UC-NRLF ^B 307 035 liW/'U.,. HFW >, , w '(?»BKHQ«tfmmi!aaiflii!M9^ GIFT OF ^ ^ a PRACTICAL HIGH SCHOOL SPELLER COMPILED BY TOBIAS O. CHEW, M.S. 8UPBRINTKNDENT OF CITY SCHOOLS WASHBURN, WISCONSIN 3>»;o* ALLYN AND BACON COPYRIGHT. 1914, feY TOBIAS O. CHEWc Norfajooli 5Pregg J. S. Cashing Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. DeMcate^ TO THE MANY HIGH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS, PRINCIPALSj AND TEACHERS, WHO BY THEIR COOPERATION HAVE MADE POSSIBLE THE COMPILATION OF THIS BOOK 459991 PREFACE What are the words most commonly misspelled by the aver- age high school pupil ? In an endeavor to solve this problem, two thousand letters, with five postal cards in each, were sent to representative high schools in every state in the United States, requesting the heads of the various departments to report the words most commonly misspelled in their classes. From the many thousand replies, this text-book has been compiled. The first word in Lesson I was sent in by seven hundred high school teachers ; the other words in this lesson show, by their order, the frequency with which they appear in the replies. No word has been considered unless suggested by at least two teachers. This book, then, built on the judgment of those best qualified to know — the teachers themselves — con- tains only the words most frequently misspelled by the average high school pupil. A simple phrase is placed after each word, illustrating its use, and serving to identify it better than would a short, abstract definition. The division of words into syllables with accent marks will be of great assistance to the pupil, should there be any question in his mind as to the correct pronuncia- tion. The typography is based on the idea that it will be a great help to the pupil in visualizing the words if he sees them in script as well as in print. T. O. CHEW. Mabch, 1014. A PEW SIMPLE RULES FOR SPELLING When the diphthongs ei and ie are pronounced e, c is followed by ei, all other letters by ie. Examples : ceiling, receive, siege, believe. Exceptions : leisure, seize, weird. The word slice will help pupils to remember this rule — i after I and e after c when applied to believe and receive. Final y following a consonant changes to i before a sufiSx not beginning with i. Examples: busy, business; dry, dried. When the suffix begins with i, as in -ing and -ish, the y is retained to avoid having double i. Examples: try, trying; baby, babyish. When the final y follows a vowel, the y is retained before a suffix. Examples : toy, toyed; betray, betrayed; annoy, annoyed. To form the plural of words ending in y following a conso- nant change the y to i and add es. Examples : quantity, quan- tities; factory, factories. When the final y follows a vowel, the y is retained and s added. Examples: journey, journeys ; delay, delays; money, moneys. Monosyllables and words accented on the last syllable, which end in a single consonant, following a single vowel, double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel. Exam- ples: liot, hotter; begin, beginning. Exceptions: (1) gas, gases. (2) The letters w, x, and y are not doubled. Examples : show, showing; box, boxed; pay, paying. In words not accented on the last syllable, the final conso- nant may or may not be doubled. Examples : traveler juay be spelled traveller; canceled, cancelled; etc. In words ending in unaccented e, the final e is dropped before a suffix beginning with a vowel. Examples : come, com- ing ; glue, gluing; fine, finer. Exceptions: (1) The e is re- tained when it is necessary to preserve the identity of the word, as dyeing, singeing. (2) When the final e is preceded by o, as shoeing, hoeing, (3) After c and g when the suffix begins with a or o, as peace, peaceable; outrage, outrageous; courage j courageous. vii LESSON 1 u/nXtZ tAjUAy h/boruUJzi^y dLi^cU7yh/n/yit txr t dis-ap-pear' from sight gram'mar of the language priv'i-lege to vote be-gin'ning of the war goVem-ment by the people i-sos'ce-les triangle lab'o-ra-to-ry of the chemist fi'nal-ly it ended LESSON 2 cxryyu/yu^ com'ing home A£yO^ seize the opportunity a^otuXoaJ^ sim'i-lar-ly made AA/rruXaA. sim'i-lar triangles Pc^^Jl<:^iori£yrit Par'li-a-ment of England O-XXUPUUXTTV oc-ca'sion for joy c^j^y\yCAA.fUocryv de-scrip'tion of the place u^^UyCi/n^ writ'ing with ink dey'u-e/c^^'yn.eyO^ de-vel'op-ment of muscle A^n^yvcr^oT^^truJ ho-mol'o-gous figures /z/Lexijeyd^' pre-cede' us down the street Aje^oorinyn^u/rvci rec-om-mend' him for the wor u/^lUXuA^ wheth'er we go or stay oo-e^0u>Leynt co-ef-fi'cient of the number ■AA^^^z^rtje/n^xA^ hy-potVnuse of a triangle AA£yf^ siege of Troy l/m/?ruyciu^JteJ^ im-me'di-ate-ly after oXtuz^dA^ al-read'y the sun is up foUy. for'ty dollars a month ■fcni/btA fourth house on the street de^MZofiy de-vel'op the Kodak film to-^^eX^LeA^ to-geth'er at home c/u>^ui chord of a circle ocybcC cord of wood 'inMcuz^^ vil'lage blacksmith LESSON 3 ■Ay^vatAjtd^ hy-poth'e-sis of a theorem Pi4yoly. tru'ly yours acoarnorurdcU:e. ac-com'mo-date your friends /tAj^f^/zAyoXixryb prep-a-ra'tion for war (ro(>uAA>e/yvce. oc-cur'rence of importance C^^AAj&Z qui'et as a mouse cjiujXjl quite a different thing nrMcUn vil'lain in the play nMAM/c^c^ ver'ti-cal lines Ae^Ai^oA/^ Feb'ru-a-ry twenty-second a/yu^^ ' an'gle of a triangle (ZO'U^^ an'gel in heaven a^^ af-fect' steel by heating it -^^^ ef-fect' of heat on steel ■^-aXayyicey bal'ance the account .jeycfUyoXoan e-qua'tion in algebra /^/ba^.tUyUZ/^ per-pen-dlc'u-lar lines aux-il'ina-ry verb ac-cept' my thanks ex-cept' for this reason o'dor of tobacco Med-i-ter-ra'ne-an Sea pol'y-gon of seven sides .JyUyhjeA^/nte/yi^c^Lt/n^ su-per-in-tend'ent of schools o^7yh/>xUyte. a^iJ^/>dAyto(rny h/UA/U^dlcz su-per-sede' the old laws by new al'ways the same hop'ing all is well hop' ping on one foot op'po-site side of the street op-po-si'tion to the plan rhom'bus in geometry pa-ren'the-ses enclosed the phrase straight lines of soldiers strait of Bosporus def i-nite number gas light is bright prej'u-dice against him LESSON 6 ^z/Lo-^-ciMy- oaXeyru^id4A^Mz/U/7ru/n£(Z/iyi^ sup-ple-men'ta-ry angles 2lU<^0yuA^(^CayY- Wednes'day morning C/(rynJ^^z/Ul^U/l^ gen'i-tive case • in-de-pend'ent country mis-spelled' the words soph'o-more class bus'y day at school meant to do well ledg'er accounts pol-y-no'mi-al of six terms pur-sue' the game ad-ja'cent angles at-tract' his attention Au-gus'tus Caesar corn-par' a-tive degree dif'fer-ence between two amounts friend of ours frus'tum of the pyramid prai'rie dogs syn'tax of early Latin whose house is this al'ge-bra is studied at school am-mo'ni-a for cleaning em-bar'ras8 us nick'el plated ware LESSON 8 AZci£dycrruz/i/u. UMAAyd pre-cip i-tate a panic re-ceiv'a-ble accounts stud'y-ing the lesson tar'iff bill of 1913 nom'i-na-tive case ex-pen'ses were paid co-in-cide' with his views ap-pa-ra'tus for the experiment bi'cy-cle riding din'ing with friends de-cide' the question dis-ap-point'ed candidate crit'i-cise the work eri-gi-ble to enter hear the music here they come in-ter-cept' the letters herb for medicinal use sta'tion-a-ry engine sta'tion-er-y for correspondence o-mit'ted the word rad'i-cal views weird tales by Poe tem'per-a-ture of 90 degrees e'qual suffrage LESSON 9 jiyt^JbtA^ eighth day of the month Mi^^SloyS-^ syl'la-ble of a word jAjeyfzA^A^ shep'herd of the flock c^^u^ati^eyO^ quo'tient is the result in division Jz£a/yunjeyc6 planned a long trip onA>^^c^ niece and nephew A^non^eAZ in'ter-est on the money cxry7^i/)riMboLaX com-mer'cial traveler ce/yruZj^/iyi^ cem'e-ter-y lots rn/AycJi/ie/i/-(ruJ mis'chie-vous puppy ^tjeA/ru/uut^ re-sour'ces of the bank tw-e/ftA. twelfth hour u/'AjtAje. where has he gone yuJeA^e/n/U' ref er-ence to the book LESSON 10 uMa^Ua^ writ'er of poetry uH/bte. write clearly A^y^A^ right hand side A^^ rite of the church /lA/riM. prove the theorem ayxAxrm. ax'i-om in geometry rn^yiifceA^ Ajexije^de. cJuro-d.e. U-e/nAyi^ a^fh^z^x/U/nt cpU<>6z/y2AAxrrb ocruAd£^ ootzAJ^ -{^■xri^^yvdya/iyu. sal'a-ble goods sal'a-ry received for work sense of hearing shin'ing star suc-ceed' in doing good suc-cess' in the work se-cede' from the Union Fah'ren-heit thermometer ad-dress' me in Chicago col'lege athletics cir'cum-stan-ces alter cases choose the best Hen'ry VIII of England phys-i-ol'o-gy is interesting ap-par'ent carelessness al'li-ga-tors live in Florida di-vi'si-ble numbers de-clen'sion of the noun course of the river coarse and fine salt con-ven'ience of electric lights clothes do not make the man bur'ied in the sand bound' a-ry line of Texas ei'ther man may go LESSON 15 ji/XX^/^ ex-ceed' the speed limit ■Arurvcr know how to spell o^ur no boy should lie (^'i^'oCcCtAJ god'dess of Liberty oruycCi^ayyu me'di-ans of a triangle /^^£clyylyyumy(^ plan'ning to build the house /zA/)^i^zAu/riX suf-fi'cient reason for /zAyofu>^Mxrybci£ pro-por'tion-al quantities AjexiyOt^^ru/^ rec'og-nize the fact AA/yyixXe. sim'i-le and metaphor .AyU/ic sure of himself tUi/rUyfeAA>e^ trans-ferred' to another wagon c/ujeAxlc^ Tues'day is ironing day .^^fu>u/yuy^ ef-fi'cien-cy of the machine >tcAXeyruyyn^ en'e-my of our country cA/Y^iZ(zXu/id<>M<;ttcc>L4AAA/n^ oc-cur'ring to us YUyUytt/i^ neu'ter gender o^juXAml neither one may go noa/rn^oAteA/^ mon'as-ter-y of the church on^LMx>fua/y2yc^'Aj^ mer'chan-dise to sell '£l<^^AZo^u/yv(^ light'ning conductor -£ey(^yMji. leg'i-ble handwriting • ■£cvCeA. la'ter edition -IcvuyC laid upon the table. -AruMr knew the meaning m^tur new hat for Easter -Am/L heir to the fortune ■^Ly&6e. for'ci-ble arguments ^je/xxjM^yrbt ex' eel-lent reasons ^J^/xx:J^J^tJe/yvc^, ex'cel-lence of the food je^c^AAXiy^^^UA^y^ e-qui-lib'ri-um was maintained .^u:^^A>CcUAZctoaZ e-qui-dis'tant from two points d/CXMA/Axyi^ ac'cu-ra-cy of his addition a/^ctAAAxrrb ac-ces'sion of property oAAJ^/urruJAx:^ a-rith'me-tic and algebra ayyin^ an'y more apples onn^ayyiAi^ man'y were called Oyn/nAAxzZ an'nu-al election of officers LESSON 21 a/yiyay^^T^XcC' an-a-lyt'ic geometry cfyitaA al'tar io the church aJteA^ al'ter the conditions Oyd/iMAZldje. ad'ver-tise in the magazines AjUy^ruruj hei'nous crime 'TUytycZeAAJ nu'cle-u8 of the collection 7Uyay<2'<^l/UZ. Ni-ag'a-ra Falls m^i^c^^rtuz^&vdcX^ ne-go-tia-bil'i-ty of the note on^t^^^trtoaZc ne-go'ti-ate a loan rbt<^t4Xio^U. -&u/beyOUUy Chris'tian church change'a-ble weather care'ful of her clothes cam-paign' of the war mas'cu-line gender fic-ti'tious names charge'a-ble to the account bu'reau of information LESSON 23 4v-a-kAjejt^v(/ru^ book'keep-ing class GiMe. Bi'ble study ou Sunday 4-eyoaj.fuU^ ben-e-fi'cial to the health '&cLh. stom'ach holds food ,A£y(/^.eyd> seized the opportunity A^eyryiMtcioayCt re-mit'tance by check J^/uru^ proof of his guilt J'l/ur&cpMjt prob'a-ble showers ^^AjeAAMAjt pres'sure of the weight /^yu^fM. pre-fer' an honest man hm^eAA/yn/rybUb pneu-mo'ni-a is dangerous ^i^eAyfcyiAm. per-form' the ceremony ^^JtAA>^^A/UAJAxryv per-spi-ra'tion from exercise ^i^eyOXjUtMz^ peace 'a-ble nation /zoAyO^ffLo^ par'af-fin candles o^i^eA^aJAArriy op^r-a'tion for appendicitis (mvit ci^ LESSON 24 o-mit' the word oc'cu-py a seat rec-ol-lect' the incident sup-pose' Mars is inhabited ad-ver-tise'ment in the paper ac-knowl'edge the defeat au'thor of the story at-tend'ance at school as-sas-si-na'tion of Lincoln asked for help as-cend' the ladder ar'ti-cle in the paper Ar'thur and his Eound Table ar'chi-tec-ture of the Greeks arc'tic regions ap-prox'i-mate number ap-pre'ci-ate your kindness Ant-arc'tic Ocean an'cient history al-to-geth'er the best al-lege' that he did it al-le' glance to the king al'ka-li salt al-ge-bra'ic equation a-gree'a-ble companion LESSON 26 ryvcruXd^ ) uyht&a.eAy i/ru>id£/nyCJ^y c^Axztje./uZ ag-gre-ga'tion of capital ac-cept'ed the gift ob-lique' lines neg'a-tive answer nar'ra-tive poem nat'u-ral laws mov'a-ble, not fixed mold the iron into a ball mould on the bread min'ute is 60 seconds mas'sa-cre of the Indians man-u-fac'ture of cloth main'te-nance of an army log'a-rithms in mathematics lin'e-ar measure li'en on the property knight templar in-tel'li-gence of the man in'te-ger or whole number in'ci-dence of a ray of light im-pos'si-ble to go im-ag-i-na'tion of the child hor-i-zon'tal bars grate'ful for. the help gas'es from combustiou LESSON 26 ooyzdxryvayruC ocryvceyiyyv feu'dal-ism in old England fem'i-nine apparel fas'ci-nate them with her charm ex-pense' of the journey em'per-or of India ef-flo-res'cence of the flowers ec-cle-si-as'ti-cal robes does'n't he know di'a-phragm expansion coun'tries of Europe me-ton'y-my in rhetoric drowned in the lake dis'ci-pline in the school diph-the'ri-a is serious des'ert of Sahara des-sert' of strawberries Defa-ware River di'a-logue between two boys coun'ter-feit dollar cos'tume for the play con'so-nant of the alphabet con'quer-or of the Romans con-fed' er-a-cy of the states con-cern' yourself with his safety con-cede' the point LESSON 27 c/nri^v£e/Xyurn to4-axxxr .AA^JzjeAA^oturocd h/z/Uy(Xurn. JvCiAZoOUy£aionJnyClO'V(/)nn^e/}^ ac-com'pa-nl-ment on the piano o(rnAZ(XuJAxrro con-cen'tric circles col-lat'er-al for the loan con-sti-tu'tion of the United States col'umn of soldiers def'i-cit in the funds el-lipse' in geometry e-lim'i-nate the bad guard'i-an angel he-red'i-ta-ry characteristics in-ter-rogfa-tive sentence jeal'ous-y of a lover mar'riage ceremony nine'ti-€th year par-ti-cip'i-al phrase par'a-graph of a story psy-chol'o-gy is a science prec'e-dent was established LESSON 30 AjtocmxUXe, AAy(^^nyc/u:.(XmyCjt' cJiy£ayl ci^P)nn^MnXa/uu. Cl/myClt£A4A. dys-pep'si-a tablets ef-fer-ves'cence of soda water e-lec-tric'i-ty for power ec-cen'tric person grieve over misfortune gas'e-ous mixture ge-om'e-try is studied in school in-i'ti-a-to-ry ceremony in-con-ven'ience of the plans in-flu-en'tial man in-au'gu-rate the president jour'nal for bookkeeping li-bra'ri-an of the city library mir'a-cle of the loaves and fishes mal-le-a-bil'i-ty of gold part'ner in the business passed by the house past and gone so'cia-ble person syn-ec'do-che in rhetoric sta-tis'tics of the army val'leys between the mountains ar-ith-met'i-cal progression al-i-men'ta-ry canal am'a-teur theatricals LESSON 35 a/:xxrUyonX CeAAAXTTb ooTiZe/)ri^n^o^uzAyu .cpUdxxAAA/ixryb i/yrbcu^Mbn^ i/yn/yyije/nd^- •AMyOxijeyoaje. ac-quain'ted with the man ac-count' for the loss al-li'an-ces of the government ab-do'men contains the intestines ac-com'pa-ny-ing the singer bal'anced the account con-ceal' his identity " ces'sion of the property ses'sion of Congress ciVi-lize the savages con-tem'po-ra-ry authors dis-cus'sion of the question em'a-nates from the sun - em-bez'zle-ment of the money fier'y horse griev'ance of the boy gen'er-al knowledge il-leg'i-ble handwriting im'age-ry of poetry im-mense' building ker'o-sene oil lying is contemptible lit'er-al meaning m'ies of the field me-chan'i-cal engineer LESSON 36 ryuzteAJ.CA4y}nnyUylcbte. ac-cu'mu-late savings a^cinMA/t^Ajyru^ ad-ver-tis'ing the goods (PLffui^:^ynnZ af-fi-daVit of the facts (Zx^^€i/yn. a-gain' and again he shouted -^-eyOAAXiJuZ beau'ti-ful flowers -^^TyUriyO/n^ylJ ba-na'nas grow on trees ■^-uMcvTv bal-loon' ascension 0(mh.xAyaZoarh co-op-er-a'tion of