LF UC NRLF nlililiii|ili|i|i|i|ii|ii||i|i|ii|{||ii|{|j{| B M Sn MOfl OFFICERS OF THF IHariscbal College and University OF ABERDEEN 1593-1860 PKINTKI) AT THK LXIVKKSITV PRKSS 1.S97 -O LIBR^RV Ol'- THl. University of California. \ OIKT OF- .(?S^3/^ ■ Class No. .Receiveii Aci.essioj} No ^^Ss OFFICERS MARISCHAL COLLHGH AND UMVHRSITY ABERDEEN '^^^^^ Til« OFFICERS OF THE mariscDal College and Unii)er$ity OF ABERDEEN 593- 1 800 T> T. ^Jj-^ oU--^--^ 0-"^ / PRINTED AT THK UNIVERSITY PRESS 1S97 w^ ^G^ .K^ ^5 inr^ NOTE. Through the courtesy of the Council of the New Spalding Club, the Library Committee of the University of Aberdeen has been enabled to obtain — ft)r purposes of exchange with other academic bodies — a limited number of copies on ordinary paper of sheets a to k of Vol. II. of the Fas/i Acadcmiac Marisca//aiuu\ i)riiUcd by the Club under the editorship of its secretary. "Vol. I./' referred to in the footnotes, is the former volume of the Fasti, printed in 1889. oT Tax -P^ CONTENTS. PAGE Chancellors 3 Rectors and Deans of Faculty 10 Principals 27 Regents 31 Professors of Divinity 51 Professors of Mathematics 53 Professors of Medicine 55 Professors of Oriental Languages 57 Professors of Chemistry 58 Professor of Church History . . - r - - - - 60 Professor of Surgery 61 Professors of Anatomy 62 Professors of Humanity 63 Professor of Medical Jurisprudence 64 Lecturers in Medical School 65 Lecturers on Scots Law 71 Lecturers on Practical Religion 72 Lecturers on Agriculture 73 Librarians -.-.-.....-. 74 Sacrists - - . - 76 ()1-1'I(1-:KS 01' MAKISl'IIAL (T)I.LK(;E AM) rM\ I-KSITY. CHANCELLORS.' 1593. George Keith, tilth Kav] Marischal, lUiion Keith and Altrie. Married, ist, Marj^aret, dau. of Alexander, fifth Haron Home, with issue, William, sixth Earl, Anne (m. William, second Karl of Morton), Margaret (m. Sir Robert Arbuthnot): and. _>n(l. Marj^aret, dau. of- James, sixth Baron Ogilvie, with issue, James and John, who both died without legitimate male issue. Died jnd April, i6i}. Portrait alter Jamcsone in possession of University, reproduced in Vol. I., and in the great window, Mitchell Hall, Mar. Coll. {Diet. iWit. Biof;. Douglas' IWnif^c. G. E. C.'s Complete ranif^c. See also Ogston's Onilio funehris in obitum Geor^ii, etc., .\bred., i62j. Lachrymae Aciuiitniuc MurischuUunae %uh obitum (icorf^ii, etc., Abred., 1623. Smith's Onitio m qua Acud. Marisch. Miiecenates commemoriiiiiiir, Abrcd., 1702. Delil. Poet. Scot., H., J14. The editor has been unable to trace a copy of Thomas Cargill's •' \'erse in Latin in commendatioune of my Lord Marischeall for erecking the new College in Aberdeen," printed for the .\bcrdeen Town Council in I5f)3- Sotes and l)ueries, 7, L, I2q.) 1623. W'iUiam Keith, si.xth ICarl Marischal. Married. Mary, dau. of John, seventh Earl of Ntar, with issue, William, seventh Karl ; (ieorge. eighth Earl ; Robert, d. unm. ; John, first Earl of Kintore; Mary (m. John, Lord Kinpont", Jean (m. Alexander. Lord Pitsligo), and .*\nne. Died 2.Sth October, ifiJ5. Portrait by Jamcsone in possession of Major the Hon. Robert Baillic-Hamilton, reproduced in Vol. L {Diet. ' The duties of the Chancellor .ire set forth in the Foundation Charter (Vol. I., p. 39), but nothing is said as to the mode of election. In one passage (p 44I it is implied that he may be " minister verbi," but the Karls Marischal were regarded as Chancellors till their for- feiture in 17 16. Their usual title, however, was " patron," the college being called the " Karl Marischal's College". They issued presentations to the Principalship and the Regencies: see Vol. K, p. 6g. (3) MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. THE EARLS MARISCHAL. Sir Edward Keith, great marischal of Scotland, d. circa 1350. J I I Sir William. John. I i Sir Robert. i_i \ P i I ^ Sir William, created I. Earl Marisclial, circa 1458. John. ^ I \^ »■ II !2! ^ Robert. William, II. o g, I j gi tH Jean. | | I I g' g, ^ William, III. Robert. Alexander. John. ^ <^ I i I ■ g' I I I I r^ Robert. William. Gilbert. Alexander. ^ I vJ^' g I \ y 2 William, IV. Robert. S J> O £3 Sq,' O William. Robert, Andrew, 2 I LordAltrie. Lord Dingwall. 3 George, V., founder of Marisclial College. I \ I William, VI. James. John. I I \ ^1 William, VII. George, VIII. Robert. John, I. Earl of Kintore. 1 \ \ 1 I. I Mary. Elizabeth. Jean. Isabel. William, IX. William, II. V V V y I I I I I I I I I George, X. James. Mary. Anne. John, III. William, IV. Catheri CHANCELLORS. 5 Nut. liiof;. Dou};las. (i. \i. C. Sec also Ltuliryiiuic Aniil. Mansili. in ohilum Willulmi, tic, Abrccl., i()i5.') ' This very scarce volume contains tlirec epigrams by Arituir Johnston, which have eluded the notice of the editor of Miisd Ltilina Abcrtl. They run as follows: — "IN OBITUM ILLUSTKISSI.MI Wll.lllvLMI Kl/llll COMITIS MARESCHALLANL " Tot modo terrarum domiiuis, nunc KiniiL's Olynipum Possidct et superi jugera vasta soli. Marmoreas fu>;iens et dijjnas rej^ibus arces, Aurea nunc cocli, cum love, tecta colit. Et quos audierat saeclis efjisse triumphos Bis tribus, ingentes hie prope cernit avos. Quemque clientelis stipatum vidimus, astra Nunc super, aligero cingitur ille choro. Et satur ambrosia est et vivit nectare Divum, Cui latices tellus ante dapesque dedit. Si bona praetcritis confers praesentia, Kkthus Dum foret m terris, pauper inops{|ue fuit. Si tamen ingenii dotes, animicjue potentis Aurea pensentur munera, dives erat. " ALIUl). " Ipse tua radians et a vita luce coruscus, Gentis Hyperboreae gloria, Kethk, jaces. Illustris tibi vita fuit, mors aemula vitae est, Ilia tuis meritis, conjugis ista nitct. Te Dea complexa est morientcm mollibus ulnis, Fovit et ambrosio frigida colla sinu : Ore legens animam, labris infudit amonniin, Fixit et Idaliis oscula plena rosis. Et sibi sidercos lachrymis suHudit ocellos. Et clausit nivea lumina functa manu. Si possent gelido Superi succumhere letho. Sic ego crediderini Nuniiiia \tlie mori. •ALIUI). " Kkthk soli coelique decus, non unius uxor Virlulis specimen, te moriente, dedit. Luminibus lachrymas tibavit et oscula labris, Dextraque palpebram clausit utramque manus. Luminibus luctum, labris testatur amorem. Dextra manus foriem monstrat et esse piam. " ArUi. yohnstnnus, M.D." b MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1635. William Keith, seventh Earl Marischal. Married, ist, Elizabeth, dau. of George, third Earl of Winton, with issue, William (d. in inf.), Mary, (m. Sir James Hope of Hopetoun), Elizabeth (m. Robert, second Viscount Arbuthnott), Jean (m. George, third Baron Banff), Isabel (m. Sir Edward Turner, bart.) : 2nd, Anne, dau. of Robert, eighth Earl of Morton. Died 1661. (Did. Nat. Biog. G. E. C. The Graduation Theses of 1626 are dedicated " Comiti de Keth, optimae spei adolescenti " ; those of 1634, " illustr. Com. Maresch. filio natu maximo, anicis nostrarum musarum deliciis " ; those of 1658, " Comiti Marischallo, musarum fautori propensis- simo ". He was a bajan in 1631, infra.) 1661.^ George Keith, eighth Earl Marischal. Married, Mary, dau. of George, second Earl of Kinnoul, with issue, William, ninth Earl. Died 1694. (Dedication to Theses of i56g and 1673. G. E. C.) 1694. William Keith, ninth Earl Marischal. Married, Mary, dau. of James, fourth Earl of Perth, with issue, George tenth Earl ; James, Marshal Keith, Mary (m. John, sixth Earl of Wigton), Anne (m. Alexander, sixth Earl of Galloway). Died 27th May, 1712. (G. E. C. Bajan in 1676, infra. Founded in 1701 the professorship of Medicine : see Vol. I., p. 381.) 1712. George Keith, tenth and last Earl Marischal. Attainted 1715-16; died (unmarried) at Potsdam, 28th May, 1778. Two por- traits in possession of University. {Diet. Nat. Biog. Jacobite Attempt of 1719, Edin., 1895. The Theses of 1708 are dedicated " domino de Keith, celsissimi ac magnanimi herois D. Gulielmi Comitis Marischalli filio primogenito " ; those of 1714, " potentissimo heroi comiti Marischallo ". The last of the Earls graduated M.A. of his ancestral college in 1712, his younger brother, James, afterwards Marshal Keith, taking the same degree three years later : infra. As to the present representatives of the Earls Marischal, compare the genealogical trees on pp. 4, 87, with the articles, " The heirs of the Keiths," in Seottish Notes and Queries for May, 1894, and September, i8g6, where many authorities are quoted ; and with G. E. C.'s Complete Peerage.) On the attainder of the Earls Marischal, their rights of College patronage passed to the Crown, but the Commissions of Visitation in 1716 and 1717 apparently made no provision for the appointment of a Chancellor. In 1727 we find the College petitioning King George II. to nominate as Chancellor his Majesty's second son, William, aged six, who had been created Duke of Cumberland a month before the date of the Petition. ' On 6th January, 1643, George, second Marquis of Huntly, was elected Chancellor of King Charles" University (Vol. I., p. 255) ; but the Marischal College members absented themselves from the meeting, and refused to recognise the election. {Off. and Grad. of King's Coll., p. 4.) CHANCELLORS. 7 " Unto the Kint,''s Most Hxccllcnt Majt-sty, "The most humble Petition and Address ol the Kector. Trincipal, I'rofessors and Masters of His Majestie's Marischall University of Aberdeen. " May it please Your Majcstie. "We, Your Majestie's most dutylull and loyal subjects, haveing the great honour above all other Universitys in the Nation to be immediately under your Koyal Patronage, humbly beg leave to represent that this Your Majes- tie's University is at great loss by the want of a Chancelour. Wherefor, if it be aggreeable to Your Majestie's Royal Pleasure, we earnestly and unani- mously intreat that Your Majestic our Koyal Patron would be graciously pleas'd to nominate and constitute His Koyal Highness, Willi am, Duke ok Ctmhukland, Chancelour of this Your University ; which will not only signaly honour, but greatly tend to the flourishing thereof. And in evidence of our hearty concurrence, so farr as we are mterested, we have presum'd to trans- mitt a most unanimous commission unto His Koyal Highness. " May God, who has in great mercy to these Kingdoms given Your Majestic peaceable possession of the throne of Your Koyal Ancestors, greatly prosper and long preserve Your Majestic with your Koyal Consort our Gracious Queen, and all'the Koyal Branches of Your August Family ; by which, under God, the great happyncss of these Kingdoms can only be secur'd and transmitted to posterity. " Given at Your Majesties College Marischal of Aberdeen, the twenty-eighth day of August, in the first year of Your Majestie's Keign." " Commission to his highness, William, Duke of Cumberland. "We, the Kector, Principal. Professors, and Masters of the Marischal Uni- versity of Aberdeen, takeing into our consideration the great loss this I'niversity is at by the want of a Chancelour, and how much it will tend to the honour and flourishing of the same, that some honourable and proper person were elected into the said oflice, we all did and hereby doe unanimously nominate and elect His Koval Highness the High and Mighty Prince. William. Puke OF CiMiiEKLAND.'chancelour of this University, which oflice we most humbly and earnestly intreat His Koyal Highness may accept of. And by the tenor of these presents we declare that His Koyal Highness shall from henceforth have and enjoy all powers, jurisdiction, and honours which any Chancelour of this University by the Foundation Charter had or might in times past have enjoyd and exercisd. Promiscing all subjection and obedience unto His Koyal Highness due on our part. In Wittness whereof these present letters haveing the strength of a publick instrument are inscribd by us at his Majestie's Marischall College of Aberdeen, this twenty-ninth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven years, and of His Majestie's reign the first year. And for further confirmation we have hereunto appended the great seal ol this University. [Signed] " Patt. DutT, Kector. " l^av. Verner. P.P. • Tho. Hlackwell, Principal. " Daniel Gordon. P.P. • Matthew Mackaile, Med. Professor. '• Wm. Duff^, P.P." 8 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. (Marischal College Charter Chest, "Chancellors," i, 2. The second paper is endorsed: — "This Commission to be in Latine, wrote on parchment and embelish in due form ".) The result of this petition is unknown. The Duke became in 1746 Chancellor of St. Andrews. Kennedy (Annals of Aberdeen, Vol. II., p. 118) gives the Duke of Cumberland as elected Chancellor in 1747, but Kennedy's dates are notori- ously inaccurate. See list of Regents, p. 31. 17 ? Archibald Campbell, Earl of Hay (third Duke of Argyll). The date of election is not recorded. The duke, an alumnus of the Univer- sities of Glasgow and Utrecht, was created Earl of Hay in 1706, and succeeded his brother, John, in the dukedom in 1743. In 1716 he was chosen Chancellor of King's College, but " upon weighty motives " did not accept [Ojf. and Grad., p. 5). Kennedy gives John, Duke of Argyll, as Chancellor in 1754, but his names are only less inaccurate than his dates. Died 15th April, 1761. (Diet. Nat. Biog.) 1761. John Stuart, third Earl of Bute. Elected, 25th April, by the Principal and Masters, " taking into consideration that the oifice of Chancellor of this University is vacant by the death of his Grace the Duke of Argyle ". (Minute in new Rectorial Book.) He accepts, loth August : Latm diploma entered in Minute. (" Writing diploma, ^"5 5s. ; silver seal box, £1 14s. ; vellum, los. 6d." Accounts.) Benefactor to the . Library (Vol. I., p. 454), and to the Observatory (Vol., I., p. 448). A promise to give Natural History specimens to the Museum is mentioned in the Aberdeen Journal of 6th Dec, 1784. Portrait in possession of University : copy after Ramsay by William Mossman in 1763. {£i(i i6s., with ;^io los. for frame. Accounts.) Died loth March, 1792. {Diet. Nat. Biog.) 1793. David Murray, second Earl of Mansfield. B.A., Oxon., 1748; D.C.L., 1793. Elected 19th April. (Red. Book: Diploma, £2 2s.) Died ist Sept., 1796. (Diet. Nat. Biog.) 1796. William Eden, first Baron Auckland. M.A., Oxon., 1768. Elected 7th November. (Rect. Book : Diploma, ;^i is.) " Lord Auckland, an English nobleman, who had never even visited Scotland, and was not educated there, was chosen Chancellor solely at the instigation of the Principal, Dr. Brown, whose patron he was, and who had got acquainted with him when holding his Utrecht situation, at which time Auckland was ambassador to the States. The proper Chancellor to have been chosen in 1796 was the Marquis of Huntly, as Professor Copland proposed, and never voted for Lord Auckland. In going after Court patronage, the College fell into a mistake. All the correspondence passed between the Chancellor and Dr. Brown, in letters often not seen by the Faculty. Hence the necessity of the following order : ' 181 1, May 31. Principal Brown to read to the Faculty all letters which he writes in their name, and to lodge copies in the letter book.'— A/;;;." (Knight.) Died 28th May, 1814. (Diet. Nat. Biog.) CHANCELLORS. 9 1814. Georfje Gordon, eip^hth Marquis of Huntly. Record in I'aculty Minute Hook, lyth July. Had been called to House of Lords in his father's barony of Gordon, 1S07 ; succeeded as fifth and last Duke of Gordon, 1827. Installed as Chancellor, 22nd December, 1.S15. (Kennedy's Annuli, H., 90. Nohilissimi viri Giotf^ii Murchionis ile Huntly Inauf^uraiidi formula atque modus ; f>raecipue Oratio habita a Gulielmo Laurentio Brown, prue/ccio, Abred., 1816. Ode in Aberdeen Journal, 27th Dec, 1815.) Died 25th May, 1836, when the dukedom became extinct. (A/ih., 30th June ; Diet. Nat. Diot:.) 1836. Charles Gordon, liftli Duke of Richmond and Lennox. Record in Faculty Minute Book, 30th June; installed 2nd Sept. On the union of King's and Marischal Colleges became joint Chancellor iwith fourth Earl of Aberdeen) of the University of Aberdeen, 15th Sept., i860; died 2ist October, i860. {Diet. Nat. Biog.) RECTORS AND DEANS OF FACULTY.^ 1598. Peter Blackburn, the elder, minister of Aberdeen, Dean of Faculty. Signs feu charter of date 5th Sept., 1598 (Vol. I., p. 76). i6ig. Patrick Dun, doctor of medicine, Rector ; William Forbes, doctor of divinity, D. of F. Present at visitation of the College, 31st December, when an ordinance was made " that the College fees payable by the students to the regents should be conform as they were appointed at a visitation in the King's College, viz., 1 For the duties and method of election of the Rector and Dean of Faculty, see the Foundation Charter (Vol. I., pp. 44-58). The Universities (Scotland) Act of 1858, § 10, pro- vided that the Rector of the University of Aberdeen should be elected by the matriculated students " voting according to the present usage in Marischal College ". There has thus been preserved in Aberdeen a closer approximation to early academic usage than in the other Scot- tish Universities, for in .