WHAT TO REA ON SOCIAL A CONOMIC Si "Pai^y-an sen FIFTH EDITION. WHAT TO READ ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SUBJECTS. AN INTERLEAVED BIBLIOGRAPHY, COMPILED BY THE FABIAN SOCIETY. PRICE ONE SHILLING NET. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY P. S. KING & SON, ORCHARD HOUSE, GREAT SMITH ST., WESTMINSTER, for the Fabian Society, 3 Clement's Inn, Strand, W.C. October 19 10 »»•!* 11. CONTENTS. Introduction ii. Note on Bibliographies... Hi. Synopsis of Contents ... iv. Index of Authors ... vi. List of Books I List of Publishers 60 INTRODUCTION. The following list is not intended to be a complete bibliography. The books selected are for the most part recent, inexpensive and accessible, together with such others as are indispensable to the adequate study of the subject. Different standards have been adopted in the selection of books for different parts of the list. For instance, only a few of the best books on early and mediaeval history are given ; while, on the other hand, an attempt has been made to include every important book issued as part of the Socialist propaganda during recent years. With the exception of some American books, only works obtainable in the United Kingdom have been included, and the majority deal with English problems. It has been impossible to find space even for representative specimens of those local records and reports which must be the chief sources of any thorough and original study of social history. A few periodical publications have been included ; but, with one or two exceptions, magazine articles have not been mentioned, although much of the best results of modern controversy and enquiry is to be read only in that form. Few public libraries yet contain all the books here mentioned ; and all who desire to promote serious study of social subjects are urged to induce any libraries with which they are connected to obtain as many of them as possible. Where books are no longer stocked by the original publisher every endeavor has been made to give the name of the publisher (or bookseller) from whom they are now to be obtained. The earlier editions of this iv.t were preprr^d by Graham Wallas, Sidney Webb, and many others. The present edition includes " More Books to Read," the Supple- ment to the last edition ; and the new books have been selected by the Secretary, Edw. R. Pease, with advice and assistance from Miss B. L. Hutchins, Geo. H. Wood, F.S.S., and many others. F. James Matheson, till recently Secretary of the British Institute of Social Service, and now of P. S. King & Son, has given much help, especially in the selection of Government Reports and official publications, and the whole has been revised before publication by Sidney Webb. 111. NOTE ON BIBLIOGRAPHIES. FOR modern books, much the best and handiest general subject-catalogue is W. S. Sonnenschein's " Best Books " (Routledge, 1910, in three parts, each 14s. net. Part I. deals with theology, mythology and philosophy ; Part II. with sociology (including law and education), geography and history, etc. ; Part III. with the sciences, the arts and trades, and literature and philology). An invaluable work is the " Subject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum in the years 1881- 1900," edited by G. K. Fortescue, LL.D. ; published for the British Museum by Longmans and Quaritch in 3 vol. (1902-3) at 10s. per vol. The same for the years 1901-5, in 1 vol. (1906), 40s. Messrs. Nelson have now in the press and will shortly publish, " Standard Books," which will be one of the best guides in existence. This work will contain classified lists of the 10,000 best books in every department of liter- ature, with a general index of 50,000 references, and 10 bibliographical maps. It will be published in 4 vol. at a subscription price of 84s. The International Institute of Social Bibliography, 57 Chancery Lane, London, W.C., issues a full monthly Biblio- graphy in all languages on Social Science, published by P. S. King & Son at 2s. a copy or 24s. a year, post free. The Economic Revieiu (5s. net; publishes quarterly a comprehensive and select guide to economic literature, and the Institut International de Bibliographic issues monthly its Bibliographia Economica Universalis, a most com- plete, closely classified list of books and articles on economics and social science in all languages. The Library Association also issues annually its " Best Books " (is. 6d. net). For old books the reader should consult Watts' u Bibliotheca Britannica," 0./., which gives English books published before 1824, under subjects and under authors. Many articles in the M Encyclopaedia Britannica," the " Dictionary of National Bio- graphy " (Smith Elder), and the " Dictionary of Political Economy" (Macmillan), have short but well-chosen bibliographies appended to them. The twelve volumes of the "Cambridge Modern History" contain extensive and valuable bibliographical lists, including works of all countries. For parliamentary papers consult the "Classified Catalogue," 1801-1900, pub- lished by P. S. King and Son at 7s. 6d., and the subsequent lists issued monthly. Every paper printed in any important magazine, from the beginning of the century to 1882, will be found catalogued under its subject, in Poole's " Index to Periodical Literature " (Kegan Paul. 73s. 6d. net). The following further Supplements can be obtained of Kegan Paul: — 1882-86, 36s.; 1887-91, 40s. net; 1892-96, 50s. net; 1 897- 1 902, 50s. net, and 1902-07, 50s. net. The method of reference, which is rather complicated, is explained in the introduction. The " Annual Literary Index," edited by W. L. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker (New York ; Office of the Publishers' Circular) is an annual Supplement. The " Index and Guide to Periodicals," issued annually to 1902 by the Review of Reviews, gives in each issue a complete index to contents of periodicals of the previous year. Palmer's " Index to the Times " (quarterly 10s.), and " The Times Index " (monthly, 30s. a year), are the best guides to current events. Dietrich's " Bibliographic der Deutschen Zeitschriften-Litteratur " is an annual index to German periodical literature ; and Jordell's " Repertoire bibliographique des principales revues francaises " fulfils the same office for France. The above bibliographies and catalogues are in the British Museum Reading- room, and in the British Library for Political Science. When the books appearing in the following pages contain useful bibliographies, this fact is usually mentioned. In some cases special bibliographies are given at the foot of the section. A number of manuscript bibliographies and a large collection of official reports of all countries, and of specialist books and pamphlets (many of the latter now out of print) are open to readers in the British Library of Political Science at the London School of Economics, Clare Market, W.C. For books giving the Roman Catholic point of view on economic questions and social reform generally, " Books for Social Students," 32 pp. (Catholic Truth Society, 69 Southwark Bridge Road, S.E.), price id., will be found useful. 283635 IV. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. Social and Economic History. Origins of society and early history 37 Mediaeval history 23 Modern „ 24 History of economic and social development ... 22 Industrial and commercial history 3° Industrial and social conditions 28 Biographies of socialists and reformers 2 Economic Theory. Early economics 11 Classical „ 11 Modern „ 11 History of economic theory 11 Public finance (including rates and taxation) ... 17 ^ Currency, banking, and exchange 9 Free trade, protection, and international trade... 19 Political Science and Government. Political science and politics 39 Constitutional history (British) 6 Central government of United Kingdom 20 Foreign government ... 22 Imperial and colonial problems 27 Local government : — Local government, general ... 20 Poor law 41 Municipal enterprise and government 36 London government ... ... ... ... ••• 35 Sanitation and hygiene ... ... ... ••• 45 Housing ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 Hospital management 25 Electoral and legislative machinery 16 Election and registration law 15 Citizenship ... .., ff , , f .. 5 V. Social and Industrial Problems. Labor questions : — Trade unions Strikes and lock-outs ... Arbitration (industrial) and conciliation Wages and hours of labor Labor laws Co-operation Profit-sharing and piece-work... Friendly societies, State insurance, etc. Emigration and immigration ... Old age pensions Social evils : — Physical degeneration and the birth-rate Crime and prison treatment Drink question Unemployment Poverty in old age (Old age pensions) Pauperism (Poor law) General questions : — Children ... Education Women's questions Land and agriculture ... Mining rents and royalties Railways... Trusts and combinations Socialism. — as stated by socialists *»■ „ non-socialists •» „ critics and anti-socialists Christian socialism Socialist criticism on current questions Communist and co-operative experiments Utopias Attempted social revolutions Miscellaneous. Anarchism ... Irish questions Statistics, general i 32 52 VI. INDEX OF AUTHORS. A — Abraham, 32. Acland, 7. Acton, 24. Acworth, 43. Adams, F., 14. Adams, J., 14. Adams, T., 32. Addams, 5. Adderley, 50. Alden, M., 3. Alden, P., 26, 55. Aldenham, 9. Allard, 16. Alston, 22. Amery, 39. Ames, 46. An- derson, 8. Andrews, 24. "Anon.", 50. Anson, 20. Aristotle, 39. Arlidge, 45. Armitage-Smith, 17, 19. Arnold, 14. Arnold- Forster, 49. Ashcrott, 42. Ashley, P., 19, 20. Ashley, R. L M 39. Ashley, W. J., 19, 22, 28, 57. Ashworth, 16. Atkinson, 20. Avebury, 36. Aveling, 13. Aves, 7. & — Bacon, 56. Baernreither, 20. Bagehot, 9, 11, 20, 39. Balfour, 49. Ball, 47. Balmforth, 3. Bamford, 2. Barker, 22, 49. Barnett, 28, 41. Bassett, 44. Bastable, 18, 19. Bastiat, II. Bax, 11, 23,46,47,51. Beanland, 49. Beard, 30. Beaulieu, 49. Bebel, 58. Behrens, 22. Bell, J., 36. Bell, Lady, 28. Bellamy, 56. Bentham, 39. Bernstein, 2, 46. Besant, 2. Best, 57. Bever- age. 55- Binns, 3. Black, 58. Blackburn, 58. Blagg, 3. Blanc, 46. Bland, 51. Blatchford, 46, 56. Blauvelt, 6. Bliss, 46, 52. Blunden, 18. Bluntschli, 39. Blyth, 45. Bodley, 22. Bohm-Bawerk, II, 12. Boies, 8. Bolland, 44. Bonar, II. Bonn, 32. Booth, 28, 37, 52. Bosanquet, B., 5. Bosanquet, H., 22, 41, 42. Boutmy, 39. Bowley, 23, 52, 57. Boyle, 18. Brabrook, 20. Bradlaugh, 2. "Bradshaw," 44. Bradshaw, F., 17. Bray, 3. Brentano, 53, 57. Broadhead, 53. Broadhurst, 2. Brooks, 46. Bryan, 33. Bryce, 22, 32. Bucher, 22. Buckle, 23. Buonarotti, 46. Burdett, 25. Burton, 28. Bushill, 43. Buxton, 18. Q — Cadbury, E., 29, 58. Cadbury, G., 33. Caird, 55. Cairnes, 12, 23. Cannan, 11, 12, 18. Cantlie, 39. Carlile, 55. Carlyle, 24. Carpenter, 8, 33, 51. Cavv- ston, 23. Chailley, 27. Chance, 3, 42. Channing, 33. Chapham, 29. Chap- man, 29, 55. Chappie, 39. Chesterton, C, 40. Chesterton, G. K., 3. Child, II. Chomley, 19, 33. Chorlton, 33. Churchill, 2. Clare, 9. Claremont, 12. Clarke, A., 29. Clarke, W., 40. Clay, 49. Cleveland, 58. Clifford, 16. Clough, 58. Cobbett, 30. Cobden, 2. Cohen, 53. Collet, 58. Collings, 33. Commons, 12, 16, 23. Comte, 5. Cooke-Taylor, 29. Cornish, 21. Cossa, 11. Cotton, 27. Coulanges, 37. Courtney, 20. Cox, 33, 57. Craik, 14. Crawley, 38. Crooks, 2. Crotch, 26. Crozier, 27. Cullen, 6. Cumming, 10. Cun- ningham, W., 17, 19, 31. Cunningham, W. (of Dunfermline), 44. D — Darby, 27. Darwin, 9, 36. Davidson, 51. Davies, E., 44. Davies, M. F., 4, 29. Davies, W. H., 29. Dawbarn, 49. Dawson, 19, 22, 48, 55. Day, 16. Deacon, 3. Dearie, 55. De Montmorency, 14. Deploige, 16. De Rousier, 29. Devas, 12. Devine, E. T., 29, 42. Devine, H. C, 7. Dewey, 14. Dewsnap, 26. Dicey, 6, 20. Dickinson, 51. Dilke, 27. Disraeli, 2. Dodd, F. L., 45. Dodd, J. T., 21. Donisthorpe, 49. Dowell, 18. Drage, 53. Dubois, F., 1 Dubois, L. P., 32. Dugdale, 8. Dumsday, 33. Dutt, 27. Dymond, 33. E — Eastlake, 6. Ede, 50. Eden, 42. Edgeworth, 12. Edwards, 32, 44. Egerton, 27. Eighty Club, 40. Ellis, 8, 25, 45, 58. Eltzbacher, 1. Ely, 12, 48, 54. Engels, 13, 31, 46. Ensor, 46. F — Fabian Society, 27, 32, 33, 47, 50. Farrer, 9, 19. Fawcett, 12. Fay, 7. Feld- mann, 46. Ferri, 8, 47. Flint, 49. Flux, 12. Fordham, 33. Fowle, 42. Fowler, 36. Foxwell, 9, 13. Frazer, 38. Freeman, 7, 23. Frere, 4. Fry, E., 39. Fry, T. C, 50. Fyffe, 24. Vll. G — Galton, F., 39. Galton, F. W., 53. Gammage, 46. Gannon, 32. Garibaldi, 2. Gamier, 33. Gasquet, 23. Geddes, 36. George, H., 29, 33. George, H., Jr., 2. George, W. L., 29. Ghent, 52. Gibb, 44. Gibbins, 2, 31. Gibbs, 9. Giddings, 27. Gide, 12. Giffen, 12, 18. Gilbart, 9. Gilman, Mrs., 59. Gilman, N. P., 1, 43, 48. Gladstone, 2. Godkin, 40. Godwin, 40. Gohre, 29. Gomme, 21,38. Gonner, n, 12, 49. Gooch, 24. Goodnow, 40. Gordon, 17. Gorst, 4, 41. Goschen, 9, 12. Graham, A. H., 21. Graham, J. C, 18. Graham, W., 40, 4 8 - Grant, 33. Gray, 23. Green, J. R., 25. Green, Mrs., 23, 32. Green, T. H., 40. Greenwood, 36. Grice, 18. Grinling, 44. Gronlund, 47. Gross, 21, 24. Gunton, 12. Guyot, 49. ##— Hadden, 21, Haddon, 38. Haggard, 33. Hall, F. S., 53- Hall, S., 14. Hallam, 7, 24. Halle, 54. Hallsworth, 55. Hamilton, 2. Hand, 5. Harben, 39. Hardie, 27. "Harding," 56. Harrington, 56. Harrison, 32. Hart, 1. Has- bach, 33. Haw, 2, 26, 36, 50. Hayes, 56. Hayward, 26, 55, 58. Headley, 49. Hearn, 12, 38. Heath, H. L., 4. Heath, R., 33. Hedderwick, 15. Henderson, A., 15. Henderson, C. R., 20. Herbert, 56. Hertzka, 56. Higgs, H., 12. Higgs, M., 42, 55, 58. Hillquit, 47. Hime, 45. Hinds, %. Hirsch, 49. Hirst, 27, 54. Hobbes, 40. Hobhouse, H., 21. Hobhouse, L. T., 40, 53. Hobson, 3, 12, 19, 22, 23, 27, 29, 33, 40, 47, 55. Hodder, 3. Hogge, 29. Hol- man, 14. Holmes, 8. Holyoake, 2, 7. Hone, 24. Hooper, 37. Hopkins, 35. Horsfall, 26. Horton, 9. Howard, 38. Howe, 21. Howell, 53. Hughes, 14. Humphreys, 16. Hunt, 25. Hunter, R., 47, 55. Hunter, Sir R., 33. Hutch- ins, 32, 45, 58. Huxley, 5. Hyndman, 29, 47. # — Ilbert, 16, 27. Inderwick, 38. Ingram, II, 23, 48. Ireson, 52. Irvine, 27. J— Jacobs, 24. Jackson, 3. Jaures, 47. Jeans, 29, 5 4. Jebb, 33. Jelf, 15. Jenks, E., 7, 21, 24. Jenks, J. W., 54. Jes?op, 24. Jevons, 9, 12, 32. Johnson, 33. Johnston, 29. Jones, B., 7. Jones, E. D., 29. Jones, H., 6. Jones, L., 3. Jowett, 36. K— Kaufmann, 48, 50, 56. Kautsky, 24. Keating, 14. Kebbell, 33. Keeble, 6. Keeling, 4. Kelley, 47. Kellor, 8. Kelly, 47, 56. Kelynack, 4. Kidd, 23. King, B., 3, 22. King, J., 16. Kingsley, 2, 50. Kirkbride, 54. Kirkup, 48. Knoop, 1. Koren, 10. Kropotkin, 1, 2, 23, 25, 34. L — Lange, 35. Lassalle, 2. Latham, 45. Latouche, I. Laughlin, 9. Lauder, 21. Laveleye, 38, 48. Law, 19. Lawrence, 57. Lawson, 29. Le Bon, 48. Lecky, 25,40. Lee, 21. Levy, 49. Lewis, 20. Lilly, 27. Lissagaray, 46. List, 12. Lock, 42. Locke, 40. Lodge, 47. London, 29. Lonsdale, 42. Low, 20, 28. Lowell, 20, 22. Lloyd, H. D., 1, 22, 27, 43, 54. Lloyd, J., 35. Lloyd, J. S., 15. Lombroso, 8. Lucas, 28. Lushington, 16. Lydston, 8. M— Macaulay, 23. McCarthy, 25. McCleary, 45. McCulloch, II. Maccun, 6. Macdonagh, 20. Macdonald, A., 8. MacDonald, J. R., 15, 40, 47, 58. McDougall, 14. Macgregor, 54. Mackail, 3. Mackay, 42, 49. McKechnie, 16. Mackenzie, W. L., 4, 45. Mackenzie, W. W., 16, 42. McLennan, 38. Macmillan, 4, 14. Macrosty, 54. Maine, 38, 40. Maitland, 24. Mallock, 49. Malthus, 11. March, 46. Marriott, 16. Marshall, 12, 13. Martin, 34. Marx, 2, 13,47,56. Masterman, 29. Maude, 3, 6. Maurice, C. E., 46. Maurice, F. D., 50. Mavor, 53. Maxwell, 21, 42. Mayhew, 31. Mazzini, 2, 3, 40. Meakin, 26. Menger, 13. Mercia, 8. Meredith, 19, 31. Merz, 25. Meyer, H. R., 36, 44. Meyer, Lady, 58. Mill, 3, 6, II, 40, 58. Mills, 14. Molesworth, 19. Money, 19, 30, 47, 52. Monroe, 15. Moore, 34. More, L. B., 57. More, Sir T., 56. Morgan, 38. Morley, 2, 40. Morris, 3, 47, 51, 56. Morrison, 8. Muirhead, 41. Mulhall, 52. Mun, 11. Murray, A. E. 32. Murray, A. T., 25. N— Naquet, 49. Nash, 53. Nettlefold, 26. Newman, 4. Nicholls, 42. Nichol- son, 9, 13, 19, 34, 49, 53. Nitti, 50. Noel, 40, 50. Nordhoff, 6. Notter, 45. Noyes, 6. Vlll. O — Oakeshott, 42. Oberholtzer, 16. Odgers, 21. O'Donnell, 28. Oliver, F. S., 2. Oliver, T., 29, 30. Olivier, 28. Oman, 46. Ostrogorski, 40, 58. Outhwaite, 33. Owen, 3. P— Palgrave, 14. Palmer, J. E., 44. Parkes, 45. Parsons, E. C, 23. Parsons, J., 26. Passosj 54. Paul, 25. Paulsen, 15. Payne, 28. Peaker, 6. Pearson, C. H., 28. Pearson, K., 51. Pease, E. R., 10. Pease, J. G., 21. Pedder, 33, 34. Penty, 50. Pigou, 1. Place, 3. Plato, 40. Plunkett, 32. Podmore, 3. Pollard, 36. Pollock, 24, 34, 40. Poore, 45. Porter, 36. Potter, 7. Powell, E., 24. Powell, E. T., 16. Powell, G. H. B., 38. Powell, M., 16. Pratt, 10, 34, 44, 53. Price, 1, 11, 31. Proudhon, 1. R — Rae, 49, 57. Raffety, 18. Raine, 50. Raleigh, 40. Reason, 30, 55. Redlich, 21. Reeves, 28. Reid, 10. Reinsch, 28. Rentoul, 25. Ribton-Turner, 42. Richter, 56. Ricardo, II. Ripley, 54. Ritchie, 40. Roberts, 15. Robertson, 13, 19, 28, 40, 57. Rogers, A. G. L., 34. Rogers, F. N., 16. Rogers, J. E. T., 23, 31. Rose, 25, 40. Ross, 44. Rousseau, 40. Rowntree, B. S., 22, 30. Rowntree, 'J., 10. Ruskin, 3, 13, 51, 58. Russell, B., 47. Russell, C, 17. Russell, C. E. B., 4, 8. Russell, T. B., 56. Ryan, 57. ^ — Sadler, 15. St. Ledger, 50. St. Simon, 3. Saleeby, 39, 50. Salt, 40. Samuel, 41. Sanders, 41. Schaeffle, 49, 50, Schloss, 43, 55. Schofield, 28. Schultze-Gaevernitz, 30, 54. Scrutton, 34. Seager, 13, 16. Seebohm, 38. Seeley, 28, 41. Seignobos, 25. Seligman, 13, 18. Sellers, 42. Sexby, 35. Shadwell, 10, 30. Shaftesbury, 3. Shaw (Pubr.), 21. Shaw, A., 6, 36. Shaw, G. B., 3, 27, 29, 36, 47, 51. Shaw, W. A., 9. Sherard, 4, 30. Sherwell, 10. Sidgwick, 13, 41. Simon, 45. Sinclair, 56. Slater, 34. Smart, II, 13, 19. Smith, A., 11. Smith, C, 58, 59. Smith, E. J., 54. Smith, H. B. L., 28 Smith, H. L., 49, 53. Smith, W. S., 59. Smyth, 39. Snowden, 9, 10. Soderini, 50. Sombart, 49. Sorley, 35. Southwark (Bishop of ), 59. Spargo, 2, 4, 47. Spelling, 44. Spencer, 15, 41, 50. Starcke, 38. Stead, 37. Steffens, 22. Stephen, 6. Stephens, 25. Stetson, 59. Steuart, II. Stevenson, 45. Stoddart, 50. Stone, 21. Strachey, 50. Stratton, 45. Stubbs, C. W., 2, 50. Stubbs, W., 7. Sullivan, 10. Sutherland, 37. Suthers, 36, 48, 55. Swann, 55. Sykes, 26, 45. Symes, 13. T — Tarbell, 54. Tarde, 56. Taswell-Langmead, 7. Tausig, 18. Taylor, G. R. S., 2. Taylor, S., 43. Thompson, 21, 26. Toke, 27. Tolstoy, 3, 50, 51. Tooke, 52. Towler, 36. Toynbee, 31. Traill, 20. Trevelyan, 2, 24. Trotter, 6. Tuckwell, 59. Turner, 18. Tylor, 38. U— Unwin, G., 24, 31. Unwin, R., 36. Urwick, 4, 13, 15. Uyehara, 22. V— Vandervelde, 48. Veblen, 13. Vesinier, 46. Villiers, 48. Vincent, 22. Vino- gradoff, 38. Von Gneist, 7. Von Halle, 54. |y_«W. s.," 24. Walker, F. A., 9, 13. Walker, J., 10. Wallace, A. R., 34 Wallace, D. M., 22. Wallas, 3, 41. Walpole, 25. Warne, 54. Warner, 31 Webb, C, 7. Webb, S., 15, 33, 35, 39, 47, 48, 57. Webb, S. and B., 10, 21, 30 41, 42, 45, 54, 55. Webb, Mrs., 7, 32, 42. Webber, 36. Wells, 22, 48, 56, 57 Westcott, 51. Westermarck, 38. Whale, 35. Whelpley, 17. Whetham, 39 Whitehouse, 36. Whitelegge, 45. Whiteway, 8. Whitman, 3. Wick steed, 13 14. Wilcox, 36. Wilkins, Mrs., 33. Wilkins, W. H., 17. Wilkinson, 20 Williams, E. E., 19. Williams, W. M. J., 18. Willis, 26. Wilson, 50. Wines 8, 10. Winstanley, 22. Withers, 9. Wolff, 7. Wollstonecraft, 58, 59. Wolver hampton, 36. Wontner, 17. Wood, 57. Woodings, 16. Woodworth, 51 "Working Man," 3. Wright, C. D., 31. Wright, R. S., 21. Wyckoff, 30. Y— Young, A., 23, 31, 32. Young, F., 32. Z — Zacher, 46. Zenker, I. Zimmern, 59. Zueb-lin, 36. What to IReao. Abbreviation "TTr'trtr "P-crnm A .