the employees c(rchiy(p{A/n^ciytje. co-or'di-nate clauses cxnn/m.e>onyce. com-mence' the work d4yrrumAAA^ di-min'ish the speed djJ.ax^A..eje.ci^^ dis-a-gree'a-ble weather .jeyleyrKU^onXayiyi^ el-e-men'ta-ry text-book MXMUCAAJ^. ex'er-cise the muscles -fim^ fine'ly engraved L/yTV^'Ut/ im-pel' the workers ■AdJAxrrb fu'sion of metals rnyU^ttoh^loayy^ mul-tl-pll-cand' of the example a/yrurtyuyi^ CL^Zt ■^±jeyayA je/XyhMbornxyTiX LESSON 37 mu-si'cian in the band marking the dress pro-nun-ci-a'tion of the word pe-cul'iar habit ir'ri-ta-ble disposition peo'ple in the city spe'cial-ly prepared ser'vice-a-ble tools ser'geant of the company va'can-cy of the office con-fed'er-ate in the plot cor-re-spond'ence between friends al-lies' of the army al-lu'sion to his past al'ter-nate to the convention a-mount' of the bill an'nu-al-ly taxed a-polVgize for your blunder ar'chi-tect of the building breadth of the cloth break the bottle brake to stop a wheel dis-sat'is-fy the customer dis-til-la'tion of the liquid ex-pe/i-ment in chemistry LESSON 38 /ije/nyi/nA4XySa^ h/un.t^:X4xrru ex-treme' weather vac'ci-nate for smallpox val'u-a-ble jewels un-u'su-al performance u-nite' the pair griev'ous disaster gran'deur of the mountains OS-mo' sis in chemistry oc-ca'sion-al showers por'ous filtering cup jour'nal-i-zing in bookkeeping pen-in'su-la of Florida pro-jec'tion of a stairway in-de-pend'ence of America AjeJiyuAyCitcyi 07^yc6Ld^hj^/n>d'ieyruyi^ de-fi'cien-cy in his studies c^Uxx^iaJ'^yU dec'o-ra-ted the building cieyfionAZeJ^ def'i-nite-ly understood d^e/mMTZdZ^uzZi/i^ de-mon'stra-tive pronoun (^t^z^yO'iycie/yi/:^. de-pend'ence on others (;Cey^ije>rbcCeyonJj de-pend'ents of the estate dz^vchuXaty. de-pos'i-to-ry for goods .je/x^^i,eydAZdoTb ex-pe-di'tion to the North Pole e-soph'a-gus leads to the stoma .jeyC^I^Ay(yS(y3^i/xynZ e-qui -11' brant forces ji/iPif el-a&-tic'i-ty of rubber jtZeyotkyLoyt e-lec'tor-al vote .^/yvcieyc^yuiyi en-deav'or to do good jeyoaydy(yiA^e/)ru>oaZ \ in-dorse'ment of the note ed'i-ble mushroom je/nX^ en 'try in the books ,£/yiJAAjeJ en'tries in the books je/z.fz^teJ^ con-verse'ly stated arrL^&oU^rruyui^ con-fee 'tion-er-y shop cczuXcU coast'al plain of California oa-6crrhu^t^tunv col-o-ni-za'tion of America u/nd^A/u cen'sure the bad boy ce/nd^<>t cen'sor of the news cALe^^icu/ri. chieftain of the tribe (yU^UTAA£. de-spise' a falsehood LESSON 46 ,M?CX>(T77nyn^U4/n/Xy(zXly(ryL ex-com-mu-ni-ca'tion by the Pope texiJiyn/u^Oyl .d^AJ'^^yuy?nx:Z(yiM, (yUAyu/rru. ajM-^uz-rxAx^ ex-hort' the mob ex-pect' to be elected in-fin'i-ty of space and time mu'ti-ny of the sailors mu'tu-al-ly agreeable mys-te'ri-ous stranger tur'bine engine type'wri-ter for business letters trig-o-nomVtryusedin surveying tech'ni-cal school sep'a-rate-ly packed strength of a giant sold'er the tin kettle sol' diet of the army sub-junc'tive mode sub-sti-tu'tion of a poorer quality re-spon'si-ble for the accident re-ceipt'ed the bill re-ceiv'er for the company pleas'ure of skating plu'ral noun as-sume' the responsibility au-thor'i-ty of the law awk'ward and bashful lad LESSON 47 a/?UMa/iy. ax'il-la-ry bud ciZieyyh a'lien residents (Z^^^ux^Cc^^'^rnjeyrbt a-bridg'ment of the dictionary czy&u/yvcictmxje. a-bun' dance of hair CZy&l^AJ a-byss' was deep cu>Cjeyi^yLy&tt ac-ces'si-ble place ■^(TbU^^A^ bou-quet' of flowers ■'^^U/U^^£A^:^/ru<:J ma-te'ri-al-ly changed me-chan'ic8 in the factory On'l^e/)nnjyux^rimM.^eyL' mack'er-el fishing O'la^ClOaAAy/ci/lXi^A/do^l^ man-u-fac'tur-ing shoes YOOrn/UruzZixryv nom-i-na'tlon of the president OlU.dA/1^ urLtofo no'tic-ing details no'tion in her head gro-tesque' appearance or-gan-i-za'tion of a society ox'i-dize the metal o-be'di-ence of the child o-pin'ion on the subject of'fered his arm on'ly one remained wealth'y capitalist witch in the fairy tale hu-mid'i-ty of the atmosphere wool'ly lamb vi-cin'i-ty of the park vi-cis'si-tude of the explorer vit'ri-ol burns like fire LESSON 61 ybuJ-€A^ voice of the singer vol-ca'no in eruption vol-ca'noes of the Pacific coast vol'ume of the tank poi'son the rat pol'i-cy of the party pre-pare' for war prep-o-si'tion and its object prim'er of the language prism of glass proc'ess of making steel pa-virion for a band concert per-cus'sion of the blow porch on the house rel'a-tive pronoun re-lieved' of his pain reefer to wear in winter sub'tle remark sub-trac'tion of the numbers sug'ar is sweet sum'ma-ry of the chapter stat'ue of Liberty stat'ute of the commonwealth spe'cial permission so-lu'tions of the problems LESSON 52 aA^Xc/u sketch the beautiful scene AyAxAJz^^ shipped the goods .A^AAA^tA- shriek of the wounded .AJun4m^ shown the sights of the city- yfjc/u^ serge cloth for a suit MyUU^ surge of the waves yfj^yiyu-cbonJ^ ser'vant in the house AM.flMJlyC&t sec'tor of the angle PbOxAjt^Oy tra'che-a duct into the lungs Uy(yl/rUl/lMAA^:PLl trans-ver'sal line te/)riJv(ybaA^ tem'po-ra-ry building te/ruie/ruyi^ ten'den-cy of the times txnrudxr to-ma'to catsup PunyU^Jb trough of water tk/yuyurvt ten'ant of the estate tAurux^Jit thought he could spell PUyOAMA^ treas'ure in the sunken ship u/n/xo'U/)nnxruj u-nan'i-mous consent UA^riyf. us'ing good English ciynJi/i^<:iAxruJ an-hy'drous substances have no water aAv^i/u^A^onjeJ ab-o-rig'i-nes of America oAx^yU/yru/nZ ar'gu-ment of the lawyer cUyce^nnJ:^ as-cent' of the mountain a/n/zoe£y> anx-iVty of the mother LESSON 63 c/U^xuJi/xxycrri dA:zoiyu€cc ^je/x^yu^yin^u^^ay)ayCjt c^^e/yijeA^ruj c^^eAyCUKbOouryv LonuUxZy&yrumX unycui^^yu/icitocrh ab'so-lute truth a-cet'yl-ene gas-light cru-ci-fix'ion of Christ co-los'sal structure cy-lin'dri-cal tank cou-ra'geous fireman cot-y-le'don of the plant dac-tyl'ic meter of verse dif-fu'sion of sunlight er-y-sip'e-las proved fatal ex-trav'a-gance of the rich fac-sim'i-le of the signature fa-mil' iar-ly known to him grad'u-al-ly the rock wore away gen'er-ous gift ge-ra'ni-um in the garden ges'ture of the speaker hyp'o-crite in the church i-tin'er-ant preacher in-tel-lec'tu-al person ir-rep'a-ra-ble loss in-8tal'ment of the machine in-dict' the man for murder in-au-gu-ra'tion of Wilson re-im-burse' his expenses LESSON 64 in-eVi-ta-ble result ig'no-rance of the subject lon-gi-tu'di-nal lines marVel-ous escape main-tain' a large establishment mor'tise the boards per-se-ver'ance of the inventor phe-nom'e-na of lightning prop-a-ga'tion of the species pol-y-he'dral figures in geometry rec-ti-lin'e-ar lines rhe-tor'i-cal speech ay(2A^aAytya/yh ■Le. ra-tion-al-i-za'tion of the equation rheu'ma-tism in his arm re-sus'ci-tate the drowned ache in my tooth a-gra'ri-an laws a-pos'tro-phe before the s ap-plied' the brakes ap-peal' the case ap-pal'ling spectacle ap-pos'i-tive phrase ap-pur'te-nance of the machine ap-prove' his action LESSON 55 cor'pus-cle of the blood con-ti-nu'i-ty of his arguments cen'ti-grade thermometer con-tempt'i-ble behavior in-flam-ma'tion of the wound col'o-nies of Great Britain ■Ay^rurti/L^ O(rn^te/)0^hhy0^UZ0njey0^U^ con-tem-po-ra'ne-ous authors feign or pretend sleep fer'til-iz-ing the soil fief of feudal days hyp'no-tize the man il-le'gal sale of liquor e-vac'u-ate the fort im-mersed' the convert in-dus'tri-al center in-tel'li-gent man in-er'tia of the mass in'flu-ence of a mother lease the house man'di-ble of the crawfish moc'ca-sin worn by the Indian pref'er-ence for money pre-lim'i-na-ry examination pleu'ri-sy is a disease per'co-la-tor for making coffee c/n.eAZcci ooay(2Xu^ per-son-i-fi-ca'tion of the sun ' h^4y)aycX(z/£y, sys-tem-at'lc-al-ly arranged ^^y^'TvCA^Xoc syn-thet'ic rubies made in France ^d/2^^rbtAzdAJ MA/ni/uXuj ^dy(rSt^>Ldymj ' A^ou/P'zicJu:, cu>ce.cit a^:yCJ^AA/(yuu ocrnAA^/rnoruzZe. ocmouAAe/yvC syn'di-cate with large capital syn'the-sis is combination sub'urbs of the city sub'sti-tute for the original stim'u-lus to work par-lia-men'ta-ry law pro-pri'et-a-ry rights solVcisms of speech so-lU'o-quy of Hamlet sil-hou-ette' against the screen sci-en-tif ic treatment sym'bols used in chemistry ac-cede' to our request ac-ces'so-ry before the fact ac'ci-dent on the railroad ac-com'plish his purpose con-8um'mate his desire con-spir'a-cy against the king con-cur'rent with the event LESSON 58 OCTTVCeJAyLOTb con-ces'sion of the government C/Cnnayn^u/Zc^ com-mit'tal to jail CxrryTyyrijeAXje. com'merce between nations colleague in the faculty col-lec'tor of bills dis-so-ci-a'tion of ideas di-vis-i-bil'i-ty of the number de-ceased' husband ^Z^^^(S^777'Z;^Zx^?ci^^<^fljey(d^ en-cy-clo-pe'dl-a Britannica ..je/zJi/iXi^uUPLte. ex-hil'a-rate or enliven en-force'a-ble by law e-lec-tro-lyt'ic apparatus in-gre'di-ents of the mixture in-i'ti-a-tive and referendum in-sur-rec'tion of the natives in-ter-sec'tion of the lines ir-ri-ga'tion of the desert i-ras'ci-ble disposition mar'tial music more-o'ver we must go mi-nu'ti-ae of little consequence met'al-lur-gy studied in college men'tal-ly deficient changing her dress LESSON 59 oooyo-cCeA/rh mod'ern fashions /z^hid^J^ pos'si-ble to do it /^vafiJi^iA. pop'lar tree /z^^^vuXa/b pop'u-lar song /z/r^^Xoc^ po-lit'i-cal speech /z^ex>uM.ciAAy!?i^ pe-cu-li-ar'i-ty of the man y^^^/^^^^>^ pa'pa-cy at Rome ^T^c^u^^uru^ pag'ing the book /zA^Mx:^ phys'ics studied in school yuA^^i^OyO^ nif fi-an attacked him A^^ycZa/ru^Xt rect'an-gfle is a quadrilateral ^d^^yn^cLurvcJuj sand'wich-es made of ham A^:^xA^^/£y(^A,aiyUj sac-ri-le'gious speech ^d'CU/u/iy^ sac'ri-lege against the church Myyui^Ajt sin-cere' friend A^>fbe/)rut scheme to make money. (yu:xutdXurrb djyCt<2AyCto9zoonjyyu^ LdyO-£aXey(yC ac-qui-si'tion of the property pas'teur-ized milk co-er'cion by the Powers clas'si-cism of the poet chiv'al-ry of the knight chif-fo-nier' made of oak chap'er-on the young couple mo'dal form of verb mod' el of the machine cat-as'tro-phe on the railroad cash'mere dress cel'er-y for dinner ca-tarrh' of the throat de-ter'mine his meaning dis-cour'age his efforts di'a-gram-ming the sentence is'o-la-ted on an island les-see' paid his rent leg'end of "Sleepy Hollow" le'gion of soldiers league of baseball teams mois'ture in the atmosphere mol'e-cules of elements fnon'arch-y ruled by a king ma-chine' for making shoes LESSON 61 cz/^OQ-u/nXc^yybt per'se-cu-ted the Christians pie'ces of glass poured the water pic'ture of his home pre-cise' moment pi-az'za of the house pe-tro'le-um cream pa-tri-ot'ic citizen swords for fighting sac'ri-fice his honor salm'on from the river salve on the wound sap'phire and diamond ring sat-is-fac'to-ri-ly explained saVing his money scarred in a fight for life sce'ner-y in Colorado schol'ar in the university a-chieve' great renown an-nu'i-ty paid to him ad-mit'ted his guilt ad-mit'tance to the lodge a-cet'ic acid in the bottle a-cad'e-my of science ac-count'ant to examine the books LESSON 62 oxxaJU. -liyn/i/yyuynt a-bil'i-ty of the boy a-cute' angle be-nefi-cence of the gentleman bar-ba'ri-ans of Africa cat'a-ract on the eye cas'u-al-ly dropped a hint cap-il-lar'i-ty of the soil cal'or-ies of heat con'duit for underground wires cam-paigns' of Napoleon can'dor of the honest man fil'a-ments of silk hy-gi-en'ic exercise pa'tri-ot-ism of the soldier per-form'ance of the actors pe'ri-od after a sentence pa'tience of the good mother scythe for cutting grass sigh of the weary sec're-tar-ies wrote reports sec'tion of the Pullman sen' ate passed the bill septals of the flower lin'i-ment for a sprain lin'e-a-ment of the face LESSON 63 ay(y6oonjyLe, Cje>onJA/?TUyteA^ C/iAX4AAZ cxnony)o^bcAAyurnjeA. cpUAyCAjeJz.ayn/yu. a-dapt-a-bil'i-ty to circumstances adj'ec-tive of quality a'er-o-plane accident ad-vance'ment to a good position ad-mire' the beautiful al-bu'men of the ^%% ca-lor'ic theory of heat cel'lar under the house cen'ti-me-ter in length chem'is-try studied at school chis'el for carpentering cin'na-mon flavor cir'cuit court in session co-in'ci-dent angles col'lars of white linen com-mis'sion-er of education com-mu'ni-ty in which he liva<5 com'pa-ny of soldiers com'pa-nies of soldiers dis-ap-point' ing result dis-crep'an-cy in the accounts el'e-ment of danger e-quip'ment of the regimem; gey'ser in Yellowstone Park hem'or-rhage of the lungs LESSON 64 UZA/mjyU Axr-uXeJ isth'mus of Panama ol'i-gar-chy in ancient Rome pores of the skin liq-ue-fac'tion of ice vice versa, that is, turned about vil'lain-y of the rascal rec'om-pense the faithful re'gions of perpetual snow routes of the travelers trace'a-ble lines trea'tise on art trav'el-er through Italy trai'tor to his country trans-pose' the phrase sev'er-al years ago ser'vice in the army sher'iff of the county ship'ment of the goods al'ka-line solution a-nal'o-gous terms au'arch-y cigainst the government a-noints' his head with oil an'swer the question an-tiq'ui-ty of the relic ar-is'to-crat by birth . LESSON 66 ooyiZayeyhM^ ce>nAyOU sine in trigonometry sign of bad weather size of the barrel skel'e-ton of a man so'cial gathering some'thing new sta'mens of the flowers par-a-sit'ic plant a-round' the world au'di-ence with the Pope au'ri-cle of the heart aVful disaster aVful-ness of the murder ax'is of the earth ax'le of the wheel borne on his shoulders bril'liant display bi-ol'o-gy of plants book'keep-er in the store blu'ing the clothes bar'gain sale of hats breed of chickens cousin from the country cen'sus of the population co-op'er-ate in the work LESSON 68 (yi^-x>urru.- cy'clone cellar c/^^:/^ cy'cle of years cAJAj'yfjp. cruise around the world C/UMJ^ crews of the vessels cA/U^eXSi^ cru'el-ly treated cAjui^ cred'it of the merchant CA4AXXy&L£. cru'ci-ble for melting gold OOToCeyO'lX^ con'tents of the bottle OOy&LO^uZ cab'i-net officers oi/inZ civ'il government cjemJyuU. cen'tral station CyCPlXcJb catch the fish oayyi/yzct can'not tell a lie oom/?9va^ com'ma after the word CyO-VL^Z/m. cou'pon attached to the ticket c^^ cop'y the words CyofvU^c^ cop'ied the words ocrntioa^e/rTJxyi/ con-ti-nen'tal troops oo-c^laZ coast down the hill olZy- cit'y of New York Cybti^^ cit'ies and towns outi/^-e/yv cit'i-zen of the United States d/'^/fyL^OyCybtt dis'si-pate a fortune djyinxyU/ru^ div'i-dend paying stock ciCicrb res-ur-rec'tion of the dead .je/ny^AH A jeA^ en-dor'ser of the note .^/ruyUyrunA^ e-nor'mou8 profits ^je/nXAAA^^A^LA/yn, en-thu' si-asm of the students ^jeAyvteAi^zAAA jC^ en'ter-prise of the merchant ^je/zZiAUxn. ex-te'ri-or of the building .je^^iArcA. ep'och in history .jeAUAAuJAAl^ ex-ec'u-tive chamber .jeAZAATUA^ ear'nest request fiAjtd man-u-fac'to-ries of the city oruyciuu/yLe. med'i-cine to cure him oon^ex^Axu/)^uyi£ me-dic'i-nal virtues oTLu^iiyuyyrL me'di-um sized bear 'ryz^eXcPLMoc met-al'lic ring oony(n4/?^iXcuyyuriu moun'tain-ous country oruhi^(^^^yuZcJve/u-aXe/nZ hAje/iM/yiC MAA/U/yu^ AU/b^zAAAA/ru^ AMA/UyrocLeA^ Mi^^7rbfnyCuryv i/n^iyuyiJyuu. (yU>AAxryrui/Cto ven'tri-cles of the heaxfc wrought iron yeo'man of England bac-te-ri-ol'o-gy is a science bar-o-met'ric pressure bar'ba-risms of the uncultured de-ceit'ful pretender de-cep'tion of the ventriloquist dec-la-ma' tion on Lincoln ex-change'a-ble goods et'i-quette of the table il-lit'er-ate immigrant ju-ris-dic'tion of the court kil' 0-gram in weight in'fan-try of the army ach-ro-mat'ic lens as-cet'i-cism of the hermit ab-struse' idea ab-er-ra'tion of the mind bi-en'ni-al plant ba-cil'lus of disease com-men'cing to rain com-mod'i-ties for sale de-but' of the girl de-bris' of the wreck LESSON 75 tcuuZ tMt tA>CAdt Aje/yixru/Tv 'vaAxyCiMtd tu-i'tion paid in advance tem'plar of the 12th century the'o-ry and practice tragfic death tac'it understanding tough steak ti'tle of nobility- thirst for knowledge tem'per-ance lecture tem'per-ate habits quo'rum of senators re-nown' of the great man ref-er-ee' the game re-pel' the attack voVel in the word va'lence of the element va-lise' packed with clothes va'ri-a-bles approach a limit wait'ing at the church width of the room wool'en goods wrap up the bundle rap at the door va'ry-ing in depth ve-loc'i-ty of the bullet. LESSON 76 ctuJ^yi du'el with swords cpLu/:^ du'al personality dcz^iAyi^ dai'ry farm in Vermont cCuPi/by. di'a-ry of Samuel Pepys oayn/T/t^/iJ can'vass for votes oayruir-aJ can'vas circus tent oonZ coal for the furnace cA^nA choir rehearsal C^'WUU, quire of paper -^-eAZA^ berth in a sleeping car -^^aJJl birth of Christ S^-ejeyO^ been away from home •zfe?^ bin full of coal ■S-eAAy^^y(/nyf. ber'ry-ing in the pasture ^-vc/Ui^yimyc^ bur'y-ing the dead ■^t^yOW blew a hurricane MAje. blue ethereal sky ■^-Q-oA boar hunt in the forest /77-t£. bore of a rifle ■^niM^ayv bullion for coinage ■^-(ruAXlarv bouillon served in ciips OJyU^Jbt aught against his honor CrUy(^At ought not to go Axrrv son of his father .du/rv sun sets to rise again LESSON 77 tA/bUPLteyTL U/n/>Ay(^LO'lA2^eyCLMe. u/-aAte. psy-cho-log'i-cal moment rhyth'mi-cal swing 8ub-poe'na the witness six'ti-eth second stra-teg'ic position so-cia-bil'i-ty of the hostess strych'nine for rats 80-bri-quet' of our friend tho'rax of the insect threat'en his life tis'sue paper un-change'a-ble laws of nature um-brel'la turned inside out val'iant soldier wrong answer aisle of the church isle of Great Britain a-nal'y-sis of the substance a-nal'y-ses of many substances cur'rant jelly cur'rent of the stream waste not, want not waist of a person weak invalid week before last LESSON 78 TUZuX haul the load -AxzZl hall for the dance (^yu^aJlM^ great'er than he (^yu^uLeA. grat'er for nutmegs d^yLt due him from me cCiA^/- dew on the grass c£(r do it now u^^x;t/L wear good clothes un:^A^ ware made of tin JX^U steel cars are safest A^je^ayl steal the money- M^c^^A^ sight to delight in .AA/U. site for the schoolhouse oiyte. cite the law o^LcCfyruyLTuit or'di-nance of the city (yu^/yi^ayyvce. ordinance department .A^cemX scent of the flower .d£mX sent him the letter Cey9Z/t cent apiece oonAmxH. mi'nor and major ooajyn^eA^ mi'ner of coal oruXci£ met'al filing cabinet oruXtlt met'tlt of the thoroughbred ■AexzAX heart failure -fuzAJ: hart frightened by the hunter LESSON 79 ^yneZe. mete out the punishment onn£^>t meet at the station no^jeya>t meat for dinner MX/M scull the boat .Ay^/jXl skull of the skeleton A/rut rout the army yuructi. route of the mail carrier /tA^ prey of the lion ^lAyOA^ pray to God plow the soil ^zzzXc/n^ peel'ing of the apple ^ije.aM/n^ peal'ing of the bells (TU/L our father A/ruA. hour of midnight OTLt one dollar (A/VTV won a race cra/L oar of the boat a^u. ore from the mine urarbcLeA^ won'der at the strange sight ou-d^yupLeA^ wan'der in the fields OCh^uZ wait for me U^UX^^yt weight of the ox nnje^ui need of money •AruyCuZ knead the bread LESSON 80 cJ^eynyyveAy^jpjC lTUAAy(rUA4^ QA^iyC^ BA/L/UiJyyv M<^lA//-rPUyC I3yuZon (9-k/(y!juryruz^ J3.,e/yb ^xrrUMTv TZeATUy'^yajZyicL cJ-AyOxAj^AyC^ V^uU^A/rt/ua^ CXonyOC/yiyru^oCo QAAA^ayru^ I3ui^myayu>k^ QyUA/rLeyO. (SXi/j^uyS-eZAyCio^ C^^^y^MyrUyO. CZ^n.^^^(zX(Z^:JuxPl/n^ Ucu^AA^ CZlliyc^Juyuriy^ (Mts.) P^Y^beyTLUA CiMe^<^Juyrbn^ (city) 7/^y(yL/UiJ^Ay£ZeA J^^n^AAAyOyyva. <3AA^ion^dy^hAyaX PA/Xi^^^nAmjeA czZ-AchorijeJ J^^^ueA^&i^ZeAyUh^ri^ 7fU^A^cioriom,>eydAAyn. PA/iXax^l^J^^AyCyay (yL^^£/)nyru/nxd CAxd^OyfijexzA^ J^^AC&dyteA^ PuUa^S^i^Aa^A^ P uAA/rUyc^yfu l?t(A^^^cu:JuAAxM^ P.jeAic Ca/Uy&Ae^zm^ CoA^&i^yte 7lla/ru£(yL Q^/Hx^ C&Mt 7/lLid^lAA/yfl^vi cI-A/>^LeAyU4. CAyCUxXciUyC^'Way 7ftcoocuAJ<:^ JlocJ^ j9Cl/UV(^yOOCV Pa.f^SyCuX INDEX Refsrences are to Lessons. abbreviate, 12 abbreviation, 28 abdomen, 35 aberration, 74 ability, 62 aborigines, 52 abridgment, 47 abscess, 33 absence, 9 absolute, 53 abstruse, 74 abundance, 47 abyss, 47 Abyssinia, 80 academy, 61 accede, 57 accelerate, 28 acceleration, 40 accept, 5 acceptance, 16 accepted, 25 accessible, 47 accession, 20 accessory, 57 accident, 57 accidentally, 40 accommodate, 3 accompaniment, 29 accompanying, 35 accomplish, 57 account, 35 accountant, 61 accrued, 40 accumulate, 36 accuracy, 20 accusative, 11 accustomed, 59 acetic, 61 acetylene, 53 ache, 54 achieve, 61 achievement, 16 achromatic, 74 acknowledge, 24 acknowledgment, 4 acoustics, 40 acquaintance, 31 acquainted, 35 acquiesce, 30 acquisition, 60 across, 9 acute, 62 adaptability, 63 address, 14 adjacent, 7 adjective, 63 admirable, 31 admire, 63 admissible, 31 admittance, 61 admitted, 61 advancement, 63 advertise, 21 advertisement, 24 advertising, 36 advice, 11 advisable, 40 advise, 11 aeroplane, 63 affect, 3 affidavit, 36 again, 36 aggregation, 25 agrarian, 54 81 agreeable, 24 agreement, 16 aisle, 77 albumen, 63 alcohol, 10 algebra, 7 algebraic, 24 alien, 47 alimentary, 34 alkali, 24 alkaline, 64 allege, 24 Alleghany (Mts.), 80 Allegheny (City), 80 allegiance, 24 allegory, 59 alliances, 35 allies, 37 alligators, 14 alliteration, 40 allotment, 11 allotting, 11 allowed, 59 all right, 1 allusion, 37 ally, 59 alphabet, 43 already, 2 altar, 21 alter, 21 alternate, 37 altogether, 24 aluminum, 59 always, 5 amateur, 34 ambassador, 59 ambitious, 43 82 INDEX amenable, 45 ammonia, 7 amount, 37 analogous, 64 analyses, 77 analysis, 77 analytic, 21 analyze, 12 anarchy, 64 ancestors, 43 ancient, 24 angel, 3 angle, 3 anhydrous, 52 annihilated, 45 annual, 20 annually, 37 annuity, 61 anoints, 64 answer, 64 Antarctic, 24 antecedent, 11 antiquity, 64 anxiety, 52 anxious, 33 any, 20 apartment, 40 Apennines, 80 apologize, 37 apostrophe, 54 Appalachian, 80 appalling, 54 apparatus, 8 apparel, 40 apparent, 14 appeal, 54 appearance, 4 applied, 54 appositive, 54 appreciate, 24 approach, 40 approve, 54 approximate, 24 appurtenance, 54 aqueduct, 18 arc, 12 architect, 37 architecture, 24 arctic, 24 argument, 52 aristocrat, 64 arithmetic, 20 arithmetical, 34 ark, 12 armor, 65 around, 67 arrangement, 16 Arthur, 24 article, 24 articles, 65 artisans, 45 ascend, 24 ascension, 65 ascent, 52 ascertain, 45 asceticism, 74 asked, 24 asparagus, 28 assassin, 59 assassinate, 39 assassination, 24 assault, 59 assistant, 45 assume, 46 athlete, 16 athletics, 4 atmosphere, 18 attack, 9 attacked, 9 attendance, 24 attention, 59 attorney, 39 attract, 7 audience, 67 aught, 76 Augustus, 7 auricle, 67 author, 24 authority, 46 autumn, 39 auxiliary, 5 avoirdupois, 39 awful, 67 awfulness, 67 awkward, 46 axillary, 47 axiom, 10 axis, 67 axle, 67 bacillus, 74 bacteriology, 74 balance, 3 balanced, 35 balloon, 36 bananas, 36 bankruptcy, 33 barbarians, 62 barbarisms, 74 barbarous, 17 bare, 47 bargain, 67 barometer, 27 barometric, 74 barrel, 65 base, 23 bass, 23 bear, 47 beautiful, 36 because, 30 Bede, 80 been, 76 before, 19 begin, 47 beginning, 1 belief, 13 believe, 1 believing, 65 beneficence, 62 beneficial, 23 benefit, 6 benefited, 10 berrying, 76 berth, 76 besiege, 15 Bible, 23 bicycle, 8 biennial, 74 INDEX 88 bilious, 40 bin, 76 binomial, 18 biology, 67 birth, 76 biscuit, 27 bisect, 18 bisector, 4 Bismarck, 80 blamable, 40 blew, 76 blue, 76 bluing, 67 boar, 76 bolder, 40 bookkeeper, 67 bookkeeping, 23 bore, 76 borne, 67 borough, 65 borrow, 65 botany, 30 bouillon, 76 