Si I i LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF <" (> U . i7* f \l T...V. V_Ai V s C/^S5 & / / / L LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Compiled under the direction of CHARLES HENRY LINCOLN, PH.D., OF THE DIVISION OF MANUSCRIPTS O T l 1 rl UNU ERiilTY } WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1903 07 \/ TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 5 Abbreviations employed 7 Calendar of Paul Jones? manuscripts 9 Index of names 199 INTRODUCTION. This volume is a calendar of the John Paul Jones Manuscripts in the Library of Congress. It includes 883 entries. It is arranged chronologically. In the case of manuscripts that have been published reference is made to the printed copy, and these documents, being made available in this manner, have been calendared but briefly. The names of all persons mentioned in these as well as in the unpublished manuscripts are, however, included in the general index of names. The manuscripts calendared are a part of the Peter Force Collection purchased by the national government in 1867. John Paul Jones died in 1792. By his will, dated the day of his death, all his papers were left to his sisters and their children. Shortly after Jones s decease his sister, Mrs. Jane Taylor, sent such of his papers as best illustrated his services in the War of the American Revolution to Robert llvslop, a .solicitor of New York. Although considering them of little value, Mr. Hyslop retained them until his death, when they passed into the hands of a tradesman of that city. From this dealer they were acquired \)y Mr. George A. Ward, who recognized something of their value. Learning of their existence in 1824, Col. John Henry Sher- burne, Registrar of the Navy, at once set about the compilation of his Life of Jones, published in 1825, in which he printed many of his letters. The papers afterwards came into the possession of Peter Force, and from him were purchased })y Congress and placed in the Library as stated above. One of the eight busts sent to America in 1788 and "Presented by Paul Jones to Maj. Gen. Win. Irvine" is now in the possession of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. To its courtesy the Library of Congress is indebted for the photograph from which was repro duced the half-tone engraving which forms the frontispiece of this calendar. Significant among the manuscripts calendared are the letters passing between Jones, Franklin, and the French Court during 1778 and 1779. 5 6 INTRODUCTION These letters give a full record of the operations of Jones in European waters. They are particularly valuable from their being in large part autograph drafts, thus showing the writer s original thought, with the later modifications made for reasons of political expediency. The accounts of naval engagements submitted by Jones to the representa tives of his own Government and the narrative of his experiences during the American Revolution prepared for presentation to Louis XVI of France are other notable manuscripts in the collection. CHARLES HENRY LINCOLN, Assistant In Cliarge, Division of Manuscripts. HERBERT PUTNAM, Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C., March 31, 1903. ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED. A. D Autograph document. A. D. S Autograph document signed. D. S .Document signed. A. J Autograph letter. A . L. S Autograph letter signed. A. N. S Autograph note signed. [ ] Information supplied. ? ? ? Doubtful reading, or queried information supplied. *** Omissions. 7 On page 9, line 5, for "Cullau du Chasse" read "Cuttau du Chasse" [Cou- teau de Chasse]. On page 45, line 7, for "Autograph draft signed" read "Autograph draft." JOHN PAUL JONES CALENDAR, [177/i.] Read, [John K.] Physician, Goochland Count;/, Virginia. Goochland [Oct. 13.] County. Letter to John [Paul] Jones, [Philadelphia.] Xo reply to his last two letters; wishes letters to be addressed to him in care of manager of "Constitutional post office"; wrote him by Col. [Thomas?] Jefferson requesting: the purchase of a " Cullau <lu Chasse" as he is now "a military man." Addressed: "Care df Mr. David Sproat." A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Mutilated. 177H. [Jones, John Paul.] 1st Lieut., U. ,S. N. "Alfred." Alfred, [at sea?] Mar. 17- Table of Observations. Endorsed by Jones: "Memorandum of Apr. 2. days work on the Alfred." Autograph draft. 1 p. F. [177<>.] [Jones, John Paul.] 14 Lieut., U. S. S. "Alfred." [New London, Con- [Apr. 14.] necticut.] Letter [to Joseph Hewes, Philadelphia.] Excuses for not writing sooner; met the Hornet and the Wasp from Mary land at Capes of Delaware; fleet put to sea Feb. 17th; part d company with the Hornet and the Flit in a gale; anchored at Abaco, Bahama, Mar. 1st; took pilots from a couple of New Providence sloops on the way; landing of Capt. [Samuel] Nicho las and capture of New Providence; remained there until the 17th ult.; took Governor [Brown] and "two more Gentn." prison ers; then departed for the "Continent"; arrived at Block Island ~>th hist.; captured one of Capt. [John?] Wallace s tenders, the ifnirke and the bomb brig Bolton on the way; account of the ngagement with the Glasgow will be found in the enclosed extract from the Alfred s log; Commander-in-chief [Esek Hopkins] is respected in the fleet; comments upon the esprit-de-corps; fleet has been re-enforced by 200 men; is ready for another enterprise; is about to sail for Rhode Island; ships to be cleaned at Provi dence. Autograph draft. 4 pp. F. Printed in part: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJonts, X. Y.,1851. pp. 12-14. [177<i.] [Jones, John Paul.] 14 Lieut., U. ,S . 8. "Alfred." [New London, Con- [Apr. 14.] necticut.] "Memorandum of the engagement with the Glas- /"*/." [Apr. 6th] Cleared ship for action at 2 a. m. ; the Glasgow signalled for assistance; "Commodore" [Esek Hopkins] was unwilling to continue action; the Cabot disabled; Capt. [John Burroughs Hopkins] dangerously wounded; losses on the Cabot and the Alfred; five men lost from latter vessel; seven men wounded. Autograph draft. 1 p. F. [Enclosed in preceding document.] Printed in part: Maclay, Hist. U. S. Xavy, N. Y.. 1898, 1 : 41. Sherburne. Life uf John P ml Jones, N. Y., 1851, p. 14. 9 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1776. Thomas, James, Gunner, I . S. 8. "Alfred." [New London, Connecti- Apr. 15. cut.] Letter to Lieut. [John] Paul Jones. Asks pardon for mis conduct and release from confinement. A. L. S. 1 p. 6j x 8 inches. 1776. United States, Continental Congress. "In Congress," [Philadelphia.] Apr. 23. Resolve appointing Capt. John Bradford, Agent for prizes, Massa chusetts; Daniel Tillinghast for Rhode Island; Nathaniel Shaw, jr., for Connecticut; Jacob Van Zantz for New York; John Nixon and John Maxwell Nesbitt for Pennsylvania; William Lux for Maryland; John Tazewell for Virginia; Cornelius Hornet [Har- nett] for Wilmington, Richard Ellis for Newbern, and Robert Smith for Edentown, North Carolina; power given for appointing deputies. "By Order of the Commandr. in Chief Saml. Lyon Secy." A. D. S. of Lyon. 1 p. F. Printed: Journals of Congress of given date. 1776. [Hopkins, Esek.] Commander-in-chief, U. 8. navy. Providence, [Rhode May 1. Island.] Order to [Lieut.] John P[aul] Jones. Commands Jones to attend the court martial of [Capt.] Abraham Whipple to be held on the Alfred. "By Order of the Commander-in-Chief, Sam l Lyon, Secy." A. D. S. of Lyon. 1 p. 4x8 inches. 1776. [Hopkins, Esek.] Commander-in-cJiief, U. 8. navy. Providence, [Rhode May 7 Island.] Order to [Lieut.] John P[aul] Jones. Commands Jones to attend the court martial of Capt. John Hazard to be held on the Alfred. "By Order of the Commander in Chief, Sam l Lyon, Secy." A. D. S. of Lyon. 1 p. 4x8 inches. 1776. [Jones, John Paul.] 1st Lieut., commanding U. 8. sloop "Providence." May 19. New York. Letter [to Joseph Hewes,] Philadelphia. Fears mis carriage of last letter to him in care of [David] Sproat; letter con tained account of action between the Alfred and the Glasgow; Capt. [David?] Lenox [Lennox] from Philadelphia " hath no account of any letters from me to his uncle, Mr. Sproat"; encloses min utes of courts martial held on the Alfred; took command of the. Providence May 10th; arrived at New York with over a hundred men exclusive of officers; men were loaned to the fleet by Gen. [George] Washington; the A\_ndrea~\ Doria and the Cabot are at Rhode Island ready to sail; owing to bad health of seamen it is impossible to man the Alfred and Columbus; landed G[eorge] Washington s] soldiers; is trying to get seamen to man the Provi dence; opinion respecting general inquiry as to the engagement with the Glasgow; desires a general inquiry into the abilities of officers in the navy; accepted command of the Providence owing to disagreeable temper of late commander; places little confidence in reports that committees will appoint officers other than captains for new ships; surprised at his seniority being questioned; expe rience in the navy; the Providence in need of repairs; relies on interest [of Hewes] to get him one of the new ships; returns to Rhode Island soon; the Commodore [Esek Hopkins] referred him to Congress as to rank; the Columbus was leaving and the Alfred arriving when he sailed from Providence; sends this letter by "Commodore" [ ] Steward; hopes for an early reply. Autograph draft. 4 pp. F. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 11 1776. Rathbun, John P. and Grinnell, William. 1st Lieuls., U. S. navy. Jul. 16. "Onboard the Providence." Report [to Lieut. John Paul Jones] of Committee to "consider the Conduct of Nicholas Johnson." Johnson has "paid no proper attention to ye signals made by the Providence for his Government"; details of misconduct; com mittee is of opinion that he "hath used & is using his Utmost Endeavours to get away from y& Providence." A. D. S. of Rath- bun, signed by Grinnell also. 1 p. 10 x 10 inches. 1776. Rice, Alpheus. Petty officer?, U. S. brig "Cabot." Providence off Chester, Aug. 9. [Pennsylvania.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones. Has given Capt. [John Burroughs?] Hopkins satisfaction; prays that mis conduct will be overkfeked. A. L. S. 1 p. 5 x 65 inches. Endorsed by Jones: "jitter from Mr. Rice when under confine ment." 1776. McNeal, John. 3d Mate, I . S. sloop "Providence." [Providence at sea.] Aug. 26. Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones. Asks pardon for misconduct and release from confinement. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Endorsed by Jones: "Note from Mr. McXeill when under confinement." 1776. Brown, Robert. Mate. , t". S. xloop "Providence." ^Providence at sea.] Aug. 27. Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones. Asks pardon for misconduct and release from confinement. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Endorsed by Jones: "Letter from Robert Brown when under confinement." 1776. J[ones,] J [ohn] P[aul.] 1st Lieut., commanding f". S. sloop "Provi- Sep. 4. dence." Providence at sea. Letter to Robert Morris, [Philadel phia] . Encloses a paper found in the Sea Si/mph and an open letter to Marine Board containing details regarding his late cruise; hopes to capture ships from the Barbadoes; failing in this will try a cruise among fishermen to the Northward in hopes of impressing seamen; peculiar obligation to Morris for aiding him; presumes [Joseph] Hewes has informed Morris concerning "a very great misfortune which befel me some years ago"; sugges tions respecting regulations of the navy; officers should rank with those of the army: powers of courts martial; English exam ples; decree of court in case of [John] Hazard should not be questioned; mistake in date of his own commission; if not cor rected will rank him lower than Capt. [Isaiah] Robeson [Robin son]; sends turtle by [John Burroughs] Hopkins, the "Prize Master." Autograph draft signed. 3pp. F Q . Printed in part: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, pp. 20-21. 1776. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee. Philadelphia. Sep. 5. Resolve transmitted to Capt. John Paul Jones fixing the uniform of officers in the U. S. Navy. "Extract from the Minutes John Brown, Secy." 1777. [1776?] Same, respecting uniform of officers of the U. S. Marine Corps. Sep. 5. A. D. S. of Brown. 2 pp. F". Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, p. 30. Force, Amer. Arch., 5th Ser., II: 481. 1776. United States, Continental Congress. [Philadelphia.] Establishment Oct. 10. of rank of Captains in the Navy with name of ship commanded by each. 1 , James Nicholson. 2, John Manley. 3, Hector McNeill. 4, Dudley Salstonstall. 5, Nicholas Biddle. 6, Thomas Thomp- 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1776. United States, Continental Congress Continued. Oct. 10. son. 7, John Barry. S, Thomas Read. 9, Thomas Grinnell. 10, Charles Alexander. 11, Lambert Wickes. 12, Abraham Whip- pie. 18, John [Burroughs] Hopkins. 14, John Hodge, lo, Wil liam Hallock. 16, Hoysted Hacker. 17, Josiah [Isaiah?] Robinson. 18, John Paul Jones. Copy by Jones, who adds: "Whereby No. 18 is superseded by * * * 13 [men] * * * alt ho their superior Merits and Abilities are at best Presumptive, and not one of them was in the service the 7th day of December 1775 when No. 18 was appointed Senior Lieut of the Xavy." 1 p. F. See: Journals of Congress of given dute. Sherbnrne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, pp. 27-28. 1776. United States, Continental Congress. [Philadelphia.] Establishment Oct. 10. of "Rank of Captains in the Xavy." Duplicate of preceding document except that the following names are added in a differ ent handwriting: 19, James Josiah. 20, Elisha Hinman. 21, Joseph Olney. 22, James Robinson. 23, John Young. 24, Elisha Warner. Lieut. John Baldwin, Lieut. Thomas Albertson. 1 p. F". See: Journal* of Congress of given date, Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N*. Y., 1851, pp. 27-28. 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. $. i>Ioop "Providence." Xewport Oct. 17. R[hode] I[sland.] Letter to R[obert] M [orris,] Philadelphia. List of prizes taken ; eight manned and sent into port, eight de stroyed; Commodore [Esek Hopkins] has proposed that he should command an expedition against Newfoundland fisheries with the Alfred, Providence and Hampden; work done thus far; condition of navy and regulations for distributing prize money; plans for the future. 4 pp. F. Endorsed by Jones: "Copy." In part: 1776. Hopkins, Esek. Commander-in-chief, U. 8. nari/. Xewport, [Rhode Oct. 22. Island.] Order to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones. Commands Jones to attend the court martial of Samuel "Halm or Einom", James Robinson, John Robinson and Thomas Donahoe to be tried for mutiny on board the Alfred. "By Order of the honble Esek Hopkins Esqr Commander in Chief." Samuel Lyon, Secretary. A. D. S. of Lyon. 1 p. F. [1776.] "Providence." L\ $. liriy, ( apt. John Paul Jones. [Xewport, Rhode Nov. 1. Island.] "Account [rendered to Capt. John Paul Jones] of pro visions on board when we sailed." 1 p. 8 x 6i inches. 1776. Gallagher, Bernard. Midshipman, U. X brig "Providence." Boston. Nov. 3. Letter to Capt. John [Paul] Jones, Philadelphia. Taken pris oner by the den. Gate*, Capt. William Kilton, and carried into Canser [Canso, Xova Scotia] ; attempted to escape but was cap tured and put in irons by Capt. [ ] Dawson; owing to represen tations of Capt. [ ] Dory was "fetched to Halifax"; confined for two weeks; then taken to Marblehead, [Massachusetts] on the Carlisle; arrived at Boston Xov. 2d with James Rogers and George Nicholson; left Benjamin Allen, John Fears and [ ] Munroe ill on the Carlisle; hopes to reach Philadelphia before Jones s departure; wishes his chest sent to James Gallagher. A. L. S. 2 pp. F. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCKIPTS. lb 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alfred." "Alfred off Cape Nov. 12. Briton," [Nova Scotia.] Orders to William Spooner. Appoints him to command the prize Active; ordered to deliver her with let ters to Robert Smith, Agent at Edentown, North Carolina; orders respecting cruise and instructions concerning secret signals. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. Printed: Force, Amrr. Arc//., 5th Ser., Ill: 659. [177H.] Sanders, Robert. Midshipman, T. S. A . "Alfred." [Alfred at sea.] Nov. 14. "Account [rendered to Capt. John Paul Jones] of Provisions in the Alfred when she sailed from Rhode Island." 1 p. 8x6 inches. Endorsed as above by Jones. 1776. Thaxter, Adam W. and others. Officer*, U. 8. brig "Providence." "On Nov. 14. board Sloop Proridence, Lat. 45, Long. 58, 45." Memorial to [Capt.] Hoysted Hacker. Providence leaks badly; valuable prizes taken; large portion of original crew has been taken to man them; are willing to sail further north but consider such a course of great danger to the vessel. A. D. S. of Thaxter. Signed by William Earl, Master; Joseph Allen, Acting Lieutenant; William Weaver, Chief Mate; Jeremiah Ingraham, Second Mate; William Allen, William Ward well, Stephen Rust, Daniel Lorrance, Midship men. 1 p. F. Endorsed by Jones: " Round Robin reed, from Capt. N. Hacker." 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. 8. S. "Alfred." Alfred [off New- Nov. 15. foundland.] Orders [to Lieut. Joseph? Allen of the Providence.] Appoints him to command the prize Kitty; is to proceed to Rhode Island, if possible. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. Printed: Force, Amcr. Arch., 5th Ser., Ill: 793. 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[auL] Capt., U. S. S. "Alfred." Alfred, off New- Nov. 15. foundland. Orders to Philip Brown. Appoints him to command the prize Mellish; is to accompany the Alfred and render assist ance if called on; if separated is to proceed to nearest port in the United States, preferably Rhode Island. "By order of the Senior Officer, James Hogan, Secretary." Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. Printed: Force, Amcr. Arch., 5th Ser., Ill: 738. 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. ,S . "Alfred." Alfred, [at sea.] Nov. 25. Orders to Philip Brown, " Commr. of the ship Mellish." Encloses signals and instructions respecting position of the Mellish in squadron. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. Printed: Force, Amer. Arch., 5th Ser., Ill: 1283. 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alfred." Alfred, [at sea.] Nov. 25. Orders to [Lieut.] John P. Rathbun. Appoints him to com mand the prize John; is to give all possible assistance in case of battle; if separated from the Alfred is to proceed to most con venient port in the United States, preferably Rhode Island; orders respecting signals. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. [1776.] Rathbun, John P. Lieut., commanding prize "John." [John, at sea.] Nov. 25. Letter to Capt. John P[aul] Jones, Alfred. Order sent through Lieut. [ ] Hamilton " works such an afect upon the Captn." [of the John, Edward Watkins] who "gave no encouragement to the people to behave as they did" that he requests Watkins be allowed to "tarry on board." A. L. S. 1 p. 6 x 8 inches. Printed: Force, AmT. Arch., 5th Ser., Ill: 1283. 14 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS. 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., r. ,S . 8. "Alfred." Alfred, [at sea.] Nov. 25. Orders to Samuel Tyley [Tyler,] Mich[ael] Knies and James Beckup. Appoints them to command the prizes Betty, Surprize and Molly respectively; orders them to keep company with the Alfred; if separated are to proceed to most convenient port in United States, preferably Rhode Island; prizes to follow the John; orders respecting signals. Autograph draft signed of unaddressed order. 1 p. F. Endorsed " 3 copies." [1776?] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. ,S. "Alfred." [Alfred, at sea?] Plan [Nov.?] of the "Evolutions of the Alfred and Milford." A. D. 1 p. F. [1776?] [D Arvoilles, - .] "Sketch of the Bay and Coal Mines at Cape [Nov. ?] Briton." A. D. 1 p. F. [1776.] Hog-an, James. Secretary to John Paul Jones. [Alfred, at sea.] Letter free. 7. to [Capt,] John Paul Jones. Asks pardon for misconduct and hopes that offense will be overlooked. A. L. S. 1 p. 6i x 5 inches. Endorsed by Jones: "from Mr. Hogan when under confinement." 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alfred." Alfred, at sea. Dec. 8. Orders to Samuel Tyler. Appoints him to command the prize Surprise; ordered to assist Lieut. [Robert] Saunders [Sanders] to navigate the John to Rhode Island; if unsafe to proceed thither, then to nearest other port in United States. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. 9 x 7i inches. Printed: Force, Amer. Arch., 5th Ser., Ill: rjs-l. 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. ,$ . "Alfred." Alfred, at sea, Dec. [8.] Orders to [Lieut,] Robert Saunders [Sanders]. Appoints him to command the prize John; is to take her at once to Rhode Island; if that is unsafe then to proceed to any other port in the United States; is to endeavor to keep company with the Surprise, com manded by [Samuel] Tyler. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. Printed: Force, Amcr. Arch., 5th Ser., Ill: 1284. [1776?] United States, Navy. "Comparative state of wages between American [Dec. 8.] Navy Officers and the Officers of English Frigates of 32 Guns." 1 p. F. Endorsed as above by Jones. 1776. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. 8. S. "Alfred." Alfred, at sea. Dec. 8. Orders to John Margeson. Appoints him to command the prize Betty; is to accompany the Alfred; if separated is to proceed to nearest port of the United States. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. 65 x 8 inches. Printed: Force, Amer. Arch., 5th Ser., Ill: 1284. 1776. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alfred." [Boston.] "Note of [Dec. 10.] the time of material Occurrences during the Alfred s Cruize in Novr. & Deer. 1776." 1 p. F. Endorsed as above by Jones. [Copy from the Logbook? of the Alfred, Nov. 12-Dec. 9.] Printed: Force, Amcr. Arch., 5th Ser., Ill: 1282. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U.S. nary. Boston. Letter to R[obert] Jan. 12. M [orris, Philadelphia]. Thanks him for favor paid to his former letter; informed of thisby [Abraham?] Livingston; wishes enclosed letters for [Joseph] H[ewes] read and forwarded to him; expedi- CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 15 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Continued. Jan. 12. tion [to Africa?] should nail in spring; secrecy to be observed; bounty offered by Massachusetts for artillery service is inducing seamen to enlist; criticism of naval regulations regarding prize money; cowardice of officers of the navy since engagement with the frlasgou-; controversy with the Council of Massachusetts. Autograph draft signed. 3 pp. F. Endorsed by Jones: " Copy of a letter to the Honble R. Morris, Esq." 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] (. apt., U. 8. nary. Boston. Letter [to Joseph Jan. 12. Hewes, Philadelphia]. Encloses copy of last letter; particulars of last cruize of the Alfred and Providence are in letter to Marine Board; prize master [William] Spooner disobeyed orders and took the prize [Active] intended for North Carolina into Dart mouth [Massachusetts]; Capt. [Hoysted Hacker?] of the Provi dence also disobeyed orders and thereby "overset the expedition" ; lack of discipline in the navy; criticism of a " Fellow who calls himself a Commodore" [Esek Hopkins] ; some other officers are as bad; recommends Capt. [Hector] McXeill and Capt. [Thomas] Thompson; "this Commodore is altogether unfit to command a Frigate ot thirty-two Guns." Autograph draft signed. 3 pp. F. Endorsed by Jones: " Cop}" of a letter to the Honble J. Hewes Esq. by Express from Council." 1777. Hopkins, Esek. Commander-in-chief, U. S. navy. Warren, [Providence, Jan. 14. Rhode Island.] Orders to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, [Boston]. Letters of the 10th and llth received; sends men s accounts while on the Providence under Capt. [John] Hazard; [Samuel] Lyon does not understand parts of Jones s accounts; requests that he join his accounts with those of the men from the Columbus for the time served on the Alfred and forward same; first letters of "your prisoner of the Law" have been forwarded; last will be sent to Lord Piercy by first opportunity; wages of discharged men may be paid by Jones or by orders on [John] Bradford, Capt. [Joseph] Olney is to command the Cabot and Capt. Elisha Hinman the Alfred; Jones may return to the Providence; orders respecting payment of men of the Alfred and Providence from the time Capt. [Dudley] Saltonstall left latter; may give orders on paymaster [ ] Read for payment of men who shipped at Philadelphia; receipt for stores in the Alfred is to be given by Capt. Hinman and lodged with Bradford; encloses account of sundries advanced to Jones s men by [John] Manley and Capt. [Hoysted] Hacker. L. S. 3 pp. 4. [1777.] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S. navy. [Boston.] Memorandum regard- [Jan. 15.] ing the British frigate Diamond. [Joseph] Vesey [Veazie] saw the "Dimond" aground below Providence, [Rhode Island]; went as a volunteer with Commodore [Esek Hopkins] on sloop Providence to destroy her; Diamond allowed to depart uninjured although no English ships could come to her assistance for thirty hours. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. Endorsed by Jones: " Mr. Vesey s report." Enclosed in Jones to Robert Morris, Jan. 21, 1777. Printed in part: Field, Esek Hopkins, Providence, 1898, p. 175. 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U.S. nary. Boston. Letter to R[obert] Jan. 16. M [orris, Philadelphia]. Opinion respecting the unfair distribu tion of prize money; encloses copy of letter to Marine Board; respective merits of the Alfred and Mellixh for merchant service and as ships of war; advantages of the Mellish over the Alfred as a war ship; is informed by Capt. [Thomas?] Falconer and [Abra ham?] Livingston that Jones is to command "one of the Ships at Philadelphia." Autograph draft signed. 3 pp. F. Endorsed by Jones: "Copy of a letter to the Honble Robr Morris Esqr. by Mr Cumberland Douggal." 1777. Grinnell, William. Lieut., U. S. nai*y. Providence, [Rhode Island.] Jan. 17. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Boston. Congratulates him on success of cruise; was taken prisoner; upon escape went to Philadelphia; treated " Very Genteele " by the Marine Committee; gave information concerning Jones; wishes money due him sent in care of Capt. David Lawrence; account of William Hopkins not allowed; apologises for writing about the money; fears that " we are to Loose all wee have been fighting for." A. L. 8. 2 pp. F. 1777. Tillinghast, Daniel. "Col." and Continental agent, Rhode Island. Provi- Jan. 17. dence. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Boston. Has advanced money as requested to [Capt.] John Dunlop; encloses minute of cash paid by [John] Manley and himself; has been served with a copy of writ against [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Lieut.] John [P.] Rathbun and Philip Brown; Samuel Aborn and others are complainants; writ is for an "Action of Trespass" on privateer Eagle; has sued owners in return for detaining Alfred * men; court has adjourned to first Monday in February; desires Jones to come to Providence shortly. A. L. S. 1 p. F. Addressed: "favor d by Thos. Mumford Esq." 1777. Gallagher, Bernard. Master, U. S. merchant ship. [Philadelphia?] Jan. 18. Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Boston. Has written two let ters to him; last was sent in care of John Manley; wishes money due [George] Lovie [Lavie?] and [James] Beckup to remain unpaid until his articles [list enclosed] of which they disposed to widow Weeding and others in Newport, are returned; if money be allowed him, wishes it remitted to Conyngham & Nesbitt, Philadelphia merchants, of whose private ship he is engaged as master; the Favorite has been retaken and carried to the Ber mudas; has seen [ ] Wesley and [ ] Hardy. A. L. S. 3 pp. F. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Boston. Letter to D[aniel] Jan. 20. Tillinghast, [Providence]. Thanks him for honoring his draft in favor of Capt. [John] Dunlop; no future drafts are to be paid without a written order; glories in being the first to break through abuses practiced upon the navy by mercenaries; requests that he ask "Admiral" [Esek] Hopkins "whether he means to disavow the Express Orders" which he issued at Newport; re quests answer by bearer. Autograph draft. 1 p. F. See: Tillinghast, Daniel. Letter to Jones, Jan. 23, 1777. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 17 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn P[aul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Boston. Letter to R[obert] Jan. 21. M [orris, Philadelphia]. Wishes him to read and, if expedient, lay enclosed letter before the Marine Board; asks that it be shown to [Joseph] Hewes; encloses statement of [Joseph] Vesey [Veazie, respecting the Diamond ]. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. Endorsed by Jones: "Copy of a letter * * * by Mr. Liv ingston s Express." See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum 177", Jan. 15; Letter to Marine Com mittee 1777, Jan. 21. 1777. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. Boston. Letter to the Marine Jan. 21. Committee, [Continental Congress, Philadelphia]. Encloses cop ies of letters from departure of expedition from Rhode Island to Jan. 12th; has been informed by "Commodore" [Esek] Hopkins that he is superseded in command of the Alfred by Capt. [Elisha] Hinman and is ordered back to Providence; will not make "diffi culty about trifles" where good of the navy is concerned; criti cises the appointment of Hinman and others; is " in the highest degree tenacious of rank and Seniority"; has shown civilities to prisoners; desires enclosed appeal of prisoners to be laid before Congress; wishes employment in the "most enterprising and Active service"; desires to be accountable to Marine Board only; his orders respecting privateers; the Eagle episode; peculiar actions of "Commodore" [Hopkins] in respect to it; information respecting whereabouts of prizes; is employed in paying off the men of the Alfred and Providence; letters to Jones to be forwarded through Messrs. Livingston & Turnbull of Boston. Contempo rary copy. 7 pp. 4. Enclosed in Jones to Robert Morris of same date. Printed: [Sands,] Life <t- Correspondence of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1830, pp. 6 2-63: In part: Brown, John Paul Jones, Chic-ago, 1902, pp. 61-64. 1777. Tillinghast, Daniel. " Col." and Continental agent, Rfiode Island. Provi- Jan. 23. dence. Letter to Capt. John P[aul] Jones, [Boston]. Has received his letter of 20th; "Commodore" [Esek] Hopkins is willing to do anything he can to be of assistance; advice respect ing the case [of privateer Eagle] ; will exert himself in Jones s interest. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1777. Hopkins, Esek. Commander in chief, U. S. nary. Providence, [R. I.] Jan. 28. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Boston. Will do all in his power to exonerate him [for taking men from the privateer Eagle]; has written to Marine Committee in his behalf; has brought action against [Isaac Field] the captain [of the Eagle]; orders respecting payment of men [of the Eagle] ; [David] Sproat and others desired that [John] Bradford should be ordered to pay discharged men their prize money. L. S. 1 p. F. 1777. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee; Morris, Robert, Feb. 1. Vice President. Philadelphia. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Boston]. Has received several letters from Jones giving accounts of his cruises; has communicated them to the members of the committee; contents have been " very acceptable, always entertaining and in many parts useful"; the committee have intended to answer him regarding his "proposal for a Cruize this winter on the coast of Africa ; confusion and multiplicity of busi- 2155103 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1777. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee Continued. Feb. 1. ness" have prevented due attention to naval affairs; "never doubted that your active genius would find useful employment" especially "as you were so near the Commodore" [Esek Hop kins] ; congratulates him on the results of his cruise to Cape Breton; received Jones s account of that cruise from Major [John Gizzard] Frazer and transmitted it to Congress; informed that body that he could "point out an enterprise or two for you to undertake and leave the choice to yourself"; Congress agreed to this proposal; proceeds to suggest enterprises; desirability of a cruise along the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia; unprotected British vessels at Pensacola; Governor [Peter] Chester is unable to defend the town; proposes that Jones "take the Alfred, Colum- bwt, Cabot, Hampden, and sloop Providence * * * and pro ceed to St. Christophers where a sudden and unexpected attack will carry that place"; "you will make considerable booty * * * and alarm not only the Inhabitants but the whole British nation " ; from "St. Kitts" can proceed to Pensacola; thence "give an alarm" to Jamaica; if he considers it advisable may send a detachment to the Mississippi; obliging Great Britain to defend her foreign possessions "is of infinitely more importance to the United States of America than all the Plunder that can be taken" ; other suggestions regarding the enterprise; if Jones prefers the African expedition he has the consent of the Marine Committee; in that case will need fewer ships; "It is a standing Instruction from the Marine Committee to the Commanders in the American Navy to be careful of their ships their Materials and Stores to use well their officers and men, preserving however strict disci pline to treat Prisoners with humanity and generosity and to keep them advised of their proceedings as frequently as circum stances will admit." Signed: Robert Morris V. P. Marine Com mittee Letter Book pp. 52-54. [This letter is followed by one directing Esek Hopkins to place the .ships mentioned at the disposal of Jones.] 1777. Manley, John. Deputy Continental agent, Rhode Inland. Providence. Feb. 4. Letter to [Capt,] John P[aul] Jones, [Boston]. Has received no reply to recent letter; asks for information regarding [Bernard] Gallaher s [Gallagher s] effects; they were taken by [George] Lovey [Lavie] and [James] Beckup; encloses letter of Gallagher; has evidence of Lavie s guilt; if a good officer, is "loth to expose him;" wishes advice how to proceed. A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1777. Manley, John. Deputy Continental agent, Rhode Island. Providence. Feb. 5. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Boston]. Bearer, John Dobie, has given advantageous evidence for Jones in the case "between the owners [Samuel Aborn & Co.] of the Schooner Eagle and your Self." A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1777. Hopkins, Esek. Commander-in-chief, U. S. navy. Providence. Letter Feb. 6. to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Boston. Accounts sent by Capt. [Simon?] Smith received; orders respecting payment of same by [Daniel] Tillinghast; latter desires money for the purpose if same can be procured from [John] Bradford; wishes accounts [of Jones] finished as soon as possible. L. S. 1 p. F. Addressed "per Capt. [Edmond] Arrowsmith" CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 19 1777. J[ones] J[ohn] P[aul.] Copt., U.S. nary. Letter to R[obert] M [orris, Phil- Feb. 10. adelphia]. Apologizes if he has expressed his "free Sentiments" too liberally; fruitless meetings have been held for "pointing out hints for useful Rules & regulations" in the navy; ad vises appoint ment of Commissioners of Dock Yards; advantages pertaining thereto; recommends for that office Capt. [Thomas] Thomson [Thompson] of the Raleigh; criticism of the navy and its manage ment; opinion regarding conduct of "Commodore" [Esek Hop kins]; discontent among seamen "in these Eastern States on account of Prize Money;" enlistments will not be made until question is settled; advises a resolve of Congress "to put an end to the Controversy;" enlistments should be for long terms; advice as to punishment of deserters. Autograph draft signed. 4 pp. F. Printed in part: Sherbunie, Life of John Paul Jone*, N". Y. 1830, p. 34; N. Y. 1851, p. 36. 1777. Hopkins, Esek. Commander-in-chief, U. S. nary. Providence. Letter Feb. 11. to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, Boston. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of the 7th; accounts of men from the Eagle have not been paid as Jones neglected to [counter-] sign them; account of [ ] Tucker, being so signed, was paid; advises that new ac counts be forwarded to [Daniel] Tillinghast; expects to board the Warren at once; action against Jones by [Samuel Aborn & Co.] owners of the Eagle, is "nonsuited"; others may be brought against him; advises that settlement be made with owners; the "sloop" [Providence] will be ready in ten days if Jones desires her; has received complaints respecting certificates for prize money given by Jones on [David] Sproat and Tillinghast; accounts of men in the Alfred and Proridence entitled to prize money to be sent to agents who have received the prizes. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1776. Thaxter, Adam W. Lieut., U. S. nary. Providence. Letter to Capt. [1777.] John P[aul] Jones [Boston]. Officers and men of the Proridence FeV). 24. have empowered Nathaniel Greene to receive their prize money; advantages arising from early payment of same; Messrs. Greene and [John] Trivet will call on agent at Boston for the money; assistance bf Jones requested for obtaining same; remains on board the sloop [Providence"]; she will be manned and ready soon. A. L. S. 1 p. F. Endorsed by Jones: "1777". 1777. Tillinghast, Daniel. "Col. " and Continental agent, Rhode Island. Provi- Feb. 2S. dence. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Boston. Has paid accounts of some of the Alfred s crew; in consequence of a writ issued against Jones and [Capt.] E[lisha] Hinman, prize money in his hands from the Cabot and Providence has been attached by Capt. [Dudley] Saltonstall and Capt. Abraham Whipple; wishes precise information as to share in prize money due officers of the Providence. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1777. Tillinghast, Henry H[endren.] Surgeon, U. S. nary. Providence. Letter Mar. 4. to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, Boston. Requests order for balance of wages; apologizes for blots and inaccuracies in last letter; com pliments Jones on being "an adept in the English " ; this letter will be delivered by Lieut. [John P.] Rathbun; asks that payment of account be made to him. A. L. S. 7i x 6 inches. 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1777. Tillinghast, Henry Hendren. Surgeon, V. S. navy. Providence. Letter Mar. 14. to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Boston. Has received letter and account by [Lieut. John P.] Rathbun; wishes mistake due to error of [James] Hogan rectified; has subtracted all money received from [ ] Read; has obtained the balance from his father [Daniel Tillinghast]; evidence of " Individuals sowing the Seeds of Disunion" in the fieet; congratulates Jones on his pro motion; wishes receipt for money paid Capt. [John] Mauley; sum was advanced to Jonathan Lewis by his father. A. L. S. 2 pp. F. 1777. Jarvis, Leo[nard.] Deputy Continental agent, Massachusetts. Dartmouth, Mar. 19. [Massachusetts.] Letter to Capt. John P[aul] Jones, Boston. Will endeavor to procure some glassware; will forward all mer chandise in care of Livingston & Turnbull; will /peak to [ ] Sorethouse [Southouse] about the "Hand Organ" ; [Nathaniel] Green [e] has furnished memorandum of articles taken from the prizes Mellix]i and Actire for use of the Alfred and Providence; wishes advice how they are to be accounted for to captors; requests a list of the men of the Alfred "and thr. shares". A. L. S. 1 p. 4". 1777. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee. [Philadel- Mar. 25. phia.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, [Boston]. In accord ance with enclosed resolve of Congress, have directed [John] Bradford to fit out three armed vessels; Jones is to have his choice of these; is requested to make his selection at once. Marine Com mittee Letter Book. p. 64. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1851, p. 36. 1777. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee. Philadelphia. Mar. 25. Resolve giving to Capt. John Paul Jones his choice of the three ships ordered by Congress to be fitted out for the service of the United States, until better provision can be made for him. " Ex tract from the Minutes John Brown Secy." 1 p. F. Printed: Sherburne. Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1851, p. 36. [1777.] Manley, John and others. Capts., I . S. nav;/. [Boston.] "Uniform [Mar.] dress for the Navy agreed to at Boston by the major part of the Captains." Signed by Captains John Manley, Hector McXeill, Dudley Saltonstall, E[lisha] Hinman, Joseph Olney, John Roche, John Paul Jones, Hector McXeill for Thomas Thompson, Joseph Olney for Abraham Whipple. Copy by Hector McXeill. 2 pp. F. 1777. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Philadelphia. "A Plan for Apr. 7. the Regulation and Equipment of the Xavy, drawn up at the request of the Honorable the President of Congress " [John Han cock]. D. S. 4 pp. F. Copy forwarded to Robert Morris. See: Jones to Morris, 1777, Jul. 28. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Philadelphia. Letter to Apr. 7. R[obert] M[orris, Philadelphia]. Wishes to meet "Face to Face" in the presence of the Marine Board the author of "cer tain aspersions from Commodore [Esek] Hopkins"; discusses his present command; has put plan on regulation and equipment of the navy in hands of [John Hancock,] President [of the Conti nental Congress]. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. See: Jones to Jarvis, 1777, May 10, and reply of Jarvis May 21. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 21 1777. Manley, John, ( apt., f. S. S. " Hancock ." Boston. Order to [Capt.] Apr. 23. John Paul Jones, [Boston]. Deeires him to attend a court martial on the Hancock for trial of Acting Master s Mate George Torrey of the Alfred; court held at desire of Capt. Elisha Hinman. A. D. S. 1 p. 6x8 inches. 1777. "Dolphin". U. S. xloop, Lieut. Samuel Xicholson, commanding. " Mus- Apr. -Jun. ter Roll * * * for April, May and June 1777". Names of forty-two persons. [Nicholson is given as capt. in sense of com mander.] A. D. S. of Nicholson. 1 p. lof x 9i inches. Names in index. Enclosed in Xicholson to Benjamin Walker, 1788, Aug. 2. 1777 Manley, John, ( a/it., U. S. 8. "Hancock . Boston. Order to [Capt.] May 3. John Paul Jones, [Boston]. Desires him to attend a court martial on board the Alfred for the trial of Acting Master s Mate George Torrey of the Alfred; court held at the desire of Capt. [Elisha] Hinman. A. D. S. 1 p. 6 x 8 inches. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., T. S. nr>/. Boston. Letter to Stuart May 4. Mawey, Tobago, [Lesser Antilles, West Indies]. In his destitute condition is obliged to have recourse to strangers; assistance is denied by friends to whom he had trusted his "All"; bound by gratitude and honor to follow the "Fortunes of my late Benefac tors" [Joseph Hewes? and others]; has been informed by [ ] Secaton, manager of Archibald Stuart s estates, of the embezzle ments ol his agent [ ] Ferguson; incloses a letter of attorney and list of debts due him by Ferguson; desires to pay his own debts; if property in England is not sufficient, wishes the balance made up from property in Tobago; after debts are paid wishes surplus to go to the support of his mother; remittances made through Capt. John Plainer of Cork, [Ireland] will reach her; letters addressed care of Robert Morris will reach Jones. Auto graph draft signed. 3pp. F. Indorsed by Jones: "Copy * * * pr. Captain Cleaveland." Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJones, N. Y., 1851, pp. 41-43; [Sands,] Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1830, pp. 25-26. 1777. McNeill, Hector. Capt., ( . S. 8. "Boston". Nantasket Road, [Massachu- May 7. setts]. Order to Capt. John Paul Jones, [Boston]. Commands him to attend a court martial on board the Hancock for the trial of eight men for mutiny; charges are preferred by Capt. John Manley. D. S. 1 p. F. Names in index. 1777. Gushing, [Thomas.] Merchant, Boston. Boston. Letter to Capt. [John May S. Paul] Jones, [Boston]. Requests him to call "this Evening on a little Business." A. L. S. 1 p. 9 x 7J inches. 1777. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee. [Philadel- May 9. phia.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, [Boston]. Are author ized by Congress "to employ you [on] a voyage in the Amphitrite" ; is to proceed to Carolina, thence to France "where it is expected you will be provided with a fine frigate"; for this reason send him a commission as captain in the navy without designating the ship he is to command. Marine Committee Letter Book. p. 90. Printed: [Sands,] Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1830, p. 65. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. 8. nary. Boston. Letter to Leonard May 10. Jarvis, [New] Bedford, [Massachusetts]. Desires to know "whether you have found cause for any illiberal reflections on my character as a man of honor and honesty ; insinuations have been made to the Marine Committee by "the late Commodore [Esek] Hopkins and his adherents"; is charged with retention of money found on the Mellish which was captured by the Alfred and Proi-i- dence under Jones s command; wishes the names of all persons making such insinuations as these. Autograph draft. Signed. 1 p. F. Jarvis, Leo[nard.] Deputy Continental agent, Massachusetts. Dartmouth, [Massachusetts]. Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, [Boston]. Has received his letter of May 10th; reports are current that there was money on the Mellish; no credence placed in them; it has been suggested that [ ] Southouse has the money; all insinua tions come from those "who were connected with the late Com modore" [Esek Hopkins]; has never heard a single reflection on the character of Jones but what appeared to be dictated by envy or prejudice; will communicate any further information which he may obtain; wishes to know value of provisions taken from the Mellish for use of the Alfred. 2pp. 4. Endorsed by Jones: "Copy of a letter from Leo Jarvis Esq." See: Jones to Jarvis 1777, May 10. i777. Manley, John. Deputy Continental agent, Rhode Island. Providence. May 30. Letter to "the honble Counsell of Warr" [of Rhode Island]. "The bearer John Dobie is Im powered to enter seamen to go on board of a ship commanded by Capt. [John Paul] Jones"; men so entered have been impressed on the Warren [Capt. John Bur roughs Hopkins] ; asks assistance in securing their release. Auto graph copy signed. 1 p. 4? x 8 inches. 1777. Manley, John. Deputy Continental agent, Rhode Inland. Providence. Jun. 1. Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Boston. Men engaged by John Dobie were impressed by Capt. [John Burroughs] Hopkins of the Warren; efforts made for their release; has advised Dobie to obtain further instructions; suggests that settlement be made with men to whom prize money is due; further enlistments will be thereby facilitated. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Endorsed by Jones: "from Captn. Manley by John Dobie." 1777. Manley, John. Deputy Continental agent, Rhode Island. Providence. Jun. 9. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Boston]. Has received his letter by [John] Dobie; it is necessary that "Roles" be authen ticated by Jones or his clerk; "Coll." [Daniel] Tillinghast will set out for Boston to-morrow; doubts as to release of impressed men; willingness of men who formerly accompanied Jones to enlist; [Leonard] Jarvis will pay prize money due; refers him to Capt. [Mathew] Parks [Parke] for further particulars. A. L. S. Ip. 4. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. 8. nary. Boston. Letter [to Leonard Jun. ( J. Jarvis, Dartmouth, Massachusetts]. Orders received [May] 21st "to repair immediately to Portsmouth;" sails thence to France - on the Amphitrite; sends list of persons engaged in the capture of the Alexander; advice as to [Joseph] Vesey s [Yeazie] prize money; provisions taken from the Mellish for the Alfred; distribu tion of all prize money in the future; wishes his share forwarded CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 23 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[anl] Continued. Jun. 9. before his " departure from the continent;" "Commodore [Esek] Hopkins has no titles to any part" from the Alexander; other money to be forwarded "when my pretentious are determined in consequence of your application to Congress thro Capt. [John] Bradford." Autograph draft signed. 2 pp. F. 1777. Charrier, Louis Daniel. Bedford, [Massachusetts.] Letter to Capt. Jun. 10. J[ohn Paul] Jones, Boston. Has doubtless heard of his capture; has escaped to the Alfred aided by Capt. [Elisha] Hinman; accepts Jones s offer respecting money for service; asks that amount necessary for preparation be forwarded. A. L. S. 2 pp. 6x7 inches. 1777. House, George. Lieut., U. S. brig "Hampden." Hampden, Providence Jun. 17. River, [Rhode Island.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Boston]. Has been commissioned as 1st lieutenant for past ten months on the Hampden; does not dislike Capt. [Ezekiel?] Bur roughs but sees no prospect of sea service; was advised by John Manley to write to Jones; [ ] Whitfield would go also; if the Hampden is not to sail others wish to accompany Jones. A. L. S. 1 p. F. See: Jones to House 177", June 26. 1777. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee. [Philadel- Jun. 18. phia.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Boston]. His letter of May 26th has been laid before Congress; "design of fitting the Mellish is laid aside"; Jones is "appointed to Command the Ranger Ship of War"; the bearer [William] Whipple, has his commission from Congress; Whipple, Jones and [John] Langdon to appoint other officers; is to equip the Ranger for sea as soon as possible; in default of further orders is limited to no "particular Cruizing Station"; is to make monthly returns to the Xavy Board; further instructions. Marine Committee Letter Boot;, pp. 95-96. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jone*, N. Y., 1851, p. 38. See follow ing letter. 1777. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee. [Philadel- Jun. IS. phia.] Letter to William Whipple, John Langdon and [Capt.] John Paul Jones. Enclose "Sundry Resolves of Congress"; first relates to Capt. John Roach [Roche] and a copy is to be furnished him; second appoints Jones captain of the Ranger; " the third empowers you Gentn. to appoint the Lieutenants and other necessary officers for this ship"; blank commissions en closed; are to search for " Young Officers who have served with reputation in our Xavy"; names of persons appointed to be sent to Xavy Board and to the Committee; hope the Ranger and the Raleigh will be ready for sea soon. Marine Committee Letter Book, pp. 96-97. Enclosed resolve.-i are printed: Journals of Congress, June 14, 1777: Sherburne, Life <>f John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, p. 39. See preceding letter. 1777. Bradford, J[ohn.] Continental agent, Massachusetts. Boston. Letter to Jun. 23. [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, [Boston]. Lieut. [William] "Grin- nel" wishes account settled for services on the Proddence; thinks it preferable for the money to pass through the hands of Jones as he has "paid the Roll" for the Providence. A. L. S. 1 p. 7x6 inches. 24 LIBllAKY OF CONGRESS. 1777. Jarvis, Leo[nard.] Deputy Continental agent, Massachusetts. Dartmouths Jun. 23. [Massachusetts]. Letter to [Capt. J.John Paul Jones, Boston. Replies to letter of 9th inst. which enclosed list of "the Persons concern d in the Capture of the ship Alexander"; has returned same, together with the list "of the Ship Alfred s Company to Capt. John Bradford"; wishes Jones to sign them and rectify mistake as to James Grinnell; [Esek] Hopkins certifies that he was a midshipman; opinion respecting the distribution of prize money among the officers; orders of Congress respecting the matter; Capt. [Hoysted] Hacker has disposed of part of the prize money and attached one share to [Stephen] Rust as first seeing the MellisJi; is not in Jar vis s power to pay prize money derived from the Alexander to [Esek] Hopkins or to Jones until he sees resolutions of Congress recommending same; if division is made, requests Jones to call on Gushing & White for payment of his share from the MellisJi, Active and Alexander with 50 paid " your order to Capt. [Isaac] Fox." A. L. S. 3pp. 4. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. N. X. "Ranger." Boston. Letter to Jun. 26. John Langdon, [Portsmouth, New Hampshire]. Is uneasy as no return has been made of letters sent to the Secret Committee [of the Continental Congress]; fears for success of "plan"; is dis tressed that he "should lay Idle and inactive thus long"; con siders it unwise to enlist seamen in existing uncertainty; desires information respecting the condition of the Amphitrite; has set tled Capt. [Thomas] Thompson s account and will write him soon. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul] Capt., U. S. $. "Ranger." Boston. Letter to Jun. 26. Lieut, (reorge House, [Providence, Rhode Island]. Plans are uncertain; has no information from Congress as to time of depart ure; character of officers desired; quality of ship and nature of service necessitate the enlistment of men of ability; advises House not to quit the Hampden without special orders; intends to engage no men until after acquiring "a thorough knowledge of the per sons abilities and superior merits"; will render him "any cor- sistant services." Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F". 1777. Tillinghast, Daniel. "Col. "and Continental agent, Rhode Island. Provi- Jun. 28. denc e. Letter to [Capt,] John Paul Jones, Boston. P^ncloses copy of notification from [Richard] Derby, owner of the Kingston Packet; Jones being present at the capture it will be necessary for him to write the Marine Committee concerning it. L. S. [Jun. 28.] M[anley,] J[ohn.] Deputy Continental agent, Rhode Island. [Providence.] Postscript to above. [ ] Bears desires to en list with Jones; wishes same berth as in the Columbus. A. N. S. Jun. 17. Derby, Richard, Jr. Owner, merchant brig "Kingston Packet." Boston. Notice to [Commander in Chief] Esek Hopkins, [Provi dence]. Speaks of appeal of his case relative to the Kingston Packet taken by Jones; delay before the Maritime Court; desires appointment of some persons on part of the defendant so case may be postponed no longer. Contemporary copy. Jun. 26. Seamons, Martin. Sheriff 1 , Providence, Rhode Island. Attestation to correctness of above copy. Contemporary copy. 1 p. F. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 25 1777. Hinman, K[lisha.] ( apt., r. S. S. "Alfred." Boston. Letter to Capt. Jun. 28. John P[aul] Jones, [Boston]. Has ordered [James] Hogan to attend him as requested; will not take him to sea without Jones s consent; has directed [ ] Richards, the bearer, to take men on board as desired. A. L. S. 1 p. 7i x 7 inches. 1777. Dobel, Joseph. Lieut., U. A , navy. Boston. Letter to [Capt.] John Jul. 2. Paul Jones, [Boston]. Has served as 1st lieutenant on the ////- i-ocfc for over twelve months; on Apr. 22d Capt. John Manley informed him that his services were no longer needed; no rea sons given; cannot account for this treatment; abusive language used by Manley; his wages remain unpaid and account unsettled; other difficulties with Manley; asks for an investigation. A. L. S- 2 pp. F". Endorsed by Jones: "Complaint of Lieut. Doble against Captn. Manley." 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. & "Ranger." Boston. Orders Jul. 2. to Capt. [Mathew] Parke, [Providence, Rhode Island]. Has been appointed to command the Rangi r instead of the Amphitrlte; Capt. [John] Roach [Roche] suspended on charges preferred by State [of Massachusetts] ; hopes charges may be disproved; con siders the Rangi-T "the Best Cruizer in America"; instructions as to enlistment of crew; encloses orders for Capt. [Edmond] Arrowsmith; has peculiar interest in that officer; the Ranger is in readiness to sail; agent at Providence [Daniel Tillinghast] will supply funds for enlistments; frugality necessary; no officers having "other connections in the way "to be appointed; is to inform [Lieut. George] House of tliis; "you may ask Mr. [Lieut. Jonathan] Pitcher what he intends doing"; names of officers out of employment to be returned to Jones. Autograph draft signed. 2pp. F. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., I . > . > . Ra n;/er." Boston. Orders Jul. 3. to "Captn. Edmond Arrowsmith of the Marines", Providence. Is to act under orders of Capt. Mathew Park[e] "of the Marines"; under his direction is to enlist men for service with Jones; receipt for all arms and prisoners of the MeUi*h to be given Parke; reason for this request. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. 9i x 6 inches. Enclosed in preceding letter. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohnJ P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Ranger." Boston. Letter to Jul. 3. William Whipple, Portsmouth, [New Hampshire]. Reasons for having missed seeing him; has given orders for the enlistment of seamen at several places; reasons for requesting that secrecy be observed regarding destination of the Ranger; expects to be in Portsmouth soon. Autograph draft signed. 1. p. 9ix 6 inches. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Ranger." Boston. Letter [to Jul. 3. Louis Daniel Charrier, New Bedford, Massachusetts]. Has been ordered to the Ranger instead of the AmphilrUe; wishes him to enlist seamen to serve on the Ranger; detailed orders regarding enlistments; will pay advance allowed by Congress when men appear on board ship; good qualities of the Ranger; "since the establishment of our Navy no persons in it have had so good so fair a prospect of success"; has given enlisting orders at Provi dence; Charrier to obtain men at Salem and Marblehead; wishes several petty officers. Autograph draft signed. 2pp. 4. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1777. Frazer, John G[izzard.] far-major, Continental army. "Newberry Jul. 15. Port," [Massachusetts]. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Portsmouth, New Hampshire]. Dr. [John Houstoun?] and self just arrived; has met Sir Patrick Housotoun [Houstoun], [John?] Roach [Roche?], [Abraham] Livingston, and [William] Turnbull; has recommended them to Mrs. [ ] Tilton [for board]; desires Jones to induce Capt. [Thomas] Thompson to purchase sundry articles for him; wishes Robert Morris informed that he "should be very glad to be in the Marine service"; states his former rank and services in the Continental army; position offered him by [Maj.] Gen. [Horatio] Gates. A. L. S. 3 pp. 8 x 6 inches. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. >S . S. "Ranger." Portsmouth, [New Jul. 15. Hampshire.] Orders to [Lieut. ] Samuel Wallingsford. Having been nominated Lieutenant of Marines is instructed to enlist sea men to serve under Jones; orders respecting such enlistments; bounty of $40 will be paid on appearance of men on ship. Auto graph draft. 1 p. 4. 1777. Frazer, John G[izzard.] Ex-major, Continental arm;/. Boston. Letter Jul. 26. to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Has determined to take passage with Jones; desires command of the Marines "by way of amusement" until France is reached; "think of it & keep it to yourself till you write me or we meet." A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Ranger." Orders to Capt. Jul. 27. M[athew] Parke, [Providence]. Is to proceed at once to Boston and assist [Louis Daniel] Charrier in enlisting men; Livingston and Turnbull will give all aid possible; gentlemen at Providence wishing to sail in the Ranger will be accepted as volunteers or midshipmen; enlistments are to be governed by "former order" and the "handbills" furnished. Autograph draft. 1 p. F". 1777. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S . "Ranger." Portsmouth, [New Jul. 28. Hampshire.] Letter to Robert Morris, [Philadelphia]. "Five times baffled" in projected services since arriving in the Alfred at Boston; prospects of the Ranger sailing soon; the Raleigh lacks 100 men; encloses copy of his letter of the 17th to Marine Committee; outlines most profitable naval strategy for United States ships; enemy is subject to panic "under the least surprise"; desires nothing so much as service; encloses copy of paper respecting for mation of a navy system that he sent to President [of Congress, John Hancock]; criticism of certain appointments; men of char acter necessary for officers; recommends " Major [John Gizzard] Frazer, of Virginia", for appointment in Marines; hopes to receive early reply; is sorry [Joseph] Hewes is not returned to Congress. L. S. 5 pp. 4. Also autograph draft. 4 pp. F. See: Jones, Plan 1777, Apr. 7. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. /S . "Ranger." Portsmouth, Jul. 29. [New Hampshire.] Letter to Lieut. [Elijah] Hall, Portsmouth. Explains the regulations of Congress respecting advances to enlist ing seamen; will direct agents to pay wives or attorneys of enlisted men half the pay due them; will do all in his power to make his crew "happy and contented." Autograph draft signed. 2pp. F. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jmie.s, N. Y. 1861, pp. 40-41. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1777. J[ones,] J[obn] P[aul.] ( apt., I . 8. 8. "Ranger." Portsmouth, [New Aug. 24. Hampshire.] Orders to Capt. [Mathew] Parke, Boston. Has received his letters down to 21st inst. ; is to obtain Capt. [Hector] McNeill s swivels from Capt. [John] Bradford; less wine to be sent if "Col." [Major John Gizzard] Frazer does not goon the Ranger; has sent !?200 t( > pay Major [ ] Swan ; articles purchased by Capt. [John] Roach [Roche] to be forwarded; sent Parke a large packet by Livingston & Turnbull in last post; is to forward same to [Joseph] Hewes in care of Robert Morris; directions regarding order from master of the Alfred for a copper stove; [ ] Cairns is to send lead lines; is to bring agents account of money supplied Jones while commanding the Providence and the Alfred; [Lieut. Samuel] \Vallingsford reports cartridges suited to the muskets; is to inquire if [Nathaniel] Russell will accept Jones s agency in absence of [Abraham] Livingston; desires sta tionery supplies. Authograph draft signed. 3 pp. F. 1777. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., U. S. X "Ranger." Portsmouth, [New Aug. 24. Hampshire.] Letter to Robert Morris, [Philadelphia]. Appre hends he referred to Jones s former orders to proceed to France, in his letter to Gen. [William] "Whipple; the R<ileigh and Alfred have sailed for France; refuses to act under command of "any man who was not in the service as early as myself unless he hath merited a preference " ; wishes Morris to protect him "against any such Connections"; has "not merited the heavy stigma of being superseded by thirteen persons whose superior pretensions * * * are presumptive"; though he assisted Capt. [Thomas] Thompson by giving him some men, expects to "have the Ranger at sea within a fortnight." L. S. 2pp. F. Endorsed: "Copy." Also autograph draft signed. 2 pp. F. 1777. Frazer, John G[izzard.] Kr-imtjoi; Continental army. Boston. Letter Aug. 25. to Capt. John Paul Jones, Portsmouth, [New Hampshire]. Introduces [ ] Hall of South Carolina; desires him to meet [John] Langdon and the " rest of your acquaintances "; is going to Nantucket with [ ] Rose, else would have accompanied him; desires to know when the Ranger is to sail and if she " comes round to Boston"; is tired of inaction; [Joseph] Hews [Hewes] has gone "to the Southward "; Sir Patrick [Houstoun] leaves to-day. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1777. Livingston, Abraham. Continental agent, Boston. Boston. Letter to Aug. 28. [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Portsmouth, New Hampshire]. Has received his letter of [Aug.] 24th; defers opinion on letter of Jones to [Joseph] Hewes; will "do the needful respecting your letters" at Philadelphia; agrees with Jones in his opinion of "a certain sleepy Gentlen " [Dudley Saltonstall?]; must not show his vexation; leaves for Philadelphia soon; will consult [Joseph] Hewes "respecting your affair"; [Nathaniel] Russell is unwilling to act as agent; [ ] Shattuck has done good service; advice as to money matters; encloses letters to [Silas] Deane and to "the Morgans of Bordeaux." A. L. S. 3pp. 4. 1777. Frazer, John G[izzard.] Ex-major, Continental army. Boston. Letter Aug. 28. to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Portsmouth, [New Hampshire]. Let ter of 24th received; answered 25th by [ ] Hall; has abandoned trip to Nantucket as [the Ranger] is to sail so soon; is grateful to CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCKIPTS. 29 1777. Frazer, John G[izzard] Continued. Aug. 28. Jones for "polite offers"; hopes to share his mess on the voyage and will pay his proportion; provisions for trip; [Abraham] Liv ingston has not received packet sent by Jones; questions regard ing voyage to France; will leave for Portsmouth on Thursday [Sep. 4th] or sooner if necessary. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Ranger. " Portsmouth, [New Aug. 29. Hampshire.] Letter to the Committee of Safety of New Hamp shire. The Ranger is nearly ready to sail; requests permission to enlist men from " Forts and Garrisons of the Harbour"; delayed application until after departure of the Raleigh; compliance with this request will enable him to fulfill more quickly the instruc tions of Congress. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. Enclosed in Jones to Speaker and Representatives of X. H. 177", Sep. 20. 1777. Frazer, John G[izzard.] Ex-major, Continental army. Boston. Letter Sep. 1. to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Portsmouth, X[ew] H[ampshire]. Has forwarded trunk and stores to Portsmouth by sloop; list of provisions obtained; will leave Boston in company with Capt. [Mathew] Parke on Friday [Sep. 5th] ; private commissions for Jones to execute. A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., L . S. S. "Ranger." Portsmouth, [New Sep. 1. Hampshire.] Letter to Joseph Hewes, [Eden ton ?, North Caro lina]. Encloses copies of letters sent him Aug. 17th, care of Livingston & Turnbull; fears originals are lost; sends also copy of his letter of [Aug.] 24th to [Robert] Morris and of that of [Aug.] 30th to the Commissioners at Paris; reasons for writ ing explained in letters; gratitude to Morris and Hewes; hopes to show appreciation by appearing deserving and rendering "Eminent Services to America"; relies on "goodness of Con gress " not to be superseded; dreads dishonor of this "worse than Death"; accepts "service" because the "liberties of America are doubtful"; was among the first to defend those liberties; hopes to hear from him when he reaches France; letter of Morris to [William] Whipple shows that Jones is still acting under former orders of the Secret Committee; reasons for continuing in the service; command conferred upon him by "Mr. Morris last win ter" far exceeded his expectations; appreciates kindness shown him by Congress; thinks mistake in "line of Rank" uninten tional; reasons therefor; relies on friendship of Hewes and will pay attention to his advice. Autograph draft signed. 2 pp. F. 1777. United States, Continental Congress, Navy Board, Eastern Division. Sep. 4. Boston. Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Portsmouth, [New Hampshire]. As the Ranger is about to sail under orders from Marine Committee, will interfere no further "with affairs of your ship"; desire "Copy of your orders which may have an influence on our future conduct relative to the Navy." Signed: J[ames] Warren, John Deshon. A. L. of Warren. 1 p. F. 1777. Livingston, Abraham. Continental agent, Boston. Hartford, [Connec- Sep. 7. ticut] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Portsmouth, New Hampshire] . Hears that Congress are drawing Bills on France ; advises purchase of one through [William] Turnbull in Philadel phia; if sold will ship rice or indigo from South Carolina; can be insured if Jones so desires; expects to go to New York "as ; 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1777. Livingston, Abraham Continued. Sep. 7. flag"; hopes Jones s "Observations may benefit the Service"; expects to be in Charles Town [Charleston, South Carolina,] Nov. 15th; hopes that Jones will clear that "Coast of the Pirates"; encloses memorandum of articles what he desires purchased in France; instructions respecting same. A. L. S. 5 pp. 4. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. >S . S. "Ranger". Portsmouth, [New Sep. 10. Hampshire.] Letter to John Bradford, [Boston]. Wishes "par ticulars and prices" of articles supplied by Livingston & Turn- bull; this information essential for correct accounts; the "old St. George s Ensign" mentioned by Capt. [Mathew] Parke "is a trophy taken from a Tory" who had the "impudence to keep it flying"; desires to return it if considered prize goods; took it with him from the Providence to the Alfred; were the times less difficult would not mention such a matter; [ ] Seward and [Louis Daniel] Charrier go to Boston to obtain articles for the Ranger. Autograph draft signed. 2 pp. 4. 1777. United States, Continental Congress, Navy Board, Eastern Division. Sep. 12. Boston. Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Portsmouth, [New Hampshire]. "Favors by [Louis Daniel] Charrier received"; "Memdm." will be furnished with all "posable Dispatch"; such a press and confusion of affairs in "first Entering on Business" that no determination has been reached respecting manner of exhibiting accounts; no existing objection to presenting accounts by an attorney; will pay a proper attention to their settlement; not customary to pay commissions; [Lieut. Joseph] Dobel s com plaint will be attended to in "Proper Season so far as comes within our Department". Signed: J[ames] Warren, John Deshon. A. L. of Warren. 1 p. F. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. " Ranger." Portsmouth, [New Sep. 20. Hampshire.] Letter to "The Speaker & Representatives of New Hampshire," [Portsmouth]. Encloses letter [of Aug. 29, 1777] to Committee of Safety; as it did not produce the desired effect, applies to them for assistance; the Ranger delayed for want of men; interest of the Continent must take precedence of private concerns. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. [1777.] Frazer, John G[izzard.] Ex-major, Continental army. [Portsmouth, Sep. 29. New Hampshire.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, [Ports mouth]. Requests him to send the money promised; in return will give a bill on [Lt.] Col. [Joseph?] Griffin. A. L. S. 1 p. 4j x ~t\ inches. 1777. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. 8. "Ranger." Portsmouth, New Hamp- Oct. 8. shire. Will. Appoints Robert Morris, of Philadelphia, and Jo seph Hewes of "Edinton," North Carolina, executors; after payment of debts, Morris and Hewes are each to have a "Mourn ing Ring of the Value of One Hundred Pounds," as tokens of es teem; two-thirds of residue of estate to be invested by executors, and yearly interest paid to Mrs. [John Paul, nee Jean Macduff, of Kiskbean, Scotland, Jones s mother] ; after her death to her two daughters, Jenny [Mrs. Taylor] and Mary [Mrs. Loudon]; CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 31 1777. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Oct. 8. remainder of estate to Miss [Elizabeth Paul]. Witnesses; Supply Clap, Samuel Briard, William Gardner. Autograph draft. 3 pp. " 4. Mutilated. Cf. will in Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jimit, X. Y., 1851, p. 338. [Sands,] Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1830, p. 546. 1777. Gardner, William. Deputy Continental agent, Sew Hampshire. Ports- Oct. 10. mouth. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Portsmouth]. Can not accept Jones s order for paying [Andrew?] Marshall for yawl built for the Ranger; Col. [John] Langdon previously refused payments; if Jones so desires, amount can be paid out of his private account. A. L. S. 8 x 7i inches. See following letter. 1777. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S. S. "Ranger. " [Portsmouth, New Hamp- Oct. 11. shire.] Letter to John Langdon, "Continental Agent, in his Ab sence to Wm. Gardner Esqr. Deputy- Agent," [Portsmouth]. Authorized by Congress to "Equip, Officer, and man the Ranger" ; his orders are to be obeyed; is accountable to Congress alone for their "Propriety"; is willing to pay [for the yawl] from his pri vate account, as he has previously paid off [the crews of the Al fred and Providence }; considers this proposition "contracted and 111 Matured"; expects his orders to be duly honored. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. See preceding letter. 1777. Gardner, William. Deputy Continental Agent, New Hampshire. Ports- Oct. 27. mouth. Letter to [Capt,] John Paul Jones, [Portsmouth]. Encloses original and copy of his account against the Marine Committee; as copy is "fairer," recommends that it be presented to the Committee "in Lieu" of the original; calls attention to alteration "in the Baleance" due to changes in [Daniel] Tilling- hast s account against the Providence. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1777. [Frazer, John Gizzard.] Ex-major, Continental army. [Portsmouth, New Oct. 28. Hampshire.] Letter to Carter Braxton, King William [County,] Virginia. Will accompany Capt. John Paul Jones to France in the Ranger, as previously stated; will sail the first fair wind; hopes to be the first to carry to the Commissioners [in Paris] the news of [Lt.] Gen. [John] Burgoyne s surrender; Jones desires to purchase " small landed estate" in Virginia; has recommended "Foxe s Ferry"; desires Braxton to make purchase for Jones; is to apply to Joseph Hewes and Robert Morris, Jones s attorneys, for funds; [John] Fox has offered the estate for 1,200 cash; other instructions relative to the purchase. 2 pp. 4 . Endorsed : "Copy of a letter * * * sent Inclosed to the Honble. Robt. Morris. 1777. Wendell, John. Merchant and justice of the peace?, Portsmouth, Xew Oct. 28. Hampshire. Portsmouth. Letter to Hope & Co., "Merchants at Amsterdam", [Holland]. Introduces Capt. John Paul Jones; recommends him as a "Gentleman of Merit and Character"; desires every civility shown him; has his son [Daniel Wentworth 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1777. Wendell, John Continued. Oct. 28. Wendell] under his care; will find Jones a "Gentleman very intelligent and communicative" and of "Honour & Integrity." A. L. S. 1 p. 4. See two documents following. 1777. Wendell, John. Merchantand justice of the peace f, Portsmouth, New Hamp- Oct. 29. shire. Portsmouth. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Ports mouth. Thanks him for kindness in rating his son, Daniel Wentworth Wendell, as a midshipman on the Ranger; if Jones should quit the Ranger his son may remain with Lieut. [Thomas] Simpson, who is a kinsman; instructions respecting his son; offers his own services if in "any other matters you would wish to communicate [to Congress] through the Channel of a Friend"; Wendell s influence in Congress; reciprocal services designated ; desires his son promoted to third lieutenancy later; [Benjamin] Frankland [Franklin] "will not oppose it when he knows he is a grandson of Col. [John] Wendell, a Nephew of Colo. Josiah Quincy of Brantree and a cousin of [John] Hancock and a Grand son to his old Friend Mr. [ ] Pascal [Daniel Wentworth?] of Portsmo. and a Nephew of Colo. Josh Wentworth"; promises Jones he shall not be undervalued by Congress; has given his son a letter to Lane, Son & Fraser, merchants in London. A. L. S. 3 pp. F. 1777. Wendell, John. Merchant and justice of the peace?, Portsmouth, New Hamp- Oct. 2!). shire. Portsmouth. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Ports mouth]. Eegrets that he was deprived of his and "Col." [Major John Gizzard] Fraser s [Frazer] company at dinner; invites him to dine next day "sans ceremonie"; has written his "Friends" in Congress; encloses letter to Hope & Co. A. L. S. 1 p. F". On verso, in hand of Jones is a "Memorandum to procure in France for Genl. [William] Whipples Lady" various articles. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul]. Capt., I . S. S. "Ranger". Portsmouth, [New Oct. 30. Hampshire.] Letter to Robert Morris. [Philadelphia]. Encloses duplicates of all letters [to Morris] since taking command of the Ranger; also all letters to [Joseph] Hewes; Morris is to read and forward the latter; opinion respecting the officers by whom he has been superseded; embarrassing position at present and when he reaches France; must ol)ey commands of men who entered the service later than he; implies a recognition of superior merit which does not exist; "Honor and Duty seem incompatible"; this "affects me more than all the former misfortunes of my Life"; existing conditions due to no fault of his; cannot leave the serv ice " while the Liberties of America are Unconfirmed"; looks for justice to Morris, his "Patron and Protector"; Major [John Giz zard] Frazer sails in the Ranger as a volunteer; he desires a posi tion in the marines corresponding with his rank in the army; "it is my first and most ardent Wish to be entrusted with the Command of Some Spirited Enterprise"; apologizes for the lib erty taken in appointing Morris and Hewes his attorneys and the executors of his will; encloses letter of Frazer to Col. [Carter] Braxton; gives discretionary power of purchase; reasons for delay in preparing the Ranger for voyage; has "an orderly and well disciplined crew * * of one hundred and forty odd"; CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 33 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul] Continued. Oct. 30. wishes to hear from him while in France; attributes previous delays [of letters] to "Commotions in Pennsylvania"; insinua tions of "Commodore" [Esek] Hopkins to the Marine Commit tee give him great concern; encloses letter from [Leonard] Jarvis on the matter ; John Wendell of Portsmouth has exerted him self " in my behalf"; encloses receipt from Major [William] Gardner explaining "my little private concerns in the Eastern States"; requests that letters be forwarded. Autograph draft signed. 4 pp. F. 1777. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul]. Capt., T. S. 8. " Ranger". Portsmouth, [New Oct. 30. Hampshire.] Letter to Joseph Hewes, [Edenton, North Caro lina]. Causes of detention of the Hanger; expects to sail with the first favorable wind; hopes to carry word to France of [Lt. Gen. John] Burgoyne s surrender; has received his letter of May 26, 1776, from Philadelphia; it confirms his belief that had Heweg been present in Congress Oct. 10, 1776, "I should have held my proper Rank in the service"; unhappiness at being superseded and reasons therefor; hopes that Congress will yet do him justice; cannot leave the service because his "whole mind is rapt in the Dispute"; would lay down his life for America but "can never trifle with my delicate notions of Honor"; hopes Hewes will par don the liberty he takes in joining his name with that of Abraham Livingston in a "General letter of Attorney" for the payment of prize money and with that of Robert Morris as attorney and executor in his will; Major [John Gizzard] Frazer accompanies him as a volunteer; desires to purchase a small estate [Foxe s Ferry, Virginia]; wishes his advice respecting its value; desires command of a "spirited private Enterprize"; his letters to be addressed care of Thomas Morris, Agent at Nantes. Autograph draft signed. 4 pp. F. 1777. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. ".Ranger ". Nantes, France. Letter Dec. 11. [to Robert Morris, Philadelphia]. As disturbances in Pennsyl vania hindered conveyance of letters, copies of former ones are enclosed ; from present results is convinced that Congress has had his "Honor and Benefit at Heart"; has regained his "cheerful Ardour and Spirit " ; is grateful for his kindness "more than I can express"; was disappointed in [Major John Gizzard] F[razer]; finds him "subject to drink"; advises the adoption of French methods respecting seamen; "America must become the first Marine Power in the World"; care and increase of seamen is of greatest consideration; discountenances the "sordid adventurers in Privateers"; avarice of " Individuals in our Navy" illustrated by [Capt. John] Manly [Manley] ; treatment of United States prisoners of war by England. Incomplete draft in handwriting of Capt. Mathew Parke. 4 pp. 4. 1777. Frazer, John G[izzard.] Ex-major, Continental army. Nantes, [France.] Dec. 15. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Nantes]. Leaves on Dec. 16th for Bordeaux; will remain there a month or two; desires him to take charge of his servant; instructions respecting him; acknowl edges receipt of " one hundred pounds * * * Virginia currency", equal to$333J from Jones at Portsmouth, [New Hampshire] ; "this 2155103- 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1777. Frazer, John G[izzard] Continued. Dec. 15. shall be my order on my brother William Frazer" [for payment of same] ; hopes to see him again at some future day. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. See: Frazer to Jones 1777, Dec. 30. 1777. Franklin, B[enjamin;] Deane, Silas, and Lee, Arthur. Uiuted Mates Dec. 17. Commissioners to France. Passy, [France.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Nantes, [France]. Acknowledge receipt of his letters from Portsmouth, [New Hampshire] ; desire to see and consult with him "on matters mentioned in your Instructions from the Congress". A. L. 8. of Franklin, signed by Deane and Lee also. 1 p. 4. 1777. Simpson, Thomas. 1st Lieut., U.S. S. "P-anger". Painbeuf, [Paimboeuf, Dec. 19. France.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Nantes. His letter with enclosures delivered by [Jonathan] Williams; latter and [ ] Odea are securing supplies for the Ranger; repairs made; four of the prisoners have enlisted on the Independence; [ ] Bulfinch and another entered on the Ranger; Dutch prisoners have been delivered to Capt. [ ] Smith; the French are on board the ship as [John C?] Robertson would not keep them on the brig; "our people" from the prize have returned to the Ranger; [Ezra] Green tarrys to see her unloaded; everything quiet and in good order. On verso is a memorandum of clothing on the Ranger and of articles needed. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1777. Simpson, Thomas. 1st Lieut., U. 8. S. "Ranger". [Paimboeuf, France.] Dec. 21. Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Nantes. "Jack" [Johnny Downes?] arrived this morning; will comply with the contents of Jones s letter; [ ] Odea considers it necessary to haul the Ranger on shore on account of the ice in the river [Loire]; will not do so without Jones s order; no leave granted seamen to go on shore; poor work of French "Caulkers"; desires news of the George; requests Jones to forward a letter to [ ] Shorur. A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1777. Simpson, Thomas. 1st Lieut., U. S. S. " Ranger" . Painbeuf, [Paimboeuf, Dec. 23. France.] Letter to Capt, John Paul Jones, Nantes. No further annoyance from ice; the captain of the "French Frigate" has visited the Ranger; cannot take prisoners without a specific order to that effect; must have some fixed period for sailing of the Ranger; [ ] Odea will inform the French captain of this; repairs to be made on the ship; encloses memorandum of medi cines from Dr. [Ezra] Green; people in absolute want of clothing; officers desire their pay; stores furnished by Odea; [John C?] Robertson has charge of them; Simpson still retains money delivered him by Jones; officers present compliments; "Jack" [Johnny Downes ?] is unwell. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. 1777. Thompson, Thomas. Capt., U. /S . /S . "Raleigh". L Orient, [France.] Dec. 25. Letter to Major John "George" [Gizzard?] Frazer, Nantes. Con gratulates him on his safe arrival; letter of Dec. 16th received this day by [James] Moyland [Moylan]; rejoices in "the deffeat of [Lt. Gen. John] Burgoyne" ; hopes [Maj. Gen. William] How[e] will soon be in the same situation; should he return to America first, "will Inform your friends that you are safe Landed" ; fears prize has been overrated; "it gives him real Concern" that "things sell so very high in New England". L. S. 1 p. 4 Addressed: "per favor of Capt. Green". CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 35 1777. Simpson, Thomas, lat Lieut., U. S. S. "Ranger". [Paimboeuf, France.] Dec. 26. Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Nantes. Letter by Capt. [John] Young and [Samuel] Chandler, received; will attend to every decent and proper line of conduct in his power; condition of the crew; miscellaneous work on the Ranger; Capt. Young "afraid to take prisoners on account of his crew " ; desires Jones to "pre vail with Capt. [James] Nicholson" to take charge of the pris oners when he commands [the Virginia}. On verso are directions to [Jonathan] Williams to forward goods to the Ranger in case Jones has gone to Paris. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1777. Thompson, Thomas. Capt. U. S. S. Raleigh. L Orient, [France.] Letter Dec. 26. to Capt. John Paul Jones, Paris. Congratulates him on his safe arrival in France; "took it a little unkind" at not hearing before; read the letter with pleasure excepting the two last lines containing an unesesary and unseasonable Compliment ; criticism of same ; has a "sensible pleasure for his attention to Mrs. Thompson s shoes"; does not doubt but that "Capt. [James] Nicholson s a rt. of our Court junt" proved entertaining; it probably contained "a few of his embellishments"; hopes Jones will enjoy the Pleasure which paris afourds" mortifying the English wherever possible; Capt. [Elisha] Hinman "presents his best Compts." A. L. S. 2pp. 4. Endorsed by Jones: "rec d at Nantes Feby 10th 1778." 1777. Frazer, John G[izzard.] Ex-major, Continental army. Bordeaux, Dec. 30. [France.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Paris. Surprised at receiving no reply to his letter [of Dec. 15th] from Nantes; con siders Jones s behavior very odd since arrival in France; can only account for it by thinking that Jones still keeps in his "breast what passed between us at sea"; Jones s friendship like the "Vernal Snows"; still wishes him well; other prize under care of [Solomon] Lowd arrived at Bordeaux, Dec. 7th; most of her cargo disposed of by [Samuel and J. H.] Delap "who do the American business here"; bad behavior of Lowd; Frazer remains at Bordeaux a few weeks; it is a more agreeable place than Nantes; the "Inhabitants live in more Fashion"; one American vessel here from Edenton, North Carolina; wrote [Silas] Deane by the last post. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1778. Franklin, Benjamin; Deane, Silas and Lee, Arthur. United States Com- Jan. 10. missioners to France. Passy, [France.] Letter to Jonathan Wil liams, Nantes. Desire him to pay Capt. John Paul Jones of the Ranger 500 "Louidores" for which Williams s draft upon us will be paid. Contemporary Copy. 1780. Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer & United Slates agent?, Aug. . / Orient. Attestation to correctness of above copy. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Juncn, N. Y. 1851, p. 44. 1778. Charrier, Louis. Rochefort, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Feb. 8. Jones, Brest. Hears that his son [Louis Daniel Charrier] left the . Ranger at Nantes and disappeared; desires all possible information respecting him; son wrote while in Paris to expect visit from Jones and himself; heard upon Jones s arrival at Paris that his son had met some misfortune; asks for information. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Xante.?, France. Xantes. Feb. 11. Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, "Paimbeufe." Thanks him for communicating the " Xantucket Captain s [Capt. Jen kins?] News"; advices from England of Dec. 29, 1777, state that the "King s Army " is in the "greatest distress"; is under arms expecting to be attacked -by Gen. [George] Washington; 15,000 inhabitants sent [from Philadelphia] by [Maj. Gen. William] Howe on account of scarcity of provisions; transports are not landing provisions except for immediate use; hopes that Washington, "by keeping the field" will be able "to give a good account of Howe"; "Alderman [William] Lee" expected here tonight; will forward news by Capt. [J ] Brown; desires that [William] Carmichael be informed of "our Genls. keeping the field to the great terror of Hou e"; vessel from the Delaware, Dec. 29, 1777, brings news of distress in Philadelphia; she had much difficulty in getting down the river; "no Letters from Paris since you Left Town." A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 177S. Carmichael, William. Secretary to Silas Deane. [Quiberon, France.] Feb. 13. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Quiberon Bay]. Received his letter by Capt. [Benjamin] Hill; dined on board with Admi ral [la Motte Picquet] ; encloses answer [of Picquet] to Jones s request [relative to saluting the flag of the United States] ; dis tance of ships prevents Carmichael delivering this in person; desires to see [Jonathan] Williams; advises Jones to accept [Picquet s] "return" [salute of nine guns for thirteen]; [ ] du Chaffault gave that number to the [General] Miff in [Capt. Hector McXeill] at Brest. A. L. S. 1 p. 9x7 inches. 177S. Picquet, La Motte. Admiral, French navy. Quiberon Bay, France. Let- Feb. 13. ter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Quiberon Bay]. If the Ranger and the Independence salute " the flag of the King" with thirteen guns, the salute will be returned with nine; he will be pleased to see [Jonathan] Williams; desires to be remembered to him and to [William] Carmichael. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1778. Carmichael, William. Secretary to Silas Deane. Quiberon, TFrance.] Feb. 14. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Quiberon Bay] . From conver sations with Admiral [La Motte Picquet] is convinced that further application [for salute of gun for gun] will be fruitless; common salute is three guns for twenty one; to show respect "for the flag of the congress" the Admiral will return nine guns; desires this to be accepted "if it does not too much differ from your own opinion"; Jones expected with impatience by the Admiral and all the fleet; has reasons of a "Political nature ".[for acceptance of this salute] which he would take time to urge had he not to dine on the Bizarre; dangers from [British] cruisers; trusts in prudence of Jones. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1778. Parke, M[athew.] Capt., U. S. marines. [Quiberon Bay, France.] Feb. 19. Letterto [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Quiberon]. Has copy of peti tion of lieutenants and master to Jones; petition requests that Parke be disposed of so he cannot share in prize money; it declares that "no person of my Rank is allowed in any Ship under Twenty Guns"; knows of no such "Resolves" [of Congress]; CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 37 1778. Parke, M[athew] Continued. Feb. 19. had hoped to be with Jones on the frigate he was to command; officers very much dissatisfied with his "continuing on board in his station"; "tho very disagreeable" requests discharge that he may return to America in the Deane. A. L. P. 1 p. F. 1778. Read, J[ohn] K. PJujsician, GoocJiland county, Virginia. " f redricksburg Feb. 28. veally", [Virginia.] Letter to Capt. John Panl Jones, "Ranger care Thomas Morris Esqr. American Agent Xantz." Acknowledges receipt of letter of Oct. 29, [1777]; congratulates him on his suc cess; desires to purchase bills on Paris"; if unsuccessful, may go to France with cargo of tobacco; trip solicited by a "company of Gentn. on James River"; information respecting the "Fox hunter" and his wife; fears that Jones will not settlein Virginia; marriage of Miss [Dorothea Spotswood] Dandrige [Dandridge] to Gov. [Patrick] Henry; supposes he has seen Read s uncle; Mrs. Read sends regards; "Col." [Major? Charles] Fleming wishes to be remembered. A. L. S. 2pp. F. 1778. Moylan, James. Merchant and United States commercial agent at L Or tent. Mar. 12. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. John [Paul] Jones, Brest. Acknowledges receipt of letters of Mar. 5th and 9th addressed to [ ] Gourlade and himself; on 7th wrote to [Julien David] Le Roy at Pont L Abbe respecting Joseph Ratcliffe, the boy recom mended by Jones; [ ] Bersolle, the bearer, will supply Jones with necessaries on receiving receipt from Jones or [Lieut. Thomas] Simpson; same will be charged to the Commissioners; English papers say theGrafion, East Indiaman, has been captured by the Raleigh and the Alfred. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1778. Montaudoxiin Freres. Merchants, Nantes. Nantes, [France.] Letter to Mar. 19. ] Duplessis, Brest. Introduce Capt. John Paul Jones; desire all services in their power rendered him; Jones s drafts will be paid by [Jonathan] Williams. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1778. Laporte, . Brest, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Mar. 20. Brest]. Jones s letter received; was translated by the King s interpreter; [Lieut.] de Barre forced to anchor in the road ; will sail the first favorable wind; is here with [Admiral La Motte] "Piquet" [Picquet]; Jones has the best wishes of both. A. L. S. 1 p. 8x6 inches. In French. 1778. Williams, J[onathan.] United States commercial agent at Nantes. Nantes, Mar. 24. [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, Brest. Has heard that Jones is still at Brest in company with the Zephir; fears he has put into port on account of small-pox; wonders at Jones s silence knowing the interest he takes in American ships; infor mation respecting Jones s man "William Hart; will return him to America in the Hau-ke, commanded by Capt. [ ] Jenkins; [John] Lloyd desires to know if [William] Stevenson received a letter sent in Jones s care; hears that two Guernsey privateers have carried in two American ships; hopes "they may fall in your way." A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. Moylan, James. Merchant and United States commercial agent at L Orient. Mar. 24. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John [Paul] Jones, Brest, [ ] Bersolle s advances for the Ranger are heavy; desires to know of a house in Paris on which he may draw for payment of same; informed Bersolle that Jones s "Bills on the Honorable Commissioners" or on himself will be accepted; prefers to have account rendered for all disbursements in Brest; orders have been received by the Admiralty Offices at L Orient and adjacent port- to stop all English vessels; letters from Paris say that on Mar. 16th the English Ambassador, [David Murray, Lord Stormont,] retired from the French court. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt. U. X 8. Ranger. Brest, [France.] Letter to Mar. 31. [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine, [Ver sailles]. Introduces himself by enclosing a copy of a letter from the Continental Congress to the United States Commissioners; information respecting the ship \_Indien~\ building at Amsterdam and which Jones was to command; expresses satisfaction at the alliance of France and America; "sinews of their [the British] Marine" could be destroyed by capture of [Richard,] Lord Howe s light ships and destruction of British fisheries at Newfoundland; British army "must fall of course"; acknowledges politeness of [Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers, [ ] de La Porse and [Admiral] La Motte Picquet; Jones s project has probably been communicated through d Orvilliers; addresses him "with the same freedom" as he does Congress, as the interests of France and America are the same. Copy. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, p. ISO. 1778. Bersolle, - . Merchant, Brest. Brest, [France.] " Charges made on Apr. 1. the Ship Ranger [Capt.] John Paul Jones Esqr. Commander from ye 25e. March to this Day." Account amounts to 2352 livres. Signed: Rion. S[impson,] T[homas.] Lieut., U. S. 8. "Ranger." " Jlanger, Brest Road." Certificate to truth of above account, A. D. S. 1 p. F. 1778. Boss, John. United States commercial agent at. Nantes. Nantes, [France.] Apr. 2. Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, Brest. Acknowledges letter of [March] 25th; has received letters from [United States] Com missioners [to France]; thanks him for services rendered [Capt? John?] Green [e] ; he has been reported to have "lost convoy" and been deserted by the [ship?] Commodore S ; requests authen tication of this report; political and commercial advantages to be derived from the connection and treaty with France; acknowl edgment by France of American independence was "generous, disinterested and friendly"; does not know power of Commis sioners as to appointment of agents; desires no connection with them; requests that Jones send prizes to him and he will make every effort to dispose of them advantageously; has received a business letter from Willing & Morris; delight of Americans at "our acknowledged Independence"; death of Robert Ritchie of Philadelphia; [John] Lloyd returns compliments to Jones; is to ask Lieut. [Thomas Simpson] if letters addressed to [William] Stevenson were delivered. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 39 1778. Williams, Jonathan. United States commercial agent at Xantes. Nantes, Apr. 2. [France.] Letter to [Capt., John Paul] Jones, Brest. Sees no prospect of a remittance from Bordeaux; [Samuel and J. H.] Delap consider "prize" the property of Willing & Morris and the late T[homas] Morris but they are forbidden to sell the same by [John] Ross; has written Messrs. Delap rebutting their objections; "the return of the post" will inform him of his success. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1778. Le Roy, [Julien David?] Director, French Academy. "Pont L Abbe", Apr. [6?] [France.] Letter to Capt, [John Paul] Jones, Brest. Sends Joseph Rackleyft [Ratcliffe] to him in good health; is pleased to hear from Jones s officers; "offer my services to them especially Mr. Simson " [Lieut. Thomas Simpson]; would like to have a "cople" of young men for a year or two that they may "Learn the Both tongue"; when his son is older he will propose "one exchange"; encloses "memoir" of Ratcliffe s expenses. A. L. S. 3pp. 4. 1778. Laporte, . Brest, [France.] Letter to [ ] Guillot, "at St. Apr. 7. Malo or any other of the Commissaries in the port of L Oriont". Capt. [John Paul] Jones of the Ranf/er will put into some French port for a pilot; desires that one be secured for him; requests that the Ranger be furnished with all necessaries. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1778. L[iving-ston,] M[usco.] Lieut, commanding U. 8. S. " Gor. Livingston." Apr. 11. Paris. Certificate to Joseph Wharton, jr. Has seen a letter in London dated Jan. 27, 1778, said to have been written by Dr. [Edward] Bancroft to Wharton respecting the signing of the treaty with France and advising him to make speculations accord ingly; believes the letter to have been written by Bancroft. Copy. 1779. ^^ Nantes, [France.] Certificate to Joseph Wharton, jr. Feb. 20. The above is a true copy of a certificate given Arthur Lee and Ralph Izard in Paris last April; was given to vindicate Lee and Izard who were said to have disclosed secrets of the Cabinet for personal gain. Copy. Feb. 21. Wharton, Joseph, jr., of Philadelphia. Nantes, [France.] Cer tificate. The above are true copies "delivered to me in Nantes " by Capt. Livingston. D. S. 2pp. 4. Endorsed: "For Capt. [John Paul] Jones." Certificate of 1778, Apr. 11, printed: Deane Papers, N. Y. 1887-1891. vol. IV: p. 64. 1778. Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de.] Minister of Apr. 27. Marine of France. Versailles, France. Letter to L Avigne Bui.-- son, L Orient. The King having recognized the independence of the United States wishes them accorded the honors pertaining thereto; instructions regarding the salute to the Ranger. Copy attested by Buisson. 1 p. F. In French. 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt. U. S. ,V. il Ranger." Ranger off the Island of Apr. 28. Ila. [Islay, Scotland.] Orders to Solomon Lowd. Appoints him to command the prize Patience; station to be on the Hanger s larboard quarter; if separated from the Hanger is to proceed to France. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. F. 1778. Williams, J[onathan.] Untied States commercial agent at Xante*. Mor- May 8. laix, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, Brest. Con gratulates him on his success; proposes to be with Jones tomorrow; offers his services. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. 1778. Jones, [John] Paul. Capt. U. S. S. " Ranger." Brest, [France.] Letter May 8. to the Countess of Selkirk, [St. Mary s Isle,] Scotland. Regrets that in the profession of arms officers must sometimes wink at actions of which they can not approve; intended to have taken her husband on board the Ranger and "detained him until, through his means, a fair exchange of prisoners had been effected"; regrets that the household plate was taken; will purchase the plate when it is sold and restore it to her; recounts the engagement between the Ranger and the Drake; sacrifices which the war has entailed upon him; hopes she will use her " persuasive art " with that of her husband to secure an exchange of prisoners and an end to the war; reflections upon methods of warfare followed by British in America; is himself engaged in "no war with the Fair"; will be glad to do her any service possible. Contemporary Copy. 7 pp. 4. In Jones: Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 149. Printed (with omissions): Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, pp. 51-54. 1778. Moylan, James. Merchant and United States commercial agent at L Orient. May 10. Harmon;/ Hall, L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John [Paul] Jones, Brest. Has just heard of his arrival in Brest; this letter will be delivered by Capt. [ ] Alderson of the Harmony Hall of Newbern, North Carolina; desires all civilities shown him; goes to Brest by order of [Admiral Louis Guillouet, Comte] "Paur- villiers" [d Orvilliers] for a convoy. A. L. S. 1 p. F". 1778. MacNamarra, Chevalier de. Lieut. French xhip of u-ar "Char- May 10. mante." Brest, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [Brest]. Regrets not having seen him before leaving; desired to compliment him on his success; reasons therefor; "Le Chevr. de Clonard," his friend, expresses his regrets also; apologizes for writing in French; will wait for him at San Domingues. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1778. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Nantes. Nantes , [France.] May 12. Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, [Brest, France]. Replied to his letter on the 2nd; glad to hear of his safe return from cruise [off coast of Scotland] ; [Arthur and William] L[ee] "assume dis tinct powers"; appoint [JohnD.] Schweighauser "deputy [agent for prizes] in the province of Brittany"; requests that Jones s prizes be consigned to [Jonathan] Williams and himself; Wil liams acted for the Commissioners before the quarrels with the Lees; advice respecting prizes and their sale; requests a short account of Jones s cruise near "his native soil" [Scotland]; a part was published in the Ley den [Holland] Gazette. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 41 1778. Moylan, James. Merchant and United States commercial agent at L Orient. May 12. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John [Paul] Jones, Brest. Has heard a report of his arrival; incloses letter for Jones received by a "Schooner from Virginia" which left there Mar. 28th; large drafts of men being sent to re-enforce [Gen. George] Wash ington, who is encamped 15 miles from Philadelphia; resolution of Congress to prevent [Lt.] Gen. [John] Burgoyne s embarka tion until Great Britain acquiesces to the terms of the capitulation [of Saratoga, Oct. 7, 1777]; John Ross desires information respect ing disposal of Jones s prizes; cautions Jones against the "Admi ralty." A. L. S. 2pp. 4. 1778. " Ranger." U. S. xliip of war, Capt. John Paul Jones. Officers and crew. May l:!. [Brest, France.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones. "Seals on the Lord Chatham are to be broak this Afternoon" ; desire their agent [ ] Rion to be present. 1 p. 4. 1778. Ross, John. United Slates commercial agent at Nantes, Xantes, [France.] May 17. Letter to [Capt.] JohnP[aul] Jones, Brest. Encloses publication from England respecting Jones s cruise; it corresponds in part with J[onathan] Williams s account; perceives Jones " paid his respects to [Dun bar Hamilton Douglas,] Lord Selkirk s house" and permitted the family plate to be taken; understands why this was done; advises purchase of "his peoples" share of the plate and return of same to Lord Selkirk. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Inclosed in following letter. 1778. R[oss,] J[ohn.] United States commercial agent at Nantes. Nantes, May 17. [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, Brest. Finished the enclosed and is now dining with [John] Lloyd; recollected that Jones had a large stock of porter; desires a few casks sent here " for the use of your American friends" ; English paper says Jones s prizes have "Money & Vallueable" property on them. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1778. Frazer, John G[izzard.] E.c-major Continental army. Bordeaux, May 18. [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Brest. Has just heard of his arrival after a very successful cruise; has been ill with fever; English prints give various accounts of Jones s cruise; the frigate Button arrived [at Bordeaux] Apr. 1st; was com manded by Samuel Tucker and had John Adams on board; she is now ready for sea; captured a valuable prize on her way to France; prize said to be worth 20,000; late American arrivals at Bordeaux bring good news; recommends two young men from South Carolina and Maryland respectively; they desire to enlist under Jones; an answer requested by return post in care of John Bondfield, American agent at Bordeaux; sends respects to [Lt. Thomas] Simpson and other officers; expects to go to Paris the end of May, thence to Holland, Germany, and Sweden. A. L. S. 3pp. 4. 1778. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Nantes. Nantes, [France.] May 19. Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, Brest. Application made to Ross by John D. Schweighauser and [ ] Meinert to request Jones to release Capt. Christopher Stinger of the Dolphin; reasons therefore; cartel settled between Gen. [George] Washing ton and [Maj. Gen. William] Howe; hopes Jones may now have an " Oppty. of being instrumental in exchanging American pris oners in England." A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. Black, John & Co. Bankers, Bordeaux. Bordeaux, [France.] Letter to May 19. Lieut. William Dobbs, Brest. Enclose letters from Allen, Marlar & Co., of London, with an order for 100 sterling; have no correspondent at Brest so send letter of recommendation from Baignoux & Barde of Bordeaux to friends in Brest, who will render all services; regret to hear that he has been wounded; if he desires removal to an inland tow r n, will use all their interest for his transfer. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. Addressed: "To the Care of Cap. [John Paul] Jones of the Ranger Privateer." 1778. Cullam, David. Petty officer?, U. S.S. Ranger . [Brest, France.] Letter May 21. to Capt. John Paul Jones, [Ranger ]. Reports the attempted escape of Capt. [ ] Strahan s and Capt. [ ] Stranger s mates, and the gunner and mate from the Drake; they took the boat along side in [ ] Ferant s watch; were ordered to return by the sailmaker [Thomas Lowe?] ; they obeyed but during his absence from deck one of them again deserted; thinks they were assisted by Ferant who "told Mr. Ingerson to say nothing about it": has sent [ ] Webster in pursuit. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. See following letter. 1778. Cullam, David. Petty officer?, C. S. S. " Ranger " . Ranger, [Brest, France.] May 21. Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, [Range r] . Reports the capture of "the man that Runaway with the Boat". A. L. S. 1 p. 4x9 inches. 1778. Franklin, Benjamin; Lee, Arthur and Adams, John. United State* May 23. Commissioners to France. Passy, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [Brest] . Request a Pilote to conduct an Advice Boat" to America if he has a suitable persons who can be spared. A. L. S. of Franklin, signed by Lee and Adams also. 1 p. 4. 1778. Franklin, William T[emple.] Private secretary to Benjamin Franklin. May 23. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [Brest]. Encloses letter from [ ] Melmoth to Jones; delayed sending it as he expected to see him in Paris; congratulates him on his late signal enterprises; has gained a "lasting Honour and augmented the Reputation of the American Navy". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Frazer, John G[izzard.] E.r-major, Continental army. Bordeaux, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [U. S. S. Ranger, Brest]. Wrote to Jones immediately upon hearing of his arrival at Brest; has been ill for two months with a fever; leaves for Paris in June; requests a " concise acct. of yr. cruise"; letters to be directed in care of [John] Bonfield [Bondlield] agent at Bordeaux; Bordeaux a very "agreable" place; Capt. [Samuel] Tucker of the Boston "fell down the River to Day"; recom mends two young American gentlemen who are desirious of enter ing [the navy] under Jones; many American vessels at Bordeaux every week; hopes respecting renewal of trade; last news from home [Mar. 20th] states that 20,000 men are expected from England; Congress have prepared accordingly; our army larger than it has ever been; latest intelligence is that only 2,000 British have "gone out"; "Poor [Capt. Nicholas] Biddle blown up in the Randolph"; Capt. [Hector] McNeill suspended in Boston; expresses desire to accompany Jones upon "another such a scheme as his last"; sends regards to [Lieut. Thomas] Simpson and other officers. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 43 1778. Lee, Arthur; Adams, John and Franklin, Benjamin. L u ited States Com- May 25. missioners to France. "Passi", [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Brest. Letters of May 9th and 16th received; con gratulate him on the capture [of the /)/-Ar]; recommend that British prisoners be kept under secure confinement as exchange is expected; recommendations concerning the Drake; request particulars of Jones s cruise; refusal of payment of Jones s bill of exchange in favor of [ ] Bersolle presented by [Donation Leray de] Chaumont and reasons therefor; application should have been made to [John D.] Schweighauser, United States agent at Brest; commissioners have no authority to pay the "Expense" for which bill is drawn, to reward deserving men [in the U. S. navy] nor to advance any money to them ; can only order repairs and necessary stores for Jones s ship; will furnish slops; cost of same to be deducted from each man s pay; other powers belong to Congress alone; desire passage to America secured for Lieut. [Thomas] Simpson who was put under arrest by Jones; number of officers necessary to constitute a court martial; inconvenience of an arrest in foreign countries; desire copy of resolutions of Congress giving the captors the whole of the ships of war taken; desire particulars respecting Jones s prizes. A. L. S. of Adams, signed by Lee and Franklin also. 4 pp. 4. Printed: Wharton, Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Washn. 1889, II: 597. 1778. Williams, J[onathan.] Nantes, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] May 2<>. Jones, Brest. Expects to set out for Paris in a few days; will "put the plan in agitation"; hopes to see it completed; requests that lie may hear from him often; will give him "every interest ing Intelligence"; encloses letter from [William] Morris; he has told Morris that Jones is "favourably inclined"; thinks Jones will have a good officer in him. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. See following letter. 1778. Morris, William. Xantes, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, May 26. Brest. Has been informed by [Jonathan] Williams that Jones thinks him " worthy of being Lieut, of the Merrines" [on the Ranger]; has no other view than to serve his country; will "pro ceed to Breast as sone as posoble"; congratulates Jones on his success. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Ranger". Brest, [France.] Let- May 27. ter to the Marine Committee, Continental Congress, [Yorktown, Pennsylvania]. Wrote them on Feb. 22d and enclosed three copies of his proceedings up to that date; now encloses papers accounting for his proceedings " to the present moment". Copy. 1 p. 4. Copies of (1) a letter of Aug. 10, 1778, from the United States Commissioners to France to Jones and (2) two letters of Aug. 18, 1778, from Jones to the Marine Committee of the Continental Congress are on the same sheet. Autograph drafts of these letters are calendared on pages 46 and 47. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. #. ,<?. "Ranger". [Brest, France.] May 27. " Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries at the court of Versailles". Extracts are from journals and letters Apr. 17th-24th describing expedition against Whitehaven and conditions since; protests against treatment accorded him. Copy endorsed: "Incorrect". 9 pp. 4. Printed in part: Slu-rburne, Life of John I ttvl Jonrg. X. Y. ISol, pp. 45-51. 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778 "Williams, ,T[onathan.] Xantes, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] May 30 Jones, Brest. Has received recall [as United States commercial agent at Xantes] from Commissioners as desired; will be pleased to serve Jones "as a private man"; leaves for Paris "this Eveng". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1778. Whipple, Abraham. Capt., U. ,S . S. " Colnmbti* ". "Painbeuf", May 31. [France.] Letter to Capt. John P[anl] Jones, Brest. After blockade of sixteen months got clear of the British without mate rial damage; has taken a prize; congratulates Jones on his great success; desires to know if any ships are bound for America; shall refit and then purpose for Sea, as quick as orders arrive " . L. S. 1 p. F. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Ranger". Brest, [France.] Let- Jun. 1. ter to Benjamin Franklin, [Paris]. Letter of [May] 27th received; thanks him for his good opinion; encloses papers to show his "roses are not without thorns"; desires to render essential serv ice to America; present crew [of the Ranger ] can only be led by "great views of interest" to "bring about the plan" [to capture the Jersey privateers] proposed by Franklin; considers it necessary to assure men the protection of the French flag; home sickness" of officers and men; desires the Boston to be sent here that a sufficient number of officers may be obtained for a court of inquiry [upon Lieut. Thomas Simpson]; willingness of [Louis Philippe Joseph,] Due de Chartes to aid Jones in obtaining the ship \_Indleri] in Amsterdam; thinks it possible to man her with Americans; many French volunteers; the Ranger is "crank and slow"; opinion concerning the "province of our infant Navy ". Copy. 3 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John r<u<> .tone*, X. Y. 1851, pp. r>s-r,;i: X. Y. 1830, pp. 106-107. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S.S." Ranger". Brest, [France.] Extract Jun. 3. of a letter [to the United States Commissioners, Paris]. Hopes they do not consider that he wishes to receive "presents of the public money"; before he left America he was 1500 "in advance"; has never received any wages; authorized by Congress to issue " warrants " to agent; sixteen months has elapsed since " Congress thought of me" ; at that time was given command of seven times my present force ; has well considered the steps he has taken [as to the arrest of Lieut. Thomas Simpson] ; encloses copies of resolution of Congress respecting prizes as requested. Copy. On sheets with preceding letter. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 09. 1778. Jones, [John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S." Ranger". Passy, [France.] Plan Jun. 5. for expeditions submitted to [Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Lee and John Adams,] United States Commissioners and to [Antoine Ray mond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine,] French Minister of Marine. Copy. 3 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jon en, X. Y. 1851, p. 70-71. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S. nary. Passy, [France.] Extract of a Jul. 12. letter to H[enry] Grand, [Paris]. Gives necessary qualifications for a chaplain for the Ranger; desires him to be a man of letters, a linguist, a Protestant for political reasons and a penman; would be assured of Jones s esteem and friendship and always "have a place at my table". Copy. 1 p. 4. See: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 329. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 45 177s. [Jones, John Paul.] ( apt., U. S . rmnj. Passy, [France.] Letter to Aug. IS. (len. [George] Washington, [White Plains, Xe\v York]. Has given up command of the Hunger; is to continue some time in Europe at request of [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] Frencli Minister of Marine; begs he will accept two epaulettes, accompanying this letter and forwarded by [Jonathan] AVilliams. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. 4. and copy of same 1 p. 4. Printfd: Sherlmrne, Lift nf Jnhn Paul Joncn, X. Y. 1S51, p. 328. 177S. [Jones, John Paul.] dipt., U. S. nnr;/. Brest, [France.] Letter to Aug. 14. Edward Bancroft, [Paris]. On his way from Passy to Brest he visited L Orient to see the Eperrier and the rest of the squadron; description of the Epervier; Jersey prize sloop and schooner "very insignificant things"; inquiry of [James] Moylan and others developed no favorable account of their sailing powers; Jones arrived at Brest Aug. 10th; command of the Lively given to [Pierre Dimas, Marquis] de [La] Prevalye by [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine; captain of the Iphegene describes the Lin ly as a poor sailer; the Alert is also commissioned; Jones has received no appointment as yet; impatient to proceed; impos sibility of reaching designated place by the 20th; the "Bird may perhaps not fly away that very day"; if "that project" is laid aside will use best endeavors with the Alert and the Epervier; desires Capt. [Elisha] Hinman to command one of them; if this is not agreeable to him, command of the Ranger is at his service; [Lieut. Thomas] Simpson is "Ungrateful as well as disobedient"; has said that [Jonathan] Williams s letter to him is a falsehood; Jones is going to demand his court martial as there are a sufficient number of American officers in Europe to form one; refers to his letter of the 16th to the Commissioners; parole of Simpson; his arrest and confinement; crew [of the Ranger] taught to regard him as "the defender of their Rights"; insub ordination of crew; Simpson s confinement on the Drake; hig removal to the French ship Admiral by advice of [Lt.] Gen. [Louis Guillouet, Comte] d Orvilliers; requests that if Bancroft "sees fit" this letter be sent to Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin; would write to [Jonathan] Williams if he were with Bancroft; the Drake is advertised for sale [Aug. 19th]; presents best respects to [Dona- tien Leray] de Chaumont, his wife and family; hopes to have de Chaumont s attention in his absence; shall soon write to [Charles Henri Nicolas Othon,] P[rince] de X[assau-Siegen]; necessary for Edward Meyers to be present at the court martial [of Simpson]; he can come down with Capt. Hinman; if Jones had funds in Europe he would "Risque something on the Drake and the poster." Autograph draft. 8 pp. 4. [1778.] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. [Brest, France.] Letter [to [Aug. 15.] the United States Commissioners, Paris]. Consequences when "much present gain is the ruling principle of officers in an Infant Navy"; those when the "Noble-minded step forth to-gether as officers : preferring Honor without much present Gain"; former words can be applied to officers of the Ranger; Jones was given command of "Five Ships and Armed vessels" but expedition was prevented by jealousy of [Esek Hopkins] then Commander- 46 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS. [1778.] [Jones, John Paul] Continued. [Aug. 15.] in-chief; next ordered to Europe in the French ship [Amphitrite~\ to take command of a ship building in Europe [the Indieri] ; this plan frustrated; directed to fit out the Ranger at Portsmouth, New Hampshire; appointment of her officers; Capt. [Mathew] Parke of the Marines his only appointee; information respecting 1st Lieut, [Thomas] Simpson and 2d Lieut. [Elijah] Hall; Simp son s misconduct during passage of the Ranger to France; Jones summoned to appear before Commissioners at Paris upon his arrival; found it necessary to postpone procuring the promised ship [the Indieri]; conduct of officers on Jones s return mani fested by the enclosed letter from the lieutenants and masters complaining against Capt. Parke; (during cruise between Quibe- ron and Brest "symptoms of smallpox prevailed"; bad behavior of Simpson and the men; incidents specified; determined to pre vent desertions like those from the Randolph; Jones informed of a conspiracy against him; mutiny on the Ranger just before the capture of the Drake; her capture restored "good Humour"; behavior of the men "truely Gallant"; Simpson bargained with the men to leave the "Channell" without attempting any new "Hazardous Enterprise"; further information respecting Simp son s insubordination; presented him with Capt. [George] Bour- den s [Burden s] sword; placed Simpson under arrest on the Admiral; [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet, Comte] d Orvilliers advised harsher treatment); Jones unexpectedly sent for from Versailles; requested to remain in Europe by "the Court"; appointment of [Lieut. Musco] Livingston as commander of the Ranger would have caused every lieutenant in the navy to be superseded; to prevent this Jones withdrew Simpson s parole so he could com mand the Ranger as lieutenant; Simpson s nonappreciation of "this indulgence" shown by his making false representations about Jones. Autograph draft, 8 pp. 4. Endorsed: "Rela ting to the conduct of the Off: of the Drake in May, 1778". [Incom plete.] Such portions of the foregoing calendar as are enclosed within parentheses are supplied from a second autograph draft of this letter. A catalogue entry for the second draft follows. [1778.] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. [Brest, France.] Letter [to the [Aug. 15.] United States Commissioners, Paris]. Autograph draft. 4 pp. 4. [Incomplete.] See preceding letter. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Capt. Aug. 18. Abraham Whipple, Brest. Requests that he summon a court mar tial for the trial of Lieut. Thomas Simpson, under suspension for disobedience of Jones s written order. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. Printed: Wharton, Dip. Corrcs. of the Amcr. ffcr., Wash. 1889, II: 689. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. Brest, France. Letter to the Aug. 18. Marine Committee, Continental Congress, [Philadelphia]. Men were reluctant to land at Whitehaven; example set by the lieu tenants "who kept out of harms way but were always among the first murmerers " ; the men merit reward; Court of France has requested that Jones remain a little while in Europe; will "com mand only under freedoms flag". CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 47 1778. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Aug. IS. [Aug. 10.] Franklin, B[enjamin,] and Adams, John. United States Com- Htissiom-rs to France. Passy, [France.] Extract of a letter to Capt. John P[aul] Jones, [Brest]. Will recommend the men who landed at Whitehaven to Congress; ask Jones to do likewise. Enclosed in preceding. [Aug. IS.] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . & navy. [Brest.] Certificate of service of Benjamin Hill. Has served on the Ranger since her departure from Nantes; behavior has been satisfactory; accom panied Joneson expedition in the Providence; commanded the waist guns of the Ranger in the encounter with the Drake; ren dered efficient service; has not been rewarded; desires an officer s commission. Enclosed in Jones to Marine Committee of same date. Autograph drafts. 3 pp. 4. The second of the above letters is printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, pp. 58-59. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Aug. 19. Capt. Abraham Whipple, Brest. Thanks him for "one senti ment", that Jones s letter of July 16th to the "American Pleni potentiaries" was voluntary; "candid part of mankind would do Justice to my motive"; was merciful that [Lieut. Thomas Simp son s] innocent wife and children "might not suffer through the Guilty "; opinion concerning Simpson s parole; "still retains its full force" though broken daily by him; not Whipple s particu lar province to enter singly into the merits of the case; asked to summon a court martial not to give advice; sufficient number of captains at "free Liberty to act"; refusal to summon court therefore must be from absolute unwillingness; Jones can remem ber a time when Whipple was not " prejudged by me as one of your Peers". Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Aug. 21. Edward Bancroft, [Paris]. [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers sailed [Aug. 17th] from Brest; his "line" now con sists of twenty-eight ships; information respecting the sailors of the Ville <le Paris, Lirely, Alert, and Eperrier; [James] Moylan expects to sail Wednesday [Aug. 26th]; has submitted Ban croft s account of the homeward bound fleet under the protection of the Portland to [Pierre Dimas. Marquis] de La Prevalye; latter has "given the hint" to d Orvilliers; he desired Jones to make the campaign "with him in the Bretaign"; was unable at that time to accept; this has since been possible but Prevalye has objected; has received Bancroft s letter by [Lieut. Peter] Amiel; arrival of the Providence and the Boston from Xantes [Aug. loth] ; applied to [Capt. Abraham] Whipple for a court martial [for Lieut. Thomas Simpson]; he has endeavored to evade the application; prisoners of war on board the Patience, taken under Jones s com mand, were left by Whipple s order without a guard; he promised them "Liberty without an exchange"; Jones found, upon his return to Brest, "these new made and young Gentlemen" dis posing of articles belonging to the Drake; the prize ship Lord Chatham sold; the Drake plundered; her sale postponed; the situa- ation "truely irksome and disagreeable"; rumor that he is "cast off"; many French ships to which he can be appointed; wants command of "what will sail"; can not stand this suspense; pre sents respects to [Benjamin] Franklin and [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont. Autograph draft. 4 pp. 4. 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Aug. 23. [Jonathan] Williams, [Nantes]. Wishes he had come [to Brest] instead of going to Nantes; sale of the Lord Chatham [Aug. 16th]; sale of the Drake and the Pat if nee postponed; description of those ships; Lieut. [Thomas] Simpson "Ungrateful as well as Disobe dient"; gave out false reports concerning Jones; denied making "offer mentioned" [readiness to give Jones satisfaction had latter allowed him to speak on matter of his confinement] ; [Capt. Elisha] Hinman and the ships Providence and Boston arrived on 17th; unsuccessful attempts made to have [Capt. Abra ham] Whipple summon a court martial [for Simpson]; is here in a "most disagreeable situation"; rumored that he is "cast off"; information respecting the Epercier, Lively and Alert; command ers have been appointed for them; Jones has received no orders; "not suffered even" to follow [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet] Comte d Ovilliers as a volunteer; has written to [Edward] Bancroft regarding these matters. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to John Aug. 23. Ross, Nantes. Wrote him from Rennes, June loth; letter sent by Andrew Falton evidently miscarried; sent for from Paris "this last time" on business "with which the Court had some con cern " ; no issue therefrom ; Jones permitted to stay in Europe at request of "heigh authority"; is "without employment"; is apparently "useless and laid aside ; refers him to [Jonathan] Williams for particulars; upon arrival here found " some New made Men tfr young Agent" selling articles belonging to the Drake; sale of the Lord Chatliam; that of the Drake and Patience postponed; both have been plundered; seamen ha\~e been basely used; were without money or clothes; told by officers the fault was Jones s; has received his letter of Aug. 12th; has heard nothing from the Countess of Selkirk; death of [Thomas] Morris [Feb. 1st] ; has not written to Robert Morris as he could not give him "a pleasing account of my situation"; regrets [Capt. John] Young s misfortune; gives description of the Drake and the Patience, as Ross may like to purchase them; if Jones had funds he "would have no objection to be concerned." Autograph draft. 5 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Aug. 24. B[enjamin] Franklin, [Paris]. At this "nice moment ought to be either in search of marine knowledge with [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet,] Count d Orvilliers or on some private enterprise "; pressed by d Orvilliers to accompany him; precluded by "present commandant" [Pierre Dimas, Marquis de La Prevalye] from fol lowing the fleet; has the appearance of "being cast off " ; encloses letter to [Charles Henri Nicolas Othon,] Prince de Nassau [-Siegen] ; is persuaded that the Court had "intentions in my favor," as "the connexion was not of my seeking"; has communicated with [Edward] Bancroft regarding these matters. Copy. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 73. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Aug. 24. Edward Bancroft, [Paris]. Wrote him on 14th and 21st; insub ordination of crew of the Ranger on leaving Brest; received advice "this morning" that [Vice-Admiral, Sir Hugh] Pallisere [Palliser] CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 49 177S. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Aug. 24. is "in the Channel with 15 ships"; [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet, Comte] d Orvilliers with 30 ships has a "Glorious Opportunity Indeed"; considers that with the frigate Renommee and the Eper- rier and Alert as tenders "something might be done"; no com mander as yet appointed for the Renommee; reports from [Louig Dominique Ethis de] Cornie [Corny] as to the matter; [James] Moylan has given a very favorable account of one of the East India ships to be sold at L Orient; requests that Bancroft speak to [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont respecting this; saw the Xeptune launched ; his respects await the Family de Chaumont the Barons de Franklin & de Petrie"; has not seen Capt. [Elisha] Hinman. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4". 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Aug. 24. [Charles Henri Nicolas Othon,] Prince de [Nassau-Siegen,] Paris. The honor he proposes of accompanying Jones fills his "heart with the Warmest Sentiments"; enumerates the "prospects" which he voluntarily abandoned to "pursue Glory in your com pany"; begs that he be no longer continued in " this Shameful Inactivity"; appears as a person "cast off and useless"; kept employed by [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sar- tine until the "Scheme whei ein you were concerned could take place" ; was ordered here on a short notice; was invited to accom pany [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers as a volun teer; prevented from doing so by [Pierre Dimas, Marquis] de La Pre valve; begs him to represent his "situation to the best of Kings"; mentions ships that may be obtained with the Eperrier and the Alert as tenders if the one "at first proposed * * * can not be got"; has greatest dependence on de Sartine s inten tions; requests a letter from his hand; Jones can not write in French but understands "letters that are written in that Lan guage". Autograph draft. 3pp. 4. Also a copy 4 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJones, X. Y. 1851, p. 72. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to [Lt. Aug. 28. Gen. Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers, Brest. Regrets he could not accompany him on the Bretalyn; was ordered from Paris for a private expedition; understands that [Antoine Ray mond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine has "at last agreed" that Jones should embark with him [d Orvilliers]; applied to [Pierre Dimas, Marquis] de La Prevalye for a passage in the first ship to join the fleet; "ardently wish to attend you with my eyes even to the pinnacle of fame." Copy. 3 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jonea, X. Y. 1851, p. 74. 1778. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Xantes. Xantes, [France.] Sep. 1. Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, Brest. Has received his letter of Aug. 23d; has not seen [Jonathan] Williams; letter sent by A[ndre\v] Falton never received; thinks "this chap" has a brother connected with an Irish house here; Jones s "dis appointment under present management" is no surprise; thinks the persons in control do every injury to a "man of merit and Virtue" to serve their private ends; believes Jones has been flattered "very artfully and designedly * * * by promise 2155103 4 50 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. Boss, John Continued. Sept. 1. and plans * * never intended to take place," and they will "prejudice you with those friends disposed to serve you"; instances the command of the Ranger given to another and refusal of his request to go with [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers; emphasis is laid on treatment [of Lieut. Thomas Simpson]; has seen a letter "under their hand" which gives the impression that Jones "had quit the Continental Ser vice"; other "litle Anecdotes" derogatory to Jones; these sent to America; mentions them to give Jones an Idea of the depend- ances you have in your situation at present ; advises Jones to get a certificate as to the mode of confinement adopted by him at Brest for future reference; recommends specified plans for Jones if he is still in a state of uncertainty; predicts that Jones will have "no oppty. through * * * present dependances to make any figure * * * in the line most agreeable"; has not heard from [Robert] Morris since arrival of Capt. [J ] Green in February; will mention Jones in his next to Morris; Morris is a "Man of Sentiment"; does justice to merit which draws upon him the "Combined Mallice & resentment of a Set of V s"; mortification of [Capt. John] Young had he been with Jones; appointment of commander for the Ranger by the three Gentle men in power" is "the proofe of the blessed prospects to Amer ica"; consequences with which the "Country is threatened by the prevailing System of disgrace and ruin"; reasons for not pur chasing the Drake; hears she has been plundered; information respecting the Commerce, formerly owned by [John?] Xixon; marks by which she can be identified; desires Jones s opinion respecting the worth of the Patience; reasons for recommending [Jonathan] Williams as agent; confusion arising from Jones not having appointed his own agent; requests four barrels of porter sent care of Andrew & David Gal way, merchants of Xantes; has read, as requested, Jones s letter to Williams; advises Jones to come at once to Xantes with Capt. [John?] Reed. A. L. S. 7 pp. 4. Addressed, care of Mons. Bersolle. See: Jones to Ross 1778, Aug. 23. 1778. McNeill, Hector. Ex-capt., U. S. nary. Philadelphia. Letter to [Capt.] Sep. 4. John Paul Jones, Brest, [France]. " Trials, Sorrows, and heart - akeings" since he has seen Jones; judges that he is "acquainted long ere this with the State of my affairs"; compares his case with that of the man " (we read of) who fell among theives"; congratulates Jones on his success and prosperity. A. L. S. 1 p. F. Addressed: " favour d by Capt. [Thomas] Bell" and " for warded by [James] Moylan". 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Extract of a Sep. 4. letter to B[enjamin] Franklin, [Paris]. Resolved to write enclosed letter to [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine,] Minister [of Marine]; mentions rank as it has been hinted he was to be subordinated to a " french Lieutenant"; the frigates were sent in consequence of a hint from Jones; though he is neglected, he hopes they have been successful; useless for the Minister to pretend he has no ships to bestow; Jones knows to the contrary. Copy. 1 p. oi x 7| inches. Printed: Shertmrne, Life of John PaulJonts, N. Y. 1851, p. 76. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 51 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt.,U. -V. navy. Brest. [France.] Extract of a Sep. 4. letter to [Benjamin] Franklin, [Paris]. Copy of proceeding letter. Sep. 18. Jones, etc. Extract of a letter to Franklin. Nov. 27. Jones, etc. Extract of a letter to Franklin. Copies of above three letters to Franklin form one 2 pp. 4. document. The letters of Sep. 18th and Nov. 27th are calendared in their chronological order on pages 52 and 64. 17~s. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to John Sep. 6. Ross, [Nantes]. Has received his letter of Sep. 1st; has placed no dependence in the "Men in power" [Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Lee and John Adams] since his bill was protested; relies on 710 " [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine]; at his request Jones undertook his "late journey"; it offered prospect of assistance to America without any expense; inadvisa- bility of leaving Europe; such course would not correspond with letter of 18th to the Commissioners sent by Capt. [Elisha] Hin- man; Jones will never become " a mere Adventurer of Fame & Fortune"; seeks fame under the "American flag only"; his rea sons for desiring to accompany [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers in the Bretagne; treatment of officers and men in the Ranger; [Jonathan] Williams will explain cipher employed. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt. U. Brest, [France.] Letter to Ed- Sep. ft. ward Bancroft, "chez Mons. [Ferdinand] Grand", [Paris]. Regrets to hear of his illness; Dr. [Benjamin Franklin] still bids Jones hope and recommends patience; Jones considers it time to deal plainly " with the Concerned"; will command only fast sail ing and good fighting ships; if there was no " Honorable & Cer tain Employment" for him in France why was he asked to remain; American ships gone to " Hudsons Streight" to intercept the "Furr Ships"; Jones s condition; requests that the within letter to "Prince" [Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartes?] be shown [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont if Bancroft thinks proper; the Renommee soon to sail; describes ship for sale at L Orient; has opinion as to what the French ought to offer him; will return to America if less is offered. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt. , U. 8. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to "The Sep. V). Prince De" [Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartes?,] Paris. Has received letters from [Benjamin] Franklin; they inform him that [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine had sent orders to Jones to accompany [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet, Comte] d Orvilliers on an expedition; lost the opportunity by remaining at L Orient; orders mentioned were not received; requests that de Sartine be so informed , left Passy Aug. 7th; could not remain long at L Orient; arrived at Brest Aug. 10th; fleet did not sail until 17th; from 10th to 17th was constantly with d Or villiers on the Bretagne; " the whole Business is a deep Mystery "; can draw no agreeable conclusion; information respecting the Epervier; hopes to be relieved from suspense as soon as possible; requests that he be not " cramped with limited orders, or Damned with an insignificant Command "; he is in the last degree unhappy ; contrasts his reception at Brest with the present situation. Auto graph draft. 3 pp. 4. 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. ft. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Sep. 11. Jona[than] Williams, Nantes. Mentions cordial letter received from "299" [Benjamin Franklin]; [Donatien Leray] de Chau- mont says that " 710 " [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] regrets that Jones did not go on the "277" [Bretagnc~\ ; received no orders respecting same; determined to "be triftied with no longer but will tell "710" around unvarnished tale"; [part in cipher;] regrets that illness caused silence of [Edward Bancroft]; determined not to accept an insignificant ship; [part in cipher;] information respecting the Drake and the Patience; former is a finer ship than the Commerce; head is in the same attitude as the Alfred s; went over her with [Lt. Peter] Amiel; wishes news forwarded to John Ross; requests him to thank [Samuel] Cutler for his letter. Autograph draft. 3pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. ft. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Sep. 13. [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine, [Paris]. Object in coming to France and methods by which his time has been wasted in that country. Copy. 4 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. ISol, pp. 74-75: X.Y. 1830, pp. 130-132. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. ft. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Sep. 16. [Donatien] "La Ray" de Chaumont, Passy. Had Jones been "sufficiently acquainted with the French language" he* would have written him "sundry letters"; has written to [Benjamin] Franklin, [Edward] Bancroft and others, and presumes he lias seen the letters; is considered here as "a poor Victim" sacrificed to the intrigues of party; blushes "to appear in public"; this "connection" not of his seeking; his "desire of Fame is Infinite"; is not an "Adventurer of Fortune"; his rank knows no superior in America; command given him in America; British fear him; will accept no insignificant command in France; information respecting [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine and Jones s orders to join [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. Also contemporary copy in French. 1 p. F. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., T. ft. nary. Brest, [France.] Extract of a Sep. 18. letter to [Benjamin] Franklin, [Paris]. Will accept command of the Fox and the Alert as tenders, with unlimited orders unless something better is offered immediately; the Fox is the ship taken by the Hancock and the Adams. Copy. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 76. See: Jones to Franklin, 1778, Sept. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Sep. 21. [Charles Alexis Pierre Brulart,] Comte de Genlisse [Genlis], Palais Royal, [Paris]. Has written the Prince [Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Charles?]; thinks he will interest himself in Jones s situation and relieve him from suspense; is unaccustomed to "Ideas of Dependence"; this "Connection" not of Jones s seeking; has "too great a Soul to stay in any Service Idle"; entreats his "good offices" that he may be relieved from suspense; thanks the "Amiable Princess" [Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, Duchesse de Chartes?] for her attentions. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 53 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Copt., U. S. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Sep. 21. [Louis Philippe Joseph,] Due de Chartes, Palais Royal, Paris. In June was sent for privately by [Benjamin] Franklin at the desire of [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine; latter planned to bestow on Jones a command; .failure of this and a second plan; ordered to command the Lively; would have accepted although she was inferior to the Ranger but on arriving at Brest found the command of her had been given to another; fleet [of Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet, Comte d Orvilliers] did not sail until a week after Jones s return to Brest; no order received from de Sartine to accompany that fleet; is not an "Adventurer of For tune"; " Embarked under the Flag of America when it was first Displayed" ; his rank knows no superior in the American marine; does not wish to interfere with the harmony of the French marine; will accept [illegible] rather than remain idle; if services are no longer required, requests that he be permitted to return to America; is considered as "an officer in Disgrace"; will remember with gratitude his letters and other kindnesses. Auto graph draft. 4 pp. 4. Also a partial copy, 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Cajit., U. 8. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Sep. 23. Edward Bancroft, [Paris]. Fears he has been ill; his situation here is unsupportable; no orders received [from Versailles] or [Passy] ; fears that [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine will not give him command of a ship; hopes "299" [Benjamin Franklin?] has shown him letters of Jones to de Sar. tine; unless he has been deceived from the outset will have a ship soon; wishes immediate reply. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Sep. 25. " Le Baron de Franklin", [Passy]. Judges he has seen the letters written to Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin, Dr. [Edward] Bancroft, [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont and others, so knows Jones s situation; thanks him for his letter; desires to see the " Flag of America" the "most respected of any on the Ocean"; wrote to Franklin, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] and [Charles Henri Nicolas Othon,] Prince de X[assau-Siegen] on the 24th; receives discouraging letters from Nantes; fears he must undergo the great mortification of returning to America unemployed; desires to know if Bancroft has recovered; requests that he inform Miss [ ] Stevens that he has forwarded her letter by the Providence. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Sep. 30. Edward Bancroft, Paris. Has received his letter of 23d; regrets to hear of Bancroft s misfortune; is himself more than repaid for his connection with "820" [French Court]; dined to-day with [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers; communicated to him Bancroft s account of the squadron destined for the Medi terranean; "298 [French ministry?] sins with its eyes open"; [part in cipher;] regrets he recommended the "Scheme so much as he did in a letter of Feb. 10"; [Antoine Raymond Jean Gual bert Gabriel de Sartine] apprehensive of the "storm" said to be gathering; if he [de Sartine] is "pushed close" [Jones believes he] will succeed [in getting command of a ship]; kind letter of 21st received from [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; congratu lates Bancroft on the recovery of his health. Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. 54 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Oipt., U. ,S . navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 4. Edward Bancroft, [Paris]. Thinks [Antoine Raymond Jean Gaulbert Gabriel] de Sartine dishonest; [part in cipher;] is informed that the command of the Fo.r has been given to another; the Alert leaves to-night; [Alexis Pierre Brulart] Comte de G^enlis] can induce [Louis Philippe Joseph,] Due de Chartes to present Jones s case to the King; [Francois Alexandre Frederic,] Due de La Rochefaucauld [-Liancourt] will give aid; [ ] de La Porte "set out this morning" for Paris; [part in cipher;] silence of [Charles Henri Nicolas Othon,] P[rince] de N[assau-Siegen]; it depends on "299" [Benjamin Franklin?] to resent the indig nity; situation of Jones is unendurable; the Fo.v has not been bestowed upon the person for whom the Due de Chartes should have solicited; capture of a prize by the Hampden; latter left Boston Aug. 17th; [Lieut. Peter] Arniel has inspected her; she brought news of the arrival of [Vice Admiral Charles Hector] Comte d Estaign at Rhode Island; his captures; [Maj.] Gen. [John] Sullivan "had made a Descent on Rhode Island "; reports indicate that Sullivan s attack was successful. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 4. James Moylan, [L Orient]. Wrote him by [Joseph] Whitall of Philadelphia; has found means to purchase a "fine Frigate of 40 Guns"; requests information respecting the " Beazeauinont " expected to arrive from North America; for the present does not wish to appear as having "either Views or Connections"; con gratulates Capt. [Thomas] Bell on his return to France; compli ments to [ ] Ogden; desires latest news from America. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 7. Edward Bancroft, [Paris]. Wrote to him on Sep. 30th and Oct. 4th; Jones s mind has been constantly but vainly employed to tind excuses [for Antoine Raymond Jean Gaulbert Gabriel de Sartine]; [part in cipher;] is determined to make "790 439" [the Continental Congress?] acquainted with his " free Sentiments "; [Louis Philippe Joseph,] Due de Chartes a brave officer and unjustly blamed; "299" [Benjamin Franklin] may trust that he will submit his letters, as formerly, to his inspection before send ing them; Jones would return [to America] if he "had any good Method"; "710" [de Sartine] must apologise to Jones and give proofs of his "Honorable intentions" else Jones will make his "perfidy Public". Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 9, [Francois Alexandre Frederic,] Due de La Rochefaucauld [-Lian court, Paris?]. Wrote to [Louis Philippe Joseph,] Due de Chartes on 21st; gave a particular account "of his situation "; "astonishing behavior" of [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] Minister of Marine; Jones remained in Europe .at de Sartine s request to show gratitude to " France for having recognized our independence"; now de Sartine proposes to send him home in " un bonne Voiture " [in the role of a priva- CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 55 1778. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Oct. 9. teer?] ; what Jones might have done in the past summer; begs that the King be made " acquainted with his situation"; Con gress will not thank de Sartine for his conduct; is in "honor bound" to give Jones the Indien or an equivalent command. Copy. 3 pp. 4. Printed: [Sands,] Life & Correspondence of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1830, p. 134. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 16. Edward Bancroft, [Paris]. Has received his letter of the 10th; "710" [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] should have foreseen "the Cabals of the narrow minded" before inviting "516" [me] to remain in Europe; "such fellows should be removed" and "348" [the King?] should supply their places from the merchant service; has prepared "458 790 439" [a letter to the King]; will forward it to "299" [Benjamin Franklin?] by next "615" [post]; it is a firm letter, containing nothing personal; "321 554 804 790 458 at 820" [Marie Adelaide de Bour- bon-Penthievre, Duchess de Chartes will present the letter to the King at Court]; people consider "346" [Jones] to have quarreled with "299" and to be in disgrace; "710" must make direct satis faction to "516" [my] " sacred honor "; wishes Bancroft to see his letter of 13th to [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; "De S[ar- tine] must blame himself if anything there touches him as I wish it may." Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 19. Madame [Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre] Duchesse de Chartes, [Palais Royal, Paris]. "Appeared at Versailles * * * last summer" at desire of [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine; he requested that Jones might remain in Europe; behavior of de Sartine since that time; has apologized to neither Jones nor Franklin for his conduct; Jones has "been triffled with near Five Months"; has written to Congress to reserve no command for him [in America] ; having no command here he is considered as an "Officer in Disgrace"; is not an "adventurer in search of Fortune"; drew his "Sword at the Commencement of this war in support of the Dignity and Violated Rights of Human Nature"; begs her to present enclosed letter to " his Majesty" [Louis XVI, King of France]. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. Also a copy, 3.pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1851, p. 82. Buell, Paul Jones, X. Y., 1900, 1 : 160-163. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 19. William [Temple] Franklin, [Passy]. Has written to-day to his "Grandfather" [Benjamin Franklin]; with this note sent a let ter to the King [Louis XVI] ; latter was enclosed in one to [Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre,] Duchesse de C[hartes]; if [Benjamin] Franklin "thinks it improper to appear himself at present in the matter" begs that [Francois Alexandre Frederic.] Due de La Rochefaucauld [-Liancourt] will wait on the Duchesse with the letters; further advice respecting delivery of letter; requests secrecy; presents compliments to [Edward] Bancroft. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. #. nan/. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 19. [Benjamin] Franklin, [Paris]. Encloses letter to the King [Louis XVI]; Jones is considered disgraced in the "eyes of Brest and the French Marine"; "circumstantial proofs thereof"; resents the "indignity * shewn me, to yourself and to America"; "the Minister" [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] must apologize and atone for the past; desires "enclosed letter may have course " if Franklin approves; it will be delivered "into the Kings hands" by [Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Pen- thievre,] Dnchesse de Chartes; advice respecting its delivery; does not desire to trouble [Louis Philippe Joseph,] Due de Char tes as he has "vexations of his own"; puts no blame on Franklin for his own unhappiness. Copy. 2 pp. 4. I rinted: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., l,s. r >]. p. 78. Buell. Paul ,/OJKC. X. Y., 1900, I: 103 (in purl). 1778. Jones, J[ohn] P[aul.] Caj>t., V. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 19. Louis [XVI] "King of France & Navarre", [Versailles]. On June 1st was informed by [Benjamin] Franklin that [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine was to give him command of the Lidien, under the commission and flag of Amer ica; [Charles Henri Nicolas Othon,] Prince de Nassau [-Siegen] was to have accompanied him; "deeply penetrated" by the honor done him by this proposition and by the favor conferred on America; went to Versailles to "settle future plans" with the Minister [de Sartine] ; misrepresentations respecting the Indien; return to America then proposed by the "American Plenipoten tiaries"; his departure prevented at request of de Sartine; failure of designated plans; de Sartine s behavior; Jones has been "chained down to shameful inactivity for near live months"; is considered as an officer "cast off and disgraced"; has written to de Sartine and the Prince de Nassau to no effect; no apology has been made to the "great & venerable Dr. Franklin" by de Sartine; Jones has written Congress to reserve no command for him; resents his position; is not an "adventurer in search of for tune"; is willing to sacrifice "private enjoyment" and life in support of the "violated dignity and rights of human nature"; his Majesty by espousing the cause of America has become "the protector of the rights of human nature". Translation. 6pp. 4. Printed: [Sands,] Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1830, p. 13S. Shcrbunte, Life of John PnulJones, X. Y., 1851, p. 79. Original and trans lation in Buell, PaulJotus, X. Y., 1900, I: 1.54-160. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 20. Jonathan Williams, Nantes, [France]. Has received his letter of 17th; his mind "much agitated and torn to pieces"; his friends "299" [Benjamin Franklin], "61" [ ?] and Donatien Leray de Chaumont have had "warm work" with "710" [Antonie Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine]; W[iiliam Temple] Franklin and [Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries report that de Sartine is ashamed of his behavior; pre vented from doing what he would by "Intrigues"; has assured [ ] Baudouin that he will make reparation; Jones cannot for get his former deceptions; unless apology is made, will publish his conduct in the "Gazets of Europe"; [part in cipher;] has begged [Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre,] Duchesse de Chartes to CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 57 1778. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Oct. 20. present his letter to the King; too often disappointed to "enter tain Sanguine expectations"; if Jones s letters are ineffectual he will return to America; desires the Drake sent thither; advice respecting his share of her; [part in cipher;] his share of the Lord Chatham and Patience; will send him some porter; wishes his com pliments presented to [Joshua?] Johnson; inquires if letters have been received from [Robert] Morris; asks what has become of Miss [ ] Stevens; fears he has offended [John] Ross by not following his "Friendly Advice". Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S.naci/. Brest, [France.] Letter to John Oct. 26-29. Ross, Xantes. Thanks him for his letter of the 20th ; has been in a most disagreeable situation; [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine declares his conduct involuntary; will make reparation; de Sartine must apologize for his deceptions or make promises good, else in "Vindication of my Sacred Honor" his falseness will be published; encloses extract of a letter to [Jona than] Williams; requested him to tell Ross that the Drake was a better ship than the Commerce; her head is armoured and larger than the Alfred *; examined her with [Lieut. Peter] Amiel; has not yet been on the Patience. (Oct. 29.) Has received letters which expose the "low jealousy and Cabals" of which he has been the object; had he accepted some of the plans, he would have been assassinated; hopes to put a "good Ship Under the Flag of Freedom" soon; gives description of a ship such as he desires; requests Ross to make inquiries for him respecting a ship; secrecy regarding Jones s connection with the project; Capt. [Thomas] Bell has arrived at L Orient from Philadelphia. Auto graph draft. 4 pp. 4. 177S. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 28. William [Temple] Franklin, [Passy]. Thanks him for letters of 23d and 24th and one undated from [Donatien Leray] de Chau- mont; latter proposes to buy "unne Fregatte ou Corvette" for Jones; fears this is yet a "distant object"; is informed by Joseph Whitall that the Indlen in Amsterdam could be commissioned in a fortnight; France building similar ships at Amsterdam; the Indlen considered as Jones s Right by the officers of the French marine; she was originally American property; fears the report of his " Disgrace will be believed through out the thirteen States"; hopes that [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine will justify him "in the sight of Congress and of my Friends"; desires his letters of the 19th delivered to the King [Louis XVI] ; has many "Enemies" as no "Man in the Xavy has pursued the same kind of Service"; submits his letters to [Benjamin Frank lin s] " Superior Wisdom "; will always follow his advice; sends regards to [Donatien Leray] de C[haumont] and Dr. [Edward] B[ancroft]. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1778. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco-American Oct. 28. negotiations. [Passy?, France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [Brest]. Has received letter giving account of his vexa tions; [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] not at fault; cabals and politics the real difficulties; Jones is right in not accepting a small command; his honor compromised; infor mation respecting officers of the French marine; has received 58 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. Chaumont, [Donation] Leray de Continued. Oct. 28. orders from de Sartine to procure a vessel for Jones; requests information concerning any that are suitable; suggestions regard ing vessel for voyage along the African coast; Jones can do as he chooses regarding the cruise; [Benjamin] Franklin and [Edward] Bancroft send regards. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. In French. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Cnpt., U. fi. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Oct. 31. Jona[than] Williams, [Nantes]. Encloses bill of lading for 15 " Hhds of Porter" ; directions as to disposal of same; has received letters which "lay open the low jealously and cabals" of men calling themselves "537" [noble]; his probable assassination had he acceded to [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert de Sartine s] plans; hopes to put "a good Ship under the Flag of Freedom" soon; requests information respecting a ship and a cutter; descrip tion given; in "present situation" Jones desires not to be men tioned as having either "Views or Connections". Autograph draft, 2 pp. 4. 1778. Bell, Thomas, (. apt., United States privateer. L Orient, [France.] Let- Nov. 3. ter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Brest]. Heard in Philadelphia of Jones s capture of the Drake; on his arrival in France heard of his ill-treatment; [Capt. John] Young lost the "Brig" [Inde pendence?] on Accacok [Ockracock?] Bar; [Joseph] Hewes and [Meriwether?] Smith speak of Jones "with Raptures"; "Mr. [Robert] Morris * * * did the Saim"; the "publeck to the Southward" think Jones "is the finest fellow belonging to America"; "Supprised" to hear of [Lieut. Thomas] Simpson obtaining command [of the Ranger}; Jones s "Old freand John Brown Gave his Love to you"; hopes he has received Capt. [Hector] McNeaPs [McNeill s] letter; Capt. [John] Young awaiting his trial; fears it will go against him; Capt. [J ] Green suspended from command; his ship given to Capt. [ ] Orrey; "one Lande [Peter Landais] a freanchmau" in command of the "Alienee," [Alliance]; this has caused a great deal of dis turbance among the captains "to the Southward"; "lodgings in Philad. is from 7 to 8 punds the Weack"; the "fregates raised" but "no Carpenters no wood or aney thing of the Kind" to repair them; "Philad. Looks Shoking no ships or Sailors nor nothing dowing but what Mr. Morris dos"; Bell is in com mand of Morris s brig; [Capt.] Young in hopes of getting a vessel; Bell expects to sail soon; desires American sailors; "Mr. Morris has left the Marien [Marine Office] and Everything is Going to the devel as fast as it can". A. L. S. 3 pp. F. Enclosed in the following letter. 1778. Moylan, James. Merchant and United States commercial agent at L Orient. Nov. 3. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [Brest]. Jones s letter of [Oct.] 30th received through [Joseph] Whitall; will attend to WhitalPs wants; information respecting vessels in France available for Jones; success may depend on his secrecy; offers his services for "any occasion"; encloses a letter from Capt. [Thomas] Bell; Bell is to sail in eight or ten days; "Capt." [Daniel] McNeill of the General Mifflin sends compli ments to Jones and [Lieut. Peter] Ainiel. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 59 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 5. Jonathan Williams, [Xantes]. Refers to his previous letter of "21st ulto" and contents; probability of his fitting out a ship this winter; desires information respecting ships as he has "found means to purchase"; pleased that Williams "can dis cover a species of inflexibility" in Jones s nature; desires to rise by "direct dealing" only; encloses a letter of attorney; directions respecting Jones s share of the Drake; opinion concerning the affair of the Countess of Selkirk s plate; is "ready to account for the Captor s part to any person who proves himself properly authorized". Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. 1778. Ross, John, f "niterl States commercial agent at Xantes. Nantes, [France.] Xov. 8. Letter to Capt. John P[aul] Jones, Brest. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of [Oct.] 28th; failure of former plans fortunate; Jones should not be compelled to provide a ship for himself; information respecting ships; one similar to [Capt. Samuel] Nicholson s is at Nantes; lias received through [Jonathan] Wil liams information respecting the Drake; [Joseph] Whittle [Whit- all] has given information respecting the prize ships at Brest; requests further information; situation of affairs in America; " Interest & happiness of the Country being quite Sacrifyced to the Views of a certain set of men"; his own opinion of what "constitutes true greatness"; "honours" conferred on the unde serving; men who ought to support Jones "exult" in his disap pointment; counsels patience; [Capt. Thomas] Bell s account shows "too glareing a System of partiality at Home"; is exposed to "inconveniencys even to Risque of Credit" of America by his "good friends in Power" ; has received order of Congress to have all articles of [Thomas] Morris delivered to Ross. A. L. S. 5 pp. 4. 1778. Moylan, James. Merchant and United States commercial agent at L Orient. Xov. 10. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, Brest. Acknowledges receipt of his letter by [Joseph] Whittal [Whit- all]; has received his letter of 4th inst. also; information respect ing ships suitable for purchase; the Beaumont not yet returned from America; the Turgot sold; recommends the Duras [Bon Homme Richard ] ; sends orders from Samuel Smalliorse of the Hampden for 670 to [Lieut Peter] Amiel; [Capt. Thomas] Bell sends "compts." A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 11. Edward Bancroft, [Paris]. Before receiving his letter of [Oct.] 21st had written to [James] Moylan and [Jonathan] Williams; sent the letter by [Joseph] Whitall; desired Moylan to be on the lookout for a "303" [frigate]; deferred writing [to Bancroft] until intelligence had been received from Moylan or Whitall; wrote [ ] Grandville also but no answer has been received; "299" [Benjamin Franklin] and [Donatien Leray] deChaumont have in the same way failed to reply to his letters; was informed by de Chaumont that "710" [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] has authorized the purchase of a ship for him; is much affected at the news of Bancroft s misfortunes; has him self received "neither Pay nor Rations from 32 [the United States] or 820" [the French Court] since his first commission 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Nov. 11. Deo. 7, 1775; fears lest America think he has been disgraced; desires "some mark of Approbation or some Recommendation" from "790 439 [Louis XVI, King of France?] or 710" [de Sartine] as recompense; has received a kind letter from [Francois Alexandra Frederic] Due de La R[ochefaucauld-Liancourt] ; no answers to letters addressed "to Great Ones"; is "sick" of Brest; [Lieut. Peter] A[miel] is penniless; Jones is in about the same condition. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt. I . S. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 13. Robert Morris, Philadelphia. His chequered career since leaving Quiberon Bay; encloses papers to show that his "roses have not been without a superabundance of thorns " ; was informed on the first of June by "a Secret letter" that he was to be put in com mand of "the fine Ship" \_Indleii\ built for America in Holland; she later became French property; political reasons the cause; description of this ship; proposals for her equipment; war between France and England was "then thought at some distance"; Jones was to command under "Flag and Laws of America"; [Charles Henri Nicolas Othon,] Prince de Nassau [-Siegen] was to accompany him; ship to be of no expense to America; was urged to propose that the Ranger be returned to America under another commander; furnished [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine with plans for naval campaigns; heard that the ship in Holland could not be commissioned before September; was requested by de Sartine to remain in Europe; to employ time until September was to have command of three frigates; failure of this plan; "had worn away two tedious Months in the air of a Court"; war between France and England begun; was promised command of the Lively; that vessel bestowed upon a French officer; orders to join French fleet on the Bretugne under [Lt. Gen. Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers received too late to obey; has been in a disagreeable situation "ever since"; political reasons prevent the arming of the ship in Holland before Spring; rules of the French service will not admit Jones to the command of a ship detached from the Royal Marine; jealousy of the French officers; their "Cabals are so heigh and dangerous" the Minister [de Sartine] can not do as he would; [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont author ized to purchase a ship for Jones; he hopes before Spring to be "once more afloat"; "this connection" very unfortunate; has much esteem for [William] Whipple. Autograph draft. 4 pp. 4. Also copy, 2 pp. 4. on same sheet with copy of part of letter of Jones to Morris 1778, Nov. 14. Printed in part: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 82. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 14. Robert Morris, [Philadelphia]. Apologizes if enclosed letters are not exact copies; they Avill perhaps "serve to explain" some cir cumstances; failure of expedition from St. Malo; reasons therefor; facility of the enterprise; has been informed that the rules of the Marine would not permit of the person who planned the enterprise being chief in command; is informed that the "person [Jones] is in very heigh favor and esteem with the Minister [Antoine CALENDAR OF JOHN PACL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 61 177S. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Nov. 14. Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine]. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. Also copy on same sheet with letter of Jones to Morris 1778, Nov. 13. Also a separate copy 1 p. 4. Sec preceding letter. 177S. Whitall, Joseph. United States commercial agent in France. Rochelle, Nov. 14. [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, Brest. No ship at L Orient or Nantes to suit Jones as he has been informed by [James] Moylan and [Jonathan] Williams; desires informa tion respecting prizes at Brest; letters to be sent in care of John Bondfield at Bordeaux; newspapers as "late as 2(3 sept" received from America contain many "Passages" in Jones s favor; refers him to Capt. [Thomas] Bell for other intelligence; ship at Bor deaux ready to be launched. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1778. Williams, J[onathan.] Nantes, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Nov. 15. Jones, Brest. Disposition of the porter sent by Jones; is rejoiced that Jones has at length succeeded [in securing means to purchase a ship] ; situation of " our Marine on the other side of the Water"; "[Capt. Samuel] Nicholson s Frigate lays in Boston"; no hands can be procured; "more officers in command than there are ships to employ them"; [Capt. Thomas] Bell s return to L Orient in a merchantman; will make inquiries for a ship for Jones; descrip tion of a ship about to be launched; her faults; will "do the needfull with Mr. [John D.] Schweighauser about your affairs "; showed letter received from Jones to [John] Ross. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., f. S. nan/. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 15. [Capt.] Thomas Bell, L Orient. Reasons for not writing earlier; has received a letter from [Capt. Hector] McNeill; thanks him for letter of 3d; on 13th sent a packet to [Robert] Morris; the "particular affection" of Morris and [Joseph] Hewes affords Jones the truest pleasure; his " Vanity is greatly Flattered " by "the generous Public approbation of my past Services"; will always endeavor to support " the Honor of Freedom s Flag"; encloses copy of a letter from the Commissioners to [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] Minister of Marine; sends it "m Confidence"; the "Mystery" of Jones s present situ ation; reports arising therefrom; reasons for his giving command of the Ranger to [Lieut. Thomas] Simpson; Commissioners intended to give her to [Lieut. Musco] Livingston; this action would have overruled the rights of seniority; leniency toward Simpson and the ingratitude of the latter; belief of Jones s dis grace "taken" to America; he can and will justify himself, is distressed at the "situation at Philadelphia and of our Poor Marine"; his prophecy respecting Philadelphia and the navy; "our Marine will rise as if by Enchantment, and become * * * the wonder and Envy of the World"; regrets Capt. [John] Young s misfortune, as he advised his going to Ockracock; con siders it "a great thing to be a Captain in our Marine at this early period"; feels for Capt. [Hector] McNeill and his family; his opinion of McNeill; regrets that Capt. Young has not written regarding "his wife s friends"; fears "this making Love by 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Nov. 15. Proxy will not answer"; will write soon to [John] Brown and Capts. McNeill and Young; requests any papers and resolves or rules of Congress "respecting the Navy." Autograph draft. 4pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 15. James Moy Ian, [L Orient]. Thanks him for trouble taken to ob tain the needful information [respecting ships] ; intends to visit L Orient soon; believes the Turgot\\\\\ be the "mark at last"; encloses letter to Capt. [Thomas] Bell; sent to his address "a large Packet for Mr. [Robert] Morris of much consequence." Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1778. Williams, J[onathan.] Nantes, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Nov. 17. Paul] Jones, Brest. The new frigate which he mentioned has been bought by "our Friend Montieu " [John Joseph Monthieu?] ; latter offered command to Jones through "Williams; informed him that as "a man of war, conducting a ship safe into port was not all your Ambition" ; Monthieu desires an answer from Jones; hears that there are two ships at Bordeaux; "453" [Arthur Lee?] will soon be let down from his grandeur; hopes to go to Nantes in about a month. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 17. Capt. Hector McNeill, Boston. Has received his letter of the 4th; feels for him and his family in his misfortune; is mortified at the behavior of the officers of the .Boston; "Navy makes no very Brilliant or promising beginning" ; hopes America will soon have " leasure to separate the wheat from the chaff"; Lieut. [Jonathan] Pitcher has said that McNeill s treatment is personal and unjust; Jones s roses are not without a "Superabundance of Thorns" ; has himself experienced men s ingratitude; Capt. [Thomas] Bell will tell him further; letters are to be sent in care of James Moylan, John Ross, Jonathan Williams or Dr. [Ben jamin] Franklin. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1778. . [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nanj. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 18. Capt. John Young, [Philadelphia]. Expresses real "concern" . for his "misfortune by Shipwreck" ; regrets that he [Jones] ad vised the cruise to Ockracock; Young should have been with him on his expedition to the Irish Channel; refers him to Capt. [Thomas] Bell for particulars; chaffs him for not taking better care of Jones s interest with the "Fair Miss " ; Mrs. Young would have done better. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1778. Williams, Jona[than.] Nantes, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Nov. 21. Jones, Brest. Leaves Nantes for Bordeaux to-morrow morning; will make a report about the "303" [frigate]; [Du Dover] Peltier will arrange affairs with [John D. ] Schweighauser during his absence; assures Jones good care will be taken of his interests; on his return from Bordeaux will prepare for embarkation for America; is always ready to serve him; has received a letter of Sept. 10th from [Robert] Morris; his opinion of Jones. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 63 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 21. Arthur Lee, [Paris]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 16th; has accounted in a letter of the 3d to the Commissioners for prizes taken; two brigs captured on voyage from America to Nantes; brigs were sold by [Thomas] Morris and [Jonathan] Williams; refers to his letter of Feb. 26th to Lee respecting payment of wages to those under Jones s command; commissioners letter of credit; Jones s draft dishonored May 16th by Lee; neither [Benjamin] Franklin nor [John] Adams knew of Jones s engagement with the crew; consequent condition of the crew and prisoners [of the Ranger ]; "Yet I found means to cure my wounded, feed my people, to refit the ship, and guard my prisoners"; wretched sit uation of the crew; dissatisfaction encouraged [by Lieut. Thomas Simpson]; treatment of crew respecting prize money; laws made by Congress for the government of the navy; discipline destroyed by Lee s listening to the people of the Ranger; [Lieut. Peter] Amiel has told Jones of Lee s objection to granting his request for copies of "some papers that concern me"; incidents relative to the dishonoring of Jones s draft; mystery of Jones s present situation; is responsible to Congress alone. Copy. 9pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1851, p. 85. 1778. lie Netrel, . "granville", [France.] Letter to [Joseph] Whitall, Nov. 21. Brest. Information respecting size and armament of a privateer for sale at Granville; no ship is for sale; can build one in five months if so desired; " this time of the year is very good for cut ting timber"; "our [French] Ship s Builders are Very good". A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Addressed and forwarded [by Whitall] to "Mr. Capt. Jones * * * a Brest." 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter [to Nov. 21. Joseph Whitall, Bordeaux]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 14th inst. ; is greatly obliged to friends in America for their favor able opinion; arrival of three prize ships; their tonnage; will send more detailed account from their registers; asks regarding ships at Granville and Bordeaux; the "peregrinations of the Fancy Uniforms"; incidents relating to a "Rascal" who plundered the officers of the Fox; he " took a fancy" to wear the uniform of our navy " as a Lieutenant"; ten ships of the line and ten frigates are at Brest ready to sail with the first fair wind; sends respects to [John] Bondfield. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter to John Nov. 23. Ross, [Nantes]. Has received his letter of 8th inst.; delayed answering in order to give an account of the prize ships [at Brest] ; has heard of no ship suitable for his own purpose; an Indian ship at L Orient [the Dtiras~\; has received no detailed account of the ships at Granville or Bordeaux; is convinced of the impossibility of getting "one of the best ships from the Kings Yard" ; "No Man * * * ever ventured before to tell them such Unvar nished Truths" ; it is contrary to established rules to detach ships from the Royal marine; "if my end is answered it is but fair that they should chuse the means"; is glad to hear that Con gress "hath at last found leasure" to investigate the "Conduct of men on whom they have Undeservedly bestowed Power." Auto graph draft. 2 pp. 4. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. Elliot, John. Lieut., U. S. marine*. "Deane" Frigate, Boston Harbour. Nov. 24. Certificate to Jame.s Read, [Philadelphia]. "John Martin other wise Keto" [Cato?] was the property of William Marshall; he enlisted in Capt. Miles Pennington s marines on the Reprisal, Capt. Lambert Weeckes [Wickes]; served from April 1776 to Sept. 1777. A. D. S. 1 p. 6| x 9 inches. Enclosed in Bedford, Gunning Certificate respecting Sarah Marshall, 1779, Oct. 18. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nanj. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 25. James Moylan, [L Orient]. Asks pardon for not having answered his letter of 10th inst. ; principal reason for delay was the ex pected receipt of "certain liberal Powers" ; thanks him for infor mation respecting the Duras; expects to get her or the Turgnt; failing these will "search out of this Kingdom or Build"; L Orient a good place if latter plan is necessary; asks about pos sibility of purchasing copper to sheathe bottom of ship; may visit him and Capt. [Thomas] Bell; [Lieut. Peter] Amiel has received draft and will send bill of exchange on Paris or L Orient. Autograpli draft. 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] dipt., U. S. navy. Brest, [France.] Letter [to Nov. 27. Benjamin Franklin, Passy]. Much surprised at advice given [Lieut. Peter] Amiel through Mrs. Amiel to return to America; reiterates the views expressed in recent letters to [William Tem ple Franklin] and [Donatien Leray] de C[haumont]; Amiel showed patience by remaining four months "in this detested place"; should "be put in a way of redeeming so much lost time"; conditions in America unfavorable to patriots; will not leave Europe until his "honor is made perfectly whole ; if power lie given him he will find a ship; will be responsible for seamen s wages; is hurt by Franklin s silence; is going to L Orient, Auto graph draft. 2 pp. 4. Also copy of extract from the above letter. See: Jones to Franklin, 1778, Sept. 4. 1778. [Whitall, Joseph.] United States commercial agent in France. Bordeaux, Nov. 27. [France.] Letter to Capt. John P[aul] Jones, Brest. Has seen three ships; does not consider them fast sailing; has doubtless heard from [John] Ross respecting the ships; report of five of the Jamaica fleet brought into Brest; a French Indiamen and other prizes taken to England; the East India company have offered the [English] government two million [pounds] to have their charter renewed; offer to borrow eight million more on credit; " of ways and means for the year 1779 already pointed out" in this manner; Parliament not to meet until after the holi days; many reflections in English papers upon [Vice] Admiral [Sir Hugh] Palliser s engagement with the French; rumor that [Rear Admiral Richard,] Lord Howe will be placed in command of the fleet. A. L. 2 pp. 4. 1778. Moylan, James. United States commercial agent at L Orient. L Orient, Nov. 28. [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, Brest. Acknowl edges receipt of letter of 25th; has delivered the one intended for Capt. [Thomas] Bell; agrees with his partner [ Gourlade] that Jones can find or build a ship "here". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 65 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Copt., U. $. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Nov. 30. James Moylan, [L Orient.] Determined to leave Brest, [Deo. 2d]; the Duraa to be purchased if the Turyot cannot be bought; the Dnras a fast sailer; will have her bottom sheathed with cop per; sends compliments to Capt. [Thomas] Bell and Capt. [Dan iel] McNeill; "Mr. [Lieut. Peter] Amiel s compliments"; will bring the amount of his draft in cash. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1778. Ross. John. United Mates commercial agent at Xante*. Letter from an Nov. . informant at Bordeaux, [France.] Knows of two vessels suitable for his friend [Capt. John Paul Jones] ; one will be ready in a few weeks; the other can be built by the constructor of [ ] Barry s privateer; detailed description; cost of each; ship pro posed will be on the lines of the Belle Ponle; not fitted for a cruiser; excellent for a letter of marque; no new ship at Bayonne. Autograph copy. 3 pp. 4. Enclosed in Ross to Jones, 177*. Dec-, o. 177S. Williams, Jona[than.] Bordeaux, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Dec. 1. Paul] Jones, L Orient. Wrote him from Nantes a few days since; has seen no suitable ship; description of the Due de Moucliy; is owned by Fegers Freres; her price; information respecting other ships; advises Jones to build; leaves for Paris [Dec. 2d], thence to Nantes. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 177S. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Nantes. Nantes, [France.] Dec. .">. Letter to Capt. John P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Has received his letter of 23d ult. ; is much employed "preparing despatches for America to go by [Capt. Thomas] Bell" ; requests information respecting the sale of prizes; encloses copy of a letter received from Bordeaux respecting building of a ship on the lines of the Belle Poule; agrees with Jones that it is better to give "as little trouble as possible" ; advises building a ship; arrival of the Gen. Washington [Dec. 2d] in twenty-four days from the Capes of Vir ginia; [British] "troops had embarked (although not sailed 28th Octor)"; "their destination a secret" that has aroused many conjectures; is anxious to hear from Philadelphia "on the subject of the late arrangement" [with France?]; expects [William] C[armichael] to be the bearer of despatches. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1778. [Whitall, Joseph.] United States commercial agent in France. Bordeaux. Dec. 4. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 21st ult.; information respecting five vessels at Bordeaux; has written to Granville respecting ships for Jones; M[ajor John Gizzard] F[raser] at "this place" without funds; his difficulties; his friend Reid [John K. Read?] is assisting him; incidents relating to an impostor "here" ; is informed that the "fellow" passing as lieutenant of marines with Capt. [Samuel] Tucker is a "Rascal"; [Jonathan] Williams has gone to Paris; "B. Marche" [Pierre Caron de Beaumarchais?] is collecting ships to accompany his cargoship to the West Indies; the Drake to accom pany him; has reason to believe that "W s" [Jonathan Wil liams?] also is going; arrival this day of a ship from Boston; she sailed the 4th ult.; "D Staing" [Vice-Admiral Charles Hector, Comted Estaign] sailed [Nov. 4th]; [Vice-Admiral John] Byron 2155103 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. [Whitall, Joseph] Continued. Dec. 4. with "nearly all the line" sailed from New York Nov. 1st; his destination unknown; is informed that a "frigate has got into L Orient express from Boston" ; list of five "vessels building at this place" ; other ships for sale at "Rochfort" ; "the yards are fine their" ; does not expect Capt. [Thomas] Bell to sail "this month"; "Capt." [Lieut. Musco] Livingston was aware that [Lieut. Thomas] Simpson was indebted to Jones for command of the Ranger; doubts if Jones Avill see [ ] Haywood and [ ] Livingston at Brest; desires to know the time of sale of prizes at Brest. A. L. 4 pp. 4. 1778. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Nantes. [Nantes, France.] Dec. [5?] Letter from an informant at Bordeaux. " Carpenter of the first repute * * * will engage to compleate such a Frigate as the Belle Poule [36 guns] in six months"; is told that " he can do it in much less time"; methods of hastening work. Autograph copy. 1 p. 4. Enclosed in Ross to Jones, 1778, Dec. 17. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 7. [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont, [Passy]. Arrived here "last night"; opinion concerning the Duras; she might be made "fit for sea within a month " ; the Beaumont sailed from America early " last month and is * * * daily expected " ; only Gourlade <fe Moylan know of Jones s mission at L Orient; the Beaumnnt is 220 tons heavier than the Duras and of the same age; hopes the Minister [of Marine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] will not blame him for taking "this step" without his orders; "ardently wishes to be again in active Service". Autograph draft. 8 x 65 inches. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 11. [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont, [Passy]. Wrote him on the 7th inst.; Has made "particular inquiries respecting the Dnras"; she was built in 1766; her condition; " the only ship for sale in France that will answer our purpose"; desires her bought and armed at once; proffered assistance of Gourlade Moylan should be accepted to that end; respects to [Benjamin] Franklin, [Ed ward] Bancroft and [ ] Baud wain [Baudouin]. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8x6 inches. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 14. John Ross, [Nantes]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 3d inst. ; is convinced that there is no "Ship on the Stocks in France for Sale that will answer my wishes"; a ship [the Duras] in this place may answer; awaits reply to his letter regarding her; has been at L Orient since the 6th; will secure inventories of prize ships at Brest, if he so desires; information brought by pilot boats from Virginia and Maryland of the " Embarkation of the Enemies Troops at N. York"; destination unknown; requests that [Jona than] Williams be informed of his being at L Orient. Autograph draft, 1 p. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 16. Jonathan Williams, [Passy]. His "patience worn out" at Brest; "left that purgatory" with [Lieut. Peter] Amiel Dec. 6th; wrote on the 7th but has not heard from [Donatien Leray] de C[hau- CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 67 1778. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Dec. 16. mont] respecting the "645" [purchase] of "303" [the Duras]; the latter wishes to obtain for Jones one of the " 244 " [sloops?] at " 90" [Brest]; this proposition not accepted; the Fo.f is supe rior to any two of them; to have accepted that offer would have meant an inferior ship and "certain ruin"; the vessel offered could " neither sail nor fight"; is much hurt by the silence of [Benjamin] Franklin; regards him " with the affection of a son to a parent"; Jones s health impaired by the severity of his situ ation; thanks him for his favor of the 1st and the pains taken in getting the intelligence [respecting ships]; fears nothing effectual will be done; the ship [Duras] he recommended is not as large as the Beaumont; cannot account for the silence of Dr. [Edward] Bancroft and \V[illiam Temple] Franklin; wrote Williams on the 20th in answer to the proposition of Montieu [John Joseph Monthieu]; compliment of [Robert] Morris "does me indeed a very singular Honor "; is gratified at kind words from friends; will endeavor " to merit the continuance of their favor". Autograph draft, partly in cipher. 2 pp. 9J x 7i inches. 1778. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Xantes. Xantes, [France.] Dec. 17. Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Has received his letter of 14th; encloses copy of a letter received from Bor deaux respecting the building of a ship for Jones; under his pres ent "patronage" Jones ought to command something correspond ing with his wishes; [Jonathan] Williams in Paris; is expected at Xantes in ten days; hopes that [Capt. Thomas] Bell has sailed; has received a business letter from [Robert] Morris; it is expected that New York will be evacuated; Morris has left Congress and by the [Pennsylvania?] Constitution he can not be reelected for three years; has been elected "Member of the [Pennsylvania] Assembly "; much work to be done in that body. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Addressed: " care of J[ames] Moylan." See Ross, John. Letter from an Informant 1778, Dec. 5. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 18. Edward Bancroft, [Paris]. Requests that the enclosed letter be laid before "299" [Benjamin Franklin] ; afterward the full trans lation to be given to [Donatien Leray] de C[haumont]; "the con cerned" can "triffle " no longer; persistency of "710" [Antoine Raymond Jean . Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] will show a base motive; if [Franklin] is really a friend "now is the time to shew it"; for the first time in his life is "in a disposition to doubt almost all the world"; two months already gone since he \\as informed that "710" had given orders [to purchase a ship] immediately yet nothing is done; [ ] Gourlade has written [ ] Baudwaine [Baudouin] ; [Le Chevalier] Comte [de] Clonard is to [buy] the Daras if [de Sartine] refuses. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 9i x 7 inches. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 18. [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont, [Passy]. Has seen his letter of the 14th to [ ] Gourlade; can assure him the Duras is not "engaged for the Service of the King"; her owner "has this very day" offered her for sale; the Minister [of Marine, Antoine Ray mond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] proposed sending the 68 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS. 1778. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Dee. 18. " remainder of the Soldiers" to India in the Duras; this no object to the owner; only alternatives are to buy the Daras or to build a suitable ship; owner of the Dura* requires an answer in ten days; this is the seventh letter Jones has written to de Chaumont on the subject of the Minister s resolution; if this letter "does not produce an immediate and Satisfactory answer" he will be convinced that he has "been Betrayed and Sacrificed with premeditation." Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. Enclosed in preceding letter. 1778. Meheg-an, John. Clergyman, and chaplain to Comte a" 1 Orriliierx. Brest, Dec. 19. [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [L Orient]. Has not heard from him for sixteen days; regrets being deprived "of news of a man * * * so much valued and esteemed"; hopes to be informed by him respecting the "encouragement you so merit"; regards to [Lieut. Peter] Amiel; message is being sent by [ ] Le Lay; compliments to [James] "Moyland"; the "Col- fat" wishes to be remembered; an escaped prisoner from the British ship Losebj offers Jones his services; [ ] Monier wishes his nephew to enlist as a volunteer. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 21. Jona[than] Williams or "in his absence to Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin," Passy. Has received letter [from John Ross]; wrote to Dr. [Edward] Bancroft on 18th enclosing a letter to [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; expressed his sentiments on "past and present unhappy situation ; encloses copies of above letters ; asks Williams to lay them before Franklin and later before de Chau mont; latter received orders from the Minister [of Marine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] two months since to buy a ship that would "satisfy" Jones; begs he be informed that another ship has arrived; gives her preference as she is not so old as the Ihiras; if decision to build is reached "it can be done here with great convenience and dispatch"; [ ] Gourlade has sent the particulars to [ ] Boudwain [Baudouin] and de Chaumont; matters are approaching a crisis; after seven months of expectation will soon be convinced whether or not he has "had to do with Honest Men" ; desires him to see Baudouin; sends compliments to his friends; would have written Madame de Chaumont but "unhappily am not able to express myself in French in Language that would do justice to my Sentiments." Autograph draft, partly in cipher. 2 pp. 4. See Jones to Bancroft, 1778, Dee. 18. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 21. "The Revd. John Mayhagan" [Mehegan] , Brest. Capt. Thomas Bell may deliver this letter to him ; if so, requests that Mehegan obtain for Bell two hogsheads of porter belonging to Jones but now with the King s store; one is to be taken to Robert Morris, the other is for Bell and J[ohn] Brown. Autograph draft. 1 p. 9i x 7 inches. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 23. "The Revd. Father John" [Mehegan], Brest. Acknowledges receipt of letter of Dec. 19th by [ ] Le Lay; is not "occupied either by Love or War"; to write would have given him some CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 69 1778. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Dec. 23. "token of existence merely not of Life"; a few days will "remove my doubts or realize my fears"; will write him the "true account"; has given Capt. [Thomas] Bell a letter to him respecting the delivery of his [Jones s] porter; has sent to the American Commissioners the memorial of [British] prisoners; will do all in his power to effect an early exchange; [Lieut. Peter] Amiel is well and returns his compliments; "Present my compli ments to the Bishop, and the Calfuteur" ; congratulates him on the safe delivery of the Queen [of France]; " She is a $wert Girl and deserves to be Happy"; requests that inventories of prize ships at Brest be sent to John Ross, Xantes, and [Joseph] Whitall, Bordeaux, in care of [John] Bonfield [Bondrield]. Autograph draft. -2 pp. 4. 1778. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., l~. S. num. L Orient, [France.] Letter to l>ec. I .!. John Brown, [Philadelphia]. Thanks him for kind attention he lias shown his "Interest"; refers him to Capt. [Thomas] Bell for particulars of his situation; was invited, in June, by the "Court of France" to remain in Europe; was to command a force "under the Flag of America" but without expense to her; has been led on by flattering prospects; matters now drawing to a crisis; has sent details of his prospects to [Robert] Morris; requests copies of the journals of Congress and of other informa tion respecting naval affairs; asks regarding ability of members of the "present Marine Committee"; criticises appointments made by them; fears seeming mystery of his situation has made enemies; his opinion that an "able and Upright Board of Admiralty is essential to the existence of a Navy"; navy cannot be formed by a detachment of Congress whose minds are otherwise employed"; if no other copy has appeared, this letter is to be shown to [Robert] Morris, and with his consent to the Marine Committee. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 177t>. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. >S. nai-y. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jan. 1. [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont, [Passy]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 26th ult. ; has never been to the place he mentions; knows its situation; pilots may always be obtained; information respecting it; it is worth while to pay a visit to a place so famous; desires to go; this told "in confidence"; the .subject is very delicate; constructor of the Duras agrees with Jones respecting the cannon suitable for her; presents his " early respects" to Madame de Chaumont and family. Autograph draft. 1. p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jan. 2. John Ross, [Xantes]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of [Dec.] 17th; Ross will receive inventories of [prize] ships for sale at Brest; [James] Moylan wrote Ross the day Capt. [Thomas] Bell sailed; probably "is now as far on his way as the Western Islands"; sends this by [ ] Haywood; [ ] Gourlade has received orders to purchase [the Duras ]; bargain not yet con cluded; price asked is too high; another ship [the Fitz Jaques?~\ for sale; is better [than the Duras]; a "famous constructor" also has offered to build a suitable ship within four months and on easy terms; these three propositions sent to "Headquarters"; 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Jan. 2. answer is nearly due; exchange of prisoners from England expected daily; "A good set of officers" much needed; prefer ence to those recommended by Ross; qualifications desired by Jones in the crew; either ship in question is "superior to any Frigate under the Enemies Flag" and will sail twelve or thirteen knots. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco- American Jan. 2. negotiations. [Passy, France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Recommends that Jones procure the Dnras; Gour- lade & Moylan can act as agents for the purchase; the King [Louis XVI, of France] has provided that the means of pur chase shall be ready. A. L. S. 2pp. P nclosed is a statement of later date and in a different hand of the number of officers required for the Bon Homme Richard. 1 p. 7 x 5 inches. In French. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jan. 6. [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont, [Passy]. Jones has not changed his project; thought it his duty to communicate the sale of the Fitz Jaques; did so in letter to [Jonathan] Williams; this was before the Minister s [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert (iabriel de Sartine] determination to buy the Duras; owners of the Fitz Jaques have written [ ] Gourlade that she is not to be sold; the Dura* the only object; encloses copy of letter from [ ] Berard to [ ] Baudouin which proves that no time has been lost; when the Minister informs Berard that the Dura* will not be hired for the service of the King thinks easier terms can be made; believes Gourlade would have advanced his own money for the Dnras had he known the conditions. Autograph draft. 1 ]>. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nar;/. [Passy, France.] Memorandum [Jan. 21.] [for Germain?, Comte Gamier] Is but a young student in the science of arms; desires to receive instructions from men of more experience; the "grand object of Partizan war" is to strike an unexpected blow; requirements of a man to command such an enterprise; "his province" to adopt such enterprises as circum stances may throw in his way; enterprise ought to be planned "long before it is executed"; it o.ught to be communicated to the Commander-in-chief only; the "infinite Service" of fire ships; Jones s opinion concerning them; use of "fast sailing cutter"; if authorized by the Minister [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] will inquire as to a place or two of great importance"; desired articles specified; cautions secrecy respecting fire ships. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. [1779.] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. [Passy, France.] Memo- [Jan. 23.] randum [for Germain?, Comte Gamier]. If there is a reversion of part of prizes claimed by America after payment of seaman s wages, is willing it should help defray the " Expence of the Outfit"; may answer "a better purpose" to give reversion to the "Adventurers" as an "Extra Encouragement"; this the most natural means to "promote Emulation and Unanimity"; desires that prizes captured "by the Arms under my command be sold as American property ; agents should be appointed by the CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 71 [1779.] [Jones, John Paul] Continued. [Jan. 23.] captors; there should be no connection with the Admiralty, otherwise men will always consider themselves cheated. Auto graph draft. 1 p. 8i x 6i inches. 1779. Ford, H[ezekiah.] Private secretary to Arthur Lee. " Passi", [France.] Feb. 2. Letter to Capt. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, "at Mr. Chaumonte Passi". Has inquired of [Arthur] Lee respecting the regulations of the United States navy; they were in a pamphlet lent him by Jones; pamphlet has been lost; if found it will be forwarded at the earliest opportunity. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de.] Minister of Feb. 4. Marine of France. Versailles, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Passy]. His Majesty, [Louis XVI,] in consequence of the distinguished manner in which Jones has served the United States, has put him in command of the Duras, of 40 guns, at L Orient; orders to be given for her complete armament; to be commanded under the United States flag; can man ship with Americans and enlist volunteers; will procure for Jones the necsssary officers; will do everything possible for success of his enterprise; can sail as soon as convenient without further orders; is to determine his own destination; upon return to a French port is to render an exact account of his cruise; recommends that humanity be shown all prisoners; consents to the Duras being called the Bon Homme Richard. Contemporary copy. 1 p. F. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 85. 1779. Fitz-Maurice, , Chevalier de. Capt., Walsh s Irish regi ment, French Feb. 5. army. "Quimper." [Quimber, France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Johnes [Jones], L Orient. Recommends "Mr. [Edward] Stack a Lieutenant of this Regiment", who desires service under Jones; his abilities; recommends also "Mr. [Eugene] Macarty [Macarthy]; requests that information be given "those Gentle men" respecting their pay and prize money; it is necessary for them to obtain leave from Court; desires information regarding method of procedure. A. L. S. 2pp. 8x6 inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Oijit., U. #. *S. "Bon Homme Richard". Passy, Feb. 6. [France.] Letter to [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine, Versailles. Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 4th "by hands of M. [Germain?, Cornte] Gamier"; thanks him for so singular and honorable a mark of his confidence; will repre- Sfiit to Congress the "generous & voluntary" action of the "best of Kings"; requests him to assure the King that his favor is appreciated; will give account of cruise as requested; may need French volunteers; will pay due regard to the welfare of all under his command; permission to change the name of the ship [from the Duras to the Bon Homme Richard] furnishes opportunity "of pay ing a well merited compliment to a great and good man". Copy. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N.Y., 1851, p. 87. 1779. Fourniez, , Le Chevalier de. Brest, [France.] Letter to Capt. Feb. 7. John Paul Jones, L Orient. Remembers kindness shown him by Jones at Brest; is pained that latter has not procured command 72 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Fourniez, , Le Chevalier de Continued. Feb. 7. of a vessel; the Alliance has just arrived from Boston after pas sage of 23 days; [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette was on board and is now on his way to Paris; has endeavored to interest Lafayette in wel fare of Jones; urges him to request [Benjamin] Franklin to obtain the Alliance for him. A. L. S. 1 p. S x t> inches. 1779. Hogg, Ebenezer. Midshipman. , U. S. nary. Nantes, [France.] Letter Feb. 8. to Capt. [John] Paul Jones, "att Paris". Has just arrived at Nantes after escape from "Fortune Prison in England" [Forton Gaol]; has been informed by [Jonathan] Williams that Jones has "a good Ship getting in Readiness fora Cruise"; desires a "Station" as captain s clerk, lieutenant of marines or midship man; has seen considerable service during the war; was a mid shipman on the Boston, Capt. [Hector] McNeill; became acquainted with Jones at that time; wishes to be informed if any vacancy exists "for a person that is capable of acting in the same". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Greenleaf, Thomas. Lieut., U. >S. marines? Nantes, [France.] Letter Feb. 8. to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Was captured May 30, 1778, when lieutenant of marines on the Angelica; escaped in August, 1778, from " Forton-Prison in England"; received no assistance from the [United States] Commissioners; given ten guineas by [Benjamin] Franklin; has expended same; will be imprisoned for debt at Nantes or "run the risque of being wrecked upon the Wheel by going upon the Highway"; is destitute of money, clothing or friends; is son of Joseph Greenleaf of Boston; was lieutenant in [Capt. Edward] Crafts artillery; "absolute necessity" his apology for writing; requests a few guineas; will repay same when he sees Jones in America; requests "some appointment" imder Jones, preferably "as Marine Officer"; is to direct reply in care of " Madam McCarty on the Fosse". A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Addressed care of [James] Moylan. 1779. Chaumont, [Donation] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco-American Feb. 10. negotiations. Passy, [France.] Letter to "Mr. S. Jauge et fils", Bordeaux. Has heard that they have a cannon foundry at "perigueux"; desires specified cannon secured for Capt. [John Paul] Jones; latter has been appointed to command [the Bon Homme Richard]; she needs cannon only to complete her equip ment; payment to be made as usual by " J. Cottin et fils et Jauge a Paris"; Capt. Jones anxious to have a United States flag on a French vessel under his command; Gourlade & Moylan are arm ing her. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 4. 1779. Robinson, Robert. Master?, U. S. nary. "Nantz", [France.] Letter Feb. 10. to Capt. John Paul Jones, "Paris." [L Orient.] Wrote him on the 8th inst.; would gladly "Serve in Allmost Any Station" under him; has been a master in the United States service since the expedition to New Providence; taken prisoner while on the "Hornetl" ; escaped from Forton prison, England, "aboutt 3 Months Since"; "if Expenses [are] paid I would gladly Do My self the Honour of serving under you"; requests an early answer which should be directed to Madam McCarty. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 73 1770. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco-American Feb. 11. negotiations. "Passi", [France.] Letter to " Espivent villes boisnet, Nantes". [Capt. John Paul] Jones, who is to command a vessel under the United States flag, will present this; he goes to Xantes to get information respecting cannon which M. [ ] Peri is charged with having made for the Dnras [7?on Honime Richard"]; desires to procure an American crew; the Minister [of Marine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] authorizes the advancement of 12,000 livres to Jones; directions concerning funds to be paid him; funds for equipping [the Bon Honnne Richard] are deposited with "J. Cottin et fils et Jauge"; Jones impatient to command French vessel under the United States flag; other directions. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 4. 1779. Franklin, \V[illiam] T[emple.] Private secretary to Benjamin Franklin. Feb. 16. Passy, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, "Nantes", [L Orient]. Encloses two letters "which came under cover to my Grandfather" [Benjamin Franklin]; has heard that on the 12th inst. the "Populace" of London "set fire to the houses" of [Frederick,] Lord North, [John Montagu, Earl] "Sanwich", [George Sackville, Lord] Germaine and likewise to that of [Vice-] Admiral [Sir Hugh] Palliser; "all this to express their sentiments of joy at the justification of Admiral [Augustus, Vis count] Keppel". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco- American Feb. 17. negotiations. "Passi," [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Introduces his friend Capt. Clement de La Rouciere; latter desires to serve under Jones; was recommended to de Chaumont by "Madame" [Mile?] Gerard and other per sons esteemed by Jones; hopes he will be satisfactory. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. See: La Rouciere to Jones, 1779, Feb. 19. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent Franco-American Feb. IS. negotiations. "Passi," [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Introduces John Conner, "Bostonier"; he desires to serve under Jones and will present his recommendations. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1779. La Rouciere, Clement de. Captain . Paris. Letter [to Capt. John Feb. 19. Paul Jones], L Orient. Desires to serve under his command; is recommended by [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont and Mile. Gerard; reasons for not presenting accompanying letter; desires appointment as captain of volunteers or of ensign. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. In French. 177! . Jauge, S et fils. Merchants, Bordeaux. Bordeaux, [France.] Letter Feb. 21. to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 16th inst. enclosing letter of [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont and one to Gourlade & Moylan respecting furnishing cannon [for the Bon Honime Richard]; have written Gourlade & Moylan, " armateurs ", for the exact character of cannon desired; information respecting same; order will soon be filled. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. <4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Mease, Matthew. Purser U. 8. S. "Bon Homme Richard." Xante?, Feb. 22. [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Writes him respecting Capt. [Alexander?] Moore; Moore states that he was appointed captain in the Continental service; commanded the "Horn Snake Sloop "; was taken prisoner while bound from Carolina to Cape Francois; confined in Forton prison [England]; lately escaped; was employed in Philadelphia; served in the "last war" on privateers; Mease has no proof of truth of his statements; [John] Ross remembers him in "Merchants Employ" in Philadelphia; he will serve only as 1st lieutenant; failing this will return to America to render account of the loss of his ship; advice given him; Mease is about to attend to the business sub mitted to his care; the doctor [Laurence Brooke] accompanies him to Paimboeuf ; hopes the Poor Richard [7jo Ifonune Richard] is considerably advanced in her outfit; [John] Ross regrets not having seen Jones when latter was at Xantes; Messrs. [ ] Broos[?] and [John] Gilbank send their compliments; latter intends writing for information which Jones only can give; wishes to be remembered to [James] Moylan and to Mr. and Mrs. [Peter?] Amiel. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1779. Gilbank, John. Lieut., Continental army. Nantes, [France.] Letter to Feb. 23. Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Has been informed by Dr. [Laurence] Brooke that Jones has vacancies in the Marine depart ment; requests information respecting "Terms of officers; desires an appointment if they suit him; has been in the Continental service since 1775; was senior lieutenant in regiment of artillery stationed at "Charlestown," South Carolina; three times captured by the English; " Uncertainty of going safe in a merchant Ship"; regrets not having seen Jones since the night he supped with him at [Lieut. Musco] Livington s; knows Capt. [Alexander] Dick; speaks "French Language tolerably" ; could assist in raising recruits; requests an answer by return post in care of Livingston or [Matthew] Mease; if not convenient for Jones to engage him will return in fleet "now about ready to sail." A. L. S. 3 pp. 8 x 6* inches. Addressed care of Monsieur [James] Moylan. 1779. Bancroft, Edward. Confidential agent of JBenjamin Franklin. "Chaillot" Feb. 23. [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Judges he has heard American news contained in his letter to [Jonathan] Williams; Dr. [Benjamin] F[ranklin] has written [David] Hart ley to "Obtain Protection" for Bancroft s journey to England; will set out immediately upon its receipt; will aid Jones if pos sible; [Germain?, Comte] Gamier has attempted to see [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine; latter was not in Paris; former will write when he can communicate "anything Satisfactory ; fears that Jones will not procure the cannon ordered ; [Vice-Admiral Charles Hector, Comte] d Estaign "has blun dered" and permitted British to take St. Lucia, West Indies; Franklin still has the gout which prevents his introduction at Court "in his new Character" [United States Minister Plenipo tentiary to France]; the " Arret of Council" ordered to be executed against all Dutch vessels except those of Amsterdam and Harlem ; desires information respecting English prisoners. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8x6 inches. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 75 1779. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Feb. 24. Passy, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. [William] Alexander called to deliver a message from [Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of] Selkirk; "his Lordship s answer" to Jones s letter, after a detention at the "Post Office," was returned to the writer; [Lord Selkirk] will accept the "Plate" if its return was proposed by Congress or by "any public Body" but if through a "private Persons Generosity, the Captain s for Instance he could by no means receive it"; Jones can judge whether it is worth while to "take any farther Trouble about the matter." A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Printed: Wharton, Dip. Carres, of the Amer. Rev. Wash. 1889, III: 61. 1779. Jones, J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Son Homme Richard". L Orient, Feb. 24. [France.] Letter to William Carmichael, [Philadelphia]. Con gratulates him on his " well merited elevation" [as delegate from Maryland to the Continental Congress]; considers him the "best of friends" ; correspondence has been interrupted by the per plexity of his situation since May, 1778; refers him to "within papers" and to letters and papers sent [Robert] Morris, particu larly his letters of Nov. 13th and 14th last; hears that Lieut. [Thomas] Simpson is again fitting out the Hanger; will say noth ing regarding the propriety of this action; will be governed by advice of Carmichael and Morris; will send him his "free thoughts" on naval matters; Jones s opinion of the Marine Com mittee; will do all service possible "without Subjecting America to any Expense " ; the within papers may be laid before Congress; is to send letters care Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin " w r ho honors me with his Friendship". Secretary s draft. 2pp. 4. 1779. Russell, Daniel. "Nants", [France.] Letter to Capt. John P[aul] Feb. 26. Jones, L Orient. Hears by [Dr. Laurence] Brooke that Jones is in want of men; requests position as steward or midshipman; is not a "seaman" but will do all in his power to fill position creditably; has been captured by the English; is "very much distressed at present". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, Feb. 26. [France.] Orders to "Captain Alexr. Dick of the Army," L Orient. Accepts his offer to serve as a volunteer on board the "Poor Richard" ; he is to proceed with Lieut. [Peter] Amie2 to Brest; is to enlist men agreeable to orders given Amiel; thence to "Dinnaunt" [Dinan]; if alone, is to render an account of his proceedings. Secretary s draft. 1 p. 4. 1779. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Xante*. Nantes, [France.] Feb. 28. Letter to Capt. John P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 24th; will commit" letters for America to Capt. [Thomas] Bentson of the schooner Stephen bound for Philadelphia; he will sail in the course of this week; has delivered Jones s letter to [Matthew] Mease; offers his assistance; will com municate by Dr. [Laurence] Brooke. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Mease, Matthew. Purser, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Nantes, Feb. 28. [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Acknowledges letter of 23d; will do his best to render Jones satis faction as "regards the Contents"; wrote him on the 22d; 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Mease, Matthew Continued. Feby. 28. reasons for Dr. [Laurence] Brooke and himself postponing trip to Paimboeuf; Dr. [ ] Brahani "did not think proper" to accept invitation to visit L Orient; [Jonathan] Williams has written [John?] Brown respecting the fitting out of the "Poor Richard"; will inquire respecting Capt. [Joseph?] Shoemaker and Capt. [Reiiben?] Chase; information respecting Capt. [John?] York[e]; he recommends him; has seen [Thomas] Greenleaf; he wishes to accompany Jones; behavior of "some of our Country Men" regarding arrangements "proposed for the Poor Richard s family" ; misstatements of a "Mr. Murison" ; latter said that to accompany Jones meant "no prize, no profit "; [Booker?] Jeff ries offers his services to Jones; will see Murison "on this matter" ; will go to Paimboeuf "in a day or two" accompanied by "Mr. [William?] Thomson" [Thompson]; hears that [Daniel] Russell desires an appointment under Jones; information con cerning him; Jones s friends will pay "particular attention to prudent frugality in disposing of his money" ; will try to execute his commands satisfactorily. A. L. S. 4 pp. 4. [1779?] White, Thomas and Four Others. Petti/ officers?, U. S. mm/. [L Orient, [Feb.?] France.] Memorandum to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, Passy. Sums of money and certificates of expenses required [before entering service under Jones]. Signed: "Thomas White Thos. Fitzgerald Alexr. Moore Xathl. Marston James Hogan." [Oct.?] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. [The Texel, Holland.] Memorandum: "The above officers after having received Sums of Money too considerable in Xorveg [Norway], at Dunkirk and Paris, Deserted the Public Service having been Prompted to that act of Base ingratitude by Mr. [Commodore Alexander] Gillon of South Carolina". Autograph draft. 1 p. 1(H x 6 inches. 1779. Fitz-Maurice, , Chevalier de. ( apt., Walxlt x Iridt regiment, French Mar. 1. arm i/. Quimper, [Quimber, France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 26th ult. ; is pleased with success of his journey to Paris; makes him his "most sincere compliments" on his fine command [the Son Homme Richard"]; thanks him for his offer to accompany him; only possible by order of the King; "would cheerfully comply" with such orders if given; " our Gentlemen desire their compli ments to you". A. L. S. 1 p. 8 x <> inches. 1779. Macarthy, [Eugene.] Lieut., Walsh s Irish regiment, French army. Mar. 3. Quimper, [Quimber, France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Has heard that Jones has received the command of a frigate of 40 guns [the Bon Homme Richard] and that he desires officers; wishes to "make a Campaigne * * * under com mand of a Gentleman who has Distinguished himself by his Supe rior talents "; requests information on all things relating to his purpose. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". [L Orient, Mar. 9. France.] Letter to Capt. John Plaince, Cork, [Ireland]. Has been impossible to forward the within bill until now; "It is the last of the set drawn by Mr. [ ] Xewberry" ; those drawn by [Louis Daniel] Charrier are lost; letter [of Mar. 9, 1778] will CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 77 1779. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Mar. 9. explain everything, both as to "present and future Remittances from the same hand"; this letter "contained no Sentiment what soever that did not * * * flow directly from the Heart of the Author"; Miss Plaince s answer to letter of June 1st was received open; "interruption of that correspondence has been owing to no change of Sentiment * * " and the parties are now and will continue real Friends". Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. Enclosed in the following letter. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, Mar. 9. [France.] Letter to E[dward] Bancroft, [Chaillot?]. Is " now on the Wing"; will start immediately for Bordeaux; refers him to his letter of the 6th to [Benjamin] Franklin; hopes the " Mis fortune of my Life : * * will not sink me in your opinion "; requests the enclosed bill and memorandum forwarded to Capt. [John] Plaince on Bancroft s arrival in London; desires to hear from Plaince if he can send letters with safety; requests that Ban croft try to procure 100 on the enclosed order for Capt. [Elisha] Hinman; desires him to obtain the release of John Swaine and John Watson and send them to him; on advice of [Benjamin] Franklin has written [Germain?, Comte] Gamier; contents of letter; enlisted men prefer wages according to the "Established American Pay". Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. ,S . ,S. "Bon Homme Richard". Nantes, Mar. 13. [France.] Letter to [Lieut.] M[usco] Livingston, [Nantes?]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of Mar. 13th; remembers that [Joseph] Wharton acknowledged "having had in his hands a letter on the subject alluded to in your Certificate"; saw certifi cate; Wharton declared " he Avould make Oath" that he never received any information from [Edward] Bancroft respecting sub ject of certificate until after the treaty between France and Amer ica. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Angou- Mar. 27. leme, [France.] Letter to John Bondfield. [Bordeaux]. Enclosed letter of " Messieurs Louis Sezerac Laine et fils" will show that his journey has been fruitless; " nothing can be expected either from the [cannon] Foundry at Rouelle or any other in this Quar ter"; "Sezerac Laine et fils will deliver before the last of May, u ith your permission" , the cannon desired for the -Bon Homme Rich ard; suggestions for hastening matters; hopes detention will not delay securing the armament; the Bon Hornine Richard "is intended to be of more real use to the Common Cause than any has yet proved"; sets out immediately for Rochefort; hopes it will not be necessary to lose time by applying to [Benjamin] Franklin; " what is the most dear to me as an Officer is at stake" ; hopes that Bondfield will assist him; will leave here the night of the 18th; further information respecting the cannon. Autograph draft. 3pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . Bordeaux, Mar. 29. [France.] Letter to John Bondfield, Bordeaux. Encloses two letters from [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont; first is of Feb. 10th to "Mr. S. Jauge et fils of this city * * * 2d of Feb. llth to 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Mar. 29. Messr. Espivent Villes boisnet of Nantes"; they show that Jones is authorized to procure cannon for the Bon Homme Richard; firms mentioned cannot furnish same; Louis Sezerae et fils, with Boridfield s permission, will furnish cannon by May; requests that arrangements be made with them; dimensions of cannon; shot needful; salt provisions desired; wishes him to procure "Irish Mess Beef" if possible; advice respecting payment for same will be received from Gourlade & Moylan or Jones. Auto graph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1779. Fitz-Maurice, , Chevalier de. Capt., Walsh s Irish regiment, French Mar. . army. "Quimper", [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Hopes he mentioned "Lts. [Edward] Stack and [Eu gene] Macarty" [Macarthy] only in writing to Court; impossi ble for Fitz-Maurice himself to accompany Jones; latter should have seen that "such expeditions are not fitt for persons of my rank"; if Jones has taken any steps relative to Fitz-Maurice joining him hopes he will "counter mand" them; requests infor mation respecting the "conditions, treatment &c" which will be given the "two Gentlemen" of whom he \vrote. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Endorsed by Jones: * * * rec d May 1st." 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. .S . "Bon Homm<> Richard". Angou- Apr. 2. leme, [France.] Letterto John Bondfield, Bordeaux. Hassigned "this day" three copies of contract with the "House of Messieurs Louis Sezerac L aine et lils" for cannon for the Bon Homme Rich ard; encloses copy of contract to be delivered to Bondfield by Sir Robert Finlay; requests that "the 8 pounders" be shipped; "Sir Roberts Founder" will give advice to founder at Bordeaux respecting shot; sets out "within an hour" for Nantes. Auto graph draft. 1 p. 4. 1 779. Sartine, [ Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de. ] Minister of Marine Apr. 3. of France. Versailles, [France.] Letter [to Germain?, Comte Gamier, Paris]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of [Mar.] 27th; considers price of the corvette, which Jones desires, exces sive; thinks Jones can find a cheaper one. Copy by Gamier. 1 p. 8x6 inches. Enclosed in Gamier to Jones 1779, Apr. 9. In French. 1779. Gourlade & Moylan. Merchants and United Mates commercial agents at Apr. 5. L Orient. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Nantes]. Acknowledge letter of 23d ult. ; regret his disappoint ment respecting cannon promised "by the house in Bordeaux"; not owing to their neglect but probably to lack of material; [John] Bondfield has written that Jones has gone to Angou- leme; hopes he will be successful there; letter received for Jones from Paris making his presence "here" and later at Paris, neces sary. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Gamier, [Germain?, Comte.] French diplomat, "paris". Letter [to Apr. 9. Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Encloses copy of a letter from [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine; that minister considers the price of the corvette which Jones has in view, excessive; it is necessary for him to find a cheaper one. A. L. S. 1 p. 6x4 inches. In French. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 79 1779. Amiel, Peter. Lieut., U. S. nary. Brest, [France.] Letter to Capt. Apr. 9. [John Paul] Jones, Nantes. Sends Mstof prisoners detained "in this Department"; no men [for enlisting] to be had "here"; will "set of" upon arrival of handbills; Jones s "things" to be sent by the Marchioness of Granby; she sails for L Orient in ten days; has seen no prize copper; information respecting "cohorns"; [ ] La Porte "has been very polite"; Capt. [Alexander] Dick sends compliments; requests power from the Minister [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] to enlist Frenchmen. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Address to Jones crossed out and readdressed to "Monsieur [Jonathan] Williams * * *" to whom it was forwarded by Jones? 1779. Bondfield, John. United Stales commercial agent at Bordeaux. Bordeaux, Apr. 9. [France.] Letter to Capt. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 2d inst. enclosing contract with [Louis] Sezerac [L aine et fils] for cannon; is glad that Jones is satisfied; sends to Angouleme "by this post" the con tract duly ratified; hopes that [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont will discharge his drafts; sent him copy of Jones s letter, also copy of contract made with [ ] Bery respecting the cannon; will forward the eight pounders at first opportunity; respects to Gourlade & Moylan; will write as soon as he hears from de Chaumont. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Finlay, Sir R[obert] Banker, Bordeaux. Bordeaux, [France.] Letter Apr. 10. to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Arrived on Sunday evening; delivered letter and contract to [John] Bondfield who said he "would write the needfull to Mr. [Louis] Sazerac"; requests- information respecting the " Air Furnace " at " Xantz "; writes to Sweden today for information "about what Mr. [ ] Wilde spoke to you of"; desires to know "how the teas sold at Last Sales" and if any remain to be disposed of at auction; asks if "the ship put into Vego be arrived"; encloses letter from "Mr. [S ] Jauge"; Bondfield says " in next week your Shott will be put in work ". A. L. S. 2pp. 4. Addressed care of Gourlade & Moylan. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Uomme Richard" . L Orient, Apr. 11. [France.] Orders [to Lieut. Peter Amiel, Brest]. Is to pro ceed to Paimboeuf to join [Matthew] Mease with Americans who have enlisted to serve under Jones; if wind is favorable is to bring them to L Orient in vessel provided by [Jonathan] Wil liams; otherwise to come by land; hopes that others will join them when they know that Jones is about to sail for America; is then to proceed to Angouleme to the cannon foundry of [Louis] Sezarac L aine et fils; is*to send proportions of Sand 18 pounders to [James] Moylan; instructions governing his stay at Angouleme. Secretary s draft. 1 p. 4. 1779. Frazer, John G[izzard.] Ex-major, Continental army. Bordeaux, Apr. 17. [France.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient. Expects he has arrived at L Orient; has sent him some claret; recom mends Messrs. V. and B. French and nephew, merchants; in formed by [William] McCreery of the arrival of ninety-seven 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Frazer, John G[izzard] Continued. Apr. 17. prisoners " in a Flag of Truce " from England; judges Jones will engage a part of them [for crew of the Bon Jlomme Richard]; desires Jones to forward him some of [ ] Gourlade s liquor; hopes to embark for America in May; desires that [James] Moy- lari be informed that the money which he advanced to [J. J.] Pringle on Frazer s account will be returned with interest; reasons for previous nonpayment; does not care to write Gourlade or Moylaii as they have not answered his former letters; sends re spects to them, also to John Moylan, [ ] Haywood, [Lieut. Musco] Livingston and [Alexander] Dick. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. Addressed care of Gourlade & Moylan. 1779. Dick, Alexander. Major, Virginia militia, serving as volunteer on U. 8. <$ . Apr. 19. "Son Homme Richard." L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Paris. Discord among "our little society"; "ungenerous hatred * * * of the French nation" is the cause; the "present commanding officer" is affected; sailors and volunteers are in "continual broils" ; has tried to preserve order; has told the French that Jones will not allow them to be ill- treated; confusion among the sailors caused by contradictory orders; behavior of [Robert?] Brown; [ ] Gourlade has pro vided a house in town where [enlisted] men shall be kept until Jones s arrival; he and [Edward] Stack desire commissions; [Matthew] Mease not yet arrived. A. L. 8. 3 pp. 4. Ad dressed: Care of Mons. [Donation] Leray de Chaumont. 1779. Williams, Jonathan. Nantes, [France.] Letter to Capt. J[ohn] P[aul] Apr. 22. Jones, L Orient. Letter to [Lieut. Peter] Amiel received after his departure for Bordeaux; forwarded it in care of [John] Bond- field; took copy of it for government of other officers; [Matthew] Mease and the "Doctor [Laurence Brooke] set off for the Ship" [Bon Homme Richard]; [Benjamin] Thompson at Paimboeuf; [James] Moylan is making "slops" ; his difficulties with [John D.] Schweighauser respecting tne valuation of [Dunbar Hamil ton, 4th Earl of Selkirk s] plate and the Drake prize money; is tired of quarrelling with "the old man"; has "another Reason" for desiring Peace ; advises that Jones let the plate be revalued as Schweighauser desires. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. Addressed care of Gourlade & Moylan. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . L Orient, Apr. 25. [France.] Letter to Lieut. M[usco] Livingston, [Xantes]. Dr. [Edward] Bancroft has received information from America that Livingston s certificate was the only thing that appeared in America against him; as Livingston s opinion on this was doubt ful, thought he ought to be informed; would gladly remove all misunderstandings between "subjects of the L T nited States"; only the Bon Homme Richard thus far put under Jones s com mand; has not completed "arrangemt. of officers" for that ship; will give preference to seniority unless superseded by merit and ability; desires only volunteers who will accompany him "any where and everywhere"; they will bear commissions under the "flag of Freedom". Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 81 1779. Amie?, Peter. Lieut., U. S. navy. Nantes, [France.] Letter to Capt. Apr. 27. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of letter of Dec. loth; has been in Xantes an hour; will await further orders; is informed by [Jonathan] Williams that "all the Men" have gone aboard the Alliance. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Wharton, Joseph, jr., of Philadelphia. [Ship] Tom Johnson, "Brest Apr. 28. Road," [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Has been detained at Brest by adverse winds; unable to land; can get no news "in this War equipping Port"; desires information respecting war in America; asks if Spain has recognized the independence of the United States; hopes Jones will "withdraw himself for a moment from his Warlike equipments" and tell him " what news is Stirring"; has not heard from Dr. [Edward] Bancroft for a long time; informed by [Jonathan] Williams that he has gone to England; desires to know " what course [Lieut.] M[usco] L[ivingsto]n intends to steer"; requests information respecting the sailing of the Alliance; Capt. [Peter] Landais has been directed by Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin to give Wharton passage in her if convenient; writes Jones with unconstrained freedom; hopes he will answer freely and at once; direct letters in care of [ ] Bersolle. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Addressed care of Monsr. [James] Moylan. 1779. Williams, J[onathan.] Xantes, [France.] Letter to Capt. J[ohn] Apr. 29. P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 25th inst.; has taken steps relative to the revaluation of [Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of Selkirk s] plate; if no recruits can be received " without a written order from you" desires to know how "the recruiting service is to go on"; money paid [Ben jamin] Thompson; information respecting men engaged by Thompson; "the latter Volunteers are pretty good men"; Thompson s arrangement with his creditors will not answer; [Lieut. Peter] Amiel "here" awaiting orders; he has been to Angouleme; the Alliance has taken almost all of the Americans here; will not relinquish Jones s prize money; desires to settle matters peaceably, thought Jones knew "the 466" [God Cupid] had been busy "between me & one of that [Schweighauser] Family"; other French seamen can be secured if three months "advance" pay be given them; wishes success for the "Pool Dick" [Bon Homme Richard ]. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1779. Williams, Jonathan.] Paris. Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, Apr. . !0. [L Orient]. Feels like "a Stranger in a great City"; judges that Jones is now in his "Element" on board a ship and "directing things to your mind"; desires to know when Jones "will be fit for the Sea" ; wishes to go with him; has already seen "the Chief that requires a Stranger s attention" in Paris; "Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin speaks of my going with you in general terms" ; if Jones is to sail for America desires to accompany him as a lieutenant or as a volunteer. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, Apr. 30. [France.] Letter to " Revd. father John" [Mehegan, Brest]. Is informed by [Jonathan] Williams, his "Friend and Attorney", that the American agent at Xantes [John D. Schweighauser] 2155103 6 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1770. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Apr. 30. wishes a revaluation made of the Countess of Selkirk s plate; has given his consent to this; thinks [ ] Cortentine will feel affronted at the revision of the first estimate; directions concern ing the revaluation; requests that Mehegan lie present; judges that Williams will forward [plate] to L Orient when revalued; desires a chaplain; arrived from Paris a few days since; met [Lt.] Gen. [Louis Guillouet, Comte] d Orvilliers "on the road"; is "this day so sick " that he writes in bed; wishes an early reply. Draft. 1 p. 4. [1779?] Verplaces, . [Paris?] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Ori- [ Apr-May.] ent]. Is about to send a case of champagne by diligence from Paris to L Orient; is consigned to Gourlade & Moylan; [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert dn Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette wishes it placed with his other baggage. A. L. S. 1 p. 7j x 6 inches. In French. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, May 1-3. [France.] Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of. (May 1.) Pallas: Denis Nicolas Cottineau de Kerloguen [Kloguene], Captain; Henry Ange Francois Le Meignan, Pierre Francois Mag- onet and Beninge Worle des Essart Mischateau, Lieutenants; Francois Pettibon de La Masc, Master; Maurice O Connell, Capt. of Marines; Jean Petit, Surgeon. (May 2.) Cerf: Joseph Yarage, Captain; Armand Coudre La Coudrais, Lieutenant. (May 3.) Vengeance: Philippe Nicolas Ricot, Captain ; Pierre Yinet de Nantes and Nicolas Lejoille de St. Yalery, Lieutenants; Jean Beaudot de Rennes en Bretagne, Master. A. D. 2 pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. Bun Homme Richard". L Orient, May 1. [France.] Letter to "Major General [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis] de la Fayette", [Paris?]. Has just received his letter [of April 27th] by [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; regrets that he has given pain by his conduct; hopes that Lafayette will, in private, freely point out his errors; is endeavoring to settle matters regarding cannon for the Bon Homme Richard; she can carry 350-400 men; has "received from the good Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin instructions at large which do honor to his liberal mind ". Copy. 2pp. .4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 89. 1779. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, May 1. [France.] Letter to [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine, [Paris]. Has just received his letter of Apr. 27th by [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; will do all in his power with the force under his command ; anticipates no misunderstanding with the "other commander" [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette]; will communicate to Congress the honor done by the King [Louis XVI] to the United States flag. Copy. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 89. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 83 1770. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . 8. 8. " Bon Homme Richard" , L Orient, May 1. [France.] Letter to [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Acknowl edges receipt of letter [of Apr. 27th] and instructions; is much gratified at the prospect of doing some service to America; thanks him for his friendship and confidence. Copy. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 90. Franklin s letter of Apr. 27th and Instructions printed: Franklin s Works. X. Y., 1888, vi: 364-36S. Lamotte, Geffrier. Purser, French ship of war "Sensible." [L Orient, France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Has long desired to enter the service of the United States; wishes to serve under Jones; has navigated for many years in India; does not like his present position as secretary or purser of the Sensible, commanded by Capt. Bide de Chavagne. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. In French. 1770. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. 8. tl Bon Homme Richard" . L Orient, Mayo. [France.] Letter to [Lieut.] P[eter] Amiel, Nantes. Demands excuse for disobeying orders by going to Bordeaux; if he thinks he "can triffle with the rules of Order and Discipline" he is "much deceived" ; "if you are not firmly determined to return to L Orient," obey orders and make no difficulties about the arrange ment of officers, especially with respect to Lieut. [ ] Brown "you will not find your account in the Journey"; marine force under Jones is "nearly ready for Service;" the arrangement of officers lor the Bon Homme Richard will be concluded "about 3 days after this letter reaches Nantes." Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Oipt., U. 8. 8. tl Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, May 3. [France.] Letter to [Arthur] Lee, [Paris]. On last journey to Paris, Jones s stay was short; reasons for not having "waited" on him; requests "such intelligence as might come within your knowledge and could give me a chance of rendering service to our cause " ; his Armament is now far Advanced " ; " hopes before long to see the Land of Freedom beyond the Atlantic" ; requests a "Copy of the Rules of our Navy ; left his own copy on the Ranger; expects to have the honor of seeing him in Spain. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. 8. " Bon Homme Richard" . L Orient, Mayo. [France.] Letter to [Ralph] Izard, [Paris]. Apologizes for not having "appeared at your Hotel" when in Paris the "two last times"; Jones s last journey to Paris was sudden; was much fatigued after "riding Post Xight & Day Almost all over France"; has been "laid up" since his return; his "Armament" consid erably advanced; requests "any Account of the Enemies Situation which may enable me to do them Mischief" ; has not yet received his orders; hopes " soon to see the Land of Freedom beyond the Ocean". Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. 1779. Lee, Arthur. United States commissioner to Spain. Paris. Letter to Capt. May 8. [John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 3d inst. ; is unaware what orders [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine will give; is unable therefore to give desired intelligence; if Jones goes to America urges that he clear the Atlantic coast of privateers; is informed he has a "fifty gun $4 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Lee, Arthur Continued. May 8. Ship"; there being none in "our Service" advises decoying English ships by displaying English colors; would send rules [of United States navy] as requested but knows no one who "copys english"; understands that the Alliance has been ordered to L Orient so Jones can probably obtain the rules from Capt. [Peter] Landais; advises that the ownership [of the Bon Hounne Richard] be ascertained " by some authentic act"; wishes to be remembered to [Lieut. Peter] Amiel and [Major Alexander] Dick. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1779. "Williams, J[onathan.] Nantes, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John May 12. P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 10th inst. ; he is not happy; the " Works of the little god [Cupid] are not likely to have any Effect"; for many months has been endeavoring "to Cure his wishes"; despises the family [Sehweig- hauser] of his former love; they reciprocate; she is a slave to their will; cannot deliver the message [of Jones to John D. Schweighauser] ; is happy to hear that the Bun Homme Richard "goes on so well "; will write again about [Benjamin] Thompson s conduct; revaluation of [Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of Selkirk s] plate will take place as soon as Jones gives power to [ ] Bersolle to break his seal; [Admiral] La Motte Picquet s fleet has sailed from "Isle Daix"; Williams s ship the Three Friends will join Jones s fleet; requests special attention for her. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. 1779. Manoville, - , Le Chevalier de. Brest, [France.] Letter to Capt. May 13. John Paul Jones, [L Orient]. Understands that he can obtain from Jones some Irish salted butter; if such is the case would like to purchase some. A. L. S. 1 p. 8 x (> inches. In French. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, May 13. [France.] Letter to John Adams, [on board U. S. S. Alliance]. Requests advice regarding conduct of affairs on the Alliance; misunderstandings have arisen; is "determined to preserve order and discipline" yet wishes "to reprove with moderation & never punish while a good alternative remains"; will consider reply as confidential. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. Also copy 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., p. 91. 1779. Thompson, Benjamin. United States recruiting agent in France. Nantes, May 13. [France.] Letter to Capt, John Paul Jones, L Orient. Disap- puinted at not receiving a reply to his letter; [Jonathan] Wil liams read abstract of Jones s letter concerning settlement of Thompson s creditors and his expectations of seeing him at L Orient; Gourlade & Moylan require a personal security; is at a loss to know how to extricate himself from "the difficulties that surround him"; depended on Jones for "supplies"; new expenses incurred by his appointment [to the Son Homme Rich ard]; his destitution; expected Jones to aid him or he would have accepted [John] Bondfield s offer; cannot leave Nantes until settlement is made; owing to his position must renounce hope of holding a commission on the Bon Homme Richard; will render true account of the money given him for recruiting service. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 85 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., T. >V. ,S r . " Bon Homme Richard" . L Orient, May 15. [France.] Letter to Lieut. Peter Aniiel, [L Orient]. Amiel has acknowledged verbally that he took liberties with the character of Jones; such an attack was wholly unexpected; has been his friend in the past; attacks made upon " my character as an officer or a gentleman will, in the end, recoil upon yourself"; this is doubly true when charges are "made in secret"; makes this statement boldly "being conscious of my own uprightness and Ardent desire to do my Duty"; desires Amiel s apology and retraction in writing; affirms "injustice to the great and good character of Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin" that " your suspicion of my having received the information from him is unjust and with out any foundation whatsoever". Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1771*. Amiel, Peter. Lieut., U. N. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. May 17. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [L Orient]. Regrets that what he wrote to his wife regarding Jones should give the latter "disquiet" ; since Jones is a lover of "Candour" he should not complain, for Amiel gave his honest opinion formed "during our abode at Brest"; lias no longer the same opinion; encloses as proof of this state ment a letter written " after the one wherein I made so free with you" ; desires Jones "to think no more of what is past" ; in the future will be found " upright in my duty"; will convince him that " I drive all Malice from my Heart" ; hopes to be regarded as a friend. A. L. 8. 1 p. 4. On verso in a different hand is the following extract from the letter referred to: "Capt. Jones was so taciturn till BOW that I had formed a wrong opinion of him * * * ". 1779. Amiel, Peter. Lifnt. I . X. uanj. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. May 17. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [L Orient]. Hoped he had given him sat isfaction yesterday on the "Subject"; did not mean that Jones was "either a Fool or a Puppy" ; has ever supported and still has the highest opinion of his character as an officer and a gentleman. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Enclosed in preceding letter. [17~i*?] Chavagne, Bide de. O.ipt., French ship of war "Sensible". [L Orient, TMay 17?] France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Pierre Burgan the "boucher" [meat cook?] of the Sensible has been engaged on the Bon Homme Richard; as the captain [of the Rich- "/ ?] has no right to take Burgan from the French service, desires that he be returned at once. A. L. S. 1 p. 5A x 3J inches. 1779. Jones, John P[aul.] C<ij>t., U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . L Orient, May 18. [France.] Letter [to Capt. Bide de Chavagne, L Orient]. Im mediately on receipt of his letter [of May 17th] gave orders for apprehension of deserter mentioned [Pierre Burgan] ; latter has been captured and is in charge of Chavagne s " Man at Arms"; resents "the imputation of having concealed a rascal who had deserted from the Service of the best of Kings"; "that I had secreted him after being acquainted with the circumstance of his desertion would not have been believed here nor at Court"; hopes Chavagne s candor will induce him "to recall that Reproach". Autograph draft signed. 1 p. 4. 86 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. Bon Hoinme Richard". L Orient, May 19. [France.] Letter to John "Welsh" [Walsh], Dinant, [Dinan, France]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 14th; is glad that the memorial which he forwarded to the "American plenepotentia- ries" had a good effect upon the conduct of [D Albert de] Rion[s] toward the British prisoners; regrets he has not been exchanged with prisoners who would have been the most neces sary witnesses in his court martial; is persuaded "that the Cartel will return again immediately from England"; will mention his case again to Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin; affirms that the Drake made a gallant and good defence and was disabled before any person called for quarter; if possible he would have shown the British prisoners "far greater attention". Secretary s draft. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Jones, [John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . L Orient, May 19. [France.] Orders to "Henry Lunt, Masters Mate", Bon Homiae Richard, [L Orient]. Directs him to proceed to Dinant [Dinan]; is to enlist as many Americans, to the number of one hundred, as he may find among the English prisoners; is to remain but two days and is to bring enlisted men " here" ; the prospect of serving "our Country & of returning to America will no doubt induce Americans to enlist" ; expects to see him again within a few days. Autograph draft signed in body of the document. 1 p. 4. 1779. Chavagne, Bide de. Capt., French ship of war "Sensible". [L Orient, May 19. France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Saw yesterday the deserter [Pierre Burgan] from his vessel on Jones s ship; after the latter s promise of his return the deserter could not l)e found; if he does not return within twenty-four hours Chavagne will make his deposition and immediately put the mounted police on his track; requests Jones s aid. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. In French. See: Letter of Chavagne to Jones 1779, May 26. 1779. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. May 19. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] Paul Jones, [L Ori ent]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of May 14th; has communi cated to [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis [de Lafayette] what related to him; encloses two more commissions; advice respecting their wording; reasons therefor; regrets the "Divisions on board the Alliance"; can give no opinion respecting commissions being given to lieutenants as he does not know enough of the "Xavy Law"; encloses war rants; asks if they cannot be used instead of commissions until latter arrive. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJimes, N. Y,, 1851, p. 91. 1779. Fitz-Maurice, , Chevalier de. Capt., Walsh s Irish regiment, French May 20. army. Painboeuf , " [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 1st inst. ; con siders Jones s offer as a mark of "favour and friendship"; regrets that Jones mistook the "sense" of his letter [of March , 1779]; regards the offer [to take Fitz-Maurice on the Bon Homme Richard] in a "most nattering light"; did not desire any steps taken "opposite the Court" as he feared Col. [Francois Jacques, CALENDAR OF JOHN" PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 87 1779. Fitz-Maurice, , Chevalier tie Continued. May 20. Comte] Walsh[-Serrant] s opposition; it might serve as an imped iment to Fitz-Maurice s future advancement. A. -L. S. 2 pp. 4. Addressed care of [James] Holland [Hoylan]. 177H. Williams, Jona [than.] United States commercial agent at Nantes. Paris. May _ _ . Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Has at length received a delayed letter of Jones; fears lest this one be unde livered; is happy that both Jones and himself wish to remain friends; " your readiness to forward my affair of the Heart con vinces me of the goodness of your own"; wishes him every success; [Benjamin] Franklin is well; thinks that Williams should "sit down in America"; agrees that Jones should enlist his crew "for the war"; returns to Xantes "next week"; thence to America at rirst opportunity. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1779. Lafayette, [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, May 22. Marquis de.] Maj. gen., Continental army. Paris. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. King s disposition concerning "our plan" altered; instead of meeting him, Lafayette is to command the King s .regiment at Jaints; Ministers to consult with Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin as to future determinations respecting Jones s squadron; this alteration occasioned by " Political & Military Reasons" ; regrets he is not to be a witness to Jones s "Success, abilities, and Glory"; nothing could please him more than having "something of the kind to undertake with such an officer as Captain Jones"; hopes this may be possible before the "End of this "War"; hopes to hear from him wherever he may be. Copy. 1780. Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer < United States agent?, [Aug.- .] L 1 Orient. [L Orient, France.] Attestation to truth of above copy. D. S. 1825. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul, etc. Washington. "I recognize Feb. . this as a true copy". A. N. S. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJones, N. Y., 1851, p. 91. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien Leray] de. Confidential agent, Franco-American May 24. negotiations. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient] . Discusses the trouble on the Alliance between [Capt. Peter] Landais and his "Second" [James Arthur Degge?]; the latter states that Jones has been petitioned to replace Landais by another officer; opinion respecting this action. Autograph letter, signed in body of document. 1 p. 4. In French. 1779. Jones, [John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. S. "Bon Homme Richard." Bon Homme May 2"i. Richard, L Orient, [France.] Orders to Richard "Deal" [Dale], L Orient. Directs him to proceed with Benjamin Stubbs and the "Ten Men whose names are hereunto subjoined" to Brest; will there take charge of the cutter Leveller; will be provided with a pilot and is to sail to L Orient with all possible dispatch; further instructions respecting the conduct of the expedition; in case of "detention at Brest" is to return to L Orient "immediately by Land"; men accompanying him are: Samuel Flecther [Fletcher], Elijah Johnston, Thomas Hammet, Ichabod Shaw, Tobias Sellers, Stephen Lawley, Joseph Curtis, Jonathan Wells, Robert McCor- mick, Archibald King. Autograph draft, (except list of names) signed in body of document, 1 p. F. 138 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Chavagne, Bide de. C<t]>t., French ship of war "Sensible", [L Orient, May 26. France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Under stands that Jones has sent an officer to speak with him regarding his letter [of May 19th] in respect to the deserter [Pierre Burgan] from the Sensible; statement of officer leads him to think that Jones was offended by certain phrases in that letter; regrets that such was the case; submitted the letter to [Donatien Leray] de Chau- mont before sending it; "had not the remotest suspicion that a man so honorable and upright [as Jones] could take away and conceal any man from the King s frigate" ; has sought an occasion to express these sentiments in person; would be glad to meet him in the future; has no express instructions as to how Jones should be treated by a French official; in default of such instructions, Jones s rank and quality might demand honors which it would embarrass him to render; duty to the French flag is superior to private inclination. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8 x <U inches. In French. 1779. Dale, Richard. Master s mate, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Hi chard ". Brest, May 27. [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, L Orient. Made application to the "Gentlemen" at Brest respecting the cutter [the Leveller ]; was informed she could not be made ready to sail for three or four days; same information had been given to [Dona tien Leray] de Chaumont; gave orders to "Git Everything rady" immediately; is to have two boatswains and thirty men in addition to the former captain and men; will be ready to sail Sat urday; cutter will need refitting upon arrival at L Orient; desires letter of instructions as to action in case of detention by "foul winds"; regrets the possibility of not reaching L Orient on date fixed; will "make all haste amaginable". A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Landais, P[eter.] Capt., T. 8. $. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Let- May 27. ter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Requests a "Court of Enquiry" or court martial to " Examin the Raisons of Com plain" of his officers against him and to hear his against them. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Amiel, Peter. Lieut., I . S. narij. [ T. 8. ,S .] "Pour Jiichard" [Bon May 28. Homme Richard, L Orient, France.] Letter to Capt. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Would have obeyed orders "strictly" had he had them in writing; requests that the agents [Gourlade & Moylan] be asked to furnish "the Suplement of Tools neces sary" for carpenter and other specified men; description of work done "this Day"; plans for "to Morrow"; men behave well; "had they deaths think we should have the best Ships Company in the Road". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. D Orvilliers, [Louis Guillouet, Comte.] Admiral, French nary. Brest, Jun. 2. [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [L Oiient]. Has received his letter of June 1st; appreciates his views as to the suc cess of the opening campaign; is unable to furnish him with the particular [naval] signals desired; possesses such only as are in general use throughout the service; has* no doubt the special ones desired may be obtained from [Antoine Raymond Jean Gaulbert Gabriel de Sartine. ] Minister of Marine. L. S. 1 p. 8x6 inches. In French, CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 89 1 779. Sartine, [ Antoine Raymond Jean Gaulbert Gabriel de. ] Minister of marine Jun. 2. <if France. Paris. Letter [to Donatien Leray de Chaumont, L Orient, France]. Has received his letter of May 26th regard ing an occupation for the vessels now idle at L Orient; asks him to suggest to Capt. [John Paul] Jones the wisdom of a cruise in the gulf [of Gascogne?] against pirates; such an expedition would be a good preparation for other work; could act as a convoy for French ships to the end of this cruise; doubts as to English army acting as de Chaumont thought probable; presence of de Chau mont at L Orient or Paris to be governed by circumstances. Copy. Jun. 15? Chaumont, Donatien Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco-Amer ican negotiations. [L Orient?] Attestation to truth of above copy. A. D. S. Indorsed bv Jones: "Copy of a letter from M. De Sartine to M. de Chaumont dated Paris, June 2d, 1779. Reed, from Mr. de Chaumont at L Orient, June loth, 1779". 1 p. F. In French. 1779. Landais, P[eter.] Capt., U. S. 8. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Let- Jun. ti. ter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of letter of nth inst.; "persists beging of you for a Court of Enquiry or a court martial * for to juges betwen my officers * * * and me"; has twelve passengers for America; if he is to sail in a few days as Jones said "yesterday" requests instructions as to their disposal. A. L. S. 1 p. 9i x 7 inches. Also contemporary copy 1 p. F. attested by Joseph W barton Jr. at L Orient, August , 1780. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco- American Jun. 7 negotiations. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Lieut. [Peter] Amiel has sold a prize taken by the Ranger; the vessel belonged to [B ] Duffield; latter wishes to obtain compensation ; de Chaumont requests that Jones call Amiel to account; Duffield must be treated justly. A. L. S. 1 p. 10x7 inches. In French. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco- American Jun. 10. negotiations. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Bon Homme Richard can be made ready in two hours; certain papers [the concordat?] to be signed by Jones before his departure; [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine has left to Jones and to [Capt. Peter] Landais the selection of two American pilots from the Sensible; reminds Jones of charges against Lieut. [Peter] Amiel; Englishmen in crew ren der French volunteers on Bon Homme Richard necessary to main tain discipline; they should be commanded by officers of their own nation. A. L. S. 2 pp. F. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJones, X. Y. 1851. p. 93. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco- American Jun. 13. negotiations. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Since " the minister " [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] wrote him to arrange with Jones regarding the choice of two pilots he has had no opportunity of speaking with Jones; [Anne Cesar,] Chevalier de La Luzerne is 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Chaumont, [Donation] Leray de Continued. Jun. 13. now at L Orient; [Capt. Bide] de Chavagne, [Antoine Jean Marie de] Thevenard and " Luzerne himself" have been asking for pilots; hopes matters may be arranged satisfactorily. A. L. S. 1 p. 8 x 7i inches. In French. 1779. Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Minister of Jun. 14. marine of France. Versailles, [France.] Extract of letter to [Antoine Jean Marie de] Thevenard, [L Orient]. The squadron of Jones may be used as a convoy for vessels going to Nantes and Bordeaux. Contemporary copy. Jun. 18. Thevenard, [Antoine Jean Marie de.] Commandant, pott of L Orient. L Orient. Certificate to Capt. John Paul Jones of truth of above copy. I"). S. 1 p. F. In French. 1779. Walsh-Serrant, [Francois Jacques,] Comte de. Col., Irish regiment of Jun. 14. marine artillery, French armij. Paimboeuf, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Groaix]. Reputation of Jones in Walsh s regiment is such that [James Gerald] O Kelly, sub-lieutenant of grenadiers, wishes to join his two comrades [Edward] Stack and [Eugene] Macarthy in serving under his command; feels it best that O Kelly should serve against the common foe wherever he wishes; recommends him in the highest terms. A. L. S. 1 p. 8x6j- inches. In French. 1779. Gourlade & Moylan. Merchants and United States commercial agents at Jun. 14. L Orient. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [L Orient]. If officers are without "Beds and Blankets" it is because they did not send orders for them; consider it prob able that Jones s ships may be detained about a month owing to "so late instructions"; information respecting the payment of officers of the "Poor Richard" [Bon Homme Richard]; desire that the officers be given written orders for the payment of the money due them; these orders will be honored at once; would have been paid before had Jones been present when J[ames] M[oylan] was on the Richard. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco- American Jun. 14. negotiations. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Situation of officers accepting commissions from Congress for service with him may be opposed to interests of their own ships; requests that Jones require no service from them contradicting previous orders; ho changes to be made in personel of various crews; vessels and crews "to be entirely at the disposition of their respective commanders"; prizes to be consigned to persons whom de Chaumont shall name. A. L. S. 1 p. F. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life oj John Paul Jones. X. V. 1851. p. 94. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco- American Jun. 16. negotiations. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Requests that Jones call upon him at his rooms; wishes pilots for the Sensible to be with him that they may be presented to [Antoine Jean Marie de] Thevenard; will await their coming. A. L. S. 1 p. 9 x 7 inches. In French. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 91 1779. Landais, P[eter. ] Copt., U. .S . .S . "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Jan. 1H. Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Has found upon the Alliance some goods "for to adventure"; goods belong in part to Lieut. [Charles] Hill; carrying "private goods" is for bidden by the Navy Board; requests orders respecting the matter. A. L. S. "l p. 4." 177V). Amiel, Peter. Lieut., V. S. rcn-ij, L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. Jan. 17. J[bhn] P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Requests leave of absence in order to Accommodate my private Concerns ; absence is Indes- pensably Necessary for my Reputation"; as Jones is acquainted with the Circumstance" trusts he will indulge him in his request. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1 779. Moylan, J [ames. ] Merchant and United States commercial agent at L Orient. Jan. is. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, [Groaix]. Introduces "Mr. [James Gerald] O Kelly"; he has resigned from Walsh s regiment in hopes of "going under your orders"; has strong recommendations; "he will cheerfully embrace" any vacancy on the "Poor Richard" [lion Homme Richard]. A. L. 8. 1 p. 4. 1779. Nesbitt, Jonat[han.] Banker, L Orient. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jim. IS. [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, [Groaix]. Introduces "Mr. [James Gerald] O Kelly, Lieutenant of Grenadiers in the regt. of Walsh"; his recommendations; service to O Kelly will be regarded as a favor to himself. L. S. 1 p. 4 3 . 1779. Amiel, Peter. Lieut., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt. [Jan.] 19. John Paul] Jones, [Groaix]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 18th inst. ; thanks him for leave of absence granted; does not wish to be confined to L Orient; requests permission to stay at [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont s chateau until he has settled his affairs; de Chaumont insists upon his remaining in France until Amiel s creditors can be satisfied. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Salomons, E - T. Merchant, L Orient. L Orient, [France.] Let- Jun. 2s. ter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Groaix]. Before Jones sailed he promised that Salomons should be paid for uniforms fur nished the officers; payment refused by [ ] Gourlade as bills were not signed by Jones; encloses "Notes of every officer"; requests "order" for money due; list of officers: C[utting] Lunt, Henry Lunt, [ ] "Shmid", [John] White, [Benjamin] Stubbs, [Pierre] Gerard?, [Reuben] Chase, [Jonas] Caswell, [Richard] "Hoog" [Hughes?] and [Samuel] Stacy; hopes Jones will do him justice as agreed in the presence of Capt. [Philip?] Brown. A. L. S. 3 pp. 9x7 inches. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco-American Jun. 30. negotiation*. "Passi", [Passy, France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Wishes him success in his cruise; prizes taken to Bergen, Norway, are to be handed over to French Consul; those gent to Ostend or Dunkirk are to be consigned to [ ] Cailliez; latter will report to de Chaumont; interests of all persons having a share in prizes will be well cared for. A. L. S. 1 p. 8x7 inches. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 18.51, p. 94. 92 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., T. <V. ,v. "Bon Homme Richard". "Isle of Jul. 1. Groai", [France.] Letter to [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Sailed from "hence" on the 19th ult. with a United States squadron under his command, in company with merchant ships for ports between here and Bordeaux; convoyed the latter to their destination in safety; on the 20th the Bon Homme Richard and the Alliance got foul of each other; no serious damage; on the 21st the Cerf, under Capt. [Joseph] Varage had a "warm engagement"; on the 23d had a rencontre with three ships of war; on the 26th lost company with the Alliance and the Pallas; did not meet at rendezvous at Penmark Rocks; on the 29th had a rencontre with two ships of war in sight of this island; had "flattering proof of the martial spirit of my crew"; has traversed the "Golf de Gascogne over and over"; requests that the above information be given de Chaumont and [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine. Copy. ?> pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, I.ifr of John PaulJomf, X. V. ISM, p. >.io. 1779. Ricot, P[hilip.] <_ ajtt., I . ,S . ,S . " ] einjeance" . Groix, [France.] Letter Jul. 2. [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient, France]. Has just returned to theVengeance; will soon have the vessel ready for any orders. A. L. S. 1 p. 9 x 7i inches. In French. 1779. Gourlade & Moylan. Merdtant* and United States commercial agents at Jul. 2. L Orient. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient?]. Acknowledge receipt of letter of July 1st; fresh provisions ready to be forwarded; will give his letter to [Antoine Jean Marie de] Thevenard so that the ballast will be ready for the Bun Homme Richard; "our J. M." [James Moylan] would have seen him on his arrival but was detained by "writings of some consequence"; the Spanish Ambassador [Eduardo Malo de Luque, Marques de Almodovar] at the "Court of St. James" has been recalled; "junction" of French and Spanish fleets number ing sixty-two sail of the line; capture of Capt. [J ] Green; he is now in Bordeaux; writes that the "American Army were looking at the British one in Xew York"; latter does not exceed 7,000 men; capture by the Warrrii, Queen of France and Ranger of seven [British] transports on their passage to Georgia with pro visions; arrival of [William] Carmichael on the Deane expected; Jones s letter to Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin "go s forward by this post". A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Landais, P[eter.] (. apt., U. S. S. "Alliance". Alliance off Groa [Groix, Jul. 2. France.] Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, U. S. S. Bon Homme, Richard off Groix. On [June] 27th fell in with brigan- tine Three Friends, Edward Roach, Master; her cargo; she was bound from Bordeaux to Ireland on "account and risque ol Robert Foster, Merchant in City of Dublin "; encloses her papers; having no pass from Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin thought it "pru dent" to stop her for the judgment of Franklin; has brought her to Jones; requests that he "peruse" the papers and send his opinion. D. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United. States minister plenipotentiary to France. Jul. 8. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of letters of 2d and 4th CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 93 1779. Franklin, B[enjamin] Continued. Jul. 8. inst.; regrets the accidents making it necessary for him to refit; has sent him letter of instructions, suggested by [Antoine Raymond Jean Gulabert Gabriel] de Sartine, through [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; as the [French] Court has the chief expense thinks it their privilege to direct matters; has no information regarding the prize [Three Friends] taken by Capt. [Peter] Landais; approves the careenage of the Alliance; reminds him "that the Hudson s Bay Ships are very valuable". Con temporary copy. 1780. Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, Aug. . L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. N. S. 2 pp. F". Printed: Sherburne, Life, of John Paul Junes, X. Y., 18.~il. ]>. 97. Also, (except postscript) in: Franklin s Works. X. Y., 1888. VI: 431. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Le Ray de, fils. Passy, [France.] Letter to Jul. 8. [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient?]. Introduces [Jean] Bap- tiste Travaillier, who desires to serve under Jones; Travaillier asked of de Chaumont a recommendation; is glad to give same. A. L. 8. 1 p. 6i x 4i inches. In French. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . 8.8. "Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, Jul. 12. [France.] "Extract" [of a letter] to Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy?]. Has inspected the Bon Homme Richard and it is the constructors opinion that the ship is too old to admit of necessary alterations; desires an opportunity of being of essential service and to "render himself worthy of a better & faster sailing ship". Jul. 26. L Orient. "Extract" [of a letter] to Dr. Franklin, [Passy?]. Has received advice respecting homeward sailing of the Jamaica fleet escorted by a fifty gun ship and two frigates: hopes to "fall in with it" ; requests that the Monsieur be added to his force. Copies. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones-, N. Y., 1851, pp. 97-98. 1779. Williams, Jona[than.] United States commercial agent at Nantes. Xantes, Jul. 13. [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowl edges receipt of letter of the 9th; regrets "to find your return so contrary to your Intentions" ; cruise has undoubtedly given men practice; thinks [Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of Sel kirk s] plate must be on the way as [ ] Bersolle has had suf ficient time to prepare for its return ; [John] Ross gave orders to [Ferdinand] Grand to procure the desired books; refers him to Ross for "more particulars"; regrets that he "quit the Field disatisfied" ; "the one I propose to enter is yet untilled" ; will forward any letters received for [ ] Atkinson. A. L. S. 2 PP- * . 1779. Basseville, Buisson de. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Jul. 14. Paul Jones, L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of letter [of July 14th]; has seen the "Rules" ; encloses same; requests the posi tion of first lieutenant, salary of 200 livres "French money" a month, three months pay in advance and the commission of cap tain in the L nited States navy; desires commission signed by "master francklin" [Benjamin Franklin] to avoid any difficulty; desires an early reply. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 94 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Basseville, Buisson de. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Jul. 14. Paul] "Jhon" [Jones], L Orient. Has been seeking Jones "all this morning"; wishes to know what provision Jones intends making for him; desires to leave "this afternoon" on business; requests early reply. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". L Orient Jul. 14. [France.] Letter to B[uisson] de Basseville, [L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of second letter of this date; has no "dis cretionary authority whatever"; Congress has guarded against the "abuse of power"; "A Captain is at Present" the highest rank in the American marine; youngest may become Admiral " (if he has Superior Merit)"; no two captains can sail together on the same ship; Jones s commission given by Congress "the most respectable Assembly on earth"; has written his opinion respect ing the subject of their conversation to his Minister at Court [Benjamin Franklin]; Jones is not the "Captain of a Privateer nor in a Situation to make bargains with individuals"; can make no man captain who has not served in America in an inferior capacity. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Basseville, Buisson de. Quimperle, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Jul. 16. Paul Jones, L Orient]. Regrets that Jones is not well; is willing to take commission of lieutenant if that of captain is not available; salary must be 200 livres "French mo^ey" a month and share in prize money; [Francois Emmanuel de Hais] de Montigny informed him that Jones wished more French officers; knows an old "master pilot" who would make a good officer; refers him to Montigny for further information respecting himself; will prove himself a worthy officer; (P. S.) bearer of this letter formerly served in French artillery; he wishes to join Jones; recommends him; he wishes to return for a few days before service begins; asks Jones to return enclosed letter by him ; awaits an answer to his proposition; if accepted by Jones he can recommend another French officer for service. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. In French, except postscript. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". L Orient?, Jul. 16. [France.] Letter [to Buisson de Basseville, Quimperle]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of "this date" with enclosures; returns latter; Jones s last letter conclusive; injustice of promot ing one man above another of equal rank; has neither power nor inclination to do it; all he can promise must be "general and conditional"; will always send Congress an "Impartial account of the talents and Service of persons who distinguish themselves by their Courage and conduct Under my Command"; his health does not permit him to be "Prolix"; has "embarked in the Cause of Freedom from Views more Sublime than Intrst"; has received no pay in the "Course of near Four years Service". Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1779. Gourlade, . Mer chant and United States commercial agent at L 1 Orient. Jul. 16. L Orient?, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, L Ori- ent]. In accord with his request has made out papers for Buisson de Basseville; is sending the same to Jones; thinks Basseville could bring others into the service. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 95 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Lerayde. Conjidentialagenl, Franco-American nego- Jul. 19. tidtiant!. Passy, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 14th inst. ; under stands the unfortunate situation in which Jones is placed; an English Cabal" is the cause; outlines action to be taken; [Ben jamin] Franklin s course regarding the officer proposed by [ ] Montplaisir; former may be unacquainted with conduct of Lieut. [Peter] Amiel; de Chaumont received full information from [B ] Duffield; time of cruise lengthened; orders of [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Bartine regarding displace ment of Englishmen in Jones s vessels by others; if foreigners, they should be Frenchmen; experience of [Capt. Peter] Landais shows danger of inharmonious crew; men must have one of their own race over them to accomplish best results; de Sartine desires [ ] de Varville to be second in command of [French] volun teers. A. L. S. 4 pp. 8x6 inches. In French. 177it. Landais, P[eter.] Oipt. F. S. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Let- Jul. 21. ter to "Commodore" [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Complains of misbehavior of "Mr. Hoggen" [ James Hogan] mid shipman of the Alliance and "Mr. filgerarde" [Thomas Fitzgerald] a master s mate, for wilfully disobeying orders of Lieut. [James Arthur] Degge; details of the trouble; "I beseech you to have them punish as your prudence will Suggest you ". A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1779. Thevenard, [Antoine Jean Marie de.] Commandant of the port of L 1 Ori- Jul. 21. fitt. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Desires to know if his health will permit him to come ashore this morning, as there are letters of great importance from [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont and [Capt. Denis Nicolas] "de" Cottineau [de Kloguene]. 1 p. 4. In French. 1779. Jones, [John Paul.] Capt. U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . L,Orient, Jul. 22, [France.] Letter [to Donatien Leray de Chaumont, Passy]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of [July] 8th; will "take notice " of the young man [Travail Her] whom he recommends; regrets to hear that Madame de Chaumont is unwell; fears she is "unable to mend her Pen"; cannot suppose her "Unwilling to bestow on me the favor of a letter"; hopes for his good wishes in the cruise. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1779. Thevenard, [Antoine Jean Marie de.] Commandant of the port of L Ori- Jul. 22. ciit. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Is awaiting news from Jones in accordance with arrangements made with him; meanwhile pays his respects to him. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1779. Cottineau [de Kloguene], D[enis Nicolas.] Capt., U. S. S. "Pallas." Jul. 23. Groix, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn Paul] Jones, L Ori ent. Has returned to Groix and awaits orders; condition of the Vengeance; opinion of [Capt. Joseph] "de" Varage respecting her. A. L. S. 1 p. 9 x 74 inches. In French. 96 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Basseville, Buisson de. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. J[ohn Jul. 23. Paul] Jones, L Orient. Yesterday Jones directed "Mr. le Bart" and himself to go aboard the Bon Ifoimtie Richard; not having received their commissions fears that their propositions are not "agreeable" to him; is uneasy on account of his indecision; desires the appointment of lieutenant and the "first place in activity" after Jones; "Mr. le Bart" desires to be first master s mate; further conditions under which they are willing to serve; requests a decisive answer by bearer. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. "1778" La Porte, [Jean B?] Brest, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [1779?] [L Orient]. Has received hia letter of 18th inst. ; money due Jul. 24. Jones as result of prizes taken by him will not be delivered to anyone except on Jones s order; will be pleased to see him on his return from Paris. L. S. 1 p. 9J x 7i inches. In French. 1779. Landais, P[eter.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance." L Orient, [France.] Jul. 26. Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Desires Jones to order a court-martial "to judge James Huggen" [Hogan] for merly a midshipman on the Alliance; he has disobeyed orders of [Lieut. James Arthur] Degge; "Michael Long Staff" also should be tried for refusing to obey orders and breaking " in the hole place containing liquors." A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1779. Basseville, Buisson de. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Jul. 27. Paul] "Jhones" [Jones], L Orient. Is at present in L Orient on business; can send him three sailors formerly in the French serv ice if desired; leaves this afternoon for Quimperle; desires an answer by the bearer. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Wybert, Antoine Felix. Lt. col., Continental army and Capt., French Jul. 27. marines, U. S. #. "Bon Ifonime Richard." L Orient, [France.] Deposition of Joseph Gallois forwarded to Capt. John Paul Jones, [L Orient]. Gallois declares that he heard [ ] Porter, a marine guard, say to [ ] Robinson, 1st Lieut., that he wished certain vessels in sight were English ; they could could then be taken to England; Robinson warned Porter to be silent as the marines understood English; further treasonable conversation between the two persons; manner in which Gallois certified to the truth of his deposition. Attached is a slip in autograph of Wybert stating danger run by Gallois in making this deposition. D. 8. 1 p. F and slip 3 x 7| inches. In French. 1779. Varage, Joseph. Capt., U. S. cutter " Or/". Cerf, [L Orient, France.] Jul. 28. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Was assigned to sit upon a court martial at 6 a. m.; did not receive notice until after 8; suggests that a committee be appointed to take prelimi nary steps in regard to the testimony in cases of court martial; Capt. [Denis Nicolas] Cottineau [de Kloguene] agrees with this suggestion. A. L. S. 1 p. 9 x 7 inches. In French. 1779. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Jul. 28. Passy, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Ack owledges receipt of letter of 25th; was with [Antoine Ray mond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine at Versailles yesterday; CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 97 1779. Franklin, B[enjamin] Continued. Jul. 28. <le Sartine uneasy respecting the "mutinous Disposition" of Jones s crew; encloses copy of letter from deChaumont to Frank lin; understands that de Chaumont is to provide Jones with a better crew; 119 American prisoners have arrived * in a Cartel at Xantes"; Jones may possibly secure some good seamen out of them; if "this Affair" requires time, will give orders that the Alliance may cruise alone agreeable to the Minister s [de Sartine s] desire; hopes that the " joint Cruise " may materialize. Contem porary Copy. 1780. Wharton, Joseph Jr. of Philadelphia. L Orient. Attestation to Aug. . truth of above copy. A. X. S. 1779. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco- Jul. 28. American negotiation*. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. May be necessary to detain Capt. [John Paul] Jones in order to secure a better crew for the Eon Homme Rich ard; if so[Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine desires that [Capt. Peter] Landais be given orders to cruise about the north of Scotland until end of September. Contemporary Copy. 2 pp. F. In French. Franklin s letter to Jones, printed: Sherbnrne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 98. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Oipt., U. >S. ,S . " Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, Jul. 28. [France.] Letter to Gourlade & Moylan, [L Orient]. Sends [Henry] Lunt, master of "this ship" to enlist American seamen at Xantes; his success uncertain; requests that they consult with [Antoine Jean Marie de] Thevenard and [ ] "de la Gran- ville" in respect to replacing the 100 men who, according to orders, were sent on shore; desires to find that number of men who would " serve in the Marine of America at a Cheap Rate"; hopes they can settle the wages of men " on easy terms"; Jones cannot offer them more than what is pointed out " by the Estab lished Regulations of Congress". Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. & $ . "Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, Jul. 28. [France.] Letter [to Sir Robert Finlay, Bordeaux]. On return to L Orient, after leaving him at Angouleme was summoned to " Head Quarters" ; " the business which called me that way * * * afforded me the most flattering prospects"; returned "here" from Paris; everything "respecting the Service " satisfactory; was ill on receipt of his letter [of Apr. 10th]; apologizes for delay in reply; failure of his first plans; later took "under Convoy" merchant ships for Bordeaux; convoy arrived safe; the Alliance and the Bon Homme Richard ran afoul ; was necessary to return and refit; has sent out three of his squadron to cruise in the bay [of Biscay]; health has been poor since his return; saw in Paris the person who superintends the "Air Furnace" at Xantes; he was about to return to that furnace; " India Sales " nearly completed when his letter arrived; India goods of all sorts may be bought at L Orient; recommends Gourlade & Moylan to execute his orders; [James] Moylan is his countryman and a "Very deserving Honest Fellow"; ship of war has arrived from India and is at Belle Isle; hears from a late arrival at Boston that the "British invaders are driven outof Georgia" ; it was reported "that the Continental Money was rising in Value very fast". Autograph draft. 3pp. -4. 2155103 7 98 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Jones, John P[aul.] (. apt., U. S. S. " Bon ffomme Ricliard" . L Orient, Jul. 28. [France.] Orders to Cutting Lunt. Directs him to proceed to Nantes to enlist American seamen, especially those who arrived from England "in the Cartel"; they are to he given the same "encouragement and conditions" as other men enlisted from former cartel; is to bring with him all who are "able and willing to serve America and enrich themselves"; [Jonathan] Williams of Nantes will give him necessary assistance; when business is done is to "return here and join me without loosing an hour". Autograph draft signed in body of document. 1 p. 4. 1779. Towers, Robert. [Richard?] Quarter/natter, I . > . ,$ . "Bon llomme Jul. 28.- Richard". [L Orient, France.] Proceedings of court martial in Aug. 2. trial of. Assemblage of court; questions to prisoner respecting plot to capture the Bon Homme Richard and carry [Capt] John Paul Jones to England; following witnesses heard: George Trefathen, Robert Steel, William Thompson, Francois Lisconnick [Lescon- nee], Jean Conteng [Constant], Jean Masse, Francois Le Roult [Le Rote?], Jacques Coure, Jean Seroux, [Francois] La Fraye, [Thomas] Potter (called but absent), [John West] Linthwaite, [Thomas] Macarthy, Arthur Young, Robert Jones; John Woulton implicated with Towers; other men mentioned are [Richard] Dale, John Burbank and [Benjamin] Stubbs; court finds Towers "Guilty of Sedition "; sentences him to "be broke as a Quarter Master", 250 lashes and imprisonment. Court composed of: P[eter] Landais, President; D[enis Nicolas] Cottineau de Kloguene, [Joseph] Yarage, P[hilippe] Ricot, [Antoine Felix] Wybert, M[athew] Parke, [Maurice] O Connell, James [Arthur] Degge, Richard Dale, [Henry Ange Francois] Le Meignen, Edward Stack, [ ] Yinet, James Warren. "By Command of the President Beaumont Groube Judge Advocate"; "A true Copy made by me Fitch Pool, Captns. Clk. on bd. ye Alliance." 7 pp. F. [1779.] Lesconnee, Francois and Others. French volunteers, I .S.S. "BonHomme [Jul. 28- Richard". [L Orient.] Testimony before court martial incase Aug. 2.] of Robert Towers. [Original testimony of which the English version is given in preceeding document.] ."> pp. F. In French. 1779. Atwood, John. Landsman, U. S. S. "BonHommr RicJiard" . [L Orient.] Jul. 29. Minutes of a court martial of. Certification of the court, [Capt.] P[eter] Landais, President, Beaumont Groube, Judge Advocate and twelve members that they do find Atwood guilty of desertion; sentence imposed. Attestation of Fitch Pool, "Captns. Clk on bd. ye Alliance" to correctness of copy made by him. 2 pp. F. Personel of court the same, lacking Vinet, as in trial of Robert Towers. 1779. Sturgis, William Lawrence. Armourer, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . Jul. 29. [L Orient, France.] Minutes of a court martial of. Witnesses: John Burbank, Denis Bouchinet, Thomas Davis, William Lee. Certification of the court, [Capt.] P[eter] Landais, President, Beaumont Groube, Judge Advocate and twelve members, that they do find Sturgis Guilty of Disobedience ; sentence imposed. Attestation of Fitch Pool to correctness of copy made by him. 4 pp. F. Personel of court the same as in trial of John Atwood. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 99 1779. Joh?ison, Klisha. Seaman, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . [L Orient, Jul. 29. France.] Minutes of a court martial of. Prisoner pleads guilty. Certification of court, [Capt.] P[eter] Landais, President, Beau mont Groube, Judge Advocate and twelve members that they do adjudge Johnson guilty by his own confession; sentence imposed. Attestation of Fitch Pool to correctness of copy made by him. 1 p. F. Personel of court same as in the trial of John Atwood. 1779. Williams, John. Quartermaster, U. S. 8. " Bon Homme Richard". [L Ori- Jul. 29. eut, France.] Minutes of a court martial of. Witnesses: William Thompson, George Trefathen, [John] White. Certification of the court, [Capt.] P[eter] Landais, President, Beaumont Groube, Judge Advocate and twelve members that they do find Williams "Guilty of disobedience of orders "; sentence imposed. Attesta tion of Fitch Pool to correctness of copy made by him. 2 pp. F. Tersonel of court same as in the trial of John Atwood. 1779. Rosseau, Jean. French volunteer, U. S. S. "Son Homme Richard". Jul. 30. L Orient, [France.] Minutes of a court martial of. Certification of court, [Capt.] P[eter] Landais, President, Beaumont Groube, Judge Advocate and twelve members that they do find Rosseau "Guilty of Theft "; sentence imposed. Attestation of Fitch Pool to correctness of copy made by him. 3 pp. F. Part in French. Personel of court same, lacking Varage, as in the trial of Robert Towers. 1779. Mclntyre, John. Seaman, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . [L Orient, Jul. 31. France.] Minutes of a court martial of. Certification of court, [Capt.] P[eter] Landais, President, Beaumont Groube, Judge Advocate, that they do find Mclntyre "not Guilty of Desertion". Attestation of Fitch Pool to correctness of copy made by him. 1 p. F. Personel of court same as in the trial of Jean Rosseau. 1779. Gourlade, . Merchant and United States commercial agent at L 1 Orient. Jul. 31. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, L Orient. [Buisson de] Basseville has been in suspense for almost a month as to whether or not Jones wishes his services; desires a decision; another officer [ Le Bart] presented by Basseville is in same plight; prays decision for him also; introduces [Jean] Le Roux; [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont desires that he be given a posi tion as surgeon. A. L. S. 1 p. 9x 7J inches. In French. 1779. Jones, [John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard". L Orient, Aug. [7?] [France.] Order in blank to attend a court martial on the Bon Homme Richard to "judge Lieutenant Robison" [Robert Robin son] and others "thro whom the Bon Homme Richard and the Alliance ran afoul of one another" June 19th and through whom the Richard and the Vengeance were separated from the Alliance and Pallas, June 26th. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8 x 10 inches. 1779. Robinson, Robert. Lieut, of marines, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Aug. 8. L Orient, [France.] Sentence of court martial in case of . [Capt.] D[enis] X[icolas] Cottineau [de Kloguene], President, Beaumont Groube, Judge Advocate, and twelve members do find Robinson "Guilty of Xegligence of his duty" and adjudge "that he be dig- 100 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Robinson, Robert Continued. Aug. 8. charged"; [Capt.] John Paul Jones to give him "in writing his qualifications as an officer before this affair". Contemporary copy by Jones. Aug. [13?] Jones, [John Paul.] Oipt., r. A. X "Bon Homrne Richard". [L Orient.] Review of above decision. Minutes of court and sentence returned for reconsideration; sentence that Robinson be "discharged the said Bon Homme Richard" not a "sufficient punish ment"; "Why * * * not adjudged Unworthy of bearing either Warrant or Commission in the Nary of the United States of America" ; should be " Broke and dismissed forever from the Public Confidence"; Jones ready to testify before the court; sentence in reality an adjudgement of himself; injury done by Robinson s negligence; decision demands reconsideration or "at least large Notes to explain it". Autograph draft signed in body of the document. 2 pp. 9 x 7i inche^ 1779. Jones, John Paul. Capt., U. S. X "Bon Homme Richard". "Road of Aug. 9. Groa", [France]. Orders to Capt. Philippe Nicolas Ricot, U. X X Vengeance. Is to proceed to Belle Isle; directed "to engage" [Daniel McNeill] captain of the privateer General Mirflin to join the squadron under Jones s command; gives private signals and other instructions. Autograph draft signed in body of the docu ment. 1 p. 4. 1779. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., U. X X "Bon Homme Richard". " Road of Aug. 10. Groa", [France.] Letter "To every Commander in the Squad ron". Each commander is directed to hold himself in readiness to accompany Jones to sea; is "to shew careful attention to every Signal" and future orders; to avoid giving chase; never to "loose Company with Squadron"; Jones places great dependence on his zeal; if separated from the Richard is to open letter of " Rendez vous No. 1"; if squadron has passed the place designated is to open No. 2; these orders to be destroyed if in any danger of capture. Autograph draft signed in body of the document. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 9S. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. X X "Bon Homme Richard". "Road of Aug. 11. Groa", [France.] Letter [to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine], "en cour" [Versailles?]. Upon his return from cruise wrote a " History of my proceedings " to [Benjamin] Franklin and requested him to communicate same to de Sartine; has " rendered to him an exact account of every thing " concern ing the ships under his command; hears that he is uneasy about the mutinous disposition of Jones s crew; that "so great a por tion" were English was contrary to Jones s desire; was forbidden to enlist French seamen so English had to remain; after Jones observed their "mutinous disposition" they "manifested a true martial spirit" in a chase off Belle Isle; [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont s second journey was unnecessary; had already enlisted Americans and "as many of the Strangers as were willing "; crew of the Bon Homme Richard consists of 380 persons; among these are 137 marines, 36 landsmen and 32 boys; expects to sail "this Evening or to Morrow Morning"; hopes the Monsieur and General Mijfiin will accompany him; has sent the Vengeance with a letter to the captain of the latter [Daniel McNeill] inviting CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 101 1779. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Aug. 1 1. him to join the expedition; will transmit accounts of his proceed ings; surprised that letters relating to his destination are in "the hands of persons here". Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, I. (ft nf John Paul Jontt, X. Y. 1851, p. 99. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] ( apt. I . $. S. "Bon Ilomme Richard". " Road of Aug. 13. Groa", [France.] Letter to Maj. Gen. [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette, Havre de Grace, [France]. There is no one for whom Jones has a " Greater share of Esteem or Respect"; judges his feelings since the laying aside of the expedition by his own; this disappoint ment has "affected my Sensibility and my Health"; the object of the expedition was even communicated to the unconcerned; had determined to propose another project before the receipt of his last letter [of May 22, 1779]; is "highly honored" that Lafayette should wish to accompany him on an expedition; will write him "when the Subject is of consequence"; expects to sail "this Evening"; thanks him for the company and assistance of [Lt. Col. Antoine Felix] AVeibert [Wybert] and [Capt. Paul de] Chamillard. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1825. Lafayette, [Marie Jean Paul, etc.] Washington, [D. C.] "true Feb. . copy to the best of my remembrance". A. X. S. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJonet, N. Y. 1851, p. 100. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] (. apt., U. S. 8. " Bon Ilomme Richard" . "Road of Aug. 13. Groa", [France.] Letter to [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. "It is but this moment that the court martial has finished the affair of the Bon Ilomme Richard and the Alliance having run foul of each other"; encloses proceedings of the court; encloses papers respecting the "Prize Money"; believes Franklin will consider it unreasonable that the captain of the Vengeance [Philippe Nicolas Ricot] should have an equal share in the prize money with Capt. [Peter] Landais and the captain of the Pallas [Denis Nicolas Cottineau de Kloguene]; requests decision on this question; jour ney of [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont to Groaix was useless; had enlisted men; sails "at Day Break"; enclosed "Dictionary" to be used "when I write to you on particular Subjects"; "This little Squadron appears to be unanimous". Autograph draft. 2 PP . 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jonen, X. Y. 1851, p. 101. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". " Road of Groa", [France.] Letter to Edward Bancroft, [Passy?, France]. Regrets Bancroft not accompanying him " on Our Famous expe dition" [against Liverpool] ; it "was rendered ineffectual through the imprudence of too much communication"; present destina tion known to "every Captain here"; ill consequences fall upon Jones and not on the informant; has now the "Satisfaction to know that the Enemy have all their Eyes on One Great Object"; hopes thus to escape their notice; message to [Germain?, Comte] Gamier; is to tell [John] Ross that articles purchased for Jones in London have not been received; suggests that they be left at Ostend unless Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin advises that they be for warded; has been "unwell" since he left Paris; expects to sail at day-break. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 102 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Wallace, John. Collector of customs, Port Lnncrick, Ireland. Limerick. Aug. 17-18. Certificate of payment of duties on goods shipped in the Irish ship Mayflower, Thomas Moloney, master. Invoice given; goods shipped by "Step Roch," "Phil Roche", "Andrew Column", "heigh hrady" and " francis Creagh"; "his Majesty s Duty has been paid by said marchand " ; witnessed by William Doug- lace, " D. Casr. & Controll", Charles Dawson, Surveyor, John Long, Secrety. Contemporary copy. 1 p. F". [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. #. "Bon Homme Richard". Jlon Ifomme Richard, at sea. Letter to Gourlade & Moylan, [L Orient, France]. Requests that they furnish necessary assistance to bearer with "our" prize ship [de Veriragting?~\ until [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont is heard from ; requests that enclosed letter be forwarded to him. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] ( apt., I . 8. S. "Bon Homme RichanJ". Bon Aug. 18. Homme Richard, at sea, off Ushant, France. Letter to [Dona tien] Leray de Chaumont, [Passy?]. Forwards this letter "by our prize ship De Venragtlng"; "prize was taken by privateer brig Eagle belonging to [ ] Poole in England"; "is therefore a lawful prize to the flag of the United States"; other vessels met; wishes this report communicated to the Minister [of Ma rine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] and to [Benjamin] Franklin; encloses paper given by the commander of the Monsieur, Capt. [ ] Guedlow; general bad conduct of that commander. Copy enclosed in preceding letter. 1824. Chaumont, [Donatien Le Ray de, fils.] New York. " I certify Dec. . that the original of the preceding letter was duly reed by :ny father from Com J. Paul Jones," A. X. S. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1851, p, 102. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Ifomme Richard 1 . Bon Aug. 18. Homme Richard, at sea, off Ushant, [France.] Orders to "John Le Rich Lieut of the Monsieur". Appoints him to command the prize ship Verwagting, " Wibedoedes late Commander"; is to conduct prize to L Orient, France; on arrival there to take orders from [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont of Passy, respecting his future proceedings. Autograph draft. 1 p. F. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Bon Aug. 19. Horn me Richard, [off Ushant?, France.] Letter [to Guedlow, Capt. of the Mon#it*ur~\. Requests him to "come on board" the Bon Homme Richard and bring all the papers and officers which he took out of the Dutch ship \_de Verwagting] ; expects his imme diate compliance as he is under Jones s command. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1779. J[ones,] J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . Bon Aug. 21. Homme Richard, at sea. Orders to Midshipman Reuben Chase. Appoints him to command of "our" prize, the Irish brigantine Mayflower, [Thomas Moloney, master]; is to proceed to L Orient and apply to Gourlade & Moylan; is to show them this letter and tell them to apply to [Donatieii] Leray de Chaumont for orders respecting the prize; is to be particularly careful that her cargo is not destroyed. Autograph draft signed. 1 p. 4. On verso is a note of latitude and longitude given by the captain of the brig Arcot. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 103 1779. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Son Aug. 24 Homme Richard at sea. Orders to Antoine Mil, of the privateer Grandnlle. Appoints him to command the prize Fortune, "lately commanded by Mr. Robert Day" ; is to conduct her to Nantes or St. Malo; prefers the latter if winds will permit; upon arrival is to write to [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont of Passy and for ward Jones s letter to him; will receive instructions from de Chau mont; is to take care that the cargo be not disturbed and avoid meeting the enemy. Autograph draft signed. 2pp. 9x7 inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] C apt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Bon Aug. 24. Homme Richard at sea, "off the S. W. of Ireland". Letter to [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont, [Passy?, France]. By enclosed papers he can see that on the 18th Jones sent a prize ship \_de Vervagtmn~\ to L Orient and on the 21st a second prize; this letter is sent in by the prize Fortune; she is ordered for Nantes or St. Malo; was told by the captain of the Mayflower [Thomas Moloney] that an encampment of .30,000 troops was in Ireland at Clonmell; does not credit this; is now becalmed; on return of breeze will proceed to destination; sends respects to [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine and [Benjamin] Franklin. Copy, enclosed in preceding letter. 1824. Chaumont, [Donatien Le Ray de, fils.] Xew York. "I certify Dec. . that the original of the preceding was duly received by my father from Comr. J. Paul Jones." A. X. S. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1851, p. 103. 1779. Jones, John P[aul.] C apt., " U. f>. S. Bon Homme Richard". Bon Aug. 31. Homme Richard at sea. Orders [to prizemaster to be selected by Capt. Peter Landais]. Appoints him to command the prize Union; is to accompany Jones until receipt of further orders; if separated is to proceed to Bergen, Norway; is to apply there to French consul or agent for [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont s orders; is not to permit cargo to be disturbed; is to hold himself and men in readiness to rejoin the squadron. Autograph draft signed. 2pp. 4. [1779.] Atwood, John, and sixteen others. Seamen, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Rich- [Aug?] ard." [L Orient, France.] Petition to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, L Orient. Have been imprisoned for mutiny; regret their behav ior and wish to return to duty; pray for release. Signed: John Atwood, James Louis, Richard Watson, John Rumley, John Balch, William Hanover, Thomas Richards, Andrew Thompson, Thomas Barnes, Alexander Cooper, George Johnston, Thomas Cole, John Layton, Nathaniel Bonner, William Carmichael, Elijah Middle- ton, Christy Hertley. All signatures in the same hand. 1 p. F. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard." Bon Sep. 5. Homme Richard at sea. Orders to Capt. Peter Landais, U. S. S. Alliance. Directs him to come on board the Bon Homme Richard. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. [1779.] Landais, [Peter.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance." [ U. S. A .] B[on] H[omme~\ Sep. 5. R[ichard~\ at sea. Statement, in writing, [made to Capt. John Paul Jones]. Considers it best to leave "one of the Sloops in this Place" to notify "the Cutter or whatever Vessel we may expect" and to go immediately upon the intended cruise; thinks opinion of commanders ought to be obtained respecting the destruction of the prizes; that it "will be well for each to take 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. [1779.] Landais, [Peter] Continued. Sep. 5. out of such, what they have occasion for & be accountable" ; "he prefers sinking to burning". A? D. 1 p. 4. Endorsed by Jones: "from Capt. Landais at Sea". Also copy of same 1 p. F., attested by Joseph "Wharton jr. under date of Aug. 1780. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard." [Road of Sep. 14. Leith, Scotland.] Plan for the attack upon Leith. Order of ships in entering harbor; number of men to be furnished by the Son Homme Richard, the Pallas and the Vengeance; Capt. [Paul de] Chamillard to command the troops; duties of [ ] "Kenet" [Vinet?], [Lieut. Henry Ange Francois] Maignan [Le Meignen] and [ ] Michateau; signals to be used; detailed orders to be given Capt. Chamillard. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. F. In French. Mutilated. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. 8. " Bon Homme Richard". [Road of Sep. 14. Leith, Scotland.] Instructions [to Capt. Paul de Chamillard], regarding attack upon Leith. Display of white flag to indicate that the town has submitted to terms proposed; red to indicate refusal; both to indicate necessity of retreating; vessels to aid in retreat and reembarkation; 100,000 indemnity to be demanded; one half in cash and one half to be secured by six hostages; fur ther instructions. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 9J x 7 inches. In French. Mutilated. 1779. Jones, [John Paul]. Capt., U. 8.8. " Bon Homme Richard." Road of Sep. [14.] Leith, [Scotland.] Letter to the Provost of Leith. The British ships protecting Leith have been taken by the American force; sends this letter by his officer "Lt. Col." [Capt. Paul] de Cha millard; does not desire to distress the inhabitants; would lay Leith in ashes "did not the Plea of humanity stay the hand of just retaliation"; his "dutyas Iftm" induces him to propose ransom; half an hour given for decision; if terms are accepted * the troops will reembark and the property of the citizens be unmo lested. Secretary s draft. I p. F. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJonen, X. Y. 1851, p. 106, 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". [Bon Sep. [14-17.] Homme Richard at sea.] Articles of capitulation to be presented to the city of Leith, [Scotland.] Articles to be signed by the Provost, Recorder and principal magistrates of the city. Article 1: ]So act of hostility to be committed against the American squadron while it remains in the Firth of Forth. Article 2: If any breach is made in this capitulation vigorous measures shall be used towards British subjects in Jones s hands. Article 3: Upon terms of ransom being fulfilled Capt. [John Paul] Jones to sail "the first fair Wind" without molesting the inhabitants. Secretary s draft. 1 p. F. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. ISol, p. lOt i. 1779. Bon Homme Richard ". U. 8. ship of war. Account of the engagement Sep. 25. with //. M. S.8erapis. [Serapis, at sea.] Sep. 23d: 2 p. m. sent "2d. Lieut." [Henry Lunt] with pilot boat in pursuit of an Eng lish brig; 3 p. m. British fleet sighted; the Alliance being sig nalled to give chase disobeyed orders; 3:30 p. m. signalled pilot boat to return and gave chase with the Pallas and the Vengeance; CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 105 1779. " Bon Homme Richard" Continued. Sep. 2-">. 5 j>. in. beat to quarters; 6:30 p. in. the Bon Homme Richard, [Capt. John Paul Jones] engaged [the Serapix, Capt. Richard Pearson]; description of the battle; 10:30 p. in. [the Ferapis] surrendered; leaking of the Richard; Sep. 24th: 7 p. in. leak increasing; wounded removed to other vessels; Sep. 25th: Ron Homme Richard sunk at 11 a. in. Secretary s? draft. 2pp. F. Engagement detailed in Jones to Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. q. v. 1779. Bondfleld, John. United States commercial agent at Bordeaux. Bordeaux, Oct. 1. [France.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, Amsterdam, Hol land. Congratulates him on his success [capture of the Kempis] and safe arrival at the Texel; "from the many Armaments " sent in pursuit of Jones feared he would not make a safe port; regrets lie did not have the 18 pounders now at L Orient. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. J[ones], J[ohn] P[aul.] ( apt., V. S. iiary. Texel, [Holland.] Letter Oct. 3. to [Donation] Leray de Chaumont, Passy, France. Encloses copy of his letter written Aug. 24th; the papers preceeding it give an account of his actions from his departure from Groaix to that date; refers de Chaumont to his letter to [Benjamin] Franklin [of Oct. 3d] for particulars of this expedition; his opinion as to the "Concordat" imposed upon him on his departure from Groaix is expressed in that letter; cannot comprehend de Chau mont s distrust of him after his "occular proofs of hospitality"; rather imagines that your conduct" was produced by "the base representations of some secret villiany". Copy. 1824. Chaumont, [Donatien] Le Ray de, fils. New York. "I certify Dec. . that the original of the preceeding letter wa,s duly received by my father." A. X. S. 2pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Lift: of John PattlJonca, X. Y. 1851, p. 103. 1779. Jones, J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., I . S. navy. The Texel, Holland. Letter Oct. 3. to Benjamin Franklin, [Passy?, France]. Refers to his letter of Aug. llth; then thought the captains under his command would assist him with "cheerful emulation"; Aug. 14th, squadron under his command consisted of the Bon Homme Richard, the Alliance, [Capt. Peter Landais,] the Pallas, [Capt. Denis Nicolas Cottineau de Kloguene,] the Cerf, [Capt. Joseph Varage,] the Vengeance, [Capt. Philippe Nicolas Ricot,] and two privateers, the Monsieur and the Granville; sailed on that day; Aug. 18th took a ship from Holland [the Venrar/ting] ; misbehavior of Capt. [ Guedlow] oi the Monsieur; Aug. 19th the Monsieur separated from the squadron; Aug. 21st captured the Mayflower; Aug. 23d saw Cape Clear and the southwest part of Ireland; captured the Fortune; desertion of the " Villains who towed the ship"; misbe havior of Capt. [Peter] Landais; Aug. 31st saw Flamie Islands on the N.W. coast of Scotland; Sep. 1st off Cape Wrath; captured the Union; disobedience of orders by the Alliance; Sep. 2d no attention paid by the Alliance to signals; Sep. 4th consulted with Captains Cottineau and Ricot "on future plans of operation"; refusal of Landais to be present ; Extraordinary Letter received from him [1779, Sep. 5 q. v.]; Sep. 5th to 9th severe gale; Sep. 13th saw " the hills of the Cheviot," Scotland; Sep. 14th captured ashipand brigantine; expedition formed against Leith, [Scotland] ; 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Jones, J[ohn] P[aul] Continued. Oct. 3. Sep. 17th failure of this expedition and causes thereof; Sep. 19th a sloop and brigantine, in ballast, taken; Sep. 21st off Flambor- ough Head, [England]; Sep. 22d decoyed English pilots; learned private signals; unsuccessful attempts to decoy English ships from the Humber; Sep. 23d capture of the Serapis; detailed description of the fight; conduct of the Alliance; capture of the Countess of Scarborough by Capt. Cottineau; Sep. 25th sinking of the Bon Homme Richard at 10 a. in.; force under Jones s command not well composed; Jones s opinion concerning [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont and the "Concordat"; Landais s conduct in every respect "base and unpardonable"; Jones this day anchored "here"; will hasten to Amsterdam to get advice of the French Ambassador [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Yauguyon]; probable disposition of prisoners. "an exact [contemporary] Copy". 17pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, pp. IOS-120. 1779. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States Minister plenipotentiary to France. Oct. 4. Passy, [France.] Extracts from a letter to John Jay, Presi dent, Continental Congress, [Philadelphia]. "Captain, now Commodore Jones put to sea this summer with a little squadron" under the United States flag and commissions; has "sent in" several prizes; has alarmed the coasts of Ireland and Scotland; has captured the Serapis and Countess of Scarborough of the British navy; had taken a number of valuable prizes before; English alarmed along all their northern coast and put to a " very expensive movement of troops". Copy. 1 p. F". Printed: Wharton, Dip. Carres, of the Amer. Rn\, Washn. 1889, III: aU-63. Franklin s Works. X. Y. 18,88: VI: 448. 1779. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Nantes, France. Amster- Oct. 5. dam, [Holland.] Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, The Texel. Congratulates him on his safe arrival; [Charles William Frederick] Dumas and [John] "Desneufvile" [de Neufville] possessed of the necessary instructions [from Donatien Leray de Chaumont] to render Jones aid; Jones s good fortune and spirit "have possessed" him of a good ship in the capture of the Serapis; has been of great service to America; wishes him a safe arrival in the United States where he is greatly needed. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Oct. 5. to John de Neufville & Son, [Amsterdam]. The United States squadron under his command "this day arrived in this Pvoad"; has received instructions to apply to them for "public wants of every kind"; articles desired; "the utmost Dispatch" necessary that orders received from [Benjamin] Franklin may be fulfilled; orders delivered by [Charles William Frederick] Dumas; requests "unremitting attention to this Business " as without the Serapis the squadron cannot proceed on the "Service proposed"; his "Wounded and Prisoners" require Jones s presence "here at present"; hopes to proceed with Dumas [to Amsterdam?] "to- Morrow ; requests that all business communications be addressed to Capt. [Denis Nicolas] Cottineau [de Kloguene] of the Pallas; no person under his command privileged to draw on de Neufville CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 107 1771*. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Oct. ">. either for Money or anything Else except the Daily provision" without Jones s written order. Autograph draft. 2 pp. F. Also contemporary copy. 2 pp. 9x7i inches. See: Neufville, John de & Son. Facteur Boek, 1779-81. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nan/. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Oct. 5. to [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Due de La Vauguyon, The Hague. Has "but this moment arrived here"; encloses account of his late Expedition ; requests opinion as to disposition of prisoners; Jones s suggestions respecting same; preparation of the Countess of Scarborough and the Vengeance to transport prisoners to France if necessary; the former is not fit for \var and can remain in France; the latter is to bring back "all our People" and as many more as possible to replace the one hundred and fifty lost from the crew of the Son Homme Richard; has received orders from [Benjamin] Franklin, through "Our Agent" [Charles William Frederick] Dumas; impossible to fulfill same unless "great and immediate assistance be given"; necessary repairs to the Serapis; hopes soon to pay him his "personal Respects and to receive your Orders at the Hague ". Autograph draft. 2pp. F. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 174. 1779. Cockburn, Malcom. Pursuer, British nary. The Texel, [Holland.] Oct. 7. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Amsterdam]. Requests permission to survey the "Provisions, Victualing, Stores, Neces saries" remaining on board the Serapis and "late in my charge" as it will enable him to " pass an Account"; otherwise he will be a considerable loser. A. L. S.. 1 p. F. 1779. Lunt, Henry. 3d Lieut., U. S. navy. [The] Texel, [Holland.] Letter Oct. 7. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, Amsterdam. Has had no time to "dispatch an exact account" of the "Prisoners with the Ships Company"; will do so tomorrow; will give also "an Account of the Provisions Rigging &c. that is at Present wanted for the Ship"; carpenters have made measurements for masts and yards and now await orders. A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1779. Cottineau [de Kloguene,] D[enis Nicolas.] Capt., U. S. 8. "Pallas". Oct. 9. [The Texel, Holland.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Amsterdam]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter; needs of the vessel at Amsterdam; Capt. [Richard] Pearson and [Capt. Wil liam] Piersey [Piercey] await Jones s decision [as to their future] with impatience; has assured them he will decide shortly; cannot prevent them sending letters ashore owing to the Dutch officers who come on board; cannot keep them in their room; has not seen Capt. [Peter] Landais since Jones left; difficulties aroused by Landais; has sent a plan of the battle [off Flamborough Head] to [Benjamin] Franklin and [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine; has forwarded the demand note of Lieut. "Lante" [Henry Lunt?], to Messrs. John de Neufville & Son. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8x7 inches. In French. 1779. Landais, P[eter.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". "Rode of Texel", [Hol- Oct. 10. land.] Orders to Lieut. James [Arthur] Degge, [T. S. S. Alli ance]. As he is going "for a few days out of the Ship" gives orders for government of same during his absence; is to keep 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Landais, F[eter] Continued. Oct. 10. peace and good order; "deliver the Prisoners if required by a Written Order from Captain [John Paul] Jones and not other- ways"; orders miscellaneous work done on the ship. A. L. S. lp. 4. 1779. Johnson, Henry. Capt., U. 8. nary. Philadelphia. Certificate respect- Oct. 11. ing John Thompson. Thompson was a gunner of the Lexington at the time of her capture by the Alert, [Lieut. John Baxely] in September 1777. A. L. S. 1 p. 6 x 7| inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Amsterdam, [Holland.] Letter Oct. 11. to Benjamin Franklin, [Passy?, France]. Wrote to him on tli.> 8th inst. from the Hague; is trying to act as advised by "His Excellency" [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon]; hears that Capt. [Gustavus] Conningham [Conyngham] is "threatened with unfair play by the British" ; will keep the cap tain of the Serapis [Richard Pearson] as a hostage; if the English Ambassador, Sir J[oseph] Y[orke] will give security in his public character for an exchange of prisoners, considers it "good Policy" to set the British prisoners at liberty here; [Capt. Peter] Landais "is come up here"; his extraordinary behavior; wishes that poor Cunningham , whom Jones regards as a Continental officer were exchanged so that a court martial might be formed; goes to the Texel tonight; has about 400 English prisoners; judges that the English loss will exceed "ours." Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jotttt, X. Y., 1851, p. 175. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Hol- Oct. 11. land. [The Hague?] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [Ams terdam]. Will ask the Due [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon] for Jones s letter [to La Vauguyon of Oct. 5, 1779] and fulfill his desire respecting same; Jones s proportion of travel ling expenses with Dumas from the Helder to the Hague is 33 Dutch florins or Gilders & 6 pence" ; if not paid same by J[ohn] de Neufville & Son will " put the whole, viz your proportion with the mine on account of Mr. [Donatien Leray] De Chau- mont"; "The fair Lady shall have yr. fine compliment to her". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Cottineau [de Kloguene,] D[enis Nicolas.] Copt., U. S. S. "Pallas." Oct. 13. "On board the Pallas at Texel," [Holland.] Letter to [Capt,] J[ohn Paul] Jones, [Amsterdam]. Has received his letter of the 12th but not that of the llth inst. ; considers Jones s presence to be "absolutely necessary here"; the Countess [of Scarborough] and the Vengeance are in nearly as bad condition [as the Pallas ]; the Serapis has gone up the river a little distance as ordered; trouble among the several vessels; questions relating to exchange of prisoners; Jones should explain matters to [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Due de La Vauguyon; conduct of [Capt. Peter] Landais; need of supplies from John de Neufville & Son; wishes [Capt. Paul] de Chamillard and Jones were present, A. L. S. 2pp. 4. In French. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Amsterdam, [Holland.] Letter Oct. 13. to Robert Morris, Philadelphia. Since leaving the Ranger "the history of my proceedings has not afforded much of the agreeable"; wrote him last winter respecting conduct of Lieut. [Thomas] Simpson; informed by their "mutual friend" [John] CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 109 1779. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Oct. 13. Ross that a vessel sails today for Boston; will forward an account of his proceedings as soon as "political Reasons" will admit of his return to the Texel; arrived at the Texel Oct. 3d with the remainder of his squadron and two prizes, the Serapis and the Countess of Scarborough; had sailed from L Orient Aug. 13th with the Bon Homrnt Richard, Alliance, Pallas, Cerf, and Vengeance, and the Monsieur and Grandville, two French privateers; parting of two latter from the squadron caused by the "wrong arrange ments" made by [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; cruised for some time on the southwest coast of Ireland; his departure thence caused by the "remonstrances of Captain [Peter] Lan- dais"; thereby lost the opportunity of capturing British East India ships; passed the northern coast of Scotland; " took some Prizes " ; " was within the Smallest triffle of Laying Leith under a heavy Contribution"; alarmed "their Coasts" from Cape Clear to Hull; had he not been concerned with the "Sons of Interest" would have accomplished more; 23d of Sep. was off Flamborough Head; sighted the Baltic fleet; action between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis; capture of the latter and sinking of the Richard; hopes to return to "the Continent" [United States] immediately. Autograph draft. 3 pp. F. Printed: Wharton, Dip. Carres, of the Amer. Rev. Wash. 1889, III: 375. 1779. Cappellen, J [ohn] D [irck, Baron Yander. ] Member of tlie House of Nobles Oct. 13. of the Province of Overyssel, Holland. Zwol, [Zwolle, Overyssel, Holland.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Amsterdam. As an " old and tryed friend of America " he takes the liberty to "address" Jones; heard with "un Speakable Satisfaction" of his many successes on the "coasts of Britain"; particularly struck with his capture of the Serapis; requests " an Authentick and circumstanced " account of same; disposition of a " despicable party-Spirit " to deprive Jones of credit; is to send reply to [John] de Xeufville. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 17(5. 1779. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Oct. 15. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [Amster dam]. Acknowledges receipt of letters of Oct. oth and 8th; "For some days scarce anything was talked of at Paris and Versailles but your cool Conduct & persevering Bravery during that terrible Conflict"; the " Ministry " dissatisfied with Capt. [Peter] Landais; Franklin has written him that he is charged with "Disobedience of Orders in the Cruize and Neglect of his Duty in the Engagement " ; he is to " render himself immediately here" for "offering what he has to say in his Justification"; requests further information that a " Just and Clear Account of the Affair" can be rendered to Congress; further instructions respect ing Landais; is uneasy about prisoners; regrets misunderstanding with [Donatien Leray] de C[haumont]. Copy by Joseph "\Vhar- ton, jr. 3 pp. F. 17SO. Wharton, Joseph Jr. L Orient, [France.] Attestation to truth Aug. . of above copy. A. N. S. Printed: Wharton, Dip. Carres, of the Amer. Rev. Wash. 1889, III; 378. Sher- burne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 176. Franklin s works, N. Y., 1888, VI: 459. 110 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Le Meignen, [Henry Ange Francois.] Lieul., U. S. S. "Pallas." "Texel Oct. 15. Road , [Holland.] Letter to "Commodore" [Capt. John Paul] Jones, Amsterdam. [Capt. Denis Nicolas] " De" Cottineau [de Kloguene] has received Jones s letter and has forwarded his orders [to the officers of the Serapixf] ; difficulties of the situation; Cottineau is unwell; awaits arrival of [Capt. Paul] de Chamil- lard with impatience; would like to see Jones. A. L. 8. 1 p. 4. 1779. Mullowney, Thomas. Formerly petti/ officer, I . S. S. " Bon Homme Rich- Oct. 16. <trd". Ancenis, [France.] Letter to Capt. John "Pawll" Jones, a Loriong ant Bretaine , [Amsterdam] . Desires to inform him of " a part of my Soferings" since Aug. 24th; was then sent aboard the "Surf" [Cerf], Capt. [Joseph] Yarage, to go " In quest of your Boates and men that Elopt from your Vesselll"; information respecting same; has no clothes "But What was on my Back"; was confined twenty days in the "Castel Prison. Nantes"; desires Jones "to order my Sertificate from Loge X. 5 London" with specified books; requests that Jones send him some clothes; is "at this Place at Parole"; clothing to be sent to "David Gallway, merchant in Nates" or to [ ] " Tunet of Ancenis"; they will forward it to him. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Xante*. Rotterdam, [Hol- Oct. 16. land.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [Amsterdam]. His stay "here" short; upon arrival in Paris will write; advises patience "however much you may be plagued in Holland"; judges that Jones s friends will direct his early return to France; " without that charge intended for you from this coast which in this Season of the year * * * is exceedingly dangerous for you and them to Risque on their plan"; intends to "proceed with you if ordered soon for the Continent" [United States]: letters for Ross should be addressed in care of [Ferdinand] Grand, banker in Paris. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Oct. 18. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel. Hopes this letter will find him in good health on the Serapift; masts have "gone down" and "whatever is still under hand will be sent" ; [Charles William Frederick] Dumas is hurrying them; further informa tion respecting the delivery of articles; have had "some notion of your deserted people"; Dumas has written to the French Ambassador [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon] about them; an order is expected to claim them. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Hol- Oct. 18. hind. Amsterdam. Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, "on board the ship Serapis, road of Texel". Best wishes regarding his health; has seen important friends in America; they speak much of Jones and his ships; considers that Jones did right in showing himself at Amsterdam but had best not come again; will be better to remain in retirement for the time being; the "same friends" have told him that filth and disease characterize the Serapis as the ship has not been cleaned since the fight; urges Jones to remedy these conditions; will ask [John] de Xeufville & Son to send the articles needed. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. In French. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. Ill 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick] Continued. Oct. IS. Sep. 24. Chaumont, [Donation] Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco- American negotiations. Passy, [France.] Extract of a letter [to Charles William Frederick Dumas, Amsterdam]. Understands that his "scholars" [Jones s squadron] have arrived in good health; must return to their studies; parents uncertain of route. Copy by Dumas, enclosed in preceeding letter. 2 pp. 4. In French. 1779. Moylan, James. United States commercial agent at L Orient. L Orient, Oct. 18. [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, The Texel, Hol land]. Wrote him a letter enclosed in [ ] Gourlade s; it was sent in care of Sir George Grand of Amsterdam; compliments him on his glorious victory of the 23d of September; is glad that "our friend" John Ross was in Amsterdam to be of assistance; encloses publication in favor of " our worthy friend" [Arthur] L[ee]; requests information respecting the "immortal and most surprising action" of Sep. 23d; [Capt. Joseph] "de la Ravage" [Varage] has brought [the Or/] in "here"; brought with him proofs of his " faithfull execution of the mission" ordered by Jones; (. erf disarmed and her men taken for other ships; desires names of officers who deserted Jones on the coast of Ireland; arrival of the Retaliation formerly commanded by [Capt. Thomas] Bell, and a sloop from Philadelphia; they will sail about Oct. loth; guns from Bordeaux have arrived for Jones; wife joins in sending compliments; safe arrival of the Sensible and her convoy at Boston and the Genera! Washington in Virginia; Dr. [Lau rence] Brooke s brother was on board the latter. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. Greeting from Mrs. Moylan is in her handwriting. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Oct. 18. to J[ohn] de Xeufville & Son, [Amsterdam]. Upon his arrival "here" this morning found the mast had not arrived; informa tion respecting the carpenters and joiners; is disappointed in find ing no person here who can interpret between the workmen and his officers; requests certain articles sent; wishes firewood for the Pallas; sends his respects to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1779. Bedford, Gunning. Register of Wills, New Castle county, Delaware. Wil- Oct. 18. mington, Delaware. Certificate respecting Sarah Marshall. Cer tifies that she "is an Executrix to the last will & Testiment of Wm Marshall" late of Wilmington. A. D. S. 1 p. 5\ x 7 inches. 1779. Scott, Thomas. Merchant, London. London. Letter to Capt. John Paul Oct. 19. [Jones, The Texel, Holland]. Is surprised at not hearing from him since Jones s departure for Tobago; trouble he has "been plunged into" on his account; reminds Jones that he is indebted to him for 225, 5s. 5d. ; encloses bill; was prompted by friend ship to become his security to [William] Jackson; encloses receipt to prove he was forced to pay Jackson "to the last farthing"; is "reduced very low"; requests Jones to honor his draft on Wil liam Armstrong for the amount due. A. L. S. Enclosed are:. 1774. Scott, Thomas & Co. Bill against Capt. John Paul [Jones] for Jan. 29. monies paid William Jackson. D. S. 112 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Scott, Thomas Continued. (Vt. 19. 1774. Jackson, William. London. Receipt to Thomas Scott & Co. for Jan. 29. monies paid Capt. John Paul [Jones]. D. S. 4 pp. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Let- Oft, 19. ter to Capt. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel, Holland. Acknowl edges receipt of letter [of Oct. 18th]; "will comply with the con cerns"; has been busy "in preparation to get his deserted people back"; hopes to accomplish this soon; requests of Jones the arti cles which John Baird and others signed; desires information re specting enclosed bills of exchange; presumes them to be false; can procure hands clandestinely for Jones if desired. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] C apt., V. S.nanj. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Oct. 19. [to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen, Zwolle, OverysseJ?, Hol land]. Feels "every grateful sentiment" for his letter; as requested, encloses copy of letter to Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin containing a particular account of his late expedition; encloses papers " particularly the Copy of my letter to the Countess of Selkirk" to prove that he has been censured unjustly by the "British prints"; was born in Britain but does not " inherit the degenerate Spirit of some who belong to that Nation which I at once lament and despise"; "They are strangers to the inward approbation that greatly animates and rewards the Man who Draws his Sword only in the support of the Dignity of Freedom"; America the country of his "fond election from the Age of thir teen" when he first saw it; hoisted the "Flag of Freedom" the first time it was displayed on the Delaware; it is respected here despite "the pitiful Sir Joseph" [Yorke]; hopes to "exchange salutes with the flag of this Republic". Autograph draft. 1 p. F A copy of this letter is in Jones: Extrait du Journal, 17S6, Jan. 1. p. Iti3. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. [The Texel, Holland.] Letter Oct. 20. [to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon?] . Encloses copy of letter from Capt. [Richard] Pearson and his reply to same. Autograph draft. 1 p. F. On verso of preceding letter. Letter from Pearson to Jones and the reply are printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, pp. 177-178. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Oct. 20. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel, [Holland]. Answer further inquiries in his letter of Oct. 18th; information respecting delivery of goods desired by Jones; are sending goods for the Serapis, Alliance and Pallas by "lighter"; information respecting firewood; order for ten thousand weight of bread for the Alliance cannot be filled for a fortnight; "Mr. Landay" [Capt, Peter Landais] has applied to the postmaster "Mr. [Jacob] Hoogland" for wages due various persons; requests instructions from Jones as to payment of money to Landais; have permission from the "Grand Officer" [E. P. Van Berckel? Grand Pensioner of Hol land] to capture the deserters; advise that leniency be shown them; request that, on exchange of prisoners, "Capt. [James?] Robbinson s son" be remembered, also "Capt. Moses Grinnell, from Boston, who commanded Col. Isaac Sears vessels". A. L. S. 3pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 113 1779. Jones, John Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. The Texel, [Holland.] Orders to Oc-t. 21. Lieut. James [Arthur] Degge, [ U. S. S. AUianci>?~\. Directs him to take command of the Alliance; instructions for his guidance; 60 or 70 of the prisoners to be removed to the [Countess of~\ Scarborough; is to prepare the ship for service; desires a list of the stores and pro visions necessary for two months ; requests information as "to what steps the majority think most expedient" respecting prize money; will aid the return of men who have families to the United States. Autograph draft signed in the body of the document. 2 pp. F. Also A. D. S. with signature crossed out. 2 pp. F. 1779. Stack of Crotts. Capt., Walsh s Irish regiment, French armij. " pinboeuf " Oct. 21. [Paimboeuf, France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, The Texel, Holland]. Requests information respecting [his son] Edmond [Edward?] Stack, Lieut., Walsh s Irish regiment; was appointed [Lt. Col. of Marines] onthe-Bou Homme, Richard; fears he is dead; if he has served like a "gentleman and a Soldier I Shant half regret his death"; "his loss will lie heavy pon me the rest of my days." A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Rogers, F.-ancis. The Helder, [Holland.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Oct. 21. Jones, [The Texel]. According to Jones s desire has sent boat for the two wounded officers of the Serajns; is to entrust them to bearer. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Oct. 21. to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, The Texel. Have given "those few lines as an introduction to Mr. [Charles Joseph] le Comte"; he is to be given Jones s orders; judge he will fulfill purpose desired [requirements of an interpreter]. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Mercliants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Oct. 21. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel. His letter to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas has been communicated to them; have seen the gentleman sent from the Pallas; his services not necessary; information respecting prisoners; [Charles Joseph] Le Comte leaves today or tomorrow to pay the compliments of the firm to Jones; the "boat" [with supplies] to start tonight or tomorrow; they await Jones s orders; Capt. [ ] "Grinnelle", cousin of Capt. Moses Grinnell, who "hath been taken likewise" and Dr. [ ] Wilson desire employment under Jones. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick. ] United Slates secret agent in Holland. Oct. 21. Amsterdam. Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [The Texel]. Introduces Charles Joseph Le Comte; he desires to be employed by Jones; hia capabilities for a position as secretary; has made several voyages; if necessary can fill the place of an officer. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Holland. Oct. 21. Letter to [Capt. John] P[aul] Jones, The Texel. Acknowledges receipt of Jones s papers from John de Neufville; understands that Jones desires them to be sent to the Baron "deCapelle" [John I >irck, Baron Vander Capellen] ; as requested will "peruse" them and give his opinion upon delivery of same. A. L. S. 1 p. 6J x 4| inches. 2155103 8 114 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchant*, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Let- Get. 21. ter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel. Have delivered Jones s letter to [John Dirck, Baron] Vander Capellen to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas; wish his opinion before its delivery to the addressed; have been assisted in trial of deserters; are of opinion that they will return to their duty; unite with Dumas and [ ] Bottineau of the French Embassy in advising lenient treatment for them; the "Grand officer" [E. P. Van Berckel? Grand Pensionary] is of like mind; has sent an interpreter [Charles Joseph Le Comte] as desired; "Mr. [ ] Michaseau [Michateau] remains at Amsterdam". A. L. S. 2pp. 4. 1779. Jones, John P[aul.] CpL, T. 8. navy. [The Texel, Holland.] Letter Oct. 22. [to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen ?, Zwolle, Overyssel, Holland]. Wrote to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas "last Night"; thanks Vander Capellen for advice and criticism; Capt. [Peter] Landais sets out for Paris soon in obedience to orders received; will forward vouchers to support charges against Lan dais; [Capt. Paul] de Chamillard may be detained on this account. A. L. S. 1 p. F. Endorsed by Dumas: "Serapin, Texel 22 Oct 1779 Comodore Jones". 1779. Landais, P[eter.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". The Texel, [Holland.] Oct. 22. Orders to Lieut. James [Arthur] Degge, [f. X S. Alliance]. Directs him to get the Alliance ready for sea; refers him to [John] de Neufville & Son for articles for ships use; is to see that none of the people desert; prisoners to be delivered upon orders from Capt. [John Paul] Jones; one half of the people to be always on deck. A. D. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Stack, Edward.] Lieut., Walsh s Irish regiment, French armi/ and for- Oct. 22. merly Volunteer on U. S. S. "Bon Ilomme Richard." The Texel, [Holland]. Affidavit respecting escape of deserters. Escape on Oct. 1st? of twenty-six seamen from the Serapix; with aid from the Pallas sixteen w r ere captured; five were drowned and five escaped; Capt. [Denis Nicolas] Cottineau [de Kloguene] gave an account of this occurrence to the Commandant of the Road of Texel [Commodore Reimersima] . Attestation of "Lt. Col" [Antoine Felix] Wiebert [Wybert], Richard Dale, Samuel Stacy, John Mayrant and Beaumont Kroube [Groube], officers of the United States squadron, that the above statement is correct and that the deserters were enlisted and swore allegiance to the United States. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Letter to [Capt.] Oct. 23. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [The Texel, Holland]. Acknowledge receipt of letter [of Oct. 22d] ; information respecting goods sent by lighter; judge that [Charles Joseph] Le Comte "will have been welcome" as Jones desired an interpreter; his capabilities; recom mended [ ] Grinnell and [ ] Wilson; one will "make a good English secretary if the other will not suffice"; by desire of [ ] Michaseau [Michateau] send package of books for [Capt. Denis Nicolas] Cottineau [de Kloguene]; send also a packet of maps; acting upon information given by [Charles William Fred erick] Dumas respecting "Capt. Landay" [Peter Landais] they CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 115 1779. Neufville, John de & Son Continued. Oct. 23. send none of his stores "nntill your farther disposition and orders"; will consult with D[umas] about Jones s papers; opinion concerning same; do not comprehend the meaning of Jones send ing a copy of his "comision". A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. J[ones], J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. ,S T . nary. The Texel, [Holland.] Oct. 24. Letter to [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont, [Passy, France]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of [Oct.] llth; thanks him for " his warmth of expression * * as a proof that I still enjoy a share of your affection"; does not credit statement of Capt. Peter Landais that de Chaumont wished him displaced from com mand on the Bon Homme Richard; "I pity & despise his narrow and jealous mind"; Landais will be informed by Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin that Jones has always written in his favor; his miscon duct and insubordination from the time he joined the squadron until now; Landais told "Lt. Col" [Antoine Felix] Weibert [Wybert] that he was in no haste to come to the assistance of the Richard; Jones convinced that he enjoys de Chaumont s friendship so hopes he will pardon the "freedom" of his letters forwarded by [Capt. Paul] de Chamillard; acknowledges with pride how much "I owe to the attentions of France and to the personal friendship of M. de Chaumont" ; has been able to liberate Ameri can prisoners in Europe; this opportunity is "a thousand times more flattering than victory". Copy. 1825. Chaumont, [Donatien] Le Ray de, fils. New York. Attestation Dec. . that "the original of the preceeding letter was duly received by my father". A. N. S. 4pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJoncs, N. Y. 1851, p. 179. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Oct. 25. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [The Texel, Holland]. Intro duce Col. [ ] Moeball, who was recommended to them; they "have reason to esteem" him. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Oct. 25. to Capt. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel, [Holland]. Wrote Jones by last lighter; desire instructions respecting deserters; hope Jones will pardon them; judge "Mr. Landay" [Capt. Peter Landais] is at the Texel as he applied to "Mr. [Jacob] Hoogland" for money to proceed to Paris; desire that the enclosed account of Jones s cook be authenticated; "All goes perfectly well with our States"; request information as to when Jones s "Vessels will gett ready". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Hol land. Amsterdam. Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [The Texel]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of Oct. 20th; "the great man at the Hague" [Paul Francois de Que"len, Due de La Vau- guyon?] wrote him on Oct. 23d as follows: La Vauguyon is glad "the affair" [negotiations with Sir Joseph Yorke?] "has not been followed by any disagreeable circumstances"; relies on "the circumspection" of Jones; latter will be well treated in Holland; favorable action [relative to the prizes] probable; the answer of the States General will be transmitted to [Sir Joseph] Yorke; is 116 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick] Continued. Oct. 25. pleased that Jones has received agreeable orders respecting Capt. [Peter] Landais; (Dumas continues:) answer of Jones to deserters is much desired; considers it indiscreet to send to [John Dirck, Baron] "De Capelle" [Vander Capellen] a copy of Jones s letter to [Benjamin] Franklin [of Oct. 3d] containing complaints against [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; Vander Capellen has no connection with Dumas as to American affairs; is a good republican but of little influence. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Such portion of the above calendar as is from the letter of La Vaugnyon to Dumas is in French. 1779. Neufville, John de it Son. JfrrcJutnt-x, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Let- Oct. 26. ter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel. Sent Jones a letter by Col. [ ] Moebal; send enclosure recommending [Jean?] Parish, a French officer, "a friend to Mr. [John] Ross, ours, and the American cause"; he desires appointment as lieu- tenan< ; is recommended to them by the "same person who gave us Mr [Charles Joseph] Le Comte"; refer to Le Comte for prob able information respecting him; request Jones s promise not to punish deserters; would like information as to his departure; desire "intelligence of a young Carolina * * Gentn." [John] Meysant [Mayrant]. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Cnjtt., U. S. nan/. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Oct. 26. to Kd ward Bancroft, [Passy?, France] . Acknowledges receipt of letter of [Oct.] 14th; his friendship for Bancroft; " a very affec tionate letter " received from [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; has received many such letters before; de Chaumont expressed "most disinterested service" until letter of June 14th; encloses copy of same; has not apologized for the " Concordat " ; Jones is informed by "his Excellency" [Benjamin Franklin] that de Chaumont " has still a great regard for him " ; this revives all his "former Friendship"; encloses letter to de Chaumont for Bancroft s opinion; has received a very kind letter from [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] the Marquis [de Lafayette] offering his services; " in spite of that little thing Sir Joseph" [Yorke], the American flag is " heighly respected indeed at the Texel"; has received authority from the States General and the Prince of Orange [Guillaume Gorges Fred eric, Prince d Orange] to land prisoners; has "seen the fine Inlij of this country which I came to Europe to Espouse"; "she is really a fine Woman yet I have seen also a second sister equally a Belle"; Capt. [Peter] Landais is trying to procure certificates in favor of his own conduct; Capt. [Richard] Pearson is endeav oring to save his credit by recounting damage done to the Rernpis by the Alliance; respects to [Germain?, Comte] Gamier and [ ] Baudouine. Autograph draft. 2 pp. F. Printed in part: Sherbtirne, Life of John Paul Joncn, X. Y. ISol. p. 117. 1779. J[ones], J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. nan/. The Texel, [Holland.] Oct. 26. Letter to [Donatien] Le Ray de Chaumont, fils., [Passy?, France]. Apology for not writing sooner; his silence not caused by the "little misunderstanding" with his father [Donatien Leray de Chaumont] respecting the "Concordat"; has been occupied by the "uncertain situation of politics of this country as affecting the flag of America ; fears now removed bv the unanimous rest >lution CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 117 1779. J[], J[ohn] P[aul] Continued. Oct. 26. of the States General [permitting Jones to land prisoners]; expresses affection for "all the family of De Chaumont"; regrets misunderstandings; praises conduct of the "young volunteer [Jean] Baptiste Travailler " [Travaille] . Copy. 1824. Chaumont, [Donatien] Le Ray de, fils. Xe\v York. "I certify Dec. . that the original of which the preceding is a copy was duly received by me." A. N. P. 3 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1851, p. 146. 1779. Franklin, [Benjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Oct. 27. Passy, [France.] Extract of a letter to [Samuel] Cooper, [Bos ton?]. The Black. Prince, a little privateer from "Dunkerque" [Dunkirk], bearing a commission from Congress, captured 37 prizes in less than three months; the "little squadron" of [Capt. John Paul] Jones alarmed the British coasts and took two frigates [the Scrap ( sand Countess of Scarborough ] and 400 prisoners; Jones is now in Holland "where he is pretty well received" but has to "quit that neutral country as soon as his damages are repaired"; English await his return to France; "Few actions at Sea have demonstrated such steady, cool determined bravery", as that of Jones in taking the Serapis. Copy. 1 p. 5x8 inches. Entire letter printed: Wharton, Dip. Carres, of the Amer. Rev., Wash. 1889, III: 395. 1779. Watkins, J[ohn.] Chaplain, U. 8. -8. Alliance. [The Texel, Holland.] Oct. 27. Letter to [Capt. ] John P[aul] Jones, [The Texel] . Was requested, May last, in presence of John Adams by Capt. [Peter] Landais to officiate as chaplain on the Alliance; has no written agreement and fears that Capt. Thomas White, formerly pilot of the Alliance and now prizemaster of the Union, will draw his prize money. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de& Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Oct. 27. to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [The Texel, Holland]. Have received no answer respecting Jones s proposed treatment of deserters; have claimed same; they will be sent down as soon as possible; desire information respecting receipt of their former letters; asked by "a merchant here" to enclose letter and bill; [Charles William Frederick] Dumas could give 110 information respecting this bill; a most favourable disposition not only of our city butt even of our States toward the United States squadron is in evidence. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, AmMerdam. Amsterdam. Let- Oct. 28. ter to Capt. John Paul Jones, [The Texel, Holland]. [Charles AVilliam Frederick] Dumas left this morning [for the Hague?] ; is to see [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Ducde La " Vauguion " [Vau- guyon]; have advanced 50 to [Capt. Peter] "Landaiz" [Lan dais] as ordered by Dumas; he requests a further advance informed by Landais that twenty people on the Alliance desire their wages; desertion feared if this money is not paid; request Jones s decision in the matter. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Hol- Oct. 28. land. Amsterdam. Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, The Texel, [Holland]. "At the desire of the great Man" [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon?] he hastens to The 118 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] Continued. Get. 28. Hague; Jones s deserters delivered to [John] de Neufville; has guaranteed their pardon by Jones; the Admiralty, by advice, and the States of Holland and the States General, by resolution, have granted United States men of war the privileges given to those of other powers; cautions Jones to avoid "anything that could create uneasiness to this republic" ; has shown Jones s let ters to "My lady Selkirk &c &c" to a person "in very high station * * * & the friendliest dispositions for America"; he "read them with greatest Interest & pleasure". A. L. S. 2 pp. 7Jx4 inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul]. Capt., U. S. navy. The Texel, [Holland.] Let- Oet. 28. ter to [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette, Paris. Acknowledges receipt of letter from Havre; values ids friendship; encloses "key" to unlock the cipher in former letters; meantime forwards by [Edward] Bancroft a "machine to which the present key is adapted"; indignant at latest brutalities of British in America; [Capt. Peter] Landais ordered to Paris to explain his conduct; desires to answer Lafayette s three "points"; never meant to ask reward from France or the United States; will exert his utmost abilities "in support of the common Cause"; hopes to have a better force; sails from The Texel "in the Course of the next month"; "if properly supported by Sea" thinks force mentioned by Lafayette could perform very essential service; retracts statement respecting conduct of Capt. [Philippe Nicolas] Ricot in engagement between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis; will correct the error in his letter to the Minister [of Marine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] ; compares his conduct with that of Capt. [Peter] Landais; his opinion respecting Capt. [Denis Nicolas] Cottineau [de Kloguene] ; "Glory" not "the uppermost Sentiment in the breast of any Captain under my Command at the time we left L Orient" ; (re maining part is crossed out;) is of opinion that all "Actors in the American War, yourself and Gen. [George] Washington excepted * * * have one eye turned on their own Interest" ; " By sea I have not found a single exception ". Autograph draft. 4pp. 4. 1825. Lafayette, [Marie Jean Paul etc.] [Washington, D. C.] "I Feb. 10. remember to have received such a letter." A. N. S. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 149. 1779. J[ones], J[ohn] P[aul]. Capt., U. S. nary. The Texel, [Holland.] Oct. 28. Letter to Madame Leray de Chaumont, [Passy, France]. Has not received an answer to his letter of June 13th from L Orient; has been given pain by the "want of confidence" on the part of her husband shown by his imposing upon Jones the "Con cordat"; success has not yet wiped off the dishonor of signing it; thinks the idea was not originally de Chaumont s, loves him "still with undiminished and grateful affection"; departure uncertain; destination is known to [Benjamin] Franklin alone. Copy. 2 pp. 4. 1824. Chaumont, [Donation] Le Ray, fils. New York. "I certify Dec. . that the original of the foregoing letter was duly received by my mother". A. N. S. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJonfs, N. Y. 1851, p. 149. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 119 1779. Cave, Thomas. American seaman, " Countess of Scarborough." [The Oct. 29. Texel, Holland.] Letter to [Capt.J John Paul Jones, [The Texel]. Is "Inclinable If agreeable" to Jones, to serve under him; was prevented by "usage" he received from [Jonathan Williams?] the Continental agent at Nantes from offering his services while Jones was at L Orient; would be grateful for "a line from you to the commander of the Scarborough for my Re moval". A. L. S. 1 p. 7^x62 inches. 177!). [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. The Helder, [Holland.] Let- Oct. ;>0. ter to "Alex" Scott, [of Thomas Scott & Co?, London]. Ac knowledges receipt of his letter of the 19th inst. ; regrets his mis fortunes; provision made for paying demand "many years ago"; his "old Friendships not diminished"; offers him his services; Jones considers himself "particularly fortunate in never having met with the Ships of my former Friends"; encloses papers explaining his failure to maintain correspondence since beginning of the war; papers will shoAV also why Jones believed his debts paid; has written to [Robert?] Young and [William?] McCall; fears that the letters miscarried; ceased his European correspond ence on outbreak of the war; despite dishonorable treatment accorded him by [ ] Ferguson, to whom his fortune was entrusted, Jones wishes to pay his honest debts; asks that Young and McCall write him respecting settlement of his [Jones s] affairs; his private funds are small; has received no pay from America; will write his friends in Amsterdam and Scott s draft will be honored; hopes that they will receive satisfaction from Young or McCall meantime so that it will not be necessary to draw on Jones. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1779. Williams, J[onat ban.] United States commercial agent at Xante*. Passy, Oct. 30. [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [The Texel, Hol land]. Apologizes for not writing by [Capt. Paul de] Chamillard; is now a married man ; Jones has been reaping Laurels and [Williams] has been plucking Roses" ; "my Wife will be happy to number you among her Friends" ; will return to Nantes from St. Germain to-morrow morning; from thence will rite him on matters of business; commiseration on the loss of the "Poor Richard" [Bon Ifomme Richard]; all Europe praises Jones; sends remembrances to " the Doctor " [Laurence Brooke?] and [Matthew] Mease; is glad the latter is likely to do well. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Printed in part: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 327. 1779. Dumas. [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Hol- Oct. 30. ,and. The Hague. Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [The Texel? Holland] . Encloses letter to Jones [from Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Yauguyon?] ; lias taken a copy for [Benja min] Franklin; hopes he will soon be ready to sail for Dunkirk; no pretext for remaining in Holland after the ships have been refitted; further delay might cause uneasiness among the Dutch officials; English Court already remonstrating because of Dutch friendliness to America; " This day", Sir J[oseph] Y[orke] issued a new memorial against the admission of the United States squad ron, stating it is contrary to the "Treaty of Breda"; he still insists on the delivery of Jones s prizes; this impossible owing to the resolutions taken by the [Dutch] Republic; probable einbar- 120 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick] Continued. Oct. 30. rassment to Holland if JoneH delays; a report that the British are watching for Jones at The Texel and "Vlie-gate"; "the great Man [Vauguyon] thinks you can escape them" ; English papers state that [Admiral] Sir Charles Hardy sailed from Portsmouth on the 22d with 37 ships; the French fleet expects to sail from Brest about the 25th; reports that [Vice-Admiral, Charles Hector] Count d Estaign arrived off Maryland about Sep. 1st; has copied Jones s very fine Letters to the Countess of Selkirk &c. &c, to M. [John Dirck, Baron Van] de Capellen, [Capt. Richard] Pearson &c &c" ; originals of same left with [John] de Xeufville with copy they were making of Jones s journal; directions given con cerning same; advises that Jones be more reserved towards "Mr De Capelle" [Vander Capellen]; Dumas s opinion of that gentle man; he told Dumas last summer "till he was now apprized of my Agency he had formed a scheme to be chosen 1 y Congress their Minister plenipotentiary to his own Country". A. L. S. 3pp. 4. The letter mentioned as enclosed is printed: Wharton, Dip. Com 1 *, uf the Aimr. AVr.. Wash. 1889, II: 39G. 1779. "Serapis", Prize Ship, Petty officers of. " Serapis, Lying in the Texel Oct. 31. Road", [Holland.] Petition to Capt. John Paul Jones. List of articles desired "without which they cannot appear, with any degree of Creditt, to their Commodore or themselves"; "Mr. [Thomas] Potter having lost his Hair, is in want of a Wig". 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. K. vary. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Nov. 1. to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas, The Hague. Acknowl edges receipt of letter of the 30th; thanks him for advice respect ing his letter [to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen] ; will sub stitute another; is glad to hear that the [British] fleet is awaiting him; encloses a cartel made with the English Commodore [Capt. Richard Pearson]; advantage "of these affairs"; has done noth ing "here" without advice of the Commandant of the Road [Com modore Reimersma]; requests him to thank the "Great Man" [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon] for his letter; is doing all possible to "fulfil his plan"; difficulties in carrying on the work "here"; behavior of "Mr. Le Compte" [Charles Joseph Le Com te] ; [John] de Xeufville has paid Jones a visit; scarcity of water; will proceed as soon as possible. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., V. ,S. navy. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Nov. 2. to Alexander Smith, [London]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter from " E. India Coffee House"; Smith s bill has not been presented; will pay it upon demand; never received letters on "that Subject"; his friendship not "in any degree diminished"; saw in the "public papers" the safe arrival of [ ] Blanchard; would be glad to see his "old Friends"; if he were not "OH old Man" would ask " many Questions concerning the fair Ladies"; "Miss Drew" is still held in remembrance; since writing the above the bill has been presented and payment is ordered. Auto graph draft. 3 pp. 8x6 inches. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 121 [Jones, John Paul.] Oipt., U. S. nai-i/. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter to John Bondfield, Bordeaux, [France]. Acknowledges receipt of letter [of Oct. 1st]; is uncertain of his future destination; thanks him for his " profered Services"; Sir J[oseph] Y[orke] is trying to drive Jones hence; [British] ships await him [at the gates of the Texel]; would write Sir Robert Finlay but fears he has sailed for America; desires to hear from him as he "esteems the Man" and is depending on " Certain Advices" he was going to obtain for him in Sweden; sends message to "Major" [John Gizzard] F[razer] if he is in Bordeaux; wishes to be remembered to [ ] Berram and "particularly to the Lady with the pleas ing Face". Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. 1779. [Tones, John Paul.] Oipt., U. S. nary. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Nov. 3. to J[ohn] deNeufville& Son, Amsterdam. Acknowledges receipt of letter [of Nov. 2d]; is glad to hear of "his" safe return to Amsterdam; has discovered a plot formed by [British] prisoners; necessary to treat them with the " Strictness and Severity " the British exercise towards American Prisoners ; encloses two bills of and letters for Alexander Smith and Thomas Scott & Co. ; bill of Smith to be paid; directions concerning other papers; dif ficulty in procuring fresh water; cannot console himself with Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin s remedy; will send casks for a supply of water; does not desire his letter to [John Dirck] Barou [Van- derCapellen] forwarded until [Charles William Frederick] Dumas gives an opinion concerning it. Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. 1770. [Jones, John Paul.] Oipt., f. S . nan/. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Nov. 4. to Lieut. [Edward] Stack, [Serapis?] . Not in Jones s power to grant a "dismission from the Service at the desire of any private Individual"; reasons therefor; has been satisfied with his "be havior" and considers that Stack " cannot now leave the Squad ron without dishonor . Autograph draft. 2 pp. 1\ x 4J inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] (. apt., U. S. nary. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Nov. 5. to Gourlade&Moylan, [L Orient, France]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of [Oct.] loth; desires to return to L Orient; sends thanks to [Antoine Jean Marie de] Thevenard, [ ] de La Grandville, ] Secondat [Baron de Montesquieu?] and the gentlemen who aided him when he lay ingloriously idle, and particularly to [ ] de Gotirlade; appreciates the good opinion of Thevenard; fears his plain dealing has lost him the friendship of [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; information respecting the " Concordat"; reasons for consenting to same; "from that famous Concordat arose all the disunion and insubordination" in the squadron; result of same; English are awaiting him [at gates of the Texel]; if he escapes them hopes to come as soon as possible to L Orient; com pliments to [ ] Montplaisir [de Monplaisir] ; [Capt. Denis Nicolas] Cottineau [de Kloguene] who was ill, is much better. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter to Nov. 5. [John] de Neufville & Son, [Amsterdam]. Acknowledges receipt of letter [of Nov. 4th] ; bad weather has postponed business for three days past; encloses shoemaker s account; sends this letter by "Mr. Bludget " [Nathan Blodgett], the purser of the Alliance; 122 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Nov. 5. he will give information respecting the articles desired; informa tion respecting window glass and charts; would like to go to Amsterdam and " bend the knee to beauty " but pleasure must "give way to duty ". Autograph draft, 2 pp. 4. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. nary. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas, [Amsterdam]. Acknowl edges receipt of letter of Nov. 3d; is much obliged to [John] de Neufvflle for the invitation, but cannot visit either Amsterdam or The Hague at present; will send up the purser [Nathan Blod- gett] of the Alliance to procure the desired articles; weather per mitting, the remaining work can be effected in about five days; desires that "the Great Man" [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon] send two cutters here; is convinced that Capt. [Richard] Pearson has received no authority from Sir Joseph York[e]; considered that Pearson s power was equal to his own or he would not have made the convention with him; explana tions respecting the convention; permission given to Jones by "Capt." [ ] Reimersma on the part of the States General to land prisoners; privileges granted respecting same; is free to embark them when he so desires; it his "wishes succeed it will afford America matter for Exultation"; advantage in having had possession of a fort on The Texel; encloses letter from Capt. [Denis Nicolas] Cottineau [de Kloguene]. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. Printed (except postscript): Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1S51, p. 151. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. >iavi/. The Texel, [Holland.] Certifi- Nov. 15. cate respecting John Jackson. Jackson is a pilot from Huil [Eng land]; came on board the Bon Homme Richard from that place; Jones had no opportunity to set him free before the action with the Serapis; his companion left in the pilot boat; Jackson lost an arm in the action; Jones has promised him a pension; reasons for so doing. Autograph draft. 1 p. F. Also contemporary copy. 2pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. The Texel, [Holland.] Order Nov. 15. to [Jacob] "Hoogland", Postmaster at the Helder. Directs him to pay 100 ducats to "John Jackson, Pilot of Hull, England" for wages for service on the Bon Homme Richard and "Smart Money" for the loss of his arm in the action with the Serapi,*; sum is to be charged by J [ohn] de Neuf ville & Son to the general account of the squadron under Jones s command. Autograph draft, 1 p. 8 x 6j inches. 1779. Scott, Thomas. Merchant, London. London. Letter to [Capt.] John Nov. 19. Paul Jones, [The Texel, Holland]. Has received his letter of Oct. 30th; [ ] Ferguson, [Robert] Young and [William] Mc- Call have used Jones badly; has been misused himself by the same parties; Jones should vindicate himself in the press; should publish tetter to Stewart Macvey [Mawey?] ; regards Jones even more highly than formerly; is most sincere in hi3 friendship; has drawn on him for 225 5s. 5d. in favor of [William] Armstrong. L. S. 2 pp. F. The following affidavits of Tho. & John Scott, Tobias Atkinson, John Mitchell & Abraham Ogier are enclosed. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 123 1779. Scott, Thomas and Scott, John. Merchants, London. London. Affidavit Nov. 19. to truth of Thomas Scott s account against John Paul Jones. Account amounts to 225 5s. 5d.; Scott has endeavored to collect from Robert Young and William McCall; former denied having property of Jones and is now in the West Indies; latter is in hiding; John Scott testifies to truth of above. D. S. "Sworn at Guildhall * * * Before me Tho Sainsbury." Atkinson, Tobias. Notary Public, London. Certificate to signa ture of Sainsbury and that latter is an alderman and Justice of the Peace of London. D. S. (Seal. ) Ogler, Abraham and Mitchell, John & Co. Notaries Public, London. London. Certificate that Tobias Atkinson is a notary public and worthy of confidence. D. S. 3 pp. F. Enclosed in Scott, Thomas. Letter to John Paul Jones, 1779, Nov. 19. 1779. Walsh-Serrant, [Francois Jacques,] Comte de. Col., Irish regiment of Nov. 25. marine artillery, French army. Paris. Letter to [Edward] Stack, [The Texel?, Holland]. Has received orders from the [French] Court for the embarkation of the second battalion of his regiment for the Antilles; impossible for him to remain with [Capt. John] Paul Jones; hopes this order for his immediate return to his regi ment will reach him through [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Due de La Vauguyon; he has the thanks of the King [Louis XVI] for his brave conduct while with Jones. Contemporary copy. 2pp. 4. In French. In Jones: Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 177. 1779. Jones, [John] Paul. Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance " The Texel, [Holland.] Nov. 29. Letter to [John Dirck] Baron Yander Capellen, Amsterdam. Has lost or mislaid his second letter but remembers the questions asked; replies (1) that he never was under obligation to [Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of] Selkirk; (2) that Selkirk s first letter to Jones was returned to him by the British Ministry and Jones has since learned that Lord Selkirk would accept his plate if it came from any public body but not if from his own private generosity; (3) that he has no commission from France but only one from the Congress of the United States; is obliged for the offer to publish his letter [to the Countess of Selkirk] but cannot publish a letter to a lady "without asking and obtaining the lady s consent"; regrets that his rough journal has been printed "and that too under the disadvantage of a translation"; has received his information as to Selkirk s position from [William] Alexander, an acquaintance of [Benjamin] Franklin. Contem porary copy. 4 pp. 4. In Jones: Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 165. 1779. La Vauguyon, [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Due de. French ambassador Dec. 2. to Holland. "La Have", [The Hague, Holland.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, The Texel, Holland], Has received his letter and is much moved by its contents ; is personally disposed to do him any favor and believes the King of France wishes the same; is pleased that their previous relations have been happy and will gladly serve him in the matter mentioned [controversy with Landais?]. Contemporary copy. 1 p. SJ x 6i inches. In French. 124 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Cottineau [de Kloguene,] D[enis Nicolas.] Capt., L . S. S. "Pallax." Dec. 2. &rapix, [The Texel, Holland.] Letter to [Capt. Jolin Paul] Jones, [The Texel]. Has been too busy to see him; [Capt. Paul] de Chamillard was to give him "compliments"; "Mr. L ambassadeur" [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Yauguyon] wishes prisoners from the Serapis and the Countess of Scarborough sent on shore; Cottineau will send those he has; desires that the sword of Capt. [Richard] Pearson be returned and also that of his officer [Lieut. William Wheatley]. A. L. S. 1 p. 8 x 6 inches. In French. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 2. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [The Texel]. Have received enclosed letters [Scott, Thomas to Jones, Nov. 19, 23, 1779?] with bill of exchange for 225 5s. 5d.; immediate payment seems to be desired; await orders before payment and charging same to [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont on Jones s account. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Bondfield, John. Merchant, Bordeaux. Bordeaux, [France.] Letter to Dec. 3. [Capt] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [The Texel]. Has received his letter of Nov. 2d; has shipped him ten cases of claret; should he have left Amsterdam, Chevalier [Sir George] Grand is to receive it for himself or sell it for [Bondfield s] account; has noticed the attitude of [Sir Joseph] Yorke but considers that the States Gen eral will not be moved; has had difficulty with [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont who refuses to pay for cannon purchased of [ ] Bory and forwarded to Jones; Quebec fleet daily expected in England; ships are very rich but few in number. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Cap/., U. ,* . #. "Alliance." The Texel, [Hoi- Dee. 3. land.] Letter to Thomas Scott, [London]. Has received his letters of Nov. 19th and 23d; information regarding R[obert] Y[oung] and W[illiam] McCall "ALTOGETHER NEW & SURPRIS ING"; this knowledge has induced him to give orders that Scott s bill be "immediately paid"; reflections on the conduct of Young and McCall; reviews his own course during the war; thanks him for wishing to remove the prejudices which Britons have imbibed against me"; cannot bring himself "to answer or refute the low invectives that so constantly appear in the English papers"; thinks it inexpedient to write to M[cCall?]; does not care to cor respond with a man whom he cannot esteem. Autograph draft. 4 pp. 8 x 65 inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. ,S. "Alliance." The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 3. Letter to Alexander Park, Amsterdam. Has received his letter of Dec. 2d; the "Boy named Brown, belonging to Hull [Eng land] * * * is well and will be kindly treated "; he is on the Pallas; inquiries [as to his release] should be addressed to Capt. D[enis] Nicolas Cottineau [de Kloguene]. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8| x 6i inches. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 125 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance." The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. ;-!. Letter to J [ohn] de Neufville & Son, [Amsterdam]. Has received letter of Dec. 2d; encloses Thomas Scott s bill of exchange for 225 5s. 5d. ; if former bill for same amount drawn by Scott is not in hands of [William] Armstrong begs that this be paid; otherwise wishes first bill paid; encloses letter [of Dec. 3d] to Scott for de Neufville s perusal. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8 x 6 inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. Alliance." The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 4. Letter to Capt. John Green, Nantes, France. Acknowledges receipt of letter of [Nov.] 18th; was much concerned at news of Green s capture; if arrangements of forces under his com mand would admit, Jones would be glad to have Green serve with him; Capt. [Gustavus] "Cunningham" [Conyngham] "now sits by my side at liherti/"; hopes to see Green soon; wishes to be remembered to all friends at Xantes. Autograph draft. Addressed in care of John Ross. 2 pp. 8 x 6J inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . S. >S. "Alliance." The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 4. Letter to [ ] de Balgurie, "agent du Roi de Swede * * * a Amsterdam". Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Xov. 25th and one of a former date " ; has forwarded the "memorial from the Swedish Envoy at the Hague " to Capt. [Denis Xicolas] Cot- tineau [de Kloguene] who commands the Serapi*; men claimed by Sweden were not taken in a merchant ship " but in a Ship Commissioned A Armed for War against my Country"; this would justify their being held as prisoners of war; notwithstanding these facts Jones has treated them "as free men"; has accepted "their voluntary Engagement " to serve in his squadron for six months; will not oppose giving up that agreement if Cottineau consents. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6J- inches. 1779. Brooke, Laurence. Surgeon, U.S. navy. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Dec. 4. [to Capt. John Paul Jones, The Texel]. The Bon Homme Rich ard being lost, does not consider himself bound to serve longer under Jones; agreed to serve on the Richard only, his "health requires attention impossible to be given it" on board a ship; is determined " never more to serve as Surgeon iii the Navy unless compelled by the utmost necessity" ; requests that he be allowed to leave "by the first convenient opportunity"; good wishes for the future success of Jones. A. L. S. 2 pp. F. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance." The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 4. Letter to Laurence Brooke, The Texel. Acknowledges receipt of letter of this date; the difference in tone since the removal of offi cers and men from the Serapis to the Alliance is surprising; at Nantes, Brooke "did not desire to have the Rules of the Service subverted to suit private views"; even if desired, Jones "had neither power nor inclination to have made such an agreement"; as both parties agreed respecting Brooke s entrance into the serv ice both must agree to his leaving it; discusses Brooke s reasons for leaving; considers them very unsatisfactory. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6 inches. 120 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Brooke, Laurence. Xnrycon, I . S. mu-ij. The Texel, [Holland.] Letter Dec. 4. [to Capt. John Paul Jones*, The Texel]. Acknowledges receipt of letter in reply to his of "this morning"; it "is diffusive in matter, but affords no satisfaction" ; "appears to have been studi ously framed to evade my purpose "; desires an "immediate answer" to his question whether or not Jones "will give orders to the Commanding Officer upon deck, to uffer me to quit this ship with my baggage, by the first opportunity"; if Jones is to "remain a servant and virtuous Citizin of the free States of America " hopes he will never "by an undue exercise of power * * * give any of their Subjects cause for Complaint. 1 A. L. 8. 2pp. 4*. 1779. Neufville, JoJm de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 6. to [Capt.] J[ohn] F[aul] Jones, The Texel. Have acquainted him with letter received from [John] Parish; latter has been applied to by the, Danish Court to restore the prize ships [Union and Betsey] at [Bergen,] Norway [to the British]; desires Jones s opinion regarding the matter; Jones has been much complimented by [John Dirck,] the Baron [Vander Capellen] ; [ ] Craig has returned from Paris but brings no news; no information from other sources. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 7. to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, The Texel. In accordance with his letter of Dec. 3d will pay bill of [Thomas] Scott; this paid, the bill in hands of [William] Armstrong will be void; has shown Jones s letter to [ ] "Schot"to a friend; John Paris desires to know Jones s wishes regarding the treatment to be accorded Capt. Peter Cooper; [ ] Craig reports that Landay [Capt. Peter Landais] has been tried before [Benjamin] Franklin and that the latter will send the evidence to Congress; [John Dirck,] the Baron [Vander Capellen] denies giving out a copy of Jones s "jornals." A. L. S. 2pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. /S . "Alliance." The Texel, [Hoi- Dec. 7. land.] Certificate to the ability of [Lt. Col. Antoine Felix] de Wibert [Wybert]. Summarizes his conduct during the cruise of the Eon Homme Richard. Autograph draft. 1 p. SjxGi inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] ( apt., U. S. S. "Alliance." The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 7. Letter to J[ohn] de Neufville & Son, [Amsterdam]. Introduces [Lt. Col. Antoine Felix] de Wibert [Wyb?rt] by request; has suffered much as a prisoner; served gallantly under Jones; wishes to return to the United States via St. Eustatia; [Charles William Frederick] Dumas will furnish letters aiding Wybert from there; expense to be arranged with Dumas or B[enjamin] Franklin " on account of the United States." Autograph draft. Si x 6 inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance." The Trexel, [Holland.] Dec. 7. Letter to [Samuel Huntington] President of the Continental Con gress, [Philadelphia]. Hopes that his conduct in Europe has shown "to the Satisfaction of Congress that I have never been Unmindful of my Duty " ; outlines his service in the United States navy; engagement between the Alfred and the Glasgotr; cruise as commander of the Providence and the Alfred; appointed by "Com modore" [Esek] Hopkins to command the Providence vice Capt. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 127 1779. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Dec. 7. [John] Hazard; left the Alfred in good condition forCapt. [Dud ley] Salstonstall; informed by [Joseph] Hewes that he had been promoted to rank of captain and appointed to the Hampden; pre ferred the Providence; service on that vessel; soldiers loaned by Gen. [George] Washington; acted as convoy while the Cerebns and other vessels cruised around Block Island; convoyed vessels with coal from Boston to Philadelphia about the time [Rear- Admiral Richard, Viscount] Howe arrived at Sandy Hook; encounters with the Solebay and the Milford; deserted by Capt. [Hoysted] Hacker; record made by the Alfred alone; captured transports that were under convoy of the Flora; encumbered with the Hellish \\as unable to take more than five prizes; Lieut. [Rob ert] Saunders [Sanders] with one of the Alfred * prizes captured by the Hilford; in February, 1777 Jones was appointed by Con gress to the command of a squadron consisting of the Alfred, Columbus, Cabot, Hampden and Proridence; differences with "Commodore" Hopkins and Capt. [Elisha] Hinman; went to Philadelphia to consult Congress; surprised to find himself "superseded by thirteen men, not one of whom did, (and per haps some of them durst not) take the Sea against the British Flag at the first"; told by President [John] "Hancok" that the new arrangement " had been the effect only of a multiplicity of Business"; was assured that no naval officer stood higher with Congress than he; prepared plans for regulation and equipment of the navy [Apr. 7, 1777] ; on May 9th was ordered to proceed to France on the Amphitrite; difficulties prevented; finally went to Europe as commander of the Ranger carrying despatches giving history of the campaign of [Lt. Gen. John] Burgoyne; chased the Invincible on the way; European cruise of the Ranger; plans formed for further service after leaving the Ranger; Minister of Marine [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] promised Jones command of the Indien; part to have been taken by [Charles Henri Nicolas Othon,] Prince de Nassau [-Siegen] and [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette; obtained from France the first salute to the United States flag; failure of plans; hopes to appear before Congress shortly and to be employed under its "immediate direction." Autograph draft. 16pp. 8x65 inches. 1779. Park, Alexander. Amsterdam. Letter to Capt. [John] Paul Jones, Dec. 11. [The Texel, Holland]. J[ohn] de Xeufville & Son have i> warded him Jones s letter of Dec. 3d; has written Capt. D[enis] "Nicholas" Cottineau [de Kloguene] of his plans and can only "await the events"; "Thy Interest with Capt. Cottineau may be of service if agreeable." A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Montbarey, [Alexander Marie Lenor de Saint Mauris,] Prince de. Min- Dec. 12. later of War of France. Versailles, [France.] Letter to Lieut. Edward Stack, [The Texel, Holland]. Has rendered to the King , [Louis XVI of France] an account of his conduct while serving under "Commodore" [Capt. John] Paul Jones; in consideration of this conduct the King has granted him a captain s commission "en conservant votre Lieutenance" and a bounty of 400 livres. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In French. In Jones: Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 178. 128 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Meijer, .1 . Officer, Kurdish nari/. Dunkerque, [Dunkirk, France.] Dec. 13. Letter to -[Capt. John] Paul Jones, [The Texel, Holland]. Is pleased to learn of arrival of Jones at the Texel; hopes lie will yet come to Sweden; on his appearance "f of the people will come to meet" him; thanks Jones for advice regarding sending his "procuration" to [ ] Rion to secure "my share of the Prizes that we made together" but has not seen a farthing of the money due him; is ready to go to sea with the Prince Ronhri.-.?; desires further advice; letters may be sent him in care of Thev- enet le Cadet; Cadet is a broker of Dunkirk who would be glad to serve Jones at any time. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1779. Jones, John P[aul.] Oipt., U. S. S. "Alliance" . The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 13. Letter to [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Due de La Vauguyon, The Hague. Thanks him for the offer of the command of a "letter of marque" in the French service; does not desire the position; prisoners will be delivered as directed by [Benjamin Franklin] the American ambassador; is pained that the French Ministry should wish to transfer United States naval officers to privateer service; the rank held by them in the regular service is deserved. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 4. 1779. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., U. S. 8. "Alliance". The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 13. Letter to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas, The Hague. Has received his undated letter from Amsterdam; encloses a letter to [Benjamin] Franklin and a copy of letter to [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Due de La V[auguyon]; wishes an opinion on both; an extraordinary occasion produced them and the proposition [to take command of a privateer] astonished him greatly. A. L. S. 1 }). F". Printed: Wharton, J>ip. Carre*, of the Amcr. AVr.,Wash. 1889, III: 421. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Cap!., U. S. S. "Alliaiu-e". The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 13. Letter to J[ohn] de Neufville & Son, Amsterdam. Enclosed letter from Capt. [Gustavus] Conyngham is for "a young Ameri can now escaped from English Barbarity"; he is from Philadel phia and wishes to enlist under Jones; requests that he be given a small sum of money; thinks [Benjamin] Franklin will allow same to be charged to the United States; encloses list of supplies "absolutely necessary "; has received a second letter from Alex ander Park; hopes Capt. [Denis Xicolas] Cottineau [deKloguene] will deal justly by him; if Capt. Conyngham s negro boy comes to him requests that he send the boy to [James] Moylan at L Orient; may rely on arrangements made with [Charles William Frederick] Dumas. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 8 x 6i inches. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Holland. Dec. 13. Amsterdam. Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, The Texel. Jones has probably received his letter of Dec. 12th; has forwarded lists [of articles desired] to [John] de Neufville & Son; it will be best to send as much as possible to Jones at the Texel; as he is to remain there but a short time, other articles can be forwarded to some French port; friends of America are hoping that Jones will sail soon, and by himself; wishes to be remembered to [Capt. Gustavus] Conyngham, [Lt. Col. Antoine Felix] Wybert, CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 129 1770. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] Continued. Dec. 13. [Arnold] Windship [Winship], [Xathan] Blodged [Blodgett] and [Laurence] Brooke; hopes Jones will soon be reconciled with Brooke. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1771*. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret a gent in Holland . Dec. 14. Amsterdam. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, The Texel, "aux soines de Mr. Hoogland Mre. de Poste an Helder". Jones should have received already his letters of Dec. 12th and 13th; this letter is to accompany one from [John] de Xeufville & Son; they will inform him just what they can do regarding furnishing him with goods mentioned in his list; Jones should sail as soon as possible; is to retain the Dutch pilot whom he has had since Xov. 23d; once outside of the harbor is not to pay this pilot but to give him an order on [Jacob] Hoogland; "the reason for this is that cer tain stamped paper has been prepared" and Hoogland desires him to sign it; use can be made of the paper later; Jones s cipher [letters] will come to [Edward] Bancroft; Dumas is about to leave for The Hague to prepare despatches for Philadelphia. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. In French. 1779. Treglohn, Philip. Seaman, I . 8. nary. Amsterdam. Letter to [Capt.] Dec. 14. John Paul Jones, The Texel. Wishes a little money to enable him to come on board Jones s ship; was with Capt. [Xicholas] Biddle on the Randolph from Dec. 7, 1776 "untie She Blue up" [Mar. 7, 1778]; was at that time on a prize; was captured in May; [Capt. Moses?] Grinnell is acquainted with him; letter for him should be addressed in care of Henry Du Bois, Wormocs street, Amsterdam. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchant^, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 14. to Capt. John Paul Jones, The Texel. Have received from [Charles William Frederick] Dumas his list of goods necessary for the Alliance; owing to uncertainty of Jones s future do not know where to send goods; consider it best that they be held at Amsterdam, as belonging to the Alliance, and delivered at some future time; Dumas agrees with this view; hope it is satisfactory to Jones. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt. U. S. 8. "Alliance". The Texel?, [Holland.] Dec. lo. Letter to John Ross, Xantes, [France]. Has received his letter [of Oct. 16th?] from Rotterdam; is uncertain regarding his future course; thinks he will sail for America shortly; would be pleased to have Ross accompany him; since his letter of Dec. 7th to the Continental Congress "the Great R [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon?] has sent him a most impudent proposal [to assume command of a privateer]; has "rejected it with proper Disdain"; has directed [Jonathan] Williams to show Ross Jones s letter of this date to Williams. Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". [The Texel, Holland.] Dec. 15. Letter to Gourlade & Moylan, L Orient, [France]. Has received their letter of Xov. 19th; the friendship of people at L Orient more sincere "than the professions of a Court to which I have so 2155103 9 130 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Dec. 15. long been a Dupe"; is again master of himself; pities "the late situation of [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont " ; the latter probably had orders to impose the "Dirty Concordat" upon Jones; "always loved the Heart of De Chaumont tho not well satisfied with his Head"; is grateful for their letter to [ ] le Maitre but does not expect to visit Amsterdam; has received a kind letter from "[ ] Morice, Capt. of the Grandvttle" ; "his behavior does him honor"; "Capt. [Gustavus] Conyngham and myself hope to see you shortly." Autograph draft. 8 x 6i inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. .S. > . "Alliance". The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 15. Letter to Jonathan Williams, Nantes, [France]. Has received his letter of November 26th and an earlier one dated from Marley, [France] ; thanks him for good wishes expressed by Mrs. Williams; wrote him a short letter while on the Serapis; supposes that Wil liams has heard how the Court [of France] has insulted him [Jones] ; has wished to "overlay the Commission of the United States by a Dirty piece of Parchment" ; "They are not rich enough to Buy the Pirate Paul Jones " ; Williams does him "pleasure by giving hopes of restoring the Plate to the lovely Countess" [of Selkirk] ; will write her when the plate is "in the hands of a friend"; [James] Moylan does not mention its arrival at L Orient in his letter of the 19th; wishes this letter shown to [John] Ross; [Capt. Gustavus] Conyngham and himself hope to see Williams soon. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 8} x 6i inches. 1779. Neufville, John de it Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 15. to [Capt.] J[ohn] Paul Jones, The Texel. [Charles William Frederick] Dumas is gone to The Hague; "the Ladie Pilotes are afraid you will carry their husbands off" ; have requested [Jacob] Hoogland "to remedy this" ; send copy of an extract of a letter of Dec. 4th received from Nantes by [John] Ross; it expresses hostility to Jones; John Jay and [William] Carmichael daily expected in France; former goes to Spain as minister; latter is to be secretary of embassy in Spain or France; no news of importance from America; [Vice- Admiral Charles Hector, Comte] d Estaign is supposed to be in Georgia. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. O Connell, [Maurice.] Capt., U. S. marines. Rotterdam, [Holland.] Dec. 17. Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, The Texel. Regrets that he could not have seen Jones before leaving the Helder; considered himself too old to be under [Capt. Paul de] Chamillard s orders; if he had been embarked with Jones, would not have left; has been taken for "the brave Paul Jones" in many places; as a result has been highly complimented; will rejoin him if needed; letters should be addressed to him in care of "Marquis De Brancas" [Louis Marie Bufile Branca?, Marquis de Laura- guais?]; wishes Jones would write a line to [Benjamin] Franklin in his behalf. A. L. S. 2 pp. F. Endorsed: "From Captain O Connally * * * " Printed: Sherburne, Life < if John PaulJones, Wash., 1825, p. 347. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 131 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. N. ,V. "Alliance". [The Texel, Holland.] Dec. 17. Letter to the Chevalier de Linoucourt, [The Texel?]. Sends him a letter received from [Vice-] Admiral [P. H. Reynst] ; wishes it returned to him by bearer. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. In French. For letter mentioned, reply of Jones and letter of Linoncourt to .Tone,*!, See: Wharton, Dip. rorrcs. of the Amir. Rev., Wash., 18S9, III: 430-31. 1779. Filkin, Richard. Midshipman, British navy. "Countess" [of Scarborough, Dec. 17. The Texel.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, The Texel. Prisoners are now being exchanged ; wishes to remind Jones that on board the Pallas he promised to return him his sword: is informed that this has been done in the case of Capt. [Richard] Pearson. A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Pec. 17. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [The Texel]. Have received no news from the French Ambassador [Paul Francois de Qnelen, Due de La Vauguyon], from the Consul at the H elder [Chevalier de Linoncourt?] nor from [Charles William Frederick] Dumas regarding further measures [to be taken by the French Court] ; have heard that the Alliance has hoisted French colors and an exchange of prisoners is probable; Capt. [Richard] Pearson has gone to The Hague for this purpose; hopes all will end well; Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin advises patience; sad doings at The Ha^ue are probable. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. Neufville, John de Son. Merchant*, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 17. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel. Have received his letter of Dec. 13th; were glad to " assist the young American "; will mention the matter to [Benjamin] Franklin at first writing; will send a lighter "tomorrow" with a large part of the goods ordered [for the Alliance"]; will send remaining goods to L Orient in care of [James] Moylan; if negro boy belonging to [Capt. Gustavus] Conyngham arrives from Dunkirk in season will for ward him with the goods. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] OtpL, U. S. "Alliance." The Texel, [Holland.] Feb. [Dec?] 17. Letter to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas, The Hague. Acknowledges "sundry favors from Amsterdam"; his advice is welcome; has written to J[ohn] de Neufville & Son and hopes for "a more sure method in the arrangement of accounts". Auto graph draft. 1 p. 8 x 6i inches. Printed, except last sentence: Wharton, Dip. Carres, ojthe Amer. Rev., Wank., 1889, III: 431: Sparks, Dip. Corres. &c. Boston, 1829-30. IX: 403. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Caj>t., U. "Alliance". The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 17. Letter to J[ohn] de Neufville & Son, [Amsterdam]. Acknowl edges receipt of letters of Dec. 14th and loth; is pleased with their good opinion and that of [John] Ross; wishes as many as possible of the goods for the Alliance sent to The Texel at once; remainder to be forwarded to L Orient in care of James Moylan; destitute condition of ship; wishes three ducats advanced to Baptiste (Grange who is to serve as armourer; same to be charged to the United States; thinks his pilot will, remain on board without compulsion; has permission from [Vice-] Admiral [P. H. Reynst] to retain him. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 132 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. Neufville, John do & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 18. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel. Are much pleased at news in his letter of Dec. 17th; feared the French would insist on his changing his colors; would have hurried the goods [for the Alliance ] had [John] Ross been with them; are now going over his lists of goods with assistance of [Charles William Frederick] Dumas; all material left behind will be forwarded to L Orient in care of James Moylan; will furnish Baptiste Grange with money desired if he calls; have forwarded Jones s letter to Dumas; have written [Jacob] Hooglaml to do what he can regarding pilots; have just received a letter from Commodore [Alexander] Gillon; he introduces a friend, [Capt. ] Joyner, who may be of some use to America. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1779. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United Mates secret agent in Holland. Dec. 19. [The Hague.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel. Has written several letters to Jones, [Benjamin] Franklin and others of which he had no time to make copies; Congress should allow him a secretary; has received Jones s letter of Dec. 17th; is much pleased with his action [regarding acceptance of French commission and negotiations with the French and Dutch at the Texel]; will send copies of papers to [Benjamin Franklin at] Passy; wishes to be remembered to [Lt. Col. Antoine Felix] Wybert, Capt. [Gustavus] Conyngham, Doctors [Arnold] Win- ship and [Laurence] Brooke, [Nathan] "Boldged" [Blodgett] and [Lieut. James Arthur] Degge; S[amuel] Huntington has been elected President of the Continental Congress in place of J[ohn] Jay. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. In French, English and cipher. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. 8. "Alliance". The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 19. Letter to J[ohn] de Xeufville & Son, Amsterdam. Acknowledges receipt of their letters of Dec. 17th and 18th; no fair wind yet and the size of the crew has greatly decreased his " Sea Stok " ; wishes water, firewood and candles forwarded at once; has " Missed no opportunity of sailing since I had the honor to 1 e dis missed by the Court"; presents compliments to Capt. [ ] Joyner. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 85 x 6i inches. 1779. L Alavrez?, Pierre Louis. "liouerque near Montauban", [France.] Dec. 20. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, "Amsterdam", [The Texel, Holland]. Has heard of his famous exploits from the descent upon Ireland to his last great victory; mentions capture of White- haven; capture of the Drake and his last visit to England; French people much rejoiced at his past success; wish him equal success for the future. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. In French. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 20. [to Capt. John Paul Jones, The Texel, Holland]. Acknowledge receipt of his letters of Dec. 17th and 19th; enclose the receipt of Baptiste Grange who is to join the Alliance; so far as possible goods ordered have been sent; more to be sent later; enclose letter from [Charles William Frederick] Dumas; "things go well at the Hague"; "in particular have reason to depend on the friendly assistance to the American cause from a very good quarter". A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 133 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 21. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, The Texel, [Holland]. Forgot to enclose receipt of Baptiste Grange in letter of yesterday; for ward it now; "Capt." [ ] Reirnersma sends regards. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Dec. 19. Grange, Baptiste. Amsterdam. Receipt to John de Neufville & Son for three ducats to be charged to the account of the United States; with two comrades engages to go to The Texel and serve on the Alliance under [Capt.] J[ohn] P[anl] Jones; this money is to pay expenses of travel. D. S. 1 p. 3} x 7J inches. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 21. Letter to J[ohn] de Xeufville & Son, Amsterdam. Acknowledges receipt of their letter of Dec. 20th; wind does not yet allow him to sail; the Admiral [P. H. Reynst] sent an officer to remind Jones "of the Resolution of their H. Mightenesses!" and has "Baracaded" two of his ships beside the Alliance; encloses names and description of four deserters; [John] At wood has deserted twice before and probably enticed the two others away; if found after Jones leaves, wishes them sent to America; receipt of Bap tiste Grange not enclosed in letter [of Dec. 20th] but "is of no consequence". Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8J- x 6i inches. 1779. La Vauguyon, [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Due de. , French ambassador Dec. 21. to Holland. The Hague, [Holland.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, The Texel. Has received his letter [protesting against action of the French government regarding his commission] ; the French ministry had no intention of injuring his feelings; hopes Jones will continue to have confidence in the King of France; assures him that the outcome will content him and that he will soon have opportunity "to increase still more the glory you have already acquired ". Secretary s copy. 2pp. 4. Also transla tion of foregoing letter 1 p. 4. In French. Translation printed: Sherbnrne, Life of, John PaulJones, N. Y. 1851, p. 181. 1779. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Dec. --. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Andres Peder,] Count Bernstorff, [Copenhagen, Denmark] . ?Ias received a letter from [ ] de Chezaulx, French consul at Bergen, giving an account of the cir cumstances under which the L nited States prize ships Jletsey and Union were delivered to the English consul [at Bergen] by order of [Christian VII,] King of Denmark; has heard later that the Charming Polly has also been delivered; protests against these actions. Letter-press copy of copy l>y Jones. 4pp. 4. Printed: Wharton, Dip. Corres. of the Amer. Rrr., Wash. 1889, III: -133. franklin s Works, X. Y. 1888, VI: 479. 1779. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Dec. 25. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [The Texel]. Forward with pleasure an enclosure; wish him a safe voyage; [John] Parish writes that the French minister [to Denmark?] is " likely to nego tiate the matter about the prizes at Coppenhaguen"; beg Jones to give Capt. [Gustavus] Con yngham three francs, "a trifle "due him by them. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 134 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". The Texel, [Holland.] Dec. 25. Letter to [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Due de La Vauguyon, [The Hague]. Appreciates letter of Dec. 21st; is of opinion that the conduct of the Chevalier de Linoncourt and of the French ministry justify him in reproaching the French government; details that conduct; hopes that his future actions may advance the general good. Autograph draft. 4pp. 8 x6i inches. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJtmrt, X. Y. 1851, p. 182. 1779. Ross, John. United States commercial agent at Xante*. [Nantes?, France.] [Dec. 25.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [The Texel, Holland]. Has just received his letter; has forwarded the plate [to the Countess of Selkirk]; a few articles were lacking from the serv ice; consulted [James] M[oylan] regarding the matter; sent [ ] R[ucker] for them but Mrs. M[oylan] said there were no more; case for plate in poor condition; wishes advice as to future action; misconduct of Jones s clerk; has been seen but once by [Matthew] Mease; hopes to have papers copied and articles sent shortly; wishes Jones were in a place of greater security with the Ariel. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". "Alliance at Sea". Dec. 27. Letter to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas, The Hague, [Hol land]. Is at sea with "good Wind at ?]ast and under my Best American Colours"; through ignorance of pilot, the Alliance ran "foul of a Dutch Merchant Ship" last night; lost one anchor and has since been compelled to lose another; wishes [Jacob] Iloog- land to have these anchors taken up and sent to France or sold as [John] de Neufville advises; the pilot knows their location. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8^ x 6J inches. Printed: Wharton, l>ip. Corrca. of the Amrr. Rcr.. Washn. 1S89, III: 450. 1779. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., T. /$ . S. "Alliance". "Alliance at Sea". Dec. 27. Letter to [John] de Xeufville it Son, Amsterdam. As [Nathan?] Blodgett has written regarding supplies Jones has nothing to say; wishes them to read his letter to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas [of Dec. 27th] ; hopes to hear favorable reports from them. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8} x 6-j inches. [1780.] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . S. . "Alliance." [Alliance at sea.] Jan. 3. "Regulations to be strictly attended to in working the Ship with all Hands". Positions and duties of: [Lieut.] H[enry] Lunt, , [Boatswain Richard?] Williams, [Lieut?] James Lynd, [Acting master Samuel] Stacy, [Mate of marines Thomas] Ilinsdale, [Midshipman Thomas] Potter, [Midshipman Benjamin] Stubbs, [Lieut. Robert] "Robertson" [Robinson?], [Midshipman Nathaniel] Fanning, [Lieuts? Joseph] Hitch born and [ ] "Rayment", [Boatswain s mates] Joseph Frederick, John Hanes and [ ] "Willson", [Midshipman Beaumont] "Groubbe", Capt. [of marines, Mathew] Parke, John Frankford, [Lieut, of marines Thomas] Elhvood [Ehlenwood], [Philip] "Treglohan", [Louis?] "Gallihan" [Gandalin?]; 1st Lieut, or Master to give the word of command; Boatswain and mates to pass the word; "The People as it is their place to execute orders are never to speak loud except in Cases of Necessity". Autograph draft. 2pp. F. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 135 1780. De Tourneville, . Coulomiers, [Coulomrniers, France.] Letter to Jan. 16. Capt. [John] Paul Jones, "Dunkirk", [Corunna, Spain]. Is not acquainted with Jones but has heard of his exploits; wishes to nerve as a volunteer under his immediate command; is of a good family and has been long in the service of his country; is now at leisure; will go to any point designated as a rendezvous. A. L. S. 2 pp. SJ x 6 inches. In French. Translation printed, Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851. p. 3-23. 17SO. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. 8. "Alliance". Corone, [Corunna, Jan. 16. Spain.] Letter to E[d ward] Bancroft, [Passy, France]. Although no letters have passed between them recently assumes that Ban croft is aware of " my unhappy situation * * * attheTexel"; wishes the enclosed letter for [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis [de Lafayette] examined and forwarded if they are not "Amiss" ; repairs necessary for the Alliance; has not mentioned them in his letter to Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin; relies on Bancroft "to bring it about"; wrote Franklin from the Texel that both the Serapis and the Alliance should be copper sheathed; believes [William] Carmichael "will second the motion"; has not heard from [Donatien Leray de] C[hau- mont]; has probably "lost him through my plain dealing"; Madame [de Chaumont] has written Jones a "polite letter * * * but said the Concordat was to her a Conjuring Book " ; still loves the family. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6i inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. 8. "Alliance". Corone, [Corunna, Jan. 16. Spain.] Letter to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas, The Hague, [Holland]. "Had the pleasure of laughing at [British] Expense" on his cruise in the English channel; intended to have made a much longer sail but had to put in for water and repairs; wrote him on [Dec.] 27th; enclosed to [Jacob] "Hogland" [Hoogland] a letter for "the Commissaire [John de Neufville?] which contained my answer to a very kind letter * * * from [Paul Francois de Quelen,] the Due [de La Vauguyon]"; wishes Dumas to pay him Jones s respects; this action will furnish an opportunity to "learn things that were perhaps till now under Masque". Autograph draft. 3pp. Six 65 inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. 8. "Alliance". Corone, [Corunna, Jan. 16. Spain.] Letter to J[ohn] de Neufville & Son, Amsterdam. Wrote them when "off the Texel" on his "escape from Purgatory"; if the pilot did not deliver that letter, the copy of Jones s letter to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas will explain matters; expects to find supplies from Amsterdam [at L Orient] upon his arrival. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8 x 6J inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S. 8. "Alliance ". Corone, [Corunna, Spain.] Jan. 16. Letter to [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette, [Paris, France]. Had hoped to leave The Texel immediately after writing his "Noble friend" [Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon?] on Nov. 30th; was detained until Dec. 27th; passage down the [English] Chan nel; much shocked at treatment received from French Court while at The Texel; particularly astonished at proposal [to^com- mand a privateer] made by La Vauguyon. Autograph draft. 136 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Continued. Jan. 1(). 182o. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul, etc. " Washington City, I remem- Feb. . ber this letter to me". A. X. S. 2 pp. 8} x 6i inches. [1780?] Lunt, Henry. Lieut., U. S. S. "Alliance" . [Corunna, Spain.] Letter to [Jan?] Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [Alliance], Men are illtreated by the marines; will do no duty until satisfied; they demand an inter view with Jones. A. L. S. 1 p. 5J x 7 inches. [1780?] Lunt, Henry. Lieut., T. ,S . ,S . "Alliance". [Corunna, Spain.] Letter [Jan ?] [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Alliance ]. Regrets that he cannot give satisfaction to Jones; as that is not in his power wishes to be dis charged; has been treated with disrespect during "all the last cruize". A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1780. Bragg, James. Master carpenter, U. *S . *S . "Alliance". Alliance at sea. Feb. 2. Petition to [Capt.] John Paul Jones. Alliance "shipped a small sea * * last evening"; [Lieut. James Arthur] Degge "called for the carpenter to batten down the Hatchways"; John Green, Bragg s mate came for a lantern; in response to second call of Degge, Bragg went on deck; was abused and struck by Degge; desirous that the latter be court martialed. Contempo- ray copy. 1780. Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer & United States agent f, Aug. . L Orient. L Orient, [France.] Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 2 pp. F. 1780. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". Alliance at sea. Orders Feb. o. to [Lieut?] Joseph Hitchborn. Appoints him to command of the prize "BrigLe Tonnant * * * taken off Belle Isle the 26th Ulto. by the Privateer " * * Vulture, belonging to Jersey"; is to keep company with the Alliance; if separated is to proceed to L Orient and attend Jones s directions or those of [Benjamin Franklin] "American Ambassador at the Court of France". Autograph draft signed. 8J x 6i inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. X. ,$ . "Alliance :. "Alliance off Groa", Feb. 10. [Groaix, France.] Letter to Gourlade & Moylan, [L Orient]. Recounts incidents of cruise since leaving The Texel; sailed from Corogne [Corunna, Spain,] Jan. 28th in company with the Sensible, Capt. [Bide de] Chavagne; lost sight of her at night; met the Livingston with [Thomas] Haywood [Heywood jr?] returning from Virginia and took her under convoy; took but one prize, Le Tonnant; is "almost blind with Sore Eyes". Autograph draft. 2 pp. F. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Feb. 12. Report to B[enjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Brief synopsis of the engagement between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis on Sep. 23, 1779; "in the time of this action the Countess of Scar borough * * * was also taken by the Pallas under my com mand"; the Serapifs was commanded by "Commodore" [Capt.] Richard Pearson; she is now at L Orient awaiting "Condemna tion as a Prize to the Flag of the United States". Autograph draft. 1 p. 7$ x 7J inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Feb. 13. Letter to Benjamin Franklin, [Passy] . Wrote him from Corunna, [Spain] ; recounts events of passage from Corogne [Corunna] to L Orient; met [Thomas] Haywood, [Heywood jr?] on the Lie- CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 137 17SO. [Jones, John Paul.] Continued. Feb. 13. iiir/xton; injuries suffered by the Alliance since leaving Boston; her need of repairs; changes made in her by Capt. [Peter] Lan- dais; has ordered " some canvass and cordage from Amsterdam"; supposes [John] de Xeufville will forward them; wishes the order countermanded and goods obtained from Gourlade & Moylan; hopes the United States will buy the Serapis. Auto graph draft. 3 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 185. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., L~. S. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Feb. 18. Letter to [Paul Francois de Quelen,] Due de La Vauguyon, The Hague, [Holland]. Sent his letter of [Dec. 25th] by the pilot, directed in care of Chevalier de Linoncourt; is grateful for La Vau- guyon s attentions to him in Holland; despite reports to the con trary and some ill treatment received, he remains friendly to France and grateful to her King; hopes to merit by future con duct the praises bestowed on previous actions. Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 188. 17SO. [Jones, John Paul.] (. apt., U. S. 8. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Feb. 18. Letter to [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Metier,] Marquis de Lafayette, [Paris]. Understands that he is reproached with being unfriendly to France; [Lt. Col. Antoine Felix] Wibert [ Wybert] seems foremost in spreading this reproach ; his " political profession" consists of love for America and grati tude to France and her King for aiding American efforts Auto graph draft. 1825. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul, etc. " Washington City. I remem- Feb. . ber such a letter being received". A. X. S. 3pp. F. Printer!: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jo>te.<, X. Y. 1851, p. 187. 1780. Degge, James [Arthur.] Lieut., U. S. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Feb. in. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [L Orient]. U/nderstands that the Alliance is ordered into port; has three Dutch prisoners on board and three Guernsey men "that calls themselves prison ers when asked to do duty " ; all parts of the ship are being cleaned; [Alexander] Darling "promises to behave and do his duty * in any station". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 177i>. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Feb. 19. Passy, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Has received his letters of the 16th and 13th; [the Alliance ] can not be refitted at the expense of France; most of her injuries seem to have been received while under command of Capt. [Peter] Landais; is hard pressed for money to repair her on United States account; cannot purchase the Serapis for same reason; [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de] Lafayette proposes that Jones take to America as ballast 15,000 stands of arms, received from France; [John] Ross wishes 120 bales of cloth to go; Ross, Samuel Wharton, [Arthur] Lee and [Ralph] Izard wish to go as passengers; wishes to be informed if their requests can be granted. Contemporary copy. 1780. Hutching, Thomas. American geographer and United States a gent?, Aug. . L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. 3pp. F. Printed: Sherbnrne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 189. Franklin s Works, X. Y. 1888, VII: 12. 138 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. Bragg, James, Master carpenter, I . S. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France]. Feb. 21. Report [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Condition of the Alliance and repairs necessary. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 1 p. 8 x 6^ inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. f>. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Feb. 21. Letter to B[enjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of Feb. 16th; regrets that the Alliance is not in readiness; her condition as certified to by the carpenter [James Bragg] ; by next post hopes to send a certificate from the "King s Master Builder" ; an order from [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine necessary if the ship is to be brought into port; would have asked for this order before but thought it unnecessary. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 8x6 inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. >S. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Feb. 25. Letter to B[enjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of of Feb. 19th; will be as economical as possible in repairing the Alliance; hopes to take the supplies mentioned to America in that ship; Capt. [Thomas] Bell will carry the remainder in the Luzerne; will be glad to accommodate [John Ross, Samuel Whar- ton, Arthur Lee and Ralph Izard] on board; hopes "they will agree together" ; is in great need of a first lieutenant; the one "that acts at present [James Arthur Degge?] is a second lieu tenant and " of tener drunk than sober"; would like [William] Rhodes of the Luzerne as first lieutenant; has written [ ] Baudouine under cover to [Edward] Bancroft; supposes Franklin has seen the letter; customs in America regarding sharing [of prize money] between crews of vessels of unequal size; "people of the Alliance and Bon Homme Richard are anxious to know if they will be paid for the prizes [the Union. Capt. Johnston and the Betsey, Capt. Fisher] sent to Norway". Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8^ x 6^ inches. Printed in part: Sherburne. Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, i>. 190. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. X. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Feb. 28. Letter to John Adams, [Paris]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Feb. 22d; returns "sincere thanks for the generous enconium you bestow on my late conduct"; will receive with pleasure the package " you propose to send for your family" ; if in Boston will deliver it in person. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8 x 6J inches. 1780. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Feb. 28. to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, L Orient, [France]. Congratu late him on his safe arrival at L Orient; desire account of pro ceedings since leaving Corunna; have a letter for Jones, probably from [William] Carmichael; latter has arrived at Cadiz, [Spain]. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. [1780?] Mayrant, John. Midshipman, U. S. navy commanding French privateer [Feb?] "Bonne Aventure". Amsterdam, [Holland.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, L Orient, [France]. Wishes Jones to secure for him the share of prize money due him while serving under Jones; asks that it be remitted to [John] " Deaniflle" [de Neufville] & Son as soon as convenient. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Enclosed in following letter. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. [1780.] Neufville, John de& Son. Merchants, Amsterdam, [Amsterdam.] Letter [Feb?] to [Capt] John Paul Jones, L Orient, [France]. Enclose a letter from John Mayrant transferring his share in prize money to them; request that money be forwarded to them; hope to see him before he leaves Europe. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1780. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United State* minister plenipotentiary to France. Mar. 1. Passy, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of letters of Feb. 25th and 28th ; is glad to know that Jones can take clothing and arms to America and also accommodate the gentlemen named: wishes him "to find room also" for an envoy of [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de] Sartineand for [ ] Brown of South Carolina; has no author ity to transfer [William?] Rhodes from the Luzerne to the Alliance; has "no objection" to a personal agreement between them; Capt. [Peter] Landais desires his baggage from the Alliance; opin ion of Landais; has received no reply to memorial to Danish Court regarding prizes sent to Bergen, Norway ; " a Mr. [ ] Lockyear of the British navy desires to go to America with Jones; Dr. [ Edward] Bancroft will see to refitting of the Alliance and forward ing prize money. Contemporary copy. 1780. Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, Aug. . // Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. N. S. 3pp. F". Printed: Wharton, Dip. Corres. ofthfAmer. Rer., Wash. 1889, III: 527. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Mar. 1. Letter to the Countess of Selkirk, St. Mary s Isle, Scotland. Eleven months since B[enjamin] Franklin gave him the message which her husband [Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of Sel kirk] sent to [William] Alexander; wrote her in May, 1778; would have written sooner but plate has but now come into his possession; [Continental] Congress has relinquished its interest; plate "is in the hands of Messrs. Gourlade & Moylan who hold it at your disposal"; will forward it to any designated port. Auto graph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6i inches. Printed: Sherburne. Lij c of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, p. 54. 1780. Bovret, J[ean?] Capt., French merchant ship. St. Malo, [France.] Mar. 2. Letter to [Capt. John] P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Is a captain in the merchant service; knows nothing of war "parceque je n ai servi, depuis les hostilites que pour iiotre marine Royale" ; desires to learn; for this reason would like to serve with Jones if latter bus an opening for an officer; if possible wishes to serve on tame vessel. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt. , U. S. S. "Alliance" . L Orient [France.] Let- Mar. , ->. ter to [John] Ross, [Xantes]. Is grateful for his favor of [Feb.] 29th and for his attention to his "instruments, maps c"; has no knowledge of "our friend [Edward] B[ancroft?]" although he has written him many letters recently; knows nothing respecting his own future; would be glad to learn from "your friend at Madrid ", [John Jay] as to his prospects in America; has written Dr. [Benjamin] F[ranklin] regarding Ross s trip to America; owes [Jonathan] Williams a letter; thinks Williams is coming to L Orient with his wife. Autograph draft. 2pp. 140 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. Chaumont, [Donatien] Leray de. Confidential agent Franco-American Mar. 4. negotiations. Pas^i, [Passy, France.] Letter to [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Has written [Capt. John Paul] Jones to remove all his belongings from the Serapis; that vessel is to be handed over to officers designated by the Commandant of the port of L Orient. A. L. S. 1 p. 4J- x (>f inches. In French. 1780. Rieuse, . A widow, L Orient. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt. Mar. 4. John Paul] Jones, L Orient. Is very poor and has suffered much; wishes Jones to do her a great favor; would like one hundred livres. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . S. /S. Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Mar. 5. Letter to J[ ] Meijer, Dunkirk, [France]. Received a letter from him when at The Texel, and a few days ago that of Jan. od; reason for not replying; Meijer has been treated no worse than Jones as regards prize money from the Hanger s prizes; all he can do is to send enclosed certificate" of service; on seeing certificate [John D.] Schweighauser "dare not dispute your claim"; would like to do equal justice to Dr. [Ezra (ireen]; wishes Meijer s account of "the Cabals and behavior of Lieut. [Thomas] Simp son on board the Hanger": would not have asked for this but Simpson has entered a complaint against Jones in America; expects to sail soon. Autograph draft. Mar. 5. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., etc. L Orient. Certificate of service of J[ ] Meijer on the I . S . >S . Ranger. Enlisted at Xantes in Feb. 1778, as a volunteer; was one of thirty men landing at Whitehaven; behaved well in engagement with the Drake; remained on the Ranger until after her return to France [in Mar. 1778]; is entitled to share in prize money of the expedi tion. Autograph draft signed at beginning of the document. 3 pp. 8 x 65 inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Mar. P>. Letter to P>[enjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Encloses an extract of a letter from Sir R[obert] Finlay "respecting an invention of bombs"; if they will "set fire to any object against which they are discharged from a Cannon" will be of great use; will, himself, pay "the expense of the draughts"; if he leaves before drafts reach Franklin, wishes him to forward them to [Robert] Morris of Philadelphia. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8x60 inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt.. I . S. >S. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Mar. 10. Certificate respecting the character of [ ] La Bastile. La Bas- tile asserts that Maturine Greieneque "a poor woman" was arrested; sole reason was that he and his comrades were drinking in her house; states that wine was served out on board ship; Jones has "no good reason to disbelieve his report". Autograph draft. 1 p. F. 1780. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United Static secret agent in Ifol- Mar. 11. land. The Hague. Letter to [Pieter] Van Bleiswyck, [The Hague?]. Encloses certificate of [Capt. John Paul] Jones regard ing the English pilot [John] Jackson; is assured that he must have been misinformed regarding Jackson s treatment; although CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 141 1780. Dumas. [Charles William Frederick] Continued. Mar. 11. not released at [ ] Gordon s request, Jackson has been well treated; has recently been set free and will go to Hull [England] on first boat leaving for that port. Autograph copy. 9 x 7J inches. In French. [1780.] Dumas, [Charles "William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Hol- [Mar. 11?] land. [The Hague.] Letter [to Capt. John PaulJones, L Orient]. Sent a reply to his letter from Corogne [Corunna, Spain] in care of [Benjamin] Franklin; his daughter and himself appreciate the courtesy of Jones and "will carefully keep his charming verses"; has a number of despatches for Congress which he wishes Jones to take to America; hopes Jones will forward news from America after he reaches the United States; desires to be remembered to Congress in a friendly manner; at present they seem to have for gotten him; regrets that Jones is going to America without him; gives him a parting "benediction de Philosophe"; wishes to be remembered to Capt. [Gustavus] Conyngham and Sarah Lee; enclosed letter [to Pieter van Bleiswyck] will show the good use made of Jones s certificate regarding [John] Jackson. A. L. S. 2pp. 4. In French. 1780. R[oss,] J[ohn.] United States commercial agent at Xantes. Xantes, Mar. 12. [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of letter of Mar. 3d; wishes to know the date of sailing when it is fixed; is in no hurry but is determined to go with [Capt. Thomas] Bell; remarks on his fellow passengers; particular attention to be paid to [Samuel] "\Vh[arton]; will give Jones a few packages to carry; in addition, Dr. [Benjamin] F[ranklin] has given him permission to ship 120 bales of mer chandize on the Alliance; method of getting this merchandize from the Rhine to L Orient; has received a letter from [William] Carmichael; urges Jones to bear with patience any "mortifying circumstance" that may come in his way; is "to think only of returning to America"; many "designing Villains there but honest men too"; enclosed copy of letter from [Ferdi nand] Grand shows that Jones s instructions respecting his case of maps &e. have been fulfilled; [William] Carmichael s address is "Joseph Gardoqui Esq" care P. Joyas & Son, Madrid. [1780.] Carmichael, William. Secretary, U. S. Legation at ^fad>id. [Mar. ?] [Madrid.] Extract of a letter to John Ross, Xantes France. Regrets that Jones has cause to complain; Ross must preach patience to him; is to wait and go [to America] with Jones if latter is employed now; Jones has a cipher and can write when he wishes. A. L. S. of Rose. 4 pp. 4. 1780. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Mar. 13. to [Capt.] John PaulJones, L Orient, [France]. Addressed let ters to him at Corunna, [Spain] and L Orient; understand that he has taken and sent to Boston a Dutch ship laden with stores for Gibralter; queries as to position of Holland in the war; fears to trust a Dutch convoy with goods "for the Continent" [of America]; if Jones is going in person or can inform them of a 142 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. Neufville, John de & Son. Continued. Mar. 13. reliable convoy they will be gratified; have received a letter from [Matthew] Mease conveying to Jones the prices of certain goods taken with the Serapis; hold the money subject to his order. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1 780. [Jones, John Paul. ] Capt. , U. S. S. Alliance. L Orient, [France. ] Let- Mar. 14. ter to B[enjamin] Franklin, [Passy,] France. Encloses a copy of the only "bill of ransom" with which he has ever been con cerned; has given [ ] Dryburugh a letter to him; Dryburugh is coming to Paris; was of great use to Jones as a pilot off the English coast; ransomed his vessel as a reward for his services and out of compassion for his family; part of ransom is to be repaid to man who acted as pilot for the Pallas; hopes Franklin will approve his action; [John] Ross wishes him to take the 120 bales of goods on board the Alliance at Normoutiers, [France] ; not sufficient depth of water for the Alliance at that anchorage; proposes that the goods be brought to Groaix in another vessel; Dr. [Edward] Bancroft not yet arrived; some Americans, released by the cartel at Morlaix are just come from England. Autograph draft. 2 pp. S x 6i inches. 1780. Thevenet, A [mire?] Dunkerque, [France.] Letter to Capt. John P[aul] Mar. 15. Jones, L Orient. Is a friend of [J ] Meijer; at his request is pursuing matters mentioned by Jones in letter of Mar. oth; Meijer is at present on a privateer of M. Carpeau de Maricours et Cie named "Le Prince de Soubise," [Capt.] Jean Baptiste Larnet; events of her cruise; desires to know if the amount of prize money of the Ranger coming to Meijer is fixed; if so would be obliged to Jones for that amount. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. In French. 1780. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Holland. Mar. 18. [The Hague.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, L Orient, [France]. Has sent him through [Benjamin] Franklin an answer to his letter from Corunna; has sent also a packet for Robert Morris which he commends to his care; knows through William Carmichael that there will be persons hostile to him on board the Alliance; guards Jones against any statements which [Arthur] L[ee] may make regarding his relations with [Benjamin] Frank lin; wishes to hear from Jones before his departure for America. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1780. Dearing, Ebenezer. Capt., matross company at Piscataqua, Xew Jlamp- Mar. 20. shire. Portsmouth, [New Hampshire.] Libel against the sloop Charming Sally, presented to Jonathan Brackett, Judge, New Hampshire Marine Court. Details the capture of the sloop on Mar. 18th; her size; since April 1775 has been used for the advantage of the British; prayer that sloop and cargo be declared forfeited. D. S. 3 pp. 4. [1780.] Baussett, . Le Chevalier. "Director of the port " of Brest. Brest, Mar. 22. [France]. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. In the name of [Admiral Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers advise him to sail for Brest as soon as convenient; information regarding pilots. A. L. S. 2 pp. 6J x 3| inches. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 143 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance." L Orient, [France.] Mar. 23. Letter to Jonathan Williams, Nantes. Acknowledges receipt by [Edward] Bancroft of letter of 17th with " inclosed dictionary " [cipher?]; gives calibre of guns on the Alliance; dispositions to be made regarding the clothing which [John] Ross has provided for America; respects to Mrs. Williams and other friends; hopes to see them before leaving France. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 17SO. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance." L Orient, [France.] Mar. 2o. Letter [to John Ross, Nantes]. Has not replied to his letter of Mar. 12th as he has expected Dr. [Edward] Bancroft to inform him of the exact date of sailing; unsettled questions regarding prize money [have detained Bancroft] ; depth of water at Noir- montiers not sufficient to allow of the Alliance taking goods aboard there; [James] Moylan has two vessels at Brest which can bring the supplies [to L Orient]; will come to Noirmontiers if water allows; will write to [William] C[armichael?] soon; trunks con taining his instruments, <fec. have not been forwarded; is surprised that [Ferdinand] Grand should have drawn such conclusions as he has, from the evidence presented. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6i inches. 1780. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Francis Lewis, Mar. 28. Commissioner. Philadelphia. Letter to Benjamin Franklin, [Passy, France]. Encloses "list" showing present "disposi tion of the Continental Navy in North America"; frigate Alliance is to proceed to Philadelphia; supplies to be sent in her or under her convoy; wishes a "set of drafts of the new ships in the Royal Navy of France for the use of our master Builders." Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, U Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. N. S. 1 p. F. Primed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. p. 191. 1780. Franklin, Benjamin. United State* minister plenipotentiary to France. Mar. ol. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Mar. 14th by [ ] Dry- burugh; has received another letter from Gourlade & Moylan; latter have received the "ransom money", 200 and have credited it to Franklin; if paid [to Dryburugh] when due to "the whole squadron * * * I am liable to repay it out of my own Pocket"; can do nothing else than pay the whole sum into "the mass that is to be divided"; has given [Dryburugh] 10; the 24,000 livres mentioned in his letter of Mar. 18th was for the crew of the Alliance as well as that of the Bon Honime Richard; understands that orders have gone to "value the Prize Ships the Serapis and Countess of Scarborough" ; will endeavor to procure an order for dividing the amount; wishes "to have nothing more to do with Ships"; a proposition is on foot to send more goods to America by the Alliance. Autograph letter of William Temple Franklin, signed: W. T. Franklin for B. F. 3 pp. F. 144 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS. 1780. Franklin, B[enjamin]. United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Apr. 1. Versailles, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient, France]. Encloses order from [Alexander Marie Lenor de Saint Mauris,] Prince de Montbarey for delivery to Jones of arms and gunpowder; the courier has also a packet from [Charles William Frederick] Dumas and one from Dumas to Congress; [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont has written to [ ] de Monplaisir at L Orient to advance 100,000 livres on account for the Americans of the Alliance and Bon Homme Richard . Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent? , I j Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 1 p. F. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. X. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Apr. 4. Letter to [ de] Monplaisir, [L Orient]. Has received letter from B[enjamin] Franklin of April 1st; letter states that [Dona tien Leray de] Chaumont has requested him to advance 100,000 livres to the Americans of the B\_on\ H[ornme~] Richard] and the Alliance; begs that he be as speedy as possible in doing this; men at present under his command have " neither money nor cloth ing". Autograph draft. 1 p. 8 x 6 inches. Also a copy in French of the same, 1 p. 8 x 6i inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U.S. 8. "Alliance" . L Orient, [France.] Apr. 10. Letter to E[dward] Bancroft, [Passy?]. Wrote him by the last post; has received his letter by [ ] Poircy; "453" [Arthur Lee?] is trying to create difficulties for him; conduct seems to presage a storm; consequences of continuation of this conduct; eyes of " 710" [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sar- tine] must be opened; Jones has already borne too much; "299 & 32" [Benjamin Franklin and America] may be involved; "728 [the 8erapis?~\ must be fairly sold "; will see to it in the future that justice is done to himself and those who have so faithfully followed him. Autograph draft, part in cipher. 3pp. 4. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. 8. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Apr. 11. Letter [to Jonathan Williams, Nantes]. Acknowledges receipt of his letters of Mar. 30th and Apr. 6th; does not intend to sheath the Alliance with copper "here ", but to take the materials with him; will leave with first favorable wind after settlement of prize- money matters; ammunition should be forwarded at once; is not to draw upon Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin until after writing and hearing from him; wishes Williams to send Jones credit on a Paris banker for balance of his account; suggests meeting Wil liams ? schooner at L Orient. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8J x 6 inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. 8. "Alliance". L Orient, [France.] Apr. 12. Letter to N[athan] Blodgett, [L Orient]. Is to present enclosed order for 800 louis d ors to [James] Moylan; is to divide that amount "among the officers and men now actually belonging to the Continental Frigate Alliance and who sailed in that ship under my command from the Texel "; proportion, as established by the table of wages, to be observed in the division; payments to be made in presence of commanding officers; accounts to be kept; balance to be held subject to Jones s order. X ;/ry CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 145 1780. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Apr. 12. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., etc. L Orient. Draft upon Gour- lade & Moylan, L Orient. Are to pay N[athan] Blodgett, the )>earer, 800 louis d ors and charge the same to the account of Jones. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. Enclosed in the preceding letter. 1780. Bancroft, Edward. Confidential agent of Benjamin Franklin. Passy, Apr. 15. [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Has seen his letter of Apr. 4th to [Benjamin] Franklin; has endeavored to overcome the difficulties hindering his departure; is assured that 100,000 livres are ready at L Orient; they are advanced on the credit of [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; Dr. Franklin consents that the 24,000 livres for which Jones is allowed to draw in addition, may be used for payment of wages to crew of the Alliance for the time of her cruise with the Bon Homme Richard; no further sum can be obtained; thinks this sum with amounts already received ought to do for a time; men who will not accept these terms are to be put ashore; hopes Jones will sail "next week"; will forward his last letters to Jones, [Samuel] Wharton etc. on Monday. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, 77 Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 2pp. F. 1780. Moylan, James. Merchant and United States commercial agent at L 1 Orient. Apr. 17. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, Passy. Encloses letter handed him by Capt. [Mathew] "Parks" [Parke]; is informed by Parke and [Lieut. Richard] Dale that no room remains on the Alliance for more arms; 400 chests are not on board; Jones and [Benjamin] Franklin should consult regarding this matter; Moylan has a brig which he wishes to go to America under protection of Jones; this vsssel would receive the arms; [John] Ross has proposed terms [for a cargo consisting of bales of cloth]; these terms have been communicated to Franklin; latter can determine which cargo " will be most neces sary to forward"; vessel maybe obtained 011 same terms as those given Ross; [Nathan] Blodgett is distributing "the sum allotted"; work will be completed tomorrow. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A.N.S. 2pp. F. 1780. Sarsfield, , Count. [Paris?] Invitation to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, Apr. 27. [L Orient]. "Count Sar.-fie d s bust Compliments wait on Mr. Jones & begs the honour of his company to dinner Sunday next" [Apr. 30th]. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 6x 3 inches. [1780?] [La Vendahl, Comtesse de Bourbon de?] [Paris?] Letter [to Capt. [April?] John Paul Jones, L Orient, France]. Is charmed at the senti ment of affection which Jones has expressed to her; would like to reciprocate that feeling; is not able to do so without deceiving the gentleman with whom she is at present living; is incapable of doing such a wrong and is of the opinion that this confession must convince Jones of her views; her words of yesterday were in jest. A. L. 1 p. 7|x6J inches. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paid Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 324. 2155103 10 146 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. Castille, , Baron de. Paris. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, May 2. "at Mr. [Benjamin] Franklin s", [Passy, France]. Invites Jones to dine with him on Wednesday; would like him to meet [Louis Antoine,] Marshal de Biron; can go from dinner to the Italian play. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 8 x 6 inches. In French. 1780. Castille, , Baron de. Paris. Letter to Capt. [John] Paul Jones, May 3. at Mr. Franklin s", Passy. Postpones until Saturday the pleas ure of dining with Jones; hopes the latter can come at that time; can then dine with [Louis Antoine,] Marshal de Biron. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 8x6 inches. In French. 1780. Groube, Beaumont. Midshipman, U. S. nary. [L Orient, France.] May 3. Letter to Capt. [Thomas] Bell, L Orient, [forwarded to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Wishes Bell s intervention with [Capt. John Paul] Jones regarding Groube s difficulty with [Lieut. James Arthur] Digges [Degge] ; [Nathaniel] Fanning and himself were ill in Spain and at L Orient; treatment for ill ness continued at L Orient; could not go aboard the Alliance; refused to obey Degge s orders until the return of Jones; further details of the difficulty; apology of Fanning made later and accepted by Degge; apology offered by Groube refused; hard language employed by Degge toward Groube; this language is resented; fears that Jones will hear a false report of the matter. A. L. S. 2 pp. F. 1780. La Motte, , Vicomte de. Lt. <>L, French army. Paris. Letter to May 5. [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Passy. Prays that he may be granted an interview of fifteen minutes; asks that he be informed of the time most convenient for Jones. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 7J x 6J- inches. In French. 1780. Rieuse, . A icidotc, .L Orient. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Capt. May 10. [John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Report given by person pre senting her former letter [of Mar. 4th] induces her to rely on his goodness; [ ] Dubois has spoken in her behalf to [ ] Gour- lade; either of these gentlemen or [ ] Bersolle can vouch for her extreme need; throws herself upon his pity for unfortunate people who are without resources. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. [1780.] Grosser, . [Paris?] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Paris?]. May 10. Is not personally acquainted with him; knows him by reputa tion; desires to serve under him; sends him the address to which a request for his services may be sent. A. L. 8. 1 p. 8x6 inches. In French. [1780?] De Bonneuil, . [Paris?] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, "at [May 10?] [Benjamin] Franklins, Passy". Desires his company "a la Comedie italienne" on Saturday; if Jones has no other engage ment desires him to sup with him the same day. A. L. S. 1 p. 7J x 4i inches. In French. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 147 1780. De Velye, . [Paris.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones?, Paris?]. May 10. Begs to remind him of his engagement to dine at [ ]deCromot : s mi Thursday; will meet him at the Palais Royal or, in case of rain, at the house of [Capt. Denis Nicolas] "Coutineau" [de Kloguene]. A. L. S. 1 p. 7J x6 inches. In French. 17*0. Nassa-af-Sieg-en, Charles Henri Nicolas Othon,] Prince de. Minor May lo. Prince of the German Empire. [Paris.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Passy. Will go to Miss [ ] Guimard s honse at such time as he shall choose. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 9 x 7} inches. In French. [1780.] De Monplaisir, . [Paris.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, .May 10. "at [Ed \vard] P>ancroft s Passy". Wishes to remind him of the promise given in his name that he would attend the reception at the house of "Madame la president? D ormoy". 1 p. 8x6 inches. In French. 17S(i. Moylaii, James. Merchant and United State.* commercial agent at L Orient. May 12. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient or Passy]. Had received no letter from him since those of Apr. 24th and 28th; had hopsd to learn decision of [Benjamin] Frank lin and of Jones regarding the use of his brig; lack of information on this point occasions loss of time and money; encloses declara tion of the officer of the Bon Homrne Richard regarding the cap ture of the 8cmi>is; this accords with Jones s letter to [Lieut. Richard] Dale; crexv of the Alliance are well; encloses this letter in one to Dr. Franklin " that he * * * should do what may be necessary with its enclosure". Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and T nlted States nijent?, L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 1 p. F. Vormoy, - , Le Chevalier de. Passy, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, Passy. Understands that Jones is to leave [on the 16th or 17th]; wishes to offer his services to him once more before that time; his ambition is to follow Jones and serve with him; desires a reply to his offer. A. L. S. 2pp. 6ix7J inches. In French. [1780.] De Charlary, . Sennonville, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John] [May 14?] Paul Jones, Care of Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin, Passy. In the name of the lord of the chateau de Nicolson [Murray de Nicol- son] and of himself invites Jones to come out and spend a day with them; Friday next would please them if he has no other engagement. A. L. S. 1 p. 7?x4J inches. In French. 17-sO. Sarsfield, , Count. [Paris.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, Passy. May 15. Understands that Jones is to leave on Wednesday, [May 17th]; wishes an interview before that time; will remain at home Tues day afternoon; would go to Passy but fears that they will miss each other; "will certainly call upon Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin Wednesday morning" ; if Jones postpones his departure until the afternoon will be happy to wish him Godspeed. A. L. S. in body of document. 2 pp. 7 x 5 inches. 148 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. [1780?] D Ormoy , Madame la Presidente. [Paris.] Letter to "Comrno- May 16. dore" [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Passy. Requests the pleasure, of his and Dr. [Benjamin Franklin s] company at supper on Thurs day May 18th; "Les preparent a lui chanter de neu- veaux couplets". A. L. S? in body of document. 1 p. 4} x Gi inches. In French. 1780. Dutan, A , Jr. Auvillar, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul May 16. Jones, L Orient]. The fame of Jones s exploits is known in all places; has always wished to be of service to his king and country; thinks no better opportunity could present itself than that of serving under Jones; desires to enlist as a volunteer. 2 pp. 4. In French. 1780. St. Julien, Madame de. Paris, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul May 17. Jones, Paris. Regrets that she was not at home when he called; hopes he will call again giving her notice when she may expect him; compliments to M. [ ] Graffort. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 8 x 6i inches. In French. 1780. Musnier, . Lawyer, Xanct/. Nancy, [France.] Letter to [Capt. May 18. John] P[aul] "Johnes" [Jones, L Orient]. The ability of Jones has been of great use to his fellow patriots and reflects glory upon himself; relies upon his goodness in addressing him; "among several children has a son of 22 years" ; his education and charac teristics; desires to enter the navy; could have no better teacher of naval warfare than Jones; requests that the young man be allowed to enlist with him; if request cannot be granted wishes this, letter burned. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. In French. 1780. Cuisnier, . Nantes?, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, May 20. "at Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin s, Paris". Wishes to go to Phila delphia to recuperate his fortunes; is not able to pay the regular price of a passage; would be grateful for a passage on Jones s vessel or such a one as he may designate; wishes reply sent in care of [Carrie] 1 Aine at Xantes. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1780. De Franconville, . Paris, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul May 20. Jones, L Orient]. Is a soldier in miserable circumstances; has great confidence in the kindness and sympathetic disposition of Jones; desires an interview. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8Ax6 inches. In French. [1780.] Marigny, Girardot de. [Paris.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones and May [22?] [William Temple] Franklin, care of Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Requests their company at dinner on May 23d: wishes a reply. A. L. S? in body of document. 1 p. 8 x 6A inches. In French. [1780?] D Ormoy, , Madame la Presidente. Paris. Letter to [Capt. John] May 23. Paul Jones, [Passy?]. Invites him to call. A. L. S? in body oi document. 1 p. 6x3 inches. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 149 1780. Gabviel, - . Merchant. , Xu-itzprlantl. Arau, Switzerland. Letter to May 2:;. [Capt. John] Paul Jones, "aupalaisValois", Paris. Isadealerin pices, coffee, indigo and other specified merchandize; would like to place a stock of goods on Jones s ship; if prizes are taken the supplies may be paid for from the resulting prize money; if no prizes are secured Jones can take the goods to America and sell them or if used by his men they may be paid for at his con venience. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. In French. ; [1780.] La Vendahl, , Comte de. [Paris?] Letter [to Capt. John Paul M ay?] 2H. Jones, Passy?]. Thinks that the demands for plans etc. made by Jones in the name of the Board of Admiralty [of Congress] should have come from B[enjamin] Franklin; movements of the [British] squadron; position of the [Royal] George and the Dnc de Bourgocjne. A. L. S. 1 p. 6i x 4^ inches. In French. [1780.] Serhand, , 1 Abbe de. Paris. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, May 24. care of [Edward] Pangrofft [Bancroft], Passy. May be surprised that he has not appeared with the plates promised by [ ] Taber [?] ; reason is that the crucibles burst and work had to be begun again; hopes work will be completed by tomorrow; sends respects to "Pancrofft". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1780. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Hol- May 2H. land. The Hague. Letter to "Commodore" [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones, [L Orient?, France]. Has not been well since departure of Jones in March; hopes that satisfactory arrange ments regarding prize money have been made iu Paris; Jones has taken as a prize the one vessel of all in the republic [of Holland] that should not have been taken ; she [the Berkenbos] belongs to [ ] Vander Perre, the nephew of [E. P.] Van Berckel, the (irand Pensioner of Amsterdam, "the republican, the friend of America par excellence!"; Vander Perre is the partner of [ ] Meyners; the firm is one of the most influential in Zealand; nothing in the ship belonged to Englishmen; has written [the Continental] Congress regarding the matter; hopes for speedy restitution; wishes to hear from Jones before the latter leaves France; has sent him letters by [Benjamin] Franklin and [Jonathan] Williams; wishes to know if they have been received; understands that Jones has for a passenger a man [Arthur Lee] "who was once my friend but who is so no longer": Jones does Dumas great wrong in believing ill reports; loves all Americans and never did anything which should break their friendship; his wife and daughter present their respects. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. In French. [1780.] Graincourt?, - . Artixt. [Paris?] Letter [to Capt. John Paul May 27. .Tones, Passy?]. Received a letter of May 18th from Capt. [ ] Thierot which kept him at Paris; has finished the portrait sketch of Jones but has found imperfections and has begun again; wishes Jones to give him a short sitting; in this way the best results may be obtained. A. L. S. 1 p. 8x6J inches. In French. 150 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. Grand, H[enr]y. Banker?, Parin. [Paris?] Letter to C apt. [John] May 28. PaulJones, Passy. [ ] de Vinezac sent him the enclosed letter from 1 Abbe du Rouzeau which allows nothing more to be said regarding the brave soldiery; if anything could make Jones more interesting it would be the recommendation of our brother du Rouzeau. A. L. S. 1 p. 9 x 7] inclies. In French. 1780. St. Julien, [Madame de?] [Paris?] Letter to [Capt. John] PaulJones, May 28. Passy. Considers it a pity that Jones has not words as well as bravery; the two go well together as do promises and perform ances; hopes he will ascertain the truth [regarding his probable deprivation of the command of the Alliance?] before leaving for America; things will be clearer after his arrival in the United States; sends respects to M. Pacroffe [Edward Bancroft?]. A. L. S.? 2 pp. 4. In French. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance 1 . [L Orient?, France.] May 30. Memorandum [to Antoiue Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine, Versailles. Objection of [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont to payment of men formerly on the Bon Ilomme Richard and now on the Alliance is groundless; account of each person is at L Orient and [ ] de Montplaisir [Monplaisir] can see that there is no fraud; further reasons for not acceding to de Chaumont s wish; results of nonpayment; [Benjamin] Franklin has not the money with which to make payment to the men. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United Stated agent?, L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 2 pp. F. 1780. Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Minister of May oO. marine of France. Versailles, [France.] Letter to [Samuel] Huntington, President of the Continental Congress, [Philadel phia] . Commodore [Capt. John] Paul Jones is about to return to America; has astonished Europe by his valor; Louis XVI has bestowed honors upon him; would be glad to see him in command of another naval expedition. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones: Extraitdu Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 133. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, p. 193. [1780?] "Ange lique". [Aimee Adele de Telison?] [Paris.] Letter to [Capt, [May ?] . John] Paul Jones, Passy. Madame de Bonnenil is about to go to Versailles; wishes her to say how much she regrets not having seen him; Jones has promised her his portrait; hopes he will not forget to give it to her. A. L. S. 2 pp. 7J x 4i inches. In French. [1780?] "Delia." [Paris?] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient, [May ?] France]. Is in great distress lest he be ill; would be miserable if he should be ill while away from her; awaits his return with great anxiety; hopes he will not forget her if he goes to America; has received his letters of [April?] 18th, 19th and 20th; loves him with idolatrous love and for himself alone etc. A. L. S. in body of document. 4 pp. 7J x 6 inches. In French. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 151 [17SO?] ["Delia."] [Paris.] Letter to [C apt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. [May ?] Asks pardon if she is indiscreet hue understands that Jones and his crew are without pay; she has diamonds and other valuables which can be converted into money; in the name of the love with which she is consumed begs to be commanded if she can be of use; is dying to rejoin him, never again to be separated etc. A. L. 4 pp. 6f x 4} inches. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, Wash., 1825, p. 331. [1780?] ["Delia."] [Paris?] Letter [to C apt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Her [May-Sep?] servant has returned from the post and brings no letters from him; does not understand why she is deprived of her only conso lation; hopes he is not intending to leave France without bidding her adieu etc. A. L. 4 pp. 7g x 6 inches. In French. [1780?] ["Delia"] [Paris.] Letter to [C apt.] John Paul Jones, L Orient, [May-Sep?] Fears that in her last letter she showed him too much of the trouble and anxiety of her heart; "peut-on aimer 1 aimable Jones et ne pas mourir de crainte de le perdre"; hopes that whatever happens he will not forget her etc. A. L. 2 pp. 4. In French. [1780?] ["Delia".] [Paris.] Letter to [Capt] John Paul Jones, L Orient. Six [May-Sep?] posts have arrived and she has received no letter from him ; she loses courage at the thought of his forgetting her; loves nim as constantly as ever and will not think that he is unfaithful etc. A. L. 1 p. 4. In French. Translation printed: Sherbnrne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 321. [1780?] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. [L Orient?, France.] Copy of [May-Sep?] "A Song written by Major [John Lewis] Andre". A. P. 1 p. 4. This song appears to have been used by Jones as the text of a poem in honor of " Delia", the name Delia being used where once was the name of another. [1780?] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S- navy. [L Orient?, France.] Copy of [May-Sep?] a song: "The Irish Widow sung by Mrs. [Ann Spranger] Barry". A. D. 2 pp. F. 1780. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Jim. 1. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Has received a letter from the Board of Admiralty [of the Conti nental Congress] of which a copy is enclosed for Jones s "gov ernment"; Board directs that the Alliance return to America. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. lp. F. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 191. 1780. Puy Segnr, [Armand Marie Jacques de Chastenet, Marquis de?] Paris. Jun. 2. Letter [to Capt. John "Paul Jones, L Orient]. Understands by [William] Nicolson that Jones is thinking of accepting Nicol- son in his service; considers it a privilege for a man to be able to serve under Jones; wishes him success in every undertaking. A. L. S. 1 p. 8$ x 6* inches. In French. 152 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. ^fln^ster of Jun. 3. marine of France. Versailles, [France.] Letter to [Benjamin] Franklin, [Passy]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of May 30th asking that a French vessel be assigned to the duty of carry ing supplies to the United States under convoy of the Alliance; has given orders to that effect; [( apt. John] Paul Jones having assured him that the Alliance can supply the officers and men necessary for the second vessel, he has ordered that every facility be extended to Jones by the Commissary of the port of L Orient. Contemporary copy. In French. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 1 p. F. Enclosed in following letter. 1780. Franklin, W[illiam] T[emple.] Private secretary to Benjamin Franklin. Jun. 4. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Encloses copy of letter of June 3d from [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine to his grandfather [Benjamin Frank lin]; summary of its contents. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 1 p. F. See preceding letter. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. <S . "Alliance". Xantes, [France.] Let- Jun. 7. terto [ ] Comtesse [de Bourbon?] de "Lowendahl" [LaVen- dahl?], Versailles. Duty calls him from Versailles despite his affection for her; will do his best to deserve her affection in the future; much affected at the remarks of Miss [ ] Edes [-Her bert] regarding her; by [John] Ross sends her a cipher for pri vate correspondence; forwards this letter under cover to [Francois de] Genet; tender sentiments expressed towards her; hopes to accept the invitation of his "Lodge" [Les Xeuf Soeurs] to return to France. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. Printed in part: [Sands] , Lifr ,l- Oirrcs. afJnJm Paul Joiirt, X. Y. 1830. p. 289. 1780. D Arendt, , Baron. Xantes, [France.] Letter to "Commodore" Jun. 8. [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Xantes]. Presents his compliments to Jones; wishes that upon his arrival at L Orient he would write him "the news"; desires to secure passage for America; letters to be addressed in care of [Jonathan] Williams. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 4. In French. 1780. Hunolstein, Barbantane. Maid of honor to the Duchess de Charles. Paris. Jun. 10. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Fulfills her promise of writing him the news; has obtained from the King an appoint ment for her brother [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre,] Comte de Vauban to serve under [Lt. Gen. Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeure, Comte] de Rochambeau; will be aid-de-camp to Ro- chambeau and successor to the colonelcy of the Orleans regiment; Vauban will sail with Jones and she hopes will be granted a favor able reception by him; hopes Jones will not forget her. A. L. S. 1 p. 7|x4f inches. In French. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 153 17SO. Lee, Arthur. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Jim. !.">. L Orient]. Could not give an opinion "yesterday" on Jones s right to command the Alliance; has seen Capt. [Peter] Landaia since then; claims of Jones are based on his commission as "Cap tain in the Marine of the United States" from Congress and "an order from Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin * * to take command of the Alliance" 1 ; claims of Landais based on a like "Commission from Congress", "a Resolve of Congress giving him the command of the Alliance * and a Letter of Instructions for that purpose from the Marine Committee"; "From these documents it is clear, beyond a possibility of doubt that Captain Landais commands that Ship under the full, direct and express order of Congress "; Jones may show this letter to whomsoever he pleases. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hu.tch.ins, Thomas. American t/eographer and United States agent? t I Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 2pp. F. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Junca, X. Y. 1851, p. 201. [Sands], Life aii lCom.*. nfjohn PaulJones, X. Y. 1830, p. 268. 1780. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Jan. 17. Passy, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Has been informed that Arthur Lee instigated the mutiny on his ship [the Alliance ]; withdraws his order for Jones to receive Lee as a passenger "so far as to leave the Execution of it to your Dis cretion"; passage for Lee on another ship can be readily secured. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American yeograplier and United States agent?, // Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 1 p. F. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. is/il, p. 204. Franklin s U urks, X. Y. 1888, VII: 89. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Versailles, [France.] Memo- Jun. 17. randuni [submitted to Benjamin Franklin?, Passy]. The Alliance the finest frigate in the United States service on the consuma- tion of the French treaty in 1778; her name given as a compli ment to France; as a further mark of respect, command of her was given to " M. [Peter] Landais a french Subject who had then arrived in America from France as Master of a Merchant Ship"; Congress deceived by statements of Landais; details of means em ployed by Landais; considers that "it would be rendering a very acceptable Service to Congress if the King s Ministers would please to transmit to the President, their opinion of Captn. Landais". Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. Printed in part: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851. p. 206. This memorandum appears to have been forwarded by Franklin to John Adams together with the queries of the following manuscript, to aid him in forming a judgement as to the merits of the Jones-Landais controversy regard ing the command of the Alliance. 1780. [Franklin, Benjamin.] Untied States minister plenipotentiary to France. Jun. [18?] [Passy, France.] Memorandum [submitted to John Adams, Paris]. Proposes three queries regarding the position of Capt. [Peter] Landais: (1) Is Landais, after relinquishing command of the Alliance and applying for money to pay his passage to Amer ica on the Luzerne, justified in continuing in command despite the charges of [Capt. John Paul Jones] his successor m command 154 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. [Franklin, Benjamin] Continued. Jim. [IS?] of that ship?; (2) Is not the conduct of Landais in exciting a mutiny on board the Alliance and in making unlawful demands on the United States minister, to lie considered reprehensible?; (3) Is it good for the public service that Landais, after such actions, should have command of a vessel laden with public stores destined for America when "if he arrive * * * he must in course be tried"?. Contemporary copy. 2pp. 4. Printed: Works of John Adams, Boston 1*52, VII: 204. This document appears to be Jones s copy of the queries submitted by Franklin to Adams with the preceding memorandum. Adams s reply is printed. Works of John Adams, Boston 1852, VII: 205. under date of June 26. 1780. Thevenard, A[ntoine Jean Marie de.] Commandant of the port of L Ori- Jun. 20. ent. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [le Chevalier] de Linoncourt, [L Orient]. Requests him to have arrested such officers or sea men of the Alliance as Capt. [John Paul] Jones may designate; Jones is captain of that vessel. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to Jim. 20. Capt.Mathew Parke?, U. S. S. Alliance, L Orient]. His humanity is awakened by the critical situation of the Alliance; calls atten tion to "the fatal consequences" which will result from persist ence on the part of her crew "in this Causeless Mutiny" ; has endeavored to procure Justice to every person who has served under my command"; encloses evidence; would not wish his "Worst enemy to be in so dangerous a situation" as is Capt. [Peter] Landais; the [French] government has given positive orders not to allow the Alliance to sail under command of Lan dais; latter is under arrest by order of the King; no injustice has been done; were such the case Congress would give redress to Landais; "And Mr. [Benjamin] Franklin is too wise to exceed the limits of his power" [in conferring authority upon Jones or witholding it from Landais]. Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. [1780.] Genet, [Francois de.] First secretary, French foreign office. [Versailles, Jun. 20. France.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, L Orient. Hopes he has arrive\l in safety; supposes his vessel [the Alliance] has sailed; hopes there was no blood shed in connection with her sailing; wishes him success in the future; encloses a letter from a lady whom Jones reveres. A. L. S. 2 pp. Q\ x 4^ inches. 1780. Bouel, . Artist, Paris. Paris. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Jun. 21. L Orient]. Regrets that Jones has been wearied by trouble and that the wish of the Countess of Nicolson [for Jones s portrait] seems likely to remain unsatisfied; would like to make arrange ments for a few sittings; guarantees that good work will be done; requests a reply in person or by letter; there will be no expense to Jones. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. In French. 1780. Jones, J[ohn] P[aul.] Capt., U. S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter Jun. 21. to [Francois] de Genet, Versailles. Requests that the enclosed despatches [regarding his controversy with Landais?] be shown to the [French] government before forwarding them [to Benja min Franklin?]; hopes his conduct "in so nice an affair will CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 155 1780. Jones, J[olm] P[aul] Continued. Jim. 21. meet with the approbation of the King and his Ministers"; is certain that measures will be taken to secure justice for himself and to defeat "this Base disappointed party who are the Ene mies of France, and in their Hearts the friends of England"; has received a letter from [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine by an officer [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre, Comte de Vauban?]; will answer same at once; "you will see that this is a confidential letter". Contemporary copy. 1 p. 4. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., l~. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter Jun. 23. [to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine, Paris]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of June 15th by the Marquis [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre Coiiite?] de Vauban; hopes the account of his conduct regarding the Alliance as given by [An toine Jean Marie] de Thevenard and [ ] de La Grandville will be approved by the [French] government; when he sails for America will gladly afford passage for any gentlemen de Sartine may recommend; thanks him for personal favors shown. Auto graph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6i inches. 1780. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., l~. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Account Jun. 25. against the "Marine Committee of the United States of America". Account is for expenses incurred in the United States service during Jones s stay in Europe; it includes obligations incurred on account of the Indien, Ranger and Alliance and for the proposed expedition with [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette; account is from January 1778 to date and amounts to 19,314 livres. Contemporary copy. 1787. Sweeny, Doyle. Clerk, office of commissioner of accounts, Marine Xov. 18. department, Continental Congress. Xew York. Attestation in be half of Benjamin Walker to truth of above copy. Nourse, Joseph. Registrar, U. S. Treasury. [Xew York?] "Set tled and passed to the credit of the Chevalier John Paul Jones * * * Decemr 1782"; 3,632 livres added to above account making a total of 22,946 with which Jones is credited. A. D. S. 2pp. F". 1780. Stubbs, Benjamin. Midshipman, U.S. nary. Prison, L Orient, [France.] Jun. 26. Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, L Orient. Is iu a "dismal situation"; ill treatment by [Lieut. James Arthur] Degges [Degge] was the only cause of his leaving Jones; prays for for giveness and restoration to his former station; sent on board the Alliance for his chest and bed but they were refused him; further details of his condition; begs for relief. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. A merican geographer and United States agent ?, L Orient. L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. N. S. 2pp. F. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jun. 27. Robert Morris, Philadelphia. Has deferred writing because of his expectation of an immediate return to America in the Alli ance; went to the [French] Court in April "to procure the free sale of the Serapis and other prizes" ; honors shown him by the King of France; letter in his behalf sent to [Anne Cesar, le Cheva- 156 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Jun. 27. Her] de La Luzerne; secured the French ship Arid to aid in trans porting supplies to America; on his return to L Orient found that Capt. [Peter] Landaishad assumed command of the Alliance June 13th; negotiations with [Antoine Jean Marie de Thevenard] Com mandant of the Port, with [Benjamin] Franklin and with [Arthur] Lee regarding the Alliance; humanity would not allow him to have the ship held in port by the lire of French guns; prevention of conflict between Frenchmen and Americans was "no small dis appointment to the wicked heart and empty head of [Arthur Lee and Commodore Alexander Gillon,] Captain Landais two princi pal advisers" ; " one of these two would be great men [Lee] will now have his Carriage, Baggage and Family transported from hence in the space * * * that should have been occupied by the soldiers clothing while the lied Ribboned Commodore [Gil- lon?] has inveigled away from the Continental service a number of seamen * * redeemed from English dungeons to man the Ariel" ; actions of Lee caused by hostility to Franklin; Landais originally the protege of [Silas] Deane and not of Lee; in all Europe "envy is dumb when the name of Franklin is but mentioned" ; Jones is of no party; is deeply obliged to Congress and to Morris and will "keep within his line of duty as an offi cer". Autograph draft. 7pp. 8 x 6j inches. Printed: [Sands], Life and Carres, of John Paul J<;>it, X. Y. 1X30, p. -~6. With variations: Wharton, Dip. Corrrs. nftlic Anicr. Rn:, Wash, issti, III: S20. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . S. nar;/. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jan. 27. E[dward] B[ancroft], Passy. Difficulties encountered since his departure from Versailles; officers of the port of L Orient act like women; could have stopped the Alliance with a part of their force; suspects a secret understanding between them and "453" [Arthur Lee] ; favors shown to Lee, [Commodore Alexander] Gillon and [Capt. Peter] Landais; Gillon allowed to enlist [for privateer service] seamen obtained from English prisons including some who served on the Lexington; Landais retains others on the Alliance; showed [Antoine Jean Marie] de Thevenard the letter which Landais wrote to [Lieut. James Arthur] Degge [exciting a mutiny] and desired him to interfere; would have been much better off had he followed his "own Judgements" ; bitter reflec tions on the conduct of Lee and of [Donatien Leray de] C[hau- mont] ; latter has not furnished a single sol with which to pay wages or prize money; "if 299 [Franklin] sits still in this matter I will pronounce him and 868 [Bancroft] Philosophers indeed" ; is himself no philosopher. Autograph draft. 4 pp. 8j x 6i inches. 1780. Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de. Mimster of Jun. 28. marine of France. Versailles, [France.] Letter to "Commo dore" [Capt. John] Paul Jones, L Orient. The King [Louis XVI of France] has spoken of his zeal in war and the reward which it has earned; has sent to [Anne Cesar, Chevalier] de La Luzerne the Cross of Military Merit intended for Jones; a gold sword also is being prepared for him. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones: Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 135. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 1%. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 157 1780. Lanrlais, P[eter.] Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance." "Road of Groa " Jun. 29. [( iroaix, France.] Letter to [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, L Orient. Sends following persons ashore "being such as I do not find Nec essary to the Service of the United States of America on board this Ship": George Johnston, John Hanrahan, Edward Garrett, Charles O Reily, John Thompson, Andrew Ryan, William McCul- loch, William Roberts, Joseph Walker, John Down, Archibald Caldwell, John Brown, Lawrence Furlong, Daniel Swain, John Hacket, Samuel Mathews, Peter Xoddle, Cover Rolef, Yallow? Allis, John Lauvellas, Joseph Lanley, Philo. Wobard; last five are prisoners of Jones. Contemporary copy. Aug. . Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, L Orient. Attestation to truth of above copy. A. X. S. 1 p. F. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 3. "the Ships Company" of the Alliance. Encloses seven papers on which is based his claim to the command of the Alliance: X~o. 1 is an order to Jones from B[enjamin] Franklin "to command the Alliance to America"; Xo. 2 is "an extract of a letter from the Board of Admiralty to Mr. Franklin for the return of the Alliance to Philadelphia"; Xo. 3 is "an express order from Mr. Franklin to Capt. [Peter] Landais not to meddle with the command of the Alliance" ; Xo. 4 is an order from Franklin to Landais " to quit the Alliance immediately"; Xo. 5 is an extract of a letter from Franklin to Jones "respecting the Mutiny on board the Alliance, the payment of Prize Money &c"; Xo. 6 is "an order from Mr. Franklin directing you to obey me as your Captain"; Xo. 7 is "an order from me to Captain Landais " ; is told that none of these papers have hitherto been communicated to you"; begs that they read them "with attention"; "after reflect ing seriously" are to inform him how to relieve them from "pres ent difficulties"; prize money is ready for them. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8} x 6 inches. [17SO?] Maille, , Comte. [L Orient, France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jul. 4. Jones, [L Orient]. Has refused other engagement; will have the honor of accepting his invitation to dinner for this day. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 4 x 6| inches. In French. 17sO. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I , fi. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 5. [Francois] de Genet, Versailles. Since June 23d has been endeav oring to restore order at L Orient; encloses papers to explain behavior of [Capt. Peter] Landais r.nd his advisers; encloses let ter of July 2d received from "the Sailors of the late Bonhoimne Jlichard"; [Nathan] Blodgett, purser of the Alliance preferred prison to the obedience of orders from Jones; has put the affair in the hands of [Antoine Jean Marie] de Thevenard; hopes through him, to obtain for the Ariel the seamen from the Richard now on board the Alliance; is obliged for the efforts of Genet; has received no reply [from Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] to his letter [regarding the possession of the Alliance ]; if [Benjamin] Franklin were at L Orient the crew of the Alliance would forsake Landais; [Arthur] Lee and Landais have deceived the crew; the ships company has not known Franklin s opinion 158 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. [Jones, Paul] Continued. Jul. 5. on the controversy; desire? Franklin to come to L Orient: his presence and the payment of the prize money will overcome every difficulty. Autograph draft. 2 pp. Sfc x rtj inches, and 2 pp. 5 x 7i inches. 17sO. Williams. Jonathan. I nlttd &at>* o</r."*Vi/ afieiit -it Aa/^. Pas>y. Jul. 5. [France.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [L Orient]. American affairs in poor condition: capture of Charleston has done "some Injury but the Depreciation of our Money has done much more"; has not been able to secure a companion ship for the Arid by coming from Nantes; a single ship will enable Jones to make a more rapid passage; may reach America before [Capt. Peter] Landais: [James] Moylan has all orders regarding the fit ting out of the Arid; advises Jones to reach America as soon as possible. A. L. S. -pp. 4 : . 17v\ ~ Jones. John Paul.] Capt., L". S . nary. L Orient. [France.] Letter to Jul. lO. [Antoine Raymond Jean Goalbert Gabriel] de Sartine, [Paris]. Great obligation of the United States to King [Louis XVI of France] "the Protector of the Rights of Human Nature": his heart overflows with gratitude for honors received from the best f Kings: thanks de Sartine far his letter of June 2Sth: will endeavor to prove himself worthy of favors bestowed. Autograph draft. 2 pp. F . Sartine"* letter of "June -JSth" primed: Bands . Lij f .4- f f>rrft. ./ J-.\i\ Prml J;n<*. N. Y. 1^30. p. "JT-i. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S . nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 10. John Ross, L Orient. In answer to his letter of this morning has received no instructions from [Benjamin] Franklin regarding "the embarkation of the American Continental Woolens under your direction on Board the Arid : intended that they should go on the Aliianiv; as the Arid was loaned by France to transport French arms and clothing to America it is his "thought that Mr. Franklin will not think himself authorized to employ that ship for any other purpose"; advises Ross to use a men-ban t ship for the woolens: France may furnish a convoy. Autograph draft. 2 pp. Si x 6i inches. 17^ . ~ Jones. John Paul.] Capt., U. > . nary. L Orient. [France.] Letter to Jul. 11. Jonathan Wheeler, Arid, L Orient. Has been informed by B[enjamin] Franklin that "A considerable number of American seamen" are at or near St. Malo, [France,] who are expected to man the Arid; directs him to proceed thither and engage all such seamen "who may, without loss of time, be willing to come here and to sail with me for America": encloses letters to the King s commissary and American agent at St. Malo: wishes at least thirty men: is to engage as many others as possible at Morlaix: can assure them of good treatment. Autograph draft. 2 pp. Si x 6* inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 12. B[enjamin] Franklin, [Passy, France]. Was much pleased with his letter of July 5th: regrets that his letter to Dr. [Edward] Bancroft [of June 27th] has given offence to Franklin; it was CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 159 17NX [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Jul. 12. a private letter: has written no others that he would not willingly show him; justifies his belief that he would be upheld as against Capt. [Peter] Landais in the controversy regarding the command of the Alliance; recounts his acts since assuming control of the Alliance; refusal of [Ponatien Leray de] Chaumont to provide money for wages and prize dues necessitated his trip to Paris; all Americans at L Orient except [Arthur] Lee and [James] Cutn- mings approved his making the journey; because he "was sent back empty handed" Lee was able to persuade the crew of the Alliance to mutiny; "under such circumstances * * * [Anne Hilarion de Contentin, Comte de] Tourville himself could not have prevented their plot from succeeding"; armament of the Ariel is well advanced; ha* received four men from St. Malo; Jonathan Wheeler gone for thirty or forty more; advance wages will be needed; men from the Bon Homrne Richard expect pay ment of wages and prize money l>efore sailing; [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont has given [ ] Montplaisir [de Monplaisir] no means for payment of same; wishes Franklin s advice for the future. Autograph draft. 4 pp. 4. Franklin * letter of July .=> is printed: Franklin s Work*. N". Y. 1888. VII: 101. 17M). [Jones, John Paul.] C<tj>t., U. ,9. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 14. [ ] ComtessedeB[ourbon] deL [a Vendahl], Versailles. Since receiving her packet has examined his letter [of June 7th] from Nantes; if the packet [the cipher] should have been omitted it can now be destroyed; was honored by the visit of her husband the Comte; considers Miss Edes [-Herbert] to have been mis taken in her remarks; would like to conduct a naval expedition with her husband; by consultation with [Francois] de Genet the particulars of one he has planned may be learned; details recent happenings and [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont s part in them; has received the Order of Military Merit and a sword from the King [Louis XVI of France] ; desires to place the sword in her hands for safe keeping; the cipher sent her will be useful for future correspondence; hopes to remain her friend; can read French if she desires to write in that language. Autograph draft 4pp. 4. Printed, except the postscript: [Sands]. Life and Corre*, of John PaulJone*, N. Y. 1830. p. 290. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to J"l- 14 - Barbantane Hunolstein ?, Versailles]. Begs forgiveness for not answering her letters sooner; "For Shame Paul Jones! how could you let the fairest Lady in the world, after writing you Two Let- t<?rt, wait so long for an Answer"; was ashamed to write of troubles regarding the Alliance ; ill conduct of [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; none of the crew "have complained of any illtreat- ment from me " ; will write often in the future. Autograph draft. 2pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 333. 1780. Williams, Jonathan. United States commercial agent at Mantes. Passy, [France.] Letter to Capt. [John Paul] Jones, [L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of July 7th; is ready to pay the balanee of account due Jones at any place; balance is not 12,000 livres but about 4,000; presumes he has not received the 160 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. "Williams, Jonathan Continued. Jul. 15. "last remittances" reducing the account to that amount; if Jones will write [Edward] Bancroft stating the exact amount due it shall he applied an the former desires; will not remain in Passy long to transact the business in person; thinks it impossible to obtain an "addition to the Ariel s force at present"; advises Jones to hasten to America where he will receive the honors due him and a complete triumph over his enemies. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 17. E[dward] Bancroft, Passy. On receipt of his favor of July 3d he wrote [Jonathan] Williams; hopes that Williams will apply 12,000 livres to use mentioned [payment of debts incurred by Jones?]; has no idea where to obtain "the rest" as [Ponatien Leray de] C[haumont] " has had 300,000 livres of his Bills lately protested in Amsterdam "; is informed by [ ] Montplaisir [de Monplaisir] that de Chaumont has furnished no means forpayment of wages or prize money due the crew of the Jinn Homme Richard; has received "a very severe letter from our Venerable Friend [Benjamin Franklin] for the letter [of June 7th] 1 wrote you"; summarizes his reply to Franklin; unless wages and prize money are paid, credit of Jones in both Europe and America will be gone and a second revolt [of crew] will be probable; rei ers. to correspondence between [Capt. Peter] Landais and Franklin; the Alliance has sailed for America leaving a greater amount of stores than the Ariel can carry; wishes the Terpxicore could be secured; begs Bancroft and [Jonathan] Williams to urge this with [le Chevalier] de Baudouin; if this be done his project [for an expedition against the English] in which he should have the Serupix, Terpsicon and Ariel under his command will be greatly forwarded; wishes Bancroft to purchase ami forward " one of the most fashionable crosses of [the Order of Military] Merit of the small size"; honors bestowed upon him by King [Louis XVI of France]; "the cross and institution of true Merit [bestowed by the King were] enclosed in a letter to [Anne Cesar,] Chevalier de La Luzerne". Autograph draft. 3 pp. 8^ x 6i inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] dipt., U. S. iiari/. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 19. [ ] Chevalier de Baudouin, [Paris]. Would have written earlier but Avas ashamed of the troubles regarding the AU mnn 1 ; Jones s conduct blameless in that matter; [ ] Montplaisir [de Monplaisir] has informed him of the derelictness of [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont respecting payment of wages and prize money; his plans for the future; need of clothing for the troops commanded by [Gen. George] Washington; all this clothing could be carried on the Terpsicore and Ariel together; honors: received from [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine and from the King [Louis XVI of France]; "Cross and institution of Military Merit inclosed in a letter to [Anne Cesar] Chevalier de La Luzerne"; "Count de Lowendal [Comte de La Vendahl?] has proposed to join me in an Expedition" [against the English] and "to command the Land Forces"; has written him on the subject; hopes his own or a better plan may be adopted; has written [Edward] Bancroft regarding the same matter. Autograph draft. 4pp. 8jx6i inches. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 161 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nun/. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 19. [Francois] de Genet, Versailles. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of [July] 15th; in his letter of July 14th to Lady Loweiidal [Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl?] he mentioned her hus band s wish to join him in his expedition [against the English]; high opinion of "that gallant and able officer"; honors received from the French King [Louis XVI]; "a sword that [Anne Hilarion de Contentin, Comte de] Tourville himself would have been proud to boast of"; has a letter from the Minister [of Marine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] in his Majesty s name and one from [Anne Cesar,] Chevalier de La Luzerne, accompanying the Order of Military Merit; "at the requests of some friends " begs Genet to send him " the explana tion of all the devices on the sword"; other honors; wishes Genet to inform de Sartine of his eagerness for action; the Ariel will be ready early in August; wishes the Terpsicore may be secured; "the Marquis [James Joseph, Comte de Vau ban?] and his Lady are well"; desires English newspapers to take to America. Autograph draft. 3 pp. 4. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., V. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 23. John Mayrant, Amsterdam, [Holland]. Has received his letter enclosed in one from [John] de Neufville & Son; in reply states that "no part of the prize money has been or is" in his posses sion; prizes are sold and [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont has had 100,000 livres of the proceeds in his hands since November; he " does not appear disposed to part with the money"; Gourlade & Moylan are the agents for the crews of the Bon Homme Richard and Alliance and should be accountable for their proportion: would be glad to do more for him and his brother officers if it were possible; his trip to Paris was to procure free sale of the prizes; would write to each officer but lacks time. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. *V. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 24. " Madame [Aimee Adele de] Telisson ", Paris. Would have writ ten her the promised account of his expedition sooner but for his trouble regarding the Alliance; particulars regarding the trouble and the part taken in it by [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont, [Benjamin] Franklin and the French government; is now about to sail for America on the Ariel; hopes to hear from her before his departure. Autograph draft. 4 pp. 8^ x 6} inches. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, pp. 204-200. In part: [Sands], Life and Cm-res, of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1830- pp. 281-282. 1780 Baiadouin, [ , Chevalier de.] Officer, French army. Paris. Letter Jul. 27. to [Capt. John] P[aul] Jones, care of Gourlade & Moylan at L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of July 19th; will be pleased to ask for the Terpsicore for Jones but [Edward] Ban croft and himself doubt the probability of obtaining her; has thanked [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine as requested for favors bestowed upon Jones; good wishes for the future. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. In French. 2155103 11 162 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., T~. /S . nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 28. "Madame La Marquis De La Fayette", Paris. Is once more nearly ready for sea; would be glad to do her any service in his power; expects to see the Marquis [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Metier, Marquis de Lafayette] about Oct. 1st; may return to France with him; wishes any let ters [for her husband] forwarded at once. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 329. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Jul. 29. Gourlade & Moylan, L Orient. Directs that officers and men entered for the Ariel be given an advance at the rate of forty livres for every able seaman and in proportion agreeable to "the table of wages established by Congress"; signature of each man to whom payment is made is to be secured opposite the amount received. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1780. Genet, [Francois de.] First secretary, French foreign office. Versailles, Jul. 30. [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Hopes a certified copy of [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine s] letter to Congress will be sent to Jones as he desires; explains the devices upon the sword presented to Jones; no hope of securing the Terpsicore; has presented his compliments to Comte [de La Vendahl?] and his wife; they send best wishes; "Mad. Genet, my family and Miss Edes [-Herbert]" join in same. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. [1780?] Genet, [Francois de.] First secretary, French foreign office. [Versailles.] Aug. 1. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [L Orient?]. Sends him "the letter certified" [de Sartine to Congress, of May 30. 1780]; wishes him a speedy return. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nan/. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Aug. 2. [Charles Gravier,] Comte de Vergennes, [Versailles]. Would be unworthy of favors shown him did he not seek new means of serving France and America; in May, [1780] laid a plan of action before him and now encloses a copy of same; lief ore the French fleet under [Admiral Louis Guillouet,] Comte d Orvilliers sailed from Brest he was informed by [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont that the French government desired his written opinion on pri vate expeditions [against the English] ; gave his views but under stands that de Chaumont presented some of these opinions as his own; gives further views as to the desirability of destroying British commerce in the Baltic; attacks should be made on England s colonies and upon her home coasts; these expeditions can be more easily accomplished under the American than under the French flag; "this is not theory, for I have proved it by my experience, and if I have opportunity, I will yet prove it more fully " ; asks assistance in carrying out plans for such expeditions. Autograph draft. 5 pp. 8 x 6J inches. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 208. [Sands], Life it Corrcs. of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1830, p. 283. The same letter was sent to [Jean FnSderic Phe lypeaux,] Comte de Maurepas. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 163 1780. Neif, Aryde. Capt., Dutch merchant brigantine " BerkenboscJi." St. Eusta- Aug. 4. tia, [West Indies.] Deposition regarding capture of the Berken- loscJi. The vessel was the property of Vander Perre & Meyneers of Middleburgh, Zealand; sailed from Middleburgh Aug. 15, 1779; arrived at Liverpool Aug. 27th; thence sailed for Leghorn; fell in with Capt. John Paul Jones, Jan. 8, 1780; was ordered to pro ceed "with all his papers on board the Lion [Alliance] Capt. Jones s own Ship"; despite evidence Jones declared the vessel United States property; was kept aboard the "Lion" until the 9th; was then allowed to depart but the cook was retained by Jones; on Mar. llth near St. Eustatius was captured by "two British Frigates", the Greyhound, Capt. [William] Dickenson [Dickson?] and the Sarage, Capt. [Samuel] Greaves [Graves?]; | of cargo condemned by Court of Admiralty at Barbadoes; protest is against Jones, Dickson, Graves and the Court; sworn to before Alexander Jerine, Secretary of the West India Company. Contemporary copy. 4 pp. F. Enclosed in letter: Livingston, Robert R. to Jones 1782, Apr. 20. The original was sent to Congress by Benjamin Franklin. See: Franklin to Thomas McKean 1781, Nov. 5. Franklin s Works, N. Y., 1888, VII: 396. 1780. Baltayock, Chevalier de Muir, Bolder de. St. Brieuc, [France.] Letter Aug. 4. [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Desires to obtain the honor and glory of serving under his command as a volunteer; is a native of Scotland; has served in a regiment from Aquitaine; can obtain the recommendation of his colonel [ ] Marquis de Crillon; awaits his reply with impatience. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. In French. 1780. Maillac, - , Comte de. L Orient, [France.] Letter to "Commo- Aug. 5. dore" [Capt. John] Paul Jones, L Orient. Regrets that he can not accept the invitation to dine with Jones on Saturday [Aug. 5th]. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 4. In French. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt. , V. S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to Aug. 6. Barbantane Hunolstein?, Versailles]. Has received no reply to his letter of July 14th; fears that she is punishing him for his former silence; sends respects to [Louis Philippe Joseph,] Due and to the Duchess [de Chartes?] ; desires to give the world further proofs of his zeal; wishes her to honor him with her interest that he may " hence forth, during the war, be employed in the most active and enterprising services"; letters to him are to be addressed in care i if Robert Morris, Philadelphia. Autograph draft. 2pp. 8x6$ inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Aug. 7. E[dward] Bancroft, [Passy?]. Has written a long letter to his Excellency [Benjamin Franklin]; knows that the "ungrateful Upstart" [Arthur Lee?] "is capable of any sort of business" but trusts "the Senate of America will * * prevent him from doing further mischief"; has long known his envy and hatred of "299" [Franklin?]; hopes Bancroft will "represent that Wasp in true colors to [Francois de] Genet"; if he has not sent a copy i if the cipher in use between them to Genet, Jones will do so; requests Bancroft to return the original memorandum respecting 164 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Aug. 7. [Peter] Landais which Jones submitted to the [French] Court; hopes notice has been taken of it; encloses two bills of exchange on Paris amounting to 5905.9.8 livres; they are to be paid to Purch, fils & Co. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8} x 6i inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S . navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Aug. 9. [Francois] de Genet. [Versailles]. Acknowledges receipt of his letters of July 30th, Aug. 1st and 5th; has informed [Benjamin] Franklin in a letter forwarded by [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Pres- tre?,] Comte de Vauban that he will not sail until he is aware what Parisian banker -has the prize money resulting from his last expe dition; the Ariel is ready but he must know on his arrival in America upon what banker to draw for the balance due the crews of the Bon Homme Richard and Alliance; the Concordat "that [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont had the meanness to impose" gives him " no power over the property of others"; unless he can satisfy the men under him they will think he was associated with de Chaumont from the beginning; details his grievances against de Chaumont; refers him to [Germain?, Comte] Gamier as sup porting these statements; is "uneasy at not hearing from Lady Lowendal [Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl?] ; wrote her on the 14th of last month; in accordance with advice of [Francois Alexandre Frederic,] Due de La Rochefaucauld [-Liancourt?] has wrtiten to the Prime Minister [Jean Frederic Phelypeaux, Comte de Maurepas] and to the Minister of Foreign Affairs [Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes] again submitting the plans laid be- foret hem in May; if these letters and the one to [Antoine Ray mond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine prove ineffectual, Jones will know that he has done all he can to prove his attachment to the common cause; sends respects to Miss Edes [-Herbert], to "Madame de Genet & All your Ladies"; inquires if cipher has been received from [Edward] Bancroft; has been requested by the Board of Admiralty to obtain from de Sartine plans of French war ships constructed since the treaty of alliance; hopes Genet will secure specimen plans for him ; if he will do so Jones will represent to Congress the favor done. Autograph draft. 4 pp. 8J x 6J inches. 1780. Maurepas, [Jean Frederic Phelypeaux,] Comte de. President of the Aug. 15. Council of France. Versailles. Letter to "Commodore" [Capt. John] Paul Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Aug. 2d; has communicated his plan [for an expedition against the British] to [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine; if other American ships can be secured to aid the Alliance he may be able to furnish French frigates or privateers; the future will decide definitely. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones: Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 136. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 209. 1780. Hunolstein, Barbantane. Maid of honor to tlte Duchesse de Charter. Aug. 15. [Paris.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Would have written sooner but has been engaged in preparations for a festival; hopes her letter convinced him that she wishes him treated according to his merit and rewarded as is his desert; will be pleased if he can do as he wishes [regarding a cruise against the English] and so anticipates with pleasure his arrival in Phila- CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 165 1780. Hunolstein, Barbantane Continued. Aug. 15. delphia; desires Jones to \vrite her in French as he understands that language better than she does English ; has given his mes sages to [Louis Philippe Joseph,] Due and to the Duchesse of Chartes; they send him their compliments; thanks him for his kindness to her brother [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre, Comte de Vauban]. A. L. S. 1 p. 7| x 4f inches. In French. [1780 ?] ["Delia".] [Paris.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [L Orient, [Aug.] 22. France]. Has received his letters of [Aug.] 15th and 16th; the prospect [of his leaving for America] lacerates her heart and increases her despair; "le Chevalier [ ] vous assure de son respect; * * * il part demain au soir; * * il vais vous voir "; wishes she was one of his crew. A. L. 3pp. 4. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 320. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt. U. S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Aug. 22. William Carmichael, Madrid, [Spain]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of July 17th enclosed in one to [John] Ross; details his recent troubles [regarding the command of the Alliance] ; honors received from Louis XVI; letters in his behalf from the Minister [of Marine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] to [Samuel Huntington] President of [the Continental] Congress and to [Anne Cesar,] Chevalier de La Luzerne; difficulties in obtaining the packet sent him by Carmichael; made application for it to [Conrad Alexandre] Gerard [de Rayneval] ; latter said it had been forwarded to [Ferdinand?] Grand; Grand denied receiving it; encloses copy of his letter of Mar. 4th as he considers it improbable that Carmichael received the original; understands that a Board of Admiralty has at last been appointed; wishes it had been appointed before all the navy had been lost; "the Board will certainly know whom they employ in future "; regrets "the affair at Charleston" [capture of the city by Sir Henry Clinton]; "862" [Congress? should be informed] that "14" [John Adams?] has harmed "514 at 820" [Benjamin Franklin at Court?] by forcing a correspondence with "819" [Charles Gravier, Comte de Yergennes?] in which he has ungratefully asserted that [the Franco- American alliance is of more benefit to France than to America]; [Adams?] is "gone to 354 [Amsterdam?] as he says to do good" [by making America less dependent upon France]; Jones fears "farther mischief" will result; was informed [by Adams?] in May "that if the 28 [treaty with Spain] was not soon finished [John] Jay would find himself disappointed"; warns Carmichael against "that wicked and conceited upstart"; if " 742 [Spain] would declare for 32 [America] the Cabal would fall to nothing"; on his return to America will state matters in their true light; does not like to see "upstarts making a misuse of the powers and public confidence with which they are wrongly entrusted"; wishes to be remembered to Mr. and Mrs. [John] Jay; hopes Carmichael will be on terms of confidential friendship with [Edward] Bancroft, a man of great abilities; hopes to hear from him constantly as to public affairs. Autograph draft. 7pp. 4. See Adams, correspondence with Vergennes, Sparks, Dip. Corres. ofAmer. Kcv., Vol. V. Boston, 1829. 166 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. [1780?] ["Delia".] [Paris.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, L Orient. [Aug?] Acknowledges receipt of his letter of [Aug?] 18th; is very grate ful for the tenderness which it expresses; fears that he will sail [for America] without seeing her again; her love for him etc. A. L. 2 pp. 4. In French. Translation printed: Shei-burne, Life of John Pun! Jmtca, Wash., 1S2\ ]>. 332. 1780. Cosse [-Brissac, Louis Hercule Timoleon,] Marquis de. Commandant, Sep. 1. Port Louis,. France. Port Louis. Letter to "Commodore" [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [L Orient]. Appreciates his courtesy; hopes to be able to come on board [the^-lmV] Sep. 2d. A. L. S? in body of document. 1 p. 7} x 6 inches. In French. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nanj. Ariel, Road of Groaix, [France.] Sep. 8. Letter to [Charles William Frederick] Dumas, The Hague, [Hol land]. Apologizes for his long delay in writing; hopes to show "when matters are brought to a proper and final discussion" that his own conduct has been blameless but that he has been unfairly treated; details of [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont s actions; honors shown him by Louis XVI and the Ministry; the sword is handsomer than that presented to [Maj. Gen. Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette; letters in Jones s behalf written to the Continental Congress and to [Anne Cesar, Chevalier] de LaLuzerne; fears further intrigues byde Chaumont; will sail in a few days; hopes to hear from him through R[obert] M [orris]; understands that "Mr. Roundface" [John Adams?] has gone to Amsterdam; wishes "he were at home to mind his trade and his fireside"; fears he will do more harm than good in Holland; wishes to be remembered to Madame and the "Virgin Muse" [Miss Dumas?]; when he revisits [Europe] will make a C[ount] of his brother Knight [Capt. Sir Richard Pearson] for his attentions at The Texel. Autograph draft. 4 pp. 8 x 6i inches. Printed: Wharton, Dip. Corrcs. oft ieAnier. Rer., Wash., 18S9, IV: -4v 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. .S . nanj. Arid, Road of Groaix, [France.] Sep. 9. Letter to Lieut. Richard Dale, L Orient. Ship has been exposed to storms and enemies since the 4th; officers have abused their shore leave; others have been absent without leave; is not dis posed to shut his eyes to this conduct much longer; all officers except the purser and master are to remain on board; a shore hoat to be provided to bring water aboard unless [James] Moylan can borrow a shalloup from the port. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 65 inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., l\ S. nary. Ariel, Road of Groaix, [France.] Sep. 13. Letter to "Madame La President d Onnoy", [Paris]. Is much honored by her generous attentions to him; thanks her in particu lar for the introduction to her social circle; pleasure derived from the society of "the charming Countess" [de Bourbon de La Vendahl?]; hopes she will write to him in the future; the ink stand which he has given her may be used " to instruct mankind and support the dignity and rights of human nature". Auto graph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6i inches. Printed: Sherburne, Lije of John Paul Junes, N. Y. 1851. p. 330. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 167 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. ft. nnvy. Ariel, Groaix, [France.] Letter Sep. 19. to [James] Moylan, [L 7 Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of the 18th; encloses a list of stores needed to replace a part of those lost in the Alliance; wishes him to consult [Joseph] Wharton [jr.] and [John] Ross respecting certain arms sent him by " le President de Salebery uncle to Pontgebon 7 ; does not wish them but dislikes to offend the President by refusing; encloses also a letter from " my Farine"; does not know what the latter wishes "but it is too late to think of loosing him now 7 ; wishes " Wharton or some of the persuasive gentlemen to use means to get him on board"; he will be a very necessary person; "My people appear much more satisfyed than was expected 77 . Auto graph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6J inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] ( apt., l~. 8. navy. Ariel, Groaix, [France.] Letter Sep. 21. to [Francois] de Genet, [Versailles]. Is "on the point of depart ure from this much loved Nation 7 ; sends him a cipher for cor respondence for fear [Edward] Bancroft may disappoint him; encloses "papers and vouchers 77 to be laid before [Antoine Ray mond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine] Minister of Marine; they will vindicate Jones s own conduct and show the "meaness (to call it no worse) 77 of that of [Donatien Leray] de Chaumont; account of the latters actions; "the claim of the privateer 77 Grand- rille [for a share of the prize money] is absurd 77 ; the case of the Monsieur; both ships left the squadron at will; wishes these things stated to the Minister " since M. [Benjamin] Franklin will not interfere 77 ; has much to fear from the illtreated men who served under him; the men from the Bon Homrne Richard have but just received their wages and those from the Richard who "were car ried away in irons in the Alliance have received nothing 77 ; cold ness between [Germain?, Comte] Gamier and de Sartine due to machinations of de Chaumont; to same was due Jones 7 s disgrace at The Texel; de Chaumont "dressed up to suit his own views messages to and from Versailles 77 ; his conduct has caused dis agreements among the American Commissioners; Genet is "at liberty to make what use of this letter your prudence may judge proper i7 ; is happy to inform him "that by the testimony of the four ships now arrived * * * from Philadelphia all the Con gress appear to be warmly my friends 7 . Autograph draft. 8 pp. 8 x 6i inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt. , U. .$ . nary. Ariel, Groaix, [France.] Letter Sep. 21. to [Jean Frederic Phelypeaux,] Comte de Maurepas, [Versailles]. Is about to leave France; thanks him for his kindness and letter of the 15th; will try to show his appreciation of favors by his service to the king and nation; has learned that Congress and the American people are his friends; this feeling will aid him in ob taining ships for future service. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6i inches. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jonex, X. Y. 18M, p. 210. 1781). [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. nary. Ariel, Groaix, [France.] Letter Sep. 21. to the Corntessede Bourbon deL [a Vendahl?, Versailles]. Thanks her for her letter of [Aug.] 5th; regrets she will not accept the deposit [of the sword presented by Louis XVI] mentioned in his last letter; will follow her advice and guard it himself; has re- 168 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Sep. 21. ceived a challenge from Sir James Wallace of the [British] ship Nonesuch; were that ship and the Ariel evenly matched he would have employed his time otherwise than in writing letters; hopes to sail for America soon; the "first Minister" [Jean Frederic Ph^lypeaux, Comte de Maurepas] favors his project [for an expe dition agaittst Great Britain with Jones in command of an Ameri can squadron]; is intending to push that project with the [Conti nental] Congress; is sure that body will say all it wishes in regard to the Comte [de La Yendahl being placed in command of the land forces] if the project is agreed upon; sentiment in America is in Jones s favor; will write frequently; urges her to do the same; her " English is correct and even elegant". Auto graph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6i inches. Printed. [Sands], Life & Corres. of Joint. Pun! Jnn>, N. Y. 1830, p. 292. Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 332. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Ariel, Groaix, [France.] Let- Sep. 21. ter to Silas Dean[e], [Passy]. Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 8th; has been " windbound in stormy weather ever since the 4th"; expects to sail as soon as the merchant ships in Port Louis come out; is proud of the kind feeling in America toward him as reported by Deane; has "met with some opposition from the little minded but * * * some opposition is perhaps neces sary * * * to establish my honor and reputation in the page of history". Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6i inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Ariel, Groaix, [France.] Let- Sep. 22. ter to [Louis Philippe Joseph,] Due de Chartes, [Paris]. Ac knowledges receipt of his letter of Aug. 18th by Capt. de Rober- deau; is always pleased to render his best services to persons recommended by the Due; hopes de Roberdeau will be satisfied with the attentions accorded him [during the passage to America and afterwards]. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8 x 6j inches. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851. p. 327. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Ariel, Groaix, [France.] Let- Sep. 22. ter to "La Princesse Donairiere de Nassau Saarboiick [Saarbriick] Nee Comtesse D Eubache [d Eusbach] ", [Paris?]. Acknowl edges receipt of her letter of Sep. 4th by [Capt. ] de Rober deau; hopes that officer will be satisfied with attentions accorded him "on the passage [to America] and afterwards"; is proud to merit her esteem and good opinion. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8 x 6 inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. "Ariel at Sea". Letter to Sep. 23. B[enjamin] Franklin, [Passy, France]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Aug. 21st containing list of men who had served in the privateer "Madame &c."; has received also papers for warded through [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre,] Comte de Yauban; [Jonathan] Wheeler, the gunner, followed the orders of Jones at St. Malo; Wheeler had letters from Gourlade & Moy- lan to the American agent at that place as well as from [ ] de La Grand ville to the French commissary; the men named on the enclosed list " were found free from the Madame and actually on board an armed vessel belonging to the King [of France] "; CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 1780. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Sep. 23. they were given up to Wheeler by the King s commissary; knows not what became of the other men named on Franklin s list; the captain of the Madame boarded [the Ariel] and wished to take back the men who had enlisted on her from his privateer; Jones offered to return them on payment of "what they had cost the United States "; this offer refused; had 400 men on the Alliance when he applied for the Ariel; explanations regarding expense of refitting the Ariel; has acted for the best as he saw it; is " done with [Donatien Leray de] Chaumont"; has sent proofs to Ver sailles which "will prevent his during further public mischief"; has applied the money given him by Franklin for distribution in consonance with his orders; hopes to hear from him in the future. Autograph draft, 4 pp. 8 x Gk inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. Ariel at sea. Letter to [Fran- Sep. 23. cois] de Genet, [Versailles, France]. Introduces Robert Mease of Virginia; wishes "every good American to know, that they may love, the amiable family of M. de Genet" ; "Mr. Mease would be proud of an opportunity to pay his respects with the enclosed letters to the two noble and amiable sisters". Autograph draft. 1 p. 8 x 6J inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. Ariel at sea. Letter to E[d ward] Sep. 23. Bancroft, [Passy, France]. Has just settled his accounts with [James] Moylan; owes the firm of Gourlade & Moylan over 3000 livres, cannot therefore remit money owed to "Pnche fils & Co" ; presumes [Jonathan] Williams has sent him the balance of ac count; is uneasy that so much remains unpaid; would long since have settled his accounts at Paris if [Donatien Leray de] "Chau mont had acted like an Honest Man"; hopes he has prevented the latter from doing farther mischief; has been placed in a poor light before his crew; encloses a letter of attorney for Bancroft; rules to be followed in division of prize money; two-thirds of the Bon Homme Richard s share is naturally Jones s; absurdity of the claim of the Grandiille; [Francois de] Genet will explain this to the Minister [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sar- tine?]; has given [Jonathan] Williams and [James] Moylan orders to give him his share of all money coining from the sale that the account with Puche fils & Co. may be settled; Gourlade & Moylan will wait until his debts in Paris are paid; will care for Bancroft s interest; sends respects to [Germain?, Comte] Gamier; wishes "one of the stamps [portraits?] done by M. Moran" to be given to [Antoine Jean Marie de] Thevenard and one to [ ] de La Granville; "such a mark of attention can do no harm"; would show the same attention to others but has not the money; recommends Genet to his friendship; "he has the ear of the Ministers and their confidence". Autograph draft. 4pp. 8x 65 inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Ariel at sea. Letter to [ ] Sep. 23. Gourlade, Paris. Cannot leave France without bidding him adieu; thanks him for past civilities; will endeavor to serve France in the future; wishes to be remembered to [ ] Bau- douin; desires to maintain correspondence with each of them [Gourlade & Moylan]. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8 x 6 inches. 170 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. Morice, . Capt., French privateer "Grandwlle". St. Servan, [France.] Sep. 29. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient?]. Wrote him regard ing the CrandriUe upon his arrival in Holland; has wished to give an account of his own movements since his separation from Jones s squadron; justifies his attitude towards Jones during the period now passed; hopes to receive justice at his hands [in the matter of prize money?]; will then be able to maintain his reputation and continue his service. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. In French. [1780.] La Grave, . [L Orient, France.] Letter to "Commodore" [Capt. [Sep ?] John] Paul Jones, Road of Groaix. An American vessel has just arrived; [Antoine Jean Marie] de Thevenard desires to inform him that M. Landes [Capt. Peter Landais] was placed under arrest upon his arrival at Boston; regrets that he could not bring this intelligence in person; hopes to rejoin him soon. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8} x 6\ inches. In French. 1780. Gourlade, . Merchant and United States commercial agent at L Orient. Oct. 5. Paris. Letter to "Commodore" [Capt. John] Paul Jones, L Orient. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of [Sep.] 27th; if he wishes that a portion of the prize money should be paid to the crews of the Bon Nomine Richard and the Alliance is sure it will be; "the king is just and his minister is honest"; [Benjamin] Franklin wishes the matter arranged before Jones s departure; has no fear but that America will do him justice; he will do credit to a great command; it might be well if he would be a lit tle more affable toward his inferiors. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. In French. 1780. "Ariel." French ship of war in United States service. Officers of. Oct. 13. L Orient, [France.] Declaration respecting the wreck of the French ship of war Ariel, in the service of the United States. Left the Road of Groaix for America, Oct. 7th; had the American merchant brigantines Duke of Leinster and Luke with a French lugger under convoy; description of the storm of Oct. 8th; orders of Capt. [John Paul Jones]; effects of storm on the ship; return to Groaix on the llth; entered L Orient Oct. 12th; copy of log book for Oct. 8th and 9th. Contemporary copy by Jones. 4 pp. 8\ x 6i inches. Enclosed in letter: Jones to Madame d Ormoy 1780, Oct. 16. Printed in part: Sherburne. Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 21 J. 1780. Hunolstein, Barbantane. Maid of honor to the Duchessede Chartes. Switz- Oct. 14. erland. .Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient, France]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter and regrets that she did not see him before leaving Paris; was horrified at learning of the dangers to which he has been subjected; regrets that [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre,] Comte de Vauban is not to go to Amer ica with Jones but feels that the latter can hardly blame him will always have a deep interest in every thing that relates to Jones; will be in Paris soon and eager to hear from him. A. L. S. 2 pp. 7}x4f inches. In French. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 171 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Oct. 1<). " Madame La Presidente D Ornioy", [Paris?]. Encloses declara tion of his officers showing the " ticlish situation" in which he was while she was writing him Oct. 9th; is fully sensible of obli gations conferred on him by her attentions and those of her daughters and friends; has returned without laurels; regrets that English lady mentioned is hostile to him; other ladies "of that Nation " are his friends; will force England to esteem as well as hate him; Capt. [Peter] Landais and all the officers of the Alliance placed under arrest by Congress; command of that ship given to Capt. [John] Barry; has no enemies in America; wishes to hear from her; is eager to prove his attachment to France and to his friends. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul June*, X. Y. 1851, p. 330. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] dipt., I . S. nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Oct. 17. E[dward] Bancroft, [Passy]. Has returned to France without laurels and without doing service to "our Cause"; refers him to [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre,] Comte de Vauban " bearer of this letter" for details of the storm; has seen some [American] papers; only "agreeable" thing in them is the address of the Assembly of Rhode Island to [Lt. Gen. Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeure,] Comte de Rochambeau and the answer; [Joseph] Wharton [Jr.] joins with him in desiring to hear anything else that is interesting; [Arthur] Lee reached Philadelphia the night before a passenger of Capt. [ ] Hall left; "no guns were fired, no bells were rung, nor bonfires made in consequence of so great an event ; Comte de Vauban behaved well [on the cruise] ; Vauban is "determined to use his interest" with [Louis Phil ippe,] Comte d Orleans to have the Terpsicore substituted for the Arid; has sufficient men in view for her crew; as Capt. [John] Barry is in command of the Alliance no ship remains in America for Jones; hopes "299" [Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries?] will not oppose Vauban s application; does not wish to perplex [Benjamin] Franklin with the proposal; wishes to be remembered to W[illiam] T[emple] Franklin, [Silas] Deane and his Excellency [Benjamin Franklin] ; inquires regard ing the Countess de X [ ]; [Joseph] AVharton [jr.] wishes him to ask respecting Mr. A [ ] and Mr S [ ]; Bancroft is to answer only so far as he considers proper; is no less a friend of Madame de C[haumont] and her family than formerly. Auto graph draft. 3pp. 8^x6? inches. Printed in part: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1.851, p. 211. 1780. Dale, Richard. Lieut., U.S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to [Capt.] Oct. 20. John Paul Jones, [. Orient]. Particulars regarding the desertion of ten men from the Ariel; Dale, [Lieuts. Henry] Lunt and [Samuel] Stacy engaged in fore part of vessel; the deserters " having planned the scheme with the sentinals * * * seazed on the Jolly Boat" and made for the Port Louis shore; Dale, [Midshipman] Thomas Potter and eight men pursued in the long boat but to no purpose; thinks men could be secured by adver tising; names are: Gorlano Bairdo, Antonio Sponza, Pedro Ani- broge, Antino Mazzingay, Augustino Martino, Bernardo Jo Vira, Joseph Antone, Joseph Moria, [ ] Cavellar and [ ] Louvelle; physical description of each. A. L. S. 2 pp. F. 172 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. Jones, John P[aul.] Capt., T. ,S . nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Oct. 24. [Capt] Thomas Truxtun "of the [privateer] Ship Independence of Philadelphia in the Port of L Orient". Has a commission in the United States service; the United States "requires all her citizens to pay respect to her flag and commission par ticularly in foreign ports"; Truxtun with the Independence has failed to pay due respect to the Ariel; sent a boat to demand that proper respect be accorded the Continental flag and commission; treatment received by same; second message sent by Lieut. [Rich ard] Dale; flag then respected by Truxtun; characterization of let ter received by Jones from Truxtun; will lay it before the Board of Admiralty with complaint against him; Truxtun s offence is not personal but against the United States. Autograph draft signed. 4 pp. 8 x 6i inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., V. S. nanj. L Orient [France.] Letter to Oct. 25. [Francois] de Genet, [Versailles?]. Acknowledges receipt of his letters of Oct. 18th and 19th; will endeavor to obtain for him copies of the Constitutions of the three States desired; send him a letter for the new Minister [Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries]; it should be kept secret; has charged a friend "who is still here "to carry a mark of respect to his daughter; [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre,] Comte de Vauban has spoken of the Terpsicore and has " employed [Louis Philippe,] Due d Or leans to obtain the change proposed " [Terpsicore for the Ariel], Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., I . S. narif. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Nov. 7. Lieut. Richard Dale, [L Orient]. lias furnished him with letters irom [de La Granville] "the Kings Commissary at L Orient", and from [James] Moylan "to the Persons in Power at Morlaix"; is to apprehend the following deserters from the Ariel: Jonathan Wheeler, Arthur Robison [Robinson?] and James Chester, petty officers; Preserve Sessal, Amos Whate, Daniel Wil- let and Martin Shaw, seamen; is furnished with money for neces sary expenses; is to apprehend any other deserters whom he may find; understands that Wheeler is employed as an officer on a cutter fitting out at Morlaix; deserters found are to be conducted to L Orient under guard; is instructed to enlist twenty able sea men if he can find that number "not immediately employed in the Royal Navy of France". Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 6i inches. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter [to Nov. 8. Robert Morris, Philadelphia]. Wrote him on Oct. 26th by the Independence; [Benjamin] Franklin ill with gout and unable to write; is in "hourly expectation" of hearing from [Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries] respecting plans [for an expedition against Great Britain] submitted to the gov ernment in May; [Jean Frederic Phelypeaux,] Due de Maurepas has approved Jones s ideas and he hopes Castries will do the same; the Ariel will soon be ready for sea; understands that Capt. [John] Barry has been assigned to the Alliance and that the America will be reserved for him; is grateful to Congress for the confidence thus shown; is informed that on the way to America Capt. [Peter] Landais was deprived of his command by his officers and carried CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 173 1780. [Jones, John Paul] Continued. Nov. 6. to, Boston a Prisoner" ; "If Congress sit still and suffer this to pass without inflicting a most exemplary punishment there will be an end to all order"; considers that "the great mass of the officers [in the navy] were never intended by Nature to fill such impor tant places"; need of reforms in the service; is of opinion that if Landais was insane as pretended, he became insane long before leaving France; doubts if [Arthur] Lee can reconcile his support of Landais at L Orient in mutiny against Jones with his judge ment of the same officer at sea; further criticism of the discipline inthenavy. Autograph draft, marked "Confidential". 3pp. 4. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. >S . nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Nov. 9. Dr. John K. Read, [Goochland Count}-,] Virginia. Thanks him for letters received; takes this opportunity of informing him through Read s brother that "for these five years past" military affairs have engaged his whole attention; is a stranger to trade and can be of no assistance to him in that line; advises him to apply to [Jean Holker?] French consul general at Philadelphia for bills of exchange on France and to have goods purchased in Europe sent "in very small parcels" and not all in one vessel. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 328. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. iiari/. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Nov. 11. William [Temple] Franklin, [Passy]. Acknowledges receipt of his letters of Oct. 30th and Nov. 5th; is much concerned at indis position of his Excellency [Benjamin Franklin] ; Franklin, in his letters to [Joseph] "Wharton [jr.] and [Jonathan?] Nesbitt, has said that passports have been sent to Jones with power to administer oaths [of allegiance] to [ ] Cheston and others; has not received same; Cheston should not go to Nantes without taking the oath; is much obliged for news in [Samuel] Cooper s letter; upon his arrival in America will "endeavor to prove the wondrous Wisdom of Doctor [Arthur] Lee"; the sooner the dispatches are sent him the better, as he does "not wish to be crowded." Autograph draft. 2pp. [1780?] Nicolson, William. Paris. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, L Orient]. Nov. 18. Would have written sooner had he any favorable news; his sister- in-law is trying "to work the Nobility the most in Credit at Court to obtain a ship ; has been at Passy and seen Dr. [Edward] Bancroft; latter said he would present Nicolson to Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin but " thought it would be all in vain " ; continues hoping that the Terpsicore may be obtained; all consider Jones s presence in Paris necessary; [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre,] Comte de Vauban and [Fram;ois?] Desoteux expected in Paris soon. A. L. S. 2 pp. 85 x 65 inches. 1780. J[ones, John Paul.] Capt., U. <S . nary. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Nov. 20. J[onathan] Williams, Nantes. Has received his recent letter and hoped to have good news to send in reply; [Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre,] Comte de Vauban was to have proposed at Court that the Terpsicore be given Jones in place of the Ariel; has just received word from Vauban that as there had been a change of Ministry at Paris and as [Louis Philippe,] Due d Orleans was 174 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1780. J[ones, John Paul] Continued. Nov. 20. absent, no application was made; although Yaubaii agrees to apply later, Jones has abandoned the idea; has had a " polite letter" from the new Minister [of Marine, Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries] which has convinced him that nothing will be done at present; expects to be ready for sea in a few days; encloses a copy of his officers declaration respecting the storm [of Oct. 13th]; has forwarded his letters by the Inde pendence; thanks him for advances of money made him; is sur prised that [Edward] Bancroft does not demand Jones s prize money from the new minister as [Donatien Leray de] C[haumont] is now discredited at Court; all papers relating to the matter are in the hands of [Francois de] Genet; asks him to instruct [Jona than] Xesbitt regarding the return of the Countess of Selkirk s plate; will write him further from America; if he can continue in the public service and have his " Proper place " intends to do so; is "too proud to be superseded by 13 men whose superior merit is at best presumptive"; wishes to be remembered to Mrs. Williams and her sister; is much obliged for the letter of introduction to his father [Jonathan Williams sr.]. Autograph draft signed. 3 pp. 8} x 6i inches. 1780. Robeson, William. Nantes, [France.] Letter [to Capt. John Paul Nov. 23. Jones?, L Orient]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Nov. 8th; congratulates him on skill in making port [with the Ariel] in the storm to which he was subjected; ships at Nantes in which he could procure passage [to America] ; is not thoroughly satisfied with them; wishes assurance that will warrant him coming to L Orient; desires to know that he can secure a passage before leaving Nantes. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1780. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. L Orient, [France.] Letter to Dec. 12. "Madame La Presidente D Ormoy ", [Paris]. Is ambitious to merit the praise expressed in her letter of Nov. 22d; is anxious to aid the cause of liberty; expects to sail for America at any time; awaits only the arrival of [ ] Gourlade with dispatches from our minister [Benjamin Franklin] for [the Continental] Congress; is highly flattered that she mentioned his name to [Frederick II,] King of Prussia. Autograph draft. 1 p. 8} x (U inches. Printed: Sherburno, L;fe < if John Paid Jonrx, X. Y. 1851, p. 331. 1780? [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navij. [L Orient, France.] Memo- [Dec?] randum of the French fleet. Names and rating of ships with their commanders: Robust c, [Admiral?] La Motte Piquet; Act if [Capt. ] Montiel; Pendant, [Capt. Louis de Eegaud, Comte de] Veaudreuil [Yaudreuil]; Roland, [Capt. ] Du Plessis-Pascault; Bisarre, [Capt. Louis Augustin de Montclerc?] Monteclair; Llcorne, [Lieut. de] Kerouan Mahe; Dance, [Lieut? ] St. Garion; Aigrette, [Lieut. ] Boucault; Espiegh; [Capt? de] Rosily; Chasseur, [ ] La Villebouguais; St. Mielser, [ ] Mittson; Artisien, [ ] d Amblimont; /S /. Esprit, [Vice-Admiral? Louis Guillouet, Comte] d Orvilliers; Couronne, [ ] du Chauffault; Orient, [Lt. Gen. Francois Joseph Paul, Comte] de Grasse [-Tilly]; Magnifique, [ ] de Rreals; Palmier, [ ] Reals; In- trepide, [ ] Beaussie; Glorieux, [ ] Beausset; Zodiaque, CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 175 1780? [Jones, John Paul] Continued. [Dec?] [ ] La Porte Yezin; Conquerant, Thomas d Owes?; BienAimt, [ ] d Aubenton; Dauphin Roi /el, [ ] de Xierret Ponte; Solitaire, [ ] Criequeville; Ale.randre, [ ] Tremigon; Vllle <le Paris, [ ] ; Jiretagnef, [ ]; Ereittt, [Capt. de Hazelly?]; Rettersly*, [ ]; Due de Bourgogne, [ ]. 2pp. 4. In French. This list was furnished to Jones probably upon his departure from L Orient Deo. 18, 1780. [1780?] De St. Georges, . Lieutenant of grenadiers, French army. Lorcy, [Dec?] [Loriet?,] Gatinois, [France.] Letter to "Commodore" [John] Paul Jones, L Orient. Had he known that Jones was to be in Paris he would have offered his services in person; understands that he is now waiting at L Orient to be placed in command of the Scrap!*; would like to ship with Jones; comes of an honest family; his mother is a widow with twelve children and "line mediocre fortune"; his brother is the hope of the family and would aid him; St. Georges is a lieutenant of grenadiers; will come to any place named by Jones; hopes to be invited to enlist with him. A. L. 8. 2 pp. 4. In French. [1780?] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. -navy. [L Orient, France.] Memo- [Dec?] randum of articles purchased [for various persons in America]. Following persons mentioned: Archer Stuart, J. D. A. Gilpin, Alexander Gordon, John Piggott, James Campbel, [ ] McKen- zie "of Betsey s Hope", Dr. [ ] Dixon, Alexander Paul, estate of [ ] Colby, William Stuart, Thomas Fairholm, Mrs. G [ ] Young, John Hamilton, David Young, Robert Blair, Capt. [ ] Cleaveland, James Campbell of Carr, [ ] Sloan, [ ] Morrison, John Balfour, Dr. [ ] Skone, Alexander Robison, Mrs. W[ ] Kerr, W[ ] Crawford, Forguil McYicar; total amount expended is 561 los. Autograph draft. 2 pp. F. [1780?] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. [L Orient, France.] Account [Dec?] with various persons. Fifty-two persons named, the sum of accounts amounting to 1072 8s. 6d. A. D. 1 p. F. Names given in index. [1780?] Nicolson, Murray, Comte? de. [Passy?, France.] Letter to Capt. [John] Thursday. Paul Jones, [Passy?]. Regrets not seeing him "this afternoon"; leaves town "after tomorrow"; wishes Jones " innumerable vic- torys". A. L. S. 1 p. 7f x 4i inches. 1781. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board. "Admiralty Feb. 20. Office", [Philadelphia.] Summons to Capt. John Paul Jones to answer forty seven questions relating to his conduct from Nov. 1, 1777 to date. Questions cover the cruises of Jones in the Ranger, Bon Homme Richard, Serapis, Alliance, and Ariel, the status of the Luke and Jones s relations with [Benjamin] Franklin, Capt. [Peter] Landais, [Charles Louis d Arsae, Chevalier] de Ternay and other persons; questions are to be answered in writing. "By Order of the Board, John Brown, Secy". 10 pp. F. Summons and first seven questions are in autograph of Brown. Names given in index. See: Jones, John Paul. Answers to questions 1781, Mar. 1. 176 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS. 1781. United States, Continental Congress. "In Congress", [Philadelphia.] Feb. 27. Resolution of appreciation of bravery of [Capt] John Paul Jones in defeating the Serapis; will be gratified to have him receive the Cross of Military Merit as mentioned in letter of [Antoine Ray mond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de Sartine; [Benjamin Franklin] United States minister requested to communicate this resolution to the King of France. Extract, Charles Thomson, Secy. Con temporary copy. 2 pp. F. 2d copy in Jones: Extrait du .Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. i>. 137. Printed with slight variations: Journals of CHnrrrex* of given date, Sherburne, Life <>f John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851, ]>. 194. 1781. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. /> . nary. Philadelphia. Answers to Mar. 1. questions propounded by the Board of Admiralty. Gives an account of his actions from Nov. 1, 1777 to date; prizes taken by him at various times; relations with United States agents in France; difficulties with Capt. [Peter] Landais; intercourse with the French Court; plans for future cruises; injustice regarding the distribution of prize money; submits all his correspondence on the subject of this inquiry to the Board and his own conduct to its impartial inspection. Autograph draft. 19 pp. 4. Names are given in index. 1 rinted: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1851, pp. 215-224. 1781. Hall, Michael, of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Letter to [Capt.] John Mar. 10. Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Requests that his son [John Hall?] be allowed shore leave; the boy is but a stripling; wishes to see his parents; will be all the better man for the privilege; no inten tion of deserting. A. L. S. 1 p. F. 1781. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board. Philadelphia. Mar. 11. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Wrote him "some days ago" respecting Charles Ward; Ward claims that he was detained unjustly on board the Ariel; importance of Ward s "Connections"; "in justice to the man as well as to avoid clamour" the Board desires that Ward be discharged; "By Order of the board William Ellery" [Commissioner]. A. L. S. of. Ellery. 1 p. 4. 1781. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board. "Admiralty Mar % 21. Office", [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Board wishes to exchange a number of British officers and seamen for Continental officers and seamen on board the prison ships at New York; desires his sentiments regarding the detail of ten or twelve French volunteers from the Ariel "with a proper officer" to conduct the business of exchange. " In behalf of the board * * * William Ellery". A. L. S. of Ellery. 1 p. 4. 1781. Dale, Richard. Lieut, f". S. navy. [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. Mar. 22. John] Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Spoke to the Board of Admi ralty regarding the men on board a brig bound for Amsterdam; Board directs him to take the men from the brig; sent [Lieut. Henry?] Lunt with boat this morning to remove them; boat is not yet returned. A. L. S. 1 p. 8 x 5J inches. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 177 1781. United States, Continental Congress. [Philadelphia.] Resolution Apr. 14. regarding bravery of Capt. John Paul Jones. Committee reports and Congress resolves that thanks be given Jones and his crew for their bravery and their efforts " to redeem from captivity the citizen s of these states who had fallen into the power of the enemy". Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones: Extrait dn Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 13S. Printed: Journals of Con gress of given date. Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 2o. 1781. United. States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board. "Admiralty Apr. 14. Office", [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Requests him to come to the Admiralty Office; desire to consult with him " on business". "John Brown Secy." A. L. S. of Brown. 1 p. 4. 1781. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board. "Admiralty Apr. 17. Office", [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Board of War and Ordnance has recommended arming and equiping two Continental schooners to guard the transportation of stores; is "hereby authorized * * to take such measures as [he] shall deem necessary for * * * the execution of the aforesaid purpose". "John Brown Secy-." A. L. S. of Brown. 1 p. 4. 1781. United States, Continental Congress, Board of War and Ordnance. Apr. is. "War Office", [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [Philadelphia]. Object of sending schooners down the river is to obtain stores from Delaware; officers in charge of stores are to consult with Col. [Ephraim] Elaine; Blaine will inform Jones as to location of stores; Jones to give such orders as he deems necessary to execute the intentions of the Board. " By order, Willm. Grayson". P. S. Summary of stores to be obtained. A. L. S. (except postscript, ) of Grayson. 1 p. F. 1781. Stacy, Samuel. Master, U. S. navy. [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt.] Apr. 2o. John Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Details regarding the escape from the ship of John Hackett "with a number of sailors"; John Curie [Curlew?] placed on deck as a sentinel; "this morn ing about one o clock" Mons. Torris [Jean Torres?] took another Frenchman and Curlew with him and escaped in the ship s boat; Stacy had taken all possible precautions and considered Torres " the last man in the ship that would have run away". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1781. Stacy, Samuel. Master, U. >S. nary. [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. May 1. John] Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Details regarding the escape from the ship of "the Baker & one Alexander Mayson " [Mason?]. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1781. Washington, George. Gen. & Commander-in-chief, Continental army. May 15. New Windsor, [New York.] Letter to Capt. [John] Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. His partial acquaintance with naval and com mercial affairs renders it impossible for him to account for the delay in securing stores from France; has no suspicion that Jones was accessory to that delay; has been made doubly certain that he was not blameworthy by the report of the Board of Admi ralty to Congress; considers it presumptuous of himself to pass on 2155103 12 178 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1781. Washing-ton, George Continued. May 15. the conduct of American naval affairs; certain officers have "not been wanting in bravery and good conduct"; delicacy forbids him to mention the exploit " which has attracted the admiration of all the world" ; wishes that he may long enjoy the reputation so justly acquired. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 1 10. Printed: Buell, Paid Jones, N. Y. 1900, II: 64; Sherburne, Life of John Paul Joncx. N". Y. 1851: p. 225. 1781. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board. "Admiralty May 15. Office", [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Directs that certain French subjects on board the schooner [from Delaware] be delivered to the captain of the Ariel; they are a part of the late crew; request him to deliver to the captain the broken iron cannon used for ballast when the Ariel was under his command. " by Order, John Brown Secy." A. L. S. of Brown. 1 p. 4. 1781. "United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board. "Admiralty May 19. Office". [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Officers of the A rid are demanding their pay; Board is unable to settle their accounts until the payroll of that ship is in the Admiralty Office; request Jones to forward the payroll as soon as possible, "by Order, John Brown Secy." A. L. S. of Brown. 1 p. 4. 1781. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board. "Admiralty Jun. 4. Office", [Philadelphia,] Order to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. "Capt. Jones is hereby directed to exhibit a complete Payroll of the Artel s Crew with all Possible dispatch" ; "the reputation of the board, and the Interest of the public suf fer exceedingly by its not being exhibited - AVilliam Ellery by Order of the board". A. D. S. of Ellery 1 p. 4. 1781. United States, Continental Congress. [Philadelphia.] Resolution Jun. 23. regarding the America. Committee reports on letters of [June] 22d from Robert Morris; Congress resolves that Morris take immediate steps leading to the speedy launching and equipping for sea of the ship America. Contemporary copy. 2pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 141. Printed: Journnl* of f on- l/ress of given date. 1781. United States, Continental Congress. [Philadelphia.] Resolution Jun. 20. appointing John Paul Jones, captain of the America. Jones elected unanimously. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 4 C . In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 142. Printed: Journals of Con- f/ress of given date; Sherburne, Life of John Paid Jones, X. Y., 1851, p. 228. 17S1. M[orris,] R[obert.] United States superintendent of finance and agent of Aug. 4. marine. "Office of Finance", [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. Regrets that Jones has been delayed in Philadelphia; has been informed "that the conti nental Share of the Prizes taken by the Alliance * * * intended for fitting the America have been otherwise applied" ; has written the state of Xew Hampshire to supply [John] Langdon with money on United States account; if funds are not secured in this manner Jones is to inform him; has advanced Jones 400 on account; it is " to be accounted for hereafter and not to be considered as the Payment of any former Demands". Contemporary copy. Robert Morris Letter Book A, p. 236. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 179 1781. M [orris,] R[obert.] United States superintendent of finance and ayenl of Aug. 24. marine. " Office of Finance", [Philadelphia.] Letter to John Langdon and Capt. [John] Paul Jones, [Portsmouth, New Hamp shire]. Encloses a requisition upon [Meshech Weare] "Governor" of Xew Hampshire for beef for the workmen employed on the America; if not employed for that purpose it is to be sold and the proceeds "applied to the completion of that Ship". Contem porary copy. Robert Morris Letter Bool- A, p. 275. M[orris,] R[obert.] United States superintendent of finance and agent of marine. "Office of Finance", [Philadelphia.] Letter to Capt. John Paul Jones, [Portsmouth, New Hampshire]. Acknowledges receipt of his letters of Aug. 8th and Sept. 9th; forwards this by John Brown who goes to Boston to "fix on a Deputy Agent for the Xaval Affairs of the Continent"; has suggested "Capt. [Hector] McXeil" for the position; is pleased to learn from Jones and from [John] Langdon that work on the America is progress ing so satisfactorily; conditions in the spring are to be his guide as to the rapidity of her completion; hopes that [John] Brown will succeed in supplying him with funds as needed; wishes to be informed regarding " such things as you judge necessary for me to know". Contemporary copy. Robert Morris Letter Book A, p. 429. 1781. Lafayette, [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, I.)ec. 22. Marquis de.] Maj. gen., Continental army. Boston. Letter to "Commodore" [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Portsmouth, Xew Hampshire. Would have enjoyed taking him by the hand and paying respects to the state of Xew Hampshire but it is too late; hopes to see him in France in command of " every Continental ship we can muster" ; downfall of [Lt. Gen. Charles, Earl] Corn- wallis a great event; will correspond with Jones later. Contem porary copy. 3 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait de Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 142. Printed: Sherbnrne, Life <>J John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1851, p. 220. 1781. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. S. "America". Portsmouth, Xew Hamp- Dec. 25. shire. Letter to " the all accomplished Delia" [France]. Since his letters from Philadelphia, has been placed in command of the America; complains of the infrequency of her letters; tells of his affection for her; may be addressed "under cover to the Honble. Robert Morris Esq. Minister of Finance". Autograph draft. 3 pp. 7j x 5 inches. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y., 1*51. p. 322. 1779-81. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. "Facteur Boek Xo. 2." Accounts of goods shipped and received in American bottoms. [Contains (pp. 200-212) a list of articles furnished, and bills paid, for the American squadron under command of John Paul Jones.] The names mentioned in this Facteur Boek are not entered in the index at the close of this volume. 1782. Ross, John. Merchant, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Letter to [Capt.] Jan. 8. John [Paul Jones, Portsmouth, Xew Hampshire]. Acknowl edges receipt of his letter of 25th tilt. ; has no other excuse for delaying his answer than the press of business; is as strongly his friend as ever; intended to have sent him certain articles bv the 180 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1782. Ross, John Continued. Jan. 8. brig Active "commanded by one Hodge" ; owing to severity of season the Active was employed to carry dispatches to the West Indies; on her return she will sail northward; will forward by her any things desired; condition of his business; will await Jones s orders; Mrs. Ross and the family wish to be remembered. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. Mutilated. 1782. Boss, John. Merchant, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Letter to "Com- Jan. 22. modore" [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, Portsmouth, New Hamp shire. After acknowledging his letter of 25th ult. had intended to write " by last weeks post"; since then has received a second letter from him; wishes him prosperity; was disappointed in not being able to forward goods by the Actire; if Jones will send a list of articles desired they will be forwarded later; "if your cash is quite exhausted you know I have a little at your call"; has seen "Mr. [Anthony] W[ayne?]"; latter has promised to write Jones regarding the matter mentioned in Jones s letter [duel with Arthur Lee?]; meantime advises postponement of that corre spondence; A[rthur] L[ee] elected [to Continental Congress]; effect on dignity of that body. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. Mutilated. 1782. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. /S . S. "America". [Portsmouth, Xew Feb. 25. Hampshire.] Poem. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 4. Printed Sherburnc, Life of John Paul Joncx, X. Y. 1861, p. 324. 1782. Russell, Thomas. Merchant, Boston. Boston. Letter to [Capt. John] Apr. 1. Paul Jones, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Acknowledges the receipt of his letter of Mar. 29th ; regrets that he cannot furnish money for the letter of credit from John Ross enclosed therein; is unable to negotiate bills upon Philadelphia at present; is "greatly distressed" for lack of money although he "has on hand a large amount in bills & Mr. [Robert] Morris Notes"; as an accomodation sends him by [Samuel?] Sherburne, 200 Span ish milled dollars; until more favorable exchange on Philadelphia will endorse his bills [but cannot furnish specie]. A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1782. Brown, John. Ex-secretary, Admiralty board, Continental Congress. Bos- Apr. 5. ton. Letter to Capt. [John] Paul Jones, Portsmouth, [New Hampshire]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of the 2d; will have paint and other articles sent him as soon as possible; is about to leave for Philadelphia; details regarding material [for the America}; has been informed by [Philip Joseph de L Etombe] the French consul that the ship Fantasque [formerly commanded by Capt. Champorcin?] has been "condemned as unfit for service"; her material, stores etc. much better than could be obtained from the Cybell; the Fantasque is now in Rhode Island; will attend to the matter on his return to Philadelphia and write Jones more fully. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1782. Brown, John. Ex-secretary, Admiralty board, Continental Congress. Apr. 11. Boston. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Portsmouth, [New Hampshire]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of the 8th; has received also his order sent by [ ] Seaman, and has forwarded CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 181 178:2. Brown, John Continued. Apr. 11. the articles desired; [Thomas] Russell furnished the necessary money willingly; Brown would have done so had Russell refused; has received from "Col" [John] Langdon a letter of " the purport you mention"; hopes he has answered it "in such a way as will prevent him from discharging the workmen" [on the America ] ; has received a letter from [Robert] Morris regarding the work on that ship; has assured Morris that the difficulties between Jones and Langdon are ended; will soon be in a position to state amount of money available for continuance of work [on the America]; if Langdon persists in discharging men "the urgency of the service" will justify Jones in continuing them; sees no advantage to be gained by Jones by a trip to Philadelphia; more necessary that he remain at Portsmouth. A. L. P. 3 pp. 4. 1782. Brown, John. Ex-secretary Admiralty board, Continental Congress. Apr. 17. Boston. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Portsmouth, [New Hampshire]. Acknowledges receipt of his two letters of the 15th; will deliver the bills of exchange upon France to [John] Ross as directed; they are for 720; regrets the delays in forward ing letters; sent him a letter through John Tracey and is sorry to learn of its non-receipt; has notified Tracey to forward it; is pleased to learn that a remittance [from Philadelphia] has been received; hopes it will enable [John] Langdon to continue work [upon the America ]; expects Langdon to be in Boston soon; will enforce upon him the urgency of the work; has received money from [Thomas] Russell in return for amounts expended; will "be duly mindful" of all private affairs with which Jones may entrust him; hopes to hear from him by return post. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1782. Livingston, Robert R. Secretary, foreign ajfairx, Continental Congress. Apr. 20. Philadelphia. Letterto [Capt.] John P[aul] Jones, [Portsmouth, New Hampshire]. Encloses extract from protest of Capt. Ary de Neef [Neif] of the Berkenbosch; Congress has referred the matter to Livingston for the facts; wishes a statement that the reputation of Jones and of the American flag may be vindicated; complaints have been made by former members of the crews of the Bon Ifomme RicJiard and the Alliance that their prize money is withheld; Congress has instructed Livingston to apply to the Court of France for aid in the matter; none of the interested parties have furnished proofs of their denial of money by [Dona- tien Leray de] Chaumont; does not fully understand conditions, but regards the Concordat as a private agreement; wishes Jones to throw all possible light on the matter. L. S. 2 pp. F. Printed: Wharton, Dip. Carres, of (he Amer. Her., Wash. 1889, V. 313 under date of April 17, 1782. See: Neif, Ary de. Deposition regarding capture of the Berkenboseh 17SO, Aug. 4. 1782. United States, Continental Congress. [Philadelphia.] Resolution May 13. regarding the birth of the Dauphin of France. Letters to be written to the Commander-in-chief, to the Commander of the Southern Department and to the Governors of the several states that there may be universal rejoicing. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 144. Printed: Journals of Congress of given date. 182 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1782. Boss, John. Merchant, Philailelphia. Philadelphia. Letter to " Com- Jun. 26. modore" [Capt.] John P[aulJ Jones, Portsmouth, New Hamp shire. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of the 10th; will endeavor to fullfil his wishes; [John] Brown has sent him Jones s bills [of exchange] but he has not been able to use them as Jones failed to endorse them; owing to state of exchange they can be sold more profitably in New England than in Philadelphia; returns the firsts, seconds and thirds of exchange, keeping the fourths; [Thomas] Russell has acknowledged the receipt of one hundred guineas sent by Ross for use of Jones; if more specie is needed it will be forwarded. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4 and wrapper. 1782. Dale, Richard. Lieut., U. 8. nary. Philadelphia. Certificate respeet- Jun. 27. ing Henry Laurence and James Dick. Laurence was master s mate and Dick was midshipman on the Lexington, [Capt,?] Henry Johnson; were captured by the enemy Sep. 19, 1777 and com mitted to Old Mill prison; were exchanged Mar. 5, 1780, "by way of France"; Dale was then lieutenant of the Alliance. D. S. 1 p. 4. La Iiuzerne, [Anne Cesar,] Chevalier de. French minister to the United Stales. Philadelphia. Letter to [Capt, John] Paul Jones, [Ports mouth, New Hampshire]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of June 24th; will send to France the account of the celebration [at Portsmouth] in honor of the birth of the Dauphin; the share taken by Jones in the matter will endear him further to the French nation. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 145. 1782. Adams, John. United States minister plenipotentiary for negotiating peace. Aug. 12. with Great Britain. The Hague, [Holland.] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] Paul Jones, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Dec. 10, 1781; thanks him for his care of articles sent by [James] Moylan; " the command of the America could not have been more judiciously bestowed "; spirit shown by the Batavians; is surprised at America s inattention to her navy; Britain intoxicated by victory of [Vice-Admiral George Brydges] Rodney [over Lt. Gen. Francois Joseph Paul, Comte deGrasse-Tilly]; thinks "there will be no peace for some time"; would consider it "a rich compensation for a continuance of the war" if he "could see a prospect of having half-a-dozen line-of- Battle-Ships under the American flag commanded by Commodore Paul Jones engaged with an equal British force "; end will depend on " Burgoyneizing [Lt. Gen. Sir Guy] Carlton in New York". Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 145. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Joncx. X. Y. 1851, p. 227. 1782. United States, Continental Congress. [Philadelphia.] Resolution giv- Sep. 3. ing the America to France in place of the Magnifigue. Latter lost in Boston harbor while commanded by [Lt. Gen. Louis Philippe de Regaud,] Marquis de Vaudreuil; the America to be given to France through [Anne Cesar,] Chevalier de La Luzerne. Con temporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 147. Printed: Journals of Congress of given date. Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 228. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 183 1 782. Morris, Robert. Un ited States superintendent of finance and agent of marine. Sep. 4. Marine Office, [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Portsmouth, [New Hamshire]. Encloses resolution [of Sep. 3d] respecting the "destination" of the America; regrets it on Jones s account; wishes him to continue the inspection of the ship until launching; will then give him his views for further service under the United States flag; on his way to Philadelphia can confer with General [George Washington]. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal, 178G, Jan. 1. p. 148. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 229. 1782. Brown, John. Ex-secretary, Admiralty board, Continental Congress. Phila- Oct. 1. delphia. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Sep. 7th; judges that Jones has been informed that action regarding the armament of the Magnlfique is unnecessary; regrets that the fulfillment of Jones s plans is improbable; hopes to see him in Philadelphia as soon as the America is in the water; as Jones is in favor with the Agent of Marine [Robert Morris] he may secure command of a capital ship yet; advises him to think no more of the "delicate subject of a private nature" mentioned in his last; sends respects to all friends "particularly the aimable Mrs. [John] L[angdon?]. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1782. Morris, Robert. United States superintendent of finance and agent of marine. Oct. 9. Marine Office, [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Portsmouth, [New Hampshire]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Sep. 22d; sentiments reflect the highest honor upon him; has transmitted extracts from it to [the Continental] Congress. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 149. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 234. 1782. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Letter Oct. 12. to "Commodore" [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Philadelphia. Acknowledge receipt of his letter of Dec. 10, 1781; thank him for the contents; have not yet seen Major [Samuel?] Sherburne but if he appears they will show him every favor; congratulate him on his command of the America; wish him success proportionate to that obtained in the Bon Homme Richard; join him in his pleasure at the surrender of [Lt. Gen. Charles, Earl] Cornwallis; add congratulations that Holland has acknowledged "the in dependence of her sister states"; the treaty just signed [Oct. 8, 1782]; Holland will oppose any separate peace [with Great Britain]; news regarding conditions in Europe. L. S. 2pp. 4. 1782. Tillinghast, Daniel. Continental agent, Rhode Island. Providence, Nov. 5. [Rhode Island.] Letter to [Capt., John] Paul Jones, Boston. Acknowledges the receipt of his letter of Oct. 14th; has little doubt but that he can make satisfactory arrangements with the owners of the Eagle [Samuel Aborn & Co.]; has been appointed by the General Assembly [of Rhode Island] "to wate on the officers of the french army to Inform them that Provision is made for there quarters"; will attend to the matter of interest to Jones upon his return. A. L. S. 1 p. 7J x 6 inches. Ad dressed in care of Thomas Russell. 184 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1782. M[orris,] R[obert.J United States superintendent of finance and agent of Nov. 5. marine. " Office of Finance", [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Portsmouth, New Hampshire]. Acknowl edges receipt of his letter of Oct. 22d; was pleased that the America was so nearly ready for launching; is gratified to learn of the precautions taken to prevent "damage from that Operation"; hopes "They have been attended with Success" will be glad to see Jones at any time. Contemporary copy. Robert Morris, Letter Book D, p. 380. 1782. Libbey, Jeremiah. Postmaster, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. [Ports- Nov. 8. mouth.] Account against [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Philadel phia]. Account is for postage on letters from Oct. 4th to date and amounts to 10s. 6d. A. D. Freneau, Philip. Clerk, postmaster general of the United States. [Philadelphia.] Receipt to [Capt.] John Paul Jones in behalf of [Ebenezer] Hazard for the amount of the above account. A. D. S. 1 p. 2i x 5| inches. Enclosed in following letter. 1782. labbey, Jeremiah. Postmaster, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Portsmouth. Nov. 9. Letter to Capt. [John] Paul Jones, Philadelphia. Was informed by Capt. [ ] Thompson that Jones wished his bill for postage forwarded to Philadelphia; encloses it with letter received by yesterday s post. A. L. S. Franked: Jereh. Libbey Nov. 1782. 1 p. 8 x 6i inches. 1782. Morris, Robert. United States superintendent of finance and agent of marine. Nov. 29. Philadelphia. Letter to [Elias Boudinot,] President of the Conti nental Congress, [Philadelphia], P^ncloses a letter from [Capt. John] Paul Jones just received; Jones desires to be sent with [Lt. Gen. Louis Philippe de Regaud,] Marquis de Yaudreuil to join [Vice- Admiral Charles Hector,] Comte d Estaign in his expedition against Jamaica; recommends that permission be granted him. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 185. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 234. 1782. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. 8. navy. Philadelphia. Letter to Robert [Nov. 29?] Morris, "Minister of the Marine", Philadelphia. Is glad that Morris applauded his conduct before receiving news of his last success in Europe; owes much of his success to him; is sure that recent achievements have but increased the confidence of Morris in his abilities; for these reasons trusts that he will support the objects of the enclosed official letter to Congress. Autograph draft. 2 pp. 8 x 65 inches. Probably enclosed by Morris in his letter to Congress 1782, Nov. 29. See: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 234. 1782. United States, Continental Congress. [Philadelphia.] Resolution Dec. 4. respecting Capt. J[ohn] P[aul] Jones. Have received a letter of Nov. 29th from [Robert Morris,] Agent of Marine, enclosing copy of one of the same date from Jones to Morris; the request of Jones to be allowed to join the French fleet [in expedition against Jamaica] is granted; Morris is instructed to recommend Jones to [Lt. Gen. Louis Philippe de Regaud,] Marquis de Vaudreuil. "Extract from the Minutes Geo Bond Depy Secy". 1 p. F. Printed: Journals of Congress of given date. Letters of Jones and Morris mentioned are in Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 234. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 185 1782. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., l~. ft. nary. Philadelphia. Letter to Robert Dec. 7. Morris, [Philadelphia]. Agreeable to his order has made out his account against the United States; it covers the period from his election to command of the America [June 26, 1781,] until his return from New Hampshire to Philadelphia [Nov. 27, 1782]; is enclosed in this letter. Autograph draft. 1 p. F. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., etc. Philadelphia. Account against the United States. Account is for $2,564 87/90. Auto graph draft. 1 p. F. [1783?] Dezoteux, [Francois?] and Dumas, [Mathieu?,] C[omte.] [Porto [Feb?] Cabello?, Dutch Guiana, now Venezuela.] Letter to Capt. [John] Paul Jones, Porto Cabello. Request the pleasure of his company at breakfast on Saturday. A. L. S. in body of document. 1 p. 7 x 4j inches. In French. 1783. Vaudreuil, [Louis Philippe de Regaud,] Marquis de. Lt. gen., French Apr. 20. navy. Cape [Francois, Hayti,] West Indies. Letter to [Anne Cesar] Chevalier de La Luzerne, [Philadelphia]. Is about to sail for France with troops commanded by [Antoine Charles du Houx,] Baron deViomenil; [Capt. John] Paul Jones returns to America; has been glad to have had his company on the Triomphant; wishes La Luzerne to recommend Jones to his superiors; La Luzerne is to remain as minister to the United States after peace has been concluded. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jsin. 1. p. 151. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851. p. H37. 1783. Langeron, [Andrault,] Comte de. "aucap" [Cape Francois, Hayti.] Apr. 21. Letter [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Cape Francois]. May not have the pleasure of seeing him again; sends him a letter to be for warded to Boston; if Jones does not leave the fleet [in America] he hopes to see him again in France. A. L. S. 2 pp. 7 x 4J inches. In French. 1783. Vaudreuil, [Louis Philippe de Regaud,] Marquis de. Lt. gen., French Apr. 21. H<H->/. Cape [Francois, Hayti.] Letter to Robert Morris, [Phila delphia]. The reputation of [Capt. John] Paul Jones when he embarked with him made him desirous of giving Jones an oppor tunity to show his talents; peace has prevented such an opportu nity being afforded; desires to testify to his pleasure in having Jones with him on the Triomphant; hopes that he may have oppor tunity to render service in the future. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 153. 1783. "Viomenil, [Antoine Charles du Houx, Baron de.] Lt. gen., French army. Apr. 21. Cape St. Dominique, [West Indies.] Letter to [Anne Cesar,] Che valier de La Luzerne, [Philadelphia] . This letter will be delivered by [Capt. John] Paul Jones, who has been with the French expe dition for five months; during that period Jones has shown wisdom and prudence and has increased his reputation for brav ery and patriotism; wishes to recommend his interests "aupres du Premier President [Elias Boudinot] et des membres du Con gress". Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal. 1786, Jan. 1. p. 154. 186 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 178?. McNeill, Hector. Ex-capt., U. $. navy. Boston. Letter to [Capt.] John Jun. 11. Paul Jones, Philadelphia. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of April 26th; thanks Jones for the narrative of his experience with the "Marquis deVeaudrile" [Lt. Gen. Louis Philippe de Regaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil] ; [Thomas] Russell has been keeping Jones s horses in the country during the winter and spring; [Lt.] Col. [William] Hull examined them but did not wish to pur chase; Russell says that [John?] Lowell may wish them; has not been able to have his sleigh " brought to town". A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1783. Tillinghast, Daniel. Continental agent, Rhode Island. Providence, [Rhode Jun. 12. Island.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Philadelphia. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of May 22d by Capt. [Abraham] Whipple; has a "writing drawn up which all the owners of the Eagle [Samuel Aborn & Co.] * * * in town have signed"; will have it completed [by signatures now lacking] in a few days; would send him a copy but his son Henry has the document at Newport; Jones "need not be under the Least Apprehension"; "the matter is Intirely Subsided". A. L. S. 1 p. 4. 1783. United States, Continental Congress; Marine Office; Morris, Robert, Jun. 18. Agent of Marine. "Marine Office", [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [Philadelphia]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter [of June 17th]; regrets the poor condition of Jones s health; excuses him from attendance upon the court-martial [at Boston]; had hoped to have the benefit of his "judgment, abili ties and impartiality on that occasion". L. S. 1 p. 4. 1783. United States, Continental Congress; Marine Office; Read, James, Sec- Jun. 23. retary. "Marine Office", [Philadelphia.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. [Robert Morris,] Agent of Marine is about to report to Congress on the memorial of persons serving on the Bon Ilomrne Richard during her engagement with the Serapis; wishes him to send by bearer a "certificate of the time when the engagement happened". A. L. S. I p. 4. See following entry. 1783. [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. Philadelphia. Letter to James Jun. 23. Read, [Secy., Marine Office, Philadelphia]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of June 23d requesting statement regarding time of engagement between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis; presumes that one of the four copies of his official account of the engagement is in the files of the marine office; battle occurred Sep. 23, 1779; has seen his official account of the battle in the office of the secretary of Congress; in that account there was a recommendation of the pilot [John Jackson] of the Bon Homme Richard to Congress for half pay for life; his engagement with the pilot to that effect had the approval of [Benjamin] Franklin; hopes that Congress will fulfill the agreement. Autograph draft. 1 p. 4. Written on verso of preceding letter. 1783. Wharton, S[amuel.] Pennsylvania delegate to Continental Congress. Phil- Aug. 13. adelphia, Letter to "Commodore" [Capt.] John Paul Jones, Bethlem, [Bethlehem, Pennsylvania]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Aug. 9th; thinks more is asked for Mr. [ ] Oak ley s horse than it is worth in Philadelphia; regrets Jones s ill CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 187 1783. Wharton, S[amuel.] Continued. Aug. 13. health; advises him to remain at Bethlehem at least a month longer; will endeavor to see [Elbridge] G[erry?] and report to Jones the information obtained; "the great ones seem sulky"; " It is very difficult to conjecture whether they will return "; will deliver his letter to [John] Brown whenever so requested; has delivered the packet to [Ebenezer] Hazard; Wharton s daughter Patty sends compliments to Jones and to Mrs. [ ] Ebert. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. 1783. W[harton,] S[amuel.] Pennsylvania delegate to Continental Congress. Aug. 18. [Philadelphia.] Letter to "Commodore" [Capt. John Paul] Jones, [Bethlehem, Pennsylvania]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter of Aug. 16th; will purchase [ ] Oakley s horse at the price asked; wishes it immediately and will pay by a bill upon Charles Wharton; rejoices that Jones s health is improving; judges from Capt. [Thomas] Bell that presence of Jones will not be necessary "to the eastward"; "Capt." [James] Read is to attend the court martial [at Boston]; Capt. Bell is to inquire why the frigates Bourbon and The Hague are advertised for sale; will inform Jones as soon as he himself knows; advices from England indicate that the Fox-North ministry is in a precarious situation; definitive treaty of peace not yet signed; difficulties regarding the commercial treaty; "a great Body has determined not to return to Philadelphia"". A. L. S. 3pp. 4. [1783.] Wharton, S[amuel.] Pennsylvania delegate to Continental Congress. Letter [Aug. 24.] [to Capt. John Paul Jones, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania]. Acknowl edges receipt of his "letter of the 22d with [ ] Okley s [Oakley s] horse"; has not seen [Capt. Thomas] Bell since his last ; has seen but once the gentleman whom Jones imagines Con gress will send [to Boston] in his place; he talked in such a tone that Wharton declined "further communication with him 1 ; laments "the stripes and bruises which Mr. [John?] Allen received from [Hugh Henry?] Brackenridge and the other per son"; offense of Justice [ ] Boyles in "becoming bail" for one of the offenders; attributes the evil to "the cursed doctrine published by Brackenridge s Relation that an indian is no more than a wolf or a bear * * * So dark & unenlightened are men s minds and particularly so men commonly called Scotch Irish, residing in America"; positive orders have been received [from England] for [Lt. Gen.] Sir Guy Carleton s "removal with his regiment". A. L. S. 2pp. 4. [1783.] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. nary. Philadelphia. Memorial [to [Oct. 10.] Robert Morris, Philadelphia]. This memorial gives an account by Jones of his services during the war, his opinion of the man ner in which he has been treated by Congress and details various cases in which injustice has been done him. It gives also his ideas upon the reorganization of the United States navy and the lessons which may be learned from the experience of European nations and France in particular. It urges, in conclusion, that the ques tion of his rank in the navy be settled justly: that "little atten tions" to his "military pride" be not neglected and that steps be taken to secure prize money due him on account of the sale of the Union and Betsey. He considers this retention of prize money 188 LIBKA.EY OF CONGRESS. [1783.] [Jonec, John Paul] Continued. [Oct. 10.] an "insult to the flag of America by the Court of Denmark". Autograph draft. 23pp. F. Endorsed: "to the U. S. Minister of Marine, Robert Morris". Printed: [Sands], Life <k cor res. of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1830, pp. 304-309. 1783. [Bancroft,] E[dward.] [Philadelphia?] Letter to [Capt.] J[ohn] Paul Oct. 27. Jones, Princeton, [New Jersey]. Acknowledges receipt of his letter by [ ] Fitzsimmons; has inquired after [Samuel] Hunt- ington but has not seen him; will endeavor to obtain an invitation to him that he may have "a decent opportunity of speaking to him on the subject" mentioned by Jones [appointment as plenipoten tiary agent to France to collect prize money due United States seamen who had served under his command] ; sends him shoes by [James Duane?] ; wishes him success at all times. A. L. S. 1 p. F. Mutilated. 1783. Bt[orris,] R[obert.] United States minister of finance and agent of marine. Nov. 6. "Office of Finance", [Philadelphia.] Letter to Capt. [John] Paul Jones, [Philadelphia]. It may be inconvenient for him to retain money recovered by him [as agent for prizes]; equally advantageous to the United States that it "be deposited with a good Banker in Europe ; authorizes him to pay over the whole or any Part thereof to Messrs Le Couteulx & Co. at Paris". Con temporary copy. -Robert Morris Letter Bool; F. p. 247. 1783. Franklin, B[enjamin.] United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Dec. 17. Passy, [France.] Commission to Capt. John Paul Jones, [Passy]. Appoints him agent to solicit payment of prize money " for all prizes taken in Europe under Your command * * * in whose hands soever the money may be detained"; makes this appoint ment by virtue of resolution of the Continental Congress of Nov. 1,1783. Letter-press copy of copy by Jones. 1 p. 4. Enclosed in Jones to Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 1. A second copy of this commission is in Jones, Extrait du Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 155. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851. p. 239. 1784. Jones, J [ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. Paris. Letter to [Charles Eugene Feb. 1. Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Has endeavored to give him as little trouble as possible concerning the division of prize money from sale of ships captured by him in Europe; encloses a letter from [Benjamin] Franklin contain ing a copy of Jones s credentials as agent for collection of same; explains methods of ascertaining accounts due the crews of the Bon Homme Richard and the Alliance; sum obtained will be divided between officers and crews by [Robert Morris,] Superin tendent of Finance of the United States; has no desire to interfere with division of accounts due to French ships; relies on promise of de Castries that an early settlement should be made. Letter press copy of A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 240. 1784. Jones, [John] Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. Paris. Letter to [Dunbar Ham- Feb. 12. ilton Douglas, 4th] Earl of Selkirk, [St. Mary s Isle,] Scotland. Has just received word from [Jonathan?] Nesbitt of a letter from Lord Selkirk s son. Lord Dare [Daer], regarding the plate CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 189 1784. Jones, J[ohn] Paul Continued. Feb. 12. taken from Selkirk s house by the crew of the Ranger; before leaving France he had heard from [William] Alexander that the plate could be returned through the Countess of Morton in Lon don; has ordered Xesbitt to forward it in her care; Jones s inten tion at the time was to obtain a hostage for exchange of prisoners and not to carry off the plate; is glad to know that he "favored the cause of Libert;/"; recounts the British ravages in America; as he told Alexander that Jones s "people behaved with great decency " at his house, begs him "to announce that circumstance to the public". Contemporary copy. 4pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait dii Journal, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 160. 17S4. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. Paris. Letter to [Charles Eugene Feb. 18. Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Has examined [ ] Chardon s account on the papers relating to prizes taken by the squadron under Jones in European waters; papers came from [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont; recalls cir cumstances leading to request of French government that the [then] American commissioners [Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee] permit him to command an expedition against Great Britain; recounts his experiences in European waters; great opportunities which he could not utilize because of opposition of de Chaumont; quotes the resolution of the Continental Congress of Oct. 30, 1776, regarding the distribution of prize money; considers the captors not responsible for money spent on the Serapis and Countess of Scarborough; remissness of de Chaumont in withhold ing prize money for over four years; is ready to admit French reg ulations and charges on sale of prizes such as "have been usually admitted on other prizes"; considers it unfair that money should lie deducted for " the Hospital of Invalides at Paris"; has full confidence in his justice and generosity. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 7 pp. 4. Printed, with variations: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y., 1851. pp. 241-2.15. 1784. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. Paris. Letter [to Charles Eu- Mar. 6. gene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Has received through [ ] Chardon the letter of Mar. 4th which de Castries received from [Donatien] Leray de Chaumont; denies de Chaumont s statement that Jones was under his orders in 1779; summarizes his relations with him since coming to Europe; grounds on which American claims for prize money are based; ^eeks but justice for the brave men he commanded and expects no less from a generous man like de Castries. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 3 pp. 4. Printed, with variations: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1861, p. 245. 1784. Van Berckel, E. P? Grand pensionary of Amsterdam. The Hague, Mar. 10. [Holland.] Statement regarding the cruise of [Capt.] John Paul Jones in the Bon Homme Richard. The statement is an account of the cruise of Jones along the west coast of Ireland, the engage ment with the Serapis and the return to The Texel. An opinion upon the effect of this cruise in straining the relations between Great Britain and Holland is also given. 190 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1784. Van Berckel, E. P? Continued. Mar. 10. Mar. 11. Dumas, [Charles William Frederick.] United States secret agent in Holland. The Hague. Attestation to truth of above state ment. Contemporary copy. 8 pp. 4. In French. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786. Jan. 1. p. 191. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, pp. 130-33. 1784. Jones, J[olm] Paul. Capt., U. 8. nary. Paris. Letter to [Charles Mar 26. Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Encloses a letter [of Mar. 25th] from [Benjamin] Franklin regard ing the distribution of prize money to Americans; had a promise from [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine, at that time] Minister of Marine that the British prisoners would be exchanged for Americans or would not have surrendered them; has been informed by [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gil bert du Motier, ] Marquis de Lafayette that de Castries sees the injustice of charging the captors [of the Serapix and Countess of Scarborough] with expenses in Holland further than th e repairs of those vessels; in a former letter [Feb. 18, 1784] has shown the injustice of charging them with those repairs; repeats his argu ment; does not wish to make trouble and will take somewhat less than his just right. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. Mar. 25. Franklin, B[enjamin.J United States minister plenipotentiary to France. Passy, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Paris. Returns the papers communicated to him Mar. 24th; never authorized the deduction of charges "which had accrued on the 8erapis and Countess of Scarborough." Copy by Jones. 3pp. 4. A second copy of this enclosure is in Jones, Extrait du Journal 1780. Jan. 1. p. 156. 1784. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. nary. [Paris.] Letter to [Charles [Apr.] 13. Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Thanks him for relinquishing the claim for a share of the prize money obtained from sale of his captures made in behalf of the "Hospital of Invalides" at Paris; shows him "more particular causes * * * why the expenses incurred in The Texel should not be taken from the property of the Captors . Letter-press copy ofA.L.S. 4pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John PaulJonca, N. Y. 1851, pp. 247-249. 1784. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. [Paris.] Letter to [Charles May? 25. Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Has received his letter of [May] 13th informing him that the King [Louis XVI] had agreed to make no deduction from prize money due Americans of Jones s squadron because of expenses in The Texel; hopes [ ] Chardon will sign the "liquidation" immediately; recalls to de Castries the letter from [Anne Cesar,] Chevalier de La Luzerne presented on his arrival in France; part of Jones s business is "to collect materials for forming a system for the future marine of America"; hopes to secure "copies of everything respecting the government and manner of supplying ohe marine of France". Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Faded. CALENDAK OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCEIPTS. 191 1784. Calonne, [Charles Alexandra] de. Controller general of finance of France. Sep. 24. Paris. Letter to Capt. [John] Paul Jones, Paris. Has received from [Charles Gravier,] Comte de Vergennes, his letter requesting permission to return to the Countess of Selkirk the plate taken during the war; has given directions to the appropriate officials to aid him in the execution of this purpose. Contemporary copy. 2pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait rtu Journal 1780, Jan. 1. p. 171. Translation printed: Sher- burne, Life of John Paul Jonen, X. Y. 1851, p. 55. 1784. Morris, Robert. United States superintendent of finance, and agent of Sep. 30. marine. Philadelphia. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Paris. Acknowledges receipt of letters of Dec. 26th, Apr. 13th and June 18th; regrets delay in answering them; had hoped to pay his acknowledgements in person; takes "the last opportu nity" which he will have of expressing his sentiments "officially upon the Zeal, Activity, Fortitude and Intelligence * * * exhib ited in the service of the United States" by Jones. Contem porary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 186. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 343. 1784. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U.K. navy. Paris. Letter to [Charles Eugene Nov. 6. Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Regrets the occurence of an error in "the state of liquidation and repar tition of prizes taken by the squadron which I commanded in Europe"; the Vengeance was not credited with correct amount; encloses certificate regarding her crew and armament ; error should have been avoided but hopes it is not too late to rectify it. [State ment signed by de Castries Oct. 23, 1784. Error mentioned by Jones probably not rectified later.] Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 249. 1784. Jones, [John] Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. Paris. Letter to the Countess Nov. 8. of Selkirk, [St. Mary s Isle,] Scotland. Has long been eager to return her plate; has explained to her husband the difficulties in the way; now sends plate to London in conformity with the arrangement made by [William] Alexander and her husband. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 172. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 56. 1785. Segtir, [Louis Philippe, Comte] de. French ambassador to Russia. Ver- Feb. 27. sailles, [France.] Letter to Lieut. [Edward] Stack, [Paris?]. Has rendered to the King [Louis XVI] an account of his services while on the Bon Homme Richard; to show his satisfaction with Stack s conduct the King has granted him a pension of 400 livres. Con temporary copy. 1 p. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 179. 1785. Jones, [John] Paul. Capt., U. 8. nary. Paris. Certificate to [Lieut.] Apr. 13. Edward Stack. Gives an account of Stack s services on the Bon Homme Richard; with the consent of [Benjamin] Franklin gave him a commission of brevet lieutenant of marines in the U. S. navy; on being ordered to the West Indies in Xov. 1779 Stack received from Louis XVI a commission of captain and a reward 192 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS. 1785. Jones, [John] Paul Continued. Apr. 13. of 400 livres; now wishes to join the Society of the Cincinnati; Jones has no doubt that he merits the honor; considers that "a similar opinion" from Comte d Estaign, Comte de Rochambeau, Marquis de Lafayette, Marquis de Saint Simonand Col. Humphreys "at the foot hereof" with the payment of a months wages into the charitable fund of the Society will give him standing in America as a member. 4 pp. 4. [Apr.?] Humphry s, D[avid.] Secretary, United States legation at Paris. [Paris.] Endorsement of above opinion. [Apr.?] [D ]Estaign, [Charles Hector, Comte.] Vice-admiral, French navy. [Paris.] Endorses above opinion and joins his prayers to his endorsement. In French. Apr. 20. Saint Simon, [Claude Henri, Ccmte de.] Paris. Endorsement of above opinion. In French. [Apr.?] Lafayette, [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de.] [Paris.] Endorsement of above opinion. Contemporary copies. (In all) 6 pp. 4. In French. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 179. 1785. Macarthy, [Eugene.] Capt., Walsh s Irish regiment, French army. Paris. Apr. 17. Certificate regarding "Commodore" [Capt. John] Paul Jones. Certifies that at the time of the action between the Serapis and the Bon Homme Richard the latter vessel was rendered unsea- worthy; on deciding to abandon her the care incidental to trans porting the wounded to the Serapis prevented Jones from saving his personal effects or those of the crew. Contemporary copy. lp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 184. 1785. Stack, [Edward.] Capt., Walsh s Irish regiment, French army. Paris. Apr. 19. Certificate regarding [Capt. John] Paul Jones. Certifies that neither Jones nor his crew were able to save their personal effects after the engagement between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis. Contemporary copy. 1 p. 4. In French. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 184. [1785.] Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. [Paris.] Letter to [Charles [Jun. 23.] Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Was informed on May 13th that "as soon as [ ] Chardon should have sent you the liquidation of my prizes * * * you would take measures for the payment"; presumes that matters of greater importance have occupied his attention but reminds him of his promise. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851. p. 250. 1785. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. nary. Paris. Letter to [Charles [Jul. 3?] Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Has received a letter directing him to apply to [ Clonot,] Ordon- nateur at L Orient for payment of prize money; understands that he has informed [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette of the reservation of funds for that purpose; came to France as "agent for the American cap tors who served in the Bon Homme Richard and the Alliance" ; prays that the amount of money due Americans serving in those CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 193 1785. Jones, J[ohn] Paul Continued. [Jul. 3?] ships shall be "paid into my hands in mass * * * conforma ble to the powers with which I am vested, which were announced to you by [Benjamin Franklin,] the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States". Letter-press copy of A. L. S. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jonex, N. Y. 1851, p. 250. 1785. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., V. S. navy. [Paris.] Letter to [Charles Jul. 8. Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Has received his letter of [June] 17th; recounts documents placed in hands of de Castries which show authority granted Jones by the United States; had concluded that no reason existed for further delay in payment of prize money; as additional evi dence of Jones character refers to letter received from [Anne Cesar,] Chevalier de La Luzerne; "inconvenient if not impossi ble * * * to attend this business longer"; will expect a final decision on next day. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 251. 1785. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Copt., U. S. nary. [Paris.] Letter to [Charles Jul. [10?] Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries, [Versailles]. Encloses official letter from [Thomas] Jefferson in reply to his query regarding the mission of Jones in France; is informed by [ ] d Unions that the Grandrille has been adjudged a share in the prizes Mayflower and Fortune and in no others; considers that the same ruling will exclude the Cerf from share in any prize; is satisfied with the decision. Letter-press copy of A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 251. 1785. Franklin, B[enjamin.] Havre, [France.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jul. 21. Jones, [Paris]. Acquaints him with the offer made by [ ] Baron de Waterstorff in behalf of [Christian VII,] King of Den mark regarding settlement of United States claims for prize money; Denmark offers 10,000 as compensation for prizes [the Betsey, Union and Charming Polly~\ delivered to English consul; offer declined as prizes are considered worth 50,000. Copy. 1 p. 4. 1785. Selkirk, [Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl.] London. Letter to Aug. 4. [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Paris. Acknowledges receipt of his letter [of Feb. 12, 1784] regarding return of the plate; was not able to answer it at that time; circumstances delaying the trans portation of plate; has no doubt it arrived safe; has done all in his power to give the public an accurate account of the White- haven expedition and of Jones s offer to return the plate. Con temporary copy. 4 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 174. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 57 under date of 1789. 1785. "Alliance". U. S. ship of war. L Orient, [France.] Roll of officers, Sep. 5. crew and marines entitled to prize money from prizes captured by the squadron of Capt. John Paul Jones in 1779. 214 names on roll; amounts previously advanced to individuals; sum remain ing for distribution is 105,185 2s. 6d. Le Jeune, . Commissary of marine at L 1 Orient. L Orient. Certificate of payment of above amount by Gratien de Commore, Treasurer of Marine at L Orient, to "Commodore" [Capt.] John 2155103 13 194 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS. 1785. "Alliance". U. 8. ship of war Continued. Sep. 5. Paul Jones; warrant for payment found in despatches of July 15th, Aug. 19th and 26th, 1785 from [Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis] de Castries to [ ] Clonet "Commissaire General au Department de L Orient". In French. [Sep. 5?] Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. 8. nary. [L Orient.] "A true Copy from the Original in my Hands". A. X. S. (In all) 9 pp. F. Names appearing on this roll are given with variations in spoiling in Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 140. Names in index. 1785. [D ]Estaign, [Charles Hector, Comte.] Vice-admiral, Frenchnai-y. Paris. Dec. 18. Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Paris. Thanks him for the privilege of reading his journal; his conduct toward [Dun bar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl] Selkirk and his wife is an example of military and naval generosity; is far from regretting the hom age rendered to the engagement between the Serapis and the Bon Ilotnine Richard [in his own recommendation of Lieut. Edward Stack]; is flattered that Jones has annexed it to the journal. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In French. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 178C, Jan. 1. p. 1ST. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life < if John Paul June*, X. Y. 1S51, j>. 57. 1786. Jones, John Paul. Capt., U. 8. navy. Paris. "Extrait du Journal de Jan. 1. mes Campagnes, ou j expose mes principaux Services et rappelle quelques circonstances de ce qui m est arrive deplus remarquable pendant le cours de la Revolution Americaine, particulierment en Europe". This volume is a copy of the journal presented to Louis XVI by Jones. In addition to the account outlined above the journal contains a letter from Jones transmitting the volume, and copies of forty five letters and documents illustrative of Jones s experiences in Europe and America. Contemporary French translation of English? original. 1 vol. 200 pp. 4. Full Morocco and stamped with the Royal Arms of France. 1786. Malesherbes, [Cretien Guillaume de Lamoignon de.] Paris. Letter to Feb. 27. [Capt. John] Paul Jones, Paris. Is obliged for the opportunity to read the copy of Jones s journal; hopes the King [Louis XVI] will give it the attention it deserves; wishes that Jones would publish a journal of his achievements. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones, Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 188. In French. Translation printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 343. 1786. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. Paris. Account [submitted to July 7. the Continental Congress, Philadelphia]. Account is of prize money due crews of the Bon Homme Richard and Alliance; total is 181,039-)-; from this deductions are made for expenses of Jones in settling the account, amounts paid for the draft of [ ] Le Jeune in behalf of Jacque[s?] Tual, pilot of the Alliance and [ ] de Blondel, Lieut, of marines on the Pallas; further deduc tions are for amounts advanced by Jones "to sundry persons" on the Bon Homme Richard and his own share of the prize money; total remaining is 112,172+. CALENDAR OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPTS. 195 1786. Jones, J[ohn] Paul Continued. July 7. Aug. 5. Jefferson, Thomas. Untied States minister plenipotentiary to France. Paris. Attestation to oath of Jones taken before him to the truth of the expense account for 47,972 -)- Letter-press copies of A. Ds. S. 1 p. 4. Printed: [Sands,] Life and Corrcs. of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1830, p. 358, note. 1787. United States, Continental Congress. New York. Resolution regard- Oct. U>. ing [Capt.] John Paul Jones. Grants Jones a gold medal which [Thomas] Jefferson is to secure in Europe; directs that a letter be written requesting the King of France [Louis XVI] to allow Jones to embark with his squadron of evolution. Signed: Charles Thomson, Secy. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. French translation. In Jones, Extniit du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 190. Original is printed: Journals of Congress of given date. Shertmrne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 272. 1 787. United States, Continental Congress. New York. Letter to Louis XVI, Oct. IK. King of France, [Versailles?]. Thanks the King for his kindness towards [Capt.] John Paul Jones and for the proofs of his approbation thus far shown; requests that opportunities be given Jones on the French squadrons " to acquire that degree of knowl edge which may hereafter render him more extensively useful". Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 4. In Jones. Extrait du Journal 1786, Jan. 1. p. 198. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851. pp. 272-273. 1787. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Otpt., I . S. nary. New York. Letter to Thomas Oct. 24. Jefferson, [Paris]. Wrote him confidentially on Sept. 4th en closing a letter for Madame [Aimee Adele de] T[elison] ; encloses a second letter for her; would have sailed for Havre on the 25th but feared the English fleet; will sail on an American ship at first opportunity; reserves details of Congressional action "on my subject" [reorganization of the navy?] until he sees him; forwards a packet containing letters for Jefferson, [William] Short and [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette; has "confided the whole to Captain [ - ] Lattin of [Maj. Gen. Arthur, Comte] Dillon s Irish regiment"; says nothing on public affairs as Jefferson must have heard from [James] Madison and Col. [Edward?] Carrington; congratulates him on his "re-appointment to the Court of France". A. L. S. 2pp. 4. Printed in part: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 274. [Sands,] Life and Cor res. of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1830, p. 379. The letter to Madame Telison mentioned above is printed in [Sands,] Life and Corres. of Jones, p. 378. 1787. United States, Continental Congress. [New York.] Resolve author- Oct. 25. izing [Thomas Jefferson,] United States minister to France to settle with [Christian VII,] King of Denmark the claims of the United States for prizes handed over to Great Britain during the war of the American Revolution; authorizes him further to des patch [Capt.] J[ohn] P[aul] Jones or any other agent to the Court of Denmark to make preliminary negotiations; the agent employed is to receive five per cent of money received; documents relative to prizes to be forwarded to Jefferson. Letter-press copy. 1 p. 4. Enclosed in letter: Jefferson to Jones 1788, Jan. 24. Printed: Secret Journals of Congress, Foreign Affairs, of given date. 196 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. [1787?] [Jones, John Paul.] Capt., U. S. navy. [New York.] "A Profile of [Oct?] the Fort on Liberty Island". [Drawing with autograph endorse ment.] A. D. ] p. 7| x 13 inches. [1787.] Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. nan/. " Hotel de Beauvais", [Paris.] [Dec. 12.] Letter to Thomas Jefferson, [Paris]. Left New York Nov. llth; has public dispatches and private letters for him; has "strong reasons 1 for remaining unknown until after consultation with him; has a letter from Congress for [Louis XVI,] King [of France]; will not leave hotel until he has heard from Jefferson; is to inquire at the hotel "for the Gentleman just arrived who is lodged in No. 1." A. L. S. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherbnrne, Life of John Paul Jimr,*. X. Y., p. 275. [Sands,] Life and Coma, of John Paul Jones. X. Y. ls:?0, p. :i79. 1788. Jefferson, Thomas. United States minister plenipotentiary to France. June 24. Paris. Commission to [Capt.] John Paul Jones, [Paris?]. The Continental Congress has authorized him to "settle and conclude all demands of the United States against * * * [Christian VII,] King of Denmark on account of the prizes delivered to Great Britain during the late war"; appoints Jones his agent to arrange provisional agreement with the Danish Court; agreement made to be transmitted to Jefferson at Paris for his approval; resolution of Congress of Oct. 25, 1787, is enclosed. Letter-press copy of L. S. 1 p. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 27S. 1788. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., f*. S. navy. Copenhagen. [Denmark.] Mar. 11. Letter to Thomas Jefferson, [Paris]. Arrived at Copenhagen Mar. 4th and has been ill since that time; has seen [Andreas Peder, Count Bernstorff] the Danish Foreign Minister and will soon be presented to the Court; has fulfilled many of his requests and will attend to the others soon; news regarding the Russian fleet; report of death of [Benjamin] Franklin. A. L. S. 3pp. F". Part of letter is in cipher with an interlinear translation in Jeffer son s handwriting. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jo7ies, X. Y. 1851, p. 279. [Sands,] Life and Corres. of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1830. p. 381. 1788. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Capt., U. S. navy. Copenhagen, [Denmark.] Letter Mar. 11. to Thomas Jefferson, [Paris]. Autograph copy signed of preced ing letter. Mar. 18. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Copenhagen. Letter [to Thomas Jeffer son, Paris]. Gives an account of his reception by the Court of Denmark; is "continually feasted "; will press a conclusion of his business [regarding payment of prize money]. Autograph copy signed. Mar. 20. Jones, J [ohn] Paul. Copenhagen. Letter [to Thomas Jefferson, Paris]. The French minister [Baron de La Houze] is surprised at hearing nothing from Paris as to attitude to be taken by him regarding Jones s mission. Autograph copy signed. Mar. 25. Jones, J [ohn] Paul. Copenhagen. Letter [to Thomas Jefferson, Paris]. Expects his mission in Denmark to l>e soon concluded; will then proceed to Russia to enter the service of the Empress [Catherine] ; negotiations to this end have been conducted through Barons [Johann Mathias] Simolin and Q ] Krudiner; terms CALENDAE OF JOHN PAUL JONES MANUSCRIPT^. 197 1788. Jones, J[ohn] Paul Continued. Mar. 1 1 . offered have been acceptable in substance ; hopes to see [Lewis] Littlepage soon. Autograph copy signed. (In all) 4 pp. F. These copies appear to have been forwarded to Jones by Jefferson previous to the departure of the former for Russia. They are partly in cipher and have interlinear translations in Jefferson s hand. Printed with variations: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1861 pp. 279-282. 1788. Bernstorff, [Andreas Peder, Count.] Minister of foreign affairs of Denmark. Apr. 4 Copenhagen, [Denmark.] Letter to [Capt. John] Paul Jones, [Copenhagen] . Replies with pleasure to the letter [of Mar. 30th?] transmitted from [Thomas] Jefferson; has no desire to have the negotiations between Denmark and the United States fail; nego tiations began at Paris and as Jones has not plenipotentiary powers from a settled government they will continue at that place; asks him to bear the Danish sentiments of regard to the government of the United States. In French. Aug. 29. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Rear-admiral, Russian navy. Russian ship of war Wolodimer off Ochacoff, [Ochakov, Russia.] Attestation to correctness of above copy. A. X. S. 3 pp. F. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, X. Y. 1851, p. 283. [Sands,] Life and Corns, of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1830, p. 385. 1788. Framery, [Nicolas? Etienne?] Secretary, French legation at Copenhagen. May 3 Copenhagen, [Denmark.] Letter to "Commodore" [Rear- Admiral John] Paul Jones, [St. Petersburg, Russia]. Has received a packet for him from [ ] deChezaulx; forwarded it to him through [Thomas] Jefferson; will be glad to serve Jefferson or Jones further; expense of forwarding the packet; joins with Baron de La Houze in hoping that Jones reached St. Petersburg in safety; Prince Charles of Hesse has been in Copenhagen; size of fleet which Gustavus III of Sweden has ordered to Carlscrona; queries as to the source from which the king obtained the money for such a demonstration; some regard England as his support others think Turkey responsible; object of the demonstration is unknown; expects Jones to win new laurels in the service of Catherine; [Andreas Peder,] Count Bernstorff has said to Baron de La Houze that full powers will be sent to Baron [Otto] Blome at Paris to come to a definite settlement with Jefferson [regarding claim of the United States against Denmark for prize money]. Copy. In French. Aug. 29 Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Rear-admiral, Russian navy. Wolodimer, off Sep. 9. Ochacoff, [Ochakov, Russia.] Attestation to truth of the fore going copy. A. X. S. 4 pp. F. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 298. Extract: [Sands,] Life and Carres, of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1830, p. 396. 1788. Jones, J[ohn] Paul. Rear-admiral, Ruman navy. Wolodimer, off Ocha- Jun. 15/26. coff, [Ochakov, Russia.] Letter to [Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier,] Marquis de Lafayette, Paris. Gives an account of his reception at Copenhagen; favors shown him there; trip to St. Petersburg; reception by the Empress Cath erine; the Empress " is persuaded that the American Revolution can not Jail to bring about others and to influence every other Government 1 ; 198 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS. 1788. Jones, J[ohn] Paul Continued. Jun. 15/26. commercial relations between Russia and the United States; is pleased that the new Constitution of the United States will be adopted but favors certain alterations in its provisions; advises Lafayette to come to Russia; advantages of a Franco-Russian alli ance. L. S. 7 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul .Tone*, X. Y. 1851, p. 287. 1788. United States, Continental Congress. [New York.] Resolve on the Jul. 2. memorial of Capt. Samuel Nicholson. Directs the Board of Treas ury to ascertain the number and value of prizes captured in 1 777 by the Reprisal, [late] Capt. [Lambert] Weeks [Wickes], the Dolphin, [Lieut, now] Capt. Samuel Nicholson and the Le.rington, Capt. [Henry] Johnson and delivered to [the late] Thomas Mor ris; [Benjamin Walker] Commissioner of Accounts in Marine Department to ascertain the share to which officers and crews are entitled. D. S. "Chas. Thomson Secy." 2pp. 4. Printed: Journals of Congress of given date. 1788. Nicholson, Samuel, dipt., F. S. nary. Boston. Letter to "Col." Ben- Aug. 2. jamin Walker, New York. Encloses muster roll of the Dolpliin [in 1777]; rules to be followed in ascertaining length of service of her crew; attitude of [David jlurray, Viscount] Stormont regard ing French enlistments at that time [1777]; hopes [late Capt. Lambert] Wickes s affairs have been settled by the Treasury Board; wishes his own commission as soon as possible; congratu lates him that New York has ratified the Constitution [of the United States]; desires a copy of the Marine List; recent adven tures on [Long Island] Sound; respects to Mrs. Walker and her sister. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4. For Dolphin, Muster Roll. See under date of 1777, Apr-June. 1788. [Jones, John Paul.] Rear-admiral, Russian nary. Wolodimer, off Ocza- Aug. 29/ coff, [Ochakov, Russia.] Letter [to Thomas Jefferson, Paris]. Sep. 9. Encloses names of gentlemen in America asking for his bust; means at his disposal to pay [Jean Antoine] Houdon; respects to various gentlemen in France; opinion regarding medals struck in his honor. Sept. 15/ [Jones, John Paul.] [Ochakov.] [Lewis] Littlepage leaves at 26. once; will forward extract from his journal of 1779 by [Louis Phil ippe,] Comte de Segur. Contemporary copies. 4 pp. 4. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 290. Sept. 15/ Jones, [John] Paul. Rear-admiral, Russian navy. Wolodimer, off 26. Ocxakov, [Ochakov, Russia.] Letter to [William] Short. [Paris]. Begs that he will see that busts of Jones, now in preparation by [Jean Antoine] Houdon be forwarded to the following persons: [Maj.] (Ten. [Arthur] St. Clair, [John?] Ross, John Jay, [Brig.] (Ten. [William] Irvine, [Charles] Thomson, "Col" [Jeremiah?] Wadsworth, J[ames] Maddison [Madison] and "Col" [Edward?] Carrington. Autograph draft signed in body of document. 1 p. 7 x 4 inches. A half-tone engraving of the bust sent Brig. Gen. Irvine is the frontispiece of this volume. Enclosed in Jones to Jefferson 1788, Aug. 29 Sep. 9. Printed: Sherburne, Life of John Paul Jones, N. Y. 1851, p. 292. INDEX OF NAMES. INDEX. Aborn, Samuel & Co. Owners, privateer schooner "Eagle". See: Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee 1777, Jan. 21. Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 5. Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 11. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1782, Xov. 3; 1783, June 12. "Actif". French ship of far. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? "Active ". f. S. merchant brig. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Jan. 8, Jan. 22. "Active". liritixh nti rrJiaitt brigantine. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to William Spooner 1 776, Nov. 3. Jones, John Paul, Xote of the time of material occur rences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Jan. 12. Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee 1777, Jan. 21. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 19, June 23. "Adams". U. S. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Sep. 18. Adams, John. United States commissioner to France. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1778, May 18. Letter to John Paul Jones. See: Franklin, Benjamin; Lee, Arthur and Adams, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 23. Letter to John Paul Jones (joint letter with Lee and Franklin) 1778, May 25. Extract of letter to, See: Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Pleni potentiaries at the court of Versailles 1778, May 27. Jones, John Paul, Extract of letter to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, June 3. Plan for expeditions submitted to, See: Jones, John Paul, Plan for expeditions submitted to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee and to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, June 5. Letter to John Paul Jones, See: Franklin, Benjamin and Adams, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Aug. 10. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul to Benja min Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, Aug. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Sep. 6. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Xov. 15. Jones, John Paul to Arthur Lee 1778, Xov. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 13. See: Watkins, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 27. Let ter to, See; Jones, John Paul 1780, Feb. 28. Memorandum submitted to, See: Franklin, Benjamin 1780, June 18? United States minister plenipotentiary for conducting peace negotiations u ith Great Britain. See: Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1780, Sep. 8. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Aug. 12. Adams, John, keaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. 201 202 INDEX. Adams, Peter. "Cuisinier", U. S. S. "Alliance". See: "Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep, 5. "Admiral". French ship of ivar. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. Jones, John Paul to United States Commissioners to France 1778, Aug. 15. "Adventure". Jerxeij merchant ship. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. "Aigrette". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Albertson, Thomas. Lieut., U. S. sloop of war " Mosquito". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. "Alert". U. S. sloop. of v:ar. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Charles Henri Nicolas Othon, Prince de Nassau-Siegen 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul, Extract of a letter to Benjamin Franklin 1778. Sep. 18. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. "Alert". H. M. *hi]> of n-ar. See: Johnson, Henry, Certificate 1779, Oct. 11. "Alexander". British merchant ship? See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, June 9. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Alexander, Charles. )>(., U. S. S. "Delaware". See: United States, Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Alexander, TViniam. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 24. Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Yander Capellen 1779, Nov. 29. Jones, John Paul to Countess of Selkirk 1780, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of Selkirk 1784, Feb. 12. Jones. John Paul to the Countess of Selkirk 1784, Nov. 8. "Alexandre". French dtip of mrr. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?. Dec? "Alfred". U.S. ship of mtr. See: Jones, John Paul, Table of observations 1776, Mar. 17-Apr. 2. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 177(1, Apr. 14. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the engagement with the Glasgow 1776, Apr. 14. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1776, May 1, May 7. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 19. United States, Continental Con gress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1776, Oct. 22. Sanders, Robert, Account of provisions 1776, Nov. 14. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Philip Brown 177H, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler, Michael Knies and James Beckup 1776, Nov. 25. Jones, John Paul, Plan of the evolutions of the Alfred and MUford 1776?, Nov? Jones, John Paul, Orders to John Margeson 1776, Dec. 8. Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise. 1776, Dec. 10. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Jan. 12. Hopkins, EseK, Orders to John Paul Jones, 1777, Jan. 14. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris, 1777, Jan. 16. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. Jones, John Paul to the Marine Committee, Continen tal Congress 1777, Jan. 21. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee; Morris, Robert, Vice President to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 1. Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 11. Tillinghast, Daniel to INDEX. 203 Alfred" Continued. John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 28. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 19. Mauley, John, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Apr. 23, May 3. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, May 10. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, May 21. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, June 9. Charrier, Louis Daniel to John Paul Jones 1 777, June 10. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1 777, June 23. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, July 28. Xesbitt, John Maxwell to John Paul Jones, 1777, Aug. 5. Jones, John Paul to Daniel Tillinghast 1777, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to John Bradford 1777, Sept. 10: Jones, John Paul to John Langdon 1777, Oct. 11. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 12. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sept. 11. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Oct. 26-29. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1, pp. 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10. Allen, Benjamin. See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1776, Xov. 3. Allen, George. Seaman, U. S . S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Allen, John. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 24? Allen, Joseph. Acting Heu.t., U. S. brig "Providence". Memorial to Hoysted Hacker. See: Thaxter, Adam W. and others, Memorial to Hoysted Hacker 1776, Nov. 14. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1776, Xov. In. Allen, William. Midshipman, U. S. brig "Providence". Memorial to Hoysted Hacker. See: Thaxter, Adam W. and others, Memorial etc. 1776, Xov. 14. Allen, Marlar & Co. Bunkers?, London. See: Black, John & Co. to William Dobbs 1778, May 19. "Alliance". U. ,v. ship of war. See: Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 3. Defourniez, Le Chevalier to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 7. Amiel, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 27. Wharton, Joseph jr to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 28. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 29. Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1779, May 8. Jones, John Paul to John Adams 1779, May 13. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, May 19. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 24. Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 16. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 1. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, July 8. Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 21, July 26. Franklin, Ben jamin to John Paul Jones 1779, July 28. Jones, John Paul to Sir Robert Finlay 1779, July 28. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of, 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of court martial of 1779 July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of court martial of 1779, July 29. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of court martial of 1779, July 31. Jones, John Paul, Order in blank to attend a court martial 1779, Aug. 7? Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Aug. 13. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Peter Landais 1779, Sep. 5. "Bon Homme Richard", Account of engagement with the Serapu 1779, Sep. 23-25. Jones, John Paul to Ben jamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Franklin, Benjamin to John Jay, President Continental Congress 1779, Oct. 4. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul, Orders to James Arthur Degge 1779, Oct. 21. Jones, John 204 INDEX. Alliance " Continued. Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 24. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26. Watkins, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 27. XeufvHle, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 5. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Nov. 5. Jones, John Paul to Lau rence Brooke 1779, Dec. 4. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14, Dec. 17, Dec. 18. Grange, Baptiste, Receipt to John de Xeuf ville & Son 1779, Dec. 19. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 20. Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Dec. 21. Franklin, Benjamin to Andreas Peder, Count Bernstorff 1779, Dec. 22. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Dec. 27. Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Jan. 16. Bragg, James, Petition to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 2. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Joseph Hitchborn 1780, Feb. 5. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 13. Degge, James Arthur to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Bragg, James, Report to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 21. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 21. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 1. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 12. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 14. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 18. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, Mar. 23. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Mar. 23. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board; Lewis, Francis, Commissioner to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 28. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 31, Apr. 1. Jones, John Paul to de Monplaisir 1780, Apr. 4. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Apr. 11. Jones, John Paul to Xathan Blodgett 1780, Apr. 12. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 15. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 17. Groube, Beaumont to Thomas Bell 1780, May 3. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, May 12. Jones, John Paul, Memo randum to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, May 30. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, June 1. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to Benjamin Franklin 1780, June 3. Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1780, June 13. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, June 17. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum submitted to Benjamin Franklin 1780, June 17. Franklin, Benjamin, Memorandum sub mitted to John Adams 1780 June 18? Genet, Francois de to John Paul Jones 1780, June 20. Jones, John Paul to Mathew Parke 1780, June 20. Thevenard, Antoine Jean Marie de to Le Chevalier de Lironcourt 1780, June 20. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, June 23. Jones, John Paul, Account against the Marine Committee, Continental Congress, 1780, June 25. Stubbs, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, June 26. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, June 27. Ship s company. Let ter to. See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 3. U. 8. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 5. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, July 10. Jones, John Paul to Barbantane Hunolstein 1780, July 14. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudouin 1780, July 19. Jones, John Paul to Aime"e Adele de Telison 1780, July 24. Xeif, Ary de, Deposition 1780, Aug. 4. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Maurepas, Jean Frederic Phelypeaux, Comte de to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Jones, John Paul INDEX. 205 Alliance Continued. to James Moylan 1780, Sep. 19. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Crenel 1780, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Sep. 23. Gourlade, to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 5. Jones, John Paul to Madame la Presidente d Ormoy 1780, Oct. 16. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 20. Jones, John Paul, Answers to ques tions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones 1781, Aug. 4. Livingston, Robert R. to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 20. Dale, Richard, Certificate respecting Henry Law rence and James Dick 1782, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 1. Van Berckel, E. P., Statement regarding the cruise of John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 10. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Mar. 26, Apr. 13; 1785, July 3? Roll of officer*, crew and marines of tie ship entitled to a share in the prizes captured 1785, Sep. 5. U. S. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Account submitted to Continental Congress 1786, July 7. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Ameri- caine!786, Jan. 1. pp. 37, 40, 41, 45-51, 56-65, 72-86, 96, 98, 117, 122, 123, 128. Allis, Yallow? Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 17SO, June 29. Almodovar, Eduardo Malo de Luque, Marques de. Spanish ambassador (<> Great Britain. See: Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. D Amblimont, Claude Francois Regnard Defuschamberg, Comte. Capt., flench ship of war "L Artisien" . See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Ambroge, Pedro. Seaman, U. S. navy. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Ambroise, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "America". U. S. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding 1781, June 23. United States, Continental Congress, Resolution appointing John Paul Jones to command of 1781, June 26. Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones 1781, Aug. 4; Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones and John Langdon 1781, Aug. 24; Jones, John Paul to "Delia" 1781, Dec. 25. Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 11, Apr. 17. Adams, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Aug. 12. United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1782, Sep. 3. Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones 1782, Sep. 4. Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 1. Neufvflle, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 12. Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones 1782, Nov. 5. Jones, John Paul, Account against the United States 1782, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 80, 96, 97, 98, 100-106, 127. Amiel, Peter. Lieut., f. S. nary. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. Jones, John Paul to John Ross, 1778, Oct. 26-29. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3, Nov. 10. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Nov. 11. Jones, John Paul to Arthur Lee 1778, Nov. 21. Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 206 INDEX. Axniel, Peter Continued. 1778, Nov. 25. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Xov.27. Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Nov. 30. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 16. Mehegan, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 19. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 23. Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. Jones, John Paul to Alexander Dick 1779, Feb. 26. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Apr. 11. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 27. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 29. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 3. See: Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones, 1779, May 8. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 15. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 17 (two), May 28. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 7, June 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 17, June 19. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 19. Axniel, . Wife of Lieut. Peter. See: Jones, John Paul, Extract of a letter to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Nov. 27. Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. Amoureaux, . Merchant, L Orient. See: Jones, John Paul to Thoma.< Jeffer son 1788, Aug. 29/Sep. 9. "Amphitrite". French le Her of marque in United States service. See: United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee to John Paul Jones 1777, May 9. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, June 9. Jones, John Paul to John Langdon 1777, June 26. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 2. Jones, John Paul to Louis Daniel Charrier 1777, July 3. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1 778, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1778, Nov. 13. Jones, John Paul, to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 11. Anderson, . Capt., merchant xhip "Harmony Hall". See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, May 10. Andre, John Lewis. Late Major A adj. gen., British army in America. See: Jones, John Paul, Copy of a song. 1780?, May-Sep.? "Andrea Doria". T. S. brig, of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 19. United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Xavy 1776, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Andrews, Thomas. Seaman, V. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Angelica". U. S. privateer? See: Greenleaf, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. "Ang-elique". [Aimee Adele de Telison?] Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?, May? Annibal, John. Seaman, U. S. S. Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Antone, Joseph. Seaman, l~. S. nary. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. "Arcot". British* merchant brig. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Reuben Chase 1779, Aug. 21. D Arendt, , Baron. E.c-col. German regiment, Continental army. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 8. INDEX. 207 "Ariel". French ship of war. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 25. French ship of war in United States service. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 5. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1780, July 5. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, July 10. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Wheeler 1780, July 11. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, July 12. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1780, July In. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudoin 1780, July 19. Jones, John Paul to Aimee Adele deTelison 1780, July 24. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1780, July 29. Jones, John Paul to Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes 1780, Aug. 2. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Cosse-Brissac, Louis Hercule Timoleon, Marquis de to John Paul Jones 1780, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to la Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl 1780, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Sep. 23. Wreck of. See: Ariel, Declaration of officers respecting the wreck of the French ship of war Ariel 1780, Oct. 13. French shift of ii-nr in Fulled States service. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Ban croft 1780, Oct. 17. Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Truxtun 1780, Oct. 24. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Oct. 25. Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 1780 Nov. 7. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Nov. 20. Robeson, William to John Paul Jones 1780, Xov. 23. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 21. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board to John Paul Jones 1781, Mar. 11, Mar. 21, May 15, May 19. United States, Continental Con gress, Order to John Paul Jones 1781, June 4. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 83, 86-92, 98, 127. Armstrong, William. See: Scott, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 19, Xov. 19. Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Dec. 3. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 7. Arnold, Freight. Garde Marine, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Arnold. Jacob. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Arrow-smith, Edmond. Copt., U. S marines, Providence, Rhode Island. See: Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1776, Feb. 6. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, July 2. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 2. "Artisien". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet. 1780?, Dec.? D Arvoilles, . " Sketch of the Bay and Coal Mines at Cape Briton " 1776?, Xov.? Atkinson, Tobias. Notary Public, London. Certificate to signature and office of Thomas Sainsbury, See: Scott, Thomas & Scott, John, Affidavit 1779, Xov. 19. Atkinson, . See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones. 1779, July 13. Atwood, John. Landsman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Minutes of a court martial of 1779, July 29. Petition to John Paul Jones (joint petition with sixteen others of the crew of the Bon Homme Richard) 1779, Aug.? Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Dec. 21. 208 INDEX. D Aubenton, . Capt., French ship of war " Le Bien Ainu ". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Augist, Alexander. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew enti tled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Augusts". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Kxtrait <lu Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786. Jan. 1. ]>p. 109, 112. Baerd, John. See: Baird. Baig-noux & Barde. Banker*?, Bordeaux. See: Black, John & Co. to William Dobbs 1778, May 19. Baigre, . See: Alliance. Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Baird, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homine Richard". See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 17. Bairdo, Gorlano. Seaman. I . S. nari/. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Baker, Leblun. Pilot, I . S. S. "Hancock". See: McNeil), Hector, Order to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. Baker, Pheonis. Seaman, I . S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Balch, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones. See: Atwood and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? Baldwin, John. Lieut., V. S. schooner of war "Wasp". See: United States, Conti nental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Balfour, John. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? DeBalgurie, . Swedish agent, Amsterdam. Letter to. See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 4. Baltayock, De Muir Bolder de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 4. Bancroft, Edward. Confidential agent oj Benjamin Franklin. See: Livingston, Musco, Certificate to Joseph Wharton jr. 1778, Apr. 11. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 13, Aug. 14, Aug. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Aug. 24. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 9. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Sep. 16. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 23. See: Jones, John Paul to Baron de Franklin 1778, Sep. 25, Sep. 30. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Oct. 4, Oct. 7, Oct. 16. See: Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1778, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1778, Oct. 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 11. See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Dec. 11. Jones, John Paul to Jona than Williams 1778, Dec. 16. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Dec. 18. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 21. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Mar. 9. See: Jones, John Paul to Musco Livingston 1779, INDEX. 209 Bancroft, Edward Continued. Mar. 13, Apr. 25. Wharton, Joseph jr. to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 26. See: Dumas, Charles Wil liam Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Jan. 16. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, Mar. 3. Jones, Jonn Paul to Benja min Franklin 1780, Mar. 14. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, Mar. 23. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Mar. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Apr. 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 15. See: De Monplaisir, to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Serhand, , PAbbe de to John Paul Jones 1780, May 24. St. Julien, Madame de to John Paul Jones 1780, May 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, June 27. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, July 12. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1780, July 15. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 17. See: Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudouin 1780, July 19. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 19. Baudouin, Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1780, July 27. Let ter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Aug. 7. See: Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Sep. 21. Let ter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 23, Oct. 17. See: Nicholson, William to John Paul Jones 1780, Nov. 18. Jones, John Paul to Jona than William- 1780, Nov. 20. Letter to John Paul Jones 1783, Oct. 27. Bandouin. See: Baudouin. Bandouine. See: Baudouin. Band^wain. See: Baudouin. Bangs, Shipman. Clerk, U. #. >S . "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Baptist, Michael. See: Paptist. Barde, . Banker?, Bordeaux. See: Baignoux & Barde. Barit, William. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance 1 . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Barnes, Thomas, teaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones, See: At wood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug. ? De Barre, . Lieut., French navy. See: Laporte, to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 20. Barrett, William. See: Barit. Barry, Ann Spranger. Enalixh actress. See: Jones, John Paul, Copy of a song 1780?, May-Sep. ? Barry, John. Capt., U. S. S. "Effingham". See: United States, Continental Con gress, Establishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Capt., ". S. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul to Madame la Presidente d Ormoy 1780, Oct. 16. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. Barry, . Matter, French? privateer. See: Ross, John, Letter from Informant at Bordeaux 1778, Nov. Bass, Phillip Jr. Seaman, U. f>. S. "Hancock". See: McNeill, Hector, Order to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. Basseville, Buisson de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 14 (two). Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, July 14. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, 2155103 U 210 INDEX. Basseville, Buisson de Continued. July 16. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, July 16. See: Gourlade, to John Paul Jones 1779, July 16. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 23, July 27. See: Gourlade, to John Paul Jones 1779, July 31. Batt, Benjamin. See: Jones, John Paul Jones, Ac-count with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Batter, Joseph. Seaman, U. 8. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Bauchet, Denis. Sergt., French marine*, I . S. ,S . "Bon Homme Richard". See: Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial of 1779, July 29. Baudouin, , Chevalier de. Officer, French miry? See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Sep. 13. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul to Dona tien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Dec. 11. Jones, John Paul to Edward Ban croft 1778, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 21. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Jan. 6. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26, Dec. 18; 1780, July 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 19. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, July 27. See: Jones, John Paul to Gonrlade 1780, Sep. 23. Baudouine. See: Baudouin. Baussett, - , Le Chevalier. "Director of the port" nf Brett. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 22. Bay ley, Thomas. Seaman, ( . S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Bazel, Zachariah. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Bazely, John. Lieut., II. M. S. "Alert". See: Johnson, Henry, Certificate 1779, Oct. 11. Bears, Daniel. Midshipman, U. S. navy. See: Manley, John, Postscript of letter Tillinghast Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, June 28. ?, Pierre Caron de. Confidential agent Franco-American negotiations. See: Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. "Beaumont". Prench ship of war? See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 10. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 16. Beaureau, - , Prince de. Capt., King s guard, Versailles. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaiiie, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 78. Beausset, , Capt., French ship of war "Le Glorieu.c". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Beaussie, . Capt., French sJiip of v:ar " L Lnrepide" . See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec. ? " Beazeaumont ". U. S. merchant? ship. See: Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Oct. 4. Beck, Thomas. Boatswain, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Beckup, James. Prizemaster of the "Molly". Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler, Michael Knies and James Beckup 1776, Nov. 25. See: Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Officer?, I . S. nary. See: Gallagher, Ber nard to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 18. Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 4. INDEX. 211 Bedford, Gunning. Registrar of wills, Xcic Cattle county, Delaware, Certificate respecting Sarah Marshall 1779, Oct. IS. Beears, Daniel. See: Bears. Bell, Thomas. Capt., U. 8. primteer. See: McXeill, Hector to John Paul Jones 177S, Sep. 4. Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Oci. 4. Jones, John Paul t< > John Ross 1 77S, Oct. 26-29. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 3. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Ross, John to John. Paul Jones 1778, Xov. S. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 10. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 14. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Xov. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Xov. 15. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 15. Jones, John Paul to Hector McNeill 1778, Xov. 17. Jones, John Paul to John Young 1778, Xov. 18. Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Xov. 25. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 28. Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Xov. 30. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 3. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 17. Jones, John Paul to John Mehe- gan 1778, Dec. 21, Dec. 23. Jones, John Paul to John Brown 1778, Dec. 23. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1779, Jan. 2. Moyjan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Co fit., French merchant sliip "Lnzeme". See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 12. Letter to, See: Groube, Beaumont 1780, May . !. ( apt., f nited State* merchant marine. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 18, Aug. 24? Bell, Xadock. See: Bill, Zeockk. "Belle Poule". Frencli vhip of war. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov., Dec. 3. Ross, John, Letter from Informant at Bordeaux 177.8, Dec. 5? Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal. * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 30. Benet, Arthur Seamnn, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Benson, Thomas. Capt., United States merchant schooner "Stephen". See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 25, Feb. 28. Berard, . See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Jan. 6. Berckel, E P Van. G rand pensionary at Amsterdam. See: Xeufville, John tie & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 20, Oct. 21. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, May 26. Statement regarding the cruise of John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 10. " Berkenbosch". Dutch merchant brigantine. See: Dumas, Charles William Fred erick to John Paul Jones 1780, May 26. Xeif, Ary de, Deposition 1780, Aug. 4. Livingston, Robert R. to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 20. Bernstorff, Andres Peder, Count. Minister of foreign affairs of Denmark. Letter to, See: Franklin. Benjamin 1779, Dec. 22. See: Jones, John Paul Jones to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 11. Letter to John Paul Jones 1788, Apr. 4. See: Framery, Xicolas Etienne to John Paul Jones 1788, May 3. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Mar quis de Lafayette 1788, June 15/26. See also: Waterstorff, Baron de. Bersolle, . Merchant, Brest. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 12, Mar. 24. "Charges made on the Ship Ranger, John Paul Jones Esqr. Commander * 1778, Apr. 1. See: Adams, John; Lee, Arthur and Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1778, May 25. Jones, John 212 INDEX. Bersolle, . Continued. Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries at the court of Versailles 1778, May 27. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Wharton, Joseph jr. to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 28. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, May 12, July 13. Rieuse, to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Bery, . See: Bondfield, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. "Betsey" or "Betty". British collier? See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler, Michael Knies and James Beckup 1776, Nov. 25. Jones, John Paul, Orders to John Margeson 1776, Dec. 8. Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurrences during the- Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Jones, John Paul to Stuart Mawey 1777, May 4. "Betsey". Jfalifa.r merchant schooner. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris. 1776, Oct. 17. "Betsey". Jersey -merchant schooner. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. " Betsey". Brllitfi merchant? ship. See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 6. Franklin, Benjamin to Andreas Peder, Count Bern- storff 1779, Dec. 22. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Franklin, Ben jamin to John Paul Jones 1785, July 21. "Betty". See: "Betsey". Beurbank, John. See: Burbank. Biddle, Nicholas. ( apt., l\ S. S. "Randolph". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of rank of*Captainsin the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Lute capt., I . S. >S . "Randolph". See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1778, Mav 23. Treglohn, Philip to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. "BienAime". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul. Memorandum of the French fleet, 1780?, Dec.? Bill, Zeockk. Seaman, U. ,S. ,S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Biron, Louis Antoine, Marechal de. See: Castille, Baron de to John Paul Jones 1780, May 2, May 3. "Bizarre". French ship of war. See: Carmichael, William to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 14. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Black, John & Co. Hanker*, Bordeaux. Letter to William Dobbs 1778, May 19. "Slack Prince". U. /S . pricateer. See: Franklin, Benjamin, Extract of a letter to Samuel Cooper 1779, Oct. 27. Elaine, Ephraim. Col. & commissary general of purchases, Continental army. See: United States, Continental Congress, Board of \Varand Ordnance to John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 18. Blaine?, John. See: Blean. Blair, Robert. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Blank, John. Seaman, f". S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Blanshard, . See: Jones, John Paul to Alexander Smith 1779, Nov. 2. INDEX. 213 Blean, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Bleiswyck, Pieter van. of Amsterdam? Letter to, See: Dumas?, Charles William Frederick 1780, Mar. 11. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 11? Blodged, Nathan. See: Blodgett. Blodget, .Tuba. Seaman. L~. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Blodgett, Nathan. Purser, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul to Charles VVilliam Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 5. Jones, John Paul to John de Neuf- ville Son 1779, Nov. 5. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13, Dec. 19. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 27. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Apr. 12. See: Jones, John Paul, Draft upon Gourlade & Moylan 1780, Apr. 12. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 17. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 5. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Blome, Otto, Baron. Danish minister to France. See: Framery, Nicolas Etienne to John Paul Jones 1788, May 3. De Blondel, - . Lieut., French marines, formerly on U. S. S. "Pallas". See: Jones, John Paul, Account submitted to Continental Congress 1786, July 7. Bludget, Nathan. See: Blodgett. Bod-wain. See: Baudouin. Body, James. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Bois, Henry du. See: Du Bois. Boisnet, Espivent Villes. Letter to. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de 1779, Feb. 11. See: Jones, John Paul to John Bondtield 1779, Mar. 29. "Bolton". firitiifh l>oml> brig. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, Apr. 14. Bolton, Thomas. See: Botton. Bond, George. Deputy secretary, Continental Congress. Signature, See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1782, Dec. 4. Bond, James. See: Bonnds. Bondfield, John. United States commercial agent at Bordeaux, France. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1778, May 18, May 23. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 14. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Whitall 1778, Nov. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Mar. 27, Mar. 29, Apr. 2. See: Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1 779, Apr. 5. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. See: Finlay, Sir Robert to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 10. Wil liams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22. Thompson, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1 779, May 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1 779, Oct. 1. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Nov. 2. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 3. See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Bonds, James. See: Bonnds. Bonfield, John. See: Bondfield. " Bon Homine Richard". U. S. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, Feb. 6. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to S. Jauge et fils 1779, Feb. 10. Chaumont, Donatien 214 INDEX. "Bon Homme Richard" Continued. Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 11. Jauge, S. et file to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 21. Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22, Feb. 28. Fitz-Maurice, Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1779, Mar. 1. Macarthy, Eugene to John Paul Jones 1779, Mar. 3. Jones, John Paul to Tohn Bondfield 1779, Mar. 27, Mar. 29, Apr. 2. Frazer, John Gizzard to oh n Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22. Jones, John Paul to Musco Livingston 1779, Apr. 25. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 29. Jones, John Paul to Peter Amiel 1779, May 3. Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1779, May 8. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, May 12. Thompson, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, May 13. Chavagne, Bide de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 17? Fitz-Maurice, Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 20. Chanmont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 10. Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, June 14. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, June 18. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 1. Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Jones, John Paul, Extract of letter to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 12. Basseville, Buisson de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 23. Chau- inont, Donatien Leray de to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 28. Jones, John Paul to Sir Robert Finlay 1779, July 28. Towers, Robert, Proceed ings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 31. Jones, John Paul, Order in blank to attend a court martial 1779, Aug. 7? Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, Aug. 11. Jones, John Paul, to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Aug. 13. Jones, John Paul to every commander in the squadron 1779, Aug. 10. Jones, John Paul to the captain of the Monxienr 1779, Aug. 19. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Peter Landais 1779, Sep. 5. Jones, John Paul, Plan for the attack upon Leith 1779, Sep. 14. Account of engagement of with 77. Jf. 8emj>ix 1779, Sep. 23-25. (The Bon Ilomme Richard sunk Sep. 25, 1779.) See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon 1779, Oct. 5. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Stack of Crotts to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 24. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 26. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont fils 1779, Oct. 26. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafay ette 1779, Oct. 28. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Petty officers, See : Serapis, Petty officers, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 31. See: Jones, John Paul, Order to Jacob Hoogland 1779, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul, Certificate respecting John Jackson 1779, Nov. 15. Brooke, Laurence to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 4. Jones, John Paul, Certificate of the ability of Antoine Felix Wybert 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Report to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 12. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Franklin, Benjamin to John PaulJones 1780, Mar. 31, Apr. 1. Jones, John Paul to deMonplaisir INDEX. 215 "Bon Homme Richard" Continued. 1780, Apr. 4. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 15. Moy- lan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, May 12. Jones, John Paul, Memo randum to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, May 30. Jones, John Paul to Francois de (.tenet 1780, July 5. Jones, John Paul to .Benjamin Franklin 1780, July 12. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. Jones. John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 20. Gourlade, to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 5. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admi ralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Livingston, Robert R. to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 20. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 12. Jones, John Paul to James Read 1783, June 23. United States, Conti nental Congress, Marine Office to John Paul Jones 1783, June 23. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 1. Van Berckel, E. P., Statement regarding cruise of John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 10. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Apr. 13. Segur, Louis Philippe, Comtede to Edward Stack 1785, Feb. 27. Jones, John Paul, Certificate regarding Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. Macarthy, Eugene, Certificate regarding John Paul Jones 1785, Apr. 17. Stack, Edward, Certificate regarding John Paul Jones 1785, Apr. 19. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1785, July 3? D Estaign, Charles Hector, Comte to John Paul Jones 1785, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 34-72, 82-86, 117, 122-128. Jones, John Paul, Account submitted to Continental Congress 1786, July 7. See also: Ditras. Bonnds, James. 8eaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Bonnenil, Madame de. See: "Angelique" to John Paul Jones 1780?, May? Bonner, Nathaniel. 8eanian, U. 8. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones, See: At wood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? Bonneuil, . Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?, May 10? Bory, . See: Bondfield, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 3. "Boston", r. 8. xJiin of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. McNeill, Hec tor. Order to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1778, May 18, May 23. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, June 1. Jones John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Hector McNeill 1778, Nov. 17. Hogg, Ebenezer to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. Jones John Paul, Extrait du Journal * - de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 96. Bottin, . See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Botton, Thomas. 8eaman, I . 8. 8. "Alliance." See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Boucault, - . Lieut., commanding French ship of ivar "Aigrette". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Bouchinet, Denis. See: Bauchet. 216 INDEX. Boudinot, Elias. President, Continental Congress. See : Yiomenil, Antoine, Charles du Houx, Baron de to Anne Cesar, Chevalier de La Luzerne 1783, Apr. 21. See also: United States, Continental Congress; Boudinot, Elias, President, 1782, Nov. 4-1783, Nov. 3. Bouers. Benjamin. Capne d armes, U. 8. S. "Alliance." See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Bounds, James. See: Bonnds. "Bourbon". French ship of war. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revo lution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 98. Bourden, George. See: Burden. Bourer, Jean. Capt., French merchant ship. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 2. "Bourgogne". French sJtlp of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. \. p. 111. See also " Due de Bourgogne ". Bourn, Jube. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sept. 5. Bowers, Benjamin. See: Boners. Boyle, . Justice of the peace, Philadelphia? See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 24? Braagg, James. See: Bragg. Brackenridge, Hugh Henry? See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 24? Brackett, Jonathan. Judge, Xew Hampshire court of admiralty. See: Dearing,, Libel against the Charming Sally 1780, Mar. 20. Bradford, John. Continental agent, Massachtisetts. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve 1776, Apr. 23. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14, Jan. 28, Feb. 6. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 25. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, June 9. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. See: Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Sep. 10. Bradly, Abraham. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew enti tled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Brady, Hugh. Merchant, Limerick, Ireland. See: Wallace, John, Certificate of pay ment of duties 1779, Aug. 17-18. Braham, . Physician. See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Bragg, James. Master carpenter, I . S. S. "Alliance". Petition to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 2. Report to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 21. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Braneas, Marquis de. See: Lauraguais?, Louis Marie Bufile Brancas, Marquis de. Braxton, Carter, of Virginia. Letter to, See: Frazer, John Gizzard 1777, Oct. 28. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris, 1777, Oct. 30. Breck, Luther. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. INDEX. 217 "Bretagne". French ship of irar. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Sep. 6. Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartres 1778, Sep. 9. Jones, John Paul t<> Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Nov. 11. Jones. John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 16. 32. Bretagne, Jean Beaudot, de Rennes. Matter, French brigantine of u-ar " Vengeance" . See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Briard, Samuel, of Portsmouth/, A>w Hampshire. See: Jones, John Paul, Will 1777, Oct. 8. "Britannia". Brigantine u-haler. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Brooke, Laurence. Surgeon, U. S. 8. " Bon Homme Richard" . See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. Gilbank, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Russell, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 26. Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22. Surgeon, U. S. navy formerly of U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 4 (two). Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 4. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 33, Dec. 19. Brooke, . Broth >r of Laurence. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Broos, . See Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. Brown, Carleb [Caleb?]. Seaman, l~. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Brown, Ebenezer. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew enti tled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Brown, James. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Al/iance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Brown, John. Sicrctaru, marine committee, Continental Congress. Signatures, See: United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee, Resolve transmitted to John Paul Jones 1776, Sep. 5; Resolve 1777, Mar. 25. See: Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 3. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 177&, Dec. 23. See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Secretary, admiralty board, Continental Congress. Signature, See: United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 20. See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to ques tions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Signatures, See: United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board to John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 14, Apr. 17, Mav 15, May 19. Ex-secretary, admiralty board , Con tinental Congress. See: Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones 1781, Sep. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 5, Apr. 11, Apr. 17. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1782, July 26. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 1. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 13. Brown, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. 218 INDEX. Brown, J . dipt. . See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 11. Brown, Philip. J rizemaxter of the "Mellish". Orders to. See: Jones, John Paul 1776, Nov. 15, Xov. 25. Officer?, U. S. nanj. See: Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. Xesbitt, John Maxwell to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 5. Cctjit., f". X na>->/. > See: Salomons, K. T. to John Paul Jones 1779, July 28. Brown, Philip? Lieut., U. S. navy? See: Jones, John Paul to Peter Amiel 1779, May 3. Brown, Philip? Cant., 11. S. navy? See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of a court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Brown, Robert. Officer?, f". S. sloop of war " Providence." Letter to John Paul Jones 1776, Aug. 27. Brown, Robert. See: Dick, Alexander to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 19. Brown, William. Seaman U. S. S. "Alliance." See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Brown, . Governor of ^Xeu Providence, Bahama Inland*. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, Apr. 14. Brown, . Youth of Hull, England. See: Jones, John Paul to Alexander Park 1779, Dec. 3. Brown, - . of South Carolina. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 1. Brown, . See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Brown, . See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Buckley, John. 2d lieut., U. S. S. Alliance." See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Buisson, L Avigne. Commandant at L Orient. Letter to, See: Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de 1778, Apr. 27. Bulfinch, - . British seaman, enlisted on U. S. S. "Ranger". See: Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 19. Burbank, John. Master of arms, U. S. >S. "Bon Ifomme Richard". See: Towers, Richard, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial of 1779, July 29. Burgan, Pierre. Boucher, French ship of war "Sensible". See: Chavagne, Bide de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 17? Burg-on, George. Capt. H. J/. S. "Drake". See: Jones, John Paul to United States Commissioners to France 1778, Aug. 15. " Burgoyne " . See: " Due de Bourgogne". Burg-oyne, John. Lt. gen. British army. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Smith 1776, Nov. 12. Frazer, John Gizzard to Carter Braxton 1777, Oct. 28. Jones, 7 John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Oct. 30. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, May 12. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Thompson, Thomas to John Gizzard Frazer 1777, Dec. 25. Jone.s, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolu tion Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 7, 11, 12, 131. INDEX. 219 Buright, James, Seaman, I . S. S. "Al/ianre". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Burroughs, Ezekiel. Copt., U.S.brigofwar"Hampden". See: House, George, to John Paul Jones 1777, June 17. Byron, John. Vice-admiral, British nary. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la -Revolution Amerieaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 14. C "Cabot . U. S. brig of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the engage ment with the Glasgow 1776, Apr. 14. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 19. United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee; Morris, Robert, Vice-president to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 1. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 28. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Amerieaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 3, 10. Cailliez, - . See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779. June 30. Cairns, . 8hi]> chandler:- , J-ioxton. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Calden, Robert. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Caldwell, Archibald. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Calligan, Henry. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1 785, Sep. 5. Calonne, Charles Alexandre de. Controller general of France. Letter to John Paul Jones 1784, Sep. 24. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal de la Revolution Amerieaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 121, 124. Campbel, James. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec?. Campbell, Dugal. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Campbell, George. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Campbell, Hugh. Physician. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Campbell, James, "of Carr," ( . S. A. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Campbell, James. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec-.? Campbell, James. Surveyor. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Campbell, P . " Hon." See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Cann, James, Marine, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. 220 INDEX. Cannow, William. Marine, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Capellen, John Dirck, Baron Vander. Member, House of Nobles of the province of Oreryssel, Holland. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 13. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 19. See: Dumas, Charles William Fred erick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 22. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 25, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 1. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Xov. 3. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Nov. 29. See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 6, Dec. 7. Carebie, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of rrew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Carleton, Sir Guy. Lt. yen. A co-mmander- in-chief, British army in America. See: Adams, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Aug. 12. Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 24? Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 7. "Carlisle". British schooner <>f / See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 3. Carmicliael, William. Secretary to Silctft Deane. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 11. Picquet, La Motte to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13, Feb. 14. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 3. Maryland delegate to Continental, Congress. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Feb. 24. See: Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Secretary to I nited States embassy to Spain. See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Jan. 16. Neufville, John de <fc Son to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 28. Extract of a letter to John Ross. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 12. See: Dumas, Charles Wil liam Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 18. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, Mar. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Aug. 22. Carmicliael, William. Seaman, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . Petition to John Paul Jones, See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? Carr, Benjamin. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Carr, Isaac. Master sail-maker, T. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Carren, Thomas. Seaman, U. S. S. "Hancock". See: McNeill, Hector, Order to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. Carrie, , 1 aine. Merchant, Nantes. See: Cuisnier, to John Paul Jones 1780, May 20. Carrington, Edward. "Col." of Virginia. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1787, Oct. 24. Jones, John Paul to William Short 1788, Sep. 15/26. Carrol, Samuel. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Castille, , Baron de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 2, May 3. Castries, Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Minister of marine of France. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to INDEX. 221 Castries, Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Continued. Francois de Genet 1780, Oct. 25. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Nov. 20. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1784, Feb. 1, Feb. 18, Mar. 6, Mar. 26, Apr. 13, May? 25, Nov. 6; 1785, June 23, July 3? July 8, July 10? See: Le Jeune, . Certificate of payment 1785, Sep. 5. Jones, John Paul, Extraitdu Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 81, 82, 83, 86, 89, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122. Jones, John Paul, Account submitted to Continental Congress 1786, July 7. Caswell, Jonas. Master s mate, I . 8. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Salomons, K. T. to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Gather-hie, Empress of Russia. See: Russia, Crown, Catherine, Empress. Cato. Alias of John Martin q. v. Cave, Thomas. American seaman, sloop of war " Countess of Scarborough" . Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 29. Cavellar, . Seaman, U. S. nary. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. "Cerberus ". H. M. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 4. "Cerf". French cutter in I idled States sen-ice. See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxilliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 1, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Mullowney, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 16. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugi-ne Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1785, July 10? Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 37, 42, 46, 49. Chamillard, Paul de. Capt., French marines, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, Aug. 13. Instructions to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Sep. 14. See: Jones, John Paul, Plan for the attack upon Leith 1779, Sep. 14. Jones, John Paul to the Provost of Leith 1779, Sep. 14. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 13. La Meig- nen, Henry Ange Francois to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 15. Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen 1779, Oct. 22. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 24. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18. Chamont, Leray. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de. Champaine, . Marine, U. S. sloop of war tl Dolphin" . See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Champorcine ? . Capt., French ship of war 11 Fantasque" . See: Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 5. "Chance". U. S. prirateer. See: Nesbitt, John Maxwell to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 5. Chandler, Samuel. See: Simpson, Thomas to Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 26. Chardon, . Maitre lies requetes, Versailles. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18, Mar. 6, May? 25; 1785, June 23. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * dela Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 116, 117. 222 INDEX. De Charlary, - . Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 14? Charles, Prince of Hew. See: Framery, Nicolas Etienne to John Paul Jones 1788, May 3. "Charming- Polly". British merchant sloop. See: Franklin, Benjamin to Andreas Peder, Count Bernstorff 1779, Dec. 22. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1785, July 21. "Charming- Sally". Merchant sloop. Libel against, See: Dearing, Ebene/er 1780, Mar. 20. Charrier, Louis. Of Rochefortf, France. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 8. Charrier, Louis Daniel. Volunteer f, U. 8. nan/. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, June 10. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, July 3. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 26. Jones, John Paul to John Bradford 1777, Sept. 10. United States, Continental Congress, Navy Board, Eastern Division to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 12. Charrier, Louis to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 8. Jones, John Paul to John Plaince 1779, Mar. 9. Chartres, Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, June 1. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 9. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Alexis Pierre Brulart, Comte de Genlis 1778, Sep. 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4, Oct. 7. Jones, John Paul to Louis Alexandre, Due de La Rochefaucauld 1778, Oct. 9. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Barbantane Hunolstein 1780, Aug. 6. Hunolstein, Barbantane to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 15. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 22. Chartres, Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, Duchesse de. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 16. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Oct. 19. See: Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul to Bar bantane Hunolstein 1780, Aug. 6. Hunolstein, Barbantane to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 15. Chase, Reuben. Midxltipman, U. 8. >V. " Bon Ho mine Richard". See: Salomons, E. T. to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 21. Chase, Thomas. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance.". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Chasseur". French ship </f irar. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Chatham . See : Lord Chatham. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de. Confidential agent, Franco-American negotiations. See: Adams, John; Lee, Arthur and Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1778, May 25. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14, Aug. 21, Aug. 24, Sep. 9. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Sep. 13. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 16. See: Jones, John Paul to Baron de Franklin 1778, Sep. 25, Sep. 30. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 16. Jones, John Paul to Jona than Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Oct. 28. See: Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Nov. 11. Jones, John Paul to Robert INDEX. 223 Chaumont, Donatien Leray de Continued. Morris 1778, Xov. 13. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Nov. 27. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 177S, Dec. 7, Dec. 11. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 16. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Dec. 18. See: Jones, John Paul to John Ross 177S, Dec. 18. Junes, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 21. Letter to. See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Jan. 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Jan. 2. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Jan. 6. See: Ford, Hezekiah to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 2. Letter to S. Jauge et ills 1779, Feb. 10. Letter to " Espivent villes boisnet" 1779, Feb. 11. Let ter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 17, Feb. 18. See: La Eouciere, Clement de to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 19. Jauge, S. et fils to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Bondfield 1779, Mar. 29. Bond- field, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. Dick, Alexander to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 19. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roc-he Yves Gilbert dn Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, May 1. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, May 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 24. See: Chavagny, Bide de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 26. Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1779, May 27. Letter to, See: Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de 1779, June 2. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 7, June 10, June 13, June 14, June 16. See: Amiel, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 19. Salomons, E. T. to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 30. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 1. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, July 8. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 19. See: Thevenard, Antoine Jean Marie to John Paul Jones 1779, July 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, July 22. Letter to Benjamin Franklin, See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1 779, July 28. See: Gourlade, to John Paul Jones 1779, July 31. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, Aug. 11. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Aug. 13. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 18. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to John Le Rich 1779, Aug. 18. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade <fe Moylan 1779, Aug. 18. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Reuben Chase 1779, Aug. 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 24. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Antoine Mil 1779, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul, Orders to prize-master of the J n!on 1779, Aug. 31. Letter of Sep. 24 to Charles William Frederick Dumas, See: Dumas, Charles AVilliam Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 3. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 5. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 11. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Franklin, Ben jamin to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 15. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 24. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1 779, Oct. 25. Jones, John Paul to DonatienLe Ray de Chaumont, fils 1779, Oct. 26. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26. Jones, John Paul to Madame de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, Nov. 5. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. Bondfield, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 3. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade &. Moylan 1779, Dec. 15. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Jan. 16. Letter to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 4. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 1. Jones, John Paul to de Monplaisir 1780, Apr. 4. Bancroft, Edward to 224 INDEX. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de Continued. John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 15. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, May 30. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Ben jamin Franklin 1780, July 12. Jones, John Paul to Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl 1780, July 14. Jones, John Paul to Barbantane Hunol- stein 1780, July 14. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, July 17. Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudouin 1780, July 19. Jones, John Paul to John Mayrant 1780, July 23. Jones, John Paul to Aimee Adele de Telison 1780, July 24. Jones, John Paul to Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes 1780, Aug. 2. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1780, Sep. 8. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Wil liams 1780, Nov. 20. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Livingston, Robert R. to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 20. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18, Mar. 6. Franklin, Ben jamin to John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 25, Apr. 13. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 41, 42. Chaumont, Madame de. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 21. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Jan. 1, July 22. Letterto, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 28. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Jan 16, Oct. 17. Chaumont, Donatien Le Ray de, fils. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 8. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 26. Certificate of receipt of a letter by his father, See: Jones, John Paul to Douatien Leray de Chau mont 1779, Aug. 18, Aug. 24, Oct. 3, Oct. 24. Certificate of receipt of a letter by himself, See: Jones, John Paul to Le Ray de Chaumont. fils 1779, Oct. 26. Certificate of receipt of a letter by his mother, See: Jones, John Paul to Madame de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 28. Chavagne, Bide de. Capt., French ship of n-ar "Sensible". See: Lamotte, Geff net- to John Paul Jones 1779, May 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1 779, May 17? Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 18. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 19, May 26. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 13. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1780, Feb. 10. Chester, James. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sept, 5. Petty officer, T. 8. nary. See: Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 1780, Nov. 7. Chester, Peter. Governor of West Florida. See: United States, Continental Con gress, Marine Committee; Morris, Robert, Vice-president to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 1. Cheston, . See: Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1780, Nov. 11. Chevag-ne, Bide de. See: Chavagne, Bide de. De Chezaulx, . French consul at Bergen, Norway. See: Franklin, Benjamin to Andreas Peder, Count Bernstorff 1779, Dec. 22. Framery, Nicolas Etienne to John Paul Jones 1788, May 3. Choat, Joseph. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. INDEX. 225 Christian VII. , Kiny of Denmark. See: Denmark, Crown, Christian VII., King. Cincinnati, Society of the. See: Jones, John Paul, Certificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. Clap, Supply, of Portsmouthf, New Hampshire. See: Jones, John Paul, Will 1777, Oct. S. Clark, Kphraim. Seaman, U. S. S. " Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Clark, Seth. l*t lleut., U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr. -June. Clarke, Bary [Barry?]. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Cleaveland, . Capt., merchant ship. See: Jones, John Paul to Stuart Mawry 1777, May 4. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Clonard, , Chevalier de. See: MacNamarra, Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1778, May 10. Jones, John Paul, to Edward Bancroft 1778, Dec. 18. Clouet, . Commissary general, department of IJ Orient. See: Jones, John Paul, to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1785, July 3? Le Jeune, , Certificate of payment 1785, Sep. 5. Clymer, George. Pennsylvania delegate to Continental Congress. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding the America 1781, June 23. Cochran, John. See: Coghran. Cock, George. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Cockburn, Malcolm. Ex-purser? of the "Serapis". Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 7. Coghran, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Colby, . Estate of. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec? Cole, Thomas. Seaman, U. S. S. "BonHomme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones. See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug? Collington, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: A lliance, Roll of crew enti tled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Collins, John. Clerk & steward, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Clus ter roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Colman, Andrew. Merchant, Limerick, Ireland. See: Wallace, John, Certificate of payment of duties 1779, Aug. 17-18. "Columbus". P. S. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 19, Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. United States, Conti nental Congress, Marine Committee; Morris, Robert, Vice-president to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 1. Manley, John, Postscript of letter, Til- linghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, June 28. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 10. Comb. Thomas. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec? Commerce". 17. S. merchant ship. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11. 2155103 15 226 INDEX. Commissioners to France. See: United States, Continental Congress, Commission ers to France. " The Commodore S ". See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2. Commore, Gratien de. Treasurer of marine at L Orient. See: Le Jeune, , Cer tificate of payment 1785, Sep. 5. "Comte d Argout". French ship of ivar. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. j>. 11. "Confederation". I . 8. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 96. "Congress". U. S. sliip of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Connor, John. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779 Feb. 18. " Conquerant". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec? Constant, Jean. French volunteer seaman, U. S. S . "Son Ilomme JlicJiard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of, 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Conyingham, James M? Merchant, Philadelphia. See: Conyingham & Xesbitt. Conying-ham & Nesbitt. Merchants, Philadelphia. See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 18. Conyngham, Gustavus, Capt., U. S. privateer. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 11. Jones, John Paul to John Green 1779, Dec. 4. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13. Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Dec. 13. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, Dec. 15. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1779, Dec. 15. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 19. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 25. Dumas, Charles Williams Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 11? Cooper, Alexander. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bun Ilomme Richard " . Petition to John Paul Jones. See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug? Cooper, Peter. Capt., British coasting vessel. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 7. Cooper, Samuel. Clergyman, Boston. Extract of letter to. See: Franklin Benja min 1779, Oct. 27. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1780, Xov. 11. Core, Jaques. See: Coure Cornwallis, Charles, Earl. Lt. gen., British army in America. See: Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de to John Paul Jones 1781, Dec. 11. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 12. Cosse-Brissac, Louis Hercule Timoleon, Marquis de. Commandant f, Port Louis, France. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Sep. 1. Corny, Louis Dominique Ethis de. Deputy lieut., province of Franche- Comte. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 24. Cortentine, . Goldsmith f, Paris. See: Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1779, Apr. 30. Cottin, J. et fils. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray to S. Jauge et fils 1779, Feb. 10. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to "Espivent Villes Boisnet" 1779, Feb. 11. INDEX. 227 Cottineau de Klog-uene, Denis Nicolas. Capt., U. 8. 8. "Pallas". See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Thevenard, Antoine Jean Marie de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 21. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 23. See: Varage, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1779, July 28. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 80. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779. Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Aug. 13. Jones, John Paul, to Benja min Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Oct. 5. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, Oct. 8. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 9, Oct. 13. See: Le Meignen, Henry Ange Francois to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 15. Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 23. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Xov. 5. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, Nov. 5. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. See: Jones, John Paul to Alexander Park 1779, Dec. 3. Jones, John Paul to de Balgurie 1779, Dec. 4. Park, Alexander to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 11. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 13. De Yelye, - to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Jones, John Paul, Extraitdu Journal 4 f de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 50, 56, 58. Countess of Scarborough". H. M. sloop of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Ben jamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Franklin, Benjamin to the Continental Con gress 1779, Oct. 4. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Yauguyon 1779, Oct. 5. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul, Orders to James Arthur Degge 1779, Oct. 21. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 24. Franklin, Ben jamin, Extract of a letter to Samuel Cooper 1779, Oct. 27. Cave, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 29. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas td John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. Jones, John Paul, Report to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 12. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 31. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18. Yan Berckel, E. P., State ment regarding cruise of John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 10. Franklin, Ben jamin to John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 26. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Mar. 26, Apr.. 13. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 69, 71, 75, 77, 115, 116, 119, 122. Coure, Jaques. French marine, U. 8. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Towers, Robert. Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. "Courounne". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Coutineau, See: Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas. Cox, Thomas. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance. Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. 228 INDEX. Crafts, Edward. Ex-capt. of artillery, Continental army. See: Greenleaf, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. Craig, . See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jonea 1779, Dec. 6. Cranded, Ashar, Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Crawford, William. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Creagh, Francis. Merchant, Limerick, Ireland. See: Wallace, John, Certificate of payment of duties 1779, Aug. 17-18. Criequeville, . Capt., French ship of war "Solitaire". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Crillon, , Marquis de. Col., Aquitaine regiment, French army. See: Baltayuck, Chevalier de Muir Bolder de to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 4. De Cromot, . of Paris. See: de Yelye, to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Crotto, Stack de. See: Stack of Crotts. Cuisnier, . Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 20. Cullam, David. Petty officer?, V. 8. S. * Ranger" . Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 21 (two). Cummings, James. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, July 12. Cunning-ham, Gustavus. See: Conyngham. Curlew, John. Seaman?, U. S. navy. See: Stacy, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 23. Curtis, Joseph. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme. Richard." See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Gushing, Thomas. Merchant, Boston. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, May 8. Gushing & White. Merchants, Boston. See: Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Cutler, Samuel, of Boston. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Willaims 1778, Sep. 11. "Cybell". French ship of war? See: Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 5. D Daer, , Lord. Son of Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4lh Earl of Selkirk. See: Jones, John Paul to Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of Selkirk 1784, Feb. 12. Dailey, Henry. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war Dolphin." See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr. -June. Dale, Richard. Master s mate, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 27. Istlieut., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceed ings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28- Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Min utes of court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Ros- seau, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Lieut., U. S. nary. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Attestation to an affidavit, See: Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. See: Moylan, James to John INDEX. 229 Dale, Richard Continued. Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 17, May 12. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 9. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Truxton 1780, Oct. 24. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Nov. 7. Letter to John Paul Jones 1781, Mar. 22. Certificate respecting Henry Laurence and James Dick 1782, June 27. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 64. Dale, Samuel. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Dalson, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Daly, James. Surgeon, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Dandridge, Dorothea Spotswood. See: Read, John K. to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 28. "Danaee". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Daniel, . French volunteer?, U. S. S . " Bon Homme Richard" . See: Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 30. Dare, , Lord. See: Daer. Darling, Alexander. Boatswain, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Degge, James Arthur to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Dauphin Royel". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Daurvilliers, Louis Guillouet. See: D Orvilliers. David, John. See: Baird. Davis, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Sturgis, William, Minutes of court martial of 1779, July 29. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Dawson, Charles. Surveyor of customs, Limerick, Ireland. See: Wallace, John, Certificate of payment of duties 1779, Aug. 17-18. Dawson, . Capt., U. S. merchant marine? See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1776, Xov. 3. Day, Robert. Capt., British merchant brigantine " Fortune." See: Jones, John Paul to Donation Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Antoine Mil 1779, Aug. 24. Deal, Richard. See: Dale. " Deane ". U. S. ship of war. See: Parke, Mathew to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 19. Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 96, 97, 98. Deane, Silas. United States commissioner to France. See: Livingston, Abraham to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 28. Letter to John Paul Jones, See: Franklin, Benjamin; Deane, Silas and Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 17. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 30. Letter to Jonathan Williams, See: Franklin, Benjamin; Deane, Silas and Lee, Arthur to Jonathan Williams 1778, Jan. 10. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Mor ris 1780, June 27. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to 230 INDEX. Deane, Silas Continued. Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 13, 15. Deanifille, John & Son. See: Neufville, John de & Son. Dearing, Ebenezer. Capt., matross company, Piscataqua, New Hampshire. Libel against the sloop Charming Sally, presented to Jonathan Brackett 1780, Mar. 20. Dedo, Charles. Marine, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of* 1777, Apr. -June. "Defiance". Jamaica merchant brigantine. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Mor ris 1776, Oct. 17. Degge, James Arthur, 2d lieut., U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Mus ter roll of 1777, Apr. -June. Lieut., U. 8. R. "Alliance". See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 24. Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 21, July 26. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Orders to, See: Landais, Peter 1779, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 21. Landais, Peter 1779, Oct. 22. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 19. Bragg, James, Petition to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 2. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Groube, Beaumont to Thomas Bell 1780, May 3. Stubbs, Ben jamin to John Paul Jones 1780, June 26. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, June 27. Lieut., U. S. nary. See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Delap, Samuel. Merchant, Bordeaux. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 30. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2. "Delaware". U. ,S. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. "Delia". [Aimee Adele de Telison?] Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?, May? (two), Aug. 22, Aug.? May-Sep.? (three). See: Jones, John Paul, Copy of a song 1780?, May-Sep.? Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1781, Dec. 25. Denmark, Crown, Christian VII, King. See: Franklin, Benjamin to Andreas Peder, Count Bernstorff 1779, Dec. 22. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1785, July 21. United States, Continental Congress, Resolve 1787, Oct. 25. Jefferson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1788, Jan. 24. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 11, Mar. 18. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafay ette 1788, June 15/26. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * 4 : de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 47. Derby, Richard Jr. Owner, merchant brig "Kingston Packet". Notice to Esek Hopkins, See: Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, June 28. Deshou, John. Member, Navy board, Continental Congress. Signature, See: United States, Continental Congress, Navy Board, Eastern Division to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 4, Sep. 12. INDEX. 231 Desneufville. John de. See: Xeufville. Desoteux, Francois? (Same as Dezoteux?) See: Nicolson, William to John Paul Jones 1780, Nov. 18. "De Verwagting". See: " Vervagting" . Dezoteux, Francois? and Dumas, Mathieu?, Comte. Letter to John Paul Jones 1783?, Feb.? "Diamond". IT. 3f. Ship of War. Memorandum regarding, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Jan. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Jan. 21. Diamond, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Dick, Alexander. Maj., Virginia militia. See: Gilbank, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Volunteer on U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard". Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Feb. 2(5. See: Amiel, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Let ter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 19. See: Lee, Arthur, to John Paul Jones 1779, May 8. Dick, James. Midshipman, formerly of U. S. S. "Lexington " . Certificate respecting, See: Dale, Richard, Certificate respecting Henry Laurence and James Dick 1782, June 27. Dickenson, William. See: Dickson. Dickson, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Dickson, William. Capt., If. If. -S . "Greyhound". See: Neif, Ary de, Deposition 1780, Aug. 4. Digges, James Arthur. See: Degge. Diggs, James. See: Degge, James Arthur. Dillaway, Arthur. Sailing-master U. S. sloop of ivar "Dolphin" . See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Dillon. Arthur, Count. Maj. gen., Dillon s Irish regiment, French army. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1787, Oct. 24. "Dimond". II. M. ship of war. See: Diamond. Dinoal, Lewis. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Diraud, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Disoe, John. Carpenter s mate, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Dixon, -. Physician. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles pur chased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Dobbie, John. See: Dobie. Dobbs, William. Lieut., British navy. Letter to, See: Black, John & Co. 1778, May 19. Dobel, Joseph. Lieut., U. S. nary. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, July 2. See: United States, Continental Congress, Navy Board, Eastern Division to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 12. Dobie, John. (Quartermaster, U. S. marines. See: Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 5. Manley, John to the Council of War of Rhode Island 1777, May 30. Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, June 1, June 9. 232 INDEX. Doill, Jean. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Dolphin". U. S. sloop of war, lieut. Samuel XicJiolson. "Muster roll for April, May and June 1777." See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve on the memorial of Samuel Nicholson 1788, July 2. Nicholson, Samuel to Benjamin Walker 1788, Aug. 2. "Dolphin". British merchant ship. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 19. Dominique, . Cook, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See Dolphin. Muster roll of 1777, Apr. -June. Donahoe, Thomas. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alfred". See: Hopkins, Esek, Order to John Paul Jones 1776, Oct. 22. Dorter, Nathan. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Dory, . Capt., . See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 2. Douggal, Cumberland, of Baltimore. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris. 1777, Jan. 16. Doug-lace, William. " D. Casr." and controller of customs, Limerick; Ireland. See: Wallace, John, Certificate of payment of duties 1779, Aug. 17-18. Down, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. See also: "Jack". Downer, Eliphalet. Surgeon U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Downes, Johnny. Apprentice, U. S. S. "Ranger". See: "Jack". Downing, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Dowville. See: D Arvoilles. Doyle, John. See: Doill, Jean. "Drake". H. M. sloop of war. See: Jones, John Paul to the Countess of Selkirk 1778, May 8. Cullam, David to John Paul Jones 1778, May 19. Adams, John; Lee, Arthur and Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1778, May 25. Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries at the Court of Versailles 1778, May 27. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul, Certificate of service of Ben jamin Hill 1778, Aug. 18. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11, Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Oct. 26-29. Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Nov. 5. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 8. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22, Apr. 29. Jones, John Paul to John Welsh 1779, May 19. Alavrez?, Pierre Louis sr. to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 20. Jones, John Paul, Certificate of service of J Meijer 1780, Mar. 5. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. . Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 20, 26, 27, 28. INDEX. 233 Drew, , Miss. See: Jones, John Paul to Alexander Smith. 1779, Xov. 2. Dryburugh, . Capt., French coaster. Se*e: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 14. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 31. Duane, James. Xeir York delegate to Continental Congress. See: Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1783, Oct. 27. Duane, Thomas. See: Durne. Du Bois, Henry, of Amsterdam. See: Treglohn, Philip to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. Dubois, . See: Rieuse, to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. "Due de Bourgogne". French ship of war. See: La Vendahl, Comte de to John Paul Jones 1780, May? 23. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? "Due de Mouchy". French ship. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 1. Du Chauffault, . Captain, French navy. See: Carmichael, William to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13. Capt., French ship of war " Courounne". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Duffield, P> . See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray to John Paul Jones 1779, June 7. July 19. "Duke", f". *$ . merchant brigantine. See: Ariel, Officers of, Declaration 1780, Oct. 13. "Duke of Leinster". I . S. merchant brigantine. See: Ariel, Officers of, Declara tion 1780, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul. Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Dumas, Charles William Frederick. Ignited States secret agent in Holland. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Oct. 5. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon 1779, Oct. 5. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 5. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 11, Oct. 18 (Enclosed is letter of 1779, Sep. 24, from Donatien Leray de Chaumont to Dumas). See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeuf ville & Son 1779, Oct. 18. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21 (two). See: Xeuf ville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen 1779, Oct. 22. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 25, Oct. 28. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 28. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Xov. 1. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville it Son 1779, Xov. 3. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Xov. 5. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Dec. 7. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 13. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Dec. 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14, Dec. 15, Dec. 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Feb. [Dec.?] 17. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 18. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 19. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 20. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 27. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Dec. 27. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Jan. 16. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1780, Jan. 16. Letter to Peter Van Bleiswyck 1780, Mar. 11. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, 234 INDEX. Dumas, Charles William Frederick Continued. Mar. 11?, Mar. 15. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 26. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 8. Attestation to truth of statement, See: Van Berckel, E. P., Statement regarding the cruise of John Paul Jones 17S4, Mar. 10. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revo lution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 66. Dumas, Madame. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1780, Sep. 8. Dumas, Mathieu, Comte. See: Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1788, June 15/26. See also: Dezoteux, Francois, and Dumas, Mathieu. Dumphy, Walter. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance. Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Dunlap, John. See: Dunlop. Dunlap, . U. X. commercial agent? See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to ques tions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Dunlop, John. Captain. See: Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. Jones, John Paul to Daniel Tillinghast 1777, Jan. 20. Dunmore, John Murray, Earl. Loyalist governor of Virginia. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine, 1786, Jan. 1. p. 2. Du Pavilion, , Chevalier. Late capt., French ship of war "Triomphant". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Du Plessis, . Merchant?, Brest. Letter to, See: Montaudoiiin Freres 1778, Mar. 19. Du Plessis-Pascault, - . Capt., FrencJt sliip of war "Roland". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? "Duras", later the "Bon Homme Richard". See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 10. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Nov. 2.3. Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Nov. 25, Nov. 30. Jones, John Paul to Donation Leray de Chaumont 1778, Dec. 7, Dec. 11. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Dec. 14. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 16. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 21. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Jan. 1. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1779, Jan. 2. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, Jan. 2. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Jan. 6. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 4. See also: Bon Homme Richard. Durne, Thomas. Keaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Dutau, A , Jr. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 16. Eagle". U. S. prirateer schooner. See: Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. Jones, John Paul to the Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1777, Jan. 21. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 23. Hopkins, Esek to Jones, John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 28. Manley, INDEX. 235 " Eagle " Continued. John to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 5. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Feb. 10. Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 11. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 18. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1782, Nov. 3; 1783, June 12. Earl, William. Master, U. S. briy "Providence". Memorial to Capt. Hoysted Hacker, See: Thaxter, Adam W. and others, Memorial to Hoysted Hacker 1776, Nov. 14. "Ebenezer". C anso schooner. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Ebert, , Mrs. of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 13. Edes-Herbert, , Miss. See: Jones, John Paul to Gomtesse de Bourbon de La Yendahl 1780, June 7, July 14. Genet, Francois de to John Paul Jones 1780, July 30. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Edouard, Ebezer. Seaman, U. S. S. lt Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Edwards, Ebenezer. See: Edouard, Ebezer. "Effingham". I . S. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress. Estab lishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Ehlenwood, Thomas. 1st lieut., marines, U. 8. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Einoni, Samuel. See: Halm, Samuel. Ellery, William. Commissioner, Admiralty board, Continental Congress. Signature. See: United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board to John Paul Jones 1781, Mar. 11, Mar. 21, June 4. Elliot, Hugh. British minister to Denmark. See: Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Mortier, Marquis de Lafayette 1788, June 15 26. liott, John. Kc-lieut., marines, U. S. S. "Reprisal". Certificate to James Read 1778, Nov. 24. Ellis, Richard. Continental agent, Xewbern, North Carolina. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve 1776, Apr. 23. Ellis, Robert. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Ellwood, Thomas. See: Ehlenwood. Embleton, Robert. Quartermaster, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Emom, Samuel. See: Halm, Samuel. Ensign, David. Seaman, U. S. S. "Hancock". See: McNeill, Hector, Order to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. "Epervier". French brig of war. S ee: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Charles Henri Nicolas Othon, Prince de Nassau-Siegen 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chart res 1778, Sep. 9. 236 INDEX. Epet, John. Boatswain s mate, U. *S . V. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Ernom, Samuel. See: Halm, Samuel. "Espiegle". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of French fleet 1780?, Dec.? D Estaign, Charles Hector, Comte. Vice-admiral, French navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Sep. 13. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. Jones, John Paul to "Louis Alexandre, Due de La Rochefaucauld? 1778, Oct. 9. "\Vhitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville &. Son 1779, Dec. 15. Jones, John Paul, Answer to questions propounded by Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Morris, Robert to the President of the Continental Congress 1782, Nov. 29. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18. Jones, John Paul, Certificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. Endorsement of a certificate, See: Jones, John Paul, Certificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. ? Letter to John Paul Jones 1785, Dec. 18. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revo lution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 108, 109, 126. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Aug. 29/Sep. 9. D Eusbach, Princesse Donairiere de Nassau Saarbriick, Comtesse. See: Nassau Saarbriick, Princesse Donairiere de. Evans, Evan. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Eveille". French ship of war. See: Jones.. John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? F 1 Fail-holm, Thomas. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various person? 1780?, Dec.? Falconer, Thomas? Capt., U. *S . nan/. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Jan. 16. Falton, Andrew. See: Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Aug. 23. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Fanning 1 , Nathaniel. Midshipman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Groube, Beaumont to Thomas Bell 1780, May 3. "Fantasque". French ship of war. See: Brown, John, to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 5. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 110. FarmanP, John. See: Sarnam. Farnam?, John. See: Sarnam. "Favorite". West Indian merchant brigantine. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. "Favorite". Britishf merchant brig. See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 18. Fearam, James. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Fears, John. See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones. 1776, Nov. 3. INDEX. 237 Fegers Freres. Merchants?, Bordeaux. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Dee. 1. Felix Hall Plantation. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? "Fendant". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Fenwick, George. Quartermaster, U. ft. ft. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Ferant, . Petty officer?, U. S. S. " Ranger" . See: Cullom, David to John Paul Jones 1778, May 21. Ferguson, . See: Jones, John Paul to Stuart Mawey 1777, May 4. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Scott 1779, Oct. 30. Scott, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Nov. 19. Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Field, Isaac. Capt., privateer schooner "Eagle". See: Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 28. Filkin, Richard. Midshipman, BritisJi navy. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Finlay, Sir Robert. Banker, Bordeaux. See: Jones, John Paul to John Bondfield 1779, Apr. 2. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 10. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, July 28. See: Jones, John Paul to John Bondfield 1779, Xov. 2. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 6. Fisher, . Capt., British merchant sliip "Betsey". See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Fitzgerald, John. Seaman, U. S. ft. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Fitzgerald, Thomas. Master 1 s mate, U.S. navy. Memorandum to John Paul Jones, See: White, Thomas and four others, Memorandum to John Paul Jones 1779?, Feb.? See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 21. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. " Fitz Jacques". French ship. See: Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1779, Jan. 2. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Jan. 6. Fitz-Maurice, - , Chevalier de. Capt., Walsh s Irish regiment, French army. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 5, Mar. 1, Mar., May 20. Fitzsimmons, . See: Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1783, Oct. 27. Flaherty, Bartholomew. Carpenter, U. ft. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Flecther, Samuel. See: Fletcher. Fleming, Charles, of Virginia. See: Read, John K. to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 28. Flemming, Hugues. Seaman, f. S. ft. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Fletcher, Samuel. Seaman, U. ft. ft. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Flooker, . See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? " Flora". JT. .If. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to the President of the Con tinental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. "Flore". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Extraitdu Journal de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 8. 238 INDEX. "Fly". U. S, schooner of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, Apr. 14, May 19. United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Flyny, Edward. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Alliance,". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Ford, Hezekiah. Private secretary to Arthur Lee. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 2. Forrister, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. " Fortune", British merchant brigantine. See: Jones, John Paul to Donation Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Antoine Mil 1779, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Cas tries 1785, July 10? Foster, Robert. Merchant, Dublin. See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Fourniez, , Chevalier de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 7. "Fox". V. 8. sloop? of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Extract of a letter to Benja min Franklin 1778, Sep. 18. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Whitall 1778, Nov. 21. Fox, Charles James. Secretary of state for foreign affairs, Great Britain. See: Whar- ton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 18. Fox, Isaac. Capt., British merchant brigantine "Actire". See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Smith 1776, Nov. 12. Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of mate rial occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Jarvis, Leonard, to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Fraker, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Frarnery, Nicolas? Etienne? Secretary, French legation at Copenhagen. Letter to John Paul Jones 1788, May 3. France, Crown, Louis XVI, King. See: Jones, John Paul to Louis Alexandre, Due de La Rochefaucauld 1778, Oct. 9. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 16. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Oct. 19. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Wil liam Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to "Madame" Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, Duchesse de Chartres 1 778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 19, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Nov. 11. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, Jan. 2. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 4. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, Feb. 6, Fitz-Maurice, , Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1779, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, May 1. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 22. Walsh-Serrant, Francois Jacques, Comte de to Edward Stack 1779, Nov. 25. La Vauguyon, Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. Montbarey, Alexander Marie Lenorde Saint Mauris, Prince de to Edward Stack 1779, Dec. 12. La Vauguyon, Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 21. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to the President of the Continental Congress 1780, May 30. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to John Paul Jones 1780, June 28. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine INDEX. 239 France, Crown, Louis XVI, King Continued. 1780, July 10. Jones, John Paul to Comtesse de Bourbon de La Yendahl 1780, July 14. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. United States, Conti nental Congress, Resolution regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 27. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1780, Sep. 8. Jones, John Paul to Comtesse de Bourbon de La Yendahl 1780, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18, May? 25. Segtir, Louis Philippe Joseph, Comte de to Edward Stack 1785, Feb. 27. Jones, John Paul, Certificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. Copy of Journal presented to, See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. Letter to, See: United States, Continental Congress 1787, Oct. 16. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Aug. 29/Sep. 9. France, United States Commissioners to. See: United States, Continental Congress, Commissioners to France. De Franconville, . Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 20. Frankford, John. Petty officer?, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regu lations 1780, Jan. 3. Franklin, Benjamin, f". >S . commissioner to France. See: Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Letter to John Paul Jones, See: Adams, John; Lee, Arthur and Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1778, May 25. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, June 1. See: Jones, John Paul to George Washington 1778, Aug. 6. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14, Aug. 21. -Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 24. Extract of letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 4. See: Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Sep. 6. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Sep. 9. Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartres 1778, Sep. 9. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Sep. 13. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Sep. 16. Extract of a letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 18. See: Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartres 1778, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Sep. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 25. See: Jones, John Paul to Baron de Franklin 1778, Sep. 25. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Sep. 30, Oct. 4, Oct. 7. Jones, John Paul to Louis Alexandre, Due de La Rochefaucauld? 1778, Oct. 9. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 16. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Oct. 19. See: Jones, John Paul to Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, Duchesse de Chartres 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Louis XVI 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul to Williams Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 28. Chaumout, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1778, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Nov. 11. Jones, John Paul to Hector McXeill 1778, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul to Arthur Lee 1778, Nov. 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 27. Extract of letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 27. See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Dec. 11. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 21. Defour- niez, le Chevalier to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 7. Greenleaf, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 16. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. 240 INDEX. Franklin, .Benjamin Continued. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 24. See: Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1779, Feb. 24. United States minister plenipotentiary to France. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Mar. 9. Jones, John Paul to John Bondfield 1779, Mar. 27. Wharton, Joseph jr to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 28. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 30. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 1. See: Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, May 1. Jones, John Paul to Peter Amiel 1779, May 15. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 19. See: Jones, John Paul to John Walsh 1779, May 19. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 22. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, May 22. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, July 1. See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 8. Extract of letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, July 12. See: Basseville, Buisson de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 14. Jones, John Paul to Buisson de Basseville 1779, July 14. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 19. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 28. See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Ray mond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, Aug. 11. Letter to, See : Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 13. See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 18, Aug. 24. Letterto, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 3. See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 3. Letter to John Jay 1779, Oct. 4. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Oct. 5. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon 1779, Oct. 5. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 9. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 11. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen 1779, Oct. 19. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 25. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26. Extract of letter to Samuel Cooper 1779, Oct. 27. See: Jones, John Paul to Madame de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 28. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Nov. 3. Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Yander Capellen 1779, Nov. 29. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Dec. 13. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 13. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Yauguyon 1779, Dec. 13. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. O Connell, Maurice to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 19. Letter to Andreas Peder, Count Bernstorff 1779, Dec. 22. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Jan. 16. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Joseph Hitchborn 1780, Feb. 5. Report to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Feb. 12. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Feb. 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Feb. 21, Feb. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 1. See: Jones, John Paul to the Countess of Selkirk 1780, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, Mar. 3. Letter to, See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de 1780, Mar. 4; Jones, John Paul 1780, Mar. 6. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 11? Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 12. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Mar. 14. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 18. Letter to, See: United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty INDEX. 241 Franklin, Benjamin Continued. Board; Lewis, Francis, Commissioner 1780, Mar. 28. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 31, Apr. 1. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Apr. 10. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 15. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 17. Castille, , Baron de to John Paul Jones 1780, May 2, May 3. De Bonneuil, to John Paul Jones 1780?, May 10? Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, May 12. Sarsfield, , Comte to John Paul Jones 1780, May 15. D Ormoy, Madame la Presidente to John Paul Jones 1780?, May 16. Cuisnier, to John Paul Jones 1780, May 20. Marigny, Girardot de to John Paul Jones and William Temple Franklin 1780, May 22? La Vendahl, , Comte de to John Paul Jones 1780?, May 23? Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, May 26. Jones, John Paul, Memo randum to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, May 30. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 1. Letter to, See: Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de 1780, June 3. See: Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1780, June 4. Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1780, June 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 17. Memorandum submitted to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, June 17. Mem orandum submitted to John Adams 1780, June 18? See: Jones, John Paul to Mathew Parke 1780, June 20. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, June 21. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to " the Ships Company " of the Alliance 1780, July 3. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 5. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, July 10. Jones, John Paul to .Jonathan Wheeler 1780, July 11. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 12. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. Jones, John Paul to Aimee Adele de Telison 1780, July 24. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Aug. 7. Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Sep. 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 23. See: Jones, John Paul to tie Monplaisir 1780, Oct. 4. Gourlade, - - to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 5. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1780, Nov. 11. Xicolson, William to John Paul Jones 1780, Xov. 18. Jones, John Paul to Madame la Presidente d Ormoy 1780, Dec. 12. L nited States, Conti nental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 20. United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1781, Feb. 27. United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 27. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to James Read 1783, June 23. Commission to John Paul Jones 1783, Dec. 17. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 1, Feb. 18. Letter to John Paul Jones, See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Mar. 26. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Mar. 26, Jones, John Paul, Certificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Apr. 13; 1785, July 3? Letter to John Paul Jones 1785, July 21. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 30,42-45,66,71,78, 84,92,119. President of Pennsylvania. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 11. 2155103 16 24 2 INDEX. Franklin, Benjamin and Adams, John. United States commissioner* in France. Letter of Aug. 10 to John Paul Jones, See: Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1778, Aug. 18. Franklin, Benjamin; Adams, John and Lee, Arthur. Ignited States contmissioners to France. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 23. Extract of letter to, See: Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries at the court of A T ersailles 1778, May 27. Extract of letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, June 3. Plan for expeditions submitted to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, June 5. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 23. Franklin, Benjamin; Deane, Silas and Lee, Arthur. United State* commissioners to France. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 17. Letter to Jonathan Williams 1778, Jan. 10. Franklin, William Temple. Private secretary to Benjamin Franklin. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 23. Letter to, See: Jones John Paul 1778, Oct. 19. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Oct. 28. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Nov. 27. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 16. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 16. See: Franklin, Ben jamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 31. Marigny, Girardot de to John Paul Jones 1780, May 22? Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 4. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Nov. 11. Franklin, ,, Baron de. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 24. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 25. Fraiser, John Gizzard. See: Frazer. Fraser, . Merchant, London. See: Lane, Son & Fraser. Frazer, John Gizzard? Ex-major, Continental army. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, July 15, July 26. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, July 28. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 25, Aug. 28, Sep. 1, Sep. 29. Letter to Carter Braxton 1777, Oct. 28. See: Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Dec. 11. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 15. Letter to, See: Thompson, Thomas 1777, Dec. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 30; 1778, May 18, May 23. See: Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. See: Jones, John Paul to John Bondfield 1779, Nov. 2. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Frazer, William. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 15. Frederick, Joseph. Boatswain mate, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. French, B . See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. French., V - . See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Freneau, Philip. Clerk to the Postmaster general of the United States. Receipt to John Paul Jones, See: Libbey, Jeremiah, Account against John Paul Jones 1782, Nov. 8. "Friendship". Jersey merchant brigantine. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Furlong, Lawrence. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. INDEX. 243 Gabriel, . Merchant, Switzerland. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 23. Gallagher, Bernard. Midshipman, V. 8. brig of war "Providence". Letter to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 3. Matter of merchant ship. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 18. See: Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 4. Gallagher, James. Shopkeeper, Philadelphia. See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 3. Gallaher, Bernard. See: Gallagher. Gallihau, . Officer?, U. S. S. " Alliance" . See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Gallois, Joseph. Corporal, French marines, V. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Deposition. See: Wybert, Antoine Felix, Deposition of Joseph Gallois forwarded to John Paul Jones 1779, July 27. Galloway, Alexander. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Gallway, David. See: Gal way. Galway, Andrew & David. Merchants, Nantes. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Galway, David. Merchant, Nantes. See: Mullowney, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 16. See also: Galway, Andrew & David. Gandalin?, Louis? See: Gallihan, . Gardner, William. Continental agent, Xew Hampshire. See: Jones, John Paul, AVill 1777, Oct. 8. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 10. See: Jones, John Paul to John Langdon 1777, Oct. 11. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 27. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Oct. 30. Gamier, Germain?, Comte. French diplomat. Memorandum for, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Jan. 21, Jan. 23. See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, Feb. 6. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Letter to, See: Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de 1779, Apr. 3. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Aug. 13, Oct. 26. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 35, 36. Gardoqui, Joseph. U. 8. agent at Bilboa. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 12. Garrett, Edward. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Gates, Horatio. Maj. gen., Continental army. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 131. "General Gates". British? privateer. See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 3. "General Mifflin". U. S. privateer? See: Cannichael, William to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, Aug. 11. "General Washington". U. S. merchant? ship. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 3. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. 244 INDEX. Genet, Francois de. First secretary, French foreign office. See: Jones, John Paul to the Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl 1780, June 7. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 20. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, June 21, July 5. Jones, John Paul to the Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl 1780, July 14. -Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 19. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, July 30. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 30. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?, Aug. 1. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Aug. 7. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Aug. 9, Sep. 21, 23. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Oct. 25. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Nov. 20. Genet, Madame. See: Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Genlis, Charles Alexis Pierre Brulart, Comte de. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. "George". British merchant ship? See: Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 21. Gerard, Pierre. Quartermaster, I . 8. 8. "Bon Ilomme Ridtard". See: Salomons, E. T. to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Gerard, Mile. de. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 17. La Rouciere, Clement de to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 19. Gerard de Rayneval, Conrad Alexandre. See: Rayneval. Germaine, George Sackville, Lord. Secretary of state for the colonies, Great Britain. See: Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 16. Gerry, Elbridge. Massachusetts delegate to Continental Congress. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 13. Gethel, Samuel. 8eainan, U. 8. 8. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Gibb, George. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Gilbank, John. Lieut., Continental arm;/. See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Gilling-water, Martin. Late midshipman, British bomb brig "Bolton". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the engagement with the Glasgow, 1776, Apr. 14. Gillon, Alexander. Commodore, South Carolina naval forces. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum 1779?, Oct.? Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, June 27. Gilpin, A . See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Gilpin, J D A . See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles pur chased 1780?, Dec.? "Glasgow". II. ^f. ship of war. Memorandum of engagement with, See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum 1776, Apr. 14. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Ilewes 1776, Apr. 14, May 19. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Jan. 12. Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1777, Jan. 21. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Jan. 21. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 3. "Glorieux". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Gordon, Alexander. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? INDEX. 245 Gordon, . See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to Peiter Van Bleiswyck 17SO, Mar. 11. Gourlade, - . Merchant tC- V. X. commercial agent <;t L Orient. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 12, Nov. 28. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1779, Jan. 2. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Jan. 6. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Dick, Alexander to John Paul Jone9 1779, Apr. 19. Salomons, E. T. to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 1(5, July 31. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Rieuse, to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Baudouin, Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1780, July 27. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. o. See: Jones, John Paul to Madame la Presidente d Ormoy 1780, Dec. 12. Gourlade & Moylan. Merchaitts i( U. 8. commercial agent* at L Orient. See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Dec. 7, Dec. 11. Chau mont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, Jan. 2. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to S. Jauge et fils 1779, Feb. 10. Jauge, S. et flls to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Bond- Held 1779, Mar. 29. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 5. See: Bond- iield, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. Fiiilay, Sir Robert to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 10. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22. Yerplaces, to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr.-May. Thompson, Ben jamin to John Paul Jones 1779, May 13. Amiel, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 28. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 14, July 2. See: Jones, John Paul to John Mayrant 1780, July 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, July 28, Aug. 18. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Reu ben Chase 1779, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Sir Robert Finlay 1779, Aug. 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Nov. 5, Dec. 15; 1780, Feb. 10. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 13. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Jones, John Paul to the Countess of Selkirk 1780, Mar. 1. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 31. Draft upon, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Apr. 12. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 29. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions pro pounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. See also: preceding entry and Moylan, James. Graffort, . See: St. Julien, Madame de to John Paul Jones 1780, May 17. "Grafton". Hritixh J Mst Indiaman. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 12. Graham, William. Tailor. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Graincourt, . Artist, Paris. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 27. Grand, Ferdinand. Banker, Paris. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Sep. 9. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 13. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 16; 1780, Mar. 12. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, Mar. 23. Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Grand, Sir George. Jtanker, Amsterdam. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Bondrield, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 3. 246 INDEX. Grand, Henry. Banker?, Paris. Extract of letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, July 12. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 28. " Grandville " , French prirateer briganline. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Antoine Mil 1779, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to Eobert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, Dec. 15. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. Morice, to John Paul Jones 1780, Sep. 29. Jones, John Paul, Extraitdu Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 45, 46. Grange, Baptiste. Armourer, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 17. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 18. Receipt to John de Neufville & Son, See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 20, Dec. 21. Grange Estate. Irwine & Leith. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? " Granville " ?. See: Grandville. Grasse-Tilly, Francois Joseph Paul, Comte de. Li. gen., commanding French ship of war "IS Orient". See: Jones, John Paul. Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 111. Graves, Johnny. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Graves, Samuel. CapL, H. M. sloop of ivar "Savage." See: Neif, Ary de, Deposi tion 1780, Aug. 4. Gray son, William. Secretary, Board of war and ordnance, Continental Congress. Sig nature. See: United States, Continental Congress, Board of "War and Ordnance to John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 18. Great Britian, Crown, George III, King. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 16, 29. Greaves, Samuel. See: Graves. Green, Ezra. Surgeon, U. S. S. "Ranger". See: Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 19, Dec. 23. Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries at the court of Versailles 1778, May 27. Jones John Paul to J. Meijer 1780, Mar. 5. Green, John. Capt., U. S. privateer. See: Thompson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 25. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2, Sep. 1. Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 4. Green, John. Carpenter s mate, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Bragg, James, Petition to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 2. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Greene, Nathanael. Maj. gen., Continental army . See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 131. Greene, Nathaniel. , U. S. Navy. See: Thaxter, Adam W. to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 24. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 19. Greenleaf, Joseph, of Boston. See: Greenleaf, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. Greenleaf, Thomas. Lieut., U. S. marines. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Greenwood, Peter. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. INDEX. 247 Greieneque, Maturine. See: Jones, John Paul, Certificate respecting La Bastile 1780, Mar. 10. Greig, .Samuel, llear-admiral, Russian navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 11. "Greyhound". //. M. ship of war. See: Neif, Ary de, Deposition 1780, Aug. 4. Griffin, Joseph. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 29. Griffing, Kirtland. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Grinell, Moses. See: Grinnell. Grinnell, James. Midshipman, U. S. nary. See: Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Grinnell, Moses. Capt., U. S. merchant marine. See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 20, Oct. 21. Treglohn, Philip to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. Grinnell, Thomas. Capt., U. S. S. "Congress". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Grinnell, William. 1st Reid., U. S. nary. Report to John Paul Jones, See: Rath- bun, John P. and Grinnell, William, Report to John Paul Jones 1776, July 16. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. See: Bradford, John to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Grinnell, . See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21, Oct. 23. Grosser, . Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Groube, Beaumont. Midshipman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Midshipman, formerly of U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Attestation to an affidavit, See: Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. Midshipman, U. S. S. "Alliance." See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Midshipman, U. S. navy. Letter to Thomas? Bell, forwarded to John Paul Jones 1780, May 3. Grubb, Benjamin. See: Groube, Beaumont. Guedlow, - . Capt., French privateer "Monsieur". See: Jones, John Paul to Doriatien Leray Chaumont 1779, Aug. 18. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 19. Guild, Samuel. Surgeon s mate, U. S. S. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Guillot, . French commissary at St. Malo, France. Letter to, See: Laporte, 1778, Apr. 7. Guimard, - , Madame, of Paris. See: Nassau-Si egen, Charles Henri Nicolas Othon, Prince de to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Hacker, Hoysted. Capt., U. S. brig of war " Hampden " . See: United States, Con tinental Congress, Establishment of rank of the Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Capt., U. S. brig of war "Providence" . Memorial to, See: Thaxter, 248 INDEX. Hacker, Hoysted Continued. Adam W. and others 1776, Nov. 14. See: Jones, John Paul to Josepn Hewes 1777, Jan. 12. Capt., U. S. nary. See: Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Jones, John Paul to Daniel Tillinghast 1777, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Hackett, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Seaman, T . S. nary. See: Stacy, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 23. "Hague". See: "The Hague". Hall, Elijah. 2d Ueut., U. S. S. " Ranger ". Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, July 29. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, Aug. 15. Hall, Felix. See: Felix Hall Plantation. Hall, John. Boy, U. S. nary. See: Hall, Michael to John Paul Jones 1781, Mar. 10. Hall, Michael, of Philadelphia. Letter to John Paul Jones 1781, Mar. 10. Hall, . of South Carolina. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 25, Aug. 28. Hall, . Capt., r. S. merchant ship. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Ban croft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Hallock, William. Capt., U. S. brig of war "Lexington". See: United States, Con tinental Congress, Establishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Halm, Samuel. Seaman, U.S. S. "Alfred". See: Hopkins, Esek, Order to John Paul Jones 1776, Oct. 22. Hamden . See : Hampden . Hamilton, John. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Hamilton, Robert. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Hamilton, . Lieut. , U. S. nary. See: Rathbun, John P. to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 25. Hammet, Thomas. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Hammond, Gardner. Seamen, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Hampden". U. S. brig of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee; Morris, Robert, Vice-president to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 1. House, George, to John Paul Jones 1777, June 17. Jones, John Paul to George House 1777, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Con gress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 7, 10. "Hampden". F. S. privateer. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones. 1778, Nov. 10. INDEX. 249 "Hancock" . U. S. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Xavy 1776, Oct. 10. Manley, John, Order to John Paul Jones 1777, Apr. 23. McXeill, Hector, Order to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. Dobel, Joseph to John Paul Jqnes 1777, July 2. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Sep. 18. Hancock, Daniel. See: Kankock. Hancock, John. President, Continental Congress. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Apr. 7. Jones, John Paul, A plan for the regulation and equipment of the -navy 1777, Apr. 7. Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Ort. 29. Massachusetts delegate, Continental Congress. See: Jones, John Paul to Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Governor of Massachusetts. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Hanes, John, Boatswain s mate?, U. 8. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Reg ulations 1780, Jan. 3. Hannibal, John. See: Annibal. Hanover, William. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones, See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug. ? Hanrahan, John. Seaman, r. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1 780, June 29. Hardy, Sir Charles. Admiral of tJte blue, Briti$Jt nary and commander of the channel fti et. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Hardy, . See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 18. " Harmony Hall ". I . S. merchant ship of Newbern, North Carolina. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, May 10. Harnett, Cornelius. Continental agent, Wilmington, XorlJi Carolina. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve 1776, Apr. 23. Hart, John. Late seaman, U. S. S. "Alfred". See: Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Hart, William. Seaman, U. S. S. "Ranger". See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 24. Hartley, David. Member, Parliament of Great Britain: See: Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Haslam, James. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance." See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Hawke". Tender, British navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, Apr. 14. "Hawke". U. S. merchant ship. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 24. Hawke, Edward, Baron Towton. Late admiral, British navy. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Hayes, William. Bo;/, U. S. sloop of u-ar "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Haywood, . See: Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1779, Jan. 2. Frazer, John Gizzard, to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Haywood, . Merchant, Bordeaux. See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to ques tions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Haywood, See also: Hey wood. INDEX. Hazard, Ebenezer. Postmaster general of the United State*. See: Freneau, Philip, Receipt to John Paul Jones 1782, Nov. 8. Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 13. Hazard, John. Capt, U. S. brig of war "Providence" See: Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1776, May 7. E.r-capt., U. 8. nary. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Sep. 4. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Heath, James. Seaman, U. >S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Henry, Patrick. Governor of Virginia. See: Read, John K. to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 28. Herbert, Miss Edes. See: Edes-Herbert. "Hermione". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 42. Hertley, Christy. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones, See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? "Hetty". British snow. See: Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Hewes, David. See: Hues. Hewes, Joseph. Xorth Carolina delegate to Continental Congress. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1776, Apr. 14, May 19. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Sep. 4, Oct. 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Jan. 12. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Jan. 12, Jan. 21. Jones, John Paul to Stuart Mawey 1777, May 4. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, July 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Aug. 17. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 25. Livingston, Abraham to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Sep. 1. See: Jones, John Paul, Will 1777, Oct. 8. Frazer, John Gizzard to Carter Braxton 1777, Oct. 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Oct. 30. Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 3. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell, 1778, Nov. 15. Late member, Continental Congress. See: Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Hewes, Richard. See: Hues. Hewitt, Owen. See: Huet. Hews, Joseph. See: Hewes. Heywood, Thomas Jr. See: Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1780, Feb. 10. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 13. Heywood, See also: Hay wood. Hill, Benjamin. Captain. See: Carmichael, William to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13. Hill, Benjamin. Volunteer, U. S. S. " Rangei ". See: Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries at the court of Versailes 1778, May 27. Certificate of service of. See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 18. Hill, Charles. Midshipman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 16. INDEX. 251 Hilton, Moses. Seaman, U. S. S . "Alliance ". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Hinman, Elisha. Capt. , U. S. S. Alfred^ . See : United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Xavy 1776, Oct. 10. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Jones, John Paul to the Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1777, Jan. 21. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 28. Manley, John and others, Uniform dress fur the navy 1777, Mar. Manley, John, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Apr. 23, May 3. Charrier, Louis Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, June 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, June 28. Thompson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 26. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to John Plaince 1779, Mar. 9. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Hinsdale, Thomas. Mate of marines, U. 8. ft. "Alliance"? See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. 2d mate, U. S. S. Alliance See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Hisbert, Charles. Seaman, f. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Hitchborn, Joseph. Midshipman?, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Feb. 5. Hodge, John. Capt., U. S. S. "Montgomery". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Hodge, - . Capt., merchant brig "Active". See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Jan. 8. Hogan, James. Secretary to John Paul Jones. Signature. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Philip Brown 1776, Nov. 15. Letter to John Paul Jones 1776, Dec. 7. See: Tillinghast, Henry Hendren to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 14. Midshipman, U. S. nary. See: Hinman, Elisha to John Paul Jones 1777, June 28. Memorandum to John Paul Jones, See: White, Thomas and four others, Memorandum to John Paul Jones 1779?, Feb.? Midshipman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 21. Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 26. Hogg, Ebenezer. Midshipman?, U.S. navy. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. Hoggen, James. See: Hogan. Hogland. See: Hoogland. Holeky, John. Surgeon s mate, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Holker, Jean. French consul at Philadelphia. See: Jones, John Paul to John K. Read 1780, Nov. 9. Hone, Ozere. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Hood, Samuel. Rear-admiral, British nary. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1, p. 110. Hoog, Richard. See: Hughes. Hoogland, Jacob. Postmaster at The Helder, Holland. See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 20, Oct. 25. Order to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Nov. 15. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 15, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Dec. 27; 1780, Jan. 16. 252 INDEX. "Hope". Canso merchant schooner. See: Jones, John Paiil to Robert Morris ]776, Oct. 17. Hope & Co. Merchants, Amsterdam. Letter to, See: AVendell, John 1777, Oct. 28. See: AVendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Hopkins, Esek. Commander in chief , F. S. navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, Apr. 14. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the engage ment with the Glasgoio 1776, Apr. 14. Orders to John Paul Jones 1776, May 1, May 7. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 19. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Orders to John Paul Jones 1776, Oct. 22. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Jan. 12. Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum regarding the Diamond 1777, Jan. 15. Jones, John Paul to Daniel Tillinghast 1777, Jan. 20. Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1777, Jan. 21. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 28. See: United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee; Morris, Robert, A ice- president to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 6. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Feb. 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 11. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Apr. 7. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, May 10. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, May 21. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, June 9. Notice to, See: Derby, Richard 1777, June 17. See: Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Oct. 30. Ex-commander in chief, I . S. nary. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones. John Paul, Extraitdu Journal * " * de la Revolution Americaine 1786. Jan. 1. pp. 1, 2, 3, 7, 10. Hopkins, John Burroughs. Capt., U. *S . brig of war "Cabot". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the engagement with the Glasgow 1776, Apr. 14. Rice, Alpheus to John Paul Jones 1776, Aug. 9. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Sep. 4. Capt., U. >S . S. "Warren". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, May 30, June 1. Hopkins, Stephen. Governor, Rhode Island. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Hopkins, AVilliam. Master, U. ft. brig of war "Providence" . See: Grinnell, AA illiam to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. "Hornet". F. S. sloop of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, Apr. 14. Robinson, Robert to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 10. Hornet, Cornelius. See: Harnett. "Horn Snake". F. SJ sloop of war? See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. Houdon, Jean Antoine. French sculptor. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jeffer son 1788, Aug. 29/Sep. 9. Jones, John Paul to AVilliam Short 1788, Sep. 15/26. House, George. Lieut., F. S. brig of war " Hampden" . Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, June 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, June 26. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 2. INDEX. 253 Houston, William 0. ^>~ev Jersey delegate to Continental Congress. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 14. Hou&toun, John. "/ Georgia. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John PaulJones 1777, July 1-1. Houstoun, Sir Patrick, of Georgia. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, July 13, Aug. 25. Howe. Richard, Viscount. Rear-admiral and commander-in-chief, British fleet in XortJi America. See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Mar. 31. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 27. Jones, John Paul to the President of the Continental Con gress, 1779, Dei . 7. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 13. Howe, William. Maj. gen., British arm;/. See: Thompson, Thomas to John Gizzard Frazer 1777, Dec. 25. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 11, May 19. Hoy. David. Seaman, U. 8. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Hues, David. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Hues, Richard. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. See also: Hughes. Huet, Owen. Seaman, I . S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Hug-es, Hugh. Seaman, f*. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr. -June. Hughes, David. See: Hues. Hughes, Hugh. See: Huges. Hughes, Richard. Petty officer?, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . See: Salomons, E. T. to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. See also: Hues. Hull, William. Lt. col., 3d Massachusetts regiment. See: McXeill, Hector to John Paul Jones 1783, June 11. Humphreys, David. Secretary, f. S. legation, Paris. See: Jones, John Paul. Cer tificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. Endorsement of a certificate, See: Jones, John Paul, Certificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. Hunolstein, Barbantane. Maid of honor to the Duchesse de Chartres. Letter to John PaulJones 1780, June 10. Letter to, See; Jones, John Paul 1780, July 14, Aug. 6. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 15, Oct. 14. Huntington, Samuel. President, Continental. Congress. See: Dumas, Charles Wil liam Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 19. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1783, Oct. 27. See also: United States, Continental Con gress; Huntington, Samuel, President. Hutchins, Thomas. American geographer and United States agent?, L Orient. See: Franklin, Benjamin; Deane, Silas and Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1778, Jan. 10. Attestations, See: Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 22; Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, July 8; Bragg, James, Peti tion to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 2; Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19; Bragg, James, Report to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 21; Frank-lin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 1; United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board; Lewis, Francis, Commissioner, to 254 INDEX. Hutchins, Thomas Continued. Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 28; Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 1; Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 15; Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 17, May 12; Jones, John Paul, Mem orandum to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, May 30; Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, June 1; Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to John Paul Jones 1780, June 3; Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1780, June 4; Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1780, June 13; Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, June 17; Stubbs, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, June 26; Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. I "Independence". U. 8. sloop of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 19. Picquet, La Motte, to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13. Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. "Independence". U. S. privateer. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Truxtun 1780, Oct. 24. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Nov. 20. "Indien". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Mar. 3. Jones, John Paul to the United States Commissioners to France. 1778, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Aug. 15, Sep. 13. Jones, John Paul to Louis Alexandre, Due de La Rochefaucauld 1778, Oct. 9. Jones, John Paul to Louis XVI 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Wil liam Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Edward Ban croft 1778, Nov. 11. Jones, John Paul to the President of the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Account against the Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1780, June 25. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 11, 12, 30, 31, 35, 67, 107, 108. Ingerson, . Petty officer?, U. 8. 8. "Manger". See: Cullam, David to John Paul Jones 1778, May 19. Ingraham, Jeremiah. 2d mate, U. S. 8. brig "Providence". See: Thaxter, Adam W. and others, Memorial to Hoysted Hacker 1776, Nov. 14. Ingram, Charles. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Ingram, Mathan [Matthew?]. Volunteer, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Ingram, Metthew. See: Ingram, Mathan. "Intrepide". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? "Invincible". H. M. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to the President of the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 12. "Iphegene". French ship of war? See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. INDEX. 255 Iron, David. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: AUiance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Irvine, William. Pennsylvania delegate to Continental Congress. See: Jones, John Paul to William Short 1788, Sep. 15/26. Irwine, Walter. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Irwine, . See: Grange Estate. Izard, Ralph. United States commissioner at the court of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. See: Livingston, Musco, Certificate to Joseph Wharton, Jr. 1779, Feb. 20. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 3. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. -J Jack. [Johnny Downes?] Apprentice, U. S. S. "Ranger". See: Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 21, Dec. 23. Jackson, David. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Jackson, John. British pilot. Certificate respecting, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Xov. 15. See: Jones, John Paul, Order to Jacob Hoogland 1779, Nov. 15. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to Peiter Van Bleiswyck 1780, Mar. 11. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 11? Jones, John Paul to James Read 1783, June 23. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 74. Jackson, William. See: Scott, Thomas & Co., Bill against John Paul Jones 1774, Jan. 29. Receipt to Thomas Scott & Co. for amounts paid John Paul Jones, See: Scott, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 19. Jarris, Edward. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Jarvis, Leonard. Deputy Continental agent, M^assachusettx. Letter to John Paul Jonea 1777, Mar. 19. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, May 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, May 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, June 9, See: Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, June 9. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Oct. 30. Jauge, S . Merchant, Bordeaux. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to Espi- vent Villes Boisnet 1779, Feb. 11. Finlay, Sir Robert to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 10. See also: Jauge, S et fils. Jauge, S et fils. Merchants, Bordeaux. Letter to, See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de 1779, Feb. 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to John Bondfield 1779, Mar. 29. Jay, John. United States minister plenipotentiary to Spain. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 15. Dumas, Charles William Freder ick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 19. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, Mar. 3. Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Secretary, foreign affairs, Continental Congress. See: Jones, John Paul to Wil liam Short 1788, Sep. 15/26. See also: United States, Continental Con gress; Jay, John, President. Jefferson, Thomas. Member, Virginia legislature. See: Read, John K. to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 13. United States minister plenipotentiary to France. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Cas tries 1785, July 10? Attestation to oath of John Paul Jones, See: Jones, 256 INDEX. Jefferson, Thomas Continued. John Paul, Account submitted to Continental Congress 1786, July 7. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding John Paul Jones 1787, Get 16. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1787, Oct. 24. Authoriza tion to, See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve 1787, Oct. 25. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1787, Dec. 12. Commission to John Paul Jones 1788, Jan. 24. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1788, Mar. 11. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1788, Mar. 18, Mar. 20, Mar. 25. See: Bernstorff, Andreas Peder, Count to John Paul Jones 1788, Apr. 4. Fram- ery, Nicolas Etienne, to John Paul Jones 1788, May 3. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Metier, Marquis de Lafayette 1788, June 15/26. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1788, Aug. 29/Sep. 9. Jeffries, Bowker. See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Jenkins, . ( apt., U. 8. Merchant ship " Hau-ke" . See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 11. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul 1778, Mar. 24. Jennis, Peter. Seaman, I . S. S. "Hancock". See: McNeill, Hector, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, May 10. Jerine, Alexander. Secretary, Britidi We*t India company. See: Xeif, Ary de, Deposition 1780, Aug. 4. "John", llrit ink merchant ship. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul, Orders to John P. Rathbun 1776, Nov. 25. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tiley [Tyler?], Michael Knies and James Beckup 1776, Nov. 25. Jones, John Paul, Plan of the evolutions of the Alfred and Milford. 1776?, Nov.? Jones, John Paul, Orders to Robert Saunders [Sanders?] 1776, Dec. 8. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler 1776, Dec. 8. Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occur rences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1777, Jan. 21. Johnson, Elisha. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme RicJiard" . Minutes of court martial of 1779, July 29. Johnson, Henry. Capt., U.S. navy. Certificate respecting John Thompson 1779, Oct. 11. See: Dale, Richard, Certificate respecting Henry Lawrence and James Dick 1782, June 27. United States, Continental Congress, Resolve on the memorial of Samuel Nicholson 1788, July 2. Johnson, Joshua? See; Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Johnson, Nicholas. Master, mercJiant schooner "First Attempt". See: Rathbun, John P. and Grinnell William, Report to John Paul Jones 1776, July 16. Johnson. See also: Johnston. Johnston, Elijah. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Hormne Richard". See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Johnston, George. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones, See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Johnston, - . Capt., British privateer "Union". See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Johnston. See also: Johnson. Johnstone. See: Johnson, also: Johnston. Jones, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Jones, John Paul. All manuscripts in this calendar relate to Jones. As they are arranged in chronological order, no detailed mention of the individual manu scripts is considered necessary in this place. INDEX. 257 Jones, Robert. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Jones, Thomas. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Josiah, James. Capt., U. S. navy. See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Jo Vira, Bernardo. See: Vira, Bernardo Jo. Joyas, P - ife Son. of Madrid. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 12. Joyner, . Captain, merchant marine. See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 19. Kane, Arthur. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Kankock, Daniel. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Kelly, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance." See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Kelly, John. See: Kuly. Kemdy, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: A lliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Kenipenfelt, Richard. Late rear-admiral oflJie blue, British navy. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Kenet, O - . See: Jones, John Paul, Plan for the attack upon Leith 1779, Sept. 14. Kennedy, John. See: Kemdy. Kennedy, Michael. Gunner, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin" . See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. Keppel, Augustus, Viscount. Admiral and commander-in-chief, British navy. See: Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 16. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Kerr, Walter. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Kerr, , Mrs. Wife of Walter? See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Keto. Alias of John Martin q. v. Kilton, AVilliam. Capt., British? privateer, "General Gates". See: Gallagher, Ber nard to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 3. King, Archibald. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. "Kingston Packet". Jamaica merchant brigant me. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, June 28. KirbyP, John. See: Carebie. Kirks, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Kitty". British snou . See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Joseph Allen 1776, Nov. 14. Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee, Continental Congress. 1777, Jan. 21. 2155103 - IT 258 INDEX. Knies, Michael Midshipman, U. S. S. "Alfred" and prizernastcr of the "Surprise" . Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler, Michael Knies and James Beckup 1776, Nov. 25. Knig-t, Daniel. Seaman, U. >S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of cre\v entitled to prize money 1 785, Sep. 5. Koronan Mahe, . See: Mahe, Koronan de. Kuly, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Kroube, Beaumont. See: Groube. Krudiner, . Russian minister to Denmark. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 25. L La Bostile, . Certificate respecting, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Mar. 10. La Coudrais, Armand Coudre. Lieut., French cutter "Or/". See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de. Ifaj. gen., Continental army. See: Defourniez, le Chevalier to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 7. Verplaces, to John Paul Jones 1779?, Apr. -May. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 1. See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, May 1. Frank lin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, May 19. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 22. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 13. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 28. See: Jones, John Paul to Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Jan. 16. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Jan. 16. Letter to, See: Jones. John Paul 1780, Feb. 18. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Jones, John Paul, Account against the Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1780, June 25. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 19. Jones, John Paul to Madame la Marquise de Lafayette 1780, July 28. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1780, Sep. 8. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1781, Dec. 22. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18, Mar. 6, Mar. 26. Jones, John Paul, Certificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1785, July 3? Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 36, 38, 126. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1787, Oct. 24. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1788, June 15/26. Attestations made in 1825, See: Jones, John Paul to Lafayette 1779, Aug. 13, Oct. 28; 1780, Jan. 16, Feb. 18. Lafayette, Madame la Marquise de. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 28. La Fraye, Francois. Sergt., French marines, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard ". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28- Aug. 2. De La Granville, . French commissary at the port of L Orient. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Nov. 11. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, July 28, Nov. 5. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, June 23. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft INDEX. 259 De La Granville, . Continued. 1780, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 17SO, Nov. 7. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1785, July 10? La Grave, . Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Sep.? La Houze, Baron de. French minister to Denmark. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 11, Mar. 20. Framery, Nicolas Etienne to John Paul Jones 1788, May 3. Lake, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. L Alavrez?, Pierre Louis. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 20. La Luzerne, Anne Cesar, Chevalier de. French minister to the United States. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 13. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, June 27. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to John Paul Jones 1780, June 28. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudouin 1780, July 19. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 19. Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Durnas 1780, Sep. 8. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, July 29. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1782, Sep. 3. Letter to, See: Vaudreuil, Louis Philippe de Regaud, Marquis de 1783, Apr. 20. Viomenil, Antoine Charles du Houx, Baron de 1783, Apr. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, May? 25, July 8. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 89, 92, 93, 102, 105, 108, 115. La Masc, Francois Pettibon de. Master, U. S. S. "Pallas". See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Lambert, Samuel. Matter, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Lament, Donald. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? La Motte, Geffrier. Secretary, French ship "Sensible". Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 1. La Motte, - , Yicomte de. Lieut, col, French army. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 5. La Motte Picquet. See: Picquet. Lanana, John. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr. -June. Landais, Peter. Capt., U. S. S. "Alliance ". See: Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1 778, Nov. 3. Wharton, Joseph jr. to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 28. Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1779, May 6. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 24. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 27, June 6. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 16, July 2. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, July 8. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 19. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 21, July 26. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 28. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28- Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Min utes of court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of court 260 INDEX. Landais, Peter Continued. martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 31. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Aug. 13. Jones, John Paul, Orders to prize-master 1779, Aug. 31. Statement to John Paul Jones 1779, Sep. 5. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Sep. 5. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 9. Orders to James Arthur Degge 1779, Oct. 10. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. In. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 19. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 20. Capt., U. H. navy. Orders to James Arthur Degge 1779, Oct. 22. See: Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen 1779, Oct. 22. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 23. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 24. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 25. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 25. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26. Watkins, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 27. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, Oct. 28. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 28, Dec. 7. Franklin, Ben jamin to Andreas Peder, Count Bernstorff 1779, Dec. 22. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 13. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19, Mar. 1. Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1780, June 13. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum submitted to Benjamin Franklin 1780, June 17. Franklin, Benjamin, Memorandum submitted to John Adams, 1780, June 18? Jones, John Paul to Mathew Parke 1780, June 20. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, June 21. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, June 27. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. See: Jones, John Paul to the ship s company of the Alliance 1780, July 3. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 5. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1780, July 5. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, July 12. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Aug. 7. La Grave, - - to John Paul Jones 1780, Sep.? Ex-capt., U. S. nan/. See: Jones, John Paul to Madame la Presidente d Ormoy 1780, Oct. 16. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 21. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 46, 51, 58, 72, 82, 84, 86. Landais, Pierre. See: Landais, Peter. Xiandes, Pierre. See: Landais, Peter. Lane, Son & Fraser. Merchants, London. See: Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Iiang-don, John. Continental agent, New Hampshire. See: United States Continen tal Congress, Marine Committee to John Paul Jones 1777, June 18. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee to William Whipple, John Langdon and John Paul Jones 1777, June 18. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, June 26. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 25. Gardner, AVilliarn to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 10. Letter to, See: Jones, John INDEX. 2til Lang-don, John Continued. Paul 1777, Oct. 11. Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones and John Langdon 1781, Aug. 24; See: Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones 1781, Sep. 25. Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 11, Apr. 17. Langdon, , Mrs. Wife of Join). See: Brown. John to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 1. Langeron, Andrault, Coiute de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1783, Apr. 21. Lanley, Joseph, teaman, U. S. X. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Lante, Henry. See: Lunt. Laper, William, teaman, f. S. /> . "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. La Porse, - . See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gaulbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Mar. 31. Laporte, Jean B. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 20. Letter to Guillot 1778, Apr. 7. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. Amiel, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 24. La Porte Vezin. See Vezin, La Porte. La Prevalye, Pierre Dumas, Marquis de. Capt., French? ship of war "Lii eli/" . See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Charles Henri Xicolas Othon, Prince de Xassau-Siegen 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Louis Guillouet, Comte d Orvilliers 1778, Aug. 28. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Ameri- caine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 32. Larchar, John. Master, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Larchard, Lewis. jtl< mate, I . S. S. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew enti tled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Larmet, Jean Baptiste. Capt., French privateer "Prince deSoubise". See: Thevenet, Andre to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 15. La Rochefaucauld-Liancourt?, Francois Alexandra Frederic. Due de. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Oct. 9. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Xov. 11. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. La Rochefaucauld d Anville?, Louis Alexander, Due de La Roche-Guyon et de. See: La Rochefaucauld-Liancourt?, Francois Alexandre Frederic, Due de. La Rote, Francois. French marine, U. *$ . 8. "Bon Homrne Richard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. La Rouciere, Clement de. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 17. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 19. Lasqualla, Joseph. Seaman, f". S. sloop of war "Dolphin" . See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. La Touche-Treville, Louis Rene Vassor, Vicomte de. Capt., French xhip of war "Hermione". See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Arnericaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 41. Lattin, . Capt., Dillon s Irish regiment, French army. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1787, Oct. 24. La Varage, Joseph de. See: Varage. 262 INDEX. Lauraguais?, Louis Marie Bufile Brancas, Marquis de. Col., French army. See: O Connell, Maurice to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Lauvellas, John. Seaman, U. 8. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. La Vauguyon, Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de. French, ambassador to Holland. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 5. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 11. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Frank lin 1779, Oct. 11. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 13. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 20. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 25, Oct. 28. Neufville, John de &, Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 28. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 1, Nov. 5. Walsh-Serrant, Francois Jacques to Edward Stack 1779, Nov. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. See: Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 13. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Dec. 13. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1779, Dec. 15. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 25. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1 780, Jan. 16. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1780, Jan. 16. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Feb. 18. See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1783, Feb. 18; 1784, Mar. 26. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal " * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 70, 71, 75. La Vendah.1, , Comte de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May? 23. See: Jones, John Paul to la Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl 1780, July 14. Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudouin 1780, July 19. Genet, Fran cois de to John Paul Jones 1780, July 30. Jones, John Paul to la Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl 1780, Sept. 21. La Vendahl, Comtesse de Bourbon de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr.? Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, June 7, July 14. See: Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 19. Genet, Francois de to John Paul Jones 1780, July 30. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Jones, John Paul to Madame la Presidente d Ormoy 1780, Sept. 13. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sept. 21. Lavie, George. Acting lieut., U. 8. marines. See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 18. Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 4. La Villebouguais, - . C apt., French ship of war "Chasseur." See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Liawley, Stephen. "Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Lawrence, David. Capt., of Providence, Rhode Island. See: Grinnell, William to John Paul Jonea 1777, Jan. 17. Lawrence, Henry. Master s mate, formerly of U. 8. 8. "Lexington". Certificate respecting, See: Dale, Richard, Certificate respecting Henry Lawrence and James Dick 1782, June 27. Lay-ton, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . Petition to John Paul Jones, See: At wood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? INDEX. 263 Le Bart, . See: Basseville, Buisson de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 23. Gourlade, to John Paul Jones 1779, July 31. Le Cadet, Thevenet. Broker, Dunkirk, France. See: Meijer, J to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13. Le Comte, Charles Joseph. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21, Oct. 23, Oct. 26. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 1. Le Couteulx & Cie. Bankers, Paris. See: Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones 1783, Nov. 6. Lee, Arthur. I nited States commissioner to France. Letter to John Paul Jones, See: Franklin, Benjamin; Deane, Silas and Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 17. Letter to Jonathan Williams, See: Franklin, Benjamin; Deane, Silas and Lee, Arthur to Jonathan Williams 1778, Jan. 10. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May. 3. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 8. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 12. Letter to John Paul Jones, See: Franklin, Benjamin; Lee, Arthur and Adams, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 23. Adams, John; Lee, Arthur and Franklin, Ben jamin to John Paul Jones 1778, May 25. Extract of letter to, See: Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries to the court of Versailles 1778, May 27. Jones, John Paul, Extract of letter to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, June 3. Plan for expeditions submitted to, See: Jones, John Paul, Plan for expeditions submitted to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Arthur Lee and Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, June 5. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul to Ben jamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, Aug. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Sep. 6. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Tell 1778, Sep. 15. United States commissioner to Spain. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 23. Ford, Hezekiah to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 2. Livingston, Musco, Certificate to Joseph Wharton 1779, Feb. 20. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 18. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Apr. 10. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, May 26. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 13. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, June 17. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 5. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, July 12. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Aug. 7, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1780, Nov. 11. Virginia delegate, to Continental Congress. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Jan. 22. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. i. pp. 84, 85, 86. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1788, June 15/26. Lee, F/ancis. Innkeeper, Philadelphia. See: Jones, John Paul, Account against the United States 1782, Dec. 7. Lee, Richard Henry Virginia delegate to Continental Congress. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. 264 INDEX. Lee, Sarah. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 17SO, Mar. 11? Lee, Thomas. See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Lee, "William. United States commercial agent at Xante*. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 11, May 12. Jones, John Paul, Answers to ques tions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Lee, William. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Sturgis, William, Minutes of court martial of 1779, July 29. Leech, Johnson. Mate, V. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster 7 - oll 1777, Apr.-June. Leech, Nathaniel. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war " Dolpliin " . See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. Leg-gins, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Leinster . See : Duke of Leinster. Leister, James. Boatswain, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. Leith, Scotland. See: Scotland, Leith. Leith, . See: Grange Estate. Le Jeune, . Commissary of marine at L* Orient. Certificate of payment, See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. See: Jones, John Paul, Account submitted to Continental Congress 1786, July 7. Le Lay, . See: Mehegan, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 19. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 23. Lc Maitre, . See: Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, Dec. 15. Lemance, John. Seaman, U. S. sloop of -war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. Le Meignen, Henry Ange Francois. Lieut., U. S. S. "Pallas" . See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Tow ers, Robert, Proceedings of a court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul, Plan of attack upon Leith 1779, Sep. 14. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 15. Lenard, Joshua. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. Le Netrel, . Letter to Joseph Whitall 1778, Nov. 21. Lennox, David. Captain. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 17. Le Rich, Jean. Lieut., French privateer "Monsieur". Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 18. Leroux, Jean. French volunteer, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Gourlade, to John Paul Jones 1779, July 31. Le Roy, Julien David. Director, French academy. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 12. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 6? INDEX. 265 Lesconnee, Francois and others. French volunteers, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard". Testimony in court martial of Eobert Towers, See: Towers, Robert, Pro ceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28- Aug. 2. L Etombe, Philip Joseph de. French consul for Xew Hampshire, Massachusetts, Wiode Inland and Connecticut. See: Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 5. Leunt, Peter. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Leveller", U. $.? cutter. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1779, May 27. Lewis, Jonathan. Formerly pilot, U. S. brig "Providence". See: Tillinghast, Henry Hendren to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 14. " Lexington ". T. S. brig of mir. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Xavy 1776, Oct. 10. Xesbitt, John Maxwell to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 5. Johnson, Henry, Certificate 1779, Oct. 11. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, June 27. United States, Continental Congress, Resolve on the memorial of Samuel Nicholson 1788, July 2. Libbey, Alexander? See: Libbey, Ell. Libbey, Ell. Seaman, F. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Libbey, Jeremiah. Postmaster, Portsmouth, Xetv Hampshire. Account against John Paul Jones 1782, Xov. 8. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Nov. 9. "Licorne". French ship of icar. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Limmond, Abraham. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Linds, James. 3d lieut., U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Linoncourt, , Chevalier de. French naval agent at Amsterdam. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 17. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon 1779, Dec. 25; 1780, Feb. 18. Commandant of the city of U Orient. Letter to, See: Thevenard, Antoine Jean Marie de 1780, June 20. Linthwaite, John West. Midshipman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . See: Tow ers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. "Lion". See: "Alliance." Lisconnick, Francois. See: Lesconnee. Littlepage, Lewis. Grand chamberlain to King of Poland. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 11, Mar. 20, Mar. 25. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1788, June 15/26. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Sep. 15/26. "Lively". British merchant brig. See: Jones, John Paul to Daniel Tillinghast 1777, Aug. 8. " Lively ". l^rendi? ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartres 1778, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Louis XVI 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1778, Nov. 13. 266 INDEX. "Livingston," T. ft. merchant ship. See: Jones, John Paul to Gonrlade Moylan, 1780, Feb. 10. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 13. Livingston, Abraham. Merchant and Continental agent, Boston. See: Jones, John Paul to Kobert Morris 1777, Jan. 12. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Jan. 16, Jan. 21. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, July 15. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 28. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 28. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 7. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Oct. 30. See also: Livingston & Turnbull. Livingston, Musco. Lieut., commanding frigate "Gor. Livingston". Certificate to Joseph Wharton, jr. 1778, Apr. 11. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Gilbank, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Mar. 13. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Apr. 25. Livingston, Robert R. Secretary, foreign affairs, Continental Congress. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 20. Livingston, William? See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Livingston, - . See: Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Livingston & Turnbull. Merchants and Continental agents, Boston. See: Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1777, Jan. 21. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 19. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 26. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to John Bradford 1777, Sep. 10. Lloyd, John. Merchant, South Carolina. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 24. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2, May 17. Lockyear, - . of the British nary. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 1. Logham, James. Garde Marine, U. 8. 8. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Loivendahl, Comtesse de Bourbon de. See: La Vendahl. London, Mary Paul. See: Jones, John Paul, Will 1777, Oct. 8. Long, John. Secretary, collector of customs, Limerick, Ireland. See: Wallace, John, Certificate of payment of duties 1779, Apr. 17-18. Longstaff, Michael. (Quartermaster, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 26. "Lord Chatham". British merchant ship. See: Ranger, Officers and crew of, to John Paul Jones 1778, May 13. Jones, John Paul to .Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Jona than Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Lorrance, Daniel. Mid-shipman, U. S. brig "Providence". Memorial to Hoysted Hacker, See: Thaxter, Adam W. and others, Memorial to Hoysted Hacker 1776, Nov. 14. INDEX. 267 "Losely". British privateer? See: Mehegan, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dee. 19. Loud, Solomon. See: Lowd. Louis XVI, King of France. See: France, Crown, Louis XVI, King. Louis, James. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Bon Homme Richard" . Petition to John Paul Jones, See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? Louvelle, . Seaman, U. S. navy. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Lovie, George. See: Lavie. Lowd, Solomon. Officer, U. S. S. "Ranger". See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 30. Prizemaster, brigantine "Patience". Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Apr. 28. Lowe, Thomas. Sailmaker, U. S. *$ . "Ranger". See: Cullarn, David to John Paul Jones 1778, May 21. Lowell, John, of Massachusetts. See: McXeill, Hector to John Paul Jones 1783, June 11. Lowendal. See:. La Vendahl. Luce, Thomas. Seaman, U. ft. >S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Luke". American merchant brigantine. See: Ariel, Officers of, Declaration 1780, Oct. 13. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 20. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Lunt, Cutting. 3d lieut., U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . See: Salomons, E. T. to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, July 28. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Lunt, Henry. Master s mate, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 19. 2d lieut., U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Salomons, E. T. to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, July 28. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial of 1779, July 29. Bon Homme Richard, Account of engagement with the Serapis 1779, Sep. 23-25. 2d lieut., U. S. navy. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 7. See: Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Xicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 9. Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?, Jan.? (two). See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20; 1781, Mar. 22. Lunt, Peter. See: Leunt. Lunt, Richard. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Lux, William. Continental agent, Maryland. See: United States, Continental Con gress, Resolve 1776, Apr. 23. " Luzerne". French merchant ship, Thomas Bell, capl. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 1. Franklin, Benjamin, Memorial submitted to John Adams 1780, June 18? Luzerne, Anne Cesar Chevalier de la. See: La Luzerne. Lynd, James. Lieut., U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. 2(58 INDEX. Lyon, Samuel. Secretary to Esek Hopkins. Signature, See: United States, Conti nental Congress, Resolve 1776, Apr. 23. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1776, May 1, May 7, Oct. 22. See: Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Lyons, Michael, teaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Lyons, Peter. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. M Macarthy, Eugene. Lieut?, Capt. Walsh s Irish regiment, F>-ench army. See: Fitz- Maurice, , Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 5. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Mar. 8. See: Fitz-Maurice, , Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1779, Mar. Volunteer, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . See: Walsh-Serrant, Francois Jacques, Comte de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 14. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1 779, July 28-Aug. 2. Certificate regarding John Paul Jones 1785, Apr. 17. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Ameri- caine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 126. Macarthy, Thomas. Volunteer?, I . S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. See also: Macarthy, Eugene. McCall, William. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Scott 1779, Oct. 30. Scott, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Nov. 19. Scott, Thomas & Scott, John, Affidavit 1779, Nov. 19. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Scott 1779, Dec. 3. McCarthy, Eugene. See: Macarthy. McCarty, , Madame, of Xantes, France. See: Greenleaf, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. Robinson, Robert to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. M Casset, William. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. McCormick, Robert. Seaman, U. S. S, "Bon Homme Richard" . See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. McCreery, William. Merchant, Bordeaux. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. McCulloch, William. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. McDougall, Alexander. Xew York delegate to Continental Congress. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 27. McEnry, . of Betsey s Hope?, } injinia? See Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? M Gaham, John. Seaman, [ . S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Mclntyre, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Minutes of court martial of 1779, July 31. MacKenzie, - . of Betsey s Hope, Virginia? See: Jones, John Paul, Memo randum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? McLeane, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. INDEX. 269 MacNamarra, , Chevalier de. Lieut., commanding French ship "Char/nante". Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 10. McNeal, Hector. See: McNeill. McNeal, John. Officer?, U. S. sloop "Providence" . Letter to John Paul Jones 1776, Aug. 26. McNeill, Daniel. Capt., U. S. privateer "General Mifflin". See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Nov. 30. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Philippe Nicolas Ricot 1779, Aug. 9. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1770, Aug. 11. McNeill, Hector. Capt., U. S. S. "Boston". See: L nited States, Continental Con gress, Establishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Capt., U. N. nan/. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Jan. 12. Manley, John and others, Uniform dress for the navy 1777, Mar. Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathe\v Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Ex-capt., U. S. nary. See: Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1778, May 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 4. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 17. See: Hogg, Ebenezer to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones 1781, Sep. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1783, June 11. Mac Vey, Stewart. See: Scott, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Nov. 19. Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? See also: Mawey, Stuart. Me Vicar, Forguil. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? "Madame". FrencJi privateer. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Sep. 23. Madison, James. Member, United Mate* constitutional convention. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1787, Oct. 24. Member, Virginia legislature. See: Jones, John Paul to William Short 1788, Sep. 15/26. Magne, John. See: Mayne. " Magnifique " . FrencJi ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul. Memorandum of the French fleet. 1780?, Dec.? United States Continental Congress, Reso lution 1782, Sep. 3. Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 1. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 107. Mahe, De Koronan. Lieut., commanding French ship of war " Licorne." See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Maignan, Henry Ange Francois. See: Le Meignen. Maillac, , Comte de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 5. Maille, , Comte. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?, July 4. Malesherbes, Cretien Guillaume de Lamoignon de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1786, Feb. 27. Maloney, Thomas. See: Meelony Manley, John. Caj>L, U. S. >S . "Hancock". See: United States, Continental Con gress, Establishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Til- linghast, Henry Ilendren to John Paul Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 14. Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Apr. 23, May 3. See: McNeill, Hector, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. Dobel, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1777, July 2. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Capt., U.S. nanj. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Dec. 11. 270 INDEX. Manley, John, and others. Captains, U. S. nary. "Uniforms for the navy agreed to at Boston by the major part of the Captains" 1777, Mar. Manley, John. Deputy Continental agent, Rhode Island. See: Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 18. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 4, Feb. 5. Letter to "the honble Counsell of Warr" of Rhode Island 1777, May 30. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, June 1, June 9. Postscript to John Paul Jones, added to letter of Daniel Tillinghast to Jones 1777, June 28 q. v. De Manoville, , le Chevalier Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 13. Marais, . See: Alliance. Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Marche, B . Merchant?, Bordeaux? See: Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. " Marchioness of Granby". French merchant ship? See: Amiel, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. "Marechal de Broglie". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Amerieaine, 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 33, 34. Margeson, John. Mate. 1 , U. S. 8. "Alfred" and prizemaster of the "Beit;/". Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1776, Dec. 8. Margonet, Pierre Francois. Lieut., U. S. S. "Pallas". See: Jones, John Paul, Offi cers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Maricours, Carpeau de et Cie. Merchants, France. See: Thevenet, Andre to John . Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 15. Marie- Antoinette, Josephe Jeanne de Lorraine. Queen of France. See: Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 23. Marigny, Girardot de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 22? Marine Committee, Continental Congress. See: United States, Continental Con gress, Marine Committee. Marlar, . Banker ?, London. See: Allen, Marlar & Co. Marshall, Andrew. See: Gardner, "\VilliamtoJohnPaulJones 1777, Oct. 10. Marshall, Sarah, of Wilmington, Delaware. Certificate respecting, See: Bedford, Gunning, Certificate 1779, Oct. 18. Marshall, William. Late of Wilmington, Delaware. See: Elliott, John, Certificate to James Read 1778, Nov. 24. Bedford, Gunning, Certificate 1779, Oct. 18. Marston, Nathaniel. Petty officer, U. S. nary. Memorandum to John Paul Jones. See: White, Thomas and others, Memorandum 1779?, Feb.? Martin, Archibald. See: Martur. Martin, John. Xegro slave of William Marshall nf Wilmington, Delaware. See: Elliott, John, Certificate to James Read 1778, Nov. 24. Martin, Patrick. See: Martue. Martino, Augustino. Seaman, U. S. navy. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Martue, Patrick. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Martur, Archibald. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Mason, Alexander. Seaman, U. S. navy.- See: Stacy, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1781, May 1. Masse, Jean. French volunteer, U. S. S. " Bon Horn me Richard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779. July 28-Aug. 2. INDEX. 271 Masson, Jean. See: Masse. Matson, Nathaniel. Garde Marine, U. S. S. "Alliance . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Mathews, John. South Carolina delegate to Continental Congress. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 14; Resolution regarding the A merica 1781, June 23. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Mathews, Samuel. Seaman, U. S. S. " Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Matthews. See: Mathews. Maurepas, Jean Frederic Phelypeaux, Comte de. President of the Council of France. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes 1780, Aug. 2. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 15. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to the Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl 1780, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, Nov. 8. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revo lution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 79, 80, 81, 87, 90, 96, 97. Maurice, . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Mawey, Stuart. Merchant, Tobago. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, May 4. See also: Macvey, Stewart. " Mayflower". Irish merchant brigantine. See: Wallace, John, Certificate of pay ment of duties 1779, Aug. 17-18. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, Aug. 18. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Reuben Chase 1779, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul, to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene de La Croix. Marquis de Castries 1785, July 10? Mayliag-an, John. See: Mehegan. Mayne, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Mayrant, John. Midshipman, U. S. navy, formerly acting lieut. , U. S. S. "Bonllomme Richard". Attestation to an affidavit. See: Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 26. Commanding French privateer "Bonne Adventure". Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?, Feb.? See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb.? Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 23. Mayson, Alexander. See: Mason. Mazzingay, Antino. Seaman, U. S. navy. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Mease, Matthew. Purser, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard". Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. See: Gilbank, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Peter Amiel 1779, Apr. 11. Dick, Alexander to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 19. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22. Jones, John Paul to Benja min Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 25. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 13. Mease, Robert, of Virginia. See: Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Sep. 23. 272 INDEX. Meelony, Thomas. Seaman, U. 8. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. See also: Mullowney. Meheg-an, John. Clergyman and chaplain to Comte d OrviUiers. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 19. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Dec. 21, Dec. 23; 1779, Apr. 30. Meignen, Henry Ange Francois. See: Le Meigneu. Meijer, J . Officer, Siuedish navy. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Mar. 5. See: Thevenet, Andre to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 15. Meinert, . See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 19. " Mellish ". British transport ship. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Philip Brown 1776, Nov. 15, Nov. 25. Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Jan. 16. Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee, Continental Congress. 1777, Jan. 21. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 19. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, May 10. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, May 21. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, June 9. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Com mittee to John Paul Jones 1777, June 18. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Edmond Arrowsmith 1777, July 2. Jones, John Paul to the President of the Continental Con gress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 7, 9. Melmoth, . See: Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1778, May 23. Meyers, Kdwar.l. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. Meyneers, . Merchant, Zealand. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, May 26. See also: Perre, Vander & Meyneers. Meyrant, John. See: May rant. Michateau, . See: Jones, John Paul, Plan for the attack on Leith 1779, Sep. 14. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21, Oct. 23. See also: Mischateau. Middleton, Elijah. Seaman, U. 8. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . Petition to John Paul Jones, See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? Mil, Antoine. Officer, French privateer brigantine "Grandrille". Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 24. "Milford". //. J/. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Plan of evolutions of the Alfred and Milford. 1776?, Xov.? Jones, John Paul to the Continental Con gress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Rev olution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 6, 9. Miller, John. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Miller, . See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Mischateau, Benique Work des Essart. Lieut., U. >V. S. "Pallas". See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. See also. Michateau. Mitchell, John & Co. Notaries public, London. Certificate, See: Ogier, Abraham & Mitchell, John, Certificate 1779, Nov. 19. Mittson, . Capt., French ship of u-ar "St. Meilser". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? INDEX. 273 Moeball, . Colonel. See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 25, Oct. 26. Moiland, James. See: Moylan. Mollony, Thomas. See: Meelony. "Molly" or "Polly". British collier? See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler, Michael Knies and James Beckup 1776, Nov. 25. Jones, John Paul, Xote of the material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Moloney, Thomas. Capt., Irish merchant brigantine "Mayflower". See: Wallace, John, Certificate of payment of duties 1779, Aug. 17-19. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Reuben Chase 1779, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Dona- tieri Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 2-4. See also Meelony. Moncor, Daniel. Seaman, V. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1 785, Sep. 5. Money, John. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. Monier, . See: Mehegan, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 19. De Monplaisir, . Merchant, L Orient. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 19. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moy lan 1779, Nov. 5. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 1. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Apr. 4. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, May 30. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, July 12. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudouin 1780, July 19. " Monsieur ". French privateer. See: Jones, John Paul, Extract of letter to Ben jamin Franklin 1779, July 26. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, Aug. 11. Jones, John Paul to Dona tien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 18. Jones, John Paul to the Captain of the Monsieur. 1779, Aug. 19. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 45, 46. Montaudoiiin Freres. Merchants, Nantes, France. Letter to - - Duplessis 1778, Mar. 19. Montbarey, Alexander Marie Lenor de Saint Mauris, Prince de. Minister of war of France Letter to Edward Stack 1779, Dec. 12. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 1. Monteclair. See: Monteclerc. Monteclerc, Louis Augustin de? Capt., French ship of war "Bisarre". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Monteil, . Capt., French ship of war "Actif". See: Jones, John Paul, Mem orandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Montesquieu?, , Baron de. Major, French army. See: Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan. 1779, Nov. 5. "Montgomery". U. S. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of captains in the navy 1776, Oct. 10. Montgomery, Andrew. Boy, U. S. sloop of war " Dolphin" . See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. 2155103 18 274 INDEX. onthleu, John Joseph. Merchant, Paris. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 17. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 16. Montigny, Jean Baptiste Testard de? See: Basseville, Buisson de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 16. Montmorin Saint-Herem, Armand Marc, Comte de. Minister of foreign affair* of France. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Sep. 15/26. Montplaiser. See: de Monplaiser. Moobray, Richard. Seaman, U. 8. ft. "Alliance ". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Moore, Alexander. Capt., U. S.? sloop " Horn Snake" . See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. Moore, Alexander. Petty officer, U. S. navy. Memorandum to John Paul Jones. See: White, Thomas and four others, Memorandum to John Paul Jones 1779?, Feb.? Garde Marine, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Moran, . French artist. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. Morepas, Jean Frederic Phelypeaux. See: Maurepas. Morg-an, Daniel. Brig, gen., Continental army. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 131. Morgan, . of Bordeaux, France. See: Livingston, Abraham to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 28. Moria, Joseph. Seaman, U.S. navy. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Morice, . Capt. French privateer " Grandville". See: Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, Dec. 15. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Sept. 29. Morrau, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Morris, Robert. Pennsylvania delegate to Continental Congress. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1776, Sep. 4, Oct. 17; 1777, Jan. 12, Jan. 16, Jan. 21, Letter to John Paul Jones, See: United States, Continental Congress, Marino Committee; Morris, Robert, Vice-President 1777, Feb. 1. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Feb. 10, Apr. 7. See: Jones, John to Stuart Mawey 1777, May 4. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, July 15. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, July 28, Aug. 24. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul, Will 1777, Oct. 8. Frazer, John Gizzard to Carter Braxton 1777, Oct. 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Oct. 30. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Oct. 30. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Dec. 11. See: Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Aug. 23. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 13, Nov. 14. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Nov. 15. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 16. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 17. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Brown 1778, Dec. 23. Jones, John Paul to INDEX. 275 Morris, Robert Continued. William Carmichael 1779, Feb. 24. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 13. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 6. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 18. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, June 27. See: Jones, John Paul to Barbantane Hunolstein 1780, Aug. 6. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1780, Sep. 8. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Nov. S. United States superintendent of finance and agent of marine. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding the America 1781, June 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1781, Aug 4. Letter to John Paul Jones and John Langdon 1781, Aug. 24. Letter to John Paul Jones 1781, Sep. 25. See: Jones, John Paul to "Delia", 1781, Dec. 25. Russell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 1. Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 11. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Sep. 4. See: Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 9, Nov. 5. Letter to Elias Boudinot, President, Continental Con gress 1782, Nov. 29. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1782, Nov. 29? United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1782, Dec. 4. United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding John Paul Jones 1782, Dec. 4. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1782, Dec. 7. Vaudreuil, Louis Philippe de Regaud, Marquis de 1783, Apr. 21. See: United States, Con tinental Congress, Marine Office to John Paul Jones 1783, June 23. Memo rial to, See: Jones, John Paul 1783, Oct. 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1783, Nov. 6. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene de La Croix, Mar quis de Castries 1784, Feb. 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1784, Sep. 30. See: Jones, John Paul, Extraitdu Journal * * * de la Revolution Amer- icaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 10, 101, 108. See also: United States, Continental Congress, Marine Office, and Willing & Morris. Morris, Thomas. United Slates agent at Xantes. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Oct. 30. Read, John K. to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 28. Late United States agent at Nantes. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Aug. 23. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 8. Jones, John Paul to Arthur Lee 1778, Nov. 21. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. United States, Continental Con gress, Resolve on the memorial of Samuel Nicholson 1788, July 2. Morris, William. American prisoner. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778. May 26. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 26. Morrison, . See : Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Morrow, John. See: Morrau. Morton, Countess of. See: Jones, John Paul to Dunbar Hamilton, Douglas, 4th Earl of Selkirk, 1784, Feb. 12. "Mosquito". U. S. sloop of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Mowbray, Richard. See: Moobray. Moylan, James. Merchant and United States commercial agent at L Orient. See: Thompson, Thomas to John Gizzard Frazer 1777, Dec. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 12, Mar. 24, May 10, May 12. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug, 14, Aug. 21, Aug. 24. McNeill, Hector to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 4. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Oct. 4. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. See: Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 10. See: Jones, 276 INDEX. Moylan, James Continued. John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Nov. 11. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 14. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to Hector McNeill 1778, Nov. 15. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 30. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jonea 1778, Dec. 17. Mehegan, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 19. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1779, Jan. 2. Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. Gilbank, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Peter Ainiel 1779, Apr. 11. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Williams, Jona than to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22. Wharton, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 28. Fitz-Maurice, , Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 20. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 18, Oct. 18. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 13, Dec 17. Neuf- ville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17, Dec. 18. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 25. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, Mar. 23. Jones, John Paul to Nathan Blodgett 1780, Apr. 12. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 17, May 12. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1780, July 5. Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 1780, Sep. 9. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 19. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade 1780, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 1780, Nov. 7. Adams, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Aug. 12. See also: Gourlade & Moylan. Moylan, John. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Moyland, James. See: Moylan. Mullony, Thomas. See: Meelony. Mullowney, Thomas. Formerly petty officer of the U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard." Letter to John " Pawll " Jones 1779, Oct. 16. See also: Meelony. Mumford, Thomas. See: Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. Munroe, . See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 3. Murison, - -. See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Musnier, - . Lawyer, Nancy, France. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Mav 18. 1ST Nach?, Samuel. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Nalander, Henry. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Nantes, Pierre Vinet de. Lieut., French brigantine of war "Vengeance". See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Nash.?, Samuel. See: Nach. Nassau Saarbruck, Princesse Donairiere de. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 22. Nassau-Siegen, Charles Henri Nicolas Othon, Prince de. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 24. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Sep. 9. Jones, John Paul to " Le Baron de Franklin" 1778, Sep. 25. Jones, John Paul to Edward INDEX. 277 Nassau-Siegen, Charles Henri Nicolas Othoii, Prince de Continued. Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. Jones, John Paul to Louis XVI 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1778, Nov. 13. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Pee: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolu tion Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 30. Nassau-Siegen, - , Princesse de. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Alexis Pierre Brulart, Comte de Genlis 1778, Sep. 21. Navy, Continental. See: United States, Navy, Continental. Neale, William. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Neall, Jehu. Seaman, U.S. 8. Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Neif, Ary de. Capt., Dutch merchant brigantine "Serkenbosch" . See: Livingston, Robert R. to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 20. Deposition regarding cap ture of the Berkenbosch 1780, Aug. 4. Neikelson, Daniel. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Nesbitt, John Maxwell. Continental agent in Pennsylvania. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1776, Apr. 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 5. Nesbitt, Jonathan. Banker, L Orient, France. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 18. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1780, Nov. 11. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Nov. 20. Jones, John Paul to Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of Selkirk 1784, Feb. 12. Nesbitt, Redmond? See: Conyingham & Nesbitt. Neufville, John de. Merchant, Amsterdam. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 5. Dumas, Charles \Villiam Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 1, Nov. 5, Dec. 27; 1780, Jan. 16. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 13. See also: Neufville, John de & Son. Neufville, John de & Son. Merchants, Amsterdam and agents/or refitting John Paul Jones s squadron. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 5. See: Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 9. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 11. Capellen, John Dirck, Baron Vander to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 13. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Oct. 18. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 19, Oct. 20, Oct. 21 (three). See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Landais, Peter, Orders to James Arthur Degge 1779, Oct. 22. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 23, Oct. 25 (two), Oct. 26, Oct. 27, Oct. 28. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Nov. 3, Nov. 5. See: Jones, John Paul, Order to Jacob Hoogland 1779, Nov. 15. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul . 1779, Dec. 3. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 6, Dec. 7. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 7. See: Park, Alexander to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 11. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 13. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. Letter to John Paul Jones 278 INDEX. Neufville, John <le & Son Continued. 1779, Dec. 15, Dec. 17 (two). Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 17. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Dec.? 17. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec, 18. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 19. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 20, Dec. 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 21. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 25. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 27; 1780, Jan. Hi. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 28, Feb.? See: Mayrant, John to John Paul Jones 1780?, Feb.? Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 13. See: Jones, John Paul to John Mayrant 1780, July 23. Facteur Boek 1779-81. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Oct. 12. See also: Neufville, John de. Newberry, . See: Jones, John Paul to John Plaince 1779, Mar. 9. New Hampshire, Legislative; General Court. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Aug. 24. Committee of Safety. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Aug. 29. House of Representatives. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Sep. 20. Executive; Weare, Meshech, President. See: Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones and John Langdon 1781, Aug. 24. Nicholson, Daniel. See: Neikelson. Nicholson, James. Capt., U.S.S. "Virginia". See: United States, Continental Con gress, Establishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Simp son, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 26. Thompson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 26. Nicholson, Samuel. Lieut., commanding U. S. sloop of var " Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. Capt., U. 8. nary. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 8. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 15. United States, Continental Congress, Resolve on memorial of Samuel Nicholson 1788, July 2. Letter to Benjamin Walker 1788, Aug. 2. Nicolas, Samuel. Capt., U. 8. marines. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, Apr. 14. Nicolson, Murray, Comte? de. See: Charlary, - to John Paul Jones 1780, May 14? Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?, Thursday. Nicolson, , Comtesse de. See: Rouel, - - to John Paul Jones 1780, June 21. Nicolson, AVilliam. See: Puy Segur, Armand Marie Jacques deChastenet, Marquis de to John Paul Jones 1780, June 2. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Nov. 18. Nierret Ponte, . Capt., French ship of rear "Dauphin Royel" . See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec? Nixon, John. Continental agent in Pennsylvania. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1776, Apr. 23. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sept. 1. Noddle, Peter. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Nolde, Peter. See: Noddle. "Nonesuch". //. M. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Comtesse de Bourbon de La Vendahl 1780, Sept. 21. North, Frederick, Lord. Prime minister of Great Britain. See: Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 16. Secretary of State, Home Depart ment. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 18 INDEX. 279 Northumberland, Hugh Percy?, Duke of. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Jour nal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 52. Nourse, Joseph. Registrar of the U. S. Treasury. Endorsement of settlement of an arc-omit, See: Jones, John Paul, Account against the Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1780, June 25. Noyes, Paul. Xeatnan, U. S. ft. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Nutter, Jacob. Quartermaster, U. S . ,V. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. O Oakley, . of Pennsylvania. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 13, Aug. 18, Aug. 24? O Connaly, Maurice. See: O Connell. O Connell, Maurice. Capt., U. S. marines, U.8.S. "Pallas". See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. At wood, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Odea, . See: Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 19, Dec. 21, Dec. 23. Ogden, Alexander. See: Ogden, Ell. Ogden, Ell. 3d sergt., U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Ogden, . See: Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Oct. 4. Ogier, Abraham & Mitchell, John. Notaries public, London. Certificate that Tobias Atkinson is a notary public. See: Scott, Thomas & Scott, John, Affidavit 1779, Xov. 19. O Kelly, James Gerald. $nb-Ueut., Walsh s Irish regiment, French army. See: Walsh- Serrant, Francois Jacques, Comte de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 14. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, June 18. Nesbitt, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, June 18. Okley, . See: Oakley. Olney, Joseph. Capt., U. S. brig "Cabot". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Manley, John and others, Uniform dress for the navy 1777, Mar, O Nelye, See: DeVelye. D Or, Madame la Presidents. See: D Ormoy. D Orange, Guillaume Gorges Frederic, Prince. Stadt holder of Holland. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 70, 72. Orange Valley Estate. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Ordeorne, Joseph. Mate, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll of 1777, Apr.-June. 280 INDEX. "Orient". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Pavl, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Orford, Edward Russell, Earl of. See: Russell. D Orleans, Louis Philippe?, Due. Lt. gen., French army. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Oct. 25. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Nov. 20. See also: Chartres Louis Philippe, Due de. D Ormoy, Madame la Presidente. See: De Monplaisir, - to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?, May 16, May 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Sep. 13, Oct. 16, Dec. 12. O Reily, Charles. Seaman U. & >S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Orr, John. Gunner s mate, U. S. >$ . "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Orrey, . Captain. See: Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. D Orvilliers, Louis Guillouet, Comte. Admiral, French navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Mar. 31. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, May 10. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. Jones, John Paul to the United States Commissioners to France 1778, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Charles Henri Nicolas Othon, Prince de Nassau-Siegen 1778, Aug. 24. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 28. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Sep. 6. Jones, John Paul to Louis Phillipe, Due de Chartres 1778, Sep. 9. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Sep. 13. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1778, Sep. 16. Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe, Due de Chartres 1778, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Baron de Franklin 1778, Sep. 30. Jones, John Paul to Louis XVI 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1778, Nov. 13. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1779, Apr. 30. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 2. See: Baussett, , le Chevalier to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 22. Jones, John Paul to Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes 1780, Aug. 2. Commanding French nhip of war "Esprit". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18, Mar. 6. Van Berckel, E. P., Statement regarding cruise of John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 10. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 16, 19, 30, 31, 32, 33, 44, 48. D Owes, Thomas? Capt., French ship of war " Conquer ant ". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Ozal, Eliha. teaman, V. /S". S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. P Pacroffe, Edward. See: Bancroft. Palisair, Sir Hugh. See: Palliser. Pall, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. INDEX. 281 "Pallas", r. 8. sltip of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Frank lin 1779, July 1. Jones, John Paul, Order in blank to attend a court mar tial 1779, Aug. 7? Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul, Plan for the attack upon Leith 1779, Sep. 14. Bon Homme Richard, Account of engagement with the Set-apis. 1779, Sep. 23-25. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Oct. 5. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Oct. 18. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 20, Oct. 21. Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. Jones, John Paul to Alexander Park 1779, Dec. 3. Filkin, Richard to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Jones, John Paul, Report to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 12. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 14. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Apr. 13. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 37, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 56, 57, 58, 71, 117. Jones, John Paul, Account submitted to Continental Congress 1786, July 7. Palliser, Sir Hugh. Vice admiral of the blue, British navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 24. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 27. Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 16. "Palmier". See: Palmier. "Palsnier". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Pancrofft, Edward. See: Bancroft. Paptist, Michael. Cook, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Parich, Richard. Seaman U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Parish, Jean? French officer. See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 26, Dec. 6, Dec. 7, Dec. 25. Parish, Richard. See: Parich. Park, Alexander. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 3. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 11. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 13. Parke, Mathew. Capt., U. 8. marines. See: Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, June 9. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Edmond Arrowsmith 1777, July 2. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, July 2, July 27. See: Jones, John Paul to Daniel Tillinghast 1777, Aug. 8. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Aug. 24. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to John Bradford 1777, Sep. 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 19. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, Aug. 15. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial 1779, July 28- Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of a 282 INDEX. Parke, Mathevv Continued. court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in cane of 1779, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, June 20. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Parker, Hyde. Post captain, British navy. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Jour nal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 5. Parks, Mathew. See: Parke. Pascal?, . See: Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. "Patience". British merchant ship. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Solomon Lowd 1778, Apr. 28. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11, Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Oct. 26-29. Patten, John. Garde Marine, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Patten, William. Seaman, U. S. S. " Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Pattison, Prince. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Paul, Alexander. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Paul, Elizabeth. See: Jones, John Paul, Will 1777, Oct. 8. Paul, Jeanne Macduff. Wife of John Paul and mother of John Paul Jones. See: Jones, John Paul to Stuart Mawey 1777, May 4. Jones, John Paul, Will 1777, Oct. 8. Paul?, John. See: Pall. Pavilion, , Chevalier. See: Du Pavilion. Pearson, Richard. Capt., formerly of If. M.S. "Serapis". See: Bon Homme Richard, Account of engagement with the Serapis 1779, Sep. 23-25. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1 779, Oct. 3. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 9. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 11. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon 1779, Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 1, Nov. 5. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. Filkin, Richard to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Neuf- ville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 17. Jones, John Paul, Report to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 12. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas, 1780, Sep. 8. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Jour nal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 54, 55, 56, 61, 75. Peltier, du Dover, ^ferchant, Nantes, France. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 21. Pennington, Miles. Capt., U. S. marines, U. S. S. "Reprisal". See: Elliott, John, Certificate to James Read 1778, Nov. 24. Peri, . Foreman?, Espirent villes boisnet s foundry. See: Chaumont, Pi mar Leray de to Espivent villes boisnet 1779, Feb. 11. INDEX. 283 Perre, Vander. Merchant, Holland. See: Dumas, Charles William Frede rick to John Paul Jones 1780, May 26. Perre, Vander & Meyneers. Merchant*, Middleburgh, Zealand, and otcners of briga)i- tine " Serkenbosch" . See: Neif, Ary de Deposition 1780, Aug. 4. Perry, Jeremiah. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Peter, James. Gunner, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Petit, Jean, burgeon, U. S. S. "Pallax". See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxil- liary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Petrie, Stephen? See Petrie, Baron de. Petrie, , Baron de. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 24. Petters, Joseph. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Hancock". See: McNeill, Hector, Order to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. Picquet, La Motte. Admiral, French navy. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13. See: Carmichael, William to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13, Feb. 14. Laporte, to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 20. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1778, Mar. 31. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, May 12. Jones, John Paul, Memo randum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 15. Piercey, William. Capt., formerly of II. M. sloop "Countess of ScarborougJi" . See: Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 9. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 52. Piercy, , Lord. See: Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Pierre, James. See: Peter. Piersey, William. See: Piercey. Pigot, John? Admiral, British navy. See: Jones, John, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 110. Pigott, John. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Pild, Ebenezer. Armourer, U. S. S. " Alliance." See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785. Sep. 5. Pitcher, Jonathan. Lieut., U. S. navij. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 2. Jones, John Paul to Hector McNeill 1778, Nov 17. Pittre, . P>oy, U. 8. doop of irar "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-.lune. Plaince, John. Capt., merchant vessel of Cork, Ireland. See: Jones, John Paul to Stuart Mawey 1777, May 4. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Mar. 9. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Mar. 9. Plaince, , Miss, of Cork, Ireland. See: Jones, John Paul to John Plaince 1779, Mar. 9. Platt, Samuel. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Plumer, Joseph. Seaman, P. S. S. "Alliance ". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. 284 INDEX. "Pluton". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Extraitdu Journal * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 109, 112. Poircy, . See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Apr. 10. "Polly" or "Molly". British collier? See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler, Michael Knies and James Beckup 1776, J^ov. 25. Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Ponte, de Xierret. See: de Nierret Ponte. Pontgebon, . See: Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1780, Sep. 19. Pool, Fitch. Captain s clerk, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Towers, Eobert, Proceed ings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Min utes of court martial 1779, July 29, Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Ros- seau, Jean, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 31. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1 785, Sep. 5. Poole, . British merchant, owner of " De Verwagting", See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont. 1779, Aug. 18. Poor, Joseph. Seaman, U.S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Poor Richard". See: Bon Homme Richard. Porter, . U. 8J marine, "Bon Homme Richard" . See: Wybert, Antoine Felix, Deposition of Joseph Gallois forwarded to John Paul Jones 1779, July 27. "Portland". Whaling sloop. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. "Portland". //. M. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Potemkin, Gregor Alexandrovitch, Prince. Field marshal and commander in chief, Russian army. See: Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Metier, Marquis de Lafayette 1788, June 15/26. Potter, Thomas. Midshipman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Mid shipman, U. S. navy. See: Serapis, Petty officers, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 31. Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Dale, Richard, to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Pottod, Thomas. See: Potter. Powers, J. Pierce. Midshipman, U. S. S. "Ranger". See: Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries at the court of Versailles 1778, May 27. Pravo, Cape. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. Pravo, Rainey. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war, "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. Pravo. See also: Provo. Prevalye, Pierre Dumas, Marquis de la. See: La Prevalye Prikand, Richard. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance; Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Prince de Soubise". French privateer. See: Meijer, J to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13. Thevenet, Andre to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 15. INDEX. 285 "Providence". U. f>. brig of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 19. Eathbun, John P. and Grinnell, William, Report to John Paul Jones 1776, July 16. United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Account rendered to John Paul Jones of pro visions on board " when we sailed" 1776, Xov. 1. Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum regarding the Diamond 1777, Jan. 15. Jones, John Paul to the Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1777, Jan. 21. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee; Morris, Robert, Vice President to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 1. Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 11. Thaxter, Adam AV. to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 24. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 28. Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 19. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, May 10. Bradford, John to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Xesbitt, John Maxwell to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 5. Jones, John Paul to Daniel Tillinghast 1777, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to John Bradford 1777, Sep. 10. Jones, John Paul to John Langdon 1777, Oct. 11. Jones, John Paul, Certificate of service of Benja min Hill 1778, Aug. 18. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug 23. Jones, John Paul to "Le Baron de Franklin" 1778, Sep. 25. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 96. Provo, Petre. Marine, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin . See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr. -June. Provo. See also: Pravo. Pringle, J- -. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 17. Prussia, Crown, Frederick II, King. See: Jones, John Paul to Madame la Presi- dente d Ormoy 1780, Dec. 12. Purch Fils & Co. Bankers, Paris. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Aug. 7, Sep. 23. Puy Segur, Antoine Hyacinthe Anne? Officer, French navy. See: Puy Segur, Ar- mand Marie Jacques de Chastenet, Marquis de. Puy Segur, Armand Marie Jacques de Chastenet, Marquis de? Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 2. Q Quartre, - . Boy, U. S. sloop of war, "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. "Queen of France". U. S. ship of war. See: Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 96. Quincy, Josiah. Col., of Braintree, Massachusetts. See: AVendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. 286 INDEX. Rackleyft, Joseph. See: Rateliffe. "Raleig-h". U. X. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Feb. 10. United States, Continental Con gress, Marine Committee to William Whipple, John Langdon and John Paul Jones 1777, June 18. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, July 28. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to the General Court of New Hampshire 1777, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to the Committee of Safety of New Hampshire 1777, Aug. 29. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 12. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 96. "Randolph". T. V. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1778, May 23. Jones, John Paul to the United States Commissioners to France 1778, Aug. 15. Treglohn, Philip to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. "Ranger". U. ,V. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee to John Paul Jones 1777, June 18 and to William Whipple, John Langdon and John Paul Jones 1777, June 18. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 2. Jones, John Paul to Louis Daniel Charrier 1777, July 3. Jones, John Paul to William Whipple 1777, July 3. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, July 15, July 26. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 27. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, July 28. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Jones, John Paul to the General Court of New Hampshire 1777, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Aug. 24. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 25, Aug. 28. Jones, John Paul to the Com mittee of Safety of New Hampshire 1777, Aug. 29. United States. Conti nental Congress, Navy Board, Eastern Division to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 4. Jones, John Paul to John Bradford 1777, Sep. 10. Jones, John Paul to the House of Representatives of New Hampshire 1777, Sep. 20. Gardner, William to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to John Langdon 1777, Oct. 11. Frazer, John Gizzard to Carter Braxton 1777, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Oct. 30. Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 19, Dec. 21, Dec. 23, Dec. 26. Franklin, Benjamin; Deane, Silas and Lee, Arthur to Jonathan Williams 1778, Jan. 10. Charrier, Louis to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 8. Picquet, la Motte to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 24. See: Bersolle, , Charges made on Ranger 1778, Apr. 1. See: Laporte, to Guillot 1778, Apr. 7. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to L Avigne Buisson 1778, Apr. 27. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Solomon Lowd 1778, Apr. 28. Jones, John Paul to the Countess of Selkirk 1778, May 8. Letter of officers and crew to John Paul Jones 1778, May 13. See: Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries to the court of Versailles 1778, May 27. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, June 1. Jones, John Paul, Extract of letter to Henry Grand 1778, July 12. Jones, John Paul to George Washington 1778, Aug. 6. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul, Certificate of services of Benjamin Hill 1778, Aug. 18. INDEX. 287 "Rang-er" Continued. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 24. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Sep. 6. Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartres 1778, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Louis XVI 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1778, Nov. 13. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul to Arthur Lee 1778, Nov. 21. AVhitall Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Jones, John Paul to Arthur Lee 1779, May 3. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 7, June 10. Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Con gress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul to J - Meijer 1780, Mar. 5. Jones, John Paul, Certificate of service of J Meijer 1780, Mar. 5. Thevenet, Andre to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 15. Jones, John Paul, Account against the Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1780, June 25. United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 21. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of Selkirk 1784, Feb. 12. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 11, 12, 20-31, 33, 96, 123. Ratcliffe, Joseph. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. ]2. Le Roy, Julien David to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 6? Rathbun, John P. 1st I lent., U. 8. 8. "Alfred". Report to John Paul Jones ( joint report with William Grinnell) 1776, July 16. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1776, Nov. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 25. See: Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. Tillinghast, Henry Hendren to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 4, Mar. 14. Rayment, . Seaman?, U. 8. S. Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regula tions 1780, Jan. 3. Raymond? See: Rayment. Rayneval, Conrad Alexandre Gerard de. Secretary to the Comte de Vergennes. See: Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. French minister to the United States. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 35. De Razelly?, . Capt., French ship of war "Ereille". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Read, James. )f ember, Continental nary board, middle district. Certificate to, See: Elliott, John 1778, Nov. 24. Secretary, Marine office, Continental Congress. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1783, June 23. Read, John K. Physician, Goochland county, Virginia. Letter to John Paul Jones 1775, Oct. 13; 1778, Feb. 28. See: Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Nov. 9. Read, - , Mrs. Wife of John K. See: Read, John K. to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 28. Read, Thomas. Capt., U. S. S. "Washington". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Capt., U.S. nary. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 18. Read, . Paymaster, U. S. navy? See: Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Tillinghast, Henry Hendren to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 14. 288 INDEX. Reals, - . Copt., French ship of war "Pahnier". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Reed, John. Cupt., U. S. brig. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Reimersma, . Commodore, Dutch nary. See: Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 1. Formerly commandant of the Texel. See: Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 5. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 21. Van Berckel, E P , State ment regarding the cruise of John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 10. Reis, Dejazet. Captain Pasha, Turkish navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1788, June 15/26. Renaud, . French artist. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Aug. 29/Sep. 9. "Renommee". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 24, Sep. 9. "Reprisal". U. S. brig of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Elliott, John, Certificate to James Read 1778, Nov. 24. United States, Continental Con gress, Resolve on memorial of Samuel Nicholson 1788, July 2. "Retaliation". V. S. merchant ship. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. " Retterlsy "?. French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Reynst, P H . Vice-admiral, Dutchnavy. See: Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Linoncourt 1779, Dec. 17. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 17, Dec. 21. Van Berckel, E P , Statement regarding cruise of John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 10. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 70, 72, 73. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Aug. 29/Sep. 9. Rhode Island, Council of War. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, May 30. Rhodes, William. Jst mate?, French merchant ship "Luzerne". See: Jones. John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 1. Rhynst, See: Reynst. Rice, Alpheus. Servant, U. S. brig "Cabot." Letter to John Paul Jones 1776, Aug. 9. Richards, Thomas. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones, See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug. ? Richards, - . See: Hinman, Elisha, to John Paul Jones 1777, June 28. Richardson, James. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Ricot, Philippe Nicolas. Capt., U. S. brigantine of war "Vengeance". See: Jones. John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. See: Towers, Robert, Proceed ings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 30. INDEX. 289 Ricot, Philippe Nicolas Continued. Melutyre, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 9. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Aug. 13, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul t<> Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, Oct. 28. Rieuse, . .1 ii-idow, L Orient, France. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 4, May 10. Rion, . See: Bersolle, , Charges made against the ship Ranger 1778, Apr. 1. Ranger, Officers and crew of to John Paul Jones 1778, May 13. Meijer, J to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13. Rions, D Albert de. See: Jones, John Paul to John Walsh 1779, May 19. Riper, . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Ritchie, Robert, of Philadelphia. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2. Roach, Edward. Capt., merchant brigantine " Three Friends" . See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1 779, July 2. Roach, John. Capt., U. 8. nary. See: United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee to William Whipple, John Langdon and John Paul Jones 1777, June 18. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 2. Fra- zer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, July 15. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Robbins, James. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr.-June. Robbinson. See: Robinson. De Roberdeau, . Captain. See: Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartres 1780, Sep. 22. Jones, John Paul to Priucesse Donairiere de Nassau Saarbriick 1780, Sep. 22. Roberts, William. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Robertson, Alexander. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Robertson, John Calvin. Boatswain, C. 8. 8. "Ranger". See: Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 19, Dec. 23. Robeson, Isaiah. See: Robinson. Robeson, William. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Nov. 23. Robinson, Arthur. Petty officer, U.S.nacy. See: Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 1780, Xov. 7.. Garde Marine, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Robinson, Isaiah. Capt., { . 8. brig "Andrea Doria". See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Sep. 4. United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Robinson, James? Capt., formerly of C. 8. privateer "Sachem". See: Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 20. Robinson, James. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Alfred". See: Hopkins, Esek, Order to John Paul Jones 1776, Oct. 22. Robinson, John. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alfred". See: Hopkins, Esek, Order to John Paul Jones 1776, Oct. 22. Robinson, Josiah. See: Robinson, Isaiah. 2155103 19 290 INDEX. Robinson, Robert. M aster?, United Slates nary. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 10. Robinson, Robert? Lieut., U. S. marines, U. 8. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Wybert, Antoine Felix, Deposition of Joseph Gallois forwarded to John Paul Jones 1779, July 27. Jones, John Paul, Order in blank to attend a court martial 1779, Aug. 7? Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Robison, Alexander. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Robison. See: Robinson. "Robuste". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Roch, Stephen. Merchant, Limerick, Ireland. See: Wallace, John, Certificate of payment of duties 1779, Aug. 17-18. Roch. See also: Roche. Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeure, Comte de. Lt. gen., and com mander in chief, French army in America. See: Hunolstein, Barbantane to John Paul Jones 1780, June 10. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. (iorernor of Picardy and Artois. See: Jones, John Paul, Cer tificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. Roche, John. Copt., f* X. nary. See: Manley, John and others, Uniform dress for the navy 1777, Mar. Roche, Philip. Merchant, Limerick, Ireland. See: Wallace, John, Certificate of pay ment of duties 1779, Aug. 17-18. Roche. See also: Roch. Rodney, George Brydges. Vice-admiral and commander in chief, British feet in the West Indies. See: Adams, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 12. Admiral, British navy. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 8. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 74. Rogers, Chase. Cooper, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Rogers, Eleph. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Rogers, Francis. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Rogers, James. See Gallagher, Bernard, to John Paul Jones 1776, Nov. 3. Rogers, Samuel. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Rogers, Zakariah. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Roland". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Rolef, Cover. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Ros, Charles. See: Ross. Rose, . See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 25. De Rosily, . Capt., French ship of war "Espiegle". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? INDEX. 291 Ross, Charles. Master of the snow "Hetty". See: Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Boss, Charles. Seaman, U. 8. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Boss, George, of Pennsylvania. See: Nesbitt, John Maxwell to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 5. Ross, John, i nitetl Stales commercial agent at Xantes. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 11, Apr. 2. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 12. See: Moylau, James to John Paul Jones 1778, May 12. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 17 (two), May 19. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 6. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11, Oct. 20. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Oct. 26-29. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 8. See: Jones, John Paul to Hector McXeill 1778, Nov. 15. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 15. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 23. See: Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 27. Letter from informant at Bordeaux 1778, Xov. . Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 3. Letter from Informant at Bordeaux 1778, Dec. 5? Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Dec. 14. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 17. See: Jones, John Paul to Jon athan Williams 1778, Dec. 21. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Jan. 2. See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 22. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 13. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Aug. 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 5. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 16. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 26. Jones, John Paul to John Green 1779, Dec. 4. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 15. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 15. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1779, Dec. 15. Jones, John Paul to John de Neufville & Son 1779, Dec. 17. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 18. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 25. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Mar. 3. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 12. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 14. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Mar. 23. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Mar. 23. Extract of letter to, See: Carmichael, William 1780, Mar.? See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 17. Jones, John Paul, to Comtesse de Bour bon? de La Vendahl 1780, June 7. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 10. See: Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1780, Sep. 19. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Jan. 8, Jan. 22. See: Russell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 1. Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 17. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, June 26. See: Jones, John Paul to William Short 1788, Sep. 15/26. Rosseau, Claude. French volunteer f, I". S. S. " Bon Homme Richard". See: Ros- seau, Jean, Minutes of court martial of 1779, July 30. 292 INDEX. Rosseau, Jean. French volunteer, U.S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Minutes of court martial of 1779, July 30. Rouel, . French artist. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 21. Rouzeau, L Abbe de. Secretary to the Lone of the Xine Sinters. See: Grand, Henry to John Paul Jones 1780, May 28. "Royal Georg-e". Jf. M. ship of ? ?-. /.See: La Yendahl, , Comte de to John Paul Jones 1780, May? 23. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. De Rreals, - . Capt., French ship of war " Maanifique ". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Rucker, . See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 25. Rumley, John. Seaman, I . S. S. "Bon Homme Richard" . Petition to John Paul Jones. See: Atwood, John and others. Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? Russel, Lewis. Seaman, T. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Russell, Daniel. Steward, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 26. See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Russell, Edward, P^arl of Orford. Late admiral, British na/ i/. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Russell, Nathaniel. Merchant, Boston. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Livingston, Abraham to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 28. Russell, Thomas. Merchant, Boston. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 1. See: Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 11, Apr. 17. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1782, June 26. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1782, Nov. 3. McNeill, Hector to John Paul Jones 1783, June 11. Russia, Crown, Catherine, Empress. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 11, Mar. 25. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1788, June 15,26. Rust, Stephen. Midshipman, f*. S. brig "Providence". Memorial to Hoysted Hacker, See: Thaxter, Adam W. and others, Memorial to Hoysted Hacker 1776, Nov. 14. See: Jarvis, Jeonard to John Paul Jones 1777, June 23. Ryan, Andrew. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. S Saarbriick, Princesse de Nassau. See: Nassau Saarbriick. Sadler, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Sainsbury, Thomas. Justice of the peace, London. Signature, See: Scott, Thomas & Scott, John, Affidavit 1779, Nov. 19. St. Clair, Arthur. Governor, Northivest Territory. See: Jones, John Paul to William Short 1788, Sep. 15/26. "St. Esprit". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? St. Garion, . Capt., French ship of uur "Danee". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? INDEX. 293 De St. Georges, . Lieut. <>f grenadiers, French nnny. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780?. Dee.? St. Julien, - , Madame de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780. May 17, May 28. "StMeilser". French ship of -war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Saint Simon, Claude Henri, Comte de. Endorsement of certificate, See: Jones, John Paul, Certificate to Edward Stack 1785, Apr. 13. St.Valert, Nicolas Lajoille de. Lieut., U. 8. brigantine of war " Vengeance". See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Salomons, E T . Merchant, L 1 Orient, France. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Saltonstall, Dudley, f apt., V. S. X "Trumbull". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Capt., U. X nanj. See: Hopkins, Esek, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 14. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 28. Mauley, John and others, Uniform dress for the navy 1777, Mar. Livingston, Abraham to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 26. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Sanders, Robert. M idxhlptnan, T . S. S. "Alfred". Account rendered to John Paul Jones of "Provisions in the Alfred when we sailed from Rhode Island" 1776, Nov. 14. Lieut. , U. X X "Alfred" and prizemaster of tlie "John", Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul. 1776, Dec. 8. See: Jones, John Paul. Orders to Samuel Tyler 1776, Dec. 8. Lieut., U. S. navy. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1 779, Dec. 7. Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl. First lord of tlie admiralty, (treat .Britain. See: Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 16. "Saratoga." I . S. ship of imr. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal de la Revolution Amerieaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 96. Sarnain, John. 1st se rat., l r . S. X "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Sarsfield, . Comte. Invitation to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 27. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 15. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean (iualbert Gabriel de. Minixter of marine of France. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Mar. 31. Letter to L Avigne Buis- son 1778, Apr. 27. Plan for expeditions submitted to, See: Jones, John Paul, Plan for expeditions submitted to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee, and to Antoine de Sartine 1 778, June 5. See: Jones, John Paul to George Washington 1778, Aug. 6. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Aug. 24. Jones. John Paul to Charles Henri Nicolas Othon, Prince de Nassau-Siegen 1778, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Louis Guillouet, Comte d Orvilliers 1778, Aug. 28. Jones, John Paul, Extract of letter to Benjamin Franklin 1 778, Sep. 4. Jones, John Paul to John Roes 1 778, Sep. 6. Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartres 1778, Sep. 9. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Sep. 11. Letterto, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 13. "See: Jones, John Paul to Donatieri Leray de Chaumont 1778, Sep. 16. Jones, John Paul to Louis Philippe Joseph, Due de Chartres 1778, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul to "Le Baron de Franklin" 1778, Sep. 25, Sep. 30. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4, Oct. 7. Jones, John Paul to Louis 294 INDEX. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Continued. Alexandre, Due de La Rochefoucauld 1778, Oct. 9. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 16. Jones, John Paul to Louis XVI 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Oc*-. 19. Jones, John Paul to Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, Duchesse de Chartres 1778, Oct. 19. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Oct. 26-29. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 28. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1778, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 31. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1 778, Nov. 1 1 . Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1778, Nov. 13, Nov. 14. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chau mont 1778, Dec. 7, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Dec. 21. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Jan. 6. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum for Germain?, Comte Gamier 1779, Jan. 21. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 4. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Feb. 6. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to Espivent villes boisnet 1779, Feb. 11. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Let ter to Germain?, Comte Gamier 1779, Apr. 3. See: Amiel, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779. Apr. 9. Gamier, Germain?, Comte to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 1. See: Lee, Arthur to John Paul Jones 1 779, May 8. Letter to Donatien Leray de Chau mont 1779, June 2. See: D Orvilliers, Louis Guillouet, Comte to John Paul Jones 1779, June 2. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 10, June 13. Extract of letter to Antoine Jean Marie Thevenard 1779, June 14. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 1. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, July 8. Chaumont, Dona tien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 19. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 28. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, July 28. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Aug. 11. See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 18, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Yauguyon 1779, Oct. 5. Cottineaude Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 9. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1770. Oct. 15. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to Samuel Huntington, President, Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 21. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Apr. 10. Letter to Samuel Huntington, President, Continental Con gress 1780, May 30. Memorandum to. See: Jones, John Paul 178<\ May 30. Letter to Benjamin Franklin 1780, June 3. See: Franklin, William Temple to John Paul Jones 1780, June 4. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, June 21. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, June 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 28. See: Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 5. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 10. See: Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudouin 1780, July 19. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 19. Baudouin, Cheva lier de to John Paul Jones 1780, July 27. Genet, Fraijeois de to John Paul Jones 1780, July 30. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Maurepas, Jean Frederic Phelypeaux, Comte de to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. Ex-minister of marine of INDEX. 295 Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Continued. France. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1781, Feb. 27; Resolution regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 27. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1 781 , Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18, Mar. 26, Apr. 13. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 16, 30, 31, 34, 39, 77, 93, 120, 124, 129. Saunders, Robert. See: Sanders. "Savage". //. M. sloop of var. See: Xeif, Ary de, Deposition 1780, Aug. 4. Sazerac, Louis 1 aine et tils. See: Sezerae. Schmid. See: Shmid. Schot, . of Amsterdam. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dee. 7. Schweighauser, John D. United States deputy agent fur prizes in Brittany. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 12, May 19. Adams, John; Lee, Arthur and Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1778, May 25, Wil liams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 15, Nov. 21; 1779, Apr. 22. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1779, Apr. 30. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, May 12. Jones, John Paul to J - Meijer 1780, Mar. 5. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Schweighauser Family. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 29. Scotland, Leith. Planned attack on. See: Jones, John Paul, Plan for the attack upon Leith 1779, Sep. 14. Jones, John Paul, Instructions to Paul de Chamillard 1779, Sep. 14. Jones, John Paul to the Provost of Leith 1779, Sep. 14. Jones, John Paul, Articles of capitulation to be presented to the city of Leith 1779, Sep. 14-17. Scott, Alexander. Same as Scott, Thomas, q. v. Scott, John. Merchant, London. See: Scott, Thomas & Scott, John. Scott, Thomas. Merchant, London. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 19. Letter to, See: Jones. John Paul 1779, Oct. 30. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Nov. 3. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Nov. 19. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 3. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Dec. 3. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 7. See also: Scott, Thomas & Co. ; Scott, Thomas & Scott, John. Scott, Thomas & Co. Merchant*, London. Bill against John Paul Jones for amounts paid William Jackson, See: Scott, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 19. Scott, Thomas Scott, John. Merchants, London. Affidavit of truth of Thomas Scott s account against John Paul Jones 1779, Xov. 19. Scott, William. Seaman, U. > . ,s f . "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Scott, . See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Scudman, Joseph. See: Sendman. "Sea Flower". <_ anxt> scliuoner. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Seaman, . See: Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 11. Seamons, Martin. Sheriff, Prondein e, Rhode Inland. Certification. See: Tilling- hast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, June 17. 296 INDEX. "Sea Nymph". British merchant? brigantine. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Sep. 4, Oct. 17. Nesbitt, John Maxwell to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 5. Sears, Isaac. Merchant, Boston. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 20. Seaward, . See: Jones, John Paul to John Bradford 1777, Sep. 10. Secaton, . Manager of Archibald Stuart s extate in Tobago?. See: Jones, John Paul to Stuart Mawey 1777, May 4. Secondat, . See: Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, Nov. 5. See also Montesquieu, Baron de. Segur, Louis Philippe, Cointe de. French ambassador to Russia. Letter to Edward Stack 1785, Feb. 27. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 25, Sep. 15/26. Segur. See also: Puy Segur. Selkirk, Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th Earl of. See: Jones, John Paul to Countess of Selkirk 1778, May 8. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 17. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 24. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22, Apr. 29, May 12. Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Yander Capellen 1779, Nov. 29. Jones, John Paul to the Countess of Selkirk 1780, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul, Answers to ques tions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1784, Feb. 12. See: Jones, John Paul to the Countess of Selkirk 1784, Nov. 8. Letter to John Paul Jones 1785, Aug. 4. See: D Estaign, Charles Hector, Comte to John Paul Jones 1785, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 24, 124. Selkirk, - . Countess of. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, May 8. See: Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries at the court of Versailles 1778, May 27. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Nov. 5. Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1779, Apr. 30. Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen 1779, Oct. 19. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 28. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen 1779, Nov. 29. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1779, Dec. 15. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 25. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Mar. 1. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Wil liams 1780. Nov. 20. Calonne, Charles Alexandre de to John Paul Jones 1784, Sep. 24. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1784, Xov. 8. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Ameri caine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 25, 29, 123. Sellers, Tobias. Seaman, L~. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Sendman, Joseph. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance. See: Alliance, Roll of crew enti tled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Sensible". French ship of war. See: Lamotte, Geffrier to John Paul Jones 1779, May 1. Chavagne, Bide de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 17?, May 26. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 10. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1780, Feb. 10. "Serapis". H. M. sJiip of tear. See: Bon Ifomme Richard, Account of the engage ment with the Serapis 1779, Sep. 23-25. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Franklin, Benjamin to the Continental Congress INDEX. 297 "Serapis" Continued. 1771*, Oct. 4. Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville it Son 1779, Oct. 5. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon 1779, Oct. 5. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 5. Cockburn, Malcoin to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 7. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin .Franklin 1779, Oct. 11. Capellen, John Dirck, Baron Vander to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 13. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1771), Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Frank lin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 15. Le Meignen, Henry Ange Francois to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 15. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18, Oct. 20. Rogers, Francis to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26. Franklin, Benjamin, Extract of a letter to Samuel Cooper 1779, Oct. 27. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafay ette 1779, Oct. 2S. U. S. petty officers on. Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 31. Ship Jones, John Paul, Order to Jacob Hoogland 1779, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul, Certificate respecting John Jackson 1779, Xov. 15. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. Jones, John Paul to de Balgurie 1779, Dec. 4. Jones, John Paul to Laurence Brooke 1779, Dec. 4. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1779, Dec. 15. Jones, John Paul, Report to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 12; Letter to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 13. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to Ben jamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 4. Xeufville, John de ife Son to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 13. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 31. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Apr. 10. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1780, May 12. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. De St. Georges, to John Paul Jones 1780?, Dec.? United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 20. U/nited States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1781, Feb. 27. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to James Read 1783, June 23. United States, Continental Congress, Marine Office to John Paul Jones 1783, June 23. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix. Marquis de Castries 1784, Feb. 18. Van Berckel, E-^ P , Statement regarding cruise of John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 10. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 25. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Mar. 26, Apr. 13. Macarthy, Eugene, Certificate regarding John Paul Jones 1785, Apr. 17. Stack, Edward, Certificate regarding John Paul Jones 1785, Apr. 19. D Estaign, Charles Hector, Comte to John Paul Jones 1785, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Ameri- caine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 50-62, 66, 69, 71, 75, 77, 82, 86, 116, 119, 125. "Serf". See: Cerf. Serhand, , 1 Abbe de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 24. Sessal, Preserved. Seaman, I . S. nary. See: Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 17<sO, Xov. 7. Sezerac, Louis. See: Bonfield, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. Finlay, Sir Robert to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 10. See also: Sezerac, Louis 1 aine et fils. 298 INDEX. Sezerac, Louis 1 aine et fils. See: Jones, John Paul to John Bondfield 1779, Mar. 27, Mar. 29, Apr. 2. Jones, John Paul, Order* to Peter Amiel 1779, Apr. 11. Shackford, William. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Shalf, John, teaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance., Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Sharpe, AVilliam. Xorth Carolina delegate to Continental Congress. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 27. Shattuck, . of Boston. See: Livingston. Abraham to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 28. Shaw, Ichabod. Seaman, U.S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Shaw, Martin. Seaman, I . S. navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 1780, Nov. 7. Shaw, Nathaniel jr. Continental agent in Connecticut. See: United States, Conti nental Congress, Resolve 1776, Apr. 23. Sherburne, Samuel. Major. See: Russell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 1. Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1782. Oct. 12. Shields, Archibald. See: Shiels. Shiels, Archibald. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Shillaber, Joseph. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Shmid, . Petty officer?, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard ". See: Salomons, E T to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Shoemaker, Joseph. Captain. See: Mease. Matthew. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Shomont, Donatien Leray. See: Chaumont. Short, William. Secret a rii, United States legation, Paris. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1787, Oct. 24; 1788, Aug. 29 Sep. 9. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1788, Sep. 15 26. Shorur?, . See: Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 21. Simmonds, Abraham. See: Limmond. Simolin, John Mathias, Baron. Russian ambassador to France. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 25, Aug. 29 Sep. 9. Simon, Claude Henry, Saint. See: Saint Simon, Claude Henri. Comte de. Simpson, John. See: Sinson. Simpson, Thomas. 1st Jieut. U. S. S. "Ranger". See: Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 19, Dec. Dec. 21, Dec. 23, Dec. 26. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 12. Bersolle, , Charges made on the ship Ranger 1778, Apr. 1. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr: 2. Le Roy, Julieii David to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 6? Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1778, May 18, May 23. Adams, John; Lee, Arthur and Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1778, May 25. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Frank lin 1778, June 1. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Arthur Lee 1778, June 3. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and INDEX. 299 Simpson, Thomas Continued. Arthur Lee 1778, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul to Abraham Whipple 1778, Aug. 18, Aug. 19. Jones, John Paul in Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Oct. 19. Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15.- Jones, John Paul to Arthur Lee 1778, Nov. 21. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Lieut., U. S. narij. See: Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1779, Feb. 24. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to J - Meijer 1780, Mar. 5. Sinson, John. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Skinner, Alexander. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Skiper, George. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Skone, Thomas. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Skone, . Physician. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Sloan. See: Sloane. Sloane, Robert. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Sloane, - . See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Smalliorse, Samuel. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 10. Smith, Alexander. Merchant, London. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Xov. 2. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Xov. 3. Smith, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Smith, Meriwether. Virginia delegate to Continental Congress. See: Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 3. Smith, Robert. Continental agent, Edentov n, Xorth Carolina. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve 1776, Apr. 23. Jones, John Paul, Orders to William Spooner 1776, Xov. 3. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1776, Xov. 1- . Smith, Robert. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Smith, Simon, of Rhode Island. See: Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 6. Smith, . Captain. See: Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 19. Smith. See also: Shinid. ".Solebay". //. J/. ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to the Continental Con gress 1779, Dec. 7. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 5. Solebery, , le President de. See: Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1780, Sep. 19. "Solitaire". French ship of war. See: .(ones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Solomon, E T . See: Salomons. INDEX. Sorry, John. Seanxm, U. .S. X "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. " South Carolina", formerly Indien, q. v. Southouse, . See: Jarvis, Leonard to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 19, May 21. Spencer, John. Volunteer, U. V. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Sponza, Antonio. Seaman, U. A , nary. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Spooner, William. Midshipman, U. S. S. "Alfred". Orders, to, See: Jones, John Paul 1776, Nov. 12. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Jan. 12. Sproat, David, of Philadelphia. See: Read, John K. to John Paul Jones 1775, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 19. Continental agent, Philadelphia. See: Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 28, Feb. 11. Stacey, Samuel. See: Stacy. Stack, Edward. Lieut., Walsh s Irish regiment, French arm;/. See: Fitz-Maurice, Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 5, Mar. . Dick, Alexander to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 19. Volunteer, U. N. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Walsh-Serrant, Francois Jacques, Comte de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 14. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, Wil liam, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Stack of Crotts to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Affidavit respecting the escape of deserters 1779, Oct. 22. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Nov. 4. Letter to, See: AValsh-Serrant, Francois Jacques, Comte de 1779, Xov. 25. Mont- barey, Alexander Marie Lenor de Saint Mauris, Prince de 1779, Dec. 12. Segur, Louis Philippe, Comte de 1785, Feb. 27. Certificate to, See: Jones, John Paul 1785, Apr. 13. Certificate regarding John Paul Jones 1785, Apr. 19. See: D Estaign, Charles Hector, Comte to John Paul Jones 1785, Dec. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 125. Stack of Crotts. Capt., Walsh s Irish regiment, French army. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21. Stacy, Samuel. Acting master, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard". See: Salomons, E T to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Acting master, U. S. nary. Attestation to an affidavit, See: Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. Acting master, U. S . S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. Master, U. >S. nan/. Letter to John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 23, May 1. Staphorst, Jacob Van. Merchant, Amsterdam. See: Staphorst, Nicholas & Jacob Van. Staphorst, Nicholas Van. Merchant, Amsterdam. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 11. Staphorst, Nicholas & Jacob Van. Merchant*, Amsterdam. See: Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1788, Mar. 25. INDEX. 301 Steel, Robert. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. "Stephen". U. S. merchant schooner. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Steven, Alexander. See Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Stevens, , Miss". See: Jones, John Paul to " Le Baron de Franklin" 1778, Sep. 25. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Oct. 20. Stevenson, William. Agent of Benjamin Franklin and Ralph Izard. See Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 24. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2. Stevenson, . Capt., British transport "Hellish". See: Jones, John Paul, Note of the time of material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1779, Dec. 10. Steward, . "Commodore". See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 19. Stil, Joseph. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prixe money 1785, Sep. 5. Stinger, . Capt., British merchant ship "Dolphin". See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 19. Stocking, Moses. Seaman, U. 8. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Stormont, David Murray, Lord. British ambassador to France. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 24. See: Xicholson, Samuel to Ben jamin Walker 1788, Aug. 2. Stuart, Archibald. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Stuart, William. See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Stoutly, Robert. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Hancock". See: McXeill, Hector, Order to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. Strahan, . Captain. See: Cullam, David to John Paul Jones 1778, May 21. Stranger, . Captain. See: Cullam, David to John Paul Jones 1778, May 21. Striker, Joseph. Seaman, L T . 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Stuart, Archer. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Stuart, Archibald, of Tobayo?, West Indies. See: Jones, John Paul to Stuart Mawey 1777, May 4. Stuart, William. See: Jones, John Paul, Mamorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Stubbs, Benjamin. Midshipman, U. 8. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Salomons, E T to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of a court martial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Midshipman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. .3. Midshipman, U. 8. navy. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 26. Sturget, William. See: Sturgis. Sturgis, William. Armourer, U. 8. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". Minutes of court martial of , 1779, July 29. 302 INDEX. "Success". Newfoundland brigantine. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1776, Oct. 17. Sullivan, John. Maj. gen., Continental army. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Oct. 4. New Hampshire delegate to Continental Congress. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 27; Resolution regarding the America 1781, June 23. "Surf". See: Cerf. "Surprise". British collier? See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler, Michael Knies and James Beckup 1776, Xov. 25. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Robert Sanders 1776, Dec. 8. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler 1776, Dec. 8. Jones, John Paul, Xote of the time of mate rial occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Suzerac, Louis 1 aine et fils. See: Sezerac. Swain, Daniel. Seaman, I~. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Swaine, James. Seaman, V. S. sloop of war " Dolphin ". See: DolpJiin, Muster roll 1777, Apr. -June. Swaine, John. Garde Marine, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Mar. 9. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Swan, - . Major. See: Jones, John Paul, Order to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Sweden, Crown, Gustavus III, King. See: Framery, Nicolas Etienne to John Paul Jones 1788, May 3. Sweeny, Doyle. Clerk, office of Commissioner of accounts, Marine department, Conti nental Congress. Attestation in behalf of Benjamin Walker to correctness of an account, See: Jones, John Paul, Account against the Marine Committee 1780, June 25. T Taber, - . See: Serhand, T Abbe de to John Paul Jones 1780, May 24. Tannery, John B. Seaman, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr. -June. Taylor, Alexander. Boatswain s mate, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Taylor, Benjamin. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Taylor, Jenny Paul. See: Jones, John Paul, Will 1777, Oct. 8. Taylor, William. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Tazewell, John. Continental agent in Virginia. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve 1776, Apr. 23. Telison, Aimee Adele de. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 24. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Jefferson 1787, Oct. 24. See also: "Angelique" and "Delia". Ternay, Charles Louis d Arsae, Chevalier de. Commanding French fleet in America. See: United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board, Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 21. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded bv the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. INDEX. 303 "Terpsicore". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17. Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudouin 1780, July 19. Baudouin, Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1780, July 27. Genet, Fran- t;ois de to John Paul Jones 1780, July 30. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Oct. 25. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Nov. 20. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 89. Thaxter, Adam W. Lieut., U. S. sloop "Providence" . Memorial to Hoysted Hacker (joint memorial with other officers of the Providence) 1776, Nov. 14. Let ter to John Paul Jones 1777?, Feb. 24. "Thetis". JL M. ship of war. See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. "The Hague". French ship of war. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 18. Thevenard, Antoine Jean Marie de. Commandant, port of L Orient. See: Chau- mont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 13. Letter to, See: Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de 1779, June 14. See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, June 16. Certificate (of June 18) to John Paul Jones, See: Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to de Thevenard 1779, June 14. See: Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Letter to John Paul Jones 1 779, July 21, July 22. See: Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1779, July 28, Nov. 5. Letter to Chevalier de Linoncourt 1780, June 20. See: Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, June 23. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1780, June 27. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 5. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Sep. 23. La Grave, to John Paul Jones 1780, Sep.? Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 85. Thevenet, Andre? Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 15. Thierot, - . Captain. See: Graincourt, - - to John Paul Jones 1780, Thomas, James. Gunner, U. 8. 8. "Alfred". Letter to John Paul Jones 1776, Apr. 15. Thomas, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money. 1785, Sep. 5. Thomas, Matthew. Boy, U. S. sloop of war "Dolphin". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1 777, Apr.-June. Thompson, Andrew. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bonllomme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones. See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? Thompson, Benjamin. United States recruiting agent in France. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22, Apr. 29, May 12. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 13. Thompson, John. Gunner, formerly on U. S. S. "Lexington". Certificate respect ing, See: Johnson, Henry, Certificate 1779, Oct. 11. Thompson, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". Sec: Land ais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. 304 INDEX. Thompson, Thomas. Capt., I", ft. ft. " Raleigh". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1770, Oct. 10. Capt., U. ft. navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Jan. 12. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Feb. 10. Manley, John and others, Uniform dress for the navy 1 777, .Mar. . Jones, John Paul to John Langdon 1777, June 26. Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, July 15. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Aug. 24. Letter to John Gizzard Frazer 1777, Dec. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 20. See: Libbey, Jeremiah to John Paul Jones 1782, Nov. 9. Thompson, , Mrs. Wife of Thomas. See: Thompson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 20. Thompson, William, Seaman, I . S. ft. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Mease, Mat thew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial in trial of 1779, July 29. Thomson, Charles. Secretary, Continental Congress. See: United States, Conti nental Congress, Resolution 1781, Feb. 27; Resolution regarding John Paul Jones 1787, Oct. 10. Signature, See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve on the memorial of Samuel Nicholson 1788, July 2. See: Jones, John Paul to William Short 1788, Sep. 15/26. Thomson. See also Thompson. " Three Friends". Merchant brigantine, Jonathan Williams, owner. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, May 12. Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, July 8. Tiley, Samuel. See: Tyler. Tillinghast, Daniel. Continental agent, Rhode Island. See: United States, Conti nental Congress, Resolve 1770, Apr. 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Jan. 20. See: Jones, John Paul to Marine Committee, Continental Congress 1777, Jan. 21. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 23. See: Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 6, Feb. 10. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Feb. 10. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 28. See: Tillinghast, Henry Hen- dren to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 14. Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, June 9. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, June 28. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, July 2. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Aug. 8. See: Gardner, William to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 27. Letter to John Paul Jones 1782, Nov. 3; 1783, June 12. Tillinghast, Henry. See: Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1783, June 12. Tillinghast, Henry Hendren. Surgeon , U. ft. nan/. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 4, Mar. 14. Tilton, Mary. Innkeeper, Portsmouth?, Xev Hampshire. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, July 15. Jones, John Paul, Account against the United Slates 1782, Dec. 7. "Tom Johnson". U. ft. merchant ghip. See: Wharton, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 28. "Tonnant". Prize brig. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Joseph Hitchborn 1780, Feb. 5. Jones, John Paul to Gourlade & Moylan 1780, Feb. 10. Torner, Stephen. Seaman, U. ft. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Torres, Jean. Seaman, U. S. navy. See: Stacy, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 23. INDEX. 305 Torrey, George. Acting master s mate, U. 8. 8. "Alfred". See: Manley, John, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, Apr. 23, May 3. Tourville, Anne Hilarion de Contentin, Comte de. Admiral, French navy. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, Jan. 16. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, July 12. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 19. Towers, Richard. See: Towers, Robert. Towers, Robert. Quartermaster U.S. 8. " Son Homme Richard". Proceedings in court-martial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2 Testimony in court-martial of, See Lesconnee, Francois and others 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Tracey, John, of Newbury, Massachusetts. See: Brown, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Apr. 17. Travaille, Jean Baptiste. See: Chaumont, Donatien Le Ray de, fils to John Paul Jones 1779, July 8. French volunteer, U. 8. 8. "Son Homme Richard ". See: Jones, John Paul to Leray de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 26. Travaillier, Jean Baptiste. See: Travaille. Trefathen, George. Seaman, U. S. S. " Bon Homme Richard" . See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 29- Aug. 2. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Treglohn, Philip. Ex-teaman, U. 8. 8. "Randolph". Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 14. Warrant officer?, U. 8. S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Tremignon, ., French ship of war "Ale.vandre" . See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Triminghan, Francis. Copt., British merchant brigantine "Sea Nymph". Account against John Paul Jones, See: Xesbitt, John Maxwell to John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 17. See: Xesbitt, John Maxwell to John Paul Jones 1777, Aug. 5. " Triomphant " . French ship of v:ar. See: Yaudreuil, Louis Philippe de Regaud, Marquis de to Anne Cesar, Chevalier de La Luzerne 1783, Apr. 20. Vau- dreuil, Louis Philippe de Regaud, Marquis de to Robert Morris 1783, Apr. 21. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul, Extraitdu Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 109, 112. "Triumph". H. J/. frigate. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 90, 91, 92, 127. Trivet, John. Lieut., U. S. marine*. See: Thaxter, Adam AV. to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 24. " Trumbull". U. S. ship ofvar. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul. Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 96. Truxton, Thomas, f apt., U. 8. privateer "Independence". Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Oct. 24. Tual, Jacques. Pilot, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Account submitted to the Continental Congress 1786, July 7. Tucker, Samuel. Capt., U. 8. 8. "Boston". See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1778, May 18, May 23. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Tucker, . Seaman f, U. 8. privateer "Eagle". See: Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 11. 2155103 20 306 INDEX. "Turg-ot". French ship of war. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 10. Jones, John Panl to James Moylan 1778, Nov. 15, Nov. 25, Nov. 30. Turner, Stephen. See: Torner. Turnet, . />f Ancenis, France. See: Mollowney, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 16. Turnbull, William. Continental agent, Boston. See: Frazer, John Gizzard to John Paul Jones 1777, July 15. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Livingston, Abraham to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 7. See also: Livingston & Turnbull. Tyler, Samuel. Carpenter, U. X. . "Alfred" and prizemaster of the "Betty". Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Samuel Tyler, Michael Knies and James Beckup 1776, Nov. 25. Prizemaster of the " SurprUe" . Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1776, Dec. 8. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Robert Saunders 1776, Dec. 8. TJ D TJmons, . See: Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1785, July 10? "Union ". Britislt pricateer. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Prize masters 1779, Aug. 31. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. AYatkins, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 26. Neufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 6. Franklin, Benjamin to Andreas Peder, Count Bernstorff 1779, Dec. 22. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 17S5, July 21. United States, Continental Congress. Account submitted to. See: Jones, John Paul 1786, July 7. Admiralty Board (Marine Committee). Resolve trans mitted to John Paul Jones 1776, Sep. 5. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, Jan. 21. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 1, Mar. 25. Resolve regarding John Paul Jones 1777, Mar. 25. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, May 9, June 18. Letter to William AVhipple, John Langdon and John Paul Jones 1777, June 18. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, May 27, Aug. 18. Letter to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Mar. 28. Account against, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, June 25. Summons to John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 20. Answers to queries of, See: Jones, John Paul 1781, Mar. 1. Letter to John Paul Jones 1781, Mar. 11, Mar. 21, Apr. 14, Apr. 17, May 15, May 19. Order to John Paul Jones 1781, June 4. Let ter to John Paul Jones 1783, June 18, June 23. See also Morris, Robert. Navy Board, Eastern Division. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 4, Sep. 12. Board of War and Ordnance. Letter to John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 18. Commissioners to France. See: crreenleaf, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 8. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 12. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1777, Mar. 31. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2, May 12. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, May 30. Jones, John Paul to Abraham Whipple 1778, Aug. 19. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Sep. 6. Jones, John Paul to Louis XVI 1778, Oct. 19, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15. Jones, John Paul to Arthur Lee 1778, Nov. 21. June-, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 23. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Sep. 21. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries INDEX. United States, Continental Congress Continued. 1784, Feb. 18. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolu tion Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 19. See also: Franklin, Benjamin; Adams, John; Lee, Arthur; Deane, Silas; Jefferson, Thomas. United States, Continental Congress; Presidents: John Hancock. See: Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777. July 28. John Jay. Letter to, See Franklin, Benjamin 1779, Oct. 4. Samuel Huntington. Latter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dee. 7. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de 1780, May 30. See: Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, Aug. 22. Ellas Bondinot. Letter to, See: Morris, Robert 1 782, Nov. 29. Arthur St. C/a n: Letter to Louis XVI 1787, Oct. 16. United States Continental Congress Resolves: Appointing agents for prizes in the several states 1776, Apr. 23; Establishment of rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10; Regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Feb. 27, Apr. 14; Regarding the America 1781, June 23; Appointing John Paul Jones Captain of the America 1781, June 26; Regarding the birth of the Dauphin of France 1782, May 13; Giving the America to France in place of the Mag- nljitjite 1782, Sep. 3; Regarding John Paul Jones 1782, Dec. 4; 1787, Oct. 16; Authorizing Thomas Jefferson to settle United States claims against Denmark 1787, Oct. 25. On the memorial of Samuel Nicholson 1788, July 2. United States, Navy, Continental. "Comparative state of wages between Ameri can Officers and the Officers of English Frigates of 32 guns" 1776?, Dec. 8. See: Manley, John and others, L T niform for the navy 1777, Mar. . Jones, John Paul, A plan for the regulation and equipment of the navy 1777, Apr. 7. "V Van Berckel, E P . See: Berckel. Van Bleiswyck, Pieter. See: Bleiswyck. Vander Capellen, John Dirck, Baron. See: Capellen. Vander Perre. See: Perre, Vander. Vannerer, K D . frail-maker, f". fr. xloop of n-ar "Doljthhi". See: Dolphin, Muster roll 1777, Apr. June. Van Staphorst. See: Staphorst. Van Zant, Jacob. Continental agent in New York. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve 1776, Apr. 23. Varag-e, Joseph. C aj>t., ( . fr. cutter " Cerf". See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxiliary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, July 1. Cottineau, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, July 23. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, July 28. See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of a court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha. Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Mul- lowney, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 16. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 18. Varnum, James Mitchell. Rhode Island dcleyate to Contintenfal Cone/re^. See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution regarding the bravery of John Paul Jones 1781, Apr. 14. 308 INDEX. De Varville, . See: Chaumont, Donatien Leray de to John Paul Jones 1779, July 19. Vauban, Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre, Comte de. See: Hunolstein, Barbantane to John Paul Jones 1780, June 10. Jones, John Paul, to Francois de Genet 1780, June 21. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1780, June 23. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, July 19, Aug. 9. Hunolstein, Barbantane to John Paul Jones 1780, Aug. 15. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Sep. 23. Hunol stein, Barbantane to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 14. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Oct. 25. Nicolson, William to John Paul Jones 1780, Nov. 18. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1 780, Nov. 20. Vaudreuil, Louis Philippe de Regaud, Comte de. dpi., French ship of war "Fendant". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Lt. yen., French navy, commanding French xlup of inn- "Marjni- fique". See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1782, Sep. 3. Morris, Robert to the President of Continental Congress 1782, Nov. 29. United States, Continental Congress, Resolution 1782, Dec. 4; Resolution regarding John Paul Jones 1782, Dec. 4. Letter to Robert Morris 1783, Apr. 21. Letter to Anne Cesar, Chevalier de La Luzerne 1783, Apr. 20. See: McNeill, Hector to John Paul Jones 1783, June 11. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * de la Revolution Americaine 1780, Jan. 1. pp. 107, 109-113, 128. Vauguyon, Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de la. See: La Vauguyon. Veaudreuil. See: Vaudreuil. Veazie, Joseph. Acting master of marines, U. S. S. "Providence". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum regarding the Diamond 1777. Jan. 15. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Jan. 21. Jones, John Paul to Leonard Jarvis 1777, June 9. De Velye, . Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 10. "Vengeance", f". S. brigantine of far. See: Jones, John Paul, Officers of auxil iary vessels under command of 1779, May 1-3. Jones, John Paul to Ben jamin Franklin 1779, July 1. Ricot, Philippe Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Cottineau, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, July 23. Jones, John Paul, Orders in blank to attend a court martial 1779, Aug. 7? Jones, John Paul, Orders to Philippe Nicolas Ricot 1779, Aug. 9. Jones, John Paul to Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine 1779, Aug. 11. Jones, John Paul, Instructions to Paul de Chamillard 1779, Sep. 14. Jones, John Paul, Plan for the attack upon Leith 1779, Sep. 14. Bon Ilomme Richard, Account of engagement with the Serapix 1779, Sep. 23-25. Jone?, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Jones, John Paul to Paul Francois de Quelen, Due de La Vauguyon 1779, Oct. 5. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1779, Oct. 13. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Jones, John Paul to Charles Eugene Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de Castries 1784, Apr. 14, Nov. 6. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 37, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 63, 71. Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de. Minister of foreign ajfairs of France. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Aug. 2. See: Jones, John Paul to Francois de Genet 1780, Aug. 9. Jones, John Paul to William Carmichael 1780, INDEX. 309 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de Continued. Aug. 22. Calonne, Charles Alexandre de to John Paul Jones 1784, Sep. 24. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution A meri- caine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 81, 121. Verplaces, . Letter to John Paul Jones 1779?, Apr. -May. Verram, . of Bordeaux, France. See: Jones, John Paul to John Pondlield 1779, Nov. 2. " Verwagting-". Dutch merchant vessel, Poole, of England, owner. See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 18. Jones, John Paul, Orders to John Le Rich 1779, Aug. 18. Jones, John Paul to the Captain of the Monsieur 1779, Aug. 19. Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779," Oct. 3. Vesey, Joseph. See: Veazie. Vezin, La Porte. Cajit., French ship of var " Zodiayue". See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? "Ville de Paris". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Ban croft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. Vinet, O . Officer. , T~. 8. nary. See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 29-Aug. 2. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 31. Jones, John Paul, Plan of attack upon Leith 1779, Sep. 14. De Vinezac, . See: Grand, Henry to John Paul Jones 1780, May 28. Viomenil, Antoine Charles du Houx, Baron de. U. yen., French army. See: A T au- dreuil, Louis Philippe de Regaud, Marquis de to Anne Cesar, Chevalier de La Luzerne 1783, Apr. 20. Letter to Anne Cesar Chevalier de La Luzerne 1783, Apr. 21. See: Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 109, 113. Vira, Bernardo Jo. Seaman, I.". 8. nary. See: Dale, Richard to John Paul Jones 1780, Oct. 20. "Virginia". I . 8. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Simp son, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 26. Vormoy, , le Chevalier de. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, May 13. "Vulture". Jersey privateer. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Joseph Hitchborn 1780, Feb. 5. Wadsworth, Jeremiah. Connecticut delegate to Continental Congress. See: Jones, John Paul to William Short 1788, Sep. 15/26. Wails, < fibmann jr. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Walker, Benjamin. Commissioner of accounts, Marine department, Continental Con gress. See: Sweeny, Doyle, Attestation 1787, Nov. 18. United States, Continental Congress, Resolve on memorial of Samuel Nicholson 1788, July 2. Letter to, See: Nicholson, Samuel 1788, Aug. 2. Walker, , Mrs. Wife of Benjamin. See: -Nicholson, Samuel to Benjamin Walker. 1788, Aug. 2. 310 INDEX. Walker, Joseph. Seaman, V. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Wall, Samuel, Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Wallace, Sir James. Capt., If. M. S. " Xonexucli ". See: Jones, John Paul to Comtesse de Bourbon de La Veiidahl 1780, Sep. 21. Wallace, John? Capt., Hritisli nary. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, Apr. 14. Wallace, John. Collector of customs, Port Limerick, Ireland. Certificate of pay ment of duties on goods 1779, Aug. 17-18. Wallingsford, Samuel. Lieut., U. S. marine*. Orders to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, July 15. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Mathew Parke 1777, Aug. 24. Wallingsford, Samuel R. 3d I lent., U. S. S. "Ranger" 1 . See: Jones, John Paul, Extract to the Amr. Plenipotentiaries at the court of Versailles 1778, May 27. Walsh, John. Former master, II. M. sloop of war "I>rake" . Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, May 19. Walsh, Thomas. See: Welche. Walsh-Serrant, Francois Jacques, Comte de. Col., Irish regiment of marine artillery, French army. See: Fitz-Maurice, , Chevalier de to John Paul Jones 1779, May 20. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 14. See: Nesbitt, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, June 18. Stack of Crotts to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 20. Letter to Edward Stack 1779, Nov. 25. Ward, Charles. Seaman, U. S. navy. See: United States, Continental Congress, Admiralty Board to John Paul Jones 1781, Mar. 11. Ward-well, William. Midshipman, U. S. brig "Providence". Memorial to Hoysted Hacker, See: Thaxter, Adam W. and others, Memorial to Hoysted Hacker 1776, Nov. 14. Warner, Elisha. Capt., U. S. S. schooner "Fly". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Warner, Nathaniel. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. "Warren". U.S. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Hopkins, Esek to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 10. Manley, John to John Paul Jones 1777, May 30, June 1. Gourlade & Moylan to John Paul Jones 1779, July 2. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 96. Warren, James. Member, Navy board, Continental Congress. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Aug. 17. Signature, See: United States, Continental Congress, Navy Board, Eastern Division to John Paul Jones 1777, Sep. 4, Sep. 12. Warren, James. 2d lieut., marines, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Towers, Robert, Pro ceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28-Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Sturgis, William, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785. Sep. 5. INDEX. 311 "Washing-ton". U. 8. ship of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Xavy 1776, Oct. 10. Washington, George. General A Commander in chief, Continental ami;/. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, May 19. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 11. Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, May 12. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 19. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 6. See: Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, Oct. 28. Jones, John Paul to the Continental Congress 1779, Dec. 7. Letter to John Paul Jones 1781, May 15. See: Jones, John Paul to Chevalier de Baudouin 1780, July 19. Morris, Robert to John Paul Jones 1782, Sep. 4. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Mar quis de Lafayette 1788, June 15 26. Jones, John Paul, Extraitdu Journal " de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. pp. 4,9, 14, 17, 94, 102, 131. "Wasp". U.S. schooner of war. See: United States, Continental Congress, Estab lishment of the rank of Captains in the Xavy 1776, Oct. 10. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1776, Apr. 14. Waterstorff, , Baron de. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1785, July 21. [Same as Bernstorff?, Andres Peder, Comte. q. v.] Watkins, Edward. Capt., British merchant ship "John". See: Rathbun, John P. to John Paul Jones 1776, Xov. 25. Jones, John Paul, Xote of the time of material occurrences during the Alfred s cruise 1776, Dec. 10. Watkins, Jean. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Watkins, John. Chaplain of the "Alliance". Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 27. Watson, John. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Mar. 9. Watson, Richard. Seaman, U. S. S. "Son Homme Richard". Petition to John Paul Jones, See: Atwood, John and others, Petition to John Paul Jones 1779, Aug.? Wayne, Anthony. Briy. yen., Continental army. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1782, Jan. 22. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 131. Weare, Meshech. President of Xew Hampshire. See: Xew Hampshire, Executive. Weatherby?, John. See: Wethabe. Weaver, William. Chief mate?, U. S. brig "Providence". Memorial to Hoysted flacker, See: Thaxter, Adam W. and others, Memorial to Hoysted Hacker 1776, Xov. 14. Webster, . Petty officer,? U. S. S. "Ranger". See: Cullam, David to John Paul Jones 1 778, May 19. Weeckes, Lambert. See: Wickes. Weibert, Antoine Felix. See: Wybert. Welche, Thomas. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Wells, Jonathan. Seaman, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Richard Dale 1779, May 25. Welsh, John. See: Walsh. Welsh, Thomas. See: Welche. Wendel, Jacob. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. 312 INDEX. Wendel, Jacob Jr. Seaman, l\ S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Wendell, Daniel Went worth. Midshipman, l r . S. X "Hanger". See: Wendell, John to Hope & Co. 1777, Oct. 28. Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Wendell, John. Merchant and justice of the peace, Portsmouth New Hampshire. Letter to Hope & Co. 1777, Oct. 28. Letter to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29 (two). Jones?, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Oct. 30. Wendell, John? Late " Col." of Boston. See: Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Wentworth?, Daniel. Late of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. See: Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Wentworth, Joshua. "Col." and paymaster Xeuj Hampshire State troops. See: Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Wesley, . See: Gallagher, Bernard to John Paul Jones 1777, Jan. 18. Wethabe, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1 785, Sep. 5. Wharcon, Charles. Merchant, Philadelphia. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 18. Wharton, Joseph Jr. Certificate to, See: Livingston, Musco 1778, Apr. 11: 1779, Feb. 20. See: Jones, John Paul to Musco Livingston 1779, Mar. 13. Let ter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 28. Attestations. See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, June 6; Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, July 28; Landais, Peter, Statement made to John Paul Jones 1779, Sept 5; Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1780, Sep. 19. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, Oct. 17. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1780, Nov. 11. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. Wharton, Patty. See: Wharton, Samuel to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 13. Wharton, Samuel. See: Franklin, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1780, Feb. 19. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, Feb. 25. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1780, Mar. 12. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1780, Apr. 15. Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. [Same as following person?] Wharton, Samuel. Merchant, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania delegate to Continental Congress. Letter to John Paul Jones 1783, Aug. 13, Aug. 18, Aug. 24. Whate, Amos. Seaman, U. S. nary. See: Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 1780, Nov. 7. Wheatley, William. Lieut., formerly of H. M. S. "Serapis". See: Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis Nicolas to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 2. Wheeler, Chauncey. See: Wheels, Chancey. Wheeler, Jonathan. Gunner, U. S. navy. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, July 11. See: Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1780, July 12, Sep. 23. Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 1780, Nov. 7. Wheels, Chancey. Gunner s mate, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Whipple, Abraham. Capt., ". S. S. "Columbus". See: Hopkins, Esek, Order to John Paul Jones 1776, May 1. Capt., U. S. brig " Providence" . See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1777, Feb. 28. INDEX. 313 Whipple, Abraham Continued. Manley, John and others, Uniform dress for the Navy 1777, Mar. . Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 31. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 18, Aug. 19. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 21. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1778, Aug. 23. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1778, Xov. 13. Tillinghast, Daniel to John Paul Jones 1783, June 12. Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. W .nipple, William. JW<r Hampshire delegate to Continental Congress and member, marine committee. Letter to, See: United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee to William Whipple, John Langdon and John Paul Jones 1777, June 18. See: United States, Continental Congress, Marine Committee to John Paul Jones 1777, June 18. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1777, July 3. See: Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hevves 1777, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to Robert Morris 1777, Aug. 24. Jones, John Paul to Joseph Hewes 1777, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Xov. 11. Whipple, , Mrs. Wife of William. See: Wendell, John to John Paul Jones 1777, Oct. 29. Whitall, Joseph, of. Philadelphia. See: Jones, John Paul to James Moylan 1778, Oct. 4. Jones, John Paul to William Temple Franklin 1778, Oct. 28. United States commercial agent in France. See: Moylan, James to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 3, Xov. 10. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Xov. 11. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 14. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Xov. 21. Le Xetrel, - 1778, Xov. 21. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 27, Dec. 4. See: Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1778, Dec. 23. White, John. Matter s mate, U. 8. 8. "Eon Homme Richard". See: Salomons, E T to John Paul Jones 1779, June 28. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 31. White, Thomas. Pett;/ officer?, U. 8. naaj. Joint memorandum with four others to John Paul Jones 1779?, Feb.? Garde Marine, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. White, Thomas. "Capt." and prizemaster, British privateer "Union". See: Wat- kins, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 27. White, . Merchant?, Boston. See: Gushing & White. Whitefield, . Matter, U. 8. brig "Hampdcn". See: House, George to John Paul Jones 1777, June 17. Whithall, Joseph P. See: Whitall, Joseph. Whitney, James. Seaman, U. 8. 8. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Whittle, . See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Xov. 8. Wibedoedes, . Capt., Dutch merchant vessel "Venvagting". See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to John Le Rich 1779, Aug. 18. Wibert, Antoine Felix. See: Wybert. Wickes, Lambert. Capt., U. S. brig "Reprisal". See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Xavy 1776, Oct. 10. Elliott, John, Certificate to James Read 1778, Xov. 24. Late capt., U. S. brig " Reprisal" . See: United States, Continental Congress, Resolve on the memorial of Samuel Xicholson 1788, July 2. Xicholson, Samuel to Benjamin Walker 1788, Aug. 2. 314 INDEX. Wilde, . See: Finlay, Sir Robert to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 10. Willet, Daniel. Seaman, U. S. navy. See: Jones, John Paul to Richard Dale 1780, Nov. 7. Williams, John. Quartermaster, U. >S . ,9. "lion Homme Richard" . Minutes of court martial of 1779, July 29. Williams, Jonathan Sr. MercJianl, Boston. See: Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1780, Nov. 20. Williams, Jonathan. United States commercial agent at Nantes, France. See: Simp son, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 19, Dec. 26. Letter to, See: Franklin, Benjamin; Deane, Silas, and Lee, Arthur 1778, Jan. 10. See: Carmichael, William to John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13. Picquet, laMotteto John Paul Jones 1778, Feb. 13. Montaudoiiin Freres to Duplessis 1778, Mar. 19. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 24, Apr. 2, May 8. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, May 12, May 17. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 26. See: Morris, William to John Paul Jones 1778, May 26. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, May 30. See: Jones, John Paul to George Washington 1778, Aug. 6. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Aug. 14. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Aug. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Aug. 23. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1778, Sep. 6. Let ter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Sep. 11, Oct. 20. See: Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Oct. 26-29. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Oct. 31, Nov. 5. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 8. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1778, Nov. 11. Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 14. Jones, John Paul to Hector McNeill 1778, Nov. 15. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 15, Nov. 17, Nov. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to Arthur Lee 1778, Nov. 21. Letter to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 1. See: Whitall, Joseph to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 4. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Dec. 14. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Dec. 16. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Dec. 17. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Dec. 21. See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Jan. 6. Hogg, Ebenezer to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 8. Bancroft, Edward to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 23. Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Amiel. Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 9. Jones, John Paul, Orders to Peter Amiel 1779, Apr. 11. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 22. See: Amiel, Peter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 27. Wharton, Joseph jr to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 28. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Apr. 29, Apr. 30. See: Jones, John Paul to John Mehegan 1779, Apr. 30. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 12. See: Thompson, Benjamin to John Paul Jones 1779, May 13. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, May 22, July 13. See: Jones, John Paul, Orders to Cutting Lunt 1779, July 28. Cave, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 29. Letter to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 15. See: Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1779, Dec. 15. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1780, Mar. 3. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Mar. 23, Apr. 11. See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1780, May 26. Arendt, Baron de to John Paul Jones 1780, June 8. Letter to John Paul Jones 1780, July 5, July 15. See: Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1780, July 17, Sep. 23. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1780, Nov. 20. See: Jones, John Paul, Answers to questions propounded by the Admiralty Board 1781, Mar. 1. INDEX. 315 Williams, , Mrs. Wife of Jonathan, See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to Jonathan Williams 1779, Dec. 15; 17SO, Mar. 23, Nov. 20. Williams, Richard. Boatswain?, U.S.S. "Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regu lations 1780, Jan. 2. Willing- & Morris. ^^t rchantx, Philadelphia. See: Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778. Apr. 2. Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Apr. 2. See also: Morris, Robert. Wilson, Henry. Reunion, I . S. S. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Wilson, . Seaman?, U. S. S. Alliance". See: Jones, John Paul, Regulations 1780, Jan. 3. Wilson, - . J hysician. See: Xeufville, John de & Son to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 21, Oct. 23. Winchester, Xathaniel. Seaman, U. S. S. "Hancock". See: McXeill, Hector, Orders to John Paul Jones 1777, May 7. Winship, Arnold. Surgeon, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13, Dec. 19. Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Wire, John. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Witham, Andrew. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew enti tled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Wobard, Philip. Seainan, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Landais, Peter to John Paul Jones 1780, June 29. Woedron, Richard. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance" . See: Alliance, Roll of crew enti tled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Woulton, John. Seaman, J . S. S. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 29-Aug. 2. Wrig-hting-ton, Henry. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of crew entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Wybert, Antoine Felix. Lt. col., Continental army and capt., French marines, "Bon Homme Richard" . Deposition of Joseph Gallois forwarded to John Paul Jones 1779, July 27. See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 28- Aug. 2. Atwood, John, Minutes of court martial 1779, July 29. Johnson, Elisha, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Stur- gis, William, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Williams, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 29. Rosseau, Jean, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 30. Mclntyre, John, Minutes of a court martial 1779, July 31. Robinson, Robert, Sentence of court martial in case of 1779, Aug. 8. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, Aug. 13. Jones, John Paul to Benjamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 3. Attestation to an affidavit, See: Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. See: Jones, John Paul to Donatien Leray de Chaumont 1779, Oct. 24. Attestation to an affidavit, See: Stack, Edward, Affidavit 1779, Oct. 22. Certificate respecting, See: Jones, John Paul 1779, Dec. 7. See: Jones, John Paul to John de Xeufville & Son 1779, Dec. 7. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 13, Dec. 19. Jones, John Paul to Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 1779, Feb. 18. 316 INDEX. Y Yorke, John. Captain. See: Mease, Matthew to John Paul Jones 1779, Feb. 28. Yorke, Sir Joseph. British ambassador to Holland. See: Jones, John Paul to Ben jamin Franklin 1779, Oct. 11. Jones, John Paul to John Dirck, Baron Vander Capellen 1779, Oct. 19. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 25. Jones, John Paul to Edward Bancroft 1779, Oct. 26. Dumas, Charles William Frederick to John Paul Jones 1779, Oct. 30. Jones, John Paul to John Bond field 1779, Nov. 2. Jones, John Paul to Charles William Frederick Dumas 1779, Nov. 5. Bondfield, John to John Paul Jones 1779, Dec. 3. Van Berckel, E-P- Statement regard ing cruise of John Paul Jones 1784, Mar. 10. Jones, John Paul, Extrait du Journal * * * de la Revolution Americaine 1786, Jan. 1. p. 69. Youlin, Benjamin. Seaman, U. S. S. "Alliance". See: Alliance, Roll of cre\v entitled to prize money 1785, Sep. 5. Young, Arthur. Seaman, U. S. 8. "Bon Homme Richard". See: Towers, Robert, Proceedings of court martial in trial of 1779, July 29-Aug. 2. Young, David. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Young, G - , Mrs. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of articles purchased 1780?, Dec.? Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Young, John. Capt., U. S. sloop " Independence" . See: United States, Continental Congress, Establishment of the rank of Captains in the Navy 1776, Oct. 10. Capt., U. 8. nary. See: Simpson, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1777, Dec. 26. Jones, John Paul to John Ross 1778, Aug. 23. Ross, John to John Paul Jones 1778, Sep. 1. Bell, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1778, Nov. 3. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Bell 1778, Nov. 15. Letter to, See: Jones, John Paul 1778, Nov. 18. Young, , Mrs. Wife of John. See: Jones, John Paul to John Young 1778, Nov. 18. Young, Robert. See: Jones, John Paul to Stuart Mawey 1777, May 4. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Scott 1779, Oct. 30. Scott, Thomas to John Paul Jones 1779, Nov. 19. Scott, Thomas & Scott, John, Affidavit 1779, Nov. 19. Jones, John Paul to Thomas Scott 1779, Dec. 3. Young, . "Governor". See: Jones, John Paul, Account with various persons 1780?, Dec.? Zant, Jacob Van. See: Van Zant. "Zele". French ship of war. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorial to Robert Morris 1783, Oct. 10. " Zephir". French ship of war. See: Williams, Jonathan to John Paul Jones 1778, Mar. 24. "Zodiaque", French ship of mtr. See: Jones, John Paul, Memorandum of the French fleet 1780?, Dec.? THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. Df C I *^%^ JUL 22 fdi ****u OTIC* rfcFfijj APR V? jftfll rt ^ lyiAn A nQCft OCT24 us tiirr n 1 H OPT t k /2 -3 PM49 Rtb U LU Uu t LD 21-100m-7, 40 (6936s) U. C. 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