-»~-~l — - — — »J •-— Correction and Addition. Page 62, line 3 : Delete " Wound up." „ 48 : Add "The New Age. Weekly, 3d." Arbitration (Industrial) and Conciliation. Gilman, N. P. Methods of industrial peace. 1904, Macmillan, 7/6 net. Knoop, D. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. 1905, King, 3/6 net. Lloyd, H. D. A country without strikes : a study of the com- V* pulsory arbitration court of New Zealand. 1900 (New York), Putnam, 6/6. Pigou, A. C. Principles and methods of industrial peace. v 1905, Macmillan, 3/6 net. Price, L. L. Industrial peace (preface by A. Marshall). 1887, Macmillan, 6s. Annual reports of Board of Trade on conciliation in trade dis- putes. King, 6d. Report by the Labor Department, Board of Trade, on rules of voluntary conciliation, and arbitration boards and joint committees. 1907, Cd. 3788, King, 1/4. See also Strikes; Trade Unions. What to IReao. Abbreviation " o.p." = out of print. Tr. = translated. Ed. = editor or edited by. Agriculture ; see Land. American Constitution and Government ; see Government, Foreign. Anarchism. Dubois, Felix. Anarchist peril (tr. by G. R. Derecheff). 1894, Unwin, o.p. Eltzbacher, Paul. Anarchism (tr. by T. S. Byington). 1908, Fifield, 6/6 net. Hart, W. C. The confessions of an anarchist. 1906, Richards, 2/6 net. Kropotkin, P. A. The conquest of bread. 1906, Chapman, o.p. Latouche, Peter. Anarchy : an authentic exposition of the methods of anarchists and the aims of anarchism. 1908, Everett, 6s. Proudhon, P. J. What is property ? 2 vol. 1899, W. Reeves, 2s. or 3/6 cloth. Zenker, E. V. Anarchism : a criticism and history of the an- archist theory. 1898, Methuen, o.p. Anthropology ; see Origins of Society. Arbitration (Industrial) and Conciliation. Gilman, N. P. Methods of industrial peace. 1904. Macmillan, 7/6 net. Knoop, D. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. 1905, King, 3/6 net. Lloyd, H. D. A country without strikes : a study of the com- pulsory arbitration court of New Zealand. 1900 (New York), Putnam, 6/6. Pigou, A. C. Principles and methods of industrial peace. „ 1905, Macmillan, 3/6 net. Price, L. L. Industrial peace (preface by A. Marshall). 1887, Macmillan, 6s. Annual reports of Board of Trade on conciliation in trade dis- putes. King, 6d. Report by the Labor Department, Board of Trade, on rules of voluntary conciliation, and arbitration boards and joint committees. 1907, Cd. 3788, King, 1/4. See also Strikes; Trade Unions. Banking; see Currency. Banks, Co-operative ; see Co-operation. Bimetallism ; see Currency. Biographies of Socialists and Reformers. Bamford. Passages in the life of a radical [Samuel Bamford]. Ed. by H. Dunckley. 2 vol. 1893, Unwin, 7s. Besant. Autobiography of Mrs. Annie Besant. 1908, Unwin, 5s. net. Bradlaugh. Charles Bradlaugh, life and work. By his daugh- ter and J. M. Robertson. 7th edn. 1908, Unwin, 2/6 net. Broadhurst. Henry Broadhurst, M.P. : the story of his life from a stonemason's bench to the Treasury bench. Told by himself. 1901, Hutchinson, 16s. Churchill. Life of Lord Randolph Churchill. By Winston Churchill. 1905, Macmillan, 7/6 net. Cobden. Life of Richard Cobden. By John Morley. 1896, Unwin, 2/6 net. Crooks. From workhouse to Westminster: the life story of Will Crooks, M.P. By Geo. Haw. Cassell, 6s. Disraeli. Isaac Disraeli : a study in personality and ideas. By Walter Sichel. 1904, Methuen, o.p. English social reformers (More, Maurice, Kingsley, Carlyle, Ruskin, etc.). By H. de B. Gibbins. 1907, Methuen, 2/6. Garibaldi. Garibaldi's defence of the Roman republic. By G. M. Trevelyan. 1907, Longmans, 6/6 net. — ■ Garibaldi and the thousand. By G. M. Trevelyan. 1909, Longmans, 6/6 net. George. Life of Henry George. By H. George, junior. 1900, W. Reeves, 7/6. **?$ Gladstone. Life of W. E. Gladstone. By John Morley. 2 vol. 1908, Lloyd, 5s. net. Hamilton, Alexander. By F. S. Oliver. 1907, Constable, 6s. and is. net. Holyoake. Sixty years of an agitator's life. By G. J. Holy- oake. 1893, Unwin, 2/6 net. Kingsley. Charles Kingsley and the christian social move- ment. By C. W. Stubbs. 1899, Blackie, 2/6. Kropotkin. Memoirs of a revolutionist. By P. A. Kropotkin. 1899, Smith, Elder, 6s. Lassalle. Ferdinand Lassalle as a social reformer. By E. Bernstein. 1893, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Leaders of Socialism. By G. R. S. Taylor. 1908, New Age Press, is. net. Marx. Karl Marx : his life and work. By John Spargo. 1910 (New York), N. B. Heubsch, 10/6 net. Mazzini. The life and writings of Joseph Mazzini. 6 vol. 1 890-1891, Smith, Elder, 27s. y Biographies of Socialists and Reformers — continued. Mazzini. By Bolton King. 1903, Dent, o.p. Mill. Autobiography of John Stuart Mill. 1908, Longmans, 3/6 net and 6d. net. Morris. Life of William Morris. By J. W. MacKail. 2 vol. 1899, Longmans, 10s. net. Owen, Robert. A biography. By Frank Podmore. 1906, o.p. The life, times and labors of Robert Owen. By Lloyd Jones. 3rd edn. 1900, Sonnenschein, 3/6. Place. The life of Francis Place. By Graham Wallas. 1898, Longmans, 2/6 net. Ruskin. John Ruskin, social reformer. By J. A. Hobson. 1904, Nisbet, 2/6 net. St. Simon. Saint Simon and Saint Simonism : a chapter in the history of socialism in France. By A. J. Booth. 1871, Longmans, o.p. Shaftesbury. The seventh Earl of Shaftesbury as social re- former. By E. Hodder. 1897, Nisbet, 2/6. Shaw, G. Bernard. By Gilbert K. Chesterton. 1909, Lane, 5s. net. Bernard Shaw, a monograph. By Holbrook Jackson. 1909, E. Grant Richards, 5s. and is. net. Bernard Shaw as artist-philosopher. An exposition of Shavianism. By R. M. Deacon. 1910, Fifield, is. net and 6d. net. Social and Political Pioneers (Cobbett, Place, etc. : to Morris). By Ramsden Balmforth. 1900, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Tolstoy. Life of Leo Tolstoy : the first fifty years. By Aylmer Maude. 1909, Constable, 10/6 net. Life of Tolstoy : later years. By Aylmer Maude. 2 vol. 19 10, Constable, 21s. net. Whitman, Walt. Life of. By Henry B. Binns. 1905, Methuen, 10/6 net. Working Man (By a). Reminiscences of a stonemason. 1908, Murray, 6s. net. The dictionary of national biography. 63 vol. 1885 - 1900, Smith, Elder, 15s. per vol. ; and also 1908-9, in 22 vol., 15s. each. Canals ; see Railways. Children. Alden, Margaret, M.D. Child life and labor. (Social service handbooks, No. 6.) 1908, Headley, 1/6 net. Blagg, Helen M. Statistical analysis of infant mortality and its causes in the United Kingdom. 19 10, King, is. net. Bray, Reginald. The town child. 1907, Unwin, 7/6 net. Chance, Sir W. Children under the poor law. 1898, Sonnen- schein, o.p. Children — continued. Davies, Maud F. School care committees : a guide to their work. 1909, Burleigh, 6d. net. Frere, Margaret. Children's care committees. 1909, King, is. Gorst, Sir J. E. The children of the nation : how their health and vigor should be promoted by the state. 1906, Methuen, 7/6 net. Heath, H. Ll. The infant, the parent, and the state. 1907, King, 3/6 net. Keeling, F. The labor exchange in relation to boy and girl labor. 1909, King, 6d. net. Kelynack, T. N. (ed.). Medical examination of schools and scholars. 1910, King, 10/6 net. Mackenzie, W. L. The health of the school child. Methuen, 2/6. The medical inspection of school children : an en- quiry. 1904, W. Hodge, 10/6 net. Macmillan, Margaret. Early childhood. 1900, Sonnen- schein, 3/6. Labor and childhood. 1907, Sonnenschein, 3/6 net. Newman, G. Infant mortality. 1906, Methuen, 7/6 net. Russell, C. E. B., and L. M. Rigby. Working lads' clubs. 1908, Macmillan, 5s. net. Sherard, R. H. The child slaves of Britain. 1905, Hurst, 6s. Spargo, J. Bitter cry of the children [American]. 1906, Macmillan, 6/6 net. Urwick, E. J. Studies of boy life in our cities. 1908, Dent, 3/6 net. Children under five years of age in public elementary schools, reports. 1906, Cd. 2726, 8fd. Children working for wages, elementary schools. Part I : Numbers, ages, standards, occupations, 1899. Part 2 : Detailed particulars of children leaving school to follow specified occupations. 1900, King, o.p. Employment of children out of school hours. London County Council report. 1900, King, 4d. Employment of school children. Report of interdepartmental committee. 1902, Cd. 849, King, 3d. Feeding of school children. Board of Education, first report. 1910, Cd. 5131, King, 3d. Feeding of school children in Continental and American cities. Return relating to methods adopted in great Continental and American cities for dealing with underfed children. 1906, Cd. 2926, King, 4^d. Infant mortality. Report of national conference on, at London. 1906, King, 1/6 net. Second conference. , 1908, King, 1/6 net. Children — continued. Jnfant and child mortality. Report of medical officer, Local Government Board. 1910, Cd. 5263, King, 1/3. Legislation in regard to children. Report of proceedings of conference held at the Guildhall, London. 1906, King, is. Medical inspection and feeding of (school) children. Inter- departmental committee report. 1905, Cd. 2779, King, 1/3. Medical inspection of school children. Board of Education, first report. 1910, Cd. 4986, King, iod. Medical officer of the Board of Education. Annual report. Partial exemption from school attendance. Report of inter- departmental committee. 1909, Cd. 4791, 3d. — Evidence, 4887, King, 2/5. Provision of meals bill, 1906. Report of the House of Commons committee. King, 2/9. Report by the Edinburgh charity organization society on the physical condition of 1,400 school children in the city of Edinburgh, with some account of their homes and surround- ings. 1906, King, 5s. Report of the proceedings of the international congress for the welfare and protection of children, held in London, July, 1902. King, 2/6 net. School attendance of children below the age of five. Board of Education, report of consultative committee. 1908, Cd. 4259, King, 1/5. Street trading. Report of interdepartmental committee, with evidence. 1902, Cd. 1144, King, 1/8. Street trading. Report of departmental committee on the em- ployment of children act, 1903. 1910, Cd. 5229, King, 2jd. — Evidence, appendices, etc. 1910, Cd. 5230, King, 4/6. See also Education ; Poor Law ; Sanitation. Childhood Society, Parkes Museum, Margaret Street, W. State Children's Association (53 Victoria Street, London, S.W.) issues an annual report, King, 3d. Christian Socialism ; see Socialism, Christian. Citizenship. Addams, Jane. Democracy and social ethics [American]. 1902, Macmillan, 5s. net. Newer ideals of peace. 1907, Macmillan, 5s. net. Bosanquet, B. Philosophical theory of the state. 1899, Mac- millan, 10s. net. Caird, E. Social philosophy and religion of Comte. 1885, MacLehose, 5s. net. Hand, J. E. (ed.). Science in public affairs. With a preface by R. B. Haldane. 1906, G. Allen, 5s. net. Huxley, T. H. Evolution and ethics. 1893, Macmillan, 4s. net. Citizenship — continued. Jones, Henry. The working faith of the social reformer, 1 9 10, Macmillan, 7/6 net. Keeble, S. E. (ed.) Citizen of to-morrow. A handbook on social questions. 1906, R. Culley, 2s. net. Maccunn, J. Ethics of citizenship. 4th edn. i907,MacLehose, 2/6 net. Mill, J. S. Utilitarianism. 1871, Longmans, 2/6. Liberty. 1884, Longmans, 1/4. Peaker, F. British citizenship. 1909, Ralph, 1/6. Stephen, Leslie. Social rights and duties. 2 vol. 1896, Sonnenschein, 9s. Trotter, W. F. The citizen and his duties. 1907, Jack, is. net. International Journal of Ethics. Quarterly. Sonnenschein, 2/6. Humanitarian League, 53 Chancery-lane, E.C. Colonies and Dependencies ; see Imperial Problems. . Commerce ; see Free Trade ; Industrial & Commercial History. Commons and Footpaths Preservation ; see Land. Communist and Co-operative Experiments. Cullen, Alex. Adventures in socialism : New Lanark estab- lishment and Orbiston community. 1910, Black, 7/6 net. Eastlake, Allan. Oneida community. 1900, Redway, 2/6 net. Hinds, Wm. Alfred. American communities. 1902 (Chicago), Kerr. Maude, Aylmer. A peculiar people : the Doukhobors. 1905, Constable, 6s. net. Nordhoff, C. Communistic societies of the United States. 1875, Murray, o.p. Noyes, J. H. History of American socialisms. 1870 (Phila.), o.p. Shaw, A. Icaria : a chapter in the history of communism. 1884 (New York), Putnam, o.p. See also Social Revolutions ; Utopias. Constitution of United Kingdom ; see Government, Central. Constitutional History (British). . Blauvelt, Mary T. Development of cabinet government in England. 1902, Macmillan, 6s. net. Dicey, A. V. Relation between law and public opinion in England during the 19th century. 1905, Macmillan, 10/6 net. J Constitutional History (British) — continued. Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English constitution. 1884, Macmillan, 5s. Hallam, H. Constitutional history of England [1485-1760]. 3 vol. 1872, Murray, 12s. Student's edn. 7/6. Jenks, E. Parliamentary England. The evolution of the cabinet system. (Story of the nations.) 1903, Unwin, 5s. Stubbs, W. Constitutional history of England [to 1485]. 3 vol. 1896, Clarendon Press, 36s. Taswell-Langmead, T. P. English constitutional history. 6th ed. 1905, Stevens & Haynes, 15s. Von Gneist, R. History of the English parliament. 1891, Clowes, 10s. See also Government, Central ; History, Modern. Co-operation. Acland, A. H. D., and B. Jones. Working-men co-operators. 1898, Co-operative Union, iod. Aves, E. Co-operative industry. 1907, Methuen, 5s. net. Devine, H. C. People's co-operative banks. Cassell, is. net. Fay, C. R. Co-operation at home and abroad : a description and analysis. 1908, King, 10/6 net. (Good bibliography.) Holyoake, Geo. J. The history of co-operation. Revised edn. 2 vol. 1908, Unwin, 7/6 net. Co-operative Union, 2/6 net. Co-operative movement to-day. 1906, Methuen, 2/6. Self-help a hundred years ago. 1895, Sonnenschein, 2/6. The history of the Rochdale pioneers. 10th edn. 1893, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Jones, B. Co-operative production. 2 vol. 1894, Oxford University Press, 15s. Potter, Beatrice (Mrs. Sidney Webb). Co-operative move- ment in Great Britain. 1899, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Webb, Catherine. Industrial co-operation. 1904, Co-operative Union, Manchester, 2/6 net. Wolff, H. W. Co-operative banking. Its principles and practice. 1907, King, 7/6 net. People's banks, a record of social and economic success. 3rd edn. 19 10, King, 6s. net. Co-operative credit handbook. 1909, King, is. Co-operative News (weekly), Long Millgate, Manchester, id. Scottish Co-operator (weekly), 137 Norfolk Street, Glasgow, id. The Millgate Monthly, Long Millgate, Manchester. 3d. Co-operative Wholesale Society's Annual. 1880 to date, Co- operative Wholesale Society, Manchester, 4s. Co-operative Congress. Annual report. 1869 to date, Co- operative Union, Manchester. Co-operation — continued. International co-operative bibliography. By the International Co-operative Alliance. 1906, King, 7/6 net. Report of chief registrar on industrial and provident societies Annual. King, about 2s. See also Profit-sharing ; Currency. Co-operative Union, 2 Nicholas Croft, High Street. Manchester. Co-operative Wholesale Society, Balloon Street, Manchester. Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, 95 Morrison Street, Glasgow. Women's Co-operative Guild, Sec, Miss Llewellyn Davies, 66 Rosslyn Hill, London, N.W. Crime and Prison Treatment. Anderson, Sir Robert. Criminals and crime : some facts and suggestions. 1907, Nisbet, 5s. net. Boies, H. M. Science of penology : defence of society against crime. 1902, Putnam, o.p. Carpenter, Edward. Prisons, police, and punishment : an en- quiry into the causes and treatment of crime and criminals. 1905, Fifield, 2s. net and is. net. Dugdale, R. L. The Jukes : a study in crime, pauperism, disease, and heredity. 1895 (New York), Putnam, o.p. Ellis, Havelock. The criminal. 1890, Scott, 6s. Ferri, E. Criminal sociology. 1895, Unwin, 6s. Holmes, Thos. Pictures and problems from London police courts. 1900, Arnold, 10/6. Kellor, F. A. Experimental sociology : delinquents. 1902, Macmillan, 8/6 net. Lombroso, C, and G. Ferrero. The female offender (tr.). 1894, Unwin, 6s. Lydston, G. F. The diseases of society (the vice and crime problem). 1905, Lippincott, 15s. net. Macdonald, A. Criminology. Pref. by C. Lombroso. [Exten- sive bibliography.] 1893, Funk, 8s. Mercia, C. Criminal responsibility. 1905, Oxford University Press, 7/6 net. Morrison, W. D. Crime and its causes. 1891, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Juvenile offenders. 1897, Unwin, 6s. Russell, C. E. B., and L. M. Rigby. Making of the criminal. 1906, Macmillan, 3/6 net. Whiteway, A. R. Recent object lessons in penal science. 1902, Sonnenschein, 3/6 net. Wines, F. H. Punishment and reformation. 1895, Sonnen- schein, 6s. Annual reports of commissioners of prisons and directors of con- vict prisons (England and Wales). King (usually about 2s.). Annual report on prisons in Scotland. King (about is.). Annual report on prisons in Ireland. King (about 7d.). J Crime and Prison Treatment — continued. Annual report of public prosecutor : with classification of offences and statistics. King (about gd.). Annual volumes of criminal statistics. King ; for England and Wales, 2/8 ; for Ireland, 1/10. Prison association of New York. Annual reports. Probation of offenders act, 1907. Report and evidence of the departmental committee. 