B fe^.^ 4 c: Bor-' TREATISE ON THE LAW OF PROMISSORY NOTES BILLS OF EXCHANGE. BY THEOPHILUS PARSONS, LL.D. DANE PROFESSOR OF LAW IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY, AND AUTHOR OF TREATISES ON THE lAW OF CONTRACTS, ON THE ELEMENTS OF MERCANTILE LAW, ON MARITIME LAW, AND THE LAWS OF BUSINESS FOR BUSINESS MFJJ. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. PHILADELPHTA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1 S 7 0. 9>4^9s2> A V. r Entered according to Act of CongTMa, In the year 186'i. bv THEOPHILUS PARSONS, Jn the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachoseti* PREFACE To the many existing works on the Law of Notes and Bills, I have added another, in which I endeavor to cover a wider ground. I have tried to present, in the text, every important question in relation to this topic which has been considered in the courts of England or any of the United States, with the best conclusions I could form. In the notes, I have cited very fully the cases bearing upon these questions, — much the larger part of them by name, volume, and page only, — that those who wish to do so may pursue the investigation through the original authorities. I have also quoted, freely, apposite passages from the most important or instructive decisions, with the purpose of meeting, so flir as that is possible, the growing difficulty of accumulating in our libraries a com- plete series of all the published Reports ; a difficulty which is so great, and increases so rapidly, that it will compel a reform. It is not desirable that this reform should be accomplished by withholding the decisions, but by compressing them. Some of the learned essays which our Reports contain are very valuable. But it might be a benefit to the courts, to the profession, and to the community, if an avoidance of diff'ase and discursive argumentation should give to the decisions point, pre- cision, and weight, and permit a single volume to contain, and to express distinctly, all the law which must now be sought in very many, with much laboi', and some- times imperfect success. T. P. Cambridge, September, 1862. 806214 CONTENTS OP VOL. I. CHAPTER I. THE ORIGIN AND FUNCTION OF NOTES AND BILLS . . 1 CHAPTER II. PKOMISSORY NOTES. SECTION I. Definitions 14 SECTION II. The Form of Promissory Notes 21 CHAPTER III. THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF A NEGOTIABLE PROMISSORY NOTE, SECTION I. Certainty as to the Payee 30 SECTION n. Certainty as to the Payor 35 SECTION ni. Certainty as to the Amount 37 SECTION IV. Certainty as to the Time of Payment 38 SECTION V. Certainty as to the Fact of Payment 42 VOL. I. a* VI COXTENTS. SECTION VI. When an Uncertainty is Matter of Form, and not of Substance . . il SECTION VII. Delivery 48 CHAPTER IV. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. SECTION I. What they are 52 SECTION n. The Obligations of the Parties 54 SECTION m. Inland Bills and Foreign Bills 55 SECTION rv. The Sets of Foreign Bills 58 SECTION V. The Certainty requisite in a Bill of Exchange 60 CHAPTER V. PERSONS WHO MAY BE PARTIES TO NOTES OR BILLS. SECTION I. Infants 67 SECTION 11. Married Women 78 SECTION III. Persons under Guardianship 89 CONTENTS. VU SECTION IV. Agents 90 SECTION V. Partners 123 SECTION VI. Lunatics 149 SECTION VII. Aliens 151 SECTION VIII. Bankrupts 153 SECTION IX. fixecutors and Administrators 154 SECTION X. Corporations 163 CHAPTER VI. CONSIDERATION. SECTION I. The general Principles in relation to the Consideration of Notes and Bills 175 SECTION 11. Failure of Consideration 203 SECTION III. Illegal Consideration 212 SECTION IV. Transfers for antecedent Debts, or for Security 218 Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE MAKER. SECTION I. Where a Party signs as Principal • . . . . 229 SECTION II. Where a Party signs as Surety 233 SECTION III. Of joint Makers and several Makers 247 CHAPTER VIII. HOLDER. SECTION I. Rights and Duties of the Holder 253 SECTION II. Who is a honajide Holder of Negotiable Paper ....... 254 SECTION HI. Against what Defences a honajide Holder is protected .... 274 CHAPTER IX. ACCEPTANCE. SECTION I. What constitutes Acceptance 281 SECTION H. Promise to accept . 292 SECTION HI. Conditional and qualified Acceptances 300 CONTENTS. IZ SECTION IV. Acceptance for Honor 313 SECTION V. What Acceptance admits 320 SECTION VI. Extinguishment of the Obligation incurred by Acceptance . . . 324 CHAPTER X. PRESENTMENT FOR ACCEPTANCE. SECTION I. Of the Rights and Duties of a Payee before Acceptance .... 330 SECTION II. Proceedings on Non-acceptance 850 CHAPTER XI. PRESENTMENT FOR DEMAND. SECTION I. Reasons for the requirement of Demand of Payment of Negotiable Paper and of Notice of Dishonor 353 SECTION II. By whom Demand may be made 357 SECTION in. Of whom Demand may be made 361 SECTION IV. In what Manner Demand should be made 367 SECTION V. At what Time Demand should be made 373 ^ CONTENTS. SECTION VI. At what Place Demand should be made 421 SECTION VII. Excuses for Absence of Demand of Payment 442 1. Where the Demand for Payment cannot be made 443 2. Ins^olvency ... 446 3. Othei' Circumstances 448 4. The Acts of a Party which affect his Right to require Demand of Payment 463 CHAPTER XII. NOTICE OF DISHONOR. SECTION I. The Form of the Notice 466 SECTION n. The Manner in which Notice should be given 477 SECTION III. To what Place the Notice should be sent 487 SECTION rv. To whom Notice should be given 499 SECTION V. By whom Notice should be given 503 SECTION VI. At what Time Notice should be given 506 CHAPTER XIII. EXCUSES FOR WANT OF NOTICE. SECTION I. Excuses for Non-notice, grounded on the necessary Knowledge by the Party to be notified 523 CONTENTS. XI SECTION 11. Excuses for Non-notice, grounded on Impossibility of Notice . . 525 SECTION III. Excuses for Non-notice, grounded on the Absence of Right in any Party to require Notice 539 SECTION IV. Excuses for Non-notice, grounded on a Waiver of the Right to re- quire Notice 575 1. When the Waiver is in Writing on the Note or Bill . . . . 576 2. When the Waiver is inferred from Acts of the Indorser or Drawer 582 3. When the Waiver occurs on the Day of Maturity 592 4. When the Waiver occurs after Maturity 594 5. By whom the Waiver is made 609 6. To whom the Waiver is made 610 7. Presumptive Evidence in reference to Waiver 612 SECTION V. General Remarks on the Subject of Excuse for Non-notice . . . 627 CHAPTER XIV. OF PROTEST AND OF RE-EXOHANGE. SECTION I. Of Protest 633 SECTION II. Of Re-exchange and other Damages 648 STAMPS. These volumes were stereotyped before the Statute of the United States imposing stamps was enacted. An Appendix has been added at the close of the text of the second volume, imme- diately before the Index, containing an accurate reprint of the provisions of the Statute in relation to Bills, Notes, Lettei? of Credit, Drafts, Orders, and Checks ; together with an examina- tion of the questions which the Statute suggests ; and the English authorities upon those questions which have arisen under the English Stamp-Acts and may arise under our own. INDEX TO CASES CITED. A. Abat r. Nolt^ r. Rion Abbe V. Rood Abbey v. Lill 11.162 I. 504 II. 577 1.485; 11.491 Abbott V. Agricultural Bank of Missis- sippi II. 92, 96 V. Hendricks I. 194 V. McElroy II. 645 V. Mackinley I. 83 V. Mitchell II. 470 V. Muir II. 472 V. Striblen II. 309 Abel V. Sutton I. 146 ; II. 7 Abell V. Douglass I. 198 Abercrombie v. Knox I. 237 Aborn v. Bosworth I. 464, 642 ; II. 261, 291, 294, 298 Abraham r. Dubois II. 330, 332 Abrahams r. Bunn II. 418 V. Skinner II. 331 Abrara v. Cunningham I. 162 Abrams v. Pomeroy II. 502 V. Suttlcs II. 622 Absolon V. Marks II. 440 Acheson r. Fountain I. 16 Ackermann v. Ehrenspergcr II. 140, 399 Ackland v. Pearco II. 490, 491 A'Court V. Cross II. 654 Active, The II. 170, 176 Adams v. Brackett I. 86, 88 V. Carver II. 467 V. Cordis I. 664 ; II. 370 V. Darby I. 537, 539, 542, 549 V. Frye II. 555, 556, 572 b Adams v. Gregg I. 325 V. Hardy II. 121 V. Jones I. 49, 298 ; II. 132, 134 U.King 1. 31 V. Lingard II. 467 V. McGrew II. 610 V. Oakes II. 209 V. Otterback I. 397 V. Robinson I. 335 V. Rowan II. 431 V.Smith 1.221,261 V. Taylor II. 630 V. Torbert I. 382 V. Torry II. 634, 651 V. Wilson II. 509 V. Wordley I. 1 95, 301 ; II. 5 1 3 Adams Bank v. Anthony I, 237 V. Jones II. 444 Addams v. Seitzinger II. 662 Adkins v. Blake II. 92, 263, 275, 276 Adle V. Metoyer I. 229, 326 Aflfilo V. Fourdrinier II. 49 1 Agan I'. M'Manus I. 600, 612, 629, 632: II. 516 Agawam Bank v. Sears I. 236; II. 577 V. Strever I. 268; II. 517 Agce V. Medlock II. 437, 439 Aggs V. Nicholson I. 170 Agnew V. Bank of Gettysburg I. 515 Agricultural Bank v. Bissell II. 406, 4 1 2, 421 Agricultural, &c. Co. v. Fitzgerald II. 577 Aikin v. Bailey II. 634 Ainslie v. Wilson II. 93 Airey v. Holmes II. 630 Albee v. Little II. 603 XIV INDEX TO CASES CITED. Alcock V. Alcock I. 149, 151 ; II. 6 V. Hill I. 240 ; II. 240 V. McKain II. 456 Alday v. Jamison II. 244 Alden v. Barbour I. 311 ; II. 473 Alderson, Ex parte . I. 336 V. Langdaie II. 550, 573 Aldis V. Johnson I. 382, 508 ; II. 120 Aldrich t;. Cambell II. 614 V. Grimes I. 67, 75 V. Jackson II. 37, 107, 187, 195, 485, 600 V. Morse II. 651 V.Warren 1.51,189 Aldridge v. Branch Bank I. 41, 49 ; II. 514 Alewood V. Haseldon I. 381 Alexander v. Burchfield I. 273 ; II. 72, 74, 85 V. Burnet II. 634 r. Dennis 11.98,107,194, 195, 207 V. Mackenzie I. 120 i;. Oaks I. 45 r. Strong 11.215,285 V. Thomas I. 40, Alger V. Thatcher I. 214 Alivon V. Fumival II. 358 Allaire v. Hartshorne I. 191, 223, 224 Allan V. Mawson I. 62 Allen V. Avers II. 448 V. Dundas I. 161 ; II. 83, 210, 212,387 r. Edmundson 1.469,471,488 i;. Furbish II. 524, 525, 527 V. Keeves II. 69 V. Kemble I. 641, 651 ; II. 342 V. Kimball II. 225, 530, 531 V. King I. 223, 226, 537, 544 r. Merchants' Bank of New York I. 480 ; II. 340, 345, 347 V. Miles I. 310, 436, 437 V. Miller II. 309 I'. Newberry II. 439, 454 r. Rightmero II. 119, 130, 138 17. Sawtelle II. 641 V. Sea F. & L. Ass. Co. I. 24, 63 r. Smith I. 311, 432 c. State Bank I. 231, 232 ; II. 297, 298, 302, 312, 313, 314 Allen V. Suydam I. 337, 346, 34? V. Union Bank of Louisiana I. 662 V. Walker II. 25 V. Watson II. 318 Allesbrook v. Roach II. 476 AUin V. Shadburne II. 440 Allison V. Pennington II. 649 V. Purdy II. 570 AUnutt y. Ashenden 11.128 Allstan V. Contee II. 228 Allston V. Allston II. 233 AUwood V. Haseldon I. 446, 529, 596, 610 Almy V. Reed 11. 298, 302, 305 Alner v. George II. 51 Alsop V. Goodwin II. 506 Alston V. Heartman II. 450, 451 V. Jackson II. 446 r. State Bank II. 663 Alves V. Hodgson I. 44 ; II. 318,319,330 Ambrose v. Hopwood I. 306 American Bank v. Baker I. 239, 242 V. Jenness I. 264, 270 Amherst Academy v. Cowls I. 202 ; II. 46, 52, 444, 453 Ammidown v. Wheelock II. 46 u. Woodman 1.385; 11.461 Amner v. Clark I. 56 ; II. 329, 331 Amory v. Mery weather II. 418 Amoskeag Bank v. Moore I. 582 ; II. 534 Manuf. Co. v. Gibbs I. 260 Amsbaugh y. Gearhart 11.118 Anchcr v. Bank of England I. 1 7, 1 19 ; II. 22, 590, 598 Anderson v. Anderson I. 229 V. Bustecd I. 273 ; II. 79 r. Cleveland I. 324, 374 V. Davis II. 132 V. Drake I. 424, 435, 441, 442, 451, 453, 455 V. George II. 239 V. Folger I. 537 r. Hawkins 11.91,101,189,600 r. Hcnshaw II. 201 V. Hick I. 302 V. Robertson II 608, 654 t;. Robson II 298, 308 r. Van Alen II. 46 V. Weston I. 41, 49; II 10, 489, 66J INDEX TO CASES CITED. XV Anderson v. Wheeler II. 364 V. Yell II. 508 Bridge Co. v. Applegate II. 290, 292, 294 Anderton v. Beck I. 531 Andover v. Grafton I. 119 Andrew v. Blachly II. 68, 69 Andrews v. Baggs I. 303 V. Boyd I. 590, 622 V. Carr II. 374 V. Chadbourne II. 9, 10 r. Creditors 11.318 V. Franklin I. 40 V. Herriot II. 318, 322, 327, 366, 368, 387 V. Hoxie I. 310 V. McCoy I. 225 V. Planters' Bank I. 126, 140 V. Pond II. 280, 318, 320, 324, 337, 376, 378, 407, 434 V. Whcaton I. 209 Androscoggin Bank v. Kimball I. 115 Angel V. Felton II. 286, 293, 306 Angell V. Ihler I. 326 Ankerstein v. Clarke II. 447 Anna Kimball, Cargo of the Ship, II. 169 Anonymous (2 Atk. 32) I. 26 (1 Brown, Ch. 376) II. 364, 365 (1 Camp. 492, n.) II. 16 (Comb. 401) 1.282,283 (Comb, 463) II. 228 (Cro. Eliz. 68) II. 223 (Hardres, 420) II. 391 (iLd.Raym.) 1.449; 11.293 (12 Mod. 345) I. 634; II. 41, 497 (12 Mod. 408) 11.154 (12 Mod. 517) II. 154 (12 Mod. 564) II. 209 (F. Moore, 122) II. 214 (1 Salk. 126;3id.71) II. 255, 263, 268, 269 (Skin. 343) II. 25 (7 Taunt. 244) II. 369 r. Harrison II. 120 V. Stanton I. 547 V. Ormston I. 14 Anson r. Bailey I. 596 Anthon r. Fisher I. 152 Antoine v. Morshead I. 152; II. 8 Apgar V Hiler I. 233, 235, 243 Appleby v. Biddolph I. 43 Appleton V. Bascom I. 243 V. Donaldson I. 226 ; II. 43 V. Sweetapple 1. 269, 378 ; II. 72 Aranguren v. Scholfield II. 300, 303 Arbouin v. Anderson I. 183, 258 ; II. 272, 273, 437, 438 Arcangelo v, Thompson II. 491 Archer v. Dunn II. 377 V. Hale II. 245 V. Putnam II. 408 V. Ward II. 577, 580 Arden v. Sharpe "I. 125 Arey v. Stephenson II. 651 Ariadne, The II. 174 Arlington v. Hinds II. 452, 518 Armani v. Castrique I. 58 ; II. 329, 589 Armat v. Union Bank I. 231, 232 ; n. 100, 312 Armfield v. Allport I. 290 V. Tate I. 75 Armistead v. Armisteads I. 310, 429 V. Brooke II. 655 r. Philpot II. 92 Armitt v. Breame I. 386 Arms V. Ashley II. 93 Armstrong v. Caldwell I. 310 V. Brown II. 605 v. Christian! I. 468, 470 V. Gay I. 537, 538 e. Pratt II. 611 V. Thruston I. 365, 446, 470 V. Toler II. 321 Arnold v. Arnold II. 645 V. Bainbrigge II. 620 V. Bureau II. 453 V. Camp n. 179, 200, 202 V. Crane II. 186 r. Downing 11.649,651,654 V. Johnson II. 225 V. Jones II. 560, 565, 577, 581 V. Lyman I. 297 ; II. 62 V. Mayor of Poole I. 163 V. Revoult II. 211,446 V. Rock River Valley Union Railroad Co. II. 147 Artcher v. Douglass I. 235 V. Zeh II. 161 XVI INDEX TO CASES CITED. Arundel Bank v. Goble Ashby V. Ashby V. James Ashford v. Robinson Ashley v. Gunton Ashton V. Freestun V. Longes V. Pye II. 240 1.31 II. 653 II. 128, 139 I. 494 ; II. 246 I. 328 ; II. 236 II. 466 II. 236 Ashurst r. Eoyal Bank of Australia I. 153; II. 5 Aspinall v. Wake I. 161 ; II. 484 Aspinwall v. Meyer II. 437 Astor V. Benn II. 340 Atherfold t). Beard 1.190 Atkins ;;. Owen II. 286 V. Scarborough II. 639 V. Tredgold II. 659, 660 V. Wheeler II. 293 Atkinson v. Brooks I. 221, 223, 226 ; II. 43 V. Elliott II. 613 V. Hawdon II. 550, 573 V. Manks I. 45, 304 Atlantic, Brig II, 173, 174 Atlantic de Laine Co. v. Tredick I. 264 Atlas, The II. 173 Attenborough v. MacKcnzie I. 229 Attorney-General v. Life & Fire Ins. Co. I. 164, 166 ; II. 494 Attwood V. Griffin I. 33 r. Mannings I. 107, 120 ; II. 489 V. Rattenbury II. 439 Attwooll V. AttwooU II. 605, 607 Austin w. Fuller 11.415,417 V. Harrington II. 408 T. Imus II. 377, 425 V. Latham I. 489 V. Rodman I. 541 V. Van derm ark I. 141 Australian Royal Mail Steam Nav. Co. V. Marzetti I. 163 Averill v. Field Avery v. Stewart Awde V. Di.xon Ayer v. Hawkins V. Hutchins Ayers v. Richards Ayliff V. Scrimsheire Aymar v. Beers V. Sheldon Aynsworth, Ex parte Ayre v. Van Lieu Ayres v. Audubon V. Hayes V. Henderson V. McConnel Ayrey v. Fearnsidea Ayton V. Bolt II. 537 I. 385, 400, 402, 408 L 113, 232; IL 526 IL 226, 653 I. 264, 275, 279 IL 649 IL 532 I. 264, 267, 269, 338, 340, 343, 345, 377 L 351 ; II. 336, 339, 340, 348, 372 11.412 IL 218 IL 327 n.393 II. 635, 636 II. 605 L37 11.651 B. Atwater v. Townsend II. 359 Babcock, In re 1. 229 237 326 ; IL 250 Atwell V. Grant 1.641 V. Beman L 96 Atwood V. Agricultural Bank II. 646 V. Stono L137 V. Crowdie II. 225, 230 V. Weston IL 361 V. Lewis IL 538 Babson v. Webber U. 505 r. Vincent 11.167 Bachellor v. Priest 1. 337, 357, 358 ; II. r. Whittlesey IL 417 209, 457, 544 V. Wright IL 466 Bachus V. Richmond II. 460 Aubert v. Walsh I] . 84, 220 Backhouse v. Harrison I. 258; IL 187, Augusta, The IL 174 259, 260, 272, 277 Austen v. Halsey IL 166 Backus V. Danforth L 408 ; IL 45 Austin V. Bcmiss IL 458 V. Minor II. 425 i". Birchard L51 V. Shipherd I 580, 581, 589 V. Bostwick IL 654 Bacon v. Brown II. 227, 228 V. Boyd II. 518, 520 V. Dyer L 310, 432 V. Burns L45 V. Fitch L31 V. Curtis 1. 224 r. Gray II. 633 r Foland 11. f,l7 r. Lee II. 402 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XVU Bacon vj. Page V. Searles II. Badcock v. Steadinan Badeley v. Vigurs Badnull v. Samuel I. 245 ; II. Bagley v. Buzzell Bagnall ». Andrews I. 539 ; II. Bagster v. Earl of Portsmouth Bailey v. Adams V. Bailey V. Baldwin i>. Bidwell I. 188, 189; II V. Cromwell V. Day V. Dozier I. 642, V. Freeman II. 125, V. Heald V. Jackson V. Knapp V. Porter I. V. Taylor [I. 549, 577, V. Wakeraan Baillie v, Moore Bainbridge v. Wade ;;. Wilcocks II. Baine v. Williams B.'^ird r. Cochran I. 126; II. V. Walker B-vker V. Arnold V. Baker I. 155 V. Birch I. V. Briggs I. 242, 246 r. Brown r. Charlton r. Draper V. Gallagher V. Haines V. Marshall r. Martin I. 229, 326 r. Morris I. 495, V. Scott V. Smith V. Stackpoole II. T. Townshend V. Walker I. 199 V. Wheaton I. 275 ; II. lialch V. Onion - Balcom v. Richards Vol. l.— B h I. 381 218, 233 I. 51 11.441 240, 246, 533 II. 246 250, 466 I. 149 II. 533 II. 649 II. 247 . 283, 493 II. .535 I. 245 643, 644 129, 132 II. 339 II. 254 11.471 468, 469 579, 580 II. 471 II. 184 II. 131 327, 341 II. 228 467, 470 II. 641 II. 467 ; II 645 587, 611 ; II. 121 II. 645 I. 137 II. 180 I. 537 II. 476 I. 237 ; II. 458 499, 504 II. 121 II. 609 223, 230 I. 215 ; II. 247 215, 325, 359, 360 II. 489 II. 658 Baldwin v. Famsworth 1.421 V. Kichardson I. 527 V. Kochford 1.45 Ball V. Allen I. 33 ; II. 66 Ballaiitino v. Golding II. 359 Ballingalls v. Gloster I. 351 ; 11.372,463 Ballingcr v. Edwards 11.416, 428 Ballou V. Spencer I. 140 V. Talbot I. 99, 121 Balsbaugh v. Frazer II. 619 Bamfield v. Tapper II. 656 Banbury v. Lisset I. 45, 301 Bancroft v. Andrews II. 629, 64.-) u. Dumas II. 226 r. Hall I. 478,479, 48S V. McKnight I. 224 ; II. 437 Bandel v. Isaac II. 403 Bander v. Bander II. 425 Bangor v. Warren II. 152 Bank v. Hook I. 661, 662 V. Treat I. 252 Bangs V. Hall II. 649 V. Mosher I. 241 ; II. 135 V. Strong I. 239 Bank v. Arthur II. 408 V. Porter I. 634 V. Spell I. 594 V, Sullivan il. 654 Commissioners v. Lafayette Bank II 88 Adams, v. Anthony I. 237 V. Jones II. 444 Agawam, v. Sears I. 236 ; II. 577 V. Strever I. 268; 11. 517 Agricultural, v. Bissell II. 406, 412, 421 of Albion v. Smith IL 516, 520, 521 of Alexandria v. Dyer II. 634 I'. Swann 1.466,471, 475, 476, 509 of America v. Woodworth I 442 ; II. 547, 548 American, v. Baker I. 239, 242 V. Jenness I. 264, 270 Amoskoag, v. Moore I. 582 ; II. 534 Androscoggin, v. Kimball 1.115 Arundel, v. Goble II 240 Bangor, v. Hook I. 661, 662 V. Treat I. 252 Belmont, v. Patterson I. 36) XTUl INDEX TO CASES CITED. Branch, v. Hodges V. James T. Peirce Bank of Bengal v. Fagan I. 108, 272 ; II. 79, 272, 273 V. Macleod I. lOS ; II. 272, 489 of Bennington v. Raymond I. 337 Boston, V. Hodges I. 369, 370, 4 1 1 , 414, 419 I. 366 I. 235 I. 493 of Alabama v. Windham II. 644 at Mobile v. Tillman II. 291, 294, 297, 301 of Montgomery v. Gaffney I. 268, 359,372, 378, 382 Brooklyn, r. Waring 1.596 Cabot, V. Morton II. 37, 186, 187, 485, 486, 590, 600 V. Russell I. 497 Canal, v. Bank of Albany I. 275, 320, 321, 322 ; II. 38, 284, 483, 485, 590, 596, 599 of Cape Fear v. Seawell I. 470, 506 V. Stinemetz I. 57 Catskill, V. Messenger I. 248 T. Stall I. 125, 497 Cayuga Co., f. Bennett 1.482,501, 502 V. Dill I. 593 r. Hunt 1.362,418, 420, 421, 636, 644; II. 433 r. Warden 1.471,473, 475,476,477; 11.348 Central, v. Allen I. 393, 404, 438, 451 ; II. 491 r. Curtis II. 454 V. Davis I. 369, 610 V. Willard II. 242, 531, 538, 539, 540, 541 of Brooklyn v. Lang II. 449 of Charlestown r. Chambers I. 223 ; II. 437, 444 Cbaatauque, v. Davis I. 358 ; II. 442 of Chenango v. Hydo II. 28, 444 V. Root I. 502 Chicopcc, V. Eager I. 483 Bank, Chicopee, v. Chapin I. 191, 221, 223 ; II. 44 of Chillicothe v. Dodge II. 107 Citizens', v. Walker I. 498 City, V. Cutter I. 369, 370, 399, 402, 403, 411, 643 ; II. 213, 462 City of New Orleans, v. Girard Bank I. 651 Claremont, v. Wood I. 235 ; II. 250 of Columbia v. Fitzhugh I. 397 V. Lawrence I. 479, 482, 483, 487, 489, 495, 497, 498 V, Magruder I. 397, 495, 498 T. Patterson I. 1 63 of Commerce v. Union Bank II. 80, 482, 549, 590, 599, 601 Commercial, v. Benedict I. 231, 232; II. 100,298,301, 302, 313, 314 V. Clark I. 622, 626 V. Cunningham I 229, 326 ; IL 250 ». French L 170,238; II. 449, 451 V. Gove I 488 r. Hughes I. 464, 537, 632; II. 71 r. King I. 512, 518 V. Newport Man. Co. L 170 V. Norton I. 106, 108 r. Routh I. 60 r. Strong I. 478, 482, 488, 489, 490 &c., ». Hamer 1.419, 435 V. Lum II. 577 of Natchez V. Clait)ornc n. 445 of Penn. U.Union Bank of N. Y. II. 209 of the Commonwealth r. Letcher IL 160, 203, 204 V. McChord II. 567 Cumberland,!;. Ilall II. 559, 577 at Decatur v. Hodges I. 642. 646 ; II. 497 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XIX Bank, Decatur, v. Spcnce I. 110, 111 Dedluun, v. Chu'kering 11.227, 232 Dorclicster & Milton, v. New Eri<,'land Bank I. 480 Dry Dock, v. Am. Life Ins. Trust Co. II. 432, 433 Eagle, V. Chapin I. 515; II. 358. 491 V. Hathaway 1. 483, 484, 487 of New Haven v. Smith 11.37, 101, 189,306, 600 East Haddam, v. Scovil I. 480 Eastern, v. Brown I. 495 V. Capron II. 614 East Kiver, v. Gedney I. 273 ; II. 74 of England v. Newman I. 362 ; II. 158, 184, 185 Erie i'. Gibson I. 237, 238 Exchange, v. Monteath I. 109 ; II. 478 Fall River Union, v. Willard 1. 337, 348, 372 Farmers', v. Brainerd I. 659, 660 V, Butler I. 480, 482, 483 V. Clarke II. 652 V. Duvall I. 367, 370, 373, 511,512; 11.461,492,495 V. Gilson II. 638 V. Reynolds, I. 231, 232; 11.101,246,297, 301, 302, 304, 312, 313 V. Vanmeter I. 537, 554, 556, 560, 648 V. Waples I. 585, 587 &C. V. Battle I. 480, 484, 495, 497, 498 V. Catlin II. 498 V. Harris I. 494 V. Rathbone I. 229, 326 Farmers & Mechanics', v. Kerchcval II. 137 V. Troy City Bank I. 169, 173 Farmers & Mechanics', of Kent Co. V. Butchers & Drovers' Bank I. 273 ; II. 75, 76, 478 Farmers', of Lancaster v. Whitehill II. 476, 496, 497 Bank, Farmers & Mechanics', of Mem- phis V. White II. 95 Franklin, v. Cooper I. 616 V. Freeman II. 67 r. Pratt II 467, 469, 470 Freemans, v. Perkins I. 57, 643 V. Rollins I. 236, 241 ; IL 242, 24.5, 533 Frontier, v. Morse II. 100, 103, 105, 192, 193, 197 Fulton, V. Beach II. 416 V. Phoenix Bank I. 222 ; II. 107, 283, 298 of Galliopolis v. Trimble II. 375 of Genesee v. Patchin Bank I. 164, 16.5, 166, 171 of Geneva v. Hewlett L 490, 498 Girard, v. Comly II. 522 Gloucester, v. Salem Bank II. 99, 101, 190, 195, 598 V. "Worcester II. 238 Grafton, v. Doe II. 642 V. Flanders I. 122 V. Hunt n. 193 V. Kent L 235 ; IL 515 V. Moore I. 640, 642, 643 V. Woodward I. 235 ; II. 529 Grand, v. Blanchard I. 369, 509 Grand Gulf, r. Archer IL 433 V. Wood IL 52 Granite, v. Ayers I. 362, 423, 446, 448, 460, 488, 489, 528 V. Ellis II. 445 Hallowell & Augusta, v. Howard IL91 of Hamburg v. Johnson I. 47, 116 V. Wray I. 1 22 Harrisburg, v. Forster U. 469 Hancock, v. Joy I. 81 Hartford, v. Barry L 173, 358, 359, 385; IL 209 V. Hart L 478; IL 492, 594 V. Stedman L 358, 483, 509 of Hartford Co. v. Waterman II. 630, 639, 640 Housatonic, r. Laflin 1.466,471, 473, 509. 510 lA INDEX TO CASES CITED. Bank of Illinois v. Brady 11. 336 of Ireland v. Archer I. 285, 292 v. Beresford 1,229,326; II. 245, 249, 250, 515 Jefferson Co., v. Chapman II. 88, 91,98 of Kentucky v. Garey I. 641, 642 V. Hickey I.310;II. 88 V. Parsley I. 635 V. Sanders I. 44 V. Thornsberry II. 83 Lancaster, r. "Woodward 1272,275, 378; II. 77, 83 Lee, V. Spencer I. 529, 610 V. Walbridge II. 434 Lewiston Falls, v. Leonard I. 495 Lime Rock, v. Macomber II. 444 r.Mallett L 235; II. 540 of Limestone, v. Penick I. 290 ; II. 557, 465 Lincoln & Kennebec, v. Hani matt I. 369 ; II. 516 Lincoln & Kennebec, v. Page 1. 369 ; II. 516 Louisiana, v. Bank of U. S. II. 281 of Louisiana v. Mansker I. 488 v. Morgan I. 555 V. Smith I. 501 V. Toumillon I. 483, 498 r. "Watson I. 498 Louisiana State, v. Ellery I. 499 r. Rowel I. 483 V. Orleans Naviga- tion Co. II. 275 of Louisville??. Summers II. 93, 294, 303 Maine, v. Butts II. 412, 421 V. Smith I. 370, 570 Maiden, v. Baldwin I. 439, 440 of Manchester ». Bartlctt 1.238 Manchester, v. Fellows 1.412,413, 414, 482, 483,484,510, 513, 514, 515 ; II. 462 V. Slason I. 497, 635 ; II. 348, 452 r. "White I. 510 Manufacturers', v. Cole I. 239 ; II. 444, 445 &c. I'. Winship I. 1,32 Bank of Marietta v. Pindall II. 358 Marine & Fire Ins., v. Jauncey I. 290, 335 of the City of New York, v. Clements II. 478 Mariners', v. Abbott I. 235, 241, 246; n. 519 Massachusetts, v. Oliver I. 501, 502 Mechanics', v. Bank of Columbia L 94, 95 V. Earp I. 104, 105 V. Griswold I. 529, 562, 566, 632 V. Hildreth I. 146 V. Merchants' Bank I. 368, 373 V. Minthome I. 371 V. N. Y. & N. H. R. R. Co. L 108, 119; IL 33,34, 35, 115, 116 Mechanics', &c. r. Compton I. 497, 493 r. TowTisend I. 427 & Farmers', v. Schuyler L 115,386; II. 11 of Memphis v. "White II. 643, 644 Merchants', v. Birch I. 501 V. M'Intyre II. 590 V. Rawls II. 620 V. Spalding 11. 90 V. Spicer I. 23, 36 ; II. 16, 58, 72, 73 Merrimack Co. v. Brown I. 241, 595 ; II. 223 of the Metropolis v. Jones II. 468 of Michigan v. Ely I. 293, 294, 296, 298 Michigan, t>. Leavenworth I. 241 State, V. Peck I. 299 Middletown, v. Jerome II. 493 of Missouri v. Hull II. 467, 470 V. Phillips I. 232 ; n. 525 v. "Wright I. 664 of Mobile r. Hall L 221, 225 Mohawk, r. Broderick I. 271 , 554 ; II. 58, 59, 68, 69, 71, 72 V. Corey I. 222, 226 ; IL78 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XXI Bank, Mohawk, v. Van Home II. 247 of Monroe v. Strong II. 420 Montgomery Co. v. Albany City Bank I. 481 ; II. 209 Montgomery Co. v. Marsh I. 490, 498 of Montgomery Co. v. Walker I. 326; II. 250 of Montpelier v. Dixon I. 237 ; II. 250 Mount Vernon, v. Holden I. 478, 482 Narragansett, v. Atlantic Silk Co. I. 167 National, v. Eliot Bank II. 61, 62 r. Norton 1.146,147 of Newbury v. Rand II. 445 New England, u. Lewis 1.411,413; II. 462 N. H. Savings, v. Colcord I. 241, 242 v.EIa I. 241; II. 245 New Haven County, v. Mitchell II. 491, 496 New Orleans, v. Harper I. 539, 540 557, 596,601, 604, 619 N. Y. State, v. Fletcher II. 162 New York & Virginia, &c. v. Gibson I. 189, 291,330,332 of Niagara v. M'Crackeu II. 88, 98, 604 ». Rosevelt 11. 91 North, V. Abbot I. 311, 369, 370, 432,439 of North America v. Barriere 1. 381, 519 V. M'Call II. 366 V. M' Knight I. 395, 507 V. Meredith II. 226 V. Pettit I. 507 V. Vardon I. 507 of North Carolina ». Bank of Cape Fear I. 310, 429, 431 North Hampton, v. Balliet II. 36 V. Pepoon I. 171, 172; II. 8, 220 Northern, r. Farmers' Bank I. 231, 232; II. 100, 313,314 Bank, Northern, of Ky. v. Lcverick 11. 298, 307 North River, v. Aymar I. 108 Norwich, v. Hyde I. 28 ; II. 12 Onondaga Co., v. Bates I. 640, 641 Ontario, v. Liglubody II. 192 V. Petrie I. 401, 476 V. Schcrmerhorn II. 433 V. Worthington I. 224, 285, 293, 294 of Orange Co. v. Colby II. 333, 336, 351 Oriental, v. Blake I. 364, 501, 526 of Orleans v. Merrill I. 26 V. Whittemore I. 455, 456, 457 Oswego, V. Knower I. 587 Otsego Co., V. Warren I. 362, 595, 620, 636, 646 Oxford, ». Davis I. 337 V. Haynes I. 238; II. 117, 119, 137 V. Lewis L 241 ; IL 241, 242, 245, 246, 250, 533 Pacific, V. Mitchell II. 219 Paterson, v. Butler I. 491, 499 Philadelphia, v. Newkirk I. 38 Phoenix, r. Hussey 1.57,314,642-, 11.324 Planters', v. Bivingsville Manuf. Co. II. 434 r. Bradford I. 494 V. Markham I. 419 V. Sellman II. 533 V. Sharp I. 164 V. Snodgrass IL 412,422 V. Stockman II. 228 V. White I. 501 of Port Gibson v. Baugh I. 145 Portland, v. Brown II. 228 of Poughkeepsie v. Hasbroack 1.224 Prescott, V. Caverly I. 79, 338, 340, 342, 345 ; IL 484, 490, 519, 589 Quinsigamond, v. Hobbs II. 421 Real Estate, v. Bizzell I. 638 ; II. 499 of the Republic v. Baxter I. 273 ; II 77 V. Carrington I 223 S.XU INDEX TO CASES CITED. Bank of Ilcchester v. Bo wen I. 125, 140 r. Gould 1.470,471, 473, 475, 476 r. Gray 1.351,634, 635, 636, 640; 11.319,342 ». Monte.^th 1.92,132 Rockingham, v. Claggett II. 455 of Rome v. Village of Rome II. 35 Royal British, v. Turquand II. 35 Royal, of Scotland, Ex parte II. 50 V. Cuthbcrt II. 360,361,363 Ruckersville, v. Hemphill II. 607 of Rutland v. Buck I. 226 ; II. 27, 28, 445 of St. Albans v. Farmers', &c. Bank II. 589, 590 V. Gilliland I. 128, 221 V. Scott II. 412 Salem, v. Gloucester Bank II. 38, 90, 101, 186, 189, 477 of Salina v. Babcock I. 222 of Sandusky v. Scoville I. 221 Savings, u. Bates 1.223,396,416 of Scotland v. Hamilton I. 347 Seneca Co., v. Neass I. 432, 482, 490, 498, 645 T. Schermcrhorn II. 434 Seventh Ward, v, Hamick I. 513, 515, 518; II. 244 Silver Lake, v. North II. 358 Skowhegan, r. Baker II. 445, 453 South Carolina, v. Case I. 131 of S. Carolina r.Flagg 1. 310, 432, 435, 436 r. Herbert 1.115; II. 7 V. Humphreys I. 146 V. Knotts II. 638 V. M'Willie I. 115 V. Myers I. 561, 567, II. 245, 247, 248, 533 Springfield, v. Merrick II. 146, 540 Stamford, v. Benedict II. 228 State, V. Acrsten II. 100, 312 V. Ayers I. 480, 497 V. Bowers I. 656 V. Byrd II. 632 V. Coqiiilhird II. 406, 428 Bank, State, r. Cowan 11. 412, 422 V. Croft n. 7 V. Fearing II. 212 V. Hennen U. 488, 499 V. Hurd I. 369,425; II. 152 516 V. Napier I. 436, 437 V. Rodgers I. 656 ; H. 434 V. Seawell II. 635 V. Slaughter I. 483, 502 V. Smith I. 393 V. Van Horn II. 88 r. Watkins I. 238 V. Wilson II. 245 of Indiana v. Hayes I. 641 of Steubenville v. Hoge II. 245 Strafford, v. Crosby I. 240 ; II. 240, 533 Suffolk, V. Worcester Bank II. 394 Sussex, V. Baldwin I. 357, 358, 359, 421, 425, 470, 511, 512, 513, 514, 516, 589, 596, 600, 601, 604, 619 of Syracuse v. Holiister 1.419, 435 Taunton, v. Richardson I. 585, 589 ; II. 516 of Tennessee v. Barksdalo II. 118, 126 V. Johnson I. 254 Ticonic, v. Johnson II. 421 V. Stackpole I. 635, 642, 644 Tombeckbee, v. Dumell I. 146, 148, 312 V. Stratton II. 250 of Troy v. Topping I. 198 Troy City, v. Lauman II. 484 Ulster Co., v. McFarian I. 294, 296, 298, 299 ; II. 109 Union, v. Brown I. 497 r. Cnrr II. 564 r. Ellicott 11.91 V. Fowlkcs I. 639, 646 V. Grimshaw T. 504, 596, ^9<^ 600, 622 V. Hnll II. 247 V. Hyde T. 499, 576, 582, 642,643,647; 11.329,499,516 V. Lea I. 499 V. Mngrndcr I 591 V. Oslmrne II. 301 I'. Stoker I. 497 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XXIIJ Bank, Union, v. Warren r. Willis II. 298, 299, 301, 31.3 I. 363; II. 121, 124, 520 of La. ». Coster II. 109, 132,140 of Tenn. 75. Smiscr 11.153 of United States v. Bank of Georgia, II. 99, 186, 188, 195, 196, 203, 285, 590, 594, 596, 599, 600 V. Binney I. 132, 133 V. Carneal I. 435, 436, 437, 472, 495, 496, 497, 498 V. Cliapin 11.371 V. Corcoran I. 484, 495, 496 V. Daniel I. 642, 660; 11.154 r. Davis I. 514 r.Donnally 11.318, 354,356,366,383 r. Dunn II. 468 V. Ellis I. 596 T. Fleckner I. 173 - V. Goddard I. 515 V. Hatch I. 494 ; n. 239, 240, 245, 492, 533 V. Lane I. 490 V. Leathers I. 601, 620, 643 ; II. 499 V, Lyman I. 621, 622; IL 451 r. Merle I. 488, 509, 510 V. Norwood 1.470, 483 V. Owens II. 408, 434 V. Russel II. 550, 581 r. Sill L 231, 232; li. 100, 258, 287, 293, 298, 312, 314 V. Smith I. 309, 311,431,432 V. Southard I. 596, 601,606, 612,619 V. United States I. 651, 658. 662; II. 220, 442 Bank of United States v. Waggener II. 406, 408, 434 of Utica V. Bender I. 490, 49 1.495 V. Davidson I. 493, 495 t;. DeMott 1.490,491 V. Ganson II. 445 V. Hillard II. 469 V. Ives II. 240, 245, 533 V. Phillips L494; 11.421 T. Smedes L 377, 381 V. Smith I. 358, 410, 435; 11.442 V. Wager I. 411 ; II 412, 421 of the Valley v. Strihling II. 40* Veazie, v. Paulk II. 427, 461 V. Winn I. 411, 413, 414 ; II. 68, 72, 462 of Vergennes v. Cameron I. 128, 141, 230, 367, 610, 620, 636, 646 Vermont State, v. Porter II. 364 of Virginia v. Ward I. 231, 232 ; II. 101, 297, 312,313 Waldo, V. Lumbert I. 125 Warren, v. Suffolk Bank I. 480 Washington, v. Prescott II. 225 V. Shurtleff II. 140, 143, 399 of Washington v. Triplett I. 337, 396, 397, 399 ; II. 324, 340, 342 Watervliet, v. White I. 96, 170 ; U. 442, 595 West Branch, v. Fulmer I. 523 V. Moorehead II. 223 Western, v. Kyle II. 505 Westminster, v. Wheaton I. 271 ; IL68 of Wilmington, &c. v. Cooper I. 31 1, 394, 432 r. Simmons II. 247 Windham, r. Norton I. 373, 443, 460, 461, 463 Woodstock, V. Downer II. 145 Worcester, v. Wells II. 340, 342 Worcester Co. v. Dorchester, &c. Bank L 115, 189, 232, 259; II. 278, 280, 2S1, 282 Banks v. Colwell L 376 ; II. 604 f. Dixon n. 301,. 305 V. Eastin II. 209 XXIV INDEX TO CASES CITED. Bann r. Dalzell Banorgee v. Hovey Barbarin v. Daniels Barber v. Backhouse V. Gingell V. Gordon V. Minturn Barbour v. FuUerton n. 396 I. 296, 29S n. 456 I. 207 I. 92, 101 ; II. 196, 489, 594 II. 532 II. 326 I. 269, 270 Barclay, Ex parte I. 503 ; II. 164, 203, 234 V. Bailey V. Gooch V. Kennedy ». Walmsley T. Weaver Barelli v. Brown Barger v. Durvin I. 418, 419 II. 154 n. 425 II. 428 I. 584, 587 II. 161 II. 654. 657, 661 Baring v. Clark I. 314 ; U. 220, 456, 488 V. Lyman Barkalow v. Johnson I. 297 ; II. 109 I. 596, 600, 601, 603, 619 II. 638 I. 494 Barker v. Cassidy V. Clark V. Grout II. 51 v. Hall I. 480 V. M'Clure I. 239 V. Mechanic Ins. Co. I. 97. 164, 165, 169, 170 V. Parker I. 401, 456, 461, 592 V. Prentiss I. 195 ; II. 467, 469, 470, 518, 519, 521, 525 V. Sterne 1.49 ; II. 12, 342 V. Talcot I. 156. 157 V. Vansommcr II. 408 Barlow v. Bisliop I 78, 79, 80 ; II. 21 1 V. Broadhurst L 38 V. Flemming n. 522 V. Planters' Bank I. 385, 401 Barnard v. Gushing II. 145, 146, 541 V. Flint L279 V. Planters' Bank IL 495 V. Young 11.409 Barnes v. Foley n. 315 V. Gorman 145 V. Ilcdley II. 420 V. Modisett n. 446 V. Reynolds I 501 V. Trompowsky II. 480 V. Worlich II. 422 narnet r. Gffermun L 178 Barnet v. Skinner I. 251 V. Smith I. 273, 282, 283, 285, 301 ; U. 59, 74, 75, 85, 86 Barney ». Bliss 11. 513 V. Earle I. 221 V. Grover I. 244 V. Newcomb I. 170, 297, 298 ; II. 358, 471 Barnum v. Barnum I. 178, 200 Barnwell v. Mitchell I. 492 Barough v. White I. 265, 268, 376, 379 ; II. 393, 471, 643 Barr v. Baker I. 209 Barrell v. Benjamin II. 319 Barret v. Evans I. 4S3 i;. Thorndike II. 582 Barrett v. Allen I. 400 V. Barrett II. 354, 446 V. Charleston Bank I. 562, 563 V. Deere II. 209 r. Goddard II. 166 V. Hyde L 213 V. Lewis II. 230 V. Swann I. 128 V. Union M. F. Ins. Co. II. 50 Barreto v. Snowdeu II. 411 Barrick v. Austin I. 228, 256 ; 11 445 Barriere v. Nairac II. 45, 52 Barrington v. Bank of Washington II. 576 Barron v. Howe II. 162 Barrow v. Shields II. 641 V. West II. 387 Barrows v. Lane II. 121 Barry v. Crowley I. 637 T. Morse I. 584 ; II. 25 County V. McGlothlin II. 451 Barstow v. Hiriart I. 472 Bartlctt V. Benson II. 31 V. Emery I. 68 V. Knight II. 323 V. Marshall II. 393 V. Mayo II. 151 V. Smith II. 332 r. Williams 11.411 Barton (•. Baker 1529,561,565 V. Tattershnll II. 629 V. Wilkins II. 504 Biirtrum v. Caddy I. 270 ; II. 219 Bartsch v. Atwatcr II. 349, 359. 364, 165 Bascom r. Young I. 125 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XXV Bashford v. Shaw Baskins v. Wilson Bass V. Bass V. Clive Bassett v. Dodgin V. Wills Bateman v. Joseph V. Finder Bates V. Kempton i;. Pricket Bathe v. Taylor Battley v. Lewis Batty V. Carswell V. Lloyd Baucum v Streater Baugli V. Ramsey Bawden v. Howell Baxter v. Duren V. Graves V. Little V. Penniman Bay V. Church U. 139, U2 n. 38, 467 II. 647 L 321 ; n. 99, 196, 482, 484, 590 I. 186 L 311 I. .527 II. 660 L 179 ; II. 54, 446, 645 IL 9 IL 550, 568, 574 I. 143 L 115; II. 7 II 413 II. 639 II., 507 L 131 ; II. 440 IL 38, 39, 590, 602 L 551 L 262; II. 609 IL 659 I. 643 V. Coddington I. 225; IL43, 268, 275 V. Gunn V. Tallmadge Bayard v. Lathy V. Sliunk Bayley v. Greenleaf V. Taber V. Wynkoop Baylis V. Ringer Beach v. Bates V. King V. State Bank V. Vandewater Beachboard v. Luce Beadle v. Hunter Beak v. Beak Beale ». Parrish (20 N. Y.) V. Parish (24 Barb.) Bealey v. Greenslade Beals V. Peck V. See Beaman v. Russell Bean r. Arnold P. Briggs I 74 IL 240 I. 294 IL 89. 103, 105, 157, 159, 163, 193 II. 167 I. 49; II. 89, 514 II. 227 IL 397, 398 II. 141 L 154 L 124, 140, 142, 298; IL 109 L 117 IL 305 II. 640 I. 144 I. 532, 628 I. 628 II 656 L 471, 473, 501, 502 L 150; II. 6 IL 577, 579 I. 579 II. 330 Bean v. Jones I. 246 v. Keen IL 291, 298, 305, 307 V. Morgan I. 85 V. Parker I. 232 Bearce v. Barstow II. 415 Beard v. White U. 506 Buardcsley v. Baldwin I. 39 Beardslcy v. Warner I. 237 ; II. 239, 242, 243, 244, 247 Beattie v. Lett II. 443 Beatty v. Clement II. 662, 663 Beauchamp v. Cash I. 473 V. Mudd II. 645 V. Parry II. 471 Beaumont v. Greathead I. 245 ; II. 217, 318 V. Reeve I. 214 Becher v. Jones II. 399 Beck V. Beck II. 650 V. Roblcy I. 275 ; II. 95, 215, 233 V. Searson II. 640 V. Thompson I. 394, 596, 597, 61 1 Beckett V. Selover II. 645 Beckham v. Drake I. 103 V. Knight I. 103 Beckley v. Munson I. 243 Beckwith v. Angell II. 120, 121, 137, 520 V. Conall I. 258 ; II. 255, 256, 257, 259, 271 V. Farnum IL 41, 157, 163 V. Smith I. 486, 510, 512, 518 V. Union Bank IL 614 Becnel v. Tournillon I. 497 Bedford v. Deakin I. 135, 250 ; II. 154, 234, 246 V. Hickman I. 480 Bedford Com. Ins. Co. v. Covell L 93 Bediiigfield v. Ashley II. 413 Bedo V. Sander.son IL 406 Beebe v. Brooks I. 268 V. Dudley I. 238 V. West Branch Bank II. 242, 244 Beech v. Jones IL 458 Beeching v. Gower I. 440, 479; II. 72, 73, 85, 191 V. Westbrook II 542 Beekman v. Connelly I. 601, 604, 619 V. Wilson IL 455 Beeler v. Young I. 68 Beeley v. Wingfield I. 215 iLxrl INDEX TO CASES CITED. Beemun c. Duck I. 321, 322 ; II. 4S2, 590, 591, 593 Beesley v. Crawford II. 606 Beete v. Bidgood II. 406, 525 Beicher v. Lloyd II. 618 V. Smith II. 133, 136 Belden v. Lamb I. 490, 492 ; II. 429 Belknap v. Davis II. 590 Bell V. Banks I. 239 T. Bruen IL 324 p. Carey II. 605 V. Crawford II. 620, 654 i; Davidson II. 460 U.Davis 11617,620 V. Frank is I. 617 V. Gardiner I. 202 r. Hagerstown Bank I. 482, 483, 495 V. Huggins I. 210 V. Moore II. 298, 301 V. Morehead II. 30 V. Morrison II. 649, 651, 657 V. Moss II. 178 V. Norwood II. 220, 456, 460, 488 V. State Bank I. 483 V. Welch IL 131 V. Young II. 298, 304, 305, 307 Bellamy v. Marjoribanks IL 61, 65 Bellasis v. Hester I. 348, 384 Bellemire v. Bank of United States I. 480 Bellicvre v. Bird I. 366, 449, 453 Bellows V. Lovell I. 237 ; II. 240 Belmont v. Coleman II. 494 Bank v. Patterson I. 361 Belshaw v. Bush IL 150, 154, 308 Beltzlioover v. Blackstock 1. 189 ; IL 258, 275, 276 Bemis v. State II. 621 Benedict v. Caffe I. 446, 529, 563, 566 Benham v. Bishop I. 74, 75 r. Mornington IL 334 Benjamin v. Benjamin II. 210 r. McConnell L 243; II. 552, 562 Bennett v. Bcvard II. 628 T. Dowling II. 466, 467 V. Farnell I. 32, 33 ; II. 50, 592 V. Herring IL 639 V. Pound IL 49, 449 V. Williamson II. 633 Bennion v. Davison IL 487 Eennison v. Jewison II. 332 Benoist v. Creditors I. 537, 538, 539, 582 Benson v. RLirshal II. 472 V. Smith I. 208 V. White I. 427, 428 Bent V. Baker II. 465, 469, 471 Benthall v. Judkins II. 124 Bentinck v. Dorrien I. 291, 328, 329, 352 Bentley v. Bradley IL 513 V. Northouse II. 353, 357 Benton v. Gibson I. 378, 381, 382, 383, 520; IL 120 Berghaus v. Alter IL 228 Beikley v. Cannon I. 151 Berksliire Bank v. Jones I. 311, 432, 435, 436,437,580; 11.348 Berly v. Taylor I. 300 Bernard v. Barry II. 334, 499 V. Mullott IL 619 Berrien v. Wright II. 338, 377, 379, 635 Berry v. Alderman I. 189 ; II. 493 V. Bates II. 528 V. Berry II. 565 V. Griffin II. 153, 160, 162 V. Robinson I. 381, 520 V. Wisdom IL 536 Bertrand v. Barkman I. 189, 221, 224, 225 Besancon v. Shirley I. 47 Besant v. Cross II. 522 Best V. Givens I. 72, 75 Bestor v. Phelps II. 484 V. Walker II. 244, 484 BetJiam v. Benson II. 489 Bethunc v. Dozier I. 239 I.-. McCrary I. 191 Betsy & Khoda, The IL 172 Bctts V. Gunn II. 607 V. Mitchell I. 155 Bevan, Ex parte II. 425 ». Eldridge L412 V. Hill II. 84 V. Waters II. 491 Bcvcridge v. Burgis 1. 492, 528 Beverley v. Lincoln Gas Light & Coke Co. L 163 Bibb V. Peyton I. 622, 626 Bickerdike c. Bollman I. 533, 534, 535, 536, 540, 543, .549, 551, 554, 630 ; II. 71, 498 Birkerton r. Burrell I. 118 Bickford J-. Gibbs II. 125, 137 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XXVii Bicknall v. Waterman II. 41, 102, 157, 163 Biery v. Haines II. 553 Bigelow V. Collamore II. 24 V. Coltoa II. 123 V. Denison 1. 101 V. Grannis I. 76 Bigg's Case I. 163 ; II. 18, 584 Biggs V. D wight II. 226, 231 V. Lawrence I 321 Bignold, Ex parte I. 447, 610 V. Waterhouse I. 502 Bilbie i;. Lumlcy I. 607 Biles V. Commonwealth II. 586 Bill V. Porter II. 154, 157, 218 Billing (;. Devaux I. 285, 287, 289 ; II. 56 Billings V. Billings II. 507 V. Collins I. 256 U.Hall 11.631 V. Jane II. 48, 449 Billingsley u. Dean II. 414 Billingsly v. Billingsly II. 394 V. Cahoon II. 392 Billiot V. Robinson II. 622 Bingham v. Stanley I. 189 ; II. 283, 487 Binney v. Plumley II. 452 Binnington v. Wallis I. 214 Binstead v. Buck II. 264 Birch V. Tebbutt II. 228 Bircher v. Payne II. 528, 538 Birckhcad v. Brown I. 298; II. 109, 134 Bircleback v. Wilkins I. 228, 256 ; II. 519 Bird V. Adams II. 662 V. Caritat II. 327, 369 V. Gammon II. 652 V. LeBlanc I. 576, 578 V. McCalop I. 483, 498 V. McElvaine I. 303 V. Pierpont II. 361 Bird V. Moreatt II, 330, 332 Birkett's Case II. 584, 586 Birkley v. Presgrave I. 251 Birley ?7. Gladstone 11.169 Birt V. Kershaw II. 467 Bisbing v. Graham 11. 298, 309 Biscoe V. James II. 658 V. Jenkins II. 658 r. State 11.619 V. Stone II. 654 Bishop ?.'. Chambre II. 550, 568, 577 Bishop V. Church I. 25^ V. Dexter I. 381 , 382, 520 ; II. 504 V. Hayward II. 457, 459 V. Rowe I. 329 ; II. 155, 234, 436 V. State II. 588 V. Tucker II. 603 r. Williamson 11.315,316 V. Yeazle II. 244 ». Young I. 350 Bissell V. Lewis II. 347 Bizzell V. Stone II. 611 Black V. Peele I. 325 V. Schooler II. 223 V. Smith II. 91 V. Whitall II. 607, 609 V. Zacharie II. 150, 154 Blackl)urn v. Jackson II. 648 Blackburne, Ex parte 11.41, 86, 105, 155, 184, 185, 193 Blackhan v. Dorcn I. 534, 539, 546 ; II. 250 Blackie v. Ridding IL 295, 296, 310 Blackman v. Green I. 21 Bl.ackstone Bank v. Hill L 241 ; II. 222, 225, 226, 230, 241, .533 Blade v. Nolan II, 290, 293, 303 Blair v. Bank of Tennessee I. 229, 310 ; II. 560, 568 V. Williams II. 510 Blake v. Beaumont I. 309, 425 V. Crowningshield I. 385 V. Lawrence II. 394 V. Peck I. 199 V. Sewell IL 215 T. Wheadon I. 137 V. White I. 241 Blakely v. Grant I. 493 ; IL 53, 135, 485 Blakemore v. Wood II. 513 Blanchard v. Hilliard L 369, 384 V.Russell IL 321, 325, 326, 327, 346, 359, 360, 361, 382 V. Stevens I. 221, 223 V. Wood I. 579 Blanckenhagen v. Blundell I. 34 Blane v. Drummond II. 373 Blaney v. Hendricks I. 393 Blankenshlp v. Rogers I. 537, 547 ; IL 7 1 , 609 Blanton v. Rice II. 228 Blcaden r. Charles II. 265, 293 XXV m INDEX TO CASES CITED. Bleeker v. Hyde II. 134 Blesard v. Hirst I. 337, 601 Blinn v. Chester II. 225 Bliss V. Covington II. 309 V. Houghton II. 333 V. Negus I. 206 Blocker v. Whittenburg II. 375 Blodgett V. Durgiii I. 402 V. Wadhams II. 427, 433 Bloodgood V. Bruen II. 649, 650, 657, 661 V. Hawthorn I. 537, 541 Blount V. Riley II. 472 V. Robeson II. 629 Bloxain r. Sanders II. 165 Bloxsome v. Neale II. 230 Board, Ex parte II. 1 89 Board of Police, &c. v. Covington I. 240 Boardman v. Gore II. 573 r. Paige I. 250 ; II. 253 V. Roger II. 436, 445, 455 ??. Smith 11.611 Bobo V. Hansell I. 74 Bock V. Lauman II. 427 Boddington v. Schlcncker II. 65, 69, 72, 85 Bodenham v. Purchas II. 225 229, 230 Bodtrer v. Arch Bodily V. Bellamy Bodkins v. Taylor Boehm v. Campbell V. Sterling Boehmc v. Carr Boeka v. NucUa Bogert V. Hertcll V. Vemiilya Boggs V. Lancaster Bank Bogy V. Keil Bois V. Cran field Bolan V. Williamson Boliiiger v. Gordon Bolitho, Kx parte Bolland v. Bygrave V. Nosh Bolics V. Rtc^ams BoUond's Case Bolton, Kx jiarte r. Dugdale V. Ilarrod II. 656 II. 394 II. 469 1.58 262, 272, 531 ; II. 57, 58, 59, 79, 84 I. 470 II. 49, 449 I. 156, 159 II. 657, 658 11.43 V. Puller I. 530, 5.56 II. 223 11.315 II. 606 I. 131 I. 199 II. 613 II. 4, 584 II. 585 I. 299 I. 38 I. 342,345; II. 437, 454 II. 43 Bolton V. Reichard (1 Esp.) II. 155 r. Richard (6 T. R.) II. 99, 1 55, 195 Bomley v, Frazier II. 372 Bonaffe r. Woodberry II. 222 Bonar v. Macdonald I. 239 Bonaud v. Sorrel II. 605 Bonbonus, Ex parte I. 125 Bond V. Bragg II. 499 V. Central Bank I. 221 V. Farnham I. 446, 528, 537, 561, 563, 565, 566, 568 V. Fitzpatrick I. 275 ; II. 44, 472, 604 V. Jones II. 228 T. Kent II. 167 V. Morley II. 503 V. Storrs I. 236, 238, 310 ; II. 456 Bondurant v. Commercial Bank II. 434 V. Everett I. 483, 497 Bonncy v. Seely I. 243, 244 Boody V. McKenney II. 512 V. United States II. 223 Boon V. Murphy 11. 168 Boone v. Poindexter II. 416 Boot V. Franklin I. 350, 440 Booth V. Grove II. 480 V. Jacobs I. 617 V. Smith II. 160, 162 V. Wallace I. 29 Bordelon v. Weymouth II. 87 Rorncman v. Sidlinger I. 54, 446 Borough V. Perkins I. 642 , II. 329 Borradaile v. Lowe I. 596, 599 Bosanquet v. Anderson II. 479, 483, 485, 486, 590, 595 V. Corser I. 193 r. Dudman L 199; IL 230, 455 V. Forster I. 193 V. Wray II. 224, 225, 228 Bosler r>. Exchange Bank 11.611 Bosley v. Porter II. 222 Bossangc r. Ross II. 427 Bossard v. White II. 640 Boston, The II. 173 Boston Bank v. Hodges I. 369. 370, 411, 414, 419 Boston II. M. Co. r. Mcssingcr I. 239 Bosiwick r. Dodge • I. 2'?l Boswell V. Clarksons II 434 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XXIX Bos well V. Smith Bottomley v. Wilson Bouclicll V. Clary Boucher v. Lawson Boulagcr v. Talleyrand Bouldin v. Page n. 83 II. 466 I. 70 n. 321,330 I. .537 II. 372 Boukbee v. Siuhbs I. 528 ; II. 240, 248 Boulton V. Welsh I. 468, 469 Boulware v. The Bank II. 564 Bourg V. Bringier II. 467 Boutell V. Cowdin I. 177, 202 Boutwell i;. Mason II. 223 Bovill V. Wood I. 247 Bowditch V. Green I. 246 Bowdre v. Hampton II. 657 Bowen v. Doggett I. 217 ». Hale 11.619 V. Mead I. 128 V. Newell I. 399, 400 ; II. 67, 68, 69, 70, 336. 344 V. Stoddard I. 116, 650 Bower v. Tiermann I. 239 Bowerbank v. Monteiro I. 301, 302 ; II. 145, 503, 536, 539 Bowers v. Hurd I. 177, 179 ; II. 55 V. Jewell n. 565, 570, 577 Bowes V. Howe I. 307, 446, 528 ; II. 98, 192 Bowie V. Duvall 1. 310, 358 ; II. 442, 455 Bowker v. Harris II. 651 Bowles V. Elmore II. 643 V. Newby I. 206 Bowling V. Harrison I. 483 Bowman v. Downer II. 654 V. Nichol II. 568 V. Smith II. 286, 298 V. Wood n. 437, 444, 445 Bowne v. Hyde II. 466 V. Joy n. 390 Bowness, Ex parte 11. 82 Bowser v. Bliss II. 535 Box's Case I 35 Boxley v. Gayle 11. 652 Boyce v. Edwards I. 294, 298 ; II. 325, 341, 372,376 ■- Warburton 11.399 Boyd V. Brotherson II 569 V. Cleveland I. 585, 593 ; II. 516 V. Cummings I. 226 r Emmerson II. 69, 77 C* Boyd V. Hitchcock V. McCann V. McConnell r. Mclvor V. Plumb Boydell v. Ilarkness Boyle V. Arledge V. Skinner V. Zacharie Boylston v. Greene Boynton v. Dyer Bo/.eman v. State Bank Brabston v. Gibson Braekenridge v. Baltzell T. Baxton Brackett v. Mountfort V. Norton Bradford v. Bucknam V. Cooper V. Corey V. Farrand T. Hubbard V. Spyker Bradlee v. Boston Glass Co. Bradley v. Anderson V. Bardsley V. Bentley I V. Cary V. Davis IT. 158, 15P I. 261 II. 574 I. 188; II. 493 I. 140, 233 I. 426 II. 305, 634 I. 132 II. 326, 363 II. 215 II. 426 I. 247 I. 309, 325, 356 II. 647 V. Delaplaine V. Field V. Hunt V. Long V. Pratt V. Root V. Trammel V. Phelps Bradshaw v. Davis Brady v. Hill Bragg V. Greenleaf Braham v. Bubb V. Ragland Brailsford v. James V. Williams Brainard v. Buck Braithwaite v. Gardiner Brake v. Corning Bramah v. Roberts Braman v. Hess 11.373 II. 554 11. 318 II. 443 II. 396 I. 579 II. 360 I. 241 ; 11.239,251 II. 647, 660 I. 98,100 II. 507 II. 580 51 ; II. 522 II. 140 I. 473, 484, 494, 496, 635 ; n. 495 I. 273 ; II. 68 n. 649 II. 89, 92 II. 294, 301,306 1.70 I. 335 II. 48, 449 II. 520 II. 622 n. 224, 225 n. 444 1.43 I. 507 II. 651 I. 482, 504 II. 649 I. 321 11. 605 I. 140 II. 414, 428 JLXK INDEX TO CASES CITED. Branch Bank of Montgomery v. Gaffney I. 268, 359, 372, 378, 382 V. Hodges I. 366 T. James I. 235 V. Peirce I. 493 of Alabama v. Windham n. 644 ' at Mobile v. Tillman II. 291, 294, 297, 301 Brandao r. Barnctt 11.114 Brander v. Phillipp II. 232 Brandon v. Nesbitt 11. 8 Brandram v. Wharton II. 656, 661 Brandt v. Foster II. 286 Brannin v. Henderson I. 283 Brannock v. Bushinell II. 654 Brard v. Ackerman II. 469 Bray v. Bates II. 173, 174 V. Hadwen I.- 504, 5 1 4, 5 1 5 Braynard v. Fishei II. 604 V. Marshall 11. 325, 342, 376 Brazier v. Bryant II. 225 Breed v. Cook 11. 152, 156, 183 r. Hillhouse 1.596,621,623; n. 127 V. Judd I. 67 Brembridge v. Osborne II. 220 Brent r. Cook 11. 641 V. Ervin II. 298, S04 Brenzer v. Wightman I. 268, 377, 519 Brett V. Levett I. 596, 618 V. Marsh II. 222 V. Marston II. 118 Brewer v. Branch Bank II. 177 V. Brewer I. 25; II. 651 V. Knapp II. 225 Brewster v. Arnold I. 466, 471, 477 r. Bours II. 1.53, 161 v. Dana II. 519 r. Hardeman II. 658 V. Hobart I. 105 V. McCardel I. 387 ; II. 27 r. Silence 1.44; II. 119,129, 130 T. Wakefield II. 396 Brcyfoglc v. Bccklcy II. 393 Brian v. Tims II. 635 Bridge r. Gray II. 481 r. Ilal.bard 11.418,420 V. Johnson II. 604 Bridgcr v. Heath II. 257, 272 Bridges V. Beny I. 329 n. 181 Bridgman v. Dean I. 196 Briggs V. Briggs II. 609 V. Lapham II. 542 V. Moore II. 606 v. Williams II. 227, 228 T. Wilson n. 645, 656, 660 Brigham v. Bigelow II. 381, 384 V. Giirney n. 437, 443 V. Hutchins II. 660 V. Peters I 92 ; U. 476, 490 V. Wentworth I. 239 Bright v. Hand I. 247 V. Furrier I. 350 351 ; II. 463 Brighton Market Bank v Philbric k L492 Brigstocke v. Smith II. 651 Brill V. Crick II. .542, 578 Brinagar v. Phillips L 240 Brind v. Bacon II. 467 V. Hampshire L 49 Brindlcy v. Barr I. 482, 487 Brinkloy v. Going I. 358 ; II. 220, 442 Briscoe V. Anketell II. 631 Bristol V. Sprague L 148 V. Warner L 228 Bristow V. Sequeville n. 330 British Linen Co. v. Drnmmond II. 326, 383, 384 Brittain r. Johnson I. 507 Britten v. Webb II 457, 459 Broadiicad v. Noyes U. 320, 327 Brock V. Jones II. 623 V. Thompson I. 378, 379, 383, 519 ; II. 428 Brockway r. Allen I. 94, 96, 97, 169 Broddie v. Johnson II. 650 V. Searcy 1.396 Brodie v. Howard IL 180 Brody v. Doherty II 652, 655 Bromage v. Lloyd I. 48, 1 59 ; II. 5 V. Vaughan I 474, 476 Bromwich v. Loyd L 11 Bronangh v. Scott IL 244 Brook V. Smith II 388, 390 r. Wentworth IL 165 Brookes v. Chcsley n. 661 Brookliard v. Woodlcy 11.477 Brooklyn Bank v. Waring I. 596 Brooks V. Elkins I. 21 , 2.1 V. Floyd n. 410 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XXXi Brooks V. Mitchell I. 265, 271, 376, 379 ; II. 79, 643 V. Stuart I. 247 ; II. 237, 508 V. White I. 245 Broom v. Batchelor II. 131 Broomhead, In re II. 632 Brougiiton v. Fuller II. 560, 565 V. Manchester & S. Water- Works Co. I. 164, 166 V. West II. 559 Brower v. Peabody II. 116 Brown, Ex parte I. 252 ; II. 5 In re 1.271,273,547,552,553; II. 56, 57, 59, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 78, 84, 250 V. Bebee II. 515 V. Brown II. 54, 446 V. Butchers', &c. Bank I. 22, 23, 11.16 r. Byers II. 478 V. Clark I. 145 ; II. 437 V. Collins II. 364 r. Curtiss I. 44 ; II. 132, 138 V. Davies I. 261, 275, 376 ; II. 59, 604 ». DeWinton 1.18,20 V. Durbin II. 96 V. Edes II. 639 r. Ferguson I. 57, 510, 514, 642 V. Gilman 1.33; II. 168 V. Gracey II. 334 r. Harraden I. 373, 391, 392 r. Harrison 11.407,410 V. Hill II. 645 V. Hull II. 508 V. Hutchins II. 663 V. Jodrell (3 C. &P.) I. 149, 150 V. Jones n. 549, 580 V. Keach II. 651 V. Kewley II. 41, 85, 105, 155, 159 V. Langley II. 508, 536 V. Leavitt II. 645 ». Lull 11.172 V. Lusk I. 552, 555, 601 ; II. 59, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 V. Maffey I. 538, 539, 556 ; 11.498 r. Maine Bank II. 51 V. Marsh I. 248 V. Merrick II. 646 Brown v. Messiter IL 296, 309 V. Mott I. 184, 191 ; n. 27, 250 V. Nevitt n. 406 V. Newell L 400 v. Noyes L 309 V. Philpot L 188; IL493 V. Pinkham IL 544, 582 V. Richardson n. 320 V. Rivers IL 218 V. Saul IL 91, 189, 6^:0 V. State Bank IL 64 9 V. Stewart IL 630 V. Taber IL 28, 29, 275 V. Turner L 362, 510 V. Van Braum L 654 V. Wakefield IL 655 V. Waters n. 406, 419, 420 Browne v. Carr IL 240, 247 V. Coit L 302, 305 V. Joddrell (Moody & M.) II. 6 V. Lee IL 254 V. Murray L186 v. Robinson IL 608 Brownell v. Bonney L 614, 618 Browning v. Kinnear L 527 Bruce v. Bruce II. 37, 38, 589, 600, 601 V. Flagg n. 634 ». Lytle 1.446,450,529,563,571, 574, 57.5, 582, 586, 596, 621, 626 V. Westcott I. 276 ; II. 562, 563, 565 Brunson v. Napier I. 570 Brush V. Scribner I. 221 ; IL 43, 278 Brutt V. Picard 11. 570 Bryan v. Berry I. 233, 238 V. Ware IL 640 V. Weems II. 645 Biyant v. Christie I. 216 V. Clifford IL 605, 607 v. Damariscotta Bank II. 88 V. Eastman I. 172; IL 17 V. Edson L 399 ; IL 333, 336, 351 V. Ritterbush V. Smith Bryden v. Brydcn V. Taylor Bubier v. Pulsifer Buchanan v. Bordley V. Findlay V. Marshall II. 95, 467, 470 IL 237 L 508 I. 634, 635 n. 420, 469, 470 L 237 11.27 L 580 ; II. 343 XXXll INDEX TO CASES CITED. Bucher v. Jarratt 11. 292 Buck V. Appleton I. 393 ; II. 470, 521, 556, 565 V. Cotton I. 529, 533, 556 V. Kent II. 293 Buckingham v. McLean II. 433 r. Smith 11.651 Buckland c Tankard II. 467,471 Buckler v. Buttivant I. 199 r. Moor II. 155 Buckley, Ex parte. In re Clarke 1. 130, 247 V. Barber I. 144 V. Beardslee II. 1 28 r. Guildbank 11.412 Bucklin v. Ford II. 636, 642, 645 Buckmaster v. Meiklejohn II. 619 Bucknam r. Thompson II. 634 Buckner v. Calcote II. 640 V. Finley I. 57, 642 ; 11. 322, 323, 324 V. Greenwood II. 35 V. Lee L 132, 133 V. Real Estate Bank II. 448 V. Tljompson II. 616 Buddington v. Stewart II. 170 Bueli ». Shethar IL 361 Buffington v. Gerrish II. 207 Buffum V. Chadwick II. 449 V. Deane II. 618 Bulger V. Roche II. 318, 321 , 383 Bulkelcy r. Butler II. 480, 481 Bull V. Allen I. 235, 237 r. Bliss 11.119 BullardT). Bell IL 189 V. Dorsey II. 609 V. Randall II. 59, 61 V. Wilson II. 453, 496 BuUen v. McGillicuddy IL 160, 218 Bailer r. Crips L 10, 11, 12 ; II. 328 Bullet V. Bank of Pa. L 231 ; IL 100,298, 312 Bulloch V. Smith 11. 651, 652 Bullock V. Campbell II. 638 V. Dunbar II. 609 V. Lloyd II. 487 r. Ogbum I. 202 Bullpin V. Clarke L 79 Bull V. Morrcll I. 140 Buingardner v. Taylor II. 662 BuMipnss V. Timms I. 49, 276, 337 Bunker v. Alheam Buimell V. Butler Bunney v. Poyntz Burliank v. Beach n. 659 IL 617 IL 166 I. 646 Burbridge v. Manners I. 417, 516 ; II. 215 Burchell v. Slocock I. 227 Burchtield v. Moore II. 548 Burckmycr v. VVhitcford I. 515 Burden v. Halton IL 151, 308, 436, 443 Burdick v. Green IL 160, 365, 439 Burdon v. Benton I. 199 Burge «. Dishman 11.510,530 Burgess v. Chapin II. 41, 157, 163 V. Cuttill IL 466 V. Merrill I. 77 ; II. 458 V. Vreeland L 471, 472, 511, 512, 518 Burgh V. Legge I. 587, 592, 614, 629 Burgwin v. Bal)cock II. 609 Burk V. Howard II. 661 Burke's Case (6 Ves.) II. 248 Burke's Case (Russ. & R.) II. 584 Burke ». Allen L 71, 151 ; IL 6 V. Clarke II. 179 V. Cruger I. 235, 245 V. Jones II. 629 V. McKay L 506, 633, 642, 643, 645 Burkett v. Moses II. 603 Burkitt V. Ransom I. 195 Burleigh v. Stott IL 658, 659, 660 Burlington County Bank v. Miller II. 80 Burmester v. Barron I. 486, 490 Burn V. Boulton II. 653, 654 V. Burn I. 251 V. Carvalho I. 336 V. Morris II. 264, 266, 267 V. Poaug L 237 ; II. 246 Burnell v. Minot I. 250 Burnet v. Bryan II. 644, 645 Burnham v. Allen I. 28, 375 ; IL 493, 494 V. Ay re II. 568, 577 V. Gallentino II. 118 V. Webster I. 255, 579. 580 ; IL 9 V. Wood L 255; II. 910 Burnley v. Sharp II. 641 Burns v. Hill IL 606 v. Tallon IT. 286 i;. Tavlor II. 167 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XXXlll Burr V. Burr II. 649, 651 V. Smith II. 216 Bunall V. Rice II. 364 Burridge v. Geauga Bank II. 93, 286, 305, 306 V Manners I. 230; II. 213 Burrill v. Smith I. 366, 444 ; II. 239, 589 Burrough v. Moss I. 88 ; II 446, 447, 604, 615 Burroughs v. Bloomer II. 636 Burrows v. Hanneganl. 442, 455, 571,595 V. Jemino I. 328 ; II. 319, 342, 376 II. 565 11.141 II. 661 11.413, 414 II. 359, 360, 363 II. 306, 453 I. 147 II. 84, 292 II. 577 1.12 II. 648 II. 648, 649 11.36 11.412 II. 649 1.427 II. 415, 431 I. 221 ; II. 45, 493 II. 372 1.401, 478, 515; II. 492 II. 246 1.413 ; 11.462 II. 443 V. Stoddard Burt V. Horner V. Palmer Burton's Case Burton, Ex parte v. Dees r. Issitt r. Payne V. Pressly V. Souter V. Stevens V. Wharton Bury V. Hartrnan Busby V. Finn Bush V. Barnard V. Kinnear V. Livingston V. Peckard Bushby v. Camac Bussard v. Levering Bynncr v. Russell 1410 Bynum v. Rogers II. 428 By ram v. Hunter I. 595, .^97 Byrd v. Bertrand II 48; V. Byrd II. 646 Byrom v. Thompson II. 577 Butler V. Hamilton V. Kimball v. Robertson v. State V. Stocking V. Winters V. Wright Butterfield v. Jacobs V. Kidder V. Kinzie Butterworth v. Despencer V. Peck Button V. Downham Butts V. Dean Buxton V. Jones Buzzell V. Snell Vol. I.— a I. 588 L 140, 142 II. 638, 649 IL 495 IL 649, 652 IL 417,525 L310 I. 427, 428 IL 60 IL 413 IL 151, 152, 163 L 366, 457 II. 376 Cabot V. Given II. 478, 485 Bank v. Morton IL 37, 186, 187 • 485, 486, 590, 60(! V. Russell I. 49 7 Cady V. Commonwealth II. 588 Cain V. Spann I. 255 Calder v. Billington II. 53 Caldwell v. Cassidy L 309, 310, 430 ; II. 88, 98 V. Ferrill II. 648 V. May II. 524 V. Rodman II. 643 V. Sigourney II. 658 V. Stileman I. 144 V. Wcntworth II. 226, 228 Calhoun v. Davis II. 509 Calisto, The IL 170 Call V. Lothrop II. 621 V. Scott II. 414 Callaghan v. Aylett I. 307 Callow V. Lawrence II. 219, 233. 568 Calton V. Bragg II. 395 Calvert v. Baker II 580 Camden v. Doremus II. 141, 142 V. McKoy IL 120, 125, 519 Came v. Brigham I. 164 Cameron v. Smith II. 394, 395, 396, 397 Cauiidge ». AUenby II. 41, 71, 94, 97, 103, :05, 156, 158, 181, 182, 183, 184, 191 Cammack v. Griffin II. 162 Cammer v. Harrison I. 375, 407 Camp V. Bates II. 424 V. Lock wood II. 318 V. Scott I. 264 V. Tompkins I. 50 V. Walker II. 472 Catnparree v. Brockway II. 121 Campbell v. Brown I. 248 r. Butler IL 120 kXXlV INDEX TO CASES CITED. Campbell v. Carman I. 268 V. Hays II. 616 T. Hodgson II. 225, 506 V. Humphries II. 220, 455 T. Knapp II. 125 V. Mississippi Union Bank II. 107 V. Pettengill I. 303, 543, 545 r. Bead 11.431 V. Tousey II. 374 V. Upshaw II. 513 7). Webster 1.614,616 Can V. Read 11. 82, 83 Canal Bank v. Bank of Albany I. 275, 320, 321, 322; II. 38, 284, 483, 485, 590, 596, 599 Canfield v. Gibson II. 9 r. Ives I. 246 V. Vaughan II, 136 Cannam v. Farmer I. 78 Cannan v. Bryce ^ I. 214 Cannon v. Beggs II. 393 Cape Fear Bank v. Stinemetz I. 57 Capen v. Alden II. 228, 230 Capp V. Lancaster II. 643 Capper ?7. Spottiswoode 11.167 Capron v. Johnson II. 364 Carey v. Greene II. 107 V. McDougald I. 26 V. Pitt II. 476 Cargo of the Ship Anna Kimball II. 169 Cariss v. Tattersall II. 563, 577 Carlan v. Ireland II. 65 Carlcy v. Vance I. 309, 432 Carlisle v. Davis II. 301 V. Hill II. 427 V. Morris II. 655 V. Rich I. 244 V. Wishart I. 221 Carll (). Brown I. 264 r. ILirt II.6J58 Carlon v. Ireland II. 586 v. Kenealy I. 374, 407 Carlos V. Fancourt I. 45 Carlton v. Bailey I. 264, 377 Carlton v. Ludlow Woollen Mill II. 657, 658, 660 Carman v. Garrison IF. 608 Carmi( Iiael r. Bank of Pa. I. 337, 348, 591, 641 Carne v. Legh I. 252 Carneal v. Thompson H. 635 Carnegie v. Morrison 1. 249, 291. 294, 296 ; IL 62, 109, 134, 318, 321, 338 Carpenter v. King I. 235, 246 V. Oaks IL 121 v. Wells II. 635 Can- V. Carr II. 61 V. Eastabrooke II. 236 V. Howard I. 237 V. LcFevre II. 33, 115, 116 V. Rowland IL 120, 125 V. Shaw II. 353, 355 V. Stephens II. 536 Carriere r. Ticknor 11.617 Carroll v. Upton I. 490, 492 V. Van Rensselaer II. 167 V. Waters II. 179 V. Weld IL 120, 121, 519 Carroll ton Bank v. Tayleur I. 294, 298 Carroway v. Cox II. 461 Carruth v. Paige II. 650 Carruthers v. West II. 29 Carshore v. Huyck ' II. 6C1 Carson v. Bank of Alabama I. 483 V. State Bank I. 490 ; II. 490 Carstairs, Ex parte I. 241 ; II. 248 V. Rolleston I. 326 ; IL 249 V. Stein IL 407, 410 Carter v. Bennett II. 629 V. Bradley I. 475, 476, 499 V. Burley L 57, 511, 513. 514, 517, 595, 601, 620, 621, 622, 634, 635, 640, 642, 643, ; IL 325, 329, 497, 499 T. Carter I. 251 V. Cross II. 649 V. Flower I. 266, 344, 534, 550, 554, 557, 560, 575 ; II. 72 V. Hamilton II. 506 V. James II. 487 V. Smith I. 309 V. Union Bank I. 495, 640, 04 1 , 642 r. Vaulx II. 301 Carteret v. Paschal II. 45 Carticr v. Page II. 381 Cartwright r. Cooko II. 217 V. Gardner II. 448 V. Williams il. 28, 32 Caruth r. Thompson I. 279 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XXX'' Can'er v. "Warren Carvick v. Vickery Gary v. Campbell V. Gerrish Casborne v. Dutton Casco, The Brig Case V. Heffner 1.37; n. 118 I. 321 ; II. 4, 477 II. 305 II. 84 I. 24, 25 II. 170 I. 660 V. Morris I. 534, 537, 552 ; II. 71 V. Spalding II. 519 Cash V. Kennion I. 664 ; II. 370, 376 V. Taylor I. 92, 101 Cassel V. Dows II. 564 Castle V. Candee I. 377 ; II. 122, 139, 519 Castrique v. Bernabo I. 412, 417 ; II. 462 Cathell V. Goodwin I. 89, 443, 537, 538, 549; II. 71 Catherwood v. Chabaud I. 156, 157 ; II. 446 Catlin V. Gunter II. 414, 427 T. Hansen I. 189 V. Lyman II. 424 V. Marsh II. 424 Caton V. Shaw II. 409, 434 Cator's Case II. 477 Catskill Bank v. Messenger I. 248 V. Stall L 125, 497 Catton V. Simpson II. 557 Caunt V. Thompson I. 364, 471, 477, 526, 629 Cave V. Hall II. 154 V. Webb II. 607 Cawley v. Furnell II. 650, 651 Cayuga Co. Bank v. Bennett I. 482, 501, 502 V. Dill I. 593 V. Hunt I. 362, 418, 420, 421, 636, 644 ; II. 433 V. Warden I. 471, 473, 475, 476, 477 ; II. 348 Cecil V. Mix II. 120 Central Bank v. Allen I. 393, 404, 438, 451 ; II. 491 V. Curtis II. 454 o. Davis I. 369, 610 V. Willard n. 242, 531, 538, 539, 540, 541 of Brooklyn v. Lang II. 449 Certain Logs of Mahogany U. 169 Chadbourn v. Watts 11. 418, 420 Chadwick v. Allen I. 24, 31 V. Jeffers L 378, 382, 383, 520 Chalmers v. Harris II. 38 V. Lanion XI. 604 Chamberlain v. Gorham II. 290, 298, 305 V. Hopps I. 48 V. Townsend II. 427 Cliamberlyn v. Dclarive I. 337 ; H. 154 Chambers v. Games II. 619 V. Garland II. 628, 649, 650 V. Hunt II. 287 V. McDowell II. 160 V. Marks II. 647 V. Walker II. 663 Champant v. Ranelagh II. 324 Champion v. Griffith II. 121 V. Terry IL 151, 154, 294, 295, 296, 307 Champlin v. Butler II. 235 Chancy v. Baldwin IL 302 Chander v. Sterling I. 508 Chandler v. Herrick II. 532 V. Lawrence II. 478, 662 V. Marsh I. 210 V. Mason I. 444, 559 ; II. 469 V. Morton II. 469 V. Parkes I. 77 Chaney v. Baldwin IL 298, 299 Channell ». Ditchburn II. 659 Chanoine v. Fowler I. 504, 634 Chapcott I'. Curlewis I. 490 Chaplin v. Levy IL 286 Chapman v. Annett I. 615 ». Black L 217; IL 418, 420, 431 V. Durant IL 151 V. Eddy I. 204 V. Hiden II. 466 V. Keane L 503, 504 V. Lipscombe I. 478, 491 ; IL 492 V. Robertson II. 319, 337, 338, 376, 380 V. Schroeder IL 629 V. Steinmetz II. 171 V. Tanner II. 166 r. White L 290; IL 59,60, 61 Chappel, Ex parte I. 500 Chappell V. Spencer II. 556, 558 Chappie V. Durston II. 631 XXXV] INDEX TO CASES CITED. Charles v. Marsden I. 326; II. 29 Charlotte, Steamboat, v. Hammond II. 154, 160, 162, 176, 218 Charlotte, Steamboat, v. Lumm II. 151 Chard v. Fox I. 471 Chamley v Dulles I. 26 W.Grundy 11.288,289,310,311 Charrington v. Miiner II. 467 Chartres v. Cairnes II. 318, 338, 375 Chaser. Kendall I. 148 V. Redding II. 54 V. Strain II. 615 V. Taylor I. 634 ; II. 497 V. Westmore II. 165 V. Weston I. 210 Chastain ». Johnson II. 154, 161, 205, 218 Chat V. Edgar I. 11 Chaters v. Bell I. 643, 644 ;. II. 485 Chatfield v. Paxton I. 607, 608 Chaudron v. Hunt II. 290, 291, 293, 295, 297, 298, 309 Chautauque Bank v. Davis I. 358 ; II. 442 Chazournes v. Edwards I. 126, 128, 132 Cheap V. Harley II. 212 Cheek v. Roper I. 349 Cheetham v. "Ward I. 162, 247, 248; II. 237 Cheever v. Smith II. 179 Chenot r. Lefevre II. 381, 592 Chenowith v. Chamberlin I. 57, 140, 641, 642 Cheshire v. Barrett I. 67, 73, 75 Ciiesley v. Frost II. 576 Chesraer v. Noyes I. 635 ; II. 497 Chesterfield v. Janssen II. 406, 413 Chcttle j;. Pound II. 577 Chevalier v. Lynch II. 387, 390 Chcvaliier v. Buford I. 47 V. Durst II. 646 V. State II. 619 Chew V. Bank of Baltimore I. 89 Chewning v. Gatcwood I. 470 V. Singleton II. 297, 305 Chick r. Pillsbury I. 510, 511, 512 V. Trevctt I. 98 Chicopec Bank r. Eager I. 483 V. Chapin I. 191, 221, 223; II. 44 Childers v. Boulnois I. 25 V. Deane II. 412, 423 Childreis r. Stuart I. 46 Child V. McKean II. 493 Childs V. Barnum II. 126 V. Monins I. 161, 195, 198; II. 6 V. Wyman II. 121, 122, 125 Chiilingworth v. Chillingworth II. 413 I. 241 II. 214, 487 394, 395, 396 II. 410 II. 586 II. 541 II. 222, 225 II. .539 II. 632 I. 244 I. 85 I. 489, 495, 498 I. 130 II. 643 I. 289 II. 169 I. 501 II. 634 Chilton V. Bobbins V. Whiffin Chinn v. Hamilton II. Chippindale v. Thurston Chisholm's Case Chittenden v. Ensign Chitty V. Naish Cholmeley v. Darley Chouteau v. Burlando V. Jones V. Merry V. Webster Christie, Ex parte V. Fonsick* V. Pearl 77. Lewis Christmas v. Fluker Christophers v. Garr Church V. Barlow I. 229, 326, 515 ; II. 250 r. Clark L 411, 414, 419 ; IL 461 V. Flowers II. 298, 309 t'. Imperial Gas Light & Coke Co. I. 163 V. Tomlinson H. 420 Churchill v. Sutcr IL 418, 426, 468 Chusan, Bark IL 171, 175, 180, 365 Chute V. I'attce I. 239, 241 ; II. 135 Citliens' Bank v. Walker I. 498 City Bank v. Cutter I. 369, 370, 399, 402, 40.3, 411, 643; IL 213,462 of New Orleans v. Girard Bank I. 651 Clampitt V. Newport I. 156 Clap V. Day II. 449 Clapp V. County of Cedar IL 33, 35 r. Hanson 11.415,469 V. Ingcrsol II. 662 r. Rice IL 123 Ciarcmont Bank v. Wood I. 235 ; II. 2.50 Claridgc v. Dalton I. 534, 535, 538, 540 ; IL 241, 242, 250, 498 ». Klctt II. 620 Clark, Ex parte IL 233 V. Alexander II. 397, 653, 657, 058 INDEX TO CASES CITED. XXXVII Clark V. Atkinson V. Badgley V. Baker V. Boyd n. 654, 662 II. 417 II. 489 I. 48, 160 V. Coinmonwciilth II. 588 V. Devlin II. 239, 240, 242, 243, 249 V. Draper II. 165 V. Eckstein II. 577 V. Eldridge I. 471 V. Ely I. 222, 224 V. Farmers' Manuf. Co. I. 26 ; 11.35 V. Hill I. 238, 242 V. Hooper II. 656, 662 ». Jones II. 637 V. Loomis I. 276 ; II. 427 17. Merriam II. 120, 121, 124, 137, 139 V. Minton I. 447, 530 r. MuUenix II. 623 V. Miindal II. 154 V. Reed II. 301 r. Ricker 1.196,215,279 V. Rogers II 577 V. Russel I. 198 V. Sigourney I. 48, 50, 159 ; II. 656, 657 V. Sisson II. 427 V. Stackhouse II. 73 W.Young II. 153, 155,348 Clarke, In the Matter of I. 247 V. Adair I. 333, 335 V. Clement II. 234 r. Cock 1.281,285,287,293 V. Cross II. 637 V. Cuckfield Union I. 163 V. Dutcher II. 651 r. Gordon 1.310,312 V. Hawkins 11. 614 V. Jenkins II. 659 V. Johnson II. 266 V. Marriott II. 642 V. Percival I. 38, 43 V. Quince 11. 293, 309 ». Sharpe I. 486 v.Shee 11.110,266,267,280 V. State II. 586 V. Wilson II. 247 Clarkson v. Garland 11. 406, 416 Clason I'. Bailej I. 22, 37 Clavey v. Dolbin I. 284 Clawson v. Gustin II. 567 Claxton V. Swift II. 25, 232, 247, 457 Clay r. Cottrell I. 124, 126,275 r. Crowe 11.289,291,292,295, 296 V. Hopkins I. 660 V. Oakley I. 482, 500 V. Smith II. 363 Clayton's Case II. 225, 230, 413 Clayton v. Gosling I. 39, 194 ; II. 644 V. Piiipps I. 622 Clcavcland ». Stewart I. 169; II. 518 Clegg, Ex parte II. 613 V. Cotton I. 528, 533, 534 V.Levy II. 318, .330 Clement v. Leverett I. 225 ; II. 43 V. Reppard I. 178 Clements v. Brown II. 634 Clerk V. Blackstock I. 251 ; II. 557, 560 V. Mundall II. 41, 156 Gierke v. Martin I. 12 Clermont v. Tullidge II. 476 Cleve V. Jones II. 653 V. Mills II. 387, 390 Cleveland v. Covington I. 243 V. Loder II. 409 V. Worrell II. 290, 304 Clifford V. Parker II. 550, 573, 577, 578, 579 Cline V. Miller I. 207 Clinton Bank v. Ayres II. 444 Clippinger v. Creps I. 241 ; II. 245 V. Hepbaugh I. 214 Clode V. Bayley I. 515 Clopper V. Union Bank I. 229, 326, 537, 558; II. 250 Closson V. Stearns I. 22; II. 16 Clough V. Bond II. 83 V. Clough II. 624 V. Davis I. 49 Clouston V. Barbiere II. 121 Clugas V. Penaluna II. 321, 330 Clute V. Small I. 276 ; II. 563, 570, 573 Cobb V. Little II. 252 V. O'Neal II. 502 j;. Page 1.199 V. Titus n. 428, 429 xxxirri INDEX TO CASES CITED. Coburn v. Kerswell II. 152, 153, 177 Cochituate Bank r. Colt II. 94 Cock V. Coxwell 11. 550 V. Fellows I. 31 V. Taylor 11. 169 Cocke V. Bank of Tenn. I. 502 V. Branch Bank I. 138 V. Chancy II. 160 V. The Commonwealth I. 584 V. Dickens 11. 450 Cockell V. Bridgeman 11. 297, 306 V. Gray I. 384 Cockerell v. Barber II. 369 Cockrill V. Hobson II. 643 V. Ivirkpatrick II. 507 Cocks, Ex parte II. 397 V. Masterman I. 319, 516 ; II. 81, 284, 596, 598 v. Nash I. 249 ; II. 237 Cockshott V. Bennett I. 2 1 6 Coco v. Lacour II. 205 Coddington v. Bay II. 43, 268, 493 Davis I. 563, 575, 578, 582, 643, 647 Codman v. Lubbock II. 91 Codwise v. Gleason II. 502 Coggill V. American Bank I. 322 ; II. 80, 212, 483, 590, 591 Cohea v. Hunt I. 419, 435 Cohen V. Morgan II. 257 Colbert v. Daniel II. 629 Coiburn v. Averiir II. 124, 125, 658 Colby r. Colby 11.611 Coldrcn v. Miller II. 96 Cole V. Blake II. 625 V. Gushing II. 19, 94, 251 T. Hundley II. 507 V. Lockhart II. 421 r. Kunnells II. 646 V. Sackett II. 152, 159, 202 V. Scot II. 167 V. ThruU II. 230 Colciian V. Cooke I. 40 Coleman v. Bicdcman II. 453 V. Carpenter I. 515 r. Ewing 1.411 V. Fobes II. 658 V. Saycr I. 384, 391, 404 V. Smith I. 639 V. Wolcott II. 305 Colerick r. McCleas L237 Coles V. Bell II. 209 V. Jones 11.45 Colkett V. Freeman I. 415, 416 Collamer v. Goodrich n. 411 V. Langdon IL 153 Collester v. Hailey n. 636, 646 Collett v. Frazier IL 661 Collier v. Nevill n. 428 Collinge V. Heywood II. 638 Collins, Ex parte 11.82 V. Benning II. 644 V. Butler 1.457 V. Johnson L97 V. Jones IL 613 V. Lincoln L47 ; IL 189 V. Martin I. 184, 185, 224 ; IL 43, 265, 435, 493 CoUis V. Emett I. 32, 109 ; II. 11, 50, 585, 592 V. Stack II. 650 Collott V. Haigh I. 229, 325 ; II. 249, 250 Collyer v. Willock IL 656 Colt V. Noble L 515 Columbia v. Amos II. 510 Colvin V. Holbrook II. 209 V. The State II. 585 Colyer v. Craig II. 606 Combe V. Woolf L 237 ; II. 247 Conibes's Case I. 90 Combs V. Bateman II. 206 Comcgys v. Booth I. 239 ; II. 245 Commercial Bank v. Benedict I. 231, 232; II. 100, 298, 301, 302, 313, 314 Commercial Bank r. Clark I. 622, 626 V. Cunningham I. 229, 326 ; IL 250 ». French L 170,238; IL 449, 451 V. Goto I. 488 V. Ilamer I. 419, 435 v. Hughes I. 464, 537, 632; II. 71 r.King L 512, 518 V. Lum II 577 V. Newport M in. Co. 1.170 r. Norton I 10(^, 108 T. Routh I. 60 INDEX TO CASES CITED. xxxu Commercial Bank ». Strong I. 478, 482, 488, 489, 490 of Natchez V. Clai- borne II. 445 ofPenn. v. Union Bank of N. Y. II. 209 Commissioners of Berks Co. v. Ross II. 246 of Knox Co. V. Aspin- wall 1. 35 &c. T. Hanion II. 577 Commonwealth v. Carey II. 476 ». Frost 11.411,418 ». Green 11.318 ». Johnson I. 198, 215 r. Manley 1.79,88; n. 447 V. Miller II. 425, 588 V. Sankey II. 586 V. Stephenson II. 588 V. Stone II. 105, 107, 194, 195 V. Taylor II. 588 V. Vanderslice I. 242, 246 V. Ward II. 545 ». Whitney II. 587 T. Wilson n. 588 of Kentucky v. Bass- ford II. 380 Comparet v. Ewiiig II. 397 Comstock V. Smith II. 152 Conant v. Hitt II. 645 Concord v. Pillsbury II. 603, 609 Condit V. Baldwin II. 411 Cone V. Baldwin I. 259 ; II. 275, 276 Conger v. Tradesman's Bank II. 412 Conicr .& Holland's Case II. 235 Conklin v. Parsons II. 616 V. Waltz II. 620 Conkling v. King II. 160, 161 ». Underbill 11.419 Conn V. Coburn I. 68, 244 V. Gano I. 310 V. Penn II. 397 Connecticut v. Jackson II. 424 V. Johnson II. 425 & Passumpsic Rivers R. Co. V. Newell II. 33 Conner r. Routh I. 39 ; 11. 569 Connerat v. Goldsmith L244 Connery v.^ Kendall L 275 Connolly v. Goodwin I. 635 Connor v. Bellamont II. 376, 379 V. Martin I 78, 79; II. 3 V. Winton II. 607 Conoway v. Spicer II. 659 Coiiro V. Port Henry Iron Co. I. 169 Conroy v. Warren I. 51; II. 58, 59, 72, 73, 74, 84 Consequa v. Willings II. 376 Converse v. Moulton II. 513 Conway v. Case 11.84 Conwcll V. Morris IL 645 V. Puraphrey 11.415 Cook V. Bank of Lexington II. 434 V. Darling I. 393, 396 V. Gray 1.393 v. Helms I. 224, 255 V. Litchfield L 471, 473, 641 ; IL 328 343, 348, 377, 380 V. Martin I. 310, 431, 533, 537, 550, 551 V. Mix L210 V. Moffat II. 328 V. Renick I. 394, 489 V. Sanford L99 V. Satterlee 1.45 V. Southwick II. 120 Cooke V. Colehan I. 40 V. Darwin IL 292 V. French L469 V. Nathan II. 122, 141 Cookendorfer v. Preston I. 397 Coolbroth v. Purinton I. 29 Cooley V. Lawrence II. 125 ». Rose II. 424, 463 Coolidge V. Brigham 11.38 V. Inglee I .216 ; II 543 V. Payson I 294, 295 V. Ruggles L45 Coombe v. Miles II. 408 Coombs V. Ingram I. 195 Coon V. Brook 1.78 Cooper V. Dedrick II. 130, 132, 143, 638 V. Le Blanc II. 590, 593 V. McClurkan I. 126 V. Meyer I. 322 ; II. 50, 483, 591, 592 T. Parker II. 648 XI INDEX TO CASES CITED. Coopei p. Sandford V. Scott V. Shepherd V. Tappan II. 372 II. 2.33 II. 436 II. 501 V. Waldegrave II. 325, 326, 341, 342, 371, 377 V. Willomatt II. 436 Coore T. Callaway II. 209, 489 Cojje V. Arberry II. 301 V. Daniel II. 374, 439 V. Smith I. 237, 238 Copp V. M'Dugall T. 444, 559 ; II. 498 V. Sawyer I. 178; II. 55 Copper-Miners' Co. v. Fox I. 163 Coppock T. Bower I. 196, 215 Corbett v. State of Georgia II. 597 Corbit V. Bank of Smyrna II. 89, 94, 99, 100, 103, 106, 107, 153, 187, 189, 191, 192, 194, 196 Corcoran v. Powers II. 427 Cordwell v. Martin II. 568, 573 Corfield V. Parsons II. 209 Corlics V. Gumming II. 156 Cormuna v. Bank of Louisiana I. 495 Cornell v. Moulton I. 381, 3S6 Corney v. Da Costa I. 530, 5.54, 561, 573, 575 Cornforth v. Rivett II. 455, 605 Cornish v. Bryan II. 46 Cornu r. Blackburne I. 152 Cornwall v. Gould I. 632 ; II. 151, 204 Corp f. M'Comb 1.395,515 Corser v. Craig I. 291, 331 ; II. 47 Cory V. Scott I. 534, 541, 551, 555, 630 Cospey V. Turner II. 580 Costar V. Davlcs II. 153 Coster V. Bank of Georgia II. 168 V. Dilworth II. 4 1 1 V. Thomason I. 494, 502 Costin r. Rankin I. 482 CoU V. Buck I. 40 Cotes V. Davis I. 78, 79, 81, 82 ; II. 3, 479, 489 Cottam V. Partridge II. 648 Cotten V. Williams II. 5.53, 580 Cotton V. Ikasly II. 297 V. Kvans I. 125, 126 r. Godwin I. 245 ; II. 621 Cottrell V. Conklin II. 120, 121, 123, 520 Couch V. Meeker I. 51 Coucli I'. Mills V. Waring Coulon V. Champlin Coulson's Case V. Walton Coulter V. Robertson I. 249 II. 241, 2J4 I. 489 II. 586 II. 579 II. 420 County of St. Charles v. Powell II. 663 Conpry v. Dufau II 525 Course v. Shackleford I. 381, 382, 520, 529 Coursen v. Hamlin II. 611 Coursin v. Ledlio I. 44, 228 ; II. 453, 456 Courtois V. Carpentier II. 318 Cousins V. Paddon II 602 V. Thompson II. 92 Coutant V. Schuyler I. 179 i II. 54 Covcly V. Fox II. 182 Covington v. Comstock I. 309, 429 Coward v. Hughea I. 79 Cowden v. Elliot II. 608 Cowe V. Halsall II. 547 Cowell V. Edwards II. 254 V. Simpson II. 165 V. Watts I. 156 Cowic V. Harris I. 41 Cowlcs V. Harts I. 472 V. McVickar II. 428 Cowley V. Dunlop I. 199 ; II. 455 Cowper V. Smith II. 134, 248 Cowperthwaite r. Sheffield I. 290, 332, 334, 335, 506 ; II. 60, 226 Cowqua T. Lauderbrun II. 372 Cox V. Adams II. 336 V. Bailey II. 658 V. Baldwin II. 162 r. Bank of Tennessee 1.660,661 V. Coleman I. 287, 302 V. Davis II. 633 r. Earle 1.317 V. Fen wick II. 167, 169 V. Troy I. 48, 291 ; II. 573 V. United States II. 318 ?'. Wallace II. 510 V. AViiliams II. 469 Coxe V. ILiid