\berdeen alone the Rector is still chosen by four procurators, elected previously by the Nations. In Glasgow the Nations do not elect procurators, but vote directly for the Rector; in St. Andrews the Nations were abolished by Ordinance No. 4 of the 1858 Commission; in Edinburgh they never existed. " The definition of the Nations given in the Charter does not, in some respects, corre- spond to what has been long followed in practice. The nation to which foreigners are to be assigned is not mentioned ; it has been the custom to add them to the Angusians, or those born south of the Carn o' Month. The word diocesis employed in the Charter evidently indi- cates the true division. The Abredonensis diocesis is divided into the Marricnsis and Buckan- ensis. Marriensis has Garioch added to it, and comprehends not only the tract between the Dee and the Don, but also Alford, Strathdon, and Garioch, or all to the south of Formartin ; it also includes the parishes of Strachan, Banchory-Ternan, Banchory- Devenick, and Maryculter, in the county of Kincardine, but in the diocese of Aberdeen. Biichanciisis ought to include Buchan, Formartin, and Strathbogie, or those parts of the Counties of Aberdeen and Banft" lying between the Deveron on the West and North, and Mar and Garioch on the South, ex- clusive of all that part of Scotland not included in the two foregoing divisions, lying to the North of the Mons Grampius (Carn o' Month), which contains the Moravicnsis. But as the parishes of Huntly, Gartly, Rhynie and Essie, Glass, and Cairnie were not within the diocese of Aberdeen, they ought to be included in the Moravicnsis ; and Formartin is by custom taken in with Mar, Buchan being viewed as having the Vthan for its Southern boundary." (Knight, circa 1840.) (10) RECTORS AND DliANS OF FACULTY. II twenty mcrks for the- sons of noblemen and barons, ten pound for the sons of other fjentlemen, and the bursars and poor scholars to be taught gratis ". (Menioriiils rdatinf^ to Union of ColU-^es, Aberd., 1755, p. 24.) Dun had been IVofessor of Logic in 1610, and became Principal in 1621, in/ra. Forbes had been Professor of Lof;ic in 1601, and became Principal in 1620, in/ra. 1625. William Forbes, Rector. Ciraduation Theses dedicated to him in this capacity, in/ra. 1632. William Forbes ; John Forbes, doctor, D. of F. Sign a deed, 14th April, constituting I'rincipal Dun common procurator of the College (Ch. Ch. " Rectors," 2.) The D. of V. is probably the contemporary Professor of Divinity at King's College. (Off. and Grad., p. 68.) 1642. William Guild. ICIected " Rector of Kin.; Charles' Universitie of Aberdeen," nth Nov. {Of/, and (irad., p. 10. 1 1643. William Guild. Re-elected 23rd November. 1648. David Lindsay. Signs as Rector a discharge of Marischal College accounts. Minister of Beihelvie. Seems to have been Rector of King's College, 1645-50. {Off. and Grad., p. II.) The Caroline Union, though not referred to in the elections, doubtless subsisted during that period. 1664. Arthur Rose ; Lewis Gordon, M.l)., D. of F, This being the first election recorded in the old Rectorial Minute Book (part of Album I.), the minutes are quoted verbatim. " Att .Aberdeene the auchteint day of October ' J^ vi*^ threescore foureyearcs D. James Leslie principall, mr Wm. Meldrum, mr (leorge Hanerman, mr Wm. I'atersone, mr John (iordon. regents. *' The quhilk day in presence of the principall and regents ol the colledgc Marischall of Aberdeene Gilbert Beidie nottar publict was elected and chosenc clerk to this present meeting and actings thairin by consent of the principall and haill regents. " Ihe qlk day theeolledge being fullie conveened and divided in four nationes, the hie classe in the name of the natione of Huchanc, the thrid classe in the name of the natione Marre. the second classe in the name of the natione of Angus, and the first classe in the name of the natione of Murray, did with ane uniforme voice choose and nominat mr Alexander Pattoune, mr Robert Thomsone. mr Duncane Liddell, and .Andrew Ihomsone. to bee procurators for electing of ane Rector. •' The said day the principall. masters of the college and procurators aboue- namit did elect, nominat, and choose master Arthourc Rose, mmister at Old Deare, to be Rector o\ the said colledge, by whose advice and concurrence the affaires of the said colledge are to be regulat. ' The Charter enjoins an annual election on ist March. (Vol. I., p. 57.) 12 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. " Att Aberdeene the nynteint day of October, 1664. " The said day the principall, regents of the colledge and procurators aboue- namit being present, mr Arthoure Rose, Rector abouelected, did accept to be Rector of the said colledge and gave his oathe de fideH administratione th^'untill, qlk was administrat to him bee doctor Leslie principall. " Mr Georg Meldrum minr. of Abd. beeing desired to bee present this day for election of ane Deane of Facultie by severall of the masters of the college shifted to come and beeing desired this day by mr Wm. Patersone one of the mrs. personallie at his chamber did not come. In respect q^ of doctor Leslie principall went to the dwellinghous of David Gregorie wher the sd. mr. George his chamber is and becaus hee could not finde him took instru- ments that hee requyred the said mr George to be present for the effect for- said. " The said day the principall, regents of the colledge, Rector, and procura- tors abouenamit did proceid to the electione of ane Deane of Faculty, who did elect nominat and choose doctor Lues Gordone, doctor of phisicke, to bee Deane of Facultie. " Att Abd. the twentie twa day of October, 1664. " The said day in presence of the principall, masters of the colledge. Rector and procurators abouenamit doctor Lues Gordone, deane of facultie aboue- elected did accept to be deane of facultie in the said colledge, gave his oath de fideli administratione thairintill, qlk was administrat to him bee the said doctor James Leslie principall." 1665. John Milne ; Robert Thomsone, advocate, D, of F. Election on ist March, and so henceforth. Rectorial Court on ist August, to consider the " heterodox and profane " theses of Patrick Strachan, regent, q.v., infra. 1666-72 : no record. 1673. George Meldrum, minister of Aberdeen. Assessors 1 : Professor John Menzies, David Lyell, and Patrick Sibbald, ministers of Aberdeen. " Ane list of grave pious and learned men " was pre- sented to the procurators to choose from. Court on ist April, anent lands and march stones of College ; and on 4th May, anent "sacred lessons" by the regents. 1674. George Meldrum. Assessors : George Skein of Fintray, Charles Dune, George Wilsone of Finzeauche, James Milne, burgess. 1675-78: no record in Minute book. According to Wodrow (Aiiahctci, L, 176) Meldrum was Rector ten times. He had been a Regent (p. 36), and was afterwards Professor of Divinity in Edinburgh and Minister of the Tron Kirk. ^ See Vol. I., p. 75. KliCTOKS AND DHANS OF FACULTY. I3 1677. Robert Bruce, D. of F. Professor Thomas Gordon's MS. ColUciidiis. lOyg. Patrick Sibbald, minister of Aberdeen ; Robert Spence, preben- dar of Deir, D. of V. Assessors : George Meldrum, late Rector ; John Cockcburne, minister of Udny ; John Ross, minister of Foveran ; Georf;e Pattoune of Grandhome. 1680. Patrick Sibbald ; Robert Spence, I), of F. Assessors : as last year. Court on 24th May, anent students' chambers and church attendance. 1681. Patrick Sibbald ; Robert Spence, I), of V. Assessors: Georf;e Meldrum, John Ross, Georj;e I'attoune, William Hlarc, minister of Aberdeen. John Cockburne is "eased of that trowble ". 1682. Patrick Sibbald ; Lewis Gordon, .M.D., I), of l'\ Assessors : as last year. 1683 : no record. 1684. Patrick Sibbald. The minute of election is not preserved, but on 15th .May a Court };rants Mr. Thomas Burnet, Regent, leave to study at Leyden during the vacation. Sibbald becomes Professor of Divinity during' this year (p. 51).' Portrait in possession of University. 1685. Patrick Sibbald; Dr. (leorge (iarden, minister at Aberdeen, D. of F. Assessors : as in the " preceiding yeir, only in place ol Mr. George Meldrumc they nominal and elected Mr. John Keith, minister of the Gospel! in Old .\bd.". 1686. Patrick Sibbald ; Dr. (icor^e (iarden, D. of V. .Assessors : as last year. 1687 : no record. 1688. Dr. William Hlair, parson of Saint Nicholas: John I-orbes, parson of Kincardynoneill, D. of 1". .Assessors: Dr. John Rosse, minister at l*'o\erane; John I'attoune. minister at Insch ; Ale.xander Gray, minister at Foott of Die ; Andrew 1 homsone, commissioner depute of Aberdeen ; George Keith of Creichic, advocate. 1689. Dr. William Blair ; John Forbes, D. of l-. .As.sessors : as last year. 1690. Dr. William Blair; John Forbes, D. of F. Assessors : John Pattoune, .Me.xander Gray, .Andrew Thomsone, George Keith, Alexander Milne, minister at Udny. 1691-171J : no record. ' See the prohibition in the Foundation Charier, Vol. I., p. 52. 14 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1714. The laird of Meldrum (John Urquhart]; Alexander Thomson of Portlethen, D. of F. Assessors : Peter Bannerman, brother to the laird of Elsick ; John Gordon physician in Aberdeen ; George Keith, advocate in Aberdeen ; William Gellie, late Dean of Guild. The minute bears that " many difficulties have inter- rupted " the election " for some years past ". Court on 20th November sus- pended Mr. George Keith from his office of regent " untill his offences be more fully enquired into ". 1715-19 : no record. 1720. Sir William Forbes of Craigievar ; Alexander Thomson, D. of F. Assessors : William Gellie and Thomas Mitchell, baillies in Aberdeen ; Colin Campbell [father of Principal George C] and John Osburne [Principal, 1728], ministers there. 1721. Sir William Forbes ; Alexander Thomson, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. 1722. Sir William Forbes. No minute of election. 1723. Thomas Forbes, younger of Eight [Echt] ; Alexander Thomson of Portlethen, D. of F. " The sd. day Mr. Thomas Blackwel, Principal ; Dr. Matthew McKaile, Pro- fessor of Medicine ; Mr. Patrick Hardie, Mr. David Verner, Mr. George Turn- bull, Professors of Philosophy, and Mr. George Cruden, Professor of Greek, in the sd. College, being met in faculty and duely constitute, taking into con- sideration that by the death of the Honourable Sr. William Forbes of Craigie- var, the office of Rector in the sd. College is now vaccant, did therefore, according to the power granted to them by the Foundation, cause the whole students of the College divide themselves into the four Nations of Mar, Buchan, Murray, and Angus, and those of the Nation of Marr did choose Mr. Laurence Selkirk, Tutor to Mr. Forbes of Eight his children, those of the Nation of Buchan Mr. John Rose, student of Divinity, those of Murray Mr. Alexander Irvine, student of Divinity, and those of Angus Mr. Robert Far- quhar, student of Divinity, their Procurators ; who afterwards did nominate and elect unanimously the Honourable Thomas Forbes, younger of Eight, Rector, and Mr. Patrick Duff of Iden, Mr. William Gellie, late Bailie of Aberdeen, the Reverend Mr. Colin Campbell, and Mr. John Oseburn, Ministers of the Gospel in Aberdeen, Assessors. And the sd. Rector being at his house in the countrey, the sd. Principal and Masters, together with Mr. John Ose- burn, Minister of Aberdeen, did in the presence of the above named Procura- tors unanimously nominate and choose Mr. Alexr. Thomson of Portlethen as Dean of Faculty for the ensuing year and ordered that the election of the above named Rector be forthwith notified to him." (First entry in new Rectorial Minute Book : signed by the Principal, professors, procurators, and RECTORS AND DEANS OF FACULTY. 1 5 Mr. Osborn [sic].) The Rector, Dean of Faculty, and Gellie, Campbell, and Osborn accept office on f)th March, ijj-f. Thomas I'orbes ; Alexander Thomson, D. of F. .Assessors: as last year. "Resolved" by the Principal and Masters, and " intimated to all the students refjuiarly concerned," who acquiesce. The minute is not signed. 1725. Thomas Forbes ; Alexander Thomson, I), ot V. .Assessors: John Moir, late baillie ; John (lordon. late Dean of Guild; James Innes, minister at Banff, and William Abercromby, Minister at Skene. The Masters quarrel and choose Professor McKail chairman instead of the Principal, who dissents. \ leet of {gentlemen is submitted to the Procurators " according to the former practice of the Coliedge ". Rectorial Courts are held on 23rd, 24th, 25th March, and 7th .\pril, to consider the disputes between the Principal and Masters. 1726. Patrick Duff of Premnay : Alexander Thonison, 1). of l\ Assessors : John Osborn, Minister of the Gospel ; Alexander Thomson, Advocate ; John Moir, late Baillie, and Alexander Robertson, Merchant. The Principal and Masters approve. Entries relative to a leet, or to subse- quent confirmation, occur in the minutes down to the year 1822. 1727. Patrick Duff; Alexander Thomson, D. of F. Minute of election in Charter Chest ("Rectors," 7). Assessors: as last year, ist Sept.. Rectorial Court anent appointment to Chair of Mathematics. 1728. Patrick Duff. Lord Rector; James Thomson of Portlethen, D. of F. Assessors: as last year. Rectorial Court on 17th June directs preparation of an inventory of all papers in the charter chest. 1729. William Duff of Hraco. [liarl I-ife, i75<).] IX of F. not recorded. Assessors: Alexander Thomson, Alexander Robertson. Rev. John Bisset, John Milne, master of the Grammar School. 1730-31 : no record. 1732. Sir Alexander Kamsay of Balmain ' ; James ihomson, D. of l'\ Assessors : .Alexander Ihomson, Rev. John Bisset, Rev. James Ogilvie, Dr. James Donaldson. 1733-36: no record. 17J7. George Skeen of Skeen ; James Thomson, I), of \\ Assessors: Alexander Thomson, Alexander Ramsay. William Cruickshank, late provost ; William .Abercromby, minister at Skene. Many meetings of Rectorial Court, 1737-38, anent case of Regent William Duff, infra. Hence- forward no Rectorial Court is summoned till 1825. • See Vol. I., p. 414. l6 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1738. George Skeen : James Thomson, D. of F. Assessors: Alexander Thomson, Alexander Ramsay, William Cruickshank, John Burnet, merchant [of Elrick]. 1739. George Skene ; James Thomson, D. of F. Assessors : Alexander Thomson, William Cruickshank, Alexander Robertson, William Fordyce, bailie [of Achorties] . 1740. George Skene ; James Thomson, D. of F. Assessors: Alexander Thomson, Alexander Robertson, James Morison, merchant [aftds. of Elsick, lord prov.] ; James Catanach, advocate. 1741. George Skene ; James Thomson, D. of F. Assessors : Alexander Thomson, Alexander Robertson, Lord provost ; James Catanach, John Forbes of Alford. 1742. George Skene ; James Thomson, D. of F. Assessors : Alexander Thomson, James Catanach, John Forbes, Sir Alex- ander Forbes, bart. 1743. George Skene ; James Thomson, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. 1744. George Skene ; James Thomson, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. 1745. George Skene ; James Thomson, D. of F. Assessors : Alexander Thomson, John Forbes, Sir Alexander Forbes, Alex- ander Robertson, late provost. 1746-60: no record. 1761. Sir Arthur Forbes of Craigievar, fourth bart. ; John Stewart, Professor of Mathematics, D. of F.i Assessors : Rev. Thomas Forbes, minister of Aberdeen ; Dr. James Donald- son, George Turner, advocate ; John Gordon of Craig, advocate. 1762. Sir Arthur Forbes ; Professor John Stewart, D. of F, Assessors : Rev. Thomas Forbes, George Turner, John Gordon, John Dun- can, late provost. 1763. Sir Arthur Forbes ; Professor John Stewart, D. of F. Assessors: as last 3'ear. 1764. John Gray ; Professor John Stewart, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. Hitherto the Rector had lived in Aberdeen or its vicinity. Mr. Gray was resident in London. In 1768 he founded two mathe- matical bursaries. Vol. L, p. 440. ^7^5- John Gray ; Professor John Stewart, D. of F. Assessors: as last year. Rector made LL.D. 1766. John Gray ; Professor John Stewart, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. ^ In despite of the prohibition of the Foundation Charter. Vol. I., p. 52. RECTORS AND DEANS OF FACULTY. I7 1767. John Gray ; Dr. David Skene, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. 1768. John Gray ; Dr. David Skene, 1). of I\ .Assessors : as last year. 1769. John Gray; Dr. David Skene. 1) ot l'\ Assessors : as last year. 1770. Alexander Fordyce of Colpna ; Dr. David Skene, D. of F. .Assessors: Georj^e Moir of Scotstown ; Patrick Wilson, Aberdeen; Pro- fessor William Thorn, Kin.ij's Collejje ; James Lif^ertwood of Tilleray. 1771. Ale.xander Fordyce ; Professor WiHiam Thorn, D. of F. .Assessors: George Moir, Patrick Wilson, James Ligertwood, William Fraser of Praserfield [Halj^ownie]. 1772-81 : no record of elections. " .According to Dr. Hamilton, 1825, none took place, it being regarded as a thing of no consequence." (Knight.) 1782. Cosmo Gordon of Cluny, one of the Barons of H..M. Ivxchccjucr in Scotland ; George Moir of Scotstown, D. of 1". Assessors : Professor Alexander Gerard, King's College ; Dr. Thomas Livingstone, Aberdeen ; Provost Shand, John Hurnet of Crichie. For the first time a notice of election in . 1 /nn/tv/i Journal of 4th March. 1783. Cosmo Gordon : George Moir, D. of V . Assessors : as last year. 1784-85: no record. •■ Dr. Hamilton thinks the same continued." (Knight.) 1786. Cosmo Gordon ; James Mercer, late major, D. of I'. .Assessors: Provost William Cruden, George Moir of Scotstown, Andrew Robertson of Foveran, Professor John Ross, King's College. 1787. Cosmo Gordon ; James Mercer, D. of V. .Assessors : as last year. 1788. I'Vancis (iarden of Gardenstown, Senator of the College of Justice ; George Moir of Scotstown, D. of V. Assessors : Professor John Ross, I'rovost John Abercrombie, Dr. George Skene, Aberdeen ; Rev. Duncan Shaw, .Aberdeen. .A portrait of the Rector is preserved in the College. 1789. Francis Garden ; George Moir, I), of I'. Assessors : as last year. 1790. Sir William I'^ordyce, Fh\sician in London ; James Mercer, D. ot 1-. Assessors : Dr. .Alexander Piannerman ot Kirkhill, John Dingwall of Rannie- stone, Alexander Irvine of Drum. Haillic John Copland, merchant m Aberdeen. Sir W. Fordyce bequeathed his medical library to the College, and founded C l8 MARISCHAL CCJLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. the Lectureship on Agriculture. Vol. I., p. 452. A portrait, by Angelica Kauffmann, and a bust are preserved in the College. 1791. Sir William Fordyce ; James Mercer, D. of F. Assessors: as last year. 1792. Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, 6th bart. ; Alexander Irvine of Drum, D. of F. Assessors : William Forbes Leith of Whitehaugh, George Auldjo of Port- lethen, provost ; William Young [of Sheddocksley], late provost ; Rev. Duncan Shaw. 1793- Sir William Forbes ; Alexander Irvine, D. of F. Assessors : as last 3'ear. 1794- James Fer^^^uson of Pitfour, M.P. for Aberdeenshire ; Alexander Burnet of Strachan, sheriff-depute of Kincardineshire, D. of F. Assessors : John Burnet of Elric, Andrew Robertson of Foveran, John Abercrombie, provost; Rev. James Shernffs, Aberdeen. 1795- James Ferguson ; Alexander Burnet, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. 1796. Alexander Allardyce of Dunnotar, M.P. for this district of boroughs ; Rev. Dr. George Campbell, late Principal, D. of F. Assessors : George Moir, provost ; Arthur Dingwall Fordyce of Culsh, Robert Turner of Menie, Rev. Dr. George Gordon, Aberdeen. 1797. Alexander Allardyce ; Alexander Burnet of Strachan, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. 1798. Sir Alexander Ramsay Irvine of Balmain, bart. ; Alexander Burnet, D. of F. Assessors : Thomas Leys, provost ; Rev. Dr. John Glennie, minister of Maryculture ; John Niven of Thorntown, Alexander Young, merchant, Aber- deen. Sir A. R. Ir\ ine was a benefactor. Vol. I., p. 473. 1799. Sir Alexander Ramsay Irvine ; Alexander Burnet, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. 1800. Sir William Forbes of Craigievar, 5th bart. ; William Forbes Leith of Whitehaugh. Assessors : John Dingwall [of Rannes and Ardo], provost ; John Burnet of Elrick, John Forbes of Ladysford, Rev. John Rose, minister of Udny. 1801. Sir William Forbes; William Forbes Leith, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. 1802. Alexander Baxter of Glassel ; Alexander Irvine of Drum, D. of F. KI'CTOKS AMI DHANS OI' I ACl'I/rV. K) Assessors: James Hadden, provost; John Clordon of Craif^milc, Andrew Thomson of Banchory, John l)ouf;lass of Tilquhilly. 1803. Alexander Haxter : Alexander Irvine, D. of I"\ Assessors: as last year. Kcctor made LL.I>. 1804. Alexander Haxter : Sir Koljcrt lliinict ol Le\s, 7th burl., D. of V. Assessors : John (iordon Cuniniini; ot I'itlinj;, Peter Clortlon of Abergcldie, John Gordon of Nethermuir, John l)inj;\vall of Ardo. 1805. Alexander Haxter; Sir Robert Hiirncl, D. ot 1 Assessors; John Gordon of Craigmile, J<^hn Burnet ot l-lrick, James Urquhart of Meldrum, Thomas Leys of Glasfjowforest. 1806. Alexander Baxter; Sir Robert lUirnet, D. of 1". Assessors : as last year. 1807. Alexander Haxter; .\le\andcr Ir\ inc. younj^er of Drum. I), ot I". Assessors: Alexander Brebner of Lairny, John Henderson of Caskieben, John Forbes of Ladysford, Rev. James Ross, Aberdeen. 1808. Alexander Haxter ; Alexander I'^orbes Ii\inc ot Shi\as, I), of l"'. Assessors : as last year. 1808. June 17. Sir William (Irani. Master of tlic Rolls. On the death of Alexander Baxter. l-Llected by the l-"aculty, " without the concurrence of the students'". 1809. Sir William Grant ; Alexander I'drljcs Irvine, D. of l'\ Assessors: Georj^e Moir of Raeden, Rev. Dr. Shirretfs, .Aberdeen; Dr. Calder of Paddin};ton (bequeathed collection of coins to Mar. Coll.], Alex- ander Mitchell. 1810. Sir William (Irant ; .\lc\andcr I'orbcs Irvine. D. of V. .Assessors : as last year. 181 1. Sir William (irant ; .Alexander I'Orbes Irvine, I), of V. .\sses.sors : Dr. Calder, James Madden, Rev. John Rose, Aberdeen; Dr. William Ruddiman, Londt)n. [M.D.. i7<>i. See \'ol. I., p. 459.] 181J. Sir \\'illiam (irant ; .Alexander I'orbes Ir\ine. D. of I". .Assessors : as last \ear. 1813. Sir William (irant : .Alexander Forbes Irvine. 1 ). of l. .Assessors: Dr. Calder, Dr. Win. Ruddiman, James \c)unj;, provost ; .Alex- ander Mitchell, Stonehaven. 1814. Charles I*\)rbes of Auchmedden, M.P. ; (ieorge Douglas, sheriff depute of Kincardine. I), of l\ Assessors : Dr. Calder, Dr. W'm. Ruddiman, James Hadden, Rev. George Forbes [of Blclack], Strathdon. 1815. Charles Forbes ; George Douglas, D. of I". .Assessors : as last vear. 20 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1816. Charles Forbes ; George Douglas, D. of F. Assessors : Dr. Wm. Ruddiman, Rev. George Forbes, Alexander Fraser, provost ; Sir Alexander Leith, younger of Freefield. 1817. Charles Forbes ; George Douglas, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. 1818. Charles Forbes ; George Douglas, D. of F. Assessors; Dr. Wm. Ruddiman, Rev. George Forbes, Sir Alexander Leith, K.C.B., Sir Robert Burnett, of Leys, bart. i8ig. Sir George Abercromby, 4th bart., of Forglen and Birkenbog ; Hugh Lumsden of Pitcaple, D. of F. Assessors : Dr. William Ruddiman, Alexander Brebner of Lairney, provost ; David McDowall Grant of Arndilly, Alexander Gordon of Newton. 1820. James, 4th Earl Fife ; Hugh Lumsden, D. of F. Assessors : Dr. William Ruddiman, Alexander Brebner, David McDowall Grant, Patrick Milne of Crimonmogate. 1821. James, Earl Fife ; Hugh Lumsden, D. of F. Assessors : Dr. William Ruddiman, David McDowall Grant, Gavin Hadden, provost ; Thomas Gordon of Park. 1822. Charles Forbes of Auchmedden ; Hugh Lumsden, D. of F. Assessors: Dr. William Ruddiman, Gavin Hadden, Hugh Gordon of Manar, Rev. Dr. George Forbes, Strathdon. 1823. James, Earl Fife ; Hugh Lumsden, D. of F. Assessors: Dr. William Ruddiman, Hugh Gordon, Rev. Dr. George Forbes, Alexander Brown, provost. In the minute for the first time are left out the words, " which election the Principal and Professors did ratify and approve ". The entry simply bears that the procurators elected Earl Fife, but, according to Professor Knight, one of the nations. Mar (procurator, Alexander Hender- son), chose Joseph Hume, M.P. The Rector gave /"50 for prize books. 1824. Joseph Hume, M.P. ; Hugh Lumsden, D. of F. Assessors : Alexander Brown, Thomas Gordon of Cairness, Alexander Bannerman, Aberdeen ; Robert Abercromby, Aberdeen. Professors Davidson and Hamilton protest. " Many letters abusing the College in the Aberdeen Chronicle " (Knight). See Letter to the students of Marischal College on the sub- ject of tlie approaching election, Aberd., 1824. Hume was M.D. of 1799. 1825. Joseph Hume, M.P. ; Hugh Lumsden, D. of F. Assessors : as last year. On 14th November the Rector held a Court (the first since 1738), summoned by public advertisement, to enquire into " irregu- larities and abuses . . . in some departments of the College, prejudicial to the interests of the students ". See Full and correct report of proceedings, Aberd., 1825 ; Account of proceedings of committee of graduates, Aberd., 1826. RECTORS AND DHANS OF I ACTI/rY. 21 1826. Sir James Mc(iri<^'or, M.D., Director General of the Army Medical Department ; Alexander Thomson of Banchory, D. of 1'. Assessors: Thomas Ciordon, AkxandLT Hanncrman, Robert Abcrcrombic, Major Andrew Leith Hay[aftds. K.H., M.P.]. Two nations, Huchan and Moray, votedjthrough their procurators, for Sir James McGri^or, Mar for Joseph Hume, Ansus for V'^iscount Arbuthnot. The Rector held a court on 31st July. See Report 0/ procii-iiinf^s, Aberd., iSjO; Xdrtluiii Iris, Aberd., 1826, pp. 66, 181 ; " The two great northern Universities " in Tail's Muf^tiziiii- for May, 1833. 1827. Sir James McGrigor ; Duncan Davidson of Tillychetly, D. of F. .Assessors : Alexander Hannerman, Alexander Brown, lord provost ; John Gordon of CraiKmile, Alexander Crombie of Phesdo. Mar voted for Joseph Hume. " The most tumultuous election, chiefly from a party of divinity students. See the investigation, in the Minute Book, on two of them, John and Daniel Mackenzie, who attempted to force their way violently into the Hall before the election was over" (Knight). A portrait of Sir James McGrigor bv Dvce, subscribed for by the students of 1S26-27, and now in the possession of the University, is reproduced in this volume. 1828.' Joseph Hume; Duncan Daxidson. D. nf 1 Assessors: Alexander Hannerman. .Alexander Brown, 1 homas Bannerman, merchant ; Major Leith Hay, youn,i;er of Rannes. .Angus voted for Sir James McGrigor. Portrait of Hume in possession of University. 1829. Duncan Davidson, D. of F. .Assessors : Alexander Bannerman, Thomas Gordon of Cairness, Thomas Burnett, advocate, Aberdeen; John Thurburn of Murtle. No Rector. Mar and Buchan voted for Sir James McGrigor, .Angus and Moray for Joseph Hume. There being no precedent or rule in the Charter, the whole case was referred to the Commissioners of Visitation then sitting. {Evidence, Vol. IV., pp. 298-301.) The Commissioners recommended a new election, but declined to grant a warrant for holding this on any day other than March i. On the advice of the Chancellor no new election was held. (Coll. MinuUs, Sept. 7, Nov. 7, Dec. 25.) The election proceedings of 1829 were very disorderly. " During nearly an hour amid great clamour and noises of various kinds, short speeches were made by different students. . . . An attempt was made by a considerable number of the students to force their way into the hall where the Senatus were sitting ; which attempt was repelled by the Professors." (Minutes.) Hume claimed the right as Rector of the preceding year to have a casting vote, which he proposed to give to his opponent, but the Senatus unanimously disallowed this. See also Letters addressed to the students 0/ Marischal College, by Joseph Hume, M.P.. Aberd., 1829. 1830. Sir Charles Forbes, bart. : Duncan Davidson, D. of V. Assessors : Gavin Hadden, lord provost ; Charles Bannerman of Crimon- 22 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. mogate, Alexander Crombie of Phesdo, Basil Fisher of Devanha. Moray voted for Sir Walter Scott. 1831. William, 17th Earl of Erroll ; Duncan Davidson, D. of F. Assessors : Basil Fisher, James Hadden, lord provost ; Thomas Gordon of Cairness, Thomas Burnett, advocate. " Election quiet. Hume's party again bring forward Sir Walter Scott, in order to divide, but it was a failure, not one nation voting for Joseph " (Knight). " Dec. 10, Dean of Faculty has a duel with Anderson of Candacraig. Damage o " (Knight). 1832. Sir Michael Bruce of Stenhouse, bart. ; Duncan Davidson, D. of F. Assessors: Basil Fisher, James Hadden, Alexander Bannerman, James Blaikie, advocate, Aberdeen. Mora}' voted for Sir James Mcintosh [sic in Rectorial Minutes, but McGrigor according to Knight]. " Hume not even pro- posed as a candidate." 1833. Sir Charles Forbes of Newe and Edinglassie, bart. ; Duncan Davidson, D. of F. Assessors, by a majority: Gavin Hadden, lord provost ; Alexander Banner- man, M.P. ; Rev. Dr. George Forbes of Blelack, Patrick Davidson, advocate. Moray voted for Francis Jeffrey, lord advocate. 1834. Alexander Bannerman, M.P. ; James Blaikie, lord provost, D. of F. Assessors : James Blaikie, Thomas Bannerman, Dean of Guild ; Benjamin Williamson, surgeon ; Robert Abercrombie, merchant. The procurators claimed to be allowed to vote in the election of Dean of Facultv, but this was disallowed. Professor Knight protested against the elections on this occasion for reasons which are entered at length. 1835. John Abercrombie, M.D., Edinburgh; James Blaikie, D. of F. Assessors: James Blaikie, Basil Fisher of Devanha, James Andrew Sandi- lands of Cruives, Alexander Jopp, advocate. Mar voted for Alexander Bannerman. Professor Knight again protests. Dr. Abercrombie's Rectorial Address, delivered November 5, on The Culture and Discipline of the Mind, has been frequently reprinted. "The noise very moderate. Next day he gave a dinner to sixty in the Rooms, and afterwards ^^50 for prizes. On the 8th the Principal and professors accompanied him twice to the College Gallery in the Greyfriars " (Knight). See Letter to the students of Marischal College on the election of Lord Rector, Aberd., 1835. Dr. Abercrombie was M.A. of 1798. 1836. John Abercrombie ; James Blaikie, D. of F. Assessors: James Blaikie, Alexander Webster, advocate; Middleton Rettie, merchant ; James Harper, baillie. '^^Z7- John, Lord Lyndhurst ; Alexander Bannerman, M.P., D. of F. Assessors: Hon. William Gordon, ALP. ; James Hadden of Persley, Major General [the Hon.] Hugh Arbuthnott, M.P.; Henry Lumsden of Tilwhilly. Mar voted for John Abercrombie, M.D., and Moray for John C. Colquhoun of Killermont. RECTORS AND DEANS OF FACULTY. 23 1838. Henry. Lord Brouf^ham and Vaux ; Alexander Bannennan, I). of F. Assessors : Alexander Crombic of Phesdo, L1..1). ; John Abercrombic, M.D. ; John Gerard of Midstrath, Major Cummin^ Bruce of Koseisle. Buchan voted for Lord Lyndhurst, and Moray for John C. Colquhoun. 108 students protest and appeal to the Chancellor, who declines to interfere. 1839. J'^lin Campbell Colquhoun of Killcrmont ; Alexander I^anner- man, D. of F. Assessors: Sir Georj^e Sinclair of Ulbster. James Hadden of Persley, Hon. William Gordon, M.F. ; Huj^h Lumsden of I'itcaplc. The Rectorial address, delivered November 27, was printed in (ilasj^ow. 1840. Sir Cieorj.;je Sinclair of Ulbster, hart. ; Alexander Bannerman, D. of F. Assessors: Hon. William Gordon, M.I'. ; Sir William Seton of Fitmedden, Huj;h Lumsden of Fitcaple, Thomas Blaikie, lord provost. 1841. Sir James McGripjor, bart. ; Alexander Bannerman, D. of l"". Assessors: Thomas Blaikie, Alexander ICwinj;, M.D.; Alexander Thomson of Banchory. Sir Robert Abercromby of l'orj;len. 5th bart. Moray voted for the Hon. l"ox Maule. 1842. Sir John Herschel : .Alexander Bannerman, 1). of 1". Assessors: Georj^e Dempster of Skibo. James Gordon of Craij;, Hon. William Gordon, M.P. ; Robert Simpson of Cobairdy. Mar voted for Sir Jas. NfcGrifjor. Moray for the Hon. I-'ox Maule. .Anj^ry protests af;ainst the action of Professors Brown and Li/ars, who, when the vote in the .Angus Nation was stated to be 17 to 16 in favour of the procurator representing; Sir John Her- schel, proffered their votes on the side of the minority, althouf^h it never was *' the custom for professors to vote at the Rectorial elections, the only excep- tion beinj; that of one professor who had given in his suffrage once or twice several years ago ". 1843. John. 2nd Marquis of Breadalbane : Alexander Bannerman. D. of F. Assessors: Lord Haddo, Sir William Seton. bart.; Andrew Rutherfurd, advocate ; .Alexander Thomson of BanchorA. Buchan voted lor Sir James McGrigor. 1844. Alexander Bannerman. I), of I". Assessors: not mentioned, as the meeting " unanimously find there is no election "' of Rector. Mar and Angus voted for the Marquis of Breadalbane, Buchan and Morav for the Marquis of Bute. 1S45. .Archibald Alison : Alexander Bannerman, I), of V. Assessors : John Farquharson of Haughton, Thomas Blaikie, lord provost ; Thomas Abertrombie Duff of Haddo, William P. Alison, M.D.. Edinburgh. The Rector was made LL.D. 24 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1846. Archibald Alison ; Alexander Bannerman, D. of F. Assessors : John Farquharson, Thomas Blaikie, Alexander Thomson of Banchory, Captain Fordyce of Brucklaj^ 1847. Alexander Bannerman, D. of F. Assessors: as last year. No Rector elected, Mar and Buchan voting for the Earl of Rosse, Angus and Moray for Thomas Babington Macaulay. The meeting resolved to enquire whether the late Rector has a casting vote. 1848. Patrick Robertson, Lord Robertson ; Sir Michael Bruce, hart., D. of F. Assessors : Alexander Thomson, George Thompson, lord provost ; Alexander Forbes of Blackford, C. G. Robertson, sheriff substitute of Kincardine. The Rector was made LL.D. The Rectorial address was printed at Aberdeen, 1848. See also " A chapter showing how Lord P became our rector," by P. C. B[eaton] in Preiser's Magazine for July, 1863. 