UC-NRLF $B 75T t.17 ,ND SUCCEEDING DAYS. AT THREE O'CLOCK. F 116 .1 03 E,B CATALOGUE OF inr; LIBRARY OF TIIK I.ATK . O'Callaghan, M.D„ D, THE HISTORIAN OF NEW YORK, Extrcuiehj Rick in Kavhj .Xew York Histury and rare ..lii/< ric^ma, f:Mr,HAi iN<;, amoxo otiieks, VAN DEK DONKS NEW NETTTERLAND, 1(355; 1)E VHIES- VOYAGES, Ui55: PTOLEMY'S GLOGEAPHY, L-)52; WYTFLEET, KAMUSIO, SAGARD: BELLOMONT'S PROPOSITION. N. Y. : Bradkoud, IC.ilS; BISHOPS NEW ENGLAND. JIDGED: SMITH'S AND BURK'S VIRGINIA; (•A>n^VNIUS; CHAMPLAINS VOY GES; CHARLEVOIX; CORTES, 15:}2 AND 1550; CREUXIUS' HIST. CANADENSIS, 16G4; DARIEN TRACTS. 18 Vols.: HAY^WOODS TENNESSEE; LE CLERCQ'S (L\SPESIE; MANY HENNEPINS; BRESSANI; Thirty-onk of THE ORiGrNAi/ JESUIT RELATIONS: BARAGA'S INDIAN DICTIONARY; ELIOT'S INDIAN BIBLE, ANU MANY Works in In niAN Languages, BIBLIOGRAPHY, A Large AND Fink Collection of TUArTS. l'ri;i,isiiKi) Before and DFRINO the RKVOLUTION; CoLl.KcrioXS AM) Pko( KKDLM- OF ALL THE LeADIN.J HISTORICAL SOCIETIES: OFFICIAL HISTORICAL RECORDS Issued ky the Different State Goyernments; NOTES AND QUERIES; CANADA, Etc., Etc.. Etc. COMPILED BY E. W. NASH. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION, Monday, DECEMBER 4tli. 1882, and succeeding days. BANGS & CO, 7:39 cuicl 7rll lirocLcUvcty , j^ew^ I^o/'/r. SALE TO BEGIN AT THREE (rCLOCK. -_ .^j u iwu t'. . _■ ;-N Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/catalogueoflibraOOnasliricli EDMUND B. O'CALLAGHAN, M. D,, LL. D. Born at Mam.ow, Ireland, Feb. 29, 1797. DiKi) AT THE City of New York, May 29, 1880. " The Archivist of New York." CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE E.B, O'Callaghan, M.D„ LL.D ) >-'^. -^ .J HISTORIAN OF NE\A/ YORK. Compiled by E. W. Nash. NEW YORK : Douglas Taylor, Printer, cor. Fulton and Nassau Sts. 1 S 8 2. ■ I 03 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute .shall be immediately put uj) again and rc-sold. 2. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense and risk within three days from the conclusion of the sale, and the pur- chase money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneers, on or before delivery ; in default of which, Messrs. Bangs & Co. will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 3. In preparing the Catalogue, care has been taken to make the description of every book accurate, but the sale of any volume or lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. The books will be on exhibition three days before the sale. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on p,ny account, be re- moved during the sale. 5. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by pub- lic or private sale, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re- sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if they think fit. BANGS & CO. :n" O T E. The Library of the late Dr. EDMUND B. O'OALLAGHAN, here Catalogued, luas formed by him with especial reference to the History of J\feiv Yorlc as a Colony and a State. Every- thing bearing even collaterally upon that subject, His- torical, Descriptive and Biographical, in Dutch, English and French, as ivell as in other modern languages, and in Latin, of any iynportance, he gathered together for his oivn study and use as the author of " The History of ,7few J^etherland," and the sole Editor of the great and invalu- able series of volumes of its Records and Historical Docu- nients published by the State Government of JSCew York, The Library is the result of more than forty years' sole devotion to Mew Yorlc history. It is probably the best working lAbramj of Americana in general, and Mew York Americana in particular, ever offered at public sale in this city. The Titles, though seldoDi given without abridgment, except those of a few of the rarer works, ivhich are given in full, will be found sufficient to show clearly the edi- tiofis, the binding, and the general condition of the books. They have also had the great advantage before being printed of passing under the eyes of one whose critical knowledge of Americana is not exceeded by that of any living scholar, Dr. J. Gilmary Shea. M139072 CATALOGUE. ABBOT, LIEUT. JOEL. Trial of, by the General Naval Court Martial at Charlestown, Mass., on allegations made against liim by Capt. David Porter, &c. 8vo, boards Bost. J822 2 Abbott, George. A Brief Description of the Whole World. 12mo, calf Lond. 1636 [Nearly one-half relates to America^ 3 Abenaki. Catechism in the Abenaki Dialect. 12mo, sewed Quebec, 1832 4 Abingdon, Earl of. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke on the Affairs of America. 8vo, pp. 64, half roaii Oxford, 1111 5 Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke to the Sheriffs of Bristol. 8vo, pp. 64, half mor. Oxford, 1111 6 Account of the Proceedings of the British and other Pro- testant Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, in North America, in order to obtain an House of Assembl}^ 8vo, half calf Lond. 1775 7 AcRELius, Israel. Beskrifning cm de Swenska For- SAMLINGARS FORNA OCH NARW^ARANDE TiLSTAND, UTI DET sa kallade Nta Swerige, SEDAN Nta Nederland, men nu for tiden Pensylvanieii, samt nastliggande Orter wid Alfwen De la Ware, Wiist-Yersey och New-Castle County uti Norra Amerika. Stockholm. Half calf, 4to Harherg en Hesselberg, 1759 Title, 9 unnumb. leaves, 534 pp. Very tall, fine copy. A very scarce work on the Swedish Settlement on the Delaware, 2 CATALOGUE. 8 Adair, James. History of the Amei-ican Indians, etc. Map, 4to, calf Lond. 1775 9 Adams, Hannah. A Summary History of New England from the first settlement at Plymouth, with a Sketch of the American War. 8vo, sheep Dedham, 1799 10 View of Religions. 8vo, sheep Bost. 1801 11 Adams, John. An Answer to Paine's Rights of Man. 8vo, pp. 48, half morocco Dublin, 1793 12 Adams, (John & J.) Sewall. Novanglus and Massachu- settensis; or, Political Essays. 8vo, hf. cf. Bost. 1819 13 Adams, J. Q. Oration on Gen. Lafayette. 12mo, pp. 78 Trenton, 1835 14 Adams, N, Annals of Portsmouth. 8vo, half calf Portsmouth, 1825 15 Address. An Affectionate Address to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. 8vo, pp. (6) 3-55 (lacks p. 1 and 2), half roan Printed in the year 1776 16 Address of the People of Great Britain to Inhabitants of America. 8vo, pp. 60, half sheep Lo7id. 1775 17 Address to the Freeholders of the district of Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William. (No title.) 8vo, pp. 22, half roan n. p., n. d. 18 Address to the Free and Independent Voters of England. 8vo, pp. 26, half morocco Lond. 1780 19 Addrhss. An Unconnected Whig's Address to the Public, upon the present Civil War. 8vo, pp. 80, half roan Lond. 1777 20 Address to the Representatives in Parliament on the State of the Nation. 8vo, pp. 38, half morocco Lond. 1779 21 Address and Recommendations to the States, by Con- gress. 8vo, pp. 27, half calf Bost. 1783 22 Address to Pi-otestant Dissenters of all Denominations, &c. 8vo, pp. 16, half roan Lond. 1774 CATALOGUE. 3 23 Address upon the State of the Nation. 8vo, pp. 38, half morocco Land. 1779 24 Address. To the People of Great Britain from the Delegates of the Colonies, &c. 12mo, pp. 16, half roan Lond. 1775 25 Adelung, F. Uebersicht aller bekannten Sprachen und Ihrer Dialekte. Svo, sewed St. Petersburg, 1820 26 ADELUNG, J. C. Mithridates oder allgemeine Spkachenkunde mit dem Vater Unser als Sprachprobe in bey nahe ftinfhundert Sprachen und Mundarten. 5 vols, Svo, boards and sewed Berlin, 1806-'16 A standard work, extremely rich in American languages. 27 Administration Dissected, in which the Grand National Culprits are laid Open for the Public Inspection. Svo, half morocco Lond. 1779 28 Adventure of a Bale of Goods from America, in conse- quence of the Stamp Act. 8°, pp. 23, sewed Lond. 11 QQ 29 ^sop, Junior, in America. Portrait of Washington. Half sheep JSF. Y. 1834 30 African Company. A Detection of the Proceedings and Practices of the Directors of the Royal African Company of England from 1672 to 1748, &c. Svo, pp. (6) 51, half roan Lond. 1749 31 An Antidote to Expel the Poison contained in the Anonymous Pamphlet, " A Detection, &c." Svo, pp. 50, half roan Lond. 1749 32 Akins, T. B. Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia. Facsimiles. Svo, cloth Halifax, 1869 33 Albany City Guide. Illustrated. 1845. Nugent's French Dictionary, and Allison's English Dictionary, 1815. 4 vols 34 Albany Institute. Transactions. Vols. 1, 3 and 6. 3 vols, Svo Albany, 1830-'70 ^ CATALOGUE. 35 Aloedo, Don Antonio De. Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies, with large additions and compilations, etc., by G. A. Thompson. 5 vols, 4to, half calf Lond. 18 12-' 15 Important work for all our Spanish parts. 36 Alden, Timothy. Collection of American Epitaphs. 5 vols, l6mo, half mor., gilt tops, uncut N. Y. 1814 Fine and perfect set. 37 Alegambe, Piin.ip. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu, post excusum Anno 1608 Catalogum R. P. Petri Ribadeneirae. Folio, vellum Antuerpice, 1643 Early Bibliograpliy of works by Jesuits. 38 Alison, A. History of Europe from 1789 to 1815, 4 vols, 8vo, half morocco JV. F. 1842 39 Allen, Col. Ethan. Narrative of the Captivity of. 12mo, boards, uncut Alhaiiy, 1814 40 Allen, Paul. History of the Expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, across the Rocky Mountains, etc. Maps and plates. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Phil. 1814 41 Allen, Paul. History of the American Revolution. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Bait. 1822 42 Allen, W. American Biographical Dictionary. 2d edi- tion. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1832 43 Allen, Wm. American Biographical Dictionary. 3d edi- tion. Royal 8vo, sheep Bost. 1857 44 Allihone, S. a. Critical Dictionary of English Litera- ture and British and American Authors. 3 vols, royal 8vo, cloth Phil. 1870 45 Ai,manacs. United States Catholic Almanac; or, Laity's Directory. 1833-1880, wanting 1838, including two New York Directories of 1863. (Not issued in 1862 and 1863.) 49 vols, ISnio and 12mo, in half calf and paper covers Bait. 1833; iV: Y. 1880 A complete set (except 1838). Of high value as showing the progress of the Catholic Church. CATALOGUE. 5 46 Almanac. Montreal Almanac ; or, Lower Canada Register for 1829 and 1831. 2 vols, 12°, sewed Montreal, 1828-31 Contains principal events in Canada, from discovery of America. List of Governors from 1663 to 1830, etc. 47 Fleet's Massachusetts Pocket Almanack for 1792. 18mo, sewed Bost. 1792 48 Massachusetts Register for 1803. 18mo, half sheep Bost. 1803 49 Walton's Vermont Register, &c., for 1834. Amer- ican Medical Almanac; by J. V. C. Smith; 1841. Montreal, for 1850. 1 vol, 18mo, half roan 50 Quebec Almanac for 1818. 24°, sewed. Quehec,\S\9, 51 The Quebec Almanac, and British American Royal Kalendar, for 1810, 1811, 1816 to 1827, 1829 to 1837, and 1840. 24 vols, 24°, sewed Quebec, 1810-'40 A series of Canadian Almanacs not to be gathered except -with great difficulty. 52 Ecclesiastique et Civil de Quebec, pour 1846. 12mo, sewed Quebec, 1846 Contains a very full biographical sketch of Mgr. Laval, first Bishop of Quebec. 53 Quebec Pocket Almanac, 1862. Montreal do., and three others. 5 vols, 18mo, sewed 54 The Whig and Tribune Almanac, 1843 to 1868; wants 1851 and 1867. 24 vis, 12°, sewed N. Y. 1843-68 55 Whig, 1845; Rural Register, 1847; Albany Reg- ister, 1849, and others, in 1 vol, 12°, hf. shp. v. d. 56 Evening Journal Almanac, 1858 to 1863. 12°, half morocco Albany, 1858-63 57 The Boston Almanac, 1844 to 1851. Maps. 8 vols, 18°, cloth Boston. 58 Almanack Amebic ain, ou etat physique, politique, ecclesi- astique, et militaire de I'Amerique. 18°, calf Paris, 1783 59 Almanach Americain, Asiatique, et Africain, etc. 18° roan Paris, 1785 3 CATALOGUE. 60 Almanacii. Royal, Annee Bissextile. 1V60 and 1762. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Paris, 1760-2 61 Almon, J. A Collection of Interesting Authentic Papers Relative to the Dispute, &c., from 1764 to 1775. (Prior Documents.) 8vo, boards, uncut Lond. 1777 62 Alvoud, J. W. Historical Address. Second Centennial of the Settlement of Stamford, Conn. 8vo, pp. 40, half roan N. Y. 1842 63 America. The Present State of North America. Part 1. 2d edition, with Emendations. 4to, half mor. Lond. \1oo 64 The Desolation of America. " A Poem. 4to, sewed, uncut, pp. 26 Lond. 1777 65 Desceiptiok de L'Amerique et des Parties d'icelle, comme de la Nouvelle France, Floride, des Antilles, lucaya, Cuba, Jamaica, &c. Folio, pp. 86, half morocco Amsterdam, 1619 66 Travels in North America. Plates. 18mo, sheep Dublin, 1822 67 American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. 1830 to 1860. 31 vols, 12mo, half roan Bost. 1830-60 68 American Ethnological Society. Transactions. 3 vols, 8vo, 1 and 2 in half calf. Vol. 3, Pt. 1, sewed N. Y. 1845-53 Very scarce. 69 American Gazetteer. A Distinct Account of all the Parts of the New World, Ac. Maps. 3 vis, 12°, cf. Lond. 1762 70 American Magazine of History. 1878, 1879 and 1880. (Wants July, '80). 3 vols, in Nos., uncut N. Y. 1878-80 71 American Moral and Sentimental Magazine. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1797 72 American Pioneer (The). A Monthly Periodical, Devoted to the Objects of the Logan Historical Society, &c. Illus- trated. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Cinn. 1842-'3 Very scarce. CATALOGUE. y 73 AMERicAisr War. A View of the Evidence Relative to the Conduct of the American War, under Sir W. Howe, Lord V. Howe and Gen. Burgoyne, &c. 2d edition. 8vo, pp. 154, sewed, uncut Lond. 1779 74 Americans Against Liberty ; or an Essay on tlie Nature and Principles of True Freedom, &c. 2d edition. 8vo, half calf Lo7id. \11Q 75 Another, 3d ed. 12mo, pp. 48, hf. roan Lo)id.l1l6 76 Ames, Fisher. Oration on the Sublime Virtues of Gen. George Washington. 8vo, pp. 31, half roan Bost. 1800 77 Another. 8vo, p. 51, sewed I'hil. 1800 78 Analectic Magazine. Vol. 1, 1813 to '14, 1819. Portraits. 14 vols, 8vo, half bound Phil. 79 Anbury, Thomas. Travels Through the Interior Parts of America. Map and folding plates 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Zo?id. 1789 80 [Anbury, T.] Journal d'un Voyage fait dans I'interieur de I'Amerique. Traduit de I'Anglois et enrichi de notes par M. Noel. Map and plates. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco Paris, 1793 81 [Andrews, (Charles)]. The Prisoners' Memoirs; or, Dart- moor Prison, the Horrid Massacre there, &c. 12mo, cloth JV. Y. 1852 82 An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of THE Delaware and Shawnese Indians ; Together with the Remarkable Journal of C. Frederic Post among the Indians of Ohio, &c. Map. 8vo, calf. Very rare. Lond. 1759 83 Annals of the Medical Society, County of Albany, 1806-51; with Biography. Portraits. 8vo, cloth Albany, 1864 84 Annu^ LiTTERyE SociETATis Jesu. Anni M,DC,IV. Ad Patres et Fratres eiusdem Societatis. 8vo, vellum Duaci, 1618 Contains account of Jesuit Mission at Port Royal and Mount Desert. CATALOGUE. 85 Apocryphal New Testament. 8vo, half raor. JST. Y. n, d. 8G Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain. 8vo, pp. G3, half morocco Loud. 1774 87 Appeal to the Justice and Interest of the People, &c. 3d edition. 8vo, pp. 32, half roan Lond. 1775 88 Second Appeal. By Author of First. 8vo, pp. 90, half roan * Lond. \Tib 89 Apj>leton, NATnANiEL. Thanksgiving Sermon on the Stamp Act, 8vo, pp. 32, half roan Bost. 1766 90 Application of some general Political Rules to the present state of Great Britain, Ireland and America, in a Letter to Earl Temple. 8vo, pp. 86, half mor. Lond. 1766 91 Aptiiokp, East. Considerations on the Institution and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, pp. 24, Boston, 1763; also by same Author, A Review of Dr. Mayhew's Remarks on the Answer to his Observations, pp. 65, London, 1765. 1 vol, Svo, calf Bost. & Lond. 1763-'5 92 Arcii^ologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society. Vols. 1 and 2. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut Worcester, 1820-'36 Vol. 2 water stained. 93 Arciiknholtz, J. W. Histoire des Flibustiers; avec un Avant-Propos et quelques Notes de Traducteur. (Trans- lated by J. F. Bourgoing.) 8vo, sheep Paris, 1804 94 Archer, Gabriel. Bartholomeus Gosnols Reys van Enge- land na het Noorder Gedeelte van Virginien, Anno, 1602. Map and plate. 18 pp., 8vo, hf. mor. Te Leyden, 1706 95 .Arfwedson, C. D. The United States and Canada, in 1832, '38 and '34. 2 plates. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf I^ond. 1834 96 Argument (An) in Defence of the Exclusive Right to Tax Themselves, ibliographical Essay. 8vo, half calf A^ T. 1846 Interleaved with MS. additions by Dr. O'Callaghan. 277 Literature of American Aboriginal Languages. Edited by K Trubner. 8vo, cloth Zond. 1858 278 Mendiiam, Joseph. Literary Policy of the Church of Rome exhibited in an account of her Damnatory Cata- logues or Indexes, &c. 2d edition. Bvo, cloth, uncut Zond. 1830 270 Mensei., J. G. Bibliotheca Historica Instructa a Burcardo G. Struvio aucta Gottlieb Budero. 11 vols, 8vo, calf Zipsice, 1782-1802 280 Menzies, W. Catalogue of the Library of ; with printed prices. Bvo, sewed, uncut A^. Y. 1875 CATALOGUE. 23 281 Mix, D. E. E. Catalogue of Maps and Surveys in the Offices of Secretary of State, Comptroller, Engineers, and State Library. 8vo, half mor. Albany, 1859 282 MuLLER, F. Catalogue of Books relating to America. 12mo, half roan 1850 283 Catalogue of Books, Maps, Plates on Amei'ica. Early Voyages, Part I. Books. Royal 8vo, sewed, un- cut Amsterdam, 1872 Large Paper. Presentation Cop]^ 284 MuNSELL, J. Catalogue of American and Foreign Books in Bibliography, &c. 8vo, sewed, uncut, 1. p. Albany, 185Y 285 The Typographical Miacellany. 8vo, morocco Albany, 1850 286 Murphy, H. C. Catalogue of an American Libi-ary. Part I. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 58, sewed JBrooJclyn, 1856 Presented by Mr. Murphy to Dr. O'C. 287 New York State Library Catalogse. General, Law, Sup- plement, Maps, Coins, &c., and Bibliography. 6 vols, 8vo, half morocco Albany, 1855-72 288 O'Callaghan, E. B. List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures, and parts thereof printed in America pre- vious to 1860, with Notes. Royal 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut Albany, 1861 289 Index to vols. 1-3 of Translations of Dutch Manu- scripts. 8vo, morocco Albany, 1870 290 Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia, with account of the Institution, &c. 3 vols in 2, 8vo, sheep and half cloth Phil. 1835-1856 291 Poole, W. F. Index to Periodical Literature. 8vo, cloth iV: Y. 1853 292 Alphabetical Index to Subjects in the Reviews, &c. Bvo, half roan iV; T. 1848 24 CATALOGUE. 293 Public Libraries in the United States; their History, &c. Part I. thick 8vo, sewed, uncut Wash. 1876 294 RiiEES, W. J. Manual of Public Libraries. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1859 295 Rich, O. Catalogue of Books relating to America, 1500 to 1700. 8vo, cloth Loncl 1832 296 RicHARDEEiE, G. BoucHER DE LA. Biblioth^quc Unverselle des Voyages, etc. 6 vols, 8vo, half calf Paris, 1808 297 RooRBACii, O. A. Bibliotheca Americana, 1820 to 1848, and Supplement. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth J^.Y. 1849-50 298 Schoolcraft, H. R. Bibliographical Catalogue of Books. Translations of the Scriptures, and other publications in the Indian Tongue, with Notices. 8vo, half roan Wash. 1849 299 Smith, J. R. Catalogue of Books relating to America, 8vo, cloth Lo}hI. 1871 300 Stevens, Henry. Historical Nuggets, Bibliotheca Ameri- cana, or a Descriptive Account of my Collection of Rare Books relating to America. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth, uncut Loncl 1862 301 Bibliotheca Historica. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1870 302 Stevens, H. Bibliotheca Geographica et Historica. Part 1. 8vo, sewed, uncut Land. \%12 303 Struve, B. G. Bibliotheca Historica Selecta in Suas Classes distributa cujus primas lineas Emendavit C. G. Buder. 2 vols, 8vo, vellum Iena>, 1740 Comprising 1720 pp., exchisive of Introduction and a copious Index, was the foundation of the Bibliotheca Historica. 304 Ternaux, H. Bibliothoque Americaine ou Catalogue des ouvrages relatifs a I'Amerique. 8vo, hf. mor. Paris, 1837 Interleaved with MS. additions, and an Index by Dr. O'Callaghan. 305 Tuurner, N. Bibliographical Guide to American Litera ture. 8vo, morocco back Loud. 1859 CATALOGUE. 35 306 VoGT, J. Catalogus Historico-Criticus Librorum Rariorum. 12mo, calf Francofurti, 1793 307 Warden, D. B. Bibliotheca Americana, Being a choice collection of Books on America, &c. 8vo, half roan Pcxris, 1831 308 Werdet, Edmond. Histoire du Livre en France. 5 vols, 12mo, sewed, uncut Paris, 1861-2 309 De la Librairie Fran9aise, avec des notices biogra- phiques. 12 mo, sewed, uncut Paris, 1860 310 Wynne, James. Private Libraries of New York. 8vo, cloth, uncut A^. F. 1860 311 Bickersteth's Harmony of Gospels. Bush's Notes on Genesis and others. 8 vols, 12mo v. d. 312 -Bigot, Francois. Meraoire pour F. Bigot, ci-devant Inten- dant de Justice, Police, Finance and Marine en Canada, etc. 2 vols, 4to, boards Paris, IIQ^ 313 Another copy. 2 vols, 4to, half sheep. Paris, \1QZ 314 Bigot, J. Relation des Abenaquis, 1684. 12mo, cloth, uncut Manate: J. G. Shea, 185 7 One of Shea's Cramoisy Series. 315 Bingham, W., and Alex. Hamilton. A Letter from an American, containing Strictures on Commerce, and Col. Hamilton's Second Letter from Phocion to the Con- siderate Citizens of New York, containing Remarks on Mentor's Reply, in 1 vol, 8°, pp. 48, half roan. Phil. 1784 316 Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Letter A only). 7 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut Land. 1842-4 317 BisHOPE, George. New England Judged, Not by IMan's, but the Spirit of the Lord : And the Sum sealed up of New England's Persecutions, &c., &o. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt back and red edges Ijond. 1702-3 Fine clean copy. Menzies' copy brought $20. 26 CATALOGUE. 31S BissELius, J. Argonauticon Americanorura, sive Historiae Periculoriim Petri de Victoria. Eng. title and map. 18mo, vellum, clasps Monachi, 1647 319 Black Hawk. Life of. By Himself, Portrait. 12mo, boards Bost. 1834 320 Blackavell, John. An Essay on the Present War against France, etc. 12mo, half morocco, pp. 30 Lond. 1695 321 Blake, \V. J. History of Putnam County, N. Y. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1849 322 JjLAND Papers (The), a Selection from the MSS. of Col. Theodorick Bland, Jr. Vol, 1. 8vo, half roan Petersburg, 1840 323 Blols, John T. Gazetteer of the State of Michigan, in three parts, etc. 12mo, cloth Detroit, \ms 324 Blome, Richard. The Present State of His Majesty's Isles and Territories in America, with new Maps of every place, etc. Portrait of James II. 8vo, calf Lo7id. 1687 325 [Blome, Richard.] L'Amerique Angloise, ou Description des Isles et Terres du Roi d'Angleterre dans L'Amerique. Avec de Nouvelles Cartes de chaque Isle et Terre. Maps. 12mo, half mor. Amsterdam: Wolf gang, \QSS 326 BoBiN, Isaac (Letters of), Private Secretary of Hon. George Clarke, Secretary of the Province of New York, 1718-1730. 8vo, boards Albany, 1872 327 BoGART, W. H. Daniel Boone and the Hunters of Ken- tucky. 12mo, cloth Auburn, 1854 328 Who Goes There? or Men and Events, by "Senti- nel." 12mo, cloth iV; Y. 1866 329 BoisTHiHAULT, M. DouBLET DE. Lcs VfPux des Hurons et des Abnaquis a Notre-Dame de Chartres, etc. Plate. 12mo, boards Chartres, 1857 A beautiful privately printed volume. 330 Boi/roN, R. History of County of Westchester, Map and plates, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth A^ Y. 1848 CATALOGVE. 27 331 Bond, Henry. Genealogies and History of Watertown, Mass. Map, portraits and plates 8°, clo. Boston, ISb 5 332 Bolivar. Histoire de, par Gen. D. Holstein, continuee par A. Viollet. 2 vols, 12mo, half roan Paris, 1851 333 Boniface, A. Dictionnaire Fran9ais-Anglais et Anglais- Fran9ais. 8vo, sheep Paris, 1830 334 BoNNELL, Geo. W. Topographical Description of Texas, to which is added an Account of the Indian Tribes. 18mo, boards Austin, 1840 335 BoNNYCASTLE, R. H. Account of Spanish America. Map. 8vo, boards, uncut Phil. 1819 336 Booth, Mary L. History of the City of New York. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1859 337 Bossu. Travels through that part of North America form- erly called Louisiana, by JM. Bossu, Captain in the French Marines. Translated by J. R. Forster, etc. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1771 338 BosTwicK, David. A Sermon Preached at Philadelphia before the Reverend Synod of New York, May 25, 1758. 8vo, pp. 43, half roan Lond. 1776 339 BoTERO, Giovanna. Le Relationi Universali di Gio- vanni BoTEEO Benese, divise in tre parti, etc. Maps, 4to, vellum In Vicenza, 1595 340 Another copy. Maps and woodcuts. 4to, vellum Venetia, 1622 341 BoTERO, Juan. Theatro de los Mayores principes del Mundo, y causas de la Grandeza de sus Estados, sacado de las Relaciones Toscanas de Juan Botero Benes ; con cinco Tratados de Razon de Estado Por F. Jayme Rebul- losa de la Orden de Predicadores. 12mo, vellum Barelona, 1605 342 BoTTA, Charles. History of the "War of the Independence. Translated by G. A. Otis. Map and Portraits. 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, 1844 28 CATALOGUE. 34;! Boucher, Jonathan. A View of the Causes and Conse- quences of the American Revolution. 8vo, calf Lo7id. 1797 34 4 BoucHETTE, Joseph. A Topographical Description of the Province of Lower Canada, with remarks upon Upper Canada. Portrait, maps, and plans. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1815. 345 The British Dominions in North America, or a Topographical and Statistical Description of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, etc. Map and plates. 2 vols. Also Topographical Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada, by same author. 1 vol. 3 vols, 4to, half morocco Lond. 1832 346 Another copy, same as above, bound in two vols, 4to, half calf Lond. 1832 347 BoutiUET, Henry. An Historical Account of the Expedi- tion Against the Ohio Indians. Map and plates. 4to, polished calf, by Pratt. Lond. 1766 Fine copy of a scarce work. 348 Relation Historique de I'Expedition contre les Indiens de I'Ohio en 1764. Traduit de I'Anglois par C. G. F. Dumas. Maps and plates. 8vo, bevelled calf, gilt sides and back Amsterdam, 1769 349 BouKAssA, N. Jacques et Marie. Souvenir d'un peuple disperse. 8vo, sewed Montrecd, 1866 350 Bourne, W. O. History of the Public School Society of New York City. Portraits. 8vo, cloth iV: r: 1870 351 BowDiTOu, N. L Suffolk Surnames. 2d edition. 8vo, cloth Lost. 1858 Presentation coi)y from the author. 352 BozMAN, J. L. History of Maryland, from 1633 to 1660. Notes, etc. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Bait. 1837 353 BRArKENiiRiDGK, H. H. Licidcnts of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania in 1794. 8vo, half sheep Phil. 1195 CATALOGUE. 29 354 Brackenridge, H. M. Views of Louisiana, together witli a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River in 1811. 8vo, sheep Pittsburgh, 1814 355 Brackenridge. Views of Louisiana. l2mo, sheep Bait. 1817 356 Brackenridge, H. M. History of the Late War. Cuts. 12mo, sheep Phil. 1839 357 Bradbury, John. Travels in the Interior of America in 1809-1811. 8vo, half sheep Liveiyool, 1811 358 Bradford, A. History of Massachusetts, 1790-1820. 8vo, half calf Post. 1829 359 Bradford. A Particular Account of the Battle of Bunker, or Breed's Hill. 8vo, pp. 27, half roan Post. 1825 360 Bradford, J. A. Notes on the Northwest. 12mo, sewed JV. T. 1846 361 Bradford, Wm. History of Plymouth Plantation. Edited with Notes by Charles Deane. 8°, cloth, uncut Post. IS5G "50 copies privately printed. Presentation copy to Dr. O'C. by the Editor." 362 Bradish. Proceedings of the N. Y. Historical Society on the Death of Luther Bradish. Fine Portrait. Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut JV. Y. 1865 363 Bradley, Joshua, Accounts of Revivals in the United States, 1815 to 1818. 18mo, calf, neat Albany, 1819 364 Another copy, 18mo, sheep Albany, 1819 365 Bradstreet, Martha. Claim to certain Land in Utica, N. Y. 8vo, half roan. Pp. 52. (No title.) s. 1. s. a. 366 Brainerd, Rev. David (Missionary to the Indians), Life of. By J. Edwards. To which is annexed Mr. Brain- erd's Journal among the Indians, and Mr. Pember ton's Ordination Sermon, etc. 8 vo, sheep Edinhurgli, 1765 367 Brannan, John. Official Letters of the Military and Na- val Officers of the U. S. during the War of 1812-15 8vo, half sheep Washington City, 1823 30 CATALOGUE. 368 Bkasseur de Bourbourg. Ilistoire dii Canada, de son Eg- lise et de ses Missions. 2 vols in 1. 8°, shp. Paris, 1852 Sharply criticised by Fcrland. 3G9 Bray, Thomas. An Essay towards Promoting all Neces- sary and Useful Knowledge, both at Home and Abroad. 4to, pp. (8) 22, sewed Lo7id. 1697 370 Bray, Thomas. Apostolick Charity; its Nature and Excel- lence Considered. With a (General View of the English Colonies in America, etc. 4to, pp. (xi) 30, sewed Lond. 1699 371 ■ — A Memorial Representing the Present State of Religion on the Continent of North America. Folio, pp. 15, half morocco Lond. 1700 372 The Whole Course of Catechetical Institution, through Three Classes of Catechumens, etc. 12mo, calf Lond. 1704 373 Bibliotheca Parochialis, etc.; or, A Scheme of such Theological and Other Heads as seem Requisite to be Perus'd, etc., by the Reverend Clergy, etc. 2d edition. 8vo, calf Lond. 1707 374 An Account of the Designs of the Associates of the late Dr. Bray, with an Abstract of their Proceedings. 8vo, pp. 41, boards Lond. 1767 375 • Another. 8vo, pp. 34, sewed Lond. 1798 370 • Another. 8vo, pp. 01, sewed Lond. 1823 377 Bressany, R. p. F.-J. Relation Abregee de Quelques Missions dos peres de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nou- velle France. Traduite par le R. P. F. Martin. Map and illust. 8vo, half morocco Moyitreal, 1852 A scarce translation of a very rare Jesuit Relatiou. 378 Brett, W. H. Indian Tribes of Guiana. Plates. 16mo, cloth ]Sr. Y. 1852 379 Brevookt, J. C. Verrazano, the Navigator, etc., with a reduced copy of the map. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 2 copies N. Y. 1874 CATALOGUE. 31 380 Bridges, W, Explanatory Remarks and References on Map of City of New York. 8vo, boards N'. Y. is 11 381 Bridgman, Thomas. Memorials of the Dead in Boston, 12mo, cloth Bost. 1853 382 Brief Account of the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. 4to, pp. 7, half roan Bost. 1798 383 Brissot. Examen critique des Voyages dans I'Amerique, de Marquis de Chastellux ; ou Lettre Am. le Marquis de Chastellux. 8vo, half sheep Londres, 1786 384 New Travels in the United States in 1788, by J. P. Brissot de Warville. 8vo, sheep Dublin, 1792 385 Bristed, John. Resources of the United States. 8vo, boards N. T. 1818 386 Britische Reich in America. "Das sammt dem eroverten Canada mit denen wichtigen Inseln Gadaloupe, Martin- ique und andern See-Plassen, etc. View of Quebec and 3 maps. 4to, half calf Soratc, \1Gl Probably the best collection in the country of these histories of English Regi- ments, containing much new American matter. 387 Carter, T. Historical Record of the 44th Regiment of Foot. Portrait, map and plates. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1864 388 Connolly, T. W. J. History of the Corps of Royal Sap- pers and Miners. Colored plates. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1855 389 HiGGiNS, R. T. Records of the King's Own Borderers, or Old Edinburgh Regiment (25th Foot). 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1873 390 Historical Record of the Second Dragoons, or Scot's Greys. 2 colored plates. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1840 32 C.ATJLOGUE. 391 IIisTORicAi, Rkcord of llie I'liird, or Prince of Wales Dra- goon Guards, 8 colored plates. 8vo, cloth Land. 1838 3 92 of the Fourth Royal Irish Regiment of Dragoon Guards. 3 colored plates. 8vo, cloth JLond. 1839 393 of the Fourth Light Dragoons. 8°, clo. Loud. 1843 394 of the Third Light Dragoons. 8°, clo. ZowZ 408 Brodhead, J. R. History of the State of New York. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth ■ N. Y. 185 3-' 71 409 Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, M.D. With Index. 11 volsj 4to, sheep Albany, 1856-61 410 Same. 11 vols. 4to, cloth. 5 copies. 411 Conquest of New Netherland. Map and portraits. Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut N. Y. 1864 Presentation copy. 412 Government of Sir Edmund Andros over New England in 1688-'9. 8vo, pp. 40, sewed, uncut Morisania, 1867 Presented to Dr. O'C. by the author. 413 Brooklyn. Manual of the Common Council of the City of Brooklyn. Compiled by Henry McCloskey, 1863 to 1869 inclusive. Maps and plates. 