19 10, Cd. 5001, King, 1/4. Proceedings of fifth and sixth international prison congresses, Paris and Brussels. King, 9d. Report of departmental committee on prisons. Evidence and appendices. 1895, C. 7702, 7/6. Borstal Association, 2 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. (Useful annual report.) Howard Association, 5 Bishopsgate Street, London, E.C. Currency, Banking, and Exchange. Bagehot, W. Lombard Street. 1908, Paul, 3/6. Clare, Geo. A. B. C. of foreign exchanges. 1893, Macmillan, 3s. net. Darwin, L. Bimetallism : arguments for and against bimetallic system of currency. 1898, Murray, 7/6. Farrer, Lord. Studies in currency. 1898, Macmillan, 10/6. Gibbs, H. H. (Lord Aldenham). Colloquy on currency. New edn. 1900, E. Wilson, 10s. net. Gilbart, J. W. History, principles, and practice of banking. 2 vol. 1882 ; new edn., revised by E. Sykes, 1907, Bell, 10s. Goschen, Viscount. Theory of foreign exchanges. 1894, E. Wilson, 6s. Horton, S. Dana. The silver pound and England's monetary policy since the restoration, with history of the guinea. 1887, Macmillan, 14s. Jevons, W. S. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 1908, Paul, 5s. Investigations in currency and finance. Abridged edn. by H. S. Foxwell. 1909, Macmillan, 10s. net. Laughlin, J. L. Principles of money. 1903, Murray, 16s. net. Nicholson, J. S. Money and monetary problems. 5th edn. 1901, Black, 7/6. Shaw, W. A. History of currency, 1752 to 1894. 1895, Ciement Wilson, o.p. Snowden, P. The socialist budget. (Labor ideal series.) 1907, Allen, is. net. Walker, F. A. International bimetallism. 1896, Macmillan, 5s. net. Withers, Hartley. The meaning of money. 1909, Smith, Elder, 7/6 net. See also Co-operation. 10 Drink Question. Cumming, A. N. Public house reform. 1902, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Koren, J. Economic aspects of liquor problem [American]. 1899, Boston, Houghton, 6s. Pease, E. R. The case for municipal drink trade. 1904, King, 2/6 net and is. net. Pratt, E. A. The licensed trade. An independent survey. 1907, Murray, 5s. net. Licensing and temperance in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. 1907, Murray, 2/6 net and is. net. Reid, G. Archdall. Alcoholism : a study in heredity. 1901, Unwin, 6s. net. Rowntree, J., and A. Sherwell. Temperance problem and social reform. 7th edn., greatly enlarged from 6th. 1900, Hodder, o.p. [Abridged edn., 1901, Hodder, 6d.] British " Gothenburg" experiments and public house trusts. 1901, Hodder, o.p. The taxation of the liquor trade. Vol. i., public houses, etc. 1906, Macmillan, 10/6 net. Public control of the liquor traffic. 1903, Moring, 2/6 net. Shadwell, Arthur. Drink, temperance and legislation. 1902, Longmans, 5s. net. Snowden, P. Socialism and the drink question. (Socialist library vi.) 1908, I.L.P., 1/6 net and is. net. Sullivan, W. C. Alcoholism : a chapter in social pathology. 1906, Nisbet, 3/6 net. Walker, J. Commonwealth as publican : examination of Gothenburg system. 1902, Constable, 2/6 net. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. The history of liquor licensing in England. 1903, Longmans, 2/6 net. Wines, F. H., and J. Koren. The liquor problem in its legis- lative aspect [American]. 1897, Boston, Gay, 6s. net. Licensing statistics. Home Office annual. King, 2s. Royal commission on liquor licensing laws. Final report. 1899, King, 3/3. Alcoholic beverages, 1905. Memorandum and statistical tables ... of consumption of wine, beer, and spirits in the British empire and foreign countries. . . . Board of Trade, No. 401. 1906, King, 9d. National Temperance League Annual ; 33 Paternoster Row, E.C., is. Economic and Social History ; see History of Economic and Social Development. / II Economics, Early. Child, Sir J. New discourse of trade. 1694, o.p. Mun, T. England's treasure by foreign trade [1664]. 1895, Macmillan, o.p. Steuart, Sir J. Principles of political economy. 2 vol. 1767, o.p. Economics, Classical. Bastiat, F. Harmonies of political economy [1850]. 1880, Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, o.p. McCulloch, J. R. Principles of political economy [1825]. 1885, Ward, Lock, is. Malthus, T. R. Principle of population [1798]. 1890, Ward, Lock, 5s. Mill, J. Stuart. Principles of political economy [1848]. Ed. by W. J. Ashley. 19 10, Longmans, 5s. Early essays, including essays on some unsettled questions of political economy [1829-1844]. 1897, Bell, 3/6. Ricardo, D. Political economy and taxation [18 17]. Edited by E. C K. Gonner. 1891, Bell, 5s. Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations. Edited by E. Belfort Bax. 2 vol. 1895, Bell, 7s.; also Everyman series, Dent, 2 vol., is. each net. Bibliography. „ McCulloch, J. R. Literature of political economy. 1845, Longmans, o.p. Economic Theory, History of. Bonar, J. Philosophy and political economy in their historical relations. 1893, Sonnenschein, 10/6 net. Malthus and his work. 1885, Macmillan, o.p. Cannan, E. History of theories of production and distribution. 1903, King, 10/6 net. Cossa, L. Introduction to the study of political economy (tr.). [A bibliography.] 1895, Macmillan, 8/6 net. Ingram, J. K. History of political economy. 2nd edn. 1907, Black, 6s. Price, L. L. Short history of English political economy since Adam Smith. 1907, Methuen, 2/6. Economics, Modern. Bagehot, W. Economic studies. Edited by R. H. Hutton. 1895, Longmans, 3/6. Bohm-Bawerk, E. von. Capital and interest (tr. W. Smart). 1890, Macmillan, o.i>. 12 Economics, Modern — continued. Bohm-Bawerk, E. von. Positive theory of capital (tr.). 1891, Macmillan, op. Karl Marx and the close of his system : a criticism. 1898, Unwin, o.p. Recent literature on interest. Supplement to Capital and interest. 1904, Macmillan, 4/6 net. Cairnes, J. E. Logical method of political economy. 1875, Macmillan, o.p. Some leading principles of political economy. 1883, Macmillan, op. Cannan, E. Elementary political economy. 1897, Oxford University Press, is. Claremont, A. W. Pictures in political economy. 1904, Moring, 3/6 net. Commons, J. R. Distribution of wealth. 1893, op. Devas, C. S. Groundwork of economics. 1883,0.^. Political economy. 2nd edn. (re-written). 1901, Longmans, 7/6. Edgeworth, F. Y. Mathematical physics and moral sciences. 1881, o.p. Ely, Dr. R. T. Outlines of economics. 1894, Macmillan, 5s. net. Fawcett, Henry. Manual of political economy. 1883, Mac- millan, 12s. Flux, A. W. Economic principles. An introductory study. 1904, Methuen, 7/6 net. Gide, Charles. Principles of political economy (tr). 2nd edn. 1909, Heath, 7/6. Giffen, Sir Robert. Economic inquiries and studies. 2 vol. 1904, Bell, 2 is. net. Gonner, E. C. K. Interest and saving. 1906, Macmillan, 3/6 net. Goschfn, Viscount. Essays and addresses on economic questions. 1905, Arnold, 15s. net. Gunton, G. Wealth and progress. 1890 (New York), Mac- millan, 6s. Hearn, W. E. Plutology. 1864, Macmillan, o.p. Higgs, H. The physiocrats. 1897, Macmillan, 3/6 net. Hobson, J. A. Economics of distribution. 1900, Macmillan 5s. net. The social problem : life and work. i9oi,Nisbet, 7/6. The industrial system : an enquiry into earned and unearned incomes. 1909, Longmans, 7/6 net. Jevons, W. S. Theory of political economy. 1888, Macmillan, op. (new edn. in the press, 12s. net.) List, F. National system of political economy (tr.). 1888, Routledge, o.p. Marshall, Alfred. Principles of economics. 6th edn. 19 10, Macmillan, 12/6 net. y 13 Economics, Modern — continued. Marshall, Alfred. Economics of industry. 3rd edn. 1892, Macmillan, 3/6. Marx, Karl. Capital (tr. by Moore and Aveling). 1888, Son- nenschein, 10/6. Capital. Vol. ii. The process of circulation of capital. Edited by F. Engels, tr. by E. Untermann. 1907, Sonnenschein, 10/6. — Capital. Vol. iii. 1909, I.L.P., 10/6. Student's Marx. By Edw. Aveling. 1891, Sonnen- schein, 2/6. Menger, A. The right to the whole produce of labor. With introduction by Professor Foxwell. [Bibliography.] 1899, Macmillan, 6s. net. Nicholson, J. S. Effects of machinery on wages. 1892, Son- nenschein, 2/6. Elements of political economy. 2nd edn. 1906, Black, 7/6 net. Principles of political economy. 3 vol. 1893-97, Black, 42/6 A project of empire : a critical study of the economics of empire, with special reference to the ideas of Adam Smith. 1909, Macmillan, 7/6 net. Robertson, J. M. Fallacy of saving. 1892, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Ruskin, John. Unto this last. 1908, G. Allen, 3/6, 2/6, is., 6d., all net. Seager, Henry R. An introduction to economics [American]. 1909, Bell, 10/6 net. Seligman, Edwin R. A. Principles of economics, with special reference to American conditions. 1906, Longmans, 9s. net. Sidgwick, H. Principles of political economy. 3rd edn. 1887, Macmillan, 14s. net. Smart, W. Introduction to theory of value. 1891, Macmillan, o.p. Distribution of income. 1899, Macmillan, 5s. net. Symes, J. E. Short textbook of political economy. 1888, Longmans, 2/6. Urwick, E. J. Luxury and waste of life. 1908, Dent, 4/6 net. Veblen, Thorstein. Theory of business enterprise. 1904, Scribner, 6/6. Theory of the leisured class : an economic study in the evolution of institutions. 1899, Macmillan, 8/6. Walker, F. A. Political economy. 2nd edn. 1888, Mac- millan, 12/6. First lessons in political economy. 1890, Macmillan, 5 s - Wages question. 1891, Macmillan, 8/6 net. Wicksteed, P. H. Alphabet of economic science. 1888, Mac- millan, 2/6. 14 Economics, Modern — continued. Wicksteed, P. H. The commonsense of political economy : a study of the human basis of economic law. 19 10, Macmillan, 14s. net. Dictionary of political economy (R. H. I. Palgrave, ed.). 3 vol. 1891-1900, Macmillan, 21s. net. each. Vol. iv., with appendix, 1908 ; appendix separately, 2/6 net. Clare Market Review, journal of students of the London School of Economics, Clare Market, W.C. Quarterly, 6d. Economic Journal (British Economic Association : quarterly). Macmillan, 5s. net. Economic Review (Christian Social Union : quarterly). Riv- ingtons, 3s. (or 10s. per annum). Quarterly Journal of Economics (Harvard University). 2/6 net. Transactions of the Political Economy Circle of the National Liberal Club (Whitehall Place, London, S.W.). Education. Adams, F. History of the elementary school contest in England. 1882, o.p. Adams, John. Herbartian psychology. 1908, Harrap and Co., 3/6. Arnold, Matthew. Reports on elementary schools [1852- 1882]. 1908, King, is. Craik, H. The state in relation to education. 1896, Mac- millan, 2/6. de Montmorency, J. E. D. State intervention in English education from earliest times to 1833. 1902, Cambridge University Press, 5s. net. Dewey, John. The school and the child (ed. by J. J. Findlay). 1907, Blackie, is. net. Educational essays (ed. by J. J. Findlay). 1910, Blackie, 1/6 net. Hall, Stanley. Youth, its education, regimen and hygiene. 1907, Appleton, 6s. net. Holman, H. English national education. 1898, Blackie, 2/6. Hughes, R. E. The making of citizens : study in comparative education. 1902, Scott, 6s. Keating, M. W. Suggestions in education. 1907, Black, 4/6 net. McDougall, W. Social psychology. 1908, Methuen, 5s. net. McMillan, M. Education through the imagination. 1904, Sonnenschein, 3/6. Labor and childhood. 1907, Sonnenschein, 3/6. Mills, Elliott, and E. S. Tylee. Boy and girl : should they be educated together ? 1906, Simpkin, is. ^ 15 Education — continued. Monroe, P. Text-book in the history of education. 1905, Macmillan, 8s. net. Paulsen, F. German education past and present. 1908, Un- win, 5s. Roberts, R. D. (ed.). Education in 19th century. 1901, Cam- bridge University Press, 4s. Sadler, Michael (ed.). Continuation schools in England and elsewhere. 1908, Sherratt, 8/6 net. Moral instruction and training in schools. 2 vol. 1908, Longmans, 10s. Spencer, Herbert. Education. 1878, Williams, 2/6 ; also 1903, Watts, 6d. Urwick, W. E. The child mind, its growth and training. 1907, Arnold, 5s. net. Webb, Sidney. London education. 1904, Longmans, 2/6 net. Board of Education. Special reports on educational subjects. King. Prices vary from a few pence to a few shillings, e.g., vol. vii., Rural education in France ; vol. xv., School training for home duties of women ; vol. xxi., School excursions and vacation schools. Annual report. King, about 9d. Codes of regulations (annual). King, 3d. Suggestions to teachers. 1905, King, 8d. Statistics, 1909. Part I., elementary. Cd. 4885, King, 2/6. — Part II., financial. Cd. 5047, King, 1/7. See also Children ; Poor Law. Child Study Society, 90 Buckingham Palace Road, S.W. Frcebel Society and National Frcebel Union, 4 Bloomsbury Square, London, VV.C. National Union of Teachers, 71 Russell Square, W.C. Teachers' Guild of Great Britain and Ireland, 74 Gower Street, W.C. Election and Registration Law. Hedderwick, T. C. H. Parliamentary election manual. 1900, Stevens, 10/6. Henderson, A., M.P., and J. R. MacDonald, M.P. Notes on organization and the law of registration and election. 1903, Labor Party, 2/6 net. Jelf, E. A. The corrupt and illegal practices acts, 1883 and 1905. 3rd edn. 1905, Sweet and Maxwell, 7/6. Lloyd, J. Seymour. Elections and how to fight them. 1909, Vacher, 3/6 net. Municipal elections and how to fight them. 1909, Vacher, 2/6 net. Municipal elections and how to fight them. 1906, Vacher, 1/6 net. i6 Election and Registration Law — continued. Lushington, S. G. County council and municipal election manual. 2nd edn. 1892, Shaw, 7/6. Mackenzie, M. M., and Lushington, S. G. Parliamentary and local government registration manual. 3rd edn. 1909, Shaw, 22/6 net. Powell, Ellis T. Practical notes on the management of elections. 19 10, King, 1/6 net. Rogers, F. N. Rogers on elections. Vol. i. : Registration. 16th edn. By M. Powell. 1897, Stevens, 21s. Rogers on elections. Vol. ii. : Parliamentary elec- tions. 17th edn. By S. H. Day. 1906, Stevens, 21s. Rogers on elections. Vol. iii. : Municipal and other elections. 17th edn. By S.H.Day. 1906, Stevens, 21s. Seager, J. R. The corrupt practices act. 1883, King, is. Law of elections as viewed in the election petitions of 1892. 2nd edn. 1893, Hayman, 2s. Registration manual, 1908. Liberal Publication Department, 3/6 net. Woodings, W. The conduct and management of parliamentary elections. 4th edn. Revised by W. Allard. 1900, Liberal Publication Department, 3/6. Electoral and Legislative Machinery. Ashworth, T. R., and H. P. C. Proportional representation applied to parliamentary government. 1901 , Sonnenschein, 6s. net. Clifford, F. History of private bill legislation. 2 vol. 1885- 1887, Butterworth, 55s. Commons, J. R. Proportional representation [U.S.]. 2nd edn. 1896, Macmillan, 5s. net. Deploige, S. The referendum in Switzerland (tr. by C. P. Trevelyan). Ed. by L.Tomn (Mrs. Knowles). 1898, King, 7/6 net. Humphreys, John H. Proportional representation. 1909, Methuen, 3/6. Ilbert, Sir C. P. Legislative methods and forms. 1901, Oxford University Press, 16s. King, J. Electoral reform : an enquiry into our system of par- liamentary representation. With a preface by L. Harcourt. 1908, Unwin, 2/6 net. McKechnie, W. S. The reform of the house of lords. With a criticism of the report of the select committee of Dec. 2, 1908. 1908, MacLehose, 2/6 net. Marriott, J. A. Second chambers : a study in political science. 1910, Oxford University Press, 5s. Oberholtzer, E. P. Referendum in America. 1900, New York, Scribner, $2. 17 Electoral and Legislative Machinery — continued. Wontner, Adrian. The Lords : their history and powers, with special reference to money bills and the veto. 1910, King, is. net. Electoral systems. Report of royal commission. 1910, Cd. 5163, King, 7d. House of Lords. Report of committee on reform of. 1908, King, 5d. Reports from His Majesty's representatives abroad and colonies on proportional representation. 1907, Cd. 3501, King, 1/3. Second chambers. Reports from abroad on composition and functions of second and upper chambers in foreign states. 1908, Cd. 3824, King, 7d. — British colonies. 19 10, King, 3d. See also Government, Central and Foreign ; Political Science. Proportional Representation Society, 179 St. Stephen's House, Westminster Bridge, S.W. Issues monthly journal. Emigration and Immigration. Bradshaw, F., and C. Emanuel. Alien immigration : should restrictions be imposed? 1904, Pitman, 2/6 net. Cunningham, W. Alien immigrants to England. 1897, Son- nenschein, 4/6. Gordon, Major Evans. The alien immigrant. 1903, Heine- mann, 6s. net. Russell, C., and Lewis, H. S. The Jew in London. 1900, Unwin, o.p. Whelpley, J." D. The problem of the immigrant. 1905, o.p. Wilkins, W. H. The alien invasion. 1892, Methuen, 2/6. Alien immigration. Report of royal commission. 1903, Cd. 1741, King, 6d. — Evidence, appendices and index. 1903, Cd. 1742, King, 9/2. — From Eastern Europe into the United Kingdom. Reports to the Board of Trade. 1894, Cd. 7406, King, is. Annual reports on the Emigrants' Information Office. King, 2d. Annual statistical tables of emigration and immigration : with Board of Trade reports thereon. King, about 7d. Employers' Liability; see Labor Laws. Ethics of Citizenship ; see Citizenship. Factory Acts; see Labor Laws. Finance, Public (including Rates and Taxation). Armit age- Smith, G. Principles and methods of taxation. 1905, Murray, 5s. net. i8 Finance, Public (including Rates and Taxation) — continued. Bastable, C. F. Public finance. 3rd edn. 1895, Macmillan, 12/6 net. Blunden, G. H. Local taxation and finance. 1895, Sonnen- schein, 2/6. Boyle, E., and G. Humphreys Davies. Principles of rating. 1906, Butterworth, o.p. Buxton, Sydney C. Finance and politics [1783 1885]. 2 vol. 1888, Murray, 26s. Cannan, E. History of local rates in England. 1896, King, 2/6. Dowell, Stephen. History of taxation and taxes in England from the earliest times to the year 1885. 4 vol. 1892, o.p. Giffen, Sir R. Economic enquiries and studies. 2 vol. 1904, Bell, 2 is. net. Graham, J. C. Taxation and local government. 4th edn. 1906, King, 2s. Grice, J. W. National and local finance. (London School of Economics series.) 19 10, King, 10/6 net. Raffety, F. W., and W. H. C. Sharp. The nation's income : an outline of national and local taxation. 1909, Murby, 2s. net. Selig-man, E. R. A. Essays in taxation. 1896, Macmillan, 12/6 net. Taussig, F. W. Tariff history of the United States [1789-1888]. 1888, Putnam, o.p. Turner, S. H. The history of local taxation in Scotland. 1908, Blackwood, 5s. net. Williams, W. M. J. The king's revenue, being a handbook to the taxes and the public revenue. 1909, King, 6s. Annual statement of revenue and expenditure ("the budget") as laid before the house by the chancellor of the exchequer. King, 2d. Annual account of the public income and expenditure. King, 6d. Annual finance accounts of the United Kingdom. King, 6d. Annual returns of local taxation. King, 7 parts, average 2S. each. Final report ol the royal commission on local taxation (England and Wales). 1901, King, 1/6. Graduated income taxes in foreign countries. 1905, Cd. 2587, King, 1/5. in colonies. 1905, S.P. 196, iod. in Tasmania. 1905, S.P. 282, 7d. Income Tax. Departmental committee on. 1905, Cd 2575, King, 3d. Inland revenue. Annual report of His Majesty's commissioners. 19 10, Cd. 4868, King, 1/9. See also Municipal Enterprise. 19 Franchise ; see Election and Registration Law ; Electoral and Legislative Machinery ; Government, Local ; Women's Questions. Free Trade, Protection, and International Trade. Armitage-Smith, G. The free trade movement and its results. 1903, Blackie, 2/6. Ashley, Percy. Modern tariff history : Germany, United States, France. 1904, Murray, 10/6 net. Ashley, W. J. The tariff problem. 1903, King, 3/6 net. Bastable, C. F. Commerce of nations. 1907, Methuen, 2/6. Theory of international trade. 4th edn. 1900, Macmiilan, 3/6 net. Chomley, C. H. Protection in Canada and Australasia. 1904, King, 3/6 net. Cunningham, W. The rise and decline of the free trade move- ment. 1904, Cambridge University Press, 2/6 net. Dawson, William Harbutt. Protection in Germany. 1904, King, 3/6 net. Farrer, Lord. The state in its relation to trade. (English citizen series.) 1893, Macmiilan, 3/6. Hobson, John A. International trade : an application of economic theory. 1904, Methuen, 2/6 net. Law, A. Maurice. Protection in the United States. 1904, King, 3/6 net. Meredith, H. O. Protection in France. 1904, King, 3/6 net. Molesworth, Sir G. Economic and fiscal facts and fallacies. 1909, Longmans, 3/6 and 3d. Money, L. G. Chiozza. Elements of the fiscal problem. 1903^ King, 3/6 net. Nicholson, J. S. History of the English corn laws. 1904, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Robertson, John M. Trade and tariffs. 1908, Black, 3/6 net. Smart, William. The return to protection. 1904, Macmiilan, 3/6 net. Williams, E. E. The case for protection. 1900, Richards, 5s. Annual statement of foreign trade. King, for 1909, vol. i., 6s.* vol. ii., 3/4 ; vol. hi., 3/10. Free Trade Union, 8 Victoria Street, S.W., issues annual speaker's handbook, is. net. Tariff commission, established by Mr. Chamberlain in 1904, to examine the fiscal proposals which he submitted to the country. Various reports and memoranda. Catalogues post free on application to King. Tariff Reform League, 7 Victoria Street, S.W., issues annual speaker's handbook, is. See also Imperial Problems; Statistics. 20 Friendly Societies, State Insurance, etc. Baernreither, J. M. English associations of working men (tr.). 1 89 1, Sonnenschein, o.p. Brabrook, Sir E. Building societies. 1906, King, is. net. Provident societies and industrial welfare. 1898, Blackie, o.p. The law of friendly societies. 14th edn. 1909, Shaw, 8/6. Henderson, C. R. Industrial insurance in the United States. 1909, Unwin, 9s. net. Lewis, F. W. State insurance : a social and industrial need. 1909, Constable, 5s. net. Wilkinson, J. F. Mutual thrift. (With list of authorities.) 1892, Methuen, o.p. Friendly societies guide book. 1900, King, 6d. iVnnual report of the chief registrar on friendly societies. King, 2s. Government, United Kingdom. — Central. Anson, Sir W. R. Law and custom of the constitution. Part I, parliament, 4th edn., 1909, 12/6 net; part 2, the crown, 3rd edn., part i., 1907, 12/6 net, part ii., 1908, 8/6 net. Claren- don Press. Bagehot, W. English constitution. 1908, Paul, 3/6. Courtney, Lord. Working constitution of the United King- dom. 1901, Dent, 7/6 net. Dicey, A. V. Introduction to study of the law of the constitu- tion. 7th edn. 1908, Macmillan, 10/6 net. Low, Sidney. Governance of England. 1904, Unwin, 3/6 net. Lowell, A. Lawrence. The government of England. 2 vol. 1908, Macmillan, 17s. net. Macdonagh, M. The book of parliament. 1897, Pitman, 6s. Traill, H. D. Central government. (English citizen series.) 1892, Macmillan, 3/6. Parliamentary papers. General alphabetical index to bills, reports, etc. King; 1880-89,3/11; 1890-1909, 2s. each year. See also Constitutional History ; Electoral and Legislative Machinery; Finance; Political Science. Government, United Kingdom. — Local. Ashley, Percy. Local government. 1905, Jack, is. net. • Local and central government : a comparative study of England, France, Prussia, and the United States. 1906, Murray, 10/6 net. Atkinson, Mabel. Local government in Scotland. 1904, Blackwood, 5s. net. 21 Government, United Kingdom. — Local — continued. Cornish, H. D. District councils : a concise guide to their powers and duties. 1908, Stevens, 7/6. Gomme, G. L. Principles of local government. 1897, Con- stable, 12s. Graham, A. H., and B. E. S. Broadhurst. Practical guide to the parish councils act, 1894. 15th edn. 1907, Ward, Lock, is., o.p. Probably reprinting. Hadden's handbook on the local government act, 1894. 4 tn edn. 1906, Hadden, 9s. Howe, F. C. The British city. The beginnings of democracy. 1907, Unwin, 7/6 net. Jenks, E. Outline of English local government. 1907, Methuen, 2/6 net. Lauder, A. E. The municipal manual. 1907, King, 3/6. Lee, W. L. M. History of police in England. 1902, Methuen, 3/6 net. Maxwell, R. C. English local government. 1905, Dent, is. Odgers, W. Blake. Local government. (English citizen series.) 2nd edn. 1907, Macmillan, 3/6. JRedlich, J. Local government in England. Edited by F. W. Hirst. 2 vol. 1903, Macmillan, 21s. net. Shaw's parish law : being a guide to parish officers. 8th edn., edited by J. T. Dodd. 1895, Shaw, 15s. Local government manual. 1909, Shaw, 7/6. Stone, J. H., and J. G. Pease. A practical ready reference guide to parish councils and parish meetings. 8th edn. 1898, Philip, 6s. Thompson, W. What county councils can do for the people. 1 9 10, King, 6d. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. English local government : the parish and the county. 1906, Longmans, 16s. net. English local government : the manor and the borough. 2 vol. 1908, Longmans, 25s. net. Wright, R. S. and H. Hobhouse. An outline of local govern- ment and local taxation in England and Wales. Revised 3rd edn. 1906, King, 7/6. Local Government Review (monthly). Simpkin, is. net. See also. Finance ; London ; Municipal Enterprise. Bibliography. Gomme, G. L. Literature of local institutions. (An annotated bibliography.) 1891, o.p. Gross, C. A bibliography of British municipal history, includ- ing gilds ana parliamentary representation. 1898, Long- mans, I2S. , Government, Colonial ; see Imperial Problems. 22 Government, Foreign. Alston, Leonard. Modern constitutions in outline. 1905, Longmans, 2/6 net. Barker, J. Ellis. Modern Germany : her political and econ- omic problems, etc. 1909, Smith, Elder, 10/6 net. Bodley, J. E. C. France. 1899, Macmillan, 10s. net. Bryce, James. The American commonwealth. 2 vol. 1889, Macmillan, 25s. Dawson, W. H. Social Switzerland : social movements and legislation in the Swiss republic. 1897, o.p. The German workman : a study in industrial effi- ciency. 1907, King, 6s. net. The evolution of modern Germany. 1908, Unwin, 21s. net. King, Bolton, and W. Okey. Italy to-day : her politics, etc. : and her letters. (With maps.) 1901, Nisbet, 6s. Lloyd, H. D. The Swiss democracy : the study of a sovereign people. Edited by J. A. Hobson.. 1908, Unwin, 6s. net. Lowell, A. L. Governments and parties in continental Europe. 2 vol. 1897, Longmans, 21s. Rowntree, B. S. Land and labor : lessons from Belgium. 19 10, Macmillan, 10s. net. Steffens, Lincoln. The shame of the cities [American]. 1904, Heinemann, 5s. net. Uyehara, G. E. The political development of Japan, 1867-1909. 1910, Constable, 10/6. Vincent, J. M. State and federal government in Switzerland. 1900, Macmillan, 5s. net. Wallace, Sir D. M. Russia. 2 vol. 1885, Cassell, 24s. net. Wells, H. G. The future in America. 1906, Chapman, 10/6 net. See also Electoral and Legislative Machinery ; Imperial Problems ; Political Science. Health, Public ; see Sanitation. History of Economic and Social Development. Ashley, W. J. An introduction to English economic history and theory. [List of authorities with each chapter.] 2 vol. 1892-3, Longmans, 15/6. Surveys, historic and economic. 1900, Longmans, 9s. net. Behrens, Lewis H. The digger movement in the days of the commonwealth, as revealed in the writings of Gerrard Winstanley. 1906, Simpkin, 7/6 net. Bosanquet, Helen. The family. 1906, Macmillan, 8/6 net. Bucher, C. Industrial evolution. 1902, Bell, 12s. History of Economic and Social Development— continued. Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in England [1857]. 3 vol. Ed. by J. M. Robertson. 1904, Routledge, 5s. net. Cairnes, J. E. The slave power. 1863, Macmillan, 10/6. Commons, J. R., and others. A documentary history of American industrial society. To 1880, 10 vol. 1909-10, Cleveland, U.S.A., the A. H. Clark Co., $50. Gray, B. Kirkman. A history of English philanthropy. 1905, King, 7/6 net. Philanthropy and the state ; or social politics. 1908, King, 7/6 net. Hobson, J. A. The evolution of modern capitalism. 1908, Scott, 6s. Ingram, J. K. History of slavery and serfdom. 1895, Black, 6s. Kidd, B. Principles of western civilization. 1902, Macmillan 5s. net. Kropotkin, P. A. Mutual aid. 1902, Heinemann, 3/6. Macaulay, Lord. History of England. Chap, iii., with intro- duction and statistical notes by A. L. Bowley. 1909, Oxford University Press, 2/6. Parsons, E. C. The family : an ethnographical and historical outline. 1906, Putnam, 12/6 net. Rogers, J. E. Thorold. Economic interpretation of history. 1894, Unwin, 2/6 net. Six centuries of work and wages. 1890, Sonnen- schein, 10/6 (sold at 4/6). Abridged edn., 1895, Sonnen- schein, 2/6. History of agriculture and prices [12 59-1 793]. 6 vol. 1866-87, Oxford University Press, 142s. Young, Arthur. Travels in France during the years 1787-89. 1892, Bell, 3/6. See also Industrial and Commercial History ; Industrial and Social Conditions. History, Early; see Origins of Society. History, Mediaeval. Bax, E. B. Peasants' war in Germany [1525-26]. 1899, Son- nenschein, 6s. Cawston, G., and A. H. Keane. Early chartered companies [1296-1858]. 1897, o.p. Freeman, E. A. A short history of the Norman conquest. 1896, Oxford University Press, 2/6. Gasquet, F. A. Great pestilence [1348-9] : the black death. 1893, Simpkin, 7/6 net. Green, Mrs. J. R. Town life in the fifteenth century. 2 vol. 1894, Macmillan, 20s. net. 2 4 History, Mediaeval — continued. Gross, C. The gild merchant : contribution to British muni- cipal history. 2 vol. 1890, Oxford University Press, 24s. Hallam, H. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. 1884, Ward, Lock, 3/6 and 6s. Hone, Nathaniel J. The manor and uianorial records. 1906, Methuen, 7/6 net. Jacobs, J. The Jews in Angevin England. 1893, Nutt, 4s. Jenks, E. Law and politics in the middle ages. 1898, Murray, 12s. Jessopp, A. The coming of the friars. 7th edn. 1895, Unwin, 3/6. Studies by a recluse. 1893, Unwin, 3/6. Kautsky, K. Communism in Central Europe in the time of the reformation. 1897, Unwin, o.p. Maitland, F. W. Domesday book and beyond. Essays in the early history of England. 1897, Cambridge University Press, 15 s. Select pleas in manorial courts. Vol. i. (Selden Society.) 1888, Quaritch, 28s. Township and borough. 1898, Cambridge University Press, 10s. Pollock, Sir F., and F. W. Maitland. The history of English law [to Edward I.]. 2 vol. 1895, Cambridge University Press, 40s. Powell, E. The rising in East Anglia in 1381. 1896, Cam- bridge University Press, 6s. net. Trevelyan, G. M. England in the age of Wycliffe. 1899, Longmans, 15s. Unwin, George. The gilds and companies of London. 1908, Methuen, 7/6 net. "W. S." A discourse of the common weal of this realm of England. First printed in 1581, and commonly attributed to W. S. Edited by Eliz. Lamond. 1893, Cambridge University Press, 5s. See also Constitutional History. History, Modern. Acton, Lord. The Cambridge modern history. Edited by A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero, and Stanley Leathes. 12 vol. 1904-10, Cambridge University Press, 16s. each. Andrews, E. B. The United States in our time. A history from reconstruction to expansion. 1904, Chatto, o.p. Carlyle, T. The French revolution. 1904, Routledge, 5s. net. Fyffe, C. A. History of modern Europe. 1896, Cassell, 10/6. Gooch, Geo. P. History of English democratic ideas in the 17th century. 1898, Cambridge University Press, 5s. 25 History, Modern— continued. Green, J. R. Short history of the English people. 1888, Macmillan, 8/6. Hunt, W., and R. L. Poole (eds.). Political history of England. 12 vol. 1905-6, Longmans, 80s. net the set. 7/6 net each. Kropotkin, P. A. The great French revolution [1789-1793]. 1909, Heinemann, 6s. net. Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the 18th century. 12 vol. 1892, Longmans, 5s. net each. McCarthy, Justin. History of our own times [1837 -1880]. 4 vol. 1897, Chatto, 6s. net each. Vol. v. [1880-1897]. 1900, Chatto, 6s. Vols. vi. and vii. [1897 to 1901]. 1905, Chatto, 6s. net each. Short history of our own times [1837-1901]. 1904, Chatto, 2/6 and 6d. Merz, J. T. A history of European thought in the 19th century. Vol. i., 1904, 10/6 net; vol. ii., 1903, Blackwood, 15s. net. Paul, Herbert. A history of modern England. 5 vol. 1904-6, Macmillan, 8/6 net each. Rose, J. H. The rise of democracy. 1898, Blackie, 2/6. Seignobos, Chas. Political history of Europe since 18 14 (tr.). 2 vol. 1901, Heinemann, 20s. net. Stephens, H. Morse. History of the French revolution. Vol. i. and ii.. 1890-2, Longmans, 36s. Walpole, Sir Spencer. History of England [1815-1858]. 6 vol. 1890, Longmans, 6s. each. The history of twenty-five years. Longmans. Vol. i. and ii. [1856-70] 24s. net. Vol. iii. and iv. [1870-1880J 21s. net. The annual register (annual). Longmans, 18s. each. See also History of Economic Development ; Industrial and Com- mercial History. Hospital Management. Burdett, Sir Henry. Cottage hospitals. 1896, Scientific Press, Ltd., 10/6. Hospitals and asylums of the world. 4 vol. 1891-3, Scientific Press, £\2 12s. (Vols. i. and ii. alone, £6 15s. ; iii. and iv. alone, £9.) Ellis, Havelock. Nationalization of health. 1892, Unwin, o.p. Murray, A. T. The law of hospitals, infirmaries, and dispensaries. 1908, Murray, 10/6 net. Rentoul, R. R. Reform of our medical charities. 1891, Bailliere, 5s. Annual reports of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, Victoria Embankment, W.C. Barnett, Canon and Mrs. S. A. Towards social reform. 1908, Unwin, 5s. net. Bell, Lady. At the works : a study of a manufacturing town. 1907, Arnold, 6s. Booth, Charles. Life and labor of the people in London. 17 vol. + maps. 1 892-1903, Macmillan, 5s. net each. Burton, T. E. Financial crises and periods of industrial and commercial depression. 1902, o.p. 2 9 Industrial and Social Conditions— continued. Cadbury, E., and G. Shann. Sweating. (Social service hand- books, No. 5.) 2nd edn. 1908, Headley, is. net. Chapham, J. H. The woollen and worsted industries. 1907, Methuen, 6s. Chapman, Sydney J. The Lancashire cotton industry : a study in economic development. 1904, Sherratt & Hughes, 7/6. Clarke, Allen. The effect of the factory system. 1904, o.p. Cooke-Taylor, R. W. The factory system. 1894, Methuen, 2/6 net. The modern factory system. 1891, Paul, 14s. Davies, Maud F. Life in an English village. 1909, Unwin, 10/6 net. Davies, W. H. The autobiography of a super-tramp. Preface by Bernard Shaw. 1908, Fitield, 6s. De Rousier, P. The labor question in Britain. 1896, Mac- millan, 12s. net. Devine, E. T. Misery and its causes [American]. 1909, Mac- millan, 5s. George, W. L. Engines of social progress. 1908, Biack, is. net. Gohre, Paul. Three months in a workshop (ed. Prof. Ely). 1895, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Hobson, J. A. Problems of poverty. 1906, Methuen, 2/6. Hogge, J. C. The facts of gambling. 1907, Melrose, is. net. Hyndman, H. M. Commercial crises of the 19th century. 1892, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Jeans, J. S. The iron trade of Great Britain. 1906, Methuen, 2/6 net. Johnston, J. Wastage of child life as exemplified by condi- tions in Lancashire. (Fabian socialist series, No. 7.) 1909, Fifield, is. net and 6d. net. Jones, E. D. Economic crises (with a bibliography). 1900 (New York), Macmillan, 5s. net. 1 Lawson, W. R. British economics in 1904. 1905, Blackwood, 6s. net. Liverpool joint research committee. How the casual laborer lives. Report on the domestic conditions and expenditure of the families of certain Liverpool laborers. 1 909, Northern Publishing Company, Liverpool, is. London, Jack. The people of the abyss. A study of the social and economic conditions of life in the east end of London. 1903, Pitman, 6s. and is. Masterman, C. F. G. From the abyss. 1903, Dent, is. net. The condition of England. Methuen, 1909, 6s. F. W. Lawrence, and others. The heart of the em- pire : problems of modern city life. 1901, Unwin, 3/6 net. Oliver, Sir T. Diseases of occupations from the legislative, medical, and social point of view. 1908, Methuen, 10/6 net. 3o Industrial and Social Conditions — continued. Oliver, Sir T. Dangerous trades : historical, social and legal aspects of industrial occupation as affecting health, by a number of experts. 1902, Murray, 25s. net. Reason, Will. Poverty. With a preface by L. G. Chiozza Money. (Social service handbooks.) 1909, Headley, is. net. Rowntree, B. Seebohm. Betting and gambling : a national evil. 1905, Macmillan, 6d. Poverty : a study of town life [in York]. 1901, Macmillan, is. net. Schultze-Gaevernitz, G. von. The cotton trade in England and on the continent. 1895, Simpkin, 5s. Shadwell, A. Industrial efficiency. A comparative study of industrial life, England, Germany and America. 1909, Longmans, 6s. net. Sherard, R. H. The white slaves of England. 1897, Bowden, is. and 1/6. Webb, S. and B. Problems of modern industry. 1898, Long- mans, 5s. net. Wyckoff, W. A. The workers [American]. 2 vols. ; i. the east, ii. the west. 1898-99, Heinemann, vol. i. o.p., vol. ii. 3s. net. Annual report of the Labor Department. King, 1/3. Betting. Report of the house of lords committee, with evi- dence. 1901, S.P. 370, 5d. Cost of living of the working classes in great towns. Reports of an enquiry by the Board of Trade. United Kingdom -^1908, Cd. 3864, 6s. — Germany. 1908, Cd. 4032, 4/1 1. — France. 1909, Cd. 4512, 4/1. — Belgium, iqio, Cd. 5065, 2/2. — Public health and social conditions. Memoranda and charts prepared by the Local Government Board. 1909. Cd. 4671, 5s. All of King. Dundee social union. Report on housing and industrial con- ditions and medical inspection of school children. 1905 (Dundee), Leng, 1/6. Labor Commission, 1892-3. Report and minutes of evidence. (Many volumes.) 5th final report. King, 2s. Labor Gazette (issued by Labor Dept., monthly). King, id. ] ' /, See also History of Economic Development ; History, Modern ; Industrial and Commercial History; Poor Law; Statistics; Women's Questions. Industrial and Commercial History. Beard, C. A. The industrial revolution. 1901, Sonnenschein, is. net. Cobbett, William. Rural rides [1821-1832]. 2 vol. 1894, Reeves, 12/6. 3i Industrial and Commercial History— continued. Cunningham, W., and E. A. Macarthur. Outlines of English industrial history. (Cambridge historical series.) 1894, Cambridge University Press, 3s. net. Cunningham, W. Growth of English industry and commerce. [Elaborate bibliographies.] Vol. i., early and middle ages. 1905, 12/6 net. Vol. ii., 1907, part i., mercantile system, 1 os. net ; part ii., laissez faire, 7/6 net. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. An essay on western civilization in its economic aspects. Vol. i., ancient times. Vol. ii., mediaeval and modern. 1 898-1900, Cambridge University Press, 3/6 net each. The industrial revolution, being parts . . . reprinted from the Growth of English commerce and industry. 1908, Cambridge University Press, 5s. net. Engels, F. Condition of the English working classes (tr.) [1844]. 1892, Sonnenschein, 3/6. Gibbins, H. De B. Industrial history of England. 1908, Methuen, 3s. History of commerce in Europe. 1891, Macmillan, Industry in England : historical outlines, etc. 1907, Methuen, 10/6. Mayhew, H. London labor and London poor [185 1]. 4 vol. 1867, o.p. Meredith, H. O. Outlines of the economic history of Eng- land : a study in social development. 1908, Pitman, 5s. net. Price, L. L. Short history of English commerce and industry. 1900, Arnold, 3/6. Rogers, J. E. Thorold. Industrial and commercial history of England. 1894, Unwin, 2/6 net. Toynbee, Arnold. The industrial revolution of the 18th cen- tury in England. 1908, Longmans, 2/6 ntt. Unwin, George. Industrial organization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 1906, Oxford University Press, 7/6. Warner, G. T. Landmarks of English industrial history. 1899, Blackie, 5s. Wright, C. D. Industrial evolution of the United States. 1897, Bird, 6/6 net. Young, Arthur. Six months tour through the North of England. 4 vol. 1770-71,0^. • See also History, Modern ; History of Economic Development. Insurance ; see Friendly Societies ; Unemployed. International Questions ; see Government, Foreign ; Imperial Problems. Irish^Questions. Bonn, Moritz J. Modern Ireland and her agrarian problem (tr. by T. W. Rolleston). 1906, Hodges, 2/6 net. Bryce, James (ed.) Two centuries of Irish history [1691-1870]. 1888, Paul, 7/6 net. Dubois, L. Paul. Contemporary Ireland. Introduction by T. M. Kettle. 1908, Longmans, 7/6 net. Gannon, J. P. Review of Irish history in relation to the social development of Ireland. 1900, Unwin, 6s. Green, Alice S. Making of Ireland and its undoing, 1200- 1600. 1908, Macmillan, 10s. net. Murray, Alice Effie. History of the commercial and financial relations between England and Ireland from the period of the restoration. 1903, King, 3/6 net. Plunkett, Sir H. Ireland in the new century. 1905, Murray, is. net. Young, Arthur. Tour in Ireland, 1776-79. 2 vol. Edited by A. W. Hutton. 1892, Bell, 7s. Young, Filson. Ireland at the cross roads. An essay in ex- planation. 1904, Richards, 3/6 net. Labor Laws. Abraham, May E., and A. L. Davies. The law relating to factories and workshops. 6th edn. 1908, Eyre, 6s. Edwards, A. Clement. The workmen's compensation act, 1906: who pays, to whom, to what, and when? 1908, Chatto, is. net and 1/6 net. Fabian Society. Socialism and national minimum. By Mrs. Sidney Webb, Miss B. L. Hutchins, etc. (Fabian socialist series, No. 2.) 1909, Fifleld, is. net and 6d. net. Hutchins, B. L., and A. Harrison. A history of factory legis- lation. (With bibliography of factory legislation and wo- men's wages.) 1903, King, 3/6 net. Jevons, W. S. The state in relation to labor. (English citizen series.) Ed. F. W. Hirst. 19 10, Macmillan, 2/6. Bulletin of the international labor office. Published quarterly. 8s. per annum. Factories and workshops, annual report of the chief inspector. King, 3s. See also Industrial and Social Conditions ; Trade Unions ; Wages; Women's Questions. British Association for Labor Legislation, 4 Bloomsbury Square, W.C. Industrial Law Committee, 5 Palmer Street, Westminster, S.W. Land and Agriculture. Adams, T. Garden city and agriculture. 1905, Simpkin, is. net. 33 Land and Agriculture— continued. Cadbury, G. (Jun.), and Tom Bryan. Land and the landless. (Social service handbooks, No. 3.) 1908, Headley, is. net. Channing, Sir F. A. The truth about agricultural depression : economic study of evidence of royal commission. 1897, King, 2/6. Chomley, C. H., and R. L. Outhwaite. Land values taxation in theory and practice. 1909, Sidgwick & Jackson, is. net. Chorlton, J. D. The rating of land values. (Manchester university economic series, No. 5.) 1907, Sherratt and Hughes, Manchester, 3/6 net. Collings, Jesse. Land reform, occupying ownership, peasant proprietary, and rural education. 1906, Longmans, 2/6 net. Cox, Harold. Land nationalization and land taxation. 1906, Methuen, 3/6 net. DuxMSDay, W. H. The law relating to allotments and small holdings. 1909, Hadden, 5s. Fabian Society. Socialism and agriculture. By E. Carpenter, T. S. Dymond, and D. C. Pedder. 1908, Fifield, is. net and 6d. net. Fordham, Montague. Mother earth : a proposal for the per- manent reconstruction of country life. 1908, Chiswick Press, 5s. net ; and Daniels, is. net. Garnier, JR. M. History of the English landed interest. 2 vol. 1892-94, Sonnenschein, 21s. Annals of the British peasantry. 1895, Sonnenschein, 10/6. George, Henry. Progress and poverty. 1884, W. Reeves, is. and 1/6. Grant, Corrie. The small holdings handbook. 1908, Arrow- smith, is. Haggard, H. Rider. The poor and the land : a report on the salvation army colonies. 1905, Longmans, 1/6 net. Rural England. 2 vol. 1902, Longmans, 12s. net. Hasbach, W. A history of the English agricultural laborer (tr. by Ruth Kenyon). Preface by Sidney Webb. 1908, King, 7/6 net. Heath, R. The English peasant. 1893, Unwin, o.p. Hobson, J. A. (ed). Co-operative labor on the land. 1895, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Hunter, Sir R. Preservation of open spaces and rights of way. 1902, 12/6, o.p. Jebb, L. (Mrs. Wilkins). The small holdings of England : a survey of existing systems. 1906, Murray, 10/6 net. Johnson, A. H. The disappearance of the small landowner. 1909, Clarendon Press, 5s. net. Kebbell, T. E. The agricultural laborer. 1887, o.p. 34 Land and Agriculture — continued. Kropotkin, P. A. Fields, factories, and workshops. 1904, Son- nenschein, 6d. net and is. net. Martin, J. W. Ruin of rural England : a warning. 1902, Simpkin, 3/6 net. Moore, H. E. Back to the land. Methuen, 2/6. ■ Our heritage in the land. 1905, King, is. net. Nicholson, J. S. Rates and taxes as affecting agriculture. 1905, Sonnenschein, 2/6. The relation of rents, wages, and profits in agricul- ture, and their bearing on rural depopulation. 1906, Son- nenschein, 2/6. Pedder, D. C. Where men decay : a survey of present rural conditions. 1907, Fifield, 2/6 net. Pollock, Sir F. The land laws. 1896, Macmillan, 2/6. Pratt, Edwin A. Organization of agriculture. 1905, Murray, is. net. Transition in agriculture. 1906, Murray, 5s. net and is. Rogers, A. G. L. Business side of agriculture. 1904, Methuen, 2/6 net. Scrutton, T. E. Commons and common fields ; or, the laws relating to commons and enclosures in England. 1887, Cambridge University Press, 10/6. Slater, Gilbert. The English peasantry and the enclosure of common fields. 1907, Constable, 10/6 net. Wallace, A. R. Land nationalization. 1892, Sonnenschein, 2/6 and is. Agricultural education and research. Annual report on grants for. 19 10, Cd. 4802, King, 9d. Agricultural laborers' wages, earnings, and conditions in the United Kingdom. 1905, Cd. 2376, 2/9. Agriculture. Final report of the royal commission, 1896. Cd. 8540, King, 3/1. Agriculture. Annual returns for Great Britain (with abstract returns for foreign countries). King, 4 parts, 6d. each. Agriculture. Report of the tariff commission (vol. iii.) on. 1909, King, 2/6 net. Reports of crofters commissions. King, annual (1910, 1/3). See also Mining Rents and Royalties. Agricultural Organization Society, Dacre House, Dacre St., Westminster, S.W. Central Small Holdings Society, 9 John Street, Adelphi, W.C. Commons and Footpaths Preservation Society, 25 Victoria Street, S.W. English Land Restoration League, 376 Strand, W.C. Land Club League, 5 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. Land Nationalization Society, 432 West Strand, W.C. United Committee for the Taxation of Land Values, 20 Tothill Street, West- minster, S.W. 1 35 Legislative Machinery; see Electoral Machinery. Liquor Laws ; see Drink Question. London Government. Hopkins, A. B. Boroughs of the metropolis : handbook to the local administration under London government act, 1899. 1900, Bemrose, 7/6 net. Lange, M. E. Local taxation in London. 1906, King, is. net. Lloyd, J. London municipal government : the history of a great reform, 1880-1888. 1910, King, 21s. net. London Reform Union. London to-day and to-morrow : pro- posals for reform of London government. 1908, King, is. Sexby, J. J. The municipal parks, gardens, and open spaces of London. 1899, Stock, 21s. 1905, cheap ed., 10/6. Webb, Sidney. The London program. 1894, Sonnenschein, 2/6 and is. Whale, George. Greater London. 1888, Unwin, o.p. The London citizen's year-book (1910). G. Allen, 2s. net. London County Council reports : — Annual report. Usually is. Bye-laws, complete volume of. 2s. Catalogue of parliamentary papers on London. Catalogue of reports issued by the L.C.C. Post free. London statistics. Annual volume of all available London statistics. Exceedingly valuable. 5s. Markets. 1893, 2/6. Standing orders, is. Statistical abstract, is. Taxation, incidence of. Several reports. Tramway accounts, 1908-9, with report by chief officer of the L.C.C. trams, is. Wages (fair wages clause). 5d. [All above to be obtained of P. S. King & Son.] See also Government, Local ; Hospital Management ; Housing ; Municipal Enterprise. London Municipal Society, 11 Tothill Street, S.W. London Reform Union, Trafalgar Buildings, Northumberland Avenue, W.C. Mining Rents and Royalties. Sorley, W. R. Mining royalties and their effects on the iron and coal trades. 1889, Oxford University Press, 1/6. Annual reports upon mines. King (prices vary). Preliminary report, royal commission on mining royalties. 1889, Cd. 6195, King, 7/10. Final report of ditto. 1893, Cd. 6980, King, 1/9. Report upon the mineral industry of the United Kingdom for 1894. By C. LeNeve Foster. 1896, Cd. 7953, King, 3/4. 36 Municipal Enterprise and Government. Avebury, Lord. On municipal and national trading. 1907, Macmillan, 2/6 net. Bell, J., and J. Paton. Glasgow : its municipal organization and administration. 1896, MacLehose, 21s. net. Darwin, Leonard. Municipal ownership. Four lectures deli- vered at Harvard university, 1907. Murray, 2/6 net. Municipal trade. 1903, Murray, 12s. net. Fowler, Sir H. H. (Lord Wolverhampton). Municipal finance and municipal enterprise. 1900, King, is. Geddes, Patrick. City development. 1904, Geddes, 21s. net. Greenwood, T. Public libraries. 1892-94, Cassell, o.p. Haw, George. To-day's work. Municipal government the hope of democracy. 1901, Clarion, 2/6 net. Jowett, F. W. The socialist and the city. (Labor ideal series.) 1907, Allen, is. net. Manchester. Historical record of some recent enterprises of the corporation of Manchester. 1896, Manchester Corporation. Meyer, H. R. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 1906, Macmillan, 6/6 net. Pollard, J. A study in municipal government [Berlin]. 1894, Blackwood, 3/6. Porter, R. P. The dangers of municipal trading. 1907, Rout- ledge, 2/6 net. Shaw, Albert. Municipal government in Great Britain. 1895, Unwin, 7/6 net. • Municipal government in continental Europe. 1896, Unwin, 7/6 net. Shaw, G. Bernard. The commonsense of municipal trading. (Fabian socialist series, No. 5.) 1908, Fifield, is. net and 6d. net. Suthers, R. B. Mind your own business : the case of muni- cipal management. 1905, Clarion, is. and 6d. Towler, W. G. Socialism and local government. 1908, Allen, 5s. net. Unwin, Raymond. Town planning in practice : an introduc- tion to the art of designing cities and suburbs. 1909, Unwin, 21s. net. Webber, A. F. Growth of cities in the nineteenth century : a study in statistics. 1899, King, 16s. Whitehouse, J. H. Problems of a Scottish provincial town. 1905, G. Allen, 3/6 net. Wilcox, D. F. Study of city government. 1898, Macmillan, o.p. The American city : a problem in democracy. 1904, Macmillan, 5s. net. Zueblin, Charles. American municipal progress. 1902, Mac- millan, 5s. net. 37 Municipal Enterprise and Government — continued. Municipal Journal (weekly). Lloyd, 2d. Municipal year-book (annual). Lloyd. 7/6 net. Earnings and hours of labor. Public utility services. 1910, Cd. 5196, King, 1/9. Electric lighting. Annual report to the Board of Trade. King, 3d. Electricity supply undertakings. Returns issued by the London County Council on. 1908-9, King, is. Gas. Annual return of companies. King, 9d. Gas. Annual return of gas undertakings belonging to local authorities. King, 6d. Gas undertakings. Field's annual analysis. Eden Fisher, 15s. net. Municipal corporations. Return of reproductive undertakings. 1902, S.P. 39 8 > I /3- Municipal trading. Report of joint committee. 1903, S.P. 270,4s. Reproductive municipal undertakings in the United Kingdom : returns for 1902-3 to 1905-6. Six parts, 1909-10, King, average price 2s. each. Tramways. Annual return of tramways authorized by Parlia- ment. King, 6d. Bibliography. Municipal affairs, March, 1901. Bibliography of municipal problems and city conditions. By Robt. C. Brooks. 2nd edn. complete to Jan. 1, 1901. 346 pp. (New York) King, 5s. [Elaborate and exhaustive.] See also Finance ; Government, Local ; Hospital Management ; Housing; London; Sanitation. Old Age Pensions. Booth, Charles. The aged poor in England and Wales. 1894, Macmillan, 8/6 net. Pauperism and the endowment of old age. 1892,. Macmillan, 5s. (1899, cheap edn., 6d.). Old age pensions and the aged poor. 1899, Mac- millan, 2s. net. Hooper, E. G. The German state insurance system for pro- viding invalid and old age pensions. 1908, Wilson, is. net. Stead, F. H. How old age pensions came to be. 19 10, Methuen, 2/6. Sutherland, W. Old age pensions in theory and practice, with some foreign examples. 1907, Methuen, 3/6 net. Origins of Society and Early History. Coulanges, F. De. Origin of property in laud. 1891, Sonnen- schein, 2/6. 3§ Origins of Society and Early History— continued. Crawley, E. The mystic rose. 1902, Macmillan, 12s. net. Frazer, J. G. The golden bough : a study in magic and re- ligion. 1900, Macmillan, op. New edn. in 5 vol. in pre- paration. ■ Lectures on the history of the kingship. 1905, Mac- millan, 8/6 net. Gomme, G. Laurence. The village community. 1890, Scott, 3/6. Primitive folkmoots. 1880, Low, o.p. Haddon, A. C. The study of man : an introduction to ethno- logy. 1898, Murray, 6s. Hearn, W. E. The Aryan household. 1879, Longmans, o.p. Howard, G. E. History of matrimonial institutions, chiefly in England and Wales. Analysis of literature and theories of primitive marriage. 3 vol. 1904, Unwin, 42s. net. Inderwick, F. A. The king's peace : a historical sketch of the English courts of law. 1895, Sonnenschein, 4/6. Laveleye, E. De. Primitive property (tr.). 1878, Macmillan, o.p. McLennan, J. F. The patriarchal theory. 1885, Macmillan, o.p. Studies in ancient history. Primitive marriage. 1886, Macmillan, op. Maine, Sir H. Ancient law. 1887, Murray, 2/6 net. (With introduction and notes by Sir F. Pollock. 5s. net.) ■ Village communities. 1876, Murray, 9s. Early law and custom. 1883, Murray, 9s. Morgan, L. H. Ancient society. 1891 (New York), Holt, $4. Powell, G. H. Baden. The Indian village community. 1897, Longmans, 16s. The origin and growth of village communities in India. 1899, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Seebohm, Fredk. The English village community. 1884, Longmans, 12/6. Starcke, C. N. The primitive family. [With bibliography.] 1896, Paul, 5s. Tylor, E. B. Anthropology. 1881, Macmillan, 7/6. Primitive culture. 2 vol. 1891, Murray, 21s. Vinogradoff, Paul. Villainage in England. 1892, Oxford University Press, 16s. The growth of the manor. 1906, Sonnenschein, 10/6. Westermarck, E. A. Origin and development of the moral ideas. 2 vol. 1906, Macmillan, 14s. net each. History of human marriage. [With bibliography.] 3rd edn. 1894, Macmillan, 14s. net. Folk Lore Society, n Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Parliament ; see Constitutional History ; Election and Regis- tration Law ; Electoral and Legislative Machinery ; Government, Central ; Political Science. 39 Pauperism ; see Poor Law. Physical Degeneration and the Birth-rate. Amery, L. S. The problem of the army. 1904, Arnold, 6s. net. Cantlie, James. Physical efficiency. 1906, Putnam, 1/6. Chapple, W. A. Fertility of the unfit. 1904, Whitcombe, 2/6 net. Fry, Sir E. (ed.). Abstract of the report of the royal commis- sion on the care and control of the feeble-minded : with contributions by Sir F. Galton and others. 1909, King, is. net. Harben, H. D. The endowment of motherhood. (Fabian tract No. 149.) 19 10, Fabian Society, 2d. Saleeby, C. VV. Parenthood and race culture : an outline of eugenics. 1909, Casseil, 7/6 net. Smyth, A. Watt. Physical deterioration : its causes and its cure. 1904, Murray, 6s. net. Webb, Sidney. The decline of the birth-rate. (Fabian tract No. 131.) 1907, Fabian Society, id. Whetham, W. C. D., and Mrs. Whetham. The family and the nation : a study in natural inheritance and social res- ponsibility. 1909, Longmans, 7/6 net. Physical deterioration. Report of interdepartmental committee. 1904, Cd. 2175, King, 1/2. Physical training (Scotland). Royal commission, vol. i., report. 1903, Cd. 1507, King, 1/1. Political Economy ; see Economics. Political Science and Politics. Aristotle. On government (tr. by H. Morley). 1888, Rout- ledge, is. Politics (tr. by J. E. C.-Welldon). 1888, Macmillan, 10/6. Ashley, R. L. American federal state : a text book in civics. 1902, Macmillan, 8/6 net. Bagehot, W. Physics and politics. 1900, Paul, 3/6. Bentham, J. Introduction to principles of morals and legisla- tion [1789]. 1879, Oxford University Press, 6/6. Theory of legislation [1802]. 1896, Paul, 3/6. Bluntschli, J. K. The theory of the state (tr.). [Many authorities referred to in notes.] 1898, Oxford University Press, 8/6. Boutmy, Emile. The English people : a study of their political psychology. 1904, Unwin, 16s. 40 Political Science and Politics — continued. Chesterton, Cecil. Gladstonian ghosts. 1905, sold by author, 2/6 net. Eighty Club. The liberal view. 1904, King, 2/6 net. Godkin, E. L. Problems of modern democracy. 1896, Con- stable, 7/6. Godwin, W. Political justice. Edited by H. S. Salt. (Selec- tion.) 1890, Sonnenschein, o.p. Goodnow, F. J. Comparative administrative law of the U.S.A., England, France, and Germany. 2 vol. 1893, Putnam, 25s. Graham, Wm. English political philosophy (Hobbes, Locke, Burke, Bentham, Mill, and Maine). 1899, Arnold, 10/6 net. Green, T. H. Collected works. Vol. ii. 1886, Longmans, 16s. Hobbes, T. Leviathan [1651]. 1907, Routledge, is. net. Hobhouse, L. T. Democracy and reaction. 1904, Unwin, is. net. Hobson, J. A. The crisis of liberalism : new issues of democ- racy. 1909, King, 6s. net. Lecky, W. E. H. Democracy and liberty. 2 vol. 1896, Long- mans, 10s. net. Locke, John. Civil government [1690]. 1889, Cassell, 6d. and 3d. MacDonald, J. R. Socialism and government. 1909, I.L.P. , 2s. net and 3s. net. Maine, Sir H. Popular government. 1887, Murray, 2/6 net. Mazzini, J. Essays. (Selected, with preface by W. Clarke.) 1887, Scott, is. and 1/6. Mill, J. S. Representative government. 1884, Longmans, 2s. Morlpjy, John. On Compromise. [Vol. iii. coll. works.] 1886, Macmillan, 4s. net. Noel, Conrad. The labor party. 1906, Unwin, is. net and 2s. Ostrogorski, M. Democracy and the organization of political parties. 2 vol. 1906, Macmillan, 25s. net. Plato. Republic (tr. Davies and Vaughan). 1892, Macmillan, 2/6 net. Pollock, Sir F. An introduction to the history of the science of politics. 1896, Macmillan, 2/6. Raleigh, T. Elementary politics. 1897, Oxford University Press, is. Ritchie, D. G. Principles of state interference. 1891, Son- nenschein, 2/6. Darwinism and politics. 1895, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Natural rights. 1895, Sonnenschein, 10/6. Robertson, J. M. Introduction to English politics. 1900, Richards, 10/6 net. Rose, F. H. The coming force: the labor movement. 1909, I.L.P., is. net and 1/6 net. Rousseau, J. J. The social contract. 1895, Sonnenschein, 2/6. 4 1 Political Science and Politics — continued. Samuel, H. Liberalism : its principles and proposals. 1902,0./. Sanders, W. S. Political reorganization ol" the people. 1902, Sonnenschein, 1/6 net. Seeley, Sir J. R. Introduction to political science. 1896, Macmillan, 4s. net. Sidgwick, H. Elements of politics, 2nd edn. 1897, Mac- millan, 14s. net. Spencer, Herbert. Essays. 3 vol. 1891, Williams, 10s. each. Principles of sociology. 3 vol. 1897, Williams ; vol. i., 21s. ; ii., 18s. ; iii., 16s. Political institutions. 1882, Williams, o.p. The study of sociology. 1897, Paul, 5s. Social statics. 1893, Williams, 10s. Wallas, Graham. Human nature in politics. 1908, Con- stable, 6s. Political science quarterly (Columbia college). Oxford Uni- versity Press, 3/6. See also Citizenship ; Government, Central, Local, and Foreign ; Imperial Problems. Poor Law. [The greatest store of information and suggestions as to policy is now the voluminous report and appendices of the royal commission on the poor laws and relief of distress, pub- lished in about fifty bluebook volumes, 1909-10. The report itself, including the dissents and the minority report, can be had in octavo form (vols. i. and ii., the majority report, price 2/3 ; vol. iii., the minority report, price 1/9). Convenient pocket editions of the minority report alone, in good type, without footnotes and refer- ences, are published in 2 vols., at is. each, by the National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution, 37 Norfolk Street, Strand, London, W.C. An edition in 2 vol., bound in cloth, edited, with two introductions, by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, is published by Longmans (vol. i., The break up of the poor law, price 7/6 net ; vol. ii., The public organization of the labor market, price 5s. net). The best summary (of the majority report alone) is the volume by Mrs. Bosanquet, entitled The poor law report of 1909 (Mac- millan, 3/6). Summaries of both reports (none adequate) are : The Daiiy News Year Book for 19 ro, 6d. ; the reports on the poor law, by Sir John Gcrst (National Committee, id); By what author^? by Professor Muirhead (King, 2s. net) ; New poor law or no poor law, with introduction by Canon Barnett (Dent, is. net); Synopsis of the report (Knight & Co., is.). The propagandist pamphlets of the National Committee (see above) should be consulted for the 4 2 Poor Law — continued. minority report, and those of the National Poor Law Re- form Association.] Ashcrott, P. F. (tr.) The English poor law. [Many autho- rities referred to in the index.] 1902, Knight, 12s. Bosanquet, Helen. Rich and poor. 1898, Macmillan, 3/6 net. The family. 1906, Macmillan, 8/6 net. Chance, Sir W. The better administration of the poor law. 1895, Sonnenschein, 6s. Our treatment of the poor. 1899, King, 2/6. Poor law reform. Via tertia. 19 10, King, 1/6 and is. net. Devine, Edward T. The principles of relief [American]. 1904, Macmillan, 8/6 net. Misery and its causes [American]. 1909, Mac- millan, 5s. Eden, Sir F. N. State of the poor. 3 vol. [Bibliography of early books on subject.] 1797, o.p. Fowle, Rev. T. W. The poor law. (English citizen series.) 1892, Macmillan, 2/6. Higgs, Mary. Glimpses into the abyss. 1906, King, 3/6 net. Loch, C. S. Charity organization. 1890, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Charity and social life. 1910, Macmillan, 6s. net. Lonsdale, Sophia. The English poor laws : their history, principles, and administration. 1897, King, is. Mackay, T. The English poor. 1889, Murray, 7/6. • History of the English poor law. Supplementary vol. to Nicholls' history (below). 1899, King, 7/6 net. Mackenzie, W. W. The powers and duties of poor law guard- ians. 4th edn. 1895, Shaw, 7/6. Maxwell, R. C, and T. Smith. Points for guardians and their officers. 1907, Shaw, 5s. net. Nicholls, Sir G. History of the English poor law. 2 vol. New edn. (See also Mackay, T.) 1898, King, ic/6 net. Oakeskott, J. F. The humanizing of the poor law. (Fabian tract No. 54.) 1894, Fabian Society, id. Ribton-Turner, C. J. History of vagrancy and vagrants. 1887, o.p. Sellers, Edith. The Danish poor relief system. 1904, King, 2s. net. Foreign solutions of poor law problems. 1908, Mar- shall, 2/6 net. Webb, Mrs. Sidney. The poor law medical officer and his future. 1909, National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution, id. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. English poor law policy. 19 10, Longmans, 7/6 net. Annual charities : register and digest. Longmans and Charity Organization Society, 5s. 43 Poor Law — continued. Local Government Board. Annual report for England. King, $s. Poor law commission, 1834 (reprinted 1906). King, 1/8. Poor law commission, 1909. Minutes of evidence, indices, special reports of investigators. Vol. i. to xxxiv., as quoted in report. King, average price 5s. each. Report on Scotland (minority and majority), Cd. 4922, 2/8. Do. Ire- land, Cd. 4630, King, qd. Poor law conferences. Annual bound vol. of central and district conferences ; with index. King, 12s. Annual central con- ference, is. District conferences, is. each. See also Children ; Old Age Pensions. The National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution, 37 Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. Organ : The Crusade Against Destitution (monthly, id.). The National Poor Law Reform Association, 5 Adam Street, Adelphi, W.C. Prisons; see Crime. Profit Sharing and Piece Work. Bushill, T. W. Profit sharing and the labor question. 1893, Methuen, o.p. Gilman, N. P. Profit sharing. 1892, Macmillan, 7/6. Lloyd, H. D. Labor co-partnership in Great Britain and Ireland. 1898, Harper, 5s. Schloss, D. F. Methods of industrial remuneration. 1898, Williams, 3/6. Report on profit sharing to the Board of Trade. 1894, King, iod. Report on gain sharing to the Board of Trade. 1895, King, 6Jd. Taylor, Sedlhy. Profit sharing. 1884, Paul, 0. Labor Co-partnership (monthly). Labor Association, id. See also Co-operation. Labor Association (advocates co-operative production based upon co-partnership principles), 15 Southampton Row, Holborn, W.C. Proportional Representation ; see Electoral and Legislative Machinery. Protection ; see Free Trade. Public Health ; see Sanitation ; Housing. Railways and Canals. Acworth, W. M. Railways of England. 1900. Murray, 10/6. Elements of railway economics. 1905, Oxford Uni- versity Press, 2s. net. 44 Railways and Canals — continued. Bolland, W. Railways and the nation : problems and possi- bilities. 1909, Unwin, is. net. Cunningham, Wm. Should our railways be nationalized? 1906 (Dunfermline). Sold by the Fabian Society, 2/6. Da vies, E. The nationalization of railways. 1908, Black, is.net. Stale purchase of railways. (Fabian tract No. 150.) 19 10, Fabian Society, 2d. Edwards, Clem. Railway nationalization. 1906, Methuen, 2/6 net. Gibb, Sir G. S. Railway nationalization : a paper read to the Royal Economic Society, November, 1908. Published by the society, 6d. Grinling, C. H. The ways of our railways. 1905, Ward, Lock, 12/6. Meyer, Hugo R. Government regulations of railway rates. 1906, Macmillan, 6/6 net. Palmer, J. E. British canals: problems and possibilities. 1910, Unwin, 5s. net. Pratt, Edwin A. Railway s and their rates, with an appendix on the British canal problem. 1905, Murray, 5s. net and is. net. Railways and nationalization. 1908, King, 2/6 net. State railways : object lessons from other lands. 1907, King, is. net. German v. British railways. With special reference to owners' risk and traders' claims. 1907, King, is. net. Canals and traders. The argument pictorial as applied to the royal commission on canals and waterways. 19 10, King, is. net and 2/6 net. Ross, Hugh Munroe. British railways, their organization and management. 1904, Arnold, 5s. net. Spelling, T. C. Bossism and monopoly [railways in U.S.A.]. 1906, Unwin, 7/6 net. Bradshaw's railway manual (H. H. Bassett, ed.) (Annual), Blacklock, 12s. Annual returns of railway statistics for United Kingdom, with summary tables for the last fifteen years. King, 1/3. General report upon the railway accidents which have occurred during the year. (Annual), King, 6d. Irish railways. Fifth and final report of the viceregal commis- sion. 1910, Cd. 5247, King, 1/7. Reports of the Board of Trade on the railways of Belgium, France and Italy. 1910, Cd. 5106, King, 2/4. State railways in the colonies and foreign countries. Board of Trade return No. 331. 1907, King, 7d. Workmen's trains. Report of committee. 1904, S.P. 305, 1/5. Canals. Royal commission on. Final report. 1910, Cd. 4979, King, 2/1 1. 45 Rates; see Finance, Public. Referendum ; see Electoral and Legislative Machinery. Revolutionary Movements ; see Social Revolutions. Sanitation and Hygiene. Arlidge, J. T. Hygiene of occupations. 1892,0^. Blyth, A. Wynter. Lectures on sanitary law. 1893, Mac- millan, o.p. Dodd, F. Lawson. The problem of the milk supply. 1904, Bailliere, 1/6 net. Ellis, Havelock. The nationalization of health. 1892, Unwin, o.p. Hime, T. W. Practical guide to public health acts. 1901, Bailliere, 15s. net. Hutchins, B. L. Public health agitation. 1909, Fifield, 2/6. Latham, A. and C. H. Garland. The conquest of consumption : an economic study. 1910, Unwin, 4/6 net. McCleary, G. F. Infantile mortality and infants' milk depots. 1905, King, 6s. net. Mackenzie, W. L. and M. E. Medical inspection of schools. 1904, Hodge, io'6 net. Notter, J. L., and R. H. Firth. Theory and practice of hygiene. 1908, Churchill, 21s. net. Hygiene. (Elementary science series.) 1900, Long- mans, 4/6. Parkes, L., and H. Kenwood. Hygiene and public health. 3rd edn. 1907, Lewis, 10/6 net. Poore, G. V. Essays on rural hygiene. 1893, Longmans, 6/6. The dwelling house. 1897, Longmans, 3/6. Simon, Sir J. English sanitary institutions. 1897, Smith, Elder, 18s. Stevenson, T., and S. F. Murphy. Hygiene and public health. 2nd edn. 1892-4, Churchill ; vol. i., 28s. ; vol. ii., 30s. ; vol. Hi., 20s. Stratton, F. Public health acts: text and index. 1907, Knight, 8/6. Sykes, J. F. Public health problems. 1892, Scott, 3/6. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. The state and the doctor. 19 10, Longmans, 6s. net. Whitelegge, B. A. Hygiene and public health. 1898, Cassell, 7/6. London county council. Medical officers' annual report. King, 3/6. Proceedings of the national conference on infantile mortality, held at Westminster, June, 1906. King, 1/6 net. Ditto, 1908, King, 1/6 net. See also Children ; Hospital Management ; Housing ; Municipal Enterprise. 4 6 Schools ; see Children ; Education ; Poor Law. Social Conditions ; see History of Economic and Social Development ; Industrial and Social Conditions. Social Revolutions, Attempted. Ames, E. O. F. (ed.) The revolution in the Baltic provinces of Russia. (Socialist library.) 1907, I.L.P., 1/6 net. Bax, E. Belfort. The rise and fall of the anabaptists. 1903, Sonnenschein, 6s. Blanc, Louis. " 1848 " — historical revelations. 1858, o.t>. Buonarotti, P. Babceui's conspiracy for equality (tr. Bronterre O'Brien). 1836, o.p. Feldmann, Constantine. The revolt of the Potemkin (tr. by Constance Garnett). 1908, Heinemann, 6s. net. Gammage, R. G. Chartist movement. 1894, Truslove, 15s. Lissagaray, P. History of the commune of 1871 (tr. by E. M. Aveling). 1886, Reeves & Turner, o.p. March, T. History of the Paris commune. 1895, Sonnen- schein, o.p. Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary movement of 1848-49 (Italy, Austria, Germany). 2nd edn. 1887, Bell, 16s. Oman, C. The great revolt of 1381. 1906, Oxford University Press, 8/6 net. Vesinier, P. History of the commune (tr.). 1872, Chapman, 7/6, o.p. Zacher, Dr. The red international (notes by E. M. Geldart). 1886, W. Reeves, is. See also Communist Experiments. Socialism as stated by Socialists. Bax, E. Belfort. Ethics of socialism. 1889, Sonnenschein, 2/6 and is. Essays in socialism, new and old. 1905, Richards, 5s. net and 6d. net. Bernstein, E. Evolutionary socialism (tr. by E. C. Harvey). 1909, T.L.P., 1/6 net and is. net. Blatchford, R. (Nunquam) Merrie England. 1895, Clarion, is. and 3d. — Britain for the British. 1902, Clarion, 2/6 net and 3d. Bliss, W. D. P. Handbook of socialism. [With a bibliography.] 1895, Sonnenschein, 3/6. Brooks, John G. Social unrest. 1903, Macmillan, 6s. net. Engels, F. Socialism : Utopian and scientific. 1892, Sonnen- schein, 2/6. Ensor, R. C. K. Modern socialism, as set forth by socialists in their speeches, writings, and programs. 1907, Harper, 5s., 2s., and is. net. 47 Socialism as stated by Socialists — continued. Fabian essays in socialism. 1890, Fabian Society, 1/6 and 6d. net. s Fabian Society. Socialism and individualism. By Sidney Webb, Sidney Ball, G. B. Shaw, and Sir O. Lodge. (Fabian socialist series, No. 3.) 1908, Fifield, is. net and 6d. net. Basis and policy of socialism. By Sidney Webb, etc. (Fabian socialist series, No. 4.) 1908, Fifield, is. net and 6d. net. ^-Fabian tracts. The set, bound. Fabian Society, 4/6 net. Ferri, Enrico. Socialism and positive science (tr. by E. C. Harvey). (Socialist library, No. 1.) 1905, I.L.P., is. and 1/6 net. Gronlund, Laurence. The co-operative commonwealth. 1896, Sonnenschein, is.; 1891 (ed byG. B. Shaw), W. Reeves, is. Hillquit, Morris. History of socialism in the United States. 1902, Funk, 6s. — Socialism in theory and practice [American]. 1909, Macmillan, 6/6 net. Hobson, J. A. The social problem. 1904, Nisbet, 2/6 net. \ Hunter, R. Socialists at work. 1908, Macmillan, 6/6 net. Hyndman, H. M. The economics of socialism. 1896, Twentieth Century Press, 3s. Historical basis of socialism in England. 1883, Paul, 8/6, o.p. England for all. 1883, Twentieth Century Press, 6d. Jaures, Jean. Studies in socialism (tr. by M. Minturn). (Socialist library, No. 3.) 1906, I.L.P., is. and 1/6 net. Kelley, Florence. Some ethical gains through legislation. 1906, Macmillan, 5s. net. Kelly, Edmond. Individualism and collectivism (the second of two vols, entitled Government or human evolution). 1901, Longmans, 10/6 net. Twentieth century socialism. What it is not : what it is : how it may come [American]. 19 10, Longmans, 7/6 net. \ MacDonald, J. Ramsay. Socialism and society. (Socialist library, No. 2.) 1905, I.L.P., is. net and 1/6 net. Socialism. 1907, Jack, is. net. Marx, K., and Engels, F. Manifesto of the communist party [1848]. 1888, W. Reeves, 2d. Money, L. G. Chiozza. Riches and poverty. 1905, Methuen, 5s. net and is. net. Morris, W., and Bax, E. B. Socialism : its growth and out- come. 1897, Sonnenschein, 3/6. Russell, B. German social democracy. 1896, King, 3/6. y- Shaw, G. Bernard. Socialism and superior brains : a reply to Mr. Mallock. (Fabian socialist series, No. 8.) 19 10, Fifield, is. net and 6d. net. Spargo, J. Socialism : a summary and interpretation of socialist principles [American]. 1906, Macmillan, 5s. net. 4» Socialism as stated by Socialists — continued. Suthers, R. B. Common objections to socialism answered. 1908, Clarion, is. net. Vandervelde, Emile. Collectivism and industrial evolution (tr. by R. P. Varley). (Socialist library, No. 5.) 1907, I.L.P., 2,6 net. Villiers, Brougham. The socialist movement in England. 1908, Unwin, 10/6 net and 2/6 net. Webb, Sidney. Socialism in England. 2nd edn. 1893, Son- nenschein, 2/6. Wells, H. G. New worlds for old. 1908, Constable, 6s. and is. net. Labor Leader. Organ of the I.L.P. Weekly, id. The Socialist Review. I.L.P. Monthly, 6d. Justice. Organ of Social Democratic Party. Weekly, id. The Social Democrat. Monthly, 3d. Clarion. Edited by R. Blatchford (Nunquam). Weekly, id. See also Utopias. Fabian Society, 3 Clement's Inn, Strand, W.C. Independent Labor Party, 23 Bride Lane, E.C. Labor Party, 28 Victoria Street, S.W. Social Democratic Party, 2 la Maiden Lane, W.C. Socialism as Stated by Non-Socialists. Dawson, W. H. German socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle. 1 89 1, Sonnenschein, o.p. Bismarck and state socialism. 1890, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Ely, R. T. Socialism : its nature and strength. 1894, Sonnen- schein, o.p. The labor movement in America. 1890, Macmillan, 5s. net. Gilman, N. P. Socialism and the American spirit. 1893, Macmillan, 6/6. Graham, Wm. Socialism, new and old. (International scientific series.) 1891, Paul, 5s. Ingram, J. K. The final transition : a sociological study. 1905, Black, 2/6 net. Kaufmann, Rev. M. Socialism and modern thought. 1906, Methuen, 2/6 net. Kirkup, Thomas. An enquiry into socialism. Revised edn. 1908, Longmans, 4/6 net. History of socialism. 4th edn. 1909, Black, 7/6. A primer of socialism. 1908, Black, is. net. Laveleye, E. de. Socialism of to-day (tr.) 1885, Leadenhall Press, 6s. Le Bon, G. Psychology of socialism. 1899, Unwin, o.p. 49 Socialism as stated by Non-Socialists — continued. Rae, John. Contemporary socialism. 4th edn. 1908, Son- nenschein, 5s. net. Schaeffle, A. Quintessence of socialism. 1899, Sonnen- schein, 2/6. Smith, H. Ll. The economic aspect of state socialism. 1887, Simpkin, 3/6. Sombart, W. (tr. by M. Epstein). Socialism and the social movement. 1909, Dent, 3/6 net. Socialism by Critics and Anti-Socialists. Arnold-Forster, H. O. English socialism of to-day: its teach- ings and aims examined. 1908, Smith, Elder, 2/6 net. Balfour, A. J. (preface by). The case against socialism : a hand- book for speakers and candidates. 1908, Allen, 5s. net. Barker, J. Ellis. British socialism : an examination of its doctrine, policy, aims, and practical proposals. 1908, Smith, Elder, 10/6 net. Beanland, W. The case against socialism, plainly stated by the man in the street. 1909, Scott, is. Beaulieu, Paul Leroy. Collectivism : a study of some of the leading social questions of the day (tr. and abridged by Sir Arthur Clay). 1908, Murray, 10/6 net. Dawbarn, C. J. C. Liberty and progress : a defence and expo- sition of individualism. 1909, Longmans, 9s. Donisthorpe, Wordsworth. Individualism : a system of politics. 1889, Macmillan, o.p. Law in a free state. 1895, Macmillan, 5s. net. Flint, Robert. Socialism. 2nd edn. revised. 1908, Pitman, 6s. Gonner, E. C. K. The socialist state : its nature, aims, and conditions. 1895, Scott, 2/6. Guyot, Yves. The tyranny of socialism (ed. by J. H. Levy). 1894, Sonnenschein, o.p. Socialistic fallacies. 19 10, Cope & Fenwick, 6s. net. Headley, F. W. Darwinism and modern socialism. 1909, Methuen, 5s. net. Hirsch, Max. Democracy versus socialism. 1901, Macmillan, 10s. net. Mackay, T., and others. A plea for liberty. 1892, Murray, 2s. v Mallock, W. H. A critical examination of socialism. 1908, Murray, 6s. and is. net. Classes and masses. 1896, Black, 3/6. The nation as a business firm. 19 10, Black, 3/6 net. Naquet, J. A. Collectivism and socialism. 1891, Sonnen- schein, 2/6. Nicholson, J. Shield. Historical progress and ideal socialism. 1894, Black, 1/6. ^Penty, A. J. The restoration of the gild system. 1906, Son- nenschein, 3/6 net. 5o Socialism by Critics and Anti-Socialists — continued. Raine, G. E. Present day socialism and the problem of the unemployed. 1908, Nash, 2/6 net. Saleeby, C. W. Individualism and collectivism. Four lectures. 1906, Williams, 2s. net. Schaeffle, Dr. A. The impossibility of social democracy. 1 89 2 , Sonnenschein, 3/6. Spencer, Herbert. The man versus the state. 1884, Williams, is. St. Ledger, A. Australian socialism : an historical sketch of its origin and development. 1909, Macmillan, 4/6 net. Stoddart, Jane T. The new socialism : an impartial enquiry. 1909, Hodder, 5s. net. Strachey, J. St. Loe. The problems and perils of socialism : letters to a working man. 1908, Macmillan, 6d. Wilson, W. Lawler. The menace of socialism. 1909, Richards, 6s. net. Socialism, Christian. Adderley, Rev. J. Looking upward : introduction to the study of social questions from a religious point of view. 1896, Gardner, 3/6. The parson in politics. 1910 (Leeds), Jackson, is. Anon. Commerce and Christianity. By the author of Life in our villages. 1900, Sonnenschein, 1/6 and is. Ede, W. M. (Dean of Worcester). The attitude of the church to some of the social problems of town life. 1896, Cam- bridge University Press, is. Fabian Society. Socialism and religion. By Rev. S. D. Head- lam, Rev. P. Dearmer, Rev. J. Clifford, and John Woolman. (Fabian socialist series, No. I.) 1908, Fifield, is. net and 6d. net. Fry, Rev. T. C. A social policy for the church. 1893, o.p. Haw, Geo. (ed.). Christianity and the working classes. 1906, Macmillan, 3/6 net. Kaufmann, Rev. M. Christian socialism. 1888, Paul, 4/6. King-sley, Rev. C. (Parson Lot). Alton Locke. Cheap clothes and nasty. 1890, Macmillan, 6d. Yeast. 1890, Macmillan, 6d. Maurice, Rev. F. D. Social morality. 1869, Macmillan, o.p. Nitti, F. S. Catholic socialism. 1895, Sonnenschein, 10/6. Noel, Rev. Conrad. Socialism in church history. 19 10, Palmer, 5s. net. Soderini, E. Socialism and Catholicism. 1896, Longmans, o.p. Stubbs, Rev. C. W. Christ and economics. 1894, o.p. Christ and democracy. 1889, Sonnenschein, 3/6. Tolstoy, Count. The kingdom of God is within you. 1894, Scott, 2/6. 5i Socialism, Christian — continued. Tolstoy, Count. What shall we do ? n.d., Free Age Press,. 6d. net. Westcott, Right Rev. B. F. (Bishop of Durham). Social aspects of Christianity. 1887, Macmillan, 6s. Woodworth, Arthur V. Christian socialism in England. 1903, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Church Socialist Quarterly. New Age Press, 6d. net. Commonwealth (ed. Canon Scott Holland). Monthly, Wells, Gardner, 3d. The Christian Commonwealth. Weekly, 133 Salisbury Square^ E.C., id. Christian Social Union, London Office, 102 Adelaide Road, N.W. Guild of St. Matthew, 376 Strand, W.C. Liberal Christian League, King's Weigh House, Duke St., Grosvenor Sq., W. Socialist Criticism on Current Questions. Bax, E. Belfort. The religion of socialism. 1887, Sonnen- schein, 2/6 and is. Outlooks from the new standpoint. 1891, Sonnen- schein, 2/6 and is. Bland, Hubert. With the eyes of a man. 1905, Laurie, 3/6. Carpenter, Edward. Civilization : its cause and cure. 1897, Sonnenschein, 2/6 and is. England's ideal. 2nd edn. 1901, Sonnenschein, 2/6 and is. Davidson, J. Morrison. The old order and the new. 1892, Reeves, is. Dickinson, G. Lowes. A modern symposium. 1906, Dent, 2/6 net. Justice and liberty : a political dialogue. 1908, Dent, 4/6 net. Morris, William. A dream of John Ball ; and A king's lesson. 1889, Longmans, 2s. net. Signs of change. [7 lectures.] 1885, Longmans, 4/6. Pearson, Karl. Ethic of freethought. 1901, Black, 7/6. Ruskin, John. Crown of wild olive. 1908, G. Allen, 3/6, i/6 r is., 6d., all net. A joy for ever. 1907, G. Allen, 3/6, 1/6, is., 6d., all net. Time and tide. 1908, G. Allen, 3/6, 1/6, is., all net. Shaw, G. Bernard. Quintessence of Ibsenism. 1891, Scott, o.p. See also Anarchism. State Insurance ; see Friendly Societies. Statistics, General. Bliss, W. D. P. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of social reform. 2 vol. 1909, Funk, 35s. Booth, C. Life and labor of the people in London. Vol. vii. : population classified by trades. 1896, Macmillan, 5s. net. Bowley, A. L. Elements of statistics. 3rd edn. 1907, King, 10/6 net. Statistical studies : relating to national progress in wealth and trade since 1882. 1904, King, 2s. net. An elementary manual of statistics. 19 10, King, 5s. net. Ghent, W. J. Mass and class [American]. 1904, Macmillan, 5s. net. Ireson, Frank. The people's progress : a study of the facts of national wealth, with some answers to socialists. 19 10, Murray, 2/6. Money, L. G. Chiozza. Riches and poverty. 1905, Methuen, 5s. net and is. net. Money's Fiscal Dictionary, 19 10. Methuen, 5s. net. Mulhall, M. G. History of prices [1850-1885]. 1885, Long- mans, o.p. Dictionary of statistics [to 1898]. 1899, Routledge, 21s. net. Industries and wealth of nations. 1907, Longmans, 8/6. Tooke, T., and Newmarch, W. History of prices [1 793-1 856]. 6 vol. 1857, Longmans, o.p. Financial reform almanack (annual). 18 Hackin's Hey, Liver- pool, is. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Stanford, 2/6 or 5s. Index, with synopsis of all articles, 1888-1908. 1909, 3/6. Statistical Society's library catalogue. [An excellent biblio- graphy.] 1908, Stanford, 10/6. Index (complete to Decem- ber 31st, 1883), 1886, Stanford, 10s. Statesman's year book. Macmillan, 10/6 net. British and foreign trade and industrial conditions. Statistical tables and charts, etc. (The first fiscal blue book.) 1903, Cd. 1 76 1, King, 3/6. Second series. 1905, Cd. 2337, King, 3/6. Third series. 1909, Cd. 4954, King, 5/2. Public health and social conditions. Statistical memoranda and charts relating to public health and social conditions. 1909, Cd. 4671, King, 5s. Statistical abstract for the last fifteen years. (1) United King- dom ; (2) British colonies ; (3) foreign countries ; (4) India. King, 1/6 to 2s. each. See also Free Trade ; Industrial and Social Conditions ; Industrial and Commercial History ; London Government ; Municipal Enterprise : Wages. 53 Strikes and Lock-outs. Broadhead, H. State regulation of labor and labor disputes in New Zealand : a description and a criticism. 1908, Whit- combe & Toombs, 7/6 net. Hall, F. S. Sympathetic strikes and sympathetic lock-outs. 1898 (New York), King, 4s. Mavor, James. Scotch railway strike of 189 1. 1891 (Edin- burgh), Brown o.p. Nash, Vaughan, and H. Ll. Smith. The story of the dockers' strike. 1890, Unwin, o.p. Nicholson, J. Shield. Strikes and social problems. 1896, Black, 3/6. Annual report on strikes and lock-outs of the year, by the labor correspondent to the Board of Trade. King, is. U.S. labor commissioner's 10th annual report, 1894. Strikes and lock-outs. 2 vol. (pp. 1909). 1896, U.S. Labor Depart- ment, Washington. See also Arbitration (Industrial) ; Trade Unions. Suffrage ; see Election and Registration Law ; Electoral Machinery ; Women's Questions. Sweating ; see Women's Questions. Taxation; see Finance, Public. Temperance; see Drink Question. Trade, International ; see Free Trade. Trade Unions. , Brent ano, L. History of gilds and origin of trade unions. 1870, o.p. Cohen, H. Trade union law. 1907, Sweet & Maxwell, 6s. net. Drage, Geoffrey. Trade unions. 1905, Methuen, 2/6 net. Galton, F. W. Select documents relating to the history of trade unionism. 1. The tailoring trade. 1896, King, 5s. Hobhouse, L. T. The labor movement. 1897, Unwin, 3/6 and is. net. Howell, G. Conflicts of labor and capital. 2nd edn. 1890, Macmillan, o.p. Trade unionism, old and new. 1907, Methuen, 2/6. Labor legislation, labor movements, and labor leaders. 2 vol. 1902, Unwin, 7s. Pratt, Edwin A. (with introduction by). Trade unionism and British industry. Reprint of the Times articles on the crisis in British industry. 1904, Murray, 5s. net. 54 Trade Unions — continued. Schultze-Gaevernitz, G. von. Social peace : a study of the trade union movement in England (tr.) 1893, Sonnen- schein, 3/6. Warne, F. J. The coal mine workers : a study in labor organ- ization [American]. 1906, Longmans, 3/6. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. History of trade unionism. [Elaborate bibliography;] 2nd edn. 1901, Longmans, 7/6 net. Industrial democracy. [Supplementary bibliography.] 2nd edn. 1901, Longmans, 12s. net. Annual report of the labor correspondent to the Board of Trade on trade unions. King, 1/7. Annual report of chief registrar. King, 5d. Annual report of trade union congress parliamentary committee. See also Arbitration (Industrial) ; Industrial Conditions ; Strikes ; Wages. Trusts and Combinations. Ely, R. T. Monopolies and trusts. 1900 (New York), Mac- millan, 5s. net. Halle, E. von. Trusts or industrial combinations and coalitions in the U.S. 1895 (New York), Macmillan, 5s. net. Hirst, F. W. Monopolies, trusts, and kartells. 1905, Methuen, 2/6 net. Jeans, J. S. Trusts, pools, and corners. 1894, Methuen, 2/6. Jenks, J. W. Trust problem. With colored charts. 1901, Putnam, 5s. net. Kirkbride, F. B., and J. E. Sterrett. The modern trust company : its functions and organization. 1906 (New York), Macmillan, 10/6 net. Lloyd, H. D. Wealth against commonwealth. 1894, Harper, 6s. Macgregor, D. H. Industrial combination. 1906, Bell, 7/6 net. Macrosty, H. W. Trusts and the state : a sketch of competi- tion. 1901, o.p. The trust movement in British industry. 1907, Longmans, 9s. net. Passos, J. R. Commercial trusts. The growths and rights of aggregated capital. 1906, Putnam, 5s. net. Ripley, W. Z. Trusts, pools, and corporations. 1905, Ginn, 8/6 net. Smith, E. J. The new trades combination movement. 1899, o.p. Tarbell, Ida M. History of the standard oil company. 2 vol. 1905, Heinemann, 24s. net. 55 Unemployment. Alden, Percy. The unemployed : a national question. 1905, King, 2S. net. Alden, Percy, and E. E. Hayward. The unemployable and the unemployed. (Social service handbooks, No. 4.) 1908, Headley, is. net. Beveridge, W. H. Unemployment : a problem of industry. 1909, Longmans, 7/6 net. Carlile, Wilson, and V. W. Continental outcast : land colonies and poor relief. 1906, Unwin, is. net. Chapman, S. J., and H. M. Hallsworth. Unemployment : the results of an investigation made in Lancashire. 1909, Manchester University Press, 2s. net. Dawson, W. H. The vagrancy problem : the case for measures of restraint for tramps, loafers and unemployables, with a study of continental detention colonies and labor homes. 1 9 10, King, 5s. net. Dearle, Norman. Unemployment in the building trades. 1909, Dent, 3/6 net. Higgs, Mary. How to deal with the unemployed. 1904, Brown, 2s. Hobson, J. A. The problem of the unemployed. 1908, Methuen, 2/6. Hunter, R. Poverty [in America]. 1905, Macmillan, 6/6 net. Reason, Will. Our industrial outcasts. By members of the Christian Social Brotherhood. 1905, Pilgrim Press, 2s. Schloss, D. F. Insurance against unemployment. 1909, King, 3/6 net. Suthers, R. B. My right to work. 1906, Clarion, is. and 6d. Swann, Annie S. The outsiders : a sketch of the social work of the salvation army, 1906, S. A. Headquarters, is. net. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. The public organization of the labor market. (Part ii. of minority report of poor law commission, with introduction.) 1909, Longmans, 5s. net. The disease of unemployment and The scheme of reform (unem- ployment). National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution, 3d. each. Poor law commission (minority report). The remedy for un- employment. (Part ii. of report.) 1909, Fabian Society, is. Agencies and methods of dealing with the unemployed in certain foreign countries. Board of Trade. 1905, Cd. 2304, King, is. Central (unemployed) body for London. Reports (annual). King, usually 1/6 each. Labor bureaux. Report on, made to the President of the Local Government Board, with appendix. 1906, S.P. 86, 3|d. 5« Unemployment— continued. Report of enquiry by Charity Organization Society into casual labor, with report by C. J. Hamilton, 1908. 1908, Charity Organization Society, is. net. Report on agencies and methods for dealing with unemployed. 1893, Cd. 7182, King, 1/11. Report on relief of unemployed (in Scotland) during winter of 1893-4. Cd. 7410, King, 7id. Report of select committee on distress from want of employ- ment. 321, 1895-6, King,. 16/3. Final report, 1/6. Vagrancy. Report of the departmental committee on. Vol. i. 1906, Cd. 2852, King, 1/1. Bibliography. Taylor, Isabel. A bibliography of unemployment and the unemployed. Preface by Sidney Webb (giving scheme of reform). 1909, King, 1/6 net. Utopias. Bacon, Francis. The new Atlantis. 1885, Ward, Lock, is. Bellamy, Edward. Looking backward. 1890, W. Reeves, is. and 6d. Equality. 1897, Heinemann, 6d. Blatchford, R. The sorcery shop. 1909, Clarion, 1/6 and 6d. "Harding, Ellison" (Edmond Kelly). The woman who vowed. 1908, Unwin, 6s. Harrington, J. Commonwealth of Oceana [1656]. By Henry Morley. 1887, Routledge, is. Hayes, F. W. The great revolution of 1905 : story of the phalanx. 1893, W. Reeves, is. Herbert, E. G. Newaera : a socialist romance, with a chapter on vaccination. 19 10, King, 6s. net. Hertzka, T. Freeland (tr.). 1891, Chatto, o.p. Kaufmann, M. Utopias, from Sir Thomas More to Karl Marx. 1879, Paul, 5s. More, Sir Thomas. Utopia (with preface by H. G. Wells). 1908, Blackie, 1/6 net and 2/6 net. More, Bacon, etc. Ideal commonwealths. 1885, Routledge, is. Morris, William. News from nowhere. 1896, Longmans, 1/6. Richter, Eugene. Pictures of the socialist future. 1894, Sonnenschein, is. net. Russell, T. Barron. A hundred years hence : the expecta- tions of an optimist. 1906, Unwin, 7/6. Sinclair, Upton. The industrial republic : a study of America ten years hence. 1907, Heinemann, 6s. Tarde, Gabriel. Underground man. 1905, Duckworth, 3/6 net. 57 Utopias — continued. Wells, H. G. A modern Utopia. 1905, Chapman, 7/6. Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought. 1902, Chapman, 3/6. Mankind in the making. 1904, Chapman, 3/6. In the days of the comet. 1906, Macmillan, 6s. See also Communist Experiments. Wages, Hours of Labor. Ashley, W. J. The progress of the German working classes in the last quarter of a century. 1905, Longmans, 1/6 net. The adjustment of wages : a study of the coal and iron industries of Great Britain and America. 1903, Long- mans, 12/6 net. Best, R. H., W. J. Davis, and C. Perks. The brassworkers of Berlin and Birmingham. 1905, King, 6d. Bowley, A. L. Wages in United Kingdom in nineteenth cen- tury. 1900, Cambridge University Press, 6s. net. and Wood, G. H. The history of wages in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century. Statistical Society^ s Journal, 1898, 1902, 1905-6, 1909 in progress. Brentano, L. Hours and wages in relation to production (tr. Mrs. W. Arnold). 1894, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Lawrence, F. W. Local variations in wages. 1899, Long- mans, 8/6. More, Louise B. Wage earners' budgets : a study of standards and cost of living in New York City. 1907, Bell, 10/6 net. Rae, J. Eight hours for work. 1894, Macmillan, 4/6 net. Robertson, J. M. The eight hours movement. 1893, Sonnen- schein, 2/6. Ryan, J. A. A living wage [ American j. 1905, Macmillan, 4/6 net. Webb, Sidney, and Cox, Harold. The eight hours day. 189 1, Scott, is. [Contains a bibliography of the subject.] Wood, H. G. History of wages in the cottage trade during the past hundred years. 19 10, Sherratt, 3s. net. Labor Gazette (issued by Labor Department monthly). King, id. Hours of labor in various trades [1850-90]. King, 8d. Parliamentary Papers : reports on rates of wages ; general [1830-1886], 1887, 4/8 ; textiles, 1909, Cd. 4545, 2/7 ; cloth- ing trades, 1909, Cd. 4844, 2/5 ; building trades, 1910, Cd. 5586, 1/10 ; public utility services {i.e., public authorities, etc.), 1910, Cd. 5196, 1/9 ; standard time rates, 1909, Cd. 4924, 6d. ; standard piece rates, 1900, Cd. 144, 1/4 ; annual reports on changes in wages and hours of labor, 9d.; wages, 58 Wages, Hours of Labor — continued. hours of labor, and cost of living, United Kingdom, 1908, Cd. 3864, 6s.; Germany, 1908, Cd. 4032, 4/1 1 ; France, 1909, Cd. 4512, 4/1 ; Belgium, 1910, Cd. 5065, 2/2. King. Report of departmental committee on the truck acts. 1908, Cd. 4442, King, 1/3. The 13th abstract of labor statistics of the United Kingdom. (Issued at intervals.) 19 10, King, 1/3. See also Economic Theory ; Industrial and Social Conditions ; Labor Laws ; Profit Sharing ; Statistics ; Trade Unions. Early Closing Association, 21 New Bridge Street, E.C. Women's Questions; including Sweating. Bebel, August. Women in the past, present, and future (tr.). 1893, W. Reeves, is. and 2s. Black, Clementina. Sweated industry and the minimum wage. 1907, Duckworth, 2s. net. Blackburn, Helen. Women's suffrage : a record of the women's suffrage movement in the British Isles. 1902, Williams, 6s. 4 Cadbury, E., M. C. Matheson, and G. Shann. Women's work and wages [in Birmingham]. 1906, Unwin, 6s. Cleveland, A. R. Women under English law : from the land- ing of the Saxons to the present time. 1896, Hurst, 7/6. Clough, Emma R. Mary Wollstonecraft and the rights of woman. 1898, Longmans, 7/6. Collet, Clara E. Educated working women. Essays on the economic position of women workers in the middle classes. 1902, King, 2/6 net and 2s. net. Ellis, Havelock. Man and woman. 1894, Scott, 6s. Higgs, Mary, and E. E. Hayward. Where shall she live? The homelessness of the woman worker. 19 10, King, 1/6 and 2/6. Hutchins, B. L. Statistics of women's life and employment. Statistical Journal, June, 1909. MacDonald, J. Ramsay. Women in the printing trades : a sociological study. 1904, King, 10/6. Meyer, Mrs. Carl, and Miss Clementina Black. Makers of our clothes: a case for wages boards. 1909, Duckworth, 5s. net. Mill, J. Stuart. The subjection of women [1869]. 1908, Longmans, 3s. net and 6d. net. Ostrogorski, M. Rights of women : a study in history and legislation. 1893, Sonnenschein, 2/6. Ruskin, John. Sesame and lilies. 1908, G. Allen, 3/6, 2/6, is., 6d. net. Smith, Miss Constance. The case for wages boards. 1908, National Anti-Sweating League, is. net. 59 Women's Questions — continued. Smith, W. Sidney. Outlines of the women's franchise move- ment in New Zealand. 1905, Whitcombe, 2/6 net. Southwark, The Bishop of. Women as barmaids. 1906, King, is. net. Stetson, Charlotte P. (Mrs. Gilman). Women and economics. 1899, Putnam, 2/6 net. Tuckwell, Gertrude, and Constance Smith. The workers* handbook. 1910, Duckworth, 2s. net. and others. Women in industry, from seven points of view. 1910, Duckworth, 2s. net. Wollstonecraft, Mary. A vindication of the rights of women [1791]. 1891, Scott, is. and 1/6. Zimmern, Alice. Women's suffrage in many lands. 1909, 13 Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, is. net. Sweating system, select committee of the House of Lords, 1888-95. King ; report, 1/6, report and evidence complete, 37/U- Labor commission. Report on employment of women. King, 2/10. Englishwoman's year book. Black, 2/6 net. The Women's Trade Union Review, and other publications of the Women's Trade Union League. Transactions of the international congress of women. Annual. Bibliography. National anti-sweating league : a short bibliography of sweating and .... the legal minimum wage. 1906, The League, 3d. See also Education ; Labor Laws. National Anti-Sweating League, 34 Mecklenburgh Square, W.C. Women's Industrial Council, 17 John Street, Adelphi, W.C. Women's Local Government Society, 17 Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W. Women's Suffrage Society, 20 Great College Street, Westminster, S.W. Women's Trade Union League, 34 Mecklenburgh Square, W.C. Women's Social and Political Union, 3 Clement's Inn, Strand, W.C. Women's Freedom League, 1 Robert Street, Adelphi, W.C. 6o LIST OF PUBLISHERS. Allen (Geo.) and Sons, 44-45 Rathbone-place, W. Allen (W. H.) and Co., wound up. Appleton (D.) and Co., 25 Bedford-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Arnold, Edw., 41-43 Maddox-street, W. Arrowsmith, J. W., 11 Quay-street, Bristol. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 8 Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Bell and Sons, 6 Portugal-street, W.C. Bemrose and Son, Ltd., taken over by Geo. Allen and Sons. Bird, Arthur F., 22 Bedford-street, Strand, W.C. Black, A. and C, 4 Soho-square, W. Blackie and Sons, Ltd., 50 Old Bailey, E.C. Blackwood (W.) and Sons, 37 Paternoster-row, E.C. Bowden, Jas., wound up. Brown, Wm., 26 Princes-street, Edinburgh. Burleigh, T., 155 Victoria-street, S.W. Butterworth and Co., 12 Bell-yard, Temple Bar, E.C. Cambridge University Press (Clay and Sons), 133-137 Fetter-lane, E.C. Cassell and Co., Ltd., La Belle Sauvage-yard, Ludgate Hill, E.C. Chambers, W. and R., 38 Soho-square, W. Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 11 Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Charity Organization Society, Denison-house, Vauxhall Bridge-road, S.W. Chatto and Windus, in St. Martin's-lane, W.C. Chiswick Press, 20-21 Took's-court, E.C. Churchill, J. and A., 7 Great Marlborough-street, W. Clarendon Press (Frowde's), Amen-corner, E.C. Clarion Co., Ltd., 44 Worship-street, E.C. Clowes (W.) and Sons, Ltd., 23 Cockspur-street, S.W. Constable (Archibald) and Co., Ltd., 10 Orange-street, Haymarket, W.C. Co-operative Union, 2 Nicholas-croft, High-street, Manchester. Cope and Fenwick, 16 Clifford's-inn, E.C. Culley, R., 26 Paternoster-row, E.C. Daniels, C. W., 11 Cursitor-street, E.C. Dent (J. M.) and Co., 29-30 Bedford-street, W.C. Duckworth and Co., 3 Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Everett and Co., 42 Essex-street, Strand, W.C. Eyre and Spottiswoode, East Harding-street, Fleet-street, E.C. Fabian Society, 3 Clement's-inn, Strand, W.C. Fifield, A. C, 13 Clifford's-inn, E.C. Funk and Wagnalls, 133 Salisbury-square, E.C. Garden City Press, Letchworth. Gardner (Wells), Darton and Co., 3 Paternoster-buildings, E.C. Gay and Bird, 22 Bedford -street, Strand, W.C. Gay and Hancock, 12-13 Henrietta-street, W.C. Geddes and Colleagues, The Outlook Tower, Castlehill, Edinburgh. 6i Ginn and Co., 7 Tremont-place, Boston, U.S.A. ; 9 St. MarthVs- street, W.C. Hadden, Best and Co., West Harding-street, Fetter-lane, E.C. Harper Bros., 45 Albemarle-street, W. Harrap and Co., 15 York-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Hayman, Christy and Lilly, Ltd., 113 Farringdon-road, E.C. Headley Bros., 14 Bishopsgate-street Without, E.C. Heath (D. C.) and Co., 15 York-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Heinemann, Wm., 21 Bedford-street, Strand, W.C. Heubsch, N. B., New York. Hodder and Stoughton, St. Paul's-house, Warwick-square, E.C. Hodge, W., 3 Bolt-court, Fleet-street, E.C. Holt and Co., 29 West 23rd-street, New York, U.S.A. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 4 Park-street, Boston, U.S.A. Hurst and Blackett, Ltd., 182-184 High Holborn, W.C. Hutchinson and Co., 34-36 Paternoster-row, E.C. I.L.P., Independent Labor Party Publishing Department (National Labor Press), 23 Bride-lane, E.C. Industrial Publishing Co., 199 Piccadilly, W. Jack, T. C. and E. C, 16 Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Jackson, Richard, 16 Commercial-street, Leeds. Johnson, R. B., wound up. Kerr (Chas. H.) and Co., Chicago. King (P. S.) and Son, 2-4 Great Smith-street, Victoria-street, West- minster, S.W. Knight and Co., 227-9 Tooley-street, S.E. Labor Party, 28 Victoria-street, S.W. Lane, John, The Bodley Head, Vigo-street, W. Laurie, Thomas, 13 Paternoster-row, E.C. Laurie, T. Werner, 14 Clifford's Inn, E.C. Leadenhall Press, 50 Leadenhall-street, E.C. Lewis, H. K., 136 Gower-street, W.C. Liberal Publication Dept., 41-42 Parliament-street, S.W. Lippincott (J. B.) and Co., 5 Henrietta-street, Strand, W.C. Lloyd and Co., Salisbury-square, E.C. Longmans, Green and Co., 39 Paternoster-row, E.C. Low (Sampson), Marston and Co., Ltd., Tudor-house, Warwick- lane, E.C. MacLehose and Son, 61 St. Vincent-street, Glasgow. Macmillan and Co., Ltd., St. Martin's-street, Leicester-square, W.C. Manchester Corporation, Manchester. Manchester University Press, Manchester (London agents, Sherratt and Hughes, 60 Chandos-street, W.C). Marshall (Horace) and Sons, 123-5 Fleet-street, E.C. Melrose, Andrew, 3 York-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Methuen and Co., 36 Essex-street, Strand, W.C. Moring (Alexander), Ltd., 32 George-street, Hanover-square, W. Murby (T.) and Co., 6 Bouverie-street, E.C. Murray, John, 50A Albemarle-street, W. Nash, J. Eveleigh, 36 King-street, Covent Garden, W.C. 62 National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution, 37 Norfolk- street, Strand, W.C. New Age Press, wound up ; see Frank Palmer. Nisbet and Co., Ltd., 21 Berners-street, W. Northern Publishing Co., 20 Brunswick-street, Liverpool. Nutt, David, 57-59 Long-acre, W.C. Oliver and Boyd, Tweeddale-court, Edinburgh. Oxford University Press, Amen-corner, E.C. Palmer, Frank, 12-14 Red Lion-court, E.C. Paul (Kegan), Trench, Triibner and Co., Ltd., 43 Gerrard-street, W. Philip (Geo.) and Son, 32 Fleet-street, E.C. Pilgrim Press, 16 Pilgrim-street, E.C. Pitman (Sir Isaac) and Sons, 1 Amen-corner, E.C. Putnam's (G. P.) Sons, 24 Bedford-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Quaritch, Bernard, 11 Grafton-street, W. Ralph, Holland and Co., 68-69 Temple-chambers, E.C. Redway, Geo., wound up. Reeves, Wm., 83 Charing Cross-road, W.C. Reeves and Turner, 3 Bream's-buildings, Chancery-lane, E.C. Richards, Grant, wound up. Richards, E. Grant, 7 Carlton-street, S.W. Routledge and Sons, Ltd., 68-74 Carter-lane, Ludgate-hill, E.C. Royal Economic Society, 9 Adelphi-terrace, W.C. Salvation Army Headquarters, 122-124 Queen Victoria-street, E.C. Sands and Co., 23 Bedford-street, Strand, W.C. Scientific Press, Ltd., 28-29 Southampton-street, Strand, W.C. Scott (Walter), Ltd., 1 Paternoster-buildings, E.C. Scribner's Sons, 153 Fifth-avenue, New York (Temple House, Temple- avenue, E.C.) Shaw and Sons, 7-9 Fetter-lane, E.C. Sherratt and Hughes, 33 Soho-square, W. ; 60 Chandos-street, W.C. Sidgwick and Jackson, 3 Adam-street, Adelphi, W.C. Simpkin, Marshall and Co., Ltd., 4 Stationers' Hall-court, E.C. Smith, Elder and Co., 15 Waterloo-place, S.W. Sonnenschein (Swan) and Co., Ltd., 25 High-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. Stevens and Haynes, 13 Bell-yard, Temple Bar, E.C. Stevens and Sons, 119 Chancery-lane, E.C. Stock, Elliott, 62 Paternoster-row, E.C. Sweet and Maxwell, Ltd., 3 Chancery-lane, E.C. Truslove, Hanson and Comba, 153 Oxford-street, W. Twentieth Century Press, Ltd., 37A Clerkenwell-green, E.C. Unwin, T. Fisher, 1 Adelphi-terrace, W.C. Vacher and Sons, Great Smith-street, Westminster, S.W. Ward, Lock and Co., Ltd., Salisbury-square, E.C. Watts and Co., 17 Johnson's-court, Fleet-street, E.C. Whitcombe and Toombs, 2 Addle- hill, E.C. Williams and Norgate, 14 Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Wilson, Effingham, 54 Threadneedle-street, E.C. Wilson, Clement, Norfolk-house, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C. P. S. KING & SON (ESTABLISHED IN PARLIAMENT STREET, 1819), Orchard House, 2 & 4 Great Smith Street, WESTMINSTER, PUBLISHERS, PARLIAMENTARY & GENERAL BOOKSELLERS AND PRINTERS. Messrs. P. S. King and Son make a specialty of Publi- cations dealing with Local Government, Social Questions, Economics, Politics, and issue at the beginning of each month a list of Publications, including Parliamentary Papers, Reports, etc., issued during the preceding month. Messrs. King and Son will be pleased to send this monthly list regularly as published to any of their customers wish- ing to receive it. Publishers of the Reports and Publications of the LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. CHINA IMPERIAL MARITIME CUSTOMS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. INDIA OFFICE AND GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY CONGRESS. LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY: Studies in Economics. POOR LAW CONFERENCES. Catalogue of Parliamentary Papers, 1801-1900, with Notes of their Contents. 317 pp., quarto, bound, 7/6. Annual List of Parliamentary Papers post free on application. P. S. KING AND SON, Orchard House, 2 & 4 Great Smith St., Westminster A SELECTION FROM Mr. FIFIELD'S LIST. EGYPT'S RUIN : a Financial and Administrative Record. By Theodore ROTHSTEIN, with Introduction by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, appendix and index. Crown 8vo., about 450 pp., cloth gilt, 6s. net. Ready early in October ipio. Documented throughout, this book should be missed by no student of foreign affairs. MY COUNTRY: RIGHT OR WRONG. By Gustave Herve. Crown 8vo., 3/6 net, postage 4d. The first English translation of Mons. Herve's famous anti-patriot work, which has created so great a sensation abroad. BERNARD SHAW AS ARTIST-PHILOSOPHER. By R. M. Deacon. is. net, postage i^d. ; |-cloth, gilt top, 2s. net, postage 2^d. A valuable expository examina- tion of Mr. Shaw's views. SAMUEL BUTLER'S WORKS. The complete works of the late Samuel Butler, termed by Bernard Shaw "the greatest English writer of the latter half of the 19th century," are now published by Mr. Fifield. List on application. THE PUBLIC HEALTH AGITATION, 1833-1848. By B. L. Hutchins. 2/6 net, postage 3d. A valuable short history of this important movement, with biographical sketches. ANARCHISM. By Dr. Paul Eltzbacher. 6/6 net, postage 4d. An ex- amination of the writings of seven of the leading Anarchists of the world. THE CAMEL AND THE NEEDLE'S EYE. By Arthur Ponsonby, M.P. 3/6 net. An enquiry into the expenditure of the rich and its relation to social disorganization. Second edition. Cheap but Valuable Biographic and other Studies (Postage id. each). Tolstoy : a Study. Redfern. is. net. William Morris as Artist-Craftsman. 6d. net. Tolstoy and his Message. Crosby. 6d. net. Henry George and his Gospel. 6d. Tolstoy as a Schoolmaster. Crosby. 6d. net. Socialism and the Family. H. G. Wells. 6d. net. Edward Carpenter : the Man and his Message. 6d. net. The White Slaves of England. Sherard. 6d. net. Edward Carpenter as Poet and Prophet. 6d. net. The Truth about the Lords. Clayton, is. net. Robert Owen : Pioneer of Social Reforms. 6d. net. Landholding in England. Marks, is. net. London: A. C. FIFIELD, 13 CLIFFORD'S INN, E.C. THE FABIAN SOCIAIilST SERIES. VOLUMES HOW READY. I. SOCIALISM AND RELIGION. CONTENTS : (1) Christian Socialism, by the Rev. Stewart D. Headlam. (2) Socialism and Christianity, by the Rev. Percy Dearmer. (3) Socialism and the Teaching of Christj by the Rev. John Clifford. (4) A Word of Remembrance and Caution to the Rich, bj "fohn Woolman. II. SOCIALISM AND AGRICULTURE. CONTENTS : (1) The Village and the Landlord, by Edward Carpenter. (2) State Aic to Agriculture, by T. S, Dymond. (3) The Secret of Rural Depopulation, by Lieut. -Col D. C. Pedder. (4) The Revival of Agriculture, by the Fabian Society. III. SOCIALISM AND INDIVIDUALISM. CONTENTS : (1) The Difficulties of Individualism, by Sidney Webb. (2) The Moral Aspects of Socialism, by Sidney Ball. (3) The Impossibilities of Anarchism, by G. Bernard Shaw. (4) Public Service v. Private Expenditure, by Sir Oliver Lodge. IY. THE BASIS AND POLICY OF SOCIALISM. CONTENTS : (1) Facts for Socialists, by the Fabian Society. (2) Capital and Land by the Fabian Society. (3) Socialism : True and False, by Sidney Webb. (4) Twentieth Century Politics, by Sidney Webb. Y. THE COMMON SENSE OF MUNICIPAL TRADING. By Bernard Shaw. With new Preface. " Whether you agree with it entirely or not, you are bound to admit its intellectual power and persuasive eloquence. YI. SOCIALISM AND NATIONAL MINIMUM. By Mrs. Sidney Webb, Miss B. L. Hutchins, and others. YII. WASTAGE OF CHILD LIFE. By J. Johnston, M.D. " Passing from one count to another, he puts together his huge indictment of national extravagance ; showing also how the practice of thrift might ensure to the nation the possession of healthy and efficient citizens. " — Daily News. YIII. SOCIALISM AND SUPERIOR BRAINS: A Reply to Mr. Mallock. By Bernard Shaw. The first four volumes consist of a revised, collected, and classified edition of some of the most valuable of the famous "Fabian Tracts" in a style more suitable for the general reading public. Each booklet iB printed on good paper with good type, and is supplied in two forms, viz., in attractive wrappers at 6a. each, net, and in quarter cloth boards, gilt top, at 1/- each, net. Postage : Id. and 2d. each, except lor Mo. 5, l^d. and 2d. THE FABIAN SOCIETY, 3, CLEMENT'S INN, STRAND. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. P. i. Arbitration. Add : Wages boards and industrial conciliation and arbitration courts of Australia and New Zealand. Report on, by Ernest Aves. 1908, Cd. 4167, King, 1/10. P. 3. Life of Tolstoy : later years, should be 1 vol. 10/6 net. P. 18. Finance, Public. The socialist budget, by P. Snowden, should be under this section instead of Currency, p. 9. P. 29. Industrial and Social Conditions. Add : Howarth, E. G., and Mona Wilson. West Ham : a study in social and industrial problems. 1907, Dent, 6s. net. P. 35. London Government. Add : Jephson, H. The sanitary evolution of London. 1907, Unwin, 6s. net. P. 57. Alter H. G. Wood to G. H. Wood, and Cottage to Cotton. P. 59. Women's Questions. Add : Home work. Report of select committee on. 1908, No. 246, King, 5$d. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW 1 AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL. BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. APR 23 1934 ; 3ST * — T"C j REC O LD 1 __0ANllJ95^ ten . I Cftfi ^__X< &VJ — ~a*^i - r z _gjun52CT_ ~ 29Jan'62A8x~ lTn*«M — Mt ^O Lo ZZUlMzl LD 21-100ro-7,*33 TU /7UV/ H /06 T. / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY