be similar and equal to the curve itself ; because the pro- jection of each element will be parallel and equal to itself (14). If the plane of the curve be perpendicular to the ground line, its pro- jections on both the principal planes will be right lines perpendicu- lar to AB ; the curve is not undetermined, but is seen in its true form when projected on a profile plane. 108. A curve may also be generated by the motion of a right line whose successive positions intersect in a series of points. Thus, in Fig. 131^, the lines Z, Jf, intersect at m; Jfcuts iV^at n^ and so on. l^ow if the points m, ^, endicular to the radius. Consequently, the tangent to the evolute is always normal to the involute. What is true- of the motion of s is equally true of the motion of any. other point/*, situated upon the same lineZ; whose path fgh also becomes ultimately an involute of the curve knr. Hence a single-curved evolute may have an infinite number of involutes in its own piano. These are not in general similar curves ; but they SiVQ parallel^ in the sense that the normal distance between any two of them is constant. On the other hand, since the inter- sections of consecutive normals to any curve determine an evolute, a single-curved line can have but one evolute in its own plane. And this, being the envelope of all the normals to the given curve, whether consecutive or not, can be drawn with much precision, if the curve is such that the direction of its tangent, at any point assumed at pleasure, can be determined. 112. Centre of Curvature. In Fig. 131a, let 7io, o-p, be two consecutive elements of a curve; .these, if produced, form two successive tangents iV, 0, whose included angle, called the angle of contingence, is a measure of the rate of curvature at o. Draw a perpendicular to each of these elements at its middle point ; these perpendiculars intersect at , consecutive normals to svx, meet at o on the curve hnr^ and o is the centre of curvature at v. This does not hold true of double-curved lines. 113. An Asymptote to a line is another line which the given line, during a portion of its course, continually approaches, becom- ing tangent to it only when its own length becomes infinite. Ordinarily, the asymptote to a plane curve is a right line, which becomes tangent to the curve at an infinite distance. But this is not essential : for example, the evolute of the Archimedean spiral has a circular asymptote of finite diameter, and the curve lies wholly within the circumference ; again, two conjugate hyperbolas, having common rectilinear asymptotes, are asymptotic to each other. Also, a right line may be an asymptote to a line of double cur- vature. GENERATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF SURFACES. 114. Every surface may be generated by the motion of a line. This moving line is called the generatrix, and its difiierent positions are called elements, of the surface. Any two successive positions of the generatrix, having no assignable distance between tliem, are called consecutive elements ; practically they may be regarded as coinciding. 76 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Surfaces may be separated into two grand divisions, according to the form of the generatrix, viz, : I. Ruled Surfaces, which contain rectihnear elements. II. Double-Curved Surfaces, which have no rectilinear elements. In other words, the surfaces of the first division can be gener- ated by the motion of right lines, while those of the second division cannot. The former may also be generated by the motion of curved lines ; the latter cannot be generated without it. 115. A right line may move so that all its positions lie in the same plane. It may move otherwise ; in which case any two con- secutive positions either will lie in the same plane, or they w^ill not. According to the law of the motion of the rectilinear generatrix, then, ruled surfaces are subdivided into three classes, as follows : 1 . Plane Surfaces All the rectilinear elements lie in the same plane. 2. Single-curved Surfaces. .Any two consecutive rectilinear elements lie in the same plane. 3. Warped Surfaces No two consecutive rectilinear ele- ments lie in the same plane. plane surfaces. 116. The Plane Surface is unique. That is to say, there is but one form of plane, and there neither are nor can be any differ- ent kinds. All planes are flat, and one is no flatter than another. The rectilinear generatrix may move so as to toach another right line, remaining always parallel to its first position ; so as to touch two other right lines which are parallel to each other, or which intersect; or it may revolve about another right line to which it is perpendicular. Acquaintance with the nature and properties of planes was necessarily assumed at the outset; tlie methods of representing them, and of assuming points and lines in them, have already been described. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 77 SURFACES OF SINGLE CURVATURE. 117. Single- curved surfaces are of three varieties, viz. : 1. Cones In which all the rectilinear elements intersect in a common point. 2. Cylinders . . In which all the rectilinear elements are parallel to each other. 3. Con volutes.. In which the consecutive elements intersect two and two, no three having a common point. CONICAL surfaces. 118. In generating a cone, the right line moves so as always to touch a given curve called tlie directrix, and also to traverse a given jDoint called the vertex. Since the generatrix is indefinite in length, the surface is divided at the vertex into two parts, called respectively the upper and lower nappes. It is clear that in the case of a given cone, any line drawn upon the surface so as to cut all tlie elements may be taken as a directrix, and any element as the generatrix. The cone may also be generated by the motion of a curve which always touches a given right line, and changes its size according to a proj^er law. 119. The portion of the cone usually considered, is included between tlie vertex and a plane which cuts all the elements; the curve of intersection is called the base, and its form gives a distin- guisliing name to the surface — as a cone with a circular, a para- bolic, an elliptical, or a spiral base, as the case may be. If the base has a centre, a right line drawn through this centre and the vertex is called the axis of the cone. The point in which any ele- ment pierces the plane of the base is called the foot of the element. A definite portion of either nappe, in«.Juded between two paral- lel planes which cut all the elements, is called a frustum of the cone, the limiting curves being called respectively the upper and lower bases. A secant plane through the vertex cuts the cone in rectilinear elements intersecting the base. '8 DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 120. A ri^ht cone is one all of whose rectilinear elements make equal angles with a right line passing through the vertex, which is called the axis. This is also called a cone of reyolution, since it can be generated by revolving the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle about one of its sides as an axis. If the directrix of a cone be changed to a right line, or if the vertex be placed in the plane of a single- curved directrix, the cone will degenerate into a plane. If the vertex be removed to an infinite distance, the rectilinear elements will be parallel to each other, and the cone will become a cylinder. 121. Representation of the cone. A cone is represented by the projections of the vertex, one of the curves of the surface (usually its plane base), and the principal rectilinear elements. Thus, in Fig. 132, let O he the vertex; draw mxny, the horizontal projec- riG.132 ria.133 tion of the base, and ox, oy, tangent to that curve : this completes the horizontal projection of the cone. The j^lane of the base in this case is perpendicular to V ; its vertical projection is therefore Vj right line, limited at m' and n' by tangents to the horizontal pro- jection perpendicular to AB; the vertical projections m'o\ n'o\ of the extreme visible elements, complete the representation of the surface. To assume a rectilinear element, assume a point on the curve of the base, as C or D, and draw through it a right line to the vertex. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 79 To assume a point on the surface, assume one of its projections, say the horizontal, as jp ; througli jp draw the horizontal projection of an element, o'p ; this element intersects the base at 2>, and ^' must lie on d'o\ the vertical projection of the element. The hori- zontal projecting plane oi DO cuts the cone in another element, {7(9, having the same horizontal projection ; upon this lies another point 7?, whose horizontal projection r coincides with p. 122. Particular attention is called to the fact that the cone ic here shown with its base not situated in the horizontal plane. And it is so shown for the purpose of illustrating and emphasizing another fact, viz., tliat the projection of the base must not be con- founded with the base itself. It is very natural and proper to place the base of a cone or a cylinder upon the horizontal plane ; but if it be always so placed, experience has proved that the above neces- sary distinction is very apt to be lost sight of, wdiich may lead to serious errors in the subsequent applications of problems relating to these surfaces. CYIJNDRICAL SURFACES. 123. The Cylinder, as intimated in (120), is merely that limit- ing form of the cone in which the vertex is infinitely remote ; and it may be generated by a right line Avhich moves so as always to touch a given curve, and have all its positions parallel. In the case of a given cylinder, any line of the surface which cuts all the rectilinear elements may be taken as a directrix, and any one of those elements as the generatrix. A cylinder may also be generated by a curvilinear generatrix, all of whose points move in the same direction and with the same velocity. 124. A plane cutting all the rectilinear elements, intersects the cylinder in a curve called its base ; whose form, as in the case of the cone, gives a distinguishing name to the cylinder. If the base has a centre, a right line drawn through the centre, parallel to the elements, is called the axis. If a definite portion of the surface included between two paral- lel planes is considered, the two curves of intersection are called the upper and lower bases. 80 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. A plane parallel to the rectilinear generatrix cuts the cylinder, if at all, in rectilinear elements intersecting the base. 125. A ri^ht cylinder is one whose rectilinear elements are per* pendicular to the plane of the base ; and the base itself is then said to be a right section. A right cylinder with a circular base is also called a cylinder of revolution, since it may be generated by revolving one side of a rec- tangle about the opposite side as an axis. If the curvilinear directrix of any cylinder be changed to a right line, the surface will degenerate into a plane. 126. The projecting lines of the various points of a curve, as seen in Fig. 131, are rectilinear elements of a riglit cylinder, whose base, in the plane of projection, is the projection of the curve. Thus the curve in space is determined by the intersection of two cylinders, called respectively the horizontal and vertical projecting cylinders. 127. The representation of the cylinder differs from that of the cone only in this, that the projections of the rectilinear elements are parallel instead of convergent. If a limited portion is to be rep- resented, the projections of both bases must be drawn; if not, the projections of the extreme vibible elements may terminate indefi- nitely, as shown in Fig. 133. To assnme a rectilinear element, assume a point on the curve of the base, as C or Z^, and draw through it a right line parallel to the rectilinear generatrix. To assume a point on the surface, assume one of its projections, say the vertical, as p ; through this draw the corresponding pro- jection o'p' of an element ; this element intersects the base at 2>, and p must lie on do^ the horizontal projection of the element. Tlie vertical projecting plane oi DO cuts the cylinder in another ele- ment, CK^ having the same vertical projection ; and upon this ele- ment lies another point, 7?, of the surface, whose vertical projec- tion coincides w^itli that of P. CONVOLUTE SURFACES. 128. The Convolute may be generated by a right line which moves so as always to be tangent to a line of double curvature. Any DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 81 two consecutive rectilinear elements, but no three, will lie in the same plane ; for thej are the extensions of the elements of the directrix, of which (106) any two, but no three, consecutive ones intersect each other. Suppose a piece of paper cut in the form of a right-angled tri- angle to be wrapped around a regular polygonal prism, Fig. 134:, its base becoming the perimeter of the base of the prism. Then the hypothenuse will become a broken line, each portion lying in a Fig. 136 }.131 face of the prism and being equally inclined to its edges. In un- winding, the paper turns about each edge in succession as upon a hinge, until it coincides with the plane of the next face ; when the free portion of the hypothenuse will be an extension of, and there- fore tangent to, the element of the broken line which lies in that face. And, considering the successive positions of the hypothenuse, it is seen that No. 1 intersects No. 2 at 7>, 'No. 2 intersects Xo. 3 at ^, No. 3 cuts No. 4 at J^, and so on ; but No. 1 does not inter- sect No. 3, nor does No. 2 intersect No. 4. Now let the sides of the polygon be indelinitely increased in number ; the base will ul- timately become a circle, the prism will become a cylinder ; tlte broken line will become a helix, and its tangents, then consecutive, 82 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. will lie in a continuous surface, of wliicli a limited portion is sliown in Fig. 135. The point M of the unwinding paper will always lie in the curve myn in the horizontal plane ; this curve, which is the involute of ih^:^ circular base, is the horizontal trace of the surface, which, ex- panding as it rises, winds around the cylinder in convolutions like those of a sea-shell. The cylinder itself has no connection with the surface ; it is introduced merely in order to throw the nearer por- tion of the convolute into stronger relief. As in the cases of the cone and the cylinder, the curve of inter- section with any plane which cuts all the rectilinear elements may be taken as the base of the convolute. 129. The Edge of Kegression. The generatnx, in Fig. 135, is shown as limited in length ; thus, the elements J/0, NG^ termi- nate at O and ^, their points of contact with the directrix. But they may be continued past those points, as indicated in d<>tted lines ; and their extensions, 6^7? and GII^ lie in a continua- tion of the surface, which expands in other successive whorls : and these two portions, or nappes, of the convolute have in common the helical directrix. But it is to be noted that this is not a curye of intersection ; for, as shown in Fig. 130, wdiich represents a detached portion of the surface on a larger scale, the rectilinear elements which lie upon the lower nappe neither pierce the upper nappe nor cut the helix. Indeed, they are tangent to the helix by hypothesis ; and the sur- face is continuous and unbroken, although reflected sharj^ly upon itself, and forming at the helix what is called an edge of regression. This is a limiting line, at which a surface terminates abruptly by the law of its generation : it is always formed by the intersection of consecutive generating lines, whether they are right lines, as in this case, or curved ones. A surface may also be reflected, or bent back, in an analogous manner, along a line which is not thus formed ; the limiting line in that case is called a gorge line. Since there is an infinite number of double-curv^ed lines, a great variety of convolutes may also exist, with peculiarities depending upon those of their directrices ; but the one above described will DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 83 suffice for illustration. It has been selected for the reasons that it is not only as simple as any, but possesses some interesting proper- ties, which will be noticed in due course, and render it practically more important than others. The methods of constructing and rep- resenting it will also be subsequently discussed in connection with problems relating to it. GENERATION OF SINGLE-CURVED SURFACES BY MOVING PLANES. 130. Observing that any two consecutive elements of the con- volute determine an osculating plane of the directrix (110), and that each element is the intersection of two successive positions of the osculating plane (108), it will now be seen that this surface may be generated by the motion of a plane subject to the condition that it shall always be oscillatory to a given line of double curva- ture. Since three points not in one right line suffice to locate a plane, this single condition will in general control absolutely the motion of the plane generatrix, and determine the form of the resulting surface. An exceptional case occurs when the directrix is reduced to a point, the motion of the plane being, then indeter- minate unless governed by another condition, which may be de- duced as follows : If, on any single-curved surface, any curve be drawn which cuts all the rectilinear elements, any two consecutive ones will inter- cept an element of that curve ; the plane of those two elements will therefore be tangent to the curve (110). In the case just men- tioned the surface becomes a cone; which rnay, consequently, be generated by the motion of a plane which always passes through a given point and also remains tangent to a given curve. If the vertex be infinitely remote, the cone will become a cylinder ; all of whose elements, being parallel, are perpendicular to one and the same plane. Hence a cylinder may be generated by the motion of a plane which is always tangent to a given curve and also always per- pendicular to a given plane. WARPED SURFACES. 131. The absolute motion of a right line in space is fully deter- mined when the simultaneous motions of any two of its pomts are 84 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. given in direction and Telocity ; the form of the surface generated by the moving hne will be determined if the directions and relative velocities of these two motions be known. These directions may be determined by reqniring that the rec- tilinear generatrix shall always touch two other given lines, either straight or curved ; but some third condition is necessary in order to esta])lisli a definite ratio between the velocities. By whatever means this is accomplished, it is clear that if upon the resulting surface any other line be drawn which cuts all the rectilinear elements, that line may be taken as a third directrix; and the same surface will be produced if tlie rectilinear generatrix move so as always to touch this last line and the two at first assumed. Any ruled surface whatever, then, may be generated by a right line so moving as always to touch three given linear directrices. 132. Cone Directer and Plane Directer. Suppose the three directrices to be so chosen that tlie resulting ruled surface is neither plane nor single-curved ; then through any given point in space let a series of consecutive right lines be drawn, parallel in tlieir order to the consecutive rectilinear elements of the given warped surface in their order. These w^ill be elements of a cone, called the cone directer of the surface : and it is clear that if any two lines which cut all the rectilinear elements be taken as directrices, a right line moving so as always to touch those lines and have its consecutive positions parallel to the consecutive elements of the cone directer, will re-generate the same surface. It is easy to see that the warped surface may be such that the series of lines, drawn through the assumed point parallel to its ele- ments, shall lie in one plane — which is a limiting form of the cone ; and this plane is called the plane directer. Any warped surface whatever, therefore, may be generated by a right line moving so as always to touch two given lines, and have its consecutive positions parallel either to a given plane directer, or to the< consecutive elements of a given cone directer. 133. Since every warped surface is curved, it is possible also to conceive it as being generated by a curve, .which moves, and at the same time changes its form, according to some definite law. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 85 There is a great variety of warped surfaces, with peculiarities depending on the laws of their formation. The methods of repre- senting them, of assuming points and lines upon them, etc. , require for ready apprehension a familiarity with some matters not yet dis- cussed, and are accordingly reserved for subsequent consideration. DOUBLE -CURVED SURFACES. 134. A Double-curved Surface is one which contains no rectilin- ear elements, and can be generated only by a curve which moves in such a manner as not to generate a surface of either of the preced- ing classes. Double-curved surfaces may be either double convex, that is, convex in all directions, as the surface of a sphere or an egg ; or concavo-convex, that is, convex in some directions but concave in others, as the surface of a bell or of the groove in a pulley. Both these peculiarities may exist in a single unbroken surface, as in the case of a cylindrical ring, or annular torus. SURFACES OF REVOLUTION. 135. A Surface of Revolution is one which may be generated by the revolution of a given line about a right line as an axis. Tlie intersection of such a surface by a plane perpendicular to the axis is, therefore, the circumference of a circle. Consequently the surface may also be generated by a circle which, moving with its centre in the axis and its plane perpendicular to it, changes its radius according to a definite law. This second mode of generation is the one to which the greater pi-actieal interest attaches ; since it is in this manner that such sur- faces, of extensive application in the mechanic arts, are actually produced in the lathe. A plane traversing the axis is called a meridian plane, and its intersection with the surface is called a meridian line : all meridian lines of the same surface are obviously identical, and any one of them may be taken as the revolving generatrix. 136. If the revolving line be straight, it either will lie in the same plane with the axis, or it will not. If it does, it will either 86 DESCRIPTEVE GEOMETRY. be parallel to it, or intersect it ; in the former case the surface will be a cylinder, in the latter a cone ; and these are the only sin^le- cnryed surfaces of reyolution. If the revolving right line does not lie in the same plane witli the axis, then, 1 : Every point of it moves, therefore the consecu- tive positions do not intersect ; and, 2 : Every point more remote from the axis moves faster than one nearer to it, therefore the con- secutive positions are not parallel. The surface must, then, be warped ; its meridian line, as will subsequently appear, is an hy- perbola : and this is the only warped surface of reyolution. It may also be generated by revolving an hyperbola about its conjugate axis ; and the surface being unbroken, it is also known as the liyjper- holoid of revolution of one nappe. With the exception of the three just considered, all surfaces of revolution are of double curvature. 137. If two surfaces of revolution, having a common axis, cut or touch each other at any point, they will do so all around the cir- cumference of the circle described by that point. Thus in Fig. 137, the meridian lines macn, oacp^ are tangent to each otlier at a^ "Y Y f \ T >_ cj \ '/ p Fig. 137 and intersect each other at c ; they will maintain these relations throughout the revolution, and the circles ab^ cd^ will be common to the two surfaces. 138. Representation of Surfaces of Revolution. These surfaces are represented by drawing two views, viz. : 1, a side view, show- ing the meridian contour, and should this be a broken line, such DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 87 circles as are described by the intersections ; and 2, an end view, in wliicli are drawn tlie largest circle of the surface, and such others as niaj be necessary in order that the drawings may be clear and easily read. For all ordinary practical purposes, and for most of the pur- poses of descriptive geometry as well, any reference to a ground line is useless, if not worse.' As shown in Fig. 138, a line, con- tinuous centre line, 7d, containing the axis, should be drawn through and heyond both views ; another one, gh^ should be drawn at right angles to the first, through the centre of the end view : since these lines are imaginary, they should never terminate in any outline, lest they be supposed to represent lines actually existing on the surface. The axis, when there is no reason to the contrary, is supposed to be parallel to the paper, and either liorizontal or vertical as may be more convenient ; in the latter case the end view is a " liorizon- tal projection " — but whether placed above or below the side view, this horizontal projection is invariably a top view, and represents the object as seen from ahove^ never as seen from below. 139. To assume a point on the surface, assume one of its pro- jections, for instance c in the end view.' Then the point nmst lie on the surface of a cylinder whose radius oc is known ; draw at that distance from the axis a parallel to it, in the side view ; this is the outline of the cylinder, and cuts the meridian line in m and n ; these points describe circles, to one or both of which c is projected^ as at c' or c^' . If the projection in the side view be assumed, as at d\ then the point lies on a circle whose radius pr can be found. With thi& radius describe an arc about o in the end view ; the other projec- tion must lie on this arc, as at d or d^, TANGENT, NORMAL, AND ASYMPTOTIC PLANES AND SURFACES. 140. If on any surface, any number of lines be drawn through a given point, then the tangents to all these lines at the common point will in general lie in one and the same plane. Such a plane is said to be tangent to the surface ; and the point is called the point of contact. 88 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. If the surface is a single- curved one, no plane can be tangent to it at anj point, which does not coincide with some position of the plane generatrix. That generatrix contains two consecutive rectilinear elements^ and is tangent (130) to every curve of the surface which cuts them both. An infinite number of such curves can be drawn through any point of either ; hence the plane is tan- gent all along the line in which those two elements practically coin- cide. In the case of a double-convex surface, the demonstration is as follows: Let M^ Fig. 138(3^, be a section of the surface by any plane, and T a tangent to it at any point jp ; if the plane be re- volved about T as an axis, this line will also be tangent to any suc- cessive section, as iT or 0\ for it contains two consecutive points of iH/, and they remain fixed during the revolution. Through ]) draw on the surface any other curves, as K^ Z, cutting M 2>X «, h. The section N cuts these curves at a' ^ V \ the section cuts them at a" ^ y ; therefore the secants ^a, jpb ; jpa\ jpV ; jpa" ^ ph'% al- w^ays lie in the revolving plane. Ultimately, the section of the surface will cut K and L at points consecutive to j?, and these secants will become tangents, still lying in the same plane through T. If the surface is concavo-convex, whether warped or double- curved, the same argument applies, although the forms of the sec- tions J/, iV^, etc. , wull be different. To pass a plane tangent to any surface at a given point, there- fore : Draw through the point any two intersecting lines of the surface, and at the point draw a tangent to each line ; the plane determined by these two tangents is the plane required. 141. A plane tangent to any ruled surface must in general DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 89 contain the rectilinear elements which pass through the point of contact; for each rectilinear element is its own tangent (109), and therefore lies in the tangent plane by the preceding definition. The vertex of a cone is an exceptional case ; through that point an infinite number of planes tangent to the surface may be passed, each of which contains two consecutive rectilinear elements, but no others. Since a plane tangent to any single-curved surface is tangent all along a rectilinear element (140), it follows that if the base of the surface lie in any plane of projection, the corresponding trace of the tangent plane will be tangent to the base, at the point in which the element of contact pierces that plane of projection. And in any case, the right line cut from the plane of the base by the tangent plane will be tangent to the curve of the base. 142. A plane tangent to a warped surface contains the rectilinear element which passes through the point of contact ; but since it does not contain the consecutive one, it cannot in general be tan- gent along the element ; but there are some cases in which it is. If the surface has two sets of rectilinear elements, the tangent plane will contain both those which pass through the point of contact. A plane containing one rectilinear element of a warped surface, And not parallel to the consecutive ones, will cut each of them in a point. The curve joining these points will cut the given element, and the given plane will be tangent to the surface at the point of intersection ; for it contains the given element, which is its own tangent, and also the tangent to the curve of intersection at the point mentioned. If the given plane be parallel to a plane directer of the surface, there will be no such curve, and the plane will not in general be tangent to the surface. Consequently, unless the projecting planes of the rectilinear elements are parallel to a plane directer, each of them will be tan- gent to the surface at some point. The projecting lines of these points form the projecting cylinder of the surface ; and the pro- jections of the elements, being the traces of the projecting planes, will all be tangent to the base of this cylinder, which lies in the. plane of projection. 90 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 143. A plane tangent to a surface of reyolution is perpendicular to the meridian plane passing through the point of contact. Be- cause, it contains the tangent to the circle of the surface at that po^nt ; and this tangent, lying in a plane perpendicular to the axis, is perpendicular to the radius at its extremity, and also to any line joining that extremity with the axis ; and both this radius and that line lie in the meridian plane. 144. Two curved surfaces are tangent to each other when they have, at a common point, a common tangent plane. Evidently, the sections of the two surfaces made by any one plane passing through the point of contact will be tangent to each other at that point. If two surfaces of revolution having a common axis are tangent to each other at a point, they will be tangent all round tlie circum- ference of the circle described by that point in the generation of the surfaces (137). If two single- curved surfaces are tangent to each other at a point of a common rectilinear element, they will be tangent all along that element. Because the plane tangent to either surface at any point is tangent to it all along the rectilinear element passing through that point (140). It is possible also to construct two warped surfaces which shall be tangent to each other all along a common rectilinear element. They must then have, at every point of that element, a common tangent plane ; the methods by which this condition can be satisfied will be explained farther on. 145. Normal Lines, Planes, and Surfaces. A right line is normal to a surface at any point when it is perpendicular to tlie tangent plane at that point. A curbed line is normal to a surface at any point when its tan- gent at that point is normal to the surface. "When not otherwise stated, ''the normal" to a surface is understood to be rectilinear. A plane is normal to a surface at any point when it is perpen- dicular to the tangent plane at that point. Thus there may be an infinite number of planes normal to the surface at a point, while there can be but one normal right line, common to all these planes. If at the consecutive points of any line upon a given surface ' a DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 91 series of normals to that surface be erected, they will be elements of a ruled surface normal to the giyen surface. If these normals are tangent at those consecutive points to lines lying upon any other surface, then that surface is also normal to the given surface. This relation is mutual, and the two surfaces are said to be normal to each other. 146. Asymptotic Planes and Surfaces. The relation between asymptotic surfaces is analogous to that between asymptotic lines. Thus if an hyperbola be made the base of a right cylinder, the plane containing its asymptote and parallel to the elements of the cylinder will be asymptotic to the surfacCc Again, if two conju- gate hyperbolas, together with their common asymptotes, be re- volved about either axis, the two hyperboloids of revolution will be asymptotic to each other and to the cone generated by the asymp- totes. DESCHIPTIVE GEOMETEY. CHAPTER ly. On the Determination of Planes Tangent to Surfaces of Single and of Double Curvature. planes tangent to single-curved surfaces. 147. In the construction of these problems, and of many others, there is frequent occasion to draw tangents to curves of unknown properties. A sufficient degree of accuracy for j^resent purposes, and indeed for most practical purposes, may be ol)tained by means of approximating circular arcs, as follows : Let it be required to draw a tangent to the curve DJ^, Fig. 139, at the point P. By Q trial and error a centre O and radius CP can be found, sucli that the cir- cular arc described about will sensibly coincide with the given curve for a short distance on each Tig. 139 gj^^ ^f ^]^q given point ; the required tangent is then drawn, perpendicular to CP. If, on the other hand, it be required to draw a tangent in a given direction, or through a given point, as : In tliis case the tangent is drawn mechanically ; the ruler being set, not so as to coincide with either the point or the curve, but at a small distance from each, the eye being able to judge with perfect precision as to the equality of these distances. The point of contact is then deter- mined by dropping a perpendicular upon the tangent from the centre O, found as aboye. 147a. The following constructions are more laborious, but give more precise determinations : 1. In Fig. 139<^, to draw a tangent to the curve A^Z at any pointy. Through ^ draw chords from any points of the curve, produce them all in one direction (say to the left), then with j? as DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 93 a centre and any convenient radius draw a circular arc C^F" inter- secting them. P>om tins arc set off on the prolongation of each chord a distance equal to the chord itself, the chords on the left of ^ being set oft" to the left of the arc, and vice versa; thus ef = pi, .V Fig. 139 a cd =^ pa^ ns ^= pg^ and so on. The cnvYQ fds thus determined cuts 6^ F in a point o of the required tangent TT. 2. In Fig. 189 J, to iind the point of contact, TT being tan- gent to the curve KL. Draw any number of chords parallel to TT^ through their extremities draw parallel ordinates in opposite direc- tions, and on each ordinate set off from TT a distance equal to the corresponding chord ; as, for ox- ample, rs — mn = gh^ hd ^^ ef =^ ac^ etc. ; the curve sdn^ passing through the points just located, cuts TT in the required point. Such curves are known as " curves of error," and with due care give very accurate results. 148. Problem 1. To draw a plane tangent to any single- curved surface through any given point of the surface. ' Analysis. Through the given point draw a rectilinear element, and through the foot of that element draw a tangent to the base. The plane of these two lines is the required tangent plane. Construction. In Fig. 140, the given surface is a cone whose vertex is O^ the plane of the base being perpendicular to T ; this is represented, and the point P upon it assumed, as in Fig. 132. Through P draw the element OPC^ and through its foot 6^ draw a 94 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. tangent to the base. The horizontal projection he of this tangent will be tangent at c to the horizontal projection of the base, and its vertical projection h'c' will coincide with the vertical projection of the base. The traces of the tangent are M and G ; those of the element are N and D ; therefore m! and n' are points in the verti- cal trace, and d and g are points in the horizontal trace, of the re- quired plane ; and these traces must meet at T in the ground line. In Fig. 141, the surface is a cylinder, with its base in the ver- tical plane. The tangent to the base is therefore the required ver- ^ Fig. 142 tical trace, which cuts AB at T. The element PC pierces H in Z>, thus determining dTt the horizontal trace. In Fig. 142, the base of the cylinder is horizontal ; the liori- zontal trace is therefore parallel to lic^ the horizontal projection of the tangent to the base. The point cZ, found as before, fixes the location of this trace, which, when produced, cuts AB in T. The tangent KC pierces V in the point N\ and since the vei-tical trace of the element PC \s> inaccessible, the direction of Tt' is determined by drawing it through n'. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 95 149. Problem 2. To draw a plane tangent to a cone through a given point without the surface. First Method. Analysis. Draw a line through the vertex of the cone and the given point. Through the point in which this line pierces the plane of the cone's base, draw a tangent to the base. The plane of these two lines is the required tangent plane. Construction. Let 0-XY^ Fig. 143, be the given cone, P the given point. The line OP^ through the point and the vertex, pierces H in D^ and the plane of the cone's base in S. The verti- cal projection of the tangent is s'c' tangent to the vertical projec- tion of the base ; its horizontal projection coincides with that of tlie base itself, whose plane is perpendicular to H. This tangent pierces H in 6^ ; and <7 and g are two points in the horizontal trace of the required plane, which cuts AB in T, one point of the verti- cal trace. Another point might be determined by finding the ver- tical trace of OP ; but in this instance a third line, the element of contact C?^', has been employed instead; it pierces T in ^, and Tr't' is the required vertical trace. 96 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. When the cone becomes a cylinder, as in Fig. 144, the line through the vertex becomes parallel to the elements. In the dia- gram, the plane of the base is parallel to T, and OP pierces it at 8\ in this particular case the vertical projection s'c' of the tangent to the base happens to be ]3arallel to AB, and since SO is therefore parallel to the horizontal trace, the required plane will be parallel to the ground line ; consequently it is sufficient to determine one point in each trace. When more than one tangent to the base can be drawn, there will be more than one solution. 150. Second Method. Analysis. Pass through the given point any plane cutting all the rectilinear elements of the given surface, and in tins plane draw through the point a tangent to the curve of intersection. Draw through the point of contact a ]-ectilinear ele- ment ; this element, and the tangent to the curve, determine the required plane. Note. — This process may be applied to any single curved sur- face ; but is of more particular advantage in cases analogous to the one herewith illustrated. Construction. In Fig. 145 the surface is a cone, with a circular base situated in the horizontal plane : every section of it by a hori- zontal plane will therefore be a circle whose centre lies upon the line U^ drawn from the vertex to the centre of the base. Through the given point P draw a horizontal plane LL ; it cuts U in 7?, and also cuts tlie element OX in a point whose vertical projection is s' ; therefore r's' is the radius of the circular section, which more- over must be tangent to the extreme visible elements in the hori- zontal projection. Draw through P a tangent to this section ; in this case this tangent is parallel to the horizontal trace, which is taugent to the base of the cone ; so that it is not necessary to make use of the element of contact, OG. But, especially if the given point P is but a small distance above H, it would be advisable to use the vertical trace of that element if accessible, since the direc- tion of Tt' would be thus more accurately determined. 151. Problem 3. To draw a plane tangent to a given cone and parallel to a given right line. Analysis. Through the vertex of the cone draw a parallel to the DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 97 given line ; and from the point in which it pierces the plane of the cone's base, draw a tangent to the base. Tlie plane of this tangent and the parallel, is the tangent plane required. Construction. If in Fig. 143 we supj)ose the line OP to be determined by the condition that it shall be parallel to a given line J/jy, the construction is the same as in (149). If the parallel line through the vertex pierces the plane of the base in a point so situated that a tangent to the base cannot be drawn through it, the problem is impossible ; if more than one tan- gent can be drawn, there will be a corresponding number of solu- tions. If in this or the preceding problem tlie line through the vertex be parallel to the plane of the base, the tangent to the base will be parallel to that line. Should that line pierce the plane of tlie base at a remote and inaccessible point, the tangent plane may be con- structed as follows : Through any point of the parallel line pass a plane cutting all the rectilinear elements ; and from the assumed point draw a tangent to the curve of intersection. This tangent, and the rectilinear element through the point of contact, will de- termine the required plane. 152. Wlien the vertex is infinitely remote, a process analogous to that of (150) may be employed; in any plane containing the given line and cutting all the rectilinear elements of the cylinder, a tangent to the curve of intersection may be drawn parallel to the given line : the plane of this tangent and the element through the l^oint of contact will be the required tangent plane. This is illus- trated in Fig. 146, PC being the tangent and PE the element; and obviously the intersection CE of the tangent plane with the plane of the base will be tangent to the base at E^ the foot of the element of contact. The direct application of this process is not usually convenient ; but from ii a tentative one is derived, based upon the consideration that if any plane DOF\>Q constructed, containing a line (97^ paral- lel to the elements, and another line DO parallel to the given line : then the intersection 7)7^ with the plane of the base of the cylinder will be parallel to CE^ which line, with the element through the point of contact E, will determine the required plane. 98 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 153. The construction in accordance with the preceding argu- ment is shown in Fig. 147, where JO^is tlie given line. Through any point on any element of the cylinder, as OX, draw a parallel to JfiV^; this line pierces the plane of the base at 6^, the element pierces it at X, and XC is the line of intersection corresponding to -Z>i^of Fig. 146. Parallel to X6' draw a tangent to the base; it riG.146 pierces T in /^, H in G^ and E is the point of contact. The ele- ment through ^pierces H in i> and V in R : joining d and ^, then, we have the horizontal trace ; joining s^ and r\ the vertical trace is determined ; and these traces meet at T in the ground line. 154. Special Cases of the Preceding Problems. In Fig. 14S a cone of revolution is given, with its axis parallel to AB : it is required to draw a plane tangent to it, parallel to the given line LM. The parallel through the vertex pierces W in Z>, V in iT, ^nd the plane of the cone's base in S. In the profile, the circle of the base is seen in its true form, and S> is projected at 6-, : the tan- gent to the base through «, pierces H at ^,, whose distance from FF determines the distance of g from AB in tlie horizontal projec- tion. Then the points d and g fix the horizontal trace tT^ and Tn't' is the vertical tr^ce. If necessary or convenient, the element of contact, seen in the profile as o^c^^ and in the vertical projection -as o'c\ may be used to locate points in the traces ; for example, the point /'' in the vertical trace is found by producing that element. In the profile. Fig. 149, a cylinder of revolution is shown, its DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 99 axis O being parallel to the ground line. This figure sufficiently illustrates the fact that in this case, whether the plane is to be tan- gent at a given point P on the surface, to pass through a given point R without the surface, or to be parallel to a given line LM^ the solution is at once effected and the result clearly exhibited by drawing the profile. The projections on the principal planes are not here given ; as in Fig. 74, they would be made up chiefly of a ^ ^ [- Xb---'-/^^'^^ •^ V \X ;■ \ ^ \ '\ \, Fig. 149 > V confusing series of parallels : and all of this is equally true whether the base of the cylinder is circular or of any other form. 155. PiANES Tangent to the Helical Convolute. In Fig. 150 is shown so much of this particular convolute as is neces- sary to illustrate the application to it of the preceding processes. in representing it, the helical directrix should be accurately drawn ; and this is facilitated by first drawing the front and top views of the cylinder upon whose surface it lies. Now, the axis of ; this cylinder being vertical and its base lying in H, it was shown in (128) tliat the horizontal trace of the convolute will be the in- volute of the circle of that base ; and this should next be carefully cjonstructed, since it is the locus of the points in which H is pierced fy the rectihnear elements of the surface. Then, om being equal to the quadrant oli^ and gn being three times as great, it is clear that OM is tangent to the helix at 0^ and GN tangent to it at G\ and these are the extreme visible elements in the front view of the 100 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. portion shown, wliicli embraces three fourths of the circumference of the cylinder, the rectilinear elements terminating, as in Fig. 135, at their points of tangency to the directrix. 156. To assume a point on the surface, assume the horizontal projection, asj9. Through^ draw the horizontal projection of an element; it is tangent to the circle of the cylinder's base at c, ver- tically projected at c' on the helix, and cuts the involute at rgotten that the rectilinear elements can be indefinitely extended both ways from the points of contact with the helix ; so that a plane tangent to the surface at any point is tangent to it all along a line lying on both nappes : and it makes no diiference whether the upper or the lower one is em])loyed in the process of construction. 160. Considering any point as P, Fig. 150, at a given dis- tance CP from the point of contact C between the element and the directrix : it is clear that in the generation of the surface the path of this point will be a helix whose pitch is the same as that of the directrix itself. This particular convolute, therefore, is one of the numerous family of helicoids^ of which all the others are eithei' warped or double-curved surfaces. And though it is usually pre- 102 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. seiited and represented in a manner so imperfect and ol)scure as to conceal the fact, it possesses a certain practical interest, because it is in fact the surface of a screw-thread, which, as will subsequently be shown, can be cut in a lathe in the usual manner. 161. In general, a plane cannot be passed through a given right line and tangent to a single-curved surface. The problem, however, is possible in the following cases, viz. , if the given line lies on the convex side of a cylinder, and is parallel to its rectilinear elements ; if it passes through the vertex of a cone ; or if it is tan- gent to a line of any single- curved surface. PLANES TANGENT TO DOUBLE-CURVED SURFACES. 162. A plane tangent to any double-curved surface at a given point can in general be determined (140) by drawing at that point a tan- gent to each of two lines of the surface which ]3ass through that point, the selection depending upon considerations of convenience. Of the surfaces of this class which are used in the mechanic arts, those of revolution constitute by far tlie larger portion, by reason of the facility with which they can be formed in the lathe or on the potter's wheel; they serve as well as any for illustrative purposes, and to them we shall confine our attention. In dealing witli them in the manner stated, the two curves which would naturally be se- lected are the meridian line and the circumference of the transverse section through the given point. 163. If a right cone be tangent to a surface of revolution which has the same axis, it will be tangent all round the circumfer- ence of a circle. Any plane tangent to this cone will be tangent all along an element; therefore the plane will be tangent to the surface at the point in which this element of contact cuts that circle of contact. Such an auxiliary cone may sometimes be used to advantage in determining a plane tangent to a double-curved surface. 164. If the contour of a surface of revolution be such that the direction of the normal to it can be readily determined, a plane tan- gent to the surface at a given point can . be constructed with great facility, since it is perpendicular to tlie normal at its extremity. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. ws 165. Problem 1. To draw a plane tangent to a spliere at a given point on the surface. Construction. In Fig. 152, let C be the centre of tlie sphere, and P the given point, assumed as in Fig. 138; then CP is the radius of contact. The horizontal projecting plane of this radius contains a horizontal diameter of the spliere ; revolving that jjlane about this diameter until it is parallel to H, P falls dXp'\ and the Fig. 153 horizontal trace appears as H" H" parallel to cp^ the distance cx'^ being equal to ex' . Draw at^'' a tangent to the great circle; it cuts H" H" in d" ^ the revolved position of a point d in the re- quired horizontal trace, v/hich is perpendicular to cp (43). Draw at P a tangent to the horizontal circle of the sphere through that point ; it is a line of the tangent plane, and pierces V in ^ : the line PD pierces V in N\ therefore the points r\ n' ^ determine the vertical trace, which must be perpendicular to c'p' (43), and meet the horizontal trace at T in AB. I*^OTE. Regarding tlie sphere as a surface of revolution with a vertical axis, it is seen that DPO is an element ot a right cone tangent to the sphere around the circle described by P\ the base 104 DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. of this cone in H is a circle with radius cd — x"d" \ and Tt is tan- gent to this circle. 166. Pkoblem 2. To draw a plane tangent to any surface of revolution at a given point on the surface. Coiistructioii. In Fig. 153, the assumed point P lies upon the circle whose vertical j^rojection is m'n'. Let c be the centre of cur- vature of the contour 7ig% then en' is normal to the curve at n \ its prolongation cuts the axis in (9, and o'n'm' is the vertical pro- jection of a cone normal to the given surface. Tlierefore o'p' is the vertical and op is the horizontal projection of the normal to the surface at P. Through P di^avf, as in Fig. 67, a plane tTt' per- pendicular to P(9; it is the tangent plane required. 167. Problem 3. 2^o draw through a given line a j)l(ine tan- gent to a given sphere/ First Method. Analysis. Eegarding the given line as the in- tersection of two planes tangent to the sphere, each plane is perpen- dicular to a radius at its extremity; therefore the plane of these two radii is perpendicular to the given line. If then a plane be passed through the centre of the sphere and perpenaicular to the given line, and from the point in which it cuts the line a tangent be drawn to the great circle cut from the sphere ; then the plane determined bj that tangent and the given line is the one required. Construction. Let (7, Fig. 154, be the centre of the given sphere, MW the given line. On the horizontal projecting plane of the line make a sup- plementary projection; in this II' 11' is the horizontal plane, c^ the centre of the sphere, m^n^ the given line, and LL the plane ])ei - pendicular to the line, of which II is the horizontal trace. This plane contains a horizontal diameter of the sphere, of which ge is the horizontal projection ; and it cuts MN in the point A. Ee- volve the plane about ge until it becomes horizontal ; its trace II then appears as l"l" ^ and a falls at a" . Draw a" d" tangent to the great circle of the sphere, and find o" the point of contact. Mak- ing the counter-revolution, a" returns to ^, d" falls at d in II (vertically projected at d' in AB), and o" goes to o on da., whence it is vertically projected to d on d'a' . The tangent line 7>^ .pierces H in Z^, the given line pierces it DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 105 in iV^; therefore tlie points d and n determine the horizontal trace tT^ which must also be perpendicular to co : JfiV^ pierces V in B, and r is a point in the vertical trace Tf of the required tangent plane ; and tliis trace must also be perpendicular to c'o\ the vertical pro- jection of the radius of contact. 168. Second Method. Analysis. If any point of the line be taken as the vertex of a cone tangent to the sphere, a plane con- 1 ^ Zyv^ ,'/ X' TF '/ \n' ^ ~^^\/ \ja" ^"^^ m^ihg taining the given line and tangent to this cone will also be tangent to the sphere. The cone is tangent to the sphere all round the circumference of a small circle ; the plane is tangent to the cone all along an element; and the intersection of the circle and the element is the point of contact between the sphere and the plane. Construction. In Fig. 155, C' is the centre of the sphere, MN the given line. The point Z>, in which the line is cut by a liori- 106 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. m/ ; n\ 'X' z\ V 0^ .Tig. 157 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. WT zoTital plane LL through C, is selected as the vertex of the auxili- ary cone, merely for convenience ; its axis being thus made hori- zontal, the plane of the circle of contact is vertical, and appears as a right line nw in the horizontal projection. This plane cuts MJV in a point whose horizontal projection is e and vertical projection e' ; in the supplementary projection on this plane it appears as e^ : through e^ draw a tangent to the circle of contact, find the point of tangency , E., are the vertices of the two cones. The construction in projection is given in Fig. 157, (7 being the centre of the sphere, and vJ/iTthe given line. A hori- zontal plane LL through C cuts the line in D^ and a plane FF through C and parallel to V cutfS it in E. Take D and E as the vertices of the two cones ; then the axis of the first being horizon- tal, the plane of the circle of contact will be vertical ; kg is its horizontal trace. The axis of the second will be parallel, and the plane of the circle of contact perpendicular, to the vertical plane ; Ic'g' is the vertical trace. Therefore Ug^ lc'g\ are the projections of the intersection of these two planes. This line pierces H in 6^; in order to find where it pierces the surface of the sphere, make a 108 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. supplementary projection on a plane perpendicular to the axis of the first cone. In this projection the line of contact is seen in its true form as the circle of wliich ^i^ is the centre, and the line k^g^ cuts its circumference at 6>, , Avhich is projected back to o, and thence vertically to o\ the distance o'b' being equal to o^z^. Then DO is> Si line of the required plane; its vertical and horizontal traces are xS'and I^; those of the given line are JV and J/; there- fore mr 7^ is the horizontal and Tn's' is the vertical trace of the tangent plane : and these traces are respectively perpendicular to the projections of CO the radius of contact. The vertical projection of the first cone and the horizontal pro- jection of the second are omitted ; no use being made of either in effecting the solution, their introduction would simply confuse the diagram. A like result would have followed had the determina- tion of the other tangent plane been represented, and the construc- tion of one is sufficient to illustrate the principles of either method. 170. Problem 4. To find the jpoint of contact of any surf ace of revolution with a plane perjpendicular to a given line. Construction. In Fig. 158, the axis of the surface is vertical. No ground line is drawn, but the axis may be regarded as lying in a vertical plane, represented in the top view by the horizontal cen DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 109 tre line. Revolving the given line MN about a vertical axis until it lies in this plane, it takes the position MN^. The plane LL is drawn tangent to the contour and perpendicular to m'n^^ and 0\ is the revolved position of the point of contact. In the counter- revolution this point describes an arc of a horizontal circle, the angle o^co being equal to the angle n^mn^ and is the true position of the required point. In Fig. 159, the axis is horizontal, and a vertical plane contain- ing it is represented by the vertical centre line in the end view. The given line MN and the surface together are revolved about the axis until the line comes into that vertical plane ; and the re- maining steps require no explanation. In Fig. 160, the axis lies in the vertical plane, but is inclined, the object accordingly appearing foreshortened in the top view. The line to which the tangent plane is to be perpendicular is given by the projections mn^ m'n' ; in the supplementary end view it ap- pears as m,i^j, the distance n^x^ being equal to nx in the top view. This line is revolved about the axis of the surface into the plane FF as in Fig. 159, n^ going to n^, which is projected back to n" \ 110 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. the plane LL is then drawn tangent to the contour, and the point of contact o" is projected to o^, revolved to \ \ M Fig. 161 tical, that of the other perpendicular to V. All planes tangent to the first are equally inclined to H ; all those tangent to the second are equally inclined to Y : a plane through the line MN joining their vertices, if tangent to one, will be tangent to both, as in Fig. 157. J/ will be a point in the horizontal trace, N 2, point in the vertical trace ; and each trace will be tangent to the base of the cone which lies in the correspondhig plane of projection. In the application, the angles at the bases of the cones must be made equal to the assigned angles which the required plane is to make with H and V respectively. Construction. In Fig. 162, the profile is first drawn, the cen- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Ill tre c^ of the sphere being for convenience placed in the ground line. Tangent to the outline of the sphere, draw x^s^^ making the angle x,s^g^ equal to the assigned angle with H ; and also z{r^ , the angle z{t\G^ being equal to the assigned angle with V. Then draw an indefinite perpendicular to AB through any convenient point (7, and on it set off Cx above, equal to (?,a?, ; also Cz below, equal to c,2^. About C describe above AB an arc with radius Cr' = c^r^, and draw x'T tangent to it; also about C describe below AB an arc with radius Os = c^s^, and draw sT tangent to it. These two tan- gents will be the traces of the required plane, which must intersect at T in the ground line. JN'oTE. A different solution of this problem has already been given in (94), but the one here presented as a neat application of tangent planes is preferable, being more reliable as well as more expeditious. li;;i DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. CHAPTEE Y. OF INTERSECTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS. Intersection of Surfaces by Planes. Development of Single-curved Surfaces. Tangents to Curves of Intersection, before and after Development. Prob- lem of the Shortest Path. Intersections of Single-curved Surfaces. In- finite Branches. Intersections of Double-curved Surfaces. Intersection of a Cone with a Sphere. Development of the Oblique Cone. 172. If a line be drawn upon one surface, tlie point in wliicli it pierces any other surface will lie upon the intersection of the two. In order to find that point, an auxiliary surface is passed through the line ; this intersects the second surface in another line, which in turn cuts the first line in the point sought. This is illustrated in finding the point in which a given right line pierces a plane ; the auxiliary plane intersects the given plane in another right line, and that cuts the first one in the required point. It is clear that the line here spoken of as given might have been cut from any given rnled surface by the auxiliary 23lane ; then the point, located as above, would have been one point in the intersection of that surface by the given plane ; and other points could be found by means of other auxiliary planes. Again, were any other surface substituted for the given plane, the construction would be modified only in this, that the auxiliary plane might intersect it in a curve instead of in a right line : but this curve would still cut the rectilinear element of the first surface in a point of the line of intersection of the two surfaces. 173. The point last mentioned is the one in which the first surface is pierced by the curve cut from the second ; and evidently would be, whether the line cut from the first by the auxiliary plane were straight or otherwise. Which shows that the point in which any plane curve pierces a given surface may be found by first de- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 113 termining the intersection of its plane with that surface ; it will be a line cutting the given curve in the required point. But even in the case of a right line piercing a plane it is not necessary that the auxiliary surface should be a plane : if, for ex- ample, a cone or a cylinder be passed through the line, intersecting the given plane in a circle, it will now be apparent that the circum- ference will cut the given line in the point required. And in deal- ing with a line of double curvature the simplest auxiliary surface that can be used is cylindrical. Thus, in order to find where the curve DEG^ Fig. 131, pierces the vertical plane, we make use of the horizontal projecting cylinder, from which V cuts the element M', and this intersects the curve in h'^ the point sought. The same figure illustrates the process of finding the intersection of two cylindrical surfaces ; one, whose base is ceh^ having vertical elements, while the elements of the other, whose base is c'e'k' ^ are perpendicular to Y. An auxiliary plane ee\ parallel to the rec- tilinear elements of both cylinders, cuts from each a riglit line, and these intersect in E\ and by other planes parallel to this the points D and G are determined ; these points lie upon both surfaces, and the curve cEk' is the required intersection. 174. From the preceding it will be perceived that the problems of finding the points in which surfaces are pierced by lines, and the lines in which surfaces intersect each other, are correlated and inter- woven, involve the same principles, and require for their solution a previous knowledge of the intersections of the surfaces under con- sideration by certain others, which may be used as auxiliaries. In all of them the ultimate determinations consist in the location of points by the intersections of lines; and the auxiliary surfaces should be so selected that these lines shall cut each other as nearly as possible at right angles. 175. Tangents to Curves of Intersection. If a surface is cut by a plane, the tangent to the line of intersection at any point will lie in that plane, and also in the plane tangent to the surface at the given point ; therefore it will be the intersection of those planes. If two surfaces intersect, the tangent to the common line at any point will be the intersection of two planes, one tangent to each sur- face at that point. 114 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Note. If, as sometimes happens, the two planes whose inter- section should determine the tangent coincide, this method obvi- ously fails to give any result. In this event, the direction of the tangent can be determined only by methods depending upon the mathematical properties of the curve, of which this branch of sci- ence does not treat. 176. Development of Surfaces. A prism is capable of rolling, in a hobbling and imperfect manner, upon a plane; turning about each edge in succession as an axis, so that one face after another is brouglit into coincidence with the plane. If the number of edges be increased, the hobbling will diminish, and when the number be- comes infinite, it will disappear entirely : the rolling is perfect, the change from one axis to another going on continuously, since the edges are now consecutive elements of a cylinder. In this way all the elements of the cylinder, without change of relative position, can be brought into the plane, the area rolled over being equal to that of the surface wdiich has rolled over it. A pyramid, treated in like manner, ultimately becomes a cone, which possesses the same property : indeed it is a sufiiciently famihar fact that either of these surfaces can be unrolled into a plane, without extension, compression, or distortion of any kind. 177. This process is called the development of the surface. And the two illustrations above given show clearly upon what its possibility depends : the plane of development is not only tangent to the surface, but contains two of its consecutive elements, and therefore the elementary surface included between them. These elements must be rectilinear, since each in turn is an axis of rota- tion, and an axis is a right line ; no two consecutive elements of a warped surface lie in the same plane, therefore all single-curved surfaces, and no others, are capable of development. It is evident that if any surface can roll upon a plane, the plane is equally capable of rolling upon the surface ; and this develop- Mient by rolling on a fixed plane is, in a limited sense, the converse of the generation of the surface by a moving plane. But in order to execute this process, it is not enough to know that the surface is developable : it is necessary also to know before- hand the developed forms of one or more lines of the surface which DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. no intersect the rectilinear elements, in order to determine tlie relative positions of these elements on the plane of development. INTERSECTIONS OF SURFACES BY PLANES. 178. Problem 1. To find the intersection of a right circular cylirider with a jplane. Construction. In Fig. 163, the axis of the cylinder is vertical, its base lies in the horizontal plane, and the given plane tTt' is per- pendicular to V. The points in which the elements through the points cc, 1, 2, etc., of the base pierce the plane are seen directly at u\ 1', 2'. etc. , in the front view ; and u'^'z' is the vertical, and xZy is the horizontal, projection of the required intersection. To draw the tangent at any point P. This must lie in the tangent plane, which is vertical, and has the horizontal trace po tangent to the circumference of the base ; the tangent also lies in the cutting plane, therefore its vertical projection ^'o' coincides with Tt'. 116 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. To show the true form of the curye. Make the supplementary projection S, looking perpendicularly against the given plane. In this view, tt will aj)pear as tf^ perpendicular to Tt\ u'z' will be seen in its tnie length as u^z^ parallel to Tt' ^ and tlie chords verti- cally projected at V ^ 2\ etc., will also be seen in their true lengths as 1,1,, 2,2,, etc. ; these lengths are equal to those of 11, 22, etc., in tlie top view ; this curve is an ellipse whose major axis is u'z, and whose minor axis is equal to 33, the diameter of the given cylinder. To draw the tangent to this curve in its own plane. The point "whose horizontal projection is p and vertical projection p' is found in the supplementary pro jectibn at^, : the tangent at this point was seen in the top view to cut the horizontal trace at o, and x^ produced cuts that trace in r. In the supplementary j)rojection 2^Ui produced cuts the horizontal trace in /•, ; now set off r^o^ = 7'o, and draw^,6>, ; it will be the required tangent at the point j9,. 179. To develop the lower part of the cylinder. Suppose the cylinder, formed of thin sheet metal, to be cut through the element os'u\ and unrolled. The vertical elements will remain vertical, and since the base is a continuous curve perpendicular to them all, it will develop into a right line x^x^^ as shown in D, whose length is equal to the circumference. If in the top view this circumference is divided into equal parts at 1, 2, etc., then the developed base will be similarly divided at 1^, 2,, etc. ; at each point of subdivision there will be a vertical ordinate, representing an element; and since the lengths of these elements remain unchanged, we sliall have I3I, = 1^1', 2323 = 2'2', etc., and u^S^^u^ will be the development of the curve of intersection. To draw the tangent to the developed curve. The tangent to the intersection at P contains two consecutive points of the curve, and will contain them after development, and will therefore be tangent to the developed curve. When the plane of development becomes tangent to the cylinder at P, it will contain the element PN, the tangent PO, and the subtangent iV6^ ; and these will remain un- changed in magnitude and in relative position. In the develop- ment D this element falls at p^n^ *, therefore, setting off n^o^ = no, we have p./), as the tangent to the developed curve. In drawing the tangents at u^ and 2^ in this manner, it is DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 117 obvious tliat tlie subtangents will be infinite ; the tangents at those j^oints are therefore parallel to x^x^. 180. The Problem of the Shortest Path. Let it be required to find the shortest path on the surface of the cylinder, between the points x^ x\ and y, k' . In the development these points fall re- spectively at a?2, A^2, and the least distance between them is the right line which joins them. This line cuts the various elements at points wliose distance from the base wall remain the same when the de- veloped sheet is re-formed into a cylinder. These points, there- fore, are projected back to tlie original positions of the elements, as h^ to h\ g^ to g\ x^ to a?', etc., thus forming in the vertical pro- jection the curve x'g'k'^ which represents the required shortest path. In the development D it is seen that the distances of the points of this curve from the base of the cylinder, measured on equidistant elements, increase at a uniform rate; therefore the curve itself is a helix, of which y'k' is half the pitch. In the ver- tical projection the outer elements of the cylinder are tangent to tlie curve at x and h' \ g' is a point of contrary flexure, and the tangent at that point is parallel to xji^. It is also to be noted that the development of the curve of inter- section is identical with the projection of a helix wliose half-pitch is equal to x^y.^ , lying on a cylinder of w^iicli the diameter is ti}^ ; the tangent at S, is parallel to u'z' . 181. Practical Applications. Since the ellipse is perfectly sym- metrical about both axes, it may be turned end for end ; thus the two portions of a cylinder cut by a plane making an angle of 45° with the axis may be joined together as shown at E, making what is known as a "square elbow." By using other angles, the pieces may be put together at different inclinations, as shown at F, which represents a ' ' three-section elbow. ' ' In order to lay out the sheet for the middle piece, cut it by a plane "tnni perpendicular to the axis; this section wall develop into a right line as in D, and the ordinates are set off each way from this to determine the contour. These problems of development are of direct use to w^orkers in sheet metal. In theory it makes no difference along what element the surface is cut ; but in practice, the rule dictated by plain com- 118 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. mon sense is to cut it so as to make the shortest seain^ unless there is some good reason for doing otherwise. 182. Problem 2. To find the intersection of an oblique cylinder hy an oblique jplane. Construction. In Fig. 164, the plane and the cylinder are each Fig. 164 inclined to both H and T. Make a supplementary projection S, looking in the direction tT\ the horizontal plane appears as IP 11^ perpendicular to tT^ and the given plane as Tj}^ , both planes being seen edgewise and at their true inclination to each other. The centre of the base is here projected at o, , and any point P of the axis at j?j, the altitude ^^a?, being equal to j)'x '^ then the new projections of the elements are parallel to o,p^. The extreme visi- ble elements are determined by drawing at k and y in the horizontal projection, tangents to the base, perpendicular to II' PP' ; drawing, through k^ and y^ , parallels to o^p, , these hnes are cut by T^t^ at DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 119 ^1 and ^, , which obviously are the highest and lowest points of the curve : e^ is projected back to e on the horizontal projection of the element through K^ and thence upward to the vertical pro- jection of the same element, e' being as far from AB as e^ is from H' II' . The positions of z and z are determined in the same man- ner, and bj repeating the process a point may be found on any ele- ment at pleasure : it is particularly desirable to locate with accuracy those jDoints which lie upon the limiting elements, as f in the hori- zontal and c in the vertical projection, since they are points of tangency. 183. The above operation might be defined as consisting i-n the use of a system of auxiliary planes, parallel to the cylinder and to the horizontal trace of the given plane ; these cut horizontal lines from the plane and elements from the cylinder, whose intersections are points in the required curve. Thus in the supplementary projec- tion S, dj^^ may be regarded as representing a plane perpendicular to the paper ; its horizontal trace is (^m, and its intersection wnth tTt' is a line horizontally projected as/"/, piercing T in iV, and ver- tically projected in n'f parallel to AB. The horizontal trace cuts the base in d and m, and the horizontal projections of the elements through these points determine/* and Z, vertically projected 2Xf' and V ; and these are points in the required curve. 184. To draw a tangent to the curye of intersection. Let L be the point at ^vhich the tangent is to be drawn. The plane tangent to the cylinder at this point will contain the element whose hori- zontal projection is lni\ and its horizontal trace, tangent to the base at m, cuts Tt in r^ vertically projected at r in AB : therefore RL is the required tangent, which if produced must pierce T in a point of the vertical trace of the given plaiie. This point may be determined by producing rl to cut AB in 5, which is its horizontal projection, and s' in Tt' is its vertical projection. To show the curve and its tangent in their own plane. Make a second supplementary projection S', looking perpendicularly towards Tj^, ; the horizontal trace will appear as t^^ perpendicular to T;t^ , and the different points of the curve will lie upon projecting lines drawn through in H, and F on GJS^. Tliese points fall in the development at d^ and ^, , but they cannot be joined by a right line on the surface, since the latter has no existence within the circle. The least distance is .found by drawing from^j a tangent to the circle, and finding the point of tangency ?/, ; the required line is, then, made nj) of the circular dire d^u^ , and the right line u^p^. The projections of this path on the original surface may be de- termined as follows. In the horizontal projection bisect the quad- rant ge at a, and draw al tangent to the circle ; it rej)resents an ele- ment of which ajy^ is the developed position, where a^ bisects the arc g^e^ ; this cuts j^j-w, at y,. The vertical projection of this point must lie on a'l' ; in order to fix its altitude, set off n'y'' = l^y^ , and draw through y" a horizontal line cutting a'V in y' . Project y" on AB at 2/2 ; then n'y^ will be equal to Zy, the horizontal projection of l^y^ in its original position. In like manner, the location of TF on ER may be found, and by drawing intermediate elements any de- sired number of points may be determined. The restored position of 'Wi is best found by setting off ou^ the same fraction of the quad- rant oe that o^u^ is of the arc o.e^., and the helical arc DOUiorm?^ the first portion of the required shortest path. The tangent to the helix at U is the element UZ^ which in the development is i^j^j , a prolongation oi p,v,\ and it will be noted that the shortest paths from P to any points on the portion DMZ of the horizontal trace of the convolute, are equal. 196. Problem 6. To find the intersectionof a plane with any surface of revolution. Construction. Every transverse section is a circle, which in general is the simplest line that can be drawn upon such a surface ; and these circles are made use of precisely as in the case of the DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 127 cone. Tims in Fig. 169, 71' in the front view represents a chord in the circle whose radius is cd^ which chord is seen in its true length as nn in the top ^-iew and as n^n^ in the supplementary view S ; in' represents a chord in the circle whose radius is eg^ seen in its true length as rmn and m^m^ , and so on. To draw a tangent to the curve of intersection, at any point as L. Draw the tangent to the horizontal projection at l^ by the method of Fig. 139. This tangent pierces the plane through the axis par- allel to T, at the point P ; of which the supplementary j)rojection is j9j : and Z,^i is the supplementary projection of the tangent. Otherwise : Draw a plane tangent to the surface at L by the method of Fig. 153; its intersection with the given plane is the 128 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. required tangent line, whose supplementary projection may be found as in Fio^s. 163 and 167. 197. In Fig. ITO is giiown tlie "stub end" of a connecting- rod. It is rectangular in section, and is joined to the cylindrical neck by a surface of revolution whose contour is the circular arc w'z' ^ described about the centre K\ w^e have, then, to find the inter- sections of this surface by the two planes tt^ ss, parallel to the axis. A transverse section at c' is a circle whose radius is cp' ; this circle is seen in the end view to be cut by the plane tt at d, which is projected back to d\ a point in the required curve ; and in like manner other points may be determined. The plane Sii is seen in the side view to cut the outline at Xy which determines the vertex x^' of the curv^e seen in the top view. A circle through e is seen in the end view to cut the vertical centre line in g, which, projected back to the contour at g\ fixes the loca- tion of a transverse section from wdiich by the preceding ])rocess Avould be found the point e in the side view, corresponding to , an arc with radius o, J, , equal to o'd\ thus locating the points of tangency r^ , c\ ; describe about o^ an arc with radius o^fi = o'/'', cutting o^v^ in m, , set off the arcs m^n^ , m,e^ , each equal to me, then e^ , n^ , lie on the developed curve : and other points may be found in a similar manner. The vertices, s^ and A;, , are determined by setting off on o^v^ the true distances of the points S and ^from the vertex of the cone, which are respectively equal to o^t\ o'V . • 216. The construction of Fig. 187 may be explained thus: The point in which any line on either the horizontal or the incliae(? cylinder pierces the vertical one, is seen directly in the top view, Thus, the nearest element lik of the horizontal cylinder cuts the cir- cumference at ^, which is projected vertically to h' in the front view : any point c" on the circumference in the end view repre- sents an element, seen as c'd' in the front view, and as cd in the top view, where the distance xc from the centre line ie equal to x"g" ; and d' is vertically over d. Similarly, the nearest element of the inchned cylinder is represented by m'o' in the front view and by "iiio in tlie top view, and the altitude of the point in which it pierces the upright cylinder is determined by projecting o up to o' . A supplementary view looking in the direction of the arrow shows the base of the inclined cylinder in its true form, and any point n^ upon its circumference represents an element of which the front view is nr' and the top view is nr, located by making wn = w^n^ ; and t' is vertically over r : any number of points in the curves may he found in the same manner. In this way the determination of the intersections might be made clear to one totally unfamiliar with the stage machinery of Descriptive Geometry : though it is very evident that the operations are actually equivalent to the use of a sci-ies of horizontal planes in the first case and a series of vertical ones in the second. 217. Just such cases as these last are the ones most often met with in practice ; and accordingly, they are the ones most seldom illustrated in theoretical treatises on the principles involved in them. In the appHcation to sheet-metal work, the development is of im^ 144 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. portance; and that of tlie iipriglit cylinder is given in Fig. 188, Supposing it to be cut vertically along tlie most remote element u, and unrolled to right and left, the surface will form a sheet of a breadth equal to the height of the cylinder, and a length equal to its circumference. The intersection with the horizontal cylmder Fig. 188 will develop into a curve symmetrical about a horizontal line whose distance from the lower edge is equal to that of the axis from AB in Fig. 187. Rectify the arcs ul^ Ik^ in the top view, in the de- velopment set off the distances ul^ Ik^ equal to them, and subdivide the latter into parts respectively equal to the partial arcs M, dfy DESCllTPTIVE GEOMETRY. 145 etc. ; at the points of subdivision erect vertical ordinates equal to the distances of d' ^ f\ etc. , above the centre line of the horizontal cylinder in the front view ; the required curve passes througli the extremities of these ordinates. The intersection witli the inclined cylinder will develop into a curve symmetrical about 22^ the posi- tion of tlie right-hand element of the upright cylinder on the un- rolled slieet; the altitudes of the vertices, <^', J, are taken directly from the front view : on zz mark also the points 1, 2, 3, at altitudes equal to the distances of s\ 0% /, above AB, and at these points draw horizontal ordinates 1^, 2(9, 3^% respectively equal in length to the rectified arcs sz^ oz^ rz^ in the top view : any desired mimber of points may be found in a similar manner. INTERSECTIONS OF DOCBLE-CURVED SURFACES. 218. Problem 1. To find the intersection of two surfaces of revolutioru whose axes are in the same plane. Analysis. If the axes intersect, take the point of intersection as the common centre of a series of auxiliary spheres. Each spliere will cut a circle from each of the given surfaces (137) ; the circum- ferences of these circles will cut each ather in two points, which lie upon the required curve. If the axes are parallel, the spheres be- come planes perpendicular to the axes. Construction. In the side view at the left, Fig. 189, the plane of the axes, which is j^arallel to the paper, contains the visible coii- Fia. 189 tours of the given surfaces and of the spheres whose common 146 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. centre is w ; tlie intersections of tlie former, at /' and s, give at once two points of the required curve. A spliere tangent to one surface around the circle oy^ cuts the otlier in the circle ^a?, and oy cuts^a? in n ; another and larger sphere cuts the first surface in circles through d and g^ and the second in a circle through c^ and the in- tersections of these ' circles at e and h also lie upon the required curve snr : any desired number of points may be determined in like manner. In the end view, the points s, r, are projected directly to s^, /\, on tlie vertical centre line. The point 7i in the side view representis a chord in the circle oy, whos6 circumference being seen in its true form and size in the end view, the points n^ , n^., are found by pro- jecting n across to that circumference; and ^,, /^,, are located in a similar manner. Note. This method is equally applicable to the case of single- curved surfaces of revolution whose axes intei'sect. Its application in the extreme case where the intersection is infinitely remote and the spheres become planes, has already been illustrated in finding the intersection of a cone with a cylinder. Fig. 185. 219. If the axes lie in different planes the determination of the intersection of the surfaces is in general much more laborious. In most cases, it would probably be advisable to use a system of auxiliary planes perpendicular to one of the axes, thus cutting circles from the surface to which that axis belongs ; but it still remains to deter- mine the form of the line cut from the other surface by each in- dividual plane. 220. Problem 2. To find the intersection of any ohlique cone with a sphere. Analysis. Pass a series of auxiliary planes through the vertex ; each will cut a circle from the spliere and two elements from the cone ; and the intersections of these elements with the circumference of that circle will be points in the required curve. Construction. In Fig. 190, 6'' is the centre of the sphere, i? the vertex of the cone, whose base for the sake of convenience is placed in H ; and the auxiliary planes are vertical. Let jpp, drawn at pleasure through o, be the horizontal trace of one of these planes, cutting the base of the cone in d and r, and the contour of the DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 147 sphere in/* and K\ tlieuyA istlie horizontal projection of the ckcle cut from the sphere, and its middle point e is that of its centre. Revolve this plane about ^ into H; o goes to o'\ oo" being equal to the altitude of the cone ; and do'\ ro'\ are the revolved posi- tions of the elements cut from the cone. Also, e goes to e'\ the distance ee" bemg equal to that of C from H ; about e" with radius ef describe an arc cutting do" ^ ro , in g u which will be the -N m revolved positions of the points in which the elements pierce the sphere. In the counter-revolution, g" goes to g on pp, whence it is vertically projected to g' on d'o\ tims determining a point G on tiie required curve ; in like manner the projections of the point whose revolved position is u" may be found, the construction being omitted to avoid confusion in the diagram. Otherwise: Revolve the auxiliary plane about the horizontal 148 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. projecting line of O nntil it is parallel to T ; this line is o'x in tlie vertical projection, and setting off x'i\ = or^ and xd^ = od^ the two elements appear as o'r^ , o'd^\ on the horizontal through c' set off ye^ = oe^ then e^ is the revolved position of the centre about which an arc with radius ^is to be described, cutting the elements in u^ and (J,. 221. By repeating the above process, any number of points may be found and the curve fully determined. The points at which the projections of this curve are tangent to the extreme visible ele- ments of the cone, as for instance n' on o'm ^ are determined as in previous cases, by passing auxiliary planes through those elements. But the points at which the vertical projection is tangent to the contour of the sphere cannot be located by any direct means, since there is no way of ascertaining which element of the cone will pierce the sphere in the great circle cut from it by the plane II parallel to V. These points may, however, be determined indi- rectly, thus : the horizontal projection of the curve cuts II at s and w ; these are the horizontal projections of those points of penetra- tion, and the vertical projections s' and w' must lie on the contour of tlie sphere. 222. In this instance, the vertex of the cone lies within the body of the sphere ; wdien it lies outside the surface there may be two curves of intersection, but the construction is the same for both. If any plane tangent to the cone passes outside the sphere, tlie in- terpenetration will be partial, and the surfaces will intersect in one continuous curve ; if the cone and sphere have one common tan- gent plane, this curve will cross itself once ; if they have two it will cross itself twice. In order to ascertain wdietlier either con- dition exists, draw a line from the centre of the sphere to the vertex of the cone, and make it the axis of a cone of revolution with the same vertex and tangent to the sphere ; if this test cone is tangent to" the given one along one element, there will be one connnon tan- gent plane ; and if the cones are tangent along two elements, there will be two of them. If the cones cut each other in two elements, there will be one closed curve of intersection ; if in four elements, the given cone will intersect the sphere in two distinct curves. It is here assumed, as in (212), that the transverse section of the DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 149 given cone by a plane perpendicular to the axis of tlie test cone, is a closed curve and externally convex throughout. The intersection of a sphere with a cylinder, obviously, is to be deter mined by means of a system of planes cutting elements from the latter and circles from the former, the process of construction being substantially the same as in the case of the cone. 223. PiiOBLEM 3. To develop any ohlique cone. Analysis. Intersect the cone by a sphere whose centre is at the vertex. The curve of intersection vrill develop into an arc of a circle whose radius is equal to that of the sphere. On this circle lay oil' distances equal to the rectiiied arcs of the curve of intersec- tion intercepted between rectilinear elements of the cone ; and on the radii drawn through the points thus determined, set off the true lengths of the corresponding elements. Construction. The intersection with the sphere, in Fig. 191, is constnicted as in Fig. 190. Since it is a double curved line, its true length is not seen in either projection ; but it can be ascer- tained by developing the horizontal projecting cylinder, as shown in Dj. Here the elements of the cylinder appear in their true length and at their true distances from each other ; thus ^,a?, is equal to e'ic^ (j^y^ to (j'y^ and xij^ to the arc eg in the horizontal projection ; the positions of other elements being determined in like manner, the base develops into a -right line w^w^., and the double curve line into a single curved one nfijiy_ . In the development of the cone, shown in D^ , an indefinite circular arc is described about any centre 6>2 with a radius equal to that of the sphere ; on this, set oif an arc e^(j^ equal to the arc e^g^ in D^, then g^in^ = ^,7?z, , and so on : the points thus determined fix the positions of the elements of the cone on tlie developed sheet, and on the radii drawn through them the true lengths of these elements are set off, — as o.{Jl^ =^ OD^ o^f^ = 0I'\ etc. In a similar manner the developed form of any other curve on the surface may be determined. To draw a tangent to the developed base at any point, as f^. The line o.f^ is the developed position of the element OF^ and the tan- gent to the base of the cone at F is FQ^ in the horizontal plane. Find the true angle included between OF and FQ^ and make the angle o^f^q^ equal to it; theny!,^, is the required tangent. And the 150 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. tangent to the development of any otlier curve on the surface may be drawn in the same way. Fig. 191 224. Conditions of Symmetry. Tlie cone represented in Fig. 191, having a circular base, is symmetrically divided by tlie verti- cal plane through tlie axis, which also cuts from it the longest ele- ment OD and the shortest one 0C\ and the points E^ N^ in which these elements pierce the sphere, are respectively the highest and the lowest points of the curve of intersection. Again, any two ele- ments OF^ OK^ equidistant from OD^ will be of equal length, make equal angles with the plane of the base, and therefore pierce the sphere in points of equal altitude ; moreover, since they are equally foreshortened in the horizontal projection, og is equal to ol, and eg equal to el- DESOKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 151 From these considerations it follows that the horizontal projec- tion of the curve of intersection is symmetrical with reference to od ; that the development of the projecting cylinder is symmetrical about e^x^ ; and that the development of the cone is symmetrical about o^d^ . And it is evident that the same will hold true in re- gard to any cone which is symmetrically divided by a plane through the vertex perpendicular to the plane of the base. 225. Practical Suggestions. The above deductions are of im- portance in the practical applications of this problem. For, a curve which is symmetrical mth respect to a given line can always be constructed more easily and more accurately than one which is not : and the process of re-forming the original cone from the de- veloped sheet is likewise much facilitated if the latter be symmetri- cal. Such work as this should in practice always be laid out upon as large a scale as may be ; when this is done, the processes of rectifying the arcs of the horizontal projection of the curve of intersection, in order to develop the projecting cylinder, and of transferring the length of the developed curve to the circular arc in developing the cone, may be executed with sufficient accuracy by stepping them of[ with the spacing dividers, the points of which are set so close together that the difference between the chord and the arc shall be practically inappreciable. 152 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. CHAPTER YI. Of Warped Surfaces. The Hyperbolic Paraboloid ; Its Vertex, Axis, Principal Diametric Planes and Gorge Lines. The Conoid. — The Hyperboloid of Revolution.— The Ellipti- cal Hyperboloid, and its Analogy to tlie Hyperbolic Paraboloid. The Helicoid ; of Uniform and of Varying Pitch. The Cylindroid. — The Cow's Horn. — Warped Surfaces of General Forms. — Planes Tangent to Warped Surfaces. Warped Surfaces Tangent to Each Other. Interse3tions of Warped Surfaces. THE HYPERBOIJC PARABOLOID. 226. The Hyperbolic Paraboloid is a warped surface, with a plane directer, and two rectilinear directrices wliicli lie in different planes. It takes its name from the fact that its curyed sections by planes are either hyperbolas or parabolas. Any plane parallel to the plane directer will cut each directrix in a point; and the right line joining these two points will be an, element of the surface. If a series of such parallel planes be drawn, they will divide the two directrices proportionally. And conversely : If any two right lines not in the same plane be divided into proportional parts, the right lines joining the corresponding points of division will lie in parallel planes, and be elements of a hyperbolic paraboloid. If through any point in space two lines be drawn, respectively parallel to any two of these elements, the plane of those two lines will be parallel to the plane directer, and may be taken for it. If in this j^lane directer any right line be drawn, the element parallel to that line may be found thus : Through any point of either directrix draw a line parallel to the given line ; that direc- trix and this parallel will determine a plane cutting the other direc- trix in a point : through that point draw a parallel to the given line, and it will be the element required. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 153 227. The Hyperbolic Paraboloid is Doubly Buled; that is to say, it lias two sets of rectilinear elements, and consequently two plane directers. In Fig. 192, let XX be the plane directer, A O smd jBD the directrices, CD and AB two elements, the latter lying in XX. Fig. 193 Through BD draw a plane T^T^ parallel to A O, cutting XX in TFTF: a plane parallel to this through AC cuts XX in AZ parallel to WW, Draw Z>^ perpendicular to WW, also 6^^ perpendicular to AZ', then ^^will be parallel and equal to CD. Through any point ^ on ^ 6^ draw £[F parallel to the plane A 7^ T^Tf XX, and cutting BD in F', then -^ = -— (226), and ^i^ will be another element of the surface. 154 DESCKIPTIYE GEOMETRY. Draw ^6^ perpendicular to J. Z and i^/ perpendicular to WW, then GI will be parallel and equal to £^2^. We have also EG - GH' ^^^ FD ~ IK ' therefore j^fj^ = y^, consequently JTIT and GI cut AB in the same point B. Now draw any plane parallel to YY, cutting AB in Z; its intersection with JC^ will be parallel to AZ, and will cut GI in Tvr zxz^- ir • • ^^ ^^ ^^' rpi- 1 JV, HK m jM, giving -y^ = ttt/ = ~Ttp' ^^^^^ plane also cuts^ the parallelogram GF in iV^O parallel and equal to GE^ and the parallelogram HD in MP parallel and equal to IIC. Therefore LN NO ^., , x^7. . . 1 T we have ■y^J^J^ = jifl* '^ which proves that LOF is a riglit line, intersecting the three elements AB, FF, CD. Also, the elements- CD, EF, AB, are proportionally divided by the planes parallel ,. CP EG AL to YY, so that -p-^ = -Q^ = z^- If then AB and CD be taken as directrices, and YY as a plane directer, the resulting surface will be identical with that having A C and BD as directrices and JlX^ for a plane directer. The rectilinear elements CD, EF, etc., which are parallel to XX., are called elements of the first generation ; those of the other set, as- AC, LP, etc., which are parallel to YY, are called elements of tlie second generation. And from the preceding it appears tliat every element of either generation intersects all those of the other. 228. Vertex and Axis. It is clear that a plane through R par- allel to YY, in Fig. 192, will determine an element FT of the second generation, parallel to DK, which is perpendicular to WW. In a similar manner (226) an element of the first generation may be found which shall be parallel to any line drawn in the plane XX and perpendicular to WW. Thus in Fig. 193, having found RT as above, draw AF perpendicular to TFTF, pass through C a plane parallel to XX, cutting J^I^in DQ, and draw CE, perpendicular to DQ and consequently equal and j)arallel to AF. Then EFy DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 155 equal and parallel to A C\ cuts BD in iT, and N'M parallel to AF is the required element. The elements BT^ MN^ therefore, lie in a plane, which is per- pendicular to TFTF, the intersection of the two plane directers, and cuts it at /. The point in which these elements cut each other is called tlie vertex of the surface ; and the line TJTI^ drawn through parallel to TFTF, is called the axis. The plane determined by RT and MN^ again, is tangent to the surface at the vertex (142). _ ■ Obviously, the angle NOR between these two elements is equal to the angle NIR between the two plane directers : if this angle is a right angle, the surface is called a right, or rectangular, hyperbolic paraboloid ; if not, the surface is called oblique. 229. In the absence of a model, the pictorial representation in Fig. 194 may aid in forming a conception of this surface. NS in the horizontal plane, and MT in the vertical plane, are divided into the same number of equal parts, and the right lines joining the Fig. 194 corresponding points of division are elements of one generation; those of the other generation are determined by like treatment of >&l!fin V and NT\u H. Draw Tt' parallel to J/iS', then tTt' is the plane directer of the first generation ; in like manner Ss' parallel to MT determines s8s\ 156 DESCIlirTIVE GEOMETRY. the plane directer of tlie second generation. The vertical traces of these two planes intersect at G on the vertical plane, their hori- zontal traces at iV^on the horizontal plane, thus determining WW^ the intersection of the plane directers. Since N8 is an element of one generation, and NT one of the other, the horizontal plane is tangent to the surface at N (142) ; and for a like reason the vertical plane is tangent to it at M. This is most clearly shown in Fig. 195, which represents the same sur- face in projection on the profile plane. 230. The Principal Diametric Planes. Every hyperbolic parabo- loid, whether rectangular or oblique, is symmetrically divided by two planes perpendicular to each other, passing through the axis, and bisecting the angles formed by the two elements which deter- mine the tangent plane at the vertex. Fig. 196 represents in profile the system of Fig. 193, for con- FiG. 198 venience so placed that the plane RN coincides with the paper, and that the plane directers are equally inclined to the horizontal plane HH, wliich contains their intersection TFTF, represented by the DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 157 point /: thus the axis is represented by the point (9, and the ele- ments of the two generations by the Hnes respectively parallel to XX and YT. Set off on OB the points a, h, and on 0^ the points c, d, all equidistant from O ; through a and h draw parallels to XX, and through c and d, parallels to YY: the intersections of these paral- lels determine the rhombus egfh. Through e and f draw the plane ZZ, and through g and k the plane i^P, both perpendicular to tlie paper; these planes are perpendicular to eacli other, intersect in the axis 0, and bisect the angles formed by Oli and OJV^. Now, the sides of the rhombus represent four elements of the surface; and since a, h, c, d, lie in the plane of the paper, the intersections e, y, g, h, do not, because those elements are inclined to that plane. Suppose e to lie at any distance behind it; then because elj, hh, hd, d/, etc., are all equal, the point /* must also lie at tlie same distance beliind it ; and the points g, A, at exactly the same distance in front of it. Set off hk on IcO equal to cs on JV^O, and complete the rhom- bus mpnq, then by the same reasoning it appears that m and n are at the same distance behind the plane of the paper, and p, q, at an equal distance in front of it. Produce the sides of the lirst rhombus to cut those of the otlier, then r, I, y, w^ are at equal distances beliind the plane, while lo, t, v, a?, are at equal distances in front of it. Then rl, sk, ut, etc. , are chords of the surface parallel to the planes PP and PX; and the plane ZZ bisects them all. So also all chords parallel to ZZ and 7?X, as for example tv, ly, mn, etc., are bisected by PP. Consequently, as stated, the surface is symmetrical with respect to both planes; which are called the principal diametric planes. 231. Tlie Gor^e Lines. There may be an indefinite number of hyperbolic paraboloids having the same plane directors XX, YY, and the profile, Fig. 196, represents them all. JS'ow, the point e may be at any distance beyond the plane of the paper ; but if that distance be assigned, the inclination of the directrices to that plane is thereby fixed, and the surface fully determined. Let Ok be twice Oh ; then since el — ce, I will be twice as far beyond the plane as e, and since Im — Ik, m will be twice as far 158 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. beyond it as Z, or four times as far as e ; wliile the distance of ra from the axis is but twice that of e. Had Oh been three times Oh^ m would have been three times as far as e from the axis, but nine times as far beyond the plane of the paper ; and so on. Consequently LL cuts the paraboloid in a curve, symmetrical with respect to the axis of the surface, having its vertex at 0^ ex- tending to infinity beyond the plane i?^^, and having its abscissas proportional to the squares of the ordinates ; that is to say, in a parabola. And in a similar manner it may be shown that PP cuts the surface in another parabola having its vertex at 0, and ex- tending in front of the plane PI^. 232. Since the plane directers in Fig. 196 are equally inclined to the horizontal plane, PP is horizontal and LL is vertical. Fig. 197 is a projection upon the latter plane; in which the planes PP and PN are seen edgewise. Set off 01 , the assumed distance of e from PN^ and Og equal to it ; also set off 6^4 and Op equal to four times 01. Taking the lengths of the- chords ef^ mn^ from Fig. 196, draw the projections of the rectilinear elements through 9") ^j ^j/*? i^? ^^? andj9, n. Thus the parabola mOn is shown in its own plane ; also, it is seen that ge^ j^m, are tangent to this curve at e and m, (the subtangents l)eing bisected at the vertex) : which is as it should be, because eg., , Z>, are tliose cut from it by a parallel plane through ^, at the same distance from EN but on the opposite side. It can be proved tliat these curves are, in fact, hyperbolas, of which the centres lie in the axis of the surface, and the asymptotes are parallel to the elements Oli^ 0N\ but without discussing their mathematical peculiarities, it is evident from what precedes that they are convex toward the axis, and that their vertices lie upon the two parabolas shown in Figs. 197 and 198: which suffices to show that those parabolas are true gorge lines, as defined in (129). 234. The Plane a Limiting Form. Referring to Fig. 194, sup- pose the elements to be perfectly elastic lines, fixed at each end in the two planes H and V. Then if V be revolved about the ground line in the direction of the arrow, these elements will be length- ened, the curvature of the surface becoming less and less, until at the limit, when J!/^ falls in H beyond the ground line, the parabo- loid will have been extended into a plane. If on the other hand V be revolved in the opposite direction, the curvature of the surface will become greater and greater, the elements contracting, until Jf falls in H in front of the ground line, and the paraboloid will have collapsed into a plane. 235. The Warped Quadrilateral. Four right lines, connecting any four points not in the same plane, constitute what is sometimes ' r '^" — ^ :^ -/ ^'/ o ^ rr- / / _. -4' tA 7^ h' Fig. 203 Fig. 204 To assume a point upon this surface. Assume the horizontal projection, as 6>, Fig. 203 ; the point must then lie upon a vertical line through o\ of which h't' is the vertical projection. Through this vertical line pass any plane, as II ; it cuts the elements at Gy E^ etc., thus determining a curVe of intersection, whose vertical projection g'k'It cuts h't' in o\ the vertical projection of the as- sumed point : and in a similar manner the horizontal projection may be found if the vertical projection is assumed. In either case DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 161 tlieiv^ maj be two determinations, since a right line may pierce the surface in two points ; but no more. The* same process, obviously, is applicable to any otlier warped eurface. To draw an element through the point thus found. In Fig. 204, the quadrilateral P 31 and the point O, in order to avoid confusion in the diagram, are cojDied from Fig. 203., Through draw OB parallel to MJV, and O/S parallel to Pi>; lind as in Fig. 83 the points X and Y, in which the plane of these two lines cuts DM and PJV: then XO Y is an element of the surface. To draw a plane tangent to the surface at this point. Draw through O a plane parallel to Z>i¥ and PiY, and find as above the points in which it cuts PD and MN-^ then WOZ drawn through those points is an element of the other generation, and the plane determined by XY oiid WZ is tangent to the surface at O (142) : and its traces if required may be found in the usual manner. 237. Through any two given right lines not' in the same plane, any number of hyperbolic paraboloids may be passed ; for taking those two lines as directrices, there may be an infinite number of plane directers. This may be seen from another point of view, by consider ing that the ratio between the lengths of PP and 31 X^ in Fig. 203, is entirely arbitrary ; and that any change in this ratio must modify the form of the surface, since one of the plane direct- ers is always parallel to DM and PX^ and the other to PD and 3IX, It follows from this that if any two right lines not in the same plane be drawn of indefinite length, and equal spaces be set off upon each of them by any two scales of equal parts, whatever the ratio between the units of those scales : the right lines joining the successive points of division will be elements of a hyperbolic para- boloid. 238. Practical Applications. The hyperbolic paraboloid is sometimes met with, forming the basis if not the actual surface of a practical structure, without revealing its true nature to the casual observer. Thus in Fig. 205, A is a front view and B is a top view of the "pilot," or "cow-catcher," of an American locomotive, drawn of course in skeleton ; tins being divided by the central ver- tical plane LL^ C is a view from one side, and D a view from the 16'^ DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. otiier side, of that plane. Considering first the part on tlie left of LL in view A, and regarding the warped quadrilateral aoeb as lying upon a surface of tliis kind; then by subdividing ao., he^ as above explained, we determine a series of elements parallel to LL^ as r L Fig. 205 a A L e C h r L shown in view C and in the lower half of view B. Upon the other side of LL there is a warped quadrilateral scrd^ symmetrical to the first ; in this case, by means of corresponding subdivisions of cr and scl^ a series of horizontal elements is determined, as shown in view D and in the upper half of view B. The pilot, then, is composed of two symmetrically placed hy- perbolic paraboloids, of which the horizontal plane and the vertical plane LL are the common plane directers ; and the bars may lie either in vertical planes or in horizontal planes : both arrangements have been used, the preference being given to the former. 239. This surface has also been employed, in designing the bow of a boat, as shown in Fig. 206, where the water-lines are shown at A, while B is the sheer plan and C the body plan. The warped quadrilateral dhco being treated as in Fig. 200, the lines xx^ etc., as well as the frames nn, etc. , are right lines, as shown not only in B but in the left-liand part of C and the lower half of A. But the true water-lines, 1, 2, 3 (or horizontal sections, as shown in the right-hand half of C), are not straight, but what is technically called liollow, — that is, outwardly concave, as seen in the upper half of A. This circumstance is obviously due to tlie fact tliat dh in this case is DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Xt)3 not horizontal, but droops as it recedes from do^ the vertical line of the stem ; which is most clearly shown in the sheer plan B. And ' h y so i> - p m n y \- —4 X J\ p m n Fig, 206 it is equally clear that if dh had been horizontal, all the water-lines would have been straie^lit instead of concave. THE CONOID. 240. The Conoid is a warped surface, with a plane directer, and two linear directrices, one of which is a right line, and the other a curve. Thus the elements of the surface, instead of con- verging to a single point as in the cone, pass through all the points of the rectilinear directrix. If that directrix is perpendicular to the plane directer, it is called the Line of Striction, and the surface is called a Right Conoid. The definition being perfectly general, the curved directrix may be of single or of double curvature. But the term conoid is fre- quently used in a limited sense, as including only those surfaces in which this directrix is a closed curve, lying in a plane perpendicular to the plane directer. 241. In Fig. 207 is represented the most simple of the conoids, which bears to others the same relation that the cone of revolution has to all other cones ; and in all probability gave the name to the class. This is a right conoid, of which the plane directer is V, and 164 DESCRIPTIVE G p]OM ETRY. the curved directrix a circle lying in H ; the line of striction inter- sects at O the axis of this circle, which is evidently a line of sym- metry, and may be called the axis of the surface. It is apparent that this surface is symmetrically divided by two planes through the axis, one of which is parallel, and the other perpendicular, to the plane directer; also that it is divided by the line of striction into '\ Ji 7i, '\ n \ \\fc' \^ / 0, d'// 7 ' n< ^ . / '' e' Z' XV ^' Ci r V. ^. / /w / / I \ \ A f 1 I I d g Ic / c /■ Pig. 207* w\ p a'i ' z/ / u ' • \ \ ./> / T T ^**"-^^-»i ^^■7/ ^ ^m 7/ 7 two nappes, like a cone, which are similar and symmetrically placed. The intersection of this conoid by a plane perpendicular to the axis is an ellipse. Thus, let ZZ be such a i3lane, lying between the directrix and the line of striction : then it is seen that in the horizontal projec- tion the ordinates go, rx, are less than, but directly proportional to, the corresponding ordinates do, yx, of the circle ; therefore the curve is an ellipse whose major axis mn is equal to the diameter of the circle. If the elements be extended, -and cut by a horizontal plane, as II, more remote than the directrix from the line of stric- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 165 tion, the ordinates will be greater than those of the circle, and the minor axis of the elliptical section shown in a dotted line will be equal to the diameter of the directrix. 242. Planes Tangent all along Rectilinear Elements. It is verj *easy to draw the plane tangent at any point, as A for instance, since it must contain the element through that point, and also the tangent at the same point to the elliptical section by a horizontal plane; the horizontal trace of the required plane being drawn through ^, the foot of the element, and parallel to that taiigent, the vertical trace is drawn parallel to az' . And it is obvious that in general such a plane will not be tangent along the element, because the tangent to the circle at z is not parallel to the tangent to the ellipse at a. But the plane TT^ parallel to V, contains the vertical element EH^ and also a tangent at one of the vertices to every elliptical section : it is therefore tangent all along the element. So, again, the plane sSs\ perpendicular to T and containing CP^ is tangent to the surface all along that element ; and two other planes possessing this peculiarity can be drawn on the opposite sides. 243. In Fig. 208, Y is the plane directer, the curved directrix is the horizontal circle CC^ and the rectilinear directrix DD is hori- zontal but inclined to T, and intersects at O the axis of the circle. The upper nappe of the surface is not represented, but the elements are continued below CC to the horizontal plane. It is obvious on inspection that this surface is not symmetrical like the preceding one ; the two nappes will not be similar, and the directrix is the only circular section. In regard to the horizontal trace, we have, since the elements are proportionally divided by parallel planes, the values fg sv _0G _ an de gk ~ vw Gu m em ' therefore that trace is an ellipse, and the same is true of a section by any horizontal plane as LL. 244. Since there must be a vertical element at R and another at S^ it follows that rs will be a common diameter of aU these 166 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. ellipses, as well as of tlie circle. Draw gn^ a diameter of the cir- cle perpendicular to rs^ and through g and n draw the projections of two elements, determining the points /»• and z in the horizontal trace. Then regarding rs as a diameter of the ellipse, kz will be the conjugate diameter ; and in like manner, in any other horizon- tal section, the extremities of the diameter conjugate to rs will lie xv^onfgk and anz. The tangents to these ellipses at the extremi- ties of these conjugate diameters are parallel to rs^ consequently the planes determined by DD and the eleinents FK^ AZ, are tan- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 167 gent to the surface all along those elements ; the true angles y5, &?, which these planes make with H, are seen in the supplementary projection. Draw (?' - This line makes the same angle as MN^ Avith the plane of the base, but elopes in tlie opposite direction ; moreover, it is also a generatrix of the surface, because each of its points, in revolving around the axis, describes the same circle as a corresj)onding point of MN\ for in- stance, Z and R^ on the same side of the gorge and equally distant from it, are also equidistant from the axis, and describe the same horizontal circle. This facilitates the construction of the contour : thus a' is vertically over e\ consequently those two points are equi- distant from {?', and the circles drawn through them will have the same radius oe ; the radius of the circle through V ^ vertically over r% is equal to or^ and so on. 249. Through any point of the surface, then, two elements can be drawn ; and it is apparent that either of them if produced will intersect all those of the other generation except that one which is parallel to it, for the simple reason that they do lie upon the same surface ; and it may be said to intersect that one at an infinite dis- tance. From this it follows that if any three elements of either generation be taken as directrices, any element of the other may be taken as a generatrix, whose motion will produce the same surface. Considered in this light, the surface is one with three rectilineat directrices ; regarded as a surface of revolution, it is one with a cone directer and two circular directrices, — the former being a right circular cone whose ano-le at the vertex is s'c'n' in FIh". 209 : the base of which is II in the horizontal projection : whan thus situ' ated this cone is obviously asymptotic to the surface. 170 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. If a plane be drawn cutting tliis cone directer in an ellipse, a parabola, or an hyperbola, a plane j^arallel thereto will cut this hyperboloid in a curve of the same kind. 250. To assume a point on the surface. In Fig. 210, the contour having been found as above, assume the vertical projection c ; then a horizontal through c' determines the radius y'x' of the circle upon whose circumference c must lie. Conversely, if the horizontal pro- jection c be assumed; a circle through c, about centre is a point in the required curve PAL Draw DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 181 tlie ordinates DE^ OG^ then by construction AE= 2AB = 4:A0, and since the curve is a parabola, DE= 2 GO] but by construc- tion DE= 2BC, consequently GO — BC. That is to say, the two parabolas are precisely alike; which agrees with the conclusion otherwise reached in (263). 2.66, In Fig. 216, tlie two parabolas Tiok^ dai, in the horizontal projection, are the same as those of the preceding diagram; the "K^ ^^ m ^^v ^.S' > ^ V ^ \ r. \ "yC % z i ^ yn ja vertical projection of the former is in the line PP, while s'd', a'i\ parallel to PP and equally distant from it, are the vertical projec- tions of the latter. Kow, whatever the actual magnitudes of x's' and x'a\ it is to be observed that s'i'^ a'd\ will intersect at y' on PP^ giving y'o' = o'x\ and will therefore be tangent to a parabola of which o' is the vertex ; and in like manner it may be sliown that m^n'^ w'z\ and in short the vertical projections of all tangents to liok^ will be tangent to the same parabola a'o's' ; which lies in the vertical plane LL : the surface thus determined is, then, 2. hyper- bolic paraboloid. 183 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Bj similar reasoning it may be sliown tliat sections hy planes parallel to ZL, will be parabolas precisely like a'(/s' ; that is to say, all sections of tins surface by planes parallel to either of the princi- pal diametric planes, will be similar and equal to the gorge parab- ola which lies in that plane. 267. If we suppose the parameter of the gorge hok to be indefinitely reduced, other things remaining unchanged, that pa- rabola will ultimately become c, right line, and the surface Mill become a plane coinciding with ZZ^ its elements being then tan- gents to ao's. Similarly, if the -horizontal gorge remain un- changed, while the parameter of a'o's' is reduced, the elements will "ultimately become tangent to hok, and the surface a plane coincid- ing with Z*P. 268. This derivation of the hyperbolic jjaraboloid, though showing it to be doubly niled, gives thus far no evidence of the existence of plane directers. But if it be established tliat the ele- ments of each generation divide those of the other proportionally, it must follow that those of either set lie in a series of parallel planes. If this relation is true as to the elements in space, it must also be true of their projections, in which all j)arts are equally fore- shortened ; in other words the tangents to the gorge parabolas in Fig. 216 must divide each other proportionally. That they do so, is a fact made use of in the familiar construction shown in Fig. 217 ; the sides J^C, CD, of the isosceles triangle ZJCIJ being divided into tlie same number of equal parts, the points of division are numbered in opposite directions, and the corresponding num- bers joined by right lines : the envelope of these lines is the parab- ola EAD. The following demonstration of this depends upon two properties of the parabola, viz., that the abscissas are proportional to the squares of the ordinates, and that the subtangent is bisected at the vertex. 269. In Fig. 218, let A be the middle point of BC\ which bisects the vertical angle of the isosceles triangle EDC. On the equal sides set off DF — Oil of any length at pleasure, draw ZII cutting ^^'in G, and on JjO set oif AM — AG. Perpendicuki DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 183 to BCdmw FO, ML cutting FH'm Z, ^P cutting FH'm iTand I) Cm P, and ///cutting BCin iV^and CD in / Kow since BCis bisected at A^ CD is tangent at /> to a pa- rabola of which A is the vertex ; and since MG is bisected at A, FJIis tangent at Z to a parabola of which A is the vertex. Also these parabolas have the common axis DC', but in order to prove F D Fig. 2L7 Fio. 21S that they are one and the same, it is necessary to show that AM\ AB :: MD : BD\ But AM^ AG, AB = AC, and ML : BD :: AK \ AP-, consequently the above proportion may he written AG : AG :: AK' : AF^\ or, in fractional form, -j-^ = ~TW^' In order to demonstrate this, we proceed as follows: Draw througli F 'd parallel to DC, cutting BD in F' , and ML produced, in F''-, draw also NF', NF", Then since FF' ^ CN, NF' ie parallel to CD\ and since FF" = NG, NF" is parallel to /7Z Also, since FH, FL, are bisected by J./*, we have ZTA^ = iV/ = KP, = F'D, = LF" ; therefore NF' passes through K, and NF" passes through P. 184 DESCIIIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Then from similar triangles GAK, NAP, we liave ~, = ^~ I and '' '' " JVAK,OAP," " ^=^\l^,\ AG _ AK' •*• AC-AP^' ^•^•■^• 269a. These hjperboloids, viz., the circular, elliptic, and para- bolic, are the only doubly-ruled warped surfaces, and also the only ones having three rectilinear directrices. Each has two gorge lines, lying in planes perpendicular to each other, and having a common vertex ; and from the preceding it is apparent that if sections be made by planes parallel to and equidistant from either gorge, their projections on the plane of that gorge must coincide, be similar to the gorge curve and similarly placed, and satisfy the condition that any chord of the outer curve, tangent to the inner, shall be bisected at the point of contact. It has been shown that this condition can be satisiied by the conic sections ; and it is not known that it can be satisiied by any other curves. THE HELICOID. 270. \Ye shall use the term helix in the restricted sense in which it is commonly employed ; as designating the path of a point which, w^hile revolving uniformly around an axis, also moves uniformly in a direction parallel thereto. This curve, then, lies upon the surface of a cylinder of revolu- tion, cuts all its rectilinear elements at the same angle, and becomes a right line when tlie cylinder is developed into a plane. This being understood, we shall use the term Helicoid to desig- nate any surface generated by a right line whose motion is deter- mined by helical directrices lying upon concentric cylinders. The right line, thus controlled, must necessarily have a motion of revolution ; and it may either intersect the axis, like the genera- trix of a circular cone, or remain always at a fixed distance from it, like that of an hyperboloid of revolution. 271. Helicoidsof Uniform Pitch and of Tarying Pitch. If all the helical directrices have the same pitch,- every point of the gen- eratrix will travel, in a direction parallel to the axis, at the same DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 185 rate ; and that line will either lie in, or make a constant angle with, a plane perpendicular to the axis : the surface is then said to be of uniform pitch. But the directrices may be of different pitches ; in which case, the rate of arial advance being different for the various points of the generatrix, that line will continually change its inclination to the transverse plane ; and the surface is then called a helicoid of varying pitch. 272. Right and Ohlique Helicoids. The hehcoids of uniform pitch may be subdivided into two classes. In Figs. 219 and 220, let the generatrix DE vqyo\yq uniformly around the vertical axis, Fig. ^9 Fig. 220 while at the same time all its points move uniformly in a direction parallel to the axis; then the point C'will describe tha helix MCN lying on the inner cylinder, and the points D and E will describe helices of the same pitch lying on the outer cylinder ; of which r's't'^ xy'u\ are the vertical projections. In both cases, the gen- eratrix remaining at the fixed distance oc from the axis, will always lie in a plane tangent to the inner cylinder, touch that cylinder in a single point, and cut the vertical element through that point at a constant angle. In Fig. 219, the generatrix is jperjpendicular to that element^ 186 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. and therefore parallel to the transverse plane ; that plane, then, h the plane directer of the surface, which is called a right helicoid. The radius oc being arbitrary, may be reduced to zero ; in which case the generatrix intersects the axis, and the helicoid becomes a special form of the right conoid, the axis being the line of striction : this is a most familiar modification in practice, since it is the sur- face of the common square-threaded screw. In Fig. 220, the generatrix is inclined to the vertical element of the inner cylinder through the point of contact. The surface is then called an oblique helicoid, and has a cone directer instead of a plane directer : if ^c be reduced to zero in this case, the surface is that of the ordinary triangular or Y-threaded screw. 273. Representation of the Helicoid. Since each of the points 2>, 6^, E\ in the two preceding figures, describes a helix of the same pitch, it is easy to draw as many elements as may be desired. But the mere projection of a number of elements of indefinite length does not ordinarily convey an adequate idea of the form of any surface. This is better done by representing a limited portion, as in Fig. 221 : the conditions here are similar to those in Fig. 220, and the surface is at once recognized as resembling that of the groove in an auger or a twist drill. This figure illustrates the principle already mentioned, that the visible contour is the envelope of all lines of a surface ; it is, accordingly, tangent to the helical paths of the points Jf, AT, etc. , which are used for this determina- tion in preference to the rectilinear elements : the latter would of course have served the same purpose, but practically would have been more confusing and very little if any easier to construct. 274. To assume a point on the surface. Supposing the axis to be vertical, as shown ; then if the horizontal projection be assumed,, an element can at once be drawn through the point. If the verti- cal projection be assumed, the point must lie on a perpendicular to V through the point ; any plane through this line will cut the ele- ments in points determining a curve, whose liorizontal projection "will cut that of the line, in the required horizontal projection of the point. 275. Peculiarities of Meridian Sections. If in Fig. 221 the sur- face be cut by a plane through the axis, perpendicular to T, the DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 187 section will be the curve gfji^ , shown in the profile. This curve is easily constructed by drawing elements of the surface, and finding the poiuts in which they pierce the cutting plane : for example, the element XY pierces that plane at P ; the altitude of jy, is the samt as that of p' ^ and its distance jp^o^ from the axis is equal to po. This curve is convex toward the axis, and tangent at its vertex CE\% again inclined, but in the opposite DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 189 direction ; and to such an extent that D now lies upon the lower and E upon the higher of the two helices on the outer cylinder. The result is that the meridian section is a looped curve, crossing itself at a point u^ between the two cylinders. Thus this helicoid 190 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. encloses not only the cylindrical wall, to which it is tangent along Fig. 224 a the gorge helix KCL^ but also a serpentine void whose transverse section is of the form of the loop xi^w^c^z^ . ' In these circumstances, a groove of the form li{a^g^ can be cut DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 191 in the outer cylinder, bounded by helicoidal surfaces of which DE is tlic generatrix : but the actual formation of the surface below the point ?/, is impracticable. 277. In Fig. 223, the angle d'c'Ii'^ between i>^ and the verti- cal element of the inner cylinder through C^ is nevertheless greater than that between this element and the tangent to the helix KCL. ]S^o\v in Fig. 224, these angles are equal ; in other words, the gen- eratri x DE is tangent at G to the helix : the surface, although an oblique helicoid, is now developable, being in fact the helical con- volute previously discussed. In the meridian section, the loop has now disappeared, u^ hav- ing retreated to c, , at which point the curve g^cji^ forms a cusjpy the tangent to this curve at this point, moreover, is horizontal in- stead of vertical, and the helix KCL is no longer a gorge line but an edge of regression ; along which the helicoid intersects the cylinder, to which it is not tangent, as has been erroneously stated. Finally, in Fig. 225 the angle dldh' is less than the angle be- tween the tangent to KCL and the vertical element through C, We now have again as the meridian section a curve whose tangent at its vertex does not describe the helix DGF^ but since (7 remains in contact with the axis, there is a sliding of the generatrix upon the guide helix during the motion supposed. Now draw the inner cylinder, with any radius oc at pleasure ; the generatrix in its first position pierces this cylinder at 0^ and after a half revolution, pierces it at P. Set off the arc dg^ say one-third of the semi- circumference, and araw gc^ the horizontal projection of the generatrix in an inter- mediate position ; project g to g' on the outer helix ; the altitude h'g' will be one-third of s'f : set up c'ti = -J c'e\ then g'h' is the vertical projection of this line, which pierces the inner cylinder at JV, It is obvious that the altitude m'n' will be one-third of r'j?^ ; and since the same argument applies to any other position of the generatrix, it follows that the inner cylinder cuts the helicoid in a true helix ONP, and will do so whatever its radhis may be, the pitch, evidently, varying with the radius : and the same applies to exterior cylinders as well. 288. In Fig. 232, the generatrix DC \w its first position lies in H ; let DBF be the guide helix, and FF the position of the gen- eratrix after a half revolution ; let mc, nc be the horizontal pro- jections of intermediate positions; if these be revolved about the axis until parallel to V, their outer extremities will appear as DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 201 m\ 7i\ dividing s'f in the same projjortion in wliicli their inner extremities divide c'e. These lines will therefore if prolonged pierce H in the same point ; as also will k'l \ the position of the generatrix after a revolution and a half — from which it follows that all the elements of this surface pierce H at the same distance from the axis. In other words the horizontal trace of the surface con- sists of the circle whose radius is eo, and also of an indefinite right line coincidino; with Z^6\ the element which lies in the horizontal plane. 289. The transverse section by any other plane as PP will be a spiral, wux, of which the points u and w are obtained directly, since the elements g7i\ Vh\ in the vertical projection pierce this plane at u' ^ w' . To find other points, draw intermediate elements, as through m and n in the horizontal projection ; these when re- volved until parallel to V will pass through in" ^ n'\ points dividing h'h" into parts proportional to the divisions of g'V^ and will be cut by PP at points whose distances from the axis are to be set off on cm^ en : and in like manner any number of points may be deter- mined, and the curve extended in either direction. This curve is peculiar in possessing a circular as well as a rectilinear asymptote ; if continued in the direction uw^ it will pass through the pole c, and then again expanding at a decreasing rate, it will after an in- finite number of turns be tangent internally to the circle oqt : if continued in the opposite direction, it will be tangent at infinity to a line parallel to ed, and lying at a distance from it equal to the circumference of the circular asymptote. 290. In Fig. 233, the generatrix PC in its first position also lies in H, but at a distance cic from the axis ; DKF is a helix traced on the cylinder whose radius is ud. Now let DC revolve uniformly about the axis, in contact with this helix, the point C at the same- time moving uniformly along the element of contact with the cyl- inder whose radius is cu^ so that after a half revolution the line occupies the position FE. By reasoning similar to that used in connection with Fig. 231, it can be shown that the surface thus generated will intersect any cylinder having the same axis in a true helix; this form of the helicoid is, then, the general one, of whicl^ that above discussed is a special case. 202 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Fig. 233 1 ^ p / >~X / 'A ""'' L , \ \ "1 ~c " y / \ / /\. V \ \ // 1 A 1 ; ( If \ 1 w \ / J <^ '■■\ /// M 'j^ yfCj i^- TV ]■ ( ^.Qi -==>_. r ^1 Fig. 234 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 203 Drawing mj?, nr^ tangent to tlie circle whose radius is uc^ and revolving the elements of which these are the horizontal projections nntil thej are parallel to T, it mav be shown as in Fig. 231 that they will then pierce H in the same point O : showing that the horizontal trace of this surface consists of the circle whose radius is uo^ and also of a right line coinciding with DC^ the original position of the generatrix. 291. Practical Application. AVhen the generatrix intersects the axis, the helicoid of varying pitch is often practically employed, forming the acting surfaces of screw-propellers with what is techni- cally called ' ' radially increasing pitch ' ' ; which are swept up, of course, by that portion only of the generatrix which lies on one side of the axis. To aid in gaining a clear idea of the nature of this surface, there is represented in Fig. 234 a portion of it generated by a line of definite length JS/Z; the pitch at that distance from the axis being LP^ PE^ while the pitch at the axis itself is MC^ CD. The generatrix ML being perpendicular to the axis, will after successive revolutions take the positions CEP^ DFR^ etc. ; the point L thus tracing a ^w, PC^ etc., when produced w^ill meet in the same 23oint on the prolongation of LM^ the outline of this surface of revolution is tlie waved branch of a conchoid, of w^hich the pole is and the directrix is NN the axis of the helicoid. . In order to throw the surface into stronger relief, a concentric cylinder is introduced, which, as before shown, cuts it in a true helix, of which portions are visible. 292. From this it is clearly seen that the surface is divided into two symmetrical parts by the median plane LL^ which contains the element perpendicular to the axis. In the immediate neighbor- hood of this plane the surface resembles the right helicoid, while at sensible distances from it there is a greater similarity to the oblique helicoid. And it is specially to be noted, that the generatrices in- cline in opposite directions on the two sides of this plane ; so that in the construction of a propeller it does not suffice to giye merely the pitches at the rim and the hub respectively ; since, while the form 204 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. of the surface would thus be definitely fixed, the particular pprt of it to be used would not l)e located : it is necessary therefore to give in addition the precise inclination to the axis of some specified rec- tilinear element of the proposed blade. THE CYLINDEOID. 293. The Cjlindroid is a warped surface with a plane directer, and is derived from the cylinder in a manner which will be readily understood by the aid of the pictorial representation, Fig. 235. On the left is shown the half of a circular cylinder, with its axis in II and its elements parallel to V ; and this semi-cylinder is cut obliquely by two vertical planes, forming the sections erd^ msn : the elements cut the outlines of these sections in the corresponding points 1 1 , 2 2, etc. Now, the section erd remaining fixed, let the other section be moved upward by translation in its own plane through any given distance; the diameter mon will then, as shown on the right, be vertically over and parallel to its orginal position, here represented by m,6»,7i, : moreover, the relative positions of the points 1, 2, 3, upon the arc ns^ will be the same as before. ]S"ext, joinmg these points with the corresponding points 1, 2, 3, upon the arc di\ the new lines 11, 2 2, etc., will be the rectilinear elements of the surface under consideration. By construction these elements are parallel to T, which therefore is the plane directer in the case here illustrated. The method of representing this surface in projection is too obvious from the above to require further explanation ; nor does the surface itself possess any remarkable features, with the excep- tion that the limiting tangent planes, as LL for instance, are tan- gent all along the elements which they contain. 294. Practical Application. The cylindroid may be used to form the roof of a transverse gallery connecting two parallel arched passages on different levels. The floor of such a gallery, if constructed on the same principle, will also be a warped surface ; it is evident that in the right-hand figure, mn^ de^ are the directrices, and nd^ me^ are two elements, DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 205 206 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. of a hyperbolic paraboloid, wliick lias H for one plane directer and '*'' for the other. Ill the preceding illustration, the circular cylinder was selected merely for convenience ; it is clear that a similar process may be employed, whether the roof of the original arch be circular, ellipti- cal, or of any other section. THE cow's HORN. 295. This is a warped surface liaying three directrices, viz., a right line, and two circles in parallel planes : a plane perpendicular to the latter contains the centres of both circles and also the recti- linear generatrix. In Fig. 236, the circles onrn^ hsd, are of equal diameters and lie in vertical planes, to which the rectilinear directrix 2)0 is per- pendicular ; also, the centres, c and e, are on opposite sides of po and equidistant from it. Under these conditions tlie surface is syjiimetrically divided by the vertical plane through ^>>6> ; and has a practical application in the construction of the warped arch. Any plane through po, evidently, will cut the planes of the circles in parallel lines, as ok, pi, thus determining an element Ik of the surface. The element mb cuts po in a? ; gk cuts it in w, farther from o ; Ik would cut it in a point still more remote, and so on, until, when the cutting plane becomes vertical, pr and os being equal under the assumed conditions, rs is parallel to po. The elements beyond rs will then intersect op on the opposite side of the vertical plane ; dn, evidently, cutting it at a point y, mak- ingpy equal to ox. in Fig. 237, none of the above special conditions are imposed ; the two circles are of different diameters, the directrix po is not perpendicular to their planes, and the centres c and e lie on the same side of po, but at unequal distances from it ; moreover these distances are so chosen that the points p and o do not divide tlie radii en, ed, in the same proportion. This figure, then, represents a general case of the surface, of which the warped arch is only a special form. All the elements now cut the rectilinear dii-ectrix in ironfc of the vertical plane, and at finite distances, since no one of them is parallel to it. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 20? 296. The obvious nse of sucli surfaces is in forming the roofs of arched passages ; which naturally leads to the selection of circles, ellipses, or other symmetrical curves, lying in parallel planes, for the curved directrices. The construction of the roof requires the use of only one-half of each of these curves, which accordingly is all that is i^hown in the figures : if we suppose the other half to be added, It is evident that the plane containing the centres of these curves and the rectilinear directrix, will divide the complete sur- face symmetrically, and in general no other plane will do so. The above pictorial representations show not only the nature of the sur- face, but the method of determining its elements, more clearly than would its projections, which can readily be drawn without further explanation. Since no plane can be tangent to such a surface along an element, the visible contour will in all cases be a curve, though sometimes a very fiat one. Substantially the same method would be employed were the curved directrices in planes not parallel to each other, not similar to each other, or even were they of double curvature ; and indeed it may be said that the Cow's Horn is only a special variety of a general class of warped surfaces, having one rectilinear directrix and two curved ones of any kind whatever. WARPED SURFACES GENERAL FORMS. 297. In addition to the preceding, warped surfaces having no specific names are sometimes met with in practical operations. These must necessarily be determined either by two curved direc- trices and a plane director, or by three curvilinear directrices ; and in representing them, three problems may arise. If there be a plane directer, it may be required to draw an element either parallel to a given line therein, or through a given point on one of the directrices ; if there be none, it may be required to draw an element through a given point upon either directrix. We will consider these problems in the order given. 298. I. In Fig. 238, let CD, EF, be the directrices of a warped surface ; it is required to draw an element parallel to the line jollying in the plane directer tTt' . Analysis. Pass through either directrix a cylinder whose ele^ 208 DESCKIPTIVE GEOMETRY. ments are parallel to the given line. The other directrix will pierce this cylinder in one or more points, through either of which an element of the surface may be drawn parallel to the given line. Construction. Through any points G^ 11^ K^ etc. , on (7i>, draw parallels to MN\ these lines pierce the vertical projecting cylinder of EF in the points 7?, 0^ Z, etc. , thus determining a curve verti- cally projected in €'f\ and horizontally projected in e^f^. This curve is the intersection of the two cylinders, and cuts EF in the point Z7, through which is drawn the required element ZZZ, paral- lel to M]S\ 299. II. In Fig. 239, let OD, EF, be the directrices, tTt' the Fig. 238 plane directer ; it is required to draw an element of the warped surface, through the point O on CD, Analysis. Pass through the given point a plane parallel to the plane directer; it will cut the other directrix in a point of the required element. Construction. Assume in tTt' any point P and also any line JO^, and join P by right lines to any points B, /S, etc. , upon MJV, Through O draw parallels to PP, PS, etc. ; this series of lines determines a plane parallel to tTt'. This parallel plane cuts the horizontal projecting cylinder of EF in a curve whose projections? are ef, e^f^ ; and this curve cuts EF in X, thus determining OX^ the element required. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 209 300. III. In Fig. 240, MN, CD, EF, are the directrices of a warped surface; it is required to draw a rectilinear element through the point O on MN. Fig. 239 Analysis. Pass through either of the other directrices a cone of which the given point is the vertex. The third directrix will pierce this cone in one or more points, through either of w^hich and the given point an element of the surface may be drawn. /A FiQ. 240 Construction. Through any points G, R, K, etc. , on CD, draw lines from O ; these are elements of the cone, and pierce the hori- zontal projecting cylinder of EF in the points H, jS, Z, etc : thus 210 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. determining a curve, of wliicli the horizontal projection is ef and the vertical is e„f^. This curve is the intersection of the cone with the projecting cylinder, and cuts EF in X, a point of the re- quired element OX. PLANES TANGENT TO WARPED SURFACES. 303.. A plane tangent to any warped surface at a given point may be constnicted by the general rule of (140), viz. : Draw through the point any two intersecting lines of the surface, and at the point a tangent to each line ; these tangents determine the re- quired plane. The rectilinear element through the given point is one line of the tangent plane, in all cases ; and if the surface be doubly ruled, the plane is at once determined by drawing through the point an element of each generation (142) ; as has already been illustrated in the cases of the hyperbolic paraboloid (236), the hyperboloid of revolution (250), and the elliptical hyperboloid (260). If there be only one set of rectilinear elements, that curve of the surface should be selected to which the tangent can most read- ily be drawn : the helicoid affords a good illustration, since the tangent to the helix is easily determined. 302. Problem 1. To draw a j^lane tangent to an oblique heli- coid at a given point. Construction. In Fig. 241, let 2>(7, parallel to V, be the gen- eratrix, and DFE the helix traced by D : to draw a plane tangent to the surface at the point P upon this helix. Since the generatrix cuts the axis, set up c'g' = p'y\ then g'p' is the vertical projection of the element through P, whose traces are and S. Since tho given helix pierces H at Z>, makej?/', per- pendicular to cp^ equal to the arcj9(i; then rpm is the horizontal, and r'p'w! is the vertical, projection of the tangent at P to the helix. It is the horizontal trace of this tangent ; therefore tovT is the horizontal, and Ts't' is the vertical, trace of the required tan- gent plane. Note. The horizontal trace of this surface is the Archimedean spiral hodl.^ constructed as in Fig. 229 ; and it is to be particularly observed that tT is not tangent to this trace, because the plane is DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 211 tangent to the surface only at the point P^ and not along an ele- ment. The horizontal trace of a plane tangent to the helicoid at Fig. 241a 2>, or any other point in H, of course would be tangent to this spiral. ^18 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 303. Problem 2. To find the jj^int of tangency hetween a given ohliqii^e helicoid and a jplane containing a given element thereof. Analysis. Since the plane is not parallel to the other elements, it will cut each of them in a point ; tlie curve passing through the points thus found will cut the given element in tlie required point. Construction. In Fig. 242, let DC parallel to V, be the gen- eratrix of the helicoid, whose pitch is also given. Let GO be the given element of the surface thus determined, and tTt' the given plane. Having drawn the horizontal trace of the surface, hodl^ as before, draw , E^ F^ DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 217 from tlie other tlie curves G^ 11^ Z, and from the tangent planes tlie riglit hnes R^ S, T. The curves D^ G, being tangent to each otlier, have two con- secutive pomts in common ; and the same is tnie of the other pau-s, E^ H, and F^ I. Consequently, if LL be moved eitlier upon D^ E^ F^ or upon G^ H^ /, as directrices, into its consecutive posi- tion, it will lie in both surfaces* which, therefore, have two con- secutive rectilinear elements in common. Any plane cutting tliese, evidently, will cut from the surfaces two lines which have two consecutive points in common, or in other words are tangent to each other : tlie two surfaces, then, are tangent all along LL. 312. If the two surfaces have a common plane directer, and common tangent planes at two points upon a common element, they will be tangent all along that element. For in this case the motion of L^L in Fig. 244 would be completely determined by two of the pairs of curves there shown ; and the argument is otherwise the same as above. 313. If in the same figure the generatrix LL be moved upon the tangent lines B^ /S, T, as directrices, instead of upon either set of curves, it will generate a third warped surface, tangent^ all, along the element, to both the others: this surface having three recti- linear directrices, must be eitlier a hyperbolic paraboloid, or a warped hyperboloid. If the three intersecting planes passed through J., B^ and (7 are parallel, then R^ S, and 7^ are all parallel to one plane, and the surface is a hyperbolic paraboloid ; if they are not, the surface will be either a circular or an elliptical hyper- boloid. The relations and directions of the intersecting planes 218 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY, being entirely arbitrary, any number of sets of planes, parallel or not, may be drawn tlirougli those points ; consequently, any num- ber of hyperbolic paraboloids, and any immber of warped hyperbo- loids, may be constructed, all of which shall be tangent along the element LL to both the given surfaces. 314. Since the directions of the tangents 7?, 8^ T, are deter- mined by either of the two given surfaces independently of the other, it might seem that the above would be true of any element of any warped surface. But there are exceptions. It has been seen that a plane may be tangent all along certain elements of a warped surface, as in the cases of the cylindroid and some forms of the conoid. To such a surface, evidently, no other warped surface can be tangent along those elements, except one which possesses the same peculiarity, and this is conspicuously not the case with the hyperboloids : single-curved surfaces, however, may be so, of any kind and of any number. The normals at all points of such an element, being perpendicu- lar to one plane, are parallel to each other, and thus determine a plane normal to the surface all along the element. 315. Tlie normals to a warped surface at various points of a given element are not in general tlius perpendicular to any one plane. But if they are not, tlien, whatever tlie nature of the given surface, these normals are elements of a rectangular hyperbolic paraboloid. This may be shown as follows : In Fig. 245, let Z>, E^ F^ be the curves cut from a warped surface by planes perpendicular to the element LL at the points A^ B^ C\ let JT, Y^ Z be the normals at those points, which will be perpendicular to the tangents /^, S^ T lying in the same intersecting planes. If LL be moved upon the tangents to any new position MN^ it will, as has already been seen, generate a hyperbolic paraboloid ; of which one plane director will be any plane F perpendicular to LL^ and the other will be any plane H parallel to both MN and LL^ and consequently perpeii- dicular to Y. This tangent paraboloid, then, is rectangular ; and if it be revolved about LL through an angle of 90°, the elements ^, S^ T will coincide with the normals X, Y^ Z, the line MI^ taking the position TJW. The paral)oloid now has for one set of DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 219 elements the series of normals, and for one plane director the plane V to which they are all parallel ; the other plane directer will be any plane P parallel to both UW and ZZ, and therefore perpen- dicular to V: and since the revolution was through an angle of 90°, this plane P will also be perpendicular to ZT. Note. In this illustration, the conditions have for the sake of clearness been so chosen that the plane directors F, Zf, P, are respectively parallel to the vertical, horizontal, and profile planes; and for further elucidation, the positions of the tangents i?, S, T, N M c B T—sN S \ \ A L \ R Tig. 246 Fig. 245 and the line MN^ before and after revolution, are represented by tlieir projections, in Fig. 246, of which no explanation is needed. 316. Applications of the Preceding. The hyperbohc paraboloid is readily drawn, and a plane tangent to it easily determined ; it is therefore natural that this surface should be the one usually em- ployed as an auxiliary, in constructing tangent plaues to other and more intractable warped surfaces, as suggested in (310): the two following examples illustrate its use for this purpose. 317. Problem 1. To draw a plane tangent to the Cow^s ZZorn at a given point of the surface. 230 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Construction. In Fig. 247, X, , 1\ , parallel to V, are the cir- cular directrices, whose centres JT and Y, as well as tlie rectilinear directrix ^iT, lie in the plane JJ parallel to H ; it is required to Fia. 24:7 draw a plane tangent to the surface at the point P, upon the given element FD, This element and the rectilinear directrix, being two lines of the surface, determine a plane gQm\ tangent thereto at their inter- section K Draw in this plane a line ^^ parallel to V, and at D and F draw tangents to the circulai- directrices ; these three lines DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 221 are elements of one generation, and ED is an element of the other generation, of a hyperbolic paraboloid liaving V for one plane director. Through any point B of the tangent at i>, pass a plane con- taining the tangent at F\ this plane cuts EK\vl (7, and CTJR is an element of the paraboloid. Through P pass the plane // parallel to T, cutting Cli in O^ then PO and EB determine a plane tangent at P to the auxiliary paraboloid and therefore to the given surface. ED pierces H in G^ and PO pierces it in S\ also ED j)ierces V in J[f : consequently tT^ the horizontal trace of the required plane, transverses g and «, and Tt\ the vertical trace, passes through m' — being, moreover, parallel io jp'o' the vertical projection oi PO. 318. Problem 2. To draw, a plane tangent to the cylindroid at a given i)oint of the surface. Construction. In Fig. 248, let 1", Z, be the circular directrices, V the plane directer, and P, on the element CD^ the given point. Draw, at C and Z>, tangents to the circles ; these tangents are the directrices, and CD is the generatrix, of the auxiliary hyperbolic paraboloid. The tangents pierce y m E and E respectively, and EE is another element of the auxiliary surface. Pass through P a plane parallel to Z^jB'and CE\ its vertical trace is r's'^ which cuts ef in o\ horizontally projected in o on AB. Then PO and CD determine the required tangent plane; whose vertical trace is l^arallel to c'd' the vertical projection of CD. 319. The normals to any warped surface at points of a given element thereof, determine, in general, a hyperbolic paraboloid (315), and belong to the same generation. If any element of the other generation of this paraboloid be taken as an axis, the given element by revolving around it will generate an hyperboloid of revolution, which will be tangent to the given surface all along the element : of which the following exhibits a useful application «in mechanism. 320. Problems. To construct two hyperholoids of revolution^ tangent to each other along an element. Construction. In Fig. 249, let the axis of one hyperboloid be vertical, c being its horizontal and o'c' its vertical projection ; let 222 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. CO be tlie radius of its gorge circle, and OP^ parallel to T, its gen- eratrix : the projections of this surface are then drawn as in Fig. 209. The gorge radius of which o' is the vertical and co is the horizontal projection, is evidently normal to the surface ; the nor- mal at P must lie in a plane perpendicular to OP^ therefore c'p' perpendicular to o';p' is its vertical and cj) is its horizontal projec- tidh : these normals are elements of one generation, and the verti- cal axis and the generatrix OP are elements of the other generation of the normal hyperbolic paraboloid, — of which one plane director is V, and the other is perpendicular to OP. Any plane as JJ parallel to Y is seen in the horizontal projection to cut co produced, in 6, and cp produced, in ^; e is vertically projected in o' ^ and d DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 223 in d\ on the prolongation of c'])\ therefore ed is tlie horizontal, and o'd' the vertical, projection of another element of the normal parab- oloid : which may be taken as the axis of the second hyperboloid. 321. Make a supplementary projection on a plane perpendicular to this axis, looking in the direction of the arrow w. In this view^ eo is seen in its true length as ^^<9, , and the common element OP as (9i^j tangent at o, to the circle of the gorge, which in the verti- cal elevation appears 2,^ fk! perpendicular to o'd' . The radius of the upper base, passing " through P and also perpendicular to the 224 DESCRIPTIYE GEOMETRY. inclined axis, is e^p^ , to which accordingly g'V in the vertical pro- jection is made eqnal. Any point TJ on OP^ is projected to %i^ on o^])^ , and s'li't' perpendicular to o'd! is eqnal to e(ii^ ; and in like manner any desired number of points on the required hyperbola may be found. In the foreshortened horizontal projection of the inclined hyper- boloid, both the gorge circle and the upper base appear as ellipses ; as will also any intermediate transverse sections^. A portion of one such section through B^ is projected at y ; the visible contour zx is the enyelope of all these ellipses, and not, as sometimes supposed, a curve through the extremities of their major axes : in fact it passes through the extremity of only one of them, viz. , that of the gorge circle at 2, at which point the contour line has a tangent perpen- dicular to ez the gorge radius. INTERSECTIONS OF WARPED SURFACES. 322. The intersection of any warped surface with a plane may be determined by finding the points in which its elements pierce the plane. Many such intersections have already been illustrated ; and in any case the problem is simple in principle, though the necessary repetition of the same process may render it tedious in execution. The intersection with any other surface may be determined by the general method, of passing a series of auxiliary planes cutting both surfaces, and joining the points in which the lines cut from each surface intersect each other. Just what system of auxiliary planes will be most convenient, must in the nature of things dej^end largely upon the peculiarities of any given case, and be decided by the judgment of the operator. Attention to the following points may, however, sometimes be of service ; — 1 . If one of the given surfaces he a cylinder^ Planes may be passed through the elements of the warped surface, parallel to those of the cylinder. 2. If one of the s 117 faces he a cone; Planes may be passed through the elements of the warped surface and the vertex of the cone. 3. If hoth surfaces are war][)ed^ hut have a common plane di- DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 325 recterj A system of planes parallel to this plane directer may be used. In either of these .cases, the auxiliary planes will cut right lines from both surfaces ; but it does not necessarily follow that these wdll give the most satisfactory determinations, since they may in- tersect each other very acutely. 323. The intersection of a helicoid with a surface of revolution having the same axis, is of special interest as being frequently met with in the construction of screw-propellers ; a few illustrations of it are therefore appended. That particular form of the helicoid only is here considered in which the generatrix cuts the axis ; bo- rn' \d" y" h" cause in practice it is used, if not exclusively, at least more exten* sively than any other. 324. Example 1. Intersection of a helicoid with a right cir- cular cone having the same axis. Construction. In Fig. 250 are given, on the left an end view, on the right a side view^, of a portion of a right helicoid ; ad^ ad\ being the helical directrix. In the end view, ca^ cb^ cd^ etc., equi- distant radii, represent elements; if these be revolved into the ver- tical plane ca^ they will in the side view appear as the equidistant lines G'a\ r'h'\ w'd'\ etc., perpendicular to the axis; these pierce the cone m'o'n' at the points h\ e'\ d'\ etc. Set off on the radii 226 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. in tlie end view the true distances of these points from the axis, as cJi =: c'h\ ce = r'e'\ ct = s't" ^ etc. Project the points thus located, back to the elements in the side view, as d Xo d\ t to t\ e to e\ etc. ; the curves deli^ d'e'K ^ thus determined, are the re- quired projections of the intersection. Tig. 252 In the case of the oblique helicoid, Fig. 251, the elements when revolved into the vertical plane ca^ appear in tlie side view as equi- distant parallels inclined to the axis. Tlie construction is the same as before, with the exception that the points d\ t\ e' ^ etc., are located, not upon tlie elements, but upon perpendiculars to the axis from the points d'\ t'\ e'\ etc. ; because each point must revolve in a plane pb/pendicular to the axis. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 227 Fig. 252 represents tlie intersection of the cone with a hehcoid of varying pitcli. In this case the revolved elements appear in the side view as lines of different inclinations, dividing into the same number of equal parts the distances a'd'\ c'w'\ which distances are the same fractions of the ]^itches at tlie outer circnrnforence and the axis respectively, that tlie arc ad is of the whole circumfer- ence : otherwise the construction is the same as in Fig. 251. 325. Note. The arcs hg^ ef^ etc., in the end views, represent concentric cylinders, which cut all these helicoids in true helices — two of them shown in the side views as k'g\ e'f. The outlines ym. 253 y'g' ^ e"f'^ of these cylinders must pass through the points Tc"^ e'\ i" ^ etc., in all three side views; in the first two these points are equidistant, therefore in the end views the points A, g^ y, are also equidistant, and the curve deli in Figs. 250 and 251 is an Archi- medean spiral : but in Fig. 252 this is not so, for the distances hg^ gf^ etc., are not equal, but continually increase as the points A, ^,/*, recede from the centre. This problem is encountered in determining the form of the trailing edge of a propeller-blade having what is technically called an ' ' overhang ' ' ; when it will often be found more satisfactory to 228 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. ascertain the distances ck^ ce^ etc. , by calculations based upon tlie law of tlie spiral, since accuracy in tlie end view is most essential. 326. Example 2. Intersection of a helicoid with an annular torus having the same axis. Explanatory. A propeller-blade fashioned as above would re- volve within a surface of revolution whose meridian section is o'd"a' in either of the three preceding figures: it would also have an objectionable sharp corner at d^ d' , The imaginary "box" within which the blade revolves is therefore sometinies ' rounded off at the angle,' as by the arc x'\(!'n" in Fig. 253, This arc is a part of the circumference of a circle whose centre is z ; and the complete circumference is the meridian section of an annular torus having. the same axis as the helicoid. Construction. The w^arped surface in this figure is a right lieli- coid, and the mode of operation is substantially the same as in Fig. 250. Thus, dividing the arc ad and the distance a'd" in the same proportion, the elements are represented by radii in the end view and ])y perpendiculars to the axis in tlie side view, drawn through the points of division; and the curves deh., d'eh\ are found as in (324). The section of the torus is tangent at ti" to the element s'y" ; set off on cy, the distance cu = s'u'\ and project u back to s'y" at It' ; this determines a limiting point of the curve in each view. The circular section is tangent to o'7ri at v'\ and an ele- ment through this point cuts the circumference also at t" : the distances of these points from the axis being set ofl: on the corre- sponding radius, the two points t and v are determined — of which the latter is the point of tangency betw^een the spiral aeh and the new intersection vtx. Ry repeating this process as many points as are deemed requisite may be found, and the entire curve of pene- tration constructed : only that portion is here shown wdiich would form part of the contour of the blade of a propeller. 327. Example 3. Intersection of a helicoid v&ilh a cylinder whose elements are parallel to the axis. Explanatory. The form of a propeller blade is sometimes fixed by the condition that it shall present a given outline in the end view : the drawing of the other views then involves the problem above mentioned. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 229 Construction. In Fig. 254, let the warped surface again be a right heHcoid, and let mon be the base of the cylindrical surface. The operation is simply the converse of the preceding ; the points in which the elements of the helicoid pierce the cylinder are seen directly in the end view, and are projected to the correspond- ing elements as seen in the side view, — as e to e' on w'd" ^ o to o' on s'y" , etc. Then in order to find the outline of the surface within FiGf. 254 which the blade revolves, set up w'e" = ce^ s'o" = co, and so or>, thus determining the required curve e"o"x" . 328. These last problems have been illustrated only in connec- tion with the riglit helicoid, merely for tlie sake of simplicity. But by attention to the explanations given in (324), there will be no difficulty in dealing in a similar manner with the others ; and indeed substantially the same methods might be applied if the gen- eratrices of the helicoids were curved, as they sometimes are : in whicli case, however, the surfaces are no longer warped, but are of double curvature. 230 DESCmPTIVE GEOMETET. CHAPTEK YII. ISOMETRICAL DeAWING, CavALIER PROJECTION, AND PsEtJDO- Perspective. ISOMETRY. 329. In Fig. 255, (7 is a top view of a cube so placed that in the front view A tlie diagonals cc/, ah, of its upper face are respec- tively parallel and perpendicular to the paper. The cube is shown as cut by a plane pp, perpendicular to the paper in view A ; the gection thus made, as seen in the perspective sketch F, is bounded "by the three face diagonals ah, ad, hd : it. is, then, an equilateral triangle, to the plane of which the three equal edges ca, ch, cd are DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 231 e' iially inclined. And as seen in view ^, this plane is perpen- dicular to the body diagonal ch of the cube, which pierces it at o. In the view i>, which is an orthographic projection upon the plane ^j?, the three face diagonals are seen in their true lengths, forming the equilateral triangle a'Vd' . Since the three edges which meet at g are equally inclined to the plane, they will be equally foreshortened : therefore c' is the centre of the triangle, a'G\ h'c'^ d'c' are equal to each other, and the three angles at c' are each equal to 120°. Every other edge of the cube being equal and parallel to one of these three, each visible one will appear equal and parallel to one of those already drawn ; thus the apparent contour of the entire cube will be a regular hexagon, the representation of each face be- ing a rhombus. Because the edges of the cube are thus foreshortened in the same proportion, so that they and all parallels to them may be measured l)y the same scale, such a view as D is called an Isometric Projection ; a'c' ^ h' g' ^ d'c\ are called the isometric axes ; the planes which they determine, and all planes parallel to them, are called isometric planes / and all lines parallel to the axes are called iso- metric lines. 330. Drawings made in this manner possess the advantage of conveying, in one view, ideas of the three dimensions, as do those made in perspective ; and in many cases they exhibit the peculiarities of structure more clearly than ordinary plans, sections, and eleva- tions. They are readily understood by those who are not familiar with common projections ; and in making sketches this system is very useful. Obviously, however, the advantages of isometry are more pro- nounced Avhen the objects to be represented are bounded by right lines, of which the principal ones are parallel and perpendicular to each other. It is not well adapted for the general drawing of machinery, since it involves an unpleasant distortion, and also be- cause in most cases the circles are projected as ellipses. 331. Distinction hetween isonietrical projection and isometri- col drawing. In Fig. 255 the actual length of the edge of the cube is cd\ its apparent length in view D is c'd' ^ equal to od in view A, 23^ DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. Suppose cd to be one unit in length — an incli for example : tlien by taking od as a unit it is possible to construct an isometriG scale^ by wliicli all tlie isometric lines in D might have been set off ; and such a scale could be used in constructing any isometrical projection. This is a matter of purely abstract, theoretical interest, and not of any practical use whatever. Since tlie isometric lines are all equally f-oreshortened, there is no reason why they should be repre- sented ac foreshortened at all. Consequently an Isometric Drawing of the given cube is made as shown at E^ each edge being drawn of its true length. This is the method always adoj^ted in practice, the scales in common use being alone employed. The man who should construct a true projeetio7i, and send it to the workman to be measured, by an isometric scale, would simply make a record of his own stupidity ; he who sliould teach others to do so, would commit a blunder of much more serious importance. For, to use the words of another, '' the value of isometry as a practical art lies in the applicability of common and known scales to the isometric lines. "-^ 332. We proceed, then, just as in making ordinary working drawings, setting off the dimensions on those lines either ' ' full size," or with the 3-inch scale, the li-inch scale, etc., as the case may require. Naturally, lines which are vertical are so repre- sented ; the other isometric lines are then drawn with great facility by the aid of the T-square and the triangle of 60° and 30°. Figs. 256-261 are simple exercises, composed wholly of iso- metric lines, the construction being so obvious that no detailed explanation is required : the method of locating the foot of the cross in Fig. 257, and the mortise and the tenon in Fig. 261, by measui'ing along the lines ea, ch, or parallels to them, is sufficiently shown by the dotted lines. It is to be distinctly understood that these figures are illustra- tions merely : the student is not to coj>y them, but to construct them or others of similar character, with such variations of dimen- sions, arrangement, or design as may be suggested by his ingenuity, which should be given full play. * W. E. Wortben. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. !33 333. Shadow Lines. In making mechanical drawings, on any system of projection, those lines which, being the intersections of Fig. 257 snrfaces which are illuminated w^ith others which are not, intercept the light and thus cast shadows, are usually emphasized by making Fm. 258 them heavier than the other outlines. By this means an effect of relief is produced ; the drawing is more easily read, and its ajDpear- J34 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. ance greatly improved : and tlie lines tliiis emphasized are called shadow lines. In orthographic drawings, the direction of the light is by com- mon consent assumed as follows : Suppose the observer to be standing in a cubical room, facing one of the walls as the vertical plane ; then the light comes from behind, the rays going downward to the right, in the direction of the body diagonal of the cube, each projection making an angle of 45° with the ground line. And in isometric drawings reference is also made to the cube as a standard. Thus in E^ Fig. 255, the light is supposed to have the direction of the body diagonal af^ so that the faces eo^ cg^ are Fig. 261 illuminated, and shadows are cast by the edges ed^ dc^ cb^ and Ig, In drawing, the first of these lines should be made the heaviest, the last one the lightest, and the other two of equal and medium thickness. 334. Isometrical Drawing of the Circle — In the ellipse repre- senting the circle inscribed in the face of the cube. Fig. 262, the axes coincide with the diagonals, and are at once determined by representing the parallels through Z, m, n^ 6>, in the elevation shown at the left. Describe a semicircle upon cd as a diameter, divide it into four equal parts by the points 1, 2, 3, draw 3 3', 1 1' perjDen- dicular to cd^ and through 3' and V draw parallels to hc] tliese DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 235 will cut the diagonals at m, = semi-major axis, set ofi the^ DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. 237 arc oa = 60°, erect tlie vertical ab^ and draw h]) cutting the inner ellipse (circnmscri})ing the base of the nut) in c. 336. To draw Angles to the Sides of the Isometrical Cube (Fig. 265). Draw a square cg^ whose side is equal to the edge of the cube ; about one of its angles, say . ^,v-^ .• ^. '^■'•t^''-./"- ^ r-i-o, ■■■" :.■• ' • ;'■';/■■■''';,•,,:!-/ ■f