UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES No. 7071908 Jo-Faustusl BRARY Cfctotn Jt of Chicago Afternoons and Evenings December I, 2, 3, 1908 :=-::> PERAMBULATIONS, PERILS, TRAVELS, ADVENTURES Sporting iLrangartwns OF THE CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. LONDON CHAPMAN 4 HALL 186, STRAND. MDCCOUVl [See No. 315.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF OF CHICAGO, A REMARKABLE COLLECTION, PRINCIPALLY OF ENGLISH AUTHORS OF THE GEORGIAN AND VICTORIAN ERAS, IN SPECIALLY CHOICE CONDITION, WITH A NUMBER OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS TO BE SOLD DECEMBER 1, 2, 3, 1908 T j AFTERNOON, LOTS 1 TO 256 I EVENING, LOTS 257 TO 502 -JTP- ( AFTERNOON, LOTS 503 TO 757 WEDNESDAY - EvENING> LQTS ?58 TQ g% rp j AFTERNOON, LOTS 997 TO 1262 ( EVENING, LOTS 1263 TO 1517 SALES BEGIN AT 2.30 AND 8 O'CLOCK auction Company 12 EAST 46TH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 120-38. TH. STREET . t _. Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser and this Company will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the con- clusion of each Sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. 6. All goods are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good second-hand condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. 7. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers. We use all bids competitively and buy at the lowest price permitted by other bids. ,C Cije Cfctotn $,. Hap&am Hibrarp PREFACE. THE collection of books here offered for sale has occupied -*- the leisure hours of a busy life for many years. The owner feels that he is parting with tried and trusted friends, but is consoled by the conviction that books such as these can appeal only to those who will equally appreciate and value them. ' ' The criterion of literature is the touch-stone of time, ' ' and it is believed that there are very few books in this collee- \f tion that have not passed the test and will not be accepted by > collectors as ' ' pure gold. ' ' Special attention has been paid not only to procuring the rarest books, but the best obtainable copies of such books. Mainly of the Tennysonian Period, the collection also includes the standard authors of the Johnsonian Era. Of the books issued during the latter period there will be found Dr. Johnson's rare "Prince of Abissinia" and the ^ "Vanity of Human Wishes," and some particularly rare edi- 1 tions of Goldsmith, including the "Vicar of Wakefield" and ( "Retaliation." The latter charming and pleasantly satirical ^ poem the last work of Goldsmith, published two weeks after his death is one of his books that should be most cherished by his admirers. It was a reply to Garrick's humorous epitaph on Goldsmith, written on the spur of the moment in a com- pany of friends : ' ' Here lies Nolly Goldsmith, for shortness call 'd Noll Who wrote like an angel, but talked like poor Poll." Goldsmith in his ' ' Retaliation ' ' poked pleasant fun at all the wits of the town, and the last lines ever penned by him are the two in that poem referring to Sir Joshua Reynolds : ' ' When they talked of their Raphaels, Correggios and stuff, He shifted his trumpet and only took snuff." .'507364 The works of both Smollett and Fielding are First Editions, and only those who have endeavored to obtain them can appre- ciate the difficulty of securing them in this state. "The Critic," "She Stoops to Conquer," "The School for Scandal" and other pieces by Sheridan are the First and rare editions. A little later in the Eighteenth Century come those authors who really extend into and influence the early Tennysonian Era Shelley, Keats, Coleridge and Wordsworth. Of the first named there are "Adonais," "Laon and Cythna," "The Cenci," "Rosalind and Helen," "The Revolt of Islam," and others equally rare ; and the three ' ' slender volumes ' ' of Keats exquisitely bound by Bedford. There is also the "Lyrical Bal- lads ' ' of Wordsworth, 1798, containing the first appearance of the "Ancient Mariner," and a copy in the original boards, uncut, of the two- volume edition of the ' ' Poems, ' ' 1807. Cole- ridge 's "Sibylline Leaves" is entirely uncut and his "Re- morse, ' ' 1813, for which Charles Lamb wrote the Prologue, is the edition of which the sanguine author wrote to the Gentle Elia that he would make over 400 by it, but confessed later that the edition would probably last for years. The reader of Wordsworth and Coleridge is also a reader of Charles Lamb, and of the latter there is a large collection, beginning with his first attempts at poetry in the little volume published by Charles Lloyd and Coleridge in 1796, and his own first separate publication, "A Tale of Rosamund Gray," is in the original (half leather) binding and there are others in boards, all as issued. It is scarcely necessary to point out the rarity of first editions of "Tales from Shakespeare," "John Woodvil" and the "Essays of Elia," not omitting the mention of Talfourd's own copy of Charles Lamb's Letters, interleaved with his MS. annotations and additions of parts omitted from the published version, and some original Lamb letters. The Walter Savage Landor collection is, probably the most complete ever offered. It includes a unique copy of "Imaginary Conversations," with proof sheets of additional conversations bound in and four letters of Landor to Lady Blessington. The writings of Leigh Hunt and Hazlitt are in the first editions. The works of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning in- clude the "Poems," 1844, which is a presentation copy from Mrs. Browning; and her husband's "Bells and Pomegranates" is the copy he gave to Miss Chorley, the sister of the well- known musical critic. A Manuscript Poem and Letters add to the interest of this division, and other rarities include the (Reading) edition of the "Sonnets," the "Runaway Slave" the first book to which Mrs. Browning signed her married name; her "Essay on Mind," written when only seventeen; "Prometheus Bound," which she later suppressed; a presenta- tion copy of Browning's "Sordello," and the rare separate issues of the "Statue and the Bust," "Cleon" and "Gold Hair." I feel a justifiable pride in the Tennyson, Dickens, Thack- eray, Fitzgerald, Rossetti and Swinburne collections. The First Issue of "Pickwick," in the original parts, uncut, is, I believe, unequalled, and only the experienced collector will appreciate the time and labor required to make up the com- plete set with every part in the right state. The other Dickens items are also in the best states and earliest issues, and, of the books of Thackeray, "Vanity Fair," in the original parts, is very difficult to obtain. The "Second Funeral of Napoleon" is well known to Thackeray collectors, though exceedingly rare in the original wrappers. Thackeray's other writings include both his earlier and later works and the books illus- trated by him when he believed his forte to be drawing, not fiction. Contemporary with these writers is a host of others whose work time has stamped with the mark of permanence. George Eliot, Charles Lever, "Father Prout" (who should be in- cluded for his "Bells of Shandon"), George Borrow, Charles Reade, R. H. Barham, the Bronte Sisters (including the first issue of the "Poems," 1846, with the Aylott & Jones imprint and "Jane Eyre"), and others that want of space prevents enumerating. Attention should also be called to a few special rarities. Among the Tennysons will be found the privately printed ' ' Helen 's Tower, ' ' to which has been added the original manu- script of Browning's Poem on the tower written at Lord Dufferin's request; the first edition of "Poems by Two Broth- ers"; "Poems," 1830; the privately printed edition of "The Cup," and others; "The Germ," "Sister Helen," and the privately printed "Verses," 1881, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti; and also two manuscripts, his translations of Burger's "Lenore," and "William and Helen." There is a wonder- ful collection of first editions of Swinburne, Morris, Oscar Wilde and Whistler, and complete sets of the first editions of Walter Pater, John Addington Symonds, Thomas Hardy, and George Meredith (including an inscribed copy of the lat- ter 's "Poems," 1851) ; also, complete collections of Stephen Phillips and Maurice Hewlett, and a long line of Andrew Lang. Fine examples are also to be found of the work of Cobden- Sanderson, Douglas Cockerell, Francis Bedford, Charles Lewis, Riviere, Zaehnsdorf, and other binders. It is believed that this collection of English books relating to the Georgian and Victorian periods is one of the most impor- tant in point of rarity, numbers and quality that has been offered to the public in recent years. The fact that the works are of the correct issue and in such exceptionally fine condition is largely attributable to my friend, Mr. Walter M. Hill of Chicago, through whom practically all the rare items were secured they are in fact "Hill Books," and those who have had books from him will appreciate what that means. EDWIN N. LAPHAM. New York, November, 1908. CATALOGUE 1. ADAMS (W. D.). Songs of Society. From Anne to *^- Victoria. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by W. Davenport Adams. 16mo, half levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1880, 2. ADDISON (JOSEPH). Miscellaneous Works. 4 vols. post 8vo, morocco, gilt corner ornaments, blind outside and gilt inside borders, full gilt edges. Lond. 1830 * LARGE PAPER COPY. FROM GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S LIBRARY. 3. AIKIN (JOHN). Annals of the Reign of King George the Third, from its commencement in the year 1760 to the general peace in the year 1815. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf (broken in the hinges). Lond. 1816 * From the library of George Cruikshank, bearing his auto- graph on title-page, with the date 1816. Name of J. D. Millner, LL.D., also on title. 4. AIKIN (LUCY). Memoirs of the Court of King James the First, 2 vols., 1823; Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols., 1826; Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First, 2 vols., 1833. Portraits. Together 6 vols. 8vo, full calf. Lond. 1823-33 5. AIKIN (LUCY). Life of Joseph Addison. Portrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1843 * First Edition. 6. AINGER (ALFRED). Lectures and Essays. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1905 PRESENTATION COPY. 7. AINSWORTH (WILLIAM HARRISON) AND ASTON (JOHN P.). Sir John Chi verton. A Romance. FIRST EDN. 12mo, tree calf, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1826 / * PRESENTATION COPY: "With the author's heartiest compt's" / J on the half-title. The book is supposed to be the joint produc- * tion of the above authors, written when not much more than boys and much praised by Scott. It is Ainsworth's first pub- lished novel, issued nearly ten years before " Rookwood " made him famous. VERY SCARCE. 8. AINSWORTH (WILLIAM HARRISON). Ballads: Romantic, Fantastical and Humorous. FIRST EDN. Ittust. , by John Gilbert. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt top, un- /, * cut. Lond. 1855 9. AT NS WORTH (WILLIAM HARRISON). OVING- DEAN GRANGE: A Tale of the South Downs. FIRST EDN. ' With facsimile of the original MSS. 8 vo, cloth, uncut. .<> N. Y. : Printed privately, 1896 * Scarce. Only 240 copies printed. 53. BARING- GOULD (SABINE). Iceland; Its Scenes and Sagas. FIRST EDN. With numerous illusts. (some of *^7 which are in color) and a map. Royal 8vo, original cloth, / gilt edges. Lond. 1863 ' * Fine copy. Scarce. 54. BARING-GOULD (SABINE), The Book of Were- Wolves. Being an Account of a Terrible Superstition. FIRST EDN. Front. 12mo, original pictorial red cloth, uncut. Lond. 1865 * This book is a monograph on a peculiar form of popular superstition prevalent among all nations and in all ages. It is now very scarce and difficult to obtain. 55. BARING-GOULD (SABINE). Yorkshire Oddities, Incidents, and Strange Events. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. post % 8vo, half blue calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Lond. 1874 * Scarce. 56. [BARROW (JOHN HENRY).] De Mowbray. A Poem. FIRST EDN. 12mo, full straight-grained morocco t yjx gilt, gilt edges (first 30 pages marred by pin-holes). / Lond. 1815 * The Dedication Copy, with Presentation inscription "John Barrow Esq. from the oblig'd Author, John Henry Barrow. February 16th, 1816." Illustrated with two original India ink drawings especially made for this copy. 57. BARROW (JOHN). A Tour Round Ireland, through the Sea-coast Countries, in the Autumn of 1835. Illusts. / ~~7 drawn and etched by D. Maclise. FIRST EDN. Post Svo, / ' / half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, by LARKINS. Lond. 1836 7 / 58. BATES (CORPORAL). The Life and Memoirs of Mr. / Ephraim Tristram Bates, commonly called Corporal Bates, a broken-hearted soldier. 12mo, half calf. Lond. 1756 59. BEATTIE (JAMES). The Minstrel, in Two Books, J ' f "/& with some other Poems. 8vo, full green morocco extra, / gilt edges, by MATTHEWS. Lond. 1779 * With three portraits of the author inserted, one of which is on India paper. + .- 60. BEAUJOINT (JULES). The Secret Memoirs of -* **3 6 Madame La Marquise de Pompadour. Best edn. 8vo, new three-quarter crimson morocco, gilt back and top. Lond. 1885 61. BEDE (CUTHBERT EDWARD BRADLEY). The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, an Oxford Freshman. /^ t . _ With numerous illusts., designed and drawn on the wood by the author. FIRST EDNS. OF ALL THREE PARTS. 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1853-7 * Scarce in this condition. 62. BEDE (CUTHBERT). Photographic Pleasures, popularly portrayed with pen and pencil by the author. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full calf, gilt edges, original covers bound in. Lond. 1855 _ 63. BEDE (CUTHBERT). Tales of College Life. FIRST EDN. 12mo, half morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1856 64. BEDE (CUTHBERT Editor and Illustrator). The , ~ *- Shilling Book of Beauty. Portraits and illusts. FIRST EDN. / -^ ^ 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. Lond. 1856 65. BEDE (CUTHBERT). A Tour in Tartan-Land. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1863 ^ t * FIRST EDITION. Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription: "Susie Moore from her affectionate brother the Author. August 4, 1863." 66. BRANGER (PIERRE JEAN DE). songs of Be- ranger, with a Sketch of his Life up to the present time. Transl. by (J. G. H. Bourne). 16mo, full crimson polished calf, gilt back and inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. : Pickering, 1837 * Beautiful copy. 67. BRANGER (PIERRE JEAN DE). TWO hundred of his Lyrical Poems, done into English Verse by William Youngs. Portrait and 19 fine engravings by Vallot, Pannier, Prudhomme, etc., after Charlet, Paquet and others. 8vo, original cloth. N. Y. 1850 68. BERESDORF. Specimens of the German Lyric Poets: consisting of Translations in Verse from the Works of Burger, Goethe, Klopstock, Schiller, etc. Interspersed with biographical notices. With vignettes. Svo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1822 8 09. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. The First and Last Journeys of Thoreau and Sir Walter Raleigh by Henry David Thoreau, both of which were lately discovered among his Unpublished Journals and Manuscripts. Edited by Franklin Benjamin Sanborn and Henry Aiken Metcalf. Portraits and facsimiles. 3 vols. royal 8vo, original half calf, uncut, in slip cases. Bost. 1905 *Fine examples of the Bibliophile Society's publications. Only 489 copies of each were printed. By courtesy of the 2 *~7 owner of the original manuscripts these volumes are here first *- / published. The First and Last Journeys contains accounts of / Thoreau's journey to the West. Sir Walter Raleigh was Thoreau's favorite character in English history, and the original manuscript shows that the work was written with scrupulous care, he having written out no less than three separate drafts before getting it finally to suit him. In thus departing from the natural bent of his genius and devoting himself to the ex- ploits of this adventurous knight, Thoreau reveals a hitherto unknown phase in his literary character. 70. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. The Romance of Mary W. Shelley, John Howard Payne and Washington Irving. /A With etched portraits and vignettes. 8vo, original half calf, / ' uncut. Bost. 1907 * Only 470 copies printed. 71. BINDING BY COBDEN-SANDERSON. RUSKIN (JOHN). "Unto This Last": Four Essays on the First Principles of Political Economy. 12mo, beautifully bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco, sides with borders tooled to a floral design, richly gilt back, inside borders, gilt edges, by COBDEN-SANDERSON at the DOVES BINDERY, and signed. Lond. : Smith, Elder & Co., 1862 * FIRST EDITION. See also under Ruskin. 72. BINDING BY DOUGLAS COCKERELL. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). An Illustrated Memorial of his Art and Life. By H. C. Marillier. Beautifully illust. with 200 large full-page plates and vignettes in the text. Folio, very handsomely bound in full iiiger morocco, gilt line tooling on sides, ornamental gilt back, with center-piece on front cover composed of daisies and leaves of inlaid green levant enclosing Rossetti's monogram, inside gilt line borders, gilt edges on the rough, by DOUGLAS COCKERELL. Lond. 1899 * A beautiful and costly specimen in Cockerell's best style. See also under Rossetti. [See Reproduction.] 73. [BIRD (ROBERT MONTGOMERY).] The Infidel; or, The Fall of Mexico. A Romance. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. ,- ._ 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Phil. 1835 ^* * V7 * Scarce. In the choicest condition. 9 2 74. BIRRELL (AUGUSTINE). Obiter Dicta. First and Second Series. Both FIRST EDNS. 2 vols. 12mo, original /' cloth, uncut. Lond. 1884-87 *Fine clean copies, with A. L. S. of the Author inserted. VERY SCARCE. 1 75. BIRRELL (AUGUSTINE). Miscellanies. FIRST EDN. Crown 8vo, original cloth. Lond. 1901 76. BLAIR (ROBERT). Poetical Works. With 7 plates designed and engraved by W. Gardiner. 16rao, old calf. Lond. : Printed for W. Gardiner, 1802 77. BLAKE (WILLIAM). Poetical Works of John Scott. / fl t _ Portrait on title and other plates engraved hy WILLIAM BLAKE, FR. BARTOLOZZI, AND OTHERS. 8vo, full sprinkled calf. Lond. 1782 * FIRST EDITION. SCARCE. FINE TALL COPY IN THE ORIGINAL BINDING. FINE COPY. 78. BLAKE (WILLIAM). The Grave, a Poem. By Robert Blair. With the series of 12 fine and remarkable etchings executed from the original designs by Blake, and with portrait of Blake by Schiavonetti. Folio, beautifully full bound in maroon crushed levant morocco, gold tooled sides and back, gilt top, UNCUT, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1808 * A VERY FINE AND LARGE SUBSCRIBER'S COPY, WITH EXCEL- LENT IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES, THE ENGRAVED TITLE HAV- ING MARGINS ON ALL SIDES, IN WHICH STATE IT IS UNUSUAL, many copies being cut into. 79. BLAKE (WILLIAM). Songs of Innocence and Ex- perience, with other Poems. 12ino, full citron calf, gilt outside and inside borders, full gilt edges, by BEDFORD. Lond. : Pickering, 1866 * Beautiful copy. This copy is a verbatim reprint of the original edition of the Songs of Innocence and Experience, and the Miscellaneous Poems at the end of the collection are printed from Blake's own manuscript, now in the possession of the Publisher. 80. BLAKE (WILLIAM). Life of William Blake, with selections from his Poems, and other Writings by Alex- ander Gilchrist. Portraits, facsimiles of Blake designs, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, original designed cloth, uncut. Lond. 1880 * The second and best edition, containing many additional letters, a memoir of the Author, the Rossetti catalogue ; also, Rossetti introduction, etc., revised to date, and many addi- tional illustrations, including the design of " Hamlet " from a copy of the second folio of Shakespeare. Fine copy. 81. BLAKE (WILLIAM). Poems. Comprising Songs of Innocence and Experience, together with Poetical Sketches and some copyright Poems not in any other Col- lection. A new edn. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. * Beautiful copy. Lond. 1887 10 82. BLESSINGTON (COUNTESS OF). The Confes- sions of an Elderly Gentleman. Illust. by 6 female por- trais from, highly finished drawings by E. T. Parris. FIRST EDN. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1836 * Choice copy. 83. BLESSINGTON (COUNTESS OF). Confessions of an Elderly Lady. Illust. by 8 portraits from highly finished drawings by E. T. Parris. FIRST EDN. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1838 * Fine copy. 84. BLESSINGTON (COUNTESS OF). The Idler in France. Best edn. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1841 85. BLESSINGTON (COUNTESS OF). The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Bleesington. By R. R. Madden. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, original pink cloth. Lond. 1855 * Fine copy. 86. BLUNT (WILFRID SCAWEN). A New Pilgrimage and other Poems. FIRST EDN. 16mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1889 87. BLUNT (WILFRID S'CAWEN). In Vinculis. FIRST EDN. Portrait. 16mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1889 88. BLUNT (WILFRED SCAWEN). The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare. Transl. from the /* original Arabic by Lady Anne Blunt. Done into verse. Square 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1892 * Only 50 copies printed. 89. BOCCACCIO. The Decameron. With numerous illusts. after Eisen and others. 4 vols. 12mo, half green calf extra, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1898 * Pretty copy of this edition bound by ZAEHNSDORF. 90. BOOKBINDING. The Art of Bookbinding. A Prac- * tical Treatise. By Joseph W. Zaehnsdorf. Numerous *7 illusts., specimens of binding, etc. 12mo, full crimson ' / polished calf, full gilt, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1897 * Superb copy. 91. BOOK-LOVER'S ALMANAC (THE) for 1893. Illusts. by Henriot. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut, printed within ~~ woodcut borders. N. Y. 1893 JZ . / *No. 332 of 400 copies on Holland paper. Contains "Bib- * din's Ghost " by Eugene Field. One of Henriot's illustrations shows a scene in Boston in the auction room, with Mr. Morse as auctioneer selling the only copy ever offered of Poe's " Tam- erlane." 11 92. BOOK- LOVER'S ALMANAC (THE) for 1894. lUusts. by Robida, Henriol and E. Mas. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut, printed within woodcut borders. N. Y. 1894 * No. 438 of 450 copies on Van Gelder paper. Contributions by C. R. Hildeburn, H. P. du Bois, Octave Uzanne, etc. 93. BOOK-LOVER'S ALMANAC (THE) for 1895. Illusts. by Turcas. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut, printed within woodcut borders. N. Y. 1895 * No. 432 of 400 copies on Van Gelder paper. Contains ' ' Dr. Rabelais " Poem, by Eugene Field. j2 A 94. BOOK-LOVER'S ALMANAC (THE) for 1896. Illust. * 4r ** Small 4to, wrappers, uncut, printed within woodcut borders. N. Y. 1896 *No. 213 of 500 copies. Contributions by Irving Browne, H. P. du Bois, etc. Illustrations by Gavarni, Ch. Jacque and others. 2 95. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. The Great Book-Collec- tors. By Charles Isaac Elton and Mary Augusta Elton. FIRST EDN. Portraits and other illusts. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1893 96. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Book-Plates by W. .1. Hardy. FIRST EDN. Illusts. of rare and interesting book- plates. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1893 97. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Early Illustrated Books. , By Alfred W. Pollard. A History of the Decoration and Illustration of Books in the 15th and 16th Centuries. FIRST EDN. Numerous illusts. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1893 - 98. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Early Printed Books. By v? E. Gordon Duff. FIRST EDN. Illusts. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1893 99. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Books in Manuscript: a 2 Short Introduction to their Study and Use, with a Chapter VJ7. on Records. FIRST EDN. Illusts. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1893 100. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. The Binding of Books. _ An Essay on the History of Gold Tooled Bindings. By Herbert P. Home. Illusts., in tint, of famous bindings. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1894 101. BOOKWORMS' GARNER (THE). Delia: Certain Sonnets, by R. L. Gentleman; The Complaint of Rosa- mond, by Samuel Daniel; The Fardleof Facions, by [Will- iam Waterman]. 3 vols. , together 5 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut, paper labels. Edinburgh: Goldsmid, 1887-88 12 SONNETS. E. B. B, READING : [NOT FOR PUBLICATION.] 1847. [See No. 124.] ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 102. BORROW (GEORGE). A Fine Collection of his Most Interesting and Important Works, consisting of: The Zincali; or, An Account of the Gypsies of Spain, 3 vols., 1841: The Bible in Spain, 3 vols., 1843; Lavengro, 3 vols., 1851; ~-j *~* The Romany Rye, 2 vols., 1857; / / Wild Wales, 3 vols., 1862; / / ' Romano Lava-Lil, Word-Book of the Romany, 1874. FIRST EDNS. OF ALL THE VOLUMES. Together 14 vols. beautifully bound in three-quarter russet crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by RIVIERE. Lond. * A magnificent set, rarely to be met with in such fine con- dition. 103. BOSWELL (JAMES). The Life of Samuel John- son, LL.D., including A Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. A New Edn. , with numerous Additions and Notes, by John Wilson Croker. Engraved portraits, etc. 5 vols. 8vo, full dark green pigskin, gilt tooled back, doublure and end papers of pigskin, naturel, gilt tops. Lond. : John Murray, 1836 * Fine copy of this handsome English library edition, and in an unusual and striking binding. 104. BOWDOIN (W. G.). The Rise of the Book-Plate. Being an Exemplification of the Art, Signified by its Var- I ^ -_ ious Book-Plates from its Earliest to its Most Recent Prac- / *&& tice. Profusely illust. by reproductions in miniature and othemvise. Small 4to, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1901 105. [BRATH WAIT (RICHARD).] Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England. With fine and curious vignettes engraved ~by Harding. 16mo, half calf. Lond. 1805 106. [BRATHWAIT (RICHARD).] Barnaba* Itin- erarium;or, Barnabee's Journal. The Seventh Edn. To which are Prefixed an Account of the Author, now first discovered; a Bibliographical History of the former edns. of the Work, and Illustrative Notes. Front., re-engraved after the one by W. Marshall, and 7 charming and curious engravings. 12mo, full-sprinkled calf, gilt edges (cracked). Lond. 1818 107. BRIC-A-BRAC COLLECTING. Hall (Maj. H. B.). The Bric-a-brac Hunter; or, Chapters on Chinamania. Photo front. Post 8 vo, cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1875 * Presentation copy from the author. 108. BRISTOL (FRANK M.). Providential Epochs. Illust. 8vo, half calf. Cinn. 1894 * With autograph of the author on fly-leaf. 13 109. BRITISH POETS. A Fine Collection of the Works of the British Poets. Portraits. 68 vols. 12mo, half calf, marbled edges. Bost. 1880-81 * Includes Akenside, Burns, Chatterton, Churchill. Cowper, Dryden. Donne, Goldsmith. Herbert, Herrick, Hood, Keats, Prior, Shelley, Southey, Swift, Wordsworth, and others. IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTH. 110. BRONTE (CHARLOTTE). Jane Eyre: an Auto- biography. Edited by Currer Bell. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 184? * ONE OF THE RAREST OF XIX. CENTURY FIRST EDITIONS TO PROCURE IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTH. Laid in is the Dedica- tion (which is to W. M. Thackeray) to the second edition (issued the same year as the first), and with the " Press Notices," in- cluding the one of the " Examiner," which gave the authoress much displeasure. 111. BRONTE (CHARLOTTE). Shirley: a Tale. By 9 f\ Currer Bell. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1849 * FINE COPY. RARE. 112. BRONTE (CHARLOTTE). Villette. By Currer Bell. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. * FINE COPY. RARE. Lond. 1853 THE GENUINE FIRST ISSUE. 113. BRONTE (THE SISTERS). Poems. By Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : Aylott and Jones, 1846 *A VERY FINE COPY OF THE GENUINE AND EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, OF WHICH VERY FEW COPIES ARE KNOWN BEARING THE ABOVE IMPRINT ON THE TITLE-PAGE. Only a few copies were sold, the remaining stock being trans- ferred to Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co., who immediately reissued it with their own title-page. No separate edition of the "Poems" has appeared, with the exception of the 1848 Phila- delphia edition and the 1893 edition. 114. BRONTE (THE SISTERS). Poems. By Currer, O Ellis, and Acton Bell. FIRST EDN. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : Smith, Elder & Co., 1846 * Fine clean copy, almost new. 115. BROUGHAM (HENRY LORD). Albert Lunel; or, The Chateau of Languedoc. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. post 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt back, and gilt inside and outside borders, yellow edges, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1844 * RARE. This novel was suppressed on the eve of publica- tion, and only a few copies are supposed to be extant. Choice condition, with the fine armorial bookplate of John Sheep- shanks in each volume. 116. BROUGHAM (HENRY LORD). Historical Sketches of Statesmen who Flourished in the Time of George III., to which is added, Remarks on Party, and An Appendix, the Three Series complete, numerous portraits on steel, 14 _ / / including Washington, Jefferson and Franklin. First Series, Second edn. ; Second and Third Series, FIRST EDS. 3 vols. ; also, Lives of Men of Letters and Science, 2 vols. Together 5 vols. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1839-43-45 * Fine copy. 117. BROWN (CAPTAIN THOMAS). The Conchologist's Text-Book, embracing the Arrangements of Lamarck and Linnaeus ; with a Glossary of Technical Terms. Ulusi. by 19 engravings on steel. 12mo, half calf. Glasgow, 1835 * E. A. Poe's " The Conchologist's First Book " (1839) is said to be almost a verbatim reprint of this volume. PRINTED BY WILLIAM PICKERING. 118. BROWNE (SIR THOMAS). The Works of Browne, including his life and Correspondence. Edited by Simon /tf Wilkin. Portrait and plates. 4 vols. 8vo, full calf extra, / * by CLARKE and BEDFORD. Lond. 1836 * FINE SET of William Pickering's beautifully printed edi- tion. Scarce. UNCUT COPY. 119. [BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT).] An Es- say on Mind, with other Poems. FIRST EDN. Post Svo, full brown crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt top, ENTIRELY UNCUT. Loud. 1826 * Written when Mrs. Browning was only 17 years of age, and published anonymously. VERY RARE. 120. [BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT).] Prome- theus Bound. Transl. from the Greek of ^Eschylus, and Miscellaneous Poems by the Translator, Author of "An Essay on Mind," with other Poems. Post Svo, original blue cloth, uncut, paper label (somewhat worn). Lond. 1833 * THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE FIRST EDITION. Mrs. Browning suppressed this edition, and in later years issued an entirely new translation. One of the points she condemned was the preface. 121. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). The _ Seraphim, and other Poems. By Elizabeth B. Barrett. / FIRST EDN. Post Svo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1838 / * Nice copy. Very scarce. 122. [BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT).] The Religious Offering, edited by Mrs. Catherine H. Waterman, 1840 (with Poems by E. B. Barrett). Illust. 12mo, em- / r bossed roan, gilt edges, signed by the binder on the under * side "Warren, binder, Camden, N. J." Phil. 1840 *Specimens of American work of this period with the binder's name stamped on ARE VERY SCARCE. 15 {.<$-, PRESENTATION COPY. 123. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Barrett. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, 9 ~ original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1844 * Inscribed on fly-leaf, "To Miss Heard with the Author's regards. August, 1844." EXCEEDINGLY RARE. /// JL ONLY A FEW COPIES PRINTED. 124. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Sonnets. By E. B. B. 12mo, full green crushed morocco, gilt top, uncut, by RIVIERE. Reading (Not for publication), 1847 * THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST ISSUE of the famous "Son- nets " before Mrs. Browning tried to hide this beautiful expres' sion of her love for Robert Browning by calling them " Sonnets from the Portuguese. " ONLY A FEW COPIES WERE PRIVATELY PRINTED through it is said Mrs. Mitford. [See Reproduction.] 125. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). The Run- away Slave at Pilgrim's Point. 8vo, original printed wrap- pers. Lond. : Edward Moxon, 1849 * FIRST SEPARATE EDITION, EXCEEDINGLY RARE, of which a very limited number of copies were issued. This poem was originally published in the "Liberty Bell " for 1848. FINE COPY in a straight-grained morocco slip-case. 126. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Casa Guidi Windows: a Poem. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1851 127. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT AND ROB- ERT). Two Poems. By Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. Post 8vo, bound by RIVIERE in full dark green crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, WITH THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS BOUND IN, pp.15. Lond.1854 * AN IMMACULATE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. RARE. Wise says that the history of this little brochure certainly merits a place in the Romance of Bibliography. It was printed by Arabel Barrett for a bazaar to benefit the " Refuge for young destitute girls " and published at six pence. Few copies found buj'ers and the pamphlet became very rare. In 1887, thirty- three years after they had been printed, a parcel of them turned up in a London auction room, and the bookseller into whose hands they fell advertised them at tivo shillings. They rapidly disappeared at this price, and now command a high figure. 128. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Aurora . _^ Leigh. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1857 * AN IMMACULATE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. 129. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Poems before Congress. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original, cloth, uncut. Lond. 16 BELLS AND POMEGRANATES, N V. A BLOT IN THE 'SCUTCHEON. Sragetop, IN THREE ACTS. BY ROBERT BROWNING, AUTHOR OF " PARACELSUS." LONDON : EDWARD MOXON, DOVER STREET. MDCCCXLIII. LSee No. 140.] 130. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Last Poems. FIKST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. / T a i o /? . / * ~ Lond. 1862 131. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). The Greek Christian Poets and the English Poets. FIRST EDN.. 12ino, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1863 132. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning addressed to Richard Hen- -<~>\ gist Home, with Comments on Contemporaries. Edited by ** O O S. R. Townsend Mayer. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1877 * Fine unopened copy. The last half of Vol. II. consists of recollections of Charlotte Bronte, Dickens, Thackeray, and Leigh Hunt. [See Lot 160.] ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED. 133. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). The Bat- tle of Marathon : a Poem written in early youth, printed .? for her father in 1820 and now reprinted in type-facsimile, ' with an Introduction by H. B. Forman. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1891 * Only 50 copies printed for private distribution. 134. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). The Re- ligious Opinions of Elizabeth Barrett Browning as expressed in three letters add/essed to Wm. Merry, Esq., J. P. Edited /* by the Rev. W. Robertson Nicoll, LL.D. Square 8vo, vel- lum boards, uncut. Lond. : [Privately printed], 1896 * VERY SCARCE. Fine copy. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. 135. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). The Origi- nal Autograph Manuscript of a Poem, " Little Mattie," in seven 12-line stanzas, subscribed with signature in full "Elizabeth Barrett Browning." Beautifully written upon three sides of thin note paper, with a few erasures of the knife, over which the amendments have been written. * Apparently the fair copy for the press, but not dismissed without a careful revision. There is also a list of the differ- ences noted, stanza by stanza, between the original MS. and the poet's works, as published by Smith, Elder and Co. in 6 vols. in 1890. The whole enclosed in a dark green solander case by RIVIERE. 136. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). A. L. S. " Elizabeth B. Barrett." 1 p. 16mo. To Mr. Moxon, men- tioning the American Edition of her Poems : *" Dear Mr. Moxon, Having just received a few (ten) copies of the American edition of the ' Poems,' to distribute among my friends, 1 takt the liberty of offering one to your acceptance. I am, of course, glad to see that the Westminster Review has an- nounced a criticism of the work in its next number and as for America, the critics appear inclined to be courteous. Very faithfully yours, Elizabeth B. Barrett." 17 / 137. BROWNING (ROBERT). Paracelsus. Crown 8vo, original grey boards, with paper label (rebacked), entirely uncut. Lond. 1835 * First edition. Rare. Enclosed in dark blue morocco sol- ander case, by Riviere. ORIGINAL WRAPPERS. 138. BROWNING (ROBERT). Strafford: An Historical Tragedy. 8vo, original brown wrappers, paper label on side, ENTIRELY UNCUT. Lond. 1837 * First edition. Scarce with the paper label. The two leaves of advertisement are dated April 15, 1837, showing this to be one of the earliest copies issued. The tragedy was performed at Oovent Garden in May, Maoready (to whom it is dedicated) taking the principal part, assisted by Helen Faucit.Vandenhoff and others, the cast being given in the book. Browning only had three plays produced on the stage the above, " Colombo's Birthday" (with Miss Cushman) and "A Blot on the "Scutcheon." PRESENTATION COPY. 139. BROWNING (ROBERT). Sordello. First edition. 12mo, original boards (rebacked), uncut, in dark blue mo- rocco solauder case, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1840 * PRESENTATION COPY WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION ON THE FLY-LEAF: "J. Abel, Septr 1843, from his friend R. Browning." The poem is followed by Moxon's 16-page catalogue of books, dated Jan. 1, 1840 and preceding this is THE RARE LEAF ADVERTISING " Paracelsus " and "Strafford," as by the same author; and as nearly ready, "Pippa Passes." " King Victor" and " King Charles/' " Mansoor the Hierophant." The first was published in 1841 "King Victor "and "King Charles" are Nos. 1 and 2 of '' Bells and Pomegranates" (1842); the third seems never to have appeared. The above is very scarce in boards, uncut. The earlier copies were issued in this form, and the sale being slow the remainder were bound in cloth and thus sold off. FIRST EDITIONS OF ALL PARTS. 140. BROWNING (ROBERT). Bells and Pomegranates. No. I. Pippa Passes, 1841 ; No. II. King Victor and King Charles, 1842; No. III. Dramatic Lyrics, 1842; No. IV. The Return of the Druses, a Tragedy in Five Acts, 1843 ; No. V. A Blot on the 'Scutcheon, a Tragedy in Three Acts, 1843; No. VI. Colombo's Birthday, a Play in Five Acts, 1844; No. VII. Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 1845; No. VIII. Luria; and, A Soul's Tragedy, 1846. EACH PART FIRST EDN. Royal 8vo, half morocco (a little worn at the top), gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1841-6 * Pasted on the fly-leaf is a slip with the following inscrip- tion: " Miss Charley with R. B.'s best respects." With the ex- ception of a very slight cut on page 7 of " The Return of the Druses." this copy is in unusually CLEAN CONDITION. The fifth part is seldom met with in the first issue. [See Reproduction.] 141. BROWNING (ROBERT). Christmas-Eve and Easter Day, a Poem. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth. * Fine copy, almost new. Lond. 1850 18 VERY RARE. 142. BROWNING (ROBERT). The Statue and the Bust. FIRST EDN. 12mo, pp. 21. Full dark brown crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1855 * One of a very small number printed for Browning's own use and numbered among the rarest of his First Editions. It appeared later in the same year in his Collected Poems, and with " Cleon" was written specially for this volume. Appar- ently but three copies have been offered for sale by auction in America. VERY RARE. 143. BROWNING (ROBERT). Cleon. FIRST EDN. 12mo, pp. 23. Brown crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1855 * One of a very few copies printed separately for Brown- ing's own use before it was included in his Collected Poems issued that year. Apparently but three copies have been offered for sale by auction in America. 144. BROWNING (ROBERT). Men and Women. THE RARE FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. * Unusually fine copy. Lond. 1855 145. BROWNING (ROBERT). Gold Hair: a Legend of Pornic. 12mo, pp. 15. Full dark red brown crushed / levant morocco, inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by RIVIERE, tx fc. [Lond.] 1864 * VERY BARE. The First Edition, of which only a few copies were privately issued for Browning's use. The poem was in- cluded later in the same year in " Dramatis Personae." 146. BROWNING (ROBERT). Nettleship (John T.) Essays on Browning's Poetry. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original /. . 3 & cloth. Lond. 1868 147. BROWNING (ROBERT). The Ring and the Book. FIRST EDN. 4 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1868 * UNUSUALLY FINE COPY. Scarce. 148. BROWNING (ROBERT). Prince Hohenstiel- Schwangau, Saviour of Society. FIRST EDN. 12mo, origi- g, nal cloth, uncut. Lond. 1871 149. BROWNING (ROBERT). Balaustion's Adventure : including A Transcript from Euripides. FIRST EDN. 12mo, ^f original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1871 150. BROWNING (ROBERT). Fifine at the Fair. / FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1872 ' ' PRESENTATION COPY. 151. BROWNING (ROBERT). Red Cotton Night-Cap Country ; or, Turf and Towers. FIRST EDN. 12mo, origi- nal cloth, uncut. Lond. 1873 * VERY SCARCE. Inscribed on title-page " The, Rev. James Rumsey with R. B.'s kind regards. May 12, '73." 19 , /' 152. BROWNING (ROBERT). Aristophanes' Apology. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1875 153. BROWNING (ROBERT). The Agamemnon of ^Eschylus. Transcribed by Browning. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1877 154. BROWNING (ROBERT). La Saisiaz; The Two Poets of Croisic. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, un- cut. Lond. 1878 155. BROWNING (ROBERT). Dramatic Idyls. First and Second series. FIRST EDNS. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1879-80 * FINE COPIES. 156. BROWNING (ROBERT). Pauline; A Fragment of a Confession. A Reprint of the Original Edition of 1833, by T. J. Wise. Post 8vo, boards, with paper label, uncut, laid in is a facsimile of the title and description of the Rowfant copy. Lond. 1886 * One of four hundred copies printed from Browning's own copy of the First Edition of his first book. Only 12 copies are known of the original edition and this reprint is now scarce. 157. BROWNING (ROBERT). Parleyings with certain People of Importance in their day. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 * FINE COPY. 158. BROWNING (ROBERT). Asolando: Fancies and Facts. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1890 * Browning's last volume of Poems published on the day of his death (Venice, Dec. 12, 1889), and Jas. Dykes Campbell's (Biographer of Coleridge) copy with his pencilled autograph " J. Dykes Campbell, St. Leonard, 12.12.89. the day of B's death at Venice," and his MS. additions. Inserted at the end is an Autograph Letter Signed by Alfred Ainger containing an original verse to Browning, Mch. 4, 1890. 159. BROWNING (ROBERT). Essays on Robert Brown- ing. By Marion Little. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Lond. 1899 160. BROWNING (ROBERT). A. L. S. 1 page, 8vo. London, May 5, 1882. ALL important letter, said to be un- published, dealing with a proposed Biography of Mrs. Browning. * " I have neither the right nor the wish to ivithhold my con- sent to the appearance of the volume ; what I am compelled to refuse is my co-operation with its author in so far as that im- plies giving information or allowing letters to be inspected in any case where I have control. I seemed bound to permit the publication of Mr. Home's book, inasmuch as the correspond- ence was literary only, between persons who had never seen each other, etc." This alludes to the letters of Miss Barrett and R. H. Home which were published in 1877. [See Lot No. 132.] 20 POEMS, CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH DIALECT. B y ROBERT BURNS. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY WILLIAM CREECH, [See No. 172.] 161. BRYCE (JAMES). The American Commonwealth. Second edn., revised. 2 vols. post 8vo, original cloth. Lond. 1891 162. BUCHANAN (ROBERT). London Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. FINE COPY. Lond. 1866 163. BUCKLE (HENRY THOMAS). History of Civil- ization in England. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1872 164. [BUCKLEY (THEO. A.).] The Natural History of Tuf t-Hunters and Toadies. FIRST EDN. With satirical and ,>"" humorous illusts. by H. G. Hine. 16mo, full calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by MATTHEWS. Lond. 1848 165. BULLEN (A. H. Editor). Arden of Feversham, a Tragedy. Reprinted from the edition of 1592. With an . 3 O Introduction. Square 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut (few leaves loose). Lond. 1887 * Only 250 copies printed. 166. BULLEN (A. H.). Speculum Amantis; Love-Poems from rare Song-Books and Miscellanies of the Seventeenth j ^ Century. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo, full polished calf / extra, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. [Lond.]: Privately printed, 1902 * CHOICE COPY. Only 400 numbered copies printed, this being No. 374. Scarce. 167. BULLEN (A. H.). Musa Proterva: Love-Poems of *j the Restoration. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo, full polished / _ -. calf extra, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. * * [Lond.]: Privately printed, 1902 * CHOICE COPY. Only 400 numbered copies printed, this being no. 122. SCARCE. 168. BULWER (HENRY, SIR). Historical Characters. / 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs and tops, uncut, by ZAEHNS- / DORF. Lond. 1868 * FINE SET. 169. BUNYAN (JOHN). The Pilgrim's Progress. With ~ ^ illusts. by Charles Bennett, and a Preface by the Rev. \/, Ji $ Charles Kingsley. Square 8vo, full citron calf, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt edges, by ZAEHNSDORF. * A SUPEEB COPY. Lond. 1860 170. BURKE (EDMUND). Works of Burke. Library edn. 16 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt. Lond. 1801 171. BURNEY (FANNY). Fanny Burney and her Friends. Select passages from her Diary and other Writ- ings. Edited by L. B. Seeley. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 21 /x / ** UNCUT COPY. 172. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. FIRST EDINBURGH EDITION. Fine portrait after Nasmyth. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt inside borders, gilt top, OTHER EDGES TOTALLY UNCUT, by RIVIERE. With the HALF-TITLE, and List of Sub- scribers, often missing. Edinburgh, 1787 *A VERY FINE COPY, AND SPECIALLY DESIRABLE IN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED CONDITION, IN WHICH IT IS VERY RARE. This is the first edition of Burns that was published in Edinburgh, and only preceded by the famous Kilmarnock edition, which was issued one year earlier. It is a very important edition, because it contains 27 pieces here FOR THE FIRST TIME PRINTED, and is known as the "Stinking Edition," from a, misprint in the ' ' Address to a Haggis. " [See Reproduction.] AUTOGRAPHED BY ANDREW LANG. 173. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. A new edition, which includes all the Poems and Songs in that printed at Edinburgh in 1787, under the Author's own inspection; also, his Life, and an Appendix containing his other select Pieces. Two title-pages, each with vignette portrait of Hums. 2 vols. 12mo, full suede leather. Berwick, 1801 * RARE Old Edition. Interesting copy, having a long MS. note on the fly-leaf in the autograph of Andrew Lang, and signed. THE RARE FIRST EDITION. 174. BURNS (ROBERT). Letters addressed to Clarinda, >- tion by A. H. Bullen. 3 vols. Svo, half calf, gilt top, un- & & & cut. Lond. 1893 23 195. BYRON (GEORGE GORDON, LORD). Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. An Historical Tragedy, in five acts. With notes. The Prophecy of Dante, a Poem. FIRST EDN. Portrait (slightly spotted). 8vo, original boards, with paper label, uncut. Lond. 1821 196. BYRON (GEORGE GORDON, LORD). Finden's Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron, with i original and selected information on the subject of the en- gravings by W. Brockedon. Numerous exquisite illusts. 3 vols. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1833 * An exceptionally fine copy, with unspotted plates. Very scarce in this condition. 197. pAINE (T. HALL). Cobwebs of Criticism. A ? ^ Review of the First Reviewers of the " Lake," "Satanic" and "Cockney" Schools. FIRST EDN. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1883 * With interesting marginal annotations by a former owner. 198. CALVERLEY (C. S.). Translations into English and Latin. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1866 * First Edition. Scarce. Calverley, the poet and parodist, was the son of the Rev. Harry Blayds, who assumed the name of Calverley in 1852. In addition to the translations from Virgil and Horace, there are some dozens of the poems of Tennyson, Milton, Byron, etc., rendered into Latin blank verse, with alternate pages of Latin and English. 199. CALVERLEY (C. S.). Complete Works. With Biographical Notice by Sir Walter J. Sendall. Portrait. Crown 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1901 m 200. CAMPION (THOMAS). Works. Edited by A. H. ** * Bullen. 12mo, boards, uncut. Lond.: Chiswick Press, 1889 * Only 400 copies privately printed. 201. CARLETON (J. W.). The Natural History of the J , 2 f "Hawk" Tribe. FIRST EDN., with the original covers bound in. Illust. by A. Henning. IGmo, full polished calf, gilt back, top and inside borders, uncut, by MATTHEWS. * Fine copy. Scarce. Lond. 1848 * 202. CARLETON (WILLIAM). Art Maguire; or, The <** Broken Pledge. FIRST EDN. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Dublin, 1845 203. CARLETON (WILLIAM). The Black Prophet: A y^ Tale of the Irish Famine. FIRST EDN. With 6 illusts. by ^ '~~ W. Harvey, engraved by Dickes. Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1847 * A beautiful copy. 204. CARLETON (WILLIAM). The Squanders of Castle Squander. FIRST EDN. Illust. 2 vols. Svo, original cloth, uncut (covers slightly worn). Lond. 1852 24 205. CARLETON (WILLIAM). Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, with an Autobiographical Introduc- tion. Graphic illusts. on wood and steel by "Phiz," Harvey, McManus and Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, un- Z/, cut. Lond. 1852 * Fine copy. 206. CARLYLE (THOMAS). The Complete Works of Carlyle. FIRST ISSUE of the Library Edition revised by the Author. Illust. with portraits of Carlyle and /// ^7 the historical characters mentioned, views of residences, ^ /' etc.; also maps and fascimiles. 34 vols. 8vo, newly and ' handsomely bound in half crimson polished calf, richly tooled backs, gilt tops, edges scraped, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1869-1871 [Index dated 1882] * AN EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL SET OF THE BEST EDITION OF THE ' WRITINGS OF CARLYLE, EVERY VOLUME DATED THE YEAR OF FIRST ISSUE. A set such as the above is seldom offered for sale. 207. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Early Letters of Carlyle. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. FIRST EDN. Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 208. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Carlyle and the Open Secret of his Life. By Henry Larkin. FIRST EDN. 8vo, + ^ cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 209. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Some Personal Reminis- cences of Carlyle. By A. J. Symington. 8vo, cloth, paper , JL^y label, uncut. * Lond. 1886 210. CARLYLE (THOMAS). The Nemesis of Fronde. A Rejoinder to J. A. Froude's " My Relations with Car- j2s^ lyle," by Sir James Crichton-Browne, M.D., and Alexander ' ** Carlyle. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1903 211. CARLYLE (THOMAS). New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle. Annotated by Thomas Carlyle and /*/ edited by Alexander Carlyle, with an Introduction by Sir '/ James Crichton-Browne, M.D. FIRST EDN. Illust. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1903 WITH AUTOGRAPH VERSES. 212. CARMAN (BLISS). Songs from Vagabondia. By Bliss Carman and Richard Hovey. Designs by Tom B. Meteyard. 12mo, original boards, uncut. Bost. 1905 * Inserted are the following verses in the autograph and with the full signature of Bliss Carman : " I wrote an elegy on Matt., Some stanzas long ; And no one knew what I was at In the whole song. I put my elegy away For a year or so, And when I read it yesterday I did not know." 25 * ** FROM CARROLL'S LIBRARY. 213. CARROLL (LEWIS Rev. C. L. Dodgson). Verses and Translations. By C. S. C[alverley]. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1862 * FINE COPY. From the library of " Lewis Carroll," bearing his autograph on inside of front cover, and his monogram on title-page. IN ORIGINAL CLOTH. 214. CARROLL (LEWIS). Alice's Adventures in Wonder- land, with 4 illusts. by John Tenniel, Loud. 1866; also, Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice found there, with 50 illusts. by John Tenniel, Lond. 1872. BOTH FIRST EDNS. 2 vols. post 8vo, original red cloth, gilt edges. Lond. 1866-72 * RARE IN ORIGINAL CLOTH. The " Alice " contains an inter- esting one-page autograph letter signed " C. L. Dodgson " in which he refers to it as follows: Oxford, Nov., 1882, " My Dear Evey I find Miss Leith's Birthday-Book contains only one Terse from 'Alice.' So it ivill not interfere with your friends' publication," etc. ; also, with Leaflets (both first editions) " An Easter Greeting to every Child who loves ' Alice,' " pp. 4, and " Christmas Greetings " (from a fairy to a child), original poem of 5 verses. 215. CARROLL (LEWIS). Phantasmagoria, and other . Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, gilt edges, as issued. Lond. 1869 * Scarce. PRESENTATION COPY. 216. [CARROLL (LEWIS).] Poems. By a Painter (Sir J. Noel Paton). FIRST EDN. 12mo, original white and gilt cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1861 * PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, with this inscrip- tion : " To ' Lewis Carroll ' with the kindest regards of The Culprit. Nov., 1871." 217. [CARROLL (LEWIS).] Fly Leaves. By C. S. C[al- verleyj. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1872 * FINE COPY, with the Monogram of ' ' Lewis Carroll " on title page. 218. CARROLL (LEWIS). The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony in eight fits. With 9 illusts. by Henry Holiday. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, gilt edges, as issued. Lond. 1876 219. CARROLL (LEWIS). A Tangled Tale. With 6 illusts. by Arthur B. Frost. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original red cloth, gilt edges, as issued. Lond. 1885 * Fine fresh copy. 220. CARROLL (LEWIS). Alice's Adventures Under- ground. Being a facsimile of the original manuscript book afterwards developed into "Alice's Adventures in Wonder- land." With 37 illusts. by the author. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Lond. 1886 26 221. CARROLL (LEWIS). The Game of Logic. Dia- grams. FIRST EDN. Original red cloth, with envelope / - containing diagram, and 9 counters. Lond. 1887 , ' 2.O * Fine copy. 222. CARROLL (LEWIS). Sylvie and Bruno, with 64 illusts. by Harry Furniss, Lond. 1889 ; Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, with 4.6 illusts. ~by Harry Furniss, Lond. 1893. /y , FIRST EDNS. OF BOTH VOLUMES. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Lond. 1889-93 * Fine clean copies. 223. CARROLL (LEWIS). The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson). By Stuart Dodgson Colling- wood. Illust. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1899 224. CAXTON CLUB. Some Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to E. H. N. Patterson of Oquawka, Illinois, with Com- ments by Eugene Field. Text and facsimiles. 4to, buck- /C ram and label, uncut. Chicago: Caxton Club, 1898 '" ~ * One of 183 copies printed on hand-made paper. 225. CERVANTES (MIGUEL DE). Persiles and Sigis- munda. A Celebrated Novel. Intermixed with a great variety of Delightful Histories and Entertaining Adven- /. x tures. Written in Spanish by Michael de Cervantes Saave- ^r* ^ dra. 2 vols. post 8vo, old sprinkled calf. Lond. 1741 * Scarce old edition. Fine bookplates in each volume. 226. CERVANTES (MIGUEL DE). The Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda. A Northern Story. By Miguel / _ de Cervantes Saavedra. 12mo, half morocco, red edges. *Finecopy. Lond. 1854 227. CERVANTES (MIGUEL DE). The History of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha. Transl. by P. A. Motteux. With numerous full-page etchings by Lalauze. 4 vols. 8vo, half dark green polished morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1892 * Fine copy of the best library edition. 228. [CHATTERTON (THOMAS).] Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol by Thomas Rowley and others, in the Fifteenth Century. 8vo, contemporary half calf. Cambridge, 1794 * This RARE and little-known volume contains the tirst appearance in print of Coleridge's ''Monody on the Death of Chatterton " which differs from the version afterwards in- cluded in his poems. H. BUXTON FORMAN'S COPY. 229. CHATTERTON (THOMAS). Works of Chatterton, in Verse and Prose, including his Rowley Poems, edited, / with Glossary, by Joseph Cottle and Robert Southey, with 6 Life by George Gregory, D. D. Engravings and fac- 27 similes. 3 vols. 8vo, beautifully bound in old russia extra, sides richly tooled with broad gold border, gilt edges. Lond. 1803 * A fine copy of the BEST EDITION, published by subscription (with list of Subscribers) for Miss Newton, Chatterton's niece. Bookplate of George Meek in each volume. 230. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Poems of Geoffrey Chaucer, Modernized. By R. II. Home, Prof. Schmitz, ^ JL- Wordsworth, Thomas Powell, Leigh Hunt, E. B. Barrett / # t/ [Browning], and others. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. * FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. Lond. 1841 231. CHESTERFIELD (PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF). Letters, including numerous Letters now first published from the original manuscripts. Edited, with Notes, by Lord Mahon. Portraits. 5 vols. 8vo, half buck- ram gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Phil. 1892 FINE COPY. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED. 232. CLARENDON'S REBELLION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRA- TED. Clarendon (Edward, Earl of). The History of the Re- bellion, and Civil Wars in England. LARGEST PAPER COPY, of which only a small number were printed. 6 vols. thick royal 8vo, in full contemporary violet morocco extra, each side having a centre diamond shaped panel, ruled with gold, with outer borders of festoon blind tooling; on each corner is a fan-shaped ornament, composed of gold and blind tool- ing, with a pointille ground; backs richly tooled, inside borders, red end-papers, gilt edges, in all probability by CHARLES LEWIS, though not signed. Oxford, 1807 * IN THE CHOICEST POSSIBLE CONDITION, AND A MOST UNUSUAL AND DESIRABLE SPECIMEN OF BINDING OF THE PERIOD. EXTRA- ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 293 portraits of celebrities mentioned in the work, including Charles I., Queen Elizabeth, Richelieu, Thos. Howard, Sir Henry Vane, Queen Mary, Ed- ward 4th, Cromwell, Prince Rupert, Cavendish, Duchess of Buckingham, Admiral Penn, Francis Villiers, Admiral Blake, Duke of Gloucester, Charles II. , Major-Gen. Lambert, Duke of Ormond, Robert Devereaux, and others. Many of the portraits are old and rare impressions, and include specimens in copper, mezzotint, etc. With a MS. Index of the portraits, in a con- temporary hand. [See Reproduction.] 233. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). Mark Twain's (Burlesque) ^Z. d Autobiography and First Romance. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., n. d. [1871] * The House that Jack Built (Erie Depot); Jim Fisk as the Rat, Greeley as the Cat, Dana as the Dog, and Judge Barnard as the Milkmaid all forlorn. Scarce in cloth. j 234. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). A Tramp Abroad. FIRST ' /^? EDN. 8vo, original cloth. Hartford, 1880 / * Fine copy. 28 [See No. 232.] 235. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). The Stolen White Ele- phant. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1882 * Inserted is the following A. N. S., written on paper with the Author's monogram, Farmington Avenue, Hartford, Feb. 13 (1874): " Dear Redpath: I'm going to reach the St. James Hotel, /-/* Boston, about 4 or 5 Monday afternoon, to be at the Wilkie Collins Dinner, and I hope you II be there. I want to show you the MS. of a queer play I have written. Ys. Mark." 236. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). How to tell a Story, and / other Essays. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1897 /' 237. COBDEN-SANDERSON (T. J.). Ecce Mundus. Industrials, Ideals, and the Book Beautiful. 8vo, half /, Ji vellum and boards, uncut. [Lond. :] Hammersmith Publishing Society, 1902 [See also No. 71.] 238. COBLERIANA; or, The Cobler's Medley. Being a choice Collection of the miscellaneous Pieces in Prose and / Verse, serious and comic, of Jobson the Cobler, of Drury- Lane. Front, by Darley. 2 vols. 16mo, half calf. Lond. 1768 239. COCKERELL (DOUGLAS). Bookbinding, and the Care of Books. A Handbook for Amateurs, Bookbinders, and Librarians. With drawings by Noel Rooke, and other illusts. FIRST EDN. 12mo, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1902 [See also No. 72.] 240. COCKTON (HENRY). The Sisters; or, England and France. A Romance of Real Life. With 70 engrav- // ings designed by Kenny Meadows and Alfred Crowquill. *? FIRST EDN. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. Lond. 1844 * Fine copy. 241. COLCHESTER (LADY). Miscellaneous Poems. By E. S. L[aw]. Not published. Four parts, with sepa- rate pagination, each privately printed, bound in one vol. Post 8vo, full contemporary green morocco gilt, gilt edges. FROM LORD BERESFORD'S LIBRARY. [Chiswick: C. Whittingham, etc.], 1832-3 * The identiy of the authoress is concealed in this copy by her poem "To my Father" (Lord Ellenborough) having a slip of paper pasted over the proper name. One or two manu- script corrections are no doubt in the hand of the author. 242. COLERIDGE (HARTLEY). Lives of Northern Worthies. Edited by his brother. A new edn., with the / corrections of the Author, and the marginal observations / * of S. T. Coleridge. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Moxon, 1852 243. COLERIDGE (HARTLEY). Poems. 8vo, boards, uncut, paper label. Chertsey: Not published, 1881 29 LARGE PAPER PRESENTATION COPY. 244. [COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR) AND WORDS- WORTH (WILLIAM).] Poems. By Francis Wranghara, M.A., Member of Trinity College, Cambridge. Small 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. : Sold by J. Mawman, 1795 * A LARGE PAPER COPY of this VERY RARE PRIVATELY PRINTED VOLUME, WITH PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION" With *~ the author's best regards to Mr (Kirke ?) White." P " Contains two poems by Coleridge, one of which is a transla- tion of some Latin verses of Wrangham's addressed to Mrs. Merry, a well-known tragic actress of the day, to whose more famous sister, Miss Brunton, afterwards Countess of Craven, Coleridge sent his translation, accompanied by an original poem. Contains also a translation by Wordsworth of a poem, entitled " La Naissance de 1' Amour." 245. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Remorse: A n ^. Tragedy, in Five Acts. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, inside *?> gilt line borders, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: W. Pople, 1813 * FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. 246. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Christabel: .X* Kubla Kahn, A Vision. The Pains of Sleep. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, inside gilt line borders, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : John Murray, 18 16 * FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. Scarce. 247. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Sibylline Leaves: A Collection of Poems. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original O - boards, with the label, entirely uncut. RARE IN THIS STATE. In morocco solander case. Lond. 1817 * Coleridge's famous poem " The Ancient Mariner," is here acknowledged for the first time. 248. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Zapolya: A Christmas Tale : The Usurper's Fortune and The Usurper's Fate. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, inside gilt line borders, gilt top, with the half-title uncut. Lond. : R. Fenner, 1817 * FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. 249. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). On the Con- stitution of Church and State, according to the idea of each. Lay Sermons. 12mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Lond. : Pickering, 1838 250. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Edited from the Author's MS. by Henry Nelson Coleridge. 12mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Lond. : Pickering, 1840 251. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Aids to Re- flection. Edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. : Pickering, 1848 * Fine copy. 30 252. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Notes and Lectures upon Shakespeare and some of the old Poets and Dramatists, with other literary remains of S. T. Coleridge. Edited by Mrs. H. N. Coleridge. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut, paper labels. Lond. : Pickering, 1849 *FINE COPY. VERY SCARCE. 253. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Letters, Con- versations and Recollections of S. T. Coleridge. Edited by T. Allsop. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1858 254. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Osorio: a Tragedy. As originally written in 1797. Now first printed from a copy recently discovered by the Publisher, with the variorum readings of " Remorse " and a Monograph on the History of the Play in its earlier and later forms, by the Author of " Tennysoniana " [Richard Herne Shepherd]. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Pearson, 1873 * LARGE PAPER COPY. 255. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Samuel Tay- lor Coleridge and the English Romantic School. By Alois Brandl. English edn. by Lady Eastlake. Etched portrait. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 256. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). SHEPHERD (R. H.) The Bibliography of Coleridge, revised and en- larged by Col. W. F. Prideaux. Royal 8vo, buckram, un- cut. Lond. 1900 * NO. 9 OF ONLY 80 COPIES PRINTED ON LARGE PAPER. Con- tains the published and privately printed writings in verse and prose of Coleridge, including his contributions to periodicals, posthumous works, etc. SECOND SESSION. 257. COLLIER (J. PAYNE). The Poetical Decameron ; or, Ten Conversations on English" Poets and Poetry, partic- ularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. FIRST EDN. fa , ^ /j 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1820 * Very scarce. FINE COPY. This work contains much curi- ous, novel and interesting research relating to the Elizabethan poets. 258. COLLIER (J. PAYNE). A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Lau- guage, alphabetically arranged. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, uncut. N. Y. 1866 259. COLVIL (SAMUEL). The Whigs' Supplication; or, The Scot's Hudibras: a Mock Poem. Front, and 2 fine plates engraved by Warren, after Corbould. 16mo, cloth. St. Andrews, 1796 31 PRINTED BY BASKERVILLE. 260. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Works of Mr. William Congreve, consisting of his Plays and Poems. ^ / ^ Fine portrait, after Kneller. 3 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, richly tooled backs, yellow edges, by LLOYD, WALLIS AND LLOYD. Birmingham, 1761 * A BEAUTIFUL SET OF BASKERVILLE'S LIBRARY EDITION. ^ 261. COOK (ELIZA). Poems. Portrait and numerous ^} t rf~/\ fine steel engravings. 3 vols. 16mo, full green polished calf, gilt and inlaid backs, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt edges, by BOSWORTH. Lond. 1848 ; * 262. COOPER (J. FENIMORE). The Writings of Cooper. L \y Fronts. 32 vols. 12mo, half maroon calf, gilt backs and tops. Handsome set. Bost. : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., n. d. 263. COTTON (SIR ROBERT). Cottoni Posthuma: 9 ^25 Divers Choice Pieces of that Renowned Antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton. Preserved from the Injury of Time, and exposed to publick light, for the benefit of Posterity. By J. H. Esq. 16mo, cloth, uncut, paper label. Lond. 1679 (reprint) PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. 264. COURT OF CHARLES II. Jameson (Mrs.). The Beauties of the Court of King Charles the Second : a Series of Portraits illustrating the Diaries of Pepys, Evelyn, Clar- endon and other contemporary writers. With 21 fine por- i&\ - traits of the Beauties of the Court, all of which are PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. Folio, new half crimson crushed levant morocco, the monogram of Charles II in panels on the back, uncut. Lond. 1833 * An exceedingly choice copy. SCARCE ON LARGE PAPER. 265. CO WELL (EDWARD BYLES). Life and Letters. By George Cowell. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1904 266. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). The Works of Mr. Abra- ham Cowley, consisting of those which were formerly $ >y^ printed and those which he design 'd for the Press; pub- lished out of the Author's Original Copies with the Cutter of Coleman-Street. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf. Lond. 1721 267. COWPER (WILLIAM). Private Correspondence / A with several of his most intimate Friends. Now first pub- * I* lished from the originals in the possession of his kinsman, John Johnson. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, half diamond calf. Lond. 1824 268. COWPER (WILLIAM). Poems. Biographical and ^ Critical Introduction by Thomas Dale. With 75 illusts. ~ A Collection of Essays and Reviews. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. / ' tc V 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1873 * Scarce. 35 299. DASENT (GEORGE WEBBE). The Vikings of the Baltic. A Tale of the North in the Tenth Century. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut and un- opened. Lond. 1875 - 300. DAVIS (RICHARD HARDING). Gallegher, and ** /O other Stories. Post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1906 * With autograph of the author. 301. DE COVERLEY (SIR ROGER). Days with Sir / 1JT0 Roger de Coverley. Reprinted from the Spectator. Illust. by Hugh Thomson. Square 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges as issued. Loud. 188 ii 302. DE FOE (DANIEL). Novels and Miscellaneous Works. With a Biographical Memoir of the Author, Lit- Js / erary Prefaces to the various Pieces, Illustrative Notes, etc., including all contained in the edition attributed to the late Sir Walter Scott, with considerable additions. 20 vols. 12mo, half parchment, marbled edges. Oxford: Talboys, 1840-41 * SCARCE EDITION. VERY FINE SET. 303. DE GONCOURT (EDMOND AND JULES). Let- - ters, and Leaves from their Journals. Compiled and transl. ^ by M. A. Belloc and M. Shedlock. With 8 portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1895 304. DE MORGAN (WILLIAM). Joseph Vance. An Ill-written Autobiography. FIRST EDN. Post 8 vo, original cloth. Lond. 1906 305. DE MORGAN (WILLIAM). Alice-for-Short. A ^ Dichronism. FIRST EDN. 12nio, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1907 306. DE MORGAN (WILLIAM). Somehow Good. FIRST tZ v0 EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1908 ,_ 307. [DE QUINCEY (THOMAS).] Klosterheim; or, The C/ , . Masque. By the English Opium-Eater. FIRST EDN. 12mo, full brown morocco antique, gilt top, edges scraped, by TOUT. Edinburgh and Lond. 1832 * The Author's second work. FINE COPY. SCARCE. 308. DE QUINCEY (THOMAS). Collected Works. Riverside Edition. 12 vols. 12mo, half calf, marbled edges. * Nice clean set. Bost. 1880-81 309. DE RETZ (CARDINAL). Memoirs, containing particulars of his Own Life, with the most Secret Trans- actions of the French Court and the Civil Wars. 4 vols. 12mo, full calf. Scarce. Dublin, 1777 36 TO BE BEAD DUSK. LONDON 1852. [See No. 336.] 310. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). Bibliomania; or, Book Madness, a Bibliographical Romance. FIRST EDN. lllust. 2 vols. 8vo, new half green calf extra, gilt tops, by / ZAEHNSDORF ( one vol. slightly rubbed). /*2 \ d Lond : Printed for the Author, 1811 311. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). A Bibliographi- cal, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Ger- many. With numerous beautiful engravings (line impres- sions) ON INDIA PAPER. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half green mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1821 * FINE SET. First edition, and much superior to the second of 1829, as that edition is abridged and omits " all the original plates excepting five." The work contains much curious in- formation respecting the MSS. and rare works in public and private libraries abroad, and the engraving of the plates cost the author about $25,000. LARGE PAPER COPY. 312. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). ^Edes Althorp- ianse; or, an Account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures, at Althorp ; the Residence of George John Earl Spencer, to which is added a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. With numerous very fine engraved portrait sand plates, sev- eral vignettes, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, and a great number of facsimiles of early types and woodcuts, all brilliant and first impressions. 2 vols. royal 4to, full orange morocco extra gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1822 * LARGE PAPER. Only 55 copies printed. RICHLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED. 313. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). The Library Companion. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1824 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH 37 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF DIB- DIN'S CONTEMPORARIES ADDRESSED TO FRANCIS WRANGHAM, in- cluding a long early letter offS. T. COLERIDGE, 2 pp., 4to, 1794. CERTAINLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EVER OFFERED MEN- TIONING HIS "ROBESPIERRE," THE COMMUNISTIC COLONY OF " PANTISOCRATS " OF SOUTHEY, HIMSELF AND OTHERS, TO BE FOUNDED ON THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, PENNSYLVANIA, AND C * j CONTAINING AN ORIGINAL SONNET WRITTEN WHEN REBUFFED BY r & 4 A YOUNG LADY (Sara Fricker whom he afterward married?) ON ACCOUNT OF " his American Scheme," as he calls it (a small hole where the seal has been torn but the piece with all the words is attached to the seal) ; several letters of Bishop Bloom- field, others of Samuel Butler, Lucy Aikin, Christopher Words- worth (brother of the poet), Dr. Burney, Southey (mentions Wordsworth and his Sonnets), Alex. Chalmers, J. Montgomery, Wm. G ifford, and others. With portraits (22) of many of these men and others ; also views, etc. The 37 letters which have been placed in this book are not merely polite notes, or "examples" of the autograph of the writers. Nearly all are of 2 and 3 4to pages in length, full of matters of literary or current interest and form a most attrac- 37 tive picture of the old-fashioned courtesy and friendliness of the day. Dibdin's own letter to Wrangham is a splendid example of this : " I have the pleasure need I add anything? You were yesterday made and now are, in short, one of us Roxburgliers. having been proposed by Heber & seconded by Yours truly, T. F. Dibdin. Lord Norpeth came in after you were elected. I hope you will dance for joy." The fine Coleridge letter, written to Wrangham when both were hardly more than boys, is mainly as follows: "I wished to write you particularly concerning your Imitation Scheme my first advice is that you should drop it altogether and apply your abilities to original compositions perhaps to genteel Comedy as a department of Literature most lucrative & may I not add peculiarly adapted to your cast of Genius? I have sent you the Tragedy of Robespierre My head throbs so violently and my Spirits are so low that I shall just add a Sonnet & conclude It was occasioned by a letter (which I lately received from a Young Lady whom for five years I loved almost to madness) dissuasive from my American Scheme but where Justice leads I will follow though the path be through thorns of roughness The Scotts desire their compliments. Compliments! Cold aristocratic Inanities! I abjure their nothingness. If there be any whom I deem worthy of remembrance I am their Brother. I call even my Cat Sister in the Fraternity of Uni- versal Nature. Owls I respect and Jack Apes I love: for Aldermen & Hogs, Bishops & Royster Crows I have not par- ticular partiality they are my Cousins however, at least, by Courtesy. But Kings, Wolves, Tygers, Generals, Ministers & Hyaenas I renounce them all. May the Almighty Pantisocratizer of Souls pantisocratize the Earth and bless you and S. T. Coleridge, Oct. 24, 1794." Then follows the Sonnet. 314. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). A Bibliograph- ical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. With fine plates (some of which are on INDIA PAPER). 2 vols. in 1. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1838 * In this work the author concluded his tours. It is an essential companion to the tours in France and Germany, and, as it describes some collections that have ceased to exist, pos- sesses an historical interest. A REMARKABLE COPY OF "PICKWICK." 315. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, containing a faithful Record of the Perambulations, Perils, Travels, Adventures and Sporting Transactions of the Corresponding Members. Edited by "Boz." With illusts. by Seymour, "JJuss " and "Phiz." FIRST EDN. 8vo, IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, uncut, enclosed in handsome green levant morocco solander case. London, 1836-7 * ONE OP THE FINEST COPIES OF THE IMMORTAL ' ' PlCKWICK ' ' in existence, containing several UNUSUAL FEATURES (some of 38 which are not in any other copy [with one exception] that we can trace after exhaustive research), NOTABLY THE EXCESSIVELY RARE PART III, HAVING ' ' WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY E. W. Buss ' ' ON FRONT COVER, and with the other "points" that are required by the fastidious collector. The following description, lengthy though it may be, we feel justified in using to describe this copy: ALL THE NUMBERS ARE DATED 1836. Part I. Covers correct, "with four illustrations by Seymour" on front cover (which only appears on the first issue) and which was afterwards altered to "With Illustrations"; inside front cover blank, back inside cover blank, reverse of which com- mences ' ' The Library of Fiction. ' ' WITH THE EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST PlCKWICK ADVERTISEMENT, pp. 4, announcing "Sunday Under Three Heads" [this, however, is misplaced; should be in Part III]. The four illustrations are actually from the Seymour plates, of which it is said that not more than 300 impressions were taken, the plates having been so lightly etched that they would not stand the strain of further print- ing. When, on the introduction of Sam Weller, the book was assured a success, copies of these plates were made with the following differences: Plate 1: "Mr. Pickwick addresses the Club." Seymour plate, Mr. Pickwick's buttons on his vest are on the right side; "Phiz" plate, the buttons are on the left side. Plate 2 : " The Pugnacious Cabman. ' ' The milk- maid is clearly defined in the original and not so in the "Phis" copy. Plate 3: "The Sagacious Dog." The game- keeper's gun has lock and trigger; second state, both are omitted. Plate 4: "Dr. Hammer's defiance of Tingle." There are 10 boards on floor, second state has 11. Page 26, the last page of this number, is headed "Posthumous Papers, etc.," instead of "Posthumous Papers of." Part II. Covers correct, "With four Illustrations by Seymour" on front cover (which only appears on the first issue), only three, however, were issued, the third, "The Dying Clown," the artist having scarcely finished when he blew his brains out, it being said on account of Dickens reaping all the bene- fit, and he only a paid servant. Inside front cover blank, back inside cover blank, outside back cover advertises "The Library of Fiction." Also, the Very Rare PRINTED ADDRESS ANNOUNCING THE DEATH OF SEYMOUR. Part III. COVEES COEEECT, "With Illustrations by S. W. BUSS," IN WHICH STATE IT IS OF EXTREME RARITY, it being afterwards altered to ' ' With Illustrations, ' ' the copy sold by us last Jan. being of the latter kind. The illustrations "The Cricket Match" and the "Arbour Scene" are famous on ac- count of their not being satisfactory to the author, and which were changed in the second issues. Inside cover blank, back inside cover blank, reverse advertises "The Library of Fic- tion," also the famous "ADDRESS," not usually found with the part, which relates partly to the new illustrator of " PICK- WICK" . . . "Mr. Buss a gentleman already known to the public as a very humorous and talented artist," etc. Also, at the end appears THE FIRST PAID ADVERTISEMENT headed "The Toilet," and advertising Eowland and Sons Toilet Preparations. Of this Advertisement IT is SAID THAT ONLY ONE OTHER COPY IS KNOWN TO EXIST. [See note to Part I. for description of the first "Pickwick Advertiser," usually found with this part.] 39 Part IV. Inside covers advertising "The Library of Fiction," back cover advertising "The Pictorial Album" instead of "No. IV of The Library of Fiction," the latter appearing only on the first few copies. No "Pickwick Advertiser," pp. 4. It was to this part that "Phiz" first submitted his work to illustrate the book, the earliest impressions of which are known as follows : ' ' The Breakdown, ' ' p. 89, has NEMO engraved on left-hand corner, and "First Appearance of Mr. Samuel Weller" ; on right-hand corner are N. E. M. O., this being Browne 's sobriquet, which he used for the last time. Part V. Covers correct, contains "The Pickwick Advertiser," pp. 4. Also, (1) Plate, "Mrs. Bardell Faints," the orna- ments on the shelf are different; and (2) Plate, "Election at Eataneville," the Beadle's legs are straight; in later issues they are bow-legged. Part VI. Covers correct, contains "The Pickwick Advertiser," the front inside cover advertising "Sunday Under Three Heads" ; also, with the RARE SLIP, at end, "Phrenology made Easy." The plate "Seminary for Young Ladies," has a bell on the door (first state). Part VII. With "PiclcwicTc Advertiser," with plates "Mr. Pick- wick in the Pound" (on which are two donkeys), and Sam's legs are together, both of which are first state. Part VIII. Front and back inner covers blank, "Library of Fic- tion" on back cover; also, both chairs have different tops. No "Pickwick Advertiser." Part IX. Covers correct, with "The Pickwick Advertiser" and advertisements at end commencing ' ' Chapman and Hall ' ' and containing advertisement of "Library of Fiction" No. 9, 14 pages in all, and with the illustrated advertisement from Effingham Wilson, Jr., pp. 4. Plate "Mr. Weller attacks," the attendant at back of Sedan chair is different ; also, the kitten on the stool is different, 1 both of which are in first state. Part X. Covers correct, inside front cover advertising "Popular Works Just Published"; also, with "The Pickwick Adver- tiser," with plate "The Goblin and the Sexton" in first state, the bone being away from the skull and the face in the tree; also, with the ADDRESS DATED DEC. 1836, and with the advertisements at end commencing "Literary Announce- ments. ' ' Part XI. Covers correct, front inside cover commencing "New Engravings recently published by Ackerman. fy Co." Also, with "The Pickwick Advertiser" advertising the works of Charles Dickens, Esq., THE FIRST OF THESE ADVERTISERS TO MENTION THE AUTHOR'S NAME. Plates containing Arabella with left foot forward and the black and white dog, back cover advertises "Weeds of Witchery," etc. Part XIT. Covers correct, front inside cover advertises "New Works," etc.; also, with "The Pickwick Advertiser," with mention of Dickens (as in Part XL), plate "The Trial" with the hat; back inside cover announces "Important In- vention"; also, with Mechi's catalogue. Part XIII. Covers correct, inside front cover commences "Im- portant Invention," etc.; also, with "The Pickwick Adver- tiser," plates in first state; (1) with the cards plainly seen, and (2) the point of the pole on the ground is in a line with the pole, and the shadow below the hat is separate with a clear space between ; also, with advertisements at end com- mencing "This day is published." 40 Part XIV. Covers correct, front inside cover advertises "Lodge's Portraits" ; also, with "The Pickwick Advertiser, No. XIV." Plates in first state: (1) plate Conviviality at Bob Saw- yer's" having books laid down and (2) plate "Mr. Pickwick sits for Ms portrait," in which is no star in middle pane at top row in window. Part XV. Covers correct, front inside cover advertising "Samuel Wetter 's Illustrations," with "The Pickwick Advertiser, No. XV." Plate in first state: (1) "The Warden's Boom" there is no loop at end of clothes-line; and (2) "The Ward- en's Boom" by "Phiz, del." ; also, WITH THE ADDRESS, DATED JUNE 30, 1837, in which Charles Dickens announces the re- sumption of the work, 1 which had been "interrupted by a severe domestic affliction of no ordinary kind" [the death of Miss Mary Hogarth, Dickens' sister-in-law, who died suddenly on May 7th, 1837, just after the appearance of No. XIV of the work] ; also, with advertisements at end. Part XVI. Covers correct, front inside cover commencing "An Important Addition." Plates in first state: (1) the legs of Sam's chair are turned, in the second they are square; (2) With railing on the steps and cockade in Sam's hat, both of which were omitted in the later issues. Part XVII. Covers correct, 1 front inside cover commencing " Chubb 's New Patent," etc.; also, with "The Pickwick Advertiser, No. XVII." Plates in first state: (1) With the top shelf at the right empty, and with dishes on the second shelf of closet, both of which are reversed in the second state, and (2) with the uncorded hamper; also, with THE "ADDRESS" dated August 26, 1837, announcing a new work by "Bos," and with advertisements at end. Part XVIII. Covers correct, front inside cover commences " Im- portant Additions," etc.; also, 1 with "The Pickwick Adver- tiser, No. XVIII (dated Oct. 2, 1837) "; plate with the Irish- man's stick with the bundle and (2) the side of the dresser with the jug and toasting fork hanging on the side; also, with with the sheet of advertisements announcing the completion of Pickwick, and advertisements at the end. Parts XIX-XX. Covers correct, front inside cover advertising "Seymour's Popular Sketches," etc.; also, with "The Pick- wick Advertiser, Nos. XIX-XX." Plates in first state, the plate "Coachmen drinking the toast" the boards of the floor run lengthwise, second state they run diagonally; (2) plate "Mary and the Fat Boy," the knife in the boy's hand points down, in the second state it points up; also, with the frontis- piece in first state, with the stool under "Pickwick's" feet having only 4 stripes, in the second it has 6 ; also, with the title-page in first state having "Tony Veller" on the sign, the second state having "Tony Weller" ; also, with the sign "Marquis Granby" in first state holding stick almost perpen- dicular,' the second state it reads "Marquis . . Granby" and he is holding stick at an angle of about 45 degrees ; also, with "Directions to the Binder" (reverse of which contains the "Errata"}, and with the SPECIAL FEATURE OP 4 PAGES IN THIS PART BEING UNOPENED. THE FOREGOING WILL SERVE TO DESCRIBE THIS VERT FINE COPY, WHICH CAN JUSTLY BE CALLED ONE OF THE FINEST IN EXISTENCE. [See Eeproduction.] 41 "BOZ" SERIES IN ORIGINAL CLOTH. 316. DICKENS (CHARLES). "Sketches by "Boz," Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every- Day People, in Two volumes Vol. 1 (Vol. '2). Illustrations by George Cruikshank. LONDON: John Macrone, St. James's Square, MDCCCXXXVI. "Sketches by "Boz," Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every- Day People. The Second "Series," complete in one volume. LONDON : John Macrone, St. James's Square, MDCCCXXXVII. Both series complete, the extremely rare First Edition of each volume, illustrated with 26 fine etchings by George Cruikshank, fine impressions. 3 vols. post 8vo, ORIGINAL. CLOTH, UNCUT. Lond. 1836-37. * Sets in such clean condition as the above are rarely offered for sale. The second series contains two additional engravings from the 1837 edition. [See Reproduction.] 317. [DICKENS (CHARLES).] The Library of Fiction, or Family Story -Teller, consisting of Original Tales, Essays, and Sketches of Character, including two (the Tuggs at Ramsgate, and and a Little Talk about Spring and the Sweeps), written by Charles Dickens. Illust. with 28 full- page engravings by "Pfo'z," Seymour, and Buss. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1836-37 * Contains also contributions by G. P. R. James, Miss Mit- ford, Douglas Jerrold , Sheridan Knowles, and others. VERY RARE IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTH. IN ORIGINAL BOARDS. 318. [DICKENS (CHARLES).] Set of the Humorous Sketches Sketches of Young Ladies, by " Quiz," 6 plates, 1837; Sketches of Young Gentlemen, dedicated to the Young Ladies, 6 plates, 1838; Sketches of Young Cou- ples... by the Author of "Sketches of Young Gentle- men," 6 ptates, 1840. Ulust. by "Phiz." ALL FIRST EDNS. 3 vols. 12mo, original " Phiz " boards, as published. Lond.: Chapman and Hall, 1837-40 * In sound and rare condition. 42 EARLIEST ISSUE. 319. [DICKENS (CHARLES).] Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. Edited by " Boz." With a portrait of Grimaldi ~by Raven, and 12 most spirited full-page etchings drawn and engruved by George Cruikshank. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, original pink cloth, uncut. Lond. 1838 \$ ) , - * Very fine copy of the earliest issue, the plate " The Last Song" being without the border. Vol. 2 also contains the ad- vertisements of Mr. Bentley's publications at the end. EARLIEST ISSUE. 320. [DICKENS (CHARLES).] Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy's Progress. By " Boz." 34 full-page etchingsby George Cruikshank. 3 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, un- cut. Lond. 1838 * THE EARLIEST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION before the title was changed to " Oliver Twist. By Charles Dickens." This ^ fl -^ copy contains the suppressed "Fireside Plate," at p. 313, Vol. III. ' ' It only appeared in a few of the earliest issue and is consequently very scarce." Slater. Loosely laid in, is the plate etched by Cruikshank as a substitute for the cancelled etching. IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS. 321. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. FIRST EDN. Portrait of the author by Maclise and 39 plates ~by "Phiz." IN THE ORIGINAL 2 / PARTS, with all the wrappers and advertisements uncut. ^ ' Enclosed in slip-case, with morocco back. Lond. 1838-9 322. DICKENS (CHARLES). Master Humphrey's Clock. FIRST EDN. Illust. with numerous engravings by " Phiz " and Cattermole. IN THE ORIGINAL MONTHLY PARTS, with all the pictorial wrappers and advertisements uncut. En- closed in slip case, with morocco back. Lond. 1840-41 323. [DICKENS (CHARLES).] The Pic-Nic Papers. By Various Hands. Edited by Charles Dickens. 14 etch- ings by George Cruikshank, "Phiz," and others. 3 vols. crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1841 * FIRST EDITION. Rare, especially in such fine condi- tion. Dickens wrote the Preface and the Lamplighter's Story and edited the rest of the work. The book was gotten up by Dickens and published by Colburn for the benefit of Mrs. Macrone, the widow of Dickens' first publisher. EARLIEST ISSUE. 324. DICKENS (CHARLES). American Notes for Gen- eral Circulation. 2 vols. crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1842 *EARLIEST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. A chapter was trans- ferred from the beginning of Vol. I. to the second volume on // the eve of publication, and the earliest copies were issued / "* without the change in the pagination of Vol. I., thereby neces- sitated. Later copies of the same edition have the necessary alteration. Fine, bright copy, uncut and unopened. Rare in this choice state. 43 /*- A - PRESENTATION COPY OF THE EARLIEST ISSUE. 325. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. With 4 full- page colored plates and woodcuts in the text by Leech. 12mo, original brown cloth, gilt edges. Lond. : Chapman & Hall, 1843 *THE GENUINE FIRST ISSUE, bound in brown cloth, title printed in red and blue, and with the heading on p. 1, reading "Stave I." PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION TO ' ' Albany Fonblanque, Esquire, from Charles Dickens, Seventeenth December 1843." A most interesting souvenir of two distinguished men of letters, and of their long-time friendship. 326. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, his Relatives, Friends and Enemies, comprising all his Wills and Ways, etc. With 40 etchings by "Phiz."" 8vo, in the 20 original monthly parts, with the advertisements, etc. In cloth slip case, with green crushed levant morocco back. Lond. 1843-44 327. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Chimes: a Goblin Story. Engraved front. , title and woodcuts by Leech, Mac- Use, Doyle and others. 12mo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges, as issued. Lond. : Chapman & Hall, 1845 * EARLIEST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. Very scarce. 328. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Battle of Life. Front., pictorial title and woodcuts by Leech, Doyle and others. 12mo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges, as issued. Loud. 1846 * FIRST EDITION, without publisher's name at foot of engraved title. 329. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Cricket on the Hearth : a Fairy Tale of Home. Front., engraved title and ivoodcute by Leech, Maclise, Doyle, etc. 12mo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges, as issued. Lond. 1846 * FIRST EDITION. 330. DICKENS (CHARLES). Pictures from Italy. 12mo, original blue cloth, UNCUT. Lond. 1846 * An immaculate copy of the First Edition. 331. DICKENS (CHARLES). Dornbey and Son. FIRST EDN. IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, UNCUT. With the pictorial wrappers and all the plates by H. K. Browne, and all the leaves of advertisements (save in Part XX., where four of these advertisement leaves have been torn out). 8vo, 20 parts in 19, iu slip case, with morocco back. Lond. 1846-48 * Fine copy. Contains all the extra leaflets, including Dick- ens' advertisement of the cheap edition of his works, etc. 332. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain. Front., engraved title and woodcuts by Leech, Tenniel, Stone, etc. 12rno, original cloth gilt, gilt edges, as issued. Lond. 1848 * P IRST EDITION. This copy has the ' ' broken number " at p. 166, corrected in later copies. 44 No. I. JUNE. PBICE Is. CHARLES DICKENS. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY H.K. BROWNE LONDON: CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY. AGENTS : J. MENZIES, EDINBURGH ; HURRAY AND SON, GLASGOW ; M'GLASHAN AND GILL, DUBLIH. <$ Tho Author reserves the right of Translation. [See No. 343.] 333. DICKENS (CHARLES). David Copperfield. FIRST EDN. IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, UNCUT, WITH THE PLATES BY HABLOT K. BROWNE, AND WITH ALL THE ADVERTISEMENTS. Lond. 1850 * Fine copy, enclosed in a cloth case, with morocco back. 334. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Child's History of Eng- land. FIRST EDN. With a front, by F. W. Topham. 3 vols. //? square IGrno, original cloth, marbled edges. VERY FINE / / . - COPY. Lond. 1852 ' 335. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Curious Dance Round a Curious Tree. 12ino, original pink wrappers. [Lond. 1852] * FIRST ISSUE. It records his impressions of the usual Christ- mas dance given to the insane patients of St. Luke s Hospital, London, and was printed for distribution to the patrons of the hospital. It has now become almost unprocurable. Mr. Slater / ? in his Early Editions is in error in describing this item, as ' ^ * """"* copies in the pink wrappers and with the last paragraph on p. 19 printed in heavy type are by Dickens authorities consid- ered the first issue. Fine copy, with the original mailing stamped envelope and small printed envelope, addressed to "Henry F. Shaiv Lefevre, Esq., Treasurer, St. Luke's Hospital for Lunatics ." FIRST EDITION. 336. DICKENS (CHARLES). To be Read at Dusk. THE VERY RARE PRIVATELY PRINTED FIRST EDN. 8VO, Un- / @ / stitched, as issued. Lond. 1852 * Enclosed in handsome full green morocco solander case, with inner wrapper of green silk. [See Reproduction.] 337. DICKENS (CHARLES). Bleak House. FIRST EDN. With 4.0 etchings by " Phiz." 8vo, in the 20 original parts, with all the advertisements, etc., as issued, uncut. En- closed in slip case, with morocco back. Lond. 1852-53 338. DICKENS (CHARLES). Hard Times. For these Times. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Fine / ^ _ copy. Lond. 1854 339. DICKENS (CHARLES). Little Dorrit, FIRST EDN. WHh40iTtusts. by " Phiz." IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, with all the wrappers and advertisements. Svo. Enclosed in slip case, with morocco back. Lond. 1855-57 340. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Poor Traveller; Boots s- at the Holly-Tree Inn; and Mrs. Gamp FIRST EDN. IN */ * THIS FORM. 12mo, original green covers, uncut. Lond. 1858 * Scarce. 341. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Story of Little Dom- bey. 12mo, original green wrappers, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1858 * A short, revised version of Dombey and Son which Dickens was to deliver in public readings. Scarce. 45 7* 342. DICKENS (CHARLES). Hunted Down. A Story. With some account of Thomas Griffiths Wainwright, the Poisoner. FIRST EDN. in book form. Woodcut of the "Fatal House " on title, which is repeated on the cover. 12mo, green printed cover, as issued. Lond., n. d. [1859] *A very interesting story, founded upon the true tale of Wain wright's life. It was originally published in the " New York Ledger," which paid Dickens a thousand guineas for it. IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS. 343. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Tale of Two Cities. FIRST EDN. With 16 illusts. by " Phiz." IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, with all the wrappers and advertisements, uncut, enclosed in a slip case, with morocco back. Lond. 1859 * ONE OF THE RAREST OF ALL THE DlCKENS ITEMS IN PARTS, THE ISSUE IN THIS FORM BEING VERY LIMITED. [See Reproduction.] FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL CLOTH. 344. DICKENS (CHARLES). Great Expectations. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1861 *VERY FINE CLEAN SET. RARE in this state. 345. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Uncommercial Trav- eller. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1861 * FIRST EDITION. 346. DICKENS (CHARLES). Our Mutual Friend. FIRST EDN. With 4.0 illusts. by Marcus Stone. 8vo, in the 20 original monthly parts, original green wrappers, with all the advertisements, etc., uncut, in slip case, with morocco back. Lond. 1864-1865 347. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Mystery of Edwin /* Drood. FIRST EDN. Portrait of the author and 12 illusts. //,.__ by Fildes. IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, with the wrappers and advertisements, uncut, enclosed in slip case, with morocco back. Lond. 1870 348. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Life of Charles , "7 Dickens. By John Forster. Very fine portraits, facsimiles, /* etc. ALL THREE FIRST EDNS. 3 vols. thick 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1872-74 * Splendid copies. Inscription on half-title "W. Charles Kent, Esq. with much regard from the Author. J. F. " 349. DICKENS (CHARLES). Is She His Wife? or, Something Singular. A Comic Burletta in one act. 16mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Bost. 1877 350. DICKENS (CHARLES). Mrs. Nightingale's Diary. , A Farce in One Act. 16mo, original cloth. Bost. 1877 * THE FIRST PUBLISHED EDITION and practically the only one procurable. See Slater, p. 99. 46 351. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Life of Charles James Mathews. Chiefly Autobiographical, with Selections from his Correspondence and Speeches. Edited by Charles Dickens. Portraits. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Lond. 1879 * Fine, clean, unopened set. 352. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Novels of Charles Dickens. A Bibliography and Sketch. By Frederic G. Kitton. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. A897 353. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Minor Writings of Charles Dickens. A Bibliography and Sketch. By Frederic G. Kitton. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1900 See Overs (John). No. 996. See No. 281, " Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman." 354. DIX (JOHN afterwards Ross). Pen and Ink Sketches of Poets, Preachers, and Politicians. Portrait. /. FIRST EDN. 8vo, half levant, gilt top, uncut, by ROOT. Lond. 1846 * PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, with inscription on title-page. 355. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Vignettes in Rhyme and Vers de Societe (now first collected). FIRST EDN. 12mo, original v7 t _. cloth, uncut. Lond. 1873 * Fine copy of the author's second book. 356. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Proverbs in Porcelain and other Verses. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, with the advertisements at end. Lond. 1877 * FINE COPY of the author's third book. Scarce. 357. DOBSON (AUSTIN). At the Sign of the Lyre (con- taining many pieces now first published in book-form). 16mo, half blue polished gilt calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1887 358. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Life of Oliver Goldsmith. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1888 359. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Old- World Idylls and Other Verses. Front. 16mo, full olive straight-grained morocco, decorative floral back, gilt line borders on sides, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1890 * Fine copy of this correct and pretty edition. 360. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Eighteenth Century Vignettes. The three series complete. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 3 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 18926 *Fine copies. Mr. Dobson calls these charming studies 18th Century Vignettes. Each essay is a mosaic of minutiae, gathered from every quarter, and exquisitely pieced together so as to form a little picture. Not merely the literature, but the topog- raphy and iconography of the period are at Mr. Dobson's finger ends. 47 7 /. ~ 7- 361. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Proverbs in Porcelain, to which is added "Au Revoir," a Dramatic Vignette. With numerous illusts. by Bernard Partridge. Square Svo, origi- nal cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1893 362. DOBSON (AUSTIN). A Paladin of Philanthropy and Other Papers. Illusts. Post Svo, original buckram gilt, uncut. Lond. 1899 * First Edition. Fine copy. 363. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Side- Walk Studies. FIRST * EDN. Post 8vo, original buckram, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1902 364. DODSLEY (ROBERT). A Collection of Poems by Several Hands. Vignette Illusts. 6 vols. 12mo, old calf. "7 *f~ (Vols. 3 and 4 lack titles and half titles, and Vol. 5, the ' / half title.) Dr. Hutchinson's copy with his autograph ' in each volume. Lond. 1775 365. DODSLEY (ROBERT). A Select Collection of Old English Plays, originally published in the year 1744. Fourth edition, now first chronologically arranged. Revised and enlarged, with new notes by W. Carew Hazlitt, and a Glos- sarial Index by Dr. R. Morris. 15 vols. post Svo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1874-5 * LARGE PAPER. FINE CONDITION AND VERY SCARCE. One of the most complete collections of old English plays, the originals of many being of excessive rarity. 366. DONNE (WILLIAM BODHAM) AND HIS FRIENDS. Edited by Catharine B. Johnson. With 16 portraits. Svo, cloth, uncut. Lond., n. d. WITH MS. NOTES BY THE AUTHOR. 367. DORAN (DR.). Sketches and Reminiscences Prin- cipally in Paris. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original boards, uncut, with part of the original label (back rather worn). Lond. 1828 * THE AUTHOR'S OWN COPY OF HIS FIRST BOOK. WITH HIS AUTO- GRAPH AND MS. NOTES. On half-title in the author's auto- graph is: " Ex Libris Johannis Doran, Sabbati 14 die Septembris. In vico vulgo dicto no. 10 Ship Quay Street, Londonderry "; also, on pages 66 and 84 are lengthy dissertations in the author's autograph on passages in the work ; also, on page 1 14 is an inter- esting marginal note in the author's autograph. Contains the RARE LEAF OF ERRATA. THE MOST INTERESTING COPY EVER OFFERED FOR SALE. 368. DORAN (DR.). Knights and Their Days. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1856 * Fine copy. 369. DORAN (DR.). New Pictures and Old Panels. *2 <} FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1859 48 THE TR'AVELLER, O R A A POEM. INSCRIBED TO THE REV. MR. HENRY GOLDSMITH. B Y OLIVER GOLDSMITH, M. B. LONDON: Printed for J. NEWBERY, in St. Paul's Church-yard. MDCCLXV. [See No. 463.] PRESENTATION COPY. 370. DORAN (DR.). Saints and Sinners; or, In Church and About It. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1868 * AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, WITH INSCRIPTION : "To Thomas and Jane Kelsale from their friend John Doran." PRESENTATION COPY. 371. DORAN (DR.). " Their Majesties Servants. " An- nals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. FIRST EDN. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, /& uncut. Lond. 1864 * AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, WITH INSCRIPTION : ' ' Thomas Kelsale Esq. With the best wishes of John Doran." 372. DOVES PRESS. Cobden-Sanderson (T. J.). The Ideal Book, or Book Beautiful: a Tract on Calligraphy, - Printing and Illustration, and on the Book Beautiful as a / p , Whole. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1900 * Only 300 copies printed. 373. DOVES PRESS. Cornelii Taciti de Vita et Moribus Julii Agricolse Liber. Edited by J. W. Mackail. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1890 *Only 250 copies. THE RAREST WORK printed at the Doves Press. 374. DOVES PRESS. William Morris. An Address delivered the llth November, 1900, at Kelrnscott House, Hammersmith, before the Hammersmith Socialist Library. By J. W. Mackail. Printed in red and black. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1901 * Only a small number printed. The third issue of the Doves Press and the first book printed by them in red and black. 375. DOVES PRESS. Milton (John). Paradise Lost: a Poem in Twelve Books. Printed in black and red. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1902 * Only a small number printed. 376. DOVES PRESS. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). Seven Poems and Two Translations. Printed in red and black. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1902 // *Only a small number printed. These poems are all on clas- ' sic subjects, the two translations, " Achilles over the Trench " and " Hector and the Bridge of War," are from the Iliad, and the seven original poems are " Oenone," "The Lotos Eaters," " Ulysses," etc., etc. 377. DOVES PRESS. The English Bible. Containing S the Old Testament and the New, Translated out of the if // Original Tongues by special command of His Majesty King James the First, and now reprinted with the text revised by 49 7 7<- / * - "~ //\ , JT ^. a collation of its early and principal editions, and edited by the late Rev. F. H. Scrivener, for the Syndics of the Uni- versity Press, Cambridge. 5 vols. small folio, vellum, uncut, by the DOVES BINDERY. Lond. 1903-05 * THE MONUMENTAL PUBLICATION OF THE PRESS AND THE WORK, PERHAPS, UPON WHICH ITS FAME WILL CHIEFLY REST. DOVES PRESS. Milton (John). Paradise Re- gain'd, a Poem in IV Books, to which are added Samson Agonistes and Poems, both English and Latin. Printed in black and red. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1905 * Only a small number printed. 379. DOVES PRESS. Emerson (Ralph Waldo). Essays. With Preface by Thomas Carlyle. Printed in red and black. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1906 * Only a small number printed. 380. DOVES PRESS. Goethe. Faust: eine Tragoedie. Printed in red and black from the 1807 Weimar edu. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1906 * Only a small number printed. 381. DOVES PRESS. London. A Paper read at a Meeting of the Art Workers' Guild, by T. J. Cobden-San- derson, March 6, 1891. Printed in red and black. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Lond. 1906 * Only a small number printed. 382. DOVES PRESS. Carlyle (Thomas). Sartor Resar- tus : the Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdroeckh. Printed in red and black. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1907 * Only 300 copies printed. 383. DOVES PRESS. Milton (John). Areopagitica : a Speech for the Liberty of Unlicens'd Printing' to the Parlia- ment of England. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1907 * Only a small number printed. 384. DOVES PRESS. Ruskin (John). Unto This Last: Four Essays on the First Principles of Political Economy. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1907 * Only a small number printed. 385. DRUMMOND (WM. HENRY). The Habitant, and other French Canadian Poems. Numerous illusts. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1899 * Laid in is a pencilled note signed Max O'Rell (copy?) relating to the French-Canadians. 386. [DUBOIS (ED.).] My Pocket Book; or, Hints for "A Ryghte Merrie and Conceitede " Tour, in Quarto; to be called " The Stranger in Ireland," in 1805. By A Knight Errant. Humorous plates. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by STIKEMAN. Lond. 1808 * Scarce. A quiz on the travels of John Carr. 50 387. D'URFEY (THOMAS). Pills to Purge Melancholy. A Collection of Merry Ballads and Songs, old and new, fitted to all humours, having each its proper tune for voice or instrument. An exact and fine reprint of the rare orig- inal. Portrait. 6 vols 12mo, new half crimson crushed levant morocco, floral tooled backs, gilt tops, by MORRELL. / / Lond. 1719-20 ' *A IINE SET of Pearson's well-printed reissue. The songs are given in their original unexpurgated form. 388. TfDGEWORTH (MARIA). Tales and Miscella- " neous Pieces, FIRST COLLECTED EDN., 14 vols. ; also, HELEN, FIRST EDN., 3 vols. Together 17 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in full straight-grained morocco gilt, sprinkled edges. Lond. 1825-34 389. EDGEWORTH (RICHARD LOVELL). Memoirs of Edgeworth, begun by himself and concluded by his daughter, Maria. Best edn. Portraits. 2 vols. half calf (name on titles). Lond. 1820 390. EDWARDS (EDWARD). The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, together with his letters, now first collected. Best edn. Portraits and folding facsimiles. 2 vols. thick 8vo, half blue levant morocco, richly tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1868 * Fine copy. Scarce. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 391. ELIOT (GEORGE). Novels and Tales ; a complete set. ALL THE SCARCE FIRST EDNS., consisting of: Scenes from Clerical Life. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1858 Adam Bede. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1859 The Mill on the Floss. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1860 Silas Marner: the Weaver of Ravaloe. Edinburgh, 1861 Romola. 3 vols. Lond. 1863 Felix Holt the Radical. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1866 The Spanish Gypsy: a Poem. Edinburgh, 1868 Middlemarch : a Study of Provincial Life. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1871-1872 Legend of Jubal. Edinburgh, 1874 Daniel Deronda. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1876 Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Edinburgh, 1879 Essays and Leaves from a Note-Book. Edinburgh, 1884 George Eliot's Life as Related in her Letters and Jour- nals. Edited by her Husband, J. W. Cross. Fine portraits on India paper and numerous plates. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1885 Together 30 vols. 8vo and post 8vo, newly and handsomely bound in full polished calf, gilt lined sides, gilt tooled 51 backs and inside borders, gilt tops, mostly uncut, with the original cloth and paper covers bound in at the end, by RIVIERE. Edinburgh and Lond. 1858-85 * A VERY CHOICE SET OF FIRST EDITIONS of these immortal works. A complete set of first editions in fine condition is now very difficult to procure, many of the volumes being exceed- ingly scarce. 392. [ELIOT (GEORGE).] Lewes (Marian). Brother and Sister Sonnets. Post 8vo, original blue printed wrap- pers, uncut, pp. 15. Lond. 1869 * PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY. VERY RARE. 393. ELIOT (GEORGE). Scenes and Characters from the Works of George Eliot. A series of illusts. by eminent artists. INDIA PROOFS. With introductory Essay and Descriptive Letterpress by J. G. Seguin, Royal 8vo, rox- burghe, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1888 394. ELSTON PRESS. Poems selected from the Hes- perides of Robert Herrick. Printed in black-and-red, with initials and decorations engraved on wood from designs by / H. M. O'Kane. Square 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. * Only 260 copies printed. New Rochelle, 1903 395. EMERSON (RALPH W.). Works of Emerson. Standard Library edn. With a general Index, and a Memoir by James Elliot Cabot. With steel portraits and etchings. 14 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. * Fine condition. Bost. , n. d. 396. ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS. Edited by John Morley. New series. 21 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. Lond. 1905-6 * Includes : Hazlitt, M. Arnold, Moore, Jeremy Taylor, Richardson, Tennyson, Fitzgerald, Rossetti, Browne, Crabbe, Thomson, Pater, Maria Edge worth, Shakespeare, Hobbes, S. Smith, Fanny Burney, Ruskin, Marvell, Adam Smith, and Fielding. 397. EPISTLES OF CLIO AND STREPHON (THE). Be- ing a Collection of Letters that passed between an English Lady and an English Gentleman in France, who took an Affection to each other by reading accidentally one another's Occasional Compositions, both in Prose and Verse. 12mo, old calf. Lond. 1720 * Contains two fine Armorial Bookplates and one label. 398. ERASMUS. Colloquies, transl. by N. Bailey. Edited, with notes, by the Rev. E. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo, * * full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, by ZAEHNSDORF. FINE COPY. Lond. 1878 399. ERASMUS. Praise of Folly, with the Life of Eras- mus and his Epistle addressed to Sir Thomas More. Por- /? trait and numerous illusts. from the curious designs by Hol- bein. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt top, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1876 52 r*7 / v THE VICAR O F WAKEFIELD; A TALE. Suppofed to be written by HIMSELF, Sperate miferi, cavete fa/ices. V O L. I. SALISBURY: Printed by B. C O L L I N S,- For F. NEWBERY, in Pater-Nofter-Row, London. MJDCCLXVI. [See No. 465.] 400. ETHEREGE (GEORGE). Works of Etherege, con- taining his Plays and Poems. 8vo, old panelled calf (re- backed). Lond. 1704 * First and best edition. 401. EVELYN (JOHN). Memoirs. Comprising his Diary from 1641 to 1705-6, and a selection of his familiar Letters, etc., etc. Edited from the original MSS. by Will- & iam Bray. Portraits and illusts. 5 vols. 8vo, half mo- / rocco, gilt top. Lond. 1827 402. EVELYN (JOHN). The Life of Mrs. Godolphin. FIRST EDN. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt back and top, / _^">j uncut, by ROOT. Lond. : Pickering, 1847 / ' * Fine copy. 403. EVELYN (JOHN). Instructions concerning Erect- ing of a Library. By Gabriel Naudeus, and now inter- / ~ * preted by Jo. Evelyn, Esquire. 12mo, boards, leather / ' ** $ back, uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1903 * No. 211 of 419 copies printed. 404. T^AIRY TALES. The True Annals of Fairy Land. * Edited by Wm. Canton. Ulust. by Charles / Robinson, including colored front, and woodcut title. Post /' 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Lond., n. d. * Containing some rare fairy tales from the ' ' Annals of King Herla," taken from Walter Mapes' " De Nugis Curia- lium," a collection of anecdotes and legends of considerable interest, written circa 1200. 405. [FAWCETT (EDGAR).] The New King Arthur. An Opera without Music. By the Author of " The Bunt- ling Ball." FIRST EDN. Square 12mo, cloth extra. N. Y. 1885 406. FIELD (EUGENE). Wilson (Francis). The Eugene Field I Knew. Portrait and facsimiles. Post 8vo, half vellum and boards, uncut. N. Y. 1898 * LARGE PAPER COPY of the FIRST EDITION. One of only 204 copies so printed on hand-made paper. 407. FIELD (EUGENE). Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field. Portrait and other fronts, on Japan vel- lum, facsimiles, etc. 12 vols. 12mo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1900-1901 * In fine condition. | |408. FIELD (EUGENE). The Temptation of Friar Gon- sol. A Story of the Devil, two Saints and a Booke. Por- traits, one on vellum paper, etc. Post 8vo, vellum boards, with ties, gilt top. Wash. 1900 * No. 268 of 800 copies printed on hand -made antique paper. 53 409. FIELD (ROSWELL). The Romance of an Old Fool. 8vo, half kid, gilt top, uncut. Evanston, 1902 * No. 38 of 225 numbered copies. 410. FIELD (ROSWELL). The Bondage of Ballinger. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Chicago, 1903 * No. 147 of 212 copies printed. AUTOGRAPH COPY, with interesting inscription. 411. FIELD (ROSWELL). Madeline. Printed through- /, _ out on Japanese vellum paper at the Prairie Press, Chicago. 8vo, boards, uncut. Chicago, 1906 * No. 11 of 250 copies printed. AUTOGRAPH COPY, with a six-line original poem in his autograph, beginning "Within four walls of cloistered books" on fly-leaf. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 412. FIELDING (HENRY). Works. Comprising: Joseph Andrews. 2 vols. 1742 Miscellanies. 3 vols. 1743 Tom Jones. 6 vols. 1749 Amelia. 4 vols. 1752 Voyage to Lisbon. 1 vol. 1755 Dramatic Works. 3 vols. 1755 FIRST EDN. OF ALL THE VOLS. Together 19 vols. Post 8vo and 12mo, beautifully bound in full mottled calf, gilt back, inside and outside borders, and gilt edges,by RIVIERE. Lond. 1742-55 * An unusually choice set of the FIRST EDITIONS of this Author, the "Voyage to Lisbon" being an exceptionally tall copy. Fine Armorial Bookplate of Charles Lilburn in each volume. 413. FISKE (JOHN). Tobacco and Alcohol. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth. N. Y. 1869 * The author's first book. 414. FITZBALL (EDWARD). Thirty-five Years of a Dramatic Author's Life. FIRST EDN. Portrait, 2 vols. post 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1859 415. [FITZPATRICK (JOHN).] The Friends, Foes, and Adventures of Lady Morgan. 8vo, half morocco. Dublin, 1859 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of six engraved por- traits. THE AUTHOR'S FIRST BOOK. 416. [FITZGERALD (EDWARD).] Euphranor: a Dia- logue on Youth. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : W. Pickering, 1851 * FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE. The author's first publica- tion, of which only a very small number of copies were printed. 54 /, 2. /*. 417. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Six Dramas of Cal- deron, freely translated. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : Pickering, 1853 * First Edition, of which probably not more than 250 copies were issued. " This volume, as we learn from Fitzgerald's letter, was un- favorably noticed in the Leader and in the Athenaeum, on its first appearance. . . . This determined spite of the Athenaeum, however, disconcerted him and he called in all the unsold copies, with the result that the book is now excessively rare." Prideaux's Bibliography of Edward Fitz Gerald. IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTH. 418. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Salaman and Ibsal. An Allegory. Transl. from the Persian of Jaini. Fronts. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original blue cloth, uncut. Lond. : Parker & Son, 1856 *VERY RARE. Fine copy of the very rare first edition, of which only a very few copies are known. It rivals in impor- tance and scarcity the first edition of Omar Khayyam. FINE COPY IN THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS. 419. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The Astronomer- Poet of Persia. Small 4to, original grey wrappers, as issued. Lond. : Bernard Quaritch, 1859 * AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY OF THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION, and, but for the name of the original purchaser writ- ten on the upper margin of the front cover, the pamphlet is as crisp and spotless as when it came from the printer's hands. The translation of this celebrated poem was finished in Jan- uary, 1858, when it was sent to the editor of Frazer's Magazine who kept it by him a whole year and then returned it to the author. Fitzgerald then had the poem printed by Quaritch the edition consisting of no more than 250 copies, of which 200 were left in the publisher's hands. The work did not sell and after a time was thrown out in quantities on the penny stand. Both Swinburne and Rossetti tell of having purchased copies at that meagre price. Unfortunately for the publisher, the edition was scattered before the merits of the poem were rec- ognized, and there being but little to recommend the work (besides its own inherent beauty, which in performances of this kind are seldom appreciated on their first appearance) the greater number of copies were lightly thrown aside and de- stroyed. The original edition is now one of the rarest items of Victorian literature. [See Reproduction.] 420. [FITZGERALD (EDWARD).] Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer- Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse. SECOND EDN. Small 4to, full polished citron calf, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. *RARE. Beautiful copy. Lond. : Quaritch, 1868 421. [FITZGERALD (EDWARD).] Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse. THIRD EDN. Small 4to, half roxburghe, uncut. / / t ^ * Fine, clean copy. Lond.: Quaritch, 1872 55 422. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam; and the Salaman and Absal of Jami. Rendered into English Verse. Fronts. Square post 8vo, original half roan, uncut. Lond. : Bernard Quaritch, 1879 * The Fourth Edition of the Rubaiyat, to which is added, for the first time, Fitzgerald's translation of the Salaman of Jami. Scarce. Fine copy. 423. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Letters and Literary ; Remains, edited by William Aldis Wright. FIRST EDN. With fine steel portrait and 2 fronts. 3 vols. 12mo, orig- inal red cloth, uncut. Very scarce. Lond. 1889 * These volumes comprise all of Fitzgerald's contributions to literature, corrected by himself, and arranged according to his written instructions, especially addressed to the editor; and form the first collected edition of his works. The Dramas from Calderon are included, and the "Omar Khayyam" is printed as in the first edition, with the variations between the second, third and fourth editions shown; also, the stanzas which appear in the second edition only. Fine copy. 424. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Polonius: a Collec- //- tion of Wise Saws and Modern Instances. Square 12mo, ' O boards, uncut, paper label. Portland : Mosher, 1901 * One of 450 copies printed on Van Gelder hand- made paper. Fine copy. 425. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Letters and Literary / / Remains. Fronts, to each volume. 7 vols. 8vo, red silk gilt, uncut. Lond. 1902-3 * Fine set. EDITION DE LUXE, now out of print and scarce. * 426. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Agamemnon. A ** ** Tragedy taken from the Greek of JEschylus. Woodcut decorations. 8vo, full brown calf gilt. Chicago: R. F Seymour, 1903 * JAPAN VELLUM COPY. One of only 8 printed. 427. FITZGERALD (PERCY). The Life of Laurence Sterne. With a portrait. 2 vols. 12rno, cloth, gilt designs on front covers, uncut. Lond. 1896 428. FLORENCE (WM. J. Comedian). Florence / "7f Fables. Portrait. Square 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt /* edges. Chicago [1888] * WITH PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION FROM THE AUTHOR to John Hoey on the title. 429. FOLKARD (RICHARD). Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics. Embracing the Myths, Traditions, Supersti- tions, and Folk-lore of the Plant Kingdom, lllust. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1884 430. FOLK-LORE CHIPS from the Chimney Corner. Gathered by Frank Munsell. Woodcuts. Square 12rno, cloth. Albany, 1871 * "The Devil and Tom Walker," " Capt. Kidd in Albany," "Peter Rugg," etc. The book was set up and printed by young Frank Munsell when only 12 years of age. Presentation copy from Joel Munsell. 55 / ' 431. FOOTE (SAMUEL). Works, with Remarks on each Play, and ail Essay on the Life, Genius and Writings of the Author by John Bee. Portrait. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1830 432. FORM AN (H. B.). Our Living Poets: an Essay in Criticism. 12mo, cloth, uncut. * FIRST EDITION. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR with autograph inscription on a slip pasted on the inside of the front cover. 433. FORSTER (JOHN). Historical and Biographical "7 Essays. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1858 '/ * Presentation copy from the author, with an A. L. S. from the author to Mr. 'Charles Knight, referring to those volumes, and a subscription raised for a descendant of Daniel De Foe. 434. FORSTER (JOHN). Arrest of the Five Members by Charles the First. A Chapter of English History, re- written. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut (name on title). Lond. 1860 435. FORSTER (JOHN). The Statesmen of the Com- monwealth of England, with a Treatise on the popular 2. progress in English History. Illust. 5 vols. 12mo, three- quarter morocco antique, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1867 * Fine set. . 436. FORSTER (JOHN). The Debate on the Grand Remonstrance, November and December, 1641, with an / Introductory Essay on English Freedom under Plantagenet / * ' * and Tudor Sovereigns. Facsimile MS. front. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1860 437. FORSTER (JOHN). Biographical Essays. Oliver Cromwell, De Foe, Steele, Churchill, and Foote. 12 mo, / f half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1860 438. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Complete Works, in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals, now first collected and arranged: with Memoirs of his Early Life, written by him- self. Portrait and. vignette title to each volume. 3 vols. 8vo, full calf (binding slightly rubbed and inscription on the vignette titles). Lond. 1806 439. FRASER (SIR WILLIAM). Words on Wellington. The Duke Waterloo The Ball. 6 photogravure portraits and 30 iliusts. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Nimmo, 1900 440. FROUDE (JAMES ANTHONY). Thomas Carlyle, a History of his Life in London, 1834-1881. FIRST EDN. * 7^ With portrait. 2 vols. Svo, original cloth, top edges uncut. ' / * Fine clean copy. Lond. 1884 441. FROUDE (JAMES ANTHONY). My Relations with Carlyle. Together with a letter from Sir James Stephen. Svo, wrappers. N. Y. 1903 57 442. (^ARRICK (DAVID). Life of David Garrick; from Family Papers, published and unpub- lished sources. By Percy Fitzgerald. 2 portraits and fac- ^~0 simile. 2 vols. 8vo, bound by RIVIERE in full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1868 * FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. SCARCE. 443. GASKELL (MRS. ELIZABETH C.). Lizzie Leigh, f/\ and other Tales. Post 8vo, full calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1865 * FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION (PLATES BY GEORGE Du MAURIER) ISSUED THE YEAR OF MRS. GASKELL'S DEATH. 444. GAULTIER (BON). The Book of Ballads. Edited by Bon Gaultier. With illusts. by Doyle, Leech and Crow- quill. Square post 8vo, full crimson calf gilt. T. Hayter Lewis' copy. Lond. 1877 445. GENT (THOMAS). Poems. Post 8vo, full green v?i) calf, gilt and blind toolings, marbled edges. Lond. 1829 * PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR. Fine copy. 446. GEORGE (HENRY). Progress and Poverty. An . Inquiry into the Cause of Industrial Depressions and of 3 Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth the Remedy. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1879 * One of a few copies privately printed for the Author before the publication of the work in New York. 447. GESTA ROMANORUM, or Entertaining Moral Stories invented by the Monks as a fireside recreation, and commonly applied in their discourses from the Pulpit; 4** whence the most celebrated of our own poets and others, ^ from the earliest times, have extracted their plots. Transl from the Latin, with preliminary observations and various notes, by the Rev. Charles Swan. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt top, by ZAEHNSDORP. Lond. 1824 * Fine clean copy. 448. GIBBON (EDWARD). The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings. With Notes by John, Lord Sheffield. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, new half green polished calf extra, gilt edges, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1814 * FINE SET. 449. GIBBON (J. M. Editor). The True Annals of f *~ removed). Lond. 1892 +i ' & * With author's autograph on title of vol. 1. 520. IT ARE (AUGUSTUS J. C.). Days near Rome. FIRST EDN. lllust. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1875 , &O 521. HARE (AUGUSTUS J. C.). Cities of Northern and Central Italy. FIRST EDN. Numerous illusts. 3 vols. 12mo, , "7tf original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1876 522. HARE (AUGUSTUS J. C.). Walks in London. ^ -7* FIRST EDN. lllust. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1878 ' / ^ 523. HARE (AUGUSTUS J. C.). The Story of My Life. /? ^-A lllust. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896-1900 ** ' 5^4. HARIOT (THOMAS). A Briefe and True Report of the new found land of Virginia, etc., etc. Reprint from . ^" the "Bibliographer." 8vo, three-quarter levant morocco, ' gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1588 525. HARPER'S BLACK AND WHITE SERIES. James ~ Russell Lowell, an Address by George William Curtis; The v? O Albany Depot, by W. D.Howells. Both illust. 2 vols. 16mo, ornamental cloth. N. Y. 1893 67 526. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Scarlet Letter. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1850 * ORIGINAL FIRST ISSUE, with the 4 pp. of advertisements in front, dated March 1, 1850. Pasted in is an autograph slip, "Examined, Nath. Hawthorne, Surveyor." On the reverse is the autograph of John D. Howard, Naval Officer. Scarce. IN UNUSUALLY CLEAN CONDITION. 527. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The House of the Seven Gables FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, with the advertise- ments. Bost. 1851 528. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). True Stories from History and Biography. FIRST EDN. Front. 12mo, origi- nal cloth. Bost 1851 * FINE COPY. 529. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Blithedale Romance. FIRST EDN. 12m o, original cloth. Bost. 1852 * With the 4 pp. of advertisements in front, dated April, 1852. Fine, clean copy. 530. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Life of Franklin Pierce. Portrait. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Bost.1852 * Very fine condition. 531. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Snow-Image, and other Twice-Told Tales. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1852 * With the 4 pp. of advertisements in the front, dated Janu- ary, 1852. ~ 532. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Tanglewood Tales. w, For Boys and Girls: being a Second Wonder-Book. FIRST EDN. With fine illusts. 12mo, original cloth. Bost. 1853 * Sound, clean copy. Back and covers slightly worn. 533. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Marble Faun ; or,The Romance of Monte Beni. GENUINE FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1860 * Unusually fine, clean copy. 534. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Our Old Home. FIRST EDN. l^mo, cloth, with the advertisements. Bost, 1863 535. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Passages from the American Note-Books. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, origi- nal cloth. Bost. 1868 * Fine, clean copy. 536. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Passages from the French and Italian Note-Books. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1872 * Fine, clean copy. 537. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Septimius Felton; y ' or, The Elixir of Life. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1872 * Fine copy. 68 538. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Tales of the White Hills. 32mo, cloth. " Vest pocket series." Bost. 1877 539. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Doctor Grim- shaw's Secret. A Romance. Edited, with Preface and , t Notes, by Julian Hawthorne. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. * Good, clean copy. Bost. 1883 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED. 540. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. By Moncure D. Conway, with Bibliography .2 by J. P. Anderson (British Museum), and Index. FIRST EDN. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1890 * Extra-illustrated by a portrait of Hawthorne, scarce mezzo of Zachary Taylor, and 18 other portraits and views. 541. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Works of Haw- thorne. With Introductory Notes by George Parsons - Lathrop; Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife, a Biography / * by Julian Hawthorne. Illust. with etchings and engravings on steel. 15 vols. 12mo, full sheep. Bost., n. d. * Fine condition. Bound uniform with the works of Holmes, Longfellow, Lowell and Whittier, which see. 542. HAYLEY (WILLIAM). The Triumphs of Temper. A Poem, in Six Cantos. With six fine steel engravings, after Stothard, engraved ~by Heath and Sharp. 16mo, calf (front ' cover loose). Lond. 1888 PRESENTATION COPY. 543. HAYNES (JAMES). Mary Stuart. An Historical Tragedy. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full violet uiorocco, gilt edges. _ _ Lond. 1840 /' * PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR TO MRS. MACREADY (the wife of W. C. Macready, and to whom the book is dedi- cated), with inscription in the author's autograph on title- page : " To Mrs. Macready, with the Author's respectful compliments." AN UNUSUALLY CHOICE COLLECTION. 544. HAZLITT (WILLIAM). A VERY EXTENSIVE AND CHOICE COLLECTION OF FIRST EDNS. OF THE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM HAZLITT, comprising: A Reply to the Essay on Population, by the Rev. T. R. Mai th us, in a Series of Letters, to which are added / _ Extracts from the Essay, with Notes [by William / ^ v Hazlitt]. Lond. 1807 ' An Abridgement of the Light of Nature Pursued, by Abraham Tucker. (Edited by William Hazlitt.) Lond. 1807 69 The Eloquence of the British Senate, being a Selection of the best Speeches of the most distinguished Parlia- mentary Speakers. 2 vols. Lond. 1808 Parliamentary Portraits, or Sketches of the Public Character of some of the most distinguished Speak- ers of the House of Commons. Lond. 1815 Memoirs of the late Thomas Holcroft, written by Him- self. With portrait. (Edited by Hazlitt.) 3 vols. Lond. 1816 Characters of Shakespeare's Plays. Lond. 1817 The Round Table. A Collection of Essays on Litera- ture, Men and Manners. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1817 A View of the English Stage; or, A Series of Dramatic Criticisms. Lond. 1818 Lectures on the English Poets. Lond. 1818 Lectures on the English Comic Writers. Lond. 1819 Political Essays, with Sketches of Public Characters. Lond. 1819 Lectures, chiefly on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. Lond. 1820 Table-Talk; or, Original Essays. 2 vols. Lond. 1821-22 A Selection of Speeches, delivered at several County Meetings. Lond. 1822 British Galleries of Art. Lond. 1824 Sketches of the Principal Picture-Galleries in England, with a Criticism on " Marriage-a-la-Mode." Lond. 1824 Select Poets of Great Britain, to which are prefixed Critical Notices of each Author. With portraits. Lond. 1825 The Spirit of the Age ; or, Contemporary Portraits. Lond. 1825 Notes of a Journey through France and Italy. Lond. 1826 The Plain Speaker; Opinions on Men, Books and Things. 2 vols. Lond. 1826 The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 4 vols. Lond. 1830 Conversations of James Northcote. With portrait. Lond. 1830 Essays on the Principles of Human Action. Lond. [1835] Literary Remains of the late William Hazlitt, with a Notice of his Life by his Son; and Thoughts on his Genius and Writings, by E. L. Bulwer and Mr. Ser- geant Talfourd. With portrait. 2 vols. Lond. 1836 Paintings and the Fine Arts. (With the rare leaf of Errata.) Edinburgh, 1838 Sketches and Essays. Now first Collected by his Son. Lond. 1839 Winterslow. Essays and Characters. Lond. 1850 Memoirs of William Hazlitt, with Portions of his Cor- respondence. By W. Carew Hazlitt. With portraits. 2 vols. Lond. 1867 Together 39 vols. 8vo post, and 12mo, newly and uni- formly bound in half polished calf extra, with double- let- tering pieces, gilt tops, some uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond., etc., v. d. * AN EXCEEDINGLY BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE COLLECTION OF THE WRITINGS OF THE GREAT ESSAYIST, ALL OF WHICH ARE FIRST EDITIONS, SOME BEING VERY SCARCE. 545. HAZLITT (WILLIAM); Liber Amoris; or, The New Pygmalion. Engraved title, with vignette. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original boards, with paper label, uncut. Lond. : Printed for John Hunt, 1823 //7 * Very scarce. The expression of Hazlitt's romantic passion / l^ ' """""* for the daughter of a tailor with whom he lodged the year after he was divorced from his wife. 546. HAZLITT (WILLIAM CAREW). The Confessions of a Collector. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1897 / 547. HAZLITT (WILLIAM CAREW). Four Genera- tions of a Literary Family. The Hazlitt's in England, Ire- land and America; their Friends and their Fortunes, 17^5- 9 ___ 1896. With portraits reproduced from miniatures by John Hazlitt. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1897 548. HAZLITT (WILLIAM CAREW). Lamb and Haz- litt. Further Letters and Records, hitherto unpublished. Post 8vo, buckram and label, uncut. N. Y. 1899 549. HEINE (HEINRICH). Works of Heine. In Ger- / man. 11 vols. 12mo, half morocco, marbled edges. /& * Fine, clean set. Hamburg, 1876 550. HEINE (HEINRICH). Wit, Wisdom and Pathos, from the Prose of Heine. With a few pieces from the "Book of Songs." Selected and transl. by J. Suodgrass. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1879 551. HEINE (HEINRICH). Ideas. " Buch le Grand " of the Reisebilder of Heine. A translation by I. B. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1884 552. HEINE (HEINRICH). Florentine Nights; The -7 Memoirs of Herr von Schnabelewopski; The Rabbi of / Bacharach; and Shakespeare's Maidens and Women. Transl. by Charles G. Leland. 12mo, cloth. N.Y. 1889 553. HEINE (HEINRICH). Poems and Ballads. Done s into English Verse by Sir Theodore Martin. Third edu., , Y 3 with additions. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1894 71 .2.- .2.- 554. IIELVETIUS (JOHN FREDERICK). The Golden Calf, which the World adores and desires: In which is handled the most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in transmuting Metals, etc. (Originally in Latin.) 16mo, full levant morocco, gilt back, top and inside borders, by NEUMANN. Lond. 1670 555. HEMANS (MRS.). The Works of Mrs. Hemans; with a Memoir of her Life, by her Sister. Portrait and en- graved titles. 7 vols. 12mo, full scored russia, marbled edges. Edinburgh, 1839-40 * Uniform with the esteemed editions of Byron, Scott, and other authors. 556. HENLEY (WILLIAM E.). A Book of Verses. Vignette on title. FIRST EDN. 16mo, original limp boards, uncut. Lond. 1888 * Scarce. This little booklet contains Henley's unapproach- able "In Hospital; Rhymes and Rhythms." Not pictured from fancy, but the eloquent expression of actual experience. " The unnatural, intolerable day." Immortal line, only understood by those who have been through it. , - 557. HENLEY (WILLIAM E.). Views and Reviews. & Essays in Appreciation. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, paper label. Lond. 1890 558. HENLEY (WILLIAM E.). For England's Sake, Verses and Songs in time of War. FIRST EDN. 8vo, origi- nal wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1890 559. HENLEY (WILLIAM E.). Lyra Heroica. A Book of Verse for Boys. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1892 560. HENLEY (WILLIAM E.). The Song of the Sword and other Verses. FIRST EDN. 8vo, limp boards, uncut. Lond. 1892 * LARGE PAPER. One of 75 copies printed on Dutch hand- made paper. y 561. HENLEY (WILLIAM E.). Hawthorn and Laven- ^* T der. With other Verses. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Loud. 1901 A _ 562. HENLEY (WILLIAM E.). A Songof Speed. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1903 * Fine copy. 563. HEPTAMERON. The Heptameron of the Tales of Margaret, Queen of Navarre. With illusts. 5 vols. 12mo, new half polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut, bound by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1893 * Pretty copy of this handy edition. 564. HERBERT (GEORGE). Facsimile Reprint of the First Edition, 163:3, of The Temple. With Introductory Essay by J. Henry Shorthouse. 12mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1883 72 / 565. HERVEY (JOHN, LORD). Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second. Edited by John Wilson Croker. Best edn. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Lond. 1848 5G6. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Earthwork Out of Tus- cany, being Impressions and Translations. Front. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : Dent, 1895 * Mr. Hewlett's FIRST BOOK, of which only 500 copies were printed, AND NOW OF GREAT RARITY. 567. HEWLETT (MAURICE). A Masque of Dead Florentines, wherein some of Death's Choicest Pieces and the Great Game that he played therewith are faithfully set ^ , forth. FIRST EDN. Pictured by J. D. Batten. Oblong 8vo, original cloth, gilt, uncut. Lond. 1895 * With the exception of " Earthwork Out of Tuscany," the rarest of Mr. Hewlett's works. 568. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Songs and Meditations. 2 FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 ^ * Fine, clean copy. 569. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Forest Lovers: a /^ Romance. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. / /, __ * Fine copy, almost new. Very scarce. Lond. 1898 570. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Pan and the Young j Shepherd: a Pastoral. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, / uncut. Lond. J898 * Fine, clean copy. Scarce. 571. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Little Novels of Italy. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1899 * Fine, clean copy. Scarce. 572. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay. FIRST EDN. 12nio, original cloth, gilt top. Lond. 1900 * Fine, clean copy. 573. HEWLETT (MAURICE). New Canterbury Tales. FIRST EDN. 12rno, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1901 574. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Queen's Quair; or, The Six Years' Tragedy. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, 3 ~7 gilt. Lond. 1904 / 575. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Road in Tuscany: a Commentary. FIRST EDN. lllust. 2 vols. 12mo, original jC. cloth, gilt. Lond. 1904 * Fine, clean copy. 576. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Fond Adventures. Tales of the Youth of the World. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original 9 cloth. Lond. 1905 * Fine, clean copy. 73 577. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Fool Errant, being ^ the Memoirs of Francis- An tony Strelley, Esq., citizen of Lucca. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth. Lond. 1905 * Fine, clean copy. - 578. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Stooping Lady. FIRST O EDN. 12mo, original cloth. Lond. 1907 * Fine, clean copy. 579. HINDLEY (CHARLES). The Old Book Collector's Miscellany; or, A Collection of Readable Reprints of Liter- ary Rarities, illustrative of the History, Literature, Manners, and Biography of the English Nation during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Wilh numerous facsimiles of the curious illusts. 3 vols. thick small 4to, half blue mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1871-73 * Fine set of this entertaining publication on Large Paper. 580. HOARE (SIR RICHARD C.). Journal of a Tour in Ireland, A.D. 1806. IHust. with private etchings from drawings of Daniel Gurney, and portrait by Miss M. A. Turner. 8vo, full sprinkled calf extra, gilt inside border, red edges. Lond. 1807 * FIRST EDITION. Autograph note of author pasted on fly- leaf, also A. L. S. of Dawson Turner. 581. HODDER (GEORGE). Memories of My Time, in- cluding Personal Reminiscences of Eminent Men. FIRST EDN. 8vo, half roan. Lond. 1870 * Laid in is a 2 pp. A. L. S. from the author. 582. HODGSON (REV. FRANCIS). Memoir. With numerous Letters from Lord Byron and others. By his ^ f ^ son, the Rev. James T. Hodgson. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut, by LARKINS. Lond. 1878 * Hodgson was a friend of Byron, and the volumes are largely devoted to him, Mrs. Leigh, etc. 583. HOFFMAN (E. T. W.). Weird Tales. A New * {. Translation from the German. With a Biographical Me- ^ * *J moir by J. T. Bealby. With 11 fine full-page etchings by Ad Lalauze. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth and labels, uncut. Lond.: Nimmo, 1885 * LARGE PAPER COPY, with the plates on Whatman drawing paper. No. 15 of only 100 copies so issued. / 584. HOLLAND (JOHN G.). Kathrina: Her Life and / Mine in a Poem. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1867 * One of the most popular American poems ever issued; over 100,000 copies were called for at the time. 585. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Border Lines of Knowledge in some Provinces of Medical Science. Lecture ' *>-'/) before the Medical Class of Harvard College, Nov. 6, 1861. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1863 74 586. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Works of Holmes. Standard Library Edition. Illust. ivith steel por- traits and photogravures 13 vols. 12mo, full sheep. Bost., n. d. * Fine condition. Bound uniform with the works of Haw- thorne, Longfellow, Lowell and Whittier, which see. 587. HONE (WILLIAM). Hone's Tracts. Includes: The Political House that Jack Built; The Man in the Moon; The Queen's Matrimonial Ladder; The Political / Showman at Home. Illust. The last two illust. by Crnik- shank. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1820-1 588. HOOD (JANE AND THOMAS). Fairy Land; or, Recreation for the Rising Generation. Illusts. by T. Hood, t %?0 Jr. 12mo, cloth, gilt. Lond. 1861 589. HOOD (THOMAS). Up the Rhine. Numerous humorous woodcuts by the author. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1840 \y . __ * One of the most pathetic pieces of humor ever published ; written when Hood was struggling against a fatal disease. 590. HOOD (THOMAS). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, origi- *j ,- nal cloth, paper label, uncut. Lond.: Moxon, 1846 / * Fine set of Moxon's beautiful (and best) edition. 591. HOOD (THOMAS). Hood's Own; or, Laughter from Year to Year. FIRST EDN. With numerous illusts. % t^"/f 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt. Lond. 1846-69 * Fine copy of this humorous work. 592. HOOD (THOMAS). Vere Vereker's Vengeance. A Sensation in several Paroxysms. With satyrical illusts. *74~ engraved on wood by W. Br union. 16mo, half calf, gilt , / top, uncut. Lond. 1865 593. HOOLE (JOHN). Orlando Furioso, transl. from the Italian of Lodovico Aristo ; with notes. With 2 portraits, 5 fine fronts, engraved by Bartolozzi, Collyer, W. Blake, / Heath and Caldwall, after Angelica Kauffman, Stothard, / ' Metz and Hamilton, and a plate. 5 vols. 8vo, full calf. * FIRST EDITION of this translation. Lond. 1783 594. HORNE (RICHARD H.). A New Spirit of the Age. FIRST EDN. With portraits of Dickens, Dr. South- wood, Smith, Talfourd, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Harriet ^ V /) Martineau, M. Browning and Carlyle. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1844 * PRESENTATION COPY TO DICKENS. 595. HORNE (RICHARD H.). Ballad Romances. FIRST EDN. 16mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Lond. 1846 * PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION TO ' ' Charles Dickens with regards of R. H. H. , Jan. 31, 46," and with bookplate of Charles Dickens. 75 ^ / / 590. [IIO WELLS (WILLIAM D.).] Poems of Two Friends (J. II. Piatt and W. D. Howells). 12mo, original brown cloth extra, gilt top. Columbus, 1860 * FINE COPY OF HOWELLS' FIRST BOOK. ~ 597. HOWELLS (WILLIAM D.). Italian Journeys. // ^s7 FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1867 598. HOWELLS (WILLIAM D.). No Love Lost. A Ro- 2 ^ mance of Travel. FIRST EDN. Front, and vignette title. Square 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. N. Y. 1869 * Rare. 599. HOWELLS (WILLIAM D.). The Lady of the /, Aroostook. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1879 600. HOWELLS (WILLIAM D.). A Boy's Town. FIRST / 7f EDN. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1890 601. HOWELLS (WILLIAM D.). Venetian Life. With 4 illusts. from original WATER COLORS by Childe Hassam, "~ F. Hopkinson Smith, and others. 2 vols. 8vo, full vel- lum, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1892 * Fine copy. No. 166 of 250 copies printed. 603 ' HOWELLS (WILLIAM D.). The Coast of Bohe- mia. ILlust. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1893 603. HOWELLS (WILLIAM D.). Literary Friends and Acquaintances: a Personal Retrospect of American Author- ship. With illusts. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1901 604 - HUGO (VICTOR). John Brown. Front, and fac- simile letter. 8vo, half cloth, paper label, uncut. Ridgewood, N. J. : Alwil Shop, 1902 * No. 86 of 150 copies printed on Van Gelder hand-made paper. New copy. 605. HUGO (VICTOR). The Complete Works of Victor Hugo. With numerous illusts. 20 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. [recent] * FINE SET of the Edition de Luxe, limited to 500 numbered sets. 606. HUNT (LEIGH). Juvenilia; or, A Collection of Poems. Written between the ages of twelve and sixteen years. Engraved front. 8vo, original boards, UNCUT (very skilfully rebacked). Lond. : Printed by J. Whiting, 1801 * FIRST EDITION OF THE AUTHOR'S FIRST PUBLISHED VOLUME. 607. [HUNT (LEIGH).] Critical Essays on the Per- formers of the London Theatres, including General Ob- servations on the Practice and Genius of the Stage. Vi- ynette title. 12mo, original boards and label, UNCUT. Loud. : John Hunt, 1807 * FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. Scarce in boards, uncut. 608. [HUNT (LEIGH).] The Feast of the Poets, with Notes and Other Pieces in Verse. By the Editor of the Ex- aminer. 12mo, original boards and label, UNCUT. Loud. 1814 * FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. 76 609. HUNT (LEIGH). The Descent of Liberty. A Mask. 12mo, original boards and label, UNCUT. FINE COPY. * FIRST EDITION. Lond. 1815 610. HUNT (LEIGH). The Story of Rimini. A Poem. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt top, UNCUT. Lond. 1816 * FIRST EDITION. 611. HUNT (LEIGH). Foliage; or, Poems. Original >* and Translated. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. *^ * FIRST EDITION. Lond. 1818 612. HUNT (LEIGH). Amyntas, a Tale of the Woods, from the Italian of Torquato Tasso. With portrait. FIRST . EDN. 12mo, original boards, uncut, paper label. Lond. 1820 / ^ * Fine condition and very scarce. Dedicated to John Keats. 613. HUNT (LEIGH). The Months, descriptive of the ^ Successive Beauties of the Year. FIRST EDN. 12mo, origi- 7 nal boards, paper label, uncut. Lond. 1821 / ' * Fine and scarce copy. 614. [HUNT (LEIGH).] The Indicator. [Edited by Leigh Hunt.] 2 vols. in one, 8vo, half calf gilt. Lond. 1822 * ALL EVER ISSUED. Contains the original appearance of / f Shelley's" Love's Philosophy," with introductory note by Hunt; also, Shelleyana, "Story of the Cenci Family," pp. 321-386 ; articles by Charles Lamb and others. 615. [HUNT (LEIGH).] The Literary Examiner: Con- sisting of the Indicator, A Review of Books and Miscel- laneous Pieces in Prose and Verse. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1823 * FIRST EDITION. 616. HUNT (LEIGH). The Companion. FIRST EDN. ~ 8vo, half calf, gilt top, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1828 \?, * Contains the Poem, " The Dinner Party Anticipated," by P. B. Shelley. 617. HUNT (LEIGH). Poetical Works. FIRST EDN. / Royal 8vo, original boards, uncut, paper label. Loud. 1832 / O * Extra fine condition. 618. HUNT (LEIGH). Captain Sword and Captain Pen. ^, A Poem. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. o * Fine copy. Lond. 1835 619. HUNT (LEIGH). A. L. S., 3 pp., 8vo, Chelsea, Jan. 31 (1839), with original envelope and seal. * A letter marked " Private " to the Editor of the Nation, in . the interest of protecting the memory of a friend: / / " I am one of the last men in the world to quarrel with a con- /* scientious difference of opinion, uttered by a kindly heart ; and indeed as to the question of ' Marriage ' I suspect there is no difference between us. I ivas only speaking of the probable feelings of another, should the passage be seen by her, to ivhom circumstances in connection with her son and some of his living kindred might render it painful, etc." 77 / / 620. HUNT (LEIGH). The Palfrey: a Love Story of Old Times Woodcuts. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt top, UN- CUT. Lond. 1842 * FIRST EDITION. 621. HUNT (LEIGH). One Hundred Romances of Real * if Life; Selected and Annotated by Leigh Hunt. FIRST EDN. / Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1*43 622. HUNT (LEIGH). Imagination and Fancy; or, d~, Selections from the English Poets. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1845 * Very fine copy. 623. HUNT (LEIGH). Stories from the Italian Poets: /^ v^/> witn Lives of the Writers. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1846 * VERY SCARCE, especially in such clean condition. 624. [HUNT (LEIGH).] Tales from Boccaccio, with modern illustrations and Other Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut (back slightly worn). Lond. 1846 625. HUNT (LEIGH). Wit and Humour, Selected from the English Poets; with an illustrated Essay, and critical comments. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original gilt cloth, edges gilt. Lond. 1846 * Fine, clean copy. 626. HUNT (LEIGH). Men, Women and Books; a Se- lection of Sketches, Essays and Critical Memoirs, from his uncollected Prose Writings. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1847 *FROM THE LIBRARY OP W. CAREW HAZLITT, with his auto- graph on fly-leaf. 627. HUNT (LEIGH). A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. With illusts. by Hoyle. FIRST EDN. 8vo, half calf, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1848 * From the Library of W. Carew Hazlitt. 628. HUNT (LEIGH). A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. Illusts. by Richard Hoyle. FIRST EDN. Square 8vo, original pictorial boards, gilt edges. Lond. 1848 * SCARCE IN ORIGINAL BOARDS. 629. HUNT (LEIGH). A Book for a Corner. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1849 * SCARCE. Nice copy. j- 630. HUNT (LEIGH). Captain Sword and Captain Pen. ' ** O A Poem. THIRD EDN., with a New Preface. Remarks on War and Notes, etc. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt top Lond. 1849 631. HUNT (LEIGH). Readings for Railways; or, An- 3 ecdotes and other Short Stories Reflections, Maxims, etc. 12mo, boards, uncut. Lond. [1849] 78 632. [HUNT (LEIGH).] The Religion of the Heart. A Manual of Faith and Duty. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original * ~7X"* cloth, uncut. Lond. 1853 ' / ^ 633. HUNT (LEIGH). The Old Court Suburb; or, Me- morials of Kensington. Regal, Critical and Anecdotical. r FIKST EDN. 2 vols. post 8vo, original orange-colored cloth, v uncut. Lond. 1855 * UNUSUALLY PINE COPY. 634. HUNT (LEIGH). Stories in Verse. FIRST EDN. Illusts. l^mo, three-quarter dark blue crushed levant, &, ornamental gilt back, gilt top. Lond. 1855 635. HUNT (LEIGH). The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt. A new edn., revised by the Author, with further revision and an introduction by his eldest son. Portrait. J2 . Svo, half calf, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1860 * From the Library of W. Carew Hazlitt, presentation copy to him from the Publishers, with annotations and 6 pp. of notes on the fly-leaves, in his handwriting. 636. HUNT (LEIGH). The Correspondence of Leigh Hunt. Edited by his eldest son. Portrait. FIRST EDN. ^ , 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. * From the Library of W. C. Hazlitt. Lond. 1862 637. HUNT (LEIGH). The Book of the Sonnet. Edited by Leigh Hunt and S. Adams Lee. Comprising an Essay on the Cultivation, History and Varieties of the species of poem called the Sonnet, with a selection of English Son- nets, with copious notes, now first published from the orig- inal MS. of Leigh Hunt. FIRST EDN. With 2 etched por- traits of Leigh Hunt, from rare prints. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1867 * LARGE PAPER EDITION of 100 copies printed, of which this is No. 37. No English edition was ever issued of this work. 638. HUNT (LEIGH). A Day by the Fire, and other Papers, hitherto uncollected. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, J , gilt top. Lond. 1870 639. HUNT (LEIGH). The Old Court Suburb; or, Me- morials of Kensington, Regal, Critical, and Anecdotal. Edited by Austin Dobson. lllust. with etchings, woodcuts, etc., by II. Railston, C. Shepherd, and E. J. Sullivan, in- / eluding colored etched portrait of Leigh Hunt. 2 vols. 4 to, ^ ' vellum gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1902 * No. 51 of 150 copies on Large Paper, signed by the artists. A beautiful edition of the Court Suburb, which originally appeared in Dickens' " Household Words," 1853-54, the illustra- tions, so far as possible.representing the locality in Hunt's time. 640. HUNT (WILLIAM). The Dream to Come, and other Poems. With 7 illusts. LARGE PAPER COPY. 8vo, vellum, / gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1835 /' ~ ' 79 641. TMPOSTORS DETECTED (THE) ; or, The Life of a -* Portuguese. In which the Artifices and Intrigues of Romish Priests are humorously displayed. 2 vols. l^ino, full sprinkled calf, gilt inside and outside borders, yellow edges. Lond. 1760 642. INDIANS. Proctor (Edna). The Song of the An- cient People. Beautifully illust. with 11 full-page colored plates by Julian Scott. 8vo, full brown undressed calf, blind tooled to a Navajo pattern, uncut, original cover preserved. Bost. : Riverside Press, 1893 * WITH PROSE COMMENTARY AND NOTES BY F. H. CUSHING AND JOHN FISKE (pp. 27-69). Fine copy of this handsome volume, specially printed for the Hemenway Southwestern Archaeologi- cal Expedition. Scarce. 643. [IRELAND (W. H.).] The Cottage-Girl. A Poem, comprising her several avocations during the Four Seasons of the Year. By II. C., Esq. Front, in duplicate, one India proof. 16mo, full contemporary straight-grained morocco, wide ornamental borders, full gilt edges. Lond., n. d. * Inscribed on half-title: " To Miss Davis ivith the Author's compliments." The volume is also dedicated to Miss Davis. A fine specimen of binding. 644. [IRVING (WASHINGTON).] The Crayon Miscel- , ^ lany, containing: A Tour of the Prairies, and Abbotsford / /\3 and Newstead Abbey. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, original / cloth, uncut, paper labels. Phil. 1835 645. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Writings of Irving, including The Life of George Washington, and The Life and Letters of Irving, by his nephew. With numerous illusts. by Darley and others. Together 25 vols. 12mo, new half blue calf extra, gilt tops. Lond. 1860-1864 * Handsome set of this handy library edition. 646. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Addresses by C. D. Warner and others at the One Hundredth Anniversary of his Birth. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1884 AUTOGRAPHED SET OF FIRST EDITIONS. 647. TACKSON (LADY CATHERINE CHARLOTTE). ^ A COMPLETE SET OF THE HISTORICAL WORKS OF LADY JACKSON, ALL FIRST EDITIONS, AND ALL AUTO- GRAPH PRESENTATION COPIES FROM THE AUTHOR, with the exception of "The First of the Bourbons." The set comprises: Old Paris, Its Court and Literary Salons. 2 vols. 1878 The Old Regime, Court, Salons, and Theatres. 2 vols. 1880 The French Court and Society, Reign of Louis XVI. , and First Empire. 2 vols. 1881 80 BT JOHN KEATS, What more felicity can fall to creature, ' Than to enjoy delight with liberty." Fate of the Butterfly. SPENSER. LONDON: PRINTED FOR C. ff J. OLLIER, 3, WELBECK STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE. 1817. [See No. 671. J JLAMIA, ISABELLA, THE EVE OF ST. AGNES, AND OTHER POEMS. BY JOHN KEATS, AUTHOR OF EHDYMION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR TAYLOR AND HESSEY, FLEET-STREET. 1820. [See No. 671.] The Court of the Tuileries from the Restoration to the Flight of Louis Philippe. 2 vols. 1883 The Court of France in the Sixteenth Century, 1514- 1559. 2 vols. 1886 The Last of the Valois, and Accession of Henry of Navarre, 1559-1589. 2 vols. 1888 The First of the Bourbons, 1589-1595. 2 vols. 1890 Illust. with reproductions of rare portraits, etc. Together 14 vols. post 8vo, original cloth gilt, as issued. Lond. 1878-1890 * A REMARKABLY FINE SET, EACH WORK BEING A FIRST EDITION AND AN AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF "THE FIRST OF THE BOURBONS." THE PRESENTATION INSCRIPTIONS ARE OF EXTREME INTEREST, ALL BEING TO HER BROTHER, AND SHOWING THE AFFECTIONATE RELATIONS THAT EXISTED BETWEEN THEM. The inscription in "Old Paris" (which in the original cloth is extremely rare) reads: ' To my brother with affectionate regards and kindest wishes Catherine Chtt. Jackson, Nov. 6th, 1878." The inscription in " The Court of the Tuileries" reads: " To my brother with affectionate regards and every good wish for this and all seasons Catherine Ct. Jackson Xmas, 1883," PROBABLY THE FINEST SET IN EXISTENCE. 648. JAMES (HENRY). William Wetmore. Story and his Friends, from Diaries, Letters and Recollections. FIRST \$*& EDN. Portraits. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1903 649. JAMESON (MRS.). A Commonplace Book of Thoughts, Memories and Fancies, original and selected. >- FIRST EDN. With illusts. and etchings. 8vo, roxburgh, O O gilt top, uncut (a few pages slightly water-stained). Lond. 1854 650. JERDAN (WILLIAM). The Autobiography of William Jerdau, with his Literary, Political and Social Reminiscences, and Correspondence. FIRST EDN. Portrait t _ _ and engraved title in each volume. 4 vols. 12mo, original cloth. Lond. 1852 651. JERROLD (DOUGLAS). Writings. Collected Edi- tion. 8 vols. post 8vo, full polished calf, marbled edges, by BEDFORD. Lond. 1851-4 * FINE SET. 652. JERROLD (WALTER). The True Annals of Fairy- land. The Reign of King Oberon. Illust. by Walter Robin- *~ son. Post 8vo, pictorial cloth extra, gilt edges. *$ O Lond. : Dent, n. d. 81 653. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). Tales of the Dead, and other Poems. 12mo, original boards, with paper label, uncut (back somewhat damaged). Lond. 1830 * FIRST EDITION OF JESSE'S FIRST BOOK. A MAGNIFICENT SET. 654. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). A COMPLETE SET OF THE MORE IMPORTANT WRITINGS OF JESSE, ALL FIRST EDI- TIONS, COMPRISING: The Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate. 4 vols. Lond. 1840 Memoirs of the Court of England from the Revolution in 1688 to the Death of George II. 3 vols. Lond. 1843 George Selwyn and his Contemporaries; with Memoirs and Notes. 4 vols. Lond. 1843-4 Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. 2 vols. Lond. 1845 Literary and Historical Memorials of London. 2 vols. Loud. 1847 London and its Celebrities. A Second Series of Lite- rary and Historical Memorials of London. 2 vols. Lond. 1850 Memoirs of King Richard the Third and some of his Contemporaries. With a Historical Drama on the Battle of Bosworth. Lond. 1862 Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. 3 vols. Lond. 1867 Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians, including Henry Fielding, Earl of Chatham, Horace Walpole, Thomas Gray, Lord North, George Selwyn, Earl of Bute, etc., etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1875 All the volumes are finely illust. with portraits, views, fac- similes, etc. Together 23 vols. 8vo, beautifully bound in full polished calf, gold lined sides, tooled backs and inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by LLOYD, WALLIS & LLOYD. Lond. 1840-1875 655. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). London. A Frag- mentary Poem. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, half cloth, uncut. * SCARCE. FINE CONDITION. Lond. 1847 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED. 656. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). London: Its Cele- brated Characters and Remarkable Places. EXTRA-ILLUS- TRATED BY THE ADDITION OF 209 PORTRAITS, VIEWS, etc., many of which are inlaid. 6 vols. 8vo, beautifully bound in full polished calf, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by MORRELL. Lond. 1871 * First edition of the amalgamation of ' ' Literary and His- torical Memorials of London," published in 1847, and " London and its Celebrities," published in 1850. FINE SET. 82 FINE COPY. 657. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Vanity of Human Wishes. The Tenth Satire of Juvenal, imitated by Samuel Johnson. FIRST EDN. 4to, full polished mottled calf, gilt >- inside and outside borders, full gilt edges, by RIVIERE. $0 ' Lond. 1749 * A BEAUTIFUL COPY of this RARE work. It was much altered in after editions. THE RARE FIRST EDITION. 658. [JOHNSON (SAMUEL).] The Prince of Abyssinia. A Tale. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 16mo, beautifully bound in full green levant, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1759 * A SUPERB COPY. This tale was afterwards published under the title of " Rasselas." IN ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT. 659. [JOHNSON (SAMUEL).] Letters to and from the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., to which are added some -. Poems never before printed, published from the original ix, _ MSS. in her possession, by Hester Lynch Piozzi. 2 vols. / 8VO, ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT. Loild. 1788 *Fine tall copy of the FIRST EDITION, with rough uncut edges, rare in this state. 660. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Works. A new edition. To which is prefixed an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy. Portrait. 12 vols. 8vo, full straight- grained (contemporary) morocco, broad gilt border on covers, tooled backs, full gilt edges. Lond. 1820 * Fine set. A beautiful specimen of English binding of that period, PROBABLY BY CHARLES LEWIS. 661. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). A Dictionary of the Eng- lish Language. To which are prefixed a History of the 7 *"" Language and an English Grammar. Thick royal 8vo, ' cloth, uncut. Lond. 1834 662. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Johnsoniana; or, Supple- ment to Boswell: being anecdotes and sayings of Dr. John- son, collected by Piozzi, Steevens, Home, Reed and others. G 45 engraved portraits, views, and facsimiles. Thick 8vo, v ~~~ full bright calf gilt, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. FINE COPY. Lond. 1836 663. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Graphic Illustrations of the Life and Times of Samuel Johnson. A collection 0/24 / j 4 plates of portraits, views, and facsimiles of autographs, en- / graved by E. Finden, Scriven, etc. , after Stanfield, Ireland etc. 8vo, half calf (embossed stamp on title). Lond. 1837 664. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Lives of the British Poets. Completed by William Hazlitt. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1854 * Contains considerably more matter than originally given / _ ^ by Dr. Johnson, also, the very beautiful bookplate of W. B. ' Scott. 83 665. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Footsteps of Dr. Johnson 2 ^ ~ (Scotland). By George Birkbeck Hill. With illusts. by Lancelot Speed. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. * Fine copy. Lond. 1890 666. JOHNSTONS (- -). The Table Talker; or, Brief Essays on Society and Literature. 2 vols. 12mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, by MACDONALD. Lond. : Pickering, 1840 667. JONSON (BEN). Works, with notes, critical and explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir, by W. Gifford. Fine impression of Jonson's portrait, engraved by J. Fittler. 9 vols. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. Lond. 1816 * Best Edition. A very uncommon set. 668. JONSON (BEN) AND BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson and Beaumont and Fletcher. With the Notes of Peter Whalley. Portraits (spotted). 4 vols. 4to, calf (joints weak). Lond. 1811 * LARGE PAPER COPY. - - 669. JOYCE (P. W.). Old Celtic Romances. Transl. fr * from the Gaelic. FIRST EDN. 12mo, half calf, gilt back. Lond. 1879 670. JUNIUS. The Letters of Juuius. With numerous fine portraits. 4to, full contemporary straight-grained mo- rocco gilt extra, gilt edges. Lond. 1813 A REMARKABLY CHOICE COLLECTION. 671. TZ"EATS (JOHN). Poems, vignette on title, 12mo, WITH ALL THE HALF TITLES, 1817; Elldymion, 8VO, FINE, TALL COPY, WITH THE LEAF OF ERRATUM, THE FIVE-LINE SLIP OF ERRATA, AND ALL THE HALF TITLES, 1818; and Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and other Poems, 12mo, WITH THE LEAF OF " Advertisement," DATED JUNE 26, 1820, AND ALL THE HALF TITLES, 1820. Together 3 vols. ALL FIRST EDNS. * Some one has said of John Keats' life, " the publication of three small volumes of verse, some earnest friendships, one profound passion and a premature death are the main inci- dents to be recorded." All of Keats' books these " three small volumes of verse " appear above in the most desirable condi- tion that could be wished for. They have been beautifully and uniformly bound by BEDFORD IN FULL CRIMSON MOROCCO. A MEDALLION DESIGN IN THE CENTRE WITH GREEN AND BROWN INLAYS, GILT CORNER-PIECES, INSIDE GILT BORDERS, GILT TOPS, UNCUT, AND AS ABOVE DESCRIBED POSSESS ALL THE POINTS DESIRED BY THE COLLECTOR. [See Reproductions.] 84 [See No. 671.) A TALE OF ROSAMUND GRAY AND Old Blind Margaret. BY CHARLES LAMB. LONDON, PRINTED FOR LEE AND HURST, NO. 32, FA TER.-NOSTER ROW. 1798. [See No. 703.] 672. KEATS (JOHN). Poetical Works. Portrait. 12mo, . cloth, uncut. Lond. 1841 / 673. KEATS (JOHN). Poetical Works. With a Memoir by Richard Monckton Milnes. Portrait. 12mo, original / ~7 cloth, uncut. Lond.: Edw. Moxon, 1858 / 674. KEATS (JOHN). Life of John Keats. By William Michael Rossetti. FIRST EDN. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 * Fine copy. 675. KEATS (JOHN). John Keats, a Critical Essay. By Robert Bridges. Portrait. 12mo, buckram, uncut. */ * Only 250 copies printed. Privately Printed, 1895 676. KEATS (JOHN). The Letters of John Keats. Complete Revised edn., with portrait and illusts. Edited byH. Buxton Forman. FIRST ISSUE OF THIS EDITION. Post 8vo, original cloth, gilt, uncut. Lond. 1895 677. KEIGHTLEY (T.). The Fairy Mythology, illustra- tive of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries. FIRST EDN. With numerous illusts. 2 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt tops, uncut, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1833 * Fine copy. Scarce. 678. KELLY (MICHAEL). Reminiscences of the King's Theatre and Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, with Original Anecdotes of many Distinguished Persons. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half polished morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1826 679. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Poems by the Way. With ornaments and initials and especially y/ designed title-page. Printed in red and black. 8vo, vellum, Mp uncut. Lond. 1891 * One of only 200 copies printed on hand-made paper, and the second book from the press. Very rare. 680. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). A Dream of John Ball and a King's Lesson. Printed in black and red, with decorative woodcut front, and title, initials, etc. 8vo, limp vellum and ties, uncut. Lond. 1892 681. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Gothic Architecture. A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibi- & tion Society. 16mo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1893 / *THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT THE KELMSCOTT PRESS IN 16MO. FIRST EDITION, with Van Eyck's name misspelled. 682. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Tale of the Emperor Constans, and of Over Sea. Done out of the Ancient French. Printed in black and red, with dec- orative woodcut front, and title initials, etc. 16mo, half holland and boards, uncut. Lond. 1894 * One of only 525 copies printed. The first of these stories was the source of ' ' The Man Born to be King " in " The Earthly Paradise." 85 PRESENTATION COPY FROM WILLIAM MORRIS. 683. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Tale of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. Printed in red and black, with a title-page designed by William Morris. Square 16mo, orig- inal boards, uncut. Lond 1893 * Only 350 copies printed. PRESENTATION COPY FROM WILL- IAM MORRIS. WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION " To Frederick S. Ellis from William Morris, January 8th, 1S94-" 684. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Wood beyond the World. Printed in black and red, with decorative woodcut front, and title, initials, etc. 8vo, limp vellum and ties, uncut. Lond. 1894 * Fine copy. 685. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. A new prose romance. Printed in Chaucer type, in red and black, with new borders designed by William Morris. 2vols. 16mo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1895 * Limited to 600 copies. 686. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Tale of Beowulf, done out of the old English Tongue by William Morris and A. J. Wyatt. Troy type, with argument, side notes, list of persons and places, and glossary in Chaucer type, in black and red. Engraved title, ornamental borders and semi-borders, and initials. 4to, original vellum, with ties, uncut. Lond. 1895 * Only 300 copies printed. The borders of this book were used only once again, in the Jason. 687. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Sire Degrevaunt. Edited by F. S. Ellis after the Edition printed by J. O. Halliwell from the Cambridge MS., with some Additions and Vari- ations. Printed in black and red. Decorative woodcut front, and title. 8vo, half holland and boards, uncut. * One of only 350 copies printed. Lond. 1896 688. KELMSCOTT PRESS Laudes Beata3 Maria? Vir- ginis. Latin Poems taken from a Psalter written in Eng- land about A. D. 1220. Edited by S. C. Cockerel!. Troy type, in black, red and blue. Large 4to, half holland. Lond. 1896 * This was the first book printed at the Kelmscott Press in three colors. The manuscript from which the book was printed was one of the most beautiful of the old English MSS. in Mr. Morris' possession, both as regards writing and ornament. 689. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Syr Ysambrace. Edited by F. S. Ellis. With decorative woodcut front., title-page and initials. Printed in black and red. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Lond. 1897 * One of 350 copies printed. From the edition printed by J. O. Halliwell after the MS. in Lincoln Cathedral. 86 690. KELMSCOTT PRESS, The Sundering Flood, writ- ten by William Morris. Overseen for the press by May Morris. Chaucer type in black and red, with ornamental border, semi-borders and initials. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Lond. 1897 * Only 300 copies printed. This was the last romance written by William Morris. From the library of F. E. Murray, with bookplate. In a morocco slip case. 691. KELMSCOTT PRESS. A Note by William Morris on his Aims in Founding the Kelmscott Press, together with a short description of the Press by S. C. Cockerell, and an assorted list of the books printed thereat. Beauti- fully printed in Golden type in black and red, with five pages in the Troy and Chaucer types; fine woodcut borders and initial letters and front., " Psyche borne off by Zephy- rus," drawn by Sir Edward JBurne- Jones and engraved by William Morris. 8vo, gray boards, linen back, uncut. Lond. 1898 * In fine condition. 525 copies were printed on paper. This was the last book printed at the Kelmscott Press, and is of the utmost importance to every collector of Kelmscott books. It contains faithful and exact particulars of every book issued, the type in which it was printed, special notes on the borders, initial letters and illustrations, dates of publication, and num- ber of copies printed on paper and vellum. The frontispiece to this book was engraved by William Morris for a projected edition of " The Earthly Paradise," described on p. 7. 692. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Love is Enough; or, The Freeing of Pharamond : a Morality. Written by William Morris. Troy type, with stage directions in Chaucer type, inblack, red and blue, with two full-page woodcuts, after de- signs by Sir E. Burne-Jones, ornamental borders, semi- borders and initials. 4to, original vellum, with ties, uncut. Lond. 1898 * Only 300 copies printed. This was the second book printed in three colors at the Kelmscott Press. 693. KINGSLEY (CHARLES). Andromeda and other Poems. FIRST EDN. 12rno, cloth, uncut. (Notes in refer- ~ ence to the volume in pencil and ink on fly-leaf and back *- of title.) Lond. 1858 694. KINGSLEY (CHARLES). The Water-Babies: a Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby. FIRST EDN. With illusts. by r ~7 ^^^ J. N. Paton. Square 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. /, \J>/ Lond. 1863 ' 695. KITCHENER (HENRY T.). Letters on Marriage, on the Causes of Matrimonial Infidelity, and on the Recip- rocal Relations of the Sexes. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. post p_ 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt outside and inside borders, 0. - gilt tops, uncut, by BEDFORD. Lond. 1814 * Fine copy on Large Paper. Very scarce. From the Hib- bert collection, with bookplate in each volume. 87 606. KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN (E. H.). Higgledy- Piggledy; or, Stories for Everybody and Everybodj^'s Chil- dren. Ittusi. FIRST EDN. I'/Juio, cloth. Lond. 1875 697. KNIGHT (RICHARD PAYNE). An Analytical *~y Inquiry into the Principles of Taste. 8vo, full calf, inside and outside borders, marbled edges. Lond. 1808 698. T A BRUYERE. The Morals and Manners of the -^ Seventeenth Century: being the Characters of La Bruyere. Transl. by Helen Stott. Portrait. 12mo. Lond. 1890 699. LACKINGTON (JAMES). Memoirs of the forty - five first years of the Life of James Lackington, the present Bookseller, written by himself. Enlarged edition. Por- trait. 8vo, three-quarter levant morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1794 IN ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT. 700. [LAMB (CHARLES).] Poems on various subjects, by Charles Lloyd. 8vo, original boards, entirely uncut (back slightly damaged). Carlisle, 1795 * FIRST EDITION. The poem, " Rosamund Gray," contained in this book, is said to have suggested to Charles Lamb the idea for the title of his book ' ' A Tale of Rosamund Gray and Old Blind Margaret." FINE COPY, AND VERY RARE IN THE ORIGINAL BOARDS AND IN UNCUT STATE. IN ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT. 701. [LAMB (CHARLES).] Original Letters, etc., of Sir John Falstaff and his Friends; now first made public by a Gentleman, a Descendant of Dame Quickly, from Genuine Manuscripts which have been in the possession of the Quickly Family near Four Hundred Years. Front. 12mo, original boards, UNCUT. Lond. : For the Author, 1796 * FIRST EDITION. Written by James White, friend of Charles Lamb. Soul hey and others state that some additions and corrections were made by Lamb, but if so, the latter never acknowledged it. Lamb had a great admiration for these let- ters, saying they were " the best imitations he had ever seen." that White was a " wit of the first magnitude," etc. Fine, tall copy. VERY RARE. Enclosed in a levant solander case, by RIVIERE. 702. LAMB (CHARLES), COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAY- LOR) AND LLOYD (CHARLES). Poems on Various Occa- sions, by S. T. Coleridge, Lond., For G. G. & J. Robinson, & J. Cottle, 1796; [also] Poems, byS. T. Coleridge, SECOND EDN., to which are now added Poems by Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd, printed by N.Briggs for J. Cottle, Bristol, etc., 1797; [also] Poems, by S. T. Coleridge, THIRD EDN., Lond. Printed by N. Biggs for T. N. Longman, etc., 1803. To- gether 3 vols. ]2mo, handsomely bound in full green crushed levant, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside den- telle borders, by RIVIERE. Lond., etc., 1796-1803 * FINE SET OF THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD EDITIONS OF 88 POEMS BY COLERIDGE, CONTAINING ALSO ORIGINAL EFFUSIONS BY CHARLES LAMB AND CHARLES LLOYD. Of the poems by Charles Lamb, the first edition contains four which are signed "C. L." The second edition contains eight Sonnets and a Dedication. FINE UNIFORM SET OF THESE RARE LITTLE VOLUMES SELDOM FOUND TOGETHER. Volume 1 contains the Errata and page of advertisements, etc. THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION. 703. LAMB (CHARLES). A Tale of Rosamund Gray and Old Blind Margaret. 12mo, original half leather (slightly rubbed). Lond. : Printed for Lee and Hurst, 1798 * FIRST EDITION, EXTREMELY RARE. The first book of which Charles Lamb was sole author, and his first printed prose work. The book seems to have taken its title from a poem in the 1795 volume of " Poems" by Lamb's friend; Charles Lloyd. It was well received, and on the 20th day of May, 1799, Lamb wrote to Southey! " Rosamond sells well in London, malgre thenon- renewal of it." But the Monthly Review noticed it in August, 1868, saying, "Mr. Lamb has here proved himself skilful in touching the nicest feelings of the heart and in affording great pleasure to the imagination," etc. Needless to say, the book is extremely rare. Even in 1815, Talfourd says that he was only able to find a copy "after earnest search in all the book stalls within the scope of my walk." [See Reproduction.] IN ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT. 704. LAMB (CHARLES). John Woodvil: a Tragedy. By C. Lamb. To which are added Fragments of Burton, the author of the Anatomy of Melancholy. 12mo, ORIGINAL BOARDS (back slightly damaged), UNCUT, in lettered silk slip case. Lond. 1802 * FIRST EDITION AND ENTIRELY UNCUT. VERY RARE IN THIS STATE. With the following inscription written on the fly-leaf: " To Miss Burchell ivith the author's best regards N. B. The poor author has a great respect for Miss Burchell' s father." This was Lamb's first attempt at play-writing, which he sent to Charles Kemble in the hope of the actor's presenting it to the public, but Kemble promptly lost the MS., and in con- sequence Lamb had to write another version. In the first let- ter which Lamb wrote to Southey, alluding to it, he said, "My tragedy will be a medley of laughter and tears songs, wit, pathos, humor Heaven send they dance not the dance of death. " It is particularly interesting as the first evidence of Lamb's study of the dramatic poetry of the Elizabethan age, in whose revival he bore so large a part. Wm. Godwin, acci- dentally seeing the delicious rt^med passage in the "Forest Scene," took it for a choice fragment from one of the old dramatists and went to Lamb to assist him in finding the author. " The Fragments of Burton " was a mild attempt at a liter- ary forgery on the part of Lamb. The poem "To Helen " is Mary Lamb's first appearance in print. Of this Lamb wrote to Coleridge, Aug. 26, 1800, " How do you like this little epi- gram. It is not my writing nor had I any finger in it / will just hint that it is almost or quite a first attempt." - [See Reproduction.] / V 705. [LAMB (CHARLES).] Faulkener: a Tragedy. As * i it is performed at the Theatre Roj^al, Drury Lane. By William Godwin. 8vo, full mottled calf gilt, gilt top, un- cut. Lond.: Richard Phillips, 1807 * FIRST EDITION. Contains Prologue by Charles Lamb. RARE. 706. LAMB (CHARLES). Tales from Shakespear. Designed for the use of Young Persons. By Charles Lamb. With copper-plates engraved by William Blake. 2 vols. small 8vo, full red levant morocco, gilt lines on the sides, gilt tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. Lond. : Printed for Thomas Hodgkins, 1807 * FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE. Charles Lamb wrote part of the preface and six of the tales King Lear, Macbeth, Timon, Romeo, Hamlet, and Othello, and revised the whole. The re- mainder was written by Mary Lamb. The brother considered that Othello was his best, and that Mary's best was Pericles. Sixty guineas was paid for writing it. [See Reproduction.] 707. [LAMB (CHARLES).] Time's a Tell-Tale: a Comedy, by Henry Siddons (WITH THE EPILOGUE WRITTEN BY CHARLES LAMB). FIRST EDN. 8vo, full marbled calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, by WOOD. Scarce. Lond. 1807 708. LAMB (CHARLES). Specimens of English Dra- matic Poets who lived about the Time of Shakespeare. With Notes FIRST EDN. 12mo, full calf, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt top, UNCUT. Lond. 1808 * FINE COPY. Rare, especially in uncut condition. FINE COPY. 709. LAMB (CHARLES). The Adventures of Ulysses. FIRST EDN. Front, and vignette title engraved by Heath, after Corbould. 12mo, contemporary sheep. Lond. 1808 * FINE COPY. ONE OF THE RAREST OF LAMB'S BOOKS TO PROCURE IN DESIRABLE CONDITION. FINE COPY. 710. LAMB (CHARLES AND MARY). Mrs. Leicester's School; or, The History of several Young Ladies, related by themselves. Front. FIRST EDN. 12mo, handsomely bound in full dark blue levant extra, gold tooling on sides, with watered silk doublure, gilt top, UNCUT, original boards and paper label bound in at the end. Lond. 1809 * EXCEPTIONABLY RARE. Charles Lamb wrote the "Witch Aunt." the First Going to Church," and " A Little Indian Girl," the rest of the stories were by Mary Lamb. 711. [LAMB (CHARLES) ] Some Enquiries into the Effects of Fermented Liquors. By A W T ater Drinker [Basil Montagu]. Full-page plates. 8vo, handsomely bound in 90 / full dark blue crushed levant, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, UNCUT, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1814 * Contains " The Confessions of a Drunkard," by Lamb. Its first appearance in book form. Rare. 712. LAMB (CHARLES). Works of Lamb. FIRST COL- LECTED EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt lines on the sides, gilt tooled back, inside borders and top, uncut, by RIVIERE. Loud. 1818 713. [LAMB (CHARLES).] A Brief History of Christ's Hospital, from its Foundation by King Edward the Sixth to the present time. With a list of the Governors. FIRST EDN. Front, and colored vignette on title. Small 8vo, origi- nal boards, with paper label lettered in gold, entirely un- cut (back slightly damaged in the lower part). Lond. 1820 FINE SET. 714. [LAMB (CHARLES).] Elia: Essays which have ap- peared under that Signature in the London Magazine. Lond. : Printed for Taylor & Hessey, Fleet Street, 1823: [also] The Last Essays of Elia. Being a Sequel to Essays published under that name. Lond. : Edward Moxon, 1833. Z.yCs* 2 vols. post 8vo, handsomely bound in full dark red crushed levant, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside dentelle bor- ders, gilt tops, UNCUT, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1823-33 * FINE UNCUT SET OF THE TWO SERIES COMPLETE, BEING FIRST EDITIONS OF BOTH VOLUMES AND FIRST ISSUES. THE FIRST VOLUME lacking the line "and 13 Waterloo Place "in the imprint. The second volume has the half-title, the first having been issued without It. A beautiful set in a handsome Riviere binding and of great rarity in such exceptionally choice state. [See Reproduction.] 715. [LAMB (CHARLES).] HONE (WILLIAM). The Every Day Book, with illusts., 2 vols., 1826-27; The Table Book, with illusts., 2 vols., 1827-28; The Year Book, with // illusts., 1832. Together o vols. in 4 vols. 8vo, uniformly / * bound in full polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by TOUT. Lond. 1826-32 * All contain contributions by Charles Lamb. A choice set of the original issues much superior to the later editions. 716. LAMB (CHARLES). Album Verses, with a few others. FIRST EDN. Vignette on title. Crown 8vo, boards, paper label, ENTIRELY UNCUT. Lond. 1830 * Fine, tall copy, immaculate condition throughout. 91 717. [LAMB (CHARLES). J Satan in Search of a Wife: with the whole process of His Courtship and Marriage, and who danced at the Wedding. FIRST EDN. Illust. 16mo, original paper covers, with vignette on the title, which is repeated on the cover, enclosed in a dark blue levant solander case. Lond. 1831 * Very rare. 718. LAMB (CHARLES), TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD), HUNT (LEIGH), HOOD (THOMAS), ETC. MOXON'S THE ENGLISHMAN'S MAGAZINE, from the com- mencement in April to October, 1831, inclusive (all pub- lished). With 4 plates, after Pinelli. Thick 8vo, cloth, leather label, uncut. Lond.: Moxon [1831] * OF EXCESSIVE RARITY. It includes contributions by Charles Lamb, Tennyson, A. H. Hallam, Leigh Hunt, John Forster, Tom Hood, Sheridan Knowles, and others, several of which have never been republished. The most important, perhaps, are: Hallam's "On some of the Characteristics of Modern Poetry, and on the Lyrical Poems of Alfred Tennyson," about half of which only was reprinted in his privately printed vol- ume of "Remains," published in 1834; " Stanzas," by the same, not republished; a "Sonnet," by Tennyson; Tom Hood's " Lines on his Sister's Death," and numerous Papers, Essays and Poems by Charles Lamb, including those contributed un- der the quaint appellation of "Peter's Net." "The Latin Poems of Vincent Bourne " (until recently unknown as Lamb's) appear in the September number, in which he cleverly reviews his own " Album Verses." THE EDITOR'S OWN COPY. 719. LAMB (CHARLES). The Letters of Charles Lamb with a Sketch of his Life. By T. N. Talfourd, one of his Executors. 2 vols. thick 8vo, original cloth. Lond. 1837 *TALFOURD'S OWN COPY, INTERLEAVED WITH BLANK PAGES ON WHICH HE HAS WRITTEN IN HIS OWN HAND ALL OF THE PASSAGES OMITTED FROM THE LETTERS AS PUBLISHED. TAL- FOURD HAS ALSO ADDED THE DATES TO MANY OF THE LETTERS A VERY VALUABLE ADDITION AUTHENTICATING MANY OTHER- WISE VAGUE FACTS MANY OF THESE CORRECTIONS AND ADDI- . / S~ TIONS, SUCH AS THE FILLING IN OF PROPER NAMES, DATES, / (ff*O* ^- ETC., HAVE BEEN MADE DIRECTLY ON THE MARGINS OF THE / LEAVES. All of Lamb's deliciously humorous and ironical touches which it was thought necessary to omit on account of their personal references have been written out in full by Tal- fourd, covering many additional pages . 720. LAMB (CHARLES). Final Memorials. Consisting chiefly of his Letters not before published, with sketches of *c , w Q some of his Companions. By Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd. 12mo, full calf, gilt inside and outside borders, and full gilt edges by RIVIERE. Lond. 1850 * Moxon's beautiful edition. 721. LAMB (CHARLES), HAZLITT (WILLIAM) AND HUNT (LEIGH). List of the Writings of Hazlitt, Hunt and Charles Lamb. With Notes and Critical Opinions by Alex- ander Ireland. 8vo, roan back, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1868 * One of only 250 copies. With the slip of errata at page 75. 92 [See No. 704.] TALES FROM DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF YOUNG PERSONS. BY CHARLES LAMB* EMBELLISHED WITH COPPER-PLATE^ IN TWO VOLUMESo VOL. I. LONDON; TR1NTED FOR THOMAS HODGKINS, AT THE JUVENILE BKAKY, HANWAY-STREET (OPPOSITE SOHO-SgU ARE), OXFORD-STREET ; AND TO BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1607. [See No. 706.] 722. LAMB (CHARLES AND MARY). Poems, Letters and Remains, now first collected, with Reminiscences and * j >- Notes by W. Carew Hazlitt. With portraits and facsimiles. &' /"& 4to, half morocco, as issued. Lond. 1874 ' 723. LAMB (CHARLES AND MARY). Poetry for Children. Engraved fronts. 2 vols. 12mo, full polished calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond.: M.J.Godwin, 1809 [1892] * Facsimile re-issue limited to 112 numbered copies, this being No. 97. Scarce. 724. LAMB (CHARLES). The Letters of Charles Lamb, ~7 newly arranged, with Additions. Edited, with Introduc- / tion and Notes, by Alfred Ainger. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1904 725. LAMB (CHARLES). Beauty and the Beast. With an introduction by Andrew Lang. With illusts. consisting / of the earliest open-letter proofs in red, and a duplicate set ' of the earliest open-letter proofs in brown. Square 12mo, boards, uncut. Lond., n. d. * No 90 of only 100 copies printed. Signed. 726. LAMB (CHARLES AND MARY). Poetry for Chil- f dren. Colored illusts. by Winifred Green. 12mo, pictorial cloth, uncut. Lond., n. d. 727. LAMB (CHARLES). A. L. S.,lp., folio, "India House," Oct. 19, 1821, signed " C. L." with superscription. * A delightful and most characteristic letter from the gentle Elia to Thomas Allsop ' ' the helpful friend of Coleridge and Lamb," dated from the "India House" (LETTERS OF LAMB so INSCRIBED ARE VERY RARE), and thanking him for a present of game: ' ' I have to thank you for a fine hare, and unless I am mis- taken for two, the first I received a week since, the account given with it was that it came from Mr. Alfourd I have no friend of that name, but two who come near it Mr. Talfourd Mr. Alsop, so my gratitude must be divided between you till 1 know the true sender I suppose you know my sister has been & is ill. I do not see much hopes, though there is a glimmer of her speedy recovery, etc." Signs himself " Yours, & Old Mr. Walton's & honest Mr. Cotton's Piscatorum Amicus C. L." [See Reproduction.] 728. LAMB (CHARLES). A. L. S., 1 p., 12mo, with leaf of address, undated but postmarked Dec. 20, 1827, dis- figured by having this date written in ink in the lower cor- ner in a recent hand. * Also to Thos. Allsop, signed " C. L.": "I hope to have a comfortable Xmas day with Mary. Your kind offer and the kind consent of the young Lady to come we feel as we should do. At present I think a vuit might a little put us out of our way. Emma (Lamb's adopted daughter) is with us, and our small house but just holds us, without obliging Mary to sleep with Becky, &c." 93 729. LAMB (CHARLES). A. L. S., 1 p., small 4to, with leaf of address, undated, but postmarked 1830. To T. Allsop, in acknowledgment of "many pleasant, presents," signed " C. Lamb" (rather unusual, as Lamb's letters to his friends are nearly all signed " C. L.") 730. LAMB (MARY). Long A. L. S., 3 pp. folio, with- out place or date, but postmarked " February, 1806,'' To Sarah Stoddart, afterward the wife of Wm. Hazlitt, arrang- ing for their marriage. *A characteristic and most delightful letter, in which the little Old Maid declares that " next to the pleasure of being married is the pleasure of making, or helping marriage for- ivard." She makes frequent references to Charles Lamb, and, after offering their house for the ceremony, tells Miss Stoddart that her own brother expresses a desire that she be married at his house: "We would not quarrel unnecessarily with your brother. Let there be a clear necessity shown, and we will quarrel with anybody's brother. The reason I have not written lately I thought it best to leave you all to the workings of your own minds in this momentous affair, in ivhich the inclinations of a bye-stander have a right to form a ivish but not to give a vote, etc." The marriage did not take place until 1808, and turned out very badly, with a divorce in 1822, just before Hazlitt wrote " Liber Amoris. / 731. LANDON(LETITIAE-). Poetical Works. Fronts. / - 4 vols. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. * A choice little set. Lond. 1839 732. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Gebir. a Poem. FIRST EDN. Issued anonymously. Crown 8vo, original boards, calf back. Lond. 1798 *The early poem, which won for Landor Southey's lifelong friendship, and his best-known poem, containing the famous lines : " Fears like the needle verging to the pole Tremble and tremble into certainty." 733. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Gebir: a Poem. The Second edn., with Additional Material. 12mo, original boards, with paper label, entirely uncut. Oxford, 1803 734. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). The Dun Cow. An Hyper-Satirical Dialogue in Verse. With Explanatory Notes. 8vo, calf back, pp. 23. Lond. 1808 * One of the rarest of Landor's writings. First edition. 735. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Count Julian. A Tragedy. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original boards, entirely uncut. Lond. 1812 * On Large Paper. Very rare in this state. 736. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Imaginary Con- versations of Literary Men and Statesmen. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut (vol. 3 has cloth back), 1824 and 1828; with Second Series of the same, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, FIRST EDN., 1829. Together 5 vols., all FIRST EDNS. but not uniform. Lond. 1824-29 94 ^ / 737. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). A. L. S , in full, 3 pp. 4to, Aug. 17, 1818, To Mr. Jerwood, Barrister, who objected to Landor sheltering himself on his veranda from a downpour of rain. *A very characteristic letter, showing that Landor, although an old man, was still capable of being aroused to a violent pas- sion. The letter is hastily and almost illegibly written, under the influence of his anger at the insult: ' 'Permit me to recall to your memory your insulting language and violent demeanor of yesterday, and to regret that I have no friend at Exeter who could express to you my sentiments in- stead of this letter. When I reminded you that such language was not applied to a gentleman, you expressed a doubt whether . I am one. I gave you all the benefit of this doubt, knowing that 9/ only a gentleman can judge of one correctly. But I thought my (yCfl - manner, my language and my tone were unmistakable, and (what you are more capable of appreciating), my dress, etc. " Landor then mentions the names of several families he had been visiting, " in whose society you never will be admitted un- less (to their sorrow) professionally there is no great bravery in thus insulting a man of seventy-three, without a cane or whip in his hand; but the man of seventy three has not yet forgotten, in case of necessity and at- a proper time and place, to repell a ruffian and to spurn a coward." The letter is "Boy thorn" (see Dickens' Bleak House) all through. It is accompanied with a number of clippings from the Athenaeum discussing Landor, his trouble with his wife, etc. A MOST INTERESTING COPY. 738. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Imaginary Con- versations of Literary Men and Statesmen. Second edn., enlarged (Vol. 3 is First Edn ). 3 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half morocco (slightly rubbed). Lond. 1826-28 * ASSOCIATION COPY FROM THE LIBRARY OF COL. HAMILTON SMITH (FRIEND OF LANDOR) WITH HIS BOOKPLATE IN EACH VOLUME. Bound in at the end of Vol. 3 are the PROOF SHEETS OF THE ' ' Additional Conversations ' ' which appeared in Black- wood 's 1842-43, with LANDOR 's PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION TO EMMA SMITH (Daughter of the Colonel), AND HIS MS. CORREC- TIONS, ALTERATIONS, ETC. ; THE GALLEY PROOF OF ANOTHER ' ' CON- VERSATION " (cut and mounted) also WITH LANDOR 's OWN COR- RECTIONS FOR THE PRINTER; a four-page letter from Landor to Col. Smith; an A. L. S. (friendly note in Italian) of Landor; copy in Italian of his inscription on Garibaldi's house; and THREE LONG AND INTERESTING LETTERS TO LADY BLESSINGTON, 1842-43, mentioning his " Imaginary Conversations" several times, and other literary work. Among other things he says: "I detest the character of Eousscau "but I cannot resist his elo- quence Demosthenes was a contracted heart and even Milton's was wrinlcle'd by the sourness of theology -. 831. LEWES (G. IT.). Life of Goethe. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Second and best edu. Lond. 1864 832. LEWIS (MATTHEW G." Monk " Lewis). Jour- ^ ual of a West India Proprietor, kept during a residence in * the Island of Jamaica. FIRST EDN. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. Lond. 1834 833. LEWIS (MATTHEW G.). The Monk. A Romance. a f-A 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Fine unabridged reprint of ** ' the first edition. Lond., n. d. 834. LIBRARY OF OLD AUTHORS. Amadis of Gaul, by Vasco Lobeira, translated by Robert Southey, 3 vols , 1872; History of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table, by Sir Thomas Malory, 3 vols., 1866; The Works of Roger Ascham, 3 vols. in 4, 1864-65; Miscellanies upon various subjects, by John Aubrey, Lond. 1857; Re- mains concerning Britain, by Thomas Camden, 1870; The Poems and Masque of Thomas Carew, 1893; The Iliad of Homer, by George Chapman, 2 vols., 1888; The Odyssey of Homer, by George Chapman, 2 vols., 1897; Homer's *r .- Batrachomyomachia, Hymns and Epigrams, by George w^/> Chapman, 1888; Complete Works of Richard Crashaw, 1858; Complete Works of Michael Drayton, 3 vols., 1876; Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England, collected and edited by W. C. Hazlitt, 4 vols., 1864-66; Early Popular Poetry of Scotland and the Northern Border, edited by D. Laing, 2 vols., 1895; The Remains of Thomas Hearne, of Edmund Hall, 3 vols., 1869; Hesperides, the Poems and other Remains of Robert Herrick, 2 vols., 1869; Lucasta, the Poems of Richard Lovelace, 1864; The Dramatic Works of John Lilly, 2 vols., 1858 ; Works of John Marston, 3 vols , 1856; Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather, 1862; Remarkable Providences, by Increase Mather, 1890; The Lives of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, and of his w r ife Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, 1872; The Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman, edited by Thomas Wright, 2 vols., 1887; Dramatic Works of John Webster, 4 vols., 1S57; The Table-Talk of John Selden, 1890; En- chiridion, containing Institutions, by Francis Quarles, 1856 ; Poetical Works of George Sandys, 2 vols., 1872; Works of Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, 1859; Hallelujah, or Britain's Second Remembrancer, by George Wither, 1857; Hymns and Songs of the Church, by George Wither, 1856; Miscellaneous Works in Prose and Verse of Sir Thomas Overbury, edited by E. F. Rimbault, 1856; Poetical Works of Robert Southwell, edited by W. B. Turnbull, 1856; Poetical Works of William Drummond, 1856. With por- traits. Together 58 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1856-97 835. LINTON (W. J.). Poetry of American Selections / t ^^ from one hundred American Poets from 1776 to 1876. With an introduction, review of colonial poetry, and some speci- 106 mens of Negro Melody. Portrait of Walt Whitman. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1878 * PRESENTATION COPY. " W. J. Linton to W. B. Scott, March, 1878." 836. LIVES AND PORTRAITS. The Lives of Illustrious and Eminent Persons of Great Britain. Embellished with sixty-eight portraits. 12mo, full contemporary straight- t, grained red morocco, gilt inside and outside borders, with full gilt edges. Lond. 1820 837. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. By Frederick Locker. Etched front, by Geo. Cruik- / shank. Square post 8vo, original cloth, uncut (some pp. /*Jr* " slightly spotted). Lond. : Chapman & Hall, 1857 * FIKST EDITION. Scarce. 838. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). A Selection from the Works of Frederick Locker. Illust. by JZichard ^g f Doyle. FIRST EDN. Square 12mo, original decorated cloth, uncut. Lond. : Moxon, 1865 * Nice copy of the First Edition. Scarce. 839. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). Lyra Ele- gantiarum : a Collection of some of the best specimens of Vers de Societe and Vers D'Occasion in the English Language by deceased authors. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, uncut. Lond. 1867 * SCARCE. AN ESPECIALLY FINE COPY, with suppressed poems by Landor, which are the very perfection of poetic epigram, or, as Lord Houghton puts it, equal in form to the best of Goethe and Voltaire These were suppressed because of copyright infringement, having been used only in this first issue of a very few copies, the edition being almost immediately suppressed. 840. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. 12mo, half roxburgh, gilt top, uncut (lacks por- trait and plate portrait of the author after pen-sketch by Du Maurier laid in). Lond. : Privately printed, 1868 841. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). Poems. By Frederick Locker. Etched front, by George Cruikshank. Post 8vo, half roxburgh gilt, gilt top, uncut (no portrait). <9 Lond. : John Wilson, 1868 ' * ONE OF ONLY 100 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, WITH IN- SCRIPTION. Very scarce. 842. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). Patchwork. Square 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1879 SA *FIRST EDITION. LARGE PAPER. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR to Sir Thomas Erskine Perry, with autograph signature. 843. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. LARGE PAPER COPY, with India proof front, by R. Caldecott, not issued with small paper copies, also duplicate //* impression of same shoiving variation in the girl's hat. */ t 8vo, vellum, gilt, uncut. Loud. 1881 ' * VERY SCARCE. Only 50 copies printed on Large Paper. 107 9 jj 844. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Privately printed, 1881 * EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE. On the half-title is inscribed in the author's autograph "Mrs. Webster with F. L.'s best wishes." Only 100 copies issued. 845. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Rhymes. FIRST EDN. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1882 * A most interesting copy. On the half-title, under London Rhymes, is written in the autograph of the Author "privately printed." It also bears this inscription: " When Mr. A. Dob- son made the selection of London Lyrics (1881) he omitted these as not likely to add to the strength of that volume, they are now offered to Mrs. Webster as the only thing he has in return for her charming volume. F. L." 846. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. By Frederick Locker. Portrait. Post 8vo, full- light green crushed levant gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1885 * LARGE PAPER. One of only 50 copies so printed at the Chiswick Press and autographed by the printers. Fine copy. 847. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK). The Locker Library. A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Drawings and Pictures collected by Frederick Locker. With a fanciful etched fronts, by Geo. Cruiksliank, and portrait. Royal 8vo, half roxburgh, uncut. Lond. 1886 * ONE OF ONLY 50 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR CIRCU- LATION AMONG FRIENDS. FREDERICK LOCKER'S OWN COPY, WITH MS. NOTES AND ANNO- TATIONS BY HIM AND HIS FATHER. 848. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK.) My Confi- dences. An Autobiographical Sketch. With note by Augus- tine Birrell. Portrait. FIRST EDN. Thick 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Loud. 1896 849. LOCKER-LAMPSON (FREDERICK) An Appen- - dix to the Rowfant Library. A Catalogue of the Printed / &O Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, etc. Collected since the printing of the first Catalogue in 1886. Fronts. Royal 8vo, half roxburgh, uncut. Loud. 1900 * FINE COPY. One of only 350 copies printed, 100 of which were taken by the Rowfant Club of Cleveland, Ohio. 850. LOCKHART (JOHN G.). Ancient Spanish Ballads; historical and romantic. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1856 851. LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.). The Seaside and / the Fireside. FIRST EDN. 12 mo, original boards (worn), paper label. Bost. 1 850 * With the 4 pp. of advertisements dated December, 1849. * 852. LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.) The Song of Hia- ** ' ' watha. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Bost. 1855 * Fine, clean copy. 108 / 853. LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.) Tales of a Wayside Inn. Fronts. FIRST EDN. 12nio, original cloth, uncut. * Scarce. Fine, clean copy. Bost. 1863 854. LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.). The Longfellow Birthday-Book. Portrait and illusts. 16mo, cloth. Bost. 1881 * Contains autographs of Henry Irving, Ellen Terry, Nor- dica (Lilian Norton), Emily Faithful, Teresa Carreno, Minnie Hauk, Leigh H. Hunt, Thomas Hughes, James Grant Wilson, Rose Terry Cooke, and others. 855. LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.). Works of Long- fellow, with Bibliographical and Critical Notes; and His Life, with extracts from his Journals and Correspondence, edited by Samuel Longfellow. With steel portraits, photo- gravures and other illusts. 14 vols. 12mo, full sheep. Bost., n. d. * Fine condition. Bound uniform with the works of Haw- thorne, Holmes, Lowell and Whittier, which see. 856. LOVELACE (RICHARD). Lucasta. Now first edited, and the text carefully revised, with some account of the Author, and a few notes. By W. Carew Hazlitt. Fronts. 16mo, half polished calf, gilt top. Lond. 1893 857. LOVER (SAMUEL). Handy Andy: a Tale of Irish Life. With 24 illusts. on steel by the author (plates somewhat foxed). FIRST EDN. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1842 * Scarce. 858. LOVER (SAMUEL). The Lyrics of Ireland. Edited and Annotated by Samuel Lover. Portrait and numerous / 4~fi ivoodcuts. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth, gilt, un- * cut. Lond. 1858 859. [LOVER (SAMUEL).] Rival Rhymes, in Honour of Burns. With curious illustrative matter. Collected > ? g~* and edited by Ben Trovato. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original ' ' cloth, uncut. Lond. 1859 860. LOVER (SAMUEL). Metrical Tales and other . * ^^ Poems. Illust. by "Phiz," Kenny Meadows and others. / ** & 8vo, cloth, gilt. Lond. 1860 * First issue of this edition. 861. LOVER (SAMUEL). Life of Lover. By Bayle Ber- /. / nard. Portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Lond. 1874 862. LOVER (SAMUEL). Poetical Works. 12mo, half A ^ calf, marbled edges. Lond., n. d. 863. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Fireside Travels. / ? 4* FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1864 '' * Fine copy. 864. [LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL).] The Biglow Papers. ^ Second Series. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth. Bost. 1867 ' ~"~ ' 109 865. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Under the Willows, and other Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top. Bost. 1869 866. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Among My Books. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth. Bost. 1870 867. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The Old English * Dramatists. Portrait. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. * Bookplate of D. F. Appleton. Bost. 1892 ~j- 868. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Letters. Edited by /<9 C. E. Norton. FIRST EDN. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. [1893] 869. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). James Russell Lowell. \ 9 _ A Biography by Horace Elisha Scudder. 2 portraits. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1901 870. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Works. Standard Library Ed n. Illust. with portraits engraved on steel. 11 vols. 12mo, full sheep. Bost., n. d. * Fine condition. Bound uniform with the works of Haw- thorne, Holmes, Longfellow and Whittier, which see. 871. LYLE (THOMAS). Ancient Ballads and Songs, chiefly from Tradition, Manuscripts, and Scarce Works. With Biographical and Illustrative Notes. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, half olive crushed levant, gilt top, uncut. * Scarce. Lond. 1827 872. LYNCH (HANNAH). George Meredith: a Study. FIRST EDN. Portrait of Meredith on India paper. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1891 * The scarce Large Paper edition, of which only a few copies were printed. ^<7) 873. [LYTTLETON (LORD).] Dialogues of the Dead. 8vo, old calf (broken in the hinges). Lond. 1760 874. LYTTON (EDWARD BULWER). Writings of Lytton. With fronts. 17 vols. thick post 8vo, half mo- rocco gilt. Lond. [ca. 1879] * The thick paper " Knebworth " edition, much superior to the later issues. One volume needs slight repairs. 875. A/TcCARTHY (JUSTIN). A Short History of Our -^*- Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880. With 68 new illusts. by Joseph M. Oleeson. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt tops. N. Y. : Stokes [1893] * LARGE PAPER COPY. Fine condition. 876. MABINOGION (THE), from the Welsh of the Llyfr Coch O Hergest (the Red Book of Hergest) in the library of Jesus College, Oxford. Transl., with Notes, by Lady Char- lotte Guest. Illust. Royal Svo, half roan, gilt top. Lond. : Quaritch, 1877 110 / j / // 877. MACAULAY (THOMAS B.). The History of Eng- land, from the Accession of James II. 5 vols. 12mo, full sheep, marbled edges. Chicago, 1885 878. MACAULAY (THOMAS B.) Critical, Historical and Miscellaneous Essays and Poems. 3 vols. post 8vo, half calf. Chicago, 1889 879. MACAULAY (THOMAS B.) Critical, Historical and Miscellaneous Essays and Poems. 3 vols. 12mo, half / f roan. Chicago, 1889 ' 880. MACDONALD (GEORGE). Works of Fancy and Imagination. FIRST EDN. 4 vols. 16mo, full morocco, gilt " edges. Lond. 1871 881. MACKAY (ERIC). A Lover's Litanies. Square , -Z ~ 12mo, vellum, paper boards, with ties. Lond. 1888 * No. 26 of only 250 copies signed by the publishers. 882. [MACKENZIE (COLIN).] Tavern Anecdotes, and Reminiscences of the Origin of Signs, Clubs, Coffee-Houses, etc. Intended as a Lounge-book for Londoners and their Country Cousins. By One of the Old School. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut (ample margins), by LARKINS. Lond., n. d. 883. MACKENZIE (HENRY). The Works of Henry Mackenzie. Portrait. 8 vols. crown 8vo, contemporary / ^ stamped calf, marbled edges. Edinburgh, 1808 '* * The author is known as the "Man of Feeling" from his most noted work. 884. MADOX-BROWN (OLIVER). The Dwale Bluth; Hebditch's Legacy, and other Literary Remains. Edited by William M. Rossetti and F. Hueffer. With a Memoir, and 2 portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut (name on titles). Lond. 1876 885. [MAHONY (FRANCIS).] The Illustrations to the Reliques of Father Prout, late P.P. of Watergrasshill, in the County of Cork, Ireland. Being a series of vignettes drawn and etched by Daniel Maclise. FIRST EDN. 18 plates, proofs before letters. 8vo, three-quarter levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top. Lond. 1836 * VERY FINE COPY. 886. [MAHONY (FRANCIS).] The Reliques of Father Prout. Collected and arranged by Oliver Yorke, Esq. Illust. by Alfred Croquis. FIRST EDN., with etchings by j *7 ' ^~ Daniel Maclise. 2 vols. 12rao, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1836 *Fine copy. Scarce. 887. MAIN (DAVID M.). A Treasury of English Son- nets. Edited, from the original sources, with notes and // /{f illusts. Thick 12mo, cloth, uncut. Manchester, 1880 / 111 2 888. MALLET (DAVID). Ballads and Songs. A new edn., with notes and illusts., and a Memoir of the Author by Frederick Dinsdale. Steel engravings, after Radclyffe, facsimiles and music. 12mo, roxburgh, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1857 889. MALONE TRACTS. An Inquiry into the Authen- ticity of certain Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instru- ments, published Dec. 24, 1795, and attributed to Shake- speare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of Southampton, illust. with facsimiles of handwritings; A Biographical Memoir of the late Edmund Malone; Cursory Criticisms on the edition of Shakespeare published by Malone; The Essence of Malone; and other tracts. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf. Lond. 1796-1814 * On the fly-leaf of Vol. 2 is the inscription; " The Reverend Dr. Nottjrom the Author" (Janies Boswell). 890. MARLOWE (CHRISTOPHER). Works of Mar- lowe, with Notes and some account of his Life and Writ- ings, by the Reverend Alexander Dyce. 3 vols. 12mo, three-quarters levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Fine copy. Lond. : W. Pickering, 1850 * An entirely new text, formed on a collation of the early copies. Scarce. 891. MARRYAT (CAPTAIN). The Pirate and the Three Cutters. Illust. with 20 splendid engravings from drawings by Clarkson Stanfield. 8vo, original canary-col- ored boards, leather labels, uncut. Lond. 1836 * AN IMMACULATE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. Very rare in such state. 892. MARRYAT (FRANK). Mountains and Molehills; or, Recollections of a Burnt Journal. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Lond, 1855 * With full-page colored plates, picturing scenes of town and camp life in California in the early days. 893. MARTYRDOMS. Twenty-eight fine copper-plates, representing the Martyrdoms of the Saints under several Roman Emperors. In one vol. 8vo, half vellum. XVIIth Cent. LORD TENNYSON'S COPY. 894. MASSINGER (PHILIP). A New Way To Pay Old Debts. A Como3die as it hath beene often acted at the Phoenix in Drury-Lane, by the Queenes Maiesties Servants. The Author, Philip Massinger. Small 4to, half calf (some 11. cut close at lower margins). Collation: A1-M2. Lond. : Printed by E. P. for Henry Seyle, 1633 * THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION OF THIS FAMOUS OLD COMEDY. With bookplate of FREDERICK LOCKER AND PRESEN- TATION INSCRIPTION FROM HIM TO ALFRED LORD, TENNYSON. A HIGHLY INTERESTING COPY. 112 POEMS: BY GEORGE MEREDITH. EOS ! blest Goddess of the Morning, hear The blind Orion praying on thy hill. And in thine odorous breath his spirit steep, That he, the soft gold of thy gleaming baud Passing across his heavy lids, sealed down weight of many nights and night-like daj9 keenly as a new-born child, And tbrougnit, learn as purely to behold The face of nature. His blind eyes wept. R. H Home's "Onion." LONDON : JOHN W. PARKER AND SON, WEST STRAND. [See No. 901.] 895. MASSINGER (PHILIP). Dramatic Works. Re- vised and corrected, with notes, critical and explanatory, - by John Mouck Mason. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, v gilt backs and tops. Lond. 1779 896. MASSON (DAVID). Drummond of Hawthornden : Story of his Life and Writings. Portrait and vignette on t ^"^ title. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1873 897. MATTHEWS (BRANDER). Ballads of Books. Chosen by Brander Matthews. FIKST EDN. 8vo, cloth, / *2 *& uncut. N. Y. 1887 898. [MED WIN (THOMAS).] Conversations of Lord Byron with the Countess of Blessington. FIRST EDN. Por- trait (foxed). 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1834 899. MENKEN (ADA ISAACS). Infelicia. Engraved vignette portrait of the authoress and facsimile of a letter / *_ from Charles Dickens, to whom the volume is dedicated. (* $ Square Itfmo, original cloth gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1868 * FIRST EDITION. Scarce. 900. MENPES (MORTIMER). Whistler as I knew him. Profusely illust from sketches and drawings by Whistler. Thick 4to, original decorated white cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1904 * LARGE PAPER COPY. No. 2 of 500 copies printed and signed by Menpes. Immaculate copy. The only edition containing an ORIGINAL ETCHING by Whistler of the Menpes children. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR. 901. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Poems. 12mo, original cloth, UNCUT. Lond. : John W. Parker & Son, n. d. [1851] * FINE COPY OF THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION OF MERE- DITH'S FIRST PUBLISHED VOLUME, with the rare slip of errata and the half-title, which is sometimes missing. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, with inscription in his autograph : "David Masson, Esq., from the Author." [See Reproduction.] 902. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Shaving of Shagpat. ,__ An Arabian Entertainment. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original / 7 cloth (shaken and spotted), uncut. Lond. 1856 / 903. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Farina: A Legend of Cologne. FIRST EDN. 8vo, cloth, uncut (a little shaken). * VERY SCARCE. Label removed from cover. Loud. 1857 904. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. A History of Father and Son. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut (labels removed from covers). Lond. 1859 * VERY SCARCE. 905. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Evan Harrington. FIRST ^ EDN. 3 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut (labels removed / _, from covers). Lond. 1861 /' * VERY SCARCE. 113 /*.- /*.- 906. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Modern Love and Poems of the English Roadside, with Poems and Ballads. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth; uncut. Lond. 1862 * Fine copy. Scarce. 907. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Emilie in England. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut (2 vols. shaken, but letterpress in clean condition; labels removed from covers). Lond. 1864 * Scarce. 908. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Rhoda Fleming. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1865 * VERY SCARCE. Covers a little worn, interior clean. 909. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Vittoria. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth, uncut (labels removed from covers). * Scarce. Letterpress in clean condition. Lond. 1867 910. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Adventures of Harry Richmond. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut (2 vols. shaken and labels removed from covers). Lond. 1871 * VERY SCARCE. The letterpress is in good clean condition. 911. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Beauchamp's Career. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1876 * Clean copy. Scarce. 912. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Egoist. A Comedy in Narrative. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. * Unusually fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Lond. 1879 913. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Tragic Comedians, a Study in a well-known Story. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut (labels removed). Lond. 1880 914. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of the Earth. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1883 915. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Diana of the Crossways. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1885 * VERY SCARCE. Covers faded and somewhat loose. 916. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 r *- 917. MEREDITH (GEORGE). A Reading of Earth. ' ^ FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1888 918. MEREDITH (GEORGE). One of Our Conquerors. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. crown 8vo, original blue cloth, uncut. FINE COPY. Lond. 1891 919. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Jump to Glory Jane. Edited and arranged by Harry Quitter. FIRST EDN. With 44 Ulusts. by L. Housman. 8vo, vellum gilt, gilt top, un- cut. Lond. 1892 * Only 100 copies printed on Van Gelder paper. 114 c?,- 920. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Modern Love. A Re- print, to which is added The Sage Enamored and the i ^ x~ Honest Lady. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1892 *" 921. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Empty Purse, with / -7 - Odes to the Comic Spirit, to Youth in Memory, and Verses. /' / v FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1892 922. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Tale of Chloe; The * >-- House on the Beach ; The Case of General Ople and Lady *^ ' Canape. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1894 923. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Lord Ormont and his _ Aminta. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1894 ^/ 3 & * Scarce. 924. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Amazing Marriage. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 *?* ~~~ 925. MEREDITH (GEORGE). An Essay on Comedy and the Uses of the Comic Spirit. FIRST EDN. 12mo, /, $~/% buckram, uncut (name on title). Westminster, 1897 926. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Odes in Contribution to the Songs of French History. FIRST EDN. 12mo, buckram, /# uncut. Westminster, 1898 927. MEREDITH (GEORGE). A Reading of Life, with / other Poems. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, buckram, uncut. ' ' --- " Westminster, 1901 928. MEREDITH (OWEN). Lucile. FIRST EDN. With ^4 illusts. by G. Du Maurier. 8vo, original cloth, gilt Q~, * edges. Fine copy. Loud. 1868 929. MERRY DROLLERY. Compleat; being Jovial Poems, Merry Songs, etc. Collected by W. N., C. B., R. S., and J. G., Lovers of Wit. Both parts; 1661, 1670, 1691. Now first Reprinted from the final edn., 1691. With a J rt t ^ Special Introduction, Appendix, etc., by J. Woodfall Ebs- worth. Front. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut, paper labels. Boston, Lincolnshire, 1875 * No. 78 of only 400 copies printed this size. Signed R. R. 930. MERYDEW (J. T.). Love Letters of Famous Men and Women of the Past and Present Century. Best edn. J Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Loud. 1888 ** ' 931. MILNES (RICHARD MONCTON). Poems. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. post 8vo, original boards, uncut. 9 *RARE. Lond.: Edward Moxon, 1838 - 932. MITCHELL (DONALD G.). Dream Life. A Fable of the Seasons. Front. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, gilt // top. N. Y. 1851 933. MOKE (H. G.) AND WILMERE (ALICE). Belgian Episodes. Historical, Legendary and Contemporary. FIRST EDN. 12ino, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1861 115 ^-Vj - \y . O i 934. MOLIERE. Dramatic Works. Rendered into Eng- lish by Henri Van Laun. With a Prefatory Memoir, In- troductory Notices, Appendices and Notes. Beautifully illust. with proof etchings by Lalauze. 6 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1875 935. [MOORE (THOMAS).] The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little. FIRST EDN. 12mo, old calf (rebacked). Lond.: J. and T. Carpenter, 1801 PRESENTATION COPY. 936. MOORE (THOMAS). Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of Religion. With Notes and Illustration by the Editor of "Captain's Rock's Memoirs. " FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco gilt, uncut. Lond. 1833 * PRESENTATION COPY FROM MOORE, WITH INSCRIPTION : " To Doctor Brabant with the editor's kindest regards April 17, 1833." 937. MOORE (THOMAS). Notes from the Letters of ~ Thomas Moore to his Publisher, etc. FIRST EDN. With & & portrait by Haines, engraved title and illusts. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. N. Y. : [Eng. title, Lond. 1853] * Suppressed and scarce. 938. MORE (HANNAH). Works. Portrait. 11 vols. post 8vo, full calf, gilt border, sprinkled edges. Lond. 1830 * Fine set. 939. MORLEY (HENRY). Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. With facsimile drawings, engraved upon wood, by the Brothers Dalziel. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full calf, gilt, red edges (covers loose). Lond. 1859 940. MORLEY (JOHN). Rousseau. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1891 * Sir Frederick Leighton's copy, with his bookplate (engraved by R. A. Bell) in each volume. COMPLETE SET. 941. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Oxford and Cambridge Magazine for 1856 (all published), conducted by Members of the two Universities. 8vo, full dark morocco gilt. Loud. 1856 *Of great interest as containing the earliest literary produc tions of William Morris, who contributed 18 articles, or about one third "of the work. Other contributors were Dante Gabriel Rossetti.who published here 3 of his finest poems ("The Blessed Damozel, " "The Burden of Nineveh" (its first appearance), and "The Staff and Script"), Sir Edward and Lady Burne-Jones, Canon Dixon, Sir Godfrey Lushington, Prof. Lewis Campbell, Judge Vernon Lushington, and William Fulford (Editor). 942. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Sir Galahad: A Christmas Mystery. FIRST EDN. 12mo, handsomely bound in full chocolate crushed levant, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, UNCUT, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. : Bell & Daldy, 1858 * WILLIAM MORRIS' FIRST PUBLISHED VOLUME. VERY RARE. Fine copy. 116 port> of <8unnfaug tf)c "toortmtonguc and c ^fcafb* rgiffbt) (c fcarncb/ tf)c pricf* / 0a$ foft> it/ tBft> tBa0 $e mat) of att ^(attb mop featncb ty fefee of -- League on the Soudan War. 8vo, 2 leaves. Lond. 1885 /' ^ } * Original edition. Very scarce. 953. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Socialists at Play. Prologue / Spoken at the Entertainment of the Socialist. FIRST EDN. ' ' Square 12mo, original wrappers. South Place Institute, June 11, 1885 954. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Pilgrims of Hope, a Poem. In Thirteen Books. FIRST EDN. Square crown /^* >-v 8vo, original grey paper wrappers. Lond. 1886 ' * PRIVATELY PRINTED AND VERY RARE. 117 955. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The ^Eneids of Virgil. Done into English Verse by William Morris. FIRST EDN. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 956. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Odyssey of Homer. Done into English Verse. FIRST EDN. Square 8vo, original cloth and label, uncut. Lond. 1887 957. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Poems by the Way. FIRST EDN. Square 8vo, original white buckram gilt, uncut. Lond. 1891 * LARGE PAPER COPY. One of only 100 copies printed in this size. Fine copy. 958. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Story of Gunnlang the Worm-tongue and Raven the Skald. Printed in black, let- ter in imitation of the types used by W. Caxton. Small 4to, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1891 * FIRST EDITION. Probably this is the rarest of William Morris' works, only a few copies having been privately printed. So rare is this volume that it was unknown to Mr. Buxton- Forman when his " Books of William Morris" went to press in 1897. It is noticed, however, in the Appendix to that work. The present copy is from the library of Alfred Higgings with a letter addressed to him by S. C. Cockerell, former secretary of the Kelmscott Press, saying: ' ' Mr. Morris asks me to send you a copy of a little book of which Mr. Morris had 75 copies printed at the Chiswick Press just before the Kelmscott Press was started. His intention was to have the initials rubricated by hand, but Mr. Morris feels ever that even thus incomplete, you will consider it an interest- ing momenta. ," Dated March 8, 1898. [See Reproduction.] 959. MORRIS (WILLIAM). News from Nowhere, or An Epoch of Rest. 8vo, handsomely bound in full brown crushed levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1891 * PROOF SHEETS OF THE FlRST EDITION, WITH NUMEROUS CORRECTIONS THROUGHOUT (IN PENCIL) IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE AUTHOR. Title-page of the second edition inserted. [See Reproduction. ] 960. MORRIS (WILLIAM). News from Nowhere, or An Epoch of Rest, being some Chapters from a Utopian Ro- mance. FIRST EDN. 8vo, boards and label, uncut. Lond. 1891 * LARGE PAPER COPY. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR with inscription in his autograph " to Emma Morris from her most affectionate Son, William Morris May 13th, 1891." A highly interesting copy. 960A. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Under an Elm-Tree; or, Thoughts in the Country-side. FIRST EDN. 18mo, sewn. Aberdeen, 1891 118 961. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Saga Library. The Story of Howard the Halt; The Story of the Banded Men; The Story of Hen Thorir; The Stories of the Kings of Nor- way, called the Round World (Heimskringla) ; The Story of the Ere-Dwellers, etc. Done into English out of the Icelandic by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. 5 vols. crown 8vo, half roxburgh, gilt tops, uncut, as issued. * In excellent conditiou. Lond. 1891-93 962. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Steele (Robert). Huon of Bordeaux. Done into English by Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners; and now retold by Robert Steele. FIRST // EDN. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 '* ' * PRESENTATION COPY "William Morris from Robert Steele." " FROM THE LIBRARY OF WILLIAM MORRIS, KELMSCOTT HOUSE, HAMMERSMITH." 963. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Good King Wenceslas. A Carol written by Dr. Neale and Pictured by Arthur J. / Gaskin. Introduction by William Morris. FIRST EDN. /' 4to, boards, uncut. Birmingham, 1895 964. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Roots of the Moun- tains, wherein is told somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale, their Friends, their Neighbors, their Foemen and their Fellows-in-Arms. FIRST EDN. Square 8vo, art cloth ^ covers, uncut. Lond. 1896 * LARGE PAPER COPY. One of only 250 copies printed on Whatman hand-made paper. Scarce. 965. MORRIS (WILLIAM). Vallance (Amyer). The Art of William Morris, an Illustrated Record. With 4 full-page colored plates, 2 photogravures, 6 collotypes of the finest quality, and 12 reproductions of drawings in black and white specially made for this work. Folio, original blue cloth sides, with white canvas back, gilt top, uncut. * Only 220 copies printed. Lond. 1897 In this book are notices of the numerous undertakings with which Mr. Morris's name has been associated before the world, from the formation of the renowned firm of decorators, now known as Messrs. Morris and Co. to the establishment of the Kelmscott Press. Selections from all branches of Mr. Morris's designs are re produced from the most ornate to the most simple, including, by permission, 14 titles, borders, and other ornaments drawn for the Kelmscott Press, and 42 full-page plates of reproduc- tions from various designs carried out at the works he has established. The work also contains a complete bibliography by Temple Scott. 966. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Books of William Morris. An Essay in Bibliography by II. Buxton Forman. FIRST EDN. With many illustrations, including portraits, views, title-pages, cover designs, bookmarks, headings, etc , by William Morris, Walter Crane, etc.; also, specimens of the Kelmscott Press titles and typography. 8vo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1897 119 f,- / 967. MORRIS (WILLIAM). An Address delivered at the Distribution of Prizes to Students of the Birmingham Municipal School of Art, Feby. 21, 1894. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1898 * Printed in the Golden type designed by Morris for the Kelmscott Press. 968. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Life of William Morris. By J. W. Mackail. With full-page photogravure portraits* etc., and numerous views of Kelmscott House, exterior and interior. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1899 * FINE COPY of the ORIGINAL EDITION. 969. MORRIS (WILLIAM). An Address delivered at the Distribution of Prizes to Students of the Birmingham / 'rt Municipal School of Art, Feb. 21, 1894. Printed at the / Chiswick Press, with the Golden type designed by William ' Morris for the Kelmscott Press. 8vo. Lond. 1899 * BEAUTIFULLY BOUND BY DOUGLAS COCKRELL in full red crushed levant, with center piece on front cover of a floral design inlaid with green levant, gilt line borders on back and sides, inside borders, gilt edges on the rough. 970. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Art of the People. An Address delivered before the Birmingham Society of Arts, Feb'y 19th, 1879. 8vo, half leather and boards, uncut. Chicago: Ralph Fletcher Seymour, 1902 * Printed in black and red, with decorative woodcut title, initials, etc. One of only 215 copies printed on hand-made paper. A handsome volume printed from type designed by and specially cast for the publisher. 971. - - Another copy on JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, and bound in full russia gilt, uncut. * One of only 10 copies so issued. 972. MORRIS (WILLIAM). William Morris. An Ad- dress Delivered the Xlth November, MDCCC, at Kelmscott House Hammersmith Socialist Society. By J. W. Mackail. 8vo, half vellum and boards, uncut. [Lond.] : Hammersmith Publishing Society, 1902 973. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Hollow Land and other Contributions to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. 8vo, original half cloth, uncut. Lond. : Chiswick Press, 1903 * Fiue, unopened copy. 974. [MORRIS (WILLIAM).] (John C. Ken worthy.) From Bondage to Brotherhood. A Message to the Work- ers. Post 8vo, full levant morocco, gilt edges and inside border. Loud., n. d. * Dedicated to William Morris, with his book plate "FROM THE LIBRARY OF WILLIAM MORRIS, KELMSCOTT HOUSE, HAMMERSMITH. 120 975. MOTLEY (JOHN LOTHROP). Works, comprising: The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vols History of the United Netherlands, 4 vols. ^> Life and Death of John of Barneveld, 2 vols. / > Together 9 vols. 8vo, half calf, sprinkled edges. N. Y. 1875 ' 976. ^TAPIER (W. F. P.). History of the War in the ^ Peninsula and in the South of France from J? 1807 to 1814. Maps. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. * Fine copy. Brussels, 1839 977. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Dis- tinguished Americans. With Biographical Sketches. With over 150 fine steel engravings. 5 vols. royal 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt edges. Phil. 1852-67 * Beautiful copy of this fine gallery. The first three vols. were published by Peterson in 1852, the 4th by him in 1858, and the 5th by Rice, Rutter & Co. in 1867. 978. [NEWMAN (CARDINAL).] Verses on Various 7 Occasions. EIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. */ * Fine, clean copy. Very scarce. Lond. 1868 ' 979. NEW YORK. Ford (Paul Leicester Editor). The Journals s of Hugh Gaine, Printer. (Biography, Bib- .2 1 liography, Journals, and Letters.) Portraits and fac- similes. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, paper labels. N. Y. : Dodd, Mead, 1902 * One of 350 copies printed on deckle-edge paper. FROM CRUIKSHANK'S LIBRARY. 980. NICOLAS (SIR HARRIS). History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the Expedition of Henry the Fifth into France, in 1415; to which is added "The Roll of the Men at Arms, in the English Army." Second edn. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. ]832 * FROM THE LIBRARY OF GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, BEARING HIS AUTOGRAPH ON THE TITLE-PAGE, WITH THE DATE 1832. Fine copy. 981. NORRIS (MARIA). Life and Times of Madame de Stae'l. Portrait. 12mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut, by ZA.EHNSDORF. Lond. 1853 * Fine copy. FROM THE LIBRARY OF WILLIA/I MORRIS. 982. NORTH (THOMAS). The Dial of Princes, com- piled by the reuerend father in God, Don Antony of Gue- vara . . . Englished out of the French b} 7 Thomas North. Black letter, title within a woodcut border. 4to, full sprinkled calf gilt, gilt edges. [Lond.] : Nowe newly imprinted by Richarde Tottil, 1582 * Title slightly soiled, otherwise good and large copy of this scarce book. From the library of William Morris, with his book-label, and with slip in his handwriting, laid in. 121 983. NORTHCOTE (JAMES). One Hundred Fables, original and selected. FIRST EDN. Embellished with 258 engravings on wood. Royal 8vo, original boards, uncut, with the label. Lond. 1828 * With beautiful impressions of the engravings. MACAULAY'S OWN COPY. 984. NOTES on so much of The Catalogue of the present Exhibition of the Royal Academy as relates to the Works of the Members, with a Report of the Private View, and The Dinner. 1855 [not published] * Inscribed on the title-page : ' ' The Right Honorable T. Babington Macaulay from the author, Dec. 15, 1855." Scarce. 985. NUGENT (CLAUD). Memoir of Robert, Earl Nugent; with Letters, Poems, and Appendices. With 12 reproductions from Family Portraits by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Gainsborough, and others. 8vo, cloth, paper label, uncut. Chicago, 1898 986. /yDRISCOLL( W.JUSTIN). A Memoir of Daniel " Maclise. FIRST EDN. Portrait. 12 mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1871 * Presentation copy from the publishers, with stamp on title. 987. ORDISH (T. F.). Early London Theatres (In the Fields). With illusts. and maps. Post Svo, cloth. N. Y. [Lond.] 1894 988. O'REILLY (JOHN BOYLE). Songs from the Southern Seas, and other Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1873 989. [O'REILLY (JOHN BOYLE).] Life and Works. By James Roche. With his Complete Poems and Speeches. Edited by Mrs. John Boyle O'Reilly. Introduction by Cardinal Gibbons. Portrait. Large 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1891 990. OSBORN (EMILY F. D.). Political and Social Let- ters of a Lady of the Eighteenth Century, 1721-1771. With 4 portraits in photogravure, including 1 of Admiral Byng. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. N. Y. 1891 991. O'SHAUGHNESSY (ARTHUR W. E.). Epic of Women and Other Poems. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. * FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. Lond. 1870 PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, with autograph inscription, "/or my own Helen! Oct. 1S70, with fondest love from her tiffect'nt Arthur." 992. O'SHAUGHNESSY (ARTHUR W. E.). Lays of France (Founded on the Lays of Marie). Post Svo, origi- nal cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1872 * FIRST EDITION. WILLIAM MORRIS' COPY WITH LABEL. "From the Library of William Morris, Kelmscott House, Ham- mersmith." 122 993. O'SHAUGHNESSY (ARTHUR W. E.). Music and Moonlight, Poems and Songs. FIRST EDN. 12tno, original A cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1874 * FINE COPY, as new. 994. O'SHAUGHNESSY (ARTHUR W. E.). Songs of a Worker. FIRST EDN. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. i Lond. 1881 * The author's last (posthumous) volume, with preface by A. W. Newport Deacon. 995. OSSIAN. The Poems of Ossian. Transl. by James 9 Macpherson. Spirited fronts. 2 vols. 12mo, new half blue viP * calf extra, gilt tops. Lond. 1803 * Pretty copy. 996. OVERS (JOHN). Evenings of a Working Man, being the occupation of his scanty leisure. With a Preface relative to the author, by Charles Dickens. FIRST EDN. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1844 FIFTH SESSION. 997. T3ASTOR (GEORGE). Side-Lights on the Georgian -*- Period. Portraits and illusts. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Lond. 1902 998. PATER (WALTER). Studies in the History of the Renaissance. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1872 999. PATER (WALTER). Marina the Epicurean, his Sensations and Ideas. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. post Bvo, origi- nal cloth, uncut. Lond. 1885 1000. PATER (WALTER). Imaginary Portraits. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 1001. PATER (WALTER). Appreciations, with an Essay on Style. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth, un- cut. Lond. 1889 1002. PATER (WALTER). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Braze- nose College, May 27 [1890], To Rev. John Oliver, with envelope. * Fine literary letter, mentions his writings; and says " Imaginary Portraits " is his best work. ' ' The little essay on Pico was written many years ago He is certainly a picturesque and in some ways a pathetic figure. What I know of him ivas mainly derived from the life prefixed to the old folio edition of his writings. I THINK THE BEST OF MY OWN BOOKS is THAT ENTITLED " Imaginary Portraits." 123 ^ / / 1003. PATER (WALTER). Plato and Platonisrn. A series of Lectures. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth, '""" uncut. Lond. 1893 1004. PATER (WALTER). Greek Studies. A Series t _ of Essays. FIRST EDN. Portrait of the author. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 1005. PATER (WALTER). Miscellaneous Studies. A Series of Essays. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 1006. PATER (WALTER). Gaston de Latour, an un- /, _ finished Romance. FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 1007. PATER (WALTER). The Song of Demeter and ^ her Daughter, Persephone. An Homeric Hymn, Walter Pater's translation. Square 32mo, full calf, richly deco- rated in gilt, uncut. Designed and lettered by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Chicago, 1902 * One of 10 copies printed on Japan vellum. 1008. PATMORE (COVENTRY). Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1844 * With A. L. S. of the author laid in. 1009. PATMORE (COVENTRY). Tamerton Church- i. Tower, and Other Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth and label, uncut. Lond. : Win. Pickering, 1853 ,-, 1010. [PATMORE (COVENTRY).] The Angel in the House; The Betrothal; [also] The Espousals (being Book II. of the Angel in the House). FIRST EDNS. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth and labels, uncut. * Scarce. Lond.: J. W. Parker, 1854-56 PRESENTATION COPY TO RUSKIN. 1011. PATMORE (COVENTRY). Faithful For Ever. / <&~, A^A FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1860 * JOHN RUSKIN'S COPY, with pi-esentation inscription to him in the author's autograph on title: "John Ruskin, Esq., with the writer's best regards." 1012. PATMORE (COVENTRY). The Victories of Love. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1863 1013. PATMORE (COVENTRY). Florilegium Amantis. ^ Edited by Richard Garnett. FIRST EDN. 16mo, cloth, un- cut. Loud., n. d. * Contains autograph of Richard Garnett on fly-leaf, and with portrait of him inserted ; also, a 2-page autograph letter from Coventry Patmore regarding his works laid in. 1014. PAULDING (JAMES K.). A Gift from Fairy Land. Designs and etchings by John G. Chapman. FIRST EDN. 12rno, half levant, gilt back and edges. N. Y. : Appleton and Co. [1838] * A beautiful and charming volume. Scarce. 124 33 they differ. As a rule, they don't do much reading, except for a few story-books, till they are about fifteen years old ; we don't encourage early bookishness : though you will find some children who will take to books very early ; which perhaps is not good for them ; but it's no use thwarting them ; and very often it doesn't last long with them, and they find their level before they are twenty years old. You see, children are mostly given to imitating their elders, and when they see most people about them engaged in genuinely amusing work, like house-building and street-paving, and gardening, and the like, that is what they want to be doing; so I don't think we need fear having too many book-learned men." What could I say? I sat and held my peace, for fear of fresh entanglements. Besides, I was using my eyes with all my might, wondering as the old horse jogged on, when I should come into London proper, and what it would be like now. But my companion couldn't let his subject quite drop, and went on meditatively : "After all, I4on't Jthbw, that it does them much harm, even if they do grow up book-students. Such people as that, 'tis a great pleasure seeing them so happy over work which is not much ^sought for. And besides, these students are generally such pleasant people ; so kind and sweet tempered ; so humble, and at the same time so anxious to teach everybody all that they know. Really, I like those that I have met prodigiously." This seemed to me such very queer talk that I was on the point of asking him another question ; when just as we came to the top of a rising ground, down a long glade of the wood on my right I caught sight of a stately building whose outline was familiar to me, and I cried out, " Westminster Abbey ! " " Yes," said Dick, " Westminster Abbey what there is left of it." [See No. 959.] 1015. PENN (WILLIAM). Memorials of the Profes- sional Life and Times of Sir William Penn, Admiral and General of the Fleet, during the Interregnum, Admiral and Commissioner of the Admiralty and Navy, after the Restoration, from 1644 to 1670. By Granville Penn. FIRST EDN. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Fine copy. Lond. 1833 1016. PEPYS (SAMUEL). The Diary of Pepys, tran- scribed from the shorthand MS. in the Pepysian Library by the Rev. Mynors Bright, with Lord Braybrooke's Notes. Edited, and with additions by Henry B. Wheatley. With . Index volume, and Supplement containing Introduction, //A and a Paper on the London of Pepys' time. Portraits and plates. 10 vols. 8vo, newly and handsomely bound in half grey polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut, by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond 1899-1900 * FINE SET of the best and only complete edition, contain- ing much interesting material on Pepys' domestic affairs, etc., considered as "tedious detail" by Mr. Bright, and conse- quently left out in his printed edition. 1017. PEPYS (WILLIAM WELLER). A Later Pepys. The Correspondence of Sir William Weller Pepys with Mrs. Chapone, Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. Montagu, Hannah More, William Franks, Nathaniel Wraxall and others. Edited by Alice C. C. Gaussen. With numerous portraits, fac- similes and illusts. 2 vols. 8vo, half red polished morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by ROOT. Lond. and N. Y. 1904 1018. PERCY ANECDOTES (THE). Original and Select. By Sholto and Reuben Percy, Brothers of the Benedictine Monastery, Mont Benger. Portraits. 40 vols. bound in 20. 16mo, half calf, uncut. Lond. : T. Boyd, 1821-3 * Handy set of these celebrated Anecdotes. 1019. PERCY (BISHOP). Folio Manuscript. Edited by John W. Hales and Frederick .1. Furnivall. 3 vols. ; also, / / the RARE VOLUME of Loose and Humorous Songs. Together / /* " 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt extra, gilt tops, uncut. * Fine set. Scarce. Lond. 1867-8 1020. [PHILLIPS (STEPHEN).] Primavera: Poems, by four authors. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. * Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Lond. 1890 1021. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). Eremus : a Poem. FIRST - EDN. Small 4to, original printed wrappers. *4* / , * Fine copy. VERY RARE. " The Lillie Press. " [1894] 1022. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). Christ in Hades. FIRST / -. Right Honorable William Pitt, comprehending a History of & & Public Affairs during his Administration, etc. etc. Fine portraits. 12mo, half calf (broken in hinges). Lond. : Albion Press, 1807 * Corner of frontispiece portrait water-stained and name on title. 1030. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). Poetical Works, with a Notice of his Life and Genius, by J. Hannay. With nu- merous illusts. 12mo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Loud. 1859 1031. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). Life, by William F. Gill. Illusts. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1878 1032. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). Poems. With an Essay on his Poetry by Andrew Lang. 16mo, full calf gilt, gilt top, and outside and inside borders, uncut, by ROOT. * Beautiful copy. Lond. 1883 1033. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). Edgar Poe and his Critics. By Sarah Helen Whitman. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Providence, 1885 1034. POLLARD (A. F.). Henry VIII. 4to, half crimson crushed levant, gilt top, uncut, with the original wrappers bound in. Paris: Goupil, 1902 * One of the fine monographs for which Goupil was so justly celebrated. No. 271 of a limited edition, WITH ALL THE FINE ILLUSTRATIONS FROM CONTEMPORARY WORKS OF ART, INCLUD- ING THE PORTRAIT FRONTISPIECE IN GOLD AND COLORS, AFTER HOLBEIN and indeed the portraits in this volume are mainly a Holbein Gallery Henry VIII. as a child, the famous Dancing Picture representing the King, Anne Boleyn, and others, mainly from private sources. The initial letters are taken from the original edition of Henry VIII's book against Luther. 126 fo 1035. POLLOCK (ROBERT). The Course of Time. 12mo, full blue straight-grained morocco, gilt ornaments on the sides and back, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1828 1036. POPE (ALEXANDER). Works of Pope, with Notes and Illustrations by Himself and others. To which are added, a new Life of the Author, an estimate of his poetical character and writings, and occasional remarks, by William Roscoe. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, full marbled calf gilt, marbled edges. FINE COPY. Lond. 1847 1037. PRAED (W. M.) AND HEMANS (MRS. FELICIA). Lillian, a Fairy Tale [Praed], Lond. 1823; Australasia, a / Poem [Praed], n. p., 1823; The Sceptic, a Poem [Mrs. // Hemans], Lond. 1820. 3 in one vol. post Svo, half polished morocco gilt, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. Lond., v. d. * ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 1038. PRESCOTT (WILLIAM H.). Historical Works, as follows : History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols. Lond. 1838 History of the Reign of Charles V. 2 vols. Lond. 1857 History of the Reign of Philip II. 3 vols. Bost. 1856-58 Together 8 vols. Svo, full polished calf, tooled backs, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. * BEAUTIFUL SET. On the title-pages of the three volumes of " Philip the Second " is the Library stamp of M. Guizot, with his Coat-of-Arms, and the first volume of the same set contains a fly-leaf with the inscription " From the Author." 1039. PROVOST (THE ABBF,). Manon Lescaut. From the French [by D..C. Moylan]. Numerous full-page wood- cuts on India paper by Tony Johannot, vignettes in the text, / etc. Svo, half brown polished calf gilt, gilt top, origi- ^ -~ nal cloth cover preserved by ZAEHNSDORF. Lond: J. Thomas, 1841 * The best library edition of the best English translation of this celebrated classic. Fine copy, EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of A SERIES OF CHARMING ETCHINGS BY LEOPOLD FLAMENG. Very scarce. 1040. PRIDE AUX (S. T.). An Historical Sketch of Book- binding. With a chapter on Early Stamped Bindings, by *-* E. Gordon Duff. With an extensive Bibliography on the / subject at the end of the volume. Front. Square Svo, / ' cloth, uncut. Lond. 1893 * No. 11 of 120 copies printed on hand-made paper. 1041. PRIDE AUX (S. T.). Bookbinders and their Craft. FIRST EDN. Profusely illust. with some of the most famous / / specimens of the bookbinders' art. Svo, half vellum, gilt /// "* top, uncut. N. Y. 1903 * LARGE PAPER COPY. No. 41 of 500 copies issued on heavy plate paper. Scarce. 127 1042. PRIME (W. C.). The China Hunters Club. By the Youngest Member. FIRST EDN. Illust. Square 8vo, original pictured cloth. N. Y. [1878] * Inscribed on title-page: " With sincere regards of Annie Trumbull Slosson." 1043. PROCTOR (ADELAIDE ANNE). Legends and Lyrics. A Book of Verses. First and Second Series. 2 vols. 16mo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1900-01 1044. PROCTER (BRYAN WALLER). (Barry Corn- wall.) An Autobiographical Fragment and Biographical Notes, with personal sketches of contemporaries, unpub- lished lyrics, and letters of literary friends. FIRST EDN. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1877 1045. f^UARLES (FRANCIS). Emblems, Divine and Me Moral; together with Hieroglyphicks of the & & Life of Man. Front, and 93 emblematic copper engravings re-engraved after the ones of the First Edition. 12mo, half levant morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1736 1046. 'D ABELAIS (FRANgOIS). Works. Transl. by -*- Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Motteux. Illust. 5 vols. 12mo, new half calf extra, gilt tops, uncut. * Pretty copy, BOUND BY ZAEHNSDORF. Lond. 1897 1047. RAMSAY (ALLAN). The Gentle Shepherd: a Pastoral Comedy, containing Memoirs of David Allan a comprehensive Glossary and an authentic Life of Allan Ramsay. With portrait of the author and fine plates. 2 vols. 8vo, contemporary tree calf. Edinburgh, 1808 1048. RAMSAY (ALLAN). The Ever Green: being a Collection of Scott's Poems, wrote by the Ingenious before 1600. 2 vols. 16mo, half morocco. Glasgow, 1824 * Bookplates of William Twopenny. 1049. RAMSAY (ALLAN). The Tea-Table Miscellany : a Collection of Choice Songs, Scotch and English. 2 vols. 12mo, three-quarter morocco, richly tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut. * Fine copy. Glasgow, 1871 FROM THE LIBRARY OF WILLIAM MORRIS. 1050. [RAMUS (PETER).] The Three Partes of Com- mentaries, containing the whole and perfect discourse of the Civill Warres of Fraunce, under the raignes of Henry ~ j the second, Frances the second & of Charles the ninth. L. r Transl. out of the Latine into English by Thomas Timme. Printed in Gothic letter, with marginal notes in Roman letter. The Second and Third parts have separate titles and pagina- tion. Imprinted at London by Frances Coldocke, 1574- At the end of the Third Part, which is followed by " The tenth 128 No. 1. (Price One Shilling.} JANUARY, 1850. With an Etching by W. HOIMAN HUNT. art an& 3Jtrag tf jnmgjita tearfe pritmplltj btj &rttt0. tKtfjen lufjoso mmli) fjntlj a little tljougftt ZHill plafnlg tljtnfc ti) tfougl)t*toj)id> ta in lim,- igot tiftaging another's trtg^t ar Kim, iSot mangling toftf) ntto tnorUa to^at otliera tattgfy ; TO^tt tolioso spcafes, from fiabfag titter sought r onlp fdunft, tcill speafe, not |ust to sfelm JL sfjalloto surface to(tf) toortis matJC antf trim, 38ut in tf>at btrn speed; t^c matter oroug^t : 33e not too keen to crn " So tf)(s is all ! a tf)ing E migf)t mijseU $abe tljoug^t as toell, 13ut tootiftr not sag it, for it teas not toort^!" Ss& : " Es t|its. trut^ ?" Jor is it still to tell lie i^e tfjeme a point or t|ie tofyole eart|i, is a circle, perfect, great or small ? AYLOTT & JONES, 8, PATERNOSTER ROW. / x - : "w i O. F. TOPPSB, Printer, Clement'i Lane, Lombard Street. [See No. 1081.] Sister Helen; a ballad by DANTE G, ROSSETTL OXFORD : PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION. 1857. [See No. 1083.] [See No. 1098.] Booke (38 leaves) is the following: Imprinted at London by Henry Middleton; for Frauncis Coldocke, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Powles Church-yard, at the si(/ne of the Greene Dragon Anno 157^. And the fourth parte of Com- mentaries of the Civill Warres in Fraunce, and of the lowe countrie. Trausl. out of Latine into English by Thomas Tymme. Gothic letter. Imprinted at London by Henrie JBinneman, for Humfrey Toy Anno 1576. Bound in one vol. thick small 4to, original calf (back somewhat worn at top and bottom). [Lond. 1574-'7ti] * WILLIAM MORRIS' COPY, with label, "From the Library of William Morris, Kelmscott House, Hammersmith." 1051. RAYNAL (ABBF,). The Revolution of America. Small 8vo, half roan. Lond. 1781 ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 1052. READE (CHARLES). A VERY FINE AND COM- PLETE SET OF THE WORKS of this Popular Novelist. ALL FIRST EDNS., forming 43 vols. 8vo and 12mo, uniformly bound in half dark red crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1856-1884 The Set comprises: Christie Johnson: a Novel. Lond. 1853 Peg Woffmgton: a Novel. Lond. 1853 Masks and Faces; or, Before and Behind the Curtain: a Comedy. By Tom Taylor and Charles Reade. Lond. 1854 "It is Never too Late to Mend": a Matter-of-Fact Romance. 3 vols. Lond. 1856' The Course of True Love never did run Smooth. Lond. 1857 White Lies: a Story. 3 vols. Lond. 1857 Cream, contains Jack-of-all Trades and the Autobio- graphy of a Thief. Lond. 1858 " Love Me Little, Love Me Long." 2 vols. Lond. 1859 The Eighth Commandment. Lond. 1860 The Cloister and the Hearth: a Tale of the Middle Ages. 4 vols. Lond. 1861 Hard Cash: a Matter-of-Fact Romance. 3 vols. Lond. 1863 Griffith Gaunt; or, Jealousy. 3 vols. Lond. 1866 Foul Play. 3 vols. Lond. 1868 Put Yourself in his Place. 3 vols. Lond. 1870 A Terrible Temptation: a Story of the Day. 3 vols. Lond. 1871 A Simpleton : a Story of the Day. 3 vols. Lond. 1873 Trade Malice and the Wandering Heir. Lond. 1875 129 A Woman- Hater. 3 vols. Lond. 1877 A Perilous Secret. 2 vols. Lond. 1884 Readiana, Comments on Current Events. With a por- trait of the author. Lond. 1883 * SETS OP THE WRITINGS OF CHARLES READE ARE VERY SELDOM OFFERED FOR SALE, THE EARLIER VOLUMES BEING VERY SCARCE. With, perhaps the exception of Charles Dickens, no novelist of the XlXth century has done more towards call- ing the attention of the public towards existing abuses than Charles Reade. His famous novel, "It is Never too late to Mend," was the first instance of the employment of fiction to expose social abuses. j 1053. REMINGTON (FREDERIC). The Way of an Indian. Ittust. by the author. FIRST EDN. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N.Y. 1906 * Contains on fly-leaf author's autograph in full, with the date Nov. 30, 1906. ^ 7 f 1054. RICHARDS (LAURA E.). Captain January. , /\^" Edition de Luxe. With etchings (in two states). 12mo, half / morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bost. 1888 * No. 75 of 100 copies printed on Japanese vellum paper. 1055. RICHARDSON (SAMUEL). The Novels of Rich- ardson, comprising Sir Charles Grandison, Clarissa Har- / /, t lowe, and Pamela, with Introductions by Ethel M. M. McKenna. With numerous illusts. after Stothard and others. 20 vols. 12mo, half crimson calf extra, gilt tops, uncut. * Handsome set. Phil. [Lond. printed] 1902 1056. RITSON (JOSEPH). Robin Hood: a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs and Ballads now extant rela- / * * tive to that celebrated Outlaw, with Historical Anecdotes / ' * of his Life. With woodcuts. 2 vols. 12mo, full calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1795 *THE SCARCE ORIGINAL EDITION. Contains a complete glossary, and the ' 'Corrections and additional Notes" lacking in many copies. 1057. RITSON (JOSEPH). The Caledonian Muse: a Chronological Selection of Scottish Poetry from the Earliest Times. Edited by the late Joseph Ritson. With vignettes engraved by Heath, after the designs of Stothard. Post 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1821 1058. RITSON (JOSEPH). Poems, written Anno MCCCLII. By Laurence Minot. With introductory Dis- sertations on the Scottish Wars of Edward III. on his Claim to the Throne of France, and Notes and Glossary by Joseph Ritsou. 12mo, half vellum. Loud. 1825 * From the library of Richard Grant White, with his auto- graph on title-page. 1059. RITSON (JOSEPH). The Life of King Arthur, from Ancient Historians and Authentic Documents. FIRST EDN. Front. Post 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. Lond. 1825 1060. RITSON (JOSEPH). Annals of the Caledonians, Picts and Scots, and of Strathclyde, Cumberland, Galloway and Murray. ORIGINAL EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, full dark red 130 ? & crushed levant morocco, with rich tooling on backs and sides, gilt tops. FINE COPY. SCARCE. Lond. 1828 * One of the scarcest of Ritson's books. 1061. RITSON (JOSEPH). Fairy Tales, now First Col- lected, with Dissertations on Pygmies and on Fairies. Post 8vo, half green morocco gilt. Lond. 1831 1062. RITSON (JOSEPH). The Letters of Ritson, to which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author. Pickering's / fine edn. 2 vols. 12mo, full calf gilt. Lond. 1833 * Scarce. Large paper copy (??) . 1063. ROBERTSON (W. J.). A Century of French Verse : brief biographical and critical notices of thirty-three French f "~7, poets of the nineteenth century, with experimental transla- / tions from their poems. Small 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1895 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY. 1064. ROBINSON (HENRY CRABB). Diary, Reminis- cences and Correspondence. Selected and edited by Thomas Sadler. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. extended to 6, by the addi- tion of over 200 (209) portraits, views, etc., illustrating men, places and events referred to in the above Diary. 6 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by MORRELL. Lond. 1869 * A MAGNIFICENT SET. Among the important and interest- ing portraits inserted may be mentioned : Ninon de L'Enclos, 1780; John Locke, Edmund Spenser, Boccaccio, engraved by Hopwood; Dudley, Earl of Harrowby (magnificent specimen); Fanny Kemble as Euphrasia, Francis Jeffrey, fine proof of Mr. Matthews, delineating him in four extraordinary charac- ters (1819); Mr. Kean as Richard, fine colored plate by George Cruikshank, fine portrait of Charles Dickens, from a photo- graph taken in America, JEt. 56, and others, by Cruikshank, Woolnoth, and others. 1065. ROBINSON (MRS. MARY). Lyrical Tales. 12mo, full old citron straight-grained morocco, gilt tooling on back and sides, inside borders, gilt edges. Lond. 1800 1066. ROBINSON (MRS. MARY). Memoirs of the late Mrs. Robinson, written by herself. From the edition edited by her daughter. Portrait. 16mo, roxburgh, uncut. Lond. 1826 1067. ROBERTS (W.). Book- Verse. An Anthology of Poems and Books and Bookmen from the earliest times to / recent years. " Book-Lover's Library. " FIRST EDN. 12mo, /' cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 IN ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT. 1068. ROGERS (SAMUEL). Italy, 1830, and Poems, 1834. First edns., equisitely illustrated with the charming J *7 vignettes, after Turner and Stothard. 2 vols. 8vo, original /* ~~~ boards (joints cracked), totally uncut. Lond. 1830-34 * Inserted is an Autograph Letter Signed of Samuel Rogers, 8vo, 2 pp. A friendly note of apology. VERY SCARCE IN THE ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT. 131 / . y / '/V / 1069. ROGERS (SAMUEL). Recollections. Edited by William Sharpe. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut, paper label (front cover slightly stained). Lond. 1850 1070. ROGERS (SAMUEL). Recollections of the Table- Talk of Samuel Rogers, to which is added, Porsoniana. Edited by the late Rev. Alexander Dyce. Portrait. Bvo, boards, uncut, paper label. New Southgate, 1887 * LARGE PAPER COPY. 1071. RONSARD (PIERRE DE). Songs and Sonnets of Pierre de Ronsard, Gentleman of Vendomois. Selected and translated into English Verse by Curtis Hidden Page, with an introductory Essay and Notes. Small 8vo, boards, uncut, paper label. Bost. : Riverside Press, 1903 * No. 177 of 425 copies issued. Fine copy. PRESENTATION COPY. 1072. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA G.). The Prince's Pro- gress, and other Poems. FIRST EDN. With 2 designs by D. G. Rossetti. 16mo, original green cloth, uncut. Lond. 1866 * PRESENTATION COPY FROM D. G. ROSSETTI. "To Fred^W. Burton, from his friend D. G. Rossetti." Also contains 2-page A. L. S. of Christina G. Rossetti ' ' My Dear Mr. Ralston, my Mother desiresme to ask," etc. Clean copy, and very scarce in this condition. 1073. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA G.). Commonplace, and other Short Stories. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. FIRST EDN. Lond. : Ellis, 1870 1074. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA G.). Sing-Song: a Nur- sery-Rhyme Book. FIRST EDN. With 120 illusts. by Arthur Hughes, engraved by Dalziel Bros. 12mo, original blue cloth, gilt edges. FINE COPY. Lond. 1872 1075. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA G.). Speaking Likenesses. FIRST EDN. With numerous illusts. by Arthur Hughes. 12mo, original blue cloth. FINE COPY. Lond. 1874 1076. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA G.). A Pageant, and other Poems. FIRST EDN. Post Bvo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1881 1077. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA G.). Poems. New and en- larged edn. Front, from "Gobtin Market," by D. G. Rossetti. 12mo, cloth, gilt decorations, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Fresh unopened copy. 1078. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA G.). Maud: Prose and Verse. 12mo, original red boards, paper label, uncut. Chicago, 1897 1079. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA G.). Poetical Works. With Memoir and Notes, etc., by William Michael Rossetti. Portrait. Thick 12mo, cloth, uncut. Loud. 1904 [See No. 1099.] 1080. ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA G.). A. L. S. 4 pp., 8vo, Dec. 27 (n. d.). To Mrs. Scott (Mrs. Wm. Bell Scott?). *Mentions "Goblin Market" (her best work), Lucy (Madox Brown) who married her brother William, etc. "Did you not take an interest I am sure you did! in the musical prospects of 'Goblin Market.' Next Tuesday we are going to hear the Cantata performed (not vocally as it ought to ~be) instrumentally ~by Mr, Aguilar $ an accomplished pupil, etc." IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS. 1081. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). The Germ: Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Literature, and Art. With etchings by W. Holman Hunt, F. Madox Brown, J. Collinson, and W. H. DeverelL THE 4 NUMBERS IN THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS, AS ISSUED. 8vo (covers slightly soiled and with a few fox marks, text and plates in perfect con- dition, enclosed in red crushed levant morocco, solander case). Lond. 1850 * THE EXTREMELY RARE AND VALUABLE ORIGINAL ISSUE, IN PARTS AS ISSUED, OF THE ORGAN OF THE PRE-RAPHAELITE BROTHERHOOD. It has all the original wrappers which are very scarce. After the second number printed slips with the jj ._ change of name were issued, to be pasted on the covers of the ***/ P* ""* first two numbers. This copy has those slips so pasted It is very difficult to find a copy in the original parts, nearly all hav- ing been bound. It contains contributions in verse and prose by Thomas Wooluer, Ford Madox Brown, J. L. Tupper, Coventry Patmore, Christina, Dante Gabriel and W.M.Rossetti, James Collinson.W. Bell Scott, and others. The desire of the Pre-Raphaelite Brothers to give expression to their feeling of revolt against conventionality in art led to starting "The Germ," the first number of which was issued in January, 1850. Three others followed, February, March, and April [usually printed May], all under the editor- ship of W. M. Rossetti. High as the quality of the magazine was, it met with little recognition and no commercial suc- cess. Of the first number 700 copies were printed, of which 200 were sold, and a smaller number of the February issue. After the February number Rossetti and his friends felt that the support accorded the magazine did not warrant their carry- ing it on, but the printers shouldered the responsibility, chang- ing the name to "Art and Poetry: Being Thoughts towards Nature," and two more numbers were issued, when it died a natural death. Among the famous writings from D. G. Ros- setti's pen which appeared for the first time in "The Germ" were, "Hand and Soul," "The Blessed Damozel," "From the Cliffs Noon," later called " Sea Limits," "The Carillon," "My Sister's Sleep." "This little magazine, a set of which is a rare bibliographical curiosity, has a significance of a very marked kind. It is all fragrant of sincere and enthusiastic youth and artistic purpose. It suggests a whole background of ardent impulsive figures, inspired by a generous emotion, and determined to see things with their own eyes and to say them in their own way. Thus though the little pages are glorified by the distinction which so many of the group afterwards achieved, ' The Germ ' has a real and intrinsic value of its own." BENSON'S Life of Rossetti. [See Reproduction.] 133 FROM THE AUTHOR'S LIBRARY. 1082. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Hand and Soul. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original printed wrappers. Lond. 1850 * FINE COPY. This is one of the scarcest of all Rossetti's writ- ings, and was first published in "The Germ," and afterwards in pamphlet form, of which only a few copies were privately 9 s printed. The above is a copy of the highest association interest, IX V * BEING THE AUTHOK'S OWN COPY, having written on the front wrapper: " W. M . Rossetti from Gabriel's books 1882." Enclosed in green crushed levant morocco solander case, with silk linings. PRIVATELY PRINTED. 1083. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). SISTER HELEN: a Ballad, by Dante G. Rossetti. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tooled, inside borders, gilt top, UNCUT, by ZAEHNSDORF. Oxford : Printed for private circulation, 1857 * The very rare first edition; only a few copies printed. Sir Hugh the Heron was printed in 1843 for the young D. G. Ros- x jt~ setti by his grandfather. The famous but short-lived periodical 7 *? x "The Germ 1 ' contained contributions by him, as did some other periodicals. This "Sister Helen," however, seems to be his second book. The person for whom it was printed was the Rev. William Fulford, who had been the editor of the defunct " Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Enclosed in green levant morocco slip case. [See Reproduction.] 1084. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL), HUNT (HOL- MAN), AND MILLAIS (J. E.). POEMS, by Alfred Tennyson. Illust. by Millais, Rossetti, Hunt, and others. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : Moxon, 1857 * First edition of the Pre-Raphaelite Tennyson, now scarce. Tennyson and Moxon projected this edition, and it is believed to have been at the poet's suggestion that the artists were chosen. The illustrations include the Lady of Shalott, by Hunt e^f- and Rossetti; The Palace of Art (2), by Rossetti; Mariana in the *^ * South, and Sir Galahad, by the same ; Holman Hunt contributed Oriana (2), Lady Godiva, The Beggar Maid, and two others; Millais drew the pictures for Mariana. Dream of Fair Women (2), Dora (2), St. Agnes Eve, Locksley Hall, and several others, Rossetti's designs are fewer than the others by the Brother- hood owing to his procrastination and the many corrections and alterations he made during the engraving of the blocks, absolutely refusing to approve anything that did not express exactly the idea conveyed by his drawing. As Rossetti's art was distinguished by its independence of rules and convention- alties, so may these illustrations of his be found not strictly adhering to the letter of the text, but have to be considered as examples of the spirituality and intensity of feeling which were the aim of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood at their best period. Holman Hunt's Lady of Shalott, Rossetti's St. Cecilia, and Sir Galahad, the sweetness and simplicity of Millais' St. Agnes and Edward Gray stand forth prominently among the illustrations. Other artists were Stanfield, Mulready, Horsley, etc. Thomas Woolner contributed the portrait of Tennyson. 134 1085. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Early Italian Poets (The). From Ciullo D'Alcamo to Dante Alighieri (1100-1200-1300), transl. in the original metres; together g with Dante's Vita Nuova. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, u* - uncut. SCARCE. Lond. 1861 1086. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Poems. FIRST // EDN. 8vo, original decorated cloth, uncut. Lond. 1870 / u * Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. 1087. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Poems. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. .1881 ^t ' * Contains 4 or 5 poems published in this volume for the first time. 1088. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Ballads and * ^ Sonnets. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original decorated cloth, uncut. " * Fine copy. VERY SCARCE. Lond. 1881 1089. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Verses. FIRST EDN. Printed on hand-made paper. Post 8vo. Clean copy in original wrapper. VERY RARE. [Lond.]: Privately printed, 1881 *This pamphlet contains, "At the Fall of the Leaf," and "Sonnet after the French Liberation of Italy." The latter, remarkable for its expression of hatred of France, has never been published, AND PROBABLY EXISTS ONLY IN A FEW COPIES LIKE THE ABOVE. 1090. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Dante Gabriel Rossetti. A Record and a Study. By William Sharp. Front., after a design by D. G. Rossetti. FIRST EDN. 12mo, ** " cloth, uncut. Lond. 1882 1091. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. By T. Hall Caine. Portrait. J ** EIRST EDN. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1882 * Scarce. 1092. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Collected Works. Edited, with Preface and Notes, by W. M. Ros- setti. First Collected Edn., containing Poems never be- <&), - fore published. Beautifully printed on Whatman paper. 4 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut. FINE COPY. Lond. 1886 * One of 25 copies printed on Large Paper, for subscribers only. 1093. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. By Joseph Knight. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1887 1094. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Dante Gabriel Rossetti. His Family Letters. With a Memoir by William M. Rossetti. Portraits. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 135 1095. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti to William Allingham, 1854-1870. By George Birkbeck Hill. Portrait and illuxts. FIRST EDN. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1897 * Fine copy. 1096. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Lenore. By G. A. Burger. Transl. from the German by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 8vo, original white buckram, uncut. Lond. 1900 * FIRST EDITION. No. 16 of 25 copies only. Written by Rossetti at the age of 16, and now, for the first time, printed from the youthful author's manuscript, which is followed as regards spelling, punctuation, etc. With a Prefatory Note by William M. Rossetti. 1097. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). The Germ: Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art. A Facsimile Reprint of the Literary Organ of the Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood, published in 1850. With an In- troduction by W. M. Rossetti. 5 parts, wrappers, in a board case. Lond. 1901 * Only 250 copies printed. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. 1098. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF ROSSETTl'S TRANSLATION OF BURGER'S * ~ " LENORE," MADE IN 1844 IN HIS 16TH YEAR; SIGNED WITH O. HIS INITIALS, AND THE PRELIMINARY NOTE ALSO so SIGNED. 12 pp. 4to, interleaved and bound in dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. *At the time when this translation was made Rossetti signed himself "Gabriel Charles," and this MS. is so initialled twice. Bound with it is a MS. note of authentification of the Cavalier Mortara, a friend of the Rossetti household in London, and one who encouraged the young Gabriel in his literary aud artistic tastes. This note, which is in Italian, states that he received this MS. in the middle of June, 1844, a few days after it had been translated by his friend of 16. Rossetti's brother, W. M. Rossetti, in 1895 could only recall two verses of this translation, and of it he says, " This likewise has perished." He was no doubt ignorant of the fact that the MS. was in existence in the present form. He mentions the "Lenore" as the first translation of any importance that Dante Rossetti ever undertook. INSERTED ALSO is A RARE LITHOGRAPH (AND THE ONLY ONE EVER EXECUTED by ROSSETTI) "Juliette"; doubtless also from the collection of the Cavalier Mortara. [See Reproduction.] 136 ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. 1099. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). " William and Mary. A Ballad." 4 pp. original autograph manuscript, probably written prior to Burger's " Lenore, " or about the same time; signed "6r. Rossetti^ and then signed in paren- thesis at the left (" Gabriel Charles Rossetti "). Enclosed in light blue crushed levant morocco solander case, by RIVIERE. * In 1895 W. M. Eossctti says, "I have ~by me a MS. of an effusion William and Marie written when my brother was 15, in a style which is compounded of Walter Scott and the old Scottish ballads; it may also present some trace of Burger's ' Lenore.' This my brother offered for publication to the Editor of some magazine I fancy Smallwood's Magazine along with an outline design to illustrate it The Editor was too sensible to publish either poem or design. This transaction belongs to a period a little later than when Rossetti left school." It is interesting to note that one of the earliest of the writ- ings of Sir Walter Scott was a translation from Burger's "Le- nore ' ' which he called William and Helen. [See Reproduction.] 1100. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). A. L. S. " Gabriel," 3 pp. 4to, " Friday," n. d. on his letterhead at 16 Cheyne Walk. * FINE FRIENDLY LETTER TO FORD MADOX BROWN ; and which mentions a meeting which is probably that of the ' ' Pre- Raphaelites. " " My dear Brown, I have been writing to aslc all the firm to /* dinner at 6 on Monday, as they propose a meeting here. I should enjoy it greatly $ hope no one will fail, though I know I don't deserve it. So do come As it is to be a business meet- ing, I suppose perhaps Emma $ Lucy would prefer another occasion, etc." ("Lucy" was the daughter of Ford Madox Brown, and married W. M. Rossetti.) 1101. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo, "Monday," n. d. To Wm. C. Bennett (Song- writer?). * Interesting, mentions Allingham 's Poems. The edition of Allingham's "Day and Night Songs" (1855) was illustrated by Rossetti and Millais: "I cannot find my copy of Allingham's Poems but send you instead another which he left with me for a mutual friend I am not certain that I shall exhibit at all this year at any rate what I have in progress will not be demonstrable for some while, etc." 1102. ROSSETTI SWINBURNE. The Fleshly School of Poetry and other Phenomena of the Day. By Robert Buchanan. Replied to by D. G R " The Stealthy School >-< of Criticism." Mr. Buchanan in the Academy 1st July, & ,4 1882, "Mr. Rossetti, I freely admit now, never was a Fleshly Poet at all." FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, full crimson crushed levant extra, full gilt back and inside border, orig- inal wrappers bound in, gilt top, uncut, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1872 137 7*' ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). See also, under " Binding by Douglas Cockerell " (No. 72). 1103. ROSSETTI (MARIA FRANCESCA). A Shadow of Dante. Being an Essay towards studying himself, his world and his pilgrimage. Illusts. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. (Relief stamp on title.) Lond. 1871 * FIRST EDITION. Rare, especially in the original binding which was designed by D. G. Rossetti. 1104. ROSSETTI (WILLIAM M.). Swinburne's Poems and Ballads. A Criticism. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : J. C. Hotten, 1866 * Fine copy. 1105. ROSSETTI (WILLIAM M.). Fine Art, Chiefly Contemporary: Notices reprinted, with additions. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1867 * PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR. From the Library of William Morris, with his book-plate. 1106. ROSSETTI (WILLIAM M.). Poems by Walt Whitman. Selected and edited by William Michael Ros- setti. Portrait. FIRST EDN. 16mo, original blue cloth, uncut. Lond. 1868 * Scarce. 1107. ROSSETTI (WILLIAM M.). Lives of Famous Poets. Portrait. FIRST EDN. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1878 1108. ROSSETTI (WILLIAM (M.). Memoir of Percy Bysshe Shelley (with new preface). Portrait and steel en- graving of Shelley's Tomb. ]2mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 1109. ROSSETTI (WILLIAM M.). Gabriel Rossetti. A versified Autobiography. Portraits and front. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1901 *No. 162 of Limited Edition. 1110. ROSSETTI (WILLIAM M.). Rossetti Papers, 1862 to 1870. FIRST EDN. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1903 1111. ROUSSEAU (JEAN J.). A Discourse upon the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality among Mankind. 8vo, contemporary calf, sprinkled edges Lond. 1761 1112 ROUSSEAU (JEAN J.). Emilius and Sophia; or, a New System of Education. Translated from the French of Mr. J. J. Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva. Portrait and illusts. 4 vols. 12mo, old calf. Lond. 1763 1113. ROUSSEAU (JEAN J.). Eloisa; or, A Series of Original Letters translated from the French. A new Edi- tion, to which is now first added the Sequel of Julia; or,The New Eloisa. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, old calf. Lond. 1784 138 1114. ROUSSEAU (JEAN J.). Confessions, to which are added the Reveries of a Solitary Walker. 5 vols. 12mo, full sprinkled calf, gilt backs, green edges, by BEDFORD. 1790-96 1115. ROYCROFT PRESS. The Philistine. June, 1895, to May, 1903. Vols. 1 to 16 (inclusive). 16 vols. Bound in Roycroft style. With the exception of Vol. 1 the covers are bound in. East Aurora, 1895-1903 * Scarce set, in fine condition. 1116. ROYCROFT PRESS. Shaw (George Bernard). On Going to Church: being the Preachment which treats of Church-Going, Art, and some other Themes. 12mo, half cloth, uncut. East Aurora, 1896 1117. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hamerton (Philip Gilbert). The Intellectual Life. Hand-illuminated title-page, and *2. , initials drawn in by hand. Small 4to, half ooze calf, .gilt top, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 * No. 178 of limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. Now out of print and scarce. 1118. ROYCROFT PRESS. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). So, this then is the House of Life: being a Collection of Sonnets by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Illuminated title-page and initials. Square 8vo, half ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 * One of a limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. 1119. ROYCROFT PRESS. The Sonnets of Shakespeare. Hand-illumined initials, and title-page of Roycroft design. i Square 8vo, half ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 /* * * Limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. Out of print. 1120. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Ali Baba. Portrait and illuminated initials. Square 8vo, half ooze / calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 '""' * No. 243 of limited edition, signed by Ali Baba His X Mark. Out of print. 1121. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of American Statesmen. 12 Nos. bound in 1 vol. 12mo, ooze calf (Roycroft style), uncut. Each number containing portrait. N. Y. [1899] 1122. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Painters. 12 Nos. / bound in 1 vol. 12mo, ooze calf (Roycroft style), uncut. ' * Portrait in each number. N. Y. [1899] 1123. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Time and Chance. A Romance and a History: being the Story of the Life of a Man (John Brown). 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 * Now out of print and scarce. 139 L 1124. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors Robert Brown- ing. Portrait, illuminated title-page, and initials. Square 8vo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora [1899] * No. 182 of limited edition, numbered and signed. 1125. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors Robert Burns. Portrait, illuminated title-page and initials. Square 8vo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora [1899] * No. 147 of limited edition, numbered and signed. 1126. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors Samuel John- son. Fine portrait, illuminated title-page, and initials. Square 8vo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora [1899] * No. 306 of limited edition, numbered and signed. 1127. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors John Milton. Portrait, illuminated title-page, and initials. Square 8vo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 * No. 123 of limited edition, numbered and signed. 1128. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors Alfred Tenny- son. Portrait, and illuminated title-page and initials. Square 8vo, ooze calf. East Aurora, 1899 * No. 409 of limited edition, numbered and signed. ^ 1129. ROYCROFT PRESS. Emerson (Ralph Waldo). ft*., / The Essay on Friendship. Hand-illumined initials. Square 8vo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 1130. ROYCROFT PRESS. Browning (Robert). So, / j this then is Christmas Eve. Illumined title-page and in- itials. Square 8vo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 1131. ROYCROFT PRESS Coleridge (S. T.). So, this /. / then is Ye Rime of ye Ancient Mariner. Illust. by William W. Denslow. 8vo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1899 1132. ROYCROFT PRESS. Browne (Irving). Ballads of a Book- Worm. Being a Rythmic Record of Thoughts, Fancies, and Adventures a-collecting. Printed in colors and decorated by hand. 8vo, boards, uncut, paper labels, front and back (back slightly damaged). East Aurora, 1899 * No. 92 of limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. Out of print. 1133. ROYCROFT PRESS. The Roycroft Books. A Catalog and some Comments, concerning the Shop and Workers at East Aurora. Portrait of Elbert Hubbard, and other illusts. Square 12mo, ooze calf. East Aurora, 1900 140 *7 / C'l/ POEMS J. E. COLLECTED 1850. LSee No. 1150.] 1134. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). The Essay on Walt Whitman, by Robert Louis Stevenson. With a Little Journey to the Home of Whitman. Portrait, and / special title-page designed by Louis Rhead. 8vo, ooze calf, ' uncut. East Aurora, 1900 ' 1135. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of American Authors. 12 Nos. ^% t bound in 1 vol. 12mo, ooze calf (Roycroft style), uncut. Portrait in each number. N. Y. [1900] 1136. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. Joseph Addi- ., son. Portrait and illuminated title-page and initials. Square 8vo, ooze calf. East Aurora, 1900 * No. 5 of limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. 1137. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. Lord Byron. /, Portrait and illuminated title-page and initials. Square Svo, ' ooze calf, uncut. East Auroa, 1900 *No. 107 of limited edition, numbered and signed. 1138. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. Benjamin Dis- / raeli. Portrait and illuminated title-page and initials. ' Square Svo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1900 *No. 220 of limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. 1139. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. Thomas B. / Macaulay. Portrait and illuminated title-page and initials. Square Svo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1900 * No. 164 of limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. 1140. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. William / Morris. Portraits and illuminated title-page and initials. /* Square Svo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1900 * One of limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. 1141. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. Robert / j Southey. Portrait and illuminated title-page and initials. '* Square Svo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1900 * One of limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. 1142. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women. 12 numbers 2. bound in one volume. Portrait in each number. 12mo, ooze calf (Roycroft style), uncut. N. Y. [1900] 1143. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of Good Men and Great. 12 numbers * bound in one volume. Portrait in each number. 12mo, * ooze calf (Roycroft style), uncut. N. Y. [1900] 141 1144. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. S. T. Cole- ridge. Portrait, illuminated title-page and initials. Square 8vo, ooze calf, uncut. East Aurora, 1900 * No. 144 of limited edition, numbered and signed. 1145. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). So here 7 /* then are the Preachments entitled, The City of Tagasteand X / " a Dream and a Prophecy. Portrait and illuminations. Small 4to, half ooze calf, gilt top, uncut. East Aurora, 1900 * No. 157 of limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. Con- taining also his bookplate. 1146. ROYCROFT PRESS. Browning (Robert). So here then is the last ride. Elaborately and beautifully illumi- nated in colors and gold. Square 8vo, vellum, with ties, uncut. East Aurora, 1900 * No. 373 of limited edition, signed by Elbert Hubbard. 1147. ROYCROFT PRESS. Dreams. By Olive Schreiner. ^2 , - Elaborately decorated title-page and front, printed in brown, as are also all half-titles. Small 4to, half ooze calf, gilt top, uncut. East Aurora, 1901 * Fine copy. 1148. ROYCROFT PRESS. Poems. By Edgar A. Poe. Portrait and decorative title-page. 8vo, ooze calf, gilt top, rough edges. East Aurora, 1901 1149. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Old John Burroughs. By Fra Elbertus. Portrait and facsimile, with illuminated title and end decoration. Small 8vo, half cloth, rough edges. East Aurora, n d. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. PRESENTATION COPY FROM RUSKIN'S FATHER. 1150. [RUSKIN (JOHN).] Poems. J. R. Collected 1850. [Imprint on verso of title and last leaf.] 12mo, original green cloth, gilt lyre stamped on side, gilt edges. Lond. : Spottiswoode and Shaw, New Street Square [1850] *THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE FIRST EDITION. This little volume was not published but merely printed in an edition of fifty copies for private circulation, and has now become the rara avis of Ruskin literature. All the poems con- tained in the volume were written between the ages of 14 and 26, and at the head of each poem is given the author's age. THIS COPY IS OF PARTICULAR INTEREST AS IT BEARS THE INSCRIPTION IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE AUTHOR'S FATHER: " To Lady Colquhoun, with the Author's Father's very Kind Regards," which justify the belief that the volume was printed at the expense of Rusk in' s father, and for private circulation. This copy is in beautiful condition, with the original gilt cloth and its side stamp of a gilt lyre as bright as on the day of issue. [See Reproduction.] 142 1151. RUSKIN (JOHN). The Political Economy of Art. FIRST EDN. 12ino, original printed cloth, with advertise- ments. Lond. 1857 1152. RUSKIN (JOHN). Unto this Last: Four Essays on the First Principles of Political Economy. FIRST EDN. aZ , 12mo, original cloth. Fine copy. Scarce. Lond. 1862 RUSKIN'S Unto this Last. Another copy. See under Binding by Cobden-Sanderson. No. 71. 1153. RUSKIN (JOHN). Letters from John Ruskin to William Ward. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. .Facsimile jj t "lA* front. 2 vols. small 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1893 ' / * PRIVATELY FEINTED. One of only 30 copies. 1154. RUSKIN [(JOHN). Letters from John Ruskin to Ernest Chesnau. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Facsimile / _ autograph. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1894 ' * * One of only a few copies on hand made paper, printed for private circulation only. 1155. RUSKIN (JOHN). Letters on Art and Literature. . >- Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Small 8vo, original cloth, *Z O uncut. Lond. 1894 * One of only a few copies on hand-made paper, printed for private circulation only. Fine copy. 1156. RUSKIN (JOHN). Letters to M. G. and H. G. (i. e., Mary and H. Gladstone). With Preface by Hon. G. / Wyndham. Post 8vo, buckram gilt, uncut. n. p., 1903 ' * Letters addressed to the daughters of Mr. Gladstone. One of a few copies privately printed. 1157. RUSKIN (JOHN). The Complete Works of John Ruskin. Edited by E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedder- burn. With numerous colored plates, photogravures, fac- similes and text illusts. 35 vols. thick royal 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1903-1908 ^ * THIS LIMITED LIBRARY EDITION WILL BE THE MOST COMPLETE / / & EVER PUBLISHED. It includes all Ruskin's books now current in / / other editions, a reissue of all publications by him now out of print or only privately circulated, all his letters, articles, and other scattered writings, printed but not heretofore collected, and a collation of all the different editions. There are also some hitherto unpublished manuscripts and many extracts from his letters and diaries. In illustrating the work all the illustrations inserted by Ruskin in his books have been used, and all the drawings by him that have hitherto been published. In addition there are many drawings never before printed. There are still several volumes to be published of this set, and the buyer assumes the responsibility of taking these volumes at the subscription price, of $7. per volume. 1158. RUSSELL (LADY RACHEL). Letters. From the Manuscript in the Library at Woburn Abbey, etc., etc., / with the Trial of Lord William Russell for High Treason. / ' Embellished with 8 elegant engravings. 8vo, full contem- porary crushed levant, full gilt. Lond. 1809 143 1159. RYMER (THOMAS). Edgar; or, The English Mon- arch : an TIeroick Tragedy. 4to, old red morocco, gilt (some margins cut close at top). Lond. : Richard Tonson, 1677 1160. ^ANDYS (GEORGE). Poetical Works, now first collected. With Introduction and Notes by Rev. Geo. Hooper. 2 vols. post 8vo, half blue calf, gilt tops. (Library of Old Authors. Large Paper copy.) Lond. 1872 * Sandys is noted as the author of the first poem written on American soil. 1161. SCHILLER (JOHANN). Schiller's Works. Edited by J. G. Fischer. With a Biographical Introduction by H. H. Boyesen. JZZws^. with hundreds of full-page plates on India paper by the greatest German Artists, and numerous text illusts. 4 vols. imp. 8vo, bound in full embossed mo- rocco, gilt backs and inside borders, gilt edges. Phil. [1883] 1162. SCOTT (MRS. MAXWELL). The Tragedy of Fotheringay, founded on the Journal of D. Bourgoing, Physician to Mary Queen of Scots, and on unpublished MS. Documents. With portraits and facsimiles. Square 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1895 1163. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Memoirs of the Life of Scott. By J. G. Lockhart. With fronts, and engraved titles, after Turner. 10 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, richly tooled backs, double lettering pieces, uncut, by ZAEHNS- DORF. Lond. 1839 * A beautiful set of the standard life of the great novelist, uniform with " The Author's Favourite Edition " of his works. 1164. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Poetical Works. With all his introductions and notes, various readings, and the Editor's notes. Engraved titles and fronts. 12 vols. 16mo, full crimson calf, gilt backs, gilt and blind tooling on covers, marbled edges. Edinburgh: Cadell, 1848 * Fine set, uniform with the author's favorite edition of the novels. 1165. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Miscellaneous Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Engraved titles and fronts. 28 vols. 12mo, original glazed cloth, paper labels, uncut. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1861 1166. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Waverley Novels. With 2 y 7 Introductory Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang. Illusts. / * on Japanese vellum paper. 48 vols. 8vo, original cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1893-4 * Fine, clean set of the best edited edition of Scott extant. Limited and numbered issue. 1167. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Journal of Sir ^ Walter Scott from the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford. e2 . Edited by David Douglas. Portraits, facsimiles and index. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops (slight repair to one facsimile). Edinburgh, 1891 * The first entire publication of the original Journal. 144 ST. IRVYNE: OR, THE ROSICRUCIAN: A ROMANCE. BY A GENTLEMAN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, LONDON.- PKINTED FOR J. J. STOCKDALE, 41 3 PALL MALL. 1811. [See No. 1188.] 'I I / \ 1 "/ ! [See No. 1189.] THE REVOLT OF ISLAM; A POEM, IN TWELVE (SANTOS. BY PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. LONDON: PRINTED FOR C. AND J. OLLIER, WELBECK-STREET By B. M'Millan, Bow.Street, CoveaUGarden. 1818. [See No. 1191.] [See No. 1192.) 1168. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Familiar Letters of Sir Walter Scott. Edited by David Douglas. Portrait, en- graved titles and index. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1894 4 * These letters cover the period from 1797, the year of Scott's * marriage, to 1825, when he commenced his Journal (see above lot), and are almost entirely hitherto unpublished. 1169. SCOTT ( WILLIAM BELL The friend of Rossetti). Hades; or, The Transit and the Progress of Mind. Two / ~7 < Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt back / /& and top, uncut, by RIVIERE Lond. 1838 * The fine Gainsford copy, with bookplate. 1170. SCOTT (WILLIAM BELL). Poems. With 11 f rfo etchings by the author and L. Alma Tadema. FIRST EDN. / 8vo, original cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1875 *Scarce. The author was one of the original "Pre-Raphaelites." 1171. SCOTT (WILLIAM BELL). Autobiographical Notes of the Life of William Bell Scott, and Notices of his / artistic and poetic circle of friends, 1830-82. Edited by / * W. Minto. lllust. with etchings by himself and reproduc- tions of sketches by himself and friends. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf (stained) gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1892 1172. SCUDDER (V. D.). An Introduction to the Writ- ings of John Ruskin. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1901 ' 1173. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). (R. B. Wheler.) History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon. Com- prising a description of the Collegiate Church, the Life of / Shakespeare, and copies of several Documents relating to '* him and his family, never before printed, etc., etc. Em- bellished with 8 engravings. Post 8vo, half calf and boards. Stratford-upon-Avon [1806] 1174. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Illustrations of Shakespeare and of Ancient Manners; with Dissertations on the clowns and fools of Shakespeare; on the collection *f of popular tales entitled Gesta Romanorum; and on the English Morris Dance. By Francis Douce. Wood en- gravings. 2 vols 8vo, full contemporary russia, gilt inside and outside borders, marbled edges. Lond. 1807 * Fine copy. Scarce. FROM SIR HENRY IRVING'S LIBRARY. 1175. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare, with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators: Comprehending a Life of the Poet, and an Enlarged History of the Stage, by the late Edmund Malone. With a new Glossorial Index. Portrait. 21 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt tops and backs, with inside and outside borders, by BEDFORD. Lond. 1821 * FINE, SCARCE SET. From the Library of Sir Henry Irving, with A. L. S. from Mr. James Bain, the London bookseller, authenticating the fact. 145 / 1176. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Mad Folk of Shakespeare. By John Charles Bucknill. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1867 * Inscribed on half-title: " Mrs. An Macdonald with kind regards of J. C. Bucknill." Scarce. 1177. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakespeareana Genealogica. Including the Identification of the Dramatis Personse in his Plays, Persons and Places alluded to in the Plays, and the Shakespeare and Arden Families. By G R. French. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1869 1178. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakespeare's Li- brary. A collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems and Histories employed by Shakespeare in the composition of his Works. Also, Fairy Tales, Legends and Romances illustrating Shakespeare. With illustrations and notes (by W. C. Hazlitt). 7 vols. I2mo, half cloth, uncut, paper labels. Lond. 1875 * Fine copy. Scarce. 1179. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). A Chronicle His- / A tory of the Life and Work of William Shakespeare, Player, '* Poet and Playmaker. By Frederick Gard Fleay. With 2 etched illusts. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 1180. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). William Shake- speare, by Victor Hugo. Transl. by M. B. Anderson. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1887 * No. 88 of 200 Large Paper copies. 1181. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakespeare's Com- edies, Histories and Tragedies, being a Reproduction in Facsimile of the First Folio Edition, 1623, from the Chats- * worth copy. With Introduction and Census of copies by Sidney Lee. Thick folio, full calf, with ties. Oxford, 1902 * Limited to 1,000 copies, each signed by Sidney Lee. With the Census of copies in separate wrapper. 1182. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Portfolio of 95 illustrations, being facsimiles of contemporary portraits, , \3~A title-pages, manuscripts, views, woodcuts, paintings, etc., on Japan vellum. The collection being most desirable for extra-illustrating. 8vo. 1183. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakespeare's Li- brary: a Collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems and Histories used by Shakespeare as the Foundation of his Dramas. With Introduction by J. Payne Collier. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond., n. d. 1184. SHAYLOR (JOSEPH). Saunterings in Bookland, with Gleanings by the Way. Front., after Meissonier. Se- lected and edited by Joseph Shaylor. FIRST EDN, 12mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1899 146 1185. SHELLEY (HARRIET). Letters to Catherine Nugent. 12mo, wrappers, uncut. Very limited edition. Lond. : Privately printed, 1889 1186. KEATS (JOHN). Life, Letters and Literary Re- mains of John Keats. Edited by Richard Monckton Milnes. Portrait and facsimile. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut / Lond. : Edward Moxon, 1848 * FIRST ISSUE OF THIS EDITION. 1187. [SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE).] Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson; being Poems found J~* amongst the papers of that noted female, who attempted ' " the Life of the King in 1786. Edited by John Fitzvictor. 4to, boards (back somewhat damaged), uncut. Oxford, 1810 [REPRINT] * Privately printed. The earliest extant poetical production of Shelley, written at the age of 18. Shortly after its publication Shelley was expelled from Oxford. The extraordinary rarity of this volume is alluded to by Hogg, who, in writing the Life of Shelley in 1858, was unable to find a copy. Medwin, speak- ing of the copy Shelley gave him, says: "Probably the copy I have is the only one existing," PINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. 1188. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). St. Irvyne; | or, | The Rosicrucian : | A Romance. | By | A Gentleman | of the University of Oxford. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, ornate panelled sides and back, double 9 2 A with blue crushed levant with ornamental border, gilt top, """ UNCUT, silk linings, by RIVIERE. Lond. : | Printed for J. J. Stockdale, | 41, Pall Mall, j 1811 * A FINE COPY OF THE EXCEEDINGLY RAEE FIRST EDITION, with title dated 1811, and with the half-title " St. Irvyne; or, The Rosicrucian," which is generally lacking. Cppies occur with the date 1822, but these are the original sheets, undoubt- edly an unsold remainder, bound up with a new title, worded exactly like the original title, but with the date 1822. In morocco case. [See Reproduction.] BOUND BY RIVIERE. 1189. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude; and other Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo. Lond. : Printed for Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1816 //*, * Beautifully bound by Riviere in full russet crushed levant / / @ ~~ morocco, each side covered with gold tooling in a floral design, ' with numerous inlays of a different shade of russet and lilac levants, back also inlaid, gilt edges. VERY RARE. [See Reproduction.] 147 1190. [SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE), WITH HIS WIFE.] History of a Six Weeks' Tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland: with Letters descrip- tive of a Sail round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of Chamouni. 12mo, original boards, with paper label, en- tirely uncut. Lond. 1817 * FIRST EDITION. FINE COPY. RARE, especially in uncut state. Fine copy, with the extremely rare separate leaf of advertisements, containing the announcement of "A Cypress Wreath for the Tomb of Her late R. H. the Princesse Charlotte of Wales," and other books. IN ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT. 1191. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Revolt of Islam: A Poem, in Twelve Cantos. 8vo, original boards, UNCUT. Lond. : Printed for C. & J. Oilier, 1818 * FINE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ISSUE. OF EXTREME RARITY IN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STATE. [See Reproduction.] A VERY FINE COPY. 1192. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSIIE). Laon and Cyrhna; or, The Revolution of the Golden City: A Vision of the Nineteenth Century. In the Stanza of Spenser. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco extra, the sides fully decor- rated with elaborate gold floral ornaments surrounded by an inlaid ornamental border of maroon morocco within gilt lines, gilt back and inside borders, gilt top, OTHER EDGES TOTALLY UNCUT, by RlVIERE. Lond.: Printed for Sherwood, Neely, &c., 1818 *THIS IS THE SUPPRESSED FIRST EDITION, of which it has been frequently said that only three copies were issued, BUT OF WHICH IT IS PROBABLE THAT A DOZEN MAY BE IN EXISTENCE. Almost immediately the book was recalled, and several leaves reprinted, if not all, in order to suppress the objectionable passages. It was reissued shortly afterwards in the same year under the title of the "Revolt of Islam," and there Cythna was described as an orphan brought up in the house of Laon's parents, instead of being his sister, as in the suppressed book. A VERY FINE COPY, WITH THE LEAF OF ERRATA. [See Reproduction.] FINE COPY. 1193. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Rosalind and Helen, a Modern Eclogue ; with other Poems. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, panelled sides and back, gilt top, OTHER EDGES UNCUT. Lond. 1819 *VERY FINE COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION, AND SPEC- IALLY DESIRABLE IN UNCUT STATE. With the half-title, which is sometimes missing. 148 THE CENCI. A TRAGEDY, IN FIVE ACTS. By PERCY B. SHELLEY. ITALY. PRINTED FOR C. AND J. OLLTER VEllE STREET, BOND STREET. LONDON. 1819. [See No. 1194.] ADONAIS AN ELEGY ON THE DEATH OF JOHN KEATS, AUTHOR OF ENDYMION, HYPERION ETC. BY PERCY. B. SHELLEY (V PLATO PI SA WITH THE TYPES OF DIDOT MDCCCXXI. [See No. 1196.] WITH INSCRIPTION. 1194. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Cenci. A Tragedy. In Five Acts. 8vo, full violet morocco gilt, in- side gold borders, red edges. Italy: Printed for C. & J. Oilier, Vere Street, Bond Street, 1819. * THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION, of which only 250 copies were printed for sale. WITH INSCRIPTION ON FLY-LEAF: " T. Jeffn. Hogg, from the author." Fine copy of one of the rarest of the Shelley items. [See Reproduction.] FINE COPY. 1195. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Prometheus Un- bound, a Lyrical Drama in Four Acts; with other Poems. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, pan- elled back and sides, gilt top, OTHER EDGES UNCUT. Lond. 1820 * A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION, SPECIALLY DESIRABLE AS ABOVE DESCRIBED. THE EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST EDITION. 1196. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Adonais. An Elegy on the Death of John Keats, Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc. 8vo, handsomely bound in light green crushed levant morocco extra, delicately gilt tooled on back and C* sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, with the original ' * ~~~ blue paper covers preserved, by F. BEDFORD. Pisa: With the Types of Didot, MDCCCXXI [1821] *FlNE COPY OF THE EXCESSIVELY RARE FlRST EDITION. " The poem is beautifully printed, and what is of more conse- quence, correctly ; indeed it was to obtain this last point that I sent it to the press at Pisa," etc. THE AUTHOR. A frontispiece was intended to have been issued with the volume, but it was never inserted. [See Reproduction.] 1197. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE), BYRON (LORD), HUNT (LEIGH), AND OTHERS. The Liberal. Verse and Prose from the South. Vols. I and II (all issued). 2 vols. 8vo, full polished yellow calf, gilt tooled on back and sides, inside gold borders, gilt tops, UNCUT. Lond. : Printed by and for John Hunt, 1822-23 * FINE COPY. RARE IN UNCUT STATE. Through the pages of this interesting and short-lived periodical appeared for the first time Lord Byron's " Vision of Judgment" and " Heaven and Hell, a Mystery " ; Shelly 's famous translation of the "May- Day Night," from Faust, and his charming song written for an Indian air (" I arise from dreams of thee "), Essays by William Hazlitt on Scotch character, etc. , etc. This copy contains the original paper covers, advertise- ments, etc., bound in at the end. 149 1198. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Hellas, a Lyrical Drama. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full blue crushed levant mo- rocco, panelled back and sides, gilt top, OTHER EDGES UN- CUT. Lond. 1823 * CHOICE COPY, AND VERY RARE IN UNCUT STATE. Contains the half-title, sometimes missing. FINE EXAMPLE OF BINDING. 1199. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Posthumous Poems. FIRST EDN. 8vo. Lond. : Printed for John and Henry L. Hunt, 1824 * MAGNIFICENTLY BOUND BY ZAEHNSDORF in full crimson "^7^. . crushed levant morocco, both sides ornamented with floral / tooling, the lower portions of which contains a lily inlaid with white levant, and upper portions containing roses inlaid with white levant, back to match with a rose inlay and gold tool- ing, gilt inside borders, silk linings, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. The preface was written by Mrs. Shelley. In case. [See Reproduction.] 1200. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Queen Mab. En- graved title. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt // top, uncut, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1829 / (** *" *With the Notes, which were suppressed, and the rare leaf " To Harriet . . . ." (the publication of which annoyed the author). IN ORIGINAL BOARDS, WITH THE LABEL. 1201. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Masque of Anarchy: a Poem. Now first published, with a Preface by Leigh Hunt. 16mo, original boards, with paper label, un- cut. VERY FINE COPY, with leaf of advertisements. Lond. : Edward Moxon, 1832 * FIRST EDITION, rare in boards. Although written in 1819, and sent to Leigh Hunt for publication, it was not printed un- til 1832. 1202. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Shelley Papers. Memoir of Percy Bysshe Shelly, by T. Medwin, and Origi- nal Poems and Papers by P. B. Shelley. Now first col- lected. FIRST EDN. 16mo, full levant maroon morocco, gilt lines on the sides, gilt tooled back and inside borders, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. Very scarce. Lond. 1833 1203. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Poetical Works. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. Portrait of the author. 4 vols. 12mo, original cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. : Edward Moxon, 1839 * First issue of this edition. Scarce. 1204. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Essays, Letters, Translations and Fragments, edited by Mrs. Shelley. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt backs and tops. Lond. 1840 150 ._ \? C 1205. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. By Thomas Medwiu. FIRST EDN. With a /* facsimile. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. FINE COPY. / ' """ * SUPPRESSED. Lond. 1847 1206. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley, with an Introductory Essay by Robert / / Browning. THE EXTREMELY RARE AND SUPPRESSED COL- L> / LECTION OF SHELLEY LETTERS, DISPUTED AS FORGERIES IN THE "ATHENAEUM." 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1855J * Inserted is the following pamphlet (ITSELF RARE): The Cal- umnies of the "Athenaeum" Journal exposed. Mr. White's Letter to Mr. Murray on the subject of the Byron, Shelley, and Keata MSS. (containing the " Athengeum " article), 16 pp. 8vo, sewn, Lond. 1852. A very interesting and desirable lot, of great rarity, Mr. Moxon having suppressed the book and called in every copy procurable within one month of publica- tion. This celebrated literary forgery is believed to be the work of George Byron, natural son of Lord Byron and the Maid of Athens. 1207 SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. By Thomas J. Hogg. (Vols. I. and II. 2 all issued). FIRST EDN. 2 vols. post 8vo, original cloth t ^' uncut (covers slightly loose, otherwise fine copy). *SCARCE. Lond.: Edw. Moxon, 1858 1208. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Shelley Memor- / ials: From authentic sources. Edited by Lady Shelley. /' To which is added an essay on Christianity, by Percy B. Shelley. Post 8vo, half roan, gilt. Lond. 1859 * FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. Scarce. 1209. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Relics of Shelley. . Edited by Richard Garnett (keeper of printed books in the /. British Museum). FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, un- cut. Lond. 1862 * PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION. 1210. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Shelley: a Criti- cal Biography, by G. B. Smith. FIRST EDN. 12mo, origi- nal cloth, gilt top. Edinburgh, 1877 1211. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Notes on Sculp- / tures in Rome and Florence, together with a Lucianic Frag- / v ment and a Criticism of Peacock's Poem " Rhododaphne." Edited by H. B. Forman. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1879 * Only 75 copies printed for private distribution. 1212. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley, by Edward Dowden. FIRST EDN. With 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 1213. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). A Memoir of Shelley (with a Fresh Preface), by W. M. Rossetti. Second Edn. Portrait and plate. 8vo, boards, uncut. Ser. IV., No. 2 of the Shelley Soc. Publications. Lond. 1886 151 ^/, 1214. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Shelley's Cen- tenary (August 4th, 1892). By William Watson. FIRST EDN. Portrait. Square 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1892 * JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, and only 25 copies printed for private distribution. 1215. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Fetters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to J. H. Leigh Hunt. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Privately printed, 1894 * One of only 30 copies printed for private circulation. 1216. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Shelley Li- brary. An Essay in Bibliography. By H. Buxton Forman. Shelley's own Books, Pamphlets, Broadsides, Posthumous Separate Issues and Posthumous Books, wholly or mainly by him. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Shelley Society Publication. Scarce. 1217. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Original Poetry. By Victor and Cazire [Percy B. Shelley and Elizabeth Shelley.] Worthing, 1810. Facsimile reprint. Edited by Richard Garnett. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1898 * LARGE PAPER COPY. 1218. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). A Letter from & - FIRST EDN. 8vo, COMPLETE IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS (20 in 19), as issued, with the wrappers and advertisements, en- tirely uncut, enclosed in handsome full crimson crushed levant morocco solander case, by WOOD. Lond. : Published at the " Punch " Office, 1817-8 * With the exception that a few of the backs have been skilfully repaired, a FINE COPY, containing the short title, "Vanity Fair," on p. 1, in "Rustic" type, the suppressed woodcut of the Marquis of Steyne, advertisements of "The Great Hoggarty Diamond," etc. [See Reproduction.] COMPLETE SET, ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 1390. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). CHRISTMAS BOOKS. COMPLETE SET OF FIRST EDITIONS, every volume being the FIRST ISSUE, as follows : Mrs. Perkin's Ball, by M. A. Titmarsh, with 22 colored plates, 1847. Our Street, with 16 full-page colored plates by the author, 1848. 174 Dr. Birch, and his Young Friends, with 16 colored plates by the author, and illustrated and plain titles, 1849. The Kickleburys on the Ehine, with 10 colored illusts. by the author, 1850. Rebecca and Rowena. A Romance, with 8 full-page col- ored plates by Richard Doyle, 1850. The Rose and the Ring; or, the History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo, with 58 woodcuts by the author, 1855. The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond, with 9 full-page plates by the author, 1849. Together 7 vols., square 8vo and 12mo, newly and handsomely bound in full red crushed levant morocco, beautifully gold tooled panelled sides, with corner ornaments, finely gold tooled backs and inside borders, silk end papers, gilt edges, by ZAEHNSDORF. [Generally sold in sets of six volumes.] Lond. 1848-55 *AN UNUSUALLY FINE AND COMPLETE SET, with the original advertisements and pictorial board covers bound in. IN THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS. 1391. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Book of Snobs. FIRST EDN. With illusts. by the author. 12mo, original green wrappers, with the advertisements. Lond. : " Punch " Office, 1848 * EXTREMELY RARE IN THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS. The front wrapper, with an illustration on it, forms an important part of the book. This illustration has never been reprinted. The French copy in binding sold for $135.00. Enclosed in crimson crushed levant morocco solander case. IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS. 1392. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The , History of Pendennis: His Fortunes and Misfortunes; his /- ' Friends and his Greatest Enemy. FIRST EDN. With illusts. / on steel and wood by the author. IN THE ORIGINAL 24 MONTHLY NUMBERS, UHCUt. Lond. : Bradbury and Evans, 1848-50 *VERY RARE in the original numbers. Next to "Vanity Fair " this is the scarcest of Thackeray's works to procure in the original numbers. Enclosed in handsome slip-case, with green morocco back. EXTREMELY RARE. 1393. [THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE).] An Interesting Event. By M. A. Titmarsh. 12mo, sewed, pp. 16. Lond. 1849 * EXTREMELY RARE, AND ONE OF THE RAREST OF THE SMALL SEPARATE PIECES OF THE GREAT NOVELIST. This novelette was oi'iginally published in The Keepsake, edited by Lady Blessington, in the same year as the publication of the separate edition. It is to be presumed that Thackeray himself caused a few copies to be separately issued for his friends, of which this is one. Enclosed in a handsome brown crushed levant morocco solander case. 175 1394. [THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE).] Bevan (S.). Sand and Canvas, a Narrative of Adventures in Egypt, with a sojourn among the Artists in Rome. FIRST EDN. With colored plates, etc. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1849 * FINE COPY. Scarce. Contains the first appearance of Thackeray's "The Three Sailors," with "Reminiscences of Michael Angelo Titmarsh at Rome. " 1395. [THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE).] ** ' " KingDobbs: Sketches in Ultra-Marine. By James Hana- way. FIRST EDN. Engraved front, and fully illust. 12mo, half green levant morocco, with original back bound in. FINE COPY. Lond. : J. & D. A. Darling, 1849 EXTREMELY RARE. 1396. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Z/ * ' *3~0 Marvy (L.). Sketches after English Landscape Painters, '/ ' with Short Notices by W. M. Thackeray. FIRST EDN. 20 colored plates, after Turner, Harding, Constable, Cox, Gainsborough, etc. Small folio, original blue cloth, gilt edges, as issued. Lond. : David Bogue [1850] * THE TEXT is BY THACKERAY, BUT THE BOOK is USUALLY CREDITED TO L. MARVY. Colored copies are seldom met with, and always command high prices. Not to be confused with the later reprints by another publisher, where only a small number were colored. COMPLETE. 1397. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). * Works, in Appleton's Popular Library, consisting of : The Confessions of Fitz-Boodle; and some Passages in the Life of Major Gahagan, 1852. Men's Wives, 1852. The Luck of Barry Lyndon, 2 vols., 1852. A Shabby Genteel Story, and other Tales, 1852. The Book of Snobs, 1852. Jeames's First Diary, 1853. Punch's Prize Novelists, 1853. Paris Sketch Book, 2 vols. , 1852. Together 10 vols. 12mo, original red cloth. N. Y., v. d. *A complete set of these 12mo "American" Thackeray items. Some of the volumes are genuine first editions, pub- lished while the author was touring the U. S. in 1852, while others contain chapters, passages, etc., which vary from first and later editions of the author's writings as published in Eng- land. IN ORIGINAL CLOTH. 1398. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). His- _, tory of Henry Esmond, Esq. , a Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Q. Anne, written by Himself. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, with paper labels. Lond. : Smith Elder and Co., 1852 * One of the most difficult of the original issues of Thackeray 176 No. 1] JANUARY. [PlUCB BY W. M. THACKERAY, uthor of " Th Irish Sketch Rook:" " Journoy from CornUll to Grand Cairo:" of" Jtimts'i ] and tli "snob Ppen" to ' I'unch :" 4c, 4c. LONPO.V: PUBLISHED AT -THE PUNCH OFFICE, 85, FLEET STREET j. MEKZIES, tni> :n Biiii ; j >i'i.iiOD, GL^saow ; j. X'GIASBAN, DUBLIN. 1847. Brwlbury A lMn, Piiate [See No. 1389.] to obtain in original cloth, uncut, and especially in such fine state as above. This copy contains the half-titles, which read " Esmond, a Story of Queen Anne's Reign, by W. M. Thacke- ray," and which, it will be noticed, differ from the proper title as named above. 1399. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The / English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century. A Series fO of Lectures delivered in England, Scotland and the United States. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original blue cloth, uncut. Fine, clean copy. Lond. : Smith Elder & Co., 1853 IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS. 1400. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The ^ Newcomes. Memoirs of a most Respectable Family. Ed- \y /, ited by Arthur Pendennis, Esq. FIRST EDN. With illusts. * on steel and wood by Richard Doyle. IN THE ORIGINAL 24 MONTHLY NUMBERS, UUCUt. Lond. : Bradbury and Evans, 1853-55 * RARE in the original numbers. Enclosed in handsome half green morocco slip-case. 1401. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Bal- lads. FIRST EDN. 12mo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, full gilt back, gilt top, uncut, with original yellow wrappers bound in, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1856 * FINE COPY. Scarce. Contains the leaf of advertisements of Thackeray's works preceding half-title. 1402. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan. FIRST EDN. in separate form. Small 8vo, full polished calf extra, un- cut, top edges gilt, with the original covers bound in, by RIVIERE. Lond. : Bradbury & Evans, 1856 IN THE ORIGINAL NUMBERS. 1403. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Virginians, a Tale of the Last Century. FIRST EDN. With illusts. on steel and wood by the author. IN THE ORIGINAL 24 MONTHLY NUMBERS, uncut. Lond. : Bradbury and Evans, 1857-59 * Rare in this state. Enclosed in handsome half -green morocco slip case. 1404. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Four Georges; Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court and Town Life. FIRST EDN. Illust. 12mo, original cloth, un- cut. Fine copy. Lond. 18&1 1405. THACKERAY (WILLIAM (MAKEPEACE). The Adventures of Philip on his way through the World. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1862 * Unusually fine bright copy, mainly unopened. 177 // r 1406. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Round- about Papers. Reprinted from "The Cornhill Magazine." Illust. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1863 * Nice, clean copy. Scarce. 1407. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Humorist and Man of Letters. The Story of his Life. In- cluding a selection from his characteristic speeches, now for the first time gathered together. By Theodore Taylor. FIRST EDN. Fine, dean copy. With photograph from life by Ernest Edwards, and original illusts. 12mo, original green cloth, uncut. Lond. : John Camden Hotten, 1864 1408. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Han- nay (James). A Brief Memoir of the late Mr. Thackeray. FIRST EDN. 12uio, original blue glazed wrappers. * Scarce. Edinburgh, 1864 1409. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Early and Late Papers hitherto Uncollected. FIRST EDN. Por- trait. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Bost. 1867 1410. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Denis ttfmf Duval. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, top edges un- cut, and mainly unopened. Lond. 1867 * Unusually fine copy. Scarce. 1411. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Student's Quarter; or, Paris five and thirty years since. Not included in his collected writings. With original col- ored illusts. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. * Fine copy of the only edition. Lond. : Hotten [1875] 1412. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). (Life, etc. "English Men of Letters" series) By Anthony Trollope. FIRST EDN. Portrait. Lond. 1879; also, in same volume The Bibliography of Thackeray, from 1829 to 1880 (by R. H. Shepherd). 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt. Lond. 1879-[1880] 1413. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Bibliography of Thackeray, a Bibliographical List arranged in chronological order of the published Writings in Prose and Verse and the Sketches and Drawings, 1829-1880 (by Richard H. Shepherd). Royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. [1880] * Large paper copy, uniform with the edition de luxe of the writings of the novelist. 1414. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Mis- cellaneous Papers and Sketches. Hitherto uncollected. Illusts. 12mo, original cloth, uncut (stamp on title). Bost. : Houghton, 1889 * Includes some articles not hitherto reprinted. 178 ONLY 25 COPIES PRINTED. 1415. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Un- published Verses. With two original drawings and fac- similes of the original manuscripts, now printed for the first time. 12mo, original yellow wrappers. Lond., June, 1899 *ONE OF ONLY 25 NUMBERED COPIES, AND NOT ISSUED FOR GENERAL SALE. The poems are not included in any of the col- lected editions. 1416. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Thack- eray's Letters to An American Family, with an Introduc- tion by Lucy D. Baxter. Original drawings by Thackeray. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : Century Co., 1904 1417. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Studies on Thackeray. By James Hannay. Vignette of Thackeray on title-page. 16mo, cloth. Lond., n. d. 1418. THOMPSON (SLASON). The Humbler Poets: a Collection of Newspaper and Periodical Verse, 1870-1885. /. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1899 1419. THOREAU (HENRY DAVID). A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. THE RARE FIRST EDN. Post 8vo, original cloth. Bost. 1849 [See Reproduction.] 1420. THOREAU (HENRY DAVID). Cape Cod. FIRST EDN. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Bost. 1865 *Fine, clean copy. Scarce. 1421. THOREAU (HENRY DAVID). Familiar Letters of Henry David Thoreau. Edited, with an Introduction, by F. B. Sanborn. FIRST EDN. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1894 1422. THOREAU (HENRY DAVID). The Personality of Thoreau. By F. B. Sanborn. FIRST EDN. Tall 8vo, boards, uncut, paper label. Bost. : Goodspeed, 1901 *No. 233 of 500 copies printed on French hand-made paper. Now out of print and scarce. 1423. THOREAU (HENRY DAVID). The Service of 7 Henry David Thoreau. Edited by F. B. Sanborn. FIRST ' /< EDN. Tall 8vo, boards, paper label. Bost. : Goodspeed, 1902 * LARGE PAPER COPY on French hand-made paper. No. 356 of 500 copies printed. 1424. THOREAU (HENRY DAVID). Cape Cod. With /, illusts. from sketches in colors by A. M. Watson. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth gilt. Bost. 1896 1425. TICKNOR (GEORGE). History of Spanish Liter- ~ ature. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. 8vo, original cloth. N. Y. 1849 /V * Fine copy. 179 1426. TRELAWNY (E. J.). Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron. FIRST EDN. Portraits and illusts. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Fine copy. Scarce. Lond. : E. Moxon, 1858 1427. TRELAWNY (E. J.). Records of Shelley, Byron and the Author. FIRST EDN. With 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth. FINE COPY. Lond. : B. M. Pickering, 1878 1428. TWINE (LAURENCE). The Patterneof Painefull Adventures. Containing the most excellent, pleasant and variable Historic of the strange accidents that befel unto Prince Apollonius, the Lady Lucina his wife, and Tharsia his daughter. Wherein the uncertaintie of this world, and the fickle state of man's life are lively described. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. New Rochelle: Elston Press, 1903 * Only 170 copies printed. 1429. T^ ALE PRESS. Flaubert (Gustave). LaLegende * de Saint Julien 1'Hospitalier. Woodcut fronts. 16mo, half holland and boards, uncut. Lond. 1900 * Limited issue. 1430. VALPY'S CLASSICAL LIBRARY. Fine set of these handy classics. It consists of: Demosthenes; Xeno- phon, 2 vols. ; Herodotus, 3 vols. ; Virgil, 2 vols. ; Pindar and Anacreon; Tacitus, 5 vols. ; Theophrastus and Sallust; Horace and Phsedrus, 2 vols. ; Juvenal and Persius; Thucy- dides, 3 vols. ; Plutarch, 7 vols. ; Hesiod, etc. ; Csesar, 2 vols. ; Sophocles; Euripides, 3 vols. ; Homer, 3 vols. ; Ovid, 2 vols. ; Cicero, 3 vols; yEschylus; Livy, 7 vols. The translations are by many of the most prominent authors: George Baker, Alexander Pope, Langhorne, William Beloe, Dryden, etc., etc. Portraits. Together 51 vols. 16mo, full calf gilt. *FINE, CLEAN SET. Lond. 1830-1834 1431. VILLON SOCIETY. The Poems of Master Fran- / / . gois Villon, now first done into English Verse in the Origi- nal Forms, with a Biographical and Critical Introduction by John Payne. 8vo, full vellum gilt, gilt top, uncut. * Limited issue. Lond. 1892 1432. VILLON SOCIETY. The Poems of Shemseddiu Mohammed Hafiz of Shiraz. Now first completely done into English by John Payne. 3 vols. 8vo, decorated vellum gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1901 * No. 156 of a limited edition for private circulation only. 1433. VOLTAIRE. The Collector's Edition of the Writ- *? ings of Voltaire. A contemporary Version, with Notes by / * """ Smollett, revised and modernized, and with a Critique and Biography by the Rt. Hon. John Morley. Containing 200 illusts., comprising reproductions of rare old engravings, etc. 42 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, Lond. , N. Y. and Chicago [recent] 180 A WEEK ON THE CONCORD AND MERRIMACK RIVERS, BY HENRY D. THOREAU. BOSTON AND CAMBRIDGE: JAMES MUNROE AND COMPANY. NEW YORK : GEORGE P. PUTNAM. PHILADELPHIA : LINDSAY AND BLACKISTON. LONDON : JOHN CHAPMAN. 1849. [See No. 1419.] /f/v^lf. iC -.*. 1480. WILDE (OSCAR). The Portrait of Mr. W. H. *^ ^ FIRST EDN. Small 4to, original blue paper wrappers, uncut. Privately printed, 1899 * VERY SCARCE, Only 200 copies issued, of which this is No. 168. FINE COPY. 1481. [WILDE (OSCAR).] The Importance of Being Earnest. A Trivial Comedy for Serious People. By the Author of Lady Windermere's Fan. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original pink covers, with gilt designs, uncut. Lond. 1899 *VERY FINE COPY. Scarce. 1482. [WILDE (OSCAR).] An Ideal Husband. By the Author of Lady Windermere's Fan. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original pink cloth, gilt designs. Lond. 1899 * SCARCE. Fine copy. 1483. WILDE (OSCAR). Essays, Criticisms, and Re- views. Now first collected. FIRST EDN. 4to, original limp boards, with cadet gray paper wrapper, uncut. Lond. : Privately printed, 1901 * SCARCE. No. 198 of only 300 copies printed. 186 jf ,_ V , _ FIRST EDITION, ON LARGE PAPER. 1484. WILDE (OSCAR). The Picture of Dorian Gray. Square large 8vo, printed on heavy deckle-edged paper. In boards, with rich ornamentation in gold on front cover, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. Lond., N. Y. and Melbourne, n. d. (the date, 1891, ENTERED BY THE HAND OF THE AUTHOR). * THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION ON LARGE PAPER. No. 47 of 250 copies, each numbered and signed by Oscar Wilde. This is an absolutely perfect copy of the most sought after edition of Dorian Gray. Here, for the first time, the text has been revised and extended to twenty chapters. 1485. WILDE (OSCAR). A House of Pomegranates. The designs and decorations of this book by C. Ricketts and C. H. Shannon. FIRST EDN. Square 8vo, half cloth, decorated board sides, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1891 * VERY RARE. FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. 1486. WILDE (OSCAR). Vera ; or, The Nihilist. A Drama in a Prologue, and Four Acts. FIRST EDN. Small 4to, limp *2. boards, with printed cover, uncut. Privately printed, 1902 * VERY SCARCE. Only 200 copies issued. Fine copy. 1487. WILDE (OSCAR). De Profundis. FIRST EDN. & 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1905 / * Out of print and scarce. 1488. WILDE (W. R. Father of Oscar Wilde). The / s-- Closing Years of Dean Swift's Life, with an Appendix con- / ' & O taining several of his Poems hitherto unpublished, and some remarks on Stella. Fine portrait of Stella and other illusts. FIRST EDN. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1849 * PPESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR TO DR. SICKEL (INSCRIBED ON TITLE-PAGE). 1489. WISE (THOMAS J.) AND NICOLL (W. ROBERT- SON). Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century: Contributions toward a Literary History of the period. Fine proof etching of Wm. Blake, by Wm. Bell Scott, and numerous facsimiles of books and letters of Browning, Swinburne, Tennyson, Shelley and others. 2 vols. square 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Two valuable contributions are the bibliographies of Browning and Swinburne. 1490. WOLLSTONECRAFT (MARY MRS. GODWIN). / Thoughts on the Education of Daughters. FIRST EDN. /e 12mo, old calf. Lond. 1787 1491. WOLLSTONECRAFT (MARY). A Vindication / V*l of the Rights of Men in a Letter to Edmund Burke. Second ' ' v edn. 8vo, half calf, gilt edges. FINE COPY. Loud. 1790 187 1492. WOLLSTONECRAFT (MARY). Original Stories A ^~Q from Real Life, with Conversations calculated to Regulate the Affections, and Form the Mind to Truth. FIRST EDN. 12mo, half calf, gilt back, yellow edges, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1791 s, 1493. WOLLSTONECRAFT (MARY). Origin and Prog- ress of the French Revolution. Vol. I. (ALL PUBLISHED). FIRST EDN. 8vo, half calf gilt. RARE. Lond. 1794 1 * 94 ' WOLLSTONECRAFT (MARY). Letters written during a short Residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. FIRST EDN. 8vo, half calf gilt. Lond. 1796 1495. WOLLSTONECRAFT (MARY). Memoirs of the Author of the Vindication of the Rights of Woman. By William Godwin. Portrait. 12mo, half calf gilt, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1798 1496. WOLLSTONECRAFT (MARY). A Defence of the * * 3~6 Character and Conduct of the late Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, founded on principles of Nature and Reason, as applied to the peculiar circumstances of her case, in a series of letters to a Lady. IGnio, half calf. Lond. 1803 1497. WONDERFUL ADVENTURES of Mrs. Seacole in many Lands. Edited by W. J. S. With an Introductory Preface by W. H. Russell. Folding front. Half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, by MACDONALD. Lond. 1857 1498. WOOD (C. E. S.). A Masque of Love. 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1904 * Limited to 500 copies. 1499. WOOD (LAMBERT). History of England from ^ ne R e ig n f William the Conquerour to the Death of Charles I. ' ' Ulust. with lively effigies of all the Kings and Queens since the Conquest." 12mo, full levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by RAMAGE & Co. Lond. 1658 FINE, UNCUT COPY. 1500. [WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM).] Lyrical Ballads, '^ / t with a few other Poems. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top and inside borders, UNCUT, by WOOD. Lond. : Printed for J. and J. Arch, 1798 * FINE COPY AND VERY RARE, ESPECIALLY AS ABOVE DE- SCRIBED. IN THE ORIGINAL BOARDS. 1501. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Poems. In Two / . . Volumes. By William Wordsworth, Author of The Lyrical / . / 1 _ . Ballads. THE RARE FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, original boards, totally uncut and with labels. Lond. : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1807 * PROBABLY THE FINEST COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION EXTANT. Enclosed in green morocco solander case. [See Reproduction.] 188 [See No. 1456.] POEMS, IN TWO VOLUMES, BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, AUTHOR OF THE LYRICAL BALLADS. Posterius graviore sono tibi Musa loquetur Nostra : cum secures mihi temporaj'ructu$. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND QRt/lK, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1807 [See No. 1501.J 1502. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Peter Bell: a Tale in Verse. FIRST EDN. Front, 8vo, full brown crushed * ^ levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, with the half-title and ad- ^ / ' ~~~ vertisements, and the original wrappers, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1819 * FINE COPY. Contains the subsequently suppressed stanza about the "party in a parlour." 1503. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). The Waggoner: a Poem, to which are added Sonnets. FIRST EDN. 8vo, full russet crushed levant morocco, gilt top, with the origi- nal wrappers and advertisements bound in, UNCUT, by RIVIERE. Lond. 1819 * FINE COPY. RARE UNCUT. 1504. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Ecclesiastical Sketches. 8vo, original boards, with paper-label (very slightly damaged), entirely uncut. Lond. 1822 * FIRST EDITION. FINE COPY, WITH ALL THE ADVERTISE- MENTS. VERY SCARCE IN THIS STATE. 1505. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, 1820. FIRST EDN. 8vo, original boards, uncut, with the label, half-title, and advertise- ments. Lond. 1822 * FINE COPY, SCARCE IN THIS STATE. PRESENTATION COPY. 1506. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Selections from * the Poems of William Wordsworth. 12mo, half calf. & O, Lond. 1834 * AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, WITH INSCRIPTION : " Anna Mary Howitt from her friend Wm. Wordsworth." Enclosed in green morocco solander case. 1507. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Yarrow Re visited, and other Poems. FIRST EDN. I2mo, original cloth, with paper-label, uncut. Fine copy. Lond. 1835 1508. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). The Sonnets, col- lected in one volume, with a few additional ones, now first 3 . published. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1838 1509. WOEDSWOETH (WILLIAM). A. L. S. 4 pp. * 8vo. Eydal Mount, March 12, 1841. L76 *UNUSUALLY FINE LETTER DISCUSSING LITERATURE PARTICU- LARLY POETRY AS A PROFESSION, written from Rydal Mount, his home, since 1813; mentions the first collected edition of his Poems, etc. "/ hope the Club will do me the honor of accepting a copy of my Poems, which shall ~be forwarded from London with my auto- graph. You hint at my saying a word upon the course of your Studies I only venture to observe that in respect to that branch of 189 U> / Literature to which I have paid great attention, I mean Poetry the best models are those which have stood the test of ages, and that in reading these, as indeed all others, we should keep the understanding vn, constant exercise. . . This most important con- sideration is apt to be overlooked, and the appropriate ends of Poetry are thought to be answer 'd if only the Imagination be excited and the Passions moved. ' ' This letter from the author of such noble poems as "Tintern Abbey," "Yarrow Eevisited," "The White Doe" and the "Ode on Immortality" is of wonderful interest. It bears no evidence of any care in composition, as there are blots, words erased, and written over or interpolated, throughout the entire letter. 1510. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Wordsworthiana: a Selection from Papers read to the Wordsworth Society. Edited by AVilliam Knight. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1889 1511. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Wordsworth and his Circle, by D. W. Raiinie. Illust. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1907 1512. WRAXALL (L. Translator) . Frank Wildman's Adventures on Land and Water. By Frederick Gerstaecker. With tinted illusts. by Harrison Weir. FIRST EDN. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by MACDONALD (orig- inal covers bound in). Lond. 1855 1513. WRAXALL (SIR NATHANIEL WILLIAM). The Historical and Posthumous Memoirs of Wraxall, 1772-1784. Edited, with Notes and additional Chapters from the Author's Unpublished MS, by Henry B. Wheatley. Nu- merous portraits. 5 vols. 8vo, new half polished calf extra, gilt tops, by MORRELL. Lond. 1884 * Very choice set of these entertaining memoirs. 1514. WRIGHT (THOMAS). Biographia Britannica Literaria; or, Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in Chronological order: Anglo-Saxon Period Anglo-Norman Period. FIRST EDNS. OF BOTH VOLUMES. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1842 1515. WRIGHT (THOMAS). Essays on Archaeological Subjects, and on various questions connected with the History of Art, Science, and Literature in the Middle Ages. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1861 1516. WRIGHT (THOMAS). A History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England During the Middle Ages. FIRST EDN. lilust. by F. W. Fairholt. 8vo, half polished morocco, gilt top. Lond. 18t>2 1517. WYNNE (MADELINE YALE). The Little Room, and other Stories Decorations by the Author. 12mo, decorated cloth, uncut. Chicago, 1906 The Anderson Auction Company Successor to Bangs & Co. Established 1833 No. 12 East 46th Street New York Unequalled facilities for the sale of Books and Autographs Paintings and Engravings Coins, Medals and Stamps Private Collections a Specialty Extract from the Will of Edmond de Goncourti (Trans.) " My wish is that my Drawings, my Prints, my Curiosities, my Books in a word these things of art which have been the joy of my life shall not be consigned to the cold tomb of a museum, and subjected to the stupid glance of the careless passer-by; but I require that they shall all be dispersed under the hammer of the Auctioneer, so that the pleasure which the acquiring of each one of them has given me shall be given again, in each case, to some inheritor of my own tastes." THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below WttVERSITY AT JLQS Z997 L31c 897 023