:lOSANCE[fj> O "^/saaAiNaawv^ ^ILIBRARY(9^ ^TOITVOJO'^ -^^•LIBRA ^.>^11IBRARYQ<^ -^lllBRARY^k "^if/ojnvjjo^ '%0dnv3jo>^ aweuniver^ ^ ^WEUNIVER^/^ ^lOSANCELfj> ^TilJDNYSOl^'" ■^AaaAiNaav^^ 0FCAL[F0/?4t^ ^OFCALIFO/?^ .^WE•UNIVER5'/A .>cWSANCElfj> § J^ .c. ^/5il3AINa]V\V^ ^WEUNIVERS-//. .^ ^VWSANCEI% ^il^DNVSOl^ "^AdaAINOmV ^;^lLIBRARYa^^ ^lllBRARYQr MEUNIVERy//. >^lOSANCELfj> ^^.OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OFCAilFO% > V/ f f ^"-^'^ ^^ ^(?Aavaan-^^?^ ^c'Ayvaaiii^^' SlLIBRARYQr^ ^^tUBRARYQr^ ^ri Willhelmi, & animabus omnium fidelium defunfto- rum ad altare Sanfti Francifci, qnod quidem alcare i- dem Willhelmus, ad honorem Sanfti predifti, conftruxit; qui quidem Vicarius horis tarn diurnis quam noftumis continue debet intereffe: (^uod fi monitus & Ganonice correptus, remiffus, negligens,& incorrigibilis preflitetur, odio tamen & favore femotis deponatur, fecundum vo- luntatem &teftamentum difti Magiftri Wilhelmi, Sc loco jpfms idoneus fubrogetur. Junius (>5) Junius habet Vies XXX* Luna XXIX. II Non. f^Bitks Magtflrt Rogert de Bofeburi, Camnici ^ Ft- V^ nitentiarii fferefordenfis Ecclefie^ qui Ugavit Fabrke Ecclefie y.1 folidoSy (^ Canonicis ^ Cknck prefenti- bus in exequiis fuis XKX folidoSy iy duas phialas ar^entem majori altari diile Ecclefie, Nod. Obitus Maglftri Petri de Bergevent Theologl -, & Stc- phani Phint dedic terrain xij dcnariorum ^ & Magiftri Of- berti de Fraxino, & Mabille macris fue, & Magiftri Fhil- Jippi Map, & Henrici Sacrifte & Sacerdotis, Eodem die obitus Domini Edmundi Comitis Lancaftrie^ illuflris Benefa- Boris bujus Ecclefie. Vlil Id, Obicus David Canonici Herefordie&; Saeerdocis, & Ingani filii Ailmundi dedit terrain duorum folidorum j & Magiftri Willielmi de Hayay Camnici Herefordie ^ Diaconi j & Galfridi quondam Abbacis de Lyra & Elyarde de la Gre- na qui dedic terram fex denariorum prefenci Ecdefie, &c Willielmi de Cormailes, & Ricardi de Briftolio fratris Oli- vcri, & Emme de Hereford. VII Id, Obitus Johannis de Haya Sacerdotis ^ Vicariiy qui contuliP prefenti Ecclefie unum calicem argenfeum^ (2^ mum £radale cum Tropario, (& unum proceffionaie^ O* Fabrice ejuf- dem Ecclefie quiuque marcas argentic ^ v mar cos ad emen- dum redditum quinque folidorum diftribuendorum Canonicis iy Clericis de Choro in fervitio anniverfarii fui exiftentibus^ fci- licet Canonids xxx Denarios, ^ Clericis xxx. V Id. Obitus Domini Willielmi de Bello Campo, Comitis War- wick^ qui dedit jus fui patronatus quod habebat in Ecclefia de Leydeneya^ Decano ^ Capitulo hujus Ecclefie. XVIII Kal. Julii. Obitus Willielmi de Kilepec PrecentorisHe" refordie j &. Simonis Penek dedic reddicum vj denariorum. XVI KaJ. Obitus Magiftri Alexandri de Waltun, Archidiaconi Herefordenfis ^ Canonici ; & pacris & macris Machari Ca- nonici. XV Kal. Obitus Roberti Foliot Canonici Herefordenfis Ecclefie^ & Roberci Foli, & Johannis Monachi Cormail, 6c Willielmi & Afceline, &Amtride& Johanne, FamiJie & pacris & macris, fracrum acque lororum Walccri t olio: Archidiaco- ni, 8^ £mme de Eetford. xmiui- C lO Xitl Kalend. Tertio dec'imo Kalendarum Jul'tj 6blit Magijiet . l^etYus de R^denovere Canonkw Hereforden^s^ qui deMp Fa- brice Ecclefie x marcas ij unam capam broydatam : Ued'it e- tUm in prima. Celebratione folempni proanima ejus Canomcir iJS Clemisprefehtibus centum foHdos : Item concejit Decano t;(y Capttulodomum fuam in Herefordia^ ut pro eadem folvsrent annuatimdieobitus fid xx folidos diflribuendos Citnonkis ^ Clericis in exequlis anniverfarii fui prefentibuSy Canonicis fcilket mam marcam^ ^ Clerkis dimidiam marcam, XI KaL Obitus Chriftine Moniword dedit redditum yd} dend" riorum, IX KaL Obitus Henrici Theobaldi, & Macildis uxoris fue^ Sc Johannis filii eorum, qui dedit reddicum fex denari- orum. VlII KaL Obitus Willtelmi de Clifford, & David filii Ber- nardi dedit redditum fex denariorum ^ & Roberti Arthur dedit redditum xi) denariorum j & Petri Rocul dedit v) denariorum terram. VI Kalend. Obitus Lotharingi Herefordcnfis Eplfcopi, & Ra- nulft SacerdotiSj & Herbert! Presbiteri de Capele & Ra- dulfi Yvvein dedit fex denariorum terram ; & Henrici de Celer dedit xij denariorum terram, & Petri filii Radulft de Herefordia, & Ricardi Ccmentarii, & Ade de Efford Capellani. illl Kal. Obitus Akxandri de Olovernia Capellani dedit Capi- tulo redditum oUo foUdorum difiribuendarum die anniverfarij fuiy Canonicis fcilicet iiij folidos^ 6* Clericis iiij folidos^ de domibus quas conftruxit juxta portam civitatis Herefordie^ njerfus Beitonam Epifcopi praeter antiquum redditum trium folidorumy quas quidem do?ms Decanus ir Capitulum concejfe- runt Waltero Marefcallo ^ heredibus fuis^ (ly quod pojjint difiringi in terris fuis in civitate ^ extra, Eodem die o- bitus Henrici Craft dedit redditum xij denariorum de qua- dam terra Kingeftrete, quam Robcrtus de Punfreid tenuit in feodo de eodem. Julius habet Dies XXXI. Luna XXX. Kal. Julii. /^Bitus WiUielmi le Foer Canonici, qui Codicem \J dedit huic Ecclefie^ ^ quinque marcas Capitu- lo'^ & Anore uxoris Ailmundi Molendiaarii dedit redditum fex denariorum. IINon, ( r) ) II Non. Obittti Hemlcl Regis Anglie^ filii Matildis-^ & Mathei del Mans Milicis, & Stephani le Poer Militis, & Henfridi Canonici & Archidiaconi, & Turin! Canonicij & Rogcri & Pagani filii Johannis, & Rofamunde filie Walteri dc Clifford. III Idia, Obicus filii Mauricii Canonici & Sacerdocis, &: Magiftri Stephani de Gurmevil Canonici Hereford, q^ui conculic operationi Ecclefie antedifte xl folidos. Non. Commemoratto folempms reliquiarum huju^ Ecclefie. Ill Idtts, Obitus Rogeri filii Mauritii Canonici & Sacerdo- tn-y & Magiftri Stephani de Gurmevile Canonici Here- ford, qui contulit operationi Ecclefie antedifte xl folidosi Idifs, Obitus Symonis de Clifford Capellani; & Magiflri Simonis de Fraxino, & Walteri filii Walteri, & Cecilie uxor is Johannis Secularis, qui dedic huic Ecclefie ter- rain viginti denariorum. XVlKalend, Obitus Willielmi de Hyda, & uxoris ejus Geve, dedit duorum folidorum cerram , & Roberti eo- rum filii, XV Kal, Obitus Wlfrici Canonici, & Fratrum, Sororum, 6c; Benefadtorum Herefordenfis Ecclefie j ^ Simonis Ar- chidiaconi Salopfire, Hie dedit "XK marcas Fabrice Ecclefie ; O* XX marcas ad ornamenta emenda, ex quibus funt Capet unx ^ Pallium mum • ^ xx marcas ad emendum reddi- turn XX folidorum^ quos jolvet Capitulum pro quadam terra empta ad opui Capituli apud CLehangre pro xx marcis, qui die obitus fui diftribuentur, Canonicis una marca, 4^ Clericis dimidia marca^ prefentibus in fervitio anniverfarii fui, XIV CaL Obitus Radulfi, filii Helye, & uxoris ejus Rikilde, dederunt iiij folidorum terram -, & Ricardi Clerici filii Edmundi Creft, dedit v) denariorum terram j & Magi- ftri Roberti de Ywarbi Precentoris hujus Ecclefie, dedic Decrcta fua, & v marcas Fabrice Ecclefie. X Cal. Obitus Magiftri Walteri de Fraxino Herefordenfis Canonici, & Rikilde uxoris Ricardi filii Dyonifie, dedic redditum xij denariorum. VlllCaL Obitus Rogeri Franci de Lintona, & Criftine ux- oris eju£, quorum filia Anicia dedit Herefordenfi Capitulo in perpetuam Elemofynam xiij denarios, in fefto Sanfti Jacobi annuatim folvendos j & Rogeri filii R. Molendina- rii & Aliz, qui dedit terram fex denariorum. Eodem die obitus Johannis Seym, qui dedit redditum xviij de- nariorum Capitulo Herefordenfi, de tenemenco Walteri Marefcalli, quod quondam fuic Walteri Roce. C VU Kd' ( i8 ) VII Kal. Obitus Matildis de Glouceftrc, qui dedic terram quinque folidorum Capitulo ; & Alicie uxoris Ricardi de Haya, que dedit terram xij denariorum ^ & Hugonis de Laci, & filii ejus Roberti. VI Kal. Obitus Ranulfi de Brochin Capellani, qui confticuit unum Vicarium celebrantem divina in prefenti Ecclefia in perpetuum pro anima ejus, & pro cunftis fidelibus defunftis, & qui intererit continue horis diurnis & no- fturnis. V Kal. Obitus Emari fratris Domini Johamis de Moriemry pro cujus anima idem Johannes ajfignavit xx folidos annu- OS folvendos in die obitus fui j Canomcis fcilicet unam tnarcam, ^ Clericis de Chora dimidiam marcam (dr duos folidos, ad offerendum ad miffam •, decedente vero di^o Jo- hanne, in anniverfario Obitus fui fiat di^ributio diHerum njiginti folidorum modofupradi^opro anima utriufque. Item cbitus Magijlri Jehannis Coleceflre, Canonici Herefordenfis, (^ Hugonis Sacerdotis de Sanlio Martinoy qui dedit Capi- tulo Herefordenfi nemus de Clehanjgre, quod emerat de Wal- teroCormaily^ unam virgatam terre, quam emerat ab eodem in Bolinghopo, ^ cooperuit tot am Ecclefiam plumbo fumptibus fuis propriisry (^ dedit 'viginti folidos de annuo redditu ddemendum vinum ad diflribuendum Capellanis infra Deca- tiatum : Capitulum vero conceffit (fy' duas marcas annuas ad fufientationem unius Capellani celebrantis divina in Majort Ecclefia Herefordenfi pro anima ejus ^ omnium Benefalto- Yum diHe Ecckfte, c^r omnium fidelium defun^orum. Item obitus Thome Canonici ^ Sacerdotis, II Kal. Obitus Henrici de Ver Herefordenfis Ecclefie Cancel- Uriiy qui dedit perpetuo Cancellarie Manfionem in Vico Can- celli quam Cancellarius adhuc optinet-, ^ Helye deBri- fiollo Canonici Herefordenfis, dedit Capitulo viginti marcas argenti, fy Clericis de Choro tres marcas, (^ redditum de- cem folidorum Camnicis qui exequiis anniverfarii fui perfona- liter intererunt diflribuendum ; (^ Roberti Potte, dedit duas marcas ad emendum terram predi^o Capitulo -y fy Roberti de Oldeton, dedit redditum -^i] denariorum. Augustus - (,9) Augustus hahet Dies XXXI, Luna XXIX. VII Kal. /^Bicus Walteri de Clifort, & uxoris ejus Mar- Augufli. kJ garete -, & Wiilielmi Toret, & Edrici Canonici j & Hugonis de Ferrariis Militis j & Euftachii Rufi, dedit Kij denarionim cerram. II Non. Obitus Petri patrh, fy PetronUle matrts Ancelmt Decani, Item obitus Magiftri Radulfi de Hoteneis Here- fordenfis Canonici •, & Cecilie de Solers. Vil Id. Obitus bone memorie Domini Hugonis FoUvt Herefor- denfis Epifcopi, qui dedit redditum duarum marcarum Ca- nonicis, qui exequiis anniverfarii [ui perfonaliter intererunP ; (fir Clericis de Cboro dimidiam marcam, & Capitulo Here- fordenfi xl folidos annuos de Hofpitali de Ledebury^ d^ multd alia, bona in libris (6r ornamentis -^ p Pbilippi de Breufa Canonici Herefordie-, & Ivece matris Ricardi Cancellarii, & Nicolai, & Matildis, & Magiftri Philippi Lincolnienfis Subdecani. VI Id. Obitus Walteri de Eglinton, qui dedit xxvi folidos de Molendino de Eglinton. Ill Id. Obitus Alicie de Ver matris Wiilielmi Herefordenfis Epifcopi J & Wiilielmi de Breofa Militis, & Rogeri de Berkelei, & Wiilielmi parvi, & Henrici Banaftre Canonico- rum •, & Eilwardi Diaconi, & Ricardi Sacrifte & Saccr- dotis. Idus. Obitus Walteri Folioc Archidiaconi SalopHiir-, & pa- tris & matris Magiftri Ricardi, & Gunfridi Canonici, & Thome, & Magiftri Ricardi Piftavenfis-, & Theobald! Ale- vvi, dedit xi) denariorum terram ^ & Roberti de Hazeleya Canonici & Sacerdotis, dedic Ecclefie redditum quatuor folidorum. XIX Kal. Septembrls. Obitus Hugonis Scriptoris, dedit viij denariorum terram •, & Ricardi de Landa, & uxoris ejus Geve i ^ Mathie de Cygonia Canonici^ qui contulit prefenti Ecclefie culcitrum de ferico ^ fy obitus Stephani Bandotre Canonici Her e for die ^ hie inftituit prima Vicarium qui inter e^ rit horis diurnis ^ no^urnis in Choroy ^ celebrabit miffam fuam in mane ad alt are Sanlii l^icholai fmguits diebus •, i^ cum Vicaria vacaverit, Capitulum eandem conferet alicut CapelUno ydoneo de ChorOy ^ dedit redditum quindecim ialUoYHm diftribuendorHm fingulis annis die anniverfarii fui ^ C 2 Cam* Canonkis (Z^ Clertcls de Choro ad anniverfarium [mm pre- fentlbuSy videlicet^ Canonkis decern folidos, ((y Clericis quin- que folidos. Xyill ^^^' Obitus Petri de Ecclefhal Diaconi, c^ui dedit red,- ditum i) folidorum Hiis qui intertuerint exequHs anniver- farii fui •, fcilicet Canonicis fcxdecem denarios, & Clericis vii) denarios. " Eodem die obirus Domine Phiiippe Re- " giiie uxoris illuftris Regis Anglie Edvvardi a coriqueftu " tmii. XVII Kal. Obltus Kicardt de Capellam Herefordenfis Epifcopi, qui contuiit prefenti Ecclefie magnum Candelabrum ereunt cujus cerei illuminari debent die dnniverfarii fui ad Miffam 5 gi fratris ejus Rogeri, & Herberti Clerici, & Ofanne filie Gerfance, dedit fex denariorum terrain 5 & Johannis Kays, dedit redditum xij denariorum. XVI Kal. Obitus patris, & matris, fratrum, fororuraque Ade filii Ade, &: Aldit filii Bertrici, & omnium parentuni e- orum-, & Rogeri Canonici, & Willielmi Sancmelee-, ^ Magiftvi Alexandri d^ Sabaudia, ^ patris (^ matris, r dimi- diam. Et qui libertates Epifcopatus (2^ Capituli Ecclefte Herefordenfis contra cives Herefordie^ <^ alios Ecclefie re- belles loiigo certamine veredicavit, (^ manerium de Homme Lacy propria peculio acquifitum Ecclefie Herefordenfis ac quatuor iibras annui redditus de Molendinis Prioris de He- refordia ad certum ufum dedit in puram ((y perpetuam ele- mofynam^ prout in cartis inde confe^is plenim centinetur^ Cb* Ecclefiam de Bodinton Thefaurario Herefordenfi appro- pria-Jt, (iatuens ut Subthefaurariifs pro anima fua ^ ani- mabus Benefa^orum Ecclefie Herefordenfis celebrare divi- na teneatur.jt- ex hoc eft carta ejus in the faur aria; dedit etiam preciofam^ mitram, cafulam Dalmaticam, ((fy tunicam dupplicem crocei ^ indicii coloris, calicem argenteum^ de- auratum, (£r p lures libros de Capella fua, ^ aliaplura de- dit, ac maneria Epifcopatm in redditibus fy edificiif pluri- mum augment avit cb" emendavit. II Kal. Obitus Magi^ri Kicardi Decani Herefordenfis-, & Ro- berti de Landa Herefordenfis Canonici ; & Ade filie Wal- ter! deHppa^ gc An4ree Saponarii, & Margerie uxoris fue (30) fue, qui dederunt Capitulo Herefordenfi totum tenemen- tum illud, cum fuis pertinentiis, quod jacec in civitace Herefordie in vico qui dicitur retro Murum, quod tene- mentum quondam tuic Rogeri le Romain CIcrici. " Eo- ** demdie obitus bone memorie Domini johannis Tryliek, *' quondam Herefordenfis Epifcopi ^ & Domini Thome <« Tryliek, quondam RofFenfis Epifcopi, qui multa bona « & plura oraamenta contulerunt huic Ecclefie. December habet Dies XXX. Lima XXX. mi Non. /^Bitus Henrici Regit •, & Humfridi Militis •, & yj HyfendeuKorisStephani Monecarii dedic xij denariorum redditum. II iHon. Obitus Nicholai filii Eullachii Rufi, dedit terram xil de- nariorum ; (b" matns Galfridi Foliot ^ & Phi/ippi de Fat- conberge Archldiaconi Huntedon^ ((y Canonlci Herefordenfis, dedit Clerids de Choro tres marc as, ^ venerabiles reliquias contulit prefenti Ecclefie, fcilicet, umm dentem SanUi E- thelberti •, & Chriftine uxoris Raduln Brun, dedit reddi- tum xij denariorum ; & Willielmi Begort Sacerdocis 8c Monachi Sanfte Marie Cormell j ^ Laurentii Monachi de Lyra. VIII Id. Ohitus Limni Decani \ & Magiftri Henrici ; & Ri- cardi de Candos ^ & Roberti de Karefi ^ & Gilberti Capel- lani ; & Magiftri Galfridi de Luda •, & obitus Willielmi de Albiniaco Canonici &. Sacerdotis. VI U» Obitus Osberti P ' ■ — dedit xij denariorum terram 5 & V^alceri Rufi Militis de la More • & Magiftri Galfridi de Wintonia Herefordenfis Canonici -, & Magiftri Walteri de Witteneia •, & Nicholai de Chandos •, & Wal- teri de Cantelone Militis j &: Berte matris johannis de Monemut. XVIII KaU Januarii. Obitus patris & matris, fratrum at- que fororum Magiftri Edwardi de Welles^ & Aliz. ma- tris Roberti Foliot:, (fer Stephani de Hernhulle Militis, qui contulit operi hu]us Ecclefie xl foUdos, XVII KaL Obicus Rogeri Gerald, dedit redditum vj dena- riorum. XVI KaL Obitus Magiftri Edward) de Welles •, & Magt- ftri Walteri de Aqm Canonici (fy Viaconi, qui dedit viginti (b f^pt^m denarhs annuatim dandos Canonicis qui anniver- . farh ( 31 ) farh ejus interfuermt j & Gileberti Precentoris j & Milo nis Comitis. XIII. ObitusRogeri de Porta, &uxonse)us Roceline-, & Radulfi Clerici, dedic trium folidorum terrain^ (i[^ Ma- ^iftri Thome Foliot thefaurar'ii^ qui dedit prefenti Ecclefie capam vtginti trium marcarumy cum libris ^ ornamcntk Capelle fue^ & Canonids v marcarum^ (^ad Fabricam Ec- clefie triginta marcoi^ (j^ Canonids qui intererunt exequiis die anniverfarii fui unam marcamy ^ Clerick dimidiam marcam. -XIII Kal. Obitus Radulfi Herefordenfis Archidiacom, qui de- dit fferefordenfi Ecclefie viginti volumina j & Thome de Wychecone Clerici ^ &: Rogeri de Haya. XI Kal. Obicus Eftrilde vidue, dedic duorum folidorum terrain j &: Yfabelle uxoris Ade Thebelin ^ & Edithe de la Forde , & Milifence ftlie Symonis, dedic terram oftode- cim denariorum. IX Kal. Obitus bone memorie WilUelmi de Ver Herefordenfis Epfcopiy qui mult a bona in redditibus ^ ornamentis contulit Herefordenfi Ecclefie ; & Magiftri Aldredi Sacerdocis ^ &: Henrici Aurifabrij & Henrici Monachi Sanfte Marie de Lyra. VII Kal. Obitus Roberti Lincolnienfis Epifcopi ; & Walteri Ywern, dedic vj denariorum terram j & OsbertiArchidia- coni de Kaermeidin. V Kal. Obicus Hugonis Clerici dedic iiij denariorum ter« ram j ^ Mapftri Petri de Northampton Camniciy qui de- dit redditum quinque folidorum Canonids qui anniverfario ejus intererint j & Magiftri Nicholai Theologi Canonici & Sacerdocis j & Margarece Monetarie, dedic redditus duo- rum folidorum de terra que jacec inter terram Hugonis. filii Eylmundi &: Grangiam Nicolai Cantoris. II Kal, Obicus Galfridi Decani Herefordenfis & Sacer- dotis •, & Galfridi Clerici de la Hide •, & Magiftri Eu- Ibchii Herefordenfis Canonici j & Alexandri — — — dedic crium folidorum terram. In CsO •^^^WIf^W¥^W^'4¥mW¥^Wnwm^^^^^^ In the Bodleian Library at Oxford^ among the Reverend Mr. Jones's MSS, Numb. XXIII, are the following Char- ters of Donations to the Church of Hereford. N. B. The Figures between Crotchets fieri; the Pages of the Original MS. CHART, i. [FoLi.~] Q GIANT prefentes & futuri, quod ego Williel- J^ mus de Evefham Capellanus & Vicarius Eccle- fie Hereford, remifi, & omnino de me & he- redibus meis, & meis affignacis, in perpetuum clamam De- cano & Capitulo Ecclefie Hereford, totum jus meum & cla- mium quod habui, vel aliquo jure habere pntui in illis decern denarlos annul reddicus, quern redditum emi de Henrico de '''Herford Milite de medietate terre, cum pertinentiis, que quondam fuic Henrici Bullard Archidiaconi Hereford, in ve- nella tendence de Scaler. Amiceni verfus Cabachellone ha- bend. & tenend. totum prediftum redditum annuum decern denariorum prediflis Decano & Capitulo libere, integre, be- ne, pacitice, & quiete, fecundum tenorem carte de feofFa- nienco quam diftus Henricus de Hereford miles inde mihi fecit, quam cartam dit\is Decano & Capitulo iiberavi, ita quod nee ego diftus Willieimus de Evefham Capellanus, nee heredes mei, neque affignati mei, nee aliquis pro me in no- mine * Fot'iHs Hereford. (33) , mine meo aliquid juris feu clamii in difto reddicu decern denariorum clamare feu exigere pocerimus, feu poteric in pofterum. Pro hac aucem remilTione & quieta clamantia perpecua de dido michi Ma^ifl. Will, de Hay a Canonicus Ecclefie memorate ofto folidos argenti pre minibus j &: quia volo quod hec mea remiffio & quieta clamantia rata & ftabilis permaneat in perpetuum, huic prefenti fcripto figillum meum appofui, hiis teflibus, Waltero de la Warre, Reginaldo Monyvvord, Thoma Thebiud, johanne Lytfoc, Ri- cardo de Branford, Willklmo Jouderay, Johanne de la Warewi, Hugone Clerico, Thoma RulTell, Willielmo de Fi- negar, Willielmo de Lecche Clerico, & aliis. CART. II. [Fo/. 2.] QCiant prefentes & fucuri, quod ego Robcrcus de O Trillec conceiTi quietam clamam, & hac pre- fenti carta mea confirmavi Decano dc Capitulo Hereford ad fuftentacionem unius Capellani, qui divina celebrabic pro anima Magiftri Willielmi de Haya Canonici Hereford. & animabus omnium fidelium defunftorum in Ecciefia Here- fordenfi in perpetuum quandam placiam terre mee, que fuic quondam Magiflri Willielmi Platon, per metas & divifas ' menfuratas per eundem Robertum, que extendit fe ex una parte a domibus que fuerint quondam Ricardus de Labarevve Capellanus ufque gardinum Johannis de Hay a, & Dionytie uxoris fue, & continec in longitudinem quatuor- decim ulnas, & extendunt fe ex alia parte a gardino meo proprio ufque gardinum difti Magifiri Willielmi de Haya, & continet in latitudinem duodecim ulnas cum dimidio quarcerio, habend. & tenend. de heredibus meis predidis, Decano & Capitulo, & fuis aifignatis, in feodo &: hereditate libere, quiete, & pacifice ab cmni fervitio feculari & de fefta Cur. Ward. Heriettis releviis, & omnibus aliis » que de terra exeunt, exigi, vel exigere potuerunc fine contradittione mei vel heredum meorum in pollerum 5 pro hac autem donacione, conceffioneque, cum clamacione ^ prefentis carte mee eflimatione dedic michi Magifter Willielmus de Haya Canonicus Hereford, nomine dittorum Decani & Capituli viginti folidos pro manibus, Ego vero Robcrtus, Sc hercdes mei dittam placiam terram cum per- tiiientiis dietis Decano & Capiulo, & eorum aiTignatis, con- tra omnes homines &: feminas, tarn Judeos quam Chriftia- nos, vvarenuxabimus & defendemus in perpetuum : Ec uc E hec ( 34 ) hec mea donacio, conceffio, quieta damacio, & prefentls carte confirmatio rata & ftabilis permaneac in perpetuum, banc prefentem cartam meam figilli mei impreflione cor- roboravi. [fo/. 3.] Hiis teftibus Dominis Rogero de Child- elton, Luciano & Johanne Raci Capellanis, Johanne de La- berevvc, tunc BalliVo Capitili, johanne Wyncer, Stephano Wyncer, Petro Lavvlefs, Roberto le Barbor, Johanne Mar- cel, Waltero le Tynebere, johanne de Haya, Adamo de Ba- rewe Clerico, & aJ'iis. CART. IIL SCiant prefenccs &; futuri,quod egoCriftina difta leFran- ceyfe dtdi, relaKavi, ik omnino quietum clamavi pro me & heredibus meis in perpetuum Domino Johanni de Machine Capellano pro decern & feptcm denariis argenti, quos michi dedit pro manibus, totum jus meum, & clamium quod habui^ vel aliquojure habere potui, in duobus dena- riis annui redditus, quos reciperc folebam de Domino Ri- cardo de Ja Barewe pro quadani particula terre quam idem Ricardus emit de Rogero de Thornbury quondam marito meo in vico Caftri habendam & tenendam fibi & heredibus fuis, vel fuis afTignatis quibufcunque libere, bene, pacifice, & quiete abfque omni vexacione, reclamacione aliqua, feu impedimento, vel calumpnia mei, vel heredum meorumj ita quod nee ego, nee hercdes mei, nee aliquis pro me, nee nomine meo, indp aliqu/d juris vel clamii clamare vel exi- gere potuerit in poflerum. Et quia volo quod hec mea do- nacio, relaxacio, &: quieta damacio rata & ftabilis pro me 6c heredibus meis permaneat in perpetuum, huic prefenti fcripto figillum meum appoiui, Hiis teftibus Willielmo de Hamyne, Hugone Sy ward, Magiftro Henrico Cementario, Ro- gero ditto Romano, Johanne Wyncer, Roberto le Barburc, Henrico de Leorn, Willielmo de Lecche Clerico, & aliis. a CART. IV. SCianc prefentes & futuri, quod ego Johannes le Werur, civis Hereford, dedi & concelTi, & hac prel'enti carta mea confirmavi Decano & Capiculo Hereford. [^ FoL 4. ] duodecim' denarios annui redditus quos Hugo le Ro niichi annuatim reddere confuevic de quodum meluagio ciun percinentiis, quod de me tenuic in Hereford quod jacec (35) jacet in venella quod vocatur le Endeleflone inter terrain meam ex una parte, & terram Willielmi Valet ex altera, cum toto dominio didi melTuagii fine aliquo retenemento habend. & tenend. prediftis Decano &. Capitulo, & fuis affignatis, prediftum rcddicum, cum fuis pertinentiis j ita libere, unquam liberius ilium habui vel habere potui in per- petuum. Pro hac autem donacione ^<. conceftione pacavic in nomine prediftorum Decani & Capituli Magi/1. Will, de Haya Canonic. Hereford, decern folidos argenti pro manibus. Ego vero diftus Johannes, & heredes mei, predirtuni red- ditum ipfis Decano & Capitulo, &: alfignatis eorum, contra omnes homines & feminas, tam Judeos quam Chriftianos, vvarentizabimus in perpetuum. In cuius rei teftimonium prcfenti fcripto figillum meum appofui. Hiis teftibus Ro- berto deTuffeky, Johanne Lichfot, in horn' de Sco. Egidio, Johanne de Matherne, Johanne Bodehive, Waltero le Wanter, Henrico de Leomenell, Johanne Winter, FctroLaweles, & mul- tis aliis. C A R T. V. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod^o Rogerus Tyrel, filius Ricardi Tyrel, dedi & conceiTi, & hac prefenti carta mea confirmavi Roberto de Trillec Clerico, totum redditum meum quod habui vel habere potui de dono difti Ricardi patris mei in vico dc caflro in civitate Hereford, recipien- dum de domibus que funt in eodem Vico, & de curtilagio, & cum redditu de gardino quod idem Robertus tenet, Sc quod fuit Willielmi Platun quondam in eodem vico in villa Hereford, retro domos que fuerunt Ricardi de le Barve Ca- pellani, & marchiant difte terre cum gardino [Fo/. 5.] ad terram ejufdem Roberti quam emit de Magiftro Elya de Lodolowe, & terram quam emit de Agneta Valant, habend. & tenend. totum redditum meum predidum, cum omnibus fuis pertinentiis, de me & heredibus meis, & heredibus fuis, vel affignatis fuis, vel cuicunque & quandocunque pre- diftum redditum dare, legate, vendere, vel aflignare volueric in feudo & hereditatc libere & quiete, bene 5c integre, fi- ne aliquo retenemento velimpedimento mei, vel heredum me- orum, reddendo inde annuatimmichi & heredibus meis, ipfe & heredes fui, vel afTignati fui, unam Rofam ad Nativita- tem Sanfti johannis Baptifte pro omnibus ferviciis fecularj- bus, exaccionibus, confuetudinibus, fettis curie, releviis, herietis, wardis, & omnibus aliis ferviciis, ad prediftura E 2 feddituni (3^ reddicum pertinentlbus. Pro hac autem donacione & car- te mee confirmacione dedit michi prcdiftus Robertus duas marcas argenti pro manibus, et quia vero prediftus Ro- gerus, & heredes mei, difto Roberto &: heredibus fuis, vel aiTignatis fuis, totum prediftum reddicum, cum omnibus fuis percinentiis, & cum toco tenemento & homagio que accide- re polTunc de difto tenemento, quod omnes homines & fe- minas in perpetuum warentizabimus, & pro predifto reddi- tu defendemus. In cujus rei tefiimonium huic prefenti fcripto Sigillum meum appofui. Hiis teflibus, Domino Ri- cardo de Baggyngeden, Domino Walcero Deverens, Ricardo Monyword, Ricardo Yngan, Humfrido de Haftelcree, Wal- tero le Wancer, Magillro Walcero Nogent, Johannes dc Werwyn, Willielmus Valec, & aliis. CART. VI. UNiverfis Chrifti fidelibus prefens fcriptum vifuris vel audituris, Galfridus Penitenciarius & Canonicus He- reford, & Simon de Bofebufy Capellanus, cuflos elemofi- narie Hereford, Executores teftamenti bone memorie Do- mini Ricardi de Barvve Capellani, falutem in Domino. Noverit univerficas veOra nos dediffe ^ concefTifTe Domino ]ohanni de Haya [ FoL 6. ] Capellano pro viginci marcis ifterlingorum, quos ipfe numeravic pro manibus, ad dillri- buendum pro anima difti defunfti totam terram iliam, cum percinentiis in Hereford, in quam diftus Ricardus de la Barvve m^nfit, habendam & tenendam fibi, & heredibus fuis, vel fuis affignacis quibufcunque libere, quiete, & incegre, fecundum tenorem cartarum, quas didus Ricardus & pre- deceifores fui habuerunc fupra terram prediftam de Do- minis difte terre, faciendo inde annuatim Domino difte terre fervicium quod percinec ad diclam terram. Nos vero gra- tia dicti executores teftamenti difti defunfti totam pre- diftam terram, cum edificiis & omnibus percinentiis fuis, quatemis fpeftanc ad executores dido Domino Johanni, & heredibus fuis, vel fuis aiTignatis quibufcunque, contra om- nes gentes in perpetuum warentizabimus &: defendemus. In cujus rei teftimonium huic prefenti Sigilla noftra appo- fuimus. Hiis teflibus Domino Johanne Decano Hereford, Magillris Willielmo de Haya, & Wilhelmo de Radenor Ca- nonico Landavenfi, Domino Willielmo de Evefliam, & Ro- berto difto feniore, Roberi;Q difto juniore, Vicariis Ecclefie Hereford, ( 37 ) Hereford, Willielmo de Hamma, & aliis. Dat. Anno Dom. millefimo CC feptuagefimo primo. CART. VII. UNiverfis Chrifti fidelibus prefens fcriptum vifuris & audituris, fracer Stephanas de Falyleger, quondam Prior Lantonienfis primus, Alexander de Bemedebury Ca- pellanus, Willielmus de 'Cotinton Capellanus, executores teftamenti bone memerie Domini Willielmi de Sanfto Jo- hanne Capellani, falutem in Domino. Noveric univeriitas veftra nos dedilTe & conceflifTe Domino Ricardo de Barwe Capellano pro decem marcis fterlingorum, quas ipfe nobis numeravic pro manibus, ad diftribuendum pro anrnia difti defunfti tocam terram illam, cum [Fo/. 7.] percinentiis, -ia Hereford, in quam didus Willielmus de Sanfto Johanne manfic, habendam & tenendam fibi & heredibus luis qui- bufcunque libere, quiete, & intej^re, fecundum cenorem cartarum quas diftus Willielmus, 8>: ejus predeceffor Regi- naldus Clericus, habuerunt fuper cerram prediftam de Do- minis difte terre, faciendo inde annuacim Domino dide terre fervicium ad diftam terram. Nos vero Executores tell:a- menti difti defunfti totam prediftam terram, cum edificiis & omnibus pertinentiis fuis, quatenus fpeftat ad executo- res, difto Ricardo, & heredibus fuis, vel fuis aflignatis qui- bufcunque, contra omnes gentes in perpetuum warentiza- bimus & defendemus. In cujus rei tellimonium huic fcrip- to figilla nbftra appofuimus. Hiis teflibus. Domino Ste- phano Decano Herefordenfi, Henrico Archidiacono Herefor- denfi. Domino Willielmo de Kingefton Canonico Herefor- denfi, Magiftro WiJlieimo Platon, Dominis Roberto de Cal- na, Willielmo Reftore Ecclefie de Thurclefton, & Alex. Capellanis, & multis aliis. CART. VIII. UNiverfis Chrifti fidelibus prefens fcriptum vifuris vel audituris, Dominus Stephanus de Stefton Capellanus, & Galfridus de Sanfto Albano Clericus, Executores tefta- menti bone memorie Domini Johannis de Mathma Capel- lani, falutem in Domino. Noverit univerfitas veftra nosde- diffe & concefTifTe Luciano Capellano, perpetuo Vicario Ma- giftri WiUielmi de Haya, Canonici Eccleiie Herefordenfis, & omnibus (38) omnibus fuccefToribus fuls Vicariis, celebrantibus divina pro anima predifti Willielmi de Haya, & animabus patris &ma- tris ejufdem, & omnium fidelium defuuftorum in perpetuum in eadem pro viginti raarcis argenti quas prediftus Magifter Willielmus de Haya Canonicus Hereford, nobis numeravic pro manibus, ad diftribuendum pro anima didi defunfti to- tam terram illam, [F0/.8.] cum domibus, curtilagiis, edi-. ficiis, & omnibus pertinentiis fuis, in Hereford, in quibus didus Johannes de Machina manfic, habendam & tenendam predifto Luciano, & fuccelToribus fuis Vicariis quibufcunque predifti Magiftri Willielmi de Haya libere, quiete, incegre, & pacifice, fecundum tenorem carcarum quas diibus, Waltero de la Warre, Reginaldo Moniword, Willielmo Bodgnave, Jo- hanne Lichfot, Bartholomeo Ypothecario, &aliis. CART. XL SCianc prefentes & futuri, quod ego Johannes Clericus, filius Tyrrper, dedi & concefTi, & hac prefenci carta mea confirmavi Ricardo de Warewe CapelUno unain partem terre mee in vico Caflelli, que jacet intra terram Rogeri Saym ex una parte, & terram meam ex altera -^ cujus unum cap. d tendit verfus vicum in fronte, & aliud capud verfus terram Magiftri Willielmi Platun in fine , &: tenet in latitu- dine duodecini ulnas & unum quarteriun> cum pollicibus, liabend. & tenend. de me & heredibus meis, vel meis afTig- natis, fibi, heredibus fuis, vel fuis affignatis quibufcunque, in feodo & hereditate, libere, quiete, & mtegre, reddendo inde annuatim michi & heredibus meis, iple & hcredes fui, vel \_FoL ii.] fui afTignati quicunque, duos denarios ad duos terminos anni, fcilicet, ad Annunciationem Beate Marie unum denarmm, & ad feftum Sanfli Michaelis unum denarium pro omni fervicio, exaccione, &: confuetudine, & demanda, pro hacauteni donacione & concefTione dedi t michi diftus Ricardus pro manibus decern folidos fterhngonjm. Ego vero Johannes, & heredes mei, vel mei afTignati pre- diftam terram, cum fuis pertinentiis, di^o Ricardo, & he- redibus fuis, vel fuis aifignatis quibufcunque, contra omnes homines &. feminas in perpetuum warentizabimus, & de om- nibus rebus fecularibus verfus quofcunque pro predifto red- ditu defendemus & accquierabimus. In cuius rei cellimo- nium prefenti fcripto Sigillum meum appofui. Hiis tefti- bus Magiflro Wijiieimo Platone, Domino Willielmo de Sanfto johanne, Alexandro Capellano Beate Marie de San- fto Nicholao, Nicholao de Haya, Johanne Bened, Stephano Nuncio, Elya Trefor, & multis aiiis. CART. XII. S Giant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Cecilia Salant dedi & concefTi, ^ hac prefenti carta confirmavi Decano & Capitulo Hereford, duodecim denariat. annui redditus, quos fokbam recipere de Dvonifia la Sapefler de terra & tene- mentis (4') mentis, que eadem Dyonifia de me tenuic in vico CiflH, habend. & cenend. tocum prediftum redditum, cum omni- bus fuis percinenciis, de me &; heredibus meis, prediftis Decano &: Capiculo, & affignatis fuis, vel cuicunque ^ quandocunque prediftum redditum dare, legere, vel aiTig- nare voluerunt, in feodo & hereditate, libere, quiete, bene, integre, & pacifice, fine aliquo retenemento vel impedimen- to mei, vel heredum meorum in perpetuum. Reddendo inde annuatim predifto Decano & Capitulo Henrico de Hereford dimidiam libram [Fo/. 12.] Cymini ad Feftum Beati Mi- chaelis, pro omnibus ferviciis fecularibus, exaftionibus, con- fuetudinibus feftis Curie, releviis, herietis, wardis, efcaetis, & omnibus aliis rebus ad predidlum redditum pertinentibus. Prohacautem donacione, & concefTione, & carte mee confir- macione, dedit mihi Magifter Willielmus de Haya Canonicus Hereford, viginti folidos fterlingorum pre manibus. Ego vero Cecilia, & heredes mei, predidis Decano & Capitulo, vel fuis affignatis, totum prediftum redditum, cum omni- bus fuis pertinentiis, contra omnes homines & fcminas in perpetuum vvarentizabimus, & pro predifto redditu de-^ fendemus. In cujus rei ceftimonium prefenti fcripto Sigil- lum meum appofui, Hiis teftibus Johanne le Werrur, ]o- hanne LidfoC tunc Eallivo Canonicorum, Johanne de Wa- revva, johanne Wynter, Roberto le Barbur, Thoma de San- fto Egidio, tunc Reftore Beati Eadceni, Symon. de Wofe- bury, Johanne de Machine, Johanne de Ereconia, Capellanis, & aliis. Datum Hereford, die Sabbati proxima poit feftum Annunciationis Beate Marie, Anno Dommi MCC feptuage- limo fexto. CART. Xllf. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Henricus de Flere- ford. Miles, dedi, concelfi, & hac prefenti carta mea confirmavi Domino Willielmo de Evefham Capellano, pro decem folidis argenti, quos michi dedic pro manibus, illos decem denarios annui redditus, quos annuatim recipere con- fuevi de medietate terre, cum pertinentiis, que quondam fuit Henrici Buftard, Archidiaconi Hereford, in venella ten- dente de Scaleriis Cimiterii verfus Cabachellone, que medi- etas terre antedidte )acet inter terram que fuitNicholai Car- les, quamRobertus de Ffoi\ona Capellanus tenet, ex parte una, & aliam medietacem terre memorate, quam [^Fol. 13."] Willielmus de Evefham Capellanus tenet de Capitulo, ex F alia. (4=) alia, habendam & tenendam de me & heredibus meis, fibi vel heredibus fuis, vel fuis artignatis quibufcunque, vel cui- ciin^ue 8^ quandocunque, tocum predidum redditum aiinuum decern denariorum, tam in fanitate quam in egritudine, dare, vendere, legare, invadiare, vel artignare voluerint, in feodo & in hereditate, libere, integre, bene, pacifice, & quiete, in omnibus rebus & locis, cum coto dominio meo inde ibi- - dem concingente fine aliquo retenemento mei, vel heredum meorum in perpetuum, reddendo inde annuacim ipfe & he- rcdes fui, vel fui affignati, michi & heredibus meis, unum clavum variotili in nundinis Sanfti Ethelberti pro omni terreno fervicio, dans pro me & heredibus meis, predifta Domino Willielmo, & heredibus fuis, & fuis affignatis libe- ram & plenariam poteftatem diftam medietatem terre ante- difte,quotiens necefl'e fuic diftringere propredifto redditu de- cern denariorum fuis terminis non foluco. Ego vero prediftus Henricus, iU heredes mei tocum prediftum redditum annuum decern denariorum, una cum libera diftinttione, quotiens necefle fucrit faciendo, pro eodem redditu predicto Domi- no Willielmo de Evefham Capellano, & heredibus fuis, & quibufcunque fuis affignatis, contra omnes homines & fe- minas in perpetuum warentixabimus, accquietabimus, & de- fendemus. In cujus rei teflimonium huic prefenti carte Sigillum nieum appofui. Hiis teftibus Willielmo Jonderay, Hugone Doreward, Willielmo de Fineges tunc Domino, Ro- gero Hereford, johanne de Barwe tunc Ballivo Capituli, Hugone di«o Clerico, Thoma Thebaud, Johanne Li£ifot, Ricardo de Bramford, Willielmo de Lecche Clerico, & aliis. Dat. Anno Domini Millcfimo ducentefimo feptuagefi- mo nono, Regni noflri Regis Edvvardi filii Regis Henrici, fepcimo, menlejunii. CART, xiiil; [ Fol. 1 4-1 1 "INiverfis Chrifti fidelibus prefens fcriptum vi- Iri ^""^^^ ^ audituris, Willielmus de Kyngefton, Canoniciis Heretbrdenfis eternam in domino falutem. No- verit univerfitas veilra me de unanimi afienfu & confenfu Domini Scephani Decani & Capituli Hereford, dedifie & conceififle, ^ hac prefenti Carta mea confirmaffe Domino Ricardo de Warwe Capellano tocam terram illam, cum do- mibus, & ediftciis, & omnibus pertinenciis fuis in Hereford, que fuerunt Domini Williclmi de Sanfto Johanne, & in qua ipfc manfic, habendam c^ , tenendam fibi, & heredibus V fuis, (43) fuis, vel cuicuiique, & quibufcunque, & quandocanque earn dare, vendere, legare, vel affignare volueric, excepcis viris religiofis & Judeis, de me & fucceflbribus meis in feodo dc hereditate, libere, quiete, & integre, cum domibus & edificiis, & omnibus percinenciis fuis, Reddendo inde annu- arim michi & fuccelToribus meis, ipfe, hcredes fui, vel fui afTignati, ofto folidos fterlingorum pro omni fcrvicio, ex- aftione, confuetudine, &demanda. In cujus rei ceftimoni- iim prefenti fcripcG Sigillum meum appofui, Hiis tefiibus. Domino Stephano Decano Herefordenfi, Domino Johanna Foliot Archidiacono Salopfcire, Domino Johanne Epifcopo, Dominis Scephano Banaflre, NichoUo Penicenciario Cano- nicis Herefordenfibus, Mag\l\ro Wijlielmo Platun, Dominis Alexandro de Temedeburv, Roberto de Calva, Williclmo de Eton, Reftore Ecclefie de Charckftone Capelianis, &: maJcis aliis. [CART. XV. NOcum fit omnibus, quod ego Willielmus le Poer Cano- nicus Hereford, concefTi, & hac carta mea confirmavi Willielmo de Norchun Capellano donacionem H quietam cla- miam, quam Reginaldus de [Fo/. 15."] Bromyard Clericus fecit difto Willielmo de Nortun Capellano & affignatis, fuper iota terra fua, cum pertinenciis in Herefordia, quam de me tenuit, ficuti continecur in Carta difti VVillielmiquam habet de di^o Reginaldo fuper difia terra. In cujus rei leftimonium & confirmacionem huic fcripto figillum meum appofui, Hiis teftibus, CART. XVI. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Rogerus de Hereford, heres Rogeri filii Henrici, dedi ^ concelFi Radulpho Tinftur.pro homagio & fervicio fuo tocam terram meam, fciiicet, illam terram, que eft inter terram Gilberti Spal- hack , & terram (a) fuit Willielmi Eoyfvere in yico Caftelli, tenend. & habend. de me & heredibus meis, illi &C heredibus fuis, vel cui cam aflignare voluerit in fe- odo & hereditate, libere & quiete, ab omni fervicio & exaftione, Reddendo inde annuatim michi vel heredibus, ipfe (t) heredes fui unam libram cimini ad Feftum Sani^i Michaelis •, & predidus Randulphus vel fui prediftam (a) Que H om'itnd, (b) Et omittsd. ^ 3 terram (44) tctnm vendent, dabunc, & invadiabunt cuicunque voluerint, excepto demo (a) religionis, & falvo reddicu meo. Et ego Rogerus, & heredes mei predittam, cum pertinen- ciis fuis, prefato Randulfo, & heredibus fiiis^ vel cui earn afftgnare, contra omnes homines & feminas warentizabimus. Et quia volo quod hoc ratum ^ (labile permaneat, pre- fenti Carta mca, & Sigilli mei imprefTione confirmavi, Hiis rellibus, Ricardo filio Emeiine, Willielmo Olmer, Willielmo de Sanclo Brianeilo, Thoma filio Gerfanr, jordano Gerra, Roberto de la Brokene, Waltero Kcgge, Roberto Fabro, & multis alii 5. CART. XVII. [ Fo/. 10.] rTNiverf] 5 Crifli fidelibus prefens fcripcum \Ji vifuris vel audituris, Robertus did:us le Graunt, Robertus junior Vicarius in Ecclefia Herefordenfi, & WilJielmus de Hanna Clericus, Executores tedamenti bo- ne memorie Domini Johannis de Hay a Capellani, falutem in Domino. Noverit univerfitas veflra nos vendidilTe, con- celtifTe, & quietum claraaiTe Domino johanni de Machine Capellano pro viginti marcis fterlingorum, quas nobis nu- meravitpremanibus,addiflribuendumpro anima difti defun- fti, totam terram illam, cum edificiis, & aliis pertinenciis in Heretbrdia, in qua difitus Johannes de Haya manfit, habend. & tcnend. fibi & heredibus fuis, vel fuis affignatis quibuf- cunque, libere, quiete, & integre, fecundum tenorem carta- rum, quas didtus Johannes & predeceflores fui habueriinc de terra predidta de Dominis ditle terre, Faciendo inde an- nuatim Domino diftt terre fervicium quod pertinec ad di- dam terram. In cuius rei teflimonium huic prefenti fcnpto Sigilla noftra appofuimus. Hiis teflibus, Domino Emerico Cancellano, Domino Willielmo de Kyngefton, Ma- giftro Wiiiielmo de Haya, Magiflro Rogero de Bofebury, Domino Hugone d'z Dinner, Domino Hugone de Mufter, Ca- iionicis Herefordenfibus, Domino Stephano de Striftone Ca- pellano, Hugone Syward, Henrico de Leominifter, Johanne Wynrcr, Roberto le Barbur, Willielmo de Lecche Clerico, & aliis. Datum Anno Domini MCC feptuagefimo quarto menie junii. (a) Fotm domo. Omnibus (45) CART. XVIII. OMnibus Crifti fidelibus ad quos prefens Carta perveneric, Hugo, \_Fol. ly."] permiffione divina, Herefordenfis Ecclefie Miniller humilis, eternam in Domino falucem. No- veric univerfitas veflra nos cartulam dilefti in Crifto filii noftri Willielmi le Poer Canonici Herefordenfis fub hac for- ma infpexiffe. — Sciant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Willi- elmus le Poer de ailenfu & voluncate Capic^ili Herefordenfis, ad meliorationem Prebende mee, dedi & conceffi Reginaldo Clerico terciam partem tocius terre mec ad Prebendam meam pertinentis, que extendic ex una parte ad vicum ja- centem de majori Ecclefia Herefordenfi ad portam Caftelli, & ex alia parte extenditur ad terram Monacorum de Re- dinges, tenendam dc habendam fibi & cuicunque illam dare vel aflignare voluerit de me & fuccefToribus meis, Canoni- cis jure hereditario Iibere, integre, & quiete, ab omni fervicio & exaftione que ad terram pertinere poffic, Red- dendo inde annuatim michi & fuccefforibus meis ofto fo lidos, fcilicet, in Annunciatione Beate Marie quatuor fo- lidos, & in fefto Sanfti Michaelis quatuor folidos, Quod quia ratum & ftabile effe volumus, id prefenci fcripto & iigilli mei impreifione confirmavi. Hiis teftibus, Thoma Decano Herefordenfis Ecclefie, Wiliielmo Precentore Here- ford & f^)eidem loci Capitulo, Magiftro Reginaldo de Rade- noure, Wiliielmo & Salamone Capellanis, & multis aliis. Nos vero prcdiftam donacionem, &; concefTionem ratam, 6i in- tegram habentes, cum unanimi confenfu &: voluntate Ca- pituli Herefordenfis illam prefenti Carta & Sigillivefiri mu- nimine au^oritate Epifcopali confirmavimus. Hiis tefiibus, Tlioma Decano Herefordenfi, Wiliielmo Precentore, [_FoL i8.] Helya Thefaurario Herefordenfi, Wiiliejmo Capellano &: Ca- nonico, Magifiro S. Clerico Herefordenfis, Gregorio Ca- pellano, Magiftro Helya de BuckenhuU, & multis aliis. CART. XIX. UNiverfis Sanfte matris Ecclefie filiis prefens fcriptum vifuris & audituVis, Stephanus Decanus Herefordenfis be ejufdem loci CapituJum, eternam in Domino falutem. Noverit univerfitas veftra nos Cartam dilefti Fratris & Cano- nici nofiri Domini Willielmi de Kyngefion in hec verba in- (rf) Ejufdem. fpexifTe, (40 fpexilTe, Wiilielmus de Kyngeflon Canonicus Herefordenfis eternam in Domino falutem. Noverit univerficas veftra me de unanimi affenfu & confenfu Domini Scephani Decani & Capituli Herefordenfis dediffe & conceflifTe, & hac prefenci carta mea confirmafTe Domino Ricardo de Warwe tocam terram illam, cum domibus, & edificiis„ & omnibus perci- nenciis fuis, in Hereford, que fuerunt Domini Willielmi de Sanfto Johanne, in qua ipfe manfit, habend. & tenend. fibi & heredibus fuis, vel cuicunque, & quibufcunque, & quan- docunque earn dare, vendere, legare, vel affignare voluerint, exceptis viris religiofis & Judeis, de me & fuccefforibus meis, in feodo Sc hereditate, libere, quiete, & incegre,cum domibus, & edificiis, & omnibus pertinenciisfuis. Redden- do inde annuacim mihi & fuccefToribus meis, ipfe 6c here- des fui, vel fui alfignati ofto folidos flerlingorum, pro oni- m fervicio, exaftione, confuetudine, &: demanda. In cu)us rei teftimonium prefenti fcripco Sigillum meum appofui. [ Fol. 1 9 '] Hiis teftibus. Domino Scephano Decano Here- fordenfi, Domino Johanne Foliot Archidiacono Salopefcire, Domino johanne Epifcopo, Dominis Stephano Banafire, Nicholao Penicenciario Canonicis Herefordenfibus, Magiftro Willielmo Platun, Dominis Alexandro de Temedebury, Roberto de Calva, Willielmo de Eton Reftore Ecclefie Thur- lefton Capellanis, & multis aliis. Nos igitur diftam dona- cionem & conceffionem ratam & gratam habences eani, prefenti fcripto & Sigilli noflri appofitione confirmare cu- ravimus. Hiis teftibus, Domino Scephano Decano Herefor- denfi, Domino Henrico Archidiacono Herefordenfi, Dominis Adamo de Salopesbury, Rogero de Kawesburge, Philippo de Haya Canonicis Herefordenfibus, Dominis Ernaldo Vi- cario de Beftemede, Willielmo de Sanfto Johanne, & Alex- andro Capellanis, & aliis. CART. XX. S Giant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Reginaldus de Brom- yard dedi, &quietum clamavi de me 6i heredibus meis in perpetuum Willielmo de Norton Capellano, & affignatis fuis totam terram illam in Hereford, cum percinenciis, quam tenui de Willielmo le Poer Canonico Herefordenfi, abfque impedimento, vel ulla reclamacione mei, vel here- dum meorum in porterum. Iftiid autem fideliter obfervan- dum cadis facro-fanftis juramento. Et pro hac donacione, & quieta clamacione, dedit michi diftus Wiilielmus novem marcas (47 ) marcas Aerlingorum. In hujus rei teftimonium & confir- macionem, huic fcripco Sigillum meum appofui. Hiis te- ftibus, Magiftro Willidmo Placun, Ricardo Capellano, Wil- lielmo de la Pipe de Ponte, Willielmo Romano. CART. XXI. SCiant prefcnces & futuri, quod ego Willielmus le Poer, de affeiifu & [Fo/. 20.] voluntate Herefordenfis ad melioracionem prel3ende mee dedi & concefTi Reginaldo Clerico terciam partem tocius terre mee ad Prebendam meam percinencis, que extendicur ex una parte ad vicum jacencem de majori EccJefia Herefordie ad portam Caftelli, & ex alia parte ad terram Monacorum de Radinges, te- nendam & habendam fibi & cuicunque illam dare vel affig- nare voluerinr, de me & fuccefforibus meis Canonicis jure hereditario libere, integre, & quiete, ab omni fervicio & exaftione, que ad terram pertinere pofTic, Reddendo inde an- nuatim michi & fuccelToribus meis ofto folidos, fcilicet, in Annunciatione Beate Marie quatuor folidos, in fefto Sanfti Michaelis quatuor folidos. .Quod quia ratum & ftabile effe volui, id prefenti fcripto & Sigilli mei impreffione confir- mavi. Hiis teftibus, Thoma Decano Herefordenfis Ecclc- fie, Willielmo Precentore Herefordenii & eidem loci Capi- tulo, Reginaldo de Radenoure, Willielmo, & Sfalamone Ca- pellanis, 6c mulcis aliis. CART. XXII. [FoL 2 1 .] QCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Hugo de Hec- i3 kel dedi & concefli, &. hac prefenti Carta confir- maviHugoni Bilibp deWebbely pro fervicio fuo, &pro dua- bus marcis & dimid. argenti, quas michi dedit promanibus, duasacras More, cum pertinenciis fuis,& jacet in longitudinem juxta Moram que fuit quondam Ric. de Bofco, & Moram que fuit quondam Philippi de Heckel & Hugoni de Heckel, & unum capud ie extendit fuper Moram que fuit quondam Henrici de Frenham, & aliud fuper Moram que fuit quon- dam ditti Ricardi de Bofco, habend. &: tenend. diftam Moram, cum pertinenciis fuis, de me & heredibus meis, vel meis aiFignatis, fibi & heredibus fuis, vel fuis affigna- tis, vel Cuicunque didtam Moram, cum pertinenciis liiis, dare, vendere, invadiare, vel legare voluerit, in fanitate vel (48) vel egritudine, abfque omni contradiftione mei, vel heredum meorum, auc affignatorum mcorum, bene & in pace. Jibe- re, quiete, & integre, cum omnibus libercatibus que de terra exeunt, vel exire potuerinr, Reddendo' inde annuatim michi, heredibus meis, vel meis affignacis, ipfe & here- des fui, vel fui affignaci unum denarium in Fefto Beaci Michaelis pro omnibus fecularibus ferviciis, confuetudinibus, & demandis, & pro omnibus rebus que de terra exeunt, vel in pofterum exire potuerint. Ego vero prediftus Hugo^ 8c heredes mei, vcl mei affignati, predifto Hugoni BifTop, & heredibus fuis, & [_Fol. 22,'] fuis aiTignatis predidam Moram, cum percinenciis fuis, contra omnes homines & feminas vvarentizabimus, defendemus, 6c accquietabimus. Et quia voio quod hec mea Donacio, concefRo, & prefen- tis carte mee confirmacio rata & Itabilis in perpetuum ma- neat, prefenti fcripto Sigillum meum appofui. Hiis tefti- bus, Waltero de Sternefeld filio Philippi, Davide Morewey, Philippo de HeckeJ, Johanne filio Alfredi, Nicholao Cha-- cheper de Webbeley, & multis aliis. CART. XXIII. Q€iant prefentes 5i futuri, quod ego Alicia uxor quondam O Johannis filii Alfredi de Norton in ligia poteftate mea dedi, conceflt, & quietum clamavi Roberto de Tibritune totum id & clamium quod habui, vel aliquid habere pocui, in duabus acris terre, &: uno meiTuagio in Calurehulle, que acre jacent inter- terram Symonis de Norton, & femicam que ducit verfus Heckelye, & predirtum meiVuagium )acec inter terram que fuit Roberci de Nortone, & terram Johannis Trary, & fe extendit a regali via ufque ad terram Henrici de Calurehulle, quas acras, cum mcfluagio, idem Ro- bertus emit de dit\o johanne quondam marito meo, & fuis pertinenciis unde modo ex caufa dccis [^ a~] feu alia quacunque ex caufa diftum Robertum, vel heredes fuos, vel • affignatos aliquo modo inquietabo in perpetuum. Fro hac autem donacione &; quieta clamacione dedit michi idem Ro- bertus de Tibritune dimid. marc, argenti pre manibus, & quia volo quod hec mea conceiTio Roberto firmitacisoptineat, huic fcripto Sigillum meum appofui. [_FoL2^.'] Hiis tefti- bus, Rogero Vicario de Norton, Hugone Biiiop, Davide de Nortone, Ricardo de la CurehuUe, Davide de Sernetfeld, Wil- hdmo de Sernetfeld, cum multis aliis. (a) FoPhiS ntch, CART- (49) CART. XXIV. SCianc prefcnces & fiituri, quod ego Symon filius Thome de 'Calurchulle, dedi & coficeffi, & hac prefenci Carta mea confirmavi Decano dc Capiculo Hereford, pro viginti tribus Iblidis argenti, quos michi nomine eorum Magifter Willielmus de Hava pacavit pre manibus duas (a) terre mee in terricorio de Calurehulle, illas videlicet acras que jacenn in longitudine inter terras Philippi de Eccheleya, & Hugonis deEccheleya, & le extundunt verfus le Rudinge, habendas & tenendas diftas acras, cum fuis pertinenciis diftis Decano & Capitulo, & eorum affignatis, libere dc quiete ab omnibus Curiarum fertis, herietis, releviis, tal- lagiis, & omnibus aliis exadtionibus 6c demandis, que de tern exeunt, vel exire pocuerunt in futurum, Reddendo inde an- nuatim in Fefto Beati Michaelis michi vel heredibus meis, predifti Decano & Capiculo, vel eorum affi^nati, unum denarium, pro omnibus ferviciis, fedis, tallagiis, & deman- dis. Ego vero diftus Symon, & heredes mei, prediftas duas acras, cum pertinenciis, diftis Decano & Capitulo He- refordenfi, & eorum aflignatis, contra omnes homines dc feminas, tarn Judeos quam Crillianos, cum omnibus pre- diftis libertatibus, warentizabimus &. defendemus in perpe- tuum. In cujus rei teftimonium prelenti Icripco meo Si- gillum meum appofui, Hiis teftibus, Rogero Vicario de Norton, Hugone [Fo/. 24.] de Biffop, Davide de Norton^ Davide de Sarnesteld, Willielmo de Sarnesfeld, Ricardo dt Calurehulle, Michaele de Hulle, & multis' aliis. CART. XXV. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Hugo filius Hugonis de Eckeleia, dedi & conceffi, Sc hac prefenti carta mea confirmavi Decano & Capitulo Herefordenfi pro viginti fo- lidis argenti, quos Magifter Willielmus de Haya Canonicus Hererocdenfis eorum nomine michi pacavit pre manibus, rres lelliones terre mee, cum fuis pertinenciis, in campo de Eckelcye, illos videlicet feJIiones qui jacent inter terram diftorum Decani & Capituli ex una parte, 6c terram meam trium fellionum ex altera j & in longitudine fe excendunc a terra Philippi de Eckel, verfus le Rudinge, habendam 8i teaendam predirtam terram, cum feilionibus diftis, Decano d) Acraf is omitted in the Orkinal M-S. C 50 ) 8c Capitulo, & eorum afffgnatis, libere & quiete, immunes ab omnibus feftis Curiarum, herietis, releviis, tallagiis, wardis, auxiliis, & univerfis aliis exaftionibus, regalibus, &: aliorum mundanis demandis, Reddendo inde annuatim pre- difti Decauiis & Capitukim, vel eorum afTignati, michi & heredibus meis, unum denariuin Herefordie in Fefto Eeati Michaelis pro omni fervicio quod de terra exire potcrit. Ego vero dldus Hugo ^-c heredes mei prediftam terram, cum fuis pcrtinenciis & diftis libertatibus, contra omnes homines Sifeminas, tarn Judeosquam Criftianos, iiftis De- cano & Capitulo, & eorum aiTignatis, warentizabimus, & ab omnibus lerviciis fecularibus dcfendemus, & demandis accquietabimus in perpetuum. In cujus rei tellimonium pre- Icnci fcripto Sigillum meum appofui, Hiis teftibus, Davide Morwi, Davide de Norton, Rogero Vicariode eadem, Fetro [Fo/. 25.] de FernhaJJ, Walcero de Sarnesfeld, Willielmo de Sarnesfeld, Henrico Molendinario, Rogero Decano de Webbeleya, & muicis aliis. CART. XXVI, S Giant prefentes & futuri,quod ego Hugo de Ekkeley filius Hugonis de Ekkeleyc, dcdi & concelfi, & hac prefenti carta mea confirmavi Decano &; Capitulo Ecclefie Herefor- denfis, ad operam unius Vicarii, qui divina celebrabit pro anima Magiftri Willielmi de Haya Canonici Herefordenfis, dc pro animabiis omnium fidelium defunftorum in eadem in perpetuum, unam acram terre mee arabilis, & fex fey- lionibus, cum fuis pertinenciis, in terntorio de Norton, que jacet in campo qui vocatur Wifpucefeld, inter terras Phi- lippi de Ekkcleye ex una parte, cui unum capud CKcendic iuper terram didi Hugonis de Ekkeleye, & aliud ad rega- km viam que vocatur Vvlfputciwey, habend. & tenend. de me & heredibus, vel affignatis meis, totam prediftam a- cram de fex feyJionibus, cum fuis pertinenciis omnibus, predidis Decano & Capitulo, & eorum aflignatis, libere & quiete, bene, &: in pace, in omnibus locis, cum omnibus li- bertatibus. Reddendo inde annuatim michi & heredibus me- is, vel affignatis meis, predifti Dccanus &: Capitulum, vel eorum affignati, unum denarium in fefto annunciationis Be- ate Marie pro omnibus ferviciis, confuetudinibus, releviis, herietis, efcactis, feftis curiaruni, wardis, tallagiis, & tarn pro regali fervicio quam fonnfeco, pro omnibus exai^ionibus < & quacuor denarios & obulum Decano & Capiculo Herefor- denii, fcilicec, in feflo omnium San^^orum unum dcnarium & obulum, in Annunciatione Dominica unum denarium & obulura, & in fefto Nativicatis Bcati johannis Baptifte uhuni denarium & obulum, pro omnibus ferviciis, demandis, que- relis, vvardis, heriecis, releviis, auxiliis, tallagiis, feftis cu- riarum & hundrcdorum, & tam pro regali quam capitally &; in forinfeco fervicio, & pro omnibus rebus fecularibus, ^ demandis, que de difta terra, vel difto prato, cum per- tinenciis fuis, exeunt, vel exire potuerunt. Ego vero pre- diftus Philippus, &: heredes mei, vel mei affignaci, preditto Hugoni, & heredibus fuis, vel fuis affignatis, prediftam terram &: pratum, cum omnibus pertinenciis fuis, contra omnes homines & feminas in perpetuum vvarentizabimus, defendemus, 8c accquietabimus. In cujus rei ceftimonium huic prefenci fcripto Sigillum meum appofui. Hi is teftibus, DavideMorwy,Ricardo Morvvy, Walterole Grant, Roberto de Norton, Hugonede Heckel, Walterq Francifco, & multis aliis. CART. XXXI. SCiadc prefentes & futuri, quod ego Johannes filius Alu- redi de Calurehulle [Fo/. 51.3 dedi & concefTi, dc hac prefenti carta mea confirmavi Roberto de Tybrinton pro quadragiata fex folidis & duobus denariis argent i, quos michi pacavit pro manibus, duas acras terre mee & unujA melTuagium meum, cum pertinenciis fuis in Calurehulle und^ diftum mefTuagium jacec inter terram predidi Roberti & me'liuagitim Johannis Tani, unde unum capud fe extendic iifque ad regalcm viam, & aliud capud fe extendit ufque ad terram Henrici de Calurehulle, ^ due acre jacent inter rcrram Symonis de Nortone &; femitam que ducit verfus Heckel, unde unum capud fe extendic verfus maritum Ni- cholai filii Edrick, & aliud capud fe extendic ufque ad re- galem viam, habend. & tenend. de me & heredibus meis, fibi, & heredibus fuis, vel fuis affignatis, & eorum heredi- bus, vel cuicunque, feu quibufcunque, & quandocunque Toluerit, totum prediftum meffuagium, H totdm prediftam terram, cum omnibus pertinenciis fuis, dare, vendere, le- gare, vel affignare, tam in firmitate, quam in bona fanitace, in feodo &: hereditate, libere, & quiete, &: integre, & ho- norifice, bene, & in bona pace, in omnibus locis, cum om- nibus libertatibus, & ayfiamentis, abfque omni vexatione, Vpediiiienco, & calum'pnia mei & heredum meorum in perpe- ( 55) , perpecuum, Reddendo inde annuatim michi & heredibus tne'n, ipfe, 8c heredes fui, vel fui afilgnati, &: eorum heredes, tres denarios argenti ad crcs anni terminos, videlicet, ad Annuncia- tionem Beate Marie Virginis uiium denarium, & ad Nacivi- tacem Beati Johanni:^ Bapcifte unum denarium, SiadFeftum omnium Sanctorum unum denarium, pro omnibus lerviciis, confuecudinibus, exadionibus \_FoL^2,'] & demandis, que predifto melTuagio &: prcdida tern exeunt, vel aliquo mo- do exirc potuerunc, falvis michi ^ heredibus meis duodc- cim denariis pro herieto & releviis, quociefcunque relevium aut herietum inde exire debeac de jure. Ego vero prediftus Johannes & heredes mei, tocum prediftum mefluagium, ^ tocam prediftam rcrram, cum omnibus pertinenciis fuis^ ficut provifum eft: ^ perambulacum per metas & bundas prenominato Roberto, & heredibus fuis, vel luis aiTignacis, & eorum heredibus, contra omnes homines &; femmas in perpetuum vvarentizabimus, 6c de omnibus feftis, & fer- viciis, & auxiliis, tallagiis, & de omnibus aUis rebus, & fer- viciis, & feculanbus demandis, verfus omnes gentes accqui- etabinius & defendemus pro predifto redditu, & pro pre- diftis duodecim denariis. In cujus rei teftimonium huic prefenti fcripto Sigillum meum appofui, Hiis teftibus, Wal- ter© le Graunt, Philippo Heckel, Roberto de Norton, Da- vide de Norton, Hugone de Heckel, & multis aliis. CART. xxxn. SCiant prefentes 6c futuri, quod ego Hugo filius Hugonis de Ekkel dedi & concefli, &: hac pxefenti Carta mea confirmavi Decano &CapituloHerefordenri,& aflignatjs fuis, tocam Moram mcam, cum omnibus pertinenciis fuis, in terri- torio de Norton, 8c viam continentem latitudinem duodecim pedum, que extendit fe in longitudine a difta mora ufque ad regalem viam verfus occidentem, que fui 8c fuis omni tempore anni libera erit 8c aperta, cum duabus acris terre mee arrabilis in eodem territorio, 8c jacec dida mora in lon- gitudine juxta moram [fo/. 35.] que fuit quondam Ricar- di de Bofco, dc moram que fuit PhiJippi 6c Hugonis dc Ekkelye, ^ unum capud ie extendit fuper moram que fuit Henrici de Fernhall, 5c aliud fuper , moram que fuic Ri- cardi de Bofco, una acra terre jacet in campo qui dicitur Wolgarefcroftestelde, inter terras Philippi de Ekkel 8c Da- vidis de Ekkelye ex utraque parte, ^ extendit fe ad rega- lem viam, 5c alia acra jacet in Wulputtesfeld inter terras Davidis de Ekkei ex utraque parte, 8c extendit fc ad pra- ( 50 predidam regalem viam, habendas & tenendas predifta^ nioram, & viam, & acras terre, cum omnibus pcrcinenciis fuis, deme& heredibus meis, diftis Decano & Capitulo, & quibufcunque didas moram, viam, & terras afTignare vo- luerunt bene& in pace, libere & quiecc, cum omnibus liber- tatibus fuis, Reddendo inde annuatim michi & here- dibus meis, vcl meis alTignacis, predi£ti Decanus & Capitulum, & fui alfignati cres denarios, & ad Feflum Beat! johannis (a) Bapcille unum denarium pro om- nibus ferviciis, fe^tis Curiarum & hundredorum, herietis, releviis, tallagiis regalibus, & aliis quibufcunque confuecu^ dinibus, demandis, & rebus, que de terra e'xeunt, vel exire potuerunt. Pro hac aucem donacione, conceiTione, & con- firmacione, dedit michi Magif>er Willielrnus de Hayar Ca- nonicus Herefordenfis quatuor marcas & dimid. argenti pro manibus. Ego vero prediftus Hugo de Ekkel, & heredes mei, vel aiTignati, prediftis Decano & Capitulo, & eorum afiignatis, predidas rnoram, viam, & terras, cum omnibus fuis pertinenciis, contra omnes homines & feminas warcn- tizabimus, [Fo/. 94.] & defendemus, 6c accquietabimus in perpetuum. Et quia volo quod hec mea donacio, conceffio, & confirmacio rata & llabilis permaneat in perpetuum, prefenti fcripto Sigillum meum appolui, Hiis teftibus, Hu- gone BifTop de Webbelcy, Davide Morvvy, Willielmo de Sarnesfeld, Davide de Norton, Philippo de Cockeley, Petro de Fernhall, Waltero le Graunt, Nicholao de Hulle, Henrico le Monney, & mulcis aliis. CART. XXXIII. S Giant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Hugo de Fulebrugge, filius Hugonis Prepofiti, dedi ^ conceiTi, & hac prefen- ti Carta mea confirmavi Decano 6c Capitulo Ecclefie He- refordenfis unam acram terre mee in Villa de Pyonia Cano- nicorum, illam videlicet acram cum fuis pertinenciis, que jacet in longitudinem inter viam que ducit ad Molendinum de Hynford, t< terrain que fuit Johannis de Uptun, & tenditln capite luperioriad viam que ducit ad parvam Py- oniam, &interiu3 ad (^) Dominicuni prediftorum Decani & Capituli, habendam 6c tenendam fibi & fuccedoribus fuis, bene 6c in pace, libere Iv quiete, ab omnibus feftis, herie- tis, rclev'iis, tallagiis, regalibus, cc aliis fecularibus, cam li- (a) Beati Johannis is dQubk'in the Original M.S. Q) Fotius Pomuiium'. bere (57) bere & abundans exaftionibus, fine demandis, quiete fie unquam aliqua terra liberius in elemofinam pocuic. Pro hac autem donacione^ concefTione dedic michi Magifter Willielmus dc Haya Canonicus Landavenfis & Herefordenfis viginti folidos pro manibus. Et uc hec mea donacio 6c conceflio Roberto in perpetuum optineat firniicatis, pre- fens fcripcum Sigilli mei irtiprefTione {^Fol. 55.] roboravi, Hiis teflibus, Hugone tunc Vicario de Pyonia Canonico- rum, Ada de Laucone filio Ade, Thoma de Buncho- ve, Willielmo Bocer, Henrico diclo Clerico, Ricardo Buter, Johannc de Lainche, Johanne Kechell, & tiiulcis aliis. CART. XXXIV. SCianc prefences & fucuri, quod ego Stejihanus filius See* phani de ■ dedi & concelfi Henrico filio Henrici Clerici pro homagio 6c fervicio fuo, & pro tribus Iblidis &fex denariis, quos ipfe michi dedic quatuor buctascerre, & unum pratum cum pertinenciis in Pyonia, videlicet, il- las buttas que jacenc a la Rocyate inter le Siche & le fur- long, &; tendunc de terra que fuit Roberci Hafulf, ufque ad terram que fuit Hugonis filii Milefant, & pratum tendic ufque ad Brodevvater, item pratum quod fuit Hugonis Hil- ward, & item pratum quod fuit Roberti Sired, habend. & tenend. fibi 8c heredibus fuis, vel fuis affignatis, de me &: heredibus meis, in feodo Sc hereditate, libere, integre, & plenarie. Reddendo inde annuatim michi 6c heredibus me- is, ipfe, & heredes fui, vel affignati fui quatuor denarios, videlicet, in Annunciationem Beate Marie duos denarios &: obulum, & in Fet\o Santti Michaelis duos denarios & obuium, pro omni fervicio, confuetudine, & demanda. Ego vero Ste- phanus dc heredes mei diftas buttas 3t pratum, cum per- tinenciis, difto Henrico, & heredibus fuis, vel fuis alTigna- tiSj contra omnes homines & feminas warencizabimus, ^ de omnibus forinfecis ferviciis, &: aliis ferviciis, feftis, relevi- is, herietis, auxiliis, tallagiis, [_Fol. ^d.] demandis, 6c de omnibus rebus per predittum reddicum accquietabimus. In cujus rei tellimonium & confirmacionem hu:c fcripco Sigillum meum appofui, Hiis [_a] Waltero de Wormel, Roberto Buter, Waltero de Burt, Henrico Clerico, Ada de Ape, Ricardo Buter, Henrico Boter, Herberto Coco, &mulcis aliis. r 4 *] Teftibus fubaudi, r H CART, ( 58) CART. XXXV. SCiant prefentes & ifucuri, quod ego Rogerus le Paumer dedi &: concefli, t^ hac prefenti carta mea confirmavi Fecro de Nevenham pro una marca argenti quam ipfe mi- chi dcdit pre manibus, unum mefTuagium terre mee, illud meffuagium fcilicet quod jacet inter terram Ade filii Hu- gonis Milifent, &; femicam que ducit de Pyonia Canoni- corifni, verfus domum que quondam fuit Roberci Bot ; & un^m capud fe extendit ufque ad terram predifti Ade, habendum & tenendum de me ^ heredibus meis, fibi, & I^eredibus fuis, vel iuis aiTigiiatis, & eorum heredibus, vel cuicunque, feu quibufcunque, & quandocunque volueric predirtum meffuagium, & omnibus pertinenciis fuis, dare, vendere, invadiare, legare, vel aflignare, tarn infirmitate quam in bona fanitate, in feodo & hereditate, libere & quiete, integre & honorifice, bene & in pace, in omnibus rebus &: locis, cum omnibus libertatibus be ayfiamentis di- (\o mefiuagio pertinentibus, vel pertinere potentibus, abf- que omni vexacione, contradiitione, impedimento, & ca- lumpnia mei &; heredum meorum in perpetuum, Redden- do inde annuatim michi & heredibus meis, ipfe, Sc here- des fui, vel fui afTignati, [Fo/. 37.] & heredes eorum, u- num obulum argenti in Fefto Sanfti Michaelis, pro omnibus ferviciis, confuetudinibus, exaftionibus, releviis, herietis, vvardis, feftis, efcaetis, tallagiis, & omnibus aliis rebus, & fecLilaribus demandis, que de terra exeunt, vel aliquo modo exire potuerunt, in aliqua retencione michi & heredib\^s meis pertincnte, feu pertinere potente. Ego vero prediftus Rogerus & heredes mei, totum prediftum meffuagium, cum omnibus pertinenciis fuis, ficut provifum eft & perambula- tum per metas, & prenominato Petro, & heredibus fuis, vel fuis aJOTignatis, & eorum heredibus, contra omnes homi- lies & fcminas in perpetuum warentizabimus, & de omnibus r:gularibus ferviciis & foriniecis, verfus omnes gentes acc- quietabimus ^ defendemus. In cuius rei teftimonium huic prefenti fcripco Sigillum meum appofui, Hiis teftibus, Tho- ma de Burciione, Ada de Launton, Roberto filio Stephani, vvillielmo de Wychintone, Roberto Molendiiiario, Henrico filio Henrici Clerici, Henrico Innene, & multis aliis. CART. CS9) CART. XXXVI. S Giant prefences & futuri, quod ego Margeria de Parva Pyonia in perpecua viduitate mea dedi &: concelTi, & hac prefenti Carta mea confirmavi Ifolde filie mee, pro fer- vicio fuo quatuor acras terre mee, 8c unum buftuni, cum percinenciis fuis, illas fcilicec quas quondam emi de Wil- lielmo Gurme de Pyonia Folioc, quarum una jacec fuper Erode, inter terram Johannis de la Merfche, & terra que quondam [Fo/. 38.3 fuic Ricardi Coci, & una acra jacec fuper eodem furling, inter terram prcdifti Johannis & ter- ram predifti Ricardi, & dimidium acre jacec in eodem fur- ling, inter terram predifti Johannis & terram predifti Ri- cardi, & dimidium acre in eodem furling, inter terram pre- difti Johannis & foveam apud Hynchvefmers, & unus butcus )acet inter foveam apud les Birichis de Parva Pyonia in longitudine, habend. &: tenend. totam prediftam terram, cum omnibus percinenciis fuis, 8c heredibus fuis, vel fuis affignatis de predifto Willielmo Gurme &; heredibus fuis, cam libere & quiece, ficuc liberius, melius, & plenius Carta quam quondam habui de predifto Willielmo & heredibus fuis, Faciendo inde annuatim predifto Ifolda, & heredes fui, vel fui aflignaci, & eorum heredes preno- minato Willielmo Gurme & heredibus fuis tocum fervicium debitum & confuetum quod ad didtam terram de jure per- cinet, ficuc predifta carca quam quondam habui de predi- fto Willielmo teflatur, quod de jure facere debet, ficuc he- res meus. Ec quia volo quod hec mea donacio &: concef- fio firma & ftabilis in perpecuum permaneac, huic prefen- ti fcripto Sigillum meun\ appofui^ Hiis teflibus, Henrico Boter veceri, Henrico Bucer juniore, Ricardo Bucer, Johanne de Marifco, Hugone Ruffo pe Pyonia, Willielmo de Wryn- ton, Johanne Kecelbury, Hugone deLapunde, Johanne Cleri* CO, & mulcis aliis. CART, xxxvii. Cianc prefences & fucuri, quod ego Symon de la Fforde ^1 de Pyonia Folioc dedi, concejGTi, & hac prefenci Car- ta mea confirnuvi Magiftro Willielmo de Haya Canonico Ecclefie Herefordenfis in puram, [fo/ 39.] liberam, & perpecuam eleraofinam quacuordecim felliones & unam buc- H 2 tarn S ( 60 ) tarn terre mee, cum pertinenciis, in Dominico de Pyon'ia Canonicorum, que jacenc in longirudine inter Dominicum Capiculi Herefordeniis & terram Johannis le Crumpe, & extendit fe in uno capice fuper terras didti johannis le Crumpe, & in alio capite fuper terras hominuni de Neutu- np, habend. & tenend. fibi & aiTignatis fuis quibufcunque, libere, integre, bene, pacifice, 8c quiete, uc puram & per- petuam elemofinam, abfque feculari fervicio. Ego vero predidus Symon ^ heredes mei, tocam prediftam terram, cum fuis pertinenciis omnibus & libertatibus, prcnominaco Magiftro Willielmo & affignatis fuis, contra omnes g,entes warentizabimus, & de omni-modis fervkiis, & redditibus rebus univerfis, & demandis, verfus quofcunque accquieta- bimus & defendemus in perpetuum. In cujus rei memo- riam & teftimonium huic prefenti Sigillum meum appofui, Hiis teflibus, Hugone Vicario de Pyonia, Adamo de Lauto- ne, Hugone de Lautone. Thoma de Buronde, Henrtco di- fto Clerico, Kicardo Buter, Willielmo de Wythynton, johanne Ketejbern, Johanne de Marifco, & multisaliis. CAR T, XXXVIII. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Walterus filius Hen- rici de Pyonia Canonicorum dedi & conccffi, Sc hac prefenti Carta mea Decano & Capitulo Herefordenfi in puram ^ perpetuam elemofinam, ibidem fcriptas porciones terrarum mcarum in difta villa de Pyonia, videlicet, unam acram terre in la Eye de tribus feylionibus, que jacet inter terram [Fo/. 4c.] Hugonis de Vorteya & terram Galfridi le Newe, item unam acram que fe CKtendit ultra Middilbrok, 6c jacct inter terram Johannis le Crumpe & terram Agne- te Leochenard, item unam acram que jacet in la Eva que vocatur acra ad Thewicliibedde, item fex buttas in Hole- marcfeld, que iacet inter rivulum & terram Galfridi le Newe, item unam acram & dimidium que jacent in We- tenacrefeld juxta (a) terram Galfridi le Newe, & extendunt fe in longitudine verfus le Mulpund •, item tres acras in la Eye, item furlungum quod fuic Robert! Foliot & terram Galfridi le Newe, ^ exeunt a terra Willielmi Rady, ufque ad terram que fuit Stephani de Newe, item unam porcionem prati que jacet >uxta pratum quod fuic Henrici (a) ]\x)iU is double in the Or'rginalM,S^'^ ^ PiUris ( 6i ) Patris mei juxta \i Brodewater, habend. & tenend. omnes prediftas terras, cum fuis percinenciis, ficut divife ftnc h. perambulate diftis Decano ^ Capiculo Herefordenfi, & afligcatis fuis quibufcunque, integre, bene, &: pacifice, & ira libere, ficut aliqua terra liberius in puram & .perpetu- am elemofinam dari & concedi poteft, abfque ^mini fecula- ri fervicio & demanda. Ego vero dirtus Wakerus omnes prediftas terras, cum fuis pertincnciis & libercacibus pre- nominatis, prediftis Decano be Capiculo, & eorum alTigna- tis, cqntra omnes homines & feminas in perpecuum vya- rencizabimus, & de omnibus redditibus, [FoL ^iJ] tallagijs, regalibus, & aliis feftis, exaftionibus, & demandis uni- verfis quofcunque accquietabimus & defendemus. In cujus rei tertimonium prefenti fcripco Sigillum meum appolui, Hiis teftibus, Hugone Vicario de Pyonia, Ada de Lautone, Hugone de la Ucon, Henrico difto Clerico, Willielmo de Wychinton, Joh^nne Kectelbern, Johanne de Marifco, Wil- lieimo de Hamma, & mulcis aliis. CART. XXXIX. SClanc prefentes &: futuri, quod ego Henricus, filius Hen- rici de Pyonia Canonicorum, dedi & prefenti Carta mea confirmavi Decano & Capitulo Ecclefie Herefordenfis totam illam terram quam emi de Stephano de Eflune, vi- delicet, que jacet a Ja Kockpate inter rivulum & le fur- long. & tendic de terra que fuit Roberci Haculf ufque ad terram que fuit Hugonis Milfant, cum prato quod ab eo- dem Stephano emi, quod tendit ufque ad Brodewater, in- ter pracum quod fuit Hugonis HayWard, & pratum quod fiiit Roberci Fyred. Item dedi, conceffi, & quietum cla- mavi eifdem Decano &: Capitulo illud corcilagium, cum dpmo & omnibus pertinenciis fuis, que ab ipfis tenui in villa de Pyonia, fitum & jacens in longitudine, a manfo Ro- berti le Eelcer, ufque ad terram que fuit Galfridi Syred, juxta viam que ducit ad Prioratum de Pyonia, habend. & tenend. fibi ifc fuccefforibus, libere & quiece, ab omnibus exaftionibus, & feftis, & fecularibus demandis pro con- fueco redditu, videlicet de difto manfo novemdecim [Fo/. 42.] denarios predifto Capitulo Herefordenfi, & pro ^prediita terra cum prato quinque denarios heredibus pre- 'difti Scephani pro omni confuecudine & demanda. Pro hac autem concefTione & quietum clamacione, dedit michi Ma- gifter Willielmus de Haya di^e Ecclefie Canonicus viginti folidos (62) folidos pre manibus. In cujus rei teftimonium prefenrem Sigillo noftro figilkvi, Hiis ceftibus, Dominis Walter© Rufo, Symone de Radenore, Henrico de Newwerk, Adamo de Lauton, Willielmo de Hamma, Hugone Vicdrio, & mulcis aliis. CAR T. XL. SCianc prefentes & futurl, quod ego Walcerus, filius Hen- rici de Pyonia Canonicorum, dedi, concelTi Decano & Capitulo Herefordenfi imam acram terre mee in territorio predifte ville, in campo juxca le Brodewatere, in puram & perpetuam elemofinam, illam videlicet acram que jacet in- ter terram Walteri filii Aldych ex una parte, & terram Stephani de Laforde ex alia, habendam & tenendam totam prediftam acram, cum fuis pertinenciis, prediftis Dec^tio & Capitulo, & fuis afTignatiSjita libere, ficiit aliqua terra Uberius m puram elemofinam dari potuerit vel affignari. Eg^, vero di^us Walterus, & heredes mei, diftam terram, cum fuis perr tinenciis, ipfis Decario &: Capitulo, & eorum alTignatis, con- tra omnes homines & feminas wareutizabimus, accquietabi- mus & defendemus. In cujus rei teflimonium prefenti fcripto Sigillum meum eft appenfum, Hiis teftibus, Ma'gi- (Iro Hugone Vicario de Pyonia, Waltero Boter, Ricardo Bo- cer, Adamo de Lauton, Hugone de [fol. 45.] Lauton, Wil- lielmo de Wychinton, johanne de la McroITe, & multis aliis. CART. XLI. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Stephanus, filius Ste- phani de Pyortia Canonicorym, dedi Siconcefli, &:qui- etum clamavi Magiftro Willielmo de Haya Cahonico Here- fordenfi totum" redditum, cum debitis, herietis, & omnibus aliis confuecudinibus, & totum jus meum quod habui,.vel habere potui, fine aliquo retenemento, in manfo illo quod Sara de Bedeford aliquando de me tenuit in difta villj, illud videlicet quod jacet inter manfum Henrici de Kine- ford & meam habitacionem, habendum & tenendum dittum redditum, cum fuis pertinenciis, fibi &: cuicunque illi^ voluerit Jegare, vendere, vel affignare, libere ^ quiete ab omnibus feftis, .tallagiis, regalibus, SC aliis quibufcunque exattionibus. Pro hac autem donacione & Quieta clamaci- one (63) one dedic michi prediftus Magifter ofto folidos argenti pre manibus. Ego vero diftiis Scephaiius, & heredes mei, pre- mifTum redditum, cum herietis, & aliis percinentibus, contra omnes homines & feminas vvarentizabimus 6c accquiecabi- mus in perpetuum. In cujus rei teflimoniumprefencifcrip- to Sigillum meum appofui, Hiis teftibus, Willieimo de Ho- ma, Domino Hugone Vicario, Ada de Lauton, Hugone de Lauton, Henrico Clerico, Waltero Bocer, Willieimo de Wy- chingcune, Johanne Ketelburn, & multis aliis. CART. XLII. SCianc prefentes & fucuri, quod ego Agnes, filia Ricardi Bucer de Pyonia, in ligia poceftate mea dedi 6c con- celfi Decano 6c Capitulo Herefordenfi unum melTuagium, cum edificiis & omnibus aliis percinenciis, [Fo/. 44.] illud videlicet quod habui in Parva Pyonia, ex donacione Ri- cardi Patris mei, jacens inter croftum Ricardi Buter, quod dicitur Netecroft &: terram Stephani Chocr, & extendit fe ufque ad viam difte ville, fecundum quod eft divilum & perambulatum, habendum & tenendum fibi, & fuis fuccef- foribus, & aiTignatis, libere, quiete, bene, & in pace, Red- dendo inde annuatim Capitulo domino unum obolum ad Fe- ftum Beati Michaelis, pro omni fervicio, feftis, tallagiis, regalibus, & aliis exaftionibus fecularibus & demandis. Ego difta Agnes, & heredes mei, prediftum meffuagium, cum omnibus fuis pertinenciis, prediftis Decano & Capi- tulo, contra omnes homines & feminas warentizabimus in perpetuum. Pro hac aucem donacione & quieta clamaci- one, quam facio de prediftis, dedit michi Magifter Willi- elmus de Haya Canonicus Herefordenfis novem folidos ar- genti pre manibus, In cujus rei teftimonium prefens fcrip- turn Sigilli mei impreiTione roboravi, Hiis teftibus, Hugone Vicario de Pyonia, Ada de Lauton, Hugone de Lauton, Thoma dc Bulhove, Henrico difto Clerico, Johanne de Ke- telburn, Willieimo de Wychintune, Willieimo Buter, & multis aliis. CART. XLIII. [F/7. 45.] QCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Henricus ^ fiiius Rogeri Palmarii deUpc^ton, dedi, con- ceflij quietum clamavi Decano & Capitulo Herefordenfi, & Vi- C 64 ) & Vicariis qiii perpetuo celebrabunc pro ariima Magillri Willieimi de Haya Canonici in Ecclefia Herefordenfi, Red- ditum unius oboli qui michi 8c heredibus meis debebatur de quodam meduagio in villa de Upton, quod jacet inter meffuagium Milcent & campum ejus vilJe, habendum ^ te- nendum fibi, 6c fuccefToribus fuis, quiece & in pace, ab omni exaftione mei, vel hcredum meorum. Ec pro hac donacione & quieta clamacione dedit michi predidtus Ma- gifter Willielmus de Haya duodecim denarios argenti pre manibus. Ego vero diftus Henricus, 6l heredes mei, vel mei afiignati prediclum redditum iplis Decano &; Capitulo, ac Vicariis prediftis vvarentizabirtius. In cujus rei tefti- monium Sigilium meum prefenti fcripto appofui, Hiis teftibus, Domino Luciano Vijtario de Pyonia, Hugone de Lauton, Ricardo Buter, Wiilielmo de Wichinton, Steph^Trio Coco, Phiiippo de Wonicon Capellano, & aliis. CART. XLIV. SCianc prefentcs & futuri, quod ego Henricus filius Hen-, rici de Pyonia Canonicorum, de affenfu & voluntace Walteri ftlii mei, dedi & concefTi, & quiecum clamavi Decano [ Fol. 46. ] & Capitulo Herefordenfi, & afTigna- cis eorum, tres acras terre quas habui in campo difte ville qui dicitur la Eye, illas videlicet que jacent inter forlongum quod fuic Roberti Foleoch &; terram Galfridi le Newe, &; extendit in Jongitudine a terra Willieimi Radi ulque ad terram Stephani ie Newe, habendas &: tenendas dit'tas a- cras, cum fuis pertinenciis, ipfis Decano & Capitulo, & eorum affignatis, iibere & quiete, ablque aliquo retene- menco mei vel meorum in perpetuum. Fro hac autem donacione, conceiTione, & quieta clamacione, dedit michi Mag^ittT Willielmus dc Haya decem folidos argenti pre manibus, & ditto Wakero filio meo duas marcas Sc dimidi- iim. In cujus rei tellimonium prefenti icripto Sigilium .pieum appoiiii, Hiis teftibus, Wiilielmo de Hama tunc Ballivo loci, Ada de Lautune, Hugone de Lautune, Adade Hama, Johanne de Marilco, Wiilielmo de Wychintune, Jo- "hanne Kcteiburn, Stephano de Forda, 6c mulcis aliis. CART. c^o CART. XLV. SCiant prefcnces & futuri, quod ego Rogerus le Paumer de Preftepoine dedi & conceiTi, 6c hac prefenci Carci mea confirmavi Alicie, que fuic uxor Willielmi Paumer, in ipfa viduitate fua, pro novem folidis fterlmgorum, quos michi dedit pre maiiibus, unam acram & dimidiam terre mee in Preftepoine de cribus feillonibus, quorum unus fciflo jacec inter terram Henrici Juvenis & terram Adc filii Hu- gonis filii Milfanc, & duo feillones jacenc ieparacim inter terras Ade predifti, 6c unam capud extendit fuper capita- Jem terram Dominorum, & aliud [fV. 47.] capud fimiliter fuper. terram diftorum Dominorum apud Cnatevorde, ha- bend. & tenend. de me &: heredibus meis, fibi &; heredibus fuis, vel fuis affignatis, in fanitate vel egritudine conllitu- t'ls, libere, integre, quiete,&: abomnibus ferviciis, confue- tudinibus, demandis, herietis, releviis, cuftodiis, fedlis curie, cum omnibus libertatibus, ad tantam terram fpeftanti- bus, Reddendo inde aunuatim michi & heredibus meis, ipfa Alicia & heredes iui, vel fui affignati, unum dena- riuni ad Feftum Sanfti Michaelis pro omnibus rebus. Ego diftus Rogerus & heredes mei difte Alicie, & heredibus luis, vel fuis alRgnatis dirtam terram, cum percinenciis, j^oncra omnes homines & feminas in perpetuum warentiza- bimus, defendemus, & in omnibus accquietabimus. C^uod quia volo robur perpetuitatis optineret, prefentem Carcam meam Sigilli mei impreflione confirmavi, Hiis teftibus, Thoma de Burhour, Ada de Lauton, Wiliielmo de VVychin- ton, Roberto fiho Stephani, Ricardo Buter, Roberto de Kvneford, Waltero Reellot, VVillieimo, & aliis. CART. XL\ I. SCianc prefentes & futuri, quod ego Stephanus ftlius. Ste- phani de Afton dedi &;concefii, quietum clamavi De- cano & Capitulo Heretbrdcnfi, &: Viciriis qui perpetuo ce- Icbrabunt pro anima Magiitri Willielmi de Haya C.monici, in Ecckfia Herefordenfi, redditumqumque denariorum,qui mihi 6c heredibus debebatur de terris ^ praco que jacenc a la Cochyate, inter rivulum^ & forlongum) $: pratum a la Urodewatere, habend. & tenend.. fibi & [ FoL 48* ] tuccef- I foribus ( 66 ) foribus fuis, quicce & in pace, ab omni exaftione mei vel mcorum. Pro hac aucem donacione, & quieta cramacionc, dedit michi prediftus Magifter Willielmus de Haya qua- tuor lolidos argcnti pre manibus. Ego vero diftus Stepha- nus, 8c hercdcs mei, vel affignati, totum prediftum reddi- turn ipfis Decano & Capitulo ac Vicariis prediftis waren- tizabimus. In cu)us rei tefl:imonium Sigillum meum appo- fui prefenti fcripto, Hiis tellibus, Domino Luciano Vicario de Pyonia, Hiigone de Laiiton, Richardo Boter, Willielmo de Wvchintone, Stephano Coco, Philippo Capellano, & aliis. CART. XLVII. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Robertus de Kyhe- ford, dedi, concelTi, &hac pretcnti Carta mea con- firmavi johannede la Were pro honiagio & fervicio, & pro una marca argenti, quam michi dedic pre manibus, unam acram terre mce in territorio de Pyonia, jacencem in campo quod (a) vocatur Bereye, inter terram Stephaui de Brock- peun & terram Ricardi de Addefone, cujus unum eapud cKtendit ulque ad Regalcm Viara, ex oppofito janue ejufdem johannis, tenend. & habend. de me & heredibus meis, fibi & heredibus luis, vd iiiis-aUi^nacis quibufcunquc & quan- docunque, illam dare, vendere, legare, vel afTignare volue- rir, exccptis viris relig-ofis &: Judeis, in feodo &: heredi-' t.ue, libere, quiete, intcgre, bene, & in pace, Reddendo idtm (b) annuacim michi &; heredibus meis, ipfe & here- des fui [_F(>/. 49. ] vel fui alTignati, unum denarium in Annuncivuione Beate Marie, & pro omni fervicio ad can- tam terram pertinente. Ego vero Robertus & heredes mei prediftam acram terre, cum fuis pertinenciis, prefato johanni, & heredibus Tuis, vel fuis afTignatis, contra om- ties homines JS: feminas in perpetuum vvarentizabimus, de- fendemus, i^ acrquiecabimus. in cujus rei tcliimoniuni prefenti fcripro iiig'.Ilum meum appofui, Hiis teflibus, A- da de Launton, Willielmo de Wychmtun, Ricardo Buter^ Roberto butcr, Stephano dc Brocpeuner, Kettelburn de Brop- peuner, & mulcis aliis. (a) Fotim qu,. . (6) Inde pt'm, CART. (67) CART. XLVIII. SCiant prefences & futuri, quod ego Ricardus de Molen- dino dc Keneford dedi, coacefTi, & quietum clamavi Decano & Capirulo Herefordcnfi, &: Vicariis qui perpccuo celebrabunc pro anima Magiftri Willielmi de Haya Cano- nici, in Ecclefia Herefordenfi, redditum unius denarii qui michi & heredibus meis debebatur, de una acra terre que jacet in Pereye juxta terrain Ricardi filii Roberei, & exten- dit ad Viam,' habend. & tenend. fibi & fuccelToribus fuis, quiete & in pace, ab omni exaftione mei vel meorum. Ec pro hac donacione & quieca clamacione dedic michi Magifter prediftus VVillielmus duodecimdenarios argenci pre mambus. Ec vero Dominus Ricardus, & heredes mei, vel affignati, prediftum redditum ipfis Decano & [_FoL $o."] Capitulo, ac Vicariis prediftis, warentizabimus. In cuius rei teftimo- nium Sigillum meura prefenci fcripto appoiui, Hiis teftibus, Domino Luciano Vicario de Pyonia, Hugone de Laucon, ^icardo Buter, Willielmo de Wychintone, Scephano Coco, & aJiis, CART. XLIX. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Petrus de Neweham dedi & conce0i, & hac prefenci Carta mea confirmavi Magiftro Willielmo de Haya Canonico Herefordenfi, & fuis afTignatis, unum meffuagium, cum domibus & pertinenciis, quod erai de Rogero de Palmer, videlicet, inter cerram Ade filii Hugonis Milcent, & femitam que ducic de Pyonia Canonicorum domum que fuit quondam Roberti Buter, & unum capud fe extendit ad terram prediiti Ade, haben- dum & tenendum di^um mefTuagium, cum fuis pertinen- ciis, fibi & fuis alTtgnatis, libere & quiete, in rebus & lo- cis, bene & in pace, cum omnibus libercatibus & eyik- mentis difto mefl'uagio pertinentibus, abfque omni retene- memo vel clamio mei, vel heredum meorum. Reddendo indc annuatim difto Rogero, & heredibus fuis, unum obo- lum argenti in Fefto Sanfti Michaelis, pro omnibus confue- nidinibus, exaftionibus, releviis, herietis, wardis, feftis, efcaetis, tallagiis, regalibus, omnibus aliis rebus & deman- dis, que de terra exeunt, vel exire potuerunt. Pro hac awtcm donacione & conceflione dedit rnichi Magifter wil- I ? iielmus C ^8 ) ^^elmvis de Haya tres marcas argenti pi e minibus. Ego vc- ''o predklus Petrus &: heredes mei tocum prediftum meffii- agium, cum domibus & aliis pcrtinenciis, difto Magiftro Willielmo de Haya & fuis affignatis, contra omnes [^Fo/.^i.] homines 5c feminas in pcrpetuum vvarentizabimus, in perpe- tuum apcquietabimus, & defcndemus. In cujus rei teftimo- nium prefenti fcripto Sigillum meum appofui, Hiis tefti- bus, Willielmo de Hama tunc Ballivo Canonicorum Here- fordenfium, Ada de Lautune, Hugone de Lauton, Henrico Clerico, Waltero filio Henrici, Johanne Kettelbern, Willi- elmo de Wychintone, & piulcis aliis, CART. L. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Johannes de la Were dedi dc concefTi, & hac prefenti Carta mea confirmavi Decano& Capitulo Ecclefie Herefordenfis, ad operam uni- ws Vicarii, qui divin.i celebrabit pro anima Magiflri Wil- lielmi de Haya, & animabus omnium fidelium defunftorum in eadem, feptem acras tcrre mec, cum fuis pcrtinenciis, in territorio Pyonie Canonicorum, quaruni tres jacent juxt4 iircdam in quaruor partes divifas inter Enchlefmay & Bo- letone, qui fuerunc aliquando Ricardi Boter femoris, & a- lie tres iacenr apud Chirebruggc, nicer Moram que fuit quon- dam Roberti filii Stcphani de Brocpevvne ex parte una, & Chirebruggc ex altera, 6c extendunt fe in uno capite ad ;iquam que dicitur Kyneford, &in alio capite fuper lerram johannis Wodecoc, una vero acra jacet in campo que voca- tur Pereyc inter rerram quondam Stephani de Brocpeune dc rerram Ricardi de Addefone, & unum capud extendit ufque ad Regalcm viam, ex oppofito janue mee, habend. be tenend. tocam prediftam terram, cum fuis pcrtinenciis gmnibiis, pDedic^tis Decano & Capitulo, Jk: eorum affigaatis, iiberc, [Fo/. 52.] integre, quiete, bene, & in pace, in om- nibus locis, cum omnibus libertatibus, Reddendo inde an- nuatim Ricardo Boter, vel heredibus fuis prediftas acras que jacenc apud Chirebruggc tres denarios ad, duos anni tfrrmmos, videlicet, niedietatem in Annunciacionem Beate Marie, &aliam medietatem in Fello Sanfti Michaelis, pro iljj acra que jacet ex oppofito janue mee, Ricardo de Kynp- lord, & heredibus fuis, vel fuis affignatis, unum denari- um in Annunciationem Beate Marie, pro omni fervicio, r^Jevip, herietisV ^^^^^ curie, wardis, tallagiis, exaftione, confuetudine, & demandisj & tarn pro regaii fervicio quam forinfeco, ( ^9 ) forinfeco, & omnibus aliis rebus que de terra exeunt, vel exire potuerunt. Pro hac aucem donacione, concclTione, warentizatione,& Carte pee confiripacibne, dedit michi Ma- gifter Williclmus de Haya Canonicus Herefordenfis cencum foli- dos & vinginti denarios, & uxori mee duodecim denarios.Ego verojohannef de la Were&: heredes mei totam predictam, cum omnibus fuis pertinenciis, terrani, iicuc prediftum eft, predi- ftis Pecano & Capiculo, & eorum aflignacis, contra omnes homines & feminas, tarn Judeos quam Criftianos, warenti- zabimus, defendemus, 8c accquietabimus in perpccuum. Ec quia volo quod hec mea coiicelTio, ^ Ca^rce mee confirma- cio rata & ftabilis in perpetuum permaneat, huic prefenti fcripto Sigiljum meum appofui, Hiis teftibus, Hugone tunc Vicario Pyonie Canonicprum, Williclmo Bucer, Ada de Lau- ton, [fo/. 59.^ Hugone de Lauton, WilHelmo de Wychincon, Buter, Scephano Copo, Hugone Rufo, & aliis. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Adam Rudduc dela Wo- deton, de concenfu Ifolde uxoris mee, dedi & con- cefTi, & hac prefenti Carta mea confirmavi Decanq & Ca- pitulo Herefordenii quatuor acras terre mee & unum but- turn, quas terras predifta Ifolde habuit de donacione & conceffione Margerie matris ejus, quarum una jacet fuper le Strode^ inter terram Johannis de la Mers, & terram que fuit Richardi Choci^Si: una que 'jacet _ in eodem forlongo, & vocatur longa acra, & jacet inter terram difti Johannis ^ terram diftiRicardi,.(k una dimidia^acra jacet inter terram di- Oi johannis & terram difti Ricardi, & diraidia acra jacec in eodem forlongo, inter terram dicti Johannis ex parte unai & foveam de Hynecumbefmere ex altera, & unum buttum qui jacet fubter foveam de Byrches de Parva Pyonia, in longi- tudine juxta dirtam foveam, Habend. & t^nend totam diftam terram, cum pertinenciis diftis, diftis Decano, fecundu^^ quod liberius ego Adam & Ifolda uxor mea ipfamih^t, buimus ex conceflione Margerie de parva Pyonia juris vqv-. oris mee, prout in Carta dirte Margerie plenius continetur, Et ut hec mea donacio, concefTio, & Carte prefentis confir- macio rata & ftabilis permaneat, prefenti fcripto Sigillum meura-^pofui, Hiis teftibus, Willielmo Buter, Ada de Lau- ton, Hugone de Lauton, Henrico Clerico, Waltero filio fuo, Ricardo Boter, Stephand ChocOj Johanne de Merfe, Johanne .Kctelburn, & multis aliis. CART, (70) CART. LII. SCiant prefentcs & fiituri, ^Df »°° J^^^^f^^f^j^. eorum affignatis, contra omnes hommes 5c fern mas in P rp tuum warentwabimus, & ^^ "^'''f r'^dS^'^rdis "efl reealibus, & aliis fettis, exaaiombus Bc d™»"^^^^" = Zfcunqueaccquietabimus 8c defendemus. In cums « e ^imoniul prefent; fcripto Sigillum m»m appofiu H„s te_ ftibus, Hugone Vicario «i^/y°»»i4t'"^f, ieir Ae"^^^^ ^^i^n,tS.J'=«^°lSS^^ Mari.ho;WUM- ino de Hamma, &mukis alns. C ART.- LXIV. 8C co„ce.T?a. harpSrCarta ^ea c.nfirmavi j^^^^^^^ WilUdmo de Hava Canonico Here.ord.enfi Sc Ims aiUgna ^ fubfcr.ptas porcones terrarum "'J"""' '-^Xs que ji- Pyonia; videlicet, uaam acram de t bus »°" "^"^^ 1,,,,^^ cetin Pereye, inter terram Hugon.s ^™'?^i„, je Mid- Gaifridile Newe; item "»'" ^3"%*^,™ e Crumpe, 8c (iUbroc que jacec inter terram Johanms le Crump ,^ (.79) terram Agnetis Lechenard ; Item, unam acram que jacet In- ter terrain 3tephani junioris &: terram Willielmi Syred, & extendi: fe a la Brodewatere •, Item, unam acram in pre- difto campo Pereyc que vocatur acraatte VVychibed-, Item fex buttas in Bolemarefeld, que jacent inter rivulum & ter- ram Gal fridi le Nevve •, Icem, unam acram 8cdimidium que jacent inter Wetenacresfeld in longitudine juxta terram Gal- fridi le Ne\ve, &: extendit fe verfus le Mulpund •, Item unam porciohem prati que )acet juxta pratum quod fuic Henrici Patris mei juxta le Brodewatere, Habendas & te- nendas omnes prediftas, cum fuis pertinenciis, fibi & fuis afUgnatis, bene & in pace, libere ^ quiete, ab omni-modis feftis curie, ferviciis, tallagiis, regalibus, & aliis quibuf- cunque fecularibus exaftionibus, &; demandis, ita libere, fecundum quod aliquid liberius dari poteft vel concedi. Ego vero diftus Walterus, & heredes mei, vel afUgnati, omnes prediftas terras, cum fuis pertinenciis & prenomi- natis libertatibus, predifto [Fo/. 68.] Magiftro Willielmo &: fuis alTignatis, contra omnes homines & temmas waren- tizabiraus, defcndemus, accquiecabimus in perpetuum. in cuius rei teftimonium prefenti fcripto Sigillum meum ap- pofui, Hiis teftibus, Willielmo de Homnu tunc Ballivo lo- ci, Henrico Patre meo, Magiftro Willielmo de Radenore Ca- jionico Landavenfi, Ada de Lautun, Hugone filio Ade, ]o- hanne Ketelbc, Willielmo de Wythinton, Ricardo de Merfca, & multis aliis. CART. LXV. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego W^alterus filius Hen- rici de Pyonia Canonicorum dedi & conceffi, & hac prefenti Carta mea confirmavi Decano & Capiculo Herefor- dienfi, & quibufcunque eorum alTignatis, fubfcriptas porcio- nes terrarum mearum in dicta villa dc Pyonia, vidclicer, unam acram terre in Pereye de tribus fellionibus, que jacet inter terram Hugonisde Wortcya ik. terram Galtridi leNewe; Item, unam acram que fe extendit. ultra Middilbrock, que' jacet inter terram Johannis le Crumpe & terram Agnetis Lechenard j Item, unam acram que Jacet {a) inter terram Stephani junioris & terram Willielmi Syred, & extendit fc a la Brodewatere j Item, unam acram que jacet inter terram Xa) Un:m acram que jacec is double In the Original MS. que (85) que vbcatuf acri atteWychibed ^ Item fex buttas in Bole- marefeld que jacenc inter rivulum & terram Galfndi le Nevve •, Item, unam acrani & dimid. [Fol. 6g. ] que jacent in Wetenacresfeld juxta terram Galfridi le Newe, & ei^^ tendunt fc longitudine verfus le Mulpund ^ Item, imam por- ciondm que jacet juxta pracum , fuit Henrici Pjtris mei Juxta le Brodewatere, Hcibendas & tenendas omnes pre- diitas terras, cum fuis pertinenciis, fibi & quibufcunque, eas afTignare voluerunt, bene, libere, &: quiete, ab omnibus feftis curie, ferviciis, tallagiis, tam regalibus quam aliis quibufcunque fecularibus, exaftionibus, & demandis, ita libere fecundum quod aliqua terra liberius dari potelt Vel concedi. Ego vero diftus Walterus, &: heredes mei, vel affignati, omnes predidas terras, cum fuis pertinenciis gc prenominatis libertatibus, contra omnes homines & ftmi- ms in perpetuum ivarentizabimus, 6c accquietabimus in pcr- petuum. In cuius rci teftimonium prefentifcripto Sigillum meum appofui, Hiisteftibus, Willielmo deHommatuncBallivo ioci, Henrico Alio Henrici, Ada de Lautun, Hugone deLau- tun, Willielmo de Wythintune, Johanne Ketelbern, Ste- pharto Coco, Johanne de Merfca, & multis aliis. GAR T. LXVI. N OVER I NT univerfi tam prefcntes quam futuri, quod ego Hicirdus Bucer dedi & concefTi, & hac prefenti Carta mea .confirmavi , johanni de la Were pro vinginti Iblidis argeiiti, qiios' ipfe michi dedit pre ma- nibus, tres acras terre mee, cum luis pertinenciis, territo- rio [Fo/. 70. 1 de Pyonia Canonicorum, & jacent apu^ Churchebrug inter moram Roberti filii' Stephani ex parte una, & Churchebrug ex alceia, & fe cxtendunt ex uno ca- pite fuper terram Johannis Wode;cok, & in alio capiee uf- que ad aquam que dicicur Kynefbrd, Habendas & tenendas de me & heredibus mei^ iibi & heredibu^ fuii, vel fuis aiVignatis quibufcunque 5c quandocunque j^renominatas a- eras, cum omnibus pertinenciis fuis, in fanitate vel in e- grit4idine, dare, vendere, legate, invadiarc^, vel aflignare voluerunt, in teodo & hereditate, libere, integire, & quiete, bene, &: in pact, in omnibus locis & rebus, Reddendo inde' annuatim michi 6i heredibus meis, ip4'e' &' "heredes -fui, Vel- fui aiTi_gnati, tres denario^, mediccatern jn^ Ajinunciationcm Beate Marie, &; mediecacem in Fefto Sanfti Michaelis, nro.omai fervicio, exaftione, cohfuetudiae, & deman^a, ^ que (81) que de terra exeunt, vel exire potuerunc. Ego vero Ric^r- dus Butcr & heredes mei, prenominatas acras, cum omni- bus pertinericiisy difto Johanni de la Were, & lieredibus fuis, vel" affignatis fuis, contra omnes homines & fcminas in perpetuum warentizabimus, ac de omnibus Teftis, & iervi- ciis, wardis, hericcis, releviis, auxiiiis, tallagiis, & de omni- bus rebus & demandis, verfus quofcunque accquietabimus 6c defendemuv in pofterum. In cujus rei ceftimonium prefenti fcripto Sigillum meum [Fo/. 71.] appofui, Hiis ceftibus, Domino Thoma Vicario de Pyonia, Ada de Laiuun, Wifli- elmo de Wychincun, Henrico le Bucer, Roberto Molendina- rio, Johanne de Ketelbery, Roberto fiiio Scephani, &; aliis. Datum menfe Septcmbris anno (a) Domini MCC. fexagefi- mo tcrcio. CART. LXVII. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Wakerus, filius Hen- rici Clerici de Pyonia Canonicorum, dedi & conceiTi c Decano & Capitulo Herefordenfi, in puram 6c perpetuam elemofinara pracum meum in difta villi, illud videlicet quod jacet in longitudine juxta pratum quod tuit quondam Henrici Pacris mei, &; tendit a terra Scephani de Brocpe- onia ufque ad rivulum quod dicicur M^ilbroc, Habendum dc tenendum fibi & fuccelToribus prediftum pratum, cum llrs pertinenciis in perpetuum, bene & in pace, Jibere & quic- te, ab omnibus feitis curie, tallagiis, heriecis, &: omnibus mundanis exaftionibus & demandis, fecundum quod aliqua res liberius in elemofinam dari potefl ad honorem d\t\i vel concedi. In cujus rei teftimonium prefenti fcripto S» gillum meum appofui, Hiis tefnbus, Hugone Vicario de Pyonia, Ada de Laucun, Hugone de Lautun, Henrico Ck- rico, Thoma de Eurhove, Johanne Kecelbery, Ricardo Buterj & mulcis aliis. CART. LXVIIl. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Wakerus, filius Hen- rici difti \^Fol. 72.] Clerici de Pyonia Canonicorum, dedi & conccfli, & hac prefenci Carca mea conftrmavi {a) Anno h double jn tks Original MS. L Decano (82) Decano & Capitulo Herefordenfi, affignatis eorum & fuc- cefibribus, fubfcriptas porciones terre mee in predifta villa de Pyonia, videlicet, unam porcionem feu acram que jacet inter terram Stephani junioris & terram Willielmi Syred, ^ & extendit f e a la Brodevvatere, & unam acram que jacec in Pereye, que vocatur Acra atte Yevvybedde, & extert- ditur ad viam que vocatur Holdeflrete-, Item, fex buttas in Holemarelfeld ex utraque parte terre Galfridi le Newe, hoc eft una acra ex una parte, & dimidia ex alia, & fe extendit verfus le Mulpund, fecundum quod difte terre iunt perambulate & divife, Habendas omnes diftas terras, cum fuispertinenciis,f]bi&:aifignacis fuisinperpetuum,bene, libere dc quiete, ab omnibus fedlis curie, ferviciis, talla- giis, regalibus, & aliis omnibus artionibus mundanis, & quibufcunque demandis, ita libere fecundum quod aliqua .terra liberius dari poteft vel cqncedi. Ego vero dirtus Walterus, & heredes mei, vel affignati, prediftas terras, cum fuis pertinenciis & libertatibus prediftis, ipfis Decano & Capitulo Herefordienfi & eorum aflignatis, contra om- nes homines 6i feminas warentizabimus, in perpetuum de- f.-ndemus. [F^/. 75O ^" ^"^"^ ^^^ teftimonium Sigillum meum prefenti fcripto eft appenfum, Hiis teftibus, . Willi- elmo de Pvonia tunc Ballivo loci, Henrico Patre difti.Wal- teri, Magiftro Wiliielmo de Radenore Canonico Laftdaven- fi, Ada de Lautun, Hugone de Lautun, Thoma de Burhope, 3ohanne Ketelbery, Ricardo Buter, & multis aliis. CART. LXIX. SCiant prefentes & futuri, quod ego Adam de la Wode- tun, affenfu & voluntate Ifolde uxoris mee, dedi & conceffi, & hac prefenti Carta mea confirmavi Magiftro Wiliielmo de Haya Canonico Herefordenfi, & aftignatis fuis, quatuor acras terre mee, & buttum in villa de Pyonia Ca- nonicorum, quas terras difta Ifolda habuit de dono Mar- gerie Matns fue, que jaccnt in forlongo de Stroda inter terram Johannis de Lamerfchs ex una parte, & terram que fliit Ricardi Coci ex altera, fecundum quod in Carta difte Margerie idem confefta plenius continetur, Habend. & te- ncnd. totam prediftam terram, cum pertinenciis, fibi & af- fignati^ fuis, ita libere &: quiete, ficut liberius Carta pre- difte Margerie inde confefte preportat, Faciendo pro difta terra ^apitali domino debitum & confuetum fervicium, tarn didus Magifter Willielmus de Haya, quam fui afl»g- nati. (83 ), hati. Ego verd Adam & heredes mei, tocam prediftam cerramj cum fuds pertinenciis, [Fo/. 74..") predifta MagUuo & fuisar- fignatis, contra omnes homines & feminas warentizabimus & defendemus in perpetuum. Etquiavolo quod hec mea dbnaciO & conceffio firma (a) & ftabilis permaneat in per- petuum, pro qua Magifter Willielmus michi dedit tres mar- cas & dimid. argenti pre manibus, prefenti Garte Sigillum meum appofui, Hiis teftibus, Willielmo Biicer, Ada de Lau- tun, Hugone de Lautun, Henrico Clerico, Walcero filio Hen- rici, Ricardo Boter, Stephano Coco, Johanne de Lamersj Johanne Ketelbery, & mulcis aliis. ^''■ji'j iiiiiii: j!.j'..'i J'i, ...;.■,;: •J C A R:fTi LXX« q iluL '""■::■ ;•■■-; r.-.! JQ-Qianc jprefeiltes 8^ futuri, quod ego Walterus, filius Hen- O rici Clerici de Pyonia Canonicorum dedi ^ concefli, &c hac jpr^fenti Carta mea confirniavi, in puram &:^ perpecuam elemofinanl, Decanp &: Capitulo Ecclefie Herefordenfis, ad bperam unius Vicarii qui divina celebrabit pro aiiima Ma- ^iflri' Willielmi deHaya, & animabus omnium fidelium de- iundtpriun in eadem.in perpetuum, duodecim acras &: di- midium., &fex buttas terre mee arabilis, cum fuis perti- nenciis, in territorib Pyonie Canonicorum, cum una porci- 'one prati, quarum una aCra' de tribus fellionibus jacec in- ter terram Hugonis de Vortyya ^ terram Galfridi le Newe, una vero acra extendit fe ultra Middilbroc, & jacet inter terram Johannis le Crumpe & terram Agnecis Lechenard, Scj^Fo/. 75.^ una acra jaccc inter terram. Stephani junioris 5c terram Willielmi Syrich, 5c extendit a la Brodewatere ^ una quoque acra jacet in la Reye, que vocatur acra ate Wy- chibedde *, una vero acra & dimid. jacent in Wetenecsfeide, juxta t^rrani Galfridi le Newe, &: extendunc le in longicu- dine. yerfus le Mulpundcj tres vero acre jacent in la Reye inter fprlongum quod fuit quondam Roberti Folyoc, & ter- ram Galfridi le Newe, & extendunt a terra Willielmi Cadi ulque ad terram que fuit Stephani le Newe j una vero acta jacet in campo juxta le Brodewatere, inter terram Walteri filii Adith bl terram Stephani de la Forde ex altera 3 due vero acre de feptem feylionibus jacent in Wid^fcld, inter terram TtepHahi Prime & terram Ricardi de la Hoper, (aj Firma is double in the Original MS. L z cuoium (S4) quorum unum capud extendic fuper terram Scepham Bifc- broco, & aliud fuper ten (a) Johannis Daukin ; una acrx vero )acec in la Neye, incer terram Hugonis de la Ffor- ceye & terram Rogeri Cdci, cujus unum capud extendic fuper terram Scephani Coci, & aliud fuper terram Raduln phi le Seiaunt", p^rcio vero prati jacec juxta pratumquod fuit quondam Henrici Patris mei juxta le Brodevvatere, Habend. &: tenend. tocas prediftas terras cum porctone pfati, cum luis percinenciis omnibus, pre^iftis Decano & Capitulo & eorum aiTignaf is, ficuc prediftum eft [_ FoL 7'^. 3 integrc & quiete, bene & in pace, in omnibus locis, Sc ita libcre, ficuc aliqua terra liberius in puram & perpetuam elemofi- nam dari vel concedi poceft, abfque fec^lari fervicio & de- manda. Ego vero di^lus Walterus & heredes mei omnes prediftas terras cum porcione prati, cum fuis pertinenciis & libertatibus omnibus prenominatis, prediftis Decano 6c Ca- pitulo, & eorum affignatis, ficuc prediftum eft, concra omnes homines ^ feminas, tarn Judeos ^uain Criftianos, in perpetuum warentizabjmus, & de omnibus ferviciis, red- ditibus, tallagiis, regalibus, releviis, wardis, heri^tis, feftis cur i arum, &; de omnibus aliis feftis, exaftionibus, & de- mandis, verfus quofcunque accquietabimus & defendemus. In cujus rei teftimonium prefenti fcripto Sigilluih meum appolui, Hiis teftibus. Domino Hugone tunc Vicario Pyo- nie, Willielmo Buter, Ada de Lauton, Hugone deLauton, Willielnto de Wythinton, Hugone Godmon, Henrico Juvene, Ricardo Buter, Stephano Coco, & aliis. S CART. LXXI. Cianc prefentes & futuri, quod ego Johannes de h Were dedi & concefft, 8c hac prefenti Carta mea con- firmavi Decano & Capitulo Herefordienfi, & eorum aflig- natis, tres acras terre mee, cum fuis pertinenciis, illas vi- delicet quas emi de Ricardo Boter, que jacent inter Chi- rebruge inter Moram Robert! filii Stephani (6) una, & Chirchebruge ex altera, &: fe extendunt iii uno capite ufquc (a) am is omitted. (b) Ex U mimd. ad (85) ad [^FoL 77* ] maneriis noftris de Norton & de Pyonia jufte accquifivit ad cultum Dei in Ecckfia noftra augmencan- dum, & fecundura ipfius difpoficionem in ufus pios con- vertcndos, quantum in nobis eft, ratas habemus, & taJirer faftas adquifitiones affenfu unanimi tenore prefentiiun confirmavi, Hiis teftibus, Dominis & Magiftris Johanne Decano, Emerito Cancellario, Nicholao Penitenciario, Tho- nu de Sanfto Omero, Thoma le Breton, Canonicis Herc- fordenfihus -, Roberto difto Juniore, Willielmo de Eve- ftiam Capellanis j Waltero de la Barre, WilUdnw) Joude- rey,6c aliis. Placita man coram: 'Walter o De Saham,. Roger o^ Lop'^.^y ^ Johanne de Mettingham, Jufticiariis Itmer- rantihus in Com Gloceflria^ in crajiino Claud Tafche, Anno Regni Regis Edw. filii Regps Hen- rici Decimo quinto. (a) ' In Rotulo Decimo ^arto, TpPifcopus Hereford Summonitus, ^c. Quo Warranto jjy Climat lubere vifum franci pUgii Wayf. & liberam Warrennam in Maneriis fuis de Preftebury, & Sevenhamp- ton, & feriam in manerio , fuo de Preftebury, (2[ Et Epiicopa:-.per Atrornatum fuurn v^mt, ..i2^c. Et quo ad Warrenam dicitrquod Dominus "H. Re%J*ater Domini Regis nunc, cpnceiTicik confirmavir cm^at^lvPetro Herefor- dienii Epifco'po "Predecelfori iuo, quod; Ji^*^ & luccc (Tores fui in perpetutrrt^-^iabeanr Libenis Wa^n^a's in omnibus Do- minicis terris fuiJ P^feiotum fu^nj^T^xtra foreflam Regis, \nz^. in Barton, Eton, ^Siiel^^yjck, Topefley, Hampton, Opton, Broumvard, Witeborn,' Froome, Boesbury, Gren- don, Golevvell, Credley, Eftnoure, & Ledibury fub Mal- vern in Com. Herefordienfi, K in Manerio de Ledibury in Com. Salop, & in Maneriis de Preftbury & Seven- hampton in Com. Glocellri.x, & fimiliter quo ad Feriam. dicit quod prediftus Dominus Henricus Rex concelfit, ^c. Predecefibri, <2[?'c.&: Succeflbribus, (^^c. unum Mercatum fingu- Jis feptimanis per diem Martis apud Preflbury, cum Feria fingulis anms in vigilia, die & craftino Sanfti Petri ad vin- culo, ^c. & quo ad feftas Shirarum & Hundredorum, Theo- (a) Amo Du?riim J321. Ionium^ ., (87) .^^ ^ Ionium, Pbntagiiirtv Cariagium, & jfiaV humfmbdi PreHatiQ- nps dicic, quod prediftus Dominus Henricus Rex Vsttr^^c, cbhcefltt, & Cart^ fu^ cpnfirmavit Deo, & Ecclcfia: Sahfta? Maris,' &San^ Danegeldis, & hydagiis, & Carriagiis & Talla^lis,. & de Shiris & Hundredis, & de Sieftis eorum, infra Burgum & extra, & de Stetwardis, 8c de omnibus Placifi?. & C^uerelis qux ad Comitatum & Hun- dredum pertinent, Salvis Hiis qux ad Coronam Regiam per- tinent, & quod ipfi & homines lui fint quieti & Hberi ab onini Carriagio, Pontagio, PafTagio, Stalagio, & Theolonio, & quod quieti fine de Huhd-Frith Wardflegh, & ThetiJipeni, & Franco PJegio, & de operatione Caftellorum, & Refeftione Pontium, e^c. & profert tres Chartas prcdifti Domini Hen- rici Regis, quse premilTa teflantur, fyc, ideo" predi^us Epi- fcopus quo ad ifta fine die,(^c. . . . ". F IN 1 S. Some BOOKS lately Printed.. . I. A Survey of the Cathedral-Church of St. Dxvlet s^yzni' X\ the Edifices belonging to it, as they ftood ia ^he Year 171$. To which is added, Some Memoirs relating, thereco, and the Country adjacent, from a MS. wrote abojic the latter end of Queen £//t^6ef^'s Reign, Together with an Account of the Arch-bifhops, Bifhops, Precentors, Chan- cellors, Treafurers, and Arch-deacons of the See of St. David's* Coflefted by Brown Willis Eiq-y llluftrated with Draughts, and adapted to the faid Hiftorical Defcriptioa* Svo, Price ^ s, IL Notitia Far liament aria j or, An Hiftory of the Coun- ties, Cities, and Boroughs, in England and Wales y (hewing, what Boroughs were antiently Parliamentary, but now dil- tis'd ^ what do at this Day return to Parliament j their An- tiquities, Charters, Lords, Churches, Monafteries, Govern- menc, Number of Eieftors, ^c. To which are fabjoin' Mar, I. 1648. The ManoA of Whitlorne in Hereford- \ jhirej fold to Rich. Salway^ ?> 1 3 48 10 10 Edm. Waremgj and Edw. j Smithf for — .^— ^ j' July 2T. 1648. The Scite of 1 the Manor oiTupfefleyf -^o 6 8 fold to Leonard "BennetC ^ ^ for ' » — J Sept, 22. 1648. The Ma-"] nor of "Broomeyard For- \ yens in Herefordjbire^)^ 594 9 i? fold to John Flackett j for ^ J Seftemi, 22. 1648. CoJwalP Tarky i^c. in Hereford- 1 /7;/V^, fold to Thom^M oAJ-y 336 ij 4 derm an and jfoA;^ Flackett \ for . ^ ^^ — -.j Novemh. 28. 1648. The*' Manor of EaB-Nor in Herefordflnre^ and Lands in 'Batter fea in Surrey^ k , , , . ^ a . belonging to the Sees '^ of Tork and Hereford , fold to Thomas Letchmere for — - — V "_ ' * ■ ' ' ■ ■ ^. decern Cathedral Church of Hereford. Decemler 22. 1648, The! Scite and Demefnes of| \Bifiops-Frdome in Here-\> 155 16 8 fordpre^ fold to John] Tutt for ' r \ March 2j. 1649. The Ma- nor of "Boshury in HereA fordjlnre^ fold to Sjlvanus\ Taylor for ■ :8 10 ^i e.4ugti/iij. 1649. The Ma-"} nor of Shelwick in Here- j fordjlnrcj fold to James \^ ij6 14 Style and John Torter \ for . j' February 22:16 <^o, Hereford'^. Palace, the Manor of I Shelwicky "Barton^ Tup- J fejley^ "Bijhvps-Eato^y 'Bi'^2^j^ 12 po^s-HamftoUy and S7ig' W(i6y fold to John "Birche for . : — — , 5t March 25. 1650. Four Te-" nements in the City of( Worcefter^ fold to Grifan^ •fine Thilli^s for - A ^ 122 8 o Se£^ ^ The Antiquitfes of the I. s. d. q. September 27. 1650. The^ ]S/Lz.nor o( "BiJhopS'Froomef ^ ifl Herefordjhirey fold to^ ^' Richard Hoptony Efq; for) Septemler 28. 1650. Seve-' ral Tenements on LafnA heth'Hillj LondoUy fold to| Edward Woodford for 95 5 Sum Total 8850 9 ?i THE Cathedral Church of HEB.E-FOB.D. 5 l«>'?lwi!i'i?4.!ye}S'l^!^SJ9!!?^^ yy<^l«;t[c^^9T«)i^^ /a»S/aN/mN --^v^N" >>mv\/>^N?^^'>v>^7/*sJa«N/av^5>^ |V«*9|«niV| THE DIMENSIONS OF THIS C H U R C H. ITS Length, from the mB End to our Ladfs Cha^^el^ (now the Library) is 105 Yards Length of the Library . 26 Yards. —•Breadth 9 Yards and i Foot. Length of the whole Church within fide 395 Feet. Length of the great Crofs-Ifle, from North to South 140 Feet. Breadth of the Nave of the Church and IJles . . 68 Feet. Length from the We§I Door to the Choir 141 Feet. Length of the Choir »^ 96 Feet. A 3 From 6 The Antiquities of the From the Choir to the upper End of our Ladyh Chappel — ,— — --^i Feet. Height of the Body of the Church— 68 Feet. •^ of the Middle Steeple •— . 244 Feet, » of the Weft Tower-^ — — * 125 Feet. Of the Body, from the eArea to the Fault- ing ' >-—■»■ ■ " 70 Feet. Breadth of each IJle — — • 10 Feet. Weft End of the Church in Front— 80 Feet. The Chapet'Houfe confifts of 10 Arches, and is about 40 Feet over, the Entrance into it is — . * -12 Feet. Length of the 'Bifhops Cloiflers 1 1 5 Feet. Breadth' .— — ^ . — — i^ Feet. IN Cathedral Church ^/Hereford, j Inscriptions on the Bells. I.— TT7E was made Ten in the Year VV 1697- II. God profper this Church and all the Members, 1698. III. T. Woomn, r. Rogers, W. Watts, g4. Oately^ R. 'Bulkeley, Canons, 1698. IV. God profper the Church of England^ A, R. 1697. V. Sum Rofa ^uljata mtmdi t^atema vocata, VL Stephantis "Banaflre me fecit. VII. — Let us ring Profperity to the Church oiEngJarid, tsA.R, AnnoT)om, 1697. VIII. — Johannes Tyler , T)ecanm Herefor- denjisj qA, R. 1697. IX,' Willie Imm Warwike con/Iruxit me in janHa Trinitatls honorem. X. -""^^SanBe Cuthbertey ora ^ro nolis. A 4 Inscrip- 8 The Antiquities of the Inscriptions ufon the Tombs^ Mo- numents^ and Grave- Stones, in the Cathedral Church of Hereford. ON a white Marble Tablet, near the Library, againft the Weft Wall, at the Top of which is an Urn : On the Tablet is this Infcription. LeBiJftma Faminx S A R iE JoHANNis Brome de EwiTHiNGTONA Generofi RoBERTi DE LA Ha Y DE Waterstona Generofi Trimum ; T>einde QoLiELMi Johnson, S. T. P. Ecclejiumdecem annos ad amujjim prsflitiffet^ Fatigatus tandem ne^otiu quieti ^iicurtJ^ vontiilit quam ob jucundiorem Commutavit Augujli vicejfimo feptimo Die Anno atatisy^. 1701. On another black Grave-Stone near the former. Hie jacet Conjlantia Williams Conjux benignijjima Davidi J^illiams Med, DoEi. de Civitate Kerefotdtenfi Filia primO'genita Henrici Williams Arm, deCabalua in Comitatu Radnor, In fpem Utdi & beat^ refurreEiionis animam in ma?ium Domini mifericordis refignavit 7iono die Sept embris 1694. On Cathedral Church (?/ H e r e f o r d . i j On another black Marble Grave-Stone near the former. Hie jacet Virtus^ PietaSy Fides^ Ingenhm^ Virgo Matronarum imitatrix optima Qua ah infantia Dei cultrix ajjidua^ Ad omnia per agenda videbatur nata^ At! at nimis immaturo erepta fato. Nan Jine propinquorum luElu om?mtm In fpe tamen ampla RefiirreElionis Utx, Obiit 28 Martii A.D. 1699. jEvavh 25. In the North'lfley on the EaJi-WaW, is a fair Marble Monument containing two Buftos in Ovals, the one of a Perfon in the Habit of a D. D. leaning his left Hand on a Book 5 on each Side, two Women in loofe Robes 5 on the Top, two Women weeping, leaning their left Hands on Deaths-Heads, Over the Man's Head, thus : Hoc tumulo Sepuhus eft Gulielmus Evans facrA Theologidt DoBor hujm EcclefiA Cat-^ ^thedralis, FrAbendarius d^ EcclefiA Anglican^ o"?go^|'^ & fidefis Ahmwus. Un- 14 The Antiquities of the Underneath the Bufto. ^ Vile qiudem e terra corpus formatur ah aura Qui^ fugil jEtherea Spiritus ifie venit. l^e dubnes\ terram repetet coelefle^ CoAvm nine lit iitrifque Jims cojifocietur honos, S)ut fuerarn, perii^ fed enim JJcfalvus ut effem Et tua fit (LeBor) fie per'tijje falus. Vita mihi Cbriflus^ mors lucrum^ patria coelurn^ In quo cum [a nB is regnat honor e Deus Gloria facra Deo coelis^ pax Candida t err is Reddatury Cordis Charus amorque viris T.B. Malus ocellus < Bene vlxit, quil^no latuitl>Malus animus Ov^er the Woman's Buflo in Capitals, holding her right Hand on a Death's Head, are two Cupids cumbent. Hie fubtui in : ., Spem RefurreBumis dorniit , Maria Evans Filia natu ma:}f' , ima ¥lieolai T ay lev de Prefi eigne in Comitatii Radnor Ar?mg. Uxor Gidielmi Evans S. S. Theolagi^ ■^ Under this Tablet was fixed the following Diftich in Writing. Heu qua fronte queas nomen Suhfcrihere T, B, ^li pot eras tantum fcrihoe Vile Quid em. DoBoris Cathedral Church (?/ H i r e f okd. . 1 5 DoBoris EcclefidL Hujus Cathedralis tr^beiidarii. Underneath the Bufto. Vivit ad invidiam ufq -^venufia pariterac ptidica virgo floruit prttdensd^fidelisttxor^ adolevit matrona Sapiens ^paitperibiis liber alis ^inimteis fropitia^ Omnibus char a 5 Occubnit nemini non ' ^ Flebilis^ veneranda jiwenis^ Virghmm uxoriim^ matronarumy propejingularis FLoenix Exeviplar omnibus^ virtute & pietate Jeciinda ntAlli Trictfmum feptimitm jEt at i s fn^ annum agens Solo quodftmm. Cosh resiituit fuum : Ultirw die Martii Aimo T)omi7ii 1659. Btc virtus Viet as & ab omni parte venuHas 5 Hie quod erity fuity esi in muliere^ jacet. All Women fliall be, what fhe now is here^ P jt what (he was,few Women are, few were. On a Grave-Stone under the Jaft Monu- nent, is this Infcription ; Depofitum Gulielmi Evans S. S. Theologidi DoBoris d^ hujus EccleJtJd Pr^bendarii : Qui poH yErumnas ob caufam Caroli Beati Martjris i6 Ti6^ Antiquities of the Martyris exantlatas^ pojl Dolores ob Ecclejiam olim lacrymantetn perpeffos^ coelejlem quArens Vatriam emigravit die uk.Sept. Ann* 1668. Matri quad mortale redit pretiofa Parenti Pars tendens coelum fejfa & anhtla redit, Qfcula dat Matri dat . . • fpice provida fnors eH Funere divifitm Mater 0*Uxor habent. t) foelix iterum dum te mors ipfa mar it at JJmbram Conjugii talis d^ urna beat Hoc Via OhfervantiA Monumentum Pofuit Simon Traunter Confobrinus, On a black Marble enchafed in White, rimmed with Gold, on the South-V^dM of the iJorth Ifle. Juxta jacet Edwardus Gwyn Juris confultus Johannis Gwynn de Aber-gravc in agro Brecon Armigeri Filius primogenitus. Vir probus^ pius, & amicus Pauperibus & locupletibus ^que Semper fua patebant Limina : Judicio baud vulgar? ^&animoprafcienti injigms^ Quern nee Min^y nee Honos allexit Sed Regis Authoritatem, & Populi Libert atem JEqua lance libravit. Religione cordatus^ Lege peritus^ Vita innocuus^^ Mu?idum Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. 17 Mimdum & vicit & deferuit^ Jujmi:^. 169c. jEtat, 56. et h^c verba SitbneEiijiiJJit^ Qui bene latuit^ bene v'lxtt. M^fti^ima Conjux Francifca Doitmia Throkmorton hoc fepitkhrale Marmor P. M. Pofuit. At the Eafl End, on the Wall, under a Ca- nopy lined with Ermin, is the Bufto of a Perfon in an Epifcopal Habit, leaning on a Cuftiion, wirh this Epitaph : Epitaphmm Reverend? ffinii in Chrijlo Patris Theophili Field Epifcopi Afpicis effigiem Cleri par nulla ligura Theophili genio 3 qui fuit orbis honos Doftior an melior fuit haud fcio. Fama docebit. Quod fi fama negat, Tu pia fcripta lege .LuxLandavenfi3,Menevenfis,etHerefordenfis i- Haud Sterili tumulo clauditur alinus Jger Prsfulis officio fundus qui triplicis olim Hie jacet hie toto flumine flendus Ager Qualis odor variis diftindi floribus Agri Non minus eft grati nofter odoris Jger Fratrimsrentima^rens moriturus P r»t,- v T2' die Tunii Jonathan Field, JEt. LXILMDCXL. ^"''^ i 163^ Anagram, he faild, not any, B The 1 8 The Ai^TiQvn:ii.s of the The Sim^ that Light unto three Churches gave^ Is fet. The Field is buried tn a Grave* This Simjhal! rife^ this Field renew his Flowers 5 This Sweetnefs breathe for Ages ^not for Hovpers. Upon the Wefi Walloon a black Tablet, en- clofed in white, edged with Gold 5 on each Side of which are two Women in a loofe Robe, one with a Lawrel, the other holding her left Hand on her Bread, both half veiled^ on the Summit are two Women prayings with this Infcription between them : Infra jacet quantum Mortale f uit Jocofai Aubrey^ Uxoris Samuelis ^z/^r^j,Militis, filiae et Coh;sredis Guliehm iJz/^/W/pdeRudhall, Armig. quaeobiit duodecimo die Julii, AnnoDom. 1638. Could JuUWords fpeak what buried here doth //>, ^Twoitld raife both Envy and Idolatry, 'Twos an Exchequer^ throng'dwtthfo much Good, The Age that loft it^ never under flood, Jiijl Heaven finding hwas but envied her e^ Left 116 the Cafket, fixd the Jewel there. Juxta chariffimcTfponfaBcineres depofitumeft Corpus Samuelis Aubrey^ Militis, filii Mor* gani Aubrey ^hxmig. qui obiit decimo nono die Mail, Anno Domini 1645. He Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. 19 He who did never lodge within his Breafl Difhonotir^ Bafenefs, or Self- Inter eft ^ Thejuft Mans Friend^ the poor Mans Treafitry^ The opprefs'd Mans Patron in Extremitjiy Lies here^ (Reader) if now thou grudge aTear^ Findfome more worthy ObjeB^ fpend it there. Upon another Marble on the fame Wall^af- ter the fame Form, is this Infcription : In Memory of The moft imitable and reli- gious Life, and moft happy and pious Death, of Mary^ the Daughter of Richard Seaborne,, Efq^ and Wife of William Bowdler^ Gent, who with much Chriftian Pati- ence and Humility, Jayed down this Body the 5th Day of May 1665. Upon the fame Wall is an oval black Mar- ble, enchafed in a white Bordure, edged with Gold 5 on the Top are two Angels fleeping, and this Infcription : Jiixta jacet J ana Uxor Gulielmi Bow die r Gener. filia Dotioris Fell Fcclefm Cathedralis Chrijli Oxon Decani. B 2 Qli^ 20 The Antiquities 0/ t/?^ -Quse magnum vixit pietatis exemplar ; Ecclefiae Anglicaiise (etiam dum nubibus perfecutionis adumbratse) filia obedientiffima, Carolo fecundo (variis exilii longi eventibus exagitato) fideliflima, marito Conjux amantillima, iiberis mater indul- gens^ egeiiis libera, fingulis Benigna. Qu;b cum vix ulli Mortalium fecunda, inter immortales numera- ta eft fexto die Junii 1660. Over the Door at the Ea/l End of this Ifle, is a black Marble Tablet, edged with white, rimmed with Gold, on the Top tv/o Angels cumbent, holding green Lawrels in their right Hands, and between them this Infcription : Near this Place lieth PrifciUa^ Daughter of the Reverend Tho, IViat, D. D. and Relid of the Reverend Tko. Cook^ B. D. Arch-D. of Salop^ who lead a pious and exemplary Life, becoming a Daughter of the Church of England^ as ihe always profefled herfelf, Fearlefs of the Approach of Death, with much Chriftian Comfort and joyful Hopes of a happy Change. She died Mar, the 4. in the Year 1690. of her Age 77, and is buried near her moft beloved Grand-fon Tbo, Son Cathedral Church of Uekefokd* 21 Son of her only Daughter Marj;, once happy Wiffe, now forrowful Widd. of Dr. Stephen Philips^ Canon of this Church, and Arch-D. of Salop. On a black Marble Grave-Stone under- neath the fore-mentioned Monument, is this Infcription: i|j ,,,.. Spe heat A refurreEiionis In hoc tiiimilo obdo'nnit Viiicentius Stephani Philips, S. T. P. Et Mari^ Uxoris ejus Filiiis tertio genitits, Ex'tmii juvenis ingenii. Et ]xicundiJ]imA confuetitdims. Qui magnas natuY^ dotes Vrinnim in Schola Wintonienji alumnus, Deinde in Coll, S. et Individual Trinitatis apud Oxomenfes Commenfalis^ Swmno fiiidio excolnit 5 Et qtiosjiflatti^temponim ttdijjet llhislriores ejfecijjet, obiit xxi juUi . CDom. I TOO. On a black Grave-Stone near the laft men- tioned, is the following Infcription: In Hope of a Blefled Refurrcclion, Here lieth interred the Body of 13 2 Mr. 2 2 T/;^ A N T I QXJ X T IE s of the Mr. Joseph Philips^ fourth Son of the Reverend Mr. Stephen Philips, formerly Canon of this Church, who deceafed the 14th of March, in the 60th Year of his Age, An. Bom. 1708. In the fame Ifle near the former, is ano- ther Grave-ftone, infcribed to the Memory of the late celebrated Mr. John Philips, well known by his excellent, though few, Compofitions. JOHANNES PHILIPS ObiK.5a.Feb.A™o}D-;VS%. Cujm OJJa [i reqfiirasy hamc Urfiam in/picfy Si Ingenium nefciaSy ipflus Opera confute Si Ti^multim defideras^ Ten;plum adi Weftmonafterienfe^ QhaHs quantuJqHe Vir fuerit, Dicat elegans ilia & prAcUra, \ Qvi& Cenotaphinm ihi decorat Infcriptio* Quam interim erga Cognatos pirn & ojficiofHS, Tefictur hoc faxum A Maria Philips Matre ipftus pientifflwdy BiUBi Filii Memoria non fine Lackrymis dicatuml The Monument referred to at WeHminfter^ in this Infcriptipn, (a nexad Draught of which is here reprefented) ftands between thofe of Chaucer and Drayton, and was ereded to his Cathedral Church (?/ Hereford. 23 his Memory by Sir SiMoit Harcourt, the prcfent Lord Chancellor, an Honour fo much the greater, as proceeding from One who knows as well to diftinguifh Men, as excel them, and deals out the Marks of his Refpect as impartially as the Awards of his Juftice. The Epitaph was writ by Dr. Freind, in a Spirit and Stile peculiar to his Compofi- tions, Hereford! A conduntur OJfa^ Hoc in Dehibro Jlatuhttr Imago ^ Britanniam omnem pervagatur Famtz JOHANNIS PHILIPS: Qui Viris bonis doBifq-^ juxtd chants y Itnmortale fztum Ingenium^ Eriiditio7ie 7mdtiplict excidtmn, Miro animi Candore^ Eximia moritm fimpUdtate^ Honejlavjt, Literarnjn Amoeniontm fttim, jQitam Wintonise Piter fentire coeperat^ Inter jEdis Chrifti Alum?ios jitgiter exf levity In il/o Miifanim Domicilio Pr£claris jEmidori4m ftudiis excitatits^ Optimis fcribendi Magi/iris femper intentitSy Carmina fermone Patrio compofuit 4 Gr^cis Latinifq'^ fojitibiis feliciter dediiEla^ Atticis Romamfq'^ aiiribus omnino digna^ Verfiium qn'ippe Harmoniam Rhythnio didicerat. B 4 Jntiquo 24 The Antiquities of the Antiquo illo^ libero^ Multiformis Ad res iff as apto prorfus^ & attemperato^ NonNumeris ineundem fere orbem redeuntibus^ l^on Claufularum Jlmiliter cadentium fono Metiri : Uni in hoc laudis genere^ Miltono fecundus^ Vrimoq-^ poene Par. Res feu Tenues^ feu Grandes^ feu Mediocres Ornandas fumferat^ l^liifquam^ non quod decuit^ Et videt^ d^ ajfecutus efl^ Egregius^ quocunq-^ Stylum verteret^ Fandi author^ & Modorum artifex, Fas fit Hitic^ Aitfo licet a tud Metroru?n Lege difcedere O Poefts :Anglicantz Pater, atque Conditor CHaucere Alterum tibi latus claudere^ Vat 74m certe Cineres^ tuos tmdiq-j flipantium Noil dedecebit Choru?n, SIMON HARCOURT Miles, Viri bene de fe^ deque Literis meriti Quoad viveretj Fautor^ Posf Obittim pie memor^ Hoc illi Saxi4?n poni volnit* J. Philips Stephani S. T. P. Archidi- aconi Salop^ Filius natus eft Bamptoni^ in Agvo Oxon, Dec. 50. 1676. Obiit Herefordi^^ Febr. 15, 1708. In Cathedral Church (?/ H e r e f o rd. 25 In the fame Ifle on a Grave-ftone, is this Infcription : M. S. Bridjlochit Harford hujits Ctvitatis Medicine DoSioris celeberrimi Aritiqna & honefla famiVia onundi Si fie & mirare jQui ciiltros Lachefi f^pins extorjit Et ftrermum contra morbos helium Tarn dill gejjit 5 Inter mortnos intnc ipfe gejjit Magnus olim Mortis Antagonifla. Primo tilt & Maximo (Magiftri fid Et Medicorum omnium facile Prificipis Aphorlfmatij Cojitradixit ille, d^ contra vixit^ Vitam enim longam & Artem brevem^ Sibi <& fills reddidit ^grotis : Pauperum ^ Divitum Medicus^ Horum fine Petidantia^ Illorum fine Pr^mio. Arti ejm d^ exemplo debet Herefordia^ Quod tanto Medico nimc pofjit car ere. ?jEtatis 90. Dom. 169^. Feb. 25. R^ceffit. On 26 The Antiquities of the On a Brafs Plate fixed to a Stone, is this Infcription : ^k facet Dominus SlcrfiannciS p?at QtionBam Canantcug Wins Ccclefie qui obiit V Bie meiif. ^actit anno Domini mil- iimo €€€€M. cu|ii0 attime p?opitie-- ttiu Deus atmm On another Brafs Plate, is this Infcription : S)f vm\t Cljacitpe p?apc toi tfie ©ouie of <^u Etcljaroe TSEiifon, late Canon EeC- aenfe of tU& Cat{)eti?aU Cljitclje in t>ttt' foitst, tof)pci)e nep^rteB tfte rt Dape of iTe^: i3?uarie anno asCCCCjEiaiia* onttljofe €^oule|efu|iai3e9^etc^ On another Brafs Plate, under a Perfon habi- ted in Prieftly Veftments, is this Infcription : ^k 3lacet ^afftff* C5WttnBu>s Eiall quonSam Canonicus fiujus Ccclefie qui ofaiit tifi Bie ap^ilis anno Domini ^€€€€^^^%% cujusf anime p?apiti> tin: Deuis. amen* Under an Arch in the North-WM^ is a Bi- fhop lying in his Robes, within Iron Grates, and this Infcription : Ca^oUtd Cathedral Church of H e r e f o r d.~ 27 Ca?oluig OSaotf) Cpifcopuis l;etef. cum 18 annog 5. ^enfe0 $ totiBem Bte0 €0 cleCe fiuic cum laime pcefuiirct, quinto nic S9 — 1535 Befttugus fub ijoc tuniula ^cpult acet. This Prelate, by his laft Will proved Majf 8. 1535. defired to be buried in this Place juxta hoflium ex parte Boreali Ecchfia (for thefe are the very Words) uhi conHruxi Sepiilchrum meum. At the Wesi'End^ (appropriated to the Pa- rifh of St. John Baptiji, in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter) upon a large Grave- Stone, is a Brafs Plate with the Figure of a Prieft ha- bitedjholding a Ghalice in his Hand ^ under a Canopy round the Verge, is this Infer iption : ^ic inttt tienetabtlis ^miffet 3!o6ait* \m ^oim %titxz Cljelogie TBaccalareus quonnam Collegii 6eate ^ane dicginig iffilmton m ©von <©atBianusi ^ f)uju0 Cc* cleac Catlj* Paebcnn. meritifllnuig ac m eoBcm Canonicugtefilietttiatiug. €Mi quiii^ to »ic S^enOiS Boi3emli?f0 ut ftiam tno?t€m Derfiis mane obiit anno Domini millimc CCCC?^3i33J;.cuju0 aiitme p^o-- pitietuc Deuis. amert. On z2 The Antiquities of the On each Side are the Figures of Saints, with rhefe Infcriptions : ©^ CljomajS o?a p?^ aia)+ S> ©eotgi 0?a Pio aia, + ©♦ EicoaiBe oia p|0 aia, + ©ansa matfjetma pjo am noSra, + ®anaEa: ^mia Sjgapafenaoia p?o aia noSta, + ©♦ Ctftefoscie 0|a pjo aia itoftra, + 3ioIjaimei5 Cp. - . + CDlDatBe p?a aia noffra. + Upon a Pillar on the North-Side^ is this lofcription Painted in a Compartiment : Here lyeth the Body of John Philpot^ ; i Efq^ who died (being Maior of this "' City) in the midfl: of hisMaioralty, on Friday the 27th day oi March ^ An. Dom, 1674. And in the 56th Yeare of his Age. On another Brafs Plate, under the Figure of a Perfon habited in Prieftly Veftments, is this Infcription : i^4t facet sriietaMligattDominusCfj0^ tnag Do^ne quonuam ... $ CanoiiicuSr reBBeittiatitt^ Wm Ccclrfie Catlj* f^tw forts, qui obift xtM Uz S^enfig S^arclt am 110 Domim miWmc €€€€ Digefimo noiio mim anime ptopitietui; Oeuss* 3men. On Cathedral Church of H'EKi.FORD. . 29 On another, under theFigure of a Perfoa ftanding on a Tun, holding up his Hands in a praying Pofture, is this Infcription. ^it lacct 3io§anne0 Sbtoc^ton qiioitSam nia|ot!ffmiS €\^itau qui oUit xt^y ftie SptiL am Dam. ^CCCClL^j^jf. cujug mimz P?opitietuc ^ms. ameiu On another, under the Figure of a Perfon holding up his Hands, is this Infcription. ^ic jnttt 3io&anne0 TSpnUticn €iVi$ €u Bitatiis |)£t€fo?5ie, mim anime piopitie* tur Deusf. 9mcm On the 5i?z/rl?-Side, is an Alabafter Tomb, on which is a Perfon armed, his Foot on a Beafl couchant, without any Infcription- On a black Grave-Stone near it, is this Infcription : • Hie jacet Cecilia Domina Henriez Lingen de Sutton in Com. Heref, militis et AlidA JJxoris ejus Filia, qu£ ex hdc vita adfosliciorem Migravit IX^ Mali A?mo Domini MDCLXXXIX. In ^o The Antiquities of the In the South ille,on a Brafs Plate,from which the Figures are torn ofF, is this Infcription : ^(c fepelittit fienetaWlig afr magilfci: EtcfjatBus jfatpnticn lit attibus OSaccala* ttm €m\Bn\tm uuuntimm €ttUixt Ca^ tl)e5?a!i0 Ipetcfojtac et pje&eiifiatuis Pie* bzmz Be Ctsjptljpngton in eascm qui obiit Diceffima tectia Bie ^enfig l5ot)mb?isi anna 2)omftti milUmD quao?inBentefima itona- g£fintD feptima ttxjm auime pjopicietut; De* iig^ amem On another Brafs Plate, under the Figure of a Prieft, is this Infcription : 5)ic facet SenerabdiS W magiflei: Eobee* tm immn quonBam Canonicus fjujusCc-- defie qui obiit xi Bie jTebmatit anno Do* mini ttiiHtmo CCCCl^a cujug anfttie pjopicietur Deus. amen^ On a rou^h Stone, in Capital Letters, is this Infcription : j£t at is fua 27. Anno Domini 1395. Thoma Lewis valeas patri dulcijjima proles Ah moriens Utus patre dolente migras Oxonienjis eras DoBus regiufque Scholaris > Ecclefi^ ChriHi darns ahmnus eras Lenis eras leovis cunSis ter dulcis amicis SanBm eris Chrisio terque beatus eris. On Cathedral Church »»<» +-i s«» »o s ^ -^^^ ^ s ^ .: g^3 ^ ^ i 2 ^ ^ g ^ ^ e Cathedral Church of H e R e f o r d. 35 o O .5 § Chli "^-S •««* -i-i ^ St s -*§ ^ 1 ^ ^ <5o fy 'b ni mil^ limo €CCC€jr333. on tDljofe ©cuies 3iefu Ijatie ^eccj^e. ameiu On another Grave-Stone, upon a Brafs Plate, is this Infcription : ^it I'acet aenerabilis mt cainimus . . . • anglicane ^CCCCCjf jf312* cttjuis antme pjopicietut alt(ffimii0* On another like the former, is this In- fcription : + %wh |)0C lapitie €)cpulti!!S efl, (Uene- tabili0 Qir J^agifirr l)z\mz\i^ ^artpn ti= troquenite TSaccljaiaureuj^, arcijiDiaconu^ S)aIop in Ijac CcclefiaCat&e5?aIt ti)etefo?5eix $ Canonictig txM Die C^enfiiES Ja* nuatu anno Dommi fecunmim conipiita-- tionem Ccdefic SngUcane mrufmo pjoptcietui: ©ai^. In 78 The Aktiqxjitiies of the In the South'lUc^ are the Effigies of- fome Biftiops in their Robes, lying under feveral Arches in the South Wall 5 over each, is as follows : Dutts ©ulielmtig le dlttz €puis Ipttttoy B€nfi0, obiitanna 1109. Dnm Eobcrtug iFoUot epu0 |)eccfo?lien' fig, oMitamio 1 186. S)nu0 Eubettus ie TBetunc €pu0 !peit«^ fo?lienff05 cbilt anno 1148. £)nu0 Ecliertug tt 09ctun Cpus ^ete* foi6enG0, Dlnit anno 1167. £)nu0 Eobettti0 lojiitg; €pu0 !|)erefa?5cn' 805 oftutaunDiiis. S)nu0 Eicatau0 ^apo Cpu0 lJ)eecfo?aeit^ ti0y oWty anna 15 16. On a Brafs Plate near the Choir-Door, not far from the Bifhop's Seat, is this Infcription : Hie jacet Willmus Vlott Civitat Heref. Generoff. natus in Po'* de Stockburye Com, Canti^ d^ Diocejf, Cant qui Obiit qiiinto die Apnlis^ Anno Dni Millimo fexcenteffimo vicefimo oBavo, On the Edge of a Canopy over a Seat in the Body of St. Johris Church, on th^North Side, is this Infcription : Robertm Cathedral Church 0/ Hereford. 39 Rohertus Benet Epifcopm Herefordenfis fecit. BA m Epi & Predecejf. ejm Decani conjenfa, pro feip/ii £t fuccejf. ffiis, reparaver, & ornaver, An, Dni 1703. On another Canopy near it, is this : Robertm Benet Epifcopii^ Herefordenfis fecit. In the 'North'lilQ on the A^^rf/^-Wall, upon a fmalJ black Marble, is this Infcription : Hie jacet terrea pars Andrei Sanders de Sifam in agro l^ortkamptonenfi Armigeri citjus 7nsns in corrnpta terrain reli- quit 10. Calend, Septemh. A. Dni MDCXLIif. Morte jam v'lcior reqiiievit atra Morte quem^nvens petiit .... Me?Jte co^lefti nece jam beatus Morte triumphat. Ter triurnphavit triplicefnque vic'it Vi^gilem miindi^ tllecebras Dinaft.iz Carnis ^ pravA Phlegeto?itis arcem Scandit Olympi, Under fome other x\rches in the North- lile, are Perfons in Epifcopal Robes 5 and over them the following Inlcriprions : C 4 "^^ym 40 Ti;^ Antiquities of the t£nf!0, csMit 1 .... 9. iDiiUS €? . . . f ftio i^e Cljrnne €ptt0 ^c^ refoj&cnf!05 miit Smia — ft8|Benli03 Bbut 9mio 1282. On the Sotah-Slic of the North Ifle, up- on a fair white Marble Tomb, lies a Bifhop in his Habit, his Head raifed on a Cufhion, fupported by a Book, rail'd in with Iron Bal- lifters ^ on the right Hand, on a Brafs Plate fixed to the Wall, are thefe Verfes : a9iirmo?iis fjac folTa tetra petracontegitoira ®ta!iburpponUfic!j5 catmeliteqi Slofjannig 2:)o3oran;^ uat tibi tmmm fama pec ou €mmnUj © ^te pttlmm mo tcrgere (otQtm Clut Ti5angoienf€m UiSro rmtbeucfcuem ^ Mm pod 3B Cmul ljanc5ecarabtt $ euem ^mt commiU^ gjcge lupum libi quanta fifp&it 3po2scomBentecrticnto tnir tunc belUia {fraiu'r Suno miI!£riD C qii:^t£r tf quocjtie bma Cluatuoj Ijis I'unafg in tciiiplt tempore ftffa ^iii legi^ fjec ci?a pjo p^cftile mtntt btnisnu Sit Unt a&fqiie mora ttli iiU gaum'a cfgna^ On Cathedral Church of H e r e f o r d.^ 4 1 On a raifed white Marble Monument, part- ly in the North-ldc^ and partly in the Qiiire within the Rails of the Altar, is the Statue of a Bifliop lying along 5 over Him is an Arch fupported with ^Corinthian black Mar- ble Pillars 5 on the Top and Bottom, are thcfe Infcriptions : Mult a hen d^ melius feci fit plura Benette Unde ben d^ melius fecit utrumque Deus J^ii be7i & in ten is melius dedit^ ille Benetto Dat ben & in coelis .... habet melius Leonardus Benet Hum Tumulum Reverendijjfimo in Chrifto Patri Roberto Benetzo Epifcopo Herefordienji Leonardus Benett d^ Robertus Benett memo- fiA pofuerunt. On the left Hand, upon a painted wooden Tablet fixed to the Wall towards the J^lorth" Ifle, is this Infcription : Hoc Jitafunt tumulo coelejli digna Sepulchro Ingenium^ pietas^ (& fine fraude fides Rel/igionis honos, dux templi^ & gratia do&is Porta patens miferis Urbis & Or bis amor. veri antifies verA pietatis amator l^on fine fruge fides ^ nee fime fine preces Prdiful in Urbe tribus tu lufiris : cum tua fefe In Chrifii Sacrum cond^ret umbra finiim Leonardus Benett. Quam 42 The Antiquities of the Quamptavitafuit^quam SanEia &facraBenette Teftis erh vera Relligionis amor. TeVietas^ te vera Fides ^ te Gloria Chrifii Te qitoqite doBrindz. nobilitavit Honor DoBus d^ indoBus pendebat ab ore Loquentisj, Dum populum qii<£. fmt coelica jujja doces. Et quacunque doces homines mandata colebas^ tit Tua verba forent^ ut Tua vita fuit, Foelix^ nimium foelix in lege Magijler^ jQui facienda docet^ Quique docenda facit, Quific in vitamundum terrafque replevit Lmdibus^ hie coelum morte premente tenet GuuELMUs Saintbarbe. On the right Hand, upon another Woodeq Tablet, is this Infer iption ; 'Quern do^i agmJcHnt SanBtim, quem pulpit a Doctum, Quern Validmn impietas^quempia tiirbaPatrem Flumen in ore^ mamt cm ktmen^ l^itmen ittroqite^ Qui miranda canens^ Ipfa canenda gerit. jQui querulus repetita trahit fiifpiria^ damans^ (Sponfe) tuos ih alamos mens viduatafitit. Eft benediBus^ eras talis Tu (Maxime Pr^efid) FJomen & omen habens (o BejiediBe) bonumi In te vixit enim. qui pro te mortuiis^ ergo HunCy d^ in sternum tu benediBus eris, Stet' tamen ifla loqueiis jnoles^ bull at a ^ die at a Tarn tibi vita docens^quam tibi lingua placens^ Farce inihi nato (qui tranfts LeBor) inermes Si nimis in cineres officiofus ego , Nomen Cathedral Church of Hereford. 43' Nome?i tejlor^ erat pater ille^ & tesior amorem^ Dum Vaga te coluk reflua^ nonne pater Samuel Awbrey, Kt. John Hofkyns, Sergeant at Lan?. Herbert Weftfaling ^/Little Maunfill, Efq-, James Sanford, Gent. FulkWalweyne ^/"Marcle, Efq^ James Clarke, jE/^; one of the EleBion of the City of Hereford. William Weftfaling of the City of Hereford, Gent. Roger Williams of the Gay re, in the County c/ Brecon, Efq:^ John Beft, D. Z). Can, ReJId. Cath, Heref. John Cathedral Church 0/ H e R E f o r D. 55 Tohn Richardfon, D. D. Can. JLefid. Cath. William Plott, Gent, one of the VroBor, of botbConfijlones in the Cathedral Church of PhUipPrke, M.A. PrehofUercfCath John Pember, M. A. Preb of Cath. Heref. Will. Greenwich, M.A.?reb.ofCath.n^xd. Arch-Deacon of Salop. ^^ ^^ . Abraham Buckley, M ^. Ti.^r ./Linton m Herefordfliire. ...,,. «r • i John Smith, Vicar of Snitfeild m Warwick- Ri? Oakley, M. A. and PraSitioner in Phy ziltr^ Boughton, M. A Cuftos ./ this Hu^h'Svies, Bacc. Ahf Vicar Chorall of Toh!Bo?ghan,Cfcr^ Sub-Chanter andVicar. Ric. Becket, M. A. Vkar Caoxf- Joh.Chinne, Alderman of the City «/ Hac Tohn'sirrell, Alderman of Yizxdox^. Tames Carwardine, Alderman p^txdox^. William Cooper. ^/./.m..« ./ Hereford. William Wickham. M. A. one of ttie Reg.^ flerstotbeBiU^opofUsxdoxd. James Newton ^/Hunderton, Gent. William Evans, Vicar Mafler Grimes of Hereiord, Gent. D 4 I^.Kil. 55 The Antiquities of the Rich. Brafier, Geitt. Pro3or of both Conftjlo- Ties in the Cathedral Church of Hereford. Joh. Tomkins, Bac, Muf Organift of the Kings Chappel Rojal^ and of St PaulV in London. Hierom Ffrier of Lide in Herefordfliire, Gent. Brian Lane, Citizen ^/Hereford. Ric. Baylie, Citizen of Hereford. Joh. Warden, Alderman of }^tXQ^ox^. Philip Trahern, Alderman of Htxt^oxdi, Jones Meredith, one of the EleBion of Here- ford. James Bayly ^/Ludlow, Gent. Tho. Cartes, one of the EleBion of Hereford. Edmund Afton,^??:vi denariis et od:o acr^e prati : et Silva nihil redit : et pars falins in COlClje* De ifto manerio tenent duo milites unam hidam et tres virgatas 5 et duo Radmanni tres virgatas et dimidium. In Dominio habent hi quatuor carucatas, et ho- mines eorum fex carucatas 5, et moiendinum de xvi denariis. T. R. E. et pofl, et modo vale- bat viii libr. quinque folidis minus. Ill 8o The Antiquities of the In TBoreberge funt fex Hids geldabiles. In Dominio du^ carucatse, et xvii villani et xvi bordarii et unum Burum, cum xxii caru- catis. Ibi duo fervi et molendinum de xxx denariis 5 et odo acras prati, et Silva nil red- dit. Prefbyter tenet unam Hidam et habet unam carucatam. T. R. E. et poft, et modo valebat fex libras. In CteUelaie funt xii Hid«, una ex his eft Wafta, ali^ geldantes. In Dominio funt tres caiucat^, et xxiii villani, et tres borda- rii^ et fex buri , cum xxviii carucatis. Ibi quinque fervi, et molendinum de xxii dena- riis, et feptem acras prati. Silva una leuva longitudine et dimidium latitudine, et nil reddit. Ibi una Haia. De hoc manerio te- net Prefbyter virgatam et dimidiam : Et Pr^pofitus dimidiam Hidam 5 et duos mili- tes unam Hidam et unam virgatam ct dimi- diam : Et unus Radman dimidiam Hidam. Hi habent in Dominio quinque carucatas, et bordarii eorum fex carucatas. T. R. E. et poft, et modo valebant x libr. In Coletoelle funt tres Hidse geldantes, et jacent in (tW^ti^Xt. In Dominio funt dus carucat^ et odo villani, et odo bordarii cum X carucatis. Ibi fex fervi et molendi- num de xvi d, et odo acras prati, et una Haia. De hoc manerio tenet unus Radman^ dimidium Hidas, et ibi habet unam caruca- tam. T. R. E et poft et modo valebat fex folidos. Cathedral Church of H^K^^OK^D- ^J folidos. Hoc manerium tenuit Heram Comes injufte, 6c Turmondus de eo. Rex^. reddebat iValtero Epifcopo. t^--^:. In COtinCtune tot tres Hid^. Dimid a Hida eft Wafta ; alia Hidae geldantes la Sitinio funt du. carucat.. ^J^^^^^ 6c unus bordarius cum fex carucis. Ibi unus Radmnnus tenet unam Hidam, S^.^jbe u- nam carucatam. Ibi tres acra. F^t* ^ f ^^ nil reddit Ad Iftud manerium pertinent tres Mafur^ in Wirecepe reddentes xxx denarios. T R E 6c poft & modo valebat xlv bol. Hoc manerium tenuit Heraldm Comes injufte. Rex W- r.-rl-i-K^t rrr.j,..„ E/^c^^y^. I In CUtCtSOine Hundred. N fi)antune funt quatuor Hid^ geldabi- jL le?. In Dominio funt du^ caruc^, 8c fex viilani, &C quinque bordarii cum feptem carucis. Ibi dux ancillae, & duo Molini &C diraidiuni de xxxv Sol. Sc xxviii acrae prati. De ifto manerio tenet unus Miles tres virga- tas, dc unus Radman unam virgatam ^ &C habent in Dominio tres carucas, T. R. E. Sc poft (5c modo valebat c Sol. Hoc manerium tenuit Heraldus Comes injufte. Rex hV^ reddidit TTaltero Epifcopo. ,,,.,- In papetrage eft una Hida geldabilis. In Dominio funt dux carucatx, 6c quatuor villani &c fex bordarii cum duabus carucatis. F Ibi 82 The Aj^ijiQviTizs of the Ibi molendinum de xx Sol. & xx acr« prati^ & Salina ad H'lche reddens xvi mittas falls. Unus Francigetia tenet iftam Hidam ' dimi- diam, Sc liabet unam carucam. T. R. E. & port valebat xl Sol. modo quinque folidos plus. In @ceIte!Cf]e font duse Hid^ geldantes. In Dominio eft una carucata : Et fex villani &fex bordarii cum quatuor carucis. Ibi una anciila & molendinum de xxx Solidis Si xviii acris prati T. R. E. & port valebat Ik Sol. modo C So!. In %tti\Bitl)Z funt tres Hidas eeldantes. In Dominio eft una carucata , & qumque viuani k,^,^-. t^;k,nc carucis: Et ibi unus Francigena tenet di- midiara Hidam ^ <5c habet unam carucam cumduobus bordariis. Ibi ofto ad^ prati. T. R. E. & poft valebat xxx Sol. modo v Sol. plus. In ©ntfeCfTen funt duas Hidaj geldantes. In Dominio eft una carucata, Unus Miles tenet ad firmam unam ex Iiis Hidis pro ofto folidis. T. R. E. & poft & modo valebat xxiii Sol. Idem manerium tenuit HeraUns Gomes injufte. Rex IV. reddidit Weaker oE^ii- copo. • In UlaSoni fnnt duas Hida^ geldantes. Ibi ofto villani cam quatuor carucis : Valet 3c valuit xxx Sol. In peiine funt duodecim Hid^ geldantes. In Dominio eft una carucata, dc xv villani Cathedral Church c?/ H e r e f o R d. 2 ^ & decern bordarii cum xvi carucis. Ibi uiius BedelJus, & dux ancili^, & duae acrse prati, De Terra hujus manerii tenent tres Glerici Epifcopi quatuor Hidas «5c dimidiam : Et tres Miiites tenent tres Hidas & dimi- diam. Hi habent in Dominio fex carueatas &xiiii viilanos & ix bordarios cum fex ca- rucis. Hi funt quatuor fervi, &" Molendi- num de xxxii denariis. T. R. E. & poft, 6c modo valebat xii lib. 5c x Sol. In |)Untfnettine iunt x Hid^e. Ex his quatuor funt Wafts, &: alis geldabiles. In Dominio eft una carucata, &: Quinquc vil- ^ct:.;, &^ quaruor Dordarii cum feptem caru- cis. Ibi quinque acra: prati ; Et adhuc una carucata plus poffet t\{c in Dominio. De ifto manerio tenet unus Clericus duas Hidas, 5c unus Miles tres Hidas. In Dominio ha- bent duas carucas, & tres bordarios, & unus Faber cum una caruca. T. R. E. & poft, 5c modo valebat iiii lib. In fpoleniereeft una Hida geldabilis. In Dominio fant quatuor villani cum quatuor carucis. Valet & valuit x Solid. In v^OJttlue funt quatuor Hids geldantes. Tres Glerici tenent de Epifcopo, & habent tres caruca;as in Dominio, & ofto viilanos & quatuor bordarios, cum duabus carucis 5c dimidia. Hi quatuor Seni & duaj ancill^, , i5v molendinum de quatuor folidis, U xx fc^ F 2 acr» I 24 r/?^ Antiquities of the acras prati. T. R. E. valebat iiii lib. & port ^ modo tres libras. In pipe eft una Hida geldabilis. Ibi una caruca, cV xvi acr^ prati vaJentes v Sol. In Leode funt du^e Hidse geldantes. Ibi una carucata & dimidia in Dominio, & tres vil- lani cum tribus carucis & dimidia. Ibi una ancilia. Et adhuc poffet eiie in Dominio dimidia carucata. ibi odo acras prati. Va- let & valuit xl Sol. unus Miles tenet de Epif- copo. In ^fniifi Hundred. IN B0?ttU>t funt fex Hid^ geldantes. In Dominio eft una carucata, & odo villani -6c tres bordarii cum odo carucis c^ dimidia. Ibi una ancilia, 5c una acra prati &: Silva reddens duos folidos. T. R. E. & poft vale- bat Ix Sol. modo c s. In C^uil3£tC!jl!Ie funt quinque Hidse gel- dantes. In Dominio eft una carucata, & alia otiofap & novem villani : Et Pr^pofitus. &: quatuor bordarii cum fex carucatis (3c di- midia. Ibi una ancilia cC fex acras prati. T. R. E. valebat tres libras, uC poft & modo quatuor libras. ^ In QHtmefleU dimidia hida eft geldabilis. Unus miles tenet de Epifcopo, & habet du- os vilJanos cum una caruca. T, R. E. 6c poft ^ modo valebat iiii Sol. In I Cathedral Church of Hereford. 85 Tn TSnCC funt quatuor bids geldabiles. UnLSstenetdeEpifcopo. In don^imo funt du. carucata. & quatuor viHan', c^m duabus carucatis. Er iinus alter miles tenet £^ quatuor bordarios cum una c^ru^ata unus fervus S< una aiiciUa. 1 . K. t-. ^ 1 Sol. ffiodo Ix Sol. In l^lCfjelget Hundred. trerhS fuit & fuerunt wafe . alia; Rel- u ."? ^ lu aomin.o luiit quuoque carucata. & xlii villani & ix bordarii cum xxxtx ca- rucis. Ibi fex fcrvi Si molendinum de x lo- lidis S< xii acr23 prati. Siiva eft ibi ml red- den« De boc manerio tenent tres muires t- pifcopi, novem hidas & unam virgatam,, oC duo Prefbyteri unam hidam, &unusCapel- lanus unam hidam, 5C tres virgatas ; & I r£e- pofims unam hidam ; c\' unus Radman unam hidam In dcminio habent unam carucatam &- dimidiam ; & homines eorum habent xx carucatas ; unus eorum habet duos fervos, ^ tres acras prati. T. R. E. & poft & tiiodo valebat totum Manenum xlv lib. U x lol. InColImtUne font tres bids; geldabjies. In dominio funt tres carucata;, et duo villani et quatuor bordarii, cum duabus carucatis et dimidia. Ibi du« acrs prati. i. K. L. et F 3 pod 86 The Antiquities of the poll et modo valebat xxx Sol. Hoc Maneri- um et ilJud fuperius fcriptum T15?lCce tenuit HeraUtis Comes injufte. Rex W. reddidit eos Waltero Epifcopo. In mxxlt^m Hundred. IN lUtfIon^il)et£fO?S font feptem bids. Tres ex his funt waft^, ali« geldabiles. In dominio funt tres carucata?, et li. villani, et tres bordar.i cum xi carucatie. Ibi duaj ancill^ et molendinum de fex folidis et oclo dpn^iruQ Thi flint qiiatuor molini quorum medietas rede pertmet ad praedidum Manen- um. Ibi quinque acrs prati, et filva dua- rum quarentenarum longitudine, et dimidi- um quarentena? latitudine 5 et nil redd it. De hoc Manerio tenet Prelbyter dimidiam hidam, et unus Radman dimidiam hidam. Ip(i habent tres carucatas. T. R. E. vale- bat Cs. et poft, et modo quatuor libras. In EEmetune eft dimidia hida. Hanc tenet unus Radman^ et ibi habet unam ca- rucatam, et duos villanos. Valet; et valuit V Sol. In Ctie{fjC?:i Hundred. N Cra5enufl!e funt du^s hidae. Ibi duo villani cum una carucata, reddens v Sol. de cenfu. Valet xx s. In Cathedral Church t?/ He r e f o r d. 87 In ^kf^\it\ Hundred. dosripfiCanoniCi. mdcci Tandem vitafatur i^ cosh maturus Oliit XX die Novembris^ oA. T). mdccxii. Mtatis fux Lxiii. Cujus adexemflumfi vixens ^ amice LeFlor^ Mori non timehis. On the Right Hand of the Altar, on Grave-Stone, is the following Infcription. Depjitum Herherti Croft de Croft Efifcopi Herefordenfis. Oiiit \% dieMaiij eA.i)m. 1691. Mtatis fu^ 88. In vita comunBti. \ Next to this, on another, bet^xreen whic two, are two Hands joined, and this Ii fcription : T)e1^^ Cathedral Church of Hekevorv. 99 T>€pfitum Georgii "Benfon T)ecani Herefordenjis. Ohiit 2^"^ die oAugu/ii^ oA.T). 1692. JEtatis fua 78. In morte non diviji. Before the Afcent to the High Altar, is a Brafs plate bearing the Effigies of a Man in a Prieftly Habit, and under him this In- fcription. Sl^iferece mei. l^ic jacet ^agtO^ei; HicacDus De la 115at:r, qaon- Dam Canontcna ^njus dSccieae, qui obitt xvi Die a^enfiis f)ctobri0, ^tino 2Dni ^ill. CCG octaDo; etaet0 fae xlv. cajng atiinie p^opttietnc SDeas. In a South Ifle on a Grave-Stone, is this Infcription : Here lieth the Body of Robert T)ohynSj Efq; who died the third Day of OHober^ in the Year of our Lord God, 1 71 o. Aged 78. Near the former, on another Grave-Hone, is the following Infcription : G 3 Here 100 The Antiquities of the Here lieth the Body of "Brydget^ the Wife of Robert Dohynsy late of Easlachj and now of Heref. Efq; She was the eldeft Daughter of FuJhe Walwyn of HeUens in Much Marcle^ Efq; and of Margaret y the eldeft Daughter of Sir Walter Tye, Knt. She departed from henCe to all her Fellow Saints upon the firft Day of Novenib. 1698. On another Grave-Stone near the fprmei is this Infcription : Here lieth the Body of Mary Nicholetts^ Widdow and Relifl: oi Gilbert Nicholetts of the Hill, in the Parifh of Eaftham^ in the County of Worcefier^ Efq; and Daughter to Edward Cornwall of Mockas in the County of Hereford^ Efq; She departed this Life the 20th pi May ^ in the 46^^ Yeare of her Age, and of our Lord Go(^ 1702. ' Cathedral Church of Hereford. loi On another Grave-Stone is the following Infcription in Capital Letters. J. H. S. Here iieth the Body of Richard Weaver ^ of the eAhove-Eigue Gtnt. fix feveral tymes freely and generally elected Member of the Honourable Houfe of Commons in Parliament, as generally beloved whilft he lived, and now Carendo magis q^uam fruendo^ His Lofs known. He deceafed the 1 6th Day o^May^ 1642. Vivit foft fiinera Virtus. E.JV. On another Grave-Stone is this Infcrip* tion ; Here Iieth the Body of Kjithe- vine the Wife of Richard Weaver Gent, fometimes Mayor of this City, who deceafed the 27. of G 4 i^u- loi The Antiquities of the eAugufij eAnno T)m 1631. In St. Catherine's lile^ on a Brafs under a Figure torn off, is this Infcription. ^it jacet ^agttt. 3|ot)C0 !^omme, quonnam Ca^ itonicus Ijujttje; (tccUe, ac i^rebenfacius ^tthtmt De jjionnington in eaupm Ijlattcifltmi ^nncipis !^am- f ciut SDtsciss ©loucettcte, qui obitt xxvi Die jpotjcmb. SI. 5Dm M CCCC LXXlll. caju0 ^ie pjopidetar; 2Deu0. ^men. On another Brafs Plate is this mangled Infcription : . . . cEcckfie CatfjeDralts ^tttfo^n . . Slnno SDomini ^tlUmo CCCCC ouoDedmo, cajus ^tc . . . . Near Bp. L^ Vereh Tomb, on a Brafs plate round the Verge, is this Infcription. -]- £>^ate p?o ata tjenecabilig t}irf ^giftrt CEd- toattJi 9?aplctots?ne, in facca \Elieologia gDocto^is, ac nuper SDecant cKcclefic Catt)et?;al ac ^;c- beitDadi u UBacton CoiiDall ... in cEccleiiia . . . ^ . . . . ^nno ;2)oniim millfltmo quingentcfimo t)ii tefimo noiio, ^t anno Megis l^^cmici octati Dicedma p^imo, cujus antme f animabn^ omntum ^W^- iMium pjopidetnt miCitko^js 2)eM0. ^9^(t0. Under CathedralChurchofJiERETon'D. 105 Under the Figure of a Prieft, ^unc quern facta fatis, qo^m fama itmittit ao attca^ gi^arima f moigno me celebrate moDo ; &eD licet tUe fua toto (it notus tn o.:be ^ittute, rommo notni nt tile polo : $^ox tamen tng^atais capmnt oblttta menfe^ ^ucm quoD non teoeant mt memintll e folent. ^ed quos (ancta jutat pietas, quos optima tutti^, jfuriDe, paella/ paer, femina, tirq^ paeces ; ^am jacet fttc pietatts Jono^ asiDufqtie fatelle^ mutntts, pulc^n conOUtque potent ^omen in o^be tolat celeb^e, bee feo co;po;e ^eila0 €^auDet f et^tea fpintng tUe Domo. Behind the High Altar, at the Eaft End of the Church, is a Library belonging to the Members of this Church, wherein is re- markable, At the Entrance into the Library, the Fi- gures of a Man armed, and a Woman, under whom is this Infcription : l^fc jacent KicatDus 2Delamai:i: ^cmiger, qui obitt p^tmo Die mentts; Sfthimtiiy Sinno ^omtnt ^ilUmo CCCCXXX V. $ 3|fabeHa uro^ KicacDi 3De- jamact, qui obiie xiiij otemenfis ifebrnarii, mno Domini ^tllefimo CCCCXXI. quojpm animabw^ fiofimtut 2De»0. ^men. On I04 T^^ Antiquities of the On the North Side of the Library, be- tween two Book-Claffes, are the Figures of a Man armed at full proportion in Stone, and that of a Lady in a Nun's Habit, hold^ ing up her two Hands folded, without any Infcriptions. On a Grave-Stone In the Bifhop's Eafl: Cloifter, near one of the South Doors of the Cathedral, is this Infcription ; Infra jacet fepiltusin diem RefurreSiioms HENRICUS MELLING, Treheudarim Ecclefi^ LLANT>JFENSISy Fir egregia fietate^ Trudentia^ i$ animi Candor e^ necnonomni Jiteratura excultifftrnusy qui mort'i juccuhutt duodecimo die e/lnno TJnt 1665. In the fame Cloifter, on a Brafs Plate, is this Infcription : Hicjacet Johannes Prophet e ^quondam Major Harfordia^cujus aia {ropcieturDeus. edmen. CathdralChurchofUERiETO'RD. I05 On a plain Stone in the North Cloifter, is this Infcription ; Henry Hall^ Organift of this Church, Son of Hen.Hallj Vicar and Organiftj died Jan. the 22d, On a raifed Grave-Stone in the Area Of the Bifhop's Cloifter is this Infcription, Sifie gradum^ Viator^ Jujiumque lachrymarum delitum Huic ferjolve funeru Jacet Hicfe^ultfim quod de terra fuit ^ntonii Lochard Modo de "Bylers eArmig^rL Vixit \ffonfluribus notus quam dileSuSf Jn T)eum -^tetate FeliXy In egenis fullevandis Dives ; Quormt fari doJori ac defiderio^ CaJo dudum maturus^ Ex hac vita migravity tAmo io6 The Antiquities of the e/inno Refarat/e fahtts 1696* Trldie Idus T)eceinbris Mtatisfua Circiter feptuagejimo fecundo. On another Grave-ftone is this Infcription : Here lieth the Body of Mr. Thomas Harder of this City Mercer, Who married oAnne the Daughter of Henry Hyett of the ^rome in this County, Gent. by whom he had viii Children, He was a loyal Subjed to his King, a kind Husband to his Wife, a tender Father to his Children, an honeft Tradefman, and juft in all his Dealings. He lived beloved, and died lamented, the fecond Day of oAugufi^ 1704. On another Grave-Stone near the former is this Infcription : Here lyes the Body of Richard Meredith, borne in Cathedral Church of H^-REl^onB, 107 in Overlury Parifli in Sbrofjhire^ a Servant to Dr, WiUiams. He was dutiful to his Mafter, loving to his Fellow- Servants, and helpful to his Neighbours. He readily refigned his Soul into the Hands of his merciful God, June the 16. 1699. On another, near the Entrance, is this In- fcription in Capitals. Recepit hie tumulus jacentem Tbilippum Treheron^ Gen. his Vice-Colomanum lel- lica hujus invidi^ Civitatis a Scotis ohfejfa obeuntem ijdieO^oh. oA^T^ni. 1645. jEtatis 79. On another Grave-Stone, near the former, is this Infcription. Hie jaeet eorf>us cAnna uxoris Johannis Wellington generoji^ iS fili(fi NkhQlai Thilpt gene^ to8 T^^ Antiquities of the generojiy qm obiit 28 die 'Juliiy Anno Tiomini 1676. Mtatis jttffz ^^nn the Wife of Francis Lamlel and Daughter of Mr. John Wellington^ died the i&ofO^oheV^ 170 J. On another Grave-Stone, near the former, is this Infcription : ^od mm^taJe fuit Elizabeths tixoris ver^ Thoma Frizer hujus Civitatis VhaYfnaco^ols^ ^ filis hona Johannis T)ohhins de Tewxhury generofij hie fe^ultum jacet : vitam de^ojuit fuam decimo quarto die Felruariij -"^^^iMatisJua^j. Ecce dies TDomini venit ut fur in noHefiknti. On Cathedral Church of HwrUTOr-d, 1 09 On another Grave-Stone is this Infcription following : Here lieth the Body of Tbomas Lewis of this City of Hereford Barber-Chyrurgeon* He deceafed the 6. of Jum, 1657. D.L. Here lieth the Body ofDorothy^ one of the Daughters of Leonard ^enet^ late of Shelwicks-^Court in the County oFHerff.GenU firfl: the Wife of CaptTAoX^mj*, and died the Wife of Capt. Tho. Weaver. She was a true Loyalift, an eminent couragious Inftrument in the Prefervation of this City againft the rebellious Scots^ and a great Sufferer in the late Rebellion againft King Charles the firft. She departed this Life the 6th Day oiJpril, eAn.T>m 1692, in the 84 Year of her Age. On another Grave-Stone is this Infcrip- tion : William Lane Gent. Alderman of this City of Heref. was here interred no The Antiquit lESof the interred the 29th Day of Jme, in the Year of our Lord God 1661- His Corps Men carried to the Grave in Peace, Angels his Soul into eternal Eafe. He lived loving, and beloved by all, He died lamented both of great and fmall. Alfo Mary his Wife (and Relifi of John Wild of this City, Gent.) died the 6th of "Dec. 1689. Her Vertue and her Graces made her fit with Saints above in Heaven for to fit. On another Grave-Stone is the following Infcription. Here lieth the Body of Samuel Saunders of this City Ironmonger, who deceafed the 12 Day of March^ 1700. in the 5 8th Year of his Age. Come here, my Friend, and caft an eye, Then go thy way, prepare to die : Learn here thy Doom, and know thou muft One day like me be turned to Duft. On Cathedral Church of Hereford, in On an antient Brafs taken from a Tomb- ftone in the Cathedral Church, and after- wards preferv'd in this City Tolfey, con- cerning one who freed the City from fome Toll, which has been fince fixed on a Free- ftone near the Weft fide of the Bifhop's Cloi- fters, in the oAreay under the Figures of a Man and Woman, is this Infcription : onnes ti 2Doutces ui 9^311 age luit^cnten flii% and 13 times toas Sl^i|)a* of t^i^s C^tee, Ctiat as a 9aai:cbatii$t0 letjen a too^flis li?ff, snD S)ono;^abal^ ru!eD ijtt ^n p^ofpet^tee. illf^ae ^cnfe tecefao, a0 all toe fl^all^ in t|)e ^ec of <^%uz of C?\>ttcs 3lnca«na- efoa, £.^.CCCC. tDvt^ f^teanof^ffef, 1^0 II. 2Da]g of fe^ptembei? maoe jjere tnnta^ Cathedral Church ^/Hereford, i i 7 mutacgon, fcom (tit^t to J^etj^n ijatjc cftangcn ijab^tncpon, toitl) a ^Bat. jjiott. atiD an ^ti' pjatjetij b»^ »^a^ be fo icUfnge fo^^ccenoles »>alDacion eter- nal^ to p^e^fe. At the Bottom of the Canopy are the For- traitures of eight Sons and fix Daughters in Brafs ; at the dexter Corner above the Ca- nopy are thefe Arms in Brafs, viz. ^ Fleurs de lis ; between the Man and Woman thefe Arms, a "Bendy in finifier quarter a Lion rampant. In the Body of the Church, near the third Pillar, on a large antient Marble^ is the Fi- gure of a Man in Brafs, and at his Feet on a Tablet this Infcription : ^ic jacct gpagiaer Kicatups HBurgriel&^H, quoi^dam ^nacuctoc CBcammattce tfttus Cit)ttati0^ qui obitt odato Die mentis ^0- t^mbds, ^nno SDni ^lUio CCCC no- nagcQmo it. cujui$ ^te p^opttictni; SDeu0. amen. Near the four Arches, on the North Side of the laft, under a Canopy of Brafs, was the Figure of a Prieft (now ftoln away) and under the Canopy were the Arms oiEnghnd 2ind France^ quarterly; on the Right Side of the fame St. Ethelherth Arms, viz. j Crowns. Round the Verge is this Infcription : H4 mt Il8 The At^TlQV n ins of the Ml )&ttt BDnus OTtUtnus ILtmnn, quon- dam l!UjU3 oEtciie <ecemher^ in the 86. Year of her Age, and of our Lord . 1694. On the North Side of the High Altar is a Chappel, faid to have been built by Bifhop Stanhnry ; on the South Side of which, un- der an Arch, upon an Altar Montiment, lies the Effigies of a Prieft in his Habit, with his Crofs in his Hand. Over this Monument are fome Emblems on Shields, as, the Crofs and five Loaves and three FifHes on a Shield. On another a Knife, and round it, "Bartho- Jomeus. On another a Lancett- Lance, and upon it a Label, whereon is this, Thomas. On another a Saw, thereon a Label, Mat- thias. This Place is 16 Foot long, and 8 Foot bix)ad. InthisChappel, on the Walls, arefeveral other Emblems carved, and thefe Arms fol- lowing, viz. L Within a "Bordure two Chevrons en- graiVd hetween two Mullets, IL ^ndy of 6 in chiefs j Leonards Faces, jejjant Fleur de Lis. IIL Five Cheveronells. IV. Three ii>a Ti6^ Antiquities of the IV. Three Leonards Faces jejfant Fleur ie Lis. V. Three Crowns in Fefs a RoundeJL In the North Crofs-Ifle, on an ordinary Stone, is this Infcription ; Infra jacet fefultus Thomas Thili^s fiUus natu maximus T)oBoris ThilipSy hujus Fcclefix Canonici. Tuer ferquam felici indole^ i^ ^ietate fupra annos fingulari \ af^ate tenery calo tamen maturus. Oliit 6. diejanuariiy GA''.T>ni, i68i. jEtatis Jua I J. lieu! dileBeTuer^ Lachefintuavitafefellity Qu(Z mores jfeS^ans^ credidit ejje fenem. On an ordinary Stone, under the Weft Wall, is the Effigies of a Man in Armour crofs-Iegged, his Shield on his Left Arm, and his Right fet to his Side, under his Feet a Dog. On another Grave-ftone near the former, are thefe Arms, viz. aCaflle^ im^al '^ Eagles Mfflafd^ and this Infcription : Herq Cathedral Church of Hereforx). 113 Here lieth the Body of William Ca/iell^ of Reding in the County of'Berksy Gent, who departed this Life the 1 4 of ^f^/y, 1698. aged 48 Years. On a fmall black Marble inlaid in White, is this Infcription : Here lieth the Body of Meredith Jamesy Son of Meredith James^ of the Town of 'Brecon^ Gent, "who departed this Life the 2d of Felr, oA'^.T^nl MDCCXL jEtatis fua 'Xy . This Youth in Life was lovely, full of Grace, And did in nought but Vertue grow apace : His early Parts began to fhine moft bright. But foon, alas ! this Day was turn'd to Night. What though he chanced by Violence to fall. Yet that was ftill his Great Creator's Call, That from the Joys of Earth he fhould remove To Joys immortal with himfelf above. At the Foot of the laft, on a black Marble, are thefe Arms, viz. On a Chief three Roun- dells, the Flames ijlmng from them. On an EfcO' I a^ The Antiqu i t i es of the Efcocheon ofTretence a Chevron Chec^uy^ and the following Infcription : Here lieth the Body of Thomas T^oycott^ of Hinton-Hall in the County of SaloPj Efq; who died the 20th of fehruary^ 1698. On a fmall black Marble are thefe Arms, VIZ. Ermine a "Bend Lozenge ^ impal. Tiarry of 6, on a 'Bend three Rofesy and underneath this Infcription, : Here lyeth the Body of John Tye^ Gent, the 7 th Son and Surviver of all Judge Tye'^s Children, who departed this Life the 25th of Feb. in the Year of his Age 82, and of our Lord 170X. Here alfo lieth "Blanche^ the Wife of John Tye, Gent. who departed this Life the 1 2 of January^ in the Year of her Age 91, and of our Lord, 1708^ Againft the middle Weft Pillar of this Me, on a fmall black Marble, is this InfcrijfTtion : Here Cathedral Church of Heke¥ orb » 125 Here lyeth the Body ofeA^^e, the Daughter of Thomas TBoycott, Efq: smd of Elizabeth his Wife. She died May 14. 1697. Alfo of William, the Son of Thomas boycott and Elizabeth his Wife. He died ^r^;^?. 1 8. 1698. On the North Side of the laft, and clofc to it on a black Marble, are thefe Arms : In a Lozenge, viz. on two "Bars 6 Mnfcks^ on a Canton a Lion^s Face ; and this Infer iption : Here lieth the Body of Margaret Geers, youngeft Daughter of Ihomas Geers^ Serjeant at Law, by Elizabeth his Wife, who died the 29, of September^ 1702. Aged 16 Years. Under the North Window of this Ifle lies, on an antient Altar Monument, the Por- traiture of a Bifhop in his Pontificalibus, un- der a Nich of the faid Window, environed with Iron Ballifters ; over which is a fine Arch painted and embelifhed with Gold ; but there are no Arms or Infcription thereon. Clofe I a6 The Antiquities of the Clofe to it is another Altar Monument, railed in, of Free-ftone, fupported by three Sphinxes, on which lies the Eftigies of a Bifbop in his Sacerdotal Veftments, repofing his Head on his Hand. Upon two Pillars of the Dorick Order, over him, below the blue Tablet bearing his Infcription, are the fol- lowing Arms, viz. ... I. Or, five Cheveronells azure ; being the Arms of the Deanery. „ , ^. II ^ i6ok In the fame Ifle, under the Effigies of a Man in Brafs, now taken away, and the Stone turned, was this Infcription : j©f ^mm Cfjacifc ^cai? fo^ the feonleol ^^e^aiB l5tamfclD#, umu ^mnet to I s8 The Antiquities of the Klgng Igcnr^ tje mHI. anu Canon Keff- tentiacp of t^z Catfi. Cbttc^ie of !^at:fo% tDlJi^c^e oecef i?D t^e 1^l§3m. SDa^ of flDrto- bec, an. 2Dom. ^CCC(ILCitK3l3;|. On another Stone was this Infcription^ engraved by Dr. Kprry^ for one of his Sons^ but now quite worn out : His Faith and SicknefTe long tdgethdr ftrave. That Chrifl might have his Soul,his Corps the Grave, Death ends the Strife, both Conquerors appear j Chrift hath his Soule, his Body lieth here. On a fmall black Marble are thefe Arms, viz. Two "Bends on a Canton^ a "Bend, imfal. 3 Eagles difpL a Fefs vary Ermine in chief three Crefcentj Creft, a Thanix ijjuing out of a Fire J and this Infcription : Here lieth interred the Body of "Bridftock Harford^ Efq; (only Son of Br id/lock Harford^ and Catharine his Wife) who departed this Life S°diejuniij eAnnoDom. 171 J. in the 60. Year of his Age^ On a like Stone, dofe to the laft, are Har^ ford's Arms and Creft, impah a Saltire he* tween 4 Garh^ and this Infcription : Her© Cathedral Church ^HfiitEFoaD. lif Here lyetli interrecl the Body of Catherine^ thtWikoCBrid/lock Harford^ of this Git jr, Efq; (fecond Sifter to Sir Comfton Read of Shipton in the Countjr oi Oxon. Bar.) -v^ho departed this Life 5^. die Mart it J iAnno Dom. 1665. At the Foot of the laft, dti the Sauth Sider^ ba an handfom black Marble Grave-ftone, is this Infcription : (for Robert Sytnmnds of 5ugwas^^(c\\ and Jane his Wife; he Was High-Sheriff of /J?ri . . . . (gpit &eD quta Itg^at iiDei cUp^t ccucii^ captns mit%ini$ ^ mtt non ulttma . . . . ; ' ^afcto fancta tni at meDiftna fai. On the Pillars which fupport the Canopy are the Figures of Saints, with thefe Infcrip- tions at their Feet : • ^ci^ktetim^ o^a p;:o amma> &C0 (^zQ^Qiiy 02a p;o nobi0. fece 2Dat3iD, o?a pjo me. &ca (Ct^etbetce, o;ta p;o nobt0. &te ^tiomaa CantuacienOis. ^ca ^atta^ oca p^o nobis. ferms 3!c5annes cEbangelitta. Jlound the Verge is this Infcription : Igic jacet tjcnctabilis Mic ^^agiffer Mtcar- tJKS MuD^ale, SDecretoinm Sbocto;, faiictif- fiMi^omtili nqltct ^ape fub collector, ac SLttU^moni ^ttdc^r^tDfts, nee non Ca- ^oriuua ]$eO[D0ntiann0 t^ujus c£eelefie Ota- ifietiu\iB, qutobiitfeytoDccunoOte .... (Mcccc.)KL^aEI5l3, cujusanimc .... In the middle of the Pavement, near the Altar Steps, is the Portraiture of a mitred Bifhop with his Crofier in his Hand, under Cathedral Church of Hu^EPo^Rj^s 1 35 a Canopy of Brafs, above which are thefe Arms on two feveral Brafs Shields, viz. Ben- dy of 6 in Chief, j Vleurs de Lis. Round the Verge is this remainder of an Qld Infcription, Ctirittc fating. ♦ In the South Ifle, on the South Side of the high Altar, is an handfome Free-ftone, Altar Monument, whereon lyes the EiEgies ofaBi- flhop on a Pillow in his Pontificalibmy and cu- rioufly arched at top with Fret-work. On each Side of this Monument are eight Effigies un- der as many Arches, all enclofed with Iron Rails on the South Side, upon which were four feveral Shields of Arms, three of which now remain, and are as follows : I. On a Fefs between 3 Rofes GuJes a Efeur de Lis. II. St. Ethelhert'^s Arms. III. The Arms of the See. Near the Choir Door, in the South Ifle, is againft the Wall a red veined marble Mo- nument, fupported by two Pillars. Under an Arch was the Effigies of a Man praying at a Desk ; under him was a Tablet, now torn off, with the Coats of Arms belonging *< to 156 The Antiquities of the to . . . . ThompfoHy L. L. D. who by Will gave various Charities to the jPoor. In the middle South Ifle, on a Grave-ftonc under a brafs Canopy, was the Figure of a Perfon ; round the Verge remains tWis Frag- ment of an Infcription , (which perhaps might relate to John Harvey^ who died pof^ Ifeffed of this Deanery, as appears by the Pro^^ bat of his Wm, May zo, 1501.) ilnont^am Decanus tjaius €eclcfie qai obtit nono Dcctmo Die menlts In the Golgotha, formerly Stjohri^s Church, and under the Library of this Church, lies an antient Alablafter Monument, are the Portraitures of a Man and Woman Handing on a Tun, their Hands lifted up, inlaid with Iron. Out of the Man's Mouth proceeds a Label with this Infcription. SBute ant» ttie Het^e t^m U)tll to b^ me is tXitt ant) r ^at)e it 10 but a ;illepnr. Out of the Woman's Mouth proceeds a Label with this. mmtmbti t^^ Hete mat? not inmtt, t^at t|iotD Dot tl)^ felf, tiered act t^z fotoerc. Round Cathedral Church of Here¥ OKU. 137 Round the Verge is this Infcription funk in Iron. l^tc lacet ^nt^ttva %mtSy qttonDam ^et- cato? ^ujus CitJitatw, f (tlijabet uxoz e- ' jus qui imt Dotnnm carnanam Dtn Defcla- De not3o reeDtfitcatit f tepacatit erga fe- Cam omninm fanctornm Simo Domini, * mccccxcvii. ccjam at) tunc bene f lauDa- biUtec o.2Dinatt( capefiam futu- tis tempoi^tbud tn eaDem celebrat p;o animabu0 ^encfactorum f omnium f[Dei{< qm Defunctocum quorum antmabuis p;^op^f« ttctuc 2Deu0. Skmen. Length of this Golgotha is $0 Feet, Breadth 50 Feet, It confifts of a Nave and two Ifles. There have been feveral Brafles ftolen from many Monuments in this Church ; of which take the following Account, viz. In the Body of the Church have been vi- fibly loft eighty five. In the Choir one. In the South Ifle eight. In the South crofs Ifle feven. In the South Ifle near the Choir four. In the South Weft Ifle ten. In the Ifle facing the Library feven. In the North Eaft Ifle ten. In the North Ifle near the Choir twelve. In I^S The A^TlQvniES of the In the North Crofs Ifle twenty. In the North Weft Ifle fix. At the Entrance into the Library under the South Wall, on an Altar Monument, under an ^rch, lie§ the Effigies of a Perfon, his Hands lifted up, on his Head a Cap. The Arch of this Monument is adorn'd with Boars, having on their Sides thefe Arms painted; Or, 5 Cheveronets eAzure. On the North Side of the laft, on an an- tient Stone, a Crofs within the Top of it, the Portraiture of a Prieft in Brafs holding up his Hands. Round the Verge this In- fcription in Brafs, fuppos'd to be of John Harol^i Pean of this Church. 'De Salme .... Mercy qemu ' * * * ' MCCCLXXXXIII.' Above the Canopy on DeJamares Mo- flument, are thefe Arms. '^arry of 6 indented. ^arry of 6 indented Im^. within a Bordure engraved a Fefs. 'Barvy of 6 indent. Quart, within a "Bor-^ dure engraved a fefs. Mo- Cathedral Church of HEl^'EFot^'Cf. 139 Monuments in the Lihrary. IN the middle of the Library, under the upper Window but two, on an hand- fome Altar Monumenr, neatly arched, at the Top with 6 Arches of Free-ftone^ under two middlemoft of which Arches, are the Effigies of a Man and Woman fetting; On a Tomb below thefe Effigies, on the Tomb under the faid Arch, lies the Effigies of a Man on a Pillow, compleatly arm'd Cap and Epe, at his Feet a Dog. This Monu- ment^ Tradition fays, belonged to one of the Family of the Bo/^^^j. Under the next Window above the lajR-, under an Arch, lyes the Effigies of a Wo- man on a Pillar, her Hands lifted up, at her Feet a Dog. Over this Woman was painted feveral Portraitures, that of St. Ethelbert re- mains, inclining his Ear to fome Perfons hold- ing a Book. Thereon this infcribed, SaJve fca. Tar ens. At the dexter Corner of the Arch of thfs Monument are thefe Arms, viz. Tiohun^ a lend Cotijed hetwten 6 Lms Kamj^ant, On 14.0 The Antiquities of the On the finifter Corner of the faid ArcH thefe Arms, Ermine^ a "Bend Indented Gules, On the North Eaft Side of the Cathedra!^ over the Dean's Door, is this Infcription cut in Wood; domunDus jFrotocef ut ^oc opus fieri tttxt, Arms in the Windows. IN the lower North Window of thd North Ifle thefe Arms, Azure a Fefs^ int. 6 crofs Croflets Or. Beauchamp. (Azure ^ d^ "Bends Or. in the next Window, Azure j Cmqfotls Ory a Fefs . . . . & azure a demy Lion rampant Gules. In the next Window, Argent a Lion ranu fant Gulesy within a Bordure entoire de Be^ fantsy being the Arms of John de Eltham^ a Son of £^. 2. ^ oArgent a Bordure Golone Or^ and azures (Argent a faltire .... within a 'Bordurd Golonl Or, and azures U Cathedral Church of Hei^efokd. 14I In the next Window Or, a Maunche Gules. Haftings. In the next Window, Guks 5 Lions faf- f ant guard Or. Ter Tale Or^ and vert, a Lion rampant Gules. Or J Cbeverons, Gules, In the next Window, Gules j Fleur de Lis Or. In the next Window, Guks j Fleur 40 Lis Or. ^ A In the North Crofs Ifle nd Arms remains in the Windows. In the little North Window oppofite to Bi{hopB^»»(?^'s Monument, are thefe Arms, Gules a Crofs Or. In the next Window, Or 5 Cheveronels azure. Azure 2 ^ars argent^ a chief ^arre of . . i, Tieces of the fecond and Gules. In the North Weft Ifle in the lower North Window the Arms of the Deanery. In the Weft Window, the Arms of Morti- fner Earl of March^ being "Barry of 6 Or and azure on a Chief of the ly?, j Talets int. 2 Efquiresj a bafe dexter andfinijier of the 2d. an Efcocheon argent. In 14^ The Antiquities of the , In the South Weft window, Gules iFkur de Lis Or. Azure j Fleur de Lis Or, Arms in the South IJle. IN the lower Window biit one, Azure ^ Tales Or. In the next Window, Or a Lion ramfant Gales. In the next Window the Arms of the Deanery. eAzure a Lion rampant dr. TBendy of 6 Or and azure within a '^ordure Gules. In the next Window tlie Arms of the Deanery. Or a Lion rampant Gules. Gules a ^ar argent^ in Chief two Rojes cf the fecond. In the next Window, Frett^e azure fewi de Fleur de Lis Or. Or four Bars Gnles^ in Chief a Lion faf* Cant guard. Gules. Cheque Or and azure a Cheveron Ermine. In the next Window, Gules j Fleur de Lis Or. Gules fretti Or. Cathedral Church of Herefo-rd . 14.5 Cheque Or and Azure ^ a Canton Ermine. In the next Window, Or 2 ^ars Gules^ over all a "Bend Azure. Gule aFefs Lozenge Or. In the South Window of the great Crofs- ifle, the Arms of the Deanery^ and thefe two Coats : Or J Lions Heads eraz^d Gules within a ^ordure engraiVd Azure. Or a Frette Azure quartering-harry of 6^ Or and Gules ^ within a "Bordeur of the 2d. South Crofs-Ifle South Window. Gules 5 Fleur de Lis Or. oArgent a Bordure Gohone Or and Azure. Saltire a Fefs inter 6 Crofs Crojlets Or. In the Window over Bifhop Melun^s Mo« numentj Vaire Ermine and Gules 2 "Bars Azure., Ermine on a Chief Gules 2 Stars Or. Gules a Crofs Or. In the next Window. The Arms of the Deanery, and thefe two Coats : Argent a Crofs Gules. Gules a Fefs Or in Chief 7 "Befants, K In 14.4- The Antiquities of the In the Body of the Church on the Ceiling, thefe Arms : SaJtire 3 Rofes Gules letween 2 Toilets Argent. SaJtire a Saltire eArgent* St. Ethelberfs Arms. The Arms of the See. SaJtire 2 Cheverons int. j . . . . Argents Azure a SaJtire Or. In Cathedral Church of Heke'po'rd . 14,5 In a Book intituled, Liber Taxationum omnium "Beneficiorum in ^^dngUa^ now in the Bodleian Repofitory at Oxford^ and formerly belonging to Sir Henry Sfelman^ among 0- thers is this Taxation of the Diocefs of Here'- fordsf taken in the 19th Year of King Edward the Firft, by a Commiffion of that King di- retted to the then Prelates of Winchefler and Lincoln. This Book is indeed imperfeft, but truly valuable and ufeful, and may be expefted from the Accuracy and Induftry of Thomas Hearne^ M. A. of Edmund-HaU ia the Univerfity of Oxford^ who has much obliged the Publick, by his feithful Editions of fome of the Works of our moft celebrated Antiquaries and Hiftorians : I fliall not: therefore ufurp his Province, by faying any thing further of this valuable M.S. which we need not doubt, but he will illuflrate by his own skilful and happy Conjeftures. K 2 Taxa- 1^6 T6^ Antiquities oj the Taxatio Honorum fpiritualium in Archidiac. Hereford. ^ecanatus Hereford. Decanatus Hereford ■ 20 Mar. Precentoria S. Ecclefia de Wanford, . quae ad illam dignitatem pertinet tax. in Dec. de Rof. . ^^ — 2I. Cancellarius in Ecd. de parva Hereford. 20 1. Thefaurarius in Ecclefia de Bocliton^ taxa. Dec. de Knoford - — -..^— .- — ^2 1. Idem Thefaurarius recipit quafdam oblacio^ nes in terra de tumba Epifcopi Thomae, quaetaxantur ad — -20 Mar. Archidiaconatus Hereford, valet 20 1. Archidiaconatus Salop. 10 1. Bona Ecclefiaftica Decani & Capituli Here- ford. — - — ' — = — ' — —' — -- 2 L Incerti proventus Decani Hereford— 40 s; Ecclefia de Prefton cum Capella de Bla^ kenar. — • -— 10 1. Vicar, de Frefl:on -— —6 Mar. Vicar, de Blakemar. • 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Norton. . 10 Mar. Vicar, ejufdem — ■ -7 Mar. Ecclefia de Pyoma—— — -*. __io 1. Vicar. Cathedral Church ^/Hereford, i 4.7 Vicar, ejufdem 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Hope de Wulmine lol. Vicar, ejufdem — — 6 Mar, Ecclefia de Mora Canonicorum 68 I. Ecclefia de Maddet cum Capella de Tibriton & Webbeton . 40 Mar. Vicar, ejufdem . ^'—loMar.- De Oblacionibus &r Mortuariis 10 1. Ecclefia de Maurden — 10 1. Porcio Vicarii in eadem —6 Mar. Summa ...... Tapcatio Ecclefianim Farochialium 2)- 6 Mar. Vicar, de Breynton — 6 Mar. Porcio Vicariiin Ecclefia Sanfti Petri 7 Mar. Summa— 388I. 15 s. 4d. 2)ff 12 Mar. Ecclefia dc Biffopefl:on 1 2 1. 6 s. 8 d. Ecclefia de Kencefl:re Prior. Lant. pertin. 20 s. Porcio Vicar, ejufdem ^ , -6 Mar. Ecclefia de Malmelhul Lacy . ^14 1, Eccle- 154- The AiSiTlQUiTiES of the Ecclefia de Yanefon Prior. Lanton. pertin. ' 4 Mar. Porcio Prioris Hereford, in eadem 2 Mar. Porcio Vicar. • 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Malmefhul Gamag. Prioris He- reford.— — *— . 6 Mar. Porcio Vicar, in eadem 76 Mar. Ecclefia de Wormell efl: Prioris ejufd. 2 Mar. Ecclefia de Lenhale efl: difti Prioris 8 1. Porcio Vicar. — 6 Mar* Porcio Prioris majoris Malverne in eadem 8 s. 8 d. dimid. Ecclefia de Webbeley efl: Prioris Lant, pertin. V-8 1. Porcio Vicar, in eadem ■ •100 s. Ecclefia de Kniton-^ ■ 20 1. Porcio Abbatis de Tyrim, id eft, Prioris de Tutteley in eadem > 40 s. Ecclefia de Abnaly — -25 Mar. Penfio Prioris majoris Malverne in ead. 20 s. Ecclefia de Kyna^defley 20 Mar. Porcio Prioris Leom. in eadem-6 s. 8 d. dim. Porcio Prioris de Almaly in eadem • 5 s. Ecclefia San£ti Michaells 6 Mar. Bcclefia de Wylardefley • ^« 6 Mar, * I ■!■■ Il» M ■ . Summa— 355I. 12s. 8d. ^ecma^r Cathedral Church ^/Hereford, i 5 5 ^ecanatus dc Ffroma. Porcio Magiftri Petri de Salmas in Ecclefia de Bromyard ' — joMar. Porcio Domini Poncii in eadem—-^ 25 Mar, Porcio Magiftri Rogeri Senenak in eadem — 12 Mar. Vicar, ejufdem ^ ; 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Thomburie • 1 2 Mar. Ecclefia de Stokeble -.— 10 Mnr. Wefrelam — . ■-— ^^ — 9 Mar. Eccletia de Sapy -— 7 Mar. Ecclefia de Tedeftozne la Mare ^ 7 Mar. Porcio Prioris majoris Malverne in ead. 10 s. Ecclefia de Todethozne Wafre 6 Mar. Porcio Prioris majoris Malverne in ead. 20 s. Ecclefia de Colmton major, Ecclefia de Brudeneburie, Ecclefia de Crendonwa- ryn, Ecclefia de Efchurch, Ecclefia de Ffroma Canonicorum,Ecclefia de Ayleme- ton^ Ecclefia de Pikefley, Ecclefia de Part, Ecclefia de Warinton, & Ecclefia de parva Coure non taxantur propter paupertatem Ecclefia de Whiteburn ^ 9 Marc. Decanus 8c Precentor Hereford, perceperint ibi duas Garbas de Decimis Epifcopi, taxantur cum Dignitatibus. Ecclefia de Zeddefenne Radulphi— — 100 s. Ecclefia de Stoke Lacy- . 12 Mar. Porcio 156 The Aktiqvities of the Porcio Prions Hereford, in eadem 20 s* Ecclefiade Aveneburie- 18 Mar. Ecclefia de Poycombe ~— 18 Mar. Porcio Prioris Leom. in eadem • . 5 s. Ecclefia de Ullyngwyk — . :8 Mar. Portio Prioris Lanton. pertin. in eadem- 20 $• Ecclefiade Felton eft Prioris Hereford 4 Mar. Ecclefia de magna Caure Abbatis Glauc* —3 5 Mar. Ecclefia de Ffroma Epifcopi Prioris Lanton. pertin. — — ^ — • __.— , 2oMar. Vicar, ejufdem . ■ 12 Mar. Ecclefia de Acle Prychard eft Prioris Heref. — -r^4 Mar. Vicar, ejufdem ■ - — 7 Mar. Ecclefiade ZarchuU eft Hofpit. de Ledeburie -8 Mar. Porcio Prioris Heref. in eadem— dimid. Mar. Ecclefia de Streton & Afperton eft Prioris Monaft. — — — *— - 1 5 Mar. Vicar, earundem ' ■ v — 15 Mar. Ecclefia de Monefley ^ 6 Mar. dimid. Ecclefia de Credeley — — 3 5 Mar. Porcio Prioris Hereford in eadem — 5 s. Ecclefia de Bofebury Epifcopi Hereford 20 1. Vicar, ejufdem ■'■ — - 7 Mar. Ecclefia de parva Marcley - — 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Cotindon —^ — — 6 Mar. Porcio Prioris majoris Malverne in ead.--5 s. Ecclefia de Colewall — ™ i 5 Marc. Porcio Decani Hereford, ia Ledebury 37 Mar. Porcio Cathedral Church of Hereford. 157 Porcio Magiftri Williclmi de Monteforti ia eadem 40 Mar. Vicar, de Ledebiiry — 12 Mar. Ecclefia de Eftnore * 8 Mar. dim. Ecclefia de FFroma caftri • 10 Mar. Porcio prioris Hereford, in eadem - — 20 s. Porcio prioris ma)oris Malverne in paroch. dc Coure — ^ — — - — — 20 s. Summa — 561 1. 18 s. 4d. ^ecanatus de Irchenefeld. Ecclefia dc Staunton — . — to Mar. Porcio prioris de Monemute in eadem — 4 s* Porcio Vicar, de Dukefton 1 2 d. Ecclefia de Genew — 6 Mar* Porcio prioris Monemute in eadem «~-* 2 s. Ecclefia de albo Monafl:erio — 10 Mar* Ecclefia de Bikenor Walenf. — — 6 Mar. Porcio prioris Monemute in eadem —5 s. Ecclefia de Lanrothal prioris Monem. 5 Mar. Porcio Vicar, in eadem ~— • — 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Dukefton eft porcio Monem. loos. Porcio Vicar, in eadem habet pore, in Staunton , 100 s. Ecclefia deCaftro Godrici eft prioris Monem. — lOOSr Porcio 158 The Antioxj^ities of the Porcio Vicar, in eadem ^ > lod siJ Ecclefia de Hetlan -~ . ■ 10 1. Ecclefia de Pecftowe ^ --^ — 1 2 Mar* Porcio Decani & Gapituli Hereford* in eadem — I Mar. Ecclefia San£i:i Maynardi >--^— 20 Mar. Ecclefia de Brideftowe prior, de Lire — 10 1. Porcio Vicar, in eadem — 10 Mar. Porcio ReQ:oris de Ros in eadem — 4 s, Ecclefia de Rucyr — - — — - — ^ 60 s* Ecclefia de Langaran 20 Mar* Ecclefia Sanflii Dubricii 8 1. Ecclefia de Haumm Lacy efl: prioris de He-* reford. ^ — 16 Mar. Porcio Vicar, in eadem — 12 Mar* Ecclefia de Dewefohworth efl: prioris de Kilperton ' * — — 14 Man Porcio Vicar, in eadem taxatur cum porcione ReO:. ad - — . 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Birches Beatae Mariae — 6 Mar^ Ecclefia deOrtoppe efl: Prioris Lanton. pertin. — 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Lanwaran Porcio Laijton. prima — 20 Mar* Ecclefia de SanCta Keyne — 10 1* Ecclefia Sanfli Benedifti Prioris Lanton. Portio ' ■ — 6 Mar. dim. Ecclefia de Rutham cum Capella 20I. i js. 4d* Porcio Vicar, ibidem — — iocs. Ecclefia de Monemuta efl: Prioris ejufdem ---•25 Mar* Porcio Vicar. i~-— — . ~~ 6 Mar* Eccle* Cathedral Church of He RfiFORD. 15^ Ecclefia de Ffoy, quae ad porcionem Prions de Ewyas . . — -- <; Mar. J'orcio Abbatis Glouceftrenfis in cadera 5 Mar. Porcio Vicar, in eadem -— 6 Mar. Summa — 346 1. 9 s. j d. J)ecanatus de Rofso Bcclefia dc nova Terra — - — 40 Mar. Ecclefia de Bikenore Angham 25 Mar, Ecclefia de Walford cum Capel. — 40 Mar. Porcio Vicar, in eadem 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Mordeford — 1 2 Mar, Ecclefia de Ros ^ — - — - 40 L Vicar, in eaderri — - — • 20 Mar, Ecclefia de Caple ^ . i o Man Ecclefia de Hope Solers — - 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Fowehope cum Capel. Prior, de Lyre — — - — — 20 Mar. Vicar, ejufdem — — • 6 Mar. Porcio Refloris Capellas infra Cafl:ellum de Snodhull . • — — • — 4 Mar, "Ecclefia de Hope Maleyfell 6 Mar. Ecclefia de magna Marcle Prior, de^^re- — <^oMar. ^icar. in eadem — -^ .^ — 14 Mar, L EccleP i6o T/?^ Antiquities ^/i^fe^ Ecclefia de Prefton Abbatis Glouc. — $Man Vicar, ejufdem - — 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Upton • lo I Vicar, ineadem — 6 Mar. dimid. Ecclefia de Afton ^ — -^ 9 Man Ecclefiade Lynton eft Prior.de Lyra 12 Mar. Vicar, in eadem — — — 6 Mar. dimid. Porcio Prior is de Lyra in Ecclefia deStrat- ford 40 s. Porcio Reftoris de Ros in Ecclefia de Caple 2 s. Porcio Prioris Monumete in Ecclefia de Hope Maleyfel- 8 s. Porcio ejufdem in Ecclefia de Magna Marcle - — -I Mar. Et:clefia de Weftbury percipit i lib. incerti in Capella de Rivardin prsediO:. Reftor Eeclefiae de Hope Solers percipit de Capitulo Herefordiae, quod nunc benefi- cium fuum non valet— 6 Mar. Summa— 253I. 3 s. 4d. ^ccanatus de Fjorefta. Ecclefia de Kempeley eft Hofpit. de Led^ - — — i2Mar. Porcio Prioris Hereford, in eadem 10 s. Ecclefiade Bramnefwardwe ;:rrr^ ^^^^ Eccte* Cathedral Church ^/HjEHEFORb- i 6 i Ecclefia de Dymmok eft Prions de Newendo . . •— — 40 Mafo Ecclefia de Ne\^end eft Prions ejufdem, cunl . Capella dePantel. — ►- 40 Mar. Porcio Vicar, in eadem — 6 Mar; Ecclefia de Exhenhale Hofpital. funt ibi . Restores Ecclefia de Teyntonb ■ -— . -= izMaro Porcio Sacriftae Sandi Petri Glouc. in cadem - — 2 Mar, Porcio Prioris de Kilpek in eadem —16 Sn Porcio Prioris de Newend in eadem —2 s. Ecclefia de Tybreton — 1 2 Mar4 Ecclefia deRodeford cum Capella Witledene -12 Mar. Porcio 'Abbatis Glouceftrenfis in Capella de Upledon -^ ^^ — . — -405. Ecclefia de Churcheham eft Abbatis Glou- ceftrenfis— ^—-^^ — — ^ — ' — —30 Mar. Porcio Vicar, in eadem cum Capsllade BoJay 8 Mar. Ecclefia de Weftbury, cum Capellis de Ne- wenham & Mynftreworth SoMaro Porcio Vicar, in eadem • 10 Mar. Ecclefia de An re ■■ ■ ~ ► 60 Mar* Ecclefia de Lydeneya, cuni Capella 80 Mar. Porcio Vicar, in eadem — -—.-^ ^30 Mar, Ecclefia de Welaftori eft Abbatis de Tyn° tcrne ,. jo Mar^ Porcio Vicar, in eadem •- x^_^6 Mar. Ecclefia de Tudeham eft Prioris de Lyra —20 Mar. t i Pb'rcig i6i The Antiquities of the Porcio Vicar. In eadem — • •• ^lo Mar. Porcio Abbatis de Tynterne in Ecclefia 5 M, Porcio Prioris de Strougul in eadem -^7—20 s. Porcio Reftoris de Lantant. in eadem— 4 s. Ecclefia de Magnadene ' ■ i o Man Porcio Redlorisde Wejftbury 2 s. Ecclefia de Abbenhall 6 Mar. Ecclefia de Longhope efl: Prioris de Mone- muta — -— Porcio Vicar, in eadem • ■ Ecclefia de Blechedene — — Ecclefia de Hunteley Porcio Reftoris Ecclefiaede Wefl:burry in Ec- clefia de Ablenhale ■ Summa— 372 1. 16 s. Summa totius Spiri-' tualitatis Arch. He-J> 2157 1. 6 s* id. ob. q. reford. Herc^ Cathedral Church of Heretord. 165 Herefordenjis Ecclejia Carta in Archivis Tunis Londinenfis. HEreford. Eccl. Cart. A, 18.R. 2. ;/. 14. & Cart. qA, 8. £. 3- n, 27. & 6. £, 2. ;^. 19. Hereford. Epifcop. Confirm. Cart. A. 2. //. 4. f . I. ;/. 3. 8f Cart. A. 14. i^. 2. n. 12. Extent, omnia Terrarum Epifcopatus prae- diQ:. Inquif. A. 6, H.^, n.^i. Hereford. Epifcop. Inquif. de omnibus Terris & Tenementis ejufdem in Comitatibus Heref. & Glouc. efch. A. 14. £. 4. Hereford. Epifcop. Confirm. Cart. Liber- tat, he. Pat. A. 29. E. ^ /?. I. ;?;. 15. Et pro Tenementis in Whitborn. datis in Ex- cambium. Ihid. m. 16. Hereford. Decan. & Capit. Confirm. Cart, xA. 2. H. 4. p. X. ;?. 15. & G/4. 5. i?. 2. ;/.8. Et Pat. ^. I. K, 2. /?. 2. 7n. 21. Hereford. Ecclef. Cathedral. St. Thomae Martyr. Decan. &: Capit. Confirm, ampla Cart. Libertat. Pat." A. 19. H6.^.5. f;;.26. Hereford. Decan. &- Capitul. pro uno Mef- fuagio ibidem concelTo per Ricardum Barr, proDivin. celebrand. Pat. A. 5. K. 2. f. x. m. 18. Pro Ecclef. de Longewarden appro- priand. A. i. £. 3. f. 3. w. 12, L J Here- 164 The Antiquitius of the^ Hereford. Decan. &r Capitul. pro duobu§ Acris Prat, vocat. Smallmere in Hommelacy, Pat. 4.4. R.2o f . 2. m. 28. Hereford. Decan. Ecclef. Cath. ibidem de Liceat. uniend. prebend, fibi & S.ucceflbr. Pat. G.4. 8. jR. 2. f. 2. m. g6. Hereford. Decan. &: Capitul. pro fextis Acfis Tc^rras, & Advocation^ Ecclefiae da . Wefebery^j pro faftentatione Vicarii, &: aliis pietatis operibus, Pat. eA. 18. R. 2. f. 2o " Hereford, Decan. & Capitid. pro duobiis Mel. in Suburb, ibidem & in Bolinghope concefT. fibi pro Cantar. & faft. anima E- pifcopo ibidem, Pat. J. 2% £. J. f. 2o '' Hereford. Vicar. EccL Cathedr. ibidem da ipfis in ununi Collegium co^ptand. Pat? <^. 19. R. 2, f. I. m, 19. Hereford. Coll. Vicar, ibidem pro fextis Acris Terras, & Advocatione Ecclefiae de Wefiiburyj pro 4P^^verfar» obfervand. Pat. ^, 19, R. 2. f. 2o ;;^. 36. "Hereford. Vicar, Ecclef. ibidem pro Te- jnementis In Weflbury, pro Ecclefia ibidem, pat. c.^..4. R.2.p,2.m.22. ' Hereford. Vicar. Ecclef. Cathedral. Con- firm, pro Tenementis $c Ecclefia de Weft- l^ury accipiendis in excambium, Pato ^.i j« If. 4, f. I., m-^j- ■'■■•• Here- Cathedral Church ^f Hereford. 165 Hereford. Vicar. Ecclef. Cathedral, pro Tenement, in eadem Villa, Pat. A.i. R. 2. f. 4. m, 26. Hereford. Vicar. Ecclef. ibidem de Man- sion, ipforum removand. proprius Ecclefiam, Pat. qA. . Ed. 4. f. 2. m. ?o. Hereford. Vicar. Ecclef. S. Ethelbert. pro diverfis Meffuagiis in eadem Villa, Pat. c/i. 16. R, 2. f. 2. m. ^o. Pro Cantar. in CapeHa extra Oftium Bo- reale Ecclefiae Cathedralis ibidem, & Tene- ment, m Cornwarne magna, Pat. eA. 40. £. g. f. I. m. 27. Hereford. Gantar. apud Northdore in Ec- clef. Cathedral, ibidem, pro Tenementis in Wefton fubtus Penyord, Pat. '^ fe^usy Viduarum i^ Orphanorum *' T>efenfory OppreJJorum Suhverfor^ " Virginitatts TGJfeJJor. He was (lain x. Scrip, pf m. with E^lyI eAgelmiib, and others, on the 1 6th of the Calends of July, qA. 1056. by Grijjin King of Wales, af- ter he had prefided here only eleven Weeks and four Days, after whofe ibid. p. 18^, Death this See continued void four Yearsj during which Time it was governM 174- The Antiquities of the governed by oAldredj Bifhop of W%- cefler^ formerly Abbot of Tavifioch Ibid. p. 190. 27. Walter, born in Lorain, and Chaplain to Queen Edith^ -was pro- moted to this See, and was confe- crated at Rome by Pope NichohL^^ Rer. Angl. Scrip. ^. 1060. He is faid to be buried in %MofBi!bop, the South Ifle of his Cathedra^ un« p. 4S2. der the lower Arch. His Emgies, X. Scrip, p. 969, ^hich is of Free Stone, lies on an '^' Altar-Monument, in a Sacerdotal Habit, on his Head a Mitre ; but no infcription over him. He wa^ fuc- ceeded by ibid. p. 970. 1%. Robert, a Native of Lorain^ a©dwit of Bifiop, ^ Favourite of the Mufes, as well as Ker.^ Ai]gl. Scrip, of-his King William the Conqueror, p. 286. who for his bright Parts and Elo- quence preferM him to this Bifhop-r rick, whereunto he was confecrated on Sunday the 4th of the Calends of teland'i Itin. Vol. January ^ qA, 1079. He built this his 4» p. 14^. Church a new, in a round and long Form, following the Model of the Church at oAken (now called eAix la Chafelky and is in Germany?) He e)^- ceird in the Matheriiaticks, and writ divers Difcourfes on that Subjedlj much admir'd in thofe Days. He X. Scriptor. p. zii. was Wedded to his Saviour the 6t\i of the Calends of July^ q.4. 1095. atiid iieth buried on the South-fide of Cathedral Church of Here'FO'rd. 175 the high Altar, under an A^ch of Free Scone, in the North Wall of that Ifle. His Statue is reprefented lying' on an Altar Monument, habit- ed in a Sacerdotal Drefs, on his Head a Mitre. His Monument , by a Miftake of the Pointer, is made Rai^ nelni^Sy over whofe Monument is painted this Tnfcription : "Dominus Rohertus Lozing^ Epfcopus Herefor- de^ijis^ obiit oAn, 1115. which is falfe, for he died (An. 1095. ^"^ Bifhop Ramelniy Jn. 1115. So inftead of T)ominus Rohertus Lofing^ fhould be painted "Domims Rainelmm. 29. Gerard, Nephew to !Valkeliu,^odwin of Bijbo^t^ Bifhop of Winche/ter^ fucceeded in ^* ^^* ^ ^7^' this See. He was Chancellor to WiU Jiam the Conqueror, and to William his SuccefTor. He prefided not long here ; for in the fame Year 1095. hex. Scrip, p. 22(5. was tranflated to the Bifhoprick of^^^'"^^*' ^^^"- v^^- Torkj which he governed feven Years, and about fix Months. He died fud- Godwin of Bijbop, denly c!/3. iioi. He was a confide-^' ^^^' table Benefa£lor to the Church of Tork^ where he was interr'd. After this Gerard^ Promotion to the Arch-X. Scrfp. p. zty. bifhoprick of rork, Roger, Larderer^.ts^."^^' ^'^'^• to King Henrj I. was nominated to this See ; but within twelve Days after his Nomination, died at London^ M before 1 76 The Antiquities of the before he was confecrated : Where- upon the King beftowM this Bi- flioprick on *Remelin. jo. RaiKELM, Or ^ EmELIN, the Gafe'7ngr;s1rip. QP^^n's Chancellor, who was con- p. 2S. '^ fecrated in the Year 11 07. He was LeiandV itin. Vol-a Perfon of Angular Virtue and good * ^' '* Report. He behaved himfelf with great Modefty, and livM in the Fear of God. He died of the Gout the 28th Day of OBoler^ oA. 1 1 1 5. and lies entombed under an Arch in the Outfide of the South Ifle, oppofite to the Choir. His Effigies lies in a Sa- cerdotal Habit, on his Head a Mitre, on an Altar Monument of Free Stone. Over the Arch, under which this Prelate lies> is painted, by Miftake, this Infcription : Rohertus Lozmg, £- fifcofus Herefordenfis^ ohiit qA. i i i 5. inftead of RaineJmus^ which is a Miftake, as before is mentioned. Cambden'i Brit This Bifhop Ratuelm founded that P- 57^' beautiful Church now to be fcen, which his Succeflbrs enlarged, by ad- ding to it a neat College and fine Houfes for the Prebendaries. He was fucceeded by * Ciyve. ^ I. Geffry de * Glyve, or Dive, Rer.^Angi. Scrip, c^^plain to King Hem) I. who was Godwin of Bijhops, confccratcd 26 T)ec. ^.1115. He Uanlivi«„.VoJ.^^s ^ ^^""y temperate and frugal 8. p. 69. ■^^"i Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. i 77 Man, repairing well his Houfes, and reducing the Lands belonging to his See into good Order, which were much wafted and fpoiled in the Time of his Predeceffors. He departed this Life the ji Day of February^ A. 1 1 19. and lies entombed under an Arch, under the North Window of the North Crofs-Ifle, over which Tomb was a Free Stone engrav'd round the Verge with an Infcription, which is now entirely defac'd. A- gainft the Wall, under this Arch, re- mains the following imperfeft In- fcription : T)nus G . .frid. de CJjive^ Epus Here* fordenfisy oliit Anno .... J2. Richard, Chaplain to KingX. Scrip, p. 243J Hen. I. was confecrated Bifhop of J°^^^^;" '/ ^^>^^'' this FhcQ 3,t Lamhet by Jan, 16, 1 1 20. Gale Angi. Scrip. He died at Ledbury. Aug. 15. ii27.Xp, ed. He was born in Flanders, whence?* f^t, , . r- 7 J 1 J Lei and 1 Itin, Vol. he came into England^ and was made 3. p. (59, Prior of Lanthony. He was promoted Ma by 178 The Antiquities of the by King Henry I. to this See^ and was confecrated at Oxford, oAn.i i j i. He was a Perfon of great Parts, and much in Authority ; he was imploy'd by the Pope in all his Bufinefs with- in this Realm. He died the 22d of Afril, Anno 1148. and lieth buried under an Arch in the South Wall of the South Ifle of this Cathedral, be- ing the uppermoft but two that are under Arches. He is reprefented lying in a Sacerdotal Habit, and on his Head a Mitre, on a Free Stone Altar Monument, Over this Monu- ment, upon the Arch, isthislnfc.ip- tion painted. T)nus Rolertus de detune ^ E^us He* refordenjis^ oliit oAnno 1 148. wharton'x Angl. This Prelate is faid to have finifh'd Sacr. Vol.i.p.199. the Church founded by his Predecef- for, of whom you may fee more in his Life, written by William de Wy- cumb^ Prior of Lanthony, and pub- liflied in Wharton\ Angliji Sacra^ Vol. 2. p. 299, i§c. Ibid. Vol. I. p.;co. 54. GILBERT FoLIOTH, Abbot GaieHin. Angi. q/I Qhucefler^ was preferrM to this scnp. Vol.i. p. g^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^j^j^j^ h^ governed almoft twelve Years. From this See he was tranflated to that of London^ Cathedral Church ;/, lor and firm Adherer to King Ste-"^' ^^°* fhen. He died after he had prefided X. Scriptor. p. 6h- over the Bifhoprick of London 2j Years, 10 Months, 17 Days, on the I2th of the Calends of March^ A. 1187. but where he was interred, I have not learn'd. He was not only a Wife, but a Learned Man, having writ divers Books in his Time. He was fucceeded by . 55. RoB£RT DE Melun ( Other- ^^jf^^MSj.. ^ wife caird Robertus Dunelmenfis ) Voi. i. p/15^9!^ ' who was confecrated in ChriU Church at Canterbury^ the nth of the Ca- lends of January^ in the Year 1162. He died the 4th of the Calends of^^^.^^-^ol i.p.i;©; March, Anno 1167. and was buried sactvoVi^" 476. in the South Ifle of the Presbytery, under the ift Arch towards the Weft End, where is reprefented his Effi- gies, lying in a Sacerdotal Habit, on an Altar Monument ; on his Head a Mitre. Over the Arch is this In- fcription painted : T)nus Rohertus de Melun, E^us Here- fordenfis, ohiit oAnm \i6'^. 36. Robert Foliot fucceeded ^^"^^"^i" »/ ^'>/"> by the Intereft of Thomas B^^^^^oate Angi.Scrif. Archbifliop of Canterbury, with Vol. i. p. 170. M J whom 1 8o T^d? Antiquities of the whom he became acquainted in France^ while he ftudied there. He favour'd him much for his Learning, and other fingulargood Parts, in re- whanon'j Angl. gard of which, he preferred him to Sacr. VoUi.p.47'5.|.he Archdeaconry of Oxford, and laid the Foundation of his Promo- XScripiGr.p.T428. tion to this See. He was confe- G>ie A'ig'.^Scrip. crated at ChYifuChuuh in Canterbmyj Vol... p. 6,, 160, ^j^^ 4th of the Nones of Oaoher, oA. 1 1 74. tho' eiefted by the Chap- ter ot Hereford, cs^. 117?. He died the 9th of May^ J> 11 86. and lies buried under the uppermoft Arch but one, in the South Ifle, on the South Side of the Presbytery, under which lies his Effigies in an Epifcopal Habit, on a Free Stone Altar-Monument, on his Head a Mitre. After this Bi- fhop's Deceafe, Dug- Bar. Vol. i. 37. WiLLiAM LE Vere, probably ^•^^^* ^ Son of Jwhrey de VerSy the 2d Earl of Oxford of that Name, was pro- X Script p.r^So. iHoted to this See. He was elefted Vol ^f *i6f ^' ^^ Eyne(I)am, in the Month of May, c/4. 1186. He died the 9th of My, eA. XI 99* and lies buried under the upper Arch in the South Ifle, on the South Side of the Choir, where lies his Effigies in a Sacerdotal Habit, on a Free Stone Altar-Monument, on his Head a Mitre. 38. GrLE$ Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. i S i 58. Giles de Bruse fucceeded :^^^"^Ang]. Scrip; He was Son of William "Brufe^ Lord whanon's^Angi. oi'Brecknoc'ky a Man of great Power Sacr. Voi.i.p.479, and Nobility. He was elefted Bi- JJ^^'* ^'^ "• ^' fhop, A, 1 199. and confecrated on Sunday the 8th of the Calends of OHoler^ 1200. In the Barons Wars q^j^ jj^.^^ y^j^ ^.1 he took part with them againft p. 14. * King JohUj and at laft, viz. in the Year 1208. he was obliged to fly the Realm. Afterwards being Godwin 6/^/;/&o^j, fufFer'd to return, and receivM into ^* |^^^(p ^^^^ the King's Favour, he travelled Gale ibid. p. 180. homeward, and died in the Way at Ghucefter, on the 17th Day of A^a- vernier^ 1215. whence his Body was convey'd to this Church, and was interred, as is faid, within the Iron Rails on the South Side of Bifhop Stanhery^s Monument, where lies, carvM on a Free Stone, the Effigies of a Bifhop in a Sacerdotal Habit, on his Head a Mitre, and in his Left Hand the Model of a Tower, not unlike that at the Weft End of this Cathedral ; from which many Per- fons conclude, that he built that Tower : Which Suppofition I cannot altogether confide in, therefore muft leave it dubious, till I am convinced by a more fufficient Proof. M 4 39. Hugh iSa 2^he Antiquities of the Wharton'^ Angl. j^. HUGH DE MaPENORE, Dean G^aTe Hmi^AngL'^'^f *^hjs Cathedral, on the Deceafe of Scrip. Vol. z. p. the 3L£ort(2iid Giles de'^Brufej was pro- n^^'arjn.f B/7.^ Hioted to tWs Bifhoprlck, the Tern- Godwin of Bijbopy ... ^ u-i^ nu j>.4)<5. poralicies of "which were reftord to himonthegtho{T)ecemb€r, A.\2i6. being confecrated on St. Nicholas Day- He died about Eafier^ 121 9. and lieth buried in the North Crofs- Ifle, under an Arch in the North Wall, where is reprefented his Effi- gies lying in Sacerdotal Robes, and on his Head a Mitre. whanofi'iAngi. 40- HuGH FoLioT, Archdcacon Sacr. v.,ii. p484.of ^Wop, fuccceded him. He was M.weftai. t>-ic>8.eieaed in Juna, and confecrated at ct^e Hm Angi. Canterbury in Ofiobery 121 9. He Scrip. Vol. z. p. died 26 jf^/y, 1234. i6,4z, 106, 185. ^j^ R^j^P ^^ Maydenestan, On Godmnof£ijbops, the Deceafe of HughMiotj was pre- Wharton'i Angi. ^^r'd to this See, being then Dean Sacr. Vol. fp.49K of this Cathedral, and was confe- Sc^rfp^lVzl^p. ^''^^^^ thereunto in the Year 12^4. ip8. ' * * by Edmmtd^ Archbifhop, at his See at Canterbury. He purchafed Moun- thauh Houfe in London^ as well as the Parfonage of St, Mary Mom- tbauJtj which he gave to this See. He refign'd hisPaftoraIStaflFe/J.i2^9. and took upon him the Habit of a Francifcan Friar at Oxford^ where he continued fome time ; but afterwards he Cathedral Church of Hekb.¥ord. 1 85 he retirM to Gloucefier, where he led five Years a Monaftical Life, and then refignM his Soul to his Maker, and was there buried in the Year 1245. On his Surrender, he was fucceeded by 42. Peter de Equeblank, born^°^^^"^/'^'^^^'» in Savoy^ elefted Bifhop of this See, cakViO. Angi. Jugt/fi the 24th, 1239. and con- Scrip. VoU. p.44» fecrated thereunto the loth of the Calends of January ^ 1 240. In the Year 1263. the Barons arretted him ^^- P- ^M- in his own Cathedral, feiz'd his sacr"vdA. p.497. Goods, and divided his Treafure un- to their Souldiers before his Face, He died Nov. 27. 1268. and lies bu- - ried on the South Side of the North Crofs-Ifle, oppofite to the North Door of the Choir. He is reprefent- ed mitred, in Sacerdotal Robes, ly- ing on a handfom Altar-Monument, formerly curloufly embelifhM with ^^ Gold, and painted, as was the ele- gant Arch over him, fupported on each Side by fix Pillars of curious Workmanfhip. This Monument is enclosed on the South Side with Iron Bars, which reach to the Cieling. This Bifhop gave to his Church 192 Bulhels of Corn yearly, for ever, to be diftributed to the Minifl:ers of the fame J and 200 Bufhels of Wheat to the 184. The Antiquities of the the Poor of this County, to be di- ftributed to them yearly for ever. Wharton 'i Angl. 4^. JoHK DE BrETON, DoQof of oal'mflVingl. Laws, fucceeded, and was confe- Scrip. Vol I. p. crated at Waverleye^ by Nicholas^ Bi- ^k""^' » A 1 fl^op of Winchefter. on Sunday the whanon X Angl. j r l vt r cv 1 • "^ i Sacr. Vol.1, p.497. jd ot the Nones of June^ being the Leiand'i inn. Vol. Feaft of St. (Augufttne^ qA. i26g: GahHhlAngi. ^^^ confirm'd by "Bonifacey Arch- Scrip. Vol. z. p. bifhop of Canterbury. He was Keep- *5^- er of the King's Wardrobe. He yielded up his la ft Breath on the 1 2 th Day of My, 1275. and was buried ' in the Body of this his Cathedral, He was fucceded by Godwin of Bi/hopSy 44.THOMAS DECANTILUPE,aPer- r'4S7- fon of noble Race, but of a much more noble and excellent Mind ; being not only in his younger Days a Perfon of great Wit, but alfo ftudious and pain- ful, harmlefly and virtuoudy given. He was educated in the Univerfity of Oxford^ where he firft ftudied the Ca- non Law, and then proceeded Doftor ofLaw, andin the Year 1275. Doftor ofDivinity: After which he was made Archdeacon of 5i5-^jfar^, Chancellor of the Univerfity oiOxfordy as likewife Wharton*i AngK o[ England. He was confecrated Bi- Mo;slt '' ^* ^OP of t^^s See the 8th of Seftemiery Gale Hift. Angi. 1 275. Somc time after which he toip. Vol. z. p. traveird to Rome^ viz. in the Year 12820 £40. Cathedral Church ^f Hereford. 185 1282. about aControverfy between him, 2indJohnPeckham^ Archbifhop of Canterbury^ where being taken ill, he retir'd to St. Severh Abby without the old City, and there died on the 8th of the Calends of Septem^ ler, 1282. of whofe Death the Ca- nonsof this Cathedral being informM, they, with the Confent of the Pope and the King, chofe Richard de Swu nesfendj of whom I fhali fpeak imme- diately ; only firft take notice, that this Succeffor, with the Confent and Advice of his Canons, tranflated his Predeceffor's Bones to this Cathedral, and there folemnlv entombed them under the Eaft Wall of the North Crofs-Ifle, and erefted in Memory of him a curious Free Scone Altar- Mo-? nument, ftanding on a Pedeftal, at the Top of which was the Portrai- ture of a Perfon in Brafs, and at his Feet two Tablets, and round the Verge an Infcription, which are all torn off. Over this Tomb is a Qa- nopy, fupported on each Side by fix fmall Pillars arched at Top, and at the Head by two like Pillars. The Tomb is adorn'd at the Head, and on each Side, with Effigies of Per- fons in Armour curioufly carvM, each having a Shield hanging on his Arm, i86 The Antiquities of the Arm, but the Arms on thefe Shields appear not. Many Miracles were faid to have been wrought at his Place of Burial, in regard whereof, the Pope made him a Saint, and all the Bifliops of Hereford^ fince his Time, in honour of him, have bore his Arms as the Coat of their See, viz. Gules three Leopards Faces re-^ iyers'*d^ each jejjant a Flower de Lis Or. Whereas before they bore as the Arms of their See rhofe of the Kings of the EaH Angles, which were A- zure three Crowns Or. Godwin of Bijhop^ 45- Rliiry4/ tho' in Canterbury Cathedral a Mo- ^^^''""^"^^'^'"^^^ nument is ere£ted of Aiablafter at the Feet of the Black Prince in Memory of him. He was fucceeded in this See by N 2 51* John 1 94 The Antiquities of the Godwin of Bijbopi, 51. JoHN GiLBERT, a Friar p.4S9,&5i2. Preacher, who was preferred to this See in the Year ij74' and e/i. 1585. he was fent Embaffador into France^ and in the Year ij86. he was made Treafurer of England^ and difplaced A, T389. In the faid Year 1389. on the 13 th of May^ he was tranflated to the See of St. T)avid^s. He died on the 29th ofJuJy^ i397' and was fucceeded in this See by Ibid, p.459. ^2. John Treneuant or Tref- KANT, a Canon of St. oAfapb, and one of the Auditors of the Rota in Rome. He was reftored to the Tem- porah'ties of this See on the 1 9th of O^oher^ i?S9, In the Year 1400. he was fent Embaffador to Rome^ to inform the Pope of the Title of King Henry the 4th, unto the Crown of England, He prefided here fourteen Years and a half. He died A. 1404. and lies entombed under the South Window of the South Crofs-Ifle. His Statue lies under an Arch, on a Free Stone Altar-Monument, in a Sacer- dotal Habit, on his Head a Mitre, at his Feet a Lion. On the Side of the Tomb are thefe Arms on three feveral Shields, viz. Five Cheveronelsy being the Arms of the Deanery. WUbm Cathedral Church (^/Hereford. i 95 Within a ^ordure engraiVd three Lions Heads erazed. Three Leopards Faces revers'^d^ each jeffant a Flower de LiSy being the Arms of the See. 5j Robert Mascal was his [^J^^;?' 45^^^^^ Succeffor. When young, he became 8. p. 72, a Friar Carmelite at Ludlow ; but af- terwards went to Oxford,^ where he became fo well qualified in Learning and Virtues, that King Hen. IV. made choice of him for his Confeffor, and preferred him to this Bifhoprick. He was often employed by that Prince upon Embaflies to foreign Powers, and in the Year 141 5. he was fent with two other Bifhops to Conftance^ to the Council there. He built the ^'^^"'^ ^""^'^^ Choir, Presbytery, and Steeple of the "^'"""''"'^^ ?'^^7. White Friars Church in London^ and gave many rich Ornaments to that Religious Houfe, wherein he died the 2 2d Day of "December, in the Year 1416. and was entombed in that Church under a handfom Ala- blafter Monument. He was fuc- ceeded by 54. Edmund La CYE, Doctor of Godwin ofBifiofs, Divinity, and Dean of the King's P*^^^* Chapel, brought up in Univerfity Col- lege ^t Oxford, He was confecrated Leiand*/ Uln. Vol. Bifhop of Hereford at Windfor in the^- p- 7^" N J King's 196 T/?^ Antiquities of the King's Chapel, in the Prefence of the King, on the i8th Day of oAprilj 1 41 7. and having continued in this See three Years, he was tranflated at Eafier, 1420. to that of £:v^/'^r. He Godwin of Sifiopt was a very devout Man, and a libe- P- 41^' ral Benefaftor to his Church of Exe- ter^ where he built the Chapter- hacke'j ^ntiq. of Houfe. He govcrn'd that See 5 5 txeter, p. 37. Ycars, and died the 2^dof iW^j', in the Year 1455. ^^^ ^^^^'^ interred in the North Wall of the Presbytery of that Cathedral. He bore for his Arms, aAzure three Shovellers Heads erazed Argent. He was fucceeded in this See of Hereford by Godwin of J?;>|j, 55. .Thomas Polton, Dean of i^'^^^* Tork^ and Batchelor of Law, was confecrated to this See in the Year Lehnd'Htin. Vol. 1420. which he govern'd one Year 8. p. 68. and three Months ; whence he was removedto the SeeofC/&/V^^y?tfr, and Godwin of Bijbopy on the 14th Day of January^ 1426, ^- ^?^* he was elefted Bifhop of Worcefter^ and had his Temporalities reftor'd him on the 27th oi February follow- Wharton'i Angi. ing. He was fent Embaflador to Sacr. Voi.i.p.5S7.i^ow^, and made his Will the 6th of December^ i4?2. which was prov'd in the Arches Court the iSthofO^Sa- Ibid. P.80S, ber^ 143 J' He died beyond the Seas, when ^t Uie Council at "Bajily on the Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. 1 97 2jd oftheldes of G/i?ifg«/?, 14JJ. and was buried at Rome^ on his Promo- Godwin o/^7>p, tion to H'^or<;Monument,P' 551* on the North Side of the faid Chapel^ where is reprefented his EiSgies ly- ing on a Pillow, upon a Tomb, in a Sacerdotal Habit, with a Crofier in his Hand, and on his Head a Mitre ; the Pillow is fupported by two An- gels. He was fucceeded in this See by N 4 58. P.EI- 19S The Antiquities of the Ibid. p. 460. 58. Reinald Butler, or Bo- sIcr!"voi!™ Abbot of Gkucefier, who was confecra ted in the Year 1450. whence he was tranflated to Litchfield on the ^d of oAprilj 145 J. at which Time he received his Bull of Tranflation at Fulham^ and fate there fix Years. He was fucceeded in this See by Go^vfitiof Bijboph 59. John Stanbery, born in I'ntcesrorthm, "Devon/hire, a Carmelite -prhv firft, p. 5-50. and brought up in the Univerfity of Oxford J where he proceeded Doftor of Divinity. King Edward the Fourth made him Provoft of his new College at Eaton^ and likewife his Confeflbr. In the Year 1446. he was elefted Bifhop of Norwich^ but not confecrated (Walter Hart^ Do- Q:or of Law, Provoft and Prefident of Or/>/ College in Oxford^ and Chap- lain to William de la Tole^ Duke of Suffolkj being promoted to that See by this Duke's Intereft.) In the Year 1448. he was preferred to the See of ia/igor, and in the Year 1452. promoted to this of Hereford. He was a learned and wife Prelate, and a faithful Subjefl: to his Prince. He died at Ludlow m the Houfe of the l.tUt\ivltin, Vol Carmelites, 1474- and was buried in B. ^84- this Church, on the North Side of tlie high Altar^ under an elegant white Cathedral Church of Hekefo'R'd. 199 white Marble Altar-Monument, arch'd curioufly at top, and raiPd in with Iron Rails. His Statue repre- fents a Bifhop lying on a Tomb in his Habit, on his Head a Mitre. The Tomb is adorn'd with the EiE- gics of Angels, fome of which hold on their Arms Shields, whereon are thefe Arms, viz. Three Flower if Lis^ being the Arms of France quartering thofe of Englandy viz. Three Lions faj[ant guardant in Pale. Two Cheverons engraiPd inter thret Mullet Sy being the Arms of Stan^ hery. Five Cheveronels^ being the Arms of the Deanery. Three Crowns in Fefs a Rofe^ be- ing the antient Arms of this See. Three Lions Faces revers'^d^ each jejfant a Flower de Lis^ being the prefent Arms of this See. 60. Thomas Mylling fucceed- MSSXoM^Ab^ ed : He was firft a Monk at Weft- wnus^A^m. ^°^ minfter^ and thence went to Oxfordy'^ood's Athen. where he ftudied among the B^«^- ^^^"i^''^' '' diHines ofGloucefier-CoUege, and pro- ceeded Doftor of Divinity, and at- tained great Knowledge in the Greek Tongue. In the Year 1470. he was made Abbot oiWeftminjier^ and on the 100 The Antiquities of the the 15th oi oAugtiii^ 1475. he ^^^ preferr'd to this Bifhopriok. He died A. 1490. and was buried in the Godwin ofiijbopy Middle of St. John\ Chapel in Wefi- P ^^^' minfier Ahly., where againft the North Wall isereQ:ed in Memory of him, a flight Monument. He was Privy Weever'5 FuncYai Counfellor to Kin2 Edward the Ath, in..«mm.,p.48i.^^j Godfather to Prince Edward, that King's eldeft Son. He was fuc- ceeded by Wood*jAtben. 6l. EdMUND AudLEY ( Son of Oxon. Vol. I. j-i^e j^ight Honourable James Touchet, ^' ^ ' Lord Audley, by oAUanore his Wife) educated in Lincoln College, to which he was a great Benefa&or. In the Year 1463. he took the Degree of Batchelor of Arts, and in January, 1471. became Prebendary of Far en- don in the Church of Lincoln, and in the Month of OHoher, 1475. P^^" bendary of Codeworth in the Church Wharton'i Angi. of Wells^ and in the fame Year, un- Sacr. Vol.1. p.jSr.^jer the Title of Mafter of Arts, be- came Archdeacon of the Eaft Riding of Torkjhire, after which he was tranflated to this See, the Tempora- lities of which were given to him the 26th Day of T)ecember, 1492. and a ^p"84 ^*'"* ^''^' ^^^^ ^®"^^ '^^ ^^^ tranflated to Sa- ' ' luhury^ the Temporalities of which were put into his Hands on the 2d Day Cathedral Church of Hereford. ao i Day of J^rilj 1502. In the Year 1 5 1 8, he gave 400 /. to Lincoln Col- lege, to purchaie Lands for the Ufe thereof, and about the fame time be- ftow'd upon that Houfe the Patro- nage of a Chantry, -which he had lately founded in a Chapel built by him in the North Part of the Choir of the Cathedral Church at Saliikury^ in Honour of the AfTumption of the Virgin Mary ; to the Reparation of which Cathedral he bequeathed 60 L He built a Chapel on the South Side of the Lady Chapel at Hereford. He was a great Benefaftor to the Repa-^°^^^" ^f ^'^^^'« ration of the Cong regat ion- houfe wood'j Athen, (fometimes a Library) on the North o^on. Vol. i. Side of St. Marfs Chancel in Oxfordy^^"^^^' to the Ereftion of that curious Stone Pulpit in the faid Church, finifh'd oA. 1508. at the Bottom of which are the Arms of the See of Salisbury^ viz. Our Lady the Virgin Mary crown* dy holding her 'Bale in her Right eArnty and a Scepter in her Left Hand^ im- faling his Lord[hifs oArmsj viz. a Frett. He died at Ramshury in IVilt- Jhircj on the 2jd of AuguBy 1524. and was buried in the before-men- tioned Chapel built by him at Salif- lury^ He was fucceeded in this See by 62. Adrian 102 The Antiquities of the Godwin of Bijbops, 62. Adrian de Castello, Em^ f' 580. baflador from Pope Innocent the 8th, to "^ames the ?d, King of Scotland^ •who dying before this Perfon could arrive there, being then on his Road to London^ where on the Occafion of that King's Death he continued fome Time; and contracting Priendfliip with "^ohn Moreton^ Archbiflbop of Canterbury^ he was recommended for his Wit, and other good Parts, by that Prelate, unto the Favour of King Henry the 7th, who thought fit to conftitute him his Proflor for the Difpatch of all his Caufes at Rome^ where he fo well behaved himfelf, that the King rewarded his Fidelity, by preferring him to this See in the Year 150J. a little before which Time he was made Cardinal by Pope ^Alexander the 6th, being before that Time the Pope's General Treafurer, and principal Secretary, in which Place he gathered much Wealth* In the Year 1504. he was tranflated to the See of iPFwrDte fufBciently 'evidence^r He was fjocceeded if?, this S|[^e by 1 ,T Godwin of Bifiops, 66. JOMiif; i SkiPP, I>Q(^Qr ot Dl- wood'. Athen. ^^^^^^^^ Archdeacon; of .^or>^, . and Oxon. Vol. I. Vicar of Thaxted in: the County of P-s6o. Ejf/^^j forcietiipe of Go^vjll College in Cambridgey who. s.fttrh6 was^lefled to this See,, had the King^s Confenf; to it the ,7th oi N&vemb^Yr -x'i;^^j >a,nd was confirrfd the 20th p^.ti|ie iaq;ie Newcourt'jRepeit. Month* ^He .govern'd tl^is>4ep I^ Ecci.v.i.i.p.45z. Years and four Months, [ ai?icl,gavie way to Fate at his f^X^t^ oft Mmnt- hault in London^ about the i^h D^S oi March j ii55,j.;/and -^a^ bunM near his Fredeceffor, Edward Foxy in ^ the Cathedral Church of Hereford. 209 the Churcb of St. Mary Mounthaulty 'London. He was fucceeded by 67. John H a.rley, born in Here- WoodV Atheo* fordjhire, or defcended from thofe df^'^^'g"- ^^*- *• that Name there. He was admitted ^' ^ ^* Fellow of Magdalen College about the f^ear ,;537. being then Batchelor of Arts," and Mafter of the Free-School adjoining to that CQllege. He after- "Wards tqok Holy Orders, and wa^ ^haplam to the Earl of Warwick^ and T iitor to his Children. In the .Year 1 5 5 1 . he was. preferred to a Pre- fcend^W ^^ ^^^^ Church o? Worcefter^ iqgad had • the ReQory of Upton upon Severnej and Vicarage of Kjdder:^ minjl^ry In the County of Worcefler^ given him, being then Batchelor of Divinity, and afterwards being eleft- ed Bifhop of this See, he was cohfe- crated the 26th of Maj^ 1 5 5 ^ but ia few Months after was deprived by Queen Mary for his wilful avoiding; the Hearing of Mafs, and being mar- ried. Thelngenious Antiquary, Mr. Leland, ^ho was acquainted with him, highly praifes his Vertue and Learning. This difgraq'd Prelate abr fconded fo.r fome Time after his De-^ privation ; but at length wandering from Pl^ce to Place in England, to GQnfolate the poor Proteftants, and O 2 confirm 2io The Antiquities oJ the confirm them in their Faith, breathed his laft, in a Place unknown to my Author. He was fucceded by f- J -^^y^./t ^8. Robert PuRFEY, alias^Mk" p. 5S1. BiMGTON, and Warton, formerly Abbot of the late Exempt Monaftery of St. Saviour oi^Bermondfeyy educated in the Univerfiry of Cambridge (of which he was Batchelor of Divinity.) He was confecrated Bifhop of St. A- fafh at Lambeth the 2d of Julj^ 1 5 j6. which See he held in Commendum with his Abbatfbip. He dwelt much at T)enlighj and fometimes at Wrex- bam. He kept a great Houfe and Retinue, which occafionM him to fet out in long Leafes all the Lands J)e]onging to that See, to the great Impoverifhment of the fame, which he governed 1 8 Years. He was tranf- lated ©/J. 1554. to this See, and died in the Year 1 557. and was buried in this Cathedral. After his Deceafe, Thcm^is RaynoJds^ Doftor of Divinity, 'DtdinoiExetery and Warden of Afcr- ton College^ was defign'd to fucceed him by Queen Mary ; but fhe making her laft Exit before his Confecration, prevented his Preferment : And Godwin 0/ B'ljbop^ 69. JoHN ScORtj Doftor of Di* Wood'. Athen. f^'^^^\y^ bom in Norfolk, was tranf. Oxon. p. 584. la ted from the See of Rochefier, to which Cathedral Church ^/Hereford, air which he was confccrated the joth of oAngnfl^ 1551- ^o that oi Chiche- fier^ and was difplac'd by Queen Ma^ ry \ but he was in the Year 1559. preferr'd by Queen Elizabeth to this See. He ended his Days at Whitborne in the County of Hereford^ the 26th Day oi June, 1585. and in all like- lihood was there buried. He was fucceeded by 70. Herbert Westphaltng, Ibid, p.t/z. Son of Herbert Weflfhalingy Son of Herbert^ a Native of Weji^halia in Germany, This Bifhop is faid to have changed his Name from Her- lert to Wefifaling^ when he fled into Germany to avoid the Marian Perfe* cution : tho' others tell us, that the Name was changed by the Bifhop's Father, who alfo changed the Arms of his Family in memory of a great Viftory, or fome fignal Service, which he did in the Circle of Wefl- fhalia^ by throwing Galthropes into a River, to hinder the PafTage of the Enemies Horfe. In the Year 1 547, at fifteen Years of Age, he was made ^xtuitnt oi Chrift'Church^ and in the Year 1555. Mafl:er of Arts. In March^'\^62. he was inflalFd Ca- non of the faid Church, being at %\i^ Time Redorof Brfg/?^/^w^]/near Trl O 2 WaU ai2 The Antiquities of the Watihgron in the County of Oxford* In the Year 1577. he -^^as inftalled Canon oiWindfor^ and on the 12th of "December^ ^585. confecrated Bi- fhop of Hereford J in \c^hich County Godwin ofBiJhop.Y^Q had a good Eftate. He ^as a ^* ^ ^* Learned Divine, a Perfon of great Gravity and Integrity, aijd mofl: worthy of his Funftion. H^ de- ceafed the i ft Day of March ^ 1601. Godwin of 57j^o/j, 71. Robert Bennet, DbElor of ^^•^^^' Divinity, fucceeded, He^XrasDean' ofWindjor^ and fometime Fellow of Trmity College in Cambridge, He ■was confecrated the loth oi February^ 1602. by the Appointment of Queen Elvzabethj but did his Homage to King '^ames. He died the 25th of Ohiober, 1617. By his laft Will, dated the jd of March, the 14th of James the Firft, he bequeathed his Body to be buried in the Cathedra) Church of Hereford^ and a Sum of Money for erefting a Tomb of white Alablafter in memof^ of him, eh- cornpaffed about with Iron Rails. Hh is entombed on the North Side of the high Altar, under in hand- fome Aiablafter Monument, His Effigies lies on a Tomb teprefenting | aTerfon in a Sacerdotal Habit, at t his Feet a Lian. Over him is ^n Arch Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. 3 1 5 Arch, fuppor ted by ioxiv ijoriMbian black Marble Pillars. At the Top ofthe faid Arch are thefc Arms of the See, viz> Gules three Leopards Faces revers'^d^ each jejj ant a Flower de Lis Or:, ittifaUng tboje of 'Bemiet]^ viz. Argent a Crofs between four demy Lions irampant^ Gules quartering the oArms of ^-.r vviz. Taly ofjix (Ar- gent and V£ri. • 72. Frakcis Godwin, DoQor of Godwin 0/ 2J/^o^j Divinity, fticceeded. He was Sub-P^^^^^*^ 'dean bf Exeter^ and Son of Fhommo^orx, Vol. i?" Godwins fometime Bifhop of tB^ssjA p- 49^. and W£Us. He was born at Having'^ tak in >Northam'ppon[hire^ in the fourth if ear of the Reign of Queen Eliza- ieth. In the Year 1 578.. he was ad- mitted a Student in Chrift'Church in -Oxford^ wh^xt he took the Degrees in Arts and Holy Orders, and be- -cam^ Reftor of Samford Orcais in Somerfetjhirey Prebendary of St. D^- cuman in the Church of Wells^ Refi- ^entiary ther^, and Vicar of Wefton in Z^yland^ in the fame County, which laift he religning, became Vi- ^2iit ©if ^iflops Lidiard in .1 5 9 5. being ^hen' Suhdean of Exeter^ and about that tiime Dodor of Divinity. In the Year 1601. he was nominated to the See of Landa^^ by Queen Eli- O 4 zalethy a 1 4- The Antiquities of the zahetb, and was confecrated the 2 2d of November the fame Year/ and fate there about 16 Years, which being but fmall, he had Liberty to keep one of his Dignities inCommenaum with it, and to take upon hitn the Reftory of Kjngjlon Seymour in the Diocefs of Wells, Afterwards, in refpeft of his great Learning, he was trariflated to this Bifhoprick the loth Day of iVa* vernier^ 1617. and confirmed there- in the 28th of the fame Month. He dkd in Jpril^ 16-^ j. and was buried in the Chancel of his Church of Whitborne, which wiih the Manor belongs to the Bifhops of this Cathe^- dral, and is fituate about fourteen Miles from this City. He was a good Man, a grave Divine, a skilful Mathematician, an excellent Lati- nifl:, a great Hiftorian, and an in- comparable Antiquary ; whofe inde- fatigable Induftry, fhew'd by feveral learned Pieces by him publifhed, be- fides his Hiftory of the Succeffion of all the Bifhops in England and WaJeSj fince the firft planting the Gofpel among them ; and that he was a fine Preacher, and ftrifl; Liver, and. dili^ ' gent in his Study, employing himfelf fo much in Matters of Religion, that he was as it were a Stranger to the World, Cathedral Church t^f Hereford. a 15 World, and Things thereof, are Monuments that -vc^ill render him wor*-hy of the higheft Efteem, and not to be forgotten in fucceeding A- ges. On his Deceafe, this Bifhoprick was beftow'd on rcii bn.. ,;x^5: ' 7?. Augustine LiNbsELL, Ma- Wood** Athen. fter of Arts, and Fellow of C/^r^- ^^8?s;/°^* '' liaU in Cambridge. He was born at "Bum/ied in EjJ'eXy and was educated Scholar and Fellow in the fame Hally' where he became a great Student ia Greek, Hebrew^ and all Antiquity. In the Year 1628. he was preferred tothe Deanery of Litchfield^ and was elefted Bifhop of Te'terborough the 22d of December, 1 6 j 2. Thence he was tranflated to this See in Tiecenu ler, 16 J J. and died at his Palace in Hereford the 6th Day of November^ 16 j4. and was buried in his Cathe- dral there, in the South Ifle beyond the Presbytery, where againft the South Wall of the faid Ifle is erefted a handfome Free Stone Altar- Monu- ment in memory of him, fupported by two Corinthian Pillars of Free Stone^ and adorn'd with Books, under which is the Reprefentatibn of a City. His Statue lies on a Tomb, in a Sacerdo* tal Habit. 74. Mat- I ,io' 5116 ^drb&A:srr)QviriEs of the Wood*5 Athen. ; 74. MAtt HEW 'WrENN, Dodor ^aTj/a^o.'' of Divinity, fuGCceded. He was Son df'Fraficis WrmHy CitizQn o! Lon* ^, the loth Year of his Reign,; on the 24th Day of March ^ i6'j4; He prefidfed here but a frtiaH Tiimd; for on the loth of Novemher^ i€j\i he: was tranflated Do the Bi- Skscf^ick of Norwich, and in the Year i/J^S:. tothat of £/y, theTempora-i l^ttksdf which were reftoredto him oh'thjr 5t!i oiMay, i6^S. He gave wij^ to Fate it Ely-^Houfe in London^ tbfe;a4Jth irf tApnii 1667. aged 81 Years, and was interred in Cambridge with ^reat Solemnity, his Body be- '■r;M -' ing Cathedral Church of He reford. 7ij rngdepofited in a Stone Coffin, and laid ifla Vault there under the Altar. He wak fucceeded in this See by '75/ TH£;)PHaUS fi£LD of Pem'^yood's Athen,^ ir^ke-HaU in Cambridge, born in the^^^"- ^'°^-'- Parifli orSt.GiJes, Cnppkgate^LoU'^''^''^^' don^ ^nA tranflated from the See of Landaff to that ofSl.^avidsy irt the Year 1635. from St/Davids to' this, andaccordingly had the Temporalis tidfi reftored him oil tKe 2 jd Day oP January, in the fame Year. He died the 2d oijune^ ^^](>* ai^d was bu- ried under the upper WihdoiJ7, at the Eaift End ofthe N^rth Crofs-Ifleof this Cathedral, where is reprefented' uftdetf-a Canopy the Bufto of a J^er- fon in an Epifcopat Habit, leaning on a Cufhion. Over the faid Bufto are thefe Arms, viz,. Gules j Flower deLuOr, impO'lmg Sahle a CheDeron hetween three Garbs Or. ,^6* George Cook, Brother to Wood'/ Athen, Sivjoh/i Cookj Secretary of Srate, and^^°j»- ^^1- ^^ Son of Richard Cook of Trtijley in 7)^r- ^' ^^* lyfinr'e, by Mary his Wife, Daughter and Heir of Thomas Sacheverell of KSr- ly in tfte County of Nottingham, {be- cfeeded. fe[e was of Pemhroke-Hallm C-aMrtdge^ and tranflaited from "Bru fiol to Whei:eupon his ppdy wasipterr'd on tb^ ;2,9th qf the faid Montli in Sf. Edmmdh^ Chapel^ within tl^ Pr^r cinds of the laid Church of SuP^ter. H^ bore fur his Arms, Gules a Cb^^ veron between 3 Lions Heads erased Urgent. He, was fucceeded bj ' ., . VVood'j Athem 78. Herb&RT CropT, Sc^ ' of Oxon. Vol. 2. Herbert Croft^ Son of Edw/urd -.Cifofty ^•^^^* Efq; defcended from an antxent and genteel Family of his Name living ip Croft-Caftk in Herefordpre. He was jinftall'd Dean of this See in the Year .1644. and preferred afterwards to the Bifbpprick, to which fie wasi^co^afer crated the ()i\i oi February yCk6j$2^ He died the 1 8th pay qf Ma^i \6^u and was buried within the; Akai;* Rails, on the South Side of the Cai*- tb^dral, under a plain blac^ Marble ^m^ (codjoin'd by a Hand to a like ,! Stone^ Cathedral Ch^rclf of He R EF'O r d . %%V Stone, under which is inter rMIpe^n 'Benfon^ of whom I fliall fpeak aijiopg • the beans) on which are chefe Arms cut, viz. Three Leopards Faces re^ verJ^dy each jejjant a, Flower de^liSfj being the Arms of the See impaiing his Lor^fhip's Paternal Coat, whic^ is Quart err lyfer Fefs indented iu T)exterChief a Lion fajjant guardant^ Over thefe Arms is a Mitre. ; , , ^ f . 79. Gilbert Jp.on^ide, IJ^^Or of Divinity, fucceec^^ Jle wa^; l^rft Fellow, and aftejrw^rds X'^ard^l^ of Wadham Colkge. He wasconfecratecj Bifhop oi'Bri/lQl the i jth of O^Qh^r, 1689. whence he was tranflated tQ this S^e, and caofii;rri'(j th^reii? fhe 29th of Juljj 169 1. He died th^ 27th 6f>4^^/^f?, 17Q1* and lies int terr'd within the MUK Rails in ^St. Mary Somerfet Church, Londo»^ ten- der a black Marble Stope, wfcer^on are thefe Arms engraved, vl^.\ thofe of this. See impaling his^ Lorcjihip's Coat, viz. Three Leopards Faj^ejs rt* vers dy each jejjant a Flower de Lis imfaling a Crofs Croflet fitclSe; . Z Under thefe Arms is this Infcrip¥ tion : i i Reverendus admodtm in Cb^JhT^h ^^rGiLBERTus Ironside, S. T. P. CoL Wadhamenjis in A A 3 (J Acad. aai The AsTlQVlTiES of the eAcad. Oxon. Guardianus ejufdem * eAcad. Vice-Can. frtmo confecratus ^rifioL Epifcof. fofiea tranjlairm ad Epijcopat. Hereford, ^Ohiit 27 oAug. 1 701. JEtat.fua.6c). " 80. HUMFRY HutMPHREYS^ Do- ftor of Divinity, fucceeded. He was firft Dean, and thenBifhop oi'Ban^ gor^ whence he was tranflated to this See, and confirmed herein the 2d of 'December, 1701. He died the izoth o( Novemier, 171 2. and lies interred in this his Cathedral on the North Side of the Altar, under a black Marble Stone within the Rails, on which arethefe Arms cut, 'viz. ' ' Three Leopards Faces fevers'* d, each jejfant a Flower de Lis^ impaling thefe four QuarteringS) viz.' ' : 1. His Lordfhip's Paternal Coat, a Lion rampant. 2. Three Eagles dijplafd in F^fs. 3. Three Lions pajfant. ^ 'f'^*} 4. Three Childrens Heads Couple at the Nech 81. Philip Bissf, Doftor of Di- vinity, fucceeded. H^ was tranflate^ to this See from that of St. Ddvidsl mFelruary^ 17 12. DEAN5 Cathedral Church ^Hereford* aag DEANS OF HEREFORD. RALF, Witnefs to Will. 'Z)^^^^- Mon. Aug). Voi.i. reux^s Grant to Croylandy inP- ^7- the Time of King Stephen. John Middleton. He founded the Chantry at the Altar of the Ho- ly Crofs. Hugh Buewse. He lived in the Fin. lew. A.y^^ 5 th Year of King John. l^^- R- R>VLF occurs in the Time oi Robert 'Betune^ BiQiop, -whom he is faid to oppofe. He "Was fucceeded by Geffry^ who occurs r r 1 t^ -r on the Morrow after the Purifica- tion, and confecrated the i 5th of the Calends of 3^^;^/i'<2r)', 1216. H6 was fucceeded probably by Thomas, who was Cotemporary with Ht^gh Foliot, viz. oA. 12^2. Leland»j Itin. Vol. Ralf DE • MatdEN£STAN OCCUrs Gale hFa. Angi. Dean e/i. 1 234. in which Year he Scrip. Vol. i. was preferred to this Biflioprick, of ^' ^^^' whom fee tnore among the Bifhbps. Antellikus -^as Dean qA, 1256. Giles de Avenbury was Dean 2Lyoi^uguftj 1550. He died in the Year } 541. and was fuc ceeded by Hugh Ibid.p.i97. jJfluGH CuRWYN or CpR«N,-de. ; . ic^qde^ frpm the antient Family of j:h4=t;,Na:me. in We/lmorJand. He ftu- dipAanOxfbrdy bu^ in what College I^pnnoi: fay. Al?ptit theTear 1531. hp toofc one Degree ia Arts, holy Or- dprsi , and after .that, viz. in King Henry t]\Q Sch's Time, was made one o^ ,t]^^t King'^s Chaplains. In the T^*?'.^.5?2, he proqeeded in theCivit Law,, and w^s A g^eat promoter of %C Kipg'^ Iv^arriage with 4nna BuU ^m^ .: %k^ f ft oi'Jme, 1 541. he was ipftallM Dean of this See, in i^hich place h9:C^ntinued, till Qh^een ii;&r/, tp Txrhpni he was Chaplain, prefe^rM UmtQ th^ Arc^^ifjioprick pf 'PuhUn^ tp,,iyhichhewasc0inf^crateic} tli^e 8th ot^epemheXfi 1 5 5 5. in St. "VrnVs Ca- thedral, L9nd()n. He -^/as elefted ]?i|hop oi Oxford by the De^n and Chapter, the 8th of Oaoter, . 1 567. and he had apcordingly ,the Tempo- ralities deiivery to him the ^d of 'Ps^ Wat kins, of Jll-Souls Co/- ibid, p, 788* lege in Oxford^ B^tclielor of Divinity^ who Was initall'd the 1 3th of March ^ 1557. ' He refign^d inthe Year 159J. and died about the Middle of A^, 15^4. On his Refignatio'n he was fucceielded by Charles Langford, of All Souls ibid. College, Oxford, Doftcr of Divinity, who was inftaird the 5th of oA^ril, X593. ^^^ '^^^ fucceeded by Edmund Doughtie, Matter of ibid. Arts, who was inftalFd the 9th of T>ecemhery 1607. He was fucceed- ed by RjCH^RD MoUNTAGUE of Kj^g^S Ibid. p. 787. College in Cambridge, Doftor of Divi- nfty. He was inftall'd the 9th of T)ecemler^ 1 6 1 6. He refign'd in the Year 1617. to Oliver Lloyd of M-Souls Col- ibid, pge in Oxford^ Doftor of Laws, and Chan- 154 ^^^ Antiquities of the Chancellor of Herefordy and in 1615. became Canon of W^»^or, which 1 aft Preferment he refign'd to the above- Md Ric. Mount ague, in lieu of this Deanery. He died in Hereford, in the Year 1625. and was fucceed- ed by lbid.p.477,&778- Daniel Price, DoCbor of Divi- nity, born in Shrewsbury. In the Year 1594. at 16 Years of Age, he became a Commoner of St. Maryh Hall in Oxford, whence he was tranf- planted to Exeter College, where he took the Degree of Matter of Arts, and had Holy Orders conferred upon him. He was one of the Chaplains jn ordinary to Prince -H?»)7 ; where- upon taking the Degrees in Divinity, he was made Chaplain to King James the I ft, and afterwards to King Charles the ift. He was inftalPd Dean of Hereford the 1 6th of Decern- ier^ 1625. He was alfo Canon Refi- dentiary of Hereford, Reftor of Wor^ thyn n^zr Caus Caftle'in Shrofjhirey and of Lanteghs in Cornwall, Juftice of the Peace alfo for the Counties of Shrewsbury, Hereford, Montgomery, and Cornwall. He died at Worthing beforementioned the 23d of Sepem- ley, 163 1, and was buried in the Chancel of the Church there. John Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. 225 John Richardson, Dodor of Divinity, was inftaird Dean ^.16 j4. Jonathan Brown, Doftor of ^^od** Atheiu Laws, of Ghucefter HaU, was inftal- ^^^^q^'^^' '• led Dean o/4. 1636. He was after- wards Prebend of Weftminfter. He died in the Year 1644. He was a good Preacher, and much refpefted. In the Year 1 6 j j. he was Minifter of St. faithh in London (from which he was fequeftred by the Fanaticks in the Time of the Rebellion) and Re- ctor of Hertingfordhury in the Dio- cefs oi London. He was fucceeded in this Deanery by Herbert Croft, Doftor of Di- ^^^^- ^^^- ^• vinity, who was inftalFd g/4. 1644.^* and in the Year 1661. preferred to this Bilhoprick ; of whom fee more among the Bifhops of this See. Thomas Hodges, Doftor of Di-^^^*^' P-7i4- vinity, fucceeded. He was Reftor of Kjnfington near London before the Rebellion, and after the Refloration became Reftor of St. Teter\ Church in Cornhilly London. He was pre- ferr'd to this Deanery, in which he was inftalPd the loth oi T)ecemher^ 1661. which he enjoyM till his Death, which happenM qA. 1672. He was fucceeded by George 0^6 17?^ Antiquities of the Ibid. p.8u. George Benson of ,^^^^;^i CoA Jege^ Dotlor of Divinity, and Avch- dczcon o( Hereford. Hewasinftall'd Tr^hend of JVorcefier on the i6th oJP ^UT^e i6ju and on the lorh of Sep^ \ temberj 1672. inftalPd E)ein of this Place. He was likewife Prebend of Wellingtons He died at his Houfe in the Church-yard of this Cathedral, the 24th oi Augufi, 1692. and was buried within the Altar-Rails of this Cathedral near BifliopCy*o//-, under a black Marble Stone (conjoin'd to the faid Bifhop's by a Hand) at the Top of which are thefe Arms carvM t^H aCheveron three Crojjes forme imfa- ling on two Cheverons three Crojjes Tate fitch}. _ JohnTylek, Do£tor of Divinity', and Prebendary of ^artonjham, alias iByJlmmy and Vicar of St. Teter\ in Hereford^ fucc^GdQd He wasinftalPd the 27th of September^ q4, 1692. and on the 1 6th of Augufl^ 1706. con fe- crated Bifhop of Landajf\ being per- mitted to hold this Deanery in tom^ mendam with that See. PRiE' Cathedral church of Hereford* 137 qp qp qp qp qp qpqpqpqpqpqpqp PRECENTORS O F HEREFORD. WILLIAM, about 1 1 9 5. MS.Got.Cleop.D.f , Thomas FoLioT, 1226* Chart. iiH.3.t»;ii. Robert de Iwahj^by, -:t:f.fcr\ 12^^. He had the King's Letters of Protedion, dated Nov, 2j. that Year. EviERicus DE Aqua-blancA had the Kings Letters of Safe Condufit to Parts beyond Sea, dated June 12. 48 jfiT. ^. 1265. He was Chancellor in 176S. \_^ee among them J] Hervey deBorham^ 1 272/ 'He Reg. Cant. , ;^ died Offober 7. 1 276. ISee 7)eans Newcouf|» Vol. i." ^/PaulV.] P-37- •tult William Mouktfort (enjoyed this Dignity in 1280. and died (I be- a j8 The Antiquities of the believe) in 1 294. Fices gerebat £- Wharton. ftfcofi in fartibus tranfmarims. iVho was the immediate Succeffor^ I know noty the next that occurs to me is Fat.4£.s. p.£* Richard de Havering, who was confirmed in this Dignity Dec. 10. ij?o. Hift. & Antiq. RiCHARD RamMESBURY, abOUt Here I am obliged to leave a wide Ga^^ not finding any more till Fotmul. Angl. JoHN Baily, L. B- He enjoyed p-xo6. this Dignity in 1465. CoLKennct Folio. Robert Kent was prefent at the Proceffional Reception of Bifhop Richard Mayhew in 1505. but whe- ther he was the immediate Succeffor of "Baily ^ I am not able to fay. Hift. & Antiq. WiLLiAM PoRTAR, S. T. B. died gxon. l.i. p-ij^'poflefTed of this Dignity Nov, 5. 152}. and lies buried in the Ca- thedral. Rcg.Bsoth. Rowland Philips was collated Nov. 6. 1524. andrefignedin 1551. Ibide Thomas Parker, LL.D. was collated o^prilif}. 1531. upon the Rcfignation of Vhili^s. Walter Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. 039 Walter Johnson, 7^;/. i.^v^^V' ^'''^' '^' 1500. Thomas Thornton, S.T.P*a.O. Vol. i. was collated May 28. 157 J. He^*''^'^* died G/4/?n7 1 5. 1629. j£tat. SS. and -was buried in the Church of Led" iury. Matthias Bust was Praecentor ini 6 j4. The Times of his Collati- on or Inftallation do not appear, nei- ther when he died ; but I find Francis Coke, A.M. pofTeffed of it before the Time of CromwelTs Ufurpation ; and he enjoy'd it after the Reftoration, viz, till the Year 1682; but it does not appear in what Year he was admitted to it. William Brabourn, S. T. P.Reg.Hefef. was collated OHoher 28. 1682. ;^er mort. Coke. Thomas Seddon, alias Sidney, ibid. S.T.P. was collated March 16. 1684* fer A/br/-. Brabourn. William Watts, S.T.B. was Ibid, collated Fehr. 5, 1685. ^er mort. Seddon* CHAN- a^o The Antiquities of the CHANCELLORS Of the Church of HEREFORD. Ca^tular. Radyng. A Lbinus enjoyed this Dignity A\ at the fame time that Elia$ MS. in Offic. Aug- wasTreafurer, about 1217. mem. Vol. 9. f. 6. We meet with him again in 1226. Prynn. Coll. Tom. EmERICUS DE AqUA-BLANCA WaS Pat.'io^&i^ E.T. Prsecentor in 1263. and Chancellor in 12685 1282, and 1285, Pat. 25. E. I. Gilbert de Swinefeld had the King's Letters of Proteftion, dated Febr. 22. 1297. Ranulfus Cancellarim oUit ante Ann, 1500, Henricus de Vere tenuity ut conjicioj tempore Will, de Vere Epf- cop. inter Ann. 1186, d* 1200. Ejt0 obitus celehatur 2 KjiL Julii. Here Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. ^4. Here I am forced to have a wide S^ace, not having heard of any more till Richard RoDERHAM, who was Reg, WeUen. poffelTed of it Se^t. 16. 1438. Nor of any other till James Bromwich, who died pof- Reg. Boothe* feffedof it in 1524. Wtlliam Hull, A.M. was coI-Reg.Heref. lated oAfril 13. 1524. upon the Death of "Bromwich. John Elton, ^/i^i Baker, LL.B.^^i^* was collated oAug. ij. 1543. upon the Death of Hull. John Compton, S. T. B» was Ibid, collated Jan. 8. 1547. upon the Death of Elton. EowAr.D Baskerville, S. T. p. Ibid. was collated May 8. 155$. upon the Death of Compton. William Penson, A. M. was inftalled June 23. 1567. It's not mentioned in the Regiftry how it became void ; but I find that Edw, "Baskerville died about this time, and thence conclude that Penfon was his immediate Succeflbr. (^ 2 MORGAK ^41 The Antiquities of the Morgan Powell, S.T.B. was inftalled 3^^/y 5. 1587. It's not faid how it became void ; but the Dean and Chapter's Regiftry (where the Entries about this time feem to be well and exafhiy made) not men- tioning any other Inftallation, it may be prefumed that Towell im- mediately fucceeded Tenfon* There is not any Entry to le founds either in the "^ijhof's^ or T)ean and Chafter'*s Re- giftry^ of any Terfon admitted to this T)igniny after Morgan Powell till the Tear 1681 ; hut aJtho'^ no [uch Admijfion or Infiallation does affear^ I am ajjured by good ^Authority that I Noiis R. P. Richard Coke, A.M. was col- lated Novemb. 8. 1644. void by the Death of Thomas Godwin, ;g. HereF. JOSEPH HarVEY, A.M. (the preferit Chancellor) was collated Fe- bruaryi']. 1681. void by the Death of Coke. TREA. Cathedral Church of Hereford. a5 1 1 m f^^^^i^i:^i<3!isiisiioiisi&i^^^^& ARCH-DEACONS O F SALOP. irXTAL- "fnTTTALTER FOLIOT ohHt 7J. MS.Cot. Titus,f.6 aAugu/iiy tempore Hen. 2. 75- Simon oArchid. Salop oliit 15 i^/, ^'M. Vixit temp. Hen. j. Hugh Foliot, from this Digni-Annal.Wigom. ty was made Bilhop of this See in 1219. Simon, 1226. Can. nH. 5. p.z. Peter de Aqua-blanca, 12J9. (5)0 Anno [12^9.], Rex contuUt ei^ Jhmos, qua fuere Magiflri Simon is i^umdam oArchidiaconi Salopesbir.) Which I fuppofe amounts to a Grant ^ell known that Morgan Godwin was (preferred to this Dignity by his Brother, Dr, Francis Godwin^ who became Biftiop of this See in the Year 161 7. and it apppears thzX William (jyeenwich was living feveral Years after Dr. Godwin became Bifhop of this See. Thomas Cooke, A. M. was in- Reg. Heref. flailed September 24. 1660. He died ^.O. v©i.i. p.s-i eApril 6. 1669. jEtat. 73. and was buried in the Church of tampon ia Oxfordshire, Sth- ^H^ T/;^ Antiquities, &c. A.O. VoU. p.878. Stephen Philips, S. T. P. was collated May 8. 1669. -per mort. Cooke. He died oAuguft 20. 1684. and was buried at Tiam^ton near his 1 Predeceffor. Francis Wheeler, A.M. was collated G/i^^»y? 25. 1684. per mort. "Philips. Adam Ottely, S. T. P. was collated Ja/^. 5. 1686. per mort, Wheeler, In 171 J. he was made. Bifhop of St.T>avid^s. Robert Comyn, A.M. was ad- mitted July 18. I J i^. per promot. Ottley ad Epifcopat. Meneven. ibid. Ibid. APPEN^ Cathedral Church ^/Hereford. a^j TREASURERS O F HEREFORD. IVO enjoyed this Dignity in theLib. s. Johannisd TimQcf Geoffrey the Dean, about ^^^c°"- MS. f. 51 117J. Elias DE Radnor, about 1 2 1 7. Cart. Radyng. Ms Biflhop of Landaff in 1230. P^^- M- H. ?. Richard de Gravesend : Whe- Annal. Eccl. Can ther he was the immediate Succef-^^l'p^^j^j^^^^ ^ for in this Dignity I know not, butd f. 165. from hence he was made Bidiop of Lincoln in 1258. Giles de Avenebiri enjoyed it Pat. 47 H. 5, in 1262: In that Year he had the King's Letters of Protection, dated Aug, 5. Luke de Bret, in 1282, and inReg. Peckh. A.C. 1288. 24.4- The Antiquities of the nn. Coll. Tom. RoGER DE SeVENOK, in I 294. P- 55>5- GiLBERTus Thefaurarm obiit ante Ann. I J 00. Thomas Foliot oVtit i^CaL Dec. Quare if not Precentor ; if fo, he lived temp. Hen. j. circiter 1220. and might from this Dignity be made Precentor. ♦ lo.E.r, p,i, Thomas DE Pembrigge, 1317. Jean hear of no more till John ap Richard, who was elefted Dean in 1462. Owen Pole, JohnWardraper, Richard Judde, Edmund Frou- cetoure, William GoBARD, Hen- ry Martin, and Hugh Pole, were all fucceflively poffefTed of this Dignity ; but the Dates of their fe- veral Admiflions are loft. William Burghill, LL.D. was collated Jan. 5, 1518. upon the Re- fignation of Pole* He died in qAu» gull, 1525. Ibid. Roger Brayne was collated Sept. 10. 1525. upon the Death of "BurghilL He died in the Year fol- lowing. Ibid. Nicholas Walwyne was colla- ted March 10. 1 526. upon the Death "Brayne, John Cathedral Church (^/^Hereford, a^^.^ John Mason, Batchelor in Mu- ^eg. Heief. fick, was collated May 2j. 1545. upon the Death of Walwyn. Walter Mey, S.T.B. was col- Ibid. hted Fehruary 2. 1547. upon the Death of Mafon. William Lewson was inftalled Ibid. Ocfoher 22. 1558. upon the Death of Mej. Edward Cowper was inftalled July 22. 1585. No Mention is made how it became void ; but there be- ing not any intermediate Collation or Inftallation entered in either of the Regiftries, it may thence be con- cluded that Lewfon was his imme- diate PredecefTor. Richard Eede?, S.T.P. was in- Ibid, flailed oAuguft 22, 1596. upon the Death of Cowper. He died at Wor- Hift. & Antiq. ce/ier (of which Church he ^as ^^^"- ^- ^- P- '^'^• Dean) Nov. 29. 1604. and was there buried. Silvanus Griffiths, S.T.P. was Reg. Heref. inftalled Nov. 2j. 1604. (By which it feems as if Eedes refigned fome fhort time before his Death.) Francis Kerry, S.T.B. was in- Ibid, flailed July 30. 1606. upon the Re- fignation of Griffiths. He died in the Time of the Grand Rebellion. Q, 4 Ed- Ibid. 246 J^he Antiquities of the Ibid. Edward Benson, A. M. was inftalled G/4^^. 29. 1660. Henry Philley, A.M. was col- lated Sept.K). 166 J. upon the Death of 'Benfon, Thomas Wotton, S.T.B. was collated Nov. 29. 1668. upon the Death olTbiUey. Thomas Gwillim, A.M. was collated Sept. 4. 171 1. upon the Death of Wotton. A R C H- Cathedral Church of Hereford. 04.7 OG c3& cjG Co^G cJl? c^G (J&c^GcjG'JGcjGcjG «qp qpqp^p qp qp qpqpqpqpqpqp ARCH-DEACONS O F HEREFORD. GEOFFREY, called by this Title,^^^(|- ^^gKnighton. is reported to have been drowned with Prince Wil- liam^ Son of King Henry the Fir ft, N0V.2'y, I I 20. ^^ _. _„ *vr L ^ z \ Chron. Ofes, MS. Walter, about 1 160. Y\^^\ Alexander de Waltun JrcZ^i- ' diac. Heref, oliit \6 Kjil Julii. Robert de Oxenford fuit: hAy' chidiac, Heref. circlter iiyg. Ralph, about ii6j, and iigy.Lib. s. JohndeBre- I think his Sirname was Foliot. 55^"-if cViig. William enjoyed it in 1200. and a.h- f.i6i. if I guefs right, his Sirname was Cart, z job. m.T9^. Fttz-voalterj and believe he held it ^'2%^ h, 3. n. 6. till 1 22 1, if not longer. do/fo. I Henry 148 T^'he Antiquities of the Chron.Ofen. MS. HeNRY BusTARD, aboUt 1 240. f- ^^4- iSed Quare de hoc.'] Pat. 4?. H. 5. William de Conflens had the King's Letters of Proteftion, dated Pat. $1. H. g. Nov.^. 1258. And again, Fehr.2^. Keg.Pcckham,A.c. 1266. I find him poSeflfed of it in 1281. Pat. 24. E. I. Richard de Hertford had the King's Letters of ProteQion, dated T)ec. II. 1296. Keg.Heref, Henry Schorne, L.D. was Col- lated 6 CaLJunii (Mail 27 J 1303. and refign'd it Felr. 13. 1317- Pat.zE.?. p.i. Thomas de Chandos enjoyed this Dignity in 1328. Keg.Heref. JoHN DE Berv/ardyn was ad- mitted 5^^/-. 24. 1369. and refigned oApril 2. 1379. 5bii3» Richard Kingston was admit- ted JpriJ 3. 1379. per refign. Bed- wardyn. Ibid. John Loveney was admitted Jan, 22, 1 404. pril fy, 1567. SiMOH Smith, LL.D. was ad- Ibid, mitted cApril 29. 1578. per rejign. Cowper. Sil- ato The Antiquities of the Ibid. . SiLVANus Griffiths, S.T.P, was collated Jufy 28. 1606. ^er morL Smith, Ibid. Richard MouNTAGUE, S.T.B, was admitted Sej[ft. 15. 161 7. fer rejign, Griffiths. Ibid. John Hughes, S.T.P. was col- lated '^uly 8. 1623. Not mentioned how void. Ibid, ^ George Benson, S.T.P. was jnftalled Sej^t. 24. 1660. -^er mort. Hughes. Ibid. Samuel Benson, A.M. wascoI« lated T)ec. 15. 1684. t^^ ^^fig^* G. Benfon. Ibid., William Johnson,v S.T.P. was collated T)ec. 11. 1690. ^er defrivat. S. Benfon. Ibido Thomas Fox, A.M. was col-? lated June 15. 1698. -^er mortem W. Johnfon. ARCH- A N INDEX O F T H E Perfons Interred I N Hereford Cathedral. Vms (William) Page 6i /X Allen (Henry) William Andrews (Margaret) Richard Awbrey (Jocofa) ■ Samuel B 115 61,67 114 18, ip DE /4 B/^JT (Richard) 99 Be// (/ln/?ej 112 Bent't (Dorothy) 109 — Koierr 99,41,42,49. ■ I Samuel ng Ben/on (George) ■ ■■ Richard De la Bere (Richard) Le Betme (Robert) Booth (Charles) •- .. John - c Lmc/'^j Bo>r^/er (^^ne) Boycott (Anne) Thomas Page 99 26 37 38 27 It. lo, ir 19,20 12$ 124 ^^ 126, 127 Broade (Edward) Brome (William) . * ^ , * ^ , Brumfelde (Richard) 127,128 Burnhull (Richard) 1 1 7 Bynnden (John) 29 7he INDEX. Frix^er (EltTiabeth) Page lo^ Frowcetov^re {Edmund) 102, 103, 104 CAfteIl(Wimam)V2Lge 12^ Chawndtler (Thomas) 45 CUrk (Jam^,s\ 1 1 2, 1 1 5, 1 1 4 Clerk (^ohn) 50 Coke (George) 53,345^5 Coningsby{C£ctlia) 35 Cooke (Pr } f cilia) 20,21 Cox (Richard) 6j Croft (Aline) 5 1 * - Bridget 120 . . Elix^abeth 120 * '• John 5 1 ^ Mr^'ert 5 1 , 98 D Enfon(StMexander)i 1 9 Do/^ynj" (Bridget) 1 00 • Robert 99 Vomefday Book jo^i,j2^ad8j Vorvne (EliT^abeth) 48 •- 'Thomas 28 D/ii/t^r (Eliz^abctb) 45 GEers (Margaret) 12$ '•"'^Thomas ibid. Goodwin (Francis) 132 Gr/Jir^i- (Robert) 64 C)i>>n (Edward) 16,17 H H All (Catherine) 133 Har court (Simon) 24 Harford (Bridjlock) 15, 128 Catherine 129 Harper (Thomas) lod ■ William 47 Hartfljorn (Standijh) 1 2 //rfri^e"/ (7o*»^ 1 3<5 De /4 Mzy (Robert) 133 ^4/0/^ (William) 60,61 Homme (John) 1 02 Hot ale (William) 133 Humphreys (Humphrey) 198 Tj^K^/jJi K^;jj(Af^)7) 14,1$ William 13,14,16 E FArynden (Richard) 30 Field (Thcophilus) 17,1^ Finch (fohn) 66, 67 ry/^cT (Humjrey 67 foZ/of (Robert) 38 For jhr (John) \i6 Friend (Robert) 23 J^/w^i (Meredith) 122 Jennings (Samuel) 4$ — ^^tr^^ 45 Jo/j n/on (Sarah) 8,132 Jr. ^o^^w Baptijl's College, i. e. the College of Vicarj in Hereford, 52, 53> H» ^^• ^onejr (Andrew) 7or(/4n (Robert) \ 157 321 &.C. 7%M N D E X. K DR. Kerry King (Edtvard) 48, 49 John N Page 128 J^Icholetts (Mary) P. 100 49 XN — "-^Theodofia 119 52 KicholU (William) 64,6$ Li4w& (Anne) Lane (Mary) .Wit Ham Lewis (Thomas) lindfell(Auiuflin) •Linden (Cecilia) Lochard(Anne) • ' Anthony Lloyd (James) Loman (William) Lo^inga (Robert) Lowe (Anne) • Hannah 108 110 lopjiio 30,109 32 29 11$ 105 1 12 118 38 9 9 M MAnfield(f{enry) 69 Mapenore (Hugh) 40 De la Marr (JUchard) i o^ Martyn (Henry) 37 Matthtrws (Dorothy) 49 I EliT^abeth ibid. ■ /A'n)7 ibid. ■* <■'■- >- Samuel ibid* ' Thomas ibid. May fard (William) 116 Mayo (Richard) 38 Melling (Henry) 1 04 Pe ^e/«n (Robert) 38 Meredith (Richard) 1 07,1 08 Pi4^e (Magdalen) 45 Parry (James) 131,132 Peyton (William) d$ F/;///])^ (Richard) 1 1 1 /0/7/1 22,23,24,2$ "^^Jofeph 21,22 • Stephen 21 ■ - Thomas 122 — Vincent ? i F/?/7;)0^ (/o^») 28 ■ Richard 48 F/or^ (William) 38 Forrer (7o/?/i) 27 Fr^^r (Jofen) 25 Prophete (John) 1 04 Pye (Blanch) 124 — - 7o/;n 124 R Read (Sir Compton) i2p Reignolds (Grifitb) 1 30 /I/4// (Edmnnd) 26 Rodd (Anna-Sophia) 120 i EliTiabetb 115 I ' II Jo^n ibid. — Philippa 36 RHdbatl (Richard) 134 Sanden n^^mt>E% \ Anders {Andrew} Pa^^p Seaborne (Mary) Seward (Abraham) . - ElKabeth Willimi Skinner (Mary) Stanbury (John) Steward (William) Stockton (Jobn) Symmwds (fane) w » Robert '^ 19 66 50 ibid. 44 40 ^ -129 TAylor ( — -) <52,^3 romkms(John) 120 lY ahem (Philip) ^r, rP7 Tramter (Simon) 1^ Tryj? f I'«0') ; "44 h >■ ■ 3/^r;^ ibid. t rere(Willtam) Page^ , Vpton (James) 47 w W Alter (Humphrey) ^8 Weaver (Catherine) ibi - ' ' - * * Richard . ibid. Wellington (Anne) 107,108 Weftfaling (Herbert) 1 25, 127 Ife^ (Reginald) i^r Williams ( Confiantia) 1 2 m/w^rrft)' (Robert) 40 Woodhoufe (Francis) 51 ■ ■ . ■ Sufannab ibid. K^^ ^WEUNIV UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. '■■1 ■ . •'"^ffiW \ ^WEUNIV ^l■LIBRA \ OFCAII ^WEUNIV Ls: 315 ' ,^WEUNIVERVA .^OFCALIF0% 6 . . ,/ ^^,OFCALIFO/?x> .vf.llDDADY/n, .\\:.IIRDADY/i.s . .•mSAfJf.F' g 'c/Aavayiii^ iiiii!iir!!iiri!iii'!i!'''i||'1'''''''li|i|||lll^^ lllllMllllllllllHlllii' 3 1158 00798 3744 | 6?- o s>:lOSANCElfj> '^Aa3AINa-3V\V ^OFCALI FO/?^ ^OFCAll FOff^ ^^AHvaan-^^ >&AavHaiH^ ^^^IIBRARYO^': "^(f/OJIlVDJO^ '^/ia3AIN(l]\\V^ ^% ^^^.OFCALIFOfi'/i^ oe \WEUNIVER% ^v^OSANCElfj^ ^^AHvyaii-^ ^TiiaoNvsoi^"^ %a3AINfl-3WV^ o ^vV:10SANCFl5j. > ^:x-LiBR.\RYa^ RYQ.' "^({/ojnvDJo^ '^(!/0JnV3J0' >j,clOSANCtlfj> 3> =j %a3AINa3WV ^^;OFrALIFO% .^OF CALIFO/?^;, ^(?AaVH9lll^'^ ,c lion Anv^ rUFIIUI\/PDr/, .in^AKir.Firr