boulder, 40 boundaries, 28 boundary, 14 bouquet, 47 brake, 37 breadth, 37 break, 37 breed, 67 brief, 18 brigadier, 40 brilliant, 67 Britain, 80 Briton, 80 bulletin, 40 bullion, 76 buoyancy, 18 buoyant, 27 bureau, 22 burglar, 47 buried, 14 Burroughs, 80 burying, 76 busily, 47 business, 1 busy, 7 cabinet, 68 Caesar, 10 calendar, 6 caloric, 63 calories, 62 campaign, 22 campaigns, 62 cancel, 15 cancelation, 40 canceled, 27 candidate, 27 candor, 62 cannot, 68 canvas, 76 canvass, 76 capacity, 44 capillarity, 62 capillary, 15 capital, 5 capitol, 5 captain, 32 careful, 22 carefully, 32 Caribbean, 80 Carlyle, 80 carriage, 47 carrying, 18 cashmere, 60 casually, 62 casualty, 65 catalogue, 27 cataract, 62 catarrh, 60 catastrophe, 60 catch, 68 cathedral, 47 cavalry, 12 cease, 18 ceiling, 18 celery, 60 cellar, 63 cemetery, 9 censor, 45 censure, 45 census, 67 cent, 78 center, 39 centigrade, 55 centimeter, (J3 central, 68 centrifugal, 40 cereal, 18 certainly, 31 cession, 35 changeable, 22 changing, 58 chaperon, 60 character, 12 characteristics, 18 chargeable, 22 chattel, 27 chauffeur, 4 Chautauqua, 80 chemical, 40 chemistry, 63 Chesapeake, 80 chief, 12 chieftain, 45 chiffonier, 60 chimney, 31 chisel, 63 chivalry, 60 chlorine, 30 chlorophyll, 12 chocolate, 39 choir, 76 choose, 14 chord, 2 chosen, 17 Christian, 22 chronicle, 44 Cincinnati, 80 cinnamon, 63 cipher, 47 circle, 39 circuit, 63 circular, 47 circumstances, 14 cite, 78 84 INDEX cities, 68 citizen, 68 city, 68 civil, 68 civilization, 12 civilize, 35 classicism, 60 climbed, 47 clothes, 14 coal, 76 coarse, 14 coast, 68 coastal, 45 codicil, 48 coefficient, 2 coercion, 60 coherence, 27 coincide, 8 coincident, 63 collars, 63 collateral, 29 colleague, 58 collector, 58 college, 14 colonies, 55 colonization, 45 color, 12 colossal, 53 column, 29 combustible, 28 coming, 2 comma, 68 commence, 36 commencing, 74 commensurable, 22 commerce, 58 commercial, 9 commission, 12 commissioner, 63 commit, 41 committal, 58 committed, 17 committee, 5 commodities, 74 common, 32 communicate, 33 community, 63 companies, 63 company, 63 comparative, 7 comparison, 27 compel, 18 compelled, 65 competent, 39 competition, 65 competitor, 44 complement, 3 complementary, 40 complete, 32 completely, 65 complexion, 27 compliment, 3 complimentary, 40 compromise, 47 conceal, 35 concede, 26 conceit, 65 conceive, 15 conceived, 41 conceptric, 29 concern, 26 concession, 58 conciliation, 28 concurrent, 57 condensing, 41 condition, 44 conduit, 62 confectionery, 45 confederacy, 26 confederate, 37 congruent, 40 conjugate, 30 conjugation, 47 Connecticut, 17 conquer, 39 conqueror, 26 conscience, 4 conscientious, 17 conscious, 12 consciousness, 17 consecutive, 44 consensus, 47 consequent, 65 consistency, 65 consonant, 26 conspiracy, 57 constitution, 29 constitutional, 40 consul, 6 consummate, 57 contagious, 65 contemporaneous, 55 contemporary, 35 contemptible, 55 contents, 68 continental, 68 continually, 30 continue, 47 continuity, 55 control, 6 controlled, 47 convenience, 14 convenient, 11 conversely, 45 cooperate, 67 cooperation, 36 coordinate, 36 copied, 68 copy, 68 cord, 2 corollary, 3 corporation, 47 corpuscle, 55 correspond, 32 correspondence, 37 corresponding, 47 costume, 26 cotton, 47 cotyledon, 53 council, 6 counsel, 6 counterfeit, 26 countries, 26 coupon, 68 courageous, 53 course, 14 courteous, 31 courtesy, 33 INDEX 85 courtier, 40 cousin, 67 covetous, 65 credit, 68 crevice, 65 crews, 68 crisis, 39 criticise, 8 criticism, 15 crucible, 68 crucifixion, 53 cruelly, 68 cruise, 68 Crustacea, 44 crystal, 9 crystalline, 33 crystallization, 15 crystallize, 12 cupboard, 18 curiosity, 40 currant, 77 current, 77 custom, 18 customary, 40 cycle, 68 cyclone, 68 cylinder, 9 cylindrical, 53 dactylic, 53 dairy, 76 dative, 69 debris, 74 debt, 48 debut, 74 decease, 6 deceased, 58 deceitful, 74 deceive, 10 deception, 74 decide, 8 decimal, 48 decision, 28 decisive, 39 declamation, 74 declaration, 28 declarative, 17 declension, 14 decomposition, 58 decorated, 41 defence | ^^ defense J defendant, 22 deficiency, 41 deficit, 29 definite, 5 definitely, 41 definition, 22 Deity, 69 Delaware, 26 deleble, 30 demonstrative, 41 denominator, 22 dependence, 41 dependent, 10 dependents, 41 deposit, 39 depository, 41 descend, 22 descendants, 17 descent, 22 describe, 4 description, 2 desert, 26 desirable, 18 despair, 16 despise, 45 dessert, 26 destroy, 18 determine, 60 develop, 2 development, 2 dew, 78 diagonal, 9 diagramming, 60 dialogue, 26 diameter, 39 diamond, 39 diaphragm, 26 diary, 76 didn't, 30 difference, 7 different, 12 difficulty, 28 diffusion, 53 dilapidated, 33 dilemma, 48 dimensions, 30 diminish, 36 dining, 8 diphtheria, 26 direct, 48 disagree, 31 disagreeable, 36 disappear, 1 disappearance, 18 disappeared, 16 disappoint, 1 disappointed, 8 disappointing, 68 disappointment, 12 discernment, 65 disciple, 39 discipline, 26 discourage, 60 discovery, 69 discrepancy, 63 discussion, 35 disease, 8 disguised, 69 Disraeli. 80 dissatisfied, 65 dissatisfy, 37 dissension, 48 dissenter, 65 dissimilar, 32 dissipate, 68 dissociation, 58 dissolve, 11 distiUate, 69 distillation, 37 divide, 16 divided, 48 dividend, 68 divine, 48 divisibility, 58 divisible, 14 division, 32 86 INDEX divisor, 39 do, 78 does, 22 doesn't, 26 don't, 68 dose, 48 doze, 22 drooped, 32 dropped, 15 drowned, 26 dual, 76 dubious, 48 due, 78 duel, 76 duly, 69 dyeing, 18 dying, 18 dyspepsia, 34 earnest, 69 easement, 48 eccentric, 34 ecclesiastical, 26 economic, 27 ecstasy, 15 edible, 41 effect, 3 effective, 48 effervescence, 34 efficiency, 15 efficient, 3i efflorescence, 26 eighth, 9 either, 14 elasticity, 41 electoral, 41 electricity, 34 electrolysis, 23 electrolytic, 58 element, 63 elementary, 36 elephant, 48 eligible, 8 eliminate, 29 elimination, 12 Eliot, George, 8C Elizabethan, 80 ellipse, 29 emanates, 35 embarrass, 7 embarrassment, 22 embezzlement, 75 emigrant, 21 emigrate, 65 emigration, 42 emperor, 26 emphasis, 31 emphasize, 30 employment, 48 enclose, 48 encyclopedia, 58 endeavor, 41 endorsement, 41 endorser, 69 enemies, 13 enemy, 15 energy, 39 enforceable, 58 enormous, 69 enough, 42 enterprise, 69 enthusiasm, 69 entrance, 33 entries, 41 entry, 41 envelop, 42 envelope, 42 environment, 44 epitaph, 44 epoch, 69 equal, 8 equally, 16 equation, 3 equiangular, 16 equidistant, 20 equilateral, 9 equilibrant, 41 equilibrium, 20 equipment, 63 equipped, 44 equivalent, 6 eraser, 48 erect, 21 erosion, 48 erroneous, 31 error, 48 erysipelas, 53 esophagus, 41 especial, 28 especially, 13 essay, 39 essence, 44 essential, 18 etiquette, 74 euphony, 48 evacuate, 55 evaporate, 32 every, 39 exaggerate, 11 exaggeration, 44 exceed, 15 excel, 15 excellence, 20 excellent, 20 except, 5 exchangeable, 74 excitement, 44 excommunication, 46 executive, 69 exercise, 36 exhilarate, 58 exhort, 46 existence, 13 expect, 46 expedition, 41 expel, 48 expense, 26 expenses, 8 experience, 11 experiment, 37 explanation, 41 exponent, 16 exterior, 69 extraordinary, 41 extravagance, 53 extreme, 38 extremely, 41 extremities, 28 INDEX 87 facet, 42 facsimile, 53 Fahrenheit, 14 familiar, 18 familiarly, 53 farther, 69 fascinate, 26 fatigue, 42 faucet, 42 February, 3 feign, 55 feminine, 26 ferocious, 66 fertile, 28 fertilize, 48 fertilizing, 55 feudal, 22 feudalism, 26 fictitious, 22 fief, 55 fierce, 49 fiery, 35 filaments, 62 finally, 1 financial, 22 financier, 48 finely, 36 following, 65 forbade, 65 forcible, 20 foreign, 12 foreigner, 48 forfeit, 48 formally, 49 formerly, 22 formula, 69 formulae, 69 forty, 2 forward, 69 foundry, 42 fourth, 2 franchise, 48 freight, 22 friction, 42 friend, 7 frolicking, 30 frustum, 7 fuchsia, 42 fuel, 69 fulfil, 4 fulfilled, 22 fulfilment, 69 fumigate, 49 fundamental, 22 further, 69 fusion, 36 gaiety, 70 gas, 5 gaseous, 34 gases, 25 gauge, 13 general, 35 generally, 12 generous, 53 genitive, 7 genius, 28 geography, 49 geometry, 34 geranium, 53 gesture, 53 getting, 69 geyser, 63 ghastly, 69 ghost, 66 glacier, 49 gnashing, 38 gnat, 69 goddess, 15 going, 66 government, 1 governor, 9 grabbed, 66 gradually, 53 grammar, 1 granary, 65 grandeur, 38 graph, 70 grateful, 25 grater, 78 Great Britain, 80 greater, 78 grievance, 35 grieve, 34 grievous, 38 grotesque, 50 group, 49 guarantee, 32 guaranty, 42 guard, 12 guardian, 29 guess, 70 Guiana, 80 Guinea, 80 gymnasium, 49 Hague, 80 haU, 78 hammer, 70 handkerchief, 42 happened, 70 harass, 49 harmonically, 66 hart, 78 haughty, 70 haul, 78 haven't, 49 having, 21 Hawaii, 80 hear, 8 heart, 78 height, 6 heinous, 21 heir, 20 hemorrhage, 63 Henry, 14 herb, 8 here, 8 hereditary, 29 heresy, 49 heroes, 70 hexagon, 49 historical, 70 history, 32 hole, 31 holiday, 32 holy, 31 1 homogeneous, 9 88 INDEX homologous, 2 honor, 49 honorable, 13 hop, 70 hope, 70 hoped, 49 hoping, 5 hopped, 49 hopping, 5 horizontal, 25 horizontally, 70 hostility, 70 hour, 80 humidity, 50 humorous, 49 hundred, 70 hundredth, 49 hurrying, 49 hydrochloric, 28 hygiene, 21 hygienic, 62 hyperbole, 42 hypnotize, 55 hypocrisy, 42 hypocrite, 53 hypotenuse, 2 hypothesis, 3 icicle, 44 identical, 44 identity, 30 ignorance, 54 illegal, 55 illegible, 35 illiterate, 74 illustrate, 30 imagery, 35 imaginary, 21 imagination, 25 imagine, 31 immediately, 2 immense, 35 immersed, 55 immigrant, 21 immigrate, 65 immigration, 42 imminent, 44 impel, 36 imperative, 18 impossible, 25 inaugurate, 34 inauguration, 53 incentive, 71 incidence, 25 inclose, 48 inconvenience, 34 incumbrance, 71 indefinite, 32 indelible, 21 independence, 38 independent, 7 indeterminate, 71 indicative, 18 indict, 53 indictment, 70 indispensable, 38 indorse, 44 indorsement, 41 industrial, 55 inertia, 55 inevitable, 54 infallible, 42 infantry, 74 infinite, 44 infinitive, 11 infinity, 46 inflammable, 49 inflammation, 55 influence, 55 influential, 34 ingredients, 58 initials, 49 initiate, 49 initiative, 58 initiatory, 34 innocence, 30 innocent, 70 inoculation, 70 inseparable, 28 inserted, 70 insolvency, 70 instalment, 53 instead, 70 instructor, 49 insurrection, 58 integer, 25 integral, 16 intellectual, 53 intelligence, 25 intelligent, 55 intercede, 70 intercept, 8 interest, 9 interfered, 70 interference, 49 interior, 32 interpret, 32 interrogative, 29 intersection, 58 intolerable, 70 introduce, 70 inventories, 70 inventory, 21 inversely, 49 investment, 70 invisible, 42 irascible, 58 irrational, 66 irregular, 66 irreparable, 53 irrepressible, 31 irresistible, 42 irrigation, 58 irritable, 37 isle, 77 isolated, 60 isosceles, 1 isthmus, 64 Italian, 80 itemize, 49 itinerant, 53 itself, 38 jealous, 21 jealousy, 29 jeopardy, 28 Jonson, Ben, 80 journal, 34 INDEX 89 journalizing, 38 journey, 66 judgment, 1 judicial, 66 judiciary, 42 juice, 16 juicy, 71 jurisdiction, 74 kerosene, 35 kilogram, 74 kinetic, 71 knead, 79 knew, 20 knight, 25 knock, 71 know, 15 knowledge, 28 labeled, 49 laboratory, 1 lacquered, 44 laid, 20 larvae, 17 later, 20 latter, 21 laugh, 71 lead, 6 league, 60 lease, 55 led, 6 ledger, 7 legend, 60 legible, 20 legion, 60 legislature, 42 Leicester, 80 leisure, 12 length, 42 lens, 71 lessee, 60 lettuce, 71 lever, 71 liabilities, 13 liability, 13 librarian, 34 library, 11 license, 12 lien, 25 lieutenant, 13 lightning, 20 likely, 71 lilies, 35 lineament, 62 linear, 25 liniment, 62 liquefaction, 64 liquefy, 28 liter, 71 literal, 35 literature, 13 lodgment, 42 logarithms, 25 lonely, 71 longitudinal, 54 loose, 3 lose, 3 losing, 3 Louisiana, 80 lovable, 71 lying, 35 Ma^aulay, 80 machine, 60 mackerel, 50 maintain, 54 maintenance, 25 making, 37 malleability, 34 malleable, 42 mandible, 55 Manila, 80 manual, 21 manufactories, 71 manufacture, 25 manufacturer, 66 manufacturing, 50 many, 20 margin, 66 maritime, 42 marriage, 29 married, 66 marry, 66 Marseilles, 80 martial, 58 marvelous, 54 masculine, 22 Massachusetts, 80 massacre, 25 material, 36 materially, 50 mathematics, 21 meant, 7 measurement, 16 meat, 79 mechanical, 35 mechanics, 50 medians, 15 medicinal, 71 medicine, 71 medieval, 17 Mediterranean, 5 medium, 71 meet, 79 melon, 43 memorandum, 50 mentally, 58 mercantile, 31 merchandise, 20 mercury, 32 meridian, 42 merry, 66 metal, 78 metallic, 71 metallurgy, 58 metamorphosis, 50 metaphor, 21 mete, 79 metonymy, 26 mettle, 78 mileage, 28 militia, 50 millinery, 50 miner, 78 minor, 78 minute, 25 minutiae, 58 miracle, 34 miscellaneous, 9 90 INDEX mischief, 21 mischievous, 9 Mississippi, 80 Missouri; 80 misspelled, 7 moccasin, 55 modal, 60 model, 60 modern, 59 Mohammedan, 80 moisture, 60 mold, 25 molecular, 71 molecules, 60 monarchy, 60 monastery, 20 monkeys, 43 moraine, 43 moreover, 58 mortgage, 10 mortise, 54 mosquito, 71 motor, 44 mould, 25 mountain, 44 mountainous, 71 moustache, 71 movable, 25 much, 71 mucilage, 21 multiple, 44 multiplicand, 36 muscle, 72 musician, 37 mussel, 72 mustard, 72 mutiny, 46 mutually, 46 muzzle, 72 mysterious, 46 narration, 72 narrative, 25 natural, 25 necessary, 1 necessitate, 66 necessity, 13 nectar, 72 need, 79 negative, 25 negotiability, 21 negotiable, 21 negotiate, 21 neighbor, 72 neither, 20 neuter, 20 neutral, 43 neutralize, 72 new, 20 Niagara, 21 Nicaragua, 80 nickel, 7 niece, 9 nineteen, 33 ninetieth, 29 ninety, 6 ninth, 33 no, 15 nomination, 50 nominative, 8 nonchalant, 56 nonsense, 32 noticeable, 13 noticing, 50 notion, 50 noun, 72 nucleus, 21 nuisance, 29 numerator, 16 numerical, 31 nutrients, 72 oar, 79 obedience, 50 oblige, 10 obliging, 72 oblique, 25 obstacle, 72 occasion, 2 occasional, 38 occasionally, 6 occupation, 13 occupy, 24 occur, 11 occurred, 4 occurrence, 3 occurring, 20 o'clock, 72 octagon, 66 odor, 5 oesophagus, 41 of, 13 ofe, 13 offered, 50 Oklahoma, 80 oligarchy, 64 omelet, 73 omission, 20 omit, 24 omitted, 8 omitting, 72 one, 79 only, 50 opaque, 72 operation, 23 opinion, 50 opportunity, 13 opposite, 5 opposition, 5 optician, 72 optional, 72 oracle, 72 orchid, 72 ordinance, 78 ordnance, 78 ore, 79 organization, 50 organize, 72 origin, 16 original, 29 oscillation, 17 osmosis, 38 ostracise, 28 ostracism, 28 ought, 76 our, 79 oxidize, 50 oxygen, 4 INDEX 91 paging, 59 paid, 17 palate, 56 palette, 56 papacy, 59 paraffin, 23 paragraph, 29 parallel, 1 parallelogram, 4 parasite, 29 parasitic, 67 parcel, 73 parentheses, 5 Parliament, 2 parliamentary, 57 partially, 36 participate, 72 participial, 29 participle, 4 particle, 29 particular, 27 partition, 27 partner, 34 passed, 34 past, 34 pasteurized, 60 patience, 62 patriotic, 61 patriotism, 62 pavilion, 51 peace, 4 peaceable, 23 peaceably, 43 pealing, 79 peculiar, 37 peculiarity, 59 peculiarly, 43 peeling, 79 pendulum, 17 peninsula, 38 penitentiary, 73 people, 37 perceive, 28 percolator, 55 percussion, 51 perform, 23 performance, 62 perhaps, 10 perimeter, 20 period, 62 permanent, 45 permissible, 43 perpendicular, 5 persecuted, 61 perseverance, 54 personification, 56 perspiration, 23 persuade, 10 pertain, 45 petroleum, 61 pharynx, 56 phase, 33 phenomena, 54 phenomenal, 30 Philadelphia, 80 Philippines, 80 philosopher, 43 philosophy, 43 phosphorus, 15 phrase, 33 physician, 36 physics, 59 physiology, 14 piazza, 61 picture, 61 piece, 4 pieces, 61 piercing, 56 pioneer, 45 pistil, 19 pistol, 19 Pittsburgh, 80 plain, 4 plane, 4 planned, 9 planning, 15 plateau, 45 pleasant, 11 pleasure, 46 plebeian, 19 pleurisy, 55 plough, plow, 79 plural, 46 pneumatic, 17 pneumonia, 23 poison, 51 policy, 51 political, 59 pollination, 56 polygon, 5 polyhedral, 54 polynominal, 7 poplar, 59 popular, 59 porcelain, 45 porch, 51 pores, 64 porous, 38 positive, 16 possess, 10 possession, 6 possessive, 33 possessor, 56 possible, 59 possibility, 43 postulate, 43 potassium, 45 potato, 11 potential, 66 poured, 61 practical, 16 practice, 11 practiced, 56 prairie, 7 pray, 79 precede, 2 preceded, 45 precedent, 29 preceding, 13 precipice, 56 precipitate, 8 precise, 61 predecessor, 66 prefer, 23 preference, 55 preferred, 19 prejudice, 5 preliminary, 55 92 INDEX preparation, 3 prepare, 51 preposition, 51 Presbyterian, 80 presbytery, 66 presence, 32 presents, 32 pressure, 23 prestige, 56 pretension, 73 pretentious, 73 preterit, 73 prevail, 73 prevalence, 73 prevalent, 73 prevent, 73 prey, 79 primary, 73 primer, 51 primitive, 56 principal, 1 principle, 1 prism, 51 privilege, 1 prize, 71 probable, 23 probably, 6 procedure, 11 proceed, 4 proceeded, 28 process, 51 profession, 33 professor, 3 profitable, 72 projection, 38 promissory, 10 pronounceable, 43 pronunciation, 37 proof, 23 propagation, 54 prophecy, 17 prophesy, 17 propitious, 43 proportion, 11 proportional, 15 proprietary, 57 proprietor, 16 proteids, 19 Protestant, 17 prove, 10 psychological, 77 psychology, 29 pulley, 28 punctuation, 56 pursuant, 72 pursue, 7 pursuit, 72 putting, 72 pyramids, 33 Pyrenees, 80 quadrilateral, 4 quantitative, 33 qu^tities, 29 quantity, 4 quarantine, 33 quarrel, 31 quarter, 33 quiet, 3 quire, 76 quit, 4 quite, 3 quorum, 75 quotient, 9 radiate, 56 radical, 8 radii, 66 radius, 66 rain, 32 raisins, 66 rap, 75 Raphael, 80 ratio, 31 rationalisation 1 rationalization j really, 16 receipt, 6 receipted, 46 receivable, 8 receive, 1 received, 4 receiver, 46 54 recent, 66 reciprocal, 13 reciprocity, 43 recognize, 15 recollect, 24 recommend, 2 recommendation, 17 recompense, 64 reconcile, 30 rectangle, 59 rectilinear, 54 reefer, 51 refer, 6 referee, 75 reference, 9 referred, 6 referring, 6 regions, 64 reign, 32 reimburse, 53 rein, 32 reinforced, 56 relative, 51 relatively, 56 relevant, 56 relief, 17 relieve, 17 relieved, 51 religion, 19 religious, 10 remember, 19 remit, 66 remittance, 23 Renaissance, 13 renown, 75 repel, 75 repetition, 10 representation, 28 representative, 19 requirement, 56 rescind, 56 reservoir, 27 resistance, 19 resonance, 56 resources, 9 respectfully, 6 INDEX 93 respectively, 6 respiratory, 43 responsible, 4(5 restaurant, 13 resurrection, 09 resuscitate, 54 revenue, 56 reverence, 56 reversible, 56 review, 32 rhetoric, 19 rhetorical, 54 rheumatism, 54 rhomboid, 12 rhombus, 5 rhyme, 16 rhythm, 10 rhythmical, 77 ridiculous, 29 right, 10 rinse, 31 rite, 10 Rontgen, 80 rout, 79 route, 79 routes, 64 ruffian, 59 running, 33 sacrifice, 61 sacrilege, 59 sacrilegious, 59 safety, 19 salable, 14 salaries, 27 salary, 14 salmon, 61 salve, 61 sandwiches, 59 sapphire, 61 satisfactorily, 61 saving, 61 scalene, 43 scarred, 61 scene, 19 scenery, 61 scent, 78 schedule, 30 scheme, 59 scholar, 61 science, 19 scientific, 57 scissors, 19 scull, 79 sculptor, 43 sculpture, 43 scythe, 62 sealing, 18 secede, 14 seceded, 38 secession, 27 secretaries, 62 secretary, 11 section, 62 sector, 52 segment, 16 seize, 2 seized, 23 seizing, 43 senate, 62 sense, 14 sensible, 43 sensitive, 43 sent, 78 sentence, 11 sepals, 62 separable, 45 separate, 1 separately, 46 separation, 17 separator, 38 serge, 52 sergeant, 37 serial, 18 servant, 52 service, 64 serviceable, 37 session, 35 several, 64 shepherd, 9 sheriff, 64 shining, 14 shipment, 64 shipped, 52 shown, 52 shriek, 52 Sicily, 80 siege, 2 sieve, 17 sigh, 62 sight, 78 sign, 67 significance, 30 silhouette, 57 similar, 2 similarly, 2 simile, 15 simultaneous, 6 sincere, 59 sincerely, 10 sine, 67 siphon, 19 site, 78 sixtieth, 77 size, 67 skeleton, 67 sketch, 52 skilful, 30 skull, 79 sobriquet, 77 sociability, 77 sociable, 34 social, 67 society, 30 solder, 46 soldier, 46 solecisms, 57 solemn, 30 soliloquy, 57 soluble, 6 solutions, 51 something, 67 son, 76 sophomore, 7 source, 10 souvenir, 45 sovereign, 11 sovereignty, 11 94 INDEX special, 51 specially, 37 specific, 17 specimen, 13 speech, 4 sphere, 38 spherical, 38 square, 38 stamens, 67 statement, 38 stationary, 8 stationery, 8 statistics, 34 statue, 51 statute, 51 steal, 78 steel, 78 stimulus, 57 stirring, 73 stomach, 23 stooped, 38 stopped, 3 stopping, 30 straight, 5 strait, 5 stratagem, 45 strategic, 77 strategy, 36 strength, 46 stretch, 38 strychnine, 77 studied, 32 studying, 8 subjunctive, 46 submitted, 73 subpoena, 77 substitute, 57 substitution, 46 subtend, 32 subtle, 51 subtract, 27 subtraction, 51 subtrahend, 39 suburbs, 57 succeed, 14 succeeded, 19 success, 14 successful, 27 successfully, 13 succession, 36 sufficient, 15 sugar, 51 suggestion, 73 sulphur, 33 summary, 51 sun, 76 superintendent, 5 superpose, 52 supersede, 5 superstition, 45 superstitious, 27 supplement, 11 supplementary, 7 suppose, 24 surd, 73 sure, 15 surely, 19 surge, 52 surprise, 4 surprised, 27 surprising, 73 surrender, 73 suspense, 23 suspicious, 39 swimming, 33 swords, 61 syllable, 9 syllogism, 36 symbols, 57 symmetrical, 10 symmetry, 17 sympathize, 36 sympathy, 73 syndicate, 57 synecdoche, 34 synonym, 19 syntax, 7 sjm thesis, 57 synthetic, 57 systematically, 57 tacit, 75 tariff, 8 technical, 46 technically, 57 temperament, 44 temperance, 75 temperate, 75 temperature, 8 templar, 75 temporary, 52 tenant, 52 tendency, 52 Tennessee, 80 territory, 29 Thackeray, 80 Thames, 80 their, 1 theorem, 4 theory, 75 there, 1 therefore, 16 thermometer, 19 thief, 23 thirst, 75 thorax, 77 Thoreau, 80 thorough, 13 thoroughly, 16 those, 23 though, 27 thought, 52 threaten, 77 threw, 13 through, 13 tm, 17 tissue, 77 title, 75 to, 1 tobacco, 27 together, 2 tolerance, 33 tomato, 52 tonnage, 45 too, 1 tough, 75 traceable, 64 trachea, 52 INDEX 95 traffic, 33 tragedy, 5 tragic, 75 traitor, 64 transferred, 15 transferring, 44 transitive, 19 transpose, 64 Transvaal, 80 transversal, 52 trapezium, 44 trapezoid, 10 traveler, 64 traveling, 31 treacherous, 44 treachery, 44 treasure, 52 treasurer, 11 treatise, 64 trial, 23 triangle, 73 tried, 23 tries, 27 trigonometry, 46 trinomial, 57 trough, 52 trousseau, 57 truly, 3 Tuesday, 15 tuition, 75 turbine, 46 twelfth, 9 two, 1 typewriter, 46 tyrannical, 57 tyranny, 12 umbrella, 77 unanimous, 52 unchangeable, 77 unite, 38 unnecessary, 33 until, 1 unusual, 38 usage, 73 useful, 73 usefulness, 73 using, 52 usual, 27 usually, 4 usurpation, 73 usury, 73 vacancy, 37 vaccinate, 38 vacuum, 11 valence, 75 valiant, 77 valid, 43 valise, 75 valleys, 34 valuable, 38 vapor, 30 variable, 27 variables, 75 varying, 75 vegetable, 12 velocity, 75 Venezuela, 80 vengeance, 19 ventricles, 74 verified, 39 vertical, 3 vertices, 12 very, 19 veteran, 30 veterinary, 56 vice versa, 64 vicinity, 50 vicissitude, 50 victuals, 19 village, 2 villages, 31 villain, 3 villainy, 64 vinculum, 56 Virginia, 80 visible, 66 vitriol, 50 voice, 51 volcano, 51 volcanoes, 51 volume, 51 vowel, 75 waist, 77 wait, 79 waiting, 75 wander, 79 ware, 78 warrant, 39 warrior, 30 waste, 77 weak, 77 wealthy, 50 wear, 78 weather, 10 Wednesday, week, 77 weight, 79 weird, 8 were, 31 we're, 31 where, 9 whether, 2 which, 3 whole, 31 whoUy, 31 whose, 7 width, 75 wield, 39 witch, 50 woman, 23 women, 19 won, 79 wonder, 79 woolen, 75 woolly, 50 wrap, 75 wrapped, 33 write, 10 writer, 10 writing, 2 written, 6 wrong, 77 wrought, 74 yeoman, 74 yield, 39 zinc, 16 zoology, 73 m 36515 459991 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY