-ifiLKi Ti ',*,•■ Ts^i-' ^iS 5m l^* *.*^ B**. , . . t ' •> -* 1' c^. Oversize j''P2^2^-p' / ' n^^'-^i^^^^-i^^ s '^ BIBLIOTHECA STAFFORDIENSIS. ISSUED TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. BIBLIOTHPXA STAFFORDIENSIS; on. A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT BOOKS AND OTHER PRINTED MATTER IJELATING TO— PrJXTED OR PUBLISHED IX— OR WRITTEN BY A NATIVE, RESIDENT. OR PERSON DERIVING A TITLE FROM— ANY PORTION OF THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD: GIVING A FULL COLLATION AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF AUTHORS AND PRINTERS. TOGETHER WITH AS FL'LL A LIi/)scn7/ers, of irhich this is So. IQ'^ DEDICATED TO THK MKMORY OF WAI.TKU WILLIAM. LATE EAKL OF DARTMOUTH (wild WAS HIS EARLIEST PATROX), AND (by Sl'ECIAL I'ERMISSKiX) TO THE RIGHT HoN. THE LoIiD LIEI'TEXANT (iF STAKFdKDSH IKK (the earl of DARTMOUTH). HIS GRACE THE DIKE OF .\EWCASTLE-rXDEi;-LVME. THE HON. AND RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF LICHFIELD, AND THE RIGHT HON. AND MOST REV. THE LoRD ARCHBISHOP OF YORK, BY THEIR OBLIGED AXD (iBKDIEXT SERVANT, RUPERT SIMMS. prp:face. 'Aud as I cannot think iiny placa wholly unworthy of notice that affords a habitation to a man of letters, I have coUectel the history and antiquities of the several garret? in which I have resided. '■ How small to others, but how gre it to me. '"Many of thesj narratives my indn.-itry has been able to extend to a considerable length; but the woman with whom I now lodge ha^ lived only eighteen months in the house, and can give no account of its ancient revolutions: the plasterer having, at her entrance, obliterated, by his white-wash, all the smoky mamorlals which former tenants had left upon the ceiling, and perhaps drawn the veil of oblivion over politici m-i, philosophers, an 1 poets." Rambler, Oct. 1st, 1751. "Hear, and be just." — JoHN.sox. " Who dares think one thing, and another tell, My heart detests him as the gates of hell." — Pope. It lii"ng customary for authors, jiiid compilers, to iatroduca their works to the workl of readers Ivy a few words giving an account of' tlie Origin, Objoet, and Accomplishment of the unilertakiiig, the Compiler of the " Btbliotfjeta Staftac&iciiaie " begs that he may be permitted to avail himself of such custom. He is encouraged to do this also, because — (1) of the peculiar circumstances which are associated with the work, and (2) in the hope that, having laid before his readers thoiCo, his parents — a briikmaker and his wife — removed to Silverdale. i]i North Staffordshire, and it was wliilst at School there that the discovery was made by which such writing is done. For the sake of appearance it was customary for liliu to wear on bis right arm a purse-like leatliern case, and the first he wore was indeed '• an old leatlicrn purse." In course of time the right-liand corner of the bottom of the purse wore into a hole, and having inserted a slate pencil he found he was able to write. Oa making this known to his schoolmaster (Mr. Sniitiiyinan), he was encouraged to persevere, and became, by continued jiraetice, able to write fairly well. The above is briefly the moans by which tliis Work, and tlie endless correspondence connected therewith, have been accomplished, and the Compil?r hopes bis readers will not think him egotistical in outlining the method. Handicapped by such misfortune — unable thereby to do any manual labour — be began life at the age of sixteen years as a tea hawker, a pursuit he followed for some years, eventually becoming a Second-hand Bookseller. It was, as before said, after his entry into the latter business that he began to collect materials for a Bibliography of Staft'ordsliire, and for eleven years, "in fair weather and in foul," he has continued to do so, until at last he is able to issue the Work to his Subscribers. Under the headline of '• Simms (Rupert)," he lias pointed out some of the features of interest in the progress of the Work wliieh it is not necessary to repeat here, but to which he respectfully directs the attention of his readers. Sup[ileraentary thereto he desires to add that he has drawn, hij the hindness of a f'etv Subscribem ami his Printer, a total sum of' £180. which, diviiled over tlie eleven years, gives an average of nearly seven sliillings per week, and that this is all he has received from am/ source — with exceptions given below — towards the heari/ expenses incurred in connection with the collecting of information, correcting proofs, and so forth. Some idea of this expense may be gathered from the fact that the correspondence alone has amounted, in one year at any rate, to over 2,000 communications: of every "proof,"' copies have been distributed to the suhjects of the several articles, if living and to be got at; to the nearest relative, if deceased — or descendants, whenever such could be found ; and, as to the whole work, complete copies of "proofs" have been sent to, and overlooked liy, six at least, sometimes nine, gentlemen, who have examined the "galleys,"' and honoured the Compiler by giving the work the benefit of their revision. Every care has been taken to obtain correct information, and to discover mispriiits during the progress of the Work ; and in this connection the Compiler desires to acknowledge his obligation for the valuable services rendered PREFACE. ,x. by Mr. Edward Wiseman, the foreman printer for Mr. A. C. Lo.«a.\, for tlie keen eye he has ever kept upon the Work whilst going through the press : many misprints, which would most probably have otherwise been overlooked, liave been discovered and corrected by him. Till' AVipfk lias been written wiiolly at least three, and as to the bulk of it as many as six, times over ; and thousands of volumes have been collated to provide material and correct information. Probably a greater confidence in the absolute reliability of the Work would be felt had the Compiler been acquainted with the Latin tongue, as very many items are in that language ; but this deficiency has been made up by several gentlemen, well able, giving their special attention to this department, and he begs to say that (he Latin, in every instance, is, he believe? (even when in itself erroneous), a correct collation of titles, where such have been obtainable, or from catalogues, which may account for some mistakes. The labour would have been considerably lessened if those to whom application had been made for personal and literary details had obliged with correct particulars on sucii first application ; by this neglect the labour has been increased at least thee-foUI. Take one or two cases : — No. 1 received form of questions, which he filled up and returned to sender, who copied it as sent, and it was printed off. In accordance with his custom a "proof" is sent to No. 1, who corrects it so much that the whole of the paragraph has to be re-set, and great and needless loss is incurred. No. 2 is written to, when the Compiler receives a reply couched in the following terms : — " Mr. B. begs to inform Mr. S. that he cannot spare time to fill in particulars, and begs to return Mr. S. the papers sent." The b?st and most correct information obtainable is collected and printed off as before, and sent in "proof" to this gentleman, who returns it with : "Mr. B. begs to return Mr. S. the "proof" sent, and which be has corrected." In this case the paragraph is re-set. During the progress of the Work the average expense of postage has been about seven shillings per week — some weeks as much as thirty ; and on an average the Compiler has received replies from about one-fourth of those to whom communications have been sent. The Work is not free from errors ; it is not complete or perfect, either as to text or particulars. Names are omitted which ought to have been entered, and facts and dates are wanting, which, had tliey been included would have added to the value of the Work. These errors and omissions are the result of want of information, and not intentional. The Work is as perfect and as correi't as one man can make it by hard work and continued application. Such have been the difficulties, both personal and relative, that only a person intensely in love with the' work, and determined to see the book through at all hazards, could h.ive carried out the project. Bibliography for pleasure and in kid gloves would have given up long ago. The Compiler repeats that the Work is as perfect and correct as a man in the lower walks of life, having to scramble and fight for the necessities of life — having oftentimes to continue the labour whilst his mind was racked with anxiety as to whence the next needs of a large family were to come from — sometimes hampered and even obliged to delay the work because he could not find the moneji to pay the postage — having more than once been on the verge of being turned out of house and home — could make it. The Compiler has had no advantages but such as are given to every one alike, whether rich or poor, with the exception of donations from two gentlemen (Arthur L'nderhill, Esq., LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, who made him a free gift of 21/- in addition to ordering a copy of the Work : and Dr. Malet, of Wolverhampton, who sent him 5/-) and one clergyman (The Rev. W. M. H. Stretton. who sent him 2/(> to cover postage) ; he has not received one penny b rREFACH. except in pnyment for copies of the work, and a weekly allowance by his Printer during this year. The fund^, therefore, to pay postage iinil other expenses have — beyond what is hero acknowledged — come altogetlicr out of the liard enrnings of himself, and frequent hard pincliings of ?clf and family. In mentioning this, the Compiler does not wish (o glorify him- self, or to discount tiie many kind words of encouragement he lias received ; no, certainly not ; he only desires to mention these facts to point out the billows thronfjh which the book has come to land, so that if any arc disposed to criticise they may bear in mind these facts and give due consideration thereto. He does not on the other hand desire that his readers should unduly favour him in their judgments as to the merits of the Work, but only that they may look upon it rather as a pioneer Work; not perfect, but as complete as it has been possilde to render it; and in the iiope that they may, whenever they come across new matter, oblige the Com[)iler by bringing it un ler liis notice. Tiic contract with his Printer was for 500 pages only ; the accumulation of material has exceeded this number already, and he is therefore precluded from adding some information which during the progress of the Work has fallen into his hands, and which he proposed to put into an appendix. For some time he liesitated whether or not to make an appeal to his Subscribers and others to enable him to reprint the whole Work, and add in right order the additional material to haml ; but on enquiry he found that the expense would be such that, without the very generous help and assistance of a large number of Patrons it would not be possible to carry this out, therefore it was waived. Another reason why he did not wish to delay it, for it had already been long enough expected, and as "hope deferred niaketh the heart sick," so it may be that to defer the issue would not be the wisest thing to do, and hence the work is issued to the Subscribers with all its imperfections and shortcomings, to be dealt with as the hearts and consciences of his fellow-countrymen may decide. The Compiler begs to acknowledge his indebtedness to the Rev. C. B. Boulter, of Malvern, J. Sleigh, Esq. (the historian of Leek), and the Rev. W. Beresford, of Leek, who were the first to help by their kind advice and loan of material. To the Rev. W. G. IX Fletcher, M.A., of Shrewsbury ; C. W. Sutton, Esq., Chief Librarian of Manchester ; J. Elliot, Esq., of Wolverhampton ; Sam : Timmins, Esq., of Arley, near Coventry ; and W. S. Brougii, Esq., of Leek ; who, from the commencement of the printing of the work, have kindly corrected proofs and contributed much additional information. To W. G. Flood, Esq., of Colton ; Kinetox Parkes, Esq., of Leek ; and J. Bradley, Esq., M.A., of Staflford ; who have been helpful in a similar manner, though not from the beginning thereof. To S. P. Eaoleton, Escj., LL.I)., of Wolverhampton, for his great kindness in obtaining a large number of Subscribers, and willingness to help still further if necessary. To Ur. Parkinson, of Oscott College ; the Rev. J. Caswell, of Princethorpe Priory, Rugby ; and the late Mother Prioress of Stone Convent ; for much help in the articles belonging to the Bibliography of Catholics. To G. T. Lawley, Esq., of Bilston ; F. W. Hackwood, Esq., of Wednesbury ; W. McIlwraith, Esq., of Wolverhampton ; M. H. Miller, Esq., of Leek ; and Colonel Thorneycropt, of Tettenhall Towers ; for much kindly assistance. PREFACE. Ti) Mr. George Smith of C'oalvim.e. tlie well-known advocate of tlic brickyarJ and gypsy cliildren, whose personal sympathy, kindly encouragement, and Christian counsel have been as light in the darkness, many times when it seemed that one must give up in utter despair. To his Printer, Mr. A. C. Lomax, of LiehBeld, for having undertaken the work without any payment in advance, and who all through has been kind, considerate, and helpful. To his P.