m A s s — ^ 0_i — - 4 i 7 — ^ 9— i 4 1 4 University of California t>outh( rn Regional Library Facility THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF UC Library MP'./ O n ,r. DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY BULLETIN V 4A A Bibliography of Congo Languages By FREDERICK STARR CHICAGO XLbe TUnlversftis ot Cbfcago prces 1908 //^ 2- ROBERT NEEDHAM CUST 5ri)e JHnibersitB of C[n)icago DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY BULLETIN V A Bibliography of Congo Languages By FREDERICK STARR CHICAGO Cbe laniverelts of Cblcaflo preee 1908 Copyright 1908 By The University of Chicago Published November 1908 Composed and Printed By The University of Chicago Press Chicago, Illinois. U. S. A. z 110^ '\ XmS BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE LANGUAGES OF THE CONGO FREE STATE IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF WALTER H. STAPLETON MISSIONARY AND LINGUISTIC STUDENT AND TO THE LI\TNG MEMBERS OF THAT BAND OF DEVOTED MEN AND WOMEN TO WHOM AS CATHOLIC "AND PROTESTANT MISSIONARIES MOST OF THE WORK UPON CONGO LANGUAGES IS DUE. 579.'J56 INTRODUCTION WTien the author commenced his collection of texts in Congo lan- guages and of books and articles dealing with the tongues of the Congo Free State, he had no idea of the amount of such material. Few of the works listed in this bibliography have been actually recorded. The only significant list heretofore printed is the section "Linguistique, " in Wauters' general Bibliography oj the Congo. That list is the founda- tion upon which the present catalogue has been built. The only other sources from which any serious amount of material has been secured are the various bibliographic lists of the British Museum and the catalogues of the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. All these together have perhaps yielded less than one-half the titles here presented. The others have been secured by diligent search through sales catalogues and references contained in special publications, and by conversation and correspond- ence with missionaries. Although the harvest is unexpectedlv large and actually of respectable amount, it is no doubt still far from com- plete. It is recognized to be inadequate in three directions; in these it is likely to be considerably extended by later workers. a) ^^^^ile diligent efiforts have been made, both in Belgium and in the Congo Free State, to secure complete information regarding the publications of the Catholic missions, the result is disappointing. A considerable number of these works are listed, but probably one-third the total number are lacking. A single example will illustrate our diflficulties. At Ki-Santu there is an active mission press but neither letters to the mission nor hours of search in Brussels have enaljlcd us to secure copies of its publications or information regarding them. h) Some of the most interesting items in the list are books printed in Lisbon. The work of the earlier missionaries is perhaps fairly repre- sented. So, too, there is a moderate harvest of nineteenth-century writings. But there must be a considerable numl^er of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century works in Portuguese, that are not here men- tioned. c) A notably interesting group of books probably exists which are not at all re[)resented here. There are many manuscripts in the Swahili 5 language, written in Arabic character. These are of local production; the work of Africans for Africans. Some of these manuscripts have been reproduced and printed in Germany. It is quite possible, even probable, that some such texts, Swahili in Arabic character, have been printed in Zanzibar or elsewhere within the Swahili area. Wlien at Stanley Falls, the author tried to learn of such books. He was assured that the Koran at least exists printed in Swahili in Arabic character, but was unable to confirm the statement. Robert Needham Cust, in his Modem Languages 0} Africa, accepts a division of African languages into six groups. Three of these groups are represented within the limits of the Congo Free State — the Negro, the Bantu, and the Pygmy groups. Practically all the titles in our list represent the Bantu languages. Only a few articles deal with the Negro and Pygmy languages of this area. Our intention has been to confine this study to the geographical limits of the Congo Free State. A few articles dealing with African languages in general are included because the points therein discussed are applicable and interesting to the student of any Bantu tongue. Extra-limital Bantu works are for the most part excluded, but a few which treat of the whole family and one or two specific discussions are introduced, because they have been especially used by writers upon Congo languages and have had definite influence upon their studies. We have included Mbundu, although the language is largely extra- limital to our field. This is because much early writing relative to the languages of this region does not clearly distinguish Mbundu and Kongo and because Mr. Bentley, in taking the language of San Salvador as the type of the Kongo proper has already entered the area of Angola. It has seemed well then to include all available references to Mbundu. The Swahili language is spoken over a large part of the Congo Free State as a trade language and many Swahili texts, for use in the neighbor- hood of Stanley Falls, have been prepared within the State by both Catholic and Protestant missionaries. We have therefore included in our list Swahili texts wherever published, even if intended specifically for use at Mombasa, Zanzibar, etc. We make no judgment of values. Some of the books and articles herein listed may be worthless. Unfortunately there has been no agreement between writers upon the use of a scientific alphabet for writing native words. There have been bitter controversies and differ- ences of opinion. Men who have studied the same language for years are often in disaccord upon important points. No one questions 6 Krapf's competence in Swahili and yet Steere bitterly criticized his work. New missionaries rarely find the translations and grammars of their predecessors good enough to use and proceed at once to prepare new works. A missionary to whom a title was submitted for translation replied, "I could make a guess as to its meaning, but should prefer not to do so as I might be mistaken." Yet he worked in the same field and used the same language as the missionary whose work was submitted. For practical ends of instruction such a condition is serious. To some degree these disagreements and discords are due to local dialectic differ- ences in the language. To a greater degree, no doubt, they are due to lack of scholarship in the workers. However, to the bibliographer every title is important; to the linguistic student even a bad piece of work may be of use. It was intended to present brief biographical notices of the authors quoted. To do so would unduly delay publication. Portraits of a considerable number of authors are introduced. The basis of selection has been arbitrary — that the person should be responsible for three or more items in the list. It is fully recognized that a person, who pre- pares a single piece of work, may be a better student and a riper scholar than another who writes ten. On the whole, however, repeated per- formance indicates a depth and persistence of interest which warrants and demands recognition. Wliile we are able to present a considerable series of these portraits we regret the absence of such as de Clercq, Biittner, Seidel, and some others. It is with particular satisfaction that we are able to use a recent portrait of the veteran worker, Robert Needham Cust, author of The Modern Languages oj Africa, as a frontis- piece. It will be easily appreciated that contributions are appearing with such rapidity in this field that no list can be actually up to date. The presses at ^latadi, Bolobo, and Bongandanga are constantly at work. Since the bulk of this list was ready a new press, that of the Foreign Christian Missionary Society, has been established at Bolengi. The British and Foreign Bible Society, the Bible Translation Society, and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge are constantly sending new translations to the press. We make no claim for completeness in our list of mission publications later than the year 1906. Among the languages here represented, three have been most diligently studied — Kongo and Mbundu, Bang!, and Swahili. The earliest to occupy attention was Kongo and ^Ibundu. Prol)al)ly Pacciono's Gentio de Angola, 1624, is the first book in any Bantu lan- 7 guage. Brusciottus' Reglas appeared in 1659. Grammars, dictionaries, and texts had all appeared before the seventeenth century ended. Between this early period of activity and the later one beginning with the coming of the Protestant missionaries about 1879, there was a long period of at least comparative neglect. Recently scores of works have been produced covering a wide range of subject and treatment. Bangi has been diligently worked through a period of fifteen years, chiefly by Wliitehead and Scrivener, and may be said to be developing almost a literature. But of all African languages, Swahili has had the most remarkable history. Like the Kongo and the Bangi, it has a large missionary output, due to both Catholic and Protestant workers, and including grammars, dictionaries, and texts in plenty; it has the largest series of school textbooks — readers, grammars, histories, arithmetics, geographies; native stories have been translated into English, and English stories have been translated into Swahili. But Germans have ■done for Swahili what no one has done for Kongo and Bangi. They have lovingly studied its poems, its stories, its narratives, and have prepared a scholarly and appreciative literature regarding them. Not only has Swahili come into contact with European tongues and letters; it is today written by thousands in Arabic character. The Germans have reproduced and published some of the Swahili-Arabic manuscripts. The missionaries have been driven to print hymnbooks and gospels in Swahili, in Arabic character. Most curious of all, because of the con- tact between the Swahili and Hindus, there is a Guide to Swahili, printed in the Gujerati character. The titles in this bibliography are arranged in alphabetical order according to authors and translators. Each work is numbered. The title is printed, divided into lines as on its title-page, whenever the com- piler has been able to see an actual copy. Titles in European languages are not translated. Wliere the translation of titles in Congo languages is known it is given within square brackets. Where a translation cannot be given but the content is known, this may be stated in parentheses. Works that have not been seen by the compiler are indicated by the sign °. Those that are in his private collection are marked with *. The list of titles under the heading "Anonymous" might have been greatly lengthened as a large part of the mission texts are printed anonymously; wherever the name of author or translator could be learned, however, titles have been placed under it. Owing to the incomplete system of description in many dealers' catalogues, it is possible that some dupli- cations occur, but it is hoped that such are few. Some books by explorers 8 and travelers, given in this bibliography, exist in several editions and in translations into various European languages. Such works usually deal but incidentally with language and it has not seemed desirable to duplicate references by including different editions. To facilitate finding of special works two indices are added. The arrangement of the text obviates the necessity of an index of authors. In the writing of language names we have followed Cust and Stapleton, who dropped the prefix indicating people or langiuige. The prefix for people is Ba, Wa, or A. Thus the Baluba speak the Luba language, the Wanyamwezi speak the Nyamwezi, and the Azandeh speak Zandeh. Whether Bobangi and Lokele should actually be treated in the same way seems to us questionable, but we use the terms Bangi and Kele. In characterizing subject-matter we employ the terms suggested by Cust and use the abbreviations he uses — Grammatical Note (G. N.), Grammar (G.), Vocabulary (V.), Dictionary (D.), and Text (T.). To these we add Schoolbook (S.) though we are often at a loss in dis- tinguishing Schoolbook (S.) from Text (T.). We are under many and serious obligations. All the missionaries whom we have met have given us ready assistance. Special thanks are due to Mr. John H. Weeks, Mr. W. Millman, and Mr. A. E. Scrivener. To the American Baptist Missionary Union we owe the portraits of Messrs. Clark, Leslie, and Richards. The directors of the presses of the Swedish Missionary Society, the Baptist Missionary Society and the Congo-Balolo Mission have been liberal with copies of press work and with information. The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge supplied copies of their great list of Swahili texts at membership prices. Mr. Croyden Edmonds of the British and Foreign Bil)le Society has been exceptionally interested and helpful. Mr. Alexander J. Rudolph of the Newberry Library in Chicago has placed valuable bibliographical resources at our disposition. To the Newberry Library also, by the courtesy of Mr. John Vance Cheney, we are indebted for the oppor- tunity to reproduce the title-pages of rare works belonging to the Eames and Prince Bonaparte Collections. The author will Ije glad to receive corrections and additional titles. He will also be pleased to secure copies of those numbers that are lacking in his collection. Chicago February i, iqo8 Title-page of the Gospel of St. John in Swahili (Mombasa Dialect) in Arabic Character; No. 3. BIBLIOGRAPHY ^Abd al Aziz ; Sheik 1. Translation of Arabic Psalter — 16 psalms. Zanzibar. 1867. ° (Swahili) van Acker, Auguste 2. Etat Independant dii Congo \ Annates du Musee du Congo * I publiees par ordre du Secretaire d'Etat. \ Ethnographie — Serie V — Linguistique \ Dictionnaire \ Kitahwa-Frangais et Frangais- Kitahwa \ par le | R. P. Auguste van Acker | de la Societe des Missionaires d'Afrique (Peres blancs) | Mi^sionaire au Vicariat Apostolique | du Haut-Congo Beige | Bruxellcs ] 1907 | Grand 8vo; pp. viii + 170. (Tabwa) Allen, May 3. Gospel according to John, Swahili with Arabic character. ° London, 1888. British and Foreign Bible Society. Translated from Bp. Steere's version by Miss Allen; reissued in 1891. reviewed in Zeitschr. fiir afrikanische Sprachen, I, 312. 16 mo; pp. 93. (Swahili) Anonymous 4. [A B C book.] (n.t.) (Mbanza Manteke.) (n. d.) i6mo, pp. 12. * (Kongo) 5. ABC SyUabaire swahili. Zanzibar, 1887. i2mo; pp. 60. ° (Swahili) 6. A Practical Guide to the Use oj the Arabic Alphabet in Writing ° Swahili according to the Usage of the East Coast oj Ajrica, with Facsimiles oj MSS in Arabic Characters. Zanzibar, 1892. Printed at the Press of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa. Folio. (Swahili) 7. Alphabet oj the Swahili Language. London. Imperial folio, o (Swahili) 8. Amos. I So [li \ Deo \ Gl\or\ ia \ Zanzibar: | Printed at the * Universities' Mission Press. | 1888. | i6mo; pp. 16. {Swahili) 9. Anjili kwa Marko. [Gospel by Mark.] Britisli and Foreign ° Bible Society; London. 1879. i6m(); pp. 41. {Swahili) 10. Bauyi ba Jisu. Lulanga. 1892. (Lukolela.) Crown 8vo; ° pp.240. Translated from J. Todd. (Nkiindu) o o o Anonymous — Continued 11. Book of Common Prayer. About 1880. i2mo. (Swahili) o 12. Catechisme {petit) d'Alger trad, en langue Kiswahili. Kate- ° chismu ndago. Paris, 1884. Pp. 51. (Swahili) 13. Cliuo cha kisabu \ Petite arithmetique \ Swahilie \ Zanzibar * I Mission Catholique | 1887 | [Book of number.] i2mo; pp. 105. {Swahili) 14. Congo Primer No. i. London: 1882. Harley House. ° Pp. 17- {Kongo) 15. Congo Reading Book. London. 1884. i6mo; pp. 96. {Kongo) 16. Dictlonnaire fiot on dictionnaire de la langue du Congo. Paris. 1889. 8vo; pp. — . {Kongo) 17. Elements de la langue congolaise. Lille. 1895. 8vo; pp.95. {Kongo) 18. Elements de la langue congolaise suivis d'un choix de phrases ° graduees et de deux vocahulaires . 1895. i8mo; pp. — . {Kongo) 19. Etat Independant \ du Congo \ Vocahuhiire \ Frangais-Kisou- * ahili I 1894 I Bruxelles | Tmprimerie Van Campenhout Freres et Sceur | 13, Rue de la CoUine, 13. | Literleaved with blank paper. 8vo; pp. iii. {Swahili) 20. First English Reader \ Kitahu cha kwanza cha Kiingereza * I . . . . Creigliton's History oj Rome . . . . | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge | London: Northumberland Avenue, W. C. ] 1897. | [First English Book.] i6mo, pp. 94. {Swahili) 21. Giogarafia \ ya \ nti nzima ya Ajarika. \ Geography of Africa | * in the | Mombasa Swahili Language. | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | London: Northumberland Avenue, W. C. I 1905 I [Geography of the whole land of Africa.] 8vo; pp. 90. {Swahili) 22. Habakkuk. \ So\li | Deo \ Gl\or\ ia \ Zanzibar: | Printed * at the Universities' Mission Press. | 1888. | Crown 8vo; pp. 6. {Swahili) 23. Habari za Kanisa \ (Swahili Reader) | (Stories illustrating * Church History) | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. I London: Northumberland Avenue, W.C. | 1899 | [History of the Church.] i6mo; pp. 184, {Swahili) 12 Anonymous — Continued 24. Haggai. \ So \ li \ Deo \ Gl \ or \ ia \ Zanzibar: | Printed at the * Universities' Mission Press | 1888. | Crown 8vo; pp. 5, (Sivahili) 25. Hosea. So \ li \ Deo \Gl \ or \ ia \ Zanzibar: ] Printed at the * Universities' Mission Press | 1887. | [Hosea.] i2mo; j)]). 20. {Swahili) 26. Isaya. \ So \ li \ Deo \Gl\or\ ia \ [Isaiah.] Zanzibar, | 1882. | * 1 2 mo; pp. 170. (Swahili) 27. Katechissu kete ma-longe ma Nzamhi ha lengia huingi ma ° sinnanga ke Ba-Fiote. Loango. 1888. 8vo; pp. — . {Kongo) 28. Katechissu kete ma-longe ma Nzamhi ha lengia mii kiisinanga ^ Ba-Fiote ba Kongo Falanga. Loango. 1888. 8v(); pp. — . {Kongo) 29. Katekissou vo e ma longhi ma kete ma kretien ma vangona ° oninghi ma longona kon ^ si Kongo. Landana. 1886. i6mo; pp. — . (Kongo) 30. Ketiene \ mokana | mo boso \ Baptist Missionary Society | * Bolobo I 1904. I [Small first book.] Crown 8vo; pp. 30. {Bangi) 31. Kitabii I cha nabii Danieli. \ So \ li \ Deo \Gl \or\ ia \ Zanzibar, * I 1882. I [Book of the Prophet Daniel.] i2mo; pp. 56. {Swahili) 32. Kitabu cJui nabii \ Yeremiya. \ So \ li \ Deo \Gl\or\ ia \ Zan- zibar: I Printed at the Universities' Mission Press, j 1887. [Book of the Prophet Jeremiah.] i2mo; ])\). 176. {Swahili) ^T,. Kitabu I cha \ nabii Yona. | So \ li \ Deo \ Gl \ or \ ia \ Zanzibar: ^ I Central African Mission, | Kiinua Mguu. | 1884. | [Book of the Prophet Jonah.] Crown 8vo; pp. 6. {Swahili) 34. Kitabu cha 'nne cha Musa. \ Hesabu] So \ li \ Deo \Gl\or\ ia \ * Zanzibar: | Printed at the Universities' Mission Press. | 1887. 1 [The Fourth Book of Moses. Numbers.] i2mo; i)p. 120. {Swahili) 35. Kitabu cha pili cha Wajalme. London. 1876. [The Second ° Book of Kings.] i6mo; pp. 100. {Sivahili) 36. Kitabu cha Ruth. \ London: | Brilisli and Foreign Bil)le ° Society. | 1891. | [Book of Ruth.] 8vo; i)p. 8. "Reprint." Cf. 37 ? {Swahili) 13 Anonymous — Con tin tied 37. Kitahucha Ruth. \ So \ li \ Deo \Gl\or\ ia \ Zanzibar. Printed * at the Universities' Mission Press. | 1885. | [Book of Ruth.] i2mo; pp. 14. {Swahili) 38. Kitahu cha \ sala ya watu wote, \ na kutenda siri, | na taratihu * zingine na kawaida za kanisa, | ilivyo desturi ya \ kanisa la kiingereza; \ pamoja na \ zaburi za Daud, \ zimepigwa chapa, ginsi ilivyo pasa kuziiotnba, ao kunena Makanisani: \ tena ginsi I Wataka viyojanyara, kuaniriwa na kujanya wakjii, \ Maaskoju, makasisi, na mashemasi. \ London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, ] Northumberland Avenue, W. C. I 1896. I [The Book of Common Prayer and administra- tion of the Sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England; together with The Psalter or Psalms of David. Printed as they are to be sung or said in Churches: and the form or manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons.] i6mo; pp. xxv+i +484. {Swahili) 39. Kitahu kidogo \ cha \ mambo yaliyolipata kanisa la miiungu. \ * Katika miaka sita mia tangu mwanzo wake, j Kimeandikwa kwa kuyajasirina kuyatumia \ manenoya kitahucha. \ '^Sketches of Church History \ during the First Six Centuries'' I by | J. C. Robertson M. A. | London : | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W. C. | 1886 1 [Little book of things regarding the Church of God until six hundred years from its beginning. Written and explained from the language of the book Sketches, etc.] i6mo; pp. viii + 121. {Swahili) 40. Kitahu kidogo \ cha \ mambo yaliyolipata kanisa la muungu. \ * Tangu A. D. 612 hatta A. D. 1521. \ Sehemu ya pili. \ Kime- andikwa kwa kuyajasiri na kuyatumia \ 7naneno ya kitahu cha I ''Sketches of Church History \ from A.D. 612 to the Rejor- motion'' \ by Rev. J. C. Robertson, M. A. | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,! Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W. C. | 1887. | [Little book of things regard- ing the Church of God. From A. d. 612 to A. d. 152 i. Part Second. Written and explained from the language of the book. Sketches, etc.] i6mo; pp. 96. The second part of the preceding. {Swahili) Anonymous — Continued 41. Kixi-Kongo. \ Xkand'a tanga. \ "Edwin Wade" Printing * Press. I Baptist Missionary Society, [ Underbill, | Congo Free State, | 1890. | [Reading Book.] 8vo; pp. 19. (Kongo) 42. Koheleth. \ So \ li \ Deo \Gl\ or \ ia \ Zanzibar: | Printed at the * Universities' Mission Press 1 1888 | [The Preacher (Ecclesiastes)] 1 2 mo ; pp.22. (Siva hili) 43. Kusoma kwa -u'atoto, j kwa siku ya jiimaapili \ Society for * Promoting Christian Knowledge, | London: Northumberland Avenue, \V. C. ] 1901 | [Sunday School Services in Swahili.] Crown 8vo; pp. 8. (Swahili) 44. Lingomha li Yesu Masiya \ likoyongan^o \ Bolobo. \ Mibeko * lid Mateyo. \ Baptist Missionary Society, | Congo State. | 1903. | [Rules and Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Messiah, gathered at Bolobo.] i2mo; pp. 12. (Bangi) 45. Livre de prieres et de chants en langne ki swahili. Alger, ° 1889. 8vo; pp. — . (Swahili) 46. Lubisi Kongo ye zimpangi mu Yesu Klisto. [People of the * Congo and Brethren in Christ.] 8vo; pp. 7. Preface to the Bible, printed at Matadi (n. d.), by the Swedish Missionary Society. (Kongo) 47. Maelezo \ ya \ katekisimo ya kanisa. \ [Notes on the Church * Catechism in Swahili | for the C. M. S. East Africa Mission.] I Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | London: Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1903. | [Explanations of the Catechism of the Church.] i6mo; pp. 94. (Swahili) 48. Malaki. \ So \ li \ Deo \ Gl\or\ia \ Zanziljar: | Printed at the * Universities' Mission Press. | 1888. | Crown 8vo; pp. 7. (Swahili) 49. Mamho na hadithi. London. 1884. Society for Promoting ° Christian Knowledge. — (Stories and translations in Swahili.) 1 2mo ; pp. iv + 1 24. (Swahili) 50. Mapambazuko \ [Swahili version of ''The Peep 0/ Day'"] \ x | * London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1900. | i6mo; pp. 214. (Swahili) 51. Masomo niepesi kwa watu wazima. Zanzibar. 1887. 8vo; pp. 46. (Swahili) 52. Masomo mepesi. \ So \ li \ Deo \Gl\or\ ia \ Zanzibar: | 1894. | Anonymous — Continued * Printed at the Universities' Mission Press | [Edn. 10,000] | [Second reading book.] i6mo; pp. 46. {Swakili) 53. Masomo ya Kwanza. Zanzibar. 1890. (First reading ° book.) 8vo; pp. — . (Swakili) 54. Masomo ya maandiko \ matakatijii. | Maagano ya kwanza \ * London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1900. | (Scriptural reading lessons, mostly from the Old Testament.) Square i6mo; pp. 224. (SwaJiiU) 55. Masomo ya \ maandiko matakatijii. \ SeJiemu ya pili. \ [Second * Part.'\ I Hahari za Daudi hatta kuzaliwa kwake Bwana wetu. I London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowl- edge; I Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W. C. | 1900. 1 [Readings from the Sacred Writings. Second Part.] Square i6mo; pp. 81. (Swahili) 56. Matendo ya mitume \ kwa watoto. \ [The Acts oj the Apostles * in Swahili.] \ London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. | Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1902. | [The Acts of the Apostles for children.] Square i6mo ; pp. vi + 160. (Swahili) 57. Mateo [chaps, i-vii] la Alarko [Translated into the Umhundu language.] West Central African Mission: Benguella. 1889. [Matthew; Mark.] 8vo; pp. 22; 82. {Mhiindu) 58. Mesolo ma nkelano ya Balomi. , 1899. (Bolobo.) Crown ° 8vo ; pp. — . {Foto ?) 59. Methali. \ London: | British and Foreign Bible Society. | ° 1891. I [Proverbs.] 8vo; pp. 50. "Reprint." (Swakili) 60. Mika. I So I // I Deo \ Gl \ or \ ia \ Zanzibar. ] Printed at the * Universities' Mission Press. I 1888. I [Micah.] i6mo; pp. 12. (Swakili) 61. Minkunga \ mianlongo. \ Mima KiKongo. \ American Baptist * Missionary Union. | Congo Independent State. | Aberdeen: I Printed by G. and W. Fraser. | 1893. | [Sacred Hymns in Kongo.] i6mo; pp. vii + 76. (Kongo) 62. Msahaju mtakatijii \ mwenyi \ Sanamu. \ Sehemu L — Kuumba * Ulimwengti hatta \ ktija kwa Musa. \ Sehemu IL — Waaynuzi, Ruth, na Wajalme. \ Sehemu IIL — Hezekiya hatta Mwisko wa I Agano la kale. \ Sehemu IV. — Anjili Takatiju. \ Published 16 Anonymous — C out in ued under the auspices of the Tract Committee. | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. | Northumber- land Avenue, Charing Cross. | [Holy Bible with pictures. Part I. Creation to the death of Moses. Part II. Judges, Ruth, and Kings. Part III. Hezekiah to the end of the Old Testament. Part IV. New Testament.] Square 8vo; pp. 48; 48; 48; 48. (Sivahili) 63. Muhammedi, \ Maisha yoke, \ pamoja na \ hahari \ za \ waslimu * na matiiruki. \ London : | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, ] Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W. C. | i6mo; pp. 62. ' (Swahili) 64. Nahum. \ So \ li \ Deo \Gl\or\ ia j Zanzibar: | Printed at the * Universities' Mission Press. ] 1888. | Crown 8vo; pp. 6, {Swahili) 65. Ngonde ya ngonde. | "Edwin Wade" Printing Press. S. * Salvador do Congo. | [Month by month.] A monthly maga- zine: begim in 1899 and contained instalments of Lewis' translation of Bunyan's PUgrini's Progress, Phillips' transla- tion of Bunyan's Holy War, and Nekaka's translation of Hall's Follow Jesus. (Kongo) 66. Nkanda wahisono \ uhaduhdwanga longuka tanga \ va kintete. * I Swedish Missionary Society. | Wanietukwa ku Kibunzi. \ 1893. I [Book of letters for those beginning to read.] i6mo; pp. 24. {Kongo) 67. Nkanda yanviia ya Sanga. [First book of worship.] (Lukolela.) ° 1894. Crown 8vo; pp. — . (Kongo) 68. Ohadiya. \ So \ li \ Deo \Gl\or\ m \ Zanzibar: | Printed at the * Universities' Mission Press. | 1888. | i6mo; pp. 4. (Swahili) 69. Owanji wa Yoano. West Central African Mission: Ben- ° guella. 1889. [Gospel of John.] 8vo; pp. 103. (Mhundu) 70. Phrase-hook, Swahili-English. With short vocabularies and ° a collection of dhow-searching questions. Zanzibar. 1890. 8vo; pp. 68. (Swahili) 71. (Pilgrim's Progress: Part I.) London, 1894. 8vo; pp. o j^j (Ngala) 72. Sarttfi ya Kiswahili. Zanzibar. 1883.— (Swahili Grammar in Swahili.) (Swahili) 17 o Anonymous — Continued 73. Scripture texts: printed on card, within colored border. * John i:i2; John iii: 16; Rom. vi:23; I Cor. xv:33; II Cor. v:i5; II Cor. v:2o; Eph. v:i,2; Col. iii:i; I John iiiiy; I John iii: 23. These are used in the Baptist Missionary Society's Sunday School at Wathen. 10 cards. (Kongo) 74. Se I Knkianga \ [The Dawn is breaking.] 8vo; pp. 8. A monthly magazine published at Wathen from March, 1891, to March, 1892. (Kongo) 75. Second English Reader \ for Swahili Scholars \ Mlango wa pili * wa Kusoma Kiingereza \ The Second English Reader for Swahili Scholars | consists of Creighton's History of Rome, chap, i, §13 — chap, ii, | with vocabularies, explanations, and questions on the subject- 1 matter of each section.] Kukua Rume I Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | London : Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1897 | [Second gate to read- ing English.] i6mo; pp. 60. (Swahili) 76. Sharuti tisia wa thalathini \ zipasazo dim, \ nayo ni tnaneno * waliyokubaliana mabishopo- \ wakuu na mabishopo na mapath- iri I pia wote, | . . . . | [The Thirty-nine Articles in Swahili.] I Kimepig^va chapa mara ya pili | London, | " Ni Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge," | 1891. ] 12 mo; pp. 22. (Swahili) 77. Shuhiida za dini \ ya \ kimasihia \ pamoja na kuipeleleza kidogo \ * dini ya Isilaniu zinapatikana katika chuo cha \ mwalimu padhiri \ J. Murray Mitchell, M.A., LL.D. \ wa bara hindi \ Evidences of the Christian Religion, together with a | short examination of Muhammadanism, in Swahili. For | the C. M. S. East African Mission. | Society for Promoting Chris- tian Knowledge, | London: Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1905. I i6mo; pp. 191. (Swahili) 78. Stdtani darai. Swahili tales as told by natives of Zanzibar. ° Zanzibar. 1884. 8vo; pp. 226. (Swahili) 79. Swahili stories, from Arab sources, with an English Translation. ° Zanzibar. 1886. 8vo; pp. 40. (Swahili) 80. Syllabaire Swahili. 1893. i2mo; pp. 64. (Swahili) o 81. Taratibu ya kusongelezana karamu ya bwana an ushirika utakatifu pamoja na visala vya killa siku. Utongo wa Kisa- 18 o Anonymous— Continued wahili. (Collects and Holy Communion Sen'ice in Mombasa Swahili.) London, 1901. i6mo; pp. — . (Swahili) 82. Third English Reader \ for Swahili Scholars \ (Being notes * to the text of Creighton's Rome History Primer \ Alacmillan, chaps, iii-ix.) ] Mlango wa tatu wa kujifunza kiingereza | Kusitawi rumi | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge I London : Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1897. [Third gate for the learning of English.] i6mo; pp. 59. (Swahili) 83. Uimbo wa nyimho. \ So \ li \ Deo \ Gl\or\ ia \ Zanzibar: | * Printed at the Universities' Mission Press. | 1888. | [Song of Songs.] i6mo; pp. 15. Bound with Koheleth. (Swahili) 84. Vicarial apostolique dii Zangnebar \ Katekisimu, \ Catechisme | * de la I doctrine chretienne | . . . . | Zanzibar | Mission catholique | 1887 | i2mo; pp. ii + (i) + i8i + (i). (Swahili) 85. Visa na hadithi \ (Swahili Reader) | Miscellaneous stories * and translations | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, I London: Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1899. | [Short tales and stories.] i6mo; pp. 128. (Swahili) 86. Vocahulaire Frangais-Kiswahili et Kiswahili-Frangais. (Litho- ° graphed.) Alger, 1885. (Swahili) 87. Yoel. [Joel.] (Printed at the Universities' Mission Press. * n. d.) i2mo;pp. 8. (Swahili) 88. Zahuri za Daudi \ London : | British and Foreign Bible Society. ° I 1891. I [Psalms of David.] 8vo; pp. 145. "Reprint" of No. 552 ? (Swahili) 89. Zejaniya. | So \ li \ Deo \Gl\or\ia\ Zanzibar: | Printed at the * Universities' Mission Press. | 1888. | [Zephaniah.] Crown 8vo; pp. 5. (Swahili) 90. Zekariya. \So\li \ Deo \ Gl\or\ia\ Zanzibar: | Printed at * the Universities' Mission Press. | 1888. | [Zechariah.] Crown 8vo; pp. 25. (Swaliili) Appleyard, 91. The Kafir Language; a sketch oj its history and nature ° and a grammar. King Williams Town, 1850, 8vo; pp. 413. (Kaffir) Banks, Charles B. 92. Bonkanda hia \ Yakobo la Petelo, \ la Yoane, la Yudu. \ Nsau.\ * 1897. 1 American Baptist Missionary Society, | Bolengi, 19 Banks, Charles B. — Continued J^quator. | Congo Independent State. | [Books of James, Peter, John, Jude, Songs.] (Lukolela.) i6mo; pp. 42. {Nkundu) 93. Bonkanda \ wa \ loando Ja-Nkundu. \ A.B.M.U. 1893. | * Bolengi. | [Book of readings of Nkundu language.] (Luko- lela.) i6mo; pp. 69. (Nkundu) 94. Bonkanda ivanipato wa Paulo \ ele \ Ba-Roma. \ 1898. | Ameri- * can Baptist Missionary Union, | Bolengi, ] Congo Independent State. I [Epistle written by Paul to the Romans.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 28. (Nkundu) 95. Insao ya Davidi | yokadzimwa \ nda lolaka Ja-Nkundu \ la\ * Rev. C. B. Banks, \ wa \ American Baptisl Missionary Union. \ 1893. I Boltngi. 1 [Psalms of David translated into the Nkundu by Rev. C. B. Banks, of ] (Lukolela.) i6mo; pp. 95. {Nkundu) 96. Nsango eyandotsi \ ea Joni. \ Eojutama nda Nkundu \ la \ * Chas. B. Banks, A. B. M. U. | 1893. | [Gospel according to John translated into Nkundu by Charles B. Banks.] (Lon- don.) i2mo; pp. 128. (Nkundu) Barbot, James 97. Voyage to the Congo River. 1707. Churchill's Voyages. ° Vocabulary: pp. — . (Kongo) Barfield, J. 98. The I Concords \ oj the \ Congo Language \ as spoken at Pal- * lahalla. I Being a contribution to the | Syntax of the Congo tongue. With illustrative sentences. | By | John Barfield, B.A., Lond., | Senior Tutor in the East London Institute for Home and Foreign | Missions.] East London Missions In- stitute, I Harley House, Bow, London. ] 1884.] i6mo; pp. 160. (Kongo) Barth, H. 99. Collection oj vocabularies oj Central Ajrican languages in ° English and German. Gotha. 1862-66. 3 Parts. 4to. pp. — . (Various) Bastian, Adolf 100. Die deutsJie Expedition \ an der \ Loango-Kiiste, \ nebst dlteren Nachrichten iiber die zu erjorschenden \ Lander. \ Nach personlichen Erlebnissen | von | Adolf Bastian. ] Erster Band. (Zweiter Band.) | . . . . | Jena, | Hermann Costenoble. ] 20 Bastian, Adolf — Continued 1874- 1(1875.) 8vo; pp. xx + 374; xiu + 353. 256-323, is devoted to the language. Baumann, C. loi. Dutch Massdiland zur XilqueUe. Appendix: Sprachproben, Vol. II, pp. {Mbiindu) catechism. Zanzibar, 1868. {Various) Printed on {Swahili) ° pp. 363-369- Baur, Etienne 102. French-Swahili ° Steele's Press. Beale, Frederick 103. Series of six hand charts for teaching Kongo. Congo-Balolo * Press. Bongandanga. (n.t.) (n.d.) {Kongo) Bentley, W. Holman 104. Appendix to the Dictionary and " Grammar oj the Kongo langtuige as spoken at San Salvador, the ancient capital oj the old Kongo Empire. London: 1895. Baptist ]Missionary Society. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., Pater- noster House. 8vo; pp.330. {Kongo) 105. Dictionary and Grammar \ oj the * 1 Kongo language, \ as spoken at San Salvador, the ancient capital oj the old | Kongo Empire, West Ajrica. \ Compiled and prepared for the Baptist ^Mission on the | Kongo River, West Africa | by the | Rev. W. Holman Bentley, | Missionary of the Baptist Missionary Society on the Kongo. ] Published by the Baptist Missionary Society, | 19, Fumival Street, Holborn, London, E. C. : | and | Triibner & Co., Ludgate Hill, London, E. C. I 1887. | 8vo; pp. xxiv + 718. {Kongo) 106. Fuka I ya \ vubila \ ya \ diV nlekelo, \ ya \ sompanixia, | ya jikila. I Edwin Wade Printing Press, | Baptist Missionary Society, | Underbill, | Congo Free State. | 1888. | [Ceremonies of Baptism, Lord's Supper, Marriage, Burial.] 8vo; pp. 53. 240 copies printed. {Kongo) Gospel oj John. \ Kongo. \ I nsangu zamhote \ zasoneka \ Yowajii. I Ekwezelo ku London. | BajJtist ]Missionary Society. | 19, Fumival Street, Holborn, London, E, C. | 1892. | [The W. Holman Bentley 107. * 21 Bentley, W. Holman — Continued Gospel written by John. Printed in London.] i6mo; pp. 82. (KotJgo) 108. / nkand' antete a Mose \ uyikivanga vo \ etuku \ usekwelo * muna kiyibri \ yamu Kisi Kongo. \ Wathen B. M. S. | Etat Independant du Congo. | 1902. | [The first book of Moses, called Genesis, translated from the Hebrew into Kisi- Kongo.] 8vo; pp. 7-107. (Kongo) 109. Kisi-Kongo. \ Mwelo a zayi. \ O vumi wa Nzamhi i lubantiku * Itia zayi. \ Nkwezw etatu. | Baptist Missionary Society, | Ekongo Diangani. | 1898. | [Door of knowledge. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Printing third.] i6mo; pp. 48. (Kongo) no. Kongo I Evitu dia zayi \ O vumi wa Nzamhi i lubantiku lua * zayi. I Nhwezw 'eya. | Baptist Missionary Society | Wathen | Etat Independant du Congo. ] 1904. ] [Gate of knowledge. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Fourth printing.] 8vo; pp. 48. (Kongo) 111. Nsiku yo malongi \ ma \ nsa \ Ngombe a ntumba \ ekwezelo ku * I Wathen, B. M. S. | Ekongo Diangani. | 1895. | [The taught laws of the Church at Ngombe, printed at Wathen, B. M. S.] i6mo; pp. 16. (Kongo) 112. Pioneering on the Congo \ by the | Rev. W. Holman Bentley | Chevalier de I'ordre royal du Lion | author of ' The Dictionary and Grammar of the Kongo Language' [translator of the New Testament into Kongo | 'Life on the Congo,' etc. | Volume I (H) 1 .... I The Religious Tract Society | 56 Paternoster Row, and 65 St. Paul's Churchyard. | 1900 j 8vo; pp. 478; 448. Appendix II, Vol. II, pp. 433-434 contain the Lord's Prayer in Kongo, Wayo, Ewumu, LoBobangi, Mpama, Lun- kundu, Djobo, Boloke. (Various) 113. Yingana \ yo \ masivi \ ma \ mjumu Jizu \ B. M. S. | London. | * Bible Translation Society | 1899 | [Tales and wonders about Lord Jesus.] i6mo; pp. 63 + (i). Edition of 5,000 copies. (Kongo) Bentley, W. Holman, and Nlemvo, M. 114. Ekangu dianipa \ dia mjumu eto \ Jizu Kristu \ wa mvuluzi eto | * disekwelo muna kingrekia \ yamu Kisi Kongo. \ London: | British and Foreign Bible Society. | 1893. | [New Testament 22 Bentley, W. Holman, and Nlemvo, M. — Continued of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and translated from Greek into Kisi-Kongo.] i6mo; pp. 496. 600 copies printed. {Kongo) 114a. Second edition 1895; reprinted. 115. Ekangu diampa \ dia mfumu eto \ Jizu Kristu \ wa mvtduzi etc \ disekwelo munu kingrekia \ yamu Kisi Kongo. \ London : | Brit- ish and Foreign Bible Society. | 1903. Third edition of the New Testament. In it the Epistle to the Galatians is re- written and the rest somewhat revised. {Kongo) 11517. Fourth edition; 1906; reprinted. Bentley, Mrs. M. H. 116. A series of copybooks in the Kongo ° language. {Kongo) 117. Guide de conversation \ en \ Frangais, * Congolais, \ Portugais, et Hollandais. \ Par I Madame Bentley. | Societe An- glaise des Missions Baptistes | Wathen, Lutete, I District des Cataractes. | Im- primerie de la Mission. | 1896. | 24mo; 00 /TT \ Mrs. Bentley pp. 188. {Kongo) 118. Lusansu \ lua \ nkand' a Nzamhi \ luasansa \ Charles Foster^ \ * luaza soholwa yo sekolwa nmna Kisi Kongo k-a.'a \ Mama Bent- ley. I Ndambu antete, | tuka kun Esemo dia nza yakuna lufwa lua Solomon. | Ukwezelo kwa | The Religious Tract Society, | London | 1893 | [History of the book of God told by Charles Foster and adapted in Kisi-Kongo by Mrs. Bentley. Part first, from the Creation of the world to the death of Solomon. Printed by The Religious Tract Society.] i6mo; pp. 262. {Kongo) 119. Mamhu makaka ma Jizu. \ '^More about Jestis,'' \ masobolwa * yo sekolwa muna Kisi Kongo kwa ] Mama Bentley. | Nkwezw- 'ezole. I Ukwezelo kwa | The Religious Tract Society, London.] 1893. I [More talks of Jesus Adapted and trans- lated into Kisi-Kongo by Mrs. Bentley. Second printing. Printed by The Religious Tract Society.] i6mo; pp. 92. 119a. Second edition of 2,000 copies. {Kongo) 120. Ngyuvu za mbalu \ zasoholwa nmna kUandazi kia \ H. C. * Wisselink \ yamu Kisi Kongo kwa \ Matna Bentley \ Ndambu i | 23 121. * 122. * 123. Bentley, Mrs. M. H. — Continued Baptist Missionary Society | Ekongo Diangani | 1893 j [Num- ber problems adapted from the Dutch of H. C. WisseUnk | into Kisi-Kongo by Mrs. Bentley. Part I.] 16 mo; Ndambu I, pp. 48; Ndambu II, pp. 90; Ndambu III, pp. 155. {Kongo) Ntez' a kimeta. \ Le systeme metrique. \ Ekwezelo ku | Wathen B. M. S. Ekongo Diangani. | 1891. | [The metric system.] 8 vo ; pp. 8. {Kongo) Petit I vocahulaire \ jrangais-congolais \ congolais-jran^ais \ Extrait d'une Grammaire j Frangaise en Congolaise | par | Madame Bentley. | B. M. S. | Wathen, Lutete, | 1904. | 8vo; 168. {Kongo) Petite I grammaire jrangaise \ i sia vo | nkiku mia nding'a | kifwalansa | kwa | Madame Bentley. | B. M. S. | Wathen, Lutete. I 1 902. 1 [ . . . . little grammar of the French language by .... ] 8vo; pp. 168 + (i). {Kongo) Billington, A. 124. Lingongo li Yambo li Yoane. \ [The First Epistle of John.] * (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 16. {Bangi) Mayela ma husa. \ {Peep of Day.) \ Liozengwibw'o lokota lo Bobangi na | A. Billington. | 1897. | American Baptist Missionary Union, I Bwemba, Tchoumbiri, | Congo In- dependent State. I [Translated into the Bobangi by A. Billington.] (Bolobo.) i6mo; pp. 106. {Bangi) Nzembo j li \ Ba-yuda. \ American Baptist Missionary Union ] Bwemba. ] 1905. I [Songs of the Jewish People.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 36. {Bangi) School cards for teaching: {a) syllables; {b) Ten commandments; (2). (Bolobo.) (n. d.) Four cards. Billington, A., and Billington, Mrs. 128. Xcia e mbwe e Yesu masiya | e shoni Malako. \ American * Baptist Missionary Union | Bwemba, Tchumbiri. Upper Congo. 1905. [Gospel of Jesus Messiah, according to Mark.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 52. {Teke) 24 125. * ^UM W^iM 126. * A. Billington 127. * {c) Catechism lesson {Teke) ■ft « 2; < w 1-1 w > o t/2 w w 2 O Billington, Mrs. 129. Boya hoyu \ hosau oca. \ American Baptist Missionary Union. * I Bwemba. | Tchumbiri | Etat Independant du Congo. | 1904. | (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 125. (Teke) 130. Mokaiia I wu \ hata. \ American Baptist Missionary Union. * I Bwemba. | 1905. | (Bolobo.) Crown i2mo, obi.; p. 38. {Teke) Bleek, W. H. I. 131. A\ Comparative Grammar \ 0} \ South African Languages, \ by | * W. H. I. Bleek, Ph.D. \ Part I. ] Phonology | London: | Triibner & Co., 60, Paternoster Row. | 1862. | 8vo; pp. 322. (Various) de Boeck, Eg. 132. Alamana to liyebisa \ Ha mikolo na biyenga \ hia viobu \ 1906 | * Impr. Franc. Miss. — Mission du Sacre-Coeur. | Nouvelle- Anvers | Motuya: mitako mitano. [ — (Almanac.) 8vo; pp. (14). (Ngala) 133. Buku moke \ moa kutanga \ Lingala. \ ^Nlouti o enyateli | ya * Mpombu. I (Nouvelle Anvers) ] 1903. | [Little book for read- ing Lingala. Proceeding from the Mpombu Press.] i2mo; pp. 24. (^^gola) 134. Buku mostisu I mwa tanga \ Lingala \ Bamonyate o mboka ya * Alpombu I (Bangala) | 1905. | [Second book for reading Lingala. Proceeding from the Mpombu Press.] i2mo; pp. (2) +31 + (i). {Ngala) 135. Grammaire et vocabulaire \ du \ Bangala \ ou \ Langiie du Haut- * Congo I par le | P. de Boeck | de la Congregation du Coeur Immacule de Marie, | ^ Scheut lez Bruxelles. | Missionaire au Congo Beige. | Bruxelles | PoUeunis et Ceuterick, Imprimeurs I 37 Rue des UrsuHnes. | 1904. | 8vo; pp. 163. {Ngala) 136. Langue congolaise. \ Exercises de * lecture | a I'usage | des colonies de I'etat I par | un pere de la Congregation de Scheut. | Bruxelles | J. Lebcgue & Cie. Libraires-Editeurs 1 46 Rue de la Madeleine | 8vo; pp. 30. (Kongo) 137. Lingala | Petit \ vocabulaire \ et \ * phrases usuelles \ par le | Pere Eg. de Boeck I Missionaire h. N^'^ Anvers | Deuxieme edition | Nouvelle Anvers | 25 de Boeck, Eg. — Co)itiniied Imp. Franc-Mission du S. Coeur. | 1906. | i6mo; pp. 31. {Ngala) 138. Notions du \ Lingala \ ou \ langue du HaMt-fleuve. j Vocabulaire * et phrases pratiques | par le | R. P. Eg. de Boeck | Missionaire a N^'® Anvers | Imprimerie Mission du S. Coeur. ] Nou- velle Anvers ] 1904 | Crown 8vo; pp. 38. (Ngala) 139. Nsango ndatmi \ to \ niambi ma mokonji wabisu \ Jezu-Kristu. * I Nouvelle Anvers | Imp. Franc°'= Miss''^ Mission du S. Coeur. I 1905 [Good news, or things of our Lord Jesus Christ.] i2mo; pp. 64 + (3). (Ngala) 140. Yoko 1 nzemho. \ Nouvelle Anvers | Imp. Franc. Miss. — Mis- * sionduS. Coeur I 1905 I [SomeHymns.] i6mo; pp.30. (Ngala) Bond, Charles 141. Ncango ndau \ i komaka | Yoane. \ I bongoana o | mosimo moa * Eleku. I Lolanga. | Congo Balolo Mission. | 1906. | [The Gospel which John wrote. Translated into Eleku lan- guage.] i6mo; pp. 55 + (i). (Bongandanga.) (Ileko) Bowen, A. J. 142. Besako heoloci \ bea I Mattu \ nda | lofoso la Mongo | yo | kota- ° maki | la ] Misa Boni | nda | Bongandanga. [ London Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society. 1897 [The Gospel written by Matthew translated into Mongo by — at Bongan- danga.] i6mo; pp. 158. (Mongo) 143. Bosaku ho holotsi j hoki \ Malako \ kotaka \ 1901 | Congo ° Balolo Mission | Bongandanga. | [The Gospel which Mark \vrote.] i6mo. pp. — . (Mongo) 144. Nsango eyandotsi \ eya j Yesu Masiya bona wa \ Nzakomba. \ * Bitenya hia Liiko. \ Tentative edition of selections from | Str Luke in the language of | the Balolo people. | Congo Balolo Mission. | London: | Chadeilo kwa | British and Foreign Bible Society. | 1893. j i6mo; pp. 16. (Mongo) Bowen, A. J., and Ruskin, A. E. 145. Belemo bea likima \ (Ldfoso ja L6ni6ngo) \ London. | Printed ° for the I British and Foreign Bible Society, j 1901. | [Acts of the Apostles. Translated into Mongo.] i6mo. pp. — . (Mongo) British and Foreign Bible Society In 1891 two volumes of the Old Testament were issued. Vol. I contained Genesis to II Samuel; Vol. II contained I Kings to Song of Solomon. (Swahili) 26 V TE^A'^'m .; 2./ Pro ^^^inni^^gs^mtti J^i Ad" . . , GItAMMA ■# » »» ' > ■ I ■ ». AF,Hfl natore Cap nl Consul AP'l^SaUfp^ raftm. I '"'^'S.a^*;-, ROMAE, Typis S. Congr. de Prop.Fite Anno M DC LIX. SVPERIORVM PERMJSSV* Title-page of Brusciotto's Regulae Quaedam ; No. 147. Brown, A. M, 146. Nkana \ mu \ Ilonga \ Bauuimnkalala a buola | Biwaki \ The * J. Leighton Wilson Printing | House. Luebo, 1905. | [Book for teaching. Prepared by Biwata (Miss Brown).] 32mo; pp. 23. (Kuba) Brusciottus de Vetralla, Hyacinthus 147. Regulae \ quaedam \ pro difflcillimi Congensium \ idiomatis jaciliori captu \ ad \ Grammaticae \ Norma m redactae \ a F. Hyacintho Brusciotto a Vetralla concio-natore Capuccino Regni Congi Apostolico \ Missionis Praejedo. \ {Cut.) \ Romae, Typis S. Congr, de Prop. Fide | Anno MDCLIX. | Superiorum Permissu. | 8vo; pp. (viii)+98. (Kongo) 148. Regras para mais jacil intelligencia do difficU idiotna do Congo, reduzidas a forma de grammatica por Fr. Jacintho Brusciotto . . . . e traduzidas do Latin pelo Bispo .... a. T. da Silva Leitao e Castro. Seguida do Diccionario abreviado da Lingua Congueza. Loando, 1886. 8vo; pp. — . Translation into Portuguese of the preceding. (Kongo) (See Cardoso, 169) 149. ("Second edition of the preceding catechism by the Capuchin ° Jacinto Brusciotto de Vetralla, Rome, 1650." W. H. L Bleek, Sir Geo. Grey Catalogue.) It is printed in four languages in parallel columns: Kongo, Portuguese, Latin, Italian. I find no further information regarding this edition of Marcos Jorge's Doutrina Christaa. (Kongo) Buchner, Max 150. Beitrdge zur Ethnographie der Bantu, iii Linguistisches. Aus- * land, 1883; pp. 442-49. Mention is made of Ngolla, Bondo, Kioko, Luba, Schilange. (Various) Butaye, R. 151. Bisambu \ bia \ bana ba Nzambi \ bisekulua mu Kikongo \ kwa Tata R. Butaye, S. J. \ Louvain | Imprimerie Polleunis & Ceuterick | 32 rue des Orphelins, 32 | 1901 | [Prayers of God's children, translated into the Kongo language by Father R. Butaye, S. J.] i6mo; pp. 90. (Kongo) 152. Dictionnaire jrangais-kikongo et kikongo-jra7i(ais. Gand. Litho- graphic W. De Wit, 1901. (Kongo) 27 o Btittner, C, G. 153. Anthologie aus der Suaheli-liUeratur. Emil Felber, Berlin. ° 1894. 8vo; pp. 188-202. (Swaliili) 154. Bilder aus dem Geistesleben der Suaheli in Ost-Ajrika, Hirer * epischen and lyrischen Dichtimg entnommen. Verhand. d. Gesellsch. fiir Erdkunde, Berlin. 1893. Pp. 147-60. (Swahili) 155. Hiljshuchlein fiir den ersten Unterricht in der Suaheli-Sprache ° audi jiir den Selhstunterricht. Leipzig: T. O. Weigl, 1887. * Second edition; enlarged and corrected, 1894. 8vo; pp. 103. {Swahili) 156. Kurze Anleitung fiir Forschungsrcisende zum Studium der * Bantu-Sprachen. Zeitsch. d. Gesellsch. fiir Erdkunde zu Ber- lin, 1881, pp. 1-26. {Bantu) 157. Lieder und Geschichten der Suaheli. 1894. 8vo; pp. 202. '^ (Beitrdge zur Volks- und Vblkerkunde, Bd. III.) {Swahili) 158. Suaheli-Schrijtstiicke \ in \ arahischer Schrijt \ mil lateinischer * Schrijt umschrieben \ ubersetze und erklart | von Dr. C. G. Biittner | Lehrer des Suaheli am Seminar | mit xi facsimileta- feln 1 Stuttgart u. Berlin: | W. Spemann, | 1892 | 8vo; pp. 206+lxxii. (Lehrhiicher d. Seminars /. orient. Sprachen zu Berlin. Band X.) {Swahili) 159. Wdrterbiich \ der \ Suaheli-Sprache \ Suaheli-Deutsch und * Deutsch-Suaheli \ nach den vorhandenen Quellen | bearbeitet I von I Dr. C. G. Biittner | Lehrer der Suaheli am Seminar [ Stuttgart u. Berlin: W. Spemann, | 1890 | 8vo; pp. ix + 269. {Lehrhiicher d. Seminars j. orient. Sprachen zu Berlin. Band III.) {Swahili) * Zeit schrijt \ jiir \ ajrikanische Sprachen \ herausgegeben | von | Dr. C. J. Biittner, | Lehrer am Seminar fiir oreintalische Sprachen im Berlin. | Berlin: Asher and Co., 1887-90. 3 vols. 8vo; 315 pp. each. {Various) 160. Zur Grammatik der Baluhasprache. Zeitschrift fur afri- * kanische Sprachen, II, pp. 220-33. {Luha) Cambier 161. Essais I sur la \ langue congolaise \ par | le P. Cambier | de * la Congregation du Coeur Immacule de Marie | a Scheut les-Bruxelles ] Missionaire a Nouvelle-Anvers (Haut-Congo.) I Bruxelles | Imprimerie PoUeunis et Ceuterick | 37, Rue des Urselines, 37 | 1891. | i2mo; pp. vii-viii + 124. Treats of the Ngala of Limboko. {Ngala) 28 F DICCION x\RIO D A LINGUA BUNDA, o r AKGOLENSE, EXPLICADA N A PORTUGUF.ZA, E LATINA, COMPOS TO FOR Fr BERNAR.1X) MARIA DE CANNECATTIM, Ctftcbaiio haliimo da P'ovinti^ dt Paitmn , Miuimjtio Afo- uitm , t Pfijiiu, ii.a Atiiiu rv>;^ M tttuito toderofo,& catholtco Rcy de Como dom I'edro £.>:^id^^' ^^^"^^ /' Co/« fo^^j as lice/i^as neceffarias. L IS BOA. Por Ccraldo da Viaha. 1624. /* V TlTLK-l'AGK OF CAKIKJSO's TRANSLATION OF AIaRCOS JoRGK's DoUTKINA Christaa. The First Book in a Bantu Language Carrie 170. Grammaire de la langiie fiote, dialecte du Kakongo. Luango, ° 1890. 8vo; pp. 198. (Kongo) Casati, Gaetano 171. Ten Years in Equatoria and the return with Emin Pasha, * by Major Gaetano Casati translated from the original Italian manuscript by the Hon. Mrs. J. Randolph Clay assisted by Mr. J. Walter Savage-Landor with upwards of one hundred and fifty illustrations colored plates and four maps. I We can only achieve what is most noble and great by modesty. — St. Hieronymus. In two volumes — ^Vol. I (Vol. II). Second edition London and New York Fred- erick Warne and Co., 1891 [All Rights Reserved]. 8vo; pp. xxi+376; xv-t-347. Vol. I, pp. 353-59, Comparative table — Mambettu, Samdeh, Bamba, etc. (Various) English edition of Died anni in Equatoria. Castagna, N. 172. Di I alcuni vocaholi e modi \ del \ vernacolo angolano \ col * riscontro italiano toscano. \ Saggio | di | Niccola Castagna I seconda edizione | sulla prima di Firenze del 1878. | Atri. | Tip. D. de Arcangelis | 1891. | i6mo; pp. 32. (Mhundu) Chatelain, Heli 173. Bantu Notes and Vocabularies, 1894. (Various) o 174. Die Grundziige des Kirnbundu oder der Angola-Spraclie. * Zeitschr. fiir afrikanische Sprachen. Vol. II, pp. 265-314; III, pp. 161-205. (Mbundu) 175. Folk-Tales of Angola \ Fifty tales, with Ki-mbundu text | * literal English translation | introduction, and notes ] col- lected and edited | by | Heli Chatelain | Late U. S. Commercial Agent at Loanda, West Africa | Boston and New York | Pul)- lished for The American Folk-Lore Society by | Houghton, MifBinand Company | London: David Nutt, 270, 271 Strand | Leipzig: K. F. Koehler's Antiquarium Universitatesstrasse, 26 I 1894. I 8vo; xii + 315. (Kongo) 176. Grundziige des Kirnbundu oder der Angolas prac he. Berlin. ° Asher and Co. 1889-1890. 8vo; pj). 45. (Mbundu) 177. Karividu pala kurilonga kutanga Kirnbundu. [First book for learning to read Kimbundu.] \\ ilh Portuguese inter- 31 o Chatelain, Heli — Coiilhiued linear. No date: no place. (1888.) Noticed in Zeitschr. fiir afrikanische Sprachen, II, p. 158. (Mbiindu) 178. Kimhundu Grammar \ Grammatica \ elementar \ do j Kimhundu \ ° on I lingua de Angola \ por | Heli Chatelain | Genebra | Typ. de Charles Schuchardt | 1888-89 1 Tous droits reserves. | 8vo; pp. xxiv + 172. Noticed in Zeitschr, fiir afrikanische Sprachen, II, pp. 236-37, {Mbundu) 179. O Njimhu iamhote ia Jezu Kristu jotange kua apostolo nzud ni ° iojimhidule mu Kimhundu (kua Heli Chatelain). Evangelho de Jesus Christo segundo Sao Joao no dialecto de Loanda. Angola. London 1888. British and Foreign Bible Society, [The Gospel according to St. John translated into Mbundu.] 8vo; pp. 84. Mentioned in Zeitschr. fiir afrikanische Sprachen, III, p. 155. {Mbundu) 180. O Njimbu iambote ia ngana Jizu ktui Luka iojimbulide mu ° Kimhundu kua nion' a ngola jaki dia mata ni kua kamba dia ngola Heli Chatelain. British and Foreign Bible Society: London, 1895. 8vo; pp. 122. {Mbundu) 181. O Njimbu ia mbote ia Ngana Jizu kau Nzua iojimbulule mu ° Kimbundu kua Kamba dia Ngola. British and Foreign Bible Society. London. 1896. i6mo; pp. 84. {Mbundu) 182. Sammlung von Mbamba- und Umbangala-W drier und * Bemerkungen dazii. Zeitschrift fiir afrikanische Sprachen, Vol. II, pp. 109-46. {Mbambu; Ngala) Christaller, J. G. 183. Die Sprachen Ajrikas. Sonderabdruck aus IX und X * Jahresbericht des Wiirtt. Vereins fiir Handelsgeographie. Stuttgart, 1892. 8vo; pp. 59. {Various) 184. Die Tone \ der \ Neger-Sprachen \ und ihre Beziehung. \ * Erortert von ] J. G. Christaller. | Basel | Verlag der Missions- buchhandlung. | (1893.) 8vo; pp. 19. {Various) 185. Ziir Volker- und Sprachenkunde Ajrikas. Mittheil. geogr. * Gesell., Jena. 1886. 8vo;pp. 88-96. {Various) Clark, J. A. 186. Ahalayama. Bolobo, 1897. [Abraham.] {Bangi) o 187. Ebo e Abalayama. Lukolela. 1894. [Story of Abraham.] ° Crown 8vo; pp. 68. {Bangi) 32 I go. * Clark, J. A. — Continued i88. Monkanamo \ mambi ma ntoma \ mpe ra \ mangongo ma soni * Paulo I omhe \ Ba-Galatia \ mpe omhe \ Ba-Pilipoi. \ Baptist Missionary Society | Bolobo Mission | Upper Congo River | 1906. I [Books written by the apostle Paul to the Galatians and to the Philippians.] Crown 8vo; pp. iii. (Bangi) Clark, Joseph 189. Danyele. \ American Baptist Mission- * ary Union, | Ikoko, Lake Ntumba, ] Congo Independent State, | 1903. | [Daniel.] (Bolobo.) Demy 8vo; pp. 19. {Ntumba) Ebotii'elo I enka Yesu. \ 1896. | Am- erican Baptist Missionary Union, | Ikoko, Lake Ntumba. | [Birth of Jesus.] (Bolobo.) 8vo; pp. 8. {Ntumba) Joseph Clark Lazalo. \ 1896. | American Baptist Missionary Union, | Ikoko, Lake Mantumba, | Congo Independent State. | [Lazarus.] (Bolobo.) Demy 8vo; pp. 7. {Ntumba) Loto I Yosaya. \ American Baptist Missionary Union, | Ikoko, Lake Ntumba, | Congo Independent State. | 1903 | [Lot. Josiah.] (Bolobo.) Demy 8vo; pp.19. {Ntumba) Yoane. \ 1896. | American Baptist Missionary Union, | Ikoko, Lake Mantumba, | Congo Independent State. | [John.] (Bolobo.) Demy8vo; pp.7. {Ntumba) Yoseja, \ Montamba, mpe Nkumu. \ Aboyamaki. Atekemeke. Aonamaki ] 1896. | American Baptist Missionary Union, | Ikoko Station, Lake Ntumba, | Congo Independent State. | [Joseph, slave and master.] (Bolobo.) Foolscap 8vo; pp. 16. {Ntumba) Yuda, I Moengi mo Yesu. \ 1896 | American Baptist Missionary Union. | Ikoko, Lake Mantumba, | Congo Independent State.] [Judas, betrayer of Jesus.] (Bolobo.) Demy 8vo; pp. 6. {Ntumba) Clark, Mrs. Joseph 196. Bikelelo \ bi \ Mentomwa \ Ikoko. \ American Baptist Mis- * sionary Union. | Upper Congo. | 1906. | [Doings of the mes- sengers (apostles). ] (Bongandanga.) i6mo; pp.200. {Ntumba) 191. * 192. * 193- * 194. * 195- * Clark, Mrs. Joseph — Continued 197. Meubola na Meamho \ Loho lo \ mho inka Nyamhe. \ ("Harry's * Catechism.") | Ikoko. | American Baptist Missionary Union. [ Upper Congo. | 1906. | [Questions and Answers about the Word of God.] (Bongandanga.) i6mo; pp. (i)+8o. (Ntumba) Clarke, John 198. Specimens of Dialects: \ Short \ Vocabularies oj languages \ * and notes \ oj countries and customs \ in Africa. \ By John Clarke, Missionary. | Berwick-upon-Tweed: | Printed by Daniel Cameron. | 1848. | 8vo; pp. v-l-104. Also London, 1849 (?) (Mbundu) de Clercq, A. 199. Grammaire de la langue des Bena Kanioka. (Luba) o 200. Grammaire de la langiie des Bena Lulua. Bruxelles, 1897. ° {Luba) 201. Grammaire \ de la \ langue Luba \ par le | P. de Clercq de la * Congregation du C. I. de Marie | Missionaire au Congo Beige. I Louvain | J.-B. Istas, Imprimeur-editeur | 90, Rue de Bruxelles, 90 | 1903. | 8vo; pp. vi, 7-I-504. (Luba) 202. Vocahulaire Kanioka-jran^ais. Vanves, 1901. 8vo; pp. 91. ° (Luba) Cole, F. A. 203. First Primer. Wasekulua kua F. A. Cole. Wanietukua ° mu Mbanza Manteke, Kongo. 1904. [Translated by F. A, Cole. Printed at Mbanza Manteke, Kongo.] i6mo; pp. 12. (Kongo) Colombaroli, A. "" 204. Premiers elements de la langue A.-Sandeh, vulgairement ° appelee Niam-niam, recueilles et coordonnes par A. Colom- baroli. Le Caire, 1895. Imprimerie nationale. 8vo; pp.52. (Zandeh) Committee upon Orthography 205. Lusunzulu lua nsonges' a ndinga. \ [Corrections of language * spelling.] (Matadi: Swedish Missionary Society, n. d.) 8vo; pp. 3. (Kongo) Conference, Language 206. List oj Words, &fc., \ considered by the \ Language Conference, \ * held at Kimhungu (S. M. S. | from 22d to 28th June, igoj. \ (Bolobo.) 8vo; pp. 16. (Various) 34 Cordeiro da Matta, J. D. 207. Cartilha racional. Lisboa. 1892. "Primer; without Portu- guese Translation." (Chatelain.) (Mbundu) 208. Ensdio de diccionario kimbiindu-portuguez. Lisboa, 1893. ° 4to; pp. 174. See notice of the author and his works in Lit. Centralbl., 1893, p. 40, by Schuchardt. {Mbundu) 209. Jisabu, jiheng'ele, ifika ni jinongonongo, jesoneke niu kimbundu ° ni pUto kuu mon^ Angola. (Philosophia popular em proverbios angolenses.) Lisboa, 1891. 8vo; pp. 187. The author is a native of Angola. {Mbundu) Corona 210. Sul Congo. Appendix, pp. 77-86: Saggio della lingua fiot. {Kongo) Coucto, Antonio See Pacconio, Francisco. {Mbundu) Craven, Henry, and Barfield, J. 211. English-Congo \ and \ Congo-English \ Dictionary. | By | * Henry Craven, | of the Livingstone (Congo) Inland Mission: | and I John Barfield, B. A., Lond., | Senior Tutor in the East London Institute for Home and | Foreign Missions. | Harley House, Bow, London. | 1883. | i6mo; pp. xii + 248. {Kongo) Cust, Robert Needham 212. A Sketch 1 oj the \ Modern Languages of \ Africa. \ Accompanied * by a Language-Map. | By | Robert Needham Cust, | Barrister-at- law, I and | Late of Her Majesty's Indian Civil Service. | \^ol. I (II) I "I speak of Africa and golden joys." | Shakespeare, "Ancient Pistol." | London: | TriibnerandCo., LudgateHill. | 1883. 1 [All rights reserved.] \ i6mo; pp. xvi, -\ ; 288-566. {Various) 213. Essay \ on the \ progress of African Philology \ up to the year i8gj, I prepared for | The Congress of the World at Chicago, U. S., I by I Robert Needham Cust, LL.D., | Author of Modern Languages of Africa, 1883. | Member of Advisory Council of Congress of Ethnologists, the World's | Congress, Chicago, 1893. I With three appendices. | A. Bil)li()graphical Table of Languages, Dialects, Localities, and Authorities, ] 1883- 1893. I B. List of Translations of the Bible (whole or in part) up to 1893. I C. List of Scholars, who have con- tributed to our kncjwledge up to 1893. | (London: Elliott Stock. 1893.) 8vo; pp. 48. {Various) 35 Cust, Robert Needham — Continued 214. Notke oj the Scholars \ who have \ contributed to the exten- sion I oj our I knowledge oj the languages oj \ Ajrica. \ By | R. N. Cust, Honorary Secretary R. A. S. | [From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and ] Ireland. Vol. XIV, Part II] | i6mo; pp. 16. (General) Cutts, E. L. 215. Mambo mangine makun ya Dini. An adaptation of some ° chief truths of religion. By E. L. Cutts. Zanzibar. 1895. 8vo; pp. 86. (Swahili) von Danckelman, A. 216. Alts Pogges Tagebiichern. Sprachliches. Mittheil. der * afrikan. Gesellsch. in Deutschland, 1883-85, pp. 262. A Baschilange vocabulary is given. (SchUange) Darby, R. D. 217. Primer. Underhill. Before 1890. Pp. 24. 300 copies. ° . (Bangi) DauU 218. Gratnmaire de Kisouahili. Colmar, 1879. 8vo; pp.125. ° (Swahili) Davis, Philip 219. / esoneka dia \ nkumbu zina munu \ nkand' a Nzambi. \ Trans- * literation | of all names and untranslated | words in the Bible. | Ekwezelo ku Wathen, B. M. S., Ekongo Diangani. | 1892. | [The writing of the names that are in the Book of God.] 8vo; pp. 34. (Kongo) Debeerst, Gustave 220. Essai de gramtnaire Tabwa. Berlin, 1895. Lex. 8vo; pp. ° 109. (Tabwa) Delaunay 221. Dictionnaire Frant^ais-Kiswahili. Paris; 1885. (Swahili) o 222. Grammaire Kiswahili \ par le Pere Delaunay | de la Societe des Missionaires de Notre-Dame des Missions d'Afrique d'Alger | Missionaire du Tanganyka. | Paris, | Imprimerie F. Leve | Rue Cassette, 17 | 1885. | i6mo; pp. 173. (Swahili) Delplace 223. Elements de la langue congolaise suivis dhm choix de phrases ° graduees et de deux vocabulaires. Bruges, 1895. Society Saint- Augustin. Small i2mo; pp. 96. (Kongo) 36 .fiJ'.^'J VIV I^W I « r ARTE ! DA LINGVA DE ANGOLA. i ' OEFERECIDA \ A VIRGEM Sf:NHORA N. DO . ROSARIO. ' May , & Senhora dos mefmos Pretos , PeloP. PEDRO DIAS Da Companhia de JESU. ( ^ L I s B o A ; ) NaOiScinadc MIGUEL I>ESLANDE$i > '• - Imprcflbr dc Sua MsigtOade. CQm t^das M Ikfn^t neetff^irtm. Anno i^J* ,^x Title-page of Dias' Arte de Lingua de Angola; No. 224 Dias, Pedro 224. Arte d-* tn H en H < 461. * A. E. Scrivener Scrivener, A. E. — Continued 459. Ba-yisalaela Ezipeto, \ mpe \ etc balongoli Nyamhe \ hon- * tamba. \ Bolobo: | Baptist Missionary Society | Congo Inde- pendent State. I 1905. I [Children of Israel in Egypt. The chosen people of God in bondage.] Crown 8vo; pp. 43. (Bangi) 460. Bibo hi bato ba Yambo. I. | [Stories ° of the first people. I.] Lukolela, 1893. Crown Svo; pp. 130. (Bangi) Bibo bi bato ba \ Yambo. \ Monkana mo misato. \ Bobandaka na satda e mokonzi yek'o \ bolongwibwi bo Ba- Yuda. I Bolobo: | Baptist Missionary Society. | 1897. | Crown Svo; pp. 83. (Bangi) 462. Bibo bing'o monkana mo Nyambe. Lukolela. 1892. Crown ° i6mo; pp. 58. (Bangi) 463. Bice bi take Yesu. [Parables of Jesus.] 1899. (Bolobo.) ° Demy i6mo; pp. — . (Bangi) Bilelo bi bato na [The crying of the people.] Bolobo. 1895. Demy Svo; pp. — . (Bangi) Loketi lo Ba-yisalaela \ Moleki. \ 1S98. | Baptist Missionary Society. | Bolobo. | [The crossing of the wilderness by the Children of Israel.] Crown Svo; pp. 89. (Bangi) Ma kala-kala \ ma \ bokuniak'o monkana \ mo \ Nyambe. \ Monkana mo boso \ Bolobo: | Baptist Missionary Society | 1903. I Crown Svo; pp. iiS. (Bangi) Mamba mo Yoseja. [History of Joseph.] Underbill. (Be- fore 1890.) Pp. 32. 350 copies. (Bangi) Mambi masiso mo Yesu. [More stories about Jesus.] Luko- lela. 1S93. Crown Svo; pp. 144. Maleyo ma bolukaka \ ma \ Bonyambe. 1904 I Demy Svo; pp. 17. Mibeko no Mateyo. [Rules and doctrines.] 1897. Demy Svo; pp. — . Ncangu ndamo lisonibwaki na Matayo. [The Gospel accord- ing to Matthew.] Lukcjlela. 1S93. Crown Svo; pp. 72. (Bangi) 67 464. o 465- * 466. * 467. o 46S. o 469. * 470. o 471. o Bolobo Miss (Bangi) sion I (Bangi) (Bolobo.) (Bangi) Scrivener, A. E. — Continued 472. Ntoto li meya. [Sparks.] Magazine. Four numbers issued * — two in 1896, two in 1897. (Bolobo.) Demy Svo; pp. 76. {Bangi) 473. Yoseja. [Joseph.] 1897. (Bolobo.) Crown Svo; pp. — . ° {Bangi) 474. Yosepa: \ e mwan'o honkisa. \ Loyino lo Bayehi ha Yeye, \ ^ rnpe et'e basabinyi Yeye. \ Baptist Missionary Society | Bolobo I Congo State ] 1903. | Crown Svo; pp. 67. (Bangi) Scrivener, A. E., and Clark, J. A. 475. Mangongo \ ma soni \ Yakoho, \ Petelo, \ Yoane, \ na Yuda. \ * Bolobo. I 1904. I [The Epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude.] Crown Svo; pp. 48. {Bangi) Scrivener, A. E., and Whitehead, John 476. Ncango ndamu \ li \ Yesu Masiya \ lisonihwi na \ Malako. \ * Bolobo I 1903 I [The Gospel of Jesus, Messiah, according to Mark.] Crown Svo; pp. 51-S2. {Bangi) 477. Ncango ndamu lisonihwi na \ Luka \ [The Gospel according to * Luke.] (Bolobo.) Crown Svo; pp. 83-135. {Bangi) 478. Ncango ndamu lisonihwi na \ Yoane \ [The Gospel according to John.] (n. 1. n. d.) (Bolobo.) Crown Svo; pp. 137-77. {Bangi) Seidel, A. 479. Beitrdge zur Charakteristik des ostajrikanischen Negers. ° Kolonialen Jahrbuch, V. (1S92), pp. 4iff. {Swahili) 4S0. Methode Gaspey-Otto-Sauer. \ Suahili \ Konversations Gram- * matik I nebst einer \ Einjiihrung in die Schrijt und den BriejslH der Suahili \ von | A. Seidel | Herausgeber der Zeitschrift fiir afrikanische und ozeanische Sprachen, | Sekretar der deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft, Redakteur der Deutschen Kolonial- zeitung, der Beitrage | zur Kolonialpolitiku.s.w. | Heidelberg. | Julius Groos' Verlag. | 1900. | Svo; pp. xvi4-404. 4S0 o Schliisscl dazu. 1900. Svo; pp.95. {Swahili) 48 1. Praktische Grammatik \ der \ Suaheli-Sprache \ auch fiir den * Selhstunterricht. \ Mit Uebungsstiicken, einem systematischen Vokabular, | einem Lesebuche und einem Deutsch-Suaheli- Worterbuche | von | A. Seidel. | Zweite, vermehrte und verbes- serte Auflage. | Wien und Leipzig. | A. Hartleben's Verlag. | (Alle Rechte vorbehalten.) | i6mo; pp. 182. First edition was in 1S90. {Swahili) 68 Seidel, A. — Continued 482. Methode Gaspey-Otto-Saiier. \ Systematisches \V orterhiich \ der * I SuahUisprache \ in \ Deutsch-Ostajrika \ nebst einem \ Ver- zeichnis der gehrdnchlichsten Redensarten \ von | A. Seidel, | Herausgeber der Zeitschrift fiir afrikanische, ozeanische und ostasiatische Sprachen. | Julius Groos' Verlag. | Heidelberg, Paris, London, Rom. | 1902. | 8vo; pp. xii + 178. (SwaJiili) Zeitschrift fiir ajrikanische tind ozeanische Sprachen. Berlin: ° Dietrich Reimer. Svo; Quarterly, beginning 1894. {General) Shaw, A. D. 483. .4 I pocket vocabulary \ of the \ Kiswahili, Kinyika, Kitaita * and I Kikamba languages, \ compiled by | A. Downes Shaw, | C. M. S. Missionary in East Africa. | Also | a brief vocabulary of the I Kibwyo dialect, | collected by | Archdeacon Farler. | (Cut.) I London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W. C. | (1885.) i6mo; pp. vi4-204. (S-wahili) Sims, A. 484. Ancaa maabwe ma Yoana \ mabakali mu \ Itio \ (Kiteke). * I Printed by Gilbert and Rivington, Ld., | for the | American Baptist Missionary Union, | Boston. | 1889. | [The Gospel of John translated into Itio (Kiteke). ] i6mo; pp. 102. (Teke) 485. A short 1 vocabulary \ of the \ Yalulema language, \ as spoken * in the Bosoko (Aruwimi), \ Mawembe, and Lolami (Lomami) | Districts of the Upper \ Congo. \ By | A. Sims, M.B., CM., (Aber.), | Medical Missionary in the African Alission of the American | Baptist Missionary Union. | London: | East London Institute for Home and | Foreign Missions. | Boston, U. S. A. : I American Baptist Missionary Union. | 1887. I i6mo; pp. 35. (Lulema) 486. A I vocabulary \ of the \ Kiteke, \ as spoken by the Bateke * (Batio) and \ kindred tribes on the Upper Congo. | By | A. Sims, M.B., CM. (Aber.), | Medical Missionary in the African Mission of the American | Baptist Missionary Union. | English- Kiteke. | London: | Hodder and Stoughton, | 27, Paternoster Row. I 1886. I i6mo; pp. 190. (Tckc) 487. A I vocabulary \ of the | Kiteke, \ as spoken by the Bateke * (Batio) and \ kindred tribes on the Upper Congo | by | A. Sims, M.B., CM. (Aber.), | Medical ^Missionary in the African 69 488. o 489. o '«^:^ //// pp. III. (Bangi) 490. {Handbook oj Bohangi.) 1888-89. (Bangi) Slack, Charles 491. Introduction to Swahili. For the use Sims, A. — Co>it!)!ued Mission of the American | Baptist Missionary Union. | Kiteke- English. I London: | Gilbert and Rivington, Ld., | St. John's House, Clerkenwell Road, E. C, | 1888. | i6mo; pp. i6o. (Teke) Kiteke Primer. Underhill. (before 1890.) Pp. 15. 250 copies. {Teke) Vocabulary of the Kibangi as spoken by the Baobangi {commonly called Bayansi) on the Upper Congo from Kwamouth {Kasai) to Luboko {Ban- gala). London. 1886. Institute for Home and Foreign Missions. i2mo; A. Sims I travellers, students * and others. \ By | Capt. Chas. Slack, | Author of | 'Handbook of Infantry Drill,' 'Handbook of Artillery Drill,' | 'Manual of Languages, F. R. G. S., &c., &c. | Price One Shilling and Sixpence. | Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co., Ld., | 4 Stationers Hall Court, London, E. C. | Entered at Stationers' Hall. I (1891.) i2mo; pp. 16. {Swahili) Smith, Kenred 492. Bisako bipele \ bi \ Jizu Klistu \ bisonomo na \ Malako | Bihe- * koami a kopi e Lingombe na | Kenred Smith | Baptist Mis- sionary Society | Upoto. ] 1903. | [The Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Mark.] Crown 8vo; pp. 58. {Ngombe) Masolo ma mokanda \ ma \ Genesisi. I Mahekoami a kopi e Lingombe na | Kenred Smith. | Baptist Missionary Society, | Upoto, | 1903. | Royal i6mo; 'Ak^iK--.- 493- * 494. * pp. 70. Mokanda \ mo \ Abangi. \ Lingombe. | Upoto. | 1904. | (Bolobo.) Demy i6mo; pp {Ngombe) A kopi e (Primer.) 77- {Ngombe) 70 496. * 497- * 499- * Smith, Kenred — Continued 495. Mokanda \ mo \ Abangi. \ A kopi e Lingombe | Upoto. 1 1905 | * (Primer.) (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 51". (Xgombe) Mooko masolo \ la \ mpooko nketa | ya \ Yizu monkonji. \ Baptist Missionary Society | Upoto. | 1901. | (Parables and miracles of Jesus.) (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 38 + (i). {Foto) Njeniho ya Ba-Yuda. \ Ikengolami o Lifoto la | Kenred Smith. | Baptist Missionary Society, | Upoto. | 1905. | [Songs of the Jewish people. Translated into Lifoto by Kenred Smith.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 225. {Foto) Smith, Sutton 498. Lioi lia yakusu \ lokasa loa imbale \ bembila bea Yesu \ Maneno * ya batambatamba \ kiiabu cJia pili \ visa vya isa \ Yakusu: | Baptist Missionary Society. | 1900. | (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 45- (-^'^^^) Lioi I lia \ Yakusu \ lokasa loa oso I Baptist Missionary Society, | Yakusu. I Stanley Falls, | Congo Independent State. \ 1903. | i6mo; pp. 14. {Kele) Lokasa Iwa emoi \ ende njaso ya \ lokelomo Iwa yeka itotina \ La njaso ya bato \ ende Abalayatna \ ko la Mose \ Baptist Missionary Society | Yakusu | Stanley Falls | Etat Independant du Congo | 1906 Sctton Smith ] 8vo; pj). 131. {Swahili) Mboli ya k'oso k^oso \ ya Abalayama, ya Yisaka, \ ya Yakobo, la ya Yoseja. \ 1902. | Baptist Missionary Society [ Yakusu | (Bolobo.) Demy 8vo; pp. 45. (Kele) de Souza e Oliveira, Saturnino 502. Dircionario da lingua n'btmdu. 1864. ('*A large part or the ° whole was printed, but never stitched." — Chatelain.) (Mbundu) de Souza e Oliveira, Saturnino, and de Castro Francina, M. A. 503. Elementos grammaticaes da lingua nbundii. Loanda. 1864. ° ("Written by a Brazilian physician, assisted by an educated native. Little better than Cannecattim." — Chatelain.) {Mbundu) ;oo. 501. * 71 Sparshott, T. H. 504. Anjili kwa Luka. (Translated .... by J. Rebmann . . . . ° spelling altered by ... . Bishop Steere. Edited by .... T. H. Sparshott.) British and Foreign Bible Society: London. 1892. [Gospel of Luke.] 8vo; pp. 75. (Swahili) Stanley ,5Henry M. 505. In Darkest Africa \ or the \ Quest Rescue and Retreat \ oj \ * Emin \ Governor oj Equatoria \ by | Henry M. Stanley | .... I Author of I .... I with one hundred and fifty woodcut illustrations | and maps | .... | In two volumes — Vol. I I (Vol. IL ) I London | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington | Limited | St. Dunstan's House, Felter Lane, E. C. I 1890 I [All rights reserved] | 8vo; pp. xv + ssg; xv + 472. Vol. n, pp. 442, 443 and Comparative Table of Forest and Grassland Languages. Kumbutte or Bakwa, Bakiokwa or Bakumu, Pygmy, Babira, Balegga, Rukobe or Wahuma, Bavira, Babusesse, Dinka, Monbuttu, Neam Niam. (Various) 506. Through the Dark Continent \ or \ The Sources of the Nile \ around the Great Lakes oj Equatorial Ajrica \ and down the Livingstone River \ to the Atlantic Ocean \ by | Henry M. Stanley I Author of 'How I found Livingstone,' 'Coomassie and Magdala,' | 'My Kalula,' etc. | In two volumes | Vol. I | (Vol. II.) I Maps and illustrations j London | Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington | Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street | 1878 | [All rights reserv^ed.] | 8vo; xiv (i) + 522; ix + 566. Appendix: Vol. II, pp. 485-501. Comparative table of African Languages. (Various) Stapleton, Walter H. 507. "Bangala" \ Mokanda \ na hoso. \ Baptist Missionary Society | * Yakusu, I Stanley Falls, | Congo Independent State, | 1903. | ["Bangala." Book first.] (Bolobo.) 8vo; pp. 20. (Ngala) 508. Bekela-bia bokota \ wa mungu \ "Mangwete" | Baptist Mis- * sionary Society | Yakusu ] Stanley Falls [ Etat Independant du Congo I 1905 I [Handbook for those wishing to join the church.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 39. (Kele) 509. Bembila \ la \ bekela \ bea Yesu \ (Lokele Version) | Baptist * Missionary Society | Yakusu | Haut Congo | Etat Independant du Congo I 1902 1 [Parables and miracles of Jesus.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 152. (Kele) 72 ^^^" T/^^ Stapleton, Walter 'H..—<^ontimied 510. Comparative Handbook \ of \ Congo languages \ being a com- * parative Grammar oj the eight principal languages | spoken along the banks of the Congo River from the West Coast \ of Africa to Stanley Falls, a distance of ijoo miles, and of \ Swahili, the "Lingua 1^ °~'^ |5] Franca " of the country stretching ' Mi^^*^ :^ thence \ to the East Coast, with a Comparative vocabulary giving 800 | selected words from these languages / M'ith their English equivalents, | followed by appendices on six other „. „ ^ \ \\ . H. Stapleton Dialects. | Compiled and prepared for the Baptist Missionary Society, London, | by | Walter Henry Stapleton, | Missionary of the Society on the Upper Congo River. | Yakusu, | Stanley Falls, | Congo Independent State, | 1903. I i6mo; pp. s + 23+326. (Various) 511. {Ja-Boloki.) I Mpo \ ya \ Ahalayama \ Yisaka, | Yakobo, \ * Yoseja. \ 1897. | Baptist Missionary Society, | Monsembe. | [Story of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 56. (Ngala) 512. Kitabu cha kulisha. \ (Kingwanya catechism.) | Baptist * Missionary Society, | Yakusu, | Stanley Falls, | Congo Inde- pendent State. 1 1905. I [Book of Doctrine.] (Bolobo.) Demy i6mo; pp. 46. (Swahili) 513. Lokendo loa hokendi. \ B. M. S. | (First part of The Pilgrim's * Progress.) (n.d. n.l.) 8vo; pp. 32. (Kele) 514. Mashaila na kazi \ ya Yesu. \ (Kingwanya version.) j Baptist * Missionary Society, | Yakusu, | Stanley Falls, | Congo Inde- pendent State. I 1905. I [Parables and miracles of Jesus.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 151. (Swahili) 515. Mboliilau \ kwaniiyataka \ Yoane \ (Lokele version by Walter * H. Stapleton). | Baptist Missionary Society | Yakusu j Congo Independent State | and | Bible Translation Society | London I 1906 I [The Gospel according to John.] i6mo; p]). 95. (Kele) 516. Mboli ilau \ ya \ Yesu Masiya \ kwa eyataka \ Luka. \ Lokele * version by Walter H. Stai)lclc)n. | Bai)tisl Missionary Society, 73 Stapleton, Walter H. — Continued I Yakusu, I Stanley Falls, | Congo Independent State. | 1903. | [Gospel of Jesus Christ which Luke wrote.] (Bolobo.) Demy 8vo; pp. 99. (Kele) 517. N'sango ndnu yakomaka \ Malako, \ ibongoani likoli Ja- * boloki, (Bangala). | Translated into the language of the Bangala (Boloki) I by Walter H. Stapleton. | 1896. | Baptist Missionary Society. | Monsembi. | [The Gospel according to Mark, translated into the language of the Bangala.] (Bolobo.) Crown Svo; pp. 47, (Ngala) 518. Nsango ndau \ yakomaka \ Yoane \ ibongoani likoli Ja- * boloki (Bangala), | 1898. | Baptist Missionary Society, | Monsembi. | [The Gospel according to John, translated into the language of the Bangala.] (Bolobo.) Crown Svo; pp. 70, (Ngala) 519. Suggestions \ for a \ grammar of "Bangala'^ \ (the lingua * franca of the Upper Congo) \ with 2000 words and many use} id phrases, j by ] Walter H. Stapleton, | Missionary of the Upper Congo. | Baptist Missionary Society, ] Yakusu, | Stanley Falls, I Congo Independent State.] 1905. | i6mo; pp. j + ii6. {Ngala) 520. Suggestions \ pour \ tine \ grammaire du "Bangala^' | (la * lingua jranca du Haul Congo), \ avec beaucoup de phrases et 2000 mots bien usites, \ par | Walter H. Stapleton, | Mis- sionaire, Haut Congo. ] Baptist Missionary Society, | Yakusu, I Stanley Falls, | Etat Independant du Congo. | 1903. | i6mo; pp. j + 146. (Ngala) Steere, Edward 521. A Handbook \ oj the \ Swahili language \ as spoken at \ * Zanzibar. \ Edited for the Universities' Mission to | Central Africa ] by | the late Edward Steere, LL.D., | Missionary Bishop for Central Africa. | Revised and enlarged by ] A. C. Madan,M.A., | senior student and formerly Tutor of Ch. Ch., Oxford. I Seventh edition. | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, W. C. ; | 43, Queen Victoria Street, E. C. | 1906. | i6mo; pp. xxii+458. First edition, 1870; second, 1875; third, 1882; fourth, 1894; fifth, ; sixth, . (Swahili) 74 Steere, Edward — Continued 522. Aniili I kwa \ Yoafia. \ Kiswahili. | Printed at the University ° Press, Cambridge, | for the British and Foreign Bible Society, I London. ] 1875 | [Gospel of John.] i2mo; pp. 52. (SzvaJiili) 523. Anjili ya Bwana weiu na Mwokozi Isa ° Masiya kwo Mattayo. \ Maneno ya Kiswahili \ London | 1869 [ [The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew. Translated into Kiswahili.] Pp. 88. (Swahili) I ''/ 524. Anjili I ya bwana wetu na mwakozi \ '"' ■ < I ' ° Isa Masiya j kwa \ Mattayo. \ Maneno edward Steere ya Kiswahili. \ Printed at the University Press, Cambridge, | for the British and Foreign Bible Society. I London. | 1876. | [The Gospel of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Messiah by Matthew. Translated into Swahili.] i2mo; pp. 62. (Swahili) 525. Easter and Advent and other hymns. Zanzibar, 1868 (?) ° (Swahili) 526. Hadithi za Kiingereza. Tales. In Swahili only, Zanzibar, ° 1867. (Swahili) Steere, Edward, and Others 527. Kitabu cha \ Agano jipya \ la \ bwana na mwokozi wetu \ Isa * Masiya. \ Kimejasirika katika maneno ya kwanza ya kiyonani. I London: | Kimej)igAva chapa kwa British and Foreign | Bible Society. | 1883. | [Book of the New Covenant of our Lord and Savior Jesus Messiah. Translated from the original language.] 8vo; pp. 404. First comj)lete edition. Bishop Steere was assisted by A. C. Madan, Miss Allen, and H. Geldart. Text revised. (Swahili) Steere, Edward 528. Kitabu cha Nabii Yona. (Zanzil)ar.) (1868) [Book of the ° Prophet Jonah.] i2mo; pp. 7. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 529. Kitabu cha Ruth. [Book of Ruth.] (Zanzibar) (1868.) i2mo; ° pp. 10. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 75 Steere, Edward — Contintied 530. Matendo ya Milume\ Zanzibar: | 1878. | [Acts of the Apostles.] ° i2mo; pp. 114. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (SwaJiili) 531. (Matendo ya Mitume. Zanzibar. 1882.) [The Acts of the ° Apostles.] i6mo; pp. 114. A revised edition. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 532. Nyaraka za mitmne \ Peteo, Yohana, \ na \ Yuda. \ Zanzibar: | ° 1879. I [The Epistles of the Apostles Peter, John and Jude.] i6mo; pp.28. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 533. Nyaraka za Paolo mtume \ kwa \ Timoteo \ na kwa \ Tito. \ ° Zanzibar: ] 1879. | [The Epistles of Paul, Apostle, to Timothy and to Titus.] i6mo; pp. 27. (British and Foreign Bible Society. (Swahili) 534. Nyaraka za Paolo mtume \ kwa \ Wakolossai \ na kwa \ File- ° moni. I Zanzibar: | 1879. | [The Epistles of Paul, Apostle, to the Colossians and Philemon.] i6mo; pp. 14. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 535. Nyaraka za Paolo mtume \ kwa | Wathesseloniki \ Zanzibar: ° I 1879. I [The Epistles of Paul, Apostle, to the Thessalonians.] i6mo; pp.16. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 536. Sala za suhui na Jioni. London. 1870. [Prayers for evening ° and morning.] i2mo; pp. 18. (Swahili) 537. Specimens of Swahili (short tales.) Zanzibar, 1866. Reprinted ° in Mission Life. (Swahili) 538. Swahili exercises. \ Compiled for | the Universities' Mission * to I Central Africa, | by | Edward Steere, LL.D., | Missionary Bishop for Central Africa. | "Soli Deo gloria." | London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumber- land Avenue, W. C. | 1906. | i6mo; pp. viii + ii8. Also editions of 1882, 1886. (Swahili) 539. Swahili tales, \ as told by natives 0} Zanzibar. \ With | an * English translation. | By | Edward Steere, LL.D., | Rector of Little Steeping, Lincolnshire, and Chaplain to Bishop Tozer.| London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross, W. C. | i6mo; pp. xvi + 501. First edition, 1869; second edition, 1889. (SwaJiili) 76 Steere, Edward — Continued 540. Table 0} Concords prst printed in Zanzibar in form suggested ° by Bp. Tozer; reprinted in the first edition of Steere's Hand- book. (Swahili) 541. Translation 0} Bp. Forbes' little catechism. Zanzibar, 1867. (Swahili) 542. Ujunua wa YoJiana. \ Zanzibar: | 1879. | [The Revelation of ° John.] i6mo; pp. 59. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 543. Vitabu vya wajalme. \ Kitabii cha kwanza \ cha wajahne. \ * London | Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society, | Queen Victoria Street. | 1882. | The first Book of Kings and second Book of Kings.] i6mo; pp. iii. (Swahili) 544. Waraka wake Paolo mtume \ kwa \ Wafilippi \ Zanzii^ar. 1876. | ° [Epistle of Paul, Apostle, to the Philippians.] i2mo; pp. 9. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 545. (Waraka wake Yakobo. Zanzibar: 1879.) [Epistle of James.] ° i2mo; pp. II. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 546. Waraka wa kwanza \ wa Paolo mtume \ kwa \ Wakolinthi. \ ° Zanzibar: | 1878. | [The first Epistle of Paul, Apostle, to the Corinthians.] i2mo; pp. 45. (British and Foreign Bible Society. (Sicahili) 547. Waraka na Paolo mtume \ kwa \ Waebrania. \ Zanzibar: | ° 1879. I [The Epistle of Paul, Apostle, to the Hebrews.] i6mo; pp. 33. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 548. (Waraka wa Paolo mtume kwa Waejesi. Zanzibar. 1876.) ° [Epistle of Paul, Apostle, to the Ephesians.] i2mo; \>\). 9. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 549. Waraka wa Paolo mtume \ kwa \ Wagalatia. \ Zanzibar: | 1879 j ° [Epistle of Paul, Apostle to the Galatians.] i6mo; \)\). 15. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 550. Waraka wa pili \ wa Paolo mtume \ kwa \ Wakolinthi. | Zanzi- ° bar: | 1878. | [Second Epistle of Paul, Apostle, to the Corin- thians.] i6mo; pp. 29. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 551. Waraka wa Paolo mtume \ kwa \ Warumi. \ Zanzibar: | 1876. | ° [Epi-stle of Paul, Ay)ostle, to the Romans.] i2mo; j)]). 45. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) (Swahili) 77 Steere, Edward — Continued 552. Zaburi za Daiidi \ maneno ya Kisivahili \ London [B. F. B. S.] ° I 1871. I [Psalms of David translated into Swahili.] i2mo; pp. 202. (Swahili) Stonelake, H. T. 553. Bi€la I biu \ batumatni \ Translated into the language of | * Monsembe | by H. T. Stonelake | Baptist Missionary Society | Monsembe | 1901. | [The Acts of the Apostles.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 92. (N'gala) 554. Nkalo ya lotuma. \ Based on | Free Church Catechism | by * kind permission. | Baptist Missionary Society | Monsembe | 1902 I [Words of asking.] (Bolobo.) Foolscap 8vo; pp. 17. {Ngala) Stover, Wesley M. 555. Observations \ upon the \ grammatical structure and use \ of * the 1 Umbundu \ or the \ language oj the inhabitants of \ Bailun- du and Bihe, \ and other countries of West Central Africa. \ By Rev. Wesley M. Stover, | Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. | 1885. I (Boston.) i6mo; pp.83. (Mbundu) Struyf 556. Langues et coutumes congolaises: litterature religieuse con- ° golaise. Missions Beiges de la Compagnie de Jesus. VIII 1906, pp. 295-301. (Kongo) Swan, Charles Albert 557. Notes on the Grammatical Construction of the Luba Language, ° as spoken at Garenganze, Central Africa. With brief vocabu- laries in Luba-English and English-Luba and six chapters in Luba from the Gospel of John. 1893. Ofl5ce of Echoes of Science: Bath. R. N. C. notices this in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1893), p. 416. (Luba) Swedish Missionary Society 558. Mina niiaminlongi. \ (Mina kwa minlongi mia S. M. S. mu | * Kongo miavangwa mi Yuni kia 25-29. 1899. | mu lukutu- kunu luamisioni.) | [Rules for teachers. Rules for teachers of the S. M. S. in Kongo, made in June 25-29, 1899 at the conference of the Mission.] 8vo; pp.6. {Kongo) 559. Minsamu miayenge \ nkanda wangonda wakifioti | tnvu wa * kumi ye zole \ 1892. | Swedish Missionary Society. | Etat Inde- pendant du Congo. | [Message of Peace. Monthly book in 78 Swedish Missionary Society — Continued Fioti. Year of ten and two (i.e., 92).] ^Monthly magazine begun in 1892 and still printed. Each volume 8vo; ranging from 132-154 pages. I lack 1892, 1893, 1894, 1902. (Kongo) 560. Nkanda \ ubadukidwanga tanga \ rmi \ Kifioti. \ S\Yedish Mis- * sionary Society, | Etat Independant du Congo. ] 1901. | [Book of the beginners to read in Fiote.] 8vo; pp. 24. (Kongo) Taylor, W. E. 561. African aphorisms; \ or, \ Saws from Swahili-Land. \ Collected, * translated and annotated | by the Rev. | W. E. Taylor, M.A. Oxon., F. R. G. S., I Missionary of the C. M. S. | With a pref- ace I by the Rev. | W. Salters Price, F. R. G. S., | Late Director of the C. M. S. Missions in East Africa, and founder of | Frere Town. I London: | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, I Northumberland Avenue, | 1891. | i6mo; pp. xi + (1)4-182. (Swahili) 562. Chuo cha marejezo | an \ Deuteronomio, \ macho ni \ chiio cha ° tano cha Musa. \ Kiswahili \ Kisauni: \ kimepigwa chap'a katika kwanda cha C. M. S. 1889. 8vo; pp.67. (Swahili) 563. Hiki ndicho chuo cha \ Infili \ ya \ Bwana wetu \ Jesu Masihi \ ° mwokosi I wetu \ Utungo wa kisawahili \ London: j British and Foreign Bible Society. | 1901. | Pp. 384. (Swahili) 564. Hivyo ndivyo vyuo vitano \ vya \ Zahuri \ Vimeletwa kisswahili j ° maneno yakwo yamelinganishwa na \ matamko ya asili: \ vimepigwa chap'a ni | British and Foreign Bible Society | London: 1904. | 16 mo; pp. 279. (Swahili) 565. Injili t'akatifii \ kama alivyoileta \ Johane. \ (Mombasa Version.) ° I [The Gospel according to St. John.] | London : | Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society. | 1897. | i6mo; pp. 95. (Swahili) 566. (Infili ya Luka. British and Foreign Bil)le Society. Lon- ° don. 1894.) 8vo; ])[). iii. Lithographed: in Arabic char- acter. (Swahili) 567. Infili I ya \ Mtakatifu Luka. \ Imeletwa | kwa | utongo | wa | ° Ki-swahili. | Imepigwa chap'a kwa gharama ea | British and Foreign Bible Society, | mji wa London | katika maaka 1892 wa kimasihiya. | [Gosy)el according to Luke. Translated into Swahili. Printed by the .... at London in the \ear of our lord 1892.] i6m(); ])]>. 126. This tentative edition of St. 79 Taylor, W. E. — Continued Luke in the Mombasa dialect is also published as a diglot with Giryama. (Swa/iili) 568. The Groundwork oj the Swahili language \ namely, the con- * cords; tabulated, exemplified, and illustrated \ for the use oj those learning Swahili in East Ajrica and elsewhere. \ By the Rev. W. E. Taylor, M. A., Oxon., F.R.G.S., | Exam. Chapl. in the Dioc. of E. Eq. Africa. | Author of African Aphorisms, Giryama Vocab., &c. | Price Two Shillings and Sixpence. | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | London: Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1898. | Chart, i 1. folding. {Swahili) Torrend, S. J. 569. Comparative grammar oj the South Ajrican Bantu languages ° comprising those oj Zanzibar, Mozambique, The Zamuesi, Kafirland, Benguela, Angola, The Congo, The Ogowe, the Cam- eroons, the Lake Regions, etc. London. 1891. Triibner and Co. 8vo; pp. 336. (Various) Tuckey, J. K. 570. Narrative oj an expedition \ to explore \ the river Zaire, \ * usually called the Congo, \ in South Ajrica, \ in 18 16, \ under the direction of | Captain J. K. Tuckey, R. N. | to which is added, I the Journal of Professor Smith ; | some general observations on the country | and its inhabitants; | and an appendix; | containing | the natural history of that part of the Kingdom of I Congo through which the Zaire flows. | Published by per- mission of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. | Lon- don: I John Murray, Albemarle-Street. | 1818. | 4to; pp. Ixxxii-f498. At pp. 391-399 are vocabularies of about five hundred words in Malemba, Embomma. (Kongo) Universities' Mission 571. English Primer | jor Swahili scholars | Kitabu cha kwanza | * cha kujifunza kiingereza. | (....) | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London: Northumberland Avenue, W. C. 1897. [First book for learning English.] i6mo; pp.30. (Swahili) 572. Kitabu cha | Agano Jipya \ la \ Bwana na mwokosi wetu \ ° Yesu Kristo. \ Kimefasirika katika maneno | ya kiyunani. | London: | British and Foreign Bible Society. | 1905. | [The 80 o ^ 3 en H rt 2 'i w ;2 > W >-) w o o o UJ Universities' Mission — Continued Book of the New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Translated into the language of Zanzibar.] 8vo; pp. 410. Revision of the New Testament by the missionaries of the Universities' Mission. (Swakili) 573. Masomo ya pili \ Swahili readings | collected from Arabic * stories j for use of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | London: Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1904 | [Second readings.] i6mo; pp. 62. {Suvhili) Ussel, A. R. 574. Petit grammaire de la langue fiote, dialecte dn Loango. Loango. ° 1888. 8vo; pp. 88. (Kongo) Various 575. Beele \ ya \ mungu \ Baptist Missionary Society, | Yakusu; | * Stanley Falls, | Congo Independent State. | 1905. | [Hymns of the church.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 102. (Kele) 576. Biku I bi I itio. \ Edwin Wade Printing Press, | Baptist Mis- * sionary Society. | Underbill. | Congo Free State. | 1888. | [Songs of the sellers — i.e. Bateke.] 8vo; pp. 11. 200 copies. (Teke) 577. Hymnhook. Bongandanga. (n.d.) i6mo; pp. (16) + (32) + (48). * Issued 16 pages at a time for Parts I, II, then 48 pages together. Somerville Gilchrist, Charles Bond, and Mr. Welch are the translators. There are 57 hymns; unsigned. (Ileku) 578. Hymnhook. Bonginda. (n.d.) (Bongandanga.) i2mo; pp. * (21). There are 28 hymns. Twelve are signed M. C. (Miss M. Cook), ten W. D. A(rmstrong.). Five are "native revised," one "native." (Lolo) 579. Hymns. 1893. (Lukolela.) Crown, p]). 14. (Foto) o 580. Kibangi Hymns. Underbill (before 1890). Pp. 5. 150 ° copies. {Bangi) 581. Kisi-Kongo Hymns. Underbill (before 1890). Pp. 48. ° 480 copies. " (Kongo) 582. Luna-Inkongo. \ Misambu. | Inkongo, Sankulu. | W. Witts, * Printer, Town Street, Bramley, Leeds. | 1905. | [Inkongo language. Hymns. Inkongo, Sankulu.] Crown 8vo; pp. 81 Various. — Coiilinncd 104. Out of seventy-seven hymns seventy are translations by W. H. Westcott (Mukyelenge Mule), three by L. U. West- cott (Kamanda), two by Mrs. W. H. Westcott (Madami Mule) and two by Mrs. L. U. Westcott (Madami Kamanda). (Kuba) 583. Minkunga \ miayenge \ miyimhulwanga \ mii zitisa Nzamhi. \ * Swedish Missionary Society. | 1896. | [Songs of peace, which are sung to praise God.] i6mo; pp. 284 + (i). {Kongo) 584. Minkunga \ miayenge \ miyimbulwanga \ mu zitisa Nzambi. \ * Ndietika yanzole. | Swedish Missionary Society. | 1905. | [Songs of peace, which are sung to praise God. Second edition.] {Kongo) 585. Mukanda \ wa \ misambu \ Luebo \ American Presbyterian * Mission Press | Congo Independent State. | 1902 | [Book of hymns.] 8vo; pp. 50. The hymns are signed with the native names of the white authors, as follows: Wm. Morrison = Kuonyi Nxila (13), H. P. Hawkins =Hakins (12), D.W.Snyder = Nganga Buku (11), Miss L. M. Thomas=Mama Tamas (9), W. H. Sheppard=Xepate (10), Mrs. May Snyder = Mama Nganga Buku (2), Miss Maria Fearing == Mama Feling (i), Mrs. G. W. Snyder =Bombaxam (i), Mrs. Lucy G. Shep- pard = Mama Xepate (i). {Luba) 586. Njembo. \ 1896 | Baptist Missionary Society. | Monsembe. | [Hymns.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. t,^. {Ngala) 587. Njembo ji akongo. \ Ngombe | Upoto | Baptist Missionary * Society | 1905 | [Hymns of praise.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 67. Forty of the hymns are by W. L. Forfeitt, twenty- eight by K. Smith, one by W. R. Kirby, and twelve by C. J. Dodds. One is by a native B. J. Mongomba. {Ngombe) 588. Njetnbo li Bonsambe. [Sacred hymns.] 1895. (Bolobo.) ° Demy8vo; pp. — . {Bangi) 589. Njembo lidenio. [New hymns.] 1897. (Bolobo.) {Bangi) o 590. Njembo. \ Monsembe: | Baptist Missionary Society. | 1900. | * [Hymns.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 79. J. H. Weeks wrote 30 of these hymns; W. H. Stapleton 23, C. J. Dodds 13, H. T. Stonelake 10. The native hymn writers are all Mon- sembe Bangala; Bondoko (5), Yoke (5), Buntungu (2), Ngwango, Mumpondele, Njika. {Ngala) 82 Various — Continued 591. Xjembo usiso. Lukolela. 1893. [More hymns.] Crown ° 8vo; pp. 80. (Bangi) 592. Xjembo \ ya | libanza \ Lifoto ] Upoto, | Baptist Missionary * Society. | 1905. ] [Hymns of praise.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 124. Of the 161 hymns 16 are by native converts — Malem- bi (7), Moniki (3), Anjolo (2), Ngbamba, Mangbaka, Likundu, Liminamina. The rest are by white missionaries as follows: W. L. Forfeitt (46), K. Smith (39), A. M. Forfeitt (28), W. R. Kirby (15), F. R. Oram (8), R. H. Kirby (5), C. J. Dodds (3). (Foto) 593. Xjembo ya nsimano \ mboka \ libanza \ Upoto | Baptist Mis- * sionary Society | 1900 ] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 65. (Foto) 594. Xkiinga I ye \ ngana: \ i nkanda miole \ mia \ luwaivanii luan- * ktdu. I Misekwelo muna Kikongo. | London: | Bible Translation Society, | 19 Furnival Street, E. C. | 1907. | [Songs and stories; book made up from the Old Testament. Translated into Kikongo.] i6mo; pp. 212. {Kongo) 595. Xkunga I Wathen B. M. S. | Ekongo Diangani | 1896 | [Hymns.] i6mo; pp. 257. (Kongo) 596. Xkunga I Wathen B. M. S. | Etat Independant du Congo | * 1904 I [Hymns.] i6mo; pp. (402). There are 381 numbers in the book, of which 90 are by native converts. Of those written by white missionaries 77 may be attributed to H. Ro.ss Phillips, 66 to R. H. C. Graham. Others as follows: H. M. Bentley (37), W. H. Bentley (35), G. E. Lewis (13), A. Mayo (8), T. J. Comber (8), W. Wooding (6), J. Bell (6), G. R. R. Cameron (6), J. R. Graham (4), J. H. Weeks (4), W. B. Frame (4), H. Dixon (3), M. A. Phillips (3), T. Lewis (2), R. L. Jennings (2), J. S. Bowskill (2) and Percy E. Comber (2). Others contributing one each are A. E. Scrivener, and Philip Davies. There are 28 native hymn. writers represented. Most of these are from San Salvador, six are from near Wathen, one is from Kameruns, one is from the Upper Congo and one from near Noki, The San Salvador names are Nekaka (22), Diakenga (8), Nkanu (7), Diamanama (6), Nlemvo (5), Lotutala (4), Nlekai (4), Mantu Parkinson (4), Nsunda (2), Lufiaulwisa (2), Diakatula (2), Bukusu, Nkinsenda, Toko, Nlandu, Elembe, Kalendenda, Matata, Kinsengwa. The Wathen 83 Various — Continued native hymners are Richards Mansemde (4), Mponge Lutete (2), Mpomba Ponde, Mbandila, Wabiakana, Luswa. Lusalaor Lusala Kavundi (3) is a Noki man. Balute N. Kayembe (2) is a native of the High Congo country, up toward Nyangwe. Ebokea is a Kameruns man. (Kongo) 597. Nkunga miampa. \ [More hymns.] Fragment, beginning with * No. 73. i6mo; pp. 16. {Kongo) 598. Nsaii ya nzakomba. [Hymns of God.] 1901. (Bolobo.) ° Crown 8vo; pp. — . (Mongo) 599. Nyimbo na himdi zitumikazo | katika ihada ya Mwenyiezi \ * m'ngu I Misikitini na majumhani \ (A Hymnbook for Mombasa and | SwahiH-land) | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | London. Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1902. I [Songs and hymns used during worship of Almighty God.] i6mo; pp. x + 11-448. (Su'ahili) 600. Nyimho za dini. | So | li | Deo | Gl | or | ia | Printed at the Uni- * versities' Mission Press | Zanzibar | 1888. | [Hymns of worship.] i2mo; pp. 225 + (19). (Swahili) 601. Nyimbo za mwokozi wetii \ aliyeweke, Jesu Masihi \ na * panibio zakwe zizo nyimbo. \ A Mission Hymnbook for Mom- basa I and Swahili-land. | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, | London: Northumberland Avenue, W. C. | 1897. I [Hymns of a saviour, Jesus, he who is only Messiah.] i6mo; pp. X + 120. {Swahili) 602. Nzembo. [Hymns.] 1892. (Bolobo.) pp. — . (Bandi) o 603. Nzembo \ li | bonyambe. j Bolobo: | Baptist Missionary Society. * I 1900. I [Hymns of God.] i6mo; pp. P + 286. The hymns are signed with native names, many of which are, however, names of the white missionaries. Thus 183 hymns are signed Nkasa = J. Whitehead; 73 are by Ekanda, A. E. Scrivener; 12 by Eziba, J. A. Clark; 5 by Mama Bonkanya, Mrs. Christopher; 4 by Bonkanya, Mr. Christopher; 4 by iVIama Nkasa, Mrs. WTiite- head; 2 by Eyoka, C. E. Glenesk; 2 by Ebaka,Mr. Darby ;etc. Most of the rest are by native converts. Lusala and Nkosi are from the Portuguese Congo, the former wrote five, the latter one hymn. Ntetela (3), and Ntoni (2) are from Ngombe- Lutete, Wathen, and are Bakongo. Lokongi (2), Nagmenoni, 84 Various — Continued Moiikaka, Lobungibwendo, Ngamakala, Mompolenge, Mam- bula, Ngoi, Tomakula and Lokuli are Bobangi. Balele is from the district of Stanley Falls, IVIawango from Basoko and Bungudi is a Bombuna. All the hymns are in Bobangi. These native hymn writers were usually aided by white mission- aries. {Bangi) 604. Nzembo \ li \ Bonyambe | Baptist Missionary Society | Bolobo * Mission | Upper Congo River j 1905 j [Sacred hymns.] i6mo; pp. u + (i)+383. {Bangi) Anonymous 605. Swahili Hymnhook \ in Arabic character \ London | Society * for Promoting Christian Knowledge | 1898 | i6mo; pp. 140 + (4)- (Swahili) Velten, C. 606. Desturi za WasuaJieli na khabari za desturl za sheria za Wasua- ° lieli. Gottingen. 1903. Verlag von Vandenhoeck und Ru- precht. i6mo; pp. 364. Swahili edition of Sitten und Ge- brauche der Suaheli. {Swahili) 607. Grammatik und Worterbnch des Kinyamuesi. Gottingen. ° 1 901. Verlag von Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. i6mo; pp. 302. (Nyamwezi) 608. Mdrchen und Erzdhlungen der Suaheli. Stuttgart. 1898. ° 8vo; pp. 264 + 168. {Swahili) 609. Praktische Anleitung zur Erlernung der Schrijt der Suaheli. ° Gottingen. 1901. i6mo; pj). 105. {Swahili) 610. Praktische Suaheli-Grammatik. Nebst einem Deutsch-Suaheli ° Worterverzeichnis. Berlin. 1904. 8vo; pp. 308. Second edition. Berlin. 1905. Verlag von W. Baensch, Ritterstr. 71. 8vo; pp. 388. {Swahili) 611. Prose und Poesie \ der \ Suaheli \ von | Prof. Dr. C. Velten | * Professor fUr Suaheli am Seminar fiir oricntalische Sprachen I der Friedrich Wilhelms-Universitat, Berlin | Berlin 1907 | Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers. | Durch den verfasser, Berlin, Dorotheenstr. 6, zu beziehen. | i6mo ; pp.vii + (i) +44^. {Swahili) 612. Sajari zu Wasiuiheli. Gottingen. 1901. Verlag von Vanden- ° hoeck und Ruprecht. 8mo; ])p. 282. The Swahili edition of Reiseschilderungcn der Suaheli von Expeditionen von Wissmanns, Graf von Gotzens u. a. {Swahili) 85 Verner, S. P. 613. Mukanda wa chiluha \ Mikanda wa cinina \ ne \ bwalu bwa fidi * mukulo I S. P. Verner | American Presbyterian Missionary | Printed by | Spottiswood and Co., New Street Square, London I 1899 I [Baluba book. Book of teaching and talk of God.] 8vo; pp. 24. (Luba) Visseq, Alexandre 614. Dictiomiaire fiot | on \ dictionnaire de la langue du Congo \ * par I Le R. P. Alexandre Visseq | de la Congregation du Saint- Esprit et du Saint-Coeur de Marie | Domine adjuva nos. |(Cz//)| Paris, Maison-Mere, Rue Lhomond, 30 | 1889 | i6mo; pp. iv + 156. (Kongo) 615. Dictionnaire jrangais-jiote (dialect Sorongo) Paris, 1889. 8vo; ° pp. 156. (Kongo) 616. Grammaire fiote ou grammaire de la langue du Congo. Paris, ° 1889. Maison-mere de la Congregation du Saint-Esprit. i8mo; pp. 64. Grammaire fiote (dialect Sorongo, spoken at St. Antonio). (Kongo) 617. Dictionnaire \ fiot-frangais \ par | Le R. P. Alexandre Visseq [ * de la Congregation du Saint-Esprit et du Saint-Coeur de Marie | Domine adjuva nos. | (Ctit) \ Pans, Maison-mere, Rue Lhomond, 30 ] 1890 | i6mo; pp. 211 +(i). (Dialect of So- rongo.) (Kongo) Wahis, Baron 618. Kimjumu kiakimpwanza kia Kongo] \ nsikudukusu. \ [Laws * of the Free State of Kongo.] (Swedish Missionary Society, Matadi.) 1906. i p. broadside. (Kongo) Walfridsson, K. S. 619. Minkunga mia Davidi \ miasekulwa mu Kifioti | kwa ] K. S. * Walfridsson | ye | miasungukwa kwa | R. W n. | Swedish Missionary Society | Etat Independ. du Congo. | (Stockholm; 1898.) [Songs of David translated into Fioti by K. S. Wal- fridsson and corrected by R. W n.] i6mo; pp. 146. (Kongo) Walfridsson, R. 620. Nkanda \ wantualumunu \ tilonguktdwanga \ tualumuna * tanga. \ Wakubukwa | kwa | R. Walfridsson. | Swedish Mission- ary Society, | Etat Endep. du Congo. | (1900.) [Advanced reading book. Written by R. Walfridsson.] i6mo; pp. 70. (Kongo) 86 Wallis, F. A. 621. Kiitoka. I Kitahu cha pili \ chaMusa. \ London: | Printed for ° the British and Foreign Bible Society. | Queen Victoria Street. I 1886. I [Exodus. The second Book of Moses.] 8vo; pp.61. Revised edition. Not actually published until 1887. Re- printed in 1 89 1. (Swahili) Weeks, John H. 622. (Some (38) Psalms. Underbill before 1890.) Pp. 36. ° 450 copies. (Kongo) 623. / Hsangu zamhote \ zasonekwa kwa \ Matai. \ Zasekuhva muna * Kixi-Kongo kwa | John H. Weeks. | Edwin Wade Printing Press, I Baptist Missionary Society, | Underbill, | Congo Free State. I 1889 I [The good news written by Matthew. Trans- lated into Kisi-Kongo by John H. Weeks.] 500 copies. i6mo; pp. 102. (Kongo) 624. Ja-holoki. I Mahanza moko \ ma \ Boloki \ manganina JohnH. * Weeks | Monsembe | Baptist Missionary Society | 1900 | [Boloki language. Some stories of Boloki, gathered by John H. Weeks.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 85. (Xgala) 625. Ja-bonsemhi. \ Monkanda \ molo \ tanga I bo. I 1892. I Monsembi. | [Language of Monsembi. First reading book.] (Lukolela). Crown 8vo; pp. 18. (Ngala) 626. Ja-boloki. I Monkanda \ mwa \ lotanga * I mwa mibale \ 1900. | Monsembe | [Boloki language. Second reading- book.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 32. (Ngala) 627. Mabanza \ ma | Monsembe. \ 1894 | Baptist Missionary Society, | Monsembe. | [Monsembe Stories.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 43. (Ngala) 628. Miketo I mia \ bikulu betanu. \ Prepared by John H. Weeks. | Monsembe: | Baptist Missionary Society, | 1899. | [Doings of five countries.] (Bolobo.) Demy 8vo; pp. 64. (Ngala) 629. Mikulu I na \ biela \ bia \ monanga Jizu Masiya \ Translated by * John H. Weeks | Monsembe | Baptist Missionary Society | 1900. I [Parables and words of the Lord Jesus Messiah.] (Bolobo.) Demy 8vo; pj). 55. (Ngala) 87 John H. Weeks Weeks, John H. — Continued 630. Monkanda mwa litangi niwa lihali [Second reading book.] ° (Lukolela.) Crown 8vo; pp. 32. {Ngala) 631. Nsango ndaii \ iyakomaka \ Luhi. \ Ibongwani o likoli ja * Boloki (Bangala) na | John H. Weeks | Baptist Missionary Society | Monsembe. | 1901. | [Gospel according to Luke. Translated into the language of the Boloki by] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 92. , (Ngala) 632. Nsango ndati \ iyakomaka \ Malako j ibongwani o likolo ja * Boloki (Bangala) na | John H. Weeks | Baptist Missionary Society | Monsembe | 1904 | [The Gospel according to Mark translated into Boloki (Ngala) by John H. Weeks.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp 53. (N'gala) 633. Nsango ndau \ iyakomaka \ Matai | ibongwani o likoli ja * Boloki (Bangala) na | John H. Weeks | Baptist Missionary Society | Monsembe | 1902 | [The Gospel according to Matthew translated into Boloki (Bangala) by John H. Weeks.] (Bolo- bo.) Crown Svo; pp. 85. {Ngala) 634. Nsango ndau \ iyakomaka \ Yoane \ Ibongwani o likoli ja * Boloki (Bangala) na | John H. Weeks | Baptist Missionary Society | Monsembe | 1904 | [The Gospel according to John, translated into Boloki (Ngala) by John H. Weeks.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 68. (Ngala) 635. Yoko mpo ya Libanza, \ mpe ya \ Jizu Masiya. \ 1895 | Baptist Missionary Society, | Monsembe. | [Some palavers of God and Jesus Messiah.] (Bolobo.) Demy 8vo; pp. 34. (Ngala) 636. Yoko mpo ya Libanza. \ Njembn: \ 1893. | Monsembi ] [Some palavers of God. Hymns.] (Lukolela.) 8vo; pp. 2)3- (Ngala) 637. Monkanda \ mwa \ lotanga \ mwa \ bo. \ 1896 | Monsembi. | * [First reading book.] (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 18. (Ngala) Welles, E. T. 638. Nkanda wazintalu. \ Wasekulua muna Kikongo ] kua | E. T. * Welles. I W^anietukua mu | Albanza Manteke | Kongo. | 1898. I [Numbers book (Arithmetic). Translated into the Kongo language by E. T. Welles. Printed at Mbanza Manteke, Kongo.] i6mo; pp. 70. (Kongo) Welles, E. T., and Leslie, W. H. 639. Yinkidu ya luwawami luanktdii. Yasekulua kua Rev. E. T. * Welles. 1902. Yasekulua kua Dokuta W. H. Leslie. 1905. Yinkulu ya Esi Yudio yina vakati kua luwawana luankulu ye luamona. Yasekulua kua Dokuta W. H. Leslie. [Old Testa- ment History. Translated by Rev. E. T. Welles. Translated by Dr. W. H. Leslie. History of the Jewish people during the period of the Old and New Testaments.] 1902. Pp. 1-80; 1905, pp. 81-160; 1906, pp. — . (Kongo) Westcott, W. H. 640. Luna-Inkongo. \ Dibukii dia Buxi \ dm \ Bilela, yi Meyi j a | * Bena Inkongo. \ Inkongo, Sankulu. | Wm. Witts, Printer, Bramley, Leeds, j 1906. j [Inkongo language. First book. . . . . ] i6mo; pp. 32. (Kuba) 641. (Luna Inkongo. \ Dibukii diamubidi \ dia \ Bena Sikidu \ ba * ku I Inkongo. \ Inkongo, Sankulu. | 1906.) | Dikangito dia malo I eyeyebwa mu j mukanda a Ncembi. | Diakafundibwa kudi I Mukyelengi Mule. | (W. H. Westcott) | 1906. | William Witts, Printer, Bramley, Leeds. | [Inkongo langviage. Second book. Skeleton of subjects which are learned from the book of God. Written by Mukyelengi :Mule (W. H. Westcott).] i6mo; pp. 49. {Kttba) 642. Luna-Inkongo. \ Losangu lunengela \ Iwakajiindibwa \ kudi \ * Mateyo. \ Inkongo, Sankulu. | W. Witts, Printer, Bramley, Leeds. \ 1905. | [Inkongo language. The Gospel according to ]Matthew. Inkongo, Sankulu.] Crown 8vo; pp. 88. {Kiiba) 643. Luna-Inkongo. \ Makisa a \ Batumibwi \ Inkongo, Sankulu. j * W. Witts, Printer, Bramley, Leeds. | 1906. | [Inkongo lan- guage. Acts of the Apostles. Inkongo, Sankulu.] Crown 8vo; pp. 189. (The three Ej)istles of John are included in this, at the end. This matter is Ijoiind u]) in one volume with Mr. Westcott's Matthew, the whole forming a second edition of two works at first issued independently.) (Kuba) 644. Luna-Inkongo. \ Mambi a | sosolwo. \ Inkongo, Sankulu. j * William Witts, Printer, Bramley, Leeds. | 1902. | [Inkongo language. True stories.] i6mo; pj). 5-27. (Kuba) 89 Westlind, Nils 645. Grammatikaliska anmdrkningar \ ojvei- Kongosprdket \ sddant * det talas i mellersta delen aj den \ nedre Kongodalen \ utarbetade j af I Nils Westlind. | (Mukimbungu. 1888.) 8vo; pp. 399. (Kongo) 646. Luwawanu hiamona \ luasekulwa mu * Kifioti I kwa | N. Westlind. | Swedish Missionary .Society, | Etat Independant du Congo I 1897 I [New Testament translated into Kifioti by N. Westlind.] i6mo; pp. 507 + 146. {Kongo) 647. Minkanda \ miazintumwa. \ Miasekulwa * mu I Kifioti | kwa | N. Westlind | Mu- kimbungu 1 89 1. I [Epistles of the Apostles. Translated into Kifioti by N. Westlind.] Sq. i6mo; pp. 392. (Kongo) 648. Minsamii miankaka \ mialu wawanu \ luankulu ye luamona \ * miakubukwa | kwa | N. Westlind. | Ndietukwa yantatu. | Swedish Missionary Society, | Congo. | (1897.) [Some stories of the Old and New Testaments. Arranged by N. Westlind. Third edition.] i6mo; pp. 141. (Kongo) N. Westlind Whitehead, John and L. F. 649. A method oj transliteration \ oj the \ Proper Names of scripture * I into I Congo languages | by John and L. F. AMiitehead | Baptist Missionary Society | Lukolela | 1903. | i6mo; pp. 138. (Various) Whitehead, John 650. Bambe masiya \ mpe na \ masiya e hango \ B. IM. S. | Lukolela * I 1904 I [Christians and their Christ.] 32mo; pp.44. (Bangi) Bibo hi batu ba yambo. II. [Stories of the first people, II.] Lukolela. (1894-95 ?) Crown 8vo; pp. — . (Bangi) Grammar and dictionary 0} the \ Bobangi language \ as spoken over a part of the Upper Congo \ West Central Africa \ Compiled and prepared for the Baptist Missionary | Society's Mission in the Congo Independent State | by John WTiitehead I Missionary of the Baptist Missionary Society | on the Upper Congo I London | Published by the Baptist Missionary Society I 19 Fumival Street, Holborn, E. C. | and | Kegan Paul, 90 651. o 652. * 654- 65: 656. o 657. o John Whitehead Lukolela. (1895?) (Bangi) Whitehead, John — Coutinued Trench, Triibner & Co., Ltd., | Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, \V. C. | 1899. | i6mo; pp. xxi+499. {Bangi) 653. Lohondela lo teyaki Jisu Masiya. [The Prayer which Jesus ° Messiah taught.] Lukolela. (1894) Card: p. i, 15X20 inches. (Bungi) Lord's Prayer in four languages. (Lukolela. 1894.) 12X8 inches. {Various) Luka. [Luke.] Lukolela. 1895. Demy 8vo; pp. — . (Bangi) Malako. [Mark.] Lukolela, 1895. Demy 8vo; pp. — . (Bangi) Manibi ma bolukaka. Bolobo, 1900. Crown i6mo; pp. — . (Bangi) Whitehead, Mrs. J. 658. Manibi ma mitiiya. [Precious stories.] ° Crown 8vo; pp. — . Whitehead, John 659. Mambi momo mama Nyambe na nzembo zozo. [Some words of * God and some hymns.] (Lukolela.) 24mo; pp. 22. (Mpama) Matula I ebo embe ombe Masiya bakongo \ elengibwa | na | Nkasa | kum'o monkana mosonibwi o lokota lo | ngelesa na moteyi moko ombe Matula. | Rev. J. Bell. | Baptist Missionary Society | Lukolela | Haut Congo | 1905. | [Matula, a story of a Kongo christian arranged by J. WTiitehead, from a book written in the English language by a teacher of Matula.] 32mo; pp. 118. (Bangi) Mobembo \ mo \ mobembi \ liloto likosinginya mambi ma Moye- koli Ncango ndamu \ co na Mobombo mo bembi Molo nolongxv'o I etuk'e nee nobiV ekang'e likolo \ lisonibwi na \ Yoane Biinyana \ lizengwibwi na j Kwasa. | Baptist Missionary Society | Bolobo 1 1904. I 8v(); ])]). 156. (Bangi) Mobembo mo mobembi [The journey of the Pilgrims.] Luko- lela. (1895?) Crown 4to; pp. — . (Bangi) Monkana \ mo | boso \ mo | langa. \ 1895. | Baptist Missionary Society, | Lukolela. | [First reading book.] Demy Svo; jjp. 66. (Bangi) 91 660. * 661. * 662. o 663. * 665. Monkana * Society. PP- 32- 666. Monkana * Society pp. 32. Whitehead, John — Contivued 664. Monkana mo boso mo tanga. Bolobo. 1902. [First reading ° book.] Crown 8vo. (Bangi) I iHo I hoso I mo 1 tanga. j 1904. | Baptist Missionary Bolobo. I [First book of reading.] Crown 8vo; (Bangi) mo I mibale \ mo \ tanga \ 1903 | Baptist Missionary Bolobo. I [Second book of reading.] Crown 8vo; (Bangi) 667. Ncango ndamu lisonihwi na \ Matayo \ [Gospel according to * Matthew.] (n.l. n.d.) (Bolobo.) i6mo; pp. 50. (Bangi) 668. Njemhi i lokonda. Lukolela, 1894. (Mpama) 669. Nzemho litemu \ li bonyambe. j Bolobo. | [New hymns to God,] * (n.d.) i6mo; pp. 12. (Bangi) 670. Yoane. [John.] Lukolela, 1896. Demy8vo; pp. — . ° (Bangi) Vhitehead, John, and Clark, J. A. 671. Ncangu ndamu lisonibwaki na Malako. [The Gospel according ° to Mark.] Lukolela. Crown 8vo; pp. — . (Bangi) Whitehead, John, and Scrivener, A. E. 672. Nsango ndamu \ II \ Jesu Masiya. \ [The Gospel of Jesus, * Messiah.] The Four Gospels continuously paged, (n.d. n.l.) (Bolobo.) Crown 8vo; pp. 177. (Bangi) Whitman, Mrs. 673. Un I petit 1 cours \ de \ Frangais | Imprimerie, B. M. S., | * Bolobo, I Haut Congo. | 1904. j Demy 8vo; pp. 28. Mrs. Whitman's mother was a native, her father a Portuguese. (Ntumba) Withey, H. C. 674. Kimbundu Hymns. New York, 1901. 8vo; pp. 125. ° (Mbundu) Wolf, Ludwig 675. Im innern Ajrikas. \ Die Erforschung des Kassai | wahrend * der Jahre ^883, 1884 und 1885. | Von | Hermann von Wiss- mann, | Ludwig Wolf, Curt von Francois, Hans Mueller. | Zweite verbesserte Auflage. | Mit einem Titelbild, iiber 100 Abbildungen und 3 Karten. | Leipzig: | F. A. Brockhaus.| 1891.I 8vo; pp. xxi+461. App. vii Linguistisches, pp. 444-49. (Luba, Tua) 92 Wolf, Ludwig — Continued 676. Linguistische Verglekhting dcr Baluba-Bakuba- 11. Batiia- * sprache. Verhand. der Berliner anthropologischen Gesellschaft. 1886. Pp. 733-38. (Luba, Kuba, Tun) Wulfers, Laur 677. Hadisi tahatiju \ kwa | Dr. I. Schuster. | Traduite de I'Alle- * mand par les prctres | du Sacre-Coeur | Avec I'approbation de Monseigneur I'archevcque de Fribourg. | Fribourg en Brisgau. 1903. I B. Herder, Editeur pontifical. | [Sacred History.] i6mo; pp. vii + (i)+88. (Swahili) 678. Mwezi "wa Marin, \ mama yetu. \ Par les pretres du Sacre-Coeur, * ^lission des Falls. | B. Kiihlen, M. Bladback. (1903.) | Mwezi wa Moyo | wa Yesu. | Par les Pretres du Sacre-Coeur ] Mission des Falls. | B. Kuhlen, M. Bladbach. [Month of Mary, our Mother. Month of the heart of Jesus.] i2mo; 604-40. {Swahili) 93 INDEX LANGUAGES REPRESENTED D. = Dictionary; G.= Grammar; G. N.= Grammatical Note; S.= Schoolbook; T. = Text; V- Vocabulary. The numbers refer to title-numbers, not to pages. Baxgi (Kibangi, Bobangi, Bayansi, Yansi): D. 652; G. 356, 490, 652; S. 217, 230, 466, 472, 658, 660, 663, 664, 665, 666; T. 30, 44, 124, 125, 126, 186, 187, 188, 284, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 580, 588, 589, 591, 602, 603, 604, 650, 651, 653, 655, 656, 657, 659, 661, 662, 667, 669, 670, 671, 672; V. 315, 332, 353, 489. Barambo (Abarambo): G. N. 377. BuMA (Babuma) : V. 315. FOTO (Upoto, Bopoto, Lifoto): S. 253, 254, 258, 389; T. 58, 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 257, 318, 388, 496, 497> 579, 592, 593- Guha: V. 331. Ileku (Eleko): S. 269, 270; T. 141, 268, 577. Kele (Lokele): S. 365, 366, 367, 499; T. 317. 3(>3, 368, 369, 498, 500, 501, 508, 509, 513, 515, 516, 575. Kongo (Bakongo, Kikongo, Fyort, Fiot, Fiote, etc.): D. 16, 41, 152, 211, 447, 614, 615, 617; G. 17, 18, 104, 105, 123, 148, 149, 170, 223, 277, 278, 448, 574, 616, 645; G. N. 98, 112, 117, 136, 205, 219, 267, 385, 403, 556; S. 4, 14, i5> 65, 66, 74, 103, 116, 120, 121, 163, 203, 262, 306, 307, 328, 329, 330, 339, 340, 559, 560, 620, 638; T. 27, 28, 29, 46, 61, 67, 73, 106, 107, 108, 109, no, III, 113, 114. ii5> 118, 119, 151, 162, 169, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, 265, 272, 273, 279, 280, 288, 308, 309, 327. 333y 334, 335. 336, 337, 338, 341, 342, 382, 383. 384, 397> 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 4^8, 419, 420, 421, 422, 504, 558, 581, 583, 584, 594, 595, 596, 597- 6j8, 619, 622, 623, 639, 646, 647, 648; V. 97, 122, 210, 229, 311, 315, 332, 362, 453, 570. KuBA (Bakuba): G. N. 676; S. 147' 640, 644; T. 582, 641, 642, 643. KuMU (Bakumu): V. 505. LOLO (Balolo): V. 238, 283, 578. LuBA (Baluba): D. 371; G. 199, 200, 201, 202; G. N., 160, 310, 557, 675, 676; S. 373, 374, 375; T. 287, 372, 376, 585, 613- Lulema: V. 485. Mbundu (Umbundu, Bunda, Angolan): D. 167, 208, 502; G. 165, 166, 174, 178, 224, 226, 395, 503; G. N. 100, 172, 176, 225, 555; S. 177, 207; T. 57, 175, 179, 180, 181, 209, 390, 391, 392, 393, 674, V. 118, 182, 198, 227, 229, 344, 452. MOMBUTTU (Mangbettu): G. N. 316, 377; V. 505. MoNGO (Bamongo): G. 435, 436; S. 430; T. 142, 143, 144, 145, 286, 332, 355, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 438, 439. 440, 598. Mpama: T. 659, 668. NoALA (Bangala): G. 135, 161, 507, 519, 520; G. N. 138; S. 133, 134, 228, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 630, 637; T. 71, 132, 139, 140, 423, 5". 517. 518, 553, 554, 586, 590, 629, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 637; V. 137, 332- Ngombe: S. 494, 495; T. 246, 492, 493, 587- Ngoni: G. N. 239. Nkundu: G. 356; S. 93, 282, 358; T. 10, 92, 94, 95, 96, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 241, 242, 281, 285, 357. Ntumba: G. N. 673; T. 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197. Nyamwezi: V. 331. Nyuema (Manyuema) : V. 331. 95 Ragga (Baragga, Waragga): V. 331, 505- RUA (Warua): V. 164, 331. ScHiLANGE (Baschilange) : V. 216, 353. SwAHiLi (Swaheli, Suaheli, Kiswaheli, etc.): D. 16, 41, 152, 159, 211, 221, 231, 322, 347. 3470. 350. 442; G. 155, 218, 222, 343 (Gujerati), 351, 404, 405, 451. 480, 481, 482, 521, 538, 568, 607, 609, 610; G. N. 6, 70, 153, 154, 157. 158. 244, 266, 385, 403, 556, 611; S. 5, 7, 13, 20, 21, 23, 51, 52, 53, 72, 75, 80, 82, 85, 349, 364, 441, 444, 445. 571. 573; T. I, 3 (Arabic), 8, 9, II, 12, 22, 24, 25, 26, 31, 32, 3^, 34, 35. 36, 37. 38, 39, 40, 42, 43. 45, 47, 48, 49, 50. 54, 55, 56, 59. 60, 62, 63, 64, 68, 69, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 102, 215, 240 (Arabic), 275. 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304. 305. 3^3' 314. 325. 352, 3^3, 394, 406, 407, 446, 512, 514, 522, 523. 524. 525. 526, 527. 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533. 534, 535, 536, 537, 539, 541, 542, 543,' 544, 545, 546, 547. 548, 549. 550. 551. 552, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566 (Arabic), 567, 572, 599, 600, 601, 605, (Arabic), 606, 608, 612, 621. 677, 678; V. 19, 86, 326, 331, 332, 348, 354, 370, 380, 449, 450, 483, 491. Tabwa: D. 2; G. 220. . Teke (Bateke, Batio): S. 127, 130; T. 128, 129, 484, 576; V. 315, 353, 486, 487, 488. TuA (Batua, Watwa, etc.,) and other pygmies: G. N. 675, 676; V. 505. Z.A.NDEH (Azandeh, Asandeh, Niam- Niam): G. 204, 316; G. N. 377, 456: V. 396, 505- Bantu: D. 345; G. 156, 346, 569; G. N. 271, 274, 276, 320, 321, 359, 387. 443; V. 173. General (African): G. N. 183, 184, 185, 361, 455. Kaffir: G. 91. Various: G. 131, 510; G. N. 150, 206, 212, 213, 214, 312, 316, 360, 377, 378, 454. 649; T. 654; V. 99, loi, 171, 243. 315. 319, 331, 332, 386, 505, 506. CHIEF PRESSES AND THEIR OUTPUT American Baptist Missionary Union: 334, 383. 410, 419, 422, 484. Baptist Missionary Society: Friends of the Congregational Church at Bromley, Kent, supplied a press and outfit. Later Josiah Wade of Halifax presented two presses: 1891: "Hannah Wade Press," of which Mr. A. E. Scrivener was placed in charge. At first at Luko- lela, it was removed to Bolobo in 1895. : "Edwin Wade Press," at first at Underbill, later at San Salva- dor. Since the "Hannah Wade Press" was removed to Bolobo, Mr. White- head has conducted a personal print- ing establishment at Lukolela, which turns out an excellent quality of work. Another Mission Press of the B. M. S. is located at Wathen, in connection with the great boarding school estab- lished by Mr. Bentley. The early issues of these presses were small — a few hundred copies. Many of their recent books for use in schools on the Upper Congo are printed in editions of four, five, or six thousand copies. Many title-pages bear local names (Monsembe, Upoto, Yakusu), although the books were actually printed at Bolobo. -London: 107, 162, 318. -Bolobo: 30, 44, 58, 94, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 186, 188, 189, 100, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 206, 228, 230, 237, 241, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251. 252, 253, 254, 25s, 256, 257, 258, 264, 269, 270, 281, 284, 358, 363, 364, 365. 367. 368, 369. 424, 425, 426, 457. 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473. 474, 475. 476, 477, 478. 492, 493. 494. 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 501, 507, 508, 509. 511, 512, 514. 515. 516, 517. 518, 519, 520, 553, 554, 575, 586, 587, 588, 589. 590, 592, 593. 598. 602, 603, 604, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 637, 657, 661, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 672, 673. -Lukolela: 10, 67, 92, 93, 95, 187, 282, 285, 357, 388, 389, 579, 591, 630, 636, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 658, 659, 660, 662, 663, 668, 670, 671. -San Salvador: 65, 272, 273, 339, 340, 397, 399, 402. 96 L'liderhill: 41, 106, 217, 342, 401, 48S, 576, 5S0, 581, 622, 623. — Watheii: 74, loS, 109, no, in, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 163, 219, 400, 595, 596- Bible Translation Society: 113, 317- 594- British and Foreign Bible Society: 3- 9. 36, 59, 88, 114, 115, 144, 145, 179, 180, 181, 240, 286, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 313, 314, 327. 352, 394, 407, 431, 437, 438, 439, 504, 522, 524, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 53^, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 55°, 551, 552, 563, 564, 565, 566 (Arabic), 567, 572, 621. CoNGO-BoLOLO Mission: The local press of this mission is located at Bongandanga and is under the direc- tion of Rev. Horace S. Gammon. His native force comprises five com- positors and four bookbinders. Be- sides the texts in native languages, this press issues a quarterly magazine. The Congo-Bololo Missionary Record. Mr. Gammon is the editor. In addi- tion to the works issued at Bongan- danga, we include in this list all issues associated with the work of Harley House in London: 14, 98, 103, 141, 142, 143, 196, 197, 211, 238, 242, 263, 265, 268, 278, 280, 283, 355, 356, 416, 427, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 44°, 485, 489, 577, 578. Foreign Christian Missionary So- ciety: This latest established of the mission presses in the Congo Free Stale is located at Bolengi, and has begun operations since our visit there in 1906: 232, 233, 235, 236. J. Leighto.v Wilson Press: Located at Luebo; is the property of the American Prcsbvterian Missionary Society: 147, 287, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 585- At MB.A.NZA Maxteke: For years past, a press under direction of Rev. Henry Richards has done much printing for the use of the .\merican Baptist Missionary Union: 203, 259, 260, 261, 288, 335, 336, 337, 338, 408, 409, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 418, 420, 421, 638, 639. Nouvelle-Anvers: In connection with the work of the Catholic Mission at this place, the sisters conduct a printing establishment: 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 423. Religious Tract Society: 118, 119, 341, 384, 398- Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge: 20, 21, 23, 38, 39, 40, 43, 47, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 62, 63, 75, 76, 77, 82, 85, 331, 348, 349, 406, 483, 521, 538, 539, 561, 568, 571, 573, 599, 601, 605. Swedish Missionary Society: .\t headquarters just below Matadi this society has one of the most extensive and best equipped presses in Africa, The former native foreman, now dead, is said to have been the best native printer in the Congo Free State. The only magazine in a native language, within the Hmits of the State, to have more than an ephemeral existence, is the monthly issued here: 46, 66, 205, 328, 329, zio^ :-,2>h 408, 558, 559, 560, 583, 584, 618, 620, 645, 646, 647, 648. The Universities' Mission Press, Z.anzibar: 6, S, 22, 24, 25, 26, 31, 32, 7,3^ 34, 37, 42, 48, 52, 60, 64, 68, 83, 87, 89, 90, 102, 600. Many of the Zanzibar titles, not specifically referred to this press in our list, through insufticient data, no doubt should be attributed to it. 97 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. RENEWAL MAR REc1«(iKAJ|c^l97e ; 1 [^a t 3 . . 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