e OBIGI in n mem cm- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES GIFT OF L. Campbell -3. CIlRIST:KTaleFbr The ChristmasTide T716 RBB6Y- COMPHNY- CBICR6O PS V X OW it happened a long The mountain time ago, in the year , of vision but the exact year does not matter, because you _ _ _ will not find this story written in the history of any of the nations of the world. But in one of the countries of Europe bordering on the Mediterranean Sea was a lofty mountain, which, to the dwellers in the plains below, seemed to reach to the very sky. At times its summit w^as covered with clouds, so that it could not be seen; at other times it stood out fair and clear, as though silently asking the people to look up and not down. The lower slopes of the moun tain were covered -with olive trees, with groves of oranges and lemons, and with vineyards, and they were dotted here and there with the little white cottages of the peasants who made their living from these groves and vineyards, the fruit of which they sold in the city not far away. 3 Along the mountain-side wound a the sea foot-trail even to the summit, and no where, in all the region, was there a finer view of the Mediterranean than from the summit of this mountain. In the long summer afternoons the peas ants and children would climb to the top, and look off on the lovely picture of land and sea. Then they would eat their simple lunch of bread and dates and olives, quenching their thirst from the spring on the mountain-side, which they called "Dew-of-heaven," so clear and fresh and sparkling was it; and when the sun began to touch the western sky with his pencils of gold and carmine and purple, they hastened down, that they might reach their cottages before the night shut in. On the day when this story begins a man was standing on the summit of the mountain looking across the sea in the direction where you will find 4 Tyre and Joppa on the map. He was, A stranger very plainly, not one of the peasants cometh -who lived on the. mountain-side. He looked about sixty years of age; he was tall and erect, though he carried a staff in his hand. His hair and beard were long and flowing, and almost gray, but his eye was clear and pene trating, and he was looking across the sea as though he expected some one to appear. And while he stood there gazing seaward, there appeared a second man on the summit, helping himself up with his staff, and panting with the effort of the long climb. From his dress and manner it was plain that this man, too, was not one of the peasants, for, like the first comer, he seemed to belong to another age and clime. The two men glanced at each other and gave such greeting as stran gers might -who should meet in so solitary a spot as a mountain summit. 5 And findeth Then both lapsed into silence and a friend looked off across the sea. Presently the last corner seemed to wake from his reverie; he walked over to the place where the other was sitting, still gazing off toward Joppa, and touched him on the shoulder: "A thousand pardons, my friend," he said, "but my mind is haunted with some far-off recollection, as though in some other land and some far-off time I had seen thy face. Wilt thou have the kindness to tell me thy name?" Without lifting his eyes from the sea, and in a tone which seemed re gretful and sad, the stranger replied: "My name is Gaspard." "Gaspard! Indeed, then have I seen thee! Look at me, my friend; dost thou not remember me? My name is Melchior. Dost thou not recall that time, how long ago I know not, when thou and I and Balthazar followed a 6 star which led us to a little Jewish A far-off hamlet, thou bearing gold and I frank- pilgrimage incense, and Balthazar myrrh? Dost recalled thou not remember how, on the long journey thither, we talked about the young Prince, whom we expected to find in a royal palace, and how at last when we reached the village, follow ing the star, we were led not to a pal ace, but to a little inn, and not even to a room within the inn, but to the stable-yard, where we found a sweet- faced peasant woman bending over a babe cradled in a manger; and stand ing near, a sturdy peasant, proud and happy ,whose name was Joseph? Dost thou not remember, too, that when we had recovered from our surprise, we left our gifts and greetings, and went our way as men who had been dreaming? Gaspard, dost thou not remember?" And Gaspard, looking now intently in the other's face, replied: Yes, 7 And Melchior, I remember thee, and I re- wanderings member the journey of which thou in many hast spoken better than I remember lands aught else. Neither have I forgotten the surprise and disappointment with which we came to the place whither the star led us; nor how, after leav ing our gifts, we went away as in a dream; and, Melchior, I have been dreaming ever since. Even here hast thou found me in a dream of perplex ity. I am still Gaspard, the wander ing magician; for how many years I know not, I have wandered up and down these lands' of Europe. I have crossed the seas; in every place I have sought to find the kingdom over which we were told this young prince was one day to reign. Dost thou not remember that we were told his king dom was to last forever, that he would reign in it himself forever and would never die? Alas! I have lost the old power of the magician's art. I can 8 summon no star to guide me to the If only place where I shall find this kingdom Balthazar and its king." were here "Truly, Gaspard," answered Mel- chior, "the story of your wanderings is but the repetition of my own; and even now was I drawn to this moun tain summit on the self-same errand that brought you here, to see if I could not discover in the direction of yonder land, where Bethlenem was, some star which might prove to be His star, and which might guide me in the new quest. If only our old com panion, Balthazar, were with us now, he might give us the clew to our search, for not only was he more skil ful in the magician's art, but he was braver and more courageous, and withal more serene in spirit." Now, even while Melchior was speaking, a voice was heard a little way down the mountain. Gaspard and Melchior stopped to listen. The 9 A song voice was singing, and the words of in the air the song floated up to them distinctly: If the sun has hid its light, If the day has turned to night, If the heavens are not benign, If the stars refuse to shine Heart of man lose not thy hope; Door, there's none that shall not ope; Path, there's none that shall not clear; Heart of man! why shouldst thou fear! If for years should be thy quest, If for years thou hast no rest, If thou circlest earth and sea, If thou worn and weary be Heart of man, lose not thy hope; Door, there's none that shall not ope; Path, there's none that shall not clear; Heart of man! why shouldst thou fear! "That," exclaimed Gaspard and Melchior together, "is the voice of Balthazar," and they hastened to meet him, for he was now almost at the summit, and the refrain of his song was still upon his lips. At that 10 moment Balthazar sprang up from Balthazar the sloping path into full view of the cometh two men, and, giving each a hand, exclaimed: "Gaspard, Melchior, be loved companions, I have found you at last. The peasants below were not mistaken. From their description, I was certain I should find you here. And you, too, have been searching these long years for the kingdom of the Christ! and, like me, you have met with disappointment; but, com rades, be not of faint heart: Door, there's none that shall not ope; Path, there's none that shall not clear. Let us hasten down the mountain, for see! the sky is already growing gold and crimson beyond the pillars of Hercules. Let us seek the way farers' lodging with the hospitable peasants in the valley, and to-morrow let us begin our search for the Christ anew. We have wandered alone; let ii Forget not us invoke now the star to guide us hospitality together." That night, therefore, the three strangers lodged with the simple peasant people in the valley, partak ing with thankfulness of the coarse bread, the dates and the red wine the common fare of their daily life. Nor did they fail to notice a motto inscribed above the fireplace in rude Greek letters: THL OIAOSENIAS MM ETHAANeANEieE ( N the morrow they were readytobegintheirsearch together for the Christ, and they hoped not to wander far before they should find at least the outskirts of His kingdom. But whither should they go? In what direction should they first turn their steps? 12 While they were thus wondering Once more and debating, Balthazar suddenly ex- a star claimed: "I see the star!" And be hold, a little way before them, and at no great distance above their heads, they discerned in the gray of the early morning a star of pale, opal light, which seemed to move forward as the men moved toward it. "We must follow the star!" Bal thazar said, in a whisper. Silently and breathlessly his companions followed on. Now, so intently did the three men keep their eyes fixed upon the star, and so eagerly did they follow in the direction where it seemed to lead, that it was only after a considerable time they discovered that they had become separated from each other, and that their paths were getting farther and farther apart. Yet, there before each of them was the star, shining with its soft, opalescent light, and still ringing 13 The star f n their ears were the words of Bal- stands thazar "we must follow the star." still So each followed the star, each by himself alone. Gaspard's path wound along near the shore of the gulfs and bays of the Mediterranean, until at last the star turned southward and drew him nearer and nearer to a great city, and finally stood still over the dome of a vast cathedral. "It must be," thought Gaspard, "that I have come to the end of my search. This must be the capital and palace of the eternal king." The square in front of the cathedral was thronged with people; multitudes were pouring in through the great portals. Gaspard joined the throngs, and at last found himself under the mighty dome, which seemed to him as far away as the sky itself. Every thing in this wonderful place appealed to his imagination. There were great rows of massive columns, symbol of 14 a strength eternal, and they seemed Marbled like wide-open arms holding out a aisle's welcome to the human race. There magnificence were statues and paintings by great masters in art. The light of the sun poured in through many-colored win dows, on which were blazoned the deeds of heroes and saints. Strains of music from the great organ in the distance floated out upon the air. Touched and thrilled by all he saw, Gaspard exclaimed to himself: "The placeon which I stand isholy ground." Soon, however, he perceived that the throngs of people were not linger ing, like himself, in awe and wonder over the great columns and the dome, and the statues, and the paintings, and the windows. Their eyes were fixed intently upon something that was go ing on in the far end of the cathedral. An altar was there, and priests in white robes passing up and down be fore it, and tall tapers burning around 15 Kyrie it. Near the altar was the image of a eleison man hanging from a cross; his hands and feet were pierced with nails, and a cruel wound was in his side. The people were gazing at this altar, and at the image, and at what the white- robed priests were doing. The strains of solemn music from the organ blend ed with the voices of priests chanting the service. Clouds of incense rose from censers, swung with soldmn motion by the altar-boys, and the fragrance of the incense was wafted down the long aisles. At -last, the tinkling of a bell. The organ became silent for an instant, as though it felt within its heart the awful solemnity of the moment; and then it burst forth into new rapture, and the people be gan pouring out through-trie great doors. Gaspard went forth with the throng intothe cathedral square. "And this," he said, "is the end of my search. I 16 have found the Christ. His kingdom is We must in the imagination of man. How beau- follow tiful, how wonderful, how strange it the star was! 'Dominusvobiscum/didnotthe priests say? Here, then, at last I have found the city of the great King." But as he lingered, behold! the star which had stood over the dome of the cathedral was now before him, as at first, and seemed to waver and trem ble, as if beckoning him on. So, al though his feet seemed bound to the spot, and his heart was still throbbing with the.oVeep feelings the cathedral service had created in him, remem bering the words of Balthazar, "we must follow the star," he slowly and reluctantly" walked on. fN the meantime Melchior also had followed faith fully the path along which the star seemed to lead. Through forests in which he almost lost his way, across rivers difficult and dangerous to ford still The just he followed on. At length Melchior's shall live star seemed to tarry over the spire of by faith a gothic church, into which the peo ple were going in throngs. Waiting a moment, to be sure that the star was actually standing still, Melchior went in with the rest. In this place was no altar, such as Gaspard saw; no image on the cross; no white-robed priests; no swinging censers. But, as Mel chior entered he heard strains from the organ, and a chorus of voices was singing an anthem beginning with the words, "Te Deum Laudamus." And when the anthem came to a close, a man clothed in a black robe, such as scholars were wont to wear, rose in his place upon a platform elevated above thepeople,andbegantospeak to them about the kingdom of the Christ. Melchior listened in eager expect ancy. "The kingdom of the Christ," the preacher said, "is the kingdom of the Truth, and the truth is to be con- 18 tinued and kept alive by the strength The truth and constancy of man's belief. Those shall make things which have been handed down you free by holy men and sacred oracles since Christ was here upon the earth, are the truths by which we live. How can Christ live, except He live in our be liefs? Why did the Father of all in trust us with our reasons, unless it were that we should make them the instruments of our faith and our sal vation? Let us therefore stand in our places, while we recite together the articles of our holy faith." These and many such words did the scholar-preacher declare. And as he sat there with the people, Melchior felt the weight of the solemn and ear nest words, and he said: "So at last have I come to the end of my search. The kingdom of Christ is in the mind of man. His kingdom is the kingdom of the truth." Then he followed the throngs as they went forth from the church; but 19 More light shall break forth the star which had tarried over the lofty spire -was now before him, and the opal light wavered and trembled, as if beckoning him on; and the 'words of the preacher, "we must believe," seemed to blend with the words of Balthazar, "we must follow the star." So, reluctantly and slowly, he fol lowed on. lUT Balthazar whither went he, following the star? Over many a rug ged way, through many a tangled thicket, through valleys and over hills. His star tarried over no cathedrals; it lingered over no gothic spires. It seemed capricious and restless and tireless. At times it seemed intent on coming to a pause over the head of some human being, but perhaps it was because these hu man beings themselves were so rest less and so busy that the star could not accomplish its intent. For Balthazar 20 saw these men and women hurrying Thy hither and thither on errands of mer- sacramental cy, or deeds of justice; he saw them liturgies ferreting out great wrongs, laying heavy blows on the backs of men who oppressed and defrauded their fellow men. At length Balthazar seemed to un derstand the movements of the star, and, drawing nearer, he would seem to hear these men repeating cheering and encouraging words to one an other. "Pure religion and undefiled," he heard one exclaiming, "is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspot ted from the world." And another echoed: "Inasmuch as we do it to the least of these, we do it unto Christ." "Ah!" thought Balthazar as he list ened, I see the meaning of it now; I am coming to the end of my search. The kingdom of Christ I have found it. It is in the deeds of men; it is in the 21 The joy of conscience and the serving will. De- doing good vption to right, this is the law of the kingdom of Christ." Then Balthazar turned to go in search of his comrades again; but be hold! the opal star was trembling, as if beckoning him on. So, still doubt ing if he had reached the end of his search, he followed the star. >HUS Gaspard, Melchior and Balthazar, each fol lowing the star, at last approached each other. The star of each seemed to melt and blend into the star of the others, and the opal light stood at last in the center of the group. Gaspard exclaimed: "I have found that which we all were seeking. The kingdom of Christ is in the imagination; Christ lives in what man feels." "Nay," said Melchior, "I have fol lowed the star, and I have found what we sought. The kingdom of Christ is 22 in the reason of man. Christ lives in The paths what man believes." converge "But," cried Balthazar, "my star has led me to a different end. The kingdom of Christ is in the will of man. Christ lives in what man does." "The truth," once more exclaimed Melchior, "is the law of the king dom." "Not truth," declared Balthazar, "but justice, righteousness, goodness and purity these are its laws and its marks." "Nay, comrades beloved, hearken to me," answered Gaspard; "it is the miracle of the divine presence. It is God among men, realized in the holy mass. I beheld it all in yonder cathedral." But lo! once more the star began to tremble and to change its place. "Let us follow the star!" Balthazar whispered. "We will follow it," ech oed the other two. 23 Once more Then the star led them on, and they the quest followed together until they came at length to the doorway of a little cot tage; and within the cottage they saw a woman bending over a cradle, and in the cradle a little child lay sleep ing. She was a peasant woman; her clothing was not rich; the furnishing of the cottage was humble and scanty. The cradle itself was rude, as if put together by hands unskilful in tasks like that. But when the mother looked at her babe a sweet smile played about her lips, and a light was in her eyes. Then all suddenly the three men re membered another scene long before, when they were bearers of gold and frankincense and myrrh to another babe. And while they stood and wondered by the door, there came a strong and sturdy peasant, broad-shouldered, roughly clad, his face browned in the sun, his hands hardened with toil. 24 He came and stood beside the woman, He that and they bent together over the era.- loveth die of the sleeping child, and the man knoweth God drew the woman tenderly toward him and kissed her brow. And still the three men lingered; for behold! the star stood still above the child, and they dared not speak. But the heart of Gaspard was saying in silence, "There is something great er than the repeated miracle of the mass." And Melchior was thinking, "There is something mightier even than the mind; something superior to naked truth." And Balthazar was confessing to himself that he had found something more potent even than the righteous deed. For here they all beheld how life was made sweet and blessed and holy by the power of love; and by love for a little child, in whom was all weakness and helplessness, whose 25 288683 For God only voice was a cry, but who was all is love strong and mighty with the power of God, because he could transform roughness into tenderness, and self ishness into loving care, and poverty itself into gifts of gold and fragrant myrrh. "Truly, my comrades," Balthazar said, "love is the greatest of all." "And now I understand," said Gas- pard, "how the weak things of the world can confound the mighty." "And I, "added Melchior,"see what it means for God to come to earth in the form of a little child." And so they turned away, and the radiance of the star was round about them, and they were saying to each other: "Our search at last is ended." 26 Copyright 1903 By The Sketching Club In Indianapolis UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles MAR FormL9-25m-8,'46(9852)444 ALlFORffU: 3 1158 00675 7099 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACIL] A A 000033097 7 PS 1536 D51m