lis, Library of Congress PRELIMINARY LISTS OF Subject Subdivisions (A) Under names of cowntries, states, etc. (B) Under names of cities (C) Under gfeneral subjects FOURTH ISSUE) WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE LIBRARY branch: 191§ ^^, SCHOOL L. C. card, 16-26003 P) PREFATORY NOTE Since the third issue of this list in 1910, the recataloguing of several classes has been completed, that of others begun or advanced: Pliilosophy; Heraldry ; Genealogy ; Political science ; International law ; sections of Art, Language and Literature ; Agriculture ; Military and Naval science ; special collections, Lincoln, Washington, etc. These subjects, covered fully or in part, have increased the list to more than double its former size. Together with the Preliminary lists of subject headings with local subdivision, recently issued, it forms a necessary complement to the main list of sub- ject headings, and a key to the subject subdivisions used on the printed catalogue cards. The compilation of the additions and the preparation of the revised list for printing are the work of Mary W. MacNair. Charles Martel Chief of Catalogue Division Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, July, 1916 w "^ f s xj ~i ■.- SUBJECT SUBDIVISIONS UNDER NAMES OP COUNTRIES, STATES, ETC. The subjects represented in this Hst belong mbstly to the his- torical, political, and social sciences. For subjects in technology, science, and art, etc., which have country subdivision, see the "Preliminary lists of subject headings with local subdivision," 1916; these are represented under the country by a see reference only (e. g. Canada — Botany. See Botan}^ — Canada) When subdivisions given below have been used only under cer- tain countries, it is so specified. As far as applicable, they may be used under other countries. Altitudes. Annexation. Under certain countries, e. g. Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico. Antiquities. Antiquities, Roman. Appropriations and expenditures. Under United States. See also subdivision Appropriations and expendi- tures under names of departments, institutions, etc. (e. g. U. S. War dept. — Appropriations and expenditures) Area. Army. Arrangement of regiments, etc., differs under various countries. For illustrations see France and Great Britain. Single regiments of the United States army are entered under U. S. artillery, (cavalry or infantry] followed by number or name of regiment (e. g. U. S. infantry. 21st regt.) When subdivisions given in the list below have been used only under certain countries, it is so specified. As far as applicable, they may be used under other coimtries. Army — Ambulances. Appointments and retirements. Appropriations and expenditures. Barracks and quarters. Bibliography. Biography. Chaplains. Commissariat. Crimes and misdemeanors. Desertions. Directories. 5 6 StTBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTRIES Ariny— Continued. Drill and tactics. See Army — Artillery — Drill and tactics ; Army — Cavalry- -Drill ana tactics; Army — Infantry — Drill and tactics. Enlistment. See Army — Recruiting, enlistment, etc. Examinations. Field service. Firearms. Firing regulations. Guard duty. Handbooks, manuals, etc. History. See also History, Military. Inspection. Under United States. Machine gun drill and tactics. Under United States. Manoeuvers. Medals, badges, decorations, etc. Military life. Negro troops. Under United States. Officers. Officers' handbooks. Officers on detached service. Ordnance and ordnance stores. Organization and equipment. Pay, allowances, etc. Periodicals. Physical training. Postal service. Prisons. Promotions. Record and correspondence files. Recruiting, enlistment, etc. Regimental histories. Under Great Britain. (Subdivision Regimental histories is used under U. S. — Hist. — Revolution, [War of 1812, etc.] Registers. Regulations. Retirements. See Army — Appointments and retirements. Sanitary affairs. Signaling. Societies. Statistics. Supplies and stores. Surgeons. Target-practice. Technical education. Under Great Britain. Test shooting. Transport of sick and wounded. Transport service. Transportation. Uniforms. V SUBDIVISIONS tTNDEE COUNTEIES 7 Army — Continued. Artillery. Artillery — Drill and tactics. Artillery — History. Artillery, Coast. Artillery, Coast — Target-practice. Artillery, Field and mountain. Artillery, Light. Under United States. Aviation corps. Under United States. Cavalry. Cavalry — Drill and tactics. (^Javalry — History. Colonial forces. Corps of engineers. Under United States. Dental corps. Under United States. Engineers. (Corps of engineers is used under U. S. — Army) Hospital corps. Under United States. Infantry. Infantry — Drill and tactics. Infantry — History. Military telegraph corps. Under United States. Mine companies. Under United States. Remount service. Signal corps. Under United States. Signal corps — Drill regulations. Under United States. Territorial force. Under Great Britain. Torpedo companies. Under United States. Atlases. Sec History — Atlases. Baronetage. Under Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland. Bibliography. . Bio-bibliography. Biography. Biography — Dictionaries. Biography — Portraits. Boundaries. Capital and capitol. Exception: U. S. — Capital; Washington, D. C. — Capitol, connected by references. 5 SUBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTKIES Census. Centennial celebrations, etc. Charters. Under American colonies, states, and cities. Charters, grants, privileges. Under foreign countries, cities, etc. Church history. Civil and political institutions, etc. See Politics and government. Civilization. Claims. Claims vs. ... Under names of claimants (countries, states, cities, individuals, etc.) e. g. Maryland — Claims vs. U. S. Climate. Coast defenses. Under United States. Colonial question. Under United States. Colonies. Subdivided by subject (e. g. France — Colonies — Banks and banking; Gt. Brit. — Colonies — Adminisiration) ; and by country, etc. (