•3 i -<^ John Friend Es' Lieut. Royal Surrey Militia. Arthur John jEvy^ERS, F, S A. ^\\t %ti\%\tn /^2^^-^^/ OF THE 'm$\\ 4 ^l (l[0liimlr Pajor, CORNWALL, FROM THE YEAR 1539 TO 1780. EDITED BY ARTHUR J. JEWERS, F.S.A, LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO., 32 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.O. MITCHELL AND HUGHES, 140 WARDOUR STREET, W. 1881. M LONDON : MITCHi:i,l. AND HtGHES, I'RfNTKKS, 14<> WARnOTJR STREKT, W. TO FACE DEDICATION. TfA^'J^i ///•/.) //y/7/t- A//.U'/>^. .A /7A BY PEEMISSION, TO SIR PUxVNCIS WYATT TEUSCOTT, Kt., ALDERMAN AND LATE LORD MAYOR OF THE CITY OF LONDON. IN PUTTING FORTH THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORY OF YOUR NATIVE COUNTY, A COUNTY RICH IN HISTORICAL MEMORIES, I FEEL IT CAN- NOT APPEAR UNDER BETTER AUSPICES THAN THAT OF YOURSELF, NOT ALONE FROM THE FACT OF YOUR NAME HAYING ADBED LUSTRE TO THE LONG LIST OF CORNISH WORTHIES, BY YOUR HAVING BEEN CALLED LAST YEAR TO HOLD THE OFFICE OF CHIEF MAGISTRATE OF THE MOST POWERFUL CITY OF THE WORLD, BUT ALSO FROM THE EVER READY ENCOURAGEMENT RENDERED BY YOU TO THE CAUSE OF LITERATURE AND ART. SHOULD THE PRO^IINENCE WHICH YOUR NAME GIVES THIS WORK STIMULATE THE PUBLICATION OF OTHER REGISTERS, IT WILL RENDER YOU, I AM SURE, NO LITTLE SATISFACTION ; AND AT THE SAME TIME GAIN YOU THE GRATITUDE OF A :\rUCH WIDER CIRCLE THAN THAT OF GENEALOGISTS ONLY, IN THE PRESENT AND JN COMING GENERATIONS, AS WELL AS THAT OF YOUR MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT, ARTHUE J. JEWERS. Plymouth, April, 1881. PREFACE. If the Parisli Registers of St. Columb Major had any special claim to be printed, it was not from their being so decayed they were on the point of perishing altogether, but rather from their being unusually perfect from almost the earliest to which such Registers go back, and from the number of entries relating to prominent county families that it contains, and the lingering traces of the " older religion," shewn in the burial of chauntry j)riests and chrisomers contained in its pages, which, while it gives more general interest, it must be doubted whether it gives them a prior claim over some of the dilapidated and fast-decaying registers which I have had occasion to consult in the coui-se of preparing this volume and other kindred works, the only hope for the preservation of which is their being printed, and that before very long, or they must be irreparably lost, there being no other means of recovering the valuable information they contain, information often going beyond the bare legal entries of baptism, marriage, or burial. It has been urged by some that only extracts relating to the more important persons recorded should be printed, but surely the objections to such a plan are self-evident. Why select persons only who were particularly prominent ? or who shall say what entries will be of no use ? the probability being that all, sooner or later, will be needed, and further, for public utility and historical value they must be an entire and very careful copy of the original. It is difficult for any one who has not actual knowledge of the state of the case to comprehend the risk of destruction to which both parish registers and the monumental records in our parish churches are exposed ; of the latter, after carefully noting them from a number of churches, and then revisiting the same churches after they have undergone so-called restoration, it will be a matter of no small surprise how much has dis- appeared ; in many cases this is unavoidable, from their being too dilapi- dated and obliterated to be preserved when once touched, though more often a matter of taste with the clergyman or architect. Reverting to the St. Columb Major's Registers, it will be quite unneces- sary to enter into any extended account of them or digest of their contents, beyond a few explanatory remarks. With the exception of the weddings b vi PREPACE. for about twenty j^ears, from about 1760 to 1780, the wliole of the Register which has been printed is wi-itten on parchment, in three volumes. The first volume, a long narrow folio, is for a large part beautifully written by one hand, being a copy from an earlier book^ but towards the end it seems to have been indifferently kept and worse written. The baptisms commence in 1540 ; the Aveddings in 1544 ; and the burials in 1539 ; the whole being continued dovra to 1653. The second volume is a large square folio, beginning in 1653, and ends in 1757. At the end of this volume is a record of the briefs read in the church, with the object for which they were made, and the amount collected, in accordance with an Act of Parliament 4 & 5 Queen Anne. Their objects varj^, from the repair of churches to the assistance of indi- viduals visited by misfortune ; although of much interest, they hardly come within the scope of the present work ; and also the following : — " A register of such children as have been borne in y*' parish of S' Columb Major, and not baptised, of whom notice has been given according to y'^ Act of Parliament. " John y*' son of Bernard and INIary Eowse was borne y^ 25 Oct. 1705. Joseph son of Oliver Basely was borne y® 28 of May 1706." These are the only two entries under this head. The third is a smaller volume, and contains baptisms and burials only, from 1758 to 1812, On the inside of the front cover is the following record : — " Lady Prances Gifford, Eelict of S'' John Gifford, Bart., died Eebruary the 28th and was buried the 21st of March, 1751. J. Collier, Curate. " The above copy was taken from the Registers of St. Columb Major in the county of Cornwall on Thursday y*' 15th day of February, 1787. Tho^ Coleeigke, Curate." At the end of the same volume are the following entries : — " Buried at S' "Weun July y« 31 Joan Sandy, aged an hundred years and above, 1784. "In y" year 1775 on y^ 12 Day of February being Sunday, the Tower and church of this Parish were greatly damaged by Lightening at lialf an Hoiu* past Pour in the morning." The remaining volumes are on paper, in printed forms. Among singular entries may be noted, as shewing how sloAvly sur- names came into general use in remote parts among the humbler classes, the burial, in 1584, of Anthonie the Smith; in 1586, Stephen the Myller ; in 1589, John the Thacher; and, even as late as 1603, that of Robert the Farrier. Among the marriages we meet such entries as the following : William Reve and Jane, sei-vant to Michaell Nanskevell, in 1545; in 1556, Liike and Margery, servants to John Spraye ; in 1621, John Dayes man PEEFACE. vii and mayde. Of centenarians we have, in 1611, Thomas Tior, said in bhe entry to be 122 years of age by common report; and on the 29 Jan. 1791 was buried William Hicks of Criftoe in this parish, who was baptised 14th Feb. 1689, as is recorded in the burial entry : the baptism was probably at some other church, possibly at St. Wenn, as the entr}-^ does not appear in these Registers. We pass readily from the Registers themselves to the families re- corded in them. Holding the foremost place we find the Arundells of Lanherne in the adjoining parish of Mawgan, who had a grant, 7 Edward I. 1279 (to John de Arundell), of the right to hold a fair in their ma?ior of St. Columb Major on the feast of St. Columba the Virgin, 23 Oct. in each year, and a market on Thursday in every week. The heiress of Arundell of Lanherne carried the representation through the family of Sealing to that of Lord Arundell of Wardour, descended from Sir Thomas Arundell, second son of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, by his first wife Lady Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset ; thus uniting the two lines which are represented by John Francis, twelfth and present Lord Arundell of Wardour ; and we are indebted to his lordship for the Arundell bookplate. The Hoblyns, who resided for many generations at their seat of Nanswhyden, where Robert Hoblyn, Esq., M.P. (called by Davies Gilbert " that bright ornament of his family and county "), accumulated a magnificent library, which was taken to Bath and sold by auction by his successor in the property, the Rev. Robert Hoblyn, M.A., J.P., the sale lasting six weeks, catalogues 10s. 6d. each, one of which is in the British Museum. The mansion was burnt to the ground in 1803, and that part of the estate sold. Their present representative, William Paget Hoblyn, Esq., M.A., J.P., built a residence, " The Eir Hill," in the adjoining parish of Little Golan, where he chiefly resides with his family, and to whom we are indebted for the use of the armorial bookplate of the above Robert Hoblyn, Esq., M.P. The plate originally had the following inscription, as is shewn by old impressions, viz., " R. H., C.C.C, Oxon, Comm'," the above Robert Hoblyn, Esq., having been of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. I am indebted to the following, who have kindly acceded to my request for the loan of their respective bookplates, viz., William Hoblyn, Esq., M.R.C.S., for that of his father, the late Rev. Edward Hoblyn, M.A., Vicar of Mylor-cum-Mabe, and to Richard Arm- strong Hoblyn, Esq., for the loan of his own plate. The Vivians were originally of Trenouth, in St. Columb, and then at Truan in the same parish, where they still have a stately house. Their line terminated in an heiress married to Sir Richard Vyvyan, Bart., of Trelowarren, from which marriage descends the present Richard Henry Stackhouse Vyvyan, Esq., of Truan. The family of Retallick or Retallack, viii PEEFACE. which for many generations held an honourable position in the neighbour- hood, is continued in the i^erson of the present Francis Eetallack, Esq., J. P., of Chytane, in the adjoining parish of St. Enoder. The name of Rowse, which occurs very frequently, almost from the CO QimcD cement of the Registers, and often in a substantial position, is still represented in two branches by Mr. Henry Jenkyu Rowse of Car- worgy, and Mr, John Rowse of Trebudanon, both in St. Columb. In the parish, or its immediate vicinity, there apj)ear to have been tAvo distinct families of Hicks, one belonging to the Cornish family of Hicks or Hext, and bearing for arms. Or, a tower triple turreted between three battle-axes sable, of which family were Hicks of Luxilyan and Hext of Constantine, of whom brief pedigrees were entered at the Heralds' Visita- tion in 1620; and the same coat is depicted (impaling Vivian of Truan, viz., Or, a chevron azure between three lions'' heads erased proper, a chief gules) on the monument of the Rev. Richard Hicks, Rector of St. Ervan, who died in 1708, aged sixty-five ; and of Eleanor his wife, who died in 1705, which remains in the church of St. Ervan, the inscription almost obliter- ated. The other family of Hicks claim to be descended from the family of Sir Baptist Hicks, Viscount Campden. Of this family there are two distinct branches, namely. Hicks of Retallick, and Hicks of Lanhynsworth; of the latter line are Richard Hicks, Esq., J.P., of Hartley Lodge, Compton, Plymouth, and his son Francis Hicks, Esq., of Burrington Park, near Plymouth. In both these branches the traditional descent from the Gloucestershire stock is maintained, together with the arms of the Campden line, and given quite separately by both branches, viz., Gules, a fesse wavy between three fleurs-de-lis or. Crest : a stages head couped or, gorged by a chaplet of roses gides. But there is difficulty in tracing back the descent to its spring, both branches having neglected to keep any record, and they consequently can supply little information for establishing the connection. The same tradition seems to have been held when Davies Gilbert wrote his ' History of Cornwall.' The family of Nankiyell, who entered their pedigree at the Heralds' Visitation of 1620, appear to be represented by John Hicks Nankivell, Esq., M.R.C.S., of York. The following have ceased to exist in the parish : — Carter, lords of the manor of St. Columb, represented by Hoblyn. Part of their property, known as the "Carter Rocks," lying off the adjacent coast, is possessed by the present W. Paget Hoblyn, Esq., descended from Mary, second daughter and co-heiress of John Carter, Esq., of St. Columb ; the other co-heiresses being Honour, married to Wilham Silly, gent., and Jane, married to Giles Riseden, gent. Jenkyn of Trekenning became extinct in the direct line on the death of James Jenkyn, Esq., in 1658, who left five daughters his co-heiresses, viz., Ann, married Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart., and was mother of Sir John PREFACE. ix St. Aubyn, second Bart. ; Mary, third wife of Sir Nicholas Slanninge, Knt. and Bart., but left no issue ; Katherine, married John Trelawny, Esq., son of Sir Jonathan Trelawuj^, Bart, (she died without issue) ; Elizabeth, married to Sir George Cary of Clovelly ; and Frances, who died un- married. The present representative of Sir John St. Aubyn, the Eev. St. Aubyn Hender Molesworth-St. Aubyn, of Clowance, has very kindly lent the Molesworth and Molesworth-St. Aubyn bookplates. The older St. Aubyn plates appear to have perished in the fires which occurred at Clowance in 1837 and 1843. Kete or Keate. This family appears to have become extinct in the St. Columb lines long since. A younger branch, descended from Gilbert, fourth son of Ealph Kete, buried at St. Columb in 1602, were raised to the degree of baronets in 1660, which title became extinct on the death of the Hev. Sir William Keate, fourth baronet, without issue, in 1757. The family of Crewse, who were for several generations connected with this parish, were probably a branch of the old Devonshire family of that name, but their connection has not been ascertained. The probable connection of the Godolphins of St. Columb with the noble Cornish family of Godolphin is pointed out in the note at page 65. The family of Brabyn, which held a good position and was connected by marriage with the families of Carter and Jenkyn, was probably a branch of Brabyn of St. Minver, who entered their pedigree at the College of Arms about 1635. (With these arms, viz.. Argent, on a /esse coupecl gules, three leopards' faces or.) The family of Day also held a fair position ; but the name of Thomas Day of St. Columb Major appears in the list of those whose claim to use armorial bearings was disallowed by the Heralds at Truro, 6 October, 1620. The Warnes seem to have flourished and multiplied in the neighbour- hood between St. Columb and Padstow, and the name still continues ; but the family formerly resident for several generations in St. Columb appear to have died out in the male line ; the co-heiress married Eawlings and Dungey, as mentioned on page 172 and page 174. Towards the close of the seventeenth century two brothers (sons of Stephen Warne of St. Columb) settled in the' neighbourhood of East Anthony ; the elder, Mr. William Warne of Thanckes in East Anthony, left an only daughter, married to Captain Thomas Graves, E.N. (father by his second wife of the first Lord Graves), to whom she carried the estate of Thanckes. The other brother, Simon Warne, left a son Simon, who took the name of Ward, and had issue (see Eegister extracts. Maker) two sons, Simon, whose only daughter and heiress mai-ried John Friend, Esq.; and William, who died without surviving issue. The foregoing brief notice of some of the more jsi'ominent names in these Registers may not be unacceptable, though far from complete, but X PEEFACE. the very carefully prepared and exhaustive pedigrees given by Colonel Vivian in his work ' The Visitations of Cornwall,' render it quite super- fluous to enter into fuller particulars of them here. Many of the old names still exist in the parish, while some have disappeared as above. Before leaving this part of our subject it may be interesting to state that Mr. Nelson D. Adams, of Washington, considers that some members of the St. Columb family of Adams were among the early settlers in America, and ancestors of some of the jjresent families of the name in that country, the evidences of which will doubtless be fully set forth in the work which that gentleman has in hand, and which will doubtless be as elaborate and exhaustive as some previous works of the same description by our American cousins. Successive restorations and improvements (?) have swept away any monuments of the families of Carter, Jenkyn, or Keate, that may have existed. According to Davies Gilbert, when he wrote his 'History of Cornwall,' there was in the church a monument to some of the family of Moore, consisting of a slate slab with inscription and these arms. Sable, a swan close within a bordure engrailed argent; and the Arundel 1 brasses were much more extensive than now. The monuments were certainly much reduced on the restoration of the church by the late Rector Dr. Walker, who offered a fine bust of Eobert Hoblyn of Nanswhyden, Esq., M.P., taken from a monument to his memory by the Eev. Edward Hoblyn, M.A., Vicar of Mylor-cum-Mabe, and it remains in the possession of his daughters, the Misses Hoblyn of Pentrelew, whije other j)ortions of various monuments are said to have been buried in the churchyard. This will doubtless be considered sufficient reason for briefly recording what yet remains. Commencing with the monuments of the Arundells as the most ancient, we find that contrary to the brasses at Mawgan-in-Pydar, which have been recently re-fixed, these at St. Coliunb remain firmly fixed to the stone slabs by apparently the original fastenings. They were originally in the Arundell chapel (a chauntry built by the Arundells on the south side of the chancel of the parish church), and were, early in the present century, covered with some pews which were then placed in the chapel ; on the restoration of the church a few years since, the chapel being re-pewed, they were removed to their present position, which is an unfortunate selection, as it subjects them to a large amount of wear from the feet of persons passing over them, they being on the floor of the nave immediately below the chancel steps. They are composed of two large slabs of grey marble ; the one on the south side, which is the oldest by nearly one hundred years, is in memory of Sir John Arundell, father of Sir John Aimndell with whom commences the pedigree of ArundeU of Lanherne, in the Heralds' Visitation of PEEPACE. xi Cornwall in 1620, vide Harleian publications. Tlie stone measures 7 feet 4 inclies by 3 feet 9 inches ; around it, 3 inches from the edge, is a plain fillet of brass bearing this inscription : " -{* John Arundell Knygbt of ye Bath and Knygbt Banneret Eecey[ver of] y'^ Duchye of Cornwall fiirst ma[ryed y Lady] Elizabeth Grey daughter to the Lorde Marquis of Dorset & [Catherine] daughter of Syr Thomas Gr[enville Knyght & dyed y'^ ey] ght of ffebruary the xxxvi yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the eyght An° Domini 1545 and y^ yere of his age." The brass bearing those parts of the inscription enclosed in brackets has been lost. In the upper part of the stone are the figures in brass of Sir John Anindell and his two wives, whose parentage is given in the above inscription. They are finely cut. Sir John is in the military costume of that period; behind his right shoulder rises a stafP bearing a square banner, but unfortunately the matrix alone tells us this, as the brass itself of this with the crest and a portion of the helmet and lambrequin, upon which the head of the knight rests, has long since disappeared ; the banner was probably charged with the quartered coat of Arundell without any impalement. Over the lady on the right hand of the knight, and whose head rests on a square cushion, is a shield with the following arms, viz. : Per pale, the dexter quarterly of six, — 1. Six swallows (Arundell) ; 2. Four fusils conjoined in fesse (Dynham) ; 3. In chief a double arch, in base a single one (Arches) ; 4. An escutcheon within an orle of martlets (Chideocke of Chideocke, co. Dorset) ; 5. A bend (Carminow) ; 6. As the first. Impaling, quarterly of eight, — 1. Barry of six, in chief three roundels (Grey, Marquis of Dorset) ; 2. A maunche (Hastings) ; 3. Barry of ten, an orle of martlets (de Valence, Earl of Pembroke) ; 4. Seven mascles conjoined three, three and one (de Quincy, Earl of Winchester) ; 5. Gone, probably a cinquef oil, for Bellomont, Earl of Leicester ; 6. Gone, probably a fesse and canton, for Widville, Earl Rivers ; 7. Six mullets, pierced, three, two and one (Bonville) ; 8. A fret (Harrington) ; for Sir John and his first wife, who was Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Grey, first Marquis of Dorset (by his second wife, Cecilia, daughter and heir of William, Lord Bonville and Harrington) ; Sir J. B. Burke calls this lady Eleanor, not Elizabeth, as on the brass. Over the lady on the left hand of the knight is a shield, Arundell as before, impaling, 1 and 4, Three sufflues, or organ rests (Grenville) ; 2 and 3, on a bend three roundels (Whitleigh), for the second wife of Sir John, and daughter of Sir Thomas Grenville of Stowe, Knt. ; beneath the principal figures, which measure 29 inches in height, are two shields, flanked on either side by a small figure with a fillet of brass over each for their names ; both the fillets are gone, as are also the figure and shield on the right hand side ; they probably represented Sir John Arundell and his arms, ancestor of the Arundells of Lanherne and Chideocke : the head xii PREFACE. of the remaining figure is also gone, the shield is charged with the arms of Arnndell quarterly as above, impaling, quarterly of four, 1. Howard, Duke of Norfolk; 2. De Brotherton ; 3. Warren; 4. Mowbray. These are for Sir Thomas Anindell, Knt., who married Margaret, daughter and co-heir of Lord Edmund Howard, third son of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk ; she was sister to Catherine, fifth wife of Henry VIII. ; Sir Thomas Arundell was the second son of Sir John by his first wife. Lady Elizabeth Grey, and was ancestor of the present Lords Arundell of Wardour. Beneath these, again, are the matrixes of two groups of children, the only part of the brass of these remaining being the label over the group to the spectator's right, which bears the names, " Joan Eleanor Mary," Below these, and forming the loAvest part of the monument, are four shields, the second of which is pointed out by the matrix only : they are as follows: — First shield, per pale the dexter quarterly, 1 and 4, on a bend ermines, cotised, three boars' heads couped (Edgcumbe) ; 2 and 3, Semee- de-lis, and a lion rampant gardant (Hollandj. Impaling Arundell quarterly of six as above. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Arundell, married Sir Eichard Edgcumbe of Mount Edgcumbe, Knt., Sheriff of Devon 35 Henry VIII. ; Sir Richard married, secondly, Winef red, daughter of William Essex, Esq. The second shield is gone, but was doubtless charged with the arms of Arundell as above, for Jane, daughter of Sir John Ai-undell, who died unmarried in 1077, her will dated 2 Sep. 1575, was proved 31 Oct. 1577. Third shield, per pale, the dexter quarterly of eight, 1. Abend engrailed (Rateliffe) ; 2. A fesse between tAvo chevi'ons (Fitz -Walter) ; 3. A lion rampant crowned within a bordure; 4. A saltire engrailed ; 5. Gone ; 6. Three bars ; 7. Semee-de-lis ; 8. An infant swaddled, thereon an eagle preying, wings addorsed. Impaling Arundell quarterly as above. Maiy, daughter of the said Sir John Arundell, married Robert Rat- cliffe, K.G., Earl of Sussex, so created 8 Deceoiber, 1529 ; she was his third wife, the first being Elizabeth, daughter of Henry, Duke of Buck- ingham, and the second was Margaret, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Derby; his lordship died in 1542, having issue by his third wife, a son. Sir John Ratcliffe, Knt., obiit sine prole. Fourth shield, per pale the dexter quarterly of four, 1. A lion rampant (Fitz-Alan) ; 2. Three bars; 3. A fesse and canton (Widville) ; 4. 1 and 4 a fret, 2 and 3 a chief (Maltravers) ; impaling Arundell quarterly as above. The last-named Mary Arundell, widow of Robert, Earl of Sussex, married secondly to Henry Fitz-Alan, 18th Earl of Arundell, K.G. ; she was his second wife, the first being her cousin Lady Catherine Grey, daughter of Thomas, 2nd Marquis of Dorset, by which lady the Earl alone had issue, viz., a son, who died sine prole, and two daughters, his co-heirs, Joanna, married John, Lord Lumley, and died sine prole ; and Mary, married Thomas Howard, PEEFACE. xiii Duke of Norfolk, by whicli marriage tlie Earldom and Castle of Anmdell came to the Howards. Tlie other brass, or rather series of brasses — for it consists, as does the one before noticed, of several separate pieces let into a large ledger stone measuring 6 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 5 inches — is in a very good state of preservation, and quite complete. At the top of the stone, in the centre is a shield per pale, six swallows (Arundell) impaling on a bend three bucks' heads caboshed (Stanley) ; over the dexter coat a helmet sur- mounted by the crest of Arundell, a wolf passant, on a wreath ; over the sinister coat a helmet supporting the crest of Stanley, viz., on a wreath an infant swaddled, thereon an eagle preying, wings addorsed, all backed by a mantling. To the dexter of this shield is another, charged with six martlets (Arundell), and to the sinister a third shield with the arms of Stanley, as in the impaled coat. Beneath these are figures of Sir John Arundell, Knt., in the military costume of the period, and his lady ; on the right of the knight two sons kneeling, and on the left of his wife are four daughters, also kneeling, all above an oblong brass with the following inscription in Eoman characters : — "D. O. M. "In hoc Divi Colvmbi Magnorvm sepvltvra Arvndeliorvm vbi intemerata f vlgent sacra atrato hoc marmore tegitvr Depositvm Nobil°^^' loannis Arvndelij ord. Eqvest. vna cvm sva conivge Anna Stanley filia Thomse ill'"^ Comitis Derbiensis. Horvm progenies dvo fvere filii loannes et Georgivs, filiae vero qvinqve Dorothse, Elizabetha, Cicilia, Margareta, G-ertrvda. "Depositarij hi vt sangvine ita et virtvtibvs Clavere, Amorque Patris in loanuem Filium Parentibus, exemplo fvit vixere hie ad 60, ilia ad 71 setatis annvm et postmodvm hie positi svnt ad svos maiores, ille 17 Novem. ilia 22° Sept. A« Salvtis me 1590, ilia 1602." Below this are three more shields : first, Arundell alone, without any quarters ; second, Arundell alone, impaling, three lozenge-shaped buckles, the points of the tongues to the dexter (Jarnegan or Jerningham), sur- mounted by two helmets, the one on the dexter side bearing the crest of Arundell as above, the other that of Jerningham, namely, from a crest coronet a falcon's head between two wings expanded, the whole surrounded by a mantling. The third shield, Jerningham, as in the impaled coat. These are followed by the figures of John Arundell, Esq., in armour, with the long leather boots then in use ; on his right four sons standing ; on his left his wife, who has on her left seven daughters standing. These figures surmount a second oblong plate of brass bearing the inscription that here follows : — "D. O. M. " Eodem svb marmore evnt etiam Deposita Nobil°" viri Joannis Arvndelij filii hvivsce eqvitis, et Annse larnegan svse Conivgis fseminse vt Eeligione prsestantis ; ita clarissimo orivndae stemmate lUvstrissimorvm Baronvm de Dacres Partivm Boreahvm. c xiv PBEFACE. " His filii qvatvor, Joannes, Miclijel, Thomas, Georgivs, filiaeqve septem, Maria Magdalena, Maria, Anna, Catlierina, Dorothea, Winefreda, vt in loanne Patre ita in loanne hie sepvlto filio incalvit relativa affectio, adeo vt amori Paterno plane respousa dederit filij Pietas, qvi vt posse8sionvm,ita et virtvtvm amplam hajriditatem accepit, Obiit 22" Ivlij, Scalari svo A" septvagesimo nimirvm ascenden* ad Eeqviem laboribvs etdoloribvs annorvm exemtvs salvtis vero hvmanse 1633." There is a small brass near the priests' door in the chapel on the north side of the chancel, IG inches by 12, beai'ing-the following inscription and these anns, viz., in a lozenge-shaped shield, with lines to shew the colours, suiTonnded by floral scrolls, quarterly, I and 4, Azure, three stirrups with leathers Or, within a bordure engrailed Argent pellettee ; 2. Argent, two bars nebulee sable, on a canton gules, a mullet Argent, pierced ; 3. Sable, three infants' heads couped below the shoulder, each environed round the neck with a snake ; on an escutcheon of pretence. Sable, six SAvallows argent, three, two, and one (Arundell). " Dame Frances Gifford relict of S'- Jn° Gifford Bar* died Feb'^- 28*'' 1752 aged 48 years." The four following are from floor slabs in the south chancel aisle, or Lady Chapel : (1.) Arms : Six swallows (ArundeU) impaling a pale and thi-ee bucks' heads erased (E,oper). In the centre of the dexter coat was originally the badge of a baronet, but it has been erased. Crest : a woK passant, over a knight's helmet. ' " Here lyeth iuter'd y"^ Body of S'' John Arundell K^' who died October the ISt'i 1701 Aged 78 years. Eequiescat in Pace." This slab was originally inscribed " Bart.," over which " K"' " is engraved. (2) Ai-ms : A cross between four crosses pattee fitchee (Bealing), on an escutcheon of pretence (Arundell) ; impaling Arundell. Crest : Over an esquire's helmet, on a wreath a demi lion rampant, holding between its paws a cross pattee fitchee. ''Here lyeth the Body of S"" Richard Bealings who died October the 30^'' 1716 Aged 94 years. Eequiescat in Pace." PEEFACE. XV (3.) Arms : quarterly 1 and 4, Arundell ; 2 and 3, Bealing, impaling a cross saltire (Gage). "Here lyetli tlie Body of Mrs. Ann Arundell / who died August tlie 25"i 1718 Aged 34 years. Eequiescat in Pace." This lady was second daughter of Joseph Gage, Esq., of Sherborne Castle (fourth son of Sir Thomas Gage of Firle, second Bart., by Mary, eldest daughter and co-heiress of John Chamberlain, Esq., of Sherborne Castle, CO. Oxford), by his wife Elizabeth, daughter and eventual heir of George Penruddock, Esq. She was sister of Thomas, first Yiscount Gage. (4.) Arms : Bealing, on an escutcheon of pretence, Arundell ; impaling Arundell. " Here lyetli the Body of the Lady Frances Bealings who died December the 16<^ii 172 . aged 63 years. Eequiescat in Pace." A portion of this last slab is covered by a pew. The remaining monuments are, with one exception, in the north chancel aisle, or Jesus Chapel, and are as follows : — On a ledger stone (or floor slab) these arms : Three talbots passant, impaling a fesse between two flaunches ermine. Crest almost obliterated. It is in memory of Giles Hamley of St. jJolumb Major, second son of William Hamley of Trebelthicke, in Gi'ea4- Mabyn, co. Cornwall. He married first, Barbara daughter of Philip Hawkins of Pennance, gent., by whom he had no issue ; and he married secondly, Grace, daughter of Thomas Hoblyn of Tresaddern, gent., who, with six children, survived him. The above Giles Hamley died 20 Sept. 1738, aged 41. A floor slab for Grace Hamley, who died 20 Nov. 1786. (This slab is almost obliterated.) Another partly obliterated floor slab for Grace, wife of Thomas Hamley, clerk, and daughter of the Eev. John Tregenna, Eector of Mawgan, by Elizabeth his wife. She died 19 April, 1761, aged 23. The above Thomas Hamley, clerk, died 9 June, 1766, aged 35. Another floor slab for Johanna Hamley, daughter of Giles Hamley, gent., and Grace his wife, died 25 May, 1760, aged 32. ' Ledger stone against the waU on the north side of the altar, for xvi PEEFACE. Thomas Hoblyn of Nanswliyden, Esq., who died Dec. 1 635, aged 69. On it are three shields, viz., in the centre, quartei'ly : 1, A fesse between two flaunches ermine ; 2, On a bend three swallows volant, in chief a crescent for difPerence ; 3, Per chevi'on, in base a lozenge ; 4, On a fesse three escallops, in chief a crescent for difference. This is between two other shields, viz., on the dexter, a chevron between three trefoils (Trevalcois) ; on the sinister side four fusils ermine, within a border of the second (Dynham). Mural tablet with a shield, from which the arms are quite gone. It is in memory of Eobert Hobl}Ti of Nanswhyden, Esq., who married Jane, only daughter of Thomas Coster, Esq., of Bristol, and Jane (Eous) his wife. He died 17 November, 1756, aged 46. Mural tablet in memory of Edward Hoblyn of Tresaddern, Esq., who died 20 May, 1778, aged 69. Also, Ann HobljTi, relict of the above Edward Hoblyn, Esq., and daughter of John Peter of Harlyn, Esq., who died 30 Ajjril, 1791, aged 85. Floor slab, nearly obliterated. Robert Hoblyn, youngest son of the above Thomas Hoblyn. (The remainder of the inscription quite illegible.) A mural tablet, surmounted by the arms of Vivian, with helmet, crest, and mantling, viz., 1 and 4, or, a chevi-on azure between three lions' heads erased proper, a chief gules ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron between three Moors' heads couped at the neck sable. Crest : A lion's head erased proper, collared azure, thereon three annulets, or. It sets forth that Robert Hobl}Ti of Nanswhyden, clerk, M.A., Rector of Ludgevan, and a Justice of the Peace, died 1 Feb. 1705, aged 47, having married Judith, daughter of Francis Burges of St. Earth, gent., and had issue, Francis Hoblyn of Nanswhyden, Esq., who married Penelope, daughter of Sidney Godolphin, Esq. He died 7 Nov. 1711, aged 25, leaving an only son, Robert Hoblyn, Esq., who inherited the estates of his ancestors. In the same vault lies Richard, only son of Richard Pendarves of Pendarves, Esq., by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Mr. Thomas Corbit of London, mer- chant, who died 4 June, 1706, aged 21. This monument was erected by William Pendarves of Pendarves, his cousin- german. Thomas Pendarves, M.A., Rector of this parish and Yicar of Mawgan, son of Richard Pen- darves of Pendarves, by Catherine, daughter of William Arundell of Meuedarva, Esq., married Grace, second daughter of Robert Hoblyn of Nanswhyden, Esq., and had issue one son, William, and a daughter, Grace. He died 16 March, 1703, aged 59. A monument was erected by the widow of the above William Pendarves, daughter of Sidney Godolphin, and who was knighted by Queen Anne in the twenty- third year of his age, and died 13 March, 1726, aged 37, and was buried in Camborne church by his sister, the wife of Mr. Robert Coster. PREFACE. xvii The arms of Vivian have evidently no right to be attached to this monument ; but when the church was restored the monuments were moved and broken, and many destroyed. The inscription itself is almost illegible. Mural tablet for Edmund Hearle, gent., who died 16 Dec. 1796, aged 39. Mural tablet for Rev. John Tref usis, M.A., who was for forty-two years Rector of this chui-ch, and who died Feb. 14, 1843, aged 69. (There is, also, a small brass plate to this Rev. J. Trefusis.) A slate slab much carved, and with these arms : First shield, a chevron between three lions' heads erased, a chief. Crest : on a wreath a lion's head erased, gorged with a collar, charged with three annulets (Yivian). Second shield, ermine, a calf passant gules. Crest: on a wreath a savage, holding in his right hand an oak sapling torn up by the roots (Cavell). It records that beneath lies buried Charles Vivian, Elizabeth Vivian, and one son, unbaptised, of the six sons and one daughter of John Vivian of Trewan, Esq. Charles was aged five years, Elizabeth was aged one year and a-half. John Vivian died 17 Sept. 1680. A mural tablet in memory of Thomas Vivian and Ann, for forty years his wife. He died 18 May, 1616. She died 25 March, 1635. John Vivian, their son and heir, married Frances, daughter and heir of Francis Buller, Esq. She died 6 Nov. 1613, and he married secondly, Mary, daughter and co-heiress of William Cavell, Esq., and their son and heir John Vivian married Anne, daughter of Sir John Trelawny, Knight and Baronet. She died 17 March, 1638, having had issue John and Eliza- beth. Mural tablet for Anne, daughter of Sir John Trelawny, Bart., and wife of John Vivian, eldest son and heir of John Vivian and Mary his wife, daughter and co-heir of William Cavell, Esq. She had issue John and Elizabeth, and died 17 March, 1638. Mural monument, carved and coloured after the style of the period, surmounted with the arms with helmet and mantling, viz.. Per pale, or, a chevron azure between three lions' heads erased proper, a chief gules impaling or, two bends engrailed sable. Crest : a lion's head erased proper, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three annulets argent. In memory of Frances, wife of Thomas Vivian of Trewan, Esq., and one of the sisters of William Blathwayt of Ditham, co. Gloucester, who died 16 March, J 707. ivlii PEEFACE. In the Churchyard. Against the outside of the north wall is a large monument with three shields, the centre one, Per pale, on a bend three lions passant gardant, in chief a crescent for difference ; on the shield to the dexter side are three falcons' heads erased (Sawle) ; on that to the sinister side, a chevron between three lions' heads erased, and a chief (Vivian). James Beauford, M.A., sometime Eector of Lanteglos ; he mamed, first, Ann, daughter of Joseph Sawle, Esq"" of Penrice. He married secondly, Jane, daughter of John Vivian, and died 19 March, 1720, aged 69. Another mural tablet near the last, for Samuel Nicholls Nankivell, died 22 Aug' 1816, aged 34. James Stevens Nankivell, died 12 Feb. 1806, aged 4 months. James Stevens NankiveU, died 18 April, 1808, aged 14 months. Frances Nankivell, died 25 Feb. 1819, aged 14 years and 8 months. Catherine, wife of the above Samuel Nankivell, died 26 June, 1853, aged 71. Also, inscriptions for — John Hicks of Retallick, in this parish, died 11 Sept. 1818, aged 62. John Hicks, son of the late John Hicks of Eetallick and Betty his wife, died 15 June, 1832, aged 42. Joseph Hicks Rowe, son of James Rowe and Betsey his wife, of Trevi- thick in this parish, died 20 June, 1847, aged 31. Sarah Tregenna, youngest daughter of the Rev. John Tregenna, Rector of Mawgan and Roach, died 10 May, 1807, aged 61. The above Samuel Nicholls Nankivell was the youngest of the six children of Thomas Nankivell, Esq., Surgeon, of Wadebridge (born in 1736 and died in 1822). S. N. Nankivell lived at St. Columb, and had five children, of whom the only survivor is the present John Hicks Nankivell, Esq., M.R.C.S., etc., of York, of whose six children four sons survive, the eldest being Herbert Nankivell, Esq., M.D., of Bourne- mouth, Hants. The name NankiveU is pure Keltic, and means the " Grlen of Woodcocks ;" a glen so-called (generally spelt Nanskevall), with its fijie old oak wood, lies about two miles from St. Columb. For the imperfections of the Work I must crave the forbearance of those who consult it. The transcript was made with great care, and it was intended to have read the proof sheets with the original Register ; but notwithstanding the ready permission to transcribe these Registers for printing accorded by the Rector, the Rev. H. L. Ventris, M.A., and PREFACE. xii the Churchwardens, George Browne Collins, Esq., and Henry Whitford, Esq., when it was decided to issue the Work in a periodical form, the Rector took such an objection to the alteration, that he refused permis- sion for the comparison to be made, and that must, therefore, be the excuse for any errors or omissions ; but such, I believe, will be found to be few and unimportant. Circumstances have prevented any variations or additions being made from the Archdeacon's transcripts at Bodmin, as was at first intended, and the notes being otherwise extended. The opportunity is here taken to acknowledge the thanks due for the facilities given by the Clergymen of the various parishes from whose Registers extracts have been made for the purpose of annotating this Work, and also the cordial assistance rendered by other gentlemen, especially by Col. J. L. Chester, LL.D., and Colonel Vivian. The thanks of Genealogists are due to the publishers, Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes, for the careful manner in which they have carried out the printing and embellishment of the Work, and in having taken upon themselves the responsibility of the heavy expense of making the experiment as to whether this class of work can be made to pay its own way, the result of their enterprise in the present instance being a loss, chiefly arising from the bulk of the work. The elaborate Index, involving considerable labour, has been prepared, with his usual care and skill, by Mr. W. Wood Davis, M.A., of Plymouth. Plymouth, January, 1881. TO FACE 'BAPTISMS'PACE I. 1^ K 4 r ir*ti tiVA , In44ii n OF t Columb M^iox, Cornwall BAPTISMS. AifNO 1540.* 1 Jan. "Wylliam s. of Drouisye Cresye 17 Jan. Eichard s. of Thomas Karterf 18 Jan. John father Walter Jenken 20 Jan. William s. of John Melhyn- nocke 23 Jan. OlyfF d. of Henry Arthur 25 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Eichard Nan- conan 30 Jan. Margerie d. of Eawlinge Typ- pett 7 Peb. Elizabeth d. of John Knight 8 Mar. Columbe s. of John Trehare 17 Mar. Phillep d. of Thomas To- nieow (?)J 20 Mar. John s. of John Pears 23 Mar. Ursula d. of James Nanskerell Anno 1541. 17 April Jane d. of Richard Grrose 18 April Heurie s. of Robert Sexton 19 April Jane d. of John Crickbie 20 April Katherined.of AV^illiam Hawke 20 April Jannett d. of John Edward 8 May Ursula d. of Thomas Poythe (?) 15 May John s. of Edward Greyne 16 May Alse (Alice) d. of John Het- herd 17 May Stephen s. of William Smyth * There have evidently been some leaves torn oat at the beginning of the book, and being sewed in pairs, probably eight pages are gone ; compare with first eutries of burials. f This is the Richard Carter with whom the pedigree of Carter in the ' Visitation of Cornwall, 1620,' commences. J Names marked thus (?) were too illegible to make out clearly. 8 May 25 May 26 May 22 June 23 June 12 July 13 July 19 July 23 July 4 Aug. 6 Aug. 18 Aug. 23 Aug. 12 Sep. 14 Sep. 14 Sep. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 1 'Nov. 1 Nov. 18 Dec. 20 Dec. 22 Dec. 25 Jan. 15 Jan. 29 Jan. 8 Feb. 25 Eeb. 25 Eeb. 2 Mar. 5 Mar. *John s. of John Gierke Greorge s. of William Mayhow Alson d. of Richard Tremaine Agnes d. of Robert Grwynnow Johane d. of John Coward Heurie s. of Robert Torway Maude d. of Luke Pollard Margaret d. of Richard Os- borne Jane d. of Pears Marten Robert s. of John Pabe Tamson d. of Thomas Nanske- vell Tamson d. of John Clemow Katherine d. of John Hawke Alson d. of Marke Wylliams Jane d. of Stephen Lawrie John s. of Edward Myll Januett d. of Richard Rowse Richard s. of William Sprey Jane d. of John Sandowe Margaret d. of John Sandowe Jane d. of John Hockie Emblenn d. of William Mayhow Agnes d. of Thomas Trelud- drow Margaret d. of Nicholas Lys- cott Richard s. of Edmond Braye Richard s. of John Davie Humphrey s. of Marke Jolie Richow d. of Johu Chaplayu Thomas s. of Stephen Knight Thomas s. of John Stephen Constance d. of Richard Adam * There are several instances besides this one of entries omitted in theii' proper place and afterwards inserted. THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1542-3. A>->-o 1542. 2 April Jane d. of Eicliard Watt 3 April Edwarde s. of ^Famiel Eoger 11 April Jane d. of" Edward Meryfeild 14 May John s. of W" Eyse 23 iNIay Luke s. of Eemfrey Carter 29 May Eobert s. of AVilliam Saf'royiie 17 June Thomas s. of Agnes Heatherd 27 June Eichard s. of Jolin Melhyn- nocke G July James s. of John Knight 12 July Ursula d. of Eichard Ty|)pett 15 July Eichard s. of John Morthe 23 July Margaret d. of John ffraunce - 10 Aug. Phillep d. of Eichard Kicholls 10 Aug. John s. of James John Jane* 14 Aug. Agnes d. of Thomas Meryfeild 14 Aug. John s. of Bennett Bone 18 Aug. Thomas s. of William Bennett 19 Aug. James s. of Marke Williams 21 Aug. Jane d. of Nicholas Stephen 21 Aug. Henry s. of James Typpett 3 Sep. James s. of Henry Typpett 3 Sep. ]Nrargerie d. of Thomas Powyll 4 Sep. Thomas s. of Eichard Eeve 22 Sej). Otes s. of William Prowse 27 Sep. Thomas and John bastards to Eowland Brytaine 4 Oct. Ursula d. of John AVill''' Elsa- beth 9 Oct. Jane d. of Harvie Clickett 17 Oct. Stephen s. of Allen Whytte 20 Oct. John s. of John Cowarde 10 Dec. Margerie and Jane ds. of Thomas Sprevbond Eichard s. o-f John M . . 11 .f 21 Dec. John s. of John Tom 28 Dec. James s. of John Howe 10 Jan. Jane d. of Thomas Penyse 11 Jan. Jane d. of John Cryckbie 13 Jan. Jane d. of .John Copithorne 14 Jan. Jane d. of one Wylmot 17 Jan. Pascow d. of Heurie Tolde 22 Jan. Henry s. of John Phillep 6 Feb. Eobert s. of John Bennett 5 Feb. John s. of Pascow Hey 10 Feb. Marie d. of Eemfrey William 13 Feb. Ursula d. of William ffloore * The three names are so in the Register ; a person with two Christian names appears in Oct. this same year, namely, John W"> Elsabeth. Jane has long continued a surname in the parish. t This entry is at the foot of a page in the original, and has been cut out ; this is the only instance in the whole Register of a part of a leaf being cut out. The name is evidently Moylle. The entry on the other side is quite cut out, which was the one, doubtless, which it was desired to suppress. 22 Feb. Eemfrey s. of Jenken Adam 25 Feb. John s. of William Sprey 2 Mar. John s. of John Sandow 21 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Eowe Ak>^o 1543. 29 Mar. Margaret d. of Thomas Toabe 2 April Henry s. of William Smyth 4 April Phillep d. of John Hocken 6 April • Jane d. of James Eosoyan 15 April Jane d. of Nicholas Dyar 20 May Katherine d. of John Clerke 23 I\ray John s. of William Phillep 27 May Eichard s. of John Sprey 30 May Thomas s. of Eichard Tremaine 9 June John s. of Eobert Tregonna 13 June Tamson d. of Eichard Watte 16 June, Eawlinge s. of Eichard Torker 28 June Jane d. of Thomas Carter 30 June Eichard and K-atherine children of Stephen Jenyn 5 July Agnes d. of Eobert John 5 July Autouie s. of John Bryton 9 July Jane d. of John Davie 29 July Marie d. of Thomas Beare 3 Aug. Katherine d. of Richard Ger- man 4 Aug. Tamson d. of John Olver 8 Aug. Eichard s. of John James 11 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Eobert Gwyn- now 17 Aug. Agnes d. of John Jenyn 28 Aug. Jane d. of Eobert Udy Symon 16 Sej). Helyn d. of John ftVaunce 1 Oct. William s. of John Knight 2 Oct. Lawrence s. of Alexander Siblie 4 Oct. ffraunce s. of Eichard Nan- carow 23 Oct. William s. of John Hetherd 23 Oct. Bennett his mother named Johane 28 Oct. Jane d. of John Pears 22 Not. Phillep d. of John Trehar 26 Nov. Jane d. of John Stephen 20 Dec. Thomas s. of John Trelud- drowe 29 Dec. Thomas s. of John Edwarde 9 Jan. Katherine d. of John Bennett 12 Jan. Tamson d. of John Pabe 21 Jan. William s. of Thomas Mery- feild 28 Jan. Ursula d. of John Jenken 8 Feb. Ursula d. of Nicholas Lyscott 8 Feb. John s. of an Irish begger 18 Feb. John s. of Stephen Lawrie 23 Feb. Agnes d. of Thomas Trinckler 1 Mar. John and Margaret the children. of John Gylbert 1543-5.] BAPTISMS. 2 Mar. Columb s. of Thomas Trelud- drowe 3 Mar. Margerie d. of John Bosse 4 Mar. Pastha d. of Thomas Dasowe 7 Mar. Tamson d. of Eobert Brokre 8 Mar. Alse d. of John Olyver 11 Mar. Eicbard s. of Eichard Watte 17 Mar. Alsone d. of James John ANifO 1544. 26 Mar. Edwarde s. of Henry Jobe 8 April Jauuett d. of Marke Jobe 10 April Vivian s. of Jobn Browne 1 May Eemfrey s. of John Clem- mowe 17 May Henry s. of Henry Artur 2 June Jane d. of John Menhire 7 June John s. of "Walter Blake 13 June "William s. of John Moyle 10 July Jobane d. of Otes jN'anow 28 July Vivian s. of Edward Merifeild 30 July Pasca d. of John Torker 15 Aug. Otes s. of Walter Merifeild 23 Aug. Eichard s. of William ffreere 27 A-Ug. George s. of John Tome 4 Sept. Eichard s. of John Sandowe 16 Sept. Eichard s. of John Teake 16 Sept. Emblen d. of John Chapleyne 19 Sept. William s. of Eichard Adam 23 Sept. Johane d. of Jobn Cowarde 23 Sept. Tamson d. of Thomas Jenken 9 Oct. Vivian s. of Jenken IS'ancarow 11 Oct. Bawden s. of John Jane 17 Oct. James s. of Sawndrie John 30 Oct. Vivian s. of Luke Pollard 4 Xov. Wiunifred d. of Humphrey Tyfford 8 Nov. Johane d. of Eicbard Tom 23 Nov. Eichard s. of Eicbard Eist 23 Nov. Alson d. of James Horken 8 Dec. Jane d. of Jobn Eosewarne 20 Dec. Nowell s. of William May- howe 4 Jan. Jane d. of Henrie Eowse 20 Jan. Jane d. of John Gierke 22 Jan. Agnes d. of Eobert Tregonna 31 Jan. Eichard s. of Thomas Jeayn 22 Feb. Petronell d. of Thomas Meri- feild 22 Feb. Johane a bastard to Udy Bryt- ton 25 Feb. Margarett d. of Thomas Tynck- ler 4 Mar. William s. of Christopher Tre- vitban 9 Mar. Jobn s. of John Moylle 9 Mar. William s. of Thomas Carter 12 Mar. Jane d. of Otes Bennett Akno 1545. 19 Mar. Humphrey s. of EmanuellEoger 28 Mar. Eichard s. of Udie Myll 28 Mar. Marie d. of Thomas Scryvener 29 Mar. Tamson d. of William Bennett 5 April Constance d. of John Jeifery 14 Api'il Emblen d. of James Vincent 15 April Alson d. of Jobn Jenynge 23 April Humphrey s. of Eichard Bere 26 April Jane d. of Jobn Copithorne 29 April John s. of Allen Whytte 17 May Henrie s. of Eichard Typpett 1 June Jobn s. of Thomas Dasowe 1 June Marie d. of Jobn Trehare 2 June John s. of Thomas Nanscarow 18 June Jobn s. of James Eosegan 20 June John s. of Eichard Sprey 1 July Tamson d. of Eichard Gascoyne 3 July Pascatte d. of Marke Bennye 30 July Jane d. of Jobn Stepbens 30 July John s. of Thomas Williams 4 Aug. Katherine d. of William Tre- nowth 6 Aug. Jobn bis mother named Chris- tian 13 Aug. Tamson her mother named Jane Symon 14 Aug. Jane d. of Mark William 8 Sept. John s. of John Davie 16 Sept. Jobn s. of Henrie Pluegie 23 Sept. William s. of Eobert Gwyn- nowe 1 Oct. Thomas s. of William Prowse 3 Oct. Alsvm d. of James John Jane 16 Oct. Jobn s. of Jobn Menhire 25 Oct. Jane d. of Udie Hodge 27 Oct. Margaret d. of Eicbard Tren- nyrth 27 Oct. Eicbard s. of Edward Mery- feild 16 Nov. Eichard s. of Jobn Norton 8 Dec. Jane d. of Eichard Osborne 8 Dec. Eichard s. of Pascow Anbey 17 Dec. Thomas s. of Thomas Berd 20 Dec. • Jobn s. of Jobn James 10 Jan. Jane d. of Jenken Adam 16 Jan. Thomas s. of Thomas Toake 27 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Eobert Jollrffi 26 Jan. WilKam s. of Jobn Sprey 7 Feb. Thomas s. of Thomas Tinckley 10 Feb. Henrie s. of John Teake 11 Feb. Henrie bis motber Margerie Pynnocke 20 Feb. Eicbard s. of Jobn ffraimce 24 Feb. Thomas s. of John Pabe 12 Mar. Eemfrey s. of William Eyst 17 Mar. Antonie s. of Jobn Edward 25 Mar. Elizabetb d. of Eobert Jobbam THE EEGISTEE& OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1546-8. Ayyo 1546. 4 April Elizabeth d. of Jolm Clymowe 12 April Henrie s. of John Sampson 13 April Pascow s. of John Bennett 18 April John s. of Stephen Jenyne 20 April William s. of Walter Meri- feild 24 April Ursula d. of Thomas Eawe 9 May Jane d. of Eemfrey Q-rosse 10 May Thomas s. of John Hetherd 21 May Jane d. of Otes Dyar 10 June ffraunce s. of William Phillep 12 June John s. of Christopher Darr 13 June Eobert s. of Stephen Pascowe 8 Aug. John 8. of Marke Williams 8 Aug. Marie d. of John Darr 15 Aug. Elizabeth d. of John Jenken 25 Aug. Ursula d. of EichardXauscarow 31 Aug. Henrie s. of William Hawke 3 Oct. John s. of Jenyne 4 Oct. Tanison d. of John Perse 15 Oct. William s. of Eaff Kerne alias MicheU 17 Oct. Jane d. of Henrie Eowse 20 Oct. Eichard s. of William Jolliff 6 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Eobert Sexton 16 IVov. Jane d. of Eichard Osborne 23 Nov. William s. of Eobert Vages 2 Dec. Eichard s. of John Calway 10 Dec. John s. of Eichard Eawlinge 30 Dec. Eichard s. of John Warren 11 Jan. Tamsone d. of John Lawiy 22 Jan. John s. of John Gierke 23 Jan. John s. of Udie Geyne 17 Feb. Jane d. of John Mauhire 15 Mar. William s. 6f Jdhu Jane 18 Mar. Margerie d. of William Sprey 23 Mar. Katherine her mother Agnes Henssoocke Anno 1547. E. Sixth. 1 April Emblen her mother named Elizabeth 2 April John and John the children of John Pabe 13 May Antonie s. of Eichard Torker 24 May Seehe d. of John Moylle 13 June Jane d. of Thomas Nanscaven 19 June Thomas s. of Otes Dyer 26 June Eichard b. of John Harrie 5 July James s. of Eichard Typpett 20 July Bennett s. of Thomas Trelud- drowe 21 July William s. of John Davie 11 Aug. Eichard s. of John Copithorne 15 Aug. William s. of Stephen Pascowe 28 Aug. Adam s. of Otes Jeftery 8 Sep. Phillep d. of Eobert Tregona 10 Oct. 21 Oct. 12 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 20 Dec. 23 Dec. 28 Dec. 4 Jan. 7 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 Jan. 18 Jan. 23 Jan. 3 Feb. 3 Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 28 Feb. 9 Mar. 16 Mar. 18 Mar. 1 April 4 April 2 May 11 May 19 May 2 June 4 June 11 June 11 June 13 June 24 June 24 June 21 June 21 June 8 July 9 July 19 July 22 July 22 July Elizabeth and Jane the children of Eichard Eawe Jane d. of John Chaplaine Eemfrey s. of James Yyncent John s. of Christopher Darr Johane d. of William Hawke Pethroke s. of John Trevenan Margerie d. of John Teake Walter s. of Eichard Eyst Johane d. of Henrie Anhey Marie d. of John Sprey Alse d. of John Cowarde Jane d. of John Stephen Elizabeth d. of Jane Eosegan Marten s. of John Hyndyrorke Eichard s. of Eobert Yicar Udie s. of one Campie Thomas his mother named Johane Humphrey s. of Henrie Udie Henrie s. of John Hawke Henrie s. of Thomas Jenyn James s. of Manuell Eoger Eobert s. of Eobert Jolliffe Johane d. of Henrie JollitF Eichard s. of John Brytaine John the mother Elizabeth Marten Henrie s. of Thomas Teake Jane d. of John Pabe Jane d. of Thomas Bennye Anno 1548. Jane d. of Stephen Benny Thomas s. of Edward Meri- feild Jane d. of Allen Whytte John 8. of Eichard Cregon Thomas s. of John Nanskevell Agnes d. of William Bennett Jane d. of John Melvis Jane the mother Elizabeth Marke Henrie s. of Pascowe Anhey William b. of Eobert Gwyn- nowe John s. of Henrie Pluysie Jane d. of Walter Meryfeild Pastha bastard the mother Jane Marke John s. of James Halwoyer Henrie s. of John lllerie John and Bennett the children of John Joppe John 8. of John Illarie Alson d. of Jenken Eowse Eobert s. of John Trelud- drowe 1548-50.] BAPTISMS. 5 13 Aug. Lawrence the motlier called Katlierine 18 Aug. Dorothie d. o£ Udie Typpett 19 Aug. John 8. of Marten Dyer 4 Sep. John s. of Thomas Tyler 8 Sep. Henrie bastard the mother named Margerie Aim 20 Sep. John s. of John NichoUs 17 Sep. Jane d. of John Eowse 18 Sep. John e. of Mark e William 21 Sep. Joh I 8. of John Bennett 21 Sep. Margaret d. of Thomas Eogers 21 Sep. Alse d. of Thomas Eawlinge 3 Oct. Olyff d. of Eichard Spraye 10 Oct. James s. of Edward Lawrence 22 Oct. Jane d. of Eichard Eawe 21 Oct. Marke s. of Stephen Lawrie 4 Nov. Eichard s. of John Milhyunyck 8 Nov. Jaue d. of John Horkey 8 Nov. William s. of John Jane 9 Nov. Jane d. of Eichard Kinge 11 Nov. Emblen d. of Eichard Sampson 14 Nov. Margerie d. of Harrie Leven 16 Nov. John s. of Eichard ffasher 10 Dec. Margerie d. of "William Jolliff 30 Dec. Katlierine d. of John Sadler 2 Jan. Jane d. of John Briham 4 Jan. Eobert s. of John Sewalsters 24 Jan. Jane d. of John Eobyn 30 Jan. Marie a bastard the mother Elizabeth Weaver 8 Feb. Margerie d. of Eaff Mirkett 12 Eeb. Eichard s. of one Cardewe 14 Feb. Jane d. of Stephen Jenyn 17 Feb. Jane d. of John Mauhire 22 Feb. James tlie father John Car- wethufF 4 Mar. John s. of William Bawden 10 Max. Elizabeth d. of Eobert Sexton 19 Mar. Elizabeth d. of AViUiam Phillep 22 Mar. William bastard the father John Will''^ Elsabeth 25 Mar. James s. of Marten Clyston Anxo 1549. 26 Mar. Constance d. of EichardNichoU 28 Mar. John s. of Eichard Torker 6 April Agnes d. of Thomas Trelud- drowe 7 April Eobert s. of John Calwaie 17 April Phillep d. of Thomas Jenyue 17 April Eichard s. of Eichard Eaw- linge 25 April Jane d. of Eobert Jenyne 23 -May Margerie d. of John Temple 30 May Tamson d. of John Bettie 9 June Thomas s. of John Jenyne 30 June Stephen s. of Eichard Eeve 4 July James s. of Eichard Nanconan 6 July John s. of William Mayhoue 8 July Elizabeth d. of John Spraye 21 July Olyff d. of Thomas Dasune 30 July Henrie s. of James Tounge 30 July John s. of James Younge 2 Aug. Johane d. of William Probose 10 Aug. Johane d. of Harrie Harter 13 Aug. Johane d. of Eobert Gwyn- nowe 21 Aug. George s. of James Weaver 15 Sep. Thomas s. of Eobert Tregona 21 Sep. John s. of Humphrey Staple 10 Oct. John the father Lallie JoUe 20 Oct. Pacience d. of William Haygar 19 Nov. Ursula d. of Thomas Eichard 27 Nov. Eobert s. of Christopher Darr 1 Dec. John s. of John Teake 1 Jan. Alse d. of Harrie Opie 8 Jan. John s. of Stephen PascoAve 8 Jan. Harrie s. of Stephen Pascowe 11 Jan. Jaue d. of John Cardewe 15 Jan. Katherine d. of James Eosegau 1 Feb. Thomas s. of Johu Davie 2 Feb. Henrie s. of John Nanskevell 3 Feb. William s. of Walter Merifeild 3 Feb. Thomas s. of John Campie 5 Feb. Tamson d. of John Pabe 15 Mar. Johane d. of James Yyncent 18 Mar. William s. of Thomas Marke 22 Mar. Agnes d. of Mathew Dyar 25 Mar. William s. of Marke Bennett Anno 1550. 30 Mar. Jane the mother Bresitie ffolett 13 April AVilliam s. of John Copithorue 8 May Jane d. of Eichard Eawlinge 8 May Margarett d. of Eichard Eaw- linge 25 May Margaret d. of John Eplett 24 June Jaue d. of John Yedd 30 June Jane d. of John Chaplaine 17 July Blanch d. of Eichard Osborne 19 July Bawden d. of John Moyle 19 July Alise d. of John Moyle 1 Aug. Eobert s. of John Hetherd 2 Aug. Emblen d. of Thomas Scryvener 23 Aug. Alse the father John Clemow 30 Aug. Katherine d. of Johu Stephen 31 Aug. Agnes bastard the father Wal- ter Creppe 7 Sep. Blanch d. of Eichard NichoU 24 Sep. Elizabeth d. of John Clemowe 28 Sep. Elinor d. of Edward Meryfeild 1 Oct. Thomas s. of John Dyar 9 Oct. Johu ffather William James 23 Oct. Jaue d. of Harrie Laven 29 Oct. Jaue d. of Eichard Nicholas THE EEGISTERS OP ST. COLUMB MA JOE. [1550-2. 8 Not. Harrie s. of AVilliaiu Jolliff 9 Nov. ffrauuce s. of Kichard Fysher 21 Nov. Harrie s. of John Nicholas 27 Nov. Margaret d. of James Youngo 30 Nov. John 3. of John Melhynnocke 22 Dec. AVilliaui s. of Edward Eichard 28 Dec. Christoplaer a. of Manuell Eoger 6 Jan. Eichard s. of Jolm Hawke 17 Jan. Eobert s. of Udie Hodge 21 Jan. Tiiomas s. of Thomas Dyar 22 Feb. Marg. d. of Juhn Sprey 24 Feb. John s. of Henrie Eowse 5 Mar. Eichard s. of Udie Lawrence 10 Mar. John s. of John Vyvian 15 Mar. John s. of John Menhire 15 Mar. Jane d. of ffraunce Adam 18 Mar. Thomas s. of Thomas Benny e Akno 1551. 29 Mar. Paslhue d. of Eichard Sprey 6 April Harrie s. of John Strongman 9 April John s. of Eichard Eawe IL April John s. of John Jane 16 April James s. of Pauscow Anhey 17 April Sciprians. of Juhn Treluddrow 22 April Thomas s. of John Bryhand 2.0 April Johane d. of John Sutton 26 April John s. of John Calwaye 26 April Johane d. of John Weaver 8 May Jane d. of John Nanskevell 23 May "William s. of Eichard Nan- con an 31 May Udie father John Adam 8 June Eichard s. of Eichard Kinge 18 June Umphrey s. of Thomas Ollye 26 June Thomas s. of Stephen Bennye 2 July Katherine s. of John Davie 12 July Phillep s. of William Hodge 19 July Honor d. of Eobert Sexton 25 July Tamson d. of James Eawe 26 July Johane d. of Eobert Udie 6 Aug. Christopher s. of Eichard Eaw- linge 23 Aug. Eichard b. of Eichard Nicholl 24 Aug. Mariett d. of John Braye 30 Aug. John s. of John Horkie 30 Aug. John s. of John Belkie 31 Aug. Eichard s. of John Batt 2 Sep. Harrie s. of Harrie Haycrefte 2 Sep. Alse d. of Thomas Calwaie 16 Sep. Also d. of William Bawden 20 Sep. Eichard s. of Eichard Tarker 22 Sep. Stephen s. of Stephen Lawrie 4 Oct. Harrie s. of Thomas Jenyue 4 Oct. Stephen s. of Antouie Eawe 21 Oct. AVilliam s. of Cost Cardew 26 Oct. Eemfrey s. of Harrie Phluyesie 1 Nov. Stephen s. of Stephen Abraham 9 Nov. John s. of Eobert Gwynnowe 29 Nov. Margaret d. of Jendgken Adam 29 Nov. John s. of Eaff Bishopp 6 Nov. John s. of Eichard Typpett 18 Dec. Alse d. of Eichard Eyst 1 Jan. Eichard s. of Martyn Clyston 3 Jan. ffrauuce s. of Cliristopher Darr 7 Jan. William s. of Harrie Opie 24 Jan. Alse father one Davy 24 Jan. Tamson d. of Thomas Jenken 28 Jan. James s. of Eichard John Eichard 4 Feb. Eemfrey s. of William Pears 22 Feb. Jane d. of Eichard Eysowas 5 Mar. Anne d. of Eichard tfysher 13 Mar. Thomas s. of William Toake 24 Mar. William s. of William Bennett Anno 1552. 1 April Harrie s. of John Campie 3 April Johane d. of John Ornoll 3 April IMargerie d. of John Ornoll 20 April Eichard s. of John Jenyne 20 April Eobert s. of John Jenyne 22 April John s. of John Wylbie 5 May Alse d. of Marke Williams 6 May Eobert s. of Humfrey Staple 6 May Johane d. of Humfrey Staple 11 May Eichard s. of John Pabe 12 May John s. of ffrauuce Adam 16 May Phillep d. of John Eichard 20 May James s. of William Phillopp 21 June Harrie s. of ffrauuce Typpett 11 July Mellior d. of John James 8 Aug. ffrauuce s. of Eemfrey Grosse 10 Aug. John s. of Thomas Bond 5 Sep. Johane d. of Bennett Mowne 22 Oct. John s. of John Edye 23 Oct. Phillep d. of Jefferie Allan 5 Nov. Johane d. of Harrie Eosogan 7 Nov. Kathex'ined. of Eobert Tregona 7 Nov. Thomas s. of Eobert Tregona 20 Nov. Johane d. ofj Harrie La\ ein 27 Nov. James s. of John Stephen 30 Nov. Eichard s. of James Younge 18 Dec. Mylson d. of Eobert Gwen- nowe 31 Dec. John s. of John Copithorne 22 Jan. John s. of John Bettie 2 Feb. Agnes d. of Eichard Pearse 12 Feb. Tamson d. of Stephen Bennye 12 Feb. Scipriau s. of Stephen Baker 13 Feb. Margerie d. of John Waren 16 Feb. Jane d. of John Hawke 20 Feb. Katherine d. of John Trewen 23 Feb. Eichard s. of John Skrevenor 23 Feb, Jane d. of John Eplett 1552-4 AOT) 71.] BAPTISMS. 23 Feb. Margerie d. of John Torwaye 5 Mar. Katherine d. of John Wene 19 Mar. John s. of Richard Nicholas Anno 1553. 9 April Jane d. of John Trenowth 1 May Katherine d. of Eobert Jenyne 7 May Jane d. of John Nicholas 11 May CoQstantine s. of Richard Nan- conan Marian d. of Thomas Jenyne John s. of Marke Williams Honor d. of Robert Sexton John s. of Harrie Pollard John s. of AVilliam Marten John s. of Antonie Rawe Jane d. of Ots Bennett Agnes d. of John Merifeild Tamson d. of Pascowe Anhaye Richard s. of Lallow Jolle Harrie s. of Edward Merifeild ffraunce s. of Richard Rawe Jane d. of John Vyncent Katherine d. of Richard Blake Thomas s. of John Chaplaine Harrie s. of Thomas Hawke Richard s. of Henrie Rowse Barbara d. of John Nankevell Margerie d. of John Anhey Peternoll d. of William Ager Jane d. of John Carter Jane d. of William Estas Jane d.. of Richard Ryssewas John s. of William Cocke Grrace d. of John Browne John s. of Remfrey Hawke Elizabeth d. of John Braye Olyff d. of John Braye Nowell s. of John Tom Robert John s. of Harrie Heycrefte John s. of James Younge Julian s. of Harrie Artor Margerie d. of Thomas Benny Elizabeth d. of Harrie Artor Jane d. of Richard Sprey John s. of Thomas Tyer John s. of William John Thomas 24 Eeb. William s. of John Warron 28 Eeb. William s. of Mathew Dyar 11 Mar. John s. of William John 4 Mar. William s. of John Strongman 11 Mar. Tamson d. of William Hodge 16 M ar. John s. of Thomas Jeuken 18 Mar. Johane d. of John Nancolas Anno 1554. 1 April Harrie s. of Regnolde Laven 5 April William and Thomas sons of TJdie Skeberen 6 April John s. of Robert Grwynnowe 11 April Humphreys, of James Vyncent 13 April Olyff d. of Richard Torker 30 April Richard s. of Manuell Roger 9 May Tamson d. of Richard Bylky 15 May John s. of Phillep Rosegan 18 May Emblen d. of John Jenynye 18 May Thomas s. of Robert TJdie 23 May Agnes d. of Richard Rowe 28 May Jane d. of Thomas Calwaye 2 June Christopher s. of John Batt 2 June John s. of John Calwaye 11 .June Robert s. of John Pabe 7 July Elizabeth d. of John Men- hynnycke 9 July Alse ffather Thomas Watte 13 July Jenefer d. of Robert Boso- warne 13 Aug. John s. of G-eorge Horkie 18 Aug. John s. of Thomas Ollye 28 Aug. John s. of Udie Hodge 4 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Symon John 16 Sep. Richard s. of Jenken Adam 20 Sep. Richard s. of Marke Williams 12 Oct. *G : s. of Pascowe Clalyne 14 Oct. Johane d. of Harrie Laven 16 Oct. *H: s. of John Trelud- drowe 20 Oct. *J : s. of Stephen Abraham \_Tlie names of those wJto were baptised in the rest of the year 155-i were lost or not registered, and from that yere itntill the theirteen yere of the reigne of our most graciovs Sovereign Ladie Qvene Elizaheth that nowe is were lyhwise lost or not wryten. Bxd here followe the names of those that were haptised sythence the yere of our Lord God 1571.] Anno 1571. 2 April Thomas s. of Richard Toker 4 April Alse d. of Richard Tremaine 16 April Honor d. of Richard Browne 22 April Pascowe s. of John Langdon 2 May Pascowe s. of John Langdon 20 May Richard s. of Richard Calwaie 6 July Robert s. of Robert Clobert 10 July Richard s. of George JMay- hewe 14 July Thomas s. of Thomas Rawe 14 Aug. Marye d. of Ots Meryfeild 10 Sep. Constanc d. of Harrie Typpett 19 Sep. Richard s. of Richard Vyyian 23 Sep. Agnes d. of Richard Teake 23 Sep. Thomas s. of Thomas Jenkyn * Sic. THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1571-4. 8 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Alexander PawUe 1 Nov. Coluinba d. of Thomas Stephen 5 Xov. Johaiie d. of Thomas Pell 3 Nov. Coluinbad. of Richard Ryse'was 10 Nov. Al.se d. of Thomas Locke 20 Dec. Alse d. of William Vivian 4 Jan. Honor d. of Harrie Sexton 12 Jan. Johaue d. of John Clarke 29 Jan. James s. of George Marke 25 Feb. Katherine d. of Richard Gylle 27 Feb. Alse d. of John Randell 10 Mar. Honor d. of Richard Lukye 12 Mar. Katherine d. of Humphrey Ed- ward 14 Mar. Johane d. of Thomas Hyxt AifNO 1572. 1 April Edward s. of John Bennett 3 April Humphrey s. of John Skynner 4 April John s. of John Adam 6 April John e. of Richard Pearse 12 April Richard s. of Jefferie Allen 12 April Johane d. of "William Tamlen 3 May John s. of Robert Calwaye 10 3Iay Thomas s. of Roger Maben 2 June Richard s. of James Williams 2 June Robert s. of Robert Phillep 6 July MoUiar d. of Robert Auhaye G July Jolm s. of Richard Norton 2i July Johane d. of John Lyttacott 19 Aug. John s. of John Langdon 28 Aug. Gregorie s. of John Darr 2 Sep. Johane d. of Nicholas Cardewe 10 Sep. Johane d. of Robert Jenyne 22 Sep. Autonie s. of William Rawe 24 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Harrie Geyne 25 Sep. Thomas s. of Humphrey Knight 12 Oct. John 8. of John Baylie 22 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Robert Sadler 2 Nov. Richard s. of Richard Oxenham 10 Dec. John mother Margerie Marten 10 Jan. Alse d. of Harrie Laven 28 Jan. Ursula d. of George Maike 10 Feb. Joliane d. of John Nicholas 12 Feb. John s. of John Roscorla IG Feb. Elizabeth d. of Harrie Adam 20 Feb. John s. of Thomas Stephen 26 Feb. John s. of Thomas Vesey 7 ^lar. John mother AulyfF Torker 8 JNIar. Mylson d. of Alexander Pawll 9 Mar. Thomas s. of Humphrey Yyn- cent 11 l\[ar. Elizabeth d. of Nowell Mayhew 20 Mar. John a. of Thomas Nicholas A>rNO 1573. 27 Mar. John s. of John Pabe 28 Mar. William s. of Richard Blake 12 April Hugh s. of Thomas 24 Mar. Olyf d. of Richard Nicholas 3 May Dorothie d. of John Strongman 24 May Phillep d. of John Retallecke 18 June Robert mother Margerie Ed- wards 19 June Thomas s. of George Mayhowe 12 July Elizabeth d. of John Vallyes 15 July John s. of Richard Vivian 23 July Johane d. of Otes Merifeild 2 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Humphrey Rowse 7 Aug. Pacienc d. of John Cocken 9 Aug. John s. of John Ryse 15 Aug. Malachie mother Anne Edward 20 Aug. Lowdie d. of Thomas Tre- lawgan 2 Sep. Tamson mother Johane Jenken 18 Sep. AVilliam s. of John Langdon 18 Sep. John s. of John Collinges 21 Oct. John a. of Roger Maben 22 Oct. Jcihane d. of Thomas Tyfford 23 Oct. John mother Richowe Chap- liuge 18 Nov. John s. of Richard Nanconan 4 Dec. Oliife d. of John Peane 18 Dec. Honor d. of John Sprey 7 Jan. Harrie s. of Thomas Tyer 14 Jan. *Syx... d. of ffrance Nanconan 22 Jan. Polhoricke mother Honor Toa- ker 8 Feb. Johane d. of John Torker 14 Mar. Thomas s. of Robert Phillepp Anno 1574. 10 April Richard a. of Richard Oxen- ham 30 April Tamson mother Anne Robyn 2 May John s. of John Cardew 10 May Johaue d. of Robert Marke 9 June Thomas s. of Humphrey Ma- nuell 20 July William s. of Thomas Hawke 30 July Olvff d. of John Geyne 23 Aug. Olyff d. of Richard Vyvian 26 Aug. John s. of John Retallacke 30 Aug. James s. of Nowell Mayhowe 20 Sep. AVilliam s. of John Pearse 3 Oct. if i-aunces and John sons of Nicholas Treman 3 Oct. John s. of Richard Teake 14 Oct. Mellior d. of John Baylie 20 Oct. Richard a. of Roger Maben 20 Oct. Johaue d. of Robert Roger 20 Oct. Richard s. of John Skynner * Sic. BAPTISMS. 7 Nov. Peter s. of John Ryse 1 Dec. Johaue d. of Jolin Nuttle 5 Dee. Tamson d. of Jolin Adam 5 Dec. Johane d. of Bennett Eoskeen 20 Dec. Margerie d. of John Engrosse 27 Dec. John s. of Thomas Jenken 12 Jan. Eeginold s. of Richard Scrj- venor Peternell d. of John Langdon John s. of William Pell Grrace d. of John Eunnell Ursula d. of Eichard Pearse Johane d. of Humphrey Vyn- cent fflorenc d. of William Eawe Alse d. of Eichard Nicholas Thomas s. of Thomas Stephens Nicholas s. of Thomas Hawke AxjTO 1575. 29 Mar. Margerie d. of Nicholas Car- dewe 2 April William s. of Eichard Julie 5 April Joyes d. of John Lyttacott 25 31ay Johane d. of Thomas Howell 3 June Johane d. of Thomas Teake 7 June Eobert s. of Greorge Mayhowe 10 June Trystram s. of Henrie Grwyn- uowe 10 June John s. of Eobert Anhey 12 June Barnabas s. of Harrye Sex- ton Alse d. of Eobert Kent Johane d. of John Cardewe Susan d. of Eobert Calwaye Margerie d. of Thomas Tyer Agnes d. of Eobert Calwaie Eichard s. of Harrie Adam Thomas s. of ffraunce Eawe Johane d. of Harrie Geyne Tamson d. of Eemfrey Eowse Johane d. of Otes Meryfeild Alse d. of Eeynold Pawlle Eobert s. of John Darr Eobert s. of Jefterie Allen Thomas s. of James Williams Elizabeth mother Erne Nicholas Honor d. of Eobert Cornishe Nicholas s. of George Marke Harrie mother Anne Eawe Marie mother Jane Calwaie William s. of John Yalleyes Marke s. of John Scorler Bennett s. of John Langdon Harrie s. of Thomas Cocken Eaff s. of Thomas Nickes Johane d. of Thomas Eowe John mother Alse Edward Anno 1576. 4 April William s. of Eichard Ibbett 6 April Eichard s. of Eobert Locke 18 April Eichard s. of John Carter gent. 18 May Alse d. of Thomas Trelowgan 2-1 May Mylson d. of Harrie Gascoyne 30 May Maude d. of Eichard Sprey 7 June William s. of Eichard Bennye 18 June Peternell mother Tamson Dy- mont 12 July Edward s. of Eoger Maben 23 July ffraunces s. of John Eyse 24 July Johane d. of John Knight 30 July William s. of Thomas Merifeild 10 Aug. Isott d. of Eichard Moylle 10 Aug. Eobert s. of Eichard Lawrence 11 Aug. Johane mother Johane Steven 12 Aug. Symon mother Anne Edward 19 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Eichard Oxen- ham 12 Sep. Michaell son of Humphrey Manuell 2 Oct. Margarett d. of John Peane 3 Oct. Alse d. of Otes Meiyfeild 1 Nov. Emblen d. of Petherick Pernell 1 Nov. ffraunces s. of John Snell 10 Nov. Thomas s. of Thomas Hawke 27 Nov. Phillep d. of John Lyttacott 2 Dec. Brigett d. of John Davie 22 Dec. John s. of Thomas Treblesende 23 Dec. Johane d. of John Knight 26 Dec. Jane mother Agnes Jane 30 Dec. Susan d. of Sampson Morcombe 6 Jan. Harrie s. of William Browne . 12 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Walter Eawe 24 Jan. William s. of Eichard Hawke 30 Jan. Harrie s. of Eichard Nicholas 31 Jan. John s. of Thomas Nuttle 4 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Eobert Calwaie 8 Feb. John s. of John Cocken 20 Feb. Eichard s. of Thomas Jenken 28 Feb. Avis d. of Eobert Kent 3 Mar. Eichard s. of Harrie Sampson 3 Mar. Bennett s. of John Horwell 10 Mar. Tamson d. of George Mayhowe 21 Mar. Margarett d. William Tredy- nycke 21 Mar. Thomas s. of Thomas Howett 24 Mar. Ibbett bastard mother Kate- ryne Collys Anno 1577. 8 April Johane d. of Humphrey Vyn- cent 9 April Eichard s. of John Adam 14 April Harrie s. of Harrie Eoam 20 April Olyffe d. of Eobert Moyses 7 May Katherine d. of Thomas Hawke c 10 THE -REGISTEES OF vST. COLrMB MAJOE. [1577-80. 14 May 21 ]\ray 25 :^[aV 25 :May 30 May 10 June 4 June ] 1 June 22 June 30 June 30 June 8 July 12 July 30 July 24 Aug. 30 Aug. 1 Oct. 3 Oct. 26 Oct. 1 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Dec. 20 Dec. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Jan. 10 Feb. 15 Feb. 3 Mar. 15 Mar. 24 Mar. 4 April 20 April 1 May 28 May 28 May 30 May 31 May 9 June 12 June 20 June 9 July 21 July 6 Aug. 22 Aug. 31 Aug. 7 Sep. 15 Sep. 20 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Ricliarrl Edye John s. of Robert Williams IMarie d. of Kobert Rosegan Pentecost d. of said Kobert Rosegan Richard s. Robert John John 8. of Richard Ryst John 8. of fl'rauncos Nanconan John 8. of Humphrey Tremayne Elinor d. of (ieorge Marke John s. of Nicholas Trehemban Pascow s. of Nicholas Trehen- ban Richard s. of John INlathew Katherine d. of AVilliam Rawe Elizabeth d. of Thomas Teake Mylson d. of Henrie Gwynnowe Thomas s. of John Skynner ffraunce s. of John A^yon Marie d. of Nicholas 'Cardew Thomas s. of Richard Blake Richard s. of Thomas Vesey John s. of James Wylliams Peter s. of John Scrybende Phillep s. of John Knight Jeuefer d. of John Cardewe Phillep d. of John Tresawell John s. of Richard Teag Tamson d. of Robert Jolle John s. of Richard Moylle Johane d. of John Payne Johane d. of Harrie Hawke Thomas s. of John Toker Katherine mother Christian Hydon Anno 1578. Johanne d. of John Nankevell Johane d. of Harrie Meryfeild John s. of John Moyle John s. of James Chapleyne Christopher s. of James Chap- leyne Johane mother Agnes Putford Richard s. of John Calwaye Syslie d. of Harrie Sexton Temperance d. of Nicholas Ti-e- sylian Petlierick s. of John Snell Lovdie d. of Thomas Jenkin Richard s. of George Marke Thomas s. of John Langdou Harrie mother one Jane William s. of Wylliam G-rosse William mother Jane Chap- leyne Thomas s. of John Adam Molliar d. of Richard Torken 21 Sep. Honor d. of Richard Screvener 21 Sep. Dorothie d. of John Moiihire 25 Oct. Frsula d. of Jefferic Allen 26 Oct. TNIargarett d. of Thomas Clarke 7 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Vyviau [In December, Jannarw, ffebruarie, Anno p'divte, theire were none baptysed or ells not ritjijsfcrrd.'] 10 Mar. Olyffe d. of Thomas Meryfeild 21 Mar. Margerie d. of John Nicholas 23 Mar. John mother Johane Symon Anno 1579. 29 Mar. John s. of John Rescott 29 Mar. Einblen d. of Humphrey Ma- nuell 12 April Katherine d. of Robert Cornish 25 April Agnes d. of William Clarke 20 April Olyfle mother Olyff Tooker 4 May Edward s. of Richard Hawke 20 June Margarett d. of John NichoU 29 June John s. of John Carter gent. 2() July John son of John Adam 20 Aug. Pethericke s. of John Snell 15 Sep. Ibbet d. of Richard Sprey 25 Sep. John s. of John Nicholl 8 Oct. Olyffe d. of Thomas Meryfeild [In November and December Anno pdlct there were none baptysd or ells none regy(!tercd.'\ 22 Jan. Richard the mother Emblen Roode 2 Feb. John s. of John Moylle 13 Feb. Maude d. of Robert Calwaie 13 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Robert JollyfE 9 Mar. ffraunce s. of Sampson Mor- combe Anno 1580. 31 Mar. Emblen d. of Thomas Vivian 6 April Barbara d. of Richard Williams 8 April Richard s. of John Bouython gent* G May William s. of Lawrence Jobb 23 May John s. of Robert Moyses 2 June Johane d. of ffraunce Typpett 11 June Raffe s. of Stephen Abraham 11 July John s. of Richard Abraham 26 July Thomas s. of John Davie 21 Aug. George s. of Humphrey Nan- kevell 4 Sep. Johane d. of one Bastylen 7 Sep. Nicholas s. of one Bastien 8 Sep. Thomas s. of Pethericke Pernell 18 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Waterf Stephens 17 Oct. Johns, of a certan power begger * By his wife Eleanor dau. "and co-heir of Wm. Myllyton. t Sic for Walter. 1580-2.] BAPTISMS. 11 21 Oct. Agnes d. of John Lukie 25 Oct. Johane d. of Humplirey Ed- ward 17 Nov. John s. of Humphrey Vyncent 25 Nov. E-ichard s. of Richard Blake 11 Dec. Honor d. of John Retallecke 12 Dec. Johane d. of a certen power beggar 17 Dec. John and Johane children of Michell Harrie 3 Jan. Margarett d. of Thomas Daye 18 Feb. Pethericke s. of Bichard Re- nolds 20 Feb. William s. of Harrie Hawke 25 Feb. "William s. of Eenolde Pawle 25 Feb. Anne d. of John Tounge 1 Mar. James s. of Nowell Mathew 2 Mar. James s. of John Carter gent. Anno 1581. 2 April William s. of Eemfrey Bowse 14 May John s. of Bichard Norton 28 May John s. of John Norton 4 June John s. of Marke Lowry 18 July Alse d. of James Scrarraborow 22 July Johane d. of Davie Congdon 3 Aug. William s. of John Mayhow 6 Aug. Johu s. of John Horkie 8 Aug. Harrie s. of John Bawe 20 Aug. Robert s. of ffraunce Calwaie 1 Sep. Elizabeth d. of ffraunce Nan- conan 10 Sep, Marye d. of Bobert Calwaye 12 Oct. Jane d. of George Marke 22 Oct. William base borne the mother Barbara Eplett 3 Nov. Barbara d. of Nicholas Whyte 30 Nov. Johu s. of William Wylls 18 Dec. Nicholas s. of Thomas Bowe 21 Dec. Johu s. of Bichard Copithorne 23 Dec. Christopher s. of Humphrey Manuell 28 Dec. Alse d. of John Calwaye 8 Jan. Katharine d. of John Adam 10 Jan. Elizabeth d. of John Maye 13 Jan. Qe s. of Bobert Lantell 24 Jan. Elizabeth d. of William Clarke 27 Jan. Anne d. of John Laugdou 30 Jan. John s. of Thomas Vyvian 31 Jan. Harrie s. of Bobert Eoger 5 Feb. Boger s. of Thomas Davie 17 Feb. Olyff d. of Degorie Stubbs 26 Feb. Thomas his mother sister of Thomas Tyer 5 Mar. Thomas s. of Bennett Calwaye 7 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John Bowse 10 Mar. William s. of Humphrey Vyn- cent 12 Mar. Elizabeth d. of James Jenken 12 Mar. Honor d. of John Pollard 18 Mar. Antonie s. of John Davie 19 Mar. Thomas s. of Bemfrey Grrosse Anno 1582. 1 April Nicholas s. of Bichard Hame 8 April Zenobia d. of Thomas Maryf eild 11 April John s. of Bobert Custoller 12 April Katherine d. of Humphrey Nankevell 22 April Bichard s. of Nicholas Tonken 3 May John s. of Bobert Jollyffe 13 June Marie d. of Pascow Pokyn- horne 14 June Johane d. of Thomas Olver 14 June Bichard s. of Bichard Spraye 14 June Pascow s. in law of Pascowe John 16 June Henrie s. of William Trethyn- nocke 21 July Johane d. of John Jolle 3 Aug. Marie d. of John Lawrie 5 Aug. Johu s. oE John Brabyn 10 Aug. Johane d. of John Torken 23 Aug. Johane d. of Bichard Cardew 20 Sep. Warne s. of Sampson Mor- combe 5 Oct. Emblen d. of John Snowe 9 Oct. John s. of Nicholas Drew 13 Oct. John the mother Katherine Grosse 14 Oct. Charles s. of John Carter gent. 15 Oct. Marten s. of John Valleys 28 Oct. Ambrose s. of Bichard Hawke 1 Nov. Tamson d. of Bichard Hodge 8 Nov. Bichard s. of Marten Behednoe 11 Nov. Johane d. of Harrie Meryfeild 22 Nov. Johane d. of Bobert Darr 30 Nov. John s. of Wylliam Wylls 1 Dec. Bichow and Eliz. daus. of John Manhire 3 Dec. Johane the mother Johane Bousovelle 7 Dec. Walter s. of John Roskeen 10 Dec. Thomas s. of John Phelpp 9 Jan. Marie d. of Lawrence Jobbe 11 Jan. Edmond s. of Robert Moyses 16 Jan. Margerie d. of Marke Lawrie 18 Jan. Margerie d. of Davye Congdon 18 Jan. Johane d. of Thomas Tennye 11 Feb. Richard and Pascow sons of John Younge 12 Feb. James and Richard sous of Thomas Jenyne 16 Feb. Thomas s. of William Braye 3 Mar. John s. of John Rowse 5 Mar. ffraunce s. of Johu Lukie 12 THE REGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1583-4. Asyo 1583. 18 April Jolm s. of John Moylle 3 May Richard s. of John Retallacke 4 May John s. of Pethericke Pernell 9 May Edward s. of Thomas Torken 12 May Scylie and one other bastarde to two women unknoweu 25 May John s. of Gregorie Lyttacotte 9 June Robert the mother a woman that was to Luke Lyttacotte 15 June James and Emblen the children of Robert Calwaye 10 July G . . . . (sic) d. of Nicholas Tresylian 10 July E (sic) d. of Richard Gyllard 17 Aug. Anne d. of Thomas Vyvian 17 Aug. Honor d. of Xowall Mayhow 19 Aug. Aune d. of John Rawe 24 Aug. Honor d. of Thomas Teage 10 Oct. Joliane d. of John Staple 27 Oct. Richard s. of William Rawe 28 Oct. Elizabeth d. of ffraunce Nan- conan 22 Nov. Arthur s. of John Carter gent. 1 Dec. John the mother Wylbnott Scobeld 4 Jan. Margerie d. of Stephen Harvie 12 Jan. Marie d. of Thomas Reve 20 Jan. Olvff d. of John Sprey 2G Jan. Anne d. of John Langdon 30 Jan. Jane d. of John Cardewe 1 Feb. John s. of Digorie Stubbs 6 Feb. Marye d. of a strange woman 9 Feb. Thomas s. of Richard Reve 11 Feb. Johane d. of James Lawrence 12 Feb. Jane d. of Marke Lawrie 26 Feb. John s. of John Adam 26 Feb. John and Johane the children of John Leverton 27 Feb. fflorence d. of Kenuell Calway 7 Mar. Henrie s. of James Jeukin 7 Mar. Petrouill d. of John George 15 Mar. John s. of Robert Jolly Anno 1584. 4 April IMarke s. of Rychard "Williams 11 April Elizabeth d. of WiUiam Copi- thorne 18 April Charity d. of John Knight 26 April Mary d. of John Davy 17 May Elizabeth d. of James Cornish 19 May Barbara d. of Remfrev Rowse 23 May WiDmott d. of William Tre- thiunocke 28 May Pethericke s. of Reiguold En- grosse 2 June William s. of Rychard Horky 4 June 11 June 16 June 21 June 14 June 11 July 14 July 18 July 19 July 26 July 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 14 Aug. 5 Aug. 16 Aug. 26 Aug. 1 Sep. 2 Sep. 6 Sep. 23 Sep. 24 Sep. 27 Sep. 3 Oct. 6 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 30 Oct. 25 Nov. 28 Nov. 10 Dec. 12 Dec. 17 Dec. 19 Dec. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 12 Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. 26 Jan. 1 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. Thomas s. of John Skinner Sisle d. of William Engrosse Thomas s. of Thomas Jenkin John s. of Antonie Smyth John s. of John Trembeth Thomas s. of Richard Copi- thorne Alse d. of ffraunce Calwaye Colomb s. of John Pollard Elizabeth d. of Richard Nuttle Barbara d. of Robert Roger Jane d. of John Kowalls John s. of Ste])heu Abraham Richard s. of John Peane Honor d. of John Paver John s. of Thomas Cocken Johane d. of Thomas Dyer Katherine d. of Thomas Dan- sone Elizabeth d. of Marten Rawe Susan d. of John Calway John s. of John Tcunye Marie d. of Humphrey Vyucent G"'' s. of Harrie Hawke Richard s. of Christopher Tre- sawlle Alse d. of John Suowe Anne d. of John Rowse Richard s. of John Tresawlle Lawrenc s. of John the Sadler Richard s. of John Younge Thomas s. of John Jenyne John s. of William Upcott Johane s. of William Braye Richard s. of John Langdon Olyffe d. of Thomas Vyvian John s. of John Nankevell Thomas s. of Robert Calwaie Richard the mother Margerie Trevythan Pascow and Hester children of Richard Norton Katherine d. of Nicholas Whytte John s. of Nicholas Rawe JMylson bastard child to the young Cocken George s. of Thomas Hodge D (sic) d. of Richard Michell Jane d. of John Bennett Emannuell s. of John Phillepp Peter and Arthur sons of Sampson Narren John s. of Robert Moyses Katherine d. of Tounge Laven Marke s. of Marke Laurie John s. of Thomas Yivyan Johane d. of Richard Sprey 1584-7.] BAPTISMS. 13 23 Feb. Margerie d. of Thomas Daye 25 Feb. Jane d. of John Baylie 28 Feb. Edward s. of Thomas Mery- feild 7 Mar. Pascoe d. of Margerie Tresony AK^fo 1585. 31 Mar. Jane d. of Thomas Olver 20 April Olyffe d. of Thomas Mery- feild 12 May John s. of John Brabyn 14 May Jane d. of John Moylle 18 May Eichard s. of Harrie Mery- feild 19 May Jane the mother Gi-race Knee- bone 4 June Johane d. of Christopher Mauuell 9 June Emblen d. of ffraunce Calwaye 20 June Elizabeth d. of Eobert Kentall 28 June Peter the mother Mary Scre- vener 4 July Thomas s. of Marten Behedno 9 July Katheriiie d. of John Grrace 7 Aug. Elizabeth d. of William fforgett 11 Aug. Nicholas s. of John Phillep 11 Aug. Pascae s. of John Darr 12 Aug. AVilliam s. of Marten Hamblie 18 Aug. James s. of "William Cooke 12 Sep. Richard s. of Eichard Eeyve 20 Oct. Johane d. of John Judde 30 Oct. William s. of John Eawe 1 Nov. Honor d. of John Carter gent. 3 Nov. Jane d. of Eichard Williams 7 Nov. Thomas the father John Loyb- bie 20 Nov. Thomas s. of Gregorie Lytta- cott 30 Nov. John s. of Harrie Hawke 30 Nov. Arthur s. of Eichard Pollard 30 Nov. Katherine d. of Eobert Locke 13 Dec. John s. of Harrie Typpett 26 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Eichard Oxuam 1 Jan. John s. of a power Irish begger 3 Jan. Johane d. of Nicholas Tucker 9 Jan. Johane d. of Johane Luky widows 10 Jan. Susan d. of John Snowe 12 Jan. Harrie s. of John Eowse gent. 18 Jan. William s. of John AVarren 6 Feb. John s. of William Tre- thnnycke 7 Feb. Dorothie d. of John Moylle 7 Feb. Barbara d. of Humphrey Edye 10 Feb. Harrie s. of John Lyttacott 11 Feb. Thomas s. of Eichard Marten 16 Mar. WiUiam s. of William Clarke 25 Mar. Embleu d. of Thomas Horkie 6 April 17 April 1 May 6 May 12 May 15 May 31 May 10 June 12 June 18 June 4 July 10 July 19 Jul> 20 July 15 Aug. 1 Sep. 5 Sep. 15 Sej). 23 Sep. 30 Sep. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 1 Nov. 12 Nov. 11 Dec. 15 Dec. 21 Dec. 31 Dec. 2 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 2 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Feb. 20 Mar. 24 Mar. 13 April 13 AprH 13 April 14 April 29 April 1 May 15 May 21 May 1 June 3 June 12 Aug. 12 Aug. Anno 1586. Thomas s. of John Eetallecke John s. of Thomas Daye Harrie s. of William Wills John s. of Eemfrey Eowse Zenobia d. of Petherick Pennell Elinor d. of feaunce Nanconan Harrie s. of Eobert Jolliffe Ursula d. of Thomas Vyvian William s. of John Brabyn John s. of Thomas Myll Marie d. of Marke Lawrie Agnes d. of Nowall Mayhowe Johane d. of Antonie Batten Elizabeth d. of Eichard Edii Jane the mother Elizabeth Coover William s. of John Peane Thomas s. of Thomas Teage John s. of Eichard Eowse John s. of Stephen the myller John s. of Eichard Hawke the younger Eobert s. of John Bennett Jane d. of William Copithorne Marie d. of Eichard Grylland Katherine d. of Martyu Eowe Jane d. of John Hey don John s. of John Tounge John the father Eobert Davie ffraunce d. of Eichard Daston: Marye d. of John Phillepp Margarett d. of George Horkie Anne d. of John Toker Honor d. of John Adam John s. of John Grace Marie d. of Jolm Staple William s. of Eichard Copi- thorne Jane d. of John Sprey Emblen d. of John Jerman Elizabeth the mother Olyff Hoper Anno 1587. Johane d. of John Cocke William s. of Eobert Calwaie Thomas s. of John Phillep of Lanevett Marie the mother Johane Luky Thomas s. of James Cornish Dorothie d. of John Phillep Julean s. of Eichard Moylle Josias s. of Eichard Pollard John s. of Eenold'Grosse Elinor d. of Henrie Daye Thomas s. of Eobert Moyses Jane d, of John Ejii^rht 14 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1587-9. 18 June Thomas s. of Sampson Mor- conibe 8 Oct. Katherine d. of Thomas Myll 8 Oct. Annies d. of liraunoe Anijjrosse 9 Oct. Thomas s. of James Hawke 24 Oct. Margarett d. of John Rawe 7 Nov. Remfrey s. of "William Eu- grosse IG Nov. Hughe s. of Mark Lawrie 23 Nov. Grace d. of Jolni Rowse 25 Nov. Elinor d. of Jolm Carter gent. 2G Nov. Alse d. of Thomas Baylie 8 Dec. Thomas s. of William Upcott 9 Dec. Thomas s. of William Lukie 10 Dec. Robert s. of John Pollard IG Dec. Agnes d. of John Lane 25 Dec. Thomas s. of John Brabyn 18 Jan. James s. of Richard Moylle 23 Jan. Katherine d. of John Moylle 81 Jan. Jane d. of John Heydon 7 Feb. Phillep d. of James Lawrauce 25 Feb. Tamson d. of John Bennett 27 Feb. Elinor d. of Harrie Meryfeild 6 Mar. Agnes d. of Richard Sprey 13 Mar. William s. of John Snowe Anno 1588. 3 April Pacyence d. of Richard Ox- nam 3 April Christopher the mother Mar- gery Rowe 7 April firaunce s. of Henrie Hadoke 12 April Richard s. of Robert Rodger 15 April Johane d. of Marfan dyer 21 April Roger s. of Degory Stubbs 3 May Mary d. of Nicholas Olver 5 May Henry s. of Richard Hawke 15 June Mary d. of Richard Williams 1-i July Mary d. of Petherick Pernell 14 July Catherine d. of John Moile 14 July Thomas s. of John Rensavell IG July AVilliam the mother Margaret Rowe 25 Aug. Dalliryver s. of boden Moyle 2G Aug. Mari d. of John Tubb 2 Sep. John s. of John Nankevell 15 Sep. Richard the mother one Eliza- beth Chaplain 8 Oct. Barbara d. of Thomas Vivian 19 Oct. John 8. of John Grace 28 Oct. William s. of Richard Gylberd 14 Nov. Richard s. of Rawe glover 16 Nov. Jane d. of Marke Retallecke 18 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Jolm Cardewe 24 Nov. John s. of Gregorie Lyttacott 25 Nov. Gregorie s. of John Vanson 20 Dec. G. s. of John Staple 22 Dec. Emanuel s. of a poure beggar 23 Dec. Jane child of young Kent 24 Dec. E. & G. children to Netlierton 19 Jan. Elizabeth d. of William Wylls 10 Feb. Johane d. of Pawlie Rawe 1 Mar. Richard s. of Nicholas Perken 11 Mar. Embleu d. of Richard Pollard 15 Mar. Richard s. of Thomas Teage 15 Mar. Phillep d. of John Younge 25 Mar. John s. of John Jollyffe Anno 1589. 4 April Honor d. of John Lyttacott 7 April Henrie s. of Richard Oxnara 14 April John s. of Thomas Meryfeild 16 April K. the mother Johane Engrosse 20 April Agnes d. of Christopher Batt 28 April Marie d. of Thomas Troblefeild 4 May Anne d. of John Brabyn 8 May Harrie s. of Richard Rowse the elder 22 May Phillep d. of John Skinner 17 May William s. of W^illiam Copi- thorue 25 May Humphrey s. of John Marke 4 June Antonie s. of John Mayhowe 22 June Katherine d. of Richard Levis 23 June Marten s. of Robert Dar 29 June Susan d. of John Davye 2 July John s. of John Rowe the younger 9 July Elizabeth d. of John Rowlyn 11 July Anne d. of Richard Copithorue 12 July E. s. of James Yallys 26 July Alse d. of John the thecher 27 July John s. of Phillep Thomas 3 Aug. Honor d. of John Geyne 10 Aug. Elizabeth d. of George Collings 20 Aug. Katherine d. of Henrie Tre- heuban 15 Aug. Richard s. of John Retallacke 20 Sep. Michell s. of John Carter gent 27 Sep. John and Tamson children of Richard Scrivener 8 Oct. Jane d. of Denys Wescott 16 Oct. Jane d. of Thomas Bennett 17 Oct. John s. of Harrie Dvar 18 Oct. Jane d. of Robert JoUiff 8 Nov. Elizabeth d. of John Jeuyne 11 Nov. Richard bastard the mother Jane Hengroke 16 Nov. Richard s. of Harrie Hawke 11 Dec. John s. of Thomas Daye 19 Dec. John s. of Thomas Brabyn 4 Jan. Margarett d. of James Cornish 6 Jan. Elizabeth d. of John Philleps 12 Jan. John s. of Thomas Baylie * Jan. Elizabeth d. of Reynold Grosse * Obliterated, 1589-91.] BAPTISMS. 15 20 Jan. Jane d. of Eobert Jolliffe 29 Jan. ffraunce s. of Eichard Hawke 31 Jan. Edward s. of William Upcott 7 Feb. Tamson the mother Johane Lnkie 11 Feb. Emblen d. of Marke Slogett 17 Eeb. Eobert s. of Eichard Moylle 20 Eeb. Jane d. of William Luke 24 Feb. William s. of Thomas Cocke 28 Feb. Katherine d. of WilHam G-yl- land 2 Mar. Harrie s. of John Tubb 9 Mar. William the mother Tamson Stoibey 11 Mar. John s. of Johane Maye 24 Mar. Jane d. of Sampson Morcombe Anko 1590. 5 April Jane d. of Stephen Harveye 19 April Margerie d. of John Eowe 21 April Barbara d. of Eichard Pollard 21 April John s. of John Eosogan 30 April William s. of Thomas Olver 27 April Andrew s. of Thomas Symon 12 May Eichow d. of ffraunce Eowe 4 June John s. of John Hyden 14 June John s. of Eichard Spray 15 June Charety d. of William Eendall 3 July Humphrey s. of John Pollard 6 July John s. of Eichard Drew 13 July Jane d. of Stephen Myllard 9 Aug. John s. of William Strongman 9 Aug. Thomas s. of ffraunce G-rosse 10 Aug. Eose d. of Thomas Greorge 11 Aug. Eoger s. of Eobert Williams 26 Aug. Honor d. of Eobert Calway 8 Sep. James s. of John Moylle 8 Sep. Thomas s. of John Snowe 9 Sep. Maud d. of Thomas Symon 17 Sep. Thomas s. of William Eoskod- gian 15 Sep. Elizabetb d. of Christopher Marifeild 20 Sep. Henrie s. of Eichard Moylle 16 Oct. Peternell d. of John Grace 17 Oct. Agnes d. of William Braye 19 Oct. Thomas s. of Nicholas Tonkin 20 Oct. Eowlen s. of Henrie Mery- ffeilde 26 Oct. Paskow s. of Thomas Vivian 21 Dec. William s. of Abraham Stephin 4 Jan. Susanna d. of John Lawrence 26 Dec. Eeygnold s. of Eichard Hawke 27 Jan. Jane d. of ffraunce GTrosse 12 Feb. Eeygnold s. of John Troblefeild 25 Feb. Mathy s. of William Wills 28 Feb. Harrie s. of John Haycreft 1 Mar. James s. of John Harding: of Eichard Copi- Anno 1591. 3 April Paskow s. of Marten Dier 18 April Eichow d. of Bcclen Moylle 18 April Elizabeth d. of Henry Dier 19 Api'il Eichard s. of Eichard Cardew 19 April Thomas s. of John Younge 30 April Eichard s. of Eichard Eow^se 2 May Elizabeth d. of Marke Lawry 9 May Harry s. of Nicholas Drew 12 May Anne d. of John Carter gent. 27 May Fraunce s. of Thomas Daye 29 May Constance d. of John Pears 6 June Eobert s. of Eobert Jolly 13 June Jane d. of James Hawke 26 June John s. of John Tyer 30 June Nowell s. of John Cornish 8 July Oily d. of Nicholas Vallis 15 July Eichow d. of Eichard Stephin 15 July Thomas s. of Sampson Braye 27 July John s. of John Tubbe 29 July John s. of Pawle Eawe 29 July Jane d. of William Copithorne 3 Aug. Eichard s. of Thomas Hodge 11 Aug. Blanch d. of William Treludder 12 Aug. Eempfrey s. of John Eowse 15 Aug. Agnes d. tlie father Eobert Davie 15 Aug. Marie d. thorne 19 Aug. Eichard s. of William JoUiff 20 Aug. Sycilie d. of John Horkie 25 Aug. Blanch the mother Elizabeth Whyte 27 Aug. Elizabeth d. of John NichoU 30 Aug. Stephen s. of Eichard Levies 21 Sep. John s. of John Kent 21 Sep. Harrie s. of Eichard Pollard 9 Oct. Eichow d. of GrregorieLyttacott 9 Oct. John s. of Eobert Williams 10 Oct. Jane d. of Dennys Wescott 13 Oct. Thomas the father John Mor- combe 17 Oct. Marten s. of Eicbard Duna- combe 25 Oct. Marie the father John Tre- geneder 25 Oct. John s. of Jolin Hydon 27 Oct. John s. of Eichard Eowse 27 Oct. Thomas s. of Eichard Williams 14 Nov. Pascow s. of Thomas Lange 14 Nov. John s. of Eichard Scryvenor 25 Nov. Thomas s. of Thomas Myll 26 Nov. Collumba d. of John Davie 29 Jan. Eichard s. of Thomas . . . .* 15 Feb. Valetyne the mother Margery Calway * A blank left. 16 THE EEaiSTERS OE ST. COLTJIMB MAJOR. [1591-4. 16 Eeb. Elizabeth d. of Bennett Ees- koan 12 Mar. Honor d. of John Blake Anno 1592. 1 April Elizabeth d. of John IMoylle 22 April Anne d. of John Geene 30 April Thomas s. of John Pathicke 11 May Katherine d. of John Grace 24 May Jane d. of John Marke 2 Jnne Robert s. of Stephen Trussall 14 Jnne Margery d. of Willam Gilberd 20 June Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Per- ken 3 July Honor d. of John Braye 25 July D (sie) d. of John Nankevell 31 July Richard s. of John Heycrafte 5 Aug. Richard s. of Richard Copi- thorne 8 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Hughe Sexton 15 Aug. Thomas s. of Nicholas Drewe 16 Aug. James s. of Marke Retallecke 27 Aug. Marye d. of Marten Dyar 29 Aug. Richard s. of Thomas Daye 21 Sep. Phillep d. of ffraunce Yeoman 24 Sep. Thomas s. of Thomas Symon 29 Sep. Richard s. of John Tonken 30 Sep. Margery d. of William Edward 2 Oct. John s. of James Vallyes 17 Oct. John s. of William Reskigian 7 Nov. Bennett s. of John Mayhow 12 Nov. Thomas s. of Ambrose Lawrye 20 Nov. Jane d. of Richard Hawke 26 Nov. Williams, of Thomas Naparrow 14 Dec. Richard s. of Antonie Pynnow 16 Dec. Robert s. of William Lukie 19 Dec. Honor d. of John Rawe 19 Dec. Janne d. of Richard Moylle 22 Dec. Eliz'ath Dier d. of Henrie Dier 9 June Nicholas s. of John Bennett 12 June James s. of John Cullocott of St. Annes* 14 June John the mother Margarett Trusoe 13 June John s. of Marten Bishoppe 20 Feb. Edward s. of John Carter gent. 19 Feb. John s. of G . . . D f 28 Feb. Thomas the mother Margarett Calw^ay 3 Mar. Gyllian d. of Harrie Hawke 18 Mar. John s. of Augustine the myller 18 Mar. Alse the mother Jennye Dyar 19 Mar. Nicholas the mother Johane Truscott 25 Mar. James s. of Edwarde Teage * This is really St. Agnes, commonly called in this neighbourhood St. Anne's. t Sic. Anno 1593. 29 :Mar. Elizabeth d. of Will'm Kendall 11 April Will'm s. of Will'm ITpcott 11 April John s. of Antonie Bui'lace 17 April Agnes d. of Thomas Meryfeild 28 April John s. of Reynolde Grosse 28 April Elizabeth d. of Bawden Moylle 30 April John s. of John Pollard 5 May Katherine d. of John Sprey 16 May Balthaser s. of Dennys Wescott 24 May Harrie s. of James Cornish 6 June John s. of Paskowe Tyfforde 10 June Richard s. of Richard Stephen 17 June Thomas s. of Thomas ]3rabyn 3 July Emblen d. of John Nicholas 14 July Thomas s. of John Pearse 20 July Elizabeth d. of Richard Hawke 22 July Marye d. of Richard Pearse 25 July IVIarie d. of John Copithorne 7 Aug. Martyn the mother Margarett Poll 9 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Thomas George 18 Aug. Harrie s. of John Heycrafte 5 Sep. Jane d. of Stephen .... 6 Sep. Robert s. of Thomas Myll 22 Sep. Johane d. of Alexander Hendra 29 Sep. Mychaell s. of Thomas Yyvian 2 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Robert Tynner 13 Oct. Johane d. of AVilliam Gilberd 24 Oct. Marten s. of Richard Rowse 30 Oct. Hughe s. of John Lae 20 Nov. Johane d. of John Phillep 9 Dec. Robert s. of Harrie Trehemben 27 Dec. Johane d. of John Wylliams 13 Jan. Harrie s. of John Tyer 31 Jan. Margaret d. of Richard Lovey 2 Feb. Harrie s. of John Tounge 4 Feb. Thomas s. of Thomas Baylyff 7 Feb. Agnes d. of John Nankevell 8 Feb. Johane d. of Will'm Rawlinge alias Wylls 8 Feb. Barbara d. of John Moylle 24 Feb. James s. of Richard Wylliams 3 Mar. Joyes d. of John Thacher 3 Mar. Honor the mother one Jsett a poore woman 8 Mar. Will'm and Richow the children of John Maye 14 Mar. Margerie d. of John Davye 20 Mar. Will'm s. of James Hawke Anno 1594. 20 Mar. Thomas s. of Robert Mylland 25 Mar. Alson d. of Richard Letha 25 Mar. Cheston d. of Richard Rowse 27 April Thomas s. of Thomas Daye 29 April Joyes d. of Edward Teage 30 April Richard s. of Will'm Edward 1594-6.] BAPTISMS. 17 1 May Robert s. o£ Will'm Jolliffe 1 May Richard s. of Will'iu Thomas 12 May Elizabeth d. of Thomas Mery- feild 23 May Richard s. of ffrance Engrosse 7 June Bennett s. of John Rowse 7 June Maude d. of John Kent 28 July Alse d. of Will'm Gylberd the elder 1 Aug. Edward the mother Marie Karke alias Clutou 6 Aug. Grrace d. of Richard Copithorne 11 Aug. Robert s. of G-regorie Lyttacott 11 Aug. Michaell s. of Rawlyu Gary 13 Aug. Thomas s. of Antonie Hoskyn 18 Aug. Henrie s. of Nicholas Thomas 28 Aug. John s. of Stephen Trusscott 28 Aug. Johane d. of John Hydon 30 Aug. Will'm s. of John Heycrefte 5 Sep. John s. of Thomas Bennett 1 Nov. Henrie s. of Thomas Lange 7 Nov. Henrie s. of Stephen Myllerd 7 Nov. Typhenie d. of Sampson Braye 23 Nov. Dorothie d. of Pawlie Rawe 25 Dec. John s. of John Geene 13 Jan. Honor d. of John Ravv^e 25 Jan. John s. of John Braye 27 Jan. Jane d. of Water Smyth 2 Feb. Pascow d. of Thomas Myll 21 Eeb. John s. of Martyn Dyar 27 Feb. George s. of Sampson Mor- combe 14 Mar. Charitie d. of Hughe Sexton 14 Mar. John s. of John Staple 25 Mar. Honor d. of Martyn Bishoppe Aj^^no 1595. 21 April Richard s. of Richard Carter 22 April Roger s. of Thomas Wythell 4 May Pascowe s. of Richard Hawke 20 May John s. of Lallow Nicholas 15 June George s. of Stephen Tubbe 28 June Thomas s. of Harrie Hawke 29 June Elizabeth d. of John Torker 5 July Honor d. of John Younge 14 July Honor d. of Nicholas Pearse 17 July Thomas s. of John Lae 18 July Barbara d. of Henrie Dyer 18 July Thomas s. of Bawden Moylle 20 July Anne d. of John Knight 28 July Margaret d. of John Geene 3 Aug. Elinor d. of Nicholas Drewe 17 Aug. Richard s. of Thomas Vivian 17 Aug. Nicholas s. of Thomas Daye 23 Aug. Martyn s. of John Mayhowe 28 Aug. Marie d. of John Grace 31 Aug. Will'm s. of John Tubbe 2 Sep. Marten s. of Edward Teage 18 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Lavyn 26 Sep. Harrie s. of John Heycrafte 28 Sep. Nicholl d. of William Kendall 28 Sep. Richard s. of John Marke 9 Oct. Thomas s. of Stephen Trussell 1 Nov. *J . . . . d. of Marke Retallecke 12 Nov. Elizabeth d. of John Browne 12 Nov. Richard s, of Thomas Bennett 16 Nov. Peter s. of John Pollard 16 Nov. John s. of William Edward 13 Nov. Marye d. of George Collinge 26 Nov. *L . . . . s. of John ffraunce 30 Nov. *J d. of Pascow TyfEord 14 Dec. Elizabeth d. of John Copi- thorne 14 Jan. Johane d. of John Kent 14 Jan. *R .... s. of John Sprey 15 Jan. William the mother Jane Yeo 12 Feb. *J . . . . s. of Reynolde Grosse 16 Feb. Rerapfrey s. of Will'm Gylberd 25 Feb. James s. of Richard James 8 Mar. Alse d. of Richard Hawke 13 Mar. Agnes d. of James Cornish 14 Mar. Roger d. of Thomas Mylle 20 Mar. Thomas s. of James V^alleys 20 Mar. Johane d. of Bennett Pollard Anno 1596. 9 April Will'm s. of John Nicholas 10 April Will'm s. of John James 10 April Alse d. of John Moylle 12 April Will'm s. of John Ran dell 12 April Harrie s. of Richard Bowell 13 April Honor d. of John Nowell 25 April Thomas s. of Will'm Richard 26 April Nicholas s. of Harrie Trehem- bau 1 May Alse d. of John Hydon 5 May Johane d. of Robert Ryse 6 May Thomas s. of Will'm Coale 13 May Prissylla d. of Richard Moylle 15 May Will'm s. of Will'm Wylliams 20 May William s. of John Thomas 29 May John s. of Will'm Lukye 29 May Marie d. of Richard Lovell 15 June Jane d. of John Geuynge 15 July Honor d. of Will'm Strongman 18 July Thomas s. of John Allen 8 Aug. Marie d. of ffraunce Yoeman 9 Aug. Will'm s. of John Torker 21 Aug. Marie d. of Humphrey Hyllary 1 Sep. *J of Nicholas Weaver 12 Sep. Thomas s. of John Hawke 1 Oct. Sampson s. of Will'm Tennye 3 Oct. Pacience d. of Marten Tome Oct. *L of John Rowse * The initial only is given in the original as explained in the introductory chapter. D 18 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLrMB MA JOE. [1596-9. 16 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Eichard Kendall 24 Oct. Edward s. of John Knight 10 Nov. James s. of Nicholas Thomas 9 Nov. John s. of Stephen Trussell 22 Nov. John s. of Christopher Strad- ford 13 Dec. Elizabeth d. of William Wylls 16 Dec. Eoger s. of Lallow Nicholas 19 Dec. Johane d. of Will'm Troble- feild 21 Dec. Harrie s. of John Tanken 10 Jan. Grace d. of William Grjlberd 11 Jan. Marten the mother Elizabeth Edwards 19 Jan. Katherine d. of Thomas Bennet 23 Jan. James s. of Will'm Tremayue 26 Feb. Harrie s. of Henrve Marten 27 Feb. James s. of John Dave 29 Feb. Alse d. of Nicholas Holman 16 Mar. Marye d. of Thomas Carthewe A>'?ro 1597. 30 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John Lacollas 17 April Edward s. of George Tubbe 19 April John s. of John Troblefeild 20 April Johane d. of Jolui Nankevall 23 April Marie d. of Thomas Myll 30 April Emblen d. of John Pearse 3 May Thomas s. of Thomas Daye 6 May John s. of George Collinge 18 May Marten s. of John Tyer 25 May John s. of Will'm Jolliff 17 June George s. of John Younge 28 June Eichard s. of John Eawe 17 July Tamson d. of Eichard Eowse 18 July Thomas s. of John Menhire 23 July Barbara d. of Henrv Mery- feild 30 July Marten s. of Will'm Edward 23 Aug. John s. of Bennett Pollard 26 Aug. *L. ... s. of Eeynolde Grosse 28 Aug. Constance d, of Eichard Scryvener t Sep. Susan the father one Bettye 8 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Ste- phen 9 Nov. Agnes d. of Marten Dyer 12 Nov. John s. of Eichard Carter 13 Nov. Elizabeth d. of John Grene 29 Nov. Johane d. of Harrie Woffe 3 Jan. Johane d. of Eichard Oxenham 5 Jan. Eichard s. of Will'm Bodie 16 Jan. Peter s. of Edward Teage 2 Feb. tEichard s. of . . . . Stribly 20 Feb. William s. of Gregorie Lytta- cott Initial only in the original. t Blank. 24 Feb. Johane d. of John Marke 2 Mar. Henrie s. of Harrie Hawke 6 Mar. Nicholas s. of Thomas Lange 14 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Bon- soll 16 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Sampson Mor- combe 25 Mar. Hugh s. of Harrie Eowse Anxo 1598. 25 Mar. Marie d. of Harrie Norton 1 May John and Elizabeth the child- ren of Lallow Nicholas 8 May Elizabeth d. of John Hercraft [These folloivinge were iwt registered hy y' Citrate 7^•* did hnjitise them. 18 May James s. of James Pollard 14 Oct. Hughe s. of John Eise 15 Oct. Edward s. of Eobert Eosewas 15 Oct. Thomas s. of Eichard Pollard 21 Oct. Alice Carpenter alias Wil- liams d. of Eoger Carpen- ter alias Williams By Steven Batx, Curate.'] 26 Nov. Elenonr d. of Eichard Cornishe 3 Dec. Thomasined. of Thomas George 10 Jan. Amye d. of Thomas Dassawe 14 Jan. Thomas s. of Thomas Cardew 14 Jan. Johane d. of Eichard Blake 18 Jan. Augustine s. of Augustine Hoskinne 27 Jan. John s. of Ealphe Newton 28 Jan. James s. of John Eowse 30 Jan. Mary d. of Dennys Wescott 8 Feb. Elizabeth d. of John Hidon 3 Mar. Barbara d. of AVill'm Cole 3 Mar. Emblen d. of John Kente 4 Mar. Thomas s. and Jane d. the mother Jane Eogers 14 Mar. Cicely d. of William Strong- man 17 Mar. Eichard s. of Will'm Gilbert 21 Mar. John s. of Humphrey lUary 22 Mar. Alice d. of John Maihow Anxo 1599. 27 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Edward Teage 27 Mar. William the mother Amye Jhinkine 3 April Patience d. of John Yalles 28 April Alice d. of Eichard Movie 4 May Elizabeth d. of Thomas Withell 8 May John s. of Will'm Tennye 25 May Henry s. of John Williams 9 June Joice d. of Henrie Dier 12 June Grace d. of Eeiuold Hawkinge 1599-1600.] BAPTISMS. 19 14 June Humphrey s. o£ John Law 5 July G-ermaDe s. o£ John Day 5 July Johane d. of same John Day 7 July Thomas s. of John Nicholas 9 July Thomas s. of Richard Hawke 21 July Dorithy d. of John Phillip 26 July Johns, of Hichard Polkinhorne 29 July James s. of John Pinnow 29 July Johane d. of Will'm Jane 21j Aug. Will'm s. of Bastian Trevithan 25 Aug. John s. of Pascow Tyfforde 2 Sep. Johane d. of John Roscarlow 12 Sep. Margery d. of William Up- cott 17 Sep. Joha Oxname s. of Thomas Oxname 19 Sep. Christopher Knight s. of John Knight 22 Sep. G-race James d. of Edward James 23 Sep. Katheriue Parrow d. of Nicho- las Parrow 29 Sep. Elizabeth Tonkinge d. of John Tonkinge 7 Oct. John Tubb s. of Steven Tubb 16 Oct. Honory Jhinken d. of James Jhinken 28 Oct. Thomas Jolly s. of Henry Jolly 31 Oct. Justauce d. of Bichard West 2 Nov. EloQour Mill d. of Thomas Mill 7 ISov. Thomas Carter s. of Richard Carter 10 Nov. Joane d. of Thomas William 15 Nov. Martou s. of Thomas Stevens 11 Dec. Humphrey s. of James Hawke 14 Dec. Nicholas base s. of Elizabeth Jhinken 17 Dec. William s. of William Tork- inge 20 Dec. William s. of Nicholas Boun- shall 8 Jan. Patience d. of Diggory Stubs 12 Jan. Thomasine d. of John Greene 13 Jan. Richard s. of Thomas James 25 Jan. Hary s. of John Sexton 26 Jau. Hary s. of Marten Dyer 15 Eeb. Mary base d. of Jaue (bastard) Vinson 2 Mar. Hary s. of William Strongman 3 Mar. Nicholas s. of John Tibbett 9 Mar. Joane Pell the base d. of Mar- garet Pell 13 Mar. Sara the base d. of Elizabeth Edwards 21 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John Nankevell 23 Mar. Katherine d. of James Roski- gion Anno 1600. 26 Mar. Mary d. of John Tier 8 April Reuald s. of Thomas Lavin 9 April Thomas s. of John Jullian 9 April John s. of Robert Rise 9 April Tamsou d. of Benet Polard 17 April James s. of George Collins 22 April Margery d. of Will'm White 25 April James s. of Thomas Marke 30 April Nycollas s. of Richard Lovis 20 May Aue d. of John Gruinowe alias Skygen 21 June Tiffeny d. of Hary Hake of Hallione 30 June Elizabeth d. of Thomas Martyn 6 July Elizabeth d. of Henry Daffe 10 July Joane d. of William Jane 13 July John s. of Richard Rowse 16 Aug. Henry s. of Henry Rowse 24 Aug. Josias s. of James Day 25 Aug. Paschaw d. of John Tucker 1 Sep. Thomas s. of John Baylie 9 Sep. Thomas the mother Dorothey Lenke 21 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Richard Wil- liams 28 Sep. Bridgett and Agnes the daughters of John Allen 29 Sep. Michaell s. of John Moyle 30 Sep. James s. of Will'm Tenny 4 Oct. Thomas s. of Richard Kayther 5 Oct. John s. of John Thomas 9 Oct. Joane d. of James Cornishe 14 Oct. Sampson s. of Roger Car penter 15 Oct. Elizabeth d. of . . . .* Hollman 26 Oct. John s. of William Lukye 6 Nov. G-race d. of John Day 14 Nov. Patience d. of Richard Rowse alias Jenkyn 22 Nov. ffrauces the base son of Mar- garet Bowden 4 Dec. Richard base son of Katherine Teage 4 Dec. Marten s. of Davie Rawe 20 Dec. John s. of Antony Hawke 28 Dec. William s. of William Blake 30 Dec. Walter s. of John Browne 31 Jan. Jane d. of John Rise 6 Eeb. Avice d. of Thomas Bennett John Trenowth bapt. the 13 and Johane bapt. at home by the midwife the 9 of Eeb. the children of Humphrey Tre- nouth and were buried the same day * Obliterated, 20 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLIJMB MAJOR [1600-2. 13 Feb. David the base son of Mar- gerie Nicholas cdias Groaes 21 Feb. Mary d. of John James 21 Feb. Eichard s. of Tlioinas Bennett 22 Feb. John the base son of Joane NichoUs 23 Feb. Edward s. of Edward Teague 26 Feb. John s. of John Browne 27 Feb. Mary d. of Antony Nicholl 2 Mar. Margerie d. of William Gil- bert 17 Mar. Eichard s. of John Frenche 18 Mar. Hughe s. of Eichard Blake 21 Mar. Elizabeth d. of William Wil- liams Anno 1601. 25 Mar. Eichard s. of WiUiam Copi- thorne 11 April Eichard s. of Eichard Cornishe 18 April Susanna d. of John Eowse 20 May Thomas s. of Anthony Burlace 28 May Hughe s. of Edward Bray 3 June Anne the base daughter of Anne Littacott 13 June Hughe s. of ffraunce Tre- hymban 14 June Hughe s. of Dronise Wescott 20 June Mellison d. of David ifyne 24 June John s. of Nicholas Parkyn 3 July Phillippe s. of Thomas Nicholls alias Nacallen 4 July John the bastard son of Mar- garet Will'm widow (a stranger) 22 July Ebbett d. • of Sampson Mor- combe 26 July Ursula d. of Thomas Gardener of Loedington in the county of Wiltes travaylinge by pasport w"' his wife 10 Sep. John s. of John Moyle the younger 24 Sep. Thomas s. of Thomas Williams of Scogy 8 Oct. Henrie s. of John Eoscorla 10 Oct. Honor d. of E alp he Eobyns 16 Oct. Oliver s. of Eichard Pollarde 17 Oct. William s. of Thomas Cocke y^ younger 4 Nov. Thomas the bastard son of Bridgctte Buseley 5 Nov. Humphrey the bastard son of Margaret Eogers 6 Nov. Pascowe d. of John Browne 8 Nov. John s. of William Jollye 14 Nov. Anne d. of Thomas Merifeild 8 Dec. John s. of James Hawke 9 Dec. Cecily d. of William Jane 13 Dec. Elenore d. of Eichard Hawke of Trevarrian 24 Dec. Katherine d. of Eeynolde Hawkye 27 Dec. Thomas the bastard sone of Lowdye Trelogan 8 Jan. John the bastard sone of Ollye Moyses 22 Jan. Nicholas s. of Steven Tubbe 23 Jan. Jane d. of James Eoskigian 26 Jan. Jolni s. of William Lukye 24 Feb. Thamsine d. of Nicholas Bownshall 28 Feb. Thomas s. of Eichard Polking- horne 18 Mar. Cicely d. of Eenneld Engrosse 24 Mar. Joane d. of Thomas Stevens the younger 24 Mar. Joane d. of Thomas Martyn ^ Anno 1602. 4 April Oliver s. of William Strong- man 8 April John a base childer y'^ pune of Joane Luke widow* 11 April John Marke s. of John Marke of Nanswhiddon 12 April Anstice d. of John Nanske- veU 25 April Eichard Trenowth d. of Hum- phrey Trenowth 16 May Thomas Cocken s. of WiUiam Cocken 13 June Marye Hoskyn d. of Augus- tine Hoskyn 27 Juue Joane Carter d. of Eichard Carter gent. 22 July Alice Dawe d. of George Dawe 27 July AVilliam Browne s. of John Browne alias Eoe 29 July Elizabeth White d. of WilUam White 2 Aug. Thomas Abraham s. of John Abraham 8 Aug. Eichard Moyell s. of Eichard Moyell of xlwstell gent. 9 Aug. John Thomas s. of Eichard Thomas 19 Aug. John Dyer s. of Martine Dyer 9 Sep. Urias Guylbert s. of Will'm Guylbert 9 Sep. Margaret Lawry d. of Thomas Lawry 9 Sep. MaryTuckerd. of John Tucker 10 Sep. Jane (a bastard child) d. of Thomasine Trevyth * Sic. 1602-4.] BAPTISMS. 21 12 Sep. Phillippe Harry e s. of Eenneld Harrye 16 Sep. Elizabeth Lawrey d. of James Lawrey 1 Nov. Thomas James s. of E-icliard James 9 Nov. Julian West d. of Richard AYest 17 Nov. Manuell Tucker s. of John Tucker 29 Nov. Edward Teague s. of Edward Teague 7 Dec. Eichard Meryfeild s. of Wil- liam Meryfeild 11 Dec. ffraunsce Eobyns s. of Thomas Eobyns 12 Dec. SusannaWilliamsd. of Richard Williams 1 Jan. Elizabeth Bennett d. of Ed- ward Bennett 2 Jan Hawke d. of Henry Hawke {Part rubbed off.) 9 Jan. Thomas Oxenham s. of Thomas Oxenham 16 Jan. Elizabeth Rawe d. of Anthony Rawe 18 Jan. Martyn Trescott s. of Grwalter Trescott 24 Jan. Nicholas Withell s. of Thomas Withell 6 Eeb. John Dey s. of John Dey 10 Mar. William Callway s. of Thomas Callway 12 Mar. Elizabeth Valleys d. of James Valleys 20 Mar. Martyne Jeynkun s. of John Jeynkun 20 Mar. Janyfer Tenny d. of Wm. Tenny Anj^o 1603. 21 April Ambrose Haw^ke s. of James Hawke 23 April William Norten s. of Nich'as Norten 21 May Grerman Kent s. of John Kent 16 June Richard Williams s. of Roger Williams 18 June Hughe Tippett s. of William Tippett 9 July John Mayhow s. of James Mayhow 10 July Joane Body d. of John Body 30 July John Keate s. of Ralphe Keate 31 July John Hickes s. of John Hickes 31 July Jane Hickes d. of the said Jolin Hickes 6 Aug. Anne Tregheare d. of Thomas Tregheare 13 Aug. Thomas Reeve s. of John Reeve 21 Aug. Martine Blake s. of Will'm Blake 31 Aug. John Lawrey s. of James Lawrey 28 Sep. Michell Strangman s. of Mar- tine Strangman 6 Oct. John Ryce s. of John Ryce 9 Oct. Joycce Hollman d. of Nich'as Holman 27 Oct. Henry Rowse s. of Richard Rowse 9 Nov. Honor Trestaine d. of Otes Trestaine * William James (?) s. of Will'm James * Thomas a base childe 19 Nov. Robert Bennett s. of Thomas Bennett 4 Dec. JohnBrownes. of John Browne potter 7 Dec. Hughe Norton s. of Henrye Norton 13 Dec. Alice Symons d. of Thomas Symons 3 Jan. Anne d. of Richard Moyle 3 Jan. Jane d. of John Rouse 3 Jan. Thomas Steevens s. of Thomas Steevens 5 Jan. Hugh s. of John Rescorla 10 Eeb. Jane d. of John Stribly 12 Feb. Charitie d. of Thomas Williams 20 Feb. Jane d. of John Williams alias Ristugion 24 Eeb. Henry s. of Richard Cornish 28 Eeb. Honor d. of Henry Sprey 5 Mar. Thomas s. of Benet Pollard Aki^o 1604. 10 April Adam s. of Thomas Martin 20 April Renfreid s. of John Moyle Jun'^ 26 April Anne d. of Thomas Day 30 April Jane d. of William AVilliams 6 May Hugh s. of Richard Browne 25 May James s. of Stevan l^ibb 2 June Sislie d. of Sampson Marcom 17 June Richard a base son of Jane Nankevall 25 June Ronfreid a base child 29 June Elizabeth d. of Thomas Meri- feild 29 June Peeter s. of James Jenkine 11 Aug. John s. of Paskow Langdon * Much obliterated here and stained. 22 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLrMB MAJOR. [1604-6. 12 Aug. William s. of Jolin Barrett 19 Aug. ^fartiu s. of Martin Dier 28 Aug. Lawance base son of Alice Roe Tiio. SiiALLEiDGE, Curate. 21 Sep. Penkerest d. of John Geene 22 Sep. James s. of John Haycraft 27 Sep. AVilliam s. of Rainold Hawkin 7 Oct. ■\Villiam s. of John Allin 9 Oct. Jane d. of Anthony Rowe 17 Oct. John s. of Peirce Penhale 8 Nov. Agnes d. of John Bodie 12 Nov. Nicholas s. of John Nankevall 18 Nov. "William s. of John Trenbeath 19 Nov. Grace d. of Eandell Harvy 28 Nov. John Lawrie s. of Ambrose Lawrie 25 Nov. Sampson Grose s. of Reynald Grose 30 Nov. Katherine Strangman d. of AVilliam Strangman 11 Dec. Paskoe s. of Tliomas Dugoe 1 Jan. Henry e s. of Richard Hawke Jim'" 20 Jan. Richard s. of Richard Hawke of Trevedaw 7 Feb. Margaret d. of John Philipe 11 Feb. Aguis d. of Nicholas Bounsell 12 Feb. Aguis d. of Thomas Cocke 18 Feb. Honor d. of Edward Teage 26 Feb. Elizabeth d. of John Teilour 28 Feb. Adam s. of John Day Tho. Smalleidge, Curate* 1604. 2 Mar. Thomas s. of Ralph Hooper 9 Mar. Thomas s. of Thomas Lavin 11 Mar. Nicholas s. of Henry Hawke An>-o 1605. T. S.t Eichard s. of John Teage Petronell d. of Richard Carter Catherine d. of Henrye Rowse Elizabeth d. of AVilliam Tre- sotherine Thomas s. of AVilliam AVhite J John Lilius matieri Hiberniae Adam s. of AA^illiam Gilberte Pethericke s. of .John Dar Anne d. of Richard Polkiu- horue Thomas s. of AVilliam Tippett Richard s. of AVilliam Blacke James s. of John Abraham Ralph s. of Richard AA'illiams alias Marke and Petronell his d. were bap'J * His signature here and after occurs at the foot of the pages in the original. j- Tho. SmaUridge. % Thus in the original. 2>i Mar. 11 April 22 May 25 May 26 May 1 June 2 July 5 June 5 June 18 July 4 Aug. 18 Aug. 20 Aug. 26 Sep. Jane d. of Richard .ToUey 14 Oct. Thomas s. of Nicholas Naparoe 15 Oct. Luke s. of Edward Bennett 23 Oct. Margery d. of AVilliam Eos- corlor 10 Nov. AA^illiam s. of John Hix 17 Nov. .John s. of Richard Bowyer 19 Nov. Johane d. of Thomas Chappell 4 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Robert AVil- liams 7 Dec. §. . . . s. of John Nutting 14 Dec. §. . . . d. of Christopher Pedler 20 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Ralph Kett|| 12 Jan. James s. of Thomas Steevens 12 Jan. Margerye d. of John Trembeth Tho. Smallridge, Curate. 13 Jan. Margerye d. of John AVilliams 15 .Jan. Richard s. of Henrye Callaway 17 Jan. John s. of AV^illiam Jane 22 Jan. Thomas and Henrye sons of John Reeve 24 Jan. Anthouie s. of Thomas Cala- way 30 Jan. .Joane d. of Martine Strang- man 7 Feb. Constance d. of Thomas Benet alias Danis 23 Feb. Reskimer s. of Henrie Spray 27 Feb. Sampson s. of John Roscorlor 27 Feb. Thomas s. of Heuery Norteu 13 Mar. Thomas s. of John Rice 23 Mar. Petronell d. of Robert Rice A>'NO 1606. 30 Mar. Joane d. of Thomas Tregeare 30 Mar. Nicholas s. of Tobias Hancocke 1 April Elizabeth d. of Brigget Roode 6 April Elizabeth d. of Edmund Nicholas 8 April Jane d. of Rainold Grose 10 April Frauncis s. of John George 11 April ^. . . . d. of James Roskaegian 4 May AVilliam s. of John Jenken 4 May Melissa d. of Thomas Meri- feild gent. 10 Mar. Ambrose base son of Constance 30 Mar. John s. of Roger Toung 30 Mar. Joyce d. of Robert Allen 30 Mar. Pliilep d. of Paskell Laugdon 5 June Alexanders, of MichaellHarrie 9 July Archibald s. of John Rowse 12 July Melissa d. of Bennett Pollard Thomas Smalleidge, Curate § Left blank in the original, II Probably Keate. f Obliterated. 1606-8.] BAPTISMS. 23 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 22 Aug. 14 Sep. 7 Sep. 17 Sep. 18 Sep. 2 Oct. 13 Oct. 23 Oct. 9 Not. 5 Dec. 7 Dec. 11 Dec. 25 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 5 Jan. 8 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 3 Aug. John a base son of Mary Pas- cow Heneiy s. of Sampson Bray Alice d. of William Bowse Nicliolas s. of John Grwyne Margerie d. of Ambrose Lawrie Alice d. of John Philipp John s. of Francis Jones Thomas s. of Bobert Tippett Henry bastard son of Anne Lyttycott . Giles s. of Walter Truscott John s. of Bobert Darr Thomas s. of Beinold Littycott Charity d. of John Wills John & Bichard sons of Will' Tenny John s. of John Body Bichard s. of John Stribly Beskimer s. of John Peearse Marie the base daughter of Honor Sprey Alise d. of Thomas Carthew Mary d. of Thomas Bennett John s. of John Allen James the base son of Wilmot & of Henry Dyer 6 Feb. Nicholas bastard son of Thama- son Havent Tho. Smalleidge, Curate. 16 Feb. Joyce d. of William Strangman 15 Feb. Agues d. of AVilliam Boscorlor 18 Feb. Patience d. of Beinold Haw- kine 25 Feb. James s. of John Trembeath 1 Mar. John the base son of Elizabeth Benny 1 Mar. Jane d. of William Williams 17 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John AVilliams 24 Mar. Ebzabeth d. of Thomas Ben- net Anno 1607. 27 Mar. Margerie d. of John ISTankeTell 29 Mar. Barbarer d. of Will' Gilbert 2 April Grace d. of Bichard Tonkin 6 April Agnis d. of William Williams alias Boscudgion 8 April Henry s. of John Trublofeil 26 April Alice d. of William Cocking alias Tremain 6 May Elizabeth d. of John Bos- cudgion alias Williams 6 May Charitie a base daughter of Jane Vincent 10 May Bichard s. of Stephen Tubb 13 May Thomas s. of Anthony Baw 8 May John s. of Bichard Addam alias Bowse 15 May Agnis d. of Thomas Martin 26 May Elizabeth d. of Bichard Browne 3 June James s. of Thomas Oxnam Tho. Smalleidge. 8 June Jone d. of Anthony Burlace 14 June Grace d. of John Betallack Junr. gent. 14 June John s. of John Beeve 14 June Jane d. of Nicholas Parkin 27 June Charitie d. of . . . .* Huckey 29 June Charitie d. of Tobias Hancoeke 2 Sep. Elenor d. of Thomas Wiinboke 6 Oct. Thomas s. of Deamice West- cott 1 Nov. William s. of Tho. Basly 8 Nov. James s. of Edmond ffrench 18 Nov. Arthur the bastard sou of Joane Miller 27 Nov. Petronell d. of Bichard Wil- liams 30 Nov. Maximilian a base son of Marg. Grose 10 Dec. Barbara d. of Martin Dier 11 Dec. John s. of fErancis LillrtZ/as Lion 18 Dec. Stephen s. of Thomas Hanin 28 Dec. *. . . . s. of Will'm Trekein 29 Dec. Margaret d. of Beinold Grose 6 Jan. Margerye d. of Bichard Pas- cowe 7 Jan. Philip d. of Pascall Kentall 26 Jan. John s. of John Smith gent. 2 Feb. Nicholas s. of William Jane 10 Feb. Joane d. of Thomas Cocke 14 Feb. James s. of John George 14 Feb. William s. of William Peream 17 Feb. Elizabeth d. of John Drewe 17 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Walter Cocke 19 Feb. Grace & Elizabeth d. of John Nutting 28 Feb. Joane d. of William Black Tho. Smalleidge, Curate. . . . .* COENISH 1 TTT 7 T, -rv ? yVardens. BOGEE DOXACUMBE J 3 IMar. Mary d. of Henry Bowse 3 Mar. Nicholas s. of Emanuel Har- vey 10 Mar. John s. of William Trasaddery 21 Mar. Bichard s. of Thomas Williams 23 Mar. Joane d. of William Tippett Anno 1608. 25 Mar. Katherine d. of J ames Maihow 17 April Avice d. of Bichard Jollife * Obliterated. 24 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUlSrB MAJOE. [1608-10. 27 April 30 April 30 April 2 May 9 May 14 May 30 May 3 July 4 July 3 Aug. 5 Aug. 7 Aug. 11 Aug. 25 Aug. 18 Sep. 28 Sep. 30 Sep. 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 27 Xov. 13 Dec. 25 Dec. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 13 Jan. 24 Jan. 12 Feb. 20 Feb. 26 Feb. 9 Mar. 16 Mar. 16 Mar. 19 Mar. 2 April 12 April 24 AprQ 30 May John s. of Thomas Duggoe Gilbert s. of Ambrose Lawry Grace d. of Eichard Cornish Colome s. of John Menheare Edward s. of Thomas Meri- feild gent. Margery e d. of Edward Little- john Dewncs the base daughter of Mary Cocke Eichard s. of Nicholas Xap- paroe alias Eowe Mark s. of Eichard Bennett Thomas s. of John Gaine Eichard s. of Paskell Langdon Anna d. of Thomas Callway Agnis d. of Ealph Eolt Mary d. of John Eescorlow Thomas s. of John Davie alias Benett William s. of Eobert "Williams Grace d. of John Trembeath "William the base son of Mary Gale alias May way Constance d. of Thomas Bar- nett "William s. of Alexander Jollye Anne d. of John Mill Alice d. of John Eoe John s. of Edward Benett Susanna d. of Eichard Browne Thomas Smallmdge, Curate. *Jonx L .... & 1 *Fbancis .... / Katherine' d. of Alexander Warne Susanna d. of ffrancis Jones Francis s. of Christopher Ped- ler Darathe d. of Humphrey Hawke Eenfreid s. of "William Eowse Elizabeth d. of "William Bewes Honor d. of "William Bond Ann d. of Thomas Carthew Dorathea d. of John "Willes Joane d. of Henery Sprey Eenfreid s. of Eichard Bowen Anno 1609. Henery s. of Thomas Tregeare Nicholas s. of John Philip Jane d. of Eichard Adams alias Eowse Agnes the base child of Jane Holman * Obliterated. Wardens. 11 June Jatiies s. of Eichard Carter 24 June Grace d. of Thomas Cocke 25 June "William the s. of Eobert Ilambly 2 July John s. of Martine Strangman 3 July Mary d. of John Burlace 15 July Grace d. of "Walter Cocke 30 July Barbara d. of John Eeeve 30 July John s. of Bennett Polard 1)1 August an" 1609 were none hajAhed. 21 Sep. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 28 Oct. 2 Xov. 11 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Nov. 16 Dec. 17 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 27 Dec. 13 Jan. 24 Jan. 29 Jan. 31 Jan. 18 Feb. 18 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 Feb. 4 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Mar. 25 Mar. John s. of Edward Merifeild Mary d. of "William Trekeine John s. of Eichard Hawke of Trevarrian fflorence d. of Thomas Lawry Lucrosse the base child of Jane Vincent John s. of "Walter Bishopp Katherine d. of Eeskimmer Sprey Olife the base daughter of Lame Eettor Tho. Smalleidge, Curate. John Allen & EicHAED Benett Wardens. Henry & "William sones of Michaell Key John s. of Oliver Binnie John s. of John Boddy Margerie d. of John "Willes Barbara d. of "WiUiam Tre- saddary Alice d.of Eichard Eetallack "William s. of "William Strang- man George s. of Thomas Lane James s. of James Eescudgion ffrancis d. of Thomas Steephens Ananias s. of "William "Wil- liams alias Eeskudgion Mathew s. of John Smith gent. John s. of Eichard ffowler Tamazen d. of William Eowse "William s. of John Bond Melissa d. of Eeinold Hawkens Patience a base daughter of Katherine Hawke "William s. of Henery Addams Olyf d. of John George Anno 1610. 1 April John s. of John Hockin 8 April John s. of John Jew^ell 7 May John s. of Emanuell Harvey 13 May fflorence d. of John Lawry 1610-11.] BAPTISMS. 25 19 May 20 May 27 May 10 June 26 June 29 June 30 June 3 July 25 July 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 18 Aug. 21 Aug. 24 Aug. 16 Sep. 22 Sep. 30 Sep. 7 Oct. 10 Oct. 12 Oct. 21 Oct. 4 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. 25 Nov. 13 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 2 Feb. 4 Veh. 5 Feb. 10 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. Katherine d. of Thomas Meri- feild John s. of John Bayly Pentecost d. of William Tre- main fflorence d. of Reiuold Litticofct Peeter s. of John Hugh Petronell d. of Ambrose Lawry "William s. of Thomas Vareowe Thomas Smallridge, Curate. Anthony Hawke & 1 rr- 7 JohnTeobellfeild/^^'"'^^""'- Martine tlie base s. of Tama- zon Hambly James s. of John Browne Nicholas s. of Thomas Bash Colome s. of Paskell Kentall John s. of Thomas Horckey ffrancis the base s. of Jane Oliver Joane d. of Ricliard Benett Joane d. of Walter Cocke Philip d. of Richard Dyer Paskell s. of Eichard Williams Katherine d. of ffrances Dazow William s. of John Cocking William s. of James Mayho John s. of E-ichard Hand John s. of Eichard Jolly Anthony s. of Anthony Eawe Humphry the bastard s. of Ann Littycott Alice d. of Henery Calway Peeter s. of Thomas Calway Jolin s. of William Poleame Paskell s. of Paskell Laugdon Thomas s. of . . . .* Treloggan Wilmot base d. of Wilmot William s. of AVilliam Jane Elizabetb d. of John Smith. gent. John s. of Eobert Darr John s. of John Williams Barbara d. of Edmund ffrench John s. of William Bewea Thomas Smallridge. Constance d. of Walter Bishop Eicbard s. of Jerman Eetallack William the base son of Brid- get Bash Elizabeth d. of Edward Little- john Henery s. of Eenfreid Hawke Louisia the base daughter of Joyce Darr * Obliterated. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 Feb. 7 Mar. 9 Mar. 25 Mar. 20 Mar 27 Mar 29 Mar 29 Mar 3 April 20 April 27 April 30 April 9 May 23 May 4 July 6 July 29 July 11 Aug:. 15 Aug. 30 Sep. 31 Oct. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 7 Jan. 7 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Jan. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 1 Mar. 15 Mar. 19 Mar. 22 Mar. Aradice tte base daughter of Alice Amy Henery s. of John Eowe Jane the base daughter of Margery G-rosse Elizabeth d. of Edward Benett John s. of Herirye Sprey Patience d. of Thomas Wyet Mary d. of William Copithorue Anno 1611. John s. of William Tippett Thomas s. of Jobn Day Pascall s. of John Dawe Edward s. of John Langdon Honor d. of Humphrey Hawke Katherine d. of Eichard Hel- yer Jane d. of Eichard Pascow alias Pokinghorue John s. of John Eoscorlow John s. of John Trembeath Ann d. of Eichard Duggo Honor d. of Eobert Allen Will'm & Susanna s. & d. of Stephen Tubb An & Oliff daughters of Eich- ard Cornish John s. of Henry Adam Thomas Smallridge. Honor d. of Eobert Tippett Luke s. of Anthonie Burlace James s. of Willia' Bond Dorothie d. of John Band gent. Ealph s. of Ealph Keat Eichard s. of Alexander Jolley Alice d. of John Eowe Joane d. of Francis Hill alias Lill Greorge s. of Eeskimmer Sprey John s. of Eichard Williams Eichard s. of tfrancis Benny Agnes d. of William Creede Grace d. of John Staple Joha s. of Thomas Jane Margaret d. of Thomas Barnet Francis s. of John Eice Haniball s. of Francis Treere Mary d. of Eichard Eetallack Mary d. of John Horkye John s. of John Cockin alias Tremaine Hugh s. of Benett Pollard Judeth d. of Edward Hobline gent. Thomas Smallridge, Curate. 26 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLOIB MAJOE. [1612-14. A>'>-o 1612. 28 Mar. Mary d. of John Cimdy 29 Mar. "William s. of Eichard Hawke of Trevarrcu 26 April Denas d. of Jolin Drewe 26 April Margaret d. of John Taylor 27 April Mary d. of Thomas Benett alias Davie 19 May Agnes d. of John Harvey Thomas Smalletdge, Curate. Hexeie Cocke & 1 nr 7 Sampso>-Mobcombe/ ^«'-^^«^- l-i June Agas d. of Ambrose Lawiy 18 June Peeter the base son of Mary Dyer 1 July Margery e d. of John Cowry 6 July Eichard s. of Henrye Addam alias Eowse 15 Aug. John s. of Eainold Litticott 15 Aug. Mary d. of Thomas Stephens 6 Sep. Eichard s. of Thomas Litticott 20 Sep. Joau d. of John Eowe 21 Sep. Eobert s. of Christopher Pedler 22 Sep. Greorge s. of Eeinard Hawkin 4 Oct. Boatona d. of John Heicroft 18 Oct. Ann d. of Nicolas Bonasall 30 Oct. Joaue d. of Eichard Eawlinge 31 Oct. Theodorus son of Eraauuell Harvey In Kuvemher were none bajJtized. 17 Dec. 3 Jan. 17 Jan. 31 Jan. 6 Feb. 14 Feb. 28 Feb. 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 4 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. 28 Mar. 5 April 18 April 18 April 21 April 6 June John s. of "William Eowse Darathe d. of Thomas Husband "William s. of William Trekeine Thomas s. of Nicolas Duggoe Emmanuell s. of John Dawe William s. of Thomas Hawkin Agnes d. of John Hawke Peeter s. of Martine Straugmen Henrye s. of John Upcott John s. of Thomas "Wyatt Tho. SMALLELDaE, Curate. Ajtn'o 1613. Mary d. of Thomas Jjawry Olif d. of Eobert Berry Elizabeth d. of Eichard Bowen Sydnath s. of German Eetallack Henrye s. of Eichard Jolly Agnes d. of Thomas Meri'feild gent. Tho. SMALLEiDftE, Curate. JoHisr Heiceoet 1 John TouifG j Wardens. Thomas s. of Thomas ISTattallen John s. of Nicolas Martine 20 June 6 July 7 Jul> 11 July 12 Jui;y 15 July 1 Aug. 12 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 5 Sep. 19 Sep. 3 Oct. 9 Oct. 9 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 18 Oct. 30 Oct. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 28 Nov. 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 8 Jan. 22 Jan. 27 Jan. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 25 Feb. 8 April 11 April 21 April 3 May 22 May 29 May 13 June 15 June 2 July 9 July 12 July 4 Aug. Grace d. of John Browne John s. of John Hugh Joan d. of John Drew Olife d. of James Mayhoo Henrye s. of William Jane of the towne Katherine d. of Thomas Davies alias Benett Gilbert s. of Thomas Hockey John s. of William Copithorne Francis d. of John Strangman Joane d. of John Treneage John s. of Henrye Calway John s. of AYilliam Truscott Anne d. of John Yivean gent Henry s. of Thomas Eawe William s. of John Trehenbane Eobert s. of Humphrey Marke Alice d. of Anthony Eandle John s. of John Cundy Ann d. of Eenfred Michell Agnes d. of John Eoskorloe Henry s. of John Trembeth Elizabeth d. of Eichard Pas- kow alias Polkinghorne John a base son of Joane Poade Andrew s. of Thomas Chappell James base son of Joane Edy Thomas Smalleidge. JoHX Mat & I Nicholas Cbuse j Wardens. Alice d. of Henry Sprey George & Francis s. & d. of John Smith gent John s. of John Bond gent John s. of Eeskimmer Sprey Christian d. of Thomas Calway Agnes d. of Walter Keysa Margaret d. of John Stribly Mary d. of Eichard Smith iun"" Tho. Smalleidge, Curate. Ax>fo 1614. "William s. of John Tremaine alias Cocking John s. of Thomas Steephens "William s. of George Juell Eobert s. of Paskall KentaU John s. of John AYills Dorathe d. of Eichard Dazoe John s. of . . . .* ffrench Beaton d. of Eichard Cornish Jane d. of Thomas Cocke Elizabeth d. of Joell Jewell Priscilla d. of Thomas Kent Jaue d. of Eobert Cocking * Obliterated, 1614-16.] BAPTISMS. !2y 11 Aug. Anne d. of Oliver Nymise 14 Aug. Alice d. o£ John Laugdone 14 Aug. Avice d. of Francis Benny 20 Aug. John s. o£ Thomas Littycott 7 Sep. John s. of John Dawe iuni'' 15 Sep. Grenifored. of Alexander Jolley Thomas Smallbidge. John May & l ru- j JNinoLAS Cbuse ) Alice d. of "William Peleane Martine d. of William Bewes Elizabeth d. of Anthony Borlas Richard s. of Richard Hawke of Trevarren Benimin s. of John Harvey Richard s. of Thomas Bash Thomas s. of Thomas Barnett Redagon d. of John Rice Greorge s. of Henrye Addam John s. of William Bond William s. of William Grillin- game James s. of John Strangman John the base son of Margaret Michell Anne d. of John Carthewe Henrye s. of Henrye Addam alias Rowse George s. of George Champion Anne d. of Edward Hoblyn gent Honor d. of John Smith gent Gawen s. of John Kent Jane d. of John Medders Katherine d. of Richard Jolly Mathewe s. of Thomas Allen Genifore d. of Reskimmer Sprey Jane d. of Robert Allen John s. of Thomas Benett alias Danys Tho. Smalleidge, Curate. Aj^no 1615. 29 Mar. Jane d. of Nicolas Teo 12 April ffrauces the base son of Eliza- beth Yallies 17 April Thomas s. of Humphrey Tre- nowth 20 April John s. of John Hawkyn Thomas Smallridge, Curate. John Smith & \ tt^ John Brabtn J 20 April Mathewe s. of Thomas Hus- band 20 April Anne d. of John Bayly 25 Sep. 3 Oct. 6 Oct. 9 Oct. 18 Oct. 21 Oct. 23 Oct. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 18 Dec. 27 Dec. 8 Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 1 Feb. IFeb. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 Feb. 8 Mar 9 Mar. 11 Mar. 19 Mar. trdens. 1 May Tamson base d. of Joane Cocke 27 May John s. of John Dawe 22 June Peeter s. of Nicolas Bonsall 23 June Bernard s. of William Rowse 27 July Joane d. of Robert Berry 11 Aug. Charles s. of Christopher Pedler 13 Aug. Nicolas s. of Richard Williains 3 Sep. Christiana d. of William Black 12 Sep. Mary d. of Reinald Hawkyn 17 Sep. Agnes d. of John Row 17 Sep. Rebecca d. of Robert Cockinge 21 Sep. John s. of Richard Hellyer 8 Oct. Richards, of Thomas Nantallyn 19 Nov. Grace d. of Hugh Lawry 21 Nov, Richard s. of Robert Typpett 24 Dec. Agnes d. of John Hawke 28 Dec. John s. of John Taylor 7 Jan. Anna d. of John Lawry 7 Jan. Marian d. of Emmuell Harries 9 Jan. Dorathe base d. of Katherine Moyle 2 Feb. Dorathe d. of Richard Retal- lack 2 Feb. William s. of Robert Bowen 2 Feb. Joyce d. of Robert Bowen 5 Feb. Honora d. of Lucke Pollard 11 Feb. Jerman s. of Jerman Retallack 11 Feb. John s. of Richard Carveth Thomas Smallbidge, Curate. Thomas Oxenham & 1 ^^ , T /-I 7 Wardens. John Cabthew J 11 Feb. Joane d. of Nicholas Duggoe, late Dewsod 20 Feb. Jane d. of James Mayhoe 21 Feb. Jane d. of Thomas Lawry 28 Feb. Honor d. of John Ruorden 14 Mar. Wilmot d. of Steeplien Knight 20 Mar. Henrye s. of Emmauell Harvey Thomas Smallbidge, Curate. Anno 1616. 29 Mar. William s. of Thomas Wyett 2 April Katherine d. of John Cocking the elder 10 April Olif d. of John Mayhoe 12 April Elizabeth d. of Richard Smyth jun. 14 April Dorathe d. of ffrances Thomas 25 April Honor d. of Anthony Rawe 28 April Thomas s. of John Beard gent. 11 May John s. of John Drew 26 May Anna d. of Thomas Rowe 28 May Elizabeth d. of Thomas Brabya 9 June John s. of John Vivian gent.* * 9 June, 1616, by his wife Marj dau. and co- heir of Wni. Cavell, whom he mar. at St Kew, 18 Ap., 1615. 28 THE EEGISTERS OE ST. COLrMB MAJOR. [1616-17. 10 June 23 Juue 28 Juue 13 July 23 July 28 July 31 Aug. 8 Sep. 13 Sep. 22 Sep. 22 Sep. 29 Sep. 29 Sep. 6 Oct. 14 Oct. 26 Nov. 11 Dec. 16 Dec. 29 Dec. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 29 Jan. 2Eeb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 11 Eeb. 13 Feb. 21 Feb. 27 Feb. 12 Mar. 16 Mar. 6 April 6 April 13 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 29 May Thomas s. of Thomas Hocky John s. of Thomas Cardew Peeter s. of Baruabas Betty John 8. of William Dankester Anna d. of John Cockyu aJlas Tremayne Dorathe d. of Oliver Jagoe Honor d. of Thomas Calway Frances s. of Thomas Jane Honor d. of John Moyses Mary d. of Edward Hoblyn gent. Richard s. of James Moyle Thomas Smalleidge, Curate. Thomas Oxnaisi "1 Jonx Caudew J Wardens. Renatus s. of Renatus Byllett gent. Jane d. of Jolm Hawkey Christian d. of Henry Calway Elizabeth bastard d. of Eliza- beth Chapman Betlisaida d. of Humphrey Trenouth Richard s. of "William Pelleane Judeth d. of John Harvey William s. of William Creede Ebete d. of Thomas Skynner Robert s. of Paskoe Tregellas Donate vel Deonata d. of Martyne Donnacombe Nicolas s. of Robert Trehen- bane Cyssill d. of Jolin Treneage Richard s. of John Bond gent. Ann d. of William Bewes John s. of John Hay croft Mary d. of John Williams Sibilla d. of John Evans Nicolas s. of Edraond ffrench Steephen base s. of Jane Tubby alias Benett Thomas Smalleidge, Curate. Anko 1617. John s. of Henry Litticott Nicolas s. of John Trehenbane John s. of William Beuford Mary d. of John Cardwe William s. of John Metherell Joane d. of Thomas Steephens Thomas Smalleidge, Curate. John Deewe & "1 ^^ , Hugh Lawet / ^«''^"^*- Christian d. of Thomas Davies alias Benett 9 June 12 June 15 June 15 June 29 June 4 July 5 June 8 June 28 June 3 Aug. 3 Aug. 10 Aug. 11 Aug. 24 Aug. 27 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 7 Sep. 7 Sep. 16 Sep. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 8 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 5 Nov. 9 Nov. 27 Nov. 30 Nov. 14 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 29 Jan. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. Joane d. of Francis Benny Hester d. of John Addam Nicolas d. of Paskall Polking- horne Joane d. of James Mayhoe William base s. of Wilmote Litticott reputed father Robert Pollard John bastard s. of Elizabeth Behednoe, the reputed fa- ther John JIugh Dorathe d. of Henry Willes George s. of John Smith gent. John bastard s. of Beaton Strangman widow Adria d. of John Mayhoe Agnes d. of Paskell Kentall Thomas s. of John Vivian Thomas s. of William Gillin- game Richard s. John s. of Thomas s. John s. of Addam John s. of Richard s. Edward s. of Richard ffowler John Staple of Raynold Weekes Henry Rowse alias John Retallack jun. of George Hodge of Richard Behed- ffrances s. of Thomas Husband Dorathea d. of Thomas Bayly Philip d. of Richard Jollife John s. of Beniamiu Strang- man Cisly d. of George Jewill John s. of William Trekeyn Marke s. of Walter Bishop Thomas Smalleidge, Curate. John Deeave & "I Hugh Lawet j Wardens. Thomas s. of John Dawe Gartride d. of William Bond Thomas s. of John Hockyn John s. of Gilbert Rawe Grace d. of Thomas John Peeter s. of John Rescorlow Elizabeth d. of Edward Hob- lyn gent. Elizabeth d. of John Rice Lawde d. of Reskymmer Sprey Henry s. of John Dyer Thomas s. of John Cockyn the yelder John s. of Luke Pollard Beniamyn s. of Richard Wil- lams of Ta-egasoe 1617-19.] BAPTISMS. 2d 15 Peb. William s. of Eobert Berry 16 Feb. Phillippe d. of Steephen Kuight 26 Feb. Cliristopher s. of John Hendy 1 Mar. Cisly d. of Richard Carvith 1 Mar. Petronell d. of Thomas Jen- ning 4 Mar. Joane d. of Eeinold Hawkyn 8 Mar. G-eorge s. of Thomas Allen Thomas Smalleidge, Curate. Anno 1618. 26 Mar. ffraucis d. of Thomas Littacott 28 Mar. Marian d. of Thomas Wyett 29 Mar. John s. of John Langdon 4 April Alice d. of John Cockinge alias Tremaine 7 April Joane d. of Christopher Pedler 9 April Jane d. of Robert Pollard Thomas Smallridge, Curate. Robert Drue & "1 .^^ ^ Nathaniell Creede / ^«^''^^^^^- Ann d. of Robert Cocky n Elizabeth d. of John Beard gent. Paskall s. of Thorns Natallen Christopher s. of John Drewe Elizabeth d. of John Lawry Richard s. of Nicolas Bouusall ffrances s. of John Hawkey Joane d. of Joha Skrinner alias Martyn Elizabeth d. of John May Joyce d. of John Bayly Hughs, of Emmanuell Harvey Dorathe d. of Henry Helston Jane d. of John Kent Richard s. of John Carter jun. gent.* John bastard s. to Jane Moyle Honor d. of John Bond gent.f September were none baptized. Thomas s. of James Cockyn Henry s. of "William Rowse Stephen g. of Thomas Hawke William s. of John Vivian gent. Henry s. of Reinold Peeter Anna d. of Oliver Jagoe Benyamyn s. of William Dan- kester * This John Carter was mar. at St. Breock, 13 Sept., 1617, to Mary, dau. of Robt. Moyle, of St. Germans, Esq. t This John was son and heir of Wm. Bond, of Earth, near Saltash, See his mar. in 1609. 11 April 3 May 7 May 10 May 23 May 14 June 18 June 29 June 5 July 10 July 30 July 4 Aug. 8 Aug. 9 Aug. 13 Aug. 30 Aug. In 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 10 Oct. 1 Nov. 20 Nov. 29 Noy. 14 Dec. 27 Dec. Mary d. of John Body 30 Dec. Robert s. of Robert Tippett Thomas Smallridge, Curate. Robert Drue & ) _^ . > yVardens. Nathaniel Creede 14 Jan. 4 Eeb. 21 Eeb. 21 Eeb. 24 Eeb. 25 Eeb. 3 Mar. 8 Mar. 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 18 Mar. 26 Mar. 7 April 10 April 11 April 16 April 22 April 4 May 29 May 14 June 23 June 3 July 11 July 11 July 5 A_ug. 14 Aug. 1 Sep. 1 Sep. 5 Sep. 5 Sep. 11 Sep. 19 Sep. 19 Sep. 3 Oct. 7 Oct. Jerman s. of Richard Bowen Thomas a base son of Eliza- beth Merrifield Honor d. of William Beuford Katherine d. of Robert Tre- henban Richard s. of Richard Rowse Robert s. of Benyainyn Strang- man Katherine d. of John Moyle John a base s. of Honor Duggoe Henry s. of Henry Moyle Thomas s. of Henry Calaway Joane d. of Mathew Wills Thomas Smallridge, Curate. Anno 1619. William s. of John Brabyn Dorathe d. of Marke Tyer Richard s. of ff ranees Treere John s. of Edward Hoblyn gent. John the base s. of Barbara Moyle Thomas s. of Edmund ffrench Patience d. of Grilbert Roe William s. of William Tresad- darn Gilbert s. of Thomas Caleway Peeter s. of Thomas Jane Petronell d. of Thomas Man- tall Elizabeth d. of Martyne Don- nacombe Henry the base s. of Oliva Merrifield was buried same day, reputed father John Jolley jun"^ Bernard s. of William Saltow Richard s. of John Copithorne John s. of John Addams Peeter s. of Thomas Retallack Thomas Smallridge, Curate. Joane d. of Robert Pollard Emblyn d. of William Jane Jane d. of John Cardwe John s. of Robert Drewe Richowe d. of Richard Dunne Margarethe d. of Henry Wills Alice d. of John Harvey 30 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1619-22. 7 Nov. jNIary d. of Hugh Lawry 18 Nov. Patience d. of Thomas Lawry 19 Dec. Mathewe s. of John Trembeath 80 Dec. John s. of John Dyer 12 Jan. Richard s. of John Tenny 16 Jan. Remfrey s. of Thomas Hocky 23 Jan. Rosa d. of Robert Cocke 30 Jan. Robert s. of Thomas Husband 30 Jan. Adam s. of John Metherell 3 Feb. Mary d. of Richard Smyth 9 Feb. Ann d. of Pascow John 10 Feb. Christopher s. of Henry Rowse 10 Feb. Eleanor d. of Jonathan Juell 16 Feb. Susan d. of Walter Bishopp 23 Feb. Jone d. of Henrye Davy 19 Mar. Richard s. of John Vyvian AOTfo 1620. 29 Mar. Tamsyn d. of John Mayhow 18 April Patience d. of Henry Litticott 12 May Thomas s. of Thomas Skynner 13 May Richard s. of Reskymer Spraye 17 May Henry s. of William Beacose 18 May Nicholass.of JohnCockenjunr. 21 May Elizabeth d. of William Gil- lingame 25 May Mathewe s. of James James 1 June James s. of John Bond gent. 3 June Susan d. of Luke Pollard 4 June John s. of Rob'te Benye 11 June Judeth d. of Edward Hoblyn gent. 11 June Jane d. of William Bond 24 June Humphrey s. of John Cocking 20 July John s. of William Brabj^n 23 July Robert s. of Thomas Beunet 30 July William s. of Mathewe WiUs 4 July Samuell s. of Thomas Steevens 9 July Honoria d. of Thomas Wyett 11 July Margery e d. of John Dane 24 July Johu s. of Johu Lawrye 8 July John s. of Richard Rouse 26 July Grace d. of John Brabyn 23 Sep. Remphrey s. of John Jolle 2 Oct. Mary d. of John Smith gent. 15 Jan. William s. of Marteyne Trus- teyne 24 Oct. Reskvmmer s. of Thomas Allen 25 Oct. Ellis's, of Jobb Pollard 25 Oct. Grace d. of William Rawling 11 Mar. Jane d. of John Vivian gent. 14 Mar. Thomasine d. of Reginald Peter 16 Mar. Nicolas s. of Nicolas Bounsell 17 Mar. Grace d. of James Moyle 25 Mar. Symon s. of John Trewman A>->-o 1621. 20 April Richard s. of Thomas Husband 3 May 20 May 6 June 23 June 2 July 6 July 11 July 21 July 2 Aug. 5 Aug. 7 Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Aug. 9 Sep. 15 Sep. 16 Sep. 16 Sep. 16 Sep. 30 Sep. 6 Oct. 25 Oct. 2 Nov. 11 Nov. 22 Nov. 30 Nov. 16 Dec. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 3 I\lar. 6 Mar. 6 Mar. 6 jMar. 10 Mar. 17 Mar. 24 Mar. 6 April 7 April 13 April Elizabeth d. of Richard Ed- wards Tliomas s. of John Daye Richard s. of William Dancas- ter Robert s. of ffrances George John s. of Paschow Johu Thomasine d. of John Lang- don Dorcas d. of John Copithorne Grace d. of Thomas Bayly Anne d. of Reynoll Hawkyn Elizabeth d. of John Carter gent. Mary d. of Jo. Martyn Humphrey s. of Richard Be- hedoe Grace d. of John Medderne Philip d. of Johu Hawkye Johane d. of Gilbert Rowe Marye d. of Charles Trubodye gent. Philip d. of William Rouse John s. of Thomas Hawkye Loveday d. of William Ter- keene Cecila d. of John Williams Anne d. of Alexander Pen- founde Grace d. of Richard Smyth Richard s. of Jeromm Kent Audrey d. of Reskimmer Sprey Rose d. of Henrye Moyle Thomas s. of William Salter Thomas s. of John Harvey Grace d. of Richard Pynnowe Walter s. of John Tyre John s. of John Cocking Peter s. of John Adams Richard s. of Richard Craw- lei gh Emblyn d. of Edward Hoblyn gent. AVilliam s. of Reynoll Weeks Thomas s. of Thomas Paynter John s. of Thomas Calway Richard s. of John Cocke Nicholas s. of William Blake Susauua d. of Thomas Body Thomas s. of John Tynney John s. of Mathewe Wills John s. of Johu Brabyn Nicholas Cob, Cu. Axxo 1622. John s. of John Mayhoe Thomas s. of Nicholas Lang Thomas s. of John Bayly 1G22-24 ] BAPTISMS. 31 22 April Honor d. of Martin 28 April William s. of AVilliam Williams 28 April Thomas s. of Joliu Kent 26 May Katherine d. of William Bra- bin 9 June Margaret d. of Martin Phit 22 Juue Mary d. of Thomas Trim been 30 June Richard s. of Thomas Husband 3 July Elizabeth d. of John Pook 14 July John s. of Robert Bery 18 July Henrye s. of Paseha Hawke 4 Aug. Mary d. of Robert Cockin 18 Aug. Jane d. of James Cockin 25 Aug. Peter s. of C^harles Trewbody gent. 17 Sep. John s. of John Martin 29 Sep. John s. of John Drew 20 Oct. Jane d. of John Carter 21 Oct. Beniamin s. of Jolm Dyer 1 Nov. William s. of Thomas Skinner 24 Nov. Mary d. of John Lawry 7 Dec. William s. of William Beford 29 Dec. John s. of Thomas Wiat 19 Jan. Elizabeth d. of William Jolly 7 Eeb. Petrenell d. of Richard Hitch- iugs 13 Eeb. John s. of Charles Conner 23 Eeb. James s. of Beniamyn Strang- man 26 Eeb. Jane d. of Alexander Penf ound 12 Mar. Jane d. of John Hendry 21 Mar. Joyce d. of Richard Hawke Anno 1623. 27 Mar. Cathering d. of Henry Rowse 30 Mar. John s. of Thomas Benet 31 Mar. Mary d. of Robert Pollard 6 April Ann d. of John Rowse 25 April Margaret d. of Richard Ed- ■wards 27 April Hugh s. of Thomas Retallack 28 April Jane d. of Nicolas More 2 May Patience d. of John Smith gent. 3 May Umphry s. of Alexander Lange 8 Juue James s. of Robert Litticot . .* June Christian d. of Steven Loves 17 June Mary d. of Thomas Brabinne 22 June Henrye s. of Richard Rowse 9 July Margerye d. of Henry Moyle 10 July Gartruet d. of Philla'Bond 20 July Simon of Robert Trehenben . .* Aug. Thomas & Nicholas sons of Thomas Jane . .* Sep. Mary d. of Rynald Peter 24 Sep. Thomas the base sou of Emblen Scantlebury * Obliterated. 28 Sep. Peter s. of William Tresaddarn 28 Sep. Joane d. of William Williams 28 Sep. Grace d. of Nicolas Stribley . .* Oct. Mary d. of John Copithorne . .* Oct. Adam s. of Martine Tristeane 2 Nov. Thomas s. of John Adams 7 Nov. Jane d. of Luke Pollard 22 Nov. William s. of Thomas Hockey 14 Dec. Dorathy d. of AVilliam Libbey 14 Dec. Humphrey s. of John Harvey 22 Dec. Richard s. of Richard Williams 23 Dec. Grace d. of William Thomas 12 Jan. fflorance d. of Jerman Retal- lacke 1 Eeb. ffrances s. of John Vivian gent. 20 Eeb. Edward s. of William Duu- kester 14 Mar. Mathew s. of Mathew Wills . .* Mar. ffrances d. of Nicolas Bounsall Anno 1624. . .* Mar. Elizabeth d. of Gilbert * . .* April John s. of John Day gen. & Audry his wiffe . .* April fcancis s. of Thomas Tom & Martha his wif£ 12 April Grace d. of John & Petrouell Treningwas 24 April William s. of John & Elizabeth Mill 25 April Joane d. of Richard & Susanna Cavith 12 May Julian d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Wart 17 May Patience d. of John & Jane Mederne 15 July Jolm s. of John & Mary Car- ter gent. 25 July Jane d. of William & Mar- garet Keat gent 2 Aug. John s. of John & Lienor Cock- iuge 1 Aug. Dorathey d. of William & Jane Salter 8 Aug. John s. of John & Jane Joll 8 Aug. Giles s. of John & Jane Wil- liams 29 Aug. Honor d. of John & Honer Darr 29 Aug. Dorathy d. of Thomas & Jane Paynter 9 Sep. John s. of John & Phillipp Bayly 12 Sep. Patience d. of John & Eliza- beth Tenny 12 Sep. Ann d. of John & Elizabeth Dow 32 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1624-25. 21 Sep. ffrancis d. of Heurye & Auue Bra by a 26 Sep. Elizabeth d. of William & Elizabeth Cock 13 Oct. Richard s. of John & Alice Poole 29 Oct. John s. of Heurye & Anne Moyl 7 Nov. Elinor d. of Thomas & Tho- masine Skinner 30 Xov. John s. of Thomas & fflowrauce Husband 12 Dec. Emblen d. of Arthur & Alice Jolly 19 Dec. Penelope d. of Mark Tyre & Katheriue Tyre 1 Jan. Archibald the base sone of Jone ifrauncis 26 Jan. Katheriue d. of Robert & Jone Litticott 6 Eeb. Alice d. of Osithies and Jone Grummow 13 Feb. Edward s. of Martin Duna- conibe & Badiiett his wieff 27 Eeb. Grace d. of Heurye & Jone Naparroe 3 Mar. Humphrey s. of Alexander & Margaret Penfouud 13 Mar. "William a base sone of Susan Lae Anno 1625. 27 Mar. ffraunces s. of ffrances George & Jone his wieif 3 April John s. of Robert & Jone Pollard • 3 April Julyan d. of Robert & Julyan Higgins 4 April AVilliam s. of Pachawe & Katheriue John 9 April Henrye s. of Reynoll & Hester Weekes 19 April Stephen s. of Stephen & Heliuor Knight 11 April Honor d. of John and Auue Bayly 25 April Humphrey s. of John & Eliza- beth Trewman 8 May William s. of Richard & Rose Edwards 8 May Jane d. of William & Elizabeth Bond 22 May William s. of John & Jane Cocking 26 May Jane d. of Immanuell &....* ffranc * Obliterated. 29 May 10 May 12 June 12 June 13 June 10 July 17 July 17 July 4 Aug. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 17 Sep. 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 9 Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 23 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Nov. 27 Nov. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. William s. of Thomas & Tho- mazine Bayly John s. of James & Thomasine Cocking William s. of Humphrey Ar- thur &....* his wife Richard s. of John Martyne & Joaue his wieft' Richard s. of Paskall Hawke & Anna his wieff Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Christian Calway John s. of Nicholas & Margery Bounsoll Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Jane Trembeath Thomas s. of Robert & Kathe- riue Trehenbau William s. of William Keat geut & Margaret liis wieif AVilliam s. of William Bond & Joue his wieff Mathew s. of John Vivian gent & Mary his wieff Jayes d. of Beniamyn & Jone Strongman Dorathie d. of Imanuuell & Sarah Harvey Anthony s. of John & Eliza- beth Lawry Grace d. of Thomas & Mar- garet Tom Margerye d. of Reskymer & Jane Spray Richard s. of Richard & Bar- bara Rowze Mary d. of Henrye & Eliza- beth Harvey Cecilia the bastard dau. of Elizabeth Browne Martyn s. of Martyn Tristeane and Patience his wift'e Johau d. of John & Richewe Myhoe Mary d. of John & Grace Spraye Julyan d. of John & Julyau Lugge Alee d. of Thomas & Katheriue ffranc Thomas s. of Henrye & Susan Riche Grace the d. of Thomas & Mary Body William the bastard sone of Avis Benett Thomas s. of Thomas & Jane Merifield 1625-7.] BAPTISMS. 83 26 Dec. Richard s. of Eichard & Susan Carveatli 15 Jan. Margaret d. of John & Heliuor King 22 Jan. "William s. of Xicolas Moore & Phillip his wieffi 13 Feb. Gyles s. of Martyn & Tho- masyn Edwards 16 Peb. Katberine d. of Christopher Cocke & Dorathie bis wieff 26 Feb. Helenor d. of Alexander & Margaret Penfound 5 Mar. John s. of John & Jone Harvey 5 Mar. Honor d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Bennett 12 Mar. ffrances d. of Luke & Jone Pollard 19 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Henry Blighe gent. & Margaret his wieff 22 Mar. Edward s. of John & Elizabeth Copithorne 25 Mar. John s. of Henrye & Ann Moile AjiKo 1626. 26 Mar. William s. of John Wickett & Christian his wieff 29 Mar. Phillip d. of John & Phillip Bayly 1 April William the base sone of Avis Bennett 3 April William & John the bastard sons of Jane EUerye 1-1 May Phillip d. of James Moyle & Elizabeth his wieff 22 May Mary d. of John & Jone Rouze 30 May Martin s. of German & Alice Retallack 4 June Thomas s. of John Brabyn & Grace his wieff 4 June Anne d. of Robert Litticott & Jone his wieff 8 June Andrew the s. of William & Jone Bonsall 8 June *. . . . s. of Anthonye & Grace Baufore 14 June *. . . . d. of William & Elizabeth Litticott (?) 9 July Richard s. of John Carter gent. & Mary his wieff 26 July William s. of John Cocking & Jone his wieff July *. . . . s. of John & Honor . . . .* 6 Aug. Richard s. of David & Jone Grosse 13 Aug. Edward s. of Rawlyn & Alice Merifeild 31 Aug. John s. of John Moyle & Florance his wieff 9 Sep. James s. of Thomas Wyatt & Elizabeth his wieff 13 Sep. Alice d. of William & Con- stance Turbarvile 21 Sep. Joyce d. of Thomas & Jane Penwith 29 Sep. Thomasine d. of William & Margerye flBth 6 Oct. William s. of William Keat gent. & Margarett his wieff 15 Oct. Arthur s. of George Levithon & Jane his wiffe 28 Oct. Dorothye d. of Thomas & Mary Luky 22 Nov. Arthur s. of Arthur JoUye & Alice his wieff" 3 Dec. Grace d. of Stephen Loveis & Jennifer his wieff 3 Dec. Mellerye d. of John Williams & Mary 10 Dec. Donnatt the base daughter of Penticost Geene 14 Dec. Peter s. of John Adam & Thamason his wieff 6 Jan. Anne d. of Nicholas Tresteane and . . . .* his wieff" 7 Jan. Mary d. of Henrye Hervey & Elizabeth his wieff 14 Jan. Pacience d. of Nicholas Peter & Peternell his wieff" 15 Jan. Marke the base son of Gi'ace Mutton 15 Jan. Margerye d. of John Mill & Elizabeth his wieff 28 Jan. Anne d. of Gilberb Rowe and Margerye his wieff" 11 Feb. Charity d. of William Salter & Jane his wieff 18 Feb. Thomas s. of Nicholas Boun- soll & Margerye his wieff 18 Feb. Julian s. of John Kinge & Ellen his wieff 11 Mar. Avis d. of John Williams 21 Mar. Anne the base daughter of Elizabeth Hill A^xo 1627. 1 April Edward s. of Robert Pollerd & Jane his wieff 1 April James s. of Robert Lukey & Margerye his wieff 1 April Priseilla d. of William Libbye & Katherine his wieff 15 April Mary d. of Christopher Cocke and Dorothv his wieff 22 April Alice d. of Robert West & Jane his wiefE * Obliterate!. 34 THE EEGISTEKS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1627-8. 6 May 6 May 27 May 24 June 29 June 1 July 8 July 28 July 26 Aug. 9 Sep. 15 Sep. 15 Sep. 3 Sep. 24 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 10 Nov. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 6 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 3Eeb. 18 Feb. Tbeophilus s. of Thomas Lae and Margaret t his wieff Edward s. of Ilenrye Moyell and . . . .* his wiefE Honor d. -of John Metherell and Jone his wieff Heni'ye s. of Thomas Skynner and Thoinasyn his wieff Anne d. of John Treneage & Patience his wieff Edward s. of John Vivian gent. & Mary his wieff "William s. of Edward White and Elizabeth his wieff Heniye the base sone of Henrye Husband & Alice Cocke Honor d. of Marke Tyer & Joan his wieff Richard s. of Water Currite & Elizabeth his wieff John s. of Thomas Tom & Margaret his wieff Honor d. of Sampson Lawry & Mary his wieff John s. of Thomas Merifeild John s. of William Calway & Jane his wieff John s. of John Jjegg and Julian his wieff Joan d. of Beniamin Strongman & Joaue his wieff Elizabeth d. of Williams & Elizabeth his wieff Sicilla d. of Henery Bligh & Margaret his wieff William s. of John Dyer & Honor his wieff Elinor d. of William and Mar- garet Keate Thomas s. of Nicholas and Katherine Stribley Richard s. of John Moile Richard s. of Henrye & Johaue Nanparrow Abraham s. of Thomas & fflorances Husband Humphrey s. of Richard & Rose Edwards John s. of Richard Whitford & Grace his wieff Grace d. of Mathew & Mary AVillis Jane d. of James Rouse & Mary his wieff Edward s. of William and Johan Granfford * Obliterated, Tamsyn the base daughter of Cicilie Morcom Henrye s. of John Haicroft & Jane his wieff Radigan d. of Henrye and Elizabeth Lidacoate Ann d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Alleyn Honor d. of John & Tamsyn Adams James s. of John & Elizabeth Tenny John s. of Robert Trehenbanu & Katherine his wieff Anno 1628. Colan s. of William & Eliza- beth Doucaster Beaton d. of Thomas & Rebecca Bailye James s. of Richard & Ann Merifeild Joane d. of John & Elizabeth Lawry Grace d. of William & Ann May Margarett d. of John & Jane Thome Mary d. of John & Catheryne ]\Iayhowe Issabeil d. of Thomas & Jane Stephins Jane d. of Richard & Susan Carveathe John s. of John & Phillipp Barlosse Martyn the base sone of Phil- lipp Teonam & Johan Liike Constantine s. of Chesson . . .* & Charity his wieff James s. of James & Alice Cocke Elizabeth a base daughter of Elizabeth . . . .* Honor d. of John & Grace Sprey Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Bodye Robert s. of Robert Litticott & Jone his wieff Hughe s. of Henry & Phillip Sexonf Gilberd Rowe s. of Gilbert Rowe Thomas s. of German & Susan Kent Skinner d. of John & Johane Harvy . , . .* Martyn s. of Phillipp Yamon * Obliterated, f Sexton, see p. 37, 25 May, 1631 . 23 Feb. 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 8 Mar. 10 Mar. 16 Mar. 22 Mar. 30 Mar. 30 Mar. 3 April 8 April 10 April 14 April 20 April 25 April 27 April 4 May 11 May 7 May 18 May 22 May 8 June 8 June 22 June 29 June 13 July 9 Aug. 19 Au2. 1628-9.] BAPTISMS. 35 7 Sep. Mary d. of Nicholas & Philip More 14 Sep. Jane d. of Pascowe & Anne Hawke 19 Sep. Paciens the base daughter of Mary Perse 14 Sep. Henrye s. of Richard & Eliza- beth BlacJv 28 Sep. John s. of Lennard and Eliza- beth May 28 Sep. Catherine d. of William and Mellery "Williams 28 Sep. Euth d. of Steeven & Jiniver Lovell 4 Sep. Johns, of David & Jane Walkie 12 Oct. Honor d. of John & Leah Arter 5 Nov. Phillepp s. of John & Heliuor King 10 Nov. John d. of Digory & Grace Marshell 30 Nov. Eichard s. of Martyn & Tam- syn Edwards 30 Nov. Barbara d. of John & Jone . . .* * Nicholas s. of 'Williara & Marg* Keate 1 Jan. John s. of Henrye & Margarett Blighe 11 Jan. John s. of John & Mary Wil- liams 18 Jan. Jone d. of Alexander & Mar- garet Peufound 18 Jan. Anne d. of Luke & Jane Pollard 8 Feb. Grace d. of John & Elizabeth Copithorue 8 Mar. Thomas s. of Eobin & Alice Merifeild 9 Mar. Anne d. of Williara Cockeu and Honor his wieff 20 Mar. Eobert s. of Thomas & Tam- son Skinner Anno 1629. 29 Mar. Nathaniel s. of John & Tamson Adam Mar. Grace d. of George & Jane Leverton 29 Mar. Martyn s. of Thomas & Mar- garett Tom 6 April Elizabeth d. of John & Honour Dyer 12 April John s. of Abraham & Eliza- beth Martine 12 April Christian d. of Eeskemer & Jane Sprey 17 May John s. of William & Johan Boand 26 May Davyd s. of William & Enstis Thomas 31 May Peter s. of Eobert & Johan Pollard 17 June John s. of Arthur & Alice Jolly 21 June Marye d. of Henry & Alice Husband 5 July Jane d. of Eobert & Johan West 12 July James s. of Marke & Katherine Tyre 19 July Tamsyn d. of Thomas & Mary Lukye 26 July Adam s. of Martyn & Pacienee Tresteane 2 Aug. Thomas s. of Thomas & Anne Bayliffe 9 Aug. Humphrey s. of John & Eliza- beth Lawry 12 Aug. Charles s. of Michell & Mary Davy 23 Aug. Johane d. of Martyn & Bridget Donnicombe 23 Aug. Peter the base son of Pentecost Geene 24 Aug. William the base son of Ancety Hicks 28 Aug. Johan d. of fErancis & Julian Eescarrock 6 Sep. Mote d. of Henry & Jease Eouse 13 Sep. Henry s. of Henry & Ann Martyn 13 Sep. John s. of James & Elizabeth Moyle 18 Sep. Grace the base daughter of Bar- bara Merrifeild 27 Sep. Edward s. of Thomas &....* Steephens 4 Oct. Eichard s. of Mathew & Mary Wills 4 Oct. Alice d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wyett 11 Oct. Henry s. of William & Jone Beauford 11 Oct. Lenes s. of William & Jane Salter 16 Oct. Thomasyne d. of Eobert & Elizabeth Bosparva 18 Oct. Symon s. of Thomas & Mar- garet Lae 25 Oct. James s. of Peter & Anne Jen- kyn gent 4 Nov. Thomas base s. of Anne Harvey 15 Nov. Elizabeth d. of John & Julian Legge 29 Nov. William s. of Beniamin & Jone Strangman * Obliterated, 36 THE EEGTSTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOE. [1629-31. 26 Dec. Susanna d. of William & Jane Calway 27 Dec. John s. of Thomas & fflorence Gilbert 27 Dec. Christopher s. of Ileury & Anne Moyell 3 Jan. John s. of John & Katherine Majhowe 17 Jan. Thomasyue d. of Nicholas & Anne Buckingham 24 Jan. ff ranees d. of John & Leali Artor 14 Feb. George s. of William & Mar- garett Kete 21 Feb. Jane d. of John & Jane Poole 21 Feb. fflorence d. of Walter & Eliza- beth Goriton 7 Mar. Charity d. of Eobert & Charity James 14 Mar. William s. of Eichard & Anne Merifeild 21 Mar. Josiali s. of John & Pacience Greymes 21 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Jane Merifeild 24 Mar. William s. of John & Eleanor King Anno 1630. 11 April Grace d. of Arthur & Eliza- beth Crawly 16 April John s. of Thomas & Constance Thomas 18 April Maryed. of Eobert &Alse Drew 20 April John s. of John & Margaret Grace 2 May Thomas s. of Thomas & Grace Williams 30 May John s. of John & Elizabeth Copithorne 30 May John s. of George & Anne Humphry 6 June John s. of Jeames & Marye Eowse 20 June Thomas s. of Thomas & Marye Pearse 4 July Marye d. of William & Eliza- beth Dancaster 18 July Prudence d. of Oily ver & Agnes Jago 23 July Johns, of Nicholas & Katherine Peter 25 July Eichard s. of Eobert & Agnes Dunken 1 Aug. Marke s. of Jerman & Agnes Eetallack 15 Aug. Jane the base daughter of Johane Williams 22 Aug. Jeames s. of John & Jane Metherell 29 Aug. Phillipp d. of Eichard & Mary Leytie 10 Sep. Margaret & Christian the child- ren of Eobert & Katherine Trehenban 12 Sep. *Weeter s. of John & Mary Vivian 29 Sep. Eachell d. of Nicholas & Joane Langdon 10 Oct. Agnes d. of Thomas & fflorence Husband 17 Oct. Jane d. of Ealient & Agues Williams 14 Nov. Eobert s. of Eobert & Joane Pollard 14 Nov. Oily ver s. of William & Joane Basey 21 Nov. Beaton d. of Thomas & Eebecca Bayloife 12 Dec. Henry s. of Edward & Eliza- beth Blake 22 Dec. John s. of John & Anne Kent 28 Dec. Margery d. of Eobert & Joane 3 Jan. Marye d. of Thomas & Joane Arrundell 9 Dec. Christopher s. of Anthony & Jane Jenkyn 9 Dec. Eichard s. of Eichard & Eose Edwards 16 Jan. Thomas s. of William & Joane Beaford 13 Feb. Eichard s. of Eichard & Jane Winn 13 Feb. John s. of Gylbert & Margery Eowe 17 Feb. Gilliam d. of Degory & Grace Marryall 20 Feb. Jeames s. of John & fflorence Eowse 20 Feb. Anne d. of John & Martha Young 28 Feb. Wilmott d. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Blake 6 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Adam & Jane Daie 14 Mar. Eobert a base son of Anne Littycott 20 Mar. John s. of Henry & Alice Hus- band Anno 1631. 11 April Edmond s. of Danyel & Jane Walkey * Walter, see entries relating to him hereafter. 1631-2.] BAPTISMS. 11 April Jeueffre d. of Henry & Mar- garete Bligli 6 Nov. 11 April Eichard s. of Eicliard & Alse Cornislie 13 Nov. 12 April Jolm s. of Martyn & Patience Treasteane 13 Nov. 8 May Hester d. of John & Margery Lukye 27 Nov. 25 May Charitye d. of Henry & Phil- lepp Sexton 27 Nov. 27 May Grai-e d. of Antlionye & Alice King 11 Dec. 5 June G-eorge s. of Martyn & Tho- masin Edwards 11 Dec. 5 June Eebecca d. of John & Phillip Bayly 18 Dec. 5 June Mary d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Bennett 1 Jan. 12 June Eaphe s. of Leonard & Eliza- beth Maho 29 Jan. 17 June Margaret d. of William & Mar- garet Kete gent. 26 Feb. 24 July John s. of John & Elizabeth Tenny 11 Mar. 22 Aug. Anne d. of Eobert & Anne Dunkyn 18 Mar. 4 Sep. Henry s. of John & Helynor Knight 18 Mar. 4 Sep. John s. of Henry & Anne Martyn 24 Mar. 11 Sep. Johane d. of William & Austis Thomas 18 Sep. Thomasin d. of James & Tho- masin Cocking 25 Mar. 25 Sep. William s. of Arthur & Alice Jollye 25 Mar. 25 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Mar- garett Lae 25 Mar. 29 Sep. Agnes d. of John & Mary Williams 8 April 29 Sep. Mary d. of Henry Olliver & Phillep lais wife 16 May 2 Oct. John s. of John & Margery Grrace 27 May 9 Oct. Katherine d. of John & Julian Legge 3 June 9 Oct. G-race d. of Thomas & G-race Williams 21 June 26 Oct. Henry s. of Beniamyn & Jane Strangman 17 June 26 Oct. Anne d. of Henry & Alice Eoscorlo 17 June 18 Oct. John s. of Thomas & Mary Body Digory s. of John & Honor Dyer Charles s. of John & Mary 17 June 23 Oct. 8 July 29 Oct. 15 July Vivian 3f James s. of John & Mary Car- ter William s. of William & Low- dye Cocking William d. of Patient & Anne Williams William s. of Henry & Eliza- beth Martyn John s. of Thomas & Elizabeth AUyn G-ilbert s. of William & Kathe- rine Libby Mary d. of Aneas & Jane Tacye John s. of Thomas & Anne Bayliffe Eichard s. of Edward & Eliza- beth White James s. of John & Jone Lawry Ann d. of William & Eliza- beth Dancaster Alice d. of William & Jane Calway Tiffenye d. of William & Jane Salter Phillip d. of Eichard & Jane Langdon Temperance d. of Thomas & Grrace Stephens AifNo 1632. James s. of John & Katherine Mayhow Jane d. of Edward & Anne Ash Elizabeth d. of James & Marye Eouze Jane d. of David & Jane Strib- leye Jane d. of Thomas & Marye Lukye Grace d. of John & Elizabeth Dawe Jane d. of Christopher & Dorothie Cocke Jane d. of Eobert & Joane West Henry s. of Nicholas & Anne Buckingham Honor d. of Henry & Joyce Eouze Mary d. of John & Leah Arthur John s. of Thomas & Jane Pearce Eichard s. of George & Jane Lunye 38 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE 5 Aug Tnsiinli a. of William & Joane I 5 Feb. [1632-3. Josuah a. of William & Joane Bewtbrd 5 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Mathew & I^Iary Wills 5 Aug. Jane d."of Martyn & Bridgett Uunnacombe 12 Aug. John 9. of Thomas & Beaton Hawke 12 Aug. John s. of Marke & Katherine Tyre 17 Aug. Hester a base child to Susanna Hawke 6 Sep. Julian d. of Nicholas & Kathe- rine Stribleye 6 Sep. Jane d. of George & Anne Humphry 10 Sep. Joane d. of Luke & Jane Pol- lard 23 Sep. Anthonye s. of Anthonye & Anstis Whiteford 30 Sep. Daniell s. of Eobert & Charity . . . .* 14 Oct. Grace d. of Abraham & Eliza- beth Husband 28 Oct. Peter s. of John & Grace Ken- dall 9 Nov. Grace d. of Thomas & Joane Arrundell 18 Nov. Ebbott d. of Walter & Eliza- beth Cayter 25 Nov, Priscilla d. of Robert & Joane Bary 9 Dec. Edward s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Crawly 16 Dec. Barbara d. of John & Honor Dyer 16 Dec. Joane d. of John & Mary Eetallack 27 Dec. Henry s. of John & Anne Kent 1 Jan. Mathew a base child to Anne Moyle 6 Jan. Barbara d. of Nicholas & Petronell Peter 9 Jan. Mary d. of Eobert & Anne Dunkyu 13 Jan. Stephen s. of John & Ellinor Kynge 13 Jan. Grace d. of Alexander & Mar- garet Penfound 13 Jan. Jane d. of Eobert & Alice Drewe 20 Jan. James s. of Eeynoll & Mary Hawkye 27 Jan. Mary d. of Martyn & Anne Eowe * Obliterated here ; it is James, see 2 Dec. 1634. Grace d. of Digory & Grace Marshall 10 Feb. George s. of Thomas & Anne Baylifte 17 Feb. Mary d. of John & Mary Vivian 24 Feb. Jane d. of Adam & Jaue Daye 24 Feb. John s. of John & Joane Bennett 17 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Henry & Alice Husband 21 Mar. Oliff d. of John & Elizabeth Dar Anno 1633. 31 Mar. Joell s. of Hugh & Elizabeth Blake 7 April Thomas s. of Thomas & Ee- beceha Baylye 7 April Johane the bastard daughter of Elizabeth White 21 April John s. of iEneas & . . . .f Tacye. 28 April Honor d. of William & Honor Terkeane 5 May Henry s. of Eobert & Keteren Trehembam 19 May TyfPeuey d. of Eeynald & An Hawke 19 May Mycaell s. of Eichard & Alice Cornish 19 May Elizabeth d. of Marten & Elizabeth Trestean 2 June Peter s. of Eobert & Johane Pollard 9 June James s. of James & Elizabeth Moyell 16 June Elizabeth d. of Henry & Phylip Saxton 23 June Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Mote Kestlack 31 June Margery d. of John & Ann Horswell 14 July Johon d. of John & Grace Marshall 14 July Catheren d. of John & Pris- silla Jane 17 July Peter s. of Thomas & Mar- garet Tome t Barbara & Beaten daus. of John and Martha Lowry 21 July Phylyp d. of Will'>^ & Johon Bound 28 July James s. of Henry & Mary Tregeare 20 Aug. Degory s. of John & Johon Metherell t Obliterated, 1633-4.J 8 Sep. 22 Sep. 29 Sep. 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. ...* Dec. ...* Dee. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Dec. 1 Jan. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Jan. 9reb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 30 Mar. BAPTISMS. 39 John s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Pockenhorn Joane d. of William & Jane Calway Anne d. of Nicolas & Eliza- beth Jane Rachell d. of Henry & Alse Eeacorlow Mary d. of Henry & Joane Marten Thommasen d. of William & Joane Basly Elizabeth d. of Richard & Elizabeth Blake Joane d. of John & Phylyp Bay life John s. of Eichard & Mary Carter Margery d. of Eichard & Margery Hopper William s. of William & Joane Way Anstes d. of Arthur & Alice Jolly John s. of Henry & Honor Lee Christopher s. of Eawliug & Alee Merefeild Eichard s. of Benzamen & Johan Stranman John s. of William & Anstes Thomas Edward s. of John & Elizabeth Lawry John s. of Eichard & Ann Meryfeild Marye d. of Henry & Marye Elizabeth Marten Dorcus the d. of Edward & Elizabeth White Barbara d. of Thomas & Beten Hawke Marrien d. of William & Lowdy Cocking Jonatben s. of James & Mary Eowse Marke s. of John & Elizabetb Tenny Nycolas s. of Edward & Agnes Asb John s. of Marten & Tamson Edwards Thomas s. of Thomas & Mary Body A>-NO 1634. Zenoby d. of Thomas fflorence G-ylbert Day of the month not given. & 7 April G-ilbert s. of Henry & Mar- garet Bligh 20 April John s. of Archibald & Jone Eowse 20 April Elizabeth d. of John & Jone Lawry 27 April Eobert s. of Nicholas & Ann Bucingame Garterell d. of John & G-i'ace Kendell Eebecke d. of John & Honner Dier Christopher s. of Pacience & Ann Wills Elizabeth d. of John Vivian gent, and Mary his wife Eobert s. of Lenard & Eliza- beth Wav Ollive d. of ■" Thomas & Eliza- beth Alen Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Grace Williams Nathan s. of John & Katherine Mayhow Mary d. of Walter & Eliza- beth Coriton Emblen d. of Josias & Darryty Day Thomas s. of William & Eliza- beth Cruse William s. of James & Tamson Cocken G-eorge s. of Autheny & Entis Whitford Phillipp d. of John & Elyne King Darriti d. of Mary Borlaee Mary d. of Eobert & Cheryty James Margery d. of Henry & Alee Husband Henry d. of Henry & Joyce Eouse Emblen d. of John & Lea Arter Hester d. of Sampson & Hes- ter Eescorla Peter s. of Luke & Jone Pol- lard An d. of William & Jane Salter Oily d. of John & Mary Williams Garthered d. of Thomas & Jane Nanparrow John s. of John & Anish Luky Elynor d. of Adam & Jane . . ..f t Obliterated ; the name is Dav, see 1 Oct. 1637. 4 May 8 May 8 May 27 May 27 June 31 July 17 Aug. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 22 Sep. 24 Sep. 5 Oct. 29 Oct. 9 Nov. 24 Nov. 2 Dec. 28 Dec. 2 Jan. 2 Jan. 18 Jan. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 25 Feb. 28 Mar. 40 THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR 6 Dec. [1G34-6. 28 Mar. Jane d. of Thomas & Mary Wcscot 15 Mar. Thamson d. of Digory & Grace Marsliall AifNO 1635. 29 Mar. Anne d. of Thomas & An Bay- Icfe 5 April Jane d. of William & Joane Beaford 3 May Ann d. of Abraham & Eliza- beth Husband 10 May Constance d. of John & Mary Eetallack 29 June Peter s. of John & Grace Mar- tiall 2 July Ann d. of Michell & Mary Davye 9 July German s. of John & Ann Kent 31 July Luke s. of Thomas & Greson Harvey 3 Aug. John s. of Martyn & Ann Eow 4 Aug. AVilliam a bastard of Mary Horswell 16 Aug. John s. of Thomas & Margery Hawke (?) 16 Aug. ... d. of Reynell & Ann . . .* 23 Aug. Honor d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Pokinghorne 13 Sep. John s. of Davye & Sicily . . .f 13 Sep. Honor d. of John & Anne Horswell 27 Sep. Marke s. of John & Margery Grace ' 8 Oct. Edvrard s. of Thomas & Alee Hoblyn 8 Oct. Marke s. of Marke & Eliza- beth Tire 21 Oct. Lowdy d. of George & Johane Lombe 15 jM^ov. Margaret d. of Richard & Joane Langdon 23 IS^'ov. Joane d. of Hugh & Kathe- rine (illegible) J 15 Xov. Ann d. of Thomas & Con- stance Thomas 22 Nov. AVilliam s. of Henry & Mary (iUegible)§ .... Legge, Rector. JoHK Date & Thomas Eu .... (illegible) * Obliterated; Hawke, see 19 May, 1633. t Obliterated ; Hambly, see 19 August, 1638. j Spray, see 7 March. 1639. § Tregeare? see 30 Sep. 1638. 20 Dec. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 30 Jan. 7 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. Margaret d. of John & Pente- cost Gryms Anthony s. of George & Anne Humphrey Honor d. of John & Katherine Mayowe John s. of "William & Jane Calway James s. of John & Prissilla Jane Marye d. of Beniamyn & Johan Strangman Hannibell s. of Henry & Eliza- beth Martyn Thomas a bastard s. of Pa- tience Wyatt Anno 1636. 11 April Philip s. of George & Mary King William s. of John & Elizabeth Darre Henry s. of John & Johane Lyttycott Elizabeth d. of Johane Beslye Barbara d. of Ananyas & Johane Tacye Maude d. of William & Anstes Thomas Janne d. of Thomas & fflo- rence Gylbartt Marke s. of William & Lowdy Cockyn John s. of John & Alls Pears Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth AUvn William s."of Giles & Eliza- beth Truscott Honnor d. of Henry Lee & Hounor his -wieff Thomas & Ann children of Jobn & Elizabeth Copi- thorne Edmond s. of Thomas & Ann Penandrea James s. of Nicholas & Petter- nell Petter Mary d. of Thomas & Grace Williams Mary d. of Henry & Margaret Bligh William s. of John & Phillip Baylye Marye d. of John & Honnor Dyar Jane d. of Henry & Alles Eescorla 22 Mar. 22 Mar. 22 Mar. 22 Mar. 2-1 Aug. 22 May 16 May 31 May 3 June 6 June 19 Jan. 22 June 2-1 July 4 Sep. 4 Sep. 16 Sep. 25 Sep. 25 Sep. 14 Oct 1636-7.] 23 Oct. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 11 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec. 10 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Mar. 7 April 16 April 17 April 23 April 23 April 14 May 21 May 29 May 29 May 30 May 11 June 11 June 12 June 9 July ffrances d. of Eichard & Jane Bawden Eobert s. of Eichard & Wil- mott Hawke Patter s. of Thomas & Mary Bodye Thomas s. of Christopher & Dorothie Cocke Anthony e s. of John & Ellynor Kinge Eemphry s. of Archibald & Joane Eowse Ealphe s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Cra^vlye Levys s. of Margery Hawkyn alias Trenbeard Martyn s. of John & Alls Straugman Mary d. of John & Ebett Jollye Honnor d. of John & Eliza- beth "Williams Henry s. of Jozias & Dorothie Dave Honnor s. of Abraham & Elizabeth Husband Anno 1637. Mary d. of Leunard & Eliza- beth May Jane d. of Thomas & Dathony Common Lawdee d. of Patience & Ann Williams Jellian d. of Sampson & Hester EescorJa Ann d. of Ealfe & G-arteret Keate Mary d. of Eichard & Ann Meryfild Mathew the base s. of Eliza- beth Wills Jane d. of Luas & Emlyn God- frey Johane d. of William & Jane Calway Honor d. of John & Pentecost Gennis Maud d. of Anthony & Bar- bara Michell William s. of Eobert & Cherety James Beaten d. of John & Ann Hoswell Jonathan s. of John & Mary' Vivian Margery d. of Eobert & Johane Grose BAPTISMS. 23 July 23 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 6 Aug. 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 28 Aug. 3 Sep. 11 Sep. 17 Sep. 24 Sep. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 2 Nov. 20 Dec. 28 Dec. 21 Jan. 21 Jan. 2Eeb. 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 18 Feb. 11 Mar. ' 41 Jacob s. of Thomas & Ann Bay life Marv'd. of Thomas & Mary West Eebecka d. of John & Johane Lawry Elizabeth d. of Digory & Grace Marshall Elizabeth d. of Walter & Eliza- beth Corniton William s. of William & Jane Salter John s. of Anthony & Janaver Pollowin Elizabeth d. of Henry & Joyce Eowse John s. of John & Presilla Jane Mary d. of Ambrose & Peter- nail Eandall Peternell d. of John & Eliza- beth Tynne John s. of Eichard & Elizabeth Blacke Joyce d. of John & Leath Arthur Grace d. of Barnabas & Con- stance Betty John s. of John & SibellaEes- corla John s. of Adam & Jane Day John s. of George & Mary Kinge Joyce d. of Henry & Tamson Bray Ealph s. of John & Mary Williams Eichard s. of John & Kathe- rine May how John s. of Stephen & Ann Eenell John s. of Giles & Elizabeth Truskat Edward s. of William & Eliza- beth Cruse Honour d. of Henry & Alse Husband Margaret d. of Thomas & Ann Ha inly Margaret d. of Thomas & Margaret Law Honour d. of James & Mary Eowse George s. of Bengeman & Johan Strongman Katteren and Adrea daughters of John & Ann Jenkven 42 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MA.TOE. [1638-9. 30 Mar. 5 Ajiril 22 April 13 May 13 May 10 June 10 June 17 June 5 July 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 15 Aug. 19 Aug. 1 Sep. 1 Sep. 9 Sep. 20 Sep. 30 Sep. 30 Sep. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Oct. 8 Nov. 25 Nov. 5 Dec. 16 Dec. Anno 1638. Henry s. of Henry & Jane Nanparow Jane a base child of Jane Jolley Honor d. of Martyn & Ann Raw George s. of Josias & Doro- the Day Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Mary Nanparow Peter s. of Henry & Margaret Bligh John 8. of Hugh & Elizabeth Blake Eichard s. of Eichard & Wil- niott Hawke Mary d. of Samson & Hester Eeseorla Peters, of James & Temson Cockyn ffrances d. of Henry & Ann Martyn Edward s. of Thomas & Mar- garet Michell David s. of David & Seseley Hambly Bernard s. of John & Mary Vivian Dorothey d. of Michell & Ann Davey Charles s. of Henry Thomas & Jencfrey his wiffe Jane d. of John & Jane Jane Eichard s. of Henry & Mary Tregeare Jone d. of John & Olive Cundy John s. of John & Avise Lukey Emblyn d. of John & Barbara Oxnam Christopher s. of George & Ann Humphrey Jouslin d. of John & Ann Kent Nicholas s. of William & Con- stance Thomas Jone d. of Henry & Tamson Bray David s. of Marke & Cathe- rine Tyer John s. of John & Ann Vivian jun. John base s. of Olive Thomas Marke s. of Thomas & Ann Nicholas 1 Jan. Jenefrey d. of Archibald & Jone Eowse 13 Jan. Henry s. of Henry & Honor Lee 13 Jan. Agnes d. of Thomas & Moate Eeslake 13 Jan. Beaton d. of Thomas & Beaton Hawke 7 Feb. Tamson d. of John & Alse Strongman 17 Feb. Mary d. of Anthony & Bar- bara Michell 27 Feb. Ann d. of John & Ann Hors- well 19 Mar. John and Martyn children of Martyn & Jane Stevens 24 Mar. John a. of John & Mary Ee- talack 25 Mar. Abigail d. of Arthur & Alse Joley Anno 1639. 31 Mar. Gertrud d. of Ealph & Ger- trud Keate 31 Mar. Honor d. of Ealph & Barbara Williams 6 April Denies s. of Eichard & Jane Langdon 7 April Melier d. of Tliomas & Mary Boday 16 April Avis d. of William & Lowdy Cocking 21 April Honor d. of Lewes & Emblyn Godfrey 25 April Mary d. of William & Mar- garet Ward 28 April *. . . . s. of Abraham & Mar- garet Husband 29 April Stephen s. of John & Anne Stephens 16 June Lewes s. of William & Mar- gery Hawkyn 7 July Dennis s. of Tliomas & Mary Westcot 7 July Jane d. of John & Margaret Brint 21 July Anne d. of Anthony & Beaton EUery 28 July Margery d. of Thomas & ffloranc Gilbert 4 Aug. Margaret d. of John& Johane Lawry 18 Aug. William s. of Eobert & Grace Cock 25 Aug. Joyce d. of Eegnold & Anne Hawke * Obliterated. 1639-40.] 29 Aug. 3 Sep. 29 Sep. 29 Sep. 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 20 Oct. 12 Nov. 17 Nov. 8 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Dec. 1 Jan. 6 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Jan. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 19 Feb. 27 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Mar. 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 6 Mar. 29 Mar. 12 April 16 May BAPTISMS. 43 John s. of John & Ebbet Jolleye Anne d. of Stephen & Anne Lovell Ricliard s. of Eichard & Wil- mot Hawke Richard s. of Luke & Con- stance James William s. of Walter & Lowdy Vivian Joane d. of Cbristopber & Elizabeth Wallcot Elizabeth d. of Greorge & Mary King Tamson d. of James & Emlyn Jollye John s. of Richard & Alse Cornishe Margery d. of John & Pati- ence Gennis William s. of Anthony & Jenefer Pollowin Henry s. of William & Eliza- beth Cock Walter s. of Barnabas & Con- stance Betty Margaret d. of Thomas & Mary MicheU Anthony s. of John & Martha Jolly Robert s. of Robert & Charity Jane Emlyn d. of John & Phillip Baylie Jane d. of Henry & Paskas Row George s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Crawlyn Methusala s. of Thomas & Ann Williams John s. of John & Barbara Oxnam Mary d. of Ambrose & Petro- nell Randall OUife d. of Hugh & Katharine Spray Jane d. of Beniamyn & Eb- bett Harvy Tamson d. of Sampson & Hester Rescorla ANifO 1640. John 3. of Richard & Aves Williams Bettews d. of Henry & Goyse Rowse Thomas s. of Thomas & Mar- garet Law 25 May Thomas s. of James & Mary Rowse 7 June Phillip s. of Henry & Alice Husband 9 June Honor d. of Nicholas & Eliza- beth Jane 14 June Thomas s. of William & Jane Callwaye 21 June John s. of Patience & Ann Williams 24 June Joane d. of John & Mary Williams 21 June Elizabeth d. of John & Learth Arthur 11 July Richard s. of Rawlyn & Mary Edwards 12 July Margaret d. of Richard & Joane Langdon 19 July James s. of Adam & Jane Daye 19 July Joane d. of William & Eliza- beth Crewse 2 Aug. John s. of John & Elizabeth Williams 6 Sep. William s. of John & Presilla Jane 20 Sep. Mathew s. of Mathew & Mary John 20 Sep. Edraond s. of Annanias & Joane Barue 27 Sep. Ellis s. of John & Grace Gen- dall* 4 Oct. Grace d. of Henry & Jane Nanparrow 4 Oct. Joane d. of Humphrey & Julyan Bearde 5 Oct. ffrances d. of Diggory & Grace Marshall 18 Oct. Benjamin s. of ffaythfull & Marg. Bishopp 18 Oct. Elizabeth d. of John & Eliza- beth Myll 25 Oct. ffrancis s. of Benioymyn & Joane Strongman 27 Oct. Henry s. of John & Ebbett Jollife 1 Nov. Barbara d. of William & Mar- gery Trembeaw 6 Nov. Honuer d. of John & Elizabeth Darr 15 Nov. ffrancis s. of Hugh & Eliza- beth Blake 18 Nov. William s. of John & Ann Jenkyn 4 Dec. Johns.of Richard&AnnTrotht 13 Dec. Margery d. of Thomas & Anu Bayly * Kendall, see p. 4.", 10 Aug. 1645. f Original enti-y signed Ri. Troth. 44 THE REGISTEES OE ST. COLTJMB MAJOE. [1640-2. 20 Dec. William s. of Josyas & Doro- the Daye 27 Dec. John s. of Martyn & Joane Stephens 27 Dec. Richard s. of John & Joane Stapell 24 Jan. Edward s. of Rawlyn & Alice Mcrifeild 24 Jan. William s. of John & Jane Jane 27 Jan. Henry s. of Henry & Jenever Thomas 21 Feb. Elizabeth d. of David & Sis- silla Hambly 28 Eeb. Abraham s. of Henry & Honor Lee 20 Mar. Avis d. of Thomas & Joan Hockey 24 Mar. James and Robert children of James & Mary Rouse Anno 1G41. 3 April Mary d. of John and Ann Jenkyn 4 April Mary d. of Henry & Margaret Bligh 1 Sep. Richard s. of Richard & Jane Troth (was Borne Sep. 1 1642*) Anno 1642.t 4 Eeb. William s. of William & Eliza- beth Lanyon Anno 1643. 10 April Elizabeth d. of John & Eliza- beth Lawry Anno 1641. 3 Mar. Mary d. of John & Mary Re- tallock 3 Mar. Phillipp d. of Thomas & Con- stance Thomas 11 Mar. Thomas s. of Barnabas & Con- stance Betty 22 Mar. John s. of Ralph & Barbara Williams Anno 1642. 9 May Julyan d. of Lewis & Emblen Godfrey 23 May James s. of Marten & Barbara Row 9 June Peter s. of Nicholas & Ann Bounsell 14 June Jane d. of Will. & Susan James 14 June Sibelld. of Tiiomas&MaryLaw * Entered thus, and signed Ei. Troth, f The Registers are very irregular and ill- kept about this period. 15 June Peter s. of John & Oliffe Cundy 20 June Roger s. of Anthony & Beaton Ellery 27 June Joane d. of Thomas & Amy AYilliams 4 July Susan d. of Henry & Mary Bray 6 July John s. of John & EUenor Lang 28 July Thomas s. of Nicholas & Jane Baseley 28 July Joane d. of Stephen & Ann Lovell 4 Aug. Phillis d. of John & Elizabeth Blake 8 Aug. Henry s. of Reskemer & Joane Spray 8 Aug. Ann d. of Thomas & Beaton Hawke 8 Aug. Avis d. of John & Ann Kent 22 Aug. John s. of Mathew & Grace Allen 12 Sep. William s. of Richard & Wil- mett Hawke 12 Sep. Mary d. of Thomas & Ann Pearse 12 Sep. ffrances a base d. of Agnes Harvey 16 Sep. Winifred d. of Thomas & Patience Bawden 20 Sep. Rose d. of John & Elizabeth Tenny 25 Sep. Honor d. of Sampson & Hester Rescorla 6 Oct. Richard s. of Robert & Grace Cocke 3 Nov. Joan d. of Bennett & Joan Perden 15 Nov. William s. of Anthony & Bar- bara Michell 28 Nov. Christopher s. of Christopher & Cristian Woolcock 5 Dec. Joan d. of James & Joan Ska- berie 5 Dec. Richard s. of Cristian Burke 8 Dec. Jane d. of Thomas & Mary Westcott 2 Jan. John s. of Peter & Emblen Betty 2 Jan. William s. of Archibald & Joan Rouse 9 Dec. Mary d. of William & Eliza- beth Cock 30 Dec. Gilbert s. of Thomas & Mary Richards 30 Dec. Henry s. of Henry & Mary Treger 1642-5.J BAPTISMS. 45 30 Dec. Joan d. of "Walter & Joan Corington 6 Feb. ffrancis s. of Luke & Con- stance James 6 Feb. WUliam s. of Wmiam & Con- stance Thomas 13 Feb. Sara d. of John & Joan Lawry 20 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Tbomas & Honor Treven 26 Feb. John s. of E-icbard & Joan Witbell 26 Feb. Mary d. of Tbomas & Ann Bailie 3 Mar * s. of Anthony & Ann Pollowin 6 jS^ov. Thomas s. of Eichard & Anne Trotht (6 Nov. 1644) + The names of such as have ben bap- tised sethence the 25*^ of April, 1644. Akno 1644. 2 May Ann d. of John Yivian Esq. 5 May John s. of Henry Trulerford 12 May Abigail d. of Walter Vivian 18 June Anthoney s. of Eobert James 22 June John s. of Barbara Bettey 23 June Thomas s. of James Jcabiis§ 7 July "William s. of John Hervey 14 July Jane d. of John Browne 21 July Ealph s. of Ealph Williams 24 July Joaue d. of Anthoney El- lerey 10 Aug. Peter s. of Peeter Callaway 25 Aug. John s. of Henerey Brey 22 Sep. Jane d. of John Allen 29 Sep. G-eorge s. of Grilbert Eem- phi'ey 6 Oct. Frances d 13 Oct. Thomas s lowin 15 Oct. Thomas s. of Thomas Hawke 1 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Bo\in- sell 6 Nov. Thomas s. of Eichard Troth 7 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Thomas West- cott 2 Dec. John s. of John Geene 25 Dec. Emblem d. of Nicholas Jane 5 Jan. Philipp d. of John Browne 19 Jan. Frances d. of William Crues * Obliterated. f End of the regular entries of baptisms in the first volume, the following being entered among gome weddings and burials at the end of the first volume. if This entry is signed Ei. Troth. § Sic. of John Horswell of Anthoney Pel- 26 Jan. Pacience d. of Luke James 2 Feb. Daniell s. of DanieU Ham- bley 16 Feb. Michaell s. of Micliaell Davie 16 Feb. G-eorge s. of James Cocken 23 Feb. Eichard s. of Eichard Eetal- lacke 2 Mar. Margaret d. of Henry Tre- geare 23 Mar. James d. of Marten Stephens 23 Mar. Peeter s. of Mathew John Anjs^o 1645. 30 Mar. Thomas s. of Thomas Nicholas 5 April Joane d. of Eescemer Sprey 5 April William s. of John Stephens 10 April Dorothy d. of Thomas Eowe 25 April Penticost d. of John Grimes 27 April Eichard s. of Johu Kent 27 April Joane d. of Pascoe Langdon 4 May Philip s. of Nicholas Withell 18 May Nicholas s. of Eobert Cocke 18 May Embliu d. of George Champion 26 May David s. of Thomas Naparra 8 June Thomas s. of Eichard & Jane Littacott 8 June Mary d. of Abraham & Eliza- beth Husband 15 June John s. of John & Martha JollifPe 18 June Honour & Elizabeth daughters of Samson & Hester Ees- corla 20 June John s. of Nicholas & Jane Basely 20 June Henery s. of Richard & Fran- ces Jollye 10 Aug. Charles s. of Edward & Em. Hockyn 10 Aug. John s. of John & Grace Ken- dall 31 Aug. Elizabeth d. of John & Ebott Jollye 21 Sep. Joane d. of Eichard & Joane Copithorne 28 Sep. John s. of Gilbert & Elizabeth Launder 5 Oct. Alice d. of John & Mary Wil- liams 13 Oct. Thomas s. of John & Elizabeth Vivian 6 Jan. John s. of John & Susanna Hendra 30 Jan. John base s. of Anne "Veale the reputed father John Teage 8 Feb. Henry s. of John ancis base s. of Precilla Jane, borne 7 March 15 Mar. Katherine & Honor daughters of Henry & Mary (?) Tre- geere, borne 14 March 17 Mar. James s. of Bennett & Jone Cardew, borne 8 March Anno 1648. 16 April *. . . . s. of Guilbert & Eliza- beth Lawnder, borne 5 April 7 May *. . . . Ham d. of Thomas & Ann Baylie, borne 3 Mav 21 May Margery d. of Edward & Pris- cilla C haplain, borne 18 May 28 May Peter s. of Peter & ffrances Eescorla, borne 21 May 28 May John s. of John & Jane Jane, borne 25 9 June Jasper s. of Matliew & Mary Tresaderne, borne 4 June 2 July James s. of Eobert & Grace Cocke, borne 26 June 30 July Nathaniel, s. of George & Honor Champion, borne 25 July 13 Aug. John s. of Emanuell & Tho- mazine Hawke, borne 5 Aug. Charles s. of Jerman & Honor Eetallack, borne 13 Aug. Grace d. of John & Sara Litta- cott, borne 19 Aug. Mary (?) d. of Eichard & ffrances Jolley, borne 5 Sep. Olive (?) d. of Thomas & Mary Pearse, borne 26 Sep. Alice (?) d. of Nicholas & Jane Basely, borne 6 Oct. Jam' s. of Eobert Hoblyu gent. & Grace his wife, borne 30 Sep. Jane d. of Henry & Jone Eowse, borne 14 Oct. Honor d. of John & Cleere Arthur, borne 15 Oct. William s. of Martyn & Anne Eoe, borne 4 Nov. Jane d. of Eichard & Agues Moyle, borne 5 Nov. John s. of John Carter gent. & Honor his wife, borne 19 Nov. 26 Nov. Eichow d. of Eichard & Joane Copithorne, borne 23 Nov. 20 Aug 20 Aug 10 Sep. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 5 Nov 12 Nov 24 Nov. 48 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1648-9. 10 Dec. 6 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 16 Feb. 24 Feb. 4 Mar. 13 Mar. 26 Mar. 20 April 22 April 6 May 13 May 14 J\Iay 30 May 3 June 10 June 24 June 24 June 1 July 17 July 23 June 29 Juue 1 Aus. Jane d. of Giles & EHz. Wil- liams, borne 1 Dec. Christoplier s. of Christopher & Peternell Hendy, borne 5 Jan. Gregory s. of John & Eliza- beth Browue, borne 29 Dec. Margaret d. of Anthony & Joice Pawly, borne 6 Jan. ffrancis s. of John & Anne Stephens, borne 31 Jan. ff ranees d. of Josias & Doro- thy Day John s. of Humphrey & Si- bella Harvey, borne 9 Feb. Nicholas s. of Nicholas & Anne Buusell, borne 20 Feb. Constance d. of Tho. & Bar- bara Hawke, borue 25 Feb. William s. of George & Grace James, borue 9 Mar. Anno 1649. Tho. s. of Henry & Alice Hus- band, borne 17 Mar. 1648 Richard s. of Henry Lee, borne 13 April Jo. s. of Jo. & Catherine Brewer, borne 20 April James s. of Eeskimir & Eliza- beth Allen, borne 28 April Mary d. of James & Joane Scriven*', borne same day Barnabas s. of Peter & Em. Betty, borue 9 May Jo. s. of William & Dorathy Langdon, borne 27 May Anthony s. of Peter Callaway borne 31 May Alice d. of Walter & Judeth Vivian, borne 5 June ffran. s. of Jo. Beauford Rec- tor & Anne his wife, borne 15 June Alexander s. of John & Jane Jane, borne 17 June John s. of Richard & Wilmott Hawke, borue 23 June Phili[) d. of Richard & Anne Troth, borne 13 July John s. of Beniamyn & Ebott Harvey, borne 17 July Ifran. s. of flran. Burges gent. & Anne his wife, borue 27 June Judeth d. of Tho. & Margaret Roe, borne 27 June John s. of Theoi)hilus & Mary Lawe, borue 29 Aug. Alice d. of Tho. & Aune Pol- lard, borue 16 Sep. ffran. a. of Jo. Vivian Esq. & Mary bis wife,* borne 4 Oct. Edward s. of ffran. & Honor Richards, borne 15 Oct. Beaton d. of Anthony & Bea- ton Ellcry, borne 21 Oct. Grace d. of Luke & Constance James, borne 14 Nov. Stephen son of Stephen & Anne Lovell, borne 17 Nov. Judeth d. of Robert Hoblyn gent, and Grace his wife borne 26 Nov. Samueil s. of John & Margery Jolley, borne 4 Dec. Jacob s. of Isack & Elizabeth Jenkyn, borne 4 Dec. Anne d. of William & tfrances White, borne 16 Dec. Samnel s. of John & Elizabeth Mill, borne 18 Dec. Honor d. of Humphrey & Honor Pawle, borne 26 Dec. Mary d. of John & Bridget England, borne 1 Jan. James s. of James & Jone Stephens, borne 8 Jan. * This Francis Yiviau mar. in 1677 Anne, only dau. and heir of Hen. Maynard of Cosworth in Little Colau, by Bridget, dau. and heir of Samuel Cosworth of C'oswarth. and his dau. and heir Mary mar. Sir Richard Vyvyaa of Trelo- warren, Bart. Little Golan Parish Register. Nic. Cosworth of C. Esq., bur. 5 Dec. 1680. Margt. Cosoworth bur. 24 Jan. 1(183. Anna wife of Francis Vivian of Cosworth, Esq., bur. 8 Sept. 1685. Mrs. Bridget Maynard of Cosworth bur. 8 Oct. 168':. Mary dau. of Francis Vivian Esq. and Ann his wife bapt. 28 Sept. 1681 Sr. Samuel Cosoworth Kt. bur. 6 May 1666, Henry Maynard gent. bur. 21 April 1670. Mrs. .Julian Maynard of St. Enoder bur. 26 Jan. 1670. Wm. Cosoworth gent. bur. 14 Dec. 1673. liob. Cosoworth of Cosoworth, Esq., bur. 27 May 1678. Francis Vivian of Cosoworth, Esq., bur. 2 Aug. 1690. Juhu Cosoworth, gent., bur. 29 Feb. 1707. St. Eval Parish Register. Sir Richard Vyvyan and Mrs. .Mary Vivian mar. 9 Nov. 1697. 3 Sep. 18 Sep. 6 Oct. 21 Oct. 27 Oct. 18 Nov 23 Nov. 30 Nov. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Dec. 23 Dec. 31 Dec. 6 Jau. 13 Jan. 1649-51.] BAPTISMS. 49 19 Jan. Mary d. of William & Eliza- beth Crewes, borue 12 Jan. 20 Jan. Mary d. of James & Mary Rowse, borne 15 Jan. 27 Jan. John s. of John & Susan Hendra, borne 21 Jan. 28 Jan. Emblyu d. of Lewis & Emblyn Grodfrey, borne 26 Jan. 2 Feb. Eobert s. of Richard & Jane Littacott, borne 24( Jan. 2 Feb. Mary d. of Edward & Cissely Chappie, borne 30 Jan. 12 Feb. Grace d. of William & Eliza- beth Crewes, borne 3 Feb. 23 Feb. Joane d. of Richard & Bar- bara Wise, borne 16 Feb. 21 Feb. Jane d. of Richard & Mary Langdon, borne 19 Feb. 24 Feb. Joane d. of John & Susan Lawry, borne 16 Feb.* 10 Mar. William s. of Thomas & Mary Rickerds, borne 9 Mar. 24 Mar. Mathew s. of Eobert & Ebott Husband, borne 23 Mar. Anno 1650. 21 April Jane d. of Henry & Pasias Roe, borne 14 April 28 April John s. of John & Anne Hos- well, borue 19 April. 28 April Elizabeth d. of Jacob & Mawde Puncher, borne 24 April 28 April Nicholas s. of William & Anne Tresteaue, borne 17 April 6 May Annef d. of James Jenkyn gent. & Jane his wife, borne 1 May 17 May John s. of Peter & ffi-ances Rescorla, borne 10 May 23 June Anthony s. of Thomas & Joane Langdon, borne 18 June 7 July Jacob s. of Abraham & Eliza- beth Husband, borne 4 July 14 July Richard s. of Thomas & Mary Nanparrow, borne 6 July 19 July Grace d. of Christopher & PeternellHendey, borne 18 July 21 July Jane d. of John & Grace Miller, borne 13 July 21 July ffranees d. of Henry & Alice Littacott, borne 17 July 11 Aug. Anne d. of John & Anne Ste- phens, borne 4 Aug. * Johu Lawry appointed Sexton in 164.5, and in 1642 John Lawry paid £1 6s. 8d. rent of Eos- errens for two years. (Green Book.) f She mar. Johu St. Aubyn. See note, p. 60. 11 Aug. Mary d. of John & Mary Wil- liams, borne 5 Aug. 11 Aug. John 8. of Humphrey & Cissely Trehemban, borue 7 Aug. 22 Aug. John s. of Anthony & Bar- bara Roe, borne the same day 15 Sep. Elizabeth d. of William & Mar- gery Hawkyn, borne 10 Sep. 22 Sep. Arthur s. of John & Sara Lit- tacott, borne same day 29 Sep. John s. of John & Peternell Thorne, borne 22 Sep. 27 Oct. John s. of Richard & Agnes Moyle, borne 20 Oct. 29 Oct. Honor d. of John Carter gent & Honor his wife, borue 21 Oct. 10 Nov. Richard s. of Pascho & Cissely Williams, borne 6 Nov. 8 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Rich. & Joane Copithorne, born 2 Dec. 29 Dec. Ebott d. of Mathew & Mary Johu, borne 28 Dec. 9 Feb. Pascow s. of John & Elizabeth Browne, borne 2 Feb. 16 Feb. Edward s. of Anthony & Joane Pawley, borne 15 Feb. 26 Feb. Honor d. of George & Honor Champion, borne 22 Feb. 2 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Anthony & Jainfer Pollawyn, borne 1 Mar. 21 Mar. Grace d. of John & Thoma- zine Arthur, borne 12 Mar. 21 Mar. Joane d. of Martyn & Joane Stephens, borne 18 Mar. Anno 1651. 6 April Martin s. of Martin & Anne Roe, borne 5 April 13 April Elizabeth d. of Henry & Tho- mazine Bray, borne 6 April 15 April John s. of Edward & Em. Hoc- kyn, borne 18 April 20 April James s. of William & Mary Bone, borne 17 April 3 May Philip s. of John & Katherine Browne, borne 23 April 3 May Mary d. of William & Lowdy Cockyn, borne 2 May 18 May Mary* d. of James Jenkyn gen. & Jane his wife, borne 15 May * She mar. Sir Nicholas Slanning, Bart,, and died s.p. 50 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLI'MB MAJOR. [1G51-2. Honor d. of Henry & Alice Husband, borne 8 May James s. of Guilbert & Eliz. Lawnder, borne 24 May Thomas s. of IS'icholas & Anne Bounsell, borne 29 May John s. of William & Susan James, borne 31 May John s. of Gilbert & Judetli Calaway, borne 20 June fflorence d! of Robert & Ebott Husband, borne 21 June Thomas s. of Thomas & Beaton Hawke, borne 8 July Christian d. of Peter & ffran. Calaway, borne 10 July Jane d. of Stephen & Anne Lovell, borne 13 July Cissely d. of Thomas & Mary Westcott, borne 29 July Margaret d. of John & Susan Hendra, borne 16 July Mary d. of George & Grace James, borne 17 July Thomas s. of Mathew & Grace Allen, borne 29 July Sibella d. of Humphrey & Sibella Harvey, borne 10 Aug. Elizabeth d. of John Yivian Esq'' & Mary his wife, borne 16 Aug. Katherine d. of Thomas & Mary Rickerd, borne 2 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Giles & Mary Edwards, borne 2 Sep. Elizabeth d. of John & Mar- gery Tyack, borne 4 Oct. Rich. s. of Jo. & Ann Stephens, borne 26 Oct. Tho. s. of Robert Hoblyn gent. & Grace his w ife, borne 7 Nov.* Henry s. of Robert & Grace Cock, borne 27 Nov. Jane d. of ffran. & Honor Richard, borne 16 Dec. John s. of John & Phillip Moyle, borne . . Dec. James s. of Richard & Avis Kebbull, borne 28 Dec. * This Robert was son of Edw. Hoblyn of Nanswhyden in St. Columb Major, Esq.. by Mary, dau. and cobeir of Rob. Apley of Barnstaple, CO. Devon, Esq. He mar. Grace, dau. and coheii* of John Carew of Penwarne, Esq., second sozi of Rio. Carew of Anthony. 16 May 26 May 1 June 1 June 25 June 25 June 12 July 15 July 15 July 30 July 19 July 20 July 1 Aug. 12 Aug. 18 Aug. 3 Sep. 5 Sep. 7 Oct. 28 Oct. 9 Nov. 30 Nov. 22 Dec. 27 Dec. 31 Dec. 7 Jan. Grace d. of James & Joane Stephens, borne 5 Jan. 11 Jan. Susan d. of W"' & Joane Richards, borne 10 Jan. 21 Jan. William s. of Richard & Eliz. Hardin, borne 16 Jan. 14 Feb. Eliz. d. of AV™ & Grace Ed- wards, borne 10 Feb. 20 Feb. ffrancis s. of Peter* & fTrances Rescorla, borne 14 Feb. 8 Mar. Dorothey d. of John & Chris- tian Roe, borne 6 Mar. 13 Mar. Joane d. of Henry & Mary Tregeare, borne 11 Mar. 24 Mar. Peter s. of George & Honor Champion, borne 20 Mar. Anno 1652. 12 April Dorathy d. of Josias & Dora- thy Day, borne 6 April 17 April Peter s. of Gabriell & Eliza- beth Cocke, borne 16 April 23 April Pasco s. of Richard & Mary Langdon, borne 21 April 23 April John s. of John & Pentecost Grimes, borne 21 April 9 May . . . .f s. of Bennett & Joane Purthew, borne 10 May 2 June Martin s. of John & Jane Jane, borne 27 May 4 June Thomas s. of Richard & ffran- ces Jolley, borne 30 May 14 June Roger s. of John & Prudence Watt, borne 6 June 12 July Ellin(jr d. of Ben. & Ebott Harvey, borne 2 July 24 July Roger s. of Roger & OHve Jonas, borne 21 July 28 Aug. Jacob s. of Jacob & Mawde Puncher, borne 24 Aug. 30 Aug. Hendy d. of Thomas & Joane Langdon, borne 27 Aug. 25 Sep. Mary d. of Thomas & Beaton Hawke, borne 22 Sep. 30 Sep. Thomas s. of Anthony & Joane Pawle, borne 23 Sep. 5 Oct. Peter s. of Richard & Anne Mayle, borne 29 Sep. 12 Oct. Oliver s. of Edward & Jone Best, borne 5 Oct. 28 Oct. John s. of Stephen & Anne Lovell, borne 22 Oct. 20 Nov. Walter s. of Walter & Judeth Vivian, borne 15 Nov. * Peter Rescorla was one of the parish war- dens this year. (Green Book.) f Obliterated, 1652-4.] BAPTISMS. 51 30 ]N"ov. Eobert s. of John & Thomsyn Berry, borne 27 Nov. 3 Dec. Arthur s. of William & Eliza- beth Crews, borne 80 Nov. 16 Dec. Mary d. of John Vivian* Esq"' & Mary his wife, borne 14 Dec. ... Dee. Thomas s. of James & Philip Witts, borne ...f Dec. 31 Dec. Anthony s. of Simon & Mary Trehemban, borne 26 Dec. 11 Jan. Eliz. d. of Andrew & Eliz. Jen- kyn of St. Dennis, borne 1 Jan. 28 Feb. John s. of John & Thomazine Arthur, borne 20 Feb. 3 Mar. Anne d. of Edward & Anne Barker, borne 27 Feb. 10 Mar. Eebecka d. of John & Eliza- beth Mill, borne 3 Mar. 14 Mar. John s. of John & Anne Merri- feild, borne 6 Mar. Anno 1653. 25 Mar. Mary d. of Thomas & Clary George, borne 24 Mar. 30 Mar. Peter s. of Peter & Elizabeth Jane, borne 28 Mar. 2 April Sampson s. of Humplirey & Cissely Trehemban, borne 30 Mar. 15 April Katherined. of Pascho&Katbe- rine Langdon, borne 2 April 30 April ffrances d. of James & ffrances White, borne 25 April 25 May Thomas s. of Thomas & Su- sanna Lawry,borne 28 April 9 May John s. of Greorge & Honor Champion, borne 6 May 16 May Eobert s. of Eichard & Wil- mott Hawke, borne 8 May 31 May Joane d. of John & Martha Jolly, borne 24 May 31 May Vivian s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Salter, borne 21 May 6 June Mary d. of Martin & Mary Eetallack, borne 1 June 8 June Henry s. of John & Elizabeth Browne, borne 4 June 13 June Thomas s. of Christopher & Peternel Hendy, borue 5 June * This John Vivian was son and heir of John Vivian, Esq., of iSt. Columb, by Mary, dau. and coheir of Wm. Cavill of Treharrock, Esq., and mar. at Tavistock 18 Oct. 1042, Mary, dau. of Sir John Glanville. f Obliterated. 13 June 2 July 5 July 8 July 9 July 6 Aug. 2 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 22 Sep. 28 Sep. 1 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 22 Feb. 20 Mar. 24 Mar. 9 April 21 April 22 May 17 June 22 June 10 July 10 July Thomazine d. of James &Mary Eowse, borne 7 June John s. of W™ & Joice Cundy, borne 27 June William s. of William & Mary Bone, borne 2 July Mawde d. of James & Joane Stephens, borne 4 July Peter s. of William & Joane Eichards, borne 7 Jnly Jone d. of William & Mawde Strongman, born 31 July Isabella d. of Peter & ffrances Eescorla, borne 25 Aug. George s. of Eobert & Ebbot England, borne 31 Aug. Peter s. of John and Anne Hoswell, borne 5 Sep. Honor d. of Nicholas & Anne Bouusell, borne 18 Aug. Katherine*d. of James Jenken gent. & Jane his wife, borne 15 Sep. Tho. s. of Eobert & Mawde Skynner, borne 22 Sep. Gracet d. of Pascowe & Jane Brabyn Anthony s. of Anthony & Jene- fer PoUawyn Mary d. of John England Katherine d. of Peter & ffran- cis Calway Mary d, of John & Anne Slade James s. of Gabriel & Elizabeth Cock Anno 1654. Jane d. of Henry & Alice Hey- croft Grace d. of Edward & Ursula Chapell Mary d. of Eichard & Thoma- sin Martyn John s. of Eobert & Maude Skynner John s. of Walter & Joane Tyer Grace d. of Stephen & Ann Lovell John son of Simon & Honor Lee * She mar. John Trelawny, Esq.. son and heir of Sir Jonathan Trelawny, 2nd Bart., but who died s.p. before his father. t From this entry to that on 23 Oct. 1660, each entry has " was borne ;" the date of baptism is reverted to after the latter date. 52 THE EEdlSTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1654-5. 12 July 17 July 18 July 3 Aug. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 27 Oct. 5 Sep. 9 Sep. 16 Sep. 21 Sep. 25 Oct. 28 Oct. 7 Nov. 13 Nov. 29 Nov. GDec. 10 Dec. 13 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Dec. 12 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Jan. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 10 June 24 Feb. William s. of Eichard & Jane Dancaster Eobert s. of fFrancis & Mary Manucll Jane d. of AVilliam & Susan Bennett George & Margarett the s. & d. of George & Jane Hum- fry ffrancis d. of Eichard & ffran- cis Jolly Mark s. of John & Susan Lav^ry Joane the d. of Eeskymer & Joane Sprey Luke 8. of Arthur & Ann Jolly ffayth d. of Eichard & Emblyn Troth James s. of Eichard & Agues Moyle Edward s. of George & Honor Champion John s. of Daniell & Ellinor Couch Martyn s. of Edward & Emme Hocken Avis d. of John & Ann Beau- fford Joane d. of Henry & Elizabeth Blake Elizabeth d. of Theophilus & Mary Lae Katherine d. of Grace & John Lukye* Agnes d. of Hugh & Grace Trenesou Mary d. of James & Mary Merifeild Ann d. of John & Ann Meri- feild Elizabeth d. of John & Thoraa- sin Berry Phillipp d. of Eobert & Grace Hoblyn Jcuefer d. of Anthony & Jene- fer Pollawyn Janet d. of John Vivian, Esqre. Nicholas s. of Emanuel -0 1662. 25 Mar. John s. of William & Agnes Metherell 31 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John & Anne Merifield 31 Mar. Anne d. of James & Mary Merifield 31 Mar. John s. of Thomas & Jaell Drew 19 April Olive d. of John & Thoraazine Berry 25 April ftaithfuU s. of John & Grace Luke 26 April John s. of John & Jane Best 6 May James s. of William & Mary Sam well 19 May Thomas s. of Thomas & Mary Rickard 7 June John s. of William & Joane Richards 8 June Katherine d. of John & Do- rothy Davis 13 June Alice d. of Ralph & Enstis Chenowith 18 Jime William s. of Robert & Jane Coade 29 June Anne d. of John & .... * Retallack 29 June Aliced. of William & Thomasin Mill 6 July Anne d. of Walter & Joane Tyer 18 Aug. Grace d. of Robert Hoblyn Esq. & Grace his wife 23 Aug. Joane d. of Peter & Anne Kendall 30 Sep. Peter s. of Peter & Joane Gibbs 19 Sep. William s. of Edward & Ruth Crawly 26 Sep. Peter s. of Christopher & Joane Inch 5 Oct. Steephen s. of Steephen & Elizabeth Capell 10 Oct. Arthur s. of Thomas & Tho- mazin Michell 12 Oct. John s. of Henry & Elizabeth Jolley 17 Oct. Thomas s. of Thomas & Do- rothy Benny 31 Oct. James s. of John & Peternell Rowse 2 Nov. John s. of William & Joane Bettyson * Obliterated. Christian, See 26 Jan. 1677. 1662-3.] BAPTISMS. 57 7 Xov. Sarah d. of Theopliilus & Mary- Law 9 Nov. Thomas s. of William & G-race Edwards 9 Nov. Thomas s. o£ Guilbert & Mel- lior Launder 10 Nov. Grace d. of John & Mary Tynuy 9 Dec. Joane d. of Paschow & Jane Brabant 19 Dec. Grace d. of George & Alice Daye 28 Dec. Charles s. of Anthony & Christian Eowe 1 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Dauiell & Eli- nior Couch 1 Jan. Thomas s. of Jonathan & Grace Eowse .... * Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Grace Willst 21 Jan. John s. of Daniell & Hester Eopson 21 Jan. Isack s. of John & Elizabeth Mill 23 Jan. Thomas s. of John & Alice Pieror 1 Feb. Isack s. of Humfry & Sibella Harvey 24 Feb. Matbew s. of Eichard & Em- blyn Trotht 3 Mar. Thomas s. of Giles & Margery Edwards Mary d. of John & Honour Eichards 18 Mar. Henry s. of John & Elizabeth Eowse 20 Mar. Jane d. of Thomas & Hester Merifield 21 Mar. Jane d. of John & Bridgett England 23 Mar. John s. of John & Jane Daye Asrso 1663. 27 Mar. Symon s. of Humfry & Sisley Trehemban 29 Mar. Presilla d. of Peter & ffrances Callaway 20 April John s. of William & Honor Jolley 21 April Agnes d. of Henry & Barbara Brewer * Obliterated. f '• Paid Tho. Wills 20s. rent of his house that Kichard Troth lives in." 1661. (Green Book.) 5 June Hannah d. of John & Tho- rn azin Berry* 8 June Joane d. of John & Margery Burne 9 June William & Peter the sons of Eichard & Margrett George 15 June Alice d. of Henry & Elizabeth Blake 20 June John base son of Dorothy Burlace 28 June Thomas s. of William & Joane Merifield 28 June Elizabeth d. of John & Anne Eowe 2 Aug. William s. of Thomas & Mar- garett Cockyn 9 Aug. James s. of Arthur & Alice Comon 16 Aug. Thomas s. of John & Joane Gilbert 6 Sep. Thomazin d. of Henry & Hes- ter Morcombe 6 Sep. Eliz. d. of John & Joane Log- gett 2 Oct. ffrances d. of Martin & ffran- ces Strongman 17 Oct. Eliz. d. of Thomas & Grace Crewes 18 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Stephen & Eliz. Capell 25 Oct. Jane d. of Edward & Alice Merifield 6 Nov. Thomas s. of George & Mary Luney 7 Nov. Giles s. of Giles & Elizabeth Williams 8 Nov. Eichard s. of Ealph & Eliza- beth Crawley 13 Nov. John s. of Luke & Honor Giles 15 Nov. Mary d. of Eobert & Maude Skynner 18 Nov. Temperance d. of James & Isabell Hawkey 22 Nov. Peter s. of Christopher & Joane Inch 5 Dec. John s. of AVilliam & Mary Bone 11 Dec. William s. of William & ffran- ces White 11 Dec. Thomas s. of William & Anne Yiguers 20 Dec. ffrancis s. of Elias & Joane Pollard 11 Jan. Emblyn d. of John & Margarett Truscott * John Berry paid rent of his shop 12s. 6d, 1651. (Green Book.) 58 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. 25 Sep [1663-5. 16 Jan. Richard s. of Nicholas & Anne Bounsell 16 Jau. Jonathan s. of John & Abigail Udey 20 Jan. Joane d. of Dennis & Agas Westcott 2 Eeb. James s. of William* & Alice Beauford 20 Feb. John s. of Peter & Anne Ken- dall 26 Feb. ffrances d. of James & Jane Stephens 11 Mar. Richard s. of Paschoe & Jane Brabyn 24 Mar. Theophilus s. of Symonf & Honor Lawe Anno 1664. 30 Mar. WilliamJ s. of Thomas & Eliz. Warne 1 April John s. of Edward & Margery Lawrey 6 April James a. of Nathaniell & Joane Adam 1 May John s. of Morgan & Mary Oliver *5 May Mary d. of Robert Hoblyn Esq. & Grace his wife 6 May Richard s. of Thomas & Joane Langdou 19 May Elizabeth d. of Richard & Beaton Thomas 30 May Elizabeth d. of Stephen & Peternell AVolcock 10 June Samuell s. of Edward§ & Anne Crewes 19 June Katheriue d. of William & Mary Samble 25 July Anne d. of Thomas & Clary George 19 Aug. Stephen s. of Stephen & Joue Stephens 4 Sep. Anne d. of Richard & Jane Daucaster 18 Sep. James s. of James & Mary Merifield 18 Sep. Richard s. of Richard & Bar- bara Bi'ewer * Wm. Beauford elected Treasurer in place of James Jenkyn, Esq.. deceased, 1659. (Green Book.) t Symon Lawe paid rent of his shop 16s. 8d., lG."i2. Tho. Lawe, surety. (Green Book.) X This Wm. mar. Ann dau. of Arthur Broad. See mar. 4 June, 1686. § He paid 7s. id. rent of the higher shop in 1661. (Green Book.) f ranees d. of John & Catherine Retallack 5 Oct. Emblyn d. of John & Mary Allen 18 Oct. Anne base childe of Dorothy Launder 21 Oct. Alice d. of Ralph & Annasta- tia Chenowith 21 Oct. Mary d. of John & EUinor Rowse 22 Oct. Stephen s. of Arthur & Joane Jenkyn 9 Nov. John s. of John & Pi*ecilla Stephens 13 Nov. William s. of Giles & Margery Edwards 13 Nov. Raljih s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Crawley 27 Nov. Mary d. of Peter & Joane Gibbs 9 Dec. Emblyn d. of John & Anna Merefield 14 Dec. Anne d. of Thomas & Dorothy Benny 14 Dec. George s. of Oliver & Cathe- rine Basely 16 Dec. William s. of George & Mary Luvey 26 Dec. James s. of Peter & Honor Cockin 29 Dec. Phillip s. of Daniell & Joane James 6 Jan. Ehzabeth d. of William & Mary Bone 9 Jan. Christopher s. of Christopher & Joanna Inch 12 Jan. Mary d. of John & Abigail Edey 15 Jan. Bitreon s. of Richard & Em- blvn Slade 8 Feb. Thoinas s. of Richard & Maude Skyner 11 Feb. ffrances d. of Guilbert & Me- lior Launder 4 Mar. Elizabeth base d. of Olive Williams 6 Mar. Henry s. of William & Anne Hawkey 19 Mar. Joseph s. of William & Joane Merifield 22 Mar. Anne d. of John & Joane Daye 22 Mar. Robert s. of Remphrey & Jane Rowse Anno 1665. 26 Mar. Mary & Udey daughters of Thomas & Grace Wills 1665-6.] 9 April John s. of Joliu & Grace Luke 23 April Thomas s. of John & Dorothy Davis 3 May John s. of John & Jone Daye 4 May Walter s. of Walter & Jone Tire 7 May Jane d. of Thomas & Thoma- zin Michell 15 May Eichard s. of William & Anne Viguers 15 May Mary d. of Humfry & Sibella Harvey 16 May Margaret d. of John & Sibella Lee 26 May Henry s. of John & Honor Richards 2 June John s. of James & Issabell Hawkey 11 June Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Tenny 18 June Samuell s. of Henry & Eliza- beth Jolley 24 June Thomas s. of Eichard & Mar- gery Williams 1 July John s. of Ealph & Joane Lambe 1 July Thomas s. of Isack & Eliza- beth Nicholls 23 July James s. of John & Alice Pearse 6 Aug. Susan d. of Daniell & Hester Eopson 6 Aug. Arthur s. of Eichard & Mar- gery Yeale 6 Aug. Henry s. of William & Honor Jolley 11 Aug. Paseow s. of John & Eliza- beth Browne 27 Aug. Eichard s. of John & Joaue Gilbert 1 Sep. Henry s. of John & Anne B urnard 22 Sep. Jane d. of John & Jenefer Watts 1 Oct. Joaue d. of Edward & Alice Merifield 4 Oct. Hannah d. of Josiah & Eliza- beth Grimes 7 Oct. Peter s. of John & Elizabeth Eowse 7 Oct. Edward s. of Edward* & Euth Crawly 28 Oct. Mary d. of John & Marrian Peters * Edw. Crawley paid the rent of his shop, 9s. 6d., iu 1651). (Green Book.) BAPTISMS. 28 Oct, S9 Peter s. of Peter & Anne Ken- dall 29 Oct. Anne d. of Daniell & Marrian Phillips 4 Nov. Eichard s. of James & Joane Stephens 8 Nov. Mary d. of George & Alice Daye 21 Nov. John s. of Eobert Hoblyn Esq. & Grace his wife 3 Dec. William s. of Henry & Eliza- beth Blake 3 Dec. Anthony s. of Anthony & Christian Eowe 9 Dec. Symon s. of Henry & Joane Trehemban 13 Dec. Joane d. of John & Jane Eowe 25 Dec. Marriett d. of Paseow & Jane Brabyn 25 Dec. John s. of John & Margery Williams 26 Dec. Bernard s. of Bernard & Eliza- beth Eowse 26 Dec. Jane d. of John & Jane Best 27 Dec. John s. of John & Honor Jane 6 Jan. Maudlyn d. of William & Honor Tenny 26 Jan. Ealph s. of Eeskimer* & Gar- tred Allen 2 Feb. Honor d. of Eichard & Mary Moyle 4 Feb. Mary d. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Wills 4 Feb. Elinor d. of Jonathan & Grace Eouse 14 Feb. ffrancis s. of Thomas & Hester Merifield 14 Feb. Emblin d. of Peter & Joane Gibbs 7 Mar. Joane d. of Martin & ffrances Strongman 16 Mar. Thomas s. of Nathauiell & Joane Adam 18 Mar. Honor d. of Arthur & Anne Jolley Anno 1666. 28 Mar. Mary d. of Gilbert & Jane Eichards 16 April Thomas s. of Christopher & Peternell Woolcock 17 April Grace d. of William & Grace Edwards 25 April Anne d. of William & ffrances White * Reskymer Allen paid rent of his ?hop 42s, 6d. 60 THE EEaiSTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1666-7. 4 June 4 June 15 June 23 June 24 June 11 July 13 July 13 July 16 July 20 July 29 July 29 July 10 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 15 Sep. 19 Sep. 21 Sep. 21 Sep. 29 Sep. 7 Oct. 28 Oct. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 25 Nov. 8 Dec. 16 Dec. 19 Dec. Joane d. of Stephen & Eliz. Capell Isack 8. of David & Alice Pcarse John s. of Robert & Jaue Litticott Honor d. of Eichard &Emblyn Edwards Joane d. of Henry & Mary Grill Mary d. of Dennis & Agatha Westcott Edward s. of Edward & Anne Crewes James s. of" William & Mary Lanion Jane d. of Thomas & Grace Wills Honor d. of Henry & Hester Morcombe John s. of William & Mary Samble Eichard s. of John & Abigail Udey John s. of William & Jane Evelyn John s. of Daniell & Elinor Couch John s. of John & Joane Lockett Jane d. of Griles & Margery Edwards Thomas s. of Thomas & Grace Crewes John 8. of John Beauford Eector & Anne his wife Johu s. of John & Jane Oi- nam Edward s. of Edward & Mar- gery Lawry Thomas s. of George & Chris- tian Crapp Mary d. of John & Catherine Eetallack Anne d. of Isack & Eliz. NichoUs Eliz. d. of Ralph & Anstis Chenoweth Phillip d. of Gidion & ffrances Cockyn William s. of James & Mary Merifield George s. of Josias & Eliz. Grimes Henry s. of Charles & Joane Thomas John s. of John* & Jane Dave * John Day, gent., one of the twelve raeu in 1672. (Green Book.) 26 Jan. John & Eliz. s. and d. of John & Jaue Best 29 Jan. Catherine d. of John* & Alice Brabyn 2 Eeb. Lancelott s. of Eichard & Beaton Thomas 2 Eeb. Thomas s. of Thomas & Joane Callaway 10 Feb. Thomas s. of Stephen & Jane Stephens 17 Feb. John s. of John & Sibella Lee 23 Feb. Hughe s. of William & Agnes Cockyn 1 Mar. John s. of John & Eliz. Kinge 8 Mar. Joane d. of John & Jenefer Watts 10 Mar. Mary d. of Oliver & Catherine Basely AiTNO 1667. 29 Mar. Humfry s. of Humfry & Sis- silly Trehemban 31 Mar. Jane d. of Ealph & Elizabeth Crawley 3 April James s. of Methusala & Sarah Williams 8 April Honor d. of Symon & Joane Lae 9 April James s. of John & JaueDaye 13 April Honor d. of John & Anne Merifield 14 April Lowdy d. of Thomas & Mar- rett Cockyn 27 May Ealph s. of John & Margarett Williams 21 May James s. of Henry & Barbara Brewer 18 June Anne d. of Johnf Seyntaubyn Esq. & Anne his wife 21 June Thomas s. of John & Thoma- zinc Whitford 14 July George s. of George & Alice Day 9 July Phillip s. of Eeskimer & Gar- thred Allen * John Brabyn. crent., one of the twelve men in 16.".0. (Green Book.) t This John Seyntaubyn was son of John St. Aubyn, Esq., of Clowance. by his wife Catherine, dau. and coheir of Francis Godolphin of Tre- veneage. Anne his wife was dau. and coheir of James Jenkyn of Trekynuing in St. Columb Major, mar. 14 Nov. 1665. Their dau. Anne mar. first, George, son and heir of Sir Peter Killigrew of Arwennick ; and secondly, Tho. Goslyn of Westminster, Esq. 1667-8.] 19 July Jane d. of William & Mary Bone 26 July Eichard s. of Joliu & Honor Eicliards 11 Aug. Peter s. of William & Mary 8 amble 25 Aug. Phillip s. of John & Joane Gilbert 20 Sep. Elizabeth d. of John & Abigail Udye 4 Oct. John s. of William & Jane Evelyn 1 Nov. Elizabeth d. of John & Mar- gary Burne 20 Nov. John s. of Stephen & Eachell Banger 24 Nov. flrances d. of Grideon & ffrances Coekyn 27 Nov. Nathauiell s. of Edward & Margery Lawrye 6 Dec. Phillip s. of Thomas & Tho- mazin Michell 13 Dec. William s. of W" & Joane Merifield 15 Dec. Henry s. of Henry & Mary Gill 20 Dec. Nicholas s. of "Nathauiell & Joane Adam 22 Dec. George s. of Henry & Barbara Lee 27 Dec. Eichard s. of Edward & Euth Crawly 6 Jan. John s. of Thomas & Joane Eouse 6 Jan. James s. of James & Joane Moyle 6 Jan. Elizabeth d. of George & Mary Luny 6 Jan. Temperance base d. of Dorothy Launder 10 Jan. Mary d. of Phillip & Jone Kinge 19 Jan. William s. of Peter & Honour Cockinge 19 Jan. Elizabeth d. of John & Anne Burnard 1 Eeb. Thomas base s. of Joane Inch 5 Feb. Oliver base s. of Katherine Eowe 9 Eeb. Stephen* s. of Thomas & Eli- zabeth Warne 12 Feb. Maiy d. of Ealph & Anastatia Chenoweth 14 Feb. Elias s. of Peter & Anne Ken- dall 26 Feb. Paschow s. of James & Jone Stephens * His mother was Elizabeth Lovell. For his owii marriage, see wedding, 8 Dec. 1693, BAPTISMS. 1 Mar. 6 Mar. 12 Mar. 14 Mar. 1 April 12 April 1 May 11 May 11 May 31 May 5 June 20 June 24 June 24 June 25 July 9 Aug. 16 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 29 Sep. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 27 Oct. 30 Oct. 61 John s. of John & Alice Pierce John s. of James & Emblyn Methwell ffrancis and Carew sons of Eob Hoblyn Esq. & Grace his wife Arcliiball s. of Eemphrey & Joane Eouse Anno 1668. John s. of James & Margarett Eouse Eichard s. of Edward & Alice Merifield Honour d. of John & Alice Eouse William s. of William & Honour Jolly John s. of Christopher & Peternell Woolcock Mathew s. of Daniell & Hester Eopson John s. of Arthur & Joane Jenkyn Edward s. of John & Marrian Peter Joell s. of Stephen & Elizabeth Capell Mary and ffrances daxighters of John and Mary Tenny ffrances d. of Eobert & Jane Litticott John s. of John & Honour Husband John s. of John & Alice Blake Edward s. of W°i & Mary Lanion ffrances d. of Thomas & Grace AViUs Christian d. of John & ffrances Buckthorpe John s. of John & Margarett Truscott Honour d. of Ealph & Mary Lambe Eichard s. of Josias & Eliza- beth Grimes Eichard s. of Jonathan & Grace Eouse Henry s. of William & Honour Tinney Elizabeth d. of John & Alice Brabyn George s. of Charles & Joane Thomas 62 THE REaiSTERS OF ST. COLn^fB MAJOR. [1668-9. 30 Oct. Phillippa d. of Thomas & Grace Crewes I Nov. Judeth d. of Richard & Mar- gery Edwards 29 Nov. Luke s. of Luke & Honour Giles 18 Dec. Richard s. of Richard & Em- blyu Edwards 20 Dec. Williaua s. of Edward & Anne Crewes 28 Dec. Richard s. of John& Margery "Williams 17 Jan. Ruth d. of Richard & Emblyn Slade 22 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Tho. & Hester Merifield 30 Jan. Temperance d. of Stephen & Anne Stephens 31 Jan. Jane d. of John & Catherine Retallack 7 Feb. Joane d. of Ralph & Elizabeth Crawly 14 Feb. Charles s. of John & Abigail Udye 19 Feb. Jenefer d. of Richard & Eliza- beth Wills 20 Feb. Sarah d. of John* & Elizabeth King 21 Feb. Abell s. of John & Joane Logget 21 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Anthony & Christian Rowe 24 Feb. Mary d. of John & Jenifer Watts 7 Mar. Isabell d. of Hugh & Thomazin Richards 2 1 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Arthurf & Anne Jolley Anno 1669. 13 April John s. of John & Anne Merifield 14 April Emblin d. of John & Jane Daye 9 May Jane d. of Patherick & Joane Gilbert 21 May Elizabeth d. of Henry & Hes- ter Morcombe 30 May firancis s. of Elias & i\.nne Pollard II June John s. of William & Honour Delbridge 18 June James s. of Christopher & Anne Blake * Mr. John Kinge paid for the rent of bis shop 23s. in 1672. (Green Book.) ■f Arthur Jolly was one of the Wardens of the parish in 1651. (Green Book.) 20 June Edward s. of James & Mary Merifield Elizabeth d. of Richard & Margery AVilliams Richard s. of Nath. & Joane Adam Samuell s. of Robert Hoblyu Esq., & Grace his wife Edward s. of Oliver & Cathe- rine Basely William s. of Wm. & Jane Evelyn Anne d. of Henry & Honour Brush 1 Aug. Mary d. of John & Grace Tre- bilcock John s. of Isaek & Elizabeth Nicholls Reskimer s. of Reskimer & Grace Allen Jone d. of James & Emlyn Metherill Peter s. of John & Thomazin Bale William s. of Ralph &Anasta- tia Chenoweth Honour d. of John & Sibella Lee William s. of Wm. & Honour Jolley Grace d. of Giles & Margery Edwards Peter s. of John & Jane Beet George s. of John & Precilla Stephens Jane d. of Thomas & Eliz. Scaberio John s. of John Seyntaubyu,* Esq. & Anne his wife John s. of John & Margery Burne Henry s. of Thomas & Tho- mazin Michell John s. of John & Joane Gil- bert William s. of Richard & Bea- ton Thomas Ifrancis s. of Edward & Anne Crewes Ralph s. of George & Mary Luney Anne d. of Thomas & Grace Crewes Anstis d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Warne * John St. Aubyn, Esq., was created a Baronet in 1671, and was succeeded by this son, who became the second Baronet. 24 June 2 July 9 July 11 July 16 July 17 July 1 Aug. 20 Aug. 3 Sep. 5 Sep. 11 Sep. 17 Sep. 2 Oct 10 Oct. 15 Oct. 10 Dec. 12 Dec. 9 Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 5 Feb. 11 Feb. 11 Feb. 24 Feb. 16G9-71.] BAPTISMS. 26 Feb. Gilbert base s. of ffrances Crewes 14 Dec. 27 Feb. Jobn s. of John & Thomazin Wbitford 27 Dec. 9 Mar. Sampson s. of Wm. & Agnes Cocke 14 Jan. 16 Mar. Stephen s. of Eichard & Mary Lovell 29 Jan. 16 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Williams Anno 1670. 10 Feb. 12 Feb. 26 Mar. John s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Callaway 15 Feb. 9 April George s. of Phillip & Joane Kinge 19 Feb. 8 May William s. of Walter & Joane Tyer 8 Mar. 21 May William s. of Robert & Maude Skynner 17 Mar. 4 June Joane d. of Methusalah & Sarah Williams 24 Mar. 25 June Henry s. of James & Margarett Rouse 24 Mar. 17 July Roger s. of Gidion Cockyn & ffrances his wife 22 July Johns, of John & Alice Brabyn 25 Mar. 7 Aug. Anthony s. of Thomas & Joane Calloway 2 April 7 Aug. Mary d. of Christopher & Peternell Woolcock 12 April 17 Sep. Thomas s. of Stephen & Eliza- beth Capell 16 April 2 Oct. Joane d. of James & Joane Moyle 25 April 8 Oct. Elizabeth d. of William & Honour Delbridge 1 May 16 Oct. Mary d. of John & Alice Blake 29 May 18 Oct. Patience d. of Josias & Eliz. Grimes 9 June 21 Oct. George s. of Richard & Em- blyu Edwards 12 June 23 Oct. Mary d. of Thomas & Joane Rowse 13 June 19 Nov. Anne d. of Henry & Honour Brush 13 June 23 Nov. Thomas s. of Dennis & Agatha Westcott 2 July 4 Dec. John s. of James & Anne Hendra 26 Aug. 4 Dec. Agnes d. of John & ffrances Buckthought* 15 Sep. 9 Dec. Edward s. of Edward & Mar- gery Lawry 14 Oct. * This name is spelt in the Registers some- times Buckthorpe, but it exists at the present time (1880^ in the parish as Buckthought. • 63 Elizabeth d. of George & Jane Reynolds Joane d. of Ralph & Eliz. Crawly Ralph base son of Mary Aw- dridge Elizabeth d. of John & Cathe- rine Retallack William s. of William & Joane Darre Mary d. of Wm. & Honour Tenny Richard s. of Henry & Anne Jolley Jane d. of Michaell & Jane Cowlinge Mary d. of Peter & Anne Ken- dall Elizabeth d. of Nath. & Joane Adams Thomas s. of Tho. & Grace Wills Elizabeth d. of Wm. & Mary Lanion Anno 1671. Richard s. of Michaell & ffran- ces Cornish Leah d. of Ralph & Mary Lambe Alice d. of Remphrey & Jane Rowse Margery d. of Daniell & Hester Ropson John s. of Petherick & Joane Gilbert Lawrence s. of Peter & Honour Cockyn Avis d. of Thomas & Marriott Cockyn Elizabeth d. of John & Eliz. Kinge Elizabeth d. of John & Janifer Watts Emblyn d. of John & Jane Daye Thomas s. of ffrancis & Mary Mannell Mary d. of Henry & Mary Gill John 8. of John & Mary Tenny ffrancis and William sons of Robert Hoblyn Esq. & Grace his wife John s. of John & Joane Trustcott* * Sic. 64 29 Sep. 11 Nov. 19 Nov. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 3 Dec. 6 Jau. 24 Jau. 26 Jan. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 Feb. 3 Mar. 17 Mar. 24 Mar. 25 Mar. 25 Mar. 29 Mar. 29 Mar. 6 April 9 April 12 April 20 April 26 April 4 May 10 May THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1671-3. Thomas s. o£ "William & Agnes Cock John s. of Charles & Joane Thomas James s. of Robert & Jane Littacott Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Cliaple Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Callaway Thomas s. of Edward & Alice Merificld John s. of Tho. & Elizabeth Scaberio Henry s. of Henry & Barbara Lee Phillip 8. of Phillip & Jone Kinge Prudence d. of John & Abigail Udye Thomas s. of Thomas & Tho- mazin Tom ffloreuce d. of Isack & Eliz. Nicholls Joane d. of Richard & Emlyn Slade Gilbert s. of John & Honor Richards Henry s. of John & Sibella Lee Oliver s. of Oliver & Catherine Basely Henry s. of John & Joane Loggett Jane d. of Hugh & Thomazin Richards Anno. 1672. Honor d. of Arthur & Joane Jenkyn Honor d. of John & Honor Husband Eliz. d. of Thomas & Ehz. "Warne Dorothy d. of James & Emblin Metherall Sarah d. of Christian Michell Wid. James s. of George & Mary Luny Anne d. of Thomas & Hester Meri field John s. of John & Matilda Dunkin Elizabeth d. of William & Honor Delbridge William s. of Richard & Em- blin Richards John s. of Peter & Jane Bligh 27 May Honor d. of Nath. & Marga- rite Champion 27 May John s. of Jolin & Thomazin Bale 19 July James and Elizabeth s. and d. of John & Joane Gilbert 21 July Richard s. of Richard & Mary Edwards 28 July Robert s. of James & Mary Merifield 2 Aug. Matilda d. of Reskimer & Gar- trid Allen 18 Aug. Mary d. of Henry & Mary Gill 18 Aug. Joane d. of John & Kath. Re- tallack 28 Aug. Richard s. of Richard & Mary Lovell 7 Sep. John s. of William & Joane Darre 21 Sep. Dorothy d. of Richard & Bea- ton Thomas 22 Sep. Alice d. of Wm. & Honor Jolly 24 Nov. Elizabe'th d. of Wm. & Joane Merifield 1 Dec. Judeth d. of Christopher & Peternell Wolcock 20 Dec. Jane d. of Thomas & Grace Crewes 26 Dec. Elizabeth d. of James & Mary Cocke 18 Jan. Luke s. of Luke & Honor Giles 2 Feb. Charity d. of Stephen & Eliza- beth Capell 7 Feb. Mary d. of Wm. & Jane Eve- ling 12 Feb. James s. of Robert & Joane Litticott 21 Feb. Joane d. of John & Joane Truscott 28 Feb. Mary d. of Ralph & Elizabeth Crawley 28 Feb. Bridgett d. ofMichaell& Jane Cowling 2 Mar. ffrances d. of John & ffrances Buckthought 7 Mar. John base s. of Grace Ton- kyn 8 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John & Thomas A\^hitford 9 Mar. Wm. s. of John & Honor Richards Anno 1673. 23 April Richard s. of John & Matilda Dunking 1673-4.] 26 April 17 May 17 May 23 May 31 May 7 June 14 June 28 June 23 July 8 Aug. 9 Aug. 10 Aug. 17 Aug. 23 Aug. 5 Sep. 6 Sep. 6 Sep. 14 Sep. 20 Sep. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 12 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 14 Nov. Thomas base s. of Millson Merefield Thomas s. of Eichard & Ma- riery Williams Elizabeth d. of Mathuselah & Sara Williams John s. of Henry & Honor Brush Ann d. of Jo si as Grrymes William s. of Charles & Dorcas Retallack William s. of William & Honor Tynne Anthony s. of ffrancis* & Grace Grodolphin James s. of James & Gartrid Peeters John s. of Edward & Mariery Lawry John s. of John & Junerfer Watts Henry base child of fflorence Trenines Susanna d. of William & Agnes Couch Inigo base s. of Joane Inch Widd William s. of Ealfe & Constice Chenoweth John s. of John & Ann Mere- feld Ann d. of Peeter & Ann Ken- dall Archibald s. of Jonathan & Grace Rowse Margarite d. of Richard & Emblyn Edwai'ds Edward base s. of Thomazin Richards Robert s. of Thomas & Joane Rowse Thomas s. of John & Abegall Udye James s. of Daniell & Hester Roj)son Aurthur s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Jolly Richard s. of Henry & Alice Rowse * This Francis is presumed to have been the son of John Godolphin of St. Kew (by his wife Honor, dau. of John Molesworth). See Colonel Vivian's • Visitations of Corawall,' p. 187, where Anthony is sugecsted as the Christian name of his wife's father, but his wife was doubtless the Grace, dau. of Wm. and Kliz. Crewes, bapt. 12 Feb. 1(U9. See p. 49 aw^i?. For their marriage see Weddings. 4 Nov. 1672. BAPTISMS. 21 Nov. 3 Dec. 7 Dec. 20 Dec. 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 8 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Mar. 11 April 12 April 17 May 8 June 20 June 28 June 11 July 12 July 12 July 25 July 2 Aug. 15 Aug. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 21 Oct. 65 Will'm s. of Will'ra & Mary Lanyon Will'm s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Calvey Phillip s. of Peeter & Ann Husband Henry s. of Phylip & Joane Kinge John s. of Petherick & Joane Gilbert Peeter s. of John & Frances Allen Gartrid d. of Reskymer Allen Thomasin d. of Peeter & Honor Cockin Charles s. of Nycholas & Jane Bonn sell Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Scaberio Jane d. of Charles & Joane Thomas Thomas s. of Nathaniell & Joan Adams Heivrt Jolly & &1 m/ Wardens. Phillip Oxnam AjStno 1674. Henry s. of Will'm & Joan Darr John s. of Anthony & Gartory White Julian d. of James & Jane Moyle Thomas s. of John & Honor Husband Edward s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Warne Ralph s. of Ralph & Mary Lambe John s. of John & Catherine Retallack James s. of Tsaak & Elizabeth Nieholls Mary d. of George & Mary Luney Francis s. of John & Matilda Duukyn Richard s. of John & Mary Tenuy Thomas s. of Thonaas & Flo- rence Lawe Jane d. of Richard & Mary Lovell Emblyn d. of Nathaniell & Margarite Champion Catherine d. of John & Johan Sprey K 66 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLEMB MA JOE. [1674-6. 23 Oct. AVilliam s. of Thomas & Fran- ces Nicliolls 20 'Sov. William s. of William & Joice Dennis 27 Nov. John h. of John & Frances Browne 30 Nov. James s. of Eichard & Emblyn Edwards 29 Jan. Peter s. of John & Jane Days 6 Feb. Eichard s. of John & Sibella Lee 13 Feb. Johan the base d. of Marrien Luke 14 Feb. John s. of Stephen & Jolian Stephens G IMar. Margery d. of Christopher & Peternell Wolcock 19 Mar. James s. of James & Mary Eowse 23 Mar. John s. of James & Johan Daye 14 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Anthony & Mary Callaway Anxo 1675. 6 April Thomas s. of Bartholomew & Jane Trethewy 7 April Zacharius s. of Ealph & Enstis Chenoweth 17 April John s. of William & Johan Launder 24 April John s. of John & Catherine Moyle 1 May Nicholas s. of Nicholas & Jane Bounsell 1 ]May Margaret d. of James & Em- blyn Metherell 21 May Jane" d. of Thomas & Alice Stephens 22 May Eichard s. of John & Joan Trnscot 29 May William s. of Eichard & Em- blyn Slade 18 June Isaac s. of John & Joane Gril- bert 25 July Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Nicholls 1 Aug. jNIary d. of Samuell & Jane Pryn 6 Aug. Nathaniell s. of John & Thomazin Bale 6 Aug. Mary d. of John & Elizabeth Kinge 13 Aug. Alice d. of George* & Jane Champion * George Champion, gent., one of twelve men in 1693. (Green Book.) 12 Sep. William s. of John & Jen- uefer AVatts 2 Oct. Jane d. of James & Mary Cock- le Oct. Marv d. of Eobert & Jane Litticott 1 Nov. William s. of John & Abigail Udy 13 Nov. Pettr s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Callaway 19 Dec. Tobias base s. of Christian Eoe 31 Dec. Thomas s. of Eichard & Jane Hawk 7 Jan. Christian d. of Edward* & Margery Bluet 15 Jan. John s. of Thomas & Florence Lawe 22 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Christian Eetallack 5 Feb. Emblyn d. of Eichard & Em- blyn Edwards 19 Feb. Honor d. of Josias & Eliza- beth Grimes 25 Feb. Peternell d. of John & Thomas Whitford 26 Feb. William s. of Edward & Alice Eawling 27 Feb. Joell s. of John & Alice Blake 13 Mar. Grace d. of John & Frances Allyn 19 jfar. Thomas s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Jolley Anno 1676. 27 Mar. Henry s. of Peter & Ann Hus- band 27 ^lar. Paterick s. of Paterick & Johan Gilbert 2 May Penlecost d. of Nicholas & Frances Woodman 22 May Philip d. of Henry & Barbara Lee 27 May John s. of John & Matilda Duukyn 27 May Mary d. of William & Johan Merifield 15 July Francis s. of Thomas & Grace Crewes 23 July Joice d. of William & Jane Eveling 29 July Humphry s. of Thomas & Johan Eowse * ThU Edw. was probably sou of Edw. Bluett and Christian Arthur, who were mar. at St. Euoder 19 Nov. 1649. St. Enoder P. R. 167G-7.] 30 July Nicholas s. of Thomas & Mary Cocking 26 Aug. John s. of Philip & Johan Kinge 2 Sep. Anne d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Scaberio 9 Sep. Edward s. of John & Julian Harvey 7 Oct. Isaac s. of Isaac & Elizabeth NichoUs 7 Oct. Frances d. of Thomas & Alice Stephens 8 Oct. John 8. of John & Frances Buckthought 20 Nov. Peter s. of Peter & Johan Pollard 14 Nov. Elizabeth d. of John & Fran- ces Browne 25 Nov. Peter s. of Nicholas & Jane Bounsell 22 Nov. Sarah d. of Methuselah & Sarah Williams 5 Dec. Grilbert s. of James & Mary Merifield 5 Dec. Mary d. of Nathaniell & Jane Gliddon 26 Dec. Arthur s. of William & Honor Tinuey 1 Jan. Edward s. of Edward & Mary Lawry 12 Jan. Allice d. of John & Johan . f^prey 13 Jan. Eichard s. of Daniell & Hester Hops on 16 Jan. John s. of William & Mary Howe 10 Feb. G-race d. of Arthur & Johan Jenkyu 17 Feb. Honor d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Warne 25 Feb. William s. of William & Agnes Cock 26 Feb. Ralph s. of John & Jane Daye 16 June *Jane d. of Anthony & Mary Callaway 17 June *Dennis s. of Dennis Agatha Westcott 23 June *Mary d. of William & Mary Lanyon 19 Mar. John s. of Eichard & Einbliu Edwards Anko 1677. 30 Mar. William s. of Marke & Anne Tyer * These three names wore omitted in their right place. (Thus entered, with the explana- tion, in the original Register.) BAPTISMS. 30 Mar. 7 April 4 xlpril 16 April 17 April 5 May 8 May 12 May 12 May 12 May 19 May 28 May 24 June 30 June 25 July 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 1 Sep. 5 Sep. 5 Sep. 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 1 Nov. 10 Nov. 67 Honor d. of Eichard & Jane Pollard Elizabeth d. of Nathaniell & Margaret Champion W" s. of Anthony & Grertrude White W"' s. of W"^ & Johan Launder Mary d. of Eichard & Johan Clemmas Thomas s. of Thomas & Mar- riet Cocking Arthur & Johan s. & d. of W'" & Houo'' Jolly John s. of Eobert & Grace Litticott Elizabeth d. of Charles & Ann Bownsell Grace d. of Henry & Johan Cock Anthony s. of Hendy & Dinah Laugdon George s. of George & Mary Luney John s. of Christopher & Pe- ternell Wolcock Jacob base s. of Ann Pun- cher Eichard s. of Eichard & Audrid Hawke Mark s. of Eichard & Chris- tian Eetallack Sampsons, of John & Thomazin Bale George s. of George & Eliza- beth Eeynold Mary d. of Jacob & Mary Husband Ainie d. of Eichard & Embliii Slade Houo^' d. of Thomas & Catha- rine Hendy Jane d. of John & Honor Husband James s. of Eobert & Honor Harris Margarite d. of John & Tho- mazin Tom Mary d. of John & Alice Beu- allack John s. of Michell & Frances Cornish Jane d. of Frances & Grace Godolphin John & Thomas s. of John & Mary Laugdon Bligh s. of Henry & Margarite Ha)' croft 68 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MA JOE. [1677-9. 13 Nov. John s. of John & Johan Trus- cott 16 Kov. Jane d. of George & Jane Champion 23 Nov. Elizabeth d. of John & Eliza- beth Cocking 22 Dec. Peter s. of W" & Johan Darre 12 Jan. Abraham s. of Isaac & Emblin Husband 19 Jan. John s. of Beniamin & Mil- licent James 26 Jan. Catharine d. of Jolni & Catha- rine Ectallack 26 Jan. Margarite d. of Simon & Alice Eawling 1 Feb. Edward s. of Thomas & Frances Michell 2 Feb. Peter s. of Peter & Honor Cocking 9 Mar. Mary d. of W" & Joice Dennis Anno 1678. 7 April Jane d. of Thomas & Jone Wilking 20 April Johan d. of W™ & Eose Ho.skin 20 Api-il Catharine d. of John & Tho- masin Whitford 29 April Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Elizabeth Jolly 4 May Jane d. of Eobert & Jane Lit- ticott 11 May Elizabeth d. of Philip & Johan Kinge 31 May Anne d. of Thomas & Alice Stephens. 2 Jiaie Isaac s. of Isaac & Elizabeth Nicholls 2 June Charles s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Scaberio 2 June Stephen s. of Eichard & Mary Lovell 4 June Samuell s. of Samuell & Eliza- beth Maye 14 June Thomas s. of Jolin & Jeuuefer Watts 19 June John s. of Nicholas & Jane Bownsell 13 July Mary d. of John & Johan Mill 13 July Mary d. of Peter & Anne Husband 8 Aug. Matilda & Eliz. d. of John & Sibella Lee 9 Aug. Margarite d. of Nath" & Mar- garite Cliampion 16 Aug. Philip s. of Leonard & Jane Brewer 10 Aug. Thomas s. of Petherick & Johan Gilbert 17 Aug. John s. of John & Frances AUyu 18 Aug. Dorothy d. of George & Alice Daye 31 Aug. Mary d. of Nath" & Johan Adams 7 Sep. Eliz. d. of Peter* & Eliz. Cham- pion 7 Sep. Anne d. of Thomas & Jane Minnow 16 Sep. Eichard s. of Nicholas & Fran- ces Woodman 12 Oct. Eobert s. of Henry & Johan Cock 19 Oct. John s. of James & Margarite Eowse 11 Nov. John s. of Josias & Elizabeth Grimes 29 Nov. Grace d. of John & Elizabeth Kinge 29 Nov. Anthony s. of Edward & Mar- gery Lawry 2 Dec. W"" 8. of John & Frances Browne 2 Dec. John s. of John & Alice Ben- allack 7 Dec. Eliz. d. of Anth. & Elizabeth Callaway 20 Dec. Matthias s. of ffaith Troth 18 Jan. fflorence d. of Philip & fflorence Harris 19 Jan. Catharine d. of John & Mary Langdon 25 Jan. Anne d. of Nath" & Jane Gliddon 25 Jan. Humphry base s. of Houo'' Bounsell 31 Jan. Michaell s. of Michaell & Jane Cowling 1 Feb. Ealph s. of Eeskimer & Ger- trude Allen 8 Feb. Ebbot d. of John & Dorothy Jolly 11 Feb. Philip s. of Humphry & Mary Sloggett 21 Feb. Hono'' d. of James & Emblin Metherell 6 Mar. Eichard s. of James & Mary Cock Anno 1679. 5 April Johan d. of Dorothy Daye * This Peter Champion mar. Elizabeth, dau. of William Arundcll, of Falmouth ; they had ibsue Peter, Elizabeth, Ann, Margery, Mary, 1679-80.] BAPTISMS. 20 May Marke s. of John & Jolian 26 Jan. Truscot 1 June Marye d. of William & Honor JoUye 8 June Phillipp s. of James & Avis Michell 8 June Ann d. of John & Joane Sprey 4 July George s. of Mr. George* & Mrs. Jane Champion 10 Aug. Grace d. of William & Agnes Cock 17 Aug. Dennis s. of Thomas & Joane Eowse 23 Aug. John s. of William & Mary Minnow 19 Sep. John s. of John & Mary Ing- land 21 Sep. Thomas s. of William & Au- drye Hawke 28 Sep. Eichard s. of William & Mary Eowe 6 Oct. Sacielie d. of Isiekf & Emblin Husband 7 Oct. ffraucis s. of Mr. Hammauell & Mrs. Elizabeth Maye 18 Oct. John s. of Thomas & Mary Cockin 19 Oct. Patience d. of Eichard & Jane Pollard 8 Nov. John s. of Thomas & Katherin Hendye 21 Nov. Mary d. of John & Ann Che- noweth 22 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Mr. James & Mrs. Ann Edwards 8 Dec. Jane d. of John & Elizabeth Cockin 14 Dec. Eichard s. of Eichard & Hono'' Harris 19 Dec. Hester d. of Benjamin & Mil- lison James 28 Dec. Ann d. of Peter & Ann Eichards 29 Dec. Ann d. of John & ffrances Allin 2 Jau. Lowdye d. of Simon & xAlice Eawling 19 Jan. Samuell s. of William & Joane Launder 24 Jau. John s. of John & Joane Mill 24 Jau. John s. of Humfrey & Mary Sloggett 25 Jan. Mary d. of Thomas & Florence Lawe * His wife was Jane Hay croft, see Weddings, 26 June, 1674. t Isaac Husband paid rent of shop 10s., in 1633. (Green Book.) 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 2 Mar. 12 Mar. 13 Mar. 20 Mar. 26 Mar. 80 Mar. 13 April 13 April 17 April 15 April 29 May 29 May 25 June 17 July 24 July 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 10 Aug. 14 Aug. 4 Sep. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 21 Nov. 6d Mary d. of Anthony & Mary Callway Beaton base d. of Joane White Margery d. of Nicholas & Jane Bounsell Thomas s. of Eobert & Grace Litticott Jane d. of Eichard & Christian Eetallack John s. of Mr. Henry & Mar- garite Haycroft Ann d. of Peeter & Elizabeth Champion John s. of James & Mary Nicholls Martin s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Jollye Anno 1680. Thomas s. of Thomas & Alice Steevens Edward s. of Anthony & Eliza- bethe Michell Elizabethe d. of Michell & ffrances Cornish Garthered d. of John & Hono"" Husband Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Scibberio Mary d. of John & Allice Beenallack Steephen s. of Marke & Ann Tyer William s. of John & Allice Blake Henry s. of Henry & Alice Eowse Elizab"' d. of Jacob & Mary Husband Martha d. of William & Joyce Dennis Joseph s. of John & Matilda Duukin Joice d. of George & Mary L . . . .* Jane d. of Eoger & Joan Ellery Eichard d. of John & Joan Sprey Emblyn d. of Eichard & Kathe- riue Troth Joan d. of John & frauces Buckthought Beaton d. of Philip & Joane King Thomas s. of Thomas & Joane Wilkin * Obliterated. Luuey. See 20 July, 1661. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 7 Dec. 11 Dec. 27 Dec. IS Jan. 8 Jan. 22 Jan. 28 Jan. 31 Jan. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 Feb. 14 Mar. 14 Mar. THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB I^IAJOE. [1680-1. 23 April 29 April 30 April 30 April 6 May 15 May 23 May 28. May 29 May 11 June 18 June 18 June 1 July Hono"" d. of William & Hono'' Tinnye George base s. of ffaith Trotli Eobert 8. uf Leonard & Jane Brewer AVillmott d. of William & Audrye Hawk Mathew 8. of Peter & An Husband Peter s. of Patrick & Joan Gilbert Elizt'» d. of Isaack & Eliz^'' Nicholls Hono'" d. of Josias & Elizab*'' Grimes Joseph s. of Sarauell & Eliz*'' May Nicholas s. of Thomas & Sarah Hockin Jonathan s. of Jonathan & Grace Eouse Symou s. of Thomas & Elizab"' Warn Joyce d. of Joseph & Joyce Eow ffrancis s. of Eobert & Mary Mannuell Jvdian d. of William & Eose Hoskyn AifNO 1681. Mary d. of Anthony & Gar- tiired AVhite Jane d. of John & Thomasin Whitford Hugh s. of John & Mary Lang- don Mary d. of John & Honor Tyer James s. of James & An Edwards Joan d. of Thomas & Elizab^'' Skibberow Honor d. of Peter & Honour Cockyn Elizab"' d. of francis & Grace Godolphin Thomas s. of John & Mary Pakinhorn* Grace d. of James & Elizabeth Steevens Thomas s. of Charles & An Bounsell John s. of Anthony & Mary Callway Nathan s. of Eob' & Jane Litticott * iSic. I 12 July Methuselah s. of Methuselah & Sarah Williams * Elizal)cth d. of Edward & 3 Aug. Grace d. of Eobert & Mary j Eetallock I 7 Aug. John s. of William & Agnia I ^ Cock j 7 Aug. Elizab*'' base child of Jane Moyle 13 Aug. Samuell s. of William & Joan Launder 20 Aug. Henry s. of Henry & Joan Cock 26 Aug. Joan d. of John & Alice Ben- all ack 2 Sep. An d. o£ Eoger & Joane Ellery 3 Sep. Henry s. of William & Joan Dennis . . Sep. Julian d. of Humphr}' & Jane Harvey 10 Sep. Jnnefer d. of John & Jenefer Watts 23 Sep. Mary d. of Michaell & Jane Cowling 29 Sep. Mary d. of Bernard & Jane Lobb 3 Oct. Mary d. of John & Joan Trus- cott 7 Oct. Mary d. of Eichard & Susan Williams 23 Oct. John s. of Hendy &■ Dinah Langdou 17 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Nicholas & Dorothy Hawk 8 Nov. An d. of John Bishop Eector and An his wife 10 Nov. Honor d. of Nathan & Jane Gliddou 16 Dec. Elizabeth base child of An Jolley 26 Dec. Margery d. of Peter & Elizab"' Champion 6 .Jan. James s. of Nicholas & Jane Bounsell 17 Jan. Grace d. of Nathan & Mar- garet Champion 24 Jan. Jolm s. of ffrancis & Maud Dungye 18 Feb. Anthony s. of John & Mar- garet Pill 3 Mar. Edward s. of Dauiell & Mar- garet May 8 Mar. Elizab"' d. of Jacob & Mar- garet Husband * So in the original, surname and date left blank. 1681-3.J 11 Mar. Robert s. of John & Mcary England 24 Mar. Thomas s. of William & Elizal^t^^ Bazely AnjsO 16S2. 26 Mar. Samosoa s. of John & Joan Mill 1 April Alice d. of John & Dorothy Jolly 7 April John s. of Peter & An Richards 17 April Leah d. of Thomas & Mary Cockyn 18 April Hester d. of Beniaman & Mill- son James 22 April Henry s. of John Jolly 16 May Henry s. of Jolni & ffrances Brown 6 June Elizab*'' d. of Isaack & Emblin Husband 16 Juue Sarah d. of Samuell & Elizab"' May 21 June Pliilip s. of William & Joane Minnow 21 June Joan d. of Thomas & Jane Hendy 6 Aug. Mary d. of James & Mary Cock 19 Aug. John s. of William & Honour Aruudle* 8 Sep. Martin s. of Michaell & Elizab"^ Strongman 27 Sep. Richard s. of James & Avis Michell 30 Sep. Anthony s. of Anthony & Elizab. Michell 6 Oct. Pliilip s. of Charles & Thoma- zin Allen 7 Oct. Elizab"' d. of Philip & fflorence Harris 23 Oct. James d. of Thomas & Alice Stephens 4 Nov. William s. of W" & Avis Moor 10 Nov. TiiFany d. of Richard & Elizab"' Jolley 13 Nov. Nathan s. of Nathan & Mar- garet Champion 25 Nov. Peter s. of Robert & Hono'' Harris 2 Dec. Grrace d. of John & flrances Allen 26 Dec. An d. of William & Audry Hawke * Honour Pollard. tSee their marriage 21 Nov. inSl. This Wm. is supposed to be grandson of Win. son of The grandson of Sir John Arnndell of Lanhcriie, by Eliz. Danet. See (Jol. Vivian's ' Visitations of Cornwall,' p. 5. BAPTISMS. 26 Dec. 1 Jan. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 2 Feb. 6 Eeb. 20 Eeb. 24 Mar. 7 April 13 April 17 April 21 April 24 April 18 May 20 May 8 April 10 June 16 June 22 June 23 June 23 June 24 June 30 June 8 July 21 July 17 Aug. 71 Peter s. of Peter & Elizab"' Champion Mary d. of Nicholas & Jane Bounsell Thomas s. of Isaac & Elizab"' Nicholls An d. of Littleton & Elizab"' Weymont Mary d. of James & Martha Nettle Margaret d. of Nicholas & Dorothy Hawke Elizab"' base d. of An Puncher William s. of William & Elizab"' Bone Philip s. of Humphry & Jane Oxnam Robert s. of Robert & Mary Man uu ell John 8. of John & Elizab"' Cockyn Ansto 1683. William s. of William & Rose Hoskyn Robert s. of John Bishop Rector & An his wife Henry s. of John & Jane Grimes Henry s. of John & ffrances George John s. of John & Joan Rows Nicholas s. of Nicholas & fFrances Woodman Thomas s. of Thomas & Elizab"' Skibberiow Anthony s. of Roger & Joane Ellery ffaithf ul s. of John & fFrances Buckthorpe Alice d. of Will"' & Joice Dennis Elizab"' d. of Thomas & Elizab'^ Tibb Dauiell d. of Daniell & Mar- gery May Robert d. of AVilliam & Mar- garet Michell Mary d. of John & Mary Langdon Joane d. of Petherick & Joane Gilbert James s. of Peter & Aim Hus- band Giles s. of John & Joane Trus- cott Ann d. of John & Jane Lavvar- ren 72 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1683-4. 19 Ausr. Susanna d. of John & Alice Benallack William s. of WiU'm & Mary Minnow Thomas s. of Eichard & Su- sanna "Williams Grace d. of William & Joane Launder John a. of Arthur & Mary Broad* Timothy s. of James & Eliza- beth Stevens ffaithfull s. of AVilliam & Ann Cock Thomas s. of John & Alice Blake Anthony s. of Philip Kinge & Joane his wife George s. of George & Mary Tom Ann d. of William & Jane Penh ell ick Alice d. of Eobert & Mary Eetallack Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Eichard s Mary d. of John & Katherine Brabyn James s. of James Beauford Clerk & Jane his wifef Ann d. of Samuell & Eliz. May John s. of John & Joan Sprey Damoris d. of Edward Hoblyn Esq. J & Damoris his wife Margarett d. of Nathauiell & Margarett Champion John s. of George & Jane Champion Phillip s. of Eichard & ffrances Callaway John s. of Eobert & Elizabeth Elford Charity d. of John & Lydia Champion Elias s. of Henry & Joane Cock Elizabeth d. of Bernard & Jane Lobb Joane d. of Heudy & Diana Langdon * See their mar. in 1682. He was son of Arthur Broad and Margery Blake of Mawgan. ■f- This Jane was his second wife, and dan. of John Vivian. Esq., of Trewan in St. Columb. J He was of Croane ; his father, Edw. Hoblyn of Bodmin, was third son of Edw. Hoblyn of Nanswhyden, by Mary Apley. The dau. Damoris mar. Wm. Bickford of Dunsland, 1 Sep. 2 Sep. 15 Sep. 21 Sep. 21 Sep. 30 Sep. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Oct. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 12 Dec. 18 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Jan. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 25 Mar. 25 Mar. 13 April 19 April 1 May 2 May 7 May 8 May 28 June 5 July 5 July 5 July 19 July 26 July 9 Aug. 10 Aug. 12 Sep. 20 Sep. 8 Oct. 17 Oct. 25 Oct. 10 Nov. 18 Nov. 22 Nov. 30 Nov. 2 Jan. 13 Jan. 24. Jan. 30 Jan. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. Anno 1684. Timothy s. of Anthony & Gar- therude White John s. of Dorothy Day Joan d. of Thomas & Joan Wilkev Elizabeth d. of William & Rose Hoskyn Anthony s. of Anthony & Mary Callaway John s. of John & Abigail Edye James s. of Josias& JoiceRow Eemphrey s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Skeberrioe Margarett d. of Mark & Ann Tyer Thomas s. of Jane Merifield John s. of James & Ann Ed- wards ffrancis and AVilliam sons of Margarett England Michaeil s. of Michaell & ffrances Cornish Ann d. of Peter & Ann Cockyn Eliz. d. of Peter & Ann Eichards Jane d. of Humphry & Doro- thy Benny ffrancis s. of fErancis & Maud Dungye William s. of William & Eliz. Basely John s. of Michaell & Eliza- beth Strongman Martyn s. of John & Mary England Mary d. of William Eichards William s. of Beniaman & ]\lillicent James Marke s. of John Tyer Thomas s. of Samuell & Eliza- beth May Dorothy d. of Humphry & Jane Oxnam William s. of John & Margery Dunkyn Mary d. of Jacob & Mary Husband Joane d. of Thomas & Eliz. Adams Mary d. of Anthony & Eliz. Michell Gilbert s. of Gilbert & Grace AVhite Mary d. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Jolly 1684-6.] BAPTISMS. 73 14 Eeb. Elizabeth d. of John & Alice Beuallack 15 Mar. Isaack s. of Anthony & Jane Jenkyn 22 Mar. Mary cl. of James & Avis Michell 25 Mar. Eichard s. of Arthur & Mary Broad AiOs-o 1685. 3 April Joice d. of Isaack & Emblyn Husband 3 April Mary d. of William & Joane Dennis 7 April William s. of John & Joan Eowse 10 April Mary d. of Thomas & Alice Stephens 11 April William s. of Eoger & Joane Ellery 11 xipril John s. of William & Audry Hawke 22 April Henry s. of Samuell & Lydia Champion 2 May John s. of John & Margarett Pill 9 May Charles s. of Eobert & Grace Litticott 9 May Mary d. of Eichard & Con- stance Kestell 10 May Mary d. of Eobert & Honor Harris 16 May Mary d. of Eobert & Mary Manuell 1 June ffrancis s. of Peter & Elizabeth Champion 8 June William s. of Isaack & Eliza- beth NichoUs 8 June John s. of Michaell & ffranees Cowling 23 June John s. of Daniel & Margery May 4 July Samuell s. of Phillip & fflo- rence Harris 12 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Day 29 Aug. William s. of John & feances Drew 31 Aug. Eeskimer s. of Charles & Tam- sin xlllen 18 Sep. Ann d. of Greorge & Jane Champion 20 Sep. Greorge s. of Thomas & Cicily Typpett 27 Sep. Honour d. of Symon & Tam- sin Lawe 9 Oct. Thomas s. of Eobert & Mary Eetallack 17 Oct. Grace d. of Thomas & Mary Cocken 24 Oct. Grace d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Skeberriow 31 Oct. Jane d. of James & Mary Cocken 7 Nov. Josias s. of John & Joan Trus- cott 16 Nov. William s. of John & Lydia Champion 19 Nov. Honnour d. of Joan Couch 27 Nov. Joan d. of Dinah & Morgan Eoberts 1 Dec. Mary d. of Walter & Ann Vivian 4 Dec. PhiUip d. of WiUiam & Mary Browne 10 Dec. John s. of Nicholas & ffran- ces Woodman 25 Dec. Joseph s. of John & Euth Tucker 1 Jan. Philip s. of Elizabeth Wool- cock 22 Jan. Elizabeth d. of James & Tem- perance Harris 23 Jan. ffrances d. of Humphry & Do- rothy Benny 23 Jan. Mary d. of William & Joan Minoe 30 Jan. Enstice d. of John & Dorothy Jolly 12 Feb. Johan d. of John Bishopp Eector it Ann his wife 16 Feb. Eichard s. of Henry & Grace Blake 24 Feb. Margery d. of Honnour Jolly 1 Mar. Avis d. of John & Jane La- warren 13 Mar. James s. of Philip Kinge & Joane his wife Ax^'O 1686. 27 Mar. Ann d. of Bernard & Jane Lobb 4 April Arthur s. of William & Mary Michell 17 April Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Boun- sell 8 May Eebecca d. of William & Grace Lae 25 May Eobert s. of Eobert & Eliza- beth Elford 27 June Epiphany d. of William & Joice Dennis 3 July Elizabeth d. of Eoger & Joan Ellery 10 July John s. of John & ffrances Tom 74 10 July 17 July 17 July 24 July 6 Aug. 14 Aug. 28 Au^. 18 Sep. 18 Sep. 19 Sep. 15 Sep. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 1 Nov. 5 Nov. 9 Nov. 14 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Nov. 3 Dec. 11 Dec. THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLrMB MAJOE. [1686-7. 27 Dec. 5 Jan. 14 Jan. Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Tybb ffaithfuU s. of Jamea & Merryn Nettle Jane d. of Nicholas & Jane Hawke Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Polkinhorne Jane d. of Sainuell & Lydia Champion Mary d. of "William & Joane Dennis Arthur s. of Luke & Elizabeth Jolly AVilliara s. of William & Jone Dancaster Anne d. of William & Anne Cundye Sampson s. of William & Anne Cock Grace d. of John & Katherine Bra by u Phillip d. of John & Lydia Champion Joane d. of Jonathan & Anne Daw Elizabeth d. of Anthony & Elizabeth Michell James s. of George & Jane Champion Nathaniell s. of Thomas & Launder John s. of John & Alice Ben- allack William s. of Thomas & Hon- nor Benny William s. of William & Eose Hoskyn Elizabeth d. of George & Eli- zabeth Hix James s. of James & Elizabeth Stephens Mary d. of Humphry & Jane Oxnam Michaell s. of Michaell & Eliz. Strongman Maleor d. of John & Eebecca Eichards Phillip d. of Thomas & Philip Eeynolds Eobert s. of John & Julian Strongman John s. of Thomas & Joan Wilkye Henry s. of tfrancia & Eliza- beth Hoblyu Timothy s. of Thomas & Eliz. Endeane 22 Jan. Symon s. of Daniell & Mar- gery May 29 Jan. Philip s. of George & Mary Tom 31 Jan. Joane d. of Eichard & ffran- ces Callaway 2 Feb. Artliur s. of Gilbert & Grace White 19 Feb. William s. of William & Joane Launder 15 Mar. Arthur s. of William & Anne Warne 24 Mar. Honour d. of Isaack & Em- blyn Husband Anxo 1687. 28 Mar. Eachell d. of Henry Langdon 1 April Petherick s. of Petherick & Joan Gilbert 2 April Phillippi d. of Edward & Bar- bara Eickard 16 April Eichard s. of John Buck- thorpe 26 April Ann d. of John & Joane Eowse 29 April Elizabeth d. of Morgan & Dinah Eoberts 20 May Edward s. of ffrancis & ffrances Godolphyn 21 May Katherine d. of Peter & Eli- zabeth Champion 10 June Elizabeth d. of Will'm & Eliz. Basely 11 June Joice d. of John & EUzabeth Harris 2 July .... s. of Humphry & Doro- thy Benny 16 July Elizabeth d. of John & fErances Drew 19 Aug. Dorothy d. of Mary Wills 26 Aug. A.nthony s. of Anthony & Mary Martyn 26 Aug. Grace d. of Thomas & Grace Day 17 Sep. Elizabeth d. of John & Avis Michell 24 Sep. Peter s. of Peter & Ann Eichards Lydia d. of John & Lydia Champion, eodem die 22 Oct. Mary d. of Jacob & Mary Husband 4 Nov. Edward s. of John Bishopp Eector & Anne his wife 6 Jan. John s. of John Tyer 20 Jan. Daniell d. of Mary Woolcock 28 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Henry & Grace Blake 1687-9.] BAPI ^ISMS. 4 Feb. Blancb d. of Symon & Tamsin Law 8 Sep. 6 Feb. Joan d. of Ricbard & ifrances Callaway 17 Sep. 10 Feb. Thomas s. of Mark & Mary Penny 10 Sep. 12 Feb. Jane d. of Jolm & Mary Eng- land 5 Sep. 14 Feb. Ann d. of Edward & Sarah Crews 13 Sep. 18 Feb. Philip 8. of Charles & Tamsin Allen 1 Nov. 16 Feb. Ann d. of Walter & Vivian 3 Nov. 25 Feb. Ann d. of Bernard & Jane Lobb 4 Nov. 3 Mar. Elizabeth d. of James & Eliza- beth Cowling 10 Nov. 5 Mar. Richard s. of Thomas & , . . . Phillips 14 Nov. 9 Mar. Edward s. of George & Jane Champion 17 Nov. 11 Mar. Tamsin d. of James & Mary Cocken 1 Dec. 17 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Eli- zabeth Skeberrio 1 Dec. 19 Mar. Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Launder 14 Dec. AifNO 1688. 24 Dec. 31 Mar. Martyn s. of Martyn & Doro- thy Tom 13 Jan. 31 Mar. Ann and Mariey daughters of Jonathan & Ann Daw 26 Jan. 1 April .... d. of John & Jane Le Warren 2 Feb. 6 April Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Parken 9 Feb. 14 June Eobert s. of Mary & Eobert Retallack 14 Feb. 9 June ffraucis s. of John & fFrances 24 Feb. Tom 2 Mar. 15 June Elizabeth d. of William & Mary Browne 9 Mar. 29 June Henry s. of Arthur & Ruth Veale 10 Mar. 14 July Eicbard s. of Honor & Robert Harris 15 Mar. 21 July John s. of James & Katberine Bone 21 July Elizabeth d. of Richard & 1 April Mary Mannell 13 April 6 Aug. Nicholas s. of Thomas & Mary Trevithick 13 April 12 Aug. Susanna d. of Thomas & Jone Tonkyn 13 April 13 Aug. William s. of Robert & Eliza- beth Blake 75 Martyn s. of James & Eliza- beth Stephens Margarett d. of John & Lydia Champion Anne d. of John & Elizabeth Cocken Elizabeth d. of George & Grace Hix Anne d. of Luke & Elizabeth Jolly James s. of James & Avis Michell Elizabeth d. of John & Jenifer Grimes Grace d. of John & Rebecca Richards Henry s. of Humphry & Jane Oxnam Mary d. of John & Mary Lifford Honor d. of Thomas & Joane Langdon Jane d. of John & Elizabeth Harris Mary d. of Nathaniell & Re- becca Adams William s. of William & Eliza- beth White Katberine d. of John & Kath. Brabyn Ann d. of William & Joane Daucaster Mary d. of Thomas & Grace Day Nathaniell s. of Samuell & Lydia Champion ifrancis s. of Isaack & Emblyn Husband Henry s. of William & Rose Hoskyn James s. of William Luny William s. of Thomas Wilken Sarah d. of Peter & Ehzabeth Champion Margarett d. of Thomas & Margarett Hawke ffrancis s. of Daniell & Mar- gery May Anno 1689. Jane d. of Michael Cowling Thomas s. of Nicholas Hawke Elizabeth d. of Thomas & ffrances Drew Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Honor Benny Mary d. of Thomas & Rose Crapp 76 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1689-90. 15 April 27 April 29 April 4 May 5 May 10 May 15 June 26 July 31 Aug. 12 Sep. 16 Sep. 15 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 9 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Xov. 23 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec. 30 Dee. 11 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 30 Jan. 7Eeb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 14 Mar. 22 Mar. 29 Mar. 29 Mar. Edward s. of Anthony Martyn Nathaniell s. of James Olliver Jane d. of John & Jane Oxnain Thomas s. of Peter Kendall Jane d. of William & Mary Michell Eebecca d. of Prudence Jacob Houner d. of Beniaman & Honor Berry Grarthered d. of jNIark & Gar- thered Lawry William s. of George & Mary Tom Thomas* s. of John Vivian, Esq., & Mary his wife "William s. of Heury Michell ffrances t d. of ffrances Go- dolphyn ffrancis s. of Martyn Tom John s. of Thomas Cocke Stephen s. of John Tyre John s. of Beniaman James Anne d. of ffraucis Pollard Elizabeth d. of Williau Baseley John s. of John Strongman John s. of John & Elizabeth Champion Eobert s. of Eobert Husband William s. of Thomas Phillips Anne d. of Charles Thomas Edward s. of John & Dorothy Dunkyn Joaue & Eose daughters of Eobert Elf ord Humphry s. of John England ffraucis s. of James Harris Henry s. of Edward Eickard Elizabeth d. of Eobert & Eli- zabeth Barry Peter s. of Peter Bounsell Anne and Sarah daughters of Phillip & Joane KingeJ John s. of Thomas Trevithicke Thomas s. of Thomas Whit- ford, Curat Jane d. of Peter Micbell A>Ts-o 1690. Susanna d. of William & Joice Dennis Phillipa d. of Thomas Launder * This Thomas died unmarried ; his mother. Mary, dau. of Joseph Sawle of Penrice, Esq., was the second wife of John Vivian of Trewan, Esq. t She mar. James Champion. j Philip Kinge paid rent of shop £2, 1703, and John Kinge, gent., one of the twelve men, 1678-93. (Green Book.) 16 April William s. of James Tremaine alias Cockin Arthur s. of Arthur Broade Henry s. of William & Joane Dennis Elizabeth d. of ffraucis Tom James s. of John Bishop, Eector & Mary his wife Henry s. of Thomas Eeynold ff ranees d. of Mary Strongman Honor d. of Elias Pollard Gartrude d. of Charles Allin Henry s. of Nicholas Grigg Jonathan s. of John Lewarne Katherine d. of Peter & Eliza- beth Champion Jane d. of Eichard Langdon Walter s. of Phillip Harvey Mary d. of Thomas Adams Marv d. of Eobert & Mary Eetallack William s. of William Minnow John s. of Thomas & Grace Day Eose base child of Aunis Martyn John s. of Edward Peters Samuell s. of Samuell & Lydia Champion, borne the 7th of October Ann d. of John Strongman Thomas s. of James Stephens William s. of James Nettle Jane d. of Eichard Callaway Anne d. of Peter Kendall Humphry e. of Humphry Ox- nam Jane d. of Mathew Davye John s. of John Hariis Matilda d. of Eobert Dunkin John s. of John Lifford, borne the 30'ii of October William s. of AVilliam Luney Mary d. of William Hornabrook Mary d. of James Bond Elizabeth d. of Thomas Tomkin John s. of William Lam be Jane d. of Humphry Harvey Jane d. of Eichard Brabyn Katherine d. of Jonathan Day John s. of Nicho. Woodman John s. of John Huddy Elizabeth d. of Bernard Eouse Mary d. of George Champion Mary d. of John Drew John* s. of Thomos Hoblyn, gent. * This John was the only son of Tho. Hobljoi by his first wife. See marriage 1688, and note, p. 55 atite. 16 April 19 April 21 April 7 May 17 May 25 May 9 June 13 June 4 July 4 July 19 Jul> 25 .July 27 July 1 Aug. 16 Aug. 12 Sep. 19 Sep. 26 Sep. 5 Oct. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 8 Nov. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 15 Nov. 18 Nov. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Dec. 23 Dec. 29 Dec. 1 Jan. 15 Jan. 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 10 Feb. 10 Feb. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 20 Feb. 1690-2.] BAPTISMS. 77 20 Feb. John s. of William & Jane Penliellick 7 Mar. Mary d. of Robert Berry 8 Mar. Aane d. of Nathauiell Adams 13 Mar. Mary d. of Mark Penny 14 Mar. Eichard s. of Peter Archer 16 Mar. John s. of William Browne 17 Mar. Richard s. of John & Ann Oxnam A-s-No 1691. 25 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Arthur Beale 28 Mar. William s. of Thomas & Ann Parkin 5 April Jacob s. of Jacob Husband 10 April Mary d. of Anthony May & Mary his wife 13 April Susanna d. of G-ilbert White 24 April Honnor d. of Cecily Lee 27 April Luke s. of Luke Jolley 2 May Marey d. of Thomas Mannell 2 Juue . . . d. of John Abram 27 June Mary d. of Theophilus Betty 30 June Ann d. of William Hoskeu 13 July G-race d. of Philip Kendall 31 July William s. of William Eowe 1 Aug. Elizabeth d. of James Cowling 8 Aug. Ann d. of Griles Williams, juu. 9 Aug. Mary d. of William Cockaine 30 Aug. Honor d. of Edward Richards 2 Sep. John s. of John Sprey 5 Sep. Charles s. of Charles Thomas 12 Sep. Anthony s. of Anthony White 19 Sep. Robert s. of Edward Ede 21 Sep. Mathew s. of James Olliver 27 Sep. Charles s. of Ezekiell Thomas 3 Oct. Junipher d. of EdwardRickard 9 Oct. Courtenay d. of Richard Wil- liams, gent. 2 Nov. ffrances d. of fFrancis & Jone Tom 5 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Sca- berrian 9 Nov. Thomas s. of Thomas Benny 9 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Peter Bounsall 22 Nov. John s. of ffrancis & Jone Tom 22 Nov. Loveday d. of Nicholas Hawke 29 Nov. Honor d. of Robert Mannell 29 Nov. Mary d. of Henry Langdon 6 Dec. Thomas s. of Thomas Callaway 22 Dec. Samuell s. of John Bishop, Rector, & Mary liis wife 25 Dec. Ann d. of Daniell May 26 Dec. John s. of Greorge Jolley 29 Dec. G-eorge s. of John Dunkin,* gent. * In the list of Dunkyn wills at Bodmin none are styled of St. Columb, Katharine d. of John Brabyn Mary d. of Philip Harvey Ruth d. of Richard Langdon Richard s. of John Champion William s. of James Brewer Margaret d. of Henry Rouse fflorence d. of Thomas Treve- thick Margarett d. of Henry Blake Ann d. of Thomas Tremaine John s. of William White Petronel d. of Henry Brewer Anno 1692. Katherine d. of John Huddy, gent. & Mary his wife Alice d. of John Strongman Mary d. of Richard George Mary d. of Peter Champion, gent. Samuell s. of John Bonallack Susanna d. of firancis Pollard Michell s. of Michell Strong- man Stephen s. of William Minnow Elizabeth d. of John Rouse Thomas s. of Thomas Minnow Edward & Margaret* children of tfrances Godolphin Benjamyn s. of Benjamin James Ann d. of James Merefield G-raee d. of Thomas Day Paschow s. of Peter Browne Ruth d. of Dorothy Lauder Thomas s. of Lancelott Cle- men ce William s. of Joell Cabell INIary d. of Henry Cock Edward s. of Edward Peters Richards, of Thomas Whitford Ann d. of Peter Husband Junipher d. of Robert Dunkin Elizabeth d. of John Lewarne John s. of Humphrey Oxuam Joyce d. of William & Joyce Dennis fFrancis d. of John & ffrances Tom Mary d. of Peter Richards Richard s. of Richard Williams gent., and Eliz. his wife Mary d. of John Bishop rector & Mary his wife t t of William Baseley * The dau. mar., iu 1720, John Bolitho of Eedruth. t A blank left in the original. 13 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Jan. 30 Jan. 14 Feb. 27 Eeb. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 8 Mar. 2 April 3 April 3 April 15 April 16 April 16 April 25 April 24 May 28 May 18 June 30 July 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 31 Aug. 25 Sep. 9 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 19 Nov. 23 Nov. 25 Nov. 9 Dec. 9 Dec. 2 Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 78 THE REaiSTEHS OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1692-4. 13 Jan. Eichard & Thomas sons of Eichard Calway 15 Jan. George s. of George Jolley 15 Jan. Thomas s. of Thomas Lauder 4 Feb. Richard & . . . .* children of Samuell Champion, buried same day 5 Eeb. Humphry s. of ffrancis & Mary Mere'field 12 Eeb. Mary d. of John Cockaine 19 Eeb. Mary d. of John Eudye 26 Feb. Richard s. of Thomas 'Manuell 11 Mar. Mathew s. of Thomas Reynolds 2 Julyt Fetter s. of Petter Michell 17 Mar. John s. of John Oxnam A>-NO 1693. 31 Mar. Margret d. of Martina & Doro- thy Tom 2 April Jane d. of Charles Thomas 7 April Theoder s. of John Issabell 13 April Honor d. of Edward Champion 17 April Dorothy d. of James Bone 18 April Robert s. of M'' Robert Berry 14 May James s. of James Olliver 24 May John s. of James Michell al's Rowe 12 June Elizabeth d. of John England 15 July "William s. of Isaack Pearse 16 July William s. of William & Jone Dennis 22 July Elizabeth d. of Charles Allen 24 July Ralph s. of Philip Allen 29 July William s. of M'' John LifFord 2 Sep. Thomas s. of Thomas Pearse 3 Sep. John s. of Peter Kendall 15 Sep. John s. of M'" James Day 23 Sep. Edward s. of Joseph Jane 6 Oct. Elizabeth d. of M'' Anthony Martyne 14 Oct. Katherine d. of Richard Brabyn 7 Nov. John s. of John Day clerk, borne 15 Oct. 11 Nov. Philip s. of James Stephens 11 Nov. Elizabeth d. of M'" John Cham- pion 15 Dec. Grace d. of Sampson Burt 25 Dec. Mary d. of William Cockaine 25 Dec. Mary d. of Anthony Callaway 30 Dec. Jonathan s. of John Lewarne 10 Jan. Jenipher d. of Humphry Benny 20 Feb. John s. of John Davies 20 Feb. Richard s. of Nicholas Gregg 12 Mar. Ursula d. of M'' John Huddy 13 Mar. ffrances d. of William White * A blank left in tlie original. t Sic. Akno 1694. 14 April Elizabeth d. of W"" Hornabroke 21 April Charity d. of Joell Capell 21 April Temperance d. of Henry Cock 4 May James s. of Eichard AVilliams gent. 4 May William s. of M"" Peter Cham- pion 5 May Joseph s. of Thomas Day 12 May AVilliam s. of Thomas Adams 17 May Ollife d. of Eichard Cowle 29 May Thomas s. of John Bishop rec- tor & Mary his wife 2 June Margret d. of Arthur Yeale 7 July Michaell s. of William Basley 20 July Daniell s. of Daniell May 20 July Ann base child of Elizabeth Michell aVs Eowe 22 July Jone d. of Henry Blake 29 July Mary d. of Thomas Scabeerian 29 July Elizabeth d. of John Buck- thought 12 Aug. Ann d. of Edward Ede 18 Aug. John s. of Henry Thomas 26 Aug. John s. of Isaack & Jane Nicholls 1 Sep. Daniell s. of Thomas & Sarah Tremeane 12 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Mary Davies 28 Sep. Thomas s. of Lancelott Cle- mens 6 Oct. Mary d. of Stephen Warne 6 Nov. Elizabeth d of Richard Rouse gent. 11 Dec. Jone d. of John Issabell 26 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Samuell Cham- pion 1 Jan. Jone d. of Thomas Trevethick 5 Jan. Mary d. of Josias Merefield 22 Jan. John s. of Edward Champion 26 Jan. ffrauces d. of Richard Calla- way 1 Feb. Mary d. of John Lewarne 2 Feb. John s. of Jacob Husband 2 Mar. Dorothy d. of Charles Thomas 3 Mar. Margret d. of John Pill 5 Mar. John s. of Robert Dunkyn 5 Mar. Catherine d. of Nicholas Wood- man 8 Mar. Henry s. of M"^ Henry Hay- croft 8 Mar. Henry s. of Henry Brewer 9 Mar. Hugh s. of M'' John Huddy 13 Mar. Jane d. of M'' James Day 19 Mar. John s. of M'' Anthony Martyne 19 Mar * d. of . . . .* Lawry * A blank left in tlie original. 1695-7.] BAPTISMS. 79 Anno 1695. 26 Mar. Mary d. of Samuel Batten gent. 6 April Jane d. of Griles Williams jun^' 15 April Richard son of Richard Greorge 21 April James s. of Henry Rows 5 May Margretd. of Natliani ell Adams 11 May "William s. of John Husband 18 May Mary d. of AVilliam Luney 26 May Ann d. of Greorge Jolley 9 June Edward s. of James Merefield 21 June Humj)hry s. of Philip Harvey 22 June Jane d. of John Grrimes 30 June Dennis s. of Nicholas Strong- man 2 July Charles s. of "William Hosken 11 Aug. John s. of Edward Peters 26 Aug. John s. of John Day clerk 31 Aug. Ann d. of Martyne & Constance Tom 8 Sep. Jonathan & Grrace children of John Bishop Rector & Mary his wife ffrancis s. of Thomas Peirce Jone d. of Richard Langdon Jane d. of Isaack Nicholls John s. of Thomas Mannell Richard s. of John Hicks Katherine d. of Thomas Whit- ford Charitv d. of William Rowe Elizabeth d. of Thomas Tom & Joane his wife John s. of Humphry Harvey Ann d. of ffrancis (xodolphin Alice d. of AVilliam Cocking John s. of John Drew Ann d. of James Stephens Martha d. of Samson Burt John s. of Thomas Tremeane Epipheuey d. of Humphry Oxnam Joseph B. of Henry Cock John s. of John England Ann d. of Thomas Williams Richard s. of Richard Cornish Walter s. of John Lewarne Anno 1696. 24 April Dorothy* d. of Thomas Hoblyn gent. & Jone his wife, borne 23 Mar. 24 April Elizabeth d. of James Bone 13 June Dennis s. of Michaell Strong- man 24 July Ezekiell s. of Ezekiell Retallack * This Dorothy married Mr. Phillip Sparnon, Bee Mar., 1719. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 27 Oct. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 29 Dec. 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Jan. 18 Feb. 21 Peb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 26 Feb. 8 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Mar. 28 July Bernard s. of Bernard Rouse 11 Aug. Grrace d. of Thomas Pendarves* Rector & Grace his wife 15 Aug. Richard s. of John Davies 4 Sep. Ekekiell s. of Samson Grerrans 12 Sep. Mary d. of Thomas Benny 3 Oct. Sarah d. of Thomas Daye 11 Oct. Dorothy d. of John Banger 13 Oct. Henry s. of M'' Richard Rouse 7 Oct. Williams. of Lancelott Clemens 6 Nov. Agnes d. of M'' John Lifford 9 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Joell Capell 5 Nov. Michaell s. of Edward Richards 20 Nov. Pasehow s. of Richard Brabyn 27 Nov. Mary d. of Daniell May 4 Dec. Jane d. of Thomas Solomon 5 Dec. Nathaniell s. of M^' John Cham- pion 26 Dee. Richard s. of Thomas Callaway 3 Jan. Mary d. of Richard Webber 13 Feb. Honor d. of William Tenny 5 Feb. Thomas s. of John Husband 21 Feb. James s. of John Rapson 2 Mar. Jone d. of Robert Dunkiu 5 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Adams 7 Mar, John s. of John Drew 9 Mar. Mary d. of M'' Robert Berry 12 Mar. Jone d. of William Minnow 15 Mar. James s. of M'" Peter Champion 23 Mar. John s. of Stephen Buckingham Anno 1697. 2 April AVilliam s. of Oliver Rowe 5 April Henry s. of Henry Thomas 6 April Ann d. of Joseph Jane 18 April Edward s. of Edward Stephens 24 April Samuell s. of John Grrimes 25 April Judeth d. of Bernard Lobb 14 May Catharine d. of John Day clerk 18 May Ann d. of M'' James Day 22 May Alice d. of Isaack NichoUs 30 May William s. of Mathew Davies 5 June Elizabeth d. of Richard Cornish 10 July Benjamin s. of Thomas Issabell 17 July Richards, of Samuell Champion 17 July Johan d. of Thomas Merefield * He was son of Richard Pendarves. Esq., of Pendarves, by Catherine, dau. of Wm. Arnndell of Menedarva, Esq. ; and was rector of St. Columb Major and vicar of Mawgan in Pyder ; at the latter church he was mar. (see extracts from ]\Iawgan Registers. 1()88) to Grace dau. of Rob. Hoblyn, Esq.. of Nanswhydeu, by whom he had Sir William Pendarves. knighted by Queen Anne, who died s. p., and Grace, baptized as above. She mar. first, Mr. Robert Coster, of Truro, and sectmdly Samuel Percival of Clifton, Bristol, but died s. p. She left as her heir .John son of the Rev. Dr. Stackhouse, whose son Edward Wm. Wynne took the name and arms of Pendarves. 80 THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1697-1700. 1 Aug. Mary d. of George Jolley 8 Aug. ]\Iary d. of John Bucktliought 10 Au^. Tliomass. of Thorn as Treve thick 28 Aug. EemfVey s. of Archiball Howse 28 Aug. Arthur s. of Eichard Callaway 24 Sep. IMary d. of Hugh Polhird 27 Sep. Elizabeth d. of John Thomas 23 Oct. John s. of Jolm Lewarne 30 Oct. Honor d. of Henry Cock 2 Nov. ffrancis s. of Ei<-hard Eowse 15 Nov. Thomas son of Thomas Day 19 Nov. fflorcnce d. of Henry Eowse 4 Dec. Daniell s. of Eichard James 7 Dec. Ebbott d. of John Lamb 11 Dec. Henry s. of Stephen AVarne* 29 Dec. John s. of Henry Brewer 9 Jan. Daniell s. of Charles Thomas 15 Jan. Mathew s. of Phillip King 23 Feb. Gracet d. of Thomas Hoblyn Esq'e 26 Feb. John s. of John Banger 5 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Tre- meaue 7 Mar. Honor d. of Thomas Whitford 8 Mar. Thomas s. of John Merefield Anno 1698. 26 Mar. Mary d. of William Michell 26 Mar. Edward s. of Edward Eichards 3 April Elizabeth d. of Oliver Basley 11 April ffrauces d. of Edward Lawry 26 April John s. of Thomas CallawayJ 30 April John s. of Giles Williams 21 May William s. of William Cockaine 28 April John s. of Thomas Peirce 14 June Jonathan s. of William Law 16 July Jane d. of Eichai'd Cockaine 16 Jidy Catharine d. of Edward Basley 25 July Thomasine d. of William Eowe 31 July Jone d. of Michaell Cowlyn 26 Avig. Arthur s. of Henry Michell 8 Oct. Eichard s. of John Parkyns 9 Oct. Thomas s. of M^ John Lifford 11 Nov. William s. of Henry Darr 11 Nov. Jane d. of William Toulton 16 Dec. Stephen s. of Stephen Bucking- ham 22 Dec. Catharine d. of Oliver Eawe 30 Jan. Solomon s. of William Basley 11 Feb. Elizabeth d. of John Eopson & Elizabeth his wife 25 Feb. Grace d. of William Horna- brooke * By his wife Mary Jack Andrew, see mar. 1693. f She died young. X Tho. Callawav paid rent of a shop 10s, in 1683. (Green Book.) 11 Mar. James s. of James Brewer Anno 1699. 24 June Charles s. of John England 21 July Amy d. of James Adams 22 July Mary d. of John Tenny 22 July Ann d. of John Symons 23 July fflorence d. of Isaack NichoUs 25 July Honor d. of M"" Henry Blight 7 Aug. Judeth* d. of M^' Thomas Hoblyn 12 Aug. Anne d. of Nathaniell Adams 2 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Joell Capel 16 Sep. Martha d. of Thomas Sollomon 22 Sep. John s. of Euoder Inch 23 Sep. Mary d. of James Bone 24 Sep. Alice d. of Archibald Peters 27 Sep. Abraham s. of Grace . . . .f 30 Sep. Mary d. of John Davies 18 Oct. Thomas s. of M'' Thomas Wills 21 Oct. Henry s. of Christopher Warne 15 Nov. Edward s. of Thomas Merefield 6 Jan. Lewis s. of John Daye clerke 31 Jan. John s. of John Clemens 2 Feb. Ann d. of Thomas Benny 6 Feb. Luce d. of Hugh PollardJ Anno 1700. 26 Mar. Symon§ s. of Stephen Warns 27 Mar. John s. of Charles Thomas 1 April Jane d. of Thomas Issbell 27 April Mary d. of Joseph Merefield 30 April Ann d. of John Parking 4 May Henry s. of Joseph & Jane Jane 1 June William s. of John Lawry 2 June Jane d. of Bernard Lobb 22 June Elizabeth d. of John Lewarne 29 June Jenifer d. of Eichard James 9 July Eichard s. of Eichard & ffran- ces Webber 15 July Scicily d. of John England 5 Aug. Michaell s. of Eichard Cornish 10 Aug. Ann d. of Thomas Parking 11 Aug. James s. of James Day mer. & Martha his wife 17 Aug. Eichard s. of Henry Brewer 8 Aug. Charles s. of Henry Thomas 24 Aug. John s. of John Liiford 15 Oct. John s. of John Lamb 19 Oct. Jolm s. of Thomas Tippett 1 Nov. William s. of William Eow 3 Nov. Thomazin d. of William Dennis * She died young, t Blank. j Hugh Pollard was treasurer of the parish in 1711. (Green Book.) § Man-ied in 1728 Hannah Bilkey, see mar. 1700-3.] BAPTISMS. 81 9 Nov. Ann d. of William Michell aVs Row 12 Nov. Grace* d. of M"" Thomas Hoblyn & Jone his wife 19 Nov. Dorothy d. of Henry Eowse 26 Nov. Richard s. of Eichard Eowse 2 Dec. Jolui s. of William Eveling 11 Dec. Jane d. of James Stephens 26 Dec. Eebecka d. of William Lawry 28 Dec. John s. of Thomas Whitford 6 Jan. John s. of Thomas Varkoe 11 Peb. Grace d. of Stephen Bucking- ham 15 Feb. Margret d. of Thomas Tanner mercer & Emlyne his wife 15 Feb. Avies d. of William Cockaine 1 Mar. John s. of Eobert Merefield 9 Mar. Joseph s. of Eobert Dunkin 16 Mar. Eobert s. of Edward Eade 23 Mar. Jone d. of George Thomas ANJfo 1701. li April John son of Eichard Edwards & Elizabeth his wife 28 April Jane d. of Henry & Honor Michell 31 May Ann d. of Nathaniel Wood 9 June Catharine d. of Isaack NichoUs 9 June Charity d. of Oliver Basley 15 June Eobert s. of John Symous 27 June Jane d. of Thomas Hawke 29 June Elizabeth d. of Thomas Polkin- horne 8 July Jaue d. of Hugh Pollard 28 July Mary d. of Henry Blii^ht 28 July Martine s. of John England 20 Sep. John s. of Charles Tresteane 22 Sep. Elizabeth d. of William Youlton 21; Sep. Pentecost d. of Henry Darr 6 Oct. Gregory d. of Archibald Eowse 1 Nov. George s. of Thomas Cockaine aVs Tremeane 11 Nov. Jenifer d. of Mathew Battrell 17 Nov. Peter s. of William Callaway 29 Nov. Charles s. of John & Jenifer Eichards 5 Dec. ffrances d. of John Best 26 Dec. John s. of Eichard Eawe 1 Jan. Jone d. of John Drew 5 Jan. John s. of John & Jeuefir Parking 18 Jan. Symon s. of William Lawe 24 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Bernard Eowse 30 Jan. Annd. of William Hornabrooke 2 Feb. John s. of John Gummow * This clau. mar., as his second wife, Giles Hamley of St. Columb, second son of William Hamley of Treblethic, Esq. 8 Feb. John s. of Bernard Lobb 17 Feb. Thomas& James sons of Thomas Adams 21 Feb. Margret d. of John Tenny 22 Feb. Jane d. of ffrancis Phillips 1 Mar. William s. of Inigoe Inch 23 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Tibb AN2fo 1702. 28 Mar. William s. of Eichard Brabyn 7 April Eichard s. of Arthur Veale 10 May Anthony s. of Tho. Callaway 24 May William s. of Thomas Mere- field 29 May Jenifer d. of Oliver Eowe 18 June Jonathan s. of Jonathan Daw 1 July John s. of Peter Best 10 July Phillip s. of Thomas Benny 20 Aug. John s. of Peter Bounsell 5 Sep. William s. of Stephen Warne 6 Sep. John s. of Thomas Inch 1 Oct. Luke s. of John Lifford 24 Oct. Joel s. of Joel Capell 24 Oct. Jane d. of Marke Lawrey 7 Nov. Edward s. of Thomas Pearse 12 Nov. Philip s. of Philip Kinge 14 Nov. Elizabeth d. of William Dennis jun' 14 Nov. Eichard s. of George Thomas 3 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Eichard Webber 3 Dec. Joan d. of Archibald Eowse 15 Dec. Eobert s. of Thomas Hoblyn gent. & Joan his wife 16 Dec. Nathaniell s. of John Tanner Mercer & Emblyn his wife 16 Dec. Eichard s. of George Basely 18 Dec. John s. of Eichard Eawe jun"" & ffrances his wife 22 Dec. John s. of John Parking 10 Jan. Jane d. of John Lewarne 16 Jan. John s. of Charles Thomas 2 Feb. Ann d. of Eichard James 9 Feb. Eichard s. of Thomas Hawke 12 Feb. John s. of John Symons 5 Mar. Grace d. of Eichard Eowse 10 Mar. Eichard s. of Eichard Cornish 13 Mar. Joseph s. of Thomas Issabell An^o 1703. 30 Mar. Mary d. of Joseph Jane 3 April Alice d. of Joseph Merefield 10 April Thomasin d. of John Gummow 10 April Joseph s. of John Best 10 April Mark s. of Edward Basely 14 April William s. of John & Lydia Clemens 17 April Thomas s. of John & Mary Davis M 82 THE REGISTERS OE ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1703-4. 15 May Genefer d. of Robert & Jane Merifield 22 May Mary d. of Philip & Martha Slockett 29 Mav Charity d. of OUiver Basely Jun^' 12 June Jane d. of Ralph & Mary Allen 19 June "William s. of William Eveling Jun"' 18 July Elizabeth d. of Nathaniell Adams 6 Aug. Alice d. of Hugh & Elizabeth Pollard 7 Aug. Edward s. of John Lawry 11 Aug. Thomas s. of Thomas & Mary Whiteford 4 Sep. Jane d. of William Basely 6 Sep. Genefer d. of Edward Lawry 12 Sep. Gartrude d. of Edward Eade 9 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Mathew Bat- trell 9 Oct. Susanna d. of Charles & Eliza- beth Tresteane 9 Oct. Jane d. of Henry Thomas 16 Oct. Mary d. of John Symons 16 Oct. Nathaniell s. of Nathaniell & ffrances Wood 19 Dec. John s. of John & Martha Bulling 1 Jan. Reginald s. of Stephen Buck- ingham 1 Jan. Edward & Michaell sons of Edward Richards 16 Jan. Mary d. of Giles Pell 28 Jan. Mary d. of Abraham Hus- band ■ 2 Feb. Ann* d. of Thomas Hoblyn Atturney & Joan his wife 2 Eeb. fFrances d. of Henry & Honor Michell 5 Eeb. Phillip s. of Phillip Harrisf 14 Eeb. Jane d. of Henry Blight 19 Eeb. John s. of John Richards 29 Eeb. Joan d. of Inigo Inch 22 Mar. Jane d. of William & Emblyn Rosuggan Anno 1704. 9 April Thomas s. of William Cocking alias Tremaine 18 April Robert s. of John Drew 22 April Mary d. of Isaack Nicholls 29 April Eliz.'^d. of M-^ James Daye 29 April Anne d. of Mary Reading * She married George Keigwin. f Philip Harris was one of the way wardens in 1710. (Green Book.) Mary d. of Richard & Eliz. Brabyn Mary d. of John & Ebatt Lamb M.iry d. of John & Christiana Symonds Pentecost d. of Thomas & Sarah Cocking alias Tremain John s. of John & Temperance Tinney Joan d. of Richard & Joan Pascoe Richard s. of John & Anne Harris* Couingsby d. of Coniugsby PackingtonNorburya Lieu- tenant in Her Majesty's Service & Mary his wife James s. of Philip & Mary King Mary d. of John & Margret Perkins Erances d. of Nath^^ & fErances Woods Anne d. of M-" Hugh & Eliza- beth Pollard Jane d. of William & Jone Williams Mark s. of Peter & Margret Tremaine Thomas s. of Thomas & Jone Merryfield James s. of Tho. & Jane Pol- kinhorne Mary d. of Richard Gilbert Samuel s. of Sam'^ & Honor Williams Grace y*^ base daughter of Joan Rowe Eliz. d. of Peter & Susa'na Best Grace d. of M"" John & Eme- liue Tanner Jane d. of John & Jane Best Alice d. of Tho. & Jane Pearse John s. of George & Jane Baselcy John s. of Richard & Erances Callway Eliz. the base daughter of Jane Hodge Mary d. of George & Jane Thomas Eliz. d. of Philip Collier Rect^ & Eliz. his wife * John Harris was one of the overseers in 1715. (Green Book.) 20 May 27 May 5 June 10 June 17 June 24 June 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 14 Aug. 10 Sep. 23 Sep. 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Dec. 16 Dec. 26 Dec. 30 Dec. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 2 Feb. 1704-6.] 2reb. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. Micbaell s. of Jonathan & Catherine Barrett John s. of W^ & Catharine Blake Lewis s. of Eob' & Florence Cock Eliz. d. of James & Anne Moreshead 12 Feb. Matthias s. of Matthias & Mary Battrell 17 Feb. Philip s. of W^ & Anne Horna- brook 24 Feb. John s. of John & G-race Issable 3 Mar. Mary d. of of Thomas & Mary Hawke 12 Mar. Agnes d. of John & Agnes Lifford Anno 1705. 30 Mar. Anne d. of WiH. & Eliz. Toul- ton 10 April Eleanor d. of Tho. & Eliz. A dams 15 April Eliz. d. of Anthony & Eliz. Hoskin 23 April Philip s. of John & Jennefair Parkyn 23 April Thomas s. of Degory & Pent Keast 23 April Mary d. of Eob' & Joan Hus- band 5 May Mary d. of Stephen & Mary Warren* 12 May W" s. of W^ & Temperance Bone 12 May Mary d. of John & Grace Gum'owe 12 May Agnes d. of John & Mary Metherill 4 June Mary d. of James & Jone Gilbert 9 June Mary d. of William & Joan Denny s 10 June Anne d. of Eich^ & Joan Pas- coe 20 June John s. of Philip & Martha Sloggett 23 June Eliz. d. of Oliver & Jane Eawe 29 June Mary d. of M"" Eichard Eowse 29 July Nathaniell s. of Charles & Jane Thomas 4 Aug. Mary d. of John & Eleanor Opey * This should be Warne not " Warren," see other entries. BAPTISMS. 5 Aug. 11 Aug. 2 Sep. 15 Sep. 22 Sep. 22 Sep. 24 Sep. 6 Oct. 20 Oct. 3 Nov. 12 Nov. 24 Nov. 11 Dec. 15 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 9 Feb. 20 Feb. 24 Feb. 12 Mar. 25 Mar. 15 April 21 April 83 Catharine d. of John & Dinah Gilbert John s. of John & Joan Lawrey Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Eli- zabeth Inch Mary d. of W" & Grace Lae Hon'- s. of Peter & Mary Pol- lard Eliz. d. of Tho. & Candacea Litticoat Dorothy d. of W"^ & Dorothy Eoe Anne d. of Tho. & Elizabeth Couch John s. of Eich'^ & Frances Webber Eleanor d. of W"' & Jane Wilkin Eich<= s. of John & Lydia Clemows Joane d. of Peter & Jane Bonn sail Mary d. of W^ & Jane Eve- linn Florence d. of Charles & Eliz. Trestain John s. of Archibald & Mary Eowse Samuell s. of Joell & Eliz. Capell Eliz. d. of Tho. & Mary Whit- ford Honor d. of John & Susa'na Jane Susa'na d. of Tho. & Sarah Tremayn Mary d. of Philip & Anne Harris John s. of Tho. & Florence Issable Matilda d. of John & Temper- ance Tinny Eichard s. of Eichard & Tho- mazin Cowle Jeremy s. of Philip Collier Eecf, borne 4 Feb. Matthias s. of Matthias Bat- trell & Mary his wife Henrv s. of M"^^ Henry & Mary Blight Anno 1706. Thomas s. of Eob* & Jane Merrifield Anne d. of Edward & Mary Lawrey Eliz. d. of PhiHp & Philippa Michell 84 4 May 13 May 16 June THE EEGISTEES OP ST. COLUMB MA JOE 8 Feb. 22 Feb., [1706-7. John s. of Eoger & Mary Eeading Thomas s. of Thomas & Julian Polkinhorn Frances d. of Isaack & Jane 23 Feb. Nicholls 27 June Eliz. d. of Philip & Martha 8 Mar. Sloggett 8 Mar. 28 June Thomas s. of Jonathan & Ca- tharine Barrett 12 Mar. 5 July Peternell d. of Henry & Honor Michell 13 Mar. 19 July Daniell s. of Nathaniell & iFrances Wood 18 Mar. 27 July Jane d. of Thomas & ffrances Baseley 9 Aug. Dinah* d. of Christopher & Jane Wax*ne 18 April 17 Aug. Francis s. of Anthony & Mary G-odolphin 28 April 17 Aug. John s. of Eich** & Thomazin Gilbert 3 May 30 Aug. John s. of Edward & Anne May 10 May 3 Sep. Willia'm s. of Eich s. of W» & Mary White 14 Oct. Francis s. of John & Elizabeth Dingey 14 Oct. Anne d. of Tho. & Eliz. Corn- wall 18 Oct. Mary d. of James & Grace Callaway 22 Nov. Rich'' s. of Michaell & Grace Cornish 22 Nov. Francis d. of Edward & Doro- thy Champion 3 Jan. John s. of Charles & Olyrapia Tre stain 12 Jan. John s. of Thomas & Hon"" Marks 20 Jan. Mary d. of Francis & Johan Vivian 2 Feb. Johan d. of Rich^ & Anne Hicks 9 Feb. Benjamin s. of Benjamin & Eliz. Chalwell * Descended from Anthony Tanner, gent., who mar. at St. Enoder, .5 Feb. 1630, Dorothy, dan. of Zachary Arundell of St. Enoder, gent. Among other monuments to the family of Tanner, at St. Enoder, is one for Anthony Tanner, gent., who died May, 1708 ; also Arundell Tanner his son buried 2 Juue, 1708, which bears the following shield of arms, viz., quarterly 1 and 4. on a chief three blackamores' heads couped, a crescent for difference ; Tanner. 2. six martlets, a mullet for difEerence. 3, Fretty, a martlet for dilference. Crest, a talbot's head couped, in the mouth a bird-bolt. The arms are carved on the slate slab forming the monument, consequently, no colours are given, and it may be noted that the martlets of Arundell are 3 and 3, and Tanner in the fourth quarter is placed ou a lozenge. 13 Feb. 28 Feb. 28 Feb. 14 Mar. 15 Mar. 21 Mar. 7 April 19 April 25 April 26 April 6 June 27 June 28 June 18 July 18 July 9 Aug. 29 Aug. 20 Sep. 26 Sep. 29 Sep. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 9 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 24 Nov. 26 Dec. 29 Dec. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. John s. of John & Mary Chap- man "William s. of W" & Margaret Trembeath Philip s. of Henry Thomas Stephen s. of Stephen & Mar- garet Tyer Rich'i s._ of Rich'' & Johan Harris W"* s. of W™ & Eliz. James An.n'o 1713. John s. of John & Philippa Tho. & Prudence & Wilmot Udy Rich" s. of Gilbert Eliz. d. of Greg'"y Nance Judeth d. of M'' Tho. Hoblyn & Joan his wife Eliz. d. of Gilbert & Mary Merrifield Thomazine d. of Anthony & Elizabeth Hoskyn Edward s. of Philip & Martha Slogget John s. of Philip & Mary Kinge Rich'i s. of A\'''» & Jane Evelyn John s. of Oliver Baseley Martha d. of W" Toulton John s. of John & Joan Tom Sam" s. of M'' Francis & Mary May Thomasine d. of James & Grace Callaway John s. of John & Martha Chapell Nath" s. of Nath" & Sarah Oliver Anne d. of John & Mary Mewdon John s. of Tho. & Jane May Edw" s. of Tho. & Sarah Tre- main Eliz. d. of W"' Blake Rich'' s. of Peter & Honor Callaway Frances d. of Deg'"y & Pente- cost Keast John s. of John & Philippa Hawke John s. of Henry & Mary Rows W™ s. of Rob' & Eliz. Brewer Thomas s. of John & Eliz. Dingey Ehz. d. of Henry & Eliz. Lee Catherine d. of Arthur & Catherine Jolly 1713-15,] BAPTISMS. 89 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 14 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 28 Feb. 4 Mar. 13 Mar. 15 Mar. 29 Mar. 29 Mar. 29 Mar. 10 April 17 April 17 April 24 April 8 May 17 May 18 May 29 May 5 June 5 June 18 June 24 July 30 July 1 Aug. 20 Aug. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. John a. of Ricb^ & Ursula Arnold W" s. of John & Dinali Gilbert Jolm 8. of W^ & Joan Wil- liams Eliz. d. of Eich* & Frances Webber Tbo. 8. of Edm"* & Dinah Varcar Mary d. of Micbaell & Grace Cornish Grace d. of Christopher & Jane Warne Anne d. of Philip & Anne Allen Eliz. d. of John & Joan Lawrey Richd s. of Eichd & Catherine Cundy Patience base child of Prudence Parnell A]s'yo 1714. James s. of James & Alice Stephens Anne d. of Philip & Anne Harris Eliz. d. of Henry & Thomasine Cock Anne d. of John & Joan Mill John s. of John & Dorothy Arscot Susanna d. of FaithfuU & Joan Cock Samson s. of .John & Philippa Hicks Jane d. of Jonathan & Cathe- rine Barret Margaret d. of Eob' & Jane Merrifield Frances d. of Henry & Hon"^ Michell Joan d. of Sam'' & Hon'' Bussow John s. of Rich'* & Thomasine Cowle Charles s. of Arthur & Eebecka Rawe Gilbert s. of Henry & Mary Blight Eobt s. of M"^ Rich'' & Jane Edwards John s. of M-" Rob* & Grace Carthew Wois.of Giles & Jane Williams Anne d. of M' Rich^ & Eliz. Rows Sarah d. of Methuselah & Mary Williams James s. of Philip & Philippa MicheU 10 Oct, Jane d. of James & Anne Moreshead 16 Oct. Charles s. of W" & Joan Dennis 2 Nov. Susanna d. of M'' James & M" Anne Paynter 8 ^^ov. W"' s. of Tho. & Eliz. Hicks 9 Xov. James s. of M'' John & Emeline Tanner 9 Nov. Francis s. of Edward & Anne May 13 Nov. Michael s. of Martyn & Joan Strongman 26 Nov. Catherine d. of John & Ebat Hendy 27 Nov. James s. of Timothy & Mary Stevens 27 Nov. John s. of SamU & Eliz. Harris 27 Nov. Anne d. of John Tinney 4 Dec. Tho. s. of John & Mary Metherill 11 Dec. Petronell d. of Rich'' & Petro- nell Peters 1 Jan. Temperance d. of John & Susanna Jane 5 Jan. Jane base child of Elizabeth Bounsell 15 Jan. Philip s. of Henry & Florence Oxnam 26 Jan. Abell s. of Rob' & Eliz. Walkey 28 Jan. Alice d. of Francis & Joan Vivian 2 Feb. Tho. s. of Tho. & Candace Litticott 16 Feb. Richd s. of .John Turner 1 Mar. Anne d. of W" & Mary White 4 Mar. Charles s. of John & Mary Whedon 8 Mar. Eliz. d. of W^* Demonfryart 14 Mar. Joan d. of W" & Mary Tub Anno 1715. 2 April Philippa d. of Thomas & Hon'" Marks 9 April Tho. s. of Francis & Anne Solomon 18 April Mary d. of Tho. Rawlyn 24 April Mary d. of Oliver & Jane Rawe 7 May Anton v Henry s. of Robert Cock 14 May Philip s. of Antony & Cathe- rine Kendall 10 June Edward s. of John Richards 11 June Jane d. of John & Joyce Hambly * This "William was probably son of George Demonfryart, physician, mayor of Bodmin, 1691, loy-i, 17uO, 1712," 1716, whose son William was born in 1689. 90 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB IMAJOR [1715-16. 24 June 6 July 16 July 24 JulV 24 July 30 July 2 Aug. 3 Sep. 2 Oct. 15 Oct. 5 Not. 14 Nov. 26 Nov. 12 Dec. 26 Dec. 26 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec. 27 Dec. 6 Jan. 24 Jan. 2 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 25 Feb. 28 Feb. 11 Mar. 26 Mar. 3 April 7 April John s. of Eobert & Eliz. Strongman Eich'i s. of M'" Eicb^ & Jane Edwards Antony s. of Antony White James s. of James Trenery Jane d. of Tho. May, deceased Joseph s. of Nathaniel & Sarah Oliver Frances d. of John & Philippa Udy John s. of Antony & Eliz. Hos- kin W™ s. of W" & Eliz. Wilton James s. of James & Grace Callaway Anne d. of Humpliry & Eliz. England Degory s. of Degory & Pente- cost Keast Philip s. of John & Anne White William base child of Epiphany Oxuam William s. of Eich^i & Ursula Arnold W"' s. of Eich"! & Catherine Cundy Eliz. d. of Tho. & Eliz. Hicks Tho. s. of Eobt & Jane Merri- field Eobf s. of Eobt & Eliz. Brewer Tho. s. of Samuell & Hon"" Bussow Margery base child of Margery Pooll Thomasine d. of Henry & Thomasine Cock Philip s. of Philip Collier Ecctor & Eliz. his wife, borne 4 Feb. Tho. s. of W« & Eliz. James Sam^ s. of James & Margaret Barston Philip s. of Henry & Florence Oxnam Mary d. of John & Mary Metherill Tho. s. of Tho. & Prudence Gilbert Ajtn-o 1716. Francis s. of John & Eliz. Dingey Jane d. of Arthur & Eebecka Eawe Florence d. of Philip & Anne Harris 16 April 21 April 2L April 21 April April 24 April 19 May 26 May 21 22 July July 11 Aug. 11 12 Aug. Aug. 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 7 Sep. 7 Sep. 17 Sep. 2 Oct. 14 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Oct. 30 Oct. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. Henry s. of Henry & Hon"^ Mitchell Francis s. of M'' Francis Payn- ter* & Mary his wife James s. of Tbo. & Julian Polkinhorn Joan d. of Edm'' & Dinah Varcar Eich*^ base child of Eliz. Polkin- horn Eob' s. of John & Philippa Hawke Anned. of Arthur & Catherine Jolly James s. of John & Philippa Hicks Eliz. d. of John & Joan Tom James s. of James & Frances Champion Josias s. of Tho. & Hon"" Calla- way John s. of John & Ebbat Hendy Anne d. of Heuiy & Mary Gai'land Sam^ s. of Sam' & Eliz. Harris Mary d. of John & Mary Meudon Joan d. of Martin & Joan Strongman Edward, Mary & Jennifairef children of Anthony & Mary Godolphin James s. of James & Mary Cowling Tho. & Eliz. s. & d. of Tho. & Eliz. Cornwall Eli. d. of Abraham & Eliz. Husband John s. of John & Mary Wheedon Eliz. d. of Edward & Mary Creeber Michaell s. of Mich'! & Eliz. Bundle Mary d.of Eobt & Mary Mannell Philip 8. of W°' & Anne Benny Thomas s. of Eob' & Anne Hambly W°> s. of SamU & Jane Litticott John s. of W^ & Eliz. Bone Tho. s. of John Harris Eliz. d. of M"^ Eichd & Jane Edwards * Francis Paynter, gent., and Mrs. Mary Haw- key, widow, married Aug 1713, at Little Colan. (Colan Par. Eeg.) f Probably born at one birth, and the only instance of this rare occurrence in these Registers. 1716-8.] 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 11 Dec. 4 Jan. 5 Jau. 19 Jau. 19 Jan. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Mar. 16 Mar. 23 Mar. 7 April 8 April 22 April 23 April 27 April 18 May 7 June 11 June 22 June 23 June 21 July 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 6 Sep. 21 Sep. BAPTISMS. "W°i s. of Stephen & Margaret 21 Sep. Buckingham Anna d. of Faithfull & Joan 24 Sep. Cock 28 Sep. W^ s. of Gregory & Wilmot 1 Oct. Nancey Francis s. of Eich s. of John & Mary Mew- don 21 Mar. Jane d. of Eob^ & Eliz. Cock ANifo 1719. 11 April Catherine d. of William & Margaret Blaise 18 April Dorothy d. of Degory & Pente- cost Keast 24- April Edward s. of Tho. & Margaret Kestle 23 May Anne d. of Tho. & Mary Lit- ticot . . May Eliz. d. of M' Bob* & Eliz. Quarme 6 June Nicholas s. of Boger & Anne George 7 June Bich'^ s. of Gregory & AVilmot Nancey 20 June Eliz. d. of George Tippet 22 June Samuell base child of Anne Eawe 4 July W™ s. of William & Anne Benny 4 July Frances d. of Arthur & Frances Strongman 31 July W"i s. of Anthony & Dinah Coad 8 Aug. Dorcas d. of Peter & Dorcas PidweU 22 Aug. Jane d. of Eichard & Anne Eawe 29 Aug. Mary d. of Arthur & Catherine Jolly 11 Sep. James d. of Bobert & Jane Merri field 26 Sep. Thomas d. of John & Blanch George 26 Sep. Jennefaire d. of Eich^ & Tho- masine Cowle 3 Oct. W™ s. of W"" & Joan Dinnis 10 Oct. W" s. of William & Mary Gilbert 10 Oct. Mary d. of Thomas & Joan Solomon 23 Oct. Eichard s. of Eich'xo 1725. 8 Nov. Gertrude d. of John & Dorothy Arscot 10 Nov. John s. of M^' James Bishop & Sarah his w'ife 20 Nov. Anne d. of Eob' & Mary Litticot 25 Nov. John s. of Joseph & Joyce Glanfield 27 Nov. Eichard s. of Eich'' & Jane Grigg 7 Dec. Eich'i s. of John & Philippa Hawke 12 Dec. EHz. d. of William & Cathe- rine Antron 14 Dec. Grace d. of John & June Buckingham IS Dec. Mary d. of Methuselah & Mary Williams 31 Dec. Jane d. of Gilbert & Joyce Meals 1 Jan. Susanna d. of M'' Joseph Bishop & Loveday his wife 15 Jan. 97 John s. of John & Joan Hawke Martha d. of John & Cathe- rine Hockin Anthony s. of Anthony & Dinah Coad Margaret d. of Petherick & Margaret Williams Dorothy d. of Daniel & Eliz. Thomas Benjamin s. of Nathaniel & Sarah Oliver Henry s. of Henry & Gertrude Pollard Jane d. of Edward & Catlierine Inch Isabella d. of W'"^ & Jane Stephens W"i s. of W"^ & Jane Parkyn Jane d. of Shadrach & Jane Tremain Anne d. of M'' George Ma- powder & Jane his wife Francis s. of Eob' & Catherine Maunell Samuel s. of Samuel & Honor Bussow Susanna base child of Mary Merifield Anne d. of Edw'^ & Eliz. Meri- field John s. of John & Mary Langdon John s. of Bernard & Temper- ance Eows Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliz. Hicks Charles s. of M'' Thomas Shep- herd & ]Mary his wife Mary d. of Tho. & Mildred Baseley Henry s. of Henry & Mary Brewer Emelvn base child of Emelvn Neill Sarah d. of Eoger & ]Mary Tippet Humphry s. of Humphry & Elizabeth England Mary d. of jM'" John Lawrence & Marv his wife Elizabeth *d. of W"> & Eliz. Woolcock Sampson s. of Isaac & ELiz. Husband Nathaniel e. of Eobert & Anne Sti ongman Jane d. of W"' & Eliz. Olver 98 THE REGISTERS OF ST. COLTJIMB MAJOR. [1725-6. 16 Jan. Hiio;h s. of John & Anne Williams 17 Jan. "W"^ s. of George & Joan Bond 29 Jan. Hugh s. of M'' Beltezer "Wil- liams dee'' & Eliz. his wife 7 Feb. Mary d. of Jacob & Mary Grigg 18 Feb. Margery d. of James & Fran- ces Champion 19 Feb. Rich'' s. of Henry & Anne Veall 19 Feb. Ezekiel s. of Ezekiel & Anne Retallock 5 Mar. Thomasine d. of Solomon & Mary Baseley 12 Mar. Robert 'd. of Joseph & Mary Dunk in AxNO 1726. 31 Mar. Mary d. of John & Mary Tom ii April William s. of Artluir & Fran- ces Strongman 9 April Mary d. of IS'icholas & Jane Opie 30 April Catherine d. of William & Jane Daiicaster 14 May IVIary d. of William & Honor Roberts 28 May Edward s. of William & Joan Merifield 31 May James s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Harris 31 May Mary d. of AV^illiam & Jane Pound 4 June Jane d. of John & Grace Whit- ford 19 June James s. of James & Mary George 1 July Jame,s s. of M'' W'^^ Williams & Jane his wife 2 July Susanna d. of John & Anne White 9 July William s. of Henry & Honor Barnicot 15 July Anne d. of M"" Giles Hamley & Grace* his wife 15 July Johns, of Thomas & Elizabeth Williams 22 July INIary d. of Robert & Jane Merifield 14 Aug. Amie d. of Richard & Anne AVhitford 16 Aug. William s. of William & Deborah Gatty * By his second wife Grace, dau. of Thomas Hoblyn, of Tresaddern, gent., mar. at St. Weun by licence, 20 Aug. 1725. The dau. died an infant. 27 Aug. Anne d. of Hugh & Mary Bullock P. Collier, Rect^. 1 Sep. Thomas s. of John& Catherine Gass 1 Sep. Philip s. of Robert & Mary Kent 10 Sep. Samuell s. of Thomas & Joan Solomon 17 Sep. Jane d. of William & Jane Drew 19 Sep. Jennefair d. of Thomas & Margaret Kcssell 7 Oct. Elizabeth d. of John & Eliz. Raps on 9 Oct. Eliz. d. of W Joseph Bishop & Loveday his wife 14 Oct. John s. of John & Anne Peter 17 Oct. Michaell s. of Edward & Grace Richards 25 Oct. Henry s. of William & Mar- garet Blake 17 Nov. William s. of John & Phillippa Hawke 19 Nov. John s. of Martin & Joan Strongman 21 Nov. Eliz. d. of James & Epiphany Trenerry 4 Dec. Jane d. of John & Amy BreAver 17 Dec. Jane d. of John & Martha Chaple 18 Dec. Nicholas s. of Thomas & Mary Litticot 31 Dec. Philip s. of Michaell & Eliza- beth Cornish 6 Jan. John s. of Robert & Anne Hamley 6 Jan. John s. of W"> & Eliz. Luney 9 Jan. Anne d. of W"' & Catherine Antron 18 Jan. James s. of Francis & Patience Cowling 29 Jan. Jane d. of M"' George Mapow- der & Jane his wife 31 Jan. Sarah d, of M'' James Bishop & Sarah his wife 4 Feb. John s. of W" & Maiy Stephens 4 Feb. Avice d. of Jonathan & Mary Law 6 Feb. Frances d. of Nicholas & Marg* Gewens 18 Feb. Anne base child of Eliz. Best 20 Feb. Frances d. of Arthur & Mary Callaway 25 Feb. Eliz. d. of John & Mary Mewdon 1726-28.] BAPTISMS. 28 Feb. John s. of Francis & Catherine Pearce I Mar. James s. of M'' Thomas Shep- hard & Mary liis wife 7 Mar. Philip s. of Arthur & Catherine Jolley 13 Mar. Susanna d. of John & Joan Hawke 18 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John & Eliz. Oxnam 24 Mar. Elias s. of Anthony & Catherine Kendall 24 Mar. Abraham s. of Isaac & Elizabeth Husband Anno 1727. 3 April Prances d. of John & Mary Whedon 12 April Eich'' s. of Richard & Anne Eawe 3 June Eliz. d. of Sam'^ & Mary Glanfield 10 June James s. of Sam^^ & Mary Grriraes 8 July John s. of John & Mary Lewarn 15 July John s. of Humphry & Mary Harvey 15 July Catherine d. of Methuselah & Mary Williams 23 July Eliz. d. of John & Grace Turner 4 Aug. W'" s. of M"" John Lawrence & Mary his wife 16 Aug. Jane d. of John & Jane Buckingham 18 Aug. John s. of George & Joan Bond 18 Aug. Eliz. d. of Francis & Joan Vivian 19 Aug. Mary d. of Philip & Mary liickard 21 Aug. Honor d. of Thomas & Ebat Litticot 27 Aug. Anue d. of W" & Jane Drew 1 Sep. Mary d. of Henry & Mary Brewer 1 Sep. Martha d. of Edward & Eliza- beth Merifield 2 Sep. W" s. of W^ & Eliz. Olver 8 Sep. John s. of John & Mary Best 21 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Daniell & Eliz. Thomas 27 Oct. Anne d. of John & Anne Sprey 29 Oct; W"! s. of W» & Mary Bear II Nov. Jane d. of Joseph & Mary Dunkin 12 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Nov. 1 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Jan. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 27 Feb. 3 Mar. 15 Mar. 16 Mar. 18 Mar. 23 Mar. 30 Mar. 30 Mar. 23 April 18 May 25 May 11 June 28 June 4 July 99 Robert s. of Eob. & Catherine Maunell William s. of Nathaniel & Sarah Oliver Loveday d. of M'' Joseph Bis- hop & Loveday his wife Eliz. d. of John & Philippa Hicks Margaret d. of Henry & Grer- trude Pollard Frances d. of Richard & Jane Grigg Catherine d.of John & Philippa Hawke W^ s. of Ezekiel & Anne Retallock Susanna d. of W"^ & Eliz. Rawe Rob* s. of Robert & Mary Litticot John s. of Thomas & Temper- ance Davies Eliz. d. of Bernard & Temper- ance Rows Joanna* d. of M'" Giles Hamley & Grace his wife Jane d. of John & Catherine Hockyn Jane d. of M^ W^ Williams & Jane his wife Robert s. of John & Elizabeth Cowling Jane d. of Jane Lewarne Mary d. of Arthur & Frances Strongman Thomas s. of W"^ & Deborah Gatty Rob' s. of John & Elizabeth Gum mow Anno 1728. James s. of Thomas & Eliz. Hicks John s. of John & Grace Whitford Elizabeth d. of James & Fran- ces Champion Jane d. of Sam^^ & Elizabeth Harris W° s. of Solomon & Eliz. Baseley Jennefair d. of Sam^i & Honor Bussow Jane d. of Shadrach & Jane Tremain Grace base child of Anne Benny She died unmarried in 1760. 100 5 July 12 July 13 July 11 Aug. 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 8 Sep. 16 Sep. 21 Sep. 3 Oct. 9 Oct. 12 Oct. 13 Oct. 19 Oct. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 Dec. 19 Jan. 7 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 21 Feb. 8 Mar. 25 Mar. 8 April 19 April THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1728-9. Petherick John s. of Petherick & Margaret AVilliams Anne d. of M'' James Bishop & Sarah his wife Hugh s. of Hugh & Mary Bullock Eliz. d. of AV™ & Jane Pound James s. of Humphry & Eliza- beth England Anne d. of Eob' & Eliz. Symonds Dorcas d. of John & Dorcas Whetter John & Mary John & Mary & Florence Anne d. of Tippett Alice d. of Langdon W'" s. of W Hicks Elizabeth d. of Tho= & Eliz. Glaufield Grace base child of Mary Helborn Frances d. of W'" & Jane Drew W"' base child of Mary Tubb Mary d. of M-' George & Jane Mapowder Mary d. of Eichard & Mary Davies Dinah d. of John & Dorothy Arscott Jane d. of Anthony & Catherine Kendall John s. of John & Amy Brewer Thomasine d. of W" & Jane Parkyn Eob^ son of Eich'^ & Eliz. Austyn Thomas s. of Peter & Eliz. Hornabrook John s. of M'- W" Williams & Jane his wife Henry s. of Henry & Philippa Barnicot Pascow s. of Thomas & Mar- garet Kessell Mary d. of William and Mary Stephens Anno 1729. Jane d. of William & Anne Davies Tho^ s. of Edw s. of W^ & Honor Eoberts 11 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Eobert & Cathe- rine Mannell 10 Nov. Benjamin Thomas s. of M"" Philip Speruon & Dorothy his wife 10 Nov. John s. of John & Amy Brewer 10 Nov. Mary d. of John & Grace AVhitford 29 Nov. Philippa d. of Simon & Alice Lawe 2 Dec. Henry s. of Henry & Mary Brewer 4 Dec. Grace d. of Tho" & Mary Litticot 11 Jan. Nicholas s. of M'' John Bishop & Loveday his wife 17 Jan. Sarah d. of Tho^ & Anne Pearce 20 Jan. Sarah base child of Catherine Eundle 24 Jan. Eliz. d. of Philip & Mary Eickard 1729-31.] 24 Jan. 2 Feb. 22 Feb. 1 Mar. 3 Mar. 10 Mar. 30 Mar. 31 Mar. 4> April 19 April 19 April 24 April 26 April 2 May 9 May 18 May 29 May 30 May 2 June 4 June 6 June 23 July 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 30 Aug. 12 Sep. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. BAPTISMS. 101 Jane d. of Henry & Gertrude Pollard Joba g. of William & Joan Bullen Anne d. of George & Joan Bond John s. of Josepb & Mary Dunkin Eliz. d. of Humpbry & Anne Oxnam W"' s. of Jobn & Joan Hawke Anno 1730. Eliz. d. of Eicb'i & Jane E-ows Anne d. of Tbo^ & Temperance Davies Anne d. of Jobn & Pbilippa Hicks Margaret d. of M"" George Mapowder & Jane bis wife Mary d. of W" & Joan Meri- field Jane d. of Jobn & Eliz. Oxnam Frances d. of Jobn & Mary Wbedon Eicbd s. of Tbo= & Ebat Litti- cot James s. of Tbo' & Elizabetb Williams W°' s. of Eob^ & Anne Strong- man Humpbry s. of M'' John Law- rence & Mary bis wife Tbo^ s. of Francis & Catherine Eich'i s. of M^- W"! Williams & Jane bis wife Anne d. of Jobn & Anne Sprey Eicbard s. of Jobn & Catberine Hockin Charles s. of Benjamin & Margaret Thomas Mary d. of W"^ & Jane Drew Josepb s. of W"' & Jane Eawe Edward s. of Edward & Eliz. Merifield Jobn s. of W'" & Jane Pound W™ s. of Solomon & Jane Baseley Anne d. of W" & Mary Bear Eicb'i s. of Eobt & Eliz. Bilkey Thos s. of Eicbard & Eliz. Austin W'" s. of W" & Ursula Tom 23 Oct. Tbo= s. of Mf Gyles Hainley & Grace bis wife* 7 Nov. W™ s. of Eobert & Anne Hamley 7 Nov. Jobn s. of Nicb» & Jane Opie 9 Nov. John s. of John & Blanch Husband 9 Nov. George s. of Charles & Dorothy Eetallock 9 Nov. Eliz. d. of W"" & Anne Davis 9 Nov. Marv d. of John & Mary Tippet 23 Nov. Mary d. of John & Mary Johns 28 Nov. Eichard s. of John & Martha ChapeU 1 Jan. Peter s. of James & Frances Champion 8 Jan. W°' s. of Henry & Gertrude Pollard 18 Jan. Jane d. of Humpbry & Eliz. England 20 Jan. Eobert s. of Jobn & Margaret Jackson 30 Jan. John s. of Eo¥ & Eliz. Symonds 3 Mar. Edward s. of Bernard & Tem- perance Eows Anno 1731. 27 Mar. Joanna d. of W" & Jane Stephens 29 Mar. Eliz. d. of John & Grace Whitford 1 April Henry s. of Arthur & Mary Mitchell 3 April Simon s. of Simon & Alice Lavve 17 April Elizabeth d. of W°> & Florence Hicks 19 April Joan d. of Jobn & Dorcas Whetter 21 April Henry s. of Patberick & Mar- garet Williams 27 April Mary d. of Jobn & Eebekab Thomas 14 May Mary d. of Humphry & Mary Harvey 16 May W"^ s. of W'^ & Anne Benny 17 May W" s. of Eob^ & Mary Lit- ticot * He was iu holy orders and died in 1766, having married first 17 May, 1758, Grace, dau. and co-heir of Rev. John Tregeunn, rector of Mawgan in Fydar, by whom he had one son, Tho. Tregenna Hamley, see bapt. 1759. The Rev. Tho. Hamley married secondly Mary, dau. of by whom he had Edw. and Giles. 102 27 May 7 June 7 June 11 June 12 June 20 June 29 June 10 July 17 July 18 July 30 July 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 4 Sep. 7 Sep. 9 Sep. 18 Oct. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 27 Nov. 9 Dec. 14 Dec. 29 Dec. S Jan. 22 Jan. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 16 Feb. THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1731-2. Ezek" & Anne Giles & Eliz. Mary Mary Mary Edward s. of M'' Jolm Bishop & Loveday his wife Jane d. of Tho^ & Eliz. Warne Eliz. d. of Eetallock John s. of "Williams Abraham s. of Tho^ & Margery Best Mary d. of Henry & Constance Blight Eliz. d. of Sam" & Eliz. Pearce Eliz. d. of W"> & Eliz. Peters Mary d. of Anthony & Eliz. Eawe John s. of W"! & Eliz. Olver Tho^ s. of Mr Tho^ Shepherd & Mary his wife Mary d. of John & Lamb Peter base child of Chapell Richard s. of John & Langdou Nathaniel s. of Nath" & Gill Rob' base child of Mary Hail- bron Sarah d. of W"> & Sarah Jane Richard s. of Tho* & Joan Solomon Pascow s. of Pascow & Mar- garet Kessell Eliz. d. of W" & Mary Stephens Mary d. of Henry & Martha W"'" s. of M'- W" AVilliams & Jane his Avife Grace d. of Rich'' & Anne Rawe W"^ s. of W" Saundry of Maugan & Susanna his wife Anne d. of M'' Giles & M''^ Grace Hamley Mary d. of John & Catherine Hockin Joan d. of W™ & Jane Drew Mary d. of Hugh & Mary Bullock "W"'" s. of Humphry & Anne Oxnam Sarah d. of W^ & Mary Langdon Philippa d. of Benjamin & Margaret Thomas 21 Feb. 4 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 28 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John & Jane Inch Sarah d. of Philip & Mary Rickard Crispin s. of Thomas & Mary Litticot Margaret d. of John & Amy Brewer Pasca s. of W™ & Anne Davis, living 31 March 1821 Mary base child of Rebekah Eilerey Anno 1732. Agns d. of Arthur & Frances Strongman John s. of John & Mary Best Will'" Rapson s. of Denys & Mary Tremain Henry s. of Arthur & Mary Ikl'icheU Eliz. d. of Edward & Eliz. Merifield William s. of Richard & Anne Rowse Grace d. of John & Joan Martyn John s. of Thomas & Ebat Liddicot Robert s. of Humphry & Eliz. England W'" s. of M"^ John Thomas & Rebekah his wife W" s. of Joseph & Joyce Glaufield Gilbert base child of Eliz. JefFery Robert s. of Thomas & Rachell Keam Richard s. of M"' George Mapowder & Jane his wife Richard s. of Rich^ & Eliz. Austin ; living 24 Feb. 1825 Margery d. of AYilliam & Honor Roberts Grace s. of Martin & Joan Strongman Catherine d. of Christopher & Honor Warne* Mary base child of Susanna Tinney Thomas s. of George & Joan Bond * Honor Lee, see marriages 17.S1. This dau. Catherine married 13 Sept., 1756, William Kaw- lings, Esq., of Padstow, an eminent merchant ; for their descendants see The Landed Gentry, by Sir J. B. Burke, Kt., Ulster King of Arms. 14 April 18 April 28 April 28 April 29 April 27 May 29 May 13 June 21 July 29 July 31 July 5 Aug. 7 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 24 Sep. 21 Oct. 23 Oct. G Nov. 1732-4.] 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 29 Dec. 8 Jan. 13 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 2 Feb. 17 Feb. 17 Feb. 2i Feb. 28 Feb. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 6 Mar. 16 Mar. 17 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 27 Mar. 7 April 7 April 5 May 12 May 25 May 26 May 26 May 8 June 3 Sep. 16 Sep. 1 Oct. 6 Oct. 20 Oct. 12 Nov. BAPTISMS. Thomas s. of W"' & Eliz. , 5 July Luney Robert s. of John & Blanch 7 July Husband Blanch d. of Charles & 18 Aug. Dorothy Eetallock W"^ s. of John & Margaret 27 Aug. Jackson Grace d. of John & Jane Par- nail Arthur & Abraham sons of Thomas & Margery Best W" s. of William & Anne Pearce James s. of Philip & Eliz. Gilbert Michaell s. of Solomon & Mary Basely Mary d. of Eob^ & Anne Ham ley John base child of Margaret | 24 Nov. Congdon William s. of John & Mary i 18 Dec. Lewarn Jennefaire d. of W"^ & Jane i 25 Jan. Pound I Loveday d. of John & Philippa 16 Feb. Hicks John s. of Kobert & Anne Pascow Grace d. of M^' Giles & M" Grace Hamley Henry s. of Tho» & Eliz. Basely Mary d. of John & Jane Buck- ingham AxNo 1733. Mary d. of Giles & Eliz. Williams aVs Pell Grace d. of John & Grace Whitford Mary d. of Henry & Mary Brewer | Jennefaire d. of Eobert & j 13 April Catherine Mannell Eliz. d. of M"" John Lawrence ' 6 May & Mary his wife Honor d."^ of John & Ebat I 7 May Lamb i Walter s. of John & Isabella j 18 May Harris ! Bob' s. of Bob* & Eliz. Bilkey i 25 May Arthur s. of Arthur & Mary Michell I 3 June W™ s. of John & Catherine [ Hockin j 3 June Eliz. d. of W" & Sarah Jane 23 Feb. 3 Mar. 8 Mar. 16 Mar 27 Mar 30 Mar. 30 Mar 103 Gertrude d. of Petherick & Margaret Williams Agns d. of Arthur & Frances Strongman Nicholas s. of Nicholas & Jane Opie Richard s. of John & Dorcas Whetter John s. of John & Anne Sprey Thomas s. of William & Eliza- beth Olver Mary d. of Eobert & Mary Litticot Eobert s. of Eobert & Eliza- beth Symonds Eichard s. of W™ & Grace Evelvn Elizabeth d. of M^' John & Eebekah Thomas Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Tippet Catherine d. of Benjamin & Margaret Thomas Mark base child of Elizabeth Blake ^V^ s. of Philip & Mary Eickard Wihnot d. of W'^ & Florence Hicks Honor d. of George & Anne Mapowder James s. of John & Amye Brewer John base child of Abigaill Corner Axifo 1734. Elizabeth d. of Eob* & Anne Hamley W" s. of W'" & Emeline Mit- chell Eleanor d. of Thomas & Mary Tamlvn Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Eliz. Austin Jane d. of Philip & Mary King Mary d. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Merifield Mary d. of W"" & Matilda Eetallock Samuel s. of Joseph & Mary Dunkin Eleauore d. of William & Mary Stephens Grace d. of Simon & Alice Law lOJ: 7 June 16 Juue 6 July 20 July 26 July 26 July 24 Aug. 24= Aug. 29 Aug. 21 Aug. 3 Sep. 19 Sep. 28 Sep. 28 Sep. 30 Sep. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 11 Xov. 13 Nov. 30 Xov. 14 Dee. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. 1 Jan. 18 Jan. THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1734-5. 3 Feb. Hugh s. of M^ W" Williams & Jane his wife Anne d. of Adam & Mary Thomson John s. of Henry & Coustance Blight Elizabeth d. of John & Martlia Cbappell Jane d. of M'" John Lawrence & Mary his wife Susanna d. of Eich'' & Mary Veall John s. of John & Susanna Husband Anne d. of Joliu & Jane May Thomas s. of John & Grace AVhitford Eich-i s. of John & ]Mary Best Edward s. of John & Catberiue Hockeu Mary d. of Thomas & Eachell Keam Anne d. of Eichard & Jane Eowse Gilbert s. of Humphry & Mary Harvey Elizabeth d. of W" & Anne Davis Jane base child of Elizabeth Hicks Margaret d. of AV»' & Joan Bulleu Samson s. of Anthony & Eliz. Eawe Elizabeth d. of John & Isabella Harris Anne d. of Thomas & Anne Keast Thomas s. of Denys & Mary Tremain Grace d. of Christopher & Honor Warue* Dorothy d. of Charles & Dorothy Eetallock Thomas s. of W' & Joan Merifield James s. of James & Eliz. Oliver William s. of Giles & Eliz. Williams afs Pell Joan d. of John & Jane Inch Mary d. of John & Damaris Trebilcock Samuel s. of Ezekiell & Anne Eetallock * She married John Dungey, see marriages, 176(5, by whom she had several children, and died his widow in 1789 ; see burials. 15 Feb. Mary d. of John & Joan Martyn 21 Feb. Philip & William sons of Philip & Eliz. Gilbert 25 Feb. Elizabeth d. of M-' John Collier & Mary his wife* AxNO 1735. 5 April Ebat d. of John & Mary Lamb 8 April Stephen s. of Henry & Mary Brewer 8 April Solomon s. of Solomon & Mary Baseley 8 April Thomas s. of James & Eliz. Trenerry 12 April Jane d. of John & Margaret Trembeth 12 April Grace d. of W"' & Honour Lanyon 23 April Elizabeth d. of Nathaniel & Mary Locket 25 April Henry s. of John & Alice Tamlvn 26 May Catherine d. of Eob* & Cathe- rine Mannell 8 June Mary d. of John & Amye Brewer 18 June John s. of Susanna Tinney 23 June James s. of James & Dorothy Jenkin 30 June John s. of Thomas & Catherine Merifield 5 July William s. of Eich'' & Anne Eawe 19 July Eobert s. of Eob* & Elizabeth Merifield 19 July Anthony s. of M'' George Mapowder & Anne his wife 26 July Grace d. of Humphry & Eliz. England 3 Aug. Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Tamlyn 16 Aug. James s. of Will™ & Jane Pound 16 Aug. Mary d. of Eichard & Mary Carne 23 Aug. INlary d. of John & Blanch Husband 5 Sep. Anne d. of John & Mary Le- warue 8 Sep. Will-" s. of Thomas & Elizt^ Glanfield * Rev. John Collier and Mrs. Mary Pollard (both of yt. Columb Major) married at Golan by licence 8 Jan. 1733. Colan P. Reg. He became vicar of Colan. 1785-6.] 21 Sep. 26 Sep. 20 Oct. 25 Oct. 10 Nov. BAPTISMS. 105 Hugli s. of M-- Tlio. Stephens & Eliz. liis wife* Edward s. of John & Anne Sprey Thomas s. of M'' AV"i Williams & Jane his wife Matthias s. of Eichard & Con- stance Plfnt Jane d. of 'William & Eliz. Luney 11 Nov. Jennefaire d. of John & Jane May 11 Nov. Arthur s. of Arthur & Mary Michel] 19 Nov. Micheli base child of Jane Tippet 28 Nov. Anne d. of Will'" & Mary Eickard Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Eliz. Baselev Eichard d. of Eichd & Euth Baseley Jane d. of John & Anne Harris Grrace d. of Nicholas & Eliza- beth Husband Nancy d. of M'" John Thomas & Eebekah his wife Anne d. of Eichard & Bennet George s. of George & Joan Bond William s. of W» & Eliz. Harris John s. of M'' John Collier & Mary his wife, born 12^11 Dec.f John s. of John & Thomazine Eows Arthur s. of W™ & Jane Cap ell Jonathan s. of Jonathan & Sarah Barrett Mary d. of Adam & Mary Thomson Eose d. of Ezeehiell & Anne Eetallock Marv d. of W'" & Mary MufPet Elizabeth d. of Eobert & Eliz. Bilkey Anne d. of Philip & Mary Eickard * Mr. Thomas Stephens and Mrs. Elizabeth Pollard (both of St. Coliimb Major) married by licence 16 Jan. 1733. C'olan P. Reg. •f This son, John, became of Veryan and married a dan. of Williams of Veiyan. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 Dec. 1 Jan. 6 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 28 Feb. 28 Feb. 28 Feb. 20 Mar. 20 Mar. An>-o 1736. 25 Mar. Mary base child of Petronell Micheli 3 April Anne d. of Jonathan & Mar- garet Dawe 3 April Eich'^ s. of Anthony & Eliz. Eawe 10 April Mary d. of Henry & Catherine Endean 26 April Humphry s. of Henry & Con- stance Blight 26 April Mary d. of Eobert & Jane Pascow 27 April Mary d. of James & Eachell Johns 5 May Joseph s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Meri field 6 May Eliz. d. of M'' Giles Hamley & Grace his wife* 15 May Anne d. of AV'" & Emeliue Buckingham 2 June John s. of Tho= & Margaret Best 6 June John s. of Joseph & Eebekah Pricket 8 June Jane d. of James & Elizabeth Oliver 14 June Catherine d. of W"" & Honor Eobarts 19 June James s. of John & Dorcas Whetter 25 June John s. of Eobert & Elizabeth Drew Elizabeth d. of Tho^ & Anne Iveast John s. of Eichard & Eliz*'' Husband John s. of Will™ & Sarah Jane Mary d. of John & Mary Wilton Mary d. of Dan" & Mary Dunn Peter s. of Mich" & Margaret Hive Elizabeth d. of Simon & Alice Lawe Mary d. of John & Susanna Husband Philippa d. of M"" Joseph & Mary Collierj Eob* s. of Stephen & Frances Carhai't Mary d. of John & Jane Inch • She married in 1761 the Rev. Robert Bate- man, D.D., rector of St. Columb. f She married the Rev. Walter Elfurd. rector of Milton Dunierel, Devon. 16 July 6 Aug. 4 Sep. 8 Nov. 27 Nov. 16 Dec. 28 Dec. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 15 Jan. 7 Feb. 106 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 28 Feb. 22 Mar. 30 Mar. 30 Mar. 11 April 22 April 23 April 30 May 30 May 3 June 3 June 3 June 14 June 25 June 25 June 6 July 17 July 23 July 24 July 31 July 20 Aug. 3 Sep. 11 Sep. 17 Sep. 24 Sep. 24 Sep. 1 Oct. THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1736-8. John 8. of Philip & Eliz. 8 Oct. Gilbert Henry s. of Christopher & 8 Nov. Honor "Warne Mary d. of Edward & Eliz^i* 9 N"ov. Merificld Pliilip s. of M^ Will"^ "Williams 3 Dec. & Jane his wife 4 Dec. Anno 1737. John s. of Thomas & Anne 10 Dec. Perot George s. of Eich'^ & Mary 6 Jan. Austin Thomas s. of James & Dorotliy 7 Jan. Jenkin Eliz. d. of Petherick & Mar- 19 Jan. garet Williams Catherine d. of W' & Anne 22 Jan. Davis John s. of W" & Grace Buck- 28 Jan. ingham Mary d. of Eich'' & Jane Eows 29 Jan. Eich'^ s. of John & Grace Whitford 4 Feb. Elizti' d. of John & Catherine Hockyn 4 Feb. Catherine d. of Thomas & Catherine Merifield 14 Feb. Henry s. of Eichard & Mary Came 18 Feb. Charles s. of David & Jane Fulton 27 Feb. Grace d. of John & Anne Sprey 4 Mar. Samuel s. of W^ & Margaret 9 Mar. Wilton W" a. of Eichii & Constance Flint Sarah base child of Mary 3 April Tippet Anne d. of John & Eliz*!^ 3 April Helston Mary d. of George & Joan 3 April Bond George s. of W" & Eliztii 4 April Waters Grace d. of W^"^ & Anne Jel- 4 April bert 13 April Philippa d. of Mich^ & Frances Cornish 15 April Will™ s. of W°i & Joan Bullen Solomon s. of Solomon & Mary 15 April Baseley Loveday d. of W-^^ & Jane 17 April Pound Anne d. of Mich^^ & Jane 17 April Barret Temperance d. of W'^ & Ma- tilda Eetallock Thomas & Samson sons of W"^ & Florence Hicks Catherine d. of Thomas & Catherine Langdon Mary d. of W'" & Grace Evelyn John s. of John & Jane Dun gey Samson s. of Henry & Mary Brewer John s. of Eobert & Mary Litticott Margaret d. of Isaac & Eliz. Blake Mary d. of M'" John Collier & Mary his wife Eich'' & Margaret children of Tho^ & Eachell Keam Eichard s. of Jonathan & Sarah Ban'et Ebenezer & Heneman children of John & Eleanor Powell Eliz d. of Henry & Constance Blight Anne d. of John & Anne Harris John base child of Abagaill Soper W"! s. of William & Eraelyn Buckingham Mary d. of M'' Joseph Comes & Marv his wife Eliz. d. of" W™ & Anne Capell John base child of Mary Sand- ford Anko 1738. Jane d. of William & Mary Eickard Jane d. of Eob' & Eliz. Meri- field Eliz«> d. of John & Blanch Husband John s. of John & Jane May Eliz^'i d. of W°i & Eliz'i^ Olver W"' s. of M'- Giles Hamley & Grace his wife Mary d. of Adam & Mary Thomson Jane d. of Philip & Mary Eickard Anne d. of Peter & Petronell Wills Eachell d. of Charles & Mar- garet Litticot 738-9.] 20 April Elizth d. of Jonatlian & Mar- gery Dawe 27 April Mary d. of Eidi-^ & Eliz^^ Husband 29 April John s. of Jotn & Mary Lamb 13 May John s. of James & Jane Sherry 14 May Elizt'i d. of Eich^ & Alice Pascoe 20 May W"^ s. of John & Thomazine Eows 3 June Nathaniel s. of James & Eliz**^ Oliver 6 June John s. of M^ G-eorge Ma- powder & Anne his wife 8 July Johanna d. of Eich'' & Eliza- beth Cuudy 9 July Anne d. of John & Amy Brewer 9 July Jane d. of Henry & Isabella Donoson 16 July Mary d. of W"^ & Elizabeth Harris 22 July Mary d. of Henry & Catherine Endean 12 Aug. Jennefaire d. of Thomas & Anue Keast 19 Aug. W"" s. of W°i & Christian Ormond 25 Aug. Samuell s. of Thomas & Ebat Litticot 26 Aug. Margery d. of Thomas & Mar- gery Best 3 Sep. Frances s. of "W™ & Sarah Jane 17 Sep. Edward s. of Edward & Eliz^i^ Merifield 7 Oct. Eliz* d. of Eobert & Anne Pascoe 24 Oct. Joan d. of Henry & Constance Tamlyn 6 Nov. Loveday d. of Mark & Love- day Nichols 22 Nov. John s. of Arthur & Mary Mitchell 6 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Michaell & Frances Cornish 11 Dec. John s. of Stephen & Frances Car hart 26 Dec. John s. of John & Joan Francis 6 Jan. John s. of John & Joan Thomas 6 Jan. Philippa d. of James & Dorothy Jenkin 1 Feb. Mary base child of Catherine Brenfield 23 Feb. AVilliam s. of William & Mary Cockyn 25 Feb. John s. of Eob* & Eliz. Bilkye BAPTISMS. 107 3 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Eich^ & Anne Jane 17 Mar. Jane d. of Eich^i & Elizabeth Evelin 21 Mar. Suzana base child of Honor Eoberts Anno 1739. 17 April Elizabeth d. of John & Jane D mi gey 23 April Eichard s. of Philip & Eliza- beth Gilbert 28 April Mary d. of John & Jane Trescott 5 May Anne d. of William & Honor Eoberts 11 May Eichard s. of John & Grace Whiteford 11 May George s. of Daniel & Sarah Eice 12 May William s. of John & Ann Best 26 May Mary d. of Nathaniel & Mary Lockett 4 June John s. of Eichard & Philippa Page 19 June Thomas s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Merifield 19 July Frances d. of Eichard & Jane Eowse 19 Aug. Jonathan s. of Jonathan & Margery Daw 8 Sep. Judith d. of Jude & Elizabeth May 14 Sep. Jane d. of Anthony & Eliza- beth Eawe 4 Oct. Frances base child of Ann Liddicote 14 Oct. John base child of Joyce Dennis 3 Nov. Wilhain s. of Eobert & Eliza- beth Drew 12 Nov. Mary d. of William & Ann Davis 12 Nov. Catherine d. of William & Ann Jelbert 28 Nov. Eichard s. of Thomas & Eachell Keam 10 Dec. Elizabeth d. of James & Eliza- beth Oliver 11 Dec. Eichard s. of John & Joan Martyn 12 Jan. Eichard s. of John & Margaret Hockyn 19 Jan. Eichard s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Langdon 24 Jan. Jane d. of Christopher & Honor Warne 12 Mar. William s. of John Sz Joau Thomas 108 15 Mar. 22 Mar. 8 April 8 April 9 April 22 April 26 April 17 May 26 May 26 May 26 May 27 May 9 June 9 June 12 Juue 14 June 27 Juue 5 Aug. 5 Aug. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 14 Sep. 22 Sep. 9 Oct. 14 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. THE EEGISTEES OP ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1739-41. 3 Nov. Frances d. of Adam & Mary Thomson Margaret d. of Charles and Margaret Liddicote Anno 1740. Elizabeth d. of Anthony Benny & Thomazine Cock Elizabeth d. of Robert & Catherine Mannell Mary d. of Thomas & Ann Keast Sarah d. of Isaac & Eliz. Blake Sarah d. of William & Jane Pound Elizabeth d. of Eich'' & G-race Brentou Eebekah d. of Simon & Alice Law Martha d. of Peter & Petronell Wills William s. of Eichard & Mary Austin Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Eliz. Cundy Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Catherine Meri field William s. of William & Eliz. Olver James s. of James & Ann Sykes x\nn d. of Thomas & Joan James Eichard s. of John & Jane Inch John s. of Eichard & Dorothy Wilton Eobert s. of Nicholas & Eliza- beth Husband Francis s. of John & Grace Buckingham Susanna d. of John & Susanna Husband Eichard & Jane children of Eich" & Mary Carue William s. of William & Jane Caple Elizabeth d. of Charles & Dorothy Eetallock Mary d. of George & Joan Bond William s. of John & Jane Dinigej'y Ann d. of John & Jane Mav Ann d. of Philip & Mary Eickavd Elizabeth d. of William & . . . . James 10 Nov. Floreiice d. of A\^illiam & Flo- rence Hicks 10 Nov. Jane d. of Henry & Constance Blight 11 Nov. Grace d. of Michaell & Frances Cornish 11 Nov. Ann d. of William & Eliz. Harris 28 Nov. Thomas s. of M'' John & Mary Barges 6 Dec. Mary d. of William & Mary Eickard 6 Jan. iNIary d. of Jonathan & Sarah Barret 2 Feb. John s. of John & Mary Varcoe 9 Feb. John s. of AVilliam & Grace Evelyn L4 Feb. Stephen s. of Stephen & Ann Brewer 20 Feb. William s. of William & Ann White 21 Feb. Eichard s. of William & Joan Bullen 24 Feb. Mary-Philippa d. of M'' John Collier & Mary his wife 26 Feb. Lydia-Batten d. of Eichard & Alice Pa.scoe 27 Feb. William s. of Edward & Ann Lawrey 3 Mar. Mary d. of Bernard & Eliz'' Willsford 7 Mar. John s. of James & Dorothy Jenkyn 9 Mar. Nicholas s. of John & Joan Frances Anno 1741. 11 April Eobert s. of George & Mary Sowden 15 April John s. of Eichard & Eliz* Evelyn 25 April Mary d. of William & Mary Brabyn 8 May William s. of John & Amye Brewer 18 May John s. of Solomon & Mary Baseley 18 May Eich'i Francis s. of Eichti & Philippa Page 18 May John s. of John & Ann Harris 23 May Eliza. & Jane children of William & Eliza. Baseley 13 June Thomas s. of Nathaniel & Mary Lockett 1 July William s. of James & Eliza- beth Oliver 1741-2.] 4 July 11 July 16 July 18 July 24 July 2 Aua:. 9 Aug. 13 Aug. 4 Sep. 12 Sep. 12 Sep. 19 Sep. 20 Sep. 21 Sep. 10 Oct. 3 Nov. 5 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Dec. 21 Dec. 1 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 12 Feb. 20 Feb. 6 Mar. 2 April BAPTISMS. Mary d. of Philip & Eliz« 13 Mar. Gilbert Susanna d. of John & Dorcas 20 Mar. Whetter Grace base child of Ann Lid- dicote Richard s. of Thomas & Mar- gery Best Margaret d. of Joseph & Ann Robins William s. of M-" Thomas Merifield & Catherine his wife Susanna d. of M^' "W^^ Williams & Jane his wife Stephen base child of Mary Hailbourn Margaret d. of Richard & Eliz» Husband Temperance d. of John & Margaret Hockyn Joseph s. of William & Eliz* Willis Margaret d. of Will"^ & Luce Trembeth Thomas s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Langdon Henry s. of Henry & Constance Tainblyn Mary d. of Stephen & Frances Carhart Mary d. of William & Mary Mewdon Arthur s. of Richard & Mary Austin Sarah base child of Mary Tippett Jane d. of John & Margaret Cundy Grace d. of .John & Mary B urges John s. of William & Susanna Treraaine Robert s. of Adam & Mary Thomson William s. of John & Grace Buckingham John s. of John & Grace Mewdon Mary d. of Petherick & Mar- garet Williams Richard s. of William & Ann Davit's John s. of John & Jane T res- cote Ann d. of John & Eliz. Tippet I John s. of John & Rebecca 27 Dec. England ' 19 April 8 May 13 May 19 May 7 June 7 June 20 June 30 June 3 July 17 July 17 July 21 July 24 July 26 July 1 Aug. 23 Aug. 19 Sep. 25 Sep. 26 Sep. 15 Oct. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 11 Dec. 109 Mary d. of Robert & Elizabeth Bilkey William s. of Richard & Dorothy Wilton Anno 1742. James s. of William & Margaret Couch of St. Lawrence Tinker John s. of Thomas & Rachael Keam William s. of William & Mary D ungey Henry s. of Anthony Henry & Thomaziue Cock Elizabeth d. of Richard & Eliz. Evelyn Ann d. of Robert & Ann Pascoe Ann d. of Charles & Mary Dennis Thomas s. of William & Mary Cocking aVs Tremaiu Eliz. & Mary children of John & Thomazine Rowse William s. of William & Ann Jelbert William s. of Thomas & Eliz. Glanville Sarah d. of Richard & Con- stance Flint Jenuefaire d. of Will'" & Jane Williams Loveday d. of Thomas & Ann Keast Sarah d. of James Stephens jun^' & Sarah his wife Elizabeth d. of John & Eliza- beth Goodall Francis s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Cunday Joseph s. of John & Joan Martyn Elizabeth d. of George & Mary Sow den Jennefaire d. of Edward & •Jane Brokenshire Johanna d. of John & Joan Thomas William s. of William & Eliz^ Willis Mary d. of Richard & Eliza- beth Husband Mary d. of John & Prudence Merifield Eleanor d. of Isaac & Eliz* Blake James s. of Robert & Elizabeth Merifield 110 THE REaiSTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1742-4. 2 Jan. Mary d. of Jobn & Jane Dun- gey 1 Eeb. James s. or James & Ann Pollard 2 Feb. John s. of Jobn & Mary Strongman 5 Feb. Anthony s. o£ John & Eliza- beth'AVbite 5 Feb. Ann d. of "William & Jane Pound 6 Feb. John s. of M'' Thomas Meri- field & Cath. his wife 19 Feb. Elizabeth d. of William & Jane Capell 19 Feb. Mary d. of John & Mary Varcoe 24 Feb. William base child of Ann Lovell 2G Feb. John s. of Eichard & Grace Brenton 6 Mar. Matliew s. of John & Frances Flamank* 7 Mar. Eliz=> d. of William & Mary Brabyn 23 Mar. Grace d. of John & Margaret Cundy Anno 1743. 25 Mar. Benjamin s. of Edward & Eliz. Tremayne 9 April John s. of John & Mary Varcoe 17 April Eichard s. of Eobert & Virtue Kitt 15 May Mary d. of a person unknown, being found at Trebadannon May 18th or 14th 4 June AVilliam s. of Thomas & Joan James 4 July Methuselah s. of Jonathan & Sarah Barrett 9 July Jane d. of John & Jane May 16 July Eliz. d. of Mark & Eliz" Nichols 17 July Grace d. of Henry & Con- stance Blight 19 Aug. Henry s. of Christopherf & Honor Warne * In the church at St. Euoder, painted on a board, are these arms, viz., per pale, dexter arg. a cross gu. betw. four mullets of the last pierced of the field, impaling quarterly 1 and 4 arg. a lion ramp. gu. 2 and 3 arg. a fesse emb. at the top betw. 3 annulets gu. Crest, a forearm erect vested az., bultons or, cuff arg., in the hand ppr. a wreath vert fructed gu. Motto, Mors Juna Vitse. Be- neath them the following inscription : Frances, wife of John Flamank of Padstow, died 18 April 1785. f He married Elizabeth Dungey. See Mar- riages, 1766. 30 Aug. John s. of Thomas & Catherine Langdou 3 Sep. Mary d. of Eich^ & Ann Hawke 3 Sep. Eichard s. of Eich"! & Ann Jane 3 Sep. Jennef aire d. of Tho' & Dorothy Salmon 10 Sep. Mary d. of William & Eliza- beth Harris 12 Sep. Thomas s. of Henry & Con- stance Tamblyn 19 Sep. Jeremiah s. of Edward & Elizabeth Merifield 22 Sep. Jane d. of John & Susanna Husband 23 Sep. Joan d. of Bartholomew & Joanna Brown 15 Oct. Nathaniel s. of Nathaniel & Mary Lockett 7 Nov. G-race d. of William & Grace Evelyn 8 Nov. Jno s. of J"° Lee of Broad Hembry, Devon (now a marine in Coll. Cotterell's Eegimen), & Ann his wife 18 Dec. Eobert s. of James & Dorothy Jenkiu 27 Dec. George s. of George & Eliz* Tippet 27 Dec. Mary d. of John & Ann Harris 3 Jan. Eliza d. of Jude & Elizabeth May 24 Jan. William s. of James & Jane Coad, was born the 20th 24 Jan. Ann d. of James & Ann Pol- lard 27 Jan. Eichard s. of Samuel & Mary Harris 30 Jan. William s. of John & Ann Hooper 9 Feb. Mary base Olliver 3 Mar. Joan d. of William & Joan Bullen 8 Mar. Thomas s. of Thomas & Eachael Keam 10 Mar. John s. of Edward & Ann Lawrey Anno 1744. 26 Mar. Elizabeth d. of William & Susanna Tremaine 3 1 Mar. Jane d. of John & Jane Trescote 3 April Mary d. of James & Mary Hawke 14 May John s. of Eichard & Mary Austin child of Grace 1744-6.] 29 May 31 May 16 June 16 June 27 July 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 26 Aug. 31 Aug. 8 Sep. 7 Oct. 15 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Oct. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 Dec. 28 Dec. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 23 Mar. 25 Mar. 28 Mar. 4 April Elizabeth d. of John & Frances Flamank Eliz^ base child of Abagail Conner Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Mary Sweet Elizabeth d. of John & Ann Best John base child of Ann Eedda Mary d. of Francis & Eebecca May Eichard s. of Eichard & Grrace Brenton Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Caro- line Parkyn Ann d. of Eichard & Eliz. Husband Edward s. of James & Eliza- beth May Mary d. of John & Margaret Hockyn John s. of Adam & Mary Thomson Thomas s. of Thomas & Ann Keast Jenefayre d. of William & Jane Capell Thomas s. of John & Thoma- zine Eowse Anthony s. of Thomas & Marv Troth William s. of John & Grace Buckingham William s. of Charles & Mary Dennis Eichard s. of John & Margaret Cundy Mary d. of Solomon & Mary Baseley Eichard s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Langdon Jane d. of Philip & Eliza Gilbert Eleanor d. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Cundy Ann d. of Eichard & Alice Pascoe Samuell s. of John & Elizabeth White Daniel s. of John & Jane May Anno 1745. Eichard s. of George & Mary Sowden Eichard s. of Eichard & Jane Veal Ann d. of John & Sarah Stejihens BAPTISMS. Ill 6 April Jane d. of Mark & Elizabeth Nichols 16 April William s. of Thomas &Eachael Keam 13 May Catherine base child of Eliza- beth Strongman 21 June William s. of Joseph & Jane Trescote 30 June Mary d. of Eichard & Elizabeth Evelin 7 July Eobert s. of John & Elizabeth Helstone 14 July Dinah d. of William & Ann Gilbert 10 Aug. Eobert s. of Eobert & Eliza- beth Bilkey 2 Sep. John s. of Christopher & Honour AVarne 6 Sep. Eichard & Ann children of William & Mary Brabyn 22 Oct. Nicholas Donithorne s. of M"^ Edward Arthur & Mary his wife 27 Oct. Grace d. of Eichard & Ann Jane 10 Nov. Elizabeth d. of James & Honour Colwill 17 Nov. Damaris d. of William & Ann White 21 Nov. Philippa d. of Nicholas & Elizabeth Husband 14 Dec. Grace d. of John & Joan Martvn 17 Dec. Mary d.' of AVilliam & Mary Cockyn afs Tremain 25 Dec. Henry base child of Joan Benny of Mawgan 27 Dec. John s. of Nathaniel & Mary Locket 10 Jan. James s. of James & Mary Hawke 11 Jan. Mary d. of Bartholomew & Joanna Brown 13 Jan. John s. of John & Mary Hicks 31 Jan. Mary d. William Withiugton (a drummer in Gen" Weat- worth's Eegimeut of Foot) & Mary his wife 10 Feb. Charles s. of John & Susanna Husband 8 Mar. Thomazine d. of John & Eliz'' Tippet 15 Mar. James s. of James & Elizabeth May Anxo 1746. 1 April Arthur s. of Gilbert & Ann Strongman THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR 4; Mar. 8 Mar. 112 11 April John f. of Petherick & Mar- ijaret Williams 12 April "William s. of AVilliam & Su- sanna Tremayne 19 April Ann d. of William & Ann Hooper 25 April Mary base child of Mary Quick 23 May Ann d. of John & Mar2;aret Walkev 30 May Elizabeth 'd. of Th^ & Dorothy Salmon 7 June Peter s. of James & Ann Pol- lard 7 July Jane d. of Anthony- Henry & Thomazine Cock 13 July Catherine d. of Jonathan & Sarah Barret 19 Aug. Alice d. of Edward & Alice Hicks 24 Aug. Francis s. of Francis & Eebecca ]May 7 Sep. Ann d. of Richard & Ann Hawke 12 Sep. Ann d. of John & Margaret Cundy 3 Oct. Adam s. of Adam & Mary Thomson 10 Oct. John s. of William & Elizabeth Harris 15 Oct. William s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth Daw 18 Oct. Matilda d. of John & Ann Harris 17 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Robert & Eliza- beth Drew 25 Nov. Joan d. of James & Jane Coad 10 Dec. Joseph s. of Thomas & Mary Troth 26 Dec. Jenefayre d. of Samuel & Mary Harris 1 Jan. Richard s. of Richard & Mary Williams 3 Jan. Joanna d. of William & Jane Williams 6 Jan. Richard s. of Richard & Alice Pascoe 6 Jan. Joan d. of Richard & Jane Yeal 6 Feb. Jenefayre d. of Jude & Eliza- beth May 11 Feb. Dorothy d. of M-" Edward Arthur & Mary his wife 14 Feb. William s. of William & Jane Lori'ington 28 Feb. Mary d. of Mathew & Mar- garet Oliver [1746-7. 20 Mar. Thomas s. of Thomas & Mary Sweet John s. of William & Grace Evelyn Elizabeth d. of Richard & Mary Raw Anno 1747. 31 iNFar. Ruth d. of Thomas & Catherine Langdon 20 April Joanna d. of Thomas & Ann Keast 21 April William s. of John & Grace Buckingham 21 April Richard s. of Richard & Cathe- rine Carne 21 April Thomas s. of Thomas & Joan James 26 April Philippa d. of John & Eliza- beth Rawlyn 2 May Mary d. of John & Thomazine Rowse 5 May Mary d. of Robert & Mary 8 May Grigg Charity d. of William & Jane Capell 15 Maj Elizabeth d. of Philip & Eliza- beth Gilbert 3 June Mary d. of John & Jane Bullen 17 June Mary d. of Nath. Driver of St. Sydwell's Exon & Jane his wife 27 June Edward s. of Edward & Ann La\vrey 2 Aug. Thomas s. of Thomas & Caro- line Parkin 2 Aug. James base child of Thoma- zine Baseley 23 Aug. Johanna d. of Anthony Henry & Thomazine Cock 2 Sep. Isaac s. of Mark & Elizabeth Nichols 17 Sep. Henry s. of Henry & Con- stance Blight 30 Sep. Bernard s. of John & Jane Trescote 9 Oct. Richard base child of Alice Angove 23 Oct. Elizabeth d. of John & Su- sanna Husband 26 Oct. Anthony s. of Thomas & Rachael Keam 6 Nov. William s. of AValter & Jane Petherick 9 Nov. Johanna d. of Henry & Con- stance Tamblyn 10 Nov. Catherine d. of Richard & Eliz. Cundy 1747-9.] BAPTISMS. 113 20 Nov. Joan d. of James & Eliz. May 20 Nov. Elizabetli d. of John & Honor Collwell 26 Nov. Catherine d. of Thomas & Thomasine Grass 7 Dec. Elizabeth d. of John & Eliza- beth White 21 Dec. Henry s. of Henry & Eliza- beth Veal 27 Dec. John a. of John & Lovedy Cowling 8 Jan. John s. of Jonathan & Cathe- rine Bowse 16 Feb. Robert s. of Thomas Vyvyan Esq. & Lovedy his wife* 28 Eeb. Arthur s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Laagdon 4 Mar. Thomas s. of John & Mary Hicks Anno 1748. 1 April Edw^ard s. of M^" Edward Arthur & Mary hi s wife 10 April Erancis s. of John & Elizabeth beth Helstone 10 April Elizabeth d. of John & Jane May 11 April Mary d. of John & Ann Best 22 April Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Peters 1 May Robert s. of Eobert & Mary Bilkey 10 May Nicholas base child of Mary Quick 15 May Sarali d. of William & Su- sanna Tremain 22 May Mary d. of James & Sarah Stephens 5 June William s. of W™ & Mary Williams 16 June Mary d. of James & Mary Hawke 23 June Benjamin base child of Eliza- beth Brey 8 July John & Elizabeth children of John & Elizabeth Tippett 15 July James s. of William & Ann AVhite 6 Aug. Henry & Casely children of Witten & Trephosa White- ford 23 Aug. Ebzabeth d. of John & G-race Best * This Thomas was the fourth son of Sir Rich. Vyvyan, Bart, (see note p. 48 ante), and mar. Loveday, dau. and b. of Nicholas Began. This Robert was their third sou and d. unm. 26 Aug 5 Sep. 13 Sep. 21 Sep. 22 Sep. 26 Oct. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 25 Nov. 2 Dec. 30 Dec. 6 Jan. 27 Jan. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 24 Feb. 2G Feb. 10 Mar. 22 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 4 May Thomas s. of Thomas & Doro- thy Salmon Joseph s. of John & Hannah Husband Jane d. of William & Jane Lorrington Joan d. of William & Ann Hooper Ann d. of James & Jane Coad Thomas s. of Thomas & Mary Troth John s. of John & Margaret Cundy John s. of William & Mary Brabyn Mary d. of William & Jane Capell Joseph s. of Bartholomew & Joanna Brown Mary d. of James & Ann Pol- lard John s. of John & Margaret Walkey William s. of Matthew & Mar- garet Oliver Mary d. of Richard Davis (a soldier) & Mary his wife Stephen s. of John & Ann Harris Margaret d. of Andrew & Amey Maubyn Thomas s. of M'' Thomas Morris & Margaret his wife Robert s. of Robert & Mary G-rigg Henry s. of Henry & Frances Oxenham Richard s. of Richard & Ann Jane Martin s. of George & Ann Strongman Elizabeth d. of Jonathan & Sarah Barrett Howard s. of John & Lovedy Cowling William s. of Jonathan & Catherine Rowse Elizabeth d. of Nicholas & Eliz. Husband Anno 1749. Mary d. of John & Elizabeth White Ann d. of Richard & Elizabeth Husbaud Eliz" d. of John & Elizabeth Rawling THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. 114 12 May James s. of John & Tlioma- sine Eowse 20 May Mary d. of Eicliard & Eliza- beth Evelyn 26 May Ann Martyn base child of Ann Sprey now wife of Jn° Martyn y« reputed father 29 May Peter s. of Eichard & Mary Eaw 2 July Jane d. of John & Jane Bullen G Aug. Thomas s. of Eraucis & Ee- becka May 20 Aug. Honor d. of James & Honor Collwell 20 Aug. Jane d. of William & Grace Evelyn 8 Oct. Ann d. of Eichard & Elizabeth Cundy 10 Oct. Eichard s. of Henry & Eliza- beth Veal 29 Oct. Catherine d. of John & Mary Lamb 5 Nov. Jenefayre d. of Jude & Eliz. May 6 IS'ov. William s. of John & Ann Martin 26 Nov. Andrew s. of Andrew & Eliza- beth Tomm 13 Dec. Catherine d. of Eichard & Catherine Tork 15 Dec. William s. of James & Su- sanna Hunson 25 Dec. Susanna d. of Thomas & Caro- line Parkyn 25 Dec. William- s. of Eichard & Mary Davis a soldier 15 Jan. Charles Jacob s. of John & Susanna Husband 26 Jan. William s. of Mr. Edward Arthur & Mary his wife 2 Feb. Elizabeth d. of" Samuell & Mary Harris 4 Feb. William s. of Jonathan & INIary Chapman 4 Feb. Mary d. of Whiten Whiteford dec. & Trephosa his wife 26 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Jones 2 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Tho- mazine Grass 8 Mar. John s. of Henry & Constance Tamblyn 14 Mar. Mary d. of Mark & Elizabeth Nichols 23 Mar. Hannah d. of John & Mary Tomm [1749-50. Anno 1750. 26 Mar. 4 April 13 April 16 April 16 April 17 April 22 April 25 April 30 April 5 June 20 June 27 June 6 July 5 Aug. 7 Aug. 31 Aug. 14 Sep. 16 Sep. 21 Sep. 28 Sep. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 22 Oct. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. John s. of Christopher & Honour Warne* Mary d. of Eobert & Mary Turner, a soldier Walter s. of Walter & Jane Petherick Euth d. of Eichard & Jane Veal Mary d. of Eobert & Ann England Stephen s. of Thomas & Mary Sweet Grace d. of Thomas & Mary Westcote Benjamin s. of John & Mary Strongman Jennifayre d. of Ealph & Mary Busscw Joseph s. of Humphry & Elizabeth Toms Ann d. of William & Mary Skinner George s. of Jonathan & Eliza- beth Daw George s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Langdon John s. of John & Maiy Treherr Joseph Eaddon s. of Petherick & Margaret Williams Ann d. of Edward Harris (a soldier) and Aun his wife William s. of W'" Hornbey (drummer in Coll. Conway's Eeg') & Frances his wife James s. of Thomas & Aun Keast Elizabeth d. of William & Elizabeth Harris Henry s. of Thomas & Joan James Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Jane Giles Mary d. of John & Mary Hicks Benjamin s. of Benjamin & Jane Kent Mary d. of Solomon & Mary Baseley Ann d. of John & Florence Warne William s. of William & Ann Brewer Jane d. of Jonathan & Cathe- rine Eowse * Mr. Christopher Warne was elected one of the twelve men in place of Eobei't Hoblyn, Esq., deceased, 1757. (Green Book.) 1750-2.] BAPTISMS. 115 13 Nov. Eleanor d. of Tliomas & Frances Tamblyn 25 'Nov. John s. of William & Jane Lorrington 30 Nov. James s. of William & Susanna Tremain 21 Dec. Mary base cliild of Elizabetli Nichols 30 Dec. Margery d. of John & Eliza- beth Tippett 4 Jan. Erancis s. of Erancis & G-race Trelevin 8 Jan. Elizabeth Hawke d. of James & Elizabeth May 13 Jan. Joanna d. of Eicbard & Alice Pascoe 9Eeb. Wilham s. of William & Hannab Harry 20 Eeb. Ann d. of Francis & G-race Avery 22 Feb. John s. of Henry & Frances Oxen ham 15 Mar. Honor d. of Thomas & Dorothy Salmon 17 Mar. John s. of Jolm & Jane Pearce 23 Mar. Benjamin s. of Bartholomew & Joanna Brown Anno 1751. 8 April Michael s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Cornish 28 April John Brewer s. of Andrew & Amey Maubyn 16 May Jennefayre d. of E.ichard & Ann Endyvean 27 May James s. of George & Elizabeth Champion 27 May Jane d. of John & Mary Tonkin 2 June James s. of John & Elizabeth Helstone 9 June Ann d. of Henry & Elizabeth Yeal 4 July Thomas s. of Thomas & Sarah Drew 5 July Boberts. of Robert & Elizabeth Drew* 17 July Charles base child of Thoma- ziue Basely 19 July Richard s. of Andrew & Eliza- beth Tomm 30 July Michael base child of Elizabeth Blake 2 Aug. James s. of James & Honor Colhvill * Mr. Robert Drew was one of the twelve men in 1746. (Green Book.) 14 Aug. Henry s. of William & Ann Harvey 29 Aug. John s. of William & Mary Tremain al's Cockyn 17 Sep. John s. of William & Jane Liddicote aVs Gregor 18 Sep. Mary and Sarah daughters of William & Ann Lanyon 21 Sep. Joanna d. of M'" Edward Arthur & Mary his wife 29 Sep. William s. of John & Elizabeth Rawling 29 Sep. Mary d. of Jonathan & Sarah Barrett 1 Nov. James s. of Robert & Mary Bilkey 11 Nov. Thomas s. of Thomas & Mary Westcote 18 Nov. Elizabeth base child of Eliza- beth Richard 10 Dec. Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Traer 16 Dec. Ann d. of John & Ann Harris 23 Dec. John & Nicholas sons of John & Florence AVarne 1 Jan. William s. of John & Jane Bullen 6 Jan. Richard s. of Richard & Jane Yeal 11 Jan. Mary d. of John & Hannah Husband 20 Jan. Ralph s. of Jude & Elizabeth May 31 Jan. Mary d. of John & Mary Strongman 2 Feb. Margaret d. of John & Mar- garet Cundy 14 Feb. John s. of Samuel & Mary Harris 14 Feb. Elizabeth d. of John & Eliza- beth Crapp 21 Feb. Samuel s. of Ralph & Mary Bussow 21 Feb. Richard s. of Richard & Mary Dell (a soldier) 1 Mar. John s. of Edmund & Mary Varcoe Anno 1752. 27 Mar. John base child of Elizabeth Tomm 28 Mar. Benjamin s. of Bartholomew & Joanna Brown 30 Mar. Mary d. of Richard & Eliza- beth Cundy 30 Mar. Mary d. of George & Ann Strongman 116 THE EEaiSTEES OF ST. COLFMB MAJOE 25 Nov. 27 Nov. [1752-3. 2 April Thomas s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Langdon 5 April Maryd.ofThomas& Jane Giles 7 April N'icholas s. of 'W'^illiam & Jane Williams 17 April John s. of Michael & Elizabeth Eichards 25 April Thomas s. of Henry & Con- stance Tamblj-n 27 April Humphry s. of John & Ann Martyn 7 May Mary d. of James & Joan Tabb 7 May Eichard s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Evelyn 16 May Thomas s. of James & Sarah Stephens 18 May William s. of William & Mary Skinner 20 May James s. of James & Mary Callaway 23 May Benjamin s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Jones 29 May Eichard s. of William & Mary Hicks 3 Jnne James s. of Humphry & Susanna England 21 June William s. of Andrew &Amey Maubyn 22 June Mary d. 'of Eichard & Mary Eaw 28 June Elizabeth d. of Francis & Ee- beckah May 3 July Elizabeth d. of Eobert & Mary 17 July William base child of Jane Hendy 29 July Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Su- sanna Brewer 1 Aug. John s. of John & Honor Pill 7 Aug. Humphry s. of Eobert & Ann England 2 Oct. William s. of Eichard & Eliza- betb Luke 14 Oct. Susanna d. of Nicholas & Mary Liddicote 29 Oct. Martha d. of W" & Jane Lid- dicote alias Grregor 1 Nov. John s. of Jonathan & Mary Chapman 1 Nov. Benjamin s. of John &Thoma- ziue Eowse 8 Nov. Jane d. of Eichard & Susanna Eowse 20 Nov. Joan d. of Isaac & Elizabeth Grigg 21 Nov. Humphry s. of Humphry & Elizabeth Tomms Jane d. of William & Ann Harvey Mary & Agnes children of Henry & Agnes Willsford 6 Dec. John base child of Ann Lovell 8 Dec. Jane d. of James & Mary Hawke 28 Dec. Thomas s. of Tho« & Thoma- zine Gass Anno 1753. 9 Eeb. Jane d. of Thomas & Ann Wilson 18 Feb. James s. of Francis & Grace Avery 23 Feb. John s. of Henry & Elizabeth Veal 6 Mar. John s. of James & Honor CollwiU 9 Mar. Arthur s. of Andrew & Eliza- beth Tomm 9 Mar. Ann d. of James & Elizabeth May 11 Mar. John s. of William & Mary Eawshaw 12 Mar. Jane d. of William & Mary Brabyn 21 Mar. Ann d. of Degory & Alice Trescote 3 April Frances d. of Geo. & Eliza- beth Champion 6 April Mary d. of Eichard & Ann Jane 15 April Mary d. of Thomas & Caroline Parkyn 21 April John s. of Pascoe & Elizabeth Davis 23 April Walter s. of John & Elizabeth Tippett 15 May William s. of John & Mar- garet Walkey 20 May Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Mary Oliver of Probus 21 May Emy d. of Bartholomew & Joanna Brown 28 May James s. of Walter & Jane Petherick 1 June John s. of Thomas & Sarah Drew 1 June Anthony s. of Thomas & Honor Kneebone of Gwenapp 8 June John s. of John & Alice Cor- nish 11 June Alice d. of John & Ann Mar- tyn 16 June Ann d. of Theophilus & Eliza Williams 1753-4.] BAPTISMS. 117 24 June Nicholas a. of John & Mary Tonkyn 24 June Peter s. of Peter & Eleanor Parkinson (a soldier) 3 July Mary d. of James & Jane Coad 6 July Abraham s. of Mark & Eliza- beth Nichols 8 July Robert son s. of Richard & Elizabeth Kent 10 July Jennefaire d. of Samuell & Mary Harris 20 July "William s. of James & Ann Pearce 27 July Henry s. of Thomas & Joan James 2 Aug. Thomas s. of Philip & Mary Cornish 31 Aug. John s. of Humphry & Mary Luke 6 Sep. Prances d. of Henry & Pran- ces Oxenham 12 Sep. Jennefayre d. of Richard & Mary Veal 14 Sep. Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Rundall 29 Sep. Mary d. of John & Floi'ence Warne 13 Oct. James s. of James & Mary Callaway 19 Nov. Jane d. of John & Jane Pearce 2 Dec. Martha d. of John & Mary Traer 26 Dec. Catherine d. of Humphry & Susan]ia England 27 Dec. Thomas s. of Edmond & Mary Varcoe 27 Dec. Mary base child of G-race Hailborne Anno 1754. 1 Jan. Anne d. of Andrew & Amey Mabyn 14 Jan. Er s. of Thomas & Jane Giles 19 Jan. Ann d. of William & Ann Lanyon 2G Jan. Richard s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Cornish 20 Jan. Joseph & Benjamin children of John & Mary Strong- man 30 Jan. Frances d. of William & Mary Ivey 2 Peb. Mary d. of AV illiam & Mary Retallock 22 Peb. William & Ann children of Thomas & Dorothy Salmon 4 Mar. Blanch d. of William & Ann Tubb 22 Mar. William s. of Nicholas & Mary Liddicote 11 April James s. of Jonathan & Sarah Barret 15 April William s. of Philip & Alice Mark 5 May William s. of William & Sarah Ellery 8 May William s. of William & Eli- zabeth Hicks 10 May Elizabeth d. of Charles & Eli- zabeth Pearce 13 May George & Elizabeth children of James & Ann Pollard 19 May Ann d. of Richard & Ann Endyvean 22 May Jane d. of Richard & Elizabeth Cundy 24 May Catherine d. of Thomas & Amey Solomon 3 June Jane d. of John & Elizabetli Rawlin 29 June William s. of Thomas & Catherine Langdon 5 July Ann d. of Philip & Margaret Harris 19 July John s. of Richard & Susanna Rowse 19 July John s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Luke 18 Aug. Francis & Alice children of Degory & Alice Trescott 23 Aug. Mary d. of William & Mary Skinner 23 Aug. Sarah d. of John & Susanna Husband 22 Sep. Ann d. of Thomas & Mary Sweet 26 Sep. David s. of Benjamin & Eliza- beth Joans 6 Oct. Mary Robarth d. of Humphry & Elizabeth Thorns 13 Oct. George- s. of George & Ann Strongman 19 Oct. Johanna d. of Ralph & Mary Buse 20 Oct. William s. of John & Elizabeth Mean 25 Oct. Jane d. of Robert & Elizabeth Drew 27 Oct. Ebbott d. of James & Joan Tabb 1 Nov. Margaret & Johanna children of Bernard & Margaret Wilsford 18 Nov. Johanna d. of Isaac & Eliza- beth Grigg 118 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLrMB MAJOE. [1754-56. 18 Nov. Jane d. of Eobert & Mary Bilkey 19 Nov. AVilliam s. of George & Jane Hicks 20 Nov. Jolin s. of Henry & Constance Taniblyn 12 Dec. Jane base child of Ann EUery 12 Dec. Mary d. of Eichard & Mary Jolly 25 Dec. Martha d. of Philip & Mary Harvey 27 Dec. Honor d. of James & Honor ColwiU Anno 1755. 10 Jan. Frances d. of "William & Eli- zabeth Dixsou 19 Jan. William s. of Pascoe & Eliza- beth Davies 2 Feb. Susanna d. of Jude & Eliza- beth May 5 Feb. John s. of James & Ann Pearce 7 Feb. Mark s. of George & Elizabeth Eaw 19 Feb. Benjamin s. of John & Thoma- sine Eowse 23 Feb. William s. of William & Jane Lorington 31 Mar. John s. of Humphry & Su- sanna England 12 April Ann d. of James & Elizabeth IMay 19 May Charles s. of Theophilus & Elizabeth Williams 19 May Elizabeth d. of John & Alice Cornish 25 May William s. of William & Mary Ivey 20 May Loveday d. of one Jane Wil- mot not of y^ parish 8 June Elizabeth d. of Eichard & aiary Veall 22 June Michael s. of Michael & Eliza- beth Eichards 21 June John s. of Edward & Ann Pearce 29 June Mary d. of John & Margaret Cundy 5 July Mary d. of Thomas & Sarah Drew 6 July Eebecka d. of Eichard & Eli- zabeth Evelyn 13 July Eose d. of Eobert & Mary Grigg 10 Aug. James s. of John & Honour PiU 17 Aug. William s. of Charles & Eliza- beth Pearse 31 Aug. William s. of William & Ann Brabyn 7 Sep. James s. of John & Elizabeth Typpet 17 Oct. William s. of John & Mar- garet Walkey 8 Nov. Philip s. of Philip & Mary Cornish 16 Nov. Thomas s. of John & Mary Trare 17 Nov. Margaret d. of Thomas & Mary Mill 17 Nov. Edmond s. of Edmond & Mary Varcoe 18 Nov. John s. of Ann England . 10 Dec. Philip d. of Francis &Eebecka May 12 Dec. Joseph s. of George & Mary Sowdon 17 Dec. John s. of John & Dorkas Gill 27 Dec. Margaret d. of William & Sarah Ellery 31 Dec. Jonathan s. of Jonathan & Mary Chapman 31 Dec. Eachael d. of William & Jane Liddicot aVs Grigor Anno 1756. James s. of James & Sarah Stephens Ann d. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Chapman Christiana base child of Grace Cock John s. of Eichard & Elizabeth Cornish Luke s. of Francis & Grace Avery John s. of Eichard & Mary Eaw William s. of Samuel & Thomasine Clymos John & Joseph children of Thomas & Jane Giles Thomas s. of Nicholas & Mary Liddicote 5 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Pascow & Eliz. Davies Joseph s. oE Joseph & Mary Tonkin Mary d. of Degory & Alice Trescot Mark s. of Mark & Elizabeth Nichols 1 Jan. 6 Jan. 23 Jan. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 5 Mar 7 Mar 13 Mar 19 Mar 1756-7.] 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 2 April 16 April 12 May 14 May 26 May 28 May 28 May 5 June 7 June 9 June 12 June 4 July 11 July 16 July 23 July 6 Aug. 19 Sep. 20 Sep. 26 Sep. 3 Oct. 3 Xov. 19 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 27 Dec. BAPTISMS. 119 Jane & Ann daus. of Philip & Jane Strongman John s. of Philip & Mary Harvey John s. of "William & Eliza- beth Hicks Elizabeth d. of Bartholomew & Joanna Brown Martha d. of John & Grrace Webber Prances d. of James & Jane Coad Henry s. of John & Susanna Husband John s. of Samuel & Mary H arris Susanna d. of Thomas & Su- sanna Brewer James s. of Robert & Eliz. Drew Jane Chub d. of George & Eli- zabeth Champion John s. of John & Mary Peters Ann d. of E-i chard & Jane Bullock Catherine base child of Ann Jolly Ann d. of John & Jane Bullen Joan d. of Henry & Constance Tamblyn John s. of Philip & Alice Mark Ehzabeth d. of Nicholas & Sarah Clymo William s. of Richard & Ann Jane Ann d. of M'' Thomas Wil- liams & Mary his wife Elizabeth d. of James & Ann Pearce Grace d. of Eichard & Su- sanna Eowse Elizabeth d. of Humphry & Mary Luke Margaret d. of Andrew & Amey Mabyu Elizabeth d. of William & Mary Skinner Jane d. of Edward & Ann Pearse Julyan d. of Eichard & Cathe- rine Morlyn Plorence d. of Philip & Mar- garet Harris Mary d. of Edward & Abigal Merefield Anno 1757. 1 Jan. 3 Jan. 13 Mar. 20 Mar. 10 April 10 April 17 April 6 May 11 May 15 May 30 May 30 May 31 May 3 June 17 June 19 June 25 June 26 June 10 July 30 Aug. 2 Sep. 17 Sep. 30 Sep. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. Ann d. of John & fflorence Warne James s. of William & Mary Ivey Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Eli- zabeth Veiyan Ann d. of James & Honour Colwel Thomas s. of Ealph & Mary Buse John s. of George & Ann Strongman Samuel s. of Theophilus & Eliz. Williams Samuel s. of Thomas & Amey Soloman Joseph s. of John & Mary Trare Mary d. of William & Mary Pound Elizabeth Westlick d. of Eichard & Elizabeth Kent Mary d. of James & Joan fab William s. of Humphry & Su- sanna England John s. of John & Ann Arthur Sarah d. of Eichard & Sarah Hawke Prances d. of John & Alice Cornish John s. of James & Joan Ste- phens Jane d. of Isaac & Elizabeth Grigg Henry s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Langdon Arthur base child of Ann JoUy Mary d. of Eobert & Grace Ceame John s. of John & Catherine Whitford Samuel s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Joans Humphry s. of John & Ann Martin Thomas s. of William & Cathe- rine Eawlings* * This Thomas succeeded his father at Saun- der's Hill. Padstow. He was High Sheriff of Cornwall in 1803. and one of the deputy wardens of tlic Stannaries. He married in 1782 Margery eldest dau. and co-heir of Thomas Price, Esq., of Tregolds, by whom he had several children. 120 THE EEGISTEES OF g )T. COLT 9 Oct. Catherine d. of Thomas & 21 Nov. Mary Mill 21 Nov. 25 Oct. Thomas s. of M'' Tho. & Amelia Naish 23 Nov. 28 Oct. John s. of Degory & Alice Triscot 28 Dec. 7 Nov. . Martha d. of James & Jane Coad 7 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Rich. & Mar- garet Grigg 6 Jan. 21 Nov. "William s. of Peter & Margaret Retallick G Jan. IB MAJOR. [1757-8. Ann d. Thomas & Sarah Drew Ann d. of Thomas & Thoma- zine Buckingham Jaue d. of "William & Jane Lorrington James s. of John & Mary Drew Ak>o 1758. Elizabeth d. of John & Eliza- beth Mill Ann d. of Thomas & Dorothy Salmon A, NEW REGISTER OE BAPTISMS, BEGINNING JANUARY 1758. 3 Jan. Alice y« d. of John & Elizabeth Tippet 6 Jan. Elizabeth y'^ d. of John & Elizabeth Mill 6 Jan. Ann y" d. of Thomas & Dorothy Salmon 11 Feb. John y^ s. of John & Susannah Bulling 15 Feb. Joseph y^ base child of Jene- faire Retallack 15 Feb. Lewis base child of Mary Coombe 5 Mar. Ann y"^ d. of John & Mary Peters 24 Mar. Judeth d. of Richard & Eliza- beth Tomm 27 Mar. John y« s. of William & Mary Retallack 27 Mar, Ann y^ d. of Philip & Alice Mark 27 Mar. Margaret y^ d. of John & Blanch Tamlyn 27 Mar. John y-^ s. of William & Eliza- beth Perkin 28 Mar. Catherine y^ d. of William & Ann Brabin 7 April G-race y« d. of Philip & Mary Cornish 12 April William y^ s. of William & Jane Lyddacoat 23 April Martha y^ d. of James & Honour Colwell 27 April Nicholas y« s. of Thomas & Jane Griles 15 May George y*^ s. of George & Elizabeth Champion 15 May Mary y^ d. of Michaell & Elizabeth Tanner 9 May Richard y^ s. of Richard & Susannah Rowse 26 May Thomas y«= s. of William & Elizabeth Hicks 9 June Susannah Jane y^ d. of James & Ann Pearse 9 June Mary y'^ d. of Richard & Ann Edevan 21 June Thomas y* s. of Thomas & Mary Williams 2 July Mary y'= d. of Richard & Eliza- beth Gummow 7 Jiily Mary y"' d. of Robert & Grace Pendeen 7 July Ann base child of Ann Ellery 28 July William y« s. of Edmund & Mary Varcove 30 July Francis y^ s. of Henry & Con- stance Tamlyn 30 July Nicholas y<= s. "of Nicholas & Mary Lyddacoat 1 Sep. Grace d. of Richard & Jane Bullock 8 Oct. Mary y^ d. of William & Tho-, mazin Swan 16 Oct. Francis y^ s. of Nicholas & Sarah Clemow 24 Sep. Johau y« d. of M>" Robert & Elizabeth Drew 11 Oct. Elizabeth y^ d. of Richard & Elizabeth Chipman 13 Oct. John ye s. of John & Grace Webber 20 Oct. John ye s. of George & Eliza beth Rowe 19 Nov. Humphry y^ s. of William & jMary Ivey 20 Nov. Joseph y^ s. of Richard & Mary Rowe 20 Nov. John ye s. of Thomas & Susan- nah Brewer 1758-60.] BAPTISMS. 21 Nov. William s. of Wilham & Euth Crapp 12 Aug. 11 Dec. Loveday d. of M^' John & Loveday Soaper 2 Sep. 12 Dec. James s. of John & Mary Trayer 19 Sep. Akno 1759. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 2 Jan. Arthur s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Cornish 18 Nov. 7 Jan. Mary d. of John & Honour Pill 18 Nov. 12 Jan. James s. of Edmund & G-race Bullock 19 Nov. 12 Jan. William s. of Pascoe & Eliza- beth Davis 19 Nov. 30 Jan. Henry s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Basely 19 Nov. 2 Feb. William s. of Hezekiah & Jane Bunt 20 Nov. 5 Feb. Jane Warne d. of M' W^ & Catherine Eawlings 30 Nov. 5 Feb. Philip s. of John & Margaret Cundy 30 Nov. 11 Feb. Margaret d. of Philip & Mar- garet Harris 11 Dec. 16 Feb. Philip s. of Humphry & Su- sanna England 26 Dec. 15 ]\Iar. Francis s. of Francis & Grace Olver 30 Dec. 25 Mar. John s. of Eichard & Elizabeth Eveling 1 April Margaret d. of Philip & Mary Harvey 1 Jan. 29 April Bridget d. of John & Elizabeth Stephens 2 Jan. 9 May Andrew s. of Thomas & Jane Giles 7 Jan. 20 May Eichard Cowling s. of Eichard & Mary Veale 7 Jan. 25 May Elizabeth d. of Peter & Eliza- beth Hawke 9 Jan. 31 May John s. of James & Elizabeth Arscott 20 Jan. 4 June Thomas s. of William & Eliza- beth Hicks 17 Feb. 1 July Eichard s. of Edward & Ann Pearce 17 Feb. 6 July James s. of Philip & Ann Strongman 20 Feb. 4 Aug. Thomas Tregenna* s. of M'' Thomas & Grace Hamley 20 Feb. * He was Vicar of St. Ervan and St. Eval and was t uried at the former olaco. in whinh 21 Feb. clinrch is a stone inscribed to his memory by John Clode Braddon. gent, of Camclford, his wife's nephew, he having married Maiy. dan. of John Braddon of Camelford, and sister of Henry Braddon of Skisdon Lodge. She died 12 Dec, 121 William s. of Bartholomew & Johanna Brown Catherine d. of Thomas & Johan Williams Joseph s. of M'^' Joseph & Mary Merifield Ann d. of John & Mary White Jennefaire d. of John & Grace Jane Paska d. of William & Ann Lunoine James s. of James & Honour Colwell Johan d. of Edward & Abigail Merifield Anne d. of William & Mary Grlanville Grace d. of Eichard & Cathe- rine Martin Ann d. of John & Catherine Whitford James s. of Andrew & Amey Mason John s. of William & Elizabeth Grass Frances d. of Digory & Alice Triscott Honour d. of Ealph & Mary Busso Paska base child d. of Thoma- sine Clemo Anno 1760. Ann d. of James & Joan Stephens Sarah d. of William & Mary Pound Charles s. of Nicholas & Sarah Clemmo Philippa d. of John & Alice Coruish Eleanor d. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Cundey William s. of Humphrey & Elizabeth Tomms Thomas s. of Thomas & Amey Solomon Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Williams John s. of M'' John & Loveday Soaper John s. of Eichard & Sarah Hawke Mary d. of Peter & Margaret Eetallack 181.S, aged 67, buried with an inscribed slab at St. Ervan ; and he died without issue 23 Dec, 1818. 122 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1760-1. John & Mary 27 Eeb. Jane d. of George & Grace Brown 12 Mar. William s. of M-" William & Katherine Eawlings 7 April Mary d. of Jonathan & Mary Chipman 8 April Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Jane Eowse 8 April Mary d. of Edmund & Mary Yarcoe 8 April John s. of Elizabeth Tippet 15 April Mary d. of John & Grace Francis 15 April Bridget d. of John & Grace Webber 23 April John s. of William & Jane Lydacote 2 May Thomas s. of Thomas & Mary Mill 4 May Elizabeth d. of Eobert & Grace Keame 24 May Eichard s. of James & Ann Pearce 27 May Eachael d. of William & Tho- mazine Swan 28 May Michael s. of James & Mar- garet Jane 81 May Joyce d. of Luney 20 June Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Elizabeth Gum mow 10 July Mary d. of Johu & Margaret Walkey 20 July Ann Brown d. of John & Mar- garet Creveth 26 July Nance d. of Nicholas & Mary Lydacote 5 Aug. William s. of William & Mary Oliver 6 Aug. Humphrey s. of Humphrey & Susanna England 17 Aug. Michael s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Jones 17 Aug. Dorothy Saundry d. of John & Blanch Tamlyn 24 Aug. William s. of William & Eliza- beth Perking 31 Aug. William s. of W William & Frances Lawrence 28 Sep. Thomas s. of John & Joan Symmons 25 Oct. Philippa d. of Peter & Eliza- beth Hawke 17 Oct. Walter s. of Philip & Margaret Harris 5 Nov. W"' s. of James & Mary Tabb 7 Nov. Dorothy d. of James & Eliza- beth Arscott Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Peters James s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Chipman Avis d. of William & Euth Crapp James s. of James & Elizabeth May William s. of William & Mary Eetallack Eobert s. of William & Mary Ivey Alice d. of James & Sarah Stephens ANJfo 1761. Catherine d. of Eichard & Alice Hicks Francis s. of Francis & Grace Olver Joseph s. of George & Eliza- beth Champion Eichard s. of Pascoe & Eliza- beth Davies Mary d. of Eobert & Grace Edeveon Thomas s. of Thomas & Susan- uaha Brewer Elizabeth d. of Peter & Mary Cornish William s. of John* & Eliza- beth Tippet Frances d. of George & Ann Strongman Joice d. of John & Mary White Bernard s. of Henry & Con- stance Tamlyn John s. of John & Mary Bond Mary d. of William & Mary Glanvill Elizabeth d. of Peter & Mary Hervey Mary d. of John & Elizabeth' Lewarne William s. of M'" Williamf & Catherine Eawlings Digory s. of Digory & Charity Prout Mary d. of Johu & Elizabeth Stephens * John Tippet, appointed Governor of the Workhouse in 1766. •f- He was of Exeter Coll., Oxford, took his M.A., and was for fifty years vicar of Padstow. He married in 1787 Susanna, dau. of Peter Salmon, Esq., and died 20 Dec, 183(5, leaving issue, for whom see Sir J, B. Burke's Landed Gentry. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. 19 Nov. 7 Dec. 28 Dec. 6 Jan. 14 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Jan. 8 Mar. 11 Mar. 24 Mar. 24 Mar. 24 Mar. 24 Mar. 25 Mar. 31 Mar. 11 May 11 May 11 May 3 June 9 June 21 June 1761-2.] 1 July Margaret & Ann daughters of James & Honour Colwill 9 Aug. Angelet d. of Edward & Ann Pearse 16 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Mary Bettinson 27 Sep. Sarah d. of John & G-race Joell 22 Nov. William s. of John & Mary Tonking 23 Nov. Michael s. of James & Ann Pearce 27 Nov. Catherine d. of Eichard & Elizabeth Basely 27 Nov. Joyce d. of John & Ann Martyn 1 Dec. Johanna d. of M^ William & Ann Hamley 7 Dec. John s. of M-^ William & Prances Lawrence 8 Dec. Benjamin s. of James & Mary SneU 12 Dec. John s. of Eichard & Catherine Murling 12 Dec. John s. of Edmund & Grace Bullock 18 Dec. Eobert s. of Peter & Elizabeth Hawke 21 Dec. Ann d. of William & Elizabeth Hicks Anko 1762. 1 Jan. WilHam s. of William & Tho- masin Swan 25 Jan. Julian d. of Jidian Davey of* 25 Jan. John s. of Jane Harris 30 Jan. Thomas s. of Thomas & Johan Williams 3 Peb. Mary d. of William & Eliza- beth Pord 21 Peb. Grace d. of George & G-race Brown 24 Peb. William s. of William & Elizabeth G-ass 26 Peb. Catherine d. of Humphry & Susanna England 27 Peb. John s. of William & Jane Lyddicott 5 Mar. John s. of Peter & Elizabeth Courtney 12 Mar. Catherine d. of Thomas & Jane Giles 15 Mar. Plore d. of Thomas & Wilmot Trethewey 1 April James s. of James & Johan Stephens * Blank. BAPTISMS. 2 April 8 April 12 April 12 April 13 April 19 April 25 April 2 May 5 May 16 May 5 June 23 June 21 June 18 July 28 July 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 3 Sep. 3 Sep. 16 Sep. 17 Sep. 20 Sep. 26 Sep. 26 Sep. 1 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 123 Daniel s. of Eichard & Mary Veal John s. of John & Elizabeth Stephens Honour d. of Ealph & Mary Bus so Grace d. of William & Sarah Elworthy Thomas s. of John & Catherine Whitford Anthony s. of John & Honour Pill Josephs, of William & Dorothy Harris Michael s. of John & Alice Cornish Jane d. of M'' John & Johan Simmons Eichard s. of Peter & Margaret Eetallack Ann d. of William & Mary Ivey Ann d. of Philip & Margaret Harris Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Catherine Langdon Mary d. of Joseph & Mary Merrifield John s. of William & Elizabeth Lewarne Eichard s. of Eichard & Cathe- rine Hicks John s. of William & Mary Eetallack Gertrude d. of William & Mary Oliver William s. of Eichard & Su- sanna Eowse Blanch d. of Thomas & Mary Williams Eichard s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Chipman Ann d. of John & Mary Bond Eobert s. of Eobert & Mary Mannel Elizabeth d. of William & Elizabeth Perking Eichard s. of John & Margaret Walkey Eebecka d. of Bartholomew & Johanna Brown James s. of James & Elizabeth Arscott Margaret d. of Thomas & Mary Mill Eichard s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Luke 124 THE EEGISTEES OP ST. COLIJMB MAJOB. [1762-4. 22 Nov. Jolin s. of Jolin & Florence Waru *?2 Nov. Joliu s. of John & Elizabeth Morris 23 Nov. Martha d. of Michael & Martha Basely 24 Nov. Eicliard s. of Thomas & Amey Solomon 26 Nov. Elizabetli d. of Theophilus & Elizabeth Williams 27 Dec. Martha d. of Jonathan & Mary Chipman 29 Dec. William s. of William & Mar- gery Thomas Anno 1763. 5 Jan. Alice d. of John & Hannah Eowe 11 Feb. John s. of Philip & Mary Cor- nish 11 Feb. Samuel s. of James & Mar- garet Jane 16 Feb. James s. of John & Mary White 19 Feb. Walter s. of Paskoe & Eliza- beth Davies 4 Mar. William s. of John & Jane Pinch 5 Mar. AHce d. of Digory & Alice Truscott 6 Mar. James s. of James & Elizabeth May 25 Mar. William s. of William Midle- ton a soldier & Elizabeth his wife 4 April Charles & Eichard sons of Hezekiah & Jane Bunt 5 April Ann d. of Thomas & Thoma- zine Grass 24 April John s. of Francis & Eudith Hawkey 21 May Eichard s. of Eobert & Grace Keame 23 May Eichard s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Gummow 11 Jvme Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Mary Westcott 17 June Thomas s. of Mr. John Quick* & Jane his wife 19 June Ann d. of John & Elizabeth Stephens 24 June Eichard s. of Eichard & Sarah Bear si ey 26 June Thomas &' Anne children of Joseph & Patience Han- cock * Jolin Quick, Esq., one of the twelve men in 1762 : Green Book. 12 Aug. Grace d. of Edmund & Mary Varcoe 21 Aug. John s. of John & Blanch Tamlyn 21 Sep. Anne d. of James & Anne Pearce 1 Oct. John s. of Benjamin & Eliza- beth Jones 2 Oct. Patience d. of William & Euth Crapp 10 Oct. Catherine d. of Mr. William & Catherine Eawlings 28 Oct. Grace d. of Peter & Elizabeth Courteuey 20 Nov. Thomas s. of Edward & Ann Pearse 20 Nov. John s. of John & Mary Peters 20 Nov. John s. of John & Margaret Buckingham 25 Dec. John Antren s. of John & Grace Jane 27 Dec. Elizabeth d. of John & Ann Martin Anno 1764. 4 Jan. Elizabeth y" d. of James & Mary Snell 6 Jan. Hannah y-^ d. of William* & Thomazin Swan 8 Jan. Sarah d. of Williamf & Mary Ivey 30 Jan. William s. of Nicholas & Sarah Clemowe 17 Feb. Eichard s. of John & Cathe- rine Whitf ord 27 Feb. Joseph s. of WilHam & EHza- beth Hicks 9 Mar. John s. of Eichard & Alice Hicks 30 Mar. Sarah d. of William & Ann Lanyon 13 April Elizabeth d. of William & Eli- zabeth Drew 18 April John s. of William & Ann Liddicoat 20 April James s. of James & Margaret Jane 20 April Ann d. of Peter & Elizabeth Hawke 23 April James s. of John & Elizabeth Morish 23 April Thomas s. of George & Eliza- beth Eawe * William Swanne was Churchwarden in 1770 : Green Book. f William Ivey was one of the parish over- seers in 1780 : Green Book. 1764-5.] 23 April 23 April 18 May 17 May 11 June 11 June 20 June 3 July 22 July 14 July 4 Sep. 28 Sep. 25 Oct. 22 Oct. 15 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 9 Dec. 9 Dec. 18 Dec. 11 Jan. Elizabeth d. of William & Eli- zabeth Lewarne John s. of Philip & Ann Harris John s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Chipman Nancy d. of "William & Doro- thy Blight Jolm s. of "William & Dorothy Harris Thomas s. of Eichard & Mary Bettinson "William s. of Thomas & Susan Brewer Edward s. of Edward & Martha Hodge Elizabeth d. of George & Grace Browne Lewis s. of "William & Honour Blight Philip s. of Philip & Mary Harvey Eeuben s. of William & Mar- garet Thomas Edward s. of Thomas* & Mary Hamley Mary d. of John & Joan Sy- monds John s. of John & Hannah Eowe Nancey d. of John & Elizabeth Stephens John s. of William & Sarah EUery William's, of William & Ann Williams Susanna d. of Eichard & Ca- therine Murliu Euth d. of William & Sarah Basely James s. of John & Mary Tonkin Ann d. of William & Mary Eetallack Eobert s. of John & Elizabeth Tippet Jane d. of Mathew & Ann Hool John s. of John & Mary Bond Sarah d. of Arthur & Ann Capell Ak]S-o 1765. Eichard s. of John & Mary White BAPTISMS. 13 Jan. 125 * This Thomas was in Holy Orders and son of Giles Hamley, see ante p. 101 : the above Mary was his second wife. Margaret d. of Erancis & Eu- dith Hawkey 20 Jan. WiUiam s. of Thomas & Ann Cocke 23 Jan. Martha d. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Basely 10 Feb. Dorcas d. of James & Joan Stephens 16Eeb. Ann d. of Thomas & Joan Williams 24 Eeb. Joseph* s. of James & Eliza- beth Arscott 3 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Philip & Mary Cornish 17 Mar. Elizabeth d. of William & Mary Lobb 7 April Ealph s. of Ealph & Mary Bewes 8 April "W^illiam s. of William & Mary Glanville 3 May Mary d. of WiUiam & Eliza- beth Eord 10 May Eichard s. of Isaac & Elizabeth Grig 27 May John s. of Hezekiah & Jane Bunt 27 May Jane d. of William & Dorothy Bhght 28 May Jane d. of George & Elizabeth Champion 3 June Ann d. of William & Thomazin Swan 11 June Mary d. of Thomas & Mary "Williams 23 June Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Mill 28 June William s. of Thomas & Amey Solomon 30 June Abraham s. of Abraham & EHzabeth Waters 21 July Henry s. of Eichard & Mary Veal 28 July Mary d. of John & Margaret Walkey 1 Sep. Mary d. of John & Jennifer George 1 Sep. Elizabetli d. of William & Mary Ivey 8 Sep. Jane d. of Digory & Alice Truscott 8 Sep. William s. of John & Blanch Tamlin 8 Sep. Johanna d. of Nicholas & Mary Liddicoat 4 Oct. Eobert s. of William & Eliza- beth Austin * He mar. 16 May, 1807, Ann Meager, 126 THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLrMB MAJOR. [1765-7. 6 Oct. Mary d. of Thomas & Thoma- zine Gass 18 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Mary Hmch 18 Nov. William s. of John & Eliza- beth Morris 18 Nov. Ann d. of John & Ann Martin 20 Nov. Eobert s. of Edmond & Mary Varcoe 20 Nov. Mary d. of James & Elizabeth Houghton 22 Nov. William s. of Peter & Eliza- beth Courtnay 26 Dec. William s. of Michael & Su- sanna Basely 27 Dec. Richard s. of Thomasine Tippet Anno 1766. 3 Jan. Mary d. of James & Mary Snell 6 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Nicholas & Jennefer Lakemau 10 Jan. Ann d. of W"^ Prestridge, a soldier, & Mary his wife 24 Jan. Jane d. of Robert Belfour, a soldier, & Susanna his wife 26 Jan. Thomas s. of Digory & Eliza- beth Davies 26 Jan. John s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Q-ummow 21 Eeb. Elizabeth d. of Jephthah & Grace Whilter 23 Feb. Mary d. of Richard & Eliza- beth Chapman 12 Mar. William s. of Edward & Ann Pearce 21 Mar. William s! of Elizabeth Lobb 25 Mar. Giles s. of Thomas* & Mary Hamley 30 Mar. Elizabeth d. of William & Mary Bone 31 Mar. Francis s. of John & Grace Jane 5 April John s. of Jolin & Joan Sy- mons 6 April George s. of John & Mary Luney 2 June Elizabeth t d. of Rev. Dr. Ro- bert Bateman & Elizabeth his wife 13 June William s. of William & Eliza- beth Lewarn 29 June Frances d. of William & Do- rothy Harris * See note p. 101. f See note p. 105. 6 July John s. of Richard & Lidia Battin James July James s. of James & Catherine Lillycrop 13 July Joseph s. of Humphry & Su- sanna England 13 July John s. of Edward & Abigal Merrifield 23 July James s. of James & Ann Pearce 3 Aug. Wiuefred d. of John & Mary Buckingham 8 Aug. Peter s. of Peter & Elizabeth Hawke 10 Aug. Ann d. of William & Ann Lanyon 17 Aug. Richard s. of William & Ruth Crapp 24 Aug. Mary d. of Joseph & Patience Hancock 24 Aug. William s. of Robert & Grace Keam 14 Sep. Richard s. of Francis & Grace Avery 21 Sep. William' s. of Philip & Mary Harvey 5 Oct. Mary d. of John & Mary Davy 6 Oct. Edward Bishop s. of John & Lovedy Soper 7 Nov. Damaris d. of John* & Mary White 16 Nov. John s. of John & Elizabeth Stephens 17 Nov. John s. of George & Grace Brown 17 Nov. Philip s. of Philip & Margaret Harris 10 Dec. Ann d. of John & Elizabeth Harden 14 Dec. Richard s. of William & Sarah Ellery 31 Dec. Mary d. of Richard & Eliza- beth Best Anno 1767. 2 Jan. Hezekiah s. of Hezekiah & Jane Bunt 11 Jan. Robert s. of Robert & Eliza- beth Mannell 11 Jan. Ann d. of John & Elinor Luke 25 Jan. Caroline d. of Thomas & Ann Cooke 4 Feb. Joan d. of John & Mary Bond 8 Feb. Mary d. of Benjamin & Eliza- beth Jons * John White churchwarden in 1770 : Green Book. 1767-8.] BAPTISMS. 127 13 Feb. Catherine d. of William & Eli- zabeth Hicks 22 Feb. William s. of William & Fran- ces Baseley 22 Feb. Peter s. of Francis & Edith Hawkey 8 Mar. Ann d. of Francis & Elizabeth Simmons 15 Nov.* Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Elizabeth Hawk en 22 Mar. Jane d. of Philip & Mary Cor- nish 22 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Jane Griles 22 Mar. Joan d. of James & Joan Tabb 17 April Eichard s. of William & Eliza- beth Austin 17 April John s. of John & Joan Higgs 19 April Jane d. of William & Mary Eetallack 21 April Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Liddicoat 13 May "William Thomas s. of Joan Dyer 24 May Temperance d. of "William & Mary Glanville 31 May John s. of Grace Hailbron 3 June Elizabeth d. of Nicholas & Mary Liddicoat Mary d. of William & Michal Eowe John s. of Timothy Brammar, a soldier, & Catherine Eichard s. of James & Joan Stephens Peterf s of James & Elizabeth Arscutt James & Thomas s. of William & Thomasine Swan Samson s. of Thomas & Pru- dance Hicks Sarah d. of William & Honour Blight William s. of Thomas & Mary Williams James s. of William & Mar- garet Benney Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Frances Samson John s. of John & Grrace Dun- 5 June 5 June 19 June 28 June 1 July 17 July 21 July 25 July 26 July 18 Aug. 20 Aug. 20 Sep. 30 Sep. gey Ann d. of John & Jennifer George Ehzabeth d. of Eichard & EU- zabeth Tom of Bodmin Sic. f This Peter was bur. 5 April 1797. 3 Oct. John s. of Nicholas & Sarah Clemoe 9 Oct. Jennifer d. of George & Eliza- beth Colwill 9 Oct. Jennifer d, of William & Jane Liddicoat 16 Oct. Mary d. of Arthur & Ann Capple 25 Oct. Eobert s. of Judith Howard 22 Nov. William s. of James & Eliza- beth Houghton 22 Nov. Thomas* s. of Thomas & Mary Mill 23 Nov. William s. of Thomas & Amey Solomon 23 Nov. Ann d. of Eichard & Elizabeth Baseley 4 Dec. Susanna d. of James & Mar- garet Jane 13 Dec. Susanna d. of William & Mary Ivey 27 Dec. Thomas Tregennaf s. of Tho- mas Eogers, Esq., & Margery his wife Anno 1768. 30 Jan. Methuselah s. of Methuselah & Mary Barret 5 Feb. . "William s. of John & Joan Symonds 7 Feb. Eichard s. of John & Mary Cowling 12 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Mary Eowse 14 Feb. James s. of John & Blanch Tamblin 27 Feb. Joseph s. of Joseph & Eliza- beth Tinney 6 Mar. James s. of James & Mary Snell 16 Mar. Frances^ d. of Eev. Dr. Eobert Bateman, Eector of this Parish, & Elizabeth his wife 20 Mar. Sarah d. of Margaret Eetal- lack 26 Mar. Bridget d. of Eichard & Mary Bulling 4 April Jennifer d. of John & Eliza- beth Stephens * Thomas Mill and Mary Eetallack of St. Weiin mar. 7 Oct. 1792. Elizabeth Caroline their daughter bap. in 1801. f By dan. & coh. of Rev. John Tregenna. j She mar. 8 Feb. 1797, by licence, Richard Paul, at St. Columb. Robert Bateman, son of the Rev. Richard Paul & Frances his wife, bapt. 22 March 1798. Frances, dau. of the same, bap. 27 Dec. 1799. 128 THE EEGISTEES OP ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1768-9. 22 April John s. of IS'ieholas & Jennifer Lakeman 29 Ajn-il Joseph s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Chapman 1 May Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Peters 1 May James s. of Edmund & Mary Varcoe 6 May Temperance d. of Era* & Jane Jane 20 May Susanna d. of Michael & Su- sanna Baseley 23 May William s. of John & Grace Jane 24 May Elizabeth d. of Peter & Eliza- beth Courtnay 31 May Maro;aret d. of Eev. Thomas Biddulph* & Martha his wife 2 June Jane d. of Joseph & Mary Meri field 19 June Susanna d. of Peter & Eliza- beth Hawke 20 June Ann d. of Alexander McXight a soldier, 22nd Eeg*^, & Prances his -svife 12 July Samuel s. of William & Cathe- rine Eawliugs 17 July Thomas s. of Hezekiah & Jane Bunt 29 July Philippa d. of Thomas & Joan "Williams 30 July Jennifer d. of Eichard & Ca- therine Morlin 31 July Eose d. of William & Euth Crapp 21 Aug. Jephthah s. of Jephthah & Grace Whiller 30 Sep. Eobert s. of Eobert & Ann So-wden 10 Oct. James s. of James & Grace Gilbert 11 Xov. Jane base Budle 27 Nov. Jane d. of John & Constance James %S Dec. Betsey Dungey d. of Henryf & Elizabeth Warne * He was Vicar of Padstow. Martha was Ms second ^vife, and the dau. & coh. of the Rev. John Tregenna, Rector of Mawgan. See Mar. 1761. t Henry Warne was one of the twelve men in 1764, and churchwarden in 17S9, having been an overseer in 1787 while still one of the twelve men (Green Book). His daughter named above is recorded with others of her family on en altar tomb in the churchyard. child of ]\lary 24 Dec. 30 Dec. 6 Feb. 11 Feb. 24 Peb. 26 Peb. 25 Mar. 27 Mar. 27 Mar. 2 April William s. of John* & Grace D ungey William s. of Eichard & Mary Langdon Anno 1769. Alice d. of Prancis & Edith Hawkey Grace d. of Joseph & Eliza- beth Tinney George y'= base child of Mar- garet Liddicoat Cordelia d. of John & Mar- garet Buckingham Catherine d. of Eobert & Eli- zabeth Tabb Mary d. of Methuselah & ]\lai*y Barret James s. of Pascoe & Elizabeth Davis William s. of Prancis & Eliza- beth Simons 9 April Elizabeth d. of Philip & Mar- garet Harris 14 April Elizabeth d. of John & Mary White 16 April Mary d. of William & Eliza- beth Austin 23 April William s. of William & Do- rothy Harris James s. of John & Blanch Parkin Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Ann Cooke Mary d. of Eobert & Elizabeth Manuel John s. of Nicholas & Eliza- beth Guens Eobert s. of James & Joan Stephens Prances d. of Eichard & Pran- ces Sampson John s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Best John s. of John & Elizabeth Harvey James s. of Joseph & Barbara Dyer Honor Stribley d. of Edward & Ann Pearce John s. of John Barnard & Ann his wife William s. of Eobert & Jane Drew •Jane d. of George & Elizabeth Col will 5 May 14 May 16 May 29 May 17 June 20 July 26 July 6 Aug. 27 Aug. 27 Aug. 31 Aug. 1 Sep. 10 Sep. * See Mar. 1766. Mr. John Dungey, one of the twelve men in 1770. Green Book. 1769-71.] 20 Sep. 4 Oct. 17 Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Oct. 3 Nov. 12 Nov. 4 Dec. 15 Dee. 1 Jan. 6 Jan. 10 Jan. 16 Jan. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 8 Mar. 12 Mar. 14 Mar. 13 May 13 May 8 June 15 June 25 June 15 July BAPTISMS. 129 Jane d. of Jobn & Mary Bond Eicliard s. of Eicbard & Mary "Williams Elizabeth* d. of James and Elizabeth Arscutt Ann d. of Richard & Elizabeth Basely Samuel s. of William & Cathe- rine Eawliugs Ann d. of Thomas & Prudence Hicks Mary Varcoe d. of James and Elizabeth Houghton Thomas s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Hawken Thomas s. of John & Jennefer George Ajtko 1770. Nancey d. of John & Cathe- rine Whitford Robert s. of John & Joan Seymons Samuel base child of Elizabeth Brown of y*' parish of Griuvias Ann d. of William & Margaret Benney Mary d. of Hezekiah & Jane Bunt John s. of Richard & Mary Bulling WiUiam s. of Mary Retallack widow John s. of Jephthah & Grace Whitter Robert s. of William & Fran- ces Basely Mary s. of Ephraim & Susanna Stephens John s. of John & EKzabeth Trescouthick Mary d. of Phihp & Mary C Or- nish Thomas 3. of William & Tem- perance Glanville John s. of James & Mary Snell Philip s. of James & Grace Gilbert Mary d. of William & Sarah Elery * She mar. 25 May 1799, Benjamin Jones. Eliz., the w. of James Arscott, was bur. 11 Oct. 1803. Peter Arscott, s. of Benj. & Eliz. Jones, bapt. 1 Jan. 1802. 23 July William s. of Arthur & Ann Caple 5 Aug. Peter s. of Peter & Elizabeth Courtenay 12 Sep. Catherine d. of Richard & Ann Langdon 2 Oct. Jane d. of John & Grace Dun- gey 12 Oct. Allice d. of Peter & Elizabeth Hawke 31 Oct. Frances s. of Francis & Edith Hawkey 15 Nov. Grace d. of Robert & Grace Keam 18 Nov. Elizabeth d. of William & Eli- zabeth Lewarne 19 Nov. Mary d. of Michael & Susanna Basely 4 Dec. John s. of Solomon & Eliza- beth Basely 14 Dec. John s. of Richard & Frances Sampson 27 Dec. Thomas s. of Francis & Jane Jane Anko 1771. 21 Jan. Mary d. of Robert & EKzabeth Tabb 21 Jan. Sarah d. of John & Grace Jane 10 Mar. John & Luke sons of John & Jennefer George 10 Mar. Mary d. of George & Grace Brown 10 Mar. Ann d. of John & Constance James 1 April Robert s. of William & Eliza- beth Austin 1 April Cordelia d. of Thomas & Ann Cooke 21 April Peter s. of Francis & Elizabeth Simons 1 May Johanna d. of Thomas & Mary Mill 9 May Elizabeth d. of Francis & Ann HiU 10 May Sarah d. of Elizabeth Harris 20 May Thomas s. of William & Ruth Cra]>p 20 May Mary d. of Methuselah & Mary Barret 22 May Charles s. of William & Jane Liddicoat 24 May Mary d.of John & Mary White 27 May John s. of John & Rebecca Julian 31 May Thomas s. of Robert & Jane Drew 130 THE EEGISTERS OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1771-3. 31 May Jennifer d. of Eichard & Mary Bettinson 31 May Sarah d. of Joliu & Elizabeth Hardin 28 June Thomas s. of Thomas & Joan Williams 5 July Thomas s. of Thomas Tippin a soldier in y<> 20"' Eegt. & Mary his wife July John s. of John & Philippa Mewton 14 Aug. Eichard s. of Eichard & Lydia Batten James 25 Aug. James s. of James & Elizabeth Houghtou 26 Aug. Joseph s. of Joseph & Mary Merri field 27 Aug. Mary d. of Joseph & Barbara Dyer 3 Sep. Honor d. of John & Mary Liddicoat 29 Sep. Jennifer d. of John & Charity Tonkin 17 Oct. Eebecca & Elizabeth ds. of "William & Honour Blight 1 Nov. Honour d. of Artliur & Eliza- beth Strongman 2 IS'ov. Mary d. of George & Eliza- beth Colwill 18 Nov. Philip s. of John & Elizabeth Stephens 18 Nov. Jennefair d. of Eichard & Eli- zabeth Basely 18 Nov. Margaret d. of John & Mar- garet Buckingham 23 Nov. Ann d. of Greorge & Mary Tippet 6 Dec. Jennefair d. of John & Hannah Hicks 27 Dec. Grace d. of Jephthah & Grace Whitter 29 Dec. Jane d. of James & Joan Ste- phens Anno 1772. 14 Jau. William s. of William & Mar- garet Benny 22 Jan. William s. of Nicholas & Do- rothy Tamblyn 26 Jan. Nicholas s. of John & Eliza- beth Harvey 23 Eeb. Catherine d. of Hezekiah & Jane Bunt 9 April Harriot d. of John & Martha Jewel 12 April Samuel Hooker s. of James & Margaret Jane 20 April Catherine d. of Eobert & Eli- zabeth Manuel 24 April Solomon s. of AVilliam & Fran- ces Basely 25 April Betty d. of John & Grace* Dungey 17 May Thomas s. of James & Grace Gilbert 22 June James s. of John & Joan Sy- mons G July Thomas s. of Thomas & Pru- dence Hicks 12 July Blanch d. of Peter & Elizabeth Courtney 12 July Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Temperance Grigg 22 July Catherine d. of Pasco & Elizabeth Davis 2 Aug. Jennefair d. of Francis & Grace Cundy 16 Aug. Mary d. of John & Jane Mar- tin 30 Aug. Archelaus s. of William & Dorothy Harris 6 Sep. William s. of Eichard & Mary Bulling 25 Sep. James s. of James & Mary Dinnis 14 Nov. Ann d. of George & Grace Brown 23 Nov. Eichard s. of John & Ann Gatley 4 Dec. Eebecca d. of William & Ee- becca Monros, a soldier 23'-No 1611. 16 April "William Williams & Joane Hosken 27 April William Olver & Margaret Verren 3 June John Hawke & Katherine Burlace 5 Aug. William Williams & Treston Hoskine 10 Sep. N'icholas Bounsell & Margery Harvey 28 Oct. John Heicleft & Jane Mar- combe 4 Nov. John Dawe & Mary Bilkye 12 Nov. Thomas Litticott & G-race Gradley 18 Nov. Thomas Stevens & Jane Copi- tliorne 25 Nov. William Eawline & Margery Norton 25 Nov. William Truseott & Joane flfrancys 23 Teb. ffrancis Trehembau & Joane Eichard Anno 1612. 21 April Thomas Husband & fflorence his wife 14 Mar. John Harvey & Joane Holman 10 June John Day & Alice Berey 22 June John Cock & Elizabeth Cann 25 July Thomas Grose & Jane Thomas 7 Oct. Eichard Smith gent. & Patience Broade 2 Nov. Eichard Carveth & Susanna Cahvaye 9 Dec. William Jiith gent. & Ilrsulu Yivian* 15^ Feb. Anthony Eandell & Margaret Loves Anno 1613. 14 April Nicholas Nicholls & Susan Cliffe 21 June Nicholas Cruse & Susanna Body 30 June Tho. Eowe & Honor Sprey * This Ursula was a dau. of Thomas Vivian of Trenowth and Ann Lower his wife. WEDDINGS. 147 19 Sep. Thomas Kent & Catherine Meader 2 Nov. Mark Williams & Mary Olliver 16 Nov. Eenfred Joll & Joane" Eandell 23 Nov. Eichard Dayoe & Elizabeth Bate 25 Nov. John Merrifeild & Dorathe Front 14 Dec. William Brabyn & Eedagon Tankyn 3 Feb. John Cardewe & Philip Ste- pheens 8 Feb. John Bere gent.* & Margery Hoblyn 9 Feb. George Jewell & Joane Park- ing 14 Feb. William Beaford & Joane Caruannell 2 Mar. John Martyn & 01i£ Sprey Anno 1614. 11 May Eichard Boner & Elizabeth Blackaller 16 May Eobert Cockinge & Margery Yivian 24 July Emanuell Harrice & Jane Hawke 20 July fErancis Trehenbane & Jane Vincent 20 Sep. Lucke Pollard & Joane Webb 10 Oct. Thomas Jenning & Elizabeth Ho rr well 9 Nov. John Kent & Ann Litticott 16 Jan. Hugh Lawry & Mary Copi- thorne 17 Jan. Paskowe Boden & Alice Dim- ston 20 Feb. William Dancaster & Elizabeth Phillipp Anno 1615. 5 June Eob. Hambly & Petronell Skeberioe 1 July Eichard WilKams & Jane Trustll (?) 17 July Stephen Knight & Eleanor Muden 24 July John Evans & Susan Duggoe 18 Sep. John Cockinge & Jane Lucky 18 Sep. Oliver Jagoe & Annice Eoger * He was son of Sampson Bere of Lanteglos, by Philippa dan. of Eidgeway of Devon, and grandson of Tho. Bere of Trevedo. by Sibbell, dau. and heir of Jolm Doyngell of Benethwood. He became of Trevedo ; his wife Margery was dau. of Thomas Hoblyn of Nanswhydon by his first wife Judith, dau. of Edw. Trevalcois. They had issue Thomas, bap. in 161G ; Eliz., bap. 1618 ; Judeth, and others, 148 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1615-21. 9 Nov. Thomas Brabyn & Tamazeu Eandall 27 Nov. Henry Davie & Alice Gilbert 27 Jan. Paskall Tifford & Barbara Jolly, vid. Akno 1616. 29 April Eobert Trehenbau & Katlieriue Corington 25 June John Blackealler & Wilmote Husband 1 July John Addams & Tamsou Champion, vid. 1 July James Moylc & Elizabeth Vivean 22 July Henry Littecott & Elizabeth Trefrye 29 July George Hodge & ffrances Angwyn 6 Aug. John Day & Adria Colquite 7 Aug. John Eowse & Joyce tStrang- mau 16 Sep. Martyne Donnacombe & Brid- gett Clemoe 17 Sep. Thomas Eetallack & Elizabeth Parnell 23 Sep. Henry Willes & Jane Day 14 Oct. William Creole & Lawra Croppe 21 Oct. Stephen Loves & Jenefred Benny 21 Oct. Eichard Behednow & Margery Nicholas 12 Nov. Thomas Bayly & Eebecca Godfrey 17 Dec. John Dyer & Honor Strang- man 22 Jan. Benyamin' Strangman & Jo- anne Eowse 10 Eeb. Gilberte Eoe & Margery Dowe 2 Mar. Eobert Drewe & Alice Heidon Anno 1017. 8 July "William Jolleye & Phillipp Mayhoe 15 July John Copithorne & Elizabeth Heidon 12 Aug. Thomas John & Elizabeth Drewe 20 Oct. James Cockyu & Tamson George 20 Oct. Marke Tyer & Katherine Pawlie 6 Nov. John JNIay & Joane Cocke 15 Jan. Eobert Pollard & Joane Hock- aday 20 Jan. Thomas Hawkey & Susanna Lae 26 Jan. John Kent & Joane Waye 27 Jan. John Brabyn & Anne Gwin- now 16 Feb. Eichard Eowse & Barbara Dyer Anno 1618. 1 June Eoiuald Peeter & Joane Nyn- nise 20 July Henry Helson & Katherine Moyle 26 Nov. Thomas Eetallack & Anne Ninnise 23 Jan. Humphry Thomas & Joane Kettoe Anno 1619. 5 April Thomas Simons & Elizabeth Trescott, vid. 29 May Jonathan Jewell & Emblyn Peeke 9 Nov. Nicholas Clemoe & Susan Eowse 15 Nov. Michaell Thomas & Petronell Hambly 1 Eeb. John AVilliams & Jone Pell 28 Feb. Pascowe Hawke (blank) 28 Feb. James James & Honor Eowe Anno 1620. 24 April Henry Husband & Jone Phillipp 24 April Thomas IViUiams & Mary Snowe 26 April Marten Tresteane & Pacience Tome 23 July Eichard Edwards & Eose Nankevall 3 Aug. Charles Trubodye,* gent., & Agnes d. of Thomas Hob- lyn, gent 21 Aug. Eobte Manuell & Bridget Baselye 2 Oct. William EandoU & Elizabeth d. of Pascow John Anno 1621. 17 April John Dayes man & mayde 13 April John Spreye & Jane Hosken 28 May Eichard Crawleigh & Eliza- beth Teeke 2 June Jeremye Kent & Susan Ben- nett * He was son and h. of Peter Trewbody, of Castle Lanlivery ; his wife was a sister of Mar- gery, wife of John Bere above, see note ante, 1 p. 147. 1621-27.] WEDDIXaS. 149 2 July 16 July 29 July 13 Aug. 27 Aug. 8 Oct. 30 Oct. 18 Dec. 29 April 29 April 26 Aug. 25 Nov. 27 Nor. 3 Feb. 17 Feb. 9 June 9 June 22 Sep. 12 Juue 17 Juue 26 July 16 Aug. 8 Nov. 7 Feb. 12 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 June ffrancis Trewman (llanJc) William Williams & Melleiye Moyle Eicliard Pynnoe & Jane Carter Alexander Penfound & Mar- gery Kelwaye Eawlyn Merefilde & M^ Vi- vian's mayde Thomas Richards aVs Bodye & Marye Tooker Walter Spreye & Agnes Tounge Hugh Sprey & Susanna Browne Axxo 1622. John Eowse & Joaue Tom Richard Hitchinge & Zenobia Merefeilde Henry Trehemban & (blank) Cocke William Thomas & Hester Nankivell John Bayly & Phillip Laugdon Greorge Nanskevell & Alles Skeberie Henry Blight & Margaret Lawry Anno 1623. Nicholas Stribley & Catherine Loves Thomas Law & Margaret Nor- ton John Luky & Petrouell Treve- thick Thomas Cirosse & Jane Jenkyn David Walky & Jane Harvey Anno 1624. James Dawe & Patience Smith, widdow John James & Ann Cocke Henry Eichard & Susan the widowe of Richard Healier Remphrey Jollye & Joane Jonas Robert West & Joane Haydon John Lawrye & Elizabeth Wil- liams 1625. Henrichus Harvey dvxit Elizabetham sail vxarem Bouu- 4 July William Keete* & Elizabeth Beare 30 July John Moyle & Rebecca Carwi- tham 27 Oct. Christopher Cocke & Dorothie White 31 Oct. Martyn Edwards & Thomasin Bounsell Anno 1626. 13 May William Calwaye & Jone Rouze 19 June fFrancis Rowse & May Michell 19 June Thomas Recorlake & Mawde his wiffe 18 July John Grace & Margery Up- cott 21 Aug. Anthoney Jenkyn & Jane Bennett 25 Sep. Edward White & Eliz. Bos- weage 10 Oct. Thomas Rouze & Anne Meihoe 11 Oct. Richard Copithorne & Priscilla Moyle 20 Nov. John Richard & Grace Coffyn 27 Nov. Walter Coryton & Elizabeth Williams 27 Nov. James Burlace & Alice Wil- liams Anno 1627. 17 April Robert James & Charity Wills 15 Jan. John Moydey & Jone Benny 23 April Peter Bond & Jane Olver 11 June Michaell Davy & Mary Retal- lack 16 July John Mayhow & Katherine Strangman 16 July Thomas Allen & Elizabeth Sexton 25 Aug. Lenard May & Elizabeth May 17 Sep. Thomas Tom & Constance Benat 15 Oct. Richard Merifeeld & Agnes Mayhow 29 Oct. Thomas Basly & Ann Richow 12 Nov. Nicholas Parkin & Catherine Grase 15 Jan. Henry Rowse & Joyse Strang- man 19 Jan. Abraham Martyn & Elizabeth John 25 Feb. John Drewe & Mary Bad- cocke * He was son of Italph Ketc, of S' Columb, by his first wife Anne, dau. of William Ai-scott, of Holsworthy. His wife was a dau. of Thomas Bere, of Trevedo. 150 THE REGISTERS OF tST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1628-34.. 9 June 8 July 17 Aug. 27 Oct. 26 Jan. 28 Jan. 21 April 29 June 6 July 6 July 16 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Jan. 18 April 29 April 7 June 15 June 29 June 25 July 2 Nov. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 21 Jan. 6 Feb. Anno 1628. Richard Blake & Elizabeth Tankyn Patient AVills & Ann Cocking JohuBroune &IIonnourCocket Peter Jinking,* gent., & Anna Pomeroye Thomas Pearse & Maiy James Thomas Williams & Grace Pudtegen ANTfo 1629. Thomas Gilbert & fflorence Juell John Grymes & Patience Rowse Richard Ilawkc & Jane Tren- beathe Nicholas Buckingham & Ann Tregeare John Kent & Anne Trespettigo Michaell Thomas & Ellenor Knight John Day & Katherine Bawden Anno 1630. John Toung & Mathow Hos- well John Rowse & fflorence Fare "William Basly & Joane Cundy Walter Vivian & Lowdy Car- lian Edward Knight & Joane Edye Richard Langdon & Joalie Case Christopher Knight & Margery Langdon Henry Rescorla & Alse Vivian William Jeffery & Elizabeth Blake Abraham Husband & Elizabeth John Anthony Whittford & Con- stance Vo under Anno 1631. 18 April Renold Hawkey & Marye Adams 6 June William Williams & Joane Jollye 6 June Davye Stribleye & Jane Thomas *_Hc was tl\c son of James Jcnkin. of Tre- kenning, in S' C'olumb Major, by Katheriue. dau. of John Carter, of S' C'olumb, and relict of John Brabrn, gent. She was the dau. of Andrew Pomeroy, of S' Columb by Jane, dau and h. of Digory Hext, of Launceston. 8 June Edward Ashe,* gent., & Anne Kete 31 Oct. Thomas Carthewe & Grace Lawrye 14 Jan. Davye Walkye & Johane Peter 21 Jan. John Kendall & Grace Pedler Anno 1632. 11 June Rignold Hawke & Anne El- Icrye 18 June Richard Hax & Margery Po- kinhorne 21 July Richard Tregennowe & Jane Polkinhorjie 4 Aug. Roger Browne & Blanche Scholler 10 Sep. Ricliard Carter & Marye Perse 26 Nov. Hearve Tregeare & Marye Olliver 21 Jan. John Darr & Elizabeth Arthur 4 Feb. John Hicks & Alee Hockyn 11 Feb. Josiah Daye & Dorothy Hus- band Anno 1633. 29 April John Horswell & An Bounscll 29 April John Jaen & Prissilla Lyll 5 July Archiball Rowse & Joane Steephens 15 July Nycholas Jane & Elizabeth Whyte 5 Aug. William Way & Johon Wil- liams 9 Nov. George King & Mary White 20 Jan. Sampson Rescorlaw & Hester Addames 20 Jan. Thomas Harrys & Cathereu Spray Anno 1634. 21 April Thomas Michell & Margaret Peuendre 2 June Thomas Weskote & Mary Res- corly 27 Oct. John Gregory & Peternell Meryfeld 3 Nov. TJieodorus Harvey & Chesson Richards 2 Nov. John Luky & Anish Daniell 24 Nov. John Strongman & Alse Simon 25 Nov. Hopson Baly & Elline Mahowe 23 Jan. John Oxman & Barbery Rouse * He was son of Hen. Ash, of Sowton, Devon, by Loveday, dau. of Rich. Moyle, of S' Austell, gent. His wife was a dau. of Ralph Kete, of S' Columb, by Ann, dau. of William Arscott, of Holsworthy. 1634^0.] 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 6 April 3 Ang. 5 Aug. 27 Aug. 21 Sep. 19 Oct. 2G Oct. 10 Nov. 12 Nov. ITeb. IFeb. 10 Feb. 2G April 27 April 30 April 19 July 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 20 Sep. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Nov. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 23 Jan. 25 April 25 June WEDDINGS. 151 David Hambly & Sessely Mor- come James Pennow & Jone Lan- dorig Robert Grose & Jone Cornish Anno 1635. Martyn Stephens & Johan Martyn Paschaw Browne & Margaret Cornish William Ollyver & Elizabeth Trevethan Barnabas Bettye & Katherine Pawlye Eichard Eouse & Amye Ca- paren Giles Trescott & Elizabeth Harvye George Spraye & flflorcnce Eowse Robert Nutting & Anne Dyer Thomas Gwynian & Mary Hey don Richard Hawke & Wilmott Berry AVilliam Cocke & Elizabeth Davye John Jolliffe & Ebett Priest Anno 1636. John Bettye & Jenneffer Bennye John Williams & Elizabeth Bettye Adam Dyer & Thomazin Cob John Roscorva & Sybella Evans Mychell Strongman & ffrances Stevens Anthoney Mytchell & Barba- rowe Nycholl Anthoney Pellawyn & Cenever Jollye Henry Peers & Janne Daye Barnabye Bettye & Constance Bishopp Henry Braye & Thamazine Rowsse Thomas Comon & Dorothie Philhppe Steven Lovell & An Baylye Mychaell Davye & An Bullen Anno 1637. Walter Noetover & Patience Yallis John Cundy & Ollife Vese 12 July John Jane & Jane Lenine 14 Aug. John Stephens & Ann Calway 2 Dec. Christopher Morcom & Eliza- beth Thomas 15 Jan. Ralfe Williams & Barbara Dyer 3 April Beniamen Harvey & Ebat Sckynr Anno 1638. 24 Sep. Christopher Wolcock & Chris- tian George 25 Sep. John Brent & Margaret Phil- lipes 12 Nov. Hugh Sprey & Catherine Bra- byn 1 Dec. John Strongman & Ann Harise 5 Jan. Henry Rowe & Passukis Jollye Anno 1639. 30 Sep. Thomas Boden & Patience Row 5 Oct. Christopher Parky n & Mary Lawry 5 Oct. Robert Husband & Elizabeth Hamlyn 12 Nov. John Mill & Elyzabeth Peist 25 Nov, John Staple & Joane Pidler 28 Nov. Thomas Pollard & Ann Tre- nance 29 April John Davye & Jone Keant 13 May John Gillingame & Ann Hawke 22 Jan. Mathew John & Mary Burlas Anno 1640. 13 April David fflod & Mary Nottcll 4 May Nicholas Basely & Jane Parkyn 8 June William James & Susan Robyns 4 Aug. John Notten & Katherine Parkyn 17 Aug. Reskimer Spreye & Joane Mayhow 8 Sep. Alexander Wills & Mary Lawry 28 Sep. John Hellyar & Alice Sandoe 27 Nov. Richard troth & Ann Car- thew 28 Nov. Bennett Perdew & Joane Pol- lard 18 Jan. Richard Nicholls & Jane Mollis 19 Jan. Peter Betty & Eralyn Davy 27 Jan. Nicholas Bounsell & Any John 28 Jan. Thomas Hockey & Joane Ste- phens 152 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1640-48. 17 Feb. ffrancis B urges* gen. & Ad a Hoblyn 20 Feb. James Scabenyow & Joane Potter Anno 1641. 5 May Thomas Trevriu & Jane Vivian 22 Sep. Jobn Bruar & Katharine Moore 5 Oct. Eichard JollyfFe & Frances Husband 19 Oct. Emanuell Hawke & Tamsin Landou 15 Xov. Eichard Pinnow & Jane Marke 22 Xov. Eichard Eetallack & Honor IMoses 25 Jan. William Lanyon & Elizabeth Graylyn Anno 1644. 13 May John Eouse & Jeneveetid Betty 17 June Peter Strongman & Ann Xet- ten 28 Oct. Thomas Langdon & Joane Hendy 30 Oct. Christopher Hendy & Peter- nell Abraham 18 Nov. Eichard Copithorne & Joan Mayhow 18 Nov. Eichard Litticott & Jane May Anno 1645. 21 July Christopher Morcomb & Ches- ton Woolcock 12 Sep. John Williams & Grace John 13 Oct. ffrancis Littacott & Honor Callaway 20 July Theophilus Lawe & Mary Harvey Anno 1646. 29 Sep. John Cocke & Sibella Eescorla, vid. * He was son of Humphry Burges of St. Erth, by Anne, dau. and heir of Eichard Tren- with of St. Erth, and married first Grace dau. of John Molesworth of Peucarrow, Esq., by whom he had no issue ; he married secondly as above, Ann dau. of Edw. Hoblyn of Xanswhyden. Esq., by Mary dau. and co-heir of Robert Apley of Barnstaple, Esq. ; by this lady he had twelve children, of whom six survived him, viz., Thomas, Edward, Humphrey, Grace, ]Mary, Judeth. The latter, who became his eventual heir, married the Piev. Rob. Hoblyn, and was mother of Francis Hoblyn of Nauswhyden, Esq., J.P., who mar. Lady Penelope Godolphin. dau of Sydney, first Earl of Godolphin. He was buried 7th October, 1684, and his wife 31st Aug., 1688, at St. Mary's, Truro, where a monnment to their memory was erected by their dau. Judeth Hoblyn. 8 Oct. Isack Jenkyn & Elizabeth French 2 Nov. Eobert Strongman & Mary Edwards 7 Dec. Humphrey Harvey & Sibella Denning 9 Feb. Henry Kuivett* gen. & Joane Hals 27 July Eichard Hawke & Elizabeth Hill 4 Aug. James Stephens & Joane Kest- lack 7 Sep. John Cartert gent. & Honour Lawry 28 Sep. Jo. Thorne & PeternellWilliams 3 Xov. Barnabas Betty & Joane Eowse 15 Xov. Henry Eowse & Joice Eowse 29 Nov. Eichard fford & Cissely Wes- terne 15 Dec. Thomas Nicholas & Joane Tome 25 Jan. John & Susan B X 27 Jan. Hugh Harvey & Mary Carter 28 Jan. AValter Vivian & Judeth Har- vey Anno 1647. 7 Feb. Anthony Pawley & Joane Staple 14 Feb. William Crewes & Elizabeth Donacombe Anno 1648. 29 April Eichard Moyle & Agnes Mi- chell 2 Oct. Eichard Langdon & Mary Eobins 29 Oct. Henry Littacott & Alice Calla- way 26 Dec. Thomas Callaway & Elizabeth Crawly 2 Jan. Wm. White & ffrances Pol- lard * He was son and heir of Thomas Knyvett of Rosemeryn, by Ellen, dau. of Rich. Forster. He was buried at Budock as Henry Knyvett, gent., in 1671, and his wife was buried at the same place iu 1669. f He was son of John Carter, gent., of St. Columb, by Mary, dau. of John Moyle of St. Ger- mans, gent. She was dau. of Sampson Lawry and Mary his wife (see bapt. 1627). They had issue. John who died young, and three daughters co-heirs, viz.. Honour, married William Silly ; Mary, married Thomas Hoblyn, of Tresaddern, gent. ; and Jane married Giles Riseden. J This entry is almost obliterated, and the man's name is without doubt Heudra (see bapt. 27 Jan., 1649) ; the wife's name commences with B, she probably being Susan, dau. of Walter Bishop, bapt. 16 Feb. 1619. 1648-53.] WEDDINGS. 153 19 Mar. Jolin England & Bridgett Donnacombe An?,-o 1649. 16 April "William Cundy & Joice Baylie 7 May John Eickerd & Margery Powell 21 May Nicliolas Williams & Cissely Treneage 29 May John Lawry & Susan Richards June* Thomas Rickerd & Mary Blake 20 Aug. Hum. Trehemban & Cissely Browne 19 Sep. Marke William & Mary Coule 29 Oct. Edward Knight & Joane Mor- combe 9 Jan. John Cockin & Eliz. Champion 11 Feb. Nicholas Eogers & Anne Buck- inghame Ars^so 1650. 14 June John Arthur & Thomasin Daye 1 July Giles Edwards &Margery Mill 15 July William Hawkye & Anne Bobins 27 July William Bone & Mary Copi- thorne 3 Aug, John Tyack & Margery Bishop 10 Aug. William Eichards & Joane Jolly 2 Oct. Alexander Wills & Elizabeth Hals 22 Oct. William Edwards & Grace Eichards 9 Nov. John Bligh & Elizabeth ffinch 2 Dec. Eoger Jonas & Olive Thomas Aisrxo 1651. 18 Nov. Eichard Hawke & Grace Eaw- lin * Blank. 29 Dec. Symon Trehemban & IMary Sprey 17 Jan. Eichard Eoope & Prissilla Coode 19 Jan. Christopher Jenkyn & Eichoe Dunne 14 Feb. John Berry & Thomasin Coade Anno 1652. 5 July Thomas Salter & Elizabeth Lawrey 17 July John Strongman & Mawde Eowse 24 July Eobert Skynner & Mawde Tenney 25 Sep. Eichard Scrivenire & Thomas Nicholas 8 Jan. Walter Dyer & Joane Woulfe 14 Feb. Thomas Tremayne & Jane Pollard 21 Feb. George Couch and Barbara Cockin ge Anno 1653. 13 April John Slade & Anne Hawkey 25 April Thomas Vincent & Olive Dan- caster 17 May Arthur Jolly & Anne Eowatt 9 July ffrancis Manuell & Mary Eichards 30 July Hugh Trenesell & Grace Thomas 1 Aug. Daniel Eopson & Hester Leekey 2 Aug. George Humphry & Jane Jane 8 Aug. Symon Law & Honour Bay ley 26 Sep. Eichard Dancaster & Jaue Tremayne 27 Sep. John Dives Clerk & Eliz. Merrifeild* * She was a dau. of Thomas Merrifield. gent. 154 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1653-4. SECOND VOLUME. A New Register Booke, made the Second daj' of January, 1G53, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament of the 24th of August last, in w'*' are Registered all the Contracts of Mariages and Publicacons thereof, Manages, Births, and Burialls, w"' have bin within the p'ish of Colombe Maior, in the Countye of Cornwall, since the said second day of January 1653, by George Kinge, elected by the p'ishioners to be Register for the said p'ish, and approved of and sworne by Richard Carter, Esquire, one of the Justices of the Peace of the said countye. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 20 Feb. 17 April 12 Mar. (Signed) RICH. CARTER. PFBLICACONS AND MARRIAGES, 1G53.* Anno 1653. 23 Jan. The contract of mariage be- tweene James Merefeild & Mary Code of this p'ish was the 8th day of January published the first tyme, 15th of January published the second tyme, the 22nd of January published the third tyme, and the 23rd of January the said James Merefeild & Mary Code were niaried. Mathew Handcock & Jane Bone 15 Jan., 22 Jan., 29 Jan. Anthony Harvey & Margery Cougdou 22 Jan., 29 Jan., 5 Feb. Robte Eqimett & Agnes Ser- ieant 22 Jan., 29 Jan., 5 Feb. Daniel Couch & Elliuor Skyn- uer 29 Jan., 5 Feb., 12 Feb. John Grace & Elizabeth Bray 12 Feb., 19 Feb., 26 Feb. Nathaniel Adams & Marye Burne 20 Feb., 5 March, 12 March 15 May John Kent & Gertrude Ken- dall 5 March, 12 March, 19 March * From this date down to 1659 the record of the marriages is contained in the same entry as the record of the publication of the contract of marriage ; but beyond the first entry, which is given in full by way of exam))le, it has been con- sidered advisable to abbreviate the entries to nearly the usual form. The date preceding the entry is that of the marriage, following the entries are those of the publication of banns. 10 April . . . .* 28 June 3 July 1 July 14 Aug. 26 Julv Richard Symons & Anstis Stone of Columb Minor 26 March, 2 April, 9 April Anno 1654. Thomas Harris & Joaue Page of Columb Minor 30 April, 7 May, 14 May Maugan Cornish & Philippa Collins 25 May, 28 May, 11 June Henry Blake & Elizabeth Allyn 28 May, 4 June, 11 June Richard Troth & Eiablyn Dale 11 Juue, 18 June, 25 June Elias Pollard & Susan Calway 9 July, 16 July, 23 July Robert J ames & Maud George first in the Markett Place 13 July, the second tyme in the Church 16 July, the third tyme in the Markett Place 20 July Thomas John & Beatresse Somer of Columb Minor 3 Sep., 10 Sep., 17 Sep. Robert Slyman & Frances Greenaway 17 Sep., 24 Sep., 1 Oct. John Tynnye & Mary Olver 8 Oct., 15 Oct., 22 Oct. Henry Dyer & Katheriue Hore 22 Oct., 29 Oct., 5 Nov. Richard Stephens & Ann Munday 22 Oct., 29 Oct., 5 Nov. Nighton Cock & Ann Soloman 22 Oct., 29 Oct., 5 Nov. * Where the dots occur the date of marriage is omitted iu the original. 5 Nov. 25 Nov. 1654-55]. WEDDINGS. 155 James Morris & Mary Bennye 29 Oct. & 2 Nov. in the Market place John Dingle & Jane Killston 5 Nov., 12 Nov., 29 Nov. Philip AV^hite & Jone Baselye 12 Nov., 19 Nov., 26 Nov. William Adam & Mary Wilton 12 Nov., 19 Nov., 26 Nov. William Arthnre & Dorothy Molcock of Colurab Minor 3 Dec, 10 Dec, 17 Dec. , . . . . William Trewren of Madderue 6 Elizabeth Code of this p'ish 10 Dec, 17 Dec, 21 Dec. , . . . . Eicliard Audrewe of Crantock & Elizabeth Otes of Pad- stowe 31 Dec, 7 Jan., 14 Jan. .... John Cougdon of Columb Minor & Mary Sampson of the same 31 Dec, 7 Jan., 14 Jan. .... John Jose & Diana Adams of Crantock 21 Jan., 28 Jan., 4Eeb. .... Pascow Higgons of Crantock & Joane Williams of the same 4 Eeb., 11 Feb., 18 Eeb. Anj^o 1655. .... William Tronlson of Coliimb Minor & Isott Morris of Little Colan 15 April, 22 April, 29 April .... Henry Trehembam & Joane Mill 22 April, 29 April, 6 May .... Abel Williams & Katheriue Jolly 6 May, 13 May, 20 May 6 July John Richards & Honor Eons, first 27 May in the Market place, 3 June, 10 June .... Eichard Lukys of Columb Minor & Tbomasine Scon- serne of the same 27 May the first tyme in the Markett place, 3 June, 10 June .... Eichard Jeffery of Columb Minor & Alice Wickett of Little Colan 27 May the first tyme in the Markett place, 3 June, 10 June .... Thomas Trenance of Withiell & Katharine Cock of this p'ish 27 May, 3 June, 10 June 9 July Christopher Blake & Anne Eescorla 10 Jvme, 17 June, 24 June 10 July Thomas Wills s. of Mathewe Wills of this p'ish, deceased, & Grace Crowley, dau. of Eichard Crowley of this p'ish, deceased 17 June, 24 June, 1 July Colan Blew^ett* s. of Colan Blewett, of Little Colan, Esq., deceased, & Elizabeth Wrey, dau. of Sir William Wrey, knight & bart., de- ceased Published in the Markett place 21 June, 28 June, 5 July 27 Sep. Thomas Nick'lus & Dorcas Eobarts of Columb Minor Published three tymes upon three several Lords dayes 18 Sep. William Beaffbrd of this p'ish & Alice Hearle of Cubye, published three tymes upon three several Lords dayes ended 5 Aug., and w^ere married by Eichard Collins (In the time of the Eebel- lion, and were fully maryed by the Minister the 10th day of Sept., 1656t). Eobert Code & Jane Stephens published three tymes ended 2 Sept. Eobert Moyle of this p'ish & Mary Thomas of Gwendron, published three tymes ended 25 Sept., and were maried by Eichard Carter, Esq. Thomas Bounsell & Honor Strangman, published three tymes ended 22 Sep. 17 Nov. Thomas Cock s. of John Cock of Columb Minor & Mary Samon dau. of John Samon, published three tymes ended iO June, & were maried by Eichard Carter, Esq. * Colan Blewett bap. at Colan. 14 Sep., 1630. He was a major in the army of King Charles I., and ob. s.p. His wife Elizabeth was a dan. of Sir William Wrey, second bart., by his wife Elizabeth, youngest dau. of Sir Edw. Chichester, created Earl of Donegal. •f This part in brackets is added between the lines by another hand, 156 THE REGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1655-7. 18 Feb. Henry Endeen s. of Hen. Endeen of Colomb Minor, deceased & Philippa Roberts dau. of John Roberts of Columb Minor, published three tymes ended 18 Nov. "William Sampson & Audrey Lukye of this p'ish, pub- lished three tymes ended 16 Dec. Arthur Broade of this p'ish & Margery Blake of Maugan, published tliree tymes ended 20 Jan. Joseph Fittick of Colomb Minor & Jane Cock of the same, published three tymes ended 31 Jan. Grabriell Newton of Mawgan • & Maud Werringe* of Little Petherick, published in the Markett place on three several markett dayes ended 21 Feb., & maried by Richard Carter, Esq. John Naparroe of this parish &AlieePynnoe of this p'ish, published upon three several Lord's dayes end 17 Feb., & were maried by Richard Cai'ter, Esq. Anno 1656. 27 May Oliver Baselye of this p'ish & Katherine Badge of Cam- borne, published the last time 24 Feb. Maried by Richard Carter, Esq. Mathew Adams of this p'ish & Joan Fr}^ of Bodmin, the last time 16 March John Blake of Maugan & Elizabeth Hawke of Colomb Minor, 3 April 26 April Stephen Sleepe of Eunoder & Margery Gammoe of Colomb Minor, 3 April. Mar. by Ric. Carter, Esq. "William Moore & Mary Dyer of this p'ish, 20 April John "Wise of Eunoder & Elizabeth Calway, 20 April John Day s. of James Day, gent. & Jane Godfrey dau. of Lewis Godfrey, gent. 27 April ■ This sliould be Warue. 21 June Anthony Michell & Christian Lukye of this p'ish, 8 June. Mar. by Ric. Carter, Esq. Ralph Chenowith & Anstis Jolly of this p'ish, 17 Aug. John Legge s. of John Legge, clerke, deceased & Elizabeth Hicks dau. of John Hicks, gent., deceased 23 Nov. 20 Dec. Thomas Calway & Joane Cop- pithorne of this p'ish, 30 Nov. Mar. by "William Orchard, Maior of Bodmyn. Robert May & Jane Kent of this p'ish, 18 Jan. Anno 1657. 7 April Christopher Inch & Joane Baylye, 29 Feb. Mar. by Tho. Gawen, Esq. 1 Mar. Edmund Hughes, clerke & Martha Bluett, 15 Feb. Mar. by Ric. Carter, Esq. 11 May Henry Warne & Diana Philpe 8 Feb., & mar. by "William Orchard, Maior of Bodmyn 4 Mar. Richard "Whitford of Little Colan & Ann Brabyn of this p'ish, 22 Feb. Mar. by AV'illiam Opye, Justice in Bodmyn John "Worry of St. "Wen & Charitye Salter of this p'ish 8 March Henry "W^atts of St. Stephens & Elizabeth Rowse of this p'ish, 5 April John Gilbert & Joane "West of this p'ish, 5 April William Jolly & Joane Retal- lack, 19 April Henry Brewer & Barbara Rowse, 3 May 20 July "William Lanyon & Emma Hockyn, 12 July, & mar. by Ric. Carter, Esq., one of tlie Justices 5 Aug. Richard Congdon & Margaret Sprey, 19 July, mar. by Thomas Travers, clerk 26 Oct. John Davis & Dorothy Libby of this p'ish, 2 Aug., mar. by Thomas Travers, clerk 6 Oct. Peter Kendall & Anne "Williams 9 Aug. Mar. by Tho. Travers, clerk John Best & Jane Warne 23 Aug. 1657-63.] WEDDINGS. 157 23 Oct. George Kinge & Mary Tucker 6 Sep., mar. by Edmund Hughes, clerk Maugan Cock of Maugan & Milson Pollard, 13 Sep. 3 Nov. Peter Eescorlae & Joyce Strangmau, mar. by Tho. Travers, clerk 17 Nov. John Eowse & Elizabeth Crase 30 Jan. Nicholas Basely & Ann Sprey Anno 1658. 27 Mir. John Merifield & Beaton Bay- leiffe 4 June Daniell James & Joane Dun 8 June Thomas Michell & Thomasine Strongman 8 June Edmond Walkey & Elliuor Perry 21 June Phillipp Nicklas & Alice Rous 20 July George Luny & Mary May 22 July Peter Day & Jone Brabyn 21 July Edward Crawley & Katherine Lovell 24 July John Stevens & Presilla Libbey 13 Dec. Thomas Williams & Jone Peirse 29 Dec. William Metherell & Agnes Moyle 29 Dec. Jonathan Bowse & Grace Cor- nish Anno 1659. 16 May Eichard Edwards & Temper- ance Stephens 2 July Arthur Comon & Alice West 10 July Edward Hoblyn,* gent. & Brid- gett Carewe John Hicks & Zenoby Gilbert, published three times 10 July Henry Hobert & Sara Browne 10 July William Merifeild & Jone Weatcote 5 Nov. Elias Pollard & Anne Allen 26 Dec. John Allen & Mary Wilhams 9 Jan. Ralph Crawley & Elizabeth Couth 17 Jan. William Jolly & Honor Wool- cock 10 Eeb. John Bourne & Margeiy Hatch 28 Feb. Thomas Drew & Jaell Davye * He was the third son of Edw. Hoblyn of Nanswhydcn. Esq., by his wife Mary, dan. and co-heir of Robert Apley of Barnstable ; he was town clerk of Bodmin, and died 28 Dec, 1688, aged 62. His wife was one of the daughters and co-heiresses of John Carew of Peuwarue ; by her he was ancestor of Hoblyn of I'euhargard, C'ol- quite aud Croaue. 8 Mar. Thomas Withell & Mellior Richards Anno 1660. Henry Jolly & Elizabeth Skyuner Marty n Strongman & ffrances Steephens Richard Williams & Margery Langdon Dennis Westcott & Agatha Samble Gilbert Lawnder & Melior Williams John May & Grace Stribly Henry Morcomb & Hester Rescorla John Truscott & Margaret Lawry James Hawkey & Issabell Steephens Richard Veale & Margaret Wills Lawrence Kendall & Junifell Pollowyn Richard Slade & Emblyn Daye John Bryant & Udye Wills Anno 1661. William Moore & Dorothy Wills Edward Lawry & Margery Grosse John Hawkey & Ann Dancas- ter Christopher Wilcock & Peter- nell Tenny James Watts & Ann Bewes John Rouse & EUinor Pen- found 4 Jan. John Thomas & Margery Reig- nold Anno 1662. 17 June William Dennis & Agnes Kestlack 9 Sep. Remfrey Rowse & Jane Drew 21 Oct. Bernard Rowse & Elizabeth Hawkey 10 Nov. John Loggett & Joane Nan- pareow 13 Jan. Luke Giles & Honor Lee 20 Jan. Richard AYills & Elizabeth Coode 13 Feb. William Vigers & Anne Slade Anno 1663. 27 April John Smyth & Raddigan Lit- tacott 23 April 17 Sep. 6 Oct. 16 Oct. 29 Oct. 10 Nov. 13 Nov. 27 Nov. 27 Nov. 18 Dec. 28 Dec. 1 Jan. 5 Feb. 16 April 19 April 14 May 3 June 19 Aug. 22 Aug. 158 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1663-68. 12 May Edward Crewes & Anne Pol- lard 19 May Thomas Warne* & Elizabeth Lovell 15 June Morgan Oliver & Mary Sweete 4 July Thomas Hockyn & Agues AVilliams 14 July Edward Merrifeild & Alice Sprey 4 Aug. Stephen Stephens & Anne Husband 8 Sep. George Bayley & Elizabeth Emett 10 Nov. Arthur Jenkya & Joane Mar- shall 19 Jan. Peter Cockyn. and Honor "Williams 3 Eeb. John Brabyn, gent. & Alice Daye Anno 1664. 26 April John Watts & Jenifer Eouse 21 June John Lee & Sibella Law 16 July John Lawrey & Maude Pun- cher 25 July Eichard Hoblyn,t Esq., & Anne the daughter of John Carew of Penwarne, Esq. 16 Aug. John Earner & Ann Bayley 10 Sep. Isack jS'icholl & Elizabeth Eeede 17 Sep. John Jane & Honour Grace 17 Sep. Thomas Hendra & Jane Hicks 17 Sep. John James and Elizabeth Harris 19 Oct. William Evelyn & Jane Ees- corla 16 Xov. Daniell Phillipp & Marion Knight 16 Jan. Eobert Edwards & Emblyu Champion 17 Jan. John Peters & Marion Spry Akno 1665. 10 April John Williams & Margery Polkinghorue 29 April William Tenney & Honor Eowe 27 April Henry Gill & Mary Coriton * Son of Jolin Waime of St. Issey ; she was dau. of Stephen Lovell by Ann his wife, dau. of John Bayly. They had several children, of whom Stephen left descendants. f He was a sou of Edw. Hoblyn, of Nans- whyden, Esq., by Mary, daughter and co-heir of Rob. Apley of Barnstaple ; he was of Antron, and mar. one of the daughters and co-heirs of John Carewe of Penwarne, but ob. s. p. will proved in 1693. 1 Aug. 12 Aug. 25 Oct. 14 Nov. 29 Nov. Eobert Litticott & Joane Brent Thomas Eowse & Joane Tre- thewy Stephen Banger & Eachell Eescorla John Seyntaubin* the sone of John Seyntaubyn, Esq. & Anne tlie d. of James Jeu- kyn, Esq., deceased Eichard Edward & Margery Barber Henry Lee & Barbara Baslcy Gidion Cockyn & ffrances Husband Charles Thomas & Joane Bray David Pearse & Alice NichoU Asso 1666. William Cock & Ann Eichards John Whitford & Thomas Steephens Thomas Littacott & Jane Har- bor James Moyle & Joane Thomas James Metherell & Emblya Arthur Charles Eetallack & Dorcas Hoskyu Thomas Salter & Jone Vanson An>'o 1667. James Eouse & Margaret Thomas John Westerne & Beaton Merifeild Thomas Geach & EUinor Luney Eicliard Pinnowe & Mary Eowe John Husband & Honor May Phillip Kinge & Joane Ellery Edward Pollowyn & Elizabeth Hambly Ealph Lamb & Mary Arthur John Blake & Alice Hockey A>fxo 1668. John Buckthorpth & ffrances Littacott Thomas Scaberioe & Elizabeth Hockyn * This John St. Anbyn was created a baronet in 24 Charles II., 1671 ; he married as above a dau. and co-heir of James Jenkyn of Trekynning in St. Columb, Esq., by whom he had Sir .John, the second bart.. and two daughters, Anne and Elizabeth ; the latter mar. Tho. Northmore of Cleave, near Exeter. (See also note, p. 60.) 2 Dec. 23 Jan. 29 Jan. 26 Feb. 16 April 14 July 4 Jan. 16 Jan. 2 Feb. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 25 April 29 June 24 July 26 July 27 July 5 Oct. 12 Nov. 80 Nov. 80 Nov. 14 April 4 July 1668-74.] WEDDINGS. 159 26 Sep. John PoUouwyn & Phillippa Laugman 29 Sep. Henry Burgh & Honor Lovell 10 Oct. Arthur Comon & Phillippa James 26 Oct. John Bale & Thomazine Ees- corla 10 Nov. Eichard Lovell & Mary Jolly 13 Jan. Eichard fforde & Audrye Sprey 15 Jan. John Cawdy & Joane Martin 6 Feb. Samuel Edwards & Joane Thorne Anno 1669. 10 May William Delbridge & Honour Williams Henry Jolly & Anne Eawe George Eandle & Jane Basely Thomas Callaway & Eliz. Kestlack William Darre & Jone Callaway John Tome & Thomasine Peter Anno 1670. fcancis Trebilcock & Pernell Levermore Nicholas Slanninge,* k^^* of the bath and baronett, & Mary the daughter of James Jenkyn, Esq., deceased Edward Coucli & ffrances Baylie Anno 1671. Elias Heard & Dorothy fEoun- taine Stephen Stephens & Joane Cornish Anno 1672. Phillip Oxnam & Epiphany Salter Edward PoUowyn & Jane Bewes Thoma.s Stevens & Dorothy Sleepe John Cock & Mary Scaberio Thomas Bennet & Margarite Grimes * Sir Nicholas Slanning was created a baronet 19 Jan.. 1662-3. He married first Ann daughter of Sir George Carteret, bart., of St. Owen's in Jersey ; secondly, Mary dau. of Sir Andrew Henley of Henley, co. Somerset, bart. ; thirdly, the co-heir of James .Jenkin. of Trekynning, as above ; and fourthly, a dau. of Edmond I'arker, of Borrington. He had issue by his second wife only, a son. Sir Andrew Slanning, 2 bart., who died s.p. 2 Sep. Eobert Clemow & Sara Prater 8 Oct. James Peters & Gartrid Spry 4 Nov. fFrancis Godolphin* & Grace Crewes 28 Jan. Peter Husband & Anne Cham- min Anno 1673. 7 April Simon Eawling & Alice Cockin 7 April John Allen & ftrances Hors- well 3 May Nycholas Bounsell & Jane Allen 13 June Theophilus Betty & Hester Hoge 24 June Henry Cock & Mary Cock 14 July Thomas Lawe & fflorence Husband 2 Sep. Henry Warne & Katherine Ivy 11 Sep. Thomas Michell & Frances Cruse 18 Nov. John Sprey & Joan Eowse 17 Jan. Charles Gummow & Joan Hawk 27 Jan. John Browne & Frances White 17 Feb. Frances Poole & Grace Da we x\.NNO 1674. 7 May John Sherman & Jane Short 26 June George Champion & Jane Hay croft 23 July Samuell Pryn & Jane Eoe 4 Aug. William Minnow & Florence Eescorla 8 Aug. John Edwards & Charity Wit- hell 29 Aug. Peter Pollard & Johan Hum- phrey 5 Sep. Charles Bownsell & Anne Lovell 22 Sep. Thomas Guilly & Mary West- cott 26 Sep. Christopher Eeynold & Jane Brabyn 9 Nov. Eichard Eetallack & Christian Westerne 13 Jan. Eichard Pollard & Jane Blake 3 Feb. George Eeignolds & Elizabeth Williams * He was probably son of John Godolphin of St. Kew by Honor, dau. of John Molesworth, who was third son of John Godolphin, second son of Sir Francis Godolphin of Godolphin. His wife was a dau. of William & Elizabeth Crewes of St. Columb(seeher bapt. 1649). They had issue, three sons and six daughters ; of these Anthony mar. twice, and left issue by both wives. 160 THE EEaiSTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1675-82. AxNO 1675. 27 April Eicliard Hawke & Jane Barber 29 April Eobert Litticott aVs Grigor & Grace Cuudey 23 Oct. John Harvey & Julyan Troun- sell 27 Nov. Erancis Eescorla & Elizabeth Agre 5 Feb. George Sleepe & Philip Payn- ter Anno 1676. 27 Mar. William Silly,* Esq. & Honor the dau. of John Carter, Esq., deceased 8 April John Pill & Margarite Pawly 10 June Henry Langdon & Dinah Martyn 16 Sep. Jacob Husband & Mary Mar- tyn 21 Oct. John Strongman & Elizabeth Crawley 21 IVov. Nicholas Hodge & Jane Farroe 4 Dec. "William Hendra & Johan Hoskyn 3 Peb. John Benallack & Alice Wil- liams Anno 1677. 16 June John Cocking & Elizabeth Pollowyn 4 July John Mill & Johan Congdon 16 July Ezekiell Gummow & Christian Pollard 27 July Christopher Bethick & Emblin Martyn 22 Sep. Wm. Hawkins & Sarai Eey- nolds Anno 1678. 17 June Henry Chapman & Avis Withiell 29 June William Minnow & Mary Eichards 12 Sep. John Whitaker & Honor Darr 21 Feb. John Gibbs & Thomas Prater Anno 1679. 6 May John Polkinghorne & Mary Thomas * He was of Trevelver, sou of John Silly of St. Wenn, afterwards of Trevelver in St. Minver, M.P. for Bodmin, by Jane dau. of William Cotton, Precentor of Exeter. Honor Carter, one of the co-heirs of John Carter of St. Columb, was his second wife, the issue of whom, two daughters, became co-heirs, viz., Jane, married Nathaniel Shepherd of Little St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London, and Honour, married Anthony Tanner of St, Euodcr, died s.p. 18 July Edward Eickard & Barber Jolly e 29 July John Joynking & Charritye Pozowarnc 16 Sep. Eichard Williams & Susan Eichards 23 Feb. Eichard Cock & Joane Stibbert Anno 1680. 21 April William Moore & Avis Couch 8 May Eobert Manuell & Marye Couch 1 May George Tom & Mary Hockin 17 Sep. Eobert Eetallack & Mary Edwards 2 Oct. John Tyer & Honor Launder 23 Oct. Humphrey Harvey, junr. & Jane Warue 80 Dee. John Bishop, rector, & An* the daughter of Eobert Hoblyn, Esq. 15 Jan. John Sanders & Margaret Burlace 29 Jan. Stephen Heudy & Christian Callaway 5 Feb. Nicholas Hawk & Dorcas Barry 25 Feb. Anthony Eobbins & Elizabeth Barry Anno 1681. 7 May Peter Bounsell & Mary Audredg 27 May William Bazely & Elizabeth Michell 18 June William Samble & Mary Man- uell 2 July Bernard Lobb& Jane Williams 28 Oct. Henry Jolly & Hon'' Bounsell 21 Nov. AVilliam Arundellf & Honor Pollard 24 Nov. Thomas Tibb & Elizabeth Barry 26 Dec. Charles Allen & Thomas. Skinner 4 Feb. John Thorn & Jane Couch 28 Feb. John Eouse & Joan White Anno 1682. 13 Oct. Arthur Broad & Mary Adams 4 Nov. John Harvy & Jone Stephens 6 Jan. William Eichards & Joan Carne * Daughter of Rob. Hoblyn, of Nanswhyden, Esq., by Grace, dau. and co-heir of John Carew of Penwarne. They had issue Eobert, Johanne, and Edward. The Rev. John Bishop mar. second!)- Mary, dau. of Rev. Thomas Pendarves, rector of St. Columb and Mawgau, by whom he had several other children. ■J- See note p. 71, ante. 1683-88.] WEDDINGS. 161 Anno 16S3. 8 July Thomas Bounsell & G-race Bawden 16 July Gabriell Glauvill & Ilouour Lawry 12 Nov. Richard Callaway & ffrauees Micliell 14 Nov. Emanell Tonkyn of the p'ish of St. Dennis & Mary Best of the p'ish of St. "Wenn 26 Dec. Humphrey Benney & Dorothy Eow 15 April Thomas Tonkyn & Jone Lawry Anno 1684. 28 April John Beauchamp,* Esq. & Emblyn Edwards 21 May William Beret & Margaret Metherell 24 May John Drew & ffrauces Retal- lack 30 June Samuel Chamjiion & Lydia Batten 26 July Thomas Adams & Elizabeth Stephens 22 Sep. Giles Riseden, Esq. & Jane Carter I 10 Nov. Symon Law & Thomasin Wil- liams 26 Dec. Richard Bray & Ebbott John 1 Jan. Morgan Roberts & Diana James 9 Jan. JohnAbram& Judeth Williams 20 Jan. Walter Vivian & Anue Howe 14 Feb. Thomas Langdon & Joane Harvey 27 April William Lawe & Grace Rawlin AnNo 1685. 9 May John Langdon & Entice En- dean 16 May William Minuoe & Johane Paine 16 May James Cocke & Mary Michael 1 Aug. John Michell & Avis Mill * Son of John Beauchamp of Chiton (Chytane) in St. Enocler. In a short pedigree of Beauchamp of Pengreep, in the Herald and GcncaJofiist, vol. viii.. p. 518, the above John and Emblyn are given as ancestors of Francis Beauchamp of Pengreep, who mar. Ellen Cran- mer ; this is evidently an error, the date of the mar. is given as 1581, instead of lfi84. Sec also Col. Vivian's Visitations of Cornwall ; ped. Beau- champ of Benerton and Beauchamp of Chiton. f He was probably a son of Geo. Bere of St. Ervan. % She was youngest dau. and co-heir of John Carter of St. Columb. 8 Aug. William Daneaster & Joan. Harden 3 Oct, Jonathan Daw & Ann Thomas 31 Oct. Luke Jolly & Elizabeth Bone 17 Nov. George Hicks & Grace May 19 Nov. ffrancis Bedella & Elizabeth Law 21 Nov. John Strongman & Julian Bilky 26 Dec. Thomas Launder & Mary Hawkey Anno 1686. 17 April Marke Lawry & Gartherude Bone 4 June Wil 1 i am AVarne* & Anne Broad 21 Aug. William Tucker & Mary Goade 7 Sep. Thomas Bolitho & Anne Jolly 16 Sep. Thomas Day & Grace Kent 25 Sep. Thomas Smith & Joane Call- away 25 Sep. James Olliver & Margery Chapell 16 Oct. James Callaway & Rebecca Martyn 27 Nov. John Leverton & Mary Ste- phens 15 Jan. Martyn Tom & Dorothy Luke 20 Jan. Edward Cruse & Sarah Bishopp Anno 1687. 9 April Arthur Michell & Peternell Bone 9 April Arthur Veale & Ruth Brewer 4 June James Bone & Katherine Davies 23 Sep. Henry Rescorla & Joane Downeing 8 Oct. William Lunye & Jane Thomas 10 Oct. William Merifeild & Bridgett Bounden 15 Oct. Thomas Trevithick & Mary Peters 7 Nov. Nathaniell Adams & Rebecca George 26 Dec. Nicholas Peters & Jane Thomas Anno 16S8. 5 May Thomas Crapp & Rose Meri- feild 2 June Phillip Harvey & Marrett Row * He was son of Tho. Warne & Eliz. Lovell. His wife was a daughter of Arthur Broad and his wife, Margery Blake, of Mawgan. 162 THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLrMB MAJOR [1688-93. 8 Sep. William Clemens & Elizabeth Crews 21 Sep. Thomas Hoblyn,* gent., & Mary the daughter of .Tolm Car- ter, Esq'' 16 Nov. Maryn Tom & Constance Bodye 22 Dec. Eobert' Husband & Milocnt Eetallack 31 Dec. ffrancis PoUard & Susanna Harris 9 Feb. Nicholas Grigg & ffrauces Griggor Akno 1689. 20 July Elias Pollard & Ebbott Bray, wid. 9 Oct. Eichard Langdon & Katbcryn {hhmJc)f 26 Oct. "William Ilornbrooke & Anne Merifeild 30 Nov. Edward Peters & Maudlyn Jeffery 14 Jan. Nathaniel Davies & Jane Richards 10 Feb. Jobn Langdon & Joue Langdon 17 Feb. John Strongman & ff ranees Launder Anno 1690. 6 June Thomas IMannell & Elizabeth Morcombe 9 June Phillip Eliot & Abbigall Jolly 29 Sep. Henry Mill & Joane Watts Oct. Ezethill Retallack & Patience Brewer 7 Nov. Edward Richards & Blanch Jully 28 Nov. Edward AVilliams & Temper- ance Skinner 5 Dec. John Richard & ISlary Mill 15 Jan. John Davyes & Mary Blight 7 Feb. James Brear & Honor fford 20 Feb. W"' Minnow & Elizabeth Thomas 21 Feb. George Jolly & Ann Kent * He wfis of Tresaddern. in St. Cohnnb (son of Rob. Hoblyn, of Nanswhyden, by Grace Carew) ; his wife was tlie second daughter and coheiress of John Carter, of St. Colnmb, by whom he had an only son, John Hoblyn, of Kenwyn, from whom the present William Pa.set Hoblyn, Esq.. of The Fir Hill, descends, and who ntill possesses some of the property acquired by this maniage, called the Carter Rocks, lying off the adjacent coast. t A blank left. Anno 1691. 29 April John CoUock & Joane Capell 16 IMay Thomas Callaway & Mary Bettenson, widow 20 May Thomas Starr & ffrances Ox- nam 18 Sep. James Blake & Constance Troth 10 Oct. Jacob Tonkin & Elizabeth Bone 7 Nov. Joell Capell & Elizabeth Allen 9 Nov. John Eudye & Magdaline Eudye 28 Dec. Henry Cock & Mary Cock 2 Jan. Lancelott Clemens & Grace Tenny 9 Feb. James Merifield & Katherine Clemow Anno 1692. 30 April John Isabell & Grace Neele 21 Sep. Daniell Rapson & Margery Barnes 25 Sep. John Pill & Mary Hare 20 Oct. William Cock,* gent., & Mary the daughter of Robert Hoblyn, Esq'' 18 Nov. Abraham Lee & Patienc James 31 Dec. Humphrey Benny & Jone Roberts 7 Jan. Anthony Callaway & Redde- gon Trevenna 14 Jan. Henry Withell & Ursula Par- row 8 Feb. John Eastman & Jane Wills Anno 1693. 25 April Joseph Jane & Jane Merefield 6 IMay Henry Thomas & Jane Palmer 13 May John Cayzer & ffrances Strongman 8 Sep. Thomas Williams & Grace Cockaine 9 Sep. Isaack Nicholls & Jane Retal- lack 23 Sep. Joseph Merefeild & Jane Crawley 20 Oct. Richard Cowle & Thomas Tre- uennis 8 Dec. Stephen Warnef & Mary Jack Andrew * He was of Helston, solicitor : his wife a daughter of Rob. Hoblyn, of Nanswhyden, by Grace Carew. f He was son of Tho. Warne and Eliz. Lovell ; they had several children, of whom Simon alone survived and married. 1694-1703.] Anno 1G94. 15 June Eobert Vincent & Elizabeth Merefield 21 July Hugli Blake & Elizabeth Mit- chell 27 Oct. AVilliam Harris & Frances Rawe 12 JS'ov. John Banger & Mary Pearse 1 Dec. Isaack Jenkyn & Ollive West- cott 15 Jan. Eichard Webber & ffrances Jolley Anno 1695. 1 April Henry Tenny and Priscilla George 25 May Eicbard Cornish & Phillippa Harris 15 June Thomas Hocken and Ann Brewer 17 Aug. Eichard Manuell & Dorothy Pearse 12 Oct. Samson Gerrans & Christopher Arthur 5 Eeb. Thomas Callaway & Junipher Wills 25 Feb. Thomas Issabell & iHorence Harris Anno 1696. 28 April Thomas Merrifield & Joue Watts 21 May Patherick Jelbert & Ann Mit- chell 15 June Bernard Lobb & Elizabeth Jolley 20 June Mathew Eopstone & Marrian Cornish 26 June Eichard Webber & ffrances Buckth ought 7 Oct. Olliver Basley and Charity Capell 30 Oct. Blight Haycroft & M'^ Honor Champion, married at St, Enoder 28 Nov. Olliver Eawc & Jane Scabee- rian 16 Jan. Phillip King & Mary Eobyns Anno 1697. 22 May Edward Basley and Barbara Wolcock 1 Jan. John Perkins & Junifer Pol- lawyn 11) Feb. Henry Darr & Mary Eawe Anno 1698. 14 May Johu Tenny & Temperance Hawking WEDDINGS. 163 14 June John Hilbron & Temperance Stephens 2 July James Adams & Margarett Puuchard 7 July John Tenny and Elizabeth Arthur 18 Feb. Eobert Merefield and Jane Hawke Anno 1699. 27 Jan. John Lawrey & Joue Leekey 10 Feb. William Dennis, jun,, & Joue Trenennis Anno 1700. 29 May George Thomas* 5 Oct. Ealph Chynoweth & Joan Couch 7 Oct. Thomas Polkinghorne* 9 Nov. Christopher Tresteaue* 26 Dec. Thomas Henry* 27 Dec. Eichard Cowle* 28 Dec. John Jelbert & Katheryn May 4 Jan. Abraham Husband* 8 Feb. Eichard Garlant & Dorothy Clemows 21 Feb. Charles Scraberrian & Mar- gery Bonython Anno 1701. 23 May Better Best & Susanna Nor- wayel 10 Nov. Thomas Chappie & * 13 Feb. Ealph Allen & Mary White Anno 1702. 13 May Cliarles Jones, of S' Ives, in the county of Cornwall, gent., & Margery Keigwin, of Penzance 22 May Thomas Symons & Christian Gerans 25 July John Baling & Martha Pawle 24 Oct. William Withell and Mary .Jolley 20 Dec. Peter Tremaine al's Cocking & Margery Eayling 31 Dec. William Eesogau & Emblyn Day Anno 1703. 18 April William Bone & Temperance Luley 16 May John Harris & Ann Hawke 13 Nov. James Moarshead and Ann Leverton 14 Feb. Samuel Williams & Honor Manuell * Sic. 164^ THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1704-11. 20 April 26 April 13 May 27 May 15 July 23 Jxily 23 Oct. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 27 Dec. 23 April 6 July 8 July 22 July 17 ^ov. 25 Mar. 27 Mar. 19 Aug. 5 Oct. 9 Nov. 21 Dec. 20 Dec. 24 Eeb. 14 April 17 July 7 Sep. 8 Sep. 31 Jan. 14 Eeb. 29 June 29 Aug. Anno 1704. Jonathan Barrett & Catlieriu Barry Degory Keast & Pentecost "Woodman Eobcrt Husband & Joau Honey Metliuselan Williams & Mary Harris Jolm Gilbert & Dinah Best John Keast & Jane Pliilp, both of S* Cne M'' Erancis Hawkinns, of Ilel- ston, & M" jNIargery Harris Peter Pollard & Mary Tre- main Eobt Philips of S* Denis & Elizabeth Capell Thomas Pearse & Margery Bounsell Anno 1705. Philip Michell & Phillippa Leeks Tho. Baseley & Frances Hicks Philip Callaway and Hon'' Andrews Popham Marrice & Catherin Langdon Antony Crodolphin & Mary Penrose AxKO 1706. Tho. Gilbert & Prudence Tre- geare M"^ Walter Harris & Elizabeth y*^ dau. of M'' John King Eichard Arnold & Ursula Tre- vethan' John Meudon & Mary Tyre Henry Lee & Eliz. Day Eichard Hambly & Eliz. Smith William Baseley & Sarah Hockin Dauiell Sleep & Gerthurude Peters Anno 1707. John Parking & Mary Hodge Tho. Cornwall & Eliz. Brown William Brewer & Mary Woolcock George AYakeham & Jane Cockinn Eichard Lovell & Jane Oliver Tho. May & Jane Callaway Anno 1708. John Hicks & Phillippa Tucker John Chapell & Martha Lang 25 Sep. John Hawke & Joan Callaway 4 Oct. Eichard Michell & flrances Eeth 13 Oct. William Williams & Barbara Clements 1 Jan. Ste])hen Tyer & Margarctt Tyer 1 Jan. Faithful Cock & Joan Adams 3 Jan. Ishmael Pearse & Honor Coekyn 5 Feb. Anthony Langdon & Ann Nicliolls 13 Feb. John Hendy & Ebat Jolly 20 Eeb. James Cowling & Jane Hay- croft Anno 1709. 3 June William Brewer & Elizabeth Hocken 20 July Tho. Hicks & Elizabeth Drew Aug. Gilbert Merrifield & Mary Wheedon 24 Sep. Tho. Merrifield & Catherine Bromey 7 Nov. Philip Brewer & Sarah Honey 24 Dec. William Trevethan & Sarah Baseley 31 Dec. John Dingey & Eliz. Yelland 31 Dec. Eobt. Brewer & Eliz. Wheedon IS Feb. William Brown & Anne Le- warne Anno 1710. 28 May Francis Vivian & Joan Benal- lack 8 June Tho. Vivian,* Esq. & M'« Sarah Dodson 5 Oct. Eobt. Dunkin & Jane Isman 14 Oct. William Wilkin & Eliz. Boun- sell 9 jS^ov. Henry Oxnam & fflorence Issable 17 Nov. John Werry & Hanna Grimes 30 Dec. Henry Blight & Eliz. Wills 3 Feb. John Tom & .Joan Hendy Anno 1711. 18 May Tho. Mark & Honor Sarah * He was of Truan (son of John Vivian, by his second wife Mary, daughter of Sir John Glanville). The above Sarab Dodson was his second wife, his first being Frances, one of the sisters of William Blathwayt of Ditbam, county Gloucester ; sbe died 16 March, 1707, and a mural monument remains to her memory in the chapel on the nortli side of the chancel (.Jesus Chapel), on which are tbcsc arms, viz., or, a chcv. AZ. betw. three lions' heads erased ppr., a chief gu., imp. or, two bends eng. sa. ; crest, a lion's head erased ppr. 1711-19.] WEDDINGS. 165 21 May 23 Sep. 29 . . . 4 May Nath. Oliver & Sarali Jeffery James Callaway & Grace Hocken Ednuuid Varkar & Diana Ton- kin Anno 1712. Ml- Blight Haycroft & M^'^ Eliz. Edwards Peter Cockiu & Joan Hobb Ml- Stephen Williams & M'-' Jane Sawle* Gregory Nance & Wilmot Hawke liichard Cundy & Catherine Leecher Anno 1713. Samuell Bussow & Hon"" Couch Arthur Rowe & Rebecca Wheedon John Hambly & Joyce Evelyn John White & Anne Brewer John Wheedon & Mai'y Law- vej Eichard Peters & Petronell Brewer Martyn Strongman & Joan Cook Edward Prestige & Jane Oxnam Anno 1714. Eobt. Strongman & Eliz. Paw- ley Humphrey England & Eliz. Scaberrio Arthur Strongman & Frances Strongman Henry Garland & Mary Hus- band Stephen Lovell & Mary Cook Anno 1715. John Harris & Dorothy Oxnam Gilbert Mealls & Joyce Hus- band * She was a daughter of Joseph Sawle of Pcnricc, Esq. Her sister Ann married the Rev. James Beauford, M.A. ; another sister, Mary, married John, son of John Vivian. Esq., of Truau. 8he made her will as Mrs. Jane Williams of 8t. Austell, widow, 3 February, 1732, in which she names her sisters Ann and Mary Beauford ; brother Francis Sawle, his son Richard ami daughter Mary ; brother Joseph Sawle, his son John ; nieces, Polly and Agnes Hawle ; sisters- in-law, M.ary Sawle and Jane Carthew, and her husband John Carthew ; nephews. John Harris and Thomas Shute ; cousin, The. Vivian ; brother-in-law, Hugh Williams ; sister, Mary Vivian. 18 May 28 June 29 June 27 Dec. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 20 Dec. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. 28 Dec. 31 Dec. 6 Feb. 11 July 15 Aug. 7 Oct. 5 Feb. Feb. 30 April 26 May 7 July James Champion & ffrances Godolphin 13 Aug. Tho. Callaway & Honer Grimes 15 Aug. Christopher Calf & Jane Gub- bins 6 Nov. Eobert Hambley & Anne Boli- thoe 14 Nov. John Keys & Eliz. Trevarton of S' Breock 19 Nov. Richard Peters & Philippa Philips 11 Dec. Eobert Manuel & Mary Rawlyn 29 Dec. John Bone & M''^ Jane Day 9 Feb. Ben. Chalwell & Frances White 14 Feb. Henry Veale & Alice Eetallack Anno 1716. 19 June Wm. Evelyn & Prudence Mathews 23 July John Sprey & Anne Stephens 23 Oct. Sam^i Litticot & Jane Heritage wid. 11 Nov. John Gilbert & Mary Tom 15 Dec. John Hawke & Joan Hawke, wid. 27 Jan. William Blake & Margarett Eoch, wud. 3 Jan. Peter Pollard & Eliz. Inch, wid. 2 Mar. Nichs. Butson of Padstow & Honor Law Anno 1717. 20 Oct. Tho. Williams & Eliz. Symons 20 Nov. John Nichols & Eliz. Martyn 24 Nov. William Eawe and Mary Stephens 30 Nov. Michaell Cornish & Eliz. Yeall 14 Feb. Shadrack Tremain & Jane Hawke 17 Feb. Mf Joseph Chubb & Jane Champion Anno 1718. 17 April Tho. Litticott & Mary Udye 9 June Wm. Angove & Susanna Ber- nallack 22 Nov. Eichard Whitford & Anne May 17 Jan. Eobt. "Litticot & Mary Sca- berio 8 Feb. John Plockin & Catherine Whitford Anno 1719. 30 Mar. Francis Eundle & Jane Ste- phens 6 June Francis Iveyes & Martha George 166 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLrMB MAJOR [1719-25. 14 Sep. Henry Yeall & Anne Thomas 28 Sep. John Tom & Mary Fleming 3 Oct. John Buckingham & Mary Harvey 13 Nov. Daniell May & Eliz. King 28 Nov. M'- Philip Spernon & M^* Dorothy Hoblvn,*by licence 23 Dec. W'" Stephens & Jane Tre- meane 23 Dec. William Eobarts & Honor Tippett 4 Mar. Jno. Cock of St. Wen & Grace Basely of y^ p'ish Anno 1720. 15 April Francis Pearse & Catherine ■yyms 19 June Jacob Slade & Eliz. Blake 25 June James G-eorge & Mary Benny 11 July John Bolitho of Eedruth & Margery Godolphin 24 Sep. Ezekiell Ketallack & Anne AVilliams 27 Oct. John Burgess & Grace Day (by licence dated y^ 22nd Oct.) 29 Oct. Tho. Litticott & Ebat Lambe 5 Feb. Eobt. Kent of Lower S' Columbe & Mary Slogget 18 Feb. Henry Oxnam & Mary Darr Anno 1721. 16 April Henry Knight & Judith Lnbb 18 May Sam'^' Grimes & M"'^ Mary Beauford (by licence dated May 13) 25 May Tho. Eawling & Anne Dan- caster 23 July Daniel Thomas & Eliz. Wynne 10 Aug. Nicholas Opie & Jane Eawe 15 Jau. John Tremain & Anne Merri- field Anno 1722. 28 Mar. Thomas Glaufield & Eliz. Clemow 31 Mar. W'» Olver & Eliz. Tremain 3 April John Brewer & Amy Adams 29 April Stephen Silicock & Mary Lee 6 May Tho. Drew & Mary Glaufield 12 May Eichard Glaufield & Jane Muffet (by licence dated April 30) * She was daughter of Tho. Hoblyn of Tre- ijaddeni, by his second •wife Joan, daughter of Tresaddei'u. 31 May 4 June 7 July 15 Sep. 16 Dec. 23 Dee. 24 Dec. 27 Dec. 23 Feb. 20 April 3 June 14 July 20 July 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 7 Nov. 9 Nov. 1 Jan. 25 Jan. INI'" James Bishopp* & W Sarah Long (by licence dated y*= 17 May) W™ Bear & Mary Symons Eich'' Solomon & Jane Hockin William Eawe & Eliz. Baseley Arthur Callawav & Mary Bone Hugli Bullock & Mary Day William Parkin & Jane Cockin Johu Peters of Guenap & Anne Champion of this p'ish Joseph Glaufield & Joyce Eows Anno 1723. W'" Daucaster & Jane Hoskyn Humphry Abraham & Jane Perry Eobt. Manuell & Catherine Nyles John Mitchell & INTary Woon Wm. Luney & Eliz. Eawe Edward Inch & Catherine Harris, wid. William Pound & Jane Metter Jacob Grigg & Mary Service John Whitford & Grace East- man John Lewarue & Mary May Anno 1724. Tho. Husband of INIary Pearce John Eetallack of Catherine Bone Francis Cowling Eobyns John Mill & Euth Langdon Eob* Strongman & Ann Adams Edward Merifield & Elizabeth Hals Thos. A\^arne & EUz. Davis Samuell Williams junr. & Frances Lawrey W"' Antrou of Kea & Cathe- rine Gilbert George Bond & Joan Merri- field Anno 1725. Joseph Dunkin & Mary Le- warue Solomon Baseley & Mary Harris John Eapson& Eliz Champion • He was sou of the Rev. John Bishop, rector of 8t. Columb, by his second wife. They had issue several children, for whom see their baptisms. 20 April 22 July 23 Aug. 29 Oct. 5 Oct. 17 Nov. 23 Jan. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 22 April 24 April 16 May Newlyn & Ladock & & Patience 1725-31.] WEDDINaS. 167 2G May M^' George MacLaskey & Hannah Archer, wid., both of Falmouth (by licence dated June 19) 8 Aug. John Cobbledick o£ St Evall & Margery Newell of this p'ish LO Aug. Henry Solomon & Honor Law 3 Dec. Henry Barnicott & Honor Tinney L9 Feb. William " Stephens & Mary Opie :9 Feb. William Williams & Mary White Anko 1726. Eobert Symons & Eliz. Horna- brook John Eowe of St. Teath & Eliz. daughter of Benjamin Chalwell of this parish (by licence dated Oct. 29) 9 Feb. M"" John Tregenna,* rector of Maugan, & M^'^ Eliz. Car- keet of this p'ish (by licence dated Jan. 28) Anno 1727. Tho. Carne & Jane Eudye John Grummow & Eliz. Whit- ford John Tippet & Mary Harding John Whetter & Dorcas Pascoe John Husband & Alice Eowse John Drew of Ladock & Jane Blight of this p'ish William Tinney & Eliz. Cle- mow Tliomas Grill of this ])'ish & Eliz. May of St. Clear Eichard Davis & Mary Eows, wid. Anko 1728. 15 May Arthur Mitchell & Mary Oxuam 19 May AVm. Lanyon & Honor Pearce * Par. Reg. Mawgan in Pydar : — Edw. Tregenna, gent., buried 16 Sep., 1707. Mr. Jolin Tregenna, gent., buried 31 May, 1718. Mrs. Joan Tregenna, buried 1 March, 1732. John, son of John Tregenna, rector, buried I') Sept., 1745. Rev. John Tregenna, buried 13 April, 17.-)2. Mrs. Eliz. Tregenna, buried 14 Jan., 1781. Sarah Tregenna, youngest daughter of tlic Rev. John Tregeuna, rector of Mawgan and Roach, died 10 May, 1807, aged 61. Monumental inscription on a tomb in the churchyard of St. Columb Major. 22 Jime 1 July 27 Oct. 12 Nov. 27 Jan. 2 Feb. 6 June 8 June 11; June 16 July 20 July 11 Xoy. 3 Jan. Wm. Da vies & Anne Brabyn James Eawling of St. Minver & Jennefayr James of this parish Stephen Carhart & Prudence Trevethan John Inch & Jane Chapell Eichard Austin & Eliz. Couch Simon Warne & Hannah Bilkey Anno 1729. Wm. Bullen & Joan Gilbert Eichard Eows & Jane Yolton Thomas Hawke & Anne Hos- kyn Arthur Mitchell & Grace Sampson Henry Sanders & Martha James Wm. Antron of Kea & Avice Nichols John Husband of St. Austle & Blanch Eawling Anno 1730. IS May Eobt. Pascoe & Anne Yolton 19 June Henry Bhght & Constance Kente 4 July Eichard Brewer & Thomasin Gummow 27 July Anne Pearce & Elizabeth Eosomond 24 Aug. M'- William Collier, son of Phillip Collier, rector of this parish & M'"* Anne Toller, daughter of M^' W"i Toller* of ft'owey (by licence dated Aug. 21) 5 Nov. John Lamb & Mary Morish 26 Dec. Tho. Bate of Holland & Sarah Brewer of this parish 27 Feb. John Paruall & Jane Langdon 1 Mar. James Harris of Probus & Grace Cock of this parish Anno 1731. 19 April Wm. Luney & Eachel Langdon 27 May John Martyn & Joan Thomas 31 May M'' Walter Elford, rector of Milton Damarell in Devon, & M'^ PhiUippa Collier of this parish (by licence dated the 29 May) 3 July W'" Eetallock & Matilda Tinney * William Toller was son of John Toller of Fowey, by Jane daughter and eventual heir of Tho. Trefry of Place. 168 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLIJMB MAJOE. [1731-37. 31 July John Jenkiu of lUogau & Aviee Lewarne of this p'ish 7 jN'ov. Adam Thomson & Mary Keast (by licence dated 21 Oct.) 30 Dec. Cliristopher Warae* & Honor Lee 21 Jan. Peter ^Mitchell & Jane Hicks 29 Jan. Phillip (lilbert & Eliz. Taylor 2 Feb. Pascoe Kcstell of St Wen & Jenefaire Lawrey of this parish Anno 1732. 11 June Thomas Baseley &Eliz. Slogget 8 June John Merifield & Dinah Warne 27 Aug. JamesHendy& Grace Edwards 27 Aug. W" Mi fchell&Emelin Edwards G Oct. John Johns & M'-= Margarett Tauner (by a licence dated ye Sth Sep.) 24 Dec. W'" Evelyn & Grace Trengove 3 Feb. W" Vivyan of St. Austle & Anne Vivian of this parish Anno 1733. 7 July Thomas Keast & Anne May 14' July John May & Jane Trengove 5 Sep. James Oliver, junr. & Eliz. Callaway 18 Oct. Joseph Kelly & Jenefaire Merifield " Anno 1734. 3 May Samson Brown & Jane Eawe 18 May Nicholas Husband & Eliz. Kestell 23 June Nathaniel! Lockett & Mary Bounsell 28 July James Trenerry & Eliz. Adams 29 Sep. Eich. Carne & Mary Brewer 8 Dec. John Wilton & Mary Trenerry 15 Dec. Eichard Stepheus of St Blazey & Grace Basset of St. Columbe 30 Dec. John Best & Anne Harris 31 Jan. William Harris & Elizabeth Baseley 2 Feb. Henry Endean of St. Agnes & Catherine Keast of St. Columbe 7 Feb. William Eickard of S' Stephens in Barnwell &MaryLeacher al's Hoskyn of St. Columbe (by licence dated Jan. 18) * Sou of Christopher Warne aucl Jane Hichen, see note p. 84. His wife was a daughter of Hen. and Eliz. Lee ; they had several children, of whom Catherine married William Eawlings of Padstow, and Grace married John Dungey ; they were eventual co-heirs. 18 Feb. John Harris of St. Mewan & Anne Tinney of St. Columbe Anno 1735. 13 April W" Capell & Jane Noddren 14 April Eichard James of St. Mey & Anne Lawrey of S' Columbe 18 April Jonathan Barrett & Sarah Williams 19 April John Eawlin & Catherine Daw 11 May James Johns of St. Mewan & Each ell Solomon of St. Columbe 11 May Joell Capell & Trephenca Bartlett 30 May Jonathan Daw & Margery Barry 7 Sep. Phillip Hornabrook & Mary Bullock 25 Sep. Thomas Perot & Anne Home- brook 11 Feb. Stephen Carhart & Frances Best 21 Feb. Thomas Langdon & Catherine Austin Anno 173G. 26 April William Gilbert & Anne Jane 26 April Eich. Austin & Mary Luney 29 April Henry Baker & Eachell Basely 27 June Michaell Barrett & Jane Tip- pett 3 July Edward Merifield & Eliz. Ball (by licence dated June 30) 20 July John Buckingham & Grace Godolphin 13 Sep. James Commins & Dorothy Michell 3 Oct. Thomas Couch & Grace Harris 15 Oct. William Tinney & G'' Brewer 6 Nov. Michaell Cornish & ffrances Hobb 10 Nov. John Dungey & Jane Hawke 25 Feb. M'- Eich. Betty & M'^ Dorothy Tanner (by licence dated Feb. 7) Anno 1737. 17 April William AYilson & Margarett Adams 17 July Eichard Jane & Anne Eowse 29 Aug. Eich. Pascoe & Alice Champion 29 Sep. Stephen Tver & Anne James 26 Oct. Thomas Stephens & Anne Cundy 6 Nov. Thomas Morrish & Eliz. Meri- field 1737-43.] WEDDINGS. 13 Nov. Eichard Page of St. Giles in ye ffields, Middlesex, & Phillippa Allen of this p'ish (by licence dated y^ 11 Nov.) 25 Nov. Ml- Daniell Copley Byrne of St. Clement Danes, London, & M'-s Mary Sawle of this p'ish (by licence dated the 25 Nov.) 27 Dec. Mathew Kirkland & Mary Parsons 19 Jan. Nicholas Brenton & Jane Thomas 22 Jan. Mark Nichols & Loveday Rowse 4 Feb. John Mark & Elizabeth Meri- field Anno 1738. 5 April Richard Bidgood & Mary Sandford 29 April W"' Coekyn & Mary Lawe IG May Morice Newlyn & Elizabeth Crowts 22 June W" Williams & Jane Eddy (by licence dated the 21st) 12 Aug. Stephen Daddow of Goran & Catherine Brown of this parish 20 Oct. Bernard Wetsford & Elizabeth Roch 28 Oct. Jude May & Eliz. Richards 2 Nov. W" Binnick & Jane Hopgood, both of Padstow 3 Feb. John Hockin & Margarett Tinney Anno 1739. 23 April 23 April 24 April 24 June 28 July 10 Dec. & Dorothy Cock & Tho- of Rich. Wilton George Antony Henry masin Cock Thomas Harry Elizabeth Harris Colurabe, wid. (by dated 14 Feb.) John Mewdon & Grace Hor- nabrook Richard Austin & Mary West- cote Stephen Brewer & Ann Perrot Morva & of St. licence Anno 1740. 7 April Richard Oliver of Probas & Mary Rowse of y^ parisli 24 April Richard Husband & Eliza Adams 24 May 31 May 7 June 16 Sep. 20 Sep. 25 Sep. 4 Oct. 19 Oct. 9 Nov. 6 Jan. 7 Feb. 22 May 21 Sep. 8 Oct. 5 Nov. 2 Jan. 28 Feb. 18 April 20 April 24 April 21 May 5 June 9 Sep. 6 Nov. 8 Nov. 12 Feb. 15 Feb. 169 John Tippet & Eliz. Coad Edward Lawrey & Ann Dennis John Symouds of St. Mewan & Mary Vivian George Sowden & Mary Burn John Varcoe & Mary Tomm William Basely of Milton Da- merell, Devon, & Eliz. Raw Christopher Dennis & Mary Morshead Thomas Willy & Margarett Blake William Willis & Eliz. Raw Edward Brokeushire of Roach & Jane Best Methuselah Williams & Eliza Martyn Anno 1741, AVilliam Fortune & Eliz. Opie Chudleigh Cock of Stoke Da- merell, Devon, & Eliz. Pearce of this parish, by licence dated 16 Sep. John Cundy & Margarett Davies James Stephens & Sarah Elf ord James Pollard & Ann Mew- don Richard Bullock & Jane Pollard of Mevagisy Anno 1742. Thomas Coad, jun"^ & Cathe- rine NichoUs John Strongman & Mary Davies Thomas Watts & Elizabeth Tredween M^- Thomas Trethewy of S' Austle & M'-^ Mary Collier of this parish (by licence dated April 26) Edward Tremaine & Elizabeth Muffet Robert Hawke & Joan Raw Samuel Parkin & Elizabeth Betteson Thomas Salmon & Dorothy Pollard Richard Veal & Jane Whetter Thomas Langdon & Catherine Mills Anno 1743. 4 April James Coad & Jane Drew 5 May Edward Hesterbrook & Mary Hooper 170 THE EEGISTEES OP ST. COLIJMB MAJOE. [1743-50 24 July ThoBias Sweet & Mary lucli 22 Oct. William Eicliards & Jaue Car- hart, both of Eoach 29 Oct. Eichard Carne & Catherine Thomas 3 N'ov. John "Walkey & Margarett Garland 4 Nov. Samuel Harris & Mary Cock 6 Nov. James May & Eliz. Hawke G Nov. Samuel Eetallock of S' Agnes & Ann Eetallock of this parish 9 Nov. Nicholas Couch & Margery Grey, both of S* Lawrence Anko 1744. 12 May Eichard Martyn & JNIary Eaw 16 Nov. George Strongman & Ann Leddicote 2 Jan. Edward May & Prudence Eve- lyn 29 Jan. John Pearce of Eoach & Cath. Nichols of this parish Anno 1745. 2G April John Arscott of this parish & Jane Strongman of S' Euoder Eobert Grace & Mary Harris Francis Tomm & Mary Thomas John Mark & Joyce Endyvean Francis Evans of Perrauza- buloe & Honour Bullock of y^ parish Edward Hicks & Alice Coad John Eawling of Kea & Eliza- beth Tippet of this parish M^' Thomas Sanders Allen of St Justin, Penwith, & W' Mary Lawrence of this parish, by licence dated Jan. 24 Anno 1746. 30 Mar. Mathew Olliver & Margarett Willy, widdow 13 June Thomas Tamblyn of Crowan & Eliz. Antron of this parish 21 July John Bulleu & Jane Broken- shire 26 Feb. Jonathan Eowse & Catherine Pearce 27 Feb. John Eogers of S^ Erth & Ann Hawke of this parish 9 Max. M>" Hugh Eogers of Hellstone & M''s Ann Bishop of this parish (by licence dated 3 Jan.) 25 May 3 June 7 July 29 July 20 Nov. 1 Jan. 3 Feb. Anno 1747. 20 April Thomas Buckingham of Gwee- nap & Thomasine Brewer of y^ parish 30 Oct. John Eva of Trigony & Pbilippa Hicks of this parish 24 Oct. Nicholas Eeed of S' Agnes & Patience Eetallock of this parish 27 Dec. Eichard Cornish & Elizabeth Brown 27 Dec. John Eetallock & Elizabetli Sandy Anno 1748. 13 April William Brewer & Mary Gar- land 20 May Andrew Maubin & Amey Brewer 29 May Francis Eundle & Catherine Eundle 24 July James Hodge of S* Agnes & Mary Tremayue of y^ parish 20 Aug. William Merrifield & Frances Eudy Anno 1749. 5 May Jonathan Chapman & Mary Hawke of S' Issey 14 May Francis Trelevin & Grace Cornish 16 May John Tomm & Mary Hicks 19 May William Skinner & Mary Le- warne 23 May Philip Cornish & Mary Merri- field 23 July Humphry Toms & Elizabeth Eoberts 24 Sep. Thomas Westcote & Mary Glanvill 15 Oct. Benjamin Kent of S' Dennis & Jane Opie of this parish 19 Nov. George Tremain & Elizabeth Oxenham 19 Jan. Ealph Busson & Mary Ham Anno 1750. 21 April Isaac Smitli, a soldier, & Joan Strongman 5 May John Pearce & Jane Oxenham 21 June Humphry England, jun'", & Susanna White 22 June George Champion & Elizabeth Chubb 6 July John Mitchell & Charity How, both of S* Mary's in Truro 19 Oct. Eichard Hogg, a soldier, & Catharine Daucaster 1750-56.] WEDDINGS. 171 1 Nov. Samuel Grrimes & Martha Lang (by licence dated 2nd Oct.) 10 Nov. "William Lanyon, jun^", & Ann Bullock 12 Nov. G.^homas Grlauvill & Julian Gruinmowe 29 Dec. William Hicks & Elizabeth Hicks 19 Feb. John Humfries, a soldier, & Elizabeth Nowlyn, widow Anno 1751. 20 June Edmund Varco & Mary Tip- pett 21i June John Crapp & Elizabeth Eapson 29 June Eichard Luke & Elizabeth Boundy 24 Aug. William Leddicote aVs Gregor & Jane Chapell 14 Sep. John Buckingham & Grace Cock 22 Sep. James Calaway o£ Mawgan & Mary Opie o£ this parish 4 Nov. Nicholas Leddicote & Mary Chapman 10 Nov. Isaack Grigg & Elizabeth Glanvill 15 Nov. Thomas Bate & Mary Bishop 26 Nov. Eichard Lawrey & Mary Thomas Anno 1752. 31 Mar. William Drew, a soldier, & Elizabeth Jackson 1 April Timothy Eslem, a soldier, & Jane Pascoe of Endellion, widow 26 April Degory Trescott & Ahce Veal 26 June James Jolly of S* Maugan & Mary Pennaleggaw of this parish 6 July M^' Eichard Cross of Plymouth, Devon, & M'^ Mary Drew of this parish (by licence dated June 30) 17 July Pasco Davis & Elizabeth Harris 15 Oct. James Pearce & Awn Jane 19 Nov. Eichard Yeal & Mary Cowling 3 Dec. George Eaw & Elizabeth Mark 12 Dec. Peter Kendall & Jane Brewer Anno 1753. 7 Jan. George Pett, a soldier, & Mar- garett Eosewarne 24 June Philip Harris & Margarett Teddam 17 Nov. Philip Harvey & Mary Saun- ders 26 Dec. J ohn Webber & Grace Oliver Anno 1754. John Buckingham of this parish & Jane Oliver of S' Breock, 16, 23, & 30 June 25 Sep. Eichard Chapman of this parish & Elizabeth Pinch of this parish 19 Nov. WilHam Parkin & Elizabeth Inch Edward Pearse of this parish & Ann Arthur of the parish of S' Ervan, 27 Oct., 3 & 10 Nov. James Jolly of S*^ Enoder & Philippa Clemow of this parish, 3, 10 & 16 Nov. Thomas Mill of this parish & Mary Harris of Padstow, last time 8 Dec. 22 Dec. Eichard Mannell & Mary Blight, both of this parish Anno 1755. 21 Jan. Nicholas Clemoe & Sarah Pearce 13 Eeb. James Stephens & Joan Whet- ter, both of this parish 29 June Jasper Eichards, a sojourner in this parish, & Barbara Binick of Truro 10 July John Peters & Mary Kelly, both of this parish 21 July Thomas Luney & Mary Din- gle, both of this parish 20 Nov. Samuel Clymoe & Thomasine Basely, both of this parish John Chapman & Mary Corra of S' Eval, last time 16 Nov. James Williams of this parish & Mary Benny of S' Columb Minor, the last time 7 Dec. Eichard Solomon of this parish & Martha Sauudry of Little Colan, the last time 8 Ap., 1756. Anno 1756. 28 Jan. Eichard Hawke & Sarah Tip- pet 7 June William Gass & Elizabeth Tregiddier, both of this I parish 172 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1756-58. 7 June 4 July 5 July 17 July 13 Sep. 14 Dec. 17 Dec. Jau. Erancis Penbertliy of S' Issey & Sarah Bishop of this parish "William Andrew of this parish & Agnes Solomon* of S* Columb Minor Eobert Keam & G-race Eowe, both of this parish Peter lletallack & Margarctt Bulleu, both of this parish Hugh Davy of S' Agnes & Jane Williams of this p'ish, last time 5 Sep. William Eawlingsf & Cathe- rine Warne, by licence John Eundle & Ann Brewer, both of this parish John AVhitford & Catherine Hoar, both of this parish Anno 1757. Eichard Gummo, labourer of this parish, & Elizabeth Williams of the parish of Key * Col an Tar. Reg. :— Francis Solomon of St. Columb Major and Honour Cornish married 19 Aug., 1734. St. Enoder Par. Reg. : — Tho. Solomon of St. Columb Major and Amey Carveth. married Feb. 11, 1753. Eleanor, daughter of Michall Carveath, bap. 29 March, 1579. f He was son of Tho. and Elizabeth Raw- lings of St. Columb. She was a daughter and co-heir of Christopher Warne, gent., of St. Columb, see note p. 1(>2. Thev settled at Pad- stow, where their son and heir Thomas Rawlings built the mansion of Saunders Hill, and was High Sheriff of Cornwall in 1803 ; he married Margery, daughter and co-heir of Tho. Price, gent., of Tregolds, by Jane, daughter of William I'hillips, gent., by whom he had issue several children. William, the second son of the above William and Catherine Rawlings, was M.A. of Exeter College, Oxon, for fifty years Yicar of Padstow, and married Susanna, daughter of Peter Salmon, Esq., by whom he had several childi'en. See Sir J. B. Burke's Landrd Gentry. Davies Gilbert gives their arms, quarterly, viz., 1 and 4 sa. three swords erect in fesse, arg. hilts and pomels, or, for Rawlings 2 and 3 sa. a cross or, cantoned in the first and fourth quarter, a martlett of the second, in the second and third a chaplot arg. for Warne. Crest, an arm em- bowed in armour, the elbow resting on the wreath, holding in the gauntlet a falchion arg. hilt or. Motto W(/H(W6V' teq}sum,et dixer jmfi. The coat in the first and fourth quarters appears on some monuments to the family in Padstow church. 29 Dec. Eichard Stribley* of S' Wenn, widower, & Catherine Mer- rifield, by licence 30 Jan. John Tamblyn & Blanch Ee- tallack, both of this parish John BuUen & Susanna Basten of S' Stephens, published the last time 10 April Thomas Jasper, a sojourner, & Patience Vreane of S' Stephens by Launceston, published the last time 8 May 11 Sep. William Swan & Thomasin Prowte, both of this parish, by licence John Broadt of Maugan & Mary Hotten of this parish 3 Oct. William King & Sarah Stephens, both of this parish Anno 1758. 30 April William Crapp & Euth Basely, both of this parish 3 June Thomas Williams, butcher, & Joan Tomm, both of this parish, by licence 3 June Hezekiah Bunt & Jane Daves both of this parish 13 June Joseph Merrifield, yeoman, & Mary Woon, both of this parish, by licence 29 July Eichard Basely, tinner, & Elizabeth Basely, both of this parish 7 Aug. Henry Eow& Elizabeth Stevens both of this parish 17 Aug. Thomas HamleyJ & Grace Tregenne, both of this parish * St. Wenn Par. Reg. :— Mr. Richard Stribley and Mrs. Ann Drew of St. Columb Major, married 24 Dec, 1748. The name of Stribley occurs in the registers of Mawgan in Pyder as early as 1683, the earliest date existing there. f The marriage is entered at Mawgan 26th Sep., 17.57, he is there called "fuller," and her name is spelt Houghton. Thomas, son of John Broad and Martha his wife, baptised 20 Feb., 1687. Mawgan in Pydar Par. Reg. J He was in holy orders, sou of Giles Hamley and Grace Hoblyn his second wife. Grace Tre- genna was daughter and co-heir of the Rev. John Tregenna, rector of Mawgan in Pydar ; they had issue Thomas Tregenna Hamley, who married Mary, daughter of Hen. Brnddon of Camelford. She died 19 April, 1761, aged 23 years. He died 9 June, 1766, aged 3.5. Monumental inscription on ledger stone at St. Columb Major. Thomas Tregenna Hamley, Vicar of St. Ervan and St. Eval, died 23 Dec, 1818 ; ledger stone placed by 1758-61.] WEDDINGS. 173 2 Dec. John Jane & Grace Antliorn, both of this parish AiNNo 1759. 18 Feb. William Glanvile & Mary Ee- tallock, both of this parish 16 April John Leddicoat & Mary Luke, both of this parish 26 June Robert Manell & Mary Hawke, both of this parish 26 June William Lawrence & Frances Drew, both of this parish, by hcence 5 Sep. James Jane & Margaret Hooker, both of this parish 11 Nov. Bennet Retalick & Frances Salmon 18 Dec. John Symons & Joan Drew, by licence Anko 1760. 2 Jan. William Rowse and Mary Hawke both of this parish, licence 5 Mar. John Francis of S' Stephens & Grace Lydacote of this parish 7 April William Williams of this parish & Ann Cooke of S* Issey 13 May William Besly & Sarah Tippet, both of this parish 18 June William Lewarne & Elizabeth Mitchell 25 June John Bond & Mary Brewer 1 July The Eev. Jonathan Peters, clerk, of S*^ Clements, & Elizabeth Peter, of this parish, by licence 14 July William Moon of Liskeard, & Nancey Thomas of this parish 2 Aug. William Olliver & Mary Wil- liam, by licence 2G Aug. William Haly of Broadoak & Jane Burley of this parish 29 Sep. Richard Bettiuson & Mary Kerhart, both of this parish 24 Oct. John Lilycrap & Catherine Daves, both of this parish John Clode Braddon, geut. of Camelfonl. Monu- mental inscription iu St. Ervan church. Mary, wife of the Rev. Tho. Tregenna Haraley, curate of this parish, died 12 Dec, 181.S, aged .57. Floor slab, St. Ervan church. This was the second wife of the Eev. Tho. Tregenna Hamley, by whom he had issue Edward and Giles. 27 Dec. Peter Courtenay & Elizabeth Husband, both of this parish Anno 1761. 1 Jan. William Bond & Grace Cow- ling, both of this parish 24 Jan. William Harris & Dorothy Re- tallack, both of this parish 28 Mar. John Rundel & Catherine Minnow, both of this parish 5 April Thomas Bulo & Joan Brewer, both of this parish 2 May James Snell & Mary Wilsford, both of this parish 11 May The Rev. Thomas Biddulph of Truro & Martha Tregenna* of this parish, by licence 20 June John Stephen, sojourner, & Mary Buckingham 8 Aug. Robert Bateman, Rector of this parish, & Elizabeth Hamley,t by licence 3 Oct. John Cooke of S' Columb Minor & Jane Warne of this parish 10 Oct. Thomas Bettinson & Jane Eveling, both of this parish 19 Nov. William Varcoe & Ann Hicks, both of this parish, by licence 24 Nov. Thomas Stick, of S* Stephens in Barnwell, tinner, & Jane Grigg of this parish, by licence 7 Dec. John Row, labourer, & Hannah Stephens, both of this parish 8 Dec. John Hand, mason, & Honnor Lamb, both of this parish 18 Dec. Thomas Trethewey, of S*^ Den- nis & Wilmot Hicks of this parish 24 Dec. Francis Comish, blacksmith, & Grace Williams of this parish * She was daughter and coheiress of the Eev. John Tregenna, and the second wife of the Rev. Tho. Biddulph, who was for nineteen years vicar of Padstow ; his first wife was a daughter of ... . Townsend. t She was a daughter of Giles Hamley, of St. Columb. gent., by his second wife Grace Hoblyn. Their daughter, Frances Bateman. married at St. Columi-) 8 Feb., 1797. to Rev. Richard Paul, rector of Mawgan in Pydar. The Rev. R. Paul died 7 Dec. 1 805, aged 42 ; his widow died 25 Oct. 1819, aged 51, vide M.I. at Mawgaa. 174 THE EEaiSTERS OF ST^. COLTJMB MAJOR [1761-66. Dec. 26 John Morish, labourer, & Eli- zabeth Cundey, both of this parish Anno 1762. 2 Feb. "William Thomas & Margery Prideaux, both of this parish 22 Mar. Frances Hawkey, tinner, & Edith Harris, both of this parish 16 Oct. Eichard Sampson & Frances Callaway, both of this parish 21 Oct. Charles Rickard & Mary Peters, both of this parish Anno 1763. 23 Jan. John Buckingham & Margaret Piper, both of this pai'ish 4 April John Tregillgass, labourer, & Elizabeth Watts, both of this parish 6 June Peter Palmer, a soldier, a so- journer, & Mary Twogood, of Kettleby, in Leicester- shire 15 July Edward Hodge, of Stoke Da- marel, co. Devon, glazier, & Martha "Wills, by licence 21 Nov. Thomas Baker, a soldier, a so- journer, & Ann England, of this parish 21 Nov. Eobert Sampson of Kenwyn, CO. Cornwall, & Mary INIar- tyn 24 Dec. "William Austin & Elizabeth Spear, both of this parish Anno 1764. 16 Mar. Arthur Ca'pel & Ann Bucking- ham, both of this parish 10 May Abraham Walters & Elizabeth Pound, both of this parish 11 June Eichard Hards, a soldier, & Aplin Thomas, both of this parish 20 June Michael Carveth of St. Cuth- bert & Catherine Sampson of this parish, by licence 3 July Mr. Elias Iliscutt & Mrs. Mary Arthur both of this parish 23 July John Buckingham & Jane Oliver, both of this parish 5 Aug. Edward Gummow & Elizabeth Paskow, both of this parish 17 Aug. 20 Aug. 28 Oct. 6 Xov. 11 Nov. 16 Feb. 16 April 23 June 6 July 27 July 5 Sep. 9 Oct. 18 Oct. 12 Nov. 15 Dec. 7 Jan. 10 Jan. 24 Jan. 22 April 9 May Benjamin Chalwell Eowe & Elizabeth Merifield, both of this parish Alexander Mitchell & Eliza- beth Stephens, both of this parish, by licence John George & Jennefaire Mannell, both of this parish Eobert Manuel & Elizabeth Tippet, both of this parish Peter Hilton a soldier, & Agnes Locke of this parish Nicholas Lakeman of Mevi- gissy, & Jennefaire Bro- kenshire of this parish Anno 1765. AVilliam Basely & Frances "Woon, both of this parish "William Tom & Susanna Peu- gellv, both of this parish Thomas Whitford & Mary "Whitford, both of this parish Joseph Hatcher, a soldier, & Catherine Barrett, both of this parish, published the last time 23 .June Thomas Buller of St. Agnes & Jennifer Sandy, of this jiarish Francis Symonds & Elizabeth Martin, both of this parish John Hardin & Elizabeth Turner, both of this parish, by licence Thomas Hutchings of Maw- gan & Ann Eundle of this parish, by licence Eichard Best & Elizabeth Sampson, both of this parish John A'^eal & Sarah Stephens, both of this parish Anno 1766. & Gawin Irwin, a soldier, Eos amend Elvius John Sheldon, a soldier, & Frances England of this parish "William Bone & Mary Tonkin, both of this parish John Merifield & Joan Yeal, both of this parish Edward Nock, a soldier, & Catherine Barret, both of this parish 1766-70]. WEDDING-S. 175 29 June Tliomas Hicks & Prudence Cureb, both of tliis parish 6 Jul}'' John D Lingey & Grace Warne* both of this parish, by li- cence 25 Aug. Henry Warnej & Elizabeth Dungey both of this parish, by licence 31 Aug. William Benny, husbandman, & Margaret Berryman, both of this parish 15 Sep. Charles Earo of Eoach & Betty Thomas both of this parish 23 Sep. George Colwell & Elizabeth Drew, both of this parish 24 Nov. Thomas Eowse & Mary Traer, both of this parish Aiwo 1767. 25 Jan. Erancis Jane & Jane Hore, both of this parish 19 April Methuselah Barrett & Mary Best, both of this parish 27 April Eobert Taylor of Crewkerne, CO. Somerset, & Joanna Bishop, of this parish 18 May Zacharia Luke, of Eedruth, & Mary Husband of this parish 16 June Eichard Bullen & Mary Oli- ver, both of this parish 17 Aug. James Dennis & Elizabeth Jane, both of this parish 25 Sep. Nicholas Guenes & Elizabeth Eowse, both of this parish 4 Oct. Eichard Grigg & Temperance Eowe, both of this parish 2 Nov. John Cowling & Mary Gilbert, both of this parish 22 Nov. Eichard Landon of this parish, & Ann Maine of S' Merran, published the last time ANifo 1768. 1 Jan. Edward Stephens & Elizabeth Thomas, both of this parish * She was daughter and co-heiress of Chris- topher Warne, of tit. Cohimb. gent. ; they left issue several children. IShe was buried a widow 13 March. 1789. •f He was son of Christopher Warne, gent., and died S Jan., 1813, age 71. His wife was buried 9 Dec, 1798, aged .59. He had issue Betsey Dungey, died unmarried 12 Feb.. 1885, aged 6(5 ; Patsey Jane, died unmarried 9 Aug., 1819, aged 46 ; Mary, died uumarried 21 June, 1827, aged 51 ; Harry, died unmarried 12 Feb., 1780 : and Sophia Grace, baptised 14 July, 17S2, married 22 Dec, ISOS, Nicholas Truscott Ball, of Mevagissy, and died 18 Oct., buried 21 Oct.. 1809, aged 28. Tomb in churchyard at St. Columb. 16 Eeb. John Ternery & Garthred "Williams, both of this parish 20 April John Gwenuap of Ealinouth & Mary Dungey of this parish, by licence 24 April John James & Constance Ton- kin, both of this parish 26 May John Harvey of Illogau & Elizabeth Vivian Samuel Jolly & Sibella Pen- rose of Newland, published the last time 19 June 21 Aug. Joseph Dyer & Barbara Hos- king 25 Sep. Eobert Tabb & Elizabeth Bar- rett 17 Oct. Philip Buckthought of Wit- hiel, & Elenor Cayzer of this parish 16 Dec. Eobert Drew & Jane Glan- ville, both of this parish 24 Dec. William Bennet & Elizabeth Eaw, both of this parish Anno 1769. 20 Jan. William Car, a soldier, & Mary Barret, both of this parish 22 Jan. Ephraim Stephens & Susanna Oliver, both of this parish 1 Eeb. John Whitford of Mawgau,* & Nancey Thomas, of this parish 4 Eeb. Charles Liddicoat & Ann Tyer, both of this parish John Trescouthick & Eliza- betli EUery of Newlin, published the last time 21 Ma.y Luke Thomas of this parish & Elizabeth Cowling of Perauzabuloo, published the last time 1 Oct. Anxo 1770. 24 Jan. Henry Barnacoat, yeoman, & Mary Beale, by licence * John Whitford and Elizabeth itufEat of St. Columb jMinor, married 11 Xov., 1726. Mawgan parish register. Thomas Whitford, of St. Columb Major, widower, and Elizabeth Hobbs, of Mawgan. spinster, married Aug., 1788. Mawgan parish register ; see his first marriage, ante 6 July, 1765. John Whitford and Martha Vingo married 5 Jime, 1791. Eichard Whitford and Rachael Austin maiTied 8 May, 1802. — St. Columb Major register. 176 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1770-74. 20 May 27 May 6 Aug. W™ Trecouthick of this parish & Susanna James of 8' Enoder, published the hast time 15 April John Coal of S' Enoder & Grrace Bullock, published the last time 22 April James Dennis & Mary Gill Nicholas Tamblin & Dorothy Martin John Mewton & Philippa Eawling Francis Hill of this parish & Ann Hobb of S' Eval, pub- lished the last time 17 June John Julyan of this parish & Eebecca Dre\Y of S' Austle, published the last time 17 June John Tonkyn & Charity Capell Anno 1771. Thomas Jenkin of this parish & Ann Curveth of Gurran in this county Thomas Williams, a soldier in the 20"' regt, & Margaret Adams, late of S*^ AVarie iu Shrowbury John Pascoe & Mary Treverton Arthur Strangman & Elizabeth Udy of Eoche Eichard Jane & Elizabeth May Nicholas Donnithorne* & Jane Drew Peter Pollard of this parish & Jane Best of S* Wenn Anno 1772. John Martin & Jane Harris William Henwood & Jane Kelly 11 April John Oxenham & Elizabeth Cornish Henry Eo^Ye & Frances Mit- chal Francis Cundy & Grace Man- uel Joseph Kelly & Mary Hobb Mark Thomas of this parish & Mary Hicks of S' Wenn, published the last time 28 June * Nicholas Donithorne, attorney-at-law, and Mary Swan married 15 March, 1782. Amelia, daughter of Mr. Nicholas Donithorne and Mary his wife, baptised 9 Jan., 1783. Mary, wife of Mr. Nicholas Donithorne, buried 25 Jan., 1796. — St. Columb Major Par. Reg. 11 Nov. 7 April 8 July 20 July 28 July 10 Nov. 24 Nov. 15 Dec. 9 Feb. 3 Mar. 5 July 2G July William Drew & Phillippa Tom John Liddicot of this parish & Joyce Woon of Eoach, published the last time IG Aug. 12 Oct. Thomas Ball & Ann Morlen 19 Oct. Eichard Lawry & Margaret Eawling Anno 1773. 2 Jan. Edward Kendall of Newland & Joan Bulling of this parish 18 Jan. Charles Clerk Dix, a soldier of S*^ Mary's, Gloucester, & Mary Verren of this parish 13 Feb. John Truscott & Loveday Hancock 17 Mar. William Bre^ner & Elizabeth Eawe 12 April Eichard Cundy & Mary Sowden James Pearce of this parish, & Elizabeth Scowdrick of Fal- mouth, published the last time 14 Feb. 19 April Charles Eickard & Jennifer Eetallack 20 May George Daw & Mary Brabyn 30 May Nathaniel Hender* & Eliza- beth May Edward May & Elizabeth Whiteford of S* Austle, published the last time 1^*^ August 16 Oct. Anthony White & Amey Wil- liams Stephen Brewer & Catherine Morrish Anno 1774. 13 Jan. Hugh Hopper of Holsworthy, Devon, a batchelor, & Sarah Jane of this parish, by licence 29 Jan. Thomas Bullock & Ann Basely 15 Feb. John Tippet & Frances Cham- pion 20 Feb. John Jolly of Newlyn & Catherine Strongman of this parish 13 Mar. Henry Hoskin & Fanny Oxen- ham * Their daughter Maria Hender married by licence 11 Oct., 1801, Tho. Eetallack of St. Columb. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Eliza- beth Hender. of Camelford, baptised 15 July, 1782.— St. Columb Major Par. Reg. 1774-78.] WEDDINGS. 177 27 Mar. Arthur Langdon & Rebecca Lawry 4 April Johu Mill of S' Wenn, & Jane Clifft of this parisli 22 April Josias Williams of S' Wenn, & Eleanor Tabb of this parish 23 April Michael Jenkiu of S' Just, & Honour Colwill of this parish 12 May James Tabb & Elizabeth Jones 5 July John Varco & Johanna Wils- ford 22 July Edward Chaple of S* Stephens in Branwell, & Ann Tippet of this parish 4 Sep. Alexander Shirp, a soldier of 3rd rggt of foot, & Mary Strongman of this parish John Solomon & Elizabeth Kaie of S' Dennis, pub- lished the last time 18 Sep*^. 7 Oct. John Bryant of Stoke Damerel, CO. Devon, & Johanna Keast of this parish 18 Oct. John Bellerby, corporal 11"' reg* of foot, & Mary Eetal- lock of this parish 13 Dec. William Tremain & Elizabeth . G-rigg 25 Dec. Eichard Veal & Mary Grigg Anko 1775. 30 Jan. Edward Gummo & Eachel Liddicoat aVs Grigor John Roberts of tliis parish & Prudence Giles of Eoach, published the last time 9 Ap. 16 April Abraham Grigg & Joan Allen Eowe 25 April Joseph Eowe of this parish, & Susanna Gully of Coruelly 20 May Thomas Harvey & Joan Coad, by licence G June Henry Brenton of S* Wenn, & Eose Grigg of this parish .... John Eveling of this parish, & Mary Pearce of Bodmin, published the last time 30 July 19 Nov. Erancis May & Catherine Gass 26 Nov. Thomas Salmon & Johanna Pascoe 19 Dec. Edward George & Jane Bulling 24 Dec. John Church Nichols & Jane Strong Philip Brown of this parish & Ann Stephens of Withiel, published the last time 17 Dec. Anno 1776. John Drew of this parish & Mary Abbot of Little Petherick, published the last time 7 Jan. 23 Mar. W'« Truscott of Colan & Mary Williams of this parish 16 June John Stephens, husbandman, & Joanna Cundy, by licence 7 Sep. William Hocken of S' Ervan & Mary Husband of this parish 13 Oct. William Buckingham & Mary Husband 5 Nov. Peter Eowe & Frances Cornish 26 Nov. William Eouse & Jane Cly- mows 10 Nov. Eichard Hicks of this parish & Elizabeth Francis of S* Enoder 22 Dec. Charles Bennet & Ann Eowe 27 Dec. Henry Brewer & Mary Jane Anno 1777. 6 Jan. Eichard Caiweth & Elizabeth Hicks 20 Jan. John Treverton of Bodmin & Elizabeth May J.6 May Eichard Grigg, husbandman, & Gertrude Cornish, widow 14 June William Eawliug & Honour Bullock 6 July Richard Eowe & Ann Jenkins 8 July Thomas Loggett of Perranza- buloe, & Margery Tippet of this parish 5 July John Cock of Eoach & Hannah Eowe 7 Sep. Christopher Raines & Jane Eveling 8 Nov. Richard Lobb & Grace Hus- band 19 Nov. John Grose of S' Kew & Mary Thomas of this parish 23 Nov. John Carhart & Rosamond Ellery 21 Dec. Walter Teppit & Ann Sweet Anno 1778. 5 Jan. Michael Cornish & Elizabeth Gass Arthur White of this parish, & Alice Merifield of S' AVenn, published the last time 7 Dec, 1777 2 a 178 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1778-80. 17 Jan. Henry Stephens of S* Austle, mariner, & Ann Truscott of this parish, by licence 30 Jan. Erancis Tomm & Mary Hus- band 24 Feb. John Bullock of S* Enoder & Jane Eowse of this parish 27 April "William Ivey of S' Merrau, yeoman, & Elizabeth Eowse of this parish 30 May Eichard Mewton & Elizabeth Thomas 13 July James Hodge & Martha Web- ber 19 July Eichard Grigg & Elizabeth Grigg 19 July Joseph Hamm & Elizabeth Teppit 15 Nov. Oliver Adams Carveth of Truro & Elizabeth Drew of this parish, by licence Anno 1779. 17 Jan. John Arthur of Bodmiu & Elizabeth Jane of this parish, by licence 5 April "William Eawling & Euth Veal 6 April John Kent & Mary Morlin 24 April John Cornish, widower, & Ann Drew, spinster 23 May George Thomas & Mary Warne 16 July George Eeynolds & Joyce Hoar 31 July John Gass of S' Issey & Ann "White of this parish 6 Aug. 14 Aug. 6 Sep. IG Oct. 8 Jan. 17 April 11 May 23 22 May June 24 June 15 7 July Oct. Bamet Falck, of Falmouth, merchant, & Elizabeth Har- vey of this parish, by licence Henry Mitchcl & Ann Eowse John "Whitaker, rector of Eoun Lanihorne, & Jane Tre- genna of this parish, by licence William Trebilcock & Elizabeth Martin Anno 1780. William Currah of S* Eval & Jane Eowliug of this parish James White of this parish & Elizabeth Trebilcock of S' Enoder, published the last time 19 Dec, 1779 James Mitchell of S' Agnes & Mary Bullin of this parish William Jane of this parisli & Philippa Jolly of S' Enoder, published the last time 12 March AYilliams Hicks of the parish of Tywardreath & Elizabeth Husband of this parish Stephen Brewer & Ann Clemoe William Ivey of S' Merran, farmer, and Mary Eowse of this parish, by licence William Skinner & Catherine Brabyn John Truscott & Jane Blight Eichard Pasco & Mary Inch FACE "BURIALS ■ PACE 179 /jO?-cI < -//// ,2 i^/t // c/ If A R Dc ' l/R BURIALS. Here followe tlie names of suclie as were and have byne buried in tlie said p'isb of St. Columb the over eythenc the laste daie of Maye, in the one and theirteith yere of the reigne of Kinge Henrie the Eighth. Anno 1539. 1 June Anne d. of John Moylle 3 June Agnes d. of Henrie Arthur 4 June Eichard s. of Robert Tregona 6 June Henry s. of Richard Typpet 16 June Tamson d. of John Edward 16 June Katharine, a bastard to Robert Lavyn 6 July James s. of Robert Thomas 24 July Emanuell s. of Richard Grrosse 10 Aug. John s. of John Lavyn 30 Aug. John s. of John Melynnet 8 Sep. Richard Watte 15 Nov. Elizabeth Cregoe, widow 16 Dec. Johan Norlyn, widowe 12 Jan. Reighuold Bawden 16 Jan. Johane a base child christyned at Horn 17 Jan. Jane Carter wiffe of Richard Carter 19 Jan. Margerie Pawle, widowe 7 Feb. John s. of Udie Gene, chris- tyned at Horn 22 Eeb. Alson Walis, widowe 3 Mar. Katherine d. of John Sampson Anno 1540. 2 April Margerie "Weryn,* widowe 3 April Alson d. of Marke Jobe 11 April Agnes Will'ms, wydowe 12 April Will'm Grascoyne 15 April Ursula d. of Jamos Nanskevell 12 May John Julyn single man 19 May Jane d. of John Cregoe 23 May Marke s. of Thomas Bendy 30 May Jenken Horken 13 June Tamson d. of James Tybott 1 July John s. of John Edward 4 July Johane d. of Pearse John 1 Aug. John Mayhowe 7 Aug. Margerie d. of John Hopkyn 18 Aug. John s. of John Sawle * More correctly Warne, sometimes spelt Warren, a family long seated in the neighbour- hood. 20 Aug. Agues Rawlynge, wydow 22 Aug. Alson the wiSe of Thomas Bendy 1 Sep. John, a bastard to one Jane d. of L. Pethericke* 10 Sep. Richard s. of Marke Williams 15 Sep. Will'm Potter 17 Sep. Will'm Manadue 20 Sep. Robert IJryn 2 Oct. Bennett Potter 12 Oct. Richow Arnger, widow 24 Nov. John s. of Edward Meryfeild 11 Dec. Richard s. of John Lawrenc 23 Dec. Richard Rawlynge 6 Jan. Will'm s. of Dennys Irishe 20 Jan. Will'm s. of John Molhyn- nocke 6 Eeb. John Robynn, single man 4 Eeb. Maude Penpoll, widowe 12 Eeb. Harrie s. of John Chapleine 20 Mar. Richard Hodge 20 Mar. Bennett Benny Anno 1541. 2 April Jane d. of John Horken 4 April Ellen d. of Reynold Bodye 6 April Robert Laven 9 April Margaret the wiffe of Thomas Tomoow 10 April Thomas Tome 13 April Beatrix the wiffe of Renold Bodye 13 April Isbell the wiffe of Lawrenc Skeberoon 14 April Rawlinge Bennett 19 April John Stephen the younger 12 May Will'm Peryu, widower 14 May Will'm Pawlle 16 May Alson Towen, widow 17 May Mawde Copithorne 11 June Mabe And'we, widow 20 July Jenken Symon * An initial letter only in the original, which was copied from entries made at the time of the funeral, etc. 180 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLrMB MAJOR. Ll5il-14. 24 July Agues d. of Robert G-wyunowe 7 Aug. Ursula d. of Thomas Powlle 22 Aug. John* s. of James John Jaue 20 Sep. Widow Darr 12 Oct. Joliu Bcuuett 10 Nov. Johaue d. of Will'm Sprey 12 Dec. Will'm s. of John Moylle 4 Jan. Thomas s. of Stephen Janye 13 Feb. Harrie s. of John Moylle of Treleved 15 Mar. Jane d. of John Crickley Anno 1512. 29 April Jennett Clement, widow 3 May Jane ffalmoth, widows 4 May Margerief the wieff of John Jeuken 18 May John s. of Thomas Dasow 1 June Jenken Bodie 29 July Jane d. of Richard Watt 10 Aug. Margaret d. of John Fraunce 28 Aug. Jane d. of Nicholas Stephen 9 Sep. Jane d. of Robert Uryn 23 Sep. Jane d. of James Bovyll 12 Oct. James s. of John Kuight 23 Oct. Thomas, a bastard of Rawlinge Britton 2 Nov. Jannett Pearse, widow 16 Nov. Tamsou Davye, widow 18 Dee. Reynold Treiiocke 18 Dec. John Toker aVs Newlyn 22 Jan. Pascatt d. of Harrie Joll 25 Jan. Agnes Grlyne, widowe 25 Jan. Agnes d. "of Thomas Meryfeild 23 Feb. Thomas Bostroug, single man 26 Feb. Margerie d. of John Spray 27 Feb. JohnJ s. of James John Jane 28 Feb. Elizabeth Wylkie, singlewoman 5 Mar. Denys d. of Robert Grwynnow 8 Mar. John, a bastard of Rawlinge Brytton 8 Mar. John Phillepp 9 Mar. S^' Richard Pajue, preist and custos 19 Mar. Margerie the wyfF of Thomas Lambaran Anno 1543. 26 Mar. S'' TJdie Pengwync, chapleyne 27 Mar. John s. of Will'm Chapleman 29 Mar. Richard Rowse * The baptism of this child does not appear iu the register. See baptisra of his brother of the same name, aud note, p. 2 ante. f She was his first wife ; he married secondly Phillippa Vivian ; see marriages 1.5o0. He was probably a son of Tho. Jcnkin. and grandson of John Jenkyn id's Pendyne of St. Columb Major. \ See his baptism, p. 2 ante. 22 Aug. Pascatt d. of John Clemow 23 April John Michell of Peryn, widoer 24 April Jane d. of Joan Brytton 25 April George* s. of Thomas Jenken 1 May Thomas s. of John Tome 6 May AVill'm Darr servant to Richard Tremayne 10 May Joan Brytton 12 May John s. of John Sandowe 12 June Harrie s. of Will'm Smyth 14 June Stephen Rawe 15 June Thomas Jenkenf 14 July Tamson d. of Richard Watte 24 July Harrie s. of James NauscavoU 10 Aug. Margerie Page, widow 21 Aug. Richard s. of John James 2 Oct. Jaue, the bastard of Katherine Vyncent 3 Oct. Denys Coswarne, widow 4 Oct. Lawrenc s. of Alexander^ 3 Nov. Jane the wiefF of Richard Darr 10 Nov. Tamson the wieff of Richard Tremayne 27 Nov. Jane d. of John Stephen 26 Dec. Emblen Coble, widow 31 Dec. Mai'garet Benny 14 Jan. Johane d. of John Cornish 17 Jan. Jane the wieff of Harrie Typpett 22 Jan. John Olyver 1 Feb. John a bastard, father John Perkeh 9 Feb. Katherine d. of Stephen Jenyn 9 Mar. Alson the wieff of John Tre- gleith 13 Mar. Alson Torker, widow 13 Mar. Thomas Pearse, widoer 23 Mar. John s. of John Gylberd Anno 1544. 30 April Michael Pascow, young man 2 May Pascatt d. of Thomas Dasow 5 May Phillepp d. of John Treharie 21 May John Pethericke 23 May Agnes the wieff of Robert Tregrear 25 May Alson d. of James John Jane 8 June John Dyar 27 June Will'm s. of John Moylle 18 July Jenken Rawlinge, widoer 24 July Udie Thomas, single man 14 Aug. Michael Thomas * By his wife Katherine Pube. f He was probably one of the sons mentioned withont name in the will of John Jenkyn aVs Pendyne of St. Columb Major, which will was proved 12 Dec., 1504. X Surname left blank. 1544-45.] BUEIALS. 181 20 Sep. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 7 Nov 11 Nov 17 Nov. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dec. 7 Jan. 15 Jau. 17 Jan. 31 Jan. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 Feb. 28 Feb. 5 April 6 April 15 April 17 April Jane d. o£ John Davye Jane d. of John Menhirs Vivian s. of Edward Meryfeild Thomas Tremain Tamson, a bastard of Thomas Jenken James s. of Saundry John Johane d. of Eichard Tom Nicholl Eichard Laven Alson d. of James Horken Love d. of Eichard Osborne Udie Brytton Eichard s. of "Will'm ffere JNIargerie wiefE of Jenken Tre- maine Marren Tresannow Marren the wiefF of Eichard Osborne Marren the wieff of Udie Brytton Arthur s. of Thomas Teage S'" John Aruudell,* knight John s. of Will'm Spray Katherine d. of John Cregoe S'' John Bushe, chaplaine in Jess Chappellf Johane d. of Udie Geyne Anisto 1545. Thomas Tomewoo, vridoer Johane d. of John Hawke Will'm Watte Ebbet the wieff of Thomas Eawlinge * This Sir John Arundell was of Lanherne, the son and heir of Sir Thomas Arundell of Lan- herne, by his wife Catherine, daughter of Sir John Dinham and sister and co-heir of John, Lord Dinham. He was aged 11 years at his father's death in 1485. He married first, Lady Elizabeth Grey, daughter of Thomas Grey, first Marquis of Dorset (by his second wife Cecilia, daughter and heiress of William, Lord Bonville and Harrington), by whom he had issue. Sir John Arundell of Lanherne ; Sir Thomas Arun- dell, ancestor of the Lords Aruudell of Wardour ; Elizabeth, married Sir Richard Edgcumbe ; Jane, died nnmarried, buried ^dth a monumental brass at Mawgan. Sir John married secondly, Catherine, daughter of Sir Thomas Granville, k', (by his first wife Isabella, daughter of Otes Gilbert), by whom he had issue one daughter, Mary married first to Robert Ratcliffe. Earl of Sussex, K.G., and secondly to Henry FitzAlan, 18th Earl of Aruudell, K.G. There is a fiiic monumental brass to the memory of this Sir John in the church of St. Columb Major, fully described in the notes on the niouumeuts re- maining in the church ; see introduction. f Jesus Chapel, on the north side of the chancel, beneath it is the vault of the Vivians of Truan. 26 April Eoger Harper 28 April Wyllmott d. of Thomas Carter 29 April Stephen s. of Will'm Phillep 17 May Johu s. of Will'm Phillep 20 May Mellior d. of John Eenold 12 June John s. of Johu Pearse 19 May Eichard s. of Udie Myll 28 May Thomas Norton 13 July Alse d. of John Jenyn 23 Aug. Jane d. of Marke William 25 Aug. Eichard Nanstaveu 1 Sep. Margaret a bastard to Thoma- sine Tynckler 15 Sep. Eichard Evnell 5 Oct. Tamson a bastard to Jane Symon 8 Oct. John Vivian* aUs John Tre- nowth 21 Oct. Eemfrey Eobert 21 Oct. Jane d. of Harrie Eowse 1 Nov. Peternell d. of Thomas Meri- feild 3 Nov. John Williams 4 Nov. John a bastard to Christian servant to M"" Tregose 24 Nov. George s. of John Thom 26 Nov. Katherinet d. of Will'm Tre- nowth 2 Dec. John Nanswyddonf 2 Dec. Elizabeth wieff of John Horkie 9 Dec. Jaue d. of Eichard Osborne 10 Dec. Margerie d. of Thomas Seys 17 Dec. Water Sandowe 31 Dec. Eawlinge s. of Eichard Cocker 4 Jan. Harrie s. of John Pearse 16 Jan. Emblen Denys, wydow 26 Jan. Marren Phillep, wydow 3 Feb. Dorothie wieff of William Marke 14 Feb. Johu s. of John Menhire 14 Feb. John a bastard to John Chapelman 14 Feb. Henrie a bastard, mother Mary Pyuock 27 Feb. John FyrandJ * He cither purchased Trenowth, or has some think succeeded to it by descent, his father having probably married the heiress or co- heiress of Trenowth, it being not uncommon at that period to use the alias in such a case. His will was proved Sep. 27, 1550. He was father of Richard Vyvyan, of Trenowth, whQ names him as '■ lately deceased." f These names were probably acquired, like some others, by residence on lands so called in this parish. X See burial of his widow in Dec. 1546. 182 THE EEaiSTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [15-15-47. 27 Feb. Ebbott wiefE of Joliu Beu- nett 5 Mar. Thomas s. of John Pabe 10 Mar. John Edward 12 Mar. Jane wieff of John Pabe 21 Mar. Alson Sandow, widow Ai^-o 1546. 25 Mar. Johnne wieff of Jolm Renold 28 Mar. Agatha wife of Michell Pabe 28 Mar. Phillep Avan 29 Mar. Catherine wieff of John Hawke 31 Mar. Robert Eetallack 31 Mar. Johaue d. of Robert John James 3 April S'" Jobn Lucow custos of 0'' Ladie Chappie* 3 April Walter s. of Thomas Nan- scavan 4 April Jane d. of Udie Hodge 6 April Emblen Dawe, widow 7 AjH'il John s. of Thomas Carter 21 April Thomas s. of Thomas Beard 21 April Siblie "Williams, widow 16 May Nicholas s. of Jolin Tre- bodie 20 May John Opie 27 May Emblen d. of John Chaplaine 3 June Jane d. of Ote Dyar 13 June Niccholas Norton 25 June Alson Payne, widow 28 June Antonie s. of John Edward 2 July Remfrey s. of "VVill'm Ryse 10 July Will'm s. of John Spraye 19 July Michell servant of John Richard 25 July Thomas Carter 27 July Robert s. of Stephen Pascowe 8 Aug. John Pearse 15 Aug. Jenken Kellyvrethf 22 Aug. Tybott Jacke Williams 26 Aug. Thomas Williams 13 Sep. Michell Mayhow 20 Sep. Lari'ie s. of Will'm Ilawkic 23 Sep. Richard Tyar 23 Sep. John Rawe 15 Sep. Tamsou wieff of Jobn Sandowe * The Lady Chapel is on the south side of the chancel, and belonged to the Arundells of Lan- herne, who have a vault beneath it, and tJieir monuments formerly stood within it. Although tliis is the last entry in the registers of a priest with the old title of " Sir," we tind in the parish " Green Book,'' the style in use as late as 1.585, in which year an entrj^ records that Sir Robert Veale, clerk, and John Grace, were to keep the keys of the poor man's box^;?v' tcmv. t See entry 23 April, 1550. 2 Oct. 6 Oct. 6 Nov. 8 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 21 Nov. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 4 Jan. 7 Jan. 20 Jan. 22 Jan. 26 Jan. 22 Jan. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 11 Feb. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 Feb. 26 Feb. 9 Mar. 10 Mar. 16 Mar. 30 Mar. 2 April 3 April 15 April 27 May 17 June 20 June 22 June 29 June 29 June 2 July 5 July 6 July Vivian s. of Luke Pollard Elizabeth wieff of John Fraunce John s. of James Rosogan* Marie d. of John Darr Niccholas Renolde Jauueth wieff of Udie Myll Pascowe Spraye Denys d. of Udie Hodge John s. of Udie Hodge Margerie the wieff of Michell Calwaie Richard s. of Stephen Jenyn Jane the wieff of Will'm Grascoyne Jannett fferand, widow Isett wdeff of John Dyar Richard s. of Richard Rowe John Thomas John a bastard to Johan Kembie Jane the wieff of Udie Greyne John s. of Udie Geyne Jannett the wietf of Pearse, servant to R'frey Pascow Michell Pabe ffraunces Josse Agnes the wieff of Thomas Whytte Richard s. of Nicholas Grove Tamson d. of John Olyver John Bernard a bastard Jane d. of Richard Os2)ren Melliar Grove, widow Mel liar the wieff of Jobn Tre- hare Udan Vyncent tbe wieff of John Vyncent Anno 1547. Jannett Manadue, widow James Reskorlow, widoer Johane & John the children of John Pabe Will'm s. of Thomas Robert Jane d. of Henrie Rowse Margerie d. of John Jenkenf Thomas s. of Otes Dyar Otes s. of Will'm Prowse Janef d. of John Jenken John s. of Pascow Hey Water Tregase Hixmphrey s. of Marke Jobe Johane d. of Marke Jobe * Rosogan, the name of a farm in the parish. f Daughter of John Jenkyn (grandson of John Jenkyn aVs Pendyne) by Margerie his first wife. 1547.] BUEIALS. 183 12 July Water Hey 14 July Pernall servant to Jolin E-awe 15 July Jolm a bastard to Bennett "Wilkie 18 July Rawlinge s. of Eobert Tor- way 18 July Tamson servant to Bennett Mawna 19 July Will'm s. of Eobert Yages 29 July Nora servant to Eawlinge Teage 20 July Jane d. of Eicliard Trenoek 20 July Elizabeth d. to Stephen Browne 20 July Elen a bastard to Will'm B aw den 20 July Thomas s. of Eawlyn Jeffery 21 July James s. of John Knight 21 July Will'm s. of John Stephen 23 July Thomas s. of Will'm Prowse 23 July James s. of Edward Island 23 July Alee d. of Eobert Torway 24 July Jane d. of Eichard Bawden 24 July John s. of John Stephen the younger 25 July Pearse Bodie 25 July Eichard s. of Thomas Meri- feild 25 July Jane d. of Eobert Vyvian* 27 July Jane & Jane, daus. of Pears Marten 28 July John s. of John Edward 29 July Antonie s. of Eichard Tocker 29 July Eichard Pearse, siugleman 29 July Stephen s. of Nicholas Dyar 30 July Jannett the wieff of John Clerk 30 July John s. of John Clerk 30 July Nicholas s. of Jolni Kembre 1 Aug. John s. of Bennett Bone 1 Aug. Marie the wieff of Thomas Braye 3 Aug. Margaret d. of John Vyncent 4 Aug. Agnes servant to Thomas Merifeild 4 Aug. Agues d. of Pearse Marten * This Eobert was probably the brother of Michael Vivian, of Trelowarrcn, and if so his wife was Margaret, daughter and co-heiress of John Durant, of Trevarrion ; he was a J. P. in 1523, and left issue James, Michael, and Margaret, who married first, Walter Kestell, and, secondly, Michael Hill. James continued the male line, but Michael left a daughter and heiress. Chris- tian married William Fortescue, of Mawgan ; her mother, Jane, daughter of Rob. Hill, married again to Nicholas Fortescue, father of William Fortescue. 5 Aug. Dorothie the wieff of Eichard Pearse 5 Aug, Jane d. of John Clerke 6 Aug. John Clerke 6 Aug, Michell* s, of Thomas Jenken 7 Aug. Eemfrey servant to Eichard Carter 7 Aug. John s. of John Clark 7 Aug. Melliar the wiefE of Pascow Pearse 7 Aug. Jane servant of Jane Keyser 8 Aug. Pascow Pearce 8 Aug. Eichard Tremaine 9 Aug. Jane d. of Eichard Eawlinge 9 Aug. Jane d. of John Laustone 9 Aug. Eichard s. of Eobert Torwey 10 Aug. Thomas s. of Udie Putford 10 Aug. Harrie s. of John Mayhow 10 Aug. Eichard s. of John Melhyn- nock 12 Aug. John s. of Eobert Symon 13 Aug. Edward s. of Emanuell Eoger 13 Aug. Jane d, of John Hetherd 13 Aug. Mariott the wiefE of Eobert Symon 13 Aug. Jane d. of Eichard Trenoek 13 Aug, Stephen s. of Will'm Upcott 13 Aug. Will'm s. of John Molhyn- nock 14 Aug. Thomas s. of Eemfrey Grosse 14 Aug. John Blackdom a stranger 15 Aug. John Eyse 16 Aug. Otes Dyar 16 Aug. John Monndaiet 17 Aug. Will'm Gascoyne 17 Aug. Jenken s. of Eobert John 18 Aug. Will'm s. of Eobert Gwyn- now 18 Aug. Nicholl d. of Eichard Tre- north 19 Aug, James s. of Jenken Vian 20 Aug. Edward s. of Pearse Bodye 20 Aug. Agnes d. of Jenken Vyan 22 Aug. Agnes d. of Thomas Trelud- dow 23 Aug. George s. of Ote Nawan 23 Aug. Phillep d. of Harrie Eoswal- sters * By Katherine Pube his wife. f John Mondaic of ISt. Columb Minor, gent., gave by will money to the poor of St. Columb Major. (Green Book, 1585.) This family had the manor of Piialton, in Lower St. Columb, through the means of Tho. Munday Prior, of Bodmin, whose brother, John Munday, first settled there about 1540 ; they retained their position at Eialton for several generations, but eventually became very much reduced in circum- stances. 184 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUIklB MAJOK. [1547. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 25 Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Aug. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 4 Sep. 6 Sep. 6 Sep. 7 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 8 Sep. 9 Sep. 9 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Sep. 11 Sep. 11 Sep. 13 Sep. Eichard s. of Eobert John AVill'm s. of Bennett Mawna John s. of John Sandowe Eichard s. of Udie Myll Eichard s. of Will'm TJpcott Harrie s. of Ecmfrc}" Carter Eichard d. of Thoinas Tre- nowth Udie servant to John Moylle Jane d. of Will'm Upcott Thomas s. of John Hetherd Eichard Hainett, a stranger Eenifrey s. of John Jeffery Luke s. of Eichard Pluygie Jane d. of John Jeffery Elizabeth d. of Eobert Gwyn- nowe Brehard a bastard to Will'm Eyse Henri e s. of Eobert Gwyn- nowe "Will'm Eyse Nicholas s! of Ecmfrey Carter* Eichard s. of Will'm Hawke Thomas s. of Thomas Carter* Thomas Irish s'vant to John Nauconan George s. of Thomas Wyll Margerie d. of Thomas Teage Tamson d. of John Lawrie Phillip d. of Eobert Jobn Jane d. of John Cleraowe Stephen s. of Henrie Tybett Agnes Irish s'vant to John Nauconan Phillep sevant to Jobn Typett Phillip d. of Harriet Eemfrey s. of John Moylle Thomas s. of Eichard Tremain Eemfrey s. of Eemfrey Carter Katherine d. of John Hawke John s. of Eichard Watte Isabell d. of Eobert Sexton Tamson d. of Nicholas Trelego Elizabeth the sviefE of John Sandow Margerie d. of Thomas Benny Alson, a bastard to Eemfrey Carter Thomas s. of Thomas Davie Bennett s. of Thomas Trelud- drow Jane d. of John Stephen Ursula d. of William Eeyre * Their relationship, if any, to the family of Carter in the Heralds' Visitation does not appear. I No surname. 14 Sep. Alson servaute to Thomas Conssoer 18 Sep. Margaret d. of Will'm Spraye 18 Sep. Jane d. of John JefEery 18 Sep. Katherine s. of John Davie 19 Sep. Eichard s. of Eichard Yyucent 19 Sep. Eichard s. of AVill'm Eyse 19 Sep. John Irish servant to John Nanconan 21 Sep. Eobert Jollye 21 Sep. Mariott d. of Thomas Tre- maine 21 Sep. Thomas Davie 22 Sep. Johane Grove, wddow 23 Sep. Elizabeth wieff of John Bod- rogoe 24 Sep. Udie the servant of Stephen Eobert 25 Sep. Eichard Nicholas 25 Sep. Alson the wieff of James John 26 Sep. Eichard s. of John Sewalsters 1 Oct. Walter servant to Janet Tre- main e 2 Oct. John s. of John Tremaine 3 Oct. Vivian s. of John Browne 4 Oct. ffraunces s. of Will'm Pliillep, and three others* 8 Oct. Eichard s. of Will'm Jollye 8 Oct. Will'm s. of John Jane 9 Oct. John s. of Allen AVhyte 11 Oct. Marie d. of Harrie Pluygie 15 Oct. Eichard Falmouth, s'vant to Stephen Eobert 15 Oct. Eichard s. of John Lanyne 15 Oct. George s. of John Typett 20 Oct. Jane d. of Michell Mayhowe 21 Oct. Thomas s. of Will'm Bennett 22 Oct. Jane d. of Allen Wyott 22 Oct. Pascett d. of John Toker 25 Oct. Marie d. of John Trehare 6 Nov. John Gayffe 8 Nov. Tamson d. of John Typett 8 Nov. James s. of Eichard Typett 12 Nov. John s. of Udie Myll 15 Nov. Eichard s. of John Toker the elder 15 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Eobert Jollie 23 Nov. Jane d. of Eichard Eawe 26 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Eichard Eawe 27 Nov. John s. of Stephen Jenyne 3 Dec. Phillep d. of Eobert Tregona * In this year the parish was evidently sufEering from one of those epidemic diseases, which the unsanitary state of the social habits of the age so greatly tended to extend. The number of deaths registered in this year is 187, the usual number being from 30 to 40 ; the latter part of the year 1546, and the early part of 1548, are also affected. 1547-50.] BTJEIALS. 185 4 Dec. Harrie bastard to Auue Heug- cocke 21 Dec. Water s. of Eichard Eeiff 27 Dec. John Vyncent 10 Feb. .Tolm s. of Eobert Tregona 19 Feb. Harrie s. of Harrie Arthur 24 Feb. Alsou JefFerie, widow 28 Feb. John a bastard to Elizabeth Marten 18 Mar. Harrie s. of Thomas Teake Anno 1548. 26 Mar. John Eowse, singleman 3 April Anue wifte of Udie Bawdyn 15 May Wenefred d. of Humphrey Tyfford 1 June Eichard s. of John Tyake 4 June Pethericke servant to Thomas Cower 15 July Thomas Pascowe 29 July Eichard Eawlinge 4 Aug. "Will'm s. of Eobert Grwynnow Tooe whose names are torne out of the book were buried the 2nd and 3rd Sep.* 4 Sep. John s. of Thomas Tyar 27 Sep. Jane d. of John Mell 2 Oct. Thomas s. of Eichard Weaver 18 Oct. Thomas s. of Eobert Calway 21 Oct. James s. of Will'm Wattye 2 Nov. Grace servant to Phillep Tom 11 Nov. Jane Eyse, wydow 12 Nov. Margaret d. of John Tyake Will'm s. of Luke Pollard 12 Jan. John Michell 16 Jan. James Corver 3 Feb. Thomas Sampson 20 Feb. Eichard s. of John Tynckler 28 Feb. Nicholas Dyar 12 Mar. Jane d. of IJdie GTeuo 19 Mar. Thomas Melhynnock 22 Mar. Eobert Trepronye 22 Mar. J. . . .* whose name is worne out of the booke Anno 1549. 26 Mar. James s. of Manuell Eoger 28 Mar. Eichow wieff of John Wylky 5 April Elizabeth wiefF of John Lavyn 7 April Constanc d. of Eichard Nicies 13 April Thomas Adam 15 April Jenken Tom 19 April Anne wicff of Thomas Tyake * The existing register being a copy of an earlier one, hence omissions and the occurrence of an initial only in some places, the name itself being illegible to the person then employed to make a copy of the entries. 3 May 5 May 25 May 25 May 2 June 9 June 31 July 31 July 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 21 Sep. 2 Oct. 18 Oct. 24 Oct. 19 Nov. 29 Nov. 12 Dec. 15 Dec. 31 Dec. 2 Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 17 Jan. 9 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 Feb. 9 Mar. 21 Mar. Tamsou the wieff of Thomas Warren* Alson Norton, wydow Margerie wiefE of John Kestell Elizabeth the wieff of John Eichard James bastard to f Eobert s. of Eichard Eawe Harrie s. of James Yuunge John s. of James Touuge Jane d. of Eobert John James Eosogan Emblen d. of James Vyncent JohnJ whose name is worrie out of the book Margerie d. of Thomas Benny Will'm Kellie servant to Eem- frey Strongman Syslie d. of John Moylle Jane d. of John Tedde Eichard Weaver Melliar wieff of John Moyllc Pacience d. of Will'm Mar Jane d. of Water Merifeild Harrie s. of Eemfrey Carter John s. of Stephen Pascowe Ursula d. of Thomas Eichard John, one out of Mayhowes howse Anne the wiif of Will'm Salpyn Eichard Calwaie John, bastard to Lallow Jolle Water Merifeild § Anno 1550. of Harrie Kyllywerth,|| p' this p'ish Mollier Donne, widowe Margaret d. of Eichard Kawlye Jane d. of Eichard Kawlye Harrie s. of John Nankevell^ John Leprise aVs Prest 23 April 5 May 9 May 21 May 14 June 27 May • Warne, more correctly. t Left blank. J Entered thus ; see note p. 176 ante. § Water for Walter occnrs often. II See entry 15 Aug., 1546 ; these two are the only entries of the name in the register. About 1600 a Hen. Kelverth married Elizabeth, daughter of Rich. Roskrowe of Gluvias. ^ The pedigree of Nankevell in the Heralds' Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. gives the ilescent thus, — John Nankevill (il's Tipott of St. Wenn, living in 1620, s. of Rich. N. of St. Yvenn, s. of Mark N. of Colomb Maior, s. of Jenkiu N. of C. M., s. of John N. of C. M.. s. of Tipctt N. of C. M. The above John N. living 1620, married Kath. daughter of Humph. Arscott, and had Richard aged 13, Joane aged 18, Katherine aged 16 in 1620. 2b 1S6 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1550-72. 2 July Jenet the wiffe of Remfrey Strongman 10 July TVill'm s. of Thomas Marke 7 Sep. Anne bastard to Water Crips 27 Oct. Elizabeth wiff of Water AVil- I'ms 7 Nov. Udie Nancollas 3 Dec. Richard Xicholl 14 Dec. Eichaixl Osburne 26 Dec. Will'm Prowse 24 Jan. Jane d. of John Robert 26 Jan. Richard a bastard 12 Eeb. Alse Hockye, widow Anno 1551. 30 Mar. Michaell Da^ae 19 April ffraunce s. of Richard ffisher 29 May Margaret wifF of Thomas Cor- nish 14 June Jane d. of ffraiince Adam 18 Juue Umfrey s. of James Vyncent 12 Aug. Marreu wifte of Harrie Arthur 17 Sep. Alson Torware, wydow 25 Sep. Thomas s. of Stephen* 5 Oct. Jane d. of John Pearse 6 Oct. Stephen s. of Antonie Rawe The name of those w'^'^ were buried tlie rest of the yere 1551 were lost or not registered, and from that yere untyll the tbeirtene yere of the reigne of our most gracious soveraigne Ladie Queue Eliza- beth that nowe y^ were lykewyse lost or not wryten, but here followe the names of those that were buried sythenc the yere of our Lord God 1571. AifNO 1571. 9 April Will'm s-. of Tbomas Calway 9 April Paskow Frapp 10 April Alice Dingle 12 April Marke Williams 12 April INIargaret Roche 21 April Jobn s. of Arnold Gennet 25 April HaiTie s. of Renold Lavyn 25 April John Tyflord 25 April Tamson Synner 4 May Richard Bryent 4 May Johaue Pascow, widow 5 May Katherine Vyncent, widow 16 May Constanc Tyfford 2 June Tamsou Burlace 4 June Jolin Marke 5 June Marten Collys 8 June Thomas s. of Thomas Teage 20 June John Cardewe 6 July John Cornish 10 July Clarye Younge *■ No Surname. 15 Aug. John Trigen 15 Aug. Stephen Benny 22 Aug. Elizabeth ^Sloylle 3 Oct. Tamson Pawie 20 Oct. Richard Lallowe 3 Nov. Richard Edye 4 Dec. Johane Adam 18 Dec. Columbe Stephen 29 Dec. Margerie Heycrafte 18 Jan. Johaue Clarke 30 Jan. Johaue Boscastell 3 Feb. Marie James, widow 6 Feb. John s. of Robert Marke 3 Mar. Harrie Hyuder 19 Mar. Johane Vy^nan* 22 Mar. John Collinge Akno 1572. 30 Mar. ffraunce Williams 10 April Margaret Rawe 13 April John Cockinge 18 April Johane Browne 22 April Margerie Pearse, widow 1 May Margaret James, widow 6 May Stephen Allen 14 May Bawden Scryvenor 24 May Constanc Typpett 2 June Paskow Tooker 2 June Johane Nawne 9 June John Hawke 12 June John Dawe 13 June John Othruge (?) of Alternone 28 July Thomas Hockinge 3 Aug. Richowe Spraye 12 Aug. Humphrey Mayhow 22 Aug. Thomas Plawke 8 Oct. Januett Marten 18 Oct. Harrie Haycreft 28 Oct. Richard Allen 28 Oct. John Trescalett 7 Nov. Richard Oxnam 28 Dec. Amye Cerra (?) 29 Dec. Katherine Adam 30 Dec. Will'm Bettye 22 Jan. Johane Treluddrow 28 Jan. John Langdon 13 Feb. Mablye Morcombe 22 Feb. Alee Laven 28 Feb. Wylliam Spraye 1 Mar. Elizabeth Kood 6 Mar. Phillep Browne 11 ]\Iar. Elizabeth Mayhowe 22 Mar. Stephen Bro^-ne 23 Mar. Johane Browne 24 Mar. Johane Allen * Probably daughter of Richard Vivian, named in his will 1550. 1573-77.] BIJEIALS. 187 A^'NO 1573. 27 Mar. Margaret Eawlinge 8 April Margerie Geeue 9 April Alse Hey 12 April Marye Eowse 13 April Hugh Hawke 14 April Jolin Stephen 24 April Stephen Dyngell 29 Api'il Mauuell Cornish 30 April John Hockie 20 Mar. Will'ui Sadlier 26 June Eichard Hockie 3 July Honor Luke 5 July Phillepp Eetalleck 6 July John Manuell 3 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Humphrey Eyse 7 Oct. Johane Manuell 7 Oct. Johane Marke 11 Oct. Eichard Typpett 21 Oct. John Maben 4 Dec. Edward Calwaie 28 Dec. John Chaplinge 30 Jan. John Glanfeild 20 Feb. Humphry Symon 22 Feb. Luke Jenken 29 Feb. James Carter* 29 Feb. Jane CoUe 30 Feb. John Nanconan Anno 1574. 20 April Harrie Joll 10 May John Bennet a bastard 9 June Thomas Manuell 20 July Will'm Upcott 14 Aug. Willmot Wylliams 3 Oct. Christen Calwaie 8 Nov. Katherine Treluddrow 19 Nov. Elizabeth Sexton 1 Dec. John "Williams 26 Jan. Eichard Watte 27 Jan. Elizabeth Tregenhay 10 Feb. John Davie the elder 20 Feb. Alse Nawne 10 Mar. Margerie Vyvianf AisTNo 1575. 5 April Johane Lyttacott 13 June Peter Eysse 20 June Nichlas Hockinge 23 June Ursula Eawe 12 July Johane Cocke * Son of Richard Carter, gent. ; he married Honour, daughter and coheiress of John New- man, by whom he had issue several children. f Probably daughter of Eichard Vivian, named in his will dated 1550, 21 July Eichard Maben 20 Aug. Eadigan Luke 16 Sep. Alse Penputford 23 Sep. Alse Johus 14 Oct. Honor Gavrigau, widow* 26 Oct. Alse Pawlle 5 Nov. John Inhaye 1 Jan. Harrie Eawe 15 Jan. Marie Calwaie, bastard 16 Jan. Eichard Trusoe 16 Jan. Eichard Mevasoe 30 Jan. Johane Thomas 2 Feb. Elizabeth Spraye, widow 5 Feb. Johane Edye 2 Mar. John Mathew Akno 1576. 11 April John Menhynnett 28 April Margerie Lethe, bastard 11 May Johane Lukie 6 June Anne Trevithan 14 June John Moyses 23 June Will'm Bosello 23 June Johane Edward 28 June Clmstian Geene 11 July Umphrey Grosse 10 Aug. Johane Moylle 19 Aug. Johane Marten 9 Sep. OUie Copithorne 27 Sep. Will'm Pell 12 Oct. Margerie Cocke 25 Oct. Eichard Grosse 18 Nov. John Valleys 25 Nov. "Will'm Benny 26 Nov. John Pascow 2 Dec. Johane Knight 18 Jan. John Collinge 20 Jan. Thomas Abraham 22 Jan. Blanch Spray 30 Jan. Agnes Darr 9 Feb. John Cockinge Anko 1577. March, Apriell and Maya nothing re- gistered. 6 June 13 June 13 June 13 Jime 18 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 30 June 3 July Eichard Jenken John Eyse Johane Tremaine John Gobell Eichard Edward Will'm Mayhowe Henrie Trevethan Umphrey Tremaine Johane Haycroft John Edward * fShe was daughter of John Michell, of Truro, and wife of John Gaveriganof Gaverigan. 188 THE EEaiSTEES OF ST. COLrMB MAJOE. [1577-79. 9 July Anue Calwaie 15 July Elizabeth Calwaie 30 July Alse Jane 17 Aug. Katherine Illarie 21 Aug. ftVauuce Snell 24 Aug. Jobaue Jobb 28 Aug. Marke servauut to Jolui II- larye 30 Aug. Thomas Iloweli 7 Sep. Katherine Carvauuell 15 Sep. Johaue Jelon 15 Sep. Katherine Opie 26 Sep. Elizabeth Nanconan 26 Sep. llichard Nanconau 27 Sep. John Abraham 28 Sep. Christable Jenken 30 Sep, Edward Edwards 3 Oct. Pascae Sadler 8 Oct. Thomas Sadler 12 Oct. Elizabeth Sqere 12 Oct. John Browne 15 Oct. Johane Thomas 19 Oct. John aVs Jenkeu Nauconan 20 Oct. John Pabe 26 Oct. Elizabeth Eowse 3 iS'ov. Eichard Vesey 10 Nov. Lawrenc Browne 11 Nov. Tamson Eowse 12 Nov. Stephen Williams 17 Nov. Eichard Eowse 17 Nov. Humphrey Skynner 22 Nov. Thomas Skynner 23 Nov. Johane Kinge, bastard 24 Nov. Johane Eobert 30 Nov. Honor Williams 30 Nov. Honor Browne 3 Dec. Eobert Indye 4 Dec. William Browne 8 Dec. John Eobert 8 Dec. Harrie Batt 12 Dec. Eichard Eobert 12 Dec. John Eobert 23 Dec. George Mayhowe 24 Dec. Elizabeth Trembeth 26 Dec. John Thomas 27 Dec. Eichard Adam 29 Dec. James Williams 7 Jan. Marke Hocken 7 Jan. Tamsone Hocken 22 Jan. Johane Edward 16 Feb. Johaue Jenken 2 Mar. Eichard 13ylkie 15 Mar. Agnes Palmer 18 Mar. Agnes Nicholas 20 Mar. Eichard Bennye 2L ^lar. James Striblie 23 Mar. Johaue Dawe 23 Mar. Pascow Tremon A&-XO 1578. 10 April Johane Nankevell 16 April Tamson Pawlle 16 April Margerie Norton 30 April Nicholas Pawlle 3 May John Merifeild 15 May Thomas Carvannell 29 May John Cliaplinge 3 June Anne Puttord, bastard 16 June Eichow Browne, widow 26 June Pethericke Snell 6 July Ebbie d. of Eichard Maye 3 Aug. Elizabeth wieff o£ George Cardewe 29 Aug. Thomas s. of Eichard Blake 5 Sep. Marke Penquite 16 Sep. Edward s. of Eoger Maben 21 Oct. Thomas Teage 25 Oct. Alson Cocke 25 Oct. Margaret Cardew 30 Oct. Pentecost Marke 31 Oct. Margaret Whyte, widow 18 Nov. Jane Bennett 24 Nov. Thomas Langdon,* gent. 19 Dec. Margerie Jenyne, widow 2 Jan. Johnt s. of John Bonython 13 Jan. Sylvester a bastard 14 Feb. Eobert s. of Lawrence Jobbe 23 Mar. John s. of Eichard Spraye 24 Mar. John a bastard to John Sy- nion Anko 1579. 28 Mar. Johaue Eowthan 17 April Harrie Cost 4 May Thomas JenkenJ 8 May Tamson the wieff of Thomas Hawke 9 May John Nawne servant to Eichard Jenyne 17 May Eichard Dasowe 4 Aug. Jane Marten aVs Scryvener 16 Aug. Tamson d. of George May- howe 19 Oct. Eobert s. of George May- howe 13 Dec. Harrie s. of Eichard Samp- sou * He was fouilh son of John Langdon, of Bicton, CO. Cornwall, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Godolphin. He married Katherine Eosuggou. f By his wife Eleanor, daughter and co- heiress of AVilliam Mylytou. X He was probably son of Thomas, and brother of Heury Jenkin, who married Thoma- sin, daughter and co-heiress of \Vm. Harry Watt, gent. He married in 15i2 Katherine Pabe, or Pube. 1579-82.] BUEIALS. 189 17 Jau. Eicliard s. of Joliu Vesey 10 Mar. Alse Browne, widow 15 Mar. Tamson d. of the saied Alse 19 Mar. Joliane the wieff of Richard Beuny 22 Mar. Heurie Grwyunow aVs Eeski- gian 24 Mar. Johane d. of Eobert Eenolde An^o 1580. 11 April Johane d. of Harrie Grwyn- nowe 14 April Johane d. of John Cardewe 18 April John a bastard to Emblen Reede 19 April Dorothie d. of John Strong- man 24 April John s. of William Gierke 24 April Jannett Tanner an old woman 9 May Richard d. of John Menhire 27 May Nicholas Lane 29 May John s. of John Cocken 10 June JoliQ s. of Harrie Adam 15 June Barbara d. of Richard Willm's 15 June Thomas s. of John Adam 4 July Elizabeth Reed, widow 14 Aug. Jane the wiefE of Richard Carter* 14 Aug. ffranscis s. of John Snell 15 Aug. Milson d. of Robert John 22 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Vi- viauf 4 Sep. Agnes d. of Robert John 28 Sep. John s. of "Will'm Copi- thorne 15 Oct. Jane the wieff of John Manuell IG Oct. Walter servant to Richard Oxuam 29 Oct. Nicholas s. of Bastyian (no surname) 15 Dec. John s. of Richard Rowe 16 Dec. John s. of Humphrey Vyn- cent 16 Dec. Johane d. of Robert Cus- toUer 17 Dec. John s. of Michell Harrye 16 Eeb. Pascoe an old woman * Daughter of (John ?) Nancoiian. Her husband was the second son of Richard Carter, gent., and brother of James Carter, gent., who married the co-heiress of Newman. f By his wife Anne, daughter aud co-heiress of Peter Lower, of Truro. 15 Eeb. Reskeen a widow woman 17 Eeb. Margerie the wieffe of Richard Jane 29 Eeb. William Brown an old man 13 Mar. John Moylle th'elder Anno 1581. 27 Mar. Tamson TJpcott, widow 15 April John Crross, a verie old man 18 April Johane Jane 1 May Christian the wieff of Roger Servir 3 May John Stephens 22 June Harrie Sexton 10 Oct. John s. of John Skynner 27 Nov. Phillep d. of Renold Grosse 9 Dec. John Sandow 12 Dec. Richard s. of Thomas Vesey 16 Jau. John s. of William Wylls 11 Eeb. John s. of Pascow John 23 Eeb. Alse oue dwellinge in the cluirchayrd 24 Eeb. Elizabeth Trenowth aVs Vi- vian* 2 Mar. Olife d. of Degorie Stubs 3 Mar. ffranscis s. of Sampson Mor- combe 14 Mar. Syslie the wieff of Richard Jane 1 4Mar. Elinor d. of Harrie Opie 24 Mar. John s. of John Tocker Aiwo 1582. 9 April Will'm s. of Lawrence Jobb 9 April Honor bastard to Margaret Edwarde 10 April William Striblie 16 April John Norton the younger 20 April Jane the wieff of Paskow John 21 April Nicholas s. of Richard Hand 21 April John s. of Edward Weaver 22 April Margerie Typpett, widow 30 April John s. of Will'm Striblie 3 May Marren Striblie, Avidow 5 May Elizabeth d. of AVilliam . Clerk 18 May Jane the wiff of William Gyl- berd 20 May Johane Bodye, widow 15 July Johane Nanconan, widow 21 July John Moyses * Widow of Richard Vyvyan, of Trenowth named in his will dated 27 Sept., 1550. ' 190 THE REOISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1582-84- 4 Aug. Ricliard Carter, gent.* 19 Aug. Thomas s. of Harrie Hawke 23 Aug. Katlieriue d. of Umphrey Naukevell 26 Sep. Agues Eeskigiau, widows 16 Oct. Tamson Hawke, widowe 25 Oct. Joliu bastard to Katherine Eugrosse 26 Oct. Marten s. of John Valleys 5 jS^ov. Alse Davie, widowe Tlie second dale of the saied November there was buried a woman unknown 12 Dec. Honor d. of Harrie Sexton 15 Dec. Tamson Typpett 18 Dec. A child to Eobert Darr 20 Dec. Symon a bastard to Amye (sic) 27 Dec. A man child to John Roskigian 5 Jan. John s. of Thomas Hockie 5 Feb. Peternell d. of Davy Cong- don 24 Eeb. Elizabeth wif£ to Gregorie Trenoage 28 Feb. Thomas Bennye Anno 1583 27 Mar. Margarett the wiff of John Epplett 10 April Honor d. of John Pollard 5 May John s. of John Brabyn 15 June Jane d. of Richard Moylle 15 July A bastard to Rochesf 17 July J. d. of Harrie Adamf 31 July Oliffe d. of Thomas Merifeild 1 Aug. Honor d. of John Retallacke 18 Aug. John Copithorne, constable 19 Aug. fflorenc d. of Thomas Burges 1 Sep. Johu s. of Thomas Tyer 6 Sep. William s. of Lawrence Jobb 12 Sep. Johane the wifFe of Thomas Tyfford 27 Sep. Alse d. of Thomas Lukye 1 Oct. John s. of Thomas Daye 18 Oct. Will'm s. of Harrie Hawke 18 Nov. Richard s. of Will'm Michell 23 Dec. Katherine d. of Will'm Upcott * He was second son of Richard Carter, gent., and married Jane, daughter of (/ John) Nanco- nan, but died s. p. ; his nephew. John Carter, was his heir. Richard Carter had as appears " by the old book" a grant by the twelve men in 1573 " for 21 yeres of vi shoppes, two stiles, the stand- ing under the pentyses, and all the standings before the pyshe house for the yerelye rent of 58s. and 4 pence." In 1583 they wei'e in the hands of John Carter as executor of Richard Carter, (vide Green Book.) The "old book'" named above no longer exists ; the one remaining commences in 1585. t Sic. 14 Jan. Charles s. of John Carter* 24 Jan. Anne d. of John Langdon, gent. 3 Feb. Jane d. of Robert Locke 17 Feb. Johane d. of John Brabyn 11 Feb. Margaret the wiffe of Richard Tresawllef 24 Feb. Alse the wife of Thomas Weaver 11 Mar. John s. of John Leveton 15 Mar. Ollie d. of Pethericke Peruell Anno 1584. 25 April Margaret the wiffe of Roger fflaraackj 20 April Antonye s. of John Davye 3 June fflorence d. of Bennett Cal- w^aie§ 3 June Richard Reve 23 June Joliaue d. of Johu Mayhow 20 June Margaret a bastard 28 June Johane wiffe of Antonie the Smyth 28 July Udie Gene 28 July Anne d. of Thomas Vivian|| 7 Aug. John Lukie 11 Aug. Johane d. of George Marke 30 Aug. Umphrey Symon 8 Sep. William s. of John Hockie 24 Aug. Richard s. of Christopher Tresawllel 30 Oct. John Rowse the elder 10 Nov. Harrie s. of Will'm Trethn- nyck 10 Nov. Margaret d. of Marten Rawe 26 Nov. Marie d. of John Rawe 17 Dec. Johane a bastard to Syslie Tyer 25 Dec. Richard a bastard to Margerie Trevithan 27 Dec. Margaret Ollie 12 Jan. Honor Rowse, singlewoman 27 Jan. John Naukevell the younger 30 Jan. Mylson a bastard to the young Cocken * By his wife Jane, daughter of John Vivian, of Truau. t There are in the parish two farms, Upper and Lower Tresawle. In 11 Ric. II. Ralph Vivian, of Trevidren, held Tresawell in right of his wife, widow of ... . Tresawell. X He was one of the Constables of the parish in 1585. Rog. Flamancke, gent., Avas one of the twelve men in the same year. — Green Book, § Bcnnet Callway, warden of the poor in 1588.— Green Book. II By Anne his wife, daughter and co-heiress of Peter Lower, of Truro. % Christopher Tresawell, one of the wardens of the parish in 1585. 1584-87.] BUEIALS. 191 1 Mar. Elizabeth servaunt to Law- rence Jobb 8 Mar. Alson Hawke, widow 8 Mar. Arthur a. of Samps ou Mor- combe 24 Mar. Agnes G-rylls, widowe AifNo 1585. 29 Mar. Nowell s. of John Phillepp 14 May Eobert a bastard to Thomas Weaver's daughter 11 June Peter Heycrefte 20 July John Grysson 26 Aug. Harrie s. of Thomas Cock 6 Sep. Marie d. of John Davie 12 Sep. George s. of John Heydon 13 Sep. John Lawrie 15 Sep. Jane the wieffe of Will'm Tliomas 26 Sep. Jefferie Uryn 30 Sep. Richard s. of Eichard Eove 22 Oct. Coustanc wieff of Edward Cardewe 24 Oct. Johane d. of Ann Edward 24 Oct. Johane d. of "Will'm Calway 8 I^ov. George Cardew 9 Nov. Johane the wiefE of Nicholas Treluddrow* 18 Nov. Johane d. of Eichard Spray 20 Nov. Johane Jane, widow 24 Dec. Elizabeth Hengcock 27 Dec. James Vyncent 7 Jan. John Spray th' elder 7 Eeb. John s. of Will'm Tredynnickf 7 Eeb. Pascow s. of Eichard Norton 9 Eeb. Barbara d. of Humphrey Evans 15 Eeb. Johane Copithorne 3 Mar. Nicholas s. of John Phillepp 20 Mar. Jennett Moylle, widow 21 Mar. Eeynolde s. of Eichard Marten Akno 1586. 9 April Thomas Cocken 18 April John Pollard the younger 3 May Jane d. of Johane Lukie, widowe 4 May John s. of Will'm Browne 7 May Jane, the wiffe of Eemfrey Eowse 9 Moy Umfrey Nankevell 13 May Eichard Luke 23 May Emblen d. of fFransces Calway * Paid Nicholas Treluddrow for two years' ■wages, for keeping the bells at 12 pence a yejir. 2s.. 1589.— Green Book. t Wm. Tredinnick, buried 7 Feb., I.080. The Tredinuicks were seated in the parish of St, Breock near St. Columb, where their monuments still remain, 29 May Phillep* the wiff of John Lang- don 1 June Elizabeth Nankevell, widow 13 July John Valleys 27 Aug. John s. of John Cardewe 8 Sep. John s. of Thomas Myll 6 Oct. Christopher s. of Eobert Darr 8 Oct. Alse a poore old woman 13 Oct. John s. of Eobert Darr 16 Oct. Jane the wieff of John Chap- man 28 Oct. John Darr 4 Dec. fflorenc the wifFe of W"> Cal- wav, and her two children 5 Dec. Will'm s. of William Clerk 12 Dec. LTmphrey Evans 15 Dec. Jane d. of John Heyden 24 Dec. John Betty 27 Dec. John the bastard of one Eawe 29 Dec. John Payne 30 Dec. Katherine d. of Marten Eaw6 4 Jan. Eichard Bryent 15 Jan. Umfrey Manuell 18 Jan. Marie d. of Eichard Gylberd 19 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Thomas Teagef 20 Jan. John s. of John Toker 21 Jan. Jane Bonithou,J gent. 24 Jan. Alson Clemow 30 Jan. Eoger a poore boye 30 Jan. Lowdie d. of ffrances Calway 31 Jan. John Jenynge 31 Jan. Margaret d. of George Hockyo 4 Eeb. Katherine Polgrene 10 Feb. Margerie d. of Thomas Phillep 18 Eeb. Melliar Gwynnowe Anno 1587. 31 Mar. John Men hire 6 April Jefferie Otes 8 April John s. of John Nankevell 11 April A poore man that dyed in Bos- tarnan's stable 23 April Elizabeth Bray, widow 23 April Margerie Trelowgan 5 May John Williams * She was a daughter of Mount joy, and her husband was fifth son of John Langdou of Bickton, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Godolphin. John Langdon. gent., was one of the twelve men in 1585. — Green Book. t In 1586 Thomas Teage was paid 6s. 8d., a year's wages, for trimming the town clock. — Green Book. % This was Jane, daughter and heiress of John Durant of Pensinans, co. Cornwall, and wife of Eichard Bonithou of Bonithon. We learn from the parish green book that her son John Bonithon, Esq., paid to the parish for her burial 6s. 8d. and 6s. bequeathed by her. 192 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOE. [1587-89. 10 June 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 31 Aug. 2 Sep. 13 Sep. 8 Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 8 Dec. 10 Dec. 23 Dec. 5 Jau. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. 15 Feb. 5 Mar. 7 Mar. 8 Mar. 9 Mar. 10 Mar. 18 Mar. 4 April 5 April 8 April 15 April 17 April 18 April 20 April 21 April Elinor Nauconan Eichard Gyllerd Autonie Eawe Thomas Naukevell Jane Harrie Arthur Carter* IMargaret Lavrrie, widow Johane d. of Christopher Manuell Johane d. of the younger Baylie Agnes Grace Katherine the wifl" of John Eawe, glover Elizabeth Drew Nicholas a servant to M'' Goldsmyth of St. Kew Johane Amye single woman Luke Lyttacottf Tamsou Bettye Thomas Tynckler Grace, the wiffe of James Lawrence Thomas Lukie Eobert Tregona John Jefferye Johane Peane John Bennett James Eawe John Eowse s. of Harrie Eowse George Trenowth An>-o 1588. Johane, the wiff Kerne Eobert Moyses of Will'm Christopher a bastard to Mar- gerie Eawe Emblen the wiff of Marten Dyer John s. of John Heyci'efte Thomas Hawke§ Elynor|| d. of John Carter, gent. * Son of John Carter and Jane Vivian ; he died s.p. f Luke Litticotte, buried in the church, for which Sampson Morcombe paid 5s. (Green Book.) Sampson Morcombe was son-in-law to Luke Litti- cotte. % In 1586 John Edye of Trevarren paid 3s. 4d. not to be a warden. — Green Book. § Tho. Hawke of Hellwone, and Harry Hawke of Trevarren in this parish, paid 25s. rent of coppice let to their late father. Harry Hawke of Halwoone was one of the wardens of the poor in 158(5. — Green Book. II By his wife Jane, daughter of John Vivian of Trenowth. Eemfrey Margaret Margerie Tocker Johane d. of Marke Dyer Thomas Lahacke Udie Taylor John s. of Eobert Williams Eichard Calwaie Anne Jenyn Marie d. of Lallow Jolle Tliomas Tyer the younger Pethericke Peruall Thomas s. of Eobert Moyses Eichard Blake Tamsou the wiff of John Geyne John Chapman Thomas s. of Eichard Scryvener A child of Thomas Hodge Stephen, Michell, and Eichard Bennett aFs Eoskeeu Eichard s. of Eichard Oxnam John s. of John Spraye Alse d. of Thomas Baylie John a bastard to Johane Eousevell Milson Eowse, widow John Clemow Jane the wiffe of Eowse Will'm bastard to Eawe George Kure Arthur Pollard John Tresawlle al's Eawliuge John Vincent Emblen Pernell Dorothie d. of John Phillpe ffransce, servant to Thomas Tyfford ffrisoe d. to younger Abraham John s. of Marke Lawrie John s. of John Calwaie James Jenken Stephen Abraham* John s. of John Hicks Anno 1589. "Wylmot servant to Margerie Dyer Johane d. of Eichard Copi- thornef Emblen d. of Eichard Pollard Marie d. of Thomas Troble- feild Marie Vallis Johane Menhynet Stephen Abraham the younger, one of the churchwardens in 1580. — Green Book. t Eichard Copithorne, one of the twelve men in 1587. — Green Book. 21 April 22 April 24 April 24 April 24 April 25 April 1 May 5 May 6 May 29 May 31 May 10 June 27 June 28 June 2 July 27 July 1 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 27 Aug. 15 Sep. 21 Sep. 29 Sep. 2 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Nov. 15 Jan. 21 Jau. 1 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 2 Mar. 4 Mar. 15 Mar. 21 Mar. 22 Mar. 6 May 19 May 21 May 23 May 15 June 5 July * Step 1589-91.] BUEIALS. 193 7 Aug. John Laugdon,* gent. 13 Aug. Phillep d. of Jolm Skynuer 28 Aug. Richard Calway 30 Aug. Elizabeth wifF of John Jane 8 Sep. John s. of Degorie Stubbs 5 Oct. Will'ms. of Humphrey Vyncent 23 Oct. Johane Philp 27 Oct. Johane Grrosse 17 Nov. Alse, one of almes women 8 Dec. Elizabeth d. of G-eorge Col- linge 10 Dec. Johane Paver 24 Dec. Jane the wiff of John Thomas 27 Dec. John Strongman 15 Jan. Anne Putford 29 Jan. Johane the wifp of Bennet James aVs Reskean 2 Eeb. Ehzabeth d. of John Tresawlle 7 Eeb. IFransee s. of Richard Hawkef 12 Eeb. Johane Bawden 2 Mar. Margaret Gallo 3 Mar. John Renold al's Williams 5 Mar. John s. of Walter Smyth 6 Mar. Richard s. of John Payne 11 Mar. Johane the wiff of Will'm Boscarvan 17 Mar. Margaret Hatter 24 Mar. Will'm Boscarnan Afno 1590. 15 April Jane Nicholl 17 April Margerie the wifE of John Norton 20 April Thomas s. of R. Inde 28 April Thomas Daye aVs Rosogan 6 May Harrie Opie 6 May Harrie s. of John Tubb 8 May Marren Chaplen 11 May Thomas Trelowgan 1 June Edward Bettie 1 June Alson, the wiff of ffransce Rawe 4 June Johane the wiff of John Udie 17 June John Nankevell 19 June Johane d. of John Will'ms 13 July Tamson d. of Richard Scry- ven'' 17 July Barbara d. of Richard Pollard 21 July Hugh s. of Richard Oxnam 14 Aug. Nicliolas s. of Nicholas Will'ms 28 July Jane d. of Austyn Millen 17 Oct. Emblen d. of Marten Slogatt * Fifth son of John Langdon of Bicktou ; see note, p. 187 ante. The baptisms of several of his children appear in the register. t Richard Hawke. one of the constables in 1586.— Green Book. 18 Oct. Margaret Sexton 21 Oct. John s. of ffransce Rawe 21 Oct. Ebbet Will'ms 14 Nov. Katherine d. of Harrie Adam 6 Dec. Sir John Arundell, knight* 31 Jan. Greorge Brownef 2 Jan. Richard Cardew 11 Mar. Jennet Rowse aVs Jenken, widow 17 Mar. Jane d. of ffransce Behednow 21 Mar. Harrie s. of John Heycrefte 21 Mar. Johane Battye, widow 22 Mar. Elizabeth the wiff of John Moylle Anno 1591. 7 April Johane Willm's 21 April Richard s. of John Cockie 25 April Agnes wiff of John Tocker 3 May John Baylie 18 May Johane Torke 18 May Harrie Anhay & Kathrine his wiff 26 May Katherine Valleys 6 June Richard s. of Richard Car- dewe 11 June Harrie s. of Nicholas Drew 13 June Pascow Anhay &liis wieff 15 June Jone ffeare 17 June Jane Darr 22 Jvme Constanc d. of John Pearse 1 July Andrew Darr 3 July Jane servant to John ffeare 9 July John Yeoman 10 July Richow d. of Bawden Moylle 15 July Dolorye s. of Bawden Moylle 20 July James Mayhow 31 July Dennys the wiff of Stephen Abraham 5 Aug. Will'm s. of James Mayhowe 20 Aug. Barbara the wiff of James Udie 23 Aug. Alse the wiff of Harrie Gas- coyne 28 Aug. Katherine servant to M'' Boni- thon 26 Sep. Richard Pearse 29 Sep. Marke Lawrie * He was son and heir of Sir John Arundell of Lanherue, by Elizabeth, daughter of Gerald Dauet, Esq. of Danct'ts Hall, and was aged 30 at the death of his father in 1.557. He married Lady Anne, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Derby (by Anne daughter of Edward, Tjord Hastings of Hungerford), and relict of Charles, 7th Lord Stourtou. He died the 17th Nov., 1590, and is recorded on a monumental brass still remainins in the church at St. Columb. f Geo. Browne, one of the churchwardens in 1586. — Green Book, 2 c 194 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLTJMB MA JOE. [1591-93. 11 Oct. 12 Oct. 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 24 Oct. 10 Nov. 10 Xov. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 20 Eeb. 22 Eeb. 24 Eeb. 26 Eeb. 2 Mar. 1 April 3 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 23 April 7 Mav 20 May 21 May 2 July 22 July 25 July 31 July 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 24 Oct. 7 Nov. * Sic. Marian Syse Jane d. of Marke Lawi'ie Marie d. of Marke Lawry Katlierine d. of Eescoll* J. d. of Marke Lawrie Margerie d. of John Lawry Anned. of John Carter, gent.* Elizabeth d. of Harrie Dyar Marke s. of Marke Lawrye Emblen d. of Thomas Myll Margerie servant of Thomas Myll ffransce Typpett Thomas s. of Julian Rescoll- was Grrace servant of Thomas Daye John s. of Thomas Myll Alse d. of Bennet Calway Elizabeth d. of John Browne Jane Browne Elizabeth wiff of Degorie Stubbes John s. of Degorie Stubbes M"" Docter Eennalls Edward Servir Thomas Weaver Thomas Jeninge Thomas Jenken ffransce Brytton Miller James Tounge Anno 1592. Agnes d. of "Will'm Braye Alse Escott Katheriue Rawlinge Marie d. of Petherick Pernell Ollie d. of Nicholas Holraan Thomas Nuttle Elizabeth Inde Thomas s. of Thomas Myll Jane d. of John Knight John Snoll John s. of John Tyer Anne wiff of Thomas Car- thew Margaret d. of "W°^ Gylberd Johane d. of Will'm Jane Phillep d. of John Darr Bobert Hawke Thomas Eushona of Cran- tocke Eichard s. of John Heycrafte Margaret the wiff of Will'm Browne •f By his wife Jane, daughter of John Vivian. 24 Nov. Elizabeth Eawlinge 13 Jan. Margerie d. of W'" Edward 23 Jan. Katherine wife of John Cocken 23 Jan. John s. of Marten Bishopp G Eeb. Bennett s. of John Mayhow 10 Feb. Eichard Copithorne the elder 10 Eeb. Marie Scryvener 10 Eeb. Marke Will'm 12 Eeb. Phillep Hawke 14 Eeb. Stephen Lovell 15 Eeb. John Nicholas aVs Norton 18 Eeb. Joyes wiff of Marke Will'm 18 Eob. Jenken s. of John Moylle 24 Feb. Phillep wiff of John Dawbyll 24 Feb. Harrie s. of Eichard Pollard 29 Feb. Eobert Gwynnow 29 Feb. Anne d. of John Tocker 29 Feb. Thomas s. of John Younge 12 Mar. Eichard s. of John Skynner 20 Mar. Marie d. of Eobert Calwav 21 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John Moylle 23 Mar. John Hendra Anno 1593. 31 Mar. Christian Hendra 31 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John Moyll 5 April Will'm s. of Nicholas Thomas 7 April Marie d. of Stephen Lovell 7 April Bawden s. of John Jane 9 April John Vyncent 9 April Nicholl a bastard of William Bodie 12 April James s. of Edward Teage 12 April John a bastard to Johane Typ- pett 20 April Johane wiff of Bennett Pol- lard 28 April Agnes a poor woman in the churchyard 7 May John Thomas 10 May Peter Wylsou 12 May Eichard Carter 15 May Eichard Teage 18 May Barbara the wyff of Harrie Hawke 22 May Honor wvff of John Knight 29 May Thomas tyfford 2 June Eichard Service 5 June Thomas a bastard to Margaret Calwaye 6 June Honor d. of Eobert Cal- waye 8 July Agnes wiffe of Austen Hos- ken 13 June Elizabeth d. of Steven Abra- ham 1593-95.] BURIALS. 195 15 June Elizabeth d. of ffraucis Nan- conan* 2 Aug. Thomas s. of Joliii Pearse 10 Sep. Marten a bastard to Mar- garet Pell 12 Sep. Jane Nankevell 20 Sep. Jobane d. of Stepbenf 20 Sep. John 3. of Grregorie Lytta- cott 5 Oct. Agues Trusoe 13 Oct. Katherine Beard 15 Oct. Jobane Nankevall 2 Nov. William s, of Ricbard Grylian 8 Nov. Alson Copitborue 20 Nov, Katherine Reskigian 21 Nov. Elizabeth Teage 22 Dec. Jefferie Allen _ 2 Jan. Ricbarde Rawlinge 13 Jan. Humphrey Knight 15 Jan. Robert Kent 26 Jan. Alson Opie 27 Jan. John Brabyn, gent. J 29 Jan. Jobane d. of John Will'ms 2 Feb. Margaret the wiffe of John Tbomas 7 Eeb. Katherine tbe servant of John Calway 7 Feb. Alse d. of Alson Raws 3 Mar. Thomas Benny 6 Mar. Agnes d. of John Naukevall 19 Mar. Will'm Nanconan 23 Mar. John Rawe, glover In Aprioll, Maye and June none re- gistered. Anno 1594. 28 July Jane wiff of G-eorge Collinge 31 July John s. of Pascow TyfFord 7 Aug. Willmot Jylls 14 xlug. Thomas Baylie 14 Aug. Ricbow d. of ffrancis En- grosse 30 Aug. Tbomas s. of Thomas Daye 25 Sep. Micbaiell servant to M'' John Carter 8 Oct. Will'm s. of Will'm Upcott 10 Oct. Will'm s. of John Heycrafte 1 Nov. Alse a bastard to John Phillop 9 Nov. Ricbard s. of Will'm Troble- feild 13 Nov. Phillop tbe wiffe of Richard Spray * Francis Nanconan, warden of the coffer in 1585, also one of the twelve men in that year. — Green Book. f iSurname left blank. j He was one of the twelve men in 1585-87. — Green Book. 9 Dec. Jane wife of Thomas Jeuken* 18 Jan. Elizabeth wifte of John Nan- kevall 19 Jan. Thomas s. of John Pollard 3 Feb. Elizabeth the wiffe of John Hawke 17 Feb. Jobane tbe wifEe of John Bodie 16 Mar. Jobane Myllone 19 Mar. Robert Daye 23 Mar. Jane Yeoman Anno 1595. 20 May Jobane d. of Lallow Nicholas 25 May John a bastard to Agnes Baw- den 20 June Harrie Heycrafte 12 July Elizabeth d. of Robert John 25 July Margerie d. of Stephen Tre- vetbau 26 July Marten s. of Will'm Strong- man 11 Aug. Elizabeth d. of John Norton 5 Sep. John Grene 9 Sep. John Sheapeard & Kente bis daughter 16 Sep. Jobane Cardewe 18 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Tbomas George 23 Sep. Richard Davie aVs Moylle 26 Sep. Will'm s. of John Suowe 27 Sep. John s. of Tbomas Symons 5 Oct. Jane d. of Richard Blake 8 Oct. Tamsou d. of Will'm Bewes 9 Oct. Jobane wiffe of Nicholas Tre- bemban 11 Oct. John Potter 15 Oct. John Snow 11 Nov. John Cornish 30 Nov. Marian the wiffe of Will'm Rendall 30 Nov. John, a poor man 11 'Dec. Richard Spray 27 Dec. John s. of J. Rawe 28 Dec. Roger fflamacke, gent.f 29 Dec. Thomas Gatte 10 Jan. John James * She was daughter and heiress of John Moyle, by Jane, daughter of John Retailer. See also burial of her husband in 1613. f He was probably, Roger, fourth son of John Flamank (second sou of Richard Fla- mock, by Jane, daughter and heiress of Thomas Lucomb of I5odmiu), and his wife, Joyce, daughter of Sir Richard Nanfau, who had a grant of lands from his brother, Gilbert Fla- mock of Boscarne ; vide Cart. Harl : 50, C. 44, 32 Hen. VIII. 196 THE EEGISTERS OE ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1595-97. 15 Jan. Nowell s. o£ John Cornish 10 Feb. Bucklaud aVs John Davies 15 Feb. Tamson the wiffe of ffranscea Eawe 25 Feb. "Will'm a bastard to Eichard Williams 7 Mar. Eichard Watte 13 Feb. Will'm s. of Eichard Scryvener 14 Mar. Peter a bastard to M'" Bos- karnon 20 Mar. Johane wiffe of Eichard Scry- vener 21 Mar. Jane d. of Eichard Dunscone Akno 1596. 28 Mar. Mylson Bennye 24 April Humphrey Vyncent* 25 April Thomas s. of Christopher Stradford 27 April Ann d. of Pascow Tyfford 6 May Nicoll d. of AVill'm Eendall 10 May Johane d. of Eobert Eyse 16 May Eaff Michell 17 May George s. of Stephen Tubbe 20 May Maude Thomas 23 May Elizabeth d. of John Browne 27 May George s. of Eeynold Engrosse 9 June Eobert Calway 14 June Eichard Spray 14 June John Bennye 15 June William s. of Eobert Calway 9 Sep. Margerie wiffe of Marten Eawe 16 Sep. Nicholas s. of Harrie Trehen- ban 7 Oct. Thomas s. of James Valleys 12 Oct. John s. of Eichard Hawke the elder 24 Oct. Lallow Jolle 23 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Een- dall 24 Dec. Collan Pollard 8 Feb. Johane the wiff of Edward Carthewe 14 Feb. John Eawe, junior 20 Feb. Hugh s. of Thomas Cocke 28 Feb. Alson d. of Nicholas Holman 1 Mar. Thomas s. of Harrie Hawke 2 Mar. Elizabeth Gene, widowe 7 Mar. Elnor Cocking, widow 12 Mar. Nicholas s. of Jolin Bennett 14 Mar. John Pabe 17 Mar. Marten Behennow 20 Mar. John s. of John Bennett 23 Mar. Marie the wiffe of John Hockie * Humph. Vyncent, one of the wardens in 1585, — Green Book, Ajs-no 1597. 28 Mar. fFransces Lukie* 1 April Elizabeth the wiffe of John Bennett 2 April John fleare 4 April Honor d. of Pascaw Eawe 7 April Eeyuolde Lavcn 12 April John, servant to Harrie Adam 13 April Johane the wiffe of John Grace & her child 25 April John Gracef 7 May Will'm s. of Nicholas Perken 8 May Eichard Michell 14 May John Will'ms 17 May Eichard s. of Marten Behen- now 22 May Elizabeth a poore woman 15 June Katheriue Jenken a poore mead drowned 25 June Anne a poore woman 29 June Thomas s. of Thomas Daye 12 July John Benny 12 Aug. Elizabeth Cornish, widowe 21 Aug. Ollyffe Vyvian, widowej 24 Aug. John Jolle 26 Aug. Elizabeth Cornish, widow 2 Sep. Johane d. of John Cocke 6 Sep. Constance the wiffe of Eobert Cornish 15 Sep. Alson Braye 15 Oct. Marren the wiffe of Marke Eetallack§ 18 Oct. Eoger s. of Thomas Wythell 2 Dec. Eemfrey Jenken 2 Dec. Thorn ay Calway 24 Dec. Manuell Eoger 8 Jan. Eichard Tocker 3 Feb. Eichard Hodge 3 Feb. J. Calwaiell 13 Feb. Agnes a poore woman 13 Feb. Jane Eawe 23 Feb. John Keles 25 Feb. ffransces Eawe * John Lukie paid 12d. for a knell in 1598. — Green Book. f John Grace, churchwarden in 1585. — Green Book. J She was daughter and heiress of ... . Tre- saster. of St. Wenn, and widow of John Vivian, of Ti'enowth ; see marriages in 1546. She is named with their childi-en, Thomas, John, Pascaux, Johane (married John Carter), and Emliu,in the will of her husband, dated 4 June, 1589. § Mark Eetallack, churchwarden in 1589. — Green Book. II Sic. 1598-1600.] BURIALS. 197 26 Mar. 25 Mar. 3 April 15 April 15 April 30 April 4 May 23 May 3 June 10 June 16 June 20 June 29 July 21 Oct. 11 Nov. 24 Nov. 26 Nov. 13 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 29 Dec. 15 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. IPeb. 6 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 25 Feb. 16 Mar. 19 Mar. 28 Mar. Anno 1598. Melliar Yyucent Harrie s. of Thomas Cocke Richard s. of John Menhire Martou Tome John Mayhowe Typpett Heard Tamson Riche Harrie Dennys Johane the wiff of Thomas Stephens Johane Hodge, widowe Johane d. o£ W"^ Thomas Marie d. of Harrie Treman John s. of * . . . . Jollief Richard Stratford, unmarried, s. of Christopher Stratforde Joabue Priddyes wife of Will'm Priddies Petronell Marke wiffe of John Marke James Hawke, unmarried Johane Browne, widow Christopher Dar, widower Alice Luke, J widow Johane Wills wiffe of John Wills John Roscarlow, maried Margery Thomas wiffe of Will'm Thomas Roger Day, unmarried, s. of John Day Jane Williams Richard Lovesse, unmarried, s. of Richard Lovesse Will'm Upcott, married John Williams s. of Will'm Williams John Rise, married Joane Grrudgeay Honory Williams wif£ of Will'm Williams Thomas Manton & bis son John borne dead Alice Girlower, widow Anno 1599. John Perkins vmmarried, s. of Michell Perkins 5 April Cicely d. of William Strang- man * Obliterated. t After this entry comes the first eutry in 1600, but it is scratched out, the rest of page left blank, and the year 1598 continued on the next page. X Probably Lukie ; see p. 196, 28 March, 1597. 11 April Honory Newell d. of John Newell 29 April Richard Gillian, married 1 May Robert Darr, married 5 May Thomas Brabant, married 6 May Margaret Roe, widow 8 May A man child of Will'm Ten- nyes, unchristened 14 May Thomas unchristened, a base s. of Jane Rogers 17 May John Lavan, unmarried, s. of Thomas Lavan 17 May Henry Haycrofte, unmarried, s. of John H. 27 May Thomas, unchristened, s. of George Daw 27 May Johane wiffe of Will'm Tenny 17 June Humphry Law, unmarried, s. of John Law 30 June Joane Rise, widow 3 Aug. Agnes Clerke wiffe unto Wiil'ni Clerke 11 Aug. Mary Stevens, unmarried, d. of Henrie Stevens 29 Aug. Joane Jane, unmarried, d. of Will'm Jane 11 Sep. Richard Jane, widower 11 Oct. A daughter unchristened, base born to Jane Pearce 1 Nov. A daughter unchristened, base borne to Joane Nicholas 5 Nov. Honory Mill wiff to Thomas Mill 27 Nov. Joane, unmarried, d. of John Day 28 Nov. Thomasine Pollard, an old woman unmarried 20 Dec. Aulson Cawlaway wiffe of John Cawlaway German Day s. of John Day Joane Horrell, widowe Joane Stubs wiffe of Diggory Stubs John Body, married man Rawlen Geene, an old man Amy d. of Thomas Dassowe Mary Grace Elizabeth Coles Wylliam Will's s. of Wyll-^ Williams Wylliam Bronne, an old man Richard s. of Thomas Beueto Mary Growes wiffe of Reynolde Growes 20 Mar. Thomas Groves Anno 1600. 1 April Elizabeth Lolow, wedow 20 Dec. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 15 Jan. 4 Feb. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. 15 Feb. 3 Mar. 2 Mar 7 Mar. 198 THE REaiSTERS OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1600-1. 5 April Keye Mychell, wedow 5 April Pacience d. of Degory Stubes 10 April John s. of John Thomas alias Trobolfild 17 April Eeualde s. of Thomas Lavin 26 April Mary Upcote 27 April Jameis Jenken alls Chaplin 28 April Constance Cokeu 12 May William Hockye 17 May Alson Pellowe 18 May Jane the wife of Richard Rive 9 June John Body the servant of M"" Beskowen 4 Aug. Joane Williams d. of Thomas AVilliams 10 Aug. A child s. of Christopher Stratf orde, beeinge baptized by the midwife at home the 7th day of Aug. 19 Aug. A child the s. of Henry Tre- henban, beeiug baptized at home & presently dead 30 Aug. Mary Brabrant, widow 15 Sep. Thomas a base child, s. of Dorothev Kent 3 Oct. Michaell Moyle s. of John Moyle 5 Oct. James Tenny a childe, s. of Will'm Tenny e 24 Nov. ffrancisco a base childe, d. of Marest Bawdon wido 27 Nov. Alice Collyns d. of Thomas CoUyns of S' Wen 7 Dec. Elizabeth Martyn* d. of Thos. Martyn 14 Dec. Thomas Nicholas s. of John Nicholas 14 Dec. Elizabeth Dasso d. of Henry Dasso 17 Dec. Nicholas Trehymban 17 Dec. Agnes Younge, widow 20 Dec. Nowell Nicholas s. of John Nicholas 20 Dec. Joane Edwardes, widow 21 Dec. ffraunsce Bennye 22 Dec. Jane NichoUs wiffe of John Nicholls aVs Natelan 8 Jan. John Knight 9 Jan. Walter Browne, a child 10 Jan. Elizabeth Hollman, a childe 12 Jan. Richard TitForde, m'chaunt 18 Jan. Jane Vincent, widow 19 Jan. Will'm Engraws s. of Renold Engraws 23 Jan. Anthony Dey s. of John Dey * Thomas Martyn's child, for a knell 4cl. — Green Book 1 Feb. Henery Hawke s. of Henery Hawke of Hawloone 5 Feb. Thomas Syms an old man 14 Feb. Margaret Cottey the wife of Will'm Cottey 15 Feb. Jane Drew, widow 21 Feb. Richard Taproll, abase child 1 Mar. Mary Michell d. of Anthony Michell 2 Mar. Margerie Netherton the wife of John Netherton 4 Mar. Elizabeth Locke d. of Katherine Locke 6 Mar. Hughe Rowse s. of Henry Rowse 14 Mar. John Hawke s. of Anthony Hawke 19 Mar. John Browne s. of John Browne Anno 1601. 25 Mar. Edward Teague s. of Edward Teague 28 Mar. John Lukye s. of William Lukye 2 April Richard Victor a childe 4 April Emblen Trevaughen, widow 6 April Diggory Stubbes 7 April Richard Bennett a childe, s. of Thomas Bennett 12 April Michele Rogers aVs Manuole, a pore woman 20 April Richard Coppithorne a childe, s. of William Coppithorne 5 May John A^alloyes a. of James Valloyes 12 May John Body the sexton 12 May Richard Hindra 17 May Margaret Rogers the wife of John Rogers aVs Manold 25 May Pascha Edy aVs Rawe, widow 26 May Joane Simons, widow 27 May Cicely Rise, the wife of Rob. Rise aVs Lawrence 5 June Joane Strongman, widow 15 June John Cocken thyounger (un- married) 18 June Joane Wilson, widow 18 June Jane Hickes the wifFe of John Hickes 20 June A childe s. of James Jenken, gent., not baptised in the churche 23 June Margery G-uylbert d. of Wil- liam Guylbert 24 July Elenor Myll d. of Thomas Myll 5 Aug. Joane Wynne, unmaLrried 1601-2.] BFEIALS. 199 17 Aug. Thomasine Morcombe d. of Sampson Morcombe 26 Aug. Mary Bennett d. of John Bennett 29 Aug. Jobn TToodde, a cbilde, s. of a strange gentle woman* 1 Sep. Anstace Cardew the wife of Thomas Cardew 5 Sep. Henry "Williams s. of John Williams aV s Reskigion 15 Sep. Grynnye Abraham, an olde woman 15 Sep. Eichard ffrenche s. of John ffrenche 20 Sep. Jane Hughes the wiffe of James Hughes 26 Sep. Anne Cornishe, an almswoman 3 Oct. John Mayhow of Trevethicke, juxta Tregoose 14 Oct. Ebbett Morcombe, a childe, d. of Sampson Morcombe 2 Nov. Hughe Sexton, pemtereyt 12 Xov. ffraucisco Arundell d. of Thomas Arundell, Esqr.J 18 Xov. Margaret Dasow, widow 28 Nov. Elizabeth Curdew, widow 3 Dec. Eichard Tucker, of Tolskithye § 11 Dec. Dorothy Simons d. of Thomas Simons, deceased 12 Dec. Thomas, a base childe, s. of Bridgett Basely 21 Dec. John Hawke, a childe, s. of James Hawke 29 Dec. Nicholas Lovys s. of Eichard Lovys 4 Jan. John s. of John Williams aVs Eeskigian, beeinge baptized at home by the mydwifEe same day 5 Jan. Thamsyne Wyse 19 Jan. John Callway of Tregaswith§ 21 Jan. John Nuttle, of Tregomeere§ 2 Eeb. Dyonye Allen, widow, an almeswoman * This entry is rather indefinite ; possibly it was a son of John Wood. Esq., of Brixton, near Plymouth, and his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Geo. Northcote of Calverley. t Sic. X This Thomas Arundell, Esq., was of Trevi- thick in St. Columb. son of Thomas Arundell of Tremere, by Elizabeth, daughter and co-heiress of Tringove of Xance, and grandson of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, and Elizabeth, daughter of Gerald Danet of Danefs Hall, Esq. His wife was Rachell Mompesson, sister of Sir Giles Mompesson. § A hamlet in this parish. 2 Eeb. Thomas a base childe of Kowdve Trelogan 26 Feb. Elizabeth' Allen the wyffe of ffrancesse Allen 12 Mar. Alice Duggoe the wyffe of Thomas Duggoe 20 Mar. Katherine Jollye the wife of Henry Jollye A>Tfo 1602. 26 Mar. Elizabeth Jollye the wyfe of WiU'm JoUye 28 Mar. Joane Stevens d. of Thomas Stevens thyounger 28 Mar. Joane Nicholas of Trewga* 4 April Joane Williams the wyfe of Will'm Williams 5 April Elizabeth Chapleman of Lan- himsitht 9 April Margery Eoondell vnie of John Eoondell 10 April John Lukye s. of Will'm Lukye 13 April Eoger Hockye 16 April Margarett Judde wyf e of John Judde 21 April Agnes INloyell d. of Eichard Moyell 23 April John Collys the elder 24 April Elizabeth Morcombe d. of Sampson Morcombe 11 May Paschase Meryfielde widow 2 June Joane Burlace the wife of Anthony Burlace 10 June Mellii^onifyned. of David ffyne 11 June Elizabeth Collys d. of John CoUys 23 June Eichard Lovys, smith 24 June Tiftony Hawke d. of Henry Hawke, of HoUwoone 27 June Joane Carter d. of Eichard Carter, gent. J 2 July Joane Pollarde wif of Bennett Pollarde 13 July Jane Allen, widow 25 July Eobert Jollye of Trewga 3 Aug. Jane Carter the wyfe of John Carter, gent.§ 9 Aug. Katherine Smith, widow 11 Aug. Jane Eescarlow, widow * A hamlet in this parish. f A farm in this parish. J By his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Arundell of Talverne. § She was a daughter of John Vivian of Tre- nowth, by his wife OlyfE, daughter and co- heiress of Tresaster of St. Wenn ; she is named in the will of her father. 200 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1602-3. 6 Sep. "William Abraham s. of Ste- plien Abraham IG Sep. Martiue Rowse d. of Richard Rowse 21 Sep. Richard A'anson 29 Sep. The worshipfull Ralphe Keate* barchclavv of lawe, oflliciall of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall and parson of S' Ermef 2 Oct. The Right Honorable Lady Anne Stoortou, widowj 7 Oct. Elizabeth Lawrey d. of James Lawrey 9 Oct. Jane a base child, y^ d. of Tamson Trevethyn 18 Oct. William Bownshall s. of Nic'las Bownshall 11 Nov. Joane Will'ms the wife of Richard WiU'ms 30 Nov. John Dyer s. of Martine Dyer 23 Dec. Thomas Cocken s. of William Cocken * He was the second son of William Kete, of Hugborne, co. Berks, by his wife Elinor, daugh- ter of Thomas Angers. He married Anne, daughter of John Clarke, of Arrington, co. Berks, by whom he had Ralph, of St, Colnmb : William, of Heldrop, co. Wilts ; John, of St. Enoder ; Gilbert, of London ; Sarah, married Richard Bossawsack, and another daughter. married Roger Squyer. St. Enoder Par. Reg. Mr. John Kete and Ann Willoughby, married 17 Nov., 1607. Zachary Arundell, gent., and Anne Keate, widow, married, IGIO. Mistris Emline Keate, buried 16 Nov., 1605. A child of Zachary Arrundell, gent., buried before baptized, 2 May, 1617. Mistris Ann Ariindell. wife of Zachary Arun- dell, gent., buried 17 June, 166.5. Zachary Arundell, gent., buried 11 August. 1665. There is in the church of St. Enoder a monu- ment to Dorothy, daughter of the above Zachary Arundell, and wife of Anthony Tanner, gent., who died 2 Feb., 16.S4 ; it has three shields of arms, first, on a chief three moors' heads side-face couped (Tanner) ; second, the same, with a crescent for difference, imp. six martlets, 3, 2, and 1 , with a mullet for difference (Arundell) ; third, fretty (Willoughby). f Entry much obliterated. X She was a daughter of Thomas, 2nd Earl of Derby, by his wife Ann. daughter of Edward, Lord Hastings of Hungerford. She m.arried, first Charles, 7th Lord Stourton, by whom she was ancestress of the present Lord Stourton, after whose death she married Sir John Arun- dell of Lanherne ; she is commemorated with her husband and children on a brass in the chui-ch at St. Columb. 2 Jan. Richard Keyther 11 Jan. ffrancis Allen 17 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Anthony Rawe 19 Jan. John Marke of Nanswhyddon 25 Jan, .Joane Stephens, widow 17 Feb. Thomysyne Olver the wyffe of Thomas Olver 17 Feb. James Scoble a child 19 Feb. Richard Oxenham th'elder of Treprony 27 Feb. Joane Robyns d. of Ralphe Robyns 28 Feb. Maria Davye,unmarried woman 13 Mar. Henery Hawke s. of James Hawke 13 Mar. James Williams s. of Richard Williams 1 3 Mar. Margaret Daw wiffe of Q-eordge Daw 18 Mar. Martyne Trescotte s. of Gwal- ter Trescotte 24 Mar. Thomas Cocke th'elder, of Ruthevos* 23 Mar. Thomasine Jollye, widow Anno 1603. 25 Mar. Richard Service 30 April ,Tohn Williams aFs ffrancisce 4 May Patience Trefeys serveut & kinswoman to Thomas Marke, gent 7 May Elizabeth Renfrey, widow 13 May Joane Tyar the wyfe of John Tyar 15 May Joane Allen the wyfe of John Allen 17 May Juliane West d. of Richard West 26 May Thomas Marke of Trevolvas* 27 May Emblen Mauuell 1 June Thomas John of Lanhj'ns- with* 3 June Margaret Lawrey the wyfe of Ambrose Lawrey 12 June Will'm Coppithorne 23 June Elizabeth Valleys a childe, d. of James Valleys 20 June Robert Rogers, an olde man 3 July John Duustone (unmarried) s. of Richard Dunstone 25 July Thomas Trussell s. of Steven Trussell 25 July Margaret Staple the wyfe of John Staple * A farm in this parish, 1603-5.] BTTRIALS. 201 8 Aug. 5 Sep. 9 Sep. 10 Sep. 13 Sep. 15 Sep. 6 Oct. 20 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Nov. 28 Dec. 1 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Jan. 27 Jan. IFeb. 5 Peb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 12 Mar. 25 Mar. 6 April 20 May 7 June 23 June 17 Aug. 4 Sep. 21 Sep. 10 Oct. * Sic. f A hamlet in this parish. ± See note, p. 199. I He was Eichard Moyell, of St. Austell, gent., and his wife, Emblin, daughter of Thomas Vivian, of Trenowth. II Sic. Alice Hawke d. of Richard Hawke, of Hallwoone Jolin Bate Eleanor Hawke d. of Ricliard H., of Hallwoone* John Browne aFs Woe Ambrose Hawke s. of James Hawke Henery Baylye, of Trepo- danawf Marye a child base d. of Jane Vincent Joane Bodye d. of John Bo dye Maude Mabyii the wyfe of Roger Mabyn Margerie Service Margerie Horwell the wyfe of John Horwell Nicholl Hand the wife of Richard Hand John Arundell s. of Thomas Arundell, Esq.ij: Martin Blake s. of William Blake Margaret Harrie d. of Mikell Harrie John Tippet s. of William Tippet Richard Cornish a chrisomer Ar munis Nicholas John Michaell William Clarke xlvice the wife of Robert the farrier Nicholas Bousols, a child William AVilliams s. of John Williams John Williams Ann Moile d. of M'' Moile§ Anno 1604. Robert Cornish, M'' Vivians man Pascal Benny Jane the wife of William Jane Elizabeth Langdon Margery Dier Oily d. of Halkell John s. of Joane Kettoe Alice d. of George Daw Gregory Vauson 11 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 1 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 30 Nov. 8 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dec. 17 Jan. 25 Jan. 7 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 18 Mar. 24 Mar. 26 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 11 April 25 April 25 April 2 May 6 May 22 May Jane Roe John s. of ffrancis Jonas Catherine the wife of ffrancis Jonas* Tamsin John the wife of Thomas John Jane d. of Anthony Rowe Margery West the wyfe of Thomas West Mary the wife of Pascow Vy- viant William s. of John Trem- beath Hugh Bescouan, gentleman^ Chaia§ John Jeffery John s. of Pascow Tifford A stranger out of Lancashire John Marke John Turcker Richard Cocken William Norten Thomas s. of Richard Williams Joane d. of Sampson Rosivarrn Martha the wife of Thomas Tyer Anno 1605. Martine Slaggat Amy poore^ Ursula Carnamell, widow Adam Tristean James s. of John Heicraft Elizabeth d. of John Taylor Donice Uida Agnice d. of Nicholas Boun- sall Edward Teagfe * This is the last entry on the page, and is followed by the signature of Thomas Smallridge, curate. f She was a daughter of ... . Flamock, see marriage 1601, and her husband was a son of Thomas Vivian, of Trenowth, gent., and Ann Lower, his wife. J He was one of the twelve men in 1595-1600 ; his widow, Mary Bo.scowen, was buried 29 March, 1611. Who this Hugh Bcsconan was is not quite clear ; the only person of the Tregothuan family whom, according to Col. Vivian's pedigree, it could possibly be, was Hugh Boscawen, who married Mary, daughter of Thomas Tredinnick, and who, according to the Inq., p.m.., died 20 May, 1608 (6 Jas.) He held {inter alia) Tre- gamere, in St. Columb Major, his son and heir Hugh being then (20 May, 1608) aged 16 years. Vide Inq. p.m., 15 Jas. W. and L., B. 27, No. 152. § Sic. II Being the last entry on the page, it is signed Tho. Smallridge, curate. 29 202 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1605-7. 7 June Tliomas Ilarrice 8 JuBe Thomas s. o£ Ralpe Hooper 7 July Ci.sly the wife of Eichard Holland 17 July Margaret Clemon 1 Sep. George Collins 8 Sep. David Fine 11 Sep. James Lawrie 17 Sep. Henry s. of Eichard Erowne 19 Sep. Eichard s. of Eichard Moyle of St. Austell, gent.* 21 Sep. Mary Medlyn w'th her chea- luret 29 Sep. Eichard Moyle 29 Sep. The d. of Eichard "Williams 14 Oct. William Colly 27 Oct. John Littycott 3 Nov. John Benett aVs Davie 1 Dec. Joane Gine 9 Dec. The s. of Steven Abramcf 9 Dec. Eichard Norton 22 Jan. Margerie d. of William Eos- korlar 27 Jan Eadish Cooper, widow lEeb. Margery d. of John Eescue- gian 7Eeb. Thomas s. of John Eeeve 14 Eeb. Edmund HeineJ 15 Mar. Emline Mich ell Ak^-o 1606. 1 April Steven Truscott 14 April Jane d. of Eeinold Grosse 21 April John Darre 29 April Mary d. of John Eetallacke 30 April John Skinner 14 May Margery the wife of Thomas Williams 19 May Katherine Eawe d. of William Eawe 25 May John Netherton 5 June Joyce d. of Eobert Allen 15 June Elizabeth the wife of Eichard Boimsall and her creature the day before IJuly William s. of John Allen 7 July Katherine the wife of Thomas WithieU 7 Aug. William Ti'uscott§ 19 Aug. Jane d. of John Heidon 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 16 Sep. 22 Sep. 3 Oct. d. of Edrnund * By his wife Emblin, daughter of Thomas Yivian, of Trenowth. t Child. X Last entry on page, signed Thomas Small- ridge, curate. ^ § Ii\ 1596 Wm. Truscott paid the rent of his shop, 12s. ; he also paid for a steer 25s., for a ewe 68. 8d., to the parish. — Green Book. Oliver s. of Eichard Pollarde Philip Sloggatt, vid. John a base s. of Mary Pas- kow Petronell d. of Eob. Lawrence aVs Eow Elizabeth Xicholls John Heidon John Addara Nicholas s. of John Gwine George Horckye* William s. of William Jane A base child of Joyce Darr, being dead in the bearth Henery s. of James Cornish Darathe the wife of Thomas Williams John s. of William Tenny Agnes the wife of Stephen Harvey Elizabeth d. of John Heycroft Eainold s. of WiUiam Tenny Alice d. of John Phillip of Euthas Walter s. of John Browne George s. of Thomas Arundell, gent.t Jane Lavinn wid. Katherine d. of Henry Eowse ffranses Grose* Thomas Mayhoe John s. of John Body A poore traveller Tainzen the wife of John Menheare Jane the wife of William Browne d. of Ealph Hooper Eoger Carnier Eichard s. of Henry Calway James s. of John Trembeth Jane the wife of Thomas Withiell ANjfo 1607. Henry Tine Mary the base d. of Honor Sprey Agnes the wife of John Hey- crofte Eeinald Harrice Henry Hawke of Hallowne* Dorathe Parking servant to Mr. Hobline * Being the last entry on the page is signed Thomas Smallridge, curate. f See page 199, atite. 15 Oct. 19 Oct. 3 Nov. 17 Nov. 21 Nov. 4 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 17 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 27 Dec. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Jan. 5 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 11 Mar. 17 Mar. 20 Mar. 25 Mar. 29 Mar. 9 April 19 April 22 April 25 April 1607-8.] BIJEIALS. 203 1 Mar. Avice Harrice, wid. 6 May Charity a base d. of -Tane Vin- cent 12 May Nicholas a base s. of Tamzin Havent 14 May Elizabeth d. of John Williams 16 May Thomas s. of William Jollyfe 24 May Thomas Tucker 10 June Katheriue the wife of John Merifeild, gent.* 19 June John s. of John Davie aVs Bennet 30 June Martina Dyer 29 Aug. Henry Hawke 12 Sep. Katherine d. of Thomas Oxnam 16 Sep. Elizabeth, d. of Eichard Browne 25 Sep. James Searle a pore wandering man 11 Oct. John Tier 1 Nov. Thomas Millf 16 Nov. Jane Nuttell, wid. 15 Dec. Christopher s. of Humphrey Hawke 29 Dec. Stephen s. of Thomas Lavin 2 Jan d. of Tho. HooperJ 8 Jan. Grace the wife of Thomas Eaw 23 Jan. Mary the wife of Thomas Simon 25 Jan. Elizabeth the wife of William Williams 27 Jan. John s. of John Smith, gent. 26 Jan. Darathe the wife of Eichard Pollard 11 Feb. Joane d. of Thomas Cocke 25 Feb. William s. of Sebastian Treve- than 3 Mar. Thomas Stepheen 3 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Walter Cocke 7 Mar. Joane Tregeunow, wid. 12 Mar. Katherine Grose 12 Mar. A young chrisomer of Mr. Thomas Arundells Anno 1608. 26 Mar Ijs. of Eeinold Litticott 9 April John s. of William Eicard 19 April Jane Skinner, poore 22 April John s. of Eichard Addams aVs Eowse * John Meryfield, gent., one of the twelve men in 1587. — Green Book. f Thomas Myll, one of the twelve men in 1600. — Green Book. ^ \ The last entry on the page, and is followed by the signatures of Tho. Smallridge, curate, and R. Cornish, R. Donacomb, churchwardens. 11 Blank. 22 April MaximiUian base s. of Mar- gery Grose 22 April John Staple 8 May A young chrisomer of Peeter Johnes 19 May Solome d. of John Menheare 13 May Elenor d. of Eenfreid Hawke 16 May John Merifield, gent. 23 May Vrsula the wife of John Menheere 13 June Peeter Addams 16 June John Moile, seni' 22 June Alice d. of AVilliam Eowe, a poore wanderer 27 June Julian Blacke 30 June John s. of Thomas Duggoe 8 July Joane d. of William Tippet 15 July Embline Bate, poore 18 July Henrie s. of Henrie Eowse 23 July Margaret d. of Eeinald Grose 26 July Marke s. of Eichard James 12 Aug. Dennes a base d. of Mary Cocke 23 Sep. Thomas s. of John Davie aVs Beuett* 10 Oct. Agnes d. of William Eoscu- dian aVs Williams 13 Oct. Agnes Pawly 13 Oct. Henrie s. of Nicholas Napparoe aVs Eoe 14 Oct. Edward s. of John Nankevall 16 Oct. A chi-isomer of Thomas Withiell 20 Oct. Eeinold Grose 8 Nov. Henrie s. of Eichard Cornish 15 Nov. Paule Drue ccVs Eawe 12 Dec. A chrisomer of Thomas Tan- kins 19 Dec. Constance d. of Thomas Bar- nett 21 Dec. Cislye d. of William Jane 26 Dec. Jane the wife of John Eetal- lock, gent.t 26 Dec. Susanna the wife of Eichard Browne 27 Dec. John s. of Edward Benett 5 Jan. Emblin the wife of John Beuett 7 Jan. Joane Cotty, poore 14 Jan. Susanna d. of fhvansces Jones 25 Jan. A chrisomer of Henrie Cal- wayes * The last entry on the page, and is followed by the signatures of Tho. Smallridge, curate, and Francis Jones, John Hugh, wardens. f John Ketallack, gent., one of the twelve men in 1585. — Green Book. 204 THE EEGHSTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1608-11. 28 Jan. Joane the wife of Edward Car- thew 23 Eeb. Eenfreid s. of William Rowse 19 Mar. Joliu Benett sen"" 20 Mar. Eichard Stephens Anno 1609. 26 Mar. Joane Dar, wid. 26 Mar. Darathe d. of John Willes 4 April Petroucll wife of John Men- lieare 6 April Eleanor a base d. of Thoma- sine Wimbole 13 April John Calway 14 April IMargaret the wife of John Tippett 15 April Katherine d. of Alexander "Warne 19 April Elizabeth the wife of Hum- phry Trenowth 28 April Jane d. of Eichard Hawke, sen'" 9 May John Cock in 12 May John Ivory servant to Thomas Merifie'id, gent. 16 May Walter Simon 22 May Bridgett the wife of John Nicholas aVs Nantallen 30 May Agnes a base d. of Joane Holman 28 June Thomas Olver 5 July Mary the wife of Thomas Menedue 14 July Benett John* 19 July John Lae 22 July Joane, one of the poore of the pis'h ■ 22 July Grace d. of Walter Cocke 17 Oct. Edw. Hockye 24 Oct. Katherine d. of Henrie Trew- man 25 Oct. Tamzeu the wife of John Cocke 11 Nov. Avice d. of Eichard Paskow 15 Nov. John s. of Edward Merifield 10 Dec. Joane Miller the elder 29 Dec. John Tanken 29 Dec. Joane the wife of William Kendall 2 Jan. Mary d. of Johii Eise 26 Jan. John Benett aVs Davie 15 Feb. Dauiell Teage 17 Feb. John s. of Walter Bishop 19 Feb. John Manuell aVs Eoger * The last entry on the page, and is signed by Tho. ymalh-idge.' curate, and John Alien and Edward Benett, wardens. 10 Julv 29 Jul> 8 Aug. 29 Aug. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 23 Oct. 31 Oct. 24 Feb. Mathew s. of John Smith, gent. 3 Mar. Ursula the wife of Will'm AVilliams aVs Eoskugian Anno 1610.* 3 April Margarete Eowe vid. 18 April John Hix 24 April Mary the wife of Edmund Cray 28 April Joane the wife of Nicholas Lallow 3 May A chrisomer of M'" Thomas Arimdells 19 June {hlcmJi) s. of William Williams aVs Eeskuegion 20 June A base childe unchristened of Joane Holman Alice d. of Thomas Varcoe William s. of Eichard Addam John Troblefeildt Joane d. of Henry Sprey Eobert DarrJ Eosa the wife of Walter Cocke John Nantallen Melissa the wife of John Daw§ 2 Nov. Alice the wife of Henrie Tre- levan 22 Nov. II .... s. of Benett Pollarde who was drowned I Dec. fflorance d. of Eeiuold Litticott 4 Dec. Maud d. of John Eouse 17 Dec. A chrisomer of ffrancis Jones 20 Dec. Launcellott Eedy 23 Dec. An 1 1 Grosse 20 Jan. John s. of Eobert Darr 6 Feb. Elizabeth the wife of John Jitlian 21 Feb, Katherine Locke 21 Feb. Joane d. of Walter Cocke 23 Feb. A servant maid to John Day 6 Mar. Ambros, M'" Vincents miller 6 Mar. Lavinea a base d. of Johan Darr Anno 1611. 25 Mar. Eoger Carpenter * Samuel Paul of St. Columb Major ; buried 7 Dec.. 1610. Par. Reg., St, Andi-ew's, Ply- mouth. f ,Tohn Troublefield was one of the wardens in 1609. — Green Book. J Rob. Darr one of the wardens in 1596. — Green Book. § Last entry on the page, signed Thomas Sraallridge, curate, Anthony Hawke and John Troblefield. II Blank. 1611-13.] BURIALS. 205 25 Mar. Andrew Simons 29 Mar. *Mar7 Boscowen, vid. 13 April Thomas Tior, a man as tlie comon report goeth 122 years of age 16 April Philip the wife of Eenfreid Hawke 18 April Margaret Collins, vid. 23 May James s. of John Browne 26 May Alice d. of Eichard ,Retallack 3 June John s. of John Davis aVs Benett 4 June Julian the wife of John Copi- thorne 6 June Thomas s. of William "White 15 June Tiffany d. of Sampson Bray 25 June t .... d. of Eeinold Haw- kin 26 June Philipp Knight, vid. 26 June Jane Bray, vid. 1 July Joane the wife of Eichard Addam aVs Eowse 10 July John Copithorne 13 July Jane d. of Eichard Addam aVs EowseJ 15 July Elizabeth the wife of John Eowse 23 July James Eoscudgion 25 July Katharine d. of ffrancis Da- yowe 12 Aug. Katherine d. of Thomas Meri- feild 23 Sep. Eobert Eice 30 Sep. Joane Tucker, vid. 22 Oct. Joane Grwine 24 Oct. Michaell Cay 4 Nov. Tamazen the wife of John Day 30 Nov. John Eattenbury 2 Dec. Grrace Lathy 13 Dec. John s. of ffrancis Lill aVs Lar 17 Dec. Eichard Eowse 17 Dec. Humphrey Hawke 18 Dec. Thomas Benett 25 Dec. An§ Tucker 26 Dec. Margery the wife of ffrancis Trehemban 19 Jan. The ould Paskow nVs Polking- horn 9 Feb. A pore wandering woman * See note, p. 201 ante. t Blank. j Being the last entry on the page, is signed by Thomas Smallridge, curate, John Rescorler and Thomas Dayoe, wardens. § There is a blank space between the Christian and surname in the original. 12 Peb. Joane the wife of John Lill 15 Feb. Nicholas Lalloe aVs Joll 7 Mar. John Hawke elder 22 Mar. Margarett Davie aVs Benett 23 Mar. Joane d. of Martine Strang- man* Akno 1612. 27 Mar. Mary d. of John Cundy 31 Mar. Hugh s. of Benett Pollard 5 April James s. of John Grwine 18 April John Lill aVs Lyon 8 May Henry Addam aVs Eowse 5 June Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Hodge 8 June Nicholas Drewe 11 June Alice the wife of "William Croodet 19 June Elizabeth Kent 21 June Jane Nuttle 26 June Mary d. of Thomas Benett aVs Davie 27 July Margaret d. of John Taylor 10 Sep. John Julian bein slaine in a buce work 6 Oct. John s. of Thomas Hocky 9 Nov. Joane the wife of John Eandle 27 Nov. "William s. of James Mayhoe 29 Nov. William Body 11 Dec. William Strangman 22 Jan. Margerie the wife of James Hawke In ffebruary & March were none buried. Thomas Smallridge, curate. Anno 1613. 13 April Thomas White 14 April Ambrose Lawry 19 April Thomas Jenkin,J gent. 21 April Ursula the wife of Martine Hambly 25 April Martine Hambly 18 May Katherine Abraham In June were none buried. 10 July Annice the wife of John Bayly 7 Aug. Elizabeth the wife of Will'm Benett * The signature of Tho. Smallridge, curate, follows this entry, being the last on the page. f Followed by the signatures of Thomas Smallridge curate, John Cocke and Sampson Morcombe, wardens. X He was son and heir of Henry Jenkin of Trekinniug in St. Columb, gent., by his wife Thomasine, daughter and coheir of William Harry Watt, gent. He married Jane, daughter and heir of John Moyle, by whom he had several children, 206 THE REGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MA JOE. [1613-15. 3 Sep. Agnes the wife of Eicliard Bastard 5 Nov. Katheriiie Moile 8 Nov. flfrancis* the wife of John Vivian, gent. 19 Nov. Meb'or one of the pore of the p'ish 15 Dec. Eaiuold Littycott 30 Dec. John Eoger 5 Jan. Christopher Mauuell aVs Eoger 12 Jan. Joane Lanyn, A'id. 23 Jan. Greorge & ffrausces s. & d. of Jolin Smith, gent. 5 Feb. Jane Darr, vid. 11 Feb. fflorance the wife of John Cundy 16 Feb. Michell Manuell aVs Eoger, vid. 20 Feb. Thomas s. of Eeinokl Litty- cott 26 Feb. Grace Day aVs Markf Anno 1614. 31 Mar. John TroblefeiklJ 16 April Elizabeth the wife of Edward Bamlett 19 April Eichard Eeeve 3 May Tamazen Stribly 7 May Joane d. of ffransces Trehen- ban 8 May Joane the wife of Nicholas Carthew 13 May WiUiam Jane of Euthvest 31 May Mary Carthew 23 June Philipe Tresole 4 July Alice the wife of Eichard Drewe aVs Jeffery 10 Aug. Grace d. of John Broune * She was the fifth daughter of Francis Buller of Shillin,g;ham, Esq., by his wife Thomusine, daughter of Thomas Williams, Esq., of iSto^vford, CO. Devon. She was his first wife, and had an only child Anne. f The signatures of The. Smallridge curate, John May and (blank), wardens, follow this entry. J John Troublefield, one of the churchwardens in 1690. This name appears in these registers as early as 1.589 (see p. 14), and remained in the parish for several generations, sometimes as Troublefield alias Thomas. The name occurs prior to this date in a gentle position in Devon- shire and Dorset. James Ti'oublefield. born in Dorsetshire, was consecrated Bishop of Exeter 1 May, 4 of Mary, 1556, and died 1 Nov., 1559. In an old heraldic MS. in the Plymouth and Cottonian Library, the arms of Troublefield (Turbervill or Turbervile of iSamford) are given as, ' Enn. a lion ramp. gu.. crowned or, langued an(i armed az.' It also states that the Bishop 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 18 Sep. 28 Sep. 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 11 Oct. 13 Oct. 16 Oct. * 25 Oct. 10 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Nov. 20 Dec. 10 Jan. 20 Jan. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 20 Mar. 25 Mar. John s # of John Willes .... Hockyn, one of the poore of the p'ish Alexander Jolley Joane d. of Eichard "Williams aVs Baswalloe John s. of Henry Calway Margarete Genniug Agnes d. of John Hawke Susan the wife of Paskell Tif- ford . A kinswoman of James Steephens Eichard s. of Thomas Bayly Anna the wife of Ealph Keat, gent.t John Lucky A chrisomer unbaptized, d. unto M' John Beard Melissa the wife of Thomas Merrifeild, gent. Eichowe Adam. vid. Joane x\dam "William J a servant to M'' Thomas Merrifeild John Steephens Katherine Day, vid. Jane Knight A chrisomer, unbaptized s. of William Beabre John a base s. of Margaret Michell § Anno 1615. 22 April Maude Addam aVs Eowse 27 April Dorathe Yanson,vid. bore the same arms, giving for his motto " La famiglia des Justes deliavera." John Tui-ber- vile, Esq., was sheriff of Devon, 29 Hen. VI. 1451. The name of Turbei-vile occurs once in these registers. * Blank. f She was a daughter of Wm. Arscott of Hols- worthy, CO. Devon, by Julian, daughter of William Hender of Botrcaux Castle, and the first wife of the above Ralph Kcte. gent. Her husband was bui'ied at St. Ervan, 14 April, 1636, aged 69, in which church there is a tablet to his memory. He married secondly. Sephronia, daughter of Colman and relict of Peter Beare of St. Ervan. By his first wife he had (1) William, married and left issue ; (2) John, vicar of Madron, married Elizabeth, daughter of Tho. Flemyng of Madron, and had nine children ; (.S) Ralph of St. Columb, married and had issue ; (4) Rebecca, married Geo. s. of Peter Beare of St. Ervan ; (5) Eliz. ; (6) Ann, married 1631 Edw. Ashe. t Blank. § Signed, Tho. Smallridge curate, Tho. Oxnam and John Brabyu, wardens, 1615-16.] BUEIALS. 207 4 May Mary d. of Eictard Smitb, jun'- 27 June Steephen Harvey 7 July Jane Lucky, vid. 10 July Thomas s. of Jolin Eowe 6 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Joell Jewell 7 Aug. Alice d. of William Pelleane 9 Aug. George Champian 13 Aug. Elizabeth Valliee 18 Aug. Edward s. of John Langdon 23 Aug. Honor d. of Kobert Allen 10 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Henry Dyar 13 Oct. A chrisomer unbaptized, s. of Paskowe Bawden 20 Oct. Alice the wife of Paskowe Bawden 2 Nov. Joaue the wiffe of Eobert Manuell 10 Nov. Eichard Donstone 13 Nov. Agnes d. of Thomas Merri- field, gent. 14 Nov. Joane Berry, vid. 3 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Anthony Bur- las 5 Dec. Eichard Beard 6 Dec. Elizabeth d. of ffransces Lyon aVs Lill 10 Dec. Alice Benett, vid. 13 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Eichard Marke Williams 17 Dec. John s. of Thomas Benett aVs Davyes 22 Dec. Joyce Tankyn 29 Dec. John s. of John Taylor 30 Dec. John Merrifeild of Talskythy 5 Jan. Dorathe the wifFe of Eichard Williams aVs Pensalt 8 Jan. Philipe the wife of Henry Merrifield 13 Jan. Alice d. of Henry Sprey 15 Jan. John Wills the potter 16 Jan. Emblyn d. of John Nicholas aVs Chune 17 Jan. Margery the wife of WilHam Typpett 18 Jan. Alice d. of Anthony Eandle* 19 Jan. John s. of Edmund French 21 Jan. Henry s. of William Jane 23 Jan. John Nicholas aVs Chune 23 Jan. Grawen s. of Eichard Carveith 25 Jan. Darathe base d. of Katherine Moyle 27 Jan. Joane d. of John Eeskorler 27 Jan. Henry Merrifeild * Signed Thomas Smallridge, curate. Tho. Oxnam and John Carthew, wardens. The same names occur at the foot of the next page. 28 Jan. Nicholas Duggoe 31 Jan. Mary d. of John Hockyn 3 Feb. John Dawe 8 Jan. John Strangman, merchant 9 Feb. Joyce d. of Eichard Bowen 10 Feb. Eobert Allyn 11 Feb. Thomas vSimons 15 Feb. Honor d. of Henrv Sprey 18 Feb. Margaret d. of John Stribly 25 Feb. Joane d. of John Metheren 26 Feb. Nicholas s. of John Geene 26 Feb. Patience Oxnham 8 Mar. Henry s. of Thomas Eawe 10 Mar. Annice d. of John Eeskorler 12 Mar. Jane d. of James Mayhoe 13 Mar. Joane d. of Nicholas Duggoe late deceased 22 Mar. John Strangman s. of William Strangman An>^o 1616. 26 Mar. Nicholas d. of Steephen Knight 12 April Charles s. of Christopher Pedler 2 May Ann d. of Nicholas Duggoe 1 June Eleanor Day aVs Marke 7 June Elizabeth Jolley, vid., being of the age of 107 20 July Gilberte s. of Thomas Hockyn 15 Aug. Joane Edward 17 Aug. Margery Peerse, vid. 18 Aug. Joane Myners servant to M"" Thomas Hoblyn 8 Sep. A chrisomer of John Srivner, jun'- 10 Sep. ffrausces Lyon aVs Lill 19 Sep. Grace d. of Eeynald Hawkyn 20 Sep. Joane the wife of John Kent 21 Sep. John Eowe 6 Oct. Anstes Hawke, vid. 15 Oct. Melior, one of the poore of the Churchyarde 17 Oct. Alice Parking 27 Oct. John Havden 3 Nov. Olife d. of John Mayoe 20 Nov. Eichard Drewe of Eothos 22 Nov. Elizabeth Sprey, vid. 26 Nov. Alice Stoky, vid. 2 Dec. A chrisomer to Christopher Pedler 6 Nov. Mary Yeoman 7 Dec. Elizabeth the wife of Henry Sprey 9 Dec. Thomas Tregeare 15 Dec. Elizabeth Mayhowe, vid. 25 Dec. William Typpett 6 Jan. Eleanor the Weaver 8 Jan, Wilham Browne 208 THE EEftlSTEES OE ST. COLrMB MAJOE. [1616-19. 13 Jan. Thomas Hodge 13 Jan. Alice the wife of Jolm May 19 Feb. i\lice Cockyn, vid. 24 Eeb. William Eicard Anno 1617. 25 Mar. Agnes the wife of Thomas Symon 19 April Stephen a base s. of Jane Tubby nVs Benett 26 April Eichard Udy (tTs Skeberin 1 May Nicholas s. of John Trehenban 18 May Thomas Vivian, gent.* 20 May Jane d. of Jolm Hawkey 21 June Nicholas s. of Edmond ffrench In Julie were none buried 2 Aug. Mary d. of Eeinald Hawkey In September were none buried 1 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Tliomas Bra- bynt 14 Oct. Agnes, one of the poore in the church yeard howses 16 Oct. Judith d. of Edward Hoblyu, gent.J 1 Nov Margery Dungie aVs Tankyn 18 Nov. Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Eetallack 21 Nov. Eosa Eawe 19 Dec. Thomas s. of Jobn Hoekyn 1 Jan. John s. of Gilbert Eawe 6 Jan. Nicholas Tubbe 8 Jan. Edward s. of Eichard Behed- noe 15 Jan. Eichard s. of John Bond, gent§ 26 Jan. Henry Darr 5 Feb. John Nicholas, a poore man who dyed in Nowell May- hoes barne 15 Eeb. Eichard s. of Eichard Fowler 15 Feb. James Cornish 22 Feb. Katherine Dunstone, one of the poore of the p'ish 28 Feb. Jane d. of Eobert Allen 10 Mar. William Olver 17 Mar. Dorathea d. of Oliver Jagoe 19 Mar. Alice Conocke, vid. * He was son and heir of John Vivian of Trenowth, gent., by Olive, daughter and heir of Tresaster of St. Wenn. He married Ann. daughter and heir of Peter Lower of Truro, by whom he had (with other issue) John, who suc- ceeded him. f Followed by the signatures of Tho. Small- ridge, curate. Hugh (H.L.) Lawrie and John Drewe, wardens. X By his wife Mary, daughter and coheiress of Robert Apley of Barnestaple, co. Devon. § By his wife Honour, daughter of John Carter, gent., of St. Columb Major. Anno 1618. 27 April Anne Benett, one of the poore of the p'ish 27 April * A young child, one of the p'ish poore likwise 15 May A chrisomer of William Eaw- lyn 11 June Thomas Williams aVs Eoscud- gion 8 July Joane Cocke, vid. 8 July Olife the wife of John Martyu aVs Skinner 11 July Mary d. of John Williams 21 July Joaue Eowse, vid. 9 Aug. Joane d. of Eichard Daddoe 14 Aug. John a base s. of Jane Moylet 8 Sep. Eoger Mabyn 20 Oct. Nicholas Parking 2 Nov. Henry Offe 17 Jan. Mary the wife of John Body 21 Jan. Mary d. of John Body 28 Jan. John NowellJ 1 Feb. Jane d. of Eobert Pollard 26 Feb. A chrisomer of William Jolley 7 Mar. Tamazen Diamond, wid. 17 Mar. A chrisomer of Thomas Skyn- ner Anno 1619. 3 April Katherine d. of John Mayhoe 8 April John Jenninge 11 April Anna d. of Oliver Jagoe 18 April Siselie,* wid., one of the poore of the p'ish 26 May Eichard Eogers 12 June Elizabeth Jenkyn, one of the poore of the p'ish 13 July John Dyer of Tripcony 19 Oct. Eichoe Chapleyn 5 Nov. Henry Young 9 Nov. Jane the wife of Thomas Grose 10 Nov. William s. of William Tresad- dern 6 Dec. John s. of John Langdon 24 Dec. Joane the wife of George Juell 1 Jan. Jane tlie wife of William Wil- * Name blank. f At the foot of the page, and followed by the signatures of Tho. Smallridge curate, Nathaniel Croode and Robert Drewe. wardens. J Paid John Nowell for the carriage of post letters 6d., 1608. — Greoi Book. John Nowell paid 4d. for a knell for his daughter in 1599. — Green Book, 1619-22.] BUEIALS. 209 29 Jan. Cissillea d. of George Juell 11 Feb. Richai'd s. of Eicbard Eowse 12 Feb. Emblyn the wife of Jonatlian Juell 22 Feb. Jane Eawe, spinister 16 Mar. Ann d. of Pascow John 23 Mar. Eleanor d. of Jonathan Juell Anno 1620.* 23 Mar. Henry s. of "William Eowse 27 Mar. Adam s. of John Metherell 9 April Alison wife of John Tenny 19 April Thomasf s. of Edmond Nicolls 23 May HonnorJ d. of John Bond, gent. 31 May Margaret wiefE of Eob'te Callawaye 9 June John Spraye 29 June Eichard Williams 12 July Christian the wiffe of Will'm Williams 12 July Margaret d. of John Greane 15 July Margaret the wife of James Maihowe 6 Aug. Avis wife of John White 6 Aug. Marye wife of John Lavyn 8 Aug. William s. of James Hawke 21 Aug. Eichard s. of Eeskyuner Spray 24 Aug. Mary Dyer, widow 5 Sep. Emmanuell Meyhew 8 Sep. James Hawke 11 Sep. Gregory Litticotte§ 25 Sep. Thomas James 10 Oct. Johane d. Mathew Wills 9 Jan. John Maye 27 Aug. Katherine|| wiffe of James Jenkyn, gent. 23 Mar. Alice Edward * Signed, Sa. Starr, who was apparently the successor of Tho. Smallridgc as curate. f Here a leaf of the register of burials is bound up in the original among the weddings. X By his wife, daughter of John Carter of St. Columb Major. The above John Bond was son and heir of William Bond of Earth in St. Stephen's by Saltash, by his wife Margaret, daughter and coheiress of Hugh Fountaine of Ugborough, co. Devon. § In 1(>21 John Smith paid for the burial of Gregory Littacott Gs. 8d. — Green Book. 11 She was a daughter of James Carter, gent., of St. Columb, by his wife Honour, daughter and coheiress of John Newman. She married first John Brabyn, gent., of St. Columb, by whom she had several children. By her second husband James Jenkin, gent., of Trekinning she had Honour, married James Praed, and Peter, who married in 1628 Anne, daughter of Andrew Pomeroy of St. Columb, Esq. 26 Mar. Baldwyne Moyle 31 Mar. Emblyn d. of Hugh Sexton Anno 1621. 2 April Sampson Morcombe* 4 April Elizabeth Bennye 20 April Jane Trewman 20 April Another poore woman 1 May John s. of Henry Husband 26 May Johan ffrancysf 9 Aug. Marye d. of John Martyn 9 Oct. Robert s. of ffrancis George 24 Jan. Katherine the wife of Bennet Calway 4 Feb. Will'ms s. of John Eowe 12 Feb. Eose d. of Henry Moyle 13 Feb. Katherine wife of Immanuell Mayhoe 20 Feb. Will'm Gilbert 5 Mar. Thomas s. of Thomas Skynner 13 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John Eise 17 Mar. Martyn s. of Williams Bewes 22 Mar. Thomas s. of Henry Calway Anno 1622. 25 Mar. Agnes JoUe 28 Mar. Johane d. of Francis Lille 8 April John Martyn servant to Penyndur+ 31 May John Cocke 1 June Margaret Geene 2 June Eobert s. of Thomas Bennet 15 June Susan d. of Luke Pollard 19 June Joane d. of William Bond 24 June Joyce d. of John Jones 1 July John Jones 10 July Julian wilf of William Blake 8 Aug. Eichard Besrenow 12 Aug. Elizabeth wifF of Thomas Cocke 21 Sep. §(....) of Eeinold Peter 23 Sep. WilHam Cornish 16 Oct. Mary d. of Hughe Lawry 1 Nov. Mary d. of Eobert Cockin 2 Nov. Henry s. of William Brus 3 Nov. Jane wif£ of John Di'ew 10 Nov. Garderet d. of William Bond 20 Nov. Grace d. of Eichard Pennow 24 Nov. Thomas s. of John Harvy 29 Nov. Jane d. of John Will'ms * Sampson Morcombe, one of the wardens in 1589, in 1587 he had paid 3s. 4s. not to be churchwarden. t In 151)4 Widowe Frances of Penhale gave 3s. to the poor, and WilUam Frances of Penhale gave 3d. to the poor the same year. — Green Book. J Sic. § Blank. 2 £ 210 THE REGISTERS OP ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1622-4 29 Nov. Lowdy d. "William Ti'ekeene 2 Dec. Jolian Browu, vid. 10 Dec. Allcs Tippctt 15 Dec. Cliristiau d. of "William Blake 19 Dec. Peter s. of Joliu Adam 1 Jan. Johu s. of Richard Rowse 2 Jan. Catlierine d. of William Brabiu 7 Jau. John s. of Robert Tippit 9 Jau. Philip d. of Richard Jeukiu 12 Jan. Tomson d. of John Moyor 14 Jan. Jane Simon, widdow 17 Jau. John s. of * Retollicke 17 Jan. James Stevens 23 Jau. Grace Trestcene, wid. 23 Jau. John s. of Robert Manwell 25 Jan. Richard Smith 7 Peb. Robert Manwell 20 Peb. Joane d. of Anthony Borlace 22 Peb. Arthur s. of John Meyo 27 Peb. Lowdj d. of ffrancis Huitt 13 Mar. Johu s. of Anthony Borlace 15 Mar. Nicholas Hollmau 17 Mar. Jone Henscocke 17 Mar. John s. of John Maihow 19 Mar. Richard Hellier 19 Mar. Pascha s. of Thomas Dozor Anxo 1623. 28 Mar. Henry Rowse 5 April Jolm Randoll 8 April Peternell d. of Richard Hitcli- ros 9 April Alles Nicholas 12 April Elizabeth the wiff of Thomas Michell 13 April t( . . . ) d. of William Rouse 14 April Reuold Peter 17 April William Tubb 20 April Joane Rescorlaw 20 April WiUiam s. of Thomas AViat 2 May Ann d. of John Trivithicke 4 May Joane d. of William Jane 7 May Johu s. of John Martin 18 May ffraucis Trenoughe 7 June Thomas George 9 June John s. of Pascha Johu 9 June Joell Moyle 9 June Oliver Robinus 13 June Anthony Hawke 8 July Thomas s. of Thomas Wiat 13 July Thomas Merifeild, gent. 15 July Jenepher the wiff of Johu Colles 19 July John s. of Will'm Brabyu 4 Aug. Marvin Moyle 6 Aug. Nicholas s. of Thomas Jane * Obliterated, t Blank. 2 Sep. Will'm s. of Thomas Skiu'er 6 Sep. Richard Pollard 24 Sep. Grace d. of Johu Staple 6 Oct. Jane wifl' of Henry Husband 14 Oct. Jenniphret Norton, widdow 5 Nov. Richard Martin 9 Nov. Alice Jeuninge, widow 22 Nov. Margery d. of Henry Moyle 24 Dec. Mary d. of Thomas Treuibere 24 Dec. Robert West 29 Dec. Adam s. of Martin Trisveu 30 Dec. Elinor the wiff of John Nan- kevell IG Jan. Heiu-y Tippet 20 Jan. Will'm s. of Jermau Retal- lacke 16 Mar. Tomson Simon, widow 16 Mar. Ann Cornish Anno 1624. 29 Mar. ffrancis d. of Nicholas Bouu- sall 20 April John Moyle 28 April ffraucis Luas 5 May Joane d. of Richard Cerveth 27 May Elizabeth the wiff of Richard Copitlioi'ue 30 May Alice wiff of ffrancis Row 30 July Sidwell Williams, widow 6 Aug. William Jane 10 Aug. Mary d. of Thomas Brabyu 10 Sep. John s. of Johu Bayly 15 Sep. Joane d. of John Mayoh 19 Oct. Johau the wife of Remphrey Joll 20 Oct. William Mitchell 28 Oct. Will'm s. of Reignold Weekes 24 Nov. Alice Oxeuham, wydow 27 Nov. Agnes Tifford, wyd. 1 Dec. Margerye Behedna, wydow 2 Dec. Katheriue wiffe of Nicholas Peor 9 Dec. Katheriue Edwarde 6 Dec. Mary d. of Reynold Peter & Joane his wife 21 Dec. Alice d. of Will'm & Eliza- beth Cocke 24 Dec. Richard Hanna 3 Feb. Steeveu Knight 6 Feb. Mellarye Reeve 12 Feb. Katheriue Polkiuhorne* 28 Feb. Joane d. of Richard Tregeare 2 Mar. fPrances d. of Johu Brabyu 4 Mar. Remphrey s. of Alexander Penfound * Tliis name is very indistinct, 1624-7.] 11 Mar. 16 Mar. 31 Mar. 1 April 12 April 21 April 10 May 24 May 25 May 31 May 5 June 10 June 18 June 22 Oct. 25 Oct. 25 Nov. 9 Dec. 12 Dec. 16 Dec. 22 Dec. 7 Jan. 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 20 Mar. 19 April 29 April 1 May 5 May 6 May 6 May 10 June 18 July 1 Aug. 10 Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Aug. 30 Aug. 9 Sep. 16 Sep. 16 Sep. 18 Sep. 2 Oct. 6 Oct. 16 Oct. 3 Nov. 25 Nov. BUEIALS. 211 Katlierine d. of Litticott* fflorance Scantleburye, wydow Anno 1625. "William Edwards Christian d. of Thomas Ben- nett Eicliard Williams Emblyn Sadler Marye d. of Peter Morcombe John s. of Richard Haiine William s. of John Cocking Henry s. of Reynold Peter Will'm Wills Richard s. of John Marke Rowse Edwards, wydow William s. of William Keten- gen (?) John s. of Immanuell Harrie Elizabeth Banner f John Trehenban John Bounsoll John Moile Alice Cock Richard s. of Richard Car- veth Thomas base s. of J . . . Jane Harvey, widowe William base child of ... J Anno 1626. Alice Amy Thomas Parnell James Mayhowe John a base child oi . . . . % Alice Williams John s. of Henry Moyell Blanch Daye, widowe Anne wiff of Regnold Hawkey Jone wif£ of Thomas Allen Nicholas s. of John Cockin Mary d. of Henry Harvey Henry s. of Emmanuell Har- vey Symon s. of Jo. Trehemben William Jollifte Jone wife of William AVhite Joice d. of Thomas Stephens John Langdon James Harris Jane wife of Thomas Stephens Phillip Jolliffe, widow John s. of John Harvey Richard s. of Ric. Rowse Anno 1627. * Obliterated. f Spelt thus in the original, but query if it should not be Tanner. X Blank. 12 May Jane Edye 17 May John Hocken 1 June Will'm Bowerman 27 June Thomas s. of John Geene 24 Dec. Jone Kittowe* 10 Jan. Katherine wife of Thomas Day* gent 27 Jan. Robert Lock* 7 Feb. Ellenor G-rosse, widow* 20 Mar. Henry Browne* 17 Mar. Will'm Williams* 13 April Anne d. of Gilbert Row 4 June Peter s. of John Adam 16 June Margery Gwynnow, widow 3 July Henry s. of Thomas Skynner 20 July John Horwell 3 Aug. Edward Teage 12 Aug. Alice wife of John Daye 15 Aug. John Pollard Honor d. of j • • • & Tamson his wife Richardt s. of ... ah Coppi- thorne John s. of Thomas Tom & Dorothe his wife (blank)'\ d. of Lawry & Philip his wife 23 Sep. John s. of Thomas Merifeild, gent. & Jane his wife 14 Oct. John s. of William Calway & Jane his wife 21 Oct. John s. of John Legge & Julian his wifFe 21 Oct. Joane d. of Beniamyn Strau- ford (?) & t . . . his wife 19 Oct. John Moyle 16 Oct. Edward CoxwithJ 30 Oct. Remphrey Trenouth 31 Oct. Edward s. of Henery Moyle 4 Nov. Catherine Peliue wife of Wil- liam Feline 24 Dec. William s. of John Dyer 4 Jan. Ann Edwards 13 Jan. Johan wife of t • • • Moile 19 Jan. Richard Sprey§ 3 Feb. Thomas Stephens 8 Feb. Jane d. of James Reskigian 12 Feb. Will. Cougdome * These names were forgotten to be put down in their right place. Entered thus in the original. t Obliterated. From the 15th Aug. to the latter part of Oct. following the entries are more or less completely obliterated, the whole page being much rubbed. f Query if not Cosworth. i^ In 1G27 Hugh ISprey paid 6s. 8d. for the bvu'ial of his uncle Richard Sprey. 212 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1627-30 18 Eeb. AUise d. of Will'm Thomas 19 Eeb. Margery Drewe 28 Feb. Johan Keskiggian 20 Mar. Allies James, widdow Anko 1628. 28 Mar. Henry Harvey 18 April Joane d. of John Harvey 21 May Honor d. of Marten Tier 3 June Sampson Browne 7 June Mary Bowell 11 June G-race wife of John Browne 18 June Thomas s. of KouddyeTerlogan 26 June Anne wife of Eichard Eetal- lack 2 July James Vallyes 12 July George Naucekevell 19 July James Jeuking,* gent. 26 Aug. Martyn .s. of Phillipp Yeemon 28 Aug. John Tubb 28 Aug. Thomas Trimbeare 5 Sep. Tamsonn wife of John Bice 13 Sep. Cateren wife of John Treuege 4 Oct. John s. of David Walkey 3 Xov. John Phillipp 11 Nov. Jone wife of Eichard Doone 17 Nov. Tiffieny wife of Eichard Hawke 19 Nov. Mary Stevens 3 Dec. John Williams 4 Jan. Thomas Hocky 1 Feb. Honnor d. of John Arter 10 Feb. Henry Eandall 12 Feb. John Daw 16 Feb. William Merifield 22 Feb. John Eetallock, junior 4 Mar, Water Bishop Anno 1629. 6 April fflorence Michell 1 May John s. of Abraham Martyn 24 May Grace d. of Jonn Coppithorne 30 May John Doble 31 May Paskow Hawke 24 June Johan Martyn, wid. 27 June ffrances Eoe 12 July Thomas Wiatt 19 July Thomas s. of John Brabyn 21 July Priscilla d. of Thomas Kent 27 July Eichard Pernall 22 Aug. Beaten d. of Thomas Bayly 26 Sep. John Browne 27 Sep. Gilbert Eowe * He was son and heir of Tlionias Jenkin of Trekinning, by Jane, daughter and heir of John Moyle. He mamed Katherine, daughter of James Carter, gent., and relict of John Brabvn gent. See note. p. 209 ante. 9 Oct. Alice Oaffe 12 Oct. Peternell the wife of Michaell Thomas 19 Oct. Henry Jenkyn,* gent. 1 Nov. Thamsynd. of EobertBosparta 3 Nov. Anne the wife of John Kent 5 Nov. Grace d. of Barbara Merifeeld 13 Nov. Thomas s. of Anne Harvey 15 Nov. Ales Collins, widowe 2 Dec. Humphrey s. of John Laury 26 Dec. Susan the wife of Hugh Sprey 26 Dec. Katherine Hawke 28 Dec. Peter s. of Eobert Pollard 3 Jan. William Pawland 30 Jan. Adam Trestean 22 Feb. John Jolliffe 23 Feb. Mellery Williams 5 Mar. John Sprey 13 Mar. John Waruef of Ervan 30 Mar. Alice Abraham Anno 1630. 2 April Eichard CarterJ Esquire 16 April Thomas Williams 20 April AVilliam base s. of Ame Hocks 20 April Hugh s. of John Grace 18 May Elizabeth d. of Henry Harvy 19 May Agnes d. of Eobert Dunken 26 May Christopher s. of Henrye INIoyle 4 June John s. of Thomas Wyott 18 July Marye Charly 18 July Marye d. of William Dan- caster 7 Aug. Honor d. of Thomas Wyott 14 Aug. G-race the wyfe of Anthony Whitford 31 Aug. Honor d. of John Harvy 3 Oct. Eichard s. of Eobert Dunken 10 Oct. Beaten d. of Eichard Cornishe 24 Oct. Hugh Norten 5 Nov. Jane d. of Patiente Williams * He was the second son of Thomas Jenkin, gent., of Trekinning, by Jane Moyle his wife. He married Margaret, daughter and coheiress of Oliver Carminow, Esq., and relict of Philip Cole, Esq. •f He was most probably a son of John Warne of St. Columb, his baptism being lost through the loss of the registers from 1554 to 1571, as were probably Alexander Warne, who married Joan Drew, and Katherine Warne, who was mar- ried at St. Cubyn 25 June, 1594, to William Jolly. Clerk, Yicar of Enoder ; the marriage is entered at St. Enoder. J Son and heir of John Carter, gent., by Jane, daughter of John Vivian, gent. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Aruudell of Talverne and his ^vife Ann Godolphiu ; and had an only child Joane, who died young. 1630-3.] BUEIALS. 213 28 Dec. Annes Truboddy 9 Jan. John Yoiing 19 Jan. ffrances Trear 11 Mai'. Joane wife of Jolin Torker Am^o 1631. 22 Mar. Prescylla d. of Henry Bligh 22 Mar. Tamson wyfe of John Phillip 27 Mar. Richard Oxnam 14 April Elizabeth Pinnow 23 May Bennett Pollard 27 May John Striblye 12 June Thomas s. of Thomas Pearse 21 June Grace d. of Anthony "Whitford 30 July Richard Ruze 6 Aug. Marye Williams 4 Oct. Siblye wife of John James 4 Oct. Elizabeth Littlejohn 21 Oct. Mark Retallack 3 Nov. John Reeve 10 Nov. Jane Morcombe 19 Nov. John Tooker 30 Nov. Crrace Congdon 1 Dec. Julyan Wyatt 16 Dec. Marye Tacye 19 Dec. Gilbert Libbye 26 Dec. Marye d. of Jone West 14 Jan. John s. of Thomas Bayliffe 26 Jan. John Roscorloe 31 Jan. fflorence d. of Walter Coryton 3 Eeb. Johane Nuttiuge 4 Feb. Wilmote d. of Patient Wil- mote 13 Mar. John Spraye 21 Mar. Jane Pinnowe Anno 1632. 8 April Jane Stribley 14 April Jane Stribleye d. of David 8tribly 5 May Richard Ruze* of Trebadanon 16 June Joane wiffe of John Bettye 27 July Katherine d. of James May- howe 26 vSep. Arthur Orchard 19 Sep. Alice d. of Robert Dunkyn 27 Sep. John Tolton 27 Sep. Joane d. of Luke Pollard 5 Oct. Jane Lovyne wydow 16 Oct. Phillip d. of Richard Laytye 19 Oct. John s. of Thomas Hawke 31 Oct. Alice d. of William Calway * In 1633 Bai'bara Rowse, widow, paid a legacy of £6 left by her late husband Richard Rowse deceased. John Rovvse was treasurer in the same year. — Green Book. 8 Nov. Jane d. of Martyn Dunna- combe 24 Dec. Barbara d. of John Dyar 8 Jan. George s. of Martyn Ed- wards 23 Jan. Lowdye Terlogan 25 Jan. Elizabeth Cocke wydow 25 Jan. Marye Geoffrye 28 Jan. Tho. Arundell* Esq'' 2 Feb. Rebeccah d. of Henrye Lee 20 Feb. Richard Dunnacombe 29 Feb. Jonah s. of William Bewford 24 Feb. Edward s. of Rawlyn Mer- feild 25 Feb. Alice Stribley wydow 6 Mar. Elward wifFe'of John White Anno 1633. 5 April Honor Parkyn, wydowe 8 April John White 10 April John Launder 11 April Olive d. of John Darr 17 April Richard Hawke 24 May Nicholas Lang 22 May Elizabeth d. of Thomas Lawe 8 June Patience wife of John Grimes 12 June Henry Dyerf 9 July Ebbot d. of Walter Coryton 14 Aug. John ArrundellJ Esq'" 19 Aug. Thomas Symons 4 Sep. Thomas Allen 6 Sep. Digory s. of John Metherell 23 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Mathew Willes 30 Sep. Mathew Willes 18 Nov. Bennet Calley 24 Nov. John Tveneag 11 Dec. Elizabeth Symons, widow 30 Dec. John Cocking 6 Jan. John Day 10 Jan. Richard Carter 30 Jan. Richard s. of George Lane * He was of Trevithick in St. Columb, and was son and heir of Thomas Arundell of Tre- mere, Esq. (by Elizabeth daughter and coheir of Tringove of Nance), who was the second son of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, knt., by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Gerald Danet, Esq., of Danct's Hall. He married Rachel! Mompesson, sister to Sir Giles Mompesson. by whom he had issue several children. f In 1634 John Dyer paid 20s., a legacy from his late father Henry Dyer, deceased, to the poor. John Dyer himself left 3s. 4d. to the poor of the parish. J He was of Lanherne, being son and heir of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, by his wife Lady Ann. daughter of Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby, and relict of Charles, seventh Lord Stourton. He married Ann, daughter of Henry Jerningham, Esq., of Costessey, co. Norfolk, 214 THE REaiSTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1633-6. 7 Feb. John Marten 18 Feb. John Heycraft Anxo 1634. 13 April Edward Meryfold 20 April AVilliam Williams 2 May John Dawe 31 May Mathew Pomery* 22 June Joue Spettygrue 25 June Peter s. o£ Thomas Tome 6 Aug. Pascow Vivian, | gen. 17 Aug. Olive d. of Thomas Allen 28 Sep. Margery Cornish, widdow 9 Oct. .Tone Tregere 20 Oct. William Strongman 25 Nov. Mary an Betty 20 Jan. Eichard Copithorue 6 Feb. Penelope d. of Mark Tyer 9 Feb. Jane Moyle, widow 18 Feb. Eliner Jagoe 22 Feb. Thomas Brabyn 23 Feb. Mathew s. of John Mayhow 6 Mar. Micaell Thomas 20 Mar. Thomas Yencent 17 Mar. .John s. of John Luky 18 Mar. Johan Pollard, widdow AxNO 1635. 27 Mar. Elizabeth Spray, widdow 27 Mar. Zenoby Hichens, widdow 31 Mar. Alice Nankevall, wydow 1 April Margaret John 4 April Thomas Duggoe 6 April Dennys Westcott 12 April Johan Hocky, wydowe 16 April Marye d. of John Eouse 21 April John Eouse 3 May Anthony ;}: s. of Anthony Whit- ford 6 May Anthony e Whitford 10 May Dorethye Lukye 16 June John Grace 17 June Jane Hoi man 2 Aug. Luke Harvye 8 Aug. Honor Dyer, wydowe * He was son of Edwwrd Pomeroy and Julian his wife, daughter of Forster, which Edward was third son of Andrew Pomeroy of Colliton, Devon, and uncle to the Andrew Pomeroy buried in 1639. Mathew Pomeroy above is named in the will of John Pomeroy of St. Clere, gent., dated 16 June, 1618. f He was son of Thomas Vivian of Trenowth, gent., by Anne, daughter and coheiress of Peter Lower. He married JIary Flamocke (sec mar- riages 15 Dec. 1601), and had several children. X Being the last entry on the page, it is followed by the signatures of S. Legg, curate, John Day and Tho. Richards, wardens. ISep. 5 Sep. 21 Sep. 22 Sep. 26 Sep. 5 Oct. 13 Nov. 25 Nov. 24 Dec. 29 Dec. 2 Jan. 6 Jan. 30 Jan. 6 Feb. 15 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Mar. 25 Mar. 30 Mar. 22 April 1 May 18 May 19 May 21 Mav Elizabeth Oxeuham* Margaret Bennett Anne Brabyn Thoraasyn d. of William Basely Hen rye Spraye Elizabeth Wyatt Anne d. of Michaell Davye Sydrack Eetallack Edward Carter,t gen. Anne James Thomas Hoblyn,J gen. Katherine Mason Johane Younge,§ wydow Alice Braye Charles & Elizabeths. & d. o£ John Vivian, gent.]] Ursula Phillip John s. of Sampson Eoscorla Anne Vyvean,^ wydow Anno 1636. Phillipp d. of William Bond Catherine Bettye Marye the wyfe of Michaell Davye Better s. of Eobert Pollarde Eichard Williams John Pollarde s. of Bennett Pollarde 27 May Johane the wyfe of Henrye Nanparrowe • In 1636 Thomas Oxeuham paid 6s. 8d. for the burial of his wife. — Green Book. f He was a younger son of John Carter of St. Columb, gent., by his wife Jane, daughter of John Vivian, gent. He died unmarried. John Carter, Esq. paid to the parish for the burial of his brother 20>. X He was of Nanswhyden, being son and heir of Richard Hoblyu, gent, (who purchased Nans- whyden from John Nanswhyden), by his wife Philippa, daiTghter and coheir of John Pye. He married first Judeth, daughter and heir of Edward Trevalcois of Goran, and secondly Dorothy, daughter of John Dinham, but she died s.p. By his first wife he was ancestor of the present family. There is a ledger stone to his memory, which is fully described with the other monuments in the church elsewhere. § John Yoiing for the burial of his grand- mother paid 6s. 8d. — Green Book. II By his second wife Mary, daughter and coheiress of William Cavell and Jane his wife, daughter of William Pomeroy. Esq. These children are recorded on a monumental slab in the church, which will be found described with the other monuments ; on it Charles is said to be aged 5 years, and Elizabeth one year and a half. ^ In 1636 ]\Ir. William Vivian paid 20s. for the burial of his wife, (but the burial does not appear to have been registered .) — Vide Green Book. 1636-8.] BUEIALS. 215 30 May Honnor d. of Abraham Hus- bande 26 June Jeuever wyfe of Steven Lovell 26 June Nicholas Mason 28 June Alls the wyfe of Christopher Morcombe 3 July Thomas s. of John Copithorne 5 July John Cockyn 6 July Johane d. of William Calwaye 10 July Dorothie d. of Einanuewell Haivye 14 July Marye d. of Beniamyn Strong- man 19 July John s. of William Calwaye 17 July Margaret d. of John G-remes 25 July Dorothye wyfe of John Motten 30 July William Libbye 6 Aug. Thomas Tom 7 Aug. Mary wyfe of WiJliam Benny e of Maugan* 21 Aug. Ann Vallis p'' 30 Aug. Thomaziu the wyfe of Martyn Edwarde 11 Sep. James s. of Martyn Edwarde 13 Sep. Eytchaud Treuowth 4 Oct. Phillipe Eobyus 22 Oct. Marye d. of Henry Blighe 30 Nov. Steven Abrahame 1 Dec. Johane the wyfe of John Jollf 2 Dec. Thomas James 3 Dec. Anthonye s. of John Kinge 27 Jan. Henrye s. of Jozies Daye 9 Mar. Precylla Bryantt 2 Feb. John Retallacke 9 Mar. Fetter s. of Eob. Pollard Akno 1637. 28 Mar. Henrye Cocke 16 April A childe to Ralph Keatt 16 April Nicholas Better 18 April Dennett, a base child to one Maddocke 7 May Marke s. of John Grace 23 May Bichard s. of John Joule 31 May Margaret Penfound 17 June Thomas s. of Reyuolde Hawke 25 June Elizabeth Prist 27 June Thomas s. of Thomas Allen 6 July EUener Pell 13 July Beaten d. of John Hoswell 5 Aug. Grrace Robyns 13 Aug. Joane Row 18 Aug. Grace Roseware 28 Aug. Katherine Jenkyn * In 1637 received 6s. 8d. for the burial of William Bennye's wife of Mawgan. ■j- In 1619 Kemfi'ey JoU paid 12s., owed to the parish by his brother John JoU, — Green Book. 19 Sep. John s. of Thomas Law 21 Sep. Anthony Row 28 Sep. Margaret d. of John Dyer 11 Oct. Grace Marshall 4 Oct. Henry s. of John Reandall 5 Oct. Honoar d. of John Dyer 9 Oct. Joane wife of William Way 17 Oct. Joyce d. of Henry Bray 6 Dec. Elloner Lange, widow 26 Dec. Richard s. of Martyn Edwarde 31 Dec. William Coeken 6 Jan. Johane White 9 Jan. Mary White 11 Jan. Dorothie Hoblyn, widdow* 30 Jan. Elizabeth Ulcock 3 Eeb. Alls West 5 Feb. Joyce Blacke 16 Feb. Ann Arundell, widdowf 5 Mar. Grace the wife of Thomas Williams 6 Mar. Thomas WithoU 21 Mar. Mary d. of Thomas Westcott 22 Mar. Katherine d. of John Jenkyn Anno 1638. 11 April William s. of Giles Truscot 14 April Jane Tenney, widow 17 April Jermin Retalack 17 April Jone a base d. of Jone John 19 May William Dancaster 11 June Henry John 17 Aug. Donot Duncomb 26 Aug. Nicholas Parkyn 7 Sep. Richards, of Beniamyn Strong- man 8 Sej). Ann d. of John Copithorne 17 Sep. Edward s. of Thomas Michell 18 Sep. Jonathan s. of John Vivian, | Esq. 19 Sep. William Beauford§ 20 Sep. Lewes s. of William Beard 26 Sep. Honor Stepston, widow * She was relict of Thomas Hoblyn of Nans- whyden, Esq., being his second wife, and daughter of John Dynham. She died s.p. f She was daughter of Sir Henry Jeruingham (or Gernigan), first bart., of C'ostessy Hall, by his wife Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Throckmorton, Esq., of Throckmorton, and granddaughter of Henry .Jerniugham, Esq., of Costessey, by his first wife Eleanor, daughter of William, Lord Dacre of Gillesland. She married John Arundell, Esq., of Lanherne, who died iu 1633, leaving several children. X By his wife Mary, daughter and coheiress of Wm. Cavell, Esq. § William Beauford the elder, treasurer of the parish, son of William Beauford the elder, who died the previous year while treasurer, and who left £5 to the poor of the parish. — Green Book. 216 THE EEGISTEBS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1638-40. 12 Oct. Ric. s. of Eichiird Hawke 28 Oct. AVilliam Lukej- 6 Nov. Jone Copithorue 3 Dec. William Jeffery 4 Dec. John Moyses 7 Dec. Ann Meriteld 20 Dec. Ann Vivian* wife to John ViA-ian, junr., Esq. 27 Dec. Jone Kent 5 Jan. John Kent 6 Jan. Katherine Mayow 9 Jan. Anthony s. of John Lawry 6 Feb. Tamson Tregonwen 11 Feb. Henery Beauford 11 Feb. John Parkyn 11 Feb. Jone d. of Xico. Jane 3 Mar. Amey Rowse 17 Mar. Johnf s. of John Vivian, Esq. 24 Mar. John s. of Martyn Stevens A>-NO 1639. 7 April Denes s. of Eichard Langdon 8 April Barbara John 10 April Martyn s. of Martyn Stevens 11 April Paskow TafFord 13 April Jane Williams 21 April Ann d. of Eobert Litticot 3 May Patience Trenethan 6 May Eeynold Hawke 16 May Nicholas Stribly 20 May Nicholas Pearse 20 June Annies May, widdowe 18 July John s. of John Dar 6 Aug. Hugh Lawry 23 Aug. John Hoblyn,J gent. 31 Aug. John s. of John Jollye 16 Sep. Emlyu d. of John Oxnam 22 Oct. John Day, gen. 24 Oct. Barbara d. of Nicholas Peter 20 Nov. Lewes s. of William Hawkyn 21 Nov. Elizabeth Tucker 22 Nov. Andrew Pommery,§ gen. 30 Dec. Peter ]\lartyn * She was a daughter of 8ir Juhn Trelawny, first bart., by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Reginald Mohun, bart., of Boconnock, and aunt of the well-known Risht Rev. .'^ir Jonathan Trelawny, Bishop of Winchester. She was the first wife of John Vivian of Truan, Esq. t By his wife Ann, daughter of Sir John Tre- lawny, bart. :|: He was the eldest son of Edward Hoblyn of Nanswhyden. Esq., by his wife Mary, daughter and coheiress of Robert Apley of Barnestaple, and died unmarried, v.p. § He was son of William Pomeroy of CoUiton, CO. Devon, by his vdie Mary, daughter of John Bevill of Killgarthe. He married Jane, daughter and heir of Digory Hext of Launceston, by whom he had several children. 30 Dec. Joahie Hockie 4 Jan. John Nacolas 17 Jan. John Nankevall 18 Jan. Christopher Knight 18 Jan. Henry s. of AVilliam Cock 2 Feb. Eoberta d. of John Dyer 4 Feb. John Baylie 11 Feb. William s. of Henry Tregare 22 Feb. Anthony Burlase 28 Feb. Nicholas Smith 28 Feb. Alls Hawke, widowe 7 Mar. Mary d. of Sampson Eoscorla II Mar. Senobie widow of Joell Juell 11 Mar. Walter s. of Barnabas Bettye 12 Mar. John Coppithorne AxNO 1640. 26 Mar. Henry s. of Henry Nanparrow 27 Mar. Marke s. of John Tenny 9 Mar. Superan Edgcomb, vid. 13 April John Heycraft 4 May William Eawlyn 23 May Thomas s. of Thomas Lawe 24 May Agnes Pernal, \ad. 25 May Katherine Service 6 June Thomas Jolly 14 July Joane wife of John Martyn 25 Sep. Eichard Eichards 26 Sep. Eichard James 1 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Henry Napar- row 8 Nov. John Adam 27 Nov. Eichard Skynner 15 Dec. Margaret d. of Thomas Baly 27 Dec. Mary Cockyii, widdow 29 Dec. Annes Lane 6 Jan. Elizabeth Yolton, vid. 28 Jan. James Trebell 27 Jan. Joane d. of John Martyn 3 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Edward Hoblyn* gent. 10 Feb. Eichard Crawly 22 Feb. Phillipp the wife of John Baylife 23 Feb. Alice Law, widdow 17 Mar. Eichard Eowsef AxNo 1641. 6 April John Phillipp 12 April Catheryn wife Chapell 24 April Honor Geene of Andrew * By his wife Mary, daughter and coheir of Robert Apley, Esq. f Richard Rowse nTx Jenkyn, one of the twelve men in 1627. Richard Rowse al's Adams, churchwarden in 1644, and one of the twelve men in 1630. — Gi'een Book. 1641-5.] BUEIALS. 217 28 April Jane Phillipp 24 May David s. of Mark Tire 24 May Jane d. of John Cartbew 28 May William Boan 28 May Eicbard s. of John Kendall 6 June Jane Nicholls 14 June William* s. of John Vivian, Esq. Elinor Luny, vid. 18 July 24 July Elizabeth d. of Walter Coriton 4 Aug. Sissilla Westcott, vid. 19 Aug. James s. of Marten Eowe 13 Sep. Bernard* s. of John Vivian, Esq. 5 Oct. Olive Teage, vid. 13 Nov. Peter s. of Thomas Eichards 30 Nov. Mary Tregeare 1 Dec. Jane the wife of John Mar- shall 1 Dec. Eose d. of John Tenny 8 Dec. William John 8 Dec. Honor d. of Sampson EescoHa 22 Dec. Tamsin d. of James Cockin 10 Mar. Katherine Naparow, vid. 16 Mar. Melliar Gilbert 25 Msfr. Eichard Bowen 31 Mar. Katherine wife of Eobert Tre- himbam 31 Mar. Jane James 4 April Mark s. of Mark Tire Anno 1642. 2 May Nicholas Moore 5 ]\Iay Digory s. of John Ste];)hens 14 May Mary Hixt 26 May Olive Eoe 2 June Elizabeth Jolley 8 June Eichard Carter 23 June John Bettey 3 July Constance Bettey 15 July John Aruudellf of Lanhearon, Esqr Barnard a duch man 12 Aug. 27 Aug. Phillipp d. of Eichard Langdon 25 Aug. Jane wife of John Hals, gent. 29 Aug. Joane Champion 16 Sep. Tho. Eawlinge of Mylor 10 Oct. Jo. Langdon 22 Oct. Eadigon Brabond 28 Oct. Peeter Horswell 3 Nov. Tho. Hawke 11 Nov. ffrances Crues * By his wife Mary, daughter and coheiress of William Cavell of Treharrock. f Son of John Arundell, Esq., of Lanherne. by his wife, Ann, daughter of Sir Henry Jerni- gau, Bart. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Brock. Esci., by whom he had one son. Sir John Arundell, of Lanherne. 17 Nov. 24 Nov. 28 Nov. 6 Dec. 18 Dec. 20 Dec. 26 Dec. 10 Dec. 19 Dec. 15 Eeb. 22 Eeb. 4 Mar. 7 Mar. 18 Mar. 28 Mar. 18 April 1 May 2 May 2 May 9 May 13 ]\Iay 29 May 1 June 4 June 14 June 10 July 20 July 20 July 29 July 10 Aug. 13 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 Aug. 3 Sep. 9 Sep. IDec. * Here, in the original, come the weddings, after which follow two or three years of bap- tisms, weddings, and burials, very irregularly kept. The year 1643 is altogether wanting, also parts of 1642 and 1644. f The foot of a page, and signed J. Beauford, rector, Eichard Rowse and William Lanyon, churchwardens. X Query if this John Kendall the father was not the John aged 19 at the Heralds' Visitation of 1620, sou of Thomas Kendall of Treworgie by his wife Dorothy, daughter and heir of Thomas Cosworth of Cosworth. § By his wife Mary, daughter and coheiress of Robert Apley of Barnestaple. 2-e Emblinge Bayly Marten Tresteane Jane Cornish Elizabeth Behedno Peternell Nichols Alice Williams* Anno 1644. John Leeckey John Gommo Anies Leeckey Honnor Moyle, widow John Allien Elizabeth Eowse, widow Henerey Moyle Susan Evanst Anno 1645. Joice d. of Archibald Eowse Cheston the wife of Tbeodorua Harvy Eozee d. of Henry Bligh Ellenor Morcomb Michaell s. of Mich. Davy Archibald Eowse Joane d. of Eeskymer Sprey Mellier wife of tfo. G-eene Patience Cocking John s. of David Lareuce of Pearan Eemphrey Michell Grace wife of Degory Marsiall Jane Moyle ffrances d. of Thomas & Grace Littacott Jane wife of John Stajjle Eichoe Pollard John s. of John Kendall J & Grace his wife Thomas Nicholas Judeth d. of Edward Hoblyn,§ Esq. John s. of Henry & Thomazin Brey Jo. Staple William Bewis 218 THE EEaiSTEES OF ST. COLIJMB MAJOE. [1645-8. 2 Dec. Joane d. of Eichard & Joane Copitboriie 15 Dec. Jo. Day,* gen. 17 Dec. Thomas s. of Eichard Ilawke 26 Jan. Geo. Veale 31 Jan. Elizabeth the wife of Eichard Cornish 3 Eeb. Sissilla Hann 16 Mar. Thomsin Strongman, widdow Anno 1646. 26 Mar. Henry s. of Jolin & Grace Jenkyn 29 Mar. Eichards.of JohnDaye, merch. 30 April Marke s. of Jane Facy 6 May Thomas Allen 13 May Alice Langdon 15 May Joane wife of Edward Knight 22 May Uudie Amie Vivian 16 July Sibella d. of Eeskim'' Sprey, junr., & Joue his wife 30 July John base s. of Eliz. Gillin- game 5 Aug. Ann West 3 Sep. Ellinor Steepbens 5 Sep. Eichard Hawkef 5 Sep. Thomas Tyer 6 Sep. Joane wife of Eichard Langdon 1 Oct. John base s. of Judeth Harvey 8 Oct. (blank) s. of Thomas Endry 15 Oct. Humphrey the s. of Eichard Edwards 29 Oct. Eichard the s. of Hugh & Katherne Sprey 3 Nov. Eichard Dunne 3 Dec. Thomas s. of W™ & Lowdy Cockyn 10 Dec. Eutb d. of Jerman & Honour Eetallack 17 Dec. Alice Donacomb 1 Jan. John s. of Eobert Berry 21 Jan. Mary d. of Anthony & Janiver Pollewyn 23 Jan. Julyau wife of William Eowse 23 Jan. Winifred Husband 27 Jan. Constance Thomas 10 Eeb. Eichoe wife of John Mayow 24 Feb. Elizabetb wife of Lallow Nicholas 12 Mar. William Taylor * John Day of Tresadderne, churchwarden in 1637. ]\Ir. John Day gave by will £5 to the poor of the parish, 16-16. — Green Book. f Richard Hawke in 1630, as one of four of the ancient men of the parish, elected William Kete, gent., to be one of the twelve men in place of Eichard Carter, Esq., deceased. Eichard Hawke churchwarden in 1637. — Green Book. 16 Mar. Elizabetb d. Jane of John S: Jane Anno 1647. 29 Mar. William White 1 April James Ox nam 7 April Eichard Polkinghorne 14 April Joane wife of John Lawry 25 April Mary Duggo 1 May Lowdy wife of Walter Vivian* 18 May William Trekeane 27 May Thomas Baylie 1 June Joane Bishop 16 June Elizabeth wife of Thomas Allen 15 Aug. Thomas s. of Adamf & Jone Day 17 Sep. Ann wife of Henry Eowse 4 Oct. Honour Danger 28 Oct. Francis Trehembau 17 Nov. Mary wife of John Eetallack 24 Nov. Francis Tome 29 Nov. William Nankevall 10 Dec. William s. of John & Eliz. AVilliams 17 Dec. William Cockin, jun'' 21 Dec. Thomas s. of Gilbert & Judeth Calway 29 Dec. John Adams 18 Jan. Thomas Oxnam 21 Jan. John s. of Xtopher & Peternell Hendy 23 Jan. Aunis Trenhayle 28 Jan. John Treneage 1 Feb. Thomas s. of Mathew Allen 6 Feb. Philip Moore 13 Feb. Jane Edgecombe 18 Feb. Barbara Joll 28 Feb. Eachall Arundell,J widd. 9 Mar. Tho. Eetallack Anno 1648. 25 Mar. David Floyd 29 Mar. Catherine d. of Hen. & Mary Tregeere 1 April Nicholas s. of W"* & Anstes Thomas 2 April Philip d. of James & Eliz. Moyle 11 April Lallow Nicholas * Walter Vivian and Loveday Carlyon. See marriages, 1630. f Adam Day, gent., one of the twelve men in 1650.— Green "Book. \ She was sister to Sir Giles Mompesson, and relict of Thomas Arundell, Esq., of Trevithick in St. Columb. who died in 1633 (see note to his burial). They had several children, of whom Thomas and William both left issue. 1648-50.] BUEIALS. 219 25 April 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 15 Mar. 28 June 5 July 13 July 3 Aug. 6 Aug. 8 Sep. 19 Sep. 27 Oct. 2 Nov. 5 ISTov. 6 Nov. 3 Nov. 20 Nov. 5 Dec. 14 Dec. 24 Dec. 7 Jau. 12 Jan. 17 Jau. 26 Jau. 27 Jan. 30 Jan. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 17 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Feb. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 10 Mar. 16 Mar. John base s. of Ann Yeale Elizabeth d. o£ John & Eliz. Lawry Jane d. o£ John & Catherine Brewer Thomas Calavvay John s. o£ Robert Drew Eegnald Hawkey John s. of Richard* & Joane Copithorne John s. of John & Jane Jane Joane Tregeare Barbara wife of Thomas Basely John s. of George Humphreyf Honor Rescorla Henry Littacott Susan Crewes Joh s. of John & Susan Hendra Presilla Jane Joice the d. of Henry & Joice Rescorla John StrongmanJ Grace d. of Thomas & Mary Nanparrow Marke Oliver William s. of John & Anne Stephens Miehaell Carter, § gent. Tho. Dyer Mary Wills Giles Dadagell Olive Brabyn John Cornish Mary d. of Henry & Margery Bligh Charles s. of Micliaell Bany Mary Stephens Margarite Bawden Joane Jane Johes filius muHeris Peregrine (nominis nobis incogniti), baptizajno erat Decimo Die Mail an. dm. 1601, P. J. W. curate, St. Columbe Maioris, in Domo Thomae Merrifeild, gent.|| Dorothy d. of W^ & Jane Salter Theophilus Leekey * Rich. Copithorne, one of the ancient men of the parish in 1620. — Green Booli. f George Humphi-ey paid rent of shop, 18s. in 1G32.— Green Boole. if In 1610 Joyce Eowse paid .os. 4d. owed by her son, John Strongman the younger. See marriages, 7 Aug., 1616. § Sou of John Carter gent., and his wife, Mary, daughter of Robert Moyle of St. Germans, gent. He died unmarried v.p. II Entered thus in the register. 19 Mar. William Thomas 23 Mar. William Williams 23 Mar. John the s. of Peter & ffrances Rescorla Anno 1649. 29 Mar. Thomas s. of John & Grace Miller 2 April Jerman Retallack 10 April Tlioraas s. of Robert & Ebbett Husband 13 April Jane d. of Henry Roe 16 April John Husband 27 April Thomas s. of Tho. Bayley 2 May Willraott Tubb 6 May ... * wife of Marke Williams 18 May John Jolleyt 18 May Eliz. Coruisli 22 May Jo. s. of Christoplier & Peter- nell Hendey 26 June Jolin Lawry 27 June Annis Moyle 21 Aug. John Parkyn 4 Sep. Barbara TifBord 4 Nov. Richard Retallack 10 Nov. John s. of Theophilus Lawe 19 Nov. Richard s. of Ricliard Cornish 27 Nov * d. of Ric. Copithorne 3 Dec. Rempbrey Moyle 12 Dec. Elizabeth Cowle 30 Dec. fBran. d. of William James 31 Jan. Mary d. of Robert Drew 5 Feb. James Moyle 20 Feb. Henry Rescorla 24 Feb. John s. of John Hendra 27 Feb. Emblyn George 1 Mar. Grace Littacott 16 Mar. Blanch Day 16 Mar. Bridgett Basely Anno 1650. 28 Mar. Ric. s. of Hen. Nanparow 31 Mar. Honor d. of William James 2 April Ric. s. of Jo. Litticott 4 April Will'm s. of Tho. Rickerd 11 April Wilmot Littacott 15 April Mary d. of Mathew Wills 24 April Eliz. Daneaster 9 May Honor Tresseane 25 May (blank) d. of Dorothy Co'mon 15 June Ric. Co])itliorne 17 June Peternell Treneage 15 July Mary Dyer 15 Aug. Mathew s. of Ro. Husband * Obliterated. f In 1618 John Jolly paid 3s. 4d. not to be warden. 220 23 Aug. 29 Aug. 15 Oct. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 21 Nov. 25 Nov. 22 Jau. 25 Jan. 3 Feb. 9 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 6 Mar. 23 Mar. 24 Mar. 6 April 19 April 20 April 23 April 26 April 27 April 30 April 3 May 25 May 7 June 16 June 22 June 26 July 29 July 7 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Sep. 17 Sep. 18 Sep. 11 Oct. 14 Oct. 27 Oct. 25 Nov. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 16 Dec. 26 Dec. 30 Dec. 31 Dec. 11 Jan. 13 Jau. 20 Jan. 10 Feb. THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1650-3. ffrau. s. of John Stephens John 8. of Anthony Roe Margarite Law Ebott Duugey Mary d. of Jo. Williams James Strongman Henry Trehemban Joell Juell Katherine d. of Pascho Lang- don John Mayhow INIary Kinge Katherine Tippett Elizabeth Merrifeild John Marshall Henry Nanparrow Emanuel Dungey Anno 1651. Mary Cocke Anne d. of John Steephens Edward s. of Anthony Pawly Thomas Basely Jane d. of Henry Roe Eliz. d. of Joane Copithorne Lewis s. of Lewis Grodfrey Jo. s. of Robert Hoblyn,* gen. Anne Moyle Katherine Nutton Emblyn Godfrey Edward Knight Edward s. of David Hambly Edward s. of Ben. Strongman INIarke Jolley Jane d. of Stephen Lovell Thomas s. of Mathew Allen Thomas s. .of Thomas Hawke Anne Troth Beaton Strongman Stephen base s. of Thomazine Harvey Samuel s. of M-" Tho. Trevare Mary d. of Robert Strongman Jane wife of Henry Wills Jane the d. of Ric. & Agnes Moyle Katherine Libby Alice Retallack Eliz. d. of Annastatius Burne Eliz. d. of John Vivian,t Esq. Dorothy Roe Grace d. of James Steephens Philip wife of John Moyle Richard Jolley 25 Feb. Honor Beauford 8 Mar. John Oxeuam 15 Mar. William Rowse 24 Mar. Honor d. of Tho. John * By his wife Grace, daughter and coheiress of John Carew, of Penwarnc, Esq. f By his second wife Mary, daughter and co- heiress of William Cavell of Treharrock 26 Mar. Anno 1652. Margarite the wife of Richard Carter Beaton d. of Antho. Ellery Joice wife of Henry Rowse Henry Lee William s. of John Watt Katherine d. of John Saudow Peternell wife of Jo. Lawe Jo. s. of Pet. & ffra Rescorla . Will'm Brabyn,* gent. Grace d. of Luke James Sissely wife of David Hambly Em wife of John Hendy Elizabeth wife of Thomas John John Carthew David Retallack Katherine d. of Jo. Roe Thomas s. of Robert Hoblyn,t gent. John s. of Nich. Basely John Jane Anne Humpln-y Anno 1653. Henry Oliver Thomas Leekey M'-s Mary Carter* INlary John Mary Dawe Richard Vivian, § gent. William s. of Josias Day William Basely James Jenning Anthony s. of Isack Jenkyn Thomas s. of John Lawry Anne Retallack Thomas Trekeene Honor d. of Lewis Godfrey Richard Cornish * William Brabyn (son of John Brabyn, gent., and Katherine Carter, his wife), married, 14 Dec, 1613, Kadigon, daughter and heiress of Thomas Tonkin, of Trevalack, in St. Kevern, by his first wife, Mary, daughter of Henry Dulyn, of Newton Ferrers, in Devon. f By his wife, Grace, daughter and coheir of John Carew, of Penwarne, Esq. J She was a daughter of Robert Moyle, of Bake, in St. Germans, by Ann, daughter of Henry Lock, of Acton, co. Middlesex, and wife of John Carter, of St. Columb, gent. § Son of Thomas Vivian, gent., of Trenowth, and Ann Lower, his wife. His will, dated 18 April, 1653, names a large number of relations. 1 April 3 April 19 April 26 April 29 April 1 May 5 May 22 May 24 May 24 May 1 July 8 Oct. 11 Oct. 5 Nov 16 Dec. 25 Dec. 2 Feb 10 Feb. 12 Feb. 8 April 8 April 11 April 26 April 26 April 12 May 19 May 25 May 30 June 2 Sep. 3 Sep. 6 Jan. 16 Jau. 16 Jan. 31 Jan. 1653-6.] BTJEIALS. 221 2 Feb. Thomas Adams 9 Peb. Anthony s. o£ Anthony Polla- wyn 16 Feb. Eichard Hawke 19 Feb. Daniel s. of Humfry Oxnam An^-o 1654. 26 Mar. Honor d. of George & Honor Champion 27 Mar. Eichard s. of Eichard Troth 31 Mar. Phillipp Carthewe 12 April Jane Sprey al's Ivye 13 April G-race d. of Peter & Elizabeth Warne 13 April John Benallack of Penzance 17 April John Kent 12 May Oliffe wife of Thomas Vincent 13 May Edward Hoblyn,* Esq. 17 May Will'm Cock 23 May Honor Browne 25 May William Cocken 12 June Mary Hob]yn,t widowe 13 June John Jolly 24 June James s. of Gabriel Cock 7 July Thomasine the wief of Henry Bray 10 July Grace d. of Stephen Lovell 10 July John s. of Simon Lae 25 Sep. Eichard Trebilcock 30 Oct. John s. of Daniell Couch 6 Nov. Data d. of Luke James 18 Nov. Jane Wescott 20 Nov. James s. of Eichard Moyle 23 Nov. Anastatius Burne 26 Nov. John Eous 5 Dec. Joaue Adams, widowe 20 Jan. George s. of Eichard Troth 21 Jan. Katherine Wills, wid. 29 Jan. Sarah wief of Emmanuel Har- vye+ 12 Eeb. Peter s. of Peter Jane 17 Eeb. Mary Allyn, widow 24 Eeb. Henry Oxnam 7 Mar. Alexander Wills 10 Mar. John Cuudye 13 Mai\ Marie wief of Thomas Nap- paroe 19 Mar. Patience Tresteane * He was of Nanswhyden, being son and heir of Thomas Hoblyn, Esq., of Nauswhyden, by his wife, Judeth, daughter and heiress of Edward Trevaleois, of Goran, and married. Mary, daughter and coheiress of Robert Apley, of Barnstaple, which lady was buried just a month after him. f Daughter and coheiress of Eobert Apley, Esq. See preceding note. % Emanuel Harvye paid rent of his shop, 15s. 6d., in 1652. — Green Book. Anko 1655. Elianor d. of William Keate,* gent. Dorothy wief of John Meri- feild John Evans Eichard Moyle Beniamyn s. of Beniamyn Harvye ffrancis s. of John Beafford EUenor d. of Beniamyn Harvye John s. of James Wyett Sampson Stevens Hester d. of Susan Lae Grace d. of James Moyle John Dyerf Henry Eickard Thomas s. of Eobert Husband Margaret Laugdon Eichard Litticott John Bayly Honour d. of Gabriel Cock Mary the wief of Nathaniell Adams Emanuel Harvye James Trembeth Peter s. of Peter Calway flfranis the wief of Peter Ees- corlae Joane d. of William Brym Elizabeth d. of John Berry Elizabeth d. of Thomas Men- feild Henry Nankilly al's Eowse Mary wief of William Brym Euthen d. of Eichard Slade Thomas s. of Eichard Troth Eichard s. of John Grymes John Cripps Jane Tregenza Anis-o 1656. William s. of William Mill Honor+ d. of John Beauford, elerke Alice the wief of Henry Heycraft The Lady Arundell§ of Lan- herne * This William Kete was son and heir of Ralph Kete, by his first wife, Ann, daughter of William Arscott, of Holsworthy. t John Dyer, one of the twelve men in 1650. X Probably by a first wife. See Burials 1663. § She was Elizabeth, daughter of William Brock, and relict of John Arundell, Esq., of Lauherne (buried in 1612), and mother of Sir John Arundell, buried in 1701. 14 April 17 April 28 April 2 June 3 June 13 June 17 June 20 June 22 June 6 Julv 7 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 26 July 26 July 7 Aug. 13 Sep. 30 Oct. 15 Nov. 27 Dec. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 24 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Eeb. 28 Mar. 4 April 7 April 8 April 222 THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1656-8. 20 April Beaten the wief o£ Thomas Hawke Julyau d. of Sampson Ees- corla Peter s. of Henry Trehem- bam Margery Wheare Ann d. of John Beanford, clerk e William s. of Thomas Eickard Joane d. of Anthony Pawlye Gilbert s. of Humfry Oxnam Eichard Eetallack Catherine "Williams Francis s. of Francis Eichards Thomas s. of Humphry Har- vye Thomas George John s. of John Merifeild Ebbott the wief of Benjamin Harvye Gilbert s. of Gilbert Calway Jane Williams George s. of Stephen Lovell Nicholas s. of Thomas Langdon Ebbott d. of Christopher Hendye Phillippa d. of Eobert Hoblyn Esquire* Mary wief of James Eowse Henry s. of John Browne Ollive d. of Hugh Sprey Jonathan the s. of William Cundy Thomas Lawryef Pascowe Browne David Hambly Joslyu d. of Anne Kent Henry s. of James Eous Elizabeth Jule, widow Elizabeth the wief of William Lanyon George Sprey John s. of Eobert Hoblyn, J Esquire Joane Langdon John Copithorne Anno 1657. Margery Leekye James s. of Thomas Bounsell John Eowse of Nankilly * By his wife, Grace, daughter and coheiress of John Carew, of Penwarne, Esq. f Thomas Lawry. one of the twelve men, and Treasurer of the parish in 1631-16i5. — Green Book. I By Grace Carew, his wife. 21 April 21 April 8 Maj 19 May 28 May 29 May 2 June 4 June 6 June 9 June 13 June 11 July 12 July 13 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 30 July 8 Aug. 9 Aug. 27 Aug. 23 Sep. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 24 Oct. 2 Nov. 28 Dec. 6 Jan. 26 Jan. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 19 Feb. 27 Feb. 5 Mar. 21 Mar. 26 Mar. 29 Mar. 8 April 11 April James Wyett 18 April Charitye the wief of Thomas Carter 30 April Jane the wief of Eichard Pinnow 19 May Katherine Kentall 8 July Grace d. of Pascowe Brabyn 10 July Ellenor Hawke 18 July Thomas s. of Mathew Allen 21 July Jacob s. of Isaac Jeukyu 5 Aug. Jane Trehare 6 Aug. Mary Tyar 11 Aug. Anne d. of William White 14 Aug. Hugh Sprey 25 Aug. Elizabeth d. of William Cruse 3 Sep. John s. of John Carter, gent.* 22 Sep. John s. of Eobert May 1 Oct. John Jolly 7 Nov. Jane the w^ief of Nicholas Baseley 8 Nov. Anne wief of Thomas Cros- man 9 Nov. Thomas Allyn 19 Nov. Alexander s. of Eichard Jolly 23 Nov. Joane Williams 19 Nov. Elias s. of Eichard Jolly 29 Nov. Honor Carvannell 12 Dec. John Harvye 20 Jan. John Hendye 27 Jan. Joane Williams 4 Feb. Elizabeth d. of John Merifeild 6 Feb. James s. of William Bone 18 Feb. Nicholas Chapell Anno 1658. 27 Mar. Eeskymer Sprey 27 Mar. Sarah Beckett ' 29 Mar. Thomas s. of Stephen Lovell 1 April Anthony s. of Anthony Pol- lawyn 6 April John s. of John Kent 7 April Elizabeth Daw 23 April Barbara the wief of Ealph Williams 26 April Catherine d. of William Arun- dell,t gent. 30 April Mary d. of Eobert Code 3 May Catherine Niclas 9 May Thomas Abram 11 May John s. of Nathaniel Adams 12 May Pascowe s. of John Browne 23 May Martyn s. of Edward Hocken 24 May Barbara d. of Josias Day * Only son of John Carter and Honor Lawry, his wife ; by the death of this John in infancy his sisters became coheiresses to theii' father. f By Jane his wife ; see his burial in 1675. 1658-60.] BUEIALS. 223 27 May Anne d. o£ Jolin Beauford, clerk 4 June John s. of Eichard Moyle 8 June James Jenkyn,* Esquire 25 June Jane Jenkyuf his wief 27 June John Netton 10 July Debora servant to John Mun- day 6 Aug. G-yies Lovell 19 Aug. Margaret d. of John Hendra 21 Aug. ffrauces d. of James Jenkyn, Esq-" 28 Aug. Emlyn d. of Lewis Grodfrey 2 Sep. John s. of John Williams 19 Sep. Anthony Calway 24 Sep. Mary d. of Eobert Hoblyn,t Esq'- 5 Oct. Eawliuge Merifeild 15 Oct. Jane Benny 19 Oct. Jane d. of John Beauford, clerk 25 Oct. Jenefer d. of Henry Warne§ 6 Dec. Jone d. of John Beauford, clerk 9 Dec. Jone James 15 Dec. William Salter 18 Dec. Anthony Pollawyu 29 Dec. Thomas Husband 3 Jan. Edward Langdon 6 Jan. John Lawry 3 Feb. Thomas Bilson 9 Feb. Eose d. of William Edwards 19 Feb. ffrances d. of Agnes Harvye 26 Feb. Philip Calway 8 Mar. Eobert Cockyn 17 Mar. Susanna wief of John Hockyn Anno 1659. 9 April Susanna wife of Elias Pollard 18 Mar. Alee Merefeild 25 Mar. Walter Sprey 6 May William Vivian|| 16 May Margery Bounsall * He was son and heir of Peter Jenkyn of Trekenning, by his wife Anne, daughter of Andrew Pomeroy, of St. Columb. He married Jane, daughter of John Fortescue of Filleigh, and she died a iew days after her husband. They had issue five daughters, coheirs, viz. : — Anne, married Ijir John St. Aubyn, bart. ; Mary, married Sir Nicholas Slanninge, knt. and bart. ; Katherinc, married John Trelawny ; Elizabeth, married Sir George Gary of Clovelly ; and Frances, died unmarried the same year as her father, on 21 Aug. t See preceding note. j By Grace Carew his wife. § By Diana Philpe his wife. She was twin with Christopher, who married Jane Hichens. II Son of John Vivian of lYuan and Mary Cavell his wife. 20 May Mary wief of Thomas Eichards 20 May Martyn s. of John Ingland 21 May Thomas Eichards the elder 23 May Mary Kelway 3 June Elizabeth Brewer 3 June Jone Pynnoe 13 June Eobert West* 24 June Grace Tom 25 June Jone wief of William Jolly 17 July Lewis Salter 21 July Grace Aruudellf 30 July Arthur Jolly 11 Oct. Margaret Eobius 10 Nov. Mary ffloyd 24 Nov. Anne Kent 9 Dec. Thomas s. of Eichard Dan- caster 10 Jan. Thomas Tremayne 5 Feb. Eose wief of Eichard Edwards 10 Feb. Euth d. of John Slade 23 Feb. John s. of John Steephens 5 Mar. Joane Lawry the younger 6 Mar. Joane Slade Anno 1660. 28 Mar. Loer d. of Gabriel Cocke 29 Mar. John Littacott 7 April Sampson Eescorla 14 April Henry s. of Theophilus Law 19 April Margaret Humphry 24 April Eodger s. of Eodger Jonas 4 May Mathaniell Trembeare 10 May Elizabeth the wief of G-ilbert Launder 12 May Elizabeth d. of George Lunye 1 June Grace d. of John Brewer 17 June Mary d. of John Steephens 21 June Margery d. of Giles Edwards 25 June Bai'bara Oxnam 3 July Honor d. of John Horswell 27 July Edward Guyr of Minver 30 July Peternell Gregor 6 Aug. Anne Bay lye 6 Aug. Grace d. of Paschow Brabyn 11 Aug. Edwai'd s. of John & Beaton Merrifeild 15 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Peter Kendall 31 Aug. William s. of Henry Trehem- ban 21 Sep. Jane wief of Anthony Jenkyn 22 Sep. Christian Sprey 28 Sep. Margaret Wills, widd. 6 Oct. Eichard s. of Edward Crawly * Piobert West, churchwarden in 1638. t She was a daughter of Thomas, son and heir of Thomas Arundell of Trevithick, who was grandson of Sir John Arundell of Lanherue, and Elizabeth Daniel his wife. Her father married at Gorran in 1625, Johanna Pye. 224 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MA JOE. [1G60-2. 16 Oct. Henry Wills 26 Oct. Eichard s. of Jolm Vivian,* Esq"- 24 Nov. Mark \yilliam3 5 Dee. John s. of Thomas Wills 22 Dec. Jolm s. of Nathaniel Adams 30 Jan. Grace wief of Mathew Allen 4 Feb. Nicholas Basely 11 Feb. Eichard Pinnow 22 Feb. Katherine Stribly 25 Feb. Elizabeth d. of William Mcr- rifield 28 Feb. Temperance the wife of Eich'^ Edwards 3 Mar. John s. of William James 5 Mar. Margaret wief of James Watts 22 Mar. Thomazin Skynner Anno 1661. 27 Mar. Mary wief of Eichard Grea 3 April Annis d. of Hugh Tranerson 5 April AVilliam Cocke 20 April Sampson s. of Humphry Tre- hemban 1 June Eichard s. of Eichard Grea 10 June Elizabeth d. of John Best 30 June Hannah d. of John Slade 3 Aug. Thomas Didman 13 Aug. John Edwards 18 Aug. Elizabeth Litticott 9 Sep. Eichard Langdon 14 Oct. ffrancis Benny 11 Nov. Philip d. of Gilbert Lawiider 16 Nov. Susanna d. of John Lawry 20 Nov. Margaret! wief of William Keate, gent. 20 Nov. Edward s. of Peter Kendall 24 Nov. Avis d. of John Beauford, Eector 23 Nov. Constance d. of Henry Mor- combe 10 Dec. Blanch Slader 21 Dec. John Kent 24 Dec. Philip s. of Humphry Oxnam 11 Jan. Samuel s. of John Eoe 15 Jan. Susan Hawkey 4 Feb. Mary Coode, wid. 4 Feb. Alice d. of William Merifield 8 Feb. Thomasin Adam, wid. * By his vnfe Mary, daughter of Sir John Glanville of T.avistock. f Her husband. 'William Kete, was son and heir of Ralph Kete, of St. Columb by Anne Arscott his first wife. Her maiden name does not appear ; they had issue, Kalph. William, d. Young, William, Nicholas. George, Jane, Elea- nor, and Margaret ; of these Ealph died s.p. and William left a son Ealph. See Burials, 1667. 8 Feb. Margery d. of Henry Tre- geare 10 Feb. Jolm Merifield 10 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Ealph Crawley 14 Feb. John Williams 21 Feb. John Slade 21 Feb. Ealph s. of Humphry Trehem- ban 23 Feb. Mary d. of John Napparrow 8 Mar. Hono'' the wief of Francis Eichards 13 Mar. Mary d. of Anthony Eoe Anno 1662. 27 Mar. Elizabeth the wife of William Eandell 2 April Lowdy Olver 6 April Susan d. of Henry Bray 7 April Phillip Trembeer, widdow 4 May Joane d. of Oliver Basely 8 May George Knight 7 June William s. of Thomas Eichards 11 June Elizabeth Bowen 12 June Mawde the wief of William Strongman 21 June William s. of Eobert Coode 24 June Margrett Cornish, widow 20 July Phillip Nicholls 30 July Edward s. of Thomas Meri- feild 20 Aug. Mrs Olive Vivian* 23 Aug. James s. of AVilliam Samble 7 Sep. John Geene 3 Nov. : The Lady Grace Halsf 16 Nov. Margery the wife of John Thomas 17 Nov. Grace Nutten 21 Nov. William Langdon 23 Nov. Peter s. of Christopher Inch 10 Dec. Alice d. of William Mill 12 Dec. Joane d. of Pascowe Brabant 13 Dec. Henry Blighe Esq^J 20 Dec. Mary the wife of Theophilus Law * Named in the will (1617) of Thomas Vivian, and in that of her brother Richard Vivian the elder of St. Columb (16.53). f She was relict of Sir Nicholas Hals, knt., and grandmother of William Hals, the author of a history of Cornwall, who was buried at St. Wenn. 16 July, 1737. I He was the second son of Digory Bligh of Truro, by his wife, daughter of ... . Tresillian. He was of Tresaddern in St. Columb Major, and married Margaret , by whom he had Gilbert, who had Halwin and Trevowa in Cran- tock ; John, who had Tresaddern ; Peter, who had Trevella in Crantock, by the will of their father 16 ]\Iay, 1663 ; in it he also names his daughters, Elizabeth and Jenifer, 1663-4.] BURIALS. 225 21 Dec. Stephen s. of Stephen Capell 4 Jan. Joane Edwards, ■nndow 24 Jan. Isack s. of Jolin Mill 31 Jan. Henry Bliglie, gent.* 2 Feb. John Moyle 14 Feb. John s. of William Richards 14 Feb. Joane Abraham, widow 16 Feb. Elizabeth wife of Thomas Polkinghorne 21 Feb. Tristram s. of Christopher Hendy 24 Feb. ffrancis Trisk 28 Feb. Katherine wife of John Day, gent. 4 Mar. Stephen s. of Humphry Har- vey 8 Mar. fflorence wife of Thomas Gril- bert 9 Mar. Mathew base s. of Avis Bur- lace 16 Mar. Thomas fFosse 20 Mar. Barnabas Betty Anno 1663. 6 April Joane d. of John Young 8 April Luke Pollard 11 April Elizabeth the wife of John Williams 14 April Thomas Rickard of Tolskithy 23 April Agnes Toung. widow 9 May Agnes d. of Henry Brewer 17 May Ann the wife of John Gil- lingham 11 June Joane Knight, wid. 14 June Mathew s. of Thomas Wills 14 June Elizabeth wife of John Tenny 18 June Thomas Lawe 19 June Christian Callaway, wid. 23 July Jane d. of John & Grace Miller 28 July Robert s. of Gilbert & Judeth Callaway 19 Aug. Eliz. d. 'of John & Eliz. Browne 30 Aug. Jane d. of Anthony & Beaton EUery 4 Sep. Margery d. of Nicholas & Anne Bouusell 1 Sep. John s. of Simon & Honorr Lawe 17 Sep. Thomas s. of Giles & Margery Edwards 19 Sep. Peter Jeukyn,t Esq"" * Henry Blighe, oue of the twelve men in 1650. — Green Book. ■f- He was son and heir of James Jenkyn and Katherine, daughter of James Carter, and relict 21 Sep. 11 Oct. 16 Sep. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 13 Nov. 17 Nov. 4 Dec. 22 Dec. ffrances d. of John Beauford, Rector Anne* the wife of John Beau- ford, Rector John s. of Martin Stephens William Callaway John Martin Honor d. of Abraham & Eliza- beth Husband Peter Treneage Richard s. of Ralph & Eliz. Crawley wife of David Joane the AValkey Thomas s. of George & Mary Lune Peter s. of Christopher & Joane Inch Elizabeth Williams Michael Davey John Kendall John s. of William & Mary Bone Anne Harvey John Metherill Mary d. of John & Susan Lawrey Joane d. of Garterid Kent Sarah d. of Sarah Litticott Melior the wife of Thomas Withell ffrancis George afs Ben'y John s. of John & Jane Day Philip Olver, wid. Richard Rescorla of John Vivian, Esq'", was buried the 26 June, 1663, being omitted in its right place. f 30 Dec. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 12 Jan. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 27 Feb. 29 Feb. 29 Feb. 11 Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Mar. Anno 1664. 30 Mar. Thomas Bounsell 30 Mar J s. of Mary Rickerd 31 Mar. Joane d. of Gilbert & Judeth Callaway 1 April Jacob Punsher 5 Mar. Sarah d. of Theophilus Law 8 Mar. Mary May of John Brabyn, gent. He married Anne daughter of Andrew Pomeroy, of St. Columb, by whom he had an only son James, who left issue five daughters and coheirs. * She seems to have been his first wife, for a marriage license was granted 27 Jan., 1664, between John Beauford, clerk, and Anne, daugh- ter of Henry Nance. f By his second wife, Mary, daughter of Sir John Glanville, entered thus. X Blank, 2 G 226 THE EEQISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1664-5. Barbara & Elizabeth ds. of W™ & Margt TTawlvcy Jane wife of William Arun- dell, gent.* Isack s. o£ Humphry & Si- bell a Harvey Grace John, mdow Thomas s. of Richard Rowse Richard Pinnow Walter s. of Walter & Jane Tyer Cheston d. of Richard Rouse John s. of John & Jane Best Precilla d. of Peter & flraucis Callaway George s. of George & Jane Humphry William s. of Paschow & Jane Brabant John s. of Sarah Litticott, wid. Marrian d. of William & Anne Hockyn Alice d. of Ralph & Auastatia Chenoweth Peter s. of Richard & Mar- garet George Symon s. of Humphry & Cis- sily Trehemban Jane d. of John & Bridgett England Anne d. of Gartrude Kent, wid. Anne d. of William & Frances White Honour Trekeane, widdoAV William s. of Richard & Mar- garet George Frances d. of James & Joane Stephens Elizabeth d. of Daniel & Eli- nor Couch William Bettyson Elizabeth the wife of Resky- mer Allen Susan the wife of Thomas Richards John Upcott George Cundey Jane d. of Thomas & Mary Westcott Mary d. of Theophilus Law Alice tlie wife of Arthur Common Em. d. of John & Margarett Truscott John Mill George Bayley * See burial of her husband in 1675. 12 April 16 April 16 April 18 April 23 April 2 May 3 May 11 May 13 May 15 May 15 May 25 May 25 May 28 May 5 June 5 June 6 June 11 June 12 June 15 June 7 July 7 July 8 July 10 July 19 July 24 July 29 July 5 Aug. 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 2 Sep. 5 Sep. 7 Sep. 23 Sep. 30 Sep. 6 Nov. John s. of Nathaniel & Joane Adam 9 Nov. Bernard s. of Bernard & Eli- zabeth Rowse 20 Nov. John s. of Nicholas Withell 25 Nov. Patience the wife of George 1 Dec. Cropp Grace d. of Edward & Mary 5 Dec. Steephens Elizabeth the wife of Gabrill Cocke 18 Dec. Jane d. of John & Jane Best 25 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Leonard May 6 Jan. Alice Tonkyn 20 Jan. Henry s. of Gartherid Kent 28 Jan. William s. of Giles & Mar- 2 Feb. gery Edwards Catherine Tyer 5 Feb. Lovdey the wife of William 17 Feb. Cockyn Margaret Browne, widdow 21 Feb. Christopher Inch 28 Feb. Alice Merifield, widdow 1 Mar. Joane d. of Thomas & Mar- 6 Mar. riott Cockyn Honor d. of Ralph & Joane Lambe 7 Mar. Thomazine the wife of James 8 Mar. 19 Mar. Cockyn Maude Hockey, widdow George s. of John & Grace Luke Anxo 1665. 27 Mar. Mary & Udy d. & s. of Thomas & Grace Wills 24 April Margery Rawlin, widdow 13 May Andrew Beauford 22 May Jane Litticott 29 May Elizabeth base d. of Olive Wil- liams 10 June Suson wife of John Hendra 20 June Thomas s. of Anthony & Joane Pawley 9 July Hannah d. of John & Thoma- 26 July sine Berry Robert Drew sen"" 24 Aug. Thomas s. of Isack & Eliza- beth Nicholls 17 Sep. English Robins 29 Sep. Anne d. of John & Katherine Retallack 10 Oct. Anne wife of Francis Hearle, Rector of St. Erme 19 Oct. Grace d. of John & Thomasine Arthur 31 Oct. Thoraaziu Edwards, widdow 6 Nov. Margery Cockin, widdow 1665-67.] BIJEIALS. 227 10 Nov. Alice Eescorla, widdow 27 Dec. Marriott d. of Paschow & Jane Brabyu 27 Dec. Peter* s. o£ Richard Viviau, gent. 29 Dec. Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Salter 11 Jan. John Allen 12 Jan. Marj d. of Peter & Joane Gibbs 2 Feb. John Merifield 20 Feb. Jane d. of John & Jane Best 28 Feb. "Wilmot Cockyn, widdow 3 Mar. Mary Allen, widdow 5 Mar. Stephen Lovellf 17 Mar. George s. of George Crapp 21 Mar. Arthur Boddy Anis-o 1666. 4 April Mary d. of George & Alice Daye 5 April Joane wife of Ralph Larabe 9 April Peternell the wife of Richard Nicholl 27 April Elizabeth Dadgell, widdow 30 April Elizabeth Wes'tcott 9 May ffrancis s. of Elias Pollard 10 May Edward Tubb 23 May Philip s. of Daniell James 2 June James s. of William & Alice Beauford 2 June Elizabeth Mill 9 June James Watts 19 June Catherine d. of John Luke 1 July Charity d. of Thomas Hocky 8 July Em. wife of W'" LanionJ 13 July Catherine d. of Peter Calla- way § 17 July Joane d. of Henry Gill 18 July Anne d. of John Rowe 9 Aug. Elizabeth d. of Stephen Banger 22 Aug. John s. of William Samble 1 Sep. Peter Rescorla 18 Sep. Elizabeth Moyle, widdow 23 Sep. Edward s. of Edward Lawry 26 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Jane 28 Sep. John Rowe 4 Oct. Anthony Ellery 13 Oct. Honor d. of James Rowse 19 Oct. Gilbert Richards * Son of Rich. Vivian. See p. 220. f Stephen Lovell paid rent of his shop, 5s., in 16.39: in 1644, 10s.; in 1656, 24s. 9d.— Green Book. J In 1644 William Lanyon paid rent of his shop, 20s. — Green Book. § In 1645 Peter Callaway paid rent of his shop, 10s. 17 Nov. Susan Williams 5 Dee. Phillip d. of Gidion Cockyn 11 Dec. John s. of James Hawkey 5 Jan, Hester d. of George Crapp 20 Jan. Anne d. of W^^ Allen 6 Feb. Henry s. of John Burnard 5 Mar. James s. of John Napparrow 12 Mar. Bridgett Allen 20 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Paschow Bra- byu 24 Mar. Elizabeth Trehemban Anno 1667. 25 Mar. Honor d. of Richard Moyle 30 Mar. Richard Troth* 1 April John s. of John & Jane Daye 15 April Honor d. of John Metherill 16 April Thomas s. of Stephen Stephens 26 April WilHam Hawkyn 1 May William Keate,t gent. 1 May Anne d. of Thomas Hawke 2 May John Tenny 18 May Richard Nicholls 26 May Thomas Bayley 26 May Alice Burlace 12 June Mary d. of John Brewer 12 June Phillip d. of Johu Brewer 4 July John Arnold 10 July Anne wife of Martyn Rowe 3 Aug. Hester Rescorla, widdow 3 Aug. Catherine Rickerd 14 Aug. Johu Dungey 15 Aug. Jacob Bayley 23 Aug. Hannah d. of John Berry 5 Sep. Elizabeth d. of John Best 14 Sep. DuensJ d. of John Dodge, Esq. 19 Sep. Richard Daye 2 Oct. Ebbott wife of Robert Hus- band 5 Nov. Robert s. of Remphry Rowse 12 Nov. John Cannidge 13 Nov. Maude d. of James Stephens 30 Nov. Joane Pollard 7 Dec. Jane Pierce 15 Dec. Joane Upcott 26 Dec. Alice d. of Ralph Chenoweth 19 Jan. Joane West 30 Jan. Thomas Litticott 31 Jan. John Browne 9 Feb. Charles s. of John England * In 1642 Richard Troth paid rent of his shop 6s. 8d. — Green Book. t See note, p. 221. He was one of the twelve men, and Treasurer of the parish in 1651. X John Dodge. Esq., and Diuuyse. daughter of the Rt. Worshipful Hii' Francis Glanville, Knt., married at Tavistock in 1635, 228 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1667-9. 14 Eeb. Mary White 14 Feb. Richard s. of Edward Crawly 19 Feb. Anthony s. of Anthony Rowe 27 Feb. Elizabeth Stephens 18 Mar. Mary d. of Thomas Westcott 24 Mar. Honor d. of John Merifield Ajtno 1668. 27 Mar. Anne Beckett 5 April George s. of Giles Edwards 12 April Grace Kendall 24 April Jane d. of Tho. Michell 29 April John s. of John Brewer 11 May Mary Hawkey 25 May Cissily wife of Richard fford 1 June AVilliam s. of W™ JoUey 4 June Jane Allen 18 June Anthony Jenkyn 27 June Urcilla tlie wife of Edward Chapell 28 June ffrancis s. of Robert Hoblyn,* Esq. & Grace his wife 6 July Elizabeth "Wills, widdow 3 Aug. John s. of William Evelin 18 Aug. Christopher Morcombe 6 Sep. John Western 19 Sep. Marrvan the wife of Daniell Phillips 3 Oct. Joaue Jolley, widd. 6 Oct. Hono'' d. of John Rouse 9 Oct. John s. of James Metherill 11 Oct. Margaret the Avife of Jolm Truscott 22 Oct. Richard Richards 23 IS^ov. Elizabeth d. of John Browne 27 Nov. Susan wife of John Lawry 29 Nov. John Thomas 13 Dec. Julian Bay lye 31 Dec. Hopson Davy 18 Jan. John Davis 19 Jan. Elizabeth the wife of Richard Hawke 29 Jan. Richardf s. of John Carter, Esq^e * He was twin with Carew Hoblyn, whose only daughter and heiress, Mary, married to iSir Vyal Vyvyan, Bart. f This Richard was aged two years at the Heralds' visitation, in 1620, but this baptism does not appear in the register ; he was a J.P., and M.P. for Mitchell. He sold the gi-eater part of his estate to his brother, John, and died s.p., having married Elizabeth King, alias Lucas, alias Shepard, of London. His father, John Carter, Esq., of St. Columb, who had married Mary Moyle (see her bur. in 1653), was buried, according to Col. Vivian's pedigree, 2 Feb., 1668, but the entry does not appear to be in the Register. 13 Feb. William s. of Edward Crewse 20 Feb. ]M audlyn d. of W^* Tenny 2 Mar. Joane the wife of Gilbert Coode 4 Mar. Richard s. of Edward Meri- feild 7 Mar. Jane d. of Gilbert Coode 7 Mar. Rebecca Baylife 12 Mar. John s. of Gilbert Coode 16 Mar. Phillip d. of Tho. Crewse 21 Mar. Mary d. of Ralph Chenoweth 22 Mar. Martin Rowe 24 Mar. Alice Strongman Anno 1669. 26 Mar. Mary* the wife of John Vivian, Esqre 4 April Mary d. of John Tenny 5 April Nicholas s. of Nathaniel Adams 12 April Elizabeth d. of George Luney 20 April Joane d. of Ralph Crawdey 19 May Jane Beauford 23 :May John Retallack 23 May John Steephens 23 May John s. of Richard Rouse 24 May John s. of Robert Coode 25 May Rose Trebilcock 27 May Hon"- d. of W>": Cockyn 31 May Mary d. of W": Cockyn 2 June Elizabeth d. of Arthur Jolley 19 June Jane Salter, widdow 2 July W"^ Keate,t gent. 5 July Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Bounsell 25 July Rose Williams 27 July Dorcas Copithorne 1 Aug. Anne d. of Henry Brush 18 Aug. Thomas Richards 30 Sep. James RowseJ 16 Oct. Barbara the wife of Henry Brewer 20 Oct. John s. of Wil°i Delbridge 1 Nov. Christopher Rawliuge 2 Nov. Julian wife of Richard Bond * She was a daughter of Sir John Glauville, Knt., and second wife of John Vivian, of Truan, Esq., ; married at Tavistock, 18 Oct.. 1642. •f He was son of William, son and heir of Ralph Kete and Ann Arscott, and married, 1st, .... daughter of Richard James, of C'ran- tock, by whom he had an only child, Ralph. He married, 2ndly, 1.S July, 1667, at Cubert, Isabell, daughter of Rillston, who survived him without issue. X James Rowse, one of the twelve men in 16.50 and in 1669, when he died, and Hen. Dyer, gent., was elected in his place. 1669-71.] BUEIALS. 229. 3 Nov. Nicholas Botmsell 10 Nov. James Cockyu 30 Nov. Mary* d. of John Vivian, Esq'" 30 Nov. Hon' Eenorden 1 Dec. John Younge 29 Dec. Charles Thomas 16 Jan Edward s. of Edward Crawly 17 Jan. Jane d. of W"^: White 26 Eeb. John s. of Stephen Cavell 8 Mar. Joane Pollard Anno 1670. 27 Mar. Alice Gilbert 29 Mar. ffrances the wife of John Bra- byn, gent. 29 Mar. Jane John 23 May Samuelf s. of Robert Hoblyn, Esq'"'^, & Grace his wife 26 May Elinor wife of Thomas Geach 29 May Hugh s. of W" Cocke 9 June Henry Thomas 13 June William Cockyn 16 June Emblyn d. of John & Jane Daye 18 June William Crewse 25 June Audry wife of Richard fford 5 July Stephen Banger 18 July Elizabeth d. of Giles Ed- wards 21 July George Champion J 6 Aug. Dorothy d. of Richard Slade 19 Aug. Grace Lavers 22 Aug. Grace Litticott 24 Aug. Gidion Cockyn 5 Sep. Elizabeth wife of John Rowse 13 Sep. Joane Beauford,§ widd. 15 Sep. Richard Slade 21 Sep. Williams, of Robert Skynner 26 Sep. Mary wife of Henry Tregeere 2 Oct, Henry Litticott 2 Oct. Joane Betty, widd. 2 Oct. Jane d. of George Luney 9 Oct. Richard Hawke, blacksmyth 16 Oct. John Rowse of Trevarren 22 Nov. Anne wife of W" Jenuinge 22 Dec. John s. of Edward & Margery Lawry * By his second wife, Mary, daughter of Sir John Glanville, Knt. f By his wife, Grace, daughter of John Carew, of Penwarne. Baptized in 1G69. J In 1643 George Champion paid rent for liis shop, 10s. — Green Book. § Joane Beauford, widow, was a witness to the will of Olive Vivian (daughter of Tho. Vivian and Ann Lower), in 1662 ; her brother, Richard Vivian, names in his will his godson " Edw. Beauford." 28 Dec. 5 Jan. 15 Jan. 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 2 Feb. 4 Eeb. 14 Eeb. 17 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Mar 3 Mar. 12 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar. 14 Mar John s. of John & Alice Pierce Rebecca d. of Walter & Anstis Pierce Henry Upcott Abraham Husband John s. of John Truscott Jane Hicks Richard s. of Nathaniel Adams Jane d. of Henry Thomas Anthony s. of Thomas Pollo- wyn John s. of James Rowse John s. of Thomas Chapell Anne the wife of Stephen Steephens Ralph Keate,* gent. Ralph Williams William s. of Walter Tyer Elizabeth d. of John Retal- lack Anno 1671. Abell s. of John Lockett Margaret Libby Eliz. wife of Walter Coryton John s. of Richard Rawe Alice JoUey, widow Ralph s. of George Luney Stephen s. of Richard Lovell William s. of Richard Clemow Hughe Blake Jane d. of John Brabyn Joane Duugey, widdow Eliz. d. of AV^i Delbridge Jane Haycreft Cissily Gross James s. of James Moyle Grace wife of Robert Cock Symon s. of Henry Trehemban John s. of W°^ Trennennis Samuel s. of Edward Crewse ffrancis s. of John Tenny Mary d. of Richard Rawe Anne d. of John Pollard of this parish and Loveday the d. of Thomas Rose- vere of St. Enoder, were * Third son of Ralph Kete, of St. Columb, and Ann Arscott, his wife. He married, first, Ger- trude, daughter of by whom he had issue, John, Ralph, Philip, Ann, and Gertrude, married 3 April, 1665. at Cubert. to Reskymer Allen. He married, secondly, Grace, daughter of but she died s.p. ; her will, dated 4 April, 1681, was proved 21 Oct., 1685. 27 Mar. 7 April 10 April 10 April 12 April 24 April 27 April 1 May 2 May 8 May 11 May 17 May 24 Mav 25 May 27 May 31 May 1 June 6 June 8 June 14 June 22 June 23 June 230 THE REGISTEKS OP ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1671-72. 28 June 3 July 4 July 10 July 15 July 21 July 4 Aug. 6 Aug. 16 Aug. botli most barbarously mur- thered the day before in the house of Cap^ Peter Pollard att the Bridge, by one John the sone of Hum- phrey & Cissily Trehemban of this parish, about 11 of the clock in the forenoone, upon a market day* Thomas s. of Thomas Crewse Thomaziue d. of Henry Mor- combe Mary d. of Henry Gill W™ s. of Ralph Chenoweth John Lawe Joane Petherick Hon'' d. of Richard & Emblyn Edwards Eliz. wife of Edward PoUowyn Maude wife of Thomas Kest- lack Anthony Michell John Dyer Thomas Michell Henry Trehemban Catherine the wife of Philip Oxnam Anne wife of Thomas Pollard George Luney Henry Morcombe John Rowe Olive Cornish Nicholas s. of Amey Basely, wid. David Walkey Margaret the wife of Richard George fErance s.of Edward Crewse William s. of W™ Merifield James s. of Robert Litticot ffi'ances Strongman John Brabyn, jun"" Luke s. of Luke Edmonds Gilbert s. of John Richards Margarett d. of Sir ffrancis Godolphin, knight of the Bathe, deceased Hugh Harvey John Coode * Thus entered ; traditions relative to the murder still exist in the parish. The Bridge referred to is at the lower end of the town. t She was a sister of Sidney, 1st Earl Godol- phin. Her father Sir Francis (son and heir of Sir William Godolphin, of Godolphin. by Tho- masine. daughter and heiress of Thomas Sidney, of Wrington, co. Norfolk), married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Berkeley, of Yarlington, CO. Somers. 18 Aug. 23 Aug. 27 Aug. 4 Sep. 8 Sep. 21 Sep. 5 Oct. 3 Nov. 8 Nov. 11 Nov. 14 Nov. 19 Nov. 21 Nov. 26 Nov. 13 Dec. 6 Jan. 8Eeb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 20 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Feb. 11 Mar. John s. of John Blighe,* gent. 15 Mar. Patience Williams 20 Mar. Richard Steevens 21 Mar. Richard Cornish Anno 1672. 29 Mar. Giles Truscottf 31 Mar. Jane d. of Michaell Cowlinge 5 April Joane Cornish, widdow 19 April Jane wife of John Best 22 April Honor Dyer, widdow 1 May Jane wife of Adam Daye, gent. 7 May Mary d. of William & Honor Tinney 13 May Elizabeth wife of Richard Blake 21 May Anne d. of John Horswell 22 May Thomass. of Richard Williams 24 May Elizabeth Crewes, widdow 27 May Anne Stephens, widdow 25 June Margarett wife of Charles Kinge 28 June Julian d. of Adam Daye, gent. 4 July John s. of John & Anne Meri- field 16 July Judeth d. of Robert Hoblyn,;}: Esq., & Grace his wife 24 July Richard Edwards the younger 26 July John§ s. of John Carter, g^, deceased 29 July Emblin d. of John & Anne Merifield 4 Aug. Matilda 1 1 d. of Reskimer & Gertrid Allen 19 Aug. James s. of Josias & Dorothy Daye * This John Blighe, gent., was son of John Blighe, of Tresoddern, in St. Columb, and to which the son succeeded by his father's will, dated 28 Jan., 166.3. •f- Giles Truscott, churchwarden in 1638. — Green Book. J Baptized in 1649, her mother was daughter and coheiress of John Carew, of Penwarne. § His mother was Mary, daughter of Kobert Moyle, of St. German's, 'gent. He married in 1647, Honor, daughter of Sampson Lawry (see note p. 152 ante.) He left issue three daughters, coheiresses, viz., Honor, born in 1650, married, in 1676, William Silly ; Mary, born in 1655, married, 1688, Thomas Hoblyn. gent., of Tresad- derne, issue an only son, John Hoblyn, of Ken- wyn, from whom descends the present William Paget Hoblyn, of The Fir Hill, Esq., M.A., J.P. ; and Jane, born 1661. married, 1684, Giles Kisedcii. See Reg. Ext. appended. II Reskimer Allen and Gertrude, daughters of Ralph Kete and Gertrude his wife, married at Cubert, 3 April, 1665. 1672-3.] BURIALS. 231 19 Aug. Anne d. o£ Tliomas & Hester Merifield 27 Aug. James s. of Ellonor Eowse, widow 4 Sep. John England 6 Sep. Richard s. of Richard & Em- bliu Slade 24 Sep. Ralph s. of Reskimer & Gar- trid Allan 29 Sep. Samuel* s. of Henry & Eliza- beth Jolley 13 Oct. Henry Gill 21 Oct. Cisily Drew 24 Oct. George Crapp 26 Oct. William Beauford 29 Oct. John s. of Thomas Callaway 9 Nov. Bridget wife of Richard Raw 10 Nov. John s. of Thomas & Eliz. Callaway 14 Nov. xlnthony s. of Simon & Mary Trehemban 6 Dec. Margaret Blighe, widdow 6 Dec. Mary Roach 7 Dec. Mary d. of Henry Gill, de- ceased 22 Dec. John s. of Simon & Honor Lee 1 Jan. Gilbert Blighf 6 Jan. John Watts 8 Jan. fflorence Sprey, widdow 25 Jan. Jane d. of George & Mary Luney 12 Feb. John s. of Peter & Jane Bligh 22 Feb. Mary d. of James & Mary Merifield 28 Feb. Gilbert Launder 3 Mar. John ffriggens 7 Mar. Johau d. of Richard & Emblin Slade 11 Mar. Junifer the wife of Lawrence Kendall 19 Mar. Mary Wills, wid. Aimo 1673. 28 Mar. Diana wife of Henry Warne 29 Mar. Peter Bligh, gent. J * In 1666 Richard Jolly paid for the rent of his shop, 8s., 13s. 4d. being allowed for repairs, Henry Jolly to have the same next year at 28s. — Green Book. f He was son of Henry Blighe, of Tresaddern, and Margaret his wife ; he had, by his father's will, Halwin and Trevowa. J He was son of Henry Blighe, of Tresadderne, in St. Columb, and Margaret his wife; be had, by the will of his father, Trevella in Crantock. 31 Mar. Paschow Vivian, gent.* 12 April Peter Retallack 17 April John Miller 17 April Joan Leekye 23 April Grace Miller 27 April Hugh Trethue 4 May William Dellbrige 4 May John s. of Christopher & Peternell Ulcock 7 May Edward s. of Edward & Mariery Lawrye 23 May Richard s. of Henry & Joan Trehemban 25 May Ralfe Crawlye 31 May Grace Steephens, widd. 16 June Alice d. of Remphry & Jane Rowse 26 June Rebecka Bayly 17 July Richard Moyle 21 July Dorothy Lander 28 July Elloner Rowse, widd. 4 Sep. James s. of George & Mary Lunye 8 Sep. Mary Glydon, widows 11 Sep. Nehemiah s. of John Best 13 Sep. Richard Pinnowe 14 Sep. Honor Lee, widowe 28 Sep. "John s. of Petherick & Joane Gilbert 1 Oct. Thomaziue d. of ffrancis Richards 2 Oct. Peter Gibbs 4 Oct. James s. of Bligh 27 Oct. Alice Drewe, widd. 28 Oct. ffrances d. of ffrancis & Mary Manell 31 Oct. John Edwards of Roch 6 Nov. Joan d. of Elizabeth Cralye 11 Nov. Richard Tinne 17 Nov. Edward base s. of Thomaziu Richards 21 Nov. Mary d. of Elizabeth Cralye, widdow 12 Dec. Henry base s. of florence Trenimes 20 Dec. Thomas y<= base s. of Millson Merefeld 11 Jan. Bridget England, widd. 20 Jan. Elizabeth Truscott, widd. 8 Feb. Ann Williams, widdow 12 Feb. James Daye,t gent. * He was a son of Thomas Vivian, of Tre- nowth, gent., and Ann Lower his wife. He married, in 1601, Mary Flammacke, gent., widow. t James Day, gent., one of the twelve men in 1650-1672.— Green Book. Peeter & Jane 232 THE EEGTSTERS OF ST. COLIJMB MA.TOE. [1673-5. 12 Feb. Hals s. of John & Jaue Daye 14 Feb. Francis Thomas 3 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Chapell 8 Mar. Beniamin Strongman 16 Mar. Luke James 24 Mar. Eobert Cock Anno 1674. 8 April Judeth d. of Christopher Wol- cock 19 April John s. of Eobert & Moete Skynner 22 April Thomas Finch,* gent. 26 April Mary wife of Henry Cock 26 April Joan wife of John Lockett 25 May Agnes d. of Thomas & Clary George 19 June Jane d. of Giles & Margery Edwards 20 June Alice wife of John Pierce 22 June Lovedy Watts 22 June Elizabeth d. of Eichard. Moyle, deceased 14 July Eichard s. of Paschow & Cisily Williams 29 July Grace wife of Eichard Hawke 31 July John s. of John & Matilda Dunkyn 7 Aug. Mary Leeky, widdow 19 Sep. Walter Coryton 20 Sep. Jane wife of George Eeignolds 24 Oct. Mary Strongman, widdow 22 Nov. Dorothy Langdon, widdow 22 Nov. Philip White 15 Dec. Elizabeth d. of William Del- bridg, deceased 18 Dec. Prudence' d. of John & Abigail Udy 18 Jan. Joice wife of William Cundey 28 Jan. Cissly d. of Thomas West 29 Jan. Henry Husband 2 Feb. Honor wife of Thomas Pres- tridg 28 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Ealph Crawly, deceased 3 Mar. Elizabeth d. of William & Grace Edwards 4 Mar. Ealph s. of Ealph Crawly, de- ceased 5 Mar. John & Eichard s. of John & Margery AVilliams 7 Mar. Alice Eichards, widdow * James Finch, of St. Germans, appears in the list of those whose claims were disallowed by the Heralds at Bodmin, 30 Sept., 1620, as " Ig- nobilis." 23 Mar. 28 Mar. 30 Mar. 6 April 13 April 20 April 14 Mav 31 May 21 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 5 July 8 July 11 July 29 Aug. 25 Sep. 15 Oct. 28 Oct. INov. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 3 Dec. 14 Dec. 27 Dec. 5 Jan. 17 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 29 Jan. 9 Feb. Peter s. of deceased Peter Eescorla, Anno 1675. & Elizabeth d. of Anthony Mary Callaway John Edwards John s. of Stephen & Joan Stephens Pa seas wife of Henry Eoe Anne Baly, widdow Lewis Godfrey, gent. AVilmot Hawk, widow Eichard s. of Eichard & Beaton Clemow Anne Allyn Josias Day Grace d. of William & Grace Edwards William s. of Eichard & Em- blyn Slade Eichard s. of John & Honor Eichards William s. of William & Mary Lanyon Mary d. of Eobert & Maud Skynner Thomas s. of Eichard & Maud Skynner John Pierce aVs Naparrow Mary d. of Samuel & Jane Pryn Eichard Wills Thomazine d. of Peter & Honor Cocking Barbara d. of Thomas Pres- tridge Pascow Williams Joan Strongman, widdow Margaret d. of William & Grace Edwards William Arundell,* Esq. Mi^s Margaret Woone, widow Marty n Dunnacomb John s. of John & Catherine Moyle John base s. of Grace Tonkyn Jane d. of Eichard & Mary Lovell Luke s. of Luke & Honor Giles James s. of Daniell & Hester Eopson * He was son of Thomas Arundell, of St. Colunjb, and Eachael Mompasson his wife. See note, p. 21 3. He married Jane, daughter of ... , by whom he had issue Catherine and William, 1675-77.] BUEIALS. 233 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 30 Mar. 25 April 9 May Honor Mayhow Elizabeth d. of Ricbard & Christian Retallack Elizabeth d. of Nathaniel & Johan Adams Aiwo 1676. Thomas s. of Natbaniel & Johan Adams William s. of William & Grace Edwards William s. of Simon & Alice Eawliug Mary Moyle, widow Frances the wife of Richard Colley Priscilla Martyn, widdow Theodosia d. of Josias & Eliza- beth Grrimes Cbarles Thomas Greorge Humphry Bernard Salter Johan Jenkyn, widdow Bridget England, widdow Thomas Kestlack Johan Trehemban, widdow Mary d. of William & Jane Eveling Martyn Stephens Thomas s. of Peter & Honor Cocking William MicbeU John Hicks Margarite the wiie of Thomas Michell John Jane Alice Harvey Isaac s. of Isaac & Elizabeth ISTicholls Florence the wife of William Minnow Alice d. of Walter & Eustis Pierce Micliaell Strongman* Eebecka d. of Walter & Enstis Pierce John s. of Robert & Jane May Margery wife of John Tyack Eichard Williams William Minnow Thomas Pollard Anne Geene Mary d. of William & Mary Lanyon * Michael Strongman paid rent of his shop lis 2d. in 1655. — Green Book, 11 May 24 May 2 June 4 July 13 July 24 July 29 July 5 Aug. 24 Aug. 9 Sep. 29 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Oct. 10 Oct. 12 Oct. 22 Nov. 29 Nov. 7 Dec. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 24 Dec. 4 Jan. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 17 Jan. iFeb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 17 Mar. 18 Mar. Anno 1677. 1 April Humphry Chaple 9 April John s. of John & Anne Meri- field 11 April Edward s. of Edward & Mar- gery Lawry 14 April Thomas Prestridge 17 April Peter s. of Nicholas & Jane Bounsell 18 April John Tyack, gent 19 April W" s. of Marke & Anne Tyer 29 April John s. of Philip & Johan Kinge 1 May Mary wife of John Allyn 8 May Peter s. of S'' John Seynt- aubyn,* barronet 9 May Francis s. of Thomas & Grace Crewes 15 May Mary d. of AVilliam & Mary Bone 16 May Tobias base s. of Christian Michell 21 May Arthur s. of W" & Honor Jolly 23 May John s. of W" Parkyn 2 June Martyn Strongman 5 June Pentecost Cocking 7 June W«i Cocking 13 June James s. of Robert & Jane Litticott 13 June Ealph s. of John & Margery Williams 15 June Margery Grace, widdow 26 June Enstis the wife of Ealph Che- noweth 29 June Bridget d. of W^ Crewes, deceased 9 July Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Scaberio 17 July Jacob s. of Jacob Puncher, deceased 19 July Anne d. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Scaberio 20 July John s. of John & Johan Truscott 22 July John s. of Daniell & Elloner Couch 24 July Elizabeth d. of Nathaniel & Margarite Champion 3 Aug. Thomas Merifield, gent. 7 Aug. Margery wife of John Burne 7 Aug. Petherick s. of Petherick & Johan Gilbert * This baronet. Sir John St. Aubyn See note, p. 60. was the first 2 H 234 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1677-79. 13 Aug. Frances d. of Thomas & Alice Stephens 25 Aug. Anne d. of Thomas Litticott 2 Sep. Thomazine d. of . . . Saundere* 5 Sep. John Brabyn, gent. 8 Sep. John Daye,t gent 1 Oct. Sarah d. of John & Elizabeth Eange 17 Oct. Dennis s. of Dennis & Agatha "Westcott 28 Oct. John Mill 1 Nov. Catherine Sprey 4 Nov. Maiy d. of Jolin & Alice Benallack 9 Nov. M""^ Johan Hore,J widdow 9 Nov. Thomas s. of John & Mary Langdon 13 Nov. John s. of John & Mary Langdon 14 Dec. llichard Edwards 18 Dec. Anthony Thomas 19 Dec. W"" s. of John & Honor Richards 21 Jan. Beaton Ellery, widow 29 Jan. John s. of John & Millicent James 31 Jan. Isabella d. of Peter Eescorla, deceased 1 Mar. Christian the wife of Sampson Burt 7 Mar. W" s. of W"' & Johan Laun- der 10 Mar. Enstis Thomas, widdow AK^-o 1678. 28 Mar. John Jolly 7 April Temperance,based. of Dorothy Launder 21 A pril Elizabeth Blake, widdowe 25 April Agues Harvey 26 April Charles Eescorla 27 April Johan d. of W™ & Honor Jolly 7 May Thomas s. of Eichard & Eliza- beth Jolly 23 May Mark Cocking 28 May John s. of John & Johan Truscot 2 June Mary wife of Eich"^ Lovell 3 June Margery Thomas, widow * Blank. f John Day, gent., one of the twelve men in 1672.— Green Book. j Richard Hore, gent., and Phillippa his wife. He died 4 July, 1610. She died 22 Jan., 1602 ; Eichard, son of the above, died 22 Jan., 15'J3 ; Katherine, daughter of the above, died 2i June, 1599. Ledger stone at St. Ervan. 11 Sep. Christian d. of Ealph Burt 1 Oct. Mary Gill, widdow 7 Oct. John Allen y'= elder 24 Oct. Jane Cocking, widdow 31 Oct. Honor d. of Ealph & Mary Lambe 16 Nov. Nicholas s. of Thomas & Mary Cocking 17 Nov. John Carbiss 6 Dec. Alexander "Woone 13 Dec. John Eichards al's Body 4 Jan. John s. of Francis & Mary Mannell 11 Jan. Tobias OUiver IS Feb. Eliz. d. of Anthony & Mary Callaway 1 Mar. John s. of John & Frances Allen 5 Mar. Thomas Oeorge 21 Mar. M" Alice Beauford, widdow Anno 1679. 2 April Johan Lawry, widow 4 April Bernard Eowse 10 April Anne Stephens 8 May Marrien wife of John Peter 14 May John Beauford,* rector 29 May William Trekeane 4 July Ann d. of John & Joan Sprey 2 July Eichard Edwards the elder 1 Nov. Thomas s. of "William & Audrye Hawke 10 Dec. Dorothy the wife of William Mare 31 Dec. Jane Humphrye, widdow 2 Jan. John Grimes 6 Jan. Ann wife of Nicholas Eodgers 25 Jan. fflorence the wife of Thomas Lawe 4 Feb. A dedd borne childe of S'" John Seyntaubin, Knight & Barronett 15 Feb. Lowdj'e d. of Simon & Alice Eawling 24 Feb. Mathewe Allinf 25 Feb. Margaret d. of M'" Nathaniel and M's Margaret Cham- pion 7 Mar. Elizabeth d. of John & Sib- bella Lee 9 Mar. Jane Hawke, widdow * Son of William Beauford. See baj). 1617, April 13. He married first, Ann, daughter of . . . . , by whom he had several children. He married secondly, Ann, daughter of Henry Nance ; marriage licence granted 27 Jan., 1664. f He paid for rent of a shop 17s. in 1642. — Green Book. 1680 81.] BUEIALS. 235 11 Mar. Marye d. of Anthony & Marye Call way e Anno 1680.* 30 Mar. Thomas s. of William & G-race Edwards W 31 Mar. Samuel s. of "William & Joane Laundere W 6 April Dorothy Daye, widdow 9 April Thomas s. of Thomas & Mar- rin Cockin W 16 April Margery Hosswell W 29 April Sariah d. of Methuselah & Sariah Williams W 3 Mayt Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Seibberrio W 9 May Honor Retallack, widdow W 15 May Elizabeth Bullock, widow W 5 June Ann d. of Philip HarryeJ W 25 June Thomas Williams, sen*" W 16 July Joane d. of Methuselah & Sarah Williams W 18 July Greorge s. of George & xllice Day W 23 July Henry s. of William & Hon' Tinney W 8 Aug. Peter s. of Joan Gibbs, widow W 21 Sep. Thomas Benny Taylor AV 27 Sep. Amy Williams, widdow W 29 Sep. William s. of William & Agnis Cock W 24 Oct. John Brewer W 8 Nov. Israel s. of John & Elizabeth Harris W * With this year commence the certificates of burials in woollen ; they are contained in a long narrow folio volume, written on paper, with limp parchment covers with, in place of clasps, pieces of cord to tie when the volume is closed. At the end of each year the officiating clergy- man certifies its correctness, and it is signed by the justices. It was originally intended to print these cer- tificates in full at the end of the regular Register, but on account of the large amount of repetition involved it has been deemed best to mark the entries, which also appear in the certificates, with a W, noting any variations, etc., in foot notes. The certificates give the date of making the oath, which was generally a few days after the bui'ial, and they were not entered regularly ; thus, an entry in September pi'ecedes July, and one in June between two in October. f This is the first certificate in the book. It is here given in full as an example of the others, which follow the same form : " There was oath made before John Vivian, Esq., by Christian Crap and Elizabeth Stevens that Thomas Skib- bearow was buried in woUen only." if ... . Harris in the certificates. 12 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 2 Dec. 5 Dec. 25 Jan. 2 Eeb. 5Eeb. 3 Mar. 27 Mar. 5 April 9 April 12 April 20 April 28 April 11 May 14 May 15 May 19 May 24 May 26 May 29 May 2 June Jane d. of Eoger & Joan El- lery W John s. of John & Alice Be- uallack W Peter Pollard, sen'^' W Hon'' wife of William Tinnye W William Salter W Joan Metherill, widdow* W Elizabeth Copithorne W John s. of John & Mary Eng- land W Katherine wife of Eichard Troth tW Anno 1681. W W Mary Agnis W Joyce W Elinor Steevens Hon'" Eichards, widdow Elizabeth d. of Jacob & Husband Symon TrehenbamJ Susanna d. of Will & Cock Martha d. of Will & Dennis John Stevens, shoemaker W John s. of James & Jennifer Beauford§ W Julian wife of Henry Harvy W Edward s. of Edward & Sarah Shorten Margaret the wife of Eichard Congdon W James s. of Stephen & Eliza- beth CapeU W Jane d. of Dan & Eliz*!^ Couch W Grace Harris Churchwardens. * Spelt Meddern in the certificates, f " This is a true catalogue of all such certifi- cates as have been brought to me of all such persons which have been hurried in wollen only in this ijarish of Columb Major, since the ISth day of Aprill last unto this present time. Wit- ness my hand the sixth day of Aprill, 1681. " John Bishop, Rector. " John Truscott, 1 John Martin, J Henry Dyer, ] Richard Kestelle, I Overseers of the William Moore, ( Poore. Henry Blake, ) " Thee 1st of April, 1681. " Seen and allowed by us, " John Seyntatjbyn. John Vivian." (Vide certificates.) % He paid rent of his shop 16s. in 1666. — Green Book. § The certificate says, " James Beauford, Clearke." 236 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUl\rB MAJOR [1681-82. 5 June 14 June 23 June 2 July 4 July 10 July 16 July 25 Aug. 27 Aug. 2 Sep. 11 Oct. 25 Oct. 27 Oct. 6 Nov. 7 Xov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 25 Nov. 6 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 9 Jan. 14 Jan. 10 Jan. 19 Feb. 4 Mar. 7 Mar. 13 Mar. 26 Mar. W W w w w w Mary d. of Gilbert Coode Metlnisalah Williams Lawrence Peeters Mary Mayhow* Alice Cornish, widdow Thomas Eouse Grace d. of John & Frances Allen W Walter . . . .f W Jane d. of Thomas & Mary Cockyn W Thomas s. of Jacket BurneJW Layar wife of John Arthur W Stephen Dungye was foimd dead upon y® downs Benjamin Harvye W Jane d. of Humphry & Jane Harvy§ W Nicholas Langdon W An d. of Eoger & Joane El- lery W Eliz*^ d. of James & Marrin Nettle W John Hawky Tanner W Daniel s. of Joan Eouse, wid- dow || W Gilbert Good W Eichard s. of James & Mary Cock W Mary Williams, widdow W Hesther d. of Benjam. James W Elizb*'^ base child Jolley James s. of Nicholas Bounsell Henry Bray Thomas Polkinhorn M'^ An Jenkyn, widdow^f W Elizabeth Darr* the wife of John Darr* of & Ana W Jane W W A^Ts'o 1682. Charles Gummow W * She paid rent of her shop 21s. id. in 1658. — Green Book. f Surname omitted ; the certificate gives it as '•Walter Evan." J Berten in certificate. § The certificate, affirmed by Jane Harvey and Diana James, calls her Julian Harvey. II Humphry in the certificate, made on the oath of Joan Rows and Joan Strongman. ^ She was a daughter of Andrew Pomeroy, of St. Columb, by Jane, daughter and sole heiress of Digory Hext, of Lauuceston, co. Cornwall ; she married, 27 Oct., 1628, Peter, son and heii' of James Jenkyn, of Trekenning. They had an only son James Jenkyn. ** " This is a true catalogue of all such certifi- 29 Mar. Luce English W 7 April Mary d. of Jacob Husband W 22 April Grace Coruish W 23 April Philip Hoskyn, widdow W 3 May Agnes Treneage 4 May John s. of William Cock W 19 May An wife of M'' John Vivian, Jun'* W 20 May Thomas Oxnam W 24 May Margaret the wife of Eichard May W 4 June Honour d. of Arthur Jolley 9 June Joan Giimow, widdow 2 July William Jeffrye serv* to M"" John Bligh W 1 Aug. Hugh s. of John Langdon cates as have been brought to me of persons buried in wollen only, in this parish of Columb Major, since the sixth day of Aprill last, 1681, to this present time. Witness my hand this 19th day of Aprill, 1682. "John Bishop, Rector. " ?^^K'p?f.^^w.^.'^''''] Churchwardens. John Pollawin, ) Henet Rows, ^ Peter Richards, I Overseers of the Heney Jolley. | Poor. Nicholas Woodmax, J " Seen and allowed by us, (A blank, apparently for the signature of Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart.) "JOHX YiYi^us*." (Vide certificates.) The following is omitted from the regular register, but is among the certificates, Edward Stephens oath made 27th May that he was buried in wollen only. * She was a daughter of Math : Halse, of EfEord, and first wife of John Vivian, of Truan, second son of John Vivian and JIary Glanville. Parish Register of Egg, Bucklaxd, CO. Devox. Baptisms. Thomas s. of William Hals. Esq., Dec. 8, 1653. An d. of Mathew Hals, Esq,, Sep. 3, 165.5. Mathew s. of Mathew Halse, Esq., Feb. 2, 16r,7. Sabina d. of Mathew^ Halse, Esq., Sep. 2, 1658. Rebeckah d. of Mathew Halse, Esq., Sep. 15, 16.59. Rebeckah d. of Mathew Hals, of EfiEord, Esq.. and Rebeckah his wife, 22 Oct., 1661. Charles s. of Mathew Hals, Esq., and Rebec- kah his wife. 11 Nov., 1662. Amy d. of Mathew Hals, Esq., and Rebeckah his wife, 29 March. 1665. Weddings. Mr. John Tendale, minister, and Ann Halse, daughter of Mathew Halse, Esq., 18 Dec, 1655. Thomas Sture. Esq., and Amy. daughter of Mathew Halse. Esq., 27 March, 1656. John Cosh, Esq,, and Sabina. daughter of ]\Iathew Halse, Esq., 22 March, 1666. 1682-83.] BURIALS. 237 19 Aug. Matilda wife of Jolin Dunkyn* W 1 Sep. M-- Jobn Day of TregaswitliW 2 Sep. Melliar Trehenbam "W 27 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Jolm ITdyf W 13 Oct. Elizabeth+ d. of John Whit- ford W 3 Nov. John Allen ' W 9 Nov. William s. of W" Moor W 10 Nov. Nathaniel s. of Nathan Cham- pion 17 Nov. Jane wife of Nicholas HodgeW 10 Dec. John Eow aVs Michell 19 Dec. ffraucis Strongman, widdowW 31 Dec. Joseph s. of Samuel May§ W 17 Jan. Elizabeth Cock, widdow* W 29 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Charles Boun- sell W 31 Jan. Thomas s. of Isaac NichollsW 31 Jan. Thomas Carter W 3 Eeb. Gartret d. of Eeskimer AllenW 4 Feb. Morgan Oliver W 15 Mar. Henry Jolley W 20 Mar. Elizabeth, base child of Jane Moylell W Mr. Charles T;ainbe, minister of the Gospel., and Mrs. Elizabeth Halse, daughter of Mathew Halse, Esq., 29 May, 1660. Mr. Thomas Hele and Mrs. Elizabeth Hals, 22 April, 1670. John Vivian, Esq.. and Mrs. Ann Hals, 10 Nov., 1679. Mr. Jonathan Elford and Mrs. Amy Hals, 5 Jan., 1681. g.^rials. Thomas Halse s. of Mathew Halse the younger, 2 Feb., 165-t. Mathew Halse the elder, Esq., Aug. . . . 1656. Eebeckah d. of Mathew Halse, Esq.. 24 Sep., 1659. Charles Hals. 17 Nov., 1662. Mrs. Sabina Hals, Dec. i. 1665. Amv Hals d. of Mr. Edm. Hals, 20 Sep., 1673. Mathew Hals, Esq., 25 Feb., 1675. A female child of Mr. Edmund Hals, 16 Aug., 1677. Dr. Edm. Hals, 21 March, 1678. Sarah Hals d. of Sarah Hals, widow, of Ply- mouth, 19 May, 1679. Mrs. Sabina Hals, 15 Dec. 1682. Mrs. Amy Sture, 16 Dec, 1682. Mathew Hals. Esq.. 29 June, 168-1. Mi's. Kebeckah Hals. 21 Nov., 168i. * John Dunkyn, gent., in the certificates. f Certificates say Edy. j Certificates have Katharine. § Samuel May, gent., in the certificates. II The usual declaration by the clergyman is attested by the signatures of John Seyntaubyn and John Vivian. The following burials are not in the register ; oath was made 25th July that Joan Burne was buried according to the Act. Oath was made the 5 Feb. on the burial of John Whiteford. Anno 1683. 2 April Jane wife of Michaell Cowling W 11 April Elizabeth d. of Henry Blake W 23 April John s. of Henrv Haycraft W 30 April Ann d. of Pete/Oibbs W 11 May G-race wife of ffrancis Godol- phyn W 17 May William s. of Will'm HoskenW 18 May Ann d. of John Allyn W 20 May Joaue d. of Henry Blake 20 May Grace d. of Giles Edwards W 21 May Patience d. of Richard Pollard W 21 May Anthony s. of Roger Ellery 26 May Anthony s. of Thomas Calla- way W 28 May Elizabeth d. of Samuel May 31 May Thomas Hendye 31 May Ann Holman W 21 June John Cowle W 1 July Thomas s. of Thomas Skeb- berrio W 3 July Honour d. of Thomas Esbell W 9 July Ann Bounsell 29 July Mary d. of Thomas Hawke W 30 July Hestor d. of Benjamin JamesW 2 Aug. Peternell the wife of John Thorne W 17 Aug. Grace d. of John Metherel W 21 Aug. Grace d. of Nathaniel Cham- pion* W 27 Sep. Joan wife of Arthur Jenkyn W 8 Oct. Robert Hoblyu, Esq.f W 10 Oct. Pentecoste Grymes W 12 Oct. Alice Rowse 12 Oct. Gatherude d. of John Hus- band 31 Oct John Sonne of Arthur Broad W 15 Nov. William s. of Richard Gree- by W 25 Nov. Rebecca Langdon W 5 Dec. Peter Callaway w 5 Dec. Alice Husband w 7 Dec. Elizabeth AnthorneJ w 7 Dec. Jane d. of John Michael 12 Dec. Ann wife of Peter Kendall 19 Dec. Ricliard Blake w 20 Dec. Heniy s. of Richard Veale w * The oath adds "gent.'' f He was of Nauswhyden, son and heir of Edw. Hoblyn and Mary Apley. He married Grace, daughter and co-heiress of John Carew, of Penwarne, by whom he had issue fifteen sons and five daughters. X In the certificate spelt " Ounter,'' oath made by Temperance Ounter. 238 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1683-85. 2i Dec. Margaret d. of Natliauiel Champion 24 Dec. Katherine wife of John Retal- lac-k W 23 Jan. Richard May 2^! Jan. John s. of Hendye Langdon 26 Feb. James s. of Peter Day, gent, W 13 Mar. John Retalleck W 19 Mar. Richard s. of John Polkin- horne "W 22 Mar. Nicholas Jane* W AiTNO 1684. 28 Mar. John Berryef W 4 April Mary the wife of "William Minnce W 14 April Christian Woolcock 29 April John Lawry Sexon W 3 May Honour d. of Daniel Couch AV 9 May Joane d. of Petherick Gil- bert W 16 May Richrad Stapell W 20 May William Cundye W 30 May Honour Sprey W 1 June John Crawly W 2 June John Browne W 12 July Giles s. of John Truscott "W 26 July Honour d. of Henry Mor- combe W 31 July William Bone W 20 Aug. Edward Hoblyn, Esq.:|: W 29 Sep. John Dennis W 8 Oct. Sarah d. of Samuel May§ W 13 Oct. Jonatlian Collins, a poore man of Illogan 8 Nov. Wilmott d. of William Browne W * The usual declaration by John Bishop, rector, but not signed by the magistrates. The following names are not in the register : Tho. Hawke, oath by Mary Hawke, 7 April ; Jane, wife of Humphrey Harvey, 29 Mar. ; William Richard, Aug. 22 ; . . . . Jane Kowe, 10 Dec. ; Alice Nichols, 16 Oct. ; Grace Chappie, 31 Dec. ; Richard, son of Robert Harris, 21 Feb. ; Thomas Bounsell, 28 Feb. t ■' John Berry, gent.,'' in certificate. J He was the second son of Robert Hoblyn, of Nauswhyden, Esq., by Grace C'arew, his wife. He married Damaris. daughter of ... . Avant ; she re-married Edward Hoblyn, of Croane (who died 27 April, 170i) ; she was hurried at Eglos- hayle. 8 Dec, 1713. The above Edw. Hoblyn. Esq., had an only daughter, Diana, baptized at St. Columb, 18 Dec, 1683, and was married to William Bickford, of Dunsland. In the foot- note at page 72. Edw. Hoblyn, of Croane, who married the widow of the above Edw. Hoblyn, is inadvertantly given as the father of Damaris, wife of William Bickford, which error is here corrected. § Certificates add '• gent." 9 Nov. John Beauchampe Esq''«* W 15 Nov. Joice Hawke W 19 Nov. Mary d. of William Richards W 31 Dec. Thomas Richards W 6 Jan. James s. of Adam Day, gent. W 12 Jan. Richard George 13 Jan. Thomas s. of Samuel May W 16 Jan. William s. of William Minnoe 30 Jan. Mary d. of John Langdon 6 Feb. Margaret d. of Anthony Mi- chell 19 Feb. Anstes wife of AA'' alter Pearse, being murdered by him W 23 Feb. Henry s. of John Grymes AV 26 Feb. Patience Carter 2 Mar. John Arthur 2 Mar. Persilla Stephens W 3 Mar. Mary d. of Thomas Richards 7 Mar. Honour d. of William Tynny W 9 Mar. Jane wife of Thomas Haw- key A\^ 18 Mar. Robert s. of Thomas Rowse W 19 Feb. John Darrf AV^ Anno 1685. 31 Mar. Honour ArthurJ W 31 Mar. Robert s. of William Michell 23 May William s. of Roger Ellery AV 31 May Thomas Hendra A\^ 21 June AVilliam AUen A\^ 30 June Joane Halse AV^ 15 July Mary d. of Michell Cowling 16 July Grace Keate, widow§ AV^ 30 July James Common|| W 23 Aug. Dorothy the wife of Thomas Day W * He was probably the John Beauchamp bap- tized at 8t. Enoder, 24 Sep., 1G44, and father of John Beauchamp, who married in 1684, at St. Columb Major, to Emblyu Edwards. Certificate says Capt. John Beachani. f The usual declarations regarding the burials follow the certificates, but it is signed by John Bishop, rector, only. The following entries are omitted from the register itself, viz. : — Ann d. of Littleton Weymouth ; oath made 5 May. Joan Gummow, June 14. Ann Bounsell, 15 July. Thomas Michell, 21 Nov. Patience Bastine, 2 March. Thomas Michell, 21 Nov. Alice Martin, 9 jMarch. Robert s. of William Rowe, 3 April. J Certificate adds, " daughter of John Arthur.'' § She was the second wife and relict of Ralph Keate, Esq. (third son of Ralph Keate, Esq.. by Anne Arscott, his wife) ; she died s.p. Her will dated 4 April, 1681 ; proved 21 Oct., 1685. II Certificate adds, "son of Arthur Common,'' 1685-87.] BURIALS. 239 26 Aug. 26 Aug. 13 Sep. 22 Sep. 11 Oct. 14 Nov. 13 Dec. 15 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 28 Jan. 14 Mar. Charitye Edwards "W Mary d. of William and Jane Dennis James Skeberrio W Peter s. of Elias Pollard W ffrances s. of Margaret Eng- land W John HelHer W Florenc wife of William Tucker* W Eichard s. of John Lee W John Lekey William s. of John and Lidia Champion W John s. of Luke Griles W Eemphry s. of Thomas Ske- berrio W Ann Hawkynsf W Tamsin d. of Jonathan Eowse W James Edwards, a labour man W Margaret d. of John Tom;}: W Anno 1686. 6 April 19 April 30 April 23 May 28 May 26 June 29 June 10 July 11 July § 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 11 Sep. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 4 Nov. 8 Nov. 10 Jan. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. Hichard Congdon W John Cocken W Edmond Dunridge James Cock W Mary Trekeane Mary Harvey Dennis Westcott W Margery wife of John Dunkyn, gent. W .... d. of Degory & Mary Williams ' W Joane Skeberriow Alice Hicks W Margery d. of Honour Jolly W Thomas Westcott W Margery Daw W Thomas Cocken Nicholas s. of Nicholas Harris of St Muan W Leonard Tyack W Mary Searell || W Mary d. of Nicholas BounsellW Mary wife of John MerifeildW Joaue d. of Jonathan & Ann Daw W * The certificate calls her " Dewens." f Certificate by Ann Hocken, and that Ann Hocken was buried in woollen. J The usual declaration by John Bishop, rector, and attested by W. Kendall and H. Conn ten ay. § Mary, vide certificates. II Mary Searle, widow, in certificates. 2 April 30 Mar. 23 April 29 April 29 April 8 May 8 May 14 May 20 May 3 June 1 Mar. Humphry Trehemban 8 Mar. Jane Dennis, widdow W 23 Mar. Constance James, widdow* W Anno 1687. Samuel May, gent. Jone d. of Eichard & fErances Callaway W Eliz. d. of Roger & Jone Ellery W William" White John Peters aVs Perthy W Thomas Merifeild, gent. W Elizabeth d. of Thomas TibbW Michaell s. of Michaell Strong- man W Petherick s. of Peth. GilbertW Arthur s. of William Warrenf W 8 Jujie John s. of Isaac Nicholls W 29 June Mary wife of ffrancis Mannell 30 June Ann d. of Bernard Lobb 10 July Elias Pollard W 10 July Mary d. of Jacob Husband W 21 July James Moyle 6 Aug. Richard -s. of Henry Blake & Jenifer his wife 31 Aug. Avis Jollyl W 10 Sep. Philip s. of George' Tom W 12 Sep. Jone Pawley 24 Sep. Eliner wife of Daniell CouchW 10 Oct. Jone wife of Roger EUery W 20 Nov. Johu s. of James Cowling W 8 Dec. Walter Vivian§ W 23 Dec. Anthony Couthlay, servant to Richard Hoblyn, Esq'-«|| W 28 Dec. Walter Tyer 12 Jan. John s. of John Tyer 14 Jan. Philip Hornibrook W 20 Jan. Dorothy wife of Richard fford W 30 Jan. Marke s. of John Truscott W 1 Feb. Elizabeth d. of William Meri- field ^Y * Here follows the declaration as before sig^ned by John Bishop, rector, Geo. Kinge and Eobert Benny, overseers of the poor. H. COURTENAY & JOHN ViVIAN, Magistrates. The following is omitted from the regular register : — Mary Bastyn, July 1. f Certificate says, Warne,made byAnnWarne ; he was the only child of Wm. Warne and Ann Broad his wife. Hee Weddings, 1686. J Certificate has Philip Jolly. ^ The certificate adds ■" Junior." II The certificate spells the name " Curchoby." 2i0 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1687-89. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 21 Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Mar. 21 Mar. 12 April 17 April 17 April 30 April 30 April 13 May 27 May 26 June 8 July 21 July 28 July 3 Aug. 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 15 Sep 21 Sep. 8 Nov. 12 Nov. 17 Nov. "William s. of William Tucker* W John Horsewell W Elizabeth d. ot" Joliu Drew Henry Rescorla W Eichard s. of" Henry Jolly "VV Jone d. of James Metherillf Anno 1688. Jolin Jenkyn AV Katherine d. of Peter Cham- pionj W AVilliam s. of Richard G-rebyW Honor Champion, widdow W ftrancis Mannell W Emblyn wife of Richard Slade Elizabeth d. of Anthony Mic- hell W M'- Philip Keate§ W Edward Crews W Nicliolas Withiell W Mary wife of Peter Bounsell Symon s. of Daniell May W Anne the wife of John Bishop, rector W Elizabeth d. of William Basely WiUiam Tucker|| W Lvdia wife of John Champion^ W Daniell s. of Daniell May .... wife of William Mill** W Adam Day, ft gent. W 'TEX, V mOFT, j Overseers of the Poor. * Certificate adds " gent." f The following entries do not appear in the regular register : — Charles s. of Robert Lithicott. oath made 11 April. John Langdon, 20 July. An, wife of Arthur Jolly, 9 Sept. John Williams, 20 Oct. The usual declaration is signed by John Bishop, rector. " JoHx Vivian, Samuel Battex, Hexry Haycroft, " April 19th, 1688, allowed by us, " H. COUETENAY, JOHX ViVIAX." X The certificat« adds " gent." § He was third son of Ralph Keate, by Ger- trude his first wife ; he died unmarried. Ad- monition granted to his sister Gertrude Allen, wife of Reskymer Allen, 28 July, 1688. II The oath made before William Silly, Esq., styles him " gent.'' 1[ In the oath which was made before William Symons, vicar of St. Enoder, he is styled " Mercer." ** The certificate gives the name of the wife as Thomasine. ft He was one of the twelve men in 1678. — Green Book. 18 Nov. Jolm Richards AV 30 Nov. Elizabeth d. of James Cowling 14 Dec. Alice Gregor, widdow AV" 19 Dec. Theophilus Lawe W 22 Dec. James s. of Peter Husband 24 Dec. Sarah d. of Henry Micliell 25 Dec. Nathaniells.ofThomas Launder 29 Dec. Joane Hawke, widdow 1 Jan. William Dancaster 5 Jan. William Lanyon 13 Jan. Peternell the wife of Xpher Hendv 14 Jan. Philip AV^ithiell & Christoplier AVithiell AV 16 Jan. Jane d. of John England AV 18 Jan. Edward s. of fl'rancis Godol- phin 20 Jan. William Richards W 29 Jan. Susan d. of Gilbert White 30 Jan. Philip wife of AVilliam Rey- nolds 4 Feb. Peternell Peters W 16 Eeb. Milcent Burne 29 Feb. Jenifer Thomas, widdow* Anno 1689. 29 Mar. Avis Jolly 1 April Elizabeth wife of John Strong- man 10 April Susanna d. of Nicholas Philpp 24 April Jane d. of John Husband 27 April Elizabeth d. of Thomas Ske- berrio 12 May Thomazin Berry, widdow 28 May Stephen s. of Marke Tyer 10 May Philip s. of John Gilbert 11 May Thomas s. of Dennis Westcott 3 July Margaret England 14 July Eustice the wife of John Langdon 26 July Henry Tregear 81 July Nathaniel s. of Samuel Cham- pion 15 Aug. James s. of AVilliam Luny 30 Aug. Margaret wife of Nathaniel Championf AV 19 Sep. Sarah d. of Peter Champion^W 22 Sep. Joane wife of Petherick Gil- bert 23 Sep. Epiphany d. of AVilliam Den- nis * The usual declaration has been omitted here, and the following do not appear in the regular register : — Mary d. of James Oliver, 2 June. Julian- Hawkey, 5 Jan. ■f The certificate describes him as " Mercer." j In the certificate he is described as " At- torney." 1689-91.] BURIALS. 241 Jane d. of Thomas Cocken John "Williams, sen"^ "W Henry s. of "William_ Dennis Marryu Harris W James s. of James Stephens ffrrancis s. of Martyn Tom John s. of Benjamin James Eeskimmer s. of Charles Allen A child to Robert Husband Jane d. of Michaell Cowling W Katharine Brewer, widdow "W Ann Avife of Thomas Stephens The d. of Honour Jolly,* wid- dow ffrances wife of John Buck- thorpef Katherine Williams William s. of William Laun- der W Richard Hoblyn, Esq'eJ Elizabeth Mill, widdow Robert Husband W Thomas s. of Thomas Skeber- rio W Thomas Crapp Mary Williams, widdow Joan d. of Robert Elford W Elizabeth wife of Henry Blake Thomas s. of William Meri- feild W Reskymmer Allen§ W ffrancis s. of Daniell May Ann Cocken|| Ai^-o 1690. Walter Vivian, sen"" Charity Jenkin, wid° Xtiau Crapp Katherine d. of John SpreyW Mary wife of William Bone Ann d. of Bernard Lobb * The certificate calls her Alice Jolly. f In the certificate spelt Buckthought. j He was a son of Robert Hoblyn, of Nans- swhyden, by his wife, Grace, daughter of John Carew, of Peuwarne. He married Martha, daughter of ... . Stribblehill ; she re- married Charles Holt. This Richard Hoblyn died s.p. § He married at Cubert, 3 April, 1665, Ger- trude, daughter of Ralph Keate, of St. Columb. II Here follows the usual declaration by John Bishop, rector, Joseph Hawkey and John Rous, overseers of the poor. " Seen and allowed by us the 13th daye of May, 1690, " John Viviax, Hum. Nicholl." The following are not in the regular register : — Joan d. of Francis Tom, 2 June. Katherine Williams, 9 Jan. Grace d. of Thomas Day, 4 Feb. 12 Oct. 20 Oct. 3 Nov. 11 Nov. 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 11 Dec. 17 Dec. 17 Dec. 21 Dec. 30 Dec. 3 Jan. 5 Dec. 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 26 Jan. 7 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 12 Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Mar. 1 April 1 April 11 April 24< April 26 April 1 May 6 May Grrace May, vid. 11 May Isabell Hawkey, vid. 15 May Susanna d. of W™ Dennis 21 May John s. of John Sprey W 3 June Hester wife of Daniell Rop- son W 25 June William Metherell W 2 July Phillippa d. of Edward Rickard W 12 July Eliz. d, of John G-rimes 23 July . . . d. of Phillip King Aug. Richard s. of Thomas Phillips* W 17 Aug. ffrances d. of John Tom W 21 Aug. Mary d. of Humphry Oxnam W 3 Sep. Ralph s. of John Day, gent. W 12 Sep. Joane wife of W°i Minnowe W 25 Sep. . . . d. of PhiUip King 15 Oct. Richard fFord 25 Oct. Joane d. of James Moyle 5 Nov. Peter s. of John Allyn 17 Dec. Walter s. of Philip Harvey 20 Dee. Ann d. of John Rousef W 1 Jan. Joane Pennan 28 Jan.+ Tbo. s. of John Watts W 30 Jan. ffrancis Cocken W 4 Feb. Melior Launder W 17 Feb. Lewis Day, gent. W 19 Feb. Mary wife of Arthur Broad 21 Feb. Joane Richards 23 Feb. Henry & Richard ss. of Henry Rowse 5 Mar. Ann d. of Luke Jolly W 10 Mar. Joane wife of Henry Cock W 14 Mar. W^^ Lanyon 17 Mar. Tho. Callaway § W 19 Mar. W"' Mill 18 Mar. John s. of Peter Kendall 20 Mar. Agas Westcott, vid. 22 Mar. John Strongman || Anno 1691. 27 Mar. Jane Chapell, widd. W 29 Mar. Philip King, gent. W 30 Mar. July an Strongman, widd. W * The certificate gives the date 22 Aug. f The certificate says John Rouse, gent. j The oath was made before Thomas Wolridge, curate of St. Wenn. § Tbo. Callaway paid 10s. rent of a shop in 1683.— Green Book. II The declaration signed John Bishop, rector, John Oxnam and James Edwards, overseers of the poor. JOHN VIVIAN. I Magistrates. H. COURTENAY, Omitted fi'om Registers : — Mary d. of Richard Jolly. 10 Nov. Joan wife of Hen. Mill, 16 Feb. 2i 242 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1691-92. Stephen Stephens W Elizabeth d. of Edward Lawry W John s. of M'- John Huddy*W Katherine d. of M^' Peter Champion W Martha Jolley, widdow "W Johan Eouse, widd. W Hounor Bouusellf W John s. of M'" William Lamb W Jenijiher wife of John "Watts W GTeorge Cockaine W Ann d. of John Strongman W Nathaniel s. of Edward Lawry W Dorothy wife of Humphry Beuny W Johnt Vivian, Jun^, Esq>"« W Elizabeth the wife of Josias Grimes § AV Edward Lawrey George Tom "W Margaret wife of John Pill W Jane Daye, widd. W Ollive Jones, II widd. W Henry Mill W Ann I)aye*[[ "W Eichard Edwards, weaver W Abigail the wife of John Edye W Thomasine the wife of Thomas Issbell W Maude Mitchell W Sarah Williams** W Jone Pawley W William Hawkey, jun'' W Mary wife of William Browne W John Thomas W M''^ Honor Carter ft W * The certificate describes the father as Mr. John Huddy, apothecary. f The certificate adds, " widow." j " This John was the eldest son of John Vivian, Esq. by his second wife, Mary, daughter of Sir John Glanville. He married first. Ann, daughter of Math. Halse, of Efford, co. Devon, she died s.p., and he married secondly, Mary, daughter of Joseph Sawle, of Penrice, Esq., by whom he left issue several children." § The certificate has Joseph Grimes. II The certificate has Alice Jones. •[f The certificate adds, "daughter of John Day, gent. ** Certificate has " Grace Williams, widow." ff The certificate adds " relict of John Carter, gent." She was a daughter of Sampson Lawry, See note, p. 152. 1 April 5 April 6 April 11 April 21 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 24 April 29 April 30 April 3 May 7 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 19 May 28 May 29 May 1 June 3 June 19 June 20 June 21 June 29 June 29 June 3 July 7 July 21 July 15 Aug. 11 Sep. 13 Sep. 28 Sep. 8 Nov. 14 Nov. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 9 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dee. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 16 Jan. 27 Jan. 21 Feb. 24 Feb. 27 April 29 April 17 May 23 May 20 June 23 June 30 June 20 July 27 July 11 Aug. 12 Aug. 23 Aug. 31 Aug. 20 Sep. 13 Oct. 22 Oct. 24 Oct. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 11 Jan. 21 Jan. 8 Feb. 11 Feb. 14 Feb. Maude wife of Eobert Skinner W Mary d. of James Bone W Ann the wife of M"" James Edwards* W Ealph Lambt W Jacob Blake W Jone d. of Arthur Crews W James Stephens W INl'"^ Agnes Tregear, widd. W ffrancis s. of John Tom Jone Stephens, widdow W John s. of George Jolley W Loveday d. of Nicholas Hawke W Elizabeth Withiell, widdow W s. of Thomas AdamsJ Anno 1692. Jone Stephens, widd. W Eichard Caball W Mary wife of Thomas Hoblyn, gent. W John s. of James Tenny W Beaton wife of Eichard Cle- mens AV Mary Cowle AV Joseph s. of John Hocker, geut. W Elizabeth d. of William Basley W Mathew Johns W Amye Basley, widd. W Ann Lovell, widd. W Thomas s. of Thomas Callaway W Paschow Browne § W Scicilley Williams, widd. W John s. of William Browne W Honnor d. of Eobert Manuell W Mary Trehembam, widdow W Jane Dancaster, widdow W Henry s. of Edward EickardW ffrancis White, widd. W Thomas s. of Thomas LauderAV Ebbot Jolley, widdow W Ann Nicholls, widdow W William s. of Joall CabeU W * Tlie certificate describes him as ' mercer.' f The certificate styles him ' gent.' I The declaration signed by John Bishop, rector, John Kinge and Eichard Eawe, over- seers of the poor, and allowed by H. Courtenay John Vivian. Omitted from the regular register : — Blanch d. of John Harris, 24 Jan. § Paschow Brown, in 1642, paid rent of his shop 4s., for his other shop 5s. — Green Book, 1692-94.] BUEIALS. 243 21 Peb. Mary wife of Thomas Callaway W 2 Mar. Martyne Tresteaae W 6 Mar. Richard Scruner W 7 Mar. Beojamiu James 10 Mar. Margaret Eichards W 12 Mar. Margery the wife of "William Hawkey W 16 Mar. Ann Pollard, widdow W 24 Mar. Samuel s. of William Basley* W Anno 1693. 3 April Margaret d. of Martine TomW 8 Aj^ril Elizabeth d. of John Eowe cd's Mitchell W 16 April John s. of John Benallack "W" 18 April William s. of James Cockaine aVs Tremeane W 21 April William s. of Isaac NichollsW 22 April Paschow s. of Paschow Browne W 3 May Henry s. of Henry Lee W 7 May Ann d. of Peter Husband W 12 May Patience Letticott W 22 May Martine s. of John England W 31 May Mary Johns, widdow W 4 June Edward PoUawyn W 13 June Arthur JoUey W 16 June Haniball Hosken W 22 June Blanch the wife of Edward Eichards W 27 June Theoder s. of John Issabell W 30 June Ann d. of Thomas Stephens W 2 July John Eescorlaf W 8 July Mary d. of Thomas Lawe W 15 July Nathaniel s. of James Olliver W 22 July John s. of Benjamin James W 8 Aug. Mary d. of M"- Eobert Berry W 14 Aug. Avies Kevall, widd. W 31 Aug, Humphry Harvey W 17 Sep. Dorothy Day W 4 Oct. Euth Peters W 10 Oct. Henry Wills W 15 Oct. Thomas s. of Thomas PearseW 10 Nov. Eichard West W 19 Nov. Margaret Sheeres W 20 Nov. Margaret the wife of Eichard Veale W 13 Dec. Elizabeth the wife of Isaack Jenkyn W 16 Dec. William Bennett W * Declaration signed Tlaoraas Hoblyn and Nath. Champion, overseers of the poor. Allowed by Humph. Courteuey and John Vivian. f John Rescorla, churchwarden in 1641, — Green Book. 17 Dec. John s. of Edward Peters W 22 Dec. Ann wife of Peter HusbandW 2 Jan. Maddam Grrace Hoblyn,* widd, 4 Jan. Eeddigon the wife of Anthony Callawav W 8 Jan. Mary d. of Arthur Mitchell W 17 Jan. Thomazine Wilkin W 17 Jan. Eose Cockaine W 19 Jan. William s. of William Minnow W 21 Jan. Nicholas s. of Nicholas Wood- man W 23 Jan. Susanna Tresteane W 25 Jan. Sibella wife of William Hals,t gent. W 25 Jan, Henry Hay craft, merchant W 31 Jan. Alice Hellyar, widdow W 12 Feb. William Tremeane of S* Allen W 21 Feb, Honor d. of Edward Eichards W 22 Feb, Christian Eowe, widdow W 19 Mar. Thomas s. of Lancelott Cle- mensj W Anno 1694. 30 Mar. John s. of John Ball W 25 April Cardelia Bennett W 26 April Eichard Hawke W 15 June Thomas Wills W 20 June Henry Blake W 23 June Elizabeth d. of Thomas Ton- ken W 17 July ffrances wife of John Drew W 4 Aug. Joane d, of Henry Blake W 27 Sep. Katherine d. of Mr. John Huddy ^Y 28 Sep. Thomas Langdon W 4 Oct. Josias Grrimes W 21 Oct. ffrances d. of Humphrey Har- vey W 27 Oct. Grace Hendey W 3 Nov. Ann wife of John Enstis W 15 Nov. Jane d. of Humphry Harvey W 5 Jan. John s. of John Day, clerke W * Oath was made Jan. 2, that " Maddam Grace Hoblyn, widdow, was buried in Linen ; according to an Act of Parliament the fine was paid. She was relict of Robert Hoblyn, of Nans- whyden, and daughter and coheiress of John Carew, of Penwarne, Esq., (second son of Richard Carew, of Anthony, Esq., and his wife Julian, daughter of John Arundell, of Trerice, and co- heiress of her mother, Katherine Cosworth,) by his wife Alice, daughter of John Hilman, of Furland, See note to her husband's burial in 1683. f See extracts from parish registers of St. Wenn, 2Jost. X Declaration by John Bishop, rector. 244 THE EEaiSTERS OF ST. COLri^IB MA JOE. [1694-96. 9 Jan. Grace wife of Thomas Crewes W 10 Jan. Philip Oxnam W 12 Jan. Maude Lawry, widdow W 22 Jan. Agnes wife of Thomas Hockiu W 28 Feb. Jane Thomas Widdow W 20 Feb. Nathaniel Adams W 18 Mar. Charles King* W Anno 1695. 7 April Eachell Banger W 19 April John s. of M'" James Edwards W 23 April Thomazine wife of Emanuell Hawke W 8 May J one Strongman W 6 June John Bishop, rectorf "W 10 June Margrett d. of Thomas Hawke W 16 June Grrace Leekey, widd. W 26 June Mary Eowse W 2 July John Darr W 5 July Mary wife of Eobert Man- uell W 6 July Jone Callaway, widd. W 6 July Ann d. of M'' iEdward Crews W 9 July Mary d. of Anthony Calla- way W 22 July Henry "Warnel W 1 Aug. Elizabeth Williams ' "W 10 Aug. Eichard s. of Thomas Manuell W 11 Aug. Patience Peters "W 19 Aug. Edward s. of James Mere- field, jun>- W 21 Aug. Mary d. of James Cock "W 24 Aug. Dennis s. of Michael Strong- man W 3 Sep d. of fBi'ancis Mere- field§ W 8 Sep. Jane wife of Bernard Lobb W * The usual declaration, signed by (Mr. Bishop, the rector, being dead) Henry Dyer and Robert Retallack, overseers of the poor. Allowed by John Vivian and Tho. Darell. Dated 12 July, 169o. f He was o£ a Dorsetshire family, and mar- ried first, Ann, daughter of Eobert Hoblyn, Esq., of Nauswhyden, by whom he had issue — Ann, Eobert, Johan, Edward ; see baptisms, 1681-83-85-87. She died in KiSS. and he married secondly, Mary, daughter of the Eev. Thomas Pendarves, and had issue — James, Samuel, Mary, Thomas, Jonathan, and Grace ; see baptisms, 1690-91-92-94-95. X Probably eldest son of John Warne, by his wife Ann Flamack. He was twice married (see weddings, 1656 and 167.3), by his first wife he was ancestor of Catherine Warne, who mar- ried William Eawlings. See note, page 172. § " Hester '' in the certificate. 27 Sep. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 1 Nov. 4 Nov. 15 Nov. 17 Nov. 20 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 26 Nov. 13 Dec. 3 Jan. 4 Jan. 16 Jan. 20 Jan. 5 Feb. 17 Feb. 22 Feb. 29 Feb. 10 Mar. 14 Mar. 17 Mar. 28 Mar. 5 April 15 April 17 April 19 April 20 April 29 April 8 June 10 June 15 June 18 June 26 June 8 July 28 Aug. 24 Sep. 28 Sep. 6 Oct. ]unr. John s. of John Drew Elizabeth Olver W Ann wife of M'' John Mere- field _ W Jane wife of Philip Vincent "W John Moyle W William White W John s. of Thomas ManneU W Ann d. of George JoUey W Grace Hawke W Elizabeth White, widdow W Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Tibb W Edward Peters W Alice Cockaine W William s. of James Nettle W Henry s. of William Dennis W Arthur s. of Arthur Broad, W W ffrancis Godolphin W Grace Priest W Emanuell Hawke W William Bayley W Loveday Sprey W Jone Tyer, widdow W .... s. of ... . Woolcock* W Christopher Hendeyf Anno 1696. Peter Husband W M'" James Edwards ij: W Eichard Pollard W Thomas s. of Arthur Mitchell W Phillippa Troth W Eichard s. of Thomas Whit- ford W Mary Langdon, widdow W Jane wife of M'' James Beau- ford W Grace the wife of William Edwards W Joseph s. of Henry Cock W Barbara Hawke, spinster W Eichard s. of Eichard Cornish W Eichard Jolley W Hugh Eetallack W Avies Cockaine, spinster W John s. of William White W * " Philip, son of Elizabeth Woolcock," in cer- tificate. f Declaration signed by Tho. Pendarves, rector, Henry Eowse, John Williams, Tho. Brewer, and Eichard Hicks, overseers. Allowed by Jo. Molesworth, Jo. Vivian. % James Edwards, churchwarden in 1678. — Green Book. 1696-98.] BURIALS. 245 10 Oct. ffrances the wife of Micliael Cowling W Honor Retallack, widdow W Eobert s. of Edward Stephens W Honor Jolley, wid. W Elizabeth Capell, widd. W John Vivian, Esq'«* "W Philip Harvey W Elizabeth d. of M' Eichard Eowse W Petronell the wife of Nicholas Trevethick W Joyce Eescorla, widdow W Peter Hicks W Phillippa wife of John Best W Eobert Maye W Mary the wife of Thomas NichoUs W Jone Oxnam, widdow W Eastis d. of John Jolley W Elizabeth Crewes, widdow W ffrances the wife of Edward Champion t W Elizabeth Callaway "W James s. of Henry Rowse W Elizabeth Higgins, widdow W Samson s. of John Hicks W Eichard Hawke W Philip wife of Arthur ComonsJ W Anko 1697. Barbara wife of Henry Lee W Elizabeth d. of Michaell Cor- nish W * The certificate adds, "of Trewaii." He was son and heir of John Vivian, of St. Columb, Esq., by his second wife, Mary, daughter and heiress of William Cavell, of Treharrock. He was yheriff of Cornwall in 1668. He married first, Ann, daughter of Sir John Trelawny, Bart; See note, page 216. Issue, John and Elizabeth, both died young. He married secondly, Mary, daugh- ter of Sir John Glanville, Kt., by whom he had several children, of whom Thomas, died, s.p., in 1716 ; John died in 1691. See page 242 ; Fran- cis, of Coswarth, whose only child, Mary, mar- ried Sir Richard Vyvyan, Bart. He married thirdly, Amy, daughter of Speccott, relict of Nicholls ; she died s.p. + Styled " Mr." Edward Champion in the cei'- tificate. J Declaration signed by T. Pendarves, rector, after which this year comes the following : ■' All certificates of theii' being buryed in woollen ought to express y*' p'son before whom y'^ severall affidavits were made as also under their hands or else tis voide and no certificate. " Been and allowed y' 8"^ Ap% 1697, by us, " Jo. MOLESWORTH, Hum. Nicholl." 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 9 Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 19 Dec. 21 Dec. 24 Dec. 30 Dec. 12 Jan. 13 Jan. 15 Jan. 17 Jan. 21 Jan. 26 Jan. 5 Eeb. 3 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 Mar 11 Mar 15 Mar 18 Mar. 25 Mar 26 Mar 9 April Elizabeth wife of James Cow- ling* W 12 April Thomasine Martine, widdowW 1 May Johan d. of Eichard Langdon W 2 May Henry Haycraft* W 9 May William Darr, jun"" W 12 May Michaell s. of Edward Eicharda W 31 May Edward Chapell W 15 June John s. of Eobert Dunkiu "W 3 Aug. Peter s. of William Darr W 21 Sep. John Jolley W 23 Sep. Mary d. of John Buckthought W 26 Sep. Mary d. of George Jolly W 27 Sep. Thomas Hockey W 4 Oct. Elizabeth wife of John Blight, gent. 6 Nov. Jone Langdon, widdow W 6 Nov. Millicent Blake, widdow W 11 Nov. M''^ Dorothy Smally, widdow W 10 Dec. Ezekiell Eetallack W 23 Dec. Mary Eickard, widdow W 28 Dec. Avis wife of William MooreW 10 Jan. Elias s. of Henry Cock W 22 Jan. Thomas s. of Thomas Day 25 Jan. John s. of James Eowse 20 Eeb. Sarah d. of Thomas Day 22 Eeb. Arthur Crewes 23 Eeb. Honor d. of Henry Cock 12 Feb. John Johusf Anno 1698. 7 April M'"^ Jane Herle, widdow 29 April Alice Bruer, widdow 3 May John Merefield of Tolskeddy 3 May Mary d. of William Mitchell 8 June Euth Crawley, widdow 25 June Eobert s. of Eobert Mannell 13 July John s of ffraucis Herle 18 July James s. of M^' Peter Cham- pion 23 Aug. John Tom of G-averigan 22 Sep. ffrancis Cockaine, spinster 25 Sep. Jane d. of Michaell Cowling 26 Sep. Grace Stephens, spinster 9 Oct. Nicholas Bodella, a poore man 18 Oct. Ann wife of William Hancock 29 Oct. Marline Tom 18 Dec. Mary d. of Eichard Webber 8 Jan. Gartrude wife of Marke La wry 10 Jan. Marian wife of Mathew Eopson 12 Eeb. Elizabeth d. of William Browne * The certificate styles him " Mr." f Declaration signed by Tho. rector. Pendarves, 246 THE EEOISTERS OF ST. COLTTMB MAJOR. [1698-1701. 23 Feb. Nicholas Trevethick W 5 Mar. Joliau wife of John Sprej "W 11 Mar. Rachell Laugdou W 13 Mar. Jouathan s. of Jolm Bishop, rector W 14 Mar. Edward s. of Joseph Jane W 17 Mar. Jaue May, widdow W 20 Mar. Honor wife of John Husband* W Anno 1699. 31 Mar. Thomas s. of Thomas WillsfW 31 Mar. Edward Moultont 18 April Elizabeth Husband, widdow W 24 April Mary d. of "William Merefield 24 April Theophilus Betty W 28 April Jone Kent W 5 May Jone Retallack, widdow W 6 May Jane d. of John Grimes W 10 May Honor d. of Thomas Whitford ^ W 22 May Joseph Newman, a soldier W 28 May William Hawkey W 28 May Arthur Comons W 22 June Mary d. of William Lander W 7 July Jone d. of Eobert Dunkin W 7 July Thomas s. of James Stephens W 16 July William Retallack W 12 Aug. John Tyer W 14 Aug. Richard Cockaine W 3 Sep. Elizabeth d. of John LewarneW 13 Sep. Mr. Charles Clarke 15 Sep. Catherine the wife of Richard Cowle W 9 Oct. John s. of Jacob Husband W 11 Oct. Joseph s. of Thomas Hay W 1 Nov. Richard &. of John Sprey W 4 Nov. Jane wife of Peter Best W 8 Nov. John s. of Mr. John LifEordW 8 Nov. Ann Varcoe, widdow^ W 20 Nov. John s. of Thomas Callaway 20 Nov. Henry Cock W 20 Nov. William s. of Margaret Eng- land W 22 Nov. Agnes d. of John Liffordf W 23 Nov. Richard s. of Samuel Cham- piouf W 26 Nov. Ann d. of Robert Merefield W 28 Nov. Joan d. of Humphry SloggettW 28 Nov. Elizabeth Browne, widdow W * Declaration signed by Tbo. Pendarves, rector. •f- In the certificate styled " Mr.'' j In Plympton Maurice church, Devon, is a partly obliterated floor slab for IMrs. Mary, wife of Edward Moulton, gent. She died in 1687. Peter Moulton and Sarah Stone, married 23 May, 1677.— St. Andrew's Parish Reg. 3 Dec. Mellicent wife of Robert Hus- band w 8 Dec. Peter s. of Thomas CallawayW 1 Jan. Mary d. of John Bishopp, clerk e W 6 Feb. Mary d. of Thomas WhitfordW 11 Feb. John s. of Richard Gilbert W 17 Feb. Grace Husband, widdow W 4 Mar. John Thorne W 2 Mar. Henry Dyer* 11 Mar. John Blake W 26 Jan. Alice wife of Edward Mere- field W 1 Feb. Grace the d. of John Bishop, clerke W 17 Mar. Edward s. of Edward Richardsf JW Anno 1700. 12 April Henry s. of Nicholas GreggW 9 May Mary d. of Robert LitticottW 11 May John Merefield W 27 Mfiy Robert Litticott W 18 June ffrances Couch, widd. W 20 June Anthony Lawry W 4 Aug. Mary Lamb, widd, W 23 Aug. Phihp Kendall W 7 Sep. Jenifer Merefield W 16 Sep. Jaue d. of Bernard Lobb W 17 Sep. Elizabeth d. of John Tenny W 28 Sep. Abraham s. of John Buck- thought W 30 Oct. Jane wife of Peter Bounsell W 9 Nov. Judith Vivian, wid. W 10 Dec. Margaret Haweis W 12 Dec. Thomas Minnow W 19 Dec. Jaquett Burton, widd. W 4 Jan. Jane d. of Robert Dunkin W 7 Jan. Mary d. of Thomas Trevethick W 1 Mar. Ann Retalack, widd. W 12 Mar. William Jolley W 12 Mar. Jane Hawke W 14 Mar. Giles Williams W 17 Mar. Mary Mitchell, widd. W 24 Mar. Jane Cock§ W Anno 1701. 6 April Charles s. of John England W * The certificate has Mr. Henry Dyer. Hen. Dyer, gent., one of the twelve men in 1670. — Green Book. f According to the certificate Alice Blake was buried 12 April, 16t)9, but is not in the Register ; also Richard s. of Tho. Callaway, Nov. 30. J Declaration signed by Tho. Pendarves, rector, and allowed by Jo. Molesworth and Hum. Nicholls. § The declaration at the end of 1700 signed by 1701-3.] BUEIALS. 247 21 April Mary d. of James Cockaiue al's Treineaue W Elizabeth King, spinster G-race d. of Thomas Scaber- rian W William Hancock W Epiphany d. of Eobert Ma- nuell W Arthur s. of Arthur Broad*'W John Evagh Peter Pollard W Catherine Crewes W Honor d. of Joell Capell W Remfrey Rows W Mary d. of James MerefieldW Honor d. of Oliver Basley* W Samuel s. of Eobert DunkinW Ann d. of William Eowe al's Mitchell W Ml- Peter Dayf W Martyn s. of John England W S'- John Arundell, Knight+ W Elizabeth d. of Bernard Eows W Nicholas Keslick "W Eeginald Haweis,§ apothecary W Thomasine d. of William Den- nis, Jun'^' W Philip Harris W Jone the wife of Stephen Ste- phens W John s. of Eichard Eawe the younger W Elizabeth Eeynolds, widdow W Thomas s. of Thomas Adams W the rector, Tho. Pendarves, John Day, Hugh Pollard. John Davies, overseers of the poor. Allowed by Anth. Nicholl and Edm. Prideaux. * Certificate adds ' Junr.' t Peter Day one of the twelve men in 1693. — Green Book. J He was son and heir of Sir John Arundell, of Lanherne, by Elizabeth, daughter of William Brock, and became of Lanherue. He married, first, Elizabeth, daughter of Lord Teynham ; and, secondly, Anna, daughter of John Arundell. Trerice, and relict of John Trevanyou. By his first wife tSir John had issue two daughters, his coheirs, Frances, married Sir Richard Beliug, Knt., and Elizabeth, married Sir Henry Beding- field. Bart., of Oxborow, co. Norfolk. § Mr. Hawes paid for Mr. Reynold Hawes shop rent £3 in 1703. — Green Book. John Hawes. of Key, married Grace, daughter and heir of Edward Vivian, of Key (by his wife, Jane, daughter of John Trencreeke, of Key), and had issue John, sou and heir, aged 9 years ju 1620, Francis, Reginald, Mary and Elizabeth. 27 April 2 May 12 May 27 May 9 June 10 June 18 June 24 July 1 Sep. 15 Sep. 23 Sep. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 16 Oct. 28 Oct. 31 Oct. 2 ISov. 6 Nov. 22 Nov. 13 Dec. 18 Dec. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. 24 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Feb. 1 Mar. Jone wife of Inigoe Inch* W 2 Mar. John s. of John Parking W 10 Mar. Ann wife of George Jolley W 13 Mar. John s. of Richard Edwards, mercer W 23 Mar. Ann Crewes, widdow W 23 Mar. Jone wife of Thomas Tibbf W Anno 1702. 10 April John LawreyJ W 17 April Humfrey Sloggett W 10 April Mary wife of John Tenny W 18 April James s. of Thomas Adam sW 22 April Ann d. of Nathaniel Wood§W 24 May William Cocking W 10 July Eichard s. of George Jolley W 12 July Catherine Box W 26 July James Metherell W 5 Aug. John Gilbert W 11 Aug. Eobert Skiner W 11 Oct. John s. of Nicholas Woodman W 29 Nov. Eobert Harris W 2 Dec. Gregory s. of John Lamb W 16 Dec. Ealph Keate W 21 Dec. Constance Blake W 3 Jan. Margery Wolcock W 8 Jan. Mary d. of John Davis 12 Jan. Honor d. of Thomas Langdon W 31 Jan. Edward Morish W 8 Eeb. John s. of Charles Trestaine W 12 Eeb. John s. of Eobert Merifeild W 13 Eeb. Jane wife of Arthur Jolley W 14 Feb. John s. of John Symons W 20 Feb. Joan Inch, widdow W 10 Mar. John s. of Eichard Eowe, jun^' W 15 Mar. Margery wife of Arthur Broad II W Anno 1703. 25 Mar. John s. of John Gummow W 15 April Elizabeth d. of Thomas Tibb * The certificate has ' Enoder Inch.' f Declaration signed by Tho. Pendarves, rector. Edw. Crewse, Rich. Rowe, James Day, Wm. Cundye. overseers of the poor. Allowed by Edm. i'rideaux. J. Tregagle. J The certificate says of Tregoe. § Mr. Nathaniel \Vood was uamed by Ralph Keate in his will (proved 10 April, 1686) to be guardian to his nephew Ralph Keate. II Declaration signed by Tho. Pendarves, rec- tor, Edw. Crewse. John Tanner, Francis Peters, and John Nicholls, overseers of the poor. Al- lowed by Edm. Prideaux and Robert Hoblyn. Omitted from the register : — James Bragg, buried 23 July. 248 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOH. [1703-5. 29 April Eichard Slade 4 May Emblyn ]\Ietlierill, vid. W 16 Mar. Henry Eowse, gent., of Tre- badannon* W 18 May Elizabeth d. of John Bonal- lack W 21 May Ellinor wife of William Wil- kins W G June Charity Litticoate W 8 June Elizabeth Wills, vid. W 15 June Susley Trehcmban W 29 June William s. of Fetter Cham- pion, Attorney W 8 Sep. Giles Edwards W 23 Sep. Thomazine Michell, vid. W 29 Sep. Joan wife of Richard CowleW 4 Oct. John Grimes, Juu'f W 8 Oct. Eebecka the wife of Jonathan Barrett W 16 Nov, John Hayman, Jun' J W 10 Dec. Ann Pearse W 23 Dec. Elizabeth Pell, vid. W 5 Jan. Edward Eade W 29 Jan. John Tinny W 7 Feb. Katheriue wife of John Jel- bert W 11 Feb. Eeginald s. of Stephen Buck- ingham W Elizabeth Lackey W Petherick Jelbert W Ealph Allen W Thomas Pendarves, Eector W 27 Feb. 6 Mar. 13 Mar. 18 Mar. 21 Mar. Mary wife of John Symons§ W 25 Mar. 1 April 7 April 12 April 24 April 29 April 30 April 3 May Anno 1704. Jane Bennett John Burn, jun'' W w John Biirn, sen'' W Ei chard Clemens W Alice d. of M'' Hugh PollardW William Moor|| W Jane d. of John Lewarne AV Eichard Jo] ley W * Henry Rowse one of the twelve men in 1678-93, 1703.— Green Book. f John Grimes paid rent of a shop 20s., in 1698.— Green Book. J Mr. John Hayman paid rent of his shop for seven years at 33s., and another shop at 36s. — Green Book. § The declaration is signed by James Ed- wards, curate, Jos. Hawkey, Eob. Berry. Francis Dazzo, and John Harris, overseers of the poor. Allowed by Edni. Prideaux, Rob. Hoblyn. Overseers for next year — Mr. Rich. Rows, Mr. William Rosogan. James Oliver, John Gilbert. II Davies Gilbert mentions a monument in the church to the memory of some of this family with these arms — Sa. a swan close within a bordure eng. arg., but the monument does not now exist. 17 May W"^ Hambly W 19 May Mary Wills W 18 June Joan Burn W 4 July Daniell s. of Eich"! & Jane James W 9 July Eliz. d. of Eich^^ & Frances AVebber W 3 Aug. Daniell s. of ISTathaniel & Frances Woods W 6 Aug. John s. of John & Jennefaire Parkins AV 8 Aug. M''« Anne May W 17 Aug. Anne d. of Eoger Eeading in y^ Queen's service AY 25 Aug. Grace d. of M^Eich''EowseW 6 Sep. Thomas Hawke W 20 Sep. Susana Phillips W 7 Nov. Hester Morkam AV" 9 Nov. Joane d. of Elizabeth Strong- man W 28 Nov. James s. of Thomas & Jane Polkinhorn W 13 Jan. Dorothy Benny W 30 Jan. M>- John Pollard W 2 Feb. John s. of John & Temperance Tinney W 22 Mar. Temperance d. of Mary Cock, widow W 24 Mar. Petronell Woolcock* W Anno 1705. 29 Mar. Audrey Hawke W 29 Mar. John Buckthought W 30 Mar. Frances wife of Edward Cham- pion AV 8 April Mathias s. of Mathias & Mary Battrell 18 April Maiy d. of Eichard & Thoma- zine Gilbert W 23 April Joan Edwards, widow W 8 May Samuel s. of M'' John Bishop, deceased AV" 14 May Joan Wilkinsf W 4 June Jane d. of W"^ Baseley W 1 July Thomas Somersford, a soldier W 24 July M's Eliz. EumbelowJ W * Declaration signed by Ph. Collier, rector. Overseers for next year — Rob. Hoblyn, clerk, Arthur Mitchell, Philip Harris, Joseph Mere- field. Allowed by Edm. Prideaux, Rob. Hoblyn. f Certificate adds ' widow.' j Mr. John Tuchim, minister of the Gospel at Stonehouse, and Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Rumbelow, of Bigbury, married 5 March, 1654 ; Philip Fitz Williams, son of Walter Fitz Wil- liams, of Plymouth, and Mary, daughter of Mr. John Rumbelow, of Bigbury, deceased, married 12 Jan., 1654.— Par. Reg., St. Andrew, Plymouth. 1705-7.] BUEIALS. 249 5 Aug 6 Aug. 9 Aug 13 Aug. 17 Aug. 22 Sep. 11 Oct. 22 Oct. 28 Oct. 1 Nov. 5 Nov. 16 Nov. 29 Nov. 2 Jan. 2 Jan. 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 17 Jan. 21 Jan. 1 Feb. 8 Peb. 14 Feb. 1 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Mar. John* s. of John Blarney "W Tho. Hocken W Thomas Lae "W John Truscott JW Honor Delbridge W Marv d. of M''« Ann Yivian W Mary fEord W Dorothy d. of "VY"i & Dorothy Eoe W Charles s. of John Blarney W Jane wife of Robert DuncanW Francis Richards W Anne d. of Peter & Honor Tremain W James Adams "W Joan the wife of M'' Richai-d Edwards W Philippa wife of John Polla- win W M}'^ Honor Oxnam W Pentecost d. of Thomas & Sarah Cockin aVs Tremayn W Michaell s. of Edw'^ & Grace Richards W Isaac Jenkinnf W The Revi M^' Rob' HoblynJ of Nans whidon dyed at London ye 7th Jan'T W Eliz. wife of M-- John King§W John s. of Danii May|| W Sybella Harvey W W^ 8. of John & Joan Lawrey vr Michaell s. of Eliz. Strongmanlf Anno 1706. 25 Mar. James Mitchell W 26 May Mary wife of Mathias Battrell * He is recorded on a ledger stone in the church, on which he is said to have died i Aug., 170.5, aged 24, having been apprenticed to a mer- chant and sailmaker. His brother Charles died 27 Oct. following, aged 21. f Isaac Jenkin, parish clerk in 1697. — Green Book. J Son of Rob. Hoblyn of Nanswhyden, Esq., by his wife Grace, daughter and coheiress of John Carew of Penwarne. He was rector of Ludgvan, and married Judith daughter and heir of Francis Burgess of St. Erth, by whom he had issue — Francis, married Lady Penelope Godol- phin, and Edward, died s.p. before his father § Mr. John King, one of the twelve men in 1693-1703.— Green Book. II Daniell May paid 16s. rent of his shop in 1693.— Green Book. % Declaration signed Philip Collier, rector. Allowed by John Molesworth, Charles Trelawny. 26 May 28 May 29 May 8 April 38 April 19 April 19 April 9 May 18 May 3 June 5 June 7 June 19 July 27 Aug. 18 Sep. 28 Sep. 31 Oct. 20 Nov. 25 Nov. 2 Dec. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 20 Jan. 31 Jan. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 2 Mar. 9 Mar. 15 Mar. 17 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. Tho. s. of W» Cockyn aVs Tremayn W Margery Lawrey W Tho. s. of Robert & Jane Merrifield W Jeremy s. of Phill. Collier, reef, & Eliz. his wife, died ye 7th April AY Richard Webber W Eliz. Rowse, widow W Anne Hocken, widow "W James Nettle W Sampson s. of John & Joan Mill W Eliz. d. of Henry & Jane Rowse W Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Hawke W Rich'^ Pendarves, Esq. W Dorothy wife of Colan Man- nell W Eliz. d. of Philip Collier, rect^ & Eliz. his wife, died 25thW Jane d. of Peter & Jane Boun- sell W Archibald Rowse W Eliz. Callaway W Jane d. of Bernard & Eliz. Lobb W Eliz. d. of Anthony & Eliz. Hoskyn W Peter Sampson W Alice d. of Tho. & Jane Pearse W Charles Retallack "W Petronell y^ wife of Arthur Mitchell W John Rowse W W™ s. of W™ & Jane EvelinW Arthur Broad W John Polkinghorn W Dorcas Retallock W Abraham s. of Abraham Hus- band W Denys Strongman* "W Anno 1707. Judith d. of John & Jennof aire Parkin W M"-^ Jane Blightf W Anne wife of Henry Jolly "W * Declaration signed by Ph. Collier, rector, and allowed by John Molesworth and Edm Prill eaux. Overseers for next year : John King, Sam. Batten, John Drew, and John Arscott, f Certificate adds •' widow." 2k 250 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR. ri707-8. 29 Mar. 16 May 13 Juue 19 June 21 July 8 Aug. 8 Sep. 20 Sep. 7 Oct. 17 Oct. 28 Oct. 30 Oct. 9 Nov. 15 Nov. 24 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 30 Nov. 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 27 Dec. 26 Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 10 Feb. 12 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 29 Feb. 2 Mar. 10 Mar. 14 Mar. Richard Watts W John England AV Susanna d. of Thomas Treinain & Sarah his wife W Eliz. d. of Tho. & Eliz. Inch W Tho. Brewer W Ecskymer Allen "W John s. of Tho. & Florence Issable W Philip 8. of John & Jennefaire Parkin W Mary d. of W"' & Eliz. Toulton AV Daniell s. of Nathaniel & Frances AVood Edw'' the s. of John Richards Peter Harris & AV Jane A\^ AV Catharine d. of Christopher & Jane AVarne AV John s. of George & Jane Baseley AV Henry Brewer AV Jane d. of M'' Hugh* & Eliz. Pollard AV Anne Bounsell AV Symon Rawlinn AV Mary d. of M^' Timothy Chute AV Joan Denys AV M'- Peter Pollard AV Mary AVilliams AV Philippa Lee AV Florence d. of Charles & Eliz. Trestaine AV Joan wife of Tho. MerrifieldAV James Lawrey AV Anne d. of M^' Hugh & Eliz. Pollard AV Joan Ford, widow Eliz. wife of Charles Trestaine AV Grace AV^ills, widow AV Eliz. d. of Rob* & Thomazine Creebar AV Honor wife of M'' Blight Hav- croft AV Margery AVilliams AV Dorothy Davies AV AA"'" Rawe AV Joan d. of Peter Kendall AV Tho. Stephens AV Peter Tremayne AV * Mr. Hugh Pollard, churcliwarden in 1703, and one of the twelve men and treasurer in 1711. He was cousin to Peter Champion. 9 Mar. 26 Mar. 7 April 20 April 22 April 27 April 27 April 29 April 9 May 11 May 11 May 19 May 6 June 7 June 19 June 26 June 2 July 22 Aug. 10 Sep. 17 Sep. 22 Nov. 28 Nov. 7 Dec. 10 Dec. 4 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 29 Jan. Frances* wife of Tho. Vivian, Esq.t AV Anno 1708. Hon"" d. of John & Susanna Jane AV John s. of Oliver & Jane Rawe AV Alice wife of EdW^ AVest AV Sam" s. of Peter & Susana Best AV Tho. Kelly AV Eliz. d. of John & Mary Par- kin AV Mary d. of Philip & Philippa -■- - w Oliver AV AV AV Anne AV & Mitchell Catherine the wife of Basely John Best Priscilla AVilliams AV" 8. of Ricliard Hicks Florence Day AV Eliz. Avife of Henry Jolly AV Gartred Kent AV Stephen s. of Charles & Jane Thomas AV George Luuey AV Alice Rawlin AV Henry AVithiell AV ^V^ Darr AV Edw*! s. of John & Jennefaire Richards AV Mary d. of Tho. & Eliz. Manuell AV Eliz. Lockett AV Frances wife of Tho. Baseley AV Jennefaire wife of Tho. Calla- way AV Francis Philips AV Joyce Strongman AV Grace Rogers AV M'' James Day AV Sarah wife of John AVilliamsAV Robert s. of Tho. & Candacia Litticoat AV * She was sister to William Braithwaite of Detham, co. Gloucester. She was the first wife of Thomas Vivian of Truau, Esq. There is a monument to her memory in the north chajjcl or chancel aisle. t Declaration signed by Ph. Collier, rector ; allowed by John Molesworth and Edm. Pridcaux. Overseers for the next year : Mr. Thomas II ob- lyn, 5Ir. William Eosogau, Kichard Hicks, and Thomas Hoskyn. The following is omitted from the register : Peter Parrow, Feb. 7. 1708-9.] BURIALS. 251 31 Jan. 31 Jau. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Feb. 4 Mar. 10 Mar. 12 Mar. 16 Mar. 16 Mar. April April 11 April 15 April 18 April 23 April 24 April 8 May 11 May 11 May 23 May 19 June 1 July 17 July 24 July 27 July 1 Aug. 6 Aug. 15 Aug. 18 Aug. 23 Aug. Susanna Bennet aVs James "W Florence d. of Tho. & Florence Issable W George Strongman W Dorothy d. o£ James & Catbe- rine Bone W Anne d. of Tho. & Eliz. Inch Henry Jolly W My W" Eosogan* W Joan Moyle, wid. W Joseph Jane W Thomas Pollawin s. of John & Jenuefaire Parkyn W Martin Tomm & Constance his wife W Marriot Cockyn, wid. W John s. of Stephen & Mary Warne W John s. of Archibald & Mary Eowset W Anno 1709. Jaell wife of Tho. Drew W John s. of Tho. & Julian Pol- kinhorn W Mary wife of W"^ Brewer W Susanna d. of Tho. & Joan Tonkin W Joan wife of Tho. Tonkin "VY Jane Teage W Jane Bowse W Peter Kendall W Thomazine wife of John Ball W Mary d. of Jane Jane, wid. W Eliz. d. of Tho. & Eliz. Corn- wall W Tho. Drew W M^' John Blight W W^ Condy W Stephen Knight AY Temperance wife of W"^ Bone, ]unr. John WilHams Joan Strongman John s. of W"* & ley Eich^ Veale W™ Baseley, jiiii^' W W w Sarah Base- W W w * William Resugga, for his grave £1 6s. 8cl. — Green Book. •j- Declaration signed by the rector, and allowed by the same as the previous year. Over- seers for the ensuing year : Tho. Vivian, Esq., Mr. John Edwards, Mr. Henry Rowse, and John Hicks. Omitted fi'om the regular register : Joan, wife of Michaell Cowling, bur. Sep. 3, 28 Aug. Catherine d. of John & Dinah Gilbert W 1 Sep. W'" s. of John & Joan Lawrey W 18 Sep. Jonathan Bowse W 21 Sep. Tho. Wills W 13 Oct. Richard Pascoe "W 13 Oct. George s. of Phil. & Mary King W 23 Oct. Mary d. of Joseph & Jane Merri field W 25 Oct. Jane Sprey "W 25 Oct. Jane Litticot "W 27 Oct. Olive Jenkyn W 30 Oct. Gartrude d. of Temperance Stephens "W 7 Nov. Antony s. of Antony & Eliz. Hoskyn W 12 Nov. John s. of John & Joan Law- rey W 1 Dec. John s. of W"" & Joan "Williams W 1 Dec. Rich'i Day W 3 Dec. Rebecka & Margaret d^ of W"^ & Joan Williams W 3 Dec. Jane d. of Oliver & Jane Rawe W 5 Dec. Anne d. of John & Jennefaire Parkyn W 6 Dec. John Lamb W 8 Dec. Jane d. of W°' & Joan Williams W 9 Dec. Eliz. d. of widow Jane W 10 Dec. Rebecka Jacob W 16 Dec. John Mill W 17 Dec. Susanna d. of Charles Tres- taine W 23 Dec. Henry s. of Antony & Eliza- beth Hoskyn W 26 Dec. Eliz. Brown W 7 Jan. Mary d. of John & Grace Gumow W 11 Dec. Frances d. of Rich^^ & Frances Webber W 13 Dec. John Best W 17 Dec. Eliz. wife of Tho. Couch W 18 Dec. Mary d. of Michaell Cornish, jun"" & Grace his wife W 22 Dec. Mary d. of Rob' & Mary Re- taUock W 5 Feb. Robert s. of M^' Tho. Hoblyn* & Joan his wife W 6 Feb. M^- Richd Rawe W * This Thomas Hoblyn was of Tresaddern in St. Columb, and Joan was his second wife. She was a daughter of Tresaddern, and the son was one of several of their children who died young. 252 7 Feb. 11 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 13 Feb. 19 Mar. 4 April 5 April 13 April 30 April 7 May 15 May 20 May 23 May 31 May 13 June 14 June 20 June 21 June 22 July 7 Aug. 11 Aug. 25 Aug. 21 Sep. 1 Xov. 4 Dec. 6 Dec. 8 Dec. 27 Dec. 20 Jan. 1 Feb. 15 Feb. 6 Feb. THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLFMB MAJOE. [1709-11. Eliz. d. o£ Jolin & Jennefaire Parkin W Jane* d. of Mr. Tho. Hoblyn & Joan his wife \V Judith d. of M"- Thomas Hob- lyn & Joan his wife "\V Jane d. of Mitchell Tho. Issable ^Y^ AVilkin Eliz. d. of Hawke Christopher Reynolds f Henry & Mary W W w Mary W W John & AxNo 1710. Charity wnfe of W"^^ Roe "W Mary wife of Peter Pollard W John s. of G-eorge & Jane Baseley W John Rickard "W Joan Lobb "W W^ Cock W Anne d. of Joan Pascoe "W John Ball W Rose Watts "W Jennefaire wife of JohnParkyn W Joan Adams, wid. W Tho. WarneJ W Remfry s. of Archibald Rowse deceased W Eliz. Jolley, wid. W Charles s. of Peter Pollard ^V Hon'' Cockin, wid. "W Hon'- d. of Mathuselah Wil- liams . TV Tho. Stephens W Catherine Williams W Margaret Richards W Mary d. of W™ & Jane Calla- way W Jane Pollawin W Christian the wife of Sampson Ball W Julian wife of James Calla- way W Daniel James W W^^ s. of Stephen & Mary Warne W Martin Eudy W the * See note on burial of Rob. on 5th of same month. t Declaration signed by the rector, and allowed by John Molesworth and Edm. Prideaux. The new overseers : Hugh Pollard, gent., James Bone, John Metherill, and John Nichols. t See his marriage to Elizabeth Lovell in 1663. 16 Feb. Eliz. wife of Tho. Adams W 20 Feb. Margaret Betty W 22 Feb. Philip s. of Philip Collier, rector, & Eliz. his wife* W 2 Mar. W" Bone W 9 Mar. Frances AVebber, widow W 11 Mar. Tho. Callawayt W Anno 1711. 11 May Eliz. Thom "W 22 May Frances d. of John & Joan Hawke W 22 May Jane wife of W" Evelin W 23 May Florence wife of John Nicholls W 25 May AV" s. of Joliu & Anne Harris W 1 June John Parkyn W 14 June Sarah d. of Thomas & Mary Hawke W 10 July James Gilbert W 14 July James s. of Henry & Mary Penaluna W 17 July Joan base child of Mary Denys W 19 July Tho. s. of Tho. & Eli. Corn- wall W 25 July Anne wife of M^ John Ed- wards AV 13 Aug. W' Tinney W 16 Aug. John Parkin, clerk of y* parish AA^ 26 Aug. Mary d. of Mary Cock, w idow W 1 Oct. Joan Tubb W 8 Oct. Jane Soper AV 9 Oct. Sampson s. of John & Phil* Hicks AAT 14 Oct. Michaell s. of AV-" Baseley W 18 Oct. Margaret wife of Peter Cockin aVs Tremain W 30 Oct. W" s. of AVni Bone W * The Rev. Philip Collier was son of the Rev. John Collier of Gluvias, by his wife . . ., daughter of ... . Worth of Trenwugh in Mabe, and sister of William Worth, Archdeacon of Worcester. He married Elizabeth daughter of Allen, by whom he had, with other issue, John, vicar of Colan. married there 8th Jan., 1733, to Mrs. Mary Pollard of St. Columb Major, and left issue — William, a la\%'yer at St. Austell, married Ann Toller of Fowey, and left issue ; Philippa, married Rev. Walter Elford, rector of Milton Damarel, co. Devon ; and Mary, married Mr. Tho. Trethewy of Lostwithiel. f Declaration signed by the rector, but not attested by the signatm-e of the justices. New overseers : Mr. Peter Champion, Robert Merrifield, Heniy Lee, Isaac Nichols. 1711-13.] BUEIALS. 253 9 Nov. Francis Hoblyn,* Esq-^^ W 11 Nov. James s. of Thomas & Jaue Polkiulioru "W 14 Nov. Susanna d. o£ Peter Best W 27 Nov. Tho. Callaway W 28 Dec. Eliz. Couch W 6 Jan. Nichola Heritage "W 22 Jan. John s. of Eich'' & Ursula Ar- nold W 29 Jan. Charles Thomas W 4 Feb. Eliz. Warnef W 19 Feb. M^- Joseph HawkeyJ W 25 Feb. Mary Chapell ^¥ 1 Mar. Eliz. d. of M^" Eich'^ Eowse W 11 Mar. Arthur Jenkin "W 20 Mar. Eichard Jackoe W 23 Mar. Thomas Issable§ W Anno 1712. 13 April Agnes Cock "W 17 April Joan Launder W 21 April Joan Pollard W 26 April Joan wife of W^ Callaway|| W 6 May Anne d. of John & Joan Hawke W 18 May Degory s. of Deg»>' & Pente- cost Keast "W 4 June Joan wife of Thomas Langdon W 28 June Margaret Hawke W 30 June Dorothv G-rey W 24 July Eichard Hawke W 2 Aug. Maiy wife of Thomas Tonkin W 4 Aug. Dorothy Bur lace W ■ 4 Aug. William s. of John & Dinah Gilbert ^V 14 Aug. M^' Charles Pollard W 19 Aug. Luke Giles W * He was son of the Eevd. Kobert Hoblyn, a J. P., and one of the Stannators. He married Lady Penelope, daughter of Sidney Godolphin, iirst Earl Godolphin. She remarried 5 Sep., 17 U, at St. Enoder, Sir William Pendarves. f She was relict of Tho. Warne, and daughter of Stephen Lovell and Ann his wife, daughter of John Bayly. J " Mr. Joseph Hawkey to be allowed to build a seat next Mr. Vivian's as high and as far for- ward." — 1688. " Mr. -Joseph Hawkey to build a seat by the entrance to Sir John AruudeU's chauncel, as far forth as Sir John St. Aubyn's." — 1698. He was one of the twelve men in 1689- 1712.— Green Book. § Declaration signed by the rector, allowed by John Molesworth, Edm. Prideaux, and James NichoUs. Overseers for next year : John Vivian, Esq., William Callaway, Henry Brewer and Philip Brewer. II William Callaway was one of the overseers of the poor, 1712. — Green Book. 3 Sep. 4 Sep. 16 Sep. 20 Sep. 23 Sep. 8 Oct. 26 Oct. 2 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 23 Nov. 29 Nov. 10 Dec. 31 Dec. 1 Jan. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 Feb. 8 April 14 April 20 April 25 April 26 April 8 June 13 June 18 June 6 July 30 July 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 19 Aug. 19 Aug. 25 Aug. 26 Aug. 19 Sep. Margery Edwards W Tho. Inch W M'- John Edwards W Joan Kinge W Tho. Tonkin W M>-s Catherine Dyer W Eliz. d. of Eoger & Mary Eeadiug "W" Mary d. of James & Grace Callaway W John s. of John & Jane Eichards Jennefaire d. of John & Su- sanna Jane "W Maud wife of John Eudy W Thomas s. of Thomas Tonkin, dec^' W George s. of Philip & Mary Kinge W Catherine wife of James Bone W John Husband "W John s. of John & Joan Law- rey "W Eliz. d. of Eob* & Eliz. Brewer W Eichard Harris W Francis s. of John & Eliz. Dingey* "W Anno 1713. W^ Merifield Arthur Broad John Hawke Anne Cundy, wid. Joan wife of John Harvey Hon"^ Harris, wid. Charles Wheedon Eliz. d. of Faithful! & Cock John Strongman Mary d. of Faithfull & Cock John Udy Jane d. of Brewer W'" Oxnam Eobert & W W w w w w w Joan W w Joan W W Eliz. W W Eliz. d. of Henry & Thomazine Cock W ^V^ s. of Agnes Lifford W Jaue d. of Giles & Jane AVil- liams W Abraham Lee * The certificates signed by the rector, but not attested. Overseers for next year : Mr. William Batten, John Boone, Richard Peters, Mark Ni- chols. 254 THE REGISTERS OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. [1713-14. 12 Oct. Marv d. of Thomas & Candace Litticott W 17 Oct. Joan d. of W™ & Eliz. Min- now ■ W 20 Oct. Jane wife of Leonard Brewer ^y 19 Nov. Martha d. of ^Y'" Toultou W 25 Nov. Mary Lanyou, widdow W 29 Nov. Philip s. of Thomas & Hon"- Benny W 15 Dec. Henry s. of Henry Thomas W 16 Dec. John" s. of Philip & Anne Harris W 27 Dec. The Lady Frances Bellings died ye 6 Dec* 30 Dec. Grace Stephens 19 Jan. Emeline Troth, widdow "W 21 Jan. Tho. s. of Thomas & Jane 3»Iay W 16 Feb. Frances Strongman, widow AV 27 Feb. Jane d. of Robert Litticot W 17 Mar. Samuel Yeoman of LadockfW Ai^^NO 1714. 5 April John s. of George Basely "W 12 April Anne Tyer, widow W 17 April Rich'i s. of Ricli'^ & Eliz. Bra- byn W 24 April Joseph Merifield W 29 April Grace wife of Steplieu Buck- ingham W 30 April W"" Evelyn "W" 2 May Rich'' Williams _ W 11 May Anne wife of John Harris "W 11 May Mary d. of Rob. & Anne Hus- band W 17 May Patience Lee W 26 May M^' Thomas HoblynJ ^V 1 June James Merrifield AY 7 June M>- Francis May W 13 June Mary Lawrey AV 1 July Honor Giles, widow AY * The Lady Frances Bellings was buried in " linneu." Forfeiture to y* poor of y^ parish 50s. f " There have been no other forfeitures this year than what is before mentioned. March 27, 1714. Ph. Collier, rector. New overseers : Mr. Nathaniell Champion, Mr. Walter Harris, John Gummow, John Dingey.'' % Son of Rob. Hoblyn, of Nanswhyden, by his wife Grace, daughter and coheiress of John Carew, of Penwarne. He was of Tresadderu, in St. Columb, and married first, Mary, daughter and coheiress of John Carter — issue an only son, John, of Kenwyn, for whose descendants see Col. Vivian's "Visitations of Cornwall." Thomas Hoblyn married secondly, Joan Tresaddern, by whom he had several children. 15 July M"" AYilliam Atkinson, curate of this parish AY 1 Aug. Daniel Ropson AY 12 Aug. Jane d. of Thomas & Jane May AY 19 Aug. Robert s. of M"^ Richard & Jane Edwards AY 30 Aug. Dorothy d. of Charles Thomas AY 7 Sep. Epipheny Oxnam AY 12 Sep. John s. of M"" John King AY 21 Sep. Eliz. d. of Henry & Eliz. Lee AY 11 Oct. Charity wife of Oliver Basely AY 12 Oct. Anne d. of AYilliam Bone AY 14 Oct. Grigory d. of Archibald Rowse, deceased AY 24 Oct. Abraham s. of Abraham & Eliz, Husband AY 26 Oct. John 8. of M^ Rich'» Rundle of Mevagissey AY 31 Oct. Philip d. of 'Philip & Honor Callaway AY 3L Oct. Eliz. d. of James Bone AY 1 Nov. Stephen s. of Joell Capell AY 2 Nov. Hannah Leverton AY 4 Nov. Joell s. of Joell Capell AY 9 Nov. John s. of Philip & Martha Slogget AY 11 Nov. Honor Jolly, widow AY 12 Nov. Gilbert Merrifield AY 14 Nov. John s. of John & Mary Davies AY 15 Nov. Hum])hry s. of Philip & Martha Slogget AY 17 Nov. Thomasine d. of James & Grace Callaway AY 20 Nov. Eliz. d. of Philip Collier, reef, & Eliz. his wife AY 20 Nov. AY» s. of Tho. & Eliz. Hickes AY 28 Nov. Ralph s. of John & Ebat Lamb AY 26 Nov. Dorothy d. of John Banger AY 27 Nov. M''« Luce Pollard, widow AY 27 Nov. Tho. s. of Rob' Merrifield AY 28 Nov. Margaret d. of Robert & Jane Merrifield AY 30 Nov. Eliz. wife of Benjamin Chal- well AY 1 Dec. Elizabeth d. of John & Joan Lawrey AY 2 Dec. Petronell wife of Ricb"^ Peters AY 4 Dec. John s. of John Banger AY 7 Dec. John s. of Archibald Rows & Mary bis wife AY 1714-16.] BrEIALS. 255 11 Dec. IS Dec. 21 Dec. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 4 Jan. 5 Jau. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 12 Jau. 18 Feb. 19 Peb. 27 Feb. 27 Feb. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 24 Mar. 1 April 4 April 5 April 12 April 5 May 30 May 3 June 4 June 10 June 19 June 21 June 26 June 26 June 10 July Tlio. s. of John & Mary Methe- rill W Oliver Baseley W Eicli'^ s. o£ Mr Eicli'^ & Jane Edwards W Mary d. o£ Michaell & Grace Cornish W John s. of Tho. & Eliz. Corn- wall ^¥ Charles s. of Arthur & Eebecka Raw Alice d. of Francis & Yivian "William s. of John & Metherill Alice Blake, widow Henry Blake Honor d. of Philip & Allen Edw'i s. of Tho. Pearse John s. of Michaell Cornish Jane Issable Mary Cock, widow Joan W Mary W W W Anne W W & Grace W ^y Methuselah s. of Methuselah & Mary Williams W Tho. May W Eich'i s. of Michaell & Grace Cornish W Eliz. d. of Henry & Thomasine Cock* W Aisrifo 1715. Philip s. of Henry & Florence Oxnam "W Bernard Lobb W Nicholas Honey "W Edward Stephens "W Temperance Stevens "W Peter s. of Henry & Mary Blight W Anne d. of Henry & Mary Blight W M"^' Anne Massey Eich'^ s. of Philip & Honor Callaway W Eliz. d. of John Nichols "W Gilbert s. of Henry & Mary Blight W Henry Blight of Gavrigan W Tho. s. of Henry Benny W Mark Nichols W * The woollen certificates signed by the rector and attested by Edm. Prideaiix, John Peter, John Willyams. New overseers : Philip Collier, clerk, John Harris, William Glanyille, Benjamin Chalwell. 11 July 26 July 30 July 14 Aug. 17 Aug. 12 Sep. 14 Sep. 15 Sep. 8 Oct. 11 Oct. 2 Nov. 7 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 8 Dec. 11 Dec. 13 Dec. 27 Dec. 30 Dec. 3 Jan. 6 Jan 5 Jan. 15 Jan. 18 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Jan. 6 Feb. 10 Feb. 20 Feb. 12 Mar. 20 Mar. 7 April 18 April 26 April 4 May 7 May 8 May 19 May 26 May 29 May M's Judith Hoblyn,* wid. W INIary d. of Thomas HoskynW Joan Dar, wid. "W Grace wife of Michel Cornish W Edward s. of Philip & Martha Slogget W Thomasine Whitford, wid. "W Jane Blight W Joan wife of Eich'' Clemow "W George Jolly "W Francis Darr W Jane Tremain, wid. W Jane wife of Oliver Eawe W John s. of Tho. May, dec'i W Grace wife of Eobert Litticot AY Jane wife of William EvelynW Peter Kendall W William base child of Epiphany Oxnam W Marv wife of Eobert Eetallock W Eliz. d. of Gregory & Wilmot Nancey W James s. of James & Grace Callaway W Henry Tinney W Catherine Thomas, widow W W°^ s. of Eichard Cundye W George Moore W Margery Pooll W Margery base child of Mar- gery Pooll W Jane Jane, widow W ■\\rm Edwards "W Henry Lee "W John Harvey W M's Jane Day, widowf W Anko 1716. Eliz. d. of John & Joan MillW Florence wife of Henry Ox- nam Lancelot Clemows Margery Whitaker Tho. s. of Joseph Martyn Susanna d. of Faithfull Edward Eichards Ealph Williams Jane d. of John Hamly & W w w w Cock w w w Joyce W * See note, p. 249. f Certificates sigrned and attested by the same as last year. New overseers : Mr. Walter Harris, Mr. John Tanner, Arthur Veall, Thomas Stephens. 256 THE REGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1716-18. Morgan s. of Gregory & Wil- inot Naiicey W Tho. Vivian,* Esq'* W Dorothy wife of Nich's Hawke W Philip s. of Heni'y Oxnam W AV"' s. of Archibald Rows Sibella wife of John Lee W Jane d. of John & Jane Jane, deCi AV Catherine wife of AY"' BlakeAV Edward Lawrey AV Mary AVoon, widow AV Margery Rows, widow AV Mary Cock, widow AV Michaell Cornish AV M"" John Kinge AV Mary d. of Robert & Mary Manuell AV Mary d. of Tho. Hawke AV S'- Rich'^ Belling8,t knight AV John Grimes AV AA^'" Foss, a traveller AV Eliz. d. of M'- Rich^ & Jane Edwards AV Mary Jewell, widow AV Humphry Harv^ey AV James Callaway AV Grace Rows, widow AV John Bullen AV Mary d. of AV" Cockin AV John Matthews A\" Catherine Crews, widow AV Philip Slogget AA^ Rich'i base child of Eliz. Pol- kinhornej Anno 1717. Thomas s; of Rob' & Anne Hambly AV * He was son and heir of Jolin Vivian, of Truan, by Mary, daughter of Sir John Glan- ville. He sold Treharrock in 1699. Married first, Frances, sister of William. Braithwaite, of Detham, co. Gloucester, she died in 1707 ; he married'secondly, Sarah, daughter of Dodson, of Haye, 8 June, 1710, but died s.p. t Sir Eicharcl Bellings, Knt., was buried without a ' certificate,' for which a fine of five pounds was paid. He was, according to " Le Neve's Knights," Secretaiy to Queen Katherine. living at Somerset House in 1698. and came out of the county of Dublin. He married Frances, daughter and coheiress of Sir John Arundell, of Lanherne, and had issue Charles, died un- married ; Pilchard took the name and arms of Arundell. succeeded to Lauherne, etc., married and left issue — John ; Mary married Sir John Hales, of Tunstall. Kent. Bart., and died 24 Jan., 1701, and a child died young. X Certificates signed by the rector, and al- lowed by John Peters and Edm. Prideaux. 1 June 8 June 9 June 11 June 13 June 4 July 13 July 21 July 8 Aug. 26 Sep. 27 Sep. 16 Oct. 30 Oct. 1 Nov. 5 Nov. 9 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Nov. 30 Nov. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 17 Feb. 14 Mar. 14 Mar. 18 Mar. 19 Mar. 19 Mar. 21 Mar. 9 April 24 April 29 April 21 May 31 May 3 July 3 Aug. 11 Sep. 15 Sep. 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 19 Oct. 23 Oct. 29 Oct. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 27 Nov. 16 Dec. 28 Dec. 10 Jan. 25 Jan. 28 Jan. 14 Feb. 24 Feb. 22 Mar. Edward s. of Antony & Mary Godolphin AV Mary w ife of Isaac NicholsAV Mary d. of Edward & Anne May AV Philip s. of AV"' & Anne Benny AV Joan Pascoe, widow AV Henry Jolly AV Mary wife of John Tom AV Judith Edwards AV Elizabeth d. of Rich^i & Eliz. Cornish AV Eliz. wife of AV'" Minnow AV Mary d. of John & Mary Tur- ner ' AV Eliz. wife of Luke Jolly AV Petronel d. of Rich'i Peters AV Rich'' Clemoes AV Tho. Davies AV John s. of John Hendy AV Honor wife of Edward Kest- lake AV Tho. Bounsall AV Anne d. of Faithfull & Joan Cock AV Catherine AVarne,* widow AV AV™ Adams AV Jane d. of Tho. May, deceased AV Honor Bird AV M'' Benjamin Spernouf AV Anno 1718. 12 April Anne Young, widow AV 22 April James s. of M'' Rich'' Edwards AV 2 May Ruth d. of AV"" & Joan Denys AV 9 May AV" d. of Peter & Eliz. Pol- lard AV 2 June John s. of John & Mary AVheedou 3 June Tho. Clemows AV 7 June M'- Rich'' Rawe AV 21 June Frances d. of Thomas & Honor Callaway New overseers : Sir William Pendarves, Mr. John Tanner, William Drew, James Oliver. The following is omitted from the regular register : Mary d. of Wm. Cocking, March 14, 1716. * She was daughter of ... . Ivey, and relict of Henry Warne, having been his second wife. See marriages, 16.5n and 1673. f Certificates signed and allowed as in the previous year. New churchwardens : John Day and Michael Cornish. Overseers : Mr. James Payntei-, Mr. John Tanner, JRichard Grigg, Arthur Kawe. 1718-.20] BTJEIALS. 257 22 June 3 July 5 July 6 juiy 15 July 28 July 30 Aug. 8 Sep. 25 Sep. 11 Oct. 9 Oct. 15 Oct. 26 Oct. 5 Nov. 9 Nov. 17 Nov. 22 Nov. 27 Nov. 8 Dec. 13 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 13 Jan. 30 Jan. IPeb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 18 Feb. 27 Feb. 2 Mar. 5 Mar. 9 Mar. Ricb'^ s. o£ Jobn & Anne Sprey "W" Jennefaire d. of Antliony & Mary G-odolphin W Eliz. d. of Robt. & Eliz. CockW Margery Ed\vards, widow W Alice wife of Henry Veall W W^ Cocking* W Edward Merrifield W M^^ Anne Arundellf the wife of Eicb** Arundell of Lanheru, Esq-^e Audrey Hawke, widow "W Catherine d. of Jolm & Ebat Hendy W Oliver Basely W Natb. Wood _ W John s. of Isaac Nichols AV Eich'^ s. of Michael & Eliz. Eundle W Eliz. Withiell, widow W John s. of Jolm Drew W Florence Eickard W Thomas s. of Thomas & Pru- dence Gilbert W Mary d. of Anthony & Mary G-odolphin W Jane base child of Eliz. Boun- sell W James s. of Francis & Mary Cowling W Nicholas AVoodman "W Eliz. Harris, wid. W Grace d. of Henry Lee, dec'', & Eliz. his wife Eliz. d. of Francis & Joan Tomm W Joan d. of Martin & Joan Strongman W Eliz. wife of John Dingey W Anne d. of Philip & Allen W™ s. of Thomas & Anne W Eliz. Williams W Frances Eawe, widow W Grace d. of Timothy & Mary Stephen W Philip s. of Henry Thomas;}: W * The certificate adds, ' al's Tremain.' f She was a daughter of Joseph Gage, of Sherborne Castle (and sistei- of Thomas 1st Vis- count Gage, and 8th Bart.), by his wife Eliza- beth, daughter and heiress of George Peni'ud- dock, Esq. She married Eichard Beling Arun- dell, of Lanherue. The certificates state that no certificate being brought forfeit was paid to y"^ poor oOs. J The certificates signed and allowed by the same as last year. Anno 1719. 29 Mar. Dorothy d. of Jobn & Eleanore Opye W 2 April Eliz. d. of John & Eleanore Opye W 13 April Thomas s. of Thomas & Eliz. Hicks W 6 May Philip s. of William & Anne Benny W 8 May Sam'^ s. of John Perkins, dec* & Margaret liis wife W 26 May James Cowling, attorney W 8 June Methuselah s. of Methuselah & Mary Williams W 8 June Mary Oliver, widow W 20 June Mary wife of Stephen Warne* W 2 July Samuel Litticot W 23 July Christian Eawe, widow W 25 July M" Anne Vivian, widow W 12 Sep. Jane wife of Thomas PearceW 15 Sep. Jane wife of John Cornish W 1 Oct. Avis Eawe 4 Oct. Philip s. of Philip Collier, reef & Eliz. his wife W 23 Oct. Grace d. of John Issabell W 19 Nov. Mary wife of William Hellier, a traveller W 1 Dec. M'" Francis Purges W 12 Dec. Jane Bounsell, widow W 26 Dec. Eobert Manuell W 6 Jan. Anne Harvey W 12 Feb. Frances Treninnys, widow W 18 Feb. Jane Pollard, widow W 22 Feb. W-" s. of W» & Anne Benny W 26 Feb. Isaac Nicholls W 29 Feb. Eliz. Skynner W 5 Mar. Stephen s. of Eichard & Jane Lovell W 9 Mar. Edward base child of Honnor Pollardt W Anno 1720. 6 April Grace wife of Francis Dungey W 9 April Frances Best, widow W 9 April Mary wife of W"^ Woolcock 10 April John Harris W New overseers : Tho. Vivian, Esq., Mr. John Tanner, Philip Harris and James Rowe. Omitted from the register : Ann Jacka, wid., 12 April. * See Mar. 1693. t The certificates signed and allowed as last year. Churchwardens continued. Overseers : Johi\ Bone, Henry Brewer, Henry Veale and Tho. Merrifield. 2 L 258 THE REGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1720-22. 13 April 18 April 25 April 1 May 6 May 18 May 7 Aug. 8 Sep. 24 Sep. 28 Sep. 18 Oct. 2G Oct. 28 Oct. 3 Nov. 4 Nov. Frances Thorn "W W" s. of Anthony & Dinah Coad W Joan Merrefield "VV Thomas Tremeane W Alice wife of John Langdon, jun"" W Joan wife of Charles Bouusell W Anne Bone, widow "W Hendy Langdon W James s. of Robert & Jane Merrifield W Frances the wife of Charles Thomas AV Pentecost d. of Henry Darr, dec** & Mary his wife "W Pascow s. of Richard & Eliz. Brabyn W Honor Tyer, widow AV Mary d. of Jt)lin & Mary Mewdon W Honor d. of Thomas Callaway W IMary Tomm, widow "W Mary d. of John Buckingham W Henry Blight W Rich-i s. of Archibald & Mary Rows W John Sprey AY Henry s. of W'" & INlargaret Blake AV Rich" s. of Tliomas Callaway AY Peter Merrifield * AY Isaac Husband* AA^ Jane d. of John Langdon AY Rev' Nathaniel Champion AY M''5 Mary Bishop,* wid. of John Bishop, late rector AY John s. of John Harris, dec'' & Catherine his wife AY Jane wife of Philip Husband AY Eliz. d. of Gregory & A\^ilmot Nancey AY Eliz. d. of AV^'" & Honor Roberts AY Edward s. of Edward & Anne May AY ^\"' s. of Richard & Anne Cock AY John s. of A\"™ & Ursula Tom AY Humphry Oxnam AY John Bonef AY Anno 1722. Jane Grimes, widow Rich'i s. of John & Buckingham W" Minnow & Eliz. AY Jane AY d. of Tho. & Caudace Litticot AY * fcihe was a daughter of the Rev. Thomas I'cudarves, rector of Mawgan and St. Columb, and second wife of the Rev. John Bishop, rector of St. Columb. f Certificates signed and allowedby thesamcas the previous year. Churchwardens continued. New overseers : Mr. Hugh Williams. Tliomas Glauville, William Callaway and Samuel Wil- liams. 1722- 23.] 19 April 25 April 10 Mar. 5 June 7 June 20 June 1 July 3 July 7 July 15 July 25 July 26 July 31 July 3 Aug. 8 Aug. Aug. 22 Aug. 20 Sep. 23 Sep. 80 Sep. 7 Oct. 11 N'OY. 6 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 3 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. IFeb. 8 Feb. 16 Feb. 16 Feb. BURIALS. M'" Jobn Oxnam W^ Symons Eliz. d. of Thomas & Cornwall Sarah, d. of Samuel & Pearse W W Eliz. W Alice Mary Luney, wid. & Anne d. of Thomas & Eliz. Corn- wall W Anne d. of W'" & Eliz. James W Catherine d. of Richard & Eliz. Brabyn W AV" s. of Anthony & Dinah Coad W W^ Dennis W John Opie, of Halveor W Mary wife ot Francis Cowling W James s. of Mathuselah & Mary Williams W Mary d. of Eob* & Anne Hamley W John Lawe AV Tbomas s. of Rich"^ & Anne Hicks A\^ Julian wife of Thomas Polkin- W W w w Anne AA^ & Eliz. AV & horn Eliz. Cowling Francis Dingey M^- Blight Haycroft Anne d. of Samuel Anue d. of Mich" Rendle Anthony s. of M^' John & Emlin Tanner AV^ Joan wife of John Mill A\^ Mary d. of Henry Blight, dec^^ A\^ Anne base child of Margaret Champion W Mary d. of Philip & Philippa Michel W W' Rawe A\r Henry s. of Faithful! & Joan Cock ^V James s. of John & Grace Purges AV AV^m s. of Philip & Philippa Michell W Philip s. of Philip & Philippa Michell W M^* Euielin Beauchamp, wid.* AV * She was a cTauyhter of Mr. . , married in 1684 John Beauchamp. Edwards ; 17 Feb. 1 Mar. 4 Mar. 4 Mar. 10 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 Mar. 2 April 6 April 26 April 2 May 6 May 22 May 1 June 2 June 15 June 21 June 12 July 21 Aug. 8 Sep. 13 Sep. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 5 Nov. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 11 Dec. 15 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 2S Dec. 259 John Cornish AV Mary wife of Philip Oliver AV Joan d. of Jonathan & Cathe- rine Barret AV James s. of FaithfuU & Joan Cock AV Frances wife of Rich'^ Call- away AV Thomas Trevitliick* AV AxNo 1723. Rob* AVheedon AV Rob' Litticot AV Joseph base child of Eliz. Minnow AV Eliz. wife of Rob* Strongman AV Frances Pollard, widow AV Charles Bounsell AV Rob' Hawket W Jane d. of Rob* & Eliz. Brewer AV Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Litticot AV M''s Emeline Stephens AV John s. of Thomas Polkin- horne AV Eliz. wife of Rob* Blake AV AV"> Baseley AV Agnes d. of John & Mary Metherill AV Peter s. of Peter & Grace Best AV Anue wife of Jonathan DaweAV Philip s. of Rub' & Eliz. Brewer AV John s. of Philip & Mary King AV Judith wife of Henry Knight AV AV'" Price AV Eliz. d. of AV™ & Deborah Gatty AV Peter Tremain aVs CockingAV Stephen Stephens AV Shadrack s. of Shadrack & Jane Tremain AV John s. of Sam'^ Grimes & Mary his wife AV Eliz. wife of John Cocking AV Tho. s. of John & Catherine Gass AV * Certificates signed and allowed by the same as in the previous year. New churchwardens : Benjamin Chalwell and John Williams. Overseers : Mr. Edward Crews, William White, Richard Cundye and Thomas Kestell. f He was one of the waywardens in 1710.— Green .Pook. 260 THE REGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1723-24. 3 Jan. John s. of M'' James Bishop & Sarah his wife W 6 Jau. Tho. Crews W 8 Jau. Margaret wife of W"" Trem- beth W 17 Jan. Francis Tom W 19 Jau. Thomas Vivian, Esq""* W 31 Jau. Charles Thomas ^Y 6 Feb. Eich** s. of John & Anne Sprey W 11 Feb. Mary d. of Methusehah & Mary Williams W 25 Feb. Mary wife of John Whetter 1 Mar. Melieent wife of W"" Tinney W 5 Mar. John s. of M'' Giles Hamley & Barbara his wife AV 9 Mar. Joan Elvaus of Mawgan, wid. W 11 Mar. Hester wife of Augustine Ju- lians of 3Iawgau Vi 18 Mar. Grace wife of John Bucking- hamt W Ax^-o 1721. 20 April Florence Harris, widow W 24 April Barbara wife of M'' Giles HamleyJ W 28 April Joan Gilbert, widow "W 29 Api'il John Laugdon W 5 May Si bell a Harrey W 11 May Auue Gilbert, widow W 12 May John s. of Petherick and Mar- garet Williams W 16 May Thomas s. of M' Thomas Shepherd & Mary his wife W 25 May W™ s. of Gilbert & Joyce Meales W 2 June Humphry s. of Humplu-y & Eliz. England W 7 June Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Tom W 11 June Mary d. of Shadrack & Jane Treraain W 13 June Mary Merrifield, widow W * He was son of John Vivian of Truan, Esq., by his wife Mary, daughter of Joseph Sawle of Penrice, Esq., and died unmarried. f Certiiicates signed and allowed by the same as the last. Nevr churchwardens : Tho. Merri- field and Jacob Grigg. Overseers : Mr. John Harris, Tho. Drew, William Bone, and Edward Inch. t She was a daughter of Philip Hawkins of Pennence, and first wife of Giles Hambly of St. Columb, gent., by whom she had an only son who died an infant. 13 June Alice, d. of Francis & Joan A^ivian W 13 June Tho. s. of Sam'^ & Alice Pearce W 15 June Thomazine wife of Charles Allen W 1 July Mary d. of Henry and Mary Eows W 5 July John s. of John & Anne Sprey W 6 July M-- John Tanner* ^V 7 July Peter s. of Peter & Dorcas Pidwell W 10 July James Bone W 12 July Susanna d. of Peter & Grace Best W 16 July Eob^ Hocken W 17 July Degory s. of Degory & Pente- cost Keast W 17 July Frances d. of Eich'i & Jane Grigg W 25 July Mary d. of Daniell & Elizabeth May W 25 July Caroliue Ward W 1 Aug. Anne Trevithick, widow W 9 Aug. Peter & John sons of James & Frances Champion W 24 Aug. Tho. Brabyn W 6 Sep. Grace d. of Eich"^ & Thomazine Cowle W 22 Sep. Thomasine wife of Eich^ Cowle W 1 Oct. Ann d. of Mr. Tho. Shepherd W 2 Oct. Eichard s. of Eichard CowleW 7 Oct. Jane d. of Francis & Catherine Pearce W 12 Oct. John Opie W 14 Oct. Mary d. of Philip & Mary Eickard W 22 Oct. John s. of John & Dorothy Arscott W 27 Oct. John Pearce aVs Francis Or- chard, a vagrant AV 7 Nov. Arice wife of John Eawe W 7 Nov. Alice wife of Samuel Pearce W 11 Nov. M'' Peter Championt W 18 Nov. Thomas s. of Edmond& Dinah A^arcoe W 21 Nov. Thomas ScaberrioJ W 22 Nov. Eob' s. of Eob' & Catherine Manuell W * Called ' mercer' in certificate. + Styled ' Attomey-at-Law ' in certificate. He was one of the twelve men in 1703. — Green Book. I The certificate adds ' Sexton.' 1724-.26] 28 ]S"ov. W"^ s. o£ W" & Mary Tubb W 27 Nov. Susanna d. of M"" James Payn- ter & Anne his wife W 5 Dec. Philippawife of Eicli^^ Cornish W 7 Dec. Mrs. Eliz. Champion,* widow W 13 Dec. Honor wife of Samuel Wil- liams W 14 Dec. Mary d. of Giles & Jane Wil- liams W 26 Dec. Margaret Haycroft, widow W 16 Jan. Degory Williams W 23 Jan. Anne Slade W 4 Mar. Mary wife of Philip Eickard 5 Mar. M^^ Emeline Eesogan, widow W 13 Mar. Eliz. Wheedon, widow W 16 Mar. M'^ Jane Champion,! widowW 19 Mar. Eich** ArundellJ of Lanhern, Esq. §W BUEIALS. Anno 1725. 4 April 9 April 17 April 20 April 7 May 6 June 7 June 21 Julv 2.5 July 26 July 23 Aug. 3 Sep. 27 Sep. 22 Oct. 9 Nov. W W w w w M"^^ Alice Eows, widow John Eudy Grrace Bounsell, widow Mary Polkinhorn, widow Mariot Nettle, widow John s. of John Bone, deC* & Jane his wife Eliz. wife of Eic^ TremaineW M'' Edward Champion W Euth Blake, widow W Mary d. of Eob' & Grace Cock W Anthony s. of Anthony & Dinah Coad W Thomasine Law, widow W Mary d. of Abraham & Eliz. Husband W Eliz. d. of Thomas & Eliz. Hicks W M''^ Gartrude Allen, widow W * Relict of Mr. Peter Champion. f Edict of Mr. James Champion. J Son and heir of Sir Eichard Belling, knt., by his wife Frances, eldest daughter and co-heir of Sir John Arundell of Lanherue by Elizabeth Roper, daughter of Lord Teyuham. He married Ann, daughter of Joseph Gage, Esq., (see note p. 247), by whom he had Mary, daughter and co-heii'ess, married Henry seventh Baron Arun- dell of Wardour ; and Frances, daughter and coheiress, married Sir John GifEord. bart. § Certificates signed and allowed by the same as last year. Churchwardens continued. New overseers : Phil. Collier, clerk, Mr. Joseph Bishop, Golan Manueil, and Rob. Brewer. 15 Nov. 17 Nov. 27 Nov. 10 Dec. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 10 Mar. 13 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Mar. 13 April 17 April 10 May 11 May 20 May 20 May 4 June 11 June 11 June 15 June 17 June 21 June 22 June 9 July 10 July 21 July 27 July 23 Sep. 11 Oct. 26 Oct. 15 Nov. 261 Joan d. of Inigo & Eliz. Inch. . W Susanna base child of Mary Merifield W Henry s. of Henry & Mary Brewer W Dorothe Jolly, widow W Eliz. d. of Nich* Hawke W Eliz. d. of William YoultonW W>^ Hoskyn W M'' Beltezar Williams W Thomas s. of Francis & Cathe- rine Pearce W George Thomas W Mary Slogget, widow W Eachell Hooper, a vagrant W Eliz. Harris* W Akso 1726. Sarah y^ wife of M^ Edward Crews W Anne Hocken, widow W Anne the wife of Henry Skin- ner W M'* Hannah Partridge, wid.W Elizabeth d. of WHliam & Ursula Tomm W Nicholas Grigg W Catherine Hendy, wid. W Grace AV^illiams, widow W Catherine the wife of the Eev'i M^' John Day, Eecf^ of St Ervan W Mary wife of Bernard Eouse W Stephen s. of Stephen Bucking- ham W Eliz. d. of Henry Eows W Margaret Adams, wid W Henry Eows W Benjamin s. of Arthur Strong- man & Frances his wife W Philip 9. of Eichard Cornish W Henry Brewer W John s, of Marty n & Joan Strongman W Eichard Lee W William s. of William Wool- cock AY Elizabeth d. of Gilbert & Joyce Mealls _ W Mary Langmead, wid W * Certificates signed and allowed by the same as last year. Churchwardens continued. New overseers : Mr. Samuel Batten, Richard Eawe, Thomas Warne and Solomon Baseley. 262 THE REaiSTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1726-28. 22 Nov. William s. o£ John & Philippa Hawke W 5 Dec. Jane Oxnam, widow W 1 1 Jan. Stephen AVarne* W 13 Jan. Anne d. of W"" & Catherine Antron W 20 Jan. Hester Griffey, wid. W 20 Jan. James s. of Francis & Patience Cowling W 24 Jan. Mary d. of John & Mary Tom W 28 Jan. John Tom A\^ 31 Jan. AVilliam Hanne AV 3 Feb. Catherine wife of AV^illiara Antron AV 3 Feb. Alice the wife of John Benal- lock AV 18 Mar. Jacob Robynsf AV Anno 1727. 26 Mar. Elias s. of Anthony & Cathe- rine Kendall AV 30 Mar. Barbara wife of Edward Base- ley AV 31 Mar. John s. of AVilliam & Mary AVorth AV 2 April Thomas Langdon AV 10 April Mary Gilbert AV 14 April Mary d. of Methuselah & Mary Williams W 18 April Samuel s. of M'' Joseph Bishop & Loveday his wife W 19 April Benjamin s. of Arthur & Frances Strongman AV 28 April o^athaniel Adams AV 1 May Margaret Hall AV 10 May Eliz. d. . of Joseph & Joyce Glanfield W 12 May Catherine d. of M-- Hugh Pol- lard & Eliz. his wife AV 14 May Anne d. of M'' Hugh Pollard & Elizabeth his wife AV 21 May Grace Eawe W 29 May James s. of Samuel & Eliza- beth Harris W 29 May Honor wife of Henry Barni- cott W 5 June Stephen Buckingham AV 27 June Dinab Langdon, Avid. AV * Son of Tho. Warne and Elizabeth Lovell ; he married in 1693 Mary Jack Andrew, and had several children. f Certificates signed by Phil. Collier, rector, and allowed by William Glynn and John Peter. Churchwardens continued. New overseers : Mr. John Collier, Mr. John Thomas, Thomas Retal- lock and Robert Drew. 17 July 22 July 15 Aug. 29 Aug. 31 Aug. 11 Sep. 12 Oct. 23 Oct. 2 Nov. 7 Nov. 9 Nov. 12 Nov. 25 Nov. 7 Dec. 10 Dec. 26 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 10 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Jan. 28 Jan. 30 Jan. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Mar. 24 Mar. 28 Mar. 28 Mar. 27 April 13 May 2 June 4 June Susanna d. of John & Joan Hawke AV AV" Evelyn AV Grace wife of William Lawe AV John Remphrey AV Mary d. of Nicholas & Jane Opie AV M"" Anne Day wife of John Day AV AVilliam Lawe AV llebecka wife of Thomas Au- gollan AV Joan d. of W"^ & Joan Pascoe AV Eliz. wife of Daniell Thomas AV Elizabeth Scaberriow, wid. AV M''^ Mary May, wid. AV Elias Pollard* AV John Day AV Mathew' Grose AV Frances Grigg, wid. AV Anne d. of Rich'i Whitford AV Robert Austin AV Catherine w ife of James Meri- field AV Augustine Jennings, of Maw- gan AV George Baseley W Eliz. d. of ^Y^ & Elizabeth AVoolcock AV John Lewarne AV Nathaniel Thomas • AV John Benallock AV Henry s. of Rich'i AVhitfordAV Robert Retallock W AV"^ s. of AVilliam & Jane Stephens VV Richd Griggt AV Anno 1728. Philip Husband W Thomasine Hawke W Thomas Pearce AV Henry s. of Benjamin Chal- well AV John s. of Rich-i Whitford AV John s. of Bernard & Tem- perance Rows AV * He paid the rent of his shop, 10s. in 1G86. — Green Book. f Certificates signed P. Collier, rector, and allowed by Edm. Prideaux and John I'eter. New churchwardens : John Johns and Thomas Retal- lock. New overseers : Mr. William Williams, Bernard Rowse, John Brewer, and Tho. Stephens. 1728-29.] BUEIALS. 263 7 June 17 June 21 June 24 June 2 July 10 July 23 July 26 July 2 Aug. 4 Aug. 29 Aug. 18 Oct. 9 Nov. 2 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 20 Dee. 21 Dec. 12 Jan. 25 Jan. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Feb. 8 Mar. 4 Mar. 9 Mar. 13 Mar. 1 April William Adams W Elizabeth d. of James & Epi- pliany Trenerry W Jane Oxnam, wid. W Jane d. of Sam" & Mary Grimes W Jane d. of Shadracb & Jane Tremain W Susanna d. of W'" Blake W Sam'' 8. of Sam" & Honor Bus- sow W M'' George Wayte, Supervisor of Excise W Philip s. of Robert & Mary Kent W Anne d.. of John & Anne Sprey W Wilmot wife of Gregory Nan- cey W Eleanor Owens W Dorothy Manuell, wid. W Anne wife of Arthur Mitchell W Peter Bounsell W Gregory Nancey W Thomas s. of W"' & Deborah Gattey W John s. of John & Amey Bi'ewer W Grace d. of Giles & Jane Wil- liams W W» s. of William & Deborah Gattey W Eliz. wife of Philip Horna- brook W Honor wife of Thomas Benney Frances d. of Eich'' Grigg, dec'\ & Jane his wife W Eliz: wife of William Youlton W Joan Tomm, wid. W Mathew Davis W Martin Tomm W Thomas s. of Thomas Polkin- horu W Mary Pollard W W^ "Gatty W Mary d. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Merifield* W Anno 1729. James s. of Sam' Grimes & Mary W * Certificates signed by P. Collier, rector, aud allowed by Edward Hoblyn and John Peter. New churchwardens : John Burges and Hen. Brewer. New overseers : Mr. Tho. Vyvyan, John Metherill, James Oliver and Hugh Bullock. 8 April W™ s. of W" & Eliz. OlverW 16 May Grace Suell W 19 May Paschas wife of James Lanyon W 19 May Sam" s. of John & Mary Johns W 23 May Eliz. Eickard W 26 May Mary Pill, wid. W 16 June Michaell Cowling W 20 June W'" s. of Eob^ & Anne Hamley W 4 July W™ s. of John & Margaret Jackson 7 July John Cockin W 15 July James s. of Francis & Patience Cowling W 8 Aug. Francis Cornish, wid. W 31 Aug. William s. of Timothy & Mary Stephens W 1 Sep. John Nichols W 6 Sep. W'" s. of Solomon & Mary Baseley W 25 Sep. Pascow s. of Thomas & Mar- garet Kestell W 3 Oct. Margaret wife of John Saun- ders W 7 Oct. Frances d. of John & Marv Whedon W 14 Oct. Charles s. of John & Mary Whedon W 15 Oct. Jane d. of Shadrach & Jane Tremain W 17 Oct. Eichd Truscot W 25 Oct. Catherine d. of Eev. Mr. John Day, rect'^' of S' Ervan W 6 Nov. Michael s. of Mich. & Eliz. Cornish W 12 Nov. Elizabeth wife of M'' Hugh Pollard W 18 Nov. Mary wife of John Turner W 25 Nov. Jane Lewarne, wid. W 1 Dec. Eliz. d. of W" & Anne Benny W 1 Dec. Margery wife of James Olver W 7 Dec. Thos. Merifield W 7 Dec. Grace wife of Thomas Couch W IL Dec. Thos. Gill W 25 Dec. Jane d. of Daniell Thomas W 28 Dec. Eliz. Gill, wid. W 4 Jan. Grace base child of Anne Benny W 7 Jan. John Gass W 9 Jan. Eich'' s. of Jane Grigg, wid.W 7 Feb. Mary d. of Shadrach & Jane Tremain W 19 Feb. Jane Davis, wid. W 264 THE EEaiSTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1729-31. 19 Feb. Jane d. of Henry & Gertrude Pollard W 26 Feb. Temperance wife of John Hail- bron W 26 Feb. Grace d. of Martin & Joan Strongman "W 3 Mar. John s. of John & Mary Best W 6 Mar. Eichard Garland W 8 lilar. Eobert Creebar W 11 Mar. Elizabeth Harris W 13 Mar. "William Creebar* W Anno 1730. 3 April Anne d. of M'' Giles Hamley & Grace his wife W 20 April Margaret d. of John & Amy Brewer W 3 May Catherine d. of Methuselah & Mary Williams W 6 May Catherine d. of Thomas Eey- nolds W 9 May John Wetter W 10 May Elizabeth wife of John Eapson W 18 May Frances Woodman, wid. W 24 May Mary Cowling W 31 May John Bilkey W 5 June Jane d. of Sami^ & Honor Bussow W 15 June Christopher Warnef W 16 June M'- James PaynterJ W 22 June Emeline Husband, wid. W 23 June Eichard Harris W 25 June W"^ Dennis W 5 July Henry Skinner W 12 July Eichard Davies W 17 July W"' s. of • W" & Mary Worth W 26 July Deborah Gatty, wid. W 1 Aug. Mary d. of Mary Davies, wid. W 10 Aug. Jane wife of Eich'' James W 11 Sep. Honor d. of Thomas & Ebat Litticot W 20 Sep. Francis Pearce W 12 Nov. Sarah d. of W" & Eliz. Olver W * Certificates signed by P. Collier, rector, and allowed by Francis Gregor and John Peter. Churchwardens continued. Overseers : Mr. Ed. Hoblyn. Mr. Piobert Elford, James Rowse, and Tho. Kawlyn. t He was son of Henry Warne, by his first wife Diana Philpe. He married at St. Enoder, 31 Dec, 1698, Jane Hichens, by whom he had several children. X James Paynter. gent., one of the twelve men in 1717. — Green Book. 17 IS'ov. Mary wife of John Johns W 4 Dec. W™ s. of John & Mary Gilbert W 5 Dec. M'' James Edwards W 20 Dec. W"i s. of Eobert & Anne Hambly W 22 Dec. George Day W 25 Dec. Mary d. of John Johns W 1 Jan. Eichard Lovell W 1 Jan. Elizabetli Blight W 6 Jan. Eicliard s. of John & Catherine Hockyn W 11 Jan. Elizabeth Lee, wid. W 23 Jan. Peter s. of John & Mary Best W 24 Jan. Mary wife of John Davies W 25 Jan. Jane wife of W™ Luney W 27 Feb. Joan wife of Hugh Eawe W 1 Mar. Thomas s. of Edward & Eliz. IMerifield W 5 Mar. Elizabeth wife of M'' Eich'' Ingledon W 8 Mar. Martha d. of Edward & Eliz. Merifield W 21 Mar. Joan Cocking, wid.* W Anno 1731. 2 April William s. of John & Joan Havvke W 4 April Henry s. of Arthur & Mary Mitchell W 4 April Grace d. of Thomas & Mary Litticot W 10 April Wn» s. of William & Honor Eobarts W 10 April Eliz. Strongman, wid. W 23 April Joan Minnow, wid. W 2 May John Davies W 6 May Patience Eetallock, wid. W 11 May Ehz. d. of W"' & Anne Davis W 18 May W™ s. of W" & Anne Benny W 30 June M''^ Jane Day, wid. W 14 July Prudence the wife of Stephen Carhart W 17 July Mary d. of John l.'urner W 21 July Thos. Benny W 30 July John Hendy W 10 Sep. Eliz. Baseley, wid. W 23 Sep. Mary wife of W™ Bear W 24 Sep. Florence d. of Sam^ & Eliz. Harris W 22 Xov. Jane Cowling W * Certificates signed and allowed as last year. Churchwardens continued. New overseers : Rob. Hoblyn, Esq., William Drew, Jacob Grigg, and William Hicks. 1731-33.] BUEIALS. 265 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 12 Jan. 20 Jan. 22 Jan. 25 Jan. 13 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Feb. 17 Mar. 30 Mar. 21 AprH 26 April 28 April 29 April 30 April 7 May 26 May 10 June 26 June 30 June 3 Aug. 7 Aug. 5 Sep. 17 Sep. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 8 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. John s. of John & Philippa Hicks ^Y Jonathan Dawe "W Elizabeth d. of Humphry & Anne Oxnam W Anne d. of W^ Beare W Mary d. of Henry & Mary Brewer W Thomasine Creebar, wid. ~W Jobn Lovell W John s. of Nicholas & Jane Opie W Eichard Cock W Mariot Harvey, wid.* W Anno 1732. Agns d. of Arthur & Frances Strongman W Edward s. of Bernard & Tem- perance Eows AY Honor d. of Jolin & Ebat Hendy W Eliz. wife of Edward Merifield Sarah d. of M"^ James Bishop & Sarah his wife W Henrv s. of Arthur & Mary Mitchell W Anne d. of M"^ G-eorge Keig- winf & Ann his wSe AV Jane d. of Sam^^ & Mary Grimes AY Mary base child of Eebeckah Ellery AY Jane wife of James CowlingAY Epiphany wife of James Tre- nerry AY AY"" Bone \Y AYilmot Hicks, widow AY Benjamin Eows AY John Haraley AY Joseph Best AY Eichard Mchell of S' Austle AY James Husband AY Joan wife of M"^^ John Harris AY Thos. Tremaine AY * Certificates signed by P. Collier, rector, and allowed by John Molesworth and John Peter. New churchwardens : Mr. John Thomas and Mr. Williani Drew. New overseers : Mr. Hugh Pollard, Mr. George Mapowder, Rob. Merrifield, and Robert Retallock. •j- He was of Mousehole and after of Crowan, (son of James Keigwin of Mousehole by Julian, daughter of George Musgrave of Nettlecombe), and his wife was a daughter of Tho. Hoblyn of Tresaddern. 24 Nov. Arthur Michell AY 16 Dec. Thos. Manuell AY 29 Dec. Eich"! s. of Thos. PolkinhornAY 11 Jan. Grace d. of John & Jane Par- nail AY 7 Feb. John Hawke AY 11 Feb. Eob' s. of Eob* & Francis AYoone AY 14 Feb. Mary Manuell AY 17 Feb. Mary wife of John Gilbert AY 18 Feb. M's Elizabeth Champion,widow AY 19 Feb. John base child of Margaret Congdon AY 19 Feb. Ealph Chenoweth AY 22 Feb. George s. of Charles & Blanch Eetallock AY 24 Feb. Mary Eawe, wid. AY 24 Feb. Eliz. wife of Eobt. Drew AY 25 Feb. Sarah d. of AY°i & Mary Lan- yon AY 26 Feb. James Stephens AY 6 Mar. Dorothy d. of Daniell Thomas AY 9 Mar. Peter base child of Mary Chapell* AY Anno 1733. 2 April Lydia wife of Sam^ Champion AY 2 April James Merifield AY 10 April Eliz. d. of Joell Capell AY 21 April Jane wife of AY-^ Drew AY 28 April Nathaniel Oliver AY 6 May John Turner AY 10 May Joan d. of John Turner, dec*i AY 16 May Grace wife of John Cock AY 26 May Jane d. of Antony & Eliz. Eawe W 4 June Eich'' Callaway AY 4 June Joan d. of Henry & Thomazine Cock AY 10 June M^^ Mary Beauford AY 16 June Anne the wife of Humphry Oxnam AY 24 June AYilliam Mitchell AY 26 June AY-" s. of M' G-iles Hamley & Grace his wife AY 1 July Elizabeth Eows, wid. of Eich'^ Eows 27 July Mary wife of Denys Tremaine AY * Certificates signed by P. Collier, rector, and allowed by John Molesworth & Edm. Prideanx, Churchwardens continued. New overseers : Mr. Walter Harris, Richard Brabyn, Christopher Warne, and Rich, Veale. 2 M 266 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1733-35. 27 July 29 July 14 Aug. 22 Aug. 26 Aug. 30 Aug. 1 Sep. 18 Sep. 3 Oct. 24i Oct. 10 Dec. 29 Dec. 9 Jan. 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 30 Jau. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 16 Feb. 24 Feb. 8 Mar. 12 Mar. 31 Mar. 9 April 15 April 19 April 21 April 27 April 2 May 5 May 10 May 20 May 20 May 20 May 21 May 23 May Richard Cornish W Teraperauce d. of John & Susanna Jane W Thomas Liddycott W Mrs. Susanna Dell "W George s. of George & Eliz. Tippet W John Rawe W W" Daneaster ^Y Philip 8. of John* & Philippa Hawke W Catherine Allen W Edward s. of AV™ & Honor Lanyon W AV™ AVilkin W Faith Troth W Jane d. of AV™ Rows AV Pascaw Kestell AV M'« Mary Hearle AV INIary wife of John RescorlaAV Mary d. of John & Catherine Hockyn AV Thomas Tamlyn AV M'- Edward Bishopf AV Edyth Pye AV Elizabeth d. of Edw'' Merri- field AV Thomas AVhitfordJ AV Anno 1734. Penelope d. of Peter & Grace Best AV Anne Kittoe AV AV" s. of AVilliam Michell, dec'' & Emeline bis wife AV Mathew Battrell AV Eleauore Opie, widow AV Catherine AVetter, widow AV AVilliam s. of Humphry Ox- nam AV Elizabeth wife of Richard Austin AV Mary d. of Susanna TinneyAV Philip King AV Thomas Angollan AV Robert Best AV Grace d. of John & Joan Mar- tyn AV Dinah Martyn AV * Certificate says, ' John Hawke of Ruthoes.' t Son of the Rev. John Bishop, rector of tit. Columb, by his first wife, Ann, daughter of Rob. Hoblyn, Esq. J Certificates signed by P. Collier, rector, but signatures of the Justices have been torn or worne away. Chvirchwarden continued. New overseers : Mr William Williams for Mr. Day, Thomas Merifield, Michaell Cornish and William Callaway. 30 May 3 June 10 June 25 June 2 July 7 July IG July 1 Aug. 9 Aug. 14 Aug. 19 Sep. 29 Sep. 15 Oct. 24 Nov. 28 ]N'ov. 11 Dec. 27 Dec. 19 Jan. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 17 Feb. 17 Feb. 14 Mar. 16 Mar. 31 Mar. 18 April 19 xlpril 21 April 24 April 1 May 5 May Nicholas s. of Nicholas & Jane Opie AV Frances d. of Arthur & Fran- ces Strongman AV Richard Hawke AV Agas d. of Arthur & Frances Strongman AV Elizabeth Lobb, widow AV Mary d. of Robert & Anne Hamley AV John Drew & Joan his wifeAV Bridget Cowling AV Robert Husband AV Lucy d. of M^ Hugh PollardAV Grace the wife of M'' John B urges AV Jane d. of Robert & Elizabeth Cock AV Mary d. of Henry & Mary Brewer AV Elizabeth d. of Robert & Anne Hamley AV Jane base child of Elizabeth Hicks AV John Banger AV John Saunders AV Anne d. of John & Jane MayAV Samuel s. of Thomas & Joan Solomon AV Samuel s. of Ezekiell & Anne Retallack AV Peutecoste wife of John San- dowe AV Jane wife of Robert Merifield AV Jane Baseley, wid. AV Richard AVhitford AV Mary d. of Joseph Dunkin*AV Anno 1735. AVilli'" & & Joan AV Eliz. AV AV Mary d. of Merifield Samson s. of Samsom Rawe Ebat Lamb, widow Mary d. of M"" John Lawrence AV Joseph Dunkin AV Elizabeth wife of Robert Cock AV Elizabeth d. of John & Grace AVhitford AV • Certificates signed P. Collier, rector, and allowed by Francis Gregor and Nicholas Donni- thorne. Churchwardens : Mr. John Lawrence and Mr. Joseph Hawkey, New overseers : Edw. Crewes, Esq., Benjamin Chalwell, Henry Veal, John Hawke. 1735-36.] BUEIALS. 267 & & W Mary W W Alice W i Oathe- W Frances W W 19 May Mary d. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Merifield W 19 June John base child of Abigail! Corner AY 3 July Jane d. of M^' John Law- rence W 22 July Jane Dunkin, widow 30 July Arthur s. of Arthur Michell 3 April John Hailbron 4 April Thomas s. of James Stephens 6 April John s. of Thomas i rine Merifield 10 April James s. of James & Champion 23 April Philippa Tinney 7 Sep. Elizabeth d. of M^ John Col- lier & Mary his wife W 30 Oct. Francis Cowling W 7 Nov. James Oliver W 22 Nov. Mary d. of Thomas & Mary Tamlyn W 24 Nov. Joan wife of William Crawley W 30 Nov. Temperance wife of John Tinney W 7 Dec. W'^ 8. of Thomas Barlow a soldier AV" 7 Dec. Dorothy* wife of John Wil- lyams, Esq''^ ^Y 7 Jan. Edward s. of John & Anne Sprey W 28 Jan. Thomas Gilbert W 13 Feb. Nicholas Hawke W 14 Feb. Samson Bastard "W 20 Feb. Priscilla Tinney, wid. W 8 Mar. Anne Austin, widow W 10 Mar. John s. of Eobt. & Frances Woon W 12 Mar. Frances wife of Tho^ Coad W 13 Mar. Rob^ s. of Eob' & Frances Woon W 22 Mar. Elizabeth wife of W° Tinney W 24 Mar. W-^ Benneyt W * She was daughter and heir of Peter Day, Esq., of Resuggau, in St. Columb ; she married John Willyams, Esq., of Koseworthy, as his second wife, the first being Bridgeman, youngest daughter and coheiress of Col. Humphry Noye, of Carnanton, and his wife Hester, sister of the last Baron Sandys of the Vine. By his second wife, Mr. Willyams had John ; James, ancestor of the present Edw. William BrydgesWillyams, Esq., of Carnanton, M. P.; and Bridgeman M. ..Haweis, f Signed and allowed by the same as last year. Churchwardens continued. Overseers : Mr. John Harris, Mr. Jolm Burges, "William White, Thomas Wame. Anno 1736. 12 April Thos s. of M"- W"^ & M." Jane Williams W 13 April Eliz. Blight, wid. W 16 April Honor wife of Henry Michell AY 30 April Elizabeth d. of W™ & Anne Davis W 14 May W™ s. of Shadrach & Jane Tremaine W 15 May George s. of George & Joan Bond W 16 May John Philips W 29 May Thos. Eeynolds W 7 June Eichard Cock W 11 June John s. of John & Anne Sprey W 20 June Frances the wife of Eichard Webber 25 June Joyce Denys, wid. AV 27 June Eliz. d. of Eobert & Catherine Manuell AY 29 June Thos. Day W 4 July Jane wife of Thomas CarneAY 7 July John Gilbert W 7 July Eoger Couch W 11 July Ebat Pollard, wid. W 28 July Daniell May W 3 Aug. Grace Day, wid. W 15 Aug. Mary d. of John & Joan Mar- tyn W 15 Aug. Jonathan Barret W 28 Sep. Eliz. Cockyn, wid. W 8 Oct. Sarah d. of Nath'i Oliver, dec^ W 6 Oct. Eichard Langdon W 21 Oct. Loveday wife of James Eows W 27 Oct. George Grimes W 31 Oct. Thos. Solomon W 11 Nov. Marv d. of John & Mary AYilton W 13 Nov. Solomon s. of Solomon & Mary Baseley W 16 Nov. Eobt. s. of John & Blanch Husband W 4 Dec. Samuel Champion W 20 Dec. Peter s. of MicW & Margaret Hive W 21 Dec. Pentecoste d. of George & Eliz. Tippet W 3 Jan. Arthur Veali* W 16 Jan. Eichard James W 22 Jan. Jane d. of James & Elizabeth Oliver W * Arthur Veall, one of the overseers in 1716. — Green Book. 268 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLrMB MAJOR [] 736-38. 3 Feb. Michaell s. of Jane Tippet "W 25 Feb. Elizabeth Morish W 5 Mar. Ebat d. of John & Mary Lamb ^V 10 Mar. Catherine d. of Eobt & Cathe- rine Manuell* W Anko 1737. 11 April Jane Gilbert, -wid. W 15 April Eliz. Blake, wid. AV 16 April M-^ Mary Hawkey W 16 April Will"' Wilton V^ 18 April John s. of Eich"! & Elizabeth Husband TV 25 April Eliz"' d. of Eob* StrongmanW 4 May John s. of Jane Pearce, wid. W 11 May Mary d. of Eobert & Cathe- rine Manuell W 12 May Joan Buckingham, widow "W 13 May Mary wife of John Lewarne 6June Eich'^Merifield W 14 June Jenuefaire d. of Tho^ Corn- Avall, dec^ W 15 June Honour wife of Henry Solo- mon W 8 July Tho^ Perot "W 13 July Eliz. d. of John & Dorothy Hockyn W 19 July Eichd Brabyu W 11 Aug. John White W 20 Aug. Mary d. of Henry & Cathe- rine Endean AV 4 Oct. Eliz. d. of .Simon & Alice Law W 6 Oct. Mary Blight, wid. W 8 Oct. Philippa d. of Michael & Frances Cornish W 31 Oct. Alice Stephens, wid. W 1 Xov. Eich'' s. of John & Grace Whitford W 12 Nov. Jane d. of Abraham & Joanna Turner W 24 Nov. John Parkyn W 1 Jan. Jane Best, wid. 'W 3 Jan. M'^ Mary Wy at, widow W 10 Jan. Catherine wife of John Hockin W 23 Jan Eich'i s. of Thomas & Mary Keam W * Certificates signed and allowed by the same as last year. Churchwardens : Mr. James Bishop, Mr. Eobert Drew. Overseers : P. Collier, Francis Clemow, Tho. Glanfield, Wm. Vttrcoe. The burial of John s. of Richard Bidgood, 14 March, 1737, appears among the certificates only. 1 Feb. iFeb. 1 Feb. 5 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 Feb. 1 Mar. 14 Mar. 29 Mar. 29 April 28 June 20 July 31 July 9 Aug. 15 Aug. 16 Aug. 20 Aug. 22 Aug. 14 Sep. 21 Sep. 21 Sep. 14 Oct. 23 Oct. 1 Nov. Ebenezer & Henemar children of John & Eleanor Powell W Leonard Brewer W Joan Eowse, wid W Eliz. Manuell, wid. W Francis s. of Eich^ Webber W Eebekah Adams, wid. W ]\tary Bilkey, wid. W Elizabeth Bussow, wid. W W" s. of William & Emelyn Buckingham W John s. of Mary Sandford* W AiTOO 1738, Jane wife of Nicholas Opie W Elizabeth d. of Jonathan & Margaret Dawe W Thomasine wife of Eich'^ ^Y John & Barbara W Bishop W Brewer Hugh s. of Miners Mary d. of M'" James & Sarah his wife John base child of Susanna Tinney W Mary wife of Eich'' Austin W Mai-y d. of Eich^ & Elizti^ Husband AV M''^ Elizabeth Collier wife of Philip Collier, Eecf^f AV Anne wife of Benjamin Chal- well, jun"" AV Eliz. Pearce, wid. W Mf Giles HamleyJ W W" Tinney W George s. of Eich^ Austin AV Edward Crews, § Esqre AV Grace d. of Eich'' Brewer W * The certificates signed by P. Collier, rector, and allowed by Francis Gregor and Edm. Pri- deaux. Overseers : Mr. Samuel Batten, James Jenkin, Richard Evelyn, and John Eowse. Church- wardens ; Mr. James Bishop and Wm. Varcoe. ■\ She was a daughter of Allen. J He was second son of Wilham Hamley of Treblethick (by his wife Rebecca). He mairicd first Barbara, daughter of Philip Hawkins of Pennence, by whom he had a s. John, who died an infant. He married, secondly, Grace, daughter of Tho. Hoblyn of Tresadderu, by whom he had, — (1) Elizabeth, married Kev. Dr. Robert Bate- man, rector of St. Columb ; (2) Thomas, who married first Grace, daughter and co-heiress of Eev. John Tregenna, rector of Mawgan, and, secondly, Mary daughter of by both of whom he had issue ; and others who died young. !^ He was one of the twelve men as the time of his death. — Green Book. 1738-40.] BUEIALS. 269 7 Dec. Loveday wife of Mark Ni- claols "W 7 Dec. Eobert Merifield W 17 Dec. Elizabeth wife of Eichard Husband W 17 Dec. Sarah base child of Mary Tip- pet ^¥ 19 Dec. Samuel s. of Eliz. Pearce, wid. dec W 6 Jan. Elizabeth d. of John Hockyu W 20 Jan. Tliomasine d. of Denis Tre- man "W 1 Eeb. Catherine d. of Thomas & Catherine Langdon W 14 Feb. Solomon Brewer "W 4 Mar. Joan wife of Martin Strong- man W 4 Mar. G-race d. of John & Anne Sprey W 9 Mar. Elizabeth the wife of "William Luney, jun'" "W 20 Mar. Joseph Kensley, a traveller W 21 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Michael & Frances Cornish* "W" Akno 1739. 21 April Margaret May, widow W 28 April James Eowse W 2 May William s. of William & Joan Bullen W 4 May Jane Evelyn W 14 May Grace d. of William & Honor Lauyon W 6 June Mary King, widow W 8 July Jane wife of Giles Williams aVs Pell W 8 July Eachael d. of Charles & Mar- garet Leddicote W 13 July Jane d. of Francis Cowling, deceased W 14 July Ann wife of Edward May W 6 Aug. Mary d. of Hugh & Mary Bullockt W 15 Aug. Elizabeth wife of Daniel May W 28 Aug. Dinah d. of John & Dorothy Arscott W 8 Sep. Gilbert Meals W 11 Sep. Mary d. of George & Joan Bond W * Certificates signed by P. Collier, rector, and allowed by J. Tremayne and Jo. D. Birkhead. Overseers : Jlr. John Collier, Mr. James Tanner, Mr. Robert Drew, and Thomas Retallock. f Hugh Bullock, one of the waywardens in 1727.— Green Book. 21 Sep. Petherick John s.of Petherick & Margaret Williams W 28 Sep. Dorothy wife of John Arscott *W 10 Oct. John Gumniow W 10 JSTov. Ann Hornabrook, wid. W 12 Nov. Elizabeth Brewer, wid. W L5 Nov. AVilliam Denis, jun' W 19 Dec. John s. of Thomas & Ann Perrot W 7 Jan. Thomas Stephens W 10 Jan. Joan Chenoweth, wid. W 11 Jan. James Merifield W 15 Jan. Joan Dancaster, wid. W 19 Jan. M^- Hugh Pollard W 24 Jan. Luke Jolly W 24 Jan. Elizabeth wife of John Mark W 7 Feb. Eichard s. of John & Margaret Hockyn W 10 Feb. William Pascoe of S* Mawgan tw 16 Feb. Jane d. of Gilbert & Joyce Meals W 23 Feb. Margaret Parkin, wid. W 26 Feb. Jane Thomas aVs Trubbow, wid. W 29 Feb. John Jane W 5 Mar. Elizabeth d. of Samuel Pearce, deceased W 17 Mar. Philippa d. of M'" John Collier & Mary his wife W 22 Mar. Elizabeth d. of James & Eliza- beth Oliver W 23 Mar. Ann d. of Mary Tubb W 23 Mar. Mark base child of Elizabeth BlakeJ W Am(o 1740. 27 Mar. Mary d. of William Bear W 27 Mar. M^ Benedict Hamly W 28 Mar. Dorothy Champion, wid. 29 Mar. Mary d. of M^' John Collier & Mary his wife W 29 Mar. Jane Bounsell, wid. W 2 April Margaret d. of John & Amey Brewer W 3 April Jane d. of Eichard & Ann Eaw W * John Arscott was one of the parish con- stables in 170(i, when 6s. 9d. was paid to his account. — Green Book. •f The baptism of the children of William and MaryPaskow are recorded about 1C90 at Mawgan. J Certificates signed P. Collier, rector, allowed by J. Molesworth and Jo. Hoblyn. New church- wardens : John Brewer and John Metherell, junr. Overseers : Mr. John Lawrence, The, Coad, William Worth. 270 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLIJMB MA JOE. [1740. 3 April Grace Williams "W 5 April James s. of John & Ann Best 12 April Mary England, wid. "W 12 April Nicholas base child of Cathe- rine Rundle "W 12 April Hugh s. of M^ Thomas Ste- phens & Elizabeth his wife W 13 April Peter s. of James & Frances Champion "W 13 April Ann d. of M"" Giles Hamly, deceased & Grace his wifeW 13 April Elizabeth d. of M-- John Law- rence & Mary his wife* "W 23 April M^ John Harrist W 26 April Eichard s. of Anthony & Eliza- beth Eaw W 28 April Ann d. of Thomas Carne W 28 April Ann d. of Anthony & Eliza- beth Eaw W 1 May Jennefaire d. of John & Jane May W 2 May Jane d. of William & Mary Eickard W 3 May Ann d. of John Lewarne W 4 May Frances d. of John & Mary AVlieeden W 6 May Judith d. of Jude & Eliz. May W 9 May William Hornabrook W 18 May Benjamin Chalwell,J jun"" W 18 May Jobn Pye W 22 May Mary d. of William & Eliza- beth Harris W 26 May Joseph s. of William & Eliza- beth Eaw W 29 May Elizabeth d. of Nathaniel & Mary Lockett W 29 May John s. of Henry & Ann Crews W 2 June Frances base child of Ann Leddicoat W 2 June Elizabeth d. of Ezekiel & Ann Eetallock W 6 June John s. of Eichard & Philippa Page W * Mr. John Lawrence, of St. Columb, married Gertrude, daughter and coheiress of Henry Bond (son of \Vm. Bond, of Hohvood, and his wife, daughter of Henry ^5poure, of Trebartha), by his wife, Lucy, daughter of John Mathew, of Tresunger. She was baptized 8 Aug., 170L at Endellion. t He was one of the twelve men. — Green Book. :|: A ledger stone in the church records that, Benjamin Chalwell, fuller and clothier, died 16th May, 1740, aged 27. Ann, his wife, died 21 Aug., 1738. aged 22. 10 June 17 June 17 June 19 June 22 June 23 June 29 June 7 July 12 July 21 July 28 July 30 July 12 Aug. 18 Aug. 13 Sep. 15 Sep. 16 Sep. 18 Sep. 21 Sep. 28 Sep. 5 Nov. 11 Nov. 30 Nov. 10 Dec. 18 Dec. 18 Dec. 23 Dec. 23 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Dec. 7 Jan. 9 Jan. 29 Jan. 2 Feb. 10 Feb. 15 Feb. Ann d. of Philip & Mary Eickard W Thomas s. of William & Mary Eaw W Henry s. of Christoplier & Honor Warne W Mrs. Ann Gribby W Henry Betty W William s. of William & Eliz. Olver W Susanna d. of Eichard & Mary Veall W Daniel May W INIargaret d. of Isaac & Eliza- beth Blake W M"- James Bishop* W Elizabeth d. of Inigo Inch W Sarah d. of Isaac & Elizabeth Blake W Ann Broommey W Trephana wife of Joel CapleW Thomas Warne W M"" James Tanner W Mary wife of Methuselah Wil- liams W Mary wife of Thomas Mor- rish W John s. of William Luney W M^ Daniel Sullyveanf W Margaret d. of Adam & Mary Thomson W Catherine Langdon, wid. W Eichard s. of Eichard & Mary Carne W Jane d. of Eichard & Mary Carne W Mary d. of Jolm & Mary Met- herell W John s. of Arthur & Mary Mitchell W Francis s. of Eichard & Jane Eowse W Elizabeth Williams W Eichard s. of Thomas & Cathe- rine Langdon W Isaac Nichols W Humphrey Abram W Elizabeth d. of John & Eliz. Oxnam W John Tomm W Grace d. of Michael & Frances Cornish AV Elizabeth Stephens, wid. W David Martyn W * He was a son of the Eev. John Bishop and Mary his second wife. See note p. 244. t Received for Mr. Sullivan's grave £1 6s. 8d. — Green Book. 1740-42.] BUEIALS. 271 26 Feb. John Oxnam 10 Mar. Mary Geak 11 Mar. Philip Elford 22 Mar. Eichard Eowse* W W w Anno 1741. 25 Mar. 3 April 18 April 24 April 15 May 17 May 24 May 24 May 29 May 7 June 21 June 4 July 6 July 14 July 17 July 23 July 27 July 15 Aug. 16 Aug. 17 Sep. 29 Sep. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 25 Oct. 4 Xov. 7 Nov. Mary wife of Eichard YeallW Thomasine Edwards W John s. of Eichard & Elizabeth Evelyn W Jane Hodge W Jane Peters, wid. AY Eobert s. of Eobert & Eliza- beth Bilkey W Grace Tinney, wid. W Jane d. of William & Elizabeth Baseley W Thomas Came W Elizabeth d. of W°^ & Elizabeth Baseley W Anthony Langdon AY Jane Lanyon AY Eichard Michell al's Eaw AY Frances d. of Adam & Mary Thomson AY Grace Betty, widow AY Susanna d. of John & Dorothy A\^hetter AY Margery the wife of Jonathan Daw AY Mary wife of Eichard CarneAY Philippa Eudy, wid. AY Joseph s. of AVilliam & Eliza- beth A\^illi3 W Margaret d. of Eichard & Elizabeth Husband AY AYilliam s. of Thomas & Eliza- beth Glanville AY Susanna d. of M^ AY°^ AYilhams & Jane his wife AY Martyn Strongman AY Mary d. of AYilliam & Mary Mew don AY John Hockins, a distributor of the Sherhourn Mercury AY * Certificates signed by P. Collier, rector, and allowed by Edm. Prideaux and Jo. D. Birkbead. Churchwardens : John Brewer, .John Metherell. Overseers of the poor : Mr. Joseph Hawkey, Mr. William Williams, John Hawke. and Tho. Mark. The following entries appear in the certificates of burial in woollen only, viz. : — Elizabeth, d. of Anthony and Thomasine Cock, 7 Oct. Jane, d. of Henry and Constance Tamlyn, 10 Oct. Mary, wife of John Wheedon. 15 Oct. Alice, wife of Roger George, 24 Oct. Humphrv, s. of Henry and Constance Blight. Oct." 26. 8 Nov. Jane wife of Christopher Calf AY 23 Nov. Mary wife of AVilliam Mewdon AV^ 24 Nov. Stephen Thomas AY 8 Dec. Michael Cornish AY 11 Dec. Grace d. of M'' Giles Hamley, dec'', & Grace his wife W 1 Jan. Dinah Gilbert, widow AV 2 Jan. Jane d. of John & Margaret Cundy AY 22 Jan. Mary AYhiteford, widow AY 26 Jan. Joseph Eobins, a soldier AY 5 Mar. M'' John AYithers AV 7 Mar. Euth A^eal, widow AV 21 Mar. Mary Husband, widow* AY Anno 1742. 30 Mar. Sarah Tremain, widow AY 13 April Margaret Buckingham, widow 8 May Marthah Slogget, widow AY 31 May Mary Tippet AY 11 May Colan Manuellf AY 22 July Thomas A^ivian AY 23 July AYilliam s. of John & Grace Buckingham AY 28 July Elizabeth Clemows, widow AY 12 Aug. Jane wife of M-" AYilliam AV^il- liams AY 13 Aug. Nicholas Guens AY 27 Aug. Francis A^ivian AY 27 Aug. Elizabeth d. of AYilliam & Jane Capell AV 29 Aug. Mary d. of Jonathan & Sarah Barret AY 30 Aug. AYilliam s. of AVilliam & Jane Capell AV 11 Sep. John 8. of AVilliam & Grace Evelyn AV 17 Sep. Honor d. of M"" George Ma- powder & Jane his wife AY 23 Sep. AYilliam Crawley AY 5 Oct. Dorothy Garland, wid. AY 10 Oct. Martha d. of John Hockyn AY 10 Nov. Joan Bannier, wid. AY 10 Nov. Mary d. of John & Prudence Merrifield AY 12 Nov. Thomas s. of AYilliam & Joan Merrifield AY 16 Nov. Prudence Gilbert, wid. AY 17 Nov. John AYhetter AY 23 Nov. John Sandoe AY 3 Dec. John Lawrey AY 8 Dec. Susanna Eapson, wid. AY * Certificates signed by the rector, but not at- tested. f Colan Manuel, one of the waywardens in 1710. — Green Book. 272 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE. [1742-44. 19 Dec. John s. of Thomas & Eachael Keaiu W Gidgeon Slade W Arthur Strongman* AV Elizabeth d. of Samuel & Honour Bussow W Joan d. of William Drew W James s. of James & Ann Pollard AV 27 Dec. 15 Jan. 21 Jan. 1 Feb. 5 Feb. 1 Mar. 18 Mar. Jane d. of Eichard Brenton Grace Blake, \Aido\vt Anxo 1743. & Grace W \V 25 Mar. 4 April 4 April 11 May 15 May John Gilbert W Mary d. of John & Thomasine Eowse W Joan d. of Eichard & Ann Hicks W William s. of M"^ Thomas Merrifield & Cath. his wife W Susanna base child of Honour Eoberts W John Chapell W Catherine d. of William & Margaret Blake W Michael Cornish W Joel Capell W Grace d. of Henry & Con- stance Blight W James s. of Eobert Merrifield, deceased W Joan Tomra, widow W John Dun gey J W Ann wife of Philip Allen W Elizabeth' Cornwall, widow W Eobert Cock W James s. of John Whetter, deceased W Mary Eickard, widow W William s. of John Eetallock, deceased W John Johnston W Mrs. Jane Halse, widow W Henry Thomas aVs TrubboeW * Arthur Strongman, waywarden in 1727. — Green Book. t Certificates signed by John Collier, curate, allowed by Edm. Prideaux and F. L. Leach. Xew chiu-chwardens : 51r. William Bone and William Hicks. Overseers of the poor : Mr. I'lobert Hoblyn, Eichard Hicks, John Brewer in Town, and Mark Nicholls. J In 1738 John Dungey paid the rent of the great shop, from June to Easter day, os. — Green Book. 2 June 14 June 12 July 19 July 23 July 30 July 1 Aug. 19 Aug. 27 Aug. 20 Sep. 29 Sep. 3 Oct. 9 Oct. 29 Oct. G Xov. 22 Nov. iDec. 14 Jan. Eobert s. of James & Dorothy Jenkyn W 19 Feb. Susanna d. of Anthony & Elizabeth Eawe W 10 Mar. Thomas s. of Henry & Con- stance Tamblyn W 10 Mar. Frances d. of William & Florence Hicks W 23 Mar. Wiluiot d. of John & Philippa Hicks* W A^rso 1744. 2G ]Mar. Margaret Metherell W 29 Mar. Thomas s. of William & Mary Cockin W I April Jane d. of John & Jane Trus- cote W 3 April Nicholas Opiet W 1 May Thomas the s. of Thomas & Eachael Keam W 7 May Jane the wife of M"" Samuel Batten W 9 May Henry Mitchell W 11 May W^ Mary Vivian, J widow W 31 May M""" Emblyn Edwards W 27 June M'' John Johns W 23 July M'- William Williams W 18 Oct. Eichard s. of Eichard & Ann Jane W 27 Oct. Jane Nichols, widow W 8 Nov. Mrs. Joan Hoblyn, § widow W 23 Nov. Dorcas d. of John Whetter, deceased W 25 Nov. John Merrifield W 7 Jan. Mary d. of James & Maiy Hawke W 23 Jan. Joan Husband W 31 Jan. Mary wife of John Varcoe W II Feb. M" Marv Tucker, widow W 20 Feb. Thomas Leddicote W •25 Feb. Henry Cock W 18 Mar. Grace wife of John Whiteford|| W * Certificates signed and attested as last year. New churchwardens : John Merrifield and Thomas Mark. Overseers of the poor : Mr. Thomas Merrifield, Mr. William Daw, James George, and John Harris. f Nich. Opie, waywarden in 1727. j She was daughter of Joseph Sawle, of Pen- rice, and second wife and relict of John Vivian, of Truan. Esq. § She Wc>s a daughter of Tresaddem, and relict of Thomas Hoblyn, of Tresaddem, Esq. II Certificates signed John Collier, curate ; al- lowed by Francis Gregor and Edm. Prideaux. New churchwardens : Christopher Warne and James Jenkin. New os^erseers : Robert Drew, John Mark, Benjamin Chalwell and William Brown. 1745-46.] BIJRIALS. 273 Anjj-q 1745. 8 April Ann d. of Richard & Alice Pascoe W 16 April Jolin Symonds "W 26 April Henry G-arland W 9 June Mary d. of WiUiam & Honour Roberts "W 20 June Alice wife of James Stephens W 21 June Inigo Inch W 25 June Edmund Conzew* W 26 June Jacob Slade W 6 July Richard s. of Richard & Jane Veal W 15 Aug. Martha Bullen, widow "W 13 Nov. William Pits of Crediton W 19 Nov. Eleanor Rowse W 25 Nov. William Pearce W 17 Dec. Matilda the wife of William RetaUock W 21 Dec. Humphrey Oxenham W 26 Jan. John s. of Christopher & Honour Warne W 26 Jan. Jeremiah s. of Edward & Eliza- beth Merrifield W 8 Feb. Thomas Couch W 15 Feb. Rev->-o 1760. 13 Jan. Jane d. of James & Elizabeth Blay W 15 Jan. Stephen Lovell "W 15 Jan. Joan Isabell W 11 Feb. William Blake W 12 Feb. Daniel s. of John & Jane May W 26 Feb. Elizabeth Polkiughorne W 3 Mar. Anthony Grodolphin "W 16 Mar. Ann wife of Eobert Hamley W 22 Mar. W^ Elizabeth Wyate W 30 Mar. Frances d. of Francis & Grace Aver W 2 April Joseph s. of Jane Eetallock W 13 April Elizabeth Husband, widow W 15 April Joyce Luney TV 22 April John Husband W 10 May John Tremaine W 13 May Alice d. of Digory & Alice Truscot AV 26 May Nicholas s. of Nicholas & Mary Lydacote "W 26 May Miss Johanna Hamleyt "W 13 June Jane Warne d. of M"" William & Katheriue Eawlings W 13 June James s. of James & Honour Colwell W 17 June William Mewdon W 11 July Elizabeth d. of Philip & Mary Harvey W 26 July Lewis s. of Mary Coombe W 6 Aug. William s. of William & Mary Oliver ^Y 23 Aug. Jane wife of Peter MitchellW 26 Aug. Eobert Lydacote W 27 Aug. Ann Peters, widdow W 9 Oct. Thomas s. of John & Joan Symmons W * The certificates signed and allowed by the same as last year. Churchwardens continued. Overseers : Mr. Thomas Hamley, Henry Brewer, William Beare, Mr. Mark Thomas. f The certificate calls her ' Mrs. Johanna, daughter of Mr. Giles and Grace Hamley.' — See baptisms, 1727. 15 Oct. Philippa d. of Peter & Eliza- beth Hawke W 2 Nov. Peter Mitchell* W A>-KO 1761. 15 Jan. William s. of M'' William & Catheriue Eawlings W 11 Feb. M'"^ Ann Payuterf W 18 Feb. M'^ Frances Eawe AV 3 Mar. James s. of James & Dorothy Jenkings W 6 Mar. Bernard Eowse W 8 Mar. James s. of William & Mary Ivey W 20 Mar. William Thomas of S' Columb Minor W 27 Mar. M"' John LawranceJ W 1 April John s. of John & Marv Bond W 3 April John s, of John & Mary Peters W 22 April Grace § the wife of M-' Thomas Hamley W 26 May Joseph s. of Joseph & Mary Merifield W 29 May John Bendel s. of Joan Tel- bert of Gulval W 14 Ji;ne Grace wife of John Bucking- ham W 26 June Ann Brown W 11 July Elizabeth d. of Eichard & Mary Veal W 14 July John s. of Samuel & Mary Harris W 24 July Honour d. of Ealph & Mary Busso W 28 July Samuel s. of James & Mar- garet Jane W 1 Aug. John & William s^ of William & Mary Eetallack W 17 Aug. Mary d. of Grace Helborne W 1 Sep. Margaret the wife of Stephen Tyre W 7 Sep. Elizabeth d. of Eobert & Grace Edevean W 13 Sep. Mary d. of Eobert & Grace Edevean W * Certificates signed and allowed by the same as last year. This is the last year to which a declaration as to the burials is attached. f The certificate adds. ' widow.' j Mr. John Lawrence, elected one of the twelve men in 1740. Mr. Lawrence appointed surgeon in 1758. — Green Book. § 8he was daughter and coheiress of Rev. John Tregenna, rector of Mawgan, and first wife of the Rev. Tho. Hamley, son of Mr. Giles Hamley and Grace (Hoblyn) his wife. See note, p. 172. 1761-63]. BUEIALS. 2S1 15 Sep. Sarab d. of William & Ann Langdon W 23 Sep. Elizabeth Williams* W 15 Oct. Catberine d. of Humpbrey & Susanna England W 18 Oct. Mary d. of John & Margaret Walkey W 21 Oct. Henry s. of Eicbard & Cathe- rine Came W 22 Oct. Ann d. of Theopbilus & Eliza- beth Williams W 31 Oct. James Trelivan W 3 Nov. William s. of William & Jane Lorrington AY 4 Nov. William s. of William & Eliza- beth Perking W 21 Nov. Ann d. of Thomas & Dorotby Salmon W 1 Dec. Thomas s. of Thomas & Mary Mill W 8 Dec. John s. of Richard & Elizabeth Cornish W 8 Dec. Margaret d. of Thomas & Mary Mill W 9 Dec. Ann d. of James & Elizabeth May W 12 Dec. Bridget d. of Jobn & Grrace Webberf W Ak^o 1762. 26 Jan. Elizabeth Allen W 26 Jan. Julian d. of Julian Davie of W 28 Jan. Prances wife of M'^' William Lawrence W 3 Eeb. Ann d. of Philip & Margaret Harris W 6 Eeb. Margaret Hicks, widdow W 12 Feb. Elizabeth d. of Pbilip & Mary Cornish W 15 Eeb. Theopbilus Williams W 3 Mar. Hugh s. of Hugh & Mary Bullock W 5 Mar. Ebbet Hendey, widow W 23 Mar. Mary Lydicote afs Grigor, widow W 9 April John s. of Jobn & Elizabeth Stephens W * Certificate adds, ' widow.' f Mr. Christopher Warne, appointed rector's churchwardeu by William Hill, curate, in the name of the rector. The twelve men appoint Mr. James Jeukyn their churchwarden. Over- seers : Edw. Hoblyn, Esq., William Hamley, William Hicks of Retallick, Richard Grigg of Grairgran. The following appears in the certificates only : viz., Jane Kelly, widow, buried 30 Sep., 1761. 7 May 12 June 14 Aug. 27 Aug. 13 Sep. 10 Oct. 25 Oct. 23 Nov. 26 Nov. 10 Dec. 16 Jan. 15 Eeb. 12 Mar. 14 Mar. 10 May 15 May 17 May 17 May 19 May 22 May 30 May 10 June 26 June 26 June 27 June 1 July 8 July 8 July 24 Aus. Elizabeth Oxenham, widdow W John s. of Philip & Johan Gril- bert W Elizabeth Cornish, widdow W John s. of Joyce Dennis W Charles Lydeeote aVs Greger W Meldred Basley, widdow W Thomas Eawlings W Martha wife of Michael Basley W Mary Avife of Eichard Lawrey W Dorothy Hocken, widdow* W Ajmo 1763. Mary wife of Eobert Manuel W Samuel s. of James & Mar- garet Jane W Mrs. Mary Eawef W Grace d. of Thomas & Marv Westcott+ W Joan Merifield W Euth Mill W Anne Cocking W Nicholas s. of Nicholas & Mary Lydacote W Marv d. of Andrew & Mary Niblet W Henry Tamlyn W Mary d. of M'' Thomas & Mary Williams W Jobn Dean, a soldier W Eichard s. of Eichard & Sarah Bearsley W Stephen s. of Mary Helbourn W Elizabeth Wilken§ W Anne d. of John & Elizabeth W W & Jane W W Stephens William Eawe John s. of William Lydacote Henry Oxenham * Mr. William Ivey, rector's churchwarden. The twelve men appoint Nicholas Clemoe their churchwarden. Churchwardens : Tho. Vyvian, Edw. Hoblyn, Rob. Drew, Chri.^topher Warne. Overseers : Mr. Rich. Hicks, Mr. William Angove. Mr. Peter Hawke, Isaack Grigg. f The certificate says, ' Mary, daughter of Jobn Rawe, gent., and Elizabeth his wife, of Foye (Fowey). deceased.' X Certificate adds, ' deceased ' after Tho. West- cote. !^ The certificate adds. ' widow.' 2 o 282 THE EEGHSTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1763-66. 13 Sep. 12 Oct. 17 Oct. 9 Nov. 7 Dec. 13 Dec. 19 Dec. John s. of Jobu & Floreiiee Warne AV Catherine wife of Eichard Carue W Catherine d. of M'' William & Catherine Eawlings W Elizabeth Walkey* W Dorcas Whetter W Angelet d. of Edward & Ann Pearce W Florence Eowset W Anno 1764, 15 Jan. John Eobarts W 1 Feb. Mathew Webster| "W 3 Feb. Eachel Luney W 3 Feb. Martha d. of Jonathan & Mary Cbipman W 6 Feb. Eobert s. of Eobert & Mary Mannel W 25 Mar. Elizabeth Wolcock W 28 Mar. Henry Blith W 30 Mar. William Ponnd W 2 April John s. of John Bishop§ & Susanna his wife W 3 April Joyce d. of John & Ann "Martyn W 19 April Catherine Pearce W 7 May Elizabeth wife of James May W 9 May Charles Eetallock W 16 May William Drew W 5 June Eobert Woon W 5 June John s. of AVilliam & Eliza- beth Harris W 16 June Dennis Tremayne alias Cockin W 3 July Nancy the d. of William & Dorothy Blight W 14 July Jane wife of Shedrack Tre- mayne W 22 July Catherine Basely W 25 July William § s. of William & Ann Strowle W 25 July Methuselah Williams W 10 Sep. Eobert Hamley W 31 Oct. John s. of Eichard & Susan Eowse W 2 Nov, Margaret Guens W * The certificate adds, ' widow.' f William hwan. rector's churchwarden. The twelve men appoint John Mark as their church- warden. Overseers : John Quick, Esq., William I vie, Ji,ptha Whettar, William Rowse. X The certificate adds, • of Crowan parish.' § The certificate calls the father a ' soldier.' 18 Nov. Ursula wife of WiUiam TomW 23 Nov. James England* W Akno 1765. Elizabeth d. of Jane Mayt W Joseph Woodman W John Day Mary d. of John & Joan Symons W Elizabeth d. of William & Mary Pyper W Grace d. of Edmvmd & Mary Yarcoe W Mary Brewer, widdow W Eobert Strongman W Prudence MerifFeld J W Susanna the wife of Eichard W w w w w w w Jane W w w 28 Jan. 6 Feb. 6 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 15 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Mar, 30 Mar. 13 April 25 April 1 May 1 May 5 May 27 May 12 June 10 July 17 July 18 Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Aug. 17 Sep. 17 Sep. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 9 Nov. 11 Nov. 24 Nov. 30 Nov, 1 Dec. 28 Dec. gove Nathaniel Loggett Eowse Lydia Champion John Husband James Price Elizabeth Slade, widdow Margaret Cayzer William Eoberts Jane d. of William & Lorrington Stephen Tyre Avis Cockin Susanna wife of William An- W W Elizabeth Husband W Grace d. of Eichard Eowse W Frances Tom W Mary wife of ^Eobert Kent W Catherine d. of Authony Ken- dall W Nicholas Brenton W Blanch wife of John Husband W Ann Stephens W Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Jane Bettinson W Faithfull Cock § W Anno 1766. 4 Jan. William the s. of William & Dorothy Blight * Mr. John Dungey, churchwarden, appointed b)' R. Bateman, rector. The twelve men lap- pointed John Cornish. Overseers : John Methe- rell, John White, James Jenkin, James Coad, Allowed by John Willyams and Tho. Vyvyan. f Certificate styles the mother, 'widow.' X The certificate adds, ' wife of John Meri- field.' § Mr. Henry Hawkey and Richard Rowse, churchwardens. Overseers : Mr. Christopher 1766-68]. BUEIALS. 283 9 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 Feb. 17 Mar. 21 Mar. 5 April 10 April 12 April 19 April 27 April 28 April 30 April 13 May 14 May 23 May 25 May 28 May 11 June 14 June 26 June 28 July William Eveling G-race Hoppey Ann Benny Thomas s. of Thomas & Ann Giles James s. of Andrew & Amey Mabyn William Kent Elizabeth Retallock Richard s. of Thomasine Tep- pett John s. of Philip & Mary Cornish William s. of Thomas & Amey Solomon Mary d. of Eobert & Mary (irigg Elizabeth Rouse Mary Teppet, widow Ann Tremain, widow Elizabeth d. of William & El. Lewarne Ann Rawling, widow John s. of John & Joan Seymons Christopher Warue* Lovedy d. of Humphrey & Elizabeth Tom Robert s. of William & Eliza- beth Austion Peternel wife of Peter Wills Ann Hawke, widow The ReVi M^' Thomas Hamleyf Thomas Rawe Arabella Trebilcock, widowj Thomas s. of Edward & Ann Pearce Wame, Eicliard Veale, John Rawlings, John Chapman. This is the last year there are any entries of certificates of burials in woollen. * He was son of Christopher Warne and Jane Hichens, and married Honour daughter of Hen. and Eliz. Lee. (iSee baptisms, 1707 ; marriages, 1731.) He held the office of rector's church- warden, one of the twelve men, and an overseer of the poor, for many years. He had issue : Catherine, married William Rawlings : Grace, married John Dungey ; Henry, married Eliza- beth Dungey ; and others, who died young.— See also note, pp. 172, 175. f He was a son of Mr. Giles Hamley of St. Columb. He married, first, Grace daughter and co-heiress of the Rev"* John Tregenna, and secondly, Mary daughter of By his first wife he had Rev"* Thomas Tregenna Hamley ; by his second wife he had Edward and Giles. — See also note, p. 172. t In 176.3 John Trebilcock paid £t 17s. 4d., one year's rent of the Rock Park, St. Issey. In 1807 the Roach Parks let to William Warne for seven years at £15 per annum, which lease was I'enewed twice. — Green Book. 12 Oct. John s. of William & Elizabeth Gass 17 Oct. Edward Inch llSov. JohnArscutt* 4 Nov. William Brown, soldier 7 Nov. Mark Nicholas 8 Nov. Elizabeth d. of John & Mary Peters 11 Nov. George Teppit 22 Nov. Elizabeth JBriming 25 Nov. Edith Bishop, widow 29 Nov. Mary wife of Philip Rickard 6 Dec. Prudence May, widow 7 Dec. Peter Retalack 9 Dec. WilHam Bear 17 Dec. Jane Rouse ANJfO 1767. 7 Jan. Elizabeth Capple 11 Jan. Elizabeth Harris, widow 26 Jan. Catherine wife of Anth. Ken- dall 30 Jan. Robert Thomson 30 Jan. Nicholas s. of John & Mary Tonkin 1 Feb. Catherine the wife of Thomas Langdon 5 Feb. John Husband 26 Feb. Elizabeth England, widow 15 Mar. Sarah Oliver, widow 18 April Richard s. of Richard & Mary Bettinson 30 June Shadrach Tremain 6 July Thomas s. of William & Tho- masine Swan 13 July Thomas Mark 17 July James s. of William & Thoma- sine Swaun 13 Aug. Ursula Mill of Colan 18 Aug. John s. of Joan Martin 25 Oct. John Mewton 15 Nov. Mary wife of Richard Manuell 20 Nov. Margaret wife of Petherick Williams AxNO 1768. 7 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Jepthah & G-race Whitten 8 Jan. Reskimo Allen 26 Jan. Richard s. of William & Sarah Ellery 6 Feb. Ann Benny, widow 1 Mar. Mary Rowse, widow 15 jMar. Judith Howard 18 Mar. Methuselah s. of Methuselah & Mary Barret * John Ar.srott, waywarden in 1728. 284 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR [1768-70. 22 Mar. Joseph s. of Joseph & Eliza- betli Tinney 30 Mar. Jaue Dungey, widow 18 April John s. of Richard & Elizabeth Gummow 6 May Robert Howard 11 May Elizabeth Coomb of S^ Ervan 14 May Loveday* the Avife of Thomas Vivian, Esq''^ 15 May Elizabeth wife of John Cow- ling 18 May Elizabeth the wife of James Dennis 4 June Elizabeth the wife of Richard Grummow 14 June Margaret d. of Rev'' Thomas Biddulph & Martha his wife 16 July Samuel s. of William & Cathe- rine Rawlings 7 Aug. Elizabeth Teppit, widow 24 Aug. Grace wife of Richard Calla- way 24 Sep. Johnf s. of Richard & Alice Hicks 26 Sep. Elizabeth d. of William & Elizabeth Peters 20 Oct. Joan Hill 3 Dec. Hannah d. of Ralph & Mary Rues 24 Dec. Ann d. of Richard & Elizabeth Basely Aimo 1769. 15 Jan. Elizabeth wife of Benjamin Jones 29 Jan. Jennifer d. of Greorge & Eliza- beth Colwell 9 Feb. Ann d. of John & Catherine Whitford 15 Feb. William Hicks 20 Feb. Jephthah s. of Jephthab & Grace Whitter 20 Feb. Alice d. of Francis & Edith Hawkey 1 April Nicholas Lakeman 13 April Ann Tremaiu alias Cocking 2 May Humphrey s. of John & Ann Martin 6 May Philippa wife of Henry Barni- coat * She was daughter and heir of Nicholas Bogans, Esq., by his wife Loveday, daughter of Charles Vyvyan, second son of Sir Richard Vyvyan, bart., of Trelo warren. ■)• A tomb in the churchyard records this John, who on it is said to have died 1st Sep., 1758, aged 5 years ; also, Catherine Drew, daughter of the above Richard, died Jan. 1785, aged 25 years. 11 May Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Basely 22 May Peter Kendal 30 May Richard Hawke 27 June Sarah d. of John & Grace Jane 12 July Elizabeth wife of George Tre- maiu al'is Cocking 18 July Elizabeth wife of William Raw 10 Aug. Ann d. of Philip & Margaret Harris 12 Aug. Jane d. of Philip & Joan Gil- bert of S' Enoder 22 Aug. Mark d. of George & Eliza- beth Raw 26 Aug. Mary Tabb, widow 28 Aug. Ann d. of Thomas & Joan Williams 5 Sep. John s. of George & Elizabeth Raw 15 Oct. M'' William Lawrence,* gent. 28 Oct. Ann d. of Richard & Elizabeth Basely 30 Oct. Samuel s. of William & Cathe- rine Rawlings 7 Nov. Elizabeth wife of Anthony Raw 15 Nov. John Bond 15 Nov. Thomas s. of Thomas & Joan Williams 21 Nov. Alice wife of John Cornish 30 Nov. Dinah Merifield widow 3 Dec. Mary Basely widow 4 Dec. Mary Hailburn 7 Dec. James Oliver 13 Dec. Ann y*" wife of John Martin 16 Dec. Joan Vivian widow 21 Dec. John Sprey 24 Dec. Dorothy Keast 26 Dec. Richard Callaway 28 Dec. Honour England, widow Aira-o 1770. 4 Jan. Robert Retallack 10 Jan. Mary wife of John Teppetf 12 Jan. Ralph Bues 17 Jan. Mary King widow 19 Jan. Ann d. of William & Margaret Benny 2 Feb. Elizabeth Blake 11 Feb. Elizabeth Warne 19 Feb. John s. of James May 24 Feb. Margaret Retallack widow 25 Feb. John Tippetf * William Lawrence, buried 23 Jan., 1781. — St. Columb Par. Reg. t In 1766 John Tippet was governor of the workhouse. 1770-72.] BUEIALS. 285 7 Mar. 10 Mar. 13 Mar. 17 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 29 Mar. 17 April 21 April 3 May 4 May 8 May 21 May 24 May 30 May 1 June 8 Juue 11 June 13 June 24 June 29 June 6 July 17 July 17 July 18 July 23 July 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 23 Aug. 2 Sep. 8 Sep. 15 Sep. 26 Sep. 18 Oct. 9 Nov. 12 Nov. 5 Dec. William s. of Thomas & Rachel Keam Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Ann Cook William Blight John s. of Jephthah & Grrace Whitton George s. of George & Eliza- beth Champion Bartholemew Brown Joan wife of William Bulling Thomas Tyne alias Richards of y^ parish of S' Dennis Joan d. of James & Joan Tabb Elizabeth Williams widow Catherine d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Tabb Sarah Retallack Mary wife of Charles Rickard John Cowling Margaret Pill Hugh Bullock James Champion EHbabeth wife of Nicholas Husband Frances d. of Philip & Ann Beswarick of y® parish of Luxillion Ann wife of James Pearce Philippa Hawke widow Elizabeth wife of George Champion John s. of Nicholas & Eliza- beth Guens Ann Rowe widow Elizabeth d. of Richard & Eli- zabeth Hawken Mary d. of Methuselah & Mary Barrett Erances d. of M"" James Coad Elizabeth d. of Thomas & Jane Giles Henry s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Basely Frances Woon widow Elizabeth d. of John & Eliza- beth Stephens Mary & Jennifer daughters of John & Elizabeth Stephens Nancey d. of John & Elizabeth Stephens Elizabeth d. of James Pearce Richard s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Luke Richard s. of Thomas & Amy Solomon William Worth Anno 1771. 25 May Mary wife of Henry Pine 8 June Richard Carne 10 June Allice d. of Digory & Allice Truscutt 11 June William s. of William & Dorothy Harris 13 June Mathew King 14 June Catherine Rawling 20 June Joan the wife of Thomas Buse 23 June ElizabeththewifeofHumphrey Tomm 30 July Dorothy Blight, wid. 22 Aug. Thomas Langdon 2 Nov. Grace d. of Robert & Grace Keam 26 Nov. Ann d. of George & Mary Tippett 28 Nov. John Parnel Anno 1772. 13 Jan. Joan Martin, widow 25 Jan. Mary y^ wife of Henry Rowe 8 Eeb. William s. of Nicholas & Dorothy Tamblyn 21 Feb. John s. of Richard & Frances Sampson 5 Mar. Ann Gill, widow 16 Mar. Allice d. of Peter & Elizabeth Hawke 22 Mar. William s. of William & Mar- garet Benny 13 April Margaret the wife of James Jane 20 April Thomas Luney 6 May Richard s. of Richard & Mary Williams 22 May Catherine Johnson, widow 15 June Peter Callaway 18 June Jonathan Daw 15 July Jane Brenton, widow 24 Aug. Daniel Thomas 25 Aug. Barnabas, s. of John Trus- cutt 12 Sep. John Martin 15 Sep. John Meryfield 28 Sep. Philippa d. of James & Eliza- beth Inch 31 Oct. William Fordham, soldier in ye 7tu xiegt of Foot 13 Nov. Gilbert Cayzier of y^ parish of Mawgan 23 Nov. Jane Parnel, widow 4 Dec. James Brewer 7 Dec. Elizabeth d. of Nicholas & Mary Liddicoat 12 Dec. John Helston 286 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLFMB MAJOR. [1773-76. Anno 1773. 6 Jan. Elizabeth Harris 7 Jan. "William Teppet 22 Jan. Elizabeth Roberts, widow 4 Feb. Susanna Vivian 15 Feb. John King 10 Mar. Amy Brewer, widow 3 April Rebecca d. of William & Ho- nour Blight 4 April Catherine Cundy, widow 30 April William s. of Elizabeth Lobb 4 May Honour Roberts, widow 5 May Mary d. of Mary Oliver 14 May Catherine d. of Robert & Eli- zabeth Manuel 30 May William Blight, postmaster 12 July Philip G-ilbert 14 Aug. Sarah wife of William Jane 18 Sep. Mary d. of John & Constance James 26 Sep. Ann d. of John & Constance James 4 Oct. Philip Rickard 16 Oct. John Rowse 24 Oct. William Brabyn 28 Oct. Mary Husband 25 Nov. William Jane 16 Dec. Francis Solomon 19 Dec. Ann d. of John & Lovedy Truscutt 27 Dec. William d. of Robert & Jane Drew Anno 1774. 7 Jan. Thomas s. of Robert & Jane Drew 6 Mar. Mary wife of John Liddicoat 4 Mar. Jane Pound, widow 8 Mar. Harry s. of John & Elizabeth Oxenham 30 April Philip s. of James & Grace Gilbert 14 May Grace Mitchell, widow 24 May Ann Pearce, widow 26 May Mary Coad d. of James Coad 19 June Thomas Hutchings 11 July Abigal Corner 27 Aug. William s. of Francis & Jane Jane 4 Sep. William Davis 7 Sep. John s. of John & Margarett Walkey 12 Oct. Elizabeth Best 26 Nov. Elizabeth Williams 9 Dec. Catherine Hendy 11 Dec. Thomas s. of Robert & Eliza- beth Manuel 24 Dec. Ann the wife of John Best Anno 1775. 25 Jan. Mary Lanyon, widow 8 Feb. Thomas s. of Richard & Grace Vivian 15 Feb. Jane wife of Richard Veal 17 Feb. Florence the wife of William Hicks 12 Mar. Anthony s. of Richard & Ly- dia Batten James 18 Mar. Catherine d. of James & Joan Tabb 23 Mar. Philip s. of Peter & EUzabeth Hawke 25 Mar. Thomas s. of Thomas & Pru- dence Hicks 2 April Rebeccah the wife of Francis May 1 May Joan Sampson of y* parish of Lower S*^ Columb 19 May Frances Woods 1 June Richard Pascoe 8 July James Callaway 11 July Thomas Sweet 3 Sep. Thomas s. of James & Doro- thy Jenkins 18 Sep. William s. of William & Eli- zabeth Levvarue 25 Sep. William Angove, Esq^e 30 Sep. M"- John Burgis 12 Oct. James s. of John & Elizabeth Helston 24 Nov. Elizabeth wife of John Ste- phens 2 Dec. John s. of Thomas & Johanna Salmon 23 Dec. Thomas Gass Anno 1776. 4 Jan. Joyce wife of John Mark 8 Feb. Richard Austin 20 Feb. Elizabeth Cowling 3 Mar. John May 9 Mar. William s. of Richard & Ly- dia Batten James 30 Mar. Amy d. of William & Eliza- beth Brewer 2 April Peter s. of John & Grace Jane 2 April Thomas Williams late officer of Excise 8 April William Lewarne 11 April Frances Evans, widow 3 May Joan wife of James Stephens 4 May Digory Truscott IS May Frances d. of Peter & Eliza- beth Hawke 1776-78.] BUEIALS. 287 5 June Eichard s. of Eichard & Eli- zabeth Basely 6 June Mark s. of Mark & Elizabeth Nichols 22 June Elizabeth the wife of Eichard Husband 10 July James s. of James & Ann Pearce 11 July Elizabeth d. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Eowe 13 July Eev*^ J)' Eobert Bateman, rector of this & Mawgan parishes* 1 Aug. James s. of Arthur & Ann Caple 7 Aug. Jane Eowse, widow 3 Sep. Jane d. of Mark & Elizabeth Nichols 29 Sep. John Buckingham 29 Oct. Henry Tamblyn 17 Nov. John Harvey IS Nov. Henry Barnicoatt 7 Dec. Eichard Basely 25 Dec. Anthony Eowe 31 Dec. Lovedy wife of John Truscott Anko 1777. 11 Jan. Alice Pascoe, widow 12 Jan. John Cundy 22 Jan. Jane Bilkey 4 Eeb. George Bond 9 Feb. William Merifield 13 Feb. Jennifer d. of Francis & Grace Cundy 18 Feb. John s. of William & Mary Gl anvil 28 Feb. Andrew Mabyn 20 Mar. Thomas Giles 25 Mar. Frances wife of Stephen Car- hart 3 April Jonathan & George ss. of George & Mary Daw 12 April John Hockin 22 April Lovedy Cowling, widow 28 May Joyce Dinnis 1 June Henry Hoskin 7 June M.'^ Martha Grimes 22 June John s. of Francis & Jane Jane 26 June Edward s. of Edward & Ea- ch el Gummo * Said by his representative to be a brother of Sir Hugh Bateman, Bart., of Hartingtcn, but his name does not appear in any pedigree of the Batemans' of Hartiugton. Mrs. Elizabeth Bateman, relict of the late Dr. Bateman. buried July -Ith, 1800.— St. Columb Par. Reg 3 July M^s Grace Angove, widow 4 July John Strongman 10 July John s. of Peter & Elizabeth Hawke 17 July Emblyn wife of William Buckingham 21 Aug. Thomas s. of Eichard & Ly- dia Batten James 21 Sep. Thomas s. of Nicholas Bree of Stoke 22 Oct. Enstees Hendy 24 Nov. William Tomm 27 Nov. Ann Eetallack 27 Dec. James Shambles Anno 1778. 23 Jan. Henry Eowse 25 Jan. Eobert Kent 27 Jan. Elizabeth d. of Michael & Su- sanna Basely 28 Jan. Mary Liddicoat 1 Feb. John Merifield 2 Feb. John s. of William & Dorothy Eounseval 6 Feb. William Crap 20 Feb. Peter WiUs 20 Feb. Henry s. of Susanna Husband 15 Mar. Mary d. oE Eobert & Eliza- beth Manuel 1 April Sampson Brewer 10 April John Cundy, soldier 13 April Mary d. of John & Jennifer George 20 May Margaret wife of John Cor- nish 23 May Edward Hoblyn, Esq^'^* 25 May Susanna wife of Michael Basely * He was of Tresaddern, son of Thomas Hoblyn of Tresaddern, gent., by his second wife Joan daughter of ... . Tresaddern. He married Anne, daughter of John Peter of Harlyn (she died s.p. in 1791), and died s.p. aged G9. Mrs. Anne Hoblyn of Tresaddern, widow, buried 4 May, 1791. — St. Columb Major Par. Reg. Miss M. Hoblyn of Truro, buried 22 April, 1796. — St. Columb Major Par. Reg. [She was a daughter of Samuel Hoblyn of Peuheale (grand- son of Tho. Hoblyn of Tresaddern and his first wife Mary Carter), who succeeded to Nanswhy- den on the death of his cousin, Robert Hoblyn. He was buried at St. Columb, 12 May, 1790 his wife Joan, daughter of Enoder Hawke of Trengove, died 10 March, 1817, buried at St. Columb.] Caroline, daughter of the Rev'' Robert Hoblyn and Mary his wife, buried .31 Jan., 1800.— St. Columb Major Par. Reg. [Her father was son of Samuel, named above ; he was curate of Gwennap, and succeeded to Nanswhydcn. He 288 THE REGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. [1778-80. 25 May Temperance d. of Henry & Eanny Hoskin 27 May Elizabeth d. of Edward & Rachel Gummo 28 May Jennifer d. of Joseph & Mary Kelly 6 June Thomas s. of Edward & Eli- zabeth May 14 June Delia d. of John & Margaret Buckingham 3 July Rachel wife of Henry Ream 6 July John s. of Edward & Ann Pearce 7 July Thomas Keam 17 July Thomas s. of Thomas & Pru- dence Hicks 27 July Richard s. of William & Sarah Ellery 1 Aug. Elizabeth Solomon, widow 1 Sep. William s. of Joseph & Pa- tience Hancock 29 Sep. James s. of Robert & Eliza- beth Tabb 9 Oct. Frances d. of John & Rosa- mond Carhart 2 Nov. Elizabeth d. of Peter & Jane Pollard Anno 1779. 4 Jan. Richard Gummo 6 Jan. John Metheral 19 Jan. Margarett d. of Thomas & Thomazine Gass 9 Feb. George s. of Richard & Mary Yeal 24 Feb. William Truscutt 27 Feb. Blanch Tom 6 Mar. Jane wife of Michael Barrett 15 Mar. Mary d. of John & Martha Jewell 5 April Mary d. of Mark & Elizabeth Kichols 25 May Elizabeth Nichols, widow 3 June Mary Simons, widow 16 June Wm.'s.of George & Mary Daw 21 June Mary wife of George Dawe 25 June M"" John Dungey* 5 July Sarah d. of Elizabeth Harris married Mary, daughter of Hugh Mallet of Mill- brooke, by whom he had, with other issue, the Eev"* William Mallet Hobljn, rector of Clip- sham, CO. Rutland, who, by his wife, Frances Laura, daughter of John Paget, Esq. of Oranmore Hall, was father of the present William Paget Hoblyn, of the Fir Hill, Esq.] * He ruaiTied Grace, daughter and co-heiress of Mr. Christopher VVarne of St. Columb, by whom he left several children. 8 July M"^ Elias Hiscutt 14 July Samuel Hooker s. of James & Margarett Jane 16 July Ann Lee 22 July Mary wife of Robert Bilkey 24 July William s. of John & Grace Dungey 29 July William Williams s. of Ann Aver 2 Aug. William s. of Richard & Eli- zabeth Jane 6 Aug. John s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Jane 8 Aug. Richard s. of Richard & Eliza- beth Jane 17 Aug. Ann d. of John & Johanna Bryant 22 Aug. Robert s. of John & Joan Simons 31 Aug. James s. of William & Marga- ret Benny 3 Sep. William s. of Richard & Mary Williams 2 Oct. John s. of Nicholas & Ann Courtney 9 Oct. Richard s. of William & Sarah Basely 10 Oct. Susanna Jane d. of James & Ann Pearce 14 Oct. Thomazine d. of Nicholas & Ann Courtney 22 Oct. Elizabeth d. of Richard & Su- sanna Rowse 26 Oct. John s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Johns 12 Nov. Constance Bligth, widow 14 Nov. Philip s. of Philip & Joan Gil- bert Anno 1780. 2 Jan. Thomas s. of Joseph & Mary Merifield 13 Jan. Jane Cowling 20 Jan. William s. of Thomas & Amy Solomon 8 Feb. Thomas Keast 9 Feb. George Hallway 12 Feb. Harry s. of Henry & Elizabeth Warne* 13 Feb. Gertrude La'WTence, widow 16 Feb. Samuel Hoskin 20 Feb. Margarett d. of Francis & Edith Hawkey 26 Feb. John Tregillgass * Mr. Henry Wame was bur. Jan. 3, 1S1.3, aged 71 ; his wife Elizabeth (Dungey) bur. Dec. 9. 1798. aged 59. 1780.] BUEIALS. 289 25 April Thomas Merifield 3 May Eobert Helbom 6 May M"^ Nicholas Donithorn Ar- thur 16 May James Tabb 30 May Ann Veal, widow 29 June Joan Tabb, widow 5 July Eosamond wife of John Car- hart 6 July Eleanor wife of Eobert Tabb 12 Sep. Alice Law, widow 10 Oct. Mary wife of Henry Bamicott 13 Oct. Honor Oliver, widow 16 Oct. Anthony Kendall 26 Oct. Mary d. of Jane Giles 20 Nov. Eichard s. of Eichard & Mary Billing 25 Nov. John s. of James & Mary Snell 28 Nov. Henry s. of James & Mary SueU 29 Nov. Martha d. of Eichard & Mary Billing 3 Dec. Frances Oxenham, widow 6 Dec. Cordelia d. of John & Mar- garet Buckingham 8 Dec. Margarett d. of John & Ann Cornish 9 Dec. John Hand 9 Dec. Ann d. of Edward and Eliza- beth May 12 Dec. Ann wife of John Cornish 17 Dec. Frances Merifield, widow 28 Dec. William s. of Eichard & Su- sanna Eowse 26 Dec. John Best 2 V EXTRACTS FROM OTHER REGISTERS RELATING TO ST. COLUMB FAMILIES. MAWGAN IN PTDAE. BAPTISMS. 16S6 Jan. 16 W" s. of Hen. Haycraft & Margery his wife 1690 July 24 "W" s. of John Tom & Dorothy his wife . . . Nov. 18 W™ s. of tho. Pendarves, rector & Grace his wife 1695 Nov. 5 Alice d. of James Ivey & Eleanor his wife 1696 Dec. 15 Francis s. of Francis .Jolly 1697 July 13 Grace d. of Benj. Devon- shire, gent. & Dorothy his wife 1698 Jan. 25 Mary d. of Philip Vivian & Honor his wife 1701 Mar. 21 John s. of John Willyams gent. & Dorothy his wife MAKEIAGES. 1686 May 21 Peter Kendell & Marg* Bary . . . Dec. 27 John Addams & Mary Eetallack 1688 Jan. 7 M-" Tho. Pendarves, rector & M'^ Grace Hoblin 1690 June 24 James Strongman & An Giuuieus 1692 Nov. 14 James s. of John Day of S' Columb & Martha d. of John Tregenna, rector 1696 Sept. 5 Archibald s. of Eemfrey Eowse of St. Columb Major & Dorothy d. of Gregory May & Jane- well his wife 1698 Nov. 26 James Eow & Mary Eowse of St. Columb the higher 1704 Nov. 22 James Spry & Margaret Brewer 1706 June 8 Eic. Jolly & Johan Pollard 1709 June 3 M^' W" Symons, vicar of Cornelle and Merder, & M" Trephena Wil- liams ("Willyams) 1709 July 29 1709 July 26 1711 April 19 1725 1726 July July 11 29 1729 May 26 1734 Nov. 11 1736 June 5 1747 Dec. 23 1763 Jan. 31 1788 Aug. Francis Dungey & Eliza- beth Eoberts "W"' James & Hannah Jack Andrew Hen. Lawrence & Sarah Austen AY™ Bilkey & Mary Vivian John Arthur & Honor Sleemau of St. Columb Minor Hen. Lawrence & Eliz. Hurt John Whitford & Eliz. MufEat of St. Columb Minor John Pearse & Mary Dun- gey Mr AV"^ Lemon, jun^ of Truro & Miss Ann Willyams, by licence W™ Kendall of this parish & Frances Eetallack of St. Columb Major Tho. Whitford of St. Co- lumb Major, widower & Elizabeth Hobb of Mawgan Spinster John Ball of this parish & Ann Warne of S' Issey BIJEIALS. 1698 Nov. 19 Hannabell Carhart 1741 Dec. 25 John "Willyams, Esq. 1765 Feb. 4 Jane Aruudell 1781 July 30 M'« Jane Willyams 1784 Aug. 9 John Willyams, gent. 1790 July 3 M'^ Charlotte Willyams C O L A N . BAPTISMS. 1670 Feb. 23 Diones & Katherine child- ren of Colan Mannuell & Oner his wife 1677 Jan. 26 Luke s. of Colan & Alice Bettison 1680 Mar. 15 Peter s. of James Day, gent. & Joane his wife 1805 July 28 BIJEIALS. 291 1681 Sep. 28 1683 Feb. 19 1687 Jan. 17 1688 Sep. 15 1689 May 8 I70i April 1 Mary d. of Francis A^ivian of Coswarth, Esq. & Aun his wife Elizabeth d. of James Day, gent. & Joan his wife Anna d. of James Day, gent. & Joan his wife Charles s. of Jolm Eobins & Jane his wife Edw. s. of Eob. Hoblyn, clerk & Judeth his wife Eliz. d. of Anthony Whit- ford & Elizabeth his wife MABEIAGE9. April 15 W'" Thomas & Mary Glanville Jan. 15 W^ Cottle, gent. & M'« Dorothy Hoblin of St. Enoder Feb. 2 "W^ Tremean & Thoma- sine Sleeman Oct. 14 Timothy Berrie & Hester Poole Ang. 4 Francis Stephens & Bea- ton Hawke Nov. 14 Timothy Gully of St. Enoder, gent. & Ann Dodson Ang. 3 Christopher Hendra & Philippa Jolley Sept. 11 Philip Husband & Susanna Harris May 23 Anthony White of St. Columb Major & Mary Scagel of Laneast July 12 M^- Eic. Ingleton & M« Eliz. Courtenay June 24 John Trebilcock of St. Columb Minor & Ann Eow, widow W^ Blake of St. Columb Major & Susanna IMer- son of CuUumpton, Devon Francis Laugdon & Jane Wilton W™ Thorn & Ursula Hendra of St. Columb Major Jonathan Law & Mary Eaw nPs Mitchall of St. Columb Major Hen. Pollard of Mawgan & Gartred White of Colan 1661 1670 1674 1686 1688 1691 1694 1703 1715 1717 1718 1719 June 26 1719 Dec. 26 1720 April 18 1720 July 2 1722 Oct. 27 1723 Feb. 17 Samuel Glanville of St. Columb Major & Grace Trebilcock of Colan 1725 Dec. 23 Edw. Eichards rt^s Tanner of St. Columb Major & Grace Woon of St. Enoder 1726 April 28 Tho. Whitford & Eliza- beth Sams of the parish of Charles Plymouth 1728 Jan. 26 John Eow of Maker & Ann White of St. Columb Major 1732 Sept. 10 Eobert Drew of St. Co- lumb Major & Elizabeth Watts of St. Columb Minor 1735 Oct. 28 John Eowse & Thomasine Eenfrey of St. Columb Major 1736 May 8 Eic. Whitford & Dorothy Hockings of St. Co- lumb Minor 1736 Dec. 31 John Trescott of Breggur & Jane Cundy of St, Columb Major 1738 Aug. 2 W James S* Aubin of St. Agnes & W^ Mary Sleeman, by licence 1738 Sept. 5 W"^ White of St. Columb & Ann Trebilcock BUEIALS. 1661 April 18 John Bluett 1668 April 25 M'^ Martha Bluett, widow 1668 June 21 Grace d. of Eic. Whit- ford 1671 Sep. 5 John White of Higher St. Columb 1672 Nov. 8 Eichard Bluett, gent. 1673 Dec. 8 M--^ Elizabeth Day 1673 Sep. 3 Ann wife of Eic. Whit- ford 1677 Oct. 13 James s. of James & Joan Day 1690 Dec. 18 Madam Eliz. Blewet 1712 Sept. 13 Bridget relict of James Edwards of St. Columb the greater * 1718 Jan. 23 M"" James Day, gent. 1725 April 8 Grace d. of John Bagwell, vicar & Grace his wife 1726 Sept. 11 W°^ Glanville of St. Co- lumb 1727 Aug. 22 Grace wife of John Bag- well, vicar 1736 July 6 M'" Eic. Kempe of Tre- gony 292 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLrMB MAJOR. 1737 1738 1739 1740 1740 1745 1762 1576 1579 1579 1572 1574 Dec. 3 M''^ Anne Kempe of Tre- gony May 13 Ric. s. of Eic. Flint of St. Columb Major July 5 M"^ James Keinpe of Tre- gouy June M'" W"" Kempe of Tregony July 14 Martha Sanders of St. Columb April 15 Rev'' M^ Bagwell, Vicar of this parish Feb. 27 Rev"! M-" Hoblyn ST. ENODER. BAPTISMS. April 11 Jone d. of John Champion Mar. 29 Margery e the d. of Rob. Pokenhorne June 10 Katherine the d. of Ric. Hodge June Oct. 1577 Jan. 1587 1592 Sept. Nov. 1592 Feb. 1592 Sept. 1594 June 1607 Nov. 1610 1612 Mar. 1619 April 1624 Oct. 1641 Sept. 1642 April 1649 Nov. 1649 Dec. MAEEIAGES. 9 W» Truebodye & Grace Rickarde 3 Ric. Cood, gent. & Jone Willoughby, widow at Morvall 27 Rob. Pollard & Tamsen Jenninge 30 Tho. Vivian & Ann Hall 7 John Willoughby & Ka- therine Collins 6 Ric. Penros, gent. & Jane France 24 John Duustone & Johan Daw^e 25 W™ Jolly Clarke, vicar of Enoder & Katherine Warne at St. Cubyn 17 M-' John Kete & Ann "Willoughby Zachary Arundell, gent. & Ann Keate, widow 7 Tho. Cook & Jane Wil- loughby 14 John Tynny of St. Columb the higher & Alice Hoskyn 12 Ric. Hoblyn & Elizabeth Martyn 30 Hen. Lawrence & Thoma- ein Row 25 Rob. Edy & Jone Buck- ingham, both of Ladock 19 Edw. Bluett & Christen Arthur 13 W"i GuUy & Joans Jolly 1660 Dec. 13 1660 Dec. 18 1669 Sept. 18 1672 Nov. 21 1685 Sept. 4 1691 May 28 1693 April 29 1695 July 29 1697 June 19 1698 Dec. 26 1701 Nov. 20 1709 May 7 1709 June 14 1712 Nov. 10 1714 Sept. 5 1716 April 3 1716 Nov. 27 1734 April 17 1742 May 3 1743 Sept. 23 1751 Sept. 21 1751 Nov. 2 John Rickard, gent. & Alice Hoblyn Ricliard Thomas & Agnes Flamack John Halle & Johan Jen- king Tho. Flammack & Eliza- beth Maunder Hen. Blake & Grace Ford of St. Columb Major John Massey & Ann Tanner Geo. Arundle & Ann Bice John Flamank, gent. & Ann Spernon Richard Hooper & Eliza- beth Mooreshead Rob. StrangAvays & Cathe- rine d. of Anthony Tanner, gent. Ml' John Flamanke & M" Elizabeth Cardew Edm. Bullock & Mary Vivian M'" Francis Stephens of St. Ives & M'» Grace Flamanke Tho. Cardell & Jane Hooper gr ^m Pendarves, k"* & Madam Bridget Hob- lyn Lewns Cock of Mevegissy & Grace WaiTen (Warne) M' Joseph Beale & M'« Anne Car the w John Warren (? Warne) & Margaret Legayzack Rev'i M'' W" Penwarne of St. Veep & M'« Grace Tanner Francis May of St. Co- lumb Major & Rebecca Harris W* Retallick of St. Eno- der & Mary Row of St. Columb Major John Cornish of St. Co- lumb Major & Alice Hawke BUEIALS. 1590 Sept. 20 Robert Darr of St. Co- lumbe 1590 Mar. 11 Nicholas s. of Geo. Wil- loughby 1605 Nov. 16 Mistres Emline Keate BUEIALS. 293 1617 May 2 1626 1628 1633 1634 1638 1639 1643 1614 1665 Mar. 8 May 29 July 30 Feb. 5 Oct. 16 Dec. 10 Nov. 14 Mar. 11 June 17 1667 1675 1675 1675 1675 1700 Aug. 11 April 24 Jan. 6 Mar. 16 Aug. 1 July 25 A child of Zacliary Arun- dell, gent., before bap- tised Greo. Willougbby, gent. W^ Jolly, vicar A d. of Antbony Tanner, gent., before baptised Dorothy wife of Anthony Tanner, gent. Judith d. of Thomas Hoblyn, Esq. & Alice his wife John "Willoughby Thomas Dungey M^'^ Jane Willoughby Mistres Ann Arundell, wife of Zachary Arun- dell, gent. Zachary Aruudell, gent. M'-^ Alice Hoblyn Mary Flamanck wife of Hobert Flamanck Susanna Flamanck Susanna Flamanck Anne wife of John Fla- manck, gent. ST. WENN. BAPTISMS. 1709 Mar. 25 W™ s. of W^ ISTankivel 1712 April 20 John s. of Sampson Anstes 1714 Mar. 29 Sampson s. of Sampson & (xrace Anstes 1719 June 1 John s. of Eic. & Grace Eetallack 1728 Jan. 25 Cornelius s. of Richard & Ann Grreen of St. Co- lumb Major 1731 April 12 W"^ s. of Eic. & Grace Eetallack 1731 Jan. 21 James s. of James & Jane Eetallock 1733 June 4 Grace d. of Eic. & Grace Eetallick 1734 Oct. 7 Eichard s. of James & Jane Eetallack 1734 July 26 Christopher s. of Eichard & Grace Eetallick 1735 (gone) W^ s. of The. & Eliz. Dungey 1736 Dec. 27 Hen. s. of M^' Eic. & Margaret Hawkey 1737 Mar. 25 Elizabeth d. of James & Jane Eetallick 1739 July 13 W^ s. of James & Jane Eetallack 1746 May 19 Mary d. of John & Frances Blewett 1748 May 14 James s. of John & Frances Blewett 1752 Nov. 24 Ann d. of John & Eliza- beth Eetalick 1753 Oct. 15 W" 9. of James & Mary Merifield 1753 Nov. 23 Eich'' s. of Hen. & Eliz. Eetallack 1762 Feb. 13 James s. of W'" & Eliz. Eetallack 1787 July 1 Eic. s. of Joseph & Mary Warn 1790 June 7 James s. of Joseph & Mary Warn MAERIAGES. 1707 Sept. John Edwards & Ann Mapowder 1709 Sept. 10 Tho. West & Mary Ee- talack 1709 Oct. 19 Sampson Ansties & Grace Williams 1712 June 15 John Loob & Mary Vivian 1715 Feb. 11 Peter Gilbert & Grace Olver 1716 July 9 Anthony Coad & Dianah Pollard 1721 Oct. 23 W" Peters & Elizabeth Hoare of St. Columb 1722 Aug. 11 W" Nankivall & Judeth Hoare 1724 Dec. 17 Peter Warne & Ann Best by licence 1725 Aug. 3 W>" Williams, gent. & M'^ Jane Eesuggan 1726 July 24 James Eetallack & Jane Bayley 1726 Oct. 5 Eichard Veal & Mary Vincent 1727 June 13 Tho. Dungey & Elizabeth Penyligan 1742 Feb. 5 John Hicks of St. Columb Major & Mary Trem- beth 1743 Mar. 27 John Eetallack of Eoache & Elizabeth Doeken of St. Wenn 1745 Nov. 10 John Blewett & Frances Eetallack 1748 April 21 Hen. Oxman & Frances Hawk both of St. Columb 1740 June 22 Benjamin Jones & Eliza- beth Mewden, both of St. Columb 1749 Dec. 16 Tho. Giles & Jane Inch, both of St. Columb 294. THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. 1707 Mar. 16 G-race Mapowder, gentle- woman 1712 Sept. 15 Dorcas Vivian 1713 April 10 Frances the wife of Edw. Brokenslieer 1713 Dec. 5 Heary Stribley, gent. 1719 Nov. 27 Dorcas wife of Stephen Vivian, gent. 1719 July 16 Robert Berry, gent. 1720 Jan. 11 Robert Berry, gent. 1737 July 16 W" Hals, gent. (The his- torian of Cornwall) 1752 June 17 M" Sarah Carew 1793 Mar. 2 Elizabeth Vyvyan PARKHAM, CO. DEVON. BAPTISMS. 1667 Nov. 4 Simon s. of Giles Risdon, Esq. 1668 Jan. 10 Frances d. of Giles Risdon, Esq. 1670 Aug. 26 Henry s. of Giles Risdon, Esq. 1685 July 12 Jane d. of Giles Risdon, Esq. & Jane bis wife 1689 Oct. 1 Gyles s. of G-yles Risdon, Esq. & Anna liis wife BUEIALS. 1676 Feb. 10 Grace wife of Giles Ris- don, Esq. 1678 Mar. 21. Gyles Risdon, Esq. 1682 Sept. 14 Catherine wife of Giles Risdon, gent. 1685 July 23 Jane wife of Giles Risdon, Esq. 1697 Sept. 24 Gyles Risdon of Bableigh, Esq. ALWINGTON, DEVON. MAEEIAGES. 1677 April 11 Giles s. of Giles Risdon of Bably, Esq. & M'^ Katheriue Coffin d. of Richard Coffin of Portledge, Esq. ST. JOHN'S BY SALTASH. BAPTISMS. 1683 Oct. 10 Richard s. of Richard Mapow^der & Mary his wife 1735 Jan. 18 Edmond s. of Edmond Prideaux of St. Awstell & Ruth his wife MAEEIAGES. 17 L4 Sept. 4 1709 May 1710 Oct. 1710 Dec. 1711 May 1712 Dec. 1713 Sept. 1713 Dec. Cap' Thomas Graves & Mary d. of M-" William AVarne of Anthony MAKER. BAPTISMS. 20 Symon* s. of Symou "Warn & Elizabeth his wife 25 William s. of Simon Warn & Elizabeth his wife 10 John s. of Tho. Hoblyn & Charity his wife 1 Elizabeth d. of Hugh Mallet & Mary his wife 8 Thomas s. of Thomas Hoblyn & Charity his wife 29 Mary d. of Hugh Mallet & Mary his wife 9 Thomas s. of Thomas Hoblyn & Charity his wife MAEEIAGES. 1710 June 1741 Jan. 1780 July 1781 Sept. 1786 Sept. & Mary 21 Hugh Mallet Hawse Simon Ward* & Johanna Little 20 John Luckraft & Ann Priscilla Ward(Warne) 13 Simon Wardf (Warne) & Elizabeth Nodder 25 AVilliam Mallet &Loveday Warne ST. BIJDEATJX, DEVON. BAPTISMS. 1631 July 24 Joane d. of John Vivian & Jane his wife * He took the name of Ward. See his marriage below. He died 11 Oct., 1759, aged 50 years, and is buried under an altar tomb on the south side of the church, together with Johanna his wife, who died 29 May, 1776, aged 70. Thoma- sine their daughter, died 7 July, 1781, aged 44. She was wife of Capt. Edward Lower, R.N., who died 4 March, 1802, aged 07. t Son of Simon Ward and Johanna Little. He had two daughters : Ann Priscilla, born 26 March, 1782, died an infant ; and Mary, born 7 April, 1784, married at Maker, on Sept. 26, 1817, John Friend. Esq., Lieut. Koyal Surrey Militia, and had issue. — John Simon, died un- married ; and Mary Anne Elizabeth, born 6 Jan. 182.3, married 20 Jan., 1847, Frederick Arthur Jewers, son of Commander Kichard Jewers, E.N., and had issue three sons and five daughters. BUEIALS. 295 1772 July 14 Mary d. of John Arundell & Elizabeth his wife MAEEIAGES. 1555 June 9 Eicli. Triscott & Ann Berrye 1689 June 11 John Pendarvis, gent. & Mary Beele, gen"^ BURIALS. 1540 Aug 1551 Dec. 1554 Feb. 10 Thomasyne Hornbrook 6 Thomas Blighte 20 S'' John Hornbrooke, priest & curate of this parish 1621 Aug. 9 Elizabeth Leigh wife of Kichard Leigh PADSTOW. BAPTISMS. 1599 Jan. 1600 June 1602 Jan. 1605 July 1631 Jan. 1633 Aug. 1638 Eeb. 1652 Aug. 1655 May 1655 June 1656 Jan. 1681 Jan. 1683 Eeb. 1685 Feb. 1692 July 1722 Oct. 1725 Nov. 30 Catherine d. of William Opey, St. Deliau Arthur s. of George Moyle, geut. Margarete d. of William Elamock John s. of William Ela- mock, gent. William s. of John Ela- mock, gent. John & Catherine children of John Flamock, gent. John s. of John Elamock, gent. & Ann his wife Mathew s. of Mathew Webber, gent. & Jane his wife Elizabeth d. of Mathew Webber, gent. & Jane his wife Thomas s. of George Beare, gent. & Eliz. his wife Mary d. of Mathew Web- ber, gent. Grace d. of Hen. Vivian & Ann his wife 7 William s. of Hen. Vyv- yan & Ann his wife 2 Jane d. of Hen. Vyvyan & Ann his wnfe 24 Eich. s. of Hen. Vivian & Ann his wife 30 Eich. s. of John Vivian & Jane his wife 24 William s. of John Vivian & Jane his wife 19 15 25 16 28 9 19 24 1728 Eeb. 5 John s. of John Vivian & Jane his wife 1731 Oct. 5 Hellen d. of John Vivian & Jane his wife 1740 Aug. 21 John s. of Edw. Day, gent. & Martha his wife 1743 Nov. 13 Ann d. of Edw. Day, gent. & Martha his wife 1744 Nov. 20 Edw. & Peter s^ of Edw. Day, gent. & Martha his w^ife 1755 Oct. 10 John s. of John Vivian & Elizabeth his wife 1758 Eich. s. of John Vivian & Eliz. his wife 1758 Jane d. of John Vivian, jun"" & Eliz. his wife 1760 Eebecca d. of John Vivian, jun'' & Eliz. his wife 1761 Walter s. of John Vivian, jun'^' & Eliz. his wife 1762 John s. of John Vivian & Eliz. his wife 1763 James s. of John Flamick & Frances his wife 1771 Aug. 4 John s. of John Vivian & Mary his wife 1774 May 23 Eliz. d. of John Vivian & Mary his wife 1784 June 28 Kitty d. of Thomas Eaw- liugs & Margery his wife 1785 Aug. 5 Jenny d. of Tho. Eawlings & Margery his wife 1785 Sept. 7 Frances Phipps d. of the Eev. Thomas Biddulph & Sarah his wife, born 22 April 1787 Jan. 8 Kitty d. of Tho. Eawlings & Margery 1788 May 19 William s. of Tho. Eaw- lings & Margery 1788 Sept. 12 Mary d. of Eev" William Eawlings & Susanna his wife 1789 Dec. 29 Charlotte Louisa d. of the Eev ; ilichael. 78. 103, 124, 126, 128, 129. 131, 133, 252, 281, 287 ; Mildred, 91, 93, 97, 2S1 ; Nicholas. 44, 45, 47, 54, 151, 157, 220, 222, 224. 230 ; Oliver, 36. 55, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 80-82. 88, 156, 163, 224, 247, 25t). 254, 255, 257 ; Rachel, 168 : Richard, 81, 95, 105. 121, 123, 125, 127, 129, 130, 132. 133. 172, 284, 285, 287, 288; Robert, 129; Ruth, 105, 125, 132, 172 ; Samuel, 243, 275 ; Sarah, 85, 125, 133, 164. 173, 251. 288 ; Solomon, 80. 98, 99, 101, 103. 104, 106, 108, 111. 114, 129-131, 166, 267, 273, 280 ; Susanna, 126, 128, 129, 131, 133. 287 ; Thomas, 20, 23, 44, 71, 84, 87, 91, 93, 95, 97, 103, 105, 149, 164. 168, 199. 219. 220, 250, 274, 278, 284 ; Thomasine, 39, 98, 112, 115, 171, 214, 275 ; Wil- liam, 23, 36, 39, 71, 72, 74, 76-78, 80. 82, 85. 91, 99, 101, 108, 125-127. 129. 130, 131, 133, 150, 160, 164, 169, 173, 174, 214, 220, 240. 242, 243, 248. 251, 2.52, 259, 263, 271, 288; , 77. Bash, Bridget, 25 ; Nicholas, 25 ; Richard, 27 ; Thomas, 25, 27 ; William, 25. Basset, Grace, 168. Bastard, Agues, 206 ; Richard, 206 ; Sampson. 267, Bastian, Mary, 139 ; Nicholas, 10 ; Susanna, 172 : William, 139. Bastine, Mary, 239 ; Patience, 238. Bastyleu. Joane, 10. Bate. Elizabeth, 147 ; Emblin, 203 ; John, 201 ; Mary, 171 ; Sarah, 167 ; Thomas, 167, 171. Bateman, Elizabeth, 105, 126, 127, 173, 268, 287 ; Frances, 127. 173 ; Sir Hugh, 287 ; Robert, 105, 126, 127, 173, 268, 275, 277, 282, 287. Batt, Agnes. 14 ; Christopher, 7, 14 ; Coste, 141 ; Emblin, 141 ; Henry. 188 ; John, 6, 7; Richard, 6; Stephen. 18. Batten, Anthony, 13, 141 ; Clary, 141 : Jane, 272 ; Joane, 13 ; Lydia. 161 ; Mary. 79 ; Samuel, 79, 240, 249, 261, 268, 272 ; William, 253. Battrell, Elizabeth, 82 ; Jeni- fer. 81 ; Mary. 83, 248. 249 ; Matthew. 81-83, 248, 249. 266. Batty. Joane, 193. Bawden, Bowden, Agnes, 137, 195 ; Alice, 6, 140,^147, 267 ; Anne, 185 ; Christopher, 139 : Ellen, 183 ; Frances, 41. 198 ; Francis, 19 ; Grace, 161 : Jane. 41, 183 ; Joane, 1.39, 193 ; John, 5, 195 ; Katherine, 138, 150; Ma- rest, 198 ; Margaret, 19, 140, 219 ; Fascoe, 147, 207 : Patience, 44, 151 ; Reynold, 179; Richard, 41, 139, 183; Thomas, 44, 151 ; Udie, 185 ; William, 5, 6, 137, 183 ; Winifred, 44. Bawdie, Joane, 138 ; John, 138. Bayley, Baylifie, Aenes,. 143, 205 ; Alice. 14. 141, 192 ; Anne, 27, 32. 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 4.5, 47. 151, 158, 223, 232, 253 : Beaton. 34, 36, 157, 212 ; Dorothy. 28 ; Eli- zabeth, 158 ; Ellen, 150 ; Emlyn. 43, 217; Frances, 159 ; George, 38, 158, 226 ; Grace, 30 : Henry, 201 ; Hobson, 150 ; Honor, 32, 153 ; Jacob, 41, 227 ; Jane, 13, 144, 293 ; Joane, 39, 156, 192 ; John, 8, 13, 14, 19, 25, 27, 29. 30-33, 37, 39, 40, 43, 141. 143, 149. 158. 193, 205, 210, 213, 216, 221, 2.53 ; Joyce, 29. 153 ; Julian. 145, 228; Margery. 43, 216; Mary, 45 ; Mellior, 8 ; Phi- lippa. 31. 33. 37, 39, 40, 43, 149, 216 : Rebecca. 34, 36- 38, 148. 228, 231 ; Richard, 206 : Thomas. 14. 16, 19, 28, 30, 32, 34-38. 40, 41, 43, 45, 47, 148, 192. 195, 206, 212. 213, 216, 218, 219, 227 ; Thomasine, 32 : William. 40, 244 ; . 47. ' Beabre, William. 206. Beacose, Henry, 30 ; William. 30. Beale, Anne, 292 ; Arthur, 77 ; Elizabeth, 77 ; Joseph, 292 ; Mary, 175, 295. Beard, Elizabeth, 29 ; Hum- phrey, 43 ; Joane, 43 ; John, 27, 29, 206; Julian, 43; Katherine. 195 : Lewis. 215 ; Richard. 207 ; Thomas, 3,27, 182; William, 215. Beare. Alexander, 297 ; Anne, 101, 265 ; Catherine, 297; Dorothy, 297, 298; Edward, 297; Elizabeth, 147, 149, 295 ; George, 161, 206, 295 297, 298 ; Grace, 297 ; Hum phrey, 3 ; Jane. 297 : Joane, 296 ; John, 147, 148, 297 Judith, 147 ; Margaret, 96, 147, 148, 161, 297 Mary, 2. 96. 97, 99, 101, 166, 264, 269, 297; Peter, 206 Philippa, 147 ; Rebecca. 206; Richard, 3: Robert, 296; S.ampson, 147; Sepb ronia, 206 ; Sibbell, 147 Susan, 297 : Thomas, 2. 147 149, 295, 297 : William, 96, 97, 99, 101, 161, 166, 264 265. 269, 280, 283. Bearsley, Richard. 124, 281 Sarah, 124.281. Beauch, Wilmot, 146. BeaucKamp, Ellen, 161 ; Em- blyn, 161, 238. 259 ; Francis, 161 ; John, 161, 238. 259. Beauford, Alice, 55, 58. 155, 227. 234 : Andrew. ' 226 ; Anne, 47. 48, 52, 53, 56. 60, 165, 222. 223, 225, 234, 258 ; Anthony, 33 ; Avis, 52. 224 ; Edward. 229 : Elizabeth, 298, 299; Frances, 56, 225; Francis, 48, 53, 221 ; Grace, 33 ; Henry, 35, 216 ; Honor, 29, 220, 221 ; James, 52, 58, 72, 165, 227, 235, 244, 258, 274, 297 : Jane, 40, 52. 54, 72, 223, 228, 244, 258 : Jeni- fer, 235 : Joane, 35, 36, 38, 40. 53, 147, 223, 229, 297; John, 28, 47, 48, 52-56, 60, 217, 221-225, 234, 235, 299 ; Jonah or Josuah, 38, 213; Mary, 54, 166, 265, 274, 297 ; Thomas, 36 ; William, 28, 29, 31, 35. 36. 38, 40, 53, 55, 58. 147, 155,213, 215, 227, 231. 234 , , 33. Beckett, Anne, 228 ; Sarah, 222. Bedella, Elizabeth, 161 ; Fran- cis, 161. Bedingfield, Elizabeth, 247 ; Sir Henry, 247. Behednoe, 'Edward. 28, 208 ; Elizabeth, 28, 217 ; Francis, 193; Humphrey, 30; Jane, 193 ; John, 28 ; Margery, 148, 210; Martin, 11, 13, 196 ; Richard, 11, 28, 30, 148, 196, 208 ; Thomas, 13. Belfour. Jane, 126 ; Robert, 126 ; Susanna, 126. Bellerby, John, 177 ; Mary, 177. Bellin^s.' Charles, 256 : Lady Frances, 247, 254, 256, 261 ; John, 256 : Mary, 256 ; Su- Richard. 247, 256, 261 : Rich- ard, 256. Benallack, Alice. 67-70, 72-74, 160. 234. 235. 262 ; Elizabeth, 73, 248 : Joane. 70. 164 ; John, 67-70, 72-74, 77, 160, 221, 234, 235, 243. 248, 262 ; 304 INDEX. Maiy, 67, f)9, 234 ; Samuel, 77 ; Susanna, 72, 165. Bendy. Alson, 171); Mark, 179 ; Thomas, 179. Beiieto, Richard, 197 ; Thomas, 197. Bennett. Agnes, -I, Ul ; Alice, 141. 207 ; Anne, 105, 177, 208; Avis. 19, 32, 33; Charles, 177 ; Christian, 211; Constance, 149 ; Cordelia, 243: Ebbott. 182; Edward, 8, 21, 22, 24, 25, 203, 204; Elizabeth. 21, 23, 25, 33, 37. 144, 17.5, 190, 205 ; Emblin, 203 ; Honor, 33 ; Jane, 3, 7, 12, 14, 52, 143, 145, 149. 188, 248 ; Joane, 25. 38 ; John, 2, 4. 5, 8, 12-14, 16. 17, 24. 31, 38, 141, 180. 182, 187, 192, 196, 199. 203. 204 ; Katha- rine, 2, 18 ; Luke, 22 ; Jlar- garet, 138, 142, 1.59, 214; Mark, 5, 24; Mary, 23. 37, 199 ; Nicholas, 16, 196 ; Otes, 8, 7 ; Pascoe. 4 ; Rawliug, 179; Richard, 17. 20,24. 25. 105. 141, 198 ; Robert, 2. 13, 21. 30, 209 ; tamson, 3, 14 ; Susan, 52, 148; Thomas 2, 14, 17, 18-21, 23, 30, 31. 33, 37, 142, 14.3, 145, 159, 184, 198, 205, 209. 211 ; William, 2-6, 32, 33, 52, 54, 144. 175, 184, 205, 243. Bennett alias Danis, Constance, 22 ; John, 27 ; Thomas. 22, 27. Bennett alias Davy. Christian, 28 ; John, 2n2-205. 207 ; Katherine, 26 : Mary, 26 ; Thomas, 26, 28, 203, 207. Bennett alias James, Susanna, 251. Bennett alias Reskeyn, Joane, 145 ; Michael. 192 ; Richard, 192 ; Stephen, 192. Bennett alias Tubby, Jane, 28, 208 ; Stephen, 28. 208. Benny, Anne, 58, 80. 90-93. 95, 99, 101, 129, 256, 257, 263, 204, 283, 284 ; Avis, 27 ; Barbara. 142 ; Bennett, 179 ; Dorothv, 50. 58. 72-74, 161, 242, 248 ; Elizabeth, 23, 75, 95, 209, 263 ; Frances, 73 ; Francis. 25, 27, 28, 198, 224 ; Grace, 99, 263 ; Henry, 111, 255 ; Honor, 74, 75, 254, 263 ; Humphrey. 72-74, 78, lOl. 162, 242 ; James, 127, 136. 288; Jane. 4, 72, 142, 144, 223; Jenifer, 78, 148, 151 ; Joane. 28, 111, 141, 149, 162, 189, 275 ; John. 23, 21, 30, 139, 190: Marearet. 7, 127, 129, 130, 131, 134, 136. 1.S9. 175, 180. 184, 185, 284i 285, 288 ; Mark, 3, 144 ; Mary, 79, 155, 166, 171, 215 ; Matthie, 139; Milson, 196; Oliver, 24 ; Rascal, 201 ; Rascatte. 3 ; Petronell, 146 ; Philip, 81, 90, 91, 254, 256, 257 ; Richard, 9, 25, 188, 189 ; Robert, 30, 239 ; Sarah, 131 ; Stephen, 4, 6, 180 ; Tamson. 6 ; Thomas, 4, 6, 7. .50, .58, 74, 75, 77, 79-81, 93, 184, 185, 190, 195, 235, 254, 255, 203. 204, 275 ; William, 9, 74, 90-93, 95, 101, 127, 129-131, 134, 136, 175, 187, 215, 250, 2.57, 203. 264, 267, 284, 285, 288 ; , 74. Benny alias George, Francis, 225. Berkeley. Dorothy, 230; Sir Henry, 230. Bernard, John. 182. Berry, Alice, 147 ; Anne, 295 ; Benjamin. 76 ; Elizabeth, 52. 53, 221 ; Hannah, 57, 226, 227 ; Hester, 296 ; Honor, 76 ; Joane, 27, 207 ; John, 31. 51-54. 56, 57, 153, 218, 221. 226, 227, 238; Marv, 54. 77, 79, 243 ; Olive, 26, .50 ; Robert, 20, 27, 29, 31, 51, 77-79, 218, 243, 248, 294 ; Thomasine, 51, .52, 50, 57, 153, 226, 240 ; Timothy. 291 ; William, 29 ; Wilmot, 151. Berryman, Margaret, 175. Berzey, Jane, 94 ; , 94. Besconan, Hugh, 201. Besrenow, Richard, 209. Best, Abraham. 102, 103; Anne. 98, 107, 111, 113, 168, 270, 286,293; Arthur. 103; Christopher, 236 ; Dinah, 164 ; Edward. 50 : Eliza- beth. 55. 60, 82, 98, 111, 113. 126, 128,' 174, 224. 227, 286; Frances, 81. 168. 257 ; Grace, 93, 95, 113, 259, 260, 266, 278 ; James, 270 ; Jane, 55, 56. 59. 60, 62, 82, 85, 150, 109. 170, 226, 227, 230, 246, 268 ; Joane, 50 ; John, 54-56. 59, 60, 62, 81, 82, 85, 99, 100. 102, 104, 105, 107, 111, 113, 128. 150, 168. 224. 226, 227, 230, 231, 245, 250. 251,204, 270, 286, 289 ; Joseph, 81, 265: Margery, 102. 103, 105, 107, 109 ; Marv, 85, 99, 100, 102, 104, 113, 120. 101. 175. 264 ; Ne- hemiah. 54, 231 ; Oliver, 50 ; Penelope, 206 ; Peter. 62, 81, 82, 84, 8.5, 93. 95, 100, 103, 240, 250. 253, 259, 200, 260 274; Philippa. 245. 204 ; Richard, 104, 109,120, 128, 174 ; Robert, 8.5, 200 ; Sa- muel, 84, 250 ; Susanna, 82, 84, 85. 93, 103, 250. 253. 200; Thomas, 102,103,105, 107, 109; William, 107. Beswarick, Anne, 285 ; Fran- ces, 285 ; Philip, 285. Bethick, Christopher, 100 ; Em- blin, 160. Bettinson. Alice, 290 ; Colan, 290 ; Edward, 130 ; Eliza- beth, 123, 109, 282 ; Francis, 135 ; Jane, 173, 282 ; Jeni- fer, 130 ; Joane, 56 ; John, 56 ; Luke, 290 ; Mary, 123, 125, 130. 132, 135, 102, 173, 283 ; Richard, 123, 125, 130, 132, 135. 173, 283 ; Susanna, 136 ; Thomas, 125, 173, 282; William, 50, 130, 220. Betty, Barbara, 45 ; Barnabas, 28, 41, 43, 44, 48, 151. 152, 216, 225 : Constance, 41, 43, 44, 151, 217 ; Dorothy, 108 ; Edward. 193 ; Elizabeth, 55, 151 ; Emblen, 44, 48, 151 ; Florence, 141 ; George, 95 ; Grace, 41, 271 ; Henry, 93, 270; Hester, 159; Jenifer, 151, 152 ; Joane, 152, 213, 229 ; John. 5, 6, 44, 45, 137, 151 ; 191, 21.3, 217 ; Kathe- rine, 151. 214 ; Margaret, 252 ; Marian, 214 ; Mary, 77, 93, 95 : Peter. 28. 44, 46, 48, 151 ; Richard, 168 ; Sn- san, 18 ; Tamson, 5, 137, 192 ; Theophilus, 77, 159, 246 ; Thomas, 44 ; Tristram, 46 ; Walter, 43, 216 ; Wil- liam, 55, 186. Bevill, John, 216 ; Mary, 216. Bewes, Anne, 28, 157 ; Eliza- beth, 24. 146 ; Hannah, 284 ; Jane, 159 ; Johanna, 117, 285 ; John, 25 ; Martin, 27, 209 ; Mary, 117, 119, 125, 284 ; Ralph, 117. 119, 125, 284; Tamson. 195: Thomas, 119, 285 ; William, 24, 25, 27,28,146, 19.5. 209. 217. Bickford, Arscott, 299. 300 ; Bridget, 299 ; Damaris. 72, 2.38, 299, 300; Diana. 238; Edmond, 299, 300 ; Edward, 299 ; Elizabeth, 229, 300 ; Frances. 299 ; George, 300 ; Grace, 299 : Honor, 299 ; John, 300 ; Marv, 299, 300 ; Nicholas, 299 ; VVilliam, 72, 238, 299, 300. Biddulph, Charlotte Louisa, 295 : Frances Phipps. 295 ; Margaret. 128, 284 : Martha. 128. 173, 281, 297 ; Sarah, 295, 297: Thomas. 128, 173, 284, 295, 297. Bidgood. John, 268 : Mary, 169 ; Richard, 169. 268. Bilkey. Anne, 139 ; Elizabeth, 101, 103, 105. 107, 109. Ill, 271, 273, 277 ; Hannah, 80, 107 : James. 115, 277: Jane, 118, 287 : John, 0, 107, 204; Julian, 161 ; Mary, 109.113, • 115. 118, 147, 208, 288.290; ' Richard, 7, 101, 188 ; Robert, I 101. 103, 105, 107, 109. Ill, INDEX. 305 113, 115. lis, 271, 273. 277, 288 ; Tamson, 7 ; William, 290. Billett, Eenatus. 28. Billing, Martha. 289 ; Mary, 289 ; Eichard, 289. Bilson, Thomas, 223. Binnick, Barbara. 171 ; Jane, 169 ; William. 169. Bird. Honor, 256. Birkhead. John D.. 269, 271. Bise, jinne, 292 ; Joano. 144. Bishop. Anne, 54. 70, 71,73.74, 100, 160, 170, 240, 244. 266 Benjamin, 43 : Constance. 25 151 : Dorothy, 140 ; Edith 283 ; Edward, 74, 102. 160 244, 266. 276 ; Elizabeth, 98 274 ; Faithful, 43 : Grace, 79, 244, 246 ; Honor, 17 James, 76, 96, 97, 98. 100, 166, 244, 260, 265, 268, 270 Joane, 73, 96, 160, 175, 218 244 ; John, 6, 16, 24, 54, 70 71. 73, 74, 76-79. 96, 97, 100, 102, 160, 166, 194, 204, 235 236, 238-244, 246. 248. 258 260, 266, 270, 274, 282, 297 Jonathan. 79, 244, 246 Joseph, 95-99. 261, 262, 276 277 ; Loveday. 95-100, 102 262, 276 ; Margaret, 43, 153 Mark, 28 ; Martin, 16, 17 194 ; Mnry, 76-79, 96. 160 171, 244, 246. 258, 268, 270, 297: Nicholas, 100; Ralph 6 : Eobert, 71, 160, 244 Samuel. 77, 95. 244, 248, 262 Sarah, 96-98. 100. 161, 166 172, 260, 265. 268, 274. 277 Susanna, 30,' 97. 152.' 282 Thomas, 78, 244 ; Wal ter, 24, 25. 28, 30, 152, 204 212. Blackaller, Elizabeth, 147 John, 148 ; Wilmot, 148. Blackdom, John, 183. Blake. Alice, 57. 61. 63, 66. 69, 72. 158. 246. 255 ; Anne, 62, 87, 155 ; Catherine. 7, 83. 86, 87, 92, 140, 256, 272 ; Chris- tiana, 27. 210 ; Christopher, 62,155; Constance. 162, 247 : Edward. 36 ; Eleanor. 109. 273 ; Elizabeth. 35, 36. 38, 39. 41-44. 52. 54. 57. 59. 74, 75. 88. 93. 103. 106. 108, 109, 115. 150. 154. 156. 163. 166, 230. 234. 237. 241. 259, 268- 270, 273. 284 ; Francis. 43 ; Grace, 73, 74. 272. 292 ; Henry. 35. 36, 52-55, 57. 59, 73. 74. 77. 78. 98, 154. 235, 237. 239. 241. 243. 255. 258. 292 ; Honor. 16 ; Hueh. 20, 38. 42. 43. 163. 229 : ''Isaac. 91^ 106. 108, 109. 270, 273 ; Jacob, 242 ; James. 62, 162 ; Jane, 55, 159. 195 ; Jenifer. 239 ; Joane, 18, 23. 52. 78. 237, 243 ; Joel, 38, 66 ; John, 3, 16. 41. 42. 44, 61. 63. 6G, 72, 83, 156, 1.58. 188. 246; Joyce, 215 ; Julian, 138. 203. 209 ; Marararet. 72. 77. 91. 92, 94, 98, 106, 156, 161, 165, 169. 258, 270, 279 ; Mark, 103, 269 ; Martin, 21, 201 ; Mary, 63, 153 ; Michael, 115 ; Milicent, 245 ; Nicholas, 30, 86 ; Phillis, 44 ; Richard, 7, 8, 10,,35.36,39, 41, 73. 95. 138. 150, 188. 192, 195. 230, 237, 239 ; Eobert, 75, 259 ; Euth. 261 ; Sarah, 108, 270 ; Susanna, 93, 95, 263, 291 ; Thomas. 10. 72. 188 ; Walter. 3 ; William. 8, 19, 21-23. 27, 30. 59, 69, 75. 83, 86-88. 91-95, 98. 165. 201. 209, 210, 256, 258, 263. 272. 279,280, 291; Wilmot, 36. Blarney, Charles, 249 ; John, 249. Blewett, Agnes. 298 ; Anne. 297 ; Christian, 66, 292 ; Colan. 155 ; Edward, 66, 292 ; Elizabeth, 155. 291 ; Frances, 293 ; Francis, 298, 299 ; George, 298. 299 ; James, 293 ; John. 291, 293 ; Margery, 66 ; Martha. 156, 291 : Mary, 293 ; Nicholas, 297 ; Eichard, 291. Blight, Agnes, 139 ; Anne, 255 ; Cicely, 34 ; Constance. 102, 104-106. 108, 110, 112. 167, 271, 272. 278. 288 ; Digory, 224 ; Dorothy, 125, 282, 285 ; Elizabeth, 33. 106, 130, 153, 164. 224, 245. 264. 267 : Gil- bert, 39. 89. 224, 231, 255; Grace, 110, 272: Henry, 33- 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44. 80-83. 86, 89. 102. 104-106, 108, 110, 112, 149, 164, 167, 213, 215, 217. 219. 224. 225, 231, 25.5, 258, 259, 271.' 272, 278, 282 ; Honor, 80, 125, 127, 130, 286; Humphrey, 105, 271 ; James, 231 : Jane. 64, 82, 108. 125, 167, 178. 231, 249, 255 ; Jenifer. 37, 224 ; John, 35, 64, 104, 153, 224, 230, 231, 236, 245, 251, 278 ; Lewis, 125 ; Margaret, 33-35, 37, 39. 40, 42, 44, 149, 219, 224. 231 ; Mary, 40. 44, 81, 83, 86. 89, 102. 162. 171, 215. 219, 255, 259. 268 : Nancy, 125. 282 ; Obadiah, 297 ; Otho, 297 ; Peter. 42, 64. 86, 224,231, 255 ; Priscilla, 213 ; Eebecca, 130. 286 : Rose, 217 ; Sarah, 127 : Thomas. 295; William. 125. 127, 130. 282, 285. 286. Bodella, Nicholas. 245. Bodrosoe. Elizabeth, 184 : John. 184. Body. Agnes, 22 ; Alice, 137 ; Ai'thur. 227 ; Beatrice, 179 ; Constance, 162 ; Edward, 183 ; Ellen, 179 ; Grace, 32 ; Jenkin. 180 ; Joane, 21, 189, 195, 201 ; John, 21-24. 29, 37, 145, 195, 197, 198. 201, 202, 208 ; Mary, 29, 32. 34, 37, 39, 41, 42, 145, 208 ; Melliar, 42 ; Nicholl, 194 ; Pearse, 183 ; Peter, 41 ; Eeynold, 179: Richard, 18; Susanna, 30, 147 ; Thomas, 30, 32, 34. 37. 39. 41, 42 ; William, 18, 194, 205. Body alltis Eichards. John, 234 ; Mary, 149 ; Thomas, 149. Bogan, Loyeday. 113, 277, 284 ; Nicholas, 113, 277, 284. Bolitho. Anne. 161. 165 ; Eliza- beth, 296 ; ■ John, 77, 166 ; Margaret, 77, 166 ; Richard, 296 ;*" Thomas. 161. Bond. Anne. 101. 123 ; Blanch, 146 ; Dorothy. 146 ; Eliza- beth. 32 ; George. 98, 99, 101, 102, 105. 106. 108. 166. 267, 269. 275. 277, 287 ; Gertrude, 28. 31. 209, 270: Grace. 28, 173. 209 ; Henry. 270 ; Honor. 24, 29. 146. 208, 209 ; James, 25, 30. 76. 146 : Jane, 30, 32. 129, 149 ; Joane. 32, 35, 38. 98, 99, 101, 102. 105, 106. 108. 126, 166, 209^ 267, 269 ; John, 6, 24, 26-30, 35, 99, 122, 123, 125. 126. 129, 146, 173, 208, 209. 280,' 284 ; Julian, 228 ; Lucy, 270 : Margaret. 146, 209; Mary, 76. 106. 108, 122, 123, 125, 126. 129, 173, 269. 280 : Peter, 149; Philippa. 31. 38, 214; Richard, 28. 146. 208. 228 ; Tbomas. 6, 102; William, 24. 25, 27-30. 32. 35. 38, 98, 146, 173, 209. 214, 270. Bone, Alice, 137 ; Anne. 85, 254. 258 ; Bennett. 2, 183 ; Dorothy. 78. 251 ; Elizabeth, 58. 71. 79. 90. 91. 126. 161, 162. 254 ; Gertrude. 56. 161, James. 49, 53. 75. 78-80. 91, 161, 222. 242. 251-254, 260; Jane. 61, 91. 93-95, 1.54. 165, 258, 261 ; Joane. 52, 145 ; John. 2. 57. 75. 90. 91. 93-95, 165. 183, 253. 257, 258, 261 ; Katherine. 75. 161, 166, 251, 253 ; Mary, 49. 51, 52, 56-.58, 61. 80. 126, 153, 166, 174, 225, 233, 241, 242 ; Petemell, 54. 161 ; Tempei'ance. 83. 85, 163. 251 ; William. 49. 51-54, 56-58. 61. 71. 83. 8.5. 90. 95, 126. 145. 153, 163. 174. 217, 222. 225. 2.33. 238. 241. 251. 252, 254, 260. 265. 272.273. 279^ Boner. Elizabeth. 147; Richard, 147.' Bonfield, Alice. 139; Andrew, 139, 2 n 306 TIIF EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE. Bonithon, Eleanor. 10, 14-i, 188 ; Elizabeth, 14-i ; Jane, 191 ; John. 10, 144. 188,191 ; Margery. 1G3 : Richard, 10, 191 ; . 193. Bouvillc and Harrington. Wil- liam, Lord, 181. Borlase, Burlacc. Alice. 149, 227 ; Anthony, 16, 20. 23. 2n, 27, 142. 146, 199, 207, 210, 216 ; Avis. 54. 55. 225 ; Cicely. 54 ; Dorothy. 39. 57. 253 ; Elinor, 146 ; Elizabeth, 27.207: James. 149; Joane, 23, 142. 199. 210; John. 16, 24, 57, 210; Katherine, 147 ; Luke. 25 : Margaret, 160 ; Mary. 24. 39. 151^; Matthew, 55. ' 225 ; Tamson. 186 ; Thomas, 20. Borthy. Catherine. 144 ; Nicho- las, 'l44. Boscastle, Joane. 186. Boscawen. Hugh. 141. 198, 201, 297 ; Joane. 193 ; Marearet, 141 ; JIarv. 201. 205. \>97 ; Peter, 196 ; Philippa, 141 ; William. 193 ; . 196. Bosello, William. 187. Bosowarne, Charity. 160 ; Jeni- fer. 7 ; Eobert. 7. Bosparva, Elizabeth, 35 ; Eobert. 35. 212 ; Thomasine. 35, 212. ■ Bossawsack, Eichard, 200 ; Sarah. 200. Bosse, John, 3 ; Margery, 3. Bostarnan, 191. Bostrong, Thomas. 180. Boswalloe alias Williams. Sec Williams. Boswalloe alias Wise, Molliar, 142. Bosweage, Elizabeth, 149. Bottresse, Elizabeth, 139. Boiinden, Bridget. 161. Bonndv, Elizabeth. 171. Bounsell, Agnes, 22, 201 ; An- drew, 33 ; Anne, 22, 26, 44, 46. 48, 50. 51, .58, 67, 70, 150, 151. 159, 225, 237, 238, 250 ; Charles, 46. 65. 67. 70, 159, 237, 258, 259 : Elizabeth, 18, 4.5, 67. 7.3, 77. 89. 144, 149, 164, 202, 228, 237, 257 ; Frances, 31, 210 : Grace, 161, 261 ; Honor, 51, 68, 15.5, 160, 242 ; Humj)hrey. (58 : James. 53, 70, 222. 236 ; Jane, (15- 71, 83. 89, 159, 233, 236. 246, 249, 257, 269 ; Joane, 33. 83, 258; John, .32. 68. 81. 211 ; Margaret, 32, 33. 55, 69, 147, 164.^223. 225 ; Mary, 46, 71, 160, 168. 239. 240 ; Nicholas, 18-20. 22, 26, 27. 29-33, 44- 46, 48. 50. 51, .5.3. 55, 58, 6.5- 71, 73. 144, 147, 151, 1.59, 200, 201, 210, 225, 228. 229, 233, 236, 239 ; Peter, 27, 44, 53, 67, 76, 77, 81, 83, 160, 233, 240, 246. 249, 263 ; Richard, 29, 46, 58, 202 ; Thomas. 33, 50, 53, 70, 155, Kil, 222. 225, 238, 256 ; Thomasine. 20, 149 ; William, 19, 33, 200.' Bourne, John. 157 ; Margery, 157. Bovyll, James, 180 ; Jane, 180. Bowarcke, Alice, 139. Bowden. Sec Bawdeu. Bowell, Henry, 17 ; Mary, 212 ; Eichard, 17. Bowen, Elizabeth, 26, 145, 224 ; Jerman. 29 ; Joyce, 27, 207 ; Eeufrey, 24 ; Eichard, 24, 26, 29, '145,207, 217 ; Robert, 27 ; William. 27. Bowermau. William. 211. Bowyer, John. 22 ; Richard, 22. Box. Catherine, 247. Br.ibyn. Alice. 60. 61. 63, 1.38. 158 ; Anne, 14, 32. Ill, 118, 120, 141, 148, 156, 167, 214; Catherine. 31. (iO. 72. 74. 75. 77. 78. 120. 141, 1.50. 151, 178, 209, 210. 212. 220, 225, 259 ; Elizabeth. 27, 61, 82, 86, 87, 110, 208, 227, 254, 258. 259. 275 ; Frances, 210, 229 ; Francis. 32 ; Grace, 30, 33, 51, 54. 74, 222, 223 ; Henry, 32 ; Jane. 51, 57-59, 76, 116, 159, 226, 227, 229, 258, 275 ; Joane, 57, 157, 190, 224 ; John, 11, 13, 14, 27, 29, 30, 33, 60. 61. 63, 72, 74, 75, 77, 113. 141, 148. 150, 158, 190, 195, 206, 209, 210, 212. 220, 225, 229, 230, 234, 2()3'; Marriott, 59, 227 ; Mary, 31, 72. 82. 108, 110. Ill, 113, 116, 176, 198. 210, 273, 275 ; Olive. 219 ; Pascoe. 51. 53-55, 57-59^ 79. 222-224. 226, 227, 258 ; Eedigou. 147. 217, 220 ; Eichard. 58. 76. 78. 79, 81, 82, 86, 87, 111, 254. 258, 259, 265, 268, 273 ; Tamazen, 148 ; Thomas, 14, 16. 27, 31, 33. 87. 141, 148, 197. 2U8, 210, 212, 214. 260 ; William, 13, 29-31, 55, 81, 108, 110, 111, 113, 116, 118. 120, 141, 147, 210, 22U, 226, 273, 275, 286. Braddon, Henrv. 121. 172 ; John. 121 ; John Clode 121, 173; Mary, 121, 172, 173. Bragg. James, 247. Braithwaite. Frances, 164, 250, 256 ; William, 1()4, 250, 256. Brammar. Catherine, 127 ; John, 127 ; Timothy, 127. Brav. Agnes, 15, 194 ; Alice, li3. 214; Alson, 196; Ben- jamin, 113; Ebbott, 161, 162 ; Edmoud. 1 ; Edward. 20, 144 ; Elinor, 144, 145 ; Elizabeth, 7, 49, 113, 143, 154. 191 ; Grace, 141 ; Henry. 23, 41. 42, 44, 4.5, 49, 151, 215, 217, 221. 224, 236; Honor, 16 ; Hugh, 20; Jane, 205 ; Joane, 12, 42, 144, 1.58 ; John, 6, 7, 16. 17, 45, 14.3, 144, 217; Joyce, 41, 215; Margaret, 144, Marian, 141 ; Mariett, 6 ; Mary, 44, 183 ; Olive, 7 ; Richard, 1, 161; Sampson; 15. 17, 23, 143, 205 ; Susan, 44, 224; Thomas. 11. 15, 183 ; Thomasine, 41, 42, 49, 151, 217. 221 ; Typhenie, 17. 205; William, 11, 12, 15, 194. Brear, Honor, 162 : James, 162. Eree. Nicholas, 287 ; Thomas, 287. Brenfield, Catherine, 107, 278 ; John, 91 ; Margaret. 91 ; Mary, 91, 107. 278. Brent. Jane, 42. 158 ; John. 42, 151 ; Margaret, 42, 151. Brenton, Elizabeth, 108 ; Grace, 108, IIU, 111, 272 : Henry, 177; Jane, 169, 272. 285; John, 110; Nicholas. 169, 282 ; Eebecca, 53 ; Eichard, 108. 110, 111, 272; Eose, 177 ; William, 53. Brewer, Agues, 57, 225 ; Alice, 245 ; Amy, 95, 97, 98, 100, 102-104, 107, 108, 131, 166, 170, 263. 264. 269, 275, 286 ; Anne, 107, 108, 114, 136, 163, 165, 169, 172. 178, 275 ; Barbara, 57, 58, 60, 156, 228 ; Catherine. 46, 48, 132, 134, 136. 152. 176, 219, 241 ; Eli- zabeth, 86-88, 90, 91. 93, 9.5- 97, 116. 131, 132, 136, 164, 176, 223. 2.53, 2.59,269.276, 286 ; Grace, 46, 168, 223, 268 ; Henry, 54, 55, 57, 60, 77, 78, 80. 93, 95, 97, 99, lUO, 103, 104, 106, 134. 136. 156, 177, 225, 228, 250, 253, 257, 261. 263, 265, 266. 274, 278, 280 ; James. 60. 77, 80, 103, 285 ; Jane, (J8, 70, S6, 91, 98. 171, 219. 253, 254, 259, 273 ; Joane, 173 ; John, 46, 48, 80, 95, 97, 98. 100, 102-104. 107, 108, 120, 132, 134. 1.52. 166, 219, 223, 227, 228, 23.5, 262, 264, 269, 271, 272J 274, 275 ; Leonard, (;8, 70, 254, 268; Margaret, 95, 102, 264. 269 ; Mary. 85, 93, 95, 97, 99, 100, 103, 104, 106, 134. 136. 164. 168, 170, 173, 177, 227. 251, 261, 265, 266, 277. 282^ 290 ; Patience, 54, 162'; Petronell. 77, 93, 165 ; Philip. 68, 87, 93. 164, 2.53. 259 ; Philippa, 227 ; Eichard. 58, 80, 167. 268 ; Eobert, 70, 86, 88, 90, 91, 93, 96, 97, 164. 253, 259, 261 ; IXDEX. 307 Euth. 55, 161 ; Sampson, 106, 287 ; Sarah, 87, 97, 164, 167 ; Solomon, 269 ; Ste- phen, 104, 108, 132, 134, 136, 169, 176, 178, 275; Susanna, 87, 116, 119, 120. 122, 125. 276; Thomas, 116. 119. 120^ 122, 125. 244, 250. 276 ; Tho- masine, ' 139,' 167, 170. 268 ; William, 77, 85, 87, 88, 108, 114, 125. 131, 132. 164, 170, 176, 251. 273. 275, 276, 286. Briming, Elizabeth. 283. Briuer, Bennett, 139 ; Joane, 139. Britton, Antony, 2 ; Jane, 180; Joane, 8. 180; John. 2, 4, 180 ; Marren, 181 ; Eichard, 4 ; Rowland, or Rawlinsr, 2, 180 ; Thomas, 2, 180 : Udv, 3, 181. Broad. Anne, 54, 58, 161, 239 ; Arthur. 53-55, 58, 72, 73, 76, 156, 160, 161, 237, 241, 244, 247, 249, 253 ; Elizabeth. 53; Joane, 88, 91 ; John, 72, 172, 237 ; Margery, 72, 156, 161. 247; Martha, 91, 172; Mary, 72, 73. 88, 160 172. 241 ; Nicholas, 88, 91 ; Pa- tience, 147 ; Richard, 73 ; Thomas, 172. Brock. EUzabeth, 217, 221, 247; William, 217. 221, 247. Brokenshire, Edward, 109, 169, 294 ; Frances, 294 ; Jane, 109, 169. 170; Jenifer, 109, 174. Brokre, Robert, 3 ; Tamsou. 3. Brome, Catherine, 164 ; Elisa- beth, 146. Bromraey, Anne, 270. Browne. Alice, 145, 189; Anne, 130, 134, 136. 164, 177, 280 ; Bartholomew. 110, 111. 113, 115, 116, 119, 121, 123, 275, 276, 285 ; Benjamin, 115, 275, 276; Blanche, 150; Cecilia, 32, 153 ; Elizabeth, 17.23,32, 46, 48, 49, 51, 55. 59. 67,' 75, 119, 125, 129, 138, 164, 170, 183, 194, 196, 197. 203. 225, 228, 245, 246, 251 ; Emy. 116 ; Frances. 66-68, 71 j 1.59; George. 122, 123. 125, 126. 129. 130. 142. 193 ; Grace, 7. 26, 122, 12:3, 125, 126, 129, 180, 206, 212; Gregory. 48 ; Henry. 9, 51, 54. 71. 202, 211. 222 ;' Honor, 7, 'l50', 188, 221 ; Hugh, 21 ; James, 25, 205 ; Jane. 45, 122, 138, 168, 194, 202 ; Joane, 110. Ill, 113, 115, 116, 119, 121, 123, 186, 197, 210, 275. 276 ; John. 3, 7, 17, 19-21, 25, 26, 45. 46, 48. 49, 51-55. 59, 66-68, 71, 77, 126, 138, 144, 150, 159, 184, 188, 191, 194, 196, 198, 202, 205, 206, 212, 222, 225, 227, 228, 238, 242 ; Joseph, 113, 276 ; Katherine, 49, 169 ; Law- rence. 188 ; Margaret, 142, 143, 151, 194, 226 ; Mary. 53, 78, 7.5, 111, 129, 136. *242 ; Pascoe. 20. 49, 59, 77, 151, 222. 242, 243 ; Peter, 77 ; Philip. 49. 73, 134, 136, 177, 186 ; Philippa, 45. 144 ; Ralph, 134 ; Rebecca, 123 ; Richard. 7. 21, 23. 24, 145, 202, 203 ; Richow, 188 ; Roger, 150 ; Sampson, 168, 212 ; Samuel, 129 ; Sarah. 157 ; Stephen, 183. 186 ; Susanna, 24. 145. 149, 203; T.amson. 189 ; Vivian, 3, 184 ; Walter. 19, 198, 202; Wil- liam, 9, 52, 68. 73, 75, 77, 121, 164. 188. 189. 191, 194. 202, 207, 238. 242, 245, 272^ 274, 278, 283 ; WUmot, 238. Browne alias Roe. John. 20, 144.201 ; Sisse, 144 ; William, 20. Brumpfield, John. 279. Brus, Henrv, 209 ; William. 209. Brush, Anne, 62. 63, 228 ; Henry, 62, 63. 65, 228 ; Honor, 62, 63, 65 ; John. 65. Bryant, Alice, 137 ; Anne, 288 ; Jane. 5; Joane, 177, 288; John, 5, 6, 137, 157, 177, 288 ; Priscilla, 215 ; Richard. 186. 191 ; Thomas, 6 ; Udy! 157. Brvm, Joane, 221 ; Mary, 221 ; William, 221. Buckingham. Abraham. 135 ; Anne, 36. 37, 39. 105, 120, 150, 153, 174, 278 ; Anthony, 134 ; Cordelia, 128, 135, 289 ; Delia, 288 ; Elizabeth, 185 ; Emlin, 105, 106, 268. 287 ; Francis, 108; Grace, 81, 87, 98, 97, 106, 108, 109. Ill, 112. 13.5, 168. 171, 2.54, 260, 27li 273. 280 ; Henry, 37 ; Jane, 95, 97, 99. 100, 103. 171, 174. 258, 275 ; Joane^ 268, 292 ; John, 79, 87, 93, 95, 97. 99, 100, 103. 106, 108, 109, 111, 112, 124, 126, 128, 180, 182, 135, 166, 168, 171, 174, 2.58, 260, 271, 273, 275, 280, 287-289 ; Margaret. 91, ^ 124, 128, 130, 132, 174, 271, 288, 289 ; Mary. 93. 108, 126, 184, 135, 166, 173, 177, 258 ; Nicholas, 36, 37, 39 1.50 ; Reginald, 82, 248; Richard, 95, 258 ; Robert, 39 ; Ste- phen, 79-82, 91.248, 2.54, 261, 262 ; Thomas, 120, 170, 278 ; Thomasine, 36, 120, 170, 278 ; William, 91, 105, 106, 109, 111, 112, 1.34, 135, 177, 268, 271, 273, 287; William Godolphin, 132 ; Winifi'ed, 126. Buckthought, Abraham, 246 ; Agnes, 63 ; Christian, 61 ; Eleanor, 175 ; Elizabeth, 78 ; Faithful, 71 ; Frances, 61, 68, 64, 67, 69, 71, 158, 163, 241 ; Joane, 69 ; John, 61, 6.8, 64, 67, 69, 71, 74, 78, 80, 158, 241, 245, 246, 248 ; Mary, 80, 245; Philip, 175; Richard, 74. Budle, Jane, 128 ; Mary, 128. Bullen. Anne, 119, 151 ; Brid- get, 127 ; Jane. 112, 114, 115, 119, 170, 177 ; Joane, 101, 104, 106, lOS, 110, 167, 176, 269, 278, 285 ; John, 82, 84, 101, 112, 114, 115, 119, 120, 129, 163, 170, 172, 256, 278 ; Margaret, 104, 172 ; Martha, 82, 84, 134, 168, 273 ; Mary, 112, 127, 129, 130, 132, 134, 175, 178. 278 ; Richard, 108, 127, 129, 130, 132, 184, 175 ; Susanna, 120, 172 ; WiUiam, 84, 101, 104, 106, 108. 110, 115, 130, 167, 269, 278, 285. Buller, Francis, 206 ; Jenifer, 174; Thomas, 174; Thoma- sine, 206. Bullock. Anne, 98, 119, 132, 133. 13.5. 171, 176 ; Edmund, 121,123.135.292; Elizabeth, 285 ; Grace, 120, 121, 128, 176 ; Honor, 170, 177 ; Hugh, 98, 100, 102, 166, 263, 269, 273, 279, 281, 285 ; James, 121 ; Jane, 119, 120, 169, 178; John, 128, 178; Mary, 98, 100, 102, 166, 168, 269, 279, 281, 292 ; Richard, 119, 120, 169 ; Thomas, 182, 188, 135, 176. Bulo, Joane, 178 ; Thomas, 173. Bunt, Anne, 132 ; Catherine, 130 ; Charles. 124 ; Hezekiah, 121, 124-126, 128-130, 132, 172 ; Jane, 121, 124-126, 128-130, 132. 172 ; John, 125 ; Mary, 129 ; Richard, 124 ; Thomas, 128 ; William, 121. Burgess, Anne, 46-48, 152 ; Edward, 152 ; Eleanor, 96 ; Florence, 190 ; Francis, 46- 48, 152, 249, 257 ; Grace, 47, 94, 96, 109, 152, 166, 259, 266 ; Humphrey, 152 ; James, 94, 259; -John, 94, 96, 108, 109, 166, 259, 263, 266, 267, 286 ; Judith, 46, 1.52, 249 ; Mary. 108, 109, 152 ; Thomas, 108, 152, 190; , 54. Burke, Christian, 44 ; Richard, 44. Burlace. See Borlase. Burley, Jane, 173. Burnard, Anne, 59, 61 ; Eliza- beth, 61 ; Henry, 59, 227 j John, 59, 61, 227. 308 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR. Burne, Anastasius, 220, 221 ; Daniel Copley, 169 ; Edward, 81-87 ; Elizabeth, 61, 220 ; George, 8.") ; Jacket. 236 ; Jane, 81-87 ; Joaue. 57, 2.S7, 248 ; Jolin. .57, 61, 62, 84, 233, 218 ; Margery. 57. 61. 62. 233 ; Mary, 154, 169 ; Milicent. 24U ; Thomas. 236. Burrough. Henry, 159 ; Honor, 159 ; Mary, 145. Burt, Christian, 234 ; Grace, 78 ; Martha, 79 ; Ralph, 234 ; Sampson, 78, 79, 234. Burton. Jaquett, 246. Bush, John. 181. Bussow, Elizabeth. 95, 268, 272 ; Honor. 89. 90, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 121, 123, 165, 263, 264. 272, 279, 280 ; Jane, 264; Jenifer. 99. 114: Joaue, 89 ; Mary, 114, 115, 121.123, 170, 280"; Ralph. 91, 114, 115, 121, 123. 170. 280 ; , Samuel, 89-91. 93. 95, 97. 99, 115, 165. 263, 264. 272. 275 ; Thomas, 90 ; William, 93. Butler, Henry, 137 ; Joane, 137. Butson, Honor, 105 ; Nicholas, 165. C Calf, Christopher, 165, 271, 275 ; Jane, 165, 271. Calway, Agnes. 9 ; Alice, 6, 11, 12,25. 37, 141, 146, 152, 194, 213 ; Alson, 197 ; Anne, 24, 151, 188 ; Anthony, 22. 48, 63,66-70,72,78,81, 162,223, 232. 234, 235. 237, 243. 244 ; Arthur. 80, 97, 98, 166; Ben- nett, 11, 190, 194, 209. 213 ; Christian, 26. 28. 32, 50, 144. 160, 187, 225 ; Edward, 187 ; Eleanor, 85 ; Elizabeth, 9, 32, 63-66, 6S, 84, 152, 156, 159, 108, 188, 231. 232, 234, 245, 249 ; Emblen, 12, 13, 191 ; Florence, 12, 141, 190, 191 ; Frances, .50, 51, 53, 57, 72. 74, 75, 78. 82. 92, 98. 161, 174, 226, 239, 256, 259 ; Francis, 11-13, 141, 191 ; Gilbert, 29. 50. 218. 222, 225 ; Grace, 88, 90. 105, 253-255, 284 ; Henry, 22, 25, 26. 28, 29, 145, 202, 203. 206, 209 ; Honor. 15, 28. 85, 88, 90. 92, 93, 152, 164, 16.5, 194, 254- 256, 258 ; James, 12, 53, 88. 90, 97, 116. 117, 101, 165, 171, 252-2.56, 277, 286 ; Jane, 7. 9, .34, 36, 37, 39-41, 43, 55, 67, 76, 143, 164, 211, 252 ; Jenifer, 103, 250 : Joane, 39, 41, 60, 63, 74, 75, 84, 149, 156, 159, 161, 164, 191, 215, 225, 239, 244, 253 ; John, 4- 8, 10-12, 26, 30, 34, 40, 50, 03, 70. 80, 82, 192, 195, 197, 199, 204, 206, 211, 215, 231, 246 ; Josias. 90 ; Judith, 50, 218, 225 ; Julian, 252 ; J., 196 ; Katherine, 51, 209, 227; Kennell, 12; Lowdy, 191 ; Margaret, 15, 16, 139, 141, 149, 182, 194, 209; Mary, 9. 11, GO, 07. 69, 70, 72, 78, 88, 97, 98, 110, 117, 142, 145. 162, 166, 171, 187, 194, 22.3, 232. 234, 235, 243, 244, 252, 253, 274, 277 ; Maude, 10. 145 ; Michael, 182; Peter, 25, 45, 48,50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 60, 81, 88, 221, 220, 227, 237, 246, 285; Philip, 72, 85, 164, 223, 254, 255 ; Philippa, 145, 254 ; Priscilla, 57, 226 ; Rawling, 138 ; Rebecca, 101 ; Redi- gan, 102, 243 ; Richard, 4, 7, 10, 22, 5.3, 72, 74-76, 78-80, 82, 88, 93, 161, 185, 192, 193, 202, 239, 246, 255, 258, 259, 265, 284 ; Robert, 5, 8, 9-13, 15, 139, 185, 194, 196, 209, 225 ; Susan, 9, 12, 30, 145, 147, 154 ; Thomas, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 21, 22, 24-26; 28-30, 32, 4.3, 53, 60, 63-66, 77-81, 90. 92. 93, 141, 144, 152, 156, 159, 162, 163, 165, 185, 186, 194, 196, 209, 218, 219, 231, 237, 241-243. 246, 250, 252, 253, 250, 258 ; Thomasine, 88, 254 ; Valetyne, 15 ; Wil- liam, 13, 21, 34, 30. 37, 39- 41, 43. 05, 81, 84, 141, 149, 180, 191, 196, 211. 213, 21.5, 225, 252, 253, 258, 266, 275. Camjne, Henry, 6 ; John, 5, 6 ; Thomas, 5 ; Udie, 4. Cann, Elizabeth, 147. Cannidge, John, 227. Capareu, Amy, 151. Capell, Anne, 106, 125, 127, 129, 131. 133, 130, 174, 287 ; Arihur. 105, 125, 127, 129, 131, 133, 130, 174, 287 ; Avis, 50 ; Charity, 04, 78, 112, 103. 176; Elizabeth, 56, 57, 60, 61. 63. 64. 79, 80, 83, 85. 106, 110. 102, 104, 235, 245, 265, 271. 283 ; Honour, 247 ; James, 50, 55, 133. 136, 235, 287 ; Jane, 105. 108, 110-113, 131, 168, 271. 277 ; Jenifer, 111 : Joane, 60. 162 ; Joel. 61, 77-81. 83. 85. 162, 168, 242, 247. 254, 205, 270, 272; Mary, 113, 127, 277 ; Richard. 50, 242 ; Samuel, 83 ; Sarah, 125 ; Stephen, 55-57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 22.5, 235, 254 ; Thomas, 63 ; Tre- phenea, 168. 270; William, 77, 85. 105, 106, 108, 110-113. 129. 168, 242, 271, 277,279. ' Carbiss, John, 234. Cardell, Catherine, 276 ; Jane. 292 ; Thomas, 292. Cardew, Carthcw, Alice, 23, 146 ; Anne, 24, 27, 143. 151, 194, 292 ; Anstice, 199 ; Bennett, 47 ; Constance, 191 ; Cost, 6 ; Edward, 142. 144, 191, 196, 204 ; Elizabeth. 14, 144, 188, 199, 292 ; Geoi-ge, 188, 191 ; Grace. 89, 150 ; Honor, 146 ; James, 47 ; Jane, 5, 12, 29, 142, 165, 217; Jenifer, 10, 144 ; Joane, 8. 9, 11,47, 142,144,189, 195, 196, 204, 206 ; John, 5, 8-10, 12, 14. 27-29. 89, 137, 141, 147, 16.5, 186, 189, 191, 207, 217, 220 ; Margaret, 9, 137, 141, 144, 188; Mary, 10. 18, 28, 200 ; Nicholas, 8-10, 206 ; Philippa, 147, 221 ; Richard, 5. 11, 15, 141, 142, 193 ; Robert, 89 ; Thomas, 18. 23, 24, 28, 143, 146, 150, 194, 199 ; William, 6. Carcw, Alice. 243 ; Anne, 158 ; Bridget, 157 ; Elizabeth, 140; George, 140; Grace, 50, 160, 102. 220, 222, 223, 229, 2.30, 237, 238, 241, 243, 249, 254; John, 50, 157, 1.58, 160, 220, 222, 229, 230, 237, 241. 243, 249, 2.54 ; Ju- lian, 24.^ ; Richard, 50, 243 ; Sarah, 294. Carhart, Frances, 105, 107, 109, 135, 168. 287, 288; HannabcU. 290 ; Jane. 170 ; John, 107, 135. 136. 177, 288, 289; Mary, 109. 173 ; Pru- dence, 167, 264; Robert, 105 ; Rosamond, 135, 136, 177,288. 289 ; Stephen. 105, 107, 109, 167, 168, 204, 287. Carkeet, Elizabeth, 107. Carlyon, Barbara, 145; Lowdy, 150, 218. Carminow, Margaret, 212 ; Mary, 297 ; Nicholas, 141 ; Oliver, 212 ; Philippa, 141. Carnannell, Honor. 222 ; Joane, 147; Katherine, 188; Tho- mas, 188 ; Ursula, 201. Carne, Ann, 270 ; Catherine, 112, 170, 281, 282; Henry, 100, 281 ; Jane, 108. 107, 207, 270 ; Joane. 100 ; Mary, 104, 106, 108. 168, 270, 271 ; Richard, 104, 106, 108. 112. 168, 170, 270,271, 281.282, 285 ; Thomas. 167,267,270, 271. Caruier, Roger, 202. Carnsewe, Ann, 273 ; Edmond, 273 ; George, 273. Carpenter alias Williams, Alice, 18 ; Roger, 18, 19, 144, 204 ; Sampson, 19 ; Sedwell, 144. Carr, Mary, 132, 175 ; WilUam, 132, 175. INDEX. 309 Carter, Alson. 18-i ; Anne, 15, 19-i ; Arthur, 12, 192 ; Charity, 222 ; Charles, 11, 190 ; Edward, 16, 214 ; Eli- nor, U, 192 ; Elizabeth, 20, 138, 199, 212, 228, 298, 299; Henry, 18-1, 185 ; Honor, 13, 47, 49, 5.5, 141, 146, 152, 160, 187, 208, 209, 222, 230, 242 ; Hugh, 46 ; James, 11. 24, 37, 141, 187,189, 209, 212, 225 ; Jane, 2, 7, 31, 55, 140, 146, 149. 152, 161, 179, 189, 190, 192, 194, 199. 212, 214 ; Joane, 20, 137, 196, 199, 212 ; John, 7, 9, 10-16, 18, 29-31, 33, 37, 39, 49. 53-55, 137, 138, 140, 146, 150, 152, 160- 162, 182, 190. 192, 194-196, 199. 208, 209, 212, 214, 219. 220, 222, 228, 230, 242, 254, 297, 298 : Katheriue, 141. 150, 209, 212, 220, 225 ; Luke, 2 ; Margaret, 138, 220 ; Mary. 29, 31, 33, 37, 39, 46, 5.3, 55, 150, 152, 162, 219, 220, 228, 230, 254, 287, 297 ; Michael, 14. 219 ; Nicholas, 184 ; Patience, 238 ; Petro- nell, 22; Remfrey, 2, 184, 185 ; Richard. 1, 9, 17. 18-20, 22. 24. 29, 33, 39, 150. 154- 156. 179, 183. 187, 189, 190, 194, 199, 212, 213, 217, 218, 220, 228 ; Thomas, 1, 2, 3, 19, 181. 182. 184. 222, 237 ; William, 3, 138 ; Wilmot, 181. Carteret. Anne, 159 ; Sir George, 159. Carveth, Amy, 172 ; Ann, 176 ; Catherine, 1 74 ; Cicely, 29 ; Eleanor, 172 ; Elizabeth. 177, 178; Esther, 296 ; Ga- wen, 207 ; Jane, 34 ; Joane, 81, 140, 210 ; John, 27 ; Michael, 172, 174 ; Oliver Adams, 178; Richard, 27, 29, 31, 3.3, 34, 147, 177, 207, 210, 211, 296 ; Susanna, 31, 33, 34, 147. Carway, Agnes, 138 ; John, 138. Carwethuff, .James, 5 ; John, 5. Carwitham, Rebecca, 149. Carwithie, Margaret, 142. Cary, Elizabeth, 223; Sir George, 223 ; Michael, 17 ; Rawlyu, 17. Case. Joane, 150. Cavell, Avis, 243 ; Jane, 214 ; John, 229 ; Margaret, 296 ; Mary, 27, 51, 214, 215, 217, 220,"223, 245 ; Stephen, 229 ; William, 27, 51, 214, 215, 217, 220, 245. Cawdy, Joane, 159 ; John, 159. Cawley, Jane, 185 ; Margaret, 185 ; Richard, 185. Cayter, Ebbott, 38 ; Elizabeth, 38 i Walter, 38. Cayzer, Eleanor, 175 ; Frances, 162; Gilbert, 285; John, 162; Margaret, 282. See alsii Keysa. Ceebv, Ann, 298. Ceely, Faith, 299. Cerra (?), Amy. 186. Challen, Elizabeth, 138 ; Pas- coe, 138. Chalwell, Anne, 268, 270 ; Benjamin, 86-88, 165, 167, 254, 255, 259, 262, 266, 268, 270, 272, 276 ; Elizabeth. 86-88, 167, 254, 276 ; Fran- ces, 165, 279 ; Henry, 86, 262, 276. Chammin, Anne, 159. Champion. Alice, 66, 168 ; Auue, 68, 69, 73, 94, 166, 259 : Charity, 72 ; Dorothy, 84, 86, 88, 269 ; Edward, 52, 75, 78, 84, 86, 88, 245, 248, 261 ; Elizabeth, 67-71,73-76, 78, 99, 115, 116, 119, 120, 122, 125, 135, 153, 166, 170. 233, 261, 265, 279, 285 ; Em- blen, 45. 65, 158 ; Frances, 76, 84, 88. 90, 91, 93. 94, 96, 98, 99. 101, 116, 165, 176, 245, 248, 260, 267, 270, 275 ; Francis, 73 ; George, 27, 45- 47, 49-52, 54, G(i, 68, 69, 72- 76, 91, 115, 116, 119, 120. 122, 125, 159, 170, 207, 221, 229, 279. 285 ; Grace, 70, 86, 237 ; Henry. 73, 85. 87 ; Honor, 46, 47, 49-52, 64, 78, 163, 221, 240 ; James, 74, 76, 79, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99. 101, 115. 134. 135, 165, 245^ 260, 261, 267, 270, 275, 285 : Jane, 66, 68,69, 72-75, 94, 125, 159, 165, 261 ; Jane Chubb, 119, 279 ; Joane, 85, 87, 217, 292 ; John 51, 72-79, 96, 239, 240, 260, 292 ; Joseph, 122 ; Katheriue, 74, 76 ; Lydia, 72-76, 87, 161, 239, 240, 265, 282 ; Margaret, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70-72, 75, 94, 98, 233, 234, 238, 240, 259 ; Blary, 68. 76, 77 ; Nathaniel, 47, 64, Go, 67, 68, 70-72, 75, 79, 233, 234, 237, 238, 240, 243, 254, 258 ; Patience, 134, 135 ; Peter, 50, 68-71, 73-79, 93, 101, 240, 242, 245, 248, 250, 252, 260, 261, 270 ; Philippa, 74, 279, Richard, 77-79, 246 ; Samuel, 54, 73-76, 78, 79, 161, 240, 246, 265, 267 ; Sarah, 75, 240 : Tamson, 148 ; William, 73, 78, 8.5, 239, 248 ; , 78, Chapell, Andrew, 26, 216; Anne, 94, 177 ; Catherine, 216 ; Cicely, 49 ; Edward, 49, 51. 96, 177, 228, 245 ; Elizabeth, 64, 104, 232 ; Grace, 51, 135, 238 ; Hum- phrey, 233 ; Jane, 98, 167, 171^ 241 i Joane, 22 ; John, 85, 87. 88, 92, 94, 96, 98, 101, 104, 164, 229, 272 ; Marga- ret, 161 : Martha, 85, 87, 88, 92, 94, 96. 98, 101, 104, 164 ; Mary, 49, 87, 102, 253, 265 ; Nicholas, 222 ; Peter, 102,265; Richard, 101, 135; Thomas, 22, 26, 64, 163, 229, 232 ; Ursula, 51, 85, 228. Chaplain. Christopher, 10 : Edward, 47 ; Elizabeth, 14 ; Emblen, 3, 182 ; Henry. 179; James, 10 ; Jane, 4. 5, 10 ; John, ], 3-5, 7. 8, 10, 179, 182, 187, 188; Margery, 47 ; Marren, 193 ; Priscilla, 47 ; Richard, 14; Richow, 1, 8, 208 ; Thomas, 7 ; William, 10. Chaplain alias Jeukin, James, 198. Chapleman, Elizabeth, 199 ; Joane, 138 ; John, 180, 181 ; William, 180. Chapman, Anne. 118; Avis, 160 ; Elizabeth, 28, 118. 120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 171 ; Henry. 160 ; James. 122 ; Jane, 191 ; John, 88, 116, 125, 142, 171, 191, 192, 283; Jonathan, 114, 116, 118, 122, 124. 170, 282; Joseph, 128; Martha, 124, 282 ; Mary, 88, 114, 116, 118, 122, 124, 126, 170, 171, 277, 282; Molliar, 142 ; Richard, 118. 120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 171 ; William, 114. Charly. Mary, 212. Chenowith, Alice, 56, 58, 226, 227 ; Anastasia, 56, 58, 60- 62, 66, 156, 226, 233 ; Anne, 69 ; Constance, 65 ; Eliza- beth, 60 ; Honor. 53 ; Joane, 163, 269 ; John. 69 ; Mary, 61, 69, 228; Ralph, 53-56, 58. 60-62, 65, 66, 156, 163, 226-228, 230, 233, 265 ; Richard, 55 ; William, 62, 65, 230 ; Zacharias, 66. Chichester, Sir Edward, 155 ; Elizabeth, 155. Chubb, Elizabeth, 94, 170 ; Fishlake, 92; Jane, 92-94, 165; Joseph, 92-94, 165; Samuel Champion. 93. Chune alias Nicholas, Emblyn, 207 ; John, 207. Chute, Mary, 250 ; Timothy, 2.50. Clalyue, G., 7 ; Pascoe, 7. Clarke, Agnes, 10, 140, 197 ; Anne, 200 ; Charles, 246 ; Cicely, 144, 145; Elizabeth, 11, 189 ; Jane, 3, 183 ; Jan- nett. 183 ; Joane, 8, 186 ; John, 1-4, 8, 183, 189, 200 ; Katheriue, 2, 292 ; Margaret, 10 ; Thomas, 10 ; William, 10, 11, 13, 140, 144, 189, 191, 197, 201; William Jolly, 292. 310 THE EEaiSTERS OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR. Clemow, Clemens, Alice, 5 ; Alson, 191 ; Ann, 17S ; Bar- biira, ICl ; Beaton. ■232.242 ; Bridget, 148 ; Catherine, 96, 1(>2 ; Charles, 121 ; Dorothy, IG.S ; Elizabeth, 4. 5, 96, 119, 1G2. 1G6, 167, 271; Francis. 120, 268, 27."> ; Grace. 162 ; Jane, 177, 184; Jennett, 180 ; joane, 67, 255 : John, 1. 3-5, 80. 81. 83, 96. 127, 139, 180, 184, 192 ; Lancelot, 77-79, 162, 243. 255 ; L-vdia, 81, 83 ; Mar- garet, 139, 202 ; :\Iary, 67, 274; Nicholas. 119-121, 124, 127, US. 171 : Paska, 121, 180; I'bilippa. 171 ; Eem- frcy, 3; Kichard. 67, 83, 229, 232, 242, 248, 255. 256 ; Robert. 159 : Samuel. 118, 171, 278: Sarah, 119-121, 124, 127, 159, 171 ; Susan, 148; Thomas, 77, 78, 243, 256 ; Thomasine, 1, 118, 121, 171 ; William, 79, 81. 118, 124, 162, 229. Clickett. Harvev. 2 ; Jane, 2. Cliffe. Susan, 147. ClifEt, Jane, 177. Clobert, Robert. 7. Cluton alias Karke. Edward, 17 ; Mary, 17. Clyston, Alice, 137 ; James. 5 ; Martin, 5. 6, 137 ; Richard, 6. Coadc. Alice. 170 ; Anne. 113 ; Anthony, 91-93. 97, 258. 259, 261, 274, 293 : Catherine, 169 ; Dinah, 91-93, 97, 258, 259. 261, 277. 293 ; Eliza- beth. 96. 155, 157, 169, 186; Frances, 119. 267. 285 ; Gil- bert, 56, 228, 236; James, 91, 110, 112, ll.S, 117, 119, 120, 169, 273. 276, 279, 282, 285, 286;-Jane, 56, 96, 110, 112, 113, 117. 119, 120. 155, 169. 228, 273, 279 ; Joane. 56. 112.177, 228,292: John, 228, 230; Martha. 120, 279 ; Mary, 53, 54, 56, 117. 154, 222,'224. 236. 286 ; Nicholas. 96 ; Priscilla, 153 ; Richard, 54,292; Robert. 53-56, 1.55, 222, 224, 228 ; Thomas, 169, 267, 269 ; Thomasine, 153 ; William, 56. 92, 93, 110, 224, 2.58, 259, 273. Cobb, Constance, 140 ; Nicho- las, 30 : Thomasine. 151. Cobbledick. John, 1()7 ; Mai-- gery, 167. Coble, Emblen. 180. Cock. Agnes. 22, 63. 64, 67, 69, 70, 235. 253 ; Alice, 34, 210, 211 ; Alson, 188: Anne, 53, 72, 74. 91, 149, 154, 158. 2,56, 258 ; Anthony Henry, 89. 108, 109, 112, '169, 271.273; Barbara, 146 ; Christiana, 118 ; Christopher, 33, 37, 41, 149 ; Chudleigh. 169 ; Den- nis, 24, 203 ; Dorothy, 33, 37,41, 149 ; Elias. 72. 245; Elizabeth, 23, 32, 43. 44, 50- 52, 64, 86, 87, 89. 91, 92. 94, 96, 108, 143, 147, 151, 169. 20.3, 209, 210, 213, 226, 237, 253, 255, 257. 266, 271 ; Faithful, 72, 86, 87, 89, 91. 92, 94. 95, 164, 2.-)3, 255, 256, 258. 259, 27.5, 282 ; Florence, 83, 85; Gabriel, .50-54, 221, 223, 226 ; Grace, 24, 42, 44, 47, 50, 67, 69, 118, 166, 167, 171. 204, 229, 261, 265, 278, 292 ; Hannah. 1.35, 177 ; Honry, 26, 43, 50, 67, 68. 70, 72. 77-80, 87. 89-91, 94, 109, 159, 162. 191, 197. 215,216, 232, 241, 244-246, 253, 255. 258, 2.59, 265, 272; Honor, 52, 80, 221,245 ; Hugh, 196, 229 ; Isaac, 85 ; James. 34. 47,51. 64. 66, 68, 71, 95. 161, 221,236,239,244,2.59: Jane, 26. 37, 66, 92, 112. 1.5(5, 246. 266. 273 : Joane. 13, 2.3-, 25, 27, 67, 68. 70, 72, 86. 87. 89, 91, 92. 94, 95. 112, 139, 148, 160, 164, 187, 196, 203, 204, 208, 241. 253, 256, 258. 259, 265. 275 ; John, 7, 13, 30, 70, 76, 135, 146. 147, 152, 1.5.5, 159, 166. 177, 196. 204, 205, 209, 236, 265 ; Joseph. 79, 244; Katherine, 33, 155; Lewis, 83. 292 ; Love, 54, 223 ; Margery. 187 ; Mary, 24, 33, 44, 64, 66, 68, 71, 77, 87,96,155.159. 161,162, 170, 203, 220. 232, 236, 244. 248, 252, 253, 255, 256, 261 ; Maugau, 157 ; Milson. 157 ; Nicholas. 45 ; Niehton. 154 ; Peter. 50; Richard. 30. 44, 68. 139. 160, 236. 258, 265, 267 ; Robert. 30, 42, 44, 45, 47, 50, 68, 83. 85. 89. 91, 92, 94, 96. 229, 232, 257, 261, 266, 272 ; Rose, 30, 144,204 ; Sampson, 63, 74 ; Sibella, 152 ; Susanna, 89, 235, 255 ; Temperance, 78. 248 ; Tho- mas. 15, 20, 22-24, 26, 41, 64, 76, 92, 135. 143, 155, 191, 196, 197, 200, 203, 209. 258 ; Thomasine, 27, 87, 89-91, 108, 109, 112, 169,204, 253, 25.5, 258, 265. 271. 273, 277 ; Walter, 23-25, 144. 203, 204 ; William, 7, 1 5, 20, 32, 42-44. 6.3, 64,67.69,70. 72, 74,151,158, 162, 210. 216. 221, 224, 229., 2.58; , 149, Cocker, Rawling, 181 ; Richard, 181. Cockett, Honor, 150. Cocking. Agnes, 60, 145 ; Alice, 79, 144, 159, 208. 244, 278 ; Anne, 29, 35, 72, 75, 150, 241, 281; Ayis, 42, 63, 81, „244, 282 ; Barbara, 153 ; Con- stance, 198; Dorothy, 140- 142 ; Elinor, 31, 196 ;' Eliza- beth. 68, 69. 71, 75, 153, 160, 259, 267 ; Ellen, 138 ; Fran- ces, 60, 61, 63, 158, 245 ; Francis, 241 ; George, 45, 242; Gideon, 60, 61, 63, 158, 227, 229 ; Grace. 73, 162 ; Henry, 9 ; Honor, 35, 47, 58, 61, 63, 65, 68, 70, 158, 164, 228, 232, 233, 252 ; Hugh, 60 ; Humphrey, 30 ; James, 29, 31, 32, 37, 39, 42, 45, 58, 7.3, 75, 148. 217. 226, 229 ; Jane, 26, 31. 32. 69, 73, 80, 145. 147, 164, 166. 234,236, 241 ; Joane, 33, 55, 165, 226, 264 : John, 8, 9, 12, 25, 27, 28. 30-.3.S, 68, 69, 71,75, 78. 138, 146, 147, 153. 160, 186, 187,189, 193, 194, 198.204, 211. 213, 215, 239, 259, 263, 276; Katherine, 27, 194; Lawrence. 63 ; Leah. 71 ; Lowdy, 37, 39, 40, 42, 46, 47, 49, 60. 218, 226 : Margaret, 57, 60, 147, 226 ; Marian, 39, 235 ; Mark. 40. 234 ; :\Iar- riott, 63. 67, 226, 251 ; Mary, 31, 49, 67, 69, 71. 73. 75. 77, 78, 86, 107. 143, 169, 209, 216. 228, 234. 236, 256. 272 ; Milson, 12, 190; Nicholas, 30,67, 211. 234 ; Patience, 8, 217: Pentecost. 233; Peter, 42, 58, 61. 63. 65. 68. 70, 72, 86. 158, 165. 232. 233 ; Phi- lippa, 60, 141, 227 : Rebecca, 27; Richard, 80, 193, 201, 246 ; Robert. 26. 27, 29. 31, 147, 209, 223; Roger. 63; Rose, 213 ; Thomas, 9, 12, 20. 28. 29. 46, 55. 57. 60. 63, 67^ 69. 71, 73. 140, 191, 200, 218, 226, 233-236, 239, 241, 272 ; Thomasine, 32, 37, 39, 42, 65, 75, 148, 217, 226. 232 ; William, 20, 25, 32, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 46, 47, 49, 57, 60, 61, 77- 81, 107. 143. 169, 200, 211, 215, 218, 221, 226, 228, 229, 233, 247, 256. 272; Wilmot, 146, 227. Cocking alias Tremaine. Alice, 23, 29 : Anne. 28, 284 ; Den- nis, 282 : Elizabeth, 80. 177, 284 ; George, 81, 284 ; James, 76. 243 ; John, 25, 26, 28. 29. 115 ; Margaret, 87, 163, 252; Mary, 109 111, 115, 247; Pentecost, 82, 249: Peter, 87, 163,252,259; . Sarah. 82. 249 ; Thomas, 80- 82, 109, 249 ; William, 23, 26, 76, 82. 109, 111, 115. 177, 24.3, 249, 257. Coffin, Grace, 149 ; Katherine, 294 ; Richard, 294. Cole, Barbara, 18 ; Grace,. 176 ; INDEX 311 Jane, 187 ; John, 176 ; Jlar- garet, 212 ; Mary. 14:^, 153, 212 ; Philip, 212 : Thomas, 17; William, 17, 18. 143. Coles. Agnes, 145 ; Elizabeth, 197. Collas, Joane, 140. Colles, Jenifer. 210 ; John, 210. Colley, Frances. 233 ; Kathe- rine, 142 ; Richard, 233 William, 142, 202. Collier. Anne. 85, 167, 252 Elizabeth. 82. 85-88, 90, 104 249. 252, 254, 257, 267, 268 Jeremy, 83, 249 ; John, 104 106, 108, 252, 262. 267. 269 272-277 ; Joseph, 105 ; Mary 86. 104-106, 108, 169, 252 254, 257, 267, 269, 277 Mary Philippa, 108; Philip 82. 83, 85-90, 98. 167, 248 2.50, 252, 254, 255, 257. 261 266, 268, 269, 271. 273 ; Phi lippa, 105, 167, 252, 269. 277 William. 85, 167, 252. Collins, Alice, 198. 212; Eliza- beth, 14, 132, 193: George, 14, 17-19. 142, 193, 195.202; James, 19 ; Jane, 142, 195 ; Jenifer, 132, 135 : John, 8, 18, 139. 186, 187 ; Jonathan, 238 : Katherine, 292 ; Mar- garet, 139, 140. 205 : Mary, 17, 135 ; Philippa, 154 ; Richard, 155 : Thomas, 198 ; William. 132. 135. Collis, Ebbott, 9, . 144 ; Eliza- beth, 199 ; Joane, 144 ; John, 144. 199 : Katherine. 9 ; Martin, 186. Colliver, Bridget, 145. Collock, Joane, 162 ; John 162. Colman, Sephronia, 206. Colquite, Adria. 148. Col will. Anne, 119, 123. 278 ; Elizabeth. Ill, 113. 127. 128. 130, 175, 273. 284 ; George, 127, 128, 130, 175, 284; Honor, 111. 113-116. 118- 121, 123, 177, 273, 276, 278, 280; James, 111, 114-116, 118-121, 123, 273, 276, 278, 280 ; Jane, 128 ; Jenifer, 127, 284 ; John, 113, 116 : Margaret. 123 ; Martha, 120 ; Mary, 130. Comes, Joseph, 106 ; Mary, 106. Common, Alice. 57, 157. 226 ; Arthur, 55, 57, 157. 159, 226, 238, 245, 246 ; Dathony, 41 : Dorothy, 151, 168, 219 ; James, 57, 168, 238; Jane, 41 ; Joane, 55 ; Joseph, 135 ; Philippa. 159, 245 ; Rosa- mond, 1.35 ; Stephen, 135 ; Thomas. 41, 151. Compe. Elizabeth, 144 ; John, 144. ■ Condy, William, 251. Congdon, Davy, 11, 141.190; Grace, 143, 213 ; Joane, 11, 160 ; John. 103. 155. 265; Margaret, 11. 10.3, 141, 154, 156, 235, 265 ; Mary. 155 ; Petemell, 190 ; Richard, 156, 23.5. 239 ; William, 143, 211, 274! Conock, Alice, 208. Consoer, Thomas, 184. Cooke. Anne, 125, 126, 128, 129, 131, 133, 135, 173. 285 ; Caroline. 126 ; Cordelia. 129 ; Edward, 135; Elizabeth 128, 285 ; James, 13, 133 ; Jane, 173, 292 ; Joane, 165 ; John, 173 ; ifary, 165 ; Thomas, 125, 126, 128, 129, 131, 133. 135, 285, 292 ; Wil- liam. 13, 125. Coombe. Elizabeth, 284 ; Lewis, 120, 280 ; Mary, 120. 275, 280. Cooper, Radish, 202. Coover, Elizabeth, 13 ; Jane, 13. Copithorne, Alson, 195 ; Anne. 14, 40, 215 ; Dorcas, 30, 228 ; Edward. 33 ; Eliza- beth, 12, 17, 33, 35. 36. 40, 49, 148, 210, 220, 2.35 ; Grace, 17, 35. 212 ; Jane, 2. 3. 13, 15, 147 ; Joane. 45- 47, 49, 1.52, 156, 191, 192, 216, 218-220: John, 2-6, 11, 16, 17, 26. 29-31. 33, 35, 36, 40, 46. 148. 189, 190, 205. 212, 215, 216, 219, 222 ; Ju- lian, 205 ; Marearet, 146 ; Mary. 15. 16, 25, 31, 141, 147, 1.53 ; Maud, 179 ; OUie, 187 ; Priscilla, 149 : Richard, 4. 11-17, 20. 29. 45-47, 49, 149, 152. 192, 194, 198. 210, 211, 214. 218, 219; Richow, 47; Thomas. 12, 40. 215; William, 5. 12-15. 20. 25, 26, 141, 146, 189. 198, 200. Cornell, Jane, 146. Corner. Abigail, 103.111,267, 273, 286 ; Charles, 31 ; Eli- z.abeth. 111. 273; John, 31, 103, 267, 273. Cornish, Agnes. 17, 141 ; Alice, 37. 38, 43, 116, 118. 119, 121. 123, 236, 284. 292 : Anne, 25, 178, 199, 210. 289 ; Ar- thur. 121, 279 ; Beaton, 26, 212; Constance. 196; Elea- nor, 18; Elizabeth. 12, 69. 79. 93-96, 98, 107, 115, 117, 11^. 121, 122. 125. 136. 144, 165, 170, 176, 177, 196, 218. 219. 245, 256. 263, 269,279, 281'; Ellen. 142 ; Frances. 63, 67. 69. 72, 86, 106-108, 119, 168, 177, 26.3, 268-270; Francis. 173 ; Gertrude, 177 ; Grace. 24, 86-89. 94, 108. 120. 1.57, 170, 173, 236, 251, 255, 270; Henry, 16, 21, 202. 203 ; Honor, 9, 144. 172 ; James, 12-14, 16, 17, 19, 141, 202. 208 ; Jane. 85, 127, 217, 257; Joane, 19. 151, 159.180,230 ; John.l5, 43,67, 87.93, 116,118,119. 121, 123, 124, 142, 178, 180, 186, 195, 196. 219, 255, 257, 259. 275, 281-284, 287, 289, 292 ; Ka- therine, 10 ; Manuel. 157 ; Margaret, 14, 141, 151, 186, 214, 224, 287. 289 ; Marrian, 163; Mary. 85. 89, 117, 118, 120, 122, 124, 125. 127. 129, 144. 170. 251. 255. 281, 283 ; Michael, 38. 63. 67, 69, 72, 80, 85-89, 93-96, 98, 106-108, 115. 123, 136, 165, 168, 177, 24.5, 251,25.5, 256, 258. 263, 266, 268-272 ; Morgan, 154 ; Kicholas, 144 ; Nowell. 15, 196 ; Olive, 25, 230 : Peter, 122; Philip. 84,98, 117, 118, 120, 124, 125, 127, 129. 170. 261. 28], 283 ; Philippa. 84, 106, 121. 1.54, 163. 261, 268; Richard, 18. 20, 21.24-26,37, 38. 43, 63. 79-81, 84. 88, 96, 115, 117, 118. 121, 163, 170, 201. 203. 212, 218-220. 230, 244, 2.55. 256. 261, 266, 279, 281 ; Robert, 9, 10, 196, 201 ; Thomas, 13, 117, 186 ; Wil- liam, 209 ; . 23. Cornwall, Anne. 89, 259 ; Eli- zabeth, 85-88, 90, 93. 164, 251, 252. 255. 259, 272 ; Jeni- fer, 93, 268 ; John, 255 ; Mary. 86 ; Thomas, 85-88, 90, 93, 164, 251, 252, 255, 259, 268. Corver, James, 185. Corvton. Ebbott, 213 : Eliza- beth, 36. 39, 41, 149, 217. 229 ; Florence, 36, 213 ; Joane, 45 ; Katherine, 148 ; Mary, 39, 158 ; Walter, 36, 39. 41,45, 149,213,217, 229, 232. Cosh, John, 236; Sabina, 236. Cost, Harry, 188 ; Kaye, 139. Coster, Grace, 79 ; Jane. 86, 278; Robert, 79, 86; Tho- mas, 278. Coswarne, Dennis, 180. Cosworth. Bridget, 48 ; Doro- thy, 217; Edward, 211 ; John, 48 ; Katherine, 243 ; Margaret, 48 ; Nicholas, 48; Robert, 48 ; Sir Samuel, 48 ; .S.amuel, 48 ; Thomas, 217 ; William, 48. Cottle, Dorothy. 291 ; William, 291. Cotton, Jane, 160 ; William, 160. Cotty, Joane. 203 ; Margaret, 143, 198 ; William. 143, 198. Couch, As^nes, 65 ; Anne, 83 ; Avis. 160 ; Barbara, 153 ; Daniel, 52.54, 57, 60, 164 312 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE. 221, 226, 233, 235, 238, 239 ; Edward, ]5!>; Eleanor, 52, 57. 60, 1.54. 233. 239 ; Eliza- beth, 57, 83. 86, 167, 226, 23."), 251. 2.".3 ; Frances, 159, 246 ; Georpre, 153 ; Grace, 168, 263, 275 ; Honor, 54, 73, 165, 238 ; James. 109 ; Jane, 53, 142, 160, 235 ; Joane, 52, 73, 163 ; John. 52, 60, 221, 233 ; Marcraret. 109, 170 ; Mary, 160; Nicholas, 170; Roger, 267 ; Susanna, 65 ; Thomas. 8.3, 86, 168.251,263, 273 ; William, 65, 109. Courtney. Anne, 132, 134, 288 ; "Blanch, 130 ; Eliza- beth, 123, 124, 126, 128- 1.30, 132-135, 173, 291 ; Grace, 124 ; Humphrey, 239- 243; Jane, 298; John. 123. 182, 288 ; Matthew, ' 135 ; Nicholas. 132-134. 288 ; Peter, 123, 124. 126, 128. 129, 130. 133-135, 173; Tho- mas, 132 ; Thoraasine. 134, 288 ; William. 126, 298. Couth. Elizabeth, 157. Couthlay, Anthony. 239. Cowalls, Jane, 12 : John, 12. Coward. Alice. 4 ; Joane, 1. 3 ; John, 1-4 ■ Cower, Thomas, 185. Cowle, Catherine, 246 : Eliza- beth, 219 ; Grace, 84, 260 ; Jenifer, 92 ; Joane, 248 ; John. 89. 237 ; Mary. 242 ; Olive, 78; Richard, 78, 83. 84, 89, 92. 162, 163. 246. 248, 260 ; Thomasine. 83, 84, 89, 92. 162, 260. Cowlino;, Bridget, 64, 266 ; Elizabeth, 75, 77, 91. 93, 95, 96, 99, 175. 240, 245, 259, 284, 286; Frances, 73, 245; Francis, 93, 98, KlO. 166, 237. 257. 259. 262.' 263, 267, 269 ; Grace. 93, 173: How- ard, 113. 274; James, 75, 77, 90. 98, 100. 164, 239. 240, 245. 257. 262. 263, 265. 279, Jane, 63, 64, 68. 70. 75. 93, 164,230, 237. 241, 245, 264, 265, 269, 2S8 ; Joane, 80, 251; John. 73, 91, 93. 95. 96, 99, 113, 127, 175, 239, 274, 284, 285 ; Loveday, 113, 274, 287 ; Mary, 70, 90, 93, 95. 127, 171, 175, 2.38, 257, 259, 264 ; Michael, 63, 6 1, 68, 70, 73. 75. 80, 230. 237, 238, 241. 245. 251, 263 ; Pa- tience. 98. 100. 166, 262, 263, 274 : Richard. 96, 127 ; Ro- bert, 99. Cowry. John, 26 ; Margery, 26. Coxwith, Edward, 211. Coyett, Peteriiell, 142. Cranmer, Ellen, 161. Crapp, Agnes, 5. 141 ; Anne. 186 ; Avis, 122 ; Christian, 60, 23.5, 241 ; Elizabeth, 115. 171 ; George. 53. 64, 60, 226. 227. 231 ; Hester. 53, 227; John, 115, 131, 171, 221 ; Katheriue, 146 ; Laura, 148; Marv, 75; Patience, 124, 226,273; Richard. 126; Rose, 7.5, 128, 161 ; Ruth, 121, 122. 124. 126, 128. 129, 131, 172 ; Thomas. 60. 75, 129, 161, 241; Walter, 5. 186: William. 121,122.124! 126, 128, 129, 131, 172, 287. Ci-ase. Elizabeth, 157 ; Marga- ret. 276. Crawlev. Arthur. 36 ; Edward. .38. 41. 54-56. .59. 61. 157. 223. 228. 229 : Elizabeth. 36. 38. 43. 55-58, 60. 62-64. 148. 152. 157. 160. 224. 225. 231. 232 ; George, 43 ; Grace. 36. 1.55: Jane. 60. 162; Joane. 62. 63. 228. 231, 267 ; John! 55. 238; Katherine. 157; Marv. 64. 231 ; Ralph. 41. 55-.58. 60. 62-64. 157. 224. 225. 228. 231, 232 ; Richard. 30. 38. 41. 43. .54. 57. 61. 148. 15.). 216. 223. 22.5. 228 : Ruth! 56. 59. 61. 245 ; William. 56. 267. 271. Crav. Edmund, 204 ; Mary, 204. Creeber, Edward, 90 ; Eliza- beth, 90, 250; Mary. 90: Robert, 250. 264 ; Thoma- sine, 250.265 ; William, 264. Creede. See Croode. Creele, Laura. 148 ; William. 148. Cresoe, Elizabeth, 179 : .Jane, 179: John, 4, 179. 181 ; Ka- therine, 181 ; Richard. 4. Cresy, Dronisy, 1 ; William, 1. Crevcth. Anne Brown. 122 ; John, 122; Margaret. 122. Crews, Anne. 58, 60. 62, 75, 1.58. 244.247. 270. 274; Ar- thur. 51. 242, 245 ; Brideet, 54. 233 ; Cathenne. 247, 256 ; Edward. 41. 58. 60, 62. 75. 158. 161, 228-2.30. 240. 244, 247, 259, 261, 266, 268 ; Eliza- beth, 39, 41, 4.3, 46, 49. 51, 53, 57, 6.5, 152. 159, 162. 222, 230, 245 ; Frances, 45, 63, 159. 217 ; Francis. 62, e,i\. 230, 233 ; Gilbert, 63 ; Grace. 49. 57, 60. 62. 64-66, 159, 2.33. 244 ; Henry. 270 : Jane, 64 ; Joane. 43, 242 ; •John. 270: Mary. 46, 49; Nicholas, 26. 27, 147 ; Phi- lippa, 62. 228 : Samuel. 5S, 229 ; Sarah, 75. 161, 261 ; Susan, 147, 219 ; Thomas, 39. 57. 60. 62, 64, 66, 228, 230, 23.3. 244. 260 : William. 39, 41, 43, 45. 46. 49, 51. 53, 54. 62. 65. 152, 159, 222, 228, 229. 233. Crickbey, Jane. 1, 2, 180 ; John, 1, 2, 180. Crips. See Crapp. Crocker, Joane, 138 ; Richard, 138. Croode, Agnes, 25 ; Alice, 205; Nathaniel, 29, 208; William, 25. 28, 205. Crosman, Anne, 222 ; Thomas, 222. Cross. Mary, 171 ; Richard, 171. Crowts, Elizabeth, 169. Cuabbe. Alson, 145. Cullocott. James, 16 ; John, 16. Cundy. Anne. 74. 112, 114. 168, 253: Catherine. 89-91, 94, 9.5, 112. 165. 286 ; Eleanor, 111, 121, 278; Elizabeth, 107-109. 111. 112, 114, 115, 117, 121, 132, 174, 278; Florence, 206 ; Francis, 109, 130. 176. 287; George, 226; Grace. 110. 130. 160, 176, 287: Jaiie. 91. 109. 112. 117, 271. 291 ; Jenifer. 130. 287 ; Joane. 42. 107, 140, 150. 177 ; John, 26. 42. 44, 51, 94. 109- 113. 115. 118, 121, 133, 151, 169, 20.5, 206, 221, 271. 279, 287 ; Jonathan. 53, 222 ; Joyce, 51. 153. 232 ; Mar- garet, 109-111. 113. 115. 118, 121, 169. 271.279; Mary. 26, 11.5. 118, 132. 133. 1.35, 176, 205 ; Olive. 42. 44. 151 ; Peter. 44. 279 ; Philip, 121 ; Richard. 89-91. 94. 95. 107- 109, 111, 112. 114. 11.5. 117, 121. 132, 133. 135, 165. 176, 2or>, 259. 278. 279 ; William, 51. 53. 74. 90, 153. 222, 232, 238, 247. 251, 255, ' Currali. Geoi-ge. 192 ; Jane, 178 ; Mary, 171 ; Prudence, 175; William, 178. Currite, Elizabeth, 34 : Rich- ard. 34 ; Walter, 34. Curtis, Grace, 131, 134. 136; John, 131 ; Peter, 131, 134, 136. Custoller, Joane, 189 ; John, 11 ; Robert, 11, 189. D Dacre. Eleanor. 215 ; William. Lord, 215. ' Daddow. Catherine. 169 ; Joane, 208 ; Richard. 208 ; Stephen, 169. Dadgell, Elizabeth, 227 ; Giles. 219. Dale, Emblyn, 154. Dancaster. Anne. 37, 58, 75, 157, 166; Benjamin. 29; Catherine. 98, 170 ; Colan, 34 : Edward. 31 ; Elizabeth, .34, .36. 37, 147, 219; Jane, 52, 58. 96, 98, 153, 166, 242, INDEX. 313 278 ; Jenifer, lU ; Joane, 74, 75. 96, 161, 269 ; John. 28 ; Mary, 36, 212 ; Olive, 133 ; Philippa, 133-135 ; Phillis, 135 ; Richard, 30, 52. 5-1, 58, 1.5.3,223 ; Thomas, 5i, 223 ; Willi.-vni, 28-31, 3-1, 36, 37, 52, 74. 75, 96, 98, 133-13.5, 147, 161, 166, 212, 215, 240, 266. Dane, Joane, 147 ; John, 30 ; Margery, 30 ; Richard, 147. Danell alias James, Elizabeth, 278. Danet, Elizabeth, 71, 193, 199, 213, 223 ; Gerald, 193, 199, 213. Danger, Honour, 218. Daniel, Anish. 150 ; Jane, 144 ; Richard, 144. Dansoue, Katherine, 12 ; Tho- mas, 12. Darell, Thomas, 244. Darr, Agnes, 145, 187 ; An- drew, 193 ; Christopher, 4-6, 191, 197 ; Elizabeth, 38, 40, 43, 46, 150, 236 ; Frances, 46 ; Francis, 6, 255 ; Gre- gory, 8 ; Henry, 65, 80, 81, 163. 208, 258 ; Honor, 31, 43, 160 ; Isett, 142 : Jane, 141, 142, 180, 193, 206 ; Joane, 11, 63-65, 68, 159, 204, 255; John, 4, 8, 9, 13, 22, 23, 25, 31, 38, 40, 43, 46, 64, 141, 150, 182, 191, 194, 202, 204, 213, 216, 236, 238, 244 ; Joyce, 25, 202 ; Lavinia, 204 ; Louisa, 25 ; Martin, 14: Mary, 4, 163, 166, 182, 258 ; Olive, 38, 213 ; Pascoe, 13 ; Pentecost, 81, 258 ; Peter, 68. 245 ; Petherick, 22 ; Philippa, 194 ; Richard, 180; Robert, 5, 9, 11, 14, 23, 2.5, 145, 190, 191, 197, 204, 292 ; William, 40, 63-65, 68, 80, 159, 180, 245, 250 ; , 180. Dasovs^e, Amy, 18, 197 ; Doro- thy, 26 ; Elizabeth, 147, 198 ; Emblin, 146 ; Francis, 25, 146, 205, 248 ; Fryswed, 142 ; Henry, 198; John, 3, 180; Katherine, 25, 205 ; Mar- garet, 199; Olive, 5; Pas- catte, 180 ; Pascow, 210 ; Pastha, 3 ; Richard, 26, 142, 147, 188; Sarah. 143 ; Tho- mas, 3, 5, 18, 143, 180, 197, 205, 210, Daston, Frances, 13 ; Richard. 13. Davis, Anne, 100-102, 104, 106, 107, 109, 167, 264, 267 ; Buckland ali(ui John, 196 ; Catherine, 56, 106, 130, 161, 173 ; Digory, 126 ; Dorothy, 56, 59, 156," 250 ; Elizabeth, 78, 101, 104, 116, 118, 121, 122, 124, 126, 128. 130, 133, 135, 166, 171, 264, 267, 278 ; James, 128 ; Jane, 94, 100, 162, 172, 263 ; Jenifer, 133; John, 54, 56, 59, 78-81, 94, 99, 116, 156, 162, 228, 247, 254, 264 ; Margaret, 169 ; Mary, 78, 80, 81, 100, 107, 113, 114, 135, 162, 167, 169, 247, 254, 264, 273 ; Matthew, 79, 263 ; Nathaniel, 162 ; Pascoe, 102, 116, 118. 121, 122, 124, 128, 130. 133, 135, 171, 277, 278 ; Richard, 79, 100, 109, 113, 114, 122, 167, 264 ; Temperance, 99, 101 ; Thomas, 59, 81, 99, 101, 126, 256 ; Walter, 124 ; William, 79, 100-102, 104, 106, 107, 109, 114, 118, 121, 167, 264, 267, 278, 286. Davy, Agnes, 15, 140 ; Alice, 6, 140, 148, 190 ; Anne, 42, 151, 214; Anstis, 144; An- thony, 11, 190 ; Bridget, 9 ; Charles, 35 ; Columba, 15 ; Dorothy, 42 ; Elizabeth, 19, 151 ; Emlyn, 151 ; Henry, 19, 30, 148 ; Hopson,. 228 ; Hugh, 172 ; Jael, 157 ; Jane, 2, 76, 137, 172, 181 ; Joane, 30, 151 ; John, 1-6, 9-16, 40, 126, 151, 181, 184, 187, 190, 191 ; Julian, 123, 281 ; Katherine, 6, 140, 184 ; Mar- garet, 16, 138 ; Maria, 200 ; Mary, 12, 35, 40, 126, 149, 191, 214 ; Matthew, 76 ; Michael, 35, 40, 42, 45, 137, 149, 151, 186, 214, 217, 225 ; Richard, 1, 140 ; Robert, 13, 15 ; Roger, 11 ; Susan, 14 ; Tamson, 180 ; Thomas, 5, 10, 11, 140, 184; William, 4. Davy alu/g Bennett, Christian, 28 ; Constance, 28 ; John, 24, 27, 202-205, 207 ; Kathe- rine, 26 ; Margaret, 205 ; Mary, 26, 205 ; Thomas, 22, 24, 26-28, 203, 207. Davy alias Moyle, Richard, 195. Dawe, Agnes, 139 ; Alice, 20, 201 ; Anne, 31, 74, 75, 105, 161, 239, 259 ; Catherine, 168 ; Elizabeth, 31, 37, 107, 112, 114, 139, 146, 222, 268 ; Emanuel, 26 ; Erablen. 182 ; George, 20, 114, 131,' 132, 134, 135, 176, 197, 200, 201, 287, 288 ; Grace, 37, 159 ; James, 149 ; Joane, 74, 188, 239, 292 ; John, 25-28, 31, 37, 139, 146-148, 186, 204, 207, 212, 214 ; Jonathan, 74, 75, 81, 105, 107, 112, 114, 134, 161, 168, 239, 259, 265, 268, 271, 285, 287 ; Mar- garet, 31, 105, 107, 137, 148, 168, 200, 239, 268, 271 ; Mary, 75, 131, 132, 134, 135, 147, 176, 220, 287, 288 ; Melissa, 204 ; Pascal, 25 ; Patience, 149 ; Thomas, 28, 197 ; Wil- liam, 112, 131, 272, 288. Day, Adam, 22, 36. 38. 39, 41, 4.3, 47, 218, 230, 238, 240; Adria, 148 ; Alice. 57, 59, 60, 68, 147, 158. 211, 227, 235 ; Anne, 21, 58, 79, 246, 262, 291, 295 ; Anthony, 198 ; Awdrey, 31 ; Barbara, 222 ; Blanch, 143, 211, 219; Catherine,76,79. 140, 150,206, 211, 225, 261, 263 ; Dorothy, 39, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48. 50, 68, 72. 150. 230, 235, 238, 243, 267 ; Edward, 84, 295 ; Eli- nor, 13, 39 ; Elizabeth, 36, 54, 73, 82. 164, 291 ; Emblen, 39, 62, 63, 157, 163, 229 ; Esther, 296 ; Florence, 46, 250 ; Frances, 48 ; Francis, 15 ; George, 42. 57, 59, 60, 68, 227, 235, 264 ; Germane, 19, 197 ; Grace, 19, 57, 74- 77, 161, 166, 241, 267 ; Halse, 232 ; Henry, 13, 41, 215 ; James, 18, 19, 43, 54, 55, 60, 66, 78-80, 82, 84, 143, 156, 230, 231, 238, 247, 250, 290, 291 ; Jane, 36, 38, 39, 41, 4.3, 47, 55. 57, 60, 62, 63. 66, 67, 78, 148, 151, 156, 165, 225, 227, 229, 230. 232, 242, 255,264; Joane. 19, 58, 59, 66, 68, 157. 197, 218, 290, 291 ; John. 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 2.5, 30, 31, 41, 54, .55, 57-60, 62, 63. 66, 67, 72, 76, 78-80,147,148, 150, 156, 190, 197, 198, 204, 205, 211, 213, 214, 216. 218, 225, 227, 229, 232, 234, 237, 241-243, 247, 256, 261-263, 282, 290, 295 ; Jonathan, 76, 265, 268, 271, 285, 287 ; .losias, 19, 39, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 78, 150, 215, 220, 222, 230, 232, 246 ; Julian, 230 ; Lewis, 55, 80, 241 ; Margaret, 11, 13, 146 ; Martha, 80, 84, 290. 295, 296 ; Mary, 59, 75, 166, 227 ; Nicholas, 17 ; Peter, 55, 66, 157, 238, 247, 267, 290, 295 ; Ralph, 67, 241 ; Richard, 16, 218, 227, 251 ; Robert, 195 ; Roger, 197 ; Sarah, 79, 245 ; Tamson, 143, 153, 205 ; Thomas, 11, 13-18, 21, 25, 30, 47, 52, 73-80, 140, 143, 161, 190, 194-196, 211, 218, 238, 241, 245, 216, 267; William, 44, 220. Day alias Mark, Eleanor, 207 ; Grace, 206. Day alias Rosogan, Jane, 142 ; Thomas, 193. Dean, John, 281. Del bridge, Elizabeth, 63, 64, 229, 232 ; Honour, 62-64, 159, 249 ; John, 62, 228 ; William. 62-64, 159, 228, 229, 231, 2.32. 2 S 314 THE REaiSTEES OP ST. COLrMB MAJOR. Dell, Mary, 11 o ; Ricbard, 115 ; Susanna, 2fi6. Demonfryart, Elizabeth, 89 ; George, 89 ; M'illiam, 89. Denning, Sibella, 152. Dennis, Agnes, 157 ; Alice, 71 ; Anne, 85, 109, 109 ; Bridget, 91 ; Catherine. 87 ; Charles, 89, 109. Ill ; Christopher, 169 ; Elizabeth, 81, 175, 2-84 ; Emblen, 181 ; Epiphany, 73, 240 : Heniy, 70, 76, 197, 241, 244 ; James, 96. 130, 175, 176, 284 ; Jane, 2.39 ; Joan, 70, 78, 74, 78, 83, 85-87 89, 91, 92, 163, 235, 250, 252, 256, 274 ; John, 107, 238. 281 ; Joyce, 66, 68. 69, 71, 78, 76, 77, 91, 96, 107, 267, 281, 287 ; Martha, 69 235 ; Mary, 68, 73. 74. 83. 86, 109, 111, 130, 169. 170, 239, 252 ; Euth, 91, 256 ; Susanna, 76, 241 ; Thomasine, 80, 247 ; William, 66, 68-71, 73, 74, 76-78, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 92, 111, 157, 163, 235, 239-241, 244, 247, 256, 259, 264, 269, 274, 279. Derby, Anne, Countess of. 200 ; Thomas Stanley, 2nd Earl of, 193, 200. Devonshire, Benjamin. 290 ; Dorothy, 290 ; Grace, 290 ; Heury, 141 ; Jane, 141 ; William, 297. Dewens, Florence, 239. Dewsod. See Dugoe. Diamond. Tamazen, 208. Didman, Thomas, 224. Dingey. See Dungey. Dingle, Alice, 180 : Jane, l.'JS ; John, 155 ; Mary, 171 ; Stephen, 187. Dinbam, Catherine, 181 ; Doro- thy, 214, 215 ; John Lord, 181 ; Sir John, 181 ; John, 214, 215. Dirram, Margaret, 144. Diyes, Elizabeth, 153 ; John, 153. Dix, Charles Clerk, 176 ; Mary, 176. Dixon, Elizabeth, 118; Frances, 118 ; William, 118. Dobe, Joane. 139. Dobell, Amy, 139; John, 139, 141 194, 212 ; Philippa, 141 194. Docken, Elizabeth, 293. Dodge, Dionyse, 227 ; John, 227. Dodson, Anne, 291 ; Sarah, 164, 256. Donacumbe, or Duncombe, Alice, 218 ; Bridget, 32, 35, 38, 148, 153 ; Donate. 28, 215 ; Edward, 32 ; Eliza- beth, 29, 152 ; Jane, 38, 213 ; Joane, 35 ; Martin, 15, 28, 29, 32, 35, 38, 148, 213, 232 ; Kichard, 15, 213 ; Eoger, 23, 203. Dones, Elizabeth, 299 ; James, 299. Donne, Mollier, 185. Donuithorne, Amelia, 176 ; Jane, 176; Mary, 176; Ni- cholas. 176, 266. Donoson, Henry, 107 ; Isabella, 107 ; Jane, 1*07. Doome, Agnes, 146 ; Joane, 212 ; Eiohard, 212. Downing, Joane, 161. Doyly, Cornelius, 299 ; Eliza- beth, 299. Doyngell, John, 147 ; Sibbell, 147. Drew, Alice, 36, 38, 142, 145. 148, 231 : Anne. 99. 120,172, 178 ; Christopher, 29 ; Cicely, 231 ; Dennis, 26 ; Elinor, 17 ; ElizHbcth, 23, 55, 74, 7.5, 10.5, 107, 112, 115. 117. 119. 120, 124, 148, 164, 171, 175, 178. 192. 240. 265. 291 ; Frances. 73-75, 100, 101, 173, 243 ; Frances Tom, 131 ; George, 135 ; Henry, 15, 193 ; Honor, 146 ; Jael, 56, 157, 251 ; James, 119. 120 ; Jane, 38, 98-102, 117. 128, 129. 132, 1.33. 146, 157, 107, 169, 175, 176. 198, 209, 205, 286 ; Joane, 20, 81. 102, 120, 140, 173, 212, 258, 200, 272 ; John, 11. 1.5, 23, 20-29, 31, 50, 73, 74, 70, 79, 81, 82, 90, 105. 116, 120, 134, 135, 140, 149, 161, 167, 177, 208, 209, 219, 240, 243. 244, 249, 257, 258. 266, 279 ; Margery, 212 ; Mary, 36. 76, 96, lO'l, 118, 120, 134, 135, 149, 166, 171, 177, 219; Nicholas, H, 15- 17. 193, 205 ; Philip, 132 ; Philippa, 131, 132, 176. 274; Rebecca, 176 ; Eichard, 15, 142. 207 ; Robert. 29, 36. 38, 82, 10.5, 107, 112, 11,5, 117, 119, 120, 128, 129, 132, 133, 148, 175, 208, 219, 226, 262, 265, 268, 269, 272, 274, 281, 286, 291; Sarah, 11.5, 116, 118, 120, 277; Thomas, 16, 55, 56, 75, 96, 115, 116, 118, 120, 129, 133. 157, 160, 251, 277-279, 286 ; William, 73. 98-102. 107, 124. 128, 131, 1.32. 134, 171, 176, 256, 264, 205, 272, 274, 278, 282, 286. Drew alias Jeffery, Alice, 206 ; Richard. 200. Drewfl?/-.s Rowe, Paul, 203. Driver, Jane, 112 ; Mary, 112 ; Nathaniel, 112. Dugoe, Alice, 199 ; Anne. 25 ; 207 ; Honor, 29 ; Joane, 27, 207 ; John, 24, 29, 203 ; Mary. 218 ; late Dewsod, Nicholas, 26, 27, 207 ; Pascoe, 22 ; Richard, 25 ; Susan, 147 ; Thomas, 22, 24, 26, 145, 199. 203. 214. Dulyn, Henry, 220 ; ]\Iary, 220. Dimdridge, Edmond, 239. Dungey, Ebbott, 220 ; Eliza- bethj 86, 88. 90. 91, 107, 110, 1.30, 164, 175. 2.53, 2.57, 28.3, 288, 290, 293 ; Emanuel, 220 ; Francis, 70, 72, 88, 90, 25.3, 257, 259 290 ; Grace, 127-130, 168, 17.5, 257, 283, 288 ; Honor, 104 : Jane, 106- 108, 110. 129, 141, 168. 284 ; Joane. 229 ; John, 70, 86, 88, 90, 91, 104, 106-108, 110, 127-1.30,,227,253, 254, 257, 272, 282, 283, 288 ; Mary, 109, 110, 145, 175, 290 ; Maud, 70, 72 ; Stephen, 236 ; Thomas, 88, 293 ; Ursula, 144; William, 91, 108, 109, 128, 279, 288, 293. Dungey alias Tankyn, Margery, 208. Dunkin. Agnes. .36, 212 ; Alice, 213 ; Anne. 37, 38 ; Dorothy, 76 ; Edward, 76 ; Francis, 65 ; George, 77 ; Jane, 99, 164, 246. 249. 267 ; Jenifer, 77 ; Joane, 79. 246 ; John, 64-66. 69. 72. 76-78, 101, 232. 237, 239. 245 ; Joseph, 69, 81. 98, 99, 101, 103, 160,266; Margery, 72. 239 ; Mary, 3S, 98, 99. 101, 103, 166, "^266; Matilda, 61-66. 69, 76, 232, 237; Richard, .30, 64, 212; Eobert. 36-38, 70-79. 81, 98, 164. 212, 213, 245-247, 249; Samuel, 103, 247 ; William, 72. Dunn, Daniel, 105 ; Joane, 157 ; Mary. 105 ; Mollier, 185 ; Eichard, 29, 218 ; Eichow, 29. 153. Dunstone. Alice, 147 ; Eliza- beth. 138; Jane, 196; Joane, 292 ; John, 200, 292 : Kathe- rine, 208 ; Eichard, 190, 200, 207. Durrant, Jane, 191 ; John, 183, 191 ; Margaret. 183 ; Mary, 298. Dyer, Adam, 151 ; Agnes, 5, 18. 137 ; Alice, 10 ■, Alson, 137 : Anne, 151 ; Barbara, 17. 23,-38, 128, 130, 148, 151, 175, 213 ; Benjamin, 31 ; Dieory. 37: Dorothy. 139; Elizabeth, 15, 16, 35, 194, 207 ; Emblen, 142. 192 ; Henry, 14-19. 23. 28, 142, 154, 194, 207, 213. 228, 235, 244, 240 : Honor.' 33-35. 37-40, 142, 148,214. 215,230; Isett, 182 ; James, 23, 128 ; Jane, 2, 4, 10, 182; Joane. 12. 14, 127, 146, 153, 192 ; John, 5, 14. 17, 20, 28, 30. 31, 33-35, 37-40, 137, 139, 148. 180, 182, 200, 208, 211, 213, 21.5, 216, INDEX. 315 221, 230 ; Joseph, 128, 130, 175 ; Joyce, 18 ; Katheriue, 139, 151, 253 ; Margaret, 139, 192, 201, 215 ; Mark, 192 ; Martin, 5. 11-20. 22, 23, 112, 192, 200, 203 ; Mary, 16, 26, 40. 130, 156, 209, 219 ; Ma- thew, 5, 7 ; Nicholas, 2. 183, 185 ; Otes, 4, 182, 183 ; Pascoe, 15 ; Peter, 26 ; Philip, 25 ; Rebecca, 39 ; Eichard, 25; Roberta, 216; Stephen. 183 ; Thomas, 4-6, 12, 182, 219 ; Thomasiae, 151 ; Walter, 153 ; William, 7, 34, 211 ; William Thomas, 127 ; Wilmot, 23. Dymont, Peternell, 9 ; Tamson, 9, 141, 208. E Eade, Anne, 78 ; Edward, 77, 78, 81, 82, 248 ; Gertrude, 82 ; Robert, 77, 81. Eastman, Grace, 166 ; Jane, 162 ; John, 162. Edevean, Anne, 115, 117, 120 ; Elizabeth, 280 ; Grace, 122, 280 ; Jenifer. 115 ; Joyce, 170 ; Mary, 120, 122, 280 ; Richard, 115, 117, 120 ; Robert, 122, 280. Edgcumbe, Elizabeth, 181 ; John, 218 ; Sir Richard, 181 ; Superan, 216. Edmonds, Luke, 230. Edwards, Alice. 9, 209 ; Anne, 8. 9, 69, 70, 72, 85, 86, 191, 211, 242, 252. 293 ; Anthony, 3, 182 ; Bridget, 291 ; Cha- rity, 159. 239 ; Edward, 188 ; Elizabeth, 18, 19, 30, 50, 69, 81, 90, 165, 229, 232, 256, 296 ; Emblyn, 60, 62, 63, 65-67, 86, 158, 161, 168, 230, 238, 259, 272; George, 37, 55, 57, 63, 213, 228 ; Giles, 33, 50, 54, 55, 58, 60, 62, 153, 223, 225, 226, 228, 229, 232, 237, 248 ; Grace, 50, 57, 59, 62, 85, 153, 168, 232, 2.^3, 235, 237, 244 ; Honor, 60, 189,230; Humphrey, 8, 11, 34, 218; James, 66, 69, 70, 72, 91, 215, 239, 241, 242, 244, 248, 256, 264, 291 ; Jane, 60, 88-91, 94, 232, 254- 256 ; Jannett, 1 ; Joane, 11, 138, 159, 187, 188, 191, 198, 207, 225, 248, 249 ; Jemima, 54 ; John, 1-3, 9, 17, 39, 67, 72, 81, 85, 86, 138, 159, 179, 182, 183, 187, 224, 231, 232, 244, 247, 251-253, 293 ; Judith, 62, 256 ; Katherine, 8, 210 ; Malachi, 8 ; Mar- garet, 8, 16, 31, 53, 54, 57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 153, 1.58, 189. 194, 223, 225, 226, 232, 253, 257: Martin, 18, 33, 35, 37, 39, 149, 213, 215 ; Mary, 43, 50, 64, 152, 160 ; Rawlyn, 43 ; Richard, 16. 30-32, 34-36, 43, 54, 60, 62-67, 81, 88-91, 94, 148, 157, 158 187, 215, 218, 223, 224, 230, 234, 242, 247, 249, 254-256 ; Robert, 8, 89, 94, 158, 254 ; Rose, 32, 34, 36, 54, 148, 211, 223 ; Samuel, 159 ; Sarah, 19 ; Simon, 9 ; Temperance, 157, 224 ; Thomas, 2, 57, 225, 235 ; Thomasine, 33. 35, 37, 39, 149, 179, 215. 226, 271 ; Wil- liam, 16-18, 32, 50. 53-55, 57- 59, 153, 194, 211, 223, 226, 232, 233, 235, 244, 255. Edy. See Udy. Elford, Amy, 237; Elizabeth, 72, 73 ; Joane, 76, 241 ; John, 72 ; Jonathan, 237 ; Philip, 271 ; Philippa, 105, 167, 252 ; Robert, 72, 73, 76, 241, 264, 278 ; Rose, 76 ; Sarah, 169 ; Walter, 105, 167, 252. Ellery, Anne, 42, 70, 118, 120, 150, 236 ; Anthony, 42, 44- 46, 48, 53, 71, 220, 225, 227, 237 ; Beaton, 42, 44, 46, 48, 220, 225, 234 ; Elizabeth, 73, 131, 175, 239 ; Henry, 4 ; Humphrey, 17, 18 ; Jane, 33, 69, 118, 141,225,235; Joane, 45, 46, 69, 70, 71, 73, 158, 235, 236, 239 ; John, 4, 18, 33, 53, 125, 140, 188 ; Kathe- rine. 140, 188 ; Margaret, 118 ; Mary, 17, 102. 129,141, 265 ; Rebecca, 102, 265 ; Richard, 126, 133, 283, 288; Roger, 44, 69-71, 73, 235-239 ; Rosamond, 177 ; Sarah, 117, 118, 125, 126, 129, 131, 13.3, 283, 288 ; William, 33, 73, 117, 118, 12.5, 126, 129, 131, 133, 238, 283, 288. Eliot, Abigail, 162; Philip, 162. Elsabeth, John William, 2, 5, 138; Margery, 138; Ursula, 2 ; William, 5. Eivins, Joane, 260 ; Rosamond, 174. Elworthy, Grace. 123 ; Sarah, 123 ; William, 123. Einmett, Agnes, 154 ; Eliza- beth, 158 ; Robert, 154. Endeano, Catherine, 105, 107, 168, 268 ; Elizabeth, 74 ; Entice, 161 ; Henry, 105, 107, 156, 168, 268 ; Mary, 105, 107, 268 ; Philippa, 156 ; Thomas, 74 ; Timothy, 74. Endry, Thomas, 218 ; , 218. England, Anne, 90, 114, 116, 118, 174, 277 ; Bridget, 48, 57, 153. 226, 231, 233 ; Ca- therine, 117, 123, 281 ; Charles, 80, 227, 246 ; Chris- topher, 55 ; Cicely, 80, 144 ; Ebbot, 51 ; Elizabeth, 78, 90-92, 94, 96, 97, 100-102, 104, 165, 260, 283 ; Frances, 174 ; Francis, 72, 239 ; George, 51 ; Grace, 104 ; Honour, 284 ; Humphrey, 76, 90-92, 94, 96, 97, 100-102, 104, 116-119, 121-123, 126, 165, 170, 260, 279, 281 ; James, 100, 116,282; Jane, 57, 75, 101, 226, 240 ; John, 48, 51, 53-55, 57, 69, 71, 72, 75, 76, 78-81, 92, 109, 118, 153, 223, 226, 227, 231, 235, 240, 213, 246, 247, 2.50 ; Jo- seph, 126; Margaret, 72, 239, 240, 246 ; Martin, 54, 72, 81, 223, 243, 247 ; Mary, 48, 51, 69, 71, 72, 75, 91, 114, 2.35, 270, 277 ; Philip, 121 ; Rebecca, 109 ; Robert, 51, 71, 102, 114, 116, 277 ; Susanna, 116-119, 121-123, 126, 170, 281 , William, 72, 119, 246. English, Lucy, 236. Engrosse, Agnes, 14 ; Cicely, 12, 20 ; Elinor, 144 ; Francis, 14, 17, 195 ; George, 196; Jane, 142 ; Joane, 14 ; John, 9, 190 ; Katherine, 14, 190 ; Margery, 9 ; Petherick, 12 ; Remfrey, 14 ; Reynold, 12, 20, 144, 196, 198; Richard, 17 ; Richow, 195 ; William, 12, 14, 198. Eustis, Anne, 243 ; John, 243. Eplett, Barbara, 11 ; Jane, 6 ; John, 5, 6, 137, 190 ; Marga- ret, 5, 137, 140, 190 ; Wil- liam, 11. Escott, Alice, 194. Eslem, Jane, 171 ; Timothy, 171. Estas, Jane, 7, 138 ; William, 7, 138. Eva, John, 170, 247 ; Philippa, 170. Evans, Barbara, 191 ; Frances, 286 ; Francis, 170 ; Honour, 170; Humphrey, 141, 191; Joane, 141, 144, 145 ; John, 28, 147, 221 ; Sibilla, 28, 151 ; Susan, 147, 217 ; Wal- ter, 236. Evelyn, Elizabeth, 107-109, 111, 114, 116, 118, 121, 271, 273 ; Grace, 103, 106, 108, 110, 112. 114, 135, 168, 271, James, 86 ; Jane. 60-62, 64, 66, 83, 84, 86, 88, 107, 114, 1.58, 173. 177, 233, 249, 252, 25.5, 269 ; John, 60, 61, 81, 108, 112, 121, 177, 228, 271, 280 ; Joyce, 66, 165 ; Mary, 64, 83, 106, 111, 114, 177, 223, 273, 279 ; Prudence, 165, 170; Rebecca, 118; Richard, 88, 103, 107-109, 31G THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. 111. 114, 116. 118, 121, 268, 271, 273; William. 60-62, 64, 66, 81-84, 86, 8S. 103, 106, 10-^. 110, 112, 114, 158. 16.5, 168, 22S, 23.3, 249, 252, 254, 262,271,283. Eves, Peren. 140. P Falck, Barnet, 178 ; Elizabeth, 178, Falmouth, Jane, 180 ; Richard, 184. Farrow, Betty, 175 ; Charles, 175 ; Jane, 160. Feare, Florence, 150 ; Jane, 141 ; Joane, ]i)3 ; John. 193, 196 ; Richard, 181 ; Tamson, 139; Ursula, 184; William, 181, 184. Ferand, Jannett, 182 ; John, 181. Finch, Elizabeth. 153; James, 232 ; Thomas, 232. Fisher, Anne, 6 ; Francis, 6, 186 ; John, 5 ; Richard, 5, 6, 186. Fith, Margery, 33 ; Thomasine, 33 ; William, 33. Fittick, Jane, 156 ; Joseph, 156. Fitz Alan, Henry, 18th Earl of Arundell, 181 ; Mary, 181. Fitz Williams. Mary. 248 ; Philip, 248 ; Walter, 248. Flamank, As^nes, 292 ; Anne. 54, 244, 292." 293. 296 ; Cathe- rine, 140, 295, 296 ; Cheston, 296; Elizabeth, 111, 131, 292; Frances, 110, 111, 295, 296 ; Gilbert, 195 ; Grace, 292; Honor. 141 : James, 295; Jane. 131. 133, 195; Joane, 296 : John, 110, 111, 195, 292. 293, . 295, 296 ; Joyce, 195 ; Margaret, 190, 295; Mary, 1.33, 145. 201, 214, 231, 293,297 ; Matthew, 110 ; Nicholas. 145 ; Richard. 195 ; Robert, 293 ; Roger, 190. 195 ; Susanna, 293 ; Thomas, 292; William, 131, 133, 29.V297. Fleming. Elizabeth, 206 ; Mary, 166 ; Thomas. 206. Flint. Constance, 105, 106, 109 ; Matthias. 105 ; Richard, 105, 106, 109 ; Sarah, 109 ; Wil- liam. 106. Floore. Ursula. 2 ; William, 2. Flovd, David, 151, 218 ; Mary, 151, 223. Folett, Bref-itie, 5 ; Jane. 5. Ford. Audrey. 159. 229 ; Cicely, 152, 228 ; Dorothy, 239 ; Elizabeth. 123, 125, 145; Grace, 292; Honor, 162; Joaue. 250; Mary. 123, 125, 249 j Richard, 152, 159, 228, 229,239, 241; William, 123, 125. Fordham, William. 285. Forgett. Elizabeth, 1 ; Wil- liam, 13. Forster. Ellen, 152; Julian, 214 ; Richard, 152. Fortcscue, Christian, 183; Jane, 183, 223 ; John, 223 ; Nicho- las, 183; William, 183. Fortune, Elizabeth, 169; Wil- liam, 169. Foss. Thomas, 225; William, 2.56. Fountaine, Dorothy, 159 ; Hush. 146. 209; Margaret. 146. 209. Fowler. Jane. 146 ; John, 24 ; Richard. 24, 28. 146. 208. Francis, France, Archibald, 32; Elizabeth, 177, 182; Grace, 122, 173 ; Helen, 2; Jane. 292; .Joane, .32, 107, 108, 139. 147, 209; John. 2, 3, 17, 107. 108, 122, 173, 180, 182; L., 17; Margaret, 2, 180 ; Marv, 122 ; Nicholas, 108 ; Richard, 3 ; William, 209. Francis alias Williams, John 200. Frank, Alice, 32 ; Emanuel, 32 ; Jane, 32 ; Katherine, 32 ; Thomas. 32. Frapp, Pasco w, 186. Freere, Richard, 3; William, 3. French, B.arbara, 25 ; Edmund, 2.3, 25, 28, 29, 207, 208 ; Eli- zabeth, 152 : James, 23 ; John. 20, 26, 199. 207 ; Ni- cholas, 28, 208; Richard, 20, 199 ; Thomas, 29 ; , 26. Friend, John, 2 94 ; John Si- mon, 294 ; Mary, 294 ; Mary Anne Elizabeth, 294. Friggens. John. 231. Frodde. Rose, 144. Fry, Joane, 156. Fulton, Charles. 106 ; David, 106; Jane, 106. Fyne, David, 20. 144, 199, 202 ; Ebbott, 144 ; Elizabeth. 146 ; Mellison, 20, 199. G Gage, Anne, 257, 261 ; Eliza- beth. 257; Joseph, 257, 261 ; Thomas. 1st Viscount. 257. Gaine, John, 24 ; Thomas. 24. Gale, Mary, 146. Gale alias Mayway, Mary. 24 ; William. 24. Gallo, Margaret, 193. Gardener, Thomas, 20 ; Ur- sula, 20. Garland. Anne, 90 ; Dorothy, 163, 271 ; Henry, 90,93. 16.5, 273; Margaret, 93. 170; Marv, 90.93, 165, 170 ; Rich- ard, 163,264. Gascovne. Alice, 193 ; Henry, 9. 138, 193 ; Jane, 1.38, 182 ; Milson, 9 ; Richard, 3 ; Tam- son, 3 ; William, 179, 182, 183. Gass. See Goss. Gath, Wilmot, 145. Gatley, Anne, 130; John. 130; Richard, 130. Gattty, Deborah, 97-99, 259, 263, 264 ; Elizabeth, 259 ; John, 97 ; Thomas, 99, 195, 263, William, 97-99, 2.59, 263. Gaverigan, Honor, 187 ; John, 187. Gay. Jane, 137. Gayffe. John, 184. Geach, Elinor, 158, 229 ; Mary, 271 ; Thomas, 158, 229. Geene, Anne, 16, 233 ; Chris tian, 187 ; Donnatt, 33 ; Ed ward, 1 ; Elizabeth, 8, 196 Frances, 142 ; Henry, 8, 9. 138; Honor, 14, 216; Hugh 139; Jane, 142, 182. 185 Joane. 9, 181, 202 ; John, 1 4, 8, 14, 16, 17. 19, 22, 45 142, 146, 179, 182. 192, 195 207,209,211, 217,224; Mar garet, 17, 139, 142, 187. 209 Mellior, 146, 217; Nicholas, 207 ; Olive, 8, 146 ; Pascal 138 ; Penkerest, 22, 33 ; Pen tecost, 35 ; Peter, 35 ; Raw lyn, 197; Thomas, 211 ; Tho masine, 19, 192 ; Udie, 4, 179. 181. 182, 185, 190. Gefifert, Avis, 141. Gennet, Arnold, 186; John, 186. Gennis, Honor, 41 ; Joane, 140 ; John, 41, 43 ; Margery, 43 ; Nicholas, 140 ; Patience, 43 ; Pentecost. 41. George, Agnes, 232 ; Alice, 91, 94, 271 ; Anne, 58, 92, 127 ; Blanch, 92 ; Christian, 151 ; Clary, 51, 55, 58, 232 ; Doro- thy, 144, 169; Edward, 132, 133, 135, 177; Elizabeth, 16, 195 ; Emblin. 219 : Frances, 71 ; Francis. 22, 30, 32, 147, 209 ; Henry, 71 ; James, 23, 94, 98. 166, 272, 273 ; Jane, 1.33. 135, 177; Jenifer, 125, 127, 129, 131. 132, 174, 287; Joane, 32. 133, 141, 147 ; John, 12, 22-24. 71, 92, 94, 125, 127, 129. 131, 132. 141, 174, 287 ; Luke, 129 ; Mar- garet, 55, 57, 226, 230; Mark, 91 ; Martha, 165 ; Mary, 51, 77, 94, 98, 125, 166, 273, 287; Maude, 154; Nicholas, 92. 131 ; Olive, 24 ; Peter, 57, 226 ; Petronill, 12, 146; Priscilla, 163; Re- beccu, 55, 161 ; Richard, 52, INDEX 317 53, 55, 57, 77, 79, 226, 230, 238 ; Eobert, 30, 209 ; Koger, 91, 92, 94, 258, 271, 276 ; Rose, 15 ; Thomas, 15, 16. 18, 51-53, 55, 58, 92, 129, Ul, 195, 210, 222, 232, 234 ; Thomasiiie, 18, 148 ; William, 57, 135, 226. George aluis Benny, Francis, 225. Gerrans, Christian, 163 ; Eze- kiel, 79 ; hampson, 79, 163. Gerveis, Jane, 141 ; Margaret, 141 ; Nicholas, 141 ; Richard, 141. Gibbs, Anne, 237 ; Emblyn, 59; Joane, 56, 58, 59, 227, 235 ; John, 160; Mary, 58, 227 ; Peter, 54, 56, 58, 59, 227, 231, 235, 237 ; Philippa, 54 ; Thomasine, 160. GifEord, Lady Frances, 261, 276 ; Sir John, 261, 276. Gilbert, Adam, 22 ; Alice, 17, 148, 229 ; Anne, 84, 91, 106, 107, 109, 111, 163, 168. 260 ; Barbara, 23 ; Catherine, 83, 107, 163, 166, 248, 251 ; Dinah, 83-85, 87, 89, 91, 111, 164, 251,253, 271 ; Elizabeth, 64, 94, 103, 104, 106. 107, 109, 111, 112, 135, 168, 258, 274 : Florence, 36, 39, 40, 42, 150, 225 ; Grace, 18, 106, 128-130, 132, 134. 135, 286, 293 ; Isaac, 66 ;' Isabella, 181 ; James, 64, 83, 85, 87, 103, 128-130, 132, 134, 135, 252, 286 ; Jane, 40, 62, 85, 87, 111, 189. 268,284 ; Joane, 16, 57, 59, 61-66. 68, 70, 71, 74, 83, 84, 142, 196, 167, 231, 233, 238, 240, 260, 281, 284, 288 ; John, 2, 36, 54, 55. 57, 59, 61-66, 83-85, 87. 89, 91, 94, 106. 156, 163-165, 180, 240, 246-248, 251, 253, 258, 264. 265, 267, 272, 281 ; Mar- garet, 2. 16, 20, 42, 194, 198 ; Mary, 82, 83, 91, 92, 94, 109, 165, 175, 191. 248, 258, 262, 264, 265; Melliar, 143, 217; Otes, 181; Peter, 55, 70, 293; Petherick, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 74, 163, 231, 233, 238-240, 248 ; Philip, 61, 103, 104, 106. 107, 109, 111, 112, 129, 132, 168, 240, 274, 281, 284.286, 288; Pru- dence, 84, 88, 90, 92, 164, 257, 271 ; Remfrey, 17; Richard, 14, 18, 59, 82, 84, 88, 107, 191, 246, 248; Tho- mas, 36, 39, 40, 42, 57, 68, 84, 88, 90, 92, 130, 150, 164, 225, 257, 267; Thomasine, 84, 248; Urias, 20; William, 14, 16-18, 20, 22, 23, 54, 87, 89, 92, 104, 106, 107, 109, 111, 142, 143, 168, 189, 194, 198. 209, 253, 264; Zenobia, 39, 157. Giles. Andrew, 121 ; Anne, 283; Catherine, 123; Eliza- beth, 114. 127. 277, 285 ; Er, 117, 277; Henry, 139; Honor. 57, 62, 64. 157, 232, 254; Jane, 114, 116- 118, 120. 121, 123, 127, 277-279, 285, 289, 293 ; John, 57, 118, 239 ; Joseph, 118, 278; Luke, 57, 62, 64, 157, 232, 239, 253; Margaret, 139 ; Mary. 116, 289 ; Nicho- las, 120, 279 ; Prudence, 177 ; Thomas, 114, 116-118, 120, 121, 123, 127, 277-279, 283, 285. 287, 293 ; Wilmot, 195. Gill, Agnes, 140 ; Anne, 285 ; Dorcas, 118 ; Elizabeth, 167, 263 ; Henry, 60, 61, 63, 64, 158, 227, 2,30, 231 ; Joane, 60, 14.3, 227 ; John, 118 ; Katherine, 8 ; Margaret, 142 ; Mary, 60, 61, 63, 64, 158, 176, 230, 231. 234 ; Na- thaniel, 102 ; Richard, 8 ; Thomas, 143, 167, 263. Gilland, Katherine, 15 ; Mar- garet, 141 : William, 15. Gillard, E., 12 : Mary, 13 ; Richard. 12. 13. 192. Gillian, Elizabeth, 144 ; John, 144 ; Richard, 195, 197 ; William, 195. Gillinghara, Anne, 151, 225 ; Elizabeth, 30, 46.218 ; John, 46, 151, 218, 225 ; Thomas, 28 ; William, 27, 28, 30. Gine, Joane, 202. Ginuiens. Anne, 290. Girlower, Alice, 197. Glanville, Anne, 121 ; Dennis John, 297 ; Dionyse, 227 ; Elizabeth, 96, 99, 100, 104, 109, 166, 171, 262, 271 ; Flora, 297 ; Sir Francis, 227 ; Gabriel, 161; Grace, 291; Honour, 161 ; Jane, 166, 175 ; Joane, 139 : Sir John, 51. 164, 224, 225, 228, 229, 242, 245, 256 ; John, 97, 187, 287. 297 ; Joseph, 96, 97, 100, 102, 166, 262 ; Joyce, 96, 97, 100, 102, 166, 262; Julian, 171; Lucy, 136; Mary, 51, 97, 99, 121. 122, 125, 127, 130, 164. 166. 170, 173, 224, 225, 228, 229, 236, 242, 24.5, 256, 258, 287, 291 ; Richard, 130, 136, 166 ; Samuel, 97, 99, 291 ; Tem- perance, 127, 129 ; Thomas, 100, 104, 109, 129, 166, 171, 258. 268, 271, 273, 274, 276; William, 102, 104. 109, 121, 122, 125, 127, 129, 130 173, 255. 271, 287, 291. Gliddon, Anne, 68 ; Honor, 70 ; Jane, 67. 68, 70 ; Mary, 67, 231 ; Nathaniel, 67, 68, 70. Glyn, Agnes, 180 ; William, 262. Goade, Mary, 161. Gobell, John, 187. Godfrey. Emlvn, 41, 42, 44, 4§, 49. 220. 223 ; Honor, 42, 220 ; Jane, 41, 156 ; Julian, 44 : Lewis, 41, 42, 44, 46, 49, 156, 220. 223, 232 ; Rebecca, 148. Godolphin. Anne, 79, 212. 298 ; Anthony, 65, 84, 85. 87, 90, 159, 164, 256, 257, 276, 280; Catherine, 60 ; Dorothy, 230 ; Edward, 74, 77, 90, 240. 256 ; Elizabeth, 70, 188, 191 ; Frances, 74, 76, 77, 165; Sir Francis, 159, 2.30; Francis, 60, 65, 67, 70, 74. 79, 84, 159, 2.37, 240, 244, 277 ; Gentle, 298, 299 ; Grace, 65, 67, 70, 87, 159, 168, 237 ; Honor, 65. 159 ; Jane, 67, 297-299 ; Jenifer, 90, 257 ; John, 65, 159 ; Margaret, 77, 1G6, 230 ; Martha, 298 ; Mary. 84, 85. 87, 90, 164, 256, 257, 276, 298, 299 ; Lady Penelope, 86, 152, 249, 253, 278 ; Sidney, 1st Earl. 86, 152, 230, 253 ; Thomasine, 230 ; Sir William. 188, 191, 230 ; William, 85, 297. Goldsmith, , 192. Goodall, Elizabeth, 109 ; John, 109. Goslyn, Anne, 60; Thomas, 60. Goss, Ame, 124, 136, 178 ; Catherine, 92, 95, 98, 100, 113, 177, 259 ; Elizabeth, 114, 121, 123, 171, 177, 283; John, 92, 95, 98. 100, 121, 136, 178, 259, 263, 275, 283; Margaret. 288 ; Mary, 126, 136 ; Thomas, 95, 98, 113, 114, 116, 124, 126, 259, 286, 288 ; Thomasine, 113, 114, 116, 124, 126, 288 ; William, 100, 121, 123, 171, 283. Gove, Joane, 184. Grace, Agnes, 192 ; Elizabeth, 154 ; Honor, 158 ; Hugh, 212 ; Jane, 141 ; Joane, 196; John, 13-17, 36, 37, 40, 47, 141, 149, 154, 182, 196, 212, 214, 215 ; Katherine, 13, 16, 149 ; Margaret, 36, 37, 40, 149, 233 ; Mark. 40, 215 ; Mary, 17, 47, 170, 197 ; Pa- tience, 47 ; Peternell, 15 ; Eobert, 170. Gradley, Grace, 147. Granford, Edward, 34 ; Joane, 34 ; William, 34. Graves, Mary, 294; Thomas, 294. Grayling, Elizabeth, 152. Greebv, Anne. 270 ; Richard, 237,' 240 ; William, 237, 240. Green, Anne, 293 ; Archbald, 91 ; Cornelius, 293 ; Eliza- 318 THE REGISTERS OE ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. beth, 18 ; Joane, 91 ; John, 18 ; Richard, 293. Greenaway, Frances, 154. Gregor, Alice, 240 ; Frances, 162 ; Francis, 264, 2G6, 2(i8, 272-274, 27G ; John, 54 ; John RadclifEe, 274, 275; Peter- neli, 22;^. Gregor alias Liddicoat. See Liddicoat. Gregory, John, 150 ; Peternell, 150. Grenville, Catherine, 181 ; Isa- bella. 181 ; Sir Thomas, 181. Grey, Cecilia, 181 ; Dorothy, 253, 276 ; Lady Elizabeth. 181; Elizabeth, 276; Mar- gery, 170 ; Mary, 224 ; Richard, 224 ; Thomas, 1st Maniuis of Dorset, 181. Griffey, Hester, 262. Grigg, Abraham, 177 ; Eliza- beth, 116, 117, 119, 120, 125, 130, 135, 1.S6, 171, 177, 178 ; Frances, 95, 99, 162, 260. 262, 263 ; Gertrude, 177 ; Henry, 76, 246 ; Isaac. 116, 117, 119, 125, 171, 281 ; Jacob, 98, 100, 166. 26U, 264 ; Jane, 95, 97, 99, 100, 119, 173, 260, 263 ; Joane, 116, 117 ; Joane Allen, 177 ; Margaret, 120 ; Mary, 98, 100, 112, 113, 116. 118, 166, 171. 283 ; Nicholas, 76, 78, 162, 246, 261 ; Richard, 78, 95, 97, 99, 120, 125, 130, 135, 1.S6, 175, 177, 178, 256, 260, 262, 263, 275, 281 ; Robert, 112, 113, 116, 118, 135. 274, 283; Rose. 118, 177 ; Tem- perance, 130, 136, 175. Grills, Agnes, 191. Grimcott, Joane, 142. Grimes, Anne, 65 ; Elizabeth, 59-6] , 63, 66, 68, 70, 75, 95, 233, 241. 242; George, 60, 267 ; Hannah, 59, 164 ; Henry, 71. 238 ; Honor. 66, 70, 165 ; James, 99, 263 ; Jane, 71, 79, 97, 100, 246, 258. 263, 265 ; Jenifer, 75 ; John, 36, 40, 45, .50. 68, 71. 76, 79, 95, 150, 213, 215. 221, 234, 238, 241. 246, 248. 256, 259 ; Josias, 36, 59-61, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 233, 242, 243 ; Margaret, 40, 159, 215 ; Martha, 171, 287 ; Mary, 97, 99, 100, 166, 259, 263. 265, 274 ; Patience, 36, 63, 150, 213 ; Pentecost, 40, 45, 50, 237 ; Richard, 61, 221 ; Samuel, 79. 95, 97. 99, 100, 166, 171, 2.59, 263, 26.5, 274 ; Theodosia, 233. Grisson, John, 191. Groot. Mary, 299. Grose, Alice, 140 ; An, 204 ; Cecilia, 229 ; David, 33 ; Elinor, 211 ; Elizabeth, 14, 146 ; Emanuel, 179 ; Francis, 6, 15, 202 ; Grace, 95, 96, 279 ; Humphrey. 187 ; Jane, 1, 4, 15,22. 25,'l47. 149,208 ; Joane, 33, 41, 138. 151, 193 ; John, 11, 13, 16, 1.S8, 177, 189 ; J., 17 ; Katherine, 11, 138, 203 ; L.. 18 ; Margaret, 23. 25, 41, 157, 203; Mary, 177, 197 : Matthew, 95, 96, 262 ; Maximilian, 23, 203 ; Philippa, 189 ; Remfrey, 4, 6, 11, 183; Reynold, 1.3, 14, 16-18, 22, 23, 189. 197, 202, 203 ; Richard, 1, 33. 179, 187 ; Eobert, 41, 151 ; Sampson, 22 ; Susan, 143 ; Thomas, 11, 15, 146, 147, 149, 183, 208 ; William, 10, 140. Grose alias Nicholas, David, 20 ; Margery, 20. Grove, Melliar, 182 ; Nicholas, 182; Richard, 182. Groves. Thomas, 197. Grudgeay, Joane, 197. Gubbins, Jane, 165. Guens, Elizabeth, 128, 175, 285 ; Frances, 98 ; John, 128, 202. 285 ; Margaret, 98, 282 ; Nicholas, 98, 128, 175, 202, 271, 285. Guilly, Mary, 159 ; Thomas, 159. Gully, Anne, 291 ; Joane, 292 ; Susanna, 177; Timothy, 291 ; William, 292. Gummow, Alice, 32 ; Charles, 159, 236 ; Christian, 160 ; Edward, 133-135, 174, 177, 287, 288; Elizabeth, 99, 120, 122, 124, 126, 1.33-135, 167, 172, 174, 284, 288 ; Ezekiel, 160 ; Grace, 83, 84, 251, 279 ; Joane, 32, 159, 236, 238 ; John, 81, 83, 84. 99, 126, 13.5, 167, 217, 247, 251, 254, 269, 284; Julian, 171; Margery, 156 ; Marv, 83, 120, 251 ; Osi- thies. 32'; Rachel, 133-135, 177, 287, 288 ; Richard, 120, 122, 124, 126, 133, 135, 172, 284, 288 ; Robert, 99 ; Tho- masine, 81, 167. Guyer, Edward, 223. G wen nap, John, 175 ; Mary, 175. Gwine, James, 205 ; Joane, 205 ; John, 23, 205 ; Nicho- las, 23. Gwinian, Mary, 151 ; Thomas, 151. G winnow, Agnes, 1, 138, 180 ; Anne, 148 ; Dennis, 180 ; Elizabeth, 2, 46, 184 ; Henry, 9, 10, 138, 184, 189 ; Joane, 5, 189 ; John, 6, 7, 46 ; M.ir- garet, 138, 211 ; Melliar, 191 ; Milson, 6, 10 ; Robert, 1-7, 180, 183 185, 194; Tris- tram, 9 ; WiUiam, 3, 4, 183, 185. GwinnowrtZ/«*Reskigian,Anne 19 ; Henry, 189 ; John, 19 H Hadoke, Francis, 14 ; Heury, 14. Hailborne, Grace, 100.117, 127, 280 ; John. 96. 127, 163, 264, 267 ; Marv. 9(5, 100, 102, 109, 117, 280, 281, 284 ; Robert, 102 ; Stephen, 109, 281 ; Temperance, 163, 264 ; Thomas, 289. Hainett, Richard, 184. Hall, Amy, 141 ; Anne, 292 ; Joane, 292 ; John, 292 ; Margaret, 262. Hallway, George, 288. Halse, Amy, 236, 237, 242 ; Anne, 236, 237, 298 ; Arthur, 298 ; Charles, 236. 237 ; Constance, 299 ; Edmund, 237 ; Elizabeth, 153, 166, 237 ; Lady Grace, 224 ; Jane, 217, 272 ; Joane, 152, 238 ; Sir John, 256 ; John, 2l7, 298, 299 ; Mary, 256, 298 ; Matthew, 236, 237, 242 : Sir Nicholas, 224 ; Rebecca, 236, 237 ; Richard, 298 ; Sabina, 236, 237 ; Sarah, 237 ; Si- bella, 243 ; Thomas, 236, 237 ; William, 224, 236, 243, 294. Halwoyer, James, 4 ; John, 4. Haly, Jane, 173 ; William, 173. Ham, Elizabeth, 178 ; Joseph, 178; Mary, 170; Nicholas, 11 ; Richard, 11. Hamett, Joane, 144 ; Robert, 144. Hamley, Agnes, 138 ; Anne, 41, 90, 91. 93, 95, 98, 100-103, 123. 165, 256, 2.59, 263. 264, 266, 270, 280 ; Barbara, 96, 260. 268 ; Benedict, 269 ; Catherine, 144; Cicely, 40, 42, 44, 151, 220 ; Daniel, 45 ; David, 40, 42, 44, 151, 220, 222 ; Edward, 101, 125, 173, 220, 283 ; Elizabelh, 44, 103, 105, 158, 164, 266. 268 ; Giles, 81, 96, 98-103, 105, 106, 125, 126, 172, 173, 260, 264. 265, 268. 271, 280, 283 ; Grace, 81, 98-103. 10.5, 106. 121, 172, 173, 264, 265, 268, 270, 271, 280, 283 ; Jane, 89, 255 ; Joane, 99, 123, 280 ; Jolin, 40, 89, 96, 98, 165, 255, 260, 265, 268 ; Joyce, 89, 165, 255, 274 ; Margaret, 41 ; Martin, 13, 25, 205 ; Mary, 95. 101, 103, 121, 12.5, 126, 172, 173, 259, 266, 268, 283 ; Petronell, 147, 148 ; Rebecca, 268; Richard, 164; Eobert, 24, 90, 91, 93, 9.5, 98, 100, 101, 103, 147, 165, 256, 259, INDEX. 319 263, 26-t, 266, 280, 282 ; Thomas, 41. 90, 91, 101, 121, 125, 126, 172, 256, 268, 280, 283 ; Thomas Tretrenna, 101, 121, 172, 283 ; Thomasine, 25, 139 ; Ursula, 205 ; Wil- liam, 13. 24, 81. 96, 100, 101, 106. 123, 139, 248, 263-265, 268, 281. Hamlyn, Elizabeth, 151. Hancock, Alice, 145 ; Anne, 124, 245 ; Charity, 23 ; Jane, 154 ; Joane, 140 ; Joseph, 124, 126, 288 ; Lovedaj, 176 ; Mary, 126 ; Mattbew, 154 ; Nicholas, 22 ; Patience, 124, 126, 288 : Thomas. 124 ; Tobias, 22, 23, 145 ; William, 245, 247, 288. Hanin, Stephen, 23 ; Thomas, 23. Hann, Cecilia, 218 ; Honor, 173 ; John, 25. 173, 211, 289 ; Nicholas, 141, 189, 201 ; Richard, 25. 141, 189, 201, 210, 211 ; William, 262. Hardinsf, Anne, 126 ; Elizabeth, 50, ^52, 126, 130, 174 ; Frances, 54 ; James, 15 ; Joane, 161 ; John, 15, 126, 130, 174 ; Mary, 167 ; Richard, 50, 52, 54 ; Sarah. 130 ; William. 50. Hards, Aplin, 174 ; Richard, 174. Hare, Mary, 162. Harper, Jane, 158 ; Roger, 181. Harris. Anne. 82-86, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96, 105, 106, 108, 110, 112-115, 117 123, 125, 151, 163, 168, 2.35, 252. 2.54, 273, 276, 279, 281, 284; Arche- laus. 130 ; Avis, 203 ; Ben- jamin, 91 ; Blanch, 242 ; Catherine, 91, 150, 166, 258; Charles, 134 ; Chri»tian, 144 ; Dorothy, 123. 125, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 165, 173, 285 ; Edith, 174 ; Edward, 114; Elizabeth, - 73-75, 85, 87-90, 92, 94, 95. 98. 99, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 112, 114. 128, 129, 158, 164, 168, 169, 171, 23.5, 257. 261, 262, 264, 270, 274, 278. 282, 283, 286, 288 ; Emanuel, 27, 147 ; Florence, 68, 71, 73, 88. 90, 119, 163, 260, 264 ; Frances, 126. 163 : Francis, 76 ; Grace, 91, 92, 150, 166-168, 235. 268; Honor, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 92, 253, 299 ; Isa- bella, 103, 104 ; Israel, 235 ; James, 67, 73, 76, 98, 167, 211, 262 ; Jane, 75, 87, 99, 105, 123, 147, 176, 279 ; Jenifer, 112, 117, 131, 275; Joane, 85, 86, 88, 154, 265 ; John, 74-76, 82, 84-87, 89- 91, 93, 10.3-106, 108, 110, 112, 113, 115, 119, 123, 125, 145, 163, 165, 168, 235, 242, 248, 252, 254, 255, 257, 258, 260, 265, 267, 270, 272-275, 279, 280, 282 ; Joseph, 123 ; Joyce, 74 ; Maigaret, 117, 119, 121-123, 126, 128, 131, 145, 164, 171, 281, 284 ; Marian, 27, 241 ; Mary, 73, 83, 107, 110, 112, 114, 115, 117, 119, 164, 166, 170. 171, 270, 274, 275. 280 ; Matilda, 112 ; Nicholas, 239 ; Olive, 145 ; Peter, 71, 250 ; Philip, 68, 71, 73, 82, 83, 85-87, 89, 90, 92-94. 96, 117, 119, 121- 123, 125, 126, 128, 131, 171, 235, 247, 248, 254, 257, 276, 278,281,284 ; Philippa, 163 ; Rebecca, 292 ; Richard, 69, 75, 82, 88, 110, 145, 238, 253, 264 ; Robert, 67, 71, 73, 75, 238, 247 ; Samircl, 73, 87-90, 92, 94, 95, 98, 99, 110, 112, 114. 115, 117, 119, 170. 262, 264, 274-276, 280 ; Sarah, 129, 288 ; Stephen, 113 ; Susanna, 162, 291 ; Temper- ance, 73 ; Thomas, ^0, 96, 150, 154, 202 ; Walter, 86, 87, 103, 122, 164. 254, 255, 265, 274, 277 ; Willi.am, 71, 85, 86, 105. 107, 108, 110, 112, 114, 123, 125. 126, 128, 1.30, 1.32. 134. 163, 168, 173, 252, 270, 274, 282, 285, 299. ' Harry, Alexander, 22 ; Alice, 144 ; Anne, 235 ; Elizabeth, 169 ; Emanuel, 211 ; Han- nah, 115 ; Jane, 192 ; Joane, 11 ; John, 4, 11, 189, 211 ; Margaret, 140, 201 ; Michael, 11, 22, 140, 14.5, 189, 201 ; Philip. 21, 235 ; Reynold, 21, 144, 202 ; Richard, 4 ; Thomas, 1G9 ; William, 115, Harter, Harry, 5 ; Joane, 5. Harvey, A^nes, 26, 44, 202, 223, 234 ; Alice, 29, 233 ; Anne, 35, 47, 115, 116, 212, 225, 257 ; Anthonv, 154 ; Benjamin, 27, 43, 46, 48, 50, 52, 151, 221, 222, 236 ; Cheston, 150, 217 ; Dorothv, .32, 70, 215 ; Ebbott, 43, 46, 48, 50, 52, 151, 222 ; Edward, 67 ; Elinor, 50, 221 ; Eliza- beth, 32, 33, 70, 122, 128, 130, 149, 151, 17.5, 178, 212, 280 ; Emanuel, 2.3, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 211, 215, 221 ; Frances, 44, 223, 243 ; Gil- bert. 104 ; Grace, 22 ; Greson, 40 ; Henry, 27, 32, 33, 115, 131, 149, 211, 212, 235 ; Honor, 46, 212 ; Hugh, 29, 152, 230 ; Humphrey, 31. 47, 48, 50, 53, 57, 59, 70, 76, 79, 99, 101, 104, 152, 160, 222, 225, 226, 236, 238, 243, 2.-6. 277, 278 ; Isaac, 57, 226 ; Jane, 15, 43, 70, 76, 116, 146, 149, 160, 211, 236. 238, 243 ; Jane Coad, 133 ; Joane, 33. 34, 133, 1.34, 147, 160, 161, 177, 212, 2.53 ; John, 24, 26-31, 33, 34, 40, 45, 48, 67, 79, 99, 119, 128, 130, 145, 147, 160, 175, 209, 211, 212, 218, 222, 253, 255, 287 ; Judith, 28, 152, 218 ; Julian, 67, 70, 160, 235, 236 ; Luke, 40, 214 ; Margaret, 12, 121, 147, 154 ; Marret, 161, 265 ; Martha, 118, 278 ; Mary, 32, 33, 59, 77, 9J>, 101, 104, 118, 119, 121, 122, 12.5, 126, 131, 152, 166, 171, 211, 2.39, 277, 278, 279, 280 ; Nicholas, 23, 70, 130 ; Peter, 122 ; Philip, 76, 77, 79, 118, 119, 121, 125, 126,131, 161, 171, 241, 245, 278, 279, 280 ; Randell, 22 ; Sarah, 32, 221 ; Sibella, 47, 48, 50, 57, 59, 152, 226, 249, 260 ; Skinner, 34 ; Stephen, 12, 15, 47, 53, 146, 202, 207, 220, 225 ; Susanna, 145 ; Theodore, 26, 150, 217 ; Thomas, 30, 35, 40, 53, 133, 134, 177, 209, 212, 222 ; Tho- masine, 47, 220 ; Walter, 76, 241 ; William, 45, 115, 116, 126. Hasell, Joane, 142, Haskey, Samuel, 275. Hastings, Edward, Lord, 193, 200. Hatch, Margery, 157. Hatcher, Catherine, 174 ; Jo- seph, 174. Hater, Elizabeth, 138 ; Henry, 138 ; Margaret, 193. Havent, Nicholas, 23, 203 ; Tamson, 23, 203. Hawes, Elizabeth, 247 ; Francis, 247 ; Grace, 247 ; John. 247; Margaret. 246; Mary, 247, 294; Reginald, 247. Hawke, Hawkey, Agnes, 26, 27, 138, 206 ; Alice, 17. 9.3, 12.S, 129, 14.3, 201, 216, 284. 285, 292 ; Alson, 191 ; Am- brose, 11, 21, 201 : Anne, 32, 35, 38, 40, 42, 44, 58, 71, 86 96, 110. 112, 124, 150, 151 153, 157, 163, 167, 170, 211. 227, 253, 277, 283 ; Anstis 144, 207 ; Anthony, 19, 25 52, 144, 198, 204, 210; Aw- drev, 67, 69-71, 73, 234, 248, 257 ; Barbara, 39, 48, 194, 226, 244 ; Beaton, 38, 39, 42, 44, 46, 50, 222, 291 ; Cheston, 143 ; Christopher, 203 ; Ci- cely, 15, 145 : Constance, 48 ; Dennis. 138: Dorcas, 160; Dorothv, 24, 71, 256 : Edith, 124, 12.5, 127-129, 1.34, 174, 284, 288 ; Edward, 10; Elea- nor, 20, 145, 201, 203. 222 ; Elizabeth, 16, 86, 9,3. 121- 124, 126, 128, 129, 131-134, 320 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR 136, 142, 144, 152, 156, 157, 170, 181, 195, 226, 228, 252, 261, 280, 285-287 ; Emanuel, 47, 52, 54, 152, 244 ; Emblen, 13 ; Enoder. 287 ; Frances, 87, 95, 129, 133. 2.52, 286, 293; Francis, 15, 29, 124, 125, 127-129, 134. 174, 193, 284, 288 ; George. 7, 12, 13, 95. 202 ; Grace, 46, 145, 153, 232, 244; Gyllian, 16; Henry, 4, 7, 10-14, 17-19. 21. 22, 25, 31, 58, 140, 143, 190, 192, 194, 196, 1<)8, 199, 200, 202, 203, 282. 293 ; Hester, 38; Honor, 25, 142, 146; Hugh, 187; Humphrey. 19, 24, 25. 203. 205 ; Isabel, 56, 57, 59, 157, 241 ; James, 14-16, 19- 21, 38. 56. 57, 59. 94, 110, 111, 113, 116, 142, 157, 197, 199, 200, 201, 205, 209, 227, 272. 276, 277 ; Jane, 5, 6, 15, 16, 28, 35,66, 74, 81, 87, 116, 143, 147, 150, 160, 163, 165, 168, 204. 208, 234, 238. 246 ; Joane, 4, 10, 46, .52. 86, 87, 92-97, 99, 101, l.-;9, 164, 165, 169. 181. 240, 252, 2.53, 262, 264, 273, 287 ; John, 1, 5-7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24-30, 38, 40, 47, 48, 59, 73, 86-88, 90, 92-99, 101, 121, 124, 134, 136, 143, 147, 157, 164, 165, 181, 182, 184, 186, 195, 196, 198, 199, 205, 206, 208, 213, 227, 236, 252, 253, 262, 264- 266, 271, 277, 279, 287 ; Jo- seph, 241, 248, 253, 266, 271, 275 ; Joyce, 31, 42. 238 ; Ju- lian, 240 ; Katherine, 1, 9, 20, 24, 99, 131. 140, 147, 182, 184, 212 ; Larrie, 182 ; Love- day, 77, 242; Margaret, 13, 40, 71, 75, 125, 142, 205, 226, 24.3, 244, 253, 288, 293 ; Mary, 25. 38, 50. 55, 56. 83, 85, 86, 90, 92, 110. Ill, 113, 116. 143, 144, 1.50, 161, 170, 173, 208, 228, 237. 238, 249, 252, 256, 268, 272, 276, 277 ; Milson, 140 ; Nicholas, 9, 22, 52, 71, 74, 7.5, 77, 160, 242, 256, 261, 267 ; Olive, 201 ; Pascoe. 17, 31, 32, 35, 148, 212; Patience, 24 ; Peter, 95, 121-124, 126-129, 131- 134, 280, 281, 285-287 ; Philip, 30, 92. 132, 266, 286 ; Philippa, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 95, 97-99, 122, 144. 194, 205. 262, 266, 280, 285; Rachel, 54; Remfrey, 7, 25, 138, 144, 203, 205 ; Reynold, 15, 20, 38, 40, 42, 150. 156, 208, 211, 215, 216, 219 ; Richard, 6, 9- 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27. 31. 32, 41-44, 46, 48, 51, 66, 67, 81, 97, 110, 112. 119, 121, 143, 145, 150-153, 160, 171, 184 193, 196, 201, 204, 212. 213, 216, 218, 221, 228, 229, 232, 24.S, 245, 253, 266, 277, 284. 293 ; Robert, 41, 51. 90. 123, 169, 194, 259 ; Sarah 85, 119, 121, 171, 252; Ste- phen, 29 : Susanna, 38, 99, 128, 148, 224, 262 ; Temper- ance, 57 ; Thomas, 7-9, 13, 14, 17, 19, 25, 29, 30, 38-40. 42, 44-46, 48. 50, 66, 69, 75, 81. 83. 85, 87, 138, 148, 167, 186, 188, 190, 192. 196, 213, 21.5. 217, 220. 222. 227, 234, 237, 238, 244. 245. 248, 249, 252, 256, 274 ; Thomasine, 47, 52. 138, 152, 188, 190, 244, 262 ; TiflEany. 19, 38, 199, 212 ; William. 1, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 26,44, 5.5, 58, 69- 71. 73, 98, 101, 144, 153, 182, 184, 190, 209, 226, 234, 242, 243, 246. 262, 264 ; Wilmot, 41-44, 46, 48, 51, 70, 151, 16.5, 232 ; , 21. Hawkins, Alson, 3, 181 ; Anne, 30. 52, 239; Barbara, 96, 260, 268 ; Elizabeth, 49, 127, 129, 130, 133, 285; Francis, 164; George, 26; Gr.ace, 18, 207 ; Jarnes, 3, 133, 181 ; Jane, 179 ; Jenkin, 179 ; Joane, 29 ; John, 27, 179 ; Katherine, 145 ; Lewis, 42, 216; Margery. 42, 49, 164 ; Mary, 27 •" M'elissa, 24 ; Pa- tience. 23 ; Philip, 96, 260, 268 ; Reynold, 18, 22-24, 26, 27, 29. 30, 205, 207 ; Richard, 127, 129, 130, 133, 285 ; Samuel, 52; Sarah, 160; Temperance, 163 ; Thomas, 26, 129, 147 ; William, 22. 26, 42, 49, 52. 160, 216, 227, 229 ; , 205. Hawkins aliafi Treubeard, Lewis, 41 ; Margery, 41. Haycroft, Agnes, 202 ; Alice, 51, 221 ; Blight, 67. 163. 165. 250, 259 ; Boatona. 26 ; Do- rothy, 139; Elizabeth, 18, 165, 202 ; Henry. 6, 7, 15- 17, 34, 51.. 52, 67, 69, 78, 139, 186 193, 195, 197, 221, 237, 240, 243. 245, 290 ; Honor, 163, 250 ; James, 22, 201 ; Jane. 34, 51, 69, 147, 159, 164, 229; Joane, 187; John, 7, 15-18, 22, 26, 28. 34, 69, 147, 192-195, 197, 201. 202, 214, 216, 237 ; Margaret, 67. 69, 186, 261, 290: NichoU, 141 ; Peter, 191 ; Richard. 16, 194 ; William, 17, 195. 290. Haydon, Agnes, 141 ; Alice. 17. 148 ; Christian, 10: Eli- zabeth. 18. 148 ; George, 191 ; Jane. 13. 14. 191. 202 : Joane. 17. 149; John. 13-15, 17, 18, 141, 191, 202, 207 ; Kathe- rine, 10; Mary, 151. Haye, Alice, 187 ; John, 2, 182 ; Katherine, 139 ; Pas- cow, 2, 182 ; Walter, 183. Haygar, Patience, 5 ; William, 5. Hayrnan, John, 248. Heard, Dorothy, 159; Elias, 159 : Elizabeth, 290 ; Typ- pett, 197. Hearle, Alice, 155 ; Anne, 226 ; Francis, 226, 245 ; Jane, 245 ; John, 245 ; Mary, 266. Heine, Edmund. 202. Hele, Elizabeth, 237 ; Thomas, 237. Hellier, Alice, 151, 243 ; John, 27, 151, 239 ; Katherine, 25 ; Mary. 257; Richard, 25, 27, 147,' 149, 210; Susan, 147, 149 ; William, 257. Helstone, Anne, 106 ; Dorothy, 29 ; Elizabeth, 106, 111, 113, 11.5, 286; Francis, 113; Henry, 29, 148 ; James, 115, 286; John, 106, 111, 113, 115, 2K.5, 286 ; Katherine, 148 ; Robert, 111. Hendra, Hender, Hendy Alex- ander, 16 ; Anastasia, 86, 287 ; Anne, 63 ; Catherine, 67, 69, 89, 94, 257, 261, 286 ; Christian, 160. 194; Chris- topher, 29, 47-49, 51, 53, 152, 218. 219, 222, 22.5, 240, 244, 291 ; Ebbott, 53, 86, 89, 90, 92, 94. 164, 222, 257, 265, 281 ; Elizabeth, 131, 146, 176; Em, 220; Grace, 49, 168, 243 ; Henry, 186 ; Honor, 67, 92, 265 ; James, 63, 168 ; Jane, 31, 71, 116, 158 ; Joane. 16, 53. 71, 152, 160, 164 ; John, 29, 31, 45, 47, 49. 50. 53, 63, 69, 86, 89, 90, 92. 146, 152, 164, 194, 218- 220, 222, 223, 226, 256, 257, 264, 265 ; Julian, 206 ; Mar- garet, 50, 223 ; Maria, 176 ; Nathaniel, 131,176; Nicho- las, 131 ; Petronilla, 47-49, 51, 152, 218, 299. 240; Phi- lippa, 291 ; Richard, 198 ; Ste- phen, 160 ; Susanna 45, 49, 50, 152, 219, 226 ; Thomas, 51, 67, 69, 71, 158, 163, 237, 238 ; Tristram, 225 ; Ursula, 291 ; William, 116, 160, 206. Hengcocke, Agnes, 4 ; Anne, 185 ; Elizabeth, 141, 191 ; Henry, 185 ; Joane, 210 ; Katherine, 4. Heogroke, Jane, 14 ; Richard,14. Henley, Sir Andrew, 159 ; Mary, 159. Henwood, Elizabeth, 146 ; Jane, 131, 176 ; Joane, 144 ; Richard, 131 ; William, 131, 176. Heritage, Jane, 165 ; Nichola, 253. Hesterbrook, Edward, 169 ; Mary, 169, INDEX. 321 Hetherd, Agnes, 2 ; Alice, 1 ; Elizabeth, 139 ; Frances, H2 ; Jane, 183 ; John. 1, 2, 4, .5, 142, 183, 184 ; Richard, 1^9 ; Robert, 5 ; Thomas, 2, 4, 184 ; William, 2. Hewett, Francis, 210 ; Lowdy, 210 ; JIary, 135 ; Tillane, 135 ; William, 135. Hext, Digory, 150, 216, 236; Jane, 150, 216, 236 ; Joane, 8 ; Margaret, 150 ; Mary. 217 ; Richard, 150 ; Thomas, 8. Hichens, Jane, 84, 168, 223. 264, 283; Petronell, 31. 210; Richard, 31, 149, 210 ; Zeno- bia, 149, 214. Hicks, Alice, 112, 122, 124, 150, 170, 239, 274, 275, 284 ; Alson, 137; Amy, 132. 212; Anne, 84, 8.5. 88, 91. 94, 101, 123, 129, 173, 250, 2.59, 272, 274 ; Anstey, 35 ; Catherine, 122, 123, 127 ; Catherine Drew, 284 ; Edward, 112, 170, 274-276 ; Elizabeth, 53. 74. 75. 88-90, 92, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 104, 117, 119-121. 123, 124, 127, 156, 164, 171. 177, 178, 254. 257, 261, 266, 279 ; Florence, 100, 101, 103, 106, 108, 272, 286 ; Frances, 164, 272 ; Francis, 88 ; George, 74. 75, 118,161 ; Grace, 75, 161 ; Hannah, 130 ; James, 90, 99 ; Jane. 21, 93, 104, 118, 138, 142, 158, 168, 198, 229, 266 ; Jenifer, 130 ; Joane, 88, 272 ; John, 21, 22, 53, 79, 86. 87, 89-91. 93, 95, 99, 101, 103, 111, 113. 114, 119, 124, 130, 138. 142, 145, 150, 156, 157, 164; 192, 198, 204. 233, 245, 251, 252, 265, 272, 273, 275, 284, 293 ; Joseph, 124 ; Lovedav, 103 ; Margai-et, 281 ; Martha. 296 ; Mary, 93, 111, 113, 114, 116, 14.5, 170, 176, 293 ; Peter, 245 ; Philippa, 86, 87, 89-91. 93, 95, 99. 101, 103, 164, 170, 252, 265, 272, 273 ; Prudence, 127, 129, 130. 132. 133, 17,5, 286. 288 ; Richard, 79, 84. 85, 87. 88, 91, 94, 116. 122- 124, 177, 244, 250, 259, 272. 274. 278, 281, 284, 296 ; Sampson, 86, 89, 106, 127, 245. 252 ; Thomas, 88-90, 92- 95, 97. 99, 106, 113, 120, 121, 127, 129, 130, 132, 133, 164, 175, 254, 257, 259, 261, 279, 286. 288 ; William, 22, 35, 84,89, 91, 95, 100, 101, 103, 106. 108. 116-121, 12.3, 121, 127, 171, 178. 212, 2.50. 2.54. 264. 272. 274-277, 279, 281^ 284. 286 ; Wilmot, 103, 173, 265, 272 ; Zenobia, 157. Higgins, Elizabeth, 245 ; Joane, 155 ; Julian, 32 ; Pascoe, 155 ; Robert, 32. Higgs. Joane, 127 ; John, 127. Hill, Anne, 33, 129, 1.32-134, 176 ; Elizabeth, 33, 129, 152, Francis, 129, 132-1.34, 176; Jane, 183 ; Joane, 284 ; John, 134 ; Margaret, 183 ; Mi- chael, 183 ; Robert, 183 ; Thomas, 132 ; William, 278, 279, 281. Hill alias Lill, Francis, 25. 209 ; Joane, 25, 205, 209 ; John, 205. Hilman, Alice, 243 ; John, 243. Hilton, Agnes, 174 ; Peter, 174. Hiscutt, Blias, 174, 288 ; Mary, 174. Hive, Margaret, 105 ; Michael, 105 ; Peter, 105. Hoare, Elizabeth, 293 ; Jane, 175; Joane, 234; Joyce, 178; Judith, 293 ; Katherine, 154. 172, 234 ; Philippa, 234 ; Rich- ard, 234. Hobb, Anne, 176 ; Elizabeth, 175, 290 ; Frances, 168 ; Joane, 165 ; Mary, 176. Hobert, Henry, 157 ; Sarah, 1.57. Hoblyn. Agnes, 148 ; Alice, 40, 292, 293 ; Anne, 27, 54, 82, 152, 158. 160. 244. 265, 266, 287, 296 ; Bridget, 157. 292 ; Carew, 61, 228 : Caroline, 287 ; Charity, 294 ; Damaris, 72, 238 ; Diana, 238 ; Doro- thy, 79, 93, 166. 214, 215, 291 ; Edward, 25, 27-30, 40, 50, 72, 85, 1.52, 157. 158, 208, 216, 217, 221, 237. 238. 249, 263. 264, 276, 281, 287, 291 ; Elizabeth, 28, 74, 216, 292 ; Embleu, .30 ; Frances Laura, 288 ; Francis, 54, 61, 63, 74, 152, 228, 249, 253, 278 ; Grace, 47, 48, 50, 52, 56, 58, 59, 61-63, 79-81, 98, 160, 162. 172, 173, 220, 222, 223, 228, 229, 230, 237, 238, 241, 243, 249, 254, 268, 280, 290 ; Henry, 74 ; James, 47 ; Jane, 84, 86, 230. 252. 278 ; Joane. 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 166, 251,252,254,272,287; John, 29, .53, 59, 76, 162, 216, 220, 222, 230, 254, 269, 294, 296, 299; Judith. 25, 30, 48, 80, 88, 147, 152, 208, 214. 217, 221. 230, 249, 252, 255, 291, 293 ; Katherine, 298 ; Mar- garet, 147, 148, 296 ; Martha, 241, 247 ; Mary, 28, 50, 53, 55, 58, 72. 152, 157, 158, 162, 208, 216, 217, 221, 223, 228, 2.30, 237, 242, 254, 287, 288, 296, 299 ; M., 287 ; Penelope, 8(!. 152, 249. 25.3, 278 ; Phi- lippa, 52, 214, 222; Richard, 158, 214, 239, 241, 292, 298 ; Robert, 47, 48, 50, 52-56, 58, 59, 61-63, 79, 81, 86, 87, 114, 152, 160, 162, 220, 222, 223, 228, 229, 230. 237, 238, 241, 243, 244, 247-249, 251-254, 264, 272, 274-278, 2S7, 291, 292, 296 ; Samuel, 62, 229, 287 ; Tamson, 296 ; Thomas, 40, 50, 53, 55, 76, 79-82, 84- 88, 93, 98, 147, 148, 152, 162, 166, 207, 214, 215, 220, 221, 230, 242, 243, 250-252, 254. 265, 268. 272, 278. 287. 293, 294, 296, 299 ; William, 63 ; William Mallet. 288 ; Wil- liam Paget, 55, 162. 2.30, 288 ; , 202. Hockaday, Joane, 148. Hocken, Agnes, 158, 244 ; Alice, 150 ; Anne. 163, 226, 239, 249, 261 ; Catherine, 93, 95- 97, 99. 101-104, 106. 165, 258, 264, 266, 268: Charles, 45; Dorothy, 268. 281, 291 ; Ed- ward, 45, 47, 49, 52, 104, 222 ; Elizabeth, 106, 158, 164, 268, 269 ; Embleu, 45, 47, 49, 52 ; Emme, 156 ; Gil- bert. 207 ; Grace. 165 ; Jane, 99, 166 ; John, 2, 24, 49, 93, 95-97, 99, 101-104, 106, 107. 109, 111, 140, 165, 169. 207, 208, 211, 223. 258, 264. 266, 268, 269, 271, 287 ; Margaret, 107, 109, 111, 140, 169, 269; Mark. 188 ; Marrian, 226 ; Martha, 97, 271 ; Martin. 52, 222; Mary, 47, 102, 111, 177, 160, 266 ; Nicholas, 70, 187 ; Philippa, 2 ; Richard, 101, 107, 260, 264, 269 ; Sarah, 70, 164 ; Susanna, 223 ; Tam- son, 188 ; Temperance, 109 ; Thomas, 70, 93, 96, 158, 163, 186, 207, 208, 244, 249. 258 ; William, 103, 177, 226 ; , 206. Hocker, John, 242 ; Joseph, 242. Hockey, Alice, 158, 186 ; Avis, 44 ; Charity, 23, 46, 227 ; Christian, 139; Edward, 204 ; George, 138, 142, 191 ; Gil- bert. 26 ; Jane, 6, 141 ; Joahie, 216 ; Joane. 44, 46. 151, 214 ; John, 1, 139, 187, 190. 196, 205 ; Margaret, 138, 191 ; Mary, 142, 196 ; Maud, 146, 226 ; Remfrey, 30 ; Richard, 187 ; Roger, 199 ; Thomas, 26, 28, 30, 31, 44, 46, 146, 151. 190, 205, 212, 227 ; Wil- liam. 31, 190, 198. Hodge, Dennis, 182 ; Edward, 125, 174 ; Elizabeth, 82, 138, 141, 205 ; Frances, 148 ; George, 12, 28, 14S ; Hester, 159 ;^James, 170, 178 ; Jane, 3, 82. 160, 182, 237, 271 ; Joane, 197 : John, 182 ; Ka- therine, 292 ; Martha, 125, 2 T 322 THE REGTSTEES OF ST. COLIJMB MAJOE. 174, 178; Marv, 164, 170; Nicholas, IGO, 237; Philip, 6; Richard, 11, 15, 28, 179, 196,292; Robert, 6; Tamson, 7, 11 ; Tbomas, 12, 15, 141, 192, 205, 208 ; Udie, 3, 6. 7, 182. Hoprs, Catherine. 170 ; Richard, 170. Holland, Cicely, 202 ; Richard, 202. Holman. Agnes, 24, 204 ; Alice. 18 : Vlson, 196 ; Anne, 237 ; Elizabeth, 19, 198, 298; Jane, 24, 142, 214; Joane, 147. 204 ; Joyce, 21 ; Nicho- las. 18. 21, 142, 194, 196, 210 ; Olive. 194 ; , 19. Holt. Charles, 241 ; Martha, 241. Honey, Joane, 164 ; Nicholas. 255; Sarah, 164. Hooker, Margaret, 73. Hool, Anne, 125 ; Jane, 125 ; Matthew. 125. Hooper, Anne, 110, 112, 113; Elizabeth, 292 ; Jane, 292 ; Joane. 113 ; John, 110 ; Martha, 298 ; Mary, 169 ; Rachel, 261 ; Ralph, 22, 202 ; Richard, 292; Thomas, 22. 202,203; William, 110. 112. 113 ; , 202, 203. Hoper, Elizabeth, 13 ; Olive, 13. Hopgood, Jane, 169. Hopkin, John, 179 ; Margery, 179. Hopper, Hugh, 176 ; Margery, 39; Richard, 39; Sarah, 176. Hoppey, Grace, 283. Hornb'rook. Anne, 81. 83, 162, 168,263,269; Elizabeth, 78, 100, 167, 263 ; Grace, 80. 169 ; John, 295 ; Mary. 76, 168; Peter, 100; Philip. 83, 168, 239 ; Thomas, 100 ; Thomasine, 295 ; William, 76, 78, 80, 81, 83, 162, 270. Hornby, Frances, 114 ; William, 114. Horswell, Anne, 38, 40-42, 46, 49, 51, 150, 230 ; Beaton, 41, 215 ; Edward, 53 ; Frances, 45, 159 ; Honor, 40, 223 ; Jane, 46; John, 38, 40-42, 45, 46. 49, 51, 53, 150, 215, 223, 230, 240; Margery, 38, 54. 235 ; Martha, 150 ; Mary, 40 ; Peter, 51, 217 ; William, 40. Horwell, Bennett, 9 ; Eliza- beth, 147 : Joane, 197 ; John, 9, 201, 211 ; Margery, 201. Hoskin, Agnes, 194 ; Alice, 138, 292; Anne, 77, 167 ; Anthony, 17, 83-86, 88, 90, 249, 251 ; Augustine, 18, 20, 143, 194 ; Barbara, 175 ; Charles. 79 ; Dorcas. 158 ; Elizabeth, 72, 83-86, 88, 90, 249, 251 ; Frances, 132, 134, 176, 288 ; Hannabel. 243 ; Henry, 7.5, 85, 132, 134, 176, 251, 287, 288 ; Jane, 148, 166 ; Joane. 68, 143, 147, 160 ; John, 28, 90 ; Joseph, 182 ; Julian, 70 ; Mary, 20, 207, 255 ; Philippa, 236 ; Rose, 68, 70-72, 74, 75 ; Samuel, 288 ; Temperance, 134, 288; Thomas, 17, 28, 138, 250. 255 ; Thomasine, 88; Treston, 147; William, 68, 70-72, 74, 75, 77, 79, 237, 261. Hoskin alias Leacher, Mary, 168. Houghton, Anne. 134 ; Eliza- beth, 126, 127, 129-132. 1.S4; George, 131 ; James, 126, 127, 129-1.32, 134 ; Mary, 126, 172 ; Mary Varcoe, 129 ; William, 127. Howard. Judith, 127, 283 ; Ro- bert, 127, 284. Howe, Anne, 161 ; Charity, 170; James, 2; John, 2. Howell, Joane, 9 ; Thomas, 9, 188. Huddy, Hugh, 78 : John, 76-78, 242, 243 ; Katherine, 77, 243 ; Mary, 77 ; Ursula, 78. Hughes, Edmund, 156, 157 ; James, 199 ; Jane, 199 ; John, 25, 26. 28, 203 ; Mar- tha, 156 ; Peter, 25. Humphreys, Abigail. 53 ; Anne, 36. 38, 40, 42, 54, 220 ; An- thony, 40 ; Christopher, 42 ; Elizabeth. 171 : George. 36, 38, 40, 42, 52-54, 153, 219, 226, 233 ; Jane. 38, 52, 153, 226, 234 ; Joane, 159 ; John, 36. 171, 219; Margaret, 52, 223. Hunsou, James, 114, 275 ; Su- sanna, 114, 275; William, 114, 275. Husband, Abraham, 34, 38, 40- 42, 45, 49, 68, 82, 84-86, 90, 99, 150, 163, 215, 225, 229. 249, 254, 261, 278 ; Ag- nes, 36 ; Alice, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43. 46, 48, 50, 167, 237 ; Anne. 40, 65, 66. 68, 70, 71, 77, 111, 113, 158, 159, 243, 254, 273, 274, 277 ; Blanch, 101. 103, 104, 106. 167, 267, 282 ; Charles, 111, 273, 275 ; Charles Jacob, 114 ; Cicely, 69; Dorothy, 26, 150; Eb- bott, 46, 49. 50, 219, 227 ; Elizabeth, 38, 40, 41, 4.5, 49, 69-71, 85, 86, 90. 97, 99, 105- 109. 111-113. 150, 151. 168, 169, 173, 178, 225, 285, 246, 254, 261, 268, 269, 271, 273. 277, 280. 282, 285, 287 ; Em- blyn, 68. 69, 71. 73-75, 264 ; Florence, 32, 34, 36, 50, 147, 159 ; Frances, 152, 158 ; Francis, 28, 75 ; Gertrude, 69, 237 ; Grace, 38, 105, 177, 246; Hannah, 113, 115; Henry, 34-36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 46. 48. 50, 66, 119, 148, 209, 210, 232, 287 ; Honor. 41, .50, 61, 64, 65. 67, 69, 74. 158, 215, 225, 246 ; Isaac, 68, 69, 71, 73-7.5, 97, 99, 258 ; Jacob, 49, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 77, 78, 160. 235, 236. 239, 246. 275 ; James, 71, 240, 265 ; Jane, 67, 110,210, 240,258 ; Joane, 83, 84, 86. 148, 164, 272 ; John, 32, .36, 46, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 78, 79, 84, 101, 103- 106, 108, 110-117, 119, 158, 167, 200, 219, 221, 237, 240, 246, 253, 267, 268, 273-275. 280, 282, 283 ; Joseph, 113; Joyce, 73, 165 ; Margaret, 39, 42, 70, 109, 271 ; Mary, 35, 45, 67-69, 72,74, 82-84, 104, 105, 107, 109, 115, 160, 165, 166, 175, 177, 178. 235, 236, 239, 254, 261, 268, 271. 286 ; Matthew, 27, 49, 70, 219; Millicent, 162, 246; Nicholas, 86, 105. 108, 111, 113. 168, 285 ; Peter, 46, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 77, 159, 240, 243, 244 ; Philip, 43. 65, 258, 262, 291 ; Philippa, 111 ; Richard, 30, 31, 85, 10.5, 107, 109, 111, 113, 169, 268, 269, 271, 273, 277, 287 ; Robert, 30, 46, 49, 50, 53, 76, 83, 84. 86, 103, 108, 151, 162, 164. 219, 221, 227, 241, 246, 254, 266, 267 ; Sampson, 97 ; Sarah, 117 ; Susanna, 104, 105, 108, 110-112, 114, 117. 119, 273, 275, 287, 291 ; Thomas, 26- 28, .30-32, 34, 36, 48, 65, 79, 147, 166, 219, 221. 223 ; Wil- liam, 79 : Wilmot, 148 ; Wi- nifred, 218 ; , 42. Hutchings, Anne, 174 ; Thomas, 174, 286. Hyndyrorke, John, 4; Martin, 4. Ibbett, Richard, 9; William, 9. Hive, Margaret, 267 ; Michael, 267 ; Peter, 267. Inch, Anne, 85, 251 ; Cathe- rine, 97. 166. 279 ; Christo- pher, 53. 54, 56-58, 156, 224- 226 ; Edward, 97, 166, 260, 279, 283; Elizabeth, 83, 85, 86, 102, 126, 165, 171, 2.50, 251, 261, 270, 285 ; Enoder, 80, 247 ; Inigo, 65, 81, 82, 247, 261, 270, 273 ; James. 285 ; Jane, 97, 100, 102, 104, 105, 108. 167, 293 ; Joane, 56-.58, 61, 6.5, 82, 104, 156, 225, 247, 261 ; John. 53, 80, 81, 100, 102, 104, 105, 108, 167, 227 ; Mary, 86, 105, 126, 170, 178 ; Peter, 56, 57, 224, INDEX. 323 225 ; Philippa, 285 ; Richard, 108; Thomas. 61, 81. 83, 85, 86, 126, 250, 251, 253 ; Ur- sula, 147 ; William, 54, 81, 100, 147. Inde, Elizabeth, 194 ; Robert, 188, 193 ; Thomas, 193. Ingletoii, Elizabeth, 92, 264. 291 ; Penelope, 92 ; Richard, 92,264, 291. Irish, Agnes;, 184 ; Dennis, 179 ; John. 184 ; Thomas, 184 ; William, 179. Irwin, Gawen, 174 ; Rosamund, 174. Isabell, Benjamin, 79 ; Flo- rence, 83. 85, 163, 164, 250, 251 ; Grace, 83, 162, 257 ; Honour, 237 ; Jane, 80, 255 ; Joaue, 78, 280 ; John, 78, 83, 162, 243, 250, 257, 275 ; Jo- seph, 81 ; Theodore, 78, 243 ; Thomas, 79-81, 83, 85, 163, 237, 242, 250-253 ; Thoma- sine, 242. Isett, Honor, 16. Island, Edward, 183 ; James, 183. Isman, Jane, 164. Ivey, Alice, 290 ; Anne, 123 ; Eleanor, 290 ; EHzabeth, 125, 178 ; Frances, 117 ; Humphrey, 120 ; James, 119, 280, 290 ; Katherine, 159, 256 ; Margaret, 105 ; Mary, 117-120, 122-125, 127, 178. 280 ; Michael, 105 ; Peter. 105 ; Robert, 122 ; Sarah, 124 ; Susanna, 127 ; William. 117-120, 122-125, 127, 178, 280, 282. Ivey alias Sprey, Jane, 221. Ivory, John, 204. Jacka, Ann. 257. Jackoe, Richard, 253. Jackson, Elizabeth, 171 ; John, 100, 101, 103, 263,275; Mar- garet, 100, 101, 103, 263 ; Robert, 101 ; William, 100, 103, 263. Jacob, Prudence, 76 ; Rebecca, 76,251. Jago, Agues, 36 ; Anna, 29, 208 ; Annice, 117 ; Doro- thy, 28, 208 ; Elinor, 214 ; Mary. 141 ; Oliver. 28, 29, 36, 147. 208 ; Prudence, 36 ; Thomas, 148. James, Agnes, 143, 298 ; Alice, 212 ; Anne, 81, 108, 129, 135, 149, 168, 214, 259, 286 ; Anthony, 45, 132, 286 ; Ben- jamin. 68, 69. 71, 72, 76, 77, 236, 237. 241. 243 ; Charity, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43. 149 ; Con- stance, 43, 45, 46, 48, 128, 129, 131, 133, 135, 175, 239, 286 ; Daniel, 38, 54, 55, 58, 80, 157, 227, 248, 252 ; Data, 221 ; Diana. 55, 161, 236 ; Edward, 19 ; Elizabeth, 84, 87, 88, 90, 108. 144, 158, 259 ; Emblen, 144 ; Frances, 46, 219 ; Fran- cis, 45 ; George, 48, 50 ; Grace, 19, 48, 50, 220 ; Han- nah Jack, 290; Henry, 114, 117, 135, 276, 298; Hester, 69, 71, 236, 237 ; Honor. 118, 219 ; James, 17. 30, 148 ; Jane, 44, 84, 128, 217, 248, 264 ; Jenifer, 80, 87, 167 ; Joane, 46, 55, 58, 108, 110, 112, 114, 117, 144, 157, 182, 223, 276 ; John. 2, 3, 5, 6, 17, 20, 46, 50, 68, 76, 126, 128, 129, 131, 133, 135, 144, 149, 158, 175, 180, 195, 213, 224, 234, 241, 243. 273,286 ; Luke, 43, 45, 46, 48, 220, 221, 232 ; Lydia Battiu, 126, 130, 132- 135, 286, 287 ; Margaret, 142, 186 ; Mark, 203 ; Mar- tha, 167 ; Mary, 20, 39, 50, 131, 150, 186, 286 ; Matthew, 30 ; Maude, 154 ; Mellior, 6 ; Millicent, 68, 69, 71. 72, 234 ; Patience, 45, 162 ; Philip, 58, 227 ; Philippa, 159 ; Rich- ard, 2, 17, 19, 21, 43, 54, 80, 81, 84, 126, 1.30, 1.32-135, 142, 143, 168, 180, 203, 216. 228, 248, 264, 267, 286, 287 ; Robert, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 149.154; Robert John, 182; Siblye, 213 ; Susan, 44, 46, .50, 151, 176 ; Thomas, 19, 21, 90, 108,110, 112,114,117,134, 209, 215, 276, 287 ; William. 5, 17, 21, 41, 44, 46, 48, 50, 72, 87, 88, 90, 108, 110, 133, 144, 151, 219, 224, 259,277,286, 290. James alias Bennett, Susanna, 251. James alias Danell, Elizabeth, 278, James alias Reskean, Bennet, 193 ; Joane, 193. Jane, Agnes, 9 ; Alsxander, 48 ; Alice, 188 ; Alson, 3, 180 ; Anne, 39, 79, 107, 110, 111, 113, 116, 119, 135, 168, 171, 272, 275, 277; Bawden, 3, 194 : Catherine, 38 ; Cicely, 20, 189, 203 ; Edward, 78. 246; Elizabeth, 39. 43. 46, 51, 84, 103, 107, 131, 133, 135, 136, 138, 140, 143, 150, 175, 176, 178, 193, 218, 227, 251, 288 ; Erablen, 29, 45 ; Florence, 146 ; Frances, 107 ; Francis, 28, 47, 126, 128, 129, 131-133, 135, 142, 17.5, 286, 287 ; Grace, 111, 121. 124, 126, 128, 129, 131, 133, 173, 277, 284, 286; Henry, 10, 26, 80, 207 ; Honor, 43, 59, 83, 158, 250 ; Hugh, 131 ; James, 40, 122, 124, 127, 130, 173, 280, 281, 285, 288 ; James John, 2-6, 25, 180 ; Jane, 9, 42, 44. 47. 48, 50, 80, 84, 128, 129, 131-133. 135, 138, 142, 151, 153, 162, 175, 201, 218, 219, 255, 256, 286, 287 ; Jeni- fer, 87, 121, 253; Joane, 19, 46, 144, 189, 191, 194, 197, 210, 216, 219 ; John, 2, 3, 22, 38, 40-44, 46-48. 50, 59, 83, 87, 89, 105, 121, 124, 126, 128, 129, 131, 133, 136, 150, 151, 158, 173, 180, 184, 193, 194, 218-220, 233, 250, 251, 253, 256, 266, 269, 279, 284, 286-288 ; John Antren, 124; Joseph. 78-81, 84, 162, 246, 251 ; Margaret, 122, 124, 127, 130, 173, 189, 280, 281, 285, 288 ; Martin, 50 ; Mary, 81, 116, 146, 177, 251 ; Michael, 122 ; Nicholas, 23, 31, 39, 43, 45, 150, 210, 216, 227, 238 ; Peter. 29, 51, 133, 221, 286 ; Philippa, 178 ; Priscilla, 38, 40, 41, 43. 47, 150, 219; Richard, 107, 110, 111, 113, 116, 119, 131. 133, 135, 136, 168, 170, 189. 197, 272, 277, 288 ; Samuel, 124, 280. 281 ; Samuel Hooker, 130, 288 : Sarah, 102, 103, 105, 107, 129, 176. 284, 286 ; Stephen. 131 ; Susanna, 83, 87, 89, 127, 250, 253, 266, 279 ; Temperance, 89, 128, 266 ; Thomas, 25, 28, 29, 31, 129, 146, 210 ; Thomas John. 138 ; William, 4, 5, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 43, 44, 102, 103, 105, 107, 119, 128, 132, 133, 143, 144, 146, 178, 184, 194, 197, 201, 202, 203, 206, 207, 210, 286, 288. Janye, Stephen, 180 ; Thomas, 180. Jasper, Patience, 172 ; Thomas, 172. Jcabiis, James, 45 ; Thomas, 45. Jeffery, Adam, 4 ; Alice, 142, 155 ; Alson, 185 ; Christian, 298 ; Constance, 3 ; Eliza- beth, 102, 150 ; Gilbert. 102 ; Jane, 184 ; Jobn, 3, 184, 192, 201 ; Magdalen, 162 ; Mar- gery, 144; Mary, 213; Otes, 4 ; Rawling, 183 ; Remfrey, 184 ; Richard. 155 ; Sarah, 165 ; Thomas, 183 ; William, 150, 216.236. Jeiiery alias Drew, Alice, 206 ; Richard, 206. Jelbert. See Gilbert. Jelon, Joane, 188. Jenkin, Adrea, 51 ; Amy, 18 ; Andrew, 51; Anne, 35, 41, 43, 44, 49, GO, 150, 158, 176, 177, 209, 223, 225, 236 ; An- thony, 36, 47, 73, 149, 220, 223, 228 ; Arthur, 58, 61, 64, 324. THE REGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR. 67. 158, 237. 253 ; Avice, 168 ; Charity, 160, 2-11 ; Christa- bel, 188 ; Christopher, 36, 153 ; Cicely, U4 ; Dorothy, 104, 106-108, 110, 272,275- 280, 286; Elizabeth, 4. 11, 19, 47. 48. 51, 52. 14o, 152, 208, 223. 243 ; Frances, 53, 223 ; George, 180 ; Grace, 67, 218 ; Henry. 12. 188, 205, 212, 218; Honor, 19, 64, 177, 209 ; Isaac, 47, 48. 73, 152, 163, 220, 222, 243, 249; Ja- cob, 48, 222 ; James, 11, 12, 19, 21. 35, 49, 51-53, 58, 60. 104. 106-108. 110, 139. 141, 150, 158, 159, 192, 198. 209, 212, 223, 225, 236, 268, 272- 275. 277. 280, 282, 286 ; Jane, 36, 49, 51. 73. 149, 182, 195, 205, 212, 223 ; Joane, 8, 58, 61, 64, 67, 1.39, 158, 188, 233, 237, 292 ; John. 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 21, 22, 41, 43, 44, 61, 108, 137, 145, 160. 168, 180, 182, 215, 218. 240, 275; Katheriue, 41, 51, 137, 141, 145, 150, 180, 183. 188, 196, 209, 212. 21.5, 223, 225 : Love- day, 10 ; Luke, 187 ; Mar- gery, 180, 182, 212 ; Martin, 21 ; Mary, 44, 49, 159, 223 ; Michael, 177, 183 ; Nicholas, 19 ; Olive, 163, 251 ; Peter. 21. 35, 150. 209, 223, 225, 236; Philippa, 107, 137, 180, 210 ; Eemfrey, 196 ; Richard, 9, 145, 187, 210 ; Richow. 153 ; Robert, 110, 272; Stephen, 58; Thomas. 3, 6, 7, 9 10, 12, 106. 137, 139, 176, 180, 181, 183, 188. 194. 195, 205, 212, 286 ; Thomasine, 3, 6, 8, 181. 188. 205 ; Ursula. 2, 139; Walter, 1; William, 18, 22, 4.3. Jenkiu «?/rt,sC'haplin, James. 198. Jenkin nJias Pendyne, John. 180, 182. Jenkin alias Rowse. See Eowse. Jenniug, Agnes, 2 ; Alice, 181, 210 ; Alson, 3 ; Anne, 192, 229 ; Augustine. 262 ; Eliza- beth, 14, 143, 147 ; Emblen, 7 ; HenrVj 4, 6. 138 ; James, 11. 220;" Jane, 5, 17. 138, 144 ; Joane, 8, 140 ; John. 2- 7, 12, 14, 17, 143, 181, 184, 191, 208 : Katharine. 2, 7, 180 : Margaret, 138, 188, 206 ; Marian. 7 ; Petrouell, 29 ; Philippa. 5 : Richard, 2, 3. 6, 11, 182, 188 ; Robert, 5-8 ; Stephen, 2, 4, 5, 180, 182, 184 ; Tamson, 292 ; Thomas, 3-7, 11, 12,29, 138, 147, 194; William. 229. Jerman, Emblen, 13 ; Jane, 139 ; John. 13 ; Katherine. 2 ; Richard, 2. Jerningham, Ann, 213, 215, 217 ; Eleanor, 215 ; Sir Henry, 213, 215,217 ; Henry, 215. Jewell, Catherine, 297 ; Cicely, 28, 209 ; Denham Jlelanch- thon, 134 ; Eleanor, 30, 209 ; Elizabeth. 26, 132, 207, 222 ; Emblin, 148, 209 ; Florence, 150; George, 26, 28. 147,208, 209, 297 ; Harriet, 130 ; Joane, 147. 208 ; Joel. 26, 207, 216, 220 ; John, 24, 130- 135, 288; Jonathan, 30, 148, 209 ; Martha. 130-135. 288 ; Mary, 133, 134, 256, 288; Patty, 134 ; Samuel, 135 ; Susanna, 131 ; William, 26 ; Zenobia, 216. Jewers, Frederick Arthur, 294 ; Mary Anne Elizabeth, 294 ; Richard, 294. Job, Alson, 179; Bennett, 4; Edward, 3 ; Henry, 3 ; Hum- phrey, 182 ; Jannett, 3 ; Joane. 140, 182, 188 ; John, 4; Lawrence. 10, 11, 140, 188-191 ; Marke, 3,179,182: Mary. 11 ; Robert, 188 ; Wil- Uam, 10, 189, 190. Jobham, Elizabeth, 3 ; Robert, 3. Joell, Grace, 123 ; John, 123 ; Sarah, 123. John, Johns, Agues, 2, 141, 189; Alice, 187 ; Alson, 3, 184 ; Anne, 30, 151.209 ; Barbara, 216 ; Beatrice, 154 ; Bennett. 204 ; Ebbott, 49. 161 ; Eliza- beth, 7, 136, 139, 148-150, 195. 220, 288 ; Grace, 28, 143, 145, 152, 226 ; Henry, 215 ; Honor. 220; James. 3, 105, 168, 181, 184; Jane. 137, 185, 189, 229 ; Jenkin, 183 ; Joane, 147, 179, 215 ; John, 7. 30. 100 101, 168. 189, 210, 245. 262-264, 272, 288 ; Kathe- rine, 32 ; Margaret, 168, 214 ; Marion, 141 ; Mary. 43, 49, 100, 101, 105. 140, 151,220, 243, 263, 264 ; Matthew. 43, 45, 49, 151. 242 ; Milson, 189; Pascoe'. 11, 30. 32. 148. 189, 209. 210; Pearse, 179 ; Peter, 45 ; Philippa. 184 ; Rachel, 105, 168 ; Richard. 10. 143, 184: Robert. 2, 10, 183-185, 189, 195 ; Samuel, 100, 136, 263, 288 ; Sawndrie, 3. ISl : Simon, 7 ; Tamson. 201 ; Thomas, 28, 137, 148, 154, 200, 201, 220; William, 7, 32, 37, 136, 145, 217. Johnson, Catherine, 285. Johnston, John, 272. Jole. Anne, 298. Joll.' Agnes, 209 ; Barbara, 218; Elizabeth, 139; Plenry. 180, 187 ; Jane. 31 ; Joane, 11, 139, 147, 210. 215 ; John, 5, 11, 30. 31, 185, 196. 215 ; Lallow, 5, 7, 138, 139, 185, 192, 196 ; Margaret, 138 ; I\Iary. 192 ; Pascatt, 180 ; Remfrey, 30, 147, 210, 215 ; Richard, 7 ; Robert, 10 ; Tamson. 10. Jolly, Jolliflte. Abigail, 42, 53, 1 62 ; Alexander, 24, 25, 27. 146. 206. 222 ; Alice. 32. 33, 35, 37. 39, 42, 64, 71. 229, 241 ; Anne. 52, 54. 56, 59. 62, 63, 70, 75, 79, 90, 119, 153, 159, 161, 162, 2.36, 240, 241, 244. 247, 249. 279 ; Anstice, 39. 73, 156, 245; Anthony, 43 ; Arthur. 32. 33. 35, 37, 39, 42, 52. 53. 55. 56, 59, 62, 65. 67, 74. 85, 87. 88, 92, 9.5, 96, 99, 119, 1.53. 22.3. 228, 233. 236, 240, 243, 247. 274, 279 ; Avis, 23. 239. 240 ; Bar- bara. 53. 146. 148. 160; Blanch, 162; Catherine. 27, 87,88, 90, 92. 95, 96,99. 119, 142. 15.5, 176, 199. 212. 275 ; Uorotliy. 68. 71. 73, 261 ; Ebbot. 41, 43, 45, 68, 151, 164, 242 ; Elias. 222 ; Eliza- beth. 3, 10, 31, 45, 55, 56, 59, 62. 65. 66, 68-72, 74, 75, 139, 142, 157, 161, 163, 184. 199, 207, 217. 228. 231, 2.34. 236, 250, 252, 256 ; Emblen, 32, 43 ; Frances, 45. 47, 50, 52, 152, 163 ; Francis, 290 ; George, 77-80, 162. 242, 244, 245, 247. 255 ; Henry, 4. 6, 13, 19, 26, 29. 43, 45, 55, 56, .59. 63, 65, 71, 142, 157, 159, 160, 199, 231, 236, 237, 240, 249-251,256; Honor, 55, 57, 59. 61, 62, 64. 67. 69, 73, 1.57, 160, 233, 234, 236. 239, 241, 245, 254 ; Humphrey, 1 ; James, 43, 95, 171 ; Jane, 14, 15, 22, 42, 247 ; Jenifer. 27, 151 ; Joane. 4. 51, 54. 67. 137. 140, 145. 149, 150, 1.53, 156, 223, 228. 290, 292 : John, 11, 12, 14, 18, 20, 25, 29, 35, 41, 43, 45, 48. 51, 54-57, 68, 71, 73, 77. 151. 176. 197, 212, 216. 219, 221, 222. 234, 242, 245; Luke. 74, 7.5. 77. 87, 161. 241, 256, 269 ; Margery. 5. 48, 73, 239; Mark, 1, 220; Jiartha, 43, 4.5, 51. 242; Martin. 69 ; Mary, 41, 47, 69, 72, 80. 92. 118. 159, 163, 171, 241, 245 ; Passukis. 151 ; Philip, 99, 239, 276 ; Phi- lippa, 28. 148, 171, 178, 211, 291 ; Eemfi-ey. 149; Richard, 4, 15, 22, 23, 25-27, 45, 47, .50, 52-54, 63, 65. 68, 69, 71, 72, 118, 14,5. 152, 184, 220, 222. 231, 234, 240. 241. 244, 247, 248, 290 ; Robert, 3. 4, 10-15, 17, 28, 184, 199 ; Samuel, 48. 59. 175, 231 ; INDEX. 325 Sibella, 175 ; Susan, 55 ; Tamson, 43, 145 ; Thomas, 19, 50, 66. 85, 203, 216, 234 ; Tiffany, 71 ; William, 4-6, 15, 17, 18, 20. 24, 31, 54, 55, 57. 59, 61, 62, 64, 67. 69, 96, 142, 148. 156, 157, 184. 199, 203, 208, 211. 212, 223^ 228, 233, 234, 246, 293. Jones, Abigail. 273 ; Alice, 242 ; Benjamin, 114. 116. 117. 119, 122, 124, 126, 129, 284, 293 ; rather ,.■. 201 : Charles. 163; David, 117 ; Elizabeth. 114, 116, 117. 119, 122, 124, 126, 129, 177, 284, 293 ; Francis, 23. 24. 201, 203, 204 ; Joane, 149 ; John, 23, 124. 201, 209 ; Joyce, 209 ; Margery. 163 ; Maiy. 126 ; Michael, 122 ; Olive, 50, 153, 242 ; Peter, 203 ; Peter Arscott, 129 ; Roger, 50, 153. 223 ; Samuel, 119; Susanna,' 24, 203. Jose, Diana, 155 ; Frances, 182 ; John, 155. JouUe, Anne, 140 ; John. 140 ; Kichard, 215. Judde, Elizabeth, 142 ; Joane, 13 ; John, 13, 142, 143, 199; Margaret, 143, 199. Julian, Augustine, 260 ; Eliza- beth, 204 ; Hester, 260 ; John, 19, 129, 176, 179. 204, 205 ; Rebecca, 129, 176 ; Thomas, 19. Julie, Joane, 142 ; Richard. 9 ; William, 9. K Karke alias Cluton, Edward. 17 ; Mary, 17. Kayther, Richard, 19, 20 ; Thomas. 19. Keam. Anthony, 112. 274 ; Charles Thomas, 133 ; Eliza- beth, 122; Grace, 119. 122, 124, 126, 129, 130, 133, 172, 285 ; Henry, 288 ; John, 109, 272; Margaret, 106; Mary, 104, 119, 268; Ruchel, 102, 104, 106, 107, 109-112, 272, 274, 285, 288 ; Richard. 106, 107, 124, 268 ; Robert, 102, 119, 122, 124, 126, 129. 130, 133, 172, 285 ; Thomas, 102, 104, 106. 107, 109-112, 268, 272, 274, 285, 288 ; William, 111, 126, 285. Kearne, Joane, 140, 192 ; Ni- cholas, 140 ; William, 192. Kearne alias Michell, Ralph, 4 ; William, 4. Keast, Anne, 104, 105. 107-109, 111,112,114, 168; Catherine, 86, 168 ; Digory, 83, 84, 86- 88. 90, 92. 164. 253. 260.274; Dorothy, 92, 284 ; Elizabeth, 105 ; Frances, 88 ; Grace, 135 ; James, 114 ; Jane, 164 ; Jenifer. 107 ; Joane, 112, 177 ; John, 131, 164 : Love- day, 109 ; Margaret. 134 ; Mary, 84, 108, 131, 133. 134, 136. 168 ; Pentecost, 83, 84, 86-88, 90, 92. 164, 253, 260, 275; Samuel,' 131, 133, 134, 136 ; Thomas, 83, 104. 105, 1O7-109, 111, 112. 114.' 168, 288 ; William, 133, 135. Keate. Anne. 41, 149, 150, 200, 206, 221. 224, 228, 229. 238. 292 ; Eleanor, 34. 200,' 221^ 224 ; Elizabeth, 22, 149, 206 ; Emline, 200, 292 ; George, 36, 224 ; Gertrude. 41. 42' 229, 230, 240. 241 ; Gilbert, 200; Grace, 229. 238 ; Isabel, 228; Jane, 31, 224 ; John, 21, 200, 206, 229, 292 ; Mar- garet, 31-37, 224 ; Nicholas, 35. 224; PhiUp, 229, 240; Ralph, 21, 22, 25, 41, 42, 149, 150, 200, 206, 215, 221, 224, 228-230, 238, 240, 241, 247 ; Rebecca, 206 ; Sarah, 200 ; Sephi'onia, 206 ; William, 31- 37, 149, 200, 206, 218, 221, 224, 227, 228. Keigwin,Anne,82,265; George, 82, 265 ; James, 265 ; Julian, 265 ; Margery. 163. Keles, John, 196'. Kelly. Jane, 176, 281 ; Jenifer. 133, 135. 168, 288 ; John, 131 : Joseph, 131. 133, 135, 168, 176. 288 ; Mary, 131, 133, 135, 171, 176, 288 ; Tho- mas, 250 ; William, 185. Kelverth, Elizabeth, 185 : Henry, 185 ; Jenkin, 182. Kembie, Joane, 182 : John. 182. Kembre, John, 183 ; Nicholas, 183. Kempe, Anne, 292 ; James, 292 ; Richard, 291 ; William, 292. Kendall. Agnes, 28 ; Anne, 55. 56, 58^ 59, 61, 63, 65, 76, 1.56^ 237 : Anthony, 89, 91-93. 95, 97, 99, 100, 262, 282, 283, 289 ; Catherine, 89, 91-93, 95, 97. 99, 100, 146, 222, 262, 282.283; Columb, 25; Doro- thy, 217 ; Edward, 55, 176, 224 ; Elias, 61, 99, 262 ; Eli- zabeth, 13, 16, 18, 55, 223; Ellis, 43 ; Frances, 290 ; Gertrude, 39, 154 ; Grace, 38, 39,43, 45, 77, 150, 217, 228 ; Jane. 100, 171 ; Jenifer, 157, 231 ; Joane, 56, 176,204, 250 ; John, 38, 39. 43, 45, 58, 78, 91, 150, 217, 225, 241 ; Law- rence, 145, 157, 231 ; ]\lar- garet, 290 ; Marv, 63. 145 ; Nicholl, 17 ; Pascall, 23. 25, 26, 28, 146 ; Peter, 38, 54-59, 61, 63. 65, 76, 78. 95. 156, 171, 223, 224, 237, 241, 250, 251, 255, 284. 290 ; Philip, 23, 54, 77, 89, 246 ; Richard. 18, 217 ; Robert, 13, 26 ; Thomas, 76, 217 ; William, 16, 17, 93, 204, 239, 278, 290. Kensley, Joseph, 269. Kent, Alice. 9 ; Anne, 36, 38, 40, 42. 44. 54, 147, 150, 162, 212, 222, 223, 226 ; Avis, 9, 44 ; Benjamin. 114, 170 ; Catherine, 147 ; Constance, 167 ; Dorothy, 145, 198 ; Elizabeth, 117, 119, 205 ; Elizabeth Westlick, 119 ; Emblen, 18 ; Gavven, 27 ; German, 21, 34, 40; Ger- trude, 52, 55, 154, 225, 226, 250 ; Grace, 52, 161 ; Henry, 38, 53, 226 ; Jane, 14, 29, 114, 142, 156, 170 ; Jerome, 30, 148 ; Joane, 17. 55, 148, 151, 207, 216, 246 ; Jocelyue, 42, 222 ; John, 15, 17, 18. 21, 27, 29, 31. 36, 38. 40.' 42, 44, 45, 52-55. 142, 147, 148, 150, 154, 178, 207. 212. 216. 221, 222, 224, 225 ; Mary, 98, 131, 132, 166, 178, 263, 282 ; Maude. 17 ; Philip, 98, 263 ; Philippa, 132 ; Priscilla, 26, 212 ; Richard, 30, 45, 117, 119. 131. 132 ; Robert, 9, 98, 117, 131, 166, 195, 263, 282, 287 ; Susan, 34, 148 ; Tho- mas. 26. 31, 34, 147, 198, 212 ; WUliam, 283. Kestell, Constance, 73 ; Ed- ward. 92 ; Elizabeth. 168 ; Grace. 94 ; Jenifer, 98, 168 ; John, 185 ; Margaret, 92, 94, 95, 98, 100, 102. 183, 185, 263 ; Mary, 73 ; Pascoe, 100, 102,168,263,266; Richard, 73, 235 ; Thomas, 92, 94, 95, 98. 100, 259, 263; Walter, 18:3. Kestell alias Keswell. Anne, 297 ; Nicholas, 297. Kestlake, Agnes, 157 : Edward, 256 ; Elizabeth, 38, 159 ; Honor, 256 ; Joane, 152 ; Maude, 38, 230 ; Nicholas, 247 ; Thomas, 38, 230, 233. Ketengen, William, 211. Key, Elizabeth, 127 ; Henry, 24 ; Michael, 24, 205 ; Wil- liam, 24. Keys, Elizabeth, 165 ; Francis, 165 ; John, 165 ; Martha, 165. Keyser, Agnes, 26 ; Jane, 183 ; Walter, 26. Killigrew, Anne, 60 ; George, 60 ; Sir Peter, 60. Killstone, Jane, 155. King, Alice, 37 ; Anne, 76 ; Anthony, 37, 41, 72, 215 ; Beaton, 69 ; Charles, 230, 244 ; Elinor, 33, 35, 36, 38, 326 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. 39, 41 ; Elizabeth, 43, 60, 62, 63. 66. 68, 164, 166, 234. 247, 249; George, 40. 41, 43, 63. 87, 150, 154, 157, 239. 251, 253 ; Grace, 37, 68 ; Henry, 65 ; James. 73, 82 ; Jane, 5, 103 ; Joane, 61. 63-65, 67-69. 72, 73, 76, 158, 188, 233, 253 ; John. 33. 35, 36, 38. 41. 60, 62. 63, 66-68, 76, 88, 164. 215, 233, 234. 242. 249, 254, 256, 259. 286 ; Julian, 33 ; Mar- garet, 33. 230 ; Jlary, 40, 41, 43, 61. 66, 82, 84, 87, 88. 103. 150, 157. 163, 220. 251, 253, 259, 269. 281 ; .M.-.ttbevv, 80, 285; Philip, 35. 39. 40, 61. 63-69, 72, 73, 76. 80-82, 84, 87, 88, 103, 158, 163, 233, 241,251, 253, 259. 266 ; Rich- ard, .5, 6 ; Sarah, 62, 76, 172, 234 ; Stephen, 38 ; William, 36, 84, 172. King alias Lucas,aZ/a5 Shepard, Elizabeth, 228. Kirklaud. Mary. 169; Matthew, 169. Kitt, Richard, 110 ; Robert, 110 ; Virtue. 110. Kitto, Anne, 266 ; Joane, 148, 201, 211 ; John, 201; Tam- son, 141. Kneebone, Anthony, 116 ; Grace, 13 ; Honor, 116 ; Jane, J 3 ; Thomas, 116. Knight, Anne, 17, 143 ; Cha- rity, 12, 145 ; Christopher, 19,' 150. 216 ; Dorcas, 131, 133 ; Edward, 18, 150, 153, 218. 220; Elinor, 32, 37, 147, 150 ; Elizabeth, 1 ; George. 224 ; Henry, 37, 95, 166, 259 ; Honor. 140. 194 ; Humjohrey. 8, 195 ; James. 2, 180, 183 ; Jane, 13, 194, 206 ; Joane, 9, 145, 150, 153, 187, 218. 225 ; John, 1, 2, 9. 10, 12, 13, 17- 19, 37, 133, 140, 180, 183, 194, 198 ; Judith. 95, 166, 259; Margery, 150; Marian, 158 ; Nicholas, 207 ; Philip, 10; Philippa, 29. 2U5 ; Ste- phen. 1. 27, 29, 32, 147, 207, 210. 251 ; Thoma.s, 1. S, 95; Walter, 131, 133 : William. 2, 131, 143 ; Wilmot, 27. Knyvett. Ellen. 152; Henry, 152 ; Joane, 152 ; Thomas, 152. Lackey, Elizabeth, 248. Lacollas, Elizabeth. 18 ; John. 18. Lae. See Law. Lahacke, Thomas, 192. Laitv. Grace, 205 ; Mary. 36 ; Philippa, 36, 213 ; Richard. 36, 213. Lake, Katherine, 139 ; Robert, 139. Lakeman, Elizabeth. 126 ; Jeni- fer, 126, 128, 174; John, 128; Nicholas, 126, 128,174, 284. Lallow alias Joll, Elizabeth, 197 ; Joane, 204 ; Nicholas, 204. 205 ; Richard, 186. Lamb, Catherine, 114, 276 ; Charles, 237 ; Ebbott, 80, 82, 85, 103, 104, 166, 254. 266, 268 ; Elizabeth, 237 ; Gre- gory, 247 ; Honor, 55. 61, 103, 173, 226, 234 ; Joane, 55. 59, 79, 226, 227 ; John, 59, 76, 80. 82. 85, 102-104, 107, 114, 167, 242, 247, 251, 254, 268, 276, 279 ; Leah, 63 ; Mary, 61, 6.3, 65. 82, 102, 104. 107. 114, 158, 167, 2.34, 246. 268. 276 ; Ralph, .55, 59, 61. 63. 65, 85, 1.58, 226. 227, 234, 242, 254 ; William, 76, 242. Lambaran, Margery, 180 ; Tho- mas, 180. Landorig. Joane, 151. Lane, Agues, 14, 216 ; Eliza- beth, 137 ; (Jeorge, 24 ; Joane, 142; John, 14, 142, 213; Marsaret. 298; Nicho- las, 137, 189 ; Richard, 213 ; Thomas, 24. Lang, Alexander, 31 ; Elinor. 44, 142, 215 ; Henry, 17 ; Humphrey, 31 ; John, 44 ; Martha, 164, 171 ; Nicholas, 18, 30. 213 ; Pascow, 15 ; Thomas, 15, 17, 18, 30, 142. Langdon, Alice. 27, 93, 100, 218, 258 ; Amv, 134 ; Anne, 11, 12. 93, 129," 131, 133, 135, 164, 175, 190, 276. 281 ; An- thony, 49, 67, 164, 271 ; Arthur, 11.3, 177; Bennett, 9 ; Catherine, 51, 68, 106, 107, 109-114, 116, 117, 119, 12.3, 129, 162, 164. 168. 169, 188. 220, 269, 270, 274, 283 ; Denis, 42, 216 ; Dinah, 67, 70, 72, 160, 262 ; Dorothy, 48, 232 ; Edward, 25, 207, 223 ; Elizabeth, 123, 125, 146, 1.S8, 191. 201; Eustice, 161, 240 ; Francis, 291 ; George, 114 ; Grace, 24 ; HendT, 50, 67, 70, 72, 95, 238,258 ; Henry, 74, 77, 119, 160 ; Honor, 75. 247 ; Hugh, 70, 236 : Jane. 37. 42, 49, 76, 167, 258, 291 ; Joane, 36, 40, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50, 55, 58, 72, 75, 145, 150. 152, 161, 162, 218. 222, 245, 253 ; John, 7- 12, 21, 25, 27. 29, 30, 47, 48. 67, 68, 70, 71, 91, 93, 95, 97, 100, 102, 110, 134, 146, 161, 162, 186. 188. 190, 191, 193, 207, 208, 211. 217. 234, 236, 238, 240, 258, 260 ; Margaret, 40, 43, 146, 150, 157, 221 ; Mary, 49, 50, 67, 68, 70, 71, 77, 95, 97, 100, 102. 128. 131, 152, 234. 238. 244 ; Nicholas, 36, 53, 55, 222. 236 ; Pascoe, 7, 21. 22, 24, 25, 4.5, 50, 61, 145.220; Pcternell, 9; Phi- lippa, 22, 37, 149. 191. 217; Rachel, 36, 74, 167, 246 ; Rebecca. 177, 237; Richard, 12, 37, 40, 42. 43, 49, 50, 53, 58, 76, 77. 79, 91, 102, 107, 111, 128, 129, 131, 133, 135, 150, 152, 162, 175. 216-218, 224, 245. 267, 270; Ruth, 77, 112, 166, 274 ; Sarah, 102, 281 ; Thomas, 10, 47, 49, 50, 53, 55, 58, 67, 7.5, 106, 107, 109-114, 116, 117. 119, 123, 152. 161, 168. 169, 188, 222, 234, 243. 217. 253, 262, 269, 270, 274, 283, 285 ; Thoma- sine, 30, 152; William, 8, 46, 48. 102, 117, 128, 224, 281. liangman, Philijipa, 159. Langmead, Mary, 261. Lanstone, Jane, 183; John, 183. Lantell. George, 11 ; Kathe- rine. 139 ; Robert, 11. 139. Lanyou. Anne, 115. 117. 121, 124, i26. 171 ; Edward. 61, 266 ; Elizabeth, 44, 63, 100, 152, 222 ; Emme, 156, 227 ; Grace, 104, 269 ; Honor, 100, 104, 167, 266, 269 ; James, 60, 263 ; Jane. 271 ; Joane, 206 ; John, 184 ; Mary. 60, 61. 63. 65, 67, 96, 115, 232, 233. 254. 265, 286 ; Paschas, 12L 263 ; Richard, 184 ; Sarah, 115, 124, 265; Wil- liam, 44, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 96, 100, 104, 11.5, 117. 121, 124. 126, 152, 156, 167, 171, 217, 222, 227, 2.32, 233, 240, 241, 265, 266, 269, 279. Launder, Anne, 58 ; Dorothy, 58, 61, 77, 231, 234 ; Eliza- beth. 45, 47, 50, 223 ; Frances, 58, 162 ; Gilbert, 45. 47, 50, 56-58, 157, 22.3, 224, 231 ; Grace, 72 ; Honor, 160 ; James, 50; Joane, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72. 74, 234. 235, 253 ; John, 45. 66, 213 ; Mary, 75, 161,246; Melior. 56-58, 157, 241 ; Nathaniel, 74, 240 ; Philippa, 56, 76, 224 ; Ruth, 77 ; Samuel, 69, 70, 235 ; Temperance, 61, 234; Tho- mas, 57, 74-76, 78, 161, 240, 242 ; William, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 234, 235. 241, 246; , 47. Lavers, Grace, 229. Lavin, Alice, 8, 136 ; Elizabeth. 17, 142, 185 ; Henry. 5, 6-8^ 186 ; Jane, 5, 138, 202 ; Joane, 6. 7. 140. 141 ; John, 179, 185, 197, 209; Kathe- rine, 12, 137, 146, 179 ; Mar- INDEX, 327 gery, 5 ; Mary, 209 ; Tleynold, 7, 19, 138, 141, 186, 196. 198; Richard, 181 ; Robert, 179 ; Stephen, 203 ; Thomas, 17, 19, 22, 197, 198,203 ; Young, 12. Law, Lae, Alice, 100, 101, 103, 105, 108, 216, 268, 289 ; Avis, 98 ; Blanche, 75 ; Elizabeth, 37, 52, 95, 105, 146, 161, 213, 268, 277 ; Florence, 65, 66, 69, 159, 234 ; Frances, 94 ; Grace, 73, 83, 103. 161, 262; Henry, 223 ; Hester, 221 ; Honor, 56, 58, 60, 73, 153, 165, 167, 225 ; Hugh. 16 ; Humphrey, 19, 197 ; Joane, 60; John, 16, 17, 19, 48, 55, 56, 66, 197, 204, 215,219-221, 225, 230, 249. 259 ; Jonathan, 53, 80, 94. 95, 98, 274, 277, 291 ; Mart^aret. 34, 35. 37, 41, 43, U9, 220; Mary, 44, 47. 48. 52, 53, 57, 69, 83, 94, 95, 98, 152, 169, 224, 226, 243, 274. 291 ; Peternell, 220 ; Philippa, 100; Rebecca, 73, 108 ; Sarah, 57, 225 ; Sibella, 44. 1.58; Simon, 35, 52-54, 56, 58, 60, 73, 75, 81, 100, 101, 103, 10.5, 108, 1.5.3, 161, 221, 225, 268, 279 ; Susanna, 32, 148. 221 ; Theophilus. 34. 47. 48, 52, .53, 55, 57, 58. 152. 219, 223-226. 240; Thomas. 17, 34, 35, 37, 41, 43, 44, 47, 58, 65, 66. 69, 149, 159, 213, 215, 216, 22.5, 234, 243. 249 ; Thomasine, 73, 75, 161, 261 ; William, 32, 54, 73, 80. 81. 83, 161, 262. Lawrence, Alice, 139. 141 ; Ar- thur, 94 ; Barbara, 142 ; Con- stance, 140, 298 ; David, 217; Edward, 5; Elizabeth, 103, 270, 290 ; Fran(;e^, 122. 123, 173, 281 ; Gertrude, 270, 288 ; Grace, 141, 192 ; Henrv, 290, 292 ; Humphrey, 94, 101 ; James, 5, 12, 14, 141, 142, 192 ; Jane, 94, 104, 267; Joane, 12; John, 15, 94-97, 99, 101. 103, 104, 123, 179, 217, 266, 267, 269. 270, 280 ; Mary. 94-97, 99,' 101. 103. 104, 170, 266, 270 ; North- more, 94 ; Philippa, 14 ; Rich- ard, 6, 9, 139, 140, 179; Robert, 9; Sarah, 290; Su- sanna, 15; Thomas, 94, 298 ; Thomasine, 292 ; Udie, 6 ; William, 99, 122, 123, 173, 277, 281, 284 ; William Wi- thers, 96. Lawrence alias Rise, Cicely, 198 ; Robert, 198. Lawrence aZ/flsRowe, Petronell, 202 ; Robert, 202. Lawry, Agas, 26 ; Alice. 144, 146 ; Ambrose, 16, 22-26, 145, 200, 205 ; Anne, 27, 83, 108, 110, 112. 168, 169; An- thony. 32. 68, 216, 246; Bar- bara, 38 ; Beaton, 38 ; Doro- thy, 140 ; Edward, 39, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68, 80, 82, 83, 108, 110. 112, 157, 169, 227. 229, 231, 233. 242. 256; Elizabeth, 15, 21, 29, 32, 34, 35, 39, 44, 53, 56. 89, 149, 153, 200, 219, 242, 254 ; Flo- rence, 24 ; Frances, 80, 166 ; Gertrude, 76, 161, 245 ; Gil- bert, 24 ; Grace, 27, 150 ; Honor, 34, 152, 161. 222, 230, 242 ; Hugh, 14, 27, 28, 30, 147, 208, 209, 216 ; Hum- phrey, 35, 212 ; James. 21, 37, 144. 200, 202. 250 ; Jane, I, 12, 27, 58, 81, 141, 142, 194 ; Jenifer, 82. 144. 168 ; Joane, 34, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45. 46, 49, 83, 84. 87, 89. 161, 163, 218, 223, 234, 249, 251, 253, 254, 278 : John, 2. 4, 11, 21, 22, 24, 27, 29-32, .34. 35, 37-39. 41, 42. 44, 46, 49, 52, 53, 55. 56, 65, 80, 82-84, 87. 89, 110, 141, 149, 153, 158, 163, 184, 191, 192. 194, 212, 216, 218-220, 223-225, 228. 229, 238, 247, 249, 251, 253, 254.271; J., 194; Katherine, 145 ; Margaret. 11, 20, 23, 42, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 68, 149, 157, 176, 192, 194, 200, 231, 233, 249 ; Mark, 5, 11- 1.5. 52. 76, 81, 140. 161. 192- 194, 245 ; Martha, 38 ; Mary, II, 13, 26, 30. 31. 34, 46, 55, 67, 83, 147, 151, 152, 165, 171, 194, 209, 225, 229, 254, 281 ; Maude, 158, 244 ; Na- thaniel, 61, 242 ; Patience, 30 ; Petronel, 25 : Philippa, 211 ; Rebecca, 41, 81, 177 ; Richard, 171, 176, 281 ; Sampson. 34, 152, 230, 242 ; Sarah. 45 ; Stephen, 1, 2, 5, 6 ; Susanna, 49, 51, 52, 56, 153. 224, 225. 228 ; Thomas, 16, 20 24, 26, 27, 30, 51, 53, 144, 220. 222 ; Thomasine. 4, 184 ; William, 80, 81, 84, 108, 249, 251 ; , 78, 211. Leach. F. L., 272. Leach er, Catherine, 165. Leacher alias Hoskyn, Mary, 168. Lee. Abraham. 44, 162, 253 ; Anne, 110, 288 ; Barbara, 61, 64, 66, 158, 245 ; Cicely, 77 ; Elizabeth, 68, 84, 86, 88, 164, 168, 234, 254, 257, 264, 277, 283 ; George, 46, 61 ; Grace, 86, 257 ; Henry, 39, 40, 42, 44. 46, 48, 61, 64, 66, 84, 86, 88, 158, 164, 168, 213, 220, 243, 245, 252, 254, 255. 257, 277, 283 ; Honor, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 51, 62, 77, 84, 102, 157, 168, 231, 277, 283 ; John, 39, 51, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66. 68, 110, 158, 231, 2,34, 239, 256. 258 ; Margaret, 59 ; Mary, 166; Matilda, 68 ; Pa- tience, 162, 254 ; Philip, 66 ; Philippa, 250 ; Rebecca, 213 ; Richard, 48, 66, 239, 261 ; Sibella, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 158, 234, 256 ; Simon, 51, 231. Leeky, Agnes, 217 ; Grace, 244 ; Hester, 153 ; Joane, 163, 231 ; John, 217, 2.39 ; Margery, 222 ; Mary, 232 ; Philippa, 164 ; Theophilus, 219 ; Thomas, 220. Legayzack. Margaret, 292. Leege, Elizabeth, 35. 53, 55. 156; John, 32, 34, 35, 37, 53-55, 156, 211 ; Julian, 32, 34, 35, 37, 211 ; Katherine, 37 ; Stephen, 54; S., 40,214. Leigh, Anne, 298 ; Eleanor, 144; Elizabeth, 295: John, 298 ; Mary, 144 ; Richard, 144, 295 ; William, 144. Lemon, Anne, 290 ; William, 290, Lenine, Jane, 151. Leprise alias Prest, John, 185. Letha, Alson, 16 ; Margery, 187 ; Richard, 16. Levermore, Peruell, 159. Levertou, Anne, 163; Arthur, 33 ; George, 33, 35 ; Grace, 35 ; Hannah, 254 ; Jane, 33, 35; Joane, 12; John, 12, 161, 190; Mary, 161, 278. Lewarne, Anne. 71. 104, 164, 270 ; Avis. 73. 168 ; Eliza- beth. 77, 80, 122, 123, 12.5, 126, 129, 173, 246, 283, 286 ; Jane, 71, 73, 75, 81, 92, 99, 248, 263 ; John. 71, 73, 75-81, 97, 99, 103, 104, 122, 123, 166, 246, 248, 262, 268, 270. 279 ; Jonathan. 76, 78 ; Mary, 78, 97, 99, 103, 104, 122,166,170, 268 ; fridcaux, 92 ; Walter, 79 ; William, 103, 123. 125, 126, 129, 173, 283, 286 ; , 75. Lewes, Elizabeth, 138 ; Fran- cis, 210 ; Thomas. 138. Libbey, Dorothy, 31, 156 ; Gil- bert. 37, 213 ; Katherine, 33, 37, ' 220 ; Margaret. 229 ; Priscilla. 33, 157 ; William, 31. 33. 37. 215. Liddicoat. Alice, 49, 139, 152 ; Anne. 20, 23. 25, 33, 36, 92, 97, 107, 109, 124, 147, 170, 175, 216, 234, 270 ; Anthony, 91 ; Arthur, 49 ; Candace, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 91, 250, 254, 258 ; Charity. 248 ; Charles, 73, 86, 106, 108. 129, 175. 240, 269 ; Crispin. 102 ; Ebbott, 94. 97. 99. 101. 102, 107, 166, 264. 280; Elizabeth, 33, 34, 83, 127, 148, 217, 224, 258, 328 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. 28.0 ; Florence, 2.5, 204 ; Frances, 29. 40. 49. 61, 107, 158, 217, 270; Fianoi-s, 152 ; George, 128 ; Grace. 47. 67. 69, 73. 93, 100. 109, 147, 173. 217, 219, 229, 255, 264 ; Gre- gory, 12-15, 17. 18, 94, 195, 209; Henry. 13, 23, 28, 30, 34. 40, 49. 148, 1.52, 219, 229; Honor, 14. 99, 130, 1.52, 264 ; Humphrey. 25 ; James, 31. 64. 230, 233 : Jane. 45, 46, 49. GO, 61, 64, 66. 68, 70. 90, 92. 120, 122, 123, 127, 129, 140, 152, 1.58, 165, 226, 233, 251, 254, 281 ; Jenifer, 95, 127 ; Joane, 8, 32-34. 40, 64, 125, 139, 140. 15S, 187 ; John, 8, 9 12-14. 26-28, 40, 46, 47, 49.52. 60.67,102. 106. 122-124, 127, 130, 131, 1.39, 140, 173. 176, 19.5, 202, 219. 22.3. 226, 281, 286 ; Joyce. 9, 176 ; Katheriue. 32, 145, 211 ; Luke. 12. 139. 192 ; Margaret, 106, 108, 128, 136, 269; Mary, 66, 87, 92-103. 106, 116-118, 120, 122. 125, 127. 130, 131, 165, 171. 173, 246, 254, 259, 264, 276. 280. 281, 285-287 ; Nancy, 122 ; Nathan, 70 ; Nicholas, 98, 116-118. 120. 122, 125, 127. 171, 276, 280, 281, 285; Patience, 30, 243; Philippa, 9; Rachel. 106, 269 ; Radisj-.in. 34, 157 ; Rey- nold, 23. 25. 26. 145. 203, 204. 206 ; Richard, 26, 45, 46, 49, 101, 152, 219, 221 ; Richow, 15 ; Robert, 12, 17, 31-34, 36, 49, 60, 61. 64, 66-70, 73, 84, 93. 95. 97. 99, 101, 103, 106, 158. 165, 216, 2.30. 233, 240, 246, 250, 254, 255, 259. 280 ; Sampson Stephens, 136 ; Samuel, 90, 92, 107, 165. 2.57 ; Sarah, 47, 49, 52, 225, 226 ; Susanna, 116, 276 ; Thomas, 13, 23. 26, 27, 29, 45. 69, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 91. 92, 94, 96-102, 107, 118. 147, 158, 165, 166, 206, 217, 227. 234, 250, 254, 258. 259, 264, 266. 272, 279; William, 18, 28, 33, 90. 101,117, 120, 122-124, 127, 129, 281 ; Willi.im Min- now, 258; Wilmot, 28, 145, 219 ; , 33, 203. Liddicoat alias Gregor, Can- dace, 278 ; Charles, 281 ; Grace, 160; Jane, 115.116, 118, 171,275; John, 115, 160, 275; Martha, 116; Mary, 273, 281 ; Rachel, 118, 132, 177; Robert, 273; Thomas. 274 ; William, 115, 116, 118, 132, 171, 275. Lifford, Agnes, 79, 83, 246, 253 ; John, 75, 76. 78-81, 83, 246 ; Luke. 81 ; Mary, 75 ; Thomas, 80; William, 78, 253. Lilis, John, 22. Lill aliax Lyon. Elizabeth, 146, 207 ; Francis, 23, 146, 205, 207, 209 : Joane, 205, 209 ; John, 23, 205. Lilycrap, Catherine, 126, 173 ; James, 126 ; John, 173. Lipkencott, John, 145 ; Mary, 145. Little, Johanna, 294. Littlejohn. Edward. 24, 25, 146 ; Eliz.ibcth, 25, 213 ; Jane, 146; Margaret. 24. Lobb, Anne, 73,' 7.5, 239, 241 ; Bernard, 70. 72, 73, 75. 79-81, 84. 160, 163. 239, 241. 244, 246, 240, 255 ; Elizabeth, 72, 84, 125, 126, 163, 249, 266, 286: Grace, 177 ; Jane, 70. 72, 73. 75, 80. 84, 160. 244, 246, 249 ; Joane, 94, 252 ; John. 81, 293: Judith, 79, 94, 166 ; Mary, 70, 12.5, 293; Richard. 177; William, 125, 126, 286. Locke, Agnes, 174 ; Alice, 8 ; Anne. 220 : Elizabeth, 198 ; Henry. 220; Jane, 190; Katherine. 13. 198.204; Rich- ard. 9 ; Robert, 9, 13, 190, 211 ; Thomas, 8. Lockett, Abel, 62, 229 ; Eliza- beth, 57, 104, 2.50, 270 ; Henry, 64 ; Joane. 57, 60, 62, 64, 157. 232 ; John. 57, 60, 62, 64,111,157, 229. 232,275; Margery. 177; Mary, 104, 107. 108. 110. Ill, 168. 270, 273, 275 ; Nathaniel, 104, 107. 108, 110, 111, 168, 270,273, 275, 282 ; Thomas, 108, 177. Lombe, George, 40 ; Joane. 40 ; Lowdy. 40. Long, Sarah. 166. Lorrington, Jane, 112, 113, 115, 118, 120, 276, 281, 282 ; John, 11,5, 276 ; William, 112, 11.3, 115, 118, 120, 276', 281, 282. Lovell, Anne, 43, 44, 46-48, .50, 51, 87, 110, 116, 151. 158, 159, 242, 253 ; Elizabeth. 61, 158. 161, 162, 252. 253, 262 : George. 46, 53. 222 ; Giles, 223 ; Grace. 51, 221 ; Honor. 159 : Jane, 50, 65, 85, 87, 9.3, 164, 220, 232, 257, 276 ; Jeni- fer, 35. 215 ; Joane, 44 ; John, 50, 116, 265 ; Kathe- rine, 157 : Mary, 17, 63-65, 68, 85, 159, 16.5, 194, 232^ 234, 278; Richard, 17, 47, 63-65. 68. 85, 87. 93. 159, 164,229, 232, 2.34. 257, 264. 274 ; Ruth, 35 ; Stephen. 35. 43. 44, 46-48. .50. 51. .53, 63. 68, 9.3, 151, 158, 165, 194, 215. 220-222. 227, 229, 253, 257. 278. 280 ; Thomas, 53, 222; William, 110. Loyeys. Christian. 31 ; George, 58; Grace, 33 ; Jane, 142 ; Jennifer, 33, 148 ; Katherine, 14, 149 ; Margaret, 16, 147 ; M.nry, 58 ; Nicholas, 19, 199; Richard, 14-16, 19, 142, 197, 199 ; Stephen, 15. 31, .33, 148 ; Tramson, 141 ; Wil- liam, 58, TiOvyne, Jane, 213. Lower, Anne. 140, 145, 147, 189, 190, 201, 208. 214, 229, 231 ; Edward, 294 ; Peter, 140, 189, 190, 208,214 ; Tho- masine, 294. Loybbie, John, 13 ; Thomas, 13. Lucas alias King alias Shepard, Elizabeth, 228. Luckcraft. Ann Priscilla, 294 ; John, 294. Lucomb, Jane, 195 ; Thomas. 195. Lucow, John, 182. Luke. Lukcy, Agnes. 11 ; Alice, 190. 197 ; Anish, .39, 150 ; Anne, 126 ; Audrey. 156 ; Avis, 42 ; Catherine, 52, 227 ; Christian, 156 ; Dorothy, 19, 33. 142. 161, 214 ; Eleanor. 126 ; Elizabeth, 116, 117, 119, 123, 171, 248, 285 ; Faithful, 56; Francis, 11, 196; Georee, 54, 226 : Grace, 52, 56, 59,' 226 ; Hester, 37 ; Honor, 8, 187 ; Humphrey, 117. 119; James, 33; Jane. 1.5, 37, 138, 147. 191, 207; Joane, 13, 15. 20, 34, 66, 139, 142, 187, 191; John, 11, 17, 19, 20, .37, 39, 42, .52, 54, .56, 59, 117. 126, 142, 149, 150, 190, 196, 198. 199, 206, 214. 226. 227 ; Katherine, 52 : Margaret, 33, 37, 137 ; Marrien, 66 ; Mary. 13, 33, 35, 37, 117, 119, 173, 175; Petronell, 149 ; Radigan, 187 ; Richard, 8, 116, 117, 123, 171, 191, 285; Robert, 16, 33 ; Thomas, 14, 19. 33, 35, 37, 139, 190, 192; Tho- masine, 15, 35, 144 : William, 14-17, 19, 20, 116, 142, 198, 199, 216; Zachariah, 175. Lukys, Richard, 155 ; Thoma- sine, 155. Luley, Temperance, 163. Luney, Eleanor, 158. 217 ; Eli- zabeth, 54. 61, 97, 98, 103, 105, 166, 223, 228, 269 ; George, 37. 54, 55, 57, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 126, 157, 22.3, 225, 228-231, 2.50; James. 64. 75, 231. 240, Jane, 37, 55, 105. 161. 229, 231, 264 ; John, 98. 122, 126, 270 ; Joyce. 69, 122, 280 ; Mary, 55, 57, 61, 62. 64, 65, 67. 69, 79, 122, 126. 157. 168, 171, 225. 231, 259, 275. 279; Rachel, 167, 282 ; Ralph, 62, INDEX. 329 229 ; Richard, 37 ; Thomas. 57, 103, 171, 225, 279, 285; William, 75, 76. 79, 97, 98, 103. 10.5, 161, 106, 167,240, 264, 269, 270, 274, 275. Luscombc, Joane, 298. Lyll, Philippa, 144 ; Priscilla, 150. Lynne, Joane, 145. Lyscott, Margaret, 1 ; Nicholas, I, 2 ; Ursula, 2. M Mabyn, Amy, 113, 115-117, 119. 121, 170, 275, 276, 2S3 ; Andrew, 113, 115-117, 119, 121, 170, 275. 276, 283. 287 ; Anne, 117 ; Edward, 9, 188 ; James, 121, 283 ; Joane, 137; John. 8, 187 ; John Brewer, 115, 275; Margaret, 113, 119, 276; Mary, 276 ; Maude, 139, 201 ; Nicholas, 137 ; Richard, 8, 187 ; Roger, 8, 9, 139. 188, 201. 208 ; Thomas. 8 ; William, 116, 276. MacLaskey, George, 167 ; Han- nah, 167. Maddock, Donuett, 215. Maine, Anne, 175. Mallet, Elizabeth, 294 ; Hugh, 288, 294; Loveday, 294; Mary, 288, 294 ; William, 294. Manadue, Jannett, 182 ; Mary, 204 : Thomas, 204 ; William, 179. IWanke, Flower, 298. Manoke, Katherine, 146. Mantall. Petronell. 29 ; Tho- mas, 29. Manton, John, 197 ; Thomas, 197. Manuell, Bridget, 148 : Cathe- rine, 96, 97, 99. 100. 103, 104, 108, 130, 166. 260. 267, 268, 277, 286, 290 ; Christopher, II, 13, 192; Colan. 249, 261, 271, 290 ; Diones. 290 ; Doro- thy, 163, 249, 263 ; Elizabeth, 75. 100. 108, 126. 128. 130. 132. 134, 135, 162, 174, 250, 267, 268, 277, 286. 287 ; Emblen, 10, 200 ; Epiphany, 247 ; Frances. 231 : Francis, 52, 53. 63, 70, 97. 153, 231, 234, 239. 240 ; Grace, 176 ; Honor 77, 163. 242, 290; Humphrey, 8-11, 191 ; Jane. 189, 275; Jenifer. 103, 174 : Joane. 13, 187, 192, 207 ; John, 52, 79, 141,187, 189,210. 234. 244; Margaret. 141 ; Martha, 53 ; Mary, 52, 63, 70, 71. 73, 75, 77, 90. 91, 93. 12.3. 128. 153, 160,16.5, 171, 173.231. 234,239, 244,250,256,258,265,268. 276, 281-283, 287 ; Jlichael. 9 ; Richard, 75, 78, 91, 163, 171, 244, 275, 276, 283 ; Robert, 52, 70, 71, 73, 77. 90, 91, 93, 96, 97, 99, 100, 103, 104, 108, 123, 126, 128, 130, 132, 135, 148, 160, 165, 166. 173, 174, 207, 210, 242, 244, 247, 256- 258, 260, 267, 208, 275. 281, 282, 286. 287 ; Thomas, 8, 63, 77-79, 132, 13.5, 162, 187, 244, 2.50, 265, 286. Manuell alias Rogers, Chris- topher, 206 ; John, 198, 204 ; Margaret, 198 ; Michael, 198, 206. Mapowder, Anne, 97, 103, 104, 107. 293 ; Anthony, 104 ; George, 97, 98, 100-104, 107, 265. 271 ; Grace, 294 ; Honor, 103, 271 ; Jane, 97. 98, 100- 102, 271 ; John, 107 ; M.ar- garet, 101 ; Mary, 100, 294 ; Richard, 102, 294. Mare, Dorothy, 234 ; Patience, 185 ; William, 185. 234. Mark Marks, Alice,' 117, 119, 120 ; Anne, 120 ; Dorothy. 137, 181 ; Elinor, 10; Eliza- beth, 4, 93. 169, 171, 269; George, 8-11, 190; Honor, 88, 89, 91, 93, 164,- 274; Humphrey, 14, 26 ; James, 8, 19; Jane, 4, 11, 16, 152 ; Joane, 8, 18, 140, 187, 190; John, 14, 16-18. 20, 88, 119. 142, 169, 170, 186, 197, 200, 201, 211, 269. 272, 277, 282, 286 ; Joyce, 170, 286 ; Love- day, 91 ; Margaret, 139 ; Mary, 139 ; Nicholas, 9 ; Pastha, 4 ; Pentecost, 188 ; Peternell. 142, 197 ; Philip, 117. 119. 120; Philippa, 89. Richard, 10, 17, 211 ; Robert, 8, 26, 186 ; Thomas 5, 19, 88, 89. 91. 93, 164, 186, 200, 271, 272, 274, 283; Ursula, 8 ; William, 5, 117, 137, 181, 186. Mark alias Day, Eleanor, 207 ; Grace, 206. Mark rtZ/rt* Williams, Petronell, 22 ; Ralph, 22 ; Richard, 22. Marshall, Digory, 35. 36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 217, 300; Eliza- beth, 41, 142 ; Frances, 43, 296 ; Gilliam, 36 ; Grace. 35. 36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 215, 217; Jane, 145, 146, 217 ; Joane, 38, 158; John, 35,38,40,146, 217, 220, 296, 300 ; Peter, 40 ; Thoraasine, 40, 144. Martin. Abraham, 35, 149,212 ; Adam, 21 ; Agnes, 23, 76. 183 ; Alice. 116, 238 ; Anne, 35, 37, 42, 114, 116, 119. 123, 124, 126, 275-278, 282, 284 ; Anthony. 74, 76. 78 ; Cathe- rine, 121, 138, 278 ; Cicely, 138 ; David, 270 ; Dinah, 160, 266 ; Dorcas, 276 ; Doro- thy, 176 ; Edward, 76 ; Elizabeth. 4, 19, 35, 37, 40, 78, 124, 140, 149, 165. 169, 174, 178, 185, 198,292; Em- blin, 160 ; Frances, 42 ; Grace, 102, 111, 121, 266; Hannabel. 40 ; Henry, 18, 35, 37, 39,40. 42 ; Honor, 31 ; Humphrey, 116, 119, 276, 284 ;' Isett. 142 ; Jane, 1, 130, 176, 183 ; Jannett, 186 ; Joane, 20, 32, 39, 102, 104, 107, 109, 111, 140, 145, 151, 159, 167, 187. 212. 216, 266, 267, 283, 285 ; John, 4. 7, 8, 26, 30-32, 35, 37, 78. 102, 104, 107, 109, 111. 114, 116. 119, 123, 124.126. 130,147,107,176, 185, 209, 210, 212, 214, 216, 225, 235, 266, 267, 274-278, 282- 285 ; Joseph. 109, 255 ; Joyce, 123, 277, 282 ; Margaret, 8, 296 ; Mary, 30, 39, 51, 74, 104, 130, 160, 170, 174, 209, 207. 278 ; Mary Elizabeth, 39 ; Nicholas, 26 ; Olive, 147 ; Pearse, 1, 183 ; Peter. 216 ; Priscilla, 233 ; Rebecca, 161 ; Reynold, 191 ; Richard, 13, 32,51. 107.121, 138,140,170, 191. 210 ; Rose. 70 ; Thomas, 13. 19-21, 23, 142, 198, 255 ; Thomasine, 51, 245 ; William, 7, 37, 114, 138. Martin alia* Skinner, Jane, 188 ; Joane, 29 ; John, 29, 208; Olive, 208. Mason, Katherine, 214 ; Nicho- las, 215. Massey, Anne, 255, 292 ; John, 292. Mathew, Joane. 137 ; John, 140, 187, 270; Lucy, 270 ; Margaret, 140 ; William, 141. See Mayhow. Matthews, John. 256 ; Prudence, 165. Maunder, Elizabeth. 292. Mawna, Bennett, 6, 183, 184 ; Joane, 6 ; Tamson, 137 ; William, 184. May, Agnes, 216 ; Alice, 143, 208 ; Anne, 34, 72, 77, 84- 86, 89. 91, 92, 104. 108. 116, 118, 135. 165, 168. 248, 256, 258, 266, 269, 273, 276, 281, 289 ; Anthony. 77 ; Cathe- rine, 133. 135, 163, 177 ; Daniel, 70, 71. 73, 74, 75. 77, 79, 96, 111, 166, 240, 241. 249, 260, 267, 269. 270, 280 ; Dorothy, 290 ; Ebbie, 188 ; Edward, 70, 84-86, 89, 91,92, 111, 131, 132. 1.34, 135, 170, 176, 256, 258, 269, 273, 288. 289; Elizabeth. 11, 29, 35, .37, 41, 68-72, 90, 107, 110- 116, 118, 122, 124, 131, 132, 1.34, 13.5, 149, 166, 167, 169, 170, 176, 177, 226, 237, 260, 209, 270. 273, 274, 270, 280- 282, 288, 289 ; Elizabeth Hawke, 115 ; Francis. 69, 75, 88, 89,111, 112,114,116, 118 2tj 330 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLIJMB MAJOE. 133, 135, 177, 241, 254, 286, 292 ; Grace, 34, 157, 161, 241 ; Gregory, 290 ; Honor, 158 ; Humphrey. 273 ; James, 92, 111, 113, 115, 116. 118, 122. 124, 170. 273. 276. 280- 282, 284 ; Jane. 86-88, 90, 104-106, 108, 110, 111, 113. 152, 156, 164. 168. 233. 246, 254. 256. 266, 270, 280, 282 ; Janevvell, 290 ; Jenifer. 105, 112, 114, 270. 274: Joane. 1.5, 11.3, 148 ; John. 11, 15. 16, 26. 27, 29, 35, 53. 54, 73, 84, 88. 104-106, 108. 110, 111, 113, 132, 135, 14,3, 148. 1.57. 168, 206. 208, 209, 222, 233, 249, 255, 266, 270. 278. 280, 284. 286 ; Joseph, 70, 237 ; Jude. 107.110. 112. 114. 115, 118, 169, 270; 275; Judith, 86, 107, 270, 274: Leonard. 35. 37, 41, 149. 226 ; Mar- garet, 70, 71, 73-75. 236. 269 ; Mary, 41, 77, 79. 88, 91. 96, 111, 157, 166. 225. 256. 260, 262; Philippa. 118; Pru- dence, 170. 283 ; Ralph. 37, 115 ; Eebecca, 111, 112, 114. 116. 118, 286. 292 ; Richard. 188. 236, 238 ; Richow, 16 ; Robert, 53, 54, 156, 222, 233, 245 ; Samuel. 68-72, 88. 237- 239 ; Sarah, 71. 238 ; Simon, 74, 240 ; Susanna, 118 ; Tho- mas, 72, 86-88, 90, 114, 131- 134, 164, 238, 254-256, 288; William, 16, 34. 131. Mayhow. Adria. 28 ; Agnes, 13, 149 ; Alice, 18, 138 ; Anne. 149 ; Anthony, 14 : Arthur, 210 ; Bennett' 16, 194 ; Ca- therine, 23. 34, 36, 37, 39-41, 139. 140, 149, 208, 209. 213. 216: Elizabeth, 8, 37. 146. 186, 207 ; EUine. 150 ; Ema- nuel, 209 ; Emblen, 1 ; George, 1. 7-9. 188; Henry. 183 ; Honor, 12, 40, 233 '; Humphrey, 186 ; James, 8, 11, 21. 23, 25-28, 37. 141, 145, 193. 205, 207, 209, 211, 213 ; Jane, 27, 138, 184. 207 ; Joane, 28. 32. 151. 152. 190, 210 ; John, 5, 10. 11, 14, 16- 18, 21, 27, 28. 30. 32, 34, 36. 87, 39-41. 138, 149, 179. 183. 190, 194, 197, 199, 207, 208,; Jlargaret, 138, 145, 209 ; Martin. 17 ; Mary, 34, 236 : Matthew, or Nathan, 39. 214 ; Michael. 182, 184; Nowell. 3. 8, 11- 13, 139, 208 ; Olive, 26, 27, 207 ; Philippa, 141, 148 ; Richard. 7, 10. 41 ; Richow, 32, 218 ; Robert, 9, 188 ; Thomaf5, 8. 202 ; Thomasine, 9, 30, 188,' 210 ; William. 1, 3, 5, 11, 25, 187, 193, 205. Sea Mathew. Maynard, Anne, 48 ; Bridget, 48 ; Henry. 48 ; Julian, 48. Mavway alias Gale, Mary. 24 ; William, 24. McNight, Alexander, 128 ; Anne, 128 ; Frances, 128. Meader, Catherine, 147. Meager. Anne. 125. Meates,' Elizabeth, 95. 261 ; Gilbert, 91, 93, 95. 97, 165, 260. 261. 269 ; Jane, 97. 269 ; Jovce, 91, 93, 95. 97, 165, 260, 261, 269, 279 ; Mary. 91 ; William. 93, 260. Mean. Elizabeth. 117. 278 ; John. 117, 278 ; William, 117. Meddern. Grace, 30 ; Jane. 27, 31 ; Joane. 235 : John, 27, 30, 31 ; Patience, 31. Medlyn, Mary, 202. Mellis, Jane, 151. Melris, Jane, 4, 185 ; John, 4, 185. Melynnet. John, 179. Menhinnick, Elizabeth. 7, 142 ; Joane. 192 ; John. L 2, 5-7, 179, 183, 187 ; Lucy, 141 ; Richard. 2. 5, 183 : Robert. 141 : Thomas. 185 ; William. 1, 179, 183. Menhire, Bridget, 143 ; Columb, 24. 203 : Dorothy, 10 ; Eliza- beth. 11 ; Jane, 3-5, 181 ; Joane, 140; John. 3-6, lu. 11, 18. 24, 146, 181, 189, 191, 197, 202-204 ; Petronell, 146, 204 : Richard, 143, 189, 197 : Richow, 11 ; Tamson, 202 : Thomas, 18 ; Ursula, 146, 203. Meredith, Judith. 300. Merifield, Abigail, 119, 121. 126; Agnes. 2. 7. 16," 26, 138, 149. 180. 207 ; Alice, 9, 33, 35, 39. 44. 56, 57, 59. 61, 64. 81. 158, 177. 223, 224. 226, 246 ; Anne, 20. 34, 36, 39. 41. 51, 52, 56, 58. 60, 62, 64, 65'. 77, 97, 162. 166. 216, 230. 231. 233, 244, 246 ; Barbara, 18, 35. 212 ; Beaton 56. 157. 158, 223 ; Bridget, 161 ; Ca- therine. 25. 861^ 88. 103-110. 139. 162, 164. 172, 203, 205, 262. 263. 267, 272, 275, 276, 278 ; Christopher, 15. 39 : Dinah. 84. 168, 284 ; Doro- thy, 147, 221 ; Edward, 2-5, 7. 13. 24, 33. 44. 55. 57. 59, 61, 62. 64, 79,80,97-102,106, 107. 110. 119, 121, 126, 146, 158. 166, 168, 179, 181, 204. 213. 214, 223. 224. 228, 244. 246,257.264-266,273; Elinor, 5, 7, 14; Elizabeth. 15, 17, 21, 29. 36. 52. 53. 55, 56, 62. 64, 88^ 97, 99-102, 104, 106- 110, 136, 153. 163, 166, 168, 169. 174, 220-222, 224. 239, 264-266. 273; Emblyn. 58, 230 ; Frances, 170, 289 ; Francis, 59, 78. 244 ; Gilbert, 67, 87. 88, 164. 254; Grace, 35, 212 ; Hannah, 1,36 ; Henry. 7, 10, 11. 13-15, 18, 29, 140. 207 ; Hester, 57, 59, 62. 64. 231, 244 ; Honor, 60, 228 ; Humphrey, 78 ; James, 34, 52. 53, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64. 67. 77, 79. 87. 92, 9,5, 109, 154, 162. 231, 244, 247, 2.54, 258. 262. 265, 269, 272, 293 ; Jane. 2, 4, 32, 36. 57, 72, 82- 86. 88-90, 92. 95. 98. 106. 128, 141, 146, 162, 163, 185, 211, 249. 251. 254. 2.58. 266, 274 ; Jenifer, 82, 168, 246 ; Jere- miah, 110, 273 ; Joane, 8-11, 56-59. 61, 64. 66, 79, 82. 85, 98. 101, 104, 121, 139. 157, 163, 166, 174, 250. 258, 266, 271. 273. 281 ; John. 7, 14, 24. 34, 39. 51-56, 58. 60, 62, 65. 80. 81. 84, 88, 104, 109, 110. 126. 1,34, 138, 147, 157, 168. 174. 179, 188, 203, 204, 207, 211. 221-224. 227, 228, 2,30, 233. 239, 244-247, 267, 271, 272, 276, 278, 279, 282. 285, 287 ; Joseph, 58, 78, 80, 81.85, 10.5. 121, 123. 128, 130, 182, 134, 162, 172. 248, 251, 254, 280. 288 ; Margaret, 89, 254 : Martha, 99, 264 ; Mary, 7. 41, 52, 53, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 78, 80, 86-88, 97, 98. 101. 103. 106. 109. 119, 121. 123. 128, 130, 132, 134. 141, 1.54, 164, 170. 172, 231, 239, 246. 247. 251, 260. 261, 263, 266, 267. 271, 278, 280, 288, 293 ; Melissa. 22, 206 ; Milson. 65, 231 ; Oliye. 10, 13, 29, 190 ; Otes, 3, 7-9 ; Pascae, 139, 199 ; Peter, 54, 258 ; Petronell, 3, 146, 150, 181 ; Philippa, 140. 207 ; Prudence, 109, 271, 282 ; Bawling. 15, 33, 35, 39. 44, 149, 213. 223 ; Richard. 3, 13, 21, 34. 36, 39. 41. 53, 61, 149, 183. 228, 268 ; Robert, 64, 81-84, 86, 88-90, 92. 95. 98, 104, 106, 109, 163, 246, 247, 249, 252, 254. 258. 265. 266, 269, 272 ; Rose. 161 ; Su- sanna, 97, 261 ; Thomas, 2-4, 9-11, 13. 14, 16, 17, 20-22, 24-26, 29. 32. 34-36. 52. 53, 5.5-57, 59. 62. 64. 65, 72, 79- 83, 86, 88. 90, 100. 103-110, 132, 139. 153. 163. 164, 180. 181, 183, 190, 204-207, 210, 211, 219, 221. 224, 231, 233, 239, 241. 249, 250, 254, 257, 260, 263. 264. 266. 267, 271. 272, 275. 276. 288, 289 ; Viyian, 3, 181 ; Walter, 3-5, 185 ; William, 2, 4, 5, 9, 21, 36. 55-58, 60, 61, 64, 66, 81, 98, 101. 104. 109. 136. 157, INDEX, 331 161. 170, 212, 224, 230, 239, 241, 246, 253, 266, 271-273, 287, 293 ; Zenobia, 11, 149. Mersoa, Susanna, 291. Metherell, Adam, 30, 209 ; Agnes. 56, 83, 157, 259; Digorv, 38, 213 ; Dorothy, 64 ; Emblyn, 61, 62, 64, 66, 68, 158, 248 ; Grace, 237 ; Honor, 34, 68, 227 ; James, 36,61,62, 64, 66,68,158.228, 240. 247 ; Jane, 36 ; Joane, 34, 38, 62, 207, 235, 240 ; John, 28, 30. 34, 36, 38, 56. 61. 83, 84, 86, 89, 90, 207. 209, 213, 225, 227, 228, 237, 252, 255, 259, 263, 269-271, 273. 274, 276. 278, 282, 288 ; Margaret, 54, 66, 161. 272 ; Mary, 83, 84. 86, 89, 90, 255. 259, 270, 279 ; Thomas, 89, 255 ; William, 28, 54, 56, 86, 157, 241, 255. Metter, Jane, 166. Mevasoe, Richard, 187. Mewdon, Anne, 88. 169 ; Elinor, 147 ; Elizabeth, 98, 131, 178, 293 : Grace, 109, 169 ; John, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 109, 130, 131, 134, 136. 164, 169, 176, 258, 274, 277, 283 ; Mar- gery, 146 ; Mary, 86. 88, 90, 92. 94. 96, 98, 109. 164, 258, 271, 274; Philippa, 130, 131, 134, 136, 176 ; Richard, 96, 136, 178 ; Samuel, 94 ; Wil- liam, 92. 109, 271, 280. Midletou, Elizabeth, 124 ; Wil- liam, 124. Mill, Alice, 56, 224 ; Anne, 24, 53. 89 ; Avis. 161 ; Cathe- rine, 14, 120, 169 : Edward, 1 ; Elinor, 19, 198 ; Eliza- beth, 31, 33, 43, 46, 48, 51, 57, 87, 91, 120, 132, 146, 151, 227, 241, 255 ; Elizabeth Caroline, 127 : Emblen. 194 ; Henry, 54, 162, 241, 242 ; Honor, 141, 197 ; Isaac, 57, 225; Jane, 132, 177; Jan- neth, 182 ; Jenny, 132 ; Joane, 68, 69, 71, 87, 89, 91, 129, 1.55, 160, 162, 241, 249, 255, 259 ; John, 1. 13. 24, 31, 33, 43, 46, 48, 51, .52, 54. 57, 68, 69, 71, 87, 89, 91, 120, 132. 151, 160, 166, 177, 184. 191, 194, 225, 226, 234, 249, 251. 255. 259, 274; Margaret, 33, 118, 123. 153,281 ; Mary, 18. 54, 68, 118, 120, 122, 123, 12.5, 127, 129, 132, 162. 171, 281 ; Pascow, 17 ; Philip, 52 ; Rebecca, 51 ; Richard, 3, 181, 184 ; Robert, 16 ; Roger, 17 ; Ruth, 166, 281 ; Sampson, 71, 249 ; Samuel, 48 ; Thomas, 13-19, 118, 120, 122, 123, 125, 127, 129, 132, 141, 146, 171, 191. 194, 197, 198, 203, 281 ; Thomasine. 52, 56, 240 ; Udey, 3, 181, 182, 184 ; Ursula, 283 ; Wil- liam, 31, 52-54, 56, 221, 224, 240, 241. Milland, Robert, 16; Thomas, 16. Millard, Henry, 17 ; Jane, 15 ; Stephen, 15, 17. Millen, Austin, 193 ; Jane, 193 ; Joane, 195. Miller, Arthur, 23 ; Frances Brytton, 194 ; Grace, 45, 47, 49, 219, 225, 231 ; Henry, 45 ; Jane, 49, 225 ; Joane. 23; John, 45, 47, 49, 204^ 219, 225, 231 ; Petronell. 146 ; Thomas, 47, 219. Miners. Barbara, 268 ; Hugh, 268 ;' Joane, 207 ; John, 268. Minnow, Anne. 68 ; Catherine, 173; Elizabeth, 94, 162, 254, 256, 259 ; Blorence, 159, 233 ; Jane, 68 ; Joane, 71. 73, 79, 161, 241.254, 264; John, 69; Joseph, 94. 259; Mary, 69, 72, 73, 160, 238 ; Philip, 71 ; Stephen, 77, 275 ; Thomas, 68, 77, 246 ; William, 69, 71- 73, 76. 77, 79, 159-162, 233, 238, 241, 243, 254, 2.56. Mirkett, Margery, 5 ; Ralph, 5. Mitchell, Agnes, 152 ; Alexan- der. 174; Anne, 26, 53, 93, 163, 178, 263 ; Anthony, 41, 42,44, 53.69, 71, 72. 74. 144, 151, 156, 198, 230, 238. 240 ; Arthur. 56, 73, 80, 101-103, 105, 107, 161, 167, 243, 244, 248, 249, 263-265, 267, 270 ; Avis, 69, 71, 73-75, 97, 161, Barbara, 41, 42, 44. 151 ; Charity, 170; Christian. 64, 156. 233 ; Dorothy, 12, 87. 144, 168, 249 ; Edward, 42, 52, 68, 69, 215 ; Elinor, 150 ; Elizabeth. 55, 69, 71, 72, 74, 83, i41, 160, 163, 173, 174, 210, 240 ; Emblen, 103, 142, 168, 202, 266 ; Florence. 212 ; Frances. 54, 68, 82, 89, 159, 161. 164, 176 ; Grace, 167, 286 ; Henry, 62, 76, 80- 82, 84. 86, 87, 89. 90, 101, 102, 178, 240, 252, 264. 265. 267, 272 ; Honor. 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 89,- 90, 187, 267; James, 69, 71, 73, 75, 89, 178, 249 ; Jane, 59, 76, 81, 138, 168, 228, 237. 252, 280 ; John, 27, 74, 86,97,107, 161, 166, 170, 180, 185, 187, 201, 206, 237, 270 ; Kaye, 139. 198 ; Margaret, 27, 42, 43, 71, 150, 206, 233,238 ; Mary, 42. 43, 72, 73, 76, 80. 85. 95, 97, 101-103. 105, 107, 161, 166, 167. 178, 198, 243, 24.5, 246, 250, 252. 259. 264, 265, 267, 270, 296; Maude. 41, 242 ; May, 149 ; Peter. 76, 78, 168, 280 ; Peternell, 84, 105. 161 ; Philip, 61, 69, 83, 85. 87, 89. 91-93, 95, 96, 164, 250, 259 ; Philippa, 83. 85-87, 89, 91- 93, 95, 96, 164, 250, 259 ; Ralph, 196; Renfrey, 26, 217 ; Richard, 12, 71, 87, 139, 142, 164, 190, 196, 265 ; Richow, 146 ; Robert, 71, 238 ; Sarah. 64. 240 ; Ste- phen. 138 ; Thomas, 42, 43, 52. 54-56. 59. 61. 62, 68, 86, 1.50, 157, 159, 210. 215, 228, 230, 233, 238, 244 ; Thoma- sine, 56, 59, 61, 62. 157, 248 ; Tobias. 233 ; William, 44, 71, 73, 76, 80, 92, 96. 103. 168, 190, 210. 233, 238, 245. 259, 265, 266. Mitchell alias Kerne, Ralph, 4 ; William, 4. Mitcholl alias Rowe. Anne, 78, 81, 247 ; Elizabeth, 78, 243 ; James, 78 ; John, 78, 237, 243 ; Mary. 291 ; Richard, 271 ; William, 81, 247. Mohun, Elizabeth, 216 ; Sir Reginald, 216. Molcock, Dorothy, 155. Moles worth. Grace, 152 ; Ho- nor, 65. 159 ; John, 65, 152, 159, 244-246, 249, 250, 252, 253, 265, 269. Mompesson, Sir Giles, 199. 213, 218; Rachel, 199, 213, 218, 232. Mouros, Rebecca, 130 ; William, 1.30. Moon, Nancy, 173; William, 173. Moore, Avis, 71, 160, 245 ; Blandina, 275 ; Dorothy, 157 ; George, 255 ; Jane, 31 ; Ka- therine, 152 : Mary, 35, 156, 279 ; Nicholas. 31, 33, 35, 217 ; Philip. 218 ; Philippa. 33, 35 ; William. 33. 71, 156, 157, 160, 235. 237, 245, 248. Morcombe, Alice. 215 ; Arthur, 191 ; Cheston. 152 ; Chris- topher, 151, 152, 215, 228 ; Cicely, 21, 34, 151 ; Con- stance. 56, 224 ; Ebbott, 20, 199 ; Eleanor, 217 ; Eliza- beth, 18, 62, 135, 151, 162, 199 ; Francis, 10, 189 ; George, 1 7 ; Henry. 56, 57, 60. 62. 157, 224. 230. 238 ; Hester, 56, 57, 60, 157, 248 ; Honor, 60, 238 ; Jane, 15, 140, 147, 213 ; Joane, 153 ; John, 15, 135 ; Mably, 186 ; Mary, 211 ; Peter, 211 ; Sampson, 9-11. 14. 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26. 140. 1S9. 191, 192, 199, 205, 209 ; Susan, 9, 145 ; Thomas, 14. 15 ; Thoma.sine, 34, 57, 199, 2.30; Warne. 11. Moreshead. Anne, 83-85, 87, 89, 163, 274 ; Elizabeth. 83, 292 ; James. 83-85. 87. 89, 163, 274 ; Jane, 89 ; John, 84 ; JIary, 87, 169. Mori and, John, 131 ; Martha, 131. 332 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLUMB MAJOK. Morlin, Anne. 176; Catherine, 119. 123, 125. 128: Jenifer, 128 ; John, 123 ; Julian, 119; Mary, 178 : Eichard. 119, 123, 125, 128 ; Susanna, 125. Morris, Morrish, Catherine. 84, 164, 176, 27o ; Edward. 247 ; Elizabeth, 124. 126, 168. 174, 268 ; Isett, 155 ; James, 124, 155 ; John, 124, 126, 174 ; Margaret, 113 ; Mary, 84, 155, 167. 270; Popham, 84, 164, 274; Thomas, 113, 168, 270 ; William, 126. Morthe, John. 2 ; Eichard, 2. Moses, Christian. 137 ; Ed- mund, 11 ; Honor, 28, 146. 152 ; Joaiie, 142 ; John, 10. 12, 20, 28. 187, 189, 216 ; Olive, 9, 20; Eichard, 146; Eobert. 9-13, 192 ; Thomas, 13, 192. Moulton. Edward, 246 ; Mary, 246 ; Peter. 246 ; Sarah, 246. Mouutjoy. Philippa, 191. Mounsteven, Jane. 298 ; Phi- lippa, 298 ; William. 298. Moydey, Joane, 149 ; John, 149. Moyle, Agnes, 47. 49, 52, 152, 157, 199, 219, 220 ; Alice. 5, 17, 18, 145 : Anne, 21. 32-34. 36, 38, 50. 145. 179, 201. 220 ; Arthur, 295 ; Barbara. 16. 29, 145 ; Bawden. 5, 14-17, 142, 143, 193, 209; Catherine. 66, 140 ; Christopher, 36, 212 ; Cicely, 185 ; Dalliryver, 14 ; David, 145; Dolorye, 193; Dorothy, 13, 207; Edward. 34, 211 ; Elizabeth. 16, 33'. 35, 38. 53. 70. 142, 148, 186. 193. 194. 218, 227. 232, 237 ; Emblin, 140, 14.5, 201, 202 ; Florence. 33 ; George, 295 ; Grace, 30, 221 ; Henry. 15, 29-34, 36, 180, 209-212, 217 ; Honor, 59, 217, 227; Isett, 9 ; James, 14. 15, 28, 30, 33, 35, 38. 52. 61, 63, 65, 148, 158, 218, 219. 221, 229, 239, 241 ; Jane. 13. 16, 29, 47, 56, 65, 70, 142, 143, 145, 146, 190, 195, 205, 208, 212, 214, 217, 220, 237 ; Jannett, 191 ; Jenkiu, 194 ; Joane. 61, 63, 138. 140, 143, 1.58, 187, 211, 241, 251 : Joel. 210 ; John. 2- 5. 10. 12-17, 19-21, 29, 32-35, 49, 50, 66, 138, 140, 142. 143, 145, 149, 152, 179, ISO! 185, 193-195. 198, 202. 203, 205. 208. 210-212. 220. 223, 225, 232, 244 ; Julian, 13. 65 ; Katherine. 14, 27, 29, 148, 206, 207, 232 ; Loveday, 150 ; Margaret, 31, 210 ; Mary, 29, 56, 59, 145, 152, 155, 219, 220, 228, 230, 233, 297 ; Marion, 141 : Matthew, 38; Mellery, 149 : Melliar, 185; Mervui, 210; Michael, 19, 198 : Olive, 145 ; Peter, 50 ; Philippa, 33, 50, 145, 218. 220 ; Priscilla, 17. 149 ; Eebecca, 149 ; Eenfrey, 21, 184, 219 ; Eichard. 2,' 9, 10, 13-18. 20, 21. 28. 34, 47. 49, 50, 52-54, 56. 59, 140, 141, 145. 1.50, 152, 190 199. 201, 220, 221, 223. 227. 231, 232 ; Eichow, 15, 193 ; Eobert. 15, 29, 155. 219, 220, 230 ; Eose, 30, 209 : Samuel. 145 ; See- lie, 4 ; Thomas, 17; Walter, 54; William, 3, 180, 184, 189. Moyle «//«-« Davy, Richard, 195. Muffet, Elizabeth, 169. 175, 290 ; Jane. 166 ; Mary, 105 ; William, 105. j\Iunday. Anne, 154 : John, 183, 223 ; Thomas, 183. Murling. See Morlin. Musgrave, George, 265 ; Julian, 265. Mutton. Dorothy, 215 ; Grace, 33; John. 215 ; Mark, 33. Myllyton. Eleanor, 10. 144, 188; William, 10, 144, 188. N Naish, Amelia, 120 ; Thomas, 120. Naucarow, Francis, 2 ; Jenkiu. 3 ; John, 3 ; Eichard. 2, 4 ; Thomas, 3 ; Ursula, 4 ; Vi- vian, 3. Nancey, Anne, 225, 234 ; Eli- zabeth, 88, 94, 255, 258 ; Gregory, 88. 91, 92, 94. 96, 16.5. 255. 256, 258, 263 ; Henry, 225, 234 ; Mary, 96 ; Jlorgan, 256 : Eichard, 92 ; William, 91 ; Wilmot, 88, 91, 92. 94, 96, 165, 255, 256, 258, 263. Nancollas, Elizabeth, 143 ; Jane, 138 ; Joane, 7 ; John. 7, 138. 143, 216 ; Ddie, 186. Nanconan, Constantine, 7 ; Elinor, 13, 192; Elizabeth, 1, 11, 12, 145, 188, 195 ; Francis, 8, 10-13, 195 ; James, 5 ; Jane, 138, 189, 190 ; Joane, 189 ; John. 8. 10, 184, 187, 189. 190 ; John alias Jenkin, 188 ; Eichard. 1, 5-8, 139, 188 ; Syx . , , .^ 8 ; William, 6, 195. Nanfan, Joyce, 195 ; Sir Eich- ard, 195. Naukilly alias Eowse, Henry, 221. Nankivell, Nanskivell, Agnes, 16, 138, 195 ; Alice, 137, 149, 214 ; Anstice, 20 : Bar- bara. 7 ; Dorothy. 297 ; D.. 16 ; Edward. 203 ; Elinor, 210 ; Elizabeth, 19, 140, 191, 195; George, 10, 146, 149, 212; Henry, 6, 180, 185; Hester. 149; Honor, 146; Humphrey, 10, 11, 190, 191 ; James, 1, 140, 179, 180 ; Jane, 6, 21. 143. 195 ; Jenkin. 185 : Joane, 10. 18, 138, 188. 195 ; John, 4-7, 10. 12. 14, 16, 18- 20, 22, 23, 140, 143, 185, 190, 191, 193, 195, 203, 210, 216; Judith, 293 ; Katherine, 11, 185,190; Margery, 23 ; Mark, 185 ; Michael, 137 ; Nicholas, 22 ; Peren, 140 ; Eichard, 21, 138, 185 ; Eose, 148 ; Tam- son, 1 ; Thomas, 1, 4, 137, 141, 192 ; Tippet, 185 ; Ur- .sula, 1, 179 ; AVilliam, 218, 293 ; Wilmot, 141. Nanow, Joane, 3 ; Otes, 3. Nanparrow, Alice. 156 ; David, 45; Elizabeth, 42, 216; Ger- trude, 39 ; Grace, 32, 43, 219 ; Heurv, 32. 34, 42, 43, 214, 216, 219, 220; James, 227 ; Jane, 39, 42. 43 ; Joane, 32, 34, 157, 214'; John, 156, 224, 227 ; Katherine, 217 ; Mary, 42, 49, 219. 221, 224 ; Nicho- las. 22; Eichard, 34, 49, 219 ; Thomas, 16, 22, 39, 42, 45, 49, 219, 221 ; William, 16. Nanparrow alias Pearse, John, 232, Nanparrow alias Eowe, Henry, 203 ; Nicholas, 24, 203 ; Eichard, 24, Nanscawen, Jane, 4 ; Eichard, 181 ; Thomas, 4, 182 ; Walter, 182. Nanswhyden, John. 181, 214. Nantallen, John, 204 ; Pascoe, 29 ; Eichard, 27 ; Thomas, 26, 27, 29. Nantallen alins Nicholls, Brid- get, 145, 204 ; Jane, 198 ; John, 145, 198, 204 ; Pliilip, 20 ; Thomas, 20, Narren, Arthur, 12 ; Peter, 12 ; Sampson, 12. Nation. Edward, 53 ; George, 53, 55. Nawne, Alice, 187 ; George, 183 ; Joane, 186 ; John, 188 ; Otes, 183. Neill, Emelyn, 97 ; Grace, 162. Netherton, E., 14 ; G., 14 ; John, 141, 198, 202; Mar- garet, 141, 198. Netteu, Anne, 152 ; John, 223. Nettle, Nuttle. Elizabeth, 12, 236 ; Faithful, 74 ; James, 71. 74, 76, 236, 244, 249 ; Jane, 203, 205 : Joane, 9 ; John. 9, 199 ; Margaret, 139, 142 ; Mariot. 261 ; Marryn, 74, 236 ; Martha, 71 : Marv, 71, 145, 151, 279; Eichard, 12 ; Thomas, 9. 194 ; Wil- liam, 76, 139, 244. Newell, Honory, 197 ; John, 197; Margery, 167. INDEX. 333 Newlyn, Elizabeth, 169, T71 ; Morris, 169. Newlyn alias Toker, John, 180. Newman, Honor, 141. 187, 209 ; John, 141, 187, 209 ; Joseph, 246. Newton, Anne, 299 ; Gabriel, 156 ; John, 18 ; Maude, 156 ; Ralph, 18. Niblet, Andrew, 281 ; Mary. 281, Nich il :■< nli ly Chune, Emblyn, 207 ; John, 207. Nicholas alias Grose, David, 20 ; :\Iargery, 20. Nicholas alias Norton, John, 194. Nicholls, Nicholas, Abraham, 117, 277; Agnes, 139, 188; Alice, 9, 79, 1.39, 143, 145, 157, 158. 210, 238 : Amy, 245 ; Anne, 42, 60, 164, 242 ; Anthony, 20, 247 ; Armunis, 201 ; Avis, 97, 167 ; Barbara, 151 ; Blanch, 5 ; Bridt^et, 145, 204 ; Catherine, 81, 143, 169, 170, 222, 297 ; Cicely, 137 ; Constance, 5, 185 ; Dorcas, 155 ; Edmund, 22, 145, 202, 209 ; Elizabeth, 9, 15, 18, 22, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 7.3, 85, 110- 112, 114, 115, 117, 118. 158, 165, 202, 218, 226, 233, 255, 276,277, 287, 288; Emblen, 16 ; Erne, 9 ; Florence, 64, 80, 252 ; Frances, 66, 84 ; George, 97 ; Henrv, 6, 9 ; Humphrey. 241, 245, 246 ; Isaac, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65. 67. 68, 70, 71, 73, 78-82, 84, 85, 112, 158. 162, 226, 233. 237, 239, 243, 252, 256, 257,' 270 ; James, 65, 69, 253 ; Jane, 5, 7, 78, 79, 84, 85, 111, 151, 162, 177, 193, 217, 272. 287; Joane, 8, 20, 139, 152. 181, 195. 197, 199 ; John, 5-8, 10, 15-20, 47, 62, 69, 78, 139, 143. 165, 198, 208, 239. 247, 252, 255, 257. 263. 277 ; John Church. 177 ; Lallow. 17, 18. 195, 218; Loveday, 107, 169, 269 : Margery. 10, 138. 139, 148 ; Mark, 42, 107, 110-112, 114, 117, 118, 169, 2.53, 255, 269, 272, 275, 277, 283, 287, 288 ; Marv, 20, 66, 69, 82, 114, 115, 245, 256, 276, 288 ; Nicholas, 147 ; No well, 198 ; Olive, 8 : Peteruell, 217, 227 ; Philip, 157, 224 ; Philippa, 2, 157 ; Richard, 2, 5-9, 137, 139, 151, 184-186,. 227 ; Richard Tom, 181 ; Roger, 18 ; Susan, 147 ; Thomas, 8, 19. 42, 45, 47, 59, 66, 71, 143, 152, 155, 198, 209, 217, 226, 237, 245 ; Thomasine, 153 ; William, 17, 66, 73, 243. Nicholls alias Nantallen. See Nant alien. Nickes. Ralph, 9 ; Thomas, 9. Nock, Catherine, 174 ; Edward, 174. Nodder, Elizabeth. 294. Noddren, Jane, 168. Noetover, Patience, 151 ; Wal- ter, 151. Norbury, Couingsby, 82 ; Co- ningsby Packington. 82 ; Mary, 82. Norlyn, Joane, 179. Norman, Cheston, 296 ; John, 296. Northcote, Anne, 296 ; Eliza- beth. 199; George, 199 ; Wil- liam, 296. Northey, Philippa, 141. Northmore, Elizabeth, 158 ; Thomas, 158. Norton. Alice, 144 ; Alson, 185 : Elizabeth, 144, 195 ; Henry, 18. 21, 22, 144 ; Hester, 12 ; Hugh, 21, 212 ; Jane, 145 ; Jenifer, 210 ; John, 3, 8, 11, 137. 189, 193. 195 ; Margaret, 137, 141, 147, 149, i88, 193 ; Mary, 18 ; Nicholas, 21, 145, 182; Pascow, 12, 191 ; Richard, 3, 8, 11, 12, 191, 202 ; Thomas, 22, 181 ; William, 21, 201. Norton alias Nicholas, John. 194. Norwayel. Susanna, 163. Nowell, Clary, 141 : Honor, 17 ; John, 17, 143, 208 : Mary, 143. Nowlyn, Elizabeth, 171. Noye, Bridgeman, 267 ; Hester, 267 ; Humphrey, 267. Nutting. Anne, 151 ; Elizabeth, 23, 146 ; Grace, 23, 146, 224 ; Joane, 213 ; John, 22, 23, 151 : Katherine, 151, 220 ; Robert, 151 ; -, 22. Nuttle, See Nettle, Nyles, Catherine, 166. Nynisse. Anne, 27, 148 ; Joane, 148 ; Oliver, 27. O Oake. Elizabeth, 137. OfEe, Alice, 212 ; Henry, 208. Oliver, Alice, 3 ; Anne, 277, 278 ; Benjamin, 97 ; Eliza- beth. 91, 96, 104, 105, 107, 108, 116, 151, 168, 267, 269, 274 ; F'rancis, 25 ; Gertrude, 123 ; Grace, 110, 171 ; Henry, 37. 220 ; Honor. 289 : James, 76-78, 87, 104. 105. 107. 108, 161, 168. 240. 24.3. 248, 256, 263, 267, 269, 274, 284 ; Jane. 25, 105, 164, 171, 174. 267 ; John. 3, 58, 94, 96. 180. 182, 277. 278 ; Joseph. 90 ; Mar- garet, 112, 113, 161. 170, 274 ; Mark, 219 ; Mary, 37, .58, 85, 92, 110, 112, 116, 122, 123, 131, 147. 1.50. 1.58, 169, 173, 175, 240, 257, 259, 280, 286 ; Matthew, 77, 96, 112, 113, 170, 274; Morgan, .58, 158, 237 : Nathaniel, 76. 87, 88, 90-94, 96, 97, 99, 100. 107, 165, 243, 265, 267 ; Philip, 259, 277 ; Philippa, 37, 225 ; Richard, 116, 169; Sarah, 87, 88. 90-94, 96, 97. 99, 100, 165. 267, 283 ; Susanna, 175 ; Tamson, 182 ; Thomas, 100 : Tabias. 234 ; William, 96, 99. 108, 113, 122, 123, 151, 173, 280. Olive, Humphrey, 6 ; John, 7 ; Margaret. 190 ; Thomas. 6,7. OWer,^ Elizabeth. 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 106, 108, 166. 244, 263. 264, 270 ; Francis, 121, 122 ; Grace, 121, 122, 293 ; James, 263, 267 ; Jane, 13, 97, 149 ; Joane, 11 ; John, 2, 102 ; Lowdy, 224 ; Mar- garet, 147, 263 ; Mary, 14, 154; Nicholas, 14 ; Sarah, 100, 264 ; Tamson, 2, 141, 200 ; Thomas, 11, 13. 15, 103, 141, 200. 204 ; William, 15, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 106, 108, 147, 166, 208, 26.3, 264, 270, 273, Opie. Alice, 5, 137, 142 ; ALson, 195 ; Dorothy, 257 ; Ed- mund, 297 ; Eleanor, 83, 189, 257. 266 ; Elizabeth, 95, 169, 257'; Harrie, 5, 6, 137, 189, 193 ; Jane, 91, 9.5, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 166, 170, 262, 265, 266, 268 ; John, 83, 101, 182, 257, 259, 260, 265, 298 ; Katherine, 188, 295; Mary. 83, 98, 100, 167, 171, 262, 298 ; Nicholas, 91, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 166, 262, 265, 266, 268, 272, 298, 299 ; Tho- mas, 298 ; Walsingham, 299 ; William. 6, 91, 156, 295, Orchard. Arthur, 213 ; Francis, 260 ; William, 1.56, Ormond, Christian, 107 ; Wil- liam, 107. Ornoll, Joane, 6 ; John, 6 ; Margery, 6. Osborne, Blanch, 5 ; Catherine, 133, 135; Elizabeth, 258 ; Jane, 3, 4, 181, 186; John, 135; Joseph, 133, 135, 258; Love, 181 ; Margaret, 1 ; Marren, 181 ; Richard, 1, 3- 5, 137, 181 ; Sysell, 137 ; Tamson, 138 ; Thomas, 138. Ospren, Jane, 182 ; Richard. 182 Otes, Elizabeth, 155 ; Jeffery, 191 ; Joane, 140. Othruge, John, 186. Ouuter, Temperance, 237. Owen, Eleanor. 263 : Loveday 298 ; Thankful, 298. 33J. THE EEG-ISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOE. Oxenham, Oxnam, Alice, 210 ; Anne, 77, 101, 102, 265 ; Barbara. 42. 43. 146. ITiO, 223 ; Catherine, 203, 230 ; Daniel, 221 ; Dorothy, 72, 165; Elizabeth, 9. 13,87, 94. 96, 99, 101, 130. 1.32. 134, 135, 143, 14.5, 170, 176. 214, 265. 270, 281, 280 ; PJmblyn, 42. 216; Epiphany. 79. 90, 159, 254, 255 ; Florence. 87, 89, 90, 164, 255 ; Frances. 54, 113, 115, 117, 162. 176, 276, 289, 293; Gilbert. 53, 222; Henrr, 14, 75, 87, 89, 90, 94, 113, 115. 117. 130. 132, 164, 166. 221, 2.55. 256, 274, 276, 281, 286. 293 ; Honor, 46, 249 ; Hugh, 193 : Humphrey, 5.S-.56, 71, 72, 74-77, 79. 101, 102, 221, 222. 224. 241. 258, 265, 266, 273 ; James, 23, 46, 218 ; Jane, 60. 71, 72, 74-70, 101, 165, 170, 262, 263 ; Joane, 18, 56. 245 ; John, 19, 42, 43, 60, 76-78,94, 96, 99, 101,115, 130, 1 32, 134, 135, 150, 176,216, 220, 241, 259, 270, 271, 286 ; Mary, 74. 166. 167, 241, 276 ; Patience, 14, 207 ; Philip, 55, 50, 65, 71, 89, 90, 159, 224, 230, 244, 255. 256 ; Richard, 8. 9, 13, 14, 18, 77, 180. 189, 192, 193, 200. 213; Thomas, 19, 21. 23. 27, 28, 143, 203, 200, 207, 214, 218, 236; Wil- liam, 90, 102, 253, 255, 266. Pabe, or Pube, Agatha, 182 ; Jane, 4. 182; Joane. 182; John, 1-8, 182, 188, 190 ; Kathe- rine, 137, 145, 180, 183, 188; Michael, 182 : Richard, 6 ; Robert, 1,7; Tamson, 2, 5 ; Thomas, 3, 182. Page, Joane, 154 ; John, 107, 270; Margery. ISO; Phi- lippa, 107, 108, 169, 270 ; Richard, 107. 108, 169, 270 ; Richard Francis, 108. Paget, John, 288 ; Frances Laura, 288. Palmer, Agues, 188 ; Jane, 162 ; Mary, 174 ; Peter, 174. Panier, Maud, 146. Parker, Edmond, 159 ; Thoma- sine, 296. Parkins, Perkins, Alice, 207 ; Anne, 77, 80, 251 : Blanch, 128, 131-133 ; Caroline, 111, 112, 114, 110; Catherine, 149, 151 ; Christopher. 151 ; Dorothy, 202 ; Elizabeth. 16, 85-87, 111, 120, 122, 123.133, 169, 171, 250, 2.52, 281 ;' Ho- nor, 213; James, 128; Jane, 23, 97, 100, 146, 151, 166, 278 ; Jenifer, 81, 83, 84, 86, 146, 163, 248-252; Joane, 147; John. 20, 80-87, 120, 128, 131-133, 16.3, 164, 180, 197, 216, 219, 233, 247-252, 257, 268 ; Judith, 249 ; Mar- garet, 82, 85. 257 ; Mary, 75, 82, 85-87, 116, 151, 164. 2.50, 269, 278 ; Michael, 197 ; Ni- cholas, 14. 16, 20. 23, 149, 190, 208, 215 ; Philip, 83, 250 ; Richard, 14, 80, 132 ; Samuel, 85, 169, 257; Su- sanna, 114; Thomas, 75. 77, 80, 86, 111, 112, 114, 116; Thomas Pollawin, 84, 251 ; Thomasine, 100 ; William, 77, 97, 100, 120, 122,123,166. 171, 196, 233, 278, 280, 281. Parkinson, Eieanor, 117 ; Pe- ter, 117. Parnell, Charles, 93, 258 ; Eli- zabeth, 148 ; Grace, 103. 265 ; Jane. 103, 167, 265, 285 ; John, 103, 167, 265, 285 ; Patience, 89 ; Pru- dence, 89, 93, 258 ; Thomas. 211. Parrow, Katheriue. 19 ; Nicho- las, 19 ; Peter, 250 ; Ursula, 162. Parsons, Mary, 169. Partridge. Hannah, 261. Pascoe, Alice, 107, 108, 111, 112, 115, 108, 273; Anne, 83, 103, 107, 109, 111, 167, 252, 273 ; Avis, 204, 287 ; Chris- tian, 137 ; Dorcas, 107 ; Eli- zabeth, 107, 174; Florence, 146 ; Harrie, 5 ; Jane, 105, 171 ; Joane, 82-84, 86, 115, 177, 180. 252, 256. 262 ; John, 5,23, 103, 130, 133, 176, 185, 187, 202 ; Lydia Batten, 108 ; Margery, 23 ; Mary. 23, 105, 130,133, 176, 178, 202, 269 ; Michael, 180 ; Pascatte, 137 ; Remfrey. 182 ; Richard, 23, 82-84. 86, 107, 108, 111, 112, 115, 168, 178, 204, 251, 273, 280 ; Robert, 4, 103, 105. 107, 109, 167, 182 ; Stephen, 4, 5, 137, 182, 185; Thomas, 84, 185; William, 4, 130, 137, 202, 269 ; . 189. Pascoe alias Polkinghorne, Elizabeth, 26 ; Jane, 25 ; Richard, 25, 26 ; , 205. Pathick. John. 16; Thomas, 16. Patrick, John, 142 ; Mary. 142. Paul, Frances, 127, 173 ; Rich- ard, 127. 173; Robert Bate- man, 127 ; Samuel. 204, 299. Paver. Honor, 12 ; Joane. 193 ; John, 12. Pawland, William, 212. Pawle, Pawley, Agnes, 203 ; Alexander, 8, 139 ; Alice, 9, 187 : Anthony, 48-50, 53, 152, 220, 222, 226 ; Edward. 49, 220 ; Elizabeth, 8. 138, 140, 105 ; Honor. 48; Hum- phrey, 48 ; Jane, 137, 139 ; Joane, 49, 50. 53, 152. 222, 226, 239, 242 ; Joyce, 48 ; Kalherine, 148, 151 ; Marga- ret, 48, 160, 179 ; Martha. 163 ; Milson, 8 ; Nicholas, 183; Reynold, 9, 11, 140; Tamson, 180, 188 ; Thomas, 50, 220; William, 11, 179. Payne. Alson, 182; Joane, 10, 140, 161 ; John, 10, 140, 191, 193 ; Richard, 180, 193. Paynter, Anne. 89, 261, 280; Dorothy, 31 ; Francis. 90 ; James," 89, 256, 201,' 204; Jane, 31 ; John, 290 ; Mary, 90 ; Nancy. 290 ; Philippa, 160 ; Susanna, 89, 201 ; Tho- mas, 30, 31. Peane, Joane, 192 ; John, 8, 9, 12, 13 ; Margaret. 9 ; Olive, 8 ; Richard, 12 ; William, 13. Peard, Mellior, 140. Pearse, Agnes, 6 ; Alice, 40, 59-61. 82, 138, 158. 229. 2.32, 233, 249, 259, 200 ; Angelet, 123, 282 ; Anne, 44, 93, 100, 103, 117-121, 126, 128, 167, 171, 248, 259, 280, 282, 283, 285-288 ; Anstice, 229. 233, 238; Catherine, 94, 95, 97, 99, 101, 166, 170. 200, 261, 282 ; Charles. 117, 118, 276; Constance, 15, 193 ; David, 60. 158; Dorothy, 146, 103, 183 ; Edward, 81. 95. 118, 119,121, 123, 124. 126, 182, 171, 255, 282, 283, 288; Elizabeth, 102, 117-119, 135, 167, 169. 176, 255, 268, 209, 285; Em- blen. 18 ; Francis, 79, 94, 95, 97. 99. 101, 106, 200, 201, 264 : Henry, 17, 151, 181 ; Honor, 17, 164, 167 ; Honor Stribley, 128 ; Humphrey, 142 ; Isaac. 60, 78 ; Ishmael, 164 ; James, 59, 117-120, 122-124, 126, 135, 171, 176, 285, 287, 288 ; Jane, 2, 37, 82, 94, 115, 117, 119, 146, 151, 170, 180. 197, 227, 249, 257, 260.' 268, 277, 278 ; Jan- nett, 180, 182; Joane, 142, 157 ; John, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 16, 18, 23, 37, 40, 55, 59. 61. 80, 99. 11.5. 117, 118, 140, 142, 140, 170, 181, 182, 186, 193, 195, 229, 232, 260, 208, 277- 279, 288, 290 ; Margaret, 164, 180, 207 ; Mary, 10, 35. 36, 44. 47. 55, 93. 135, 150, 103, 160, 177,276, 280, 290; Mel- liar, 183; Michael, 123 ; Ni- cholas, 17, 140, 210 ; Olive, 47 ; Pascoe, 183 ; Patience, 35 ; Rebecca, 229, 233 ; Rem- frey, 6 ; Reskimer, 23 : Rich- ard, 6, 8, 9, 16, 121, 122, 183, 193; Eichow, 146; Samuel, 102. 259, 260, 269; INDEX, 885 Sarah, 100, 171, 259 ; Susan, 142 ; Susanna Jane, 120, 288 ; Tarason, 4 ; Thomas, 16, 36, 37, 44, 47, 78-82, 97, 100, 101, 124, 150, 164, 180, 195, 213, 243, 249, 255, 257, 260-262, 283 ; Ursula, 9 ; Walter, 229, 233, 238 ; Wil- liam, 6, 8, 78, 93, 103, 117, 118, 126, 138, 273, 277, 280. Pearce alias Nanparrow, John, 232. Pedler, Charles. 27, 207 ; Chris- topher. 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 207 ; Francis, 24 ; Grace, 150 ; Joane, 29, 151 ; Robert, 26 ; , 22. Peeke, Emblin, 148. Peist, Elizabeth, 151. Peleane, Alice, 27, 207 ; Cathe- rine. 211 ; George, 137 ; John, 25 ; Maude, 137 ; Richard, 28 ; William, 25, 27, 28, 207, 211. Pell. Pill, Anthony, 70, 123 ; Eiinor, 215 ; Elizabeth, 248 ; Giles, 82; Honor, 116, 118, 121, 123 ; James, 118 ; Joane, 8, 19, 148 ; John, 9. 70, 73, 78, 95, 116,118,121, 12.3. 160, 162, 242 ; Mart^^aret, 16, 19, 70. 7.3, 78, 95, 160, 195, 242, 285 ; Martin. 16, 195 ; Mary, 82, 121, 162, 263 ; Thomas, 8 ; William, 9, 187. Pell alias Williams, Elizabeth, 103, 104; Giles, 103, 104, 269. 274 ; Jane, 269 ; Mary, 103 ; William, 104. Pellow, Alson, 198. Pemberthy, Francis, 172 ; Sarah, 172 ; William, 273. Penahma, Henry, 252; James, 252 ; Mary, 252. Penandrea, Anne, 40 ; Edmund, 40 ; Margaret, 150 ; Thomas, 40. Pendarves, Admonition, 296 ; Bridget, 292 ; Catherine, 79 ; Grace, 79, 290 ; John, 295 ; Mary, 160, 244, 258, 295; Lady Penelope, 253; Richard, 79, 249, 296 ; Stephen, 296 ; Thomas, 79, 160, 244-248, 258, 290 ; Sir William, 79, 253, 256, 292 ; William, 290. Peudeen, Grace, 120 ; Mary, 120 ; Robert, 120. Pendyne alias Jenkin, John, 180, 182. Penfound, Alexander, 30-33, 85, 38, 149, 210: Anne, 30 ; Elinor, 33, 157 ; Grace, 38 ; Humphrey, 32, 210 ; Jane, 31 ; Joane, 35 ; Margaret, 32, 33, 35, 38, 149, 215. Pengelly, Susanna, 174. Pengwjne. Udie, 180. Penhale, John, 22 ; Pearce, 22. Penhellick, Anne, 72 ; Jane, 72, 77 ; John, 77 ; William, 72, 77. Pennaleggaw, Mary, 171. Pennan. Joane, 241. Penny, Mark, 75, 77; Mary, 75, 77 ; Thomas, 75. Penpoll, Maude, 179. Peuputford, Alice, 187. Penquite, Mark, 188. Penrose, Agnes, 138 ; Jane, 292 ; Mary, 164 ; Richard, 292 ; Sibella,175. Penruddock, Elizabeth, 257 ; George, 257. Pensalt alias Williams, Doro- thy, 207 ; Richard, 207. Pentyre, Elizabeth, 296. Penwarne, Grace,292 ; William, 292. Penwith, Jane, 38 ; Joyce, 33 ; Thomas, 83. Penyligan, Elizabeth, 293. Penyse, Jane, 2 ; Thomas. 2. Peor, Katherine. 210 ; Nicho- las, 210. Percival, Grace, 79; Samuel, 79. Perdew, Bennett, 44, 151 ; Joane, 44, 151. Pereame, William, 23. Perkins. Sec Parkins. Pernell, Agnes, 216 ; Alice, 148 ; Emblen, 9, 192 ; John, 12 : Mary, 14, 140, 194 ; Olive, 190 ; Petherick, 9, 10, 12-14, 140, 190, 192, 194 ; Richard, 212 ; Thomas, 10 ; Zenobia, 13. Perrott, Anne, 106, 168, 169, 269 ; John, 106, 269 ; Tho- mas, 106, 168, 268, 269. Perry, Elinor, 157 ; Jane, 166. Peryn, William, 179. Peters, Alice, 80 ; Anne, 95, 97, 98, 120, 166, 280, 287 ; Archi- bald, 80 ; Barbara, 38, 216 ; Cecilia, 95 ; Edward, 61, 76, 77, 79, 162. 243, 244 ; Eliza- beth, 102, 113, 122, 128, 173, 283, 284, 293 ; Francis, 91, 247 ; Gertrude, 65, 159, 164 ; Grace, 95; Henry, 29, 211 ; James. 40, 65, 'l59, 298 ; Jane, 161, 271 ; Joane, 148, 150, 210; John, 36, 59, 61, 76, 79, 92, 95, 97, 98, 113, 119, 120, 122, 124, 128, 158, 166, 171, 234, 248, 255, 256. 262-265, 276, 280, 283, 287 ; Jonathan, 173 ; Katherine, 36 ; Lawrence, 236 ; Magda- len. 162 ; Marian, 59, 61, 158, 234 ; Martha, 296 ; Mary, 31, 59, 113, 119, 120, 122, 124, 128, 161, 171, 174, 210, 280, 283 ; Nicholas, 33, 36, 38, 40, 97, 161, 215, 216; Patience, 33, 244 ; Petronell. 83, .38, 40. 89, 165. 240, 254, 256 ; Philippa, 91-93, 95, 165 ; Reynold, 29-31, 148, 209-211 ; Richard. 89, 91-93, 93, 165, 253, 254. 256 ; Ruth, 243 ; Thomas, 298 ; Thoma- sine, 30, 159 ; William, 102, 284, 293 ; , 209. Peters alias Perthy, John, 239. Petherick, Dorothy, 140 ; James, 116 ; Jane. 112, 114, 116, 179, 278 ; Joane, 230 ; John, 179, 180 ; L., 179 ; Walter, 112, 114, 116, 278; William, 112. Pett, George, 171 ; Margaret, 171. Pettigrew, Grace, 296 ; Wil- liam, 296. Phillips, Alice, 23, 144, 195, 202 ; Anne, 59 ; Daniel, 59, 158, 228 ; Dorothy, 13, 19, 151, 192 ; Elizabeth, 5, 14, 144, 147, 164 ; Emanuel. 12 ; Francis, 4, 81, 184, 250 ; Henry, 2 ; James, 6 ; Jane, 81, 138, 172, 217 ; Joane, 16. 139, 148 ; John, 2, 11-14, 16, 19, 22-24, 139, 141, 143, 180, 181, 191, 192, 195, 202, 212, 213,216, 267; Margaret, 22, 138, 140, 151, 191 ; Marian, 59, 158, 181, 228 ; Mary, 13 ; Nicholas. 1.3, 24, 191, 240; Nowell, i91 ; Philippa, 165 ; Richard, 75, 138, 140, 241 ; Robert, 8, 164 ; Stephen, 181 ; Susanna, 240, 248 ; Tamson, 141, 218 ; Thomas, 8, 11, 13, 75, 76, 191,241 ; Ursula. 143, 214 ; William, 2, 4-6, 76, 172, 181, 184. Philp, Diana, 156, 223, 264 ; Jane, 164 ; Joane, 193 ; Me- lina, 299. Phit, Margaret, 31 ; Martin, 31. Pidwell, Dorcas, 92, 94, 96, 260 ; Mary, 96 ; Peter, 92, 94, 96, 260. Pieror, Alice, 57 ; John, 57 ; Thomas, 57. Pill. See Pell. Pinch, Elizabeth, 171 ; Jane, 124 ; John, 124 : William, 124. Pine, Henry, 285 ; Mary, 285. Pinnock, Henry, 3, 181 ; Mar- gery, 3 ; Ma'ry, 181. Pinnow, Alice, 156 ; Anthony, 16, 143 ; Elizabeth, 143, 213 ; Grace, 30, 143, 209 ; James, 19, 151 ; Jane, 149, 152, 213, 222 ; Joane, 151 ; John, 19, 223 ; ]\lary, 158 ; Richard, 16, 30, 149, 152, 158, 209, 222, 224, 226, 231. Piper, Elizabeth, 282 ; Mar- garet, 174 ; Mary, 282 ; Wil- liam, 282. Pits, William, 273. Plint, Richard, 292. See Flint. Pluygie, Henry, 3, 4. 6, 184 ; John, 3. 4 ; Luke, 184 ; Mary, 184 ; Remfrey, 6 ; Richard, 184. 336 THE EEGISTERS OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. Poade, Joane, 26 ; John, 26. Polgrene, Katherine, 191. Polkinghorne, Anne, 22 ; Eliza- beth, 39, 40, 74, 81, 90, 94, 225, 256 ; Honor, 40 ; James, 82, 90. 248, 252 ; Jane, 82, 150, 248, 253 ; Joane. 87 ; John, 19, 39, 70, 74. 94, 160, 238, 249, 251, 259 ; Julian, 84, 87, 90. 251, 259 ; Kathe- rine, 210 ; Margery, 150. 158, 292; Mary. 11, 70, 74, 160, 261 ; Nicholas. 28 ; Pascoe, 11. 28; Richard. 19, 20, 22, 90. 144, 218. 238, 256, 265; Eobert, 292 ; Thomas, 20, 39, 40, 70, 81, 82, 84, 87, 90. 94, 163, 225. 236, 248, 251, 253, 2.59. 263. 26.5, 273. Polkinghorne alias Pascoe. Sec Pascoe. Pollard, Alice, 48, 82, 248 ; Anne, 35, 48, 62, 76. 82. 85, 110, 112. 113, 117. 131, 135, 151, 157, 1.58, 169. 229, 2.30, 243. 2.50, 262. 272, 277 ; Arthur. 13. 192 ; Barbara. 15, 193 ; Bennett. 17-19, 21, 22, 24. 2.5. 143. 194, 199.204, 205,213,214: Catherine. 87, 262 ; Charles, 86, 252, 253 : Christian. 160; Colan. 196; Columb, 12 ; Diana. 293 ; Dorothy, 169, 203 ; Ebbott. 162, 267 : Edward, 3.3, 93, 257 ; Elias, 30, 52, 53. 55, 57, 62, 76. 154, 157. 162, 223, 227, 239, 262 ; Elizabeth, 82, 8.5, 87, 91, 93, 105, 117, 135, 138, 165. 2.50, 256, 262, 263, 277. 280, 288 ; Emblen, 14, 192 ; Frances, 33, 152, 259 ; Francis. 57, 62, 76, 77, 162, 227 ; George, 117, 277 ; Ger- trude, 97, 99, 101, 264, 291 ; Henry, 7, 15, 97, 99,101, 135, 138, 194, 264. 291 ;■ Honor, 11. 27. 67, 71, 76, 83, 93. 160, 190, 257. 275 ; Hugh, 2.5. 80- 82, 85, 87. 205, 247, 248, 2.50, 252. 262, 263. 265, 266, 269 ; Humphrey, 15 ; James, 18, 93. 110, 112, 113, 117. 133, 169, 272, 277 ; Jane, 29. 31. 33, 35, 38, 52. 67, 69, 81, 82, 101, 130-133. 135, 141, 150, 153, 1.59. 169, 176, 208, 2.50, 257, 264, 288 ; Joane, 17, 29, 32, 33, 35, 36. 38, 39. 57. 62, 67, 143, 147, 148. 151. 1.54, 157, 159, 194, 199, 213, 214, 227, 229, 253, 290 ; .lob. 30 ; John, 7, 11. 12. 14-18. 24, 28, 32, 141. 190, 191, 195, 211, 214. 229, 248 ; Josias. 13; Lucy, 80, 254, 266 ; Luke, 1, 3, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33. 35, 38, 39, 147, 182. 185, 209, 213, 225 ; Margaret, 99 ; Mary, 31, 80, 83, 84, 86. 104, 113, 130, 164, 252, 263, 299 : Maude, 1, 139 ; Melissa, 22 ; Milson, 157 ; Oliver, 20, 202 ; Patience, 69, 237 ; Peter, 17, 35, 38, 39, 55, 67. 83, 84, 86, 91, 93. 112. 130-133,1.35, 159, 164. 165, 176, 212, 214, 21.5, 230, 235, 239, 247, 250, 2.52, 256, 277, 278, 288 ; Richard, 13-15, 18. 20, 67, 69. 159, 192-194, 202, 203, 210, 237, 244 ; Richoe, 217 ; Robert, 14. 28. 29, 31-33, 35. 36, .38, 148, 208, 212, 214, 21.5, 292 ; iSu.sanna, 30. 77. 154. 162, 209, 223 ; Thomas. 18, 21, 48, 151, 195, 2.30,2.33, 299; Tho- masine, 19. 144, 197, 292 ; Vivian, 3. 182 ; William, 28, 91, 101, 18.5, 256; , 204. Pollawin, Anne, 45 ; Anthony, 41, 43, 45-47, 49. 51-54, 151, 218, 221-223, 229 ; Barb.ira. 47 ; Edward, 159. 2.30, 243 ; Elizabeth, 49. 158. 160, 230 ; George, 54 ; Jane. 159, 252 ; Jenifer. 41, 43. 46, 49, 51, 52, 151. 157, 163, 218; John. 41, 159, 236. 249 ; Mary, 46, 218 ; Philippa, 159. 249; Richard, 158 ; Thomas, 45. 229 ; Wil- liam, 43 ; Winifred, 47 ; . 45. Pomerov, Abraham. 298 ; Agnes, 298 ; Andrew, 144, 150, 209, 214, 216, 22.3, 225. 2.36, 297 ; Anne. 150, 209. 223, 225, 236 ; Dorothy. 297 ; Sir Edward, 144 ; Edward, 214 ; Eliza- beth, 144 : Flower, 298 ; George. 298, 299 ; Henry, 144 ; Hugh. 144, 298 ; Jane. 150, 214, 216, 236 ; Joane, 298 ; John, 214, 298 ; Julian, 214 ; Mary, 144, 216, 297 ; Matthew, 214 ; Nicholas, 298 ; Philip, 297 ; Rebecca, 298 ; Susan, 298, 299 ; Tho- mas, 298 ; William, 214, 216, 298. Poole, Alice, 32 ; Elizabeth, 31 ; Francis, 159 ; Grace, 159 ; Hester, 291 ; Jane, 36 ; John, 31, 32. 36 ; Margery, 90, 255 ; Richard, 32. Porter, Anne, 91 ; Mary, 91. Potter, Bennett, 179 ; Jane, 137 ; Joane. 152 ; John, 195 ; William, 179. Pound, Anne, 110 ; Elizabeth, 100. 174 ; James. 104 ; Jane, 97, 98, 100. 101, 103, 104, 106, 108, 110, 166, 286 ; Jeni- fer, 103 ; John, 101 ; Love- day, 106 ; Mary. 98. 119. 121 ; Sarah, 108, 121 ; William, 97, 98, 100, 101. 103, 104, 106, 108, 110, 119, 121, 166, 282. Powell, Ebenezer, 106, 268 ; Eleanor, 106, 268 ; Heneman, 106, 268 ; John, 106, 268 ; Margery, 2, 153; Thomas, 2, 180; Ursula, 180. Poy the, Thomas, 1 ; Ursula, 1 . Praed, Honour. 209 ; James, 209. Prater. Sarah, 159 ; Thomasine, 160. Prestridge, Anne, 126 ; Bar- bara, 54, 232 ; Edward, 165 ; Honor, 232 ; Jane, 165 ; Mary, 126; Thomas, 54, 232, 233 ; William, 126. Price, James. 282 ; Jane, 172 ; Margery, 119, 172, 296 ; Tho- mas. 119, 172 ; William, 259. Pricket, John, 105 ; Joseph, 105 ; Rebecca, 105. Prideaux. Admonition, 296 ; Edmund, 247-250, 2,52, 253, 255, 256. 262, 26.5, 268, 271, 272. 294, 296 ; Joane. 143, 197 ; Margery, 174 ; Ruth, 294 ; William. 143, 197. Priest, Ebbot, 151 ; Elizabeth, 215 : Grace, 244. Priest alias Leprise, John, 185. Probose, Joane, 5 ; Willi.am, 5. Prout, Charity, 122 ; Digory, 122 ; Dorothy, 147 ; Thoma- sine, 172. Prowse. Otes. 2. 182 ; Thomas, 3, 183 ; William. 2, 3. 182, 183, 186. Pryn, Jane, 66, 159. 232; Joane, 52 ; Mary, 66, 232 ; Samuel, 66, 159, 232 ; Wil- liam, 52. Pube. See Pabe. Pudtegen, Grace, 150. Punchard, Anne, 52, 67, 71 ; Elizabeth, 49. 71 ; Jacob. 49, 50, 52, 54, 67, 225, 233 ; Margaret, 54, 163 ; Maude, 49, 50, 52, 158. Purthew, Bennett. 50 ; Joane, .50 ; — — , .50. Putford. Aenes, 10 ; Anne, 188, 193 ; Elizabeth. 138 ; Joane, 10 ; Thomas, 183 ; Udie, 138, 183. Pye, Edith, 266; Johanna, 223; John, 214, 270 ; Phi- lippa, 214. Q Quarme, Elizabeth, 92 ; Robert, 22. Quick, Jane, 124, 278; John. 124. 282; Mary, 112, 113 ; Nicholas, 113 ; Thomas, 124; William, 278. R Raines, Christopher, 134, 136, 177 ; Jane, 134, 136, 177 ; John, 134 ; William, 136. INDEX. 337 Ealph, John, 138 ; Margaret, 138. Eamsev, John, 143 ; Milson, 143." Eandall, Kendall, Alice, 8, 26, 145, 207 ; Alson, 196 ; Am- brose, 41, 43 ; Anthony, 26, 147, 207 ; Charity, 15 ; Do- rothy, 145 ; Elizabeth, 138, 139, 148,224; Florence, 146 ; George, 159 ; Henry, 212, ■ 215 ; Jane, 159 ; Joane, 147, 205; John, 8, 17, 205, 210, 215 ; Margaret, 147 ; Marian, 195 ; Mary, 41, 43, 142 ; Ni- cholas, 196 ; Nicoll, 196 ; Peternell, 41, 43 ; Tamson, 148; Thomas, 138; William, 15, 17, 142, 146, 148, 195, 196, 224. Rapson. See Ropson. RatclifEe, Mary, 181 ; Robert, Earl of Sussex, 181. Rattenbury, John, 205. Eiawe. See Rowe. Rawlings, Agnes, 179 ; Alice. 5, 66"; 68, 69, 159, 233, 234, 250; Anne, 96, 166, 283,296 ; Blanch, 167 ; Caroline, 296 ; Catherine, 102, 119, 121, 122, 124, 128, 129, 140, 168, 172, 194, 244. 280, 282- 285, 295, 297 ; Charles, 296 ; Charlotte, 296 ; Christo- pher, 6, 228 ; Ebbott, 181 ; Edward, 66. 296 ; Eliza- beth, 14. 112. 113, 115, 117, 137, 170, 172, 194; George, 296 ; Grace, 30, 153, 161 ; Harriet, 296 ; Henry Peter, 296 ; Honour, 177 ; James, 167, 296 ; Jane, 5, 117, 136, 178, 183, 295 ; Jane Warne. 121, 280 ; Jeni- fer, 167 ; Jenkin, 180 ; Joane, 26, 141 ; John, 4, 14, 112, 113, 11.5, 117, 140, 168, 170, 278, 283 ; Lowdy, 69, 234'; Margaret, 5, 68,' 119. 137, 147, 16.3, 172, 176, 187, 226, 295, 296 ; Mary, 89, 165, 295 ; M oriel, 295 ; Nancv, 295, 296 ; Patsey, 296 ; Phi- lippa, 112, 176; Price, 296; Richard, 4-6, 26, 141, -179, 183, 18.5, 195 : Ruth, 136, 178 ; Samuel, 128, 129, 284 ; Simon, 68, 69, 159, 233, 234, 250 ; Snky, 296 ; Susanna, 122, 172. 284, 295, 296 ; Tho- mas, 5, 89, 96. 119, 137, 166, 172, 181, 217, 264, 281, 295, 296; William, 30, G&, 96, 102, 115, 119, 121, 122, 124, 128, 129, 136. 147, 168, 172, 177, 178, 208, 216, 233. 244, 279, 280, 282-284, 295-297. Rawlings alias Tresawlle, John, 192. Rawlings alias Wills, Joane, 16 ; William, 16. Rawshaw, John, 116; Mary, 116 ; William, 116. Reading, Anne. 82, 248 ; Eliza- beth. 88, 253 ; John, 84 ; Mary, 82. 84, 88, 253 ; Roger, 84, 88, 248. 253. Recorlake, Maude, 149 ; Tho- mas, 149. Redda, Anne, 111 ; John, 111. Reede, Bridget, 22 ; Elizabeth, 22. 158, 159 ; Emblen, 10, 189 ; John, 189 ; Nicholas, 170 ; Patience. 170 ; Richard, 10. Reeve, Barbara, 24 ; Henry, 22 : Jane. 137. 198 ; John, 21-24,145, 202, 213 ; Margery, 145 ; Mary, 12 ; Mellary, 210 : Richard, 2, 5. 12, 13, 185, 190, 191, 198, 206 ; Ste- phen, 5 ; Thomas, 2, 12, 21, 22, 202 ; Walter, 185 ; Wil- liam, 137. Remphrey, Avis, 47 ; Cathe- rine, 47 ; Elizabeth, 86, 139, 200, 273 ; George, 45 ; Gil- bert, 45, 47 ; John, 86, 262 : Thomasine, 86, 291. Rendall. See Eandall. Renell, Anne, 41 ; John, 41 ; Stephen, 41. Renorden. Honor, 229. Eescarrock, Francis, 35 ; Joane, 35 ; Julian. 35. Rescoll, Katherine, 194. Eescollwas, Julian, 194 ; Tho- mas, 194. Eescorla. See Eoscorla. Eescott, John, 10. Reskeen, Bennett, 9, 16 ; Eliza- beth, 16 ; Joane, 9 ; John, 11 ; Walter, 11 ; ■ , 189, Reskeen alias Bennett. Joane, 145 ; Michael, 192 ; Richard, 192 ; Stephen, 192. Reskeen alias James, Bennett, 193 ; Joane, 193. Reskigean, Agnes, 190 ; James, 19, 20, 22, 24, 144, 205,211 ; Jane, 20, 211; Joane, 144, 212; John. 16, 190, 202; Katherine, 19, 195 ; Margery, 202 ; Thomas, 15; William, 1.5, 16, 145; , 22. Reskigean alias Gwinnow, Anne, 19 ; Henry, 189 ; John, 19. Reskigean alias Williams, Agnes, 23, 203 ; Ananias, 24 ; Elizabeth, 23 ; Henry, 199; Jane, 21,23, 199 ; Tho- mas. 208 ; Ursula, 204 ; Wil- liam,23,24,203, 204 ; ,204. Reslake, Agnes, 42 ; Maude, 42 ; Thomas,42. See Kestlake Retallack, Agnes, 36, 146 ; Alice. 24, 33, 72, 14.5, 165. 205, 220 ; Anne, 56. 94. 96, 98, 99, 102, 104, 105, 12.5, 148. 166, 170, 212, 220. 226, 246. 266, 270, 277, 287, 293 ; Ben- nett, 173, 280 ; Blanch, 103, 172, 265; Charles, 47, 65, 101, 103, 104, 108, 158, 249, 265, 279, 282 ; Christian, 53, 56, 66. 67, 69, 159, 233 ; Christopher, 293 ; Constance, 40 ; David. 47, 220 ; Dorcas, 65, 158, 249 ; Dorothy, 27, 101, 103, 104, 108, 145, 173, 279 ; Elizabeth, 63, 66, 102, 108, 148, 170, 208, 229, 233, 270. 277, 283, 293, 298 ; Eze- kiek 79,94,96, 98 ,99, 102, 104, 105,' 162, 166, 245, 266, 270, 279 ; Florence, 31 ; Frances, 58, 161, 173, 290, 293, 299; Georee, 101, 265 ; Grace, 23, 70, 293 : Henry. 293 ; Honor, 11, 46, 47, 152, 190, 218, 235, 245 ; Hugh, 31, 53, 56, 244 ; James, 16, 293 ; Jane, 14, 62, 69. 127, 142, 162, 195, 203, 280, 293 ; Jenifer, 120, 170; Jerman, 25-27, 31, 33, 36, 46, 47, 145, 210, 215, 218, 219 ; Joane, 38, 56, 64, 156, 246 ; John. 8, 11-14, 23, 28, 38, 40, 42, 44, 56, 58, 60, 62-65, 68, 120. 12.3,14.5,166.170, 190, 195, 202, 203, 210, 212, 216, 218, 226, 228, 229, 238, 272, 280, 293; Joseph, 120, 280; J., 17 ; Katherine. 58, 60, 62-65, 68, 166, 226. 238 ; Margaret, 120, 121. 123, 127, 172, 284; Maria, 176 ; Mark, 14, 16, 17, 36, 67, 142, 196, 213 ; Marren, 196 ; Martin, 33, 51 ; Mary, 25, 38, 40, 42, 44, 51, 60, 70, 72, 73, 75. 76, 10.3, 117, 120- 123, 125, 127, 129, 149, 160, 173, 177, 202, 218, 251, 255, 280, 290, 292, 293 ; Ma- tilda, 103, 106, 167, 273 ; Millicent, 1 62 ; Patience, 94, 162, 170. 264 ; Peter, 29.120, 121, 123, 172, 231, 283; Philippa, 8, 187; Rebecca, 46; Richard, 12, 14, 24, 25, 27, 45, 47, 66, 67, 69, 123, 146, 152, 1.59, 205, 212, 219, 222, 233, 293 ; Robert, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 160, 182, 244, 251, 255, 262, 265, 284 ; Rose, 105 ; Ruth. 46, 218. 298 ; Samuel, 104, 170, 266, 277 ; Sarah, 127, 285 ; Stephen, 298; Sydnath, 26; Sydrack, 214 ; Temi)erance, 106 ; Thomas. 13, 29, 31, 73, 148, 176, 208, 218, 262, 269, 274 • Willi.am. 65, 99. 103, 106^ 117, 120, 122, 123, 125, 127. 129, 167, 210, 246, 272, 273, 279, 280, 292. 293 ; , 56. Eeth, Francis, 164. Rettor, Lame, 24 ; Olive, 24. Revill, Olive, 52 ; Richard, 52. Reynolds. Catherine. 264 ; Christopher, 159, 252 ; Dr., 194; Elizabeth, 63. 67. 136. 159, 247 ; George, 63, 67, ISSi 2 X 338 THE EEGISTEES OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR 159, 178, 232 ; Henry, 76 ; Jane, 63, 159, 232 ; Joane, 182, 189; John, 181, 182; Joyce, 136, 178 ; Margery, 157 ; Matthew, 78 ; Mellior, 181 ; Nicholas, 182 ; Pethe- rick, 11 ; Philippa, 74, 2-tO ; Richard, 11 ; Kobert. 189 ; Sarah, 160 ; Thomas, 74, 76, 78, 264, 267 ; William, 240. Reynolds alias Williams, John, 193. Rice,Rist, Alice,6 ; Brehard,184 ; Cicely,143;Daniel,107; Eliza- beth. 28, 187,209 ; Francis, 9, 25 ; George, 107 ; Hugh, 18 ; Humphrey, 187 ; Jane, 19, 185 ; Joane. 17, 85. 140, 196, 197 ; John, 2, 8-10, 18, 19, 21.22,25, 27,28, 8.">, 183, 187, 197, 204, 209, 212 ; Mary, 204 ; Pascae, 140 ; Peter, 9, 187 ; Petronell, 22 ; Reda- gon, 27 ; Remfrey, 3, 182, 187 ; Richard, 3, 4, 6, 10, 140, 184 ; Robert, 17, 19, 22. 85, 143, 196, 205; Sarah, 107; Tamson, 212 ; Thomas, 22 ; Walter, 4 ; William, 2, 3, 182, 184. Rice alias Lawrence, Cicely, 198 ; Robert, 198. Rich, Elizabeth, 139 ; Henry, 32 ; John, 137 ; Margery, 137 ; Susan, 32, 143 ; Tam- son, 197 ; Thomas, 32, 139 ; William, 143. Richards, Alice, 232 ; Anne, 69. 71, 72, 74. 158 ; Barbara, 171 ; Blanch, 162, 243 ; Cathe- rine. 137 ; Charles, 81, Ches- son, 150 ; Edward, 6, 48. 65, 77, 79. 80, 82, 89, 98, 162, 231, 243, 245, 246. 249, 2.50, 255 ; Elizabeth, 72, 85, 116, 118, 169, 185, 299 ; Emblyn, 64 ; Frances, 53 ; 'Francis, 47, 48, 50. 53, 222, 224, 231, 249 ; Gilbert, 44, 59, 64, 227, 230 ; Grace, 75, 98, 149, 153, 249; Henry, 59, 149 ; Honor, 48, 50, 55, 57, 59, 61, 64, 77, 155, 224, 232. 234, 235, 243 ; Hugh, 62, 64; Isabel, 62; James, 6 ; Jane, 50, 59, 64, 88, 162, 170, 250, 253 ; Jasper 171 ; Jenifer, 81, 85, 250, 279; Joane, .50-53. 56, 88, 140, 147. 153, 160, 241; John, 6, 53-57, 59, 61, 64. 71, 74, 75, 81, 82, 88. 89, 116, 137, 140, 149, 155, 162. 182, 185, 225, 230, 232, 234^ 240, 2.50, 253 ; Margaret, 243, 252 ; Marian, 141 ; Mary, 44, 47. 49, 50. 52, 57, 59, 72. 77, 153, 160, 162, 223, 238 ; Melior, 74, 157 ; Michael, 79, 82, 98, 116, 118, 245, 249; Peter, 51, 69, 71, 72, 74, 77, 217, 236 ; Philippa, 6 ; Rebecca, 74, 75 ; Richard, 61. 64, 216. 228, 232 ; Richard John. 6 ; Ruth, 53 ; Susan, 50, 149, 153. 160, 226 ; Thomas, 5, 17, 44, 49, 50, 53-55, 72, 85, 185, 214, 223. 224, 226, 228, 238 ; Tho- masine, 47, 62. 64. 65, 231 ; Ursula, 5, 185; William. 6, 17, 49-54. ,56,64. 72, 1.53, 160, 170, 224, 225, 234. 238, 240. Richards a7?a5 Body, John, 234; Mary, 149 ; Thomas, 149. Richards flZia* Tanner, Edward, 291 ; Grace, 278, 291. Richards alias Tyne, Thomas, 285. Richow, Anne, 149. Rickard. Alice, 292 : Anne, 105, 108, 270 ; Barbara, 74, 160; Catherine, 50, 227 ; Charles, 91, 174, 176, 285; Edward, 74, 76, 77, 160, 241, 242; Elizabeth, 100, 115, 263, 277 ; Florence, 257 ; Grace, 292 ; Henry, 76, 221,242; Jane, 106, 270 ; Jenifer, 77. 176 ; John, 153,203, 252, 292; Mar- gery. 153 ; Marv, 56, 91,94, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108. 153, 168, 174, 22.5, 245, 260, 261, 270, 272, 283, 285 : Philip, 91, 94, 99, 100, 102. 103, 105. 106, 108, 260, 261, 270, 283, 286 ; Philippa, 74, 241 ; Sarah, 102 ; Thomas, 52. 54, 56, 153, 219, 222, 225 ; William, 52, 103, 105, 106, 108, 168, 203, 208, 219, 222, 270 ; , 225. Ridgeway, Philippa, 147. Rigg, Anne, 139; Reynold, 139. Rillsion, Flora, 'Jill ; Isabel, 228, Risdon, Anna, 294 ; Catherine, 294 ; Elizabeth, 297 ; Fran- ces, 294 ; Giles, 55, 152, 161, 230. 294. 297 ; Grace, 294 ; Henry. 294 ; Jane, 55, 152, 161, 230, 294 ; Simon, 294. Roach, Elizabeth, 87, 139, 145, 169 ; Margaret, 87, 139, 165, 186 ; Mary, 231 ; Thomas, 139; , 190. Roam, Henry, 9. Robartes, John, Lord, 300 : Mary, 300. Roberts, Anne, 107 ; Catherine, 105 ; Diana, 73, 74, 161 ; Dorcas, 155 ; Elizabeth. 74, 94, 95, 133, 170, 258, 286. 290 ; Honor, 94, 95, 98, 100, 102, 105, 107, 166, 258. 264, 272, 273, 286 ; Jane, 138, 186; Joane, 73. 162, 188 ; John, 133, 134, 136, 1.56, 177, 186, 188. 282 ; John Tom, 7 ; Mar- garet, 102 ; Mary, 98, 273 ; Morgan, 73, 74, 161 ; Nowell, 7 ; Prudence. 133, 134, 136, 177 ; Philijjpa, 156 ; Remfrey, 181 ; Richard, 188 ; Stephen, 184 ; Susanna. 107, 272 ; Thomas, 138, 182 ; William, 94. 95, 98, 100, 102, 105, 107, 166, 182, 258,264, 273, 282. Robins, Anne, 8, 109, 153 ; An- thony, 160 ; Charles, 291 ; Elizabeth, 160 ; English, 226 ; Francis, 21 ; Grace, 215 ; Honor, 20 ; Jacob. 262 ; Jane 5. 291 ; Joane, 200 ; John. 5, 179. 291 ; Joseph, 109, 271 ; Margaret, 109, 139, 223 ; Mary, 152, 163 ; Oliver, 210 ; Patience, 166 ; Philip, 215 ; Ralph, 20, 200 ; Susan, 151 ; Tamson, 8 ; Thomas, 21, Rogers, Aenes, 147 ; Anne, 153, 170, 234; Barbara, 12; Christopher, 6 ; Edward, 2, 183 ; Emanuel, 2-4, 6. 7, 183, 185, 196 ; Grace, 250 ; Henry, 11; Hugh, 170; Humphrey, 3, 20 ; James, 4, 185 ; Jane, 18, 197 ; Joane, 8,145 ; John, 139, 170, 206, 278 ; Margaret, 5, 20, 127, 145 ; Mary, 139 ; Nicholas, 153. 234; Richard, 7, 14, 208; Robert, 8, 11, 12, 14, 2(;0; Thomas, 5, 18, 127, 197 ; Thomas Tregenna, 127. Roeers alias Manuel, Margaret, i98 ; John, 198, 204 ; Michael, 198. Rolt, Agnes, 24 ; Ralph, 24. Roode. See Reede. Roop,Pri8cilla,153;Richard,153. Roper, Elizabeth. 247, 261. Ropson, Rapson, Daniel. 53, 55, 57, 59. 61, 63, 6.5, 67, 153, 162, 232. 241. 254 ; Elizabeth, 80,98, 166, 171. 264 : Emblyn, 55 ; Hester. 57, 59, 61, 63, 65. 67, 153, 232, 241 ; James, 65. 79. 232 ; John, 57, 79, 80, T)8, 166, 264 ; Margerv. 63, 162 ; Marian, 163, 245 ; Mat- thew, 61, 163, 245 ; Richard. 67 ; Susan, 59, 271, Roscorla, Agues, 23, 26, 207 ; Alice, 37, 39, 40, 150, 227 ; Anne, 37, 155 ; Blanch. 1.50, 276 ; Charles. 234 ; Chris- topher. 55 ; Elizabeth, 45, 160 ; Florence, 46. 159; Frances, 47, 49-51. 219-221 ; Francis, 50, 160; Henrv. 20, 37. 39. 40,54. 150, 161," 219, 240; Hester. .39, 41-45, 150, 157, 227 ; Honor, 44, 45, 144, 217,219 ; Hugh, 21 ; James, 182; Jane, 30, 158, 199; Joane, 19, 138,161, 207,210; John. 8, 9, 19-22, 24-26, 28. 41, 46, 49, 56. 138, 144, 151,197, 20.5. 207, 213. 214. 219, 220, 243,266 ; Joyce. 56, 157, 219, 245; Julian, 41,222; Margerv. 22, 202 ; Mark. 9 ; Marv. 2"'4, 42, 150. 216, ?66 ; PeteV, 28. 46, 47, '49-51 U- 56, 157, 219-221, 227. 2.32, 234 ; Rachel, 39, 158; Ri> h- INDEX. 330 ard, 225; Sampson, 22, 39, 41-lo, 150, 214, 216, 217,222, 223 ; cSibella, 41, 51. 151, 152, 234 ; Tamson, 43, 159 ; Wil- liam. 22, 23, 202. Roscudgeon. See Reskigean. Roseveare, Grace, 215 ; Love- day, 229 ; Thomas, 229. Rosewarne, Jane. 3 ; Joane, 201 ; John, 3 ; Margaret, 171 ; Sampson, 201. Rosewas.Edvvard, 18|;Robert,18. Roskeen. See Reskeen. Roskrow, Elizabeth, 185; Rich- ard, 185. Rosogan, Agnes, 138; Elizabeth, 4 ; Emblyn, 82. 163, 261 ; Henry, 6 ; James, 2, 3, 5, 182, 185; Jane, 2, 4, 82, 138, 293; Joane, 6 ; John, 3, 7, 15, 182 ; Katherine, 5. 139. 188 ; Mary, 10 ; Pentecost, 10 ; Philip, 7, 138 ; Robert, 10, 139 ; Wil- liam, 82, 163, 248, 250, 251. Rosogan alias Day, Jane, 142 ; Thomas, 193. Rosomond, Elizabeth, 167. Roswalsters, Henry, 183 ; Phi- lippa, 183. Rothan,Joane,188; Margery,137. Rounseval, Dorothy, 134. 287 ; Joane, 11, 192 ; John. 14, 192, 287 ; Mary, 134 ; Tho- mas, 14 ; William, 134, 287. Rowatt, Anne, 153. Rowe, Rawe, A»nes, 7, 27 ; Alice, 22, 24. 25, 124, 142- 145, 195, 203, 210 ; Alson, 193, 195; Amy, 141; Anne, 9, 12, 27, 33, 38, 40, 42, 47, 49, 57, 92, 94, 96, 99. 100, 102, 104, 1.59, 177. 211. 227, 269, 270. 285, 291 ; Anthony, 6-8, 21-23, 25, 27. 46. 49. 52, 55, 57, 59, 62, 102, 104, 105, 107, 186, 192, 200, 215, 220, 224, 228, 265, 270, 272, 284, 287 ; Arthur, 89, 90, 165, 255, 256 ; Avis, 257, 260 ; Bar- bara, 44, 46, 49 ; Benjamin, 287 ; Benjamin Chalwell, 174 ; Bridget, 231 ; Charity. 79, 252 ; Charles, 57. 87, 89. 255 ; Christian, 50, 57, 62, 66. 243, 257 ; Christopher, 14, 59, 192 ; Clarinda, 134 ; Davy, 19 ; Dorothy, 17, 45, 50, 53, 83, 161, 220, 249 ; Edward, 274 ; Elizabeth, 2, 4, 9, 12, 21, 57, 62, 83, 96, 99, 102, 104, 105, 107, 112, 118, 120, 124, 138, 143, 146, 166, 167, 169. 171, 172, 174-176, 184, 200. 265, 266, 270, 272, 281, 284, 287; Florence, 9 ; Frances. 55, 81, 133-135, 163, 176, 177, 196, 257, 278. 280 ; Francis, 7, 9, 15, 141-143, 193, 196, 210, 212 ; George, 118, 120, 124, 171, 284 ; Gilbert, 28-30, 33, 34, 36, 148, 208, 211, 212; Grace, 82, 102, 145, 172, 203, 262; Hannah, 124, 125, 173, 177 ; Henry, 9, 11, 25, 26. 43, 47, 49, 151, 172,176,187.207, 219, 220, 285; Honor, 16, 17, 27, 42. 147, 148, 158, 196; Hugh, 264 ; James, 6, 44, 72, 192, 217, 257, 290 ; Jane, 4, 5, 22, 43, 47, 59, 83, 8.5-87, 89, 90, 92, 101, 107, 143, 159, 16.3, 166, 168, 184, 196. 201, 209, 219, 220, 238, 250, 251, 255, 265. 269 ; Jenifer, 81, 86 ; Joane, 9, 14, 26, 30, 59, 82, 137, 142. 169, 215, 264 ; Joane Allen, 177 ; John, 6, 7, 11-18, 24-28, 36, 40, 49, 50, 53, 55, 57, 59, 67, 81, 85. 118, 120, 124, 125, 142, 143. 146, 107, 173, 182, 183, 189-193, l'.)5, 196, 207-209, 220, 224. 227, 229, 230, 247, 250, 260, 266. 281, 284, 291 ; Joseph. 70.72, 101. 120, 133, 134, 177, 270 ; Joyce, 70, 72 ; Judith, 48 ; Katherine, 10, 13, 46, 61, 80, 143, 191, 192, 202, 220 ; Law- rauce. 22; Margaret j 14, 15, 33, 36, 48, 138, 142, 148, 186, 190, 192, 196, 197, 204 ; Ma- rian, 141; Mark, 118, 284; Marrett, 161; Martin, 12, 13, 19, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 47, 49, 141, 143. 166, 169, 190, 191, 196,200,217.227,228; Mary, 38, 67, 69, 89, 92,94. 102,112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 127, 158, 163, 165, 170, 190, 224, 229, 265, 270, 281, 285, 290, 292 ; Michael, 127 ; Nicholas, 11, 12 ; Olive. 146, 217 ; Oliver, 61, 79-81. 83, 85-87, 89, 144, 163, 250, 251, 255, 274 ; Pas- cas, 43, 47, 49, 151, 232 ; Pascoe, 196 ; Patience, 29, 151 ; Pawlie, 14, 15, 17 ; Peter, 114. 134, 135, 177; Rebecca, 89, 90, 165, 255 ; Richard. 4-7, 12, 14, 18, 69, 81, 92, 94, 96, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 135, 177, 182, 184, 185, 189, 229, 231, 242. 247. 251, 256, 261, 269, 270.' 278 ; Ri- chow, 15 ; Robert, 185, 238 ; Rosa, 208 ; Sampson, 104, 266; Samuel, 92, 224; Ste- phen, 6, 180, 186 ; Susanna, 99, 133, 134, 177, 272 ; Tem- perance, 175; Thomas. 2, 4, 7, 9. 11, 23, 26, 27, 45, 48, 52, 85, 94, 124. 138, 145. 147. 203, 207, 270. 283 ; Thomasine, 6, 80, 140, 196, 292 ; Tobias, 66 ; Ursula, 4, 187 ; Walter, 9 ; William, 8-10, 12-14, 47, 67, 69, 77, 79, 80, 83, 92, 94, 96, 99, 101. 104, 127, 134, 165, 166, 192, 202, 203, 209, 238, 249, 250, 252, 259. 270, 277, 281, 284. Rowe alias Browne. &e Browne. Rowe alias Drew, Paul, 203. Rowe alias Edy, Pascha, 198. Rowe alias Lawrence, Petronell, 202 ; Robert, 202. Rowe alias Mitchell. See Mit- chell. Rowe alias Nanparrow. See Nanparrow. Rowse, Alice, 23, 61, 63, 65, 69, 138, 157, 167, 231. 2.S7, 261 ; Alson, 4 , Amy, 139, 151, 216 ; Anne, 12. 31, 74, 89, 102, 104, 141, 149, 168, 178, 218, 241 ; Anthonv, 55, 201 ; Archibald, 39, 41, 42,44, 46, 61, 65, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 91, 93. 95, 150, 217, 249, 251, 252, 254, 256, 258, 274, 280, 290; Barbara, 12. 32, 148, 150. 156, 213 ; Benjamin, 116, 118, 265 ; Bennett, 17 ; Ber- nard, 27, 59, 76, 79, 81, 97, 99, 101, 157, 226, 234, 247, 261, 262, 265, 280; Bettewa, 43; Catherine. 22, 31, 113, 114, 170, 202, 277 ; Cheston, 16, 226 ; Christopher, 30 ; Daniel, 236 ; Dennis, 69 ; Dorothy, 81, 84, 290 ; Ed- ward, 101, 205 ; Eleanor, 58, 59, 157, 231, 273 ; Elizabeth, 8, 11, 37, 41, 57, 59, 76-78, 81, 85, 87, 89, 99, 101, 109, 122, 127, 140, 142, 156, 157, 175, 178, 188, 205, 217, 226, 229, 245, 247, 249. 253, 261, 265, 274, 283, 288, 298, 300 ; Florence, 36, 46, 80, 150, 151, 282 ; Frances, 107 ; Francis, 46, 80, 149, 270. 300 ; Grace, 14, 57, 59, 61, 65, 70, 81, 119, 157, 248, 256, 282 ; Gregory, 81, 254 ; Henry, 3, 4, 6, 7, 1.3, 14, 18, 19, 21-23, 29-31, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 47, 52, 57, 63, 65. 69, 77, 79-81, 88, 92, 94, 95, 144, 149, 152, 181, 182, 192, 198, 202, 203, 209, 210, 218, 220, 222, 236, 241, 244, 245, 248, 249, 251, 260, 261, 274, 287 ; Honor, 37, 41, 61, 155, 190. 227. 228 ; Hugh, 18, 198; Humphrey, S, \&, 236; James, 18, 34, 36, 37, 39, 41, 43, 44, 46, 49, 51, 52, 54, 56. 61, 63, 66, 68, 79, 84, 114, 158, 222. 227-229, 231, 245, 264, 267, 269 ; Jane. 3-5, 21, 34, 47. .58, 63, 101, 104, 106, 107, 114, 116, 122, 1.34, 139, 142, 157, 167. 177. 178, 181, 182, 191, 192. 231, 249, 251. 266, 270, 277, 283, 287 ; Jannett, 1; Jeneveetide, 152; Jenifer, 42, 158 ; Jenkin, 4 ; Joane, 33, 39. 41, 42. 44. 47, 61. 6.3. 65. 66, 69, 71, 73, 74, 81, 137, 142. 148-150, 152, 158-160, 208, 236, 242, 268, 273; John, 5. 6. 11-15, 17-22, 840 THE EEGISTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOR 26, 30, 31, 33, 36, 39, 54-59, 61, 68, 71, 73. 7-1, 77, 83, 86, 88.97. 10.^), 107, 109. 111-114, 116-118, 134, 141. 142, 148- 150, 1.52, 1.57, 160. 18.5, 190, 192, 204, 205, 210, 213, 214, 221, 222, 228. 229, 241, 245, 249, 2.51, 254, 262, 268, 272, 277-279, 282, 286, 291 ; Jona- than, 39, 54, 57. 59. 61, 65, 70, 9.3, 113,114, 157, 170, 239, 251. 277. 279 ; Joyce, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 148, 149, 152. 166, 217. 219. 220; Judith, 296 ; Julian, 145. 218; Loveday, 17, 84, 169, 267; Margaret, 61, 6.3, 68, 77, 140, 141, 158, 256; Martin, 16,200; Mary, 23, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39. 41, 43. 44, 46, 49, 51, 54. 58. 63, (i6, 83. 85, 86, 88, 91-95, 106, 109, 112. 127, 144, 167, 169, 173, 175, 178, 187, 214, 222. 244, 251, 2.54, 258, 260. 261, 272, 274, 283. 290, 300 ; Maude, 35, 153, 204 ; May. 149 ; Milson, 192 ; Nichoias, 298 ; Pascal, 138; Patience. 150; Peter, 59 ; Peternell, 56 ; Philippa, 30 ; Eemfrey. 8, 9, 11-13, 15, 24, 41, 58.'61.63, 66, 80. 142, 157,191,192,204, 227, 231. 236, 247, 252, 290 : Richard, 1, 7, 13-16. 18. 19, 21, 29-32. 46, 61, 65, 78-81. 83, 85, 87, 89, 95, 101, 102, 104, 106, 107, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 123, 142, 148, 151, 167. 180, 188, 200, 205, 209- 211, 213, 216, 217, 226, 228, 241, 245, 218, 253, 258, 265, 270, 271, 276, 282, 288, 289 ; Robert, 44, 58, 65. 227. 238 ; Susanna, 20, 116, 117, 119. 120, 12,3. 148, 282, 288, 289 ; Temperance, 97, 99, 101, 262, 265 ; Thomas, 43. 46, 57, 61, 63, 65, 66. 69, 111, 127, 149, 158, ] 75, 226, 236, 238 : Tho- masine, 9, 18. 24, 51, 105, 107, 109, 111, 112, 114, 116, 118, 151, 188,239, 272, 291 ; William, 11, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29. 30. 44, 73, 85, 94, 102, 107, 113, 123, 134. 145, 173, 177, 204, 209. 210, 218. 220, 256, 266. 277, 282, 289, 300 ; , 210. Row-sertZ/o-s' Adams. >&<' Adams, Rowse alias Jenkin, Archibald, 22 ; Jannett, 193 ; Patience, 19 ; Richard, 19, 216. Rowse alias Nankilly, Henry, 221. Rumbelow, Elizabeth, 248 ; John, 248 ; Mary. 248. Rundle, Anne, 95, 172, 174, 259 ; Catherine, 100, 170, 173, 270; Elizabeth, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 117, 257, 259 ; Francis, 165, 170, 274 ; Grace, 9 ; Jane, 165, 274 ; Joane, 145; John, 9, 145, 172, 17.3, 199, 254, 279 ; Margaret, 199 ; Michael. 90, 92, 93, 95, 96. 257, 259 ; Nicholas, 270 ; Richard, 92, 96, 181, 2.54,2.57 ; Sarah, 100 ; Thomas, 117. Ruorden, Honor, 27 ; John, 27. Rushona, Thomas, 194. Rysowas, Columba, 8 ; Jane, 6, 7 ; Richard, 6-8. Sacombe, ^laria, 145. Sadler, Elizabeth. 8 ; Emblyn, 211 ; John, 5; Katherine,"5 ; Pascae, 188 ; Robert. 8 ; Tho- mas, 188 ; William, 187. Safroyne, Robert, 2; William, 2. Salisbury, Alice, 138. Salmon. Anne, 117, 120, 278, 281 ; Dorothy, 110, 112. 113, 115, 117. 120, 169, 278. 281 ; Elizabeth, 112, 136; Frances, 173; Honor, 115 ; Jenifer. 110; Joane. 133, 136. 177, 286 ; John, 1,3,3, 155, 286 ; Mary, 155; Peter, 122, 172; Susanna, 122, 172, 296 ; Tho- mas, 110, 112, 113, 115. 117, 120, 133. 136. 169, 177. 278, 281, 286; William, 117, 133. Salpen, Anne, 185 ; Elizabeth, 139 ; Margaret, 138 ; William, 139, 185. Salter, Anne, 39; Bernard, 29, 233 ; Charity. 33, 156 ; Doro- thy, 31, 219 ; Elizabeth, 51, 52, 153, 227 ; Epiphany, 159 ; Jane, 31, 33, .35, 37, 39, 41, 219,228; Joane, 158; Lewis. 35. 223 ; Thomas, .30, 51, 52, 1.53, 158, 227 ; Tiffany. 37 ; Viyian, 51; William, '29-31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 219, 223, 235. Samble, Agatha, 157 ; James, 56, 224 ; John, 60, 227 ; Ka- therine, 58 ; Mary, 56, 58, 60, 61. 160, 224, 227 ; Peter, 61 ; William, 56, 58, 60, 61, 160. 224, 227. Sampson, Awdrey, 156 ; Cathe- rine, 174. 179 ;" Edward, 53 ; Elizabeth, 127, 174; Emblen, 5 ; Frances, 127-129, 174, 285 ; Grace, 167 ; Henry, 4, 9, 140, 188 ; Jane, 137, 144 ; Joane, 140, 286 ; John, 4. 129, 140, 179, 285 ; Mary, 155, 174 ; Matthew, 278 ; Peter, 249; Richard, .5, 9. 127- 129, 137, 174, 188, 285 ; Robert, 174 ; Thomas, 185 ; William, 53, 156. Sams, Elizabeth, 291. Sandford. John. 106, 268 ; Mary. 106, 169, 268. Sandowe, Agnes, 138 ; Alice, 151 ; Alson, 182; Elizabeth, 184 ; Jane. 1 ; John. 1-3,180, 182. 184, 189, 220, 266, 271 ; Katherine. 220 ; Margaret,!, 146; Pentecost. 266 ; Richard, 3 ; Tamson, 182; Walter, 181. Sandy, Elizabeth, 170 ; Jenifer, 174. Sandys, Baron, 267; Hester, 267. Sarah, Honor, 164. Saunders, Henry, 102, 167 ; John. 160, 258, 263. 266; Margaret, 160. 263 ; Martha, 102. 167, 292 ; Mary, 102, 170, 171 ; Thomas, 170; Tho- masine, 234. Saundry, Elizabeth, 136 ; Joane Liddicoat, 136 ; Martha, 171 ; Susanna, 102 ; William, 102. Sawle. Agnes, 165 ; Amy, 258 ; Anne, 56, 165, 268 ; Fraucis, 165 ; Jane, 165 ; John, 165, 179 ; Joseph, 56, 76, 165, 242, 258, 260, 272 ; Mary, 76, 165, 169, 242, 260, 272; Richard, 165. Scaberio, Alice, 11, 149; Anne, 67, 233 ; Charles, 68, 163 ; Elizabeth. 62, 64, 6.5, 67-73, 75, 77, 158, 165, 233, 235, 240, 262 ; Grace, 73, 247 ; Isabel. 179; James, 11, 44, 152, 239 ; Jane, 62, 163 ; Joane, 44, 70, 152, 239, 278 ; John, 64 ; Lawience, 179 ; Margery, 163 ; Mary, 78, 159, 165; Petronell, 147; Rem- frey, 72, 239 ; Thomas, 7, 62, 64. 65, 67-73, 75, 77, 78, 158, 233, 235. 237. 2.39-241, 247, 260 ; Udy, 7 ; William, 7. Scaberio ffZm Udy, Richard, 208. Scagel, Mary, 291. Scantlebury, Emblen, 31 ; Flo- rence, 211 ; Thomas, 31, Scobell, Barbara, 145 ; James, 200 ; John, 12 ; Richard, 145 ; Wilmot, 12. Sconserne, Thomasine, 155. Scowdrick, Elizabeth, 176. Scrybende, John, 10 ; Peter, 10. Scryyener, Amy, 139 ; Bawden, 186 ; Constance, 18 ; Ebbot, 151 ; Emblen, 5; Honor, 10; James, 48 ; Joane, 48, 139, 196 ; John, 6, 14, 15, 207 ; Mary, 3, 13, 48, 194 ; Peter, 13 ; Reginald, 9 ; Richard. 6, 9, 10, 14,15.18, 1.5.3, 192,-193, 196, 243; Thomas, 3. 5, 192 ; Tliomasine, 14, 153, 193 ; William, 196. Scarle, James, 203; Mary, 239; William, 274. Serjeant, Agnes. 154. Service. Grace, 141 ; Katherine, 216 ; Margery, 201 ; Mary, 166 ; Richard, 194, 200 ; Sed- well, 144. Servir, Christian, 189; Edward, 194; Roger, 189. INDEX. 341 Sevvalsters, Johu, 5, 184 ; Rich- ard, 184 ; Robert, 5. Sexton, Barnabas, 9 ; Charity, 17, 37 ; Cicely, 10 ; Elizabeth, 4 5, 16, 38. 149, 187 ; Em- blem, 142, 209 ; Henry, 1, 8- 10, 19, 34, 37. 38, 189, 190 ; Honor, 6-8, 143, 190 ; Hugh, 16, 17, 34, 143, 199, 209 ; Isabel. 184 ; John, 19 ; John, Lawry, 238 ; Margery, 193 ; Mary, 142; Philippa, 34, 37, 38 ; Robert, 1, 4-7, 184. Seys, Margery, 181 ; Thomas, 181. Shambles, James, 287. Sharp, Alexander, 133, 177 ; George, 133; Mary, 137, 177. Sheere.s, Margaret, 243, Sheldon, Frances, 174; John, 174. Shepard alias Lucas alias King, Elizabeth, 228. Shepherd, Anne, 96, 260 ; Charles, 97 ; James, 99 ; Jane, 160 ; John, 195 : Kent, 195 ; Margaret, 142 ; Mary, 96, 97, 99, 102, 260 ; Nathan- iel, 160 ; Thomas, 96, 97, 99, 102, 260. Sherman, Jane, 159; John, 159. Sherry, James, 107 ; Jane, 107 ; John, 107, Shomaker, Mary, 141 ; Thomas, 141. Short, Jane, 159. Shorton, Edward, 235 ; Sarah, 235. Shute, Thomas, 165. Siblie, Alexander, 2, 180 ; Law- rence, 2, 180. Sidney, Thomas, 230 ; Thoma- sine, 230. Silicock, Maiy, 166 ; Stephen, 166. Silly, Honor, 152, 160, 230 ; Jane, 160 ; John, 160 ; Mar- garet, 138 ; William, 152, 160, 230, 240. Simons. See Symons. Skinner, Anne, 114, 261,278; Catherine, 178 ; Ebbott, 28 ; Elinor, 32, 154; Elizabeth, 53. 119, 157.257; Grace, 141 ; Henry, 34, 54, 211, 261, 264 ; Humphrey, 8, 188 ; Jane, 203 ; Joane, 141 ; John, 8, 10, 12, 14, 51,141,189. 193, 194, 202, 232 ; Mary, 57, 114, 116, 117, 119, 170. 232; Maud, 51, 57. 58, 63, 153, 232, 242 ; Philippa, 14, 193 ; Richard, 8, 58, 194, 216, 232; Robert, 35. 51-55, 57, 63, 153, 229, 232, 242, 247 ; Temperance, 55. 162 ; Thomas, 10, 12, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 51, 58, 188, 208-211, 232 ; Thomasine. 32, 34, 35, 52, 160, 224; William, 31, 63, 114, 116, 117, 119, 170, 178, 210, 229. Skinner alias Martin, Jane, 188 ; Joane, 29 ; John, 29, 208 ; Olive. 208. Slade, Anne, 51, 52, 54, 56. 57, 15.3, 157, 261 ; Bitreon, 58; Blanch, 224 ; Dorothy, 229 ; Elizabeth, 52. 166, 282; Emblyn, 56, 58, 62, 64, 66, 67, 1.57. 231,232, 240; Gideon, 272 ; Hannah. 224 ; Jacob, 166, 273 ; Joane, 64, 223, 231, John, 51-54, 56, 153, 223, 224 ; Margaret, 139; Mary, 51; Richard, 56, 58, 62, 64, 66, 67, 157, 221, 229, 231, 232, 240, 248 ; Ruth, 53, 62, 221 223 ; William, 66, 232. Slanning, Sir Andrew, 159 ; Anne, 159 ; Gertrude, 298 ; Mary, 49, 159, 223 ; Sir Nicholas, 49, 159, 223; Nicho- las. 298, Sleeman. Honor, 290 ; Mary, 291 ; Thomasine, 291. Sleep, Daniel, 164; Dorothy, 159 ; George, 160 ; Gertrude, 164 ; Margery, 156 ; Philippa, 160 ; Stephen, 156. Sloggett, Edward, 88, 255 ; Eli- zabeth, 84, 168 ; Emblen, 15, 193 ; Humphrey, 68, 69, 85, 246, 247, 254 ; Joane, 246 ; John, 69, 83, 254 ; Margaret, 145 : Mark, 15 ; Martha, 82- 85, 88, 254, 255.271 ; Martin, 193. 201 ; Mary, 68. 69, 82, 166, 261 ; Philip, 68, 82-85, 88, 254-256 ; Philippa, 202, Slyman, Frances, 154 ; Robert, 154. Smallev, Dorothy, 245 ; Mary, 299." Smallridge, Thomas, 22-29, 201- 209. Smith, Anthony, 12, 190 ; Eli- zabeth, 25, 27, 164 ; Frances, 26. 206 ; George, 26. 28, 206 ; Grace, 30, 135, 136 : Henry, 2, 180 ; Honor, 27 ; Isaac, 170 ; Jane, 17 ; Joane, 161, 170, 190 ; John, 12, 23-28, .30, 31, 145, 157, 193, 203, 204, 206, 209 ; Katherine, 199 ; Mary. 26, 30, 145, 207 ; Mat- thew, 24, 204 ; Nicholas, 216 ; Patience, 31, 147, 149 ; Radi- gan, 157 ; Richard, 26, 27, 30, 147, 207, 210 ; Stephen. 1 ; Thomas. 135, 136. 161 ; Wal- ter, 17,' 193'; William, 1, 2, 180 ; William Hawke, 135. Suell, Anne, 134 ; Benjamin, 123 ; Elizabeth, 124 ; Francis, 9, 188, 189 ; Grace. 263 ; Heurv. 132, 289 ; James, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 1.34, 173, 289 ; John. 9. 10. 129. 189. 194, 289 ; Margaret, 131 ; Mary, 123, 124, 126. 127, 129. 131, 132, 134, 173, 289 ; Petherick, 10, 188. Snow, Alice, 12 ; Emblen, 11, 141, 144; John, 11-15, 141, 195 ; Mary, 148 ; Susan, 13, 147 : Thomas, 15 ; William, 14, 195. Sobey, Margery, 145. Solomon. Agnes, 172 ; Amy, 117, 119. 121, 124. 125, 127, 172, 283, 285, 288 ; Anne, 89, 92, 94, 96. 154 ; Catherine, 117 ; Elizabeth, 177, 288 ; Francis, 89, 92, 94, 96, 172, 286 ; Henry, 167, 268, 273 ; Honor, 167, 172, 268 ; Jane, 79. 94, 166 ; Joane, 92, 95, 98, 102,266, 276 ; John, 177; Martha, 80, 171 ; Mary, 92 ; Rachel, 91, 168 ; Richard, 102, 124, 166, 171, 285 ; Sa- muel, 95, 96, 98, 119, 266 ; Thomas, 79, 80, 89, 91. 92, 95, 98. 102, 117, 119, 121, 124, 125, 127, 172, 266, 267, 278, 283, 285, 288 ; William, 125, 127, 28.3, 288. Somer, Beatrice, 154 ; Joane, 139. Somersford, Thomas, 248 Soper, Abigail, 106, 273 ; Ed- ward Bishop. 126 ; Jane, 2.52 ; John, 106, 121. 126, 273 : Loveday, 121, 126. Sowden. Anno, 128, 131 ; Eli- zabeth, 109 : George, 91, 108, 109, 111,118, 169; Jane, 91, 278 ; Joseph, 118 ; Mary. 108, 109, 111.118,169, 176 ; Rich- ard. 111'; Robert, 108, 128, 131. Sparnell alias Tauken, Mar- gery, 146 ; Thomas, 146. Spear, Elizabeth, 174. Spearing. Joane, 145. Speccott, Amy, 245. Spernon, Aune, 292 ; Benjamin, 256 ; Benjamin Thomas, IdO ; Dorothy, 79, 93, 100, 166; Jane, 93 ; Philip, 79, 93, 100, 166. Spettigrue, Joane, 214. Spoure, Henry, 270. Sprey, Agues, 14, 149; Alice, 26, 27, 158, 207 ; Anne, 69, 91, 92, 94, 96, 99, lOl, 103. 10.5, 106, 114, 1.57, 165, 234, 257, 260, 263. 267, 269, 275 ; Audrey, 30, 159 : Blanch, 187; Catherine, 16, 24, 40, 43, 46, 65, 150, 151. 218, 234. 241 ; Christian, 35, 223 ; Ebbott, 10 ; Edward, 105, 267 ; Eli- zabeth, 5, 141, 145, 187, 207, 214 ; Florence, 151, 231 ; George, 25, 151, 222 ; Ger- trude, 159 ; Grace, 32, 34, 106, 269; Heurv, 21, 22, 24- 26. 44, 145, 204. 207, 214 ; Honor, 8, 21, 23, 34, 147,202, 207, 238 ; Hugh, 40, 43, 46. 149, 151, 211, 212, 218, 222 ; Jane, 7, 13, 32, 35, 141, 148, 251 ; Jenifer, 27 ; Joane, 12, 342 THE EEGISTERS OE ST. COLUMB MAJOR 24. 40, 44-47, 52, 65. 67, 69, 72, 142, 151, 159, 180, 191, 204, 217, 218, 2.^4,240 ; John, 2-4, 6, 8, 12, V.i, 15-17, 25.26, 32, M. 65. 67, 69. 72, 77. 91, 92, 94,96,99, 101,10,3, 105, 106, 139. 141, 148, 159, 165, 181, 182, 18S, 191. 192, 209, 212, 213, 234, 241, 246, 257, 258, 260, 263, 267, 269, 275, 284 ; Loveday, 28, 244 ; Margaret, 4, 6, 32, .53, 139, 141, 156, 180. 184 ; Marian. 158 ; Mary, 4, 23. 32. 47, 141. 153, 202 ; Maude. 9 ; Olive, 5, 12, 43, 94. 147, 222, 276 ; Pascae, 139 ; Pascow. 182 ; Pasthue, 6 ; Philippa, 195 ; Reskimer. 22, 24-28, 30, 32. 35, 44-47, 52, 53. 151, 209, 217, 218, 222 ; Richard, 1-3, 5-7, 9-12, 14, 15, .30, 46, 55,69. 91.96, 188, 191,195,196.209,211,218,246, 257, 260 ; Richow, 186 ; R., 17; Sibella, 46, 218; Sus- anna, 149. 212 ; Ursula, 139 ; Walter, 149, 223 ; William, 1-4, 180-182, 184. 186. Sprey alias Ivey, Jane, 221. Spreybond, Jane, 2 ; Margery, 2 ; Thomas, 2. Spry, James, 290 ; Margaret, 290. Squire, Elizabeth, 188 ; Roger, 200. Stackhouse, Dr., 79 ; Edward William Wynne, 79 ; John, 79. Stanley, Anne, 213 : Thomas, 2nd Earl of Derby, 193, 200, 213. Staple, Elizabeth, 137 ; Grace, 25, 210 ; G., 14 ; Humphrey, 5, 6, 137; Jane, 146, 217; Joane, 6, 12, 44. 151, 152; John, 5, 12-14, 17, 25, 28, 44, 141, 146, 151. 200, 203. 210, 217 ; Margaret, 141. 200 ; Mary, 13 ; Richard, 44, 238 ; Robert, 6. Slari, Frances, 162 ; Samuel, 209; Thomas, 162. St. Aubvn, Anne, 49, 60, 62, 158, "223 ; Catherine, 60 ; Elizabeth, 158 : James, 291 ; Sir John, 49, 60, 62, 158, 223, 233-237, 253 ; John, 158, 298 ; Mary, 291 ; Peter. 233. Stephens. Abrahrim, 15 ; Alice, 66-69. 71, 73, 87. 89. 91, 93, 122, 234, 267, 268, 273 ; An- dreau, 46 ; Anne. 42, 46, 48- 50. .55, 62, 68, 79, 91, 111, 121. 124, 151. 154, 1.58, 165, 168, 177, 178, 219, 220, 229, 230, 234, 241. 243, 281, 282 ; Beaton, 291 '; Bridget,' 121 ; Columba, 8, 186 ; Digory, 217 ; Dorc.i?. 125 ; Dorothy, 137, 159 ; Edward, 35, 79, 175, 226, 236, 245, 255 ; Ele- anor, 47, 103. 218, 235 ; Eli- zabeth, 10, 18, 56, 70. 72, 74, 75, 94, 102, 105, 121-127, 130-1.32, 143, 161, 172, 174, 175, 228, 235, 270, 275, 281, 285, 286; Ellen, 144 ; Eme- liue, 259; Ephraim, 129, 175 ; Frances, 24, 58, 67, 151, 157, 226, 234; Francis, 48, 136, 220, 291, 292; George, 62; Gertrude, 251 ; Grace, 37, 50, 70, 87, 168, 220, 226, 231, 245, 254, 257, 292; Hannah, 173 ; Henry, 178, 197 ; Hugh, 105, 270 ; Isabella, 34, 97, 157 ; James, 6, 22, 45, 48, 50-53, 56, 58, 59, 61, 70-72, 74-76, 78, 79, 81, 87,89, 91, 109, 113, 116, 118, 119, 121-123, 125, 127, 128, 130, 143, 152, 169, 171, 206, 210, 220, 226, 227, 241, 242, 246, 265, 267, 273, 276, 286 ; Jane, 2-4, 34, 42, 54, 58,60,66,81,94,96, 97, 100, 101, 130, 142. 147, 155. 165, 166, 180, 184,211, 262; Jeni- fer, 127, 285 ; Joane, 9, 20, 28, 44, 47-52, 56, 58, 59, 61, 66, 101, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 128, 130, 134, 150-152, 159, 160, 171, 177, 197, 199, 200, 226, 232, 242, 247, 286 ; John, 1-6, 8^ 26, 42, 44-46, 48-50, 53-55, 58. 62, 66, 92, 93, 98, 111. 119, 121-127, 130-132. 1.34, 136, 151, 157, 173, 177, 179, 180, 183, 184, 187, 189, 206, 216, 217, 219, 220, 223, 225, 228, 232, 235, 281, 285, 286; Joseph, 134 ; Joyce, 211 ; Katherine, 5, 140 ; Margaret, 93 ; Martin, 19, 42, 44, 45, 47. 49, 75, 151, 216, 225, 233 ; Mary, 26, 73, 85, 87, 89, 92, 94, 98, 100, 102, 103, 113, 122, 129, 132, 134, 136, 161, 165, 167, 173, 197, 212, 219, 223, 226, 257, 263, 275, 285 ; Maud, 51, 227 ; Nancy, 125, 285 ; Ni- cholas. 2, 180; Pascow, 61 ; Philip. 52, 78, 130; Philippa, 147 ; Priscilla, 58, 62, 157, 238; Richard, 15, 16, 50, 59, 127, 142, 154, 168, 204, 230; Richow, 15 ; Robert, 128, 245 ; Sampson, 221 ; Samuel, 30; Sarah, 109, 111, 113, 116. 118, 122, 169. 172, 174; Stephen, 42, 58, 60. 62, 66, 158. 159, 227, 229, 232, 242, 247, 259 ; Susanna, 85, 129, 175 ; Temperance, 37, 62, 157, 163.251, 255: Thomas, 1. 8, 9, 18-22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 35, 37, 60, 66-69, 71, 73, 76, 87, 105, 116. 144. 147, 159, 168, 197, 199, 203, 211, 227, 234,241. 243, 246, 2.50, 252. 255, 262, 267. 269, 270, 273 ; Thomasine, 158 ; Timo- thy, 72, 85, 87, 89, 92, 94, 257, 263, 275 ; Walter, 10 ; William, 15. 45, 94, 96-98, 100-103, 134, 166, 167, 183, 219, 262, 263. Stepston, Honor, 215. Stibbert, Joane, 160. Stick, Jane, 173 ; Thomas. 173. Stickland, Jane, 142 ; John, 142. Stoibey, Tamson, 15 ; William, 15. Stoky. Alice, 207. Stone, Anstiss, 154 ; Sarah. 246. Stony, Alice, 138 ; John, 138. Stourton, Lady Anne, 200, 213 ; Charles, 7th Lord, 193, 200, 213. Strangways. Catherine, 292 ; Robert, 292. Stratford, Christopher, 18, 196- 198, 297 ; Elizabeth, 297 ; John, 18 ; Richard, 197 ; Thomas, 196. Stribblehill, Martha, 241. Stribley, Alice, 145, 213 ; Anne, 172, 275 ; Catherine, 34, 38, 149, 172, 224 ; David, 37 150, 213 ; Grace, 31. 157 Henry, 294 ; James, 188 Jane, 21. 37, 150, 213 ; John 21, 23, 26, 145, 189,207,213 Julian, 38 ; Margaret, 26 207; Marren, 189;^ Nicholas 31,34, 38,149,216; Richard 18, 23, 172, 275 ; Tamson 206 ; Thomas, 34 ; William 189. Strong, Jane, 177. Strongman, Agas, 266 ; Agues, 102, 103, 265 ; Alice, 41, 42, 47, 77, 150. 228 ; Anne, 76, 96, 97, 101. Ill, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 122. 151, 1.52, 166, 170, 242. 274, 277, 279, 290; Arthur, 91-94. 97-99, 102, 103, 111. 130, 131, 134, 136, 165, 176, 261, 262, 265, 266, 272 ; Beaton, 28. 220 ; Benjamin, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 94, 97, 114, 117, 148, 211, 215, 220, 232, 261. 262, 275 ; Cathe- rine, 22. Ill, 131, 149, 176 ; Cicely, 18, 143, 197 ; Dennis, 79, 244, 249 ; Dorothy, 8, 189 ; Edward, 220 ; Eliza- beth. 71, 72, 74, 90, 91, 94. Ill, 130, 131, 134, 136, 160, 165, 176, 240, 248, 249. 259, 264, 268 ; Frances, 57, 59, 76, 91-94. 97-99, 102, 103, 122, 151, 157, 162, 165, 2.30, 237, 254, 261, 262, 265, 266, 279 ; Francis, 26, 43 ; George, 41, 91, 113, 115. 117, 119, 122, 170, 251 ; Gilbert. Ill ; Grace, 100, 102. 264 ; Henry, 6, 19, 37, 52 ; Honor, 17, 130, 148. 155; James, 27,31, INDEX. 343 54, 121, 220, 290 ; Jane, 37, 119, 142, 170; Janet, 186 ; Joane, 22, 32, 34, 35, 39-41, 43, 51, 56, 59, 89-91. 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 137, 148, 165, 170, 198, 205, 211, 236, 244, 248, 251, 257, 261. 264, 269 ; John, 6-8, 15, 24, 26- 28, 41, 42, 47, 53. 72, 74, 76, 77, 90, 91, 98, 110, 114, 115, 117, 119, 137, 150, 151, 153, 160-162, 169, 189, 19.3, 207, 219, 240-242, 253, 261, 275- 277, 287; Joseph, 117, 277; Joyce, 23, 32, 148, 149, 157, 250; Julian, 74, 161, 241 ; Margaret, 138 ; Martin, 21, 22, 24. 26,41, 56, .57, 59, 71, 89-91,' 93. 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 113, 145, 157, 165, 195, 205, 2.33, 257, 261, 264, 269, 271 ; Mary. 40, 47, 76, 99, 110, 114, 115, 117, 1.36, 152, 169, 177, 215, 220, 232, 275- 277; Maud, 51, 52, 153, 224; Michael, 21. -56, 71, 72, 74, 77, 79,89, 151, 233, 2.39, 244. 249 ; Nathaniel, 97, 277 ; Nicholas, 79 ; Olive, 143 ; Oliver, 20 ; Peter, 26, 152 ; Philip, 119, 121 ; Eemfiey, 185, 186 ; Richard, 39, 215 ; Robert, 29, 47, 74, 90, 91,94, 97, 101, 152, 165, 166, 220, 259, 268. 277, 279, 282 ; Tho- masine, 42, 145, 157, 218; William. 7, 15, 17-20, 22-24, 35, 51-54, 98, 101, 131, 195, 197, 205,207, 214,224 ; Wil- liam Chapman, 131; , 47. iStrowle, Anne, 282 ; William, 282 Stubbs. Digorj, 11, 12, 14, 19, 144, 189. 193. 194, 197, 198; Elizabeth, 194 ; Joane, 197 ; John, 12, 193,194 ; Olive, 11, 189 ; Patience, 19, 19S ; Roger, 14 ; Thomasine, 144. Sture, Amy, 236, 237 ; Thomas, 236. Sullivan, David, 270. Sutton, Joane, 6. 144 ; John, 6. 8wan, Anne, 125 ; Hannah, 124 ; James, 127, 283 ; Mary, 120, 176, Rachel, 122 ; Tho- mas, 127, 283 ; Thomasine, 120, 122-12.5, 127, 172, 283 ; William, 120, 122-125, 127, 172, 282, 283, Sweet, Anne, 117, 177 ; Cathe- rine, 140; Elizabeth, 111; Mary, 111, 112, 114, 117, 158. 170; Stephen, 114; Thomas, 111, 112, 114, 117, 170, 286, Sykes, Anne, 108 ; James, 108. Symons, Agnes, 145, 208 ; Alice, 21, 150 ; Andrew, 15, 205 ; Anne, SO, 100, 127, 296 ; An- stiss, 154 ; Christiana, 82, 163 ; Dorothy, 199 ; Eliza- beth, 100, 101, 103, 127-129, 131, 132, 134-136, 144. 148, 165, 167, 174, 21.3, 278 ; Francis, 127-129, 131, 132, 134, 136, 174 ; Humphrey, 187, 190; James, 130, 136; Jane, 2, 3, 123, 181, 210 ; Jenkin, 179 ; Joane, 10, 122, 123, 125-127. 129, 130, 132, 135, 142, 146, 173, 198, 280, 282, 283, 288 ; John, 10. 80- 82, 101, 122, 123, 125-127, 129, 130, 132, 134, 135, 169, 173, 183, 188, 195, 247, 248, 273, 280, 282, 283, 288 ; Mar- riott, 183; Mary, 82. 125, 132, 166, 169, 20*3. 248, 282, 288 ; Maud, 15 ; Peter, 129 ; Richard, 146, 154 ; Robert, 81. 100, 101, 103, 129, 167, 183, 288 ; Robert Udy, 2 ; Tamson, 3, 140, 181, 210 ; Thomas, 15. 16, 21, 122, 142, 145, 148, 163, 195, 199, 203, 207, 208, 213 ; Trephena, 290 ; Walter, 140, 204 ; William, 127, 128, 240, 259, 290. Syms, Thomas, 198. Synner, Tamson, 186. Sysse, Margaret, 139 ; Marian, 194. S., John, 143 ; Tamson, 143. T Tabb, Catherine, 128, 285, 286; Christopher, 91 ; Ebbott, 117 ; Eleanor, 177, 289; Eli- zabeth. 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 1.35, 175, 177, 285, 288 ; Gregory, 134 ; James, 116, 117,'^119. 122, 127, 132, 134, 135. 177, 275, 285. 286. 288, 289 ; Jane. 91 ; Joane, 116, 117. 119, 127, 132, 275, 285, 286, 289 , John, 127 ; Mary, 91, 116, 119, 122. 129, 275, 284; Robert, 128, 129, 131, 132, 1.S4, 135, 175, 288, 289 ; Thomas, 285 ; William, 122, 132. Tacy, ^ncas, 37, 38 ; Ananias. 40 ; Barbara, 40 ; Jane. 37, 46, 218 ; Joane, 40; John, 38 ; Mark, 46, 218 ; Mary, 37, 213. Tafford, Pascoe. 2-16. Tamkey, Florence, 146. Tamlyn, Alice, 104 ; Bernard, 122 ; Blanch, 120. 122, 124. 125, 127. 172 ; Constance, 107, 109. 110, 112, 114, 116, 118-120, 122, 271. 272, 275, 277 ; Dorothy, 130,131, 134, 176, 285 ; Dorothy Laundry, 122 ; Eleanor, "l03, 115 ; Elizabeth, 170; Frances, 114; Francis, 120 ; Henry, 104, 107, 109, 110, 112, 114, 116 118-120, 122, 271, 272, 275, 277, 281, 287 ; James, 127 ; Jane, 271 ; Joane. 8, 107, 112, 119, 277; John, 104, 114, 118. 120, 122, 124, 125, 127, 172, 275 ; Margaret, 120 ; Mary, 103, 104, 267 ; Nicholas, "l 30. 131, 134, 176, 285: Thomas; 103, 104, 110, 115, 116, 170, 266, 267, 272 ; William, 8, 125, 130, 131, 285. Tanken. See Tonkin. Tanken alias) Sparnell, Mar- gery, 146 ; Thomas, 146. Tanner, Anne. 292 ; Anthony. 84, 88, 160, 200, 259, 292, 293 ; Arundell, 88 ; Cathe- rine, 292 ; Dorothy, 86, 88, 168, 200, 293 ; Elizabeth. 120, 211 ; Emlyne, 81, 82, 84, 86, 88, 89, 91, 259, 279 ; Francis, 91 ; Grace, 82, 292 ; Honour, 160 ; James, 89, 269, 270; Jannett, 189; John, 81, 82, 84, 86, 88, 89, 91, 247, 255-257, 2.59, 260; John Arundell, 88 ; Mar- garet, 81, 168; Mary, 120 ; Michael, 120 ; Nathaniel, 81 ; Thomas, 81 ; , 293. Tanner alias Richards, Ed- ward, 291 ; Grace. 278, 291. Taprell, Philippa, 144; Rich- ard, 198. Taylor, Charity, 145 ; Eliza- beth, 22, 136, 168. 201 ; Jane, 136 ; Joane. 138, 175 ; John, 22. 26, 27."l'45, 201,205, 207 ; Margaret, 26, 205 ; Robert, 175 ; Thomas Benny, 235 ; Udie, 192 ; William, 136 218. Teague, Teake. See Tyack. Teddam, Margaret, 171. Telbert, Joane, 280 ; John Ben- del, 280. Temple, John. 5 ; Margery, 5. Tendale, Anne, 236 ; John, 236. Tenny. See Tinney. Terries, Avis, 275. Teynham, Lord, 247, 261. Thacher, Alice, 15 ; John, 15, 16 ; Joyce, 16. Thomas, Agnes, 292 ; Alice, 212 ; Anne, 40 76. 161, 166 ; Anstis, 35, 37,39,40, 218, 234 ; An- thony, 234 ; Aplin.174; Avis. 54; Beaton, 58, 60, 62, 64; Ben- jamin, 8.5, 101-103 ; Cathe- rine, 56, 103. 143, 170. 255 ; Charles, 42. 56, 60, 61, 64, 65, 76-78, 80, 81, 83-85, 87, 92, 101, 158, 229. 233, 250, 253, 254, 258. 260, 274 ; Christo- pher, 54 : Constance, 36. 40, 42, 44, 45, 218 ; Daniel. 80, 97, 99, 166, 262. 263. 265, 285 ; David, 35 ; Dorothy, 27, 64. 78, 97, 254. 265 ; Ed- ward, 86 ; Elizabeth, 58, 80, 344 THE EEGISTERS OE ST. COLUMB MAJOE. 96,97, 99, 103. ini, 162, 1C6, 175, 178, 262 ; Ezekiel, 77 ; Frances, 92, 258 ; Francis. 27, 232 ; George, 61, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 163, 178. 261 ; Grace, 31, 153 : Henry, 17, 42, 44, 46, 60, 78-80. 82. 84, 86, 88, 162. 229, 254, 257 ; Hester, 149 ; Honor, 85, 273 ; Humphrey. 148; James, 18, 179 ; Jane. 46, 56. 65. 78. 82- 87,92. 147. 154. 161, 162.169, 191, 193. 229, 244, 250, 263, 278; Jeffny. 138; Jenifer. 42. 44. 46, "240; Joane. 37, 60, 61. 64. 65, 81. 107, 109, 138, 148. 158. 167, 187. 188, 197, 273, 275: John, 7, 14, 17, 19, 20. 36. 39, 42. 55,64, 78, 80, 81. 96, 101-103. 105, 107, 109, 138. 141, 143. 157, 182. 188. 193-19.5. 224. 228. 262, 26.5, 27.S, 275, 278 ; Lancelot, 60; Luke. 175; Margaret. 101-103, 124. 125. 157, 1.58. 174. 195. 197, 224. 2.34 ; JIarion. 141 ; Mark, 176, 280; Mary, 82. 96, 101, 132, 148, 1.55, 160. 170, 171. 176-178, 291; Mary. Tippet, 132 ; Maude. 40. 137, 196; Michael. 148. 150. 212. 214 ; KancT, 105. 173. 175 ; Nathaniel. 83. 262 ; Nicholas, 17, 18, 42. 143, 194, 218 ; Olive, 42. 153 ; Petronel, 14t<, 212 : Philip, 14, 8S, 257 ; Philippa, 44, 102: Rebecca, 101-103, 105 : Reuben, 125 ; Richard, 27. 20, 55, 58, 60. 62, 64, 81, 292 ; Robert, 179 ; Stephen. 87, 2.50, 271 ; Su- sanna. 87 ; Tamson.138 ; Tho- mas. 36, 40, 44 : Udie, 180 ; William, 17. 31, 35, 37. 39, 40, 42, 4.5. 62. 102. 107, 124, 125. 149, 174, 191, 194, 1^97, 212. 218. 219, 280, 291 ; William John, 7. Thomas alias Troblefeild, Jane, 138,269, 274 ; Johu, 138.198. Thomas alias Trubbovv, Henry. 272. Thomson. Adam, 104-106, 108, 109, 111. 112, 168, 270, 271, 274 ; Anne, 104 ; Frances. 108, 271 : John, 111, 277 ; Margaret, 270 ; Mary, 104- 106, 108, 109. Ill, 112, 168, 270,271,277 ; Robert, 109,283. Thorne, Elizabeth, 47 ; Frances, 258 ; Jane. 34, 160 ; Joane. 159 ; John. 34, 47, 49, 152, 160, 237. 246 ; Margaret. 34 ; Petronell, 47, 49, 152, 237. ThiockmcTton, Eleanor, 215; Thomas. 215. Tibb, Klizabeth, 71,74,81,160, 239, 244. 247 ; Joane, 247 ; Thomas, 71. 74, 81. 160, 239, 244, 247. Tifford, Agnes, 141, 210 ; Anne, 196 ; Barbara, 148, 219 ; Con- stance. 186 ; Humphrey. 3, 185; Joaue, 8, 140, 144,"l90; Johu, 16, 19, 186, 195, 201 ; J., 17 ;Pascoe, 16, 17, 19, 143, 148. 195, 196, 201. 206, 216 ; Richard, 198; Susan, 143. 206 ; Thomas, 8, 141, 190, 192, 194; Winifred, 3,185. Tillcy. Francos. 87 ; Mary, 87 ; Thomas, 87, 91. Tinckler. Agnes. 2 ; John, 185 ; Margaret. 3, 181 ; Richard, 185 ; Thomas, 2, 3, 192 ; Thomasinc. 181. Tine. Henry, 202. Tine alias Richards, Thomas, 258. Tinney. Tennv, Alice. 292 ; Al- sou," 209; "Anne, 89, 168 ; Arthur. 67 : Elizabeth. 31. 34. 37, 39, 41. 44. .59, 127, 128, 163, 167, 22.5, 246, 267, 284 ; Frances, 61 : Francis, 229 ; Grace. 57, 128, 162. 168, 271 ; Henry. 53. 61, 16.3. 235, 2.55 ; Honor, 59, 61. 63, 65, 67, 70. 79, 158, 167. 230, 235, 238 '; James. 19.34. 198, 242 ; Jane, .54, 141, 215 ; Jenifer. 21 ; Joaue. 11,197 : John, 12. IS. 23, 30, 31, 34, 37, 39. 41, 44^ 52-54. 57. 59, 61, 63, 65, 80- 83, 85, 89. 104, 154, 16.3. 202, 209. 216, 217, 225, 227-229, 242^ 246-248, 267, 268, 274, 292 ; Jo.seph, 127, 128, 284 ; Magdalen, 59, 228 ; Margaret, 81, 169 ; Mark, 39, 216 ; Mary, 57, 59, 61, 63. 65, 80, 102, 154. 228, 230, 247. 266, 279 ; Matilda, 83, 167 ; Maude, 153 ; Michael, .52 ; Milicent, 260 ; Patience. 31 ; Peternell. 41, 157 ; Philippa, 267 ; Pris- cilla. 163. 267 ; Reynold, 202 ; Richard. 23. 30, 65, 231 ; Robert, 141 ; Rose, 44, 217; Sampson, 17 ; Susanna, 102, 104, 266. 268 ; Temperance, 82, 83, 85, 163, 248. 267; Thomas. 11. .30 ; William. 17- 19,21. 23. 59. 61, 63, 65. 67. 70, 79. 1.58. 167, 168, 197, 198, 202. 228. 2.30, 235, 238, 252, 260. 267, 268. Tippett, Alice, 120. 138. 210 ; Anne, 95. 100, 109, 130, 135, 177, 285 ; Anne White, 131 ; Cicely. 73, 274 ; Constance, 7, 186 ; Dorothy, 5 ; Eliza- beth, 92, 95. 97, 103. 109- 111, 113, 115. 116, 118, 120. 122. 125, 13.5, 169, 170, 174, 178. 266, 267. 284 ; Frances, 132, 134, 135, 176; Francis, 6, 10, 137, 194; George, 73, 92, 95.97, no. 130. 131, 134, 184, 266, 267, 283. 285; Henry, 2, 3, 6. 7, 13, 140,141, 145, 179, 180, 184, 210 ; Ho- nor, 25, 166 ; Hugh, 21 ; J.nmes. 2, 4, 118, 13.5, 179, 184; Jane, 105, 141, 168, 180, 268; Joaue. 10.2.3. 138, 194, 203 ; John, 6, 13, 19, 25, 80, 93. 100, 101, 103. 109, 111, 113. 11.5, 116, 118, 120. 122, 125. 131, 132, 1.34, 135, 144, 146, 167, 169, 176, 184, 194, 201, 204, 210, 284 ; Ka- therine, 145, 146, 220; Mar- gery, 1, 115, 140. 144, 177, 189, 204, 207 ; Mary, 93, 95, 97, 100, 101, 103, 1U6, 109, 130, 131, 145, 167, 171, 269, 271, 283-285 ; Micluiel. 105, 268 ; Nicholas, 19 ; Pascoe, 137 ; Pentecost, 95, 267 ; Rawling, 1 ; Richard, 2, 3, 4, 6. 27, 126, 179, 184, 187, 283; Robert. 23. 25. 27, 29, 125, 145, 210 ; Roeer, 93, 95, 97, 278 ; Sarah.97. 106, 109. 171, 173. 269 ; Stephen, 135. 184 ; Thomas. 22. 23, 73, 80 ; Tho- masine. 111, 126, 131, 1.38, 179. 184, 190, 283 ; Udie, 5; Ur-ula, 2. 141 ; Walter, 116. 135. 177 : William. 21-23. 2.5' 122, 144, 201. 203. 207, 286. Tippin, Mary, 130; Thomas. 230. Toller, Anne, 85. 167, 252 ; Jane, 167 ; John, 167 ; Wil- liam, 167. Tom. Andrew, 114-116 ; Anne, 79 ; Arthur. 116 ; BLanch, 288; Constance. 79, 149, 162. 251 ; Dorothy, 75. 78, 161. 211, 290; El'izabeth. 76. 79, 90, 9.5, 114-117. 120, 121, 127, 170, 2.52, 257. 260. 261. 279, 283, 285 ; Frances, 73, 75. 77, 241. 282 ; Franci.s. 31, 75-77, 170, 178, 218, 241, 242. 257, 260, 278 ; George, 3, 72, 74, 76, 160. 181,239,242 ; Grace, 32, 223 ; Gregory, 144 ; Han- nah, 114; Humphrey, 114, 116, 117, 121, 170, 2,s3, 285; Jenifer, 84 ; Jenkin, 185 : Joane, 3, 77, 79, 84, 87, 88, 90. 140, 144, 149, 152, 164, 172.241,257.263.272; John, 2, 3. 34. 67, 73, 75, 77, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 96, 98, 114, 115, 136, 159, 164, 166, 170, 180, 181, 211, 239. 241. 242, 245, 256, 258, 260, 262, 270, 290 ; Joseph, 114 ; Judith, 120, 279 ; Loyeday, 283 :' Mar- garet. 32, 34, 35, 38, 67. 78. 239. 243 ; Martha, 31 ; Mar- tin, 17. 35, 75, 76. 78. 79, 161, 162, 197, 241. 243, 245, 251, 263 : MajT, 72. 74, 76, 93, 98, 114. 136. 160, 16.5, 166. 169, 170. 178, 256, 2.58, 260, 262, 278 ; Mary Robarth, 117 ; Patience, 17, 148 ; Peter, 38, 214 ; Philip, 74. 185. 239 ; INDEX. 345 Philippa, 176 ; Richard, 3, 115, 120, 127, 279 ; Susanna, 174 ; Thomas, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 64, 79. 84, 87. 149, 179, 180, 211, 214, 215, 276 ; Tho- masine, 64, 67, 159 : Ursula. 94-96, 101, 258, 261, 282, 291 : William, 76, 94, 95, 101, 121, 174, 258. 261, 282, 287, 290, 291. Tomoow, Margaret, 179; Phi- Jippa, 1 ; Thomas, 1, 179, 181. Tonkin. Tanken, Alice, 140,226 ; Charity, 130, 131, 133, 134, 176 ; Constance, 175 ; Diana, 165; Edward, 12; Elizabeth, 19, 76. 150, 162, 243 ; Ema- nuel, 161 ; Grace, 23, 64, 232 ; Henry, 18 ; Jacob, 162 ; James. 125 ; Jane, 115; Jenifer, 130; Joane, 11, 75, 161,251 ; John, 11, 16, 18. 19. 64, 115, 117, 123, 125, 130, 131, 133, 134, 176, 204, 232, 283 ; Joseph, 118 ; Jovce, 207 ; Marv, 87, 115, 117", 118, 123, 125", 161, 174, 220, 253, 283 ; Molliar, 10 ; Nicholas, 11, 15, 117. 133, 140, 283 ; Radigon, 147, 220; Richard, 10, 11, 16, 23 ; Susanna, 75, 251 ; Thomas, 12, 15, 75, 76, 87, 161, 203, 220, 243, 251, 253 ; William, 19, 123, 134, Tonkin alias Dungey, Margery, 208. Torke, Joane, 193. Torway, Alice, 183 ; Alson, 186 ; Clarye, 137; Henry, 1 ; John, 7 ; Mareery, 7 ; Rawling, 183 ; Richard. 183 ; Robert, 1, 183. Towen, Alson, 179. Townsend, , 173. Tranerson, Agnes, 224 ; Hugh, 224. Travers, Alice, 54, 300 ; Elias, 298, 300 ; Isabella, 52, 300 ; John, 300 ; Samuel, 52, 54, 298, 300 ; Thomas, 52, 54, 156, 157, 298, 300. Trebarfett, Olive, 145. Trebell, James, 216. Ti'ebilcock, Anne, 291 ; Ara- bella, 283 : Damari-s 104 ; Elizabeth, 136, 178 ; Francis, 159 : Grace, 62, 291 ; John, 62, 104, 136, 283, 291 ; Mary, 62, 104 ; Pernell, 159 ; Rich- ard, 221 : Rose, 228 ; Thomas, 136 ; William, 136, 178. Treblesende, John, 9 ; Thomas, 9. Tredinnick, Anne, 297 ; Eliza- beth, 297 ; Henry, 11, 190; Jane, 297 ; John, 13, 191 ; Margaret. 9 ; Mary. 201, 297 ; Thomas, 201 ; William, 9, 11- 13, 190, 191 ; Wilmot, 12. Tredween, Elizabeth, 169. Trefeys, Patience, 200. Trefry, Elizabeth, 148 ; Jane. 167 ; Thomas, 167. Trefusis, Jane, 141 ; Thomas, 141. Ti-egagle, John, 247. Tregase, Walter, 181, 182. Tregeare, Ascnes, 242 ; Anne, 21, 150 ; Henry, 24. 38, 40, 42, 44. 45, 47, 50, 52. 150, 216, 218, 224, 229, 240 ; Ho- nor, 47 ; James, 38 ; Joane, 22. 50, 145, 210, 214, 219 ; Katherine. 47, 218 ; Margaret, 45, 140, 224; Marv. 38, 40, 42. 44. 47. 50, 52, "150, 217. 218, 229 ; Prudence. 164 ; Richard, 42, 140, 210 ; Tho- mas, 21, 22, 24, 145, 207 ; William, 40, 216. Tregellas, Pascoe, 28 ; Robert, 28. Tregeneder, John, 15 ; Mary, 15. Treeenna, Edward, 167 : Eliza- beth, 167, 187; Grace, 101. 172, 268, 2S0, 283; Jane, 1.50, 178, 221 ; Joane, 167, 203 ; John, 101, 127, 128, 167, 172, 173, 268. 280, 283, 290 ; Margaret, 127 ; Martha, 128, 173, 290 ; Richard, 150 ; Sarah, 167. Tregiddier, Elizabeth, 171. Tregillgass, Elizabeth, 174 ; John. 174. 288. Tregleith, Alson, 180 ; John, 180. Tregona, Agnes, 3 ; Joane, 139, 141 ; John. 2, 185 ; Kathe- rine. 6. 140 ; Philippa, 4, 184 ; Richard. 179 ; Robert, 2-6, 179, 184, 185, 192 : Thomas, 5,6. Tregonwen, Tamson, 216. Tregowlls, Elizabeth, 141. Tregrear, Agnes. 180 ; Robert, 180. Trehare, Columb, 1 ; Elizabeth, 115; Francis, 25, 29. 146, 213 ; Haniball, 25 ; James, 121 ; Jane, 146, 222 ; John, 1-3, 114, 115, 117-119, 121, 180, 182, 184, 278 ; Joseph, 119 ; Martha, 117 ; Mary. 3, 114, 115, 117-119. 121, 175, 184; Melliar, 182; Philippa, 2, 180; Richard, 29 ; Tho- mas, 118. Trehenban. Anthony, 51, 231 ; Christian, 36 ; Cicely, 49, 51, 57, 60. 153, 226. 230. 248 ; Elizabeth, 147, 227 ; Francis, 20. 147, 205, 206. 218 ; Henry, 14; 16, 17, 38, 5.3, 55. 56, 69, 149, 155, 196, 198, 220, 222, 223, 229-231 ; Hugh, 20 ; Humphrey, 49, 51, 53. 55. 57, 60, 153, 224, 226, 230, 239 ; Jane, 147 ; Joane. 56, 59. 147, 155, 195, 206, 231, 233 ; John, 10, 26, 28, 34, 49, 147, 208,211. 230: Katherine. 14, 29, 32, 34, 36, 38, 148, 217 ; Margaret. 36, 52, 53, 205 ; Mary, 51, 52, 153, 231, 242 ; Meliar, 55, 237 ; Nicholas, 10, 17, 28. 195, 196. 198. 208; Pascoe, 10 ; Peter, 53. 222 ; Ralph, 53.224 ; Richard, 231 ; Robert, 16. 28, 29. 31, 32, 34, 86, 38, 56, 148, 217 ; Samp- son, 51, 224 ; Simon, 31, 51, .52, 57. 59. 1.53. 211, 226, 229, 231, 235 : Thomas, 32 ; WU- liam, 26, 55, 223. Trekeane, Honor, 38, 146, 226 ; John. 28 ; Loveday, 30, 210 ; Mary, 24, 239 ; Thomas, 220 : AVilliam, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30^ 38. 146, 210, 218, 234; , 23. Trelawder. Blanch, 15 ; Joane, 139 ; Robert, 139 ; William, 15. Trelawny, Anne, 216, 245 ; Charles, 249 ; Elizabeth, 216 ; Sir John, 216, 245 ; John, 51, 223 ; Sir Jonathan, 51, 216 ; Katherine, 51, 223. Treleaven, Alice, 204 ; Francis, 115, 170; Grace, 115, 170; Henry, 204 ; James, 281. Trelego, Nicholas, 184 ; Tamson, 184. Trelogan, Alice, 9. 145 ; Low- die, 8, 20, 199, 212, 213 ; Margaret, 191 ; Thomas, 8, 9, 20. 25, 193, 199, 212 ; , 25. Treluddrow, Agues, 1, 5, 183 ; Bennett, 4, 184 ; Columb, 3 ; Cyprian, 6 ; Elizabeth, 142 ; H., 7 ; Joane, 186, 191 ; John, 2, 4. 6. 7 ; Katherine, 187 ; Nicholas, 191 ; Robert, 4, 142 ; Thomas, 1-5, 183, 184. Tremaine. Alice, 7 ; Alson, 1 ; Amy. 95 ; Anne, 54, 77, 84, 92, 166, 249, 283 ; Benjamin, 110 ; Daniel, 78 ; Dennis, 92, 93, 102. 104, 265, 269, 274 ; Edward, 88, 110, 169, 274; Elizabeth. 32, 110, 136, 142, 166, 169, i70, 261 ; Francis, 8, 144, 149; George. 170; Henry, 197, 204 ; Honor, 249 ; Humphrey, 10,32, 187; James, 18, 115 ; Jane, 92. 93, 96, 97, 99, 153. 165, 166, 209, 255, 259, 260, 263, 267, 282 ; Ja- nett, 184; Jenkin, 181; Joane, 187 ; John, 8, 10, 30. 32, 79, 95, 109, 166, 184, 269^ 280 ; Katherine, 204 ; Mar- garet, 82, 84, 137, 144. 181 ; Mariott, 184 ; Mark, 82 ; Mary. 92, 93. 95, 96, 102, 104, 164,' 170, 197. 260, 263, 265; Nicholas. 8; Pascoe. 188; Pentecost, 25 : Peter. 82, 84, 249, 250; Richard, 1, 2, 7, 2t 346 THE EEGTSTEES OF ST. COLTJMB MAJOE. 136, 180,183, 184, 261; Sarah, 78. 83, 86, 88. 113, 250, 271 ; Sha.lrach, 92, 93. 96, 97, 99, 165, 259, 260, 263, 267, 282, 283 ; Simon, 30 ; Susanna, 83, 109, 110, 112, 113, 115. 250; Thomas, 2, 53. 54, 77-79, 83. 86. 88, 104. 153, 181, 184, 22.3, 250, 258, 261, 265 ; Thomasinc, 180. 269, 291 ; William. 18, 25, 86,93,109, 110, 112.113, 115, 136. 243. 267, 291 ; William, Rapson, 102. Trcmaine alhis Cocking. Sec Cocking. Trembeare. Barbara, 43 ; Mar- garet, 43, 46 ; Mary, 210 ; Nathaniel, 223 ; Philippa, 224 ; Thomas. 46, 210, 212 ; William, 43. 46. Trembeth, Elizabeth, 32, 188; Grace. 24 ; Henry, 26, 96 ; James, 23, 202. 221 ; Jane, 32. 104. 1.50 ; Joaue. 131, 140 ; John, 12. 22-26. 30, 85, 96, 104, 140, 201, 202, 277 ; Lucy, 109 ; Margaret, 22. 84, 85. 88, 91, 94. 96, 104, 109, 258, 260 ; Mary, 91, 293 ; Matthew, 30 ; "Rachel, 84; Richard, 94, 258 ; Thomas, 32 ; William, 22, 84, 85, 88, 91, 94,109,131,201, 258,260, 277. Trenayle, Agnes, 218. Trenance, Anne, 151; Katberine, 155; Philippa, 143; Robert, 143 ; Thomas, 155. Trenbeard alias Hawkins, Lewis, 41 ; Margery, 41. Trencreeke, Jane, 247; John, 247. Treneage, Agnes, 139, 236; Anne, 34 ; Cicely, 28, 153 ; Elizabeth, 190 ; Gregory, 190; Joane, 26 ; John, 26, 28, 34,146,212,213,218; Katbe- rine, 212 : Patience, 34 ; Peter,225 ; Petronell, 146,21 9. Trenennis, Florence. 65, 231 ; Frances, 257 ; Henry, 65, 231 ; Joane, 163 ; John, 229 ; Thomasine,162 ; William.229. Trenery, Elizabeth, 98, 104, 168, 263, 273 ; Epiphany, 93, 97, 98, 263, 265; Gertrude, 175 ; James, 88, 90. 92, 93, 97, 98, 104,168,263,265,273, 278 ; John, 88, 175 ; Mary, 92, 168 ; Richard, 97 ; Tho- mas, 104 ; William, 93. Trenesell, Agnes. 52 ; Grace, 52, 153 ; Hugh, 52, 153. Trenethan, Patience, 216. Trengove, Elizabeth, 199,213; Grace, 168 ; Jane, 168. Treningwas, Grace, 31 ; John, 31 ; Petronell, 31. Trenocke. Jane, 183 ; Nicholl, 183 ; Reynold, 180 ; Richard, 183. Trenowth, Anne, 140 ; Beth- saida, 28; Elizabeth, 144, 204 : Francis, 210 ; George. 192 ; Humphrey, 19, 20, 27, 28, 144, 204, 211 ; Jane, 7 ; Joane, 19 ; John, 7, 19 ; Katberine, 3, 181 ; Margaret, 3 ; Pawlie, 139 ; Richard. 3, 20, 184; Richow, 215 ; Thomas. 27. 184; Tho- masine, 139 ; William, 3, 181. Trenowth alias Vivian, Eliza- beth, 189 ; John, 181. Trenwith, Anne, 152 ; Richard, 152. Treprony, Robert, 185. Tresaddern, Barbara, 24 ; Jas- per, 47 ; Joane, 166, 251. 254, 272, 287 ; John, 23 ; Mary, 47; Matthew, 47; Peter, 31 ; William, 23, 24,29, 31, 208. Tresannow, Marrcn. 181. Tresastcr, Alice. 140 ; Olive, 137, 196, 199, 208. Tresawell. Christopher. 12. 190 ; Elizabeth. 193 ; John, 10. 12. 193 ; Katberine, 142 ; Mar- garet, 190 : Philippa, 10. 206 ; Richard, 12, 190. Tresawell alias Rawling. John, 192. Trcscalett, John. 186. Trescouthick, Elizabeth, 129. 131, 133, 136. 175 ; Honour, 133; James, 131 ; John, 129, 131, 133, 136, 175 ; Susanna, 176 ; William, 176, Tresony, Margery, 13 ; Pascoe, 13. Tresotherine, Elizabeth, 22 : William, 22. Tresoys, Cicely, 138. Trespettigo, Anne, 150. Tresteane, Adam, 31, 35, 201, 210, 212 ; Anne, 33, 49 ; Charles, 81-83, 86, 88, 247, 2.50, 251 ; Christopher, 163 ; Elizabeth, 38,82, 83,250. 251 ; Florence, 83, 25(^; Grace, 210 ; Honor, 21, 219; John, 37, 81, 88, 247 ; Martin, 30- 32, 35, 37, 38, 148, 210, 217, 243 : Nicholas, 33, 49 ; Olym- pia, 86,88 ; Otes. 21 ; Patience, 32, 35. 37, 148,221 ; Susanna, 82, 86. 243 ; William, 30, 49. Tresylian, G., 12 ; Nicholas, 10, 12 ; Temperance, 10 ; , 224. Trethewy. Bartholomew, 66 ; Flora, 123 ; Hugh, 231 ; Jane, 66 : Joane, 158 ; Mary, 86, 169. 252 ; Thomas. 66, 86, 123. 169, 173, 252 ; Wilmot, 123, 173. Trevalcois, Edward, 147, 214, 221 ; Judith, 147, 214, 221. Trevanion, Amy, 258 ; Anna, 247 ; John, 247. Trevare, Samuel, 220 ; Thomas, 220. Trevaugben, Emblen, 198. Treven, Elizabeth, 45 ; Honor, 45 ; Thomas, 45. Trevenan, John, 4 ; Pethrick, 4. Trevenna, Redigan, 162. Treverton, Elizabeth, 165. 177 ; John, 177 ; Mary, 176. Trevethan, Anne, 187 ; Christo- pher, 3 ; Elizabeth, 151 ; Henry. 187 ; Jane, 200 ; Mar- garet. 12, 190, 195 : Prudence, 167 ; Richard, 12. 190 ; Sarah, 164; Sebastian, 19, 203; Stephen. 195 ; Tamson, 200 ; Ursula. 164 ; William. 3, 19, 164, 203. Trevithick, Anne, 210, 260 ; Florence, 77 ; Joane, 78 ; John. 76, 210 ; Mary. 75, 161, 246 ; Nicholas. 75, 245, 246 ; Petronell. 149, 245 ; Thomas, 75-78, 80, 161, 246, 259. Trevrin, Jane, 152 : Thomas, 152. Trevyth, Jane, 20 ; Thomasine, 20. Trewbodv, Agnes, 148, 213 ; Charles, 30, 31, 148 ; Grace, 292 ; John, 182 ; Mary, 30 ; Nicholas, 182; Peter, 31, 148 ; WilHam, 292. Trewen, John, 6 ; Katberine, 6. Trewren, Elizabeth, 155 ; Wil- liam, 155. Trigen, John, 186. Trimbeen, Mary. 31 ; Thomas, 31. Trisk, Francis, 225. Trisven, Adam, 210 ; Martin, 210. Troth, Anne, 43, 45, 46, 48, 151, 220 ; Anthony, 111 ; Con- stance, 54, 162 ; Emeline, 52, 57, 69, 154, 254; Faith, 52, 68, 70, 266 ; George, 46, 70, 221 ; Jane, 44 ; John, 43 ; Joseph, 112 ; Katberine, 69, 235 ; Mareery, 55 ; Mary, 111-113 ; Matthew, 57, 68; Philippa, 48, 244 ; Richard, 4.3-46, 48, 52-55, .57, 69, 151, 154, 221, 227, 235 ; Thomas, 45, 111-113, 221. Troublefield, Henry, 23 ; James, 206 ; Joane, 18, 140, 143 ; John, 15. 18. 23, 25, 140, 14.3, 204, 206 ; Mary, 14, 192 ; Reynold, 15 ; Richard, 195 ; Thomas, 14. 192 ; William, 18, 195. Troublefield alias Thomas, See Thomas. Troulson. Isott, 155 : William, 155. Tounsell, Julian, 260. Trubbow alias Thomas, Henry, 272. Trulerf ord, Henry, 45 ; John, 45. Truscott, Alice, 116-118, 121, 124, 125, 171, 278, 280, 285 ; Anne, 116, 131, 178, 286, 295 ; Barnabas, 285 ; Bernard, 112 ; INDEX. 347 Digory, 116-118, 120, 121, 124, 125, 171, 278, 280, 2S5, 286 ; Elizabeth, iO, 41, 142, 144, 146, 148, 151, 231 ; Em- blvn, 57, 226 ; Frances, 121 ; Francis, 117, 278 ; Giles, 23, 40, 41, 71. 151, 215, 230, 238 ; Jane, 107. 109-112, 125, 178, 272, 275. 291 ; Jenifer, 132 ; Joane, 16, 63, 64, 66, 68-71, 73, 143, 147, 233, 234 ; John, 17, 26, 41, 57, 61, 63, 64, 66, 68-71, 73, 107, 109, 110, 112, 120, 131, 132, 157, 176, 178, 226, 228, 229, 233-235, 238, 239. 249, 272, 275, 285-287, 291 ; Joseph, 73, 111 ; Love- day, 131, 132, 176, 286, 287 ; Margaret, 57. 61. 157, 226, 228 ; Mark, 69, 239 ; Martin, 21, 200; Mary, 70, 107, 118, 134, 177 ; Nicholas, 16 ; Richard, 66, 263, 295 ; Ste- phen, 17, 202 ; Walter, 21, 23, 144, 200 ; William, 26, 40. Ill, 134. 142, 147, 177, 202, 215, 288. Trusoe, Agnes, 195 ; John, 16 ; Margaret, 16 ; Richard, 187. Trussell, Jane, 143, 147 ; John, 18 ; Robert, 16 ; Stephen, 16- 18, 143. 200 ; Thomas, 17, 200. Tryll, Alice, 141. Tubb, Anne, 95, 117, 269 ; Blanch. 117 ; Edward, 18, 227 ; George, 17, 18, 196 ; Henry, 15, 193 ; James, 21 ; Joane, 89, 252 ; John, 14, 15, 17, 19, 193, 212; Mary, 14, 89, 95, 100, 261, 269 ; Nicho- las, 20, 208 ; Richard, 23 ; Stephen, 17-21, 23. 25, 196 ; Susanna, 25 ; William, 17, 25, 89, 100, 117, 210, 261 ; Wilmot. 219. Tubby alias Bennett. See Ben- nett. Tuchim, Elizabeth, 248 ; John, 248. Tucker, Agnes, 139, 193 ; Alson, 180 ; Anlyff, 8 ; Anne, 13, 194; Anthony. 4, 183; An—, 205 ; Elizabeth, 17, 216 ; Florence, 239 ; Honor, 8 ; Joane, 8, 13, 145, 205, 213 ; John. 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19- 21, 73, 139, 145, 184, 189, 191, 193, 194, 201, 213; Joseph, 73 ; Manuel, 21 ; Margery, 192 ; Mary, 20, 149, 157, 161, 272 ; Nicholas, 13 ; Olive, 7, 10; Pascae, 3, 19, 184 ; Pascoe, 186 ; Philippa, 164 ; Polhoricke, 8 ; Raw- ling, 2 ; Richard, 2, 4-7. 183. 184, 196, 199 ; Ruth, 73 ; Thomas, 7, 10, 203 ; William, 17, 161, 239, 240. Tucker alias Newlyn, John, 180. Turbervile, Alice, 33 ; Constance, 33 ; John, 206 ; William, 33. Turner, Abraham, 268 ; Eliza- beth, 99, 174 ; Grace, 99 ; Jane, 268 ; Joane, 94. 265, 268 ; John; 89, 91, 92, 94. 96, 99, 256, 263-265 ; Mary. 91, 94, 96, 114, 2.56. 263, 264 ; Richard. 89 ; Robert, 114. Twogood, Mary, 174. Tyack, Teake. Teague, Agnes, 7 ; Alice, 138 ; Anne, 185 Arthur, 181 ; Christopher, 297,299 ; Cicely, 138 ; Darnel' 204 ; Edward, 16-18, 20-22 143, 194. 198, 201, 211 ; Eli- zabeth. 10, 18, 50, 139, 191 195 ; Henry, 3, 4, 185 ; Ho- nor, 12, 22, 140 ; James, 16 194; Jane, 138. 251, 297 299 ; Joane, 9 ; John, 3-5, 8 10, 22, 45, 50, 53, 145, 148 153, 185, 233 ; Joyce, 16 Katheriue, 19, 139 ; Leonard 239 ; Margaret, 2, 4, 50, 153 184, 185, 233 ; Martin, 17 Maude, 145 ; Nicholas, 297 Olive, 143, 217, 297; Peter. 18 ; Rawling, 183, 297 ' Richard, 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 19, 22, 139, 185, 194 ; Robert, 297 ; Thomas. 2-4, 6, 9, 10 12-14, 138, 139, 181, 184-186 188, 191, 297; Walter, 297 William. 6, 138, 297. Tyer, Anne. 56. 67, 69, 72, 96 168, 175, 233, 254, 279 Cicely, 190 ; David, 42, 217 Dorothy. 29 ; Elizabeth, 40 Henry, 8, 16 ; Honor, 34, 70, 160, 212, 258 ; James, 35 Jane, 226 ; Joane, 34, 51, 56 59, 63, 142, 190, 200, 244 John, 5, 7, 15, 16, 18, 19, 30 38, 51, 70, 72, 74, 76, 142, 160, 185, 190, 194, 200, 203 239, 246 ; Katherine, 32, 35 38, 42, 148, 226; Margaret, 9, 72, 85, 88, 96, 164 ; Mark 29, 32, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42, 53 67, 69, 72, 148, 214, 217, 233 240 ; Martha, 201 : Martin 18, 212 ; Mary, 19, 70, 164 222 ; Mathie, 139 ; Penelope 32, 214; Richard, 182; Ste- phen, 69, 76, 85, 88, 96, 164, 168, 240, 282; Tabitha. 85 Thomas, 5, 7-9, 11, 139, 185. 190, 192, 201, 205,218; Wal- ter, 30, 51. 53, 56, 59, 63 226, 229, 239 ; William, 63 67. 229, 233. Tynner, Elizabeth, 16, 140 Joane, 143 ; Robert, 16, 143 Tamson, 186. Udey,'Edy, Abigail, 58,60-62, 64-66, 72, 232, 242 ; Alice, 137 ; Anne, 279 ; Barbara, 13, 193; Charles, 62 ; Cicely, 137; Elizabeth, 10, 13, 61, 138, 176, 237 ; Frances, 90, 170; Henry, 4; Honor, 91; Humphrey. 4, 13 ; James, 26, 193; .lane, 146, 167, 169, 211 ; Joane. 6, 26, 150, 187, 193, 292 ; John, 6, 58, 60-62, 64-66, 72, 78. 86, 88, 90, 91, 140, 162, 192, 193, 232, 237, 242, 253, 261, 275 ; Jona- than. 58 ; Lancelot, 204 ; Magdalen, 162 ; Martin, 252 ; Mary, 58, 78, 165 ; Maude, 253 ; Pascae, 140 ; Philippa, 86, 88, 90, 91. 140,271 ; Pru- dence, 64. 232 ; Richard, 10, 13, 60, 137, 186 ; Robert, 6, 7, 292 ; Thomas, 7, 65 ; Wil- liam, 66. Udey alias Rowe, Pascha, 198. Udey alias Skeberin, Richard, 208. Uida, Donice, 201. Upcott, Edward, 15 ; Henry, 26. 229 ; Jane, 184 ; Joane, 227 ; John, 12, 26, 226 ; Ka- therine, 190 ; Margery, 19, 149 ; Mary, 141, 198 ; Rich- ard, 184; Stephen, 183; Tamson, 189 ; Thomas, 14 ; William, 12, 14-16, 19, 141, 183, 184, 187, 190.195,197. Upham, Edward, 296 ; Mary, 296. Uryn, Jane, 180 ; JefEery, 191 ; Robert, 179, 180. Vages, Robert, 4, 183 ; William, 4, 183. Valleys, Anne, 142, 215 ; Eli- zabeth, 8. 21, 27, 200, 207; E.. 14 ; Francis, 27 ; Honor, 140 : James, 14, 16, 17, 21, 142, 196, 198. 200, 212 ; Jane, 142; John, 8, 9, 11, 16, 18, 187, 190, 191, 198 ; Kathe- riue, 193 ; Martin, 11, 190 ; Mary, 192 ; Nicholas, 15 ; Olive, 15 ; Patience, 18, 151 ; Thomas, 17, 196; William, 9. Vanson, Dorothy, 142, 206 ; Gregory, 14, 201 ; Joane, 158 ; John, 14 ; Richard, 142, 200. Varcoe, Alice. 204 ; Anne, 173, 246 ; Cecilia, 131 ; Dinah, 89, 90, 96, 165, 260 ; Ed- mond, 89, 90, 96, 115, 117, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 131, 165, 171, 260, 282 ; Eli- zabeth, 134 ; Grace, 124, 282 ; James, 128 ; Joane, 90, 134. 177 ; John, 81, 108, 110, 115, 134. 169, 177, 272,276; Mary, 108, 110, 115, 117,118, 120,122, 124, 126, 128. 131, 348 THE REaiSTERS OE ST. COLTJMB MAJOR. 169, 171, 272, 282 ; Robert, 126 ; Thomas, 25. 81. 89, 117, 201, 260; William, 25, 120, 173, 268, 274, 279. Veale, Alice, 96, 165, 171, 257 ; Anne, 45, 94, 96, 98, 115, 166, 219, 289; Arthur, 59, 75. 78, 81, 161, 255, 267 ; Daniel, 123; Elizaboth, 113- 116, 118, 165, 278. 280. 297; George, 135, 218, 288 ; Henry, 55. 75, 94, 96, 98, 113-116, 125. 135, 165, 166, 2.37, 257, 266, 274, 278; Jane, 111, 112, 114, 11.5, 16'.), 273, 2S6 ; Jenifer, 117 ; Joane, 112, 174 ; John, 116, 174, 219 ; Lucy, 136 ; Margaret, 55, 59, 78, 157, 243 ; Mary, 104, 117, 118, 121, 123, 125, 13.3, 135, 136. 171, 177, 270, 271, 280, 288. 293 ; Richard, 55, 59, 81, 98, 104, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 121, 123, 125, 133, 135, 136, 157, 169, 171, 177, 237, 243, 251, 265, 270, 271, 273, 279, 280, 283, 286, 288, 293 ; Richard Cowling, 121 ; Robert, 182 ; Ruth. 75, 114, 161, 178, 271; Sarah. 174 ; Susanna, 104, 270. Verren,Mar6 ; Jonathan, 41, 215; Judith, 48, 50. 152, 246 ; Lord, .300 ; Loveday, 43. 150, 218, 298 ; Lucy, 141, 300 ; Margaret, 53, i47, 183, 187; Mary, 27, 32, 34, 36-39, 41, 42, 47, 48, 50, 51. 73, 76, 88, 145, 164, 165, 169, 201, 214, 21.5, 217, 220, 223-225, 228, 229, 231, 236, 242, 245, 249, 256, 258, 260. 272. 277, 290-293, 295- 297 ; Matthew, 32 ; Michael, 16, 140, 183 ; Olive, 8, 12, 137, 140, 196, 199, 208, 224, 229 ; Pascatte, 137 ; Pascoe, 15, 137, 140, 145, 196, 201, 214, 231 ; Peter. 227, 296 ; Philip, 290 ; Philippa, 137, 180; Ralph. 190; Rebecca, 295 ; Richard, 7, 8, 17. 30, 54, 140. 181, 186, 187, 189, 220, 224, 227, 229, 286, 295, 297, 300; Robert, 183; Sarah, 164, 256 ; Stephen, 294, 296 ; Susanna, 93, 286 ; Thomas, 10-17, 28, 45, 76, 137, 140, 14.5, 147, 164, 16.5, 189, 190, 196, 201, 202, 208, 214, 220, 224, 229, 231, 245, 2.50, 251, 256, 257, 260, 263, 271, 286, 292, 296, 300; Tho- masine, 296, 297 ; Undie Amy, 218 ; Ursula, 13, 140, 147, 300; Walter, 36, 43, 45. 48, 50, 73, 75, 1.50. 152, 161, 218,239, 241, 295; William. 8, 29. 43. 54, 168, 214. 217, 223, 225^ 295-297. Vivian alias Trenowth, Eliza- beth, 189 ; John, 181. Vosprey, Tamson, 296. Vounder, Constance, 150. Vreane, JPatience, 172. Vyan, Agnes, 183 ; Francis, 10 ; James, 183 ; Jenkin, 183 ; John, 10. Vyvyau, Anne, 295, 296 ; Charles,277, 284 ; Elizabeth, 294 ; Henry. 295, 296 ; Love- day. 113, 277, 284 ; Mary, 48, 228, 245. 277 ; Sir Rich- ard. 48, 113, 245, 277, 284; Robert, 113-277; Thomas, 113, 275, 277, 279, 281, 282, 284 ; Sir Vyal, 228. W. Wakcham, George, 164 ; Jane, 164. Walcott, Christopher, 43 ; Eli- zabeth, 43 ; Joane, 43. Walis, Alson. 179. Walkey. Abel, 89 ; Anne, 112 ; Daniel, 36 ; David, .35. 149, 150, 212, 225, 230 ; Edmund, 36, 157 ; Elinor, 157 ; Eliz.a- beth, 89. 91, 282; Jane. 3.5, 36. 149, 225 ; Joane, 150 ; John, 35, 112, 113, 116, 118, 122, 123, 125, 170, 212, 277, 281, 286; Margaret, 112. 113. 116, 118, 122, 123, 125, 170, 277, 281, 286 ; Mary, 122, 125, 281 ; Richard, 123 ; Robert, 89, 91, 276 ; William, 116, 118, 277. Waller, Margaret, 139. Walters, Abraham, 125, 174 ; Elizabeth, 106, 125, 147, 174 ; George, 106 : William, 106. Ward, Caroline, 260 ; Eliza- beth, 31 ; Joane, 294 ; Ju- lian, 31 ; Margaret, 42; Mary, 42 ; Simon, 294 ; Thomas. 31 ; Thomasine, 294 ; WU- liam, 42. Warne. Warren, Alexander, 24, 146, 204, 212 ; Anne, 54, 58, 74, 114. 119, 161, 239, 244, 275, 290, 293, 296 ; Anne Priscilla, 294 ; Anstis, 62 ; Arthur, 74, 239 ; Betsey Dun- gey, 128. 175 ; Catherine, 24, 86, 102, 139, 159, 168, 172, 204, 212. 244, 250, 256, 283, 292; Christopher. 54, 80, 84. 86, 89, 93, 102, 104, 106, 107, 110, 111, 114, 168, 172, 175, 223, 2.50, 256, 264, 26.5, 270. 272-275, 277-279, 281-283. 288 ; Dinah, 84, 156, 168, 223, 231, 264 ; Edward, 65 ; Elizabeth, 58, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 70, 102. 110, 128, 132, 133, 135. 158. 161, 162, 166, 17.5, 221. 253, 262, 283, 284, 288, 294, 297 ; Faith, 298 ; Florence, 114, 115, 117, 119, 124, 27.5, 282; Geori^e, 93 ; Grace, 89, 104, 168, 175, 221, 283, 288, 292 ; Hannah, 80, 167 ; Henrv. 54, 80, 106, INDEX. 349 110, 128, 132, 133, 135, 156, 159, 175, 223, 231, 2U, 256, 264, 270, 283, 288; Honor. 67, 102, 104. 106, 107, 110, 111, 114, 168, 270. 273, 275, 277, 283 ; J.ames, 293 ; Jane, 84, 86, 89, 91, 93, 102, 107, 156, 160, 168, 173, 223, 250, 264, 279, 283, 298 ; Jenifer, 54, 223 ; Joane, 146, 212, 298 ; John, 4, 6, 7, 13, 54. 85, 111, 114, 115, 117, 119, 124, 139, 146, 158, 212, 244, 251, 273, 275, 282. 292, 296. 298 ; Joseph, 293 ; Loveday, 294 ; Margaret, 6, 179, 292, 298; Mary, 54, 78, 83, 85, 86, 117, 133, 175, 178, 251, 252, 257, 293, 294. 298, 299 ; Mary Jack. 80, 162, 262 ; Maude, 156 ; Melina, 299 ; Nicholas, 115, 275 ; Patsey Jane, 132, 175 ; Peter, 221, 293, 297 ; Richard, 4, 91, 293, 298 ; 8imon. 70, 80, 162, 167, 294 ; Sophia Grace, 133, 175 ; Stephen, 61, 78, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 91, 158, 162, 251, 252, 257, 262, 297, 298 ; Tliomas, 58. 61, 62. 64. 65. 67, 70, 102. 158, 161, 162, 166. 185, 2.52, 253, 261, 267, 270, 298, 299 ; Thorcasiue, 185 ; William, 7, 13, 58, 74, 81, 86. 161, 239, 252. 283, 294, 298, 299. Watt, Watts, Alice, 7 ; Anne, . 157 : Elizabeth. 63, 156. 169, 174, 291 ; Henry. 156 ; James, 157, 185, 224, 227 ; Jane, 2, 59, 138, 180 ; Jenifer, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 158, 242 ; Joane, 60, 162, 163 ; John, 50, 59, 60, 62. 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 158, 184, 220, 231, 241, 242, 275 ; Loveday, 232 ; Margaret, 224 ; Mary, 62 ; Prudence, 50 ; Richard, 2, 3, 179, 180, 184, 187, 196, 250 ; Roger, 50 ; Rose, 252 ; Tho- mas, 7, 68, 169, 241 ; Thoma- sine, 2, 180, 188, 205 ; Wal- ter, 277 ; William. 66, 181, 185, 220 ; William Henry, 188, 205. Way, Elizabeth, 39 ; Joane, 39, 148, 150, 215 ; Leonard, 39 ; Robert, 39 ; William, 39, 150, 215. Wayte, George, 263. Weaver, Alice, 190 ; Edward, 189 ; Elizabeth, 5 ; George, 5 ; James, 5 ; Joane, 6 ; John, 6, 189 ; J., 17 ; Mar- garet, 139 ; Mary, 5 ; Ni- cholas. 17 ; Richard, 185 ; Robert, 191 ; Thomas, 185, 190, 191, 194. Webb, Joane, 147. Webber, Bridget, 122, 281 ; Elizabeth, 81, 89, 248, 295 ; Frances, 80, 83, 85, 89, 92, 163, 248, 251, 252, 267; Francis, 268 ; Grace, 119, 120, 122, 171. 281 : James, 134 ; Jane. 141, 295 ; John. S3, 119, 120, 122, 171, 281 ; Martha. 119, 134, 178 ; Mary, 79, 144, 245, 295 ; Matthew. 295 ; Richard, 79-81. 83, 85, 89, 92. 163. 245, 248. 249. 251, 267, 268,274; William, 141. Webster, Matthew, 282. Weekes, Henry, 32 ; Hester, 32 ; Reynold, 28, 30, 32, 210 ; Thomas, 28; William, 30,210. Wene, John, 7 ; Katherine, 7. Werry, Charitv, 156 ; Grace, 297 ; Hannah, 164 ; Juane, 297 ; John, 156, 164, 297 ; Roger. 297. West. Alice, 33, 157, 215, 250 ; Anne, 218 ; Cicely, 232 ; Ed- ward, 250 ; Jane, 33, 35, 37 ; Joane, 35, 37, 149, 156, 213, 227; Julian, 21, 200 ; Jus- tance, 19 ; Margery, 201 ; Mary, 41, 213, 293 ; Richard, 19, 21, 200, 243 ; Robert, 33, 3.5, 37, 149, 210, 223 ; Tho- mas, 41, 201, 232, 293. Westcott, Agatha, 55, 58, 60, 63, 67, 157, 234, 241 ; Bal- thaser, 16 ; Cicely, 50, 217 ; Dennis, 14-16, 18, 20, 2.3, 42, 55, 58, 60, 63, 67, 157, 214, 234, 239, 240 ; Elizabeth. 45, 55, 124, 227 : Grace, 114, 275, 281 ; Hugh, 20 ; Jane, 14, 15. 40, 44, 221, 226 ; Joane, 58, 157 ; Mary, IS, 40, 42, 44, 47 50, 60, 114, 115, 124, 150, 159, 169. 170. 215, 226, 228, 275, 281 ; Olive, 163 ; Thomas, 23, 40, 42, 44, 45, 47, 50, 63, 114, 115, 124, 1.50, 170, 215, 226, 228, 240, 275, 281. Western, Beaton, 158 ; Chris- tian, 159 ; Cicely, 152 ; John, 158, 228. Weymouth, Anne, 71, 238 ; Eli- zabeth, 71 ; Littleton, 71,238. Wheare, Margery, 222. Wheedon, Charles, 89, 253, 263 ; Elizabeth, 164,261 ; Frances, 99, 101, 263, 270; John, 89, 90, 99, 101, 16.5, 256, 263. 270, 271 ; Mary, 89, 90, 99, 101,164,165, 256. 263,270, 271; Rebecca, 165 ; Robert, 259. Whetter, Catherine, 266 ; Dor- cas, 100, 101, 1U3, 105, 109, 167, 272, 282 ; Dorothy, 271 ; Elizabeth, 126, 283 ; Grace, 126,128-130,283-285; James, 105, 272 ; Jane, 169; Jeph- thah, 126, 128-130, 282-285 ; Joane, 101, 171 ; John, 100, 101, 103, 105, 109, 129, 167, 260, 264, 271-273, 285 ; Mary 260 ; Richard, 103 ; Susanna', 109, 271. Whitaker, Honor, 160 ; Jane, 178 ; John, 160, 178 ; Mar- gery, 255. White, Aaron, 94 ; Agnes, 182 ; Alice, 135. 136, 177 ; Allen, 2-4, 184; Amy, 130, 1.32-135, 176; Andrew, 130; Anne, 48, 54, 59, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98, " 108. Ill, 113, 121. 136, 165, 178, 222, 226, 277, 291 ; An- thony, 65, 67, 70, 72, 77, 90, 94, 110, 1.32-135, 176, 291 ; Arthur, 74, 135. 136, 177 ; Avis. 141, 20J; Barbara, 11, 146 ; Beaton, 69 ; Blanch, 15; Damaris, HI, 126; Dor- cas, 39 ; Edward. 34, 37, 39. 149 ; Elizabeth, 15, 20, 34J 37-39, 75. 110, 111, 113. 128, 135, 136, 149, 150, 178, 244 ; Blward, 213; Frances, 48, 51. 56. 57. 59, 78, 152, 159, 165, 226,- 242 ; Gertrude, 65, 67. 70. 72, 291 ; Gilbert, 72, 74, 77, 240 ; Grace, 72, 74 ; James. 51, 11.3, 124, 133, 136. 178; Jane, 4, 56, 135. 138, 184, 229 ; Joane, 38. 5i3, 69, 144.1.55, 160,211,215; John, 3, 65, 77, 90, 93, 98, 110, 111, 113, 121, 122, 124-126, 128, 129, 131, 133-136, 165, 184, 209, 213, 244, 268, 282, 291 ; Joyce, 122; Katherine, 12; Margaret, 19, 140, 188 ; Mary, 70. 88. 89, 93, 94, 113, 121, 122, 124-126, 128, 129, 131- 133, 13,5, 150, 163, 167, 215, 228, 291 ; Matthew, 278 ; Nicholas, 11,12, 141; Philip, 90, 155, 232 ; Richard, 37, 125 ; Samuel, 111, 133 ; Ste- phen, 2 ; Susanna, 77, 98, 170,240 ; Tamson, 141; Tho- mas, 22, 141, 182. 205 ; Timo- thy, 72, 131 ; William, 19, 20, 22, 34, 48. 53. 54, 56, 57, 59. 67, 75, 77, 78, 88, 89, 93, 108, 111, 113. 144, 152, 205, 211, 218, 222, 226, 229, 239, 244, 259. 267, 274, 278, 291. Whitford, Anne, 92, 95, 96, 98, 121, 156, 165, 262, 284,291 ; Anstice, 38, 39 ; Anthony, 38, 39, 150, 212, 213, 214, 291 ; Benjamin, 132 ; C'asely, 113; Catherine, 68, 79, 119, 121, 123, 124, 129. 132, 165, 172, 237, 284 ; Constance, 150 ; Dorothy, 149, 291 ; Eli- zabeth, 64, 83, 101, 167, 175, 176, 237, 266, 290, 291 ; George. 39 : Grace, 34, 98- 101, 103, 104, 106, 107. 166, 212, 213. 266, 268. 272.' 291 ; Henry. 96, 113, 262 ; Honor, 80, 246 ; Jane, 70, 98 : John, 34. 60, 63. 64,66, 68. 70, 81, 95, 98-101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 119. 121. 123, 124, 129, 132,158, 166, 172, 175, 237, 350 THE REGISTERS OF ST. COLUMB MAJOR. 262, 266, 268, 272, 274, 284, 290 ; Martha. 175 ; Mary. 82 83, 85, 100,114.174,246.271; Nancy,129. 175; Petemell, 66; Rachel, 175 ; Richard, 34, 77, 85, 92, 95, 96. 98, 106, 107, 124, 156, 17.5. 244, 262. 266, 268,291 ; Thomas, 60.76,77, 79-83, 85, 104, 123, 174, 175, 241. 246. 266. 290, 291 ; Tho- masine. 60, 63, 64, 66. 68. 70, 158. 255; Trephosa, 113, 114; Whitten, 113. 114. 274. Wickett, Alice, 155 ; Christian, 33 ; John. 33 ; William, 33. Wilhie, John, 6. Wilcock, John. 138 ; Mary, 138. Wilkey, Alice, 140 ; Bennett, 183 ; Elizabeth, 180 ; John, 183, 185 ; Richow, 185. Wilkins, Elinor. 83, 248 ; Eli- zabeth, 87, 95, 164, 281 ; Jane, 68, 83. 84. 86 ; Joane, 68, 69, 72, 74, 248 ; John, 74, 87 ; Margaret. 86 ; Phil- lippa, 84 ; Thomas, 68, 69, 72, 74, 75, 95 ; Thomasine. 243 ; William. 75. 83, 84. 86, 87, 95, 164, 248, 252, 266. Williams, Abel, 155 ; Agnes, 36, 37, 140, 158, 179 ; Alice, 6, 45, 143, 145, 146, 149, 160, 211, 217 ; Alson, 1 ; Amy, 44, 46, 176, 235 ; Andrew. 95; Anne. 37, 41, 43. 77, 79, 98, 116, 119, 125, 133, 156, 166, 173, 231, 27.5. 281, 284, 296 ; Anthony, 276 ; Avis, 33, 43 ; Barbara, 10. 42. 44, 151, 164, 189, 222 ; Beltezar, 95, 98, 261 ; Benjamin, 28 ; Blanch, 123 ; Catherine, 35, 99, 121, 146, 155, 166, 222, 241, 2.52, 264: Charity, 21, 49, 242; Charles, 118; Christian, 209 ; Cicely, 30, 49, 153, 232, 242 ; Courtney, 77; Di gory. 239. 261 ; Doro- thy. 142, 145, 202 ; Ebbott, 193 ; Edward, 162; Eleanor. 177 ; Elizabeth. 19, 20, 22, 23, 34, 39, 41, 43, 48, 57, 58, 62, 63,65,77, 92.9.5. 98. 101, 102. 106, 116. 118, 119, 124. 133, 141, 142, 144, 145. 149, 151, 159, 165, 169, 172,' 186, 203. 207, 218, 225, 226, 244, 257, 270, 277, 281, 285, 286 ; Em- lin, 141 ; Frances, 166 ; Fran- cis, 137, 140, 186 ; Fryswed, 142 ; Gertrude, 103, 175 ; Giles, 31, 48, 57, 77, 79, 80, 84, 89, 102, 246, 253, 261, 263 ; Grace, 36. 37, 39, 40, 145, 150, 152, 162, 173, 215, 242, 261, 263, 270, 293 ; Henry, 18, 101 ; Honor, 41, 42, 82, 86, 140, 142, 158, 159, 163, 188, 197, 252, 261 ; Hugh, 98, 104, 165, 258 ; James, 2, 8-10, 16, 60, 78, 95, 98, 101. 171, 188, 200, 259 ; Jane, 3, 13. 15, 21, 23, 31, 36, 48, 79, 82. 84. 89. 98-102. 104-106, 109, 112, 116, 144, 147, 160, 165. 169. 172, 181, 197. 208. 209. 212. 216, 222. 251, 2.53, 261. 263, 2(;7, 271, 276, 293 ; Jenifer. 109; Joane, 16, 19, 31. 36, 43, 44. 63. 82, 84. 86, 89, 112. 121, 123. 125. 12.S, 1.30. 1.34. 137. 147, 148, 150. 155. 157, 172, 193, 195. 198- 200, 222, 235, 251, 284 ; John, 3-5, 7. 10. 16, 18, 20. 22, 23. 2.5, 28. 30, 31, 33, 35. 37, 39^ 41, 43-45. 49, 59, 60. 62, 63, 80, 89, 96, 98, 100, 102, 112, 134, 145, 148, 151. 152, 158, 181, 187, 191-193, 19.5-197, 201, 203, 208, 209, 212, 218, 220. 223-225, 232, 233. 240. 241,244, 250, 251, 255, 258- 260; Joseph Raddon, 114; Josias, 177 ; Joyce, 194 ; Judith, 161 ; Loveday, 41 ; Margaret. 20, 22. 59. 60 62, 65, 84. 96. 97. 100, 101, 103, 106, 109, 112, 114. 139, 157, 1.58, 176. 202, 232, 233, 2.50, 251, 260, 269, 283 ; Mark, 1- 7, 12. 147, 153, 179, 181, 186, 194, 219, 224; Martin, 145 ; Mary, 2. 14, 28, 33,3.5, 37,39- 41, 43. 45, 49, 63, 70, 84, 86. 89. 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 109, 112, 113. 119-121. 123-125, 127, 129, 131, 133, 147, 148, 15.3, 157, 164, 167, 171, 173, 177, 208, 213. 220, 236. 239, 241. 250, 255, 257, 259-262, 264, 270, 281, 285, 288 ; Mel- lery. 33, 35, 149, 157, 212; Methusaleh, 43, 60, 63. 65, 67, 70, 84, 86, 89, 91. 93, 95, 97, 99. 164, 169,235,2.36,252, 255, 257, 259. 260, 262, 264, 270,282; Nicholas, 27, 116, 153, 193, 276 ; Olive, 39, .58, 226; Pascoe, 25, 49. 232; Patient, 36, 37, 41, 43, 96, 212, 230 ; Petherick, 97, 100, 101, 10.3, 106, 109, 112, 114, 260, 269,283 ; Petherick John, 100, 269 : Petronell, 23, 152 ; Philip. 106 ; Philippa, 128 ; Priscilla, 250 ; Ralph. 41, 42, 44. 45, 60, 151, 222, 229, 233, 255 ; Rebecca, 86, 251 ; Rem- frey. 2 ; Richarc^, 7. 8, 10. 12- 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 31, 43, 46, 49, 59, 62, 65, 70, 72, 77, 78, 93, 101, 112, 129, 131, 133, 141, 144, 14.5, 147, 157, 160, 179, 189, 196, 200-202, 206, 209, 211, 214, 230, 232, 233, 254, 285, 288 ; Richard Mark, 207 ; Robert, 10, 15, 22, 145, 192 ; Roger, 15, 21 ; Rose, 228 ; Samuel, 82, 119, 163, 166, 258, 261 ; Sarah, 60, 6.3, 65, 67, 70, 89, 168, 235, 242, 250 ; Siblie. 182 ; Sid- well, 210 ; Stephen, 140, 165, 188; Susanna, 21, 70,72, 96, 109, 160. 227. 271 ; Temper- ance, 162; Theophilus, 116, 118. 119, 124, 275. 277. 281 ; Thomas. 3, 9, 15, 19-21. 23, 36, 37, 39. 40. 43. 44, 46, 59, 65. 72, 79,92. 95.98,101,105, 119-121, 123. 125. 127, 128, 130, 134, 146. 148, 150, 157, 162, 165. 172, 176, 182, 198. 201. 202, 206, 212. 215. 230, 235, 257. 267. 275, 281, 284, 286; Thomasine, 161. 206; Treston, 147; Tybott Jack, 182 ; Ursula. 144 ; Walter, 142. 143. 186; William. 17, 20, 21, 23. 24, 31, 3.5, 37. 82, 84, 86, 89, 92, 98-102. 104- 106, 109, 112. 113. 116. 125, 127, 142. 144, 147, 149, 1.50, 164, 167, 169, 173, 196, 197, 199, 201, 203, 208, 209, 211, 214, 218. 219, 251, 257, 262, 266, 267, 271, 272, 276, 288, 293 ; Wilmot, 187 ; , 105, 219, WilliamsflZ/fl.? Boswalloe, Joane, 206 ; Richard, 206. Williams alias Carpenter. See Carpenter. Williams alias Francis, John, 200. Williams alias Mark. See Mark. Williams alias Pell. See Pell. Williams alias Pensalt. See Pensalt. Williams alias Reskigeon. See Reskigeon. Williams alias Reynolds, John, 193. Willis. Elizabeth. 109, 169,271 ; Joseph, 109, 271; William, 109, 169,271. Willoughhy, Anne, 200, 292 ; George, 292. 293 ; Jane. 133, 134, 292, 293 ; Joane. 292 ; John, 292, 293 ; Katharine, 292; Mary, 134; Nicholas, 292 ; Thomas, 133, 134. Wills, Alexander, 151, 153, 221 ; Alice, 140 ; Anne, 39, 92, 106, 150, 276 ; Charity. 23, 149; Christonher, 39'; Dorothy. 24. 28, 74". 1 46, 157, 204 ; Elizabeth, 14, 18. 38, 41. 57. .59. 62. 1.53, 157, 164, 213, 228, 248 : Frances, 61 ; George, 184 : Grace, .34, 57, 58, 60, 61. 63. 155, 226, 250 ; Henry, 13, 28, 29, 55. 148, 220. 224. 243 ; James, 51 ; Jane, 60, 137, 148, 162, 220 ; Jenifer, 62, 163 ; Joane, 16, 29, 142, 197. 209; John, 11, 23, 24, 26. .30, 54. 142, 146, 189, 197, 204, 206, 207, 224 ; Katheiine, 146, 221 ; Marga- ret, 24, 29, 157, 223 ; Martha, INDEX. 351 108, 174; Mary. 34, 35, 38, 58, 59, 74, 139, 151, 219, 226, 231. 248; Matthew, 15. 29- 31, 34, 35, 38, 41, 52, 155, 209, 213, 219, 225 ; Patient, 39, 150 ; Peter, 106. 108, 276-278, 283, 287 ; Petronell, 106, 108. 276, 283: Philip. 51 ; Richard. 35, 59. 62. 157, 232 ; Robert, 137 ; Susanna, 92 ; Thomas. 51. 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61. 63, SO, 92, 155, 184, 224-226,243. 246. 251 ; Udey, 58, 157. 226 ; William, 11,13-16,18, 30,146,189, 211. Wills alias Rawlings. See Rawlings. Willy, Margaret, 169, 170; Thomas, 169. Willyams, Anne, 290 ; Bridge- man, 267 ; Bridgeman M. Haweis. 267 ; Charlotte, 290 ; Dorothy. 267, 290 ; Edward William Brydges,267; James, 267 ; Jane, 290 ; John, 255, 267, 275-277. 279, 282, 290 ; Trephena, 290. Wilmot, Jane, 2, 118 ; Loveday, 118; Patient, 213; Wilmot, 213 ; , 2, 25. Wilsford, Agnes. 116, 276; Bernard, 108, 117, 169,276; Elizabeth, 108, 169. 276, 279 ; Henry, 116, 276 ; Joane, 117, 177 ; Joseph, 276 ; Margaret, 117;Mary,108, 116,173,276. Wilson, Anne. 116 ; Esther Day, 296 ; ' George, 296 ; Jane, 116 ; Joane, 198 ; John Day, 296 : Margaret, 106, 168 ; Martha, 296 ; Peter, 194 ; Peter Day, 296 ; Sa- muel, 106 ; Thomas, 116 ; William, 106, 168. Wilton, Dorothy, 108, 109, 169 ; Elizabeth, 90, 93 ; Jane, 291 ; John, 105, 108, 168, 267 ; Mary, 10.5, 155, 168, 267 ; Richard, 93, 108, 109. 169 ; William, 90, 93, 109, 268. Wimbole, Eleanor, 23, 204 ; Thomas, 23, 204. Winn, Jane, 36 ; Richard, 36. Wise, Avis, 46 ; Barbara, 49 ; Elizabeth, 156 ; Joane, 49 ; John, 156 ; Richard, 46, 49 ; Tamson, 199. Wise alias Boswalloe, MoUiar, 142. Withers, John, 271 ; Samuel, 278. Withiel, Avis, 160 ; Charity, 159 ; Christopher, 54, 240 ; Elizabeth, 18, 146, 242, 257; Henrv, 162, 250: Jane. 55, 144. "l46, 202 ; Joan, 45; John, 45, 144, 226 ; Kathe- rine, 202 ; Mary, 163, 279 ; Mellior, 55, 157, 225 : Nicho- las, 21, 45,54, 226,240; Phi- lip, 45, 240 ; Richard, 45 ; Roger, 17, 196 ; Thomas. 17, 18, 21, 55, 146, 157. 196, 202, 203. 215, 225 ; Ursula, 162 ; William, 163. Withington, Mary, 111 ; Wil- liam, 111. Wolfe. Henry,18; Joane, 18, 153. Wolridge, Thomas, 241. Wood, Anne, 81, 247; Daniel, 84,248, 250 ; Elizabeth, 199 ; Frances, 82, 84, 86. 248, 250, 274. 286 ; John, 199 ; Na- thaniel, 81, 82, 84, 86, 247, 248, 250, 257. Woodman, Catherine, 78 ; Frances, 66, 68, 71, 73, 264; John, 73, 76, 247 ; Joseph, 282 ; Nicholas, 66. 68, 71. 73, 76, 78, 236, 243, 247, 257 ; Pentecost, 66, 164 ; Richard, 68. Woolcock, Barbara, 163 ; Ches- ton, 152 ; Christian, 44, 151, 238 ; Christopher. 44, 56, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 151, 157, 231, 232 ; Daniel, 74 ; Eliza- beth, 58, 73, 97, 100, 215, 244, 262, 282; Honor, 157; John, 61, 67, 231 : Judith, 64, 232 ; Margery. 66, 247 ; Mary, 63, 74, 91, 93. 100, 164, 257 ; Nicholas, 93 ; Peter- nell, 58, 59. 61, 63.64, 66. 67, 157, 231, 248; Philip, 73, 244 ; Stephen, 58 ; Thomas, 59 ; William, 91, 93, 97, 100, 257, 261, 262, 279. Woon, Alexander. 234 ; Fran- ces, 174, 265, 267, 285; Grace, 291 ; John. 267 ; Joyce, 176 ; Margaret, 232 ; Mary, 166, 172, 256 ; Ro- bert, 265, 267. 282. Worth, John, 262; Mary, 96, 262, 264, 278; William, 96, 252, 262, 264, 269, 278, 285 ; , 2.52. Wrey, Elizabeth, 155 ; Sir Wil- liam, 155. Wvatt, Alice, 35 ; Elizabeth, 33, 35, 146. 214,280 ; Honor. 30, 212 ; James, 33, 52, 53, 221, 222 ; John, 26, 31, 52, 212, 221 ; Julian, 213 ; Ma- rian, 29 ; Mary, 53. 268 ; Pa- tience. 25, 40; Philippa, 52; Thomas. 25-27. 29-31, 33, 35, 40, 146, 210, 212; William, 27, 210. Wynne, Elizabeth, 166 ; Joane, 198. Yedd, Jane, 5, 185 ; John, 5. 185. Yelland. Elizabeth. 164. Yeo, Jane. 17, 27 ; Joane, 145 ; Nicholas, 27 ; William. 17. Yeoman, Frances, 16. 17; Jane, 195 ; John, 193 ; Martin, 34, 212 ; Mary, 17, 207 ; Phi- lippa. 16, 34, 212; Samuel, 254. Yolde, Henry, 2 ; Pascoe, 2. York. Catherine, 114, 275 Richard. 114, 275. Youlton. Anne, 83, 85, 167 Elizabeth, 81, 83, 85, 216 250, 261, 263 ; Jane, 80, 167 John. 213 ; Martha, 88. 254 Mary, 250 : William. 80, 81, 83. 85, 88, 250, 254. 261. 263 Young, Agnes, 149, 198, 225 Amy, 139 ; Anne, 11, 36, 256 Clarye, 137, 186; Elizabeth 140 ; George, 18 ; Henrv. 5 16, 185, 208; Honor, ' 17 James, 5-7, 137, 139, 185 194 ; Joane, 214, 225 ; John 5, 7, 11-18, 22, 26, 36, 140 150, 185. 194, 213, 214, 225 229 ; Margaret, 6 ; Martha 36, 150 ; Pascoe, 11 ; Phi lippa, 14 ; Richard, 6, 11, 12 Roger, 22 ; Thomas, 15, 194. Yowell, Margaret. 139 ; Thomas, 139. 352 THE KEGTSTEES OP ST. COLUMN MAJOE. ADDENDA ET COREIGENDA. Adams : after Richard, for 299 read 298. Arundell : after George, for 298 ^ead 297 ; after Grace, for 299 read 298. Ashe : for Agones read Anne. Avant : xee p. 300. Batoman : after Sir Hugh and Robert, add 300. Beare : after Dorothy and Georjre, dele 298. Beauford : after John, for 299 read 298 : for additions, see p. 300. Bickford : after Ar.«cott, Da- mari,", Elizabeth, Marv, and William, dele 300;" after George and John, for 300 read'1%^. Brewer : after IMargaret, add 290 , after Mary, dele 290. Carnsewe : add Mary, 273. Carter : after John add 300. Ceely : for 299 read 298. Clemow : after Nicholas add 281. Dones : for 299 read 298. Drew : after Thomas add 2fiO. D. G., 16; John, 16. Godolphin : after Gentle, for 299 read 298 ; after Martha, dele 299 ; for additions, see p. 300. Groot : for imrcad 298. Hoblyn : for additions, see p. 300. Hockey: after Jane,for6r<'rtrf 1. Hooker : add, Alice 300, John 300. Lawry : after John, for 44, 46, read 44-46. Tanat, Rhys, 300; Susanna, 300, London : Mitchell and Hughes, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 000 793 109