^TRONS, for the use of their very influential and honoured names ; lent to a perfect stranger, an unknown man, for a new venture. Anil last, though not least, to the best woman in the world, his wife, who has been helpful at all times, buoying up his spirits in the darkest hours, and cheerfully agreeing to forego pleasure, comfort, and the necessaries of life, so that the Work might be carried out. With the exception of one article, the Compiler is responsible for the contents of the whole Work, " Nouerht from my birth, or ancestors I claim ; All is my own, my honour and my shame." — Johnson. and, without further trespassing upon the forbearance of those of his readers who may read this Preface, he will conclude — applying the greater to the lesser — with a quotation from the Preface to Dr. Johnson's English Dictionary (Second Quarto Edition) : — "It is the fate of those who toil at the lower employments of life, .... to be exposed to censure without hope of praise ; to be disgraced by miscarriage, or punished for neglect, when success would have been without applause, and diligence without reward. Among those unhappy mortals is the writer of dictionaries ; Every author may aspire to praise ; the lexicographer (bibliographer) can only hope to escape reproach, and even this negative recompence has been granted to very few. "The chief glory of every people arises from its authors much of my life has alway been spent in prorision for the day that was passing over tne ; but I shall not think my employment useless or ignoble, if by my assistance foreign nations, and distant ages, gain access to the propagators of Knowledge. "When I am animated by this wish, I look with pleasure on my book, however defective, and deliver it to the world with the spirit of a man that has endeavoured to do irell a few wild blunders, and risible absurdities, from which no work of such multiplicitij was ever free, may for a time furnish folly with laugliter, and harden ignorance in contempt ; but useful dillt/ence will at last prevail, and there never can be wantiny some who distinguish desert: "In this work, when it shall be found that much is omitted, let it not he forgotten that much likewise is performed; and though no book was ever spared out of tenderness to the author, and the world is little solicitous to know whence proceeded the faults of that which it condemns ; yet it may gratify curiosity to inform it that this book was written with little assistance of the learned, and patronage of the great ; not in the soft obscurities of retirement, or under the shelter of academick bovvers, but amidst inconvenience and distraction, in sickness and in sorrow." [Tbo italics in the above are the Compiler's.] And now, with thanks to all to whom thanks are due, with apologies for all the inconvenience and annoyance he has caused, and with thanks to that Almighty Being in Whose hands are all the ends of the earth, for having preserved him in health of mind and body, the Compiler bids farewell for the present to his subscribers, his critics, his friends, and his enemies (if such he has), and begs to subscribe himself Their obedient Servant, RUPERT SIMMS. Newc.4stle-under-Lyiie, 27th June, 1894. "For they can conquer, who believe tliey can." — Dryde.v. SUBSCRIBERS. SUBSCRIBEES. LARGE PAPER (Royal 4to.), Jfil : 11 : 6. THE IIOYAI. LIBUAUY, Windsor Castle. Ada.m.s, W., J. p.. The Oaks, Wolstanton. ADr,iN, MIS.S E. Adeline, Bank House, Stoke-on-Trent. GRAZEBnooK, H. SVDNET. F.S.A., Grove Park, Chiswick. Gi'NURV, James, Stone. Hacknev, Ralph, 45, Occupation Street, Newcastle. Hampton, Thomas. J.P., Walton, Stone. Hampton, Wm., F.C.S., 38, Lichfield Street, Hanley. Harcourt, Edward William, J.P., Newnham Park, Oxon. Hard.VAN, J no. H., Newhall Hill, Birmingham. Harrison. Captain, Walton, stone. Haruowbv, The Right Hon. the Earl oe, Sandon Hall, Stone. Hartley, George T., J. P., D.L., Wheaton Aston Hall, Stafford. Hatton, Dr. G. S., Newcastle. Hawksford, The Rev. John, S. Wilfrid's College, Oakamoor, Stoke-on-Treut. Hayward, Edward, 81, Lozells Road, Aston, Birmingham. Head, Rohert, Congleton. Heathcote, Captain J. H., 31, Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W. Henstock, Tho-Mas, Hanley. Hu'KMAN, Samiel J., 10, Florence Street, Newcastle. Higson, Ja.mes, Newcastle. HoDsoN, J. H., Overstowe, Lichfield. HoLDEN, E. T., Walsall. HoLLiNHKAD, Jajies Massev, 78, Liverpool Road, Newcastle. How.soN, George. Eastwood Sanitary Works, Hanle.v. HfLME, Thomas, Woodleigh, Longport, Burslem. Hunter-Weston, Lieut.-Colonel Gould, F.S.A., Hunterson, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. N.B. (2 copies;. Jackson, T. V., M.D.. J. P., Whetstone House, Wolverhampton. Jeffcock, The Rev. Prebendary, The Rectory. Wolverhampton. Jones, Elijah. Hanley. KlLBOURN, John, Editor, Free Press Office, Walsall. Lane, The Ten. Archdeacon, Leigh Rectory, Stoke-on-Trent. Lawden, F., 7o, Gilman Street, Hanley. Lawley, George T., Priestfield Honse, near Wolverhampton. Lawton, Spencer, J.P.. Elm House, Waterloo Road, Burslem. Leigh, Edmpnd, Holly Lodge. Wolstanton. Library, Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton. Lichfield Cathedral Lihrary. Lichfield, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of. The Palace, Lichfield. Lloyd, .Samuel, J. P., Farm. Sp.arkbrook, Birmingham. LoMAX, A. C, Lichfield. Lovatt, Jamk.s, Sunny Bank, Newcastle ("2 copies). Lowe, Charles, New Street, Birmingham. Ltxam, C. M.R.S.A., Stoke-on-Trent. Lyttelton-Annesley. Ma.ior-Gkneral AuTHi'R, New Club, Edinburgh. JIacGregor. The Rev. William, The Manor House, Bolehall, Tamwortli. Marsh-Caldwell. The Misses, Linley Wood, Talk-o'-th'-Hill. Mason, Jonas, 7, V^ictoria Road, Newcastle. Mather, F. J., Betlev, Crewe. SUBSCRIBERS. JIcAldowie, a.. SI.D., F.R.S. (Edin.), Stoke-on-Trent. McIlwraith, William, is, George Street, Wolverhampton. Mear, G. J., London Road, Chesterton. Midliind Evening News. Wolverhampton. Miller, JI. H., Leek Times (2 copies). MONCKTOX, D. H., M.D., Maidstone. Mould, E., White Barn Colliery, Newcastle. MicKLEsToy. The Rev. Rowland, Dinedor Rectory, Hereford. Natler, Jcseph, J.P., Rushall, Walsall. Neale, A., 74, Tonbridge Street, London, W.C. Newcastle, Hls Grace the Dcke of. Clumber House, Notts. New.vham, Dr., King Street, Wolverhampton. Nicholsox, Arthur, J.P., Highfield Hall, near Leek. Nicholson, J. 0., J.P.. Upton, Macclesfield. NoRTo.v. The Right Hon. Lord, Hams Hall, Warwickshire. Palmer. The Rev. Father C. F. R., St. Dominic's Priorv, Maitland Park, Haverstock Hill, N.W. (2 copies). Parker-Jeuvis. The Hox. E. S., Aston Hall, Sutton Coldtield, Birmingham. Peake, J. N., J. P., The Tileries, Tunstall. Pepper, A., Grosvenor Road, Newcastle. Perry, E. C, M.A., M.D., Superintendent, Guy'.s Hospital, London. Perrt, The Rev. Edwin Creswell, Seighford Vicarage, near Staffonl. Perry, F. C, J.P., Dunston Hall, Penkridge. Philips, Johx W., J.P.. Hevbridge, Tean, Stoke. Piercy, J. Beaumont, Madeley, Staffs. PiLKiXGTON, Sir L. M. S., Bart., Chevet Park, Wakefield. Plant, The Rev. Prebendary, Weston Vicarage, Stafford. Platt. Daniel, Newcastle. Powell, G. H., Croxden, National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place, S.W. Reyxold.s, Fraxk, 2, Liverpool Road, Newcastle. Rhodes, Thomas, Liverpool Road, Newcastle. Ridge, Samuel H., 257, Victoria Parade, East Melbourne, Victoria. RlDGWAY, F. J., Lower Street, Newcastle. Rimmer, Johx H., M.A.. LL.M., Madeley, Staffs. RiXtt, The Rev. T. P., Rawmarsh Rectory, Rotherham. Ritchie, Dr. J. J., Leek. RoBlxsox, J., J. P.. D.L.. Westwood Hall. Leek. RoBlxsox, Walter, 20, Gledhow Gardens, South Kensington. RoBlxsox, William H., The Bridge. Walsall. RooKE, Lieut.-Coloxel Harry William, Eccleshall Castle. ROYDS, Rev. C. Twemlow, Heysham Rectory, Lancaster. Salt, The Rev. Edw.. Standon Rectory, Eccleshall. Salt Library, Stafford. Shaw-Hellieh, Coloxel T. B., Commandant Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall, Hounslow. Sheldox, Profb.ssor J. P., Sheen, Ashboum. Sheldox, W. R., M.A., 7, Campden Hill Road, Kensington, W. SiMSKS, Rupert. Brunswick Street, Newcastle (2 copies). SXEYD, Drydex, Ashcombe Park, near Leek. Slaxey, Thos., Grosvenor Gardens. Newcastle. Slater, .Tames. Bescot Hall, Walsall. Smith, Charles H., Architect, G, Staple Inn, Holborn. E.G. Smith, George, of Coalville, The Cabin. Crick, Rugby (2 copies). Smith, William, 2, Stanley Street, Leek. Staffs. Potteries Newspaper Compaxy. Limited, Hanley. Steex, J. DUXBAR, Printer, Wolverhampton. Stocker, Alex. D., J. P., May Place, Newcastle. Stokes, S., J.P., Hanch Hall, Lichfield. Stone, Sir Bexjamix. Erdington. SuTHEiiLAXD, His Grace the Duke of, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent. SUTHERLAXD, MiLLicENT, DucHEss OF, Duurobin Castle. SUBSCRIBERS. Talbot, The Rev. A. H., Church Eaton Rectory, Stafford. Tho.mp.son% W., Walton Grange. TrxxiCLiKK, Wil,l,l.\M, Jasper House, Jasper Street, Hanley. TriiNEii, J.\MES, Victoria Street, Silverdale, Newcastle. Ti-ii.vEit. J. HortsF.vi.L, F.R.H.S.. Mel, BvaiUortl (2 copies). TwEMLOW, T. F., J.P., (the late) Betley Court, Crewe. Udall, T. B., Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent. Vern-on, The Hon. William Warren, 34, Grosvenor Place, London, S.W. ViLLiERs, The Riuht Hon. C. P.. M.P., 50, Cadogan Place, London. Ward, John, F.G.S., Stafford Street, Longton. Wardle, Ben. O., 8, Russell Street, Leek. Watkin, Henry, 24. Price Street, Burslem. Webr, F. W., M.I.E., Chester Place, Crewe. Weston, Major J. B., The Towers, Colchester. WiLLMORE, Frederic William. M.R.C.S.. Fairholm, Walsall. Wilson, James, Hutton House, Bull Street, Birmingham. Wiseman, Edward, Saint John Street, LichtieM. Wood, T. F., J.P., Claremont, Wolstanton. Wrottesley, Major-General The Right Hon. George, M, Cadogan Gardens, London, S.W. Wrottesley, The Rioht Hon. Lord, Wrottesley, Wolverhampton. Yate.s, The Rev. Canon, Cottingham Rectory, Uppingham. SUBSCRIBERS. SMALL PAPER (Imperial 8vo.), £1:1:0. Abid, The Rev. Hexky, R.D.. The Vicarage, Cttoxeter. Addehlev, Wm. a., J.P., The Beeches, Longton. Allex, The Kbv. Pbebendart, Eccleshall. Alle.v, E. G., Henrietta Maria Street, London, E.C. Ali.e.v, F., Woore, Newcastle. Alli.v, Thomas, 40. Lichfield Street, Hanley. Alsop, The Ret. A. R., JI.A., Bednall Vicarage, Stafford. Amphlbtt, Johx, J.P., Clent. Ax.sox, Sir William R., Bart., D.C.L., All Souls' College, Oxford. Aklidge, J. T., J.P.. The High Grove, Stoke-on-Trent. A.SHWORTH, Tatlob, Esg., J. P., Sunny Bank House, Shelton. Atkixso.v, W. N., H. JI. Inspector of Mines, Xewcastle. AUDEX, The Rev. Thomas, M.A., Condover Vicarage, Shrewsbury. AVEBILL, Db., Park Green, Macclesfield. Badsai.l, The Be v. James, B.A., Endon, Stoke-on-Trent. Badxall, Vf. B., J.P., C.A., Thorpe, Ashbume. Baildux, W. Palet, F.S.A., 5, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London,W.C Baggii.ey, Johx, High Street, Newcastle. Baldwix, Alfred, J.P., Wilden House, Stourport, Worcestershire. Bamber, W. H., Stoke-on-Trent. Barker. Hexbt T., Ludlow, Salop. Barxes, A. W., Solicitor, Lichfield. Babbett, The Rev. W., Etruria Vicarage. Babbow, Joseph., J.P., Ferndale, Harbome, Rd., Edgbaston. (2 copies). Bate.max, James, Home House, Worthing (2 copies). Batemax-Scott, Ladt. Great Barr HaU. Bates, James, C.C, Old End House. Coseley, near Bilston. Bates, Thos., Eirkham Street, Stoke-on-Trent. BArMAXX, O., St. Olave's Grammar School, Southwark, S.E. Beach, Thomas, M.A.. Tettenhall Court. Wolverhampton. Beabdslet, William, Chairman Free Library Committee, Walsall. Beavex, The Rev. F. H., M.A.. S. Paul's Vicarage, Burton-on-Trent. Bedfobd, The Rev. W. K. R., M.A.. Sutton Coldfield. Beeby, The Rev. William Mardox, Burnside, Crabtree, Sheffield. Bell, A. E.. Ashford Street, Stoke-on-Trent. Bell, Herbert, ij7, Liverpool Road, Newcastle. Bext, J. Dudley. Beresfobd, S. B., Monyash House, Grosvenor Road, Ilford, Essex. Bebesford, Johx, Macintyre's Works, Buislem. Bill. Charle.s, M.P.. Farley Hall, Cheadle. BiBca, W. T., May Bank. Heaton Road, Withington, Manchester. BiRK.s, Arthtr, Rudyard, Leek. Bibmixgham & MiDLAXi) Ixstitute, (ArchiEological Section), Birmingham. Blakeway, The Rev. B., Horton Viairage, Leek. BODLEV, Walter S., Longport. Boothby, C. E., 1, Palmeira Square, Brighton. BocLTox, Aldermax W., Stoke-on-Trent. Bradfielu. W. C, Mayfield Road, Moseley, Birmingham. Bradford, The Right Hox. the Earl of, Weston Hall, Shifnal. BBAS.SEY, The Right Hox. Lord, 24, Park Lane, London, W. Brealey, Johx% Leek. Bkidgemax, The Rev. Caxox, The Hall. Wigan. Bbidgemax, The Hox. axd Rev. Johx, Weston Rectory, Shifnal. Bbitish MrsEUM, London. Bbittaix. Edwix, Victorbi Street, Chesterton, Newcastle. Brittaix, Thom.vs, Chesterton. Bromley, Aldermax J., J.P., The Mount, Stoke-on-Trent. Broomfield, H. G., Mount Pleasant, Newcastle. Broosifield, H. v., Mount Pleasant, Newcastle. Brocgh, Will. S., J. P., Leek. Browxe, H. Laxglev M.D., West Bromwich. Bbyax.s, The Rev. E. de V., M.A., Newton-on-Ouse Vicarage, Torks. Bull, G. C, M.R.C.S., Newcastle. Bclleid, J. H., Newcastle. BiLLER, Sir M. E. M axxixgh am, Bart., Dilhome Hall, Stoke-on-Trent. Bullock, Thos., J. P., The Mount, Congleton. SUBSCRIBERS. Caddick, Edwaui), Wellington Koad, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Cad.man, .Tas. C, Silverdale, Newcastle. CAMrnKLl,, A., Whitmove. Capey, \Vm., Registrar, Tunstall. Caswf.1.1,, The Rev. J., St. Mary's Priory, Princethorpe, Rugby. CuAi,i.iNOU, W., .T.P., Pickwood, Leek (2 copies). Cbante, F. W., J.P., Morton, Carlisle. Chance, J. F., 51, Prince's Gate, London, S.W. Chance, R. L., Chad Hill, Harborne Road. Birmingham. Chance, W., M.A., Wharfenden, Framley, Surrey. CHAiii.E.sHoiiTH, John, M.R.C.S., 25, Birch Terrace, Hanley. Chiltiin, H. Heuman, ;W, Merridale Road, Wolverh.ampton. CHl'ltimiLL, Ma.ioii Seton, White Hall, Lichfield. Clakk. Chas. FuEDEIiicK, J.I'.. Perton (irovc, near Wolverhampton. Claiike, The Rkv. H. J., A.K.C, Great Barr Vicarage. Clive, Robeut C, .T.P., Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent. CoLDVVEi.L, The Rev. W. E., M.A., Sandon Vicarage, Stono, Staffs. Coi.K. S. H., Tittensor. Stoke-on-Trent. Cole-Weub, The Rev. C. H., Penn Vicarage. CoO-MEIt, G. W., Ironmarket, Newcastle. Cooi'EK, Chaiu.es, The Mount, Porthill, Wolstanton. CoorEIt, Uexuv E., (iale House, Sedgley. Cooi'EU, S. Hbuuekt, J.P., Oulton Grange, Stone. Cool'Eli, Tho.ma.'^. Mossley House. Congleton. Cope, Thomas, Knutton Farm, Newcastle. CousENs, The Rev. R. R., The Rectory, Newcastle. CowpL.iND, The Rev. W. E., Acton Beauchamji Rectory. Bromyard, Worcester. CULWICK, C. J., Organist Royal Chajiel. Dublin. Dai.trv, The Rev. T. W., M.A ,F.L.S., F.E.S., Madeley Vicarage, Newcastle. Dautmouth, The RiiiHT Hon. the Eahl of, Patshull, Wolverhampton. Dauwai.l, The Rev. Leicester, M..A., Belle Vue, Tenby. Darwin. Major. M.P., IS, Wetherby Place, South Kensington, S.W. Dii'KERsoN, The Rev. R. C, M.A., Selby Lodge, Cambray, Cheltenham. Dickson, R. H., M.R.C.S., Newcastle. DiT.woRTH. David, Lew Abbey, EUel, Lancaster. DiiRiilcoTT, R., Knutton, Newcastle. Downing, William, Temple Row, Birmingham. DUDSON, J. T., Hope Street, Hanley. DuiiiNAN, W. H., Walsall. Dunn, H. A. C, 24, Hyde Park Place, London, W. Dunn. The Rev, M. W. M., Church Lodge, Eccleshall. Eacleton. Samuel P.. LL.D., Woodville. Compton Road, Wolverhampton. Eardlev, Edward H., Market Square, Tunstall. Eardlev, Peter, Bignall Hill, Audley. Edue, J. Wilcox, J. P., Huntley, Wolstanton. EnciE, S. R., M.A., J. P., Brampton, Newcastle. Edge, T.. Bridge Street, Newcastle. Editor, Daib) Argus, Birmingham. Edwardes, 'The Rev. D., M.A., Denstone College, Uttoxeter. Edward.s. Charles, S. Mark's Place, Wolverhampton. Ellison. The Rev. Canon H. J., Great Haseley Rectory, Tetsworth, Oxon. Elvin, Charles Norton, M.A., Eckling Grange, East Dereham. Emery, James, 2!I, Lower Street, Newcastle. EssiNiiToN, The Rev. R. W., Shcnstone Vicarage, Lichfield. Eveils-Swindell, J. S., J. P., Clent House, near Stourbridge. Fallowes, The Rev. J. P., M.A., Dunedin, New Ze.aland. Faram. H. C, Stoke-on-Trent. Farley, Reuben, J. P., Cambridge House, We.st Bromwich. Farmer, The Rev. K. C, B.A., Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent. Farnworth. W., F.G.S., The Manor House, Sedgley. Fearon. The Rev. T. H. B., M.A., Norton Rectory, Stoke-on-Trent. Feilden, The Rev. Canon, RoUeston Rectory, Burton-on-Trent. Felkin, a. L., M.A., Royal Naval School, Eltham, Kent. SUBSCRIBERS. xxi. Fklkix, U. \V.. M.D., 20, Alva Street, Edinburgh. Fkllows, Fkaxk Pkkks, Kt. S.J.J., F.R.S.S., F.S.A., Hampstead, London, X.W. Fextox, The Rev. G Livixgston'e, M.A., care of Messrs. Richardson & Co., 25, Suffolk Street. Pall Mall, E. Ferguson, The Rev. Joseph, M.A., The Manse. The Leys. Darlaston, Stafford. Ferrers, The Right Rev. the Emil op, Chartley Castle, Stafford. Fletcher, The Rev. ,I. W., M.A., Ashleigh. 202, Burton Road, Derby. Fletcher, The Rev. W. G. Di.mock, M.A., F.S.A., S. Michael's Vicarage, Shrewsbury. Flood, Gr.itta.v Vf. H., St. Wilfrid's College, Oakamoor. Stoke-on-Trent. Folker, W. H., Bedford House, Hanley. Ford, Tho.s., 8, Madeley Street, Tunstall. Forshaw, Dr. C. F., M.A., LL.D., Bradford. Foster, W., Woodsetton, Dudley. Fowler, The Right Hox. Hexry H., M.P., Wolverhampton. Free Library, Bilston. ,, Birmingham. „ Bradford. „ Handsworth. ,, Lichfield (given by A. G. Lomax). ., Manchester. „ Newcastle, Staffs. „ Nottingham. „ Oldham. „ Plymouth. „ Rochdale. „ Wednesbury. ,, West Bromwich. ,, Garrick Street, Wolverhampton. Freer, The Vex. Archdeacox, Sudbury Rectory, Derby. Fi'LLER, The Rev. Wilfrid, 25, West Brampton, Newcastle. Geex, Frederick, 4, Bath Terrace, Stoke-on-Trent. G1BB0N.S, John L., J. P., The Ellowes Hall, near Dudley. GooDjThe Rev. C. Patten', M.A., 5,Kensington Garden's Terrace, Hj-de Park. GooDACRE, The Rev. R. H., Ipstones, Stoke-on-Trent. Goodall, Hexrt, Ashfield Cottage, Liverpool Road, Newcastle. Goodfellow, H., 16, Madeley Street, Tunstall. Goss, W. HrXTLEY, Bank House, Stoke-on-Trent. G08S, William Hexry, Bank House, Stoke-on-Trent (2 copies). GowER, G. L., M.P., Audley Street, London. Graham, Tho.v.\.s, Jixpress and Star, Wolverhampton. Gray, Hexry, Bookseller, 47, Leicester Square, London, W.C. Grexpell, H. R., Barnes, Henley-on-Thames. Gripfith, Joseph, Town Clerk, Newcastle. Guest, The Rev. J. M., M.A., Grammar School, Handsworth. Hackwood, F. W., Comberford Cottage, Wednesbury. Hall, Thomas, Shelton Road, Newcastle. Hallam, Wm. Hexry, M.R.C.S., Queen .Street, Newcastle. Ham.mond, Thoma.s, Church Street, Chesterton, Newcastle. Hamshaw, J. L., Albion House. Hanley. Haxkixsox, The Rev. J., Heighley Villas, Cheltenham. Hartill, Johx T., J.P., Manor House, Willenhall. Hatherton, The Right Hox. Lord, Teddesley Hay, Penkridge. Hardeman, C. H., J.P., Newcastle. Hargreaves, Jabez, Stoke Old Road, Stoke-on-Trent. Harris, F. W., Solicitor. Burslem. Harris, Johx T., The Hayes, Stone, Staffs. Harris, W., J.P., Vicarage Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Harrison, Miss A. M., Gorse Cliff, Boscombe, Bournemouth. Harston, F. H., Old Bank House, Stafford. Hastings, R. S., Fountain Square, Hanley. Hay, T. W. Littletox, Potter's Bar, Little Heath. Middlesex. Heath, A. H., Madeley ilanor, Newcastle. Heathcote, J. H. E., .'M, Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W. Henson, T. W., Forest Ville, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham. Heywood-Loxsdale, a. P., Shavington, Market Dr.iyton. HicKMAX, Sir Alfred, Knt., M.P., Wolverhampton. Hickman, R. H., High Street, Newcastle. xxii. SUBSCRIBERS. Hill.Thk Right HoX. A. E.St .vvelev, M.P..Oxley Manor, Wolverhampton. HIXCKKS, HAUIiY T., Tcttenhall. Wolverhampton. HiNCKLKT, F., Netherstowe, Lichfield, HiXDE, F. H., Printer, Dudley Street, Wolverhampton. HITCH.MAN, John, Cherry Street, Birmingham. HoBsox, Robert, The Crescent, Wellington, Salop. HoDUSox, The Rev. Robert, M.A., Rectory, Hand.sworth. Hodgson, The Rev. John. M.A., Kinver Vicarage, Stourbridge. HoLDEX, The Rev. 0. JI., LL.D., Gailey Vicarage, Penkridge. Hole, W. G., Newcastle. Hoi.i.ixrtHE.VD, E., Lily Street, Wolstanton. HoLLIXSHEAD, E. W., Endon, Stoke-on-Trent. Hooks, Hexbv, Liverpool Road, Newcastle. HOBTOX, The Rev. A. W., \I.A., Dewsall Rectory, Hereford. HoRTox, The Rev. H. H.. Calton Vicarage, Ashbourne. Howard, Daniel, Xewl.ands, West Bromwich. Howitt. Mi*i M\RGARET, 8. Sieberer Stras.se, Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria. Howl, Edmuxd, The Quarries, Ruiton, near Dudley. Howsox, J. P.. Ironmarket, Newcastle. HuFFADiXE, The Rev. H. H., Brewood, Stafford. Hughe.*, W. R., F.L.S., Wood House, Handsworth Wood, Staffs. HcLME, The Rev. Samuel, Bowdon, Cheshire. HUNTBACH, WiLLiA-M, Hanlev. Hutchinson, The Rev. S. W.. Blurton Vicarage, Stoke-on-Trent. Jacksox, Miss G. F., Blackfriars. Chester (in exch.ange for "Word Book"). Jacksox, Wm. F. Marsh, M.D.. Smethwick. James, Thomas J., Gold'.s Hill, West Bromwich. Jewitt, Edwix a. G.. Matlock. Jewitt, Llewellv.v. Matlock, Derby. JoBERX.s, The Rev. C. H., M.A., St. Stephen's Rectory, Bristol. JOHXSON, D. Keexe, Mount Pleasant, Newcastle. JoHX.soN, Thomas, The Villas, Silverdale. Jones, John, J.P., Ireton Lodge, Wolverhampton. Kate, Walter J., M.A., Pembroke House, Harrogate. Kegax Paul, Trench, Trubner, & Co., Ludgate Hill, E.G. Kendrick. Arthur, Bridge Street, Newcastle. Kent, Geo. C, Town Clerk. Longton. Kexward, J., F.S.A., 280, Hagley Road, Birmingham. Kerry, The Rev. Charle.s, Upper Stondon Rectory, Shefford, R.S.O., Beds. Kettle, Sir Rupert, Knt., Merridale, Wolverhampton. KiTi-HEXER, F. E., M.A., Old Hall, Oulton. Ktxnerslev, E. M. Sxevd, M.A., Broughton Lodge, Chester. Kyxxeksley, T. C. Sxeyd (The late). Moor Green, Birmingham. Laxgford, J. A., LL.D., .'$2, Fernlcy Road, Sparkliill. Birmingham. Law, Miss J. Charlotte J., St. Edmund's, Salisbury, Wilts. Lawton, James, Sunny Side, Woore. Leason, Alderm.vn George, Stoke-on-Trent. Lee, Sidney, 108, Le.vham Gardens, Kensington, London. Lee.s, The Rev. Samuel IJT, Hill Top, West Bromwich. Leicester, The Right Rev. the Bishop op. Precincts, Peterborough. Lewis, George, Audley Street. Knutton. Newcastle. LiLLis, The Rev. J. M., The Presbytery, Newcastle, Staffs. LiviXG.sTONE, C. M. Fenton, Easter Moffat Home, Airdrie. Lloyd, .Samuel, J.P., Farm, Sparkbrook, Birmingham. Lodge, Richard, Brasenose College, Oxford. Lonsdale, The Rev. J. H., MA, .Shroton Rectory, Blandford. Lowndes, John. Church .Street, .Silverdale, Newcastle. Lowndes, The Rev. 0. C. Selby. M.A., Chorlton Vicarage, Newcastle. LucKocK, The Vert Rev. H. Mortimer, D.D., Dean of Lichfield. Luimoore, The Rev. C. C, Broughton Rector}-, Newport Pagnell. Maddock, John, F. Alsager. MagR-IXE, Dr., The Leys, Darlaston. Maixwabing, The Rev. P. H., Whitmore Rectory. SUBSCRIBERS. xxiii. Maxdley, Arthiii. 17, Florence Street, Newcastle. SIaxi.ev, Johx, JID.. West Bromwich. Manx. A. H., Mus. Doc, Oxon., King's College, C.imbridge. JiAR.-iH-CALDWELi,, THE ilis-^ES, Linlev Wood, Talk-o'-th'-Hill. JIarso;:, The Rev. Charles, Clevedon Vicarage, Somerset. Martex. E. B., Pedmore, Stourbridge. Masefield, Johx R. B., Rosehill, Cheadle, Staffs. Masox, Phii.if 11., M.D., Burton-on-Trent. Mai'dslev, John, Lougport, Stoke-on-Trent. Meakix, F., Stoney Fields. Newcastle. ilELLARD, R. B., J.P., Newcastle. Merier, J. S., .iii, Clifton Terrace, Newcastle. Miller, JI. H., Leek Times (2 copies). MiLXES, Erxe.st S., J.P., Culland House, Derby. Mitchell, G. B., Wolverliampton. MoBBERLEY, W., Dudley. Moody, H. E., Lancaster Road, Newcastle. Moody, W., J.P., Lancaster Road. Newrastle. MORT, J. & C Stafford {Slaffhidshiie Advertiser Office^ Moxox, J. E., Solicitor, Hanley. Neele. Georce p.. The Liwn, Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts. Neve, Johx, Oaken, Wolverhampton. Nevixs, Dr. Birkbeck, ."!, Abercromby Srpiare, Liverpool. Newbolt. H. J.. 14, Old Square, Lincoln's Ian, London, W.C. Newitt, W. E., 27, Queen Street. Wolverhampton. NiCHOLSOX, Arthur, J.P., Highfield Hall, near Leek. NiCKLix, Johx, Kingsfield Villa, Newcastle. NOKES, F.. Bryn-iach, Ruthin. NoRRi.s, Richard, 3, Birchfield Road, Birmingham. Nuxx, The Rev. S., M.A.. Lawton Rectorv, Stoke-on-Trent. O'Keefe, William 23, Brunswick Place, Hanley. O.SCOTT College Library, Birmingham. OwEX, CoLOXEL Arthur Allen, 31, Barons' Conrt Road, W. Kensington. Oxex, D. H., 40, Bridge Street, Newcastle, Staffs. Paget, Howard F., J. P., Elford, Tamworth. Paxkhur-st, R. M.. LL.D., 8, Russell Square, London, W.C. Pargeter, Philip, J.P., Heathfield House, Stourbridge. Parke.s, Kixetox, Nicholson Institute, Leek. Parkixsox, The Rev, H., D.D., Oscott College, Birmingham. Patti.sox, James. Friars' Wood, Newcastle. Pauli, The Rev. Johx, Audley, Newcastle. Pearce, Johx. Market Drayton. Pearsox., Joseph H., J.P., Handsworth, Birmingham. Pexderel-Brodhurst, J., 3, Queen Anne's Gardens. Betlford Park, Chiswic'i, W. (2 copies). Perry, F. C. J.P., Dunston Hall. Penkridge. Pietersex, J. F. G., Ashwood House Asylum, Kingswinford. PiGOTT, The Rev. Edmcxd V.. Trentham Vicarage, Stoke-on-Trent. Plaxt, The Rev. Prebexdaht, Weston Vicarage, St.afford. Potter, G. G.. Nethei-stowe, Lichfield (2 copies). Potter, The Rev. Peter, M.A., Bishopston Rectory, Swansea. PoVER, John-, Church Street, Silverdale, Newcastle. Pr.vtt, H. S.. Solicitor. Bilston. Pratt, The Rev. P. E.. Madley Vicarage. Hereford. Prexdergast, N Dowlixg, M.A., 2.3, Old Hall Street, Hanley. Prowse. B., Mayor, Longton. Public Free Library, Guildhall Road, Northampton. Ram, a. J.. 3. Chester Square. London. S.W. Ram, The Rev. R. Dig by, M.A., The Vicarage, Hampton, Middlesex. Reid, Sir Hugh Gilzeax, Warley Abbey, Birmingham. Reyxolds, Walter, Barrow-in-Furness. RiGBY. Euwix, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent. XXIV. SUBSCRIBERS. RuiBV, Fn.vxK. Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent. BOBY, Hexhv J.. LL.D.. SI.P., Hope Hall. Eccle-i Old Road, Manchester. EocKLEY, J.iMEs. Hay Bank, Wol«tanton. RoDGEBs, The Rev. Robert R., .11. Hall Road. Handsworth. Rose, Geohse. M.A., Town Clerk. Wednesbury. Ro.SED,vi,E, The Rev. W. E., The Vicanige, Willenhall. Kowi.EV, JoHX, Liverpool Road, Newcastle. Rydeu, The Hon. U. D., High Ashurst, Dorking. Rydei!, R., Printer, Wednesbury. Byles, F. R , 260, Waterloo Road, Barslem. Salt, Thomas, J.P., Weeping Cross, Stafford. Salt, The Rev. Edward. Standon Rectory, Eccleshall. Samson, The Rev. Edwakd, M.A., Brereton Vicarage, Rugeley. SaV-VDER.*, C. T.. 37. Temple Row, Birmingham. Savxders, James. 4-2, Powlett Street, Wolverhampton. Scott, The Te.v. Archdeaco.v, St. Mary'.s Vicarage, Lichfield. Shaw, The Rev. Wm. F., M.A.. West Stoke Rectory, Chichester. Shextos. John, Crackley Gate. Silverdale, Newcastle. Shipp, R. W., Sentinel Office, Hanley. Shiri-ey, Jesse, J.P.. Etruria. Shrewsbiry, The Rioht Rev. The Bishop op, Shrewsbury. SiG.NET Library, Edinburgh (perT. 6. Law, Librarian). SiMMS, RrPEUT, Brunswick Street, Newcastle. Skene, The Rev. G. W., 1I..\., Barthomley Rectory, Crewe. Sketlhlev, R. Forster, .South Kensington Museum, London. Slade, The Rev. J. J., M.A.. The Rectory. Wordsley, Kingswinford. Sleiob, Hugh, J.P., Leek. Sleigh, John, J.P., Eversley, ne.ir Matlock. Smith, Arthur Grosart Leh.man, The Cabin, Crick, Rugby. Smith, E. Fisher, J.P., 34, Avenue Road, Regent's P.ark, London. Smith, Edgar Capper Lehman, The Cabin. Crick, Rugby. Smith, Elder, 4- Co., Messrs., l.i, Waterloo Place. Pall Mall. Smith, The Rev. Prebendary J. Finch, The Close, Lichfield. Smith, The Rev. D., F.R.H.S., .Sandiacre Rectory. Nottingham. Smith. George, of Coalville. Smith, John George, Brynford, Worcester Park, Surrey. Smith. Joseph, Parish Offices, Sedgley. Smith, T. J., The Bank Hou.se, Leek. Smith, The Rev. W. I., S. John's Rectory, Longton. Sneyd, Dryden, J.P., Ashcombe Park, near Leek. Sneyd, John William, J.P., Basford Hall, Leek. Solon, L., Stoke ViUas, Stoke-on-Trent. Southern. Charles, The Hollies, Bescot, Wednesbury. Spanton, W. D., F.R.C.S.. Hanley. Sparrow, Arthur, J.P., Preen Manor, Shrewsbury (2 copies). Sperling, The Rev. Alfred M., Leek. Spkoston, Thos. B., King Street. Newcastle. Stafiordshire Sentinel Office. Foundry, Street. Hanley. Stamer, W. E., Cliffville, Stoke-on-Trent. Stanhope, The Ho.n. P., M.P., Woodhouse, Womboum. Stanier, Francis, J.P., Peplow Hall, Market Drayton. Statham, W., Chesterton, Newcastle. St. George, General J., (the late). 22, Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W. Stokes. The Rev. H. P., M.A., S. Paul's Vicarage, Cambridge. Stone, The Rev. S. J., M.A., Woodvale Lodge, South Norwood Hill, S.E. Sugden, W. L., Leek. SwANN, Henry S., Newcastle. Tangye, H. Lincoln, Smethwick Hall. Staffs. Tangye. Sir Richard. J. P.. Glendorgal. Newquay, Cornwall. Tangye's, Limited. Coi-nwall Works, Birmingham. Tart, John Bailey, Church Street. Bilston. Taylor, Geo., 8 & 9. Marsh Street, Newcastle. Taylor, The Rev. John, 11)*, Chester Road, Northwich, Cheshire. Tho.mpso.v, William, Ettingshall. Wolverhampton. Thompstone, The Rev. E.. Knutton Vicarage, Newcastle. Thorneycboft, Lieut.-Col., Tettenhall Towers, Wolverhampton. Tildesley, J. C, J.P., The Firs, Penkridge. SUBSCRIBERS. Tll.r,. Spen'Ceb, 25, Ironmarket, Newcastle. Ti.M.Mixs, Sam:, Arley. Coventry. TiMMIs. L., Lower Harta Hill, Stoke-on-Trent. TiMMis. W., Mayfield, Stanley, Stoke-on-Trent. TVRWHiTT. The Rev. C. B.. Cauldon Vicarage, Ashboiirn. TritNEK, EnwARD, High .Street, Newcastle. TrtixEit, The Rev. Herbert C, Fenton Vicarage, Stoke-on-Trent. TlRXEB. J. il., Union Office.", Newcastle. Tkyford, Thomas W., J. P.. Biddulph. near Congleton. TwE-MLow, Fraxcis Handle. J.P., Peatswood. Market Drayton. L'xderhill, Arthur, LL.D.. 8. Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. U.n'DERHILL, T., J.P., Summerfield House. West Bromwich. Un'Itt, T., Liverpool Road, Newcastle. VuifiARS, M. H., Knutton Farm, Newcastle. Voiles, The Rev. S. C. JI.A., A-shley Rectory, Market Drayton. VvsE, C. H., Wolfe Street. Stoke-on-Trent. Waix, F. W., Solicitor, Hanley. Wake, H. Thomas, Fritchley. Derby. Wallls, C. Harrt. F S.A., The Residence. Nottingham Art Museum. Wallts. Whitworth. F.S.A.. Art Gallery. Birmingham. Ward, The Rev. Richard, S. George's Vicarage, Newcastle. Wardle, Tho.mas, F..S..\.. Leek. Warner, The Rev. Charles, Clun Vicarage, Salop. Warner, Wm., 2. Brunswick Street, Newcastle. W.VTERHorsE, Captain, Dudley. Wateridue. F. W.. Shrewsbury. Watson, Hy., J. P.. Ashfield House, Newcastle. Weaver, The Rev. F. W., M.A., Milton, Evercreech, Somerset. Welm.ncjs. .Samcel p., Ironmarket. Newcastle. Wencjer, a., London Road, Newcastle. WuiTAKER. Miss, Llansanttiraid, Oswestry. Wuitebouse, CoRXELirs, Bridgtown, Cannock, Walsall. WniTTixuHAM, Edward, 17, Elliott Street. Newcastle. Whv.man. John. 104. Snowden Villas. Botteslow Street. Hanley. Whvman. Rowland Henry. 108. Effingham Road, Homsey, N. WiGUiN. Sir H.. Bart.. Metchley Grange. Harborne. Willett, Mrs. M., Bedalls. Lindfield, Hayward's Heath (2 copies). Williams, Philip, Hinstock Hall, Market Drayton. WiLLI.VMs, R., J.P., Weflnesbury. Wilson, The Rev. J. P., y, Fyiield Road, Oxford. Wilson. James. Hutton House. Bull Street. Birmingham. WiNDLE. Professor B. C. A.. Mason College. Birmingham. WiNDLE. The Rev. Wji., M.A., 17, Breakspear Road, Broekley. S.E. WoLSELEY. Field-Marshal Vi.scouxt, of Wolseley Bridge. Royal Hospital, Dublin. Wood, E. J. W., Meece House, Stone. Woodall, Wm., M.P., Burslem. World, David A.. .i8o. High Road, Chiswick, London. W. Wrauue, Clement Lindley, F.R.M.S., Director, Chief Weather Bureau, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Wynne, Rii'h. H., Mount Pleasant. Newcastle. Yates, James, M.R.C.S., Newcastle. Yates, James, Madeley. Newcastle. Yeates, The Rev. F. J., Weymouth. Camelford. Cornwall. YONUE, The Rev. Verxox George, Chanies Hall, Eccleshall. York, The Rioht Hon. axd Most Rev. the Archbishop ok, Bishopthorpe. York. YorXG, The Rev. J.. Blore Ray Vicarage, Ashburne. Aujust, 1894. BIBLIOTHEOA STAFFOEDIENSIS. BIBLIOTHECA STAFFOEDIEN818. "A.." Hanley. The Ailvantage of Social Meetings for Promoting Literarv- Improvement. Bv"A." [Xew Con. .Wag. {ISIS), pp. 2C— -2!!. 112— 1I«. H7— 1.51.] Letter from Jame3 Hervev to his brother. Contributed by "A." [/A. fl820), 1«4— 1(;7.] On Innocent Amusements. Bv " A.'* [/A., 238 — 241.] On Liberty. By "A." [«., .S:!.-!— .^35.] Obitu.arv of John Leigh, of Stoke Lane. By '■ A." [/4. (1823), 2.55— 259.] "A.," Leek. Lines on "The Moorland City Plague." Bv "A." 1857. Reprinted " Olde Leeke " (1891), .58—112. " A U.VRRISTEl!." Notes on the Rev.Thomas Butt's " Letter on Preaching." [C'A. Obsercer (1831), 137.] "A. C," Burslem. Anecdotes. Bv "C. A." [AW Con. .Mag. (1824). 118 —119.] "A. H. B." Elmhurst Echo. ByH.B.A." [rAe.)/irro/-,XV.,368.] "A. .1. B.," Newcastle. r.SVf Armstrong fRev. J. B.).] Obituarv of James Dickson (lafi. Field Club [lS8a).2SS0; White's Staffs. ri.S31). 546, 579; Ward's Stoke, 135—6, 142—5. 288— 296 ; Wedgwood's " Up and Down the County," I., 62 — 72.] Abbot's Eromi.ev. Church Registers :— I., Mixed, fol., 82 leaves, 6,538 entries, from 1.5.58 — 1679. II., Mixed, fol., pp. 51, entries 3,897, from 168(1—1734. III., Mixed, fol., pp. 69, from 1734—1781). IV., Baptisms ami Burials, fol., 112 pp. used (contains also 27 pp. of minutes of committee meetings), from 178(1—1812. V., Marriages, fol., pp. 144, from 17.58— 1810. VI., Marriages, 1810—1812, only 8 pp, >ised. VII., Baptisms, I81.H— 1849, pp. 200. VIII., Marriages, 1813— 1837, only 83 pp. used. IX., Burials, 181.3—1869, pp. 200, and those in use. — (Rev. E. de. V. Bryans, if.A.. Vic;ir). [Pitt's Staffs. (1817), 309— 310:" Griffiths' End. Sch. (I860), 217—224, (il3 ; Harwood's Erdeswicke ( 1844), 269 : Garner. 114, 2(>. sup. 17: Calvert's Views, 18; White's Staffs. ( 1834 1, 602 ; Hist. Coll. of Staffs., L, 248 : Colton Sc Wastenev's. 30, 267.] [See Carey (Rev. H. F.). Whitworth (Joseph). Hig- gins(C.C.).] Abbot, Georsre b. Guildford, Surrey, 29tli Oct., 1562 : s. of Maurice Abbot, a cloth-worker ; educated Gr. Sch ; Balliol Coll., 0.\., 1571 : ABBOT B.A., 15«2; M.A., 1585; B.I)., 15!t3; D.D., 1597 ; probationer Fellow, 1583 : Master University Coll., 1597: Dean of Winchester. 6th March, 1590—1600 ; Vice-Cliancellor, 1600, 1608, 1605 ; Bishop of Lichfield, 1609; of London, 1610; Archbishop of Canterbury, 1611 until his cl., at Croydon, 4th Aug., 1633, aged 71 ; bur. Trinity Cli., Guildford. Quaastiones sex totidem Praelectionibus in .Schola Theologica Oxoniae. pro Forma habitis, discussae et dis- ceptatae. Anno 1597; in quibus, e Sacra Scriptura and Patribus, quid statuendum sit. definitiir. Ojcoiiim, 1502. 4to., pp. 224. Index extra. PubtisheJ hi/ .16c. .•icullelns. Franco/, 1610. [Bodl. Lib., 4to., A. 7 Th.] Briefe Description of the whole World. Whe.-ein is particularly described all the Monarchies, Empires, and Kingdoms of the sime ; with their several titles and scituations thereunto adjoyning. 12mo. Portrait by Marshall. [Of this work there have been many editions, viz., 1500 (4to. London : Printed by T. Jml.ion for John Browne, n.p.. 22^ leaves i, 1600, 1603, 1608, 1613. '1017 ( 4th ed. Printed for John Browne, n.p.. 84 le:ives). 7C;?(> ( fift ed. Printed for .John Harriot. n.p., ><^\ leaves, with Universities). 1624, 16.33. 1636. 12mo. (Printed bij T. II. for W. Shearer, pp. 35(1), 1042. 16-54, 1664 (Printed for Margaret Shearea. 5th ed. pp.310).] An Exposition upon the Prophet Jonah. Contained in certaine sermons preached in .'^. Marie's Church in Oxford. By George Abbot, Professor of Divinitie. ;ind Maister of Universitie College. London : Imprinted by Richard Field, dwelling in Blackfriers, 1600. 4to.. 5s., pp. (i38. Ded. to '•Thomas Baron of Buckhurst. Lord Treasurer," 2 leaves. MS. note at end. Ditto. London. 1613. 4to. Ded. 2 leaves; pp. 612; To the Reader, 1 leaf. New Ed. By Grace Webster. 2 vols., 8vo. London: Hamilton. .ldiiiii.i, cj- Co. 1845. To which is added a Life of the Author, pp. xxiv. Vol. I. pp. 34.3. Vol. II. pp. 351. The reasons which Doctour Hill hath brought, for the upholding of Papistry, which is falselie termed the Calh- like Religion, Unmasked, and shewed to be very we:ikc, and upon examination most insuflScient for that purpose, by George Abbot, Doctor of Divinity, and Deane of the Cathedral Church of Winchester. The first part. John ix. 4, Jer. li. 6. Printed by Joseph Barnes, flrford, 1004: 4to. : I and are to be sold in Pauleys Churchyarde. at the sii/ne of the 1 Crown, by .S'lmoii M'aterson, 1604. 4to. Dedicated to the Right Honourable Thomas, Baron of Buckhurst. Knight of the Honourable Order of the Garter, etc. IJ leaves, pp. 438; to the Christian Reader, 3 leaves: first part, MS. notes. (No more appears to hare been pnblished.) A Sermon (on Isaiah xl. 6, 7). preached at Westminster May 26th, 1608, at the Funerall Solemnities of the Right Honourable Thomas, Earl of Dorset, late Lord Higli Treasurer of England. By George Abbot, Doctor of Divinitie and Dean of Winchester, one of his Lordship's Chapleines. London: Printed by .Uelchisedech Bradiiood for William Aspley, 1608. 4to. Ded. to the Right Honour- able and vertuous Lady, the La. Cicely, Countes.se of Dorset, 1 leaf. pp. 32 : pp. 27—32, to the Reader. The Holy Bible. contejTiing the Old Testament, and the New ; newly translated out of the Original! Tongue : and with the former translations diligently comparc.!). KitlrtA.] Instructions from the Most reverend father in God, our right truly, and right entirely beloved councillor, George, L Archbishop of Canterbury, concerninge certayne orders to be observed and put in execution by the severall Bhps. in his province. Subscribed "Dorchester." [lit. 1153, vi., lliirt, liln.J Letter of Abp. Abbot unto the Lord Treasurer con- cerning the case of Hiet, who was fined in the Star Chamber for adultery. Lambeth, 22nd April, lUla. [lb. 1720. f I(i2n.] Georgii (.\bbot) Cant.. Archiepiscopi, indulgentia carnihus Viscendi, Richardi Napier, cleves et tribus com- mensalibus concessa. juxta statut i anno ."> Eliz., et 1 Jac. (1 Mar., Kil!) anno. '.!). [/A. 1730. ( 2.t:ia.] Account of the Persecutions of the Protestants of the Valteline. [Fox's Acts, 7th edit., 1831 — 5.] An Apology for Dr. George Abbot, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, as t<)uching some strictures on his memory ; with his character, by the Right Honour,able Arthur Onslow, sprakrr of the House of Commons : and a brief accnunt of his life. J>ar/inf/fou. 1SG3. Svo., pp. 18. Frontispiece. "Abbot's Hospital. Guildford." Ded. to Archb. Longley. " Aga Offieium Tuum." The Will of George Abbot, D.D.. Lord Archbishop of Canterbury (from .v.I). 1(118 to lliH.'!). Reprinted from the original at Doctor's Commons, in Russell's " Life of .-Vlibot." .\.I). 1777. Darlinr/luu, 1860. 8vo., pp. ii., 12. [Anon. pref. sign. "John Thomas Abbot, Aberville. Darlington, 18(itl."] A Treatise of the Perpetual Visibilitie And Succession of the True Church in all Ages. [By G. A.] ImiiiIoh: J^rhitftlfitr llnmj'iftj Lnivtitlfn bi/ Robert MUbourne. ami are .tf^d fit hill shop, at the f/reat South /lore of Saint PauVs Church. 1G24. 4to., pp. IIU; To the Reader, 2J leaves. ( Puh/ishetl amntymouslif.) The Converted .lew ; or, certaine dialogues between Miclieas a Le.irned Jew, and others, touching divers points of Religion, controverted betweeue the Catliolicks and Pro- testants. Written by M. John Clare, a Catholicke Priest, of the .Society of Jesus. Ded. to the two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Permissu Superiorum, Aiiuo M/JC.X.X.X. (1G3(I.) Ded. b^ leaves : 1st part, pp. 124 ; 2nd part. jjp. l,")o (pp. 27!>) : followed by the Arraignment, pp. 141. ( .-^n Appendix wherein is taken a survey of a pam- phlet (by G. A.) entitled, A Treatise of the Visibility and Succession of the true Church in all Ages), Notes taken by the Judge at the Trial of Sprott, with an account of the'treasonable ilevice betwixt John Earl of Gowry and Robert Logane, of Restalrig (commonly called Lesterig). plotted by them for the cruel murthering of our most gracious sovereign. IttOO. 4to. Reprinted Harl. Miscellani/. IX., oiiO. Judgment on Bowing at the Name of Jesus. Ham- burg. 1632. Biographical Account of his Connection with the Essex Divorce Case. ["State Trials." II.. 1)02— (i2.] Ditto of his Accident in Bramshill Park. [M., IKio — 9.] Ditto of his Secpicstration. [" Rushworth," I., 43 1. <■/.»<>«. Arber's Reprints, "The English Gamer." I'V., 53.i— 76.] Sonnet on Archbishop Abbot, by John Davies of Herefonl. Ajipendix to "Scourge of Follv." Speeches. [Bodl. Lib., ,S'3('. liiu. lli'.li."] The Life of Dr. George Abbot. Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Reprinted, with some Additions and Correc- tions, from the Biographia Britanuic.i ; with his Character. by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Onslow, Late Speaker of the House of Commons; A Description of the Hospital, which he erected and endowed in his native town of Guildford, in Surrey, correct copies of the Charter and Statutes of the same, his Will, \c. To which is added the Lives of his two Brothers. Dr. Robert .\bbot. Lord Bishop of Salisbury ; and Sir Morris .\bbot, Knt., Lord Mayor of the City of London. Guildford: Printed for and' Sold by .f. Pu'isell, Bool-seller. 1777. 8vo.. pp. '1.18. 3 plates. Dr. G. A., Frontispiece. ;et. Ii4, lt)23, from the original picture in the Hospital at Guildford ; ]>. 71). Trinity Hospital. Guildford, Surrey : i>. 83, Sir Nichs. Kempe, from an original picture by Paul Vausourer in the Hospital at Guildford. (Both portraits are etchings.) Memoirs of. By Sir J. Berkeley. Life of. By William Oldys. [Kippis's "Biographia Britannica."] Ditto. By Dean Hook in his Lives of the Arch- bishops, 187.1. and his Ecclesiastical Biography, 181,'). Ditto. By S. L. Lee, in J)ict. of Sat. Biog. 1.. .i— 20. Biogr.iphies bv Heame. llawlinson MSS., C. 14«. f. .186 : by Leland. [Lmde. M.S.S. 984.] Portrait in Oil at his Hospital, Guildford, which ha3 been engr.ived by Vandergucht and Houbraken. Portrait. Engraved by Simon Pass. Kllil, with a view of Lambeth in the background, and 8 Latin lines beneath. [Cox's Muniments of Lichfield. 7('» : Indulgentia carni- hus Viscendi; Bodl. Lib., 1730, 2.13; Speeches, ih.KiO. l.iO; Instructions to him. ih. 1153. tiO ; Universal Biograjjhy, I.. (i7 ; Murray's Surrey, 74; Cal. Clar. Papers, I.. 40; Whitelocke's Memorials'. (17.38) 18; Mav's Long Parlia- ment. (18541 23; Brewer's Fuller. VI., 44,'4«; Clarendon's History, (1819), I.. 12.">, 134; Harl. MS.. 70(«, f. 181; Burrow's All Souls. 12il. et. seij. ; Martin's ditto, 3Ul — 77; Rushworth's Collections. I.. 431 — 3. 4.ili ; Nichols Pro- gress, II., 424)1, .1.59. ()2ii ; Heliquiae Spellmanniiv, 111 — 121); Yonge's Diary (Cam. Soc. ), 43; Laud's Diary in Works, III.. 134. 14.5; Goodman's .Tames I., vol. II.. 1.57. K.n, 331; Gardiner's History (1884), III., .53; Cabala ( Ili.54), I., K19 ; Secret Historv of James I. Court (1811), I., 388; Spedding'sBacon, V„'91, 20i5, 288; Win- wood's Memorials, III.. 454. 459 — t!U ; .Strvpe's .-Vnnala, IV., 5r,4; Calderwood's Historv, VI L. loll, 2"l8, 2211: IX,, oCl' ; Letters during reign of James I. (Bannatvne Club), II., 262. 471. f(. ..««. ; Pattison's C.isiubon, 410.' 418. 429; Egerton Papers (Cam. Soci, 44G — 8 ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Rawlinson MS., (Ox.), C. 1.55, No. .54 ; History of the Kirk (Wodrow Soc), VI.. 735; Original Letters on Kcclesiasticil Affairs (Bannatvne Club), I.. 140; Savage's Billiofergus. 114 ; Chamberlain's Letters (Cam. Soc), lo2 ; Manningham's Diary (Cam. Soc). 12(1 — 7 ; Aubrey's Miscellanies (1857), .58; Domestic State Papers, KJOO — 1633 ; Rymer's Foedera ; Hacket's Archbishop Williams ; M.S. collections for Historv of the Abbots, bv J. T. .Vbbot, Esq., Darlington ; Dixon's Tower. 3. 9. 27. '250. 263, 264, 281, 335 ; Langford's Staffs. & Warws., 206 ; Pitt's Staffs., 124; Nightingale's Staffs., 112; Harwood's Lichfield. 151 ; Hist. Coll. of Staffs. VI.. (Pt. 2), 7li ; Yorks. A'. .)■ Q., I., 27 ; The Mirror, XXVIII., 66.] Abbot, Kev. .losopli, JI.A., Uoiii;in Catholic Priest, Cobridge. Who are the Persecutors? or. The Vision removed from the face of Decejition. Bront/ham, Printer. Bnrslem. n.d. 12mo., pp. 12. [Dated "St. Peter's, Cobridge, 30 Ap., 1851."] The " Tender Mercies " of Rome : A Reply to a Pam- phlet of the Rev. .Toseph Abbot, Roman Catholic Priest, Cobridge. Rurslem : Printed and I^ublished under the Jtirection of the Protestant Association Committee bg Mary Brougham. 1851. 8vo., pp. 24. Abbott. Ridiard. Laiidsaipc Painter at Derby, from 1860—80 mostly in Potteries ; 1875 at Messrs. Davenport. [Haslam's Old Derby Pottery, 12.3 — J.] Abbott, Thomas Moreton. b. Bilston, I;{th Aug., 1843 : Studied under Henry Hayward, of Wolverhampton ; Resident in BirmiMglj;im ; Violinist and Teaeher. [Brown's Musicians, 1886, p. 1.] Abernethv, John. b. Walbrook, 1765 ; edu- cated Wolverhampton Gr. Sch., then under Dr. Robertson ; d. Enfield, 28th April, 1831. [Macllvain's Memoirs. 1853. Vol. I., 16. Diet. Nat. Biog., I., 50.] Abisgdox, Thomas. The Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester, to which are added the Anticjuities of the Cathedral Churches of Chichester and Lichfield. Bv Thomas Abingdon. London, 1717. 17-37. 8vo., pp. (VVorcester) xxxii. 240 ; Index, 8 pp.; (Lichfield) xlviii. 62. ABiyoTON, Leonard James. b. London, 27th Nov., 1785 ; s. of the Rev. Leonard .Tames Abingdon, Pastor of Baptist Church, Ring- ABRAHAM (3) ADAMS stcail, Xortliants.; settlod in Haiiloy, 1819, as a Designor and Modeller ; became Pastor of Bai)tist Church, Newcastle, l.S32-() ; of Han- lev, WMi-iui ; Chief Bailiff of Hanley, 1834 ; Memlier of the Tyso Egyptian Society ; m. (1) 1H(I7, Hannah, (Jan. of Stephen Miindy, of Hammersmith ; (2) IHll, Sarah, tlau. of the Rev. John Sandys ; partner with Mr. W. Ridgway, 1831 -CO : d. 9th Aug., 1867 ; bur. at Ringstead, on 15th Aug. Notes to " Lares and Penates," ed. bv W. F. Ains- worth, F.R.G.S., 1852. Article on the '• Manufactnre of Pottery and Porce- lain," in C. Knight's " Penny C.vclopaedia." Poem on " Old itan of Mow," in Pottery Mercury^ 183G. '• Account of a visit to Rushton," pp. lo7-» of " Nonconformity in Cheshire." 18ii4. Personal Recollections of the late Leonard James Abingdon, of Hanley. Staffordshire, with Memoir and extracts from his correspondence arranged from authentic Bources. " For ever with the Lord !" Amen ; so let it be ; Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. Portrait fvignette). Hanley: Allbut ami Daniel, Market Street. ISGH. 8vo. Port. Personal Recollections, pp. 1 — "27: Memoir, pp.'-" — \hh : Lecture on " Photographic Likenesses," pp. 'JJ — lOii. of Personal Recollections. 18ij8. F,d. ■■ The Pottery Mercury." 1824. Speech of. at Missionary Meeting, Hanlev. 1827. [AV/r Con. .Ma/j. i 1827), 4.=i8 — 14iJ." Ward's Stoke, 371.] AuHAHAM, Rev. Charles John. b. 1814 ; d. of Captain Abraham, Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; Fellow of King's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1837 : M. A., 1840; B.U.,1849: L).l).,18o9: Deacon. 1S3.S : Priest, 1839 : Assistant Master of Eton, 1S3S-49 ; adm. Ad ewidem, 0.\. Univ., 11th .Fune, 1849 ; Archdeacon of Waitemata, N.Z., 1852-58 : Bishop of Wellington, N.Z., 1858-70 ; Prebendary of Lichfield, 1872-7(1 : Canon and Precentor, 1876-90 : Coadjutor Bishop. 1870-78 ; Kector of Tatenhill, 1875- 7G ; m., 17th June, 1850, Caroline Harriet, dmi. of Sir Charles Thomas Palmer, Bart. A Collation of St. Chad's Gospel at Lichfield, Reliq. ivii. 1—2. The Circumstances of our Lord's Sojourn on Earth after his Resurrection. 1845. 8vo. [Vol. II. Second Series of '"Watson's Sermons for Sundays."] The Kingdom of God. 1840. [lb. Series H.] The Unity of History; or. Outlines of Lectures on Ancient and Modern History, considered on Church Prin- ciples. Kton. 184i. 8vo. 2iid Ed., 1846. The Three Witnesses on Earth : A Sermon on 1 John V. 9. r.ton, 1S4S. 8vo. Festival and Lenten Lectures in St. George's Chapel. Windsor. 1848-lH. London : Parker. 8vo. Lessons on the Church Catechism. 1840. 8vo. An Accidence ; or. The first rudiments of the Latin language in accordance with Arnolds Exercise Books. •2nd edit. Kton, 1857. 12mo. Personal Religion, and Catholic Membership, as applied to public Schools. A Sermon on 1 Cor. xii, 27. Kton. 1858. 8vo. Readings, Meditations, and Pr.-»yer3 on the Lord's Supiier. 2ud edit. t:tun, 1858. 8vo. [Curteiss Selwvn. pp. 143, 237, 239, 217. 250, 284, 28G, 487 : Grier's Allen, .348, 357.] [Private information] Abrah.vm, Robert, b. London circn 1773. An architect. He built the conservatories and garden bnildings at Alton Towers, d. 11th Dec. l«.">o. [ The Buihler, VIII., 598. 1102 : .irt Journal ( 1851 ). 44 ; Redgrave (1878) ; Did. Sal. Bioy , I., oti.] Abud, Rev. Henry, b. Highgate, Middlesex, 8tli Jan., 1822; s. of William Taylor Abud, Gent., and Elizabeth, his wife ; educated at Wadh. Coll., O.K.; B.A., 1843: M.A., 1H50: Deacon, 1845; Priest, 1846: Curate of Chad- desdenand Stanley, Derbys., 1.S45-47 : Devizes, 1848-49 : Overto'n and Vytield, Wilt,s., 1X49- 52 ; in charge of Uttoxeter, 1853 : Vicar of Utto.\;eter, 1854; R.D. of Uttoxeter, 1k7k : m. 15th Feb., 1855, Anne, dan. of Jose[>h Mallaby, Esq., of Loxley Park, Uttoxeter. A Church Hymn Book, for every Sunday and Holy Day throughout the year, arranged according to the order of the Book of Common Prayer, by the Rev. H. Abud. M.A.. Ticar of Uttoxeter. Uttoxeter: Priuteii ami Puh- lished by Frederic Darix, High Street. .M DriVLXlW 24mo., pp. 232. Ded. to the Bishop of Lichfield. Sermon on the Death of Mr. Sneyd-Kynnersley. I'l- toxeter: Davis. 8vo. Sermon preached before the Rifle Volunteers. I'ttoxeter: Davis. 8vo. [Redfem's Uttoxeter (1883). 193, 220.] [Private iDformation.] "A Chup.chmas," Burslein. A Reply to "A Dissenter's Reasons for refusing to piy Church Rates." Burslem : Miiry Hrouyham. 1840. 8v6. pp. 16. AcLASD, Hugh Dyke. b. Killerton, Devon.; 2nd g. of Sir T. D. Acland, 9tli Baronet ; ;«. dau. of Dean Woodhouse, of Lichfield. History of the glorious Return of the Vandois to their valleys in liJ89. By Henri Arnaud, their Pastor and Ijolonel. From the original of H. Arnaud, with a com- pendium of the history of that people, previous and subsequently to that event, by Hugh Dyke Acland. L'indon; John Murray. 1827. 8vo., 30s.: Plates; Preface (dated. Deanery, Lichfield). 12 sketches engraved by Finden. pp. cxix. [This book created great interest in the Vandois. "and was gratefully appreciated " — writes the present Sir Thomas Acland — "'as I found when visiting the valley in 1832." — Letter, August 3rd, 1891.] " A Cr.EROVMAS." Admonition to Parents, founded on the Importance of E;irly Religious Education by. Lichfield: Printed and Sold'by T. G. Lomax. 1821. 8vo.. pp. "it!. A'CouRT Family. [Palmer's Tamworth. 1 70, 23,3, .3.37 : Pedigree, '2.38— 9.] AcTo.v, near Swinnerton. [Pitt's Staffs., 386; White's StafiFs.. (1834), 686—7: Hist, CoU. of Staffs., IIL. (pt, 1) 135— « : IV., (pt. 1) 152—3, 167, 192. 257: V., (pt, 1) 145: VL, (pt. 1) •24:t. (pt. 2) 48 : VII., (pt. 1) 49, ,58, 202, 246, (pt. 2) 1, 9. 10: VIIL, (pt. I) 136, 137, 138.J AcTOJj Trusskll. Church Registers: — L, fol., pp. 12, from 1571 — 1625 (Baptisms). II.. fol,, pp. 16, from 1704—17.50 (Mi.ted). III., fol., pp. 14}, from 1721—17,50 (Mixed). [.Vo entry o/' Jiapti.''m or DeathJ'rom \or.. 17.yO. to Xor., 178.3.] IV.. fol".. pp. 2(i. from 1783—1813 (Mixed). After this, rei/ntar. — (Rev. A. R. Alsop, M.A.. Vicir.) [Pitt's Staffs., 287 ; Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844) 185 ; Garner, .548 : Stafford and Warwick, ii., 372 : Tran.i. Xorth .Staffs. Field Club (1883), 4,1 — 50; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield. 65. 82 ; Bodl. Lib.. 833. 403 ; White's Staffs. (1831) 475: Hist. Coll. of Staff.*., IIL, 181: VI., (pt. 2) 65,82: VIIL, (pt.2)50, 109n. Illii, 119n: IX,, (pt. 1) 118.] Adams, E. Printer, Burton-on-Trent. The Culture and Care of the Carnation for .\mateurs. and those who having leisure prefer occup.ition in Exercised Health, to Lounging in Laziness and Luxury. Burlon-on-Trent : Printed by E. .Idams. Bridge Street. 1844. 24mo., pp. iv. 5—39. ADA. MS (4) ADUISON Adams, .John. b. Lonston. Misc3llaneous Rhymes, hy Jock-o'-Hazeldean. London : Bfmrosc i^'- Sous, 10, Patenifntler Builtiin(/,i ; (init Verhy. Xvn. |i|i. xiii., 177. Decl. to the Rev. J. Stringfellaw, Lc)ii{,'ton. Oct.. 1878. Adams, Rev. William. h, Shrewsbury, 17th Aug., 1706 ; s. of John Adams, of Pcuibrolie Coll., Ox. (B.A., 1724; M.A., 1727; H.I). & D.D.. 17ri(!) ; Archdeacon of Lliiiiilaff : Master of IVrabroke {'i)ll.. Ox., 1775 — K2 ; a life-long friend and correspondent of Ur. .Johnson ; (/. 13th .Ian., 17H'.), at Gloucester. [BoswelVs Johnson ( 18«ll), 12, 1.% 17, 38. r)4, 57. (10, 8G, 87, !);t, I(i5, -.MOi, .112, 482, 7m, 7li:i, 7!)2.] Adams, William. Pupil of Josiah Wedifwood ; settled in Tunstall in or about 178II, where he built Greengate House and Potworks, made Jasper and other wares ; afterwards at Stoke, which continued in his name until 1829, wiien it became W. Adams and Sons ; business returned to Tunstall, 1834, when the firm bought Greenfields ; cl. earlv in ei'ntury (1805). [Metey.ird's Wedgwood, II., 515 — 1(> ; Shaw's Statfs. Potteries : Chaffer's Kevamic Gallery, figs. 3S4, 3.'i5 ; Marks and Monograms, IJ7l : Ward's Stoke, loii; IHct. Ntit. Bioy., I., 107 ; Jewitt's Keramic Art, II., 455, 45«.] Adams, William Henry Davenport. The Steady .\ini : ,V Book of Examples and Encourage- ment from Molern Biograph.y. By W. H. Davenport Adams, itc, Ac. Illustrated. Loudon : James Hogg & Son. .MDCCCI.XIII. Cr. 8vo.. pp. xvi., 2(!7. [StaflFs. : — J. Watt, 7—17: J. Wedgwood, 4il— oli ; J. Brhidlev, 97—107 Lord Dudley (1863), 239; First Sir R. Peel, 240—242; Drayton Manor, 242. Plate, Brindley and Duke of Bridge- water, 250.] Adamson, Daniel, C-E., F.G.S. b. 1812 ; one of the chief promoters of the Manchester Ship Canal ; d. Didsbury, 13th January, ISDO. Presidential Address to Jlemhers of the North Staffs. Mining and Mechanical Engineers' Institute, delivered at the North Stafford Hotel, April 11th, 1877. iTraiimdions, II., PI). 227—238.] Paper on " Some of the Properties of Puddled Iron, Ingot iron, and Steel for construction purposes." \^Tran- mdioHs, IV., 31—52, 80—93.] AuilASTON. C^liurch Registers: — Vol. I., missing. II., Mixed, from 10(10-11178. rir., ditto, from li:78— 1721). IV., 1727— 1812. v., Baptisms, 1813—1857. VI.. Marriages, 1813—1839. VII. Burials, 1813—1892. VIII., Baptisms. 1857-1892. IX., Marriages, 1837—1892. All in fol.— iRev. T. L. Butler, M.A.. Vicar.) [Pitt's Staffs., 32'2— 323 ; Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844), 125; Garner (Sup.). 18; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield, 58, (i.5. 92. 101. 124. 127. 133. 140, 141 : Bodl. Lih. 1.521 (B), 93; Moule's Englisli Counties, I., 130; White's Staffs. (18.34), IJOC; Hist. Coll. of Staffs., IV.. (pt. 1) 191—192: VI., (pf. 1) 55. Oil, 74, 81, 88 : (pt. 2) 58, i;.5. 92, IIKI. 124. 127, 133, 140, 141 : VII.. (pt. I) 213: IX.. (pt. 1) 20,2(1, 7«: X., (pt. 1) 98.] [.S«e Ash (C. B.) ; Whitworth (Lord).] Addenbrookk, Rev. John. b. Kingswinford, 1713; of Catherine's Hall, Cam.; P.C. St. Chad's, Lichfi(dd, 15tli Sept., 1732 ; Rector Sudbury, Derliys. ; Dean of Lichfield, 15th Feb., 1745—1776 ; d. Sudbury, loth Feb., 1776, and bur. there. [Cox's Muniments of Lichfield, 38, 44 ; Pitt's Staffs., 113 ; Hist. Coll. of Staff's., VL (pt. 2.), 38, 44 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 187, .505.] Adderi.ev, Right Hon. Sir Charles Bowyer, Bart. b. Knighton, Leics., 2nd Aug.. 1814 ; s. of Charles Clement Addcrley (h. June, 1780 ; d. June, 1818) and Anna ((/««. of Sir Edmund Cradock Hartopp, Bart., Freathbv, Leics.); educated at Ch. Ch., Ox. : B.A. \ M.P. for North Stall's., 1841 — 1S7)S ; created Baron Norton, of Norton-le-Moors, Start's.; K.C.M.G.; 111. .Julia, dau. of Lord Leigh : of Hams Hall, Warws. Essay on Human Happiness. The first ii:i]t. I.uinloii : It'. Allau. 1854. 18mo., i)p. 100. Is. (Id. Ditto. The second part. Lnmlon : Bickers ij- Bitjfh, Leicester Sijiiare. 186U. 18mo.. pp. iv.. 11(1. Is. '!d. Colonial Policy and Historv. Kdinburfjk, 18G0. 8vo. The .\ustraliau Colonies Government Bill discussed. London, 1S40. 8vo. Some Reflections on the S]>eech of Lord -lolin Russell on Colonial Policy. London, 1850. 8vo. Statement of the Present C:ipe Cases. London, 1851. 8vo. Punishment is not Correction : A Review of a Charge on the Subject of Tickets of Leave, hy M. D. Hill, Esq., Recorder of Birmingham. London, 18,'iG. 8vo. Reflections on Dr. Hook's Sermon on the Lord's Day. London, 1856. 8vo. A 'Tract on Tickets of Leave. London, 1857. 8vo. Review of The Colonial Policy of Lord J. Russell's Administration, by Earl Gre.v, 1853; and of Subsetpient Colonial History. London, 18G0. 8vo. Dut.v and Pleasure. London : BnUantyne d( Hanson. 8vo., pp.' '28. Thoughts on "Modern Christianity, a Civilized Hea- thenism." London, 1873. 8vo., pp. 18. A Few Thoughts on National Education and Punish- ments. London : Longmans, Green, cf* Co. 1874. 8vo., pp. 71. Euro]ie incapable of American Democracy : An out- line tracing of the irreversible course of Constitutional Historv. London: Kdwnrd Stanford. 18G7. 8vo.. ]ip. 45. A Century of Experiments on Secondary Punishments : A Lectui'e delivered at Saitley, near Birmingh:im. February 3rd, 18113; with subsequent additions. London: Parker, Son, 4 Bourn, West Strand. lSG-3. 8vo., ])p. 20. Letter to the Right Hon. Benjamin Disr:ieli. M.P., on the present relations of England with the Cidonieti. With an Appendix of extracts from evidence taken before the Select Committee of Colonial Military Expenditure, 18(11. London: Edward Stanford, n.d. 8vo., pp. (18. Ditto. 1862. Transportation not necessary. London: .lolin \V. Parl-er. West Strand. MDCCCLl'. 8vo., pp. 74. [Ward's Stoke, 531.] [C. W. Suttod and Lord Norton.] Addison, Rev. Lancelot. ft.Crosby-Ravensworth, Westmd., 1C32 ; s. of the Rev. Lancelot Addison, clerk ; educated Appleby Gr. Sch. ; adm. Queen's Coll., Ox., 24th June, 1650—1 ; B.A., 1654—5; M.A., 4th Jidv, 1657 : B.D. & D.D., 1675 ; Eighth Clip, at Dunkirk, 1660 ; Clip, at Tangiers, 1662; Chp. to the King; Rector of Millston, Wilts., 1671 ; Preb. of Sarum, 1678; Dean of Lichfield, 1683; Archdeacon of Coventry, 1684 (held in com- mendam with his Deanery) ; m., 1670, .Tane Gulston ; d. 20th April, 1703 ; bw: at Lichfield Cathixlral. West Barb:iry, or a short account of the Revolutions of Fez and Morocco, with an account of tiie present Customs, sacred, civil, and domestic. By L. Addison, Chp. in Ordinary to the King. Os/ord : Printed at the Theatre, and are to be sold by .John Wilmot. 1671. pp. 23(1. Fez and Morocco. 71 : Barbary. 111.5. The Present State of the Jews (more particularly relating to those in Barbary), wherein is contained an exact account of their Customs, secular ;ind religious, to which is annexed a summary discourse on the Kishma, Talmud, and Gemara. By Lancelot Addison, one of the Chp. in Ordinary, and Author of " The late Revolutions and present Customs of the Kingdom of Fez and ADELINE (5) AIKEN Morocco." Lnnilon: Printed bi/ J. C.^fov W. Cooke^ at the tiffi'u J)ra;it>ii without Temple Bar, ami to he ntdd hy John (Joiirtneij, Uuokseller, Sarum. 1G73. 8vo., pp. 24'J. Ditto. 1G7(J. Same pagination. The Primitive Institutions, or a reasonable Discourse of (;,itochi/.ing ; wherein is shown the Antiquity, Benefits, and Necessity thereof, together with its suitableness to heal the present distempers of the Church of England. By Lancelot Addison, one of His Majestie's Chaplains, and Author of a late work on "The Present State of the Jews. &c." London. 8vo. A Modest Plea for the Clergy, wherein is briefly considered the original Antiquity and necessity of that calling, together with sjiurious anil geiuiine occasions of their contempt. By Lancelot Addison. London, HJ77, 8vo. Ditto, altered. "A Modest Plea for the Clergy, wherein are considered why the Clergy are so contemned and neglected." By Lancelot Addison. London. 8vo. Ditto. With Dr. Heylyn's Discourse on Tithes ; and Discourse on Sacerdotal Benefactions, by .Samuel Gibson. A proper Antidote to the rights of the Christian Church, by Tindal. Edited from the first edition bv Dr. Hicks London, 1700. 8vo. The First State of Mahometanism ; or, an Account of the Author and Doctrine of that Imposture. By Lancelot Addison. London, 1678. 8vo. Ditto. Title altered to : ■' The Life ami Death of Mahomet, the Author of the Turkish Religion." By L. Addison. .Second Edition. London, 1870. 8vo.. pp. I'iiJ. Ditto. London: J'rinted and /'tiblished by H'. I 'note. 1687. An Introduction to the Sacraments ; or, a short, safe, and plain way to the Communion Table, collected for, and rendered familiar to, ererv particular Communicant. By Lancelot Addison, D.D. London, 1G81. Ditto. To which is added : The Communicant's Assistant. Being a collection of Devotions for that pur- pose. Second Edition. London, 1G8G. I2mo., pp. 163. The Moors Baffled : being a discourse concerning Tangiers, especiallv when it was under the Earl of Teviot. By Lancelot Addison, D.D. 1681. l-2mo. Ditto. Second Edition. London, 1685. 4to. The Catechumen ; or. an account given by the Young Person to the Minister of his Knowledge of Religion. Recommended to the pious by two eminent Divines of the Church of England. London : Printed and J'nbti.'I7: Account of Newcastle. .')IS — .ila, .">'23 ; Treutham Hall, ol;") — hUi; Sir Dudlev Kvder. l!08 ; Keele Hall.oli;: Potteries, 51(i,.V2.'!; Goldenhill,':')!? : New Field, ill": Sniithtield, 517: Tunstall. 518: Longport, ol8 : Bur.slem, 1'2'i, bVJ : Cobridgo. 619: Etruria, .Vid, :>Hb : Brhidlev. 117. IS'.i. 14.') : Plan of Trent :ind Mersev Canal, by W. Henshall. Illi: Harecastle, 118.11!!: Lord Anson, 117: JI.iw Cop. 121): Burton. |-22; Walsall. V2-2 : Wolver- Irimptun, I'J'i : Hanley, 520; Shelton. 521 : Stoke. .")22 : Lane End, .522 — .'1 ; Norton, 52;i ; New Chapel, 52;i ; Wol- stanton, 52:1 : Redstreet. .52H : Elers Bros.. 52t) : J. Astbury, a2l) — 7 : Wedgwood, 528 — 9. 5:1.5 — 7 : Evidence of, 531 — 2.] [See Anderson's Historv of Commerce. 2nd ed., vol. III., p. 700 ; Thomas Byerley. .537 ; Leek, ,5.'!7— 8.] AixswoRTH, William Harrison, b. Manchester, 4th Vvh., 18U5 ; oducateil at Man. Gr. Sch.: articled to A. Kay, Solicitor-; m. lltli Oct.. 1626, Anne Frances, dau. of John Eliers ; d. Reigate, 3id Jan., 1882. .Tack Sheppard, illustrated bv George Cruikshank. London, 1830. 3 vols., 8vo. Cardinal Pole. 8vo. 186-3. BoscoWl. 8vo. 1872. [Jonatlum Wild (if not .T;vck himself) who forms a chief char.icter in *'J;tck Sheppard." and Cardinal Pole were natives of the County ; as also were the Pendrils and Miss Lane, and the chief incidents in " Boscobel " are laid in the County.] AiTKEXS, Rev. Robert Ellis. b. St. George's. Hanover Square, London, 1775 : s. of Robert Aitkens, Gent. : mat. Trin. Coll., O.v., oth Feb., 1793: B.A., 1793; M.A., 1800: Incumbent of St. John's, Hanlev, 1802 until death. Select Portions of Psalms and Hymns for the use of the Congregation ;it the Hanlev Chapel. Hanhy : Printed hj T. .Ulhut. 1800. Duo., pp.'210. Ditto, and Supplement. 1826. 12mo., pp. 310. Ditto. Fifth Edition. ''.Sing the praises with under- standing." Ilanleij: Printed and Sold h;/ T. Allhiil . 1830. 12mo.. pp. 310. Index 9 pages. Ded. to *' Inhabitants of Hanley. By K. E. Aitkens." An Ai)i)endix to the Select Portions, &c. Hanley: Printed and Sold hy T. Allhul. 1810. l2mo., pp. 210—310. Index. Select Portions. Sixth Edition. 1847. Three Letters (M.S.), pene.i Compiler. [/'. .1/. Maj. (1829), 49 ; Shaw's Stafifs. Potteries, 42 : Ward's Stoke, pp. SM. .586.] "A Lady," Hanley. An Affectionate Address to Youth on leaving a Sunday School. Hanley: Printed by T. .Mlbut. 1823. Vimo. Review of. [AVw Con. Maq. (1823), 337—310.] Sermons to Children, to which are .added short hymns suited to the subjects, by " A Lady." Fourth edition cor- rected. London : Printed by Chapman and Willianu. 18V0. Duo., pp. W. Poem " On the Death of the Rev. W. Thorn, bv " A Lady." [Xeie Con. .Mag. (1812), pp. 257—8.] " A Layman," Burslcm. A Defence of Church Rates, against those who oppose them as being contrary to the Word of God and a Violation of the Rights of Conscience. Burtlem: Mary Brougham. 1840. 8vo., pp. 1 5. Alcock, Jesse, h. Staffs., 1812 ; d. Stafford Asylum, 21st Jan., 1807. Obituary, by Geo. Shenton. [P. M. Mag. (18G7), 550— .551.] Alcock, John. b. London, lltli April, 1715; educated at Choristers' School, St. Paul's Cathedral : articled to Stanley, Blind Organir^t. 1729; Organist Allhallow's, London, 17;-).") — 1737 ; of St. Andrew's, Plymouth, 1737 — 1742 ; St. Andrew's, Holborn, 1742 ; St. Lawrence. Rending. 1742 — 1749; Organist and Choirmaster Lichfield Cathedral, 1749 — 1760 : Mus. Bac, Oxon., June, 1755 ; Mns. Doc., Oxon., 1761 ; resigned Organist and Choirmaster, retaining only Lay Vicar of Lich- field, 1760 ; Organist at Sutton Coldtield, 1761—1786 ; at Tamvvorth, 1766— 179ii ; gained Prize Medal at Catch Club, 1770, 1771, 1772: m. 1738 (wife t/. 1793); d. Lichfield, March, 1806, aged 89. Canzonets, or Glees in Three Parts. 1770. Morning and Evening Service in E Minor, Six Suites of Lessons for the Harpsichord. Six-and-Twenty select Anthems in score for I. 2. 3, 4, 5, (). & 8 voices ; to which are added a burial service for 4 voices, and part of the last verse of the 158th Psalm for 8 voices, and instruments in 21 parts. London, 1771. Divine Harmonv : or. a Collection of Double and Single Chants. Licli/leld, 17S2. 8vo. Hail ! ever-pleasing .Solitude : a Glee. To which the grand Prize Medal of the Catch Club was awarded in 1770. Collection of Canons and Glees. 1701. Harmonici Festi : a Collection of Canons, Glees, and Catches for 4 and 5 voices, in score. Lichfield, 1701. fol. Madrigals. Glees. Catches, &c.. in score. By Earl of Momington, S. Webbe. J. .■Vlcock, B. J. S. Stevens. Dr. Cooke, L. Attenbury, and N. Fairman. n.d. fol. The Harmony of Sion : a Collection of Psalm Tunes. 1802. Life of Miss Fanny Brown : a Novel. [.See Cox's Muniments of Lichfield, 40.] Alcock, John, jun. b. 1740 ; g. of John Alcock ; studied under his father ; Organist St. Mary Magdalene, Newark, 1758—68 ; Mos. Bac, 1766 ; Organist at Parish Church ofWalsall, 1773— 1791 ; rf.SOtli ilarch, 1791. Songs : Anthems ; Lessons for Harpsichord ; Sonattes for Strings. [ .See Groves Dictionary. I., 51a. : Gentleman's Magazine, 1791, I80(J; Appendix to Bemrose's Choir Chant Book 0882), II.: Add. MSS.. 29379. •2.3B-24. Brit. Mus.; Cat. of Music .Sell., Collection ; Biographical Notice by W. B. Squires, in Diet. ,\at. Biog., I., '237; Georgian Era (18.34), IV., 51ii : Brown's Dictionary of Musicians, 12, 13.] Alcock, Mrs. b. Checkley, 27th May, 1756 : dau. of the Rev. Samuel Langley, D.D., Rector : m., 17th May, 1792, Thomas Alcock, [b. Clieadle). of Nottingham ; returned to Cheadle, 1794, where she rf. 24th May, 1«23. Hvmn. Composed November, 1793. {Xew. Con. Mng. (18-24); 134.] ALCOCK (7) ALLBUT & DAXIEL Ditto. Composed July, 1797. [/*., 134.] On disputed teueta of religion, a Poem, I7'J!>. [ /A., 13.5.] Hymn. Composed .January 31st, ISIO. [/4., 13.o.] Ditto. Composed April isih, 1817 (whilst in Norfolk). [/*.. 177.] Letters. Dated Januarv l-2th, I»10 [li.. p. -200]; November 10th, 17'J9 [ib., p." 283]: December .30th, 1823 [ib., p. 421 — 122]; August 24th, 1820. [ib., p. ,ilO— .011]. An .\ddres8 to Happiness, a Poem. [/A., 209.] Memoir of. [/A., pp. 132—140, 177—179.] Alcock, Tliomas. b. Ipstones, Keb.. 1789; rp- nioved to Talke 1820 ; i^/.tliere, fitli March, 1870. Portrait and Notice of,bv Rev. P. Pugh. [P. M. Mag. (18i;7j.] Obituary. [/6. (1871 1. ;ii;9— 371.] Aldekshaw, nciir Lichfield. [Pitt's Staffs.. 129; Harwood's Erdeswicke (1814), 303; Sander's Shenstone. 89. 1 43, 28 1 —288 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 565: Cox's lluniments of Lichfield, 140; White's Staffs., (1834) 108.] I Alois, James A. On Christian Communion with the Departed. By Jame.'i A. Aldis, It. A., Sometime Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. A Lav Sermon read by the Ticir from the Pulpit of St. George's Church. Walsall. Walsall: It'. Henry Robinson, Steam Printing Wori-s. IHHl. Demy 8vo., pp., oij. Pref. '" Queen JIarv's School. Walsall, April, 1881." (W. H. Hobinson, Printer.) Aldridije, Aldrich, Aldiitch, Alri-witch. Church Registers : — I., fol., Mixed, from 2.">th Mar., 1660 — .3, to June. 1771. IL, Mixed, fol., 17.i4 — 1805, IIL, Baptisms and Burials, fol., 3rd June, 1771 — 1812. IV., Mixed, fol., 1806—1812. T., Baptisms, fol.. 1813 to 7th June, 1833. VL, Burials, fol., 1st Jan., 1813, to l«th Julv, 18.58. VII., Mixed, fol.. 1st Jan., 181.3, to 27th June, 18.37. VIII., Baptisms, fol., 7th June, 1835, to 4th April, 1881, IX. A: X.. duplicate registers of Marriages. XI. i- XII.. in use. Account of Registers. See '* Notes, ifec, relating to Aldridge." bv Rev. Prebendary Smith. [Pitt's Staffs. (1817), 161—162: Griffiths' End. Sch., 22.5—234; Harwood's Erdeswicke ( 1844), 402; Garner, 64, 174; Staffs, and Warws., I., 1.32—1.33; Moule's English Counties, I., 127— 8: White's Staff's. (18;J4). 296 : Notes and Collections bv the Rev. Prebendarv Smith, viJe Hist. Coll. of Staffs. L.'202: V. (part 1) 172,"l73, 178: VII. (part 1) 49, 50, 181, 230 : IX. (part 1) 30, 41, 6.3, 103, 106, (part 2) 64: X. (part 1) 84, 102.] Alex.vnder, William, b. Maidstone, loth April, 1767 ; l:?t Keeper of Prints and Drawing in the British Museum, 1810 ; ,/. 2;:5rd July, 1816. A Journey to Beresford Hall, in Derbyshire.the Seat of Charles Cotton, Esq., the Celebrated Angler. By G. W. Alexander, F.S.A.. F.L.S., late Keeper of Prints in the British Museum. London: J. Riusell Smith. 1S41. Cr. 4to. H»0 copies pjrinted on tinted pajier. Frontispiece. Ded. to Anglers' Club. Alfieri, Charles. The Memory Work of English History on a System of Memories. Including the Chronology of the Sovereigns of England, and the principal bittles in which she has been engaged, from the Norman Conquest to the year 1871. By Charles Alfieri. Principal of Northwood Academy. Hanley, Staffordshire. Hantey : William Timmis. Printer and Stationer, Fountain S(/uare. 2S71. I2mo., pp. 62. Preface behind title. "Northwood Acidemy. July, 1871." Ditto. Second Edition. Part I. From tlie Norman Conquest to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada. (Copy- right. Revised.) Hanley: Allbut ij- Daniel. Percy Street Printinij Works. 1883. 12mo., pp. v., 84. " A'ea/M ^ Co., Printers, iJT., Bruniicici Street, Hanley." Alford, Rev. Henry, b. Cury-Uivdl, Cornwall, 8rd Dec, 1782 : s. of the Rev. Samuel Alford, Vicar ; educated at Tiverton School and Wadh. Coll., O.K. : B.A., 1804; M.A., 1811; m. Sarali Eliza, dau. of — Paget, a Banker, Tamworth ; d. 22nd Sept., 1852, aged 70 ; bur. Ciiry-Rivell. Life of the Rev. Henry Alford. By his Son. 8vo. 1855. Contains : — Letters from, to Miss S. A. Paget, 4, 5, 6 — 17. „ „ Rev. T. B. Paget, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. ,, of, dated " Tamworth." 2.5. 26. ., •• Comberford," 28, 29. Aloar, Rev. Henry, b. Fronie, 1S25 ; a. of the Rev. Joseph Algar : educated Exeter Coll., Ox.; B.A., 1848 : Deacon, 1848 ; Priest, 1849 ; Curate of Barnardiston, Suff., 1869—71 : Rector, 1871 — 72 ; Curate of Gimingham, Norf., 1«77— 7K : Willoughhy, Warws., 1878 — XI : Stockton-on-Tenie, Worcs., 1881 — «3 : Butterton, 1883—86 ; Yatcsbnrv, Wilts., 1886—87 : Downham, Camhs., 18H7. Notes on the Sermon on the Mount (Second Edition); and a Harmony of the Accounts of the Resurrection. By Rev. H. Atg:ir. London : Kent if Co., Paternoster Row. yewcastle-uuder-Lyme : Thos. Peake, High Street. 1884. 8vo., pp. 51. Allbut. The original founder of this firm was a Mr. Strahan, who commenced i)Usiness in 17«6 ; to whom succeeded J. Mort ; and circa 1796, John Allbut & Son (Thonws Allbut); then Tliomas Allimt, circa 1806, who took in partnership George Gibbs, 181 1 — 13, and circa 1838, his son Edwin, to whom was added Robert Hobson, 1848 — 50. Thomas Allbut re- tired 31st Dec, 1852 : and on 1st Jan.. 1»53, H. P. Daniel joined Edwin Allbut, wlien the firm became •' Allbut & Daniel," under which title it is continued by the surviving partner, Mr. Daniel. Allbct & Daxikl. [Henry Porter Daniel, b. Shelton, 19th May, 1828 ;' s. of William and Isabella Daniel ; educated Dr. Haslam's School ; apprenticed, 3rd Jan, 1843, to Allbut it Son; partner, Jan., 1853 : /«. Catherine Ledward, cluit. of John and Catherine Keeling.] Catalogue of the Pottery and Subscription Library Hanley: .lllbnt i.^ Baniel. 18.5o. 8vo.. pp. 64. Supplement to. 1850. Svo., pp. 7. Parish of Stoke-on-Trent. Bye-Laws made and adopt- ed by the Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of .Stoke- on-Trent, in tlie County of .Stafford, Acting as the Rural Sanitary Authority of the said Parish, 20th dav of August, 1859. Hanley : .lllbitt 4 Itaniel. 8vo. North .Staffordshire Itiilway. Rules and Regulations to be observed by the Officers and Men in the Service of the North .Staffordshire Kailw;>y Company. Stoke-upon- Trent, August, 18.53. Hanley :' Allbut >^' iJaniet, Market Square. 12mo.. pp. 75. A List of the Electors and How they Polled at the Contested Election for the Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent, on Saturday. March 2.Sth. 18.57, liefore Thos. Goddard, Esq.. Returning Officer, and his deputies. Candidates : Mr. .Alderman Copelmd, J. Lewis Ricirdo, Esq., The Hon. F. L. Gower. Hanley: Printed and Published by .lllbut if Daniel. 1S67. Price Eighteen-pence. Sro., pp. 60. Ditto. On Saturday. April 30th, 18.59, before Isaac Hitchens. Es, and cover. Notes on the Firm of Josiah Wedgwood & Son. ffan- ley. n.it. cr. Hvo.. pp. 24. The Queen's Speech. 18,">0. 18.il. 1S.V2. One sheet. [See Peake (.loseph). Smith (Rev. Eben.), Jackson (Rev. W. B.I. Solon (M.), Goss (W. H.). Wedgwood (H.), Taylor (S.). Wi-agge (F.), Scott (W.), Itedfern IF.), Miller (Rev. J.), Hope (A. J. B.), Allbut (T. H.).] Allhot & Gibus. [George Gibbs was only \vitli Mr. Alll)ut 3 year.*, 1811 — 13 : afterwards on his own account as " Bookseller, Stationer, Druggist, and Agent to Phanix Fire Office in 1818; in I834"hcwas " Poor Rate Collector and Bookbinder, Piccadilly"; d. 1850.] Minutes of C'onversation between Preachers and Dele- gates in the Methodist New Connexion Fifteenth .-Vnnual Conference, held in Chester, on the .'Ird, &c., of June, 1811. Uanley: Printed by .Ulbut t^ Gibbs, Pottery Pi-ess. Price Threepence. 12mo., pp. 28. An Authentic Account of the Horrible Assassination of the Hon. Spencer Percival by John Bellingham. of Liverpool, on Monday, the 1 1th of May, 1812: The Trial anil Defence of the said John Bellingham. at the Old Bailey, with some particulars relative to his Execution. Pub. 2:!rd May. 1812. lid. Hanley : .Allhut i\- Gibbs. 1H12. .Metliotli.^t Xrir Coniiexiim Magazine. Edited by Rev. W. Thorn, IXll. Hanley: .UlhnI 4- Gihb.1. Ditto. Edited by J. Ridg\vay, 1812—13. Hanley: .Ulbut ■(■ Gibbs. Advantages of Early Piety unfolded and Displayed in a series of plain Discourses addressed to Young People. By Rev. .T. Thornton. 1812. r2mo., Ss.tid. Hymns for Sunday Schools. By C. Meigh. 1812. 18mo.. (id. [Hee Thom (Rev. W.), Ridgway (J.), Thornton (Rev. J.), Meigh (C.).] Ali-bct, J., Meriden Academy. [Father to Mr. Thomas Allbnt.] Elements of Useful Knowledge in Astronomy, Geo- graphy, Botany, etc. By J. AUbut. New Editioii. Im- prove! by T. Allbut. Maps and Plates. Hanley: T. Allhiit. 12mo.. 4s. lid. pp. .S2. Memoir of Miss Elizabeth Allbut. By J. AUbut. [New Con. May. (1818). KM—iiJC.] An Illustration of Judges, Y. 2.?. [lb. (1810), 329.] Memoir of Mi,ss Mary Ann Stanley, of Birmingham. [M. 339— .H4:i.] An Instance of Restitution. [/A. ( 182! ). .514 — 15.] Ai.i.RUT & Sox. [Edwin Allbut. b. Hanley, 6th Se]d., 1817 : pai-tner from 1838 to 1868 ; m. Mary Caslon (6. 'iSrd Sept., 1810); d. May, 1868 ; bur. Sandon, 19th May.] 15th Lectures on Unitarianism. more especially as taught by Joseph Barker and his followers. Being a series of Discourses ilelivered in the Parish Church, Stoke, by the Rev. Samuel Minton, &c. The Pottery Races : an Affectionate Address to the Reader. By T. Allbut, July 30th, 1841. 8vo., pp. 4. [See Fletcher (Rev. Jos.), Minton (Rev. S.).] Ai.i.BCT, Sox, & HoBsoN". [Robert Hobson, i. A-=hbourn, 1815; formerly senior jjartiier in " R. Hobson & Son " (successors of " Houlston," now retired). See Hobson (Robert).] Laws for the Government of the North Staffordshire Infirm.ary. Hanley: .Ulbut, Son, if Hobson. 1840. r2mo. pp. 45 ; Index extra. [See Pringle (G.).] Ali.iiut, Thomas. Printer, b. Ross, Herefs, 31st ilar., 1777 ; Master liromsgrove School ; began business in Hanley, 18(i6, as successor to his father who bought business of John Mort (after- wards Mort and Drewry) ; m. Sidney Ashford (who d. 18th Dec, 1851, aged 72) ; he d. 2!)ih Dec, 1857 ; bur. Bethesda Chapel ; mural tablet. Leader and Local Preacher in New Connexion Jlethodists for over 50 years ; Book Steward from 1807—20: Editor, 1810— 26 ; on Ids retiring, tlie following minute was entered by Conference, 1827: — " That this Conference accepts the resignation of Mr. Allbut as Book Steward and Editor of our Magazine; at the same time appreciating the service which he has rendered the Book Room in such capacity, returns him its mobach-cum-Boulge, Suffolk, 18G0— U9 ; d. there, 18G9. Sunday Scholars' Christian Year. 12mo. [Numerous editions.] Sermons. Editor of Cottage Magazine. [For the completeness of the Allbut article I am indebted to Mr. H. P. Daniel, Miss C. Allbut, .Mr. T. H. Allbut, and, in an especial degree, to Dr. Clifford Allbutt (j. of Rev. Thomas Allbutt), who, althimgh not a native of the Uouuty, iu the kiudest manner sui»plie6.] [Private information.] Allen, George. The Trial of George Allen, who was executed at Staf- ford for the Wilful Murder of Three of his Children. Stafford, 1807. 8vo., pp. 22. Allen, James, Onecote, Shoemaker. " Lumpv-Tums." A Poem. Circa J.S'5.5. [Reprinted "Olde Lecke," 1891, 9li, 97.] Allen, Rev. James, Wesleyan Minister. b. Bursleni, 28th Sept., 1787 ; "Wesleyan Minister 1806 — 55 ; d. 20th Sept., 1863, at Bramley. A Short .\ccoiint of Marv Allen (h. Ealand. Yorks., 1753; ., pp. xii., 13—317 ; Frontis., Port, of Baxter. Pub. by T. Allin. Then:— , . , , . A Call to the Unconverted, n.d. As before, pp. iv., 144. Then:— „ , . , „■ . A Crumb for a Soldier ; or, a Stroke m the King s Defence. By T. Allin. It would be a miracle to find a Soldier who" killeth more Frenchmen with his Arms than Englishmen with his Oaths, every Ruler suffering Sin, and not suppressing it, is at that Time a French General. The sword hath claimed its Thousands and Sin its Tens of Thousands. .Manchester: Printed for T. Allin, Bank Top. nOO. 8vo. Ditto. Xewcaslle: Chester .y fJruri/. 1S04. 8vo., pp. 10. Ditto. Halifax: Holder .y Dowsou. 1S07. 8vo., pp. 10. An Alarm to Sinners. By Joseph AUeine. Manche.iler, 1799. Ditto, .\euvastle, 1806. 8vo., pp. 96. [ Yorks. X. o"- (l, I. 42 ; Sutton's Lanes. Authors, 3.] Allix, Rev. Thomas, b. Broseley, Salop, Feb., 1784 : removed to Wc^dnesbury, 1787 ; to Shelton, 1800 ; apprenticed to Earthenware Printing at the Uell works : received into the Methodist New Connexion Ministry, 1808; [Travelled: Ashton 1808, Bolton 1809, 1822 —23, Nottingham 1810— 11, Manchester 1812 —13, Sheffield 1814—15, 1830—32, Halifax 1816— 18,Hanlevl811l— 21,Chesterl824— 25, Huddersfield 1826—27, Liverpool 1828—29,] Superannuated 1833, President of Conference 1822, Secretary to Annual Committee 1834 — 41, Member of ditto 1818, 1830. 1832—57 ; 771. 18(18, Miss Pointou,of Shelton ; d. Cheadle, 6th Nov., 1866 ; bur. Bethesda Chapel, Hanley. The Diffusion of Knowledge among the Labouring Classes promotive of the public good. A Sermon, preached on the Anniversary of the Stockport Sunday School, Oct. 23rd, 1825. Hanley: Printed and Hold by J. .lllbut i)' .Soli. 1826. 8vo., pp. 40. A Letter to the Rev. George Harris, containing Re- marks on assertions. &c., made by him in defence of Uni- tarianism. Bv the Rev. T. Allin. Bolton: Printed by J. Oi/le. -Wh' Market .•ilreet. 1823. 8vo., title and pp. 23. [bated : T. Allin, Ebenezer Chapel. Bolton, Feb. 10, 1823.] Woodcut, tail-piece, and slip of errors. Ditto. Second Edition, with corrections, and a Post- script containing observations on the reply of Mr. Harris. Printed and I'ublished by D. .Marples. Lirerpool. 1824. 8to. The Immortalitv of the Soul, a Sermon preached in Ebenezer Chapel. Bolton. Hanley: T. .lllbnt. 1824. 8vo., pp.40. Review of. [.Ve«'. Coh. .Vn//. ( 1824). 32— 34.] 2nd Edition. 1828. Note on Mr. Allin 's Discourses. [Ib. (1828). 203.] Review of. [/4. 414— 19, 40.5— 71.] Mechanics' Institutes defended on Christian Principles A Lecture delivered on the opening of the Sheffield Mechanics' Institute. January 14th and 22nd, 1833. .Shef- Jield: Printed Jor the Mechanics' Institution by Timothy Scott. 1833. 8vo. Second Edition. 1833. 8vo. Wrapper and pp. 32. Atheism Refuted, in three discourses ; with Remarks on Mr. Carlyle's Lectures. Sheffield: Scott, u.d. (1833). 8vo., pp. 85. Is. (Jd. Discourses on the Immateriality and Immortality of the Soul ; The Character and Folly of Modern .\theism ; and the Necessity of a Revelation ; with illustrations and confirmatorv" notes and Observations. Printed and Published by T. Allbnt. 1829. [Ib.. 1834.] Ditto. Second Edition, with additional Notes. Lon- don: Partridge Cf Oakey, Paternoster Row; W. Cooke, 3. llbany Crescent. .Uban'i/ Iload. Old Kent Itoad. 1849. 8vo Title and Preface to 1st and 2nd Editions, pp. xxxii.; Contents 1 leaf; then pp. 313. (J. E. Williams, Printer, Whitechapel. Lirerpool.) Slip of Errata. Ditto. London: Partridge. 1850. 12mo. 3s.(;d. Four Letters to a Wesleyan Minister of Sheffield. Review of. Bv Samuel Drew. [^Imperial Magazine. 1828. quoted in Hulme's Allin, 79—82.] Sermons on Biblical and Theological Subjects. By Rev. T. Allin. Loudon: Jackson, Walford,4- Hoddcr. 1864. Church Fellowship. A Sermon, preached at the open- in" of Salem Chapel. Halifsix, on Thursday, the I4th of Sept 1815 Bv Rev. T. Allin. Halifax: Priuted and Sold by £ H. Holde'n, Hall End. 1815. 8vo. A Father's Tribute to the Grace of God, as displayed in the filial pietv and triumphant death of four Sisters. By Rev. T. Allin." ■ . ,u , » n Friendship's Memorial ; or, a Memoir of the late Rev. D. Barker. By Revs. T. Allin and W. Shuttleworth. 12mo. Sermon preached at the Re-opening of Salem Chapel, Halifax. 14th Sept.. 1814. [New Con ,l/a ALSOP (14) AMHERST Alsop Family, of Leek. [See Bcresford (Rev. W.).] Alsop, Georgina Sasan (see A., G. S.). rlau. of Rev. J. R. Alsop : b. West Hougliton, Lanes.; now living at Bednal. '•Joan of Arc's Farewell," from the German of Schiller, pp. .')3— .1,5; ''Thuringian Polkslied." from the German, p. 57 ; " The Constant Heart," from the German, pp. S'.t, GO. ("Prayer of Ajax." 1880.) Alsop, Rev. James Richard, b. Boneliill, Tani- worth, lltii March, ISlC ; eldest?, of Ritiiard Alsop, Boneliill (afterwards of Collyliurst, Lanes.) ; educated Man. Or. 8ch., 7th Sept., 1831 ; Brasenose Coll., Ox. ; Hulnie Ex- hib., 1838 ; Somerset Scholar : Hon. 4th Class, 1839 ; B.A., 24tli April, 1839 ; Deacon, 1840 ; Priest, 1841 ; Assistant Curate of West Houghton, Lanes., 184(»— 41 ; P.C, 1841 — 67 : Vicar of Acton Trussell-ty.-Bednal, 1H67 until death ; m. Georgina Beauniond, flail, of Thomas Brame : d., Acton Trussell, Gth Aug., 1880. Sermons on Faith and Practice. Liindim : Joseph Masters. 1S5S. 8vo., pp. Xny. Prayer of Ajax and other Poems. I'rhileilfor private circulrilinn hi/ R. ij- W. Wriyht, Stafford. 18S0. cr. 8vo. pp. xi., 7:i. A Tract on the Restoration of the Diaconate. [Man. Gr. Sch. Reg., III., .32;i.] [Private information.] Alstonfield, Alstoxefikld. Murder at. [Illiis. Times ( 18515), 31,')]. Token of J. Sheldon, l«iili, of Alstonfield. [Reliq., Vol. IV., 17: Vol. X., 119.J Church Registers :— Vol. I., fol., Mixed, from 1538— 1074. II., Mixed, 1074— 1715. III., Mixed, 171.i— 55 ; Baptisms and Burials, 175t — 77. IV., Marriages, 17.54 — 71. v.. Baptisms anil Burials. Jan., 1777 — Dec, 1812. VI., VII., & VIIL, Marri.ages, 1771— 181->. Then regular.— (Rev. W. H. Purchas, Vicar.) [Hist. Coll. of Staffs. I.. 91. 93, 21.% 231, 2.34: HI. (part 1) 224: IV. (p.irt 1) iH. (part 2) 7(i : VI. (p.art 1) .59. 243. 24(i. 2(>5 : VII. (p;irt 1) 16, 218, (part 2) ,30, 31, 33. 34, 41, 42, 47 ; Moule's English Counties. I., 137 ; Pitt's Staffs., 242, 243; Griffiths' Endowed Schools, ,5."il, ,5,52; Harwood's Erdesvvicke (1844) 478, 479; Garner's Staffs., 99, supplement. 12 : Langford's Staffs, and Warws.. I., 284, 285: White's Staffs. (18.34), 715; See Drewe (Rev. J.), Purchas (Rev. C.).] Notes, &c. [Staff. Coll., Salt Lib. Cat., 398.] Alton Towers. S.W. View. Bv Buck. 1731. Alton Abbey. "l2mo. 18.30. Alton Towers. From litho. by Rawlings. 1850 ; ditto, Bovdell, 1750 : ditto and Description. [Morris's County Seats, I., 07, lis.] C:italogue of the Contents of Alton Towers, to be sold by Auction. 1857. Imp. 8vo. Alton Park ; or. Conversations on Religious and Moral Subject.s. Chiefly designed for the Amusement and In- struction of Young Ladies. In Two Volumes. Loudon: Priiileil and l*uhiisht'd for the .\nthor h// Keatinr/ i^- Brown, 38, Unl-e Street, (irosrenor Square. 1S30. 8vo., pp. (Vol. I.) viii.. 323. Ded. to Rt. Hon. Countess of Shrewsbury. (Vol. II.) Guide to. [See Hobson (R.).] An Act for Inclosing Lands in the Manor and Parish of Alveton, otherwise Alton, and the Parish of Bradley- in-the-Moors, in the County of Stafford. May 28th, 1824. fol., pp. 29. Abel Heywood's Guide to. Jfanchesler, 1S60. 12mo. (Several editions). John Heywood's Guide to. 1870. 12mo. (Several editions. The latest edition was written by Walter Tomlinson.) F. Brocklehurst's Excursionists' New Authentic Guide. 1870. 12mo. Church Registers : — Vol. I.. Mixed, fol., from Hi81 — 1721. II.. Mixed, 1721 — li'.t ; from 1754 Marriages in separate part of book ; 1751 — tW Baptisms and Burials together. III., Baptisms and Burials, 1740 — 1812 (at end of this vol. a number of Christenings at Cotton, from 179.5 — Jan., I80,s). Then uniform: Bajitisms, I., Jan., 18i:t— Oct. 2.")th, 183.'>, II,, Oct.. 183,5— Jan. IJth, 1880. I II., June, 1880. Burials, I., Jan., 18i;i—Mav, 1808. XL, Jan. 18th, I8ii8. M.arriages, I.. Jan., 17t;9— Dec., 1812. II.. 13th Jan., 1813— 3rd June, 1837. III., 2nd Oct., 1837— June, 1883. IV., Jan.. 1883— (Rev. A. E. Holme, Cunite.) [See Sleigh (J.) ; Jewitt (LI.); "D.G."; Ward's Stoke, 541 ; Murray's Staffs., lliti ; Adam's Gem of the Peak, 237—84; Griffiths' End. Sch., 555; Redfern's Uttoxeter, .34.5—47: Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844)500— 502 : Garner's Staffs . 22, 73, 95, 544, supplement 1 1 ; Calvert's Views of Staffs., 28, 29; Trana. North Staff's. Field Club (1881) 37 — 13 ; Pitfs Staffs., 9, 22ii— '28 ; Biidl. Lib., S.jj. v., 27; White's Staffs. (1834), 723; Redfern's Uttoxeter (188G) 450; Hist. Coll. of Staffs,, I., 2C6, 217, 233, 234, 247, 257. 290, 297 : II. (part 1) 39, 47, 53, 177 : III. (part 1) 225: IV. (part 1) 111. 15,5, 181, 183, 227: V. (part 1) 118. 119 : VI. (part 1) 71, 109, 150, 189, 223, 245, 240, 250, 205, 207. 294 : VII. (part 1) 24, 28, 49, 59, 80, m, 12,3, 140, 210: VIII. (part 1) 118: IX. (part 1) 125: X. (part 1) 49, 50, 114; Jewitt's Ceramic Art, II., 199; Hollands Montgomerv, VIIL, 130; Nightingale's Staffs.; Buckler (J.), (J. C.) :' Bentley (S.) ; Norris (T.) ; Row- bottom (Miss). Collections relating to, see Salt Library Cat. Xo. 17.55.] Notes, &c. [Staff. Coll., Salt Lib. Cat., 899.] Alty, Rev. E. Memoir of Joseph Hawkins (6. Cheslvn Hay, 1 1th Oct., 1844 ; d. there, Feb., 1808). [Xew Con. Mag. (1808), 387— 92.] "A Man of Many Ways." Match Shooting with the Enfield Rifle. By "A Man of Manv Ways." London : Simpkin, Marshall, if Co. Neu'castle-under-Li/nie ; H. Crewe, Printer and Hoolrseller. ISGG. Fcp. 8vo., pp. 113; title; Ded. to Captain Buchanan ; and Preface 3 leaves extra. Amateur Magazine, The [.sjee WooUey's; Parke (W.)] Amrlecote. [Jewitt's Ceramic Art, I., 200, 261 ; II., 456 ; Pitt's Staffs., 193—95: Grazebrook's Gen. of Henzev, 42—44, e« sen.: White's Staffs. (1834), 245 — 17 ; Hist. Coll." of Staffs., L, 189: V. (part 1) 109, 143. 180: VIII. (part 1) 43, (part 2) 122n. 151 : IX. (part 2) 34. 37, -14 : X. (part I) 128.] "A Mkmbeu of the Methodist New Con- nexion," Stoke. On Pride. [\ew Con. Mag. (1829), 326—32.] Ames, William, U.D., Puritan Divine, b. 1576 ; d. Rotterdam, 14th Nov., 1633, aged 57. A Reply to Dr. Morton's Generall Defence of three Nocent Ceremonies, viz.. The .Surplice, Crosse in Baptisme. and kneeling at the receiving of the .sacramentiil elements of Bread and Wine. By W. A. London ; Printed in yeare 1622. 4to. Pref.ace (pp. viii.) 4 leaves, n.p. Lettered at bottom with capitals from A to Q. pp. 114. Amherst, Rev. Francis Kerril. b. London. 21st March, 1819; «. of W. K. Amherst, Gent., of Parndon, Essex ; educated Oscott Coll., Aug., 1830—38 ; returned 1841 ; Priest, 1846 ; joined Third Order of S. Dominic ; Professor at Oscott, 18.5.5 : Missioner at Staf- ford, 1856—58 ; R.C. Bishop of Northamp- ton, 18.">8 — 79 ; translated to the titular See of Sozusa, 1880 ; resided at Fieldgate House, Kenilworth, where he d. 21st August, 1883. Lenten Thoughts, drawn from the Go.spel for each day of Lent. Loudon, 1S73. 8vo. 4th ed., 1880. Norton Broadland. A Tale. London, 1874. 8vo. A MOORLAND LAU (10) ANDREWS Bonnets, printed for private circulation. [Brady's Episcopal Succession. III. 429, 430. Catholic Directory (1883), 184: "Men of the Time," Uth ed.. 31 ; 7'imes, August 22nd, 1883 ; Tablet, August 2oth, 1883, 3,IIJ, .3U1 : Sept. 1st, 1883, 331): .Jan. oth. 1884, 21 ; Did. of Nut. Blog.,'ibl; Boase's Mud. Eh;/. Bioij.,!., col. [Private information, per Father Amherst.] "A Moorland Lad." Force of the Vernacular. [/frfiVy. VI.. 245.] Amphlett F.vmily. Pedigree of the Family of Amphlett of Had.sor and Clent. 1872. 4to. 4 folding Pedigrees [came out first in Gen.et //«)•., Vol. IV.] Amphlett, James. h. near Staffunl, 1775 ; educated Brewood Gr. Seh., 17H4 ; he was a Printer in Hanley, 1817—28; d., 19th July, 1860, at Shrewsbury, aged 85. War Offerings, a collection of songs. By Jame.s Amphlett. Stafford, 1S03. 12mo. Inv:ision: A descriptive and satirical poem. By J. Amphlett. Ha I tbou hast rous'd The liou in his deu ; he stalks abroad Aud the wide forest trembles at his l-oar I Wulfdhiimplon: Printed by Gower and Smart; aud sold by Messrs. l.iiiir/man and Itees, and Mr. Hurst, Paternoster Rou; L'imhm. 1804. 8to. Ned Bentley. A novel in three volumes. By J. Amphlett. A friendless son. Oh! Britain, through thy little bustling world Shapes his adventurous course. Stafford : Printed by J. Drewry, and Published by Longman, Hurst, Pees, and Orrne. London. ISVS. 12mo. 3 vols. Vol. I., pp. xxi., 1 blank, 227 : II., 252 ; III., 2.52. An appeal to the Inhabitants of the Staffordshire Potteries, designed to afford correct information on the utilitv and adaptation of a ilechanics' Institute to the Manufactures of the District, approved at a meeting of the Friends of the Design held in Hanley, to concert means of establishing it, aud give all necessary information. Price Twopence. All profits from the sale of this will be devoted to further the objects of the Institute. Hanley: Amphlett, Printer. 12mo.. pp. 12. Edited The Staffordshire Advertiser. The Rifiemun Xewspaper. North Staffordshire Mercury, and Pottery and Newcastle Advertiser, 6d. Stafford, Jan. 1st, 1812. The Pottery Gazette. 1822-28. [It died in con- sequence of having incurred some prosecutions for libel] Lichfield Mercury, in 1834. Shrewsbury .Journal, circa 1845 — 54. My Experiences of Jourmilism. (Pamphlet.) Amphlett, John. b. Sydenham, Kent, 22nd March, 1845 ; s. of John Amphlett, of Clent ; educated at Bromsirrore Gr. Sch. and Wore. Coll., Ox. ; B.A. and S.C.L., 1870; M.A., 1871 ; BarristPi-at-Law, Inner Temple ; m., 18th Aug., 180'.), Eliza Annie, only child of Edward Biven Baylie, of Clent Cottage. Pedigree. \_See Amphlett Family.] Under a Tropical Sky, a Journal of First Impressions of the West Indies. London: Printed by Sampson, Lou; and Co. 1813. 8vo.. pp. xii., 179. Warnton Kings: A Novel. London: Printed by Sampson. Lou; i(' Co. 1875. 8vo., pp. vi., 383. A Short History of Clent. "Ille terrarum mihi practer omnes Angulus ridet." — Horace. London : Printed by Parker if Co. 1890. 8vo.. pp. xii., 203 ; advertisements, 16. Amphlett, William. Lived in Birmingham and Wolverhampton. The Triumphs of War and other Poems. 1790. 8vo. The Astronomer, a farce. [This was performed at the Wolverhampton Theatre]. 1802. 8vo. The Emigrants' Directory to the Western States of North America, including a Voyage out from Liverpool. Hauley: Printed by T. .\llbut. 1820. 8vo. 68. [Biog. Diet, of Living Authors. 1816. p. 4. Biog. Dramatica (1812), I., 7.] [C. W. Sutton, J. Amphlett, and G. T. Lawley.] Anastatic Drawing Societv, Ilam. 13 Vols., 4to. Containing the following jdates con- nected with the County of Stafford: — [18.55: View of House at Whittington." I8.')i; : South Doorway and Font in Armitage Church : Black Ladies' Nunnery : Objects in Lichfield Cathedral ; Old House in Bore Street, Lichfield. 1857 : Moreley Hall : Wootton Lodge. 1858 : Miscellaneous Staffordshire Antiipiities ; Caverswall Castle ; Cradle and Tea-pot of Staffordshire ware. 1866 : Two plates of Audlev Church. 1867: Views of Eccleshall Church, Tut- burv "Church, Croxden Abbev, Frodesley Hall. 1870 : Tutbury Castle.] [.See Ilam : Mackamess, (Right Kev. Bishop).] Anderson, Alice. A Brief .Sketch of the life and sufferings of .A.lice Anderson, only daughter of an Officer deceased, and heir- at-law to an hereditary estate : the wrongs which she suffered and the oppressions, hardships, and depression which she endured. Walsall, 1828. 12mo., pp. 170. Anderson, Rachel. A Short Memoir of Rachael Anderson, late a Scholar in the .Stoke-upon-Trent Sunday School. By a Sunday School Teacher. (Profits arising from the sale of the publication will be applied towards the support of an aged and afflicted Widow, the Mother of the subject of this Memoir). Printed and sold by R. C. Tomkinson, Stoke-upon- Trent. 1823. 12mo., pp. 26. Andre, G. C. F.G.S., London. Lecture on " The Geology of Coal," read in the Town Hall. Stoke, Dec. 13th. 1875'. Trans. North Staff's. Min. and Mech. Eng. II., 102—6. 218—21. Ditto, on "Cleavage Planes, and their influence on the Economical Working of Coal," read in the Town Hall, Stoke, Jan. 3rd. 1876. Trans. North Staff's. Min. and Mech. Eng. II., 132—43. Andre, John. b. London, 1751 ; lived in Lich- field, and was intimately connected witii Miss Seward ; a lover of Miss Honora Sneyd (after- wards Mrs. Edgworth) ; having joined the British in North America he was shot, 2nd Oct., 1780. Monody on. [See Seward (Miss).] Reference to him. Miss Seward, and Lichfield. Dr. Whallev's Letters and Diarv (1863), I., 13, 322, 349 ; [Dr. Gamett's Life, Diet. Nat. Biog., I., 397, 398.] Andrews, Rev. Frederic R. Primitive Methodist Minister. A Bright Light in a Dark Place, or eminent Piety in the Black Country, as exemplified in the life of Mrs. Phillip Lloyd, of Bilston. By Frederic R. Andrews, Primitive Methodist Minister. London: Primitive Metho- dist Offce. 1S73. 12mo. Andrews, Rev. Josiah. b. Lichfield, 27th Dec, 1821 ; Congregational Minister of George Town, Demerara, 1838 — 40 ; Long Stratton, Norf., 1840—11 ; Jamaica, 1841—48 ; when he returned to England, settling finally at Shanklin, Isle of Wight, 1874, where he (/., 8th April, 1878. Obituary. [Congregational Year Book, 1879, p. 296.] Andrews, W., Bradford. Bust, modelleti from life, of Hugh Bourne. Photo- graphed by A. Blackburn. 1870. (Several sizes.) ANDREWS (16) ANNESLEY Ani.ke\vs, W. F.R.H.S. b. 1848; Senior Partner in tlie iirni of W. Andrews and Son, Printers, Hull. Puiiisliments in the Olden Times. Being an historical account of the Ducking Stool, Pillory. S'o<^ks, Dninkanls Cloak, Whiiipins Post, Biding the Stag i-c. Bv « i"^™ Andrews, f'u.H.S., Member of the Derbyshire Archajolo- gical and Natural History Society. LomU.n: » . A'"™''' '3 Co., 1, Uulburn Via.hid .Steps, E.C. n.d. Demy 8vo., pp. "'"■'[Staffs. :—Hamstall Kidware, p. 30 ; Lichfield, p. 30 ; Jos. Mayer, 33; Newcastle, 31—33; Beaudesert, 30; ^^ "'strange'' Stories of the Midlands. [The Authiuary. Vol. II., p. 127.] Andrkws, William. The Habits. (Kistoms, and Antiquities of the Romans. Bv W. Andrews, Surgeon. " Kender unto Caisar the things wiiich be Ciesar's, and unto God the things which be God's."— Luke XX. i: 25. 1848. London: Simpkn, Mar- shall. .<• Co. Wolra-hampton: Price d,- WiUiam.s 12mo., pp. ^i., 100 ; Index, ii. ; Plates, pp. 34, 81 ; Frontis (Penk- ridge Church) and Engraved Title-page. [Ded. to Lord Hatherton]. Anglesea, House of. Origin of the Noble Honse of Anglesey. [Mirror, ^' ^ffimltes of the Proceeding before the Lords' Committee , for Privilege on the " Claim to the Title of the Earl of An<'lesea." Lomloi, : Printed in the year 1771. 8vo., pp. , 04." [Privately printed; exceedingly rare.] Ancjus, William, b. 1752 ; pupil to William j Walker; rf. 1821. Seats of the Nobilitv and Gentry of Great Britaiu and Wales in a collection of Select Views engraved by W Angus, from Pictures and Drawings by the most eminent Masters, with descriptions of each view;. London, lj87— ' mo. Ob. 4to. 03 plates. Proofs, £o os. Prints, ±,2 28. Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Anglesey, b. Dublin, 1614; s. of Sir F. Annesley, Bart.; Commissioner for Ulster in Parliament, 1645 ; Privy Seal, 1673 ; Dismissed, 1682 ; d. April, 1686. A True Account of the whole Proceedings Betwixt his Grace James, Duke of Ormond, and the Kight Honor. Arthur, Earl of Anglesey, Late Lord Privy Seal, before the sing and Council, and the said Earl's letter o the second of August to his Majesty on that occasion. With a lettei of the now Lord Bishop of Winchester s to the said Earl of the means to keep out Popery, and the only effectual expedient to hinder the growth thereof anc to secure both the Church of England and the Presbiterian party. London : Printed for Thomas Fox, at the Ant/el and Mar ,n Westminster Hall. 1682. fol. 2 leaves, pp. 28 A Letter from the Right Honourable Arthur, Earl of Anelesey Lor.l Privv Seal, In Answer to His Grace the Duke ot Ormond's Letter of November the 12th, 1081. About his Lordships Observations and Reflections upon the Earl of Castle-Havens. Memoirs concerning the KebeUion of Ireland. London: Printed for xV. P. IGSi. fol., pp. 7. including title. , „ , , ,• The Happy Future State of England, or, a discourse by way of Letter to the late Earl of Anglesey, vindicating him from the Reflections of an Affidavit. Published by the House of Commons, 1080. by occasion whereof Observa- tions are made concerning Infamous Witnesses ; the said Discourse likewise contains various Political Remarks and Calculations referring to many Parts of Christendom ; with Observations of the Number of the People of England, •ind of its Growth in Populousness and Trade. The Vanity of the late Fears and Jealousies being shown, the Author doth on grounds of Nature Predict the Happy future State of the Realm. At the End of the Discour.se. there is a Casuistical Discussion of the Obligation to the King, his Heirs and Successors, wherein many of the Moral Offices of ■Vbsolute and Unconditional Loyalty are Asserted. Before the Discourse is A large Preface, giving an Account of the whole Work, with an Index of the Principal Matters ; Also The Obligation resulting from the Oath of Supremacy to Assist and Defend the Preheminence or Prerogative of the Dispensative Power Belonging to the King, his Heirs and Successors. In the Asserting of that Power, various Historical Passages occurring in the Usurpation after the year 1041. are mentioned ; and an Account is given of the Progress of the Power of Dispensing, as to Acts ot Parlia- ment about Religion since the Reformation and of diverse Judgments of Parliaments, declaring their approbation of the Exercise of such Power and particularly in what con- cerns Punishment by Disability or Incapacity. Loiidou : Printed MDCLXXXVllL fol.," 49 leaves, pp. 301. ^ A Letter of remarks upon Jovian (Arthur, Earl of Anglesey). By a Person of yiiality. London: Printed/or H. Jones. MDCLXXXr/I. 4to., pp. 15, including title. Great News from Poland : being An Impartial Account of the Election of a New King, in the room of Anthony, by the Grace of God lately deceased. London: Printed for the Assignees of F. S. 1GS3. fol. Single Sheet. (Satire on Akhur, Earl of Anglesey.) A Letter from His Grace James, Duke of Ormond, &c. [See James, Lord Audley. E.irl of Castlehaven.] A Vindication of King Charles the Martyr, provhig that Majesty was the author of Eikon Basilike Against a Memorandum said to be Written by the Earl of Anglesey ; and against the exceptions of Dr. Walker .and others. Im- primatur, Junii 8, 1093, Charles Heron. London : Printed by Joseph Hindmarsh, at the Golden Ball, over ayatust the Koi/al Exchamje. 16 A Letter from London to a Friend in the Country concerning my Lord and Lady Anglesey's case, J.ondon : Printed in the year MJJCCL fol., single sheet. Letter to — from F. T, (Sir P, Monckton) " Monckton '"°The Privileges' of the Houses of Lords and Commons, areued and stated in two conferences between both Houses, Aoril 19th and 22nd, 1071 ; to which is added a discourse Aoril littn anil ,:iiiu, i-..*! , ^^ ^" ■•; , wherein the Rights of the House of Lords are truly asserted with Learned Remarks on the seeming Agreements and nretended Precedents, offered at that time against then- Lordships, Written by the Right Honourable Arthur Eirl of Anglesey, late Lord Privy Seal, London : Printed and .Sold by J. Xutt, near Stationers- Hall. 1702. 8vo.. U leaves^pjx^^O. gj^g^^^^^y^ ^ jOl ; Bliss's Wood's Athen. Oxoi, iv„ pp, 181-87, 579 ; Wright's Annals (108o) p lo3 ; Bodl, Lib,, 83S,3; MSS, and Papers by him, .4 olio, 20 : 836 315 ■ 837, 220, et seq: 1788, 05 : Signature 1141, vi,, 5, 0, 7',] ANNESLEV (!') ANONYMOUS Anneslev, James, b. 1715; «. of Lord Alllmm (f/. IGtli Nov., 1727), Ijy liis w., Miiry .Slu'f- fielil, iiiUunil (/cm. of tlw Duke (if Buckiiii^liani. Soon lifter liis fatlicr's ili'atli, liis uncle Uielianl (wfio had succeeded to the tith's) got him con- veyed into slavery, 1727 ; at tiie expii'ation of liis term, 1740, he returned to Eiif^laiid ; tried for murder, lyth July, 1742, Imt acquitted (although his uncle "did not care if it cost him £10,000 so long as he was convicted"); insti- tuted proceedings in ejoctnn'nt against his uncle; trial came on, 11th Nov., 1743, in Diihlin, and ended in a verdict for the claim- ant, alter 15 days' trial ; m. (1) t/au. of Mr. Cliesters, of Staines ((/. 1749), (2) ihin. of Sir Thomas I'Anson ; i/. 5tli .Fan., 17G0. Meiniiirs of an Unfortunate Young Nobleman, returned from a thirteen years' .Slavery in America, where he had been sent by the wicked contrivance of his Uncle. Lniuloii, 1743—47. 'mvo., ;i vols. [The '"Wicked Uncle" was II., Earl of Anglesey.] An Abstr.Tct of the Case of James Annesle.v. 1751. [Used by Sir Walter Scott in "Guy Mannering " (see Geiit.'s J/«7.,'.ruly, 1S40) ; Charles Keade, in " The Wander- ing Heir.] [fjeiil.:i .\[ciq., XIII., XIV.; Howell's "State Trials," XVI., XVII. ; bkt. Xut. liinf/.. II., ."j, 6 (by L. Stephens). Anneslev, liichard, Earl of Anglesey. Took his seat in the Irish House of Lords as Baron Altliani, 1727, on the death of his brother, the 4th Lord Althani ; heeame 0th Earl of Anglesea, 7th Viscount Valentia, 7th Barou Mouiitmorris, and Gill Baron of Newport Pagnell, 1737 ; Ensign in the Army ; quilted the Service, 1715 ; 7«., 1715, Ann, ilau. ot Ca|it. Priest, or Prest, of MoiicUton, Devon, (who (J. 1741) ; lived with Ann Simpson, 1737 — 40 ((I. 17()5), with Julian Donnovan, 1741 — 52, whom he m., 1742 ; d. 1761. The Trial in Ejectment (at large) between Campbell Craig, Lessee of James Annesley, Esq., and others. Plain- tiffs ; And the Right Honourable Richard, Earl of Anglesey, Defendant; Before the Barons of His Majestie's Court of Exchetiuer in Ireland. Begun on Friday, Nov. 3rd. 174ii, and continueil by several adjournments to Friday, the 2.')th of the said month. Containing the whole evidence delivered by the witnesses, and iill the Speeches and Argu- ments of the Judges and of the Counsel : corrected and revised by themselves. Published l»v the permission of the Right Honourable The Lord Chief Baron Bower. The Honourable Mr. Baron Mounteuey, and the Honourable Mr. Baron Dawson. Loiulou : Printed bi/ ./. <)'■ /'. h'lmptoii, T. Lom/maii, C. irilch ,C /Mr/.*, i)'- .1. MU'hir. MDCCXLll. (Price Nine Shillings, sewed.) fol., pp. 259; Title and Pref. extra. Memoir of an Unfortunate Young Nobleman Return'd from a Thirteen Yeirs' Slavery in America, Where he had been sent by the wicked contrivance of his cruel I^ncle. .V Story founded on Truth, and e'lually address'd to the Head and He irt. Parti. This is the Heir ; come let us kill him, that the Inheritance may be ours. — Luke cxx., v. 14. Foul Deeds will rise, Tho' all the World o'ervvhelm 'em, to Men's Rye-;. — Spr)ken by Unmlet of his Uncle. DiihltH : I'riiili' I fjr/ (tii'l fur 'A. Mnrtineail. nii the Lotft-r liliivl-Kei/. .MIiCl'.KI.IL rimo. Part I. ' pp. 47, inclu- ding Title. Meuiorie d'un Giovane Xobile Sventurato, Che ritorna rinalmente da una lung.i schiavitu, sorfferta nell 'Americ.i 113 I'arti pessimc d'un criulele suo Lio Storia found:ita sti la verity, e indirizn ita alio spirito non meno che al t'uore Tradotta d lUa Lingua Ingle-:e nell' Italiana. Miser chi mal' o|>rando si contid i Che ognor stardebba it maleft/.io occulto ; C'ae quiudo ogni altro t leeia intorns grida L'aria, o la terra i^tesst, in ch' e se]iulto. .4. Or!. Fur, C. fl, St. 1. Vene/.ia, MDCC.^LV. Per (iiuseppe B -ttinelli, Al Secolo delle Lettere. Con Licen/i. de' Sujieriori. e Privilegio. 12ino., '2 leaves, pp. :il!.S. The Book of the Chronicle of James, the Xejihew, with an Hymn of Thanksgiving on his Deliverance from the hands of Iticheth, his Uncle. Translated from the Original .\rahh: of lii'Uh(tzzrir Kap/ifi, the Jew. Printeti for Juhn Warner^ iiertr Wartrii-i- L'lue ; and sold by the HnokM'llers in LmU/ate .Sfreet./tt (lie lioiffil Exehunf/e. Temple jittr, and Charinf/ Cross. 174'i. (Price Sixpence). 8vo., pp. .'iu, including Title anrl Cromwell's letter "Tea Certain I'jminent Kidnapper." A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Court of Kinif't Henvh. in Ireland, relating to the Trial of Mary Heath, for Perjury; in Two Letters, The First, from a Counsel learned in the Law, who was well acipiainted with the Whole Proceedings. The Second, from a Gentlemaa who attended the Trial. He speaks with other Toniruos, and hears Men's Suits With other E^irs : Will seem to sleep o' tli' Bench, (July to entnip Witnes-fes iii their Answers ; Dooms Men to Deatli by iiifnriiiation ; ItewHrils by Heur-:iy. Tlien the I,;iw to bini Is like a fuul blai-k cobweb to a S])i(Ier.~ We'jstf-r. Wliat can Innocence ho])G fur When such as sit her Judges are Corrupted ? — Messenger. Liindnn: Printed/or J. Kinij. in the Strand .\f/JCCXfA'. [Price One Shilling.] 8vo.', 1 V,, \>\>. a— 80. The Case of tho Honourable James Annesley. Esf|.; Humbly offered to all Lovers of Truth ami Justice. Printed in the I/ear 1756. [iMndon.] Xvo., p|). :!S, including Title. Ditto. Printed in the i/ear 175H. Svo., same pagination, A Letter to a Nobleman in the Country, On the Affair of Mr. Annesley. Containing a Full and Distinct Account of that Extraordinary Tr.ansaclion and all its Circum- stances. Together with Some Particulars not hitherto mentioned. By an Impartial Pen. Lundim : Printed for J. Roberts, near the 0.rJ'ord .Arms, in Warwick Lnne. 1744. [Price Sixpence.] 8vo., pp. .S4, including Title. The Trial at Bar, between Cam|ibell Craig. Lessee of James .\nnesley, E.sq., Plaintiff ; And the Right Honour- able Richard Earl of Anglesea, Defenrlant ; Before the Honourable the Barons ot the Exchequer, at the King's Courts, Dublin, in the Trinity Term, in the Itith and 17th of the Reign of our .Sovereign Lord George the Second, King of Great Britain, A-c, and in the Y'e.ar of our Lord 174.'t. London: J^rinted for .1/. Cooper, at the (ilobe, in Paternoster Itow; and sold btj the Booksellers and Printers in all the Cities and noted Towns in Creat Britain and Ireland. MDCCCXLIII. fol., pp. loll, all inclