GL: UC-NRLF / On the deter-N mination of elliptic or- bite from 3 complete ob- servations. N.A.S. 4. 8th Mem. Students' . Observatori NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIKNCES. V 01,. TV. EIGHTH MEMOIR. ON THE DETERMINATION -OF ELLIPTIC ORBITS FROM THREE COMPLETE OBSERVATIONS. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. VOL. IV. EIGHTH MEMOIR. ON THE DETERMINATION OF ELLIPTIC ORBITS FROM THREE COMPLETE OBSERVATIONS. 79 ON THE DETERMINATION OF ELLIPTIC ORBITS FROM THREE COMPLETE OBSERVATIONS. By J. WILLARD GIBBS. The determination of an orbit from three complete observations by the solution of the equa- tions which represent elliptic motion presents so great difficulties in the general case, that in the first solution of the problem we must generally limit ourselves to the case in which the intervals between the observations are not very long. In this case we substitute some comparatively simple relations between the unknown quantities of the problem, which have an approximate validity for short intervals, for the less manageable relations which rigorously subsist between these quantities. A comparison of the approximate solution thus obtained with the exact laws of elliptic motion will always afford the means of a closer approximation, and by a repetition of this process we may arrive at any required degree of accuracy. It is therefore a problem not without interest it is, in fact, the natural point of departure in the study of the determination of orbits to express in a manner combining as far as possible sim- plicity and accuracy the relations between three positions in an orbit separated by small or mod- erate intervals. The problem is not entirely determinate, for we may lay the greater stress upon simplicity or upon accuracy ; we may seek the most simple relations which are sufficiently accurate to give us any approximation to an orbit, or we may seek the most exact expression of the real relations, which shall not be too complex to be serviceable. DERIVATION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION. The following very simple considerations afford a vector equation, not very complex and quite amenable to analytical transformation, which expresses the relations between three positions in an orbit separated by small or moderate intervals, with an accuracy far exceeding that of the approximate relations generally used in the determination of orbits. If we adopt such a unit of time that the acceleration due to the sun's action is nnity at a unit's distance, and denote L he vectors* drawn from the SUB to the body in its three positions by * Vectors, or directed quantities, will be represented iu this paper by German capitals. The following notations will be used in connection with them. The sign = denotes identity iu direction as well as length. The sign -f- denotes geometrical addition, or what is called composition iu mechanics. The sign denotes reversal of direction, or composition after reversal. The notation $l-$$ denotes the product of the lengths of the vectors and the cosine of the angle which they include. It will be called the direct product of $[ and 3. If x, y, z are the rectangular components of $(, and x 1 , y', i' those of S3, Sl-Vl may be written W and called the square of fl. The notation SlXg will be used to denote a vector of which the length is the product of the lengths of Jl and 93 and the sine of the angle which they include. Its direction is perpendicular to Jl and 2J, and on that side on which H. Mis. 597 - 6 81 M789809 82 MEMOlltS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. tt], Wf, 9t], and the lengths of these vectors (the hHiix-i'ntric distances) by ri, r,, r 3 , the acceler- OJ kU 01 ations corresponding to the three positions will be represented by j . _ Z , _ -. Now the motion between the positions considered may be expressed with a high degree of accuracy by an equation of the form having five vector constants. The actual motion rigorously satisfies six conditions, viz., if we write TJ for the interval of time between the first and second positions, and TI for that between the second and third, and set t=0 for the second position, for t= r,, a,_ s u d8t JR,. dt* ~ -j?' for f=0, aj 01 w H y\2 . a? = ~T? for tssTi, m _ g\ nl lK 3 // J " "?? We may therefore write with a high degree of approximation : Ki=8 ,= rotation from ft to SJ appears connter-clock-wise. It will be called the ikew product of Jl and SJ. If the rectan- gular components of ft and v two |HiHitiuini in un orbit. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 83 From these six equations the five constants SI, S, (i, 25, may be eliminated, leaving a single equation of the form where f. _ A,=- This we shall call our fundamental equation. In order to discuss its geometrical signification, let us set so that the equation will read 0. (3) This expresses that the vector 2 S 2 is the diagonal of a parallelogram of which niSRi and n 3 9R 3 are sides. If we multiply by S 3 and by 9l| , in sfcetc multiplication, we get =0, (4) whence ii\ . . vi ,n . . ,n ill . . iii (5) Our equation may therefore be regarded as signifying that the three vectors Sfti, SR 2 , $3 lie in one plane, and that the three triangles determined each by a pair of these vectors, and usually de- noted by [*V 3 ], [rir 3 ], [n^], are proportional to Since this vector equation is equivalent to three ordinary equations, it is evidently sufficient to determine the three positions of the body in connection with the conditions that these positions must lie upon the lines of sight of three observations. To give analytical expression to these conditions, we may write d, & 2 , (S 3 for the vectors drawn from the sun to the three positions of the earth (or, more exactly, of the observatories where the observations have been made), gi , g 2 , g, for unit vectors drawn in the directions of the body, as observed, and pi, pi, p 3 for the three distances of the body from the places of observation. We have then (6) By substitution of these values our fundamental equation becomes where PI, PI, P3,ri,r t ,r 3 (the geocentric and heliocentric distances) are the only unknown quanti- ties. From equations (6) we also get, by squaring both members in each, (8) by which the values of r t , r 2 , r 3 may be derived from those of pi, p z , p-j, or vice versa. Equations (7) ami (8), which are equivalent to six ordinary equations, are sufficient to determine the six 84 MIIMOIKS OF TI1K NATIONAL AUADK.MY OK SCIENCES. quantities r lt r f , r 5 , pi, /a,, /3j; or, if we suppose the \ dues of n, r a , r 3 in terms of pi, p,, p^ to be substituted in equation (7), we have a single vector equation, from which we may determine the three geocentric distances pi, pi, p 3 . It remains to be shown, fust, how the numerical solution of the equation may be performed, and, secondly, how such an approximate solution of the actual problem may furnish the basis of a closer approximation. SOLUTION OP THB FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION. The relations with which we have to do will be rendered a little more simple if instead of each geocentric distance we introduce the distance of the body from the foot of the perpendicular from the Min upon the line of sight. If we set equations (8) become ri^qf+tf, rf=qf+pf, r 3 *=q 3 *+p 3 *. (11) Let us also set, for brevity, =-(i-^)(e 2 +/o s &), *-*(i+)(fc+/>*). (12) Then S,, 2,, g, may be regarded as functions respectively of PI, p, pa, therefore of ji, 3 , q 3 , and if we set g'=g-', "=?% &"=f\ (13) aqi dq, dq 3 ' and s=e,+ 2 -i-S3, (U) we shall have xiinatioii) ivi- certain reM.lual : (.vl.irh woul.l I,,, /.,-n, if tin- raldefl of ,,,, ,,., , h sati.slie.l the fuu.lameutal equation), and we wish to tin.l the eornvtions J, h , J,, : . J ft( w |,i,.|, must b,- a.l.l.-d to ,,, . ,/.. ,, "^rjO^+r, ) t "3 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 85 to reduce the residual to zero, we may apply equation (15) to these finite differences, and will have approximately, when these differences are not very large, ^. (19) This gives* (23''"') (ee quite tedious without the use of the quadratic term. H; MKMOIKS oi- THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. When a comet is somewhat near the earth we may make use of the fact that the earth's orbit is one solution of the problem, i. e., that f>t is one value of Jg 2 , to save the trifling labor of com- puting the value of (2"2'"2')- For it i* i-vident from the theory of equations that if p 1 and z are the two roots, _(2'2 [ (22'"2') Pt ~ z ~l(l"2" / 2 l ) ~f(3"2'""2'j Eliminating (1"2'"'), we have (p,- whence Now - m] is the va l e f ^9> wnicl1 we obtain if we neglect the quadratic term in equa- tion (24). If we call this value [dq,], we have for the more exact value* Jft -._M!jL 9 H.L*] < 26 > p> The quantities dq\ and Jg 3 might be calculated by the equations 2 But a little examination will show that the coefficients of Aqf in these equations will not generally have very different values from the coefficient of the same quantity in equation (24). We may therefore write with sufficient accuracy J$i=[Jgi]+J,-MJ Aq 3 =[Aq 3 ] + Jq t -[Aq 2 ], (28) where [dq\], [^<7z], l-^ft] denote the values obtained from equations (20). In making successive corrections of the distances q\, 2 ^ (41) *2 *5 3' = sin r 2 2 +cos e^? (42) * 2 * 5 The time of perihelion passage (T) may be determined from any one of the observations b y the equation -.(tT)=E-e &in E, (43) a* the eccentric anomaly E being calculated from the true anomaly v. The interval t T in this equation is to be measured in days. A better value of T may be found by averaging the three values given by the separate observations, with such weights as the circumstances may suggest. But any considerable differences in the three values of T would indicate the necessity of a second correction of the formula, and furnish the basis for it. For the calculation of an ephemeris we have R = -ae3+cos E 3+sin E by (44) in connection with the preceding equation. Sometimes it may be worth while to make the calculations for the correction of the formula in the slightly longer form indicated for the determination of the orbit. This will be the case when we wish simultaneously to correct the formula for its theoretical imperfection, and to correct the observations by comparison with others not too remote. The rough approximation to the orbit given by the uncorrected formula may be sufficient for this purpose. In fact, for observations separated by very small intervals, the imperfection of the uncorrected formula will be likaly to af- fect the orbit less than the errors of the observations. The computer may prefer to determine the orbit from the first and third heliocentric positions with their times. This process, which has certain advantages, is perhaps a little longer than 90 Mi:.Miil;s ()1 THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. that here given, and does not lend itself quite so readily to successive improvements of the hypothesis. When it is desired to derive an improved hypothesis from an orbit thus determined, the formula) in XII of the summary may be used. SUMMARY OF FORMULA WITH DIRECTIONS FOB USB. [For the case in which an approximate orbit is known in advance, see XII.] I. Preliminary computations relating to the intervals of time. ( t t , ? 3 =times of the observations in days. log fc=8.2355814 (after Gauss) T 1 =k(t 3 -t t ) r 3 =fc( R ..nT 1 r 3 T 3 D 12 ~T2~ Forcoutrol: Ai II. Preliminary computations relating to the first observation. Xi, FI, Z\ (components of Gi)=the heliocentric coordinates of the earth, increased by the geocen- tric coordinates of the observatory. fi, 7 C: (components of &)=the direction-cosines of the observed position, corrected for tin- aberration of the fixed stars. Preliminary computations relating to the second and third observations. The fin-mill. e are entirely analogous to those relating to the first observation, the quantities being distinguished by the proper suffixes. III. Equations of the first hypothesis. When the preceding quantities have been computed, their numerical values (or their loga- rithms, when more convenient for computation,) are to be substituted in the following equations: rmnponents of 5 For control: MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 91 Components of 2' Components of ( For control : - *r --* i f~ f, ift, \ Components of P"=- " Components of 3 For control : Components of (g'" 3// , 3R 3 q 3 The computer is now to assume any reasonable values either of the geocentric distances, p,, p 2 , p 3 , or of the heliocentric distances, r,, r 2 , r 3 , (the former in the case of a comet, the latter in the case of an asteroid,) and from these assumed values to compute the rest of the following quantities: By equations III,, III'. By equations III.,, III'. By equations III 3 , III'". 9i & A A a! a" a 1 " y' y" y> 92 MK.MOII.'S OK Till-: NATIONAL ACADKMY OF S( 'I KNCKS. IV. Calculations relating to differential coefficients. Components of 2" X 2'" Components of 2'" X 2' Components of 2' X 2" a t =ft"y'"y"ft>" at=fl'"y'-y l "fl' a 3 =/3'y"-y'ft" b t =y"a"'-a"y"' b t =y'"i*'-a"'y' b 3 =y'a"a'y" C l =a"ft l "-P"a'" Ct=a"'/3'-/3'"a l c 3 These computations are controlled by the agreement of the three values of 0. The following are not necessary except when the corrections to be made are large : V. Corrections of the geocentric dixtmices. Component* of 2. i - y=y }+ y i+ y 3 ft (This equation will generally be most easily solved by repeated substitutions.) VI. Successive corrections. J^u Jg z , J^ 3 are to be added as corrections to ft.ft. (b) Tin- commutations by equations III', III", III'", and IV may be omitted, and the old valm s of a, , ft,, ci, flj, etc., O, and L may be used with the new residuals v /?, y to get new corrections for 91, 9>, q 3 by the equations 0, where Dq t denotes the fornirr correction of ! ivi-timi- of ./i '/ '/ unless tli' assumed values represent a fair MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 93 approximation. Whether L is also to be recomputed, depends on its magnitude and on that of the correction of g 2 , which remains to be made. In the later stages of the work, when the cor- rections are small, the terms containing L may be neglected altogether. The corrections of q lt q 2j q 3 should be repeated until the equations =0 /J=0 y=Q are nearly satisfied. Approximate values of r t , r 2 , r 3 may suffice for the following computations, which, however, must be made with the greatest exactness. VII. Test of the first hypothesis. log r t , log r 2 , log r 3 , (approximate values from the preceding computations.) The value of s s 2 may be very small, and its logarithm in consequence ill determined. This will do no harm if the computer is careful to use the same value computed, of course, as carefully as possible wherever the expression occurs in the following formulae. tan (v 2 t>i )=^- tan (tf 3 _t> 2 = N t tan %(v 3 Vi)=- For adjustment of values: ( 3 - . e sin U sin *() 1 e cos 2, COS J(t> a 1 tan For control : e cos /*3 K3> r\, r 2 , r 3 , Ti",, Kj, B 3 , ,, 2 , 3 , have been computed by equations III,, III Z , III 3 with the greatest exactness, so as to make the residuals a, ft, y vanish, and that the two formulae for each of the quantities *,, z , 3 give sensibly the same value. Components of 2 4 Components of 2 5 MEM01ES OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 95 For control only : ? *(*-*,) (*- 3 ) tan (1?,-*,)= tan i r ,-tr 2 = K The computer should be careful to use the corrected values of AI, A 3 . (See VUL) Trifling errors in the angles should be distributed. PP e sin . . , sin t? 3 -i e cos = r ' , 2 cos ^(t>3 t tan ^r 3 +ri) e p For control: ecosr z = 1 Direction-cosines of semi-major-axis. ,__cosr 2 _ sin r 2 cos r 2 sin r 2/? m= fh PS 5 Direction-cosines of semi-minor-axis. 5 Components of the aemi-axes. MI;.MOII;S 01 Tin-: NATIONAL ACADEMY OK SCIENCES. x. Time of perihelion passage. Corrections for aberration. tan AA'i f tan .4r, 6t, = .00576 13pi tail Jf?,=f tan J, 6t. f = . 0057613 pt tan J-E 3 =f tan 4r, , log .0057613=7.76052 ,+<,- T=*- 1 a?(.E 1 -e sia 1?,) t t +6t t -T=k- l a*(E 1 -e sin J? 2 ) 3-e sin E 3 ) The threefold determination of T affords a control of the exactness of the solution of the problem. If the discrepancies in the values of T are such as to require another correction of the formula- (a third hypothesis), this may be based on the equations A log n= A log T 3 = where T,,,, T tll , T (i) denote, respectively, the values obtained from the first, second, and third observations, and M the modulus of common logarithms. XI. For an ephemeris. ft T)=E esin E Heliocentric co-ordinates. (Components of x= ea,+a, cos E+b f sin E y=ea r +a r cos E+b, sin E z=ea,+a, cos E+b, sin E These equations are completely controlled by the agreement of the computed and observed positions and the following relations between the constants : a,b.+ajb,+a.b,=0 o,*+a,+a.=a z b.'+bf+bf^l-*)* XII. When an approximate orbit is known in advance, we may use it to improve our fundamental equation. The following appears to be the most simple method : Find theexcentric anomalies E t , E } , #,, and the heliocentric distances r,, r*, r 3 , which belong in the approximate orbit to the times of observation corrected for aberration. Calculate B tt &,, as in I, using these corrected times. Determine A,, A 3 by the equation . . . sm (Et E,) e sin E 3 +e aiu E t sin (E t E t )e sin E^+e sin E, in connection with the relation Ai+A 3 =l. MEMOIRS OP THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. Determine B 2 so as to make B, 97 4 siii kEz sin E 3 equal to either member of the last equation. It is not necessary that the times for which H,, E 2 , E 3 , r,, r 2 , r 3 , are calculated should pre- cisely agree with the times of observation corrected for aberration. Let the former be represented by ti', t 2 ', t 3 ', and the latter by *,", 2 ", t 3 " ; and let A log r,=log (t 3 "-tt")-\og (t 3 '-t 2 '), A log r 3 =log (^''_^')_log (tz'-li 1 ). We may find BI, B 3 , AI, A 3 , B 2 , as above, using f/, V, t 3 ', and then use correct their values, as in VIII. Jlogr z to NUMERICAL EXAMPLE. To illustrate the numerical computations we have chosen the following example, both on account of the large heliocentric motion, and because Gauss and Oppolzer have treated the same data by their different methods. The data are taken from the Theoria Motus, 159, viz: Times, 1805, September Longitudes of Ceres 5. 51336 95 32' 18". 56 139.42711 99 49' 5". 87 265. 39813 118 5' 28". 85 Latitudes of Ceres . ... 59' 34". 06 +7 16' 36". 80 +7 38' 49". 39 Longitudes of the Earth Logs of the Sun's distance. .. 342 54' 56". 00 0.0031514 117 12' 43". 25 9. 9929861 241 58' 50". 71 0. 0056974 The positions of Ceres have been freed from the effects of parallax and aberration. I. From the given times we obtain the following values: Control : Numbers. Logarithms. t>t, 133. 91375 2. 1268252 (j * 125.97102 2. 1002706 < 3 -t t 259. 88477 2. 4147809 At .4847187 9. 6854897 At . 5152812 9. 7120443 ri . 3358520 r. . 3624066 Hi 9. C692113 -B, . 3183722 ft 9. 562391G H. Mis. 597- r,r 3 r=2.4959081 MKM01US OK TIIK NATIONAL ACADKMY OF SCIENCES. II. From the given positions we get : lo K -Y, i,.,)-, 9.983.V.1:, J.I711748 .log-Y, 11796 9. 94 + 1" -V, V 9. c.7: 9.951 l-K fi '"I! Ji 8.9845270 - '"K 9.22H2738 7 log, log 9. OV.I0294 9.94K 7. ;i. 10-J)549 + log C> 9. 124d.-'l:t + IVrt, .9314993 ^_ G 3 '^ 3 . r,:,;K304 .8645336 + PS .1006681 + J' . 7i:itW4 + III. The preceding computations furnish the numerical values for the equations IIIi, III', 111,, III", III a , III'", which follow. Brackets indicate that logarithms have been substituted for nuuilu-rs. \\'o have now to assume some values for the heliocentric distances r t , r t , r 3 . A mean propor- tional between the mean distances of Mars and Jupiter from tin- Hun suggests itself as a reasonable assumption. In order, however, to test the convergence of the computations, when the assump- tions are not happy, we will make the much less probable assumption (actually much farther from the truth) that the heliocentric distances are an arithmetieal mean between the distant > III, 7/, = -[7.9242047](g,+ .3874081)(l+jR,). a! =-.04C775- [8.67002 J ,-!", \ /3'= .482383+[Q.683M\Ri-P'/ii V III' r ':=-.008399-[7.924L > 0]R I -P' ri ) 4q, .66731 .04 .00104:54 + .0000006 9i + 3.22606 S75 9.61317 2.5142134 2.514--M40 log r, + . :.,'(iOO . I::i960 -i791 . 4'.- . 42&.':!77 log It, 8.091V-1 8.364XU i'.i74(l , i;i-:, log (! + /.',) + . oor,:):! . 0091)34 .0104199 .0104010 log 1" + 8. 01967 MM H. :v.i:.7 10 8.3951457 i + .30136 BG06 . :!:!'.- .:w. is Pi + L6I 1.307304 1.88 i. :-. r\ .03072 .OHUfl .034 .0949011 a 1 .O.'>0505 ft' + .47K 10949 r' ~~ .00818 .007960 rS= qj >+. 1006681 ^,=[0.3183722]r,- J a,= + [!.22S27;{SJ( (/ ,+ 1.7-Si;> /S 2 =-[9.9008l)0](.7,- .03(;i:l9)(l /t' 2 ) ^ HI, y,= -[9.ioi. i i;.-ii!i|!v.- J a"- .101H51-[0.2L > S27]/i > 2 +P"a 2 \ /S"=-.!)7717-f['.).'.)(MIS]/, > ,+ /"Vy 2 (ill y"=-A-CMl + \\\.W2C.:,\K. i +l > "y t ) MEMOIES OP THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. 99 Aqu - .77826 + .005042 + .0013222 + .0000021 ?2 + 3. 34235 2. 56409 2. 569132 2. 5704542 2. 5704563 log r 2 + . 52600 .412233 . 4130733 .4132934 . 4132937 log K, + 8. 74037 9. 081673 9. 0791524 9. 0784920 log(l-B,) + 9. 97543 9. 944142 9. 9444866 9. 94457G1! log P + 8.71411 9. 199120 9. 1954270 9. 1944:,98 a. + .81059 . 638489 . 6397466 .640(1760 A 3. 05379 2. 172660 2. 1787230 2. 1803116 r* .28858 . 181843 . 1825486 . 1827338 a" + .20182 .2491854 ft" 1. 08177 1.2018221 r" . 13464 . 1400944 q 3== p 3 -.5599304 r 3 2 =g 3 +.7130624 jR 3 =[9.5G23916]r 3 - 3 . - 3 = -[9.3810737 J (,+ 1.5798163) (l+R 3 ) j /? 3 = [9.6537308] (q,- .4630521) (1+JJ,) ( III, y 3 = [8.83612561( 2 3-f .5599304) (l + R 3 ) ) a"'=-.240477-i9.38107] J R 3 -P'"o 3 ^ p"= +.450537+ [9.65373] Z? 3 -P'"y9 3 V III'" y"'=+.068569+[S.83G13]R 3 -P'" ;r3 ) 4qa .80780 .04055 + .0025316 + .0000031 93 + 3.24945 2.44165 2.40110 2.4036316 2. 4036347 log r : , + 0. 52600 . 412217 .4057319 . 4061394 . 4061399 log JR, + 7. 98439 8. 325742 8. 3451948 8. 3439733 log (1 + B 3 ) + .00417 . 009099 . 0095108 . 0094843 log 1"" + 7. 91715 8.357016 8.3817516 8. 38019SI3 ay 1. 17253 .987590 . 9785152 .9790776 ft + 1. 26749 . 910305 . f 924956 . 8936069 73 + . 26373 . 210171 . 2075292 .2076940 a'" . 22847 . 2222335 ft'" + .44441 . 4390163 ylll .06690 . 0650888 IV. The values of a', ft', etc., furnish the basis for the computation of the following quantities : i=-. 01254 , = + .01726 Cj= .15746 02= -.03517 b 2 =-. 00525 Ct=-. 08526 a 3 = .07232 b 3 =-. 00845 c 3 = -.04050 For_(? we get three values sensibly identical. Adopting the mean, we set #=.01006. We also get #=-.00998, i=.02322.* V. Taking the values of i, 2 , etc., from the columns under IIIi, II I 2 , III 3 , we form the residuals =-.06058, /5=-.16692, j/=-- 05557 - From these, with the numbers last computed, we get d= -.65888, C 2 =-.76983, (7 3 =-.79939, * It would have been better to omit altogether the calculation of H and L, if the small value of the latter could have been foreseen. In fact, it will be found that the terms containing L hardly improve the convergence, being smaller than quantities which have been neglected. Nevertheless, the use of these terms in this example will illus- trate a process which in other cases may be beneficial. ]00 MM MOIL'S OF T1IK NATIONAL ACADKMY OK SCIKNCKS. which might be used as corrroctions lor our values of , and L, which with the new residuals, = .012595, 6=. 044949, ;/=.003012, give Ci= .04567, C,=.004952, C,= .04064. This gives ^(? 2 As the term containing L lias increased the value of dq t by .00009, we add this quantity to C\ ami (' , and get Aqi = .04558, 4q 3 = - .04055. With these corrections we compute the third numerical columns under equations III], etc. This time we recompute the quantities a 7 , etc., with which we repeat the principal computations <>t IV, and get the new values: o, = -.0167215 o,=-.0335815 a 3 = -.0743299 &,= + . 0149145 bt= .0054413 b 3 = -.0098825 c,= .1576886 c,= .0779570 c*= -.0474318 O=.0090929 The quantities // and L we neglect as of no consequence at this stage of the approximation. With these values the new residuals, or= + .0002919, /S=-.0000044, ^=+.0000288, give ^, = 0, =+. 0010434, J-(%=+.OOI3L>22, 4q 3 =C 3 = + .0025316. These correct i(n> furnish the basis for the fourth columns of numbers under equations III,, etc., which give the residuals =+. 0000002, /*= + . 0000009, >/= + .0000001, and the new corrcrtioiiM 3= + . 0000031. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. 101 The corrected values of q l1 g 2 , q 3 give log r,=0.4282377, log r 2 =0.4132937, log r 3 =0.4061399. We have carried the approximation farther than is necessary for the following correction of the formula, in order to see exactly where the uncorrected formula would lead us, and for the control afforded by the fourth residuals. VII. The computations for the test of the uncorrected formula (the tirst hypothesis) are as follows : Number or arc. Logarithm. Number or arc. Logarithm. n 0. 42S2377 e + 8.9025438 r* 0. 4132937 + 9. 9652259 r 3 0. 4061399 a 0. 4419546 AiBirr* + .01174865 8. 0699879 tan 1 i'i 35 41' 39". 75 9. 8563809 B&i~ 3 -(- . 11980944 9. 0784911 tan ij ! 19 53' 28". 93 9. 5584981 AsB-irz" 3 _^_ . 01137670 8. 0560162 tan Jc:i 4 13' 52". 55 8. 8691380 N -j. . 14293479 9. 1551380 tan $Ei 33 33' 0". 17 9. 8216068 81 -f- 1. 3308476 0. 1241283 tan lE, a IB 28' 6". 35 9. 5237240 83 -j- 2. 2796616 0. 3578704 tan i_E 3 3 54' 24". 21 8. 8343639 83 8 881 + 1.3417404 2. 4761248 1. 1452772 0. 1276685 0. 3937725 0. 0589106 sin E\ sin 3 sin E 3 67 6' 0". 34 36 56' 12". 70 7 48' 48' . 42 9. 9643473 9.7788272 9. 1333734 8 8a -f 0. 1964632 9. 2932812 883 1. 1343844 0. 0547602 e<& sin EI .3387061 9.5298230 R _|_ 9. 5065898 ea% sin E? . 2209545 9. 3443029 P + 0. 4391732 ea$ sin E 3 . 0499861 8. 6988491 tan i( 3 vi) tan i(i> 3 3 ) + 15 48' 10". 82 15 39' 36". 38 9. 4518296 9. 4476792 a* (Ei-EJ + 2. 4226307 0. 3842872 tan i(s i) 31 27' 47". 20 9. 7866915 a 3 (EzEv) + 2.3391145 0. 3690515 e sin i(3+"i) 8. 7099387 ^3 calc. _J. 2. 3048791 0. 3626482 e cos i(3-j-i>i) -f- 8. 7872701 Z"l C.1C. + 2. 1681461 0. 3360885 tan i(t>3-j-i) 39 55' 32". 31 9. 9226686 VIII. The logarithms of the calculated values of the intervals of time exceed those of the given values by .0002416 for the first interval (r 3 ) and .0002365 for the second (TI). Therefore, since the corrections for aberration have been incorporated in the data, we set for the correction of the formula (for the second hypothesis) A log r, = .0002365 A log r 3 =-.0002416 This gives A log A !=. 0000026 A log A 3 = .0000025 A log #!= .0004872 A log 5 2 = -.0004782 A log B 3 = .0004665 The new values of the logarithms of A\ , A 3 are log ^,=9.6854923 log 4 3 =9.7120418 104 MEMOIRS OP THE NATIONAL ACADEMY Ol SC1KNCKS. The equations for an ephemeris will then be : T=180G, June 23.96378, Paris mean time [2.8863140](*-T)=-Einxma.-[4.2216530] sin E Heliocentric coordinates relating to the ecliptic. *= + .1820765-[0.35302Gl] cos -[0.1827783] sin E y= -.1244853+ [0.1878904] cos -[0.3603153] aiu E *=-.0373987+[9.6656285] cos +[9.3320758] sin E The agreement of the calculated geocentric positions with the data is shown in the following table: Times, 180f>, September 6.51336 139. 42711 265. 39813 Second hypothesis: 9532'18". 88 9949' 5". 87 118 5'28".52 0".32 0".00 -0". 3:) 059'34". 01 716'36". 82 738'49". 34 errors ...... .... .. 0".05 0". 02 0". 05 Third hypothesis: 9532'18". 65 9949 / 5". 82 118 5'28". 79 0".09 -0".05 0". 06 latitudes 059'34". 04 716'36". 78 738'49". 38 errors 0". 02 -0".02 -0".01 The immediate result of each hypothesis is to give three positions of the planet, from which, with the times, the orbit may be calculated in various ways, and with different results, so far as the positions deviate from the truth on account of the approximate nature of the hypothesis. In some respects, therefore, the correctness of an hypothesis is best shown by the values of the goo- centric or heliocentric distances which are derived directly from it. The logarithms of the helio- centric distances are brought together in the following table, and corresponding values fiom Gauss* and Oppolzerf are added for comparison. It is worthy of notice that the positions given by our second hypothesis are substantially correct, and if the orbit had been calculated 1'roni the first and third of these positions with the interval of time, it would have left little to be desired. log r, . logr,. log r, . First hypothesis .......... .4282377 4i:fc*i:!7 40613' *l .42H-,'7--> .413 1061996 Third hypothesis .42K .4132808 . 4IHJ2003 Gauss: First hypothesis ... 4323934 .4114720 4094712 St-ciuid hypothesis.... Third hypothesis Fourth hypothesis . I-.-.H773 . rj-i-ii . 42827'. .4129371 .4132107 .41:12317 . 407197. r > .4lHJ4ii'.l7 .4062033 OppolziT: Firnt hypothesis 4281340 413330 I ur, u ','.; Second h.vpnth- Third hypothesis . 4282794 . 42- .4132801 .40til'.l7li . 4/H52009 fn comparing the different methods, it should be observed that the determination of the posi- tions in any hypothesis by (lauss's method requires successive cot red ions of a single independent variable, a corresponding determination by ( >ppolzer'a method requires the successive corrections of two independent variables, while the eonvsp