1849. John Thomson Gordon, sheriff depute of Edinburgh ; Sir Michael Bruce, D. of F. Assessors : Alexander Forbes, Lord James Hay, Alexander Dingwall For- dyce, M.P. ; William Watson, sheriff-substitute of Aberdeen. Buchan voted for Lord Robertson. Charles Dickens had been asked to allow himself to be nominated, and his reply has been preserved. " Brighton, Tuesday Evening, 20//; February, 1849. "Sir, — I beg to assure you that I am very sensible of the feeling which has induced you to propose me as a candidate for the Lord Rectorship of your College, and that I feel much beholden to j-ou for. that mark of your regard and consideration. " But, in reply to your note in which 3'ou do me the favour to ask my con- sent to this nomination, I am constrained to say, without any reservation whatever, that I do not aspire to the high honour in question, and that I must entreat you to withdraw my name at my express desire. I take the earliest opportunity in my power of making this communication to j'ou ; but my absence from town for a week past, and my absence from this place during this day, have combined to prevent my answering your letter sooner. It was forwarded here this morning. I am, Sir, yours faithfully and obliged, " Charles Dickens." The Rectorial Address, delivered 23rd March, was printed at Aberdeen in 1849, as also an Address, delivered 8th November, at the opening of session 1849-50. 1850. John Thomson Gordon ; Sir Michael I^ruce, D. of F. Assessors : Alexander Forbes, Alexander Dingwall Fordyce, William Watson, George Thompson, lord provost. Thomas Carlyle had been asked to allow himself to be nominated. His characteristic reply has been preserved. RECTORS AND DEANS OF FACULTY. 25 " 5 Chkvne Kow, Chelsea, " London, 22 ftby, 1H50. " Gentlemen, — \'our announccincnt very much surprised mc, not surely in an unpleasant way, and I bej; in the meantime to thank you very corchally, you and my other younf^ Friends in Aberdeen, lor the honour you are doing me. The election to a merely formal office, I suppose, may };o in this way or that, without momentous consequences; but the fact that inj^enuous younj; souls in your University, in poor old Scotland far away, are loyally disposed to me, and willing to testify that feeling by such methods as they have — this is already a possession, of a valuable and to me almost of an affecting nature, which I shall not have to part with. With the election itself I must not in the least interfere, for or against. In respect of personally visiting Aberdeen, too, I am constrained to say that travelling is at all times very un- towardly to me, and that at present there are some special causes rather de- taining me here ;- on the whole, that if there be no real duty, but only a formal or ceremonial one, to be done m .Aberdeen, I had much better not come, but that if there do appear some real fraction of duty to be done, m the event of my election, I will certainly make an effort to come. More I cannot say at present. And so with many thanks and kind regards, I remain, Gentlemen, your most obed* '• I . CAKt.VI.K. '• To Messrs. Thomson & Harper, Divinity Students, etc." Fifteen years later Carlyle was elected Rector of his own university of F'din- burgh. 1851, Archibald, 13th Earl of l*2j;linton ; Sir Michael l)rucc. 1). of I'\ Assessors : Alexander Forbes, John Cowan, sheriff of Kincardine ; George Henry, lord provost ; Alexander Currie, sheriff of Banff. The Rectorial Address, delivered 23rd March, was printed at .\bcrdeen, 1S51. Tennyson had been asked to allow himself to be nominated, but declined. 1.S52. Archibald, l'2arl of K«;linton ; .Mexandc-r Tliomson <»r llaiuli()r\ , I), of F. Assessors: George Henry, Alexander Currie, William Watson, Sir Michael Bruce, bart. Lord I'-glinton was chosen Rector of Glasgow University in the same year. 1853. Cieorj:je, 7th ICarl of Carlisle ; .Mcxandcr Thomson, I), of F. .Assessors: George Henry, William Watson, George Thompson, M.P. ; Sir James Carnegie of Southesk, 6th bart. The Rector was made LL.I)., joth March. The Rectorial .Address, delivered jist March, was printed at Aber- deen, 1 85 J. 1854. Colonel W. W. M kcs, M.F. ; Alexander Thomson, D. of V. .•\ssessors : Alexander Innes of Cowie, Thomas Blaikic, lord provost ; Archi- bald Davidson, sheriff depute of Aberdeen ; Robert Grant of Tillyfour. Moray D 26 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. voted for the Earl of Carlisle. The Rectorial Address, delivered 30th March, was printed at Aberdeen, 1S54. 1855. Austin Henry La3'ai-d, M.P. ; Alexander Thomson, D. of F. Assessors : Thomas Blaikie, Sir John Ogilvy, hart., of Baldovan, Alexander Innes of Cowie, Sir James Carnegie. Angus voted for Colonel Sykes. 1856. Austin Henry Layard ; Sir John Forbes, physician to the Queen's household, D. of F. Assessors : Sir Thomas Blaikie, Sir John Ogilvy, William Stirling of Keir, M.P. ; Provost Gray of Peterhead. The Rector was made LL.D. on 21st March. 1857. Sir John Forbes, D. of F. Assessors : Sir John Ogilvie, William Stirlmg, John Webster, lord provost ; Alexander Kilgour, I\LD., Aberdeen. No Rector elected. Mar and Buchan voting for A. H. Layard, Angus and Moray for James, 8th Earl of Elgin. 1858. Philip, 5th Earl Stanhope ; Alexander Thomson, D. of F, Assessors : William Stirling, John Webster, Alexander Kilgour, James Dyce Nicol of Ballogie. Moray voted for M. E. Grant Duff, younger of Eden (Rector of Aberdeen University, 1866-72). Alexander Thomson was elected by a majority of ten votes to four for Alexander Henderson of Caskieben [founded chair of Med. Jurispr. 1857]. The Rectorial Address, delivered 25th March, was printed at Aberdeen, 1858. 1859. David, 7th Earl of Airlie ; Sir Thomas Blaikie, U. of F. Assessors : John Webster, Alexander Kilgour, James Dyce Nicol, Rev. James Eraser, Aberdeen. Thackeray and Carl3'le were nominated for the Rectorship. At the election for D. of P., Alexander Thomson was proposed, and being present claimed a right not only to vote for himself, but to act as chairman of the meeting, and to declare himself elected. This claim was afterwards withdrawn. The Rectorial Address, delivered 17th March, was printed at Aberdeen, 1859. i860. David, Earl of Airlie ; Alexander Stronach, advocate, D. of F. Assessors : as last vear. PRIXCIPAI.S.' 1593. Robert Howie. One of the ministers of Aberdeen. Witnesses the Foundation Charter (Vol. I., p. 59), and is Principal in the same year (p. 92). Had studied at Kind's Collej^e, at Herborn, and at Hasel. Translated to be minister of Dundee, 1598; Principal of St. Mary's Coilef^e, St. Andrews, 1607; Commissioner for visiting the Universities of Aberdeen, i6ig; demitted St. And. Principalship, i6j9. Author of Dc aeterna Dei praeJcstinationc, Basil, 1591 ; also (accordin;; to Cat. of Scot. Writ.) of Dc rccouciliationc linminis cum Deo ; De cimjunctiune fuicliiim cum Christo ; Dc juslificiUione hominis coram Deo. Arms on old heraldic ceilinj; (Vol. I., p. 118): Or, a chevron azure between three owlets sable. (Scott's Fasti; Wodrow's Dio^^. Coll., ed. Lippe ; (lordon's MS. Coll.; .\berd. Town Council A'tx) 1598. (lilbert Ciray. M.A. Edin., 159.:. Had also studied at King's College, and at Heidelberg. Died 1614 ; buried 29th December. " An oratio funebris is pronounced upon Mr Gilbert Gray late Principal of the Marischal College, anno 1615 by one of his schollars, when he was receiving the laurea magistcrialis. See this ora- tion in manuscript. [Not now extant.] Prom it he appears to have been born in Aberdeen, connected by father and mother with the best burghers of the town : Alexander Rutherford, provost, his mother's brother ; Alexander Cullen, provost, Mr .Alexander Cullen his son. Paul Menzies. Walter Menzies, Thomas Forbes, and William Gray, being all his sister and brother bairns. . . . He was remarkably diligent and besides keeping his hours strictly, he fre- quently gave public lectures, where students of divinity and physic, as well as the other masters attended. The author . . . commends in highflown terms his diligence in teaching, his modesty, his wisdom, his acuteness in disputa- tion and above all his religious turn of mind" (lordon). Author of Oratio funebris in memoriam Duncani I.iddellii, F-din., 1614 ; Oratio de tllustribus Scotiac scrif>toribus, .\brcd., if)23 (reprinted by Mackenzie). Arms on old ceil- ing : Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed or. (Diet. Nat. liiof^. New Spald. Club Misc., 1.) ' For duties and method of election, see Vol. I., p. 42. (27) 28 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1616. Andrew Aedie. On Gray's death, the Town Council suggested two names to the Earl Marischal, Patrick Sands (then a regent in Edinburgh), and Alexander Home ; and the former was nominated (Vol. I., pp. 167-8), but apparently did not accept, as Aedie is styled Principal on 15th March, 1616, " recommended bj' the King to the Earl Marshal " (Gordon). Demitted office i6ig. Author of Pastoria in decern distribiita eclogas, Dantisc, 1610 ; Tractatus de noctuanihuloniim iiigoiio, Dantisc, 1612 ; Clavis pliilosophiae moralis, Oppenh., 1614. Arms on old ceiling : Argent, a mullet between three cross-crosslets fitchee gules. (Irving's Lives. Gordon's MS.) 1620. William Forbes. D.D., St. And., and one of the ministers of Aberdeen (Vol. I., pp. 186-7). Mr. Andrew Ramsay, minister at Edinburgh, was " socht " by the Earl Maris- chal, but his " transplantatioun was altogidder refuissit". Forbes had been a regent, infra. He demitted office in 1621, was Rector in 1632, and in 1634 became first bishop of Edinburgh. Author of Considerationes modestae, various edns. Portrait by Jamesone in possession of University, reproduced in Wod- row's Biog. Coll., ed. Lippe. Arms on old ceiling : Azure, three bear's heads couped argent. {Diet. Nat. Biog.) 1621. Patrick Dun. M.D., Basil. (Kennedy); "a verie famous professor in Germanic " {Biiik of Reg.). Previously regent, infra, rector, supra; and mediciner at King's Coll. {Off. and Grad., p. 35). A native of Aberdeen (son of umquhile Andrew Dun, burgess), Dun was the first lay principal. A benefactor of the College (Vol. I., p. 231, where his arms, from the ceiling, are given). Died circa 1649. Author of Themata medica de dolore colico, Basil., 1607 ; and editor of Duncan Liddell's Ars conservandi sanitatem, Aberd., 1651. Portrait by Jamesone in possession of Grammar School, reproduced in Vol. I. (Strachan's Panegyricus ; Smith's Oratio ; Gordon's MS.) 1649. William Moir. Previously professor of Mathematics, infra, which post he was allowed to retain with the principalship, 20th June, 1649 (T. C. Reg., liii., 222). Resigned both offices in 1661. "He wrote on Geometry and the mechanical part of Mathematicks " {Cat. of Scot. Writ.). Portrait in possession of University. Arms on ceiling : Azure, three moor's heads couped proper. 1661. James Leslie. Bajan, 1636. M.D. " After his travells in France and the Low Countries, he came home to Abd., and wes called to be physitian to the toune be the Counsell thereof" {Buik of Reg.). Author of 'O 'Aa-Trjp 'Opdfyivos 'An-oXa/xTrei, Aberd., 1661. Arms on ceiling : Argent, on a fess between a mullet in chief and a tulip in base vert, three buckles of the field [?]. {Family of Leslie, III., 409.) 1678, Nov. 21. Robert Paterson. Previously regent and librarian, infra. The latter office, then the best paid PRINCII'AI.S. 29 in the Collff;e, he continued to hold (\'o\. I., p. 204). His nomination by the Earl Marischal to the principalship, vacant "throw Master James Leslie his removal! from the said charj^e," is the first entry in the Ktf^istcr of Prcsmta- tiotus. Children : Mr. David, Robert, Elisabeth, Margrat, Agnes, Mary, Issobell, Cathren. {Poll Book.) Erected heraldic ceiling (Vol. I., p. 118), in which his own arms appear as : Argent, three pelicans in their piety proper ; on a chief azure as many mullets of the field ; a mitre azure fur difference. Died 1717. Portrait in possession of I'niversity. 1717, Sept. 30. Thomas Hlackwell. D.I). Previously professor of Divinity, infra, and minister of (Irey Eriars Church, Aberdeen, which offices he retained, being the only professor not ejected by the Commission of Visitation. His appointment to the principalship was the first nomination by the Crown, the Earl Marischal forfeiting his rights of patronage with his title. Died 1728. Author of Ratio sacra, Edin., 1710; Schema sacrum, Edin., 1710; Forma sacra, Bost., 1774; Mcthodus cvan^^clica, Lond., 1712. Portrait in possession of Incorporated Trades, Aberdeen, of which body he was fifth I'atron. {Diet. Nat. Biof;.) 1728, June 8. John Osborn. M.A., 1708 ; D.D. One of the ministers of .Aberdeen. He retained both offices till his death on 19th Aug., 1748. Portrait by Alexander in possession of Incorporated Trades, .Aberdeen, of which body he was sixth Patron. (!\iX- of Pres. ; Scott's I'tisti.) 1748, Nov. 9. Thomas Hlackwell, the younj^^er. M.A., 171S; LL.D., King's Coll., 1752. Previously Professor of Greek, infra, which office he retained. The magistrates had recommended Professor Robert Pollock to the Crown (T. C. AV^'., Ixi., 234, J50;. " Principal Black- well brought on a consumptive habit by great abstemiousness and died at Edinburgh on his way to London, 8th March, 1757, in his 5<)th year. . . . His religious opinions were said to be inclined to heretical. . . . His nickname among the students * Ratio profana ' " (Knight). His widow was a benefactor (Vol. L, p. 461). Author oilinquiry into life and u-ritinj^s of Homer, l.nnd., 1735, etc.: Proofs of ditto, Lond., 1747; Letters concernin/^ Mytlioloi^y, Lond., 1748; Menuiirs if the court of Augustus, Edin., 1758-63, etc. {Diet. Sal. liio/^.; Camp- bell Eraser's HerkcUy, Vol. I\'.l I757» April 19. Robert Pollock. D.D., 1753. Previously Professor ot Duinity, injru, and ininisttr oi (ney Friars, which offices he retained. Died 1759. Had married, 1747, lili/abeth, daughter of Provost .\lex. Robertson of Glasgowcgo. Portraits of himself and his wife in possession of University. 1759, Auj;. 14. Georj^e Campbell. M.A., 1738; D.D., King's Coll., 17O4. One ol the ministers of Aberdeen, which office he retained until 1771, when he was appointed Professor of Divinity and minister of (irey Friars. Demitted the chair 2nd June, 1795, and the Principalship i8th Jan., 1796; died 0th Apr., 1796. Had married Grace 30 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. Farquharson : no issue. His works are well known. Portrait by Arch. Robertson, in possession of the Incorporated Trades (of which body he was tenth Patron), reproduced in the great window, Mitchell Hall, Mar. Coll., and in this volume. Copy by Sir George Reid in possession of University. {Did. Nat. Biog.) 1796, Jan. 26. William Laurence Brown. M.A., St. And., 1772; D.D., St. And., and Utrecht. Had been appointed to the chair of Divinity and the Grey Friars charge by the Town Council, 15th June, 1795 (T. C. Reg., Ixvii., 70). Previously Professor of Moral Philosophy and the Law of Nations at Utrecht, where he had been a student. Died nth May, 1830. Married his uncle's daughter, Anne Elizabeth Brown, 29th May, 1756, with issue, William Robert, Laurence George, Catherine Mary Ann, Johanna Elizabeth (called Janet), Robert James (afterwards Prof of Greek), Ann Elizabeth (called Nancy), John Moore, Helen Jane, George Gil- bert (M.D., 1825). His numerous writings have been frequently catalogued. (Diet. Nat. Biog. MS. Widow's Fund Reg.) 1832, Apr. 12. Daniel Dewar. M.A., Edin., 1815 ; LL.D., Glasg., 1815. Previously Professor of Moral Philosophy at King's Coll. {Off. and Grad., p. 65), and Minister of Grey Friars, Aberdeen, and of Tron Church, Glasgow. The Senatus had petitioned the Crown in favour of Professor Glennie, and unanimously expressed dis- approval of Dr. Dewar's appointment. Prof, of Church History, 1833, infra. Demitted office on the union of the Universities in i860. Died 28th May, 1867. Had married, 17th Oct., 1821, Susan Place, with issue, Ann Gordon (m. John McCunn), Catherine Mary (m. Prof James Clerk Maxwell), Susan Place, Edward Place, William Gordon, Donald, John. Author of sundry theological works. (Bruce's Aberdeen Pulpit ; Widow's Fund MS. Reg.) lUiCAiNTS.' i6 ? Patrick (iiay. Not in Kennedys list. Si-^ns assedations to James Menzies. 4th Sept., 1601 ; and to Alexander Molleson. 14th September, 1601. [Biiik of Rii^.)'^ Brother of IVincipal Oilbert dray. Hedication to YVifsYv of ir>7^ iufrii.) 1602. •' William I-'oibes. Not in Kennedy's list. Stated in Sydserl's Li/c to have been appointed Pro- fessor of Loj^ic {i.e., teacher of the Semi class) soon after his },'raduation in ifH)i, and to have taught for four sessions. Mentioned in Aberdeen Presbytery Records, ist November, ir)05; and in Principal Gilbert (iray's Rental of iZi, but is mentioned in decreet ajjainst Men/ies, ibig. Sij;ns as " Lo^icae Professor " [i.e., teacher of the Semi class), two Epitaphs in the Laihrymiu- sub Obitum Georgii Comilis Mariscalli, Abred., 1623 ; and 6th April, 1626 (together with Ogston, Sibbald, and VV'edderburn), an assedation to David Anderson. (Ihiik of Rcf;.) Andrew Massie is named as Oeconomus in a Burj^h Court Decree of 19th February, 1622. By the Foundation Charter the Oeconomus was an official distinct from the Ketjents. James Forbes of TuUiboy was appointed first Oeconomus, i8th June, 1593. (T. C. Rig., xxxiv., 854.) Massie and Sibbald are made burj^esses, "ex gratia." 25th Oct., 1623. ( New Spald. CI. .Misr., I.) Bajan, lOio. 1619. William Ogston. Not in Kennedy's list. Appointed in i6ig, as in 1626, when he is transferred to the Semi class, it is stated that he has taught the Tertians " thir sewin yeeris bygane ". In the latter year (apparently succeeding Andrew Massie), he received a presentation to the Logic professor- ship, •' the key of the whole College and the courss throf verie long and thairfoir requyring ane learned diligent and cairfull maister to teach the same . . . quhairin if he should be found to be deficient and after due admoni"nis not amending then and in that caice the said Mr. William to be bound ... to demit the said second class absolutelie and to tak him to the third class". (Min. of Admission, 25th October, 1626. Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch. " Professorships," No. i.) Designated " Philosophiae Moralis Professor" {i.e., teacher of the Tertian class) on the title-page of his Oraliu Funebns in Obitum Gcorgii Murisctilli Cnmitis, .Abred., 1623; and 6th April, 1626, signs the assedation to David Anderson. Promoted to be minister of Hailes, 1635. {Hist, of Ogston Families.) Semi, 1605. D.D. 1620. James Sibbald. .\I..\., ibiS. Signs as " Philosophiae Naturalis Professor," an Epitaph in the Liuhrymae, also the assedation to David Anderson, 1626. The Professor of Natural Philosophy taught the Magistrand class, and Sibbald was the first holder of the office of fourth regent, instituted ist March, 1620, when the newly appointed Principal, William Forbes, was relieved from the duty of teaching. Kennedy gives 1619 as the date of Sibbald's appointment, but this is certainly wrong. Graduation theses maintained under his presidency are extant for the years 1623 (Abd. Univ. Libr.i, 1625 1 Bodl.i, i<)26 ,Bodl.). In the last of these years he was appointed one of the Ministers of .Aberdeen. B.D.. King's Coll., 1627 ; D.D., 1628. Sibbald was one of the " Aberdeen Doctors". In addition to his graduation theses, he contributed a Sermon to Forbes' Funerals and wrote Diverse Select Sermons, printed posthumously at Aberdeen in 1658. (Scott's /-'iis/i ; Forbes' f'MMfnWs, cd. 1845.) 16 ? William Wedderburn. Signs as " Graecarum Literarum Professor" i.<- . teacher of the Bajan E 34 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. class), verses in the Lachryiitae and the Theses of 1623 ; also the assedation to David Anderson, 1626. Promoted from a regency to be Minister of Bethelny, not later than 1633. (Scott's Fasti.) He was brother of David Wedderburn, the Rector of the Grammar School {Ahd. and Bjf. Coll., p. 60), and Alexander Wedderburn. 1626. John Seton. M.A., 1616. Succeeded Sibbald in 1626 (Kennedy says 1636) as Professor of Natural Philosophy. As such, signs (together with Gordon, Aidie, and Ray) a Rectorial minute, 14th April, 1632 (Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch. " Rectors," 2) ; and (with the same three) is mentioned in a summons raised by Sir A. Irvine of Drum, 1633. Graduation theses maintained under his presidency are extant for the years 1627 (Bodl.), 1630 (Bodl.), 1631 (Abd.), 1634 (Bodl.), 1637 (Bodl.). Promoted from a regency to be Minister of Kemnay, not later than 1641. (Scott's Fasti.) 16 ? Hugh Gordon. M.A., 1623. Not in Kennedy's list. Writes assedation to A. Burnet, 12th Jul}', 1630. {Buik of Reg.) Signs as Professor of Logic the Rectorial minute, and is mentioned in summons iit supra. See also Diary of Alexander J ajf ray, p. 15. 163 ? WilHam Aidie. M. A., 1625. Not in Kennedy's list. Succeeded Wedderburn. Signs as Professor of Greek the Rectorial minute ; also two Epitaphs in the Laehrymae in Obilnm Wilhelmi Coinitis Marischalli, Abred., 1635. Appears as witness to a Sasine in 1644. (Burgh Reg. of Sasines.) 163 ? John Ray. M.A., 1625. Given by Kennedy under year 1641; but signs as Professor of Moral Philosophy {i.e., teacher of the tertian class), the Rectorial minute ; also an Epi- taph in the second Laehrymae, 1635 ; and a discharge of College accounts, ist November, 1648. The Graduation theses of 1643, maintained under his presi- dency, are extant in the University Library ; so that ere then the system of specialist professors must have been abandoned, and that of circulating regents introduced. 'Editor oi Q'lcevo' s Epistularuin libri IV., Abred., 1630, 1665. " He made an excellent funeral Oration on King Charles the Martj-r." {Cat. Seot. Writ. Spald., U., 142.) 163 ? Wilham Blackhall. M.A., 1631. Not in Kennedy's list. Signs as Professor of Logic an Epitaph in the second Laehrymae, 1635. Evidently succeeded Hugh Gordon. Deposed as a Catholic, 1642. (Spald., H., 102. Gordon's Scots Aff., 111., 129.) 16 ? James Hay. Given by Kennedy under year 1636. But Aidie, Blackball, Ray, and Seton were then still in office. Tertian, 1618 [?]. 16 ? John Menzies. Promoted from a regency to the chair of Divinity, infra, and the second REOENTS. 35 ministerial charRC in Aberdeen, 1649, and to the intiiinbency of Greyfriars Church in the lollowinj; year. Kennedy t;ives his name under the year idn, but this cannot be correct, as in i(>J5-37 the four re};encies were undoubtedly held by Aidie, Hlackhall, Ray, and Seton. (Scott's I-'asli.) Bajan. 1638 [?]. 16 ? Andrew Youngson. Given by Kennedy as admitted in 1645, but this is certainly wron^;, for on 4th Oct., 1644. " Mr. Andrew \ounf;son, formerly a Rej,'ent in the Mar. Coll.," is elected a Regent at King's College. {Off. and Grad., p. 5O.) He " afterwards became a Papist and Jesuit, and a Professor at Madrid". (Knight.) He must have succeeded either Blackball or Seton. " He wrote De Predestina- tione." (Cat. Scot. Writ.) Bajan, 1635. 164 ? Patrick Sandilands. M.A., King's Coll., 164J. Given by Kennedy asadmitted in 1646, but the date is almost certainly wrong, for on 24th June of that year he is transferred to the Regency in King's College, vacated by Youngson. (Off. and Grad.) Afterwards Sub-Principal there : Theses of 1660 ( Bodl.V (Morgan's Waodsidc, p. 159.) 164 ? Robert l-'orbes. M.A., King's Coll., 164J. Given by Kennedy as admitted in i()5<); but signs dis- charges of College accounts (together with John Ray, Robert Burnet, and James Chalmers), ist November, 1648; and is mentioned in Btiik of Reg. as having charge of Bajan class of 1648-49. His name appears (with those of Andrew Cant, Alexander Whyte, and George Meldrunn in sundry charters granted by the Caroline University, 1655-58; and i with William .\Ieldrum, George Banner- man, and Thomas Paterson) he signs a tack to Marjory Jameson, 26th June, 1663. (Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch. Mass. XII., 69.) He is named (with the same three) in a decreet against Mitchell, 2nd Feb.. 1664. On 24th October of that year he appears as a Regent at Kings College, and is subsequently Canonist there. {Off. and Grad., p. 57.1 Mar. Coll. 77jc5c-5, 1656 (Bodl.i. i6(m3 (Abd.) ; King's Coll. Theses, 1680, 1684. " He wrote a Logick Course of Philosophy." {Cat. Scot. Writ.) 164 ? Robert Burnet. Not in Kennedy's list. Signs College accounts, 1648, ut supra. "Continovit comoun procurator to Lambes 1650." Bajan, 1637. 164 ? James Chalmers. M.A., King's Coll., 1645. Not in Kennedy's list. Signs College accounts, 1648, ut supra. This is the James Chalmers stated in Scott's I-'asti (III., 508) to have been promoted in 1651 from a Regency in King's College to be Minister of New Machar. No such name occurs in the list of Regents of King's College. Off. and Grad.. p. s6. 164 ? Andrew Cant. Given by Kennedy as admitted in i(.35 ; Init is mentioned in the Buikof Reg. as having charge of the Magistrand class in 1649-50 ; and in charters of 1651- 58. Theses for 1654 Bodl. . and 1658 (Abd). " He wrote a Physical Course of Philosophy, also De libcro arbitrio." (Cat. Scot. Writ.) Promoted from a 36 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. regency to be Minister of Liberton in 1659 (Scott's Fasti), and Principal of the University of Edinburgh in 1675 (Grant's Story). This was the son of the famous Andrew. He matriculated at Marischal College in 1640, iiifni. Joseph Robertson says of him {Dcliciae Literariae, p. 25) : " He lived to become a non- juring bishop ". But the bishop was a third Andrew, son of the Regent's brother, Alexander. (Grub's Eccl. Hist., III., 387.) 16 ? Andrew Birnie. Not m Kennedy's list. Signs feu charter to Walter Robertson, May, 1651 ; and an entry in T. C. Reg., Hi., 372, 2nd February, 1653. Named in Accounts of 1652-53. Bajan, 1645. 165 ? Alexander White. Given by Kennedy as admitted in 1655 ; but signs Charter to Walter Robert- son, 1651, and entry in T. C. Reg., 1653 ; also sundry charters of 1655-58; and a list of books added in 1662 {Bitik of Reg.). Theses for 1657 (Bodl.). {Gencal. Acct. of James Young, p. 192.) Bajan, 1646. 165 ? George Meldrum. Succeeded Birnie. Signs charters in 1655-58. Theses for 1659 (x\bd.). In that year he was promoted to be Minister of the second charge in Aberdeen. (Scott's Fasti.) Rector of Mar. Coll., p. 12. Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh. (Grant's Story.) He published numerous Letters and Sermons in Edinburgh. Bajan, 1647. 16 ? John White [?] . Given by Kennedy under year 1660. 1660. WilHam Meldrum. M.A., 1654. Appears as Common Procurator in 1660. Signs list of books, 1662, and tack to Marjory Jameson, 1663. Named in decreet against Mitchell, 1664. Present at Rectorial Election, March, 1665. Promoted from a regency to be Minister of Auchterless, not later than 1671. (Scott's Fasti.) i6t3 ? George Bannerman. M.A., King's Coll., 1659. Not in Kennedy's list. Named in Accounts, 1661. Present at Rectorial Election, March, 1665. A George Bennean is (with W'. Paterson, A. Alexander, and R. Bruce) present at election of a bibliothecar on 5th March, 1667. (Copy of Min. in Burgh Ch. Ch., "College," C-. 7.) The name is probably a slip for Bannevman. 166 ? Thomas Paterson. M.A., 1658. Not in Kennedy's list. Signs tack to Marjory Jameson. Named in decreet against Mitchell. 1663. Patrick Strachan. Not in Kennedy's list. Presented to a regency in 1663, in succession to Robert Forbes, who nevertheless appears as a regent in 1664. Signs demission of office, i6th November, 1665, all differences between him and Principal Leslie being referred to Archbishop Sharp. (Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch. " Professorships," REGENTS. 37 Nos. 4, 7, 8.) On 1st August of that year he had been condemned at a Rec- torial Court for issuing "heterodox and profane theses . . . qlk became no christiane nor civill mane to mantaine, they altof^cther reflectinj; upon the fame of the L'nivcrsitie, and beinj( ane open floodf;et to murder, drunkenness and idolatrie ''. (/^kiA- 0/ AV.i,'.) Hajan, 1637. 1664. John Ciordon. M.A., ifi.SiS. Not in Kennedy's list. Adm. in Accts., i()()4-b5. In i(A^^, Patrick Strachan complains that Ciordon, "servant to Sir Robert Farquhar,'" has been admitted rej^ent "in lew of the petitioner, beinj; neither cited heard nor advertised of thcr procedour much less sentenced or censured," and is " endeavourmj; in a most subdolous way to intrude himself in the place whereof the petitioner is yet in possession". (Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch., " i'rofessorships," No. 4.) Present at Rectorial election, March, iltb^. 1664. William Paterson. Not in Kennedy's list. Adm. in .Accts, 1664-65. Present at Rectorial elec- tion, March, 1665; and at election of bibliothecar, 5th March, i()()7. In that year appointed to a regency in I£dinburj;h. Clerk to tlie I'nvy Council, 1679. (Dalziel's Hist.) Hajan, 1659. 166 ? Alexander Alexander. (iiven by Kennedy as admitted in ihhS, but present at election of biblio- thecar, 5th March, 1667. Tlusts for i66g (.-\bd.). Present at Rectorial elec- tions in March, 1673, and March, 1674, but not 1675. Became Mini'-t< r of Glass, 1679. (Scott's /•'ws/i ; Rogcr'^ House 0/ A Uxamhr.) Hajan, 1660 166 ? Robert Bruce. Given by Kennedv as admitted in i()().S, but present at election of bibliothe- car, 1667; also at Rectorial elections in 1673 and 1674, but not 1675. Pro- moted from a regency to be Minister of Old Deer not later than 1676 'Scott's Ftistt , probably in 1674, for in July of that year his place as a regent had been taken by John Farquhar. ! Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch. " Librarian ". Cf. Nos. 4 and 6.) He is called "late regent " in an Instrument, Seaton divinity student agt. the Magistrates, .:nd July, 1674. (Hurgh Ch. Ch. "College," C''. 7.) Hajan, i«)()i. 1607. Thomas Oray. Given by Kennedy as admitted in idbS ; but is named as teacher of Hajan class, 1667, in Hiiik of AV/j. Tlusis for 1673 Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch. ». He is stated in them to be a grandson of Principal Gilbert Gray. He was present at the Rectorial election of that year, but not in i'>74. It would appear from a paper in the Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch. (" Professorships," No. 51 that (iray taught the first class for three successive sessions, and thereafter "ascended " in the usual manner. The same 'Ihos. Gray, "son to the deceased Provost Gray," acted as College Librarian in ifi67.5. 1682, October 3. Alexander Litster. student of theolo<;ie. In place of John Patlon, demitted. Demitted 1693. Children : John, .Mcxander, I'Vancis. Marjorie, Ivli/abeth (Poll Book). Hajan, 1667. 1683, Jul}- 25. Robert Keith, student of theolo}.jie. " Sone to the deceist doctor William Keith, professor of theologic in Edin- burghe." In place of James Lorimer. Theses, 1687 (Bodl.). For a reference to this Keith, see Fountainhall's Scottish Affairs, p. 248, where he is designated " of Lentosh ". Hajan, iMiH. 1686,^ November i. James Moir, student in divinitie. •' Lawfull sone to James Moir in Ferrihill." In place of Thomas Burnet, removed to the College of Edinburgh. Children : .Xgnes, Jean (Poll Book). Died 171J. Hajan, 1674. 1688, March 29. Alexander Nfoir, student of divinitie. " Brother german to James Moir of Stoniewood." In place of Robert Keith. "A gentleman of great erudition and primitive simplicity of manners." " No wife, child, nor servant" (Pull Book). Theses, 1699 ("Bodl.). Deprived in 1717. He went to Edinburgh, and kept a private Academy for sons of Jacobite nobility and gentry for several years. (Lettsom's Li/c, I. ; Nichols' Lit. AiiiiJ., I. ; I'liniily of Moir ami Byres.) 'I ertian, 16S4. 1693, December 5. William Smith. (iovcrnour then to Charles Lord Hay. In place of Alexander Litster, de- mitted. "No wile, child, nor servant" (Poll Book). Author of the Oratio in qua inclytae Academiae Marischallanae Ahredonensis Xobilissiinus Parens, Illustrcs Maeienates et liximii Bene/uetores aJ annum MI)C.\C\'I connnemorantur, ,\bred., 1701 — so often quoted in \'ol. I. Theses 1700, 1704, 1708 (Aberd.), and 171 2 CGIasg.K Deprived in 1717. 1713. March 2. George Keith. M.A., 1700. "Son to Sir William Keith of Ludquhairn, baronctt.'" In place of James Moir. lately deceased. Summoned before the Presbytery of ' Kennedy ha<» a jfohn Keith, under this date, who does not appear in the Register : and Douglas (Pfi-ras;t-, ed. of 1S13, IF. p., igo) speaks of a " Professor Thuiniis Keith of the Marischal College "—equally unknown. See Scottish N. and Q., Jan. 1897. 40 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. Aberdeen, 27th Jan., 1714, for adultery with Anne Davidson, a married woman. Refused to appear, and was pronounced contumacious. On loth November, his name was put on the roll of excommunicated persons. (Presb. Mi)i.) This seems to have entailed loss of his regency. 1715, November 30. William Meston. M.A., i6g8. " Late Governour tothe honourable Mr. James Keith brother ger- man tothe Earle Marischal." In place of George Keith, "lately removed from the said office ". Several of the admitters were absent '• by reason of the disorders of the times ". Meston gave " a publick oration and a specimen in the Greek tongue". Deprived in 1717, he seems never to have actually taught, for in session 1715-16 "the Colledge was separat before the Lawes were read or the season of payment come " {Coll. Proc. Accts.), and in 1716, no classes assembled ; but in 1729 he obtained from the Town Council payment of salary for period from Whitsunday, 1715, to Martinmas, 1716: ;^82 los. Scots (T. C. Reg., Ix., 85). The notice of Meston in Diet. Nat. Biog. is incorrect in several details. Cf. the sketch of him (by the present editor) in N. and Q., 7, X., 21, where a bibliography is attempted. Introduced in Allardyce's Balmoral. 1717, Sept. 30. Patrick Hardie. In place of George Peacock, deprived. The King's commissions bear that each regent is to hold office "during all the dayes of his naturall life". Hardie died 1724. 1717, September 30. David \'erner. In place of Alexander Moir, deprived. Had studied law in Universities oi Edinburgh and Glasgow. Created LL.D. (p. 95), and in 1724 appointed to lecture on law. Theses, 1721 (Westburn), 1730 (Glasg.). Died 1752, aged 64. {Aherd. Journal, 28th Jan., 1752 ; Bower's Life of Beattie.) 17 1 7, September 30. John Anderson. In place of William Meston, deprived. Second son of Alexander Anderson of Bourtie. M.A., King's Coll., 1700. Died 1721. 1717, September 30. George Cruden. In place of William Smith, deprived. Bajan, 1712. Died 1723. 1721, April 14. George Turnbull. In place of John Anderson, deceased. Theses, 1726 (Aberd.). Author of Moral and Christian philosopliy, 'Land. 1740; Universal laii<,'LonA. 1741; Collection of ancient paintings, Lond. 1744. LL.D., 1727, in which year he demitted office. See p. 95. 1723, September 6. Thomas Haddovv, professor of Greek. In place of George Cruden, deceased. This is the first mention in the Register of a regent allocated to the teaching of Greek. The Parliamentary Commission of Visitation appointed in 1690 had in 1700 issued an ordinance in the following terms : — "At Edinburgh, the i6th day of August, 1700 years, the commissioners ap- pointed by act of parliament for visitation of universities, colleges, and schools REGENTS. 4^ taking to their consideration that it would conduce much to the better learning, and tor the improvement o» the study of the Greek ton^;ue, that the teacher of the same in the first of the four classes in use for (ireek and philosophy m each university and college were fixed, and not ambulatory as now he is ; do therefore appoint and ordain that hereafter the said teacher of the Greek tonsue be fixed, and continue still to teach the same in the said first class to all that shall come to learn under him from year to year, as constant master of the said Greek lanj^uaj^e, which he is hereby appointed to be^in to teach at and after the first day of November throui;h the whole year, untill the rising of the class by the ordinary vacation ; so that in all that space he is to teach only the Greek j;rammar and proper Greek authors, without teaching so ^uch as any Structura Syllo-ismi, or any thmj,' else belonging to the course of philosophy, which is only to be commenced the next year thereafter; and this act and ordinance to take effect after the first of November next. L.keas, for the encouragement of the said fixed teacher of the Greek, it is hereby ap- pointed that no scholar bred at schools in Scotland shall be admitted to learn philosophy, or any part of the course thereof, in any of the colleges and uni- versities, unless that he have learned his Greek, at least for the ordinary year under the said fixed Greek master, and report an authentic certification thereon ; and this provision to take effect for and after the year 1701. and no sooner. And for the better executing this act it is farther enacted, that if there be at present any vacancy of any of the four ordinarily called masters or professors of philosophy in any of the said colleges and universities, the same shall be supplied in the ordinary manner by a fixed Greek master, who is to remain as said is. leaving the other three to ascend with their philosophy classes as use is ; and where there is no vacancy, the said fixed Greek master is for this time to be chosen by the faculty (that is the meeting of the rector, the professors and masters of each of the said colleges and universities} out of the masters, as the said faculty shall determine, which they are hereby ordained to do be- twixt and the first day of October next. And the Greek master that shall be chosen hereby is ordained to obey without reclaiming, with this provision nevertheless for his encouragement, that it shall be in his option, upon any vacancy that happens of any of the said three philosophy masters in his col- lege or university, to betake himself to his place without any new trial ; in which case the vacancy of the Greek master shall be supplied by one to be fixed as above. And the commission ordain letters and charges to be direct on this act as efleirs, and that the same be furthwith printed and sent to the several universities and colleges, that none may pretend ignorance." On 26th February. 1701, the Principal and Regents wrote to the Clerk of the Commission :— " We did lykwaycs give tymous obedience to the Act for settling ane Greek Master in the Colledgcs, and did nominate and elect Master Alex- ander Moir on of the Regents of this Colledge, to be ane fixed Greek Professor in all tvme coming, who has accepted that ofiice in this Colledge. We do therfor intreat ye will represent this matter of fact to the Visitation, when they do F 42 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. take ane revieu of this matter, and show how readie compliance we have given heerin." (Records of Visitation in Gen. Reg. Ho.) This appointment was sanctioned bj' the Commission, 14th January, 1702 ; but it appears not to have become operative, for the Album shows Alexander Moir in charge of the Magistraud class in sessions 1702-3, and 1706-7, as would have been the case under the old four-year cj'cle. When the four new regents were appointed in 1717, their commissions were in identical terms, but seem- ingly Cruden (whom Haddow is said to succeed) must soon thereafter have been set aside for the duties of a Greek chair. The admission on 8th Oct., 1717, of Matthew McKaile to the Professorship of Medicine (p. 55) he signs " Geo. Cruden, P[hilosophiae] P[rofessor] " ; but the admission, on 14th April, 1721, of George Turnbull to a regency (p. 40) he signs "Geo. Cruden, L[iterarum] G[raecarum] P[rofessor] ". If Cruden became Professor of Greek soon after 1717, a three-year cycle would have been set up for the other three Regents. See " Sequence of the Regents," Appx. Haddow must have died soon after admission. He held a certificate " of good life and conversation " from Mr. John Cormack, minister of the Gospel, St. Andrews. 1723, December 13. Thomas Blackwell, professor of Greek. In place of Haddow, deceased. Became also Principal in 1748, p. 29. 1724, Oct. 15. Daniel Gordon. Student of theolog}', St. Andrews. In place of Patrick Hardie, deceased. Died 1729. 1727, July 25. William Duff. In place of George Turnbull, demitted. Son of Hugh Duff, minister of Fearn, Ross-shire (Wimberley's H(>sp. of Iiii'ss.), and M.A., King's Coll., 1721. Theses, 1732 (Aberd.). In 1734 Duff had a lawsuit with his colleague, Thomas Blackwell. On Sun- day, 7th January, " betwixt the hours of 2 and 3, in the College Church, dur- ing Divine Service, he jostled and pressed violently on Mr. Blackwell". Next day, when Blackwell was teaching in the Bajan Class, Duff sent William Fowler, sacrist, " to desire him to come out and speak to a gentleman," and struck him on the head with a staff which he had provided on purpose. " having come without his gown, which he had put off for that effect ". Black- well presented a " Complaint and Libell unto the Revd. Princip'l and Masters met in facult)'," which Duff requested time to answer ; but the latter passed from one delay to another, and finally advocated the case to Edinburgh, on the plea that the Masters had no jurisdiction, and that two of their number had malice against him. It was agreed, however, to submit the matter to the Principal and Mr. Forbes, Sheriff Depute of Aberdeen, who settled it by a Decreet- Arbitral. A minute of Faculty was prepared in draft, in which Duff" was to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the College, ask pardon for attacking its privi- leges, and receive a rebuke from the Principal. He was at first fully satisfied K EOF. NTS. 43 with this, and showed much impatience to have a meeting; held, where it should be approved ; but on this beinj; done he refused to submit, and insisted upon his Hill of Advocation. The outcome of the proceedint;s has not been traced-(A/.Hi./t>r Duff, 21st February; I'd. 0/ Duff, J4th February; Ansu:/or Bliukudl, 25th February ; An&w.for Priii. and other Musters, 23rd July -printed papers in Town House Charter Room). At a meeting of Faculty, held dii (jth I'cbruary, 173'), DuH is charged with neglect of duty and " with quarreilin.!; upon slif^ht and trivial occasions with one Master after the other, and raising litigious and expensive lawsuits, and with instigating the students to illegal and hurtful proceedings and undutiful conduct to their masters ". At Christmas vacation he had to go to Edinburgh, and did not return till 6th January (the vacation ending on the ist); neglected his duty as Hcbdomader; refused to preside at the public disputes; and on 3rd February again went to lidinburgh, appointing an assistant without asking leave of the College. Blackwell states that he had raised criminal actions against all his colleagues, and calls him " that strange unhappy man ". 1st March, 1736.— Duff protests in violent language, styling the minute of 9th February "a pretended calumnious unsigned lybel," of which a copy was refused him. loth March, 1737.— At a Rectorial meeting the Principal informs the Court that he has, with advice and consent of the I-aculty. given to Regent Duff two admonitions for neglect of duty and other irregularities. The Court authorise the Principal to give him forthwith the third and last admonition, in terms of the Foundation Charter. At subsequent meetings evidence is given of Duffs non-attendance at Col- lege for two years: Drs. Campbell and (ilennie. then students, being among the witnesses. On 20th January, 173S, sentence of expulsion is formally pro- nounced. Duff being " extruded forth and from the said University and .\lari- schall College, and his said office and employment declared void and vacant and at his Majesty's gift and disposal as pat: on of the foresaid University". (Papers m Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch., " Rectors and Rectorial Courts".) Duff went to London, where he published The Case oj William Duff, Profes- sor 0/ Philosophy in the Marischal iniversity of Aberdeen : ShoJiin^ "'»• Barbarous Treatment of an Honest Family, 1739; i'n^> •' //•-^'fO' of Scotland, Vol. I. (all pubd.i 1730 I'with author's portrait). 1729. Novemb. 25. Dr. Matthew McKail. Previously Professor of Medicine, p. 5> •" pla^c of Daniel Cordon, de- ceased. Some objection seems to have been taken to the admission of McKail, as only three admitters sign. He delivers a discourse " On the connexion and difference betwixt the atomic or Copernican and the Newtonian philosophy ' . Died 1733. 1734. March 26. Francis Skene. Son of George Skene, minister of Kinkell Skene Memonals). M.A. King's 44 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. Coll., 1721. In place of McKail, on whose death it had been proposed to revert to the plan of the Founder, and assign the three higher classes to par- ticular masters, Verner to take the semis, Duff the magistrands, and McKail's successor the tertians. But Skene petitioned against this (Min. of 28th June), and his objections were sustained. When the new plan was adopted in 1753, he was assigned the Semis Class. LL.D., 1766, when he is also made "Pro- fessor of Laws" {cf. Min. of 26th Nov., 1760). Died 1775. Portrait in possession of University. 1739, April 10. Alexander Innes. Great grandson of David Gregory of Kinnairdie {Ojf. and Grad., p. 37). ^LA., 1732. Had acted as substitute during William Duff's absence, sessions 1736-7, 1737-8, 1738-9. After Duff's deposition on 20th January, 173S, the Rector, Principal and Masters appear to have pressed Innes' claims on the Chancellor. Lord Ilaj', but without effect until January, 1739, when he recommends them to apply to the Duke of Newcastle. This they do, igth January, calling his attention to " the melancholy situation of our Colledge " ; but at the same time resolve " to fix a Program to the College and kirk doors [cf. Vol. I., p. 45] within a few days in order to secure their privilidges ". The Duke " making farther delays and offsets," the\' resolve, 2nd March, to act on the program, and seek the concurrence of the Magistrates in case the election should be called in ques- tion. On 19th March, the edict is duly "called," but no candidates appear, and they intimate to Lord Hay that they have put off the election till loth April, hoping to hear from him. On that day, having no letter, they elect Mr. Innes. It is claimed that this is competent, from there having been no presentation notified, although a year had elapsed since the vacancy had been intimated to the Crown, from no answer to letters having been received, from the loss sustained by the College in wanting a Regent, and from the terms of the Foundation Charter. Lord Hay writes on 23rd April that he had received the communication of 7th March on 20th April. " It seems instead of sending it by the Post, it came by somebody who took France in his way." He chides the Faculty for not transmitting to Government a regular copy of the pro- ceedings against Duff, wonders " a learned body did not better apprehend the meaning of such notification," and send the causes of deposition, instead of writing, " in no other stile than if Duff had been dead '". The Crown ought to have known the whole, as a mark of respect, the office being one for life. Duff, he adds, " has been a considerable time about town making a noise in all the offices and in every place where he could have access ". After this scolding. Lord Ha}' becomes kinder, and says that he has taken their part, and told everybody that " Duff's long stay in this London and the unaccountable turn of his temper made it highlj' probable that the Facultj- had done nothing but justice ". Blackwell's reply is a humble palinode, requesting a presentation for Innes. It does not appear that this was ever sent. We learn from a Memorial to the Barons of the Exchequer that Innes " was so generous as to permit the emoluments of the class [1736-39] to go to the support of Mr. Duffs unhappy relinquished family ". He died in 1742. (Coll. UI-ICiHNTS. 45 Mill. ; I'aptis ill Mar. Coll. Ch. Ch., " Kcctois ; . l/< ws, ■/ [•iistmal /.< tlii miinnry of Alexander Iitius, .\bcrd., 1744.) 1742. Sept. g. David Fordyce. The second of Provost (icorj^c I'Ordycc's twenty children, and throuf;h his mother a relative of Principal HIackwell. M..\.. 172S. I'reacher of the gospel : no parish. Was recommended by the Coliej^e to the Crown, in place of Innes. In 1750 got leave of absence and visited Kome: in returning, 1 75 1, was drowned off the coast of Holland. Portrait at Brucklay Castle. Author of Diiilof^uts conccniiiif^ ftiucaltoii, Lond., 1745: Thcodonis, 1752; Mural philosophy, Lond., 1754; Temple 0/ virtue, Lond., 1757; British letter-writer, Lond., 1790. (Dingwall Fordyce Fam. Rec.) 175J, July 7. Ale.xander Gerard. Son of deceased Gilbert Cierard, minister of Chapel ofCiarioch. M.A., 1744. Commission dated i8th May. In place of Pordyce, for whom he had acted as substitute, sessions 1750-1 and 1751-2. Demitted 1760, on becoming Professor of Divinity and minister of Greyfriars. I). D., King's Coll., 1761. Moderator of Gen. Assembly, 1764. Professor of Divinity, King's Coll., 1771. Died 1795. Was instrumental in bringing about the fixing of the Classes in 1753. In 1755 his Plan of Education in the Marischal Coll. and University of Aberdeen, tcith the reasons of it, was printed by order of the Faculty. (German translation pubd. at Riga, 1770. See also George Kerr's Examination of a pamphlet entitled ' Plan of Education, etc.,' Aherd., iSzf).) His other works are well known. Married, 14th June, 1757, Jean Wight, with issue: Marjory (vn. Patrick Campbell of Stracathro , Gilbert 'his successor at King's Coll.', .■Mexander, John, Jane, and Margaret Helen 1 m. James Cruickshank of Langley Park). I'ortrait in pos- session of University. Together with James Heattie, George Campbell, John Gregory, Thomas Reid, and David Skene, founded the Philosophical Society of Aberdeen. fSee ^facmillan's .^/<'^^ for Sept., 1863.) 1753, Auj^. 21. William Duncan. In place of Verner. Son of deceased William Duncan of Atrochy. M..\., 1735. Had attended some divinity cjasses, but became a professional author in London. Commission dated, like Gerard's, i.Sth May, 1752, but on ist Nov., certified by two physicians to be unable to undertake the journey to Aberdeen, and David Burn, preacher of the Gospel, appointed to conduct his class. Drowned while bathing, 12th May, 17^10. .Author of I.o^ic (in Dods- ley's "Preceptor"), Lond., 1748, etc.; Csesar's Commentaries, trans., Lond., 1753, etc. ; Discourse on Roman art of war, Lond., 1755 ; editions of Greek New Test, and .Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary ; Cicero's .Select Orations, trans., Lond., 1771 ; also probably of Vol. 11. of Watson's Horace, and of several translations from the French. (Biog. sketch, not very accurate, in .Scottish Rcf^ister, Vol. I.) By minute of Senatus, of date nth January, 1753, the subjects and classes had been fixed as follows : — Francis Skene, professor of Civil and Natural History (semis). William Duncan, professor of Natural Philosophy (tertians). 46 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1753, Aug. 21. Alexander Gerard, professor of Moral Philosophy and Logic (magistrands;. A programme of the classes as thus arranged appeared in the Aberdeen Journal of 2nd Oct. The King's College professors, while adopting the altered sequence of subjects, adhered to the old system of circulating regents. This, it is understood, was due to the authority of Dr. Thomas Reid, who gave it a decided preference. The grounds on which so enlightened a teacher de- fended a practice that once extensively prevailed are interesting. The minutes embodying them are quoted in the present ed'xiov's Arts Curriculum, Ah&vd., 1892, p. 13. See aX&o Abstract of sonic orders and statutes of King's College, Aberd., 1753. 1758, March 7. \\'illiani Kennedy, professor of Greek. In place of Blackwell. Son of the Rev. Hugh Kennedy, one of the ministers of the Scots Church, Rotterdam. M. A., 1754. Student of divinity. Died 14th November, 1782. 1760, Oct. 8. James Beattie, professor of moral philosophy and logic. In place of Gerard. Son of James Beattie, farmer, Laurencekirk. First bursar, 1749; M.A., 1753; LL.D., King's Coll., 1770; D.C.L., Oxon., 1773. Married, 28th June, 1767, Mary Dun, with issue : James Hay (infra), and Montagu. Died i8th Aug., 1803. His numerous writings are well known, the only one explicitly for the use of his students being Scoticisms, Aberd., 1778. Portrait (in the allegorical painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds), in the possession of the University, reproduced in the great window, Mitchell Hall, Mar. Coll., and in this volume. (Bower's Life; Forbes' Life; Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Sir W. D. Geddes' Poetic ideals of education.) 1760, Oct. 8. George Skene, professor of natural philosophy. In place of Duncan. Son of Regent Francis Skene (supra). M.A., 1755. M.D. Married, 26th October, 1769, Margaret, daughter of Charles Gordon of Abergeldie, with issue : John, Francis, Amelia (m. Capt. Edmund Filmer), Mary, Charles (Prof, of Medicine, infra), Mary Anne, Elizabeth, Margaret (m. Arthur Anderson of Deebank, now Newton Dee), Andrew, William, Alison. Succeeded his father as professor of civil and natural history, 1775. 1775- George Skene, professor of civil and natural history. This transference is not entered in the Reg. of Pres. Demitted office 1788, and died 25th March, 1803. Portrait in possession of University. 1775, March 25. Patrick Copland, professor of natural philosophy. In place of George Skene, transferred, whom he had assisted during session 1774-75. Son of Rev. Samuel Copland, D.D., minister of Fintray. M.A., 1766. Appointed Professor of Mathematics, 1779, but taught that subject in reality for only one session. See 1817, infra. 1779, June 18. Robert Hamilton, professor of natural philosophy. In place of Copland, transferred. Son of Gavin Hamilton, bookseller, and grandson of Principal William Hamilton, Edinburgh. Rector of Perth REGENTS. 47 Academy I-L.P., i:din., 1775. Kxchangcd duties with Copland in 17S0, but not until 1S17 formally appointed Professor of Mathematics, p. 54. 17S2, Dec. 9. John Stuart, professor of Oreek. In place of Kennedy, for whom he had acted as substitute, 17S1-2. Son of John Stuart of Inchbreck. Alumnus, 1767. Studied Law and Divinity. Married, 26th April, 1787, Margaret, daughter of George Mowatt, merchant, .Aberdeen, with issue : John, Marjory, Mary, George Andrew, Alexander, Charles. Died 27th August, 1827. Tauj^ht in part from 1815, and wholly from 1818, by deputies, viz. : — 1815-18. .Alexander Black, afterwards professor of divinity, p. 52. 1818-20. Alexander Leith Ross, died March, 1S21. 1820-22. Robert Reid. 1822-23. Robert Reid and Robert ' Machray. 1823-24. Robert ' Machray. 1824-27. Robert Reid. Stuart was author of Li/c 0/ Dr. Duncan Liddel, .Aberd., 1790 (repr. in Aher- dun Miifi., 1796); " Marischal College" in Sinclair's Statistical Account, Vol. 21, Edinb., 1799; Essays, chiefly on Scottish Antiquities, Aberd., 1846. Portrait by John Moir in possession of Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society, which he helped to found. 1 Life prefixed to Essays.) 1787, Sept. 28. James Hay Heattie. .Appointed assistant and successor to his father, the preamble of the Com- mission citing "the advanced period of life of James Beattie ". M.A., 1786. Died 19th Nov., 1790. .Author q{ Essays ami fragments, Edin., 1794; Sylla- bus of Versification, .Aberd.. 1795; Miscellanies, Lond., 1799- (Life by his father, 1792; portrait engraved, 1801.) First winner of the Silver Fen. 1788, May 10. William Mor^'an, professor of civil and natural history. In place of George Skene. Son of George Morgan. Late rector of Kingston, Jamaica. H.I)., King's Coll., 1780. Married to Martha Jopping. with issue (alive at his admission , James Gordon. Died 2nd Sept., so that he never taught. 1788, Oct. 22. James Beattie, professor of civil and natural history. In place of Morgan. Son of David Beattie. Laurencekirk, and nephew of Dr. James Beattie. M..A., 1783. Married, 5th June. 1794. Jane Inncs, with issue : James. David, .Anne, .Alexander, Jean. John. Died 5th Oct., 1810. " Ewen Maclachlan in November published two poems in his memory " (Knight). 1796, Sept. 30. Georf^e Glennie, professor of moral philosophy. Assistant and successor "on account of the advanced period of life " of Dr. James Beattie. Son of Dr. John Glennie. minister of Maryculter. M..A.. 1786. Entered on the full charge when Dr. Beattie died m 1S03. One of ' William in Knight's MS. The name is not minuted. 48 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. ministers of Aberdeen, in "conjunction, from 1813. D.D., 1816. Married, 4th July, 1797, Margaret Valentine, niece of Dr. Beattie, with issue: Jane (m. Pro- fessor William Knight), James Beattie, Marj^ (m. Professor Patrick Forbes of King's College), Margaret (d. in nine days), Margaret, John, George, Helen. Died gth November, 1845. Had latterly taught by deputies : - 1840. James Duirs, M.A. 1841-43. Alexander Bain, M.A., 1840, afterwards Prof, of Logic in the University of Aberdeen. 1844. Rev. William R. Pirie, Prof of Divinity. 1845. William Fraser, alumnus of Edinburgh. 181 1 [?J Robert Renny. In place of James Beattie, younger. Minister of Kilsyth. DD., 1808. Unani- mously recommended by the Faculty, 23rd Nov., 1810, and duly gazetted to the post, but on 2nd April, 181 1, wrote that, " owing to unforeseen and peculiar cir- cumstances originating in the present perplexed state of commercial credit in that part of the country where he now resides, which prevent him from arranging his private affairs, so as to enable him in due time to assume and discharge the office to which he had been appointed, he had thought it expedient to intimate his resignation to the Faculty ". {Min. of loth April.) On 6th May, the Faculty recommend Dr. James Davidson by the casting vote of the Prin- cipal, four members voting for William Knight, who had conducted the classes, by appointment of the Facult}', during session 1810-11. 181 1, July I. James Davidson, professor of civil and natural history. In place of Renny. M.D., Edin., 1792. Hon. M.A., King's Coll., 1811. Physician at Dunfermline. Married 2ndly, 3rd Nov., 1811, Charlotte Johnston, with issue: Elizabeth, Christian, David, James Johnston, Laurence, John Rankin, Margaret, Charlotte, William Adam, Robert Halkerston, Andrew. Died igth Feb., 1841. Classes had been taught, 1838-41, by a substitute, John Shier, M.A. (p. 59). (Riddell's Aberdeen and its folk.) 1817, July g. Patrick Copland, professor of natural philosophy. In place of Hamilton, demitted. Copland and Hamilton had (with the ap- proval of the Faculty and Magistrates) exchanged their duties on i6th Nov., 1780, but the formal exchange of chairs was only now made. When the exchange was arranged in 1816, the Faculty recommended to the Crown the joint appointment of Professor Copland's son, John, as assistant and successor to his father; but this was found incompetent. Copland was made LL.D., 27th June, 1817. He married, 27th Sept., 1787, Elizabeth Ogilvie, with issue: Alexander, John, Charles, Mary (m. Alexander Murchison, M.D.). Died loth Nov., 1822. His collection of apparatus purchased for 700 guineas by the college. (Knight's MSS., quoted in Scot. N. and Q., I., 124.) 1823, Feb. 20. William Knight, professor of natural philosophy. In place of Copland. Son of William Knight, bookseller.- M.A., 1802; REGENTS. 49 LL.n., 1S17. Had taught semi class of 1810-11 ; and extra-mural classes of b(»tany and chemistry, iSii-if); Professor of natural philosophy, Academical Institution, Belfast, 1816-22. In September, 1822, Copland offered to resign if a presentation could be secured for Knight, and the Faculty unanimously re- commended him for the post. On 2gth Oct., he was appointed to teach the class during the ensuing session. Copland died loth Nov., and Knight was gazetted 26th Nov. Resumed the teaching of botany in 1823, and in 1827 was appointed lecturer on that subject by the joint Medical School, infra. Married, 17th Sept., 1821, Jane, daughter of Professor Glennie, with issue: Margaret, Janet, Jean, George, William, Mary. Died 3rd December, 1844. Author o( Heads of a course of lectures, Aberd., 181 1 ; Outlines of botany, Aberd., 1813, 1828; Facts towards a new theory of the earth, Edin., 1818 ; The first day in heaven, Lond., 1820; " Mari- schal Coll. " in Netc Statist. Accl., Kdin., 1845. His MS. Collections have been of immense service in the preparation of these volumes. {Diet. Nat. liiof;. ; Masson's '' Men I have Known " in Macmillan's Mag., Vol. g; Bain's " Recol- lections " in .{Ima Mater, V'ol. 6 ; Aberdeen and its folk ; Brown's Bookstall.) 1827, Dec. II. Robert James Brown, professor of Greek. In place of Stuart: unanimously recommended by the Faculty. Son of Principal W. L. Brown. M..\., 1808. Minister of Drumblade, 1821-27. Moderator of F. C. .Assembly, 1846. Married, 14th Sept., 1829, Jane Stronach, without issue. Retired, on the union of the Universities in i860, and died 7th December, 1872. Portrait by Philip, in F. C. Coll., Aberd. 1841, May 17. William Macj^illivra}', professor of ci\il and natural history. In place of Davidson. M..\.. King's Coll., 1815; LL.D., King's Coll., 1844. Married, Marion McCaskill, with issue: John, Isabella, Williamina Craigie, Marion McCaskill (m. William Jamieson), .Anne Dorothea, I'aul Howard, Audubon Felix, Caroline Mary, Margaret Christina, William Norman. Died 5th Sept., 1852. His numerous ornithological and other works are well known. {Diet. Nat. Biog.) 1845, March 7. David Gray, professor of natural philosophy. In place of Knight. The class during the remainder of session 1844-5 had been taught by .Alexander Bain (see under 17961. Gray was Rector of Royal .Academy, Inverness, 1839-45. Married, Margaret Jane Brown, with issue : Thomas David, Frances Downie, John Roubel, Catherine Roubel, George, Mary Clementina, Marion Hannah, Margaret Jane. Died loth Febr., 1856. Author of /«/r()(/Mf/rtry lecture on yd Nov., Aberd., 1846, 1848; On the grammar school curriculum, .Aberd., 1854 ; Letter on the advantages of a mathematical training [1854]. 1846, .April 15. William Martin, professor of moral philosophy and logic. In place of Glennie. M.A., St. And., 1837; LL.D., St. And., 186S. On the union of the I'niversities in i860, became professor of moral philosophy in the G 50 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. University of Aberdeen. Retired 1876. Married, i8th Oct., 1886, Annie May, daughter of late Rev. William Beattie, minister of Evie and Rendall. Died i8th February, i8go. Author of Modern infidelity, Aberd., 1848 ; Is man responsible for his belief? Aberd., 1849; Notes on the foundation and history of Marischal College, Aberd., 1849 ; The Bible in its relations to the present age, Aberd., 1851 ; British infidelity : its aspects and prospects, Edinb., 1852 ; Creed and circumstance, Glasg., 1854 ; On the argument of Butler in his Analogy, Aberd., 1855 ; Relations of' Christian revelation to science ; Note to Garley's Submission and its reu'ard, Lond., 1863 ; Moral evidence and its relation to religion, Aberd., 1868. {Records of Arts Class, 1868-72, 2nd ed., 1892.) 1853, Sept. 15. James Nicol, professor of civil and natural history. In place of Macgillivray. Son of Rev. James Nicol, minister of Traquair. Studied Arts and Divinity at Edinburgh, and mineralogy at Berlin and Bonn. Assistant Sec, Geological Societj', 1847-49. Professor of Geology and Miner- alogy, Queen's Coll., Cork, 1849-53. On the union of the Universities in i860, became professor of natural history in the University of Aberdeen. Retired 1878, and died 8th April, 1879. Married, 7th Sept., 1849, Alexandrina Anne Macleay Downie, without issue. Portrait in possession of Mrs. Nicol. A bibliography of his numerous writings will be found in Records of A rts Class, 1868-72, 2nd ed. (Diet. Nat. Biog.) 1856, Aug. ig. James Clerk Maxwell, professor of natural philosophy. In place of Gray. Son of John Clerk (Maxwell), Midlothian. Second wrangler, 1854. On the union of the Universities in i860, he demitted office. Married, 2nd June, 1858, Catherine Mary, daughter of Principal Dewar. Died 5th Nov., 1879. His writings are among the classics of Natural Philosophy. {Life by Campbell and Garnett. Diet. Nat. Biog.) 1625, Dec. 21. Robert Haron. M.A., St. And. ; D.I)., Kinj^'s Coll., 1627. Minister of CI rty friars, which he held in conjunction. I'rcviously Re};ent at St. .Vndrcw.s, and minister of Keith. One of the "Aberdeen Doctors". Died iijth Auj;., idjy. Author of Philoso- phia tluologiiw ancilUins, Andreap., 1O21, etc. ; Posit iums, Andreap., 1621 ; De fonmili objcdo fiiifi, Abred., 1627 ; Theses lluulogiaie, Abred., 1630 ; Apodixis cat hoi ha, Abred., i6ji ; Oh the arrival of King Charles, Abcrd., 1633; Disputatio theologtca, .\bred., 1633 ; Metaphysica, Lu};d. Bat., 1654. /\ sermon in l-"orbes" I'uneriils. {l-'ttiurals, ed. 1S45. (lordon's .SV('/.s Affairs, III., 23O.J MSS. in University Library. 1649, June 6. John Men;iies.- Freviously rej^ent, p. 34. Minister of (ireyfriars in conjunction. Died ist Feb., 1684. Author oi Britannia rediviva, Aberd., i6t)o; Papismus luci/ugiis, Aberd., 1668; Roma ntenda.x, Lond., 1075; Sermon at funeral of Dr. Alexander Fraser, Edin.. lOSi. (Scott's I'asti.) 1684, June 4. Patrick Sibbald. One of the ministers of Aberdeen since i()<)(). Rector since 1^79, p. 13. D.D., 16H4 (Scott j. Held Greyfriars in conjunction. "No wife nor child" {Poll Book). Died i6«j7. I'ortrait in possession of University. 1697, Dec. 22. James Osborne. .Alumnus of Cllasj^ow. Previously minister, Kilmarnock and Aberdeen. Died 171 1. Ihe appointment not in the Reg. if I'res. 171 1, Dec. iS. Thomas Hlackwell. .Mumnus of Glas};ow. Previously minister, I'aisley and Aberdeen. Is ad- mitted '* Professor of Divinity and Lecturer in the Gray Frier Church of the said Colledge " {Keg. of P res.). Held the Principalship (p. 29J in conjunction from 1717. Died 17.1^. 1728, Auj^. 8. James Chalmers. M..\., 1705. Previously minister, Dyke and Aberdeen. Died 6th Oct., J744. Son of Hu);h, bajan ihfti, and brother of Alexander, M..\., 1699. (P. H. Chalmers' Memorandum.) ' The circumstances attending the foundation of the Divinity chair are detailed in Vol. I., pp. 159-180. The patronage was exercised by the Town Council down to the union of the Universities in i86o. "^ For abortive nominations of James Wood and John Seaton, see Vol. I., p. 179. (51) 52 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1745, August 28. Robert Pollock. ^LA., Edinburgh, 1725 ; D.D., Mar. Coll., 1753. Previously minister of Duddingston. Held the Principalship (sM/>rfl) in conjunction from 1757. Died i8th May, 1759. Mr. Frederick Carmichael, minister of Inveresk, had been nominated by the Council, 24 Nov., 1744, but declined (T. C. Reg., Ixi., 184). 1760, June II. Alexander Gerard. Previously regent, supra. D.D., 1761. Demitted in 1771, on appointment to Divinity Chair, King's Coll. 1771, Aug. 7. George Campbell. Principal, supra. Demitted the professorship 2nd June, 1795. and died 6th April, 1796. 1795, August 12. William Laurence Brown. Principal next year, supra. Died nth May, 1830. 1831, Oct, 20. Alexander Black. Son of deceased Alexander Black, Aberdeen. First bursar, 1S03 ; M.A., 1807 ; D.D., 1824. Minister of Tarves, 1818-31. Married, gth November, 1826, Rachel Booth, with issue : Alexander, George Hamilton Gordon,' Helen Forsyth. Demitted 14th June, 1843, on joining the Free Church. 1843, Dec. 30. William Robinson Pirie. Son of Rev. George Pirie, D.D., minister of Slains. D.D., 1844. Minister of Grey friars, 1846-47. On union of Universities in i860, became Professor of Church History in the University of Aberdeen ; Moderator of General Assembly, 1864 ; Principal of the University, 1877. Married, 24th March, 1842, Mar- garet Chalmers, daughter of Rev. Lewis Wm. Forbes, D.D., minister of Bo- harm, with issue : George (Prof, of Maths., Univ. of Aberd.), Penelope Eliza- beth, May Forbes (m. R. B. Thomson), Margaret Forbes (m. T. A. W. A. Youngson), Lewis James, William Robinson, Charles Lockhart, Charlotte Lockhart Baird, Benjamin Abernethy Gordon, Annie. Died 1885. A list of his writings will be found in the present editor's notice in Did. Nat. Biog. See also In Memoriam W. R. Pirie, Abd., 1889. I'koFHSSOKS ()!■ MA 11 HEMATICS.' 1626, May 3. William Johnston. Youngest son of (■icor};c Johnston ol that Ilk and Caskiebtn, and younger brother of Arthur Johnston, the Latin poet. M.D. According to W. Smith's Oratioy p. 24, he had been a professor at Sedan ; but he is not mentioned in Charles Peyran's Hist, dc I'acad. dc Sedan, and has probably been confused with his elder brother. Died June, 1640. His widow a benefactor, Vol. I., p. 246. His scattered poems have not yet been collected. *• He wrote on the Mathematicks." (Cat. Scot. Writ. MSS. in Univ. Libr.) Portrait by Jamesone in possession of University. (W.Johnston's Giiuul. .lici.i Hajan 1605. 1641, Jan. 13. William Moir. Late bailie. Also Principal. 1649, p. 2S. liajan 11)14. 1661, July 3. Duncan Liddell. Son of John Liddell, brother of the founder of the Chair. " He taught Geometry, Navigation, Gunnery, for several years in London, and dyed in Aberdein, being very aged " (Cd/. 5ro/. IVrit.). "Jean Montgumorie, relict " {Poll Book). Bajan 1630. 1687, Nov. 29. George Liddell. As assistant and successor to his father. " The principall masters and members of the said Colledge having assigned and appoynted to him this day for giving ane publict evidence of his ingyne and knowledge of the said science in their common schooll, and which the said master George did ther publictlie give cfter ten of the cloak and ringing of the great bell of the Colledge, in their presence and als in presence of the said's magistrats, the most pairt of the doctors and ministers of the said burghe and many others then present, to all of their great contentments and satisfactiones and with their great and vnanimous approbatione. ... In token whairof the said principall for him- self and in name of the rest of the masters and members of the said Colledge instantly delyvered to the said master George Liddell Eucleid's book of Mathematicks and the sphericall globe in his hands as vsc is " (/^<•^^ of Pres.). " No wife, child, nor servant " {Poll Book). Deprived by the Commission of 1716. Tertian 1683. ' The circumstances attending the foundation of the Mathematical Chair arc detailed in Vol. I., pp. 131-148. The patronage was exercised by the Town Council down to the union of the Universities in 1S60. (53) 54 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1717, Sept. 30. Colin Maclaurin. M.A., Glasg., 1713, aged 15. F.R.S., 1719. Appointed 1725, on the recom- mendation of Sir Isaac Newton, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh. Portrait in Smith's Icon. Scot. {Diet. Nat. Biog.) 1727, Sept. 4. John Stewart. Son of Robert Stewart, late provost. M.A., 1726. Married, 8th Sept., 1847, Jean Gordon, with issue : Robert, Margaret, Annabella, John, Jean, Caroline, James, Charles. Died 13th March, 1766. (See Scots Mag., XXVIII., 167.) Translator of Newton's Tracts on Quadrature of Curves and Analysis by Series, Lond., 1745. College nickname, "John Triangles " (Knight). 1766, Oct. 29. William Traill. Son of William Traill, minister of St. Monans. M.A., Glasg., 1766. LL.D., Mar. Coll., 1774. Dr. John Garioch, physician in Aberdeen, admitted assistant and successor nth Sept., 1776, but died 12th March, 1777 (Verses in Aberd. Jour., 17th March). Traill resigned 6th April, 1779, obtaining preferment in the Church of Ireland. Died 3rd Febr., 1831. Author of Elements of Algebra, Aberd., 1770, etc.; Life of Robert Siinsoii, Lond., 1812. 1779, April 17. Patrick Copland. Previously professor of natural philosophy, supra. 1817, July g. Robert Hamilton. Previously professor of natural philosophy, supra. Married, ist, Ann Mitchell, with issue : Anne Archibald, Helen (m. Andrew Thomson of Ban- chory), Marion (m. Rev. Robert Swan); 2nd, 8th Oct., 1782, Jean Morison. Died 14th July, 1829. His numerous mathematical and economic writings are well known. Portraits by Moir of Professor and Mrs. Hamilton in possession of University. 1817, July 9. John Cruickshank. Son of James Cruickshank, Rothiemay. M.A., 1809 ; LL.D., 1834. Assistant and successor to Professor Hamilton, whom he had privately as- sisted for three years past. Had been examined by Professors Hamilton and Copland, together with Professors Paul and Tulloch, of King's College, who reported him " fully competent to teach Mathematics in any University". Suc- ceeded to the full charge, 1829 ; retired i860, on the union of the Universities. Married, 22nd October, 1818, Janet Mitchell, with issue: Alexander (M.A., 1840; LL.D., 1882), Anne Hamilton, John Forbes (M.A., 1840: died young). Died loth Nov., 1875. Portrait by Sir John Watson Gordon in possession of his son. Dr. Alexander Cruickshank, reproduced in this volume. (Ogilvie's Joint Cruickshank.) i'kc)i'i:ssc)i J. Kolxrt Kattray. M.D.. Kind's Coll.. 1S45. substitute, scsbion 1845-46. I'^rancis Ogston : Medical Jurisprudence. Professor, 1S57, p. 64. .Alexander Harve)- : Institutes of Medicine. Hon. M..\., 1841); M.D., lidin., 1835. Did not be^in to lecture till 1840-41. (.\/»«. of Z()ih Oct., 1839.) Lecturer, King's Coll., 1849. Professor of Materia Medica, Univ. of Aberd., i860. Bust in possession of University. Sept. 30. William McKinnon : Comparative Anatomy. M.A., 1832; M.n., Kdin., 1836. Remitted 8th Feb., 1840, on election "to an Institution in Edinburgh ". Oct. 30. James Jamieson : .Midwifery. L.R.C.S. Ed. Resigned in bad health, 29th April, 184 1. 1840, .\pril 4. John Shier : Botany. M..\., 1S31 ; LL.D., 1845. Assistant to Professor Davidson, and I''ordyce Lecturer on .Agriculture. Hiog. sketch bv I'rofessor Main in Trans., Aberd. Phil. Soc, Vol. I. .Appointment became void ne.xt year, when Professor Macgillivray undertook to teach a Botanical Class, See p. 73. at Marischal College— the other Courses at King's or Marischal Colleges, as may be agreed on by the Committee." This entry did not appear in the corresponding Marischal College Minute of igth May, 1818, but was duly intimated by King's College to the Commissioners of 1826-30. {Evidence, IV., 180.) On 2oth November, 1838, Mar. Coll. resolved to enquire of King's Coll. " whether they possess any original paper from which the regulations in their minute of 6th July, 1818, were copied ". King's Coll. not unnaturally resented this enquiry as equivalent to demanding a proof that their records " had not been vitiated ". A copy of the ten regulations in the hand- writing of Dr. Skene was produced by King's Coll. ; but " only two gentlemen who had a share in the business of this (Marischal, University in 1818 arc now alive and their recollec- tions do not supply any information respecting the tenth article ". On nth April, 1831), the King's Coll. Senatus unanimously resolved " that .ill connection with the Marischal College in reference to the Medical School shall cease from and after the close of the Session," it being " inexpedient and even dangerous to maintain any further inter- course with Marischal College respecting the Medical School, when the letter and spirit of the original agreement have been so palp.ibly violated ". The Mar. Coll. Senatus, while denying " the allegation that they have violated either the letter or the spirit of the original agreement," and finding " a much nearer resemblance to a violation of that agreement in the refusal by members of King's College or its Senatus to sanction the usual advertisement of the Medical Cla.sses," unanimously resolved, on nth July, "that the agreement entered into by the two Colleges in 1818 in regard to the Medical School and all the arrangements de- pending upon that agreement are terminated ". Extracts from their Records were printed by both Colleges. 70 MARISCHAL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. 1 84 1, June 21. Robert Dyce : Midwifery. iM.A., 1816. ; ^LD., 1821. Professor, Univ. of Aberd., i860. 1845, Nov. 8. Robert Jamieson : Mental Diseases. M.A., 1835 ; M.D., Edin., 1839. Not a permanent lectureship. 1849, July 7. George Ogilvie : Institutes of Medicine. M.A., 1838 ; M.D., Edin., 1842. Professor of Physiologj', Univ. of Aberd., i860. Afterwards George Ogilvie-Forbes of Boyndlie. 1849, Sept. 20. John Forbes Ogilvie : Insanity. M,A., 1840 ; M.D., Edin., 1S44. Not a permanent lectureship. 1853, April 8. Wyville Thomson : Botany. On the death of Professor Macgillivray, Professor Nicol preferring not to teach Botany. Mr. Thomson had been lecturer on Botany in King's Coll. since 1851. Afterwards Professor in Cork, Belfast, and Edinburgh. Knighted 1876. 1854, April 17. William Rhind : Botany. 1855, February 10. Robert Beveridge : Botany. M.A., 1843 ; M.B., 1847. LECTURERS ON SCOTS LAW ^ AND CONVEYANCING. i8ig, Oct. 4. Andrew Robertson. .Advocate in .Aberdeen, iiSoj. Had been nominated by the Society of .Advocates, 21st Jan., 1S19. Demitted 13th Sept., iHzi, on appointment as Sherift-substitute of Forfarshire. 1821, Nov. I. Alexander Thomson. M.A., 1813. Advocate in Aberdeen, 1818. Had been nominated by the Society, 20th Sept., 1821. Resigned 21st May, 1828. 1828, June 24. James Edmond. Alumnus, iSii. .Advocate in Aberdeen, 1821. Had been nominated by the Society, 7th June, 182S. Resigned 21st January, 1843. Brother of Francis Edmond, long legal adviser to the University. 184J, Mar. II. George Grub. M.A., King's Coll., 1856 (Class of 1829); LL.D., Abcrd., 1864. Advocate in Aberdeen, 1836. Had been nominated by the Society, loth Feb., 1843. Became, in i860. Substitute for Professor Patrick Davidson, Civilist in King's Coll., since 1833, and on his death, in 1881, succeeded to the Chair of Law. Retired 1891. Died 1892. Author of EccUs. Hist. 0/ Scotland, Edinb., 1861 ; etc. Portrait by Sir George Reid in possession of University. ' Lectureship founded by the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen. See Vol. I., p. 489. Their request to grant the title of " Professor " is taken nd avizniitium by the I'aculty. David Verner. Regent, had t.iught Law in 1724, and I'rancis Skene in 1766, pp. 40, 44. (71) LECTURERS ON PRACTICAL RELIGION.^ 1825, June g. William Laurence Brown. Principal, p. 30. His Introductory Lecture, delivered 22nd Nov., "before the honourable the magistrates of the citj^, a considerable number of the clergy, all the professors, lecturers and students, of every denomination, of Marischal College, and many most respectable gentlemen inhabitants," printed, Aberd., 1826. 1830, Novemb. 12. Robert James Brown, Professor of Greek, p. 49. Nominated by Trustees, 30th Oct. 1831, Novemb. 18. Alexander Black. Professor of Divinity, p. 52. Nominated by Trustees, 29th Oct. 1844, January 6. William Robinson Pirie. Professor of Divinity, p. 52. Nominated by Trustees, 2nd January. ' Lectureship founded by John Gordon of Murtle. See Vol. I., p. 489. (72) LFXTURERS ON AGRICULTURE.^ 1840, March 2. John Shier. Substitute for Professor Davidson, pp. 48, 6g. 1845, Nov. 29. Professor Andrew F'yfe. Kint;'s Coll. At same time substitute for Prof. Clark, pp. 58-9. 1846-47. Vacant. 1848, June 17. John Smith. Substitute for Professor Clark. 1852. \'acant. 1853, June 20. James Smith Brazier. Substitute for Professor Clark. Acted as lecturer down to the union of the Colleges, and thereafter for two Sessions, when he became Professor of Chemistry. ' Lectureship founded by Sir William Fordyce. Sec Vol. I., p. 452. (73) LIBRARIANS/ 1632, Feb. 8. Robert Downy. Appointed by the Town Council. Son of William Downy, Banchor}', and nephew of Secretary Thomas Reid (p. 31). M.A., King's Coll., 1623 ; M.D. (Scott's Fasti). Minister of Futtie, 165-. Died 1663. Author of Scotorum Elogium, Aberd., 1641, and Verses in Forbes' Funerah ; also (ace. to Cat. Scot. Writ.) of Poems dedicated to the Earl of Kinnoul. 1663, Nov. 4. David Gregor}'. Of Kinnairdie, son of John Gregory of Drumoak. See Table of Gregory family in Vol. I., p. 203. Bajan, 1641. 1669, Jan. g. Thomas Gray. Regent, p. 37. Appointed by the Council. Drew up the earliest extant Catalogue. 1673, Oct. 30. Robert Paterson. Regent, p. 37. Appointed h\ the College. 1717, Oct. 18. Thomas Blackwell. The younger. Professor of Greek, 1723, p. 42. Presentation to be biblio- thecar all the daj^s of his father's life, signed by Principal and four regents. " Shewn me by Mrs. C. Ross " (Knight. See S. N. and Q., V., 187). 1729. Matthew McKaile. Regent in this year, p. 43. Styled keeper of Library in Min. of 24th Apr., when every M.A. is enjoined to pa)' ;^4 Scots to the Library. 1733- Thomas Reid. Great-great-great-grandson of Robert, elder brother of Secretary Thomas Reid. M.A., 1726; D.D., 1762. Minister of New Machar, 1737; Regent, King's Coll., 1751 ; Prof, of Mor. Phil., Glasgow, 1764. Portrait by Raeburn in possession of Mr. A. J. Forbes Leith of Fyvie, reproduced in this volume, and in the great window, Mitchell Hall, Mar. Coll. (Diet. Nat. Biog.) '^7d>7- John Skene. M.A., 1733. Younger brother of Professor Francis Skene (Skene Mf/«onfl/s). Dismissed in 1750 as "guilty of very great negligence": Prof. Skene, his cautioner, to pay the value of books lost. ^ See Vol. L, p. 200 ; also the present editor's Hist. Notes on the Libraries of the Universities of Aberdeen, Aberd., 1893. Principal Dun seems to have acted as custodian of the Liddell and Reid Collections till 1632. (74) LIHKAKIANS. 75 1750. Professor Francis Skene. 1754, 7th March. 1 he iour icf;cnts to be Librarians lor three years each, in order of seniority, on account ol the sniallness of their salaries ; but Prof. Skene to retain office for seven years " until he be indemnified for the loss he has incurred ". 1761. Professor Alexander (lerard. 1764. Professor William Kenned}-. 1767. Professor George Skene. 1770. Professor James Beattie. 1773. Professor Francis Skene (d. 13th I'^cb., 1775) 1775. Professor William Kennedy. 1778. Professor George Skene. 1781. Professor James Beattie. 1784. Professor Robert Hamilton. 1787. Professor John Stuart. 1791. Professor James Beattie. Junr. 1794. Professor James Beattie. 1796. Professor Robert Hamilton. 1799. Professor John Stuart. 1802. I^rofessor James Beattie, Junr. 1805. Professor George Glennie. 1808. Professor Robert Hamilton. 181 1. Professor John Stuart. 181 4. Professor George Glennie. 1817. Professor James l)a\ids()n. 1820. Professor Robert Hamilton. 1823. Professor John Stuart. 1826. Professor George Glennie. 1829. Professor James Davidson. 1832. Professor William Knight. 1835. Professor Robert James Brown, 1838. Professor George Glennie. 1841. Professor William Knight. Superintended the transference of the books to the new Library, and began a new MS. Catalogue. 1844-60. Professor John Cruickshank. In 1845, paid ^45 for trouble in rearranKinR books. In 1851. reported that he had spent 1200 hours in arran^inj; books after the fire of 1845. and in corr»- pleting the Catalogue begun by Professor Knight. SACRISTS.^ 1595. Andrew Leslie. " Portar of the college ... to ring ilk Wednesday at tua houris efter none the Gray Freris bell." (T. C. Reg., xxxvi., 436.) 1652. John Thomson. Porter. Stipend or fee, £16 scots (Accts.). 1653-61. Thomas Anderson. Porter. Stipend, £16 scots (Accts.). 1678. William Gordon. Porter. Stipend, £1^ 6s. (Accts.). His relict, Margaret Hastie, receives several sums, 1686-7. 1684, Oct. 29. William Main. " At the Marischall Colledge 29 Oct 1684 " The which day compeired William Main, Bouer, burges of Abd, and pro- duced an presentation from an noble and potent lord George Earle Marischall, Lord Keith and Altrie, undoubted patron of the sd. Colledge, to be Janitor in the sd. Colledge ; the which presentation the Prinll. and Regents did accept, and having found him qualified for the sd. office and given him the oath de fideli administratione, did admitt him to the sd. office and to all the profeits therof. In witnes wherof we have subt. thir pnts wt. our hands tyme and place forsd {Bulk of Reg.) "[signed] Ro Paterson, principall." In 1697, Main is designated Sacrist. A year after he was appointed Janitor, we find him mortifying some house property towards the support of a bursar of his own kin, the augmentation of the salaries of the Principal and Regents, and the reparation of the fabric of the College (Vol. I., p. 328). John Davidson appears, 1688-1720, as " porter," a term now used to denote the sacrist's subordinate ; so Alexander Brebner, under-porter, 1706-20, and porter, 1720-47. John Gibb, porter, 1747-53. Other under-porters were : James Walker, 1709; Peter Robertson, 1713 ; James Silver, 1739; Samuel Duncan, 1744. 1719. William Fowler. Died 1753. ' This term does not occur in the Foundation Charter, but every student is directed to pay two shillings yearly to the " communis apparitor " or " bedellus ". (76) SACRISTS. 77 1753, April 10. John (iibb. Died 1788. (See an amusing elegy in CaUdoniau Miif^., March, 1789.) Robert Duncan, porter 175J-S1 ; John Arthur, porter 1781-88. 1788, Sept. 6. John Arthur. Died i8o8. GeorRC Pirie, porter 1788-1808. Election of sacrist and porter in future to be annual. 1808, Feb. 26. George Pirie. Died i8j7, "agood servant" (Knight). James Hain, porter 1808, "repri- manded and cautioned 1815," "general conduct complained of and repro- bated " 1819, '• unanimously dismissed " 1826. James Diack, porter 1826- iS37- 1837, Sept. 16. James Diack. Died 1S43. John Cooper, pbrter 1837-43, had been sub-porter 1836-7. 1843, April 7. John Cooper. Died 1S73. John Colvin, porter 1843, succeeded Cooper as Sacrist at Marischal College in 1S73; at King's Coll., 1879; resigned 1891 ; died 1895; portrait by A. D. Keid in possession of University. (See '■^ John," his pilf^rimaf^e and his portraii, Aberd., 1892.) The reign of John Cooper and John Colvin extended over fifty-four years ; that of John Thomson, John Smith, and John Begg, at King's College, over sixty-six years; so that the name John came to be regarded as a generic vocative for all college servants. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BC LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals onlv- Tel. 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