LANDSCAP6 ARCHITECTURE Ex Libris BEATRIX JONES The Gift of Beatrix Farrand to the General Library University of California, Berkeley REEF POINT GARDENS LIBRARY SOME COLONIAL MANSIONS. ELEANOR PARKE CUSTIS. SOME COLONIAL MANSIONS AND THOSE WHO LIVED IN THEM With Genealogies of the Various Families Mentioned BY THOMAS ALLEN GLENN SECOND SERIES PHILADELPHIA HENRY T. COATES & COMPANY i 900 COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY HKXRY T. COATES & CO. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Add*! Farrand LANDSCAPE ARCH. UBMAHY PREFACE. IN the following pages the plan pursued in the first volume of "Some Colonial Homes and those who lived in them," has been closely followed, the only deviation being the introduction of homes of national fame, as Mount Vernon and Monticello. The great interest attaching to these is, perhaps, a sufficient apology for turning for a moment from the humbler to the greater folk, and for introducing, in one instance that of Monticello a resi dence finished only some years subsequent to that period at which all things Colonial are supposed to terminate. The reader, however, will find many examples of several periods of earlier architecture, and all such houses have a story worth the telling. There is, indeed, scarcely a house standing now, built during Colonial days, that is not, in one way or another intimately connected with some person, the actor in an important event in the history of our country. Nor do we refer particularly to great soldiers or eminent statesmen. The story of John Bowne of Flushing, the simple Quaker, who, by his firm adherence to the great doctrine of non-resistance, compelled the government of the New Neth erlands to grant the precious boon of religious liberty to his 017 PREFACE. persecuted co-religionists, the stern resistance to arbitrary force shown by Preston, the early lawmaker of Maryland, or the heroic death at Quebec of the gentle Macpherson, each mark as important links in the chain of events that finally gave us Independence and made us a great people, as do the well-known achievements of Anthony Wayne, the statesman ship of Alexander Hamilton, or the diplomatic services of Benjamin Franklin. The sketch of Laurel Hill and the Rawle family will be found most interesting in illustrating the social and political life of one of the most prominent of Pennsylvania families. As this article was left unfinished at the breaking out of the o Spanish War, owing to the writer s absence in the Volunteer army, Colonel William Brooke Rawle most kindly completed it, and largely amplified the accompanying genealogy. The thanks of the editor are also due to Captain Frederick Schober of Philadelphia, who furnished the principal data for the Wayne genealogy ; also to John W. Jordan, Assistant Librarian of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, to William Macpherson Hornor of Bryn Mawr, Pa., and to many others for assistance and suggestions. THOMAS ALLEN GLENN. ARDMORE, PA., June 8, 1899. CONTENTS SECOND SERIES. PAGE MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS 17 ANCESTRY OF GEN. WASHINGTON 73 GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY . . 74 SHARPLESS PORTRAITS 85 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, L. 1 91 DESCENT OF THE BOWNE FAMILY FROM THE FEAKES, THE WlNTHROPS, AND THE FONES Il6 WINTHROP LINE 117 SOME OF THE DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS BOWNE OF FLUSH ING, L. I 118 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY 123 DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RAWLE OF PHILADELPHIA .... 184 DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN AND HANNAH (HUDSON) RAWLE . 191 DESCENDANTS OF JOHN AND ANNA (RAWLE) CLIFFORD ... 191 DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC AND MARGARET (RAWLE) W T HARTON . 194 MONTICELLO 199 THE JEFFERSON GENEALOGY 241 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH 243 PHILIPSE GENEALOGY 277 WAYNESBOROUGH 279 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE 302 COPY OF THE WILL OF ANTHONY WAYNE 302 7 CONTENTS. PAGE 341 PRESTON AT PATUXENT APPENDIX. ACTS OK ASSEMBLY 37 2 DESCENT OF THE CARPENTER BRANCH FROM SAMUEL PRESTON . 376 DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD PRESTON THROUGH NAOMI (PRES TON) BERRY 3^9 THE SCHUYLERS SCHUYLER GENEALOGY . MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS MACPHERSON GENEALOGY 95 443 480 OLD POHICK CHURCH, WHERE WASHINGTON WAS MARRIED. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. SECOND SERIES. ELEANOR PARKE CUSTIS Photogravure . . Frontispiece. POHICK CHURCH, NEAR MOUNT VERNON, VA., WHERE WASHINGTON WAS MARRIED . g OLD BARN, MOUNT VERNON 12 WASHINGTON S BOOK-PLATE 19 SULGRAVE CHURCH, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, BURIAL-PLACE OF LAWRENCE WASHING TON 22 SULGRAVE MANOR-HOUSE, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . . 23 WASHINGTON ARMS (formerly in a window in Sulgrave Manor-house) 26 MOUNT VERNON, RIVER FRONT 31 MARY WASHINGTON, MOTHER OF GEORGE WASHINGTON (from an oil painting by Middleton) 37 WASHINGTON (by Charles Willson Peale, at Shirley, Va.) 41 WASHINGTON (by Charles Willson Peale) 45 DANIEL PARKE CUSTIS, FIRST HUSBAND OF MRS. WASHINGTON 49 MARTHA WASHINGTON Photogravure 51 MOUNT VERNON, WEST FRONT 52 MARTHA CUSTIS, DAUGHTER OF MRS. WASHINGTON (from small oil portrait on copper) 54 JOHN AND MARTHA CUSTIS, CHILDREN OF MRS. WASHINGTON (from an original oil painting by Woolaston) .... 55 LIBRARY, MOUNT VERNON 58 BANQUETING-HALL, MOUNT VERNON 59 GEN. WASHINGTON S CHAMBER . . 61 MRS. WASHINGTON S CHAMBER 62 NELLIE CUSTIS (from a pastel by Sharpless) 64 " BILLY," WASHINGTON S BODY-SERVANT (from a painting by Charles Willson Peale) . 65 RECEPTION-ROOM, MOUNT VERNON 66 10 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE GEORGE WASHINGTON CUSTIS (from a miniature presented to La Fayette) 69 TOMB OF THE WASHINGTON S, MOUNT VfiRNON 7 1 GEORGE WASHINGTON (from a pastel by James Sharpless) 86 MARTHA WASHINGTON (from a pastel by James Sharpless) 89 THE BOWNE HOUSE, FLUSHING, L. I. (from the road) Photogravure 92 OLD CLOCK IN DINING-ROOM, BOWNE HOUSE 93 BOWNE HOUSE, FLUSHING, L. L, SIDE VIEW 96 DINING-ROOM, BOWNE HOUSE, SHOWING OLD FIREPLACE AND FURNITURE . . . 97 OLD CHAIR IN DINING-ROOM, BOWNE HOUSE 99 CHAMBER, FIRST FLOOR, BOWNE HOUSE . . 100 JOHN WINTHROP . ioi WINTHROP ARMS 103 ADAM WINTHROP , . . . 107 OLD BED AND CHAIRS, BOWNE HOUSE ..... 109 CHEST OF DRAWERS, BOWNE HOUSE 112 MRS. WILLIAM RAWLE (Sarah Coates Burge) ... Photogravure 124 THE RAWLE ARMS 125 SWEEDLAND, ON THE FRANKFORD ROAD, THE RESIDENCE OF FRANCIS RAWLE, A. D. 1703 126 OARE CHURCH, SOMERSET, ENGLAND 129 LAUREL HILL (Present appearance) 137 MRS. ISAAC WHARTON (MARGARET RAWLE), after Sully s portrait 141 HALL AND STAIRWAY, LAUREL HILI 153 DRAWING-ROOM, LAUREL HILL (Present appearance) 156 FIREPLACE IN DRAWING-ROOM, LAUREL HILL 157 WILLIAM RAWLE (after portrait painted in London in 1782 by Benjamin West) 161 WILLIAM RAWLE (after the portrait painted by Inman) 171 MRS. JACOB RIDGWAY SMITH (REBECCA SHOEMAKER WHARTON), after Sully s portrait) 174 SAMUEL SHOEMAKER AND HIS SON EDWARD (from the original portrait painted by Thomas Spence Duche) 175 THOMAS JEFFERSON (from the painting by Sully belonging to the American Philo sophical Society) Photogravure 200 MONTICELLO, NORTH FRONT ... 205 HALL, MONTICELLO . 212 PARLOR, MONTICELLO 213 DINING-ROOM, MONTICELLO 215 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 1 1 PAGE SALOON, MONTI CELLO 217 TEA-ROOM, MONTICELLO 219 HOUSE IN WHICH JEFFERSON WROTE THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE . . . 223 WRITING-ROOM, MONTICELLO . 227 MRS. THOMAS M. RANDOLPH (MARTHA JEFFERSON) from a painting by T. Sully . . 229 MONTICELLO, SOUTH FRONT . . 232 TOMB OF THOMAS JEFFERSON, MONTICELLO 238 MARY PHILIPSE Photogravure . . . 244 OLD MILL AT TARRYTOWN 245 OLD DUTCH CHURCH AT TARRYTOWN 247 PHILIPSE COAT OF ARMS 250 PHILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE, WEST FRONT, YONKERS 251 PHILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE, EAST FRONT, YONKERS 255 HALLWAY, PHILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE 257 COL. FREDERICK PHILIPSE 259 CASTLE PHILIPSE, TARRYTOWN 263 MANTLE AND CEILING IN DRAWING-ROOM, PHILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE 266 FIREPLACE IN THE WASHINGTON CHAMBER 267 MANTLE AND MIRROR IN SECOND-STORY FRONT ROOM, PHILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE . 268 BED-CHAMBER AT PHILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE 270 MEMORIAL TABLET TO FREDERICK PHILIPSE. FAG-SIMILE OF ORIGINAL IN CHESTER CATHEDRAL, ENGLAND 273 OLD ST. DAVID S AT RADNOR Photogravure 280 THE WAYNE ARMS 281 WAYNESBOROUGH, NEAR PAOLI, PA 283 INTERIOR, WAYNESBOROUGH 290 MAJOR-GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE . 296 TANEY HOUSE, CALVERT COUNTY, MD 344 BOND CASTLE, ON THE CHESAPEAKE 346 PRESTON ON THE PATUXENT, FRONT VIEW 352 PRESTON ON THE PATUXENT, REAR VIEW 333 ELIZABETH SCHUYLER (MRS. ALEXANDER HAMILTON) Photogravure . . 395 SCHUYLER ARMS 397 ORIGINAL SCHUYLER HOUSE, BUILT IN 1666 399 SCHUYLER MANSION, ALBANY 403 PARLOR IN SCHUYLER MANSION, ALBANY 405 MAJOR-GENERAL PHILIP SCHUYLER 409 SCHUYLER HOUSE, SCHUYLER VILLE, N. Y 415 12 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE SCHUYI.ER HOUSE POMPTON, N. J., REAR VlEW 419 SCHUYLER HOUSE POMPTON, N. J., FRONT VlEW 425 CAPTAIN COLFAX ....... 428 PISTOLS BELONGING TO CAPTAIN COLFAX 429 HALL IN SCHUYLER HOUSE, POMPTON, N. J 431 DINING-ROOM, SCHUYLER HOUSE, POMPTON, N. j 436 MAJOR JOHN MACPHERSON ^killed at Quebec) . . . Photogravure 445 MACPHERSON COAT OF ARMS 445 CAPTAIN JOHN MACPHERSON 447 MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE, FAIRMOUNT PARK 450 INTERIOR, MOUNT PLEASANT 452 INTERIOR, MOUNT PLEASANT 458 PETER GRAYSON WASHINGTON . 467 MRS. PETER GRAYSON WASHINGTON 473 MARY KEEN 475 OLD KARN, MOUNT VERNON. MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. ALTHOUGH a man may well be the architect of his own fortune, yet it is now very generally conceded that those qualities which serve as the foundation for that fortune are usu ally inherited, though sometimes from a remote ancestor. An inquiry, therefore, into the progenitors of such a leader as Washington is not without fascination to the general public, as well as to those especially interested in genealogical re search. Few families so well typify the better class of those adven turers who, under the friendly shadow * t WASHINGTON BOOKPLATE. of the Virginia Com pany, during the first half and middle of the seventeenth century planted the Old Dominion, as do the Washingtons. 19 20 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. In land, in slaves, in tobacco, or in ready gold, and in the social prestige that these things brought, the earlier owners of Mount Vernon, indeed, might not rank the peers of many of their fellow-colonists ; but few in Virginia, in their day, could boast a fairer lineage or a more honored name. Although, in 1788, George Washington declined to accept the dedication of Burton s Essay on Heraldry because a number of Americans at that time "were clamorously endeav oring to propagate an idea that those they wish invidiously to designate by the name of the well-born are meditating, in the first instance, to distinguish themselves from their com- o patriots, and to wrest the clearest privileges from the bulk of the people," and although he once wrote that his ancestry was a matter which had given him very little concern, yet his constant use of armorial bearings, his refined and scholarly tastes, his distinguished carriage, and, above all, the infinite gentleness of his lofty spirit, marked in Washington not only a natural tendency toward the aristocratic, but also the assidu ous cultivation of those virtues and graces inherited from the o "well-born " race whence he sprang. Yet the English Wash- ingtons never attained the distinction of being a governing family, as did the Stanleys, the Herberts, the Howards, the Percys, the Mortimers, or the Sydneys. Gentlemen, indeed, they were, and God-fearing men enough stout aldermen, who drank deeply to the king s health, whoever he might be ; learned justices, reputable merchants, and grave clergymen ; but few soldiers, though good ones, and no statesmen ; nor do the various marriages indicate the infusion of more famous blood. The pedigree originally accepted was that drawn up by Sir Isaac Heard of London in 1797. In it John and Lawrence Washington of Virginia were claimed as sons of Lawrence MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 21 Washington of Sulgrave, and subsequent writers added to the line there given ; but this having been disproven in 1867 by the late Colonel Joseph L. Chester, who showed that none of the sons of this Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave emi grated to Virginia, the matter rested until 1879. In this year one Albert Welles, " President of the Amer ican College of Genealogy and Heraldry," issued a book entitled the Pedigree and History of the Washington Family, derived from Odin, the Founder of Scandinavia, B. c. 70. As several genealogists remarked at the time, Mr. Welles might just as well have traced the family back to Adam. It was, indeed, a clumsy attempt to connect the Virginia family with a certain Leonard Washington, who subsequently turned out to be some one else other than a Washington. Colonel Chester was just on the eve of a discovery which would have led to important results when his death left it for Henry F. Waters, Esq., to definitely ascertain the English an cestry of the first President of the United States. Mr. Waters published the result of his discoveries in the New England Genealogical Historical Register in 1889, and, with others, subsequently added information making the pedigree a cer tainty. Articles on the same subject and confirming Mr. Waters s work appeared also in Harpers Monthly, the Wil liam and Mary College Quarterly of Williamsburg, Va., and other magazines. Without going into details regarding the preliminary work which achieved such good results, we will simply give briefly the Washington genealogy as now ac cepted by all genealogists in this country. One John Washington of Whitfield in the county of Lancaster, and who lived about 1450, is the first ancestor of George Washington of whom we have any account. Although it has been asserted that he came from the York shire Washingtons, there is absolutely nothing, at present, to 22 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. base this claim upon except the fact that the arms and crest of both families seem to have been identical. John Washington appears to have belonged to the minor gentry, and had several children, the second son being Robert Washington of Warton, County Lancaster, gentleman, who married as his first wife a daughter of Miles Whittington, and had John Washington of \Varton, who married Margaret, daughter of Robert Kitson of Warton, by whom he had Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave, who is at once the first of the line of whom we have any def inite information, and likewise the most considerable personage in the early history of the family. This Law rence Washington had studied in Gray s Inn, London, and subsequently engaged in com merce, becoming a great and rich wool- merchant. At the time of the disso lution of the monasteries he obtained from Henry VIII. (in 1538-39) a grant of the manor of Sulgrave, with lands lately belonging to the dissolved priories of St. Andrews, North ampton, Canons Ashby and Catesby, Northamptonshire, where he built the manor-house of Sulgrave, and where, hav ing been mayor of Northampton from 1532 until 1545, he died, first desiring to be buried "in the south aisle before my SUI.GRAVE CHURCH, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. seat," in the sweeping fur-bordered gown of mayoralty, his hands piously folded in prayer, and there, in old St. James s Church, with Aimee, his wife, he still sleeps, all unmindful of the career of his great American descendant. In Sulgrave Church, for three centuries were to be seen the brasses of the doughty mayor, his wife, four sons, and seven daughters. These interesting monuments, badly damaged by time, were unfortunately wrenched off and stolen by some "relic-hunters" a f e w years ago. They were, how ever, replaced by fa c- si miles pre sented to the church by descendants of the Sulgrave Wash- ingtons, the chil dren of Admiral John Washington of England. The manor-house of Sulgrave, built by the first Lawrence, is now quite dilapidated. Mr. Moncure D. Conway, who visited it in 1890, describes it as then for sale and in wretched condition. It was then owned by a Mr. Bartholomew, unfur nished and unoccupied, except by a housekeeper. Mr. Con- way says that the Washington arms on spandrels of a door are the only remaining trace of its builder. Baker, a historian of Northamptonshire, in writing of Sulgrave about 1820, says : "Within these last few years the iULGRAVE MANOR HOUSE, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. 24 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. arms and alliances of the family ornamented the kitchen window." Sir Henry Dryden, the Northamptonshire anti quarian, "traced two of these shields to Lady Hanmer s possession," and "six to the windows of Tawsley Church." They are all in good condition save one, and full-sized copies in colors have been made. From these windows we are able to give the descent and marriages just noted. Lawrence Washington married Aimee (or Amy), daughter of Walter Pargiter of Gretworth, gentleman. She departed this life 7 October, 1564, and was laid in the church at Sulorave. c3 Robert Washington, son of Lawrence and Aimee, was aged forty in the twenty-sixth year of good Queen Bess. He was twice married, and, having become involved in debt, the over- mortgaged lands of Sulgrave were sold before his sixth son was born. After the sale Robert Washington removed to Brington, and passed the remainder of his clays in a smaller house, which, it is said, he purchased with the little saved from the wreck of his once ample fortune ; he also leased a windmill on the Althorp estate, near his new home. Here, at Brington, "in a humble cottage, which may be known by a tablet over the door, lived the ancestors of George Washington." The tablet bears this appropriate inscription: "The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Constructed 1606." Lawrence, the eldest son, died at Bring ton December 13, 1616, and was buried two days after. It is said that he removed to the neighborhood of the new home of the Washingtons a few years before the sale of Sulgrave Manor, say in 1606, and it may even be true that it was he who erected the Brington residence. If so, he doubtless caused the above inscription to be carved upon the house in reference to their scattered fortune. He married, August 3, 1588, Margaret, daughter of Walter Butler of Tighes in the MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 25 county of Sussex. They had several children, most of whom did exceeding well after the fashion of this world. The eldest son, Sir William Washington, called of Packington in the county of Kent, was knighted in 1622, and espoused the half-sister of George Villiers, the great Duke of Buckingham and the unfortunate favorite of Charles I. ; the second son, Sir John Washington of Thropston, was knighted in the year 1623. Thomas Washington, the third son, went as a page to Charles I. on the latter s visit to Madrid, Spain, "to woo the Infanta," and died there in 1623. There are some lines upon his death, published in England at the time, extant. Colonel Henry Washington, the eldest son of Sir William of Packington, ranks, perhaps, as the best soldier that the Washingtons had produced up to that time. He served, says Irving, under Prince Rupert at the storming of Bristol in 1643, "and when the assailants were beaten off at every point he broke in with a handful of infantry at a weak part of the wall, made room for the horse to follow, and opened a path to victory." We hear of him again in 1646, being then in command of Worcester, the governor being a prisoner in the hands of Cromwell s army. "It was a time of confusion and dismay. The king had fled from Oxford in disguise, and gone to the Parliamentary camp at Newark. The royal cause was des perate. In this crisis Sir Henry received a letter from Fair fax, who, with his victorious army, was at Haddington, demanding the surrender of Worcester. The following was Colonel Washington s reply : "SiR: " It is acknowledged by your books and by report of your own quarter that the King is in some of your armies. That granted, it may be easy for you to procure his Majesty s 26 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. commands for the disposal of this garrison. Till then I shall make good the trust reposed in me. As for conditions, if 1 shall be necessitated shall make the best I can. The worst I know and fear not ; if I had, the profession of a soldier had not been begun, nor so long continued by your Excellency s humble servant, " HENRY WASHINGTON." He held out three months longer, but finally, having been shown the printed gen eral order of the king, he surrendered on the 1 9th of July, 1646. We now return to Lawrence Washington, the uncle of Henry, fourth son of Lawrence and Margaret (Butler) Washington, and the father of John and Law rence Washington, the emigrants to Virginia. We are told that this Lawrence was six years old when the financial misfortune overtook the family which necessi tated a removal from Sulgrave to Brington. WASHINGTON ARMS, FORMERLY IN A WINDOW IN SULGRAVE MANOR HOUSE. He WaS, tOO in the family fortunes, and the beautiful park of Althorp, the noble seat of Lord Spencer, whose lady was a kinswoman MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 27 to his relatives, the Kitsons, where, we may imagine, he was permitted to roam, duly compensated him, doubtless, for the loss of Sulgrave fields. In 1619 he entered Brasenose, Oxford, being described as a fourth son, and " generosi filius" or indicating that he was of the minor gentry. We take the liberty of quoting here, somewhat at length, from a paper by Edward D. Neill, D. D., of St. Paul, Minne sota, which appeared in the Pennsylvania Magazine* Dr. Neill says : " Lawrence Washington, the fourth son of Lawrence Wash ington of Sulgrave, Northampton, a younger brother of Sir William Washington of Packington and Sir John Washington of Thrapston, entered Brasenose College, Oxford, when he was nineteen years of age, on the 2d day of November, 1621, and in 1624 was one of its Fellows, and from 1627 to 1632 he held the responsible position of lector. He resigned his fellowship to accept the rectorship of Purleigh, Essex, to which he was presented by the widow Jane Horsmanden, the aunt of Warham Horsmanden, in 1657-58 a member of the Gov- enor s Council in Virginia, and for several years a prominent citzen of that Colony. He remained rector of Purleigh until November, 1643, an ^ tnen was ejected on the charge of being a common frequenter of ale-houses, not only himself sitting daily, tippling there, but also incouraging others in that beastly vice. He was permitted after this to hold a poor living, which it had been difficult for any one to accept." Beginning as Lawrence Washington did with so many advantages on his side, the failure by him to keep pace with his brother, his sudden resignation from Brasenose, and the subsequent cold shoulder that seems to have been turned upon him by most of his relatives, are very surprising until the solution presents itself. * Vol. xvi. page 261. 28 MOCXT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. The facts in the case are that while a Fellow at Oxford the Rev. Lawrence was secretly married, probably in 1630, to one Amphillis, daughter of John Roades of Middle Clay- don, a farm-servant or bailiff of Sir Edmund Varney. Middle Claydon was a farm belonging to the Varney family, and near Tring, some fifteen miles from Oxford. Lawrence Washington had a kinsman, one Sir Richard Anderson, who lived near Tring, and with whom he was on affectionate terms, so that we may well imagine that after Sir Richard s death, in 1630, the trips to the quiet farm in the neighborhood of Tring were continued. Unfortunately, the record of the marriage of Amphillis to Lawrence cannot be found, nor the baptism of their first child, John, who was born about 1631. There is certainly nothing surprising that these records are not to be discovered at Tring, as young Lawrence would naturally want the matter hushed up until he could get a living, so that these ceremonies were probably performed in a distant parish, far away from Oxford. After Lawrence Washington secured the rectorship of Purleigh in Essex, as above mentioned, his marriage was probably at once made public, but, strange as it may seem, all the remainder of his children were baptized, not at Purleigh, but at Tring, Amphil lis having returned to her parents home before the birth of each of her children. This, however, was an ancient custom in England. If the rector of Purleigh was unlike his brothers in some ways, they could certainly find no fault with him for lack of loyalty to their royal master, Charles Stewart. So unneces sarily pronounced did he become on this subject that he lost his living of Purleigh just three years before his nephew, Colonel Henry, lost Worcester. To clap the climax, it was charged, as we have seen, that MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 29 he was often drunk. Let us examine this serious charge against the great-great-grandfather of the first President of the United States. In Walker s Sufferings of the Clergy (London, 1714) is the following: "Washington, Lawrence, A. M., Purleigh, R., one of the best Livings in these Parts : To which he had been Admitted in March, 1632, and was Sequestered from the year 1643, which was not thought Punishment enough for him, and therefore he was also put into the Century, to be transmitted to posterity, as far as that Infamous Pamphlet could contribute to it, for a Scandalous as well as a Malignant Minister, upon these weighty considerations : "That he had said, Parliament had more Papists belong ing to them in their Armies than the King had about him or in his Army, and that the Parliament s Armie did more hurt than the Cavaliers, and that they did none at all ; and hath published them to the Traitours that lend to or assist the Parliament. "It is not to be supposed that such a Malignant could be less than a Drunkard altho a Gentleman (a Jus tice of the Peace in this country) who personally knew him assures me that he took him to be a very Worthy, Pious man ; that as often as he was in his Company he always appeared a very Moderate, Sober Person ; and that he was received as such by several Gentlemen who were acquainted with him before he himself was : adding withal that he was a Loyal Person, and had one of the best Bene fices in these Parts ; and this was the Only cause of his expulsion, as I verily believe. After he subjoyns, That Another Ancient Gentleman of the Neighborhood agrees o o with him in this Account. Mr. Washington was afterwards permitted to Have and Continue upon a Living in these Parts ; but it was such a Poor and Miserable one, that it 30 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. was always with difficulty that any one was persuaded to Accept it." It seems that after his expulsion from Purleigh his wife, as usual in such cases, brought suit against the new rector, Mr. Roger Jones, for a part of the tithes of Purleigh, and eventually she recovered one-fifth of them, in 1649 from a committee, sitting at Chelmsford, on "Plundered [or deprived] Ministers." The " Poor and Miserable" living 1 Lawrence Washington o o was forced to accept was near Maldon, where he was buried January 21, 1652, having evidently been making his head quarters in that town, his church having no parsonage. He also acted as surrogate at Whethamsted. Amphillis died January 19, 1654, and was buried at Tring, to which place she removed after her husband s decease. They left three sons, John, William, and Lawrence, and three daughters, Martha, Elizabeth, and Margaret. John went to sea, and Lawrence, before his removal to Virginia, which was later than John s emigration, was a merchant, probably in a small way, at Luton. The children had friends in England and Virginia, and they doubtless assisted them, despite the rector s unfortunate marriage. "The Washington family," says Dr. Neill, "had been con nected by marriage with those who had been prominent in the colonization of Virginia. The widow of Colonel Henry- Washington, a royalist during the Civil War, and uncle of the immigrant John, became the wife of Samuel Sandys, whose cousin, Sir Edwin, was once the head of the Virginia Company of London, and Edwin s brother George was the treasurer of the Colony resident at Jamestown. An aunt of this Samuel Sandys was the wife of Francis Wyatt, an early governor of Virginia. Then Robert Sandys, a nephew of MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 33 the Colonial treasurer, married Alice Washington, the aunt of the immigrant. It is also worthy of note that Sir Henry Moody, the only son of the Lady Deborah, who, with his mother, obtained a patent for the town of Gravesend, Long Island, where they and others could enjoye the free libertie of conscience according to the custom and manner of Hol land, sold his old home at Garsden, Wilts, to Sir Lawrence Washington, Kt., register of the Court of Chancery and a relative of John. "There is no evidence that John Washington was, before 1658, in Virginia. That year he arrived in the Potomac River in a ship owned by Edward Prescott, a merchant, the master of which was John Greene. On the voyage Elizabeth Richardson, suspected of being a witch by Captain Greene and his sailors, was hung and then tossed into the sea. Washington felt it was an outrage, and complained against Prescott, the Maryland trader. Governor Fendall of that Province notified Washington in 1659 that the case would be examined at the October Court that year, and wished him to come over from Virginia, with others who were on the ship and witnessed the execution. The summons received the following reply : " HON BLE SIR: Yo rs of this 2Qth instant, this day I received. I am sorry y t my extraordinary occasions will not permit me to be at ye next Provincial Court to bee held at Mary Land ye 4th of this next month. Because then, God willing, I intend to gett my young sonne baptized. All ye company and Gossips being already invited. Besides, in this short time witnesses cannot bee gott to come over. But if Mr. Prescott be bound to answer at ye next Provincial Court after this, I shall doe what lieth in my power to get them over. So I shall desire you to acquaint mee whether 34 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. Mr. Prescott be bound over to ye next Court, and when ye Court is, that I may have some time to provide evidence. " Yo r friend & Serv t " JOHN WASHINGTON. " 30 Sept. 1659. "The name of the officiating minister at the baptism of his infant has not been preserved. There were two clergymen at that period living on the west shore of the Potomac whose social and educational advantages had been superior to the clergymen of a later period in the Colony. In Sittingbourne parish, not far from the Washington plantation, lived Francis Doughty, a son of an alderman in Bristol, England. He was the brother-in-law of Governor Stone of Maryland, and was at one time in charge of the parish of the Eastern Shore of Virginia. While in Sittingbourne parish complaint was made against him because "he denied the supremacy of the King, contrary to the canons of the Church of England." Not many miles from Washington parish lived, in the words of the court records, " Mr. David Lindsay, Minister." He officiated in the parish of Wicomico for several years, and upon his tombstone, the oldest in that portion of Virginia, in a burying-grouncl on Cherry Point, Wicomico River, North umberland, is this inscription : " Here lyeth interred ye body of That Holy and Reverant Devine Mr. David Lindsay late Minister of Yeocomico, born in ye Kingdom of Scotland, ye first and lawful sonne of ye Rt. Honorable Sir Hierome Lindsay, Kt, of ye Mount, Lord Lyon King at Arms, who departed this life in ye 64th year of his age, ye 3d April, Anno Dom. 1667. 4 The first wife of Washington and her two children were buried in Virginia. After his first wife s death," continues Dr. Neill, "he married Anne, widow of Walter Brodhurst, MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 35 the eldest son of William of Lilleshall, Shropshire, and the daughter of Nathaniel Pope. Pope and Brodhurst had been among the early settlers of Maryland. The former was a member of the jury as early as 1637, and sat in the Legis lature of 1641 and 1642, but in 1647 was m sympathy with those who recognized Captain Edward Hill of Virginia as governor. " Soon after this he was identified with Virginia, and in 1650 is mentioned as Nathaniel Pope of Appomattocks, gent. He obtained in September, 1654, a grant of one thousand acres in Westmoreland County, and Pope s Creek bears his name. In August, 1657, he is called Lieutenant- Colonel Nathaniel Pope. Walter Brodhurst is mentioned as early as 1639 in the Maryland records, and was accused of saying, in June, 1647, at the house of Surgeon Thomas Gerard, that there was no Governor in Maryland, for Capt. Hill was Governor. He removed to Virginia as early as 1653 to represent Northumberland County in the Legislature, which then included what was that year set off as Westmore land County. At that time he was about thirty-four years of age. He died and left one child, Walter. His will was proved in November, 1658, in the Prerogative Court, Can terbury, England, and among the records of Northumberland County, Virginia, there is reference to a suit brought on September 30, 1659, by Anne Brodhurst, relict and admin istrator of Walter Brodhurst. It must have been after this that the widower John Washington married the widow Anne Pope Brodhurst. "In the will of John Washington of Washington parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia, made on the 2ist of Sep tember, 1675 (O. S.), he alludes to his sister Martha, to whom he had advanced moneys for transporting herself to America, and directed his brother-in-law, Thomas Pope, to 36 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. attend to the bringing up of his son John, and his wife to care for his daughter Anne, until the eldest son, Lawrence, is of age. "To his daughter he gives the diamond ring and her mother s rings. He provided for the preaching of a funeral sermon, and wished to be procured from England for the lower church at Washington parish a tablet with the Ten Commandments and also the King s Arms. "Lawrence, the eldest son of John Washington, married Mildred, the daughter of Augustine Warner, who in 1652 represented York County in the Virginia Assembly. He died in 1699, leaving his wife and three children, John, Augustine, and Mildred. In his will he provided for a funeral sermon at the church, and to the upper and lower church of Washington parish, Westmoreland, he gave a pulpit cloth and cushion. "The widow Mildred went to England and married George Gale of White Haven, Cumberland. She lived but a short period after her second marriage, and was buried on the 3<Dth of January, 1 700-01, at White Haven. "Augustine, the son of Lawrence and Mildred Warner, born in 1694, when only twenty-one years old married Jane, daughter of Caleb Butler of Westmoreland County, and took her to his home on the Potomac River, between Pope s and Bridge s Creeks. The house was plain, one story high, with a spacious attic under a hip roof, and a brick chimney outside at each end, the style of most of the houses of the period. He was a quiet, just, honest, and thrifty planter. John Fothergill, an English physician and Quaker preacher, in 1721, after visiting Miles Cary of Warwick, who was a member of the Society of Friends, came to the l Mattocks, and in his journal mentions that he was received at Justice Washington s, a family man. MARY WASHINGTON, MOTHER OF GEORGE WASHINGTON, FROM AN OIL PAINTING BY MIDDLETON. MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 39 "The first wife of Augustine Washington died November 24, 1728, and was buried in the family vault at Bridge s Creek, and on the 6th of March, 1730-31, he married Mary, the daughter of Colonel Joseph Ball, who lived in Lancaster County on the bank of the Rappahannock River. Her first Virginia ancestor, William Ball, was a merchant who came about the same time as John Washington. The tradition that he had been a colonel in the army of King Charles, and was entitled to a coat of arms, is without foundation. "In the family Bible of Mary Washington, still preserved, is written : George Washington, son to Augustine and Mary his wife, was Born ye nth Day of February, 1731-32, about 10 in the morning, and was Baptized the 5th of April following. Mr. Beverly Whiting & Capt. Christopher Burks Godfathers, and Mrs. Mildred Gregory Godmother. " About the year 1 734 the home of Augustine Washington, which we may well presume, from the above description, to have been a modest enough farm-house, was entirely de stroyed by fire, and the family moved to a plantation which Augustine owned nearly opposite Fredricksburg, on the Rappahannock Neck. This latter residence/ writes one of the first of Washington s biographers, is still to be seen. It lifts its low and modest front of faded red over the turbid waters of Rappahannock. Education was hard to obtain in Virginia at that time, unless one s parents belonged to the rich planter class that sent their children to England for that purpose. So late as 1744, we are told, it became necessary to depose the entire vestry of a Virginia church by an act of the Legislature because, although well-to-do-farmers, not one of them could write his name. Washington s mother, it is true, had had some educational advantages, but the extent of these, judging from the following letter to her son John, were not of such 40 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. magnitude as to induce her to undertake, with a reasonable prospect of success, the instruction of her children. Here is the letter of Mary Washington, above referred to, as given by Moncure D. Conway : " Dear Johnne, I am glad to hear you and all the family is well, and should be glacl if I could write you the same. I am a going fast, and it the time is hard. I am borrowing a little cornn, no cornn in the cornn house. I never lived so poor in my life. Was it not for Mr. French and your sister Lewis I should be almost starved, but am like an old alma nac, quite out of date. Give my love to Mrs. Washington all the family. I am dear Johnne your loving and affectionate mother. "P. S. I should be glad to see you as I dont expect to hold out long." This was written, of course, after her son George had become the first citizen of America, but there is no reason to suppose that her mode of expression was more elegant in her youth. The most convenient way to secure a schoolmaster, either in Virginia or Pennsylvania, at that time, seems to have been by purchase, and, accordingly, Washington s tutor was a transported convict, although not necessarily a criminal. The Rev. Boucher, before referred to, who was a scholarly clergyman of the Church of England, writes of this early tutelage of George, and was afterward tutor to the general s step-son, "who," he says, "like most people thereabouts at that time, had no other education than reading, writing, and accounts, which he was taught by a convict servant whom his father bought for a schoolmaster." Ford, in his The True George Washington, doubts this assertion of the Rev. Mr. Boucher, without, we think, suf ficient grounds, for the fact that this worthy clergyman was PORTRAIT OF GEORGE WASHINGTON BY CHARLES WILLSON PEALE, AT SHIRLEY, VA. MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 43 a loyalist, was prejudiced, and, indeed, mistaken in some of his statements regarding Washington s career, does not prove his want of accuracy in this incident of the general s boyhood, of which he had so good an opportunity to be accurately informed. Weems the inaccurate who was, however, not always mistaken seems to allude to such an early instructor when he writes: "The first place of education to which George was sent was a little old field school kept by one of his father s tenants, named Hobby an honest poor old man, who acted in the double character of sexton and schoolmaster." It must be remembered that the so-called "convicts" sold to planters were not always criminals, but sometimes political offenders or prisoners of war, and such transported men often, after serving out their time, settled on their masters plantations. That many schoolmasters were actually sent here as convicts or to be sold on the plantations is evident from the existing records of that day, and it was a common saying, when a schoolmaster died, that one or another of the neighboring planters would go to the next ship in and buy one. Augustine Washington, the general s father, died April ii, 1743, and his will was probated by his son Lawrence, May 6th following. Although rich in land, we find him poor in ready cash ; such was the condition of two-thirds of the planters then in Virginia. The Hunting Creek plantation he left conditionally to Lawrence, who called it Mount Vernon in honor of Admiral Vernon, under whom he had served in 1740 as a captain in one of the Virginia expeditions against Carthagena, but, getting into some scrape with a brother officer, and not, it 44 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. is said, acquitting himself " quite as well as he ought," he sold out. Four miles below Mount Vernon lay Belvoir, the planta tion of Colonel William Fairfax, the son of Henry Fairfax of Yorkshire, and agent for his cousin, Thomas, sixth Lord Fairfax. In 1743, Lawrence Washington married Anne, Colonel Fairfax s daughter, who made a comfortable home for him at Mount Vernon. Here George, Lawrence s half-brother, then about twelve years old, was always welcome, and here he formed an acquaintance with the Fairfaxes in general, but especially with George William Fairfax, the Colonel s son, and Thomas, another son, who was afterward killed June 26, 1746, when on board the ship " Harwick," which he had entered as an officer, in an engagement with the French. Says Dr. Neill : George Washington lived with his mother for some time after she became a widow, and was a dutiful son. In 1746, Thomas, Lord Fairfax, came to Virginia to be a permanent resident. He lived for a period at Belvoir, and then established a lodge in the wilderness thirteen miles south-east of Winchester. Colonel William Fairfax, the lord s agent, with a party of surveyors and assistants, on his way to the Shenandoah Valley, in Septem ber, 1746, stopped at Fredericksburg. In a letter to his son- in-law, Lawrence Washington, he wrote on the loth of the month : I have not yet seen Mrs. Washington. George has been with us, and says he will be steady, and thankfully follow your advice as his best friend. . . . . I have spoken to Dr. Spencer, who, I find, is often at the widow s, and has some influence to persuade her to think better of your advice in putting him to sea, with good recommendation. Lawrence wished him to be a common sailor, and there is no foundation MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 45 for the tradition that he procured him a midshipman s com mission in the British navy." On the 1 8th of September, Robert Jackson, a friend, wrote to Lawrence: "I am afraid Mrs. Washington will not keep GEORGE WASHINGTON, BY TEALE. up to her first resolution. She seems to intimate a dislike of George s going to sea, and says several persons have told her it s a very bad scheme." The anxious mother then ap pears to have written to her brother, Joseph Ball, a lawyer in 46 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. London, regarding George s future, for under date of May 19, 1747, he wrote her as follows: "I understand that you are advised, and have some thoughts, of putting your son George to sea. I think he had better be put apprentice to a tinker ; for a common sailor before the mast has by no means the common liberty of the subject, for they will press him from a ship where he has fifty shillings a month, and make him take twenty-three, and cut and slash, and use him like a negro, or rather like a dog And if he should get to be master of a Virginia ship (which is very difficult to do), a planter that has three or four hundred acres of land and three or four slaves, if he be industrious, may live more comfortably, and leave his family in better bread, than such a master of a ship can He must not be too hasty to be rich, but go on gently, and with patience, as things will naturally go. This method, without aiming at being a fine gentleman before his time, will carry a man more surely, and comfortably, through the world, than going to sea." Of course good Lawyer Ball did not really intend that Washington should be apprenticed to a tinker, but it was his way of expressing his disapproval of sending the boy to sea, saying, in so many words, as well apprentice him to a tinker as send him to sea ;" nevertheless, George s father, Augustine, and his great-grandfather, John, had been for a time in their lives sailors, the former a captain, and the latter first mate, of merchantmen. It must not be thought, however, that George Washington was not without both means and prospects of his own. The will of his father, Captain Augustine Washington, dated April 1 1, 1743, and proved May 6 of the same year, contains these provisions : "I give unto my son George Washington and his heirs the land [283 acres] I now live on which I purchased of the MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 47 Executrix of Mr. Wm. Strother deed, and one moiety of my land lying on Deep Run [several hundred acres], and Ten negro slaves. "It is my will and desire that in case my son Lawrence should dye without heirs of his body Lawfully begotten that then the Land and Mill [Mount Vernon] given him by this my will, lying in the County of Prince William, shall go and remain to my son George and his heirs." He also left to George a share in the remainder of his personal estate and slaves, and three lots of land in Fred- ericksburg. Shortly after this all idea of a "life on the ocean wave" was dismissed from Washington s mind, and he turned his whole attention to surveying. "Early in 1748, under his friend George Fairfax, he went on a surveying expedition. They passed through Ashby s Gap to the lodge of Lord Fair fax, and "from thence " through Winchester to the south branch of the Potomac, as far as the house of Cresap, an Indian trader. For his services in this tour he wrote in his note book, A doubloon is my constant gain every day that the weather will permit of my going out ; sometimes six pistoles. After the marriage of Lawrence Washington to Colonel Fairfax s daughter, George Washington was for a time living in the same house with the bride. He writes to a friend : "I might, was my heart disengaged, pass my time very pleasantly, as there s a very agreeable young lady lives in the same house, Colonel George Fairfax s wife s sister ; but as that s only adding fuel to fire, it makes me very uneasy, for by often and unavoidably being in company with her, revives my passion for your Lowland Beauty." Con way, in George Washington and Mount Vernon, gives the following as written about the same date ; " Dear Sally : This comes to Fredericksburg in hopes of 48 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. meeting with a speedy Passage to you if your not there, which hope you l get shortly, altho I am most discouraged from writing you, as this is my fourth to you since I received any from yourself. I hope you l make the Old Proverb good, out of sight out of mind, as its one of the greatest pleasures I can yet foresee of hearing in Fairfax, in often hearing from you, hope you l not deny me. I pass the time much more agreeable than what I imagined I should, as there s a very agreeable young lady lives in the said house where I reside (Colo. George Fairfax s wife s sister), which in a great measure cheers my sorrow and dejectedness, tho not so as to draw my thoughts altogether from your parts. I would wish to be with you down there with all my heart, but as it is a thing almost impractikable shall rest myself where I am with hopes of shortly hearing some Minutes of your trans actions in your Parts, which will be very welcomly received." At the early age of seventeen Washington was sufficiently versed in his profession to receive his first public trust, and, accordingly, in the records of Culpeper County Court, un der the date of 2Oth July, 1749 (O. S.), we find this entry: George Washington, Gentleman, produced a commission from the President and Masters of William and Mary College, appointing him to be Surveyor of the County, which was read, and thereupon, he took the usual oath to his Majesty s person and government, and then took and subscribed the adjuration oath and test, and then took the oath of Surveyor, all to hand." "The health of Lawrence Washington required a change of climate. Accompanied by his brother George, he sailed for Barbadoes, an island where his wife s uncle occupied a prominent position in the British service. During the visit George was attacked by small-pox, traces of which remained through life." The disease, he tells us, was contracted MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 49 because he " reluctantly " dined with a planter in whose house the scourge was raging. Under date of December 12, 1751, he wrote: "Went to town, and called on Major Clark s family, who had kindly DANIEL TARKE CUSTIS, FIRST HUSBAND OF MRS. WASHINGTON. visited me in my illness, and contributed all they could in sending me the necessaries the disorder required." George Washington returned to Virginia before his brother, and "took up again the thread of his old courtship of the fair maid of the name of Fontleroy in the Valley of the James." 50 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. He had now attained the rank of adjutant-general of Virginia, with pay amounting to ^150 per annum, so that, with what he was able to earn at his profession of surveyor or otherwise, he felt, very reasonably, that with prudence he might, indeed, support a wife. On May 20, 1/52, he wrote to the young person s father, William Fontleroy : "I was taken with a violent pleirisie which has reduced me very low, but purpose, as soon as I recover my strength to wait on Miss Betsy, in hopes of a revocation of the former cruel sentance, and see if I can meet any alteration in my favor. I have enclosed a letter to her which should be much obliged to you for delivery of." We know right well that the haughty Miss Elizabeth did not revoke her "cruel sentance ;" and we seem to see young- Washington riding sadly away from her father s door, disap pointed in his love for woman, but greatly in favor in the council of men. Proud Miss Betsy married a planter of the ordinary stripe named Adams, who lived in the James River Valley, and lived to regret it. Of the military career of Washington, commencing some years before Braddock s defeat at Fort Duquesne, and con tinuing, with but slight intermission, until the close of the Revolution, it is not the purpose of this sketch to treat, so that rather than describe the ill-fated expedition against the French and Indians, to join which Washington left Mount Vernon on the 6th of May, we will give room to a very accurate description of him written almost on the eve of this expedition by Colonel Peyton : "He is," says this genial Southerner, "about twenty-three years of age, with a countenance both mild and pleasant, promising both wit and judgment. He is of a comely and MARTHA WASHINGTON, MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 5 1 dignified demeanor, and at the same time displays much self- reliance and decision. He strikes me as being a young man of extraordinary and exalted character, and is destined, I am of opinion, to make no inconsiderable figure on our country." From Fort Cumberland, September 12, 1758, Washington wrote to his friend Miss Gary of Hampton, then at Belvoir, of his intended marriage with the widow Custis. " Tis true," he says, "I profess myself a votary of Love I acknowledge that a lady is in the case." It appears that Miss Gary was in love with Washington, and, although knowing well of his engagement to Mrs. Custis, continued to misinterpret the young colonel s letters, and answered them in so warm a vein that he was for a time quite at a loss what to do. On January 6 (O. S.), 1759, in the presence of Rev. David Mossom of St. Peter s Church, New Kent County, Martha Custis, nee Dandridge, became the wife of George Washington, and for several years he lived at Mount Vernon, to which he had now succeeded by the death, without issue, of his brother Lawrence, attending to his plantations "and in the discharge of the social duties of a country gentleman." Washington could scarcely have selected a more desirable wife. She was yet young, extremely good-looking, and the wealthiest widow in the Old Dominion, if not in all the Colonies. At the time of Washington s courtship Mrs. Custis was but twenty-seven years old. Miss Wharton, in her Martha Washington, says that she was then "a handsome woman in the bloom of early matronhood, a dignified and essentially feminine personality, serene and well-poised." Some, who are inclined to look for faults, tell us that she was short, well- formed, and had a firm opinion of her own. Washington was evidently of the former opinion. To a London corre- 52 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. spondent, under date of September 20, 1759, he wrote: "I am now I believe fixed, at this seat, with an agreeable con sort for life, and hope to find more happiness in return than I ever expected amidst a wide and bustling world. I thank you heartily for your affectionate wishes. Why wont you give me an occasion of congratulating you in the same manner?" MOUNT VERNON, WEST FRONT. His diary for the year 1760 gives us some account of the daily life at Mount Vernon of the newly-wedded couple. On the 2d of January, Mrs. Washington is quite sick, and on the 4th the physician is sent for. On the 5th, Mrs. Geo. Fairfax is at dinner, and on the 6th, Sunday, with Mrs. Dassett, his wife s sister, he attends church at Alexandria. On the 2Oth he visits Belvoir with Dr. Craik. In Febru ary, on Sunday the 3d, he goes to church at Alexandria ; on the 5th, Colonel and Mrs. Fairfax and Dr. Laurie dine MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 53 at Mount Vernon ; on the ;th he attends Mr. Craig s funeral sermon at Alexandria, and on the i5th is at a ball in the same place ; on the 25th he has dinner company, at which were present Lord Fairfax, Colonel George Fairfax and wife, Mr. Brian Fairfax, Colonel Carlyle, and the clergyman Charles Green and wife. On the Qth of April, Dr. Laurie came drunk, and the next day Mrs. Washington was blooded by Dr. Laurie, who stayed all night (drunk again, perhaps); on the i5th called at Rev. Charles Green s and left Mrs. Washington, and on the nth of May went with his wife to church. His home- life at Mount Vernon in those days was quiet and orderly, " and all in his employ were encouraged to industry." Wash ington finally settled down to the usual life of a Virginia planter, and we note a tone of quiet contentment in his every day life. And so it chanced that the great-great-grandson of the stout old Royalist rector of Purleigh came to live on the broad Potomac. Mount Vernon plantation, the home of Washington, lies along the right bank of the Potomac River, and is about seventeen miles south of Washington City. The mansion stands on a high bluff, from which a winding pathway slopes gently to the river-brink at a spot where the old wharf, part of which is said to have been constructed under Washington s personal supervision, still serves as a landing-place. From this wharf Washington shipped to England and to the West Indies the products of Mount Vernon, principally tobacco and flour, as well as numberless barrels of shad and herring from his fisheries along the river. Concerning these fisheries he writes to a friend in London, and says of the Potomac " that it is a river well stocked with various kinds of fish at all seasons of the year, and in the spring with shad, herring, bass, carp, sturgeon, etc. in great abundance. The 54 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. borders of the estate [Mount Vernon] are washed by more than ten miles of tide-water ; several valuable fisheries apper tain to it ; the whole shore, in fact, is one entire fishery." It is said that the flour ground at his own mill and stamped "George Washington, Mount Vernon," was so fair in quan tity and excellent in grade that it was frequently passed at the ports without the customary official inspection. During the Revolution a British sloop-of-war lay off this wharf and demanded provisions under a threat to burn Mount Vernon to the ground. Washington s steward, fearing that the officer in command would carry his threat into execution, determined to save the mansion by yielding to the exaction, and the English were presently better off by a choice assortment of Mount Vernon flour and fish. When Wash ington heard of the affair he was exceedingly angry, and wrote to his overseer to let them burn the house next time rather than afford the enemy any relief. Proceeding up the path we have mentioned, the visitor passes the tomb of the "Father of his Country," of which we will speak presently, and approaches the house by way of the river front. It is built of wood cut and painted to resemble stone. So far as we are able to judge, the original building was not only much smaller, but quite unlike the present mansion. MARTHA CUSTIS, DAUGHTER OF MRS. WASHINGTON, FROM SMALL OIL POR TRAIT ON COPPER. MOUNT VERNON AND THE VVASHINGTONS. 55 The first structure was erected on the site by Lawrence Washington in 1743, and afterward enlarged by the general, who gradually altered the style of architecture until it assumed its present form. The chimneys of Lawrence s house were built out from each end of the main building, presenting an appearance JOHN AND MARTHA CUSTIS, CHILDREN OF MRS. WASHINGTON, FROM ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING BY WOOLASTON. which we might now consider an unique feature, but which at that time (1743) was, with but few exceptions, the com mon mode in Virginia of constructing the better sort of farm-houses. The roof was deep-pitched, and no such porch or cupola or dormer windows as we now see there existed. 56 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. As Mount Vernon was, in General Washington s time, nearly always approached by land, the west front may be considered to have been the principal entrance. Attached to the main building by the usual corridors are the house-servants quarters, the buttery, and offices, and from the west side wind the avenues shaded by trees which were planted under the President s direction. The corner-stone of the original structure, with the initials " L. W.," the date, and certain Masonic marks, is yet pointed out in the cellar. The east piazza, facing the Potomac, is fifteen feet wide, twenty-five feet high, and is paved with flagstones brought, it is said, from the Isle of Wight. These are twelve inches square and one-half inch thick. From this porch you enter the main hall, a relic of Lawrence Washington s construction, and wainscoted in quaint woodwork. On the door one no tices a ponderous knocker that many a distinguished guest has clanged. In the hall also may be seen, in its original glass case, the great iron key of the Bastille, sent to Wash ington by the Marquis La Fayette, Thomas Paine being the messenger. A pencil sketch representing the destruction of this famous prison accompanied the key. " Give me leave, my dear General," wrote La Fayette, "to present you with a picture of the Bastille just as it looked a few days after I ordered its demolition, with the main key of the fortress of despotism. It is a tribute which I owe as a son to my adopted father as an aide-de-camp to my general as a missionary of liberty to its patriarch." To this Washington replied as follows : " I have received your affectionate letter of the i7th of March by one convey ance, and the token of the victory gained by liberty over despotism by another, for both of which testimonials of your friendship and regard I pray you to accept my sincerest MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 57 thanks. In this great subject of triumph for the New World, and for humanity in general, it will never be forgotten how conspicuous a part you bore, and how much lustre you re flected on a country in which you made the first displays of your character." Reo-ardine this memento of the French Revolution, it > o may be remarked that a doubt has been cast, from a proba bly reliable source, upon its authenticity. The Viscount de Chateaubriand, who dined with Washing ton, refers to the key thus: "The conversation turned almost entirely on the French Revolution. The general showed us a key of the Bastille : these keys of the Bastille were but silly playthings which were about that time distributed over the two worlds. Had Washington seen, like me, the conquerors of the Bastille in the kennels of Paris, he would have less faith in the relic." From the hall you enter the east parlor, where there are now many relics of Mount Vernon s great owner, among other things a large globe, which probably served as a model for the globe in Savage s picture of the Washington family, and a sideboard which, tradition declares, once be longed to Lawrence Washington. o o Before passing from the great hall, however, we must notice the superb chimney-piece, made of sienite and Parian marble in Italy, and sent to Washington in 1785 by Samuel Vaughan, a rich Welshman and an admirer of the general. Domestic scenes of an agricultural nature, which the great patriot loved so well, are sculptured in high relief in white marble. The story goes that the vessel bearing it hither was captured by a French pirate, but upon it being represented to the buccaneer captain that the ship was the bearer of a gift for Washington, he permitted her to continue the voyage. .S8 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. From the east parlor the north extension may be entered. In this was the large state banqueting-hall, but the family dining-room was toward the west side of the mansion. The library, a square room full of closets, is in the south LIBRARY, MOUNT VERNOX. extension. Here Washington repaired at daylight every morning, winter and summer, until breakfast was served. A broad stairway from the main hall leads to the sleeping apartments. The first room on the left of the landing in the upper hall is "La Fayette s chamber," so called from his having occupied it on his visits to Mount Vernon. Between Washington and the French marquis there existed a friendship unusual in public men of ages so at variance. Washington has sometimes been blamed for allowing Robert Morris, the financier of the Revolution, to linger in prison in Philadelphia, but to his conduct during La Fayette s imprisonment no such blame can be attached. MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 61 The marquis, having become disgusted with the scenes in Paris, attempted to make his way to America through Austria, but was arrested by order of the Court of Vien na and confined in the citadel of Olmutz. When Wash ington heard of this, as De la Colombe relates, he " made instant application to the Cabinet of Vienna to obtain his friend s liberty, but met with a formal refusal. A plan of escape was then arranged over here, and Congress devoted GEN. WASHINGTON S CHAMBER. a sum of four hundred thousand francs to its execution." One Ballman, a German doctor residing in Philadelphia, was selected to carry the scheme into effect. The plot was so far successful that the marquis escaped, but was recaptured, owing to his imprudence. One of the last rooms of Mount Vernon that the visitor enters is the chamber made sacred by the closing scene of Washington s life. Here, on the nirfit of the fourteenth 62 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. of December, 1799, he died. Although since that memor able hour it has remained unchanged in architecture, yet there is nothing now in the chamber that belonged to the great chieftain ; the bedstead at present in the room, almost its sole furniture, being only a representation of the bed on which he expired. From the death-chamber of Washington a steep flight of steps leads us to the room occupied by Martha Washington MRS. WASHINGTON S CHAMBKR. during the last years of her life. In this poorly-furnished apartment, with no fire during the coldest winter weather, with no companion but her pet cat, for whose convenience of ingress and egress a hole was cut in the door, and within sight of her husband s grave, the wife of Washington passed in extreme grief the last years of a life that afforded her the gratification of every ambition. In Washington s day the garden must have been delight ful ; it was, indeed, one of his chief cares and pleasures. The large conservatory was destroyed by fire on the i6th of December, 1835, " it being the same clay upon which twenty MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 63 millions of dollars went up in smoke in the city of New York." A defective flue seems to have been the cause, and the building, with the adjoining servants quarters, was a mass of smouldering ruins within an hour after the blaze was o discovered. Out of the vast collection of rare plants, most of which Washington had obtained from various parts of the world, but few were saved. A fine century-plant, a sago palm, and a lemon tree were some years since preserved as relics snatched from the flames. They may be still alive. The orio-inal entrance to Mount Vernon was about one c5 mile due west of the house. From the porter s lodge the carriage-road wound its way through vale and over wooded hills until it connected with the more elegantly cared-for avenue leading across the lawn to the house. Washington laid out the avenues himself, and took great pains in select ing the proper trees which he intended should, at a later day, overshadow them. On the north side of the lawn was the flower-garden, and on the south the vegetable-garden. Seed-houses were erected at the corners of both o-ardens. o Like the porter s lodge and some other buildings, they were built of adobe or blocks of sun-dried clay. The seed-houses were of octagon form. & Washington seems to have often had difficulty in crettina- O J O O a good head-gardener. Of one he says that he thinks he should be prosecuted for false pretense, because he claimed to be able to manage slaves and failed. Yet he gave him a recommendation for honesty, industry, and intelligence. With another servant he made a singular contract. This man was to receive "four dollars at Christmas, with which he may be drunk for four days and four nights; two dollars at Easter, to effect the same purpose ; two dollars at Whit suntide, to be drunk for two days ; a dram in the morning and a drink of grog at dinner at noon." We would infer 64 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. that here was a valuable man who would drink, and that Washington reduced the habit to a system. Another man, however, he forces to a promise that he will drink nothing at all whilst in his employ. From the end of the Revolution to Washington s death, except when the mansion was closed during the busier por tions of those years which he served as President, Mount NELLIE CUSTIS, FROM A PASTEL BY SHARPLESS. Vernon was a busy household. Both Americans and foreign ers, friends and strangers, were constantly arriving and were entertained at dinner and frequently remained overnight. Washington wrote to his mother that " in truth it may be compared to a well-resorted tavern, as scarcely any strangers who are going from North to South, or from South to North, do not spend a day or two at it." There were few French men, especially of those driven here by one reason or other MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. during the French Revolution, who did not, from motives of admiration, policy, gain, or curiosity, call at the general s home. Some of these people, accustomed to the extremes of etiquette practised at the court of Louis Seize, were astonished, as well as amused, by the simplicity observed at Mount Vernon. One of them observes that when the princes of Orleans visited Mount Vernon the negro who announced them, probably the famous Billy, called to Washington, "Excellency ! " BILLY," WASHINGTON S BODY-SERVANT, FROM PAINTING BY CHARLES WILLSON PEALE. Excellency ! there are three Equalities at the door." " Differ ent countries," observes the writer, " have different manners." The princes, however, were usually so termed throughout the country during their visit. The same authority informs us that Mount Vernon was closed against Talleyrand, De Noailles, and Duportail. 36 66 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. Washington, however, used great finesse in complying with the awkward request of Volney, who asked him for a letter of recommendation to the American people. It was as follows : " M. de Volney needs no recommendation from "GEORGE WASHINGTON." The evenings at Mount Vernon were always gay. Cards, billiards, and dancing were favorite amusements of the general, and, according to the custom of the day, money RECEPTION-ROOM, MOUNT VERNON. was the stake in these games. He was careful, however, that the sums risked were within bounds, and his gains or losses in this sort of amusement never amounted to more than a few hundred dollars a year. Fox-hunting was a sport of which he was always very fond, and up almost to the time of his death he rode to hounds as often as possible during the hunting season. He was a liberal contributor toward the maintenance of the MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 67 neighboring pack, which was, indeed, kept at Mount Vernon a great part of the time. We have spoken of Billy, the body-servant of Washing ton, and whose portrait was painted by Peale. Billy accom panied his master all through the Revolution, and acquitted himself so well that the general left a provision for him in his will setting him free, with a home at Mount Vernon. Poor Billy, however, could not stand prosperity, and he became a bon-vivant. In his old age delirium tremens finally seized him in its terrible grasp. A negro on the plantation called Westford, who had been brought up by Judge Wash ington, was accustomed to relieve him of the paroxysms by bleeding. One day, about 1828, Westford was sent for in a hurry for this purpose, but the blood refused to follow the incision of the lancet. Billy was dead. We have left the saddest and yet the most interesting feature of Mount Vernon, the grave of Washington, until the last. The original family vault was upon the brow of a hill some three hundred yards south of the mansion and facing the river. It is now a mere ruin. In it, however, the remains of Washington, contrary to the explicit instructions in his will, reposed for thirty years. An attempt to steal his body, resulting only in the larceny of a skull of some one else, which was afterward fortunately recovered, forced the execution of his wish, worded in his will as follows : "The family vault at Mount Vernon requiring repairs, and being improperly situated besides, I desire that a new one, of brick and upon a larger scale, may be built at the foot of what is called the Vinyard-Inclosure, on the ground which is marked out, in which my remains, and those of my deceased relatives (now in the old vault), and such others of 68 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. my family as may choose to be entombed there, may be deposited." The new tomb of Washington was finally built in accord ance with these instructions. It is in a slight depression at the upper entrance to a wooded vale, near the margin of the path way leading to the river. It is of brick with an arched roof, and its iron door opens into a vestibule, also of brick, in which, viewed through a picketed gate of iron, are seen the marble coffins of George and Martha Washington. On a stone o o panel over the vault door are carved the words, " I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE ; HE THAT BELIEVETH IN ME, THOUGH HE WERE DEAD, YET SHALL HE LIVE." In the arch surmounting the tomb is a white marble tablet inscribed, " WITHIN THIS ENCLOSURE REST THE REMAINS OF GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON." Mr. John Struthers of Philadelphia, a marble-cutter, who had manufactured a number of handsome monuments, hear ing of the proposed removal, very kindly offered to present the marble coffins. The offer was accepted. That of Mrs. Washington is quite plain, with a simple inscription. That of the general has a design upon the lid representing in relief the American shield, but incorrectly represented sus pended over the stars and stripes. Over the shield is the American eagle. o Mr. William Strickland, who designed the lid of Washing ton s coffin, and who accompanied Mr. Struthers when the remains were to be removed, has left us an accurate account of that event: <l On entering the vault they found everything in confusion. Decayed fragments of coffins were scattered about, and bones of various parts of the human body were seen promiscuously thrown together. The decayed wood was dripping with moisture. The slimy snails glistened in the light of the door-opening. The brown centipede was MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 69 disturbed by the admission of fresh air, and the mouldy cases of the dead gave a pungent and unwholesome odor. The coffins of Washington and his lady were in the deepest recess of the vault. They were of lead, enclosed in wooden cases. When the sarcophagus arrived the coffin of the chief was brought forth. The vault was first entered by Mr. Strick land, accompanied by Major Lewis (the last survivor of the first executor of the will of Washington) and his son. When the decayed wooden case was removed the leaden lid was GEORGE WASHINGTON CUSTIS, FROM A MINIATURE PRESENTED TO LA FAYETTE. perceived to be sunken and fractured. In the bottom of the wooden case was found the silver coffin-plate, in the form of a shield, which was placed upon the leaden coffin when Washington was first entombed. "At the request of Major Lewis," says Mr. Strickland, "the fractured part of the lid was turned over on the lower part, exposing to view a head and breast of large dimensions, which appeared, by the dim light of the candles, to have 70 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. suffered but little from the effects of time. The eye-sockets were large and deep, and the breadth across the temples, together with the forehead, appeared of unusual size. There was no appearance of grave-clothes ; the chest was broad, the color was dark, and had the appearance of dried flesh and skin adhering closely to the bones. We saw no hair, nor was there any offensive odor from the body ; but we observed, when the coffin had been removed to the outside of the vault, the dripping down of a yellow liquid, which stained the marble of the sarcophagus. A hand was laid upon the head and instantly removed ; the leaden lid was restored to its place ; the body, raised by six men, was carried and laid in the marble coffin, and the ponderous cover being put on and set in cement, it was sealed from our sight on Saturday, the yth day of October, 1837 The relatives who were present, consisting of Major Lewis, Lorenzo Lewis, John Augustine Washington, George Washington, the Rev. Mr. Johnson and lady, and Mrs. Jane Washington, then retired to the mansion." On the east side of the tomb lie the remains of Mrs. Eleanor Parke Lewis and her daughter, Mrs. M. E. Conrad. The first-named lady was the granddaughter of Mrs. Wash ington and adopted daughter of the general. There are two monuments in front of Washington s tomb. On the right lies Judge Bushrod Washington, the nephew to whom the great patriot left Mount Vernon. On the left may be seen the last earthly abiding-place of John Augustine Wash ington, a nephew of the judge and the father of the last Washington who lived at Mount Vernon. Here, on the spot which, in his simplicity, he selected for its last home, amid the garden he loved, where the magnolias each spring might breathe their fragrance over his tomb, rests the clod that for a little time clothed the immortal MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. 7 1 spirit of him who was childless that he might become the father of his country. Here constantly from every clime a host of pilgrims gather, and ever up from the broad bosom of the Potomac TOMB OF THE WASHINGTONS, MOUNT VERNON. echoes from each passing steamer the solemn clang of a tolling bell in grateful recollection of that hero soul wafted from these shores into the vasty space of an uncertain eternity. Just prior to the late war Mount Vernon passed into the hands of the Mount Vernon Association, which purchased it from the Washington heir for two hundred thousand dollars. The association has kept the place in excellent repair after making a number of long-needed improvements. Each State represented in the association has a special room in the mansion. Of the purchase-money nearly seventy thou sand dollars were raised by Edward Everett, through his lectures on Washington, and the balance by the ladies of 72 MOUNT VERNON AND THE WASHINGTONS. the association. During the late war Mount Vernon was, by mutual agreement, neutral ground, and the wearers of the blue and the gray frequently met before the tomb of the Great American loved equally by both. They always came unarmed, by the request of those in charge of the grounds. ANCESTRY OF GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON, FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. JOHN WASHINGTON of = Whitfield, Co. Lancaster. | JOHN WASHING- TON of Whit- field. Dau. of Westfield. -ROBERT WASHINGTON = dau. of Miles Whit- of Warton, Co. Lancaster, gent., 2d son. AGNES, dau. of Bate- man of Haversham, West moreland; 3d wife. Issue. Issue. tington of Bar- wick, - - Co., Lane. ; 2d wife. THOMAS WAS II- INGTON, 2d son. ELLEN, m. James Mason of Warton. JOHN WASH- = MARGARET, dau. of Robert Kitson of INGTON of Warton, Co. Lancaster. LAWRENCE WASHINGTON of North ampton aud Grays Inn ; Mayor of North ampton; Grantee of Sulgrave, 30 H. VIII. ; ob. 19 Feb. 26. Elizabeth. Warton ; sister to Sir Thomas Kitson, Kt., Alderman of London. AMY, dau. of Robert Pargiter of Gretworth, gent.; ob. 7 Oct., 1564; 2d wife. ROBERT WASHINGTON, Esq., of Sul- == ELIZABETH, dau. and heir of Robert Light grave, set. 40, 26 Elizabeth; sold Sulgrave I of Radway, Co. Warwick; 1st wife. 8 Jac. | LAWRENCE WASHINGTON = MARGARET, eldest dau. of William of Sulgrave and Brington ; ob. I Butler of Tighes, Sussex ; m. 3d Aug., 13 Dec., 1616. 1588; living 1636. LAWRENCE WASHINGTON, fourth son ; = AMPHILLIS ROADES. M. A., Fellow of Brasenose Coll., Oxford ; I Rector of Purleigh, Essex (1633-43). JOHN WASHINGTON, b. -LAWRENCE WILLIAM WASH- ELIZABETH, bapt. in England, 163334; emi grated to Virginia ; ancestor of General George Wash ington. (See infra.) WASHING TON, bapt. at Tring, Co. Herts, 23 June, 1635 ; emigrated to Vir ginia. INGTON, bapt. at Tring, Co. Herts, 14 Oct., 1641. at Tring, 17 Aug., 1636. MARGARET. MARTHA. 73 GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. I. COL. JOHN WASHINGTON of Bridge s Creek, Westmoreland County, Va. ; died January, 1677. Will dated 26 February, 1675; proved 10 January, 1677. He married, first, in England, but his children by this marriage died young. He married, secondly, near Pope s Creek, Westmoreland County, about 1660, Anne Pope. II. Children of John Washington by Anne, his (2d) wife : 1. Lawrence, b. circa 1 66 1. 2. John, b. circa 1663. 3. Elizabeth, b. circa 1665; m. Thomas Lanier. 4. Anne, b. circa 1667. II. (i) LAWRENCE WASHINGTON, son of John and Anne, born at Bridge s Creek, Westmore land County, Va., circa 1661; died in Westmoreland County, 1697. He married, in Gloucester County, Va., circa 1690, Mildred, daughter of Col. Augustine Warner of Gloucester County. She married, secondly, George Gale. III. Children of Lawrence Washington by Mildred, his wife : 5. John, b. circa 1692. 6. Augustine, b. 1694. 7. Mildred, b. 1696. II. (3) ELIZABETH WASHINGTON, daughter of John and Anne, born circa 1665; married, about 1687, Thomas Lanier, son of Lewis Lanier of Bordeaux, France. III. Children of Thomas Lanier and Elizabeth Washington, /it s wife : 8. Richard, b. at Bridge s Creek, Va., circa 1688. 9. Thomas, b. at Bridge s Creek, Va., circa 1690. 10. James, b. at Bridge s Creek, A T a., circa 1692. 11. Elizabeth, b. at Bridge s Creek, Va., circa 1695. 12. Samson, b. at Bridge s Creek, Va., circa 1700. III. (5) JOHN WASHINGTON, son of Lawrence and Mildred, born at Bridge s Creek, West moreland County, Va., circa 1692; he removed to Gloucester County, where he died. He married Catharine Whiting of Gloucester County. IV. Children of John Washington by Catharine, his wife : 13. Warner, b. circa 1715. 14. Henry, b. circa 1718. 15. Mildred, b. circa 1720. 16. Elizabeth, b. circa 1722; d. unm. 17. Catharine, b. circa 1724; m. Fielding Lewis. 1 8. Lawrence, b. circa 1726. 74 GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. 75 19. Augustine, b. circa 1728. 20. Frances, b. circa 1730. III. (6) AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON, son of Lawrence and Mildred, born at Bridge Creek, Va., circa 1694. He removed to Fredericksburg, Va., 1722, and died there 12 April, 1743. He married, first, 20 April, 1715, Jane, daughter of Caleb Butler of Westmore land County. She died in Stafford County, 24 November, 1728. He married, secondly, in Lancaster County, Va., 6 March, 1730-31, Mary, daughter of Col. William Ball of Lancaster County. She died 25 August, 1789, aged 82 years. IV. Children of Augustine Washington by Jane, his (1st) wife: 21. Butler, b. 1716; d. young. 22. Lawrence, b. 1718. 23. Augustine, b. 1720. 24. Jane, b. 1722; d. 17 Jan., 1735. IV. Children of Augustine Washington by Afary, his (2d] wife : 25. George, b. II Feb. (o. s ) 1732. 26. Betty, b. 2 June, 1733. 27. Samuel, b. 1 6 Nov., 1734. 28. John Augustine, b. 13 Jan., 1736. 29. Charles, b. 2 May, 1738. 30. Mildred, b. 21 June, 1739; d. 23 Oct., 1740. III. (7) MILDRED WASHINGTON, daughter of Lawrence and Mildred, born circa 1696; married, first. Gregory; secondly, Col. Henry Willis of Fredericksburg. IV. Children of Gregory and Mildred Washington, his wife : 31. Frances, b. at Bridge s Creek, Va., circa 1716; m. Colonel Francis Thornton. 32. Mildred, b. at Bridge s Creek, Va.. circa 1718; m. Colonel John Thornton. 33. Elizabeth, b. at Bridge s Creek, Va., circa 1720; m. Reuben Thornton. IV. Children of Col. Henry Willis by Mildred ( Washington] Gregory -, his wife : 34. Col. Lewis Willis of Fredericksburg; living 1792. III. (12) SAMSON LANIER, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Washington), his wife, was born at Bridge s Creek, Va., circa 1700. IV. Children of Samson Lanier : 35. Lewis, b. circa 1726. 36. Buckner, b. circa 1728. 37. Burrill, b. circa 1732. 38. Winnifred, b. circa 1735. 39. Nancy, b. circa 1737. 40. Rebecca, b. circa 1740. IV. (35) LEWIS LANIER, son of Samson, born circa 1726; married Miss Ball, sister to Mary, mother of George Washington. V. Child of Lewis Lanier : 41. James, b. 2 Feb., 1759. 76 GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. V. (41) JAMES LANIER, son of Lewis, born 2 February, 1750; died 27 April, 1806 in Pen- dleton, Ky. He married, 1774, Sarah Chalmers (born 30 October, 1755), of Scotland. VI. Children of James Lanier by Sarah, his wife : 42. Alexander Chalmers, b. 31 Jan., 1779. 43. James Walters, b. circa 1781 ; Surgeon in U. S. Army, 1812; d. s. p. 44. A daughter, d. s. p. 45. A son, d. s. p. VI. (42) ALEXANDER CHALMERS LANIER, son of James and Sarah, born 31 January, 1779. He died in Lancaster, Garrard County, Ky., 25 March, 1820. He married, in South ampton County, Va., 30 April, 1797, Drusilla Cleaves Doughty (who was born 27 March, 1778; died at Madison, Indiana, 8 February, 1838). VII. Child of Alexander Chalmers by Drusilla, his (ist) wife: 46. James Franklin Doughty, b. 22 Nov., 1800. VIII. (46) JAMES FRANKLIN DOUGHTY LANIER, only son of Alexander Chalmers and Drusilla, his wife, was born at Washington, in Beaufort County, North Carolina, 22 November, 1800. He was taken to Eaton, Preble County, Ohio, 1807, and to Madison, Indiana, in 1817. Removed to New York, 1849. H G married, first, at Madison, Indiana, December 8, 1819, Elizabeth, daughter of John Gardner of Lexington, Ky. She died 15 April, 1846. He married, secondly, at Madison, Indiana, 20 January, 1848, Mary, daughter of John McClure of Carlisle, Pa. IX. Children of James F. D. Lanier, by Elizabeth, his wife : 47. Alexander Chalmers, b. 6 Oct., 1830; unm. 1878. 48. Elizabeth Frances, b. 26 Feb., 1822 ; removed to Washington, D. C. She m., Madison, Indiana, 1 1 March, 1841, General William McKee Dunn, Judge Advocate and General in U. S. Army. Issue (surname Dunn) : 1. William McKee, b. at Madison, Ind., 20 Aug., 1843. Major in U. S. A. He was on General Grant s staff at the battle of Vicksburg. He married Mary, daughter of Hon. Lott Morrell, Secretary of Treasury, U. S., 1876, of Augusta, Me. 2. Francis Elizabeth, b. 6 Dec., 1847; m. David R. McKee of the Associated Press. 3. Lanier, b. 2 Aug., 1851. 4. Mary, b. 22 Sept., 1855. 5. George Marshall, b. 20 March, 1856. 49. Drusilla Ann, b. 21 December, 1824; m., at Madison, Ind., 1844, to John Robert Cravens of Madison. Issue, ten children. 50. Margaret D., b. 25 Feb., 1827. 51. John James, b. 23 July, 1829; d. 20 April, 1836. 52. Mary, b. 20 Aug., 1832; m. John Cameron Stone of New York. 53. Louisa Morris, b. 31 Jan., 1835; unm. 54. Charles, b. 19 Jan., 1837; removed to New York. He m., in New York, 7 Oct., 1857, to Sarah E., daughter of Thomas Egleston of New York. Issue : 1. James Frederick Doughty, b. 25 July, 1858. 2. Sarah Egleston, b. 8 April, 1862. GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. 77 3. Fannie, b. 17 Aug., 1864. 4. Elizabeth Gardner, b. 29 Oct., 1870. IX. Cliildren of James F. D. Lanier by 2d wife : 55. Jane, b. Jan., 1849; d. 1857. 56. James, b. 1851; d. 1856. 57. Katie McClure, b. 7 Jan., 1858, unm. IV. (13) WARNER WASHINGTON, son of John and Catharine, born in Gloucester County, Va., circa 1715. He went to Frederick County and died 1791 ; married, first, Elizabeth, daughter of Col. William Macon of New Kent County, Va. He married, secondly, at Fairfax Court House, Va., Hannah, daughter of Hon. William Fairfax of Fairfax, Clarke County, Va. V. Child of Warner Washington by Elizabeth, his (ist] wife : 58. Warner, b. 15 April, 1751. V. Children of Warner Washington by Hannah Fairfax, his (zd] wife : 59. Mildred, b. 1765. 60. Hannah, b. April, 1767; m. P. B. Whiting of Elmington, Gloucester County, Va. 61. Catharine, b. 7 April, 1769. 62. Elizabeth, b. 1771. 63. Louisa, b. 1775. 64. Fairfax, b. 1778. 65. Whiting, b. 1780. IV. (14) HENRY WASHINGTON, son of John and Catharine, b. at Bridge s Creek, Va., circa 1718. He married a daughter of Thacher of Middlesex County, Va. V. Children of Henry Washington : 66. Thacher, b circa 1740; m. a daughter of Sir John Peyton and had issue. [There were also three daughters, names unknown, of Henry Washington.] IV. (17) CATHARINE WASHINGTON, daughter of John and Catharine, born circa 1724, married Colonel Fielding Lewis. V. Children of Col. Fielding Lewis by Catharine (Washington}, his wife: 67. John Lewis, b. circa 1745. 68. Francis Lewis, b. circa 1748. IV. AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON, son of John and Catharine, born circa 1728. V. Child of Augustine Washington : 69. William, b. circa 1750. IV. (26) BETTY WASHINGTON, daughter of Augustine and Mary, born in Stafford County, Va., 20 June, 1733. She married Colonel Fielding Lewis, whose first wife was Catharine Washington (17). Children of Col. Fielding Lewis by Betty ( Washington], his (2d] wife : 70. Fielding, b. 1755. 71. Betty, b. 1758. 72. George Fielding, b. 1760. 78 GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. 73. Robert, b. 1765. 74. Howell, b. 12 Dec., 1770. 75. Lawrence, b. 1775. IV. (27) COLONEL SAMUEL WASHINGTON, son of Augustine and Mary, born in Stafford County, 1 6 November, 1734. He was a Colonel in the Continental Army and died at Harewood, in Berkeley County, Va., in 1781. He married, first, Jane, daughter of Colonel John Champe, by whom he had no issue. He married, secondly, Mildred, daughter of Col. John Thornton ; and thirdly, Lucy, daughter of Nathaniel Chapman. He married, fourthly, Anne, daughter of Col. William Steptoe (widow of Willoughby Allerton), and, fifthly, the widow Perrin. V. Children of CoL Samuel Washington by Mildred, his (2d) wife : 76. Thornton, b. 1760. 77. Tristam, b. 1763. V. Children of Col. Samuel Washington by Anne, his (4///) wife : 78. Frederick, b. 1773. 79. George Steptoe, b. 1773. 80. Lawrence A., b. 1776. 81. Harriett Parks, b. 1780. IV. (28) JOHN AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON, son of Augustine and Mary, born in Stafford County, Va., 13 January, 1736; died February, 1787, on his estate on Nomony. in Westmoreland County. He married Hannah, daughter of Colonel John Bushrod of Westmoreland County, Va. V. Children of John Augustine Washington by Hannah, his wife : 82. Jane, b. 1758. 83. Mildred, b. 1760. 84. Bushrod, b. 5 June, 1762. 85. Corbin, b. 1767. 86. William Augustine, b. 1767. IV. (29) COLONEL CHARLES WASHINGTON, son of Augustine and Mary, born 2 May, 1738; Colonel in the Continental Army; married Mildred, daughter of Colonel Francis Thorn ton of Spottswood County, Va. V. Children of Col. Charles Washington and Mildred, his wife : 87. George Augustine, b. circa 1763. 88. Samuel, b. circa 1765. 89. Frances, b. circa 1772; m. Col. Burgess Ball. 90. Mildred, b. circa 1777; m. Hammond. V. (58) WARNER WASHINGTON, son of Warner and Elizabeth, born 15 April, 1751 ; died in Clark County, Va. He married, first, in Gloucester County, 18 October, 1770, Mary, daughter of Francis and Frances (Perrin) Whiting of Gloucester County, Va. She died at Clifton, Va., 1794. He married, secondly, at Elmington, Gloucester County, 13 June, 1795, Sarah Warner Rootes. VI. Children of Warner Washington and Mary, his (1st) wife : 91. Warner, b. 7 Dec., 1771. GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. 79 92. John, b. 4 Oct., 1773. 93. Frances, b. 30 April, 1775. 94. Emily, b. 8 May, 1778. 95. Sydney, b. 31 May, 1780. 96. Henry, b. 8 March, 1782. 97. Francis Whiting, b. 1 8 June, 1784. 98. Beverly, b. 25 Aug., 1787. 99. Perrin, b. 7 Feb., 1790. VI. Children of Warner Washington and Sarah, his (2d] wife: 100. Reade, b. 18 May, 1796. 101. Thacher, b. 5 Dec., 1797. 102. Elizabeth, b. 28 Sept., 1800. 103. Fairfax, b. 30 March, 1802. 104. William Herbert, b. 30 May, 1803. 105. Alexander Hamilton, b. 5 March, 1805. 106. Mary Herbert, b. 25 Sept., 1808. VI. (64) FAIRFAX WASHINGTON, son of Warner and Hannah, born circa 1778. Removed to Elkton, Kentucky, and died there 1860. He married, 1804, Sarah Armistead of Hesse, Gloucester County, Va. She died at Elkton. VII. Children of Fairfax Washington and Sarah, his wife : 107. William Armistead, b. 1805. 108. Warner Washington. 109. Mary. no. Anne Olive, b. circa 1812. 111. Fairfax. 112. Virginia, b. circa 1820. IV. (65) WHITING WASHINGTON, son of Warner and Hannah, born about 1780. Removed to Logan County, Kentucky, where he died. He married, about 1805, Rebecca, daughter of Charles Smith of Berryville, Clark County, Va. V. Children of Whiting Washington and Rebecca, his wife : 113. Charles Henry. 114. Daughter. 115. Daughter. IV. (66) THACHER WASHINGTON, son of Henry, circa 1740. He married a daughter of Sir John Payton of Gloucester County. He resides upon the estate left to his grand father, John, at Mahodoe, Westmoreland County. Issue : Names not ascertained. IV. (23) AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON, son of Augustine, born 1720. He married, 1743, Anne, daughter and co-heiress of Col. William Aylett of Westmoreland County. V. Children of Atigustine Washington and Anne, his wife : 116. Elizabeth, b. circa 1750; m. Alexand Spotswooder. 117. Jane, b. circa 1752; m. Col. John Thornton. 118. Anne, b. circa 1753; m. Burdet Ashton. 119. William Augustine, b. 25 Nov., 1757. 8o GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY, VI. (119) COLONEL WILLIAM AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON, son of Augustine and Anne, born in Westmoreland County, Va., 25 November, 1757; died at Georgetown, Va., 10 October, 1810; buried at Mount Vernon. He married, 25 September, 1777, Jane, daughter of Colonel John Augustine Washington of Bushfield, Westmoreland County, Va. She died about 1791 ; he married, secondly, 10 July, 1792, Molly, daughter of Richard Henry Lee of Chantilly, Westmoreland County, Va., by whom he had no issue. He married, thirdly, II May, 1799, Sarah, sister to Colonel John Taylor of Mount Airy, Richmond County. VII. Children of Col. William Augustine Washington and Jane, his (\sf) wife : 120. Augustine, b. circa 1778; d. y. 121. Corbin Aylett, b. circa 1780; d. y. 122. Hannah Bushrod, b. 1782; d. y. 123. Bushrod, b. 4 April, 1785. 124. Ann Aylett, b. circa 1787. 125. George Corbin, b. 20 Aug., 1789. 126. Lawrence, b. 26 Feb., (1791?). VII. Children of Col. William Augustine Washington and Sarah, his (30?) wife: 127. Sarah Taylor, b. 14 April, 1800. 128. William Augustine, b. 30 Aug., 1804. Other children died young. VI. (76) THORNTON WASHINGTON, Ensign in the Continental Army, son of Samuel and Mildred, born 1760; died in Jefferson County, Va., before 1799. He married, first, Miss Berry of Berry Plain on the Rappahannock River; married, secondly, Miss Washington. VII. Children of Thornton Washington by his (i^) wife : 129. John Thornton Augustine. 130. Thomas. 131. Samuel. VI. (79) GEORGE STEPTOE WASHINGTON, son of Samuel and Anne, born 1773. He removed from Jefferson County, Va., to South Carolina. Buried in Augusta County, Ga. He married, at Philadelphia, 1796, Lucy Payne, daughter of - Payne of Va. and Phil adelphia. His widow married Hon. Thomas Todd of Kentucky, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Children of George Steptoe Washington and Liicy, his wife : 132. George, b. 1797. 133. Samuel Walter. 134. William Temple, b. 16 July, 1800. 135. George Steptoe, b. 15 Oct., 1806. VI. (80) LAWRENCE A. WASHINGTON, son of Samuel and Anne, born Stafford County, Va. He died at Wheeling, Va., Feb., 1824. He married, at Winchester, Va., 1798, Mary Dorcas, daughter of James and Comfort Wood of Winchester. VII. Children of Lawrence A. WasJiington and Jlfary, his wife : 136. Robert Wood, b. 1808; d. 1843. GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. 8 1 137. Emma Tell, b. 1811 ; d. 1838. 138. Dr. Lawrence A., b. 5 Dec., 1813; of Denison, Texas. 139. Mary Dorcas, b. 1815; d. Colorado County, Texas, 1861. V. (85) CORBIN WASHINGTON, son of John Augustine and Hannah, born 1767, at Bushfield, Westmoreland County. He lived at Walnut Farm, in the same county, and died about 1800, at Selby, Fairfax County, Va. He married, at Chantilly, Westmoreland County, 1786, Hannah, daughter of Hon. Richard Lee of Chantilly. His will is dated 19 October, 1799. VI. CJiildren of Corbin Washington and Hannah, his wife : 140. Richard Henry Lee, b. 1787. 141. Bushrod, b. 1790. 142. John Augustine, b. 1792. 143. Mary Lee, b. 1795. 144. Jane, b. 1800. V. (87) COLONEL GEORGE AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON, son of Colonel Charles and Mildred, born in Stafford County, Va., about 1763. Will dated 24 January, 1793. He served as a colonel in the Continental Army. He married, 15 October, 1785, Frances, daughter of Colonel Burwell Bassett of New Kent County, Va. VI. Children of Colonel George Augustine Washington and Frances, his wife : 145. George Fayette, b. 10 April, 1/87; d. infant. 146. Anna Maria, b. 3 April, 1788. 147. George, b. 17 Jan.. 1790; d. Sept., 1867. 148. Charles Augustine, b. 3 Nov., 1791 ; d. Cadiz, unm. V. (88) CAPTAIN SAMUEL WASHINGTON, son of Colonel Charles and Mildred, born in Stafford County, Va. He resided at Fredericksburg, Va., and was captain in the U. S. Army. Afterward removed to Kanawha, W. Va. VI. Children of Captain Samuel Washington and Dorothea, Ids rvife : 149. Samuel T. 150. Augustine C. 151. George F. 152. Frances A. VI. (96) HENRY WASHINGTON, son of Warner and Mary, born Clifton, Va., 8 March, 1782. Pie removed to Alabama, 1836; returned to Clark County, 1841 ; died there 1852. lie married at Berryville, Va., 15 May, 1815, Louisa, daughter of P. B. (and Hannah Washington) Whiting. VII. Children of Henry IVashington and Louisa, his wife : 153. Warren Blair. 154. Beverley. 155. Henry Sharp. 156. Harriet Anna. 157. Virginia Meade. 158. Hannah. 159. John Cary. 37 82 GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. VI. (99) PERRIN WASHINGTON, son of Warner and Mary, born 7 February, 1790. He removed to Washington, D. C., where he died 1857. He married, at the old chapel in Clark County, Hannah Fairfax, daughter of P. B. Whiting. VII. Children of Perrin Washington and Hannah Fairfax, his wife : 1 60. Hannah Fairfax. 161. William Dickinson. 162. Louisa. 163. John Henry. VI. (100) READE WASHINGTON, son of Warner and Sarah, born at Audley, Va., 18 May, 1796. He removed to Chambersburg, Pa., and thence to Pittsburg, Pa., where he died. He married Miss Crawford of Chambersburg, Pa. VII. Children of Reade Washington: 164. Warner Fairfax, d. infant. 165. Crawford, k. in battle. 1 66. Augustine. 167. Virginia. 1 68. Bushrod. 169. Thomas. 170. Kate. 171. Mary. 172. Louisa. 173. Herbert. 174. Rebecca. VII. (103) FAIRFAX WASHINGTON, son of Warner and Sarah, born at Audley, Va., 30 March, 1802. He removed to Mississippi. He married, first, Emily, daughter of Lewis Burwell. He married, secondly, . VII. Child of Fairfax Washington and Emily, his (1st) wife: 175. Louisa. VII. Children of Fairfax Washington by his second wife : 176. Sarah. 177. Warner. 178. Martha. 179. John. 1 80. Mary. 181. Elizabeth Warner. 182. Reade. VII. (123) BUSHROD WASHINGTON, son of William Augustine, born at Hay wood, Va., 4 April, 1785. He settled at Mount Zephyr, Va. He married Henrietta, daughter of General Alexander Spotswood of Spotsylvania County, Va. He died 1830; buried at Mount Vernon. VIII. Children of Buslirod Washington and Henrietta, his wife : 183. Spotswood Augustine. 184. Anne. GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. 83 185. Jane Mildred. 1 86. George. 187. John. 1 88. Mary. 189. Corbin. 190. Francis. VII. (125) GEORGE CORBIN WASHINGTON, son of William Augustine and Jane, born 20 August, 1789. He removed to Georgetown, D. C., where he died 17 July, 1854. He married first, at Dunbarton, near Georgetown, 1807, Eliza Ridgely Beall, daughter of Thomas Beall. He married, secondly, Ann Peter, daughter of Col. John Peter. She died I July, 1820. VIII. Child of George Corbin Washington and Eliza R., his (ist) wife : 191. Lewis William, b. 30 Nov., 1812. VIII. Children of George Corbin Washington and Ann, his (2d] wife : 192. Eleanor. 193. George Corbin, d. July, 1854. VII. (127) SARAH TAYLOR, daughter of William Augustine and Jane, born at Haywood, Va., 14 April, 1800; died 15 March, 1875. She married, 20 October, 1819, Lawrence Washington, third child of Henry Washington, of Westmoreland County, Va. VIII. Children of Sarah Taylor and Lawrence Washington: 194. Henry Augustine, b. 24 Aug., 1820. 195. John Taylor, b. Blenheim, Va., 20 Dec., 1822. 196. George, b. Cedar Hill, Va., 24 July, 1825. 197. Richard Bushrod, b. 21 June, 1827. 198. Mary West, b. 13 Oct., 1828. 199. Sarah Ashton, b. 17 Aug., 1831. 200. William Augustine, b. 5 March, 1833. 201. Lawrence, b. I May, 1836. 202. Elizabeth, b. 23 Nov., 1838. 203. Robert J., b. 16 Sept., 1841. 204. Lloyd, b. 2 Nov., 1846. VII. (129) JOHN THORNTON WASHINGTON, son of Thornton, born 20 May, 1783; died 9 October, 1841. He married, at Shephardstown, W. Va., 2 September, 1810, Elizabeth Conrad, daughter of Major Daniel Bedinger of Shepardstown. He married, secondly, Sarah, daughter of Hon. Robert Rutherford, 1793. Died 21 October, 1837, at Cedar Lawn. VIII. Children of John Thornton Washington by Elizabeth C., his (isf) wife: 205. Lawrence Berry, b. 26 Nov., 1811. 206. Daniel Bedinger, b. 8 Feb., 1814. 207. Virginia Thornton, b. 2 March, 1816. 208. Sally Eleanor, b. 7 April, 1818. 209. Benjamin F., b. 7 April, 1820. 210. Georgiana Augusta, b. 3 March, 1822. 8/1 GENEALOGY OF THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. 211. Mary Elizabeth, b. 4 March, 1824. 212. John Thornton, b. 22 Jan., 1826. 213. Mildred Berry, b. 3 Sept., 1827; d. infant. 214. Mildred Berry, b. 8 March, 1829. 215. George, b. 9 Dec., 1830. 216. Susan Ellsworth, b. I April, 1833. 217. Henrietta Gray, b. 30 Sept., 1855. NOTE. The above is not presented as a complete genealogy of the numerous Washing ton family, but merely a brief outline of some of the branches nearest in consanguinity to the greatest of all Virginians, the owner of Mount Vernon. A number of the descendants in the male line from the first Washington, ancestor of George, who landed in Virginia, remain unrecorded even in the exhaustive work of Wells, who was quite industrious in gathering data on this side of the ocean, but whose genealogy of the emigrant is, of course, absolutely wrong. GEORGE WASHINGTON (from a pastel by James Sharpless). THE SHARPLESS PORTRAITS. THE last sitting Washington gave to a painter was in Philadelphia in 1796, when James Sharpless made a profile likeness of the President in pastel. An Englishman by birth, Sharpless had been educated in France for the Roman Catholic priesthood ; but forsaking the church for the fine arts, he returned to his native country, married a lady of congenial tastes, and adopted the profession of paint ing, in which he attained eminence. In 1796, when in middle life, he came to this country with his wife and three children, and landed at New York, which he made his head quarters. He visited all the principal cities and towns in the young republic, carrying letters of introduction to various prominent personages, requesting them to sit for their por traits for a collection of his own. He sometimes painted in oil, but generally in crayon or pastel, taking the profile by an instrument which assured a correct likeness upon a small scale, and finished the portrait in less than three hours. So much admired were the portraits for their faithfulness and spirit that generous orders, sometimes for whole families, followed. As his charge was invariably fifteen dollars for a profile, and twenty dollars for a full head, and as his wife was almost as skilful with the brush, he made a very comfortable income for those days. He travelled in a curious four-wheeled carriage, made after his own design, and arranged to carry the whole family and all his painting apparatus, and drawn by one large, uncomplaining horse. He was a mechanic of no mean skill, and a chemist as well, and manu factured the crayons which he used in his profession. He was a plain and frugal man, and when he died suddenly in 87 88 THE SHARPLESS PORTRAITS. New York, February 6, 181 1, at the age of about sixty years, left quite an estate. His body lies in the burying-ground attached to the Roman Catholic Chapel on Barclay Street. Washington was delighted with Sharpless, and ordered por traits of every member of his family, including young George Washington Lafayette, who was then with him ; the other members of the family were equally warm in their commen dation. Irving, in his Life of Washington, says : " The profile likeness of Washington, by Sharpless, is a valuable item of the legacy which art has bequeathed of those noble and benign features ; he evidently bestowed upon it his greatest skill, and there is no more correct facial outline of the immortal subject in existence ; a disciple of Lavater would probably find it the most available side-view for physiognomical inference ; it is remarkably adapted to the burin, and has been once, at least, adequately engraved ; it also has the melan choly attraction of being the last portrait of Washington taken from life." George W. P. Custis says in a letter, written four months before his death, to Thomas William Channing Moore, of New York : "The finest and purest likeness of the chief is the original picture in crayon by Sharpless, done in 1796, and with the original by Peale in 1772, of the Provincial Colonel, forms the first and last of the originals of Washington most to be relied upon in the world. Stuart is the great original of the fir st president of the U. S. ; Peale, of the colonial officer ; Sharpless, of the man." In another letter to the same, a month later, he says: "I assured Lord Napier, who made me an especial visit to inspect the treasures, that the Sharp- less (original from life] was the best likeness of the man extant. Trumbull for the figure, Stuart for the head, and Sharpless for the expression, and you have all you can have of the portraiture of Washington." MARTHA WASHINGTON (from a pastel by James Sharpless). THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. BOWNE HOUSE, Flushing, L. /. THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. ALTHOUGH a number of the principal settlements in the American plantations were established by religious enthusiasts whose avowed purpose in braving the many dangers and hardships of a new world was " freedom to worship God," yet, after they had secured, at a great cost, that privilege, they were mostly unwilling to permit others to enjoy it, except in strict accord with their own prescribed rules. The Catholics in Maryland, indeed, were the first to hold out a semblance to religious tolerance. The Puritans of New England, if they can properly be so called, formed themselves into a religious community, and even went so far, it is claimed, as to defy the pro visions of their charter by persecuting the Quakers and even hanging some of them. It is true that these Puritans were only carrying out, but with much greater rigor, the laws enacted by Parliament in England for the purpose of suppressing those harmless but fre quently irritating people, and it may therefore be argued with some truth that they did not in any way violate that OLD CLOCK IN DINING- ROOM, BOWNE HOUSE. 94 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. clause of their charter which provided " all liberties and immunities of the free and natural subjects of the realm to all Englishmen which shall go to and inhabit Massachu setts," or " which shall happen to be born there, or on the seas in oroinor thither or returning from thence." Such a O O > guarantee did not include those who transgressed the laws, and this the Quakers certainly did. Religious freedom had not yet come to England when the Society of Friends com menced to spread its belief broadcast among the people ; but even in England the treatment accorded to the Quakers during the most trying period of their persecution never reached the stern punishment that the Pilgrim Fathers meted out. The crime, if we may use that expression, for which the Quaker suffered in England was far more serious than any transgression of his upon New-England ground. The more severe penalties inflicted in England were for refusals, in times of great political danger, to take the oath of allegiance and supremacy, and for refusal to pay the tithes due to the church of the parish in which they resided. In one or two cases, indeed, for the former offence the defend ants were condemned as traitors and ordered to be exe cuted as such according to the act of Parliament, but these sentences were never carried into effect, the officials at the time realizing that the refusal was on account of conscience sake, and not because of disaffection to the government. But no such reasons or excuses existed in the Plymouth Colony for the brutal treatment which Friends received there. Their worst offence was unlawful gatherings, " conventicles," or disturbing the public peace, and none of these, though treated, as we have observed, by special acts of Parliament, might be punished by death or extreme rigor by such acts or under the common law of England. THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 95 The Puritans, however, made their own laws so far as the Quakers were concerned, and they attempted to carry these with them from Massachusetts to Long Island. It cannot be for a moment doubted that the Quakers were, in their principles of religious freedom, on a much higher plane, both morally and in equity, than the Puritans. They were, indeed, a better-hearted, harder-thinking, and, therefore, broader-minded class of men. They were perfectly aware that their acts were frequently such as to make them felons in the strict sense of the written law, yet their strong instincts of right and justice were such that they dared to render a passive resistance so powerful that these laws were finally repealed. During almost the entire period of persecution for religion in England and in Europe, Holland had been the general asylum for the oppressed. Hither fled the Puritan, the Huguenot, the Covenanter, the Quaker, and the Catholic, and in Amsterdam and other places they were all kindly received, and, although not always liked, were often assisted. The Dutch inhabitants of the New Netherlands, however, being either tinged with the bigotry of their New England neighbors or else moved by commercial interests, became almost equally bitter against the Society of Friends. In the year 1649 a certain Thomas Bowne arrived in Massachusetts, and shortly afterward settled in Flushing, Long Island, then under the Dutch government. He was born at Matlock in Derbyshire, England, in the Fifth month, 1595, and was baptized the 25th of that month. His family consisted of himself, a daughter, and his son John, who was born at Matlock 9th of Third month, 1627, and baptized there the 29th of the same. John Bowne returned to England in 1650, and again arrived in America in 1651, landing at Boston, Fifth month 96 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 25th. " On the Sixth month i5th following he visited Flush ing in company with Edward Farrington, who is supposed to have married his sister Dorothy." Soon after this the entire family settled in Flushing, and in 1661 he built the Bowne house, " which was used as a meeting-place for KOWNE HOUSE, FLUSHING, L. I., SIDE VIEW. Friends for nearly forty years." On the yth of Fifth month, 1656, John Bowne married Hannah Feake, a woman de scended maternally from, and nearly allied to, the powerful Winthrop family of New England. In the year of her marriage Hannah Bowne became acquainted with some of the Flushing Friends, who at that time were in the practice of holding meetings for worship in the woods. She soon after became a member of the Society. THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 97 " Her husband from curiosity attended a meeting, and was deeply impressed with the beauty and simplicity of their wor ship. He invited them to meet at his house, and soon after he joined in membership with them. Flushing, as we have suggested, was then largely, if not altogether, settled by English people from Massachusetts, but i - _. I DINING-ROOM, BOWNE HOUSE, SHOWING OLD FIREPLACE AND FURNITURE. under the government of the Dutch. Quaker meetings O ">- O O in the centre of their town in the beautiful new house of John Bowne were more than they could stand, so it was not long before complaints were entered against Bowne, as appears from the following record yet preserved at Albany : "Complaints made 24th August, 1662, by the magistrates of Flushing that many of the inhabitants are followers of the Quakers, who hold their meetings at the house of John Bowne." 38 98 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. It seems that the influence of the English settlers on Long Island had resulted this year (1662) in the creation of an ordinance by the West India Company, providing that, " besides the Reformed religion, no conventicles should be o 7 holden in the houses, barns, ships, woods, or fields, under the penalty of fifty guilders for the first offence, double for the second, and arbitrary correction for every other." The excuse oiven for this act was the trouble the Quakers O -^ had given their fellow-colonists, and their failure to conform precisely to the instructions long before issued by the directors of the West India Company that the official oath required " the maintenance of the Reformed religion in conformity with the decrees of the Synod of Dordrecht, and not to tolerate in public any other sect;" nevertheless, persecution of persons quietly professing other beliefs had been frowned upon by the company. The new ordinance gave the magistrates greater authority in this respect. It was the opportunity which the enemies of the Quakers had patiently waited for. Under this new law a great number of well-meaning people, many of them women, suffered most severely, not only by the direct and arbitrary action of the governor, but also under direction of the local court at Gravesend. On the ist day of the Ninth month of the same year John Bowne was arrested and charged with " harboring Quakers o o> *^* and permitting them to hold their meetings at his house." He was carried from his home to the prison at Fort Amster dam to await his trial. Leaving John Bowne in his dreary cell at the governor s military prison, awaiting the scant justice to be meted out, we may well pause to describe the home and family from which he was so rudely torn. Bowne, as we know, was a prosperous merchant, and his THE BOWNE HOUSE A 7 FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 99 residence was of the size and convenience that befitted one of his respectability and standing in those times. So far as can be ascertained, this house is about the oldest dwelling in the neighborhood. In point of architecture and proportion it is vastly superior to a number of residences erected at much later elates by the best class of settlers throughout the Colonies. It remains to-day, inside anel out, much as it did when John Bowne first brought his young wife to make it their home. The house stands on a principal street in Flushing and on a little space of open ground, the end of the laro-e "town lot" o which formerly belonged to it. It is of wood, square, or rather oblong, OLD CHA1R " -*< 1 . BOWNE HOUSE. in ground-plan, and two stories hio;h. O 1 O The roof is high-pitched and shingled, broken by ancient dormer windows, and gabled. At the principal entrance is a quaint old porch, with Early Colonial door and windows. The interior is well arranged for comfort, the rooms large and old-fashioned, and a charm of past memories is insepara bly associateel with the place. A feature of the building is the immense fire-place in the kitchen, seeming large enough to cook the food for him "That every day, under his household roof, Did keep ten thousand men." Very antique furniture, doubtless the same that stood here on the morning of its owner s departure to prison, yet abounds in the old mansion. Tradition states that this furniture was, after the fashion, or rather custom, of those primitive days, 100 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. made within the house, for then cabinet-makers, as well as tailors, tinkers, and cordwainers, travelled from place to place, doing what was needful, and living with the family during their stay. Let us glance for a moment at the household. There is Mrs. Bowne, John s first wife, yet in the bloom of youth, a sweet Quakeress who was the immediate cause of all the CHAMBER, FIRST FLOOR, HOWNE HOUSE. trouble to follow. There are also the young Bownes, just becrinnincr to be old enough to wonder at the strange doings o o o o o and frightened faces of the men and women who every " First Day" gather at their home. Old Thomas Bowne, we are told, has long before been gathered to his fathers. Hannah Bowne, they say, was fair to look upon in face and figure. From her Saxon forefathers she inherited THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 101 her fair hair, bright color, and white teeth, but her bright brown eyes, sprightly manner, and elastic tread were a herit age from the wild princes of Cornwall claimed as the ances tors of her mother s ancient race. She was the daughter of o JOHN WINTHROP. Robert Feake, of Watertown, Mass. Her mother, Elizabeth Fones, the widow of Henry Winthrop, son of Governor John Winthrop, was the daughter of Thomas Fones, an apothe cary of London, by his first wife, daughter of Adam Win- 102 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. throp of Groton. Henry Winthrop had therefore married his cousin. . The Fones family is, or was, a very respectable one in Corn wall. An old pedigree commences with one William Fones, Esquire, who married the daughter of Sir Robert Hyelston, knight, and was father of Georo-e Fones of Saxbie, from o o whom, in direct descent, the line is continued to a certain Fones of Saxbie, who was grandfather to the London apoth ecary, who was grandfather to Hannah, the wife of John Bowne. Hannah Bowne was thus descended from many of the best families in England, including the Winthrops, and closely allied by blood to the Winthrops of Massachusetts. John Bowne was a well-educated man of considerable property and an increasing trade. He came from honest Derbyshire stock, and, like his kinsmen, was something of a sailor. We left him on his way from home to the governor s jail. Here he remained about two weeks. On the I4th day of the same month as that upon which he had been arrested the " court held by the Lords, Director General, and Council at Fort Amsterdam in the Netherlands" entered the follow ing judgment: "Because John Bowne, at present prisoner, dwelling at Flushing upon Long Island, has made no scruple in vilipendation of the orders and mandates of the Director General and Council of the New Netherlands, we do, in justice to the high and mighty states of the United Provinces and the administrators of the West India Company of the Chamber of Amsterdam, having heard the demand of the substitutes and the acknowledgement of the prisoner, have condemned and do condemn the said John Bowne by these presents, boete 5 and 20 pounds Flemish, with the charges ot the Justician, and with express admonition and interdict to abstain from all such fore-mentioned meetings and conven ticles, or else for the second boete he be condemned in a THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 103 double boete, and for the third boete to be banished out of this province of New Netherlands." John Bowne refused to pay the fine, "and was then con fined in a dungeon and restricted to bread and water, no person whatever be ing allowed to speak with him. As this did not change his steadfastness of pur pose, he was some time afterward taken to the Stadthaus and put in the prison- room there, and was allowed to see his wife and other friends. He was then notified that the Court had re solved that he must pay the fine that had been imposed or be sent out of the country, or he would free if he promise to THE WINTHROP ARMS. be set would leave the country in six months. He still remained firm in his purpose not to compromise his principles in any way. On Tenth month 2ist he was permitted to visit his friends under a promise to return in three clays, and on the 3ist of that month he was put on board ship and sent a prisoner to Hol land. He arrived at Amsterdam on the 2Qth of Second month, 1663. "The statement forwarded by the authorities 104 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. of New Netherlands to the West India Company read as follows : " Honourable, Right Respectable Gentlemen : We omitted in our general letter the trouble and difficulties which we and many of our good inhabitants have since sometimes met with, and daily are renewed, by the sect called Quakers, chiefly in the county and principally in the English villages, establishing forbidden conventicles and frequenting those, against our published placards, and disturbing in a manner the public peace, in so far that several of our magistrates and well- affectioned subjects remonstrated and complained to us from time to time of their insufferable obstinacy, unwilling to obey our orders or judgment. Among others has one of their principal leaders named John Bowne, who for his transgres sions was, in conformity to the placards, condemned to an amends of 1 50 Guilders in suevant, who has been now under arrest more than three months for his unwillingness to pay, obstinately persisting in his refusal, in which he still continues, so that we at last resolved, or were rather compelled, to transport him in this ship from this province in the hope that others by it be discouraged. If nevertheless by these means no more salutary impression is made upon others, we shall, though against our inclinations, be compelled to prosecute such persons in a more severe manner, and which we previously solicit to be favored with your Honours wise and foreseeing judgment. With which after our cordial salutations we recommend your Honours to God s protection, and remain, Honourable and Right Respectable Gentlemen, your Honours faithful servants." The officials of the West India Company carefully consid ered the case and drew up a paper for John Bowne to sign. In reply he sent to the company the following dignified state ment : " Friends, the paper drawn up for me to subscribe I THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 105 have perused and weighed, and do find the same not accord ing to that engagement to me through one of your members viz. : that he or you would do therein by me as you would be done unto, and not otherwise. For which of you, being taken from your wife and family without just cause, would be bound from returning to them unless upon terms to act con trary to your conscience, and deny your faith and religion, yet this in effect do you require of me and not less. " But truly, I cannot think that you did in sober earnest ever think I would subscribe to any such thing, it being the very thing for which I rather chose freely to suffer want of the company of my dear wife and children, imprisonment of my person, the ruin of my estate in my absence there, and the loss of my goods here, than to yield or consent to such an unreasonable thing as you thereby would enjoin me unto. "For which I am persuaded you will not only be judged in the sight of God, but by good and godly men, rather to have mocked at the oppressions of the oppressed and added afflictions to the afflicted than herein to have done to me as you in the like case would be done unto, which the royal cause of our God requires. I have with patience and mode ration waited several weeks expecting justice from you, but behold an addition to my oppression in the measure I receive. "Wherefore I have this now to request for you, that the Lord will not lay this to your charge, but to give eyes to see and hearts to do justice, that you may find mercy with the Lord in the day of judgment. "JoHN BOWNE." "In the Fourth month John Bowne was released. He returned to America by the way of England and the island of Barbadoes, but did not reach Flushing until First month 30, 1663. io6 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. The authorities in Amsterdam sent to the officials in New Netherlands the following decision, dated Amsterdam, April 1 6, 1663: "We, finally, did see from your last letter, that you had exiled and transported hither a certain Quaker named John Bowne, and, although it is our cordial desire that similar and other sectarians might not be found there, yet, as the contrary seems to be the case, we doubt very much if rigorous proceedings against them ought not to be discontin ued, except you intend to check and destroy your population, which however, in the youth of your existence, ought rather to be encouraged by all possible means. "Wherefore it is our opinion that some connivance would be useful that the consciences of men, at least, ought ever to remain free and unshackled. Let every one be unmolested as long as he is modest, as long as his conduct in a political sense is unimpeachable, as long as he does not disturb others or oppose the government. This maxim of moderation has always been the guide of the magistrates of this city, and the consequence has been that from every land people have flocked to this asylum. Tread thus in their steps, and we doubt not you will be blessed. " (Signed) The Directors of the West India Company, Amsterdam Department. "ABRAHAM WILMANDONK, " DAVID VON BAERLE." This document has peculiar historic interest because of the fact that it was the first official proclamation of religious liberty for any part of America except Maryland. With this decree the persecution of Friends on Long Island ceased. \Vhile in Holland, John Bowne wrote letters to his wife and numbers of Friends, which are still preserved. They THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 107 are remarkable for the illustrations they give of unflinching steadfastness of purpose, for the beautiful and lofty ideas expressed in them, and for their elegant and sometimes ADAM WINTHROP. scholarly diction. In one of these he said : " Dear George Fox and many mo re Friends desire their dear love and tender salutations remembered to all Friends." From this 108 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. we may infer that he was visited at Amsterdam by George Fox, the famous Quaker, and others of that Society. Hannah Bowne, wife of John Bowne, became a minister among Friends, and made two religious visits to England and Ireland, and one to Holland. The letters of her husband sent to her there are admirable in their expressions of tender affection and of interest in her religious work. In one of these he quaintly remarks : " Dear heart, to particularize all that desire to be remembered to thee would be exceedingly large, but this I may say for all Friends in general, relations and neighbors, and people, the like largeness of love for one particular person I have seldom found amongst them, as it is for thee." John Bowne joined his wife in England in 1676, and accompanied her in her religious service until the Twelfth month, 1677, when she died in London. His testimony concerning her, given at her funeral at the Peel meeting, was remarkable for its tenderness and beauty. The estimation in which John Bowne was held by Friends is shown by the following curious certificate recorded upon the minutes of the Flushing Monthly Meeting : "In the Men s and Women s meeting on Long- Island o o in America : "These are to certify to all whom it may concern, that our dear and well-beloved Friend John Bowne of Flushing (his occasion at this time requiring his being in Ould England by the first conveyance) is for his life and conversation un blamable and of good report, and is likewise in true love and unity with all Friends in the truth here, as by large experience we have all found and witnessed." It is signed by many Friends. The records of the same meeting nineteen years later contain the following minute : "John Bowne died at Flushing, 2Oth day of Tenth month, 1695, and was buried the 23d of THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 109 the same, being about sixty-eight years of age. He did freely expose himself, his house, and estate to the service of truth, and had a constant meeting at his house near about forty years. He was thrice married. His second wife was OLD BED AND CHAIRb, BOWNE HOUSE. Hannah Bickerstaff, and his third was Mary Cock. He also suffered much for the truth s sake." The meeting-house now standing in Flushing was erected in 1696. The circumstance of its erection is explained by a petition of Samuel Haight of Flushing, bearing date June 17, 1697, preserved with the State archives at Albany, in which he says that his stepfather-in-law, Wm. Noble, is lately deceased, and having no issue of his own body, left his estate to his widow during her life, and at her death to the people called Quakers, the land then being in the possession of the HO THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. widow and the petitioner. In consideration of the request of the deceased, the petitioner had erected a meeting-house for the Quakers in that town at his own charge, and prays that certain tracts of land may be confirmed to him at the death of the widow. On the same date a patent was issued in accordance with the petition." Very near the home of John Bowne, in Bowne Avenue, stood the historic Fox Oak. This tree has ever been held in veneration by members of the Society of Friends because it once sheltered the famous George Fox when, on a visit to his dear friend John Bowne, he preached to the multitude under the friendly shade of this giant of the forest. Fox arrived in America in 1672, and, after passing through Maryland and West and East Jersey, arrived at Gravesend, Long Island. The Fox Oak at the time of its fall was pre sumed to be about four hundred years old. Its circumference two feet above the ground was sixteen feet. There is a letter extant from John Bowne to his wife, written at the time he was on trial at Amsterdam. It reads as follows : MOST DEAR AND TENDER WIFE : In the truth of our God I dearly salute thee, and unto thee doth my love and life flow forth exceedingly. But my clearest desire for thee is, that thou mayest be preserved faithful to the Lord, and may grow and prosper in his living truth. So, my dear heart, be bold for the Lord, and let noth ing discourage thee, for he is a sure reward to all those who truly and sincerely give up all, for his truth s sake, the truth of which I believe thou canst truly witness with me ; and this I can in verity say, that in all my trials, I find the Lord to be my sure helper, my rock, and my Defence. He hath brought me to be content with what He is pleased to direct me in, etc. THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND, in I manifested my case to the West India Company, by send ing- in a writing which they read, and accordingly appointed a committee upon it ; but it being feasting-time, and they who are great not regarding those who are little, we were delayed a hearing for fourteen days ; but when we came before them they were not disposed to take offence at our manners or the like, neither one word against me in any particular, nor one word tending the approval of anything- that was done against me, but freely and with joint consent promised without any scruple, that the next day, at the tenth hour, my goods should be delivered to me ; and the next clay when we came there, orders were given to the keeper of the guard-house to that purpose, but he, with others of the underling- officers, con sulted together, and asked me if I had paid my passage- money, and the company (though ordered by the governor), not willing to pay money on such an account, they do not only detain my goods, but also deny me a passage home, except upon such gross and unreasonable conditions (which I would rather lay down my life than yield unto), which may appear in those writings which I think to send, and if I do, would not have them published until I come. Neither the papers nor any copies to pass from thy hands, thereabouts, etc., etc. So, my dear Lamb, my having been up all this night to write, and having no more time, I must and do conclude in tender love to thee and my dear children, in which Love the Lord God of my life preserve and keep you all. Amen. Thy clear Husband, JOHN BOWNE. Amsterdam, this Qth of 6th Month, called June, 1663. P. S. Dear George Fox and many more friends desire their dear love and tender salutations to all Friends. 112 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. The children of John Bowne were : John, born 1657, died 1673; Elizabeth, born 1658, married Samuel Titus, and died 1691 ; Abigail, born 1662, married Richard Willets ; Hannah, born 1665, and married Benjamin Field; Samuel, born 1667, married, first, Mary Becket in 1691, secondly Hannah Smith in 1709, and thirdly Grace Cowperthwaite in 1735: he died CHKST OF DRAWERS, BOWNE HOUSE. 1745, having been an eminent minister among Friends. The other children of John Bowne were: Dorothy, born 1669, married Henry Franklin ; Martha, born 1673, married Joseph Thorne ; Sarah, John, and Thomas, the three last of whom died young ; John the Second, born in 1686, married Elizabeth, THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 113 daughter of the first Joseph Lawrence, in 1714; Ruth, who died young; and Amy, who married Richard Hallett in 1707. Samuel Bowne, as we observed, was a Quaker preacher and married his first wife, Mary Becket, at the Falls of the Dela ware in Pennsylvania. The young woman whom he made his wife was brought up in the family of Phineas Pember- ton of Bucks county, an eminent Friend. There is preserved the copy of a love-letter which Samuel Bowne wrote to his intended wife, and, although not quite in the style of modern communications of a similar nature, readily illustrates the trend of courtship, at least among the Quakers, two hundred years ago : FLUSHING, 6th Mo., 1691. Dear M. B. : My very dear and constant love salutes thee in yt with which my love was at first united to thee, even the love of God ; blessed truth in which my soul desires, above all things, that we may grow and increase, which will produce our eternal comfort. Dear love these few loynes may inform thee that I am lately returned home where we are all well blessed be the lord for it. Much exercise about the concern that we have taken in hand and now dear hart my earnest desire is yt we may have our eyes to the Lord and seek him for counsel that he may direct us in the weighty concern and I am satisfied that if it be his will to accomplish it he in his own time will make way for the same, so my desire is yt all may be recommended to the will of the Lord then may we expect the end thereof will redown to his glory and our comfort forevermore Dear hart I have not heard sertenly but live in great hopes that it hath pleased the Lord health our dear friend and elder brother P. P. to whom with his dear wife remember my very kind love for I often think upon you 39 114 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. all with true brotherly love as being all children of one father. So dear Mary it was not in my hart to write large but to give thee these few lines at present. I doe expect my father and I may come about the latter end of this month. My dear I could be very glad to hear from thee but not willing to press the trouble upon thee to write so I must take leave and bid farewell. My dear farewell. SAMUEL BOWNE. They were married two months afterward at the Falls meeting-house. Their children were : Samuel ; Thomas ; Eleanor, born 1695, who married Isaac Hornor, and became ancestress to the Hornor family of Burlington County, New Jersey, afterward of Philadelphia ; Hannah, who married Richard Lawrence ; John ; Mary, who espoused John Keese ; and Robert. Samuel Bowne had also several children by his second marriage. The family continued to reside in the old mansion, which is yet owned by descendants. We have mentioned the marriage of Hannah, daughter of John Bowne, to Benjamin Field. The courtship of this young couple is not without romance. It was, apparently, carried on in the old Bowne house during the absence of Hannah s parents in England. The following letter shows how Friends were taught to exercise great care in reference to marriage, and how this training outweighed other consid erations : And, dear Father and mother, I may also acquaint you, that one Benjamin Field, the youngest son of our Friend Susanna Field, has tendered his love to me, the question he has indeed proposed is concerning marriage, the which as yet I have not at present rejected, nor given much way to, nor do I intend to proceed, nor let out my affections too much toward him until I have well considered the thing, and have THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 115 your and friends advice and consent concerning it." It goes without saying, however, that they were married after all in the meeting-house at Flushing. Although persecution of Quakers did not cease with Bowne s return from Holland, yet the bold stand he made in behalf of religious liberty against the existing laws had its weight toward the ultimate attainment of that object, and the old Bowne mansion stands to-day not only as the oldest house on Long Island or the earliest meeting-place of Friends, but also as the monument of the battle-ground whereon was waged in New York the earliest fight, by the weapon of pas sive resistance, against oppression and injustice. If the suf ferings of John Bowne did not immediately achieve results in other places, they at least did, as we have seen, in Flushing ; and this town at once became the stronghold of Quakerism and the asylum for the persecuted in this part of the New World. From Flushing the industrious Quaker pushed his settle ments to the mainland, and then North and West into the unbroken wilderness, and much of the pioneer work in these directions, in the beginning of the eighteenth century, may be traced to the settlement of old John Bowne at Flushing, where in erecting the old house that has weathered the storms of so many winters he " builded better than he knew." DESCENT OF THE BOWNE FAMILY FROM THE FEAKES, THE WINTHROPS, AND THE FONES. WILLIAM FONES, Esq., of Saxbie, = , dau. of Sir Robert Hyelston, Devonshire. | knight. GEORGE FONES, Esq.,= , dau. of - - Mal- of Saxbie. | banck of Malpas. I. WILLIAM FONES of - , dau. of Tel- Saxbie. | ham of Telham. JOHN FONES of = , dau. of - Saxbie. | Bradley of Bedham. I JOHN FONES of= , dau. of Saxbie. | Lawell of Lawell. JOHN FONES of Bedford, in the parish of = Bransgrove, Wighorn, second son. ( r~ THOMAS FONES, second son and heir to = his father, of Bedford, Worcester. | j (ist wife) THOMAS FONES, apothecary in London -ANNE, dau. of Adam Winthrop of Groton, at the sign of the Three Fawns, Old Bay- ley ; d. 15 April, 1629; will proved 1629. Co. Suffolk, and sister of Gov. John Win throp of Massachusetts; b. 16 Jan., 1585; m. 25 Feb., 1604; d. 16 May, 1619; bur. Church of St. Sepulchre, London, Eng. ELIZABETH FONES, eldest dau. ; came to = (2d husband) ROBERT FEAKE of New England 1631, after death of her first Watertown, Mass, husband ; living in 1652. She m., ist, Henry W 7 inthrop, second son of Gov. Winthrop, who d. 2 July, 1630; m., 3dly, William Hallett. HANNAH FEAKE. = JOHN BOWNE of Flushing, L. L, son of I Thomas Bowne of Matlock, Derbyshire, England, b. 1627; d. 1695. THE BOWNE FAMILY of Flushing, Long Island, N. Y. 116 THE BOWNE HOUSE AT FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND. 117 WINTHROP LINE.* ADAM WINTHROP of Lavenham, Co. = JOANE, dau. of Burton. Suffolk, 1498. | ADAM WINTHROP, citizen and cloth- = AGNES, dau. of Robert Sharpe of Islington, worker, of London and of Groton, Suffolk, Co. Midd., gent. b. at Lavenham, 9 Oct., 1498; d. 9 Nov., 1562. ADAM WINTHROP, third son, b. 10 Aug., -ANNE, dau. and co-heir of Henry Browne 1548, of Edwardstone and afterward of Groton, Eng., lawyer and magistrate ; tomb in Groton Churchyard ; d. 28 March, 1623. I of Edwardstone, Suffolk ; m. 20 Feb., 1579; d. 19 April, 1629. ANNE WINTHROP, b. 16 Jan., 1585; m., 25 Feb., 1604, Thomas Fones of London; d. 16 May, 1619. (See szipra.} * The Editor is indebted to Robert C. Winthrop s book, Evidences of the Winthrops of Groton, 1894, for some of the data in this and the Fones line. SOME OF THE DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS BOWNE OF FLUSHING, L. I. I. THOMAS BOWNE, baptized May 25, 1595, at Matlock, Derbyshire, England ; died September 18, 1677. II. Children of Thomas Bownc : 1. John, b. March 9, 1626-27. 2. Dorothy, b. Aug. 14, 1631, who removed to Boston, New England, 1649. 3. Truth, remained in England. II. (i) JOHN BOWNE, son of Thomas, born March 9, 1626-27; married, first, August 7, 1656, Hannah, daughter of Lieut. Robert Feake. She died February 2, 1677-78, at the residence of John Edson of London, England. He married, secondly, February 2, 1679-80, Hannah Bickerstaff, who died June 7, 1690. He married, thirdly, June 26, 1693, Mary, daughter of James and Sarah Cock of Mattinecott, L. I. John Bowne died December 20, 1695. III. Children of JoJin Bowne and Hannah, his first wife : 4. John, b. March 13, 1656-57 ; d. Aug. 30, 1673. 5. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 8, 1658 ; m. Samuel Titus ; d. Feb. 14, 1721-22. 6. Mary, b. Jan. 6, 1660-61. 7. Abigail, b. Feb. 5, 1662-63 5 m March 25, 1686, Richard Willets of Jericoe, on Long Island ; d. May 14, 1703. 8. Hannah, b. April 10, 1665 ; m. Benjamin, son of Anthony Field, yeoman, of Long Island ; d. Dec. 30, 1707. 9. Samuel, b. Sept. 21, 1667. 10. Dorothy, b. March 29, 1669 ; m., May 27, 1689, Henry Franklyn of Flush ing, son of Matthew, and d. Nov. 26, 1690. 11. Martha Johannah, b. Aug. 17, 1673 ; m., Nov. 9, 1695, Joseph, son of John Thorne, who d. in May, 1727. His wife d. Aug. n, 1750. III. Children of John Bourne and Hamiah, his second wife : 12. Sarah, b. Dec. 14, 1680 ; d. May 18, 1681. 13. Sarah, b. Feb. 17, 1681-2. 14. John, b. Sept. 10, 1683 ; d. Oct. 25, 1683. 15. Thomas, b. Nov. 26, 1684 ; d. Dec. 17, 1684. 16. John, b. Sept. 9, 1686; m., July 21, 1714, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Townley) Lawrence. 17. Abigail, b. July 5, 1688 ; d. July 13, 1688. 118 DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS BOWNE. 119 III. Children of John Bowne and Maty Cock, his third wife : 18. Amy, b. April I, 1694. 19. Ruth, b. Jan. 30, 1695-96. III. (9) SAMUEL BOWNE, second son of John and Hannah (Feake), born September 21, 1667 ; he was a minister of the Society of Friends. He married, first, 4 October, 1691, at Philadelphia Meeting, Mary, daughter of Captain Becket. She died August 21, 1707. He married, secondly, December 8, 1709, Hannah Smith of Flushing, who died October II, 1733. He married, thirdly, November 14, 1735, Mrs. Grace Cow- perwaite, widow, who died November 22, 1760. He died May 30, 1745. IV. Children of Samuel Bowne and I\Iary, his first wife : 20. Samuel, b. Jan. 29, 1692-93. 21. Thomas, b. April 7, 1694. 22. Eleanor, b. April 20, 1695 ; m., Oct. 9, 1718, Isaac Horner of " Mansfield," Burlington County, New Jersey. 23. Hannah, b. March 31, 1697 ; m., April 6, 1717, Richard Lawrence. 24. John, b. Sept. II, 1698. 25. Mary, b. Oct. 21, 1699 ; m., Jan. 14, 1719-20, John Keese. 26. Roabord, b. Jan. 17, 1700-1 ; m. , Nov. 16, 1724, Margaret, dau. of Joseph Latham of Cow Neck, Hempstead, L. I., and d. before July 3, 1746, when dau. Mary, m. Henry, son of Robert and Rebecca Haydock. 27. William, b. April i, 1702 ; d. April 15, 1702. 28. Elizabeth, b. Oct. II, 1704. 29. Benjamin, b. March 13, 1707 ; d. May 13, 1707. IV. Children of Samuel Bowne and Hannah, his second wife : 30. Sarah, b. Sept. 30, 1710; m., March 12, 1729, William, son of William Burling. 31. Joseph, b. Feb. 25, 1711-12; m., first, Nov. 13, 1735, Sarah, dau. of Obadiah Lawrence, who d. Jan. 5, 1740; and m., secondly, June 13, 1745, Judith, dau. of Jonathan Morrell. 32. Anne, b. Oct. 17, 1715. 33. Benjamin, b. Aug. I, 1717. 34. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 26, 1720. IV. (20) SAMUEL BOWNE, eldest son of Samuel and Mary, born January 29, 1692-93 ; married, September 20, 1716, Sarah Franklin, Jr., and died 1769. V. Children of Saimtel Bowne and Sarah, his wife : 35. William, b. March 6, 1719-20. 36. Samuel, b. May 14, 1721. 37. Mary, b. March 3, 1723-24; m. Joseph Farrington. 38. Amy, b. 1724; m. George Embree. 39. Sarah, b. 1726 ; m. William Titus. 40. James, b. 1728. V. WILLIAM BOWNE, eldest son of Samuel and Sarah, born March 6, 1719-20; married Elizabeth Willett, and died October 18, 1747 ; his wife died the same year. 120 DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS BOWNE. VI. Children of William Bownc and Elizabeth, his wife : 41. Willett, b. Aug. 8, 1745; m., first, Deborah ; secondly, Hannah VI. (41) WILLETT BOWNE, son of William and Elizabeth, born August 8, 1745 ; married, first, Deborah ; married, secondly, Hannah (born March 26, 1755). VII. Children of Willett Bowne and Deborah, his first wife : 42. William, b. March 15, 1771 ; m. Mary . Isstie : Isaac Willett, b. Aug. 2, 1793. VII. Children of Willett Bowne and Hannah, his second wife : 43. Philip, b. Aug. 5, 1785. 44. James, b. Oct. 26, 1787. 45. Samuel, b. Jan. I, 1789. 46. John, b. Oct. 17, 1790. 47. Hannah, b. July 23, 1792. 48. Benjamin, b. Feb. 9, 1794. 49. Scott, b. Sept. 30, 1796. VII. (36) SAMUEL BOWNE, second son of Samuel and Sarah, born May 14, 1721 ; married Abigail Burling (born February 25, 1723-24). VIII. Children of Samuel Bowne and Abigail, his wife : 50. Edward, b. Sept. 3, 1742 ; d. Sept. 22. 51. James, b. March 20, 1743-44. 52. Samuel, b. Aug. 4, 1746; d. Aug. 21, 1746. 53. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 19, 1748 ; d. Nov. 22, 1752. 54. Samuel, b. June 25, 1750 ; d. July 23, 1752. 55. Matthew, b. July 19, 1752. 56. Abigail, b. Oct. 21, 1754. 57. Sarah, b. Jan. 14, 1757 ; d. May 22, 1760. 58. Mary, b. Aug. 8 ; d. Aug. 24, 1761. 59. William, b. March 9, 1763. 60. Samuel, b. April 5, 1767 ; m. Hannah and had issue : Eliza, b. Jan. 15, 1790, Thomas P., b. Nov. 30, 1792. V. (40) JAMES BOWNE, youngest son of Samuel and Sarah, born 1728 ; married, 1767, Caroline Rodman. VI. Children of James Bowne and Caroline, his ivife: 61. Catherine, m. John Murray. 62. Walter, b. Sept. 26, 1770. 63. Elizabeth, b. March 10, 1772. 64. John R., b. May 27, 1774; m. Grace Sands. 65. Caroline, b. March 25, 1779. VI. (62) WALTER BOWNE, eldest son of James and Caroline, born September 26, 1770. Mayor of New York City, 1828-33 > married May I, 1803, Eliza, daughter of Dr. Robert and Mary (King) Southgate. DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS BOWNE. 121 VII. Children of Walter Bowne and Eliza, his wife : 66. Eliza, m. Spencer Smith. 67. Walter, d. young. 68. Simon, m. Emma Smith. 69. Helen, m. Sylvanus Riker. 70. Frederic, m. Mrs. Huntington. 71. Robert, m. Jessie Draper. 72. Mary, m. James Murray. 73. Caroline. IV. (21) THOMAS BOWNE, second son of Samuel and Mary, born April 2, 1694, lived at Oyster Bay, L. I. ; married, March 7, 1715-16, Hannah, daughter of John Underbill of Mattinecock. V. Children of Thomas Boivne and Hannah, his wife : 74. Mary, b. July 4, 1717. 75. Thomas, b. May 12, 1719. 76. Daniel, b. Feb. 6, 1722-23 ; m., Dec. II, 1746, Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Stringham. Issue : Thomas, b. March 27, 1748 ; d. Sept. 12, 1751. Ann, b. July 31, 1751. Mary, b. Jan. 5, 1754. Sarah, b. Feb. 19, 1763. 77. Jacob, b. Oct. 6, 1724. IV. (24) JOHN BOWNE, third son of Samuel and Mary, born September n, 1698; m., 1738, Dinah Underbill ; died 1757. V. Children of John Botvne and Dinah, his wife : 78. Thomas, b. May n, 1739. 79. Mary, b. April 14, 1741. 80. John, b. Jan. 31, 1742-43 ; m. Anne . Issue : Mary, b. Jan. 7, 1784. Anne, b. Sept. 5, 1785. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 30, 1787. Catherine, b. Sept. 20, 1789. 81. Robert, b. Jan. 31, 1744-5 > m - Elizabeth . Issue : Mary, b. Sept. 7, 1774. Robert H., b. Oct. 27, 1776. John L., b. Feb. 1 1, 1781. Sarah, b. Sept. 7, 1781. Hannah, b. Aug. 14, 1784 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 4, 1789. Jane P., b. Jan. 31, 1792. LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. SARAH COATES BURGE, (Jfrs. William Rawle) LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. THERE were few places in the American Plantations, in Colonial times, where the inhabitants were less given to ostentatious living than in Philadelphia. This condition was largely the natural result of Quaker training and Quaker example, but partly the effect of other influences. In many respects the settlers of Penn sylvania were unlike those of other Colonies. Amongst the English were many men from families that had long been en gaged in trade in England, or had for centuries been honest, God-fearing yeomen the kind of men who meddled not at all with politics, and who did not much concern themselves what king was on the throne, so long as trade was brisk, or crops were good, and who spent just enough to live comfortably, whether their income was one hundred or three hundred pounds per annum. Such men, even when they acquired fortunes, did not see the necessity of investing them in houses larger than were absolutely necessary for their needs ; and this frugality was in accord with the simplicity of living which their religious 125 126 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY, belief, according to the teachings of George Fox, imposed upon them. This peculiarity of disposition in the ruling body of peo ple soon attracted or overshadowed the more worldly desires of ostentatious persons not of the Quaker faith, or who, if belonging to it, were descended from families accustomed to liberal expenditure and showy surroundings, so that as time went on they too were satisfied to live in modest homes of no very large proportions. The first houses of important persons in Philadelphia strike us as being small indeed. The country-houses were some what larger, but even they, with the exception of those LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 127 erected by the Welsh in Merion, Radnor, and Haverford, appear too cramped for the large families that occupied them. They were of all kinds of architecture, according to the traditions or fancies of their owners or builders. Some were of brick, others of stone, a few roofed with slate, but a larger number shingled. Many of the first houses were of logs, especially in the country, and in some localities it was a long time before they were replaced by stone, even when the owners had acquired ample means. There are still standing in Philadelphia two striking specimens of its very early brick dwelling-houses. One of them, erected for William Penn in Letitia Street, but recently removed to West Fairmount Park, was known at first as "Penn s Cottage," and subsequently as "The Letitia House." After Penn s occupancy of it, and that of Markham, his Lieutenant-Governor, it was for a time used as the State House of the Colony, and the offices of the Government. The other one, which is somewhat larger, was the country home of Francis Rawle of Philadelphia, known as " Sweed- land," on the Frankford Road, in that portion of the city formerly the "Northern Liberties." A picture of the last- mentioned house as it now appears is given on the opposite page. Over the front door is a tablet of tiles, with lettering as follows : R T R F M R R 1703 [Robert Turner ; Rawle, Francis, Martha ; Robert Rawle ; 1703.] Another peculiarity of early Colonial Philadelphia is the lack of portraits of the first settlers. With a very few excep tions there are no portraits extant of Philadelphians prior to 128 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 1750, for even the rich merchants were so imbued with Quaker notions that they considered portraits a vanity not to be tolerated. In their plain, unostentatious, but com fortable homes, however, the Friends enjoyed life to its full measure. Good things to eat and drink there were in plenty, and hospitality to correspond. There had always been in Philadelphia a class of people who, whilst they were " convinced of the Truth " as preached by Fox and Penn, had continued to cling more or less firmly to old habits. These sprang from a different stock from the majority of the followers of the Founder. They were mostly to be found in important official positions, or were opulent merchants, or semi-professional men, for no pro fession in the first years of the settlement could alone have supported a family. Such men were the Lloyds, the Norrises, the Carpenters, the Shippens, the Logans, and the Rawles. The Rawles of Philadelphia sprang from an ancient family in Cornwall, England. Lyson, in his Magna Britannia, states that "Rawle of Hennett in St. Juliot, settled at that Barton as early as the reign of Edward IV. [1461-1483] The manor of Tresparrett or Tresparvett in this parish [St. Juliot] belongs to William Rawle, Esq., in whose family it has been for many generations. Mr. Rawle has also the manor of Tremorill, or Tremorvill, which belonged to the baronial family of Bottreaux." And again: "The manor of Tre- gartha, which had been purchased of the Eriseys by Trelaw- ney before the year 1620, is now the property of Francis Rawle, Esq." The ancient home of the Rawles of St. Juliot is situated on the north coast of Cornwall, near Boscastle, and is still in possession of the family. "Hennett" the barton house of the Rawle manorial estate is still standing, the walls being in LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 129 some places from three to four feet thick, and until some recent alterations the arms of the family, sculptured of a very early date, could be seen carved on the ancient stone-work over the fireplace in the hall : Sable, three swords in pale, two with their points in base and the middle one in chief, argent. Recently there has been gathered by Edwin John Rawle, Esq., a member of the Somersetshire Archaeological and OARE CHURCH. Natural History Society, material for an account of the family, several generations of which are buried in the church of Oare, made famous by the story of Lorna Doone. It was in this old church, it will be remembered, that Carver Doone attempted the assassination of Lorna at the moment she became the wife of John Ridd of doughty memory. A tablet to three members of the Rawle family may be seen in the church yard, and the many who make their pilgrimages thither to 130 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. for although there was no John Ridd and the Doones never existed except in the imagination of the novelist, the charm of the story draws one irresistibly to the spot can read the inscription relating to one who lived at Oare when the Doones are supposed to have flourished. These Rawles who sleep so quietly in Oare Church were the owners of Yvnworthy, which is said to have been one of the places that the Doones attacked. The following is the inscription : HERE LYETH THE BODY OF DAVID RAWLE OF YVNWORTHY WHO WAS BURY ED THE 5TH DAY OF FEBY ANNO D. 1685 AGED 53 ft t HEARE VNDERNEATH THREE OF ONE NAME DOE LY BY GODS DECREE THAT LIVED SUCCESSIVELY AND ALSO DYED AND DID YIELD TO DEATH CAVSE PAINE AND LA BOVRS MADE THEM OUT OF BREATH THEY LIVD TO DY AND DYD TO LIVE AGAINE AND NOW REAP PLEASVRES FROM A WORLD OF PAINE IN PEACE THEY LABOVRED TILL THEIR LABOVRS PAST IN SERVING TRUTH THEY REST IN PEACE AT LAST. The allusion to " three of one name " refers to the deceased, his father, who died in 1667, and his grandfather, who died in 1648 all having been baptized " David." But we must leave the Rawles of Exmoor and return to those of St. Juliot. Unfortunately, as in many other places in England, St. Juliot suffered in the destruction of property and church records during the Great Rebellion (16481660), LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 131 in consequence of which its parish records prior to 1657 have disappeared. The records of the Court of Chancery, however, prove that to one William Rawle of St. Juliot the lease of the rectory of St. Juliot was transferred in 1576 by his second son, Nicholas Rawle, of the Inner Temple, Lon don, who had purchased it from John Symon. William Rawle subsequently surrendered this lease to his eldest son, "William Rawle, of St. Julett, in the countie of Cornwall, gent," who obtained a fresh grant of the rectory of St. Juliot in 1580. In his direct descendants of the family name for nine gener ations the St. Juliot estates remained until the death of the Right Reverend Richard Rawle, D. D., Bishop of Trinidad, without children, on May 10, 1889, when they passed by his will to the son of his sister. William Rawle, the first of that name above referred to, had a younger son, also named W T illiam (the custom of dupli cating names among brothers being a common practice at the time), who was the father of William Rawle, also of St. Juliot, who departed this life in the year 1646. Francis Rawle, the third son of this last-mentioned William, emigrated from his home in Plymouth, England, to Pennsyl vania in the year 1686, with his son Francis, then aged twenty- three years. They settled in Philadelphia, and there founded the family of that name, which ever since has held a position of respectability and importance. Like many others in Cornwall and Devonshire, some members of the Rawle family became "convinced of the Truth" according to the preachings of Fox and his followers, and Besse in his Sufferings of the Quakers makes frequent mention of Francis Rawle as having been fined for not attending public worship, for attending Friends Meetings, and for not paying fines, and in the year 1683 as having been confined, together with his son Francis, in the high jail 132 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. at Exeter, for like recalcitrant conduct. Three years later, as we have seen, they removed to Penn s province, where they could worship God as their consciences dictated, without fear of fine or imprisonment. They sailed in the ship Desire, from Plymouth, and landed in Philadelphia on the 23d of June, 1686, with five servants. Francis Rawle, the elder, was an aged man at the time of his emigration. He seems to have come over to end his days here in peace. Upon the large tract of land purchased in England by his son from Penn on the i3th of March i68|, and located in Plymouth township in what is now Montgomery (then Philadelphia) County, he joined with others in estab lishing the community known as "The Plymouth Friends." He died in Philadelphia on the 23d of Twelfth month (Feb ruary), 169^. His wife, Jane, who at the time of his leaving England had remained behind to care for their dying daughter, subsequently joined him in their new home. She died before her husband and was buried in the Friends burial-ground in Arch Street, Philadelphia, on the Qth of Twelfth month (Feb ruary), 1695. Of Francis Rawle, the younger, a manuscript found among the papers of his greatgrandson William Rawle (the second of the name in Pennsylvania), which appears to have been written in the year 1824 at the request of Watson the Annalist, and which was quoted in the Biographical Memoir of William Rawle, by Thomas I. Wharton, Esquire, says : " He was a man of education, though I believe of mod erate property. He married the daughter of Robert Turner, a wealthy linen draper from Dublin, who took up the whole lot from Second Street to the Delaware, between Arch Street and McComb s Alley. He resided on this lot, and I have seen an old draft of it, in the centre of which was the figure of a house, with this description : Robert LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 133 Turner s large House. Probably in these clays his mansion would not be so described. William Penn had that confi dence in Robert Turner that he sent him from England a blank commission for the office of Register-general for the Probate of Wills, etc., with power, if he did not choose to exer cise the office himself, to fill the blank with any other name he pleased. Robert Turner accepted the office and appointed his son-in-law his deputy. " Francis Rawle published a book which, as far as I know, was the first original treatise on any general subject that appeared in this Province. Religious and political controversy had before this alone appeared from the press. The title of this work (I have unfortunately lost the book itself) was, I believe, * Ways and Means for the Inhabitants on the Delaware to become Rich. One clay at Dr. Franklin s table at Passy he asked me if I had a copy of the work, observing that it was the first book that he had ever printed. The greatness of Franklin s mind did not disdain to refer to his early occupa tion in the presence of some men of the first rank of that country with whom his table was crowded." The wedding, on the i8th of Eighth month (October), 1689, f Francis Rawle (the younger) with Martha Turner, a great heiress, was one of the " Society functions " of the time among the quiet Quakers. It was attended by the Governor and most of the important people in the City, who signed their marriage certificate as witnesses. Her father, Robert Turner, was one of the most prominent, influential, and wealthy of the early settlers under Penn, his intimate friend, a member of his Provincial Council, one of his Commissioners of State, and the holder of many important offices and positions. As part of the marriage portion of his daughter, Turner settled upon her husband and herself and their male issue, by deed dated May 10, 1695, an estate of two hundred and seventy acres 134 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. designated therein as " Swead Land," in what is now the north-eastern part of the city of Philadelphia, upon which the country house before referred to, and which is still standing, was erected in the year 1703. Almost from the time of his arrival in Pennsylvania, Francis Rawle, the younger, took a prominent part in public affairs. In 1688 he was commissioned a Judge of the County Courts of Philadelphia, and in the same year and subsequently, he held the then important office of Justice of the Peace. In the first Charter of the City of Philadelphia granted by Penn on 2Oth Third mo. (May) 1691 he was named as one of the Board of Six Aldermen who constituted the upper Chamber of its government. For some time, as has been already men tioned, he was Deputy Registrar-general for the Probate of Wills, and in 1 694 he was appointed one of Penn s Commission ers of Property. He sat for many years in the Colonial Assem bly as a member of the "popular" or anti-proprietary party. His name appears in most of the important committees of the House, and as one of those active in most matters under discussion during his terms of service. In 1724 he was appointed a member of the Provincial Council, a position held only by the most eminent men in the community. He styled himself at times as a " Merchant," more frequently as "Gentleman," and his name appears also as a practitioner at the Philadelphia Bar one of those semi-professional men who have been alluded to. Francis Rawle took much interest in the important ques tions of the day. In 1725 he wrote the book already referred to, the title of which is as follows : " Ways and Means for the Inhabitants of Delaware to become Rich ; wherein the several growths and products of these countries are demonstrated to be a sufficient fund for a flourishing trade. Humbly submitted to the Legislative LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 135 authority of these Colonies. Nemo seipsum natus est. Printed and sold by S. Keimer in Philadelphia, MDCCXXV." (65 pages, 12 mo). Upon this an attack was made anonymously during the same year, by the celebrated James Logan, it is supposed, in a pamphlet entitled : " A Dialogue Shewing Whaf s therein to be found" which brought forth a reply (also anonymous), by Rawle, in a pamphlet published in 1726 entitled: "A Just Rebuke to a Dialogue. . . . And that Short Treatise entitled Ways and Means &c. Rescued from the Dialog is s unjust Charge of Inconsistences and Contradictions" Previous to the publication of the above-named works there appeared, in 1721, another anonymous pamphlet, the authorship of which has also been attributed to Francis Rawle, entitled: " Some Remedies proposed for the Restoring the sunk credit of the Province of Pennsylvania, with some Remarks on its Trade. . . . By a Lover of this Country These writings of Francis Rawle show him to have been a hard-thinking, broad-minded, and public-spirited man, who in his youth had evidently been thoroughly well educated, and who, in later years, had acquired much practical experience in commerce, general business, and even the affairs of nations. He died in Philadelphia on the 5th of March, 172^ at the age of sixty- four years. Martha, the wife of Francis Rawle, survived him eighteen years, dying on the i8th of July, 1745. She had a numerous family, six sons and four daughters, of whom only three sons have left descendants living at the present time. We cannot do better than continue to quote in part from Mr. Wharton s admirable Biographical Memoir of William Rawle : "William, the third son of Francis and Martha Rawle, married, on the 29th of August, 1728, Margaret, daughter of Henry Hodge of Philadelphia, merchant, who died shortly after the 136 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. birth of their only child [Francis]. He was a man of parts and education. His library was extensive for those days, especially in classical literature.". . . . He was a prominent merchant, largely engaged in the West India trade. He is also mentioned as a (semi-professional) practitioner at the Philadelphia Bar. He died on the i6th of December, 1741. " Francis, the only child of William Rawle, was born on the loth of July, 1729. He received a liberal education, possessed a robust and active mind, and is said to have been a person of very attractive manners and conversation. He was a contributor to a literary journal of the time." In the year 1755, Francis Rawle sailed for Europe, where he travelled extensively, visiting a number of countries. He kept a journal of his trip, which showed a bright and inquiring mind. Very soon after his return from abroad Francis Rawle married Rebecca, daughter of Edward Warner of Philadel phia. In the summer of 1757 he attended the celebrated conference held at Easton with the Indians, at the head of whom was the great chief Tedyuscung. In one of his letters to his wife dated Easton, July i6th, 1757, he says : "There are nowhere about two hundred and seventy or two hundred and eighty Indians ; upwards of one hundred of whom are men, the rest women, with abundance of young cubs, who seem already to share a good deal of that ferocity which they may one day express in a greater degree under the tutoring and excellent example of their glorious fathers, if we do not conclude a lasting peace with them. These last appear dressed, painted, and set off to the best advantage ; not to procure admiration, but to strike terror; and their appearance only seems sufficient to frighten faint-hearted folks when they come in a hostile way." LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 139 In September, 1760, Francis Rawle and his brother-in-law, Joshua Howell (their wives being sisters), purchased a tract of seventy-six acres of land on the east bank of the Schuylkill River above Fairmount, the title thereto being taken in How- ell s name, who, a few days afterward, conveyed to the former the lower thirty-one acres with the fine Colonial mansion, still standing in fairly good condition. To this, Mr. Rawle gave the name of " Laurel Hill." Mr. Howell built for himself a country house upon his portion of the property, which he called "Edgely," and which was taken down a few years ago, after the acquisition of the land by the city of Phila delphia as part of Fairmount Park. " Laurel Hill" (which should not be confounded with The Laurels," the country- seat of Joseph Sims, and which latter was many years ago converted into what is now the North Laurel Hill Cemetery, nearly a mile farther up the river,) stands on a high bluff above the river bank, and commands a view up and down the Schuylkill, which is probably unsurpassed in the neighbor hood. The house is of stone, most quaintly shaped, one wing being octagonal in form, and the interior is in accordance with the handsome Colonial architecture of that day. Here the Rawles were surrounded by most congenial neighbors. The Francises, the Swifts, the Howells, the Galloways, the Mifflins, and others had their summer homes in the neighborhood. Not far off, on the opposite bank of the river, was " Lans- downe," the country-seat of the Penns, and "Belmont," that of the Peterses, and farther down the river the Ham- ikons country-seat, "The Woodlands," then in the zenith of its glory. Many other noble country-seats lined the banks of the " Hidden River." Isaac Wharton, who subsequently married Margaret, a daughter of Francis Rawle, had " Wood- ford " for his country-home, while John Clifford, who married Anna, the other daughter, had " Clifford Farm " for his, both 140 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. of which places lie back from the river, on the Ridge Road, in the near vicinity of " Laurel Hill." To the owners of some of these mansions the Rawles were akin, with all of them they were on intimate terms, and the little circle that constituted all that was best in Philadelphia society of that day whether of the "World s People" or of the "Friends" the wits and beaux, the brilliant Tory beauties that dazzled King George s officers and mocked the blue and buff men of letters, artists, and scientists made up the throng that from time to time were entertained there. Francis Rawle, while shooting on another country place belonging to him, at " Point-no-point," on the Delaware, above Philadelphia, was mortally wounded by the accidental discharge of his fowling-piece, and died a few days afterward at his house in Philadelphia on June 7, 1761. He left to the care of his surviving widow three infant children : Anna, who afterward became the wife of John Clifford, an opulent merchant of Philadelphia ; one son, William, then but two years old, and Margaret, still younger, who afterward married Isaac Wharton, another wealthy mer chant of the same city. Their grief-stricken mother, with her children, continued to reside at " Laurel Hill " for some months each year, devoting her life to their care. As he approached manhood, her son developed a scholarly mind and an inclination toward the profession of the law, in which he subsequently became so justly celebrated. At the breaking out of the Revolution young Rawle was but sixteen years old. His mother was allied to or upon terms of intimacy with many of the powerful Loyalist families, and family traditions of loyalty to the Crown were not to be lightly thrown aside. The position of the Loyalists of Phil adelphia has never, perhaps, been properly presented. They were, as a class, the best people in the Province and the MRS. ISAAC WHARTON. (MARGARET RAWLE.) After Sully s portrait. LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 143 descendants of those settlers who, by hard work and unceasing effort, had brought Philadelphia to be the chief city of Great Britain s American Colonies. They were, most of them, people of wealth, education, culture, and refinement. Many, like the Rawles, were descended from the best of those who in Penn s time had planted the Province. Belonging to families that for generations, despite persecution, at times, for religious belief, had continued unswervingly loyal to their king, they hesitated now to cut themselves loose from an authority which they had so long and faithfully obeyed, and which, taken all in all, had treated them well. They had, indeed, waxed rich and prospered under the rule of King George and his predecessors, and the great principles of liberty and self-government were to such people but shadowy phantoms of a dream. Not for a single instant did they believe that the Continental army would ultimately conquer, or that the Continental Congress would achieve aught save ruin to its members. The Loyalists, or "Tories," as their enemies called them, had property at stake which in money value far exceeded that of those engaged in the struggle for independence, and they cared not to bring, as they thought, irretrievable ruin upon their families, their kindred, and themselves. It was not, with some of them, that they were Friends, or Quakers, for many of that belief either entered the Continental army or else, because of religious scruples, declined to take part on either side ; but they felt that in turning their backs upon Washington and the cause he represented they were doing loyal service to their king and country. Had the American Revolution failed, they would have been loudly praised instead of scorned, ap plauded instead of hissed. William Rawle s widowed mother had married, secondly, November 10, 1767, Samuel Shoemaker of Philadelphia, a 144 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. prominent merchant, and an ardent Loyalist, though, like some of his fellow- thinkers, he fully appreciated the errors into which those at the head of the government in England had fallen, and was a signer of the celebrated " Non-Importa tion Agreement" in 1765. "Mr. Shoemaker," says a sketch of him, "was a highly educated gentleman, of courtly man ners and fine presence, and before the Revolution a man of large means. He held many important offices in Phila delphia. From 1755 to 1766 he was a member of the Common Council, and in the latter year was chosen a member of the Board of Aldermen. He served as such until 1769, when he was chosen Mayor of the city, and again in 1770. At the close of his second term he resumed his seat in the Board of Aldermen, and retained it until the fall of the city government in 1776. Whilst in that office he was chosen, in 1767, to succeed his father as Treasurer of the city, and continued as such until 1776. He also served two terms, from 1771 to 1773, as a member of the General Assem bly of the Province. In 1761, Mr. Shoemaker was chosen a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, and Orphans Court of the county, and in 1776 an Associate Jus tice of the City Court. In 1761 he was also commissioned a Justice of the Peace, and held that office also until 1 776. During the occupation of Philadelphia by the British army he was, as Justice of the Peace, associated with Joseph Galloway in the administration of civil affairs, which rendered him especially odious to the Whig party." During the first years of the Revolution the Rawle-Shoe- maker family continued to reside in Philadelphia, spending, as usual, much of their time at "Laurel Hill." Until the occupation of Philadelphia by the British, Samuel Shoemaker had taken practically no part in the struggle. His associa tion with Galloway in the Civil Government of the city during LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 145 its occupation by the British Army in the winter of 1777-78 brought matters to a crisis, and on March 6, 1778, the State Legislature, then sitting at Lancaster, had declared him and other prominent citizens guilty of high treason, and all their estates forfeited to the State, unless they surrendered them selves by the twentieth day of April following. This Mr. Shoemaker did not do, and suffered the consequences. On June 17, 1778, a few days before the evacuation of Philadel phia by the British army, Mr. Shoemaker sailed from that city with the fleet, and arrived in about two weeks in New York. William Rawle, then nineteen years old, at the urgent request of his mother, accompanied his stepfather in his flight. Some idea of the discomforts which the unfortunate refugees must have endured in travelling is afforded by a letter of William Rawle to one of his sisters, in which he states that they were two days and nights on board a small sloop on their way down the Delaware River to Reedy Island, near which they found the fleet lying, and thirteen days on the passage from Phila delphia to the Capes. No sooner had the Revolutionary authorities returned to Philadelphia than they proceeded to carry out the strenuous measures against the Tories that the Confiscation Act had provided for. As we learn from the diary of Charles Wilson Peale, the artist, who was an ardent patriot and one of the Agents for securing" and selling the forfeited estates, they immediately after the evacuation set about fulfilling the duties of their offices. They began, he says, with the property of those who were of the most consideration among the unfortunates. Mrs. Joseph Galloway, who remained after his departure, in the house of her husband, one of the at tainted ones, was the first to be visited. When they went there to dispossess her, they found her counsel, Mr. Boudinot, with her. Against her will, and, at first, her physical opposi- 41 146 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY, tion, Peale succeeded in conducting her to General Arnold s carriage, which was at the door, having been supplied for the occasion. "The same sort of business," he writes, "they were likely to have with Mrs. Shoemaker, but on that occa sion Mr. Boudinot agreed to give peaceable possession on the morning following, which terms were accepted by the Agents as they wished to make things as easy as they could with those whose misfortune it was to come within their notice." The Act provided that after twelve months the real estates of the attainted Tories should be sold. Consequently, all of Mr. Shoemaker s landed property, which was extensive, was on April 12, 1779, ordered to be sold at public sale by the State Agents for the confiscated estates, his delightful home on the north side of Arch (then Mulberry) above Front Street, one of the finest residences in the city, among the rest. The deed for the house, which was dated Novem ber 30, 1779, shows that the sum of ,39,100 was paid for it by the purchaser to the State authorities. In their eagerness they likewise seized and sold much of Mrs. Shoemaker s own property and that of her first husband, Francis Rawle, who had made her the sole devisee of his estate, including "Laurel Hill." But of "Laurel Hill" and its fate mention will be made hereafter. The members of a united family living together in har mony have little occasion to record the details of their daily lives, so there is not much of this nature preserved relating to " Laurel Hill " and its occupants, until the troublous times of the Revolutionary struggle came upon them. After the breaking up of the family home communication between those who went to New York and those who remained in Philadelphia became exceedingly difficult. The sending of correspondence through the military lines without permission LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 147 was prohibited. Notwithstanding this, however, frequent opportunities were taken to elude the authorities. There was one method of communication which seems to have been winked at, if not allowed that of sending the local news papers from New York to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia to New York. Advantage was taken of this to convey to each other information of different sorts. Many numbers of Rivington s "Royal Gazette" which Mr. Shoemaker sent to his wife, with brief messages written on the margins, have been preserved, and are now in the Loganian Library in Philadelphia. Mrs. Shoemaker was a woman of decided character, strong in her feelings, and apparently of great fluency in expressing what she wished to say, and she was an ardent Loyalist. Women then, as now, were apt to go to extreme lengths in their feelings and expressions, especially in times of great political excitement, and were thus apt sometimes to get them selves into trouble. After her husband and son had been some months in New York Mrs. Shoemaker applied to the State authorities for permission to go there. This was refused, and refused again in May, 1779, as it would be, they said, " inconsistent with the interest of the State." She was sum moned before the Supreme Executive Council in March, 1780, in consequence of the interception of her journals, which showed that she had among other things assisted prisoners and other enemies of the Government to pass clan destinely to New York. What was done with her is not recorded in the Minutes of the Council, but when, two months later, she again applied for leave to go to New York and to return in one year, she got more than she asked for, and was tolcl to go and give security that she would not return at any time without leave first obtained from the Council. She remained in New York for a year, and returned to Philadel- 148 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. phia in April, 1782. There she remained until April, 1783, when she again went to New York and stayed there until November 7, 1783, a few days before her husband and their only child Edward, then a young boy, sailed for England, preparatory to the evacuation of New York by the British army. Previous to this time, William Rawle had, on June 13, 1781, sailed for England for the purpose of continuing his legal studies, which, since his arrival in New York, in June, 1778, he had been pursuing with Mr. Kempe, the British Attorney- General. It has been said that his object in leaving America was the " seeking of greater advantages and to escape the din of Toryism, with which he was not in accord." Such is the tradition among his descendants. Though, while a young boy in Philadelphia, love for his mother and sisters may have made him somewhat of a Loyalist, as he neared manhood, notwithstanding that he was living in the atmosphere of New York Toryism, his growing admiration for Washington (with whom later in life he became upon intimate terms) and the cause which Washington represented caused him to waver still further from the political faith of the rest of the family. He was always, however, an adherent of the Quaker doctrine of non-resistance, and his religious principles forbade him fol lowing any other than a peaceful, forbearing line of conduct. But the ladies of the family never wavered in their steadfast loyalty to their "good King George." The correspondence between the separated members of the family, some of which took the form of diaries, is in part preserved, in manuscript, chiefly that written between the years 1780 and 1786. Covering as it does a most interest ing period of time, and treating of the events of those days from the Loyalist point of view, it is not less valuable than interesting. While Mrs. Shoemaker was in LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 149 New York with her husband the correspondence was chiefly between herself and her two daughters, Anna and Margaret Rawle. There is preserved the complete series of Mrs. Shoemaker s letters to her husband after he had sailed for England in November, 1783, until his return to America in May, 1786, as also a concise diary kept for the entertainment of his wife by Mr. Shoemaker from the clay they parted in New York until October, 1785. Many of the letters treat of business matters, and show the great losses and terrible sufferings which the Loyalists endured ; others are in a lighter vein and give us vivid pen- pictures of Philadelphia and New York society of that day. They shed, indeed, a strong light on the history of those event ful times. In this correspondence fancy or fictitious names, as was common in social circles during the Revolution, were frequently given to the different members of the family and their friends. Thus William Rawle was known as " Horatio ;" Anna Rawle as "Fanny;" Margaret or Peggy Rawle as "Adelaide;" and Sally Burge, their intimate friend and subsequently the wife of William Rawle, as " Juliet." In memory of the days of their youth Mr. and Mrs. Rawle accordingly named their two youngest children " Horatio " and " Juliet." But this is anticipating. It is to be regretted that the scope of this sketch precludes the possibility of giving more than a few extracts from the letters and diaries. After the breaking up of the family home, which had been Mr. Shoemaker s house in Arch (then Mulberry) Street, Mrs. Shoemaker, while in Philadelphia, and her daughters lived sometimes with Mrs. Edward Warner, Mrs. Shoemaker s mother, in her house, which was directly opposite their former home ; at other times with Benjamin Shoemaker, who was Samuel Shoemaker s son by his first wife (Hannah, daughter 150 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. of Samuel Carpenter), and who lived on the south side of High (now Market) below Eighth Street ; and also at times in the house adjoining, this last also belonging to Benjamin Shoemaker. Mrs. Benjamin Shoemaker was Elizabeth War ner, the sister of Mrs. Samuel Shoemaker. In the Spring of 1780, as has been mentioned, Mrs. Shoe maker journeyed to New York to visit her husband. Her daughter, Anna Rawle, writing to her from Philadelphia under date of June 30, 1780, says : " By the person who brought thy letter from Rahway I wrote a long one which he promised, if thee should be gone from there, to forward into New York Peggy an d I staid with my Aunt till B[enjamin] returned. * Tho so little in the house ) belonged to us, packing them up furnished employ for several mornings ; one day, when thus engaged up stairs, Polly Birk, who was the only person with me in the house, exclaimed, Bless me if there is not a whole company of soldiers at Mr. S. s door ! J I was frightened, and was going down to my aunt and sister, when at the foot of the stairs I observed a man placed, rattling the lock of his gun, as if trying to alarm. I ran up again, and in a few minutes t\vo men entered the room, and I soon found their business was to search for arms. They looked in the closet, and desired me, not in the mildest terms, to unlock my trunks. I told them they were already undone. They then put their canes in, and by the greatest good luck in the world, the little plate that belonged to me remained undisturbed at the bottom of the trunk ; they would have taken it, I am certain, from their behaviour. Not finding arms they went away. They treated my Aunt in the same manner, rummaging the closets * He had accompanied Mrs. Shoemaker to the British lines. | The house in High Street secondly above mentioned. J Benjamin Shoemaker s the adjoining house on High Street. LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 151 and drawers, and placing a guard at the stairs. One of them said, when Peggy went up, that it was to hide guns. There were but one or two houses where they treated people with so little ceremony. At other places they took their word. " But of all absurdities the ladies going about for money exceeded everything ; they were so extremely importunate that people were obliged to give them something to get rid of them. Mrs. Beech [Bache] and the set with her, came up to our door the morning after thee went, and turned back again. The reason she gave to a person who told me was that she did not chuse to face Mrs. S. or her daughters. "H[annah] Thompson, Mrs. [Robert] Morris, Mrs. [James] Wilson, and a number of very genteel women, paraded about streets in this manner, some carrying ink stands, nor did they let the meanest ale house escape. The gentlemen also were honoured with their visits. Bob Wharton declares he was never so teased in his life. They reminded him of the extreme rudeness of refusing anything to the fair, but he was inexorable and pleaded want of money, and the heavy taxes, so at length they left him, after threatening to hand his name down to posterity with infamy." Under date of November 4, 1780, she says :...." Speak ing of handsome women brings Nancy Willing to my mind. She might set for the Queen of Beauty, and is lately married to Bingham, who returned from the West Indies with an immense fortune. They have set out in highest style ; nobody here will be able to make the figure they do ; equipage, house, cloathes, are all the newest taste, and yet some people wonder at the match. She but sixteen and such a perfect form. His appearance is less amiable." From New York, Mrs. Shoemaker writes to her daughters, January 8, 1781 : A[rnold] is not so much admired here for her 152 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. beauty as one might have expected. All allow she has great Sweetness in her countenance, but wants Animation, spright- liness and that fire in her eyes which was so captivating in Capt. LQoyd s] wife. But notwithstanding she does not possess that Life and animation that some do, they have met with every attention indeed, much more than they could have promised themselves, and the very genteel Appointment which he [General Benedict Arnold] holds in this Service, joined to a Very large present, (which I am told he has received,) is fully sufficient for every Demand in genteel Life." Speaking of Mrs. Arnold, again, Mrs. Shoemaker writes that she attended a ball at head quarters in New York, and that "she appeared a star of the first magnitude, and had every attention paid her as if she had been Lady Clinton. Is not this fine encouragement for generals to follow A[rnold s] example?" The Act of Attainder and Confiscation further provided that the President, or Vice-President, and Supreme Executive Council might let forfeited real estates for a time not exceed ing two years, paying the taxes and other expenses, and managing them until they should be sold in the manner there inafter directed. As " Laurel Hill," which had belonged to Mrs. Shoemaker s first husband, Francis Rawle, had been left by his will to her, Mr. Shoemaker, as her second husband, had a life estate in the property as "tenant by the curtesy." In their patriotic zeal the people in authority disregarded the principle of law that the sale of such a life estate had no other effect than to free a wife s houses and lands from all of her husband s estate when he had been attainted for high trea son, and vested the title in her to as full an effect as if he had died. The State Agents took possession of "Laurel Hill" before its sale, and apparently allowed the President LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 153 of the State, Joseph Reed, to occupy it as a summer residence, perhaps as a lessee. Reed was the most ardent and active of the persecutors of the Philadelphia Loyalists. His ani mosity had been particularly visited upon Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker and her children, and the letters often refer to him in by no means an affectionate manner. HALL AND STAIRWAY, LAUREL HILL. Anna Rawle writes to her mother under date of September 20, 1780: "The wife of a certain person can never spend another summer at Laurel Hill. Her pleasure there had a melancholy and short termination. She is dead, and of a disorder that made some people whisper about that she 154 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. eat too many of Mr. S. . . s peaches ; her husband fainted at the grave." The person here referred to was no other than the wife of the President himself. She had died in Philadel phia two days previously, September i8th, having shortly before removed there from Laurel Hill." It was not until February 20, 1782, that Mr. Shoemaker s life estate in "Laurel Hill" was sold by the State Agents, and on March 20, the Patent therefor was executed by the President, William Moore, to Major James Parr, the purchaser, in consideration of ^5,000 Pennsylvania money. Parr was an extensive investor in the confiscated estates. Before, how ever, the title had been actually conveyed to him, Major Parr, on February 26, 1782, in consideration of ^"500, gold or silver money, had leased the place to " His Excellency, the Chevalier de Luzerne, Minister of France" to the United States, for the term of five years thence ensuing, " if the said Samuel Shoemaker should so long live." In her diary Mrs. Shoe maker, then in New York, pathetically writes, February 4, 1782: "I see our last little spot, poor "Laurel Hill," is to have another possessor. We cannot see any more advertised ; they have sold all." And her daughter Anna, writing to her two days later, says : " The President] has not given up his town house, as my dear Mother imagined ; he still keeps it, the wife of his successor :|: being one of those simple hearted women who chuse to live in nobody s house but their own. I must confess that I am not sorry that Laurel Hill is to have another master ; he never was a favourite of mine. They say he pays his addresses to Belle White. I shall think the girl out of her senses if she has him." The Chevalier of course had his French cook, and the French cook his truffle-dog, which, in the pursuit of his * William Moore, whose wife was Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Susanna [Kearney] Lloyd. LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 155 vocation in life, is said to have discovered truffles in the grounds around the house, much to the astonishment and delight of his master one of the few instances and it is believed the first of the finding of the article in its natural state in this country. Mr. Hazard, in his third volume of Watson s Annals, quotes this family tradition ; but whether the tradition is truthful or not, or whether the absence or scarcity of truffles in America is to be attributed to the shortcomings of the comparatively few enterprising French cooks who bless us with their presence, or to the absence of truffle-dogs, has not been ascertained. In her letters to her husband and son Edward in England Mrs. Shoemaker often refers to their much loved country home. When the fanaticism against the Loyalists had some what abated after the Peace the civil authorities seem to have come to view in the proper legal light the matter of the sale of Mrs. Shoemaker s property in consequence of the attainder of her husband. The learned in the legal profession gave it as their opinion that the only effect of the sale was to vest the title to the property in her clear of any of her husband s rights therein. Some years subsequently this principle was affirmed by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania when a similar question arose concerning the estate of Mrs. Joseph Galloway. Major Parr also seems to have appreciated the doubtful elements in his title, and to have been not unwilling to con sider proposals from the family for a surrender of his interest in the place. But the lease to Luzerne apparently com plicated the matter. (i Major Parr," as Mrs. Shoemaker wrote from Philadelphia to her husband on January 14, 1784, " has offered Laurel Hill for ^400 but that is certainly too much, as the minister has three years yet to come, and I 156 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. believe is so well pleased with it that he does not wish to part with it." The enjoyment of "Laurel Hill" by His Excellency was not, however, to continue the full length of his term. The failure of his government to appropriate the means for the support of his office, it has been said, caused him to contem plate a return to his home. A satisfactory arrangement of I DRAWING ROOM, LAUREL HILL. (Present appearance.) the matter of the lease was eventually arrived at, and Parr, in consideration of ^300, silver money, on February 27, 1784, by endorsement upon his Patent, conveyed to William Rawle (who had returned from Europe in January 1783) all his estate and interest in "Laurel Hill," irrespective of the remainder of the Chevalier s term. "I believe I mentioned," wrote Mrs. Shoemaker on May LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 12, 1784, "that the Minister of France was going" home soon ; it is fixed for next month, and I have had a specimen of French generosity in an Ambassador bargaining with the owner of a little country house for the remainder of a lease. Nothing less than the rent he o^ave will do, and I must aoree o o o to that or not have it. I suppose he will think he has been extremely liberal and genteel in agreeing to be paid yearly as rent, and not insisting upon the money down as he paid it. FIRE PLACE IN DRAWING ROOM, LAUREL HILL. He keeps possession until the loth of June, which will not be as convenient to me to let it as if I had it now, but there is no remedy. I shall try to let it for one year, but I fear people will be generally provided with summer retreats before that time." On June 16, 1784, she again wrote : Benjamin, William and myself took a ride last week to Laurel Hill, the first time I had been there since the year 1779. I am now tenant to the Minister and have engaged to pay him the yearly rent of ^100 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. per an. for the remainder of his lease, almost three years to come Thee expected the Minister would have been so generous and liberal if he was made acquainted with the real circumstances of it as to restore it. A. Benezet who was inti mate with him was the person who called on W. R. and told him that the Minister was going home and desired to see some of the family. William went there twice with Anthony, and as he, William, speaks french, gave him the fullest information respecting it. He said he had several applications for the place, but he chose to offer it to the family, and I am to con sider myself favoured in having it upon rent instead of pay ing the money down. I myself had a good deal of conver sation with A. B. about it. I told him how contrary this was from the language they spoke when they first came here, of the bad policy and illiberality of the Americans to sell estates ; that their court would not have clone so, but now I found it was all talk. Poor A. could not say much but that his country men did not love to part with their money for nothing, and he must own it was inconsistent from their sentiments ; he was very partial to his own Nation." "I put thy letter," she wrote to her son Edward, Sept. 29, 1784, "into thy [stepjbrother William s hands, and he smiled at thy remarks on His Excellency. I had rather it had not been so, and did not know it was to be so till I saw it, but these times have made many characters comply and do things that we should not have thought of once. We first advertised it as a place on Schuylkill and no offer was made, and then I thought that some persons might take it of us if they knew we could let it, that would not of the Frenchman, and desired William to mention the place lately used by the Minister, and apply to W. R. but it produced no offer, and sister M[argaret] and I do not retire there." The correspondence makes frequent mention of the beau- LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 159 tiful aspect of "Laurel Hill ;" of the meadow along the river, which has now entirely disappeared owing to the raising of the water by the dam at Fairmount ; of the many beautiful trees, some of them of very large size ; of the fine apples, peaches, cherries, and strawberries, but we must return to further mention of the family. As has been already stated, William Rawle sailed from New York on June 13, 1781, bound for England for the pur pose of continuing the study of the law, and Mrs. Shoemaker writes to her daughters : " I have now set down to write a few lines to my Dear Girls, tho very Unfit for it, having this morning felt the pangs of another parting a scene which gave me such paine this time twelve month. My Dear Billy went on board a Sloop at 5 this morning to go down to the Hook, where all the fleet lay. He goes in the Ship Fishbourne, Capt. Gill, to Cork I am sure he is gone with the best Intentions, to qualify himself for his future support and establishment in the world, which could not be done in America, while it is in such a distracted state." He arrived in London in August, 1781, and a few days afterward entered the Middle Temple as a law student, on the recommendation of Mr. Eden (afterward Lord Auckland), to whom he had become known during the latter s visit to America as one of the commissioners in the abortive attempt to bring about a settlement of the dispute between the mother country and the colonies. He took a lively interest in England and in the manners and customs of the people. He writes to his mother and sisters soon after his arrival : "London is indeed a vast collection of people ; but these people are much like those I have left behind, virtue is honoured and vice despised, much the same in both countries ; and, whatever satirists may say to the contrary, I am convinced that the world ever 160 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. applauds virtue as it deserves. In defense of herself, vice throws out a variety of allurements which make but a faint and transient impression so soon as we recollect that they are but the allurements of vice : contrary to Pope s lines on the subject, I am of opinion that they are the most forcible at first sight, and that it is only in consequence of contem plating" them seriously that we discover and abhor their internal deformity. In that pursuit of happiness to which the mind is naturally disposed, a very little reflection will induce us to leave vice behind, and to follow the footsteps of virtue, from whom alone we may expect those lasting hours of waking bliss, that durable felicity, with which she always rewards her votaries, and without any commonplacing on the subject, I am so seriously convinced of this argument, that I should always lament the first step to vice as the first step to misery." In a later letter he gives us a glimpse of court-life and society as it then existed in London. "I was very early gratified," he writes, "with the sight of the king, which most strangers are desirous of. He is tall and well made ; and were it not for his white eye-brows and gray eyes, would be a very handsome man. He talked and laughed incessantly during the whole play, with some of the lords in waiting ; contemplated every part of the house with his opera glass, and behaved more like a young man of abundant gaiety, than what I had always conceived to be a style of royalty. The queen, who is by no means handsome, but much resembles the picture Governor Frank lin had of her at Burlington, was received at entering the house with the loudest applause ; she paid her respects both in coming in, and going out, with great affability, and Behaved during the whole time with a modest dignity, truly attrac tive. The Prince of Wales resembles neither his father nor WILLIAM RAWLE. (After portrait painted in London in 1782 by Benjamin West.) LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 163 mother; he has dark hair and eyes, and looks something like Lord Cathcart ; though a very large man, he is exceed ingly graceful and genteel, and appears infinitely more serious than his father. The play was such as, one would suppose, none but a depraved taste would have thought of, and a vitiated age received. The Beggar s Opera was performed in reversed characters, the women acting the men s parts, and the men the women s ; yet the royal family appeared perfectly pleased with it ; and it has been performed eighteen times with infinite applause." Of the English people he says : "They are sincere, generous, benevolent and brave; they are liberal in their charities, and warm in their friendships ; if they are slow in forming intimacies, they are more constant to them when formed ; if they are not so indiscriminately hospitable as in Ireland, it is, perhaps, because they pay a proper regard to their own satisfaction in the admission of guests. In Ireland it is sufficient to be a stranger, to be hospitably entertained ; in London, when strangers, that char acter procures relief to the distressed ; but a man is laughed at who supposes nothing else necessary for him to be taken notice of." His letters contain frequent references to American friends and acquaintances in London, and to persons who had been connected with the stirring events at home. "I saw Mrs. [Benedict] Arnold," he writes February 6, 1782, <l a few days after her arrival in town and was really pleased she looked so well, as general expectation was raised so high by the incessant puffers of the newspapers, and the declaration of Col. Tarleton that she was the handsomest woman in Eng land. She has not yet been to Court, tho the General has, having been introduced by Sir Walter Stirling. They have taken a house and set up a carriage and will I suppose be 1 64 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. a good deal visited, if the General does not return to America on a Northern expedition which is said to be on the tapis. The Cabinet I am told consider him as a very sensible man. Lord Cornwallis has not as yet appeared either in the house or at Court; it is confidently reported that a proposal which was made to him at the time of his capture, and which he rejected with the sullen dignity of a British peer, will now be accepted at the instance of the ministry, and that an exchange between him and Laurens will take place. The latter is returned from Bath, and tho not yet able to use his limbs is much visited and caressed by the minority. It is added that after the exchange effected his lordship will be sent to replace the discountenanced and disgraced Sir Harry [Clin ton]. It so Mr. G[alloway] has been writing to very little purpose and I am afraid the friends to government out of the line s will not rejoice. But the people of England caught by brilliant actions, and too indolent for close reflection, are prepossessed in favour of Lord Cornwallis that it will not be an easy task to convince them of his incapacity or disaffection. Tarleton it is said has been honored with a private conference in which his Majesty took no other notice of his services than just to say, "Well, Col. Tarleton, you have been in a great many actions ; and had a great many escapes" Of the Loyalist refugees in London he writes : J o " When I see the numerous Americans that are to be found in this city, many of them once lords of thousands, now torturing themselves to subsist upon the scanty stipends allowed them in compensation for the loss of their estates, I must confess it fills me with compassion. Hitherto I have in some measure escaped the wreck of fortunes that so many have undergone. At least something, though small, remains secure ; and I think myself obliged to risk it no longer, and not to involve myself in that want which would LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 165 throw me into an unwilling and burdensome dependence on my father in law \i. e., step-father], for whose virtues I have too much regard to wish to add to his sufferings. I doubt not you will approve of my intention of returning to Philadelphia, and submitting to that authority which is there established. Though the step may be in some degree humiliating, yet I have nothing to fear, as I have nothing to charge myself with. I have in no instance taken a decisive part on either side ; unless that voyage to New York, which was the result of filial duty, should be urged as a crime." Young Rawle was advised by his friend Mr. Eden to apply to the British Government for a pension, "as a com pensation for the loss of his paternal property, which had been confiscated." This, however, he positively refused to do, or to allow any steps to be taken on his behalf, though he was assured by many friends that his application would be successful. " Besides that, the measure would tie me down in a manner that I do not approve of," he wrote. "I do not think myself entitled by anything I have clone to ask for and receive that allowance from the Government which ought only to be extended to the loyalist who has sacrificed his fortune in support of his Sovereign, and who is therefore entitled on the plainest principles of reason as a recompense for it." In a letter to his mother from London, dated March 20, 1782, he says : " I have written several times my intention to return to America by the way of France. I wished to have heard from you on this subject before I left the country, but some intelli gence I received two days since from a friend at Brussels has determined me to accelerate the plan, and to give no longer into a delay which may prove highly disadvantageous. His brother in America, with a kindness for which I shall be 166 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. eternally obliged to him, desires him to inform me that hints have been given of an intended proscription in which my name was likely to appear a piece of intelligence which struck me with surprize, as my conduct has I think been altogether irreproachable in a political light, as I have never in the smallest degree opposed, but on the contrary highly approved at first of, the measures pursued by my country men, and as, if I should be punished for accompanying my [step] father, I should be punished for nothing more criminal than the exercise of filial duty and affection. I mistakenly supposed my voyage to England would be less obnoxious than my continuance at New York, as I was certainly more likely to imbibe inimical sentiments there than here. Indeed I have had very little political conversation since I have been in London, as it is by no means such a daily topic as in America. That I have fallen into has been chiefly on the minority [Whig] side, which the main body of the people, particularly the Friends, seems most inclined to. However, to wipe off every objection and to refute every charge, which I trust I shall be able to do, I propose to leave England very speedily and make my appearance in Philadelphia." Before returning home, however, young Rawle determined to visit the continent. After leaving London on April 23, he travelled extensively through France, Belgium, and Hol land. Whilst in Paris, he visited Dr. Franklin, and was kindly received and entertained by him, upon one of which occasions the conversation already quoted took place. At Ostend and Boulogne he was unexpectedly detained by the. difficulty of obtaining a berth on a suitable ship. He sailed from Ostend on November 17, and arrived back again in Philadelphia on January 17, 1783, after an absence of over four years and a half. Upon his return home, as Professor Vethake wrote in a LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 167 biographical sketch of Mr. Rawle, "he immediately declared his allegiance to the existing government, to the principles of which he had always been sincerely attached, though the circumstances in which he was placed had prevented him from following the dictates of his own inclination and judg ment." As Mr. Wharton wrote in the Memoir which has been quoted from, " the circumstances by which Mr. Rawle s early life and character were influenced or colored have already been adverted to. A deep and abiding sense of filial duty estranged him for a time from the govern ment of his native country ; but when he was enabled, consistently with that (to him) paramount sentiment, to return and take his place as a member of the new com munity, he became with sincerity and earnestness, in heart as well as in fact, a republican citizen. He gave in his adhesion (to use a modern phase) to the existing govern ment from a sincere opinion of its superiority over those founded upon the monarchical principle an opinion derived from a thorough and careful examination of the subject, as the writings which he left behind him exhibit." He resumed his law studies, and was admitted to practice in the courts of Philadelphia on September 15, 1783, and on the 1 3th of November following he married Sarah Coates Burge, the " Juliet" already mentioned, "a lady whose virtues and accomplishments gladdened nearly forty years of his life, and whom he had the misfortune to survive." Miss Burge was the daughter of Samuel Burge, a wealthy merchant of Philadelphia, who had died in 1779, and Beulah, the sister of Samuel Shoemaker. She is said to have been a beautiful woman, sprightly and gay in her youth, albeit a Quakeress. It is related that notwithstanding the protesta tions of her family, she was present as a guest at the cele brated fete of the Meschianza given in honor of General Sir 1 68 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. William Howe by his officers during the British occupation of Philadelphia. The portrait of her which accompanies this sketch is taken from Gilbert Stuart s charming- painting which has been considered one of the best productions of that distinguished artist. Mr. Rawle, like many others among the great in his pro fession, was slow in obtaining that recognition of his abilities which was subsequently accorded him. His first efforts were discouraging, and he feared at times that his practice would not produce sufficient income to support the simple needs of his family. At one time, we are told, he contemplated abandoning his profession and devoting himself to agricult ural pursuits, in which he had always delighted. Slowly but surely, however, he acquired a reputation. In October, 1787, he was chosen a member of the Assembly as one of the representatives from Philadelphia, notwithstanding his positive refusal to be a candidate, but he would serve no longer than the year for which he had been elected. This was his first and last appearance upon the stage of political life, as he always preferred the distinctions won in the realms of his profession. He was a decided Federalist and a per sonal friend and admirer of Washington. The only public office which he ever was induced to hold was that of Attorney of the United States for the District of Pennsylvania, which was conferred upon him by Washington in 1791 without solicitation, and voluntarily resigned by him in 1800. Wash ington also offered him the Attorney-Generalship of the United States, which, however, he declined to accept. Under date of January 3, 1792, he wrote in his journal: " Mr. Lewis having this clay resigned the office of Judge of the [United States] District Court for Pennsylvania it was by order of the President offered to me. Considering my time of life, my increasing family, my emoluments and profits LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 169 at the bar, I thought fit to decline it." He had not then reached the age of thirty-three years. In 1796 Mr. Rawle was elected one of the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, holding that office until his death, to which duties he applied himself during the period of forty years with zeal and punctuality. For many years he was actively connected with the management of the Library Company of Philadelphia, at first as secretary, and subsequently as a member, of its Board of Directors. His public spirit was shown in many other ways. In 1787 he joined with some of the most prominent and influential men in the community, limited in number to fifty, in forming the "Society for Political Inquiries," which met fortnightly in the house of its President, Dr. Franklin, for the discussion of matters relating to "Government and Political CEconomy." In 1789, he was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society, and in 1805 he was prominent in the founding of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. In 1822 he was made Chancellor of the "Associated Mem bers of the Bar of Philadelphia," and upon its union in 1827 with the "Law Library Company of Philadelphia" under the corporate name of " The Law Association of Philadelphia," he was elected Chancellor of the new institution, and continued in that office until his death. He was one of the founders in 1824 of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and its first president, continuing in that office until his death. In 1830 he was appointed, with Thomas I. Wharton and the Hon. Joel Jones, to revise the Civil Code of Pennsylvania, and was the principal author of the reports of the Commission. He was always looked up to as one of Philadelphia s most influential, important, and honored citizens, and in later life as the Nestor of the Philadelphia Bar. 170 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. Of Mr. Rawle s writings, that which was perhaps best known was A View of the Constitution of tJie United States (1825), which continued to be the chief text-book on that subject for nearly forty years. The degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the College of New Jersey in 1827, and by Dartmouth College in 1828. Mr. Rawle had for his summer home a charming house and twenty-six acres of land which he called " Harleigh." It was situated on the east bank of the Schuylkill about half a mile above " Laurel Hill," his mother s country seat. It is now known as South Laurel Hill Cemetery. Mr. Wharton, in his memoir, thus refers to some of the features of his character: " Mr. Rawle was an accomplished jurist, a good scholar, and a person of great taste and great general acquirements. His reading in early life had been extensive, and he brought to his professional studies a discriminating and healthy mind, which enabled him to make the best use of what he read. His learning was not confined to the jurisprudence of Eng land and America, but extended much deeper into that of the ancient and modern law of the Continent of Europe than was usual in the last century. His professional busi ness for the twenty years between about 1793 and 1813 was very great and his income large. His name appears in most of the important cases of that period, and his arguments always commanded the attention and respect of the court. His address to a jury was simple in diction, always free from unnecessary ornament, but earnest and impressive." He died at his home in Spruce above Twelfth Street, Phil adelphia, on April 12, 1836. To return to the unfortunate Loyalist Refugee" who was the chief cause of the bringing of so much trouble upon WILLIAM RAWLE. (After the portrait painted by Inman in 1831 for the Bar of Philadelphia.) LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 173 " Laurel Hill" and its former occupants. On November 19, 1783, a few days before the evacuation of New York by the British troops, Samuel Shoemaker and his son Edward, then a boy nearly fourteen years of age, sailed from that city for England. After an uneventful and speedy voyage they landed in Portsmouth on December 2Qth and reached Lon don on the 3 1 st. Shoemaker s home in London, where he remained for nearly three years and a half, was a social centre of all that was best among those of his countrymen who took advantage of the restoration of peace to visit the homes of their ancestors. He was closely thrown also with many of those of his own political faith, who, like himself, were refugees from their native land. Men of refinement, of culture, and of education there mingled with officers of high rank and other persons of prominence whom they had met in America. Among Shoemaker s valued friends was Benjamin West, the artist. It is related that West, when a plain country boy living near Philadelphia, had inspired Shoe maker with much interest in the evidences of his artistic talent, and that the first painted picture West ever saw had been shown to him by Shoemaker. He and other affluent citizens of cultured tastes had encouraged West in his early crude efforts at painting, and by concerted action made it possible for him to go to study in Europe. It was while Shoemaker was on a visit to West at Windsor that a memo rable interview between the King, George the Third, and himself took place. The latter kept a diary, as has been mentioned, for the entertainment of his wife, who remained with her daughters in Philadelphia during his absence from her. Under date of First day, October 10, 1784, he wrote : "This morning at 8 Clock thy son [Edward] accompanied B. West s wife to the King s Chappel where he had the oppor- LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. tunity of seeing the King and several of the Princesses. They returned before 9 when we were entertained with breakfast, at which we had the Company of Mr. Poggy the Italian Gent n, Mr. Trumble,* Mr. Farrington, j- and West s two MRS. JACOB RIDGWAY SMITH (REBECCA SHOEMAKER WHARTON). (After Sully s portrait.) sons. About 10 thy son accompanied Farrington, Trumble, and West s eldest son in a ride through Windsor Forrest, * Colonel John Trumbull, the well-known officer of the Revolutionary Army, son of Gov ernor Jonathan Trumbull, of Connecticut. He was at this time studying painting under West, and afterward became a distinguished artist. f George Farrington, a noted English landscape and historical painter. He studied under West, removed to India, and died there at the age of 34 years. SAMUEL SHOEMAKER AND HIS SON EDWARD SHOEMAKER. (From the original portrait painted by Thomas Spencer Duche in London, 1784.) LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 177 having first been with West and I to his Room in the Castle to see a picture of the Lord s Supper which he had just finish d for the King s Chappel. After part of our Company were gone to take their Ride, West informed me that the King had order d him to attend at his Painting Room in the Castle at one Clock, when the King and Queen and some of the Princesses, on their return from Chappel, intended to call to see the Painting of the Lord s Supper which he had just finished, and West told me it would be a very proper time and Opportunity for me to see the King, Queen, and the rest of the family, as they came from the Chappel, and therefore requested me to accompany him and his Wife and the Italian Gent n, and walk at the Castle near the Chap- pel, till service was over, when he must repair to his room to attend the King, and would leave me with his Wife in a proper Station to have a full view of the King and family. " Accordingly, a little before one O Clock, West and his Wife, the Italian Gent n and I, walk d up to the Castle and there contin d walking about till the Clock struck One, when we observ d one of the Pages coming from the Chappel. West then said he must leave us ; presently after this two Coaches pass d and went round towards the Door of the Castle leading to West s Room. In these two coaches were the Queen and Princesses ; presently after the King appeared, attended by his Equery only, and walk d in great haste, almost ran to meet the Coaches at the door of the Castle above mentioned, which he reach d just as the Coaches got there, as did West s Wife, the Italian Gent n and I, when we saw the King go to the Door of the Coach in which the Queen was, and heard him say, / have got here in time and then handed the Queen out, and up the Steps, into the Castle the Princess Royal, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Mary, and 178 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. Princess Sophia, with Col. Goldsworthy the King s Equery,. the Hanoverian Resident, and Miss Goldsworthy, sub Gov- ness to the two young Princesses, followed. They all went into the Castle, when I hear d the King say, tell him to come in, but little did I think I was the Person meant, and West s Wife, the Italian Gent n, and I were about going off, when West came out of the Castle and told me the King had order d him to come out and bring me and Mrs. West in. I was quite unprepar d for this ; however, it was now too late to avoid it. The Italian Gent n now left us and went to walk the Terras, and West and his wife and I went into the Castle and were ushered up to the Room where the King and Royal family were, and there introduc d. Flattered and embarrassed thon may suppose, on my entering the Room, the King came up close to me, and very graciously said, Mr. S. you are well known here, every body knows you, &c., (complimentary w ch I can t mention). He then turned to the Queen, the Princesses, &c., who stood close by, and repeated, 4 Mr. S. I then made my bow to the Queen, then to the Princess Royal, to the Princess Eliza., Princesses Mary and Sophia. The Queen and each of the Princesses were pleased to drop a Curtesy, and then the Queen was pleased to ask me one or two Questions; the King and Queen and the four Princesses, the Hanoverian Resident, Col. Goldsworthy, Miss Goldsworthy, West and his Wife and I were all that were in the Room. The King condescended to ask rne many questions, and repeated my answers to them to the Queen and to the Hanoverian Resident, and when to the latter, I observ d he spoke it in German, which I understood. Among other Questions, the King was pleased to ask me the reason why the Province of Pennsylvania was so much further advanc d in improvement than the neighboring ones, some of which had been settled so many years earlier. I told his Majesty LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 179 (thinking it w d be a kind of Compliment to the Queen s Countrymen) that I thought it might be attributed to the Germans, great numbers of whom had gone over in the early part of the settlement of that Province, as well as since. The King smiled and said, l It may be so, Mr. S., it may in some measure be owing to that, but I will tell you the true cause, the great improvement and flourishing State of Penn sylvania is principally owing to the Quakers (this was a full return for my compliment to the Queen s Countrymen) for whom I observe the King has a great regard. Finding the king so repeatedly mention d what I said to the Hanov n Resident and to the Queen in German, on the King s asking me a particular question, I took the liberty to answer in German, at which the King seemed pleased, and with a smile, turned to the Queen and said, Mr. S. speaks German/ and also mentioned it to the Hanoverian Resident, after which the King was pleased to speak to me several times in German. Then the Queen condescended to ask me several Questions, one of the last, whether I had a family. On my telling her that I was once bless d with a numerous family, but that it had pleased Providence to remove them all from me, except a Wife and two Sons, this visibly touched the Queen s delicate feelings, so much that she shed some Tears, at which I was greatly affected. She is a charming woman, and if not a Beauty, her manners and disposition are so pleasing that no Person who has the Opportunity that I have had can avoid being charm d with the sweetness of her disposition. The Princess Royal is pretty, has a charming Countenance indeed ; the Princess Elizabeth very agreeable, but rather too fat or bulky for her height. Mary and Sophia are pretty, but being so young their looks will alter. "After my being graciously indulged with the opportunity of conversing with the King and Queen, and being in the l8o LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. Room with them three-quarters of an hour, they all departed and went to the Queen s House. "I cannot say but I wished some of my violent Country men could have such an opportunity as I have had. I think they would be convinced that George the third has not one grain of Tyrany in his Composition, and that he is not, he cannot be that bloody minded man they have so repeatedly and so illiberally called him. It is impossible ; a man of his fine feelings, so good a husband, so kind a Father, cannot be a Tyrant. " After the Royal family were gone, West and his Wife and I return d to West s house where we were soon join d by the Italian Gent n and those who had been out Riding, and at three O clock were entertain d at a genteel Dinner and spent the afternoon and evening together very pleasantly till ii Clock when we retir d to Bed. This happens to be B. West s birthday; he has now enter d his forty-seventh year." As the animosities engendered by the War had subsided to a considerable extent, Shoemaker and his son Edward sailed homeward from England on April 21, 1786, and arrived in New York on May 27th. They at once went to Burling ton, New Jersey, where Mrs. Shoemaker met them. There they resided for a while and then moved to Philadelphia, where, and at " Laurel Hill," they happily lived in peace and quiet ness. Durino- his later years his means had become much <"!> J straitened by reason of the losses he had suffered owing to his loyalty to the King, but these were in a measure recouped by the compensation voted to him by the British Parliament. He seems to have made a favorable impression upon the King, for in 1787, "as a token of the high respect His Majesty had for his character," Mr. Shoemaker, after his return to America, received from him a copy of a very LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 181 scarce engraving by Sir Robert Strange of West s painting of the " Apotheosis of the King s Children Octavius and Alfred." Mr. Shoemaker died in Philadelphia on October 10, 1800, " in the seventy sixth year of his age, after a short illness, which he bore with Christian and manly fortitude. Samuel Shoemaker Esquire," as a published obituary notice of him continues, "was highly respected by all who had the advant age of cultivating his acquaintance, not only on account of his private virtues, but of his unshaken integrity and firm ness in the arduous administration of various public duties, to which he was called, in the most critical times, by the approving voice of his Countrymen, to exercise his great tal ents, on the most important occasions ; in particular, before the late revolution, he executed the office of Mayor of Philadel phia, in a manner which reflected reputation upon his charac ter, and dignity on those who appointed him to fill that honor able station. During the existence of the revolutionary war, he was continued the first Magistrate of the Police of Phila delphia, by an appointment from the King of Great Britain, to whom he never forfeited his fidelity ; but, in the execution of his office he proved that Loyalty to his Sovereign was not incompatible with acts of friendship, civility and kindness to the inhabitants of his native city ; for the truth of this we can appeal to the memory of numbers yet living who received marks of his attention : they will not fail to acknowledge it, when their memory awakens to the recollection of the services he rendered them, abstracted from that spirit of envy, which the fervor of political opposition too often engenders. Few have distinguished themselves more than he has done in private life, by an affable, courteous and obliging behavior to all his neighbors, and none have sustained with greater propriety in their families the amiable character of an affec tionate husband, father and friend." 1 82 LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. Mrs. Shoemaker survived her second husband nineteen years, surrounded by her devoted children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She died at her home, in Sansom below Eighth Street, Philadelphia, on December 21, 1819. A writer of an obituary notice of her, published in one of the Philadelphia journals of the time, wrote: "The grave ought not to close over the remains of this excellent and admirable woman without some public memorial of her life and character. A life which, protracted beyond the usual term allotted to our species, and passed amid trials and vicissitudes of no ordinary nature, was marked by the exercise of every virtue, and a character so entirely fault less, so free from even the trivial blemishes of human nature, that to know her, and not to love and respect her, was impossible. It is seldom indeed that such a mind and such a heart have been joined in any individual, and still more rarely has Providence permitted them to continue unim paired to such an age. The intellectual faculties of Mrs. Shoemaker were in every stage of her life remarkable. Her understanding, originally clear and powerful, was im proved by a thorough acquaintance with books and mankind. She had read and observed much ; her memory was uncom monly retentive, and never perhaps was any mind less clouded by prejudice. These circumstances, with a native grace of manner, rendered her conversation unusually attractive to the last moment of her existence. Over her warm and generous heart too, age had stolen with light and printless feet. Nothing of the selfishness, nothing of the moroseness, none of the gloom, which often accompany advanced years, existed in her. The moral sensibility which time (happily perhaps for mankind) almost always deadens, was in her undiminished and unaltered. The interest she felt for her numerous descendants, (of whom she lived to see the third LAUREL HILL AND THE RAWLE FAMILY. 183 generation) was deep, tender and anxious, and it was requited by those who were the objects of it, with all that honour, love and obedience of which the great poet speaks as the dues and accompaniments of old age. To this imperfect sketch of the character of one so truly lamented, it may be added, that she was sincerely and unaffectedly pious, and without the slightest taint of bigotry or austerity." "Laurel Hill," the old Rawle homestead, long since passed out of the ownership of the family. In 1828 it was sold by William Rawle to Dr. Physic from whom it subsequently passed to the Randolphs. In 1869 the property was taken into Fairmount Park. It is now owned by the City of Philadelphia, and under its care the house will long continue to stand, we hope, as a reminder of those eventful days of the American Revolution. DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RAWLE, OF PHILA DELPHIA. FRANCIS RAWLE of Philadelphia and " Swead Land" (son of Francis Rawle of Philadel phia, formerly of Plymouth, England, and Jane, his wife, and grandson of William Rawle of St. Juliot, Cornwall, England,) emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1686 with his father, who died in Philadelphia, 12 mo. 23, 1696-7. His mother, Jane Rawle, died in Philadelphia, and was buried 12 mo. 9, 1695-6. Francis Rawle the younger married, Philadelphia, 8 mo. 18. 1689, Martha, daughter of Robert Turner of Philadelphia, formerly of Dublin, Ireland, and died in Philadelphia, 5 March (l mo.), 1726-27; Martha Rawle was born 7 mo. 24, 1668 and died in Philadelphia 1 8 July, 1745. (See preceding Sketch.} Children of Francis Rawle ami Martha Turner, his wife : Robert, d. 1730, unmarried. Francis, removed to Surinam, where he married Margaret Fickes of Paramaribo, 26 Sept., 1733, and died there 14 May, 1779, leaving issue. William, m. Margaret Hodge. (See below.) Joseph, removed to Somerset Co., Md. ; d. there 1762, unmarried. John, d. 1759, unmarried. Benjamin, m. Hannah Hudson. (See Table A., post.} Mary, m. William Cooper of Camden, New Jersey, d., leaving a clan., Rebecca, who d. before 1761, unmarried. Rebecca, who was buried IO mo. 2, 1759, unmarried. Elizabeth, who was buried 8 mo. 19, 1758, unmarried. Jane, m. Abraham England, d. s. p. WILLIAM RAWLE of Philadelphia, third son of Francis and Martha, married there, 6 mo. 29, 1728, Margaret Hodge, daughter of Henry Hodge of Philadelphia, merchant. She died there and was buried 6 mo. 12, 1729. William Rawle died there and was buried 10 mo. 1 6, 1741. (See preceding Sketch.} Child of William Rawle and Margaret Hodge, his wife : Francis, b. 10 July (5 mo.), 1729; m. Rebecca Warner. (See next.) FRANCIS RAWLE of Philadelphia and " Laurel Hill," son of William and Margaret, born in Philadelphia, IO July, 1729; married there, December, 1756, Rebecca, daughter of Edward Warner; he died there 7 June, 1761. She married there, secondly, IO Nov., 1767, Samuel Shoemaker of Philadelphia, who died there 10 Oct., 1800. She died there 21 Dec., 1819. (See preceding Sketch.} Children of Francis Rawle and Rebecca Warner, his wife : Anna, m. John Clifford. (See Table P>, post.} 184 DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. 185 William, b. 4 mo. 28, 1759; m. Sarah Coates Burge. (See below.) Margaret, m. Isaac Wharton. (See Table C, post.) WILLIAM RAWLE of Philadelphia and " Ilarleigh," son of Francis and Rebecca, born in Philadelphia, 4 mo. 28, 1759; married, Philadelphia, IT mo. 13. 1783, Sarah Coates Burge, daughter of Samuel and Beulah (Shoemaker) Burge. She was born 13 Nov., 1761, and died, Philadelphia, 14 Sept., 1824. He died there, 12 April, 1836. (See preceding Sketch . ) Children of William Rawle and Sarah Coates Btirge, his wife : Elizabeth Margaret, b. Philadelphia, 15 Oct., 1784; d. 23 June, 1794. Francis W 7 illiam, b. Philadelphia, 27 Jan., 1786; d. 15 Sept., 1795. Samuel Burge, b. Philadelphia, I July, 1787; m. Ann Wain. (See below.) William, b. Philadelphia, 19 July, 1788; m. Mary Anna Tilghman. (See below.) Beulah, b. Philadelphia, 25 March, 1790; d. s. p. 7 July, 1876; m., 23 May, 1839, William Craig of Philadelphia, who d. 14 July, 1869. She was his second wife. Rebecca Shoemaker, b. Philadelphia, 20 Feb., 1792; d. unm., 26 Sept., 1814. Sarah, b. Philadelphia, 7 Jan., 1794; d., unm., II Sept., 1822. Francis William, b. Philadelphia, 28 Sept., 1795 ; m. Louisa Hall. (See below.) Edward, b. Germantown, 22 Sept., 1797; m. Appolina S. Claiborn Saul. (See below.) Henry, b. " Harleigh," IO July, 1799; graduated 1815 A. B. (U. of P.); d. unm., 2 June, 1816. Horatio of Philadelphia Bar, b. Philadelphia, 20 March, 1801, d., unm., 2$ Jan., 1830. Juliet, b. " Harleigh," 26 Aug., 1804; m. Rev. William Herbert Norn s. (See below.) SAMUKL BURGE RAWLE, son of \Villiam and Sarah C., born in Philadelphia, I July, 1787. He was a merchant in Philadelphia, and subsequently in China, and U. S. Consul at Hong Kong ami Macao; died at Macao, 2 September, 1858. He married, Philadel phia, 2 January, 1811, Ann, daughter of Jesse Wain. She died there 26 October, 1875. Children of Samuel Burge Rawle and Ann Wain, his wife : William, b. Philadelphia, 12 Nov., 1811, merchant, d. Mobile, Alabama, I Sept., 1840; m., Lima, Peru, 12 Nov., 1831, Maria, dau. of Count Jose Elcorrobarutia of Lima, and had (surname Rawle) : Emilia, b. Lima, 29 Aug., 1835; m., Hong Kong, I June, 1852, Charles Delano Williams, merchant, formerly of Boston, who d. Hong Kong, 26 March, 1871. No issue. Ann Isabel, b. Lima, 9 Nov. 1836; d. Singapore, 18 Feb., 1855; m - Macao, 15 Jan., 1854, Walter Henry Medhurst, afterward knighted, British Consul at Fou Chou. No issue. Samuel Perit, b. Philadelphia, 3 April, 1837; m., St. Louis, 24 Oct.. 1864, Jane, dau. of George Newbury, and had (surname Rawle) : Isabel, b. St. Louis, I May, 1865. Francis, b. St. Louis, 3 April, 1867. Jane Emilia, b. Newark, N. J., 23 Dec., 1871. l86 DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. Francis William, b. Philadelphia, II April, 1839, of Newark, N. J. Rebecca, b. Mobile, 29 April, 1842; in. (ist), Singapore, I Sept., 1859, George Williams, formerly of Boston, merchant, and (2cl) Lima, Peru, 28 Dec., 1867, Professor J. Arnaldo Marque/. By her second husband, she had (surname Marquez) : Juanita Isabelita, b. 26 Dec., 1877. Mary Wharton, b. 12 Jan. 1813, d. Philadelphia, unm., I Feb., 1886. Rebecca Shoemaker, b. 28 March, 1814; d. Philadelphia, 14 Nov., 1892; m., n Sept., 1833, James Smith Lewis of Philadelphia, and had (surname Lewis) : Ann Emily, b. 5 July, 1834; m. William Hay, M. D. of Clark Co., Va., Lieut. " Stonewall Brigade " and Surg., C. S. A., who d. I June, 1864. They had (surname 1 1 ay): James, b. 9 Jan.. 1856; M. C. from Va., m. (ist), Constance Tatem of Richmond, Va. ; m. (2d), Fanny Gordon of same city. Me had issue by both marriages. William, b. 20 May, 1857; d. 3 July, 1857. George Burwell, b. 27 July, 1860; d. 20 Dec., 1861. Nathaniel Burwell, b. 7 May, 1863; d. Sept., 1894. Charles, b. 3 Feb., 1836; d. 21 Aug., 1837. Samuel Burge Rawle, b. 3 Sept., 1838; d. s. p. Shanghai, China, 29 Oct., 1881. William Rawle, b. 23 Sept., 1840; d. I July, 1841. Mordecai of Clarksburg, W. Va., b. 20 June, 1843; served in 2(1 Va. Inf., "Stonewall Brigade," C. S. A.; m., 21 Feb., 1871, Myra Raymond of Clarksburg, and had (surname Lewis) : William May, b. 22 March, 1872. Wirt, b. 10 Nov., 1876. James, b. 18 Jan., 1846; d. 20 July, 1847. Francis Rawle, b. 9 June, 1848; d. 27 Jan, 1849. Josephine, b. 22 Feb., 1856; m., Wilmington, Del., Nov.. 1891, Theodore D. Trapier of Charleston, S. C. Burge, b. 29 July, 1815; d. 6 Aug., 1815. Elizabeth Margaret, b. 30 Oct., 1817; d. Philadelphia, 3 July, 1883; m. there, 1 6 July, !835, Thorndike Deland of New Vork, merchant, formerly of Salem, Mass. He died 18 April, 1890. They had (surname Deland) : Annie Rawle. Thorndike, d. 1884. Laura Carlile. Horace, m. Frances Emily Monroe of Englewood, N. J. Mary Rawle, m. J. Randall Williams of Philadelphia, now of Haverford, Pa., and had (surname Williams) : Elizabeth Deland, b. 1 8 April, 1871. Susan Randall, b. 14 Aug., 1872. Ellen Poultney, b. 17 Sept., 1874. J. Randall, b. 8 April, 1878. Maud Rawle, b. 21 Oct., 1881 ; d. 3 Oct., 1891. Thorndike, b. 19 July, iS86. DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. 187 Rawle, m. Ella Wheelwright of Boston, Mass. Ellen Douglass. WILLIAM RAVVLK, horn in Philadelphia, 19 July, 1788, son of William and Sarah C. ; edu cated at Princeton College; admitted to Philadelphia Bar, 21 May, 1810. During the War of 1812 he served as Captain of the Second Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry. He was an eminent lawyer, and Reporter of Decisions of Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania. He served as a member of Common Council of Philadelphia, being president for four years, member of the American Philosophical Society, one of the founders, and Vice-President of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Secretary and afterward Director of the Library Company of Philadelphia, and a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania. He died at his son s country-seat in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 9 August, 1858. He married, Philadelphia, 7 October, 1817, Mary Anna, daughter of Edward Tilghman of Philadelphia, and granddaughter of Chief Justice Benjamin Chew. She died in Philadelphia, 4 February, 1878. Children of William Rawle and Alary Anna Tilghman, his wife : Elizabeth Tilghman, b. Philadelphia, 16 July, 1818; d. there, 10 April, 1897; m. there, 1 8 June, 1840, Charles Wallace Brooke of the Philadelphia Bar, who died there, 22 Oct., 1849, and had (surname Brooke) : Elizabeth Tilghman, b. Philadelphia, 7 July, 1841 ; d. there, 28 Sept., 1894, unm. William Rawle (who by legal authority took the name of William Brooke Rawle), b. Philadelphia, 29 Aug., 1843; A. M. (U. of P.); served during the American Civil War as lieutenant and afterward captain in Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry from 1863 to 1865 ; brevet major, and brevet lieutenant-colonel, U. S. Vols. ; admitted to Philadelphia Bar, 18 May, 1867 ; member of American Philosophical and other learned, literary, military, and patriotic societies; m., Philadelphia, 7 Feb., 1872, Elizabeth Norris, clau. of Henry Pepper. Charlotte, b. Philadelphia, 9 Feb., 1846; d. there, 21 Nov., 1885, unm. Charles Wallace, b. Philadelphia, 22 Feb., 1848; d. there, 17 Nov., 1854. William Henry, b. in Philadelphia, 31 Aug., 1823; d. there, 19 April, 1889; A. M., and LL.D. (U. of P.); admitted to the Philadelphia Bar 12 Oct., 1844. He was a distinguished lawyer and author of a number of legal works ; Secretary and afterward Director of the Library Company of Philadelphia; Vice-Chan cellor of The Law Association of Philadelphia; member of the American Philosophical and other learned and literary societies. He m. (ist), Phila delphia, 13 Sept., 1849, Mary Binney, dan. of Hon. John Cadwalader of Phila delphia. She d. there, 26 May, 1861. They had (surname Rawle) : Mary Cadwalader, b. Philadelphia, 12 Dec., 1850; m. there, 24 March, 1870, Frederic Rhinelander Jones of New York, and had (surname Jones) : Beatrix Cadwalader. William, b. Philadelphia, 3 Sept., 1855; d. there, 25 April, 1860. Edith, b. Philadelphia, 29 April, 1861 ; m., Trenton, N. J., 20 Oct., 1883, Louis (Godfrey Rousseau, M. D. of Pittsburg, Pa., and had (surname Rousseau) : i88 DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. Marie Clarisse. William Henry Rawle m. (2d), Trenton, N. J., 7 (Jet., 1869, Emily, dau. of Gen. Thomas Cadwalader of Trenton and Philadelphia. She d. s. p. Philadelphia, 24 Nov., 1892. FRANCIS WILLIAM RAWLE, born in Philadelphia, 28 September, 1795, son f William and Sarah C. ; A. M. (U. of P.); Lieutenant in Washington Guards of Philadelphia in War of 1812; became a civil engineer, and afterward an iron-master in Mifflin and Huntingdon Counties, Pa. He was at one time Lay Judge of Clearrield County, Pa.; died at his country-seat " Fairfield," Lycoming County, Pa., 27 October, 1881. He married, at " Hardwicke" near Lancaster, Pa., 16 December, 1828, Louisa, daughter of Charles Hall of Sunbury, Pa., by his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Coleman of Lancaster and Cornwall, Pa. Mrs. Rawle died 13 April, 1884. Children of Francis William Raude and Louisa Hall, Jiis wife : Charles of Lycoming Co., Pa., b. Sunbury, Pa., 14 June, 1830; d. So. Bethlehem, Pa., 17 Jan., 1891 ; m., 18 Nov., 1868, Mary, dau. of Oliver Watson of Williamsport, Pa., and had surname Rawle) : James, b. 6 Sept., 1869. William, b. Oct.. 1871 ; d. March, 1873. Juliet, b. 25 April, 1874. Henry of " Fairrield," Lycoming Co., Pa., b. Mifflin Co., Pa., 21 Aug., 1833; civil engineer Pennsylvania Railroad, principal assistant engineer Western Division Sunbury and Erie R. R. ; Mayor of Erie, 1874-76; Treasurer of the State of Pennsylvania, 1876-78; m. (ist), 20 Dec., 1860, Harriet G., dau. of Charles M. Reed of Erie. She d. 23 Oct., 1869. They had (surname Rawle) : Alice Reed, m. Henry Laussat Geyelin, and had issue. Marion Louisa, m. Thomas Paton of New York. Henry Rawle m. (2cl), II Feb., 1890, Encie, dau. of Judge John W. Maynard of \Villiamsport, Pa. William, b. 21 Jan., 1835; d- March, 1846. Emily, b. Mifflin Co., Pa., 10 April, 1838; m., 27 June, 1861, Rev. Albra W T adleigh, Rector of St. Luke s church, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., who d. 25 May, 1873. They had (surname Wadleigh) : Francis Rawle, b. 25 Oct., 1863; m. Mariana Rogers of Petersburg, Va. Atherton Blight, b. i April, 1867; m. Clara W T hyte of Petersburg, Va. Henry Rawle, b. 31 Oct., 1871. Anne Caroline, b. 12 March, 1840; d. July, 1844. James of " Castlefm," Delaware Co., Pa., b. Lancaster, Pa., 15 Nov., 1842; A. M. (U. of P.); Civil engineer; Treasurer Brill Car Co., Philadelphia.; First Lieutenant First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry; President Radnor Hunt; m., 29 Nov., 1871, Charlette Collins, dau. of Charles Collins Parker, M. D. They had (surname Rawle) : Francis William, b. 22 Sept., 1873; A. B. (Williams), LL.B. (U. of P. and Harvard). Admitted to Philadelphia Bar 9 July, 1898. Edward Peace, b. 4 May, 1876. Private First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry in War with Spain (Porto Rico), 1898. DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. 189 Edith, b. 31 Aug., 1878. Louisa, b. 30 July, 1879. Francis of Philadelphia, b. Mifflin Co., Pa., 7 Aug., 1846; A. M. and LL.B. (Har vard) ; admitted to Philadelphia Bar 4 Nov., 1871 ; Treasurer of the American Bar Association since 1878; Overseer Harvard University since 1890; m., 25 Nov., 1873, Margaretta C., dau. of James M. Aertsen of Germantown, Phila delphia. She d. Philadelphia, 29 May, 1894. They had (surname Rawle) : James Aertsen, b. 29 Aug., 1874; d. 31 Aug., 1893. Francis, b. 19 Feb., 1876. Private First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry in War with Spain (Porto Rico), 1898. Persifor Frazer, b. 7 Feb., 1878; d. 22 Feb., 1882. Russell Davenport, b. 15 Feb., 1882; d. 6 Aug., 1882. Harry Romeyn, b. 8 Oct., 1883. EDWARD RAWLE, born in Germantown, Philadelphia, 22 September, 1797, son of "William and Sarah C. ; A. M. (U. of P.); admitted to the Philadelphia Bar 2 January, 1823: removed to New Orleans, and admitted to the bar there, 19 April, 1824; Associate Judge of the City Court, 1825. From 1839 to 1846 he was Attorney of the Second Municipality and President of the School Board. He died in New Orleans, 4 November, 1880. He married, New Orleans, 19 April, 1827, Appolina S. Claiborn Saul, daughter of Joseph Saul of New Orleans. She died there, 27 February, 1844. Children of Edward Rawle and Appolina S. C. Saul, his wife : Mary Josephine, b. New Orleans, 3 Feb., 1828; d. 10 Nov., 1829. Edward William of Coushatta, La., b. Jefferson Parish, La., 22 July, 1829; served as Captain C. S. A. ; m., Shreveport, La., 2 Dec., 1880, Virginia G. Frazer, net Sprawls, and had issue (surname Rawle) : Edward Hill, b. Claiborn Parish, La., 1 6 May, 1882. Mary Roseline, b. Natchitoches, La., 15 Nov., 1885. Mary Josephine, b. 9 Nov., 1831 ; m. 14 May, 1856, Charles J. Leeds of New Orleans, who d. June, 1898. They had (surname Leeds) : Lina Rawle, b. 10 March, 1857; d. 3 Aug., 1891. Edith, b. 30 Jan., 1859. Helen, b. 14 June, 1861. Charles Thomas, b. 16 Oct., 1863; d. 29 Sept., 1894. Ada, b. 8 Dec., 1865. Bertha, b. 28 Jan., 1868. Olivia, d. I Aug., 1869. Ruth, b. 27 [an., 1873. Juliet, b. 26 July, 1833; d. New Orleans, 6 May, 1834. Francis of New Orleans, La., b. there, 26 July, 1835 ; served as Major on staff of the Louisiana Brigade, C. S. A. John of Natchez, Miss., b. Plaquemine Parish, La., 21 Aug., 1837; entered C. S. A. as a private in the Louisiana Guards, and served as Major and Chief of Artillery on the staffs of Generals Polk, Forest, and Wheeler; and Chief of Staff of Dist. of Alabama. He married, Natchez, 14 Jan., 1867, Elizabeth Helen, dau. of Frederick Stanton of Natchez, and had (surname Rawle) : 190 DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. Juliet, b. 19 Oct., 1867 ; m., 16 April, 1890, Lewis Randolph Martin of Natchez, son of Major-General W. T. Martin, C. S. A. Bessie, b. 29 July, 1868; m., 17 Dec., 1890, William Conner Martin of Natchez, son of Major-General W. T. Martin, C. S. A. Ethel, b. 21 Aug., 1870; m., 4 Oct., 1893, F arar Conner Martin of Natchez, son of Major-General W. T. Martin, C. S. A. Ilulda, b. 24 Sept., 1873; m -> 2I ^ ct -5 1896, Douglass Starke Bisland of Natchez. John, 1). Natchez, II Sept., 1875; served as Courier of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee in War with Spain (Cuba), 1898. Georgine, b. I Sept., 1877; d. 6 March, 1878. Cecil, b. ii Nov., 1887. Appolina, b. July, 1839; d. 29 May, 1842. Julia, b. 5 July, 1841 ; m., 23 Jan., 1866, James Buckner, of New Orleans, and had (surname Buckner) : Francis. Helen, m. William Brand. Henry. Laura, m., Nov., 1895, Newton Kearny. James. Frederick. Rawle. Eustis. Archibald. Julia. Christine. Jn.iKT RAWLE, b. " Ilarleigh," near Philadelphia, 26 August, 1804, daughter of William and Sarah C. ; died Philadelphia, 2O October, 1883; m., I Oct., 1839, Rev. William Herbert Norris of Alexandria, Virginia, afterward Rector of Christ Church, Woodbury, New Jersey, who died at Philadelphia, 18 February, 1880. Children of Rev. William Herbert Norris and Juliet Rawle, his wife : Edward Carlyle, b. Alexandria, Va., 21 June, 1841 ; A. B. (Trin. Hartford) ; served in the American Civil War as Lieutenant and Captain Seventy-first Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, wounded in battle of Antietam and d. of wound, Philadel phia, May 12, 1863, unm. Herbert of Philadelphia, M. D., b. Carlisle, Pa., 12 June, 1843; m > Philadelphia, 3 June, 1886, Elizabeth Gibson, daughter of John George Ogilvie. She d. s. p., Philadelphia, May 24, 1893. Francis Rawle, b. Carlisle, Pa., 14 Feb., 1845; d. Woodbury, N. J., 24 Nov., 1862. DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. 191 A. DESCENDANTS OF BENJAMIN RAXVLE (SON OF FRANCIS RAWLE AND MARTHA TURNER, HIS WIFE) AND HANNAH HUDSON, HIS WIFE. BENJAMIN RAWLE of Philadelphia, merchant, d. 1784; m. Hannah, daughter of William Hudson of Philadelphia, and had (surname Rawle) : CJiildren of Benjamin Rcrwle and Hannah Hudson, Jiis ivifc : Robert Turner, d. s. p. William Hudson, d. inf. Rebecca, m. Jacob Ridgway of Philadelphia, merchant, and had (surname Ridgway) : Susan, m. (1st) Thomas Roach and (2d) ]. Rhea Barton, M. 1). She d. s. p. Phcebe Ann, m. James Rush, M. D. She d. 1857, s. p. Benjamin, d. unm. John Jacob of Paris, France, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Willing of Phila delphia, merchant, and had (surname Ridgway) : Emily, m. Etienne, Comte de Ganay of France and had (surname de Ganay) : Marguerite Elizabeth, m. Arthur O Connor and haJ. issue. Charles Anne Jean Ridgway. Jacques Andre. Charlotte Gabrielle Madeleine. Gerard. Charles Henry. Caroline, d. unm. B. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN CLIFFORD AND ANNA RAWLE, HIS WIFE (DAUGHTER OF FRANCIS RAWLE AND REBECCA WARNER, HIS WIFE). ANNA RAWLE was born in Philadelphia, 30 October, 1757; died there in July, 1828; married there, 1 6 September, 1783, to John Clifford of Philadelphia and " Clifford P^arm, merchant, who died IO mo., 1821. Children of Jo Jin Clifford and Anna Rawle, his wife : Rebecca, b. 9 mo., 1787; d. 12 mo. 30, 1791. Thomas, b. 1788; d. II mo., 1795. Elizabeth, b. 1789; d 12 mo., 1792. Rebecca, m. John Pemberton. (See next.) REBECCA CLIFFORD, born I January, 1792, daughter of John Clifford and Anna Rawle, his wife; died 17 August, 1869; m., 15 July, 1812, John Pemberton of Philadelphia, mer chant. He died 12 January, 1847. IQ2 DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. Children of John Pemberton and Rebecca Clifford, his wife : ISRAEL PEMBERTON of Philadelphia, merchant, born n May, 1813; A. M. (U. of P.); d. 13 September, 1885, unmarried. JOHN CLIFFORD PEMBERTON, bom 10 August, 1814; graduated West Point Military Academy, 1837 ; Lieut. -Gen., C. S. A.; died 13 July, 1881 ; married, 18 January, 1848, Martha O., daughter of William Henry Thompson of Norfolk, Virginia, and had (sur name Pemberton) : Martha, b. 14 Jan., 1850; m. (ist), 7 Jan., 1874, John C. Baylor of Norfolk, Ya., who d. 13 Jan., 1879. They had (surname Baylor) : Mary Rowland, b. 27 Jan., 1875. Martha Pemberton, b. April, 1876; d. 29 May, 1878. She m. (2d), 14 Dec., 1880, Isidore Bermann, M. I)., and had (surname Bermann) : Leopold Clarence, b. 23 July, 1882. Mary, b. 2 Sept., 1851 ; d. 9 Sept., 1853. John Clifford of New York City, b. 31 Jan., 1853. William Henry, b. 15 Dec., 1854; d. I Aug., 1885; m., 23 Dec., 1880, Jane Crowell of Perth Amboy, N. J., and had (surname Pemberton) : Daughter, d. inf. William H. T., b. 3 Feb., 1885. Francis Rawle of New York City, b. 3 May, 1856; m., 25 June, 1890, Josephine Stanard, dau. of Judge \Villiam II. Lyons of Richmond, Va., and had (surname Pemberton) : John Clifford, b. 13 May, 1893. Francis Rawle, b. i Oct., 1894. William Lyons, b. 1 6 April, 1897. Anna, b. 6 Sept., 1858. A child b. July, 1862; d. inf. ANNA CLIFFORD PEMBERTON, born 17 May, 1816; died 28 June, 1884; m., 12 October, 1848, vSamuel Levering Hollingsworth, M. D., who died 14 December, 1872. They had (surname Hollingsworth) : Clifford, b. 20 Aug., 1849; d- 2O April, 1853. Samuel, b. 13 Dec., 1851; d. 20 April, 1853. Rebecca Clifford, b. 13 Nov., 1854; m., 25 Feb., 1879, William Logan Fox of Fox- burgh, Pa., who d. s. p. 29 April, 1880. Pemberton of Philadelphia, b. 13 March, 1856; m., 28 Dec., 1897, Mariana M. Morris. Anna, b. 17 April, 1859; d. 23 Dec., 1862. MARY PEMRERTON, born 5 February, 1818; died 25 September, 1820. RERECCA PEMRERTON, born 22 April, 1820; died i August, 1883; married, 28 November, 1844, Charles Newbold, who died 23 December, 1863, and had (surname Newbold) : Rebecca Clifford, b. 22 Oct., 184^. John Pemberton of Philadelphia, b. 27 Jan., 1848; m., 23 March, 1876, Ann Pauline, dau. of Albert Denckla, and had (surname Newbold) : DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. 193 Sarah, b. 10 Jan., 1877. Caleb, b. 2 April, 1878. Clifford (a daughter), b. 24 Aug., 1881. Elizabeth Ross, b. 6 Nov., 1849, d- 3 Nov., 1850. Charles Ross of Philadelphia, b. 5 Feb., 1851. Mary, b. 27 Jan., 1853. Caleb, b. 17 Sept., 1854; d. s. p. 6 Jan., 1873. Alice, b. 30 May, 1859. Edith, b. 26 Feb., 1 86 1. MARY PEMBERTON, born 8 May, 1822; died 13 December, 1848, unmarried. HENRY SERGEANT PEMBERTON, born 23 June, 1824; died 21 May, 1825. HENRY PEMBERTON of Philadelphia, born n February, 1826; married (ist), 3 June, 1851, Caroline T., daughter of Samuel Hollingsworth. She died 24 November, 1862. They had (surname Pemberton) : John, b. 9 May, 1852; d. 19 July. 1853. Samuel Hollingsworth, b. II June, 1854; d. 20 April, 1855. Henry of Philadelphia, b. 13 Sept., 1855; m., 28 March, 1894, Susan, dan. of Joseph S. Lovering, and had (surname Pemberton) : Joseph Lovering, b. 6 April, 1895; d. 18 Jan., 1896. Caroline Hollingsworth, b. 14 June, 1896. Henry Rawle, b. 27 April, 1898. Caroline H., b. 20 Jan., 1857. Clifford, Jr. of Philadelphia, b. 28 Dec., 1859. Annie Hollingsworth, b. 13 Sept., 1861. Samuel Lovering Hollingsworth of Philadelphia, b. 17 Nov., 1862. Henry Pemberton married (2d), 10 October, 1867, Agnes, daughter of Thomas Williams of Allegheny, Pa. They had : Sarah Williams, b, 7 Sept., 1870; m., 12 May, 1896, Quincy Adams Shaw, Jr. of Boston, Mass., and had (surname Shaw r ) : Quincy Adams, 3d, b. 22 April, 1897. Daughter, b. 24 Nov., 1875 > d. 24 Nov., 1875. Ralph, b. 14 Sept., 1877. FRANCES PEMBERTON, born 12 November, 1827; died 17 July, 1858, unmarried. SARAH PEMBERTON, born 23 August, 1829; died 18 July, 1847, unmarried. ANDREW JACKSON PEMBERTON of New York, born 8 August, 1831 ; served in the American Civil War as Private First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, April-July, 1861 ; Captain Third Maryland Volunteer Cavalry, 1863-64, and First Lieutenant Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, 1865. CLIFFORD PEMBERTON of Philadelphia, born 30 March, 1835 ; died 6 May, 1897; married, 29 April, 1862, Helena Augusta, daughter of William Henry Fryer of England, and had (surname Pemberton) : Helen Clifford, b. 18 March, 1863; d. 17 July, 1896, unrn. 44 194 DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RAWLE. Rebecca Clifford, b. i Sept., 1864; m., 8 May, 1884, Hobart Amory Hare, M. D. of Philadelphia, and had (surname Hare) : Mary Amory, b. 30 Aug. 1885. Mary, b. 12 Sept., 1868; m., 22 April, 1889, Alfred Thornton Baker, and had (surname Baker) : Alfred Thornton, Jr., b. 12 June, 1890. Hobart Amory Hare, b. 15 Jan., 1892. John, b. 14 Sept., 1873. Augusta, b. 17 Feb., 1877; m., 8 March, 1898, Harry Ellwood Keller, and had (surname Keller) : Mildred Pemberton, b. 5 Jan. 1899. Frances Rawle, b. 26 Nov., 1879. c. DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC WHARTON AND MARGARET RAWLE, HIS WIFE (DAUGHTER OF FRANCIS RAWLE AND REBECCA WARNER, HIS WIFE). MARGARET RAWLE was born in Philadelphia, 1760; died there, 25 August, 1831; married there, 14 November, 1786, to Isaac Wharton of Philadelphia and " \Voodford," mer chant, who died 31 March, 1808. Children of Isaac Wharton and Margaret Rawle, his wife : Francis Rawle, m. Juliana Matilda Gouverneur. (See below.) Hannah Margaret, b. 7 July, 1789; d. Philadelphia, 14 Oct., 1875, unm. Thomas Isaac, m. Arabella Griffith. (See below.) Joseph, b. 29 April, 1793; d. 1822, unm. Rebecca Shoemaker, m. Jacob Ridgway Smith. (See below.) FRANCIS RAWLE WHARTON of Philadelphia and " Woodford," son of Isaac Wharton and Margaret Rawle, his wife; born II January, 1788; died 10 February, 1869; married, 5 April, 1826, Juliana Matilda, daughter of Isaac Gouverneur of New York. She died 7 March, 1870. Children of Francis Rawle Wharton and Juliana Matilda Gouverneur, his wife : Alida Gouverneur, m., 25 June, 1856, John Teakle Montgomery of the Philadelphia Bar. He d. there, s. p., 20 Feb., 1895. Francis Rawle, b. April, 1828. Robertson, b. 29 Sept., 1829; d. 31 March, 1863, unm. Edward, b. 9 Dec., 1830; d. 27 May, 1873, unm. Gouverneur, b. 23 May, 1832; d. 15 March, 1850, unm. Margaret, b. 2 Oct. 1833; d. 24 March, 1849, unm - Alfred of St. Paul, Minn., M. I)., b. 5 Sept., 1839; m. Susan Budd, and had (sur name Wharton) : DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. 195 Margaret,!). 24 June, 1863; m. (ist), 26 April, 1888, James C. Fitzgerald; m. (2d), 30 June, 1897, John \V. Willis. THOMAS ISAAC WHARTON of Philadelphia Bar, son of Isaac Wharton and Margaret Rawle, born 17 May, 1791 ; A. M. (U. of P.) ; Lieutenant in Washington Guards of Philadel phia in War of 1812; Trustee of University of Pennsylvania; author; distinguished lawyer; died 7 April, 1856; married, II Sept., 1817, Arabella, daughter of John Griffith of Philadelphia. She died 27 February, 1866. Children of Thot/ias I. Wharton and Arabella Griffith, his wife : Mary Griffith, b. 24 Aug., 1818; d. Sydenham, Kent, Eng., 31 March, 1899; m -> 12 Aug., 1852, George Davison Bland of Kippax Park, Yorkshire, England, and had (surname Bland) : Godfrey Davison, b. St. Germains-en-Laye, France, 26 July, 1853; d. Washington, D. C., 10 April, 1899, while First Secretary of the British Embassy. Emily Augusta, b. 7 Nov., 1854; d. Philadelphia, 2 Sept., 1855. George, d. y. William Wharton, d. y. Francis of Philadelphia Bar, A. M. (Yale); Clergyman, Prot. Epis. Church; Solicitor Department of State, Washington, D. C. ; author; D. D., LL.D. (Kenyon and Edin.) ; b. Philadelphia, 7 March, 1820; d. Washington, D. C., 21 Feb., 1889; m. (ist), 4 Nov., 1852, Sydney, dan. of Comegys Paul of Philadel phia; she d. s. p. Sept., 1854. He m. (2d), 27 Dec., 1860, Helen P^lizabeth, dau. of Lewis R. Ashhurst of Philadelphia, and had by her (surname Wharton) : Mary Ashhurst, b. 13 Oct., 1861 ; m., I Sept., 1887, Herman Knickerbocker Viele of New York. Ella, b. 29 May, 1863; m., 14 April, 1887, John Caldwell Poor, and had (sur name Poor). Wharton, b. 10 March, 1888. Emily, b. 12 Oct., 1823; d. 10 Feb., 1875; m.,8 Sept., 1842, Charles Sinkler of South Carolina. They had (surname Sinkler) : Elizabeth Allen, b. 7 July, 1843; m., 14 June, 1870, Charles Brinton Coxe of Philadelphia, who d. 4 Jan., 1873, and had (surname Coxe) : Eckley Brinton, b. 31 May, 1872. Wharton of Philadelphia, M. D., b. 7 Aug., 1845; ni -> IO Eeb., 1872, Ella, dau. of John Penn Brock of Philadelphia, and had (surname Sinklerj : Julia Ursula, b. 5 Nov., 1872. Charles, b. 6 Feb., 1874. John Penn Brock, b. 10 Sept., 1875. Francis Wharton, b. 14 July, 1877. Seaman Deas, b. 18 May, 1879. Emily, b. 24 Dec., 1880 ; d. 16 Jan., 1884. Wharton, b. 2 July, 1885. Ella Brock, b. 29 June, 1887. Arabella, b. 24 Nov., 1847; d- I2 J une > 1848. Charles St. George, 1). 20 Oct., 1853; m., 5 Dec., 1883, Anne Wickham, dau. 196 DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. of Julius T. Porcher of Berkeley Co., South Carolina, and had (surname Sinkler) : Emily Wharton, b. 24 Oct., 1884. Anne Wickham, b. 4 Nov., 1886. Caroline Sydney, b. 7 Nov., 1895. Mary Wharton, b. 25 May, 1857; m., 20 Feb., 1884, Charles Stevens of St. John s Parish, South Carolina, and had (surname Stevens) : Elizabeth Allen, b. 31 Dec., 1884. Henrietta, d. y. Laura Anne, b. II Sept., 1889. Henry Le Noble, b. 23 May, 1892. Caroline Sydney, b. 2 Sept., 1896; d. Nov., 1896. Caroline Sydney, b. 23 April, 1860. Henry of Philadelphia Bar, b. 2 June, 1827; A. M. (U. of P.); author; distin guished lawyer; d. II Nov., 1880; m. 21 Oct., 1858, Katharine Johnstone, dau. of Edward L. Brinley of Newport, R. I., and had (surname Wharton) : Thomas of Philadelphia Bar, b. I Aug., 1859; A. M. (U. of P.); d. unm., Philadelphia, 3 April, 1896. Erances Brinley, b. n Nov. 1861. Mary Elwyn, b. I Jan., 1864 ; m., 28 June, 1894, Henry Middleton Fisher, M. D. of Philadelphia and " Alverthorpe." They had (surname Fisher) : Mary Frances, b. 29 April, 1896. Emily, b. 14 Nov., 1866; m., 29 June, 1891, Adolfo Carlos Munoz del Monte y Poey of Lns Canas Plantation, Cuba, and had (surname Munoz): Katharine Johnstone, b. 20 March, 1894. Henry, b. I Dec., 1867; m., 4 April, 1891, Francis Willing, dau. of Benoni Lockwood of New York, and had (surname \Vharton) : Henry, b. 23 July, 1895. Thomas, b. 18 Jan., 1898. Katharine, b. 7 June, 1870; d. Philadelphia, 19 Feb., 1874. REBECCA SHOEMAKER WHARTON, daughter of Isaac Wharton and Margaret Rawle, born I September, 1795; died 16 July, 1846; m., 12 November, 1817, Jacob Ridgway Smith of Philadelphia, merchant. Children of Jacob Ridgway Smith and Rebecca Shoemaker Wharton, his wife : Margaret Wharton, b. 4 April, 1819; d. 26 Dec., 1895; m., 8 Nov., 1838, George Harrison White, Paymaster U. S. N., who d. 18 Nov., 1867. They had (sur name White) : Isaac Wharton, b. 8 Sept., 1839; Lieut. U. S. A. 1867-1870; cl. unm. 5 June, 1895. William of Philadelphia Bar, b. 26 Feb., 1842; served in the American Civil War as Private Seventeenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, April to July, 1861 ; Lieut, and Captain Sixth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, 1862-1864. George Harrison, b. 4 March, 1845. Alfred Henry, b. n Feb., 1847; < Sept., 1847. Thomas Harrison, b. 21 May, 1849; d. unm. 7 June, 1895. DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS RA WLE. 197 Charles Eugene, b. 31 July, 1851 ; d. 17 April, 1853. Caroline Ridgway, b. 24 Oct., 1820; d. s. p. 27 Sept., 1858; m., 25 Feb., 1851, Samuel Pleasants. Anna Ridgway, b. 30 April, 1822; d. 31 March, 1858; m., 30 April, 1845, William Elbert Evans, who d. 7 March, 1869. They had (surname Evans) : Harriet Varena, b. 19 April, 1848; d. , unm. Emily Sophia, b. 13 Feb., 1850; d. s. p. 7 April, 1894; m., 30 Oct., 1880, John Henry Livingston of Clermont, N. Y. Harriet Varena, b. Jan., 1855 ; d. June, 1855. Glendower of Boston Bar, b. 23 March, 1858; d. s. p. 28 March, 1886; m., 1 8 May, 1882, Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Gardiner of Boston, Mass. Emily Sophia, b. 3 June, 1824; d. 10 May, 1892; m., 30 April, 1850, James C. Worrell of Philadelphia, who d. 22 Oct., 1865. They had (surname Worrell) : Henry, b. 2 June, 1851. John Ridgway, b. 18 Nov., 1852. Rebecca Wharton, b. 31 May, 1854; m., 26 April, 1877, William II. Gaw of Philadelphia, and had (surname Gaw) : Emily Worrell, b. 15 April, 1878. Henry L., b. 10 May, 1882. Emily, b. 25 June, 1856; d. 28 June, 1856. Anna Ridgway, b. Oct., 1858; m. (1st), 19 April, 1887, Douglas Hilger, and had (surname Hilger) : Emily Douglas, b. 25 Nov., 1888, She m. (2d), Michael Ehret of Philadelphia. James Charles, b. 6 Jan., 1827; d. s. p. 13 Dec. 1893; m., 7 Nov., 1869, Heloise, dau. of Francis M. Drexel of Philadelphia. She d. 15 Oct., 1895. MONTICELLO THOMAS JEFFERSON, From the painting by Sully, in possession of the American PJiilosophical Society, Phi lade IpJiia. MONTICELLO. SOON after the adoption of the Constitution two parties contested for political supremacy in the United States. The Federalists believed in the maintenance and enlargement of the Federal power, w r hile the Democrats were opposed to such a policy, and urged in its stead a system of extreme local government, with but feeble administrative control by the Executive. Of the Federalists, John Adams, Henry Knox, and Alex ander Hamilton were among the first leaders. Opposed to them were Peyton Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, and Albert Gallatin. Of the last three named the greatest was Jefferson. It has often been asserted that during the American Rev olution and in the years succeeding that struggle a larger proportion of those men who rose to national repute were furnished by Virginia than by any other State. Admitting this to be true, it seems probable that one of the chief causes may be found in the fact that Virginia had always contained a larger proportion of persons inde pendent in means and time than other sections of the country. This seems to have been due to the nature of her resources. Almost all of her people were land-holders, and many were rich in slaves. They were, in fact, principally planters. There was, therefore, a very large leisure class, who, employing good 201 202 MONTICELLO. overseers, had at times comparatively little to do. If they belonged to a family famed for office-holding talents, they took to politics as naturally as a duck takes to water. In military matters it was the same : perfection requires education, money, and time, and the Virginians had all three of these forces at their disposal. In the North, on the contrary, where men were largely engaged in mercantile and manufacturing pursuits, it was a serious, and sometimes impossible, matter for many of them to devote considerable time to the perfection of a political or military career without incurring considerable losses and probable ultimate ruin. It is true that a number of Virginians, eminent during and subsequent to the Revolution in public affairs, had been admitted to the practice of the law ; but few of them pursued their profession with that same energy as their legal brothers in the North. Those who did so, however, were not called upon then, as now, to devote their entire time, or even a principal part of it, to their clients. They were required, indeed, to attend the court sessions, but the nature of the cases which came under their care was not such as to occupy a great deal of time for either preparation or conduct. A large part of their business was carried on by correspondence, and they were not required to remain away, at long intervals, from their plantations or their many social engagements. Such a law-practice, indeed, was advantageous to a political career, and those who were thus engaged, half-planters, half- lawyers, often ended by securing the highest offices within the gift of the people. Of this class was Thomas Jefferson of Monticello. When, in the year 1770, Jefferson heard the news of the burning of Shadwell, the ancient family homestead, it is related that the first inquiry he made was after the manu- MONTICELLO. 203 scripts and books. "Oh, Master Thomas," the slave who brought the news replied, joyfully, " they were all burnt ; but we saved your fiddle !" Amongst the papers thus sacri ficed for the musical instrument so dear to the negroes heart were doubtless many family archives that would have ampli fied Jefferson s own account of his ancestry, which reads as follows : "The tradition in my father s family was, that their ances tor came to this country from Wales, s and from near the mountain of Snowdon, the highest in Great Britain. I noted once a case from Wales in the law reports where a person of our name was either plaintiff or defendant, and one of the same name was secretary to the Virginia Company. These are the only instances in which I have met with the name in that country. I have found it in our early records, but the first particular information I have of any ancestor was of my grandfather, who lived at a place in Chesterfield called Osborne s, and owned lands, afterward the glebe of the parish. He had three sons: Thomas, who died young; Field, who settled on the waters of the Roanoke and left numerous descendants ; and Peter, my father, who settled on the lands I still own, called Shadwell, adjoining my present residence. He was born February 29, 1 707-08, and inter married (1739) with Jane Randolph, of the age of nineteen, daughter of Isham Randolph, one of the seven sons of that name and family, who settled Dungeness in Goochland. They trace their pedigree far back in England and Scot land, to which let every one ascribe the faith and merit he chooses." Notwithstanding the lack of interest which the last sen tence implies, Jefferson was not entirely indifferent to a cer tain kind of family pride, or at least ostentation, for he writes from Monticello, under date of February 20, 1771, to Thomas 204 MONTICELLO. Adams, about to leave for England, thus : u One further favor and I am done: to search the Herald s Office for the arms of my family. I have what I have been told were the family arms, but on what authority I know not. It is possible there may be none. If so, I would with your assistance become a purchaser, having Sterne s word for it that a coat of arms may be purchased as cheap as any other coat." In extenuation of the above, which certainly places Jeffer son in the light of wishing to set up a pretentious claim to something which did not, of right, belong to him, it may be observed that he was at the time the letter was penned but twenty-nine years old, whereas the above simple and unpre tentious statement regarding his family was written, as he himself informs us, at the age of seventy-seven, " for my own more ready reference and for the information of my family." From other sources we are able to set down more clearly, yet concisely, some interesting facts concerning the earlier generations of the Virginia Jeffersons, and furnish the partic ulars which in Jefferson s narrative are so conspicuously lacking. It appears from the records of Henrico County, Virginia, that Thomas Jefferson was living there in the year 1677, having a plantation on the south side of the river. He married Mary, daughter of William Branch, and died in the year 1697, leaving the following children: Captain Thomas Jefferson, appointed Justice of Henrico County in 1706, Sheriff 1718-19, and he married Mary, daughter of Major Peter Field (and his wife Judith, daughter of Henry Soane, Speaker of the House of Burgesses 1663-66), and died in 1731 ; and Martha Jefferson, who married one Wynne. Captain Thomas and Mary Field Jefferson had the follow ing children: Field Jefferson of Lunenburg County, where MONT/CELLO. 207 he was a vestryman of Cumberland Parish in 1750; Colonel Peter Jefferson, born February 29, 1708; removed to Shad- well, now Albemarle ; Sheriff of Goochlancl 1739; Justice of Albemarle, 1744; County Lieutenant, Burgess, 1754 to 1755 ; assisted in running the boundary-line of Virginia and North Carolina and in preparing a map of Virginia ; vestryman of Northam Parish; and died August 15, 1757; Judith, married M. Farrah ; Mary, married Thomas Turpin ; and Martha. Thomas Jefferson, son of Peter, the author of the Decla ration of Independence, and the third President of the United States was born at the Shadwell mansion April 2, 1743. He had six sisters and three brothers, some of whom died in infancy, others married. Thomas was the eldest son, and inherited the estate of Shadwell, including the land upon which he subsequently built Monticello. The youngest son inherited the James River plantation. At the age of five years Thomas Jefferson was placed at an English school, where, it is traditionally asserted, the Randolphs also attended. After his father s death, in 1/57, he was placed under the tuition of the Reverend Mr. Maury, having previously attended a school where Latin was taught from the age of nine years. Of Mr. Maury of Fredericks- ville, Louisa County, Mr. Jefferson says that he was " a cor rect classical scholar." With this good man he continued two years, and then " went to William and Mary College to wit, in the spring of 1760 where I continued two years. It was my great good fortune, and what probably fixed the destinies of my life, that Dr. William Small of Scotland was then professor of mathematics, a man profound in most of the useful branches of science, with a happy talent of com munication." After finishing his education Jefferson studied law, and was admitted to practice "at the Bar of the General Court." In 1769 he was elected to the Legislature. He 208 MONTICELLO. writes : " I made one effort in that body for the permission of the emancipation of slaves, which was rejected." In Virginia, under the act of 2 George II., no slave could be set free by his master except for especial services, such services to be approved and allowed by the Governor and his Council. In 1772, Thomas Jefferson was married to Martha, widow of Bathurst Skelton, and daughter of John Wayles. The wedding was celebrated at The Forest, in Charles City County, the home of the bride s father. Mrs. Skelton was only twenty-three at the time of her marriage to Jefferson, and is spoken of as being extremely handsome. "A little above middle height, with a lithe and exquisite- formed figure, she was a model of graceful and queen-like carriage. Nature, so lavish with her charms for her, to great personal attractions added a mind of no ordinary calibre. She was well educated for her day and a constant reader; she inherited from her father his method and industry, as the accounts kept in her clear handwriting, and still in the hands of her descendants, testify. Her well-cultivated talent for music served to enhance her charms not a little in the eyes of such a musical devotee as Jefferson." It may well be supposed that such a charming young widow as her whose picture is so cleverly drawn in the above para graph by her great-granddaughter, Sarah N. Randolph, was surrounded by suitors. Her beauty was great ; her fortune, already acquired and in prospect, was very large. Some men win beauty, some fortune, but Thomas Jefferson, like George Washington, won both. It is said that two other suitors w r ere making fair prog ress, each uncertain of the other s chances, when Jefferson, entering the list at the eleventh hour, carried off the prize. An amusing story is related that the two unhappy lovers one evening together entered the hall of her father s home, having MONTICELLO. 209 accidentally met on the steps. They were about to proceed to the door of the drawing-room w r hen the sound of music smote their ear ; the voices of Jefferson and his lady-love, mingled in song, were recognized, and frequent pauses in the music told their own tale. The two discarded lovers, picking up their hats, tiptoed out into the cold, unsympathetic world after exchanging significant glances. The wedding took place in January, and the bridal couple, after the wedding and New Year s festivities were over, left for Monticello, the home that Jefferson had built the year before after the destruction of Shadwell. The following is the account given of their wedding- journey by their daughter, Mrs. Randolph : "They left The Forest after a fall of snow, light then, but increasing in depth as they advanced up the country. They were finally obliged to quit the carriage and proceed on horse back. Having stopped for a short time at Blenheim, where an overseer only resided, they left it at sunset to pursue their way through a mountain-track rather than a road, in which the snow lay from eighteen inches to two feet deep, having eight miles to go before reaching Monticello. They arrived late at night, the fires all out and the servants retired to their own houses for the night. The horrible dreariness of such a house at the end of such a journey I have often heard both relate." They soon, says their biographer, found a bottle of wine " on a shelf behind some books," and, having refreshed o themselves with its contents, " startled the silence of the night with song and merry laughter." Thus does the story of Monticello begin. The young couple could well laugh and be right merry, for from his account-books we find that Jefferson s income, from all sources, at this time was five thousand dollars a year, 45 210 MONTICELLO. besides his wife s fortune, largely increased at her father s death. Like Washington, Jefferson was noted for the pleasure his estate afforded him and for his love of gardening, horses, and, in fact, all the attributes of the life of a country gentle man. He commenced, shortly after his marriage, to improve the house and grounds of Monticello and to fill his estate o with the best blooded horses that Virginia then afforded. Another similitude to the first President was Jefferson s love of detail, and he kept his accounts in the most exact manner. Monticello is quite a mountain, five hundred and eighty feet high, in the shape of a sugar-loaf." From the base a road winds to the mansion, which occupies the loftiest site upon the summit of the hill. In Jefferson s time the forest trees on the very top and around the house were cut down and about ten acres cleared and graded. The entire planta tion consisted of about ten thousand acres, and the income from it and from the other plantations when Jefferson was quite a young man was two thousand dollars per annum a sum the purchasing power of which was much greater then than now. The north-eastern site of the mountain falls off abruptly and even precipitously, the base through countless ages hav ing been exposed to the frequent floods of the Rivanna. The following is from a description of Monticello written by a member of Jefferson s family long resident there: " On the south-west it is separated from the next mountain of the range, rising three hundred feet above it, by a road- pass two hundred and twenty feet below. This obstructs the view to the south-west. From the south-west to the north-east is a horizon unbroken, save by one solitary pyramid-shaped mountain, its peak under the true meridian, MONTICELLO. 21 1 and distant by air-line forty-seven miles. North-east the range pointing to the west terminates two miles off, its late ral spurs descending by gentle slopes to the Rivanna at your feet, covered with farms and green wheat-fields. This view of farms extends north-east and east six or seven miles. You trace the Rivanna by its cultivated valley as it passes east, apparently through an unbroken forest ; an inclined plane descends from your feet to the ocean two hundred miles distant. All the western and north-western slopes being poor, and the eastern and south-eastern fertile, as the former are presented to the spectator, and are for the most part in wood, it presents the appearance of unbroken forest bounded by an ocean-like horizon." The view most admired is that toward the north-east. Two mountains are seen in this quarter one forty, the other only ten, miles distant. The surrounding lands, sloping upward from your view and extending to your vision its cultivated slopes, are most pleasing to the eye. Toward the west and north one vast space, tremendous in its extent, reaches to the foot of the Blue Ridge, which mingles with the horizon nearly one hundred miles away. Directly west the Rivanna, flowing five hundred feet below you, dashes its mud- red waters in a long line of yellow-white foam over the barrier which the hand of man has built in opposition to its gentle progress. On every hand, no matter which way you turn, such magnificent reaches of view meet you that your eyes grow tired and your soul weary in attempting to comprehend the vast panorama in its entirety. On the very apex of the pivot, around which revolves the various scenes we have described, stands the mansion of Monticello, the home of Jefferson. The mansion occu pies the centre of the cleared space we have mentioned, and 212 MONTICELLO. is about fifty feet from the brow of the mountain upon every side. The house is of Grecian architecture of the Doric order externally, but the interior is mostly, in heavy balustrades, cornices, and sweep of rooms, Ionic. The entrance-hall, of the same height as the house, recedes six feet within the front wall of the building, and is HALL, MONTICELLO. capped by a portico projecting twenty-five feet and of the height of the building, with stone pillars and steps. The main hall extends upward to the roof. From the middle of the hall, which is really a square room, passages lead off to either extremity of the mansion. The apartments at the end of the passages terminate in octagonal projections, MONTICELLO. 213 leaving a recess of three equal sides, into which the passages enter ; porches the width of the recess project six feet beyond. The roots of these piazzas are of the height of the house and rest on brick arches. On the east side of the passages mentioned as leading from the hall are sleeping-rooms. This front is one and a half stories high. In the west front the PARLOR, MONTICELLO. apartments are of equal height with the house, except the parlor or reception-room, which is surmounted by an octag onal story, " with a dome or spherical roof." This upper story was built for a billiard-room, but " before completion 214 MONTICELLO. a law was passed prohibiting public and private billiard-tables in the State." The reception-room juts out about twenty-five feet beyond the main building, and is covered by a portico of one story, over which runs the billiard-room just mentioned. "The original plan of the projection," writes a member of the Jefferson family who once resided at Monticello, " was square ; but when the cellar was built up to the floor above the room was projected beyond the square by three sides of an octagon, leaving a place beyond the cellar-wall not exca vated ; and it was in this space that the faithful Caesar and Martin concealed their master s plate when the British visited Monticello. The floor of the room is in squares, the squares being ten inches, of the wild cherry, very hard, susceptible of a high polish, and the color of mahogany. The border of each square, four inches wide, is of beech, light colored, hard, and bearing a high polish. Its original cost was two hundred dollars." Jefferson s bed-room was reached from the main hall through the library by way of one of the passages referred to. The library also connected with the sitting-room and one of the piazzas. On the opposite side of the hall come the dining- and tea-rooms. Of the bed-rooms toward the east front, the one next to the piazza is called Mr. Madison s room, and that nearest the hall the Abbe Correa s room. Captain Bacon, who acted for a number of years as Jefferson s overseer, says that "under the house and the terraces that surrounded it were his cisterns, ice-houses, cellar, kitchen, and rooms for all sorts of purposes. His servants rooms were on one side. They were very com fortable, warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Then there were rooms for vegetables, fruit, cider, wood, and every other purpose. There were no negro and other out- MONTICELLO. 215 houses around the mansion, as you generally see on planta tions. The grounds around the house were most beautifully ornamented with flowers and shrubbery. There were walks and borders, and flowers that I have never seen or heard DTNING-ROOM, MONTTCEI.LO. of anywhere else. Some of them were in bloom from early in the spring until late in the winter. A good many of them were foreign. Back of the house was a beautiful lawn of two or three acres, where his grandchildren used to play a ^reat deal. His garden was on the side of the mountain. o o I had it built mostly while he was President. It took a great deal of labor. We had to blow out the rock for the walls for the different terraces, and then make the soil It was a fine garden. There were vegetables of all kinds, grapes, figs, and the greatest variety of fruit. I have never seen 2i6 MONTICELLO. such a place for fruit. It was so high that it never failed. Mr. Jefferson sent home a great many kinds of trees and shrubbery from Washington. I used to send a servant there with a great many fine things from Mon ticello for his table, and he would send back the cart loaded with shubbery from a nursery near Georgetown that belonged to a man named Maine, and he would always send me direc tions what to do with it. He always knew all about every thing in every part of his grounds and garden. He knew the name of every tree and just where one was dead or missing." It may not be out of place here to give at length the charming description of Monticello and its inmates written by the Marquis de Chastellux, an accomplished Frenchman who spent some time as the guest of Jefferson in the spring of the year 1782. After giving the reader a graphic descrip tion of the approach to the foot of the mountain-range to the south-west of the house, he writes : "On the summit of one of these we discovered the house of Mr. Jefferson, which stands pre-eminent in these retire ments ; it was for himself, who built it and preferred this situation ; for, although he possessed considerable property in the neighborhood, there was nothing to prevent him from fixing his residence wherever he thought proper. But it was a debt Nature owed to a philosopher and a man of taste that in his own possessions he should find a spot where he might study and enjoy her. He calls his house Monticello (in Italian Little Mountain ) a very modest title, for it is situated upon a very lofty one, but which announces the own er s attachment to the language of Italy ; and, above all, to the fine arts, of which that country was the cradle and is still the asylum. As I had no further occasion for a guide, I separated from the Irishman, and after ascending by a MONTICELLO. 217 tolerably commodious road for more than half an hour, we arrived at Monticello. This house, of which Mr. Jeffer son was the architect, and often one of the workmen, is rather elegant and in the Italian taste, though not without fault : it consists of one large square pavilion, the entrance of which is by two porticos ornamented with pillars. The ground floor consists of a very large, lofty saloon, which SALOON, MONTICELLO. is to be decorated entirely in the antique style; above it is a library of the same form ; two small wings, with only a ground floor and attic story, are joined to this pavilion, and communicate with the kitchen, offices, etc., which will form a kind of basement story, over which runs a terrace. My object in this short description is only to show the difference between this and the other houses of the country ; for we 2i8 MONTICELLO. may safely aver that Mr. Jefferson is the first American who has consulted the fine arts to know how he should shelter himself from the weather. " But it is on himself alone I ought to bestow my time. Let me describe to you a man, not yet forty, tall and with a mild and pleasing- countenance, but whose mind and under standing are ample substitutes for every exterior grace an American who, without ever having quitted his own country, is at once a musician, skilled in drawing, a geometrician, an astronomer, a natural philosopher, a legislator, and states man ; a Senator of America, who sat for two years in that body which brought about the Revolution, and which is never mentioned without respect, though, unhappily, not without regret ; a Governor of Virginia, who filled this difficult station during the invasion of Arnold, of Phillips, and of Cornwallis ; a philosopher, in voluntary retirement from the world and public business because he loves the world in asmuch only as he can flatter himself with being useful to mankind, and the minds of his countrymen are not yet in a condition either to bear the light or suffer contradiction. A mild and amiable wife, charming children, of whose educa tion he himself takes charge ; a house to embellish, great provisions to improve, and the arts and sciences to cultivate these are what remain to Mr. Jefferson after having played a principal character on the theatre of the New World, and which he preferred to the honorable commission of Minister Plenipotentiary in Europe. "The visit which I made him was not unexpected, for he had long since invited me to come and pass a few days with him in the centre of the mountains ; notwithstanding which I found his appearance serious nay even cold but before I had been two hours with him we were as intimate as if we had passed our whole lives together. Walking, books, but, MONTICELLO. 219 above all, a conversation always varied and interesting, always supported by the sweet satisfaction experienced by TEA-ROOM, MONTICELLO. two persons who, in communicating their sentiments and opinions, are invariably in unison, and who understand each 220 MONT/CELLO. other at the first hint, made four days pass away like so many minutes." That we might describe Monticello, not so much as it was at first, but as it became, under Jefferson s tender care, in later years, we left the household life of the mansion at the very threshold. We imagine it was gloomy enough and right lonely for Mrs. Jefferson at first, despite the great affection which the young couple seem to have had for each other and the few bright days marked by the visits of friends and their brief sojourn under the hospitable roof. It must have, there fore, been with an infinite satisfaction of companionship that Mrs. Jefferson watched her children commencing to grow up around her, especially as, soon after their marriage, her hus band s political affairs, upon which we propose to touch but lightly, called him very frequently from home, often for long intervals, at the commencement of the Revolution. It was during the first years of her marriage that Martha lefferson must have been most happy, for then her husband, engrossed in country life, was most often by her side in the garden or the halls of Monticello. We have already spoken of the care he bestowed upon his garden and lawn. He was equally interested in and, indeed, passionately fond of blooded stock of all kinds. Not only horses, but sheep, cattle, and hogs of the very finest breed, occupied his atten tion. An especially fine horse filled him with admiration. Jefferson was a strong and graceful horseman, and for his riding kept only the best stock that could be procured. When a young man we are told that he was most exacting of his groom, and when his horse was led up for him to mount he always passed his fine handkerchief over the animal s coat. If the handkerchief seemed soiled from such usage, the horse was sent back in anger to the stables. "The horse," writes Mr. Bacon, his manager, who we MONTICELLO. 22 1 have already quoted, " was Mr. Jefferson s favorite. He was passionately fond of a good horse. He generally walked unless on the plantation, but he would not ride or drive any thing but a high-bred horse. Bay was his preference for color ; he would not have any other. After he came from Washington he had a fine carriage built at Monticello from a model he planned himself. The woodwork, blacksmithing, and painting were all done by his own workmen. He had the plating done in Richmond. When he travelled in this carriage he always had five horses four in the carriage, and the fifth for Burwell, who always rode behind him. Those five horses were Diomede, Brimmer, Tecumseh, Wellington, and Eagle. In his new carriage, with fine harness, those four horses made a splendid appearance. He never trusted a driver with the lines. Two servants rode on horseback, and each guided his own pair. About once a year Mr. Jefferson used to go in his carriage to Montpelier, and spend several clays with Mr. Madison, and every summer he went to Poplar Forest, his farm in Bedford, and spent two or three months." Captain Bacon also tells us some interesting facts con cerning Jefferson s life and habits at Monticello. " He was six feet two and a half inches high, well propor tioned, and straight as a gun-barrel. He was like a fine horse he had no surplus flesh. He had an iron constitution and was very strong. He had a machine for measuring strength. There were very few men that I have seen try it that were as strong in the arms as his son-in-law, Colonel Thomas Mann Randolph, but Mr. Jefferson was stronger than he. " Mr. Jefferson was always an early riser arose at day break or before. The sun never found him in bed. I used sometimes to think, when I went up there very early in the 222 MONTICELLO. morning, that I would find him in bed ; but there he would be before me, walking on the terrace. " He did not use tobacco in any form. He never used a profane word or anything like it. He never played cards. I never saw a card in the house at Monticello, and I had par ticular orders from him to suppress card-playing among the negroes, who, you know, are generally very fond of it. I never saw any dancing in his house, and if there had been any there during the twenty years I was with him, I would certainly have known it." We learn also from Captain Bacon that Jefferson was a light eater, preferring delicacies to a substantial repast, but that he was fond of vegetables and fruit. He passed much of his spare time in inventing new farm implements or machines for various kinds of work. In 1775, Jefferson left Monticello for Philadelphia as a delegate to the Continental Congress. The very prominent part which he took in its proceedings, which led to his draft ing the Declaration of Independence, to which he, among the first, affixed his signature, is too much a matter of history to be dwelt upon at length in an article treating especially of his connection and home-life at Monticello. The committee appointed by Congress " for drawing the Declaration of Independence " " unanimously pressed " Jeffer son to undertake the task assigned them. This committee was appointed June 11, 1776, and it is a tradition in Virginia that Jefferson, in the interval, visited Virginia and drafted the first rough copy of the immortal document at Rosewell, the home of the Page family, with whom he was on the most intimate terms, and that he finished his work at Philadelphia in the house where he lodged on Seventh Street, corner of Market. This story is briefly referred to under the Page article, MONTICELLO. 223 with the comment that Jefferson s intimacy with Page, for whom he had a high regard, made the story worthy of inves tigation. The only real foundation for the story is a fair certainty that Page and Jefferson discussed such a document prior to the appointment by Congress of the committee to draft it, and that Jefferson made some rough notes there of some such form of document. We have Jefferson s own HOUSE IN WHICH JEFFERSON WROTE THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. statement that he "at the time of writing that instrument lodged in the house of a Mr. Graaf, a new brick house, three stories high, of which I rented the second floor, con sisting of a parlor and bed-room, ready furnished. In that parlor I wrote habitually, and in it wrote this paper particu larly [the Declaration of Independence]. So far, I state from written proofs in my possession. The proprietor, Graaf, was 224 MONTICELLO. a young man, son of a German, and then newly married. I think he was a bricklayer, and that his house was on the south side of Market Street, probably between Seventh and Eighth Streets, and, if not the only house on that part of the street, I am sure there were few others near it. I have some idea that it was a corner house, but no other recollection throwing light on the question or worth communication." This was penned by Jefferson in 1825, in reply to a query regarding the matter by Dr. John Mease of Philadelphia. Jacob Graafs house, the one referred to by Jefferson, stood at the south-west corner of Seventh and Market Streets, directly opposite Hiltzheimer s livery-stables. Hiltz- heimer purchased the property from Graaf in 1777. It seems probable also that Hiltzheimer s stables are referred to in the following anecdote. The stables were south of Seventh and Market Streets, probably near Chestnut Street, and therefore but a short distance from Independence Hall : "A gentleman who had been a frequent visitor at Monti- cello during Mr. Jefferson s life gave Mr. Randall (Jefferson s biographer) the following amusing incident concerning this venerated body and the Declaration of Independence : While the question of Independence was before Congress it had its meetings near a livery-stable. The members wore short breeches and silk stockings, and with handkerchief in hand they were diligently employed in lashing the flies from their legs. So very vexatious was this annoyance, and to so great an impatience did it arouse the sufferers, that it hastened, if it did not aid, in inducing them to promptly affix their signa tures to the great document which gave birth to an empire republic. This anecdote I had from Mr. Jefferson at Monti- cello, who seemed to enjoy it very much, as well as to give great credit to the influence of the flies. He told it with much glee, and seemed to retain a vivid recollection of an MONTICELLO. 22$ attack from which the only relief was signing the paper and flying from the scene." If there is any truth in this story, Jefferson must have been one of the first few who affixed their signatures, or per haps the term " signing" is used in a figurative sense, and that Jefferson intended to refer to the formal adoption of the Declaration by Congress. The mother of Jefferson died just before he went as a delegate, on the 3ist of March, 1776. After the battle of Saratoga a large number of British o o prisoners of war were sent to Virginia and quartered in the neighborhood of Monticello. When it was proposed by Patrick Henry, then Governor of Virginia, to remove these prisoners to parts of the country where they might not con sume food necessary for the American forces, the suggestion met with a vigorous opposition from Jefferson, who wrote : "Is an enemy so execrable that, though in captivity, his wishes and comforts are to be disregarded and even crossed ? I think not." Jefferson became most intimate with the British officers, especially with the Baron de Riedesel and his wife (the baroness, the same lady who was accustomed to ride to Monticello en cavalier}, one Phillips, and a young officer named De Ungar. With these Jefferson subsequently corresponded. They and other British and Hessian officers, even those of " the lowest rank," were always cordially received and ele gantly entertained by Jefferson and his wife at Monticello. Jefferson was chosen Governor of Virginia in 1779, and it was expected, when Tarleton reached Charlottesville after his unsuccessful chase after La Fayette, that Monticello would be sacked, but the recollection of his treatment of the British prisoners prevented any such occurrence. The party de spatched to Monticello to secure the arrest of the Governor ir, 226 MONT/CELLO. was commanded by Captain McLeod, who had most positive orders from Tarleton " to allow nothing in the house to be injured." When Captain McLeod found that Jefferson had escaped, he called for a servant of the house and bade him indicate the master s private apartments, which having been done he locked the doors and ordered that nothing should be disturbed. This conduct was not just what was expected by the house-servants of Monticello, and upon the approach of the English forces Caesar and Martin, two trusted slaves, concealed the plate in a trench dug under the floor of the house a few feet above the ground. A plank had been removed, and Caesar, having slipped down through the cavity, stood below to receive the plate as it was handed down by Martin. The last piece had been handed down when the soldiers came in sight. There was not a moment to lose, and Martin, thinking only of his master s plate and not of Caesar s comfort, nailed the plank down on top of the poor fellow, and there he remained for three days and three nights. Martin also gave a sufficient exhibition of his attachment to his master s interests. A soldier having clapped a pistol to his breast, threatening to fire unless he divulged the Governor s hiding-place, exclaimed, " Fire away, then, for I will not tell you." Elk Hill, Jefferson s James River estate, was not treated so handsomely by Cornwallis. This plantation was greatly damaged, the crops destroyed, and the slaves, to the number of thirty, carried off to die of the small-pox and putrid fever then raging in the British camp. " In fact, the plantation," says its owner, "was a complete waste." Toward the close of the second year of his term Jefferson resigned his commission as Governor of Virginia. The motive in thus relinquishing the office seems to have been MONT/CELLO. 227 the failing health of his wife. This, for some time, had been a source of great anxiety to him. She had not been well enough to accompany him to Philadelphia when delegate to Congress, and her health, instead of improving, was growing worse. The death of several of her children added a settled melancholy to her other ailments, and her husband promised WRITING-ROOM, MONTICELLO. her that no public service should again separate them. He continued her faithful and untiring nurse until the end. Mrs. Jefferson soon sank so rapidly that there was no hope of her recovery. This trying period and the closing events of Martha Jefferson s life Mrs. Randolph describes most touchingly, yet simply, in the following words : 11 For four months that she lingered he was never out of 228 MONTICELLO. calling ; when not at her bedside he was writing in a small room at the head of her bed. A moment before the closing scene he was led from the room in a state of insensibility by his sister, Mrs. Carr, who, with great difficulty, got him into the library, where he fainted, and remained so long insensible that they feared he never would revive. The scene that followed I did not witness, but the violence of his emotions when, almost by stealth, I entered his room by night, to this day I dare not describe to myself. He kept his room three weeks, and I was never a moment from his side. He walked almost incessantly night and day." It was, indeed, a long time after his wife s death before Jefferson could be induced to eat or to take any exercise. A deep melancholy chained him to the scene of his great bereavement, and opportunity for communion with the great busy world softened the pangs of the sorrow which he so deeply felt. In time he returned to his usual out-of-door exercises and employments, a change sadly needed. During the hours he remained at Monticello nursing his dying wife he had occu pied his spare moments in writing his Notes on Virginia, which he presently published. Although this work involved no great labor or deep research, being principally the arrange ment of material gathered from many sources at different times, yet the mere clerical work and the application neces sary to complete it while under a great mental strain assisted to impair even the iron constitution of Thomas Jefferson. Three children survived Martha Jefferson. One of them, Lucy, was yet an infant. Martha, the eldest, was sent to school at Philadelphia under the care of Mrs. Hopkinson. Her father s letters to her whilst at school show with what intelligent care he watched over her, and how every detail of her school and social life demanded his thoughtful attention. MONTICELLO. 229 He is anxious that she shall be proficient in music of which he was ever fond in drawing and painting, and in dancing, and constantly urged the importance of such accomplishments upon her, taking care to advise her as to the time to be devoted to each lesson. "Patty," as her father called her, grew up to be as industrious as he, and it is said that she was the busiest woman alive, always at work at something. MRS. THOMAS M. RANDOLPH (MARTHA JEFFERSON), FROM AN ORIGINAL PAINTING BY T. SULLY. Shortly after this Jefferson was appointed Minister to France. He had never been abroad, and the change of scenes which presented themselves in so gay a capital as Paris must have deeply impressed him. He was, by nature, fond of lively discourse and the companionship of the wits and scholars of his day, and of the wits more than the 230 MONTICELLO. students. Craving a reputation as a clever man of letters and a brilliant scholar, Jefferson assumed the polish of the savant of the period without being very deeply impressed with facts and figures, or, more properly speaking, useful history. He possessed a fair knowledge of Greek and Latin, and spoke French well. He understood Italian and several other tongues, but he knew little of English history. Jefferson s house in Paris was the resort of those French officers and others who were enthusiastic in the cause of liberty in America, and of many of those who afterward fanned the flame of the French Revolution. He was equally popular at Court, and his brilliant con versation and happy faculty at repartee were not lost upon the witty and beautiful women who formed the society at St. Germains. Among the residents in Paris at this time were John Adams and his wife : the friendship then estab lished between Adams and Jefferson survived the rancor of their subsequent political careers. Jefferson had taken the place of Franklin, who had won the love and esteem of the French people. "You replace Dr. Franklin," remarked the Count de Vergennes, the French Prime Minister, to Jefferson. "I succeed him ; no one could replace him," replied the master of Monticello. Passing over Jefferson s gay life in Paris, his witty and interesting correspondence with Mrs. Cosway and others, we return to the time when, bidding farewell to Paris, he came again to Virginia and to Monticello. Of his mission in France, Webster wrote thus: "Mr. Jefferson s discharge of his diplomatic duties were marked by great ability, diligence, and patriotism ; and while he resided at Paris in one of the most interesting periods his character for intelligence, his love of knowledge and of the MONTICELLO. 231 society of learned men, distinguished him in the highest circles of the French capital. No Court in Europe had at that time a representative in Paris commanding or enjoying higher regard for political knowledge or for general attain ments than the Minister of this then infant republic." On the 23d of October, 1789, he sailed for America. Of his arrival at Monticello his daughter writes : "There were no stages in those days [to Monticello]. We were indebted to the kindness of our friends for horses, and, visiting all the way homeward, and spending more or less time with them all in turn, we reached Monticello on the 23d of December. The negroes discovered the approach of the carriage as soon as it reached Shadwell, and such a scene I never witnessed in my life. They collected in crowds around it, and almost drew it up the mountain by hand. The shouting etc., had been sufficiently obstreperous before, but the moment it arrived at the top it reached the climax. When the door of the carriage was opened they received him in their arms and bore him to the house, crowding around and kissing his hand and feet some blubbering and crying, others laughing. It seemed impossible to satisfy their anxiety to touch and kiss the very earth which bore him. These were the first ebullitions of joy for his return after a long absence, which they would of course feel ; but perhaps it is not out of place here to add that they were at all times very devoted in their attachment to him. Such was the beginning of the old home-life, again taken up only to be soon again laid down at the call of his country and the urgent solicitation of his countrymen." Of Jefferson s position and doings as Secretary of State, and of his refusal to act in that capacity during Washington s second term, and his final resignation, we will not speak : his public life is part of the history of our country, and should MONT/CELLO. be sufficiently well known to need no especial comment in these pages. During 1795, Jefferson remained at Monticello, engaged as usual in adding to the beauties of the estate, and absorbed in attentions to his three grandchildren, of which his daughter, Mrs. Randolph, had now become the mother. Maria Jefferson, another daughter, now seventeen years of age, had developed into a beautiful and charming young MONTICELLO, SOUTH FRONT. woman, and received her due share of her father s care, affection, and attention. In June, 1796, the Due cle la Rochefoucaulcl-Liancourt, formerly Lieutenant-general of France and President of the National Assembly, spent some time as the guest of Jefferson MONTICELLO. 233 at Monticello, and has left us quite a graphic description of the place. With that of the Marquis de Chastellux, already given, we have a very accurate picture of the mansion. This eminent emigre says : "Mr. Jefferson had commenced its construction before the American Revolution ; since that epoch his life has been constantly engaged in public affairs, and he has not been able to complete the execution of the whole extent of the project which it seems he at first con ceived. That part of the building which was finished has suffered from the suspension of the work, and Mr. Jefferson, who two years since resumed the habits and leisure of private life, is now employed in repairing the damage occasioned by this interruption, and still more by his absence ; he continues his original plan, and even improves on it by giving to his buildings more elevation and extent. He intends that they shall consist only of one story, crowned with balustrades ; and a dome is to be constructed in the centre of the struct ure. The apartments will be large and convenient ; the decoration, both outside and inside, simple, yet regular and elegant. Monticello, according to its first plan, was infinitely superior to all other houses in America in point of taste and convenience ; but at that time Mr. Jefferson had studied taste and the fine arts in books only. " His travels in Europe have supplied him with models ; he has appropriated them to his design ; and his new plan, the execution of which is already much advanced, will be accomplished before the end of next year, and then his house will certainly deserve to be ranked with the most pleasant mansions in France and England. " Mr. Jefferson s house commands one of the most exten sive prospects you can meet with. On the east side, the front of the building, the eye is not checked by any object, since the mountain on which the house is seated commands 234 MONTICELLO. all the neighboring heights as far as the Chesapeake. The Atlantic might be seen were it not for the greatness of the distance, which renders that prospect impossible. On the right and left the eye commands the extensive valley that separates the Green, South, and West Mountains from the Blue Ridge, and has no other bounds but these high moun tains, of which, on a clear day, you discern the chain on the right upward of a hundred miles, far beyond James River ; and on the left as far as Maryland, on the other side of the Potomac A considerable number of cultivated fields, houses, and barns enliven and variegate the extensive land scape, still more embellished by the beautiful and diversified forms of mountains, in the whole chain of which not one resembles another The land, left to the care of stewards, has suffered, as well as the buildings, from the long absence of the master ; according to the custom of the country it has been exhausted by successive culture." The narrator continues: "In private life Mr. Jefferson displays a mild, easy, and obliging temper, though he is somewhat cold and reserved. His conversation is of the most agreeable kind, and he possesses a stock of information not inferior to that of any other man. In Europe he would hold a distinguished rank among men of letters, and as such he has already appeared there. " At present he is employed with activity and perseverance in the management of his farms and buildings ; and he orders, directs, and pursues in the minutest details every branch of business relative to them. I found him in the midst of harvest, from which the scorching heat of the sun does not prevent his attendance. His negroes are nourished, clothed, and treated as well as white servants could be. As he can not expect any assistance from the two small neighboring towns, every article is made on his farm : his negroes are MONTICELLO. 235 cabinetmakers, carpenters, masons, bricklayers, smiths, etc. The children he employs in a nail-factory, which yields already a considerable profit. The young and old negresses spin for the clothing of the rest. He animates them by rewards and distinctions ; in fine, his superior mind directs the manage ment of his domestic concerns with the same abilities, activity, and regularity which he evinced in the conduct of public affairs, and which he is calculated to display in every situation in life. In the superintendence of his household he is assisted by his two daughters, Mrs. Randolph and Miss Maria, who are handsome, modest, and amiable women. They have been educated in France Mr. Randolph is proprietor of a considerable plantation contiguous to that of Mr. Jeffer son s. He constantly spends the summer with him, and, from the affection he bears him, he seems to be his son rather than his son-in-law." In 1796, Jefferson was elected Vice President of the United States, and on the 2Oth of February, 1797, set out for Philadelphia to be installed in his new office, to which we will not follow him. In his sixtieth year he returned to Mon- ticello to be joyfully welcomed by his children and grand children. In April, 1804, Monticello was again saddened by the death of Mrs. Eppes, Jefferson s second daughter. She had become the wife of John Wayles Eppes, son of Francis Eppes, in 1797. She left two children Francis, born in 1801, and Maria, who died while yet an infant. In 1806, Jefferson took his seat as President of the United States. During his residence at Washington, which had then become the seat of the Federal Government, he ever kept in mind his home at Monticello, and its support and improve ment furnished some relaxation from the cares of official life. 236 MONTICELLO. The close of Jefferson s life was pleasantly occupied in perfecting his plans for the University of Virginia. He had, says one of his biographers, first interested himself in this institution in the year 1817. The whole of 1824 seems to have been taken up by him in this absorbing topic. The original plan was merely to found a college to be named the "Central College of Virginia," but through Jefferson it was extended so as to constitute the University of Vir ginia. He daily visited the buildings during their erection, and took the most lively interest in the matter. His toil in behalf of this "child of his old age" was excessive and unremitting. Few of those men whose theatre of action was the Amer ican Revolution were unconnected with military life. It is impossible to write of most of them without touching, at least, upon their military career. Dickinson fought as a volunteer in the Revolution, so did Stockton, Rodney in fact, almost all of the Signers. Jefferson, almost alone, neither held nor courted military rank or military services. As a Virginian he stood almost alone in this respect, yet he was esteemed and honored by army officers throughout the country and in France, and among these none possessed a warmer friendship for him than La Fayette. On the latter s visit to the United States in 1824, Jefferson, writing him to hurry his promised visit to Monticello, says : " What a history have we to run over, from the evening that yourself, Monsnier, Bernan, and other patriots settled in my house in Paris the outlines of the constitution you wished !" On La Fayette s arrival at Monticello, Jefferson met him on the eastern side of the house, where the lawn con tains less than an acre. The carriage bearing La Fayette halted at the edge of this open space. The escort one MONTICELLO. 237 hundred and twenty mounted men formed on one side in a semicircle extending from the carnage to the house. La Fayette alighted from the carriage, and at the same moment Jefferson descended from the portico. The latter was fee ble with age, the former lamed and broken by his impris onment in the dungeon of Olmutz. "As they approached each other," writes Mr. Jefferson Randolph, who was present upon that occasion, "their uncertain gait quickened itself into a shuffling run, and exclaiming, Ah, Jefferson ! Ah, La Fayette ! they burst into tears as they fell into each other s arms. Among the four hundred men who witnessed this scene there was not a dry eye, no sound save an occasional suppressed sob. The two old men entered the house as the crowd dispersed in profound silence." In the same year Daniel Webster visited Monticello and spent a few days there. One of Mr. Jefferson s granddaughters, writing to Randall, his biographer, says, respecting visitors: "They came of all nations, at all times, and paid longer or shorter visits. I have known a New England judge bring a letter of introduction to my grandfather and stay three weeks. The learned Abbe Correa, always a welcome guest, passed some weeks of each year with us during the whole time of his stay in the country. We had persons from abroad, from all the States of the Union, from every part of the State men, women, and children. In short, almost every day, for at least eight months of the year, brought its contingent of guests people of wealth, fashion, men in office, professional men, military and civil, lawyers, doctors, Protestant clergymen, Catholic priests, members of Congress, foreign ministers, mission aries, Indian agents, tourists, travellers, artists, strangers, friends." The life of the great owner of Monticello was now draw- 2 3 8 MONTICELLO. ing to a close. The vigorous constitution which had lasted so many years was at last breaking down. It would be tedious to recite the history of the gradual wearing out of the bearings and journals of such a perfect and exquisite machine as Jefferson s. "THOMAS JEFFERSON STILL SURVIVES!" exclaimed the dying Adams, yet at that moment the families of both Monticello and Ouincy were watching and waiting for the last breath of both men. On the 4th of July, 1826, the souls of both these great patriots were summoned before the bar of a TOMB OF THOMAS JEFFERSON AT MONTICELLO. greater tribunal than any at which during their lives they had ever pleaded. Jefferson desired that there might be engraved upon his tomb these lines : MONTICELLO. 239 " Here was buried THOMAS JEFFERSON, Author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia." To the fact that he was President of the United States, Governor of Virginia, Secretary of State during Washing ton s administration, and Minister to France he did not refer. And now we must indite the saddest record in the history of Monticello. Toward the close of his career the resources of Jefferson began to fail. As a young man he had started life with an income augmented by his fees in the practice of the law to an amount which exceeded his necessities or even his luxuries. His wife brought him a still larger sum, and the amounts he received at various times from different sources were considerable. To counterbalance this, his expenditures were always very large. His outlay on Monti- cello, even toward the latter part of his life, was very great, and the entertainment of visitors a constant tax on his income. A number of his investments were failures, notably the flour- mill which he built near his home. The general depression which extended throughout the country during the years preceding his decease tended to the loss of income in various directions and the dwindling of his estate. To meet his expenses Jefferson had mortgaged his property and borrowed money upon his personal notes or from any other source that presented itself. It has been asserted that Jefferson s financial difficulties were largely due to having indorsed a friend s paper. Although he did lose money in this way, yet the sum was in considerable when compared with the total of his indebtedness. 240 MONTICELLO. When it became known that Jefferson was in financial dif ficulties several States raised and forwarded to him consid erable sums, which, although thankfully received, did not help him but temporarily. His want of money had been known for a long time. After the destruction of the Congressional Library at Washington in 1814 by the British, Jefferson offered his own books to partly replace it at any sum Con gress chose to allow him. The sum finally agreed upon was less than twenty-five thousand dollars, and he perhaps received twenty thousand additional in gifts from the various States. Large sums were never claimed by private individ uals, amounting to many thousands more, yet when he died his debts exceeded his property by over forty thousand dollars. It would appear that Jefferson was not fully aware how serious his affairs were, for he left Monticello and other property to trustees to be held for the benefit of his daughter Martha Randolph, whose husband had become very poor. Within six months after Jefferson s death his property, and even the household furniture of Monticello, were sold at sheriff s sale to satisfy his creditors, and the home of Jefferson passed into the hands of strangers. Even his last resting-place was not permitted to exist undisturbed, but relic-hunters chipped away his tomb, bit by bit, until nothing remained. The graves of his family were treated in the same way. To-day, however, Monticello, reclaimed, cared for, and rejuvenated as in the days of its former owner, bids fair to endure as a lasting monument of Thomas Jefferson. JEFFERSON GENEALOGY, 241 3 3 t> hH r P w C CD - *** Q ft O - 5S^ %% ^ ^^ -:> s - S flfo o ^r O " x > : r 03 i^i-^ n> "0 P W tn ^ 3 " Cu - ? ffi CM 3 S 3 03 > 2 "HH^ <. w Irl 3 ^J ^ ; t- C < 1 c^ ^ ^4 Z( w - S, ^ F^K n> ^ W II ^ O5 II > Q K^ W Ch izj c W O > _^, r^ <^ p 8 <J W P 3 17 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. MARY PHILIPSE, ( Mrs. Roger Morris^) THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. FEW who are familiar with the writings of Washington Irving will fail to remember the Sleepy Hollow legend, popularly localized near Tarrytown. Others recall the spot because it brings to mind the melancholy death of the OLD MILL AT TARRYTOWN. talented but unfortunate Major Andre ; few, however, associ ate the name with the Tory family of Philipse. The ancient Dutch church at Tarrytown, made famous by Irving, is still standing, and here, surrounded by the hills and valleys that 245 246 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. his pen made famous, reposes the remains of this gifted author. On the front of the sacred building, the oldest of its kind, it is believed, in New York State, there still exists a tablet stating that it was built in the year of our Lord 1699 by Frederick Philipse and Catharine Van Cortlandt, his wife, both of pious and honored memory. Near the church, almost hidden amongst the trees and undergrowth on the banks of the Pocanteco, is an ancient mill, another relic of this early member of the Philipse family which, with each succeeding generation, rose higher and higher in wealth and power until it stood in the front rank of those Colonial families for which New York is famed. Concerning the church, Bolton in his history of West- chester County speaks as follows: "This venerable edifice, believed to be the oldest church now standing in the State, is built of stone and brick, the latter having been imported from Holland for the express purpose. Its antique belfry and hipped roof present quite a picturesque appearance. The entrance was formerly through a porch on the south side ; this has been recently changed to the western end, facing the road. On the north side of the doorway is inserted a stone tablet inscribed as follows : " ERECTED AND BUILT BY FREDERICK PHILIPSE AND CATHARINE VAN CORTLANDT HIS WIFE, IN 1699. "The interior of the building has undergone considerable repairs and alterations, semi-Gothic lights having supplanted the old-fashioned square-headed windows. The pulpit and Heilig Avondmaal (holy communion-table) were like the bricks originally imported from Holland. The former being a capacious affair surmounted by a sounding-board." The bell of the church," continues Mr. Bolton, "was cast to THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 247 order in Holland, and presented by Frederick Philipse. It is richly ornamented, and bears the following inscription : SI . DEUS . PRO . NOBIS . QUIS . CONTRA . NOS . 1685. "The western end of the church bears an odd vane, shaped like a flag, and bearing the initials of the founder, Vrederick Felypsen. " The communion-service, presented by the Philipse fam ily, consists of two silver bekers, the first, richly engraved OLD CHURCH AT TARRYTOWN. with floriated tracery, bears the name of Fredrych Flypse, and stands about seven inches high. The second is also richly engraved with antique figures, representing angels, birds, fruits, and flowers, besides three ovals containing emblematic figures of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Near the 248 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. top is engraved the name of Catharina Van Cortlandt, this cup stands nearly six inches and a half high. There is likewise a baptismal bowl composed of solid silver, eight inches and a half in diameter, bearing the name of Fredrych Felypse." Having thus described the old church, let us discover, if we can, something regarding the generous couple who founded it. According to a pedigree of the family published many years since from family papers, Frederyck (or Vrederyck) Felypsen is said to have been the son of a person of the same name, of Bolswaert, Holland, who emigrated to New Amsterdam in 1658, and Margaret Dacres, his wife. This colonist, in turn, is claimed as the son of the " Right Honorable Viscount Felypse of Bohemia,* by Eva, the daughter of a noble Bohe mian family, who fled with her son Vrederyck to East Fries- land." It appears, however, that the first settler was here before 1658, for we find his name mentioned as an inhabitant of New Amsterdam among a number of citizens taxed " to defray the expense incurred in erecting the city defences." This list, which includes the names of all the taxable inhab itants of the town, shows Mr. Philipse as assessed the sum of twenty guilders. The smallness of this amount (less than eight dollars) indicated him to have been at that time a person of very moderate means, so that we may justly sup pose him to have been a " young man who had, in common with the other citizens of that period, wended his way hither to seek his fortune in the wilds of the West." Shortly sub sequent to this, he is said to have been engaged in the remunerative pursuit of fur-trading; but the foundation of his success was, undoubtedly, his marriage, October 28, 1662, * The family appears to have held very high rank in Bohemia, as nobles, and also to have had the office of Grand Veneurs, or keepers of the deer forests in that country. Their collar and badge of office, a gold chain set with amethysts, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, is still possessed by the family. THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 249 with Margaret Hardenbroch, widow of Pieter Rudolphus de Vries. De Vries, from a very small beginning as a trader, had by untiring industry accumulated a very large fortune, which he left to his wife, who by her second marriage placed it at the disposal of Philipse. He at once entered into various enterprises and speculations, most of which terminated suc cessfully. His trade in corn and in general merchandise with the Indians brought him a good profit, which, with true Dutch frugality, he took care to place at large rates of inter est, until at last he became the possessor of a great fortune. He was within a few years after his marriage accounted a richer man, even, than old Cornelius Steenwych, burgomaster of New Amsterdam and afterward mayor of New York, " who up to that time had been regarded as possessing the largest fortune of any one in the place. When, in 1664, New Amsterdam came into English hands, we find the name of Frederick Philipse as "about to be taxed" four florins weekly for six weeks " in lieu of the disagreeable alternative of having British soldiers billited upon him." At this time, we are informed, Philipse resided in old Bronner Street, now the north side of Stone Street, between Whitehall and Broad. This street had been lately paved by the inhabitants along it, and, being thus the first paved street in New York City, it finally got the name of Stone Street, which it still retains. On this street resided also Oloff Stevenson Van Cortlandt, and it is whispered that the attractions of Catharine Van Cortlandt were noted by Philipse at an early period, long before his rich wife so obligingly consented to die. Van Cortlandt was a wealthy brewer who had come to New York in 1637. He was one of the "Nine Men," and opposed Stuyvesant, who retaliated by turning the entire nine out of church and tearing up their pews, which very useless and 250 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. PHILIPSE COAT OF ARMS. unreasonable performance was in keeping with the governor s usual bad taste. When, after the city was retaken by the Dutch in 1674, an estimate of the value of the property of several citizens was drawn up, that of Philipse was stated to be eighty thousand florins, the largest amount given to any one on the list. As early as 1672, Philipse began to acquire lands in Westchester County, in con nection with Thomas Lewis and Thomas Delavol. Their first pur chase was near the present town of Yonkers. He soon after this bought the interest of his partners, becoming sole owner of the land to which he gradually added. In 1680 he purchased from one Gho- harius, brother of Weskora, Sachem of Weckquaskeck, strips of land on each side of the Pocanteco, and had the same confirmed, with the privilege of " erecting a mill, making a dam, or whatsoever shall be requisite and necessary thereunto, with all profits, commodities, and emol uments, unto the said creek, river, and land belonging." He bought, in 1685, from the Indians of Ossining all their land, "commencing at the Pocanteco, and so running up Hudson s River to the creek or river called Ketchawan " (Croton River). This last acquisition perfected an estate that stretched from the Croton River to Spuyten Duyvel. " He next petitioned the government to grant him the island of Paperinemo, or Paperinemen, as it was called, a neck of land stretching out among salt marshes on the West- Chester side of the present King s Bridge, and also for authority to erect a bridge at this point, and to receive THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 253 toll from whomsoever should pass over it. These requests were conceded to him on the ground that he had been at great charge and expense in the purchasing and settling of the aforesaid tracts of land. The bridge he erected he called King s Bridge. By a charter bearing date June 12, 1693, these entire tracts of land were erected into a manor, and confirmed to Philipse by the name and title of " the lordship and manor of Philips- borough." This charter gave to Philipse and the heirs of his body "full power and authority at all times for ever here after in the said lordship or manor, one court leet and one court baron, to hold and keep at such times and so often, yearly and every year, as he or they shall see meet," with " full and ample power and authority to distrain for the rents, levies, or other sums of money payable by virtue of the premises ;" together with the avowson or right of patronage of all churches within the manor; and directing that the " tenants of the said Frederick Philipse within the said manor shall and may at all times hereafter meet together and choose assessors within the manor aforesaid, according to such rules, ways, and methods as are prescribed for the cities, towns, and counties within our province, .... such sums of money so assessed or levied to collect and dispose of as the acts of General Assembly shall appoint, to have and to hold, possess, collect, and enjoy all and singular the said lordship and manor of Philipsborough .... unto the said Frederick Philipse." He was to pay for this grant, at the fort in New York, yearly, on the Feast of the Annunciation, the sum of four pounds twelve shillings rent. His first wife died in the year 1662, and some time after ward he espoused the fair Catharine Van Cortlandt, whose name appears with his upon the church at Tarrytown and the 254 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. old communion-service which we have described. Through her also a large fortune was brought to the family. On this manor Philipse erected a residence, but not the house now standing, known as the Philipse Manor House, although the latter is partly upon the foundation of the first. The first house was probably erected after the church, for we read that Catharine Philipse, during the erection of the sacred building, was accustomed to ride " up from the city of New York on horseback, mounted on a pillion behind her favorite brother, Jacobus Van Cortlandt, for the purpose of superintending the erection of this church; her husband was at that time a merchant in the city. These journeys were generally performed during moonlight nights. Who could relate the interesting conversations that must have passed between the affectionate brother and sister as they sat on horseback pursuing their lonely route from the metropolis, and the joy of the latter when the glorious work was com pleted ?" "This illustrious lady," continues the writer from whom we quote, " must certainly have taken a very active part, not only in the building, but in the procuring and subsequent settlement of the ministry therein, which plainly appears from the ancient records of the Dutch church, where her name occurs as first on the list of its members in 1697," a d later, thus : " First, and before all, the right honorable, God-fearing, very wise and prudent, my lady Catharina Philipse, widow of the lord Frederick Philipse of blessed memory, who have promoted divine service here in the highest praiseworthy manner." Washington Irving thus describes the church which Cath arina founded here for " the sake of her soul and that of her worshipful lord." "The sequestered situation of this church seems always to have made it a favorite haunt of troubled spirits. It stands THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 257 on a knoll surrounded by locust trees and lofty elms, from among" which its decent whitewashed walls shine modestly forth, like Christian purity beaming through the shades of retirement. A gentle slope descends from it to a silver sheet of water bordered by high trees, between which peeps may HALLWAY, 1 IIILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE. be caught at the blue hills of the Hudson. To look upon its grass-grown yard, where the sunbeams seem to sleep so quietly, one would think that there at least the dead might rest in peace. On one side of the church extends a wide woody dell, along which laves a large brook among broken rocks and trunks of fallen trees. Over a deep black part of the stream, not far from the church, was formerly thrown a 258 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. wooden bridge ; the road that led to it and the bridge itself were thickly shaded by overhanging trees, which cast a gloom about it even in the daytime, but occasioned a fearful dark ness at night. It was in this church that the never-to-be-forgotten Yankee pedagogue, Ichabod Crane, in rivalry of the old dominie, led off the choir, making the welkin rin^r with the notes of his o o nasal psalmody. It was, too, in the ravine just back of the church that this redoubtable hero, Ichabod, had his fearful midnight encounter with the headless horseman, and for ever o disappeared from the sight of the goodly inhabitants of Sleepy Hollow." At this church were buried the Paulding family, one of whom aided in the capture of Andre. Frederick Philipse, first lord of the manor of Philips- borough, after a most successful and in many ways remark able career, departed this life in the year 1702. By his last will and testament, dated 26th October, 1700, proved 1702, he desired to be buried at Sleepy Hollow, where, accordingly, his remains were duly deposited. His wife Catharine survived him for many years. Her will is dated 7th January, 1730. By the will of Frederick Philipse u all that portion of the manor north of Dobb s Ferry, including the present town, became vested in Adolphus Philipse, his second son. This individual "was also proprietor" of a great tract of land north of "Anthony s Nose" and the executor of his brother Philip Philipse s estate, the latter having died in 1714. Adolphus died without issue in 1750, and the whole manor of Philipsborough descended to his nephew, Frederick Philipse, the nearest male heir of the grandfather. This nephew was born in 1698 upon the island of Barbadoes, at an estate called Springhead belonging to his father. Adolphus Philipse is spoken of as a man of considerable COL. FREDERICK PHILIPSE. THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 261 talents. He had been baptized in the Dutch church in New Amsterdam, November 15, 1665. When a young man he engaged in mercantile pursuits. As a member of the Pro vincial Council from Cornbury s administration to the year 1721, and as Speaker of the Assembly, and in many other positions of public and private trust, he filled all with great honor. It was probably Adolphus who rebuilt the manor-house, enlarging it considerably beyond the original plan. The New York Gazette of 22d of January, 1750, says: " On Saturday morning last Adolph Philipse, Esq., departed this life, in the eighty-fifth year of his age The minutes of Council and Journal of Assembly for upward of forty years past will remain evidences of his great diligence and constant attendance upon the service of his country His funeral obsequies are this day to be performed in this city, and then his remains are to be carried up to the manor of Philipsborough and there deposited in his own church and family vault." The Hon. Frederick Philipse, the heir of Adolphus, did not long enjoy the vast estate which it was his fortune to inherit. He died upon the 26th day of July, 1751, leaving a widow, daughter of Anthony Brockholst, and five children. Of these, Frederick Philipse, being the eldest, became lord of the manor. He was a colonel in the militia and a member of the Assembly, but in other ways he took but little part in public affairs. He lived, probably more than others, on the manor. In 1775, April nth, the freeholders of Westchester met at White Plains to take measures in regard to the election of delegates to Congress. " Colonel Philipse and the Rev. Mr. Wilkins were present also, but when the meeting con vened Mr. Wilkins denounced the meeting, and announced to the crowd that he and his companions "would not have 262 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. anything to do with the deputies or Congress, but that they came there for the sole purpose of protesting against such illegal and unconstitutional proceedings ; after which they departed." Various other acts showing his Tory sentiment finally compelled Colonel Philipse to sail for England, and the manor of Philipsborough, which had now been in possession of the family for nearly a century, " became by bill of attainder confiscated to the State of New York." He remained in England, and died there in 1785, at the age of sixty-five. He was, says a writer, " a man of very large size, on account of which his wife seldom rode in the same carriage with him. In his character he is said, by one who knew him well, to have been a worthy and respectable man, not often excelled in personal and domestic amiableness." Shortly before his death the British Government voted him ^62,075 sterling as a compensation for the loss of the manor. Colonel Philipse, as we have noted, made extended im provements to one of the manor-houses which is thus described by a historian : " Castle Philipse, the ancient residence of the lords of Philipsborough, occupies a pleasant position on the west side of the millpond, nearly facing the old Dutch church, having acquired the appellation from the fact that in the early days of the Colony it was strongly fortified with cannon, a necessary precaution against any sudden attack of the Indians. The embrasures or port-holes can yet be traced in the cellar walls. The western end of the building is evidently the remains of a much older edifice, probably coeval with the erection of the mill in 1683. At the present time the house is completely modernized. "The mansion is seen to the best advantage from the Sleepy Hollow Bridge. The principal entrance is through a porch on the north-east front. Here, within the compass of a broad territory, the Philipses enjoyed every distinction.,. THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 265 feudal and ecclesiastical, which the Colonial Government could bestow the manor, baronial courts, hunting, fishing, advowson, and family sepulture, together with all the bless ings which the retirement of a country life and religion could afford." To the lord s mill, near the manor-house, the tenants on the vast estate, and from the country near by, brought their grain to be ground into flour, and when ground it was shipped to market by the superintendent, the lord s toll being first deducted. But the Philipse family were not content with one home. The original fortified house, called Castle Philipse, was not large enough, although spacious, to satisfy their longings for mag nificence, so they started to build another home on the site of an old farm building at the present town of Yonkers ; and it in turn came also to be called the manor-house, and probably later was occupied by the family during most of the year. There is little question that the rich old bachelor Adolphus Philipse designed this house, and that his nephew and heir and grand-nephew, both of whom bore the name of Frederick Philipse, added to the architectural features and interior dec orations. " The front of the manor-hall," writes a historian of Yonkers, " presents quite a handsome elevation for a country residence of the olden time. It is built in the Dutch style, so fashionable at that period ; its roof is surmounted by a heavy line of balustrade, forming a terrace that commands extensive views of the river. The principal entrance is through the eastern porch, ornamented with light columns and correspond ing pilasters. There are likewise two porches on the eastern front, looking upon the lawn. The interior is fitted up with wainscoted walls, ceilings highly ornamented in arabesque- work, and carved marble mantels. The view from the south commands the old stone mill, village spires, and the wooded 266 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. banks of Philipse Point. On the west are beautiful prospects of the dock and river; on the east a verdant lawn skirted by garden-terraces, horse-chestnuts, and the main road, above which rises Locust Hill. The hall is capacious, and its wide MANTEL AND CEILING IN DRAWING-ROOM, PHILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE. staircase with antique balustrades and banister has a fine effect. The bed-rooms are large panelled apartments with old-fash ioned fireplaces faced in Dutch tile, representing thereon Scripture stories with appropriate references." Around the grounds were laid long, noble terraces, fringed THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 267 with box hedges, and there was an extensive and magnificent garden "enriched by valuable fruit trees and shrubs. The splendid orange and myrtle trees that once adorned the green-house were formerly in the possession of Mrs. Macomb of Kingsbridge. The lawn, sloping by easy grade to the FIREPLACE IN THE WASHINGTON CHAMBER. banks of the Hudson, was dotted with rare ornamental trees and shrubs, and included a large deer-park which was always kept well stocked with English deer. Toward the close of the Philipse reign, if we may so call their sway over these broad acres, the tenants on their domain were, on the great rent-day, feasted here. This mansion, exclusive of Castle Philipse, maintained thirty white and twenty negro servants. The lesser rent-day was, it appears, always kept at the Sleepy Hollow house for the convenience of the lower tenants. 268 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. " In lieu of rent," says the History of Westchester Coztnty, "was frequently received a couple of fat hens, a day s work, or a trifling sum amounting to three or four pounds. The farmers bordering on the river, having greater privileges, MANTEL AND MIRROR IN SECOND-STORY FRONT ROOM, PHILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE. paid higher rents. The courts leet and baron were held yearly at the house of John Cockles, the site of the present Nap-pecka-mah tavern. This court took cognizance of all criminal matters, and sometimes inflicted punishments that were even capital. In the administration of justice the baronial lord presided, either in his own person or in that of his steward. THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 269 Tradition, that winsome but treacherous handmaiden of history, tells us that the lady Joanna, wife of the third lord, was as talented and haughty as she was beautiful. A dash ing- and fearless horsewoman, she pounded her unwieldy coach across the rough roads of the neighborhood, and with a hand of iron ruled the four black stallions that few but her could hold. Her skill and courage drew each day fresh flattery and homage from the officers that lounged at Philips- borough, spurring her in her foolish pride to fresh feats of reck lessness and daring. The common folk, whom she openly despised, shook their heads, indeed, solemnly in stolid Dutch fashion ; some of them may have remembered her grandfather, once poorer than they. Sometimes, when there was no one within hearing, the farmers took their pipes out of their mouths long enough to mutter that pride goes before a fall, and then continued to puff away as usual. And why not? They tilled the manor lands, paid their rent, and having, like dutiful Dutch men, eaten their lord s dinner, departed. With the wild ways of the lady Joanna they had no concern. One day a Mohawk squaw, whose father, for a few poor kegs of rum had bartered with old Frederick Philipse for these same acres, choking in the dust-cloud that swirled up from under the stallions hoofs, cursed the fair driver, her horses, and the house of Philipse. Did she know that a tree had fallen at the turn of the road? The sun was sinking in golden splendor beyond the blue hills that marked the boundary of that fair domain, when they laid her softly in the hall of the manor-house. Her gay frock was smirched with blood ; dirt, twigs, and leaves were in her hair ; on her forehead was still the angry frown that marked it when the maddened brutes ground the coach to splinters amid the rocks and hurled her, still gripping the reins, into 270 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. the black gulley below. So runs the story, but stern facts tell us only that she was killed by being flung from her coach on the manor-grounds. The second son of the Hon. Frederick Philipse, called Philip Philipse, had inherited large estates in the Highlands, beyond Philipsborough, and likewise became very rich ; he died BED-CHAMBER AT PHILIPSE MANOR-HOUSE. while yet in middle life some time prior to the Revolution, and his children being still minors when the war opened, they were not included in the bill of attainder, nor was their estate disturbed, in spite of their expressed and very pronounced views. They were, indeed, all Tory in sentiment. Frederick Philipse, the third lord of the manor of Philips- borough, had two daughters who reached womanhood > O Susanna and Mary. They are both said to have been very beautiful, but tradition gives to Mary, the youngest, charms THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 271 that lend additional interest to the romance by which she is especially remembered. Both of these young women had in herited considerable property from their father on his death in 1751. Susanna, the eldest, soon after married Beverly Robin son, afterward widely known for the part he played in Arnold s treason. To Mary the youngest daughter, who married Captain Roger Morris, an officer of the English army, belongs a story told by every one who has written of the Philipses, the story of Washington s attachment for her. As the story is told, the general, then a youth of twenty-six, met her at the home of Beverly Robinson, with whom he was quite intimate, and, according to the Tory side of the story, was refused point-blank by the haughty heiress, who was then nearly thirty years of age and getting rather passe, because " she loved another." One version of this historic love-affair tells how they sat together in conversation until daybreak, and, as the gray li^ht of morning crept in, mocking the flickering licrht of the O O 1 O O c5 candles burning low in their sockets, Washington at last found courage to propose, only to be refused. The story continues that the handsome young Virginian colonel grew ashy pale which is the proper thing, by the way, to do under such circumstances and rushed out of the house, upsetting one of the slaves who was up getting breakfast. Another account tells us that Washington, always on the lookout in his younger days for a rich wife, paid considerable attention to Mary Philipse, but never summed up courage to propose a fact that was always extremely regretted by the heiress of Frederick Philipse. The narrator of the former version adds a sequel which, though manifestly untrue, is too picturesque to omit. It seems, we are informed, that after Andre was seized, Beverly Robinson protected by a commission, called at the American 272 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. headquarters and demanded a secret interview with Washing ton in the name of the ancient friendship that had existed between them. His request having been granted, he was secretly conducted, with a companion, heavily cloaked and masked, into the general s presence. At the moment of their meetinor Washington and Robinson fell into each other s o o arms. After a few moments of deep emotion Washington asked, "And now, pray, what can I do for you, sir?" Robin son began to plead for Andre s life, but was informed that he must die that nothing now could save him. The Tory colonel recommenced his pleading, and, forgetting the days that passed since their youthful intimacy, addressed the commander in chief as George. " General Washington, Colonel Robinson" exclaimed the former quickly, and added that he would call one of the guard to escort him back. " I have here, general," exclaimed the Tory, " an old friend whom you will treat more affectionately ;" and, to Washington s aston ishment, Mary Philipse., now Mrs. Morris, presented herself. The general s reply was even more severe ; it was silence for a moment, and then he called loudly for an officer of the guard. " Show these persons through the lines !" he exclaimed, and left the room abruptly in disgust. Such is the tale. When we remember that at the time it is alleged that it occurred, Mary Philipse, now Mrs. Morris, was aged about fifty, it does not appear so probable or romantic. What we do know is that Captain Morris and Beverly Robinson both fled to England, and that their prop erty was forfeited to the State. Parliament allowed them a good sum for the same, and a further sum for the reversion to the heirs, then minors. The Chief Justice of England, however, subsequently decided that the trust estates of the minors were not affected, as minors could not be attainted for hio-h treason. The heirs of Captain Morris upon this decision Frrdorick tin? ije,%ri*JLat P jr ovi a c of New York ; A Geitil> ih Yiiriotrs facial domefiic AB<! JReli^"iws Virttres were omin.-uf ly t r jta JITw> Ifo Jfbi JB R ociitirJe of His coa.Auc.i: cumjcua iuled the Eft... of <WK-,WUJi*f ik B*ttwJ# tt c of EM H.- rt, AIM! &itjti> ut Hi* Muitrx fcnr<l ih* f -wYork , coaftf e 4<#d, by ii* that Pr<*dnc.WJuttilM Brit litlrawii from NV^^ork in 1783 He S rliie<l A Provittc*? io wLiVh lie Jbul always fc-en Ait Mi a JJL<! Beji.piao^ or, Jiul < ajiif* io Hi Life , it* laiKiI>#flaia aitbfc nd C wluck r0?re <>i Fortriw He iiore *ril h i < .iliiiu i/i,F.iriiir<i ajul Jli^uiiy Jkad Jfiiiuifribkr d Him ikrovg L vjry foe aum ta^V of Lif a jr 1785 MEMORIAL TABLET TO FREDERICK PHILIPSE. (Fac-simile of original in Chester Cathedral, England.) THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 275 began preparation for a suit against the State of New York. In 1828, John Jacob Astor offered one hundred thousand dollars for the claim, which was accepted. He won the case, and a profit of four hundred thousand dollars by the trans action. Thus ends the history of the Philipse manor, its Colonial lords, and its Tory owners. By one of those strange turns of fortune which are sometimes observed, the Philipse manor- house became, after the Revolution, the residence of Mrs. Cornelia Bleecker, wife of Gerard G. Bleecker and daughter of Lieutenant-Governor Pierre Van Cortlandt. Although allied distantly to the Philipses, Mrs. Bleecker was noted for her patriotism. It is related that upon one occasion her personal courage, as well as her patriotism, was tried most severely. Some soldiers belonging to a Tory regiment called at the house and behaved most insolently. Upon her expos tulating with them one fellow exclaimed, "Ah, you are the daughter of that old rebel Pierre Van Cortlandt, are you not?" "Pierre Van Cortlandt is my father," she said, and then added firmly, " but it is not for such as you to call him rebel." The soldier clubbed his musket to strike her down, but, standing her ground, she reproved him so sternly for his insolence that he went off with his comrades, leaving her unhurt. Some of the descendants of old Frederick Philipse have won for themselves wealth and position, but none have attained the crreatness of their crallant old ancestor, the first o o lord, who in his manor-house of Philipsborough, with his cannon shotted, his colors hoisted, lord of a tract of land that stretched in blue hills and vales for miles and miles in all directions, could, like the Van Rensselaers, bid defiance to the world. Such old manors and the buildings upon them, wherever situate, have the charm of relics of the Colonial 276 THE MANOR OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. period of our country, and are always invested with interest ing legends and local traditions that have been long handed down from father to son, by the county folk about them. The manor of Philipsborough and Philipse Castle have less of these and fewer stirrino- incidents connected with their o history than some others, but they possess one magnet, that will, for all time, attract attention to their forlorn desolation, their proximity and connection with the scene of Arnold s treason, the tragic death of Major Andre, and, almost greater than these historic events, the fact that the manor is the scene of some of the legends and the last resting-place of Washington Irving. PHILIPSE OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. 277 S 2S =s-s;Pi r (-M HH P P O) tj |_|W 9 ?* S UJ r4- i , ^ r w ? to ^ S" ^ 3 1-1 S ^ ^32 O 1 d-- frj ^l* r i. n | |<S. ^ w >.. 0- HQ FREDE PHIL JD hr) > ill -( ^*^ !: O) ,- s pj 2. rt) -i CD ^ _K "^ w ^ ^ S M ?S ^w 8S, FREDE manor & -> H P K^ ||g n !J| cr fD 2,2 3$ :RICK PHILIPSE xles, b. 1829. CHARLES = MIS 1 H P ? 7 1 = ELIZABETH, dai of Charles Wi liams. -^ rt D ^ 3 W P ?d In - P^ O-TJ K gp 00 hH "d 3 CA > ^ ^ P-pP PIIILIPSE, first 1 ilipsborough; d. IJ( PHILIPSE ^ r-- * HH T^ 5 tf> ^ O N o CfQ s-i-d ^^ J> T) TJ > 2 ?- ffl 5 - w ! - ^ a. EDWIN WILLIAM PHILl b. 8 April, 1830. b ^ W ?c ?2, o^ P i cr| rt w ffi p S. nT i i r fTcL 1 ; C/2 ^? < ^ p w > :LIP PHILIPSE of SUSANNA, m. M ighlands;bapt.!724; Col. Beverley 1768; m. Margaret Robinson, arston. (See LINE ) Ill o" Sp" 3 ro ._ _ ^ O <^ 3 to ADOLPHUS PHILIPSE, EVA, m. second lord of the manor ; Van Co d. 1750, s. p. the = MARGARET HARDENBROC] | 2d wife was Catharina Van Corl PHILIPSBOROUGH. Or ^55 &. 3 3 & S.C5 ^ P ST* d p P^ ^r^ P O - ^ "* K g r ^ ui o K^ 2. r B 0, a. ^_ " ^ 3 ^ "* " ^V OP Q^ p- o ^ | o. g >d_ S 3 ~ o oo^ rt ^ 5 H\ 2. O c e^ ^ 5! o " r*^ ^ tr ^ S a w g ^H~ ? S c N y *) Jw Q^ ^^ M 1 "^ ^ TJ O 3 ^2 ^S" 8-s PHILIPSE OF PHILIPSBOROUGH. W < d, H * K O u g S s o w< C4 Q-S WAYNESBOROUGH, OLD ST. DAVID S, RADNOR, WAYNESBOROUGH. IN the churchyard of old St. David s, Radnor, near Phila delphia, are two graves of more than passing interest. At the church-door, capped with a broad engraven slab, and serving at once for tombstone and doorsill, is that of the haughty William Moore of Moore Hall, whilst near by, to the right of the narrow path, lies the body of Captain Isaac Wayne, father of the gallant Mad Anthony whose modest monument, originally intended to have been erected over his uncof- fined bones, then on the desolate shore of Lake Erie, and the only tribute that Pennsylvania has ever paid to the memory of her first great soldier, the hero of Stony Point, the friend of Washington, in return for the blood which he shed for her "from the frozen fields of Canada to the burning sands of Florida," crumbles gently away a little to the westward of the church. Isaac Wayne and William Moore, although they sleep so close together without notable disturbance, were not only mortal enemies, but represented the extremes in society and politics of their day. They were both of good family, large THE WAYNE ARMS. 281 282 WAYNESBOROUGH. landholders, and equally prominent in their county of Chester. They had many accomplishments and tastes in common, and, had the times and conditions been different, they might have been not only friends, but as fast allies and boon-companions as any of their hard-riding and hard-drinking, fox-hunting neighbors. The Wayne family are mentioned in the early records of Yorkshire and Derbyshire, where for centuries they held a most respectable position among the lesser gentry, and down almost to the present time the name is to be found in certain parishes of Derbyshire in which the family held lands. These old Waynes bore the Christian names of Anthony, Gabriel, and Francis, and divers of them were soldiers by profession, some in the great Civil War in England, and mostly upon the side of the king. One of these latter was Captain Gabriel Wayne, a good officer, who was apparently a near kinsman to Captain Anthony Wayne, the ancestor of the family in this country. There is yet extant in England a roll of Derby shire families entitled to bear arms, and among them is men tioned the Wayne family, the coat being given as gules, a chevron ermine, between three inside gauntlets, or, and these arms were cut on a seal ring belonging to the first Captain Anthony Wayne of Easttown, Chester County, Pennsylvania. This ring is still extant, and in the possession of a descendant, Miss Mary Wayne of Philadelphia. The crest on the old ring is a stag s head erased, pr., which is different from the crest now used by the Derbyshire Waynes, but crests cannot be trusted to form any part of a genealogical augment, as they were frequently changed at the mere caprice of their owners. Anthony Wayne was born near the border-line of York shire and Derbyshire in the year 1666. He adopted at an early age the profession of arms, for which, doubtless, he inherited a decided preference. Whilst yet a lad he was in WA YNESBOROUGH. 283 Holland, and saw service in the Low Countries, it is said, under John Churchill, afterward the great Duke of Marl- borough. It may have been that Captain Wayne was one of those WAYNESBOROUGH. picked soldiers who accompanied William of Orange to Eng land on his expedition against King James, or he may have subsequently joined William s army in Ireland. Be this as it may, however, it is a pretty well established fact that he com manded a troop of horse at the Boyne Water, in company with his lifelong companion, John Hunter, and that sub sequently Wayne and Hunter retired from the army, and settled down as graziers in the County of Wicklow, one having married a French woman, and the other a native of Holland. 284 WAYNESBOROUGH. This story seems much more probable than the tradition which relates that Anthony Wayne and John Hunter were farm ers in County Wicklow, and that at the battle of Boyne they gathered their farm-hands together and joined the Protestant forces, arming themselves with rude weapons constructed from implements of husbandry, returning to their farms after the fight. As against this last tale it may be urged that there were but few, if any, English Protestant settlers in Wicklow during the years immediately preceding the Boyne fight, most of them having left the neighborhood. Nor, indeed, were the conditions such that the Protestant English settlers of Wick low could have remained undisturbed by the Catholics at that time. While their brethren were standing siege at Derry cruel massacres of English were perpetrated in other places, and it was after the defeat of the Irish at this place that their leaders devised new methods to harass the trans planted men. "After the siege of Londonderry was raised," writes Green, "the routed soldiers fell back to Dublin, where James lay helpless in the hands of the frenzied Parliament which he had summoned. Every member returned was an Irishman and a Catholic, and their one aim was to undo the successive confiscations which had given the soil to English settlers, and to get back Ireland for the Irish. It was to strengthen this work by ensuring the legal forfeiture of their lands that three thousand Protestants of name and fortune were massed together in the hugest bill of attainder which the world has seen." The name of Wayne is not in this bill, nor do the Wicklow records contain it at any period before the accession of William of Orange. On the contrary, there seems to be every reason to believe that Wayne, like other soldiers serving in Ireland, was granted the confiscated WA YNESBORO UGH. 285 lands of the rebellious Irish in lieu of his pay, for such was the policy of King William. It is therefore most probable that Anthony Wayne settled near Rathdrum, Wicklow, after 1690. The following is a copy of a letter in possession of Major William Wayne of Waynesborough, Paoli, Chester County, Pennsylvania : WATERFORD, March 8th, 1795. GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE, SIR : This comes from your near kinswoman, Mary Wayne, daughter of your Uncle Gabriel, who was married to a Captain Keating, belonging to Ireland. He brought me to Ireland, where I have resided ever since the first year of his present Majesty to the throne, and I am now a widow and my children have grown up, able to provide for themselves. I feel an earnest desire to return to my native country, but (on account of my long absence from it) I know not where to find one branch of my family, except yourself, dear cousin, whose name is made popular by the active part you took in the American War, which you have gallantly continued in pursu ing the enemies of your country. May it please God to grant you success and preserve you from the dangers which your courage and gallant conduct stand open to. I wish this letter may come to your hand, for I am assured you will answer it to my satisfaction. In the first place, I wish to know if my brother William is alive or where I may write to him, or if you can give me any information of my sister Susannah or where to write to her ; and please inform me if your own two sisters are living, Peggy and Nancy, or, if they are married, their names and where they live. Now, my dear cousin, I have written to you very often unsuccess- 286 WAYNESBOROUGH. fully, yet I do not attribute it to you or any neglect of yours. I think my letters must not have reached your hand, as you have been mostly upon some expedition or other. I hope by the time this comes to your hand you will have conquered all these difficulties and have returned to your own house, sat down in peace, and are enjoying the fruits of your toil, with both the congratulations of your friends and relations, as I am one of those who will rejoice at your felicity. I think this letter can t fail coming to your hand, as I shall direct it to General Washington to be forwarded to you. I am confident from your noble character that you will be ready to fulfil the desire of your near kinswoman, one you could not forget, as we spent our infant years under the roof of your dear father s house, Isaac Wayne, as sister and brother. If my brother is alive, let him know where to write to me. Your ever affectionate kinswoman, MARY KEATING. P. S. If you will be pleased to answer this, direct to Mary Keating, Michael Street, Waterforcl, Ireland. Another letter in reference to the family genealogy is here given. The statement that Anthony Wayne was from Ger many is, of course, erroneous, and he is confused with his wife, Hannah Faulkner, probably of Holland : PHILADA., May 17, 1817. SIR: I have communicated to Mr. Peters some facts rela tive to the genealogy of your family, which I rec d from one of the oldest of them now living. Mr. Wayne, who is now 87 years of age, relates, that the name of your great-grandfather & mine was Anthony ; that he left Germany on acct. of per secution, but whether political or religious he cannot tell, nor WA YNESBOROUGH. 287 the period when. He settled in Ireland and married a lady named Faukner & had seven sons, viz : Francis, Gabriel, Jacob, Isaac, John, William and Abraham [Humphrey]. The two last remained in Europe, the first five emigrated to America, and arrived at Boston whence they removed and all settled in Chester County, Pa. Isaac, the 4th. Son, was your grand father, and Francis, the oldest son, was mine. Each of the five brothers had several children, some of whom & many of their descendants are living in this City, in Savannah, in Washington City & in other parts of the U. S., but of the two who remained in Ireland & of their descendants I cannot learn anything. My g.father Francis had five sons, three born in Ireland & two in Chester County ; of the latter, Abm. was my father. I learned several particulars relative to the different branches of the family which I deemed unnecessary to detail to Mr. P., presuming that the principal object was to ascertain the g.g.father s name & whence he came. Mr. W. s. information is entirely from memory, having no written documents on the subject, but I think he may be relied on, particularly as his statement is confirmed by some others of the family. I shall not cease to pursue the inquiry in hope of obtain ing further information from written documents, and, if I am successful, will not fail to acquaint you. Yrs. very respectfully, C. P. WAYNE. Col. ISAAC WAYNE, Chester County. Anthony Wayne and his family removed to America in 1723, landing at Boston, Massachusetts, and proceeding thence, immediately, to Chester County, Pennsylvania, where 288 WA YNESBOROUGH. his old companion-in-arms, John Hunter, had previously (in 1722) located. By deed of May nth, 1724, he purchased from Thomas Edwards 386 acres of land in Easttown, Chester County, being described in the conveyance as "Anthony Wayne, gentleman." He also acquired a further lot of 39 acres by patent from the Proprietors in 1735. On May 3ist, 1/29, Anthony Wayne and Hannah his wife conveyed 40 acres of this tract to their son Francis, and 10 acres additional in 1739. They also subsequently conveyed their entire plantation to their son Isaac Wayne, February 2oth, 1739-40, on condition that Isaac pay them a certain annuity during their natural lives, and do other things therein specified. The particulars of these and other transactions are more especially referred to in the genealogical account of the family given in another chapter. The property mentioned they called Waynes- borough, and upon it stood the older portion of the present Waynesborough mansion, yet the home of the family. Captain Anthony Wayne died in Easttown, December 2d, 1739, and was buried in old St. David s, Radnor, where he was a vestryman and pewholcler with John Hunter, and where his tombstone is still to be seen on the right of the path lead ing to the church. He had the following children : Francis, Gabriel, Isaac, Humphrey, Jacob, W illiam, John, Sarah, Ann, Mary, for all of whom he provided during his lifetime. Isaac Wayne, the third son, was born in Ireland in 1699, and died in Chester County. He succeeded to Waynes- borough by a deed of confirmation from his brother John, his father s executor, greatly improved the property, and became, in time, a very prominent man in his county. Like his father, he was a staunch member of the Protestant Episcopal Church and a vestryman and pewholder at old St. David s. Here, on the old plantation, he continued to live. A man WA YNESBORO UGH. 289 of great force of character, he took an active part in the politics of Provincial times, and the bitterness of the day made him some enemies, among them Colonel William Moore of Moore Hall ; but his strict integrity and superior ability multiplied his friends and admirers. It so happened that an unexpected turn of affairs gave him an unexceptionable oppor tunity to distinguish himself. It was in 1754 that the Indians, under contract with the French and commanded in some cases by French officers, commenced serious warfare against the frontier settlements of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. During the early spring of 1754, Captain William Trent, under authority of Governor Dinwiclclie of Virginia, began the erection of Fort Duquesne at the forks of the Ohio River, in order to protect the operations of the Ohio Company. The fort was yet incomplete when the French, in force, under the command of Contrecceur, came down the Allegheny River and demanded the garrison to surrender, which demand was at one complied with, and the French took possession as a part, as they claimed, of their territory of Louisiana. This overt act of war was followed by prompt action on the part of the Colonies and of Great Britain. In April, 1754, the first expedition against the French and Indians marched from Alexandria. Colonel Joshua Fry was com- mander-in-chief, and Washington, then a lieutenant-colonel, second in command. The expedition was a failure, and the French remained in possession of the neighborhood of Fort Duquesne, and, indeed, of the entire frontier. "To make themselves more secure," says Mr. Albert in his paper on Fort Duquesne in The Frontier Forts of Western Pennsylvania, "the French worked on the Indians of this region by every device. They were eminently successful in their dealings with them, and they had little trouble to make 50 290 WA YNESBOROUGH. them their allies and dependants. There had grown a feeling of distrust on the part of the Indians of the Virginians, and an antagonism against them by the tribes along the rivers ; they were losing their ancient regard for the Pennsylvanians on account of the manner in which they had been duped out of INTERIOR, WAYNESBOROUGH. their hunting-grounds, and they were thus the more easily pre vailed upon, by plausible argument and by substantial evidence of friendship, to become allies of the French. Many tribes were sustained by bountiful donations ; the post was frequented by chiefs and warriors who came from distant tribes, and quite a settlement of natives was gathered in huts around the fort. WA YNESBOROUGH. 291 to whom were served rations from the public stores. To this point the representatives of the tribes came, and were here fed in time of need. Here traders and governmental agents carried on their exchange of furs and peltry, and from here went forth those predatory bands, sometimes led by French men or Canadians, which carried terror, destruction, and death to the border settlements of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland. To here were carried the captives taken in these ventures, whence they were from time to time sent to other posts or to Canada. And this continued so long as the place remained in their possession." After the defeat of the first expedition of the Colonies against this powerful stronghold the troops of Fry and Wash ington and other officers were content to guard, as well as they were able, the inner lines of settlements from the attacks of the natives and their French allies, leaving the frontier unprotected and awaiting whatever action might be taken. They had not long to wait. General Braddock arrived in Virginia on the 2Oth of February, 1755, with instructions to take command of the Crown and Provincial troops in North America. In July, Braddock s army advanced against Fort Duquesne, and was ambushed and defeated with terrible loss. The division under Dunbar was seized with panic, and fled to the settlements in the greatest confusion and haste, whilst the Provincial troops, who had behaved, amid the general dis order, with the greatest prudence and gallantry, were obliged, for want of numbers, ammunition, and supplies, to follow the general rout, thus leaving all of the settlements at the mercy of the enemy, who were prompt to take advantage of their victory. The Indians now closed in on the settlers, and the smoke of burning cabins and farm-houses went up along the entire line of settlements east of the Blue Mountains, and in 292 WA YNESBOROUGH. Pennsylvania the interior towns within fifty miles of Philadel phia were threatened by scalping-parties. It is difficult to describe the panic that followed. All thought of resistance at first seems to have been abandoned. The roads leading to Philadelphia were choked with farmers wagons stuffed w r ith household furniture, with the live stock driven behind. Many persons took passage on the first ships for England, others fled to New England or New York, and daily newsletters brought fresh advices of horrid murders and arson. At this juncture the authorities took heart and commenced to prepare for the defence. The Pennsylvania Assembly voted to establish several military companies, and a number of officers were duly commissioned. Among those who vol unteered for this difficult and dangerous service was Isaac Wayne. It is a tradition in the family that he had served, when a young man, in the English army, and that as a vol unteer had been with the Braddock expedition ; and, no mat ter what evidence is wanting to establish the latter surmise, it is quite evident that the former statement is correct, because it is scarcely likely that without any previous knowledge of military affairs he would, at his advanced age, have been trusted with so important a command, or been able in so short a time to acquire the necessary experience to lead and drill a company. In the early fall of 1755 his company was ready for service, and he at once advanced to the frontier under instructions from Governor Morris. Captain Wayne s first active service was probably beyond the Blue Mountains, and afterward at Depuis , where a blockhouse had been hastily erected. The faulty records of the military operations of the time give us but very imper fect information regarding the actual engagements with the WA YNESBOROUGH. 293 marauding Indians in which he participated, but it is known that Wayne remained at Depuis and neighborhood until January, 1756. At this time the points most exposed to Indian attacks were the Moravian settlements, especially Bethlehem, Nazareth, and neighborhood, and the destruction of Gnadenhutten and the massacre of Captain Hayes and his soldiers necessitated immediate action. A bold and experienced officer was needed to take charge of so important a post, and the choice fell on Captain Wayne. The instructions to him from Governor Morris, January 3d, 1756, are as follows: CAP. WAYNE : You are upon your return from Depuis to Halt with your Company at Nazareth, and there to remain until further orders, taking care all the while you are there to keep your company in good order,, and to post them in such a manner as most Effectually to guard and secure that place against attack ; and if you should be past Nazareth when you receive these orders, you are then to return thither, and remain there, posting your men as above you are directed. You are, as soon as you can, to augment your company with the number of twenty men, each man to find himself with a gun and a Blanket, for the use of which a reasonable allowance will be made by the government. And, in making this Augmentation you are to take care to keep an exact account of the time when each man enters himself with you, so that you may be enabled to make a proper return to me upon oath. You are to inform the men of your company and such of the other companys as you shall joyn or have occasion to send to, that they shall receive a reward from the government of forty Pieces of Eight for every Indian they shall kill and scalp in 294 WA YNESBORO UGH. any action they may have with them, which I hereby promise to pay upon producing the scalps. As there may be occasion for the immediate use of your Company in another part of the Country, you are to Hold yourself in readiness to march upon an Hour s warning." It seems probable that Captain Wayne had been stationed at Depuis since the preceding December, having been ordered there, doubtless, directly after the first fight in the neighborhood. He was succeeded at this post by Captain Wetterholt. "His stay at Nazareth was short. Benjamin Franklin, who shortly after took command of the frontier, reported on January i4th, from Bethlehem, that he found Wayne posted at Nazareth, as ordered ; that he had sent a convoy of provisions and supplies to Trump and Ashton, who were erecting the forts on the Delaware, which was to be escorted as far as Nazareth by Lieutenant Davis and the twenty men of McLaughlin s company who had come with him, Franklin ; they then to remain at Nazareth to guard that place, while Captain Wayne, whose men were fresh, pro ceeded with the convoy." Upon his return Captain Wayne accompanied Franklin to Gnadenhutten to assist in the erec tion of Fort Allen. In the spring of 1756, writes Colonel Miles, who was then a young man and one of Captain Wayne s company, the command was disbanded, their terms of service having expired, and they returned to their respect ive homes. There is evidence that Captain Wayne recruited another company from Chester County for service against the French and Indians in 1757-58, and it seems probable that his com mand joined in the Forbes expedition against Fort Duquesne ; at least there is a record of his drawing pay for service in the field about this time. Soon after his return to civil life he was elected to repre- WA YNESBORO UGH. 295 sent his county in the General Assembly, where he served several terms with honor to himself and benefit to his country, and, notwithstanding the opposition of his ancient enemy, Col onel William Moore, acted for a long time as a magistrate for his county. Had not his death occurred just on the eve of the Ameri can Revolution, it is possible that, notwithstanding his age, he would have taken a prominent part in the impending struggle, if not in arms, at least in the halls of Congress. Captain Isaac Wayne is described as a tall, handsome man, of soldierly bearing, somewhat blunt in his speech, after the fashion of those much in garrison life ; a good horseman, a high liver, but temperate in many ways. Captain W T ayne managed to accumulate a handsome estate and enlarged the Waynesborough mansion considerably. Isaac Wayne was succeeded at Waynesborough by his only surviving son, Anthony, William, the oldest, having died in infancy or early boyhood. Anthony Wayne early displayed that inclination for mili tary matters which subsequently made him famous. From a letter extant, it appears that his uncle, Gabriel Wayne, had established a large academy for boys, and thither young An thony was sent. His worthy relative writes to Isaac Wayne that young Anthony does not exhibit a marked preference for any particular profession, except that of a soldier. Regard ing this, he says that Wayne has drilled the boys at the school and formed them into companies, and is constantly organizing sham battles and throwing up intrenchments and the like. As a compromise, the profession of a surveyor w r as decided upon, and after a course of study Wayne, like Washington, com menced with compass and chain his adventurous career. A map made by him whilst deputy surveyor in Chester County still remains in the Surveyor-General s office at Harrisburg. 296 WA YNESBOROUGH. The career of " Mad" Anthony Wayne is too well known, and has been too much written of, to admit of extended com ment here. The breaking out of the Revolution found him busy in politics, and it was but a step to obtain a commission MAJOR-GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE. in the army. His early fondness for military matters had indeed served to make him more fitted to command than a large number of his fellow-officers, and his want of actual experience in the field was overbalanced by his natural mili tary talent. Although we are prone to judge Wayne s WA YNESBOROUGH. 297 career principally by his most dashing exploits, such as the storming of Stony Point, yet those who have made a study of his character assert that it was as a tactician that he excelled, and, far from being rash and headstrong, which might be inferred from his prefix of " Mad," he was prudent and cautious, and his advice was eagerly sought and frequently followed in councils-of-war when a question of great import ance arose. Another quality sometimes overlooked in Wayne was his ability as a diplomat, which was so strikingly shown during his negotiations with the Indians whilst commander-in-chief of the Army of the United States, and just prior to his death. General Wayne, it appears, spent little time at Waynes- borough, although he is said to have made extensive altera tions in the house ; yet at one time, in the midst of the war, he writes that he is so disgusted with the turn matters have taken that he is tempted to return to his "Sabine Fields," as he calls Waynesborough. Early in life he married Mary, daughter of Bartholomew Penrose, the descendant of an old Pennsylvania family. She died a few years before him, and it is claimed that at the time of his death he was engaged to be married to a famous belle of Wilmington. Many have doubted this, but it may be remembered that Wayne was but forty-eight years of age at the time of his wife s decease, and for some years appears to have regarded himself neglected by his family. The frame of mind he was in just before his wife s death is best illustrated by the following letter, w^hich we reprint from the Philadelphia Inquirer : " LEGIONVILLE, Dec. 28, 1792. " DEAR SIR It s now been seven months since I left Waynesborough, without having received a single line, either WA YNESBOROUGH. from my own family or you you may reply that this is the first from me true, but that is not the case with Mrs. Wayne besides, every moment of my time is absorbed in publick business. The defence of a portion of upwards of one thousand miles, and in providing for and disciplining a new army who have yet to learn the dreadful trade of DEATH. "You have undoubtedly had rumors of a general peace with the Indians, but the contrary is the fact ; in the western country it is serious war. "However, neither war nor politicks were the motives of this letter. I will therefore come to the point. When I parted with you you had the goodness to promise to see that satisfac tion was entered upon all judgments obtained in the Supreme or other courts against me. Is that business done ? I have very recently had a serious caution to be prepared for an awful change, and my monster still continues to visit and warn me of its approach. " I have had a most serious and an alarming attack from a violent lax and bilious vomiting, nor has it been in the power of the physicians to check it, but as I have some knowledge of my own constitution I peremptorily insisted upon taking an emetic which they assured me was both improper and danger ous to the last degree in my present weak condition. How ever, I have found considerable relief from it, and by the aid of the barks, which I have also taken contrary to their opin ion, I have the tone of my stomach altered for the better, yet I am very weak and rather more reduced than when I first arrived with the army from Georgia in 1783. " Notwithstanding I have almost every fair day been able to ride for one or two hours at a time to direct our redoubts and chain of defenses which are so far perfected that all the Indians in the wilderness could not force them. " But as life s uncertain and mine at this time rather more WAYNESBOROUGH. 299 so than usual, I wish to settle the property I may leave behind me so as to prevent any litigation after I am gone hence, for should I survive this attack, my breast is not bullet-proof, nor can I step a single foot aside to shield it. Therefore, I pray you to let me know what you have done in the premises as soon as possible. " My best perhaps last and kindest love and wishes to my poor old mother, sister, and friends, and believe me to be with sincere esteem, Your affectionate humble servant, " ANTHONY WAYNE. " Captain William Hayman " (Addressed) Captain William Hayman in Willistown, Chester County. Per favor of Sharp Delany, Esq. The public services of General Anthony Wayne may be thus briefly summed up : He was elected from Chester County as a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly of 1774-75 ; commissioned Colonel of the First Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers in 1775, and took part in the Canada campaign of 1776, in which he distinguished himself for his personal courage and conduct, and was severely wounded. In February, 1777, Congress conferred upon him the rank of Brigadier-General. On the loth of October, 1783, he was created a Major-General, United States Army, by brevet, and on the i3th of April, 1792, Washington nominated him as Commander-in-chief of the Army, which position he held until his death, at Presque Isle, near Erie, December i5th, 1796. He was first buried in the fort at Presque Isle, but his bones were afterward removed by his son, Isaac, to St. David s 300 WA YNESBORO UGH. Church, where they were interred according to some, under the present monument, or, as others say, in the tomb of his wife. It may be observed here that there is a slight inaccuracy in the account given by Mr. Lewis in Dr. Stille s Major-Gen eral Anthony Wayne, regarding the reinterrment. The cere monies mentioned by Mr. Lewis as held at St. David s, July 4th, 1809, never took place. The First Troop, as appears by orders, dined July 4th, 1809 at Falls of Schuylkill, and the newspapers contained no notice of any such event at old Radnor church. In addition to this, it may be observed that on that day (July 4th, 1809) the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati met at Independence Hall, and there, upon the statement of a member that the bones of their late comrade- in arms, General Wayne, still lay nn coffined on the shores of Lake Erie, with no stone to mark them, it was voted to apply the sum of $S to a monument to be erected over his remains TT \J at Presque Isle. This accounts for the date upon the monu ment. In 1811, Wayne s body having been removed to St. David s, the monument was erected there. The Rev. David Jones, however, was not the orator upon that occasion. Here, however, with no other monument than the modest stone erected by his companions-in-arms, he rests. Pennsyl vania has never thought proper to commemorate his name in any way, and were it not for the lately published work of Dr. Stille, he would probably by this time have been effectually forgotten. General Wayne left two children: Margaret, born 17/0, and Isaac, born 1772. Of the latter there is, perhaps, little to say. He lived the life of a quiet country gentleman at Waynesborough, mixing somewhat in politics, and at one time ran for Governor of Pennsylvania, and was defeated by a heavy majority for that day. During the War of 1812 he raised and armed at his WA YNESBORO UGH. 3O I own expense a troop of horse in Chester County, and rode into Philadelphia at its head, and offered it for service during the balance of the war. His offer was rejected, and the troop subsequently disbanded. It is said that he subse quently held a commission as Colonel in the War of 1812, but there is no evidence of active service in the field. He married Elizabeth Smith, by whom he had four chil dren, who all died in their father s lifetime. Isaac Wayne died at Waynesborough, October 25, 1852, at the age of eighty years. On his death the property, by Isaac s will, came to William Evans, the son of Mary Atlee, the daughter of Margaret Wayne (daughter of Anthony), wife of William Richardson Atlee. Mary Atlee married Isaachar Evans of Chester County, and William Evans was the only son. He is the present owner of Waynesborough, and some years since changed his name by act of Legislature to William Wayne. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1844. During the War of the Rebellion he served, with the rank of Captain, in the Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, and retired with the rank of Major. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1883, an d is now President of the General Society of the Cincinnati and President of the Penn sylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution. He married Hannah J. Zook, and has one son, William Wayne. THE DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. THIS is the first time that a genealogy of the Wayne family of Pennsylvania has been attempted, and, like all first attempts, it will be found imperfect and lacking in particulars. It is hoped, however, that the data here presented will serve as the basis of a more complete genealogy. I. CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE (b. 1666), originally of the border of Yorkshire and Derby shire, England, emigrated to County Wicklow, Ireland, during the reign of Charles II. He had had some years service in the army under William III., and commanded a squadron of dragoons at the battle of the Boyne. He emigrated with his wife, Hannah Faulkner, and sons, Francis, Gabriel, William, Humphrey, Jacob, and John, and daughters, to America in 1722-23, and settled in Easttown, Chester County, Pennsyl vania. His son Isaac came to America in 1724, and also settled in Easttown. It is believed that Francis was married before coming to America, as no record of his marriage in this country has been, so far, found. Anthony Wayne by deed of May 1 1, 1724, became the owner of 386 acres of land in Easttown, Chester County, Pa., by purchase of Thomas Edwards. May 3 1st, 1729, Anthony and wife conveyed to their son, Francis Wayne of Easttown (was of Willis- town, 1724), 40 acres of land in Easttown, also 20 acres more in 1739. He died Dec. 2d, 1739, aged 73 years; bur. at St. David s, Radnor. COPY OF THE WILL OF ANTHONY WAYNE. In the name of God, Amen, I, Anthony Wayne, of Easttown in the County of Chester and Province of Pennsylvania being weak in body but of sound and perfect memory thanks be to God and calling to mind uncertainty of this Life do make this my last Will and Testa ment Revoking and quite Disannulling all other Will and Wills heretofore made by me Either by Word or writing and this only and no other to be taken for my last Will and Testa ment & first and Principally I Bequeath my Soul to God that gave it and my Body to the Earth to be buried in such Decent manner as shall be thought fit by my Executors and for such Worldly substance as it hath pleased God to Give me I dispose of as followeth. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Francis Wayne one shilling Sterling. Item I Give and Bequeath unto my son Gabriel Wayne one shilling Sterling. Item I Give and bequeath unto my son Isaac Wayne one shilling Sterling. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne W T ayne one shilling Sterling. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Wayne one shilling Sterling. Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Wayne one shilling Sterling. Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson William Wayne one shilling Sterling. Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Abraham Wayne one shilling Sterling. Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Hannah Wayne all my household goods & fifteen pounds a year while she remains a widow. Item I give and bequeath unto my son 302 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 303 ANTHONY WAYNE. John Wayne one hundred and twenty five pounds as it becomes due to me from Isaac Wayne and I nominate Constitute and appoint my well beloved son John Wayne sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. Signed Sealed and published this -, thirteenth day of June in the year ! of our Lord God Seventeen hun dred and thirty nine. In the presence of JAMES SAMSON, ROBERT GAY, HUMPHREY WAYNE, ISAAC WAYNE. Chester December I3th, 1739. Then personally appeared James Samson and Robert Gay two of the witnesses to the above written Will who on their oath of the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God say that they were present and saw the testator therein named sign seal pub lish pronounce and declare the said writing to be his last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind and memory to the best of their understandings. Jurat Coram Jo. PARKER, D. Regr. I do hereby certify that the within and forgoing writing is a true copy of the last will and testament of Anthony Wayne dec d, taken from and compared with the original remaining in the Registers Office for Chester County this fifth day of October A. D. 1784. Witness my hand and seal of said Office. Jo. BEATON, Reg. SEAI, Be it remembered that the thirteenth day of December 1739, the last will and testament of Anthony Wayne deceased was proved in due form of law and Probate and letters of administration were granted to his son John Wayne Sole Executor in the sd. will named he being first attested according to law well and truly to administer and to bring in an inventory of the said Dec d. s Estate into the Regr. s office for the said County of Chester on or before the first day of February next & to exhibit a just account of his administration when legally thereunto required. Given under the seal of the sd. Office, Jo. PARKER, D. Reg. Oct. 5, 1784. A true copy from the Record. Jo. BEATON, Regr. II. Children of Captain Anthony Wayne and Hannah, his wife : 1. PVancis, b. 1690; d. 1763; m. Elizabeth Jackson. 2. Gabriel, b. about 1694, had a son, Gabriel, who d. June 30, 1736 (Christ Church) ; m. Hall. 3. Isaac, b. 1699; d. 1774; m. Eli/abeth Iddings. 4. Humphrey, b. about 1700; m. Priscilla Iddings. 5. Jacob, m. Elizabeth . 6. William, b. 1708; d. Apr. 22, 1726. 304 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 7. John, b. prior to 1718; exec, of his father s will, 1739. 8. Sarah, m. James Norton. 9. Ann, m. Samuel McCue. 10. Mary, named in Anthony s will. II. (i) FRANCIS WAYNE (Anthony 1 ) b. 1690; d. Jan. 31, 1763; came with his father from County Wicklow, Ireland, and settled at Easttown, Chester County, Pa., in 1722; removed to Willistown 1724, and again to Easttown 1729; is in the list of taxables, Chester County, in 1753; was a surveyor, and by his will, dated 1763, bequeathed his surveying instruments to his son Abraham.* He is mentioned in the records of St. David s Church, Radnor, Pa., continuously from 1725 to 1761. Owned pews in St. David s and St. Peter s churches, which were "to be retained after his death for the use of his wife, children, and grandchildren." With his brothers Isaac and Humphrey he witnessed his father s will, dated June 13, 1739. He married Elizabeth Jackson (b. 1692; d. Aug. 27, 1771). III. Children: 11. Anthony, b. 1724; d. 1755. 12. Abraham, b. 1730; m., 1st., Mary Holland; 2d, Tabitha Parry. 13. Humphrey, m. Mary Ann Parker, at Old Swedes Church, Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 1781. 14. Michael, m. Elizabeth Hall, Aug. 3, 1762. A Revolutionary soldier; Corporal in Capt. Adam Foulk s company of Col. Jonathan Bayard Smith s Regiment of Philadelphia Militia [Penna. Archives, second series, vol. xiii. p. 666]. 15. John, m. Sarah Evans. 1 6. Rebecca, m. Gardner. ~f 17. Ilesther, m. John Thomas. 18. Elizabeth, b. 1739; d. Jan. 18, 1791 ; m. John Lyle (d. Nov. I, 1815, aged 87 years). III. (11) ANTHONY WAYNE (Francis 2 , Anthony : ),b. 1724; d. Mar. 14, 1755; m. IV. Children : 19. Isaac, d. Dec. 22, 1765. 20. Jacob. 21. Hannah. III. (12) ABRAHAM WAYNE (Francis, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. 1730; d. at Philadelphia Apr. 21, 1792; m., 1st, Mary Holland, Oct. 6, 1753, at Christ Church, Philadelphia; m., 2cl, 1760, Tabitha Parry, b. 1737; bapt. March 3, 1717 [Ab. C.] ; dan. of Capt. David Parry, and Elizabeth Jones; d. October 15, 1781 ; bur. at Christ Church, Philadelphia. IV. Children: 22. Elizabeth, b. 1760; d. July 6, 1761. 23. Dinah, b. 1763; d. Dec. 25, 1800 ; m. Richard Carpenter, s. p. * In the Walker genealogy of Chester Co. is a cut of a survey made by him in 1754- f Some MS. genealogies say that she married Isaac Hughes, and had five children, names unknown ; other MSS. say that Francis Wayne had another daughter who married Hughes. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 305 24. Parry, b. 1765 ; d. July 24, 1768. 25. Mary, b. 1769; d. May 28, 1790; unm. 26. Esther, b. 1772; m. Benjamin Clark, Feb. 14, 1795, Christ Church; d. July 3, 1841. 27. Caleb Parry, b. May 18, 1776; d. 1849; m. Mary Stokes, Eliz. Twamley. 28. Anthony, b. July 26, 1779; d. Sept. 14, 1779. III. (16) REBECCA WAYNE (Francis, 2 Anthony 1 ), m. Gardner. IV. Children : (Refer to note, page 486.) 29. Mary. 30. Sarah. 31. Rebecca. Two other children, names unknown. III. (17) HESTHER WAYNE (Francis, 2 Anthony 1 ), m. John Thomas of Radnor. IV. Children: 32. Hannah Thomas, m. Matthias Keely. III. (18) ELIZABETH WAYNE (Francis, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. 1739; d. Jan. 18, 1791; m. John Lyle (d. Nov. i, 1815, aged 87 years). IV. Children: 33. Martha. 34. Francis. IV. (27) CALEB PARRY WAYNE (Abraham, 3 Francis, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. May 18, 1776; d. Jan. 25, 1849; was a vestryman of Christ Church from 1813 to 1837; m., 1st, Mary Stokes, dau. of James and Sarah Magill Stokes, Jan. 19, 1804, at Ch. Ch. She died Oct. 27, 1818, aged 34 years. V. Children: 35. James S., b. Mar. 5, 1805; d. Mar. 23, 1828; unm. 36. Edward Clark, b. Mar. 14, 1807; m. Henrietta Beagle; d. Jan., 1883. 37. William Henry, m. Emma, dau. of George Gorgas and Rachel Clemens, and had a son, William H. Wayne, d. 1863, aged 24 years. 38. Anthony, d. infant. 39. Frances Clarke, m. Alexander Chambers. 40. Sarah Stokes, b. 1811 ; d. July 18, 1841 ; m. Edwin Meredith. 41. Charles Stokes, m. 1st, Annie Hopkins; m., 2d, Eliz. Harper. 42. Alfred. Caleb Parry Wayne m., 2d, Elizabeth Twamley, b. 1794; d. 1832. V. Children: 43. Mary Elizabeth, b. 1832; died young.* IV. (32) HANNAH THOMAS (Hesther, 3 Francis, 2 Anthony ), b. 1759; d. 1804; m., 1779, Matthias Keely, merchant of Philadelphia, who died 1811. V. Children: 44. Samuel. * There is said to have been a son, Josiah T., by 2d marriage ; see page 491. 51 306 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 45. Horatio Nelson. 46. William. 47. Maria. 48. Hannah. 49. Esther, b. about 1780; m., Aug. 3, 1799, at Old Swedes Church, Charles Petit Heath. 50. Elizabeth, d. infant. 51. Elizabeth. And others, names unknown thirteen in all. V. (41) CHARLES STOKES WAYNE (Caleb, 4 Abraham, 3 Francis, 2 Anthony l ), d. 1865; m., 1st, Annie Hopkins, dau. of John and Martha Parry of Lexington, Va. She died July 31, 1847, aged 35 years. VI. Children : 52. Annie Harris, d. Oct. 7, 1846, aged II mos. 53. Susan E. 54. Fannie Chambers, d. Oct. 17, 1850, aged 10 years. 55. Charles Stokes, b. about 1845. 56. Mary P. Charles Stokes m., 2d, Elizabeth Harper, dau. of J. L. and C. M. Harper. She died Feb. 13, 1855, aged 31 years. VI. (49) ESTHER KEELY (Hannah/ Esther, 3 Francis, 2 Anthony a ), b. about 1781; d. Aug. 29, 1837; m., at Old Swedes Church, Phila., Aug. 3, 1799, Charles Petit Heath (b. 1773; d. Jan. I, 1857). VI. Children: 57. Mary, unm. 58. Joseph R., unm. 59. Louisa Adelaide, m. Peter Penn-Gaskell. 60. Charles, unm. 61. Matilda, m. ? 62. Amanda, m. \V. L. Hobson. 63. Esther Wayne. 64. Fannie, m., 1st, J. T. McLaughlin, Lieut. U. S. N., d. July 6, 1847; m., 2cl, W. L. Hobson. 65. Emma, m. Francis A. Thomas. 66. Caroline Julia, b. Oct. 9, 1817; d. 1 886; m. David Seeger Heyl of Phila delphia. 67. William Henry, m. Amanda Gorman. 68. Virginia, m. Alfred Ward. VI. (66) CAROLINE JULIA HEATH (Esther, 5 Hannah, 4 Hesther, 3 Francis, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. 1817; d. 1886; m., Oct. 12, 1836, David Seeger Heyl (b. Oct. 31, 1814). VII. Children: 69. Theodore Clement, m. Emma Green. 70. Helen Louisa, m. William J. Sewell. 71. Edwin Miles, b. Feb. 14, 1844; m -> 1 886, Delphine Turner. Served in the DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 307 Third Pennsylvania Cavalry during the Rebellion, 1861-65, and attained the rank of Colonel. Entered the regular army 1866. They had : Julia Turner b. July 2 r 1888; Edward Randolph, b. Oct. 22, 1889; Helen, b. July 13, 1894. 72. Caroline Julia, d. aged six years. 73. Amanda Hobson. 74. Mary Heath. 75. Charles Heath. VI. (59) LOUISA ADELAIDE HEATH (Esther, 5 Hannah, 4 Hesther, 3 Francis, 2 Anthony 1 ), m. Peter Penn-Gaskell, a descendant of WILLIAM PENN, Founder of Pennsylvania. VII. Children: 76. Elizabeth, b. 1828; d. 1869; m. Samuel Ruff Skillern, M. D. 77. Louisa, m. \Villiam Gerald Fit/.gerald, May 15, 1845; d. s. p. 1853. 78. Mary Gulielma, d. unm. 79. Gulielma, d. unm., 1852. 80. Hetty, d. unm. 81. Mary, m. Dr. Jesse Coates, and had Harold Penn-Gaskell, m. - Jarvis of Phila. Mary d. Aug. 22, 1877. 82. William, d. unm., Dec. 6, 1865. 83. Jane, m. Washington Irving, nephew of the author, d. s. p. 84. Emily, m. Dr. John Paul Quin, U. S. N. Issue : Granville, d. 1893, aged 22 years. 85. Peter, m. Mary Kathleen Subbs, July 6, 1869. Issue : William, Winifred, Percy. VII. (76) ELIZABETH PENN-GASKELL (Louisa Adelaide, 6 Esther, 5 Hannah, 4 Hesther, 3 Francis, 2 Anthony 1 ), in. Samuel Ruff Skillern, M. D., of Huntsville, Ala. VIII. Children: 86. Peter Penn-Gaskell Skillern, M. D., of Philadelphia, Pa., b. April 28, 1856; m., Oct. 7, 1878, Anna Dorsey, and has issue : Peter Penn-Gaskell, b. Mar. 26, 1882; Violet, b. Nov. 13, 1879. A dau., Louisa, d. young. NOTE. The following additional data concerning the descendants of Francis Wayne came to me after the above material was arranged \_Editor~] : IV. (27) CALEB PARRY WAYNE, son of Abraham Wayne, b. May 18, 1776; m., ist, January 19, 1804, at Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. Blackwell, Mary, dau. of James Stokes and Sarah Magill ; she was b. at Philadelphia, Jan. 20, 1784, and d. Oct. 27, 1818; he m., 2d, Elizabeth Twamley, Dec. 19, 1822, who was b. 1794, and d. July 3, 1832. He was head of the publishing firm of " C. P. Wayne & Sons." He d. Jan. 25, 1849. He and his first wife were buried at Christ Church yard, Philadelphia. Issue by first marriage : 1. James Stokes, b. Mar. 5, 1805 ; d. Mar. 23, 1828. 2. Edward Clark, b. Mar. 14, 1807; m. Henrietta Beagle; d. Jan., 1883. 3. William Henry, b. Mar. 30, 1809; m., Apr. 26, 1838, Emma Matilda, dau. of George Gorgas and Rachel Clemens. She was b. Feb. 20, 1817. He d. June i, 1890. 308 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. Issue : 1. William Henry, b. Mar. 29, 1839; d. Apr. 12, 1863. 2. Sarah Stokes, b. Oct. 3, 1840; m., Dec. 8, 1864, John Ashhurst, Jr., M. D., second son of John Ashhurst and Harriet Eyre. He was b. Aug. 23, 1839; graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, A. B., 1857; 1860, received A.M. and M. D. ; substitute for resident physician at Pennsylvania Hospital ; served in U. S. Cuyler Hospital during the war ; published Injuries of the Spine ; Surgeon of the Chester, Germantown, Episcopal, Children s, University of Pennsyl vania, and Pennsylvania Hospitals; 1877, Professor of Clinical Sur gery at the University of Pennsylvania; 1888, Barton Professor of Surgery; 1871, published first edition of Principles and Practice of Surgery; 1893, sixth edition; 1881-86, edited The International Encyclopedia of Surgery, Supplement, 1895 ; 1895, LL.D. from La Fayette University ; same year Vice-President of the College of Physicians. Issue : 1. John, b. Dec. 31, 1865. 2. William Wayne, M. D., b. May 22, 1867; m., Dec. 8, 1892, Ellen Eyre, dau. of Edwin Gaillard, M. D., and Mary Gibson, who was daughter of C. B. Gibson, M. D., and Ellen Eyre, sister of Harriet Eyre, who married John Ashhurst. 3. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 13, 1869; m., Oct. 15, 1891, Edwards Fayssoux, U. S. N., son of John Clapier Leiper and Mary Fayssoux, b. Oct. 29, 1858. Issue : 1. Mary Fayssoux, b. July 22, 1892. 2. Edwards Fayssoux, b. Dec. 5, 1893. 3. John Ashhurst, b. Aug. 26, 1895. 4. Anna Wayne, b. Oct. 13, 1870; m., Apr. 28, 1897, Rev. Elliston Joseph, son of Joseph Samson Perot and Mary Lea, b. 1868. 5. Sarah Wayne, b. Nov. 29, 1874. 6. Astley Paston Cooper, b. Aug. 21, 1876. 7. Emma Matilda, b. Oct. 17, 1882. 3. Anna Smith (dau. of W 7 m. Henry W r ayne and Emma M. Gorgas), b. Nov. 12, 1842; d. Oct. 28, 1889. 4. George Gorgas (son of Wm. Henry Wayne and Emma M. Gorgas) ^ b. 1845 d. l8 79- 5. Frances C. (dau. of Wm. Henry Wayne and Emma M. Gorgas), b. May 23, 1852. 4. Frances Clark Wayne, dau. of Caleb Parry Wayne and Mary Stokes, b. July 3, 181 1, at Philadelphia; m., Mar. 25, 1835, Alexander Chambers; d. July 25, 1888. He was b. June 4, 1808. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 309 Issue : I. Thomas Preston, b. at Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1836; m., Oct. 16, 1860, Hannah Hough, dau. of John Barnsley and Mary Hough, b. Sept. 30, 1839. Issue : 1. Mary Barnsley, b. Aug. 10, 1861. 2. Henry Wayne, b. Apr. 19, 1863 ; m. Robert Emmet Hopkins, Feb. 17, 1886. Issue : Robert Emmet, b. Mar. 25, 1888. 3. Alexander, b. Oct. 20, 1865. 4. Helen Troth, b. Dec. 28, 1869 ; m., Dec. 28, 1892, Erastus Titus Roberts, Issue: Walter Van Braam, b. Nov. 13, 1893. 5. Anna Pickering, b. Apr. 24, 1872. 6. John Barnsley, b. Feb. 28, 1874. 7. Elizabeth Comfort, b. June 24, 1879. 8. Clarissa Wilhelmine, b. Nov. 12, 1880. 5. Sarah Stokes Wayne, dau. of Caleb Parry Wayne and Mary Stokes, b. July 23, 1813; m. Edwin Meredith. Issue : I. James Wayne, m. Fox. 6. Charles Stokes Wayne, son of Caleb Parry Wayne, b. Oct. 31, 1815; m., 1st, Anne Parry of Lexington, Va. ; m., 2d, Elizabeth W. Harper; m., 3d, Elizabeth Mattson. Issue by first marriage : 1. Parry, d. s. p. 2. Francis, d. s. p. 3. Mary Parry. 4. Susan, d. s. p. 5. Anne II., d. 1846, aged II months. Issue by third marriage : i. Charles Stokes, b. Oct. 8, 1865; m. Dougherty. 7. Alfred Wayne, son of Caleb Parry Wayne, b. Oct. 6, 1817 ; d. Apr. 28, 1819; bur. at Christ Church yard, Philadelphia. Issue of the second marriage of Caleb Parry Wayne : 1. Josiah Twamley, b. Aug. 27, 1828; m. Annie Huckerby ; d. Feb. 17, 1893. 2. Mary Elizabeth, b. May 18, 1832; d. Feb. 23, 1833. II. (2) GABRIEL WAYNE (Anthony 1 ), b. in County Wicklow, Ireland, about 1694; came to Pennsylvania with his father in 1723. It is probable that he had lands in Wicklow, for he seems to have returned there, although he lived some time in Chester County, Pa. III. Children : 87. William, probably removed to Georgia.* * The Wayne family of Savannah, Georgia, has been quite distinguished during the first half of the present century. They claimed a near relationship to General Anthony Wayne, and it is possible that they are the descendants of this Gabriel Wayne. Another Wayne family, in which the Christian names of Gabriel and Anthony frequently occurred, was early seated in North Carolina. See Appendix. 310 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 88. Susanna. 89. Mary, b. in Pennsylvania ; m. Captain Keating of Waterford, Ireland, and had issue; living 1795, at which time her children were grown up. II. (3) ISAAC WAYNE (Anthony 1 ), b. 1699, in County Wicklow, Ireland; d. Nov., 1774, at Easttown, Chester County, Pa.; m. Elizabeth Iddings (b. 1709; d. May, 1793), aged 84 years, dau. of Richard Iddings and Margaret Philips of Chester County, Pa. 1727, May 16. Deed recorded at West Chester, Nov. 22, 1784, by which Morgan Hughes, cooper, of Easttown, Chester County, conveys to Francis Wayne, hus bandman, and Isaac Wayne, of the same place, loo acres of land in Easttown Township. I7ff > Feb. 20. Francis Wayne and Elizabeth his wife convey to Isaac Wayne the tract as recited in deed dated Feb. 19, I7ff. [Recorded at West Chester Nov. 22, 1784. 1739, May 8. Signed an agreement, recorded at West Chester Nov. 26, 1784, by which Anthony Wayne and Hannah (Faulkner) Wayne, his wife, conveyed 360 acres of land, etc. to Isaac Wayne upon the payment of a yearly sum of money ; further, he was to provide for John Norton, a grandson of Anthony Wayne, and son of Sarah Wayne and James Norton, then under age ; as also for William Wayne, a son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Iddings) Wayne. 1739, June 13. Named in the will of his father, proved Dec. 13, 1739, and a witness thereto. 1744, May 5. John Wayne of Wilmington, New Castle County (now Delaware), administrator of the will of Anthony Wayne of Easttown, Chester County, Pa., conveys to Isaac W r ayne, in fee (confirming the agreement of 1739), the tract of 360 acres named. [Recorded at West Chester.] One of the original subscribers to the fund for the erection of St. Peter s P. E. Church, East Whiteland, Chester Co., Pa., 1749. In the list of taxables, Easttown, Pa., 1753. Captain of a company in the Provincial service, stationed at Nazareth, Northampton Co., after P>raddock s defeat, 1755. Member of the Provincial Assembly from Chester Co., 1757 to 1763. Named as Trustee in a codicil to the will of Francis Wayne, his brother, dated Dec. 30, 1762. Find mention in the records of St. David s Church, Radnor, in which congregation he was active from 1725-1773. Letters of administration upon his estate granted to his wife, Elizabeth (Iddings) Wayne, and son Anthony Wayne, Jan. 3, 1776. [Recorded West Chester.] III. Children: 90. William, b. prior to 1739; d. an infant. 91. Anthony, b. Jan. I, 1745; d. Dec. 15, 1796; m. Mary Penrose. 92. Hannah, m. Samuel Van Lear. 93. Ann, b. 1751 ; d. June 9, 1807; m. (mar. license dated Oct. 15, 1772, Penna. Archiv., sec. ser. vol. ii., p. 302), Captain Wm. Hayman of Continental Navy. III. (91) ANTHONY WAYNE (Isaac, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. Jan. i, 1745, at Easttown, Chester Co., Pa. ; d. Dec. 15, 1796, at Presque Isle, Erie Co., Pa. ; m., at Christ Church, Philadelphia. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 311 Mar. 25, 1766, Mary Penrose (b. 1749; d. Apr. 18, 1793), dau. of Bartholomew Pen- rose, merchant of Philadelphia. Surveyor and landowner. IV. Children: 94. Margaretta Wayne, b. 1770; d. Mar. 13, 1810 ; m. W. R. Atlee. 95. Isaac Wayne, b. 1772; d. 1852; m. Elizabeth Smith. Landowner in Easttown Township, Chester Co. Farmer, surveyor, engineer, and astronomer, 1774- 1774, July 13. At a meeting of the Freeholders of Chester Co. for the appointment of a committee to meet similar committees in conference at Philadelphia on July 15. Elected a member of the Committee of Conference. Deputy to the Provincial Conference at Philadelphia, July 15, 1774. Member of the General Assembly, 1774-75. 1774, Dec. 20. Convention at Chester. Chosen one of the committee to carry into execution the association of the late Continental Congress. Elected chairman of the committee. Branson Van Leer also a member. Delegate to the Provincial Convention, Jan. 23, 1775. Member of the Committee of Safety, when he resigned, and was commissioned Colonel of the Fourth Battalion of the Pennsylvania Line, June 30, 1775, to J an - 3> 1776. 1776. In the Canadian campaign, in which he distinguished himself by his bravery and conduct. Wounded at Three Rivers. Assigned to the command of the fortress at Ticonderoga and garrison composed of three battalions, Nov. 23, 1776. Congress conferred on him the rank of Brigadier-General, Feb. 21, 1777. Joined the main army under Washington, at his own request, May, 1777. 1777, Sept. ii. With Washington at the battle of Brandy wine. 1777, Sept. 20. Surprised at Paoli. Acquitted by court of inquiry, which convened at his own request. 1777, Aug. 21. At council of general officers held at Neshaminy Camp, Bucks Co., Pa. 1777, Sept. 28. At council of war held at headquarters at Pemberton s Mills. 1777, Oct. 4. Wounded at the battle of Germantown. 1778, June 12. At council of general officers held at headquarters, Middlebrook, N.J. 1778, June 28. Distinguished himself at the battle of Monmouth, N. J. 1782, Jan. i. Sent to Georgia, and in a campaign of five weeks drove the British army into Savannah. 1782, April. The Georgia Legislature, convened at Augusta, passed a resolution com plimentary to Gen. Anthony Wayne on the success of his campaign, and appointed a commission " for the disbursement of an appropriation of 4000 guineas in the pur chase of an estate for him in any part of the State he might appoint." On July 31, 1782, the commission reported the purchase of 840 acres for 3900 guineas. 1782, June 1 6. Takes possession of Savannah, Ga. Commissioned Major-General U. S. Army, by brevet, Oct. 10, 1783. Member of Council of Censors for Chester County, 1783-84. Member of the General Assembly for Chester County, 1784-86. 312 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE, 1785. First subscriber to the fund for shingling St. Peter s Church, Chester Co. : " Gen. Wayne, i. 2. 6." 1785. While a member of the General Assembly from Chester County lived with Sharpe Delaney, druggist and collector of customs, Second and Walnut Streets (Philadelphia Directory). 1786, June 13. At the residence of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, Mulberry Grove, 14 miles above Savannah, Ga., when Greene died on that date. Wrote to Col. James Jackson announcing the death (Stevens s History of Georgia]. Member of the convention to ratify the Federal Constitution, 1787. Elected President of the State Society of the Order of Cincinnati of Georgia at its organization at Savannah 1790. 1792-94. The Legion of the United States ordered and organized by President Washington for the protection of the North-west frontier, commanded by Wayne as Major- General. 1792, Apr. 13. Major-General and Commander-in-Chief of the U. S. Army, nomi nated by Pres. Washington. 1792, Aug. 20. Gained the battle of Falling Timbers against the Indians in the North-west. 1794, Aug. 8. Established Fort Defiance, Ohio. 1794, July 14, date of will proved Philadelphia, Feb. 15, 1797. Mentions son Isaac, law-student, and only daughter, Margaretta. Land in Georgia at the head-waters of the Little Setilla, Camden Co., known as " Hazzard s Cowpen." 1794. Member of Congress from Georgia. 1795. Appointed Commissioner to the North-west to receive from the English the posts stipulated by the Jay Treaty. 1796. Feb. 6. Arrived in Philadelphia from his campaign in the Indian country, escorted by the three troops of City Cavalry. Salute of 15 guns in Centre Square {Hiltzheimer* s Diary]. 1796, Dec. 15. Died at Presque Isle, near Erie, Pa., and buried in the fort. 1809. Remains removed from Presque Isle to Chester County by his son, Isaac. 4 1811. The Society of the Cincinnati, of which he was an original member, erected a monument to his memory in St. David s church-yard, Chester Co. III. (93) ANN WAYNE (Isaac, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. 1751 ; d. June 9, 1807; m., Oct. 15, 1772, at Christ Church, Captain W illiam Hayman, b. Exeter, England, Feb. II, 1740, O. S. ; d. Delaware Co., Pa., Sept. 21, 1823. He served in the Continental Navy during the Rev olutionary War, and was the son of Sir William Hayman, Surveyor-General of Exeter. IV. Children: 96. Sarah Wayne, b. Mar. 21, 1794; d. Dec. I, 1863. 97. Isaac Wayne, b. Aug. 26, 1792; d. Oct. 5, 1850. 98. Ann, b. June I, 1788; d. July II, 1826; m. Aaron Vodges. IV. (95) ISAAC WAYNE (Anthony, 3 Isaac, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. 1772; d. Oct. 25, 1852, at Waynesborough ; m. Elizabeth Smith (b. 1778; d. April 17, 1852). Admitted to the bar of Chester Co., 1795. Member of the Assembly, 1 800-01. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 313 V. Children: 99. Anthony, b. 1804; d. July 5, 1833. 100. William, b. 1807; d. Sept. 25, 1815. 101. Richard, b. 1812; d. Sept. 23, 1815. 102. Sidney, b. 1812; d. July, 13, 1817. 103. Mary Wayne. IV. (94) MARGARETTA WAYNE (Anthony, 3 Isaac, 2 Anthony 1 ),^ 1770; d. Mar. 13, 1810; m., Nov. 3, 1790, at St. James s Church, Perkiomen, William Richardson Atlee (b. May 27, 1765 ; d. Nov. 24, 1844, at Winfield, Carroll Co., Md.). V. Children: 104. Mary Wayne, b. July 26, 1802; d. Mar. I, 1838; m. Issachar Evans. IV. (97) ISAAC WAYNE HAYMAN (Ann, 3 Isaac, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. Aug. 26, 1792; d. Oct. 5, 1850; m. Sarah Williams. V. Children: 105. Elizabeth, b. June 29, 1815; d. Feb. 16, 1867. Twice married. First, Robert Lewis; two daughters, one son. Second, Eli Lewis; no children. . Ann H., b. Feb. 3, 1817; d. Sept. 4, 1898; m. John Haley. Three children. . John and William (twins), b. Sept. 15, 1818; John d. Sept. 21, 1818, William, Sept. 23, 1818. 106. Samuel Brinckley, b. June 5, 1820; m. Mary Clark; graduated West Point Military Academy July I, 1842; retired, after thirty years service, as Lieuten ant-Colonel of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, July I, 1872. He was twice married : issue, two sons, one daughter. io6rt. William A., b. Nov. 28, 1822; d. Aug. 22, 1898; m. Elizabeth A. Bane, Feb. 16, 1854; one daughter, four sons. 106^. Margaret H., b. March 29, 1825; unm. io6c. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 4, 1827; d. Sept. 3, 1845; unm. lo6d. John H.,b. Jan. 2, 1830. Twice married. First, Sarah Steele ; one daughter. Second, Lydia Smedley; no children. Io6e. Sarah Jane, b. Dec. I, 1832; d. Aug. 21, 1888; unm. io6f. Charles H., b. Oct. 2, 1835; m. Mary Foy; three daughters, two sons. IV. (98) ANN HAYMAN (Ann, 3 Isaac, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. June I, 1788; d. July II, 1826; m., Nov. 26, 1807, Aaron Vogdes (b. 1780: d. Nov. 21, 1836). V. Children: 107. Ann H., b. July 21, 1808; d. Aug. 7, 1826. 108. Elizabeth, b. 1811 ; d. July 3, 1811. io8i. William Hayman, b. Aug. 25, 1812; m. Hannah Pennell. 109. Anthony Wayne, b. Jan. 1815; d. June 18, 1816. no. Israel, b. 1813; d. Dec. 7, 1889.* V. (103^) MARY WAYNE ATLEE (Margaretta,* Anthony, 3 Isaac, 2 Anthony *), b. July 26, 1802 ; d. Mar. I, 1838; m. Issachar Evans of Chester Co., Pa. VI. Children: III. William Wayne, b. Dec. 6, 1828; m. Hannah J. Zook. * Said to have been a daughter, Mary Thomas, b. 1822; d. Dec. 21, 1828. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. V. (no) ISRAEL VOGDES (Ann, 4 Ann, 3 Isaac, 2 Anthony J ), d. Dec. 7, 1889; m., ist, Mary Thomas (b. 1822; d. Dec. 21, 1828); m., 2d, Barard. Graduate West Point Military Academy July I, 1837, served continuously until his retirement, Jan. 2, 1881, as Colonel of the First U. S. Artillery; Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers, Nov. 29, 1862; brevetted Brigadier-General, U. S. A., Apr. 9, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious ser vices in the field during the war." Member of the Loyal Legion, Commandery of Pennsylvania. VI. Children: 112. A daughter, 6 m. Lord. 113. A son, 6 unm. 114. Anthony Wayne, Second Lieutenant, One Hundredth N. Y. Infantry, Aug. 13, 1 863; lion, mustered out as First Lieutenant Aug. 28, 1865; Second Lieu tenant Fourth Infantry U. S. Army, Apr. 26, 1866; First Lieutenant, May 15, 1867; transferred to Fifth Artillery May 22, 1875; regimental Quarter-master, Apr. 15, 1887, to Oct. I, 1889; Captain Fifth Artillery, Oct. I, 1889. 115. Ann, m. Orlando L. Wieting, U. S. A. 116. Charles B., cadet West Point Military Academy, Sept. 4, 1876; Second Lieu tenant First U. S. Infantry; First Lieutenant Mar. 20, 1889. 117. Emily R.. VI. (in) WILLIAM WAYNE EVANS (Mary, 5 Margaretta, 4 Anthony, 3 Isaac, 2 Anthony *), b. Dec. 6, 1828; m. Hannah J. Zook, Mar. I, 1853, an ^ occupied the "Old Wayne Man sion," near Paoli, Pa. Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania 1844. By act of Legislature assumed the name of William Wayne. Served in the war of the Rebellion as Captain Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, Nov. 5, 1861 ; resigned and honor ably discharged May 9, 1863 ; member of the Pennsylvania Commandery of the Loyal Le gion, May I, 1867. One of the founders of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution, 1888; President of Pennsylvania Society of the " Order of the Cincinnati." VII. Children: 118. Mary Atlee, b. Jan. 21, 1854; John M. Wirgman. 119. William, b. Aug. 27, 1855; m. Mary Valentine, dau. of George Fox, M. D Issue : William, Edith. II. (4) HUMPHREY WAYNE (Anthony J ), b. 1700; came to America with his father Anthony, 1 who settled in Chester County, Pa., in 1722 ; witness to an agreement between his father and brother Isaac, dated May 8, 1739, (West Chester records); with his brother Isaac witnessed his father s will, dated June 13, 1739 (West Chester records) ; in the list of the original subscribers to the fund for the erection of St. Peter s Church, East White- land, Chester Co.; member of the vestry, 1752-54; resigned his right to pew No. 14 in favor of John Wayne, 1753; in the list of taxables, Chester Co., 1753; named in the records of St. David s Church, Radnor, 1725 to 1755; m. Priscilla Iddings, b. 1707; d. June II, 1781, dau. of Richard Iddings and Margaret Phillips*. She died June II, 1781, aged 74 years. * Richard Iddings (d. 1726) m. Sarah Iddings of Nantmeal, and had: Richard Iddings? who m. Margaret Phillips, (b. 1671; d. 1755) at St. Paul s Church, DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 315 III. Children: 1 20. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 20, 1745.; d. Aug. 28, 1758. 121. Margaret, b. 1748; d. Jan. 1 1, 1764. 122. William, b. 1749; d. Apr. 25, 1752. All buried in the Seventh-day Baptists ground at Newtown, Chester Co. II. (5) JACOB WAYNE (Anthony ! ), living in Philadelphia in 1731 ; member of Christ Church ; letters of administration on his estate granted to Elizabeth Wayne, his wife, Sept. 15, 1736, at Philadelphia. He married Elizabeth . III. Children: 123. William, bapt. Christ Church, Jan. 2, 1731; m., 1st, Sarah Gillingham ; 2d, Sarah Hardy. 124. Jacob, bapt. Christ Church, June 23, 1733 ; m. Elizabeth Lloyd, Nov. 15, 1781, at the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. 125. Abraham, bapt. Christ Church, July 3, 1734; m. Mary Holland. III. (123) WILLIAM WAYNE (Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. Dec. 31, 1730 (?) ; m., 1st, Sarah Gillingham (b. Sept. 4, 1737), at Christ Church, Feb. 27, 1754. She was the dau. of John and Ann Gillingham of Philadelphia. IV. Children: 126. John, b. June 25, 1755, d. J ul 7 l8 > J 75 8 - 127. Mary, b. Sept. 29, 1756 ; m. (mar. license dated Nov. II, 1775, Penna. Archiv.), Samuel French. 128. Jacob, b. Jan. 4, 1760; m., 1st, Elizabeth Lloyd; 2d, Sarah Fisher. 129. Samuel, b. Feb. 10, 1763; m., Christ Ch., Phila., Dec. 28, 1784, Elizabeth Curtain. 130. John, b. Oct. 7, 1767. 131. Sarah, b. Sept. 9, 1772; unm. 132. Ann, b. Sept. 9, 1772 ; m. Cooper. Sarah (Gillingham) Wayne, d. Sept. 19, 1772, at Philadelphia. Her husband, William Wayne, 5 m., 2d, Sarah Hardy by Friends ceremony, July 4, 1775. There was no issue by this second marriage. III. (125) ABRAHAM WAYNE (Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), bapt. 1734; m. Mary Holland, at Christ Church, Oct. 6, 1753. IV. Children: 133. Elizabeth, bapt. Christ Church, Oct. 14, 1759; d. July 6, 1761. 134. Abraham, bapt. Christ Church, Oct. 14, 1759. 135. Jacob, bapt. Christ Church, Oct. 14, 1759; d. Dec. 5, 1759. 136. Perry, d, July 25, 1768. IV (127) MARY WAYNE (William 3 , Jacob, 2 Anthony ), b. Sept. 29, 1756; m. Samuel French, Nov. II, 1775, and had a daughter, Sarah French, 5 who m., 1795, Stephen Corneille in Tours, France, a native of Hayti. Chester, Pa., Aug. 18, 1705 ; and a daughter, who was supposed to have m. William Thomas, a Quaker, who in 1708, at Newtown, joined the Seventh-day Baptists. Richard Iddings and Margaret, his wife, had two daughters: Priscilla (b. 1707; d. 1781) who m. Humphrey Wayne, and Elizabeth (b. 1709; d. 1793), who m. Isaac Wayne, the father of Gen. Anthony Wayne. 3*6 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. VI. Children: 137. Marie, d. unm., aged 97 years. 138. Augustine, m. Eugene Portier. 139. Georgette, m. -- Rousseau. 140. Henriette, m. James de Mazarredo, a native of Bilboa, Spain, and had: Frederico. Santiago, d. young. Ramon, b. at Philadelphia, 1836; d. at Philadelphia Jan. 31, 1897, a physician and resident of Cienfuegos, Cuba; m. Matilda Griiner, dau. of Herman- Frederic Griiner of Osnabruk, Hanover, and had: Clara, James, John, Marie, Ramon, Herman, Matilda, Adele, Joseph, Julia, Francis, Nathalie. IV. (128) JACOB WAYNE (William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony ] ), b. Jan. 4, 1760; d. 1857; m., 1st, Elizabeth Lloyd. V. Children: 141. Margaret, d. young. 142. Elizabeth, d. young. 143. Emeline, d. young. 144. Edward Fisher. 145. Ann. 146. Anthony; moved to Cincinnati, O. Jacob Wayne, m., 2d, Sarah Fisher. V. Children: 147. Mary. 148. William, m., 1st, Rebecca Potts; 2d, Rebecca Walker; 3d, Elizabeth Tomlinson. 149. Sarah. 150. John. 151. Elizabeth. 152. Samuel. 153. Thomas. 154. Harriet. 155. Charles. 156. Susannah. 157. Jacob Lloyd, m. Palmer. V. (148) WILLIAM WAYNE (Jacob,* William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony x ), m., ist, Rebecca Potts; m., 2d, Rebecca Walker; m., 3d, Elizabeth Tomlinson; d. 1870, Philadelphia. VI. Children:* 158. Isaac Potts, d. young. 159. Ruth Anna, m. William Betts. 1 60. Rebecca, m. Elwood Byerly. 161. Joseph, m. Mary F. Gove. * See also page 318, where the order of birth of his children is given somewhat dif ferently. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 317 162. Elizabeth, m. Edw. S. Wayne. 163. Sarah Ann, m. D. D. Byerly. 164. Margaret W., unm. 165. William, m., 1st, Edith Blackfan ; m., 2d, Sarah E. Leslie. 1 66. Mary W., m. Wm. II. Woods. 167. Martha Jones, unm. 1 68. Henry, m. Lizzy Perry. V. (157) JACOB LLOYD WAYNE (Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony ! ), m. Palmer. VI. Children: 169. Jacob Lloyd, m. Charlotte Wright. 170. Thomas. 171. Dudley. 172. Lottie. 173. Bessie. 174. William Lloyd. 175. Henry Woods. VI. (159) RUTH ANNA WAYNE (William, 5 Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony *), m. William Betts. VII Children: 176. Ruth Anna. 177. Sallie, m. Marshall. 178. Rebecca, m. Sellers. 179. Mary, m. Russell. VI. (160) REBECCA WAYNE (William, 5 Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), m. Elwood Byerly. VII. Children: 180. William W., m. Martha G. . Issue : Francis Parkman, Robert. 181. Alice. VI. (161) JOSEPH WAYNE (William, 5 Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 )^. Mary F. Gove. VII. Children: 182. Galie. 183. William G., m. Laura . Issue : Byron, Josephine. VI. (163) SARAH ANN WAYNE (William, 5 Jacob, 4 W illiam, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony l ), m. D. D. Byerly. VII. Children: 184. Homer R. 185. Frances. 1 86. Herbert Eells. 187. Lizzie W., m. M. C. Bragdon. Issue: Bessie, Wayne, Carl, Francis, Merritt. 318 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. VI. (165) WILLIAM WAYNE (Willam, 5 Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony *), m., ist, Edith Blackfan. VII. Children : 1 88. Mary E. M., 2d, Sarah E. Leslie. VII. Children: 189. George H., m. Hattie . Issue: Bessie, Stella. 190. Margaret L. 191. Clara J., m. H. Crampton. Issue: Geneva W 7 ., Wayne. 192. Charles, m. Sarah Breckenridge. Issue: James B., Carl D., Mary E., William Harold. VI. (168) HENRY WAYNE (William, 5 Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), m. Lizzie Perry. VII. Children: 193. William. 194. Perry. IV. (129) SAMUEL WAYNE (William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony a ), b. Feb. 10, 1763; m. Elizabeth Curtain at Christ Church, Philadelphia, Dec. 28, 1784. V. Children: 195. Joseph, b. Sept. n, 1793. 196. Ann, m. Benj. Crawford, dau. Sarah Ann Wayne Crawford and Louisa Craw ford. 197. Hannah, m. Thos. Owen. 198. Benjamin. IV (132) ANN WAYNE (William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ) b. Sept. 9, 1772; m. Cooper. V. Children: 199. Hannah, d. Feb. 15, i866, at Burlington, N. J.; unm. 200. William, resides with his wife, Mary E. Cooper, at Cincinnati, Ohio. V. (148) WILLIAM WAYNE * (Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), hardware merchant, Phila delphia, d. 1857; m., 1st, Rebecca Potts; d. Feb. 5, 1816; 2d, Rebecca , d. Sept. 16, 1834: 3d, Elizabeth Tomlinson (Records Phila. Monthly Meeting). VI. Children : 201. Joseph, b. Feb. 17, 1821; m. Mary Frances , and had: Laura, William G. 202. Henry, m. Elizabeth , and had : William, Perry. 203. \Villiam, b. Apr. I, 1827; m. Elizabeth Blackford, and had: Margaret, Clara, Henry, Charles. 204. Ruth Anna, m. Betts , and had : Fanny. 205. Mary W T ., m. W. H. Woods of Cincinnati, Ohio. Both drowned in Lake Superior. 206. Elizabeth, b. June 4, 1822; m. Edward Simmons, 44 b. 1819, (Joseph, 5 Samuel, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ) : no issue. * See page 316, where his marriages and children appear, but in different order. The data here given came in too late for comparison with account on page 316. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 3 J 9 207. Rebecca, m. Byerly, and had issue : Annie J., Martha J., E. 208. Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 10, 1823; m. - - Byerly, who was drowned in Lake Erie. Issue : Rebecca Frances, in. - Eells ; Elizabeth. 209. Margaret W., 6 b. Aug. 14, 1825 ; unm. 210. Martha}., living in Philadelphia, 1897. V. (144) EDWARD FISHER WAYNE (Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony : ),b. Nov. 10, 1810; d. 1882; m. Frances Vandegrift. VI. Children: 211. Albert Barnes, m. Margaret Stevens of North Carolina. 212. Sarah A., m. Harry Lloyd. 213. Walter, m. Amelia Snakenburg. 214. Edward Howard, m. Hannah Freedman. Issue: Oscar, Edward F., Albert F., Frances C., Joseph A. Theodore. V. (146) ANTHONY WAYNE (Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony !), b. Oct. 16, 1816; m., 1st, Jane Anne Youle. VI. Children: 215. Catharine, d. young. 216. Anthony, d. young. Anthony, m., 2d, Elizabeth Hitchcock. VI. Children: 217. Anthony, m. Ella Richards, 218. Clarence Bishop, m. Mary B. Torrence. 219. Linda, m. Charles L. Miller. 220. Alice Helen, m. Hubert Weis. 221. Florence Fisher. 222. Warren, m. Versie Glenn. v - ( J 95) JOSEPH WAYNE (Samuel, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. Sept. II, 1793; d. Dec. 30, 1864; was m. by the Rev. Jacob Broadhead, June 3, 1818, to Ann Dallam (b. Oct. 14, 1799; d. Sept. 2, 1853), dau. of Samuel and Susannah Dallam of Maryland. VI. Children: 223. Edward Simmons, b. Apr. 17, 1819. 224. Rebecca Simmons, b. Jan. 19, 1821. 225. Susan Elizabeth, b. Feb. i, 1823. 226. Ann Eliza, b. June 12, 1825. 227. Emeline Dallam, July 15, 1828. 228. Samuel Richard, b. Apr. 17, 1830; d. Aug. 3, 1841. 229. Joseph, b. Dec. 3, 1832. 230. Mary Ann, b. Mar. 20, 1835. 231. Stephen Simmons, b. Jan. 19, 1839. VI. (223) EDWARD SIMMONS WAYNE (Joseph, 5 Samuel, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony J ), b. Apr. 17, 1819; m. his second cousin, Elizabeth Wayne (William, 5 Jacob, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ) ; no issue. 320 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. VI. (224) REBECCA SIMMONS WAYNE (Joseph, 5 Samuel, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), b, Jan. 19, 1821; m. Robert B. Sellers of Philadelphia. VII. Children: 232. Mary. 233. Emma. 234. Annie. 235. George. 236. Walter. 237. Joseph. VI. (225) SUSAN ELIZABETH WAYNE (Joseph, 5 Samuel, 4 W T illiam, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. Feb. I, 1823; m. Charles D. Knight of Philadelphia. Children : 238. Clara. 239. Elizabeth. 240. Rebecca. 241. Laura. VI. (226) ANN ELIZA WAYNE (Joseph, 5 Samuel, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony x ), b. June 12, 1825; m. Edwin A. Merritt. VII. Children: 242. Joseph. 243. Annie. 244. Elizabeth. 245. Gertrude. 246. Sally. VI. (227) EMELINE DALLAM WAYNE (Joseph, 5 Samuel,* William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony ! ), b- July 15, 1828; m. Edwin Shee. VII. Children: 247. Parke. 248. Edward. 249. Annie. VI. (229) JOSEPH WAYNE (Joseph, 5 Samuel, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. Dec. 3, 1832; m., Nov. 13, 1856, Julia Earnest Varney, dau. of Jesse Varney of Dover, N. II., and Margaret Burr (b. Feb. 7, 1811 ; d. Sept. I, 1894), of Burlington Co., N. J. VII. Children: 250. Edward Francis. 251. Ann Dallam. VI. (230) MARY ANN WAYNE (Joseph, 5 Samuel, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. Mar. 20, 1835 ; m., 1st, Charles Jordan. VII. Children: 252. Laura Martin. 253. Annie de la Puente. 254. Ophelia, m. Thomas Martran. 255. Leona, m. Seeds. Mary Ann, m., 2d, Jacob Fox. No issue. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 321 VI. (231) STEPHEN SIMMONS WAYNE (Joseph, 5 Samuel, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony L ), m., 1st, Isabella Ross. VII. Children: 256. Joseph. 257. Edith. M., 2d, . VII. (250) EDWARD P^RANCIS WAYNE (Joseph, 6 Joseph, 5 Samuel, 4 William, 3 Jacob, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. Aug. 28, 1857; m., Nov. 7, 1882, Jane Clevenger Schober, clau. of Samuel and Hannah (Clevenger) Schober of Philadelphia. VIII. Children : 258. Frederick Schober. 259. Joseph Edward. 260. Orville Samuel. II. (7) JOHN WAYNE, 1739, June 13, named as "son John, Executor," in the Will of Anthony Wayne, proved Dec. 13, 1739 ( West Chester Records]. 1744, May 5. Deed, "John Wayne of Wilmington, New Castle Co. (now Delaware)," administrator of the will of Anthony Wayne, 1 of Easttown, Chester Co, Pa., deceased, to Isaac Wayne, 2 in fee (confirming the agreement of 1739), the tract of 360 acres, etc., etc. (recorded West Chester). 1750, June 3. Minutes of the vestry of St. Peter s Church, East Whiteland, Chester Co. Pa.: "John Wayne built the pulpit, reading desk, and communion table for/12." 1750, Nov. 26. " Paid John Wayne, joiner, on account, ^8." 1752, May 1 8. Chosen a member of the vestry. 1753, May 14. Chosen a member of the vestry, and made owner of pew No. 14, formerly the property of Humphrey Wayne, " who has resigned his right thereto." Present at the meeting of the vestry on this date. 1754, May 6. Chosen as a member of the vestry at a meeting held this date. II. (9) ANN WAYNE (Anthony Wayne 1 ), b. probably in County Wicklow, Ireland; m. Samuel McCue of Ballnakill, County of Wicklow, Ireland (papers of Joseph Lewis, Jr., dec d, 1895). In 1750 he was Overseer of the Poor for the township of Willistown ; 1752, Constable; 1769, Superintendent of Highways. His will is dated Jan. 15, 1777, wherein he is styled of Willistown (Chester Co.), and was probated May 29, 1777. Mention is made of his wife, Ann, enceinte, and his children, Anthony, Mary Farrow, Hannah Butler, Ann Jaudon, Thomas, Alice. He also mentions his "kinsman Anthony Wayne" and Richard Richison. Samuel McCue was a taxable in Willistown in 1734 and probably earlier. Anthony Wayne, the Colonist, mentions his daughters by their maiden surname, as though they were unmarried, although most if not all were married before he died. Ann McCue is merely named as " my daughter Ann Wayne." III. Children: 261. John, d. Aug. 1 6, 1739, aged 22 years (epitaph at St. David s). 52 322 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 262. Anthony, m. Lydia (or Elizabeth?) Lloyd (m. license dated Dec., 1747). 263. Samuel. 264. William. 265. Thomas. 266. Hannah, about 4 years old when her father came to this country; m. John Butler from England. 267. Mary, m. James Farrow. 268. Ann, m., ist, Harper; m., 2d, Peter Jaudon. 269. Alice, m. Robert Armstrong. III. (263) SAMUEL McCuE (Ann, 2 Anthony 1 ), d. Apr. 28, 1760, aged 28 years (epitaph at St. David s, Radnor) ; his will styles him of \Villistown, is dated Apr. 27, 1760, and was probated May 19, 1760. He mentions his brother Anthony and his (Anthony s) sons, Thomas, John, and Abraham, and his (Anthony s) daughters, Elizabeth, Mary, and Ann; his father, Samuel McCue ; his brother, Thomas ; his brother-in-law, James Farrow, and sister, Mary Farrow ; James Farrow s sons, William, Joseph, Samuel, and Abraham ; his daughters, Rebecca, Mary, and Sarah ; his brother-in-law, John Butler, and his wife; "my sister," Hannah, Hannah s son, Samuel Butler; his "kinsman," John Butler, Jr. ; sister, Ann Harper, and her four children; his sister, Alic e McCue ; cousin, John Norton; executors, his father, Samuel McCue, and " Uncle Isaac Wayne." III. (262) ANTHONY McCuE (Ann, 2 Anthony 1 ), m. Lydia Lloyd. IV. Children : 270. Thomas. 271. John. 272. Abraham. 273. Elizabeth. 274. Mary. 275. Ann. III. (266) HANNAH McCuE (Ann, 2 Anthony 1 ), m. John Butler. IV. Children: 278. Samuel. 279. Alice, m. Samuel Moore. 280. Hannah, m., 1st, John Rouse; m., 2d, John Caldwell. 281. Elizabeth, m. William Steele, Chester Co. 282. John of Virginia, m. Deborah Douglass. 283. James. 284. Abraham, m. Hannah Farrow. III. (267) MARY McCuE (Ann, 2 Anthony 1 ), m. James Farrow. (For references to mar riage and issue see her brother Samuel s will.) IV. Children: 285. William. 286. Joseph. 287. Samuel. 288. Abraham. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 323 289.. Rebecca. 290. Mary. 291. Sarah. III. (268) ANN McCuE (Ann, 2 Anthony 1 ), m., ist, Harper (see her brother Samuel s will); m., 2d, Peter Jaudon (see Jaudon genealogy; see her father s will, where she is mentioned as Ann Jaudon). IV. Children: 292. Daniel, b. July 7, 1767; m. Anna McNeil. 293. Samuel, b. 1770; d. Oct. 7, 1794. 294. Elizabeth. IV. (292) DANIEL JAUDON (Ann, 3 Ann, 2 Anthony 1 ), m., Dec. 25, 1793, Anna McNeil; d. July 23, 1826. V. Children: 295. Anna Maria. 296. Samuel. 297. William Latta. 298. Ashbel Green. 299. Charles Bancker, M. D. 300. Elizabeth. 301. Harriet Snowden, b. Aug. 27, 1807; d. Mar. 18, 1874. 302. Caroline Matilda. 303. Alexander Henry, b. Aug. 5, 1812 ; d. Jan. 16, 1886. V. (295) ANNA MARIA JAUDON (Daniel, 4 Ann, 3 Ann, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. Jan. 3, 1795; m - Peter Conrey ; d. Jan., 1870. He d. Apr. 9, 1872. VI. Children: 304. Henry Parrish,b. 1832; d. June 25, 1857. 305. Charles Jaudon, d. June 25, 1838. V. (296) SAMUEL JAUDON (Daniel, 4 Ann, 3 Ann, 2 Anthony 1 ), b. May 14, 1796; m., Aug. 4, 1823, Marguerite Peyton Alricks; d. May 31, 1874. VI. Children: 306. Annie Peyton, b. May 26, 1824; m., June 2, 1857, Philip Livingston of New York. He d. Aug. 9, 1874, 307. Frances Orne, b. July 21, 1825; d. June 25, 1827. 308. Julia Webster, b. Sept. 25, 1826; m., Oct. 27, 1846, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Jr., of Boston. Issue: Augustus Van Cortlandt, b. Mar. 24, 1848; Peyton Jaudon, b. Dec. 19, 1863. 309. Peyton, b. Aug. 23, 1828; d. May 31, 1829; bur. at New Orleans, May 31, 1829. 310. Samuel Peyton, b. at New Orleans, May 21, 1831 ; d. Dec.. 23, 1896; m. in city of Yeddo (now Tokio), Oshidzu, b. Mar. 18, 1855, dau. of Goro Isami Matsura, a Hatamoto of Japan (rank of Baronet).. Issue: Julia Ayame, b. Tokio, Japan, Aug. 9, 1880. 324 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 311. Rev. Francis Duncan, b. July 8, 1833; m - Oct. 29, 1857, Elizabeth McDonald Strong. Issue : Frank Duncan, b. Mar. 17, 1859; William, b. Oct. 15, 1861 ; Margaret Peyton, b. Oct. 26, 1863 ; d. May 29, 1865. 312. Lawson White, b. Aug. 26, 1836; d. Aug. 18, 1852. 313. Ada Mary Caroline, b. Jan. 7, 1839; m., Nov. 18, 1874, Van Brugh Livingston of New York. V. (297) WiLLLAM LATTA, son of Daniel Jaudon, b. June 9, 1798, in Philadelphia; m., Nov. 20, 1823, Susan Gibson Lea ; d. Oct., 1832 ; bur. Spring Grove Cem., Cinn., Ohio. He was a merchant. His wife, b. March 19, 1799; d. Aug., 1836; bur. same place. They had issue : 314. Anna Caroline. 315. Elizabeth Lea. VI. (314) ANNA CAROLINE, dau. of Win. Latta Jaudon, b. Oct. 10, 1824; m., May 27, 1850, Henry Charles Lea of Philadelphia, author and publisher, b. Sept. 19, 1825. They had issue : 316. Frances Henry, publisher, b March 24, 1851. 317. Charles Matthew, publisher, b. March 7, 1853 ; m., Oct. 28, 1880, Helen Vaughn Cope, b. Feb. 16, 1857; d. June 3, 1886; bur. at St. Timothy s, Roxborough. They had issue : Marjorie Vaughn Lea, b. Oct. 6, 1881. 318. Anna, b. May 13, 1855. 319. Arthur Henry, publisher, b. Sept. 17, 1859. VI. (315) ELIZABETH LEA, dau. of \Vm. Latta Jaudon, b. May 28, 1827 ; m , Oct. 5, 1847, Wm. W. Bakewell, merchant; d. Mar. 19, 1881 ; bur. in Laurel Hill Cem., Phila. Her husband, Wm. W. Bakewell, d. Nov. 28, 1850; bur. at Spring Grove Cem., Cinn., Ohio. She m. again, Matthew Carey Lea, lawyer, of Phila , July 14, 1852. He was b. Aug. 1 8, 1823. By the first marriage they had issue : 320. Anna Lea Bakewell, b. Aug. 15, 1848. By the second marriage they had issue : 321. George Henry Lea, merchant, b. June 9, 1853 ; m., June 10, 1879, Alice Van Antwerp, b. Mar. 3, 1856, and had issue : Elizabeth Jaudon, b. July 28, 1881. Van Antwerp, b. Nov, 19, 1882, Francis Carey, b. Sept. 1 8, 1884. V. (298) ASHBEL GREEN, son of Daniel Jaudon, 1 merchant, of the firms of " Whitall, Jaudon, & Co.," "Jaudon & Mason, Manufacturers," "A. G. Jaudon & Sons, Bankers," b. in Philadelphia, Apr. 13, 1800; m., May 28, 1833, Lucy Ann Bainbridge, dau. of Com modore William Bainbridge ; d. Feb. 7, 1864; bur. in Jaudon Vault, Mt. Vernon Cem , Philadelphia. His wife was b. in Boston, Nov. 19, 1814; d. Jan. 9, 1884, and bur. in same place. They had issue : 322. Lucy Bainbridge, b. in Philadelphia, Mar. 13, 1834. She and several of her sisters have a school in New York. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 323. Mary Louisa Bainbridge, b. in Phila., Apr. 22, 1835 ; m., Mar. I, 1859, Capt. Thos. Cadwalader Harris, U. S. N., b. Nov. 9, 1826; d. at U. S. N. Asylum, Phila., Jan. 24, 1875; bur. Jan. 27, 1875, m tlie Jaudon Vault, Mt. Vernon Cem., Phila. They had issue : Thomas Cadwalader, b. Jan. 10, 1860. Mary Campbell, d. Dec. 23, 1861. Lucy Jaudon, b. Dec. 25, 1866; m., May 22, 1888, Theodore Frothingham of Philadelphia, b. Mar. 22, 1848, and had issue : Theodore, b. May 19, 1889. 324. William Bainbridge of New York, b. in Phila., Sept. 5, 1836; m., Nov. 25, 1874, Kate Kearney Smith, b. July 30, 1836. He was formerly of the firm of " A, G. Jaudon & Sons." 325. Caroline, b. in Phila., Feb. 16, 1838; d. Mar. 17, 1838; bur. in Jaudon Vault, Mt. Vernon Cem., Phila. 326. Harriet, b. in Phila., July 29, 1839; d. July 12, 1841 ; bur. in same place. 327. Charles of New York, formerly of the firm of " A. G. Jaudon & Sons," b. in Phila., Mar. 28, 1841; m., Aug. 15, 1881, Emily Comfort Avery, who d. Dec. 6, 1882, and was bur. in same place as 327. 328. Maria Conrey, b. in Phila., Mar. 5, 1843 > m -> J un e 8, 1870, Henry Silliman Bennett, b. Oct. 15, 1833, lawyer, of New York, and had issue: Henry Martin, b. Mar. 23, 1871. Bainbridge Jaudon, b. Dec. I, 1873. Mary Emily, b. Apr. 17, 1877. 329. Elizabeth, b. in New York, Sept. 27, 1845; d. Nov. 6, 1856; bur. in Jaudon Vault in Mt. Vernon Cem., Phila. 330. Fanny, b. in New York, Mar. 1 6, 1847 , has a school with her sisters in New York. 331. Aletta Campbell, b. in New York, Mar. 3, 1849; same as 330. 332. Susan Bainbridge, b. in New York, Feb. 19, 1851 ; same as 330. V. (299) CHARLES BANCKER, M. D., son of Daniel Jaudon, b. Sept. 17, 1802; m., June 14, 1849, Mary Taylor Bainbridge, dau. of Commodore William Bainbridge; d. in New York, May, 1882; bur. June I, 1882, in Jaudon Vault, Mt. Vernon Cem., Philadelphia. His wife was b. Apr. 8, 1810; d. Feb., 1877 ; bur. Feb. 21, 1877, in same place. V. (300) ELIZABETH, dau. of Daniel Jaudon, b. Dec. 12, 1804; m., Oct. 8, 1828, Wade Thring Smith; d. June 3, 1882; bur. in Jaudon Vault, Mt. Vernon Cem., Phila. Her husband, b. Oct. 28, 1803; d. Oct. 10, 1851; bur. in same place. He was a member of the firm of " Rockhill, Smith & Co." They had issue : 333. Elizabeth Jaudon, b. July 25, 1829; d. June 21, 1830; bur. in Jaudon Vault in Mt. Vernon Cem., Phila. 334. Caroline Jaudon, b. in Phila., Aug. 5, 1832; m., at Harrisburg, Mar. 2, 1854, John Hastings Berryhill of Davenport, Iowa. Her husband was b. in Phila., July 1 8, 1815; d. at Davenport, Iowa, Mar. 3, 1880. He was a lawyer. They had issue : Charles Jaudon, of St. Paul, Minn., lawyer, b. at Harrisburg, Sept. 7, 1856; m., Oct. 6, 1886, Margaret Louise Porter, b. at St. Paul, Oct. 23, 1863. 326 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. Caroline, b. at Harrisburg, Nov. 7, 1858; m., Nov. 4, 1888, Frank Le Roy Dodge, lawyer, of Davenport, Iowa, b. at Buffalo, Iowa, July 20, 1856. They had issue : Helen, b. July 7, 1882. Elizabeth, b. at Harrisburg, Feb. 9, 1860 ; m., May 28, 1878, Frank Henry Shelley, ranch-owner, of New Kiowa, Kan., b. at Davenport, Iowa, Nov. 21, 1856. They had issue : Caroline Elizabeth, b. Sept. 19, 1881. Katherine Berryhill, b. Oct. 24, 1882; d. at Medicine Lodge, Kan., Mar. 31, 1883. Frank Henry, Jr., b. Aug. 1 8, 1884. Mary, b. at Harrisburg, Dec. 21, 1862; m., Oct. 13, 1881, Charles Davison, lawyer, of St. Paul, Minn. He was b. at Davenport, Iowa, Apr. 29, 1857. They had issue : Katherine, b. May 17, 1887. Rebecca, b. at Davenport, Iowa, July 20, 1865. Anna, b. at Davenport, Dec. 22, 1868. John Hastings, Jr., b. at Davenport, Jan. 19, 1870. Harriette, b. at Davenport, Dec. 20, 1871. 335. Percy George, b. at Phila., July 20, 1834; m., Feb. 29, 1860, Marie Jane Miller, b. at Sinking Springs, Berks Co., Pa., June 7, 1839. He is a passenger agent in the B. and O. R. R. at Washington, D. C. They had issue : Harry Jaudon, b. at Williamsport, Pa. Jan. 7, 1861. He is in the service of the Government at Washington. 336. Thomas Rockhill, b. Apr. 25, 1837; m., Dec. 28, 1864, Emma A Kirke ; d. Aug. n, 1882; bur. at Harrisburg. He was a banker. 337. Jaudon, b. Apr. 4, 1839; m., Oct. 25, 1871, Elizabeth H. Miller, b. Sept. 20, 1842. He is express agent of the Adams Express Company at Williams- port, Pa. 338. Ormsby Hite. b. July 10, 1841.; d. Sept. 27, 1841. 339. Estelle Mercken, b. Sept. 10, 1843; d. Nov. 7, 1843. 340. Gertrude Elizabeth, b. Apr. 30, 1845; m., Feb. 15, 1865, Sidney H. Browne, druggist, of Hunnewell, Mo., b. Dec. 23, 1841. They had issue: Harriet Harper, of Hunnewell, Mo., b. Feb. 18, 1866. Wade Jaudon Saulnier, of Renovo, Pa., b. Mar. 30, 1867. Ivins Arrell, of Renovo, Pa., b. Nov. 17, 1870. Peter Irrell, of Hunnewell, Mo., b. Mar. 31, 1881. V. (302) CAROLINE MATILDA, dau. of Daniel Jaudon, b. May, 1810; m., 1829, Rev. James Saul, D. D. ; d. Aug. 7, 1830; bur. in Jaudon Vault, Mt. Vernon Cem., Phila. Dr. Saul d. Nov. 1 6, 1887, and is bur. in Germantown. IV. (294) ELIZABETH, dau. of Peter Jaudon, b. 1763; m., July 31, 1794, at St. Peter s Church, Phila., by Bishop White, Finnix Stretcher; d. Jan. 4, 1850; bur. Jan. 7, 1850. Her husband, b. 1771; d. Jan. 30, 1847; bur. Feb. I, 1847 (St. Peter s Rec.). Both bur. in St. Peter s Church yard in Finnix Stretcher s family vault. There are portraits of both in possession of Mrs. David W. Sellers, Phila. They had issue : DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 327 341. Caroline, b. June, 1797, d. July 24, 1798; bur. in St. Peter s Church yard. 342. William W., b. Oct. 9, 1799; d. Aug. 19, 1800 ; bur. in same place. 343. Matilda, b. 1801 ; bapt. May 24, 1805 (St. Peter s Rec.); d. Aug. 10, 1827; bur. Aug. 12, 1827, in St. Peter s, Phila. She graduated from her uncle, Daniel Jaudon s, school. 344. Elizabeth. 345. Anna Maria Jaudon, b. 1808; d. July 13, 1836; bur. July 15, 1836, in Finnix Stretcher s family vault, St. Peter s, Phila. She graduated from Daniel Jaudon s school. V. (344) ELIZABETH, dau. of Elizabeth Stretcher, b. Dec. 27, 1800; bapt. May 24, 1805 (St. Peter s Rec.) ; graduated from Daniel Jaudon s school ; m., Dec. 3, 1829, Rev. Joseph Jaquett at St. Peter s, Phila., Bishop White officiating ; d. May 25, 1882; bur. in the Stretcher vault, St. Peter s, Phila. Her husband, b. Mar. II, 1794; bapt. May 14, 1794 (see Pres. Ch. Rec.); d. May 24, 1869; bur. May 26, 1869, in Stretcher vault, St. Peter s, Phila. He was ordained Nov. 16, 1821 ; Deacon and Presbyter, Dec. 22, 1822, by Bishop White. He was rector of St. James the Greater, Bristol, Pa., and sub sequently of St. Matthew s, Francisville, Phila. He revised and edited the first American edition of the Hebrew Bible, which was the cause of the loss of his sight. He was a great Oriental linguist. There are portraits of both in possession of Mrs. D. W. Sellers. They had issue : 346. Finnix Stretcher, M. D., b. Sept. 12, 1831 ; student of the University of Penn sylvania, class 49 ; graduated from the Medical College of Pennsylvania, Mar. 4, 1854; surgeon in the Sixty-fifth Pennsylvania Regiment (Fifth Cavalry); mustered into Service Dec. 22, 1861, for term of three years; resigned Feb. 24, 1862; d. Dec. 1 1, 1870; bur. Dec. 13, 1870, in the Stretcher vault, St. Peter s, Phila. His portrait is in possession of Mrs. D. W. Sellers. 347. Anna Frances. 348. Joseph Pfeiffer, b. 1841; bapt. July 9, 1841 (St. Peter s Rec.); d. Nov. 24, 1852; bur. Nov. 26, 1852, in Stretcher vault, St. Peter s, Phila. His portrait is in possession of Mrs. D. W. Sellers. VI. (347) ANNA FRANCES, dau. of Elizabeth Jaquett, b. at Phila., Jan. 23, 1838 ; m., July 22, 1858, David Wampole Sellers, lawyer, of Phila., b. May II, 1833. They were m. at St. Peter s, Phila., Rev. Wm. H. Odenheimer officiating. They had issue : 349. Anna Frances, b. Aug. 16, 1859; m., Apr. 21, 1892, Edward Page Vogels Hewes, b. Apr. 2, 1855. Issue: Eleanor Stockton, b. at Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 19, 1896. 350. Elizabeth Louisa, b. Mar. 21, 1 86 1. 351. Mary, b. Dec. 31, 1862; m., at St. Peter s, Phila., June 3, 1895, George Howard Stirling. He was b. Apr. 25, 1860. Issue: David Sellers, b. at Greenspring Valley, Baltimore Co., Md., Aug. 16, 1896. Philip Sellers, b. at Greenspring Valley, Baltimore Co., Md., June I, 1898. 352. Florence, b. Apr. 22, 1864; m., June 2, 1885, Marcellus Coxe, b. Nov. 7, 1857, son of Ferdinand Coxe of Phila. They had issue : Francis Travis Coxe, b. Mar. 13, 1889. 328 DESCENDANl^S OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 353. Edwin Jaquett, b. July 25, 1865; graduated from the University of Pennsyl vania, June 10, 1886, with the degree A. B. ; graduated from the Law Department of the University of Pennsylvania, June 9, 1889, with degrees of LL.B. and A. M. ; admitted to the bar June 15, 1889; m., at St. Peter s, Phila., June 6, 1894, Blanche Bingham Ehret. She was b. Oct. 15, 1871. Issue : Ellen Jaquett, b. at Phila., Mar. 6, 1895 ; bapt. at St. Peter s, Dec. I, 1895. 354. Charles Jaquett, b. Mar. 21, 1867; d. Feb. 9, 1868; bur., Feb. 12, 1868, at St. Peter s, Phila., in Stretcher vault. 355. Sydney Jaquett, b. Nov. 29, 1868; d. Aug. 21, 1887; bur. Aug. 24, 1887, at St. Peter s, Phila., in Stretcher vault. 356. Agnes, b. July 21, 1873. (92) HANNAH WAYNE (Isaac, 2 Anthony 1 ), married Samuel Van Leer (Von Lohr), and had : William R. Van Leer, who married Sarah Hunter, and had : Isaac Wayne Van Leer, who married (ist) Phebe Ann Speakman, and had : 1. Ellen Frances, m. George H. Earle. 2. Hunter Evans, m. Clara Wills. 3. Archer W., m. Josephine Colladay. 4. Anne, m. William Huddleston. 5. Isaac W., b. June 15, 1846; d. June 19, 1862 from wound received at battle of Seven Pines. Isaac W. Van Leer, married (2d) Lydia Thomas, and had: 6. Mary T., unm. ELLEN FRANCES VAN LEER (daughter of Isaac W.), married April 5, 1849, George H. Earle, and had : 1. Florence V., b. July I, 1850; m. (ist), Sept. 28, 1872, William Nicholson, who d. Sept. 9, 1877, and had: Alice E., b. Oct. I, 1873. She m. (2d), Jan. 7, 1879, Edward H. Coates. 2. Alice Earle, b. Jan. 5, 1852 ; m. Reginald H.Jones. 3. Mary, b. Sept. 20, 1853; m. William Cook. 4. George H., b. July 6, 1856; m. Catharine H. French, and had: Catharine A., Caroline F., Mary, Frances Von Lohr, George H. 3d, Ralph 3d, Clayton French, Eleanor, Edith Newlin. 5. Frances V., b. Oct. 27, 1858; m. Edward II. Johnson. HUNTER EVANS VAN LEER had issue : Isaac Wayne, b. Jan. 10, 1857 ; Anthony Wayne, b. Jan. 3, 1859; d. June 26, 1859; Sarah, b. Sept. 3, 1860; m. Charles S. Albertson ; Clara Virginis, b. Jan. 23, 1862 ; d. May I, 1892, unm. ; Francis Earle, b. Mar. 28, 1867 ; Hunter Evans, b. Aug. 24, 1868; m. Mary Reginia Horton ; Andrew Wills, b. Jan. 22, 1870; Marion Cook, b. Oct. II, 1874; Morgan Wills, b. Aug. 7, 1877. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 3^9 AUTHORITIES. Authorities in reference to the genealogy of Isaac Wayne, 2 son of Anthony, 1 the immi grant to Chester County, Pa. (By Captain Frederick Schober) : Penna. Archives, sec. series, vols. ii., ix. Miles Journal. Lewis s History of Chester County. Penna. Magazine, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1895, 1897. The Literary Era, 1896-97. Records of West Chester. Wills of Anthony Wayne ; x Isaac Wayne ; 2 Anthony Wayne. 3 American Hist. Register, Feb. 1895- American Ancestry, 1889. Christ Church Records. St. David s Church Records. St. Peter s Chtwch Records. History of the Pennsylvania Line. Stevens s History of Georgia. Sanford s History of Erie County, Pa. Hiltzheimer s Diary. U. S. Army and Navy Registers. Hey I Record of Wayne family. Authorities with reference to the parentage and genealogy of Jacob Wayne, one of the sons of Anthony Wayne, the immigrant, who settled in Chester County in 1722 : Records of Christ Church, Phila. Marriages, Baptisms, Burials. Records of Phila. Monthly Meeting, 1687- 1826. The Literary Era, Phila., Thomas Allen Glenn. Phila. Directory, 1785 and 1791. Interview with Dr. Ramon de Mazorredo, Cienfuegos, Cuba. Wills of Anthony Wayne ;* William Wayne ; 3 Sarah Wayne ; 4 William Wayne ; 5 Wills of Hannah Cooper ; 5 Margaret W. Wayne 6 [Philadelphia]. Genealogy of the FisJier Family, 1682-1895. Family Bible of Joseph Wayne. 5 Family Bible of William Wayne. 3 American Historical Register. Records of Chester County, Pa. Records of St. Peter s Church, East White- land, Chester Co., Pa. Wayne Genealogy, by Heyl. Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series. Cope s History of Chester Co. Authorities in reference to the genealogy of Humphrey Wayne, 2 one of the sons of Anthony Wayne, the immigrant to Chester County, Pa. : West Chester Records. American Historical Register. Walker Genealogy, Chester Co. Records St. Paul s Church, Chester, Pa. Records St. David s Church, Radnor. Records St. Peter s Church, Chester Co. Cope s History Chester Co. Moore s Life of Gen. Wayne. Will of Anthony Wayne. 1 330 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. APPENDICES TO WAYNE GENEALOGY. A. Hayman-Vogdes. AARON VOGDES, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Vogdes, born June 20, 1780; died Nov. 23, 1836. He married, Nov. 26, 1807, Ann, daughter of William Hayman. She was born June I, 1788; died July n, 1826. WILLIAM HAYMAN, son of Aaron and Ann (Hayman) Vogdes, born Aug. 25, 1812. He married Hannah Pennell, daughter of Nathan and Beulah (Hall) Davis, Dec. 27, 1838. Hannah Pennell Davis was born Feb. 15, 1817; died Feb. 8, 1885. Children : Adelaide Hunter, b. Feb. II, 1840; d. Nov. 25, 1888. William Wayne, b. Feb. 5, 1843; d. June 10, 1892. Emma, b. Sept. 7, 1844; d. Aug. 5, 1885. Mary, b. July 24, 1847 \ d. . Lewis Davis, b. Oct. 20, 1849; d. Jan. 6, 1851. Anna Duff, b. Jan. 19, 1852; d. Mar. 17, 1855. Frank, b. Aug. 8, 1854; d. May 16, 1863. Reginald Heber, b. Jan. 6, 1861. ADELAIDE HUNTER VOGDES, married Francis M. Brooke, July 21, 1862. He was born July 4, 1836. She died Nov. 25, 1888. Children : Estelle Hunter, b. Sept. 25, 1863; m., Jan. 9, 1890, Isaac Marselis Loughead, Children : Adelaide, b. July 14, 1893. Gertrude, b. Apr. 28, 1895. Hugh Jones, b. Dec. 16, 1867. Wayne Vodges, b. Apr. 4, 1874; d. Nov. 25, 1882. Florence, b. Jan. 1 8, 1879. Francis M., Jr., b. June 19, 1883. EMMA VOGDES, married Francis James McBeath, Nov. 14, 1866. Children : Sarah Moffatt, b. Oct. 4, 1867. Francis James, b. May I, 1872. WILLIAM WAYNE VOGDES, married Lydia Weaver, d. 1872. No children. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 331 REGINALD HEBER VOGDES, married Elizabeth Fairlamb Van Ingen, July 14, 1891. Children : William Keen, b. July 1 1, 1894; d. Mar. 18, 1896. Francis Brooke, b. Feb. 15, 1897. B. McCue Data. Will of Samuel McCue, Sr. In the name of God Amen, this 15 dav of Jany. in the year of Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven I Saml. Macue of the Township of Willis Town in the County of Chester and Province of Penn sylvania being of sound mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following. First I recommend my Soul to God that gave it, my body to be commited to the earth in a deasent manner and all worldly substance I dispose of as follows viz : First I order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid or answerd by my Extrs. here after named. Item, I will and order that my eanchant and beloved wife Ann be carefully and tenderly norsed and attended with all suitable necessarys found her during her natural life and after her decease to have a deasent burial all at the charge of my Exects. and paid out of the issues and profitts of my estate. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Anthony Macue the sum of ten pounds to be paid him in one year after my decease by my Exetrs. Item. I give and bequeath to doughter Mary Farrow the sum of ten pounds to be paid her in two years after my decease by my Exetrs. Item. I give and bequeath to my doughter Hannah Butler the sum of fifteen pounds to be paid to her in one year after my decease by my Exetrs. Item. I give and bequeath to my doughter Ann Jodgon the sum of ten pounds, to be paid her in one year after my decease by my Exetrs. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Macue and to the heirs of his body if any such are in being the sum of five shillings to be paid by my Exetrs. Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my doughter Allice Macue all and every my plantation, lands and premises together with all my personal estate which I am now possed of to her and the heirs of her body and its assigns forever in manner hereafter mentioned that is to say in case my doughter Allice Macue should happen to die without an heir of her body then I will and order that my said plantation land & premises be immediately sold and convead according to law by my Kinsmen Anthony Wayne and Richd. Richison or the sorvivor of them or their heirs and Exetrs. for the time being and all the money arrising of and from the said sale I will and order the one third part thereof to be paid to my doughter Hannah Butler the two other parts to be paid to my son Anthony my doughters Mary and Ann share and share alike and if any or all of my said children be deceased then their share or shares to decend to their lagual representatives and I further Will and order that if my said dough ter Allice should have issue of her body and they die before they arrive to age and without lawful issue as aforesaid that then but not until then I order and impower my said friend Anthy. Wayne and Richd. Richison their heirs & Exetrs. aforesaid to sell and conved my said estate as aforesaid and all the money arrising of and from said sale to be paid to the persons aforesaid and in like manner aforesaid and by the persons so selling the said estate, and I do here appoint and impower my trusty friend Anthy. Wayne and Josa. Evans and their heirs from time to time hereafter to inspect and prevent any willful waste or dis- truction being commited on the premiss any person or persons whomesoever and also see and have kept the said premises and improvements in good and tenantable repair during the afore said tearms, and amongst other things I will and order that a toome stone be had in the usual manner and fixed on my grave by my Exetrs. And I do here constatute and appoint 332 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. my said doughter Allice Macue and my Friend Rich. Richison. my sole Exetrs. of this my last Will and Testament, ratafieing this and no other to be my said Will word enterd heirs & Exetrs. v. sd. before seald. Signed sealed published and pronounced "] by the Sd. Saml. MaCue as his last j Will and Testament in the presence of j SAMUEL MACUE. f SEAL* J RICHARD MORRIS. ^- ^ SAMUEL BELL. Will Book F, Vol. 6, Pg 320, No. 3075. Will of Samuel McCue, Jr. In the name of God Amen, I Samuel McCue Junr. of the township of Williston in the County of Chester in province of Pensilvania being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the shortness and uncer- tanly of this life do make publish and declare this to be my last Will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping and believing a remission of my sins by and through the merrits and mediation of my Lord and Savour Jesus Christ and my bodey I commit to the earth to be decently buried at the dis cretion of my Executor and as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give bequeath and devise in the following manner viz. I will that all my just debts and funerall expences be fully paid and discharged by my Executor. Item. I give and bequeath to my brother Anthony McCue the sum of thirty Pounds lawfull money out of my estate. Item. I give and bequeath to my said brother Anthony Mecues sons Thomas McCue John McCue and Abraham McCue the sum of ten Pounds each to be paid as they arrive at the age of twenty one years in current money of Pensilvania but if any or either of them should happen to dey before he or they arrive to the said age of twenty one years my will is that if another son be born to my said brother Anthony McCue hereafter that the legacy of the deceased shall go to him and not otherwise. Item. I give and bequeath to my said brother Anthony Mecues three daughters Elizabeth McCue, Mary McCue and Ann McCue the sum of five pounds each lawfull money aforesaid as they shall arrive at the age of eighteen years but if either or any of them should dey before they arrive at that age then to be divided among the survivors or survivor of them. Item. I give to my father Samuel Mecue the sum of thirty Pounds lawfull money aforesaid for the use of my Brother Thomas Mccue if he be 4iving. Item. I give and bequeath to my brother in law James Farra and my sister Mary Farra each five pounds lawfull money aforesaid. Item. I give and bequeath to my said brother in law James Farms four sones William Farra, Joseph Farra, Samuel Farra and Abraham Farra to each of them the sum of ten pounds as they arrive to the age of twenty one years money aforesaid. Item. I give and bequeath to my said Brother in law James Farras three daughters Rebecca Farra, Mary Farra and Sarah Farra the sum of five pounds each lawfull money aforesaid to be paid as they arrive at the age of eighteen years. Item. I give and bequeath to my Brother in law John Buttler and to his wife my sister Mannah Bnttler all that plantation and track of land that they now live on to them and their heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath the sum of twenty pounds lawfull money aforesaid to be paid at the dis cretion of my Executors to the said John Buttler and Hannah Buttler or their children. Item. I give and bequeath to my sister Hannahs son Samuel Buttler the sum of fifteen pounds law- full money aforesaid with their interest when he arriveth at the age of twenty one years. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 333 Item I give and bequeath to my Kinsman John Buttler Junr. the sum of twenty five pounds when he arrives at the age of twenty one years the interest arriseing therefrom to be applyd at my fathers discretion until he arriveth to the age of ninteen years. Item I give and bequeath to my sister Ann Harper the sum of fifty pounds lawfull money aforesaid to be paid to her out of my estate. Item I give and bequeath to my sister Ann Harpers four children the sum of twenty pounds lawfull money to be paid as they arrive at the age to be paid shear and share alike. Item. I give and bequeath to my sister Aliase McCue the sum of one hundred pounds lawfull money aforesaid to be paid in the space of six months or sooner after my deceas at the discretion of my Executors. Item I give and bequeath to Cuzin John Norton the sum of seven pounds lawfull money aforesaid to be paid in six months after my deceas. The legicy that I bequeathed to my sister Ann Harper is fifty pounds as enterlined aforesaid. Item. I make constitute and ordain my Father Samuel McCue and my Uncle Isaac Wayne my only and sole Executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disalow revoke and disanull all and every other former Testaments wills legacies and Executors by me in anywise before this time named willed and bequeathed Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty seventh day of April in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty. Signed sealed published and declared by the said Samuel McCue Junr. as his last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribers. THOMAS LLOYD, ^ -^ THOMAS ROWLAND, SAMUEL MACUE Junr. ( SEAL.) SAMUEL HALL. Chester May 19, 1760. Then personally appeared Thomas Rowland & Samuel Hall, and the Sd. Thomas Rowland on his Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, and the Sd. Samuel Hall on his solemn affirmation according to law did severally declare & say that they were personally present and did see and hear Samuel Macue Junr. the Testator above named sign seal publish pronounce and declare the above writing to be his last will and Testament, and that at the doing thereof he was of a sound and well disposing mind and memory to the best of their understandings, and also that their names thereunto sub scribed as Witnesses were of their own proper handwritings respectively. Sworn & affirmed before HENRY H. GRAHAM, ( W T ill-Book D, Vol. 4, pg. 207, 1 D. Reg. \ No. 1848. ,i Whereas Samuel McCue Junior by his last will and Testament in writing bearing date the 27th. day of April Ano Dni. 1760 (since duly Proved and Registered in the Regr. Generals Office at Chester) did appoint me the subscriber one of the Executors thereof. But for cer tain reasons me hereunto moving. I do renounce and refuse to act as an Executor to the same and do desire that probate and Letters Testamentary on the said last Will & Testament may be (by the proper Officer) granted to Samuel McCue Senr. the other Executor therein named. Witness my hand & Seal the 5th. day of September Ano. Dni. 1760. Sealed & Delivered in the i presence of us, J. ISAAC WAYNE. ANTHONY WAYNE, ROBERT COLHOON. 334 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. C. Some Wayne Deeds. DEED, May 11, 1724, Thomas Edwards, of Easttown, Chester County, Pa., < yeoman," and Elizabeth, his wife, to Anthony Wayne, of same place] "gentleman," tract of 386 acres of land in "Easttown," said "county, in fee; bounded by land of Mordecai Moore, William Evan, Michael Jobson, Richard Evans, and John David Wits.: Jon. Evans, Joseph James. [Recorded Nov. 18, 1784; D. B Y 23 pao-e 269 etc W. C.] AGREEMENT, May 8, 1739. Anthony Wayne, of "Easttown," Chester Co., " yeoman," and Hannah, his wife, and Isaac Wayne, son of said Anthony, whereby the said Anthony and Hannah convey unto Isaac the plantation of the said Anthony, which he purchased, consisting of about 360 acres of land, houses, stock, sheep, cowkind, etc. ; the said Isaac paying unto the said Anthony and Hannah a certain yearly sum of money, and with, also, further provision for one John Norton, grandson of said Anthony Wayne, then (1739) under age, and also covenant respecting William Wayne, a young son of said Isaac and Elizabeth (Iddings?), his wife. Wits.: Francis Wayne, Robert (Jay, Iluphrey [Humphrey] Wayne. [Recorded November 26, 1784; D. B. Y. 23^ page 276, etc., W. C.] DEED, May 16, 1727, Morgan Hughes, of " Easttown," Chester County, " cooper," to Francis Wayne, of same place, "husbandman," and Isaac Wayne, of same place, "yeoman," loo acres of land in " Easttown," bounded by Evan Ellis, Benjamin Ellis, and land formerly of Owen Rogers, and by Anthony Wayne. [Recorded November 22, 1784, D. B. Y. 23, page 273, etc., W. C.] DEED, February 20, 1739-40, Francis Wayne and Elizabeth, his wife, to Isaac Wayne (reciting deed Isaac and wife to Francis, February 19, 1739-40), the said above described tract. [Recorded as above, W. C.] DEED, May 5, 1744, John Wayne of Wilmington, New Castle County (now Delaware), Adm. of will of Anthony Wayne, of " Easttown," Chester County, dec d., to Isaac Wayne in fee (confirming agreement of 1739) the tract of 360 acres, etc., above named. [Recorded, W. C.] D. Atlee. W 7 illiam Richardson Atlee, eldest son of Samuel John and Sarah Richardson Atlee, born 27th May, 1765. He married Margaretta, daughter of Gen. Anthony Wayne. For a number of years he was Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and subsequently followed the calling of a conveyancer. He died 24th Nov., 1844. at Winfield, Carroll Co., Md. Address of Samuel Yorke Atlee is 1424 N. Y. Ave., Washington, D. C. E. Col. E. M. Heyl. Col. E. M. Heyl, of the United States Army, died Jan. 2, 1895, at Chicago, after a long illness. He was born in Pennsylvania, and entered West Point as a Cadet from that State. He was made quartermaster-sergeant of Company E, Third Penn sylvania Cavalry, August 12, 1861, and in October first sergeant. He was discharged on September 8, 1862, and appointed second lieutenant of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry on the same day; first lieutenant, May I, 1863, and captain on May 2, 1864. He was mustered out August 24, 1864, made first lieutenant, and assigned to the Ninth Cavalry in 1866; was made captain in July, 1867, and was transferred to the Fourth Cavalry on January I. 1871. From that time he served as assistant inspector-general for the Department of the Missouri, DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 335 under Gen. Ruger, until about six years ago, when he was transferred to department head quarters at Chicago. F. Maryland and Georgia Waynes (American Hist. Reg., Nov., 1894.) " Thos. Gresham Wayne Smyth, Wilmington, Del., had a daughter, Juliana, who married Richard Wayne, Jr., of Augusta, Ga." Colonel R. A. Wayne, ^ Lieutenant Thos. S. Wayne, > C. S. A., from Savannah, killed 1861-65. Lieutenant Robt. Wayne, J (Roll of Honor, Savannah Records.} Rev. Henry H. Wayne, New Britian, Conn., has a genealogy of Georgia Waynes (Capt. Wm. Wayne, Paoli). Miss Elizabeth Clifford Neff, 361 Russell Ave., Cleveland, O., in letter addressed to Capt, Wm. Wayne mentions Richard Wayne, Jr., who married - - Smyth. Came to America 1760. She says, " Crest same as on Wayne seal." Geo. Hist. Coll , vol. i., 1840, list of officers of Society: Judge James M. Wayne, Vice Pres. Judge James M. Wayne, Pres., 1842. "Distinguished Alen of Ga. ." Judge City Court, Savannah, 1820. Judge Superior Court Eastern District, Nov. 8, 1822, to Nov. 12, 1825. JAMES M. WAYNE was Judge of U. S. Court at Savannah during the trial of the "Wanderer" case, the last case in the country in which any one was tried for engaging in the slave-trade. The trial occurred late in the " fifties." He was a fine-looking old gentle man, of elegant manners, and was highly regarded. He had a son, Gen. Henry C. Wayne, who was once a teacher at West Point, and was quartermaster-general of the Georgia State troops during the Civil War. He was also a man of culture in mind and manners. His widow (second wife) was a Miss Annie Hartridge, now living in Savannah (1896), aged seventy years. A Richard Wayne was Mayor of Savannah about 1850. (Letter from Dr. H. Orme, Atlanta, Ga., Dec., 1896.) Hist. Coll. Georgia, 1854, by Rev. Geo. White : Judge James Moore Wayne came to this country early in life. Son of English parents. Married Miss Clifford of South Carolina. Established himself at Charleston. Removed to Savannah. Had thirteen children. Two survive in 1854 James M. Wayne, Jr., and Gen. W. C. Wayne, his younger brother, residing in South Carolina, 1854. Union Society, Savannah Members: Richard Wayne, 1793; James M. Wayne, 1813; W. C. Wayne, 1819; Richard Wayne, 1819; R. Wayne, 1849; Thomas S. Wayne, 1856- 59; R. Alexander Wayne, 1857-59. Journal of the Council of Safety, Maryland Archives, 1776, p. 549: " Benjamin Rumsey to Council : " Mr. John Wayne would accept a Lieutenancy under him (Capt. Jas. Talbot of the 8th Battalion). He is a native of Great Britian, married into a family of this neighborhood, seems much attached to the cause of Liberty, is well acquainted with military manoeuvres, and would make a good officer." BENJAMIN RUMSEY." 336 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. G. Inscriptions, Radnor Baptist Church, Newtown Square, Delaware Co., Pa. These are not all of the Wayne inscriptions at St. David s, but the balance, being recent, are omitted for want of space. The inscription on General Wayne s monument has been copied so often that its insertion here would be unnecessary. Margaret Wayne, Departed this Life jj of January 1764 Aged 1 6 years (five lines of verse.) Dedicated To the Memory of Elizabeth Wayne Relict of Isaac Wayne Esquire who departed this Life in the month of May 1793 Aged 84 years. She was a woman of distinguished Piety and Benevolence. Here Lyeth the Body of Priscilla Wayne, the wife of Humphrey Wayne, who departed this life the I ith day of June 1781 Aged 74 ys. In this world I had Tribulation But by Jesus Christ Great Salvation. In Memory of Eliza beth Wayne, Daughter of Humphrey and Priscilla Wayne, who departed This Life August the 28th 1758 Aged 13 years 7 months and j8 days. I am not saved by work of mine But by the grace That is Devine. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. 337 William Wayne son of Humphrey and Priscilla Wayne Departed This Life April the 25th 1 75 2 Aged 3 years 7 months and 6 days. My infants Race was Ran Apace By Gods free Grace I En Joy Peace. Here Lyeth ye Body of David Thomas who Departed this Life on the lynth day of ye Qnt mon. Anno Dom. 1734 Ag. 64 yers. Here Lieth the Body of Jane Thomas who Departed this life the 23 Day of the 7 mo. Anno 1738 a g ed 55 years. In Memory of David Thomas Son of David and Jane Thomas who Departed this Life April 14111, 1789, in the 79th year of his age. Richard Iddings Departed this life May 3 1753 Aged 78 years. Margaret Iddings Departed this Life Nov. 2jth 1755 Aged 84 years. Inscriptions on Tombstones in St. David s Churchyard, Radnor, Pa. In memory of Anthony Wayne who dyed Dec. 2nd, 1739 Aged 73 years And of his son William Wayne who Dyed Aprl. 22, 1726, Aged 18 years. 53 338 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. In memory of Anthony Wayne who departed this Life March I4th, 1755 Aged 31 years. Here lieth the body of Francis Wayne who departed this Life the 3 1st Day of January 1763 Aged 73 years. Also of Elizabeth Wayne his wife who died the 27th Day of August 1771 Aged 79 years. The sweet remembrance of the Just shall flourish when they sleep in dust. In memory of Elizabeth Daughter of Aaron and Ann Vogdes Died July 3d, 1811 Aged Five months and Eleven Days. In memory of Anthony Wayne Vogdes son of Aayon and Ann Vogdes who Departed this Life Tune i8th A. D. 1816 Aged Eighteen months. In memory of Elizabeth Lyle The wife of John Lyle who departed this Life January the 18, 1791 aged 52 years and 7 months The Daughter of Francis and Elizabeth Wayne Friend for me do not weep I am not dead I am goon to sleep In the dust I must stay untill the Redirection dav. DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WAYNE. 339 In memory of John Lyle who departed this Life November 1st 1815 in the Eighty Seventh year of His Age Oh Lord i own thy sentence Just And Naime must decay i yield my body to the dust To Dwell with Fellow Clay. Sacred In the memory of Isaac Norton, Died Feb. 3, 1851 In the 8oth year of his age. In memory of Elizabeth wife of Isaac Norton who departed this Life October igth A. D. 1842 In the 68th year of Her age. In memory of John Norton son of Isaac & Elizabeth Norton who departed this Life May 27th, 1812 Aged 9 years & 4 months. Since its so that All must Die and Death no age will spare Oh Let us all To Jesus Fly and seek for Refuge there. Dedicated To the memory of Isaac Wayne Esquire and his daughter Ann. Isaac Wayne was a native of the County of Wicklow in the Kingdom of Ireland He emigrated to the Province of Pennsylvania in the year 1724. He discharged with dis tinguished reputation several civil and military offices under the Provincial Government of his adopted Country. He died in the month of Novem ber 1774 Aged 75 years. 340 DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN ANTHONY WA YNE. Ann Hayman daughter of Isaac Wayne and late amiable consort of Capt. William Hayman died the gih day of June 1807 aged 56 years, 8 month and 21 days. Sacred to the memory of Captain William Hayman of the United States Navy in the Revolutionary War Was born in the City of Exeter, England February 22nd, 1740 and died at his Farm in Delaware County, September 2ist 1823 In the 84th year of his age. NOTE. The Editor is greatly indebted to CAPTAIN FREDERICK SCIIOI;EK of Philadel phia for the use of his valuable manuscript history of the Wayne family, which forms the basis of the present article. Grateful acknowledgment is also d.ue to Edwin Jaquett Sellers, Esq., for information tendered. PRESTON AT PATUXENT. PRESTON AT PATUXENT. PROBABLY no portion of our original colonies affords the antiquary richer fields of research than the counties of Anne Arundel, Calvert, and St. Mary s in Maryland, bordering the western shore of Chesapeake Bay. The Patuxent, Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James Rivers were highways of travel from the Chesapeake Bay inland for the first settlers of Maryland and Virginia, offering easier access to thousands of acres of virgin soil than by the ordinary hardships of pioneer overland experience ; hence we find that the earliest grants of land were selected upon bay and river sides. Population gathered along the waterways ; legislative halls, county courts of justice, ports of entry, with their appropriate custom-houses, flourished in the early days where now farm-house and barn, the cattle and the plough man, and the quiet country life tell no tale of the busy scenes of yore. But thanks to the old official archives still pre served, we may yet trace with book and map, court record and family tradition through the silent country side where towns once stood but have left no mark of their existence. Last summer the writer overlooked from the porch of the old Taney house in Calvert County a large corn-field between Battle Creek and Patuxent River, where more than two centuries ago stood Calverton or Battle-Towne, a port of entry with street by the waterside, stores and dwellings, a court- 343 344 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. house, where the Provincial Council of Maryland held their sessions in 1683, a prison, chapel, and other buildings, upon land given for town purposes by William Berry, Richard Preston s son-in-law, and Michael Taney, the immigrant ancestor of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney. TANEY HOUSE, CALVERT COUNTY. Here and there near bay and river we may yet find an old homestead and rooftree which sheltered some of the first families of Maryland. The old " Bond Castle," as Mary- landers delight to call it, the home of the Bond family of Maryland, situated upon Chesapeake Bay, near Governor s Run, shows the English custom of adding to the old house instead of tearing down and building anew ; while the Taney PRESTON A T PA TUXENT. 345 house at Battle Creek, although said to be colonial, gives evidence of later reconstruction. Many of the original planters of Calvert County are still represented by their farmer descendants. It is an agricult ural county ; no factories, few telegraphs, no railroads, and not a town with as many as four hundred inhabitants. This accounts for a primitive condition of land tenure, pride of ancestry, family tradition, and a respect for old associations which the historian may find here as nowhere else ; but alas ! a railroad now building through the county may soon change conditions, bring new comers, send away old, efface old land marks, and blot out oldtime memories. Here was the scene in the middle of the seventeenth century, of the latter days of Richard Preston, of "Preston at Patuxent," the fighting Puritan and peaceful Quaker. No poet has sung his praise ; no child or grandchild written an "In Memoriam " of the "man of the world." Upon entering the peaceful Quaker fold the carnal sword, exchanged for that of the spirit, was cast into the river of oblivion, and, by Quaker custom, all wrathful memories, as far as possible, were expunged from the household. Therefore only by years of research have we at last gathered up the broken threads of history relating to one of the most notable founders of Maryland, and fashioned a fabric to show his numerous descendants of what stuff he was made. Richard Preston came from England probably in the year 1635, f r the earliest record of his presence in this country is found in Volume i of Virginia Land Grants, at the Land Office in Richmond, as follows : " From Cap 1 John West Governor to Richard Preston 150 acres about four miles up Warwicksquake river southerly upon the north side of the river bounded with two creeks for the breadth and the land being known by an Indian name 346 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. of Husquanups, for the transportation of his now wife and two other persons into this Colony. Dated the 22nd Decem ber 1636." In addition to other grants of several hundred acres there is this record in Volume 2 of the Land Grants : " From Sir W m Berkeley to Richard Preston Gent, five hundred acres in the BOND CASTLE, ON THE CHESAPEAKE. County of Upper Norfolk and being upon the miles end of the land of Thomas Jordan and Richard Young the said land lying on New Town haven river beginning at a marked oak etc. to a poplar standing in a Valley etc. to a black Walnut standing in a Valley, being the head of a small creek belong ing to New Town haven river etc. adjoining land of Thomas PRESTON AT PA TUX E NT. 347 Jordan and Richard Young etc. One hundred acres of said land being formerly granted by patent 23rd 9 ber 1637 anc ^ one hundred and fifty acres by patent nth May 1639 and two hundred and fifty acres the residue thereof being due unto him by caveat entered according to their order the 3ist May 1641 and the same absolutely and fully confirmed by an order of a full council held the 25th of November 1644 and is for the transportation of five persons into the Colony, yield ing and paying unto our said Sovereign etc. at the feast of St Michaell the Archanorell the fee rent of one shilling for o o each fifty acres etc. etc. Dated the iSth of December 1646." The old Court Records at Portsmouth, Virginia, have sev eral references to Richard Preston. In a document dated twenty-fifth of February, 1644, and signed Ri : Preston, he is styled of Chuckquotuck in the County of Upper Norfolk. In another dated 3Oth October, 1642, he is allowed payment for transporting of soldiers and for a chest lost. He was one of the Justices of the County Courts as the following shows : " Commission of Nansemond County, Virginia." 29th November 1646 Justices Present Mr Oliver Sprye Mr Phill. Bennett Mr Richard Preston Mr Epa. Lawson John Fiske, in his late work, " Old Virginia and her Neigh bors," says : " There were usually in each county eight justices of the peace, and their court was the counterpart of the quarter sessions in England. They were appointed by the governor but it was customary for them to nominate candi dates for the governor to appoint, so that practically the court filled its own vacancies and was a close corporation like the parish vestry." Evidently Richard Preston must have held a high social and political position in the Virginia Colony or his opposition to the Established Church would have debarred him from PRESTON AT PA TUX E NT. such active participation in the County government. It is probable, however, that the Puritans were numerous enough in Nansemond County to control such appointments, as almost one thousand of them went from that region into Maryland in 1649. In commenting upon the influence of the County Court, Fiske says : " Each year the Court presented the names of three of its members to the governor, who appointed one, generally the senior justice, to be the Sheriff of the County for the ensuing year. Here again we see this close corpora tion, the County Court, keeping the control of things within its own hands." By these meagre bits of information Cleaned here and J O O there from old official manuscripts and published records we are enabled to learn something of the sterling worth and influence of this Puritan leader, and thus account for his immediate prominence in affairs of government upon enter ing the Maryland province. The Court records at Portsmouth Courthouse, Virginia, comprising Norfolk and Nansemond Counties, give evidence that during this period frequent warrants for arrest were issued and fines charged against men like the Lloyds, Durands, and Bennetts, who, under conscientious conviction, refused to attend the religious services of the Established Church of England, and themselves held conventicles in non conformity with the authorized form of worship. It may seem strange to us that these people after many years of residence would leave their settled home in Episcopal Vir ginia to seek religious toleration in Catholic Maryland, but by a study of times and conditions, we may see more clearly the motives and anticipations by which they were influenced. Virginia was a royal colony, subject to kingly rule, and con trolled by the current ecclesiastical domination of the dynasty PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 349 in power, whatever its religious proclivity, or possibly of none ; while Maryland, on the other hand, was a proprietary province, subject by its charter to popular will, restricted only by the veto power of its proprietary, and provided that its laws " be consonant to reason, and be not repugnant or contrary, but (so far as conveniently may be) agreeable to the laws, statutes, customs and rights of this our kingdom of England." The Episcopal Church at this time was the recognized ecclesiastical power in England over religious thought and practice, and by the strong hand of government demanded the social and financial support of the subjects of the kingdom. o> Bishop Meade, in his " Old Churches and Families of Virginia," tells of the clerical condition in Episcopal Virginia in its early days that confronted the upholders of a pure religion. He says: "Laws now seem to be required to keep the ministers from cards, dice, drinking and such like things ; and even to constrain them to preach and administer the communion as often as was proper, yea even to visit the sick and dying. It is true, the inducements as to earthly comforts, which might help to bring over respectable minis ters, were very small. The Assembly, by various preambles and acts, declares that without better provision for them it was not to be expected that sufficient learned, pious and diligent ministers could be obtained and admits that some of a contrary character did come over, while there were not enough of any kind to do the work required. From that time, until the close of the Colonial establishment, Governors, Commissaries and private individuals, in their communications with the Bishops of London and the Archbishops of Canter bury, all declare that such was the scanty and uncertain sup port of the clergy, the precarious tenure by which livings 35 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. were held, that but few of the clergy could support families, and therefore respectable ladies would not marry them. Hence the immense number of unmarried, evershifting clergy men in the Colony." Here we see the social aspect of the Puritan colony in Virginia. Whatever good remained, it is evident that some of the best element deserted Virginia when the Puritans left the Old Dominion. By removal to Mary land their children were taken from the immoral exposure which Bishop Meade describes, and themselves relieved from church tithes and other penalties incident to their religious opposition to the Virginia government. Neither the Catholics nor the Puritan Independents could conscientiously favor Episcopal domination ; in this respect they had a common interest, but the Independents were especially desirous to establish a home wherein they could carry out their own peculiar ideas of religious government; therefore, when Lord Baltimore, in order to make his Province profitable by the cultivation of its soil, promised the Virginia Independents of Nansemond and Norfolk Counties a religious freedom in his territory with possession of land at a small rental, they quickly appreciated the favorable prospect of betterment by such change of residence, accepted the offer and formed new Colonies in Maryland on the Severn and Patuxent Rivers away from the main body of Catholic influence which, after fifteen years from Lord Baltimore s advent, was almost con fined to St. Mary s, the lowermost county of the Province. Such were the mainsprings of action which induced the removal from Virginia to Maryland of the Lloyds, Bennetts, Fullers, Durands, Prestons, and other Puritan leaders from a settled home to a new country. The historian Neill says that Richard Preston came to Maryland in 1649, with seven in his family, and entered land for seventy-three persons. This information was probably PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 35 1 obtained from some unpublished manuscripts in the Land Office at Annapolis. The first official record relating- to Richard Preston in Maryland is as follows from Liber A B & H in the Annapolis Land Office. " By the Lieut etc. of Maryland "These are to authorize Mr Richard Preston, Commander of the North side of Patuxent River for one month next ensu ing with the advice of his Lordships Surveyor Generall (if the said Surveyor shall now so long make his abode there) to grant warrants to the said Surveyor for the laying out of any convenient quantities of Land upon the said River on the North side thereof not formerly taken up to any Adventurers that shall make their just title appear, Provided that he the said Mr Preston do Testifie such Titles particularly into the Secretary s Office before the return of the Certificate of Sur veyor. Given at St Leonards this i5th of July 1651. Will" 1 - Stone." "July 1 5th 1651, Demands of Land made by the Inhabit ants of Patuxent River before Mr Richard Preston, Com mander and his Lordships Surveyor Generall. Mr. Richard Preston demandeth Land for the transporta tion of himself, Margaret Preston the Elder, Richard Preston the younger, James, Samuel, Naomy and Margaret Preston and W m Ennis, W m Phillips, W m Harper, Amos Hambleton, George Harmon, John Steward, John Pawley, Hugh How- lands, John Cobbington, Cornelius Abrahamson, Derrick Johnson, Martha Hill and Nicholas Lawes. Two several Warrants Thereupon to lay out two several parcells of Land on the north and south side of Patuxent River allowed by the Government." The rent rolls or tax returns of Calvert County show that 352 PRESTON AT P A TUX E NT. five hundred acres of land had been surveyed to Richard Preston 28th May, 1650. Four hundred acres called "Pres ton" surveyed 2ist July, 1651, on the north side of Patuxent River and south side of Preston s Creek. It was on this property that the dwelling was erected, and the plantation is still known by the name of ^ Preston" PRESTON ON THE PATUXENT, FRONT VIEW. This house without apparent alteration, except having a smaller front entrance than in the original, is still standing upon the plantation yet known and also called by the survey name of "Preston" given 2ist July, 1651, and is the oldest building extant in Maryland. It is built of brick, two stories high, with three dormer PRESTON AT P A TUX E NT. 353 windows front and two back. The lower room where the Assembly met has been divided by a plaster partition, but a large iron hook imbedded in a ceiling joist near this dividing wall still shows where the lamp was centrally suspended to light the room as arranged in the Assembly days. With the exception of this partition the inner walls of the house are PRESTON ON THE PATUXENT, REAR VIEW. panelled. In the second story a hall extends from end to end with chambers on either side. A porch the full length of the building is on the rear, with the house roof extending over and within eight feet of the ground. The whole house is much dilapidated and shows little evidence of renovation through its many years of lonesome existence. The Preston 54 354 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. property at this particular location comprised the neck of land between Patuxent River and St. Leonard s Creek, con taining iioo acres. One thousand acres called " Preston s Clifts," or " Charles Gift," was surveyed 5th May, 1652, on the west side of Chesapeake Bay, and two hundred acres called "The Neglect," surveyed 27th June, 1659, adjoining "Preston! Besides these plantations Richard Preston had at the time of his death, in 1669, land on the eastern shore of Chesa peake Bay, as mentioned in his will. Most of the Virginia Puritans took up land and settled northerly upon the Severn River, far away from the Catholics in Saint Mary s County, intending, like the early Welsh immi gration of Pennsylvania, to establish for themselves an isolated community ; and, like their brethren in New England, they hoped to build up, as it were, a pure democracy controlled by a spiritual theocracy. For reasons now unknown, Captain Wm. Fuller, Richard Preston, and some others, with their families selected their land and dwelling-place lower down the Chesapeake Bay and on the north side of the Patuxent River, bordering on Saint Marie s County, contiguous to the established seat of government. They may have been induced to settle near their friend, Governor William Stone, who lived on the south side of Patuxent River, in St. Marie s County, and whose house was the meeting-place of the Provincial Government, both executive and judicial, or possibly their old Virginia neighbors, Richard Bennett and Wm. Durand, who had pre viously taken up land in St. Marie s County, may have been instrumental in planting a portion of the Puritan element where it could take part in the affairs of the existing govern ment. This view seems plausible from Bennett s subsequent actions, as immediately upon obtaining the authority from the PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 355 Council of State for the Commonwealth of England, and having reduced Virginia to subjection, he and Wm. Claiborne came into Maryland and by proclamation, dated at St. Mary s the twenty-ninth day of March, 1652, deposed Governor Stone and placed the government in charge of Robt. Brooke, Esq., Col. Francis Yardley, Mr. Job Chandler, Capt. Edward Windham, Mr. Richd. Preston, and Lieut. Richd. Banks, all Calvert County men. Thus having become masters by force of numbers, they succeeded after two years friendly co-operation with Governor Stone in bringing the Province fully into line with the Protestant principles and practice of the English government under Cromwell, who at the request of Richard Preston and over one hundred other Maryland planters, had empowered his Commissioners, Richard Bennett and Wm. Claiborne, to remove the seat of the Provincial government from the Catholic stronghold at Saint Maries to the dwelling-house of Richard Preston, on the north or Cal vert County side of the Patuxent River near the mouth of St. Leonard s Creek. A few months after this seizure of the government, Governor Stone and his secretary, Thos. Hat- ton, having submitted to parliamentary rule, we find that, " At a Court held at St. Maries the 28th clay of June Anno Dom. 1652 being the first Sitting of the Court after the alteration of the Government the same day. Present. W m Stone Esq. Governor, Thomas Hatton Secretary, Rob 1 Brooke Esq., Coll. Francis Yardley, Mr Job Chandler, Mr. Rich d Preston." On the Dec. 2, 1652, the governor issues this proclama tion. " By authority of Parliament to Authorize and require master Richard Preston one of the Council and Commander on the north side of Patuxent river to make and appoint what person or persons, officer or officers you shall think fitting, and to give his Warrant or Warrants to them for leavying and 356 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. raising one able man out of every seven inhabitants upon Patuxent river, both on the North and South side thereof as also unto the Bay side from the mouth of the said river as far as the Herring Creek, with victuals, armes and ammuni tion etc. to meet at Mattapania upon the said Patuxent river etc. and to be from thence transported for the service in the said Order expressed under the command of Cap 1 W m Fuller their Captain General or Commander in Chief. And the said persons or officers soe by you the said Master Preston to be appointed for the execution of the premises are diligently and carefully to perform and execute the same as they will answer the contrary at their peril. Given at St. Marys the 2 day of December 1652." Thus the Puritan party was gaining that martial power in the Province by which, two years after, they completely defeated this same Governor Stone, when, at Lord Balti more s command, he attempted to wrest the government from Puritan control, and by their court martial after the bat tle of the Severn, condemned him to be executed. On the surface it appears difficult to reconcile the Puritan action in armed opposition to a man who provided them a shelter from religious persecution in Virginia, with the ordi nary dictates of civilized humanity ; and to seize the Balti more government with intent to establish an ecclesiastical domination in accordance with their own religious views to the exclusion of all others might, as Bozman, the Maryland historian, suggests, be a source of shame to the descendants of such ingrates. To understand their motives we must let them tell their own story. After the reducing of the Maryland province in 1652 the Parliament Commissioners, Bennett and Claiborne, having returned to Virginia, Lord Baltimore gradually regained his influence and reasserted his arbitrary and unreasonable rule, PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 357 as shown by the following- petition issued March i, 1653, by Richard Preston and others : "To the Honorable Richard Bennett and Colonel William Claibourn Esquire, Commissioners for the Commonwealth of England, within the Bay of Chesopiak. The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the North-side of Patuxent River in the Province of Maryland, Sheweth : That we being reduced by your Honors from that Tyrannical power exercised over the people of this Province by the Lord Baltimore and his Agents, unto the Obedience of the Com monwealth of England to which Government we have sub- o jected and Engaged, and have by your Honors been often enjoyed reall conformity and obedience to the same, and not to own any other power or Authority as will answer the con trary : In subjection whereunto we have had peace and free dom hitherto, which with all thankfulness we cannot but acknowledge, and in our continued obedience do expect from the Parliament, next under God, continued peace, liberty and protection from the pride, rage and insolency of their and our adversaries : Now so it is, may it please your honors that of late the Lord Baltimore cloth by his Order and Agents seek to set over us the old form of government formerly exercised by him in this Province, which we did conceive by the blessing of God upon your honors endeavors, had been fully made Null and void ; yet notwithstanding, by the Arbi trariness of his own will he appoints Laws for us, and sets up Popish Officers over us, outing those officers of Justice appointed by you ; issuing forth Writs in his own name, con trary to your honors Order and appointment : And doth by Proclamation under his own Hand, and in His own Name impose an Oath, which if refused by us, after three months all our Lands and Plantations are to be seized upon to his Lordships use : And if taken by us, we shall be ingag^ed at 35 8 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. his will to fight his battels, defend and maintain him in his Patent as it was granted to him by the late King &c. Which Oath, we humbly conceive is contrary to the Liberty and freedom of our Consciences as Christians and contrary to the fundamental Laws of England ; contrary to the Engage ment we have taken in Subjection to the Commonwealth of England, and unsutable to Freemen to own any other power than that to which we belong- and to whom we are and have o Engaged ; and contrary to the Word of God to fight for, defend and maintain Popery and a Popish Antichristian Gov ernment ; which we dare not do unless we should be found Traytors to our Country, fighters against God and Covenant- breakers. The Premises considered, we humbly spread our Condition before your view and Consideration, hoping that as you are Commissioners for the Commonwealth of England, and that power which God hath put into your hands that you will up and be doing, in the name and power of our God, that we have not left for our faithfulness as a prey to ungodly and unreasonable men, before we can make our Complaint and Grievance known to the Supream Authority of England ; which with all readiness we shall endeavor to do by the first opportunity ; and from whom we do hope and shall expect by Gods blessing to have a gracious Answer and sutable Redress : And your Petitioners hereunto subscribed, shall pray &c Dated in Patuxent River in the Province of Maryland the first of March 1653. Subscribed Richard Preston, and 60, more of the House-keepers, and Freemen." Another petition of similar character was dated "Severn River the 3 of January 1653 " "Subscribed Eclw. Lloyd, and 77 persons of the House-keepers and Freemen, Inhabitants." PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 359 In reply to these petitions from the Puritans of Severn and Patuxent, Bennett and Claiborne, by a communication dated "Virginia March the 12, 1653," assured the petitioners that they should be supported, and advised them to stand fast in their opposition to the demands of Lord Baltimore. In 1654 the Commissioners came again into Maryland from Virginia, and at Richard Preston s house as headquarters, they issued a proclamation elated "At Patuxent in Maryland the 15 of July 1654," commanding obedience by the inhabitants. Their authority was soon recognized, for July 2Oth, 1654, Governor William Stone signed a formal "Recognition of the Government," and submitted "to such government as shall be set over us by the said Commissioners in the Name and under the Authority of his Highness the Lord Protector," and the first Puritan Assembly in consequence of this sub mission met at the house of Richard Preston on Patuxent River near the mouth of St. Leonard s Creek, in Calvert County, as recited in the Appendix. Lord Baltimore at his home in England was dissatisfied at this surrender of his province without resistance, and sent an order to Governor Stone commanding him to retake the gov ernment by force of arms. Then followed the events which led up to the battle of the Severn. A vessel from England, "The Golden Fortune," Samuel Tilghman, master, brought William Eltonhead with a commission from Lord Baltimore instructing Governor o Stone to issue a proclamation commanding the people to refuse recognition of the Patuxent government, to raise a sufficient army from his loyal subjects, seize the rebellion records, and force the Puritans into subjection. In accord ance with these instructions as narrated by Leonard Strong, a contemporary Puritan writer and one of the new Council, "the said Captain Stone gave several commissions to the 360 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. papists and other desperate and bloody fellows, to muster and raise men in arms to be ready upon all occasions, giving out that he would go to Patuxent and seize the records of the province at the place where they were appointed to be kept by an act of the Assembly, and to apprehend Mr Richard Preston also, at whose house they were." The Governor s recruiting was confined to St. Mary s County, where he succeeded in mustering about two hundred men for his expedition against the Puritan stronghold, at the Providence settlement, on the Severn River, near Annapolis, the present capital of the State. One party of the soldiery sailed across the Patuxent River, landed at Preston, captured the Assembly records, and took them back to the old Assembly place at the house of Gov ernor Stone, in St. Mary s County, on the south side of the river. The St. Mary s forces in a fleet of small sailing craft proceeded up the Chesapeake Bay toward the Severn River, stopping on the route at the home of one of the Puritan councillors, near Herring Creek, to take him prisoner. While there some messengers from the Puritans met them with a remonstrance from the Providence people against their warlike attitude and questioning their authority for such action against the constituted representatives of the English Commonwealth. Stone gave this embassy no satisfaction, treating them rather contemptuously, so the messengers returned to Providence across country and notified their peo ple of the approach of the St. Mary s navy. The Puritans at Providence were under the leadership of Captain William Fuller, a Commonwealth military officer, and the one who had already made good use of his recent provin cial position as commander-in-chief of the Militia, to drill and discipline men favorable to his own partisan purpose, and no doubt had experienced soldiers to combat the raw recruits PRESTON A T PA TUX E NT. 361 from St. Mary s. On their arrival at the Severn the St. Mary s forces landed and prepared to attack the Puritan camp. With their color-bearer in front, holding" up as an emblem of authority the banner of the Commonwealth of England, the Puritans stood on the defensive. The first shot from the enemy killed the standard-bearer ; then in the spirit of religious courage as men fighting for the right, they shouted out their battle-cry, " In the name of God fall on ; God is our strength," and with a fierce charge they attacked the papists, as they termed them, killing and wounding about fifty, including Thomas Hatton, the former provincial secretary, and captur ing Captain Stone and all of his officers. After such a signal victory, the Puritans held a thanksgiving" service followed by a court martial, at which Captain Stone and others were tried for treason against the Commonwealth of England, convicted, and sentenced to be shot, but only William Eltonhead, Lord Baltimore s Commissioner, Lieutenant William Lewis, the military commander, and two others were executed, Governor Stone escaping with a temporary imprisonment, and the Puri tan party held control of the province nearly four years longer, during which time the seat of government, place of Assembly, and Provincial Court was the old Preston mansion. The account of the capture of the provincial records, given by Leonard Strong, is as follows : They beset and entered the house of Mr Richard Preston with intent to surprise him ; but not finding him at home, took away in guns, swords and ammunition to the value of ^30 sterling ; ransacked every place in and about the house, to seek for the said Richard Preston ; and, as some of the company then said, with purpose to hang him for his rebellion against the Lord Baltimore." Hammond, a writer for the other side, says: "Governor 362 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. Stone sent me to the Patuxent to fetch the records. I went unarmed amongst these sons of Thunder only 3 or 4 to row me and despite all their braves of raising the country calling in his servants to apprehend me threatened me of the severity of their new made Laws myself alone seized and carried away the records in defiance." That Hammond was untruthful and a braggart is shown by a court entry December 26, 1655: "Attachment granted to Mr Ri: Preston on the Estate of Cap 1 W m Stone to be liable to satisfie unto the said Richard Preston, the summe of Twenty nine pounds ten shillings sterling for Gunnes and Amunition taken from the house of the said Ri: Preston by Josias Fen- dall one of Cap 1 Stones officers and Complices in the last Rebellion." From all of these accounts we gather that the expedition was led by Josias Fendall, who was made governor when Lord Baltimore "came to his own" again in 1658, and that the women of the Preston household in their weakness made some defence by threats. The termination of the Puritan control is recited in the Assembly records as follows: "Acts made at a Generall Assembly held at St Leonards begining the 27th of Aprill Anno. Dom. one thousand Six hundred fifty Eight." "Whereas the Right Honnorable Lord Baltemore, Lord and Proprietary of this Province by his Commission and Instructions to his Lieutenant and Principall Secretary under his Lordships Hand, and Greater Seale at Armes, bearing date the Eighteenth day of November Anno Domini one thousand Six hundred fifty Seven, Did give power to the said Lieutennant and Secretary to treate with, and ratify and Confirme such Articles as should be agreed unto betwixt them, and the Commissioners in whose hand the Government then was. And whereas the Government hath been delivered PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 3 6 3 into the hands of the said Lieutennant and Secretary for the use of the said Lord Baltemore upon Certain Articles agreed upon, betweene the said Lieutennant and Secretary and the said Commissioners bearing- date the twenty ffowrth of March one thousand Six hundred ffifty Seven, Signed and Confirmed by his Lops. Lieutennant and Secretary, under his Lordships Great Seale of the province as followeth (vizt.) Articles agreed upon & Consented to by Captaine Josias Fendall Lieutennant of this Province of Maryland & Philip Calvert Principall secretary of the same for and in the behalfe of the Right Honorable Caecilius Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon &c. upon the Surrender of the Government of the said Province to his Lordships said officers by Cap. William Fuller, Mr Richard Preston &c. this 24th day of march in the yeare of our Lord 1657. Imprimis. That All ministers of justice & officers military, with all other persons whatsoever, be & remaine indempnifyed on both Sides and freed from any Charge or questioning for any act or passage made or done in the transactions of the affairs of this Province since the first of December 1649 to the day of the date above written, without further considera tion of restitution or satisfaction to be required or made on either side." During the whole period of Puritan rule Richard Preston s name appears in the annals of the province either at the head or next to Captain Wm. Fuller in the official lists of Council lors and Judges of the Court, and in 1655 he acted as tempo rary secretary, as recorded at a court held at Patuxent, March 22d, 1655. Whereas Mr Durand Secretary of this Province is upon Urgent occasion at present out of this Province, Whereby the Records Cannot be duely attended, Mr Richard Preston is hereby Impowered and this Court doth order that the said 364 PRESTON A T PA TUXENT. Preston officiate that office during the absence of the said Secretary, And also to provide a Clarke to attend the Records and Court." It is apparent by the wording of the Act surrendering the government to Lord Baltimore, that " both sides," as the Maryland factions are termed, agree that there shall be no ex post facto recrimination or resentment, and although the change of rule was brought about by the direction of Crom well, who was interested in making the British Colonies profit able commercially to the home country, yet a few years of relaxation from the high pitch of turbulent excitement and the mutual interests of the Colonists in their relation to present and prospective English exactions, made harmony desirable to all parties that before would have been impossible. Lord Baltimore also was not so much concerned about religious orthodoxy as his proprietary rights, so January i2th, 1659, he instructed his brother, Philip Calvert, Secretary of the Province under the new Governor, Josias Fendall, to sum mon his " deare friends" Capt. Wm. Stone, Mr. Thos. Ger- rard, Col. John Price, Doctor Luke Barber, Col. Nathaniel Utie, Baker Brooke, and Edward Lloyd as his Councillors, " to advise and consult with us touching the important affaires of our Province," and for this purpose to meet at the house of Mr. Thos. Gerrarcl, at St. Leonard s, where, under the reorganization, the General Assembly of the freemen of the province was held February 28th, 1659. The new Assembly or Lower House consisted of burgesses elected by county representation, and among them were such radicals as Capt. William Fuller and Richard Preston, but at this date the latter is reported as having "gon for England." For a year or more there was occasional bickering between the Governor s Council and the Lower House as to their respective authority, somewhat akin to the controversies that PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 365 occurred in the early years of the Pennsylvania Assembly, but the friction never amounted to a long-continued rupture. Richard Preston is recorded as a representative from Calvert County from year to year until the last session of 1666; and at the sessions held April i8th, 1661, he was presented as the Speaker of the Lower House. There are no records among- the Maryland Archives of any sessions of the Assem bly held between 1666 and 1669 ; at the April session of the latter year Richard Preston, Jr., is recorded as representing Dorchester County, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, that being the first year of the organization of the county. Soon after the government had shifted in 1658 from the narrow bounds of Puritan control into a broader democracy, and strife had given way to peaceful pursuits, a new element of disturbance was sprung upon the people, marking an impor tant epoch in Maryland history. To appropriate a term of a late historian, there came a " Quaker Invasion " of Mary land, insignificant in numbers, only two or three men and an occasional woman, but with a plea so insinuating that the Governor s Council and the Assembly were moved to pass laws driving the newcomers out of the province under a penalty of public whipping, in order, as was claimed, to pre vent the spread of doctrines which bid fair to lure the people from civic loyalty. Taking Saint Peter s dictum, "We ought to obey God rather than men," these Quaker missionaries held that by the higher law it was unlawful to fight as soldiers, to repeat judicial oaths, or to manifest the customary respect to govern ment officials by removing the hat in their presence. The effect of this teaching soon bore fruit. At the council held July 22nd, 1658 "Then was the oath of Commissioner and Justice of Peace tendered unto them all and taken upon the holy Evangelists by all but William Burgess and Thomas PRESTON AT PATUXENT. Meares who pretended it was in no case lawful to swear, whose pleas was by the Board disallowed." Capt. Thos. Besson and Capt. Thos. Howell were appointed Commissioners in their stead, and at the Council next day Present : The Governor, The Secretary, Col. Nathaniel Utie, and Mr. Edward Lloyd, it was "Took into consideration the insolent behavior of some people called Quakers who at the Court in contempt of an order then made and proclaimed, would presumptu ously stand Covered and not only so, but also refused to subscribe the engagement, notwithstanding the Act of Assem bly, alledging they were to be governed by God s law and the light within them and not by mans law, and upon full debate finding that this their refusal of the engagement was a breach of the Articles of the 24th of March last, and that their principles tended to the destruction of all government Ordered That all persons whatsoever that were residing within this Province on the 24th of March 1657 should take and subscribe the said engagement by the 2oth of August next or else depart the Province by the 25th of March follow ing, upon pain due to Rebells and Traytors if found within this Province after the said 25th of March." In a subsequent "Order against Quakers." "Upon consideration had of the disturbance in the Civil and military part of the government by the Quakers" it is ordered, "Whereas it is well known &c that Idle persons known by the name of Quakers have presumed to come into this Province as well dissuading the People from Complying with the Military discipline in this time of Danger as also from giving testimony or being jurors &c." These enactments, passed by sober-minded men of affairs, give us an insight, explanation, and excuse for what might otherwise be considered a harsh and unchristian expedient to suppress freedom of worship among a liberty-loving people ; PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 3 6 7 from their point of view it was the endeavor of government to preserve its integrity. Men were necessary for legislators, jurors, and witnesses in courts of justice. An armed militia was needful for the protection of farmers families from Indian hostilities. Therefore, as these Quaker emissaries were teach ing disloyalty which tended to the destruction of all govern ment, it became a duty to drive them away as soon as possible. But, " Man proposes ; God disposes." Thomas Thurston and Josiah Cole, the foreign Quaker preachers, were sent out of the province, but not until they had sown seed which found lodgement in fertile ground and quickly produced fruit. The blood of the martyrs was truly the seed of the Quaker Church in this stage of Maryland history. It is difficult with the few and scanty bits of history that have been preserved of the social conditions of early Mary land to follow clearly the progress in religious thought during this transition from Puritanism to Quakerism. Some of the most aggressive leaders of the Puritan revolution and officers of the Puritan Church joined the Quaker movement. Capt. Win. Fuller, their military commander, William Durancl, their minister, Richard Preston, William Berry, Thos. Meares, Philip Thomas, Peter Sharp, and other prominent church members changed their faith, and even Richard Bennett succumbed to Quaker influence before his death. The belligerent spirit for a time intruded itself into their peaceful profession as appears by the following affidavit : John Arnold sworne and examined this lyth day of May 1664 Sayth That in February last past this deponent being at John Holmewoocls house, there met Thomas Thurston, Thomas Meares, Thomas Turner, Maurice Baker, John Holme- wood, Sarah Fuller, Sarah Holmewood and Sarah Marsh, and in their discourse Sarah Fuller said that her husband could ;68 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. freely spend his blood now to enjoy her company and the company of her friends about her ; Thomas Thurston also saying that it was a thousand pities he should be so kept out and John Holmewood said that he could now as freely fight to have him (to wit) Fuller in amongst them as he could then when he was one of the world, and all the rest then and there present concluded with the said John Holmewood, and said the like, and further sayth not Sworn before me Charles Calvert. John Arnold." The Puritan Churches being, as a rule, dependent upon ordained ministers, were at this time in Maryland as sheep without a shepherd on account of their inability to secure and retain acceptable persons in that department of church work. Wm. Durand, their minister, who as a Nonconformist preacher, having been expelled from Virginia by the civil authorities, had held them together as a Church in Maryland, now deserted them and entered the Quaker fold. In contrast to Puritan Church necessities, the principles involved in the religious polity of the Quaker Society did not require ordinary Church machinery to spread its doctrines and ingather mem bers. Consequently bands of men and women assembling for silent worship in the house of a neighbor, all being on an equality, with an accepted privilege for any "to speak as the Spirit gave them utterance," constituted an official meeting entitled to recognition in the business affairs of their General Assembly. This method of emancipation from the usual ecclesiastical restraint became so popular that before the close of the century their numbers made necessary as many as seven public houses of worship for their accommodation, with burial grounds attached, situated at convenient distances between the Severn and Patuxent Rivers, in what are now Anne Arundel and Calvert Counties. In 1663, Governor PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 369 Charles Calvert, in a letter to Lord Baltimore, calls Richard Preston the Great Quaker," thus indicating somewhat the prominent position held by that one-time fighting Puritan in the peaceful Quaker fold. When Richard Preston left Virginia he brought with him his wife Margaret and five children : Richard, Jr., James, Samuel, Naomi, and Margaret. Two children, Rebecca and Sarah, were born in Maryland. Samuel probably died young. Richard, the eldest son, married and had one child, Samuel, born about 1655, who removed to Philadelphia. Richard, Jr., died in 1669, leaving no will, nor have any testamentary pro ceedings been yet discovered among court or other records relating to his estate. His widow, Margaret, in January, 1 670, married William Berry, who was born in Northampton County, Virginia, about 1635, son of James Berry. This family, origin ally Episcopalian, became attached to the Puritan faction, and the father, James, was a member of the first Puritan Assembly held in 1654 at the Preston mansion. James Preston, second son of Richard, Sr., died in 1673, leaving a widow, Elizabeth, and one child Rebecca. In his will he is styled "of Preston s Neck, Calvert County." Naomi Preston, the eldest daughter of Richard, Sr., married Wm. Berry as his first wife ; after her death, he married Margaret, the widow of his brother-in-law, Richd. Preston, Jr. Naomi Preston Berry died about 1663, leaving three children, William Berry, Jr., who married Naomi Whalley, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania ; James Berry who married first wife, Elizabeth Wilchurch, and second wife, Elizabeth Pitt; Rebecca Berry, who married James Ridley, and removed to Salem County, New Jersey, in 1702. Margaret Preston, daughter of Richard, Sr., probably died young. Rebecca married Lovelace Gorsuch, and Sarah married first husband, Wm. Ford, and second husband, Edward Pindar 370 PRESTON AT PATUXENT. Richard Preston s will is dated "This sixteenth Day of the 7th Month called Sept. 1669. He gives to his son James Preston u (if he be now living or shall live to come again to Maryland) the whole and sole use of this plantation in Patuxent River where I now live, until my Grandchild Samuel Preston shall live and attain to the age of twenty one years ;" meantime for the use of said plantation, ten cows and one bull, four breeding sows, and four servants, etc. The said Samuel is to have "sufficient maintenance during his minority for food, raiment and educa tion in learning." Samuel is also to have a 200 acre planta tion called "The Neglect" adjoining the homestead. "Bar ren Island," 700 acres in Dorchester County, is given to son James, if he return from England. u Home," 600 acres in Dorchester County, is given to his daughters, Rebecca and Sarah. Two hundred acres in Dor chester County to his kinsman, Ralph Dorsey. To his two grandchildren, William and James Berry, five thousand pounds of tobacco each, and to grandchild, Rebecca Berry, "some plate which is this year to come from England." He gives to his daughter-in-law, Margaret Preston, " to what she hath had already in useful goods to the value of twenty seven pounds sterling and to make up the aforesaid sum two hundred Pounds, I will and bequath unto her Ten hhds of this years sweet scented crop of Tobacco weighing net five thousand pounds which are to be valued at one hundred pounds sterling, and a copper kettle in the store loft at two pounds twelve shillings, the bed she used to lye on with the bedstead and other furniture at fourteen pounds ; also she shall have forty five pounds more in such goods as is now about the house or that shall be sent to me out of England this year ;" also plate to come from England. He names other kinsmen, John and James Dorsey and "Thomas PRESTON AT PATUXENT. 371 Preston upon the Clifts," the last named without signifying kinship. His executors were Wm. Berry, Peter Sharp, Thomas Taylor of Kent, and John Meares upon the Clifts. A codicil is dated 2nd of December, 1669, and the will was proved before Will. Calvert January the 8th, 1669. By old style New Year s day was March 25th. Samuel Preston, the grandson, who may have been born in the old house on the Patuxent, removed to Philadelphia prior to 1700, and became identified with its interests as mayor of the city and in other positions of trust. He married first Rachel Lloyd, daughter of Governor Thomas Lloyd of Penn sylvania, and second, Margaret Burton Langdale, widow of Josiah Langdale, an ancestor of the Coates family of Phil adelphia. The old Preston House at Patuxent kindles in imagination many a picture of men and things in Colonial Maryland as fancy reproduces the historical incidents within its walls. The Hall of Lawmakers and Court of Justice with its judges and jurors ; the rendezvous of Puritan soldiery with guns and swords and turmoil, and sudden shift to solemn silent worship of a Quaker meeting. The same actors, but unlike the mimic stage, hearts have changed as well as clothes, and the lion-like has become docile like the ox. Fortunately for the Antiquary, the present proprietor, D. B. M. Dixon, Esq., has valued the old mansion for its history, and preserved its originality through the many years of his quiet possession. He takes pride in being the owner of the oldest historic house in Maryland, and delights to gratify the visitor interested in Calvert County folk-lore. SAMUEL TROTH. APPENDIX. PRESTON AT PATUXENT. THIS General Assembly of the Province of Maryland, at which the laws here quoted and several others, forming as it were a new Code, were enacted, was held at "Preston" the home of Richard Preston on the Patuxent river. " ACTS and orders of a Generall Assembly holden for the Province of Maryland at Patuxent the 2Oth of October 1654 by Commission from his Highness the Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging. Cap 1 - W m Fuller Mr. Rich d - Preston, Speaker Mr. Leo. Strong Mr. John Hatch Mr. Rich d Wells Mr. Rich d - Ewen Mr. W m Durand Mr. Tho. Hinson Mr. Eclw. Lloyd Mr. Arthur Turner Mr. W m Parker Mr. Jno. Wade Mr. Sampson Waring Mr. James Berry Mr. W m Ewen Mr. Joseph Weekes 372 Present APPENDIX. 373 The Act of Recognition. It is Enacted and Declared in the Name of his Highness the Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging and the Authority of this present Generall Assembly. That the Reducing of this Province of Maryland by power of the Supreame Authority of the Commonwealth of England Committed to Rich d Bennett Esq r and Coll William Cleyborne, and the Government as it is now Settled by Commission granted to Cap 1 W m Fuller, Mr. Rich d Preston, Mr. W m Durand, Mr. Edward Lloyd, Mr. Leonard Strong, Mr. John Hatch, Mr. John Lawson, Mr. Richard Wells, Mr. W m Parker, Mr. Rich d Ewen, is acknowledged by this Assembly, and freely and fully Submitted unto, And that no power either from the Lord Baltimore or any other, ought or shall make any alteration in the Government aforesaid as it is now Set tled, unless it be from the Supreame Authority of the Com monwealth of England Exercised by his highness the Lord Protector, Imediatly and Directly granted for that purpose. That after publication of this Act, all the Inhabitants of the Province are required to declare in particular & Express Termes under their hands their owning and accepting of the present Government and Subjection thereunto ; That all such person or persons that deny the present Government, or do either in word or deed traduce, vilifie or Scandalize the Same or by action Secret or open, disquiet, oppose, or disturb the said Government Shall be accounted offenders against the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England the peace and wellfare of this Province and be dealt with according to their offence. An Act Concerning Religion. It is Enacted and Declared in the name of his Highness 374 APPENDIX. the Lord Protector with the consent and by the Authority of the present Generall Assembly, That none who profess and Exercise the Popish Religion commonly known by the name of the Roman Catholick Religion can be protected in this Province by the Lawes of England formerly Established and yet unrepealed nor yet by the Government of the Common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging Published by his Highness the Lord protector but are to be restrained from the Exercise thereof, Therefore all and Every person or persons Concerned in the Law aforesaid are required to take notice. Such as profess faith in God by Jesus Christ though differring in judgement from the Doctrine worship and Discipline publickly held forth shall not be restrained from but shall be protected in the profession of the faith & Exercise of their Religion so as they abuse not this Liberty to the injury of others. The Disturbance of the publique peace on their part, Provided that this Liberty be not Extended to popery or prelacy nor to such as under the profession of Christ hold forth and practice Licentiousness. Concerning the Records. o It is Enacted untill other Conveniency, And for the better Conveniency of the Inhabitants of Patomock and Patuxent that the Records be left in the hands of Mr. Richard Preston and there to be kept, And that John Sutton Act as Deputy from the Secretary to attend upon all matters that Concern the Records. Concerning Treating with the Indians. It is ordered by the present Generall Assembly That Mr. Richard Preston, Mr. William Parker, Mr. John Lawson, Mr. John Hatch, Mr. Sampson Waring, Mr. Cuthb 1 Fenwick, APPENDIX. 375 Mr. John Wade, Mr. Arthur Turner, Mr. William Parrott or any six of them are authorized by vertue hereof to treat with the Indians Empiro r as in their Discretion they shall think fitt, Concerning the former Articles Concluded with him or to make others if need shall require, And it is further ordered that in case the aforesaid persons do not meet according to appointment by Mr. Rich d Preston then the said Mr. Rich d Preston shall have power to make Choice of such as in his discretion he shall think fitt for his assistance, And that the ablest Interpreters be procured to be with them in their Treaty and Service aforesaid." DESCENT OF THE CARPENTER BRANCH, FROM SAMUEL PRESTON. SAMUEL PRESTON, b. 1665, in Patuxent, Maryland; d. in Phila., Sept. 10, 1743; son of Richard Preston, Jr., and grandson of Richard Preston, Sr. ; m., July 6, 1688, at the house of Francis Cornwall, in Sussex, Rachel, b. Jan. 20, 1667-68; d. ; daughter of Thomas Lloyd of Dolobran, Wales, President of the council and Deputy Governor under Penn of the Province of Pennsylvania, and 2d, m. Margaret, widow of Josiah Langdale. She d. 6, 23, 1742, leaving no issue by her second husband. Issue, all by first wife. 1. Margaret, b. 1689; m., May 27, 1709, Richard Moore, son of Mordecai Moore, leaving issue, from whom, among others, descended Rear Admiral Louis M. Goldsborough. (For continuation of this descent, see Keith s Provincial Councillors, page 74.) 2. Hannah, b. 1693; d. March 6, 1772; m., July 2, 1711, Samuel Carpenter, Jr., b. Feb. 9, 1688; d. Nov., 1748; eldest son of Samuel Carpenter, who was at one time the richest man in the Colony of Pennsylvania ; the intimate friend and adviser of William Penn, one of the trustees named in Penn s will, " Assistant in the Govern ment," or Deputy Governor under Markham, member of the Provincial Council, Treasurer of the Province, etc. Samuel Carpenter, the son, was a member of the Common Council of Philadelphia, Justice of the Peace, Trustee of the Loan Office, etc. Issue : 1. Samuel, son of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah (Preston) Carpenter, b. ; d. Feb. 20, 1747. He emigrated to Jamaica and died there. He married and left issue : 1. Samuel Inglesbe, of Kingston, Jamaica. Letters of administration were granted on his estate, Feb. 10, 1785. He was unmarried. 2. Hannah, d. before Nov., 1748. (See will of Saml. Carpenter, Jr., her grand father. ) 3. Thomas, d. in Kingston, Jamaica. He left nine children, four sons and five daughters. Eleanor Jane m. Mr. Thompson, of Jamaica. Ann m. Mr. Longman, of Jamaica. They were, in 1849, t^ 6 on ty surviving children of Thomas. Both Samuel Inglesbe and Thomas were educated in Edinburgh. A letter from Thomas describes his visit to London, and obtaining from the Herald Office a copy of the family coat-of-arms. 2. Rachel Carpenter, daughter of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah (Preston) Carpenter, b. 1716; d. 1794, unm. in Philadelphia. 3. Preston Carpenter, son of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah (Preston) Carpenter, b. Oct. 28, 1721 ; d. Oct. 17, 1785. The descent is through Preston Carpenter, of whom hereafter. 376 DESCENT OF THE CARPENTER BRANCH. 377 4. Hannah Carpenter, dau. of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah (Preston) Carpenter, b. P ; d. before Dec. 21, 1767 ; m., 2d mo. 8, 1746, Samuel Shoemaker, son of Benjamin Shoemaker. Samuel Shoemaker was member of the Common Council, and suc ceeded his father as Treasurer. He was Mayor, Justice for the County, attorney for the Pennsylvania Land Co., of London, etc., a prominent and successful mer chant. He was a Loyalist, and suffered confiscation of his property during the Revolution. (For continuation of this descent, see Keith s Provincial Councillors, page 243.) 5. Thomas Carpenter, son of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah (Preston) Carpenter, b. ; d. 1772, unmarried. He was a prominent merchant in Philadelphia, and signed the non-importation resolutions of 1765. His will, dated Dec. 21, 1767, and proved March 26, 1772, gives his property to his mother, his maiden sister Rachel, Samuel and Thomas Carpenter, sons of his deceased brother Samuel, and the nine children of his brother Preston by his first wife. PRESTON CARPENTER, son of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah (Preston) Carpenter (above named), b. Oct. 28, 1721 ; d. Oct. 17, 1785 ; m., Oct. 17, 1742, Hannah Smith, b. Dec. 21, 1723; dau. of Samuel Smith, a wealthy man of Salem County, N. J., and Hannah Pile, whose father, John Pile, was the owner of the whole Township of Pilesgrove in that county. Preston Carpenter married secondly Hannah, widow of Samuel Mason, and dau. of Benjamin Cripps and Mary Hough. Benjamin Cripps was the son of Nathaniel and Grace Cripps, who came to America in 1678, and settled at Burlington, N. J. Nathaniel Cripps is said to have been the founder of Mount Holly. Preston Carpenter had no issue by his second wife. He removed from Philadelphia, and settled at Salem, N. J. He continued to reside here and upon his estate in Mannington Township near by until his death, Oct. 17, 1785. He was a commissioner of the Loan Office, Justice of the Peace, Judge of the Circuit Court, etc. Issue all by first wife : 1. Hannah, dau. of Preston and Hannah (Smiths Carpenter, b. Oct. 4, 1743; d. Aug. 31, 1820; m. (second wife of ) Charles Ellet and secondly Jedediah Allen. P>om her were descended the Ellets, distinguished as engineers, lawyers, and general officers in the War of the Rebellion. (For continuation of this line, see Keith s Provincial Councillors, page 96.) 2. Samuel Preston, son. of Preston and Hannah (Smith) Carpenter, b. 1745; d. young. 3. Elizabeth Carpenter, dau. of Preston and Hannah (Smith) Carpenter, b. Dec. 18, 1748; d. Nov. 16, 1779; m., 1767, Ezra Firth, of Salem County, N. J., son of John Firth and Stubbins. He died April 17, 1779. From this line are descended the Firth, Jones, and Wistar families of Philadelphia, General Isaac Wistar, Lloyd P. Smith, formerly librarian of the Philadelphia Library, etc. (For continuation of this line, see Keith s Provincial Councillors, page 102.) 4. Rachel, dau. of Preston and Hannah (Smith) Carpenter, b. Aug. 26, 1749; d. Nov. 20, 1749. 5. Mary, dau. of Preston and Hannah (Smith) Carpenter, b. Nov. 18, 1750; d. Oct. 30, 182! ; m., , 1777, Samuel Tonkin, son of Edward Tonkin and Mary Cole, of Burlington County, New Jersey. He was a lieutenant-colonel in the War of the Revolution. They left no issue. 378 DESCENT OF THE CARPENTER BRANCH, 6. Thomas Carpenter (of Carpenter s Landing), son of Preston and Hannah (Smith) Carpenter, b. Nov. 2, 1752; d. July 7, 1847; m -> A P r il 13, *774, Mary Tonkin, b. Sept. 8, 1753; d. Aug. 5, 1822; dau. of Edward Tonkin and Mary Cole. Thomas Carpenter served in the Revolutionary War as ensign of Captain John Roane s company, Colonel Samuel Dick s Battalion of Salem County, N. J. Militia, 1776. Adjutant of the same, November, 1776, to January, 1777, and in 1778. He was commissioned, March 19, 1777, Paymaster of the Counties of Salem and Gloucester, and served in that capacity until the close of the war. He took part in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. After the war he settled at Carpenter s Landing, and in partnership with Colonel Thomas Heston he established large glass-works at Glass- boro, N. J., which were successfully conducted until the death of Colonel Heston took place, when the property, including a large landed estate, was divided, and Thomas Carpenter retired in favor of his son Edward, who continued to conduct the glass-works until his death in 1813. Issue: 1. Samuel, b. Jan. 6, 1775; d. April 16, 1792. 2. Edward, b. June 4, 1777; d. March 13, 1813; m., Sept. 5, 1799, Sarah Stratton (see below). 3. Rachel, b. Oct. 23, 1782; d. Oct. 7, 1784. Edward Carpenter (above named), b. June 4, 1777; d. March 13, 1813; son of Thomas and Mary (Tonkin) Carpenter, m., Sept. 5, 1799, Sarah Stratton, b. Sept. 30, 1781 ; d. Feb. 12, 1852; dau. of Dr. James Stratton and Anna (Harris), of Swedesboro, N. J. Edward Carpenter resided at Carpenter s Landing, three miles below Woodbury, N. J. (now called Mantua), on Mantua Creek, in a house erected for him by his father near the old Carpenter mansion. Subsequently, upon the retirement of his father from business, he removed to Glassboro and entered into the control of the glass-works there. He died March 13, 1813, in the midst of a successful career. Issue : I. Thomas Preston, son of Edward and Sarah (Stratton) Carpenter, b. April 19, 1804; d. March 20, 1876; m., Nov. 27, 1839, Rebecca Hopkins, b. Sept. 23, 1813; d. Oct. 24, 1896; dau. of Samuel Clement Hopkins, M. D., and Susan (Barton). Thomas Preston Carpenter was born at Carpenter s Landing. He studied law in the office of Hon. John Moore White, of Woodbury, N. J., and in 1830 was admitted to the Bar of New Jersey. In 1845 ne was appointed by Governor Stratton, one of the associate judges of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, his circuit comprising the counties of Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester. He resided for some years at Woodbury, N. J., and afterward in the city of Camden, where he died. He retired from the bench and resumed the practice of his pro fession, in which he became a leader. He was for many years retained in most of the important cases which were litigated in the southern portion of New Jersey, and was noted for his profound learning, his personal integrity, and sound judg ment, as well as for his genial manners and agreeable personal qualities. Issue : 1. Susan Mary, resides in Camden, N. J. 2. Anna Stratton, b. June 10, 1843; d. Dec. 13, 1869. 3. Thomas Preston, b. Sept. 23, 1846; d. Aug. 25, 1848. 4. James Hopkins, b. Nov. 18, 1849; graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, studied law with his father, and was admitted to the Bar of New Jersey as FROM SAMUEL PRESTON. 379 Attorney in Nov., 1872, and as Counsellor in Nov., 1875. He resides with his sister Susan M. Carpenter, in Camden, N. J. 2. Mary Tonkin, dau. of Edward and Sarah (Stratton) Carpenter, b. Sept. 14, 1805; d. , 1893; in., March 24, 1830, Richard Washington Howell, b. Dec. 14, J 799; d. May 12, 1859, son of Colonel Joshua L. Howell and Anna Blackwood, of " Fancy Hill," Gloucester County, N. J. Richard W. Howell resided in the city of Camden, N. J., from the time of his marriage until his death. He was a distinguished lawyer, a polished gentleman, and an unwavering patriot." Issue : 1. John Paschall, b. April 12, 1831 ; d. June 2, 1832. 2. Edward Carpenter, b. July 24, 1833; d. March 5, 1834. 3. Samuel Bedell, b. Sept. 20, 1834; m., April 13, 1859, Maria E. Neill. Issue: 1. Win. Neill, b. Aug. 8, 1860. 2. Richd. Washington, b, Aug. 17, 1862; m., April 20, 1892, Virginia Heath Crothers. Issue : Virginia Heath, b. Feb. 17, 1893; d. Aug. 16, 1894. Mortimer, b. Sept. 27, 1895. Richard Washington, b. May 25, 1897. 3. Henry Elmer, b. Dec. 8, 1866; m., June 23, 1897, Gertrude S. Ehret. Issue: Henry Elmer, b. June 8, 1894. 4. Sophie Neill, b. July 21, 1876. 4. Charles Stratton, b. Dec. 21, 1837 ; d. unm. 5. Richard Holmes Offley, b. April 2, 1840; d. Jan. 3, 1850. 6. Joshua Ladd, b. June 16, 1842; d. at Newport, R. I., Aug. 19, 1893; studied law with Judge Thomas P. Carpenter, admitted to the Bar of N. J., but afterward resided in Philadelphia; Secretary of the International Steamship Co.; m., April 15, 1875, Mary E. Savage, dau. of Wm. Lyttleton Savage. Issue : Evelyn Virginia. 7. Thomas James, b. Oct. 10, 1844; killed in action at the Battle of Gaines s Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. He was 2d Lieut, in the 3d Regiment N. J. Volunteers, acted with great bravery, and was struck by a cannon ball at the close of the battle 8. Anna, b. Sept. 12, 1846; m., June 10, 1869, Malcolm Lloyd, b. July 18, 1838, son of John Lloyd and Esther Malcolm, now (1898) Vice-President of the Atlantic Refining Company. Issue : 1. Howell, b. March 2, 1871 ; m., Feb. 10, 1897, Emily Innes. 2. Malcolm, b. Jan. 18, 1874. 3. Stacy Barcroft, b. Aug. I, 1876. 4. Francis Vernon, b. Aug. 31, 1878. 5. Anna Howell, b. Dec. 2, 1880. 6. Esther Malcolm, b Dec. 12, 1882. 7. Mary Carpenter, b. Dec. 26, 1887. 9. Francis Lee, b. May 20, 1849; d. Aug. I, 1872, unm. 10. Sarah Carpenter, b. Oct. 3, 1850; d. Dec. 4, 1851. 3. James Stratton Carpenter, son of Edward and Sarah (Stratton) Carpenter, b. in Glass- boro, N. J., Oct. 18, 1807; d. Jan. 31, 1872; m., Oct. 12, 1832, Camilla Julia Sanderson, b. Oct., 1815; d. May 19, 1897; dau. of John Sanderson, author of The Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, and Sophie Carre. James S. Carpenter studied with Dr. Joseph Fithian of Woodbury, N. J., and graduated 380 DESCENT OF THE CARPENTER BRANCH, M. D. at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1830 he settled in Pottsville, Pa., then a new settlement in the coal region. In 1835 he visited Europe and studied in the hospitals of Paris. Returning in 1837, he resumed his practice, which he continued, with great success, until his death in 1872. His reputation for great skill in his profession extended far beyond the limits of his practice, and his personal magnetism, genial manners, social qualities, and hospitality endeared him to all who came within their influence. Issue : 1. John Thomas, b. in Pottsville, Jan. 27, 1833; m., Dec. 4, 1855, Eliza Adelaide, b. ; d. ; dau. of Charles M. Hill and Caroline Hammecken, and sec ondly, Nov. 21, 1887, Anne, widow of General Henry Pleasants. Dr. John T. Carpenter graduated A. B., A. M., and M. D. from the University of Pennsyl vania, succeeded to his father s practice at Pottsville. He was appointed Surgeon to the 34th Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteers, April, 1861; Medical Director of General McCook s Brigade, West Virginia, Oct. 14, 1861; Medical Director in charge of General Hospitals, Cumberland, Md., March, 1862; Medical Director of Mountain Department, Wheeling, Va., May 10, 1862; in charge of General Hospitals, Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 25, 1862; Medical Director and Superintendent of Hospitals, District of Ohio, March 19, 1864; President of the Army Medical Board, Cincinnati, May, 1863, and President of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Issue (all by first wife) : 1. Caroline Gertrude, b. Jan. 14, 1858; m., Nov. 9, 1880, Rev. John Brazer Draper, b. Nov. 28, 1853; d. Jan. 24, 1887. Issue: Mary Chandler. Eliza Adelaide. 2. James Stratton, b. April 21, 1859; graduated A. B., Trinity College, and M. D., University of Pennsylvania; m., April 28, 1886, Lillian Louise Chapin, dau. of Asabel Chapin, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue : James Stratton, b. Feb. 14, 1887. Chapin, b. . 3. Laura Sherbrook, b. May 24, 1860; m., Oct. 18, 1892, Lucian F. Brigham. Issue : 4. Sophie, b. July 10, 1864; d. Aug. 27, 1864. 5. Margaret Stuart, b. May 26, 1865 ; d. Aug. 5, 1865. 6. John Thomas, b. Oct. 29, 1866; m., Oct., 1890, Mary Burd Fuller, dau. of Wm. A. M. Fuller. Issue : 7. Cornelia, b. Oct. 3, 1867; d. Dec. 2, 1867. 8. Charles Montgomery, b. Jan. 22, 1872; d. July 12, 1872. 9. Agnes, b. Oct. II, 1878; m., Feb. 16, 1898, Ollsen F. Raaen. 10. Eliza Adelaide, b. Aug. 22, 1883; d. Sept. 7, 1885. 2. Sarah Stratton, dau. of Dr. James S. and Camilla (Sanderson) Carpenter, b. Potts ville, June 14, 1835; d. Feb. 28, 1895; m., Dec. 27, 1853, Rev. Daniel Wash- burn, b. Sept. 20, 1822, Rector of Trinity Church, Pottsville; d. Dec. 25, 1897. Issue : I. Mary Howell, b. March II, 1855; m.,Wm. Fish, of Scarsdale, New York. Issue : Edward. Louis Washburn. FROM SAMUEL PRESTON. 381 2. James Stratton, b. May 22, 1856; d. in infancy. 3. John Bohlen, b. Aug. 25, 1857; d. , unm. 4. Louis Cope, b. Jan. 25, 1860; Rector of St. Peter s Church, Hazleton, Pa., and subsequently Rector of St. Paul s Church, Rochester, New York ; m., April 8, 1890, Henrietta Saltinstall Mumford, dau. of . Issue : Henrietta Mumford, b. March 20, 1891. Helen Carpenter, b. April I, 1892. 5. Thomas Preston, b. April 10, 1862; m., Oct. n, 1892, Margaret Brack- enridge. 6. Anna Carpenter, b. April 2, 1864. 7. Camilla Richards, b. Sept. 1 1, 1865. 8. Cornelia Sanderson, b. Sept. II, 1865; d. in infancy. 9. Daniel, b. Oct. 27, 1869. 10. Sarah Stratton, b. Jan. 4, 1872. 11. Francis M., b. July 7, 1873. 12. Emily, b. Aug. 19, 1875. 13. George Herbert, b. Jan. 14, 1877. 3. Sophie Carre, dau. of Dr. James S. and Camilla (Sanderson) Carpenter, b. Nov. n, 1857- 4. Cornelia Maria, dau. of Dr. James S. and Camilla (Sanderson) Carpenter, b. Dec. 1 8, 1840. 5. James Edward, son of Dr. James S. and Camilla (Sanderson) Carpenter, b. Sept. 29, 1843; d. Jan. 18, 1845. 6. Preston, son of Dr. James S. and Camilla (Sanderson) Carpenter, b. Sept. 29, 1843; m - April 15, 1869, Catharine Clarkson Wheeler, dau. of Edward Wheeler, d. July 7, 1875. He m., secondly, Oct. 7, 1877, Henrietta M., widow of - - Parry, nee Wheeler, a sister of his first wife, and thirdly, . Issue by 1st wife : Kate B., b. March 18, 1870. James Stratton, b. Nov. 17, 1871. Issue by 2d wife : Dale Benson, b. June 24, 1878. Issue by 3d wife : 7. Camilla Sanderson, dau. of Dr. James S. and Camilla (Sanderson) Carpenter, b. June 10, 1851. 8. Mary Howell, dau. of Dr. James S. and Camilla (Sanderson) Carpenter, b. Nov. 17, 1856. 9. Richard Howell, son of Dr. James S. and Camilla (Sanderson) Carpenter, b. March 2, 1858. 4. Samuel Tonkin Carpenter, son of Edward and Sarah (Stratton), Carpenter, b. in Glassboro, N. J., Nov. 25, 1810; d. Dec. 6, 1864, of fever contracted in the hospitals in Cincinnati, Ohio, of which he was chaplain ; m., May 26, 1841, Frances Champlain, b. Jan. 8, 1819; d. ; dau. of Adam Champlain, of Derby, Connecticut, and Henrietta Blakeslee, and secondly, Emilie D. Thompson, b. Aug. 31, 1830; d. Feb. 28, 1897, of Wilmington, Delaware, dau. of Richard Thompson and Elizabeth S. Denny. 382 DESCENT OF THE CARPENTER BRANCH, Samuel T. Carpenter was a clergyman in the Episcopal Church, a graduate of the Divinity School at Alexandria, Va., ordained by Bishop Meade of Va., Rector of the Episcopal Church at Smyrna, Del., and at Litchfield, Conn., etc., and Chaplain U. S. Army during the Civil War. Issue by ist wife : 1. Samuel Champlain Blakeslee, b. Nov. 10, 1842; d. Sept. 28, 1871; served in the Union Army during the Civil War ; unm. 2. Erances Mary, b. July 23, 1844. Issue by 2d wife : 1. Herbert Denny, b. June 2, 1853. 2. Florence, b. Dec. 22, 1854; m., April 7, 1881, Albert W. Fiero, civil engineer, of Joliet, 111. Issue : Albert Conro, b. Feb. u, 1882. 3. Horace Thompson, b. Oct. 10, 1857; m., Sept. 28, 1886, Mary Congill Conwell, dau. of Myers C. Conwell, of Wilmington, Del. Issue : Samuel, b. 4. Richard Howell, b. Dec. 27, 1861. 5. Lewis Tonkin Chatfield, b. Nov. 17, 1864. 5. Edward Carpenter, son of Edward and Sarah (St ration) Carpenler, b. in Glassboro, N. J., May 17, 1813; d. March 4, 1889; m., Nov. 16, 1837, Anna Maria Howey, b. Jan. I, 1818; d. May 16, 1883, dau. of Benjamin Matlack Howey, of " Pleasant Meadows," of Gloucester County, N. J., and Isabella, dau. of Dr. fames Straiten. Edward Carpenter, 2d, during his early years lived with his mother and grandfather, Thomas Carpenter, at Carpenter s Landing, which was then a place of aclive business in cordvvood, lumber and ship limber, employing many sloops and small vessels in the trade. For a short lime he resided al Glassboro. subsequenlly a few years al Cheslerfield, Kenl Co., Maryland. In 1843 he came lo Philadelphia, where he continued to reside until his death, March 4, 1889. He studied law, but devoted himself to conveyancing and matters relating to real estate. He was a prominent churchman, one of the founders of the Church of the Mediator, Philadelphia, was member of numerous vestries, and delegate to the Diocesan Convention. Issue: I. Louis Henry, son of Edward (2d) and Anna Maria (Howey) Carpenter, b. Feb. II, 1839; Brigadier-General of Volunleers and Colonel 5th U. S. Cavalry; enlered Ihe army al ihe beginning of ihe Civil War as a privale in ihe 6th U. S. Cavalry. He had graduated A. B. al ihe Philadelphia High School and enlered upon a course in the Medical Deparlmenl of the University of Pennsylvania, but abandoned his sludies and professional aspiralions upon ihe commencemenl of Ihe war, for the duties of a private soldier in the regular army. He was pro- moled to 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut., Captain, Major, Lieut. -Col., and Colonel in the regular establishment, and to Brig.-General of Volunteers, and also received every brevel from isl Lieut, to Colonel for gallant and merilorious conduct. He com manded a regiment with the rank of Colonel of Volunleers in ihe Civil War, served as aide-de-camp on ihe slaffs of Generals Pleasanlon and Sheridan, par- licipaled in mosl of ihe bailies of ihe Army of ihe Potomac, and of the Cavalry Corps Upon several occasions he was specially mentioned for gallanlry in ihe reporls of his commanding officers. By a general order issued by General Sheridan from Department Headquarters ihe attention of ihe officers and FROM SAMUEL PRESTON. 383 soldiers of the Department of Missouri was called to the engagement on Beaver Creek, and the thanks of the commanding general tendered to Brevet Lieut. - Colonel L. H. Carpenter and the officers and soldiers of the detachment under his command for their gallantry and bravery in that action. For this service he received his commission as Brevet-Colonel U. S. A. He \vas awarded a medal of honor for distinguished services in relieving Maj. Geo. A. Forsyth and his command, who were in desperate straits, surrounded by a large force of hostile Indians on the Republican River, Kansas. He is now (1898) commanding a force composed of the 8th U. S. Cavalry, I5th U. S. Infantry, and 3d Georgia (Volunteer) Infantry, with which he was the first of the army of, occupation in the war with Spain to take possession of territory in the Island of Cuba under the terms of the protocol providing among other things for the surrender of that island. He is unmarried. 2. James Edward, son of Edward (2d) and Anna Maria (Howey) Carpenter, b. March 6, 1841 ; m., Oct. 17, 1867, Harriet Odin Dorr, b. July 22, 1842; d. Jan. 24, 1896, dau. of Rev. Benjamin Dorr, D. D., Rector of Christ Church, Philadelphia, and Esther K. Odin, of Boston, Mass. James Edward Carpenter entered the army at the beginning of the Civil War as private in the 8th Pennsylvania Cavalry Vol unteers, became 2d Lieut., ist Lieut., Captain and Brevet-Major cf Volunteers, served on the staff of General D. McM. Gregg, commanding 2d division of Sheridan s cavalry corps; wounded in the cavalry engagement at Philamont, Va. In the celebrated charge of the 8th Pennsylvania Cavalry at the battle of Chan- cellorsville his horse was shot under him, and of five officers who rode at the head of the column he was one of two only who survived the action. At the close of the war he was admitted to the Bar in Philadelphia (Oct., 1865). He was for nearly thirty years treasurer and is now (1898) vice-president and member of the executive council of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. For eight years one of the officers of the First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry. Chair man of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution. lie is a churchman and a delegate to the Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Church. Issue : 1. Edward (3d), son of James Edward and Harriet Odin (Dorr) Carpenter, b. Aug. 27, 1872; member of the First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, and served with that organization in the war with Spain; now (1898) Lieut. 2d U. S. Artillery. 2. Helen Dalton, dau. of James Edward and Harriet Odin (Dorr) Carpenter, b. Nov. n, 1874. 3. Grace, dau. of James Edward and Harriet Odin (Dorr) Carpenter, b. Oct. 25, 1876; d. May 27, 1877. 4. William Dorr, son of James Edward and Harriet Odin (Dorr) Carpenter, b. June 26, 1879; now (1898) in Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. 5. Lloyd Preston, son of James Edward and Harriet Odin (Dorr) Carpenter, b. March 28, 1884. 3. Sarah Caroline, dau. of Edward and Anna Maria (Howey) Carpenter, b. Jan. 18, 1843; m -i J an - !8, J 865, Andrew Wheeler, b. , son of Charles Wheeler 384 DESCENT OF THE CARPENTER BRANCH, and Bowman. Andrew Wheeler is a well known iron merchant of Phil adelphia, of the firm of Morris Wheeler & Co. Director of the Central National Bank and of the Delaware Insurance Company, and of various corporations. Treasurer of the American Iron and Steel Association, etc. lie is descended from an ancient Swedish family who were settled on the Delaware before the arrival of Penn. Issue : 1. Andrew, son of Andrew and Sarah C. (Carpenter) Wheeler, b. Jan. 2, 1866; m., May 14, 1887, Mary Wilcox Watson, dau. of Rev. Edward Shippen Watson and Sophia Wilcox. Issue : 1. Sophia Wilcox, b. Nov. 1 8, 1888. 2. Eleanor Leslie, b. March 30, 1890; n. July 7, 1891. 3. Andrew (3d), b. June 30, 1892. 2. Anna, b. Dec. 23, 1866; d. Feb. 16, 1869. 3. Samuel Bowman, b. Dec. 24, 1870; m., April 28, 1892, Laetitia Collins Hulse, dau. of Charles F. and Elizabeth (Collins) Hulse. Issue: Frederick Collins, b. March 20, 1894. Elizabeth, b. May , 1897. 4. James May, b. Dec. 8, 1868; d. in infancy. 5. Arthur Leslie, b. May II, 1873. 6. Walter Stratton, b. July 31, 1875. 7. Herbert, b. Jan. 7, 1878. 4. Mary Howell dau. of Edward and Anna Maria (Howey) Carpenter, b. Jan. 22, 1845. 5. Caspar Wistar, son of Edward and Anna Maria ( I lowey) Carpenter, b. April 13, 1847; d. Nov. 2, 1848. 6. Thomas Preston, son of Edward and Anna Maria (Howey) Carpenter, b. April 30, 1849. H C resides at Buffalo, New York. Has been engaged in transportation business. Was General Passenger Agent, Lake Superior Transit Co. ; Commis sioner of soft coal traffic, General Passenger Agent, Northern Steamship Co., etc. Unmarried. 7. Henrietta Ilowey, b. Jan. 22, 1855; d. in infancy. 8. Charles Creighton Stratton, son of Edward and Anna Maria (Howey) Carpenter, b. Nov. n, 1860; d. Feb. 8, 1880, at Manitou Springs, Colorado. He was entered in the collegiate department of the University of Pennsylvania, but died before graduation. 7. William Carpenter, son of Preston and Hannah (Smith) Carpenter of Manmngton, Salem County, N. J., b. Nov. I, 1754; d. Jan. 12, 1837; m., 1st, May 29, 1782, Elizabeth Wyatt, dau. of Bartholomew Wyatt, of Salem, N. J. He m. 2cl, Dec. 2, 1801, Mary Redman, dau. of John Redman. Issue by 1st wife: I. Mary Wyatt, b. June 3, 1783; d. ; m., , James Hunt, of Pennsylvania. Issue : 1. Elizabeth Wyatt, b. Jan. 28, 1801 ; d. June I, 1825; m., Feb. , 1823, George Diehl. 2. Rachel Gibbons, b. Jan. 12, 1803; d. Dec. 28, 1828; m., Jan. 23, 1828, George Ford. FROM SAMUEL PRESTON. 385 3. Mary Carpenter, b. Oct. 9, 1805; d. July 18, 1836; m., Oct. 15, 1835, John Richardson. 4. John, b. Dec. 17, 1810; m., Jan. 5, 1832, Ann B. Smith. 5. Naomi, b. Jan. 5, 1812; m., May 8, 1832, Thomas J. Bonsall. 6. William, b. Sept. 30, 1814. 7. Hannah, b. April 28, 1717. 8. Sarah, b. June 10, 1819; d. Nov. 3, 1825. 2. Hannah, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Wyatt) Carpenter, b. May 27, 1785; d. Nov. 30, 1785. Issue by 2d wife : 1. William, son of William and Mary (Redman) Carpenter, b. Nov. 21, 1802; d. ; m., 1st, Hannah Scull, dau. of Gideon Scull, of Salem County, N. J., by whom he left no issue, and 2d, Phcebe Warren. 2. John Redman, son of William and Mary (Redman) Carpenter, b. April 16, 1804; d. Dec. 21, 1833. Cashier of the branch of the Bank of the United States at Buffalo, N. Y. 3. Rachel Redman, dau. of William and Mary (Redman) Carpenter, b. April 30, 1807; d. Aug. 6, 1851; m., Dec. 6, 1826, Charles Sheppard, son of Thomas Sheppard. Issue : 1. Willliam C, b. ; m. Hannah E. Lornes. 2. John R. C. 4. Hannah, dau. of William and Mary (Redman) Carpenter, d. in infancy. 5. Samuel Preston, son of William and Mary (Redman) Carpenter, b. Jan. 26, 1812; m., ist, Nov. 8, 1837, Hannah H. Acton, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah Acton; she d. Dec. 30, 1851; 2d, Sarah Sheppard, dau. of Thomas Sheppard. Issue by 1st wife : 1. John Redman, b. ; m., , Mary C. Thompson, dau. of Joseph B. Thompson. Issue : 1. Preston. 2. Elizabeth. 3. Maurice. 2. Sarah \Vyatt, b. July 22, 1842; m., June 3, 1863, Richard H. Reeve, b. Oct. 5, 1840; son of William Reeve. Issue: 1. Augustus Henry, b. Nov. n, 1865. 2. Hannah Carpenter, b. Feb. 1 6, 1867. 3. Mary W., b. Aug. 8, 1871. 4. Alice M., b. Nov. 24, 1877. 3. Samuel Preston, Jr., b. ; m., , Rebecca Bassett. Issue: Benjamin Acton. 4. Mary Redman, b. - ; m., Benjamin Reeve, son of Emmor Reeve. Issue : Rachel C. 5. William, b. . Margaret Carpenter, dau. of Preston and Hannah (Smith) Carpenter, b. Aug. 26, 1756; d. Oct. 3, 1821 ; m., , 1776, James Mason Woodnut, b. ; d. June 4, 1809. Issue : I. Sarah, b. Nov. 28, 1777; d. unm., Jan. 9, 1820. 56 386 DESCENT OF THE CARPENTER BRANCH, 2. .Thomas, b. 1782; d. in infancy. 3. Hannah, b. Oct. 12, 1784; d. ; m., , Clement Acton. Issue: 1. Clement J., b. ; m., , Mary Noble. Issue: 1. Margaret W., m. Augustus Durkee. 2. Eliza N., b. ; m., , Frank Hickok. Issue: Margaret. 2. Margaret, dau. of Clement and Hannah (Woodnut) Acton, b. Nov. 23, 1819; m., Nov. 6, 1839, John D. Griscom, M. D., a well-known physician of Philadelphia, whose ancestor, Andrew Griscom, signed the marriage certificate of Samuel Carpenter and Hannah Hardiman in 1684. Issue: 1. Clement Acton, a prominent merchant of Philadelphia, President of the International Navigation Co., owners of the American Line of Steamers between New York and Southampton, Director of the Pennsylvania R. R. Co., the Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., the Insurance Co. of North America, the Bank of North America, etc., b. March 15, 1841 ; m., June 18, 1862, Frances Canby Biddle. Issue: 1. John Acton, 1). March 31, 1863; d. July 15, 1864. 2. Helen Biddle, b. Oct. 9, 1866; m. Samuel Bettle of Haddoniield, N. J., June 20, 1889. Issue : I. Griscom, b. Feb. 19, 1890. 3. Clement Acton, Jr., b. June 20, 1868; m. Genevieve Ludlow, Sept, 18, 1889. Issue: 1. Ludlow, b. June 17, 1890. 2. Acton, b. Aug. 13, 1891. 3. Joyce Olive, b. Feb. 27, 1893; d - Dec - 3> l8 97- 4. Rodman Fllison, b. Oct. 21, 1870; m. Anna A. Starr, Feb. 17, 1897. Issue. I. Clement Acton, 3d, b. March 13, 1899. 5. Lloyd Carpenter, b. Nov. 4, 1872. 6. Frances Canby, Jr., b. April 19, 1879. 2. Hannah Woodnut, dau. of Dr. John D. and Margaret (Acton) Griscom, b. March 7, 1847; m -> Nov. 24, 1870, Frank Lesley Neall. Issue: 1. Margaret Acton, b. Sept. 16, 1874. 2. Cecelia Helen, b. Aug. 23, 1876. 3. William Woodnut, son of Dr. John I), and Margaret (Acton) Griscom, b. July 7, 1851; d. Sept, 24, 1897; m, March 15, 1877, Dora Ingham Hale. Issue: 1. Galbraith Stuart, b. Oct. 30, 1882. 2. Arthur Acton, b. Jan. 18, 1884; d. Jan. 24, 1895. 3. Gladys Hale, b. Dec. 4, 1886. 4. Jonathan, son of James Mason and Margaret (Carpenter) Woodnut, b. ; d. ; m., 1st, Mary Goodwin, and 2d, Sarah Dennis. Issue: I. Richard, m. Lydia Hall. Issue: 1. Mary. 2. Emily. 3. Sarah. FROM SAMUEL PRESTON. 387 4. Margaret. 6. Richard H. 2. William, m. Elizabeth Bassett. Issue : 1. Joseph. 2. Jonathan. 3. Thomas. 4. Anna. 5. Clement. 6. Howard. 7. William. 3. Thomas, m. Hannah H. Morgan. Issue : 1. Abbie M. 2. William. 3. Clement A. 4. Mary, m. Edward A. Acton. Issue : 1. W alter. 2. Isaac O. 3. Jonathan. 5. Preston Woodnut, son of James Mason and Margaret (Carpenter) W oodnut, b. Jan. 24, 1787; d. ; m. , Rachel Goodwin. Issue: 1. Elizabeth, m. Annesley Newlin, of Chester County, Pennsylvania. Issue: I. Frances. 2. James M., m. Elizabeth Denn. Issue: 1. Charles, m. Mary Leslie Garretson, of Philadelphia. Issue: 1. James M. 2. Charles Edward. 3. Elsie. 2. Henry C., m. Annie E. Frost, of Long Island. Issue : 1. Hannah F. 2. Henry C. 3. Paul Clifford. 4. Henrietta F. 5. Mary H. 6. Margaret. 3. Frank, m. Emeline D. Ware, of P>ridgeton, N. J. Issue : 1. Elizabeth B. 2. Alice D. 4. John Preston, i. Margaret D. 3. Edward. 4. Preston C. 5. Hannah Ann, m. Nathan Baker. Issue : 1. Preston. 2. Mary. 6. Margaret Woodnut, b. 1774; dau. of James Mason and Margaret (Carpenter) Wood- nut; m. William T. Shinn. Issue: 388 DESCENT OF THE CARPENTER BRANCH, 1. Emeline. 2. Elizabeth. 3. Samuel. 4. Martha, m. Hon. Isaiah D. Clawson, M. D., member of 34th and 35th Congress of the United States. Issue : I. William. 5. Mary, m. Thomas Reed, M. D., of Philadelphia. Issue: 1. Charles. 2. Emeline. 7. Elizabeth Woodnut, dau. of James Mason and Margaret (Carpenter) Woodnut, m. Morris Hall, of Salem County, N. J. Issue : 1. Margaretta W., m. John W. Righter. Issue: 1. Elizabeth W. 2. James H. 3. William W. 4. John C. 2. James W. m., ist, Jane Jarman, and 2d, Catharine Mulford. 9. Martha Carpenter, b. Aug. 19, 1760; dau. of Preston and Hannah (Smith) Carpenter; m Joseph Reeve, of Salem County, N. J. Issue : 1. Samuel, d. s. p. ; m. Achsah Stratton. 2. Milicent, d. s. p. ; m. Joseph Owen. 3. Joseph. 4. Mary. DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD PRESTON THROUGH HIS DAUGHTER NAOMI PRESTON, WHO MARRIED WIL LIAM BERRY OF BATTLE CREEK, CALVERT COUNTY. WILLIAM BERRY settled on 900 acres of land, surveyed for his father, James Berry, in 1653 on the north side of Patuxent River, a few miles above the Preston homestead. He was a member of Assembly, and prominent in public affairs. By his first wife, Naomi Preston, he had three children : (2) William Berry, Jr., m., Sept. 9, 1686, Naomi, dau. of Shadrach Whalley of Bucks County, Pennsylvania ; d. June 30, 1693. (3) James Berry, m. , April 14, 1686, 1st, Sarah, dau. of Henry and Elizabeth \Volchurch ; m., April II, 1691, 2d, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Frances Pitt; d. Feb., 1699. (4) Re becca Berry, m., Nov. 28, 1 686, James Ridley and moved to New Jersey. (3) James Berry and Sarah Wolchurch had one child : (5) Rebecca Berry, b. Nov. 3, 1688 ; m., at St. Peter s Parish, Md., Dec. 8, 1708, George, son of William and Isabel Troth. (3) James Berry and Elizabeth Pitt had five children : (6) William Berry, b. July 29, 1693. (7) Susanna Berry, b. July 29, 1693. (8) Elizabeth Berry. (9) James Berry, b. 1696; m., Nov. 12, 1724, Sarah, dau. of Kenelm and Lydia (Croxton) Skillington. (10) Margaret Berry, m., Jan. 3, 1716, William Edmondson. (9) James Berry and Sarah Skillington had ten children : (ll) John Berry, b. Feb. 24, 1726; m. Rebecca, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Harrison) Dickinson. (12) Thomas Berry, b. Dec. 28, 1727. (13) James Berry, b. Dec. 19, 1729, m., 1st, June 28, 1758, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Sherwood) Powell ; m., 2d, May 29, 1768, Susanna, dau. of Joseph and Sarah Maxfield ; m., 3d, April 15, 1776, Mary, dau. of Joseph and Hannah Bonsall. (14) Joseph Berry, b. Feb. II, 1731 ; m., March 27, 1752, Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Harwood) Cockayne. (15) Benjamin Berry, b. Sept. 24, 1734. (16) Benjamin Berry, b. Aug. 24, 1736; m., May, 1769, Sarah, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Lightfoot. (17) Elizabeth Berry, b. Nov. 7, 1739; m., April 24, 1763, Garrett Sipple. (18) Sarah Berry, b. June 30, 1742. (19) Rachel Berry, b. April 10, 1745. (20) Lydia Berry, b. April 10, 1745 ; m., Oct. 28, 1768, Samuel, son of Samuel Hanson. (ll) John Berry and Rebecca Dickinson had one child : (21) Elizabeth Berry, b. Feb. 7, 1754 ; d. Sept. 2, 1830 ; m., May 16, 1774, James, son of James and Ann (Tilton) Morris. 389 390 DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD PRESTON. (13) James Berry and Elizabeth Powell had three children : (22) Ann Berry, b. March 20, 1760 ; m., 1st., Feb. 28, 1780, Robert, son of Isaac and Mary Dixon ; m., 2d, Oct. 2, 1783, Samuel, son of Henry and Sarah (Paschall) Troth. (23) Mary Berry, b. Oct. 26, 1761 ; m., Jan. 3, 1788, Christopher Bruff. (24) Thomas Berry, b. May 13, 1764 ; d. June 8, 1764. (22) Ann Berry and Robert Dixon had one child : (25) James Dixon, b. July I, 1781 ; d. Dec. 22, 1848; m., Oct. 14, 1781, Ann, dau. of James and Mary (Pierce) Iddings. (22) Ann Berry and Samuel Troth had seven children : (26) Elizabeth Powell Troth, b. Sept. 4, 1784; d. Jan. 8, 1813, s. p. ; m., April 18, 1811, Edward, son of Tristram and Anna (Buckbee) Needles. (27) Samuel Troth, b. Sept., 1786 ; d. inf. (28) Sarah Paschall Troth, b. Oct. 31, 1787 ; d. unm. about 1822. (29) Ann Berry Troth, b. Oct. 2, 1791 ; d. unm. March 13, 1858. (30) Henry Troth, b. Sept. 4, 1794 ; d. May 22, 1842 ; m., Nov. 29, 1816, Henrietta, dau. of Peter and Elizabeth (Osborne) Henri. (31) Mary Bonsall Troth, b. Feb. 8, 1797; d. Feb. 25, 1875 ; m., May 23, 1816, William Kersey Austin. (32) Samuel Fothergill Troth, b. May 7, 1801 ; d. Nov. 18, 1886; m., 1st, Aug. 28, 1828, Mary, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Brown) Trimble ; m., 2d, Aug. 14, 1856, Alice, dau. of Clayton and Elizabeth (Newell) Taylor. (23) Mary Berry and Christopher Bruff had six children : (33) Daniel Bruff, b. ; d. 1806. (34) Hannah Bruff, b. ; d. March 1 6, 1814 ; m., May 19, 1808, Richard Levick. (35) Lydia Bruff, d. April 8, 1857 ; m., 1st, 1813, Godwin Pearce ; m., 2d, William Greaves. (36) Mary Bruff, d. young. (37) James Berry Bruff, b. Sept. 26, 1797 ; m., April I, 1821, Sarah, dau. of Anthony and Hannah (French) Morris. (38) Charles Bruff, b. Nov. 24, 1800; d. Nov. 8, 1841 ; m., May 12, 1825, Hannah Field, dau. of Harrison and Phebe Palmer. (25) James Dixon and Ann Iddings had seven children : (39) James Dixon, d. young. (40) Mary Ann Dixon, m. Charles Boyd. (41) James Norris Dixon, b. March 30, 1810 ; m. Elizabeth Coddington. (42) Franklin M. Dixon, b. April 15, 1819 ; d. June 4, 1893 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Solomon and Harriet (Alexander) Alter. (43) Caleb Iddings Dixon, b. 1821 ; d. Dec. 22, 1890 ; m. Henrietta, dau. of William K. and Mary B. (Troth) Austin. (44) Henry Troth Dixon, d. unm. (45) William Bartlett Dixon, b. Nov. 30, 1827 ; m., Sept. 12, 1850, Mary, dau. of Eli and Sarah Merkins. (30) Henry Troth and Henrietta Henri had ten children : (46) Anna Troth, b. Dec. 30, 1818 ; d. Jan. 10, 1881 ; m., Oct. I, 1840, George Morrison, son of George M. and Rebecca (Hornor) Coates. (47) Eliza Henri Troth, b. Oct. 10, 1820; d. Aug. 2, 1890; m., April 10, 1844, Joseph P. PL, son of George M. and Rebecca (Hornor) Coates. (48) William P. Troth, b. April 2, 1823; m., 1st, April 23, 1845, Emma M., dau. of Jacob M. and Keturah (Gorgas) Thomas ; m., 2d, May 9, 1860, Clara Gordon, dau. of Samuel DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD PRESTON. 391 and Mira (Sharpless) Townsend. (49) Henry Morris Troth, b. April 15, 1825 ; d. Oct. 17, 1826. (50) Henrietta M. Troth, b. March 8, 1827 ; m., Nov. 16, 1850, Edward Y., son of John W. and Sibilla (Kirk) Townsend. (51) Louisa Troth, b. Feb. 17, 1829 ; d. Sept. 10, 1850. (52) Henry Morris Troth, b. Sept. 29, 1831 ; d. Dec. 28, 1864; m., May 18, 1853, Sarah J., dau. of Isaac and Lydia (Hart) Remington. (53) Edward Troth, b. Sept. I, 1833 ; m., 1st, Nov. II, 1858, Elizabeth, dau. of Andrew and Ann (Thomas) Manderson ; m., 2d, May 30, 1878, Linda H., dau. of David and Lydia (Gil bert) Brooks. (54) Samuel Troth, b. Sept. 16, 1835, m., March 1 1, 1857, Anna, dau. of Nathaniel and Ann (Thomas) Speakman. (55) Emily Troth, b. March 31, 1838 ; d. April I, 1838. (31) Mary B. Troth and William K. Austin had four children : (56) Samuel T. K. Austin, b. Feb. 8, 1817; d. Aug. 10, 1827. (57) Rebecca Ann Austin, b. Oct. n, 1818 ; d. Sept. 3, 1822. (58) Sallie Ann Austin, b. Oct. 28, 1821. (59) Henrietta Austin, b. March 7, 1825 ; d. Feb. 2, 1897; m. Caleb Iddings, son of James and Ann (Iddings) Dixon. (32) Samuel F. Troth and Mary Trimble had nine children : (60) Samuel Troth, d. young. (61) Elizabeth Trimble Troth, b. June 15, 1831. (62) John T. Troth, b. Oct. 31, 1833; d. Nov. 20, 1860; m., Oct. 30, 1856, Elizabeth Taylor, dau. of John H. and Alice (Taylor) Lippincott. (63) Mary J. Troth, d. young. (64) Samuel B. Troth, d. young. (65) Anna Berry Troth, b. April 19, 1840. (66) Mary Troth, b. Jan. 31, 1843. (67) Sarah Jane Troth, b. Oct. 18, 1844. (68) Samuel Henry Troth, b. Jan. 18, 1851 ; m., 1st, June 27, 1883, Anna M., dau. of Samuel R. and Anna (Shinn) Ship ley ; m., 2d, Oct. 6, 1887, Josephine, dau. of William L. and Laura (Pleasants) Corse. (37) James Berry Bruff and Sarah Morris had twelve children : (69) Lydia Bruff, b. Jan. 26, 1822; m., March 27, 1851, William H., son of Samuel and Rachel (Heald) Oliphant. (70) Hannah Bruff, b. Aug. 27, 1823 ; d. Oct. II, 1882; m., March 29, 1849, Edward, son of Richard and Sarah Williams. (71) Charles Bruff, d. young. (72) Joseph Bruff, b. March 16, 1827 ; d. Nov. 14, 1885 ; m. Anna M., dau. of John and Ann Ogden. (73) Mary Bruff, b. May 3, 1829 ; m., July 27, 1848, Benjamin C., son of John and Edna Andrews. (74) James Morris Bruff, d. young. (75) Sarah Bruff, b. Aug. 4, 1833 ; m., Aug. 30, 1859, Tristram, son of Edward and Sophia Cog- geshall. (76) Esther Bruff, b. Oct. 9, 1835 ; m., March 28, 1877, Isaac N., son of Benjamin Miles. (77) Henrietta Bruff, d. young. (78) Elizabeth Bruff, b. Sept. 14, 1838 ; m., Oct. 27, 1864, Lindley M., son of Joel and Mary Ann Kirk. (79) Anna Louisa Bruff, d., aged 32. (80) Susan Bruff, d. young. (38) Charles Bruff and Hannah Palmer had six children : (81) Phebe Ann Bruff, d. young. (82) Richard P. Bruff, b. May 5, 1827; m., June 17, 1852, Phebe Jenkins. (83) Charles Bruff, b. Dec. 6, 1828; d. July 12, 1878; m., Jan. 19, 1865, Katherine, dau. of Alfred Kearny. (84) Har- 392 DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD PRESTON. rison Bruff, d. young. (85) Phebe P. Bruff, b. Aug. 20, 1831 ; m. William B. Isaacs. (86) James B. Bruff, b. June 8, 1833 ; d. March 5, 1883 ; m., Nov. 5, 1856, Sibyl, dau. of Lindsey and Anna W. Cobb. (41) James Norris Dixon and Elizabeth Coddington had seven children : George Cadwallader Dixon, Sarah Elizabeth Dixon, Bartlett Dixon and Harriet Jemima Dixon d. young. (87) Beulah Ann Dixon, b. 1832 ; m. Charles A. Rexstrew. (88) Mary Iddings Dixon, b. 1837 ; m. Joseph Montgomery. (89) Alexander Henry Dixon. (42) Franklin M. Dixon and Elizabeth Alter had nine children : Heber Alter Dixon, Harriett Ann Dixon, Catherine Alexander Dixon, Helen May Dixon and Emily Dixon d. young. (90) Alice Elizabeth Dixon, b. Feb. 27, 1866. (91) Lilian Dixon, b. March 29, 1868. (92) Emily Dixon, b. June 14, 1876. (93) Ethel Mendenhall Dixon, b. Nov. 9, 1879. (43) Caleb I. Dixon and Henrietta Austin had two children : (94) William Dixon, d. young. (95) Charles A. Dixon, m. Anna M. Hancock. (45) William Bartlett Dixon and Mary Merkins had seven children : (96) James Dixon, b. July 2, 1851. (97) William J. Dixon, b. June 28, 1852; m., 1877, Annie, dau. of Thomas \Vebster. (98) Sallie Dixon, b. Dec. 12, 1854; m., Sept. 17, 1891, William J. Woodside. (99) Charles B. Dixon, b. Dec. 30, 1857. (100) Mary Ann Dixon, b. Nov. 20, 1861. (101) Lizzie A. Dixon, b. Feb. 15, 1865; m., Oct. 8, 1889, William Baird. (102) Lewis Dixon, b. May 9, 1866. (46) Anna Troth and George Morrison Coates had six children : Emily Coates and Charles H. Coates d. young. (103) Henry Troth Coates, b. Sept. 29, 1843 ; m., June 25, 1874, Estelle Barton, dau. of John and Esther (Malcolm) Lloyd. (104) William M. Coates, b. Oct. 19, 1845 ; m., Sept. 30, 1869, Anna Morris, dau. of John and Esther (Malcolm) Lloyd. (105) Joseph Hornor Coates, b. Aug. 22, 1849 ; m., June 10, 1873, Elizabeth Gardner, dau. of Joseph C. and Elizabeth (Sherman) Potts. (106) Samuel Coates, b. June IO, 1853 ; d. Oct. 5, 1871. (47) Eliza H. Troth and Joseph P. H. Coates had two children : (107) George M. Coates, Jr., b. March 27, 1845 ; d. Nov. 12, 1894; m., Nov. 9, 1871, Laura, dau. of John and Esther (Malcolm) Lloyd. (108) Edward H. Coates, b. Nov. 12, 1846; m., April II, 1872, Ella Mary, dau. of Joseph C. and Elizabeth (Sherman) Potts; m., Jan. 7, 1879, Florence, dau. of George H. and Fanny (Van Leer) Earle. (48) William P. Troth and Emma M. Thomas had two children : (109) Helen Troth, b. Sept. 2, 1846 ; d. Nov. 4, 1896 ; m., Nov. 24, 1880, Charles Ridgway. (no) Anna Coates Troth, b. June, 1848 ; m., 1866, Henry Serrill, son of James and Hannah (Serrill) Harper. (48) William P. Troth and Clara G. Townsend had five children : (in) Emily Stackhouse Troth, b. May 23, 1861. (112) Henrietta Troth, b. Aug. n, 1863 ; d. Sept. 18, 1868. (113) Alice Gordon Troth, b. Aug. 9, DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD PRESTON. 393 1865 ; m., April 27, 1886, John R., son of Anthony J. and Ellen B. (Roset) Drexel. (114) Lillian Sharpless Troth, b. Jan. 2, 1867; m., May 31, 1898, Richard van Wyck. (115) Mabel Troth, b. Dec. 3, 1871 ; d. Aug. 2, 1872. (50) Henrietta M. Troth and Edward Y. Townsend had two children : (116) Henry Troth Townsend, b. Oct. I, 1851 ; m., May 19, 1874, Maria, dau. of Robert and Lydia (Baldwin) Potts. (H7) John W. Townsend, b. May 29, 1855 ; m., April 28, 1881, May, dau. of Charles and Marianna (Shreve) Sharpe. (52) Henry M. Troth and Sarah J. Remington had two children : (118) William Penn Troth, Jr., b. Nov. 22, 1854; m., June I, 1898, Theodosia, dau. of Theodore Ashmead, M. D., and Catherine B. T. (Clark) Ashmead. (119) Clement Remington Troth, b. Sept. 7, 1856; m., April 29, 1880, Mar garet S., dau. of Israel Elliot and Mary (Struthers) James. (53) Edward Troth and Elizabeth Manderson had two children : (120) Annette Troth, b. Aug. 6, 1859; d. Dec. 30, 1871. (121) Andrew Man derson Troth, b. Oct. 8, 1863. (53) Edward Troth and Linda H. Brooks had two children : (122) Edward Osborne Troth, b. April 2, 1881. (123) Laura Brooks Troth, b. Aug. 4, 1882. (54) Samuel Troth and Anna Speakman had five children : (124) Louisa Troth, b. Jan. 10, 1858; m., April 20, 1887, Joseph, son of Joshua and Phebe (Moore) Price. (125) Henry Troth, b. Sept. 24, 1859. (126) Charles Speakman Troth, b. Dec. 30, 1862; d. July 19, 1863. (127) Emma Troth, b. March 5, 1869. (128) Anna Coates Troth, b. July 24, 1870. (68) Samuel Henry Troth and Anna M. Shipley had one child : (129) John Theodore Troth, b. May 30, 1884. (68) Samuel Henry Troth and Josephine Corse had three children : (130) Anna M. Shipley Troth, b. May 25, 1889. (131) Miriam Troth, b. June 14, 1892; d. Aug. 27, 1893. (132) Frederick William Troth, b. Aug. IO, 1895 ; d. Sept. 24, 1898. (69) Lydia Bruff and William H. Oliphant had three children : (133) Anna Sina Oliphant, b. Feb. 22, 1855 ; d. March 9, 1886 ; m., March 24, 1875, Charles C., son of Moses and Ann (Carr) Gruwell. (134) Sarah B. Oliphant, d. young. (135) William B. Oliphant, d. young. (70) Hannah Bruff and Edward \Villiams had one child : (136) Sarah B. Williams, b. Jan. 3, 1850; m., July 8, 1896, Abram Maris. (72) Joseph Bruff and Anna M. Ogden had six children : (137) Charles Bruff, b. June 28, 1851 ; d. Nov. 8, 1871. (138) James B. Bruff, b. May 29, 1853; m - Ma Y 3 l88 3 Jessie H. Cartland. (139) Martha Bruff, d. young. (140) Edward Ogden Bruff, d. young. (141) Sarah Bruff, b. Aug. 18, 1866; d. Dec. 10, 1892. (142) Joseph Carroll Bruff, d. young. 394 DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD PRESTON. (73) Mary Bruff and Benjamin Crew Andrews had twelve children : (143) Edwin Andrews, b. May 3, 1849; m. Helen Sewward. (144) James B. Andrews, b. Oct. 30, 1850; d. March 20, 1868. (145) Charles Andrews, b. April 14, 1852; m., Feb. 25, 1874, Axie Heald. (146) Louisa Andrews, I). Dec. 28, 1853; m., Sept. 16, 1881, John S. McCracken. (147) Willis Andrews, b. Feb. 18, 1856. (148) Joseph John Andrews, b. Feb. 18, 1858; m., Feb. 24, 1883, Rhoda Hodson. (149) Almira Andrews, d. young. (150) Albert Henry Andrews, b. Dec. 21, 1861 ; m., Sept., 1886, Hattie Frazey. (151) Benjamin F. Andrews, b. Feb. 26, 1864. (152) Alsina Andrews, b. Jan. n, 1866. (153) Luther J. Andrews, b. April 29, 1868. (154) Sarah Bruff Andrews, b. Dec. 30, 1870. (75) Sarah Bruff and Tristram Coggeshall had five children : (155) William Coggeshall, d. young. (156) Anna Mary Coggeshall, d. young. (157) James Edward Coggeshall, b. March 23, 1869; m., May 27, 1896, Margaret Stacy. (158) Alice Esther Coggeshall, b. Oct. 12, 1872. (159) Oliver T. Coggeshall, d. young. (78) Elizabeth Bruff and Lindley M. Kirk had four children : (160) Alice Troth Kirk, b. Sept. 4, 1866. (161) Lorena T. Kirk, b. July 26, 1869. (162) Willard B. Kirk, b. Aug. 18, 1870. (163) Anna Laura Kirk, b. April 26, 1877. (82) Richard P. Bruff and Phebe Jenkins had two children : (164) Charles Bruff, b. June 28, 1853 ; d. March 30, 1892. (165) William Jenkins Bruff, b. Nov. 21, 1854; m., Dec. 3, 1878, Edith Mary, dau. of Edward Haynes. (83) Charles Bruff and Katherine Kearny had six children : (166) Emma K. Bruff, b. May 23, 1866. (167) Isabel Bruff, b. July 17, 1867. (168) Richard K. Bruff, b. July 20, 1869. (169) Charles P. Bruff, b. Nov. 20, 1871. (170) Alfred K. Bruff, b. Feb. 6, 1874. (171) Archibald I. Bruff, b. Dec. 2, 1875. (85) Phebe Bruff and William B. Isaacs had four children : (172) Mary. (173) William. (174) Richard. (175) Charles. (86) James B. Bruff and Sibyl Cobb had three children : (176) Hannah Bruff, b. Sept. 30, 1857. (177) William W. Bruff, b. Aug. 19, i860 ; m., March 21, 1888, Mary A., dau. of W. A. and Eleanor F. Covington. (178) Robert Bruff, b. Sept. 28, 1868. (95) Charles A. Dixon and Anna M. Hancock had two children : (179) Edward Dixon, m. Lulu Brown. (180) Susanna Dixon. ELIZABETH SCHUYLER, {Mrs. Alexander Hamilton^) THE SCHUYLERS THE SCHUYLERS. THE interest in the Schuyler family naturally centres around the "Schuyler House" at Albany, a mansion teem ing with Revolutionary associations, family anecdotes, and interesting traditions. Correctly speak ing, there are three Schuyler houses in New York State, around which many pleasant memories are woven. These old homes are yet all stand ing. The first, and perhaps oldest of them, is that on the west bank of the Hudson River four miles north of Albany. The land upon which this house stands was purchased over two hundred years ago by Philip Pietersen Schuyler, whose descendants up to a few years ago occupied it, and proba bly continue to do so. Near this house is the family grave yard, wherein rest many of the Schuyler family of the earlier generation. Here reposes the dust of Johannes, father of General Philip Schuyler of that Philip Schuyler who married " the American lady of social fame," and historic memory, and whose grave is near by. The original house, noted for the hospitality extended within its walls by its ancient owners, SCHUYLER ARMS. 397 39 8 THE SCHUYLERS. especially during the French and Indian Wars, when it served as a place of retreat for many of the English officers, was of stone, and after the early Dutch style of architecture steep- roofed with heavy gables. It was quite large and contained many comfortable apartments. The end of the French War brought it a sadder story. Here Lord Howe s corpse was brought, where so often he had contributed to the gayeties of the dinner-table, and here was established a hospital after Abercrombie s defeat. The mansion was afterward, just before the breaking out of the Revolution, destroyed by fire, but almost immediately after restored to its original aspect. At Schuylerville is another Schuyler mansion. The first house here was the property of an uncle of General Schuyler, who was burned to death with his home by the French and Indians. The land then came to General Schuyler. Here the latter built a new residence and also erected saw- and grist-mills, but they, with the house, were destroyed by Bur- goyne. Afterward General Schuyler built a third house there, which is of wood, and is not occupied now by any members of the Schuyler family. We now come to the third mansion of the name, and the one usually meant when the expression "Schuyler Mansion" is used. It is situated at Albany, and was built when Albany was still a frontier town open to attack from the French and Indians. The mansion was built by General Bradstreet, probably shortly after his victory at Fort Frontenac, and was not, we are informed by its historian, Mr. Mather, erected by Mrs. Schuyler during her husband s absence in Europe, "as frequently stated." Mr. Mather in his article in the Mag azine of American History also denies that the grounds ever extended to the river, or that there formerly existed thereto an underground passage, becaus e, as he truly says, THE SCHUYLERS. 401 a large portion of the land thereabouts was "common pasturage." According to the facts presented, therefore, the Schuyler house at Albany was finished about 1760, or a few years earlier or later, and was purchased by General Schuyler after Bradstreet s death, which occurred in September, 1774. Schuyler, it must be remembered, was Bradstreet s executor, and after his death went to England to settle up the estate. There are yet extant in Albany the remains of a building which might properly be designated as another Schuyler house, as some of the earlier members of the family are said to have been born within its walls. Here, also, General Schuyler is said to have resided prior to his marriage and before he purchased General Bradstreet s house. The great Schuyler mansion at the time of its erection stood about half a mile beyond the stockade and a quarter of a mile beyond the river. The grounds "were ample," and the gar den and orchard of General Bradstreet not only maintained, but greatly improved by the Schuylers, were long noted for rare flowers and choice fruits. The house, unlike most of the older buildings in Albany, is entirely of brick, and stands to day in the midst of a busy city. It has been painted a colonial yellow, which blends it so pleasantly with the trees and shrubbery with which it is mingled that it often entirely escapes the visitor s notice. Rows of horse-chestnut trees grow upon the terrace before it, and the hedge of lilacs is obscured from view by a stout board fence and a nailed-up gate. Those who desire to enter the grounds must do so from the rear. The main building is about sixty feet square, having the front toward the east. An owner who lived subsequently to the General added a "hexagon," which forms a sort of vestibule or "outer hall." Seven great windows, gen- 57 402 THE SCHUYLERS. erously glazed, pierce the front wall. Steps of an antique pat tern, with accompanying railings, bring us from the terraced lawn to the vestibule. The roof is described as " double- hipped," and balustrades are "carried all about the roof and across the dormers." The hall is thirty feet long by twenty feet wide, and the ceiling is twelve feet from the floor. In either wall, besides the great double doors, are narrow windows, afford ing additional light. The hall is wainscoted in oak painted white, in harmony with the beautifully carved cornices. A vivid blue paper, a late decoration, brings the whitened woodwork into strong relief. At the end of the great hall are the rear hall and the stair way, approached by a smaller door with a glazed transom set in leaden sashes. There are only two other doors in the hall. One of these leads to a living-room, and the other to the famous drawing-room in which the wedding of General Schuyler s second daughter, Elizabeth, and Alexander Ham ilton took place. This apartment is also noted for another historical wedding, for here ex-President Fillmore espoused Mrs. Mclntosh, who was a subsequent owner of the mansion. The interior decorations of the apartment thus made famous are unique and purely Colonial. Carved woodwork abounds. The panelling is in keeping with the general archi tectural effects. There are four deeply-cased windows, which afford ample and cheerful light. The Hamilton wedding which here occurred, we are in formed, is the only one in his family which gave General Schuyler any happiness, for his other daughters were married without his consent "and away from home." The study used by General Schuyler was in the rear of the drawing-room and connected with another apartment. "Accurate measurements," writes Mr. Mather have "shown THE SCHUYLERS. 405 that a space of about four feet square close to one of the chimneys cannot be accounted for in any other way than that it forms the access to a concealed way that led under ground to the barrack or fortified house about fifteen rods distant. PARLOR, SCHUYLER MANSION. The recent caving in of this covered way has revealed its location and direction, but the secret passage in the house cannot be explored without materially damaging the build- ing." The other apartments throughout are in keeping with those we have described, and the woodwork in all is richly carved. Having thus briefly given a description of the Schuyler 406 THE SCHUYLERS. houses of New York, we will speak of those who once lived in the old rooms, and of the many interesting and romantic stories and historical events connected with their lives. In the year 1650 there arrived at New Amsterdam the brothers David and Philip Pietersen Van Schuyler. They were, as their name implies, the sons of Peter Van Schuyler, who is said by tradition to have been an estimable merchant of the city of Amsterdam in Holland. These immigrants were the ancestors of the various Schuyler families of Amer ica, some of whom have become sufficiently prominent in the times in which they lived to be remembered by posterity. At first the name appears as " Van Schuyler," which means, only, that they had originally lived at some town of that name in the Netherlands, very few Dutch families of that day amongst the middle classes having any fixed surname. Such a place, however, says an authority, cannot be found on the map of Holland, nor does the name appear among the names of recognized families in the Dutch records of that o day. That the family, however, was early of some importance is evident from the fact that Philip Schuyler used a coat- of-arms directly upon his arrival in the province of New Netherlands. These arms may be thus described : Argent, a falcon sable, hooded gules, beaked and mem- bered or, perched upon the sinister hand of the falconer, issued from the dexter side of the shield. The arm clothed azure, surmounted by a helmet of steel, standing in profile, open-faced, three bars or, lined gules, bordered, flowered, and studded or, and ornamented with its lambrequins argent lined sable." " CREST. Out of a wreath, argent and sable, a falcon of the shield." THE SCHUYLERS. 47 An original copy of the arms on the old family plate has the legend " Filyp Pietersen Schuyler, Commissaris, 1656." There is also a tradition that the family were connected in some way with the West India Company, and that they had a country-seat near Dordrecht in Gelderland. How true this story is it is impossible at present to say. The young men settled first at Fort Orange, the scene of the burlesque attempts of Peter Stuyvesant, the Director General, to engage Van Schlectenhorst, Van Rensselaer s agent, in mortal combat, resulting in one of the most harmless and, at the same time, famous encounters in modern history. David Schuyler, the youngest of the brothers, married Catlyntje, daughter of Abraham Isaacsen Planck, the owner of Paulus Hook, and settled at Albany, where his descend ants remained and prospered. The other brother, whose name we will anglicize to Philip Peter, was born in 1628, married Margaretta, the daughter of Herr Brandt Arent Van Schlectenhorst, manager of the Patroonship of Rensselaerswyck, who was from Nieuwkirk in Gelderland. "The nuptial rites," says Lossing in his Life of Philip Schuyler, "were performed by Anthony de Hooges, the Secretary of the Colony, in the presence of the officers of Fort Orange, the magnates of Rensselaerswyck, and some of the principal inhabitants. " Margaret Van Schlectenhorst was two-and-twenty years of age when she married young Schuyler, and ten children were the fruitful results of this union." She lived sixty years after her nuptials, and survived her husband more than a quarter of a century. She possessed great energy of char acter and independence of spirit, like her father, and after her husband s death her wealth and position enabled her to exercise a controlling influence in public affairs at Albany. 408 THE SCHUYLERS. In 1689 she advanced funds to pay troops at Albany, and it is asserted that toward the close of that year she made a personal assault upon Milbourne, the son-in-law of Jacob Leisler (the usurper, as he was called, of political power at New York) when he came to Albany to assume command of the fort, then under charge of her second son, Peter, the first Mayor of that city and commander of the militia in the northern department of the Province of New York. Of old Philip Peter Schuyler, her husband, we know that he engaged in the fur-tracle and made long journeys from home on that account, and in this way, and by assisting in victualling the troops at Fort Albany, he presently acquired a very respectable fortune. He was a magistrate at Fort Orange in 1656, 1657, and 1661. On April 6, 1661, he, with a number of others, received permission to establish the village of Great Esopus. In his will he is called " Captain and Old Commissioner of Albany." He died on the ninth day of March, 1684, and on the nth of the same month was buried in the ancient Dutch church at Albany, which stood then in the centre of State Street, at the intersection of Broadway. His wife died in 1710. They had ten children : Gysbert, who died unmarried ; Geertruyd, who married Stephen Van Cortlandt ; Alyda, who married, first, Rev. Nicholas Van Rensselaer, and, secondly, Robert Livingston ; Peter (Pieter), who married Maria Van Rensselaer, and became the first Mayor of Albany, and died in 1724; Brandt, named after Van Schlectenhorst, his maternal grandfather, who married Cornelia Van Cort landt, and settled in New York City : Governor Clinton, struck by his ability and influence, recommended Brandt for the Council, and he was accordingly elected ; Arent, married, first, Joanna - , secondly, Swan Van Duykhuisen of Albany, and, thirdly, Maria , and who was ancestor of the New MAJOR-GENERAL PHILIP SCHUYLER. THE SCHUYLERS. 411 Jersey branch of the family ; Sybilla and Philip, who died ; Johannes (called John), of whom we will speak presently; and Margaret, who espoused John Collins of Albany. All of the sons had been brought up among the Indians, Albany being then a frontier trading-post, and all were well versed in their ways. This gave them a great advantage in their earlier trading ventures, and their reputation for treating in Indian affairs was recognized early by the Government. From the time of their settlement in the New Netherlands, down to the Revolutionary War, the name of Schuyler is of almost continual occurrence in the history of New York. The wedding of young Philip Schuyler and the fair maid of Schlectenhorst took place, as we have observed, at Rens- selaerswyck, December 12, 1650. Of thirteen children, John, the grandfather of General Philip Schuyler, was probably the most active. " He was," says a writer, "athletic, brave, and full of military aspirations." "When, in February, 1690," says Lossing, "a party of French and Indians came from the North, and at midnight set fire to Schenectady and butchered the unsuspecting inhab itants, the vengeance of this young man was powerfully stirred, and he sought and obtained the command of a small force of white people and Indians with which to penetrate the country of the enemy on the borders of the St. Lawrence. He was then only twenty-two years of age. He received a captain s commission, and in August he set out with twenty-nine Christians and one hundred and twenty savages, whom he recruited at Lake Champlain to go to Canada to fight the enemy. They went down the lake in canoes, penetrated to Laprairie, destroyed considerable property, took quite a num ber of prisoners, and returned with little loss after an absence of seventeen days. The journal of this expedition, kept by Captain Schuyler, reveals the fact that the elk deer were very THE SCHUYLERS. abundant in Northern New York at that time. They have now entirely disappeared." John s brother, Major Peter Schuyler, followed up his brother s success by another expedition of a similar nature and in the same direction, in June of the ensuing year. On account, however, of the desertion of a Mohawk to the enemy, the foray was not so very successful. It returned to Albany about the close of August/with the loss of nine teen men in all, and claiming that they had killed about two hundred French and Indians. Of the two brothers, Peter was perhaps the most prominent in Colonial affairs. He rose to be President of the Council, and was of great use in Indian affairs. Captain John Schuyler meantime was busily employed. In 1698, Governor Bellomont sent him to Count Frontenac with a view of interviewing him regarding his attitude respecting the Five Nations. This delicate and exceedingly dangerous mission he accomplished with success and to the eminent satisfaction of the Governor. Not content with the successful interview with the French commander, young Schuyler on his way home quietly sounded the various Indians he met upon their attitude toward the French, and this he did in a manner that appeared so harmless and disin terested that he was enabled, by taking notes, to give the government invaluable information. In May of the following year he was chosen, with John Bleecker, a commissioner to hold a general council with the Five Nations at a place desig nated in the records as Onondaga Castle. This mission, requiring equally careful and diplomatic treatment, besides a thorough knowledge of the treacherous nature of the savages and of their several languages, or, rather, dialects, Captain Schuyler successfully conducted, and returned with his usual store of newly-acquired information. THE SCHUYLERS. 413 In the year 1 705 he was chosen a member of the Provin cial Assembly, in which body he continued as a member until 1713. Having acquired a very large estate, principally in land in the neighborhood of Albany, his capital having been largely acquired in the fur-trade, he died in 1747. Captain John Schuyler had been married in April, 1695, in the little old Dutch church in Albany, by Dominie Dillius, to Elizabeth Staats, the widow of John Wendel, by whom he had several children, the eldest being John Schuyler, of whom there is nothing of especial importance to relate, except that, being his father s prospective heir, he never exerted himself more than was absolutely necessary. He was born in 1 697, bap tized October 3ist of that year, married his cousin, Cornelia, youngest daughter of Stephen Van Cortlandt of New York City, and died six years before his father, in 1741. He lies buried, as before mentioned, in the family graveyard at "The Flats" (now Watervliet), and left five small children, the eldest of whom was Philip, born 2Oth November, 1733, and baptized the same day, afterward famous as General Schuyler of the Revolutionary War, and the purchaser from the Brad- street estate of the famous Schuyler house at Albany. Of Peter Schuyler the brother of Captain John, usually designated as " Major Peter" in the family annals, we have spoken briefly in connection with his expedition, partially unsuccessful, against the French and Indians. In many ways Peter was the most prominent of the Colonial Schuylers, and his name appears more often than others in the archives of the Province. Lossing, in his work above quoted, says: "He inherited the talents and virtues of his parents, and for many years was one of the most prominent men in the Province. He was Mayor of Albany from 1686 until 1694, an< ^ was the first chosen magistrate of that city after its incorporation in 1683, 4H THE SCHUYLERS. the year before his father died. In 1688 he was commis sioned major of the militia, and toward the close of the fol lowing year he was placed in command of the fort at Albany. It was about that time that Milbourne went up with some armed men to take Schuyler s place; but the latter, aided by some Mohawk Indians who were in the neighborhood, suc cessfully resisted his pretensions. "Over the Mohawks, the most noble of the nations of the Iroquois Confederation, Peter Schuyler then had almost un bounded control ; and until that league was broken, and the nations had dwindled to a few hundreds in the State of New York at the close of the last century, the Schuyler family had no competitors in influence and friendship with those sons of the forest, except Sir William Johnson. They always treated the Indian as a brother and friend, dealt honorably with him, and never deceived him in word or deed." We have mentioned the destruction of the first Schuyler house at Schuylerville, and the death of young Philip Schuy ler s uncle. The house was, as stated, of brick, and built for defence against the Indians, having the walls pierced for muskets. In 1745, Marin crossed Lake Champlain with the intention of attacking the English settlements on the Connecticut River. The expedition, which consisted, as usual, of equal numbers of French and Indians, was met at Crown Point by Father Picquet, the French prefect apostolique to Canada. At his suggestion and the representation of the Iroquois warriors the party proceeded southward to attack Albany, or, as it was then called, Fort Orange. On the night of November 28th, Marin, accompanied by Father Picquet, approached with his savage warriors, the settlement of Saratoga, then a straggling town of some thirty families. The surprise was most complete. The fort THE SCHUYLERS. 415 and the houses were burnt to the ground, a number of per sons murdered, and one hundred and nine men, women, and children bound into a captivity worse than death. Beauvais, a French officer who knew Philip Schuyler and had some regard for him, hurried to his house and com manded him to surrender, " assuring him at the same time that he should suffer no personal injury." SCHUYLER HOUSE, SCHUYLERVILLE, N. Y. It would have been prudent, probably, to have done so ; but perhaps Schuyler, from past experience, knew just how much reliance might be placed on assurances that the Iroquois would prevent their officers from fulfilling, and determined to die, like the brave man he was, in the ruins of his blazing home. He had barred the doors and armed himself, and by way of reply called Beauvais a dog and fired a fusee at him. " L autre luy repon dit qu il etoit un chien et qu il le voutait tuer en effet luy tira en coup de fusil." The Frenchman again implored him to surrender, but the only reply was a 4*6 THE SCHUYLERS. second shot, which came nearer than the first. Beauvais returned the fire, mortally wounding the gallant Dutchman, and then ordered his men to storm and pillage the house, which they did, and then set it on fire. The body of Schuyler and some persons concealed in the cellar were consumed in the flames. Early the following morning, with the shrieks of fatherless children and the loud weeping of widows, wretched captives, mingling strangely with the chanted Te Deum of their chaplain, the conquerors left the smoking ruins and turned their foot steps to the North. In the mean time, the New Jersey branch of the family was climbing to distinction. It had been founded, as we have observed, by Arent, born 1662, fourth son of old Philip Pietersen. Arent went to New York and engaged in trade. Like his brothers, he was well versed in Indian affairs. It was on this account that Governor Fletcher in 1694 appointed him a commissioner to visit the Indians at Mennissinck, which he did, making a detailed report of his trip. " Y e 6th" [Feb ruary], writes Arent, Wednesday, about eleaven a clock I arrived att the Mennissinck, and there I mett with two ther Sachems and several other Indians, of whome I enquired after some news, if the French or their Indians had sent for them or been in y e Mennisinck Country. Upon w ch they answered that noe French nor any of the French Indians were nor had been in the Mennissinck Country nor there abouts, and did promise yt if the French should hapen to come yt they heard of it, that they would forthwith send a messenger an give y r Excellency notice thereof;" which no doubt they had no intention of doing. Again, in 1709 he held a meeting with the Sachems of the same tribe at Perth Amboy. THE SCHUYLERS. 4 1 ? On the 6th of June, 1695, Arent Schuyler, together with Anthony Brockholst, purchased of the Indians 4000 acres of land near Pequannock, and in the same year they bought the title of the Proprietors of East Jersey to that tract for the sum of ^100. Governor Fletcher in 1697 granted Schuyler a patent for a large extent of land in the Minnis- sinck Country, called by the Indians Sankhekeneck, alias Maghawaem ; also a certain parcel of meadow land called Waimsagskmeck, containing about 1000 acres. Schuyler also purchased lands at New Barbadoes Neck in 1710, from Edmund Kingsland, for the sum of ^330, but afterward, having accidentally discovered copper on his land, quietly added to the purchase. In the deed of 1710 he is described as of New Barbadoes Neck, so that it is probable that he had previously resided there. An amusing story is told regarding the discovery of cop per on the Schuyler land : A negro slave, ploughing on the plantation, turned up a heavy greenish appearing stone which excited the fellow s curiosity. Some days after he called his master s attention to it. Schuyler, suspecting its nature, sent it to England to be analyzed. The report was that it con tained eighty per cent, of copper. A path to wealth having thus been presented to Mr. Schuyler, he desired to reward the slave who had made the fortunate discovery. In due time he was summoned into his master s presence, and urged to ask for the three things which he most desired, and they would, if in reason, be speedily given him. The simple- minded fellow immediately replied : First, that he might be permitted to remain always with his present master ; second, that he might have all the tobacco he could smoke ; and, thirdly, that he might have a dressing-gown made exactly like his master s, not forgetting large brass buttons. These 58 418 THE SCHUYLERS. requests having been granted, he was asked to name some thing else of value. After due reflection he said that he wanted nothing else, except more tobacco. The mine was well worked and was a source of revenue for the family for a long time. Arent Schuyler, up to the time of his death, had shipped to England 1386 tons, but his son John mined more extensively. In 1761 the mine was leased and an engine brought out from England. Josiah Hornblower, the father of Chief Justice Hornblower, is said to have come out from England with this machine as engineer. In 1765 the works were destroyed by fire, and until 1793 the mine was neglected. You may be sure that upon the acquisition of wealth the Schuylers of New Jersey built a fine residence. Arent Schuyler s residence, a large stone-and-brick building, was near the river, a little south of the Belleville road. John Schuyler and his son Arent had two fine deer-parks, stocked with about one hundred and fifty deer, about three-quarters of a mile east from the house. John, the fourth child of Arent Schuyler, received by his father s will the copper-mines, the mansion, and the home plantation. He was a man of considerable talents, and was appointed, on the suggestion of Governor Cosby, to a seat in the Council of New Jersey in 1735, but resigned in 1746 ; he greatly extended and improved the mines. John Schuyler married in 1719 Ann Van Rensselaer, and died in 1773, leav ing Arent John, who inherited the Schuyler mansion, and Mary, who died unmarried. In the journal of Lieutenant Isaac Bangs, commenced in April, 1776, under entries in June and July of that year, may be found many interesting references to Arent John Schuyler. Under date of June 26th we find this entry: "The party having finished their stints, we set off for Mr. Schuyler s, THE SCHUYLERS. 421 according to agreement. He met us about halfway with a chair; we had an Elegant Dinner. After Dinner Lieut. Wheeler returned and left Makepeace and myself with Mr. Schuyler. Towards Night we took a tour across the River west of his House, and recreated ourselves at a Public House by playing Bowles and drinking wine, grog, &c., in company with several gentlemen of Mr. Schuyler s acquaintance. About 8 o clock we returned to Mr. Schuyler s." A few days later is this entry : " Since I have had Occasion to speak frequently of Mr. Schuyler, I must give a small Detail of his Family, which consisted of Himself, Wife, one small Daughter, a Mother, and Miss Polly [Mary], his Sister, about 13 or 14 years old, besides a Brother of his Wife and his family, who fled from York ; what can be said of one may be justly applicable to all ; viz. : considering the circum stances, they are as agreeable People as ever I had the Pleasure of being acquainted with. Mr. Schuyler (though a Gentleman of Liberal Education, not more than 27 years of age, and one of the first estates in the Province), yet he inspects every work upon his Farm, which is vastly extensive. " Mrs. Schuyler (his wife and cousin, Swan Schuyler), tho not beautiful in her outward Form, is possessed of such a beautious Mind as makes her agreeable to every one that hath the pleasure to be acquainted with her. She, as dothe her Husband, taketh Pleasure in regulating the affairs of the Family, which, by her Diligence and Care is kept in the neatest order ; and the greatest Harmony and Decorum may be observed in every Department of the whole. Besides the Persons before mentioned, which compose the Family, are about 50 or 60 Blacks, all of whom, except those who are necessary for Domestic Service, live in a large convenient House, built for that Purpose, without the gate." 422 THE SCHUYLERS. Lieutenant Bangs thus describes the New Jersey Schuyler house: "Mr. Schuyler s Mansion House is a large, grand, and magnificent building, built partly of stone and the rest of brick, most beautifully Scituate upon an eminence on the east Bank of what is called Hackensack River ; on the west side of the River, by the water, is the Road which leads to Hackensack, Albany, &c., by which are a considerable num ber of Buildings and two churches, the one a Dutch, and the other an English church built by Mr. Schuyler s father. These, together with the Buildings standing by a straight and level road and the beautiful Groves on the Eminences on the West, afford a most delightful Prospect from the Groves of Mr. Schuyler s House. On the back part of the House is a large, neat garden, built partly for ornament and partly for Convenience. At the back of the garden is a prodigious high Hill covered with Woods. The House hath a sufficiency of out Houses on the South and on the North ; at a little distance are his Barns, sufficient to accomidate his Farm, which by accounts is three Miles across ; in fine, the Scitu- ation of this Gentleman s Dwelling, both for convenience and Pleasure, is the best that I ever beheld." Of Mrs. Schuyler the journal says: She "seeth to the Manufacture of suitable cloathing for all the servants, all of which is the Produce of their own Plantation, in which she is helped by her Mamma & Miss Polly ; the whole is done with less Combustion and Noise than many Families who have not more than 4 or 5 Persons in the whole Family ; this whole Family seems to be still & quiet & serene, notwith standing its magnitude and the multiplicity of Business which they have to transact. What added to my surprise after observing the regulations of this wonderful Family, was to understand that Mrs. Schuyler was born of & brought up in a Rich and genteel Family in the city of New York, where THE SCHUYLERS. 423 her Education must have been so vastly different, and noways connected with the Life which she now leads ; nor doth she cast off the Mein & Behaviour of the genteel bred Woman but the whole Family live & dress in a very genteel manner, so far as gentillity is consistent with Reason." They did not, the lieutenant continues, "wholly slight the diversion of the Town, but frequently they were wont, while the Town was in Peace, to spend a few Days at a time in the City, and sometimes they make small excursions in the Country." Such was the home-life of the Schuylers of Bergen County. Not very far from the Schuyler house is the famous duelling-ground of Weehawken. Here, in the early morning of July n, 1804, fell Major-general Alexander Hamilton, shot by Aaron Burr in a duel not of the latter s seeking, and which, by every honorable means in his power, he tried to avoid. It is an odd coincidence that Hamilton s wife was a Schuyler, daughter, as we have seen, of General Philip Schuyler of Albany. We must not refrain from speaking of another member of the New Jersey branch of the family. Peter Schuyler, a son of the first Arent, is pre-eminently the head of this line. He was born about 1710, and married Mary, a daugh ter of John Walter, a man of great wealth, residing in Hanover Square, New York City. In 1746, when the invasion of Canada was su chested, ne was commissioned to oo recruit, and was placed in command of, five hundred men from New Jersey. He proceeded as far as Albany, but, not being joined by the promised reinforcements, he abandoned the expedition. During his encampment at Albany the sufferings of his men were considerable, and he wrote to the government that they needed "a surgeon, medicines, 424 THE SCHUYLERS. shirts, flints, colors, bread, and peas." He also made it clear that unless they were paid they would desert in a body with baggage and arms. In answer to this appeal, Governor Hamilton wrote Schuy- ler, May n, 1747, complimenting him upon his devotion to His Majesty s service, and assuring him that that very day there had been despatched to the men "two speckled shirts and one pair of shoes for each man." This noble self-sacri fice on the part of the commissary department was lost upon both Colonel Schuyler and his troops. The former, to help matters out, advanced several thousand pounds out of his own pocket to relieve their necessities. He afterward marched to Saratoga to garrison the fort there, and returned home after the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle was concluded, in 1748. In 1754, when the French and Indian War recommenced, the New Jersey troops were once more placed under the command of Colonel Schuyler. After a campaign of varying fortunes Schuyler was taken prisoner by Montcalm and sent to Quebec, where he remained until October, 1757, being then released upon parole to return in six months unless a cartel was agreed upon. Upon his arrival in New York he was met by a great public demonstration, and a handsome entertainment tendered him at the King s Arms Tavern. After the festivities here were over he set out for his home, Petersborough, a short distance above Newark, on the east bank of the Passaic. Here and in Newark he was saluted by the firing of cannon, and by illuminations, dinners, and other methods by which the Colonial folk were wont to manifest the general joy which "appeared amongst all the Inhabitants." At Princeton, which he shortly visited, he was magnificently entertained, and an address delivered him by a young lady of that town, THE SCHUYLERS. 427 who we suspect was Anice Boudinot, afterward Mrs. Stockton, which was partly as follows : " Dear to each Muse, and to thy Country dear, Welcome once more to breathe thy native air ; Not half so cheering is the solar Ray To the harsh Region of a Winter s Day ; Not half so grateful fanning Breezes rise, When the hot Dog Star burns the Summer Skies ; Caesarea s Shore with Acclamation rings, And, WELCOME, SCHUYLER, every Shepherd sings." The expected exchange of prisoners not being effected, at the repeated demand of the Marquis de Vaudreuil, having long overstayed his parole, he returned to Montcalm, who sent him to Montreal. He carried with him, however, papers which enabled him to effect his own exchange for Sieur de Noyau, the commandant of Fort Frontenac, captured by General Bradstreet. He also succeeded in purchasing from the Indians at a very high price, with, it is said, his private funds, eighty-eight prisoners, of whom twenty-six were women and twelve children. During his captivity, being well sup plied with money, he had fed and housed a great number of prisoners, principally women and children. His total expenditure in this way was about six thousand dollars, of which the authorities returned him but about one thousand dollars. In 1759 he again led his "Jersey Blues" into Canada. He spent the winter of 175960 at home, but rejoined the army, and entered Montreal when that city surrendered in 1760. He died at his home March 7, 1762. Upon the death of Arent John Schuyler the Hudson County estate passed to his only son, John Arent Schuyler, born, 1779; died, 1817. He married Catharine Van Rens- selaer, and had a number of children. 428 777^ SCHUYLERS. There is yet another Schuyler house in New Jersey that deserves, at least, brief mention. It is that at Pompton, a most charming place and full of legends of the olden time. o CAPTAIN COLFAX. The Colonial building, near Pompton Lake, was acquired, if not erected, by Caspar, or as the family records call him, Casparus Schuyler, of the line of Arent the first, who was born in 1735. Caspar had an only and very beautiful and haughty daughter, Hester, or " Mistress Hetty," whose memory seems to have lingered amongst the country people thereabout to the exclusion of other members of the Pompton Schuyler line. THE SCHUYLERS. 429 She was, it seems, a great belle, and whilst the Conti nental troops were encamped near here was courted by one Lieutenant, afterward Captain, Colfax, of Washington s staff, whose wife she eventually became, much to the subsequent discomfiture of this worthy officer. We are told that, being an heiress, she was most peculiar and exacting, and that in after years, even when her husband had become a General and a rich man on his own account, she frequently became most unreasonable. Once, we are creditably informed, she shut herself up for ten years in her room because her husband sold some of his own land with out asking her consent. PISTOLS FORMERLY BELONGING TO CAPTAIN COLFAX. She was, we learn, much adverse to all manner of black animals and fowls, and would neither permit them on the plantation nor eat them. It is related that her husband once played a practical joke upon her by ordering some beef from a black steer belonging to a neighbor, but he heartily repented of it, after his spouse ascertained the trick which had been played upon her. A handsome pair of pistols, which were presented to 43 THE SCHUYLERS. Captain Colfax by General Washington as a special token of his esteem, are yet in the possession of his descendants at Pompton. The neighborhood of Pompton Lake was the scene of several skirmishes during the Revolution and at times detach ments of troops were encamped here. Many interesting relics have been picked up in the vicinity. Washington was a frequent visitor at the Pompton Schuy- ler house, and the memory of his presence is kept green by such interesting mementos as the pistols, above noted, and a number of other things incident to his intimacy with the family. The Pompton house, still Colonial inside and out, and with the same furniture that was used when Washington dined here, is yet owned by the descendants of Captain Colfax and Mistress Hester Schuyler, his wife. We now return to the "Schuyler House in Albany, and to Philip Schuyler, its owner. So much has been written regarding General Schuyler s military career, besides the very exhaustive account of his life by Benjamin J. Lossing, that it would be gratuitous to enter into any extended account of it in these pages, which are intended to speak principally of those events intimately con nected with the homes of the Schuylers, and not with their public lives or services. Young Schuyler, left fatherless at an early age, was brought up under the eye of his grandfather, old Captain Schuyler, and his mother. The latter is said to have been a most excellent disciplinarian, and it is related that upon one occasion, when Master Schuyler refused to eat a particular kind of food, it was placed before him for two days, until at last hunger made him succumb. He was given a good education for those times, and was sent to New Rochelle, 1IAI.I. IX SCHUYLKR HOl SK, 1 OMPTOX, X. T. THE SCHUYLERS. 433 New York, where he was placed under the care of a Hugue not minister. Upon the breaking out of the French and Indian War in 1755, he recruited a company and was commis sioned a captain, served under General Phineas Lyman, and was under fire at the battle of Lake George. In 1756 he accompanied General Bradstreet to Oswego as commissary, and exhibited considerable military ability. He resigned in 1757, but afterward engaged in the business of supplying the army with provision. In 1758 he again joined Bradstreet s forces as deputy-commissary with the rank of major. In 1763 he returned to private life, but held a commission as colonel of militia. In 1768 he was elected to the Assembly, and immediately championed the cause of the Colonies against Great Britain. He was afterward chosen a delegate to the Continental Congress. Upon the breaking out of the Revolution he entered the Continental army and rendered signal service. Schuyler was charged in 1778 with permitting the evacu ation of Fort Ticonderoga, and Congress replaced him by General Gates. A court-martial, however, convened in October of the same year, declared him "not guilty of any neglect of duty," and acquitted him "with the highest honor." He continued with the army in a private capacity until the surrender of Burgoyne. In 1779, Congress confirmed the court-martial, and he resigned on the iQth of April. He died at Albany, November 18, 1804, and was buried with military honors. We have spoken of the secret passage constructed by old General Bradstreet. Says Mr. Mather, in his article on the Schuyler mansion: "An emergency which would have called for the use of the secret passage, if there had been time, occurred just before the close of the Revolution. General Schuyler had left the army as soon as the campaigns 59 434 THE SCHUYLERS. of the North were at an end, and he was charged with the duty of intercepting all communications between the British generals, Clinton in New York and Haldimand in Canada. The general had been warned of attempts that would be made to capture him, and he had several guards about the place. A band of Tories and Indians organized themselves under Walter Meyer at the Whitehall farm, and burst in upon the general s premises while the guards were asleep. Their arms had been removed to the cellar by Mrs. Church through a mistake. General Schuyler retreated to an upper room and fired a pistol to alarm the garrison half a mile distant. The family were all gathered in the room with the general when their babe, Catharine, was missed. Mrs. Schuyler attempted to go after her, but was detained by her husband. The daughter, Margaret, slipped by and felt her way through the darkness to the cradle on the first floor. Although the enemy had entered the house, no one saw her till she had reached the stairs on her return. An Indian then threw a tomahawk, which cut the dress of the girl and buried itself in the railing of the stairway, where the mark is still visible. The girl fled to the upper room, having told the raiders that the general had gone to alarm the town. The raiders continued to plunder until the sound of the general s voice above appeared to be giving orders to some of his followers outside. They then flecl." This story reflects credit neither on the general, who left his child at the mercy of savages rather than be made prisoner, nor on the attacking party, who ran off with the object of their expedition in their grasp. But perhaps it did not occur precisely as related. A number of distinguished persons have from time to time visited the Schuyler homestead. At the commencement of the Revolution Franklin, Chase and the two Carrolls, then THE SCHUYLERS. 435 on their Canadian mission, were entertained here. Of this visit Carroll says : " He (Schuyler) behaved to us with great civility ; lives in pretty style ; has two daughters, lively, agree able, black-eyed girls." The commissioners were also enter tained at the summer residence at Saratoga, which had been rebuilt, and not yet reburned. General Gates, Schuyler s enemy, was handsomely enter tained here, as was the Baroness Riedesel and Lady Harriet Ackland, after Burgoyne s defeat. Burgoyne made this house his headquarters during his stay in this neighborhood, and the chamber in which he slept is still pointed out. Baron Steuben, La Fayette, and on several occasions Washington himself, were guests within the old walls. It is claimed, indeed, that General Washington and his wife were present here once as sponsors of Catharine, the little daughter, who, it is claimed, had such a narrow escape from the tomahawk of an Indian on the occasion of the raid upon the house ; but Mr. Mather and others think that it is very questionable if this distinguished couple were present, except by proxy, upon that occasion. After General Schuyler s death the house passed into the hands of strangers, so that it really belonged to but one gen eration of this widely-known family. The general was buried at first in the same vault in which reposed the remains of General Ten Broeck, but some years afterward his body was removed to the cemetery in Albany, and a handsome monu ment erected over his last resting-place. He died a disappointed man. The accusations against him, although disproved by the finding of the court-martial, the tardy confirmation of that finding by Congress, and the suspicion that must always exist in the minds of the people when a soldier is accused of timidity or desertion of his post of duty, yet lingered in the minds of some to torment the last years of an otherwise successful life. 436 THE SCHUYLERS. The marriages of two of his daughters without his consent also, it is said, weighed upon his mind. It cannot be denied, however, that General Schuyler, like the other members of his family in New York and New Jersey, deserved the recognition which they received. Like other soldiers of the Revolutionary War, he did his duty and had circumstances been different his name, like that of Wayne, Putnam, Lee, Cadwalader, and a dozen others, might have come down to us immortal. The fates, however, ordained otherwise, and whether it was from his fault or the fault of another, that his career as a soldier was, from a popular point of view, a failure, few will now pause to inquire. The real usefulness of the Schuylers lay in their persistent THE SCHUYLERS. 437 efforts at settlement and civilization at a frontier trading-post, constantly exposed to attacks from the Indians, and cut off, so to speak, from the rest of the world. Here they engaged in the fur-trade and built up barriers against the French Indians, just as their Dutch ancestors had set up dykes against the sea, and by the same persistent effort they succeeded in their business until they had acquired wealth. After this they were among the first to introduce on the frontier the arts and refinements of civilization. They expended the money which they earned, not recklessly, but freely, for the people s good and their own comfort. They sat upright in the halls of assembly and judged impartially on the bench. Some of them were good soldiers ; but if we find them, like their Dutch relatives and neighbors, with somewhat less of the love of battle and more of the love of bargains than the fiery Scot or the Englishman who comes of the right bull-dog breed, blame it not upon their gentle spirit, but rather on the thick Holland blood that Mowed often right sluggishly, in their lowland veins. 438 SCHUYLER GENEALOGY. <& w o tf W S S w 5* ^ *- I ^ . I 5 1 1 - I rj|Q ^^ |^ g| ; ^^ e a^;o o o tt o >** if) "^ C3 ?* M -r: , ^ C^ - -s 2 PXH Ji 2 "5 jf ^K - ^MH^" o (/} r -v ^-, CT^ ^ QJ fH ^ VO ^O NN Q ^ (/3 ^ u si** -> . a; J Jl = S < O SCHUYLER GENEALOGY. 439 a x a H ^ ^ .2 -- 5 H>*~2:s* ~!I*JJjj:t w l I w _ QQ I 2 W "^ f^ J3 O - ft ,- .w ffi 2 5 ^ TJ .n: O ^i ^r s-S * v oo . r^ nd HH -^ c W Qi C r2 ^ *i" CU U II^JII^ ATHARI TRUDE. 1846; d. 1866. W T3 SI* < ,) ON w _J > E U N c/: rj- _ .00 X "1 1 ^ y^ p< w . Ss 440 SCHUYLER GENEALOGY. w ^ w W K 55 !l ffi X co oo" vD PH ~ 21 K*< C s!s <! -3 O ^1 |_H w W -fc ^ " Z o, ..S^ ^ !SU > .;; U o o ^ c u . ^3- 0^3-0 . ^v/ C4 P HH r^ U ^ oo" S SCHUYLER GENEALOGY. 441 co I-H c4 ~ K* D ~ c -U . CO P-t PH y K I - = v: co d J S . M. H S^ .^fl S - .O U _co II W j - o "^ ^ 2 S W ^ T: "^ ti ^ & S ro T ii -1 ^ cJ || ."> rC ^2 ^1 <1J OJ MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. MAJOR JOHN MACPHERSON, (Killed at Quebec) MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. "CAPTAIN JOHN MACPHERSON," says Westcott in his His toric Mansions, " was one of the most noted citizens of Philadelphia. He was the first owner of the Mount Pleasant Mansion, where during many years of his life he resided, and where, surviving the recollec tion of the greater splendour of later, but less patriotic owners, the memory of the old sea Comman der and of his gallant sons still lingers and should ever remain." Captain Macpherson was born in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, beino- the son of William Mac- o pherson by Jean his wife, daughter of James Adamson, a respectable merchant of the same city. Wil liam Macpherson, who is described as having been "bred a writer in Edinburgh, and an agent before (the) Court of Sessions," was, in turn, the son of and the William Macpherson called, of Nuid (by Isabel, the daughter of Lauchlan Mackintosh, Esquire), and descended from the ancient and famous Highland Clan Chattan, of which the family of Macpherson of Clunie (or Cluny) was "the most prominent subdivision." A Macpher- MACPHERSON OOAT-OF-ARMS. 445 446 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. son of Cluny was always Chief of this clan so long- noted for their ferocity, and possessing the desperate courage of the wild-cat, the crest from which they derive their clan name. The fighting qualities of this historic clan have long, indeed, been traditional in the Scottish Highlands, and few who have read Sir Walter Scott s Fair Maid of Perth will forget the stubborn resistance made by the champions of Clan Chattan at the North Inch of Perth. The badge of the Clan is a sprig of box-wood, and their battle-cry " The black Craig of the Clan Chattan ;" their crest a wild cat, or catamount, as noted ; and their motto, "Touch not the cat but (i. e., without) a glove." One of the first of this brave race of whom we have any authentic account is one Gillicattan Mhor, " Head or Chief of the Clan Chattan, who, on account of his large stature, rare military genius, and other accomplishments, had the epithet Mhor assigned him. He lived in the reign of King Malcolm Canmore." From this chieftain down to the grand father of Captain John Macpherson of Philadelphia a long and illustrious line of soldiers the pedigree is complete and, what is rare in American pedigrees, correct. Whilst the brothers of Captain Macpherson, James, Angus, David, Robert, and William seem to have preferred mercan tile pursuits, John inherited from his forefathers the Highland love of daring and adventure, so that we find him going to sea at a very early age. After various adventures, he, in 1757, assumed command of the privateer ship Britannia, of Philadelphia, where he was at that time living. Of his adventures with this ship, Westcott gives us a good account, which, as it is given in about the same words as several other sketches, we present verbatim : "War with France was then raging, and the hope of preying successfully upon French commerce was sufficient MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 447 to incite the sailor element to action. The profits of this season were not heavy, and in the succeeding year there was more fighting than prizes. In May, 1758, the Britannia fell in with a Frenchman carrying thirty-six guns and well-manned. The superiority of the enemy was very considerable, and the Britannia was badly manoeuvred. In the heat of the action Captain Macpherson s right arm was carried away by a can- CAPTAIN JOHN MACPHKRSON. non-shot, and he was taken below. The first lieutenant was disabled. The second lieutenant continued the fio-ht until o he also was wounded. The surgeon became the only officer in command and he ordered the colors to be struck. When the officers of the French vessel boarded the Britannia they beheld a bloody spectacle. Seventy of the crew had been killed or wounded. The deck was strewn with the bodies of the dead and dying. The action of the Frenchmen was 448 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. inhuman. They carried the first and second officers on board their own vessel, cut down the mast and rigging, threw the cannon and ammunition overboard, and then set the vessel adrift, with a disabled and wounded crew, to the mercy of the waves. The crew managed to get up jury- masts, and navigated the ship into Jamaica, where upon survey it was found that two hundred and seventy shot had passed into the larboard side of the Britannia some below water. The damage was repaired, and the ship was sent back to Philadelphia. In the succeeding year Captain Mac- pherson made up for his adverse fortunes. During 1759 he took eighteen prizes. Two of them were French sloops laden with plate and valuable effects, besides ,18,000 in cash. He relinquished the command to Captain Taylor, who cruised in the spring and summer of 1760 with no success. Mac- pherson was induced to return to the command. He beat up for a crew in October, and in his proposal for enlistment said as an inducement, "Seven hundred sail of ships lately employed as transports in the service of the French king are now converted into merchantmen, and these, with many more, encouraged by the great decrease in English privateers, are making voyages almost unmolested ; which is a great encour agement for adventurers." These declarations were verified by the success which followed in the latter part of 1760 and the beginning of 1761. Macpherson took nine prizes on his first cruise, which were worth ,15,000. During that period he fell in with a French man-of-war of sixty guns, but man aged to escape by the superior sailing qualities of the Britan nia, by means of which the enemy was distanced. The scene of his operations was in the West Indies between Martinique and St. Fustache, and he was a protector of the commerce of that section of the West Indies. He carried into the ports of the island of Antigua two French privateers of ten guns, MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 449 having on board fifty negroes, worth ,4,000. He captured a letter-of-marque of four guns, loaded with coffee and cotton. The Council and Assembly of the island of Antigua consid ered him a defender, and voted him a sword. In 1762 the Britannia cruised with less profit than in the previous year, and with more hard knocks. In May, near LaGuayra Mac- pherson attacked a large French ship, which proved more than his match. In fact, he was beaten off with a loss of three men killed. In July, war with Spain having been pro claimed in the meanwhile, the Britannia came into Philadel phia with two Spanish vessels laden with indigo and sugar, and Macpherson resigned the command. It was his last voyage during this war, as the preliminary treaty between France, Spain, and England at Fontainebleau was signed on the 3d of November, and was followed by the definitive treaty at Paris on the loth of February, 1763. Captain Macpherson was now a rich man, and he had the ambition to live in ease. He bought, in September, 1761, from Benjamin Mifflin, a fine piece of ground lying upon the east bank of the river Schuylkill, nearly opposite Belmont. The original purchase was something over thirty-one acres. He added to it by subsequent purchases two other tracts of twenty-one and a half and twenty-six acres and some perches. Here he built a fine stone mansion according to the general style of the best country-houses of the day. In appearance and interior decoration it was equal to any country-seat of that date, although it may be said that, looking at it from a modern standpoint, it must have been very uncomfortable. The rooms are small, but it must be conceded that the stair ways, especially at the landings, are large. In the best rooms fireplaces in the corners, with chimney-pieces not very hand some, but with pretentious panels above them, attract atten tion. The woodwork is in the old fashion, and the entire 45 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. effect is of the old times. East and west of the mansion are detached buildings with hip roofs, which were used for kitchen purposes, there being no conveniences in the mansion for such necessity. To this country-seat, when it was finished, MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE. Macpherson gave the name of Clunie, after the seat of his clan. Subsequently he changed the name to Mount Pleasant, and as such it was known before the Revolution. Here, per haps, he hoped to withdraw himself to the enjoyment of ease. The situation was singularly beautiful. The house was on MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 451 an eminence, and commanded a fine view of the Schuylkill River. The natural forest was undisturbed, and the surround ings were of the most romantic and pleasant kind. John Adams, who dined at this house in October, 1775, said of Macpherson that he had " the most elegant seat in Pennsyl vania, a clever Scotch wife, and two pretty daughters. His seat is upon the banks of the Schuylkill. He has been nine times wounded in battle, is an old sea-commander, made a fortune by privateering, had an arm twice shot off, shot through the leg." Captain Macpherson s first wife was Margaret Rodgers, daughter of Thomas Rodgers and Elizabeth Baxter. They came from Londonderry, Ireland, to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1721, and removed thence to Philadelphia. She was sister to the Rev. John Rodgers, D. D., Chaplain of the New York Provincial Congress "of its Council of Safety, and of the first Legislature," and was a most superior woman. She died at Mount Pleasant, 4th June, 1770, and the Pennsylvania Gazette of 7th June thus mentions the occur rence : " On the 4th of this instance, June, departed this life in the 38th year of her age, Mrs. Margaret Macpherson, the wife of Captain John Macpherson ; a woman emmenent in the character of a duitiful and faithful Wife, an affectionate Mother, a tender Mistress, and benevolent Friend. She maintained that Integrity and Resignation to the Dispensa tions of Divine Providence, which always accompanies a good Conscience. In her last illness, she was remarkably calm and serene ; she discovered no appearance of fear at the approach of Death ; she has left a hopeful offspring behind her, whose filial affection shews how sensible they are of so great a loss in a Mother, and yesterday her remains 452 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. were accompanied by a large number of respectable persons to the Presbyterian Burying Ground." Captain Macpherson did not remain long a widower, and his second wife is the spouse so pleasantly referred to by Adams in 1775. It is believed that he married her whilst on a visit to Edinburgh, in 1772, he having again taken to the sea after the death of his first wife. There hangs at Sulgrave, in the hall of the country-seat of Captain Macpher son s descendant, William Macpherson Hornor, Esq., near Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, the portrait of a very young man in the uniform of a Major in the Con tinental army. He has a kindly face, somewhat melancholy in its expression, with large bright eyes and soldierly bearing. MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 453 The likeness is that of John Macpherson Major and aide-de camp to General Montgomery who fell at the storming of Quebec in 1775, and of whom Bancroft has written that he was "a youth as spotless as the new fallen snow, which was his winding sheet ; full of genius for war, lovely in temper, honored by the affection and confidence of his chief, dear to the army, leaving not his like behind him." He was the eldest son of the "hopeful offspring" that good Dame Mar garet Macpherson had left behind her five years before. The other son was Major William Macpherson, of whom we shall speak presently. John Macpherson was intended by his father for the legal profession, and was, accordingly, carefully educated. There remain a number of letters written by him from Mount Pleasant and elsewhere whilst studying under Dickinson, which give so good a picture of the time that full abstracts of them are here given. The William Patterson to whom these letters are addressed was Attorney-General of New Jersey during the Revolution, a Framer of the Federal Constitution, Senator of the United States from New Jersey, Governor of that State, and an associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States at the time of his death, Sept. 9, 1806. He was a college mate of John Macpherson, Jr., who was an Alumnus of Princeton in 1766. The original letters are in the possession of Mr. William Patterson of Perth Amboy, the great-grandson of the above-mentioned Wm. Patterson. " MOUNT PLEASANT Dec r . loth 1766 " I expect next week to begin to study under Mr. Dickinson, & if you write to me after that, direct to John McPherson Jun r Phih" 454 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. " 12 o clock, PHILADELPHIA May 3oth 1767 " Studying very hard. ... As to the Play you speak of, I take it to be a Disappointment, & can only say it was very well rec d by the people here, who found no fault in it, but that it savoured too much of partiality ; as the Collector actually seized the Chest as the King s property, &, with a great deal of trouble, conveyed it on board a vessel then in the River, intending to send it home. (Perhaps you may not have heard who were the actors of this real farce, & yet may be acquainted with some of them. Quadrant is intended for an old Instrument maker, by name Cappock, Hum for one Yeates a Tavern Keeper, Parchment for Reily the dec d Scrivener, Rattletrap for one Rudiman Robeson, formerly a Commander of a Vessel, Racoon for Swan the Hatter, Wasball for an old dec d Barber called Dixon, Trushood for a merry countryman of your s, & M r S nip for a foolish one of mine.) This play never was acted here, the opposition to it being so great as not to admit of it. Racoon swore that it might begin in a Comedy, but that he would make it end in a Tragedy. The authors of the Prologue & Epilogue are unknown to any." " PHILA Tuesday Nov. 17. 1767 "This day was the Commencement held here, when only five commenced Bachelors. After Prayer, Bankson pro nounced a Salutatory Oration. This was one of the best performances of the day. The Latin was well articulated, & but for a tone that ran thro the whole pronunciation, it was very compleat. We were then entertained with an English dispute, opened by Tilghman (who alone it is said composed his own piece) who was opposed by Johnson. Bankson wound up, & bore the bell as the phrase is. Then they produced a Latin dispute, in which Wallace was Resp, & Tilghman & Swift opponents. This was ill done. The MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 455 Latin was ill pronounced, and there was no action, for they spoke from desks. White, a master of arts, then pronounced an Oration. I forbear to give any character of this, you will I dare say see one in the papers ; but (if as usual) far above the merit of the piece. The degrees were then conferred. Swift pronounced the Valedictory, Stolen almost every word from D r . Young on Composition. The whole was concluded with a Dialogue and ode, spoke by Bankson, Johnson & Swift. This was middling well done. It was wrote by Coombe. . . ." "March n. 1768. "As to the Farmer s letters; the reports are various. Some say they were wrote in N. England. Others alledged Mr. D-k-ns-n is the Author. While others suspect M r G-ll-w-y : But nobody can certainly say who is the author. This how ever is certain, he is a friend to his country, & has contributed (not barely his mite) towards the delivery of America from Slavery. ... As to the visitant, I have heard M r G-l-w-y also suspected for its author ; I believe with very little truth Tom Minor is also said to be wrote by M r G-l-w-y, but others say (with more probability) it was wrote in your province, by the first person in it. " Political disputes here are at present very low, quite con trary to what might be expected. It is very probable they will be something more bitter at the next meeting of the Assembly, which will be in May. The house sent their last message to the Governor & immediately adjourned, before he could possibly answer it. Those who know him best, say he is very angry & will send them a severe reply in May." " PHILADELPHIA April 18. 1768 " Doctor Chandler makes a great noise, or rather a great noise is made about him. Pray (if you know) who writes the 456 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. Whig in N. York. That, the Centinel, & the Doctor, cum suis, are the common subjects of discourse here." "PmL A June 27th 1768. "In troth my sweet lad, Jack has been 4 trampussing " all " over Maryland since he rec d your s, and has had such a jaunt " as he would take again for twenty kisses of L. L. or B. R. " Riding in the rain all night & all day has incapacitated me " writing law, & " "PHIL A Nov r 27 1768. " as our court begins the fifth of Dec 1 ", & my father has employment for me this week." " PHILADELPHIA February 13 1769 " But must make an excuse for not writing by Ogden. I never knew he was in town till about 1 1 o clock the day before he left it, & was all that morning very busy. As I was going to the Office in the Afternoon, Rush stopped me & told me, Sergeant & Ogden had appointed to meet him about that time to go & play billiards. Thus was I beguiled to play billiards ! What time in the evening we left it, Ogclen may have informed you. Then the Dutch School took up the rest of the evening. Ogden and Sergeant started early next morning. Pray what time had I to write?" "PHILADELPHIA April 9 1769 "I shall set off next week to the back Courts viz Carlisle, York, Lancaster & Reading, which will employ me three weeks at least. Rush is going to be admitted at each of these Courts /go to please him, but expect to find some thing more pleasing than purling streams, or blooming fields, or even the noise of courts rattling with the silver sound of dollars. In vain will you puzzle your poor pericranium to find out what this is. MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 457 "You must doubtless have seen some letters in the late Papers (Bradford s) wherein M r Wilkes expresses his great esteem for M r Dickinson. These letters were written by M r B. Rush. There were some things which were not o thought proper to be published. " M r Wilkes said that since he read Locke he had been of opinion that there was no innate ideas ; that if that maxim was false with respect to the Scots it was only as to one par ticular ; for added he if they have one innate idea it is that of slavery. He desired D r Rush on his arrival in Philadel phia to present his most respectful compliments to M r Dick- son. Is it not hard that I who had more trouble with the Farmer s Letters (for I copied the whole once, & some part twice) than M r Dickinson should have only labour (not a single fee) for my pains ?" " PHIL A Aug 1 769 " My father s situation subjecting me to great deal of business, has made it impossible for me to pursue my studies, or to write to my friends so frequently as my inclination prompts me." " MOUNT PLEASANT Aug 1 1 1 1769 " If this should find you in Princeton I would be glad you would enquire the terms on which a second degree is to be granted as it will be needless for me to come to Princeton if they are not such as I will submit to." "PmL A May 23 d 1770 "Three London ships came in a few days ago in ballast (except as to the non prohibited articles) & inform that the people in England are now desperate & are determined to strike. I suppose you have the papers even at your fag end of the World, & so you may see the confusions of the nation. People here are very apprehensive of a civil war, as the King MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. has formed two Camps, & laughed at the London Remon strance. Should that be the case, unfortunate as I have been in America I believe I shall not stay here long. The Slaves of Rhode Island have dissolved their committee, & agreed to import ! O Tempora ! O Mores ! The last to make the INTERIOR, MOUNT PLEASANT. agreement, & the first to break it ! Indeed it is more to be wished than expected, that out of 14 there should be no bad member." "PmL A July 24 1770 " Last Thursday evening was married John Dickinson Esq of this City, Author of the Farmer s letters, to the amiable Miss Polly Norris of Fairhill, only surviving daughter of the late Isaac Norris Esq deceased, Sometimes Speaker of honour- MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 459 able house of Assembly of this province. She is a young lady endowed with every qualification requisite to make the marriage state happy, & with a fortune of ,50,000 (some say ,80,000). And a few evenings before the Rev d M r Joseph Montgomery of New Castle was married to M rs Boice, relict of Cap 1 Boyce, & sister of Jacob Rush Esq r . So much in humble imitation of the Newspapers. I suppose you have seen our resolves relative to the N. Yorkers. I was present when they were passed, & had the pleasure to hear the redoubted D-l C-m C-m-r exhibit a specimen of his Eloquence in a dispute with the Chairman about the opinion of the majority of the resolvers. After a tedious altercation, which consisted of asserting and denying, the gentleman of the long robe was silenced by superior authority. . . . On this head, I have indeed little to say, except that the New Yorkers have acted like scrubs, & deserve to be tarred & feathered, & it behoves every American to disclaim any connection with them. . . . I have some slight hopes of seeing England this fall. My father is going, & I expect M r Dickinson is now in such a good humour as to give up my indenture, which will put me on good terms with my father. This by the by, for nobody knows I intend to ask M r D, & I don t want any one should lest I should meet with a denial." (On same sheet under date "July 25 ") " I have spoken to M r D, about my indenture. He desired me to rest for a little while, & promised he would not prevent my going to England with my father. Say nothing of this ; for should my father hear of it, it will be a means to prevent my going." "PniL A Oct 21 1770 " Martin Rush sailed last Monday for England, in a fine new ship, & with a large Company. Some cursed unlucky circumstances prevented my going, else perhaps instead of 460 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. sitting with quill in hand on hard ground I had been tossing on the great deep, & laughing at the poor devils casting their guts up. I am sorry I was from Philadelphia when you were last in it, but it is probable I may see you soon in Princeton, as I have something to do there about my second degree." " PHIL A Jan y 13 1771 "I was admitted in the Common Pleas here the ist Inst, so have no expectation of seeing England soon." "PniL A 26 June 1771 " I am just setting sail for England. Pray write and direct to me at Penns a Coffee house London." " LONDON 30 Sept r 1771 " Dear Will "I wrote you a short letter just before I left Phil", & arrived in Scotland the 10 Ult: I stayed there but six days; so cannot be supposed to have seen much of the Country. We sailed along the Coast from the North West part of it to the frith of Forth, & for two thirds of the way, I did see a single tree : but when we came within about 100 miles of Edinburgh, the country is very fine & well improved. That City stands partly upon a very high hill, & partly in the adjoining valley ; so that the prospects are very good, & the town very incon venient. The sixth or seventh story of a house on one side will sometimes be just equal to the ground on the other. I shall attempt no description of London, as you must have seen better accounts of it than I am able to give ; but will give you a little Idea of the Temple, which is a collection of houses owned by different men. Every student hires his chambers at the best rate he can, & is under no control at all, either as to study or behaviour. The gate is always open & we carry our keys in our pockets. Those who are admitted MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 461 in any of the Societies of the Inns of Court are obliged to dine so many times every term, for 3 years, in the hall, if they mean to be called to the bar, & this is the only restraint the Templars are laid under. Westminster Abbey is the most venerable pile of building I ever saw, & strikes the beholder with a solemnity not felt from other objects. I have been twice to visit it, & the trifling circumstance of being obliged to enter it uncovered added to my reverence for the place which indeed was great enough before. You see there "Long sounding isles & intermingled graves." " There the dim windows shed a solemn light, " And awful arches make noonday night." ^ St Pa^l^s Cathedral is very grand, & the whispering gallery pleased me very much. It is circular, about 140 yards round, & a whisper on one side is distinctly heard on the other. The Drurylane & Covent garden Theatres have just opened. I have been to neither of them : as there have been no plays of consequence performed. While Foote s Summer Theatre was open, I was several times there ; but as he performs only farces & trifling Comedies, I have had no opportunity to judge of the actors of tragedy here. Foote you know is only a mimic & it is therefore impossible to make any remarks upon him, intellegible to one who never saw him. "JOHN MACPHERSON." "PHILADELPHIA i June 1773. " I just sit down to inform you of my arrival here. "JoHN MACPHERSON." Major John Macpherson was among the first to volunteer his services in the Revolution as well as among the first to fall. He wrote his father a letter the night before the assault 462 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. on Quebec, addressed to be delivered only in case he fell. It was as follows : " My Dear Father : " If you receive this it will be the last this hand shall ever write you. Orders are given for a general storm on Quebec this night, and Heaven only knows what will be my fate. But, whatever it may be, I cannot resist the inclination I feel to assure you that I experience no reluctance in this cause to venture a life which I consider as only lent to be used when my country demands it. In moments like these such an assertion will not be thought a boast by any one, by my father I am sure it cannot. It is needless to tell that my prayers are for the happiness of the family and for its preser vation in this general confusion. Should Providence in its wisdom call rne from rendering the little assistance I might to my country, I could wish my brother did not continue in the service of her enemies. "That the all-gracious Disposer of human events may shower on you, my mother, brothers, and sisters, every bless ing our nature can receive is, and will be to the last moment of my life, the sincere prayer of your dutiful and affectionate son, "JOHN MACPHERSON. " HEAD-QUARTERS BEFORE QUEBEC, 3Oth Dec. 1775." This letter, accompanied by the following missive, was nearly six months later despatched to the father by General Philip Schuyler: " Permit me, sir, to mingle my tears with yours for the loss we have sustained you as a father, I as a friend. My dear young friend fell by the side of his general, as much MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 463 lamented as he was beloved ; and that I assure you, sir, was in an eminent degree. This, and his falling like a hero, will console in some measure a father who gave him the example of bravery, which the son in a short military career improved to advantage. " General Montgomery and his corpse were both interred by General Carleton with military honors. "Your most obedient and humble servant, " PH. SCHUYLER. ^ALBANY, 1 4th June 1776." The following from the Pennsylvania Packet of 13 Febru ary 1787 closes the short chapter of Major John Macpher- son s life : "If the gentleman who called at my house, near Octorara, in the year 1778, and gave a particular account of my son s fall at Quebec, and what became of his property there, will be so good as to favor me with a line and inform me where he now resides, he will much oblige his most humble servant, "JOHN MACPHERSON. "Direct for me in Spruce Street, Philadelphia." We presume that this was an attempt upon Captain Mac- pherson s part to obtain some memento of his son. Whether he succeeded or not we do not know. The circumstances of Macpherson s death were well known at the time, and were long remembered by the people. When Brackenridge wrote "The Death of General Montgomery, at the Siege of Quebec" in 1777, he did not omit the incident, and makes Macpherson a principal actor in the dramatic scene. " Of Macpherson the general is particularly fond," says Taylor, "and it is to him, in that deep stillness before 464 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. the crash and agony of battle, that the elder man now reveals his own prescience of the near fate which then awaited them both/ " But yet methinks, Macpherson, that I feel, Within this hour some knowledge of my end, Some sure presentment that you and I, This day, shall be with them, shall leave Our breathless bodies on this mortal soil. But this allotment, should it be our case, Fear not, young soldier, for our cause is just; And all those failings we are conscious of, Shall in the bosom of our God repose, Who looks with mercy on the sons of men, And hides their imperfections with his love. Say not, young soldier, that thy life was short In the first bloom of manhood swift cut off. All things are mortal but the warrior s fame : This lives eternal in the mouths of men, To which Macpherson makes answer: " The light is sweet, and death is terrible ; But when I left my father and my friends, I thought of this, and counted it but gain, If fighting bravely in my country s cause, I tasted death, and met an equal fame With those at Lexington, and Bunker s Hill." Montgomery : " Sweet fame, young hero, shall attend thy years ; And linked in friendship, as we are linked in death, Our souls shall mount, and visit those fair hills Where never-dying bards and heroes stray." Thus closes the incident of the brief life of John Mac pherson. Had he survived, there is no question that his name would have been enrolled amongst the most famous soldiers of the Revolution ; but it was not to be, and near the spot where he fell, at Quebec, MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 465 " He sleeps his last sleep, He has fought his last battle, No sound can awake him to glory again." Whilst these events had been transpiring, William Mac- pherson, John s elder brother, was an officer in the English army, his father having purchased him a commission of Ensign, when he was barely fourteen years of age. At eighteen he became a lieutenant in the Sixteenth Regiment, of which he was afterward Adjutant. At first he was inclined to censure his brother for joining the "rebels," but after he learned of his fall at Quebec, it is said that his sentiments changed and that he immediately took steps to have his resignation accepted. He served on the British side, how ever, for over two years after this, for he was at the Battle of Monmouth in the summer of 1778 when he was wounded, but in that fight not more active than his duty required. Of him General the Marquis De Lafayette writes : " LAGRANGE, November 7, 1832. " My Dear Sir: " It is to me a matter of patriotic duty and personal grati fication to do justice to the memory of my accomplished com panion in arms, the late William Macpherson. I knew him from the time when after numerous and fruitless applications to retire from the British service, he executed his declared determination to withdraw and at any loss or hazard, to join his fellow citizens in their contest for independence and freedom. " His situation at the Battle of Monmouth had been very particular, wearing still a British uniform, but forbearing to act against his countrymen, a sense of honor kept him a wit ness, altho not an agent on the field where he received a slight wound from the friends he had openly avowed, and was determined not to fight. 6] 466 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. " Major Macpherson has since for the greater part of the War been placed under my command where he distinguished himself on several occasions, namely at the head of a detach ment during- the Virginia Campaign. He was an excellent patriotic officer and friend. " I am happy in the opportunity to give this testimony of my high esteem and cordial affection for a beloved brother soldier, who being placed at first under uncommon circumstances, and afterwards entrusted with remarkable commands, has nobly supported the character of an American Citizen and Warrior. 44 Receive, my dear Sir, the best wishes and regards from " Your sincere friend, 44 LAFAYETTE. " P. G. WASHINGTON, ESQ." Having, as stated by Lafayette, offered his resignation to Sir Henry Clinton many times, and finally having it accepted but without permission to sell it, or to leave New York City, he 44 resolved to join the Americans at any hazard, and being allowed to shoot ducks from a small boat near the British lines, he one day ordered his servant to row out, and putting a pistol in his hand, compelled him to proceed, amid a shower of bullets, until they reached the American forces. He lost no time in offering his services to his country, and upon the recommendation of the Supreme Executive Council, " in regard to the memory of his brother, Major John Macpher son, who fell before the Walls of Quebec, as well as in con sideration of his own merit" he received a commission, as the following extract from the Journals of Congress show: 44 THURSDAY September 16, 1779. 44 A memorial from Captain Win. Macpherson was read; whereupon RESOLVED That a brevet of Major in the Army of the United States be granted to William Macpherson. MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 467 "ORDERED that Major Macpherson repair to the Southern Army, and receive the orders of Major General Lincoln." For a time he was aide-de-camp to General Arthur St. Clair, and, in 1780, was appointed by Washington commander PliTER GRAYSON WASHINGTON. of a Corps of Cavalry in the Virginia Campaign. During the campaign, as noticed by the Marquis Lafayette, he showed good judgment as a leader and received considerable credit for his readiness in any emergency. "At the affair at Spencer s Ordinary, Virginia," writes his 468 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. descendant, Mrs. Julia Maria Washington Hornor, "he was thrown from his horse by the rush of a British trooper and severely injured. He soon recovered, and on the 6th of July, 1781, led the cavalry of Armand and Mercer s troops in a spirited encounter with the flower of Corn- wallis s army." "After the close of the war," continues Mrs. Hornor, "President Washington in token of his friendship for him, appointed Major Macpherson, September 19, 1789, surveyor of the Port of Philadelphia. March 8, 1792, he appointed him inspector of the revenue for the City, and on November 28, 1793, he became naval officer. This he retained during the administration of Adams and Jefferson and under Madi son, until his death." Whilst his sons were thus actively engaged in the Revolu tion Captain John Macpherson was not idle. The fighting spirit which he inherited, and which had kept him alive on the deck of the Britannia w^hen bleeding almost to death, again blazed forth. Captain John Macpherson may be said to have been the first to propose to attack the British on the high seas. As early as 1775, when the establishment of a Continental Army was seriously considered, partly on account of his repeatedly calling attention to the subject, he applied to Congress for a Commission as Commodore and gave the Marine Committee little rest. He had already, July 28, offered his services "for the defence of this Country" to the Council of Safety through Dr. Franklin, and had received their formal thanks. The Marine Committee of Congress, however, recom mended Captain Ezek. Hopkins, to whom the commission was given, he being a near relative of Randolph Hopkins, one of the Committee. Upon this, Captain Macpherson MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 469 appealed to Congress, " claiming that he had been promised the appointment, but this was denied." He then offered a plan to Congress of destroying a vast number of the enemy s ships, promising to bear the main cost of the enterprise, if he might have the commission, but this was also refused him. Some of the correspondence on this subject, which has been preserved, is curious. In Ford s writings of Washing ton, under elate of 8 November, 1775, is this letter on the subject from Cambridge : "To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS: "Sir: " The immediate occasion of my giving the Congress the trouble of a letter at this time is to inform them, that, in con sequence of their order signified in your letter of the 2Oth ultimo, I laid myself under a solemn tie of secrecy to Captain Macpherson and proceeded to examine his plan for the destruction of the fleet in the Harbor of Boston with all care and attention, which the importance of it deserved, and my judgment could lead to. But not being happy enough to coincide in opinion with that gentleman, and finding that his scheme would involve greater expense, than (under my doubts of success), I thought myself justified in giving- into, I pre vailed upon him to communicate his plan to three gentlemen of the artillery (in this army), well versed in the knowledge and practice of gunnery. By them he has been convinced, that, inasmuch as he set out upon wrong principles, the scheme would prove abortive. " Unwilling, however, to relinquish his favorite project, of reducing the naval force of Great Britain, he is very desirous of building a number of row-galleys for this purpose. But as the Congress alone are competent to the adoption of this MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. measure, I have advised him (although he offered to go on with the building of them at his own expense, till the Con gress should decide) to repair immediately to Philadelphia with his proposals ; where, if they should be agreed to, or, vessels of superior force agreeable to the wishes of most others, should be resolved on, he may set instantly about them, with all the materials upon the spot, here, they are to collect. To him, therefore, I reier for further information on this head." Captain Macpherson was certainly very confident of his plan. "He proposes," writes Adams, "great things, is sanguine, confident, positive, that he can take or burn every man-of-war in America. It is a secret, he says, but he will communicate it to any one a member of Congress, upon condition that it be not divulged during his life at all nor after his death, but for the service of this Country. He says that it is as certain as that he shall die, that he can burn every ship." The plan, although so strongly urged by him, was not entertained, even when he offered to bear all the expense if Congress would pay him for the first British war-ship he destroyed. So that his secret, whatever it was, died with him, and with those to whom he confided it. Macpherson, indeed, may have actually had an invention of merit, for he was of quite a mechanical turn of mind. " About 1771," says Westcott, "he removed by machinery of his own con trivance a one story brick house from the neighborhood of Front and Pine or Union Street to the West side of Second Street below Elmsley s Alley. The operation was effected by apparatus placed inside the building and worked by himself." Some of his other inventions will be noted hereafter. During the Revolution Captain Macpherson leased Mount Pleasant to Don Juan de Merailles, the Spanish Ambassador, MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 471 but the place was not sold until the spring- of 1779, when it was purchased by General Benedict Arnold, who made it a marriage-gift to his wife. After Macpherson left Mount Pleasant, he resided for a time at Octoraro, but was much at Philadelphia. He seems to have lost a considerable portion, if not all, of his property, probably by the decline of currency, and seems to have resorted to various enterprises to add to his income. In 1782 he advertised lectures on Astronomy, "at his house near Polle s Bridge, and he published, in 1791, lectures on Moral Philosophy." During the interval he was a ship- merchant and land-broker, and published every two weeks a paper which he called the Price Current, but he would allow any one to examine his latest foreign price-currents if they would "put sixpence or more into the Charity box for the relief of the widows and orphans dependent upon the sea-captains Club." He compiled and published the first directory for the city and suburbs of Philadelphia, which was published, according to the title-page, on the ist of October, 1785, but first adver tised as "just published" on the i4th of November. A rival directory by Francis White was advertised as "just pub lished " at the latter end of the same month. Macpherson was evidently an individual disposed to stand no nonsense, and when, during his canvassing, his inquiry was met with a crooked answer, that answer went into the directory with the number of the house of the person who gave it. Thus, there are several instances in which grave and reverend citizens, as eccentric as the Captain himself, are put down among the " Fs," as "I won t tell you," "I won t have it numbered," or among the "W s," as "What you please," or among the " C s," as " Cross woman," 93 South Street. At the end of the directory he gives a long list of empty 472 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. houses and of those in which persons would give no answer whatever. Macpherson was somewhat of an inventive genius. He advertised in 1785 that he was the inventor of an "elegant cot which bid defiance to everything but Omnipotence. No bedbugs, mosquito, or fly can possibly molest persons who sleep in it." In March 1792 he presented a petition to Con gress setting forth that he had discovered an infallible method of ascertaining the longitude and requesting of that body "to send him out in the character of a gentleman on a voyage to France, with proper recommendations to our good ally, the king of the French." This was his last appeal. He died September 6, 1792, and was buried in St. Paul s churchyard, a little to the eastward of the church. Returning to Major William Macpherson, the second son of Captain John, we find him in 1794, in command of a bat talion of State troops, which were called the Macpherson Blues. During the Whiskey Insurrection this body of troops elicited especial praise for their soldierly appearance and patriotism. It was during this campaign that he was commis sioned by Governor Mifflin to be Colonel, and he was subse quently promoted to be Brigadier-General of the Pennsyl vania Militia. On March u, 1799, President Adams com missioned him Brigadier-General of the Provisional Army, raised to put down Fries Rebellion, and he immediately took the field and proceeded to Northampton County. The Macpherson Blues were long the pride of Philadel phia, and, in 1798, were the recipients of a standard by Mrs. Hopkinson. Mrs. Hornor, from whose paper on General Macpher son we have freely quoted, thus entertainingly relates the incident : " From a public print of the time, July 1798, we have an MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 473 account of the presentation to the Blues of an emblematic painting and a standard by Mrs. Hopkinson and Miss Sallie Duane. t4 On Wednesday last (July 4, 1798), conformable to orders, Macpherson s Legion of Blues assembled at the Manage and performed some evolutions, after which they MRS. PETER ORAYSON WASHINGTON. formed a circle and faced inwards, the General in the center, who addressed the Blues. Mrs. Hopkinson, in her letter, "begs that it may be received as a weak acknowledgment of the obligation and respect she feels towards her countrymen." The General replies : " As the approbation of the fair is 474 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. the sweetest reward a soldier can experience, this mark of her attention from an amicable and enlightened countrywoman is particularly grateful to them." In her letter presenting the standard, Miss Sallie Duane, under date of Belmont, July 3, 1798, states that "the art in which I am receiving instruction for amusement cannot be employed to better purpose than in endeavors to decorate the ensigns devoted to merit and to patriotism." To this, General Macpherson replies that "the standard was received by the Corps with the strongest mark of enthusiastic sensibility." General Macpherson had his country seat at Stonton, on Poor Island, lately acquired by the City under the title of Macpherson Park, being part of a tract of land which had belonged to his first wife s ancestors, the Keens. She was Margaret Stout, daughter of Joseph Stout and his wife Mary Keen, was born in Philadelphia in 1764, and became the wife of Major Macpherson at the age of eighteen years. Her father was a sea captain in the Merchant Service and subsequently Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. Of Mrs. Macpherson Dr. Egle writes: "She received a good education. It has been said of her she was one with whose sweetness, gentleness, simplicity and delicacy so becoming a woman under all circumstances were blended in her character, energy that was unconquerable, courage that danger could not blanch, and firmness that human power could not bend." She died in Philadelphia, December 25, 1797, and was buried in Gloria Dei Churchyard. General Macpherson married, secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Bishop White, formerly Rector of Christ Church, Philadel phia. He died near Philadelphia, November 5, 1813. He was one of the original members of the State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania, being Vice-President from 1807 until his death, and was also Assistant Secretary of the MARY KEKN. MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 477 General Society in 1790, and Treasurer in 1799. In 1787 he was one of the delegates to the Pennsylvania Convention to ratify the Constitution. From 1788 to 1789 he was a member of the General Assembly. Like his father, he was elected a member of the St. Andrew s Society, and for a number of years served as President of that body. Of the history of Mount Pleasant subsequent to Arnold s occupancy, Westcott writes : The next lessee of Mount Pleasant was the celebrated German baron, Frederick William Augustus von Steuben. On the 26th of October 1780, the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania granted him permission to occupy the premises until the ist of April 1781, for ^35, specie. He had been a member of the court-martial which tried and condemned Major Andre, and his occupancy of Arnold s house would have been the more appropriate. If he took possession of the premises, his tenancy was exceedingly short. He could scarcely have entered upon the premises before he received an order from Washington to proceed to the south with General Greene, who was directed to take command of the army hitherto commanded by Gates. This order was issued on the 1 4th of October, twelve days before the Supreme Executive Council resolved that the Mount Pleasant property should be leased to General Steuben. In the orders to Greene, Washington said: "I also propose to them to send the Baron Steuben to the southward with you. His talents, knowledge of service, zeal, and activity will make him useful to you in all respects and particularly in the formation and regulation of the raw troops which will compose the Southern army. You will give him a command suitable to his rank, besides employing him as inspector-general. If the Congress approve, he will take your orders from Philadelphia." Greene went South as soon as possible, and was in Philadelphia on 478 MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. the 27th of October, one day after the lease to Steuben. On the 3Oth, Congress approved of Greene s appointment and of the assignment of Steuben to the Southern army. They could not have delayed their departure for more than three or four days, for Steuben s aides, Walker and Duponceau, were at the Head of Elk, Maryland, on the 5th of November. Greene joined the army with Steuben, and was encamped at Char lotte on the 2d of December. The operations of Steuben and Green were against Arnold, and, as the baron was on the court-martial which tried Andre, this circumstance, in connection with his pursuit of Arnold, would have formed a fine chapter of consequences. When he came back from the South he was in Philadelphia for some time, and one of his letters, of December 27, 1782, is dated "Schuylkill," showing that he resided somewhere near the river. It might have been at the Mount Pleasant house, but as at that time the estate had another tenant, it is not probable. "In 1781, the property, having been confiscated, was con veyed to Colonel Richard Hampton for Arnold s life-estate. He held it for two years, when it passed into the possession of Blair McClenachan, merchant, who did not hold it long. He disposed of the premises in 1784 to Edward Shippen, Chief-Justice of Pennsylvania, the father of Margaret Arnold, possibly with the intention to secure the entire property to her. It was held by him till 1792, when he conveyed it to General Jonathan Williams, an old-time patriot. Under proceedings, it is supposed, to protect the title still further, the property was sold on a mortgage which existed be fore Arnold s purchase. The sheriff made title to Williams, and thus Mount Pleasant became firmly vested in the latter. " General Williams was a noted Revolutionary character. He was agent for the Continental Congress during the Amer- MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE MACPHERSONS. 479 ican Revolution, at Nantes in France. He was born at Boston in 1752. After the Revolution he settled in Philadel phia, and was appointed a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1796. In 1801 he was appointed major of artillery in the United States army, was inspector of fortifications, and was the first superintendent of West Point Academy. After having been Brigadier-General of the New York militia in the war of 1812, he came to Philadelphia, where he soon got into public life, was elected member of Congress as a Feder alist in 1815, and died the same year. He was a writer upon military subjects, including fortifications and the management of horse artillery. His son, Henry J. Williams, was for many years a recognized leader of the Philadelphia Bar. After the death of General Williams, his family retained possession of the property until 1853, when it was sold and in 1868 became the property of the City and a portion of Fairmount Park." It is still in good repair. By his first wife, General Macpherson had a son and three daughters, the eldest dying unmarried. The second daughter married Philip Houlbrook Nicklin, and died childless. The third daughter, Maria, also died childless. The son, Joseph Stone Macpherson, was an officer in the Navy and died unmarried, in 1824. The second daughter, Margaret, married Hon. Peter Grayson Washington, a kins man of General George Washington, and had a daughter who married Dr. Hornor of " Sulgrave," Bryn Mawr. Their son, William Macpherson Hornor, is a member of the Penn sylvania Society of Cincinnati, as representative of General Macpherson. By his second wife General Macpherson had two daughters, who married and left issue (see Genealogy). THE MACPHERSON GENEALOGY. I. GILLICATTAN MHOR, head or chief of the Clan Chattan; lived during the reign of King Malcolm Canmore, and had : II. DIARMKD, chief of the Clan Chattan; succeeded his father about the year 1090, and had: III. GILLICATTAN, chief of the Clan Chattan, time of David I., king of Scotland, and had: 1. Diarmed, who died s. p. 1153. 2. Muriach, of whom presently. IV. MURIACH, chief of the Clan Chattan; he was bred to the church, and was rector of Kingussie, but upon the death of his brother, without issue, he became the head of the clan. He obtained a dispensation from the Pope 1173, and married the daughter of the thane of Calder, by whom he had five sons, of whom V. EWAN BAEN, the second son, finally became virtual chief of the clan. He lived in the time of Alexander II., and was called Macparson or son of the parson, by which name his posterity were afterward called, and his clan has been variously designated as Mac- phersons, Macuries, and Clan Chattan. He left issue three sons, of whom VI. KENNETH MACPHERSON became chief of the Clan Chattan, on the death of his cousin, Dougal Phaol, and was called of Clunie. He married, in the reign of Alexander HI., Isabel, daughter of Ferquhard Macintosh of that ilk, and had : VII. DUNCAN MACPHERSON, of Clunie, chief of the Clan Chattan. He lived in the time of Robert Bruce, by whom he was greatly trusted, and from whom he obtained consid erable grants of land. He had : VIII. DONALD PHAOL MACPHERSON, of Clunie, who had: IX. DONALD MACPHERSON, of Clunie, who succeeded him as chief, and was called Donald Mhor. " In this Donald s time the dissensions between the Clan Chattan and the Clan Kay ran so very high that they took up the attention of the whole Court. The king, and the Duke of Albany sent the Earls of Crawford and Murray (then two of the greatest men in the king dom) to try to make up their differences, and, if possible, to bring about a reconciliation, but all to no purpose. It was at last proposed that each clan should choose thirty of their own number to fight in the North Inch of Perth, with their broadswords only, and thereby put an end to all their disputes. The combat was joyfully agreed to by both parties. They met accordingly on the day appointed. The king and an incredible number of the nobility and gentry were spectators. Prompted by old malice and inveterate hatred, they fought with 480 THE MACPHERSON GENEALOGY. 481 inexpressible resolution and fury. Twenty-nine of the Clan Kay were killed on the spot; the one who remained was unhurt, but made his escape by swimming over the river Tay ; and, tis said, was put to death by his own clan when he came home, for not choosing to die on the field of honour with his companions, rather than save his life by flying. " Of the Clan Chattan, nineteen were killed on the field, and the eleven others so much wounded, that none of them were able to pursue their single antagonist who fled. This happened on the Monday before the feast of St. Michael, Anno 1396; and the victory was adjudged in favor of the Clan Chattan." Donald Mhor married a daughter of the Clan of Macintosh of Manmore in Lochaber, and had : X. DONALD OiG MACPHERSON, of Clunie, time of James I., who married a daughter of Gordon of Buckie, and had : XI. EUGINE MACPHERSON, of Clunie, who died in the end of the reign of King James III., and had : XII. DoRMUND, Capt. of the Clan Chattan, who had a charter under the great seal from James IV., dated 6 Feb., 1509, and had : XIII. EWAN MACPHERSON, of Clunie, a man of singular merit, and a firm friend of Queen Mary; he married a daughter of Mackintosh, and had: 1. Andrew, d. s. p. 2. John. XIV. JOHN MACPHERSON, of Clunie, Captain of the ( Ian, who got a charter under the great seal from James VI., 1594. In October of the same year he was with the Earl of Huntly at the battle of Glenlivet, where the king s troops, under the command of the Earl of Argyle, were defeated ; but he suffered nothing on that account, for Huntly and his fol lowers were afterward received into the king s favor. He married a daughter of Gordon of Auchanassie, and died about 1600; had issue: XV. JOHN MACPHKRSON, of Clunie, got a charter under the great seal, 1613; had : XVI. EWAN, of Clunie, who got a charter 1623. He married a daughter of Duncan Forbes of Culloden, by whom he had three sons and one daughter, viz. : 1. Donald. 2. Andrew. 3. John of Nuid. 4. A daughter, m. John Macpherson of Inneressie,. XVII. JOHN MACPHERSON, of Nuid, third son of Ewan of Clunie, married a daughter of Farquharson of Monaltrie, and had : 1. Donald. 2. William. 3. Andrew. 4. Murdoch. 5. Janet. 6. Bessie. P>2 THE MACPHERSON GENEALOGY. XVIII. DONALD MACPHERSON, of Nuid, time Charles II., married, first, a daughter of Hugh Ross of Kilravock, and had: 1. William. 2. James. 3. John. Also seven daughters. XIX. WILLIAM MACPHERSON, of Nuid, married Isabel, daughter of Lauchlan Macintosh, and had : 1. Lauchlan. 2. Andrew. 3. James. 4. William. Also six daughters. XX. WILLIAM MACPHERSON, fourth son of William of Nuid and Isabel, was " bred a writer" in Edinburgh. He married jean Adamson, a merchant of Edinburgh. His fourth son was : XXI. CAPTAIN JOHN MACPHERSON, " who having been bred to the sea, was commander of the Britannia, privateer of Philadelphia, during the late war, when by his conduct and bravery, he did honour to himself and his country. He made a handsome fortune and is now settled near Philadelphia." \_Baronage of Scotland, edition of 1798 (written about 1765), page 358.] He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland; died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sept., 1792, and was buried in St. Paul s Churchyard, Philadelphia. He married, first, Margaret, daughter of Thomas Rogers and Elizabeth Baxter, who came from Londonderry to Boston, Mass., in 1721, and removed to Philadelphia in 1728. She died in Philadelphia, June 4, 1770, and was buried June 6, in the burial-ground of the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Captain Macpherson married, secondly, probably in Edinburgh. Children of Captain John Macpherson and Margaret, his wife : 1. Ma ; or John Macpherson, born at Mount Pleasant, 1754; killed at Quebec, Dec. 31, 1775- 2. General William Macpherson. born at Mount Pleasant, 1756. 3. Daughter. 4. Daughter. GENERAL WILLIAM MACPHERSON, second son of Captain John Macpherson, born at Mount Pleasant, 1756; died at Stouton, Nov. 5, 1813; buried in St. Paul s Churchyard, Phil adelphia. He married, first, 1782, Margaret, daughter of Lieutenant Joseph Stout, R. N., by Mary Keen, daughter of Peter and Margaret Keen. She died December 25, 1797; buried in Gloria Dei Churchyard, Philadelphia. He married, secondly, March 9, 1803, Elizabeth, daughter of Bishop White of Philadelphia. She was born 1776; died 1830. Children of General William Macpherson and Margaret, his first wife : 1. A daughter. 2. Julia Macpherson, born at Stouton, Jan. 19, 1785 ; died at Philadelphia, May, 1855 ; married Philip Holbrook Nicklin of Philadelphia. THE MACPHERSON GENEALOGY. 483 3. Margaret Macpherson, born at Stouton, July 20, 1786; died at " Sulgrave," Bryn Mawr, July 17, 1874; married Hon. Peter Grayson Washington (born 1796; died 1872), Sept. i, at Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. Abercrombie. Children of General William Macpherson and Elizabeth, his second wife : 1. Esther, married Dr. Thomas Harris, Surgeon-general, U. S. N. She d. s. p. 1858. 2. Elizabeth, married Rev. Edwin Wilson Wiltbank, and had: 1. Elizabeth. 2. William White, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia ; mar ried Edith Brinton and has issue. 3. Mary White, married Rev. Charles A. L. Richards. 4. George Macpherson, took the surname of Maeherson by Act of Assembly; married Frances Lowndes Ellis, dau. of William Ellis, of Philadelphia, and has issue. MARGARET MACPHERSON, daughter of General William Macpherson and Margaret his first wife, born at Stouton, 20 July, 1786; married Hon. Peter Grayson Washington, as above, and had : JULIA MARIA WASHINGTON, married, i June, 1859, Caleb Wright Hornor, M. D., born 26 March, 1828, of " Sulgrave," Bryn Mawr. Children : 1. William Macpherson Hornor, born 10 April, 1860 ; married at Grace Church, Chantry, New York City, by Rev. W. R. Huntington, 9 June, 1896, Julia Craw ford, daughter of the late Peter Townsend, 3d, of New York City, and had : William Macpherson Hornor, Jr., born at " Sulgrave," Bryn Mawr, II Oct., 1897. 2. Louisa Stockton Hornor. INDEX. ABERCROMHIE, GKN. JAMES, defeat, 398. Abrahamson, Cornelius, a Virginia Puritan, 35 1 - Ackland, Lady Harriet, entertained at the Schuyler House, 435- Act concerning Records of Maryland, 374. Act concerning Religion, 373. Act of Attainder and Confiscation, 152. Act of Recognition, 373. Adams, Abigail (Mrs. John), meets Jefferson at Paris, 230. Adams, Elizabeth (Fontleroy), rejects Wash ington s suit, 49, 50. Adams, John (President), a Federalist leader, ; 201 ; friendship for Jefferson, 230, 238 ; j dines at Mount Pleasant, 451 ; appoints j Col. William Macpherson a Brig. -Gen., 472 ; continues him in office, 468 ; inter ested in his projects, 470 ; death, 238. Adams, Thomas, Jefferson s letter to, 203. Adamson, Jean, m. William Macpherson, j 445- Albany, Schuyler House at, 397-406. Albert, George Dallas, frontier Forts of < Pennsylvania, 289. Anderson, Sir Richard, friend of Lawrence Washington of Purleigh, 28. Andre, Maj. John, connected with Tarry- town, 245, 276 ; court-martial, 477 ; futile efforts to save him, 271. Armand, Charles, Marquis de la Rouarie in Revolution, 468. Arms, Washington, 26 ; Winthrop, 103 ; Rawle, 125, 129 ; Philipse, 250; Wayne, 281, 282 ; Schuyler, 397, 406 ; Mac pherson, 445. Arnold, Gen. Benedict, purchases Mount Pleasant, 471 ; invades Virginia, 218, 478 ; in London, 152. Arnold, John, affidavit against the Quakers, 367, 368. Arnold, Margaret (Shippen), Mrs. Gen., interest in Mount Pleasant, 478; the handsomest woman in England," 163. Ashton, , in French and Indian Wars, 294. Astor, John Jacob, buys the Roger Morris claim, 275. Atlee, Margaret (Wayne), 300, 301, 313. Atlee, William Richardson, m. Margaret Wayne, 301. Attainder, Act of, 152. Auckland, Lord, advises William Rawle, 159- BACHE, SARAH, an enthusiastic patriot, IS 1 - Bacon, Capt. , description of Monticello, 214-216 ; of Jefferson, 222. Baker, George, History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, 23. Baker, Maurice, at the Quaker Meeting at John Holmewood s, 367. Ball, Col. Joseph, grandfather of Washing ton, 39. Ball, Joseph (of London), opposes Washing ton going to sea, 46. Ball, Mary, m. Augustine Washington, 39, 75- Ball, William, the immigrant, 39. Ballman, Dr. , aids Lafayette s escape from Olmutz, 61. Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, Lord, induces Puri tan migration to Maryland, 350 ; refuses religious toleration, 357 ; his govern ment overthrown, 359; "comes to his own again," 362. Bancroft, George, on Maj. John Macpherson, 453- Bangs, Lieut. Isaac, describes in his journal Arent John Schuyler and his family, 418-423. Banks, Lieut. Richard, assists in overthrow ing Gov. Stone, 355- Bankson, , at commencement of Univer sity of Pa., 454. Barbee, Dr. Luke, Provincial Councillor of Maryland, 364. Bartholomew, , owns Sulgrave Manor, 23- Beauvais, , vainly tries to save Philip Schuyler, 415, 416. 485 486 INDEX. Becket, Mary, m. Samuel Bowne, 112, 119 ; \ old-fashioned love letters, 113. Bellomont, Richard Coote, Earl of, sends Capt. John Schuyler to Count Frontenac, 412. " Belvoir " home of the Fairfaxes, 44. Benezet, Anthony, friend of the Chevalier de la Luzerne, 158. Bennett, Philip, Justice of the Peace, 347. Bennett, Richard, Parliamentary Commis sioner, 355 ; settles in Maryland, 354 ; appealed to by the Puritan party, 357 ; recognizes the new government, 359> 373- Berkeley, Sir William, grants land to Rich ard Preston, 346. Bernan, M., friend of Jefferson, 236. Berry, James, of " Preston s Neck," member of Maryland Assembly, 369, 372. Berry, James, m. Elizabeth Wilchurch, 369 ; m. Elizabeth Pitt, 369 ; bequest from Richard Preston, 370. Berry, Naomi (Preston), death, 369; de scendants of, 389-394. Berry, Rebecca, m. James Ridley, 369 ; be quest from Richard Preston, 370. Berry, William, a Virginia Puritan, 344 ; becomes a Quaker, 367 ; m. Naomi Preston, 369 ; m. Margaret Preston, 369 ; bequest from Richard Preston, 370 ; executor of his will, 371. Berry, William, Jr., m. Naomi Whalley, 369- Besse, Joseph, Sufferings of the People called Quakers, 131. Besson, Capt. Thomas, appointed Justice of the Peace, 366. Bickerstaff, Hannah, m. John Bowne, 109, 118. " Billy," Washington s body-servant, 65; portrait, 65 ; intemperate habits, 67. Bingham, Ann (Willing), a Philadelphia belle, 151. Bingham, William, 151. Birk, Polly, 150. Bleecker, Cornelia (Van Cortlandt), lives in Philipse Manor House, 275 ; spirited reply, 275. Bleecker, Gerard C., 275. Bleecker, John, Indian Commissioner, 412. Bolton, Robert, History of the / . E. Church in Westchester County, 246. Book, first, printed in Pennsylvania, 133, 134- Boucher, Rev. Jonathan, Washington s tutor, 40, 43- Boudinot, Elias, lawyer for Mrs. Joseph Galloway, 145. Bowne, Family Genealogical Tables, 116- 121. Bowne House, Flushing, L. I., 91-115. Bowne, Abigail, dau. of the immigrant, m. Richard Willets, 1 1 2, 118. Bowne, Amy, dau. of the immigrant, m. Richard Hallett, 113. Bowne, Dorothy, dau. of the immigrant, m. Edward Farrington, 96, 118. Bowne, Dorothy, sister of the immigrant, m. Henry Franklyn, 112, 118. Bowne, Eleanor, m. Isaac Hornor, 114, 119. Bowne, Elizabeth, dau. of the immigrant, m. Samuel Titus, 112, 118. Bowne, Hannah, dau. of the immigrant, m. Benjamin Field, 112, 118 ; a Quaker romance, 114, 115. Bowne, Hannah, m. Richard Lawrence, 114, 119. Bowne, Hannah (Feake), becomes a Friend, 96 ; appearance, loo ; ancestry, 101 ; religious visits to Europe, 108 ; letters from her husband, 106-111 ; death, 108. Bowne, John, the immigrant, 95 ; goes back to England, 95 ; return to America, 96 ; builds the house at P lushing, L. I., 96 ; m. Hannah Feake, 96 ; becomes a Quaker, 97 ; religious persecution, 97, 98 ; before the Governor, 102 ; sent to Amsterdam for trial, 103 ; firm stand for freedom of worship, 104 ; released, 105 ; letters to his wife, 106, IIO ; joins his wife in England, 108 ; testimony of the Meeting, 108 ; death, 108 ; thrice married, 109 ; children, 112, 118, 119. Bowne, John, son of the immigrant, 112, 118. Bowne, John, son of the immigrant, d. s. p., 112. Bowne, John, son of the immigrant, m. Eliz abeth Lawrence, 1 12, 118. i Bowne, Martha, dau. of the immigrant, m. Joseph Thome, 112, 1 1 8. I Bowne, Mary, m. John Keese, 114, 119. | Bowne, Robert, 114, 119. I Bowne, Ruth, dau. of the immigrant, d. s. p., 113, 119. i Bowne, Samuel, son of the immigrant, m., 1st, Mary Becket ; 2d, Hannah Smith ; 3d, Grace Cowperthwaite, 112 ; old- fashioned love letters, 113 ; death, 1 12 ; children, 114. Bowne, Samuel, 114, 119. Bowne, Sarah, dau. of the immigrant, d. s. p., 112, 118. Bowne, Thomas, the immigrant, 95, 100, 118. Bowne, Thomas, son of the immigrant, d. s. p., 112, 118. INDEX. 487 Boyce, Mrs., m. Rev. Joseph Montgomery, 459- Boyne Water, 284. Bozman, John Leeds, Maryland historian, 356. Brackenridge, Hugli Henry, Poem on Death of Gen. Montgomery, 463. Bracklock, Gen. Edward, defeated at Fort Duquesne, 291. Bradford, William, 457. Bradstreet, Gen. John, in the French and Indian Wars, 433 ; builds the Schuyler Mansion at Albany, 398 ; Gen. Schuyler, his executor, purchases it for the estate, 401 ; secret passage in his house, 433. Branch, Mary, m. Thomas Jefferson, ancestor of the President, 204, 241. Brington, ancestral home of the Washing- tons, 24. Brockholst, Joanna, m. Frederick Philipse, third lord of the Manor, 261, 277 ; haughty character, 269 ; tragic fate, 269. Brodhurst, Anne Pope, m. John Washington, the immigrant, 34 ; lawsuit, 35. Brodhurst, Walter, settles in Maryland, 35 ; removes to Virginia, 35 ; will proved, 35. Brooke, Baker, Provincial Councillor ot Maryland, 364. Brooke, Robert, assists in overthrowing Gov. Stone s government, 355. Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, family connection with Sir William \Vashington, 25. Burge, Samuel, 167. Burge, Sarah Coates, the "Juliet" of the Rawle correspondence, 149 ; at the Mescluanza, 167 ; m. William Rawle, 167, 185 ; portrait painted by Stuart, 168. Burgess, William, refuses to take the oath, 365- Burgoyne, Gen. Sir John, destroys the Schuy- lerville Mansion, 398 ; surrender, 433, 435 ; head-quarters at the .Schuyler House, 435. Burks, Christopher, godfather of Washing ton, 39. Burr, Aaron, kills Alexander Hamilton in duel, 423. Burton, William, Essay on Heraldry, 20. Bushrod, Hannah, m. John Augustine Wash ington, 78. Butler, Jane, m. Augustine Washington, 36 ; death, 39, 75. Butler, Margaret, m. Lawrence Washington of Brington, 24, 77. CADWALADER, GKN. THOMAS, 436. I Calvert, Charles, Governor of Maryland, takes John Arnold s affidavit, 368 ; calls Richard Preston the "Great Quaker," 369- Calvert, Philip, the Governor s secretary, signs the Agreement in behalf of Lord Baltimore, 363. Calvert, William, acknowledges Richard Preston s will, 371. Calverton or Battle Towne, Maryland, 343. Cappock, , an instrument maker, 454- Carleton, Gen. Sir Guy, inters Gen. Mont gomery with military honors, 463. Carlyle, Col. , visits Mount Vernon, 53. Carpenter Family, Tables of Descent from Samuel Preston, 376388. Carr, Martha Dabney, sister of President Jefferson, 228, 241. ! Carroll, Charles, entertained at Schuyler House, Albany, 434, 435. Carroll, Daniel, entertained at Schuyler House, Albany, 434. I Cary, Mary, in love with Washington, 51- ; Cary, Miles, of Warwick, visited by Dr. John Fothergill, 36. Castle Philipse, 262. Cathcart, Lord, 163. ! Chalmers, Sarah, m. James Lanier, 76. Champe, Jane, m. Col. Samuel Washington, 78. Chandler, Job, assists in overthrowing Gov. Stone, 355. Chandler, Rev. Thomas Bradbury, 455. Chapman, Lucy, in. Col. Samuel Washing ton, 78. Charlotte, Queen, 160 ; receives Samuel Shoe maker, 177-180. | Chase, Samuel, entertained at Schuyler House, Albany, 434. 1 Chastellux, Francois Jean, Marquis de, visits Monticello, 216-220. Chateaubriand, Francois Auguste, Viscount, doubts the genuineness of the Key of the Bastile at Mount Vernon, 57. Chattan, Clan, 446, 480. Chester, Col. Joseph L., on the Washington genealogy, 21. Church, Mrs. - , removes arms from Schuyler House, 434. Claiborne, William, Parliamentary Commis sioner, 355 ; appealed to by the Puritan party, 357 ; recognizes the new govern ment, 359, 373. Clans, Battle of the, 446, 480. Clark, Maj. , cares for Washington in his illness, 49. Clifford, John, m. Anna Rawle, 139, 140, 184 ; descendants of, 191. 488 INDEX. Clinton, Gov. George, recommends Brandt Schuyler for Provincial Councillor, 408. Clinton, Sir Henry, 434; accepts Capt. William Macpherson s resignation, 466; in disgrace, 164. Clunie, original name of Mount Pleasant, 450. Cobbington, John, a Virginia Puritan, 351. Cock, Mary, m. John Bowne, 109, 118. Cockles, John Philipse, courts held at his inn, 268. Cole, Josiah, banished from Maryland, Colfax, Capt. , m. Hester Schuyler, 428 ; portrait, 428 ; pistols presented by Wash ington, 429. Collins, John, m. Margaret Schuyler, 411. Colombe, De la. , account of Washing ton s love for Lafayette, 61. Confiscation Act, 145, 152. Conrad, Mrs., M. E., present at Washing ton s reinterment, 72. Contrecoeur, , captures Fort Duquesne, 289. Conway, Moncure D., visits Sulgrave, 23; George Wasliington and JMount Vernon, 40, 47. Coombe, Thomas, mentioned in Maj. John Macpherson s letter, 455. Cornbury, Edward Hyde, Lord, Governor of New York, 261. Cornwallis, Charles, Lord, invades Virginia, 226 ; exchange suggested for Henry Laurens, 164. Correa de Serra, Jose Francisco, visits Mon- ticello, 237 ; his room there, 214. Cosby, Gov. William, appoints John Schuy ler Provincial Councillor, 418. Cosway, Maria H., Correspondence with President Jefferson, 230. Cowperthwait, Grace, m. Samuel Bowne, 112, 119. Craig, , preaches a funeral sermon, 53- ! Craik, Dr. James, visits " Belvoir " with Washington, 52. Crane, Ichabod, and the headless horseman, 258. Cravens, John R., m. Drusilla Anna Lanier, 76. Cresap, , Indian trader, 47. Cromwell, Oliver, authorizes the removal of the Maryland capital to Preston on the Patuxent, 355. Custis, Daniel Parke, portrait of, 49. Custis, Eleanor Parke, portrait of, 64. Custis, George Washington Parke, portrait of, 69. Custis, John, son of Mrs. Washington, por trait of, 55. Custis, Martha (Dandridge), children by her first husband, 54, 55 5 m - Washing ton, 51 ; description of, 51 ; happy mar ried life, 52 ; tomb, 68. Custis, Martha, daughter of Mrs. Washing ton, portrait of, 54, 55. DACRKS, MARGARET, mother of Fredetick Philipse, the immigrant, 248. Dallam, Ann, m. Joseph Wayne, 319, Dassett, Mrs. - , visits Mount Vernon, 52. Davis, Hannah Pennell, m. William Hay- man, 330. Davis, Lieut. , in French and Indian Wars, 294. Delavol, Thomas, partner of Frederick Philipse, the immigrant, 250. Democratic leaders, 201. Dickinson, John, author of the "Farmer s Letters," 455 ; in the Revolution, 236; m. Mary Norris, 458 ; Maj. John Mac- pherson indentured to, 459. Dillius, Rev. , officiates at Capt. John Schuyler s wedding, 413. Dinwiddie, Robert, Governor of Virginia, authorizes the building of Fort Duquesne, 289. Dixon family. See Preston Genealogy, 390- . 392. Dixon, D. B. M., owner of Preston, 371. Dixon, , a barber, 454. Dorsey, James, mentioned in Richard Pres ton s will, 37- Dorsey, John, mentioned in Richard Pres ton s will, 370. Dorsey, Ralph, legatee of Richard Preston, 370. Doughty, Drusilla Cleaves, m. Alexander C. Lanier, 76, Doughty, Rev. Frances, denies the king s supremacy, 34. Dryden, Sir Henry, traces armorial bearings in Sulgrave Manor House, 24. Duane, Sarah, presents standard to the Mac- pherson Blues, 473 ; letter to Gen. William Macpherson, 474- Dunbar, Gen. Thomas, defeated at Fort Duquesne, 291. Duponceau, Peter S., aide-de-camp to Baron Steuben, 478. Duportail, Louis Lebeque, not received at Mount Vernon, 65. Durand, Rev. William, a Virginia Puritan, 348, 350 ; settles in Maryland, 354 ; Secretary of the Province, 363 ; becomes INDEX. 489 a Quaker, 367, 368 ; member of the Maryland Assembly, 372 ; the Act of recognition, 373. Duykhuisen, Swan van, m. Arent Schuyler, 408. EARLK, GEORGE H., m. Ellen F. Van Leer, 328. Educational advantages in Virginia, 3943. Edwards, Thomas, sells land to Anthony Wayne, the immigrant, 288. Egle, Dr. William Henry, writes of Mrs. Mar garet Macpherson, 474. Egleston, Sarah E., m. Charles Eanier, 76. Elizabeth, Princess, at George III. s recep tion of Samuel Shoemaker, 177-179. Eltonhead, William, commissioner for Lord Baltimore, 359 ; executed by the Vir ginia Puritans, 361. Ennis, William, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 351. Eppes, John Wayles, m. Maria Jefferson, 235, 241 ; their children, 235. Evans, Issachar, m. Mary Atlee, 301, 313. Evans, William, name changed to Wayne, 301. Everett, Edward, raises money for the Mount Vernon Association, 71. Ewen, Richard, member of Maryland Assem bly, 372 ; Act of recognition, 373- Ewen, William, member of Maryland Assem bly, 372. FAIRFAX, ANNE, m. Lawrence Washington of Mount Vernon, 44. Fairfax, Bryan, a visitor at Mount Vernon, Fairfax, Col. George, and his wife, visitors at Mount Vernon, 44, 52, 53. Fairfax, George William, friend of Washing ton, 44 ; surveyor, 47. Fairfax, Hannah, m. Warner Washington, 77. Fairfax, Thomas, Lord, Parliamentary gen eral, 25. Fairfax, Thomas, Sixth Lord, settles in Vir ginia, 44 ; visits Mount Vernon, 44, 53- Fairfax, Col. William, of " Belvoir," 44; letters to Lawrence Washington, 44. Fairfax, Miss , Washington s admiration for, 47. Faithful servants, 226. Farah, M. , m. Judith Jefferson, 207, 241. Farrington, Edward, m. Dorothy Bowne, 96. Farrington, George, friend of Samuel Shoe maker, 174. Farrow, James, m. Mary McCue, 322. Feake, Hannah, m. John Bowne, 96, 118. Federalist leaders, 201. Fendall, Capt. Josias, Governor of Maryland, 364 ; seizes guns and ammunition at Preston on the Patuxent, 362 ; signs agreement for the surrender of the Prov ince to Lord Baltimore, 363 ; issues an "order" against the Quakers, 366; on the Richardson witch case, 33. Fenwick, Cuthbert, Indian Commissioner, 374- Field, Benjamin, m. Hannah Bow r ne, 112, 114. Field, Mary, m. Capt. Thomas Jefferson, ancestor of the President, 204, 241 ; their children, 204, 241. Field, Peter, Speaker of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 204. I Fillmore, President Millard, m. Mrs. McTn- tosh at the Schuyler House, 402. First book on general subjects printed in America, 133-135. Fiske, John, Old Virginia and her NeigJibors, 348. Fletcher, Gov. Benjamin, grants Arent Schuy ler patent of land, 417. Flushing, L. I., an English settlement, 97. Fones family, 101, 102. Tables of Descent, 116. Fones, Elizabeth, m. Henry Winthrop, IOI, 116. Fones, George, of Saxbie, 102. i Fones, Thomas, grandfather of Hannah Bowne, 101, 116. Fones, William, ancestor of the Fones fam ily, 102, 116. Fontleroy, Elizabeth, rejects Washington s suit. 50 ; m. Adams, 50. Fontleroy, William, letter from Washington, 50. Forbes, Gen. John, expedition against Fort Duquesne, 294. Ford, Paul Leicester, 1 he Tiiie George Jl us/i- ington, 40. Ford, William, m. Sarah Preston, 369. Ford, Worthington C. , Writings of George Washington, 469. Fort Duquesne, Expedition against, 289-292. Fothergill, Dr. John, visits Augustine Wash ington, 36. Fox, George, visits John Bowne at Amster dam, 108, in ; preaches under the oak at Flushing, L. L, no. Franklin, Benjamin, in command of Penna. Militia, 294 ; first book printed by, 133 ; President of Society for Political Inqui ries, 169 ; entertained at the Schuyler House, 434; succeeded by Jefferson at 490 INDEX. Versailles, 230 ; visited by William Rawle, 166 ; pictures of Queen Char lotte owned by, 160. Franklin, Sarah, m. Samuel Bowne, 119. Franklyn, Henry, m. Dorothy Bowne, 112. Freedom of worship, 93, 348. French and Indian Wars, 289-294, 411-416. French, Samuel, m. Mary Wayne, 315- Fries, John, Rebellion, 472. Frontenac, Louis de Buode, Comte de, 412. Fry, Col. Joshua, in the French and Indian War, 289-291. Fuller, Sarah, at the Quaker Meeting at John Holmewood s house, 367. Fuller, Capt. William, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 350, 354 ; Com mander-in-chief of Maryland Militia, 356 ; commander of the Maryland Puri tans, 360, 363 ; battle of Severn River, 361 ; surrenders the province to Lord Baltimore, 363 ; member of Maryland Assembly, 364, 372 ; becomes a Quaker, 367 ; Act of recognition, 373. Fur trading profitable, 248, 408. GALE, GEORGE, m. widow of Lawrence Washington of Virginia, 36, 74. Gallatin, Albert, Democratic leader, 201. Galloway, Ann, (Mrs. Joseph), estates con fiscated, 145, 146, 155. Galloway, Joseph, authorship of the Farmer s Letters attributed to, 455 ; resides on the Schuylkill, 139 ; associated with Samuel Shoemaker, 144 ; guilty of high treason, 145 ; estates confiscated, 145 ; estates restored, 155 ; writes in favor of Sir Henry Clinton, 164. Gardner, Elizabeth, m. James F. D. Lanier, 76, Gates, Gen. Horatio, succeeds Gen. Schuy- ler, 433 ; entertained atSchuyler House, 435 ; superseded by Gen. Greene, 477. George III. not apprehensive of trouble, 516 ; retort to Col. Tarleton, 164; receives Samuel Shoemaker, 174-180; praises the Quakers, 179 ; present to Samuel Shoemaker, 180. George IV. as described by William Rawle, 160, 163. Gerrard, Thomas, Provincial Councillor of Maryland, 364 ; Assembly meets at his house, 364. Ghoharius sells land to Frederick Philipse, the immigrant, 250. Gill, Capt. of "the Fishbourne," 195- Gillingham, Sarah, m. William Wayne, 315. Goldsmith, Col., Equerry to George III., I 7 8. Goldsmith, Miss, at George III. s reception of Samue] Shoemaker, 178. Gorsuch, Lovelace, m. Rebecca Preston, 369. Gouverneur, Juliana Matilda, m. Francis Rawle Wharton, 194. Gove, Mary F., m. Joseph Wayne, 317. Graaf, Jacob, owns house where Declaration of Independence was written, 223, 224. Green, Rev. Charles, visited by Washington, 53- Greene, Capt. John, hangs Elizabeth Rich ardson as a witch, 33. Greene, Gen. Nathaniel, supersedes Gen. Gates, 477 > operates against Arnold, 47 8. Gregory, Mildred, godmother of Washing ton, 39. Griffith, Arabella, m. Thomas I. Wharton, 195- Griscom, John D., m. Margaret Acton, 386. HAIGHT, SAMUEL, builds a Friends Meeting house at Flushing, L. I., 109. Haldimand, Gen., Sir Frederick, 434. Hall, Louisa, m. Frances William Rawle, 188. Hallett, Richard, m. Amy Bowne, 113. Hambleton, Amos, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 35 1. Hamilton, Alexander, m. Elizabeth Schuyler, 402 ; a Federalist leader, 201 ; killed by Aaron Burr, 423. Hammond, John, seizes State Records at Preston on the Patuxent, 361 ; unreli ability as a historian, 362. Hampton, Col. Richard, leases Mount Pleas ant, 478. Hanging a witch, 33. Hanmer, Lady, owns shields formerly in Sulgrave Manor-house, 24. Harmon, George, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 35 1. Harper, William, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 351. Hatch, John, member of Maryland Assembly, 372 ; Act of recognition, 373 ; Indian Commissioner, 374. Hatton, Thomas, Secretary to Gov. Stone, 355 ; killed at battle of Severn River, 361. Hayes, Capt. , massacred by the Indians, 293- Hayman, Ann, m. Aaron Vogdes, 313. Hayman, Isaac Wayne, m. Sarah Williams, 3 J 3- Hayman, William, in. Hannah Pennell Davis, 330. INDEX. 491 Hayman, Capt. William, letter from Gen. Anthony Wayne to, 297 ; in. Ann Wayne, 312. Hazard, Willis P., Continuation of Watson" 1 s Annals of Philadelphia, 155. Heard, Sir Isaac, draws up Washington s pedigree, 20. Heath, Caroline Julia, m. David Seeger Heyl, 306. Heath, Charles Petit, m. Esther Keely, 306. Heath, Louisa Adelaide, m. Peter Penn Gaskell, 307. " Hennett," barton house of Rawle estate in England, 128. Henry VIII., grants Manor of Sulgrave to Lawrence Washington, 22. Henry, Patrick, on quartering British prison ers at Monticello, 225. Heyl, Col. E. M., 334. Hill, Capt. Edward, virtual governor of Maryland, 35. Hill, Martha, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 351. Hiltzheimer, Jacob, stables and the flies, 224. Hinson, Thomas, member of Maryland Assembly, 372. Hodge, Margaret, m. William Rawle, 135, 184. Holland, Mary, m. Abraham Wayne, 315. Holland, the refuge of the oppressed, 95. Hollingsworth, Caroline T., m. Henry Pem- berton, 193. Hollingsworth, Samuel L. , m. Anna Clifford Pemberton, 192. Holmewood, John, a Quaker meeting at his house, 367, 368. Holmewood, Sarah, 367. Hooges, Anthony de, officiates at Philip Peter Schuyler the immigrant s wedding, 407. Hopkins, Capt. Ezek., appointed Commodore U. S. N., 468. Hopkins, Randolph, member of Continental Congress, 468. Hopkinson, Mrs. , school in Philadel phia, 228 ; presents standard to Mac- pherson Blues, 472, 473. Hornblower, Josiah, comes from England to work the Schuyler copper mines, 418. Hornor, Dr. Caleb \V., 480. Hornor, Isaac, m. Eleanor Bowne, 114, 119. Hornor, Julia Washington, m. Gen. William Macpherson, 468, 472. Hornor, William Macpherson, 452, 480. Horsmanden, Jane, presents living of Pur- leigh to Lawrence Washington, 27. Horsmanden, Warham, Councillor of Vir ginia, 27. Howe, George Augustus, Viscount, a corpse in the old Schuyler House, 398. Howe, Sir William, and the Meschianza, 167, 168. Howell, Joshua, builds Edgely in Fairmount Park, 139. Howell, Richard Washington, m. Mary T. Carpenter, 379. Howell, Capt. Thomas, Justice of the Peace, 366. Howey, Anna Maria, m. Edward Carpenter 2d, 382. Howlands, Hugh, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 351. Hudson, Hannah, m. Benjamin Rawle, 191. | Hunter, John, companion of Anthony Wayne, the immigrant, 283 ; at the Battle of the Boyne, 284 ; settles in America, 288. I DOINGS, ELIZABETH, m. Isaac Wayne, 310. Iddings, Priscilla, m. Humphrey Wayne, 310. ; Indian Commissioners, 374, 375. j Indian Wars, 289, 294, 411-416. Indians, purchases from the, 250, 417. Irving, Washington, associated with Tarry- town, 245 ; description of the old Dutch church, 254-258. JACKSON, ELIZABETH, m. Francis Wayne, 304- Jackson, Robert, friend of Lawrence Wash ington, 45. Jaquett, Anna Frances, m. David W. Sellers, Jaquett, Rev. Joseph, m. Elizabeth Stretcher, : Jaudon family. See Wayne Genealogy, 323- 326. Jefferson, Field, 203 ; vestryman of Cumber land parish, Virginia, 207, 241 ; uncle of the President, 204. Jefferson Genealogy, 241. Jefferson, Judith, m. M. Farrah, 207, 241. Jefferson, Lucy Elizabeth, dau. of the Pres ident, 228, 241. Jefferson, Martha (Skelton), wife of the President, 208, 241 ; appearance, 208 ; "ihe wooing o it," 208; happy mar ried life, 209, 220 ; failing health, 227 ; death, 228. ! Jefferson, Maria, dau. of the President, 232, 235 ; m. John Wayles Eppes, 235, 241 ; their children, 235. i Jefferson, Martha, m. Wynne, 204, 241. Jefferson, Martha, aunt of the President, 207 ; m. Bennet Goode, 241. j Jefferson, Martha, dau. of the President, m. 492 INDEX. Thomas Mann Randolph, 232, 235, 240, 241. Jefferson, Mary, m. Thomas Turpin, 207, 241. Jefferson, Col. Peter, father of the President, 203, 207 ; m. Jane Randolph, 203, 241. Jefferson, Thomas, ancestor of the President, 204 ; m. Mary Branch, 204, 241. Jefferson, Capt. Thomas, Justice of the Peace, 204 ; in. Mary Field, 204, 241 ; their children, 204, 205, 241. Jefferson, Thomas, birth, 207 ; ancestry, 203-207 ; early years, 207 ; elected to the legislature, 207 ; anti-slavery pro clivities, 208 ; m. Martha Skelton, 208 ; "the wooing o it," 208; "their wed ding journey," 209 ; easy circumstances, 202, 209 ; a country gentleman, 2IO, 216, 220; Monticello, 210-218; Chastel- lux s description of, 218 ; Capt. Bacon s description of, 216, 221, 222 ; happy married life, 22O ; a thorough horseman, 220, 221 ; delegate to Continental Con gress, 222 ; the Declaration of Inde pendence, 222-225 ; patriotic reply, 225 ; intimacy with British officers, 225 ; Governor of Virginia, 225 ; Monticello and Elk Hill raided, 226 ; death of his wife, 227, 228 ; their children, 228 ; Minister to France, 229231 ; returns to Monticello, 231 ; visitors at Monticello, 232-237 ; Due de Rochefoucauld s de scription of Monticello, 232-235 ; Pres ident, 235 ; domestic afflictions, 235 ; plans the University of Virginia, 236 ; financial troubles, 239, 240 ; continues Gen. William Macpherson in office, 468 ; closing years, 236, 237 ; death, 238 ; tomb, 238, 240. Johnson, Derrick, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 351. Johnson, Rev. , present at Washington s re-interment, 7- Johnson, , at commencement of Univer sity of Pa., 454, 455. Johnson, Sir William, friend of the Indians, 414. Jones, Rev. David, not the orator at Wayne re-interment, 300. Jones, Rev. Roger, Rector of Purleigh, 30. Jordan, Charles, m. Mary Ann Wayne, 320. Jordan, Thomas, landowner in Virginia, 347- KEATING, MARY (Wayne), writes to Gen. Wayne, 285. Keely, Esther, m. Charles Petit Heath, 306. Keely, Matthias, m. Hannah Thomas Wayne, 305. Keen, Mary, portrait of, 475- Keese, John, m. Mary Bowne, 114, 119. King s Bridge, built by Frederick Philipse, the immigrant, 253. Kingsland, Edmund, sells land to Arent Schuyler, 417. Kitson, Margaret, m. John Washington of Warton, 22, 73. Knight, Charles D., m. Susan Elizabeth Wayne, 320. Knox, Henry, a Federalist leader, 201. LAFAYETTE, MARQUIS DE, chamber at Mount Vernon, 58 ; sends key of Bastile to Washington, 56 ; commendation of Capt. John Macpherson, 466 ; imprisoned in Olmutz, 6l, 237 ; Washington s friend ship for, 58 ; visits Monticello, 236, 237 ; entertained at the Schuyler House, 435. Langdale, Margaret Burton, m. Samuel Pres ton, 371. Lanier, Alexander C., m. Drusilla Cleaves Doughty, 76. Lanier, James, m. Sarah Chalmers, 76. Lanier, James F. D., m. 1st, Elizabeth Gardner ; 2d, Mary McClure, 76. Lanier, Lewis, m. Ball, 75- Lanier, Sansom, 75. Lanier, Thomas, m. Elizabeth Washington, 74- Laurel Hill, 125-183 ; described, 139. Laurens, Henry, captive in England, 164 ; suggested exchange for Lord Cornwallis, 164. Laurie, Dr. James, dines at Mount Vernon, 5 2 - Lawes, Nicholas, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 351. Lawrence, Elizabeth, m. John Bowne, 2d, 112, 118. Lawrence, Richard, m. Hannah Bowne, 114, 119. Lawson, Epa, Justice of the Peace, 347. Lawson, John, Indian Commissioner, 374 ; Act of recognition, 373. Lea, Henry C., m. Anna Caroline Jaudon, 3 2 4- Lea, Matthew Carey, m. Elizabeth Lea Jaudon, 324. Lee, Gen. Henry, 436. Lee, Mary, m. William Augustine Washing ton, 80. Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 245, 258. Leisler, Jacob, " the usurper," 408. Letitia House (Penn s), removed to Fair- mount Park, 127. Lewis, Eleanor Parke, present at Washing ton s re-interment, 70. INDEX. 493 Lewis, Col. Fielding, m. 1st, Catharine Washington; 2cl, Betty Washington, 77. Lewis, Joseph J., incorrect in his account of Wayne s re-interment, 300. Lewis, Judge, resigns the U. S. District Court judgeship, 168. Lewis, Lorenzo, present at Washington s re-interment, 7- Lewis, Major , present at Washington s re-interment, 69, 70. Lewis, Thomas, partner of Frederick Philipse, the immigrant, 250. Lewis, Lieut. William, executed by the Maryland Puritans, 361. Lincoln, (/en. Benjamin, 467. Lindsay, Rev. David, of Wicomico, Va., 34; inscription on his tomb, 34. Livingstone, Robert, m. Alyda Schuyler, 408. Lloyd, Edward, Provincial Councillor, 364, 366 ; persecuted for his religious belief, 348, 350 ; signs petition against Lord Baltimore, 358 ; member of Maryland As sembly, 372 ; Act of recognition, 373- Lloyd, Elizabeth, m. Jacob Wayne, 316. Lloyd, Rachel, m. Samuel Preston, 371. Lossing Benson John, /.//," of Pliilip Sc/uty- ler, 407, 411, 413, 414, 430. Loyalists, the best people of Penna., 142, 143 ; estates confiscated, 145. Luzerne, Anna Cesar Chevalier de la, leases Laurel Hill, 154; a " truffle" farm, 155 ; returns to Europe, 156; "French gen erosity," 157. Lyson, Robert and Samuel, Magna Britan nia, 128. MACKINTOSH, ISAHKL, m. William Macpher- son, 445. Macomb, Mrs., of Kingsbridge, 267. Macon, Elizabeth, m. Warner Washington, 77. Macpherson, Angus, 446. Macpherson, David, 446. Macpherson, James, 446. Macpherson, Capt. John, adventurous char acter, 446 ; portrait, 447 ; privateering, 447-449 ; builds Mount Pleasant, 449 ; m. Margaret Rodgers, 451 ; marries again, 451 ; offers his services to Con gress, 468 ; sells Mount Pleasant to Benedict Arnold, 471 ; publishes the first Philadelphia City Directory, 471 ; an inventive genius, 472 ; death, 472. Macpherson, Major John, portrait, 445 ; let ters to \Villiam Patterson, 453-461 ; aide-de-camp to Gen. Montgomery, 453 ; letter to his father, 462 ; killed at Que bec, 463 ; sympathy for, 462464. Macpherson, Joseph Stone, U. S. N., 479. Macpherson, Margaret, m. Hon. Peter (i ray- son Washington, 479 ; portrait, 473. Macpherson, Margaret ( Rodgers j, lovely character, 451 ; death, 451. Macpherson, Maria, 479. Macpherson, Robert, 446. Macpherson, Gen. William, serves in the British Army, 465 ; Lafayette s tribute to, 465 ; resigns from the British Army, 466 ; organizes the Macpherson Blues, 472 ; appointed a Brigadier-General, 472 ; replies to donors of standard to his corps, 473 ; country seat at Stonton, 474 ; in. Margaret Stout Keen, 474, 482 ; in. Elizabeth White, 474, 482 ; public services, 468, 474; death, 474. Macpherson, William, 446. Macpherson, W 7 illiam, of Nuid, 445, 482. Macpherson, William, of Edinburgh, 445, 482. Macpherson Genealogy, 480, 483. Madison, James, room at Monticello, 214 ; visited by Jefferson, 221 ; continues Gen. William Macpherson in office, 468. Makepeace, , at Arent John Schuyler s house, 421. Marin, , destroys settlement at Saratoga, 414. Markham, Gov. William, resides in Penn s Letitia Street house, 127. Marsh, Sarah, at the Quaker Meeting at John Holmewood s, 367. Mary, Princess, at George III. s reception of Samuel Shoemaker, 177-179. Maryland Public Records, 347 ; Assembly, 372. Mather, Frederick G., in Magazine of Amer ican History, 398, 433. Maury, Rev. , teaches Jefferson, 207. McBeath, Francis J., m. Emma Vogdes. 330. McClenachan, Blair, owns Mount Pleasant, 478- McCue. See Wayne Genealogy, 321-323, 33 2 , 333- Mclntosh, , m. Millard Fillmore, 402. McLaughlin, Capt. - , in French and Indian Wars, 294. McLeod, Capt. - , endeavors to arrest Jefferson, 226. Meade, Bishop, William, Old Churches and Families of Virginia, 349. Meares, John, "upon the Clifts," executor of Richard Preston s will, 371. i Meares, Thomas, refuses to take the oath, 365 ; becomes a Quaker, 367. | Mease, Dr. John, writes to Jefferson, 224. 494 INDEX. Merailles, Don Juan de, leases Mount Pleas ant, 470. Mercer, Gen. Hugh, 468. Merritt, Edwin A., m. Ann Eliza Wayne, 320. Meyer, Walter, raids the Schuyler home stead, 434. Mirllin, Benjamin, owns Mount Pleasant, 449. Mifflin, Gov. Thomas, commissions Gen. William Macpherson, 472. Milbourne, quarrels with Margaret Van Schlectenhorst Schuyler, 408. Miles, Col. Samuel, serves under Capt. Isaac Wayne, 294. Montcalm, Louis Joseph, Marquis de, takes Gen. Schuyler prisoner, 424. Montgomery, Rev. Joseph, m. the Widow Boyce, 459. Montgomery, Gen. Richard, 453, 463. Monticello, 201-240 ; described, 210-217. Montpelier, home of President Madison, 221. Moody, Lady Deborah, obtains patent for Gravesend, L. I., 33. Moody, Sir Henry, sells his home to Sir Lawrence Washington, Kt, 33 ; obtains patent for Gravesend, L. I., 33. Moore, Richard, m. Margaret Preston, 376. Moore, Sarah (Lloyd), 154. Moore, Gov. William, executes patent for Laurel Hill to Major Parr, 154 ; prefers his town house, 154. Moore, W 7 illiam, of Moore Hall, a Tory leader, 281 ; tomb at old St. David s, 281 ; enemy of Capt. Isaac W 7 ayne, 281, 289 ; opposes his candidacy for Magis trate, 295. Morris, Mary (Philipse), interview with Washington, 272. Morris Mary (Mrs. Robert), an enthusiastic patriot, 151. Morris, Robert, neglected by Washington, 58. Morris, Gov. Robert Hunter, commissions Capt. Isaac Wayne, 292, 293. Morris, Capt. Roger, m. Maiy Philipse, 271 ; flies to England, 272 ; pensioned by Parliament, 272 ; suit against State of New York, 272-275. Mossom, Rev. David, officiates at \Vashing- ton s wedding, 51. Mounier, Jean Joseph, friend of Jefferson, 236. Mount Pleasant, 445-480. Mount Vernon, 19-90 ; described, 53-64. NAP-PKCKA-MAH TAVERN, Philipsborough, 268. Neill, Rev. Edward Duffield, Penna. Maga zine of History, 27, 30, 34, 44 ; Found ers of Maryland, 350. Nicklen, Philip Hilbrook, m. Julia Macpher son, 479, 382. Noailles, Louis Marie, Vicomle de, not received at Mount Vernon, 65. Noble, William, leaves his estate to the Quakers, 109. Norris, Isaac, Speaker, 458. Norris, Mary, m. John Dickinson, 458. Norris, Rev. William Herbert, m. Juliet Rawle, 190. Noyan, Sieur de, exchanged for Col. Schuy ler, 427. OAK, the Fox, at Flushing, L. L, no. Oare Church, memorials to the Rawles in, 129. Oath of allegiance, refusal to take the, 94, 365, 366. Ogden, , mentioned in Maj. John Mac pherson s letter, 456. PAGE, JOHN, the Declaration of Indepen dence, 222, 223. Paine, Thomas, carries key of the Bastile to Mount Vernon, 56. Pargiter, Aimee, m. Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave, 24; buried in St. James s Church, Sulgrave, 23, 24. Parker, "William, member of Maryland Assem bly, 372 ; Indian commission, 374 ; Act of recognition, 373. Parr, Maj. James, deals in confiscated estates, 154; leases Laurel Hill to de Luzerne, 154 ; resigns it to William Rawle, 155, 156. Parrott, William, Indian Commissioner, 375. Parry, Anna IL, m. Chas. Stokes Wayne, 306. Parry, Tabitha, m. Abraham Wayne, 304. Patterson, W 7 illiam, letters from Maj. John Macpherson, 453-461. Patterson, William, of Perth Amboy, owner of the Macpherson letters, 453. Paulding, John, captor of Andre, 258. Pawley, John, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 351, Peale, Charles Willson, activity in evicting Tories, 145, 146. Pemberton. See Rawle Genealogy, 191- 194. Pemberton, Phineas, brings up Mary Becket, 113. Penn, W T illiam, proprietor of Pennsylvania, 128 ; resides in the Letitia Street house, 127. INDEX. 495 Penn-Gaskell, Elizabeth, m. Dr. Samuel R. Skillern, 307. Penn-Gaskell, Peter, m. Louisa Adelaide Heath, 307. Penrose, Mary, m. Gen. Anthony Wayne, 297, 311. Perrin, Widow, m. Col. Samuel Washington, Peyton, Col. , describes Washington s appearance, 50. Philipse Family ancestry, 248 ; coat of arms, 250 ; Genealogy, 277, 278. Philipse, Adolphus, second lord of the Manor, 258 ; Provincial Councillor, 261 ; rebuilds the Manor-house, 261 ; death, 258, 261. Philipse, Catharine van Cortlandt, 249 ; builds the old Dutch church at Tarrytown, 246, 254 ; her will, 258. Philipse, Frederick, the immigrant, 248 ; m. Margaret Dacres, 248. Philipse, Frederick, first lord of the Manor, 247 ; fur trader, 248 ; m. Margaret Hardenbock de Vries, 249 ; increasing prosperity, 249 ; a lordly manor, 253 ; m. Catharine van Cortlandt, 249, 253 ; builds the old Dutch churcli at Tarry- town, 246, 254 ; with his wife presents the bell and communion service to the church, 246; builds King s Bridge, 253 ; death, 258 ; will, 258. Philipse, Frederick, third lord of the Manor, 258 ; m. Joanna Brockholst, 261 ; death, 261 ; daughters, 270. Philipse, Frederick, fourth lord of the Manor, 261 ; rebuilds Castle Philipse, 262-265 ; a Tory, 262 ; sails for England, 262 ; estates confiscated, 262 ; death, 262 ; portrait, 259 ; memorial tablet, 273. Philipse, Joanna (Brockholst), haughty char acter, 269 ; tragic death, 270. Philipse, Margaret Hardenbroch de Vries, wealthy, 249. Philipse, Mary, dau. of the third lord of the Manor, 270 ; refuses Washington, 271 ; m. Capt. Roger Morris, 271 ; interview with Washington, 272. Philipse, Philip, son of the first lord of the Manor, 258. Philipse, Philip, inherits estates in the High lands, 270. Philipse, Susanna, dau. of the third lord of the Manor, 270 ; m. Beverly Robinson, 271. Philipsborough, Manor of, 245-276. Philipse Manor House at Yonkers, 265-267. Philips, Gen. William, invades Virginia, 218. Phillips, , friend of Jefferson, 225. Phillips, William, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 351. Physick, Dr. Philip Syng, buys Laurel Hill, 183. Picquet, Francois, French missionary to Canada, 414 ; accompanies Marin in his expedition against Saratoga, 414 ; chants a Te Deum for the massacre, 416. ! Pilgrim Fathers, intolerant, 93-95. j Pindar, Edward, m. Sarah Preston, 369. Pitt, Elizabeth, m. James Berry, 369. I Planck, Abraham Isaacsen, owner o! Paulus Hook, 407. Planck, Catlyntje, m. David Schuyler, 407. Poggy, Mr. , at Samuel Shoemaker s, 174 ; at Court of George III., 177, 178. Pompton, Schuyler Flouse at, 428. Pope, Anne, m. Col. John Washington, the immigrant, 78. Pope, Nathaniel, comes to Maryland, 35 ; removes to Virginia, 35 ; a large land owner, 38. ] Pope, Thomas, brings up John Washington, 35 . ; Portraits against Quaker principles, 128. Potts, Rebecca, m. William Wayne, 316. ! Prescott, Edward, owns ship on which Elix- abeth Richardson was hanged, 33. Preston, James of Dorchester County, Va., trustee for his nephew, 370 ; inherits " Barren Island," 370. Preston, James, of " Preston-neck, Calveit County," 369. I Preston, Margaret, removes to Maryland, 351 ; m. \Villiam Berry, 369 ; bequest from Richard Preston, 370. j Preston, Margaret, removes to Maryland, 351 ; dies young, 369. Preston, Margaret, m. Richard Moore, 376. Preston, Naomi settles in Maryland, 351 ; m. William Berry, 369. ! Preston, Rebecca, m. Lovelace Gorsuch, 369; inherits " Home," 370. I Preston, Richard, the immigrant, 345 ; pur chases land in Virginia, 345-347 ; Justice of the County Court, 347 ; a Virginia Puri tan, 348 ; religious persecution, 348-350 ; settles in Maryland, 350; Preston on the Patuxent, 352354 ; assists in seizing the government, 355 ; virtual governor of the Province, 355, 359, 375 ; petitions against Lord Baltimore s arbitrary government, 357 ; Gov. Stone resigns authority, 359 ; Battle of Severn River, 359-361 ; Preston on the Patuxent the Capital of the prov ince, 361 ; capture of the provincial records, 361 ; termination of Puritan control, 362; "gone for England," 364 ; member of Maryland Assembly, 496 INDEX. 364 ; " Quaker invasion," of Maryland, 365-367; "the Great Quaker, 369; children, 369 ; will, 370, 371 ; Act of recognition, 373 ; Indian Commissioner, 374 ; Speaker of the Lower House, 365, 372. Preston, Richard, Jr., settles in Maryland, 351 ; in the Maryland Assembly, 365 ; dies intestate, 369. Preston, Samuel, son of the immigrant, dies young, 369. Preston, Samuel, grandson of the immigrant, inherits " Preston," 370 ; in. , 1st, Rachel Lloyd, 371 ; m., 2d, Margaret Burton Langdale, 371 ; Mayor of Philadelphia, 371- Preston, Sarah, dau. of the immigrant, m., 1st, William Ford ; 2d, Edward Pindar, 369; inherits "Home," 370. Preston, Thomas, "upon the Clifts," men tioned in Richard Preston s will, 370. Preston-at-Patuxent, 343~374 ; described, 352, 354- " Preston s Clifts," 354. Price, Col. John, Provincial Councillor, 364. Princess Royal at George III. s reception of Samuel Shoemaker, 177-179. Puritans in Virginia, importance of, 347 ; persecuted, 348 ; remove to Maryland, 350 ; gain possession of the govern ment, 355 > protest against Lord Balti more s rule, 357 ; Battle of Severn River, 360, 361 ; termination of their control, 362-364 ; become Quakers, 365. Putnam, Gen. Israel, 436. QUAKERS persecuted, 93-95, 102-106, 365- 368 ; frugality, 125 ; praised by George I II., 179 ; conventicles, 94, 97, 98 ; intel lectual and moral superiority, 95. RADNOR BAPTIST CHURCH, Newtown Square, inscriptions on tombstones, 336. Randall, Hon. Henry Stephens, Life of Thomas Jefferson, 224, 237. Randolph, Isham, grandfather of President Jefferson, 203, 241. Randolph, Jane, mother of President Jeffer son, 203, 241 ; death, 225. Randolph, Jefferson, describes Lafayette s visit to Monticello, 237. Randolph, Martha Jefferson, portrait, 229 ; presides over Monticello, 232 ; financial troubles, 240. Randolph, Peyton, a Democratic leader, 201. Randolph, Sarah Nicholas, Domestic life of Thomas Jejfcrson, 208, 209. Randolph, Gov. Thomas Mann, 221, 235 ; m. Martha Jefferson, 235, 241 ; describes Lafayette s visit to Monticello, 237 ; financial troubles, 240. Rawle, Anna, m. John Clifford, 140, 191 ; the " Fanny " of the Rawle Correspond ence, 149 ; letters to her mother, 150- 153- j Rawle, David, buried in Oare church, 130. I Rawle, Edwin John, History of the Rawle Family, 1.29. I Rawle, Francis, of Trelawney, 128. i Rawle, Francis, the immigrant, 136 ; a Quaker, 131 ; settles in Pennsylvania, 131, 132, 184. Rawle, Francis, the younger, settles in Penn sylvania, 131, 132 ; m. Martha Turner, 132 ; a lordly wedding dowry, 133 ; Sweedland, 126, 127, 134 ; Provincial Councillor, 134; public services, 134; writings, 133, 135 ; death, 135 ; high character, 132, 135 ; descendants of, 184-197. Rawle, Francis, 3d, m. Rebecca Warner, 136 ; a scholar, 136 ; account of the Indians, 136 ; builds Laurel Hill, 139 ; society there, 140 ; death, 140 ; children, 140 ; leaves Laurel Hill to his wife, 152. Rawle, Jane, wife of Francis, the elder, comes to America, 132 ; death, 132. Rawle, Margaret, m. Isaac Wharton, 139, 140, 185, 194; the "Adelaide" of Rawle correspondence, 149 ; portrait, 141. Rawle, Martha (Turner), 132, 133 ; death, 135 ; children, 135. Rawle, Nicholas, of London, 131. Rawle, Rev. Richard, D. 1)., Bishop of Trinidad, 131. Rawle, W T illiam, of St. Juliot, 128. Rawle, William of St. Juliot, grandson of William of St. Juliot, 131. Rawle, W r illiam, m. Margaret Hodge, 135 ; scholarly character, 136. Rawle, William, 2d, succeeds his father, 140 ; the " Horatio" of the Rawle correspond ence, 149 ; accompanies Samuel Shoe maker, in his exile, 145 ; a patriot at heart, 148 ; Quaker principles, 148 ; regains "Laurel Hill," 156; French generosity, 157, 158 ; sails for England, 159 ; student of the middle temple, 159- 165 ; portrait, 161 ; visits Franklin at Paris, 166 ; returns home, 166 ; m. Sarah Coates Burge, 167 ; public services, 168, 169 ; writings, 170 ; summer home, 170; sells Laurel Hill, 183; death, 170; character, 170; portrait by Inman, 171. INDEX. 497 Rawle Family, Genealogy of, 184-197 ; ancestry of, 128, 129; arms, 125. Reed, Gen. Joseph, occupies Laurel Hill, *53> *54 > persecutes the Rawles, 153 ; death of his wife, 153, 154 ; attentions to Miss White, 154. Reily, John, a scrivener, 454. Religious toleration, 93, 348, 373. Rent day at Philipsborough, 268. Richardson, Elizabeth, hanged as a witch, Ridley, James, m. Rebecca Berry, 369. Riedesel, Frederika, Baroness von, visits Monticello, 225 ; entertained at Schuyler House, 435. Riedesel, Friedrich Adolph, Baron von, intimacy with Jefferson, 225. Rivers, first settlement along, 343. Rivington, James, Royal Gazette, 147. Roades, Amphilles, m. Lawrence Washing ton of Brington, 28 ; death, 30. Robeson, Rudiman, 454. Robinson, Beverley, m. Susanna Philipse, 271 ; pleads for Andre, 272 ; flies to England, 272. Rochefoucauld- Liancourt, Frangois Due de la, visits Jefferson, 232 ; description of Monticello, 233-235. Rodgers, Rev. John, D. D., Chaplain of N. Y. Provincial Assembly, 451- Rodgers, Margaret, m. Capt. John Macpher- son, 451. Rodman, Caroline, m. James Bowne, 120. Rodney, Caesar, distinguished in the Revolu tion, 236. Rootes, Sarah Warner, m. Warner Washing ton, 78. Ross, Isabella, m. Stephen S. Wayne, 321. Rupert, Prince, takes Bristol, 25. Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 457- Rush, Jacob, 459. Rush, Martin, 456 ; sails for Europe, 459. ST. CI.AIR, SIR ARTHUR, 467. St. David s P. E. Church, at Radnor, 281 ; inscriptions on tomb stones, 337. St. Juliot, Rawle of, 128. Sandys, Sir Edwin, head of the Virginia Company, 30. Sandys, George, treasurer of the Virginia Company, 30. Sandys, Robert, m. Alice Washington, 33. Sandys, Samuel, m. widow of Sir Henry Washington, 30. Saul, Appolina S. C., m. Edward Rawle, 189. Savage, Edward, paints portrait of Washing ton, 57. 63 Saved his fiddle, 203. Schober, Jane Clevenger, m. Edward Frances Wayne, 32. Schuyler, Alyda, dau. of the immigrant, m. 1st, Rev. Nicholas Van Rensselaer, and 2cl, Robert Livingston, 408. Schuyler, Arent, son of the immigrant, ances tor of the New Jersey branch, 408, 411 ; m. Swan Van Duykhuisen, 408 ; goes to New York, 416 ; Indian Commissioner, 416; Proprietor of East Jersey, 417; copper mines on his estate, 417. Schuyler, Arent John, of Bergen County, inherits the Schuyler Mansion, 418 ; en tertains Lieut. Bangs and party royally, 421 ; a country gentleman, 422. Schuyler, Brandt, son of the immigrant, m. Cornelia Van Cortlandt, 408 ; Provincial Councillor, 408. Schuyler, Caspar, builds the Pompton house, 428. Schuyler, Catharine (Van Rensselaer), tries to save her child from the Indians, 434. Schuyler, Catharine, dau. of Gen. Schuyler, rescued from the Indians, 434. Schuyler, David Van the immigrant, 406 ; m. Catlyntje Planck, 407. Schuyler, Elizabeth, m. Alexander Hamilton, 402. Schuyler, Geertruyd, m. Stephen Van Cort landt, 408. Schuyler Genealogy, 439-441. Schuyler, Gysbert, son of the immigrant, d. s. p., 408. Schuyler, Hester, a Colonial belle, 428 ; m. Capt. Colfax, 428 ; her eccentricities, 428. Schuyler houses, 397-437 ; Schuylersville, 397 398 ; Albany, 398-405 ; Hacken- sack, 422 ; Pompton, 428 ; arms, 397, 406 ; family usefulness, 436. Schuyler, John, inherits the Bergen County estate, 418 ; works the copper mines, 418 ; m. Ann Van Rensselaer, 418 ; Provincial Councillor, 418 ; children, 418 ; death, 418. Schuyler, Capt. John, expedition against the Indians, 411 ; envoy to Count Frontenac, 412 ; Indian Commissioner, 412 ; m. Elizabeth (Staats) Wendel, 413 ; Pro vincial Councillor, 413 ; leaves a large estate, 413 ; buried in the family burying ground on the Hudson, 397. Schuyler, John, son of Capt. John Schuyler, m. Cornelia Van Cortlandt, 413 ; buried at Watervliet, 397, 413 ; children, 413. Schuyler, John Arent, m. Catharine Van Rensselaer, 427. 498 INDEX. Schuyler, Margaret, dau. of the immigrant, m. John Collins, 411. Schuyler, Margaret, dau. of Gen. Schuyler, escapes from the Indians, 434. Schuyler, Mary, d. s. p., 418. Schuyler, Major Peter, son of the immigrant, first Mayor of Albany, 408 ; m. Maria Van Rensselaer, 408 ; expedition against the Indians, 412 ; Provincial Councillor, 408 ;, influence with the Indians, 414 ; public services, 413 ; death, 415, 416. Schuyler, Col. Peter, head of the New Jersey branch, 423 ; m. Mary Walter, 423 ; sufferings for freedom s cause, 423, 424; taken prisoner by Montcalm, 424 ; re leased on parole, 424 ; public reception at Princeton, 427 ; returns to captivity, 427 ; exchanged, 427 ; liberality to his fellow-prisoners, 427 ; death, 427. Schuyler, Philip Petersen Van, the immigrant, 406 ; coat of arms, 397, 406 ; m. Mar- garetta Van Schlectenhorst, 407, 411 ; fur trader, 408 ; " Captain and old j Commissioner of Albany," 408 ; pur chases land on the Hudson, 397 ; death, j 408 ; children, 408. Schuyler, Philip, son of the immigrant, d. s. p., 411. Schuyler, Gen. Philip, inherits land at Schuy- lerville from his uncle, 398 ; early train- ing, 430 ; executor of Gen. Bradstreet, 401 ; purchases the Bradstreet House at Albany, 401 ; description, 401-405 ; builds the Schuyler House, 398 ; portrait, 409 ; m. Catharine Van Rensselaer, 438 ; military career, 433 ; letter of condolence ; to Capt. John Macpherson, 462 ; attacked by Indians, 434 ; as a host, 435 ; dis appointment, 435 ; buried in the family burying ground on the Hudson, 397. Schuyler, Philip, refuses Beavais kindly ; offer, 415 ; is killed, 416. Schuyler, Sybilla, dau. of the immigrant, i d. s. p., 411. Schuyler, Swan, m. Arent John Schuyler, 421 ; amiability of character, 421 ; domestic virtues, 422. Schuylerville, house at, 397-398 ; destroyed by the Indians, 414-416. Scott, Sir Walter, Fair Maid of Perth, 446. Sellers, David W., m. Anna F. Jacquett, 327. Sellers, Robert B., m. Rebecca S. Wayne, 320. Sergeant, , in the Macpherson corre spondence, 456. Sharp, Peter, becomes a Quaker, 367 ; exec utor of Richard Preston s will, 371. Sharpless Portraits of Washington and his wife, 85-87. Shee, Edwin, m. Emeline Dalian Wayne, 320. Shoemaker, Benjamin, neighbor of the Rawles, 149 ; m. Elizabeth Warner, 150; house searched for arms, 150 ; visits Laurel Hill after the "confiscation," 157- Shoemaker, Edward, letters from his step mother, 155, 158 ; returns home, 180 ; portrait, 175. Shoemaker, Rebecca Warner Rawle, 146 ; correspondence through the enemy s lines, 146-152 ; banished as a Loyalist, 147 ; correspondence with her children, 151-157; death, 182; character, 182. Shoemaker, Samuel, m. Rebecca Warner Rawle, 143 ; public services, 143 ; at tainted for treason, 145 ; estates confis cated, 146 ; correspondence through the enemy s lines, 146-152 ; " tenant by the curtesy " of Laurel Hill, 152; life in London, 173 ; received by George III., 177-180 ; returns home, 180 ; lives at Laurel Hill, 180 ; compensation by English Parliament, 180 ; present from the King, 180 ; death, 181 ; character, 181 ; portrait, 175. Sims, Joseph, owns "the Laurels," 139. Skelton, Martha Wayles, m. Thomas Jeffer son, 208; "the wooing o it," 208; appearance, 208. Sleepy Hollow, Legend of, 245, 258. Small, Dr. William, Jefferson s preceptor, 207. Smith, Elizabeth, m. Isaac Wayne, 312. Smith, Hannah, m. Samuel Bowne, 112, 3I9- Smith, Jacob Ridgway, m. Rebecca Shoe maker Wharton, 196. Smith, Rebecca, m. Whiting Washington, 79- Soane, Henry, Speaker of Virginia House of Burgesses, 204. Soane, Judith, 204, 241. Southgate, Eliza, m. Walter Bowne, 120. Sophia, Princess, at George III. s reception of Samuel Shoemaker, 178, 179. Spencer, Dr., friend of Washington smother, 44. Spencer, Lord, a connection of Lawrence Washington, 26. Sprye, Oliver, Justice of the County Court, Virginia, 347. Steenwych, Cornelius, the richest man in New Amsterdam, 249. Steptoe, Ann, m. Col. Samuel Washington, 77- Steuben, Gen. Frederich William Augustus, INDEX. 499 Baron Von, leases Mount Pleasant, 477 ; assigned to Greene s army, 477 ; enter- ! tained at Schuyler House, 435. Steward, John, a Virginia Puritan, settles in Maryland, 351. Stille, Charles J., Alaj.-Gen. Anthony Wayne and the Penna. Line in the Revolution, 300. Stirling, Sir Walter, introduces Mrs. Arnold at Court, 163. Stockton, Anice, Brudenot, delivers a poem on Col. Schuyler s return, 427. Stockton, Richard, the Signer, in the Revolu- i tion, 236. Stokes, Francis C. W., m. Alex. Chambers, 308. Stokes, Mary, m. Caleb P. Wayne, 305. Stone, John C., m. Mary Lanier, 76. Stone, William, Colonial Governor of Mary land, 34 ; issues land-warrant to Rich- | ard Preston, 351 ; influences Virginia | Puritans to settle in Maryland, 354 ; deposed by the Puritans, 355 ; author izes the removal of the seat of govern ment to "Preston on the Patuxent," 355 ; recognizes the Puritan government, 359 ; ordered to retake the government, 359 ; raises an army, 360 ; taken captive at Battle of Severn River, 361 ; sentenced to be shot, 361 ; sentence commuted, 361 ; Provincial Councillor under the new regime, 364; Richard Preston s lawsuit against his estate, 362. Stout, Joseph, Lieutenant in Royal Navy, 474 ; m. Mary Keen, 474- Stout, Margaret Keen, m. Gen. William Macpherson, 474 ; character, 474 ; por trait, 473. Strange, Sir Robert, engraves West s apothe osis of George III. s children, 181. Stratton, Sarah, m. Edward Carpenter, 378. Stretcher, Elizabeth, m. Rev. Joseph Jaquett, Stretcher, Finnix, m. Elizabeth Jaudon, 226. Strickland, William, account of the opening of Washington s tomb, 68. Strong, Leonard, account of the capture of the Maryland records, 359 ; member of the Maryland Assembly, 372 ; Act of recognition, 373- Strother, William, owns Mount Vernon, 47. Struthers, John, presents the marble coffins for Washington s tomb, 68. Stuyvesant, Peter, Colonial Governor of New Amsterdam, retaliates on Olaff van Cortlandt, 249 ; opposed by the " nine men," 249 ; quarrels with Brandt Arent van Schlectenhorst, 407. Sulgrave Manor-house, built by Lawrence Washington, 23 ; view of, 23 ; Church, 22. Sutton, John, Deputy Recorder of Maryland, 374- Swan the hatter, 454. Sweedland, 127 ; view of, 126, Swift, John White, present at commence ment of University of Penna., 454, 455- Synod of Dordrecht, conformity to, 98. TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD, CHARLES MAUR ICE, PRINCE DE, not received at Mount Vernon, 65. Taney, Michael, the immigrant, 344. Taney, Roger B., Chief Justice, 344. Tarleton, Col. Bannastre, spares Monticello, 225, 226 ; praises Mrs. Arnold, 163 ; his "many escapes," 164. Tarrytown and its associations, 245 ; Dutch church, 245, 248, 254-258. Taylor, Sarah, m. Col. William Augustine Washington, 80. Taylor, Thdmas, executor of Richard Pres ton s will, 371. Tedyuscung, an Indian chief, 136. Ten Broeck, Gen. Abraham, buried in the Schuyler family vault, 435. Thomas, Mary, m. Israel Vogdes, 314. Thomas, Philip, becomes a Quaker, 367. Thompson, Hannah, an enthusiastic patriot, I5I- Thompson, Martha O., m. Gen. John C. Pemberton, C. S. A., 192. Thorne, Joseph, m. Martha Bowne, 112, 118. Thornton, Mildred, m. Col. Charles Wash ington, 78. Thurston, Thomas, Quaker preacher, exiled from Maryland, 367 ; participates in the Quaker meeting at John Holmewood s, 367,368. Tilghman, Edward, present at commence ment of University of Penna. . 454. Tilghman, Mary Anna, m. William Rawle, 187. Tilghman, Samuel, master of "The Golden Fortune," 359. Titus, Samuel, m. Elizabeth Bowne, 1 12, 118. Tomlinson, Elizabeth, m. William Wayne, 318. Trent, Capt. William, builds Fort Duquesne, 289. Troth. See Preston Genealogy, 390-393, 405-408. Trumbull, Col. John, at Samuel Shoemaker s, 174; visits Windsor, 177. 5 oo INDEX. -, in French and Indian Wars, i Trump, 294. Turner, Arthur, member of Maryland Assem bly, 372 ; Indian Commissioner, 375. Turner, Martha, m. Francis Rawle, the younger, 132, 133, 184. Turner, Robert, Provincial Councillor, 132 ; Registrar General for Probate of Wills, 132 ; wedding dowry for his daughter, 133 ; his " large house," 132. Turner, Thomas, participates in Quaker meeting at John Holmewood s, 367. Turpin, Thomas, m. Mary Jefferson, 207. UNDERHILL, DINAH, m. John Bowne, 121. Underbill, Hannah, m. Thomas Bowne, 121. Ungar, De, , Jefferson s intimacy with, 225. University of Penna., commencement exer cises, 454, 455. Utie, Col. Nathaniel, Provincial Councillor, 364, 366. VAN BAERLK, DAVID, Director of the West India Company, 106. Van Cortlandt, Catharine, a New Amster dam belle, 249 ; m. Frederick Philipse, first lord of the Manor, 246, 249, 253. Van Cortlandt, Cornelia, m. Brandt Schuyler, 408. Van Cortlandt, Cornelia, m. John Schuyler, 4I3- Van Cortlandt, Jacobus, accompanies his sister to Philipsborough, 254. Van Cortlandt, Olaff Stevenson, the wealthy brewer of New Amsterdam, 249. Van Cortlandt, Pierre, Lieut. -Governor of New York, 275. Van Cortlandt, Stephen, m. Gertrude Schuy ler, 408. Vandegrift, Frances, m. Edward F. Wayne, 319. Van Leer. See Wayne Genealogy, 328. Van Rensselaer, Ann, m. John Schuyler of N. J., 418. Van Rensselaer, Catharine, m. John Arent Schuyler, 427. Van Rensselaer, Maria, m. Peter Schuyler, the Mayor, 408. Van Rensselaer, Rev. Nicholas, m. Alida Schuyler, 408. Van Schlectenhorst, Brandt Arent, quarrels with Gov. Stuyvesant, 407. Van Schlectenhorst, Margaretta, m. Philip Peter Schuyler, the immigrant, 407 ; firmness of character 417 ; public spirit, 408. Varney, Sir Edmund, 28. Varney, Julia Earnest, m. Joseph Wayne, 320. Vaudreuil, Louis Philippe de Regaud, Mar quis de, demands Col. Schuyler s return, 427. Vaughan, Samuel, presents marble mantle- piece at Mount Vernon, 57. Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de, and President Jefferson, 230. Vernon, Edward, Admiral, Mount Vernon named after, 43. Vethake, Prof. Henry, Biography of William J\awle, 1 66. Virginia, the home of Statesmen, 201, 202 ; educational advantages, 39-43. Vogdes. See Wayne Genealogy, 313, 314, 330. Volney, Constantine Francois, Comte de, receives a dubious letter of commenda tion from Washington, 66. Vries, Margaret Hardenbroch de, m. Fred- erich Philipse, first lord of the Manor, 248. Vries, Pieter Rudolphus de, accumulates a fortune, 249. WADE, JOHN, member of Maryland Assem bly, 372 ; Indian Commissioner, 375- Walker, , aide-de-camp to Gen. Steuben, 478. Walker, John, Sufferings of the Clergy, 29. Walker, Rebecca, m. William Wayne, 316. Wallace, Joshua Maddox, at commencement of University of Penna., 454. Wain, Ann, m. Samuel Burge Rawle, 185. Waler, John, a wealthy resident of New York, 423. W T alter, Mary, m. Peter Schuyler of N. J., 423- Waring, Sampson, member of the Maryland Assembly, 372 ; Indian Commission, 374. Warner, Mildred, m. Lawrence Washington of Virginia, 36, 74. Warner, Rebecca, m., 1st, Francis Rawle, 136, 184 ; 2d, Samuel Shoemaker, 143. Washburn, Rev. Daniel, m. Sarah S. Car penter, 380. Washington, Alice, aunt of the immigrant, m. Robert Sandys, 33. Washington, Anne, dau. of John Washing ton, the immigrant, 36. Washington, Augustine, m., 1st, Jane Butler, 36 ; 2d, Mary Ball, 39 ; Justice of the Peace, 36; builds "Mattocks" on the Potomac, 36 ; visited by Dr. John Foth- ergill, 36 ; removes to Rappahannock Neck, 39 ; a sailor, 43, 46 ; death, 43 ; will, 43, 46. INDEX. 501 Washington, Bushrod, interred at Mount Vernon, 70. Washington, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Law rence Washington of Purleigh, 30, 73. Washington Genealogy, 73-84. Washington, George, ancestry, 20; book- j plate, 19 ; coat of arms, 26 ; birth, 39 ; baptism, 39 ; education, 39-43 ; death j of his father, 43 ; wishes to become a sailor, 44-47 ; friendship for the Fair faxes, 44, 47 ; susceptible to female beauty, 48-50 ; accompanies his brother to the Barbadoes, 48 ; commissioned a surveyor, 48 ; a victim of smallpox, 48 ; Adjutant-Gen, of Virginia, 50 ; appearance when young, 50 ; French and Indian Wars, 291, 292 ; refused by Mary Philipse, 271 ; inherits Mount i Vernon, 51 ; m. the Widow Custis, 51 ; happy married life, 52 ; a country gentle man, 51-54, 62-67 > rebuilds Mount Vernon, 55-58 ; friendship for Lafayette, 58-61 ; interest in genealogy, 20 ; ne- j gleet of Robert Morris, 58 ; portraits ! by Peale, 41, 45 ; servants, 63, 65, 67 ; visitors at Mount Vernon, 64 ; enter- ; tained at the Schuyler House, 435 ; nom inates Gen. Wayne commander of the army, 299 ; interview with Beverly Robin son, 272 ; appoints Maj. Macpherson to a command, 467 ; appoints him Surveyor of the Port of Philadelphia, 468 ; letter to Congress concerning Capt. John Mac pherson s projects, 469 ; orders Gen. Steuben to Greene s Army of the South, 477 ; death, 62 ; tomb, 67-69 ; reinter ment, 69-71. Washington, George, descendant of the President, 70. Washington, Sir Henry, at the storming of Bristol, 25 ; holds Worcester for the King, 25 ; reply to Lord Fairfax, 25 ; surrenders by the King s command, 26. Washington, Jane, present at Washington s reinterment, 7- Washington, John Augustine, present at | Washington s reinterment, 70; tomb at Mount Vernon, 70. Washington, Sir John, of Thropston, knighted, 25- Washington, John, the immigrant, 20, 30, 33, 73 ; baptismal records missing, 28 ; a sailor, 46 ; complains of Capt. Greene s cruelty, 33 ; letter to Gov. Fendall, 33 ; m. Anne Pope Brodhurst, 33 ; their children, 36 ; will, 35. Washington, John, of Virginia, brought up by his uncle, 36. Washington, John, of Warton, ancestor of the President, 22 ; m. Margaret Kitson, 22, 73- Washington, John, of Whitfield, ancestor of the President, 21, 22, 73. Washington, John, Admiral, ancestral brasses on Sulgrave Church renewed by his children, 23. Washington, John, brother of the President, letter from his mother, 40. Washington, Rev. Lawrence, of Purleigh, early days, 26 ; education, 27 ; m. Amphillis Roades, 28, 73 ; alleged intem perate habits, 27-29 ; loses his living, 27 ; staunch royalist, 28 ; rector of Maldon, 3.0. Washington, Sir Lawrence, Kt. Register of Court of Chancery, buys Garsden, 33. Washington, Lawrence, of Sulgrave, 21 ; prosperous wool merchant, 22 ; builds Manor-house of Sulgrave, 23 ; m. Aimee Pargiter, 24, 73 ; Mayor of Northampton, 22 ; buried in St. James Church, Sul grave, 23 ; victim of the relic hunters, 23. Washington, Lawrence, of Virginia, m. Mil dred Warner, 36 ; death, 36 ; will, 36. Washington, Lawrence, inherits Mount Ver non, 43 ; m. Anne Fairfax, 44, 47 ; letter from Col. W. Fairfax, 44 ; wishes George to become a sailor, 44 ; builds Mount Vernon, 55 ; sails for Barbadoes, 48. Washington, Lawrence, the immigrant, 20 ; merchant at Luton, 30. Washington, Margaret, dau. of Rev. Law rence Washington of Purleigh, 30, 73. Washington, Martha, dau. of Rev. Lawrence Washington of Purleigh, 30 ; comes to America, 35, 73. Washington, Martha (Dandridge), appear ance, 51 ; portrait 51 ; last years, 62 ; tomb, 68. Washington, Mary (Ball), mother of the President, 39 ; ancestry, 39 ; opposes George s going to sea, 45 ; letter from her son, 64; portrait, 37. Washington, Mildred (Warner), m. George Gale, 36 ; death, 36. Washington, Peter Grayson, letter from La fayette, 466 ; portrait, 467 ; m. Margaret Macpherson, 479. Washington, Robert, of Sulgrave, becomes involved in debt, 24 ; m. Margaret Butler, 24 ; inscription on his cottage at Bring- ton, 24. Washington, Robert, of Warton, ancestor of the President, 22, 73. 502 INDEX. Washington, Thomas, page to Charles L, 25 ; dies in Spain, 25. Washington, Sir William, of Packington, knighted, 25 ; m. half-sister of Duke of Buckingham, 25. Washington, William, son of Rev. Lawrence Washington of Purleigh, 30, 73. Washington Genealogy, 73-89 ; coat of arms, 26. Waters, Henry F. , discovers Washington s genealogy, 21. Watson, John Fanning, Annals of Philadel phia, 132. Wayne, Ann, dau. of the immigrant, 288. Wayne, Ann, sister of the General, 285. Wayne, Captain Anthony, the immigrant, 282, 302 ; serves under Marlborough, 283 ; at Battle of the Boyne, 283 ; in County \Vicklow, Ireland, 284 ; m. Han nah Faulkner, 286, 287, 302 ; settles in Chester County, Pa., 288 ; children, 287 ; vestryman at old St. David s, Radnor, 288 ; death, 287 ; tomb, 288 ; leaves \Vaynesborough to his son Isaac, 288 ; descendants of, 302-340 ; will of, 342. Wayne, Gen. Anthony, 437 ; inherits Waynes- borough, 295 ; education, 295 ; military inclinations, 295 ; a surveyor, 295 ; m. Mary Penrose, 297 ; their children, 300 ; letter to Capt. Hayman, 297 ; public services, 299 ; death, 299 ; tomb at old St. David s, Radnor, 300 ; portrait, 296. Wayne, Caleb Parry, 305 ; letter in reference to a family history, 286, 287. Wayne, Francis, son of the immigrant, 287, 288. Wayne, Capt. Gabriel, " fought for the King," 282. Wayne, Gabriel, son of the immigrant, 287, 288 ; academy for boys, 295. Wayne Genealogy, 302-340. Wayne, Humphrey, son of the immigrant, 287, 288. Wayne, Capt. Isaac, birth, 288; inherits Waynesborough, 288 ; vestryman, in old St. David s, Radnor, 288; a party] leader, 281, 289; mentioned in Mary Keating s letter, 286; military services j in the French and Indian Wars, 289- | 294 ; public services, 295 ; death, 298 ; appearance, 295. Wayne, Isaac, a country gentleman, 300 ; m. Elizabeth Smith, 301 ; candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, 300 ; volun- I teers in War of 1812, 301 ; children, [ 301 ; death, 301. Wayne, Jacob, son of the immigrant, 287, 288. ! Wayne, Judge James M., 335. | Wayne, John, son of the immigrant, 287, 288. j Wayne, Margaret, sister of the General, 285. Wayne, Margaret, dau. of the General, 300 ; m. William R. Atlee, 301, 313. Wayne, Mary, dau. of the immigrant, 288. Wayne, Mary, owns seal-ring of the immi grant, 282. Wayne, Sarah, dau. of the immigrant, 288. Wayne, Susannah, mentioned in Mary Keat ing s letter, 285. Wayne, William, son of the immigrant, 287, 288. j Wayne, William, son of Captain Isaac Wayne, dies young, 295. Wayne, William, mentioned in Mary Keat ing s letter, 285. Wayne, William, Maj., 301, 313 ; public ser vices, 301. Wayne, William, Jr., 301. Wayne arms, 281 ; arms of the Derbyshire branch, 282. : Waynesborough, 281-301. I Weaver, Lydia, m. William Wayne Vogdes, 33- Webster, Daniel, tribute to Jefferson s abili ties, 230 ; visits Monticello, 237. I Weekes, Joseph, member of the Maryland Assembly, 372. Weems, Mason L., on Washington s educa tion, 43. Welles, Albert, Pedigree and History of the Washington Family, 21. Wells, Richard, member of the Maryland Assembly, 372 ; Act of recognition, 373. Wendel, Elizabeth Statts, m. Capt. John Schuyler, 413. Weskora, Sachem of Weekquaskech, 250. West, Benjamin, friend of Samuel Shoe maker, 173 ; intimacy with George III., 177 ; painting of the Last Supper, 177 > his birthday, 180. West, Elizabeth (Shewell), at George III. s reception of Samuel Shoemaker, 177- I 7 8. West, Captain John, Governor of Virginia, sells land to Richard Preston, 345. Westcott, Thompson, Historic Mansions of Philadelphia, 445-448, 470, 477. Westford, Washington s servant, 67. West India Company, a prescriptive ordin ance, 98 ; considers John Bowne s case, 104 ; grants religious liberty to the colonists, 106. Wetterholt, Capt. , succeeds Capt. Isaac Wayne, 294. Whalley, Naomi, m. William Berry, Jr., 369. INDEX. 503 Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth, Martha 1 Washington, 51. Wharton, Isaac, m. Margaret Rawle, 194. Wharton, Rebecca Shoemaker, m. Jacob i Ridgway Smith, 196 ; portrait, 174. Wharton, Robert, " teased" by the " patri- otic " ladies, 151. Wharton, Thomas Isaac, m. Arabella Grif fiths, 195 ; Memoir of William Rawie, 132, 133, 167, 170. Wheeler, Lieut., at Arent John Schuyler s house, 421. Whiskey Insurrection, 472. White, Belle, and President Reed, 154. White, Elizabeth, m. Gen. William Macpher- son, 474. White, Francis, and his City Directory, 471. White, , at the commencement of the University of Penna., 455. Whiting. See Washington Genealogy, 74- 78- Whiting, Beverly, godfather of Washington, 39- Whittington, Miles, father-in-law of Robert Washington, 22. Wilchurch, Elizabeth, m. James Berry, 369. Wilkes, John, admires John Dickinson, 457- Wilkins, Rev. , a Tory, 261, 262. Willets, Richard, m. Abigail Bowne, 112, 118. Willett, Elizabeth, m. William Bowne, 119. Williams, Henry J., sells Mount Pleasant, 479- Williams, Gen. Jonathan, buys Mount Pleas ant, 478 ; public and military career, 479- Willing, Ann (Mrs. William Bingham), a Philadelphia belle, 151. Willis, Col. Henry, m. Mildred Washington, 75- Wilmandonk, Abraham, director of the West India Company, 106. Wilson, Mrs. James, an enthusiastic patriot, 151. Windham, Capt. Edward, in charge of the Maryland government, 355. Winthrop, Adam, IOI, 117 ; portrait, 107. Winthrop, Henry, m. Elizabeth Fones, 101. Winthrop, Gov. Johh, IOI ; portrait, 101. Winthrop, Robert C. , Evidences of f/ie Win- tJirops of Grot on, 117. Winthrop Genealogy, 117 ; coat of arms, 103. Witch-hanging, 33. Wood, Mary Dorcas, m. Lawrence A. Wash ington, 84. Wyatt, Francis, Governor of Virginia, 30. Wynne, Martha (Jefferson), 206. YARDLEY, COL. FRANCIS, in charge of government of Maryland, 355. Yeates, Joseph, a tavern-keeper mentioned in John Macpherson s letter, 454. Youle, Jane Anne, m. Anthony Wayne, 319. Young, D., mentioned in John Macpherson s letter, 455. Young, Richard, owns land in Virginia, 346, 347- ZOOK, HANNAH J., m. William Wayne, 301, 3I3- U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES