^:^^^'m^- 'mi m^' f^^-.i-- [^•^ i-m^- LIBRARY OF THE University of California. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class ffilniberBitg Inauguration of President Adams /^^ '6/ TH" ' ■ ->^\ With the Compliments of President Adams. THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE >. £4LIF0 !.N, THE ADDRESSES AT THE INAUGURATION OF CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, LLD. TO THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN JANUARY 17, 1893 UNIVEFtsrrr. ) MADISON PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY 1893 Li^- ^^^S PRINTED BY Ei)t OnibtrBits ISrtes of Chirago CONTENTS. Invocation by the Right Reverend Bishop Fallows, of the Class of 1862, -, - - - - - .7 Introductory Address by the Honorable W. P. Bartlett, President of the Board of Trustees, - - 9 Address on Behalf of the Faculty, by Professor John C. Freeman, LL.D., - - - - - - 11 Address on Behalf of the Students, by H. H. Jacobs, of the Class of 1893, ----- 19 Address on Behalf of the Alumni, by James L. High, LL.D., of the Class of 1864, - - - - - 23 Address on Behalf of the State, by His Excellency, Governor George W. Peck, - - - - 31 Address on Behalf of the Sister Universities, by Presi- dent James B. Angell, LL.D., of the University of Michigan, - - - - - - - 37 Address on Behalf of the Regents of the University, by the Honorable John Johnston, - - - 41 Inaugural Address by President Adams, - - - 45 189817 PREFATORY NOTE. The Inauguration of President Adams took place in Library Hall, at 2. JO o'clock on the after nooji of January ly, i8gj. The audience, which filled the room to its utmost limits, was made up of Members of the Legislature, Alum?tt, Invited Guests, Citizens, and Students. On the Rostrum were His Excellency Governor Peck, the Chief Justice a?id three of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, several of the State Officers, the Board of Regents, the Officers of Instruction of the University, and Distingtdshed Guests. Music for the occasion was firnished by the University Glee Club and Lender s Orchestra. hi the evening a brilliant receptioji was given to Preside7it and Mrs. Adams by the Alumni of the University. INVOCATION BY THE RIGHT REVEREND BISHOP FALLOWS, OF THE CLASS OF 1859. ALMIGHTY GOD, our Heavenly Father, the giver of every good and perfect gift, we pray for thy blessing upon us on this important occasion. We thank thee that thou wast with this university in the days of its early strug- gles, enabling it to surmount all the difificulties it encountered and to gather renewed strength from all the adversities with which it was buffeted. We thank thee for the unbroken succession to this present hour of its instructors who, con- secrated to their noble work, have put the impress of their earnestness and culture upon the minds of thousands of our youth. We also give thee hearty thanks for the good examples of all those thy servants, among their number who, having finished their course in faith, do now rest from their labors. We bless thee for the tender and inspiring memories so many of us cherish of their faithfulness, their sympathy and their helpfulness in the formative period of our lives. We thank thee for the response made by the University to the call of our common country in the supreme hour of its peril, by the gladly surrendered services and lives of its patriotic soldier students. We give thanks for this bright day in the history of this beloved institution ; for all the prosperity which now crowns it, and for the increasing opportunities of usefulness opening before it. May thy benediction especially rest upon him who has been called in thy good Providence to the arduous and responsible duty of presiding over its interests. Endow him, we pray thee, with every executive gift, and enrich him with every needed grace. May the faculty associated with him be loyal and harmonious. May the Board of Regents be filled with the spirit of wisdom to 7 8 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. counsel and direct, and ever be saved from misapprehension, prejudice, and error. May the sons and daughters of the people thronging here for instruction make his administration one of abundant joy and success by their prompt obedience to law and their passionate devotion to study. May the alumni ever manifest a just and an affectionate regard for the welfare of their university, and, as her living epistles, constantly add to her renown. May private benefactions be multiplied to meet her urgent and unfolding needs, and the state whose name she so worthily bears be unceasing in its unstinted liberality towards her. And we pray that she may thus be fully prepared to fill the conspicuous place to which she has been exalted, and like a city set on a hill, whose light cannot be hid, stream out for generations to come the glories of con- servative learning and the splendors of progressive science. Bless abundantly our common schools, with which, wisely con- ducted, we have nothing to fear, and without which we have nothing to hope, for the future of our American institutions. Bless richly our normal schools, our private and parochial schools and all our seminaries, colleges, and universities. Bless thy servant, the president of the United States, the chief magistrate of this great commonwealth, its legislature and all in authority. And now, O Lord, we pray thee, direct us in all our doings with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS. BY THE HONORABLE WILLIAM PITT BARTLETT, President of the Board of Regents. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : A little less than half a ' century ago, the foundation was laid and the organiza- tion was perfected for an institution of learning to be known as the University of Wisconsin. Our state then contained a population very little in excess of the population of its principal city at the present time. Steady and rapid has been the growth of the com- monwealth in wealth and population. The interest in educa- tion has not abated but ever kept pace with the growth of the state. Then unknown beyond the borders of the state, to-day Wisconsin University is known and respected as a university, in all that the name implies, in every part of the globe where the English language is known and spoken. Six gentlemen, known as scholars and educators, have been honored with and have honored the position of president of the university. To-day, we meet to confer that honor upon the seventh, and in commemoration of the event, and as an introduction to the ceremonies thereof, I have the honor and pleasure of introducing one well known to you, one who is held in high esteem as an eloquent speaker, a terse writer, and a successful educator. Professor John C. Freeman, who will address you on behalf of the Faculty of the University. ADDRESS ON BEHALF OF THE FACULTY. BY PROFESSOR JOHN C. FREEMAN, LL.D. THE FACULTY have done me the honor to choose me to express to you our welcome to the first place in our body, and to promise you our hearty co-operation in your efforts to make this institution of the best and widest usefulness. We are the more ready to pledge you our co-operation, knowing, as we do, your interest in the form of education which is given here. In the promotion of education by the state you have spent your best efforts, in class room and lecture hall, with voice and pen. As long ago as 1874 the president of an Ohio denominational college, with a pardon- able partiality for that particular form of education, devoted his inaugural to an argument against higher education by the state. It was as powerful an arraignment of state universities as I have ever seen. I allude to the inaugural of President Andrews, then of a denominational college in Ohio, but now President of Brown University. I notice that he singled you out as his particular opponent, on account of certain articles of yours in the public press. He recognized that you stood for the idea and plan which he thought it his place to oppose. We will not say that we love you for the enemies you have made ; but we have confidence in you for the combats you have waged, for the able opponents you have met, before whose arguments you have not come off second. In commending your vindication of education by the state, we do not understand that you advocate any narrow policy in education. We understand that you hold as we do : Let knowledge be disseminated, at public expense, at private expense, in whatever way, by whatever means ! Give truth a fair field and let her grapple with error and we will abide the outcome. We have seconded your election by the regents also II 12 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. because wc have observed your appreciation of the value of the various methods of instruction and your alertness in discern- ing what was the next step necessarv in matters of education. We recall that you were the first to employ in this country the German method of the historical seminary ; that you were prominent in securing the adoption of that democratic system of accredited high schools, by which the humblest graduate of the village high school is, without expense to him, admitted to the privileges of the university as readily as he is passed, by due promotion, from grade to grade of the township high school. We know you as one of the promoters of university exten- sion, a system by which what was once deemed a miracle has become a fact of daily experience. In this state, as in others, last winter, once more were five thousand fed, not with five barley loaves and two small fishes, but with what was cjuite as delectable, fruit from the tree of knowledge itself. We recall that you have had an experience of thirty years in public education, and that you have stood high in thecouncils of the two foremost state universities in the periods of their greatest prosperity. The condition of this university to -day seems quite similar to that of Cornell University when you assumed its j^residcncy seven years ago. The founding and organization of Cornell had been accomplished, the period of expansion had arrived. If the people of Wisconsin shall give to your plans the cordial financial support which you received in New York, we have reason to anticipate that a similar or even greater success will be enjoyed by this institution in the coming years. In pledging you the co-operation of this facultN' 1 may be permitted to say that our body has been noted for harmony. In speaking of its unity of feeling I do not refer simply to those periods in the history of the college when its faculty consisted of one professor. But even wIkii there have been twenty heads of departments arid thirty assistants, this harmony of action has been almost ecjually manifest. The chair to which you are called has bicn occupied by IN A UGURA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. I 3 distinguished predecessors. On January i6, 1850, just forty- three years ago yesterday, and not far from the spot where we now stand, its first presiding officer was inaugurated. Chancel- lor John H. Lathrop, whose scholarship and facile speech adorned high positions in various states of the union and who held the helm of the university with a skillful hand during the first decade of its voyage. The second president of the university was a man still more distinguished, the Honorable Henry Barnard. The variety and number of his educational collections, and that colossal work which has been passing through the press for more than half a century, the youmal of Education, have given him a world-wide fame. It will ever be one of the glories of this university that he was once its head. Time does not permit me to describe the services of the modest, scholarly, self-denying Sterling, the eloquent Twom- bly, or the versatile President Chadbourne. In recent years the diffusion of the educational spirit, never, in the history of the country, more active than in the last five years ; the establishment of the system of accredited schools, which we borrowed in part from you ; and the liber- ality of the people through their representatives in the legis- lature, have greatly widened the influence of the institution. Many of us here present know something of the late success- ful administrations of that distinguished man of science. Presi- dent Chamberlin, and of his predecessor. President Bascom, an acute thinker, a subtle philosopher, a man of exalted character, and out from whose instruction no student ever passed without receiving a profound impression. In some respects, Mr. Chairman, this is an extraordinary gathering. We have here to-day three members* of that first class of twenty that were gathered in February, 1849, ^^ begin preparatory study under Professor John W. Sterling. We have here the first graduate of the university. f We have here the first regent of the university, ;|: who was appointed in 1848 ♦C.T.Wakely, F. A.Ogden, J. M. Flower, f Justice C.T.Wakely. X Hon. Simeon Mills. 1 4 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. by Governor Dewey, and who negotiated the purchase of these grounds and superintended the erection of the first build- ings. Here sits that member* of the first senate of this state, who in June, 1848, drew up and introduced the bill which was enacted into law and became the charter of the university. There have come up to-day to witness these ceremonies the two first white inhabitants of what is now the city of Madi- son. f As on the lOth day of June, 1837, they chose each his roof-tree, they stood on the summit of yonder hill and looked out on an unbroken wilderness. They have seen every house built in the city of Madison. They have seen this institution pass from the humblest beginnings, deepening and broadening its work from year to year, to its present rank, when its beneficent influence is scarcely limited by the bound- aries of the Union. They have seen the forests fall, the mines open, the fields prove their fertility, the habitations of the set- tlers dot the prairies, the cities rise, the lines of transportation go threading the valleys, and what was a savage wild become a Christian state. Where once in his lonely cabin the settler listened in breathless terror to the midnight yell of the sav- age, now is heard the voice of mighty congregations giving praise to God. Fathers and brethren, what your eyes have seen is not often given to mortal vision. Yours was no mere Pisgah view. You have entered in and possessed the land. You have penetrated even to Mount Zion. You have witnessed the building of the first and the second temple ; and have taken up the abode of your declining years within the shadow of the revered structures that crown these twin heights, the temples of law and learning. I can scarcely refrain from addressing you in the words of Webster to the veterans of the Revolution at Bunker Hill. " Venerable men : You have come down to us from a former Keneration. Heaven has bounteously lengthened out your lives that you might behold this day." You are now where you stood fifty-six years ago choosing * General Mills. "f Darwin Clark, Simeon Mills. IN A UG URA HON OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. I 5 a spot for a home and purposing in these forests to lay the foundations of a state. Behold how altered ! The same heavens are indeed over your heads ; the same lakes are shin- ing at your feet ; the same swelling hills with their graceful proportions are diversifying the beauty of the scene ; but all else how changed ! No longer the solitude, the privations, the alarms of frontier life. No more the weary longing for friends, the long and painful journeys to the seaboard. The whole world has brought its comforts, its inventions, its society to your doors. Events so various that they might crowd and distinguish centuries have been compressed within the com- pass of your single lives. You have witnessed the erection of seventeen sovereign states ; the rolling of the vast wave of Christian civilization from the Alleghenies through this Mis- sissippi valley up and over the mountain ridges and down the Pacific slope ; the expansion of the newspaper press, the revolution of intercourse between men by the applications of steam and electricity. These events you saw, and part of them you were. But no more is there the hasty summons of the minute-men to the frontier, or the departure of volunteers to the halls of the Montezumas, or the up- rising of the whole state for the restoration of the Union. No longer the rolling drums and marching squadrons are con- verting the western slope of this hill, and indeed this whole city into one vast camp. All is peace. God has granted you this sight of your country's happiness. He has allowed you to behold and to partake the reward of your patriotic toils; and He has allowed us, your sons and daughters and country- men, to meet you here, and in the name of the present gen- eration, in the name of the commonwealth, in the name of civilization, to thank you. It is remarked by the citizens of Madison that a change has come over the personnel of the University in the last few years; that the students are better dressed, better housed, and have the manners of the well-to-do. It is evident that the sons of the rich have chosen the higher education. But we ^A^ OF Txir, ^ ^^\ OS* 1 6 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. have also another class of students, of plain dress, simple manners, who do not indulge in costly suppers or rooms decorated like a New York club-house, but devote their best efforts to the attainment of a higher intellectual and moral level. But, although we know that the inheritors of wealth and poverty are here, we do not propose to make, and we do not make, any distinction between them. A college is perhaps the only real democracy in the world. We delight to observe that the children of the humblest wood- chopper from Ashland or iron-worker from Bay View meet with the same favor that is accorded the sons and daughters of the millionaire or the supreme judge. We may, perhaps, be pardoned in feeling a special gratification that the scions of poverty are here, when we remember that without the liber- ality of the country, as expressed in public institutions like this, the privilege and advantage of the higher education it would be impossible for them to attain. A few winters ago one of these poor boys was supporting himself by teaching a school a part of the day across the lake. He was accustomed to reach his work by a three-mile spin across the ice on skates. One March morning, on nearing the further shore, he saw that the ice had broken and a wide gulf of open water barred his way. It was close to the hour of opening. He slipped his skates into his pocket, plunged in and swam that icy gulf, and pressing the water from his clothing, walked up to his desk and opened his school on time. I should not altogether approve that feat. But it shows the stuff of which some students arc made. It shows us what we have to expect when the Horatii and the Curiatii of the twentieth century arc drawn out for combat. When it is necessary for some future Horatius to keep the bridge, or when some gulf has again opened in our national forum which will not close until the nation has cast in that which she most loves, and it becomes necessary for another Marcus Curtius in full armor to leap into that gulf, then it will be seen even IN A UG URA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. I 7 among the graduates of the University of Wisconsin, that dar- ing for the right and heroism of more than knightly flavor have not perished from the state. In performing the bidding of this Faculty, as I now do, by offering you our cordial welcome, I can scarcely forbear an allusion to a day twenty-eight years ago, when a young man, dififident and downcast at the recollection of the many things that he did not know, knocked at the door of a great Univer- sity in a neighboring State. Seven years had passed since he had spent time over books. Tupto and Amo had been alto- gether driven out of his ears by the bugles of the Shenandoah and the guns of Gettysburg. He didn't remember whether y2 = 2px was the equation of the parabola or the parachute; and differential x and differential y were altogether unknown quantities. He had listened awhile to the examination of can- didates, and was concluding that the doors of the higher edu- cation would not open to him. At that turning point of life a professor went out of his way to show the stranger a kind- ness and to speak a word of counsel and encouragement. It was an incident which yoti doubtless have long since forgotten, but one which /shall never forget. "Cast thy bread upon the waters and it shall return unto thee after many days." This assemblage will pardon me for seeing some poetry as well as propriety in the fact that as you to-day confront this great company, most of whose faces are unknown to you, and assume new duties in new surroundings, you should be met at the threshold by one whom you years ago befriended and who is charged with the grateful duty of bidding you welcome and godspeed. ADDRESS ON BEHALF OF THE STUDENTS. BY H. H. JACOBS. OF THE CLASS OF 1893. PRESIDENT ADAMS : The students of the University of Wisconsin, in all its schools and departments, extend to you their most cordial welcome. Had you been an alumnus or a favorite professor of the University, you could not in your new position have more quickly won our hearts. Your name and work in the great cause of education have long been familiar to us. By friendship and sympathy you have exalted the relation of teacher and student above types, and offices, and institutions. In your thought that the true professor should be an inspiring companion to the truth -seek- ing student, you have enlarged the student's individualism, through methods of original research and study, through the discipline that self-government brings, and in that larger lib- erty of selection of studies that has gone far to revolutionize college curricula. This influence, bound by no tradition, sec- tionalism, or formality, has extended even to institutions not your own, thus earning for you the larger title The All -Uni- versity President. We recall, at this time, your words to the students of Cor- nell University on the occasion of your induction as their president: "The end of all Universities is the advantage of students and nobody else. All the abounding resources that have here been brought together are for them and for their successors." Forty -three years ago yesterday. Dr. John Lathrop was formally inaugurated as the first president of the University of Wisconsin. On that occasion, not only was there no address of welcome by or on behalf of the students, but in the two speeches that were made there was not one word of reference to them. In those early days when the student body numbered less than eighty, when every student 19 20 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. was obliged to present testimonials of good moral character and attend chapel daily at the morning hour, when he strove for merit marks on the permanent deportment record of the faculty, — at that time, I say, the mutual relation and common interest of professor and student had not received the empha- sis in the educational world which you, sir, as perhaps no other great educator, have helped to give it. College discipline has, in the last generation, passed through an evolution ; and the central principle of this change is expressed in that magic word of modern life — cooperation. In progressive college government the University of Wisconsin is in the forefront. For years it has practiced your maxim that the government of students should be more largely self gov- ernment, and has dealt with its students as "incipient men and women," and not as "overgrown girls and boys." If the quaint rules of a generation ago seem to us absurd and impos- sible, what would they of the last generation have thought at the spectacle of a college president presiding, not in his official capacity, but simply as an individual, over a mass meeting of students called in the interest of a college boat house. That spectacle is unique and typical of the new regime. It means the [death of the traditional hostility between college student and faculty, and gives emphasis to the identity of their inter- ests. It means an end of college riots, and ushers in the larger relations of friendship and sympathy. The faculty should stand to the student "in loco parentis," said the old rules, and so it did — officially, coldly, and with the stress of duty. You, sir, come to us as you said, "somewhat as a father would come to a large family." You offer us your sympathy, friendship, and fatherly advice, and urge us to use you. You have taken high ground in the matter of college discii)linc, and the stu- dents of old Wisconsin will make every effort to come up to your high level, and will meet your trust and confidence with heartiest sympathy and most cordial cooj)eration. You have said in your published writings that every student should be regarded as an individual person and not as a member of any IN A UG URA TION OF PRESIDENT A DA MS. 2 1 class or organization ; that students are citizens, and that civil authorities should regard them so and deal with them as such. We heartily accept these principles. The false relation that formerly existed between student and faculty has gone forever. We, as students, shall not be laggards in the march toward an ideal college government. Under your predecessors we have enjoyed the larger liberties which you have helped to bring to the college students of America. We shall hold those liber- ties as a sacred trust, believing that with the present freedom your slightest request will yield a more general and hearty obedience than the most binding restrictions. You bring us rich stores of learning. You give point and prominence to our own enlarging powers. Your very name has already accentuated our growing importance in the educa- tional world. We prize you, sir, not for the reputation you give us, but for your wealth of learning, for your ripe experi- ence, your Christian character, and above all for those intel- lectual and moral habits which reveal to us the true method of attaining knowledge and character. We realize that the mere bigness of an institution in build- ings or in numbers does not constitute its greatness, and we rejoice to-day in your inauguration as president because it means emphasis upon those things which do make our insti- tution great — the honest labor, the virtue, the character of its membership. You are Wisconsin's seventh president. In that perfect number of the Jews, I seem to see an augury for good. For, according to the ancients, there were seven senses, seven vir- tues, and seven wise men. Six times seven were the genera- tions of our Lord, and to-day completes the same magic cycle of years in our University's history. For seven years you were president of Cornell University. Surely, if we still believed in propitious gods and favorable omens, we could in these alone prophesy for yourself and the University a pros- perous future. But we believe with you that success lies with ourselves, not in our stars. Those faithful years as professor 22 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. at Ann Arbor, the seven years of successful administration as president of Cornell University, are more than an omen of good and more prophetic than lambent flame or mysterious music, for, couj)led with your wealth of learning, your ripe character, they are the earnest, the sure pledge, of the good things that must come to Wisconsin under your wise and inspiring leadership. Wisconsin has had a brilliant past. She shall have a glorious future, and in all your plannings for that future I pledge you the unswerving loyalty of the entire stu- dent body. ADDRESS ON BEHALF OF THE ALUMNI. BY THE HONORABLE JAMES L. HIGH, LL.D., OF THE CLASS OF 1864. CONVENED to witness the formal installation of a distinguished scholar and educator as president of this university, the occasion affords fit opportunity to note the relation of the State to the University, and to mark the just boundaries which define the participation of the state in the higher education. The origin of state assistance in the work of education, so far as concerns the states of the Northwest, may be traced back through a century of state and con- gressional legislation to the ordinance enacted by Congress, July 13, 1787, for the government of the Northwest Territory. Six articles were declared by that ordinance to be articles of solemn compact between the original states and the people and states in such territory, which should forever remain unalterable unless by common consent. By the third of these articles it was declared that " religion, morality and knowl- edge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." By this simple declaration in their funda- mental law the states which have been from time to time carved out of the territory of the Northwest were pledged, even in advance of their creation, to the policy of fostering and promoting education, with no limit other than their own discretion as to whether such assistance should be confined to its simpler, or should extend to its higher forms. As if inspired with the genius of prophecy, the framers of that ordinance seem to have foreseen with undimmed vision and with unalterable faith the growth of a mighty empire which should people the Northwest Territory with teeming millions of peaceful, happy and prosperous people. 23 24 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. The policy of thus forever stamping upon the organic law of the territory this salutary provision for promoting all means of education has been fully justified by the event. The lapse of a century has transformed that great wilderness into five imperial states with an aggregate population exceeding thir- teen millions of people. The orginal compact concerning education thus entered into has never been, and in human probability will never be altered. With the growth of these commonwealths from their original condition as parts of the Northwest Territory, followed by individual territorial organ- ization, and ultimately by complete statehood, the third article of compact has stood as the Magna Charta under whose supreme authority has been inaugurated and carried forward a system of public education which, without invidious compari- son, may be justly said to fully equal that of the older states of the Atlantic seaboard. It is a fact of especial significance that within the borders of the great Northwest Territory thus forever dedicated as the home of the school -house and of the college, lie the two states of Michigan and Wisconsin, whose record marks the extreme advance in fostering, under state supervision, the higher education. The story of the growth of the universities of these sister states, the former slightly exceeding, our own just falling short of half a century of duration, is indeed the story of the growth and development of the principle of state assistance in fostering college and university education. Originating in doubt and uncertainty, opposed in its earlier history in this state by passion and prejudice, and sometimes by religious bigotry upon the part of denominational colleges, this principle has steadily made its way until theory has at last become fact, and what was formerly experiment has become the established, and, let us trust, the unalterable policy of the state. How marked has been this advance will be best remembered by the older alumni and friends of this University who have witnessed its steady growth from those earlier years of doubt and apathy and prejudice to its present IN A UG URA TION OF PRESIDENT ABAMS. 2 5 assured function of imparting, by liberal endowment under wise instruction, and in the name and by the authority of the state, the most advanced knowledge to her sons and daughters who gather here from year to year in constantly increasing numbers. Here too, in the new Northwest, was the most fitting theater upon which to test the experiment thus inaugurated half a century ago. A population still dealing with the more material and practical questions incident to the formation of new states, and lacking the wealth which could avail of the advantages offered by the colleges of New England, presented conditions most favorable for determining how far the state might safely go in supplying the growing demands of its citi- zens for educational advantages of a higher order than those afforded by the common schools. Amid such surroundings the experiment has gone forward until it is coming to be accepted as the general verdict of all who have studied the problem, that, whatever may be done by private benefaction or under denominational auspices in promoting the more advanced forms and methods of education may, likewise, be done as well, and often better, by the state itself. And while, under a government of the people, whatever savors of pater- nalism necessarily seems, when tested by purely economic standards, to appear paradoxical and illogical, yet in attaining the larger ends of national life which lie beyond the line of its mere material prosperity, and which pertain to its intel- lectual developnlent, the problem transcends the mere laws of supply and demand, or of the production and exchange of material commodities. The question is no longer one of mere political economy, to be governed by the hard and fast rules which apply to the commercial exchange ; rather, let us say, that the wise paternalism which prompts the state to supply to all of its citizens at first cost, the highest educa- tional advantages is, indeed, the wisest policy, even upon purely economic grounds, since it best promotes the higher growth and ultimate prosperity of the state itself. 26 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. The wisdom of promoting, under state auspices, the higher forms of education, has, at least in the western states, long since passed beyond the stage of experiment and has become an assured fact. If further justification of this salu- tary policy were needed, it would be found in the rapid and steady growth of state institutions of learning as compared with denominational colleges. So acute an observer of our institutions as Mr. Bryce, who made a special study of state education in the West, has not failed to note in his "American Commonwealth " the struggle which is still going on in the middle and western states between the state universities and the smaller denominational colleges, and the rapid develop- ment of the former as compared with the latter. He observes that as the alumni of the state institutions become more numerous, and more influential in public life, and as it becomes more and more clearly apparent that the smaller colleges, hampered by lack of sufficient endowment, are unable to pro- vide the libraries, museums, laboratories, and complicated appliances necessary for university education, the balance of power seems likely to incline in favor of the state institutions ; and that it is within the bounds of reasonable probability that these will steadily rise to the level of the great eastern uni- versities, while many of the denominational colleges will sub- side to the rank of places of preparatory training. One feature, also, which he observes in American univer- sities generally, as in those of Scotland, is especially notice- able in the leading universities under state control in the West. It may best be stated in his own words ; that " while the Ger- man universities have been popular but not free, while the English universities have been free but not popular, the Ameri- can universities have been both free and popular." And yet Mr. Bryce has failed to note that this result is more natural and inevitable in institutions suj)[)orted by the state than in those which are under private control. Whatever else may be justly said against the jjolicy of university education by the state, from the very conditions of the case it is absolutely IN A UGURA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. 27 free from even the suggestion of religious bias or sectarian instruction. Whether such a complete sundering of religious and secular training is productive always of the best results is a question foreign to this occasion. But it is certain that it is the only condition under which state instruction is possible under a system of constitutional government which has for- ever divorced the church from the state. And any system of education which, in the name of the state, should seek to blend religious with secular instruction, would be so utterly repug- nant to the genius of our institutions as to find no toleration or support from any intelligent friend of religion of whatever sect or faith. The fact that most of the eastern colleges, including several of those which have attained the rank of universities, are still fettered by certain religious and sectarian conditions, brings out in clear relief, and as more consistent with our form of government, the absolutely unsectarian character of all state institutions for the promotion of learning. That such eastern colleges have attained so large a degree of prosperity, and have so nearly approached the best European standards of university work has resulted, not because of, but rather in spite of the sectarian influences which a mistaken zeal in a ruder and more illiberal age impressed upon their foundation. With- out such religious environment their growth and prosperity, in this century at least, would doubtless have been far more marked and conspicuous. And the absolute freedom of state universities from all religious fetters, however slight, will, more and more, as the years go on, tend to popularize and strengthen them in the affections of a people singularly sensitive, as we are, to the slightest trace of religious coercion or sectarian control. What, then, is the just relation which the state sustains toward the university, and what the function of the state as regards the higher education? It is to do all in the name and by the authority of the state which may be done by denomi- national zeal or by private benefaction ; to supplement but not 28 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. to supplant the work more imperfectly done by poorly equipped colleges under private control ; to furnish a maximum of educational advantages at a minimum of cost ; and to place within the reach of its humblest citizens an opportunity for the most advanced technical education, assured that in so doing it is best subserving the great purpose declared in the ordi- nance of 1787, of forever encouraging the means of education, for the better promotion of "good government and the happi- ness of mankind." Nor need there be any apprehension that the work of the state, even under the most generous policy, in thus providing for its citizens the most liberal appliances for acquiring the higher education, will wholly supplant the more modest work done by smaller colleges under sectarian or private control. The problem of the relations between the two systems is not necessarily a question of the survival of the fittest, since there is room for both, and room to spare. The higher learning is in no danger ; the smaller institutions need have no fear. The demand for all forms of education above that of the common school is increasing in a constantly accelerating ratio, and with even more rapidity than the marvelous increase in our population. A century of growth has increased our popula- tion from three to sixty-two millions, and still the tide which knows no ebb moves from the old world to the new. Still with restless energy the resistless wave of immigration sweeps westward, and sweeps on. The alien of yesterday becomes the immigrant of to-day and the citizen of to-morrow. America stands with all-embracing arm, gathering her miscellaneous sons from every sea and shore and binding them into one homogeneous and united people. With this rapid increase in population, and with a corresponding growth in wealth and material prosperity, comes always an increasing demand for the higher education which taxes to the utmost all e.xisting appliances and institutions, whether public or private. In a more literal sense than that of scripture, the harvest is j)lcnty, the laborers are all too few. IN A UGURA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. 29 That the state universities, especially in the states of the Northwest, are keeping fully abreast with these demands upon them, no unprejudiced observer will deny. That they are steadily gaining upon the older institutions in the eastern states is equally true. It would be premature to assert that they have yet attained the rank of Harvard or of Yale in our own country, or of those ancient seats of learning in England and upon the continent, rich with endowments of material wealth, but richer far in the centuries of history and of tradi- tion which surround them, and in the splendid heritage of his- toric names of their sons who have shaped the destinies of the old world and the new. As you stand within the ivied walls of the many colleges which form the ancient University of Oxford, every stone of which is rich with history and tradi- tion, you may seem to see, with stately tread, eight centuries of English history pass by. Not alone in present wealth, in stately buildings or in costly appliances, but in the memories, the traditions and the associations of all the past lies the real endowment of a great university. It is a growth, not a creation ; it is born, not made. But let us gladly note, and hopefully remember that the cause of state education keeps steady pace and goes side by side with the higher education as administered by uni- versities under private control. The ideal state university may still be far in the future. We may be moving onward with slow, and sometimes faltering steps, but we are moving onward, not backward. Pledged, let us hope irrevocably, to the policy of placing the highest educational advantages within the reach of its poorest citizens, the state can afford to take no backward step. And when our college walls shall have grown gray with the centuries and shall have been enriched with traditions of a historic past, may this university, still hallowed in the recollection of her loyal alumni, and in the affections of a grateful people, forever stand as the foremost agency of an imperial state in promoting the higher education. ADDRESS IN BEHALF OF THE STATE. BY HIS EXCELLENCY, GOVERNOR GEO. W. PECK. GOVERNOR PECK was next introduced, and in his humor- ous way told of the relation existing between the common- wealth and the university and higher education. His address was pithy and to the point, and was characteristic of his excellency. He said : Mr. President : It is doubtful if the founders of this university contemplated the greatness of the institution that would grow up here. When the first modest building was erected there was very little of Wisconsin, very few children to educate, and a prospect that was^ not flattering for a great institution like the one by which we are surrounded to-day. Those who were foremost in the enterprise felt that there was need for some education higher than could have been received in the country school, and as the facilities for sending children to the colleges of the East were not great, this university was considered necessary. The old pioneers who came across the Allegheny mountains and through the valleys of Pennsyl- vania, noticed a strong odor about Oil creek and its vicinity, but they did not contemplate that within a third of a century that strong odor would develop a commerce that would make men worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and that one man, then a child, would endow a great university in the State of Illi- nois with millions of dollars, to compete with this modest Wisconsin affair. They had read of the gold mines in Cali- fornia, but they little dreamed that a briefless lawyer in Port Washington, in this State, would emigrate to California and become worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and endow a university with so many millions that it must be a success, whether it has students or not, and compete with our own state university. They had no means of knowing that the Milwau- 31 32 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. kee butcher would eventually become worth so many millions of dollars that it would become necessary for him to give some of those millions for educational purposes in order to make himself happy, and thus compete again with this state uni- versity ; but all these things have been realized, and the gen- tlemen who are the agents of the State of Wisconsin in main- taining this university find \hat they have much competition, and yet, what must they do ? If the motto of the State of Wisconsin were the word "backward," it is easy to see what would be the duty of the managers of this university ; if the motto of the State of Wisconsin were "stand still," then it would be easy for any man to say what should be the course of this university ; but the motto of Wisconsin is "forward," and that one word must show to you that the people of Wis- consin, who back this university, mean that it shall go forward and not backward, and that it shall not stand still. You must remember that the support of this university comes from the hard-earned money of those who pay taxes, whereas the sup- port of other universities comes from the millions that are made from the oil that bubbles from the earth, or from the gold, which Wisconsin people have no means of digging from the earth, so you must be careful, and yet you must compete with these great universities, with their immense endowments. You must do as business men do. You have a reputation for the output of this university which is equal to the reputation of the output of any manufacturing establishment in Wiscon- sin. The output must be increased gradually, and its market value must be kept up, if not increased constantly. The manufacturer of a great article of machinery employs experts in every department in which a portion of that machinery is made, and when the comi)lctcd article is j)ut upon the market he points with pride to it, and says to the world: "We can make as good an article, or better, to-morrow and the next day." The university must be in the same position. It sends forth these young men into the world and points with pride to them. It must be in a position to send out this work another IN A UG URA TION OF PRESIDENT A DA MS. 3 3 year and another, even better equipped for contact with the world, and to make a success. The reputation of Wisconsin is at stake in the output of this university, and it must not be allowed to suffer in any way in the future. Every young man or woman who graduates from this university is an advertisement of the work of the faculty, as much as a steam engine is an advertisement for the shop that turns it out. You take the crude material and give every portion of it strength it knew not before, and the indi- viduality of each teacher is shown to some extent in the finished work turned out on graduation day. If there proves to be a weakness in any portion of the graduate, it can be traced back and the blame given to that particular workman who has slighted his work in the process of education, the same as a defect in a portion of a steam engine can be traced to the workman who has neglected some important element of its construction. If investigation proves that the weakness is caused by the material which is put into the engine or into the graduate of the university, then the faculty is not to blame ; neither is the workman who built the engine. A university that is endowed by a million and a half of taxpayers is on a sounder basis than any endowed by private subscription. Gold mines may cease to pay, or the watering of the stock of the gold mines may render it valueless ; oil may cease to flow from the ground or become unfashionable as a means of lighting the world. Every man may become his own pork packer, and a corner in pork may become an impossibility to endow a university or a school, but taxpaying for educational purposes will never go out of fashion, and the taxpayer will always be glad that he is in a position to assist in the education of other people's children as well as his own. You are in position to be of great assistance to the youth of other states as well as Wisconsin, and the youth from Flor- ida or Nebraska who is educated at the Wisconsin University loses his identity as a product of Florida or Nebraska and 34 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. becomes a product of Wisconsin. The man who desires to come from another state to this and exercise the elective fran- chise must live in this state a year. If he desires to procure a divorce he must live in the state a year; but the young man who desires an education, which is greater than the elective franchise and greater than the divorce, has only to appear in the state of Wisconsin with sufficient money to pay his tuition and he can be turned out after a season of hard work an alum- nus of the University of Wisconsin and a credit to himself and the state. The education which you give to the young will make them capable of building an engine or writing a consti- tution for a new state; will make them capable of making laws, as well as executing them; will fit them for the White House or the little red school house, where they will be an honor in their position. You may teach them to milk a cow or to bleed a client, and each will be done as well as can be done by a graduate of any institution of learning that is known to man ; but what your great University needs above all things is to have the people of the State of Wisconsin know what it is. But one man in a thousand of the taxpayers of the state knows what the University is, and that one man knows it because he has read of it and seen a picture of it in the blue book. What is needed is that you advertise this University as men would advertise any business that is successful. The man who brews beer lets it be known the world over that his is better than any other; you brew brains, that are more valuable than anything that is turned out of a manufactory. Let the people know this. Let as fine ])icturcs as can be procured of all the buildings about this University be sent abroad through- out the state and land, that jjcople may know that it is not a University in name only, but in all that the name implies. Let your good work go on under the new administration of this grand institution until the time shall come that the battle cry, or the grand hailing sign of distress, U'Rah, 'Rah, Wis-con- sin! wherever heard, on the battle field, in the Salvation army, calling sinners to rejientance, in any place that the song may INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. 35 go forth, may cause people to raise their hats and say: "This is Wisconsin, the grandest state in all the Union," President Adams, in behalf of the State of Wisconsin and all its people, I welcome you heartily to what I believe to be a long life of great usefulness. You have come from other fields, where you have made a name second to that of no man engaged in the educational field of the whole world. May your stay with us be pleasant to you, and all whom you love, and the state believes you will make better all with whom you come in contact, and impress your work upon every student that comes under your kindly hand. ADDRESS ON BEHALF OF SISTER UNIVERSITIES. BY PRESIDENT JAMES B. ANGELL, LL.D., OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. MR. PRESIDENT: I count it a great honor to be invited to represent here so choice a constituency as the Sister Universities. In their name, I beg to extend to this institution their heartiest congratulations on this auspicious occasion, and to give utterance, in words however inadequate, to their unfeigned joy at the great and increasing prosperity of this University. If, as is commonly believed, it has ever been true that worthy universities and colleges are jealous of each other's success, the day of such petty and unbecoming jealousy has passed. Every good and strong university really rejoices in the prosperity of every other good university or college, be- cause, in a large sense, it is true that the prosperity of each helps the prosperity of all. If one receives large gifts, the benefactors of others are stimulated to give. If one, by brave and prudent experimentation, improves its niethods of administration or of instruction, all others, that will, may reap the benefit of the discovery. There is no educational trust or patent right which holds a monopoly of any good educa- tional idea. The increasing intimacy of the professors of various colleges, the growing custom, formerly almost unknown, of their passing from the Faculty of one institution to that of another, the commendable practice of making public by presi- dent's reports and other publications, the inner life of univer- sities, have enabled every institution of higher education to profit by all the improvements in any other, and thus to share, in some degree, in the prosperity of every other. This is one of the reasons why it has come to pass that in the last twenty 37 38 UNIVERSITY OF VVISCONSIX. years the American colleges and universities have made a greater advance in the range and cjuality of their work, in the enlargement of their endowments, and in the number of stu- dents, than they had made in half a century before. And it is but simple justice to say, that well up in the front rank of the most rapidly advancing institutions has been this Univer- sity of Wisconsin. We rejoice with you most heartily in your progress, and yet more in the prophecies, which we read in all the signs we see about us, of your still more signal prosperity to come. I trust the Sister Universities, in whose behalf I am per- mitted to speak, will allow me to say a special word in behalf of the University of Michigan, which I, as a delegate, par- ticularly represent. That university is one of your nearest neighbors. She existed in a somewhat different form under the Territorial government of Michigan, when that govern- ment had jurisdiction over all the present domain of Wiscon- sin. She has furnished some of her choicest sons for your Faculty. You have just been charmed by the brilliant elo- quence of one of them. Another is your accomplished pro- fessor of astronomy. As I entered this room I passed by the portrait of his predecessor in office, perhaps the most brilliant genius our university ever graduated, James C. Watson, who by his astronomical discoveries, before he was forty years of age, wrote his name and that of his university among the stars, to be read and known of all men, and who to your great .sorrow and ours was too early cut down, while in the very prime of his strength. It is the University of Michigan, too, which is the Alma Mater of the distinguished president, whom we have met to induct formally into office. That university, therefore, has the right to cherish, j)erhai)s, a deeper interest in this glad and auspicious celebration than any other univer- sity excejjt your own. It is with a fond mother's pride and joy that she commends to you her honored son, and pronounces her benediction on the ties that henceforth bind him and you together. We, his old colleagues, know better than you can IN A UG URA TION OF PRESIDENT A DA MS. 3 9 yet know, how richly he is furnished in his own special branch of research, how large is his knowledge of the best ideas of our time concerning university work, how wide is his acquaint- ance with the wisest teachers in the land, how firm is his grasp of the principles of administration which must be mastered in these days by the president of a great university. The impressions of his ample equipment for the leadership of an institution like this, which you are about to receive from his erudite address, will be only deepened as the months go on. Long may he be spared to you, to promote the success of this university, and to rejoice with you in the enlarged prosperity with which it is to be crowned. You may well be encouraged by the grounds of hope for your future. The university has been founded within the memory of not a few of those whom I address. And yet it has reached a development which Harvard college required more than two centuries to attain. You have behind you the re- sources of a state larger in area than some European king- doms, inhabited by an intelligent and rapidly increasing popu- lation, who mean that their children shall have the best facili- ties for education. They have taxed themselves for your support with a generosity which we cite as a suggestive ex- ample to our legislatures in Michigan. And this generous support is true economy. We, of the West, are looking confidently for the day when, by virtue of our numbers, the responsibility for the con- duct of the affairs of this nation shall be vested in us. We ought not to have that power, and we ought not to wish for it, unless we can rear generations of thoroughly -trained, large-minded, large -souled men, who can wield it wisely. To rear such men, and to rear women worthy to be their com- panions and helpers, we, in the West, must have the best edu- cation which the age can furnish. Let Wisconsin so furnish this vigorous university that it may do its full part in this be- nign and noble work. ADDRESS ON BEHALF OF THE REGENTS. BY THE HONORABLE JOHN JOHNSTON. MR. PRESIDENT; LADIES, AND GENTLEMEN: After the able, interesting and eloquent addresses to which we have listened, and anticipating as we do the address of the occasion after I sit down, I am sure I could not expect your forgiveness were I to occupy more than a few minutes of your time. I need not assure you that none can be happier on this occasion than the regents. We stand between the people of the state and the university. We are expected to conduct the business of the university in a business-like way. The tax- payers expect us to get the largest possible results from the means committed to our charge. We must have all the careful and economical habits of the most strict man of business, and we must have all that warm and responsive sympathy with higher education and progressive methods, which are to be found in the most enthusiastic scholar. We are expected by the people of the state to be both business men and university men. You may well imagine the concern, if not actual alarm, which filled our minds on receiving the resignation of Presi- dent Chamberlin last summer. The more we considered the varied qualities necessary for the president of a vast and growing institution like the University of Wisconsin, the more did our solicitude and anxiety increase as to where we could find a man for the place. This occasion, therefore, can be the source of a higher satisfaction to none of you than it is to the regents. We feel that the Faculty, the alumni, and the students of the university, as well as the people of the state, ratify the appointment of Dr. Adams as President of the University of 41 42 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Wisconsin. I am sure I but express the sentiments of my colleagues when I say that there is a great future before our university. We have now a revenue equal to the income of §5,000,000, besides 200 acres of land and buildings. Ours is probably the finest situation for a great seat of learning to be found in this country. There is no disguising the fact, how- ever, that the students arc increasing at a greater ratio than are the means of educating them, and we shall have to appeal from time to time to the representatives of the people for an increase of accommodations and revenue. We have a Faculty of great ability, and we should be in a position to ward off all raids upon our ranks which may be attempted by other institutions of learning. Backed as it is by two millions of people, the University of Wisconsin should take a place second to none. All honor to the beneficence of those individuals who have founded a great university in a neighboring city, but I believe the great State of Wisconsin can not be excelled in liberality by any private beneficence, however munificent. Our university stands on a broader and far more liberal basis than the one referred to. It must in the long run command greater support from independent and thinking minds than an institution whose charter requires that its presi- dent and a majority of its trustees must always be of one particular religious denomination. I believe the people of Wisconsin begin to realize that the university pays handsome dividends, not only of an intellect- ual but also of a material character. As was said here last summer, "Wisdom and water run down hill, the fountains of the rivers are in the mountains, and the fountains of knowl- edge are in colleges and universities." There is not a county in Wisconsin which is not richer because of the university. The cheese of Sheboygan, the butter of Rock, the tobacco of Dane, the sheep of Walworth, the horses and cattle of Racine and Kenosha, and the potatoes of Waupaca arc all better because of our university, while the existence of those men INA UG URA TION OF PRESIDENT A DA MS. 4 3 who dig in the sunless mines of Gogebic have been made comparatively comfortable and safe through the discoveries of science. The university wrests from nature her best guarded secrets and yokes her powers to the wheels of progress. Classic mythology tells us how Hercules cleaned the Augean stables in one day, where 3,000 oxen had been kept for thirty years. He made nature do it ; he turned the waters of two rivers through the stalls. We have professors in our university who can do much more wonderful things than Hercules ever dreamed of, and in our science hall Vulcan has at last suc- ceeded in wooing Minerva, and industry and science join hands in their triumphs over the forces of nature. After all, we should aim at intellectual, rather than material greatness in our beloved commonwealth. " What if men sow cities Like shells along the shore, And thatch with towns the prairie broad With railways iron'd o'er ; They are but sailing foam - bell Along thought's coursing stream, And take their shape and sun - color From Him that sends the dream." Nations live in history because of the intellectual greatness of their sons. The grand old "Bard of Chios' rocky Isle," whose fame remains undimmed after 3,000 years, the honor of whose birth was claimed by seven cities, and ten times seven generations have done homage to the productions of his matchless genius ; he alone has done more to make Greece renowned through time than all the wealth and luxury of Corinth. I believe we can congratulate ourselves that the people of Wisconsin are learning more and more to appreciate the university, and that we need look through no long vista of years to behold enthroned in this picturesque and lovely land- scape a seat of learning unsurpassed in the nation, whither the sons and daughters of Wisconsin shall come up in thousands 44 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. to participate in all the aesthetic and scientific treasures of the past and the present, under the guidance of the ablest minds. I firmly believe the ceremonies of this hour will tend to help on this happy consummation. Dr. Adams, in behalf of the Regents of the University of Wisconsin, I now invest you with the seal of the University, and declare vou duly installed as its President. I congratu- late you on this ausj^icious occasion, but I still more con- gratulate the University. THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE. INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. I SHOULD not fitly comply with the demand of this hour if I did not devote the time at my disposal to a considera- tion of the relations of the university and the state. In this favored domain these relations are peculiarly intimate. No- where else are the university and the preparatory schools bound together in a firmer or more helpful alliance. In no other state has the modern method of reaching the people by the means known as University Extension been so general or so successful. Nowhere else have the masses of the people at the farmers' institutes received so much direct assistance from the teaching force at the university ; and nowhere else have the people in their turn shown a higher appreciation and esteem for the university which bears the name of the com- monwealth. The institution, in the interests of which we are assembled, is peculiarly fortunate in its situation. I do not mean simply that it occupies a site of unsurpassed picturesqueness in a city of unusual beauty and culture, nor do I refer chiefly to the important fact that it is favorably situated at the capital of an important state. What I have in mind indicates the far more comprehensive advantage of having its sphere of activity at a capital that is exceptionally fitted to be the encouraging abode of a great institution of learning. The organization of Wisconsin and of its institutions was largely modeled by people who had a profound respect and love for education. Many of the older inhabitants of the state came from Ver- mont and Massachusetts and Connecticut. The influences of New England were tempered by influences from New York and Northeastern Ohio. Men from those regions with all their pre- possessions in favor of education, not only gave form to the 45 46 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. constitution and government, but also established those socie- ties and institutions that have become such a power and such a credit to the state. The Historical Society, which has brought together one of the noblest collections in the country, is conspicuous evidence of the scholarly impulses that were dominant in the earlier days. The Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters gives perpetual proof that the interests of the people are as wide as the realm of knowledge. These associations of learning have had their abode by the side of the university. Hither also came the Supreme Court of the State, and one of the District Courts of the United States. This capital thus became the home of distinguished judges and lawyers, as well as the abode of science, art, and literature. And thus it was that this beautiful city, — on the one hand through the natural advantages of its situation, and the attractiveness of its institutions, and on the other through the absence of the distracting and absorbing turmoil of great commercial activ- ity, — became the beneficent home of those quiet and scholarly tastes which are favorable to academic studies. Then, too, the foreign element that has come into Wiscon- sin has favored in every way the upbuilding of our educational institutions. If there is any people in the world which has put a higher value than any other upon education as a necessity and a power, it is the people of that Teutonic race, from which so many of our people have come. The census shows that the German population of Wisconsin is larger than that of any other state, and that the Norwegian population is second in number only to that of our neighbor on the west. With their industry, their enterprise, their fru- gality, and their thrift, the Germans and Norwegians alike have retained those educational predilections which were so firmly rooted in their native countries. The boundless resources of the state, united with the invigorating power of the climate, make it certain that Wisconsin will always be inhabited by a hardy and thrifty race ; and when, coupled with these, wc have IN A UG URA TION OF P RES I DEN T ADA MS. 4 7 liberal and enlarged ideas on educational matters, we have conditions peculiarly fitted for successful educational develop- ment. But there is another element in the situation that we must not lose sight of. Our relations to the neighboring states and the country at large are elements of peculiar strength. Within the past twenty-five years there is no other phenomenon con- nected with the development of this country that is so remark- able as the growth of the Mississippi valley. The unrivalled natural resources and the consequent enormous possibilities of the region have so attracted the capital, the intelligence, and the enterprise, not only of the Atlantic states, but of transatlantic nations as well, that in comparison with the seaboard it is fast coming to remind us of the relative importance of the inland portions of Great Britain, of Italy, of Germany and of France. Nor is the most remarkable feature of this prosperity its material growth alone. Go where we may, we discover a deter- mination at the earliest possible moment to be in possession of the best things that civilization offers. The most luxurious Pull- man cars go to the West quite as much as to the East. The electrical engineer treads upon the heels of the frontiersman. The most conspicuous building in the typical city of the Northwest is the school-house. An opening is made in the forest, a school-house is erected, a city charter is procured, a literary club is formed, and . then Shakespeare and Browning are duly installed. This is the normal way in which a frontier society finds relief from its earliest privations. It is but natural, therefore, that the very best things often find their way even more rapidly into the West than into the East. This rapidity of advancement shows itself in education as well as in material development. It is a common observation at the meeting of the National Teachers Association, that the soil of the prairies seems to be peculiarly hospitable to the roots of new educational ideas. The kindergarten, the manual training school, the seminary and laboratory methods of advanced instruction in our universities, the generous provis- 48 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. ions of legislatures and of private benevolence for education, all these bespeak an alertness of enterprise in securing the best methods for the development of mind as well as for the extension of material resources. Surely these are fortunate surroundings. But a noble situation is nothing more than a noble oppor- tunity. Universities are not born, they are made. The Uni- versity of Wisconsin is the creation and the possession of the people. If it is to do in an adequate way what a university ought to do for a people in so large a place, it will be because the people nourish it with the food without which a univer- sity can not grow and do its work. The Northwest will not deserve to exert the influence that seems to await its future, unless it is fully alive to the moral and intellectual obligations that rest upon it. We are living in a period of educational transition. A few of the larger institutions have now grown to be universities. There is coming for the first time in this country to be a distinct difference between the college and the university. Within the past three years this difference has been emphasized and made more conspicuous by the great endowments in California and Chicago. Every large institu- tion, especially every state institution, finds itself obliged to ask itself whether it will take rank among the universities or whether it will be content to do the work of the smaller institutions. There are jjrevalent two ideas in regard to higher educa- tion. The one is that private endowment may safely be left to care for the interests of advanced education of every kind ; the other is that it is the duty of the state to foster and sup- port education in all its grades, from the lowest to the highest Wisconsin, like her sister states in the Northwest, is committed to the latter view ; and it has seemed to me on coming to the presidency of this university that I might appro|)riatcly dis- cuss the reasons why this view is to be upheld and maintained. In a business crisis prudence requires a careful examination of IN A UGURA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. 49 the securities and title deeds. Even when there is no more than a change of officers in the corporation, such an examina- tion may renew familiarity and strengthen confidence. If it be true, as has so often been said, that tendencies are stronger than men, the remark is but another way of saying that society is sometimes moved and influenced by an all- controlling exterior force. We recognize certain general cur- rents that sweep us along, regardless of our own volition. The breaking down of the doctrine of the divine right of kings ; the belief in the inherent rights of the individual man, ever broad- ening out into the masses of humanity; the ever -increasing tendency toward universal suffrage and universal education ; these forces, for better or for worse, are as irresistible as the movement of the earth about its axis. What we call the spirit of the age, what the Germans call the Zeitgeist, is a force which " Wie das Gestirn, ohne Hast, aber ohne Kasf we can neither stay nor control. This controlling spirit shows itself in the realm of higher education as well as in the domain of nature and politics. Let us look for a moment at the history of this movement. There was a time when education was exclusively under the direction of the church. During the middle ages, that is to say, so long as the church was a unit, it controlled the methods of educa- tion even more completely than it controlled the methods of government ; but when the church came to be divided, when it came no longer to embrace within its folds all the members of society, the government was obliged either to assume respon- sibility in matters of education, or to permit large numbers of the people to remain without any of the advantages of educa- tion. And so it was found everywhere that just in proportion as the church came to be divided, and so lost control of the government, education came to be cared for by the state. We may go a step further than this, and we shall find that in those nations which, during the past century, have been most conspicuous for their enlightenment and progress, the 50 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, tendency has most conspicuously been in the same direction. Illustrations are everywhere at hand. For example, if we turn to the history of that individual nation of the old world which, during this century, has made the most remarkable progress in the arts and sciences and in practical power, we shall see that the history of that progress has been little more than the history of education. Glance for a moment at the progress of that nation. The paternalism of Frederick the Great left the people peculiarly dependent upon the government. They acquired the habit of looking to political authority for everything. They lost their self-reliance. The weakness and folly of Frederick William II. gave emphasis to this tendency by robbing them of their respect for their rulers and their country. "Those were the days when An Emperor trampled where an Emperor knelt ; Kingdoms were shrunk to provinces, and chains Clanked over sceptered cities." The disasters of the Napoleonic wars were a natural result ; but the storm and stress of the time cleared the atmosjjhere of many delusions. It aroused the people of Germany to their own consciousness. It was one of those events when the crash of defeat and the threat of annihilation seemed to be the only agency capable of arousing the best energies and the most careful discrimination. The movement was not a revival inspired by monarchs, or the government ; it was a revival that was forced upon the government by the best representatives of the people. A new spirit took possession of the atmosphere, and it found voice in one of the great philosophers of the time. Fichte's '' Rede?i an die Deutschen" diddr esses to the Germans, so far as I know, were unique in the history of literature. They were a solemn and deliberate and elaborate attcmjjt to show the German people what they should dt) in order to recover their lost nationality and their greatness. And the key note was in this sentence : "I hope — perhaps I deceive myself — but it is only INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENI ADAMS. 5 I because of this hope that I care to live — I hope to convince some Germans that nothing but education can rescue us from all the miseries that overwhelm us." After this solemn declaration he went on to say that, while everything else had been taken from them, the privileges of education alone had been left ; and that in this privilege there were greater possibilities for Germany than they had ever yet dreamed of. It was on the basis of instruction like this that the Ger- mans went to work. They reorganized schools from top to bottom. Pestalozzi was brought from republican Switzerland to found that system of normal schools which even up to the present day has never again been equaled. Henceforth every teacher was to be trained for his profession with a thorough- ness which perhaps can best be compared with the thorough- ness with which our military ofificers are trained at West Point. Every primary school in the kingdom was to be taught by one who had received this professional training. The sec- ondary schools were to be taught exclusively by those who had received a university training or had passed an equivalent examination by the state. Financial provision for these new requirements were made on the most liberal scale. Royal palaces at Berlin and Bonn were consecrated to this new en- thusiasm and this new learning. The story has too often been told to need any elaboration, that in scarcely more than a single year the University of Berlin brought together the most extra- ordinary array of scholars the world had ever seen. German professors soon became the schoolmasters of the world. Stu- dents of history flocked to Niebuhr and Ranke and Mommsen ; students of philosophy deemed their education incomplete if they had not heard Fichte, Schelling, Schleiermacher, or Trendelenburg. Savigny revealed the continuity of Roman law ; Bunsen and Kirchoff invented the marvelous instrument with which, by the polarization of light, we can even deter- mine the chemical constituents of the fixed stars ; Virchow revolutionized the knowledge of physiology, and Helmholz, 52 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. by revealing the laws of sound, made possible the invention of the telephone and the phonograph. This spirit permeated all their institutions. The most conspicuous, if not the most salutary, example was the revolu- tion of the army. The fruit gathered by Moltke was grown from the tree planted by Bliicher and Scharnhorst. What all this meant was taught by the war of 1870. The crash, the cUbdcle of France, scarcely less complete and humiliating than had been that of Germany two generations before, set thought- ful men everywhere to meditating upon the laws of cause and effect. Every thinking man saw that it was the normal school and the gymnasium and the university and the principles they had inculcated that had triumphed at Metz, at Gravclotte, at Sedan, and at Versailles. Nor was this enthusiasm temporary. The purpose of Fichte had taken permanent possession of all German thought and method; and so when the Franco -German war was at an end it was but natural that they should remember the reward the nation had received for that spirit which had expressed itself in the founding of the universities at Berlin and Bonn. It was in obedience to this spirit that a large part of the indemnity fund was devoted to the establishment of other noble institutions of learning. At Charlottenburg and Stras- burg arose majestic tokens of the nation's gratitude, in the form of consummate expressions of scholastic architecture and endowment. In ten years the new university of Strasburg, housed in a succession of educational palaces erected for the purpose, had crowned its preparations for beginning its work, by bringing together a library of more than 300,000 volumes. The same spirit permeated other institutions. In Ger- many's agricultural schools, her schools of medicine and technology, the government of her cities, the administration of her railroads and telegraph lines, the care of human life — in whatever goes to make up the characteristics of efficient and economical education and administration, progress has been as extraordinary as it has been in the affairs of arms. IN A UG URA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. 5 3 If we turn from monarchical Germany to republican France we shall see that a kindred spirit has now taken possession of the people. During some years after 1815 the extraordinary successes of the French resulted in a spirit of self-satisfaction that was as fatal to all progress as was that of Germany after Frederick the Great. For a second time in this century there was an illustration of the poet's words : " Nations melt From power's high pinnacle, when they have felt The sunshine for a while, and downward go Like lauwine loosened from the mountain's belt." While, therefore, after the Napoleonic period, the Germans were making prodigious advances, the French were relying upon the renown of past achievements. But the disasters of 1870 and 1 87 1 accomplished for them what had been done for Germany by the disasters of Jena and Tilsit. During the last twenty years their system of education has been funda- mentally remodeled. A commission visited Germany for the purpose of inspecting the German system. The result has been that in all grades of education, from the primary schools to the schools of technology and the university, the spirit of improvement is everywhere awake. The representatives of the French people have appropriated money with almost im- measurable liberality for every grade of institution. The con- sequence is that, even in those fields that are thought to be peculiarly German, the French schools are now taking a fore- most rank. For the first time in this century, word is now coming back from our American students in Europe that they are finding as thorough and as comprehensive instruction in Paris as in Berlin. I might call attention in detail to the extraordinary intel- lectual activity that has recently been characteristic of Italy ; how the government, even though under conditions of the greatest financial stress, has given fruitful encouragement to higher learning. Libraries have been founded ; library build- ings of vast proportions have been erected ; museums and 54 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. laboratories have been established ; and liberal endowments have been provided. It might be interesting to trace the new activities that are shown in the old universities of Holland and Belgium ; how at Liege, at Louvain, and at Levden, the modern spirit has usurped the place of the old, and how generous studies in science, in literature, in history, and in the learned professions, have found a congenial and encouraging abode. Most important and interesting of all, it would be profitable, if there were time, to dwell at some length upon the extraordinary intellectual activity of the little republic of Switzerland. It would be easy to show how within the past ten years those frugal sons of the mountains, inspired by a consciousness of what learning will do for a people, have made most astonishing advances in the interests of education. Switzerland in superficial area has less than 16,000 square miles ; scarcely more than a quarter of the area of Wisconsin, and nothing but the remarkable energy and frugality of the people is able to extort a scanty livelihood from the rocks and mountain sides on which they live. But their intellectual courage is equal to their physical hardihood. For a single institution, the Polytechnicum at Zurich, less than ten years ago, this little people contributed two million five hundred thousand francs (§500,000) for the erection of a chemical laboratory ; and five years later, not less than three million five hundred thousand francs (or $750,000) for the erection and equipment of a laboratory of physics. A million and a quarter of dollars voted by the Swiss parliament for two buildings in less than ten years! Is it too great a price for the reward she receives ? Thither in winter as in summer scholars are now drawn by the glories of achievement as well as by the glories of nature. Of this little republic it niav now be said as was said of the republic of Venice : "In purple is she robed, and of her feast Monarchs partake, and deem their dif^nity increased." But I must not dwell in detail upon these interesting charac- teristics. It is enough to show with what spirit and purpose INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENl ADAMS. 55 the people of the old world, in monarchies and republics alike, are devoting their moneys to the purposes of higher education. It is fully time that I turn to our own side of the Atlantic. It is not my purpose to recount the events that led to the establishment of colleges and universities in the American colonies. The story has often been told how within colonial and provincial days the legislature of Massachusetts gave more than a hundred different grants for the founding and the support of Harvard College. It is a part of history that Yale, and William and Mary, and Dartmouth, and the other earlier colleges of the country were founded and supported by the provident care of the state. Passing over the colonial period, let us notice a little more particularly the drift of public opinion on this subject during the constitutional period. First of all, it may be remembered that the establishment of a national university was a favorite project of Washington, who advocated such an institution often during his life, and made generous provisions for carrying out such a project in his will. Perhaps the most comprehensive and liberal project of an educational endeavor ever devised in this country, was the one outlined by Jefferson for the University of Virginia. Unfortunately, Jefferson's ideas were adopted only in part; but the institution which he founded and moulded, and to which during the later years of his life he gave such devoted attention, became the model of all that is best for higher education in the southern states. If we turn from the desires and projects of individual men to the provisions made by the government, we shall find that the same spirit prevailed. As we all know, one of the last acts of the old Confederate Congress was the adoption of that new Magna Charta which, for all time, was to be the funda- mental law of the Northwest. The ordinance of 1787 abounded in provisions of so great importance that Daniel Webster, in his first speech on Foote's resolution, said he doubted "whether any single law, ancient or modern, had 56 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. produced effects of more distinct, marked and lasting a char- acter." Besides providing that slavery and involuntary servi- tude, save as punishment for crime, shall never exist in any state formed out of the new territory, and that the waters lead- ing into the Mississippi shall always be public highways, it adopteda third provision that becamea perpetual and ever pres- ent obligation upon all the states of the Northwest. It was in the declaration, that " Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encour- aged." This provision, " forever to remain unaltered, except by general consent," as Daniel Webster said of it, " went deeper than any local law, deeper than all local constitutions ; and we shall never cease to see its consequences while the Ohio shall flow." It was in obedience to the spirit of this charter that when the Northwest territory came to be divided into states, the government gave to each of them at least one section of land in every township for common schools, and not less than two townships in every state for the founding of a university. These grants were in some cases not indeed the beginning of higher education, but they showed at least a determination to afford encouragement and support. In some of the states these lands were fortunately located, and the proceeds from their sale afforded a perpetual endowment. In others the law- makers forgot the injunction of the ordinance, that the " means of education" should be "encouraged": that is to say, the lands granted by the government for education, instead of being "encouraged," were squandered in the interests of pri- vate cupidity. In all such cases the support of the univer- sities had been thrown directly upon the people of the state. It was in the same spirit that the next great federal pro- vision for education was made by what is known as the Mor- rill act of 1862. At a time when the life of the nation was in peril, when it even seemed doubtful whether we should continue to be one nation, a liberal grant was made by con- IN A UG URA TION OF PRESIDEN T ADAMS. 5 ^ r gress to provide for " the endowment, support, and mainte- nance of at least one college where the leading object should be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learn- ing as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislature of the states may respectively pre- scribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life." In the same spirit was what is known as the Hatch act of 1887. The agricultural interests of the country had become aware that at Rothamstead, in England, and in many places on the European continent, agricultural experiment stations had been established for the investigation of the laws and principles that govern the successful and profitable tillage of the soil. Our government was prompt to imitate their example, and more than forty agricultural stations have been founded and equipped as the beneficent result of this generous federal act. Then came the supplementary Morrill act of 1890, providing for the ultimate grant of ^25,000 a year, equivalent to a permanent endowment of half a million dol- lars, to each of the institutions founded by the Morrill act of 1862, for the more complete equipment and endowment of the colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts. It is doubtless true that in some of the older states the time has already come, which was once eloquently fore- told by Edward Everett when he said : " The mother state, having nourished her daughters, the higher institutions of learning, through a struggling and precarious childhood, can safely turn them over, in their maturity, to the care of their own children." But during the whole of the colonial period the colonists recognized the support of the colleges as one of the first duties of the state. The spirit, naturally showing itself in the federal government, took the form of the appropriations to which I have referred ; and the fostering care of the universities of the Northwest, has been the fruit of 58 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. •\ the same spirit. In this way it was, that even while the people were making the very first advances from the privations of frontier life, the foundations were laid for institutions where generous learning should be taught. The Universities of Michi- gan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, of Iowa and Nebraska, of Kansas and California, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, have all had a similar history ; and it is not too much to say that not one of these institutions, all of which are the glory, if not the pride, of their respective states, could have had any pros- perity, if indeed they could have existed at all, but for the initiative bounty of the federal government and the subsequent bounty of the state. The people of Wisconsin may therefore congratulate themselves that in supporting the State University they have been acting in accordance with the best thought of the nation as well as the most enlightened spirit of the age. Accompanying this trend of public opinion, there has been another tendency that is not less interesting and important. I refer to the multiplying of university studies. A hundred years ago the college was an institution of limited significance. It educated for the learned professions alone ; and the learned professions were medicine, theology, and the law. What has aptly been called the Age of Invention, was far more com- prehensive in its influence than has sometimes been supposed. In our national life it is a fact of striking significance that this age has been coeval with the natural development of our national resources. The application of steam to motive power occurred during the same generation as the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. To say, as has sometimes been said, that the exigencies of our national enlargement and development have given us no time or op])ortunity for the higher culture, is as unjust as it is offensive ; but it must never- theless be recognized as true, that a very large part of our national energies have been devoted to what has been nothing less than the |)rocess of converting a vast region from a condition of primitive savagery to a condition of civilization. All this has been primarily and chiefly a process of personal, IN A UG URA TION OF PRESIDENT A DA MS. 5 9 municipal, and national development. It has called for new applications of the arts and sciences. It has demanded not simply law, medicine, and theology, but all those professions and occupations that deal more directly with the natural forces of nature. The construction of mills, the building of bridges, the laying out of railroads, the excavation of canals, the devopment of mines, the transportation of products, and above all, the organization of governments adapted to these new and interesting and intricate conditions, demanded a kind of education for which the institutions of learning had as yet made no adequate provision. But the demand was met as soon as it was recognized. It was but natural, then, that the new education should have its first adequate development in the west. I shall not enter into the controverted questions as to when the new educational movement had its birth ; but I look in vain for any adequate expression of it, before the reorganization of the University of Michigan in 1852. At that time the ground was boldly taken, that in the education demanded by the age, the arts and sci- ences, both natural and applied, are entitled to the same con- sideration as those studies that are supposed to be peculiarly adapted to the wants of the learned professions. On this theory the courses of instruction were remodelled ; and the general educational thought, then adopted, has not only served as the model of all the other State Universities of the North- west, but has influenced powerfully, even if it has not defi- nitely shaped the newer institutions in all parts of the country. It would scarcely be too much to say that the same thought has revolutionized the older seats of learning in the East. With the numerous advantages that have come from the enlargement of the scope of instruction, there has come one disadvantage or embarassment that must not be overlooked. The natural equipment necessary for the old college was small and inexpensive. A few rooms, a few books, a small apparatus, and a small teaching corps — these were all that even up to a generation ago were deemed necessary by the oldest and the 60 UNIVERSITY OF W I SCON SIX. richest of our institutions. But what a change has been made necessary by the new conditions. The number of subjects to be taught has been increased by ten fold. The president of Harvard University recently said that it would require a stu- dent forty years to complete the courses offered by that insti- tution. But even this statement, impressive as it is, does not accu- rately represent the modern situation. The true condition of the modern university can only be understood when it is re- membered that the courses of instruction which have recently for the first time been called for, demand far more than their proportion of outlay for material equipment. Modern scholarship, unlike that of the atmosphere in which Newman published his "Idea of a University," is a scholarship of in- vestigation, and investigation requires vast resources in the way of apparatus, libraries, laboratories, and museums. In the old days all the apparatus that was needed for the teaching of mathematics was a book, a blackboard, and a piece of chalk. For Latin and Greek all that was called for was a cheap book and a hard bench. And the Latin, the Greek, and the mathe- matics were nearly all. But when the university came to the age of research, what vast resources were at once required ; re- sources as indispensable to modern education as are the reaper and the threshing machine to modern agriculture. Is it any wonder, then, that modern education is expensive ? The current expenditures of Harvard University during the past year can hardly have fallen short of a million dollars. The expenditures of half a dozen of the other universities amounted to considerably more than half a million each. The state universities are not less comprehensive in their scope or less generous in their jjurjjose, and if the jjcople of the north- western states would do their full part in the opportunities they give to their sons and daughters, they must not fail to supply all the requisite conditions of success. Another consideration that must be observed, though it is common -place, is the fact that no higher education can be IN A UGURA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. 6 1 self-sustaining. In the nature of things it costs more to edu- cate the children than the children or the parents of children can afford to pay. This is a recognized condition of civiliza- tion everywhere, and one that is accepted by all enlightened peoples. It is only those who have no education, that is to say, the barbarous, that insist that the cost of education shall be left solely to those who avail themselves of it. And this is even truer in the range of higher education than in the range of the lower. The cost of material equipment necessarily increases with the advancement of studies. Instruction for advanced students grows more and more costly. Libraries and museums and laboratories are of the first necessity. If the treasury books of the most efficient colleges and universities are scanned, it will be found that, apart from all permanent improvement, the cost of a liberal education, to the institution that gives it, is not much, if at all, less than three hundred dollars a year for every student. In many institutions it is more. In other words, exclusive of permanent improvements, a tuition fee of three hundred dollars a year would be needed, if the costs were to be defrayed by the students alone. Even in an old country such a rate would leave education to be en- joyed by the rich alone ; in a new country it would be pro- hibitory. Wisconsin has generously chosen to make the education offered by the university free to rich and poor alike. Aside from the College of Law, which is strictly a professional school, only a small fee, designed to cover in part the inci- dental expenses of the university, is exacted. This wise pro- vision, established as it is in accordance with legislative require- ments, imposes a great obligation upon the legislature itself. Every addition to the number of our students is an addi- tional call for larger legislative provision. This year the number of students is more than twenty per cent, greater than it was two years ago. Meanwhile our working income, while slightly in- creased, haslfallen far behind our real necessities. This state- ment may be a matter of surprise to those who recall the 62 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. generous provisions of the legislature two years ago ; but that surprise will vanish when it is remembered that the legislation referred towas for the erection of buildings. The fruit of that legislation will be three noble structures in every way creditable to the university and the state. The Dairy Building, the Armory, and the Law Building were called for by absolute necessity. But the gift of a building without an endowment for its care often impoverishes an institution. The care of the three buildings provided for by the act of 1891, including janitors, fuel, lights, insurance, repairs, and administration cannot be less than ten thousand dollars a year. To meet such a demand on the university treasury, no provision whatever has been made. Other buildings are loudly called for. The large acces- sions to the College of Engineering demand an immediate increase of accommodations in the shops, class-rooms, and laboratories. The chemical laboratory can hardly satisfy the necessities of the university another year. Ladies' Hall, crowded to its utmost capacity, greatly needs an addition for a dining-room, a gymnasium, and enlarged accommodations for the department of music. It must be extended, if it is to be continued. But even these are not the largest of the material needs of the university. The most pressing necessity is a library ade- quate to immediate wants. A college may be eminently suc- cessful with a comparatively small library. But to a university a large and constantly increasing collection of books is as necessary as fuel to a fire. This necessity is founded in the very nature of things. A university is an organization for the discovery and the promulgation of truth. There is not a single domain in all the vast realm of knowledge in which the best that has been done is not embodied in the literature of the subject. This knowledge may be found in books or in technical periodicals ; and in proportion as the pupil advances into the higher realms of knowledge, in the same proportion does the function of the teacher become less and less that of IN A UGURA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. 63 a dogmatist and more and more that of one who simply points out the way and guides the student in his own independent investigations. Every sphere of knowledge is now inclining to the historical method of investigation. Every successful investigator must know what has been done before. Adams and Leverrier discovered Neptune simultaneously and inde- pendently, simply because certain observations had revealed perturbations that could be most naturally accounted for by the existence of an unknown planet. There were so many invent- ors of the telephone, because investigations chiefly in the laboratory of Professor Helmholz and his predecessors had brought knowledge of the curious and subtle laws of the transmission of sound to a point from which but a single step was necessary to bring all these elusive conditions into prac- tical and daily use. Even Columbus would have never pushed his way across the unknown western ocean but for the evi- dence he had collected in books concerning the sphericity of the earth. We now know that he made himself thoroughly familiar with the literature of the subject. He finally suc- ceeded, not only because he had in unusual measure the cour- age of his convictions, but also because those convictions were founded on an unalterable belief that the known phenomena could only be accounted for by the existence of land in the far West, and that a westward voyage must result in dis- covery. And so it is in every domain of knowledge. If the investigator would know whether he is finding what is new, he must know what has been done by those before him. It may be in a measure true, as Garfield said, that a bench with a boy at one end and Mark Hopkins at the other, is a good college. But a university must be constructed on another plan. It is as true now as it was when Newman wrote, that a university is a place for the teaching of universal knowledge ; but the first necessity of such a function is a generous store of books. In all ages of the world such provisions have been considered of the most elementary and necessary importance. The new University of Strasburg, established, as I have already said, as 64 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. one of the fruits of the Franco-German war, was not willing even to begin instruction till it had collected a quarter of a million volumes. This number in the course of fifteen years increased to nearly or quite four hundred thousand. Up to the present time this university has been chiefly dependent upon the resources of the Library of the State Historical Society. In some departments of knowledge this noble collection has afforded invaluable aid. But even for stu- dents in those departments, the remoteness of the collection from the University is a serious drawback. The use of a library for university students is greatly enhanced if it can be visited dur- ing the intervals of one or two hours between the regular exer- cises of the class-room. The recent report of the secretary shows that more than nine-tenths of the use of the State His- torical Library is by members of the university. This use would be increased by many fold if the library were located near the center of university activity. The present library accommodation at the university are altogether indequatc, and the building where the library is housed will not readily adapt itself to enlargement. It may profitably be used for other purposes. For these reasons I cannot resist the conviction that the good of the university recjuires either the moving of the Historical Library, or an immediate jjrovision for a sepa- rate library building, and a large separate library for the use of the university. As yet I have spoken only of what may be called the material needs of the university. I should not do my full duty if I did not add that there are other needs of no less pressing importance. It is as true as it is trite to say that the domain of knowledge is ever growing wider and wider. Advancing civilization is ever growing more and more complicated. The demands of to-day are far greater than were the demands of yesterday. The luxuries of a few years ago are the necessities of to-day. The boundless resources of Wisconsin may well awaken the just pride of every citizen. These resources, developed and husbanded by an energetic ami frugal i)et)ple, are rapidly augmenting the wealth of the stale. Hiil this rajjid IN A UGURA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. 65 advancement is exceeded,»by the advancement of the univer- sity. It is to the credit of our civilization that as soon as the bare necessities of life are satisfied, the demands of our higher nature begin to assert themselves. Hence in communities with healthful public opinion the desires for better and higher things are apt to multiply even more rapidly than the means of satisfying them. This has constantly been the fact in this state ; and for this reason the percentage of increase in the classes at the university has been much greater than the rate of increase in population or even in wealth. The significance of this fact is that the university must constantly come to the state for additional support. Even to-day our classes are too large to be well taught by the force at our command ; and a real injustice has in some cases to be done. The teaching force ought to be very considerably increased. But even this is not all. The wants of the people are not satisfied with the instruction that is given at the university. Within the past few years the feeling has grown to be one of the most notable features in modern education that the uni- versity should not limit its instruction to those who are able to be in actual attendance. There are thousands, yea, tens of thousands, who desire to avail themselves of such instruction, but cannot leave their homes to go to the university. Cannot the university be taken to them? The modern University Extension movement is an effort to answer this question. It is an interesting fact that this question first received definite form in one of the conservative seats of learning in conserva- tive England. Within a few years after this desire took prac- tical form, lectures and teachers went from Oxford and Cam- bridge to every important city and village in Great Britain ; and several thousand carefully prepared courses of instruction are now annually given. The movement was so unmistakably beneficial that it crossed the Atlantic as naturally as did the jury system and the common law. It has found congenial soil wKerever there is an enterprising desire for more knowledge and greater intelligence. The growth of the movement has 66 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. been perhaps even more rajjid in Uic west than in the east. The impulse early took definite form in Wisconsin. Last year more than a hundred calls for courses of extension lectures came to the university ; more than forty were given. This year the demands thus far have been greater than they were at the corresponding date last year. It has been the policy of the university to respond to these calls as often as can be done without great injustice to the students and to the univer- sity itself. But the demands are more than we can supply. Even this year we have found ourselves impelled to go farther than can be justified as a permanent policy. It will be uni- versally admitted that the first duties of our teaching force are at the university itself, and unless the legislature deems it best to make some adequate provision for the administration and support of the mouement, the university will be obliged to diminish, if not to discontinue its efforts in this direction alto- gether. The legislature has shown how the work can be done by the provision it has made for the kindred work of the farmers' institutes, and any one who looks at the list of the institutes held and knows the interest that has been evinced and the profit that has been realized by the attendance, will find it difificult to believe that the same amount of money expended in any other way within the past two years has resulted in any greater good. Whether similar provision should not be made for the support of the university extension movement must be decided by the legislature, and not by the authorities of the university. At the risk of making still further drafts upon your patience, I must add a word in regard to the youngest child of the University, the School of Economics, Political Science, and History. The two jjarents of the child were the Library and the Wisconsin State Historical Society, the best for the purpose in the Northwest, and the fact that judicious, careful and wise instruction in political science is one of the greatest needs of the time. If anywhere in the world it is desirable that political information, free from all partisanship, should be INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENl ADAMS. 67 disseminated among the people, it is in a republic like ours, where it is by the people, as well as for the people, that insti- tutions are created and given their characteristics. It is because the people have not considered this fact in all its bearings that we have very justly come to have the reputation of being the most wasteful nation in the world in matters per- taining to political and municipal administration. It has recently been shown that a city in England with as many charitable and benevolent institutions as a corresponding city in the United States is more perfectly governed and adminis- tered at a fourth part of the cost. Everybody whose intelli- gence and judgment are equal to his patriotism, when comparing the administrative methods of our American cities with those of European cities of corresponding importance, is greatly impressed with the superior efficiency and economy of Euro- pean methods. Nothing is more certain than that we have gone too far in adopting the belief that it is more profitable to devote our time to making money than to protecting or sav- ing it. To ignorant or partially educated men the two often seem incompatible; but the only obstacle to uniting the two is the fact that while the accumulation of a fortune is the fruit of individual effort, the protection and preservation of it is very largely the result of efforts made by society as a whole. It is for this reason that the education of society in methods of efficiency and economic administration is of the highest importance. And the education of society is best accom- plished by the education of those who, for better or for worse, are to give society its opinions. I might raise a similar query in regard to the momentous questions involved in the present relations of capital and labor. Capital thinks labor has no right to complain, while labor thinks that capital gets more than its share of the profits. In a government by public opinion, the question is not more. What is the right, than it is, Can the people be made to see and adopt the right? Less than two months ago I received a letter from a business man, who is at once a capitalist, a phil- 68 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. anthropist, and a scholar, in which he used these impressive words: "Capital and labor stand in about the same antagonism that the king and the people of F"rance stood in 1793, and consecjuences as great will, in mv ojjinion, result from the con- flict that now seems upon us. Men who think must now direct public affairs, or chaos will come to the republic." That this is a gloomy view of the situation cannot be denied; but the fact that such a view is held by a man of prominence and intelligence is enough to show that there is call for what- ever we can do for a higher education in political and eco- nomic affairs. The School of Economics, Political Science, and History has been established for the careful study of all such questions. Its spirit is that of investigation. . It will tol- erate no partisanship; it will promulgate no political dogmas. It will be its constant effort to study whatever is to be learned in the old world, or in the new, of the best methods of con- ducting the affairs of the general government, of the state, and of the municipality. It will have to deal with great questions. Its ambition is a worthy one, and it bespeaks the generous sympathy, and support of public and private beneficence. There are other directions in which the University, by means of new departments and the enlargement of depart- ments already established, can render additional service to the sons and daughters of the state. But I will further ask your indulgence only while I say a single word in regard to what I conceive to be the proper attitude of the President of this University toward the Legislature and the i)eo}jle in the matter of legislative appropriations. This University does not belong to the Regents; still less docs it belong to the Presi- dent and the Faculty. It belongs to the people of Wisconsin. The Regents, and under them, the President and the corps of teachers, are administrators of a trust. In the administration of this trust our duties are two-fold. It is our first business to afford the best instruction in our j)ower with the means at our disposal. Our second duty is to report from time tt) time in INA UGURA TION OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. 69 regard to the conditions of greater efficiency and power. I cannot see why our duty is not at an end, when, after provid- ing for proper instruction and administration, we point out to the Legislature the ways in which, according to our judgment, the University can be improved and made more efficient. I hope we shall never regard it as our duty to play the role of importunity. We must do the best we can with the means submitted to our charge. It is equally our duty to say that, if it is to keep pace with the demands of a rapidly growing state and advancing civili- zation, not to say with neighboring institutions, it must have ever large and increasing supplies of the means by which alone a university can do its duty in an adequate way. To the leg- islators we would say: You are fortunate in having the means of supply in large abundance. Visit the University. Examine it in its minutest details. All its interests are yours, as the representatives of the people. Consider its usefulness and its possibilities. Make yourselves familiar with it; and then, I have no doubt, you will decide wisely and generously what provisions you will make for the improvement of the sons and daughters of Wisconsin. As I recall the history of what has already been accomplished ; as I contemplate the resources of this great and noble state ; as I survey the enormous possi- bilities and opportunities, I cannot doubt that the legislature and the people will be content with nothing short of making it worthy of the state ; and this means, the peer of any other university in the land. (89817 \\yVvO . Jrl VV^aO ^'T ■'■■ '.-■>:'- **<•