7 vols, 8vo, cloth Brooklyn, 1863-'9 414 Brothers' (Richard). Prophecies,1795; Thomas A'Kempis, 1783; Watts' Lyric Poems, Boston, 1772; History of the Bible, 2 vols, and others. 10 vols, 12 mo, shp, Phil. v. d. 415 Brown, Henry. History of Illinois. Map. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1844 416 Brown, J. Dictionary of the Bible. Map. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo, sheej) Albany, 1816 417 Brown, John M. Brief Sketch of the First Settlement of the County of Schoharie. By the Germans. Svo, pp. 23, blue morocco, gilt, uncut Schoharie, 1823 This is a very rare Tract, and copies of it are ahnost impossible to be procured. 418 Brown, Richard. History of the Island of Cape Breton; with some Account of the Discovery and Settlement of Canada, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Maps. 8vo, half morocco Loud. 1869 419 Brown, S. R. Western Gazetteer; or, Emigrant's Direc- tory. Svo, sheep Auburn, 1817 34 CATALOGUE. 420 Brown, Thomas. Account of the People called Shakers. 12mo, sheep Troy, 1812 421 Bruen, Rev. Matthias. Memoirs. Svo, bds. N. Y. 18.31 422 Brunet. Notice sur les Plantes de Michaux et sur son Voyage au Canada et a la Baie d'Hudson. Par I'Abbe Ovide Brunet. Svo, sewed Q^iehec, 1863 423 BuDDiNGH, D. De Kerk, School en Wetenschap in De Vereenigde Staten van Noord Amerika. 8vo, sewed, un- cut Utrecht, 1853 424 Burges, T. Battle of Lake Erie. 12 mo, cloth FMl. 1839 425 BuEGOTNE, Gen, John. A Letter from Gen. Burgoyne to his Constituents. 3d edition. Svo, pp. 37, half roan Zond. 1779 426 A Reply to above. Svo, pp. 46, hf. mor. Land. 1779 427 State of the Expedition from Canada; with a Col- lection of Documents, &c. 6 maps. 4to, cl. Lond. 1780 428 A Supplement to above, Loudon 1780. 4to, pp. 26, sewed, uncut N. T. 1865 75 copies privately printed. 429 A Letter to Lieut.-Gen. Burgoyne, occasioned by a second edition of his state of the Expedition from Canada. Svo, pp. 32, half morocco Zond. 1780 430 Essay on Modern Martyrs; with a Letter to Gen. Burgoyne. Svo, pp. 52, half morocco Zond. 1780 431 Dramatic and Poetical Works. Plates. 2 vols, 12mo, calf Zond. 1808 432 Orderly Book from his entry into New York until his surrender at Saratoga, 1777. Edited by E. B. O'Cal- laghan. Map and portraits. Small 4to, sewed, uncut. 6 copies Albany, I860 433 BuRK, John. History of Virginia from its First Settlement to the Present Day; Petersburg, Va., the Author, 1804-5. 3 vols. The History of Virginia commenced by John Burk and continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin. Vol.4. Petersburg, Va., 1816. 4 vols, Svo, sheep Petersburg, 1804-16 CATALOGUE. 35 434 BuRK, J. History of Virgiuia. 3 vols, 8vo. (2 in sheep, Vol. 3 sewed) Petersburg, 1804-5 435 Burke, tEdanus. Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati, proving that it creates a Race of Hereditary Patricians, or Nobility, &c. 8vo, pp. 16, half roan Fhil. 1783 436 Burke, E. Observations on a late State of the Nation. (See Knox, Wm.) 8vo, half roan Lond. 1769 437 History of American Taxation from 1763 to end of last Session, &c. 3d edition. 8vo, pp. 98, half morocco Dublin, 1775 438 Letter to John Farr and John Harris on Affairs of America. 2d edition, 8vo, boards, pp. 75 Lond. 1111 439 Account of the European Settlements in America. America. Map. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1757 440 Another copy. 2 maps. 6th edition. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1111 441 Speech on a Plan for the better security of the In- dependence of Parliament, &c. 8vo, pp. 95, half calf Lond. 1780 442 Reflections on the French Revolution. 8vo, sewed, uncut iV. Y. 1791 443 Burke, J. & J. B. Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland. Portrait and cuts of arms. 2d edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1844 444 BuRNABY, Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settle- ments in North America in 1759 and '60, etc. 3d edition. Map and plates. 4to, boards, uncut Lond. 1798 445 Burnet, Jacob. Notes on the Early Settlement of the North- Western Territory. 8vo, cloth JV. Y. 1847 446 Burnet Papers. A Collection of Papers Relating to the Present Juncture of Affairs in England. 4to, half calf. Printed in the years 1688, 1689 Contains " A narrative of the miseries of New England, by reason of an arbitrary government erected there," with the petition of John Gibson, aged 87, and George Willow, aged about 8(3, on behalf of their neighbors, the inhabitants of Cambridge, in New England, to the King. 36 CATALOGUE. 447 Burr (David H.) Atlas of the State of New York. Col- ored maps. Imperial folio, half calf N. Y. 1829 Rare. Most correct Atlas of New York. 448 [Burroughs, E.] A Declaration of the Sad and Great Per- secution and Martyrdom of the People of God called Quakers, in New England for the Worshipping of God, whereof 22 have been banished upon pain of Death, 3 have been martyred, 3 have had their right ears cut, &c. Also some considerations presented to the King which is in answer to a Petition and Address which was presented unto him by the General Court at Boston, subscribed J. Endicot, the Chief persecutor there; thinking thereby to cover themselves from the Blood of the Innocent. Small 4to, pp. 27, half calf Loiicl : Wilson [1661] Very rare. Contains the first printed account of the execution of Mary Dyer, and others, of Boston. Menzies copy sold for $28. 449 BuREOWES, T. H. Pennsylvania School Architecture. Il- lustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth Harrisburg, 1855 450 [Burton, R.] HetBrittanische Ryk in Amerika,Zynde eene Beschry ving van de Ontdekking, Bevolking, Inwoonders, het Kilmaat, den Koophandel, en tegenwoordigen Staat van alle de Britannische Colonien Vervattende Terre- Neuf, Nieu-Schotlandt, Nieu-Englandt, Nieu-York, Nieu- Jerse, Pennsylvanie, Marilandt, Virginie, Carolina en Hud- sons-baai, etc. 5 maps and engraved title. 4to, half mo- rocco, pp. 12, leaves, 1-300 Amsterdam, 1721 Vol. 1. The 2d Vol. relates to the West Indies. 451 Burton, Tuomas. Diary of. Member in the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard Cromwell, from 1656 to 1659, etc. Edited and illustrated with notes, by John T. Rutt. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1828 From the Library of Gabriel Furman, of Brooklyn, N. Y., with his Autograph. 452 Busciiman, J. C. E. Der Athapaskische Spruchstamm. 4to, boards, uncut Berlin, 1856 453 Butlkr, Ai.han. Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and other principal Saints, etc. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, uncut Dublin, 1838 CATALOGUE. ^y 454 Butler, B. C. Lake George and Lake Champlain. Maps, plans, 12 mo, cloth Albany, 1S68 455 Byng, Admiral John. The Trial of, at a Court-martial, as taken by Charles Feme, etc. Pp. (10) 36. N. Y. 1757. Also bound at end, A genuine account of the late Grand Expedition to the Coast of France, under the conduct of Admirals Hawke, Knowles, and Broderick, etc. Pp. 22, K Y,, n.d. 8vo, half roan N. Y. 1757 456 Byrdsall, F. History of the Loco-Foco Party. 12mo, cloth N. r; 1842 OABEgA DE VACA, ALVAR NUNEZ. Relation of, translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. Por- trait. Royal Bvo, cloth, uncut N. Y. 1871 458 Cabinet Conference (The) ; or Tears of Ministry. 8vo, pp. 78, half morocco Lond. 1779 459 Cabinet, (The). Fine Portraits of General Jackson and his Cabinet, 1829. Also the Talisman, for 1830. Plates by Durand, &c. 2 vols in 1, 12mo, silk. Phil, and N. Y. 460 Calef, Robert. More Wonders of the Invisible World. 12 mo, sheep Salem, 1823 461 California. Voyages de I'Empereur de la Chine, dans la Tartaric, etc. Small, 12vo, calf Paris, 1695 462 (yALLENDER, J. T. The Political Progress of Britain, &c. Part First. 3d ed. 8vo, pp. 120, half roan Phil. 1795 463 CALVETONIS, URBANI Novji Novi Orbis Historic, id est, rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali hactenus gestarum, & acerbo illorum ineasgentes dominatu. 8vo, calf Geneva: Vignon, 1578 Contains account of the Huguenot colony in Florida Priced $6 in recent catalogues. 464 Camden, W. Viri Clarissimi Britanniae. Maps. 24mo, old calf Amsterdam, 1639 465 Campaign Documents in Support of Col. Fremont for Presi- dent in 1856. (27), 8vo 1866 38 CATALOGUE, 460 Campaign of 1860. Speeches of Lincoln, Seward, and others. Svo, cloth Albany, 1860 467 Campanius, T, Kort Beskrifning | Om | Provincien | Nya Swerige uti I America, | Som nu fortjden af the Engelske Kallas I Pexsylvania, I Af larde och trow- ilrdige Miins skrifter och berattelser ihopaletad och sam- manstrefwen, samt med athskillige Figurer | utzirad ap | Thomas Campani us Holm. | StockJiohn Tryckt uti Kongl. Bohtr. has Sal. WanMjfs \ Anlda med egen hekostnad, Af J. H. Werner, Ahr. MDCCII. 4to, half morocco. Engraved and printed titles, 7 maps and plates Rare work on Swedish settlements on the Delaware. 468 Campbell. Spanish Empire in American. By an English Merchant. 2 maps. 8vo, calf Lond. 1747 460 Campbell, W. W. Annals of Tryon County. Map. Svo, sheep N. Y. 1831 470 Camus, A. G. Memoire sur la collection des grands et petits Voyages, et sur la collection des voyages de Bry et deThevenot. Svo, half calf Paris, \^Q2 471 Canada. Present State of the Canadas. ISmo, cloth Lond. 1833 472 Rapport de I'Association de la Propagation de la Foi pour le District de Montreal, lS50-'54. 4 vols, Svo, half roan. (See 508) Montreal, 1850-'54 473 Notice sur les Missions du Diocese de Quebec, 1839 to 1855. 11 vols, half roan, and 1857, '59 and '64. (Nos. 12, 13 and 16), in paper covers. 14 vols, Svo Quebec, 1839-'64 474 iCastern Townships of Lower Canada; Map, 1833. Canadas and their Grievances Thoughts on Money and Exchange of Lower Canada, by H. S. Chapman, 1S32; on Free Trade, Internal Civil Policy of Lower Canada, &c. Svo, half sheep v. d. 475 A Gazetteer of the Province of Canada. 2 majjs. 8vo, half roan N. Y. 1813 CATALOGUE. 39 476 Canada. The Canadian Portfolio, conducted by J. A. Roe- buck and otliers (Letters on Canada), and other Tracts on Canada. In 1 vol, 8vo, half calf Loud. v. d. 477 Proceedings in the Assembly of Lower Canada on the rules of practice of the Courts of Justice, and the Impeachments of Jonathan Sewell and James Monk. French and English. 4to, calf 1814 478 Hand-Book of Toronto, its Climate, Geology, Nat- ural History, etc. Map. 8vo, cloth Toronto, 1858 479 A Tour through Upper and Lower Canada. By a Citizen of the United States, etc. 16mo, sheep Litchfield, 1799 Tiffany's Upper Canada Almanac for 1802 ; Treaty of Amity,Commerce and Navigation between England and America, 1795, and other tracts on Canada. In 1 vol, 12mo, half calf v. d. Proposals for a Subscription to from Colonies in Canada, by Charles Grant, Viscount de Vaux. 8vo, pp. 8, half roan n. p., n. d. Thoughts on the Canada Bill. 8vo, pp. 50, half calf Lond. 1791 Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Gov- ernment of Canada. 8vo, half sheep Quebec, 1829 The Stewart Missions in Canada, a series of Letters and Journals, edited by W. J. D. Waddilove. 2 maps. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1838 Bertrauliche Briefe aus Kanada und Neu Eng- land, 1777 UND 1778. 8vo, half mor. Gottingen, 1779 Edits, Ordonnances, Declarations et Arrets relatifs a la Tenure Seigneuriale, 1851. 8vo, hf cf. Quebec, 1852 487 An Abstract of those parts of the custom of the Viscounty and Provostship of Paris, practised in Quebec, also of the Loix de Police, several Royal Edicts, etc. Drawn up by the desire of Hon. Guy Carleton. In 1 vol, folio, calf Lond. 1 772 Very rare. Invaluable for the study of Canadian history since the Conquest. 40 CATALOGUE. 488 Caxada. Pamphlets. Discourssur I'Institut Canadien, 1863. ^lenioires sur le Canada, Chevalier de Lorimier and others. 20 v. d. 489 Pamphlets. P]loge Ilistorique de Montcalm. Port. 1855. Expedition sur le Fleuve Saint-Laurent. 1759. De Sillery; Michel Sarrasin; Deux Centieme Anniversaire de I'arrivee de Montmorency-Laval en Canada, 1859; Decou- verte du Torabeau de Champlain. 13 v. d. 490 Pamphlets. Quebec and its Environs, 1831. Late session of Parliament of Lower Canada, 1836, by Dr. O'Callaghan. Biog'l Sketch of Hon. L. J. Papineau, by Dr. O'C, &c. 6 V. d. 491 Pamphlets. La Crise Ministerielle et Denis B. Viger, Memoires relatif D. B. Viger. Observations de D. B. Viger. Tablettes Historiques and others. 10 v. d. 492 Pamphlets. Mask on Banking Institutions, 1822; Memoir de Xavier Malbiot and others. 20 v. d. 493 Pamphlets. Papineau's Insurrection du Canada, 1837; Speech of Papineau on the Hustings, 1827; and others. 12mo. 7 ^94 Pamphlets. Reports on Lands; Jesuits' Estates; etc., in 2 vols. 8vo, half roan v. d. 495 Essai Le Canada par H. L. Langevin, 1855; Cana- dian Controversy, 1838, and other pamphlets; in all 17. 8vo V. d. 496 Patents of, from 1849 to 1855. Vol. 2. Plates. 8vo, cloth Toronto, 1865 497 Map of, in 3 sections, mounted and in case. Royal 8vo 1838 498 Observations sur le Canal de Lachine; Remarks on the Lachine Canal, and Reply to Remarks by T. Davis, 1822, and others on Canada. 10 pamphlets Quebec, Sc, 1798, &c. CATALOGUE. 41 499 Canada. Cauchon's Union of the Provinces of British North America, 1865; 1st and 2d Reports on Settlement of East- ern Townships of Lower Canada, 1851; Les Servantes de Dieu en Canada, 1853; Dessaulles's Six Lectures sur I'Annexion, 1851; Tache's Union Federale, 1858. 5 vols, sewed Qtiebec, 1851-65 500 Rules and Reajulations of the Militia Quebec, 1812; Meilleur's Memorial de rEducation, 1860. 2 vols, 18mo, sewed 501 Papers Relating to Canada; Public Accounts; &c. 14 vols, folio, sewed Lond. 1837-51 502 Canada at the Universal Exhibition of 1855. 8vo, cloth Toronto, 1856 503 Another in French. 8vo, cloth 504 Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada. Thick 8vo, half sheep Quebec, 1861 505 Debates on the Confederation of the British North American Provinces. Thick 8vo, half shp. Quebec, 1865 506 The Black List, 1828; Caroline Almanac, 1840; Canadian True Blues' Almanac, 1834; and other pam- phlets; in all 16. 8vo v. d. 507 Report of Dr. Nelson on Prisons; Seigniorial Tenure; Reports on Education; Manual of Criminal Law of Canada, 1861; and other pamphlets; in all 15. 8°. v. d. 508 Rapport de I'Association, de la Propagation, de la Foi pour le district de Montreal, 1859-1863. 4 vols, 12mo, sewed Montreal, 1859-63 609 Geological Survey of Canada, 1850-1, '51-2. 2 pamphlets. 8vo Quebec, 1852 510 Census of the Canadas, 1851-2. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Quebec, 1853 511 Same in French and another in English of Vol 1. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Quebec, 1858 42 CATALOGUE. 512 Canada. Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands of Canada, 1856, with Atlas of Maps. 2 vols, 8vo and 4to, sewed and boards Toronto, 1857 513 Maps to the above, containing 8 Maps, mounted on linen. 4to, half morocco Toronto, 1857 514 Chapman's Petition from Lower Canada, 1835. lloebuck's Existing Difficulties, 1836, and other Pamphlets, in all 11 V. d. 515 Les Institutions de I'llistoire du Canada, ou Annales Canadiennes jusqu'a I'an 1819, par Bibaud Jeune, in Nos. 12mo, pp. 440 Montreal, 1855-8 516 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress to 1863. Illustrated. Large 8vo, cloth 3Iontreal, 1863 517 Memoires et Documents Publies par la Societe His- torique de Montreal. 2 pamphlets. 8vo Montreal, 1859 518 The Provincial Statutes of Lower Canada, George III. to William 4, inclusive. 15 vols, in 11 vols, 4to, half sheep Quebec, \12b-\S^^ 519 Statutes of. 1857-8-6 1-'2-'3 and '5. 7 vols, 8vo, half sheep Quebec, 1857-65 520 Sessional Papers. Vol. 18, 1860, to Vol. 1 New Series, 1867-8. 40 vols, 8vo, half sheep Quebec, 1860-78 521 Journals of the Senate and House. Vols. 1, 1867-'8. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf 522 Journals of the Legislative Council. Vols. 16 and 19 to 26. 10 vols, 8vo, half sheep Quebec, 1860-66 523 Plans to Geological Reports, 1857, and Maps to Report on Crown Lands, 1857. 2 vols, 4to, half sheep 524 Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Canada. Vol. 11, 1852-3, to Vol. 26, 1866 (less vol. 12). 18 vols, 8vo, half sheep Quebec, 1852-66 525 Appendix to above to Vols. 11 to 16, less Vol. 12, and Parts 4 and 5 to Vol 13. 47 vols, 8vo, half sheep Quebec, 1852-58 CATALOGVE. 43 526 Canada. Journals of the Legislative Assembly. Vols 8, 9 and 10, with Appendixes. 13 vols, folio, half morocco Quebec, 1849-51 52V Canadian Crisis (The) and Lord Durham's Mission to the North American Colonies, etc. 8vo, sewed, pp. 56 Land. 1838 528 Canadian Freeholder (The). In Two Dialogues between an Englishman and a Frenchman, Settled in Canada, etc. 3 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1757-9 529 Canadian Guide Book, with Map. 12°, rn. Montreal, 1849 530 Canadian Freeholder (The). Vols. 1 and 3. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1777 531 Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art. New Series. 3 vols, 8vo, half sheep Toronto, 1856-8 532 Canadian Review and Literary and Historical Journal. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in 1 vol, 8vo, half calf. Montreal, 1824-5 Edited by a Mr. Chisholme. It closed with the fifth number. 533 [Caner, Rev. Henry.] A Candid Examination of Dr. May- hew's Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for Propagating of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, &c. 8vo, p. 93. half roan Bost. 1763 534 Cape of Good Hope. Narrative of the Ii^ruption of the Kafir Hordes in 1834-5. Map. 8vo, boards Graham'' s Toion, 1836 535 Carayon, p. Auguste. Premiere Mission des Jesuites au Canada. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Scarce /'ar^^s, 1864 536 Bannissement des Jesuites de la Louisiane. Rela- tion et lettres inedites. 8vo, sewed, uncut Paris, 1865 537 Cardenas Z Cano, Gabriel De. Ensayo Cronologico para la Historia General de la Florida. Folio, vellum Madrid, 1723 Written by Barcia, Royal Histographer. 538 Carew, Bampfylde-Moore. An Apology for the Life of. Commonly called the King of the Beggars. 2d edition. 12mo, calf Lond. n. d. 44 CATALOGUE. 539 Carey, M. Olive Branch. 12mo, boards, uncut, first edi- tion Phil. 1814 540 Olive Branch, or Faults on Both sides. 12mo, sheep Middlebury, Vt., 1816 541 An Answer to the Olive Branch by a Federalist. I'imo, boards 1816 542 ViiidiciaB Hibernicse, or Ireland- Vindicated. 8vo, boards, uncut Phil. 1823 543 American Museum. 12 vols, 8vo, 1 to 11, half green morocco. Vol. 12 in boards Phil. 1790-99 544 Carey's American Pocket Atlas. Containing 19 maps. With a brief description of each State. 8vo, half mor, Phil. 1801 545 American Museum, for 1792. Vols. 11 and 12. Methodist Magazine. Vol.1. N. Y., 1818. Connecticut Evangelical Magazine. Vol 5. 1805. In 3 vols. 8vo, sheep V. d. 546 Carpenter & Arthur's Histories of New York, Massa- chusetts, Vermont, Virginia, Kentucky and Georgia. 6 vols, 12mo, cloth Phil. 1852-3 547 Carr, Sir John. Voyage en Hollande et dans le midi de I'Allemagne, sur les deux Rives du Rhin. Tinted plates. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Paris, 1809 548 Carroll, B. R. Historical Collections of South Carolina. Map. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth ]SF. Y. 1836 549 Carson, Mrs. Ann. The History of the Celebrated Mrs. Ann Carson, widow of the late unfortunate Lieut. Richard Smyth, etc., by Herself. 12mo, boards, uncut. Phil. 1822 550 Carthagena. a Genuine and Particular Account of the taking of Carthagena by the French and Buccaniers in 1 097, by the Sieur Pointis, etc. 8vo, pp. (7) 86, calf Loncl. 1740 551 Carthagena. An Account of the Expedition to Cartha- gena, with Notes and Observations. 2d edition. 8vo, pp. 58, half morocco Lond. 1743 CATALOGUE. 45 552 Carthagena. a Journal of the Expedition to, with Notes in answer to "An Account of the Expedition." 8vo, pp. 61, half morocco Dublin, 1774 553 Authentic Papers relating to the Expedition against Carthagena, &c. 8vo, pp. 100, half morocco Lond. 1744 554 Original Papers relating to the Expedition to. 8vo, pp. 120, half morocco Lond. 1744 555 Cartwright, George. Journal of Transactions and Events on the Coast of Labrador. Maps and portrait. 3 vols, 4to, half calf, uncut Newark, 1792 556 Carver, J. Travels through the Interior parts of North America in l766-'7, and '8. 2 maps and plates. 8vo, half morocco Liond. 1778 557 Three Years' Travels in North America for more than 5,000 Miles, etc. 12 mo, half morocco Bost. 1797 558 Cases of Personal Identity. 8vo, hf. shp. Albany, 1854 559 Caspipina's Letters. Containing observations on a variety of subjects. Written by a Gentleman in Philadelphia; with Life of Wm. Penn. 2 vols, 16mo, boards, uncut Bath, 1777 By Duche, Chaplain to the Continental Congress. 560 [Cass, Lewis.] France, its King, Court and Government. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1841 561 Castell. a Short Discoverie of the Coasts and Continent OF America, from the Equinoctiall North- ward, AND of the adjacent Isles. By William Cas- tell. Whereunto is prefixed the Author's Petition to this present Parliament for the propagation of the Gos- pell in America; attested by many eminent English and Scottish Divines; and a late ordinance of Parliament for that purpose, and for the better government of the Eng- lish Plantations there. Together with Sir Benjamin Liuyder''s speech in Parliament, 21 Jan., concerning America. 4to (4), 48 and 54 pp., half calf Lond.: Printed in the year 1644 Contains the first account, published in English, of New Nether- land, now New York, &c. 46 CATALOGUE. 562 Castro, Pedro Antonio Pp:rez De. Compendio de lo que contiene el memorial del hecho del pleyto SOBRE LA SUCESION EN PROPRIEDAD DEL AlMIRANTASGO DE LAS InDIAS, Y MAYORASGO, QUE FUNDO DoN ChRISTO- val Colon, primer Descrubidoe, y Conquistador de ELLAS. Folio vellum, 121 leaves 1792 The Columbus Lawsuit. Dated at the end, Madrid, 15 July, 1792. 563 C'Atalogue of the Damages for which the English de- mand Reparation from the United Netherlands. As also a List of the Damages, Actions and Pretenses for which those of the United Netherlands demand Reparation and Satisfaction from the English, etc. Small 4to, half morocco, pp. vi., 75 Land. 1664 564 Catholic Question in America. Whether a Roman Catho- lic Clergyman be in any case compellable to disclose the secrets of Auricular Confession. Reported by W. Samp- son. 8vo, half morocco N'. Y. 1813 565 Cavendish, Sir Henry'. Government of Canada. Debates on the Quebec Bill. Map. Svo, cloth Loud. 1839 566 Chabert, M. de. Voyage fait par ordre du roi en 1750 et 1751, dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Map and charts. 4to, calf Paris, 1753 567 Challoner, Bishop. Memoirs of Missionary Priests. 2 vols in 1. Svo, sheep Phil. 1840 568 Chalmers, George. Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, from their settlement to the peace of 1763. 4to, full calf Lond. 1780 569 Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great ]>ritain, tfec. Svo, half calf Lond. 1786 570 Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies. 2 vols in 1. Svo, cloth Bost. 1845 571 CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL DE. Voyages et Descovver- TURKS FAITKS EN LA NoUVELLE FrANCE, DEPUIS l'aNNEE 1615, iusques a la fin de l'annee 1618. Engraved title and 6 plates. Svo, full red morocco, pp. (14) 316 Paris, 1620 Priced in a recent French Catalogue 900 francs, CATALOGUE. 47 572 Champlain, Samuel de. Les Voyages de la Novvelle France Occidentale, uicte Canada, Faits par le Sr. de Champlain Xainctongeois, capitaine pour le Roy en la Marine toutes les Descouuertes qui 'il a faites en ce pais (Jepuis I'an 1603, iusques en Pan 1629. . . . Ensemble ime Carte Generalle . . . & vn Catechisme ou Instruction traduicte du Fran9ais aulangage des Sauuages, avec ce qui s'est passe en la dite*Nouuelle F'rance en I'annee 1631. 4to, crimson mor., gt. back and edges Paris, M.D C.XXXII. This is a very beautiful elean copy, with the Original jMap, now seldom found. Priced in Paris at from |150 to |200. 573 Les Voyages de la Novvelle France Occi- dentale, DicTE Canada, faits par le Sr. de Champlain Xainctongeois, et toutes les Descouuertes qu 'il a faites en ce pais depuis 1' 1603, iusques en 1' an 1629. Ensemble vne carte generalle . . . et vn Catechisme ou Instruction tradiucte du Fran9ois au langage des peu- ples Sauuages, auec ce qui s'est passe en la dite Nouuelle France en I'annee 1631. 4to, full maroon morocco, gilt sides and back. Majj and plates. Paris, M.D C.XXXII The map accompanying this copy is Tross's facsimilie of the original map. 574 CEuvresde, publiees sous le patronage de I'Universite Laval, Par I'Abbe C. H. Laverdiere, Portrait, maps and plates. 6 vols, 4to, sewed Quebec, 1870 Now scarce. It contains all Champlain's Voyages. 575 Chandler, Thomas B. A Free Examination of the Critical Commentary on Bishop Seeker's Letter to Mr. Walpole, &c. 8vo, pp. 134 X. Y. 1774 576 An Appeal to the Public in Behalf of the Church of England in America. 8vo, pp. xii. 118, half morocco Land. 1769 577 The Appeal Defended ; or. The Proposed Amer- ican Episcopate Vindicated, &c. 8vo, pp. 274, half morocco X. Y. 1769 578 Life of Samuel Johnson, D.D., first President of King's College, N. Y. 16°, sheep X. Y. 1805 48 CAT J LOG VK. 579 CiiAi'MAN, I. A. Sketch of the History of Wyoming. 12mo, sheep Wilkesharre, 1830 580 Chappell, Lieut. R. Voyage of his Majesty's Ship Rosa- mond to New Foundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador. Map and plates. 8vo, bds, uncut. Lond. 1818 581 Charlevoix, P. De. Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France. Maps. 3' vols, 4to, calf Paris, 1744 582 Another copy. 3 vols, 4to, calf Paris, 1744 583 Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal Historique, etc. Maps. 6 vols, 12mo, calf Paris, 1744 584 History and General Description of New France. Translated, with Notes, by John Gilmary Shea. Map and portraits. 6 vols, royal 8°, sewed, uncut N. F. 1866-'72 Only 250 copies printed. Edition exhausted. 585 Another. Large paper copy. 6 vols, folio, sewed, uncut. 580 Voyage to North America. Maps. Vol 1. 8vo, calf Dublin, 1766 587 Charnock, John. Biographia Navalis, or impartial memoirs of the lives and characters of the Officers of the Navy of Great Britain. 6 portraits. 6 vols, Bvo, half calf Lond. 1794 588 Charters of the British Colonies in America. 8vo, old calf Lond.: J. Almon, n. d. 589 Chastellux. Voyages de M. le Marquis de Chastellux dans I'Amerique, 1780-'82. Map. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Paris, 1786 590 Chaumonot, Joseph Marie. La Vie du, 1688. 12mo, cloth, uncut iV Y. : J. G. Shea, 1858 591 CiiAu.NCEv, Charles. Complete View of Episcopacy. Svo, 8l>«ep Bost. 1771 592 CuEEVER, G. B. Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 12 mo, cloth :^\ Y. 1849 GATJLOGUE. 49 593 Cherokee Primer. Cuts. 18iuo, sewed, pp. 24. Fark Hill, 1854 594 Chessieux, M. de la Grande de. La Conduite des Fran- cois Justifice, ou Observations sur un ecrit Anglois, Intit- ule. 12mo, calf, gilt Utrecht, 1766 595 Chester. Obituary Notices of the Rev. John Chester, late Pastor of 2d Presby. Congregation in Albany. Portrait. 8vo, boards Albany, 1829 596 Chevalier, Michel. Lettres sur TAmerique du Nord. Map. 2 vols, 16mo, half calf Bruxelles, 1837 597 Society, Manners, and Politics in the U, S. 8vo, half sheep . Bost. 1839 598 Chippeway Testament. r2mo, sheep Albany, 1833 599 Chippeway. Translation of the Gospels in the Chippeway Language. 8vo, sheep Toronto, 1850 600 New Testament in the Choctaw Language. 12mo, sheep N. Y. 1848 601 The Books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth, in the Choctaw Language. 12mo, emb. mor N. Y. 1852 602 [CHOISEUL, DUC DE.] A Memorial Containing a Summary View of Facts, with their Authorities, in Answer to the Observations Sent by the English Ministry to the Courts of Europe. Translated from the French. 8vo, pp. (4) 190, half roan N. Y. : H. Gaine, 1757 603 Another Edition. 8vo, p. 328, sheep Phil. 1757 604 Christian Knowledge Society. A Sermon by Tliomas, Lord Bishop of Oxford, 1743. Pp.48. Also An Account of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Pp. 58. 2 in 1. small 4to, half morocco Bond. 1743 This is the society which sent out the German Saltzburghers to Georgia. 605 Christie, Robert. Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas During the Late War with the U. S., 1807-15. 12mo, half roan Quebec, 1818 50 CATALOGUE. 600 Christie, Robert. A Brief Review of the Political State of Lower Canada, etc. 8vo, boards N'. Y. 1818 607 History of the Late Province of Lower Canada. Original Edition. 6 vols, 12mo, cloth Quebec, 1848-55 608 Chronicles of Mount Benedict. A Tale of the Ursuline Convent. 18mo, cloth Bost. 1837 609 Chronologie Septenaire de I'Histoire de la paix entre les Roys de France et d'Espagne. 1598-1604. 12nio, calf Paris, 1612 610 Church, Thomas. History of Indian Wars from 1675 to 1704, with Notes, etc., by S. G. Drake. Plates. 8vo, embossed morocco. Hartford, n, d. 611 Church, T. History of Philip's War; with Notes, by S. G. Drake. 2d edition, 12mo, sheep Exeter, 1829 612 History of Philip's War; with Notes and Appendix, by S. G. Drake, 12 mo, sheep Exeter, 1839 613 CiEZA, Pietro. Histoire de Perv. dove si trattu I'ordine delle Prouincie, delle Citta nuoue in quel Paese editicati, iriti, & costumi de gli Indiani, con molte cose notabili, et degne di consideratione. Con la tavola delle cose piu notabila. 3 vols, sm. 8vo, vellum Venice, 1560-6 Very rare. The rare Map of Bellero, 1554, is inserted in this copy. 614 Cie(;a, Pedro de. Parte primera della chronica del Peru, qve tracta la demarcacion de sus prouincias, la descripcion dellas, las funduciones de las nueuas ciudades, los ritos y costumbres de los Indios. 8vo, half calf, wood- cuts Anvers: Steelsio, 1554 615 Cicero. Traduction du traite de I'Orateur. Avecdes Notes par rAbb(; Colin. 12 mo, calf Paris, 1768 616 Clark, J. V. H. Onondaga; or. Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times. Map and portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Syracuse, 1849 617 Lights and Lines of Indian Character. Portrait. 12mo, cloth Syracuse, 1854 Presented to Dr. O'C. by the author. CATALOGUE. 5 1 618 Clarke, George (Voyage of), to America, 1703; with Notes, by E. B. O'Callaghan. Small 4to, sewed, uncut. 5 copies Albany, 1867 Large paper . Only 1 00 printed. 619 Clarke, R. H. Lives of the Deceased Bishops of the Catholic Church in the United States. 4 portraits. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1872 620 Clarkson, T. Life of William Penn. 2 in 1. 8vo, sheep Dover, 1827 621 Clavigero, D. Francesco S. Storia Antica del Messico. Maps and plates. 4 vols, 4to, hf. vellum In Cesena, 1780 Good copy of the original edition of Clavigero. 622 History of Mexico. Collected from the Spanish and Mexican Historians, and from Mss. and Ancient Paintings of the Indians. Translated by Charles Cullen. Maps and plates. 2 vols, 4to, half calf, uncut Lond. 1787 Scarce. 623 Clay, Henry. Address in Refutation of the Charges made by Gen. Andrew Jackson. 8vo, half mor. pp. 61 Wash. 1827 624 Clinton, DeWitt. Letters on the Natural History and Internal Resources of New York. By Hibernicus. 12mo, half calf N. F. 1822 625 Discourse, July 22, 1823, before the N. Y. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. 8°, hlf. mor. pp. 47 Albany, 1823 626 Clinton, Sir Henry (Narrative of), Relative to his Con- duct, etc. Also, an Answer by Earl Cornwallis and Cor- respondence. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1783 626 Observations on Earl Cornwallis's Answer to his Narrative. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1783 627 A Letter to the Commissioners of Public Accounts. 8vo, pp. 31, half roan Lond. 1784 629 [Clowes, Rev.] Answer of the Members of St. Peter's Church, Albany, to Lieut.-Gov. Tayler and others. 8vo, half roan, pp. 100 Albany, 1816 22 CATALOGUE. 630 Clowes, Rev, T. Sermons in St. Peter's Church, Albany, 1816; D wight's Geography, 1809 ; Lucian's Dialogues, 1816, &c. (All early Albany books.) 7 vols, 12 mo and 18mo 631 CoBBETT, W. A Little Plain English, by Peter Porcupine. 8vo, pp. 110, half sheep Phil. 1795 632 A New Year's Gift to the Deniocrats ; or. Observa- tions on " A Vindication of Mr. Randolph's Resignation," by Peter Porcupine. 8vo, pp. 71, half roan Phil. 1796 633 [CODRINGTON, RoBEET.] HiS MajESTY's PROPRIETY AND Dominion on the British Seas Asserted: Together with a True Account of the Netherlanders, &c., &c. Port, of Charles 2d and map. 12mo, half calf Lond. 1665 634 Coffin, Joshua. History of Newbury, Newburyport and West Newbury. Portraits. 8vo, cloth Boston, 1845 635 Coffin, W. F. 1812 : The War, and its Moral. A Cana- dian Chronicle. 8vo, cloth Montreal, 1864 636 CoLDEN, Cadwallader. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, &c. Second edition, (Portrait in- serted). Map. 8vo, calf Lond. 1750 637 The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are dependent on the Province of New York in America, &c. To which are added, Accounts of several other Nations of Indians in North America. Map. Third edition. 2 vol, 12mo, calf Lond. 1755 638 History of the Five Indian Nations depending on the Province of New York, reprinted exactly from Brad- ford's N. Y. Ed. (1727). With an Introduction and Notes, by John G. Shea. Port. 8vo, sewed, uncut N.Y. 1866 639 CoLDEN. The Conduct of Cadwallader Colden, LiEUT.-Gov. OF New York, relating to the Judges' Commissions, A])peals to the King, and the Stamp-Duty. 8vo, pp. 56, full morocco I'rinted in the year 1767 Title uiended aud stained. 640 CoLDEN, C. D. Life of Robert Fulton. 2 portraits, 8vo, sheep N.Y. 1817 CATALOGUE. 53 641 Cole, F. W. Poems, with Sketch of his Life and Character, by S. W, Fisher. 12mo, cloth Albany, 1845 642 Coleman. A Collection of Facts and Documents relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton, &c. Portrait. 8 vo, sheep A^. 1^1804 643 Collection of Papers relating to the Proceedings of His Majesty's Commissioners, &c. 8vo, pp. 74, half roan N.Y. 1778 644 Collections of the Protestant Historical Society, 1851-3. Bartlet's Frontier Missionary, a Memoir of Rev. Jacob Bailey. Portraits, &c. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth A! F. 1851-3 645 College of Mirania. A General Idea of, &c. ; relating to the Establishment of a College in the Province of New York. 8vo, half roan N.Y.: J. Parker & Weyman, 1753 646 Collins, Lewis. Historical Sketches of Kentucky, with Engravings. 8vo, cloth Maysville, Ky. 1847 647 Colonial Policy of Great Britain Considered with relation to her North American Provinces, &c., by a British Travellei. 12mo, boards uncut PAiY. 1816 648 Colonial Policy of Great Britain, &c, by a British Tra- veller. 8vo, boards Lond. 1816 649 Colonies. The Plea of the Colonies, on the Charges by Lord M d and others, 8vo, pp. 47, half morocco Lond. 1775 650 Historical Account of all the British Colonies in North America, particularly of the Massachusetts Bay, &c. 8vo, pp. 196, half morocco Lond. 1775 651 CoLTON, Calvin. Life and Times of Henry Clay. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1846 652 Tour of the American Lakes and Among the In- dians of the North-West, 2 vols, 12°, hf. cf. Lond. 1833 653 Genius and Mission of the Protestant Episcopalian Church in United States. 12rao, cloth JV. Y. 1853 54 CATALOGUE. 654 Columbia. Notes respecting the Origin of the District of Columbia; and the Causes which led to the Provision in in the Constitution of the United States for the exchisive jurisdiction of Congress over the District ten miles square for the seat of Government. With Laws of the United States relating to the District of Columbia down to 1829. 8vo, pp. 464, half calf n.p., n. d. Has no title and lacks a page or leaf at end. 655 Columbia's Naval Triumphs. 1 Brno, bds, uncut. iVi 1". 1813 Contains Notes, including letters of naval officers engaged in the war of 1812; list of killed and wounded, etc. 656 Columbus. Codice Diplomatico Colombo- Americano Ossia Raccolta di Documenti originali e inediti, spettanti a Governo dell' America. 4to, morocco, uncut. Genova,\S2'i Has Eng. bust, 2 facsimiles, Columbus statue at Genoa and arms. 657 Memorials of Columbus; or, a Collection of Authen- tic Documents of that celebrated Navigator ; with a Memoir. Portrait, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1823 658 CoLViN, V. (2d) Report on the Topographical Survey of the Adirondacks. Maps and plates. 8vo, cloth Albany^ 1874 659 Commercial Directory: containing a Topographical De- scription, Extent and Productions of Different Sections of the Union, etc., etc. With engraved title to each State. 4to, sheep Phil. 1823 660 Common Sense : In Nine Conferences, between a British Merchant and a Candid Merchant of America, in their Private Capacities as Friends. Folio, pp. (x) 117, half morocco Lond. 1775 661 Conciliatory Address to People of Great Britain and of the Colonies. 8vo, pp. 56, half roan Lond. 1775 662 Conduct of the Late Administration Examined, relative to the American Stamp Act; with Appendix. 2d edition. 8vo, half morocco I^ond. : J. Almon, 1767 CATALOGUE. 55 "663 Congress Canvassed; or, an Examination into the Conduct of the Delegates in Philadelphia, 1774, addressed to the Merchants of New York. By A. W. Farmer, 8vo, pp. , half roan H. Y. : Rivlngton, 1774 664 CoKNECTicuT Historical Society Collections. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Hartford, 1860-70 665 Public Records of the Colony of. By J. H. Trum- bull. 3 vols, Svo, cloth Hartford, 1850-9 666 Considerations i-elative to the North American Colonies. 8vo, pp. 48, tree calf Lond. 1765 667 Constitution. The Genuine Principles of the Ancient Saxon, or English Constitution, etc. By Demophilus. 8vo, pp. 47, half roan Phil. 1776 668 A Review of the Constitution proposed by the late Convention held at Philadelphia, 1787, by a Federal Re- publican. 8vo, pp. 39, half roan Phil. 1787 669 Constitutions of the several Independent States of America, &c. Philadelphia printed; London, reprinted, with an Advertisement, by J. L. De Lolme. 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1783 670 of the United States. 12 mo, sheep Phil. 11 ^\ 671 Contest in America between Great Britain and France, &c., by an Impartial Hand. 8vo, calf Lond. 1757 Said to be by Dr. Mitchell, of Virginia. 672 Continental Congress. Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia 5th September, 1774. 12mo, pp. 59, sewed, uncut N. Y. 1774 673 Another ed. Svo, pp. 36, sewed uncut Phil. 1774 674 A Few Remarks upon some Votes and Resolutions of the, by a Friend to Peace and Good Order. 12mo, pp. 20, half morocco Printed for the purchasers in 1775 675 Conversions Remarquables de Quelques Protestans. 12mo, boards Paris, 1789 2 6 CATALOGUE. 676 Cook, F. J. Home Sketches of Essex County (N. Y.), Ticonderoga. 8vo, pp. 139, sewed Keeseville, 1858 677 CooNEY, Robert. A Compendious History of the Northern Part of the Province of New Brunswick, and of the Dis- trict of Gaspe in Lower Canada. 8vo, bds. Halifax, 1832 677a[CooPER, Mtles.] What think ye of the Congress Now ? or, an Enquiry, how far the Americans* are bound to abide by, and execute, the decisions of the late Congress. 8vo, pp. 48, half roan IST. Y. : Rivington, 1775 678 Cooper, Rev. Mr. History of North America ; containing a Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants, &c. 24mo, sheep JSF. Y. : W. Darell,-D. d. 679 Cooper, J. F. Battle of Lake Erie. 12rao, sewed Cooperstown, 1843 680 Cooper, Samuel. A Sermon before Gov. Thomas Pownall^ of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, on the Reduction of Quebec. 8vo, half morocco Bost. [1759] 681 Cooper, Thomas. Some Information respecting America. Map. 8vo, half morocco Loud. 1794 682 CoRMON, J. L. B. Dictionary Spanish-French, French- Spanish. 2 vols, Svo, sewed, imcut Lyon, 1800 683 Cortes. De Insulis Nuper Inventis Ferdina.ndi Cor- TESii. His accesserunt Epistol^ du^, de eelicissimo APUD Indos Evangelii incremento, quas superioribus trisce diebus quidam fratres mino. Ab India in Hispan- iam transmiserant, etc. Folio, boards YenduntuT in lyingui Gallina, 1532 684 Ferdina^jdi I Cortesii. | Von dem Newin His- PANiEN, so im I Meer gegem Nidergang, Zwo gantz LUSTIGE VNND I FRUCHTREICHE HlSTORIEN, I Die ERST IM M.D. XX, jar zugeschv ben, in welliciier GRUNDT- I LICH VNI) GLAUBWIRDIG ERZELT WIRDT, DER AbENDTLANDERN, VNND | SONDERLICH DER HoCIlBER- UMPTEN Statt Temixtitan eroberung. | Die andere in 1524. jar, Wie Temixtitan, so abgefallen, wider erobert, CATALOGUE. 57 I Nachmals andere herrliche Syg, sampt der erfindung des Meers svr, | so man fiir das Indianisch Meer achtet. | Darzu auch von vilen andern Landschafften Indite, | so evfuiiden von dem 1536. bisz auf das 42, Jar. | &c. Getrucht inn der Kaiserlichen Reichs Statt Augspurg, durch I Philipp Vlhart, In der Kirchgussen, bey S. Vlrich, Anno Domini M.D.L. Folio, boards, Gothic Letter. Rubricated title, b prel. leaves. Text, xxxix folioed leaves. Then Die Ander Histori ; Ded. to Pope Clement VII. and Inhalt, 2 p. leaves not numbered. Text i to Ix folios ' ' This is the first German edition of the letters of Cortes, trans- lated by Andrew Diether. For the title in full see Stevens's Nuggets, I. 188. This edition is not mentioned by either Meusel or Brunet, and I have nowhere found a description of it." — Dr. O'Callaghan. 685 Cortes, Correspondence de, avec I'Empereur Charles-Quint. 12 mo, cloth Faris {\11Q) 686 Cortes, Hernando. Dispatches, with Introd, and Notes by G, Folsom, 8vo, boards N. Y. 1843 687 CoRWiN, E, T. Historical Discourse Millstone Centennial. 8vo, cloth N. r; 1866 688 A Manual of the Reformed Church in America. Portraits, 2d edition. 8vo, cloth A^T. 1869 689 Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River, etc. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut Lond. 1831 690 CoxE, Daniel, A Description of the English Province OF Carolana, by the Spaniards cail'd Florida, and by the French, La Louisiane. Map, 8vo, hf, cf. Lond. 1741 691 CoxE, Tench, A View of the United States ; with Authen- tive Documents, etc. 8vo, sheep Phil, 1794 " Original edition on thick hot-pressed paper." 692 Another. Original edition on thin paper. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1794 693 Another. 8vo, half calf Lo7id. 1795 694 Craig, N, B, History of Pittsburgh. Maps. 12mo, cloth Pittsburgh, 1851 58 CATALOGUE. 695 Cree. Book of Common Prayer, in the Cree Language. Hunter's Translation. 12mo, sheep Load. 1859 696 Crkigii, a. Masonry and Anti-Masonry ; a History of Masonry in Pennsylvania. 12mo, cloth Phil. 1854 697 Crespels, Emanuel. Reisen nach Canada. 12mo, half morocco Franctfurt, 1751 698 Crespel, R. P. Voyage au Nouveau Monde, et His- TOiRE Interessante du Naufrage du R. p. Crespel ; avec des Notes, &c. 12mo, calf Atnsterdara, 1757 Crespel was chaplain on Lake Champlain, at Niagara and in Wisconsin. 699 CREVXIUS, P. FRANCIS. Historic Canadensis sive Nov^ FrancivE Lip.ri Decem. ad Annum vsqueChristi- MDCLVI. Map and 13 plates. 4to, vellum Paris: Cramoisy, 1664 Rare, perfect copy. Priced by Dufosse Paris, this year, at 300 fr., $60. Brinley's brought $80. 700 Crisis (The). (A Series of Papers on the American Revolution ; being a violent attack on the King and Administration.) Containing XXVHI. numbers. 8vo, half roan. Ijondon, printed ; Neio York, reprinted by JoJm Anderson at Beeknianh Slip, 1776 701 Cromwell's Soldier's Pocket Bible. 1643. 3 different editions by the Tract Society. 18° and 24°. 3 vis. v. d. 702 Crosby, Nathan. Annual Obituary Notices of Eminent Persons who have died in the U. S. 18o7-'8. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Boston, 1858-'9 703 Cruden, a. Concordance. ^ Edited by C. S. Carey. 12mo, cloth Zo7id. n, d. 704 CuGNET, Francois Joseph. Traitc Abrege des Anciennes Loix, Coutumes et Usages de la Colonic du Canada, au- jourd'huy Province de Quebec, &c. Pp. 188. Quebec, 1775. Also, by same author, Ancient French Archives or Extracts relating to the Records of Canada, while under tlie Government of France. In French and English, pp. 100. Quebec, 1791. 2 vols, in 1, small 4to, half calf Quebec, 1775-'91 CATALOGUE. 59 705 CuLLUM, G. W. Register of the Academy at West Point, and 5 Army Registers. 6 vols, 12mo, sewed 706 CuMMiNGs, Asa, Memoir of Rev. Edward Payson. Portrait. 18mo, cloth N. Y., n. d. 707 CusicK, David. Sketches of the Ancient History of the Six Nations. Cuts, 8vo, pp. 35, sewed Lockport, 1848 708 Cte, Rev. N, Memoir of Rev. C. H. O. Cote, M. D., and a History of the Grand Ligne Mission, Canada East. Portrait. 18mo, cloth Phil. n. d. D ABLON, CLAUDE. Relation de la Nouvelle France. 1673-1679. 8vo, folded, uncut Quebec, IS^O One of Shea's Cramoisy series. 710 Dainville, D. Beautes de I'Histoire du Canada. Plates. 12mo, sheep Paris, 1821 7 1 1 Daly, C. P. Historical Sketch of the Judicial Tribunals of New York, from 1623 to 1846. 8°, hlf. calf R. Y. 1855 Presentation copy. 712 Damhouder, Joost. Praxis Rerum Civilium. Portrait and woodcuts. 4 to, calf Antwerjnce, 1569 This was a standard authority in civil pleadings in the Dutch courts. 713 Praxis Rerum Criminalium. Editio ultima. Por- trait and many curious woodcuts. 4to, hogskin Antuerpice, 1570 On page 86 of this voume the author reports a curious trial of a woman for witchcraft. 714 Dana, E. Geographical Sketches on the Western Country, etc. 12mo, sheep Cinn. 1819 715 Dankers, J., and P. Slutter. Journal of a Voyage to New York, etc., 1679-80. Translated by Henry C. Murphy. 12 plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut Brooklyn, 1867 716 Journal of a Voyage to New York and a Tour in several of the American Colonies in 1679-80. Translated and edited by Henry C. Murphy. 12 plates. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Urookiyn, 1867 6o CATALOGUE. Ill Da PoNTE, Lorenzo L. History of Florence. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth JSr.Y. 1823 718 Darby, W. Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana. 8vo, half roan Phil. 1816 VI 9 Map of Louisiana, with part of State of Mississippi Territory, mounted on linen. \i\ case, Svo JST. Y. 1816 V20 Emigrant's Guide to the Western and South-western States and Territories. Map. Svo, half roan. JSF. Y. 1818 721 Darby, Wm. A Tour from the City of New York to De- troit, in the Michigan Territory. Maps. 8vo, hlf. sheep. N, Y. 18J9 722 Another. Maps. 8vo, half sheep JVi F! 1819 garieu tracts. Ati extreynely valuable collection on this attempt to settle at Darien. 723 Darien. A Letter from a Member of the Parliament of Scotland to his Friend in London, Concerning their late Act, for Establishing a Company of that Kingdom, Trad- ing to Africa and the Indies. 4to, large paper, sprinkled polished calf, extra gilt (imprint at the end). Printed at London, and Reprinted at Edinburgh.^ by the Heirs and Successors of Andreio Anderson, Printer to the Kinrfs 3Io.it Excellent Majesty, 1696. Not in Rich. 724 A Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien, Includ- ing an Answer to the Defence of the Settlement there. 8vo, polished calf, extra, s. 1. Printed in the year 1700 Said to have been written by Mr. Harris. The Parliament of Scot- land ordered this tract to be burned. 725 A Letter Concerning the Union, with Relation to Trade, from several Scots Gentlemen, Merchants in Eng- land, to their Country-Men, Merchants in Scotland. 8vo, polished calf, extra, pp. 16 London: Printed for B. Bragg, 1707 CATALOGVE. 6i 726 Darien. The Original Papers and Letters, Relating to the Scots Company Trading to Africa and the Indites: From the Memorial given against their taking Subscriptions at Hamburgh by Sir Paul Ricaut, to their last Address sent up to His Majesty in Decernber, 1699. Faithfully extracted from the Companies Books. With a supplement of 16 pp. 8vo, polished calf Printed Anno 1700 727 The Defence of the Scots Settlem.ent at Darien, an- swered, paragraph by paragraph. By Philo-Britan. 8vo, polished calf, extra Z,ond. 1699 728 • Scotland's Present Duty: or a Call to the Nobility, Gentry, Ministry and Commonality of this Land, to be duly affected with, and vigorously to act for, our Com- mon Concern in Caledonia, as a Mean to Enlarge Christ's Kingdom, to Benefit Ourselves, and do Good to all Pro- testant Churches. 4to, polished calf, extra, micut. Pp. 28 Printed in the year 1700 729 A Speech in Parliament on the 10th day of January, 1701, by the Lord Belhaven, on the Affairs of the Indian and African Company, and its Colony of Caledonia. 4to, polished calf, uncut Edinburgh, 1701 730 Two Discourses Concerning the Affairs of Scotland; written in the year 1698. 12mo, polished calf Edinhurg, 1698 The first of these discourses is in favor of the Scots Company for settling Caledonia, or Darien, and against a standing army; the second contains a curious defense of slavery, from the text of the Apostle Paul, wherein, after reviewing the state of slavery among the Antients, the author recommends that the poor of Scot- land be reduced to that condition, and bound to serve the land proprietors for life; thus showing that modern arguments in favor of slavery, derived from Scripture, are at least not new. 731 Speeches by a Member of the Parliament which began at Edinburgh the 6th May, 1703. 12mo Edinburgh, 1703 731a An Account of a Conversation concerning a right Regulation of Governments for the Common Good of Mankind. In a Letter to the Marquiss of Montrose, the Earls of Rothes, Roxburg and Hadington, from London the 1st of December, 1703. In 1 vol, 12mo, polished calf, extra Edinburgh, MDCCIV. Reference is made m both these tracts to the ill usage experienced by the Scotch in the affairs of Darien. 62 CATALOGUE. 732 Darien. An Enquiry into the causes of the Miscarriage of the Scots Colony at Darien, or an Answer to a Libel enti- tled A Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien. 8vo, pp. 8, 112, calf, gilt back Glasgov:, 1700 This tract was declared by a Royal proclamation to be ''a false, scandalous and traitorous libel," and ordered to be burnt by the common hangman. 733 A Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien. With an Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it. And arguments to prove that it is the Interest of Engkvid to join with the Scots, and protect it. To which is added, A Description of the Country, and a particular account of the Scots Colony. 8vo, pp. 8, 86, polished calf Edinhurgh, 1699 The Dedication is signed Philo-Caledon. The author is said to have been Mr. Riddpath. It is ascribed, also, to a Mr. Fletcher, of Salton. 734 A Short and Impartial View of the Manner and Occasion of the Scots Colony's coming away from Darien. In a Letter to a Person of Quality. Small 4to, pp. 40, polished calf, gilt Printed in the year MDCXCIX. ^35 A Full and Exact Collection of all the Considerable Addresses, Memorials, Petitions, Answers, Proclamations, Declarations, Letters and other Publick Papers relating to the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies, since the passing of the Act of Parliament, by which the said Company was established in June, 1695, 'till Novem- ber, 1700. Together with a Short Preface (including the Act itself), as also a Table of the Whole Contents. 12mo, half roan, pp. x. 144. Contents and Catalogue of Publica- tions on the Scots Settlement at Darien. pp. 4 Printed in tJie year 1700 It contains the Proclamations of the Earl of Bellomont, issued at New York and Boston, and of the Governors of Jamaica and Barbadoes, against tlie Scots Settlement at Darien. " Let any Scots-Man eat this Book, and he shall find it as bitter as Gall in his Belly, as at present I find it in m'wxa."— Speech of Lord Bel- haven. CATALOGUE. 63 '736 Darien. Some Seasonable and Modest Thoughts, partly occa- sioned by, and partly concerning the Scots East India Company. Humbly offered to R. H., Esq., a Member of the present Parliament. By an unfeigned and hearty Lover of England. Small 4to, polished calf, gilt edges. Edlnhuryli, Re-printed by George 3Iosman, and are to be sold at his shoj) in the Parliament Closs 1C96 Not mentioned in Rich . 737 Letter from the Commission of the General Assem- bly of the Church of Scotland to the Honourable Council and Inhabitants of the Scots Colony of Caledonia in America. Dated at Glasgow, July 21, 1699. 4to, pol- ished, calf extra, pp. 16 Glasgoio, 1699 738 Caledonia; or, the Pedlar turn'd Merchant. A Tragi-Comedy, as it was acted by His Majesty's Subjects of Scotland, in the King of Spahi's Province of Darien. 4to, polished calf, pp. 30 London: Printed and sold by the Booksellers, 1700 A copy of this rare satirical tract sold at an auction in London in 1854 for £2 12s. M. It embodies many curious particulars not elsewhere to be found. 739 Information touchant 1' affaire de Darien. 4to, pp. 15, half morocco s. 1. 1699 The Scotch having planted a Colony at Darien in 1698, the King of Spain issued this Protest against the proceeding, setting forth the Spanish title to the country and detailing their discoveries made since 1492. 740 A Just and Modest Vindication of the Scots Design, for the having established a Colony at Darien. With A Brief Display, how much it is their Interest, to apply themselves to Trade, and particularly to that which is foreign. Bvo, half calf. Printed in the year 1699 Rich ascribes the authorship of this to James Hodges. But he had not seen the book itself. 741 Davidson, A., and B. Stuve. A complete History of Illi- nois from 1673 to 1873, &c. Large 8vo, half roan Springfield, 1874 64 CJTALOGVE. 742 Davis, G. L, L. Day Star of American Freedom ; or Tol- eration in Province of Maryland. 12°, cl N. Y. 1855 With Autograph Letter of Author. 74;3 Davis, Samukl. An Account of a remarkable Work of Grace ; or, the great success of the Gospel in Virginia. In a letter from Mr. Davis of Va., to Mr. Bellamy, of Bethlem, &c. 12mo, pp. 12, half roan Loud. 1752 744 Prayer Book in the language of the Six Nations of Indians. 12 mo, cloth N. IT 1837 745 Dawsox, H, B. The Sons of Liberty in New York. 8vo, sewed, uncut 1859 Printed as MSS. for private circulation. 746 Major General Israel Putnam. A correspondence with " Selah " and H. B. D. Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut Morrisania, 1860 Rare. A large portion of the limited edition printed was acciden- tally burned. 747 The Foederalist, by Jay, Hamilton, and others. Reprinted from the original text, with an Historical In- troduction and Notes, by Henry B. Dawson. Portrait. Vol. 1, all pub., royal 8vo cloth, uncut Morrisania^ 1864 748 Diary of David How. Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut Morrisan ia, 1865 749 Day, S. Historical Collections of Pennsylvania. Illus- trated. 8vo, sheep. Phil 1843 750 Day, Tuomas. Reflexions upon the present state of Eng- land, and the Independence of America. 2d edition. 8vo, pp. 102, half morocco Lond. 1782 751 Dkane, Charles. The First Plymouth Patent, granted June 1, 1621. Now first printed. Edited by Charles Deane. 4to, cloth, Cambridge., privately printed, 1854 752 Dkhates on the Judiciary, in Congress. 8vo, sheep Albany, 1802 753 DEisitKTT's Genealogical Peerage of Great Britain and Ire- land, revised and corrected to 1849, by Henry Collen. Portrait and Arms. 8 vo, sheep Loud.: Picker ing,\SA9 CATALOGUE. 65 T54 Debrett's Illustrated Peerage. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1866 755 Illustrated Baronetage, Knightage, &c. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1866 756 Declaration (The) by the Representatives of the United Colonies now met in General Congress at Philadelphia, &c. Bvo, p. 32, half morocco Lond. 1775 757 Declaration, An Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress. 8vo, p. 132, half roan Lond.lllQ 1b% De Costa, B. F. Narrative of Events at Lake George. Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut H. Y. 1868 75 copies only privately printed. 759 De Courcy, II. The Catholic Church in the United States. Translated and enlarged by J. G. Shea. 12mo, cloth JSr. Y. 1856 760 Defence of the American Congress, in reply to Taxation no Tyranny, &c. 8vo, pp. 96, half roan Lond. 1775 761 De Forest, J. W. History of the Indians of Connecticut. Plates. 12mo, cloth Hartford, 1853 762 De Grasse, Count. The Operations of the French Fleet under the Count De Grasse in 1781-2. Portrait, 8vo, cloth, uncut JSf.Y. 1864 Bradford Club Series No. 3. 763 De Lancet, E. F. Capture of Mount Washington, 1776, the Result of Treason. 2 maps, 4to, pp. 32, cloth, uncut N.Y. 1877 Presentation copy from the author. 764 Dencke, C. F. Three Epistles of the Apostle John in the Delaware Indian. 18mo, sewed, pp. 21 iV] I^. 1818 765 Denton, D. A Brief Description of New York in 1670, with Notes by Gabriel Furman. 8vo, cloth. 7 copies If.Y. 1845 766 Brief Description of New York in 1670, with Cus- toms of Indians. Edited by Gabriel Furman. 4to, cloth, uncut K.Y. 1846 Large paper copy. 66 ' CATALOGVK. 767 Denys, M. Desckiption Geographique et Historiquk DES COSTES DE l'AmERIQUE, DES PeUPLES, DES AnI- MAUX, ETC. 2 vols, 12mo, calf Paris, 1672 Important work on Nova Scotia and the Gulf provinces. 768 De Petstee, F. William III. as a Reformer. Address, portrait, royal 8vo, clotb N. Y. 1874 769 De Peyster, J. Watts. Genealogy "of the De Peyster Family. 4to, half morocco, uncut. No title 1854 Privately printed, and very scarce. 770 The Dutch Battle of the Baltic. 8vo, pp. 88, sewed Fouyhkeepsie, 1858 Presentation copy to Thurlow Weed. 771 De Regione et Moribus Canadensium seu Barbarorum Novse Francite. J. Juvencio. 12mo, folded Romm, 1710 Dr. O'Callaghan's reprint. Only 25 copies. 772 De Ronde, Lambertus, Minister of the P. Dutch Church, at New York. The True Spiritual Religion, or Delight- ful Service of the Lord (and others). 12 mo, sheep KY.: J. Holt, 1767 773 Deslandes, Chevalier. Discours sur la grandeur et I'importance de la Revolution qui vient de s'operer dans I'Amerique, etc. 12mo, pp. 183, half calf Francfort, a Paris, 1785 774 Dessaulles, L. A. La Guerre Americaines on Origine et ses vraies Causes. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 Lectures. 4 vols, r2mo, sewed Montreal, 1865 775 D'Eres, Charles D. Rusoe, a Native of Canada, Memoirs of. Who was with the Scanyawtauragahrooote Indians Eleven Years. To which is added An Appendix, &c. 12nio, sheep Exeter, 1800 776 D'EsTRADES. Brieven, Memorien en Ncgociatien van den here Grave D'Estrades, met en beneffens de heren Colbert en Grave d'Avaux, &c. 2 vols, 12mo, sewed, uncut Utrteht, 1755 777 Dk Voe, T. F. The Market Book. Vol. 1 (all published). 8vo, half morocco JST.Y. 1862 Presentation oop}^ from the author. Scarce. GAT.,:ILOGUE. 67 778 De Veies, David Pietersz. Korte Histoeiael, ende JOURNAELS AENTEYCKENINGE, VAN VeRSCHETDEN VoY- AGIEN IN DE VIEE DEELEN DES WeRELDTS-RoNDE, ALs EuROPA, Africa, Asia, ende Ameeika gedaen, door David Pietersz de Vries, Artillerij-Meester van de Ed : Mo : Heeren Gecommitteerde Raden van Staten van Uest-Vrieslandt ende 't Noorder-Quartier. Waerin ver- haelt ward wat Batailjes hy te water gedaenhaft : Yder Landtschap zyn Gedierte, Gevogelt, wat soorte van Vis- sen, ende wat wilde Menschen naer 't leven geconterfasyt, ende van de«Bossclien ende Ravieren met haer Vruchten. 4to, vellum, pp. 8, 190, 2. Portrait ; plates H Hoorn, Anno 165i Very fine copy of a very rare book. The author passed considera- ble time in New Netherland, having been proprietor of planta- tions on Staten Island and in Westchester County. He furnishes much valuable information regarding events which occurred during his residence. The plates, 18 in number, are printed with the text, which is black letter. 779 Voyages from Holland to Ameeica, a.d. 1632 TO 1644. Translated from the Dutch by Henry C. Murphy. Portrait. 4to, cloth, uncut A^r:i853 . Privately printed by Mr. James Lenox. Presentation copy to Dr. O'Callaghan by Mr. Lenox. 780 Dewey, Rev. Chester. History of the County of Berk- shire, Mass, Maps and plates. 12°, sheep Plttsjield, 1829 781 De Witt, T. Discourse in the North Reformed Dutch Church, N. Y. 1856. Plates, 8vo, cloth K. Y. 1857 782 Dialogue between the Ghost of Gen. Montgomery, and an American Delegate, 1786. Bvo, sewed, uncut. N. Y. 1865 80 copies only printed. 783 Dialogues in the Shades between Gen. Wolfe, Gen. Mont- gomery, David Hume, Geo. Grenville, and Charles Town- shend. 18mo, p. 120, half morocco Lond. 1777 784 Diaz del Castillo, Beenal. The True History of the Con- quest of Mexico. Translated from the original Spanish by Maurice Keatinge. Plan. 4to, calf Lond. 1800 68 CATALOGUE. 785 Dickenson, Jonathan. God's Protecting Providence Man's Surest Help and Defence, Evidenced in the Remark- able Deliverance of Robert Barrow from Shipwreck and from the Cruel Devouring Jaws of the Inhuman Can- nibals of Florida. 3d ed. 12mo, pp. (8) 94 Lond. 1720 Rare. 78G [DicKENbON, John]. The Late Regulations Respecting the British Colonies Considered. 8vo, p. 62, half morocco Lond. 1765 787 Dickenson, John. Letters d'une Fermier de Pennsylvanie, aux habitans, etc. Traduites de I'Anglois (par B. du Bourg, M.D.). 12mo, boards « Paris, 1769 788 [Dickinson, J.J An Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America, etc. 8vo, pp. 135, full roan Phil. 1774 789 A New Essay, etc. 8vo, pp. 126, half roan Lond. 1774 790 Dickinson, R. New's Corrected Version of the New Tes- tament. 8vo, cloth Post. 1833 791 Dictionary. A New Polyglot Dictionary in Four Lan- guages, French, Dutch, German, and English, by a Society of Learned Men. 4 vols, 8vo, green morocco Hague, 1848 792 Dictionaries. Deletanville's French and English and Eng- lish and French, and an old Latin Dictionary. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep. (No titles) 793 DiEREviLLE, Mr. Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de I'Acadie, ou de la Nouvelle France. 12°, cf. Pouen, 1708 794 Another co])y. r2ino, half calf Poicen, 1708 795 Dillon, John, B. History of Indiana, from Its Earliest Explorations by Europeans, &c. Maps and plates, 8vo, sewed, uncut Indianapolis, 1859 796 DTsRAELi, I. C. Curiosities of Literature. Also of Am. Literature. By R. W. Griswold. Svo, cloth JV. T. 1849 797 Dix, J. A. Sketch of the Resources of City of New York. Svo, boards N'. 3^. 1827 CATALOGUE. 69 798 Dix, Morgan. Historical Recollections of St. Paul's Chapel, New York. 8vo, pp. 64, sewed, uncut N. Y. 1867 Rare, long out of print. 799 DoBBS, Arthur. Account of the Countries Adjoining to Hudson's Bay in the North-west of America. Map. 4to, half calf Loud. 1744 800 Documents relatifs a la Tenure Seigneuriale, demandes par une addresse de L'Assemble Legislative, 1851. 8vo, half calf Quebec, 1852 801 DoiGE, Thomas. Alphabetical List of the Merchants, Traders and Housekeepers in Montreal. With Sketch of the town. 12mo, sewed Montreal, 1819 First Directory published in Canada. 802 DoMENECH, Em. Journal d'un Missionnaire an Texas et au Mexique, 1846-52, Map. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Paris,\Sl5 803 Dorr, Benj. Historical Account of Christ Church, Phila- delphia. 12rao, cloth JSr. r: 1841 804 Dougherty, P. A Chippewa Primer. 12mo, boards N. Y. 1847 805 Short Reading Lessons in the Ojibway Language. By P. D. and D. Rood. 12rao, boards Grand Traverse Bay, 1847 806 Douglas, Wm. A Summary, Historical and Political, of the Fit*st Planting, &c., in North America. Map. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1755 An exact reprint of tlie Boston edition of 1749, witti the addition of a map. 807 Dowse, Thomas. The Dowse Library and Eulogy. ByE. Everett. 2 portraits and plate. 8vo, cloth (privaiely printed) Bost. 1859 808 Drake, Daniel. Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. Maps. 12rao, half sheep Cinn. 1815 809 Drake, S. G. Indian Biography. 12mo, sheep. Bost. 1832 810 History and Antiquities of Boston. Maps, por- traits, views, &c. Royal 8vo, full mor., gilt. Bost. 1856 -JO CATALOGUE. 811 Drake, S. G. Result of some Researches among the British Archives for information relative to the Founders of New England : Made in 1858-9 and 60. Map and 2 portraits. 4to, cloth Bost. 1860 812 A Brief Memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh. Portraits. 4vo, sewed, uncut Bost. 1862 Privately printed. 813 Drayton, John. Memoirs of the American Revolution from its commencement to 1776, as relating to the State of South Carolina, etc. Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Charleston, 1821 814 Dreuillette, Gabriel. Narre du Voyage faict pour la Mission des Abnaquiois et des Connoissances tirez de la Nouvelle Angleterre. 1650 et 1651. 12mo, pp. 33, folded, uncut (2 copies) Albany, 1855 A few copies only, privately printed for Mr. Lenox. 815 Duane, W. Canada and the Continental Congress. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 20 Phil. 1850 816 Du Calvet, Pierre. The Case of Pierre Du Calvet, Esq., of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec. An Account of the long and severe Imprisonment he suffered in said Province by order of General Haldimand, etc. 8vo, sewed Lond. 1784 817 Another Copy. Title in MSS. 8vo^ half morocco. Very rare Lond. 1784 818 Appel a la Justice de I'Etat ; ou Recueil de Lettres an Roi, an Prince de Galles, et aux Ministres, avec une Lettre a Messieurs les Canadiens, etc. 8vo, calf. A^ery rare Londres, 1784 819 Dudley Observatory. 6 Pamphlets on. 8vo, sewed Albany, 1858-9 820 DuER, Wm. a. Letter to Cadwallader D. Golden, in answer to the strictures contained in his Life of Robert Fulton. Pp. 127, 1817. Also, A Vindication, by C. D. Golden, of the Steam Boat Right, in answer to the letter of Mr. Duer. Pp. 178, 1818. 2 in 1. 8vo. half sheep Albany, 1817-18 CATALOGUE. 71 821 DuER, Wm. a. Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jeffer- son. 8vo, half roan, pp. 20 Albany, 1826 822 [DuLANEY, Daniel, of Maryland]. Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies. 8vo, pp. (6)81, half roan Lond. 1766 823 Dumas, A. Progress of Democracy in Gaul and France. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1841 824 Dummer, Jer. a Defence of the New England Charters. 8vo, vellum iMtid. 1721 825 D\j Mont, D'Heer, Staatkundige Verhandelingen, diene'nde tot een volkome verstand von de History deer Vreede van Ryswyk. Tweede Deel. 12mo, sewed, uncut GravenJtage, 1700 826 DuNLAP, W. History of the American Theatre. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1832 827 History of New Netherlands, Province of New Yord and State of New York. Map and plates. 2 vols, Svo, boards N. Y. 1839 828 DuNSHEE, H. W. History of the School of the R. P. Dutch Church in New York, from 1633. 12mo, cl N. Y. 1853 Presentation copy from Author. 829 Du Pan, J. M. History of the Destruction of the Helvetic Union. 12rao, boards, uncut £ost. 1799 830 Du Ponceau, P. S. Memoire sur le Systeme Grammatical des Langues de quelques Nations Indiennes de I'Araerique du Nord. Svo, half calf Faris, 1838 831 Du Pratz, Le Page. Histoire de la Louisiane. Map and plates. 3 vols, 12mo, calf Paris, 1758 832 History of Louisiana, or of the Western parts of Virginia and Carolina, containing a Description of the Countries that lye on both sides of the River Missisipi. 2 maps. 2 vols, 12mo, calf Lond. 1763 833 DuRAND, James R. Life and Adventures of, by himself. 12 mo, boards Rochester, 1820 72 CATALOGUE. 834 Durham (Earl of). Report on the Affairs of British North America. Folio, half calf Lond. 1839 835 DuROCHER, Pere. Aiainie Kushkushkuter Mishinaigan. 12mo 1847 Montagnais Hymns. 836 DussiEux, L. Le Canada sous la Domination Frangaise. Map. 8vo, sewed, uncut , Paris, 1855 837 DuYCKiNCK, E. A, Memorial of Francis L. Hawks, D.D. Fine portrait. 8vo, sewed, uncut N'. 1^.1871 838 DuYCKiNCK, E. A. & G. L. Cyclopaedia of American Lit- erature. Portraits. (2 vols.) Interleaved with some MSS. additions by Dr. O'Callaghan, and extended to 4 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco N. 3^ 1856 839 DwiGHT, Theodore. Travels in America. 16mo, cloth Glasgow, 1848 840 D WIGHT, Timothy. Conquest of Canaan. 12mo, sheep Hartford, 1785 First Epic Poem published in America. 841 Greenfield Hill; a Poem. 8°, half roan N. F. 1794 842 Discourse on the Authenticity of the New Testa- ment. 8vo, pp. 78, half roan N. Y. 1794 843 Travels in New England and New York. Portrait and maps. 4 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1823 Best edition. EAGER, S. W. History of Orange County, N. Y. 8vo, cloth Neiohurgh, 1846-47 845 Earle, John. Microcosmography, or a Piece of the World Discovered. First American edition. Edited by L. L. Williams. 12mo, cloth Albany, \'&^n 846 Eaton, Gen. William; Life of. Portrait. 8 vo, sheep Brookjield, 1813 847 Eodis, William. Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive, comprising occurrences from 1769 to 1777. 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1792 CATALOGUE. y2> 848 Edmeston, Lieut.-Gen'l. Remarks on his Narrative of his Services in America. 4to, pp. 2, sewed n. p., n. d. 849 Edwards, Brtax. History of the British Colonies in the West Indies. Map. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Dublin, 1V93 850 Edwards, Jon, Memoirs of Rev. David Brainerd, Mis- sionary to the Indians, including his Journal, by S. E. Dwight. 8vo, sheep Nev; Haven, 1822 851 Eliot Indian Bible. Mamvsse | Wunneetupanatamwe I Up Biblum-God | Naneeswe Nukkone Testament j KAH WONK I WusKU TESTAMENT. | No quosh kin numuk nashpe Wuttinneuraoh Christ | noh asoowesit | John Eliot. Nahohtoen ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. | Cambridge. Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green. MDCLXXV. I Small 4to, half calf, with New Testament, imprinted 1680 ; also Psalms in Indian metre and Indian Catechism. But unfortunately wants title-page to Old Testament and Sig. A, being the first four pages of the Book. This copy originally belonged to Gabriel Furman, who has left a long prefatory MS. note in the begin- ning of the volume, giving a history of the work. From Mr. Furman, it passed into the possession of the late Judge Bradford of New York, and then to Dr. O'Callaghan. gltot^s Ittdiaw ^ratts. 852 New England's First Fruits ; in respect, i Conversion of some, ) Conviction of divers, >- of the Indians. Preparation of sundry, ) 2. Of the progresse of Learning, in the Colledge at Cambridge in Massacusets Bay. With Divers other speciall Matters concerning that Coimtrey. Published by the instant request of sundry Friends, who desire to be satisfied in these points by many New-England Men who are here present, and were eye or eare-witnesses of the same. Sm. 4to, full purple levant morocco, gilt edges, pp. 26. London, Printed by R. O. and G. D. for Henry Over- ton, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head- Alley, 1643 This is \h.Q first of the New England Indian Tracts. 74 CATALOGUE. 853 The | Day-Breaking | if not | The Sun-rising | of the | Gos- pell I with the | Indians in New England. \ 4to, half mor. London, Printed by Rich. Cotes, for Fulk Clifton, and are to bee | sold at his shop under Saint Margarets Church on I New-fish-street Hill, 1647. | This is the second of these Tracts. The Address to the Reader is signed " Nathan Warde," the famous Simple Cobbler of Aga- wara. Title mended and top cut close. 854 The Light appearing more and more to- | wards the perfect Day. I Or, | A farther Discovery of the present state of the Indians | in | New-England, | Concerning the Progresse of the Gospel \ amongst them. | Manifested by Letters from such as preacht | to them there. | Published by Henry 'Whitfield, late Pastor to the | Church of Christ at Gilford in Neio- England, who | came late thence. | 4to, pp. (6) 46, half morocco London, Printed by T. R. & E. M. ior John Bartlet, 1651 This is No. 5 of the series. Title mounted 855 Whitfield, Henry. Strength | ovt of | Weaknesse ; | Or a Glorious | Manifestation | of the further Progresse of I the Gospel among the Indians \ in New-Engi.and. | Held forth in Sundry Letters | .... to the | Corporation since the last Trea- j tise to that effect, formerly set I forth by Mr. Henry Whitfield \ late Pastor of Gilford in I New-England. \ Published by the aforesaid Corpora- tion. I Wee have a little Sister, and site hath no breasts : &c. Cant. 8, 8. Sm. 4to, full crushed levant morocco London; | Printed by 3£ Simmons for John Blague and \ Samuel Howes, and are to be sold at their | shop in Popes- Head Alley, 1652. This is the skcth of this series. 856 Tears of Repentance: | or, A further | Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel \ Amongst the | Indians | in | New-England: | &c Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two Faithful Laborers | in that Work of the Lord. | Published by the Corporation for propagating the Gospel there, for the \ Satisfaction and Comfort of such as wish loell thereunto. 4to, half morocco lA))id<)ii, Printed l)y Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, 1653 Sold for $100 at the Rice sale. This is the seventh of the series Last leaf reprint. CATALOGUE. 75 857 Eliot, John. The | Glorious Progress | of the | Gospel, | amongst the | Indians in New England. | Manifested | by three letters, under the Hand of that fa- | mous Instru- ment of the Lord Mr. John Eliot, | And another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew,]\u\., both Preachers of | the Word, as well to the T^nglish as Indians in Neio- England | . . . Together with an Appendix to the foi-egoing Letters, hoi- I ding forth Conjectures, Observations, and Applica- tions. I By I. D. Minister of the Gospell. | Published by Edward Winslow. | 4to, pp. (8) 28, polished calf, by Murton. London, Printed for Hannah Allen in Popes-head- Alley 1649 This is the fourth of the series. 858 A Brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians of N. E., 1670. 4to, sewed, uncut Post. 1868 859 P]liot, S. A. Sketch of the History or Harvard College. 12mo, boards Post. 1848 860 Eliot, J. Debates in Convention, &c. Vols. 1 and 2. Mass., New York and Virginia. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Wash. 1827-'28 861 Elliot, Samuel. An Humble Tribute to my Country, 18mo, sheep Post. 1842 862 Elliott, Com. Jesse D. Biographical Notice of, etc. By a Citizen of N. Y. 12vo, boards Phil. 1835 863 Ellis, Henry. Voyage to Hudson's Bay, by the Dobbs Galley and California, in 1746 and 1747, for discovering a North- West Passage. Plates and maps, 8vo, calf Zond. 1748 864 Ellis, James. Narrative of the rise, progress and issue of the late Law-Suits, relative to Property held and devoted to Pious Uses, in the First Precinct in Rehoboth, &c. 12vo, pp. 76, half roan Warren, P. 1. 1795 76 CATALOGUE. 865 Ellsworth, H, W. Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana, etc. Maps and plates, 8vo, half roan H.Y. 1838 866 Emmons, C. P. Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monu- ment. Map, 18mo, cloth Cliarlestown, 1843 867 Emoky, W. H. Notes of a Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego, Cal. Large Maps and Plates, 8vo, cloth * N. Y. 1848 868 [Engel, Samuel.] Meraoires et Observations, Geographiques et Critiques sur la Situation des Pays Septentrionaux de I'Asie et de I'Amerique. 2 maps, 4to, calf. Lausanne, 1765 869 Essai sur cette question, quand et comment I'Amerique a-t-elle etc Peuplee d'hommes et d'animaux Par E. B. d'E. 5 vols, 12mo, calf Amsterdam, 1767 870 English Army List for 1800, 1801, 1806, 1808 and 1809. 5 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 871 English Green Box (An), or the Green Box of the R — t H — e E — d L — d Churllow, given by the celebrated Mrs. Harvey to Roger O'Tickle, &c. 8vo, pp. 102, half mor. Lond. 1779 872 Ens, Gasparis. Indi^ Occidentalis Historia. Pp. 370. Historia IndiaB Orientalis, etc. Gotardo Arthus. Pp. 618. 2 vols in 1. 12mo, vellum. Golojiue, 1612, 1608 873 Gaspar. West-uund ost LidischerLustgart : Das ist Eygentliche Erzehlung, wann und von wem die Newe Welt erfunden, besagelt, und eingenommen worden, und was sich Dencikewurdiges darbey Zugetragen, etc., etc. 4vo, vellum Anno, 1618 Curious work on tlie West and East Indies. 874 Entick, John. General History of the late War, &c. Maps and portraits. 5 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1763 87f« EssAvonthe Trade of the Northern Colonies in North America. 8vo, pp. 38, half morocco Lond. 1764 CATALOGVE. 77 876 EsQUEMELiNG, JoHN. Biicaniers of America ; or a True Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults Committed of late years upon the Coasts of the West Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French, Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Por- traits, maps and plates. 2 vols, 4vo, panelled calf Lond. 1684 Scarce. Has a duplicate Portrait of Francis Lolonois. 877 [EsQUEMELiN, J.] The Historyof the Bucanicrs of America, from the first original down to this time, written in several languages, and now collected into one volume. Third edition. Portraits, maps and plates. 8°, cf. Lond. 1104: 877« History of the Buccaniers of America. 12mo. En- graved title, xxxiii. 660 pp. Plate. Lond. 1810 878 Esquimaux. Gospel of St. John. For the use of the Christian Esquimaux at Nain, Okkak, and Hopedale on the Coast of Labrador. 12mo, sheep Lo?idonne)ne, 1810 879 Esquimaux New Testament Translated into the Greenland Language by Missionaries of the United Brethren. 8vo, calf Lond. 1822 880 Etat Militaire de France, pour I'annee, 1759. 8vo. cloth J\iris, 1759 881 EUSEBII C^SARIESIS EpISCOPI ChRONICON : QUOD HlER- ONYMUs Presbyter. . . Latinum facere curavit. Hen- ricus Stephanus. 4to, oaken boards and hogskin, with clasps Anno 1513 Contains a notice of very early French visits to Canada. 882 Evans, Caleb. Political Sophistry Detected ; or. Brief Remarks on Rev. Mr. Fletcher's " American Patriotism." l2mo, pp. 36, half roan Bristol, 1776 883 Evans, John. Sketch of the Denominations of the World Portraits. 12mo, sheep Bust. 1807 884 Evelyn, John. Diary and Correspondence. Edited by W. Bray. New edition. Portrait and plates. 4 vols, post 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1862 78 CATALOGUE. 885 Examination (An) of the Commercial Principles of the Late Negotiation between Great Britain and France in 1761. 2d edition. 8vo, p. 108, half roan Lo7id. 1762 886 Examination into the Conduct of the Administration from 1774 to 1778, &c. 8vo, pp. 69, half morocco. Lond. 1779 FABLE for Critics : a Glance at a Few of Our Literary Progenies, &c. 12mo, boards N. F. 1848 888 Facts and Documents of the Ecclesiastical Affairs Lately Transacted in Fitchburg, &c. 12mo, sheep Boat. 1862 889 [FAILLON, ABBE]. Vie de Mme. D'Youville, Fonda- trice des Soeurs de la Charite de Yillemarie dans I'ile de Montreal, en Canada. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Villemarie, 1852 890 Vie de la ScEur Bourgeoys, Fondatrice de la Con- gregation de Notre Dame de Villemarie en Canada. Port, and plates. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut Villemarie {Montreal), 1853 891 Vie de Mile. Mance, et Histoire de I'Hotel-Dieu de Villemarie dans Tile de Montreal, en Canada. Port, apd plates. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Villemarie, 1854: 892 Histoire de la Colonic Fran9aise en Canada. Port. and maps. Vols 1 and 3. 2 vols, royal 8vo, sheep Villemarie, 1865-6 893 Farmer, J., and J. B. Moore. Collections, Topographical, Historical and Biographical, relating principally to New Hampshire. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf Concord, 1831-24 894 Fauchet, Joseph, Sketch of the Present State of our Political Relations with the U. S. 8vo, p. 31, half roan Fhil 1797 895 Federalist (The), A Collection op Essays. Original edition. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo, sheep A. Y. 1788 Vol. 2 lacks title. 896 Federalist (The), By I'ublius, etc. (Hamilton, Jay & Madison.) 2 vols, Bvo, sheep A! Y. 1802 CATALOGUE. 79 897 Federalist (The). Another. 3 portraits. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1818 898 Another. 8vo, sheep Hallowell, 1826 899 Felt, J. B. Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency. 8vo, folded, uncut Bost. 1839 900 Feltman, Lieut. Wm. Journal of, 1781-82, including the March into Virginia and Siege of Yorktown. 8vo, boards (stained) Phil. 1853 901 Fergusson, Adam, Practical Notes made during a Tour in Canada and United States. 2d edition, including a second visit. Map. 12mo, half calf Edin. 1834 902 Ferland, Abbe J. B, Observations sur un Ouvrage Histoire du Canada. 8vo Paris, 1853 903 Notes sur les Regitres de Notre-Dame de Quebec. 12mo, half morocco Quebec, 1854 904 Cours d'Histoire du Canada, 1534-1759, 2 vols, 8vo, sewed, uncut Quebec, 1861-67 905 Field, Dayid D. History of the Towns of Haddam and East Haddam. 8vo, pp. 46, half mor. Middletown, 1814 Title mended and last leaf torn. 906 Field, T. W. Battle of Long Island, with Authentic Docu- ments, map and Plan, 8°, hf, roxbr., uncut. Prooklyn, 1869 907 FiNLAY, Hugh. Journal kept by, 1773-4, during his Survey of the Post Offices, &c. 4to, sewed Prooklyn, 1867 908 Fish, F. G. History of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, L. L View. 12mo, cloth Brooklyn, 1845 909 Fisher, E. T. Report of a French Protestant Refugee in Boston, 1687, Translated from French. Small 4to, pp. 42, sewed, uncut Brooklyn, 1868 Only 125 copies privately printed by J. Carson Brevoort. 910 Flagg, E. The Far West; or, a Tour beyond the Moun- tains. 2 vols, 12mo, half I'oan. Scarce N. V. 1838 911 [Fleming, John]. Political Annals of Lower Canada, &c., by a British Settler. 8vo, half calf Montreal, 1828 8o CATALOGUE. 912 Fletcher, E. H. Fletcher Genealogy; Descendants of Robert, of Concord, Mass. Port. 8vo, cl. Bost. 1871 913 Fletcher, J. American Patriotism, being Observations on the Dangerous Politicks taught by Rev. Mr. Evans and Rev. Dr. Pi-ice, &c. ; pp (8) 130; Shrewsbury, 1776. In same vol. The Bible and The Sword; or, the General Fast Vindicated; pp 22, Lond. 1776. 12mo, calf 1776 914 Flint, T. History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Cin^i. 1832 915 Florence. Guide de. Many plates. 12mo, boards Florence, 1829 916 Florida. An Account of East Florida (by Wm. Stork, M.D.), with a Journal kept by John Bartrara, of Phila- delphia, Botanist to his Majesty, upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John's. 8vo, half moi'occo Lond. 1766 917 Narrative of a Voyage to the Spanish Main in the ship "Two Friends;" Sketches of East Florida, Manners and Habits of the Seminole Indians, with a detail of the Seminole War, &c. 8vo, boards, uncut Lond. 1819 918 FoppENs, J. F. Bibliotheca Belgica, sive virorum in Belgio vita; Scriptisque illustrium catalogus, librorumque nomen- clatura; etc., etc. Full of fine portraits. 2 vols, 4to, calf Bruxellis, 1739 919 Force, Peter. Tracts and other Papers relating to the Origin, Settlement and Progress of the Colonies of North America. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut Wash. 1836-46 920 American Archives. 9 vols, folio, half russia Wash. 1837 921 • Same. Vol. 6, 4th series, and Vol. 1, 5th series. 2 vols, folio, half russia 922 National Calendar from Vol. 1, 1820, to Vol. 14, 1836. 14 vols, 18mo and 12mo, hf. roan Wash. 1820-'36 923 FoRRY, Samuel. The Climate of the United States and its endemic influences. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1842 CATALOGUE. 8i 925 Foster, J. W., and J. D. Whitney. Report on the Geology and Topography of the Lake Superior Land District. Part 1, Copper Lands. Maps and plates. 8vo, half morocco Wash. 1850 926 Foster, W. C. Poems, Salem, New York, 1805. Hitch- cock's Poems, Boston, 1806. Hitchcock's Poetical Dic- tionary, Lenox, 1808. Constitutions, 1797, &c. 5 vols, 12 mo, sheep v. d. 927 Forsyth, J. B. A Few Months in the East, by a Canadian. Plates. 8vo, cloth Quebec, 1861 928 Forsyth, W. Treatise on Fruit Trees. Introduction and notes by Wra. Cobbett. Plates. 8 vo, sheep Albmiy, 1803 929 FoTHERGiLL, JoHN. Account of the Life and Travels of. 12mo, sheep P/u7. 1754 930 Fowler, J. Journal of a Tour in the State of New York. (Stained.) 12mo, boards Lond. 1831 931 Fowler, Reginald. Travels, Trips, and Adventures. Il- lustrated. 12mo, cloth, gilt Lond. 1854 932 Fox, Charles James. History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second, &c. Portrait. 4to, boards, uncut Lond. 1808 933 Fox, George. A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, &c., of. 3d edition. Folio, calf Lond. 1765 934 Franchere, G. Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest coast of America, etc. Illustrated. 12°, cl. N. Y., 1854 935 Francis, J. W. New York during the Last Half Century. A Discourse. 8vo, sewed, uncut N. Y. 1857 936 Franklin, B. Two Tracts : Information to those who would remove to America, and Remarks on the Savages of North America. 3d edition. 8vo, pp. 39, half morocco Zand. 1784 82 CATALOGUE. 937 Franklin, B, The Inteeest of Gkeat Britain Consid- ered, with regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisition of Canadaand Guadaloupe, &c. 8vo, pp. 47, hf, mor. Phil. 1760 938 Works, consisting of Essays, with his Life. Portrait. ISmo, boards, uncut Bost. 1825 939 The Works of ; with Notes and a Life of the Author, by Jared Sparks. Portraits, &c. 10 vols, 8vo, half calf Bost. 1840 940 Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress of Sej^t. 5, 1774, &c., by A. W. farmer. 8vo, pp. 24, sewed [iVi Z!.^] 1774 941 Freeman, F. History of Cape Cod. Annals of the 13 Towns of Barnstable County. Portraits. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, uncut Bost. 1869 942 Fremont, J. C. Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-4. Map and plates. 8vo. half calf TFasA. 1845 943 French, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. Parts 1, 2 and 5. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth JSF. T. 1846-53 944 Frey, Rev. J. S. C. F. Narrative of. 18°, shp. iV: 1^1817 945 Frezier, Mons. Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coast of Chili and Peru, 1712-14. Maps and plates. 4to, calf Bond. 1717 946 Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans, &c. 8vo, pp. 55, half morocco N'.Y. 1774 947 Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. A Brief Account of the So- ciety of the. 12mo, cloth Phil. 1844 948 Fries, John. Two Trials of, for Treason ; with Trials of others for Treason and Insurrection in Pennsylvania. Svo, sheep Phil. 1800 949 Furman, Garriel. Notes, Geographical and Historical, re- lating to Brooklyn, Long Island. 4to, sewed, uncut Brooklyn^ 1865 CATALOGUE. ^t^ /~^ AGE, THOMAS. The English-American ; his Travail by yJJC Sea and Land : or, A New Survey of the West-Indies, containing a Journall of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles within the Main Land of America, &c., &., Folio, half calf Zoncl: R. Cotes, 1648 951 Gale, G. The Gale Family Records. Portraits. 12 mo Cloth Galesville, 1866 952 [Gallagher, W. D.] Selections from the Poetical Litera- ture of the West. 12mo, boards, uncut Cinn.lMl 953 [Galloway, Joseph.] A Letter to Lord Viscount H E, on his Naval Conduct in the American War. 2d edition. 8vo, pp. 50, half morocco Lond. 1781 954 A Reply to the Observations of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe. 8vo, pp. 157, half morocco Lond. 1781 955 Cool Thoughts on the Consequences to Great Britain of American Independence, &c. 8vo, pp. 70, half morocco Lond. 1780 956 Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. 4th edition. 8vo, pp. (6) 99, half morocco Lond. 1780 957 Examination of Joseph Galloway, late Speaker of the House of Pentisylvauia, &c. 8vo, pp. 85, half morocco Lond. 1779 958 Historical and Political Reflections on the American Rebellion. 8vo, pp. 135, half morocco Lond. 1780 959 The Detail and Conduct of the American War, under Generals Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and Vice-Admiral Lord Howe, &c. 3d edition. 8vo, pp. 190, half morocco T^07id. 1780 960 Galt, John. The Autobiography of. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1833 961 Gano, Rev. John, of Frankfort, Ky., formerly of the City of New York. Biographical Memoirs of ; by Himself. 12mo, sheep N.Y. 1806 84 CATALOGUE. 962 Gammell, W. History of American Baptist Missions. 12 mo, cloth Bost. 18 19 963 Garcilaso de la Vega. Primera Parte de los Com- MENTARios Reales, que tratan del Origen de los Yncas, Reyes que fueron del Peru, etc. Small folio, red morocco, gilt Lishoa, 1609 964 The Royal Commentaries' of Peru, in Two Parts. Written originally in Spanish by G. de la Vega, and rendered into English by Sir Paul Rycaut, Kt. Por- trait and plates. Folio, calf Lond. 1688 965 Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride, traduite en Franyois par P. Richelet. 2 vols, in 1. 12mo, calf Paris, 1711 The 2d vol. has this title : "Histoire de la Floride, ou relation de la Conquete par F. de Soto. Seconde Partie, 1707. 966 La Florida de l'Inca. Historia del Adelan- tado, Hernando De Soto, etc. Fol., vel. Madrid, 1723 967 Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride, etc. Folding plates and maps. 2 vols, 12mo, calf Leide, 1731 908 Garden, Alex. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America, with Sketches of Character of Persons most Distinguished in the Southern States, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top and back, uncut. Fine, clean copy Charleston, 1822 969 Anecdotes of the American Revolution. Sec- ond Series. 12mo, boards, uncut Charlestoti, 1828 970 Anecdotes of the American Revolution. 3 vols, 4to, boards, uncut Brooklyn, 1865 971 Gardiner, Richard. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, Capital of all C'anada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur De Bourlemaque, from Carillon to the Isle Aux Noix in Lake Champlain. From the Journal of a French Officer on board the Cheziiie Frigate, etc. 4to, half morocco, uncut Lond. 1761 This is one of the rarest of these Siege Tracts. CATALOGUE. 85 972 Garneau, F. X. Histoire du Canada. Depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a nos jours. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf Quebec, 1852 973 Histoire du Canada. 3 vis, 8°, hf. cf. Quebec, 1845-8 Presentation copy from author, with his autograph. 974 History of Canada. Translated, with illustrative Notes, etc., by Andrew Bell. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf 3Io?itreal, 1860 975 Gass, Patrick. Lewis and Clarke's Journal to the Rocky Mountains in 1804-5-6, as related by Patrick Gass. New edition with engravings. r2mo, sheep Dayton, 1847 976 Gayarre, Charles. Louisiana, its Colonial History and Romance. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1851 977 Gendron, Sieur. Quelques Particularitez du pays des Hurons en la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1660. 8vo, folded. 2 copies Albany, 1868 978 Georgia. A State of the Province of Georgia, Attested upon Oath in the Court of Savannah, Nov. 10, 1740. 8vo, pp. 32, half roan Loncl. 1742 979 Historical Society Collections. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, and Vol. 3, part 1, sewed. 3 vols, 8° Savannah, 1840-7 980 Gerard, J. W. Old Streets of New York under the Dutch. 8vo, sewed. (2 copies) N. Y. 1874 981 Old Stadt Huys of New Amsterdam. 8vo, sewed, uncut R. r: 1875 982 Germain, Lord G. Correspondance du, avec les Genls. Clinton, Cornwallis, &c. 8vo, hf. cf., uncut Berne, 1782 983 Geschichte der Kriege in und ausserEuropa vom Anfange des Aufstandes der Brittischen Kolonien in Nordamerika an. Maps and plans. 30 parts in 3 thick small 4to vols, calf Nurenberg, 1776-1784 984 Gesner, a. New Brunswick, with Notes for Emigrants. 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1847 985 The Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia, etc. Map and plate. 8vo, half calf Halifax^ 1849 86 CATALOGUE. 98C Gibson, James. A Journal of the Late Siege by the Troops from North America against the French at Cape Breton, the City of Louisbourg and the Terri- tories thereunto belonging. Folding plate, pp. 49, 8vo, half bound Lond. 1745 "In same vol. Sermon at South Church, Boston, on General Thanksgiving, July 18, 1745, on the above siege, by Thomas Prince, and other tracts." 987 Gibson, Rev. Rob. Narrative of Recent Occurrences, etc. 8vo, half roan, pp. 64 N. T. 1834 Title and last leaf torn at bottom. 988 GiLLiss, Lieut. J. M. TJ. S. Naval Astronomical Expedi- tion to the Southern Hemisphere, Chile, Andes and Pam- pas; Natural History, Solar Parallax, &c. Map and plates. 4 vols, 4to, cloth Wash. 1855-6 989 GoMARA, Francesco Lopes de. Historia del Illustris- SEMO ET Valorosiss, Capitano Don Ferdinando Cortes. Roma, 1556. (On the 9th leaf is another title page, as follows: Historia di Mexico et Quando si Disco- perse la Nuova Hispagna, Conquistata per Don Ferdi- nando Cortes. Scritta per F. L, de Gomara. Bvo, pp. leaves (8) 240, half calf Roma, 1555 990 Gomara, Histoire Generale des Indes Occidentales et Terres neuues qui jusques a present ont este des couuERTEs. . . . Traduite en Francois par le S de Genille Mart. Furnee. 8vo, 45 8ff, 7 ab., 19 ff. Paris, Sonnius, 1587 991 Good, J. M. Life and Writings of Rev. Alex. Geddes. 8vo, boards Lond. 1803 992 Goodrich A. T. Picture of New York, &c. Plates and map. 18mo, boards, uncut N. Y. 1829 993 Goodrich, C/. A. History of the United States. Por- traits and plates. 12 mo, sheep Hartford, 1823 994 Goodwin, H. C. Ithica as it Was and Ithica as it Is. Bvo, pp. 64, half morocco Ithica, 1853 CATALOGVE. ^y 995 Goodwin, H.C. Pioneer History of Courtland County, Por- trait. 12mo, cloth N. I" 1859 996 Goodwin, N. Genealogical Notes. 8°, cl, Hartford, 1856 997 Gordon, Rev. J. B. An Historical and Geographical Memoir of the North American Continent, its Nations and Tribes, with his Life, &c. Portrait. 4to, half calf Dublin, 1820 998 Gordon, T. F. History of Pennsylvania. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1829 999 History of Spanish Discoveries. 2 vols, 18mo, cloth Phil. 1832 1000 Gazetteer of the State of New York. Map. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1836 1001 Gowan's Bibliotheca Americana, viz.: Denton's New York in 1670; Wooley's New York in 1679; Miller's New York in 1695; Budd's Pennsylvania and New Jersey in 1685, and Alsop's Maryland, 1666. Each edited, with Notes, by Gabriel Furman, Dr. E. B. O'Callaghan, J. G. Shea and E. Armstrong. 5 vols, 8vo, clo. N". Y. 1845-69 1002 Graglia, C. Italian Pocket Dictionary. 12 mo, sheep Bost. 1831 1003 Graham, J. Life of Gen. Daniel Morgan. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1859 1004 [Granger, Gideon.] Address to the People of New England. By Algernon Sidney, 8vo, pp, 38, half roan Wash. 1808 1005 Grant, Mrs, Memoirs of an American Lady. 12mo, half roan N. I". 1846 1006 Grattan, Wm. Adventures of the Connaught Rangers. First and Second series. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1847-'53 1007 Gravier, Gabriel. Decouvertes et Etablissements de Cavelier de la Salle de Rouen dans I'Amerique du Nord. Map and portrait. 8vo, pp. 411, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1870 * 88 CATALOGUE. 1008 GrRAviER, Gabriel. Cavelier de la Salle de Rouen. 8vo, pp. 123, sewed, uncut Paris, 1871 1009 Decouverte de I'Ameriqiie par les Normands au Xe Siecle. Maps. Small 4to, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1874 1010 (2) Gravier, Jacques. Relation de ce qui s'est pass^ dans la Mission, Illinois, 1693-1694. 12mo, cloth K Y.: J. G. Shea, 1857 1011 Relation ou Journal du Voyage en 1670, Illinois, Mississippi. 12mo, cloth, uncut N. Y, : J. G. SJiea,\^b% 1012 Grece, C. F. Facts and Observations respecting Canada and the United States. 8vo, boards Lond. 1819 1013 Greek Testament. Remarks ujion the Proposals by R. Bentley for a new edition of the Greek Testament and Latin Version. By a member of the University of Cam- bridge. 4to, pp. 24, half morocco Lond. 1721 1014 Greene, G. W. Nathaniel Greene and Schuyler's Cor- respondence and Remarks; both in Answer to Bancroft. 2 pamphlets. 8vo Bost. 1866, R. Y. 1867 1015 Greenfield, W. Novum Testamentum Graecum and Lexicon. 24mo, cloth Phil. 1846 1016 Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California and other Territories on the Northwest Coast of North America. Map. 8vo, cloth Bost.\'$,^b 1017 Greenleaf, J. Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of State of Maine. 12mo, sheep Portsmouth, 1821 1018 A New Universal Atlas; comprising separate maps of all the principal Empires, Kingdoms and States throughout the World, etc. 4to, half sheep 1842 1019 History of the Churches in City of New York. 18mo, cloth N. Y. 1846 1020 Grenville Papers (The). Being the Correspondence of Richard Grenville, Earl Temple, and Hon. George Gren- ville. Edited with Notes, by W. J. Smith. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut Xonf/. 1852 CATALOGUE. 89 1021 Grigsby, H. B. The Virginia Convention of 1776. 8vo, cloth Richmond, 1855 1022 Griesbach, J. J, Novum Testaraentum Graece. 8vo, boards, uncut Camb. 1809 1023 Groans of the Plantations (The) ; or, a True Account of their Grievous and Extreme Sufferings by the Heavy Im- positions upon Sugar, &c, 2d edition. Small 4to, pp. 3], half morocco Lond. 1698 1024 Groans. A Discourse of the Duties on Merchandise, more particularly of that on Sugars. In Answer to the Groans of the Plantations, &c. By a Merchant. 4to, pp. 32, half morocco Lond. 1695 1025 Grynaeus, Simon. Novus Orbis Regionum ac Insularum Veteribus incognitarura una cum cosmographica, &c. Map. Folio, half vellum Basilem, 1537 1026 Guest, Moses. Poems. With Extracts from a Journal during a Journey from New Brunswick, N. J., to Mon- treal and Quebec. 12mo, sheep Chin. 1824 1027 Guide to Lyon, by Cochard, and Guide to Milan, by Bossi, in French. 2 vols, 18mo, sewed Lyon, <&!c., 1826 1028 GuizoT, F. History of Civilization. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth N'. Y. 1846 1029 Guthrie, W. Geographical, Historical and Commercial Grammar. Maps. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1785 This copy belonged to Rev. Thomas Ellison, D.D., first Rector of St. Peter's Church, Albany, and Regent of the University. Each volume has his autograph. HACKE, CAPT. WILLIAM. A Collection of Original Voyages, containing Capt. Cowley's Voyage Round the Globe, Capt. Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien and South Seas, Capt. Wood's Voyage thro' the Streights of Magellan, and Mr. Roberts' Adventures Among the Corsairs of the Levant. Maps, Svo, calf (Stained) Lond. 1699 90 CATALOGUE. 1031 HALFMoo>r, Charles. Collection of Muncey and English Hymns. 18mo, sheep Toronto, 1842 1032 IIaliburton, T. C. Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. Maps and plates. 2 vols, Svo, cloth Halifax, 1829 1033 Halkett, John. Historical Notes Respecting the Indians ofN. A. Svo, calf . ZoMfZ. 1825 1034 Hall, B. F. Western Land Owner's Manual. 12rao, cloth Auburn, 1847 1035 Hall, B. H. History of Eastern Vermont. Svo, cloth N. Y. 1858 1036 Hall, Hiland. History of Vermont, fi'om its Discovery to its Admission into the Union in 1791. Map. Svo, cloth Albany, 1868 1037 Hall, James. Sketches of the West. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Phil 1835 1038 [Hall, Major.] History of the Civil War in America. Comprehending the Campaigns of 1775, '76 and '77. Vol. 1. All published. Map. Svo, calf LoJid. 1780 1039 Another copy, Map. Svo, half calf Lond. \1^0 1040 PIalleck, Fitz-Greex (A Memorial of). Edited by Evert A. Duyckinck. Portrait. Svo, sewed, uncut N. Y. 1877 1041 Hammond, J. D. History of Political Parties in the State of New York. 2 vols, Svo, cloth Albany, 1S42 1042 Hamor, Raphe. A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia, 1614, &c.; London, 1615. Reprint, folio, sewed, uncut Riehniond, 1860 Privately reprinted by Dr. C. G. Barney. 1043 Hanson, Elizabeth. An Account of the Captivity of; late of Kachecky in New England. Taken from her own mouth by Samuel Bownas. 12mo, pp. 28, half morocco Lond. 1787 Very scarce. CATALOGUE. 91 1044 Hardie, Jambs. New Universal Biographical Dictionary and American Remembrancer. 4 vols, 8°, shp. N. Y. 1805 1045 Hardie, J. Description of City of New York, Map. 12mo, sheep N'. Y. 1827 1046 Harmon, D. W. Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interiour of North America (Indians, &c). Portrait and map. 8vo, sheep Andover, 1820 1047 Harper, R. G. Observations on the Dispute between the U. S. and France. 12mo, pp. 102, half roan Phil. 1797 1048 Harris, John. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Por- traits and maps. 2 vols, folio, calf Lond. 1705 1049 Harris, T. S. The Gospel according to St. Luke, in the Seneca Language. 16 mo, sheep iV. 3^. 1829 1050 Harris, T. S., and J. Young. Christ's Sermon on the Mount, in the Seneca Tongue. 18mo, cloth iV. 3". 1829 1051 Hartley, David. Letters on the American War. 7th edition. 8vo, pp. 126, half roan Land. 1779 1052 Hartsinck, Jan Jacob. Beschryving van Guiana of de Wildekust, in Zuida- America. Maps and plates. 2 vols, 4to, half morocco Amsterdam, 1770 1053 Hawkins, A. Picture of Quebec, with Historical Recol- lections. Plates, 12mo, cloth Quebec, 1834 Now rare, in good condition. 1054 Hawks, F. L. History of North Carolina. Maps and plates. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth liayetteville, JSF. C, 1857 1055 Hawley, W. F. Quebec, the Harp and other Poems. 18mo, boards, uncut Montreal, 1829 1056 The Unknown ; or, Lays of the Forest. 12mo, boards, uncut Montreal, 1831 1057 Hawley, M. S. Origin of the Erie Canal, embracing a Synopsis of the Essays of Hon. Jesse Hawley. 8vo, sewed. Privately printed Buffalo, 1866 92 CATALOGUE. 1058 Hay, Joannis. De Rebus laponicis, Indicis, et Peruanis Epistoloe Rocentiores, a Joanne Hayo Dalgattiensi Scoto Societatis Jesu. 8vo, vellum Antuerpia, 1605 1059 Haywakd, John. Gazetteer of the United States. Por- trait and map. Svo, sheep Hartford, 1853 1060 Haywood, John. The Civil and Political History of THE State of Tennessee, from its Earliest Settlement up to the Year 1796 ; including the Boundaries of the State. 8vo, calf, yellow edges. Bound by Pratt Ivnoxville, Tenn., 1823 This is one of the rarest of our State histories. Rich mentions it, thougli he liad not seen it, having taken the title from the cata- logue of the Library of Congress. 1061 Hazard, Ebenezer. Historical Collections, consist- ing OF State Papers and other authentic documents, in- tended as materials for a History of the U.S. of America. 2 vols, 4to, half morocco Phil. 1792-4 Priced in a recent New Yorli booliseller's catalogue, $40. 1062 Same. Vol 1. 4to, boards, uncut Phil. 1792 1063 Hazard, S. Annals of Pennsylvania, 1609-1682. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1S50 1064 Head, Sir F.B. A Narrative. 8°, cl., uncut Lond.lSZ^ 1065 The Emigrant. l2mo, cloth JSF.Y. 1847 1066 Hearne, Samuel. Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean. Map and plates. 4to, half morocco I^ond. 1795 1067 Heckewelder, John. Narrative of tlie Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, &c. Portrait. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1820 1068 Hennepin, L. Description de la Louisiane, Nouvellement Decouverte an sud' oiiest de la Nouvelle France. Pp. 312. Les moeurs des sauvages. Pp.107. 12°, calf. P«rw, 1688 Second edition of Hennepin's first work. CATALOGUE. 93 1069 HitNNEriN, L. Beschryving van Louisania, Nieuwelijks ontdekt en Zuid-Westen van Nieuw-Vrankryk, etc. Pp. 158, 3 leaves, small 4to, sewed Amsterdam, 1688 Engraved title, map and 4 plates, but lacks pp. 43 to 50 inclusive- Dutch version of Hennepin's first work. 1070 Beschryving van Louisiania, Nieuwelijks ontdekt en Zuid-Westen van Nieuw-Vrankryk. Door order van den Koning, Mitsgaders de Geographische en Plistorische Beschryving der Kusten van Noord-Araerica, met de Naturlyke Historic des Landts. Door den Heer Denys. Map and plates. The two in one small 4to, vellum Atnsterdam, 1688 1071 Beschreibung der Landischafft Lovisiana Welche, auf Befehl des Konigs in Frankreich, neulich gegen Sudwesten New-Frankroichs in America, etc. 2 maps. Pp. 425, old calf Nurenberg, 1689 German translation of Hennepin's first work. 1072 A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, etc. With a continuation. To which is added several new discoveries, not published in the French edition. 8vo, half calf Loud. 1698 This is the original edition, but this copy is defective in plates. 1073 Nouvelle Decouverte d' un tres grand Pays situe dans I'Amerique, entre Le Nouveau Mexique, et La Mer Glaciale, etc. 2 maps. Engraved_^title and plates. 12mo, old calf Amsterdam, 1698 First edition of the Nouvelle Decouverte with the star pages and typograpical variations. 1074 A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, extending 'above Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico. With a description of the Great Lakes, &c. Also Manners, Customs and Language? of the several Native Indians. With a Continuation. To which are added several new Discoveries, not published in the French edition. 2 maps and 7 plates. 8vo, calf, rare Lo7id. 1699 Differs greatly from the first edition of 1698. 94 CATALOGUE. 1075 Hennepin, L. Aenmerckelycke Historisclie Reys-Beschry- vinge. Dooi* verscheyde Landen veel grooter als die van geheel Europa, etc. Engraved title and 4 plates. Small 4to, half morocco Tot UtrecJd, 1698 First Dutch version of the Nouvelle Decouverte. 1076 Nieuwe Ontdekkinge van een groot Land, gelegen in America, Tusschen nieuvv Mexico en de Ys-Zee, etc. Engraved title. 2 maps, -'H plates, and 1 plan. Small 4to, vellum A^nsterdam, 1702 1077 Henry, Alex. Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories. 8vo, sheep JV. ¥. 1809 1078 Henry, J. J. Account of the hardships and sufferings of that Band of Heroes in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775. 12mo, sheep Lancaster, 1812 First edition. 1079 Heraldic Journal (The). Recording the Armorial Bear- ings and Genealogies of American Families. 4 vols, 8vo, in numbers, uncut Bost. 1865-8 1080 Heriot, George. Travels through the Canadas. Map and many fine colored plates. 4to, calf Lond. 1807 1081 Herndon & Gibbon's Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon. Maps and plates. 2 vols, 8°, cloth. Wash. 1 854 1082 Herrera, Antoine de. Description des Indes Occi- dentales qu'on appelle aujourdhuy le nouveau Monde par Antoine de Herrai'a, Grand Chroniqueur des Indes, et Chroniqueur de Castille. Translatee d'Espagnol en Franyais. A la quelle sont adjoustces Quelques autres Descriptions des mesmes pays, avec La Navigation du Vaillant Capitaine de Mer Jaques le Maire et plusieurs autres. B^ol., veil. Maps and plates. Aiasterdam^XfSII Besides Herrera's and Le Maire's works, this vohime contains Recueil de tons ceux qui ont passez 1 Estroit de Magellan : Des- cription del Indes Occidentales de Pedro Ordonuer de Cevallos Description d'Anierique ou du Nouvcau Monde tiree de tableaux Geographique de Petrus Bertius : Dictionaire des Langage des Isles de Salomon. OATJLOGUE. 95 1083 Herrera, Antoine D. IIistoria General de los Heohos DE LOS CasTELLANOS EN LAS ISLAS I TeRRA FIRME DEL MaR OcEANO. With 9 engraved titles, containing upwards of 40 portraits and 14 maps, and numerous vignettes and other small engravings, representing battle scenes, etc. Best edition, with full and complete index. 8 vols, bound in 4. Folio, half morocco Madrid, 1730-36 1084 [Hewatt, Alex.] Historical Account of the Rise and Pro- gress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1779 1085 Hewes, R. Rules and Regulations for Sword Exercise of the Cavalry. 12mo, boards Albany, 1813 1086 Heylyn, Peter. Cosmographie in Four Books. Con- taining the Chorographie and Historic of the whole World, and all the Principal Kingdoms, Provinces, Seas and Isles thereof, with Index. Maps. Folio, old calf Lond. 1657 1087 Another copy. Maps. Folio, calf Lond. 1669 1088 Hexham, Henry. A Copious English and Nether Dutch Dictionary. New Edition, by D. Manly. 4to, vellum Rotterdam, 1675 1089 HiCKCOx, J. H. Historical Account of American Coinage. Plates. Royal 8°, hf. mor., gilt top, uncut Albany, 1588 1090 History of Bills of Credit of N. Y., 1709-1789. Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut Albany, 1866 1091 HiCKEY, W. Constitution of the U. S., &c. 12mo, cloth, PML 1854 1092 Hill, J. B. History of Mason, N. H. Portraits and en- gravings. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1858 1093 HiNCKS, Sir F. Political History of Canada, 1877. Burst- ing of Pierre Margry's La Salle Bubble, by J. G. Shea, 1879, and other Pamphlets (12). 8vo v. d. 1094 Hind, H. Y. Essay on Insects and Diseases of the Wheat Crops in Canada. 8vo, cloth Toronto, 1857 96 CATALOGUE. 1095 HiNMAN, R. R, Letters from the English Kings and Queens to the Governors of the Colony of Connecticut, with Answers from 1635 to 1749. r2mo, cloth Hartford, 1836 109G Historical Collections, &c., of the Part Sustained by Connecticut During the Revolution. 2 portraits. 8vo, cloth Hartford, 1842 1U97 HippiSLKY, G. Narrative of the Expedition to the Rivers Orinoco and Apure, in South America. 8vo, calf Lond. 1819 1097« HisToiRK et Commerce des Colonies Angloiaes, dans I'Araerique Septentrionale, 12mo, calf La Haye, 1755 1098 Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries, concerning the antiquities, History and Biography of America. 8 vols, half morocco, balance in Nos. 21 vols, small 4to Bost. 1857, N. Y. 1873 Complete dowa to No. 3 of Vol. 3, Third Series. 1098a Historical Magazine, Jan. 1870 ; Port, of G. H. Moore (3). N. J. Society Proceedings, Vol. 2, 2d Series, and others. (8) 1099 Historical Society Pamphlets (10) 1100 History of King William's War and the Negotiations between the French and Indians in America. 4to, uncut, pp. 171 (no title) n. p., n. d. 1101 History of the War in America, between Great Britain and Her Colonies, etc. 2 vols, Svo, calf Dublin, 1779 1102 History of Wonderful Inventions. Illustrated. r2rao, cloth A^. Y. 1849 1102a HiSTOiRE Natvrelle et Moralle des Indes, tant Orientelle qu' Occidentalles, Ou il est traitte des choses remarqua- bles, &c, Composi''e en Castillan par Joseph Acosta et traduite en Franyois par Robert Rognault, Cauxois. Derniere edition. 8vo, vellum, 8ff. 352 pp., 37 pp. Paris: Orry, 1G06 1103 Hive (The). Published in Northampton, Mass. Vol 1, No. 2 to 52. 4to, boards Northampton, 1804 CATALOGUE. 97 1104 Hodgson, Adam. Remarks during a Journey through North America in 1819-21, with Appendix of Account of Several of the Indian Tribes. 8vo, cloth N. Z: 1823 1105 Hoffman, Murray. Estate and Rights of the Corpora- tion of the City of New Yoi'k, as Proprietors. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1862 Presentation copy from D. T. Valentine. 1106 Hogan, J. S. Canada: An Essay. Map. 8vo, cloth Montr ealy 1855 1107 — • Another. No map. Paper 1108 Holcombe, Henry. A Sermon on the Death of General Washington. 4to, pp 18, full mor. uncut. \^SavamiaJi, 1800] 1109 Holley, O. L. Description of the City of New York. Map and 2 plates. 18mo, cloth JSF. Y. 184V 1110 [Hollingsworth, S.] The Present State of Nova Scotia, with a brief Account of Canada and the British Islands on the Coast of North America. Map. 8vo, boards, un- cut Edinburgh, 1787 1111 Hollister, G. 11. History of Connecticut. Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth ]SFew Haven, 1855 1112 Holmes, Abiel. American Annals; or, a Chronological History of America. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Camb. 1805 Name cut from top of title. 1113 Holmes, John. Letter of Directions to his Father's Birth- place. 8vo, sewed, uncut N'. Y. 1865 1114 HoLSTEiN, Gen. H. L. V. D. Memoirs of Simon Bolivar, President Liberator of the Republic of Colombia, &c. 8vo, sheep Bost. 1829 1115 HoLTROP, J. English and Dutch Dictionary, revised by A. Stevenson, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Dordrecht, 1823 1116 Homer. Opera Omnia ex recensione et cum notis S. Clarkii, accessit J. A. Ernesti, &c. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut Glasguoi, 1814 gS CATALOGUE. 1117 HoNEYMAN, A. V. D. Our Home: a monthly magazine, Historical, with local items and tables of marriages and deaths, &c. Vol. 1. 8vo, cloth Somerville, N. J. 1873 1118 HoNEYwooD, St. John. Poems. 12mo, calf. N. Y. 1801 1119 Horner's Medical and Topographical Obs. Plates and others. 8 vols, 8vo v. d. 1120 Horsmanden, D. The New York Conspiracy; or, a His- tory of the Negro Plot, 1741-2. 8vo, hf. cf. TV! 7. 1810 Pp. 5 to 12 wanting. 1121 HosACK, David. Memoir of DeWitt Clinton, with Ap- pendix. Portrait. 4to, boards, uncut N. Y. 1829 1122 HosKiNS, N. History of the State of Vermont, 12 mo, boards Vergennes, 1831 1123 HoTCHKiN, J. H. History of Western New York. 8vo, cloth iV Y. 1848 1124 HouDiN, M. G. Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington; Albany, 22d Feb., 1800. Portrait. 4to, pp. II, full morocco, uncut Albany, 1800 1125 Hough, F. B. History of Jefferson County, N. Y. Por- traits and plates. 8vo, half calf Albany, 1854 1126 Results of a Series of Meteorological Observations in New York, from 1826 to 1850. 4to, cl. Albany, 1855 1127 Papers relating to Pemaquid, etc. 8vo, half mor. Albany, 1856 1128 Papers Relating to the Island of Nantucket, etc. Small 4to, half morocco Albany, 1856 150 copies printed for private distribution, presented to Dr. O'C. by J. V. L. Pruyn. 1129 History of Lewis County, N. Y. Portraits. 8vo, half roan Albany, 1860 1130 History of Duryee's Brigade. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt Albany, 1864 CATALOGUE. gg 1131 Hough, F. B. The Northern Invasion of Oct., 1780, against the Frontiers of New York. Notes, &c. Map and plate Royal 8vo, sewed uncut N. Y. 1866 Bradford Club Series No. 6. 1132 New York Convention Manual, Constitutions, Stat- istics. 2 vols, 8vo, morocco Albany, 1867 1133 HousTOUN, James, M.D. Works, containing Memoirs of his Life and Travels from 1690. Giving a particular ac- count of the Scotch Expedition to Darien in America, &c. 8vo, calf Land. 1753 1134 HovEY, S. Letters from the West Indies. 12 mo, boards. 2 copies N. Y. 1838 1135 Howe, Henry. Historical Collections of Virginia. Illus- trated. 8vo, sheep Charleston, 1852 1136 Howisoisr, John. Sketches of Upper Canada. 8 vo, boards Edin. 1825 Stops abruptly at pp. 836. 1137 HowsE, J. Grammar of the Cree Language, with an Analysis of the Chippeway Dialect. 8vo, cloth, uncut Loud. 1844 1138 Hubbard, W. Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England. 8 vo, sheep Stockbridge, Mass., 1803 1139 Hudson, C. History of the Town of Lexington, Mass., with a Genealogical Register. Portraits and plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut £ost. 1868 1140 Hudson, D. History of Jemima Wilkinson, a^Preacheress of the Eighteenth Century. 12rao, boards, uncut Ge7ieva, iV. Y. 1821 1141 Hull, Gen. Wm. Report of the Trial of. 8vo, half sheep. (No title) JV. i: 1815 1142 Defence of. Written by Himself. 12mo, half sheep Boston, 1814 1143 Hume, G.H. Canada as it Is. 18mo, hf. shp. JSF. Y. \S32 lOO CATALOGUE, 1144 Humphrey, David. Historical Account of the Incor- porated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 2 maps. 8vo, calf Lond. 1730 1145 Humphreys, David. A Poem Addressed to the Armies of the United States of America. 4to, pp. 28, half mor. New Haven printed. Paris reprinted 1785 1146 Hunt, Isaac. The Political Family; or, A Discourse, pointing out the Reciprocal Advantages which flow from an Uninterrupted Union between Great Britain and her American Colonies. Number 1, 8vo, pp. 32, half roan Phil.: Humphreys^ 1775 On the title is an engraving of two pitchers at sea, with the motto, "If we strike we break." 1147 Hunt, Wm. American Biographical Panorama. Por- traits. 8vo, cloth Albany, 1849 1148 Hunt's Late War (1812) ; Histoire de France, 1829; Pir- anesi's Prosa Italiana, and others. 6 vols, 12mo v. d. 1149 Hunter, J. Collections. The Founders of New Ply- mouth, the Parent Colony of New England, 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1854 1150 Hunter, J. D. Memoirs of a Captivity among the In- dians, &c. Portrait. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1823 1151 Huntington, E. B. History of Stamford, Conn. Por- traits and views. 8vo, cloth Stamford, 1868 1152 Hutchinson, Gov. Thomas. Copy of Letters sent to Great Britain by Hutchinson, Olivei', and others, &c. 12mg, pp. 40, half morroco Bast. 1773 1153 [Hutchinson.] Strictures upon the Declaration of Inde- pendence, 1776. 8vo, pp. 32, half roan Lond. 1776 1154 A (Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo, sheep Bost. 1769 1155 Hutchinson, Thomas. History of Massachusetts, from 1628 to 1750. 3d ed., 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Bost. 1795 1156 History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from 1749 to 1774. (Vol 3.) 8vo, boards, uncut Lo7id. 1^2% I GATJLOGUE. i6i LLINOIS in 1837. A Sketch. Map. 8vo, boards Phil 1837 1158 Imlay, Gilbert. A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America. Third Edition. Contains Filson's Kentucky, Indian Nations, &c. Maps. Bvo, sheep Lond. 1797 Best edition. 1159 Indians. Accounts of Two Attempts towards the Civili- zation of some Indian Natives. 2 in 1. 8vo, half mor- occo Lond. 1806 1160 Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages de 1' Amerique, par N. O. (Abbe Cuoq.) 8vo, pp. 160, sewed Montreal, 1866 1161 Speeches on the Bill for removal of the Indians. 12mo, boards Bost. 1830 1162 Aiamie Tipadjimosin, Katitc Jezos. Religious History, Who is called Jesus, or the History of the Old Testament, and Life of Jesus, in the Algonquin Lan- guage. 2 vols, in 1. 16mo, half morocco Moniang {Montreal), 1859-1861 1163 De Ornatu Oris, Nasi et Aurium Apud Popu- los Americanos. Dissertatio Inauguralis quam Gratiosi Medicorum ordinis auctoritate atque consensu in Aca- demia Georgia Augusta, &c. 6 plates, 8vo, sewed Gottingm, 1832 1164 Report on the condition of the Indian Tribes. 8vo, cloth Wash. 1867 • 1165 Inga, Athanasius. West-Indische Spieghel Waer iNNE MEN siEN KAN Alle DE Eylanden, &c. En- graved title. 2 maps and engravings. 4to, vellum Amstelredam, 162 1 1166 [Ingersoll, C. J.] Inchiquin, the Jesuit's Letters. 8vo, half sheep N. Y. 1810 1167 Inglis, Charles. An Essay on Infant Baptism, &c. 8vo, half roan IVew York, 1768 The author was Rector of Trinity Church, N. Y. 1 62 ■ ' CATALOGUE. 1 168 Inglis, Charles. A Sermon on the Death of John Ogilvie, D.D, 8vo, pp. 30, half mor., stained Rew York, 1774. 1169 Ink. The History of Ink, its Etymology, Chemistry and Bibliography. 12mo, cloth N. Y. n. d. 1170 Interest (The) of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain with the Colonies. 8vo, pp. 50, sewed Lond. 1774 1171 Irish Peerage. A Genealogical and Historical Account of all the Peers of that Kingdom, their Descents, &c. With the Paternal Coats of Arms, Crests, &c. Plates. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond.: Almon, 1768 1172 Iroquois Prayer-Book. 12mo, cloth Tiohtiake, 1865 1173 Kaiatonsera lonteseienstaksa. 12mo, pp. 24 Tiohtiahe, 1857 1174 Irvine, Baptis. The Case of, in a Matter of Contempt of Court ; pp. 57. And an Essay on Constructive Contempt of Court ; pp. 48, 8vo, half morocco Baltimore, 1808 1175 Irving, W. Life of George Washington. With Illustra- tions, in case. 6 vols, 8vo, folded, uncut N. Y. 1855 1176 Irving, W. and J. K., Paulding. Salmagundi, or the Whim- Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Longstaff. 3d edition. 2 vols, in one. 2 portraits. 18rao, cloth N. Y. 1820 1177 Isaiah. A Paraphrase on Eight Chapters of the Prophet Isaiah. 8vo, sewed, uncut ; pp. 41 Worcester:!. Thomas, 1705 1178 Ithica, N. Y. Scenery of; and the Head Waters of the Cayuga Lake. Edited by S. Spencer. Photograph Views. 16mo, cloth Ithica, 1866 1179 [Izard, Ralph.] An Account of a Journey to Niagara, Montreal and Quebec in l766.8vo, pp. 30, half morocco JV. Y. 1846 CATALOGUE. 103 JACKSON. Concise Narrative of General Jackson's First Invasion of Florida, &c. 8vo, half roan ; pp. 24 Albany, 1828 1181 Jacobs, M. Notes on the Rebel Invasion of Md. and Pa. Map. 12mo, cloth Phil. 1864 1182 James, Chaeles. Military Dictionary in English and French. Portrait. 8vo, calf Lond. 1816 1183 James, Capt. Thomas. The Strange and Dangerous Voy- age of, in his intended Discovery of the Northwest Pas- sage into the South Sea, &c. With an Appendix con- cerning Longitude. By Master Henry Gellierand, and an Advise concerning the Philosophy of these late Dis- co very es, by W. W. Small 4to, calf \^Lond. 1633] Title mended and inlaid ; date on bottom gone, and last leaf mended, otherwise a good copy. Priced at £36 by Quarich in 1872. 1184 Jarratt, Rev. Devereux. Rector of Bath Parish, Din- widdle Co., Va. Life by himself, in a Series of Letters to Rev. John Coleman of Md. 18mo, sheep. Bcdt. 1806 1185 Jarric, Rev. Pierre du, S. J. Thesaurus Rerum Indi- carura, &c. 12mo, vellum Colonice AgrippincB, 1605 Chapters 23-31 treat of the History of Brazil. 1186 Jarvis, S. F. Discourse on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America. 8vo, half mor. N. 5" 1820 1187 Jay, Sir James. A Letter to the Governors of the Col- lege of New York, &c. 8vo, pp. (6) 42, half morocco Lond. 1771 1188 A Letter to the Universities of Oxford and Cam- bridge, &c. 8vo, pp. 20, half mor. Jjond. 1774 1189 Jay, W. Life of John Jay. With Selections from his Correspondence, &c. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut N. T. 1833 1190 Jay's Treaty. Features of. To which is annexed a View of the Commerce of U. S., &c. 8vo, pp. 51, half sheep Phil. 1795 I04 CATALOGUE. 1191 Jeffebson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia. 8vo, sheep Phil, r/88 1192 Another. 8vo, shp. (Lacks title page.) Phil. \1S8 1193 Notes on the State of Virginia, with Appendix. 8th ed. Portrait and map. 8vo, hf. cf., JBost. 1801 1194 • Another. 3d Am. edition. Poctrait and map. 8vo, sheep JSr. I^ 1801 1195 Notes on the State of Virginia, with Appendix on the Murder of Logan's Family. First hot-pressed edition. Map, portrait and plate. 8 vo, sheep Phil. ISOl 1196 The Pretensions of Thomas Jefferson to the Presi- dency examined, and the charges against John Adams refuted. 8vo, pp. 64, hf. roan. United States, Oct. 1 796 Said to be by Noah Webster. 1197 Defense of. Strictures on a Pamphlet, entitled "An examination of the President's reply to the New Haven Remonstrance, &c., signed Lucius Junius Brutus, with Appendix, &c., by Tullius Americus. 8vo, pp. 38, half roan Albany, 1801 Said to be by Abraham Bishop. 1198 Examination of the President's Message, revised and corrected by the Author (signed Lucius Crassus). 8vo, pp. 127, half roan N. Y. 1802 1199 Memoir, Correspondence and Miscellanies. Edited by T. J. Randolph. Portrait. 4 vols, 8vo, half calf Post. 1830 1200 Observations sur la Virginie, Traduites (par I'Abbo Morelles). Map. 8vo, half sheep Paris, 1786 1201 Observations on Jefferson's Notes on Virginia. 8vo, sewed, uncut JST. Y. 1804 1202 Jefferys, T. Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America. Maps and plans. Folio, half calf Loful 1761 Part 1 lacked the title, the binder has transferred the title to Part 2, in its place, otherwise perfect. CATALOGUE. 105 1203 Jenkins, J. S. Life of Silas Wright. Portait. 12mo, mottled sheep Auhurti, 1847 1204 Jeremie, John, and John Reddie. Recent Events at Mauritius. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1835 Icsitlt glclatiaus glefcta*hi0 Xts CiPawada. These extremely rare volumes are well known for their importance to American history. Dr. O'Callaghan, at the cost of much time and money, collected thirty -one out of the forty, and as now offered they ap- proach a complete set more nearly than any catalogue has hitherto included. Some of the varieties are remarkably scarce. The reprints of the Biard, Lalemant, &c., by Dr. O'Callaghau, and of the 1656 and 1660 by Mr. Lenox, books already difficult to obtain, render this set extremely valuable. 1205 Missio Canadensis 1611 Reprinted from the Annuse Littei'se. Only 35 copies. An account of Biard's Mission. 1206 Relatio Rerum Gestarum in Nova Francia, 1613. 12mo, sheets folded. Reprinted by Dr. O'Callaghan from the Annuae Litter*. Only 25 copies. It is an account of Biard's Mission. 1207 Relation de la Nouvelle France, de ses terres, NATUREL DU PAIS ET DE SES HABITANS. Du Voyage dcS p^res Jesuites, &c., par Pierre Biard. 12mo, folded, uncut, pp. (10) 338 and 34 of Index Lyon, 1616 Reprint of the very rare original edition. 1208 Lettre du Pere Charles L'Allemant, Superieur de la Mission de Canadas. Dr. O'Callaghan's facsimile re- print. 12mo, folded Paris, 1627 1209 CopiE de Trois Lettres Escrittes es Annees, 1625, et 1626, par le R. P. Charles Lallemant. 12mo, folded, uncut Alham/, 1870 Reprinted by Dr. O'Callaghan to match Relations. Only 25 copies. 1210 Relation de cequis'est Passe en la Nouvelle France, 1626. Envoyee au R. Pere Hierosme L'Allemant par le P. Charles Lallemant. 12°, folded, uncut Paris, 1629 Reprint of the original edition. Only 35 copies. io6 CATALOGUE. 1211 Lettre Du Rev Pbre L'Allemand. 12 mo, folded Paris, 1632 Dr. O'Callaghan's Reprint of this first Relation. Only 25 copies. ©rigmal ^jelatiows. 1212 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la | Nouvelle France | en l'Annee 1633. | Eaiioyee de R. P. Barth. lacqvinot | Prouincial de la Corapagnie de | Iesvs en la Province de | de France. | Par le P. Paul le leune de la mesme Conipagjiie, Superieur de la residence de Kehec. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris. | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, rue Sainct | lacques, aux Cicognes. | M. DC. XXXIV. | Avec Priv- ilege dv Roy. I This is the second edition. 1213 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la | Novvelle France, | en l' annee 1634. | Enuoyee au | R, Pere Pro- vincial I de la Compagnie de Iesvs | en la Prouince de France. | Par le P. Paul le leune de la mestne Compag- nie, I Superieur de la residence de Kehec. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Iraprimeur | ordinaire du Roy, rue S. lacques, aux Cicognes. | M.DC.XXXV. I Avec Privilege dv Roy. | This is the first edition. T. 1 1. Table 1 1. Text (very irregu- larly paged), 1-342; Priv. 1 1. 1214 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la | Novvelle France | en l'annee 1635. | Enuoyee au | R. Pere Pro- vincial I de la Compagnie de Iesvs | en la Prouince de France. | Per le P. Paid le leune de la mesme Compag- nie, I Superieur de la residence de Kehec. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris. | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Iraprimeur | ordinaire du Roy, rue Sainct lacques, | aux Cicognes. | M.DC.XXXVI. I Avec Privilege dv Roy. | With Huron Relation, &c. First issue of this Relation. 1215 Relation, &c. (as above), Bvo, old green morocco, gilt back and sides. Wants title and prel. leaf. The text is recomposed in this edition, and several errors therein, and the pagination corrected, except 321, 323, are marked 323, 324, and the latter numbers arc repeated. CATALOGUE. 107 1216 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la | Nowelle France j en l'annee 1637. | Enuoyee au | R. Pere Pro- vinciale | de la Coinpagnie de Iesvs | en la Prouince de France. | Par le P. Paul le leime de la mesme Com- pagnie, \ Saperieur de la Residence de Kebec. \ 8vo, vel- lum. Plate of Fireworks. A Roven, | Chez lean le Bovllenger, pres le | College des lesuites. | M.DC.XXXVIII. | Avec Privilege dv Roy. I With Huron Relation. First issue. 1217 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la | Nowelle France | enl' annee 1638. | Enuoyee au | R. Pere Pro- vincial I de la Compagnie de Iesvs — en la Province de France. [ Par U P. Pavl le Jeune de la mesme Compag- nie, I Superiextr de la Residence de Kebec. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | ('hez Sebastien Craraoisy, Imprimeur | ordinaire du Roy, rue Sainct lacques, | aux Cicognes, | MDC.XXVIII. I Avec Privilege dv Roy. [ With Huron Relation. | Permission signed "Estienne Binet." This is the first issue. 1218 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la | Nowelle France | en l' annee 1639. | Enuoyee au | R. Pere Pro- vincial I de la Compagnie de Iesvs | en la Province de France. | Par le P. Paul le leicne, de la mesme Compag- nie, I Superieur de la Residence de Kebec. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Imprimeur | ordin- aire du Roy, rue S. lacques, | aux Cicognes. | M.DC.XL. | Avec Privilege dv Roy. | With Huron Relation. Apparently the first issue. 1219 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la | Nowelle France | enl' annee M.DC.XL. | Enuoyee auR. P. Pro- uincial de la Com- | pagnie de Iesvs de la Prouince | de France. | Par le P. Barthelemy Vimo7it, de la \ mesme Com,pagnie, Superieitr de la \ Residence de Kebec \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy | Imprimeur ordin- aire du Roy, rue I S. lacques, aux Cicognes. | M.DC.XLI. j Avec Priuilpge du Roy. \ With Huron Relation. io8 CATALOGUE. 1220 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la | Nowelle France, | esannkes 1640 et 1641, | Enuoyee an R. Pere Prouincial de la | Compagnie de Iesvs, de la | Prouince de France. | Par le P. Barthelemy Vimont de la mesme | Compagnie, Superieur de la Residence de Kebec. | 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Craraoisy, Imprimeur ordinaire | du Roy, rue | S. lacques, aux Cicognes. | M.DC.XLII. I Avec Privilege dv Roy. | With Huron Re- lation. The first issue. 1221 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe,! ^^ ^'^ I Novvelle France | en l' annee 1642. | Enuoyee au R. P. lean Filleav | Prouincial de la Compagnie de Iesvs | en la Prouince de France. | Par le R. P. Barthelemy Vimont de I la Mesme Compagnie, Superieur de la \ Residence de Kebec. \ 8vo, half green morocco. A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Craraoisy, Imprimeur or- dinaire j du Roy, rue S. lacques, aux Cicognes. | M.DC.XLIII. I Auec Priuilege du Boy. With Huron Relation. 1222 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la Nowelle France | en l' annee 1642 & 1643. | Enuoyee au R. P. lean Filleav | Prouincial de la Compagnie de Iesvs, | en la Prouince de France. | Par le R. P. Barthelemy Vimont, de \ la mesme Compagnie, i^uperienr de \ toute la Mission. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez | Sebastien Cramoisy, | Imprimeur Or- dinaire du Roy, I et | Gabriel Cramoisy. [ rue S. lac- | ques, aux | Cicoignes. | M.DC.XLIV. | Auec Priuilege du Roy. I First issue. 1223 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la Nowelle France | ks annkes 1643 & 1644. | Enuoyee au R. P. lean Filleav, | oji la Prounice de France. | Par le R. P. Barthelemy Vimont de \ la mesme Compagnie, Superi- eur de I toute la, Mission. \ Bvo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez | Sebastien Cramoisy, | Imprimeur du Roy, & de | la Reyne Regente, | et | Gabriel Cramoisy. | rue S. lac- | ques, | aux Cicognes. | M.DC.XLV. | Auec Priuilege du Hoy. \ With Huron Relation. CATALOGUE. 109 1224 Relation [ de ce qvi s'est passe | de plus remarqva- BLE I es Missions des Peres de la | Compagnie de Iesvs, I en la | Novvelle France, | es annees 1645. & 1646. I Enuoyee au R. P. Prouincial de la Prouince | de France | Par le Superieur des Missions de la niesme \ Compagnie. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez | Sebastien Cramoisy, | Impriraeur ordi- naire du Roy, I & de la Reyne Regente | et | Gabriel Cramoisy: | rue S. | lacques, | aux Ci- | cognes. | M.DC- XLVII. I Avec Privilege dv Roy. | With Huron Relation. 1225 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | de plvs remarqya- BLE I ES Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Iesvs, | en la | Novvelle France, | svr le grand flevve j de S. Lavrens en l'annee 1647. | Enuoyee au R. P. Pro- uincial de la Prouince | de France. | Par le Siiperieur des Missions de la mesme Compagnie. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez | Sebastien Cramoisy, | Imprimeur or- dinaire du Roy, I & de la Reyne Regente, | et | Gabriel Cramoisy, j rue S. lacques, | aux Ci- | cognes. | M.DC- XLVIII. I Avec Priuilege du Roy. | 1226 Relation I de ce QVI s'est PASSE | de plvs remarqvable j ES Missions des Peres de la | Compagnie de Iesvs, | en la I Novvelle France, | es Annees 1647. & 1848. | Enuoyee au R. P. Prouincial de la Prouince | de France. I Par le Superieur des Missions de la mesme \ Compagnie. I 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez | Sebastien Cramoisy, ( Imprimeur ordi- naire du Roy, I & de la Reyne Regente, | et | Gabriel Cramoisy. | Rue S. | lacques, | aux Ci-gognes. | M.DC- XLIX. I Avec Privilege dv Roy. | With Huron Rela- tion. Very rare. 1227 GOBAT, GeORGIO. NaRRATIO HiSTORICAEORUM, QU.E Societas Jesu in Nova Francia, &c., 1648 and 1649, 18mo, vellum CEniponti, 1650 Rare Latin version of the Jesuit Relations of 1648-9. no CATALOGUE. 1228 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la Mission des Peres de la Com- | pagnie de Iesvs aux Hurons, pays I DE laNouuelle France, es annees | 1848. & 1849, | Enuoyee | av R. P, Hierosme Lalemant, j Superieur des Missions de la Co)npagnie de \ Iesvs, e7i la Nouuelle France. \ Par le P. Pavl Ragveneav, de la | mesme ' Compagnie. | Pour la f aire tenir au M. P. Prouincial de la I mesme Compagnie. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez | Sebastien Ci-amoisy, | Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy, | & de la Reyne Regente, | et | Gabriel Cramoisy, | rue Sainct lacques, | aux Cico- | gnes. | M.DC.L I Avec Privilege dv Roy, | Second edition, with additional pages 104-114. 1229 Relation | de ce qvi | s'est passe | de plvs remakqva- BLE I ES Missions des Peres de la | Compagnie de Iesvs, | en la Novvellb France, | es Annees 1650. &, 1651. I Enuoyee au R. P. Prouincial de la Prouince | de France. | Par le P. Pavl Ragveneav, Superieur des 3Iissions de la niesme Compagnie. \ Svo, calf. A Paris, | chez Sebastien Cramoisy | et | Gabriel Cra- moisy. I M. DC, LII. I Avec Privilege dv Roy, | This copy belonged to the library of Malmaison, the beautiful palace of the Empress Josephine. 1230 Relation. Narre du Voyage faict pour la Mission DES AbNA QUIOIS ET DES CONNAISSANCES TIREZ DE LA NouvELLE Angleterre, 1650-1651, par Gabriel Dreuil- lette. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Quebec {Albany, 1855) 60 copies printed from the original manuscript for Mr. James Lenox. 1281 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la Mission des 1*ERES I DE LA CoMPAGNIE DE IeSVS, | AV PAYS DE LA | NovvELLE France, I DEPius l'Ete de l'annee, 1651; jusques a | l'Ete de l'annee 1652, | Enuoyee au R. P. Prouincial de la Prouince \ de France. \ l*ar le Superieur des Missions de la mesme Compagnie. | Svo, vellum. A Paris, | chez | Sebastien Cramoisy, | lm]irimeur ordi- naire duRoy, I & de la Reyne, | et | Gabriel Cramoisy. \ rue S, lacques | aux Ci- | cognes, | M,DC,LIII. | Avec Privilege dv Roy, | CATALOGUE. m 1232 Breve Relatione | d'alcvne Missione | de' PP. della COMPAGNIA DI GlESTJ | NELLA NuOUA FrANCIA | DEL P. Francesco Gioseppe Beessane [ delta medesima Com- pagnia. \ Sm, 4to, calf In Macerata, per gli Heredi d'Agostino Grisei, 1653 Father Bressaui was a missionary in Canada from 1042 to 1650. Having been taken prisoner by tlie Mohawlis, he suffered great outrages at their hands. This relation has become very rare. 1233 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la Mission des Peres | de .la Compagnie de Iesvs, | av pays de la | No WELLE France, | Depuis l'ete de l'Annee 1652. | iusques a I'Ete de 1' Annee 1653, | Enuoyee au R. P. Prouincial de la | Prouince de France. | Par le Superieur des Missions de la niesme Compagnie. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Imprimeur | ordi- naire du Roy & de la Reyne, | Et Gabriel Cramoisy^ rue S. lacques, | aux Cicognes. | M. DC.LIV. | Avec Privilege dv Roy. I 1234 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la mission des Peres | de la Compagnie de Iesvs, | en la Novvelle France, | es Annees 1653, & 1654. | Ennuoye au R. P, Nicolas Royon, | Prouintial de la Prouince de France. | Par le R. P, Francois le Mercier, | supterieur des Missions de la mesme \ Compagnie. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez | Sebastein Cramoisy, | Imprimeur Ordinaire du Roy | & de la Reyne, | et Gabriel Cram- oisy I rueS, I lacques | aux Ci- | cognes, | MDC.LV. 1235 COPIE DE DEUX I LeTTRES | ENVOIEES DE LA NoVVELLE France, | au Pere Procureur des Missions | de la Compagnie de Iesvs | en ces Contres, A Paris, | Chez | Sebastien Cramoisy | Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy | es Gabriel Cramoisy. | rue S, | lacques | aux Ci- | cognes. | M.DC.LVI, | Lenox reprint of the almost unique original. 1236 LeTTRES I ENVOIEES ] DE LA | NoVVELLE FrANCE | AU R. P, Iacques Renavlt I Prouincial de la C^ompagnie | DE Iesvs en la Prouince de la France, | Par le R, P. HiER. Lallemant I Superieur des Missions de la dite \ Compagnie ence nouueait Mo)ule. \ A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, | Imprimeur ordi- naire du Roy. j M.DC.LX. Lenox reprint of the almost unique original. 112 CATALOGUE. 1237 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la Mission des Peres I de la Compagnie de Iesvs, | av pays | de la NovvELLE France, | es annees 1655. & 1656. ] En- uoyee cm B. F. Lovys Cellot, | Prouincial de la Com- pagnie de Iesvs, | en la Prouince de France. | 8vo, vel- lum. A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Iraprimeur | Ordi- naire du Roy, & dela Reyne, | et |. Gabriel Cramoisy, rue S. lacques, | aux Cicognes. | M.DC.LVII. | Auec Priui- lege du Hoy. \ * 1238 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | de plvs remarqva. BLE I Avx Missions des Peres | de la Compagnie de IeSUS, I EN LA I NoVVELLE FrANCE, | ES ANNEES MIL SIX CENS CINQANTE SIX | & MIL SIX CENS CINQUANTE SEPT. | Bvo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez | Sebastien Cramoisy, | Imprimeur or- dinaire du I Roy & de la Reyne. | et | Gabriel Cramoisy. | rue S. I lacques, | aux Ci- | cognes. | M.DC.LVIII. | Avec priuilege dv Roy. | 1239 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | de plvs remarqva- BLE I AVX missions DES PeRES | DE LA CoMPAGNIE DE Iesvs, | en la | Novvelle France, | es annees mil six cent cinquante neuf | & mil six cent soixante. | Eiiuoyee au R. P. Clavde Bovcher | Prouincial de la Prouince de France. | Bvo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Imprimeur ordi- naire du Roy & de la Reyne: | rue Sainct lacques, aux Cicognes. | M.DC.LXI. | Atiec Priuilege du Pay. \ 1240 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | de plvs remarqvable 1 AVX MISSIONS DES PeRES | DE LA CoMPAGNIE DE IesVS, I EN LA I Novvelle France, | es annees 1660. & 1661. | Efiuoyee au P. P. Prouincial de la \ Prouince de France. I 8vo, vellum. A Paris, I Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Imprimeur | or- dinaire du Roy & de la Reine, | rue S. lacques, aux Ci- cognes. I M.DC.L.XII. I Auec Priuilege du Poy. \ CATALOGUE. 113 1241 Relation j de ce qvi s'est passe j de plvs remarqvable { AVX MISSIONS DES PeRES | DE LA COMPAGNIE DE IeSVS, I en LA I Novvelle France, | es annees 1661. & 1662. | Enuoy'ee an M. P. Andre Castillon, Pro- \ uincial de la Prouince de France. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, j Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, et Sebast. | Mabre Craraoisy, Imprimeurs ordinaires | du Roy & de laReine, rue S. lacques | aux Cicognes. | M.DC.L.XIII. | Avec Privilege dv Roy. ] 1242 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | de plvs remarqvable I AVX Missions des Peres | de la Compagnie de Iesvs I EN LA I Novvelle France, | es annees 1662 & 1663. I Enuoyee au P. P. Andre Castillon., Pro- \ uincial de la Prouince de France. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, et Sebast. | Mabre Craraoisy, Imprimeurs ordinaires | du Roy & de la Reine, rue S. lacques, | aux Cicognes. | M.DC.LXIV. | Avec Privilege dv Roy. | 1243 Relation ( de ce | qvi s'est passe | en la | Novvelle France, | es annees 1664. & 1665. | Fnvoyee au P. P. Provincial de la Province \ de France. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez Sebastien, {sic) & Sebast. | Mabre- Cramoisy, Imprimeurs ordinaires | du Roy, rue S. lacques aux Cicognes. | M.DC.LXVI. | Avec Privilege dv Roy. | First issue. Wants " Plans des forts sur la Riviere de Richelieu." 1244 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | de plvs remarqvable I AVX Missions des Peres | de la Compagnie de Iesvs I EN LA I Novvelle France, | les annees 1668. & 1669. I Envoyee au P. P. Estienne Dechamps [ Provincial de la Province de France. | 8vo, unbound. A Paris, | Chez Sebast. Mabre-Crumoisy, | Imprimeur du Roy, rue S. lacques j aux Cicognes. | M.DC.LXX. | Avec Privilege de sa JIaJeste. | 1245 Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe j de plvs remarqvable I AVX missions des Peres | de la Compagnie de Iesvs I EN LA I Novvelle France, | les Annees, 1669. & 1670. I Emioyee au R. P. Estienne Dechamps | Proicin- cial de la Province de France. \ 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | Chez Sebast. Mabre-Cramoisy, | Imprimeur du Roy, rue S. lacques | aux Cicognos. ] M.DC.LXXI. | Avec Privilege de sa Majeste. \ Last pages injured by damp. 114 CATALOGUE. 124G Relation | de ce qui s'est passe | de plus remarqua- BLE I AUX missions DES PeRES | DE LA CoMPAGNIE DE Jesus. | en la | Nouvelle France, | les annees, 1671. & 1672. I ^nwoyeeaw J?, i'*. Jean PiNETTE | Provincial de la Province de France. \ Par le R. P. Claude Dablon Recteur | du College de Quebec, & Superieur | des Mis- sions de la Compagnie de Jesus I en la Nouvelle France. | 8vo, vellum. A Paris, | ChezSabastien Mabre Cramoisy, | Imprimeur du Roy, rue S. Jacquos | aux Cicognes. | M.DC.LXXIII. I Avec Permission. | Wants map. 1246aREOiT DES Voyages et des Decouvertes du R. Pere Jacques Marquette de la Compagnie de Jesus, en I'annee 1673 et aux suivantes ; La continuation de ses Voyages par le R. P. Claude Alloiiez, et Le Journal auto- graphe du P. Marquette en 1674 & 1675. Avec la carte de son Voyage tracee de sa main. Imprime [aux f rais de M. Lenox de New York,] d'apres le Manuscrit Original I'estant au College Ste Marie a Mon- treal. 8vo, half morocco, top gilt, uncut Edition 60 copies. 1247 Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plts remarqvable Avx Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Iesys, en LA NovvELLE France, es ANNEES 1676. & 1677. Que- bec. [Aux frais de M. Lenox de New York.] 8vo, half morocco, top gilt, uncut Albany, 1854 Edition 60 copies. 1248 Jesuit Relations. Cramoisy Series of Jesuit Memoirs, Relations, etc., relating to the French Colonies in North America. Edited by John Gilmary Shea. 22 in 20 vols., 12mo and 8vo, cloth, uncut JV. Y. 1858-66 1249 Jesui'J' Relations des Jesuites, contenantce qui s'est passe de i^lus remarquable dans les Missions des Peres de la Com2>agnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle-France. 3 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco Quebec, 1858 . CATALOGUE. ii^ 1250 Jesuit Relations. Missio Canadensis. Epistola ex Portu Regali en Acadia transmissa ad Prsepositum Gene- ralem Societatis lesv a R. Petro Biardo ejusdem Societatis. 8 vols, small 8vo, 45 pp. Reprinted by Dr. O'Callaghan from the Annuse Litterae of 1611. CopiE DE Tkois Lettbes escFittes es annees 1625 et 1626 par le R. P. Charles Lallemant, Siiperieur des Missions de la Compagnie de lesvs en la Nouvelle France. Small Bvo, 14 pp. Albafiy, 1870 Reprinted from Sagard, &c., by Dr. O'Callaghan. Lettbe du Reverend Pere L'Allemand, Superieur de la Mission des Peres Jesuites en la Nouvelle France, datee du 22 Novembre, 1629. Small 8vo, 16 pp. Reprinted by Dr. O'Callaghan from Champlain. Canadic^ Missionez Relatio ab anno 1611, usque ad annum 1613, cum statu ejusdem Missionis annis 1703 & 1710. Small Bvo 1710 Reprinted by Dr. O'Callaghan from Jouvency. De Regione et Moribus Canadensium sen Barbarorura Novai Franciae Auctore Josepho Juvencio, Societatis Jesu, Sacerdote. Small 8vo, 55 pp. Reprinted by Dr. O'Callaghan from Jouvency. Relatio Rerum Gestarum en Nova Francia Missione. Annis 1613 & 1614. Small Bvo, 67 pp. Reprinted by Dr. O'Callaghan from the Annuae Letterse of 1613-14. Relation de ce qui s'est passe en Nouvelle France en I'aunee MDCXXVI. Par C. P. Charles L'Allemant, Superieur de la Mission de la Compagnie de lesvs en Canada. Small 8vo, pp. 59 Paris, 1629 Reprinted from the Mercure Fran^ais. Vol. 13. Lettre de P5re Charles I'Allemant, Svperieur de la Mission Canadas de la Compagnie de lesvs. Small Bvo, 16 pp. Paris: Boucher, 1627 Reprinted from the extremely rare original edition. In all 8 vols, 12mo, folded, uncut; a Complete set v. d. Ii6 CATALOGUE. 1251 Relations. Copie de Deux Lettees envoiees de la NovvELLE France, par le pere Francois le Mercier, 1656. Lettres envoiees de la Novvelle France, par le R. P. Hier Lallemant, Superieur des Missions en ce nouueau Monde, 166u. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plvs reraarqvable en la Novvelle France, es annees 1676. & 1677. Printed at the expense of Mr. Lenox, of New York. 3 in 1 vol. 8vo, dark green morocco, gilt. Edition 60 copies. 1252 Relations. Mission du Canada. Relations inedites de la Nouvelle-France (1672-1679) pour faire suite aux anciennes Relations (1615-1672) avec deux Cartes Geo- graphiques. 2 tomes, 15mo, calf, sprinkled edges Faris, 1861 1253 JoGUES, Isaac. Novum Belgium : an Account of New Netherland in 1643-4. Portrait, map and notes by J. G. Shea. 4to, cloth, uncut, large paper N. Y. 1862 Privately printed. 1254 Johnson, C. B. Letters from North America. 18mo, half roan Phil. 1821 1255 Johnson, J. B, Eulogy on Gen. George Washington. 8vo, pp. 22, sewed Albany, 1800 1256 Johnson, Samuel. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. 12 mo, sheep Bait. 1810 1257 Lives of the English Poets. 3 vols, 12mo, sheep Phil. 1819 1258 Johnson, Samuel (Prest. of King's College in N. Y.) An English and Hebrew Grammar, with a Synopsis, &c. Svo, pp. 458, half roan Lond. 1767 1259 Taxation no Tyranny. Svo, p]). 91, half roan Lond. 1775 1260 Johnson, Wm. Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathaniel Greene. Portrait, map and plans. 2 vols, 4to, boards, uncut Charleston^ 1822 CATALOGUE. 117 1261 Johnston, Charles. Narrative of the Capture, Deten- tion, and Ransom of, with Sketches of Indian Character, &c. 12 mo, boards N. Y. 1827 1262 Jolt, J. Cketineau. Histoire Religieuse, Politique et Litteraire de la Compagnie de Jesus, Composee sur les Documents inedits et Authentiques. Portraits. 6 vols, 12mo, half calf Paris, 1845 1263 Jones, J. S. Defence of the Revolutionary History of the State of North Carolina. 12 mo, cloth Boston, 1834 1264 Jones, John and Peter. Gospel of St. John in the Chip- peway Tongue. 12mo, sheep Lond. 1831 1265 Jones, Peter. Genesis in the Chippeway Language. 12mo, cloth Toronto, 1835 1266 History of the Ojebway Indians. Portrait and plates. 12mo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1861 1267 Translation of the Gospel of St. Matthew into Chippeway. 8vo, cloth York, 1831 1268 A Collection of Chippeway and English Hymns, for the use of the native Indians, &c. 18mo, sheep Toronto, 1840 1269 Jones, Pomroy. Annals and Recollections of Oneida County. 8vo, cloth Rome, 1851 1270 Jones, Samuel W. Memoir of Hon. James Duane. Presentation copy, with autograph. 8°, cloth, pp. 51 1852 1271 Jones, Judge Thomas. History of New York during the Revolutionary War. Edited by E. F, de Lancey, with notes, maps and portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut N.Y. 1879 1272 JossE, M. Spanish Grammar; with Exercises. Revised by F. Sales. 2 vols, 12mo, sheep Bost. 1822 1273 Journal of the American Geographical Society. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. 3 vols, 8vo, sewed and cloth N. Y. 1859-'73 1274 of the Photographic Society of London. Vol. 1. 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1854 Il8 CATALOGUE. 1275 Journal of the Voyage of the Sloop Mary from Quebec; with account of her wreck off Montauk Point, L. I., IVOI; Avith Notes by Dr. E. B. O'Callaghan. Small 4to, sewed, uncut. 4 copies Albany, 1866 Large paper ; only IGO printed. 1276 JouTEL, M. Journal Histobique du Dernier Voyage QUE feu M. de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, etc. Map. 12mo, calf Paris, 1713 1277 JouTEL, MoNs. Journal or the Last Voyage by M. oe la Sale to the Gulph of Mexico, &c. Map. 8vo, calf. Very scarce Lond. 1714 1278 Joyce, P. W. Origin and History of Irish Names of Places. 3d edition. 12mo, cloth Dublin, 1871 1279 Junius. A Letter to an Hon. Brigadier-General, Com- mander-in-Chief of his Majesty's Forces in Canada ; London, ] 760. Now just ascribed to Junius, &c. Edited by N. W. Simons. 12mo, cloth, uncut Lond. : TF. Pickering, 1841 KALM, PETER. Travels into North America. Translated by J. R. Forster. Map and plates. 3 vols, 8vo, calf 'Warrington and Lond. 1770-1 1281 Kane, E. K. Arctic Explorations : The Second Expedi- tion. Portrait, maps and plates. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Phil. 1856 1282 Kane, T. L. The Mormons. 8vo, pp. 84, half morocco Phil. 1850 1283 Keath, Sir William. A Collection of Papers and other Tracts ; (among them) A Discourse on the Present State of the British Plantations in America ; A Report to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations in 1718 ; &c. 2d edition. 12mo, sheep L^ond. 1749 Sir W. Keath, Bart., was Governor of Pennsylvania from 1717 to 1720. 1284 Kendall, E. E, Travels through the Northern Parts of the United States in 1807-8. 3 vols, 8°, hf. cf. N. Y. 1809 I CATALOGUE. 119 1285 Kennedy, A, Serious Considerations on the Present State of Affairs of the Northern Colonies. 8vo, pp. 24, half roan N. Y. 1754 1286 Another copy. 8vo, calf Lond. 1754 1287 Kenrick. The Four Gospels. Map. 8vo, cl. N. Y. 1849 1288 Acts of the Apostles. Map. 8vo, cl. N. Y. 1851 1289 Psalms, Books of Wisdom and Canticles. 8vo, cloth Bait. 1857 1290 Book of Job and Prophets. 8vo, cl. Bait. 1859 Presentation copy from the author. 1291 Kekrick, Bp. F. p. Historical Books of the Old Testa- ment. 8vo, cloth Bait. 1860 1292 The Pentateuch. 8vo, cloth Bait. 1860 1293 Kenkick, Bishop. New Testament; with Notes. 8vo, cloth Bait. 1862 Presentation copy from the author. 1294 Kent, J. Charter of City of New York ; with Notes, &e., by Kent. 8vo, cloth N'. F. 1836 1295 Kentucky. Origine et Progress de la Mission du Ken- tucky, par un temoin oculaire (M. Badin). 8vo, pp. 32, half roan Paris, 1821 1296 Kenyon, W. C. English Grammar. 12mo, sheep Rochester, 1849 1297 Ketchum, W. History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. 8vo, cloth Buffalo, 1864 1298 KiDD, Captain. A Full Account of the Proceedings in Relation to Capt. Kidd. In two Letters. Written by a Person of Quality. 2d edition. 8vo, half roan, pp. 41 Lond. 1701 1299 Kidder, F. Military Operations in Eastern Maine and Nova Scotia during the Revolution; with Notes, etc. Map. 8vo, cloth Albany, 1867 I20 CATALOGUE. 1300 King, Charles. A Memoir of the Construction, Cost and Capacity of the Croton Aqueduct of New York. 4to, cloth K r: 1843 1301 Progress of the City of New York during the last Fifty Years, 8vo, pp. 80, half morocco JST. Y. 1852 1302 King, Horace. Early History of Ithaca: a Lecture. 8vo, pp. 21, half morocco • Ithaca, 1847 1303 King, W. L. Newspaper Press of Charleston, S. C. 12mo, cloth Charleston, 1772 1304 Kip, Rev. W. I. Early Jesuit Missions in North America, Map. 12mo, cloth JV. Y] 1847 1305 Early Conflicts of Christianity. 12° cl. JV. Y.lSoO 1306 Knapp, S. L. Life of Thomas Eddy; with Correspondence, Portrait. 8vo, cloth JV. Y. 1834 1307 Knowles, Admiral. A Refutation of the Charge brought against him by Capt, Crookshank, 8vo, pp. 36, half mo- rocco Ziond. 1759 1308 Knox, Capt, John, An Historical Journal of the Cam- paigns in North America for 1757 to 1760; Sieges of Quebec, etc. Portraits of Amherst and Wolfe and map, 2 vols, bound in 1. 4to, calf Lond. 1769 1309 Knox, W, Present State of the Nation. 8vo, pp. 107, half roan * Lo7id. 1769 1310 An Appendix to the Present State of the Nation: a Reply to E, Burke. Svo, pp, 68, hf. roan Lond. 1769 1311 Remarks on the Review of the Controversy. (By Edward Bancroft.) Svo, pp. 126, half mor. Lond. 1769 1312 The Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies Reviewed, &c. Bvo, pp. 262, hf. rn. I^ond. 1769 1313 [Knox, Wm]. Justice and Policy of the Act for Quebec, asserted and proved. Svo, pp. 90, half mor. Lond. 1774 1314 Knox. Extra Oflicial State Papers, addressed to Lord Rawdon and others. By the late LTnder Secretary of State. 2 vols, Svo, half morocco Lond. 1789 \ GATJLOGUE. 121 1315 Kohl, J. G. Descriptive and Historical Notes on Maps and Charts relating to America, and mentioned in Hak- luyt's Great Work. Royal 8vo, half cf. Albany, 1857 From the National Intelligencer, and neatly mounted, making 73 pages. L ABAT, J, B. Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de I'Amerique Maps, plans and plates. 6 vols, 12mo, calf. Paris, 1722 1317 Lab AT, Pere. Voyage du Chevalier des Marchais en Guinee, Isles Voisines, et a Cayenne en 1725, '6 and '7. Maps and plates. 4 vols, 12mo, calf Paris, 1730 1318 Lacombe, Alb. Dictionnaire de la Langue des Cris. 8vo, sewed, uncut Montreal, 1874 1319 Lacombe, Le Pere. Abrege de la Religion en Tableaux pour les Sauvages. Large folding plate, mounted in cloth covers n. p. n. d. 1320 Laet, Joannes de. Nieuwe Wereldt Ofte Beschrt- vinge van West-Indien. 10 maps. Folio, calf Ley den : Isaack Elzevier, 1625 First edition. 1321 Laet, Jean r>E. Beschryvinghe van West Indien. Maps. Folio, vellum Ley den: Elzeviers, 1630 Second edition of this valuable and reliable work. 1322 Laet, Joannes de. Nevus Orbis seu Descriptionis Indi^ Occidentalis Libri xviii. Maps and plates. Folio, vellum Lug d., Batav.: Elzevir, 1633 1323 Laet, Jean de. L'Histoire du Nouveau Monde au Description des Indes Occidentales. Maps and en- gravings. Folio, calf Leyde, 1640 This edition is becoming daily more rare. Mr. G. M. Asher, in compiling his Historical and Bibliographical Essay on New Netherland, could not find a copy in any of the public libraries in Holland. — Muller. 1324 Laet, Joannis de. Not;e ad Dissertation em Hugonis Grotii de Origine Gentium Americanarum, et Observa- tiones. 12mo, half morocco Amst.: Elzevir, 1643 122 CATALOGUE. 1325 Lafitau, J. F. Memoirs Presente a son Altesse ROYALE LE Due d'OrLEANS, CONCERNANT LA PrE" ciEUSE Plante du Gin-seng de Tartarie, decouverte en Canada par le P. Joseph F. Lafitau, Missionaire des Iro- quois. Portrait and plate, 12mo, half raor. Par^s, 1718 Extremely rare. 1326 Lafiteau, J. F. De Zeden der Wilden van Amerika. Map, and many fine plates. Folio, calf. Amsterdam, 1751 Dutch edition of Lafiteau's Mceurs des Sauvages. 1327 Lafitau, P. Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, Com- parees aux Mceurs des premiers temps. Plates. 2 vols, 4to, calf Paris, 1724 1328 La Hontan, Baron. New Voyages to North America. Maps and plates. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1703 1329 Baron DE. Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrio- nale. 2d edition. Maps and plates. 3 vols, 12mo. Polished calf, by Bedford Amsterdam, 1728 1330 Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia. 12°, cl. N. Y. 1848 1331 Lamb, R. Journal of Occurrences during the late Ameri- can War. 8vo, half calf Dublin, 1809 1332 (Author of a Journal of Occurrences during the late American War). Memoir of His Own Life. 8vo, half morocco Dublin, 1811 1333 Lambrechtsen, N. C. Korte Beschejving van de Ontdekking en der verdere Lotgevallen van NiEuw Nederland. Map. 8vo, half morocco Te Middleburg, 1818 1334 Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan. With a View of the Surrounding Lakes. Map. 8vo, cloth. N. K 1839 1335 Lapham, I. A. Wisconsin ; its Geography and Topo- graphy, History, Geology, &c. 12mo, cloth Milwaukee, 1846 1336 Las Casas. Tyrannies et Crvavtez des Espagnols, PERPETRKKS Ks Indes Occidentales, qu'on dit le Nou- ueau Monde. 8vo, calf Anvers, 1579 First edition in French. Fine copy. Edition rare et recherchee. — Brunei, CATALOGUE. 12- 1337 Las Casas. Le Miroir de la cruelle et horrible ty- RANNIE ESPAGNOLE PERPETREE AU PaYS BaS, par le Tyran Due de Albe, et aultres Comandeurs depar le Roy Philippe le deuxiesme. Le Miroir de la TyrannieEspagnoleperpetreeaux Indes Occidentales. On verra icy la cruaute plus qu' inhu- maine, commise par les Espagnols, aussi la description de ces terres, peuples et leur nature, mise en lumiere par un Evesque B. de las Casas, de I'ordre de St. Dominic. Avec les Figures ou cuivre. 2 vols in 1. 4to, calf. Numerous fine plates Amsterdam, 1620 1338 IsTORiA o Breuissima relatione della Dis- TRVTTioNE dell' Indie Occidentali di Monsig. Rever- endiss. Don Bartolomeo dalle Case, o Casaus, Sinigliano deir Ordine de' Predicatori ; & Vescouo di Chiapa Citta Regale nelP Indie. Conforme al svo vero Originale Spag- nuolo, gi;\ stampato in Siuiglia. Tradotta in Italiano dall' Excell. Sig. Giacomo Castellani gia sotto nomedi Francesco Bersabita. Dedicata all'Amicitia. 4to, half red morocco Venetia : Marco Ginannni, 1630 The Duke of Grafton's copy. Italian and Spanish in parallel columns. 1339 The Tears of the Indians : being An Histo- rical AND TRUE Account of the Cruel Massacres AND Slaughters of above Twenty Millions of innocent People, committed by the Spaniards in the Islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, &c. Written in Spanish by Casaus, an eye-witness of those things, and made English by J. P[hilips.] 12mo, sewed. Four plates inserted Lond. 1656 1340 Relation des Voyages et des Dbcouvertes que les Espagnols ont fait dans les Indes Occi- dentales. Ecrite par Dom B. de las Casas, Eveque de Chiapa. Avec la Relation Curieuse des Voyages du Sieur de Montauban, Capitaine de Filibustiers, en Guinea, I'an 1695. 12mo, calf, engraved title Amsterdam, 1698 Translated by the Abbe de Bellegarde. — Rich. At the end of the vol. is a tract entitled " L'Art de Voyager Utile- ment." Pp. 51, additional. 124 CATALOGUE. 1341 Las Casas. Il Svpflice Schiavo Indtano di Monsig. Reverendiss. D. Bartolemeo dalle Casas, 6 Casaus, . . Vescouo di Chiapa, citta regale dell' Indie. . . Tradotta in Italiano per Marco Ginammi. 4to. Fine large copy ; rough leaves Venetia : per li Ginmnini, 1657 In Spanish and Italian, in parallel columns. 1342 La Decouverte des Indes Occidentales pab les espagnols, et les moyens dont ils se sont SERvis POUR s'en rendre Maitres. 12mo, calf, en- graved title Paris, 1701 This translation is by the Abbe de Bellegarde. The dedication is signed " Pralard." 1343 Late Occurrences in North America, and Policy of G. B. considered. 8vo, p. 42, half roan Lond. 1766 1344 La Terriere, P. De Salles. Political and Historical Account of Lower Canada, &c. 8vo, boards, uncut Lond. 1830 1345 Latrobe, C. J. The Rambler in North America. 2 vols, 12rao, cloth Lond. 1835 1346 Laurens, Col. John. Army Correspondence in l777-'8 ; with a Memoir by W. G. Simms. Portrait, Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut N'. Y. 1867 Bradford Club Series. No. 7. 1347 Laval-Montmorency (Mgr. lerEveque de Quebec). 1674- 1874. Notice Biographique sur. Portrait. 8vo, cloth Montreal, 1874 1348 Laveau, Cointe De. Guide du Voyageur a Moscou. Fine plates. 8vo, sewed, uncut Momou, 1824 1349 Lawson, John. A New Voyage to Carolina, contain- ing THE Exact Description amd Natural History of THAT Country, and a Journal of a Thousand Miles Travel'd thro' several Nations of Indians. Giving a Par- ticular Account of their Customs, Manners, &c. (Lacks the map.) 4to, half morocco Ljond. 1709 1350 Another edition in German. Map and plate. 12mo, boards Hamburg, 1722 CATALOGUE. 125 1351 Lawson, John. History of Carolina, &c. Reprinted from the edition of 17U. 12 mo, cloth Raleigh, 1860 1352 Lay, W., & C. M. Hussey. Narrative of the Mutiny on the Ship Globe, of Nantucket, in the Pacific, and Journal. 12 mo, sheep New London, 1828 1353 Leake, I. Q. Life and Times of General John Lamb, who commanded West Point at time of Arnold's Defection. Portrait and Plans. Bvo, cloth Albany, 1850 1354 Learned, J. D. View of the Policy of Permitting Slaves in the States West of the Mississippi. Bvo, half roan, pp. 47 Bait. 1826 Title stained and mended. 1355 Le Beau, Sr. C. Avantures du, ou Voyage Curieux et Nouveau parmi les Sauvages de I'Amerique, etc. 2 vols, 12mo, calf Amsterdam, 1738 1356 Same. Vol. 1. Plates sewed Anist. 1738 1357 Lebedeff, Herasim. Grammar of the pure and mixed East Indian Dialects, with dialogues affixed, &c. 4to, half morocco Lond. 1801 1358 Le Blanc, Vincent. The World Surveyed ; or, The Famous Voyages and Travailes of Vincent le Blanc, or White, of Marseilles. Small folio, hf. shp. Lond. 1660 Contains much relating to America. 1359 Leburn, Isidore. Tableau statistique et politique des deux Canadas. 8vo, sewed, uncut Paris, 1833 1360 Le Clercq, C. Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie, qui contient les Moeurs & la religion des Sauvages Gaspesiens Porte-Croix, adorateurs du aoleil, & d'autres peuples de I'Amerique Septentrionale, dite le Canada. 12 mo, half calf Far is, 1691 Rare. Important as bearing on his other work, and for the origin of tlie Micmac Hieroglyphics. 1361 Le Clercq, Pieter. Negotiation van den beer Graave D'Avaux, Ambassadeur van het Hof van Vrankryk, by de Staten Generaal. 6 vols, 12mo, sewed, uncut, Rotterdam, 1754 126 CATALOGUE. 1362 Ledger Building. The Public Ledger Building, Phil. Portrait and plates. 12mo, cloth Phil. 1868 1363 Lee, Chauncey. American Accomptant. Plate. 12mo, sheep Lansinghurgh, 1797 1364 Lee, D., and J. H. Frost. Ten years in Oregon, Map. 12mo, sheep N. Y. 1844 1365 [Lee, Gen'l.] Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled "A Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans." 8vo, pp. 15, sewed Phil. 1774. 1366 Lee, Maj.-Gen. Funeral Oration on death of Gen, Wash- ington. Also, an Eulogy by Judge Minot. Svo, sewed Lond. 1800 1367 Lee, Gen. Charles. Memoirs of the Life of, with his Political and Military Essays and Letters. Svo, calf Lond. 1792 1368 Lee, Maj.-Gen. Proceedings of a Court Martial at Bruns- wick, N. J,, for the Trial of, 1778, Svo, sewed, uncut ]Sr. Y. 1864 1369 [Lee, Mr.] Les Etats-Unis et I'Angleterre, ou Souvenirs et reflexions, &c. 8vo, morocco Bordeaux, 1814 Mr. Lee, the author, was American Consul at Bourdeaux. Edited by Mr. Jay Rich. 1370 Le MoiNE, J. M, Ornithologie du Canada. 12mo, boards Quebec, 1861 1371 Lerio, Joanne, Historia Navigationis in Brasiliam qure et America dicitur, Secunda editio. Curious woodcuts. 12 mo, calf Genevce, 1594 Brunet says this edition is more rare than the original French. 1372 Le Sage, M. Les Aventures de M. Robert Chevalier; dit De Beauchene, Capitaine de Flibustiers dans la Nouvelle France, Plates, 2 vols, in one. 12mo, half sheep Maestricht, 1783 1373 Lescarbot, Marc. Les Muses de la Nouvelle France, A Monseigneur le Chancellier. 12mo, half vellum, (Very rare) Paris, 1618 CATALOGUE. 127 1374 Lescarbot. Noua Francia. Geundliche History von Erfundung der grosskn Landschafft Noua Francia, ODER Neiu Franckreich genannt, auch von Sitten und Bescbaffenheit derselben Wilden Volcker. Auss einem zu Pariss Gedruckten Franzosischen Buch Summarisches weiss ins Teutsch gebracht. Gedruckt zu Augspurg bey Chrysostomo Dabertshofer. 4to. Anno 1613 (t. if. Ded. (dated 17 March, 1613), 3 ff. Text: pp. 86). German translation of the second edition of Lescarbot. 1375 Lessons to a Young Prince. By an Old Statesman, &c. 8vo, pp. 68, half roan ISF. Y. 1791 1376 Letter from a Gentleman in Virginia to the Merchants of Great Britain, Trading to that Colony. 8vo, pp. 36, half morocco Lond. 1784 1377 to the Hon. Earl of Bute, on a late important Resignation. 3d edition. 8vo, pp. 75, hf. rn. Lond. 1761 1378 to the Author of the Halifax Letter, occasioned by his Book, entitled " A Defence of that Letter." 8vo, pp. 8, half morocco Printed for the Author., 1765 1379 to the People of England, on National Affairs. 8vo, pp. 56, half roan Lond. 1755 1380 du Pere Charles L'Allemand, 1627. 12mo, sheets (2 copies) Dr. O'Callaghan's Reprint, only 25 copies. 1381 to the Lord Bishop of L .... n, from Virginia. 8vo, pp. 60, half roan Lond. 1760 1382 to the Freeman and Freeholders of the Province of New York, signed " Tribunus Populi." 8vo, pp. 12, half morocco iV Y. 1 750 1383 to the Hon. Lord Thurlow. 8vo, pp. 26, half mo- rocco Ljond. 1780 1384 to a Friend. By T. W., a Bostonian. 8vo, pp. 34, half morocco Bost. 1774 1385 of the Archbishop of Baltimore, to the Roman Catholicks of Norfolk, Virginia, 8vo, pp. 63, sewed Bait. 1819 128 CATALOGUE. 1386 Letters addressed to Two Great Men, on tlie Prospect of Peace, and on the Terms necessary to be insisted upon in the Negociation. (Interleaved copy with MSS. notes.) 8vo, pp. 56, half roan Lond, 1V60 1387 Another copy. 2d edition, corrected. 8vo, pp. 56, half morocco Lond. 1760 " Attributed to Dr. Douglas, afterward Bishop of Salisbury." 1388 to the Earl of Hilsborough, on the Present Situation of Affairs in America. 8vo, pp. 55, hf. mor. Bost. 1769 1389 from a Virginian to the Members of the Congress to be held at Philadelphia on 1st Sept., 1774, 8vo, pp. 3'2, sewed, uncut Bost. 1774 1390 to Lord North, or Considerations on a Spanish Wai\ 8vo, pp. 47, half roan Lond. 1770 1391 Another copy. 8vo, pp. 47, half mor. Lond. 1780 1392 Letters and Messages between the King, Queen, Prince and Princess of Wales, on the birth of the Young Prin- cess. 8vo, pp. 30 Lond. 1737 1393 Lettres d'un Sauvage depayse. Contenant une Critique des Manu's du Siecle, & des Reflexions sur des Matieres de Religion and de Politique. 12°, cf., gilt Ainster. 1738 1394 Letters (a Series of) addressed to the Greatest Politician in England, &c. 8vo, pp. (7) 116, half mor. Lond. 1780 1395 on Political Liberty. 3d edition. 8vo, pp. 127, half sheep Lond. 1789 1396 of Valens (which originally appeared in the London Evening Post). With Corrections and Notes. 8vo, pp. (15) 160 (cover off) Lond. 1777 1397 Lettres. Choix des Lettres Edifiantes, ecrites des Mis- sions Etrangeres; avec des additions, des notes critiques, et des observations pour la plus grande intelligence de ces Lettres, etc. Par M. * * *. g vols, 8vo, boards, uncut I'aris, 1808 CATALOGUE. 129 1398 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, ecrites des Missions Es- trangeres. Nouveile edition. Maps and plates. 26 vols, 12mo, calf Paris, 1780-3 1399 Levizac's French Grammar. 2 vols, 12mo,shp. N. Y. 1824 1400 LiANCOURT (Duke de la Rochefoucault), Travels through the United States of America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada in 1795-6 and 7, etc. Maps. 2 vols, 4to, calf Lond. 1799 1401 Lincoln, A, The Obsequies of, in the City of New York, Portrait and plates. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1866 1402 Lincoln. Tribute of Respect by the citizens of Troy to memory of Abraham Lincoln. 4to, sewed, uncut, 1. p. Albany, 1865 1403 Linn, John Blair. Valerian : a Narrative poem, with Life. Portrait. 4to, boards, uncut Phil. 1805 1404 LiNSCHOTEN, J. HuGONis. Itinerarium ofte Schipvaert naer dost ofte Portugaels Indien, &c. Maps and plates. 1644. Beschryvinge van de gantsche Luste van Guinea, Maniconga, Angola, Monomotapa, en tegen, over de Cabo de S. Augustin in Brazilien, &c. Map. 1644. And. two others. 4 parts bound in 1 vol, folio vellum Amsterdam, 1644 1405 L'Intermediaire des Chercheurs et Curieux (Notes and Queries francais). 1864, '5, '6, '7, '9. 5 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco Paris, 1864-9 1406 LiSTB Chi'onologique des eveques et des pretres tant secul- iers que reguliers, employes au service de I'Eglise du Canada, &c. 8vo, half roan Quebec, 1834 With manuscript additions down to 1854. 1407 [Little, Otis]. The State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered, with a particular description of Nova Scotia. 8vo, half morocco. Bost. 1709 1408 Littlejohn, De Witt C. Case of Littlejohn against Horace Greeley for Libel, 8vo, half roan. N. Y. 1861 I30 CATALOGUE. 1409 LivERMORE, S. T. Condensed History of Cooperstown, N. Y. 12rao, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1862 1410 LocKMAN, John. Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the World. With an Account of the Spanish Settle- ments in America, &c. Second edition. Maps. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1762 1411 Long, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the manners and customs of the North American Indians. With a Vocabulary, etc. Map. ^to, half morocco Loud. 1791 1412 Long, Stephen H. Account of an Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, compiled by Edwin James. 2 vols, Svo, with a 4to atlas. 3 vols, half calf Phil 1823 1413 Narrative of an Exi^edition to the Source of St. Peter's River, &c. Compiled by W. H. Keating. Map and plates. 2 vols, 8°, half calf Fhil. 1824 1414 Long Island. Commodities of the Island called Manati ore Long He. Map. 8vo, pp. 16, sewed, uncut J. M. for J. G. jS., n. d. 1415 LossiNG, B. J. Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. Illustrated. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half russia JV. Y. 1851-2 Original edition. 1416 Memorial of Alexander Anderson, first Engraver of Wood in America. Plates. Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut iV. T. 1872 1417 Lossing's American Historical Recoid. Vol. 1. Nos., uncut Phil. 1872 1418 Loskiel, G. II. History of the Mission of the United Brethren aiuong the Indians in North America. In three parts. Translated by C. I. La Trobe. Map. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1794 1419 LoTHROP, S. K. History of the Church in Brattle Street, Boston. 12mo, cloth £ost. 1851 GATJLOGUE. i^i ] 120 Loudon, Earl of. The Conduct of a Noble Commander in America, impartially reviewed, with the Genuine Causes of the Discontents at New York and Halifax, &c. 8vo, pp. 41, half morocco Loud. 1758 1421 Louisiana. The Present State of the Country and Inhabi- tants, Europeans and Indians of Louisiana. By an Officer at New Orleans to his Friend at Paris, &c. 8vo, pp. 55, half morocco Lond. 1744 1422 LouisiANE. Memoire sur la Louisiane ou le Mississipi. Map, 12mo, calf Luxembourg, 1752 1423 Memoires Historiques sur La Louisiane, composes sur les Memoires de M. Dumont par M. L. L. M. Maps and plates. 2 vols, 12mo, half calf Paris, 1753 Valuable. 1424 Notice sur I'etat actuel de la Mission de la Louis- iane. Svo, pp. 58.. half i-oan Paris, 1820 1425 [LovETT, Maj. John E.] Washington's Birth Day : An Historical Poem, with Notes and Appendix. Portrait. Small 4to, pp. 55, 11, sewed Albany, 1812 1426 Lowell, John. Oration July 4th, 1799. Svo, pp. 27, half roan Bost. 1799 1427 LuTHERii Catechismus, ofwersatt pa American- ViRGiNiSTE Spraket. l2mo, half mor., gilt back and edges, pp. (16) 160, engraved title and rubricated title- page Stockholm, 1696 Towards the end is another title-page. Vocabularium Barbaro Virgineorum. Additis passium locutionibus & observationibus Historicis brevioribus ad lingure plen- iorum notitiam. Anno MDCXCVI. Fine copy of this rare worli. 1428 Luttrell, Narcissus. A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs from 1678 to 1714. 6 vols, 8°, cloth, uncut Oxford, 1857 1429 Lyford, W. G. Western Address Directory, with Hist- orical Sketches. 12mo, cloth Bait. 1837 132 CATALOGUE. 1430 Lykins, J. The Gospel according to Matthew, and the Acts of the Apostles, in the Putawatomie language. 12rao, sheep Louisville, Ky. 1844 1431 Lyon, Caleb. Narrative and Recollections of Van Die- man's Land During Three Year's Captivity of S. S. Wright, &c. 8vo, half mor., pp. 80 N. Y. 1844 M 'CALL, CAPT. HUGH. History of Georgia, containing Brief Sketches of the most Remarkable Events. 2 vols, 8 vo, half calf. (Vol. 2 spotted) Savannah, \'^\\ 1433 M'Clung, John A. Sketches of Western Adventure. 12 mo, boards, uncut Phil. 1832 1434 [M'CuLLOCH, John]. A Concise History of the United States, from the Discovery of America till 1795. Map. 2d edition. 12mo, sheep Phil. 1797 1435 M'Lean, John. Notes of a 25 Years' Service in the Hud- son's Bay Territory. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Load. 1849 1436 M'Leod, a. Character, Causes and Consequences of the Present War (1812). 2d ed. 8°, hf. roan N. Y. 1815 First page of preface torn and slightly stained. 1437 M'Mullen, John. History of Canada, from its first Dis- covery»to Present Time. 8vo, half morocco Brockville, C. W., 1855 1438 M'Murtrie, H. Sketches of Louisville and its Environs, &c. First edition. Map. 8vo, roan Louisville, 1819 1439 Mablt, Abbe de. Remarks on the Government and Laws of the U. S. 8vo, calf Dublin, 1785 1440 Macauley, James. National, Statistical and Civil His- tory of the State of New York. 3 vis, 8°, shp. JSf. Y. 1829 1441 Macaulay, T. B. Essays. 8vo, boards Phil. 1843 1442 Maci)0naij>, J. M. Two Centuries in the History of the Presbyterian Church, Jamaica, Long Island. 12mo, cloth JSr. Y 1862 CATALOGUE. 133 1443 Machiavel, N, Art of War, Albany, 1815. Common School Decisions, and others. 8 vols, 8vo v. d. 1444 Mackat, a. Western World ; or. Travels in the U. S. in 1846-7. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Fhil. 1849 1445 Mackenzie, Alexander, Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North » America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in 1789 and 1798. Portrait and maps. 4to, half calf Lond. 1801 y. 1446 Mackenzie, E. Historical View of the United States of P ' America and Canada, also Mexico and the Native Tribes. Map and plates. 8vo, hf, cf. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n. d. 1447 Mackenzie, Roderick. Strictures on Lt. Col. Tarleton's History ''of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Provinces of North America," with a detail of the Siege of Ninety-six, and the Re-Capture of the Island of New Providence. 8vo, calf Lond. 1787 1448 Mackenzie, W. L. Sketches of Canada and the United States. 12mo, boards, uncut L,ond. 1833 From the Author to Dr. O'C. 1449 McClellan, G. B. Report of, on the War in Europe in 1855-6. Map and illustrations. 4to, cloth Wash. 1857 1450 McCoy, Isaac. History of Baptist Indian Missions. 8vo, cloth (2 copies) Wash. 1840 1451 McKenney, T. L. Sketches of a Tour to the Lake ; of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, also a Vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway Language. Plates. 8vo, calf Bait. 1827 1452 McLane, David, Trial of, for High Treason, at the City of Quebec, 1797. 8vo, calf. Very rare Quebec, 11^1 1453 McMahon, J. V. L. Historical view of the Government of Maryland. Vol. 1. All published. 8vo, shp. Bait. 1831 1454 McSherry, J. History of Maryland from its Settlement in 1634 to 1848. 12mo, cloth Bait. 1852 134 CATALOGUE. 1455 McVicKAR, J. Early Years of the late Bishop Hobart. I 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1834 1456 Mactaggart, J. Three Years in Canada. 4to, 12mo, boards. Uncut Lo7id. 1829 1457 Macy, Obed. History of Nantucket. Map and plate. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1831 1458 Maffeii, J. Petri. Historiarum Indicarum Libri XVI., etc. Folio, hogskin, brass clasps and corners Colonicp Agrippin(e, 1589 1459 Maillard, N. DoRAN. History of the Republic of Texas, from the Discovery of the Country. Map. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1842 1460 Maine. Historical Society Collections. 6 vols, 8vo, cloth Portland, 1831-59 1461 [Mairobert, Pidansat de.] Discussion Sommaire sur les Anciennes limites de L'Accadie. 18rao, bds. Basle, 1755 1462 Maistre, Comte Joseph le. Letters on the Spanish In- quisition. Translated by T. J. O'Flaherty. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1843 1463 [Manwaring, W.] Good Humour ; or, A Way with the Colonies, &c. 8vo, pp. 37, half roan Lond. 1766 1464 Mai- of South Australia. Mounted in case. 8°, cl. Loi^d. 1465 Maps of New York City. A bundle of various maps 1466 Maps. Lot of miscellaneous maps, in bundle ' 1467 (4) Maps of New York State. Done up in covers. 12mo size 1850-72 1468 Maria Monk. Further Disclosures by. Portrait. ISrao, cloth Jsr. r: 1837 1469 Marquette, J. Recit des Voyages et des Decouvertes 1673, la continuation par Claude Alloiiez, et le Journal Autographe du P. Marquette en 1674 et 1675. Map. 12rao, p. 168, folded, uncut Alhanxj, 1855 A few copies only i)rivately printed from the original MSS. for Mr. Lenox. CATALOGUE. I 1470 Marsden, Rev. J. Narrative of a Mission to Nova Scotia, N.-BruDS\vick and Somers Islands, &c., 1810-14. '2d edition. Portrait and plate. 12mo, boards. Lond. 1827 1471 Marshall, Christr. Passages from the Remembrancer of. Edited by W. Duane, Jr. 12mo, cloth. P/riY. 1839 1472 Marshall, H. History of Kentucky, Exhibiting an Ac- count of the Modern Discovery, Settlement, Progressive Improvements, Civil and Military Transactions, and the Present State of the Country. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Franlfort, 1824 1473 Marshall, John. History of the American Colonies. 8vo, calf Phil. 1824 1474 Marshall, O, H. The First Visit of De la Salle to the Senecas, made in 1669. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Privately printed 1874 1475 [Martin, Claude.] La Vie de la venerable Mere Marie DE l'Incarnation, premiere superieure des Ursulines de la Nouvelle France. 4to, calf Paris, 1677 These memoirs are particularly valuable in a historical point of view, as they record tlie various events which occurred in Canada during the thirty years that this venerable lady lived there. The work is not frequently met with. 1476 Martin, F. X. History of North Carolina, from the ear- liest period. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf IVeio Orleans, 1829 1477 Martinet, J. F. Het Vaderland en het Vereenigd Neder- land. Maps and plates. 6 vols, 8vo, hf. cf. Gouda, 1845 1478 Martyn, B. Reasons for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, &c. Second edition. Map and plate. 4to pp. 48, half morocco Lond. 1733 1479 Martyr, Pet. De Rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe, DECADES TRES Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanensis. Item eiusdem De Babylonica Legatione, Libri III., et Item de Rebus Othiopicis, Indicis, Lusitanicis, et Hispani- cis, opuscula queda Historica doctissima, qua; hodie non facile alibi reperiunter, Damiani A Goes EquitisLusitani. 8vo, morocco, gilt Colonioe, 1574 136 CATALOGUE. 1480 Martyr, Peter. De Orbe Novo Petri Martyris An- GLERii Mediolanensis, Protonotarij, and Caroli quinti Senatoris Decades Octo, diligenti temporum observatione, & utillissimis annotationibus illustrata?, suoque niter resti- tutai. Labore & industria Richardi Hakluyti. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1587 With autograph of Mufioz. 1481 Martyr. De Nouo Orbe, or The Historie of the West Indies, Contayning the Actes and Aduentures of the Spanyardes, toJiich haue conquered and peopled tliose countries, inriched with varietie of j^leasant relation of the Manners, Cerenionies, Lawes, Governments, and Warres of the Indians. Comprised in Eight Decades. Written by Peter Martyr. Whereof three haue been formerly translated into English, by R. Eden, whereunto the other fiue, are newly added by the Industrie, and painefuU Trauaile of M. Loh Gent. Small 4to, calf (x), ;n8 leaves. London: Printed for Thomas Adams, 1612 1482 Martyrs to the Revolution in the British Prison-Ships in the Wallabout Bay. Map. 8vo, half roan. N. 1^1855 1483 Maryland Historical Society. Addresses, Reports, &c., from 1844 to 1854. 19 pamphlets. 2 vols, Svo, half mor. Bait. V. d. 1484 Maseres, Francis. A Collection of Several Commis- sions, and other public instruments and other papers, re- lating to the state of the Province in Quebec in North America, since the Conquest of it by the British Arms in 1760. 4to, half calf Zo7id. 1772 Contains the Official Instruction of Sir Danvers Osborn, as Gov- ernor of New York. 1485 Maseres, F. Occasional Essays on various subjects, chiefly Political and Historical ; extracted from News- papers and partly from Tracts published in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, Charles I. and II., etc. Svo, half calf Zond. 1809 Containing much relating to America and its affairs, and on Canada. CATALOGUE. ^2,7 1486 Massachusetts Bay. Proceedings of Representatives of. (No title.) 8vo, p. 5-83, half morocco {Bost. 1770] 1487 A Continuation of the Proceedings. 8vo, p. 66, half morocco Bost. 1770 1488 Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough, from Governor Bernard, General Gage and his Majesty's Council for the Province of Mass. Bay. With Appendix. Folio, pp. 83, half morocco Bost. 1769 1489 Massachusetts Convention of 1820-'21. Journal of De- bates, &e. 8vo, boards, uncut Bost. 1821 1490 Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections of. First, Second and Third Series, 30 vols. Fourth Series, 1 to 8. 38 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut, (except 4 vols, which are cut) Bost. 1800-'6S 1491 Proceedings of, 1858-1860. Portrait. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1860 1492 Massachusetts in Agony, or Important Hints to the In- habitants of the Province, &c., by Vincent Centinel. Small 4to, sewed, pp. 20 Reprinted in the year 1750 1493 Massachusetts. Report of the Lords' Committees ap- pointed by the House of Lords to enquire into the several proceedings in the Colony of Massachusett's Bay, in op- position to the Sovereignty of his Majesty, &c. Folio, pp. 35, half morocco Bond. 1774 1494 Speeches of the Governors froni 1765 to 1775, and Answers. 8vo, sheep. (Stained) Bost. 1818 1495 Massachusetts and New York. The case of the Pro- vincces of Massachusetts Bay and New York, Respecting the Boundary Line between the two Provinces. Folio, pp. 31, half morocco Bost.: Green & Russell, 1764 Very rare. 1496 A Conference between the Commissaries of Massa- chusetts and of New York, at New Haven, in the Colony of Connecticut, 1767. 4to, pp. 36, half moi*. Bost. 1768 Very rare. 138 CATALOGUE. 1497 Massacuusettensis ; or, A Series of Letters, &c., by a Person of Honor upon the spot. 8vo, pp. (8) 118, half morocco Lond. 1776 Attributed to Jonathan Sewall, and by Dr. O'C. to Daniel Leonard . 1498 Strictures and Observations on tlie Government of U. S. 8vo, pp. 19, half roan Printed in the U. S. 1792 1499 Mather, Cotton, Magnalia Christi Americana ; or. The Ecclesiastical History of New England, from its First Planting in the year 1620, unto the year of our Lord 1698. In seven books. Map. Folio, original calf binding Lond. 1702 An unusually fine tall copy measuring 14Jx9, perfect and very clean, including the two leaves, "List of Books," at the end. 1500 Magnalia Christi Americana ; or, The Ecclesias- tical History of New England. Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco Hartford, 1855 1501 Mather, Increase. De Successu Evangeli Apud Indos Occidentales, In Nova-Anglia ; Epistola. Ad. cl. Virura D. Johannera Leusdenum. A Crescentio Mathero. 12mo, pp. 16, full levant morocco L^ondini, Typis J. (r. 1688. Ultrajecti, 1G99 Rare. Fine large copy. 1502 Early History of New England. With an Introduc- tion and Notes by S. G. Drake. Small 4to, cloth, uncut Albany, 1864 1503 Increase & Cotton. History of King Philip's War. With Introduction and Notes by S. G. Drake. Two portraits. Small 4to, cloth, uncut Albany, 1862 1504 Mather & Brockett's Geography of New York, 12mo, boards Hartford, 1847 1505 Maude, John. Visit to the Falls of Niagara, in 1800. Many fine plates. 8vo, boards, tall copy L^ond. 1826 1506 [Mauduit, Israel.] Considerations and Occasional ■^rhoughts on the present German War. Two in one. 8vo, half roan Lond. 1760-1 CATALOGUE. 139 1507 Mauduit, Israel. A Short View of the History of the New England Colonies. 4th edition. 8vo, pp. 100, hf. mor. Lond. 17 7 6 1508 Maurault, J. A. Histoire des Abenakis depuis 1605 jusqu'a nos jours. Bvo, pp. (x) 631, sewed Sorel, 1866 1509 Mayer, Brantz. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican. Illustrated. 2 vols, Bvo, cloth Hartford, 1853 1510 Mayhew, Jonathan. Two Sermons. 8vo, pp. 88, half morocco Bost, 1761 1511 Mayhew, J. Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, &c. 8vo, pp. 176, half roan Bost. 1763 1512 A Defence of the Observations, &c. Bvo, pp. 144, half roan Bost. 1763 1513 Remarks on an Anonymous Tract, entitled An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations, &c. Bvo, pp. 86, ; ' half morocco Bost. 1764 1514 [Mazzei. Philip.] Recherches Historiques et Politiques sur les Etata-Unis de I'Amerique Septentrioaale, Par un Citoyen de Virginie. 4 vols in 2. Bvo, half sheep AColle, 178B 1515 Mead, D. M. History of Greenwich, Conn. 12 mo, cloth N'. Y. 1B57 1516 Mease, James. GeologicS^l Account of the United States. 5 plates. IBmo, sheep. 2 copies ' Phil. 1807 1517 Picture of Philadelphi. Folding plate. 12mo, sheep. 2 copies Phil. 1811 1518 Medill, W. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1847-B. 8vo, half roan Wash. 1848 1519 [Mein, John.] Sagittarius's Letters and Political Specula- tions, extracted from the Public Ledger. Humbly In- scribed to the very Loyal and truly Pious Doctor Samuel Cooper. Bvo, pp. 127, half morocoo Bost. 1775 I40 CATALOGUE. 1520 Melish, Joiiisr. Travels in the United States in 1806-7 and 1809-11. Maps. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Phil. 1812 1521 Geographical Description of the United States. Maps. (Water-stained.) 8vo, half roan N. Y. 1826 1522 Melton, Edward. Eistgelscii Edelmans, | Zeldsame en Gedenkwaardige I ZEE- en LAND REIZEN ; | Door | Egypten, West-Indien, Perzien, Tur"kyen, Oost-Indien, | i\x b'aniucujcbe Gewesten ; tjcf)cf,icnbc ecu ^ecr naauu)-lcuri(je 6c- I 5C^ri)i)in(^ ber tjcnocmbc fanbcn, BcncDcus 5cr,^cfDcr |ln- iDoonbe- 1 rci) ^obsbicnsf, '^^cc^ccnnt^, 3cbcn en ^^crooonfcn, I mifsp- I bcrs Dcfc jccr urccmbc Dooruaffcn, ouc\ccomcuc (icecljic- I beni55cn, cu iDoubcrl'DcRc iDcbcrDannijcu. I ^^auiic- raniJCU en k\\ jaare 1660-1677. I Vertaald uit d'eigene Aanteekeningen en Brieven van den gedagten Heer MEL- TON ; I en met verscheidene sclioone Kopere Figueren versierd. | T' AMSTERDAM | By Jan ten Hoorn, Boek- verkooper over 't Oude Heeren- | Logement, Anno 1681. — (Printed title-page.) Small 4to. Plates by John Luykens, considered among his finest productions, vellum, excessively rare. A portion relates to New Netherland. This copy contains the rare portrait of F. Lolonois, usually wanting, which is not men- tioned by Dr. Asher in his long description of this rare volume. 1523 Melville, H. Present State of Australia. 8vo, cloth Land. 1851 1524 Memoires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de sa Majeste Britannique, sur les possessions & les droits respectifs des deux Couronnes en Amerique. Map. 4 vols, 4to, calf Paris, 1755 An invaluable collection of official papers and documents. — Holme's Annals. 1525 Memorarles of the Montgonieries. 8vo, sewed, uncut JV. Y. 1866 60 copies only, privately printed. 1526 Meredith, Sir Wm. A Letter on the Quebec Bill. 5th edition. 8vo, pp. 36, half roan Loud. 1774 1527 A Letter to, in answer to his Letter. 8vo, pp. 52, half roan Lond. 1774 CATALOGUE. 141 1528 Mexico. Report on the Condition of Affairs in Mexico. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Wash. 1866 1529 Michigan Geology; maps; 1849, and 8th Smithsonian Re- port. 2 vols, 8vo 1530 Micmac. History of poor Sarah, a Pious Indian Woman in Micmac. Pp. 12. Also, Cisulc Uceluswocn Agenudasic. Pp. 16. 2 tracts n. p. n. d. 1531 Gospel of St. Matthew in the Micmac Language. 12mo, cloth Charlottetown, 1853 1532 MiCMAKis. An Account of the Customs and Manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets Savage Nations, from an original French MSS. 8vo, pp. 138, hf. rn. Lond. 1758 1533 MiDDLETON, Christopher. A Vindication of the Con- duct of Capt. Christ. Middleton in a late Voyage for Dis- covering a North-west Passage to the Western American Ocean; etc., etc. 8vo, calf Lond. 1743 1534 Miller, John. Description of the Province and City of New York. Plans. 8vo, boards Lond. 1843 1535 Miller, Samuel. A Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1803 1536 Memoirs of the Rev. John Rodgers, Pastor of the Wall Street and Brick Churches in New York. Portrait. 8vo, half calf N. F. 1813 1537 Millingen, J. G. History of Duelling; including Narra- tives of Remarkable Encounters, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1841 Best work on this subject. Contains an account of a duel fought by Dr. O'Callaghan's eldest brother near London, 1818. 1538 Mills, S. J., & D. Smith. Missionary Tour through that part of the United States which lies West of the Alleghany Mountains. 8vo, pp. 64. half roan Andover, 1815 1539 Milton, J. Le Paradis Perdu, Nbuvelle edition, augmen- tee du Paradis Reconquis. 12mo, calf La Haye, 1717 Brunet does not mention this edition. 142 CATALOGUE. 1540 Milton's Poetical Works. Ballou's Candid Review. Beauties of Nature ; Sketches of French Characters ; the Republican, and others. 8 vols, 12mo and 18mo v. d. 1541 Minnesota Historical Society. Annals of, for 1850, 51, 52. 3 vols, 8vo, half morocco Saint Paul, 1850-52 1542 Collections 1860. Vol. 3, pt.. 1870, and 2 Reports. 4 pamphlets. 1543 MiNOT, G. R. History of the Insurrections in Massachu- setts. 8vo, boards, uncut Bost. 1810 1544 Miscellanea Curiosa. Containing a Collection of some of the principal Phasnomena in Nature. Plates. 3 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1726 Contains Clayton's Virginia. 1545 Miscellanies. A folio volume of 56 curious Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse, dated 1690 to 1725. Folio, old calf Lo7id. 1690-1725 1546 Mississippi. Relation de la Louisianne ou Mississippi, par un Officer de Marine. Relation de la Louisianne et du Mississippi, par le Chevalier de Tonti. Voyage en un pays plus grand que I'Europe, Entre la mer glaciale et le Nouveau Mexique, par le P. Hennepin, and another; in 1 vol. Map. 12mo, boards Amsterdam, 1734 1547 MiTciiiLL, S. L. Discourse on Thomas Jefferson. 8vo, half roan iV". Y. 1826 1548 Mohawk. Acts of the Apostles in the Mohawk Language, by H. A. Hill, 12mo, sheep iV 3". 1835 1549 Gospel of St. Matthew. 12mo, sewed N.Y. 1836 1550 Book of Common Prayer in the Mohawk and Eng- lish Language, new edition, with the Gospel of St. Mark in the Mohawk Language, by Capt. Joseph Brant. Plates, 8vo, old calf Lond. 1787 CATALOGUE. 143 1551 Mohawk. Catholic Catechism and Morning and Evening Prayers in Mohawk Language. 12mo, bds. Paris, 1826 1552 Nene Karigheviyoston tsinihoreghhoten ne Saint John. The Gospel according to Saint John. 16mo, calf Lond. : Philips <& Phrdon, v. d. 1553 Book of Isaiah in Mohawk. 18°, cl. N. Y. 1839 1554 Collection of Hymns in Mohawk and English. 24mo, sheep N. Y. 1832 1555 Another copy. 24mo, sheep N. Y. 1850 1556 Gospel of St. John in Mohawk. 12°, sewed n. p. n. d, 1557 Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, in Mohawk. By W. Hess. 12mo, sewed iV! 1'. 1836 1558 Ditto to the Philippians. 12°, sewed JSF. Y. 1836 1559 Ditto to the Hebrews. 8vo, sewed N. Y. 1836 1560 — Spelling Book. 18mo, sewed, pp. 32 N. Y. 1829 1561 The Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and some other Offices of the Church of England, &c., in the MohaM'k and Iro- quois Language. 3d edition, revised ; with corrections and additions, by Daniel Claus. 8vo, pp. 208, calf Printed in the year 1780 Very rare. 1562 MoLiEKE. O^uvres de J. B. Poquelin de Moliere. 8 vols (less Vol. 1). 7 vols, ISmo, half roan Paris, 1829 1563 Moll, H. A New Map of the North Part of America claimed by France under y® names of Louisiana, Missis- sipi, Canada and New France, &c. Mounted on linen and folded in cover. 8vo 1720 1564 MoNETTE, J. W. History of the Discovery and Settle- ment of the Valley of the Mississippi. Maps. 2 vols, ^vo, cloth a: Y. 1848 X44 CATALOGUE. 1565 MONTAMUS, ArNOLDUS. De NlEUWE EN OnBEKENDE Weereld : OF Beschryving vax America en 't Zuid- land, vervsetende d'Oorsprong der Americsenen en Zuid- landers, gedenkwaerdige togten derwaerds, Gelegentreid der vaste Kusten, Eilanden, Steden, Sterkten, Dorpen, Terapels, Bergen, Fonteinen, Stroomen, Iluisen, de Natuiir van Beesten, Boomen, Planten, en vreiude Gewasschen, Gods-dienst en Zeden, Wonderlijke Voovallen, Vereeuwde en Nieuwe Oorlogen: Verciert met Af-beeldsels na't leven in America gemaeckt, en beschreven door Arnoldus Mon- tanus. Maps and plates. Folio, calf. Fine, clean copy, large paper Amsterdatn : Meitrs, 1671 1566 Montcalm. De Montcalm en Canada, 1576-1760. Par an Ancien Missionnaire. Portrait. 8vo, sewed, uncut Faris, 1867 1567 Montesquieu. Esprit des Lois. Portrait. 12mo, half calf Paris, 1844 1568 Monthly Repository and Library of Entertaining Knowl- edge. Illustrated. 4 vols, 12mo, hf. rn. A^. I^ 1831-4 1569 Montreal. Hochelaga Depicta, the Early History of Montreal. Edited by N. Bosworth. Map and plates. 12 mo, cloth Montreid, 1839 1570 Hochelaga Depicta ; or, A New Picture of Mon- treal. Map and plates. 12 mo, cloth Montreal, 1846 1571 MooRE, C. B. Town of Southold, Long Island. Personal Index prior to 1698 and Index of 1698. Oblong 8vo, sewed JV. Y. 1868 1572 MooRE, Frank. Songs and Ballads of the American Rev- olution. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1856 1573 Diary of the American Revolution. Portraits and maps. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth JST. Y. 1860 1574 MooRK, G. H. Treason of Charles Lee. 2 portraits and facsimile. 8vo, cloth, uncut A^ r; 1860 Presentation copy. CATALOGUE. 1 45 1575 MooRK, G. H. Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachu- setts. 8vo, cloth, uncut N. Y. 1866 Presentation copy. 1576 Moore, J. B. Annals of the Town of Concord, with a Memoir of the Penacook Indians. 8vo, pp. 112, half calf Concord, 1824 1577 MooBE, N. F. Historical Sketch of Columbia College. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1846 1578 Moore, Thomas. Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence. Edited by Hon. Lord John Russell. Poitraits and plates. 8 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut Loud. 1858 1579 Notes from the Letters of, to his Music Publisher, James Power (which was suppressed). Plates. 12mo, cloth JSr. Y. 1854 1580 Moore, Thomas L. A Sermon in Trinity Church and St. Paul's inN. Y. 14, Oct. 1792. 8°, pp. 16, sewed. N. Z. 1792 1581 MooKE. Zeluco. Various Views of Human Nature. 8vo, sheep BosL 1792 1582 MooRSOM, Capt. W. Letters from Nova Scotia, compris- ing Sketches of a Young Country. 12mo, boards Lond. 1830 1583 Moravians. The Fourth Centennial Anniversary of the Moravian Church. By Berg. Newton, &c. 18nio, cloth Phil. 1857 1584 MoREAU, M, C. Les Prctres Francais emigres aux Etats- Unis. 12mo, sewed, uncut Pares, 1856 1585 Mormons (The) ; or, Latter- Day Saints. With Memoirs of Life and Death of Joseph Smith. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth Land. 1851 1586 [Morris, Governeur]. Observations on the American Revolution, &c, 12mo, pp. 126, sewed, uncut Proy. 1780 1587 Oration on the Death of Gen. Washington, 8vo, pp. 24, half roan N. Y 1800 146 CATALOGUE. 1588 Morse, J. Amerioan Geography. 2 maps. Original edition. 8vo, sheep Elizabeth-Toxcn, 1789 1589 American Universal Geography. Sixth edition. Maps. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Bost. 1812 1590 Report on Indian Affairs. Map and portrait. 8vo, sheep New Haven, 1 822 1591 Morse, J., & E. Parish. A Compendious History of New England. Map. 12mo, shp. 2 copies N^eiohuryjjort, \80^ 1592 Morton, N. New England's Memorial. Sixth edition. Also Gov. Bradford's History of Plymouth Colony ; Por- tions of Prince's Chronology, etc. With Notes and Ap- pendix. 8vo, cloth Host. 1855 1593 Motives for a Subscription towards the Relief of the Suf- fers at Montreal in Canada by a Dreadful Fire on the 18th of May, 1765, etc. 8vo, morocco Montreal, 1765 1594 MouBACH, Abraham. Bloeyende Opkomst der Aloude en Hedendaagsche Groenlandsche Visschery. Maps and plates. 4to, sewed, uncut Amsterdam, 1720 1595 Mountain, Geo. J. Journal of the Bishop of Montreal to the Red River. Maps and cuts. 16mo, cloth uncut Seeleys, 1849 1596 MuLFORD, I. S. Civil and Political History of New Jer- sey. Svo. cloth Phil. 1851 1597 MuLLER, John Von. History of the World. 4 vols, 12 mo, cloth Bost. 1840 1598 MuNRO, Robert. Description of the Genesee Country, N. Y. Map. 8vo, p. 16, half roan JST. Y; 1804 1599 MuNSELL, Joel. Annals of Albany. Illustrated. 10 vols, 12mo, cloth Albany, 1850-59 1600 Collections on the History of Albany, from its Dis- covery to the Present Time, etc. Plates. Vols. 1 and 2. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Albany, 1865-7 1601 Every Day Book. 2 vols, 8°, sheep Albany, 1843 CATALOGUE. 147 1602 MuNSELL, Joel. Every Day Book of History and Clironol- ogy. 8vo, cloth N. T. 1858 1603 Murdoch, Bkamish, History of Nova Scotia, or Acadie. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth Halifax, 1S65 Best History of the Province. Now out of print. 1604 MuBNER, Thomas. Institutiones Imperiales. Een Gher- echtigh oorspronck der Keyserliycke Rechten (Justinian's Code in Dutch). Portrait. Small 4to, sewed Graven-Hage, 1648 1605 Murphy, Henry. The Conquest of Canada. (Wants title.) 12mo, half calf Dublin, 1190 1606 Murphy, H. C. Anthology of New Netherland, or trans- lations from the early Dutch Poets of New York, with Memoirs. Portrait. Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut. iV. Y. 1865 Bradford Club Series, No. 4. 1607 Voyage of Verrazzano : a Chapter in the Early History of Maritime Discovery in America. Maps. 8vo, sewed, uncut. A^ 1". 1875 Presentation copy from tlie Author. 1608 Murphy, J. N. Ireland : Industrial, Political and Social. 8vo, cloth, uncut Zand. 1870 1609 Terra Incognita, or the Convents of the United Kingdom. 8vo, cloth, uncut ZoTid. 1873 1610 Murray, Hugh. Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America. Map. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Loud. 1829 1611 History of British America. 2 vols, 18 mo, cloth JV. Y. 1840 1612 Murray, James. Sermons to the Ministers of State, by the Author of Sermons to Asses Svo, pp. 79, half mor- rocco -Phil. 1783 1613 Murray, LiNDLEY. English Reader. 18mo, boards Albany, 1830 148 CATALOGUE. NAAUKEURIGE Versambling der Gedenk-Waadigste Zee en Land-Reysen na Oost en West-Indien, Mitsgaders andere Gewesten, ter eerster Ontdekking en soo vervolgens van verscheyde Volkeren, meerendeels door Vorsten, of Maatschappyen derwaarts gesonden, gedaan ; 1246-1696. Maps and a large number of plates. 30 vols, Svo, vellum Ley den: P. Vander Aa, 1707 Vander Aa's collection embraces many voyages to America, and is very desirable. 1615 Napoleon; Historic Doubts; Spirit of the Nation; Ethics of Slavery; Defence of the Whigs; and others. 10 vols, 12mo V. d. 1616 Narragansett Club Publications. Vol. 1. Contains Key into the Language of America, by Roger Williams ; edited by J. H. Trumbull. Letter to jMr. Cotton, and Mr. Cotton's Letter Examined, &c. Small 4to, sewed, uncut Providence, 1866 1617 Nason, Elias. Sir Charles Henry Frankland, Bt., or Boston in the Colonial Times. Svo, half morocco, gilt top Albany, 1865 1618 Nathan. Letter to Lord North. 8vo, pp. 69, half mor- rocco Pond. 1780 1619 National Academy of Design. Roy 8°, uncut. JV. Y. 1865 1620 National Portrait Gallery. Portraits. 24 Nos. 1621 Natural History. Twentieth Report on the State Cabi- net. Plates of Shells, &c. 8vo, cloth Albany, 1867 1622 Navarette, M. F. de. Coleccion de los Viages y Descubrimentos, que hicieron for mar LOS Espanoles desde fines del Siglo XV. Con varios documentos inedi- tos concernieutes a la Historia de la Marina Castellana y de los Establecimientos Espafioles en Indias. 5 vols. Maps. Small 4to, half calf Madrid, 1825-1837 The 1st Vol. of this important collection contains the original Journal of the four Voyages of Columbu^^, edited by Barthole- mew de Las Casas; the 2d is entirely lillt'd with curious docu- ments relative to that epoch; the 3d contains the Voyages of Americus Vesputius; and in the 4th and 5th are included the Expeditious to the Moluccas of Magelanes and others, all from unpublished MSS. or very rare printed editions. CATALOGUE. 149 1623 Navigator (The). Containing Directions for Navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, etc. 8th Edition. 12mo, sheep Pittsburgh, 1814 1624 Neal, Daniel. History of New England: containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Countiy to 1700; to which is added. The Present State of New England, and an Appendix. 2 maps. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1720 1625 Neill, E. D. History of Minnesota. Map, portraits and plates. 4to, cloth. (Large paper copy) Phil. 1858 1626 Terra Marias; or. Threads of Maryland Colonial History. 12mo, cloth Phil. 1867 1627 Neuman & Baretti. Spanish and English Dictionary. 18mo, sheep Phil. 1836 1628 New Brittaine. The Discovery of. 1650. By E. Bland, A. Woods, S. Brewster and E. Pennant. 8vo, pp. 22, sewed, uncut JSr. Y. 1873 1629 Newburgh Letters. A Collection of Papers, relative TO Half-Pay and Commutation of Half- Pay, granted by Congress to the Officers of the Army, &c. 8vo, pp. 36, half morocco Fish-Kill, 1783 1630 New England. A Brief Review of the Rise and Progress, Services and Sufferings of. 8vo, pp. 32, half morocco Lond 1774 1631 ■ Historical and Genealogical Register. Vols. 1 to 15, half morocco; Vols. 20 to 24 in Nos., uncut. 20 vols, 8vo Post. 1847-70 1632 Newhall, J. B. A Glimpse of Iowa in 1846; with a De- scription of the New Purchase, etc. 12mo, half morrocco Purlington, 1846 1633 New Hampshire Historical Society Collections. 6 vols, 8vo (1 to 5 half calf, 6 cloth) Concord, 1824-50 1634 New Haven. Records of the Colony and Plantation of. By C. J. Hoadly. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1857-8 I50 CATALOGUE. 1635 New Jersey. A Bill in the Chancery of New Jersey, AT THE SUIT OP JoHN, EaRL OF StAIR, AND OTHERS, AGAINST Benjamin Bond, and others, wIth three large MAPS. To which is added ten Publications of the Counsel of Proprietors of East New Jersey, &c., concerning the Riots committed in New Jersey, etc. Maps, folio. Full mor., uncut (little stained). iV. Y. -.James Parker, 1747 Very rare. 1636 Selections from the Correspondence of, from 1776 to 1786. 8vo, cloth Newark, 1848 1637 Historical Society Collections. 7 vols, 8vo, cloth Neioark, 1846-66 1638 Proceedings. 1st series 10 vols, 8vo, 6 half calf, 4 unbound ; 2d Series, Vols 1, 2, 3 ; Nos. 2 and 4, 4 (lacks No. 4) ; 5 (lacks No. 3), making 14 vols. 8vo Newark, 1847-79 1639 News from New England, being a true and last account of the present Bloody Wars, &c. Small 4to, folded, uncut Lond. 1676, Bost. 1850 1640 Newspapers. Numbers of New York Weekly Post-Boy, 1745-6 ; New York Gazette 1736 ; New York Journal or General Advertiser, 1772, &c. (19 Nos.) A lot. 1641 New York. Calendar of Historical Manuscripts relating to the War of the Revolution in the Office of the Secretary of State. 2 vols, royal Svo, full morocco, gilt tops and sides, uncut Albany, 1868 1642 Calendar of Historical Manuscripts. Dutch and English. 1630-1776. 2 vols, royal Svo, cloth. 3 copies Albany, 1865-6 1643 Same. Dutch portion. 1630-64. Royal 8vo, cloth. 2 copies. Albany, 1865 1644 Calendar of Historical Manuscripts relating to the War of the Revolution. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 4 copies Albany, 1868 1645 Same. 2 vols in sheets, uncut. 3 copies CAIALOGVE. 151 164(5 New York. Remonstrance of New Netherland, and occur- rences there, 1649. Translated from the original Dutch MSS. by E. B. O'Callahan. 4to, half morocco Albany, 1856 1647 Calendar of New York Colonial Manuscripts in- dorsed Laxd Papers, in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York, 1643-1803. Thick 8vo, sheep Albany, 1864 1648 New Netherland. Beschryvinge van Nieuw-Neder- LANT, (GeLTJCK HEX TEGENWOORDIGH IN StAET Is). Bc- grij-pende de Nature, Aert, gelegentheyt en vrucht- baerheyt van het selve Landt ; mitsgaders de profifijte- lijcke ende gewenste toevallen, die aldaer tot onderhoudt der Menschen. (Soo uyt haer selven als van buytin ingebracht) gevonden worden. &c. Beschreven Door Adriaen van der Donck. Small 4to, old calf Amsteldam, 1655 Lacks pages 9 and 10. Title torn across, but none gone. _ Other wise perfect. This is the first and extremely scarce edition. 1649 New York. A Two Years' Journal in New York, and part of its Territories in America, in 1679, by Charles Wooley, A.M. New Edition, with Notes, &c., by E. B. O'Callaghan, M.D. 8vo, folded, uncut. 20 copies N. Y. W.: Gowans, 1860 1650 Same. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3 copies. 1651 Vertoogh van Nieu Nederland, and Breeden Raedt. Two rare tracts printed in 1649-50, relating to the Ad- ministration of Affairs in New Netherland. Translated by Henry C. Murphy. Map. 4°, ch uncut iV! T. 1854 Privately printed by Mr. James Lenox. Presentation copy to the Doctor by Mr. Lenox. 1662 Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York, from 1691 to 1765, inclusive. 2 vols, folio, original sheep binding N. Y.: Hugh Gaine, 1764-'5 Rare. 300 copies only printed by order of the Provincial Assembly. 1653 Historical Society Publications. Collections, First and Second Series. 8 vols, half morocco (except Vol. 8, in boards) N. Y. 1811-'57 T52 CATALOGUE. 1653aNEw York. Proceedings from 1843 to 1849, complete. 7 vols, hf. mor. In all 15 vols, 8vo, hf. raor. JSF. Y. 1811-57 1654 Publication Fund Series, 1868, 1869 and 1870. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth JSr. Y. 1868-'7l 1655 Historical Society Proceedings for 1845 to 1848, 2 vols, 8vo, half sheep i\^ Y. 1846-'49 1656 An Account of Abimelech Coody and other cele- brated writers of New York, in a Letter from a Traveller to his friend in South Carolina. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 16 January, 1815 1657 The Natural History of the State of New York. 22 vols, 4to, cloth Albany, 1842-'67 Including the Geological map. The Ornithology, Fishes, Insects, Botany, Fruits and Mollusca are colored. (Ornithology lacks plates 41, 62, and 116.) 1658 Hall's Paleontology. Vol. 2. 4to, cloth 1659 History of the Yellow Fever in New York City in 1822. 8vo, half roan iV! F. 1823 1660 Plan of New York City from the Battery to Spuyten Duyvil Creek, based on the surveys made by Randal & Blackwell, and the special survey by J. F. Harrison. Published by M. Dripps. Imperial 4to, half morocco N. Y. 1867 1661 Muster Rolls, 1861-'65, a Record of Officers and Privates of the Regiments organized in New York State during the late Rebellion. 7 vols, 4to, half sheep Albany, 1864-'68 1662 Colonial Tracts. Voyage of the Sloop Mary, 1701 ; Voyage of George Clarke to America; Voyages of the Slavers St. John and Anns of Amsterdam, 1659-63. Ed- ited with Notes by Dr. O'Callaghan. 3 vols, small 4to, sewed, uncut, thick paper. Only 100 copies printed. (2 copies) Albany, 1866-7 1663 List of Patents of Lands, «fec., to be Sold in Janu- ary, 1822, for Arrears of (^iiit Rent. 4to, half roan Albany, 1820 CATALOGUE. ,53 1664 New York. Documents Relating to the Colonial History of New York, with Index. 11 vols, 4to, cloth. (5 copies) Albany, 1856-61 1665 Journals of the Provincial Congress, Provincial Convention, Committee of Safety and Council of Safety of the State of New York, 1775-1776 and 1777. 2 vols, folio, calf. Albany, 1842 A State publication. Only 250 copies printed. 1666 Journal of the Legislative Council of the Colony of New York, 1691-1775. 2 vols, folio, half sheep. (10 copies.) Albany, 1861 A State publication. 1667 Legislature. The Rules and Orders, 1828-1833; The Red Book, 1836-39, succeeded by the Manual, 1840 to 1880, inclusive. A complete series, with the exception of 1834 and 1835, from 1828 to 1880. 50 vols, 18mo and 12mo, red morocco Albany, 1828-80 The official Jilanuals of the Senate and Assembly of New York. 1668 Marriage Licenses issued previous to 1784. 8vo, cloth. (3 copies) Albany, 1860 A State work. 500 copies only printed. 1669 Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York, by David T. Valentine, from 1841 to 1870. Maps and plates. 28 vols, 18°, 12° and 8°, cloth N. Y. 1842-71 A complete set, in fine order. 1670 Same, for 1863 and 1866. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth 1671 City during the American Revolution; being a Se- lection of Original Papers from the Tomlinson Collection in the Mercantile Library Association. Edited by H. B. Dawson. Map. 4to, cloth, uncut N. Y. 1861 1672 An Ordinance of the Convention for Organ- izing and Establishing the Government. 8vo, half roan Fish- Kill: S. Loicdon, 1771 1673 Constitution of the State of New York. 8vo, pp. 34, half roan Fish- Kill : S. Loudon, 1777 1674 Another copy. 8vo, pp. 32, hlf. roan I'hU. 1777 154 CATALOGUE. 1675 New Yokk, An Englishman's Sketch-Book ; or, Letters from New York. 12mo, boards -N'. Y. 1828 1676 Account of the N. Y. Hospital View and Plan. 8vo, half roan N. 3^. 1811 1677 Account of the State Prison and Penitentiary in CityofN. Y. View and plan. 8°, hf. cf. JV F! 1801 1678 Historical Sketch of the Metropolitan City of America. By a New Yorker. Plates, some inserted. 12mo, cloth iV T. 1853 1679 flistorical, Geographical View of City of New York. Plate. 18rao, pp. 46, cloth N. Y. 1836 1680 Picture of New York in 1846. Map and plates (2). 18mo, cloth N. Fi 1846 1681 Another. 18mo, sewed iV Y. 1848 1682 Asitls,in 1837. (Lacks map.) I8°,shp. N. F.1837 1683 A Concise Description of the City of New York Plate. 18mo, sheep N. F. 1814 1684 Picture of ; or, the Traveller's Guide. Map. 18mo, sheep. 2 copies iV F. 1807 Attributed to Dr. S. L. Mitchill. 1685 Trinity Church : a Collection of Pamphlets relating to. 2 vols, Svo, half morocco A^ Y. v. d. 1686 Trinity Church Pamphlets (7) 1687 First Annual Report of Department of Public Parks. Maps and plates. Svo, pp. 427 N. Y. 1871 1688 Maps and Lists of Real Estate belonging to the City. 4to, cloth K Y. 1860 1689 17 Pamphlets on the Anti-Rent Troubles. 8vo. (17) 1844-59 1690 State Registers, 1830, '1, '4, '43, '45. 7 vols, 12rao, half roan 1691 Re]>ort of County Volunteer Committee. Svo, cloth N. F. 1864 CATALOGUE 155 1692 New York. Civil List, by F. B. Hough, for 1860-'l, '5-'6, and 1871. 5 vols, 12 mo, morocco Albany 1693 Speeches of the diflferent Governors; Proceedings of the United States Anti-Masonic Convention, and others. 5 vols, Bvo V. d. 1694 Journal of the Convention of 1821. 8vo, boards, uncut Albany, 1821 1695 Another. 8vo, half sheep Albany, 1821 1696 Canals, Laws, Annual Reports, and other Docu- ment. 2 vols, I'oyal 8vo, boards, uncut Albany, 1825 1697 Convention, 1846. Documents of. 2 vols, 8vo, half sheep Albany, 1846 1698 Political Code, 1859. Documents of the House of Refuge, and others. 8 vols, 8vo v. d. 1699 Reports on the New York Geological Survey, in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf ^^Sawy, 1838-40 1700 and Connecticut. Boundary Line between. Maps. 8vo, cloth Albany, 1857 1701 Geological Survey. Report of 1839. 8vo, siieep Albany, 1839 1702 Genealogical and Biographical Record. 33 num- bers, 8vo 1703 Adjutant-General's Reports, 1862-63. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Albany, 1862-3 1704 Criminal and Civil Code. 10 vols. 8vo, sewed Albany, 1848-50 1705 Census of the State for 1855. Folio, half morocco. 3 copies. Albany, 1857 1706 Same for 1865. Folio, half mor. Albany, 1867 1707 NiBBY, A. Itineraire de Rome et de ses Environs. Map and plates. 2 vols, 12mo, sewed Rome, 1829 1708 Nicholson, W. Introduction to Natural Philosophy. Plates. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1788 156 CATALOGUE. 1 709 NiLEs, J. N. Life of Oliver H. Perry. With Appendix : Lives of Capt. J. Lawrence, Gen, Pike and Gen. Harri- son. Portrait. 12mo, slieep Hartford, 1821 1710 NoEHDEN, G. PL Grammar of the German Language. 12mo, boards Lond. 1827 1711 North American Boundary. Correspondence Relating to. Folio, half calf " Lond. 1840 1712 Northern Light, Devoted to Free Discussion. Part of Vol. 2 and Vol. 3, 1842-3. 1 vol, folio, half sheep Albany, 1842-3 1713 Northern and Western Traveller, with the Routes to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec and New England, &c. Maps and plates. 16mo, cloth J^. Y. 1834 1714 Norton, A. B. History of Knox County, Ohio. Por- traits. 8vo, cloth Columbus, 1862 1715 Notes and Queries for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc. 1st, 2d, 3d Series and 10 vols, of the 4th series. 14 and Index Vol. in half calf, rest inNos. uncut. 47 vols, small 4to Loyid. 1850-72 1716 Nova Scotia. A Geographical History of Nova Scotia, etc. 8vo, half morocco L^ond. 1749 1717 NoYES, D. History of Norway, Maine. 8vo, cloth Norioay, 1852 OBJECTIONS to the Taxation of our American Colonies. 2d edition. 8vo, pp. 23, half roan LA)nd. 1765 Said to have been written by Soame Jenyns. 1719 Observations on the Reconciliation of Great Britain and the Colonies. By a Friend of American Liberty. 8vo, pp. 40, boards Phil. 1776 1720 O'Callaguan, E. B. Origin of Legislative Assemblies in the State of New York. 4to, pp. 39, hf. mor. Albany, 1861 With a letter, signed by William H. Seward, thanking the author for dedicating the book to him. CATALOGVE. i^^ 1721 O'Callaghas^, E. B. Origin of Legislative Assemblies. 4to, half morocco Albany, 1861 1722 Another. 4to, sewed, uncut 1723 Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, Dutch and English, 1630-1776. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. (4 copies) Albany, 1865-6 1724 Calendar of State Papers, Dutch MSS. Royal 8vo, in sheets 1725 Same. Royal 8vo, half sheep 1726 Calendar of Historical Manuscripts relating to the War of the Revolution. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth. 3 copies Albany, 1868 1727 Voyage of the Sloop Mary, 1701; Voyage of George Clarke to America; Voyages of the Slavers St. John and Arms of Amsterdam, 1659-63, edited with Notes, &c. 3 vols, small 4to, sewed, uncut. Thick paper; only 100 printed. 2 copies Albany, 1866-7 1728 Voyages of the Slavers St. John and Arms of Amsterdam, 1659-1663, with additional Papers, &c. Small 4to, sewed, uncut. 10 copies Albany, 1867 Large paper; only 100 printed. 1729 Documentary History of State of New York. Map and plates. 4 vols, thick 8vo (1-3 green morocco, 4 in cloth Albany, 1849 1730 Same. Vol. 1, 2 copies ; Vol. 2, 6 copies. Plates. 8 vols, 8vo, cloth 1731 Documentary History of the State of New York. Maps and plates. 4 vols, 4to, half morocco Albany, 1850 1732 Orderly Book of Lieut.-General John Burgoyne, from his Entry into New York until his Surrender at Saratoga in 1777. Edited by Dr. O'C. Map and por- traits. Small 4to, sewed, uncut. 6 copies Albany, 1860 1733 List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures, and parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860. With Notes, &c. Royal 8vo, sewed, uncut. 3 copies Albany, 1861 The great Bibliography of American Bibles. 158 CATALOGUE. 1734 0'Cali,aghan,E, B. Jesuit Relations of Discoveries in Can- ada, &c., 1G32-1672, 8vo, half morocco K Y. 1847 1735 Relations des Jesuites sur les Decouvertes en Canada, etc, (1611-1672). 12mo, sewed Montreal, ISbQ 1736 History of New Netherland, or New York under the Dutch. Maps, &c. 2 vols, Svo, hf. mor. N. Y. 1855 1737 History of New Netherland, or New York under the Dutch. 2 vols, Svo, cloth. 2 copies JST. Y. 1855 1738 — Same. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1846 1739 Same. Vol. 2. 8vo, cloth JV. Y. 1848 1740 Register of New Netherland, 1626 to 1674. Royal Svo, half calf Albany, 1865 1741 Same. Royal Svo, sewed, uncut. 10 copies Albany, 1865 1742 Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, 1638- 1674. Svo, sheep. 6 copies Albany, 1868 1743 — Remonstrance of New Netherland, and the Occur- rences there. 4to, half morocco Albany, 1856 1744 — Names of Persons for whom Marriage Licenses were issued in New York previous to 1784. Svo, cloth. 2 copies Albany, 1860 1745 O'Callahan, Rev. J. Usury, Funds, and Banks. ]2mo, cloth Burlington, 1834 1746 Ogilby, John. America: being the Latest and most Ac- curate Description of the New World, 1773 Palmer, Joel. Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River in 1845-6, etc. 12mo, half morocco Ginn. 1847 CATALOGUE. l6i 1774 Palmer, P. S. flistory of Lake Champlain. 8vo, half calf Albany, 1806 1775 Pamphlets. Historical. Ogden's Founders of New York; Hoffman's Pioneers of New York ; and Historical Ad- dresses. 2 vols, 8vo, half roan v. d. 1776 Lottery and Libel Trials. C. N. Baldwin. Svo, half roan JST. Y. 1818, &c. 1777 Biographical, 14 1778 Of the N. E. Genealogical Society (5), and Ameri- can Antiquarian Society (6). 1 1 1779 Anti-Slavery Convention ; Utica, 1835 ; De Witt Clinton's Discourse, Union College, 1823 ; and twelve others. 8vo, half calf v. d. 1780 Naval Magazine, and nine others. Svo, half calf 1781 France and Mexico, 1839 ; Constitution of New York, Fish-Kill, 1777 ; Albany Directory, 1833-4 ; and othei's. l2mo, half calf 1782 Correspondence between Governor Sullivan and Colonel Pickering ; Three Sermons before Society for Propagating Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1733-41, and 1789 ; and others. In all 20. 1783 Historical Sketch of the Thomsonian System ; Albany Directory, 1822 ; and nine others. 12mo, half calf V. d. 1784 Amherst College Catalogue, 1883 ; Western Month- ly Magazine, 1835 ; and five others. 8vo, half calf v. d. 1785 New England Magazine ; Webster's Speech, Ad- dresses, etc. (15). Svo, half sheep v. d. 1786 Pamphlets. Addresses, Orations, &c. 85. 1787 Miscellaneous. A bundle. 1788 A Discourse before the American Historical Society, January 30, 1836, by Hon. Lewis Cass, pp. 58, and others by Webster, Adams, Woodbury, &c. ; in all, 12. 8vo, half calf V. d. 1 62 CATALOGUE. 1789 Pamphlets. Campaign and Political. 66, 1790 Will and Biography of Stephen Girard ; We have been All in the Wrong; Lond., 1785; Adams' Oration; Hayne and Webster's Speeches; &c. 10. 1791 Memoirs of James W. Beekman and Wm. Allen, of Pa., by E. F. DeLancey, and Few Days at Nashota, by Bishop Kip. 3, 8vo, 1792 Papineau et Nelson, and others. 2 vols, 18n>o. half roan v. d. Important Canadian Collection. 1793 Miscellaneous Addresses, &c. 7 vols, 8vo, half roan v. d. 1794 Biographical. Distinguished Men of Columbia County, N. Y., &c. 8vo, half roan v. d. 1795 Medical. 16. 1796 Sermons, &c. 1797 American Historical Magazine. Western Journal, 1848. North Western Journal, 1850, and others. 8vo, half roan v. d. 1798 Pancirollus (Guido). Nova Reperta sive Rerum Memorabilium recens inventarum et Veteribus Incog- nitarum, Liber Secundus, Ex Italico Latine, etc., ab Henrico Salmuth. Editio Secunda. 12mo, pp. (18) 740, (20) Ambergm, 1608 Contains the Chapter, De Novi Orbe. 1799 GuiDONis Pancirolii Rerum Memorabilium sive Deperditarum. Pars Prior, Commentariis illustrata, et locis prope innumeris postremum aucta, ab Henrico Sal- muth. (Part Second has this title), Nova Reperta sive Rerum Memorabilium. 4to, calf J^htncofurti, 1660 1800 Papers for the People, to be issued weekly during the campaign, by the Jefferson Union. 8", hf. roan. JV. Y. 1852 1801 Parkman, F. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac. Maps. 8vo, cloth JBost. 1851 Presentation copy from the author. CATALOGUE. . ig. 1802 Parkman, Francis. California and Oregon Trail, being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life, 12 mo, cloth K r. 1849 Presentation copy from author , with his autograph. 1803 Pioneers of France in the New World. Portrait and map. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1865 1804 The Jesuits in North America in 17th Century. Map. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1867 1805 Parsons, H. A. Book of Niagara Falls. 3d edition. Map. 18mo, cloth Buffalo, 1836 1806 Parton, J. Life of Horace Greeley. Portrait and plates, 12 mo, cloth N. r; 1855 1807 Pastorius, Francis Daniel. Umstandige Geographische Beschreibung der zu allerlest erfundenen Provinss Pensylvani^, in den End-Granzen America In der West- Welt gelegen, durch Franciscura Danielum Pastorium. Pp. (12) 140 Frcmckfart unci Leipzig : Otto, 1700 Continuatio der Beschreibung der Landschafft Pensyl- vania? Andenen End granssen Americse. Uber vorige des Herrn Pastorii Relationes. In sich haltend : Die Situation, und Fruchtbarkeit des Erdbodens. Die Schiffreiche und andere Flusse. Die Anzahl dezer bisshero gebauten Stadte. Die Seltsame Creaturen au Thieren, vogeln und Fischen, Die Mineralien und Edelgesteine Deren eingc- bohrnenwildenVolckerSprachen, Religion und Gebrauche. Und die ersten Christlichen Pflanzer und aubauer dieses Landes. Beschrieben Von Gabriel Thomas. Welchem Tractatlein noch beygefuget sind : Des Hu Daniel Falck- ners Burgers und Pilgrims in Pensylvania 103 Beant- wortungen uff vorgelegte Fragen von guten Freunden. Map. Pp. (4) 40 Franckfurt und Leipzig : Otto, 1702 Curieuse Nachricht von Pensylvanie in Norden-America, Weche, auf Begehren guter Freunde, uber vorgelegte 103. Fragen, bey den seiner abreiss aus Teutschland noch obigem Lande anno 1700 ertheilet, und nun anno 1702 in den Druck gegeben worden von Daniel Falknern. Pp. (4) 58 Franckfurt unci Leipzig : Otto, 1102 3 vols, in 1, small 8vo, bds F-anckfurt, l700-'02 1 64 . CATALOGUE. 1808 Paulding, J. Affairs and Men of New Amsterdam. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1843 1809 Paulding, J. K. United States and England. 8vo, half sheep. Pp. 115 iV" Y. 1815 1810 [Pauw, M. de.] Recherches Philosophiqiies sur les Ameri- cains. Par Mr. de P * * *. 2 vols, 12rao, half calf Berlin, 1768 1811 Pearson, J. Early Records of the City and County of Albany, and Colony of Rensselaerswyck, 1656-1675. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut Albany, 1869 1812 Peck, G. Wyoming, its History, &c. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth iV: 3" 1858 1813 Peck, J. M. Gazetteer of Illinois. Map. 18mo, cloth Jacksonville, 1834 Stained on one corner all through the book. 1814 Another copy. (No map.) PELINSKI'S REPRODUCTION OF THE COLUMBUS LETTER. 1814a DE INSULIS INVENTIS. Epistola Cristoferi Colm (cui etas nostra multu debet : de Insulis in mari Indico nup. inuetis. Ad quas perquirendas octavo antea mense : auspiciis et ere Inuictissimi Fernandi Hispaniarum Regis missus fuerat. One of 20 copies reproduced in Paris by Pelinski about 1858. 8 leaves. 1815 Pell, Ferris. A Review of the Administration and Civil Police of the State of N. Y., 1807 to 1819. 8vo, half morocco N. Y. 1819 1816 Penn, Wm. Missive van William Penn, Eygenaar en GOUVERNEUR VAN PENNSYLVANIA, IN AMERICA (contain- ing a description of the Province), with folding ground- plan map of Philadelphia. 4to, ])p. 28, crushed Levant morocco Anisterdatn, 1684 Tliis is a Dutch translation of Penn's Letter, published originally in English in 1683. 1817 Pennant, Thomas. Journey from Chester to London. Portraits. 8vo, half calf, uncut Lond. 1811 CATALOGUE. i6- 1818 Pennsylvania. A Brief State of the Province of Penn- sylvania, &c. 2d edition, 8vo, pp. 80, calf (one cover off) Lond. 1755 By Rev. Wm. Smith, assisted, it is said, by Franklin. 1819 An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of, from its Origin, so far as regards the several Points of Controversy, &c., &c. Portrait of Dr. Franklin. 8vo, calf Lond. 1759 1820 Penstlvanie. Histoire Naturelle et Politique de la Pen- sylvanie, et de I'establissement des Quakers dans cette contree. Traduite de I'Allemande, par M. Rousselot de Surgy. Map. 12 mo, calf Paris, 1768 1821 Pennsylvania State Trials, the Trial of Francis Hopkin- son and John Nicholson. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1794 1822 Report of the Commissioners appointed by the President of the U. S. to confer with the Insurgents in the Western Counties of Pennsylvania. 8vo, pp. 38, sewed, uncut Phil. 1794 1823 Colonial Records. 16 vis, 8°, hf. shp. Phil. 1852-3 1824 Archives. By S. Hazard, with the Index Vol. to the Records and Archives. 13 vols, 8vo, half sheep Phil. 1852-60 1825 Historical Society. Record of Upland Court, 1676 to 1681. Edited by E. Armstrong. 8vo, cl. Phil. 1860 1826 The Bulletin of the Historical Society of. Vol. 1, 1845-7. All published. 8vo, half morocco. Phil. 1848 1827 Collections of the Historical Society of. Vol. 1. All published. 8vo, half morocco Phil. 1853 1828 Memoirs of the Historical Society of. 9 vols, in 13. 8vo, half morocco and cloth. (The first 4 vols are published in 2 parts each) Phil. 1826-70 1829 • Same. Vol. 1, reprint. Edited by E. Armstrong. 8vo, cloth, uncut Phil. 1864 1830 Pensioners. A Census of ; for Revolutionarv or Military Services. 4to, boards Wash. 1841 1831 Pi:opLE's Democratic Guide ; New York, 1842. Penal Code of New York, and others. 6 vols, 8vo v. d. i66 CATALOGUE. 1832 Pepys, Samuel. Diary and Correspondence, Fourth edition, revised. Port, 4 vols, 8vo, hf. of. Lond. 1854 1833 Perkins, J. H, Annals of the West, Second edition, re- vised by J. M, Peck. 8vo, sheep St. Louis, 1851 1834 Perpetual Union. Four Dissertations on the Recipro- cal Advantages of a Perpetual Union between Great Britain and her American Colonies, ifec, 8vo, p. 132, half morocco Lond. 1766 1835 Peterson, E. History of Rhode Island. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1853 1836 Petrus, Henricus. A Collection of six pieces in Latin, printed at Basil, in folio, in the year 1533, under these Titles : I. Bellum Christianorum Principum prjecipue Gallorum, contra Saracenos, Anno Salutis MLXXXVIII. pro terra Sanctu gestum ; Autore Roberto Monacho. II. Carolus Veradus de expugnatione regni Granatte : quae contigit ab hinc quadragesimo secundo anno, per Catholicu' regem Ferdinandum Hispaniarum, III. Cristophorus Colom de prima Insularum, in Mare Indico sitarum, lustratione, quje subrege Ferdinando Hispaniarum facta est, IV. Delegatione regis Ethiopia at Clementem pontificem VII. ac Rege Portugalliffi : Item de Regno, hominibus, atq. Moribus eiusdem populi, qui Trog- lodita^ hodie esse putantur, V. loan Baptista Egnatius de origine Turcarum, VI. Pomponius Lajtus de exortu Maomethis, Lector humanissime habes hie opus quarumdum historiarum, quas iam prirafi typis nostris ex antiquo & Scripto exeniplari in commodum tuum evulgavimus. Folio, half calf Basilem, 1533 For an account of the extremely rare translation of Columbus Letter (III.) contained in this collection, see the Edinbitrr/Ji Review for December. 1816, p. 503. It is entitled: Christo- pheri Colom de Insulis nvper inventis in Mare Indico sub Ferdinando liege Hispaniarum Epistola, ad mngnificuni Dominum Raphaelem Sanxis: deinde per Alexandrum de Cosco latimtate donatum. CATALOGUE. 167 IBST Phelps, M. Memoirs and Adventures of Captain Matthew Phelps, formerly of Harwington, Conn., now in New Haven, Vt. Particularly in Two Voyages from Connecticut to the River Mississippi, from December, 1773, to October, 1780, by Anthony Haswell. 12mo, sheep Bennington, Vt. 1802 1838 Philadelphia. Minutes of the Common Counsel of. 1704 to 1776. 8vo, half cloth F/iil. 1847 1839 Charity Schools; with Historical Sketch and Life of Christopher Ludwick. Port. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1860 1840 Phillips, Capt. Isaac. Examination of the Case of; late of the Navy. 8vo, pp. 119, half morocco Bait. 1825 1841 Philopono, Honorio (Caspar Plautius O. S. B.) Nova Typis Transacta Navigatio Novi Oi'bis Indi?e Occi- dentalis. Plates. Folio, full morocco 1621 A remarkably curious work on the Discovery of America, dedicated by the author to himself. One of the plates represents St. Brendan saying mass on a whale. Bare. 1842 [PiCHOisr, Thomas.] Lettres et Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire du Cap Breton. 12mo, calf La Haye, 1760 1843 Pickering, Timothy. Political Essays. 12mo, boards Canandaigua, 1812 This is the first bound book printed in western New Yorlv. 1844 Pickett, A. J. History of Alabama, and incidentally Georgia and Mississippi, from the Earliest Period. Plates. 2 vols, 12mo, half calf Charleston, 1851 1845 Pierce, J. Address at the Opening of the Town Hall in Brookline. 8vo, pp. 52, boards Most. 1846 1846 PiERSON, A. Some Helps for the Indians; a Catechism in the Language of the Quiripi Indians; with Introduction by J. H. Trumbull. Svo, sewed Hartford, J 873 1847 Pitkin, T. Political and Civil History of the United States. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut Ne^o Haven, 1828 1 68 CATALOGUE. 1848 Pitt, Wm. Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Edited by his Son. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1838 1849 PiTTMAN, Capt. Philip. Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi; with a Geographical De- scription of that River. Illustrated by (8) plans and draughts. 4to, calf . Lond. 1770 1850 Plain Address to the Farmers, Labourers and Commonalty of the County of Norfolk. 8°, pp. 31, sewed Lond. 1758 1851 Plain Truth. An Answer to Paine's Common Sense, written by Candidus. 2d edition. 8vo, pp. 47, half roan L^ond. 1776 1852 Additions to Plain Truth. 8vo, pp. 95-136, half roan Phil. 1776 1853 Plan (A) for Conciliating the Jarring Political Interests of Great Britain and her N. A. Colonies. 8vo, pp. 18, half morocco, uncut Lond. 1775 1854 Planquais, Thos. A New Spanish and English Grammar. 8vo, calf Lond. 1807 1855 Plattsburgh. Anniversary of the Battle of; Sept. 11, 1843. 12mo, pp. 12, half roan Plattsburgh, 1843 1856 Plays. Bunker Hill; or, the Death of General Warren. By John Burke, Bait. 1808, and others, in 1 vol, 12mo, boards v. d. 1857 PoiNTis. Relation de ce qui s'est fait a la prise de Cartagene, scitue'e aux Indes Espagnoles, par I'Escadre Commando par Mr. De Pointis. 12°, mor. Bruxelles,\&d% 1858 Poles in the U. S., 1837; Osander's Poems, Hudson, 1811; History of Poland, and others. 10 vols, 12mo v. d. 1859 [PoLETiCA, M.] Sketch of the Internal Condition of the United States, by a Russian. Translated with Notes. 8vo, boards uncut Jialt. 1826 1860 Political Freethinker (The); or, a Real and Impartial Enquiry into the Causes of our liate Miscarriages, s22)4<(, Berkeley IVI139072 ,1 03 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY