HANDBOOK IP-NRLF LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OK ^Accession 87143 ' 315 Madison av. Albany N. Y. Melvil Dewejjto some personal friends Soon after tne American library association and Library journal were started in 1876, seeing the need of long continued and hard work on the part of those giving their lives to impor- tant undertakings, I became convinced that one of the greatest problems in our new field was to find a way to get most health and strength for the coming year's work from the summer out- ing, which seldom gave wholly satisfactory results for time and money spent. This problem confronts every one who wishes to accomplish the greatest practical results in any field. Mrs Dewey and I believe that we have found a solution in the club started by us in 1895, the permanence of which is now assured, as its last is by far its most successful season. We have studied the question from the first, not as a summer diver- sion, but as one of the most serious of modern life, deserving our best thought and effort, believing that as great a service can be rendered to the public in this way as by founding a new library or school. We take great pride in what is already accomplished and wish our personal friends to know more of it, and are therefore sending with this letter the club handbook to those .who we believe will feel repaid for examining it. After loolmig the book thru please put it in your public library among Adiron- dack guidebooks and travels unless you really care to keep it personally. It has many useful tables of mountain passes, lakes, etc. with elevations and other information, and if pre- served in a library will help spread the idea of making the sum- Pi2 sA.gft PlI 2ojll LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF ^Accession Class 3 T 5 Madison av. A Ibany N. Y. _ v >m Melvil Dewe^Jj) some personal friends Soon after^tne American library association and Library journal were started in 1876, seeing the need of long continued and hard work on the part of those giving their lives to impor- tant undertakings, I became convinced that one of the greatest problems in our new field was to find a way to get most health and strength for the coming year's work from the summer out- ing, which seldom gave wholly satisfactory results for time and money spent. This problem confronts every one who wishes to accomplish the greatest practical results in any field. Mrs Dewey and I believe that we have found a solution in the club started by us in 1895, the permanence of which is now assured, as its last is by far its most successful season. We have studied the question from the first, not as a summer diver- sion, but as one of the most serious of modern life, deserving our best thought and effort, believing that as great a service can be rendered to the public in this way as by founding a new library or school. We take great pride in what is already accomplished and wish our personal friends to know more of it, and are therefore rlnh handbook to those .who we PIT aojli Lake Placid Club Organized 1895 IVlorningside Moose Island. Adirondack: Lodge 4 Heart of the Adirondacks ' HANDBOOK >.. MORNINGSIDE N. Y. Spelling Simplified spellings used are recommended by the English philological society and the American philological association including the leading language scholars of Oxford, Cambridge and the American universities, also by the latest and most authori- tativ dictionaries. The full list is in the body of the Standard, appended to the Cen- tury and prefixt to Webster. CONTENTS Circular Object Not a hotel Distinctly features Location Plant Annual improvements Golf and athletics Boating Canoe club Cooperation 5 5 5 7 q 9 10 ii 12 12 12 Method and effect of coopera- tion 14 Economy 15 Membership 17 Engaging rooms 1 7 Prices 18 Invariable prices 19 Half rates 19 Staff 20 Season 20 Postoffice address 20 Distinctiv features 21 Who ought not to come 21 What the club does not have 2 1 Sensationalism 21 Display 22 Elaborate menu 22 Late hours 22 Objectionable guests 22 Objectionable outsiders 23 Variable prices 23 Transients 23 What the club does have 23 Location 23 Estate 25 Buildings 25 Fire protection 25 Fire escapes 26 Accidents 26 Sanitation 26 Furniture 26 Cleanliness 27 Comforts and conveniences Health Tea room Suites Freedom of choice Amusements Libraries Health menu Lake Placid club specialties Report and announcements to members 1900 37 Improvements for 1900 38 Superintendent 38 Table 38 Laundry 39 Office ' 39 Change of name 39 New rules on i Firearms 39 2 Use vs abuse of property 39 3 Freedom vs license 40 4 Smoking 40 5 Music 40 6 Dancing 4O 7 Evening noise 40 8 Builders' noise 40 Children 40 Tutors 41 Physicians and nurses 41 Library 41 Photografs 42 Museum and zoo 42 Gifts 43 Clubhouse 43 Tents 43 Gambrels 43 Piazzas 44 Hot water heat 44 Suites and private baths 45 Fire protection 45 Golf 45 Rowing, sailing and paddling 46 Bathing and swimming 46 CONTENTS Canoe club 46 Tents 9 1 ^ Regattas, races and tourna- Adirondack Lodge 93 ments 47 Club specialties 97 Driving 47 Plousekeeping 97 Forest courts 47 Suites 97 Excursions 47 Suite list 99 Indoor amusements 48 Rented only as a whole 99 Estate 48 Furniture 101 Electric power 48 Fireplaces 101 Roads 48 Terms 101 Flower garden 19 Engaging rooms 101 Mirror Lake inn 49 Prices 103 Farm 49 Extras 103 Shops 50 Special suites 103 Expenses 50 Invariable prices 105 New printed matter 5i Half rates 105 R Supplement to annual report 51 Season 105 Changes in Gambrels 52 Postoffice address 105 Floor plans and prices 53 Adirondack map 106 Lakeside clubhouse 55 Club map 107 Gambrels 59 House list 108 Balsams 63 Report and announcement to Baygrove 64 members 1901 141 Cabin 65 New buildings 142 Clematis 65 Housekeeping 142 Golden 65 Estate 143 Eastgate 65 Farms 143 Edgehill 65 Maple sugar 143 Edgewater 66 Brookwood spring 143 Fernwood (Nook) 72 Improvements 143 Forest 67 Golf 144 Garden 69 Boating 145 Hillside 70 Swimming school 145 Nook (Fernwood) 72 Driving 145 Northgate 73 Climbing 146 North lakehouse 75 B'orest courts 146 Orchard 76 Music 146 Outlook 77 Library 146 Pines 79 Kindergarten 147 Pine lodge 80 Traind nurses I47 Seven Gables 82 New publications 147 Sunnyside 85 Photografy 147 Theanoguen 86 Photografs 147 Wayside 86 Half tones 147 Westside lakehouse 87 Calendars and blotters 147 Winona 88 Oil sketches 148 Woodbine 89 Engagement of rooms 148 Woodside lodge 90 Finances 148 87143 LAKE PLACID CLUB Method and effect of cooper- ation 149 Club bonds 150 Membership 151 Introductions 151 Associates 151 Members 151 Life members 152 Honorary members 152 Council 152 Organization 153 Introductions 153 Reference letter 154 Early and late visits 155 Amusements and environment 157 Club specialty, attractiv out- door recreations 159 Location 160 Club estate ' 162 Club map 164 Morningside woods and groves 165 Equipment 165 Children's amusements 165 Outdoor amusements 166 Maps 1 66 Adirondack Lodge 167 Moose island 169 Overlook 1 70 West hights 171 Protection of grounds and woods 171 Picnic debris 171 Departments 171 Walks 172 Check list of 49 short walks 172 Mountain climbing 176 Guides 177 Check list of 90 mountains within 15 miles 178 Check list of 147 lakes, passes, falls, within 15 miles 180 Cycling 185 Cooperation 185 Driving 185 Saddle horses 188 Driving equipment 188 Check list of 84 drives, dis- tances and prices 189 Prices by week or month 193 Board 193 Transfers 193 Athletic club 194 Subclubs 194 Track and team athletics 195 Forest courts 195 Tennis 196 Tether tennis 196 Roque and croquet 196 Other outdoor sports 196 Athletic supplies 196 Rent of clubs, balls, etc. 197 Athletic field 197 Athletic instruction 197 Swimming school 198 Bathing 198 Boating and bathing acci- dents 199 Boating 199 Regattas, races and tourna- ments 200 Excursions 201 Bowling 201 Lake and cathedral fires 201 Float nights 202 Golf 202 Caddies 205 Indoor amusements 205 Libraries 205 Addresses 206 Entertainments 207 Music 208 Dancing 208 Dramatics 208 Shuffleboard 209 Photografy 209 Museum 209 Gifts 210 210 210 Bird lessons 210 How to -reduce living expenses at the club 213 What adds to cost of rooms 215 Annual dues of members and associates 217 Hay fever exemption 219 Club printed matter 220 Index 221 Kindergarten Tutors Clubhouse 1899 Circular The Lake Placid Club is not open to the public, but has ample accommodations for more than its present membership, and to keep cooperativ cost at the limit fixt, wishes all its rooms occupied as fast as it finds thuroly congenial people. It increases its numbers only on personal invita- tions by members to those who would add to the at- tractions of the club home at Morningside. This circular is to send as a suggestion for the summer to such friends, who if interested can get fuller information described on p. 20. Object. Cooperation among congenial people secures the privileges of an ideal summer home in ideal surroundings. It is organized and administerd solely to give the greatest possible new health and strength for the coming year for time and money spent to secure 7 things: health, comfort and con- venience, quiet and rest, congenial companionship, attractiv recreations, beautiful natural surroundings, and as moderate living expenses as is consistent with high standards in each of the above chief aims. For the unusual advantages secured by 7 years of earnest, skilful, conscientious work and liberal expenditure see these heads in the Handbook. Not a hotel. The club is a cooperativ summer home of a large number of congenial people. Having no transient guests, it differs as much from the atmosphere, spirit and management of a hotel as a refined private home differs from a conventional boarding house. The table and houses are in charge of ac- knowledged experts in domestic science who have a fixt salary Spelling. Simplified spellings used are recommended by the English philological society and the American philologcial association including the leading language scholars of Oxford, Cambridge and the American univer- sities, also by the latest and most authoritativ dictionaries, which give the full list in the body of the Standard, appended to the Century and prefixt to Webster. LAKE PLACID CLUB North end of Morningside from Westwood with no direct interest in receipts. The club plans are shaped by prominent workers in the new science of home economics, who hold their annual conferences at the club. A leading pur- pose is to show practically that the most attractiv home and table may also in the highest degree illustrate the teaching of modern science as to health and home comforts. It is no place for display. It believes in early hours, informality and simplicity . It hopes to be proof against all inroads of mere fashion. Whiteface from road east of club CIRCULAR Forest Distinctiv features. The club has clearly defined features which distinguish it from other clubs as well as from hotels. It has no bar or cigar stand, no gambling, stock ticker, partizan poli- tics, sensationalism or similar 'excitements,' no elaborate jewelry, toilets, display or fash- ion ; no pretentious menu ; no noise after 10 p. m. ; no consump- tivs or other guests against whom there is any reasonable moral, social, race or physical objection ; no beggars, tramps, pedlers, 4 entertainers ' or other solicitors, and no ' transients. ' Fees and tips are absolutely prohibited, as in all well managed clubs. It does have however better and stronger buildings, unusual protection against fire, drowning, and other acci- dents, with organized fire and lake patrol, sanitary precautions that are thuro in fact and not simply on paper, all waste daily car- ried 2 miles away, absolute cleanliness in and out of sight, .its own farms and gardens to maintain food supply standards, a tea room open day and even- ing for light refreshments, 3 libraries of over 1000 carefully chosen volumes and 20 current periodicals, largest variety of attractiv High falls, Wilmington road LAKE PLACID CLUB Club landing, St Eustace church, Mirror lake and healthful outdoor and indoor recreations, a ' health menu ' including all the most approved special foods and preparations. The great reputation is for the table, which is not that of a hotel but of a private home able to command the best in every item. The chief distinctly feature is provision for freedom of choice to suit various individual tastes and needs. 28 tm West from Seven Gables piazza CIRCULAR The club is pland specially for: i) children and families; 2) the overwork! or convalescent needing special building up for the coming year's work; 3) the athletic who wish the best possible opportunities and facilities for vigorous outdoor life. Its standard is sumd up in the rule of the trustees that every- thing affecting health must be done and every room built, furnisht and cared for to the last detail as conscientiously as if for a private owner's most delicate child. Location. The leading American authority on parks, after detaild personal inspection, said: 'It is the most attractiv location for such a private mountain park I have ever seen. I doubt if another can be found in America which combines in so small a space more attractions of moun- tain views, lakes and for- ests.' Lake Placid is gen- erally conceded to be most beautiful of the hundreds of attractiv, health-giving re- sorts in the great forest. The wonderful tonic properties of the air have given it world- wide fame as a haven for the tired and exhausted who wish to build up rapidly. Hay fever victims report it the safest refuge yet found. The Village improvement society year book, explaining its many remarkable advantages, can be had of the club secretary. Half tones 1 in this circular suggest nature's attractions about the club home. Plant. The club has 2500 acres of grounds, golf links, for- est, fields and farms on lakes Placid and Mirror and on 5 rivers, East and West outlets, Chub, Elba and Ausable, and numerous i Mounted carbon photographs may be had from the artist, C. D. Moses, Lake Placid, N. Y. or at the club: size A, 4 x 5 in. 300; B, 3 x 9 in. soc; C, 5 x 8 in. 6oc; D, 4 x loin. 6oc; E, 6} x 8> in - 75c; F, 8 x 10 in. $i ; pano- rama of Mirror lake ready for framing, mat 5 x 13 in. 6oc; 9 x 22 in. $2; 15 x 40 in. $7. Club road from station 10 LAKE PLACID CLUB mountain brooks. It has many groves and woods, with camp and picnic grounds, 3 water powers, engines, dynamo, 4 boilers, water works and city drainage system and railroad siding for club freight house and storage. It has new and completely equipt central clubhouse, with 5 public and 3 private dining rooms, 2 parlors, 3 libraries, writing rooms, 3 sun rooms, theater, card rooms, music and dancing room, ladies billiard, pool, writing and dressing rooms, barber shop and various other public rooms, and 67 private rooms including 13 suites with baths. There are 26 cottages and lodges of private rooms, with 17 free public and 25 pri- vate bathrooms, 10 tents, steam and hand laundries, -long and short golf links with 2 golf houses and library, livery and private stables with box stalls, 4 lakehouses, 6 boathouses, with motor launch and 80 row and sail boats including canoe house, library and 20 canoes, 31 free bath cabins, 3 farms, 3 gardens, central cold storage and 7 ice houses, carpenter, cabinet, paint, boat, metal working, plumbing, blacksmith and harness shops and other needed buildings. Steam boil- ers furnish ample hot water for the 42 baths and 67 lavatories, and over 100 hot water radiators make the central houses warm enough for the most delicate even in the coldest November weather. The club has in all over 80 buildings large and small on its 2500 acres, and provides rooms, meals, horses, boats, golf and other outdoor sports and indoor games and amusements and whatever else is found desirable and prac- ticable in such a vacation home. Annual improvements. Started in a small, tentativ way in 1895, the club has grown lo-fold in 5 years. Additions and improvements for 1899 were more than 3 previous years together. Those for 1900 were still more important. Work is Winona wood path CIRCULAR Peak of Whiteface i begun in the fall to insure entire freedom from noise and con- fusion of building operations after the season opens. Golf and athletics. The finest mountain views of the Adirondacks are from the club links, famous for their natural advantages but heretofore lacking costly improvements. 80 acres were added to the first 100 in 1899. The leading Scotch expert laid out both a 6-hole course of 1141 yards for ladies and beginners and a 9-hole course of 3178 yards, which he assures the club will be unexceld. Land was also bought for extending the 9 to 18 holes as soon as needed. The greens and lanes, water hazards and other improvements, including 2 com- modious golfhouses with separate rooms for men and women, library and writing tables, stone fireplace, kitchen, lockers, lav- atories and all needed conveniences have cost, with the land, over $20,000. The 8 Forest courts and athletic field provide for tennis, croquet, basket and hand ball, quoits, archery, baseball, roque, cricket, a bowling green and for other outdoor sports. All fences have been removed and no cattle are allowd on the 200 acres set apart for athletics. A boat landing is at the foot of the new road cut from lake to golfhouse, now reacht by carriage roads and bicycle and foot paths from 3 directions. 12 LAKE PLACID CLUB Lake P Boating. The club fleet of 80 small boats, now easily the best in the Adirondacks, includes 26 new boats made in the club shop and a large selection from the best Amer- ican makers of guide and row boats, skiffs, gigs, paddling, sailing, canvas and birch bark canoes, working, family, sail and other favorit small boats. Canoe club. The unusual safety of Mirror peculiarly adapts it to paddling and sail- ing canoes. The Morningside canoe club started in 1900 with 20 paddling or sailing canoes, nearly all new and including the best Spalding, St Lawrence, Canada, Peterboro, canvas and birch bark models. The new 2 story canoe house, 26 x 52, is specially fitted for comfort and convenience with balconies, dressing rooms, lockers, waiting room, repair shop and above the lake library with open fire. Cooperation. This club was devised as the practical and economical solution to one of the most perplexing problems of Club carry Placid to Mirr< CIRCULAR grounds from west side of Mirror lake modern life: how to get from the annual outing the most new strength and health for the coming year's work. Cooperation has solvd many other problems, and is specially adapted to this. Several essentials to a wholly satisfactory summer can be controld only by some organization among those of similar tastes and means: e. g. the house and the people admitted, beds, table, sanitary conditions, ample piazzas and grounds and various comforts, conveniences and amuse- ' There's iron in our northern winds Our pines are trees of healing' West from Pines piazza LAKE PLACID CLUB Seven Gables from Pine lodge ments. In nearly every summer resort something is so unsat- isfactory as to menace health or comfort or both and forbid a return. By well-administerd cooperation much of the waste of summer hotels can be avoided, and those wishing the same things can get them without paying for what they do not desire. Method and effect of cooperation. All receipts from table, kitchen, farms, gardens, service, laundries, livery, excur- sions, golf, athletics and other amusements, telegraph, post- office, barber shop, etc. are spent by the superintendent solely to give the most possible to members. No one desires financial profit from them. The larger they can be made each year the better the club will be for that year. The members furnish no capital and assume no risks of deficits. They pay a fixt price only enough to cover actual cost of maintenance and a reason- able rent for the use of the completely furnisht plant built and maintaind for this special use. The Lake Placid Co. is a cor- poration composed wholly of club members who own this plant and furnish needed capital and assume all risks and responsi- bilities and accept as interest on their investment the rent receivd from houses, rooms and boats. Members thus get the benefit of pure cooperation without the financial risks inevi- table if they ownd the costly plant, or the indefinitness if cost were not decided till the season accounts were balanced. Thru CIRCULAR 15 the advice of the council of representative members, standards and methods are made what the club as a whole prefers in its summer home. Economy. By our cooperativ plan, members get their summer outing without business or housekeeping cares or worry, and without investment or financial liability beyond the $10 annual fee. Experience shows that average cost would be one fifth more for similar accommodations at hotels, which lack the charm of a congenial club not open to the public. This saving is possible because : i Prices of meals, service, laundry, livery and amusements cover only cost of maintenance thus saving usual profits, e. g. the largest and finest private baths which bring $15 a week at hotels are only $7; apollinaris and sim- ilar waters sold at hotels at 4oc or 5oc for quarts and 25C for pints are only i5c and 25c; mes- senger service usu- ally i5C is 5C for each quarter hour. 2 Many things charged as extras at hotels are free at the club, e. g. hot and cold baths in 17 public bathrooms, excursion and picnic lunches, local, club and room tele- phones, 30 bath cab- ins, athletic fields, short golf course, 14 tennis and other courts, flowers, dark room, 20 periodicals, West Ausable river on east road from club 3 club libraries of i6 LAKE PLACID CLUB Between Mirror and Placid from Mt Whitney 1000 volumes and Lake Placid library of 1300. Paying its employees higher wages, it absolutely prohibits all fees and tips. 3 The heavy expenses of newspaper and agency advertising for guests each year are saved, as the club has in its members a permanent constituency wishing to bring or send desirable friends. This both secures agreeable companionship and because of larger numbers reduces average expenses, thus giving all better returns for the prices fixt. 4 The half rates for rooms, baths and boats early and late keep the houses full to a degree not possible in a hotel. 5 Members, whether they come every season or not, pay the annual fee of $10 till they resign. 200 members thus pay $2000 yearly, which helps meet expenses for that season. 6 Our skilful managers understand the rare art of main- taining without lavish expenditure the high standards desired by those seeking complete comfort and freedom from petty annoyances. Everything is bought at the lowest rates for cash, and waste, so serious in hotels, is reduced to a minimum by special efforts of the staff with the aid of the members, each of whom has a direct interest in every saving, as prices must be higher or quality poorer without such cooperation. CIRCULAR The Handbook explains how members can still farther reduce living expenses by building or leasing cottages or suites and owning their own furniture, boats and horses, and by com- plete or partial housekeeping with the privilege of buying from the club kitchen any supplies of food, cookt or uncookt. Total expenses, specially for families, can thus be made much lower than the charge for less desirable accommodations at hotels. Membership. No one is admitted to full membership till he has spent a season at the club as an associate or guest and knows that he is in cordial sympathy with its aims and methods. No one will be receivd as a member or guest against whom there can be any reasonable physical, social or race objection. This excludes absolutely all consumptivs or other invalids whose presence might en- danger health or modify freedom or enjoyment of others. This invariable rule is rigidly enforced. See circular I on intro- ductions. Engaging rooms. The club is not for transient guests but is a summer home for families, open only to members and their guests. Others may be admitted for a first visit only on introduction of 2 members or on ref- ciubhouse 189 8 erences approved by the trustees. Such guests may become associates for the current season by paying the $10 fee required of all members, and have the same privileges except the right to issue invitations and privilege cards. Rooms are not reservd for August unless as part of an engagement of 6 weeks or more, as it is manifestly unfair to turn out those wishing to spend the summer to make room for short visits at the most crowded season. Definit rooms maybe reservd for 4 weeks or more if wholly in the first or second i8 LAKE PLACID CLUB Cascade lake on southeast road from club half of the season; i. e. if the engagement ends by August 10, or begins not earlier than August 1 1 . Rooms reservd for shorter periods are subject to change if necessary to accommodate those engaging for the season or completing suites, the member moved being provided with other satisfactory quarters. Prices. Board and room in midseason is from $14 to $52.50 a week; before July 10 and after September 10, $12.25 to $31.50. These prices are made by charging meals and rooms separately. If 2 or more occupy one room it greatly reduces cost as no extra charge is made (except $i a week for care and laundry) if an extra bed is required. Meals are at actual cost: $1.50 a day; children under 12 and maids $i a day in the east and center dining rooms. The standard club rooms, B, are $1.50 and $2 a day. The smaller, or C rooms, none of which have open fires or other extras, are 5oc and $i a day. The choicest and largest, or A rooms with private baths, open fires, desks, study lamps, easy chairs, couches, bookcases or other extras are $3, $4 and $5 a day. Private baths are $i a day. There are no transient guests or prices. For convenience the full season price is divided into days. From this there is therefore no reduction except half rates on rooms, baths and CIRCULAR boats before July 10 and after September 16. The price of all rooms includes also privileges of the club and must cover not only care and maintenance of rooms but of the whole great estate and public rooms and various privileges free to all. (See p. 14 and 15.) There are rooms at 7 prices, from 5oc to $5 a day, for those who wish to economize closely as well as for those who wish every comfort and luxury. When price of rooms is combined with meals and other things charged at cost or entirely free total bills will be found much less than for similar accommodations in hotels. Circular^, Floor plans, shows size, exposure, windows, doors, closets, fires and price of each room, house and tent. Club's Moose island from Eagle's Eyrie, 300 acres Invariable prices. The common hotel practice of 'charg- ing as much as the case will bear' has never been allowd. Every room and every item of expense has its price plainly printed and this can be changed no more than the price of postage stamps. Each guest is thus sure of the most favorable terms without the humiliation of 'bargaining. ' Half rates. To induce visits out of the crowded season, rooms, private baths and boats are only half price before July 10 and after September 10. 2O LAKE PLACID CLUB Staff. Mr Frank A. Craig, late of the Virginia Hot Springs and the Royal Ponciana, is superintendent. Miss Maria Daniell, late superintendent of the Boston School of housekeeping, is manager, and Mrs Kate M. Jones of Paul Smith's and the Mirror Lake hotel, is housekeeper. Season. Midseason with full staff in all departments is from July 10 to September 10. The club is open from June i to November i, or 5 months each year, with as large a staff and such service as the number of members in residence warrants. Postoffice address. From June i to Nov. i Lake Placid Club, Morningside, Essex co. N. Y. ; the rest of the year, Mrs Melvil Dewey, Secretary, 315 Madison av. Albany, N. Y. The club issues various circulars and gladly sends informa- tion to those interested, but to avoid mistakes as to what is wanted initial in list below should be used in writing for it. O Briefest outline of objects and methods. 16 pages. C 48 page descriptiv circular with 20 half tones. D Distinctiv features differentiating the club from hotels. 32p. A Amusements, recreations, cost. Boating, golf, athletics, etc. F Floor plans and complete price lists. Views of cottages. Hf Hay fever immunity. M Members and guests, partial list. P Half tone pictures. I Introductions. S Club specialties. R Annual report and announcements to members. H Large, illustrated, indext handbook, including all preceding. V Village improvement society year book on Lake Placid as a summer home. Location, climate and all details. Whiteface from club s Moose island Distinct! v fea.tt.ires The large scale of the club estate, buildings and conve- niences makes it necessary to increase its present membership in order to pay expenses without raising fees or prices. The club is therefore glad to learn of new people in full sympathy with its distinctiv aims. Who ought not to come. The chief element of success in any social club is the members themselves. But we think it a positiv injury instead of a gain to grow by accepting members not in cordial sympathy with our distinctiv features. The fol- lowing frank statement is to prevent those from coming whose satisfaction is dependent on things which we do not care for and to whom the atmosphere of the club would not be con- genial. One visitor wrote to a friend that he had found ' a summer resort with 3 unabridged dictionaries and no bar or cigar stand. ' Some who have never made actual trial criticize the unusual club standards and hesitate to 'limit their freedom' by coming under its rules. But in fact there are no rules, except such as all cultivated families by common consent observe. Every one is free to do whatever he prefers as long as it does not interfere with the rights or comfort of other mem- bers. Those unwilling to accept this standard should not come to the club. What the club does not have The club is not a reformatory and annoys no guest as to purely personal matters not affecting others, but the atmosphere of the place is noticeably what parents prefer for their children during the formativ period. There is no bar or cigar stand, either public or private. No employee may use liquor or tobacco nor can either be sold anywhere on club property. Commodious piazzas and smoking rooms with open fires are provided for smokers, who as a courtesy to those who dislike smoke, refrain from smoking in parlors, libraries, ladies billiard and pool rooms or on ladies piazzas. Sensationalism. No gambling on even the smallest scale is allowd. There is no stock ticker or Wall street reports. The telegraph and telephone offices bulletin all important news D 5 oP 3 3Myo 22 LAKE PLACID CLUB as it comes in, but horse racing, prize fighting, speculation, partizan politics and similar city ' excitements ' are kept as much as possible in the background. Display. There is no respect for mere fashion. Elaborate toilets and jewelry are recognized as entirely out of place. There is no elaborately carvd, upholsterd or otherwise costly furniture, except that beds and mattresses are of the highest grade, chairs the most comfortable, plumbing and drainage the safest that our sanitary experts can provide. We believe every- thing fancy or extravagant out of place in an Adirondack home, and spend no money for display. Hard wood floors and rugs, as necessary for the highest standards of healthfulness, are used to the exclusion of carpets. Elaborate menu. Our menu is much shorter than that of pretentious hotels. Each article is the best of its kind obtain- able, as is the cooking, but table and service are that of a private home, not of restaurant or hotel. Meals are charged to members at actual cost, $1.50 a day. Those coming from high priced hotels often express a strong preference for the simpler club table, regardless of its lower price. It aims, and experts say successfully, to exemplify the best teachings of science as to foods and their healthful and attractiv preparation. Some object to being fed scientifically because they like ' good liv- ing. ' After a season at the club however they agree uniformly that they have never been at a more appetizing table, and have never been so free from the many disorders due to the defectiv quality, condition or preparation of food. The club linen, china and excellent but unpretentious service, its system of 5 smaller and 3 private dining rooms instead of the usual great hall with its noise and confusion, and chiefly the fame of its higher standards of food supplies and healthful home cooking are giving its table a reputation second to none. Late hours. After 10 p. m. there is no music, dancing or other amusements or noise which might disturb those retiring early. Still it is not a sanitarium. Members may sit up all night if they do not disturb those to whom the club promises entire quiet from 10 p. m. to 8 a. m. Objectionable guests. No person is admitted as member or guest against whom there is any reasonable social, moral, DISTINCTIV FEATURES 23 race or physical objection. This excludes absolutely all con- sumptivs or other invalids whose presence might injure the health or modify the freedom or enjoyment of others. It is useless for any sufferer from tuberculosis, epilepsy, inebriety or any contagious or offensiv disease to hope for an exception in his case because of influential friends or by paying higher prices. The trustees leave the superintendent no discretion to waive or ignore their invariable rule. If thru possible misunderstanding any such guest arrives at the club, he must leave at once, as the rule will be enforced whatever the cost or annoyance. How- ever much they regret any hardship to individuals, the trustees' first duty is to keep their pledge to members of absolute freedom from such strain on sympathies or from danger to the suscep- tible of possible contagion, either physical or moral, however remote. Objectionable outsiders. No beggars, tramps, intoxi- cated or disorderly persons are allowd on the grounds, and no pedlers, agents or alleged * entertainers ' unless by permission of the committee appointed to protect against the undesirable solicitations which so annoy those seeking summer rest. Variable prices. The common hotel practice of 'charging as much as the case will bear' has never been allowd. Every room and every item of expense has its price plainly printed and this can be changed no more than the price of postage stamps. Each guest is thus sure of the most favorable terms without the humiliation of 'bargaining.' Transients. The club is not a hotel, does not advertise, and is not open except to its members and invited guests. There are no ' transients.' No person is admitted for even a single day for whom there have not been trustworthy introductions. Presence at the club is thus in itself a voucher of character. What the club does have Location. It has the choicest location in the acknowledged choicest section of the entire Adirondacks, the great forest rec- ognized more widely each year as unsurpast in all America as a summer home for either health or natural beauties. DISTINCTIV FEATURES 25 Estate. Instead of the mere huge box filled with rooms, of which many summer resorts consist, it has 2500 acres of forest, fields and farms carefully selected for this special club use after long study by acknowledged experts. These lie on both shores of 2 lakes, Placid and Mirror; of 5 rivers, East and West outlets, Chub, Elba and Ausable, and of a score of mountain brooks. It includes virgin forests and cultivated fields, woods, groves, mountains, hills, plains, valleys, ravines, glades, dingles, great rocks, high outlooks and secluded nooks, in fact almost every natural Adirondack feature at its best. This estate is treated as a private park, the forest characteristics being preservd and artificial additions avoided. Miles of ugly fence have been removed, and miles of private roads, paths and trails built. The most casual visitor to the region notices at once the charm of the grounds and their treatment. Buildings. Its 80 buildings, large and small, have been specially built or remodeld for its use. Every detail has been most carefully studied to secure safety, health and comfort. In meeting these standards 62 buildings were torn down in the first 5 years. In place of the flimsy structures so common in 4 wilderness hotels ' we have more solid foundations, heavier timbers and extra bracing to secure full protection against the severe mountain storms and any possible extra load. Fire protection. Instead of cheap chimneys with danger- ous stovepipes, our chimneys run to solid foundations, are lined thruout with fireproof flues, which give better draft and protect against sparks working thru cracks where frost or wind has loosend mortar. All fireplaces and open fires have the best close-fitting spark guards. The ordinary zinc or iron protec- tion against heat is made doubly safe by free use of asbestos behind it. There are no elevators with their dangerous shafts to carry fire. Spark arresters protect chimney tops, and chemical fire extinguishers are at every needed point. A 5 0,000 gallon fire tank was added in 1900 with 120 ft head so that the many hose lines throw water far above the highest building. Every practicable precaution is taken against the great possible danger in wood buildings. In addition a careful fire patrol is maintaind thruout the night. The club has never had a fire or serious accident and expects to maintain its record inviolate. 26 LAKE PLACID CLUB Fire escapes. The buildings are all low, Clubhouse, Forest, Northgate and laundry being the only ones with a 3d floor. Most rooms have 2 or more ways of egress, many of them over the upper verandas and balconies, for which the club is famous. Connecting doors are provided for emergencies at many points, and wherever necessary the most practicable fire escapes, usable by ladies or children, will also be provided. Accidents. Similar pains are taken to prevent accidents, specially on the water. On opposit sides of the narrow lake careful men are on duty with life preservers and lines and fast boats ready for instant use. In every case these boats have reacht persons in danger so quickly that they had only a wetting instead of the serious results probable had there been no lake patrol. Any horse, harness, saddle or carriage found defectiv or worn so as to fall below our high standard is with- drawn promptly from the livery and any driver found careless is discharged. Sanitation. In disposing of surface water, drainage and other waste, ventilation of cellars, attics and rooms, similar care is exercised. Stone walls laid in Portland cement deflect water which might get under houses and make them damp. No wood is allowd to touch the earth where it will rot. In building, the shavings and dirt are carefully removed instead of being coverd under flooring and between joists and studs where they would make a fire trap or nest for mice or insects. No tobacco chewer is employd, to cover up tobacco juice under floors. There are no cesspools, dump heaps or back doors on Morningside. The waste 4s carefully taken 2 miles away each night. Complete city drainage is kept in perfect repair under supervision of the most skilful experts. Everything affecting health is done and every room is built to the last detail as care- fully and conscientiously as if for a private owner's most delicate child. Furniture. The club prides itself on avoiding elaborate or needlessly costly furniture and spends little for mere ' appear- ance,' but it does spend much more than hotels in securing comforts and conveniences. There are plenty of bureaus, chiffoniers, rugs, reading lamps, easy chairs, couches, hassocks, hammocks, bookcases, study tables, desks and cases with draw- DISTINCTIV FEATURES 27 ers that do not stick. If accidents happen, the club's own cabinet-maker, carpenter, plumber or painter, living on the grounds, can be calld by telephone and repairs made at once. Cleanliness. This essential part of health is specially en- forced for everything pertaining to the table and food supplies. We have our own farms and gardens, and thus secure a fresh- ness and neatness impossible where market vegetables and other supplies are * pickt up ' by pedlers and brought in to supply 'city folks,' who would never eat them if they once saw the condition of the place from which they came. Our own shops for all repairs and new buildings insure conscientious ob- servance of the rules for cleanliness and safety, which could never be enforced if the club were dependent on contractors and outside workmen. Comforts and conveniences. Each year the comment is more common that the details which make life 'comfortable ' are more closely studied here than has been known before. The usual conveniences of the best hotels are in the house : Postal and Western Union telegraph offices, long distance telephone to all points, local lines to the neighboring villages, and the club system connecting the various buildings and the higher grade rooms, barber, hot and cold water at every turn, hot water radiators for cool days, electric bells, etc. The club has also a messenger service at nominal charge ($c for each quarter hour). Health. Instead of the traditional proprietor studying where he can reduce expenses without being detected in lower- ing the quality, the club was founded, built and is still ownd and absolutely controld by those who live there with their families. The superintendent has orders to be care- ful to maintain the highest standards of health, in every detail for every room and guest, as if it were all for the largest share- holder's own family. It is common fame among plumbers and other workmen that nowhere else are so high standards enforced. Tea room. This has been built for 1900 to acommodate those who are building up strength after overwork or illness, under orders to take certain light foods at frequent intervals, those who chance to be away at regular meal hours and those who would often be glad if without asking a special favor from DISTTNCTIV FEATURES 29 the kitchen they could order freely some light refreshments, such as tea, chocolate, cocoa, cereal or malted milk, bouillon, biscuits, cake, sandwiches, lemonade, mineral waters, ice cream and sherbet. This service, so far as practicable, will be avail- able for private rooms, for the Winona Wood piazza, lakehouse, smokery, lake library and canoe club as well as in the private dining room in Gambrels set apart for this purpose. Suites. The club is built for families and consists largely of suites with parlor (usable as bedroom if wisht) i to 5 rooms, open fire and private bath. These suites are often divided by 2 or more small parties wishing to be together, but the club is in fact not mere barracks of hotel rooms full of 'transients' but a collection of families enjoying home table and comforts at a minimum of cost and trouble. Freedom of choice. The club does not try to force each guest to use what the superintendent and trustees prefer, but follows the club rule of individual freedom in selection. Choice is offerd of single, two thirds or double iron, wood, folding, mantel or divan beds; upholsterd, box, Ideal, spiral, National or woven wire springs; hair or elastic felt mattresses ; hard or soft feather or hair pillows. In rooms or tents he can get any size from 5oc to $5, any exposure, dark or very light, i to 8 win- dows, in houses with no babies under 3 years, or in houses with no children under 12, or where there are no restrictions. He may be in the Clubhouse, or very near it, or at the * quiet end ' of the board or gravel walks. He may have a private dining room or table, or meals servd in his room ; have all meals at the club or provide some or all at his cottage. He may buy from the club kitchen food, cookt or uncookt, at cost of material and service, or is free to ship from home or buy of local deal- ers who will call for orders and deliver at his door. His laun- dry may be done by best Troy steam machinery or all by hand. He may have saddle horses, buckboards, buggies, surreys, 2-wheeld carts, mountain wagons, or luxurious Glens Falls car- riages; may hire or bring his own; may have drivers or, if experienced, drive himself. In boats the club has a much larger variety than any other resort. Its 80 boats include over 20 different models and sizes so that every taste in small craft can be satisfied. There are stone, brick and iron fireplaces, wood, 30 LAKE PLACID CLUB coal and oil stoves, hot water and steam radiators and in 1901 electric radiators are expected to be available from the club's new power. Houses are built so as to give sun or shade, breeze or shelter, as days and moods may vary. The chief distinctiv feature of the club is this provision for varying tastes and needs of different individuals. Amusements. The special circular A shows that the club with its long and short golf courses, the 14 courts, athletic fields and ball ground, 80 boats, canoe club and house, 3 bowling alleys, billiard and pool rooms and various other features offers a greater variety of attractiv and healthful outdoor and indoor recreations than any public hotel. Libraries. The club has 1000 of the choicest recent books, including a special golf and outdoor library, takes 20 of the leading periodicals, and pays by the year so that every member and guest has free use of the Lake Placid library which is across the lake within 5 minutes of Clubhouse. Besides the library in the main house there is the lake library over the water 31x62 feet, two thirds of the sides open in fair weather, all inclosed in glass for storms, with open fires for cold days. The golf library adjoining the golf house is about the same size and has similar provisions. Health menu. In addition to the regular menu the club makes a specialty of keeping on hand a large number of the modern preparations approved by physicians as specially health- ful in certain cases of indigestion, overwork or other conditions where exactly the right food has been found better than any possible medicine. These include malted and cereal milk, granum, grape nuts, shredded wheat, rice flakes, granula, Uvada grape extracts, cereal coffee, cocoa shells, etc. Equal pains are taken with improved preparations of standard articles which will make them either more appetizing or more easily digested. The club nicknames are significant: ' Piazza ' club because of the lavish provision of piazzas, verandas and balconies with comfortable seats for lounging chairs and hammocks;** 'Nookery, ' because there are so many cosy corners and card rooms where The piazza frontage is 7296 feet, or about i> miles, most of it 13, some over 30 feet wide ; over 4000 feet is roof t. DISTINCTIV FEATURES 31 little groups may gather by themselves, and * Amphibians ' be- cause as a hotel proprietor opposit said, ' those club people live half the time in the lake either swimming, rowing, paddling or sailing. ' The convenient free bath cabins, swimming school and sandy beach, boathouses and docks and variety of boats lead peo- ple to use the lake lo-fold more than those at the average hotel. The distinctiv features of the club are so numerous that one must read its various publications to understand them, specially circular S on Lake Placid club specialties, and A on Amuse- ments. Lake Placid Club specialties FOR CHILDREN, THE ATHLETIC AND THE OVERWORKT The club's peculiar organization or management either excludes or does not attract certain people but it has succeeded in making a summer home at once specially adapted to each of 4 distinct classes whose needs have been tho't so different as to preclude their being supplied in any one place. Families preferring to be together often separate because they can not find a resort suited to 2 or more of these 4 groups. 1 Children who must have ample opportunity to romp, play and make just the noise that makes life miserable for those seeking quiet. 2 Athletic men, women and children whose chief need is abundant attractions and facilities for vigorous outdoor life. 3 The overworkt, nervously exhausted, convalescent and others needing the greatest quiet and rest with freedom from the iisual annoyances of summer resorts. 4 Those caring most for social life and indoor amusements, music, dancing, tableaus, theatricals, afternoon teas, billiards, pool, cards, chess and numberless evening pastimes. The club recognizes that each of these features and amuse- ments is best for some of its members and makes ample pro- vision for all by using separate parts of its extensiv buildings and grounds so that no class shall annoy another. For the overworkt, juvenil and athletic classes provision is most unusual. Some in each class prefer camping out while others demand comforts and conveniences of city homes. For the first there' are tents where those wishing to sleep under canvas still have SPECIALTIES 33 the clubhouse at hand, and also camping outfits for those who wish to try roughing it with or without a guide in the primeval forest which is within walking distance on all 4 sides. For those who demand city comforts even in the wilderness there are houses, suites and rooms of which guests of ten remark that equal beds, baths and conveniences are often lacking in city homes or hotels. Prices for rooms or tents range from 5oc to $5 a day, thus meeting every reasonable requirement. For children there are special rooms, pavilion, playgrounds, beach, piazzas, * Squealery,' safe boats and bathing, bath cabins, pony cart, swings, seesaws, outdoor and indoor games and sports and constant study to deserv the name 'Children's paradise' given to the club 5 years ago. Without annoying adults the club by special efforts is making the ideal home for little people. One whole section of the clubhouse is for children, having a dining room with brick fireplace and radiators and a sun room 35x26, equipt specially for them and heated for cool days. For the athletic there are mountain, forest and lake camp- ing, climbing, walking, cycling, driving, riding, fishing, boat- ing, bathing, long and short course golf, tennis, croquet, base, basket and hand ball, cricket, quoits, archery, bowling and other athletic games, sports, races, regattas and tournaments. The club however not only has no game preserv, but pro- hibits discharge of firearms anywhere on its 2500 acres except at targets in a retired place, set apart with every precaution against accidents from chance shots. Children are encouraged to hunt small game with telescopes, which with microscopes the office lends free, and to cultivate the friendship of birds and 4-footed friends instead of killing them. Members wishing to hunt leave the club woods to those who enjoy them doubly because of their entire freedom from nimrods whose careless- ness in recent years has cost so many lives. For those needing quiet and careful building up, there are hundreds of delightful secluded nooks on the club's own 2500 acres where they may * invite their souls and loaf ; houses to which no children are admitted ; absolute quiet about buildings after 10 p. m. ; a table in charge of a recognized authority on dietaries who wins from those with troublesome stomachs the praise * most appetizing table with least indigestion we have 34 LAKE PLACID CLUB found'; library and reading rooms with the best periodicals and reference books and a large and choice collection of the most restful, entertaining and readable literature. In short, by con- stant consideration of their needs without intrusion of the subject, the club gives the overworkt most of the advantages without the depressing influences of even the best sanitariums. For social life and indoor amusement the standard is that of a great private country house, and the fashionable, feverish frivolity of the typical summer hotel * season ' is avoided. Till 10 p. m. every physical and morally wholesome indoor amuse- ment is encouraged, and a steady effort is made to find better substitutes for much in hotel life to which careful parents object. Respect for the sabbath, early hours, and chiefly the people and atmosphere remind one constantly that the trustees aim to make the club not a summer hotel, but an ideal country home. Healthy tastes will find it equally adapted to those needing the greatest quiet and rest and to those whose overflowing vitality demands an attractiv 'something to do ' for 18 of the 24 hours. Thus it is at once a paradise for athletics, for children, for colle- gians and other young people seeking innocent amusements, for the overworkt wishing rest and quiet, and for entire families seeking summer homes where every member can surely find many things he most values in vacation. St Armancl Clubhouse Edgewater road From Forest looking: north Tahawus Clubhouse from Forest 1898 Golden Algonquin Iroquois From club golf links looking south - North from Westside club boathouse Between Overlook and Moose island, Lake Placid t Part of club grounds, from west side of Mirror Lake, 1895 Lake Placid east of Overlook Report and. annotancements to members At the close of the experimental half decade which the present trustees undertook to complete, every detail of the organization, methods and aims of the club has been carefully reviewd in the light of 5 years practical experience and of the suggestions and criticisms of members and others interested. Many students of the problems of the home and of improving health and increasing working capacity by the wisest use of the summer vacation and outdoor life in the best known climatic conditions, have been attracted by the original and promising experiments of the club, and we have had the benefit of their thought and study and of much useful experiment and experience. It is most encouraging for the future to find practical unanimity on nearly every important question submitted for decision. Comparison of the members Handbook for 1900 with previous issues will show that the revision follows closely the original plan and spirit of that of 1895, changes being almost wholly in carrying out those ideas and ideals more fully as the growth of the club makes such development more desirable and practicable. Many improvements pland from the first have been postponed till the rapidly growing numbers yielded a sufficient income to meet their cost. Others have waited till the right persons could be found to carry them out. Others are still waiting, but the actual progress during the 5 years has been greater than was thought possible in 1895. We have endured patiently many things which we wisht otherwise because the steady growth toward our ideals was as rapid as could be hoped. Without formal votes we have learnd from this experience and from scores of conferences with leading members what is preferd by most of the families who spend their summers at the club. 1900 will .show markt progress toward attaining these ideals. R2 7 N 2 Mro 38 LAKE PLACID CLUB Improvements for 1900 Superintendent. The club has been for 2 years too large to be satisfactorily administerd without the entire time for 6 months of each year of an expert familiar with every detail of the work and methods of the best managed summer and winter resorts, We have sought long for a man who had this needed technical knowledge and experience and who would also appreciate that the club would be largely ruind for most of its members if it were carried on by the people and methods and with the standards and traditions of the mere summer hotel. We found this unusual combination in Mr Frank A. Craig, who was associated with Mr C. E. Martin in the administration of the Mirror Lake hotel at Lake Placid during the entire period when it won its deservd eminence among the best managed of the great Adirondack houses. Since this was burnd in 1894 Mr Craig has been associated with the well known leader in such work, Mr Fred Sterry, manager of the world famous Virginia Hot Springs and also of the Royal Pon- ciana and of the Palm Beach inn in Florida. This experience, with his summers at the BrynMawr near Philadelphia, has given Mr Craig the best possible training for our work, in the peculiar character of which he feels keen personal faith and en- thusiasm. He took charge of the club property at the close of the '99 season and will return from Virginia Hot Springs and be at Morningside from May i to November i in full charge of the current administration of the club. With a com- petent staff of his own selection, which includes those found most efficient in previous years, he will be responsible that all work is done promptly, satisfactorily and without waste and that all reasonable demands of members are courteously met. Table. Miss Daniell has been given the farther additions and improvements she askt in the effort to make an ideal kitchen and to maintain and improve on the high standards of the table. Besides the cold room in the house and the large cold storage building adjoining the central ice house, a new store room 26x35 f eet h as been excavated back of the kitchen. More room has been gaind for the ranges and cellars, and important new equipment added. Sup't Craig cordially sup- ports Miss Daniell in maintaining fully the peculiar standards REPORT FOR I QOO 39 set by the club for its table, which will, at whatever cost, be held at the highest point of healthfulness. Laundry. Both work and workers are moved from the club grounds to one large new steam laundry, 40x100 feet, just across the lake. This, in charge of an expert head laundress, is fully equipt with the best Troy machinery and steam dry- rooms. It has complete housekeeping facilities and 30 rooms for the laundresses. Either hand or machine work as preferd is done promptly at reasonable prices. Smoke, dirt and noise are avoided by having the So-horse power boilers and engines in a separate building. The laundry wagon's regular trips to the club make it as convenient as before, while our grounds are freed from the chief element that mard their beauty. Office. The club has been made a U. S. postoffice under the name Morningside, Essex county, N. Y. It has 4 mails daily, Western union and Postal telegraph offices, long distance and local telephone lines, besides a club telephone system con- necting the various buildings on both sides the lake. Exact astronomic time is receivd at noon daily. All A rooms in Clubhouse and Gambrels are connected by electric bells and this system or the local telephone can be extended at small cost to any cottage or tent. Change of name. With the new postoffice address we found most members wisht to keep Lake Placid in the address without awkward repetition. The vote was 4 to i in favor of Lake Placid Club, Morningside, N. Y. The word Park is omitted, and while Lake is prefixt, the common name will continue as from the first, Placid Club. New rules. After consultation, these new rules have been adopted as desired by most members. 1 Firearms. No firearms may be discharged on club grounds except at targets in places assignd, with every pre- caution against accidents. 2 Use vs abuse of property. Club furniture and other property is substantial and for use and enjoyment, not a burden to be cared for, but any abuse or injury beyond reasonable wear and tear, whether by child or adult, will be charged to the person responsible. If children or heedless adults leave books, 40 LAKE PLACID CLUB cushions or furniture exposed to the weather, they must pay the damage. 3 Freedom vs license. We encourage unconventional outdoor country life with the greatest freedom consistent with the rights of others. If in abounding spirits some are betrayd into anything so boisterous or unusual as to discredit the club's good name, the superintendent has orders to exercise needed restraint. 4 Smoking". Commodious piazzas and smoking rooms with open fires are provided for smokers, who as a courtesy to those who dislike smoke, refrain wholly from smoking in the parlors or libraries or on ladies' piazzas. 5 Music. Musical instruments may be playd in the music room, center, all lakehouses, 2 golfhouses and on piazzas, but not in parlors, library, office or private rooms or between 10 p. m. and 8 a. m. or during the afternoon * quiet hour.' 6 Dancing. Music for dancing will be f urnisht twice a week during midseason, from 8 to 10 p. m. in the music room. 7 Evening noise. The pianos will be closed and all noise that would disturb sleepers stopt promptly at 10 p. m. 8 Builders' noise. No building or workmen's noise will be allowd under any circumstances during midseason. All con- tracts will require completion by June i, and unless by special permission for emergencies no noisy work will be allowd except between October i and June i. Children. A stone dock 50x150 feet, coverd with clean sand, has been built on the children's beach as a playground so that hereafter their play will not disturb the adults' piazzas or public rooms. A children's pavilion, 26x35, has been built on the east, and beyond it swings, tent and rooms for playthings, tools, etc. at the edge of the beautiful grove, giving so much better facilities that neither children nor parents will object to strict enforcement of the house rules necessary to protect those who come for unusual quiet. This is the new 'Squealery,' the old one having proved too far from the clubhouse and children's dining room. The best juvenil books and periodicals will be added to the club library. As demand warrants, a traind kindergartner will at $i to $2 a week take entire charge of children a part of each REPORT FOR 1900 41 day in the suitable room completed for this use. Nature study under skild guidance in the fields and woods is similarly offerd. We expect this experiment to prove attractiv to the children and a great relief to mothers. Prompt notice of a wish for such service should be sent. Tutors. For those fitting for college or having work to make up, there are 2 unusually successful teachers, Yale and Williams graduates. As much work as wisht can be done under the most favorable circumstances. Physicians and nurses. Our club is not a sanitarium but is now so large as to justify the maintenance of a model sick room for possible accidents or emergencies. Besides our expert city physician and the best local nurse retained by the club, one or more experienced traind nurses from one of the best city hospitals will be available when needed. Rooms will be specially equipt as needed for her use with various appliances seldom to be had in the country and yet important for those who wish for the sick every comfort and aid to recovery. This new feature will be specially appreciated by those who hesitate to take children or others in delicate health where they are unlikely in case of accidents or illness to secure attendants, treatment and needed appliances equal to those at home. Library. Great need was felt in 1899 for 3 or 4 times as large a library. Changes for 1900 provide such a room, fitted with library tables, reading chairs and study lamps and kept strictly quiet. This, with 2 parlors on the dining room floor and the new office, center and music room on the ground floor, each having open fire and hot water heat, gives ample public rooms. The new library is to be not a mere collection of books and a room in which to read them, but a library in the modern broad sense including the club's whole intellectual life, literature, science, art, history and any lectures or allied work undertaken. It is not to start a summer school or bore people with efforts to * improve their minds, ' but to provide liberally for those who find in intellectual life their greatest rest and pleasure. For 1900 the library will contain over 1000 choice books carefully selected as best for club use, 20 leading periodi- cals, a reference library of the best general and special cyclo- 42 LAKE PLACID CLUB peclias, atlases, gazetteers, indexes and dictionaries of various subjects including- the leading languages, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin and Greek, besides of course the Cen- tury, Standard and Webster for English. There will be 10 of the best newspapers for general use in the library. Personal copies can be had at the office. Besides the library in the main house there is the lake library over the water, 31x62 feet, two thirds of the sides open in fair weather, all inclosed in glass for storms, with open fires for cold days. The golf library adjoining the golfhouse is about the same size and has similiar provisions. The club also makes an annual gift on condition that all its members may borrow from the Lake Placid public library of 1300 volumes, on the shore of the lake directly opposit. Other summer visitors pay an annual fee for this privilege. Photographs. A library specialty will be albums con- taining pictures by members. A copy of anything of interest, with suitable label and date, is earnestly askt. No other books will afford more entertainment in future years. The club's dark room with conveniences for developing is free to all members. Museum and zoo. With the club's own permanent library and a suitable room we start in 1900 a club museum and ask activ cooperation from members interested in both. We wish everything pertaining to the Placid section, books, pamphlets, clippings, photographs, objects of historic or scien- tific interest, specimens of the flora, fauna or minerals and rocks, in short anything of interest to those who love the beautiful natural surroundings which the club has chosen for its permanent home. While we prefer the specimens labeld and mounted, everything worth keeping will be properly cared for. Supplementing the museum we start in a small way, to be developt as interest and cooperation warrant, an aboretum with specimen trees labeld with scientific and popular names, a botanic garden for nativ wild flowers and plants, a zoo of living nativ animals, and an aquarium of nativ fish. The library will contain the best illustrated books on all these subjects, thus making the best opportunities for nature study. REPORT FOR 1900 43 We are much helpt in these new features by the fact that the state scientific officers have recognized the peculiar advan- tages of this township for lovers of nature who wish to study it at its best, and have had prepared by experts, bulletins with maps and illustrations on the geology, flora and fauna. All 3 can be had at the office. During each season as interest justifies there will be lectures or familiar talks illustrated by lantern slides for those wishing to know more of nature in the Placid region and to cultivate their outdoor tastes. Gifts. Members are specially askt to make gifts to this library and museum. Being so far from large libraries we shall gladly include in the permanent reference collection any books, pamphlets or other additions which one might want during a long summer at the club. Clubhouse. New windows make the north dining room lighter. The third story of the east wing has been changed into 2 large suites with an attractiv entrance hall. All domestics have been given rooms in their own new building and the kitchen stairs taken out, so that both floors above will be exclu- sivly for guests. Tents. 6 new wall tents (one with 5 rooms) have coverd piazzas and water and drainage near at hand, thus affording every convenience to those who prefer to sleep under canvas. Gambrels. The chief addition of 1900 will be Gam- brels, now well advanced. Other proposed buildings have been postponed for a year to guard against possible accident which might delay its completion before the club opens. With its i3-foot piazza, this covers 60x100 feet. It has gambrel roof, 20-foot round corner tower, piazzas 13 feet wide on first and second and 5 balconies on third and fourth stories. The 2 upper floors have 4 suites, each with parlor, open fire, private bath, rooft balcony and 2 or 3 bedrooms en suite. There are also toilet, linen room and 14 clothes closets. With hot water, electric bells, fine mountain and lake views and convenient location, these are our best suites and this is our best building. The second floor is much larger and better than the new south dining room, so much liked in 1899. It has the round tower corner in glass, a great stone fireplace, windows with beautiful 44 LAKE PLACID CLUB views, and balcony on all sides 13 feet wide and over 200 feet long-. This is open so that direct sunlight can be admitted at all times. The entire first floor is the music room and will be the Center or general gathering place, large enough for all. The stage on the office level with wings and anterooms is 30x60 feet. Going down 3 steps lower at the curtain line a floor 32x57 seats 300 people. East and west 6-foot folding doors make a continuous promenade 13 feet wide and 60 feet long on each of the 4 sides, completely encirc- ling the room. On the stage level are men's and women's dressing rooms needed for theatricals, concerts and other enter- tainments where costumes are changed, and also for daily use of those coming from cottages to the Clubhouse, which thus has for the first time a complete ladies toilet on the lower floor. At the new main entrance is a porte cochere, 17x17, with bal- cony seats on top overlooking the lake. Gambrels thus com- bines numerous markt conveniences and attractions. Piazzas. While only 14 bedrooms are added, the public piazza space has been increast in 1900 by over 7000 square feet. The new Gambrels has a 2 -story 13 -foot veranda on 4 sides This gives sun or shade, breeze or shelter as preferd. 2600 feet east and 1560 south piazza area added this year gives sun piazza facilities unequald in this section. There is also a sun room with 6 south and 6 west unshaded windows. By an ingenious device the west piazza in front of the 2 parlors and the library (13x50) can be inclosed in glass in 5 minutes in case of wind, driving rain or unusual cold. The much prized piazza life is thus available in all weather and except when needed the glass inclosure is not seen. Hot water heat. The clubhouse has been equipt with the most improved hot water heating system, thus preventing the otherwise inevitable discomforts of chilly mornings and nights in the mountains. There is no noise or dirt, and it admits that necessity for satisfactory summer use, slight heat under perfect control, an impossibility with steam. To this is added the charm of over 30 public and 40 private open fires so that every one can find in some convenient room a cheery blaze whenever the general outdoor heat does not forbid it. REPORT FOR 1900 45 30 of the best coal and air tight safety wood stoves are available for buildings not having radiators or open fires, so that the club now has over no separate fires. Suites and private baths. Attractiv suites have been added to Clubhouse, Forest, Northgate and Gambrels. In 1899 19 new baths were put in and 12 more are added for 1900. These all have the most sanitary plumbing, porcelain tubs, oval bowls with patent waste and siphon jet closets. Fire protection. 50 chemical extinguishers have been added to the protection of the hose lines, and a careful night watchman patrols the buildings every hour. Golf. Over $3000 has been spent on the 9-hole 3000- yard course. Much new work has been done under expert advice. Most of the putting greens were rebuilt and seeded last fall. The old course has been laid out in 6 holes. This will not be kept in as fine condition as the long course, but will be open free to all members, and appreciated by learners who wish to practise before attempting the regular course. The golf teacher will also have, as in 1899, the netted inclosure for special drill on positions and strokes. The long distance tele- phone lines which disfigured the links will be moved back of the woods by May i. The '99 golfhouse was supplemented in November by a second and larger one just south, with sliding doors and win- dows on the east and south, inclosing it in glass for chilly days without losing any of the wonderful mountain views that have made the first tee and home hole famous. There are large piazzas, a huge stone fireplace with adjoining room full of wood and kindling for cold days and evenings; a ladies room with toilet and a small kitchen with conveniences for after- noon teas or other simple refreshments. This gives space to enlarge the locker rooms for both men and women, and to increase the golf and outdoor library so much appreciated in 1899. This will include not only the best books and periodicals but also writing tables and stationery for those who prefer writing outdoors in this 'Golf library.' vSummer houses for shelter from sudden showers, with seats and drinking water, will be added near the water hazards, at Meadowbrook and on the knolls. A new trail has been 46 LAKE PLACID CLUB made from the golfhouses thru Lakewood to the golf boat landing, and platforms built for the convenience of those who come in carriages. Rowing, sailing and paddling. The club fleet of 80 row boats is well known as the best in the Adirondacks. Our own boat shop has been busy all winter building more of the finest guide and family boats. Over $500 has been spent on the lakes. Placid was drawn down several feet and the East bay in front of the club's i6o-acre Maple valley, was entirely cleard of logs, stumps and roots that made Placid's most beautiful bay almost inaccessible. Mirror was also drawn down, and over 100 blasts, with removal of fragments by men and horses, have made injury to boats over the 3 sunken islands impossible even at the lowest water. This costly but thoro work perfects Mirror for boating. The most fragil craft can go freely every- where at full speed without possibility of accident from rocks and snags, thus justifying the choice of Mirror as the best per- manent course for the annual Adirondack regatta. The new club landings for the 4 churches and the golf links and the 9 racks added to the south boathouse will be supplemented in May by the new north lakehouse doubling boat storage, docks and landing, and second story public lake library, balconies and 'smokery,' and on the lake level oar and cushion room with lockers, waiting room, and repair shop with experienced boat builder in charge. 100 feet away is the new children's dock, so the noise of little people playing at the lakehouses will no longer annoy adults. Round trip tickets on the Placid steamers Doris, Nereid and Ida have been reduced from 75 to 50 cents each. Bathing and swimming. The changes which have been made give the needed space for instruction in swimming for both children and adults, and also increase to 32 the number of free bath cabins, all supplied with Turkish bath towels. Canoe club. The unusual safety of Mirror peculiarly adapts it to paddling and sailing canoes. A Morningside canoe club will start in 1900 with the best fleet in the mountains of 20 paddling or sailing canoes, nearly all new and including the best Spalding, St Lawrence, Canada, Peterboro, canvas and birch bark models. The new canoe house is specially fitted for REPORT FOR IQOO 47 comfort and convenience with lockers, waiting room and repair shop. Regattas, races and tournaments. Besides the third annual Adirondack regatta the last of August, there will be frequent trial races between club houses and crews and a series of tournaments and field days to stimulate interest in the various outdoor games for which needed facilities have been so liberally provided. Members are askt to assist this movement to increase outdoor life by attracting nonparticipants to attend races, match games or tournaments. Driving. The new stable has been enlarged by box stalls and conveniences for those wishing to bring their own horses where they can have light, dry, well ventilated quarters in charge of responsible, experienced men. New horses, 2 and 3-seated Glens Falls buckboards, pony cart, excellent saddle horses and other improvements add to the much appreciated club stables. Forest courts. These 8 courts in a single group were built in November, north of the baseball and cricket grounds and the Forest hole of the short golf course at the intersection of Edgewood and Midwood roads. They lie east of Forest, on the trail from Seven Gables to Green- acre and the golfhouses. These give ample space for tennis, roque, basket or hand ball, croquet, quoits, lawn bowls, archery or any other games needing level turf or hard dirt courts. The east courts are shaded by Brookwood in the morning and the 4 west courts by Wayside wood in the afternoon, and the open knolls and fringes of forest trees make ideal places for seats and summer houses for those watching the games, or for protection from sudden showers. These with the Westside courts on the Mirror Lake inn property, bought last October, give 14 courts, all of which will be available as fast as needed, so that even in the crowded season there will be ample room for tournaments, matches or practice, for either experts or learners, thus affording unequald provision for the outdoor sports which the club specially aims to foster. Excursions. Complete camping outfits are lent to those wishing to camp, picnic or climb. Walking, cycling and out- door parties are encouraged by substantial lunches free to 48 LAKE PLACID CLUB those absent at meal times. The cycle room is not only for storage, but for cleaning- and repairs. Every reasonable and practicable effort is made to increase yearly the present high standard of outdoor life and exercise which adds so much to both health and happiness. Indoor amusements. Golf, boating, driving and riding and all outdoor sports have receivd unusual attention, but pro- vision has also been made for evenings and rainy days and for those who specially enjoy indoor recreations, and the new game room will contain facilities for all the best indoor games. The most important additions are ladies' billiard and pool tables. Photographers have a free room with the best facilities for developing, and the new music room, seating 300, with stage, curtains, dressing room, etc. provides accommodations for music, dramatics, tableaus, and entertainments for the Village improvement society or the churches. Estate. Besides the steady work in keeping up and im- proving grounds, special attention is given each year to some section, rendering it more attractiv and accessible by remov- ing dead trees, brush and waste and bringing it into the condi- tion recommended after personal examination by our expert landscape architects and foresters. This winter's work has been done on Maple valley, Moose island, Hillside farm, Meadow- brook, Lake Elba, Plains of Abraham, School St., Outlet valley and West hights. Over 3000 cords of stovewood were cut, not to secure wood, but wholly to improve the grounds. The road from Seven Gables to Moosewood has been widend, terraced and sodded and a lake path built in the trees at the water's edge clear to the lakehouse. On the west side markt improvements by cutting and grading have been made and a vista opend from the new Saranac road across the lake to Morningside. The shores have been greatly improved by tearing down the shabby Featherston and Forest boathouses and that greatest blemish on either lake, the 3-story Mirror Lake hotel stable. Klectric power. 2 expert hydraulic engineers find that on our Elba river, just south of the golf links (a section long wisht for, but only recently secured) we can develop 400 horse power or enough for 4000 electric lights. As soon as this is ready, probably not before 1901, it will give not only light but power for shops, heat for cottages and tents and the most perfect cooking science has yet discoverd. This will make possible many great conveniences of which the cost would have been prohibitiv had the current been bought. Roads. The first mile of Saranac road has been built including 2 bridges over the East and West rivers. This REPORT FOR IQOO 49 opens a beautiful woods drive thru Outlet valley to the fine views of West hights and to attractiv walks along the wooded shores of both outlets. It passes our new club water works and is only 20 minutes walk to Hillside farm. When the second half is done next year, this will be the most direct road to Sar- anac Lake, running 2 miles from Mirror Lake inn direct to the junction of the present north and south Saranac roads. Flower garden. For 1900 a garden has been assignd solely to flowers, free to members. Those having suggestions, or special seeds which they would like to have planted should send them promptly and the gardener will do as well as climate allows. Special plots of land will be assignd on request to any members who enjoy working over flowers of their own raising. Mirror Lake inn. The trustees in November secured the entire Mirror Lake hotel plant adjoining our Westside boathouse. This gives the much desired unbroken lake front from the Bramanlot, also bought in 1899, to the Westside boathouse, with groves, and tennis and croquet courts; the best steam laundry plant in the region; So-horse power boiler with two engines and 55o-light dynamo, all in perfect order ; a well equipt repair shop for water, steam and other pipes and metal work; 108 acres of land connecting West hights and Morningside and making possible our new and attractiv short road thru the woods and over the 3 rivers to the club farms. We get also- the com- plete water works. Two analyses by experts prove this water to be marvelously pure, and it is unlimited in quantity so that we shall have no farther restrictions on sprinkling dusty streets or any other free use of water. The 3-story stable on the lake side, the paint shops and old buildings have been removed, leaving only the 4-story annex, 40x100, with 30 bedrooms, boiler and engine house and large ice house. The old furniture, which of course the club would not use, has been sold, except that needed to equip the annex for the laundresses. Farm. Besides larger and better gardens at Morningside, we have now secured Hillside farm of 220 acres selected as best for the club. This is nearest the railroad station where it has a siding and ample storage for either inward or outward freight. It has the best farm house and buildings in the vicinity, is at the intersection of the North Elba, Saranac Lake and Averyville roads, and the Chub river runs thru it, giving facil- ities for raising ducks and geese. Recent discoveries show that very great danger to health lurks in milk, usually without the knowledge of the seller. We have adopted the only effectiv plan to secure complete protection by having on our own farm and under constant direct supervision a carefully selected herd of choice cows which will be inspected by experts at regular 50 LAKE PLACID CLUB intervals so that any taint can be promptly eradicated. The club's remarkably large consumption of cream and milk justi- fies this thoroness. Special attention will also be given to poul- try, sheep, small fruits, berries and gardens. The farm will be devoted solely to club use and will be steadily improved year by year with the purpose of making it a model of which the club will be proud. By the new Saranac road built last fall it is only 20 minutes walk from the Clubhouse and will be a favorit stroll for the children (who will be cordially welcome) who wish to see the farm animals and methods. Only by ownership of our own farm and shops can we be sure that the high standards agreed on are really maintaind and that every practicable pre- caution is taken for health and comfort. Shops. A large well equipt shop for steam, water and other pipes, metal and electric work, lumber and mason yard and sheds and our own siding on 2 acres adjoining the railroad station have been added this year. With these and improved carpenter, blacksmith, paint and boat shops, the club has now little occasion to go outside for needed facilities or workmen. The present complete equipment is a source of economy as well as a great convenience. Expenses. The past year has been markt by increasing prices in nearly all directions, estimated to be 15$ for club maintenance. In spite of this and the fact that most of the markt improvements for 1900 bring no direct return, prices are not increast. We rely on the larger number to divide the fixt charges so that members, instead of paying higher rates, will get more than last year for the same prices. Numerous rooms have been farther reduced in price, including all $1.25 to $i, all $3.50 to $3, all $4.50 to $4 and some 75C and $i to 50 and 75C a day. The larger private baths, priced at $1.50 and $2, have all been reduced to $i. Meals will be $10.50 a week, and $7 for maids and children under 12 in the east or family dining rooms. The discounts have been simplified. Instead of 10, 20, 25, 33 and 50$ formerly given on rooms outside 5 weeks of mid- season, the half rate is extended over 2^ months and applies to boats and private baths as well as rooms but the midseason on which there is no discount is extended to 2 months. This substitutes the 50$ for or abolishes all the smaller discounts. There will be no charge to members or guests at the club for excursion and picnic lunches, flowers, short golf course, 14 tennis, croquet and other courts, 30 bath cabins with Turkish towels, 30 periodicals, club library, Lake Placid public library, local and club telephones, use of not less than 17 complete bathrooms and trunk and bicycle storage. Many things are thus free at the club for which a charge is often made at hotels. REPORT FOR 1900 51 New printed matter. The 1900 Circular with new half tones will be ready in April. Members should send promptly any addresses to which they wish it maild, sending their own cards if they wish them inclosed. New floor plans now ready in the larger form include Gambrels and new cottages with half tones of exteriors. The distinctiv features of the club have led many to ask fuller information. The new handbook now printing (April 6) is very fully illustrated and indext and includes a concise history of the first 5 years, with full state- ment of the objects, methods, estate, buildings, equipment and expenses. Price 2$c. On application single copies will be maild free to any member or former visitor. Calendar blotters with half tones of Clubhouse and Lake Placid, for both club and home use of members, are ready in 4 sizes, postcard, note, commercial and letter. Maild free. R Supplement to annual report Since the report was printed in March the following changes and additions have been made for 1900. Open fires have been increast to 70, baths to 42, lavatories to 67 and hot water radi- ators to ioo. Ladies billiard and pool room has been bro't to the central clubhouse. New features are a tea room in the Gambrels open day and evening for light refreshments, a barber shop, new fire equipment with 120 ft head, 4 in. supply and 12 standpipe hose lines, doubling fire protection of corridors, telephones in A rooms, 5 baths in Seven Gables and 4 in Forest, hot water in Wayside, new porch to Clubhouse, with balconies from rooms 3, n, 37, 43 and 44, children's pavilion 35x26 inclosed with sliding glass doors and heated for cold weather, private office for superintendent, new cellar and store rooms under old Clubhouse, new chimneys, new piazzas, trunk and bicycle rooms on office floor, road widend, grounds graded, stone walls at Clubhouse and Wayside replaced with sodded terrace like Forest, new lake library 26x52 with 4 balconies inclosed with sliding glass doors and connecting with old lake- house, messenger service establisht for all cottages at only 5c for each quarter hour or fraction. A second farm (Highland) with complete equipment has been bo't adjoining Hillside farm; the house of n rooms, in excellent condition and very comfortable, has been renovated and fitted for housekeeping and added to the available club cottages for those who wish retirement, ample room and low rent. The old buildings which disfigured the north end near Northgate and Woodside have been replaced by an attractiv cottage, and Outlook, the latest and most picturesque club cottage, has been completed among the pines east of Wayside. In Valley Forge a new dry kiln for 52 LAKE PLACID CLUB lumber, holding 50,000 ft, is in use, and a new stable will supplement present outgrown accommodations. Baygrove, the old Squealery, has been made into rooms, 3 on ist and 5 on 2d floor. Garden has a second brick fireplace and its south piazza. enlarged, with other improvements. The children's dock, 50x150, has been built out by solid stone filling so that its 13 ft board walk between the water and the inclosed sand playground, with the extension across the boat landings, gives over 400 ft of broad promenade at the water's edge. Changes in Cambrels Since the first proofs were printed from the architect's drawings important changes have been made in this building, as shown in the new plans and prices as actually printed. Among these additions are a north balcony 13x60 ft; on the east a balcony 1 5x40 ft, reacht by French windows from the hall and 3 rooms; and a third balcony on the south. Some of the private balconies are fitted with casement or slide windows so to be converted into sunrooms if wisht. There are larger rooms and closets, more windows, French windows opening to private balconies from nearly every room, private telephone in each room and in the corridor general telephone for longer distances; hot and cold running water at ii points, 10 lavatories, with bitransit wastes and double basin cocks enabling one to wash in running water at any tempera- ture, solid porcelain tubs in all 4 baths, 6 stone and brick fire- places, ample hot water radiation, complete lavatories in recesses in 4 rooms not opening out of baths. The top floor ceiling has been raisd 2 ft, and 6 ft trunk room and air space thuroly ventilated by 8 louvers built. On the dining room floor have been added 3 private dining rooms, a tea room open day and evening, and a coat room ; on the office floor, ladies billiard and pool rooms and club barber shop. Obviously these important and costly additions made neces- sary some increase in prices. The 2 sleeping floors are made the same price and most people will prefer the upper because of the 2 ft higher ceilings, greater quiet and finer views. Window awnings are provided wherever needed and the furni- ture is all new, of the best A grade, and includes in all rooms where wisht couches, desks or study tables, extra bureaus or chiffoniers. The rooms have been pronounced by all who have seen them better than any others yet built by any sum- mer resort in the Adirondacks. Except the 4 south corners, which are $4 and $5, these 10 choicest rooms on the grounds are all $3 each. Lake Placid Club Morningside N.Y. Floor plans and prices To guard against possible misunderstanding the secretary signs and sends for every engagement a card stating exactly what has been engaged, with room numbers as on these floor plans, time of arrival and departure and total price by week. A printed copy of the club's invariable rules by which bills must be settled, accompanies and is made'part of each engage- ment. For explanation of club plan of prices see Circular or Handbook, p. 14-19. There are no transient guests or prices. For convenience in bills the full season price is divided into an even amount for each day. From this there is therefore no reduction except half rates on rooms, baths and boats before July 10 and after September 10. This price of rooms includes not only rent, care and maintenance of rooms but also all club privileges, and must cover the pro rata cost of the whole great estate and of public rooms and various privileges free to all. (See Circular p. 14, 15.) There are rooms at 8 prices, from soc to $5 a day, for those who wish to economize closely, as well as for those who wish every comfort and luxury. Combin- ing price of rooms with that of meals and other things charged at cost or entirely free, experience shows that average bills would be about a fifth more for similar accommodations at hotels, which also lack the charm of a congenial club not open to the public. RF3oN 3 iMn s ,4 on c " o _o FLOOR PLANS 55 Lakeside Clubhouse. A rambling, picturesque building, covering an acre, with 77 sleeping rooms, 6 dining rooms, parlors, library, office, writing and billiard rooms and large amusement hall with stage for music, dancing, amateur plays, etc. 3 public baths, shower bath, 12 toilets and 13 suites of various sizes with private baths. 985 ft of piazzas and balconies, several of which may be quickly inclosed with glass, making sun rooms for cool or windy weather. Several rooms opening on halls are used for writing, reading and card parties by those rooming near. The Squealery or children's pavilion, 26x35, ^ s on eas t end. This first clubhouse is so built on side hill that each of 3 stories may be enterd from ground level. At the porte cochere the lawn is on the office level. At the parlor entrance, on the dining room floor, it is a story higher. On the east one walks from the lawn on to what is 3d story in front. This adds not only to picturesqueness but greatly to comfort of those who dislike stairs. The entire house is heated by 100 hot water radiators from twind boilers of unequal size. In mild weather the small, in colder the large, and in coldest both boilers are connected with each radiator. This is the most perfect heating system known. Hardwood floors, 23 open fires, 17 brick and stone fireplaces, 9 in public rooms, 8 in suites. LAKE PLACID CLUB Winonawood 40ft distant CLUBHOUSE Dining room floor Sun piazza, movable glass partitions 13.50 ? Open west piazza ZOx9O Q K r Mirror lake OOftdisi FLOOR PLANS 57 Childrens pavilion 26x35 Hot water heat Uss lass Dutch Z3 J 2.4- b _, ix!3 N 8*16 E *1 $50 | 43 - r- in 1 1 / fBrick I lllrr/ L fif>Ie* Z2 ' I / \ CLUBHOUSE I st room floor Indicates radiator LAKE PLACID CLUB FLOOR PLANS 59 Lake Placid Club Lakeside din Cambrels. This south wing- of Clubhouse was built in 1 900 and has 2 floors of the largest and finest suites, with private baths, in the Adirondacks. The tower sitting rooms are 22x25 ft with 7 windows commanding fine lake and mountain views, brick fireplaces, desks, couches, easy chairs and every convenience. The plumbing is the best, only solid porcelain baths and slop sinks being used. The Gambrels dining room on main house level is specially attractiv, with windows on 3 sides, stone fireplace, hot water heat and large tower circle. It also serves to deaden any sound which might come to upper floors from music room beneath. Tea room and private dining rooms are on 2d floor. Barber shop, billiard and pool rooms, stage and music room, long distance telefone booth and center on ist floor. Hardwood floors, 6 brick and stone fireplaces. 6o LAKE PLACID CLUB Winona wood FLOOR PLANS Seven Gables 300 feet south 6r 62 LAKE PLACID CLUB FLOOR PLANS Roofed Mirror lake 1081 ftdistarvt LAKE PLACID CLUB Balsams. 3 minutes east from Clubhouse, on the summit, picturesquely located at highest point of park over 100 ft above lake and therefore commanding the broadest views. 1 2 rooms besides bath, 3 open fires, hot and cold water, complete kitchen equipment, separate stairs and plumbing for servants, large stable, ice house and 3 acres of lawn and grove. Day's rent $10.50, year's $735. Mirror lake 160ft west 9 o*9 50c 2" floor 5 9 x 10 8 13 * 16 6 8x9 50c 7 9x9 50c Baygrove. Rustic, bark exterior, 2 minutes south from Clubhouse, in east edge of evergreen grove on bay between Seven Gables and Wayside. Shaded only on west. Running water, toilet, no bath. Formerly children's ' Squealery. ' Re- built in 1900. Day's rent $7, year's $490. FLOOR PLANS Pines zoo ft dit * J ** Ss o <* .x: birch grove looft east Roo-pt west portico I3*81ft Mirror la.ke 1 06 ft Forest I st floor 68 LAKE PLACID CLUB Open veranda Open veranda Forest 2* floor Forest. On choic- est site, on knoll 30 ft above lake, direct- ly opposit finish of re- gatta courses. 3 min- utes from Clubhouse. Finisht August 1899. Green, winter house, hardwood floors, fine cellar, 4 baths, hot and cold water on all floors, coal heater for cool weather, i brick fireplace and fires in 9 other rooms. 10 and n are in i room but will be separated as in plan if preferd. Day's rent 1 ist floor, 2, 3, 4 and bath (parlor free) $6.50; 2d floor (bath free) $8; 3d floor, 4 rooms and bath, $7.50. South wing, 5 rooms, bath, wood and storerooms, fully equipt for housekeeping, is omitted on plan, being used by club officers. It has separate stairs, piazzas and 4 outside doors, so is really distinct building but is used conveniently with Forest in winter. Forest 3 a floor FLOOR PLANS 6 9 Garden from south Casement 4- 15*14 )per 5*8 Alcove c 8x8 '5 >ement ***^ Sh 1 Wood O be door * ^ ^ : ** 9 ; rH GARDEN 1 5+ floor LAKE PLACID CLUB Garden. Brown, winter house, large cellar, behind the great pines, i min- ute or 212 ft north from Clubhouse. Flat roof, high ceilings, 2 brick fireplaces. Like Winona, each floor, having hot and cold \vatjr dnd bath, is an admirable suite for a family. Very high ceilings in 7 and 9 which, having no rooms over them, tho on ist floor, are ceild into peak. Coal heater between 7 and 9 heats water without warming house. When wisht this heat can be turnd on rooms, ist floor (parlor free) day's rent $n, year's $770; 2d floor (bath free) day's $6, year's 10 t 1 "FTP 11.11 *> Ai_Ubl-J Ifoxlfc j 9 13,13 $1.50 b 13,16 $1.50 n GARDEN ^^ , i *'f.M, FLOOR PLANS Hillside l st floor Ope r*-^. \ Rooft L . . PIOZ.ZO Open f re 4, 9x14- Hillside. Built in 1900 as 2 sepa- rate suites, each floor having parlor, 3 bedrooms, hot water, bath and open fires, 2 on ist and 3 on 2d; ist floor has also heat and storeroom which may be used for light house- keeping. Hard- wood floors, good cellar. Piazzas on 3 sides on ist floor and 3 balconies on 2d, rooft on south. Brown clapboards ist story, cedar shingle, natural finish, on 2d. 3 minutes from Clubhouse, i minute from lake, near North wood. ist floor, day's rent $7.50, year's $525; 2d floor, day's $6.50, year's $455. PLA( H CLUB Rooft west piazza 10x4-6' Mirror lake Sooft west SevenGobles Z d floor FLOOR PLANS 73 Nook. Rustic cottage, baik exterior, just beyond Pine lodge in half circle of beautiful pines open to south mountains, will be completed June i, 1901, for the Outlook staff, for whom it was pland and built. 2 minutes from Clubhouse, i l /t from lake. Room 3 can be used for light housekeeping. Hardwood Moors, stone fireplace, 4 open fires, bath, hot water and toilets on each floor. Northgate. Green, winter house near north boundary of Morningside, i minute from lake front, 2^ from Clubhouse. Bath, 2 closets, hot and cold water on both floors, 3 open and 6 other fires, parlor, kitchen, 1 1 large bedrooms, large cellar, private boat house, ice house. Best for housekeeping for large party, using 2 as kitchen. Beautiful grove on lake shore 100 ft west, extensiv forest 50 ft north. Open to sun on east and south, large piazzas on 4 sides, balconies on each floor. Very quiet, roomy and convenient. n, 12, 14 and 15 are in completely separate building, having independent stairs, piazza and toilet. Day's rent $3.50, year's $245. Main part alone $13.50 a day, $945 a year. 74 LAKE PLACID CLUB OS poo^MV^N FLOOR PLANS 75 Cioset T f ,,e \ , T] xl8 15x18 North^ate 3 d floor North lakehouse. Upper story, 16x20 ft, with balcony over lake, is a delightful retired room, ist floor toilet at Northg-ate, i minute distant. Day's rent $2, year's $140. 7 6 LAKE PLACID CLUB Orchard. Rus- tic camp con- struction, bark exterior. On lake front between Edgewater and Northgate. Hav- ing outside stair- way and distinct entrances below it may be used by i family or as 3 separate suites. Hot water, open fire. Toilet on ist floor, bath on ad. i st floor, day's rent $7, year's $49; 2d floor, day's Orchard l si floor 3-039 FLOOR PLANS 77 \ grill- Rooft piq:z.za 11x32, Brookwood spnng45ofts ;. Outlook I 5t floor LAKE PLACID CLUB Outlook ^ d floor Outlook, 3d floor, 13x13, $1.50 Outlook. Built in 1900 for L. E. Waterman. Shingle sides. Large, glass inclosed outlook on 3d story commands fine views. 3 piazzas, 3 balconies, i entire corner opens so to throw room 7 into balcony. Hot water and toilets on both floors, bath, cellar, heat room, butler's sink. Coal heater, brick fireplace, hardwood floors. 2^ minutes from Clubhouse, i% from lake, \y z from Forest courts. FLOOR PLANS 79 Pines from south Open I 13 x Roofed Open n .* I LI K\ft.\\ctv. : ^x Roofed \ 1S * l4 " vM 69 *** 1 12,; Closet I 6 ax ao 43 i_ li "0 1 -! o ; A- rt ! _d5 I Ic -c ; 1 1\ < < c CD : Roofed south piazza. Pines l st floor 8o LAKE PLACID CLUB Pines. Red cottage on summit, 3 minutes from lake and 94 ft above it. Finest views in Placid region. Parlor, alcove library, dining room, 6 bedrooms, bath, toilet rooms with hot and cold water on both floors. Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, 4 brick fireplaces, completely equipt kitchen, set laundry tubs, pantry, refrigerator, large separate ice house, attic, trunk room, 600 gallon copper lined reservoir. 200 ft of piazza, on west 15 ft wide, surrounds entire house. Under it are wood and store- rooms with 3 outside doors. vStudy windows command finest east, south and west views of forest, lake and mountains. On the 6 acres are 2 beautiful groves, tennis court, stone camp- fire, boat house and dock. Day's rent $12.50, year's $875. Pine lodge. Picturesque little house in natural wood in- side and out, 2 minutes from Clubhouse, 550 ft from lake. Named from great pines which rise thru piazza floor and make a thick foliage roof to an outdoor sitting room. Coverd outlook on roof among pine branches, with seats for 8, is reacht by stairs from piazza, extending round entire building. Toilet with running water, lavatory and closet. Woodshed under parlor and piazza is reacht by outside door, or in rainy weather by inside trap door. Window seat lounge, open fire, closet, 3 single beds. Couch in recess gives no suggestion by day that parlor at night is extra bedroom. Large casement windows frame most beautiful south mountain view. West windows command both lake and mountains. Finisht in rratural wood into gambrel roof. Book shelves and writing desk' built in. Day's rent $3.50, year's $245. Clubhouse 437ft distant Roof t porcli Stan rs to roof ba C&sement 3 g Open south verandafc^ East ve Open /ercjndu rondo Du+ch 10 12x13 ,50 j: Cooch CO f Mirror laKe 54-1 ft distant Rooft W est piazza Pine LodjflE LAKE PLACID CLUB Seven Gables west piazza Seven Gables. Brown house on lake front, i minute from new Gambrels dining room thru Winona wood path. West gables 4-8 and 17 to 19 is winter house, plasterd and paperd, with cellar. North and south gables 1-3, 9, 12-16, 20, 21, for West from Seven Gables piazza FLOOR PLANS Baygrove 80 feet s. e. j E ^ c O IsJ-OQI ROOM PUOUI/W a u ;J-09I apish uun fall use, have natural spruce finish. No children under 12 ever room here. 6 open fires, i stone and 2 brick fireplaces, 5 baths, toilets and lavatories, hot and cold running water on both floors, coal heater to temper north wing in cool weather. Most general favorit among club cottages. LAKE PLACID CLUB SEVEN GABLES d floor Seven Gables back view from Pine lodgt 86 LAKE PLACID CLUB f/oor Best type of club cottage. Day's rent $12.50, year's Thenagen. See supplement. Sunnyside. Open to sun on east, south and west, touching Winona wood on north ; natural cedar shingle finish. Fall construction, double ceild and paperd but no cellar or plas- ter, i minute from Clubhouse or lake. Largest parlor and bath on grounds. Hardwood floor, i brick and i stone fireplace, coal heater with registers in bath and upper hall to temper house on cool days. Bath, hot and cold running water on both floors Outlook 585ft east Sentinel range Smiles distant I 03 WAY5IDE First floor Mirror lake 75fr distant FLOOR PLANS \ "Wayside. Brown, winter house, fine cellar, 2^ minutes from Club- house on knoll 20 ft above lake, with beautiful lake and mountain views. Bath, hot and cold run- ning water, 2 lavatories, 2 open fires. Day's rent $8, year's $560. WAYSIDE d floor Westside lakehouse 4 large corner rooms about 12x18 fill whole top floor, with running^cold water and drainage and 2 open fires. Toilet and lavatory on floor below. On lake shore at end of club estate, directly opposit Clubhouse, from which it is 5 minutes row across lake or 10 minutes walk thru Westwood. Used usually by college men who prefer the larger rooms and do not mind greater distance. Cared for by club chambermaids. East rooms over lake $1.50 each, west rooms over grove $i. 88 LAKE PLACID CLUB Winona back view from south Winona wood WINONA ^ ncJ floor I Mirror lake ZOO ft distant, partly hidden by trees cO Rooms 8,9,10,11,86, 3 d floor, over 4,5,6,7,46, are same Size and price. FLOOR PLANS 89 Winona. The ' house in the woods ' ^ minute south from Clubhouse and east from lake. Shingled outside, natural wood inside. Flat roof, 4 large rustic, rooft balconies among the pines and balsams, which almost touch it on all sides. Much direct sun comes over and between trees thind out for the pur- pose. Hot weather favorit. 2 baths, hot and cold running water on both floors, 4 open fires, coal heater in basement with registers to warm halls. Nearest Clubhouse, yet very quiet. Same bellboy service as main house. The 2 floors are 2 entirely separate suites, each with parlor, 3 bedrooms, 2 open fires, private hall and bath and 2 rooft balconies. Day's rent of each suite $8, year's $560. i, 2 and 3 are on west side ground floor. i has north and west windows, 2 has double glass doors and west windows, 3 has south and west windows. All have large closets and out- side glass doors. Woodroom, 2 closets, hot water heater and air space are between east bank and these rooms, to protect against dampness. All 3 open also into hot room. Because of prejudice against rooms near ground prices are less than half, or 5c each. Woodbine. Red, summer cottage, next south of Forest, on lake front, 3 minutes from Clubhouse. Camp construction, no plaster. Stone fireplace, running hot and cold water and toilet but no bath. For housekeeping 2 is dining room, 4 kitchen. Day's rent $6.50, year's $455. 9 LAKE PLACID CLUB _c c oO i/) 1 Rooft Wauside v Piazla^: r /ood let x6 ^ 50ft diet -M 13 10 Woodbine 2" floor / 7x^0 50c 4 10x11 50c 8 \ [ - \ i 10 / * S N Woodb Rooft pia ; 80ft distc > 1 Clubhouse 1 040ft north Rooft Mirror lak< :I5 f\ ^^ 1 M8 1 ( 10 in a E o o "5. c i 1- ~n , I 6 f" ' ine l^floor Z.ZQ nt FLOOR PLANS 9 1 "Wood side Lodge Balsams IS floor * 76 f t52 East piazza OHot ^ water heater closet / J T3 I / u 4ll||| m r ~ ttj s I s-S T \ \ WoodsideLod^e Z d floor M.rror lake 38!> ft west 148ft W(?st Woodside lodge. Built in fall of 1899. At extreme north or ' Rest end ' of club estate where there is almost no passing. Red, clapboard and shingle exterior. 3 minutes from Clubhouse, i^ from lake, in edge of Northwood. East, south and west open to sun. Hardwood floors, hot and cold running water, bath, open fire, coal heater to temper house nights and cool days. Cosiest and quietest. Day's rent $7, year's $490. Tents. There are i family (5 room), 8 large (14x17) and i smaller (10x10) wall tents on firm wood floors with 6 ft piazzas full width of tent. Canvas flies over both tent and piazza protect from rain and sun. Larger than rooms at same price and have same furniture and care. Quieter, each tent having entire site to itself. Morningside being private park with night watch patroling every hour, ladies often room in tents alone and there has been no case of annoyance or fear. Physi- cians often prescribe sleeping in tents because of fresher air. Most people are surprised and delighted with comforts and advantages on trial. They are much warmer than expected in cold weather, cooler in hot, and freer from dampness in heaviest rains. Every tent stands as high and dry above the ground as a house, with free circulation of air under its wood floor, and has an oil stove which readily raises temperature when 92 LAKE PLACID CLUB wisht, or a small iron stove with pipe running thru opening- in canvas can be set up. No baths or plumbing but all tents are within i or 2 minutes of club toilets and at various points running water and drainage are provided, thus adding greatly to convenience. Many who have tried it will not take rooms in houses if tents can be had. Tents are often located in some favorit spot specially chosen by the occupant. They are usually named from nearest cottage, but not because connected with it, tho often used by the same party. While tents cost less to build than houses, furniture is same, care for chambermaids double because of distance from linen room and supplies, and each occupies a whole site. The large tents (14x24)* are $1.50 a day, the same as regular rooms. Smaller tents (10x16) $i; smallest size (10x10) 5oc. Family tents with 4 corners cut off as 4 bedrooms, 8x8, center as sitting room, with piazza under fly at both ends making long room 10x29 feet, $2. Other tents can be put up on a week's notice on any approved sites. Present tents stand as follows : Cabin tent (10x16) just east of Cabin in edge of pine grove, $i. Cherries tent on hill 400 ft from Clubhouse and 200 from Pines. Beautiful view. On north edge of Winona wood. Family size, 4 bedrooms 8x8 and sitting room 10x29, $2. St Armand and Pavilion tents (14x24) stand together 80 ft from children's pavilion, 80 from Winona and 150 from east entrance to Gambrels. $1.50 each. Winona, Sunnyside and Seven Gables tents (14x24) stand near each other in Winona wood centrally between these 3 cot- tages, about 200 ft from Seven Gables and 100 from Winona, Sunnyside and Gambrels. $1.50 each. Idle wild and Waneka tents (14x24) in grove of great pines, 300 ft east of Seven Gables, 100 southeast of Pine lodge, 150 southeast of Sunnyside, 200 north of Outlook and 400 south- west of Clubhouse. $1.50 each. a In all these measures platform is included, as it is coverd by fly. To get size of walls of tent alone deduct width of piazza, 6 ft. from larger number. ADIRONDACK LODGE 93 Adirondack Lodge. Forest branch of club, 10 miles from main Clubhouse, on Heart or Clear lake, noted as largest log house in world. 3 stories, with high tower commanding magnificent mountain views. There are besides the Lodge, shown on plans, 16 other buildings, stables, boat houses, laun- dry, men's, women's and guide's camps, theater, lodges, cot- tages, tents, day camps, tennis and roque courts, etc. 50 miles of trails have been cut from the Lodge direct to the most famous peaks, passes, waterfalls, and other natural features which cluster about this remarkable spot. 94 LAKE PLACID CLUB Front Adirondack Lodgt 2 a floor In 1877 a party of New Yorkers, mountain enthusiasts, drew plans for an ideal forest home to be known as Adirondack Lodge. After studying the maps they chose from the highest peak in the state, Tahawus, the best square mile in all the great forest in which to " get nearest to nature's heart." Hav- ing found the owners 640 acres were bought and in 1878 the Lodge was built of huge spruce logs. It has since been the most famous building in the Adirondacks. Later changes of management and lack of capital prevented needed improvements, to the great regret of many admirers of the wonderful location. The entire plant was bought October 1900 for Lake Placid Club. The builder of the Lodge with a force of men spent the winter in needed restorations and renovations and it will open July i, 1901, with the same supervision and high standards as the ADIRONDACK LODGE 95 club. New equipment, boats, livery, furniture, linen and china supplement the renovation of the building. Clubhouse and Lodge are connected by telefone and telegraf and i or more trips with mail and supplies will be made daily each way by club carriages. Long distance telefone connects with all points. As much of the charm of this forest life often consists in living in some favorit nook personally selected, the club keeps the materials on hand and on a day's notice can erect and furnish a tent on any site approved by the superinten- dent. These tents or outside rooms are 5oc, $i and $1.50 a day according to size. This allows many who could not endure the usual hardships and meager fare to enjoy the quiet of an isolated forest camp and yet have the best beds and table and many home comforts. Circular L gives full information about the Lodge and its surroundings, walks, drives, climbs, etc. 3" f U There are also numerous rooms in lodges, cottages and tents at 500, $i and $1.50 a day according to size and location. New lodges or tents will be provided on a week's notice on any approved site selected by the occupant. HOUSEKEEPING 97 Club specialties Housekeeping. For those who prefer the greater inde- pendence, seclusion or economy of full or partial housekeeping there are 10 houses completely equipt with china, glass, silver, table and bed linen and cooking utensils so that nothing what- ever need be brought or bought. The 5 houses markt H in House list are distant from club dining room and are for house- keeping only. The 5 markt h are within 3 minutes walk of the dining room and may be used either way. Some prefer to get their' own breakfasts or teas or both, coming to the club only for dinners. Single dinners are 75C, other meals 5oc. Rent includes right to get at estimated cost any needed sup- plies, cookt or uncookt, from the club kitchen, cooler and storerooms. Cottages with facilities for partial housekeeping are Garden, Hillside, Nook, Orchard, Outlook and Woodside. The club also has several other houses in the village available for housekeeping. Rent of an}' house with care is the same as with housekeeping equipment without care and covers not only keeping the rooms in order, but also fuel, lights and laundry of house linen. Suites. A club specialty is suites, to give much of the conveniences and seclusion of a separate house with less care and cost. Many of these are engaged for a series of years and the occupants leave their mountain suits and various belongings exactly as they would in a private cottage. Suites can be made in scores of places by cutting off ends of corridors or combining adjoining rooms, while others are so connected that they are not rented as separate rooms. The following, with price a day without meals, are specially desirable. Those in italics can not be broken ; others may be divided as wisht. Bath given with suites means private bath. Other suites all have the use of a bath near, often adjoining, and if the suite includes all rooms for which that bath was provided it becomes private without charge. Baths are public unless markt $i on floor plans. If exactly what is wanted is not found in this list, reference to floor plans will show that i or more adjoining rooms can be added to nearly every suite, thus enlarging it to fit the party. 9 8 SUITES 99 Suite list Suites in italics can not be broken; others may be divided as wisht. See House list, p. 108, for abbreviations. 1 room and bath. Ck 27, $2; jG 14, $2 50; Ch 2, $3; Ch37> $3; Ck 41, $3; jG /p, $3; Ch /, $4; F 12, $4; 7 G 3* $ 4 ; jG 9, $41 C/ij, $5- 2 rooms. Cl 5-6, $i ; Wb 3-4, $i; \Vb 5-6, $1.50; Bg /-*- i ^T ^ ^* * ; * ?* : *:_-^ an**. *i. 44 **..; roads />At/is dnd trails ac/z block is 4-0 meters or 8rod.$ o A) V > 1 "o 2 o 12 Wayside Wa s. 600 7 i I 4 3 I 2 8 Westside We w. i/(m. 4 I 2 2 I 5 Winona Wi e. IOO ii 2 2 5 5 4 iC 1750 h Woodbine Wb s. 1040 8 I 2 2 2 6 50 Woodside Lodge Wo n. 820 4 I I 3 4 1 2C 7 Total 406 46 79 203 176 80 215 Tents Cabin CaT e. 640 i Cherries CsT e. 400 5 2 Idlewild I T s.e. 400 50 Pavilion PaT e. 80 50 St Armand StAT e. 80 50 Seven Gables 7 GT s e. IOO 50 Sunnyside SsT s.e. IOO 50 Winona WiT s.e. IOO 50 Waneka WkT s.e. 400 50 A=in annex ; C=coal heater; E=earth closet ; /jequipt for housekeeping ; //"=for housekeeping only ; R=radiators. *Also 100 radiators. LaVce Placid Morning'side N. Y. Report and. annotancement to members 1OO1 Unusually full announcements for 1900 will be found on P- 37-5 2 of Handbook. These notes are merely of additions and improvements for 1901. The circulars and handbooks should be consulted for a statement of what the club offers under each head, specially the new circulars on amusements and on Adi- rondack Lodge. Prices, rules and general plan remain the same as in 1900. Changes are simply the natural evolution of original ideas with elimination each year of what has been found undesirable, retention of what has been most appreciated and approved and improvement wherever practicable. The last year was markt by larger additions and more rapid development than any 2 years since the club started. In build- ings, grounds and plant the year was most satisfactory, but in service, table and laundry we were so far short of the stand- ards set that a complete reorganization has been made for 1901. Mr Asa O Gallup, president of the N. Y. preparatory school, i of the 3 original founders of the club, will give his entire sum- mer as superintendent, and having studied the problem all last summer, assures us with confidence that the matters justly criticized in 1900 will be satisfactory for 1901. To insure this over $5000 more than heretofore has been placed at his disposal for necessary improvements of service, table and laundry. The trustees will have nothing whatever to do with the administra- tion of the club except as they may vote on needed rules or take necessary action as a board, having transferd to Mr Gallup all authority and made him sole administrativ officer. He has accepted this responsibility and those who know his reputation and experience as an executiv officer have entire confidence that this department will hereafter be as satisfactory as the unrivaled location and plant. Our growth has made it possible to assign to table and service a larger sum than ever before because greatly increast numbers reduce pro rata the fixt charges. But this same growth was responsible for serious deficiences in the organization of last year. The 4 new officers, steward, chef, head waiter and head laundress will be experienced specialists who have dealt with larger numbers than ours, so 142 LAKE PLACID CLUB that we can rely on prompt and efficient kitchen, table and laundry service and the removal of those difficulties which arose from a growth beyond the capacity of the plant or the ability of some of the staff to handle properly. New buildings. For the use of our help we have com- pleted during the winter 2 large buildings with rooms and baths, i with complete home equipment, thus relieving the kitchen and adding greatly to its efficiency and convenience. Experience having shown the impossibility, with mountain diffi- culties, of relying on promises to finish buildings on time, this work was done last fall and winter so that early comers this year will be free from noise and confusion of building. Since the last announcement there have been completed Outlook and Hillside, 2 of our best cottages, and the Nook near Pine lodge will soon be done. The new Menery for the male help was finisht in December and in March the best stable and carriage- house yet built in this region. A dry kiln holding 50,000 ft of lumber, and a tool house have been added in Valley Forge. The golf library and the canoe house and lake library were finisht last fall. 30 men and 16 horses were employd most of the winter on the estate. An outlook tower on the summit of Hill- crest has comfortable stairs to the highest viewpoint of the vicinity, the picturesque construction covering a high service fire protection tank holding 50,000 gallons of water with 120 ft head. Housekeeping. 4 new houses will be ready for complete housekeeping this season. Edgehill is our best farm house, 2 miles to the west, price $300. Theanoguen has been improved by adding running water and complete plumbing. There is an excellent stable and servants house, and added furnishing will be provided with whatever else is necessary to make it the best of the club houses and to maintain its reputation as the best estate in the vicinity. It stands on the eastern edge of the golf links a half mile from Clubhouse, on the great rock on the summit of the 16 acres, largely forest, known as Knoll wood. The house was built by the family of Bishop Henry C. Potter of New York, and in years when they were absent it has been occupied by J. Pierpont Morgan and others who have wisht the most desirable house in the Placid region. Parlor 30x18, din- ing room 18x15, kitchen 16x11, shed 14x6, pantry 11x7, piazza IMPROVEMENTS 143 30x9, coverd balcony on 26. floor, 14 bedrooms; price, as in the past before recent improvements were made, $1200. Estate. Northwood, adjoining Woodside and Northgate, has been bought, also Theanoguen and Knollwood, 16 acres. The great addition of the year is the 640 acres and 16 buildings of the famous Adirondack Lodge property, which will open July i as the forest branch of the club. Details of this are given in the special illustrated Lodge circular. A half dozen minor purchases of land have been made at points where desirable for protection or future development. Several more old buildings have been demolisht, making a total of 69 torn down in the 5 years work of improvement. Farms. The old Elba house farm has been bought and added to Highland and Edgehill, the 3 joining and giving us a great club farm of 500 acres with all necessary buildings and other equipment. Important additions and repairs have been made to barns and stables and new milk and ice house and cooler built at Highland. 20 cows carefully selected by an expert will be added to the club herd this spring. A specially successful farmer has been secured to give his entire time to the club farms, which will be steadily improved from year to year as fast as practicable without extravagance. Maple sugar. For the same reason that we raise our own milk, the club forester is making this year from the famous orchard at Adirondack Lodge a supply of maple sugar and syrup for club use. We shall have the best and know that every practicable precaution has been taken to insure absolute clean- liness in all the processes. Brookwood spring. This remarkably fine spring is within 5 minutes walk of the club and furnishes the purest water in abundance for the club tables, where it is used exclusivly. Improvements. A new road via Greenacre improves the station drive and a new trail has been made from Forest courts to golf houses. Several thousand dollars have been spent in better water supply and extra fire protection. This was examind by the insurance board, which reported that no other Adirondack plant had protection nearly as thoro as was afforded by changes in construction, our 120 ft head with 12 standpipes and hose lines inside and hydrants outside the building, with a plentiful supply of chemical and other extinguishers, and 200 144 LAKE PLACID CLUB firepails and other appliances. We have our own plumbing shop, thus giving better work, closer supervision and prompter repairs than would be otherwise possible. The shop has util- ized the winter by adding several new baths and making the former plant still better. We now have 46 baths, 78 lavatories and 79 toilets. There are 176 hot and 203 cold running water faucets. Both Clubhouse and Lodge have long distance tele- fones to all points. Constant additions are made to insure comfort, specially on the chilly days and nights inevitable in the mountains, there being over 100 hot water radiators, 80 open and 81 other fires. Scores of people familiar with the best Adirondack hotels have inspected the club plant and have without exception declared it far in advance of any other in conveniences and protection against possible accidents and injury to health. In mere fashion and display it will always be far behind, but will hold first place in those things which it has esteemd worthy its special atten- tion. Additions this year are : running hot water at Wayside, Woodbine, Orchard, Woodside, Hillside, Menery and Maidery; near front stairs of Clubhouse, 2d floor, a central hot water room with solid porcelain slop sinks and equipment, duplicating that so much liked in Gambrels; in the basement a public bath and shower bath. The most prominent feature of the year has been the rapid completion of the plant for doing all our own work. The lum- ber grows on club land, is cut by our men, drawn by our own teams to our own mill where it is sawd and workt, and experi- ence has proved that our 10 shops do everything better than we could otherwise get it done and at less cost. This gain has made it possible to release just so much more money for current running expenses and so give better accommodations and ser- vice without increase of price. The new steam mill and shops have been built opposit the railroad station in order to take the noise and confusion a mile from Clubhouse, as well as to save expense by having the club lumber yard on the railroad siding where heavy freight can be placed in the storehouses directly from the cars without use of teams. Golf. The telefone line crossing the links has been moved. The new work agreed on by the golf committee as most desir- able has been done at large cost and the links will be much CLIMBING 145 better than ever. The golf library, with ladies room and kitchen, caddies stand, and a liberal supply of benches at vari- ous points, adds to the attractions of our unrivald links. The 5 o'clock teas will be maintaind weekly and it is intended this year to add music. Members will be free to invite friends from the hotels and cottages, thus making it a delightful out-of-doors feature. Simple refreshments will also be available thru the week at the golf houses, Boating. A boat house for the Forest group of cottages has been provided and our boat shop has workt all winter on new boats, still farther improving our fleet, already well known as the best in the mountains. Canoeing is increasing yearly and will be farther encouraged. Rev. W. W. Moir, as chair- man of the general Adirondack regatta committee, is already planning for the summer's races, which are to be held on the club courses. Prof. Ernest Allen will this year have immedi- ate charge of the lake front as well as of the swimming school, and will arrange for the club and house regattas and other lake entertainments. A cycle repairer will be on duty at the lakehouse to clean and care for wheels. Swimming school. The club is fortunate in having secured the services for the entire season of the most famous teachers of scientific swimming in this country, Prof. Ernest Allen and his wife. Needed facilities have been added, swim- ming trolley, diving pedestal, 30 bath cabins, 400 ft of board walk, so that with best teachers, best water and best conveni- ences the club's first rank as a swimming center will be unques- tiond. Prof. Allen has repeatedly proved his ability to make expert swimmers out of old and young who had thought they could not learn, and those who met him last summer will give him a cordial welcome on his return. Driving. The new club stable is the best in the region. 12 new carriages will be deliverd in June, and with new har- nesses and horses the club livery 'will hereafter be a specialty just as boating and golf have been heretofore. The new equip- ment, supplementing the best of that bought last year, will make the stable a markt feature both at the club and at the Ige, There will be otTerd this year facilities impracticable in a public hotel but very desirable for a club because they give it more the character of a private estate. 146 LAKE PLACID CLUB Climbing. Adirondack Lodge with 50 miles of trails thru the forest to the finest scenery of eastern America has been known for 20 years as the best point of the Adirondacks for camping parties and mountain climbing. This will be made one of the club's great specialties hereafter. Mr. Henry- van Hoevenberg,who built the Lodge, has been made club forester and will be in residence to afford any needed assistance to club members young or old. A carriage will run regularly each way between club and Lodge, materially reducing labor and expense of making these most famous excursions, and opening the way for more outdoor life in the ''Heart of the Adirondacks." At the Lodge the traditional Wednesday night camp fire and stories, and at the club the cathedral and lake fires which have been a feature from the beginning, will be kept up. Forest courts. The valley to the north has been fild, making room for the entire 8 courts as pland, and new ones will be added as needed. 3 more will be available this year than last so there will be ample facilities for all outdoor games requiring courts. Music. Last year the music committee tried 4 different orchestras and were unanimous as to the best. This has been secured for 3 or 4 times a week during the entire season. Instead of i annual german and i float night and general illumination of the lake each will occur monthly, about July 20, August 15 and September 10. The traditional " Sunday night sing" will be continued and there will b? weekly concert pro- grams besides 2 evenings for dancing. With the new grand piano, 1901 will mark a distinct advance in both quality and quantity of good music. Library. This will be much larger than that so much used last year and will soon number 2000 volumes. To encourage members interested to study club specialties more thoroly libraries are being developt on golf, boating, driving, moun- tain climbing, camping, forestry, outdoor and indoor sports and allied subjects. Menibers interested in carrying on the plans for the museum, zoo, botanic garden, aquarium, etc. (see p. 42 of Handbook) are requested to send notice of the sub- jects in which they are willing to cooperate. We have now provided rooms and needed facilities and can give garden space and necessary help, and these features can be developt as fast as members interested will do their part. ENGAGEMENT OF ROOMS 147 Kindergarten. A good start was made last year by the 2 traind kindergartners, who took the little children 5 mornings a week for nature study and suitable games. This will be made a regular feature. Traind nurses. Besides a city physician, there will be in residence i or more traind nurses in readiness for any emergency. New publications. The long delayd Handbook is now being bound and will be maild to members early in April. This gives the fullest information, is completely indext, is bound conveniently for preservation in the library, and should be put in the hands of those enough interested to preserve it. Extra copies can be had at 25c. Other publications of interest to members are: map of grounds showing location of all cottages ; circular on amuse- ments showing the club's unusual facilities, with list of drives, walks, available games, etc. Photografy. A "dark room " with all conveniences will be provided at Clubhouse in addition to that heretofore used in Westside lakehouse. Photografs. Scores of new pictures better than any before obtaind were made during the year and have been added to the club albums. Copies can be had at the office and mem- bers ordering 5 or more are furnisht free with binding covers so that the collection can be kept on an ordinary book shelf. Several of the finest views have been made in paper weights at 25c each; also in larger form suitable for framing. The artistic merit of these wall pictures is recognized by all experts in modern photografy. Halftones. Half tones on cards 12^x20 cm with rings for hanging on the wall, have also been made thus giv- ing inexpensiv but excellent pictures of our best scenery. There is also a 1 6 page pamflet of new half tone pictures, as well as private mailing cards with Inn beach view of Ckibhouse and grounds, at 5oc a 100. Calendars and blotters. These are printed twice a year in postal and note size and may be had free or will be maild to addresses sent in. They reproduce in half tone some of the best views of the club and its surroundings. 148 LAKE PLACID CLUB Oil sketches. Mr J. C. Nicoll N. A. whose pictures at the Columbian exposition, at Paris and elsewhere have won him so much credit for American landscapes, has made a series of studies in the immediate vicinity of the club, most of them on its grounds. It is so desirable that the>e should be ownd by those who not only appreciate them as pictures but who also know and love the place, that the collection has been bought and given to the club to be sold to its members and guests, the entire proceeds being used for additions to the club library. Engagement of rooms. Each year some are disappointed because they neglect to engage their rooms till so late that nothing entirely satisfactory can be found. The superintendent is responsible for making both ends meet in club running expenses and therefore must engage rooms to those who apply earliest if they are members or associates or hold privilege cards. Finances. The most gratifying item of the annual report is that club growth has made it possible to readjust agreements so that without any increase of prices a larger sum than ever before will be available for cooperativ expenses of maintenance. The club gains by this reorganization of business interests just completed. With working capital more than doubled, expenses can be reduced and profits to others cut off in various directions. The heavy fixt charges for maintaining the great estate, while larger in total each year, are less a burden because divided among so many more members and guests. The new agreement between the corporation owning the plant, and the superintendent and council representing the club members is the same as before, except : 1 The entire fees of members, which went to maintain grounds, will be spent directly for club purposes, the company assuming all expenses to which fees have been heretofore applied. 2 All profits from the boat liveries, which increase each year, go to the club instead of to the company, while the farms, which tho giving much bstter milk and vegetables have shown a loss, are transferd from club to company. 3 Mr Barnett's club livery was bought and greatly im- proved so that with resulting larger patronage it now shows a profit. This also is given wholly to the club which thus has for paying its. expenses all profits from boating, driving, golf, bowl- COOPERATION 149 ing, billiards, pool arid all forms of amusements as well as from table and laundry. 4 Various items such as fuel, lights, water, depreciation of furniture and equipment, flat laundry work and superintend- ent's salary properly payable as current club expenses, have for the present been assumed by the company, thus releasing a large sum yearly for improving table and service which can thus be made distinctly better. As from the first organization of the club, the plan remains that members who furnish working capital as preferd stock are to have 6$ interest. For $1000 or more, there is exemption from annual club dues of $10, thus making the highest possible return 7$. The bonds for $100,000 issued April i, 1891, at 5$, refund the floating debts at a saving of $1000 a year. The holders of the common stock of $100,000 agree to provide for club use the completely equtpt plant as in the past with the material concessions named above, to furnish necessary capital, to pay 5$ on the bonds and 6% on preferd stock, and to guaran- tee all debts and bills of the club, provided the superintend- ent elected by the council shall be approved by the trustees, who retain the right to make any rules to protect against loss, waste or extravagance. In this revised and enlarged organization the club thus con- tinues on the original plan of 1895, modified only in minor details which insure to members ev r en more satisfactory accom- modations and service than in the past. The plan as revised and now in effect reads as follows: Method and effect of cooperation All receipts from table, kitchen, service, laundries, liveries, excursions, entertain- ments, golf, athletics, boating, bowling, billiards and other amusements, telegraf, telefones, post-office, barber shop, etc. are spent by the superintendent solely to give the most possible to members. No one can financially profit by them. The larger they can be made each year the better the club will be for that year. Members furnish no capital and assume no risks of deficits. They pay a fixt price, only enough to cover actual cost of maintenance and reasonable rent for the com- pletely furnisht plant built and maintaind for this special use. The Lake Placid Co. is a corporation composed wholly of club members who own this plant and furnish needed capital and assume all risks and responsibilities and accept the rent receivd 150 LAKE PLACID CLUB in full for insurance, taxes, depreciations, repairs, expenses and interest on their investment. Members thus get the benefit of pure cooperation without the financial risks inevitable if they ownd the costly plant, or the indefinitness if cost were not decided till the season's accounts were balanced. Thru the advice of the council of representative members, standards and methods are made what the club as a whole prefers in its summer home. Club accounts are in 30 distinct divisions, each kept as strictly as if for a critical individual owner who would scrutin- ize each charge. The month's footings enable the council and trustees to see exactly how club income is spent and where greater economy or change of price is needed or where more liberality may safely be allowd. The indefmitness of estimates or loosely kept accounts is thus avoided and best possible returns for money spent are made possible. Club bonds. The most important subject of the year is the issue April i, 1901, of $100,000 gold coupon bonds bearing semiannual interest at 5$. In order to issue these, other mort- gages were paid in full, thus giving perfect titles and making the bonds absolutely first mortgage on 1986 acres of land and 49 buildings, besides the entire personal property and fran- chises. The bond circular gives full details. Every member who can do so conveniently is urged to cooperate in the develop- ment of the club at the same time that he makes an unusually safe and desirable investment for himself by helping furnish capital. Each member who holds $1000 bonds at 5$ or preferd stock at 6f is a life member, exempt from annual dues, so that he really gets the best of security and (counting dues saved) 6$ or 7$ interest. He also has certain extra privileges in engaging rooms and introducing friends. Under the preced- ing arrangement life members contributed $1000 each and had no formal or legal security for their principal. Now that the mortgages have been paid off there is more than double security so that financial experts who have lookt the matter over care- fully pronounce the investment unusually safe and desirable. These bonds have been made specially for members and not for sale to the public. It is believd that every member who holds club securities thereby becomes more interested in its welfare, and the trustees therefore wish to have every member make such investment in its working capital as is convenient, but as in the past, this is wholly optional. IV! e m be r s hi i p This circular explains eligibility, rights, privileges and responsibilities of the various forms of membership. The club is not open to the public and so does not advertise. It depends for any desired increase in numbers solely on per- sonal invitations extended by present members to those who they believe will add personally to the attractions of the sum- mer home at Morntngside. The club's object is by cooperation to secure among con- genial people and beautiful natural surroundings the privileges of an ideal summer home, with the highest standards of health, comfort and convenience, quiet and rest, and attractiv amuse- ments and recreations. Introductions. Invitations to a first visit may be issued on any member's recommendation by a privilege card good for 2 weeks, without payment of any fee. Invited friends may make a longer stay by becoming associates, as explaind below. Associates. Those who after a first visit find the club congenial and like its plans and standards may, on invitation, become associates on payment of the annual fee of $10, due May i or whenever rooms are engaged for the year. This entitles them to the same prices and discounts as full members and to all club privileges except voting and issuing privilege cards or invitations, which must be signd by a regular member or trustee. This is the usual form of membership and is pre- ferd by all who wish to enjoy club privileges with the least possible responsibility. Members. None are invited to full membership till they have spent sufficient time at the club as associates or guests to know that they are in cordial sympathy with its aims and methods and are willing to cooperate in advancing its best in- terests. Election must be by unanimous vote. Members may reserve rooms in advance and issue privilege cards good for 2 weeks to any friends for whom they assume full responsibility as being satisfactory club guests. They alone are eligible for life membership or to serve on the council or any committee and may recommend to the council or trustees such changes and improvements as they believe for the best interests of the club. By taking bonds or preferd stock, or lending funds to cover cost of 152 PLACID PARK CLUB building and furniture they may have special cottages built for them on selected sites and may hold a lease for a term of years, or without lease may have first choice in occupying a special cot- tage each year, having no ownership or responsibility in case they wish to go abroad or for any reason desire to resign their membership. They have no responsibility of management and no liability for expenses except the annual fee of $10. As their election is thus only to the social and cooperativ privileges of the club they have no legal right to modify by direct vote its organization, management or policy, such respon- sibilities and powers being limited by constitution to life mem- bers, who own the entire club property. The members, how- ever, secure their preferences by electing a council to which the trustees refer all questions which in their nature should be decided by the members of the club rather than by the owners of the plant. Life members. Any member who contributes $1000 or more to the working capital of the club, either by loan or by taking preferd stock at 6 ^ m CHILDREN'S AMUSEMENTS 165 groves southeast of the golf links; the North or Meadowbrook farm extending to the river; the long and short golf links, for- merly a part of this the oldest farm of the section; Greenacre, the grass coverd acre surrounded with every hue of forest green, thru the edge of which passes the station road; Midwood, between Greenacre and Forest courts; Valley Forge, the group of shops, stables, dry kiln and Menery, where all the club heavy work centers. Morningside woods and groves. There are within 15 minutes of Clubhouse, besides the fringe of trees along the lake front widening into Lakegrove at the 'quiet end,' 15 woods of i to 40 acres each, all on the club estate: Northwood and Beechwood, north of Hillcrest, are hardwood forest stretching north and east many miles before reaching any clearing; Pines grove or Hillcrest evergreens i a; Tamaracs, east of Uplands, 5 a; Winona wood, touching Clubhouse, 3 a. To the south in order are: Fernwood pines i a; Wayside wood 5 a; Lakewood 40 a; Westwood, at foot of lake, 5 a; Midwood 5 a; Greenacre grove 2 a; Brook wood 40 a; including Bonniebrae 10 a; Valley view and Theanoguen woods 10 a; Overbrook, south of golf links, 10 a. There are thus about a score of club woods and groves full of pretty nooks, glades and dingles for those who wish to get into the forest within a few steps of their rooms. Equipment. On this broad foundation has been built a remarkable plant. Nothing has been done for fashion or display, but many thousand dollars have been spent in providing facili- ties for the most desirable recreations, which often contribute to the highest success of the summer outing as much as board and rooms together. This matter of wholesome amusements is made not a mere incident as is customary, but is studied, and time and money are given to it as freely as to what are called 'essentials,' like table, laundry and rooms. The wide differ- ence between the club and other resorts in this respect is felt more and more each year as plans are more fully carried out. The common verdict is that nowhere else can so much be found which appeals to the seeker for health and quiet * near to nature's heart.' Children's amusements. In every department the claims of the children have unusual attention. They have safe ponies, I 66 LAKE PLACID CLUB saddles and carts for riding and driving; a short golf course where they will not be a nuisance to expert adult players ; extra wide and safe boats and canoes, scow and raft, and a special swimming beach with shallow water where smooth hard sand slopes so gradually that they can wade out many rods without danger; there is also a great stone dock, 50x150 ft, sand coverd, with 13 ft board walk round it. Here they may bathe, dive, wade, fish, sail boats, play in the clean sand and make all the noise they wish. They have also their own croquet and tennis courts; regular music for children's dancing at different hours; children's pavilion or * squealery ' with no restrictions on noise or frolic, as there are no rooms above or below. This can be inclosed in glass on 3 sides and has radiators for chilly weather. In 1901 there was added a playhouse on the children's beach, large enough to shelter the whole troop from sun or rain. There are swings of various patterns, seesaws, children's oar- penter shop, scores of indoor and outdoor games, sand heaps, fresh hay and many things delightful to healthy boys and girls, so that the club is justly known as the ' children's paradise ' because their needs are constantly borne in mind. The best juvenil books and periodicals are in the club library. Traind kindergartners at moderate cost take entire charge of children a part of each day. Bird classes and other forms of nature study under skild guidance in the fields and woods are similarly offerd. All this attracts the children and is a great relief to mothers. Outdoors. Most resorts have a single mountain, outlook, lake, river, beach or bit of forest, a single walk or drive or picnic ground. Lake Placid has an embarrassment of riches in its manifold outdoor attractions. It is common remark from old travelers that no other point combines so many and that 20 ordinary resorts could be completely equipt from the abundance which nature has lavisht on this choice spot. An unbroken coronet of peaks surrounds the entire valley, which is fild with nature's attractions in almost endless variety. Maps. The small maps issued by the club and the rail- roads are free. The old standard map of the Adirondacks, revised annually for 30 years, is S. R. Stoddard's; on linen paper, folded and bound for the pocket. $i. The U. S. Geo- logic survey issues at cost, 5C each, 47x55 cm sheets of its great LODGE 1 67 topografic map with very full details for each locality. The new state map of Lake Placid and vicinity by Verplanck Col- vin, which is now printing, is more accurate and has fuller and later data. All desirable maps of the region are for sale at both Clubhouse and Lodge. Lake Placid Club C&snjb-f/re story 4 m. Ridge road. Thru forest from Grand View to Stevens house, i y^ m ; by boat i m. Club farms. Edgehill, 2 m ; Highland 2^ m; Elba Inn 2 m. Outlet valley, rivers and water works. Below western pines. 2 m. Cornhill. Easy climb to fine local view on Club's Elba Inn farm. 2^ m. High field. Crossing rustic bridges near water works, thru forest to fine views from clearing at west, back by Westwood way. 2^/2 m; by boat i^ m. White face golf links. On new Saranac road. 2^ m; by boat 2 m. Iron bridge and lower steam sawmill. On Lodge road. Pretty valley beyond Keene road racecourse, on edge of John Brown's farm. 3 m. John Brown's grave. 3 m, Ling steam sawmill. Beyond club farms. 3 m. Maple hill. Fine maple grove on old Saranac road or may be reacht by new Westwood way across outlets and thru pastures. 3 m. Moose island. By boat to Crescent bay, Picnic rock, Hop- ping bear point or east shore, thru primeval forests with beau- tiful trees, great rocks and mossy ravines. The island is only 5 miles in circumference so there is no danger as in mainland forest of getting lost, as one is sure to find the lake shore in some direction. A favorit place for a quiet day and for camp- ing. 3 m. Overlook. Club's mountain of 200 acres west of Whiteface inn, 3 beautiful brooks, a hardwood forest and near the summit a view famous in the guide books as one of the best in the Adi- rondacks. The islands seem to make 5 small lakes at one's feet. A plain trail breaks into the forest from the highway opposit the inn stables. To the inn by steamer or rowboat, carriage road, bicycle path or the * trail thru the pines ' along the lake shore. A full half day's trip. Many prefer to carry lunches and take more time. By road 4 miles; by boat 2% m. i 7 6 LAKE PLACID CLUB Eagle's eyrie. By boat to Echo bay, an hour's climb up a beautiful brook to a marvelous panorama of the lakes and mountains to the south, printed on p. 28 of Handbook. 6 m. There are walks in every direction leading to beautiful views or charming retreats in the forest so that one may walk all summer and still have new places to explore within easy distance of Clubhouse. Mountain climbing. This region is unsurpast in attrac- tions for this most fascinating, exhilarating and healthful out- door exercise. There are scores of mountains, low and high, with excellent, well-markt trails, and hundreds of others for those who prefer to test their woodcraft and endurance by find- ing their way thru pathless forests. The views obtaind are justly famous and well repay the effort. By common consent the finest views in the state are to be had from the high peaks nearest Lake Placid. From Whiteface no less than 65 lakes have been counted including Champlain and Ontario. Experi- enced and trusty guides can always be had but parties are made up every day of the season of those who prefer to take the safer and easier trips alone. Substantial lunches are provided with needed conveniences from a mere basket and drinking cup to a complete camping outfit. The chief advice is to go slow. Young climbers usually tire themselves out the first of the trip till they learn the practical wisdom of the guides, who never hurry up hill. Frequent rests at good points for views or in MOUNTAIN CLIMBING 177 shady nooks take a little time but make the day easy, specially for ladies and those unaccustomd to vigorous exercise. The tonic of the air is so great that many who think it quite impos- sible to climb find they have the necessary strength. Trips of 3 or 4 hours are usually made before or after dinner. For longer ones it is better to take lunch to eat on the summit where the party rests during the middle of the day. The check list of 90 peaks below only partly represents the wealth of the region. There are over 200 mountains within 15 miles air line from Clubhouse, any one of which would be named and visited often at other resorts where it was not lost in the multi- tude of peaks. Similarly the 147 lakes and other features in the 2d list omit an even larger number of which we do not know the names. Peak of Whiteface Guides. The most important element in the success of many trips is a competent, sober, trustworthy and personally agreeable guide. Both at Clubhouse and Adirondack Lodge such guides are regularly employd. If extra ones are needed they can be found easiest and best by applying at the office. i 7 8 LAKE PLACID CLUB CHECK LIST OF NATURAL FEATURES WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS OF CLUBHOUSE Mountains Adams HIGHT 35 MILES DISTANT 14 DIRECTION. s Algonquin (Mclntire) 5112 10 s Allen 4345 15 s Ampersand 343 2 II wsw Armstrong 4455 13 SSE Bald 2120 16 SE Bartlett ridge 3880 *5 SSE Basin 4825 12 SSE Bassett 1954 IlJ< ENE Baxter 2400 II ESE Bear den 3423 14 SE Big crow 2820 12 ESE Big slide 4255 9 SSE Cascade 4092 7 SE Catamount 3 l68 13 NNE Clark 1577 i5 NE Clematis 2540 12 E Cliff 4OOO 14 S Clinton 4938 I I S Cobble 2330 I NE Golden 4713 I I S Colvin 4074 15 SSE Dial 4023 '5 SE Dix 4842 16 SSE Eagle's Eyrie 2656 4 3 A NNE Ebenezer 1960 1 1 ENE Esther 4270 8 NE Fremont hill 1859 16 NNE Giant 4622 16 SE Gothic 4738 iaj< SSE Green *5 ESE Hamlin 2122 14 NE Haystack 49l8 13 ENE Hedgehog ?400o ii SE Henderson 3000 14 SSW MOUNTAINS 179 Hopkins Hurricane Indian face Iroquois (Mclntire range) Jay Jo Knap hill Knoblock Legett Lime kiln Little crow Long pond McDonough Mclntire (Algonquin) McKenzie Marble Marcy (Tahawus) Moose pond Morgan Nippletop Noonmark Nye Oak ridge Overlook Owl's head Panther Pitchoff Porter Pulpit (Whitney) Rattlesnake knob Redfield Red rock Rooster comb Round Saddleback Saddleback (Jay) Santanoni Sawteeth (Resagonia) Sentinel peak RIGHT MILES DISTANT 3136 13 DIRECTION ESE 3687 14 ESE 2500 14 SSE ii S 16 ENE 2870 10 S 2328 8> N 3^4 15^ ESE H NNE 2925 16 ESE 2697 12 ESE 2268 8 ESE 3800 15 E .5112 10 S 3^9 5 NW 2725 9 NE 5344 12 SSE 7 NNW 12 NE 4620 I 5 I A SSE 3552 14^ SE 6 2490 ii ESE 2 ^ NNW 2165 8 ESE 2600 15 ssw 2750 15 ESE 4070 6% SE 2658 i *A NNE 1968 ii ENE 4606 14 S 2490 ii ESE 2795 ii SE 3H5 15 SE 4530 12 SSE 3623 15 E 4644 16 SSW 4138 14 SSE 3858 6^ ENE i8o LAKE PLACID CLUB Seward Skylight Spread eagle Street Summit rock Tabletop Tahawus (Marcy) Tripod Twin mountains Wainwright Wallface Whiteface Whitney (Pulpit) Wolf's jaws Wright HIGHT 43 8 4 4920 2860 33 4440 5344 3340 ?35 MILES DISTANT 14 3893 4872 2658 4000 II 7 ii 10 12 '5 9 II 12 9 DIRECTION SW S SE SSW SSE SE ESE SE ENE SSW NNE NNE SE S Lakes, ponds, passes, falls, etc. Alder brook Ampersand brook pond Arnold, Lake Ausable lake, lower " upper Ausable river, east branch '* west branch Avalanche lake pass Bartlett's carry Big cherrypatch pond Black pond Bouquet river Brown's brook Buck island Bushnell falls Calamity pond Camus pond Cascade lakes Chapel pond MILES DISTANT 15 I I 16 16 2 II (?) II 16 2 16 13 ii 13 6 7 16 DIRECTION N WSW wsw SSE SE SSE E E S S W E W SE NE N SSE S WSW SE SE LAKES, PONDS, PASSES, FALLS 181 Clear (Heart) lake Clear pond Clifford brook Clifford falls Colby pond Cold brook t i Golden, Lake Coldspring pond Cole brook Connery pond Copperas pond Cranberry pond Crystal brook Dial pond Dipper, Giant's East branch Ausable river Echo lake (Lake of the golden lilies) Elba river Elk pass Feldspar brook Flume Franklin falls French's brook Giant's dipper washbowl Gill brook Gravestone brook Gulf brook Harkness, Lake Hawk island Haystack brook Heart (Clear) lake Henderson, Lake High falls Hunter's pass Indian carry pass Ishum pond MILES DISTANT DIRECTION 7 S I 3/ / 2 WNW 6 E 8 ESE 9 WNW 7 WSW 12 S 12 S 3 l /z NE 12 N 2 l /2 NE 5 NE 13 NE 15 SSE 16 SE 16 SE 9^ E NE i S i5# SE 13 S 8 NE ii N 12 NE 16 SE 16 SE 14 SE 151^ SE 12 ESE 16 SSW z% NNE 15 SSE 7 S 131^ SSW 7 NE 16 SE 16 WSW io'_- SSW 3^ SE 182 LAKE PLACID CLUB John's brook Jones pond Lake, see distinctiv name Lake of the golden lilies (Echo) Little Ampersand pond " black brook " cherry patch pond " clear pond " Wellerpond Livingston pond Lochbonnie Lonesome pond Long pond Loon bay Lost pond Lower Ausable lake " Saranac lake " twin brook McAultey pond Mclntire brook McKenzie pond Malcom pond Marcy brook Marsh pond Miller pond Moose island " pond n 1 1 Morgan pond Moss pond Mud pond (Echo) New bridge brook O'Connell brook Opalescent river Ore bed brook Otis brook Owen pond Pine pond Pope bay MILES DISTANT I I DIRECTION SE 15 NW Mr NE 9% W 15 NE 2 ENE l $% WNW 14 W 13 S 4 NNW 8)^ W 3 NE n^ W 14 ESE 16 SE 9 WNW '5 S ii WNW 7/^ S 6 NW 3 E 7/2 S 5 NE 8 W 2 X N 6^ NW 9> SW 12 NE 15 SSE 3^ NE 13 NE 12 E 12 S I I SSE 13 NE 4^2 NE 9 W Io i^ W LAKES, PONDS, PASSES, FALLS 183 MILES DISTANT DIRECTION Preston ponds Rainbow fall " lake Ray brook Robinson pond Rocky branch Round lake < < Russel fall Saginaw bay St Regis lake, upper Sally, Lake Sanford, Lake Saranac falls Saranac lake, lower " upper Scott ponds Shingle boy pond Silver lake Skylight brook Slide brook Slide mountain brook South meadow brook Still brook Stony creek pond Style's brook Sunrise notch Surprise, Lake (Echo) Taylor pond Tear in the clouds, Lake Thompson brook Tom Peck pond Twin brook, lower upper Uphill brook Upper Ausable lake " St Regis lake 14 Saranac lake " twin brook 13 sw 1^/2 SSE i5 NNW 5 W 5 wsw 14 ENE 5/^ SE 13 W 13 SE i 5 W 151^ NNW 15 SSW 15^ ssw 13 W 9 WNW i$y 2 W IO SSW II WNW 15 NNE '5 SSE 10 SE IO SSE 6^ SE 6 N 16 W ii E 6 NE X NE 14 NNE '3 S 4 SE 2 X NE 15 S 14 S 13 S 16 SSE l 5/4 WNW i s% W 14 S 184 LAKE PLACID CLUB Wallface ponds Warren pond Washbowl, Giant's Weller pond West branch Ausable river Wilmington high falls Wilmington notch Woodruff falls Wynch pond MILES DISTANT 12 4^ 16 M 2 7 5 12 5/2 DIRECTION ssw NE SE W E NE NE NNE NE DRIVING 185 Cycling. Those used to city parkways and macadamized drives may think the best mountain roads very poor, yet many all-year residents now ride constantly, and visitors bring and enjoy their wheels greatly. Others have never learnd the art or charm of dodging about country lanes for a smooth hard track, and so seldom ride. The favorit short rides are the 3 miles round Mirror lake. 3 miles round the club links and For- estview, 7 miles to Whiteface Inn or 6 to John Brown's grave and back. Wheelmen make all the trips under ' Drives ' and also push out on each of the 3 great highways leading out of Placid valley: i) Wilmington road, northeast toward Lake Cham plain; 2) Keene road by Cascade lakes and Keene to Elizabethtown and Westport-on-Cham- plain; 3) Saranac road. The maps of the L. A. W. show the cycle roads about Lake Placid to be the best in the mountains. Recent substantial progress has been made and every year increases the amount of good cycling. Local inter- est is shown by the well advanced lo-mile sidepath between Lake Placid and Saranac, which was the most sandy road. This is half done and completion is promist in 1901. There is a special cycle room for members' wheels at the club boat livery, the best high or low priced bicycles are for sale or rent and members can have their own wheels stord, cleand or repaird. Cooperation. The receipts from driving, boating, golf and other recreations for which a charge is made are spent wholly on these departments, on which no one makes a profit. Driving. Placid is well known as the driving center of the Adirondacks. Members fond of this recreation felt that the club should have its own stables, maintaining the high stand- ards which characterize its boating facilities. Therefore in Club road from station l86 LAKE PLACID CLUB 1901 driving was made a leading club specialty and the best stable in the region was built and equipt for taking the best care of favorit horses. It has box stalls, wash racks, harness room, drivers library and reading room, livery room, office, salesroom, 2 floors of drivers rooms with hot and cold water, porcelain bath, closets and lavatories. It also provides for those who would bring choice horses and carriages if they had satisfactory accommodations instead of the ordinary hotel stables, and they can now have light, dry, well ventilated quar- ters in charge of responsible, experienced men. 1 5 new Water- loo carriages, with high backs and broad seats, 20 new Troy harnesses, 20 new horses, and complete new furnishings, as for a first class private stable, have been added to the equipment of 1900. There is a new manager and experienced drivers and stablemen, and constant study is made to secure the highest safety and comfort and to furnish a higher grade of horses and more satisfactory turnouts than are elsewhere obtainable. There will be offerd this year various facilities impracticable in a public hotel but very desirable for a club because they give it more the character of a private estate. As in club boats, unusual provision is made for various wants and tastes. Besides the usual livery there are for ladies and children safe and gentle Shetland and other ponies and horses for carts, phaetons, buckboards and surries, all chosen DRIVING 187 specially for this work. For skilful drivers there are higher- lived horses with suitable handsome turnouts which can be had by the month or day, thus affording facilities which can usually be enjoyd only in a fine private stable. These however will positivly not be let without drivers except to those competent A Placid drive and willing to give such horses proper care on trying mountain roads. Any other course would soon ruin the horses so that even careful drivers would have nothing but the overworkt and broken down. These best turnouts are refused for private driving to any'one'who has faild to bring the horses back in i88 LAKE PLACID CLUB satisfactory condition. However skilful and experienced, drivers who believe in 'putting them thru and buying more when these are worn out' and the larger class who believe themselves competent but really know little about horses, must not expect to use without drivers those provided only for amateur horse- men who are both careful and competent. A spe- cial feature is pair driving on light wagon roads or buckboards. To encour- age this the charge for a pair will be not double but only one half more than for single. This year 3 new 2-seat surries have been added for ladies to drive with children or light loads on the level roads about the lake. These are not let for long drives or hard roads, but only for easy driving by careful people who prefer to have their own turnouts without a driver and wish to make up little family parties. These are specially de- signd for those who wish to make weekly or monthly rates for the whole or partial use of such family carriages Saddle horses. Most stables are forced to give up keep- ing saddle horses entirely because so many are ruind by over- riding. Hard and fast riders who wish to gallop up and down hill must bring their own horses or get them elsewhere. For those willing to give good horses careful usage, the club pro- vides for men, women and children. For others it will order promptly from the livery stables the best to be had but will not allow its own horses to be spoild for those for whom they were bo't even if the rule offends some very delightful people who are 'hard on horses. ' Driving equipment. For economy and to secure exactly what is wisht some prefer to own their horses or to hire by the month and treat as private turnouts. After careful inquiry we High falls, Wilmington road DRIVING PRICE LIST 189 selected the Waterloo Wagon Co. and the Troy Harness Co. as the best makers, considering- high quality and product and reasonable prices. A salesroom in the stable provides a liberal assortment of carnages, harnesses and all needed articles for immediate delivery and at the least obtainable prices. Horses are also for sale or for rent by the week, month or season, with or without drivers. Families will find this the most economi- cal and satisfactory method specially if 2 or more members divide the cost of a horse or pair. Driving price list. A convenient list on which members can check off drives taken in exploration of the surrounding country. The prices given cover only cooperativ cost of main- taining the club stables at the new high standard The horses earn these prices only a few weeks but must be fed for 52. Hay and oats are very high in the mountains because of high freights. Nearly all hotels find it unprofitable to carry on stables at these rates, and farm out the business to liverymen. The club tried this plan 5 years but could not get as good equipment or service as its members properly demand in sur- roundings so picturesquely adapted to much driving. Printed prices are invariable for grade A or best horses, drivers and Waterloo, Glens Falls, buckboards, the most luxurious and easy riding of these famous carriages, but for mountain wagons and other grade B or older or cheaper turnouts lower rates may be made for drive, week or month. A lower rate may be given for long trips if teams can be spared and are to return without passengers. For 2 horses on i-seat carriage deduct ^ from price of 3-seat. Round GLENS FALLS trip miles i-seat 2-seat 3-seat Any trip under 5 miles $i $i-75 $2 Adirondack lodge w^ole^ * 3 5 A j- -^ half day 24 *. co 6 7 Adirondack sanitarium whole " 8 " summer art school 16 3 5 6 Ames's (Mountain View) 12 2 3.50 4 hotel hi j lf , da r 24 350 6 7 4 o 190 LAKE PLACID CLUB Ausable chasm Ausable Forks, pulp mills " via Keene Ausable lakes Averyville Beede's (St Hubert's) Black Brook Bloomingdale Bluff pt, Hotel Champlain Cascade lakes East hill (Prof. Davidson's) Edgehill farm Edgehill triangle Elizabetht'n, via Keene " Upper Jay Euba mills " via Elizabetht'n Forest View circle Franklin Falls Freeman's home Glenmore, East hill Grand View Highland farm Hotel Champlain Iron bridge on W. Ausable Jay, via Keene " Wilmington John Brown's grave Keene Center Keene hights Keene Valley Round trip miles GLENS FALLS i-seat 2-seat 3-seat 2 days 78 10 $17.50 ; $20 3 '"' 12 2 I 24 2 " 5 8 14 16 2 " 62 8 14 16 2 " 56 8 14 16 12 2 35 4 2 days 4 8 8 14 16 2 " 4 8 8 14 16 i day 37 6 10.50 12 2 days 8 M 16 2 " 5 1 8 14 16 half day 20 3 5 6 whole " 4 7 8 i day 39 6 10.50 12 2 days 8 14 16 3 i J -75 2 5 i i-75 2 2 days 56 8 14 16 2 " 60 8 14 16 2 " 60 8 14 16 2 " 76 10 17 So 20 3 " 12 21 24 4 I '75 2 2 days 48 8 14 16 16 3 5 6 i day 39 6 10 50 12 3 i T -75 2 5 i MS 2 2 days 51 8 14 16 6 i. 25 2 2.50 2 " 52 8 14 16 i day 38 6 10. 50 12 2 days 8 14 16 8 i 5 2.50 3 32 4 7 8 2 " 5 8 14 16 i day 42 6 10 50 12 2 days 8 14 l6 DRIVING PRICE LIST 19! Round GLENS FALLS trip r miles i-seat 2-seat 3-seat Keeseville * d *P 7 * * ^ & Lake Clear (Rice's) 25 4 7 8 Lake Placid house 3 i 1.75 2 Loon Lake (Chase's) 2 days 56 8 14 16 Lower Jay 30 4 7 8 McKenzie pond 163 5 6 Mineville 2 d ?P ^ T I7 ' 5 * 3 12 21 24 Miss Newman's farm 12 2 3.50 4 Miss Newman's roadend 14 2.50 4 5 Mountain View (Ames's) 12 2 3.50 4 Newman 2 i 1.75 2 New Russia 2 days 64 9 16 18 North Elba p. o. 8 1.50 2.50 3 Paul Smith's 2 days 52 8 14 16 Port Henry 3 " go 12 21 24 Port Kent 3 " 84 12 21 24 Rainbow lake (Wardner's) i day 28 4 7 8 Ray Brook house (Cameron's) 12 2 3.50 4 Riverside drive (Ausable circle) 10 2 3-5 4 Round Mirror lake 3 i 1.75 2 Round Sar an ac square 10 2 3 5 4 Ruisseaumont 21 1.75 2 St Eustace P. E. church 3 i i 75 2 St Gabriel 's sanit'm (R.C.) 2 days 56 8 14 16 St Hubert's inn 2 " 48 8 14 16 Saranac Inn 2 days 52 8 14 16 SaranacLake(vill.orr.r.) ' 3 whole " 4 7 Ampersand, Algonquin half day 24 3.50 6 7 or sanitarium whole " 4 7 8 Signal hill 3 i 1.75 2 Silver lake 2 days 66 9 16 18 South Meadows ^day 2 o 3 S 6 Steamboat landing 3 i 1.75 2 Stevens house 3 i 1.75 2 192 LAKE PLACID CLUB Round GLENS FALLS miles i-seat 2-seat 3-seat Summer school of art 16 $3 $5 $6 Summer school of philosophy i day 39 6 10.50 12 Union Falls, 2 days 60 8 14 16 Upper Jay, via Keene 2 " 44 8 14 16 " Wilm'gt'n 2 " 46 8 14 16 Westport 2 " 72 10 17.50 20 3 12 21 24 White church square 5 i 1.75 2 Whitef ace golf links 5 i 1.75 2 Whiteface inn 8 1.50 2.50 3 Willey house (East hill) ' ^ ^ 6 Q I0 '5 2 days 14 1 6 Wilmington flume 25 4 7 8 Wilmington high falls 2 3 5 6 Wilmington-Keene sq. 2 days 45 8 14 16 Wilmington village 30 4 7 8 Wood farm (Adirondack lodge road) 12 2 3.50 4 Prices are at the rate of 2oc a mile for saddle horse or single, 35c for double, 4oc for 3-seat carriages and i2j/ 2 c for Shetland or other ponies with cart or saddle. Prices to places not on the list are fixt by this table: i -seat or Pony cart sa Under 5 miles 7 8 9 12 H 16 18 30 in i day 2.50 4-horse drag, break or hayride rack double 3-seat price. Experienced drivers attend all double teams. Single car- riages with i or 2 horses will be let without drivers only to com- petent and careful horsemen. They may also arrange to drive their own 2-seat teams by special permit if they observe the iy cart saddle horse 2-seat 3-seat 75 $1 $i-75 $2 i 1-25 2 2.50 i i-5 2.50 3- 1-25 '-75 3 359 i-5 2 3-50 4 1-75 2.50 4 5 2 3 5 6 2.25 3-5 6 7 2.50 4 7 8 TRANSFERS 193 club rules for driving and bring the horses back in good con- dition. Meals for drivers and horses when away from home are paid for by the club and drivers have positiv orders not to postpone unduly the feeding of its horses. Club and Lodge horses are cared for free at either stables. Visitors to the Lodge save expense by going in by club teams. Only 5 miles an hour is practicable on these mountain roads without injury to most horses. 20 miles, or one third more than the stage line average, is allowd for a full day's work. Horses are expected to do only 100 miles a week and overwork of some days is balanced by corresponding rest. Ex- cept in emergencies no club team is driven more than 30 miles (or double stage line work) in any i day. A 'half day' is before i p. m., between i and 6 p. m. or after 5 p. m. No extra charge is made for overtime not exceeding i hour. All prices are by miles traveld, not by time. If distance traveld averages less than 2^ miles an hour because of stops the charge is by the hour at half usual rate or 500 single, $i double; e. g. ahorse kept 8 hours would be charged for 20 miles or a full day tho he was driven a less distance. All prices are by nearest roads to points named. If extra distance is traveld it is enterd on slip on return and charged at printed schedule rates. No charge is made till this report of trip is made after return. Prices by week or month. Horses and carriages for exclusiv use, with driver, club assuming all risks. Week Month pony and cart $12.50 $50 saddle 20 80 i -seat carriage, i horse 20 80 2 horses 30 120 2-seat " " 35 140 3-seat " 40 1 60 Board. Board for private horses $i a day; in box stalls $1.50 a day. Those furnishing their own grooms are allowd 25c a day for each horse. Transfers. To railway station, steamboat landing, opera house, Club golf links or any Mirror lake hotel or church, in mountain wagons 25C, in Glens Falls carriages SQC each person, Ip4 LAKE PLACID CLUB each way, unless return is made immediately without stop, when no return fare is charged. These prices do not apply for less than 2 fares for buggy, 3 fares for 2-seat, 5 fares for 3 -seat, i.e. 4 persons would pay $1.25 for a 3-seat carriage. If private carriages are orderd they must be at minimum rate charged for all drives under 5 miles, $i, $1.75 and $2. To all trains and all regular Sunday services round trip for i or more persons 25C each in transfers, 5oc in carriages. Transfer of trunks 25C each. Club checks will be given for both inward and outward baggage at the house and station. Athletic club. Those interested pay $i a year and con- stitute the Morningside athletic club. All fees and any returns for use of its outfits or from tournaments or other sources are used in improving athletic facilities. This club supplies for a small fee golf sticks, tennis rackets, roque or croquet mallets and balls, and other needed articles, and aims to introduce and foster any outdoor recreations which seem desirable and practi- cable. The grounds, woods and lakes afford the best possible opportunity for all forms of outdoor sports. The club has the best location at Placid for both land and water tournaments and matches, sailing, rowing, paddling and swimming races, float nights, etc. The advantages of its great piazzas and sloping shores with shelterd seats are recognized by all. Subclubs. These are the simplest possible. Whenever several members are interested in one thing they naturally cooperate for promoting that interest and their own convenience and pleasure in following it. Membership at present means little more than that one shares in the recreation, contributes the trifling fee for incidental expenses and cooperates with others in advancing the interests of their common pastime. Rooms are provided for the occasional meetings needed to plan trips, matches, tournaments, etc. The Club provides unusual facili- ties for all these recreations and bears various general expenses. Each club raises by its annual fees, subscriptions, entertain- ments or otherwise the small amounts needed for its own inci- dental expenses. Some of these clubs will doubtless become more permanent and activ. Some will do nothing one year and much the next, as each usually depends on the activity of some enthusiastic leader. If a half dozen persons are specially fond of boating, tennis, roque, basket ball or any other game, FOREST COURTS 195 they agree on certain days and hours and invite others who are players, and the group is known as 'the club,' and all mat- ters pertaining to its special game are referd to it by the trus- tees. Those who bring their own horses, or hire by the month or day the special club turnouts for fine private driving, are inter- ested in roads, driving parties, stopping places, etc. and make a Driving club. The devotees of horseback exercise are the Stir- rup club. The Cycle and Walking clubs appeal to those who prefer the wheel or long tramps to horses, and are glad to know others of similar taste likely to join them. The Canoe club brings together those fond of paddling, rowing or sailing, the Music and Dramatic clubs those who take pleasure in contribut- ing to the summer's entertainment by utilizing the amateur talent always present but often undiscoverd except by such a club. The Camera club finds scores of enthusiastic photog- rafers glad to know each other's work in a section so rich in material. 3 dark rooms are provided for its use. The Moun- tain club has as its object exploration and naming of new peaks, cutting needed trails, putting up guideboards and developing in various ways this fascinating and exhilarating outdoor interest. From those who engage in each of these recreations the more enthusiastic make the little club which plans various outings in which others not enough interested to join the club and make the plans, are yet glad to share. Track and team athletics. The club field days have been most enjoyable and numerous members of college teams are always present. According to material available and leaders willing to organize, we have a great variety of sports, e. g. long, broad and high jumping, pole vaulting, 3-legged, wheelbarrow, sack, potato, egg and spoon, swimming, obstacle and other races, shot putting, hammer throwing, tug-of-war in boats and on land, walking, swimming, diving, etc. Suitable programs are provided for children, youths and untraind adults as well as for college athletes, the club physi- cian exercising constant supervision so that there shall be no overstrain. It is the club's settled policy to encourage liberally all wholesome outdoor sports which attract both participants and spectators. Forest courts. These have been graded between Forest and Brookwood, 5 minutes from Clubhouse on the path to the 196 LAKE PLACID CLUB golf houses. In order to center in one place the various games there is space for 8 full sized courts in ideal surroundings. These will be fitted up as fast as needed. On 2 sides are woods which afford shade at all hours to spectators, and which protect from prevailing winds in cold November days and yet leave free circulation of air in warm weather. Tennis. There is no annoying waiting for courts, as the club has space for 14 games at once. Tether tennis. Both Forest courts and Lodge have this popular new game. Roque and croquet. Besides the children's croquet court near the Squealery, courts with rubber cushions for expert play will provide in 1901 for roque, considerd by many the best of all outdoor games, but for which satisfactory facilities for fine play are seldom found. Roque is easily the best outdoor game for those who find golf and tennis too vigorous exercise and the new courts will make it a popular club feature. Other outdoor sports. The club has already provided facilities for many sports and games and will, whenever a reasonable number wish to take up any desirable new sport, encourage it practically, e. g. quoits, archery, handball, lacrosse, cricket, lawn bowls, etc. Those interested in starting anything new should consult the treasurer at the club office. Athletic supplies. The club has the agency for the section of the largest and best makers including A. G. Spalding & Bros., Columbia and Spalding bicycles and St Lawrence boats and canoes, and keeps on hand a large assortment for immediate delivery at no advance on city prices. Members save trouble and expense by getting all supplies here instead of bringing from the city. As entire net proceeds of all this business are spent for club outdoor sports it helps our athletic interests to patro- nize this agency which carries a larger stock than is to be found elsewhere outside large city stores. This includes everything likely to be needed for golf, boating, driving, camping, swim- ming, cycling, tennis, roque, croquet and other outdoor and indoor sports. In bicycles there are the 2 best t makes, Columbia and Spalding, for men and women, chainless or chain, with either hub or tire coaster brakes. There are also the best lower priced machines and scores of fittings and supplies likely to be needed M jn JL T JUJW ATHLETIC by some one during the summer. Those not wishing to buy can rent most articles, all receipts going to the athletic club for maintenance of its work. Rent of clubs, balls, etc. As free provision of rackets, balls, mallets, golf clubs and other appliances led to loss and injury a small fee is charged for the loan of anything needed and a good assortment is kept on hand for sale or rent, the receipts being spent in improving this equipment. Athletic field. The club has one of the few places in this region where there is enough level space for a satisfactory athletic field. This is half a mile from Clubhouse, conceald by woods, out of sight and sound for those who prefer quiet, but at the end of a pretty wood path for the many who enjoy outdoor sports. A diamond is laid out for baseball and ground assignd for cricket, lawn bowls, and other sports needing ample level space. Club's ball grounds Athletic instruction. Vacation days are the best in the year for acquiring any outdoor accomplishment. Competent instructors are seldom available in the country, but the club aims to have them for golf, driving, riding, bicycling, sailing, rowing, canoeing, swimming, etc. In rowing, pupils are taught if wisht with fixt or feathering oars, straight or spoon, with outriggers, sliding seats, single and double sculls and single and double paddles. 198 LAKE PLACID CLUB Swimming 1 school. The club is fortunate in having secured for the entire season the most famous teachers of scientific swimming in this country, Prof, and Mrs Ernest Allen. Needed facilities have been added, swimming trolley, diving pedestal, 32 bath cabins, 400 ft of board walk, so that with best teachers, best water and best conveniences the club's first rank as the swimming center is unquestiond. Prof. Allen has repeatedly proved his ability to make expert swimmers out of old and young who had tho't they could not learn. Many old pupils cordially welcome his return. He is secured to take charge of this club specialty because so many members knew of his remarkable skill and success as the teacher and expert for 5 years with the Florida East Coast Hotels at Palm Beach, and for 8 years with the well known Chicago natatorium. Bath cabin and balconies Bathing. Bathing facilities are the best in the mountains, where the waters are usually too cold for comfort. This is due to the club lake front being on a long sloping sand beach where the sun makes the shallow water several degrees warmer. The club has 32 free dressing rooms for lake bathing supplied with Turkish towels. A full supply of suits for young and old is kept for sale and to let. The company sure to be gatherd on the upper and lower balconies of the lakehouse is entertaind mornings and afternoons and often evenings by expert swim- BOATING 199 ming, diving and frolicking in the water, for at no other moun- tain resort are water sports so popular. Boating and bathing accidents. The great development of boating and bathing at the club is largely due to the unusual precautions against possible accidents. We keep expert swim- mers on duty thruout the season on both sides the narrow lake with fast boats, life preservers, lines and belts in readiness for instant use. During regular bathing hours in addition to the swimming teachers an extra patrol is kept on the water and Prof. Allen has full authority to prevent as well as discourage any undue risks specially on the part of children. Nothing is so attractiv and healthful in the warm months as these water sports. Many families who will not risk accidents elsewhere trust their little people constantly on the club water front under these thoro precautions. Club carry from Mirror to Placid Boating. The club is often said to live in or on the water, boating and bathing are such prominent specialties. It has 9 boat houses and the finest fleet in the mountains of over i oo boats, including 20 different patterns, so that each person may find what he most likes in small craft. There are besides the ordinary Adirondack boats found at other resorts, broader and safer boats for families and children, narrower and faster boats for those who like sliding seats, outriggers and spoons, St 20O LAKE PLACID CLUB Lawrence skiffs, ladies gigs, working boats, the special pattern of club guideboats made in our own shops, sail boats, evening pastimes, canvas and other varieties. There are also 20 birch bark, Canadian, Peterboro and canvas, paddling and sailing canoes. A professional boat builder has his repair shop at the main boat house so that every boat is kept constantly in perfect repair. The club carry connects Placid with Mirror and there are numerous convienent landings on the 3 lakes. There are boats at $3, $4, $5 and $6 a week, according to size and cost. For those owning their own boats there is a charge of $i a week for storage, care and cleaning thru the season and of $i a week lake tax for necessary expenses of maintaining boat houses, landings, life patrol and other boating expenses. By common consent the club is conceded to have unequald facili- ties for safety and pleasure connected with boating. Regattas, races and tournaments. Besides the annual Adirondack regatta the last of August, there will be frequent trial races between club houses and crews and a series of tour- naments and field days to stimulate interest in golf, tennis^ LAKE AND CATHEDRAL FIRES 201 basket ball, roque, swimming and the various other outdoor sports and games for which facilities have been so liberally pro- vided. Members are askt to assist this movement to increase outdoor life by attracting nonparticipants to attend races, match games or tournaments. Club landing, St Eustace church, Mirror lake Excursions. Complete camping outfits are lent to those wishing to camp, picnic or climb. Walking, cycling and out- door parties are encouraged by substantial lunches free to those absent at meal times. The cycle room is not only for storage, but for cleaning and repairs. Every reasonable and practicable effort is made to increase yearly the present high standard of outdoor life and exercise which adds so much to both health and happiness. Bowling. The club 'Rumble 1 with 3 alleys is, because of the noise, preferably on the other shore adjoining the west lake- house, and reacht by the south path round the lake, or by boat in 5 minutes from Clubhouse. Members may reserve alleys for definit hours by registering or telefoning in advance. Lake and cathedral fires. The lake fires are a specialty of the club. At 6 points where shallow water allowd stone piers 20 ft square have been built up above the surface. Hay rack loads of brush and heavier fuel are piled high on these, and on 202 LAKE PLACID CLUB lake fire nights at 8 p. m. (after September at 7.30) these are lighted. The flames streaming high in air light the lake as if by artificial moonlight and the ever changing lights and shadows fascinate others than fire worshipers. On a stone foundation, carefully protected, the 'cathedral fire 'is similarly built in the forest, 10 minutes from Clubhouse. The trunks of a thousand forest trees on the side toward the great column of flame are brightly lighted while the opposit side is in darkness. The wierd effect is like a vast cathedral at night with one strong electric light at a central point. As the fire dies down it is common to have antifonal songs from the benches scattered among the trees. To hundreds these club fires have been one of the most beautiful sights of their lives. Float nights. These are also a club specialty. About July 20, August 15 and September 10 there is a general illumi- nation of Clubhouse, the lake front and the fleet of 100 small boats, which go thru various evolutions, after which the 5 lake fires are lighted together and by their light the evening closes with singing in the boats clusterd near the swimming school. The club has over 2000 Chinese and Japanese lanterns for these monthly floats, which produce a wonderfully beautiful effect on the still surface of Mirror lake. First and second prizes are offerd each year to the most artistic, the most effectiv and the most original designs. Golf. While the club has from the first playd golf, it has recently made it its leading specialty, expending over $20,000 on land and preparation of links, including golf house and li- brary, and teachers and practice courts. The general location was fixt by an ex-world's champion, selected as the best living authority. Every hole was laid out under his personal direction and he pronounced the location unexceld in the entire country for magnificence of views, attractiv surroundings and pictur- esque diversity in the surface. The oldest farm in the section was selected because it had a turf impossible to secure in land more recently cleard. The long course is over 3000 yards but tees have bsen moved up on several holes so that last year it was playd as 2625 yards with holes as follows : Tahawus, 35 1 ; Notch, 298; Cobble, 295; Saddleback, 249; Valleyview, 355; Amper- sand, 152; Indian pass, 361; Santanoni, 290; St Armand, 274. The short one of 6 holes and 1400 yards is for ladies who do not GOLF 203 Golf house and library care to play on the longer course and beginners. 2 trout ponds make desirable water-hazards. The golf house provides lockers, toilet rooms, golf supplies, refreshments and other conveniences. Adjoining is the large golf library with great stone fireplace and glass sides toward the mountains. This is a favorit reading and writing resort for those not playing and is also used for the weekly 5 o'clock teas, having kitchen, ladies rooms, etc. Car- 204 LAKE PLACID CLUB riage roads, cycle paths and trails have been built thru the forest to main highways, lake and Clubhouse, so that the golf houses are most conveniently accessible from all directions. A golf- man is in constant attendance to supervise caddies and houses and look after the comfort of members and a competent teacher is available for those wishing instruction. Many people who have seen scores of links pronounce these the most attractiv they have ever found. Whitney, Whiteface and Cobble from golf links The 6 hole course and the privilege of both north and south golf houses are entirely free to club members. This includes golf library, facilities for refreshments and afternoon teas and the right to buy all supplies at -New York prices without advance for double expressage charged here. $3000 was spent on the 9 hole course on request of those expressing readiness to pay the following moderate fees to help meet the extra cost. Season Week Day 1 player $10 . . $* $ 5 2 in same family *5 3-- * 3 i? 5 4 * 50 4 20 . . 5 . . 2 . . For each additional player in the same family $2.50 a season or $i a week is added. The day price is uniformly 5oc. LIBRARY 205 Caddies. To guard against overcharge, dishonesty or incompetence every caddy approved by the golf man wears a badge and number, which is taken from him for incivility or inefficiency. Players pay no money to caddies but buy tickets at the first tee, unless they prefer to caddy for each other or provide their own caddies. This avoids making change and * tips.' The golf man pays the caddy the money for each ticket turnd in and thus is sure of opportunity to correct any faults reported by players. The cheaper short course ticket is of different color and is good for either the regular 6 hole course or for 6 holes of the long course. Caddy tickets are 2$c for long and i5c for short course. Indoor amusements. Golf, boating, driving, riding and all outdoor sports have receivd unusual attention, but provi- sion has also been made specially for evenings and occasional rainy days and for those who specially enjoy indoor recreations. Photografers have free dark rooms with the best facilities for developing. The music room, seating 300, with stage, curtains, dressing room, etc. provides accommodations for music, dra- matics, tableaus, and entertainments for the Village improve- ment society or the churches, and the new game room will con- tain facilities for all the best indoor games. There are 4 libra- ries, nature study, bird and other classes, music, dancing, dramatics, billiards, pool, bowling and all the most desirable indoor games for old and young. Only the more important are mentiond. Library. The club was founded by authors, librarians and book lovers, who make good books a leading feature. The 4 large library rooms are equipt with library tables, reading chairs and study lamps and are kept quiet. Besides the large libraries in the main house and at Adirondack Lodge there is the lake library over the water, 31x62 feet, two thirds of the sides open in fair weather, all inclosed in glass for storms, with open fires for cold days. The golf library adjoining the golf house is about the same size and has similar provisions. The library is not a mere collection of books and rooms in which to read them, but a library in the modern broad sense, including the club's whole intellectual life, literature, science, art, history and any lectures or allied work undertaken. It is not to start a summer school or bore people with efforts to 206 LAKE PLACID CLUB 'improve their minds, ' but to provide liberally for those who find in intellectual life their greatest rest and pleasure. To encourage members interested to study club specialties more thoroly in the summer's leisure, collections are being developt of the best books on golf, boating, driving, nature study, birds, mountain climbing, camping, forestry, farming, home eco- nomics, health, juvenilia, outdoor and indoor amusements, sports, games and allied subjects. The club has nearly 2000 books most of them selected as best for club use. Besides the latest and best light summer reading, largely fiction, there is ample provision of the most askt for more substantial reading and also 20 leading periodi- cals, a reference library of the best general and special cyclo- pedias, atlases, gazetteers, indexes and dictionaries of various subjects including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin and Greek, besides the Century, Standard and Webster for English. It takes 10 of the best newspapers for general use and personal copies can be had at the office. This large expense is incurred because so many of our mem- bers are literary workers and have found it practicable to com- bine the most efficient work with a delightful vacation, to spend a long summer with their families in the wonderful tonic air of Placid, giving part of every day to outdoor amusements and the rest to the desk. Several well-known books have been written at the club and this feature is steadily growing. Some wish to leave all work behind and play solidly for a few weeks vacation. Others have learnd that they get more rest and new strength from doubling the length of vacation and working half the time. By utilizing rainy days and evenings the net result of the summer is much better and the head of the family for the first time feels it practicable to share all the long outing with the rest. Judges with opinions to write out, lawyers with cases to study, authors with books and articles to prepare, editors with weekly or monthly demands for copy, in fact scores of people, with the libraries, stenografers, typewriters and other facilities provided at the club as at no hotel, are finding it practicable to take a longer vacation than they had before thought possible. Addresses. The club is not burdend with lecture courses but each season many prominent representatives of the best ENTERTAINMENTS 207 thought visit the club and several accept invitations to give their special message in one of the large rooms. Similarly we have some of the best pulpit orators in the country who preach for a single Sunday for one of the 4 flourishing churches on the opposit shore of the narrow lake, P. E. , methodist, baptist and Roman catholic. The presbyterians hold weekly services in the baptist church. The last and largest building is St Eustace which in 1900 had a choral service and vested choir. In 1901 besides the new church and rector's camp on Placid, the large number of enthusiastic churchmen who summer at Placid have, chiefly thru the liberality and devotion of the rector, Rev. W. W. Moir, lately assistant rector of the Church of the Holy Communion in New York, furnisht a large rectory near the Placid library, and have built and equipt a parish house seldom equald even in the large cities. This has assem- bly and dressing rooms, offices and kitchen, and all facilities for meetings and entertainments, a complete gymnasium of the most modern apparatus, 2 bowling alleys, billiard and pool tables, shower, needle and other baths, lockers, boat houses, etc. all available to summer visitors as well as to all-the-year members. 2 college graduates specially traind for the work give their entire time to making this parish house a center for everything which tends to the improvement of the village. This remarkable development in the work of St Eustace-by-the- lakes will increase still more the markt tendency of churchmen and their families to summer in Placid. Entertainments. The village and the great hotels across the lake have very full provision of concerts and other summer entertainments for those who care to attend. The club council allows only now and then one of the best which investigation shows to be worthy the special permission required. The club is not a public hotel but a great private estate. The enter- tainments allowd are only those which might be invited to a large country place to entertain a house party. Morningside as a private park is wholly free from the annoyances of pedlers, solicitors and 'entertainers,' which prove such a nuisance in many summer resorts. All these are excluded unless on special permission granted only to those whose presence is desirable to the members. 208 LAKE PLACID CLUB Music. As those who wish greater quiet can now secure it in the cottages, or in the libraries or parlors which are at the opposit end from the music room, the council has decided on having good music, 3 or 4 pieces, not less than 4 times each week. In addition there will be the 'Sunday night singing' as usual in which all are invited to participate. The grand piano is reservd for concerts and expert pianists where the best instrument in the best condition is demanded. The uprights are for dancing and ordinary use. A music library has been started with a generous supply of both Plymouth and church hymnals and numerous copies of college and popular song col- lections for the frequent 'sings' in which all are invited to join. Additions are invited from members interested. There will also be occasional music at Adirondack Lodge, the golf houses and the lake library, in which J/z of the sides can be thrown open thus making practically an open air concert for those in boats or on the balconies in the warm evenings. Amateur music. Accomplisht musicians have always a cordial hearing and there will be recitals and concerts at fre- quent intervals according to the musical talent at the club, but annoyance to guests from children strumming the pianos or making discordant efforts at amateur music is not allowd. Even good music is subject to this house rule: 'Musical instruments may be playd in the music rooms, lakehouses, golf- houses and on piazzas, but not in parlors, library, office or private rooms or between 10 p. m. and 8 a. m. or during the "quiet hour," 3-5 p. m. The pianos will be closed and all noise that would disturb sleepers stopt promptly at TO p. m.' Dancing. There will be music, 3 or more pieces, for dancing from 8-10 p. m. in the music room 2 nights each week and a monthly german about July 30, August 15 and September 10. Refreshments will be servd in the tea room or the tower. There will also be music at the hours selected by the council for children's dancing. Dramatics. The club has unusual provision for dra- matics and other entertainments. Besides the usual parlors and libraries and 2 lakehouses, it built in 1900 a music room 32 x8o with 200 ft of piazza 13 ft wide surrounding and opening out of it by glass doors and windows so that many of the audience prefer the piazza seats. This room has a raisd stage 18 x 32 MUSEUM 209 with curtain and men's and women's dressing rooms. Imme- diately over the stage are the tea and refreshment rooms. At Adirondack Lodge the theater is a separate building and has stage and dressing rooms, wings and simple scenery. There are also at both Clubhouse and Lodge choice spots in the forest for open air dramatics and other entertainments. Shuffleboard. There are 3 new shufHeboards for 1901. Photografy. 3 dark rooms at Clubhouse, Westside and Adirondack Lodge with conveniences for developing are free to all. It is expected however that one copy with label and date of any picture of general interest will be contributed to the albums of photografs made by members. No other books will afford more entertainment in future years and it is considerd a compliment to have copies selected for these. As there is no place richer in beautiful subjects for the camera, much atten- tion is given to amateur photografy. Museum. We wish everything pertaining to the Placid section, not only books, pamflets, clippings, or photografs, but also objects of historic or scientific interest, specimens of flora, fauna, minerals, rocks, in short anything of interest to those who love our beautiful natural surroundings. While we prefer specimens labeld and mounted, everything worth keep- ing will be properly cared for. As interest and cooperation warrant there will be developt an arboretum with specimen trees labeld with scientific and popular names, a botanic garden for wild flowers and plants, a zoo of living animals, an aqua, rium of nativ fish, and a collection of mounted specimens of our nativ birds and animals. The library has the best illus- trated books on all these subjects. The state scientific officers have greatly helpt these new features by recognizing the peculiar advantages of this township for lovers of nature who wish to study it at its best. Experts have prepared bulletins with maps and illustrations on the geology, flora and fauna. All 3 can be had at the office. During each season as interest justifies there will be lectures or familiar illustrated talks for those wishing to cultivate their outdoor tastes and know more of nature in its varied forms in the Placid region. Members interested in our plans for museum, zoo, botanic garden, aquarium, etc. (see p. 42 of Handbook) are requested to send notice of the subjects in which they are willing to 210 LAKE PLACID CLUB cooperate. We have now provided rooms and needed facilities, garden space and necessary help, and these features will be developt as fast as members do their part. Gifts. Members interested respond generously to the standing request for gifts to this library and museum supple- menting the liberal annual expenditures from club funds. Being so far from large libraries we gladly include in the per- manent club collection any books, pamflets or other additions which one might want during a long summer. Each member should look over his shelves and book table on starting for the club and bring what he is willing to spare to help in the present activ effort to enlarge our club collections. The giver's name will be enterd on the bookplate except in cases of cheap editions or unimportant books, which are kept on the shelves, tho not counted as really a part of the library. Gifts of these books, which are often not wanted at home, are requested, as almost everything unobjectionable in character is sooner or later wanted. Duplicates can be given away to advantage in our own or other Adirondack villages, so that everything can be used. Kindergarten. Traind kindergartners take the little ones 5 mornings a week for nature study, games and the many helps to development given better by this method than any other. This is equally valuable to the children and to the mothers who are thus relievd of all care thru the mornings. Tutors. Provision is made yearly for competent instruc- tors for those who from illness or other cause have more or less school or college work to make up before fall. In this way the needed work is done better and more cheaply and the family is kept together. It is a delight to a healthy boy, whose heart is broken at leaving all the club recreations behind, to learn that he can do the necessary work in 2 or 3 hours a day and have the rest of his time for unalloyd happiness. It is very desira- ble that those wishing instruction of any kind should send early word to the superintendent. Bird lessons. Birds are to both young and old a fascinating outdoor subject. Midsummer visitors forget that in moulting season birds are quiet and little observd by those untraind, but several recognized authorities on birds who have visited the club report our woods unusually rich in bird life. For 1901 BIRD LESSONS 211 we have secured Miss Mary Mann Miller, whose training at the New Jersey state normal school and at Smith college and Cornell university, with years of experience as a teacher of bird lessons, has qualified her admirably for this work. She has also been intimately associated with her mother, Mrs Olive Thorne Miller, whose many books on birds are so widely read. Miss Miller will be in residence at the club all of June and July, the best months for bird classes. There will be separate courses for adults and for children, each of 10 classes and 10 field lessons. Different classes will be formd from June i to August i, at prices from $5 to $10 a course, according to number working together. The classes are pland for those who know nothing of the subject, being untechnical in treatment, tho strictly correct as to facts. The pupil is carefully instructed in the use of the manual and in methods of field observation, and has practical work in each under the teacher's eye. The student is introduced to the common birds, told some- thing of their habits of life and peculiarities of manner and markings, which will make identification easy. Mounted birds, skins and pictures will be used so pupils may not only become familiar with the common birds but with the aid of the manual may readily identify those more rare. In the field lessons each has an opportunity to put into practice what has been learnd and to become familiar with the songs. The club has bought about 20 of the best books on birds with the purpose of making this a specialty in its library. It has also numerous telescopes and opera glasses to lend to those who are satisfied to hunt the birds in this way, the use of the gun being absolutely forbidden on the club estate. It is desira- ble that those wishing to join the classes should send word of the time of their probable arrival at the club. The following extracts from letters receivd are in answer to our inquiry of former pupils or those who had special knowl- edge of Miss Miller's qualifications for the club bird classes. Miss Mary Mann Miller's efforts to interest people in the bird life about them, to add another charm to country life and the summer vacation, are worthy of all encouragement. She is likely to prove to any city skeptic that there are at least as many delightful and profitable acquaintances in the tree tops and among the meadow grasses about the summer hotels as in the rocking chairs on its piazzas. Neltje Blanc/tan Her class of pupils and teachers from our school were enthusiastic as to the lessons and pursued the course with sus- tained interest to the end. Abby B. Morgan, Dearborn Morgan school, Orange N. /. I am glad to tell you of the pleasure and benefit Miss Miller brought into our lives. I think she began teaching in Ludlow 212 LAKE PLACID CLUB mainly to give new interest in life to an invalid who could watch the birds only from her window. When it was known that Miss Miller was organizing a class, pupils from within a radius of 4 miles asked to be admitted. At the close of the first season we were so enthusiastic that we asked her to return the next spring. It is no easy task to open eyes that see not and ears that hear not; and that is what Miss Miller does. The first season I grew so confused by the many bird songs and notes that I felt my ears were hopeless; but the next spring when I came back I was amazed to find the confusion all gone. It was as if I had new ears, and I felt it was largely due to Miss Miller's perseverance and patience in answering again and again the question, 'What bird is that?' Her pupils here hold her in affection and grateful remembrance, and I personally am happy to number her among my friends. Mary E. Fletcher Miss Miller's wide knowledge of birds is freely imparted, and her love of nature contagious. She left our bird class wildly enthusiastic. We found her everything that could be desired of a teacher. Abbie L. Baldwin, Ludlow Vt. It gives me pleasure to say a word for Miss Miller and her work among the people of Ludlow, Vt. For two seasons I was a member of her class for the study of birds, and I have since derived much pleasure from the pursuit of studies begun under her helpful guidance. As a result of her work I noticed a change in the relations between the birds and the pupils of the school. Frank L. Bugbee, Prin. Black River Academy, Ludlow Vt. Golf links looking south Mt Jo, Adirondack Lodge, in middle foreground EXPENSES 213 How to reduce living expenses at tne oli_it> The trustees recognize that many of the choicest people wanted as members must consider carefully the cost. Accom- modations have therefore been provided at so wide a range of price (500 to $5 a day) as to meet such needs. Those paying high prices for the largest rooms with various extras make it possible to offer smaller rooms with all necessities for health and comfort at a price far less than their proportionate share of the general expense account. The club believes it sound econ- omy thus to tax luxuries rather than necessities. Those who fear cost may be too great should note these points: 1 Use N. Y. C. R. R. milage, now good from New York, Boston, Buffalo and all intermediate points to Saranac Lake. This reduces one third the fare from Utica up and the club buys any unused coupons at cost. Simply buy enough 5oo-mile tickets at $10 each. From Boston only looo-mile tickets are good. 2 Send to the club for the half price tickets from Saranac to Placid. Keep all baggage checks for club driver and go up in club carriages, which are quickest and best. 3 Meals. Prices are invariable, but cost may be reduced to any point wisht by partial or complete housekeeping. All needed supplies can be gotten cookt or uncookt from the club or from excellent village markets which deliver free at the door. Housekeeping is as easy and inexpensiv as anywhere. Some have continental breakfast in their cottages or get their own supper and go to the club for dinner at 75 c. Other meals are 5oc. Full board is $1.50; children under 12 and servants in side hall $i a day. Either plan can be tried and changed if not liked, members having entire freedom to use all the resources of the club, getting any supplies from its kitchen, coolers, storerooms, bakery, farms, garden, etc. or buying elsewhere. 4 Rooms. Lower priced rooms may be chosen, as they range from 5oc to $5 a day. By going farther from Clubhouse, larger, better and more quiet rooms may be had at a given price. 2 or more may occupy i room, as there is no extra charge except $i a week for extra beds. Tents are more 214 LAKE PLACID CLUB healthful and give great satisfaction and more space at given cost. 5 Before July 10 and after September 10, rooms, baths and boats are only half price, thus greatly reducing the summer's expenses. The early and late season has more attractions, there is better choice of rooms and many more privileges and economies are possible than when the club is crowded. It is fixt policy to attract early and late guests by making expenses much less in various ways. See "Early and late" circular. Those spending a long season, after paying for 10 weeks are charged only for care of rooms, rent being free for the rest of the season. Season leases can also be made for horses. 6 Amusements. The amount spent on horses, boats, etc. may be limited as closely as wisht. Many have no bills for these extras. So much is entirely free at the club that inci- dental expenses are much less than at hotels. Fees or tips are not only not expected but are absolutely prohibited. Many who think club life beyond their means find otherwise on trial. Others much prefer a shorter vacation, if necessary, with all club privileges to a longer time in a less desirable place. More than one family have reported that since coming to the club their medical bills have been reduced during the summer and follow- ing winter much more than the extra amount expended, because the club protects as fully as possible against the many dangers that menace most summer resorts. There is at the club absolutely no caste of wealth or social standing based on expenditures. The most popular members are often those who must economize closely. We have yet to learn of the slightest embarrassment in so doing. A hotel caters specially to wealthy guests because from them and their liberal fees, tips and extra patronage of all kinds it makes its chief revenue. The club has no interest in this but seeks to have on the grounds people who enjoy its very different stand- ards and life and who are agreeable summer companions for the other members. This elimination of the money element is a great charm of the club. Those who hesitate on the score of expense should try one season and study the totals as compared with expenses in less desirable places. COST 215 Whiat adds to cost of rooms One who reads our cooperativ plans for largely reducing expenses often expects prices of rooms to be lower. He forgets perhaps that many expenses run for 1 2 months and must be met by the receipts of the short midseason of only 2 months, as before and after that, when rooms and boats are half price, only current expenses can be met. Insurance, taxes, repairs and the care of 116 different roofs during the severe storms of winter are just as costly as if all were occupied. The many-fold increase since the club started in 1895, in comforts and attrac- tions free to members is due to the larger number among which fixt charges are divided, to the new facilities for doing all our own work and to other economies which careful organ- ization and study have made possible. While new and larger rooms with private baths and more costly furniture have been added at higher prices, the rent of rooms with which the club started in '95 has not been raisd, the changes having made the average price lower. When the unequald facilities offerd are considerd this is a gratifying record. Some of the reasons why rooms must of necessity cost more at the club than at a hotel are noted below. 1 The cost of administration, repairs and care is much heavier than in a single large building. Nearly every cottage has its parlor with open fire and one or more bath rooms with separate hot water heaters requiring the service of a man twice a day, while coal is $7.50 a ton. In scatterd cottages chamber- maids can care for only two thirds as many rooms, thus adding one half to cost of this item. 2 Most summer resorts have little land to pay for and care for. Our estate of 4000 acres with manifold attractions open free to club members requires keeping miles of roads and walks in repair and other expenses in addition to taxes and interest on a very large investment. 3 Club members are free from the annoyance of the vicious but omnipresent fee and tip system. All employees are engaged with the distinct understanding that no fees are per- mitted. The club pays higher wages and gives better homes and various extra privileges instead of allowing its guests to supplement insufficient wages with gratuities. By its system 2l6 LAKE PLACID CLUB the club secures a higher grade of girls who would not accept positions in ordinary hotels where they must humiliate them- selves to ' fish for tips. ' 4 Many things charged as extras in hotels are free, e. g. baths are 250 or 5 oc in most places, while there are 4 free bath- rooms in Clubhouse and i in each cottage having plumbing. 30 bath cabins with Turkish towels are also free for lake bathing, which is very popular. 5 There is no charge for luncheons put up for picnic, excursion and camping parties, or for early or late breakfasts or teas. 6 Many things are supplied which add greatly to conven- ience but bring no return, e. g. telefones connecting village and cottages with club office ; docks in various places on both lakes, for golf links, churches and carries, with convenient transportation for boats from one lake to the other; 4 libraries of nearly 2000 choice volumes, with reference books, 20 lead- ing periodicals and papers ; free use of village library of about 2000 volumes for which other summer guests are charged a fee; short golf course; 14 tennis and other courts for outdoor games; flowers; dark rooms for photografers. 7 The table is supplied with the best obtainable food. Many hotels put into cold storage eggs, chickens, fruits, vege- tables, etc. when they are cheapest and months later serve to guests when prices are high. The club lays great stress on having, and incurs large extra expense to secure, the freshest of eggs, milk and cream, dry pickt poultry, and only such fish, fruits and vegetables as can be had strictly fresh. The epi- demics of summer complaint so common in many resorts have never been known at the club. These and many other things are done to carry out an ideal when a different course would be taken if the object were as in hotels merely to make money. No charge is made for these various comforts, conveniences and extras except that included in price of bedrooms. The table, livery, laundry and amusement prices cover only actual cost, only their own proper expenses being charged to them. Therefore the rooms are the only source of income from which to meet the heavy general expenses of the great estate. One who studies its extent and the necessary cost of its proper maintenance will not feel that ANNUAL DUES 21 7 he is charged more than his prorata share in what might seem at first a high price for his room. Of rent paid more than one fifth is used for things which are free to all. Members who occupy houses not .ownd by the club may therefore pay one fifth what the club would charge for rent and thus become entitled to all privileges the same as if they occupied club cottages or rooms and in the rent paid bore their pro rata share of what is spent for the common use. An.nu.al du.es of members and associates This statement is sent to all members and a tsociates each May i or on taking rooms for the season. The dues should be sent to the treasurer Asa O Gallup, /? W /? st, New York, and he will return the club receipt entitling to reserve rooms and all privileges for the calendar year. The table, laundry, livery, golf, boating and other amuse- ments are carried on by cooperation, all payments by members being devoted wholly to necessary expenses of each depart- ment. Rent of houses and rooms goes entirely to the estate and its maintenance and improvement including insurance and taxes. Libraries, periodicals, music, monthly germans and float nights, telefones, bath cabins, lawn parties, tennis and other courts and various other conveniences and amusements free to all are paid by the annual dues. Under club rules, the annual dues of $10 are payable each May i, unless previously paid for that calendar year on engag- ing rooms. No rooms can be reservd on the club books without this payment for the year. The heavy initial expenses of each season are incurred in May before there are any receipts from the year's business, and it is important that all dues be paid promptly in order that buildings, grounds and supplies may be ready on June i for the first arrivals. As the sum thus paid is used as a contingent fund to meet expenses which benefit all but are not otherwise provided for, the amount being made small so that it should not be a burden to any one, it was decided that all members and associates, except honorary and life members, whether expecting to be at the club that season or not, should make this payment each May i, no one being exempt because of possible absence. These dues are to entitle one to engage rooms and to li meals, etc. at cost. Only one fee is charged a family including HAY FEVER EXEMPTION 219 guests. Those paying their own bills but coming as visitors for less than 2 weeks, are also exempted. At Adirondack Lodge, the forest branch of the club, those who do not pay dues are charged $2 a day for meals, and 5oc of this is used for the same purposes as the $10. For one per- son spending less than 20 days it would be less expensiv to pay the regular rate of $2. As the dues are a necessary part of the club plan, they can no more be remitted than could the charge for laundry. As there are no other charges or liabilities of any kind except as each member pays his living expenses while at the club, all should be willing to contribute these unusually small annual club dues as a nucleus for extra club expenses. Under this plan, successfully administerd, our members have at their disposal what is now recognized as much the most attractiv summer plant in the Adirondacks. Hay fever exemption at Lake Placid Cltab The following from a. letter of a well-known victim of the disease represents fairly the remarkably successful record of the club. Physicians know that cases vary greatly, but in no other place is relief so markt for nearly all sufferers. By believing the advertisements so common of 'no hay fever,' many victims of the disease have seriously aggravated their difficulty by a stay where there was little or no relief. 15 years of experiments and correspondence to find the safest refuge in the United States resulted in selecting Morningside as the location for the club. I am often askt regarding the claims of Lake Placid as a refuge from hay fever by those who know how aggravated is my own case and how persistently I have sought relief in many parts of this country and abroad. My experience with hay cold is wide enough to know that it is impossible to predict absolutely the effect on any patient from the experience of others, but for the 8th year I find Placid giving more relief than any other place 1 have ever been, the next best being Mackinaw island in Lake Superior. My own experience has been repeated by many others. Some hay cold victims have suffered seriously at Placid on the village side of the lake, where during the season fine dust from the road is constantly flying. Usually prompt relief is secured by crossing to Morningside, east of the lake, and thus escaping the dust. The Lake Placid club chose its location with special reference to this exemption, its 3 principal promoters all being sufferers from the dreaded disease. Results have fully confirmd the wis- dom of that choice. 10 years ago I was free except for 6 weeks beginning August 19, but neglect to spend enough time in an exempt locality resulted in bringing on the disease earlier and earlier till I am now forced to live during July, August and September at Placid, where I am as comfortable as any one else if I avoid driving on dusty roads. Like most victims, I am only too glad if my long search for a reliable asylum can save others from suffering not only during the hay cold season, but also in many cases more or less thru the year as a result of failureto^HjjL^xemption in midsummer and fall. 220 LAKE PLACID CLUB printed, matter The club willingly sends information to those interested. To avoid mistakes use the initials below, which indicate each publication definitly. O Briefest outline of objects and methods. C Descriptiv circular with half tones. AL Circular of forest branch, Adirondack Lodge. Cm Members, associates and guests; eligibility. Pp Selected half tones of club and surroundings, postal size. Pn Half tones, note size, 12.5x20 cm. Pm Maps of Morningside and vicinity. F Floor plans and complete price lists. Q Distinctiv features of the club. A Amusements and recreations and cost. Hf On immunity from hay fever. R Annual report and announcement to members of plans for season. Ub Bonds and capital stock of club plant. V Village improvement society year book on Lake Placid as a summer home. H Fully illustrated, indext handbook, all above (151?.) bound together. A lakeside camp INDEX TO HANDBOOK 221 INDEX Accidents, precautions against, 26, 199 Accounts, how kept, 150 Addresses, 206-7 Adirondack Lodge, 93-96; bo't by club, 167 Adirondack map, 106 Albums of pictures made by members, 42 Allen, Prof and Mrs, 145, 198 Altitude, 161 'Amphibians,' 31 Amusements, 30, 157-212, 214; children's, 165-66; cost, 160, 214; department, 172; free, 160; indoor, 48, 205; outdoor, 196] Annual improvements, 10 Aquarium, 209 Arboretum, 42, 209 Associate members, 17, 151 Athletics, n; club, 194; field, 197; instruc- tion, 197; special provision for, 31, 33; supplies, 196-97. See also Amusements Autumn foliage, 155 Baggage transfers, 193-94, 213 Balsams (cottage) 63-64 Barber shop, 10, 27 Baseball, 197. . ee also Amusements Bath cabins, 46, 146 Bathing, 46, 198-99 ; accidents, 199 Baths, free, 15, 216; private, 45; built when wisht, 103 Baygrove, 64 Beauty of surroundings, 161 Beechwood, 165 Bicycles, see Cycling Billiards, 10 Bird lessons, 210-12 Birds, shooting forbidden, 211 Blotters, 51, 147 Boating, 12, 145, 199-200; accidents, 199; department, 171 Bonds, 149-150 Bonniebrae, 163, 165 Books, see Library Botanic garden, 209 Bowling, 201 Brookwood, 163, 165 Brookwood spring, 143 Builders' noise, 40 Buildings, 10, 25; new, 142 Cabin, 65 Cabin tent, 92 Caddies, 205 Calendars, 51, 147 Camera club, 195 Camp fire stories, 167 Camping, 3 i, 47 Canoe club, 12, 46, 195 Canoes, see Boating Cathedral fires, 201-2 Center, 44 Check list of mountains, 178-80; of lakes, etc. 180-84 Cherries tent, 92 Children, 40; amusements, 165 66; dock, 52; instruction, 40, 210; pavilion, 51; playhouse, 166; special provision for, Children's paradise, 166 Choice, freedom of, 29 Churches, 207 Circular, 5-20 Cleanliness, 27 Clear lake, 93 Clematis, 65 Climbing, 146, 176-77 Club, bonds, 150; estate, 162-65; for whom pland, 9; map, 107; object, 5, 9, 3 i, I59 ; specialties, 96-101 Clubhouse, 43, 55 -6 2 Clubs, athletic and other, see Subclubs Colden, 65 Comforts and conveniences, 26, 27 Concerts, 208 Consumptivs excluded, 17, 23 Cooperation, 12, 14, 149, 185 Cost, see Prices Council, 152 Courts, ii, 47 , i 49 , IQS . 9 6 Cricket, 197 Croquet, 196 Cycling, 185; club, 195 Dancing, 4 o, 208; children's, 208 Dark rooms, see Photografy Departments, 171-72 Dining rooms, 22, 43 Display, lack of, 22 Distinctiv features, 7, 21-31 Doctors, 41 Dramatics, 208-9; room in Clubhouse, 44; club, 195 Drives, list of, 189-92 Driving, 47 , 145, 185-88; club, 195; de- partment,!^; equipment, 188-89; prices, 189-94 Drowning, see Accidents Dues, annual, 16, 148, 153, 2i 7 Early and late visits, 155-56, 214 Eastgate, 65 Economy, 15-17, 213-16. See also Prices 222 LAKE PLACID CLUB Edgehill, 65, 142 Edgewater, 66 Elba house farm, 143 Electric bells, 27, 39 Electric power, 48 Entertainments, 207 Environment, 151-212 Equipment of plant, 165 Estate, 25, 48, 143, 162-65 Evening noise, 40 Excursions, 47, 201 Expenses, see Prices Extras, 15, 103, 2 t6. See also Prices Falls, list of, 180-84 Farms, 4Q, 143 Fauna, bulletin on, 43 Features of club, 7, 21-31 Fee, annual, see Dues Fees and tips prohibited, 16, 215 Fernwood (Nook) 72 Fernwood pines, 165 Finances, 15, 148, 185, 215-17 Fire protection, 25,26, 45, 143 Firearms, 30 Fireplaces, 101 Fires, lake and cathedral, 201; open, 44; prohibited in forest, 171 Float nights, 202 Floor plans and prices, 53- IoS Floors, hardwood, 101 Flora, bulletin on, 43 Flower garden, 49 Food, see Table Forest (cottage) 67-68 Forest courts, n, 47, 146, 195-96 Forest, on club land, 165; state preserve, 163 Forester, club, 146, 167 Freedom of choice, 29 Freedom vs license, 40 Furniture, 26, 101 Gallup, Asa O. sup't, 141 Gambrels, 43, 52, 59-62 Games, see Amusements Garden (cottage) 69-70 Garden, flower, 49 Geology, bulletin on, 43 Gifts to library, museum, etc. 43, 209, 210 Golf, ii, 45, 144, 202-4; clubs and balls rented, 197; department, 171; fees, 204; houses, 45 Greenacre, 165 Groves on club land, 165 Guides, 177 Half rates, 19, 105 Half tones, 147 Hay fever exemption. 9, 219 Health, 9, 27, 162, 219; menu, 30 Heart lake, 93 ' Heart of the Adirondacks,' see Adiron, dack Lodge Heating, 44 Hillcrest, 163 Hillcrest evergreens, 165 Hillside, 71 Hillside farm, 49 Home economics conferences at club, 6 Honorary members, 152 Horses, see Driving Hot water heat, 44 Hotel, club not one, 5 Hours for quiet, 22, 40 House list, 108 Housekeeping, 97, 142; list of houses for, 108; partial, 97, 213 Hunting, 33, 39 Idlewild tent, 92 Illness, provision for, 41 Improvements, annual, 10; for /goo, 38-51 for 70(77, 143 Indoor amusements, 48, 205 Instruction, athletic, 197; birds. 210-12; swimming, 145, 198; tutors, 210 Introductions, 151, 153-55 Jo, Mt, 167 June at Placid, 155 Juvenil library, 40 Kindergarten, 147,210 Knollvvood, 142 Kodaks, see Photografy Lake fires, 231-2 Lake Placid Co. 149; relation to club, 148, 149 Lakes, list of, 180-84 ; seen from White- face, 176 Lakeside, 163 Lakeside Clubhouse, 55-62 Lakewood, 163, 165 Late hours, 22 Laundry, 39 Lawn bowls, 197 Lectures, 206 Libraries, 30, 41, 146, 205-6; children's, 40; gifts to, 43, 201; music, 208; on club special subjects, 146, 206, 211 License vs freedom, 40 Life members, 152 Liquor, sale and use of, 21 Literary work at club, 206 Livery, see Driving Location, 9, 23, 160-62 Lodge, Adirondack, see Adirondack Lodge INDEX TO HANDBOOK 223 Lodges, built for members, 95, 103 Lunches put up free, 201 Maple sugar, 143 Maps, 166-67; Adirondack region, 106; club grounds, 107, 164 Meadowbrook farm, 165 Meals, prices, 16, 50, 103, 213. See also Prices Medical aid, see Nurses, Physicians Members, 5, 17, i5-53J associate, 17, 151; honorary, 152; life, 150-52; privileges, 151 Membership, 5, 17* 2*. '5 J -54 Menery, 142 Menu, health, 30; not elaborate, 22 Messenger service, 27 Midwood, 166 Milage tickets, 213 Milk from club farms, 49 Miller, Miss Mary Mann, 211 Mirror Lake inn, 49 Moose island, 169-70 Morningside, divisions of, 163; post- office, 39; woods and groves, 165 Mountain, 163 Mountain climbing, 176-80; club, 195 Mountains, list of, 178-80 Museum, 42, 209-10; gifts to, 43 Music, 40, 146, 208; club, 195; library, 208; room, 44, 208 Name, change of, 39 Natural features, check list, 178-84 Nature, beauty of, 166, 169-70; depart- ment, 159, 171; study, 41, 42, 209 Newspapers, 206 Nicknames for club, 30 Night watchman, 45, 91 Nook (Fernwood), 72-73 'Nookery,' 30 North farm, 165 North lakehouse, 75 Northgate, 73-75 Northwood, 165 Nurses, 4 t, 147 Object, 5, 9, 3. '59 Objectionable guests, 22; outsiders, 23 October at Placid, 155-56 Office, 39 Officers for 7*707, 141 Oil sketches, 148 Orchard (cottage) 76 Organization, 37, 141, 148-50, 153 Outdoor sports, see Amusements Outdoors, 166 Outlook, 77-78 Overbrook, 163, 165 rlook, 170 Overuorkt, special provision for, 31, 33 Paddling, 4 6 Paintings by Mr Nicoll, 148 Parish house, 207 Passes, list of, 180-84 Pavilion, children's, 51 Pavilion tent, 92 Photografy, 42, 147, 209 Physicians, 41 Pianos, 208 1 Piazza ' club, 30 Piazzas, length of, 30 note, 44; glass in- closed in storm, 44 Pine lodge, 80-81 Pines, 79-80 Pines grove, 165 Plant, 9, 163-65 Plumbing, 26, 45 Ponds, list of, 180-84 Pool, 10 Postoffice at club, 20, 39, 105 Precautions, against accidents, 26, 199; against fire, 25, 26, 45, 143 Prices, 15, 18-19, 50, 53, 971 10 3i 213-17; cottages, rooms and tents, 53-9 6 ; driv- ing, 189-94; half rates early and late 156; invariable, 19, 23, 105; reduction of expenses, 213-14 Printed matter, 51, 147, 220 Privilege card, 151 Property, use vs abuse, 39 Protection of grounds and woods, 171 Publications, 51, 147; list of, 220 Races, boat, 47, 200-1 Railroad rates, 156, 213 Recreations, see Amusements - Reference letter, 154 Refreshments at Clubhouse, 27-29; at golf houses, 203 Regattas, 46, 47, 200-1 Rent of clubs, balls, etc. 197 Report and announcements to mem- bers, for fQoo, 37-52; for 7907, 141-56 Roads, 48; cycle, 185 Rooms, engagement of, 17, 53, 101, 148; floor plans, 53-108; prices, 16, 50, 52, 53- 108, 213; what adds to cost of, 213-14. See also Prices Roque, 199 Rowing, 46; instruction, 197. See also Boating Rules, 39-40 ' Rumble,' see Bowling Saddle horses, 88 Sailing, 46. See also Boating St Armand tent, 92 St Eustace-by-the-lakes, 207 Sanitation, 26 Scenery, beauty of, 166,168, 169, 170 Season, length of, 20, 105, 156 22 4 LAKE PLACID CLUB Sensationalism debard, 21 Seven Gables, 82-84 Seven Gables tent, 92 Shooting on club grounds, 33, 39 Shop, boat, 46 Shops, club, 50, 144 Shuffleboards, 209 Sickness provided for, 41 Smokery, 46 Smoking, 21, 40, 46 Social life, 31, 34 Specialties, club, 31-34, 97-101 Spelling, simplified, used in publica- cations, 2 Sports, see Amusements Squealery, 166 Stables, s-;e Driving Standards of club, 7, 9, 27 State land, 163 Steamer trips on Placid, 46 Stenografers, 206 Stirrup club, 1^5 Subclubs, 194-95 Suites, 29, 97; built for members, 103; list, 99; made by combining adjoining rooms, 97 Sunnyside, 85-86 Sunnyside tent, 92 Superintendent, 7900, 38; IQOI, 141 Supplement to annual report, /goo, 51 Supplies, athletic, 196-97; housekeeping, 213; livery, 189 Swimming, 46; school, 145, 198 Table, 38 ; improvements 7900, 38; qual- ity of food, 216; supplied from club farms, 49. See also Menu Tamaracs, 165 Tea room, 27 Team athletics, 195 Telefone, private, room, club, local and long distance, 27, 39, 52, 95 Telegraf office at club, 27 Tennis, 196; tether, 196. See also Courts Tents, 43, 91; erected on day's notice, 95 Terms, see Prices Tether tennis, 196 Theanoguen, 86, 142 Theatricals, see Dramatics Tips prohibited, 16, 215 Tobacco, sale of, 21 Tournaments, 47, 200-1 Track athletics, 195 Traind nurses, 41, 147 Transfers, 193-94 Transients, 23 ' Trout brooks, 170; ponds, 203 Tutors, 41, 210 Undercliff, 170 1 University ' club, 154 Uplands, 163 Valley Forge, 165 Valleyview, 163 Van Hoevenberg, Henry, 146, 167 Visits to club, 17, 151 Walking club, 195 Walks, list of, 172-76 Waneka tent, 92 Watchman, night, 45, 91 Water, purity, 49 Wayside, 86-87 Wayside wood, 165 West hights, 171 Westside lakehouse, 87 \Vestwood, 165 Whiteface slope, 163 k Wilderness UniveVsity club,' 154 Winona, 88-89 Winona tent, 92 Winona wood, 165 Woodbine, 89-90 Woodside lodge, 90-91 Woods on club property, 165 Zoo, 42, 209 In paging Report for 1901, space was left in Handbook for circular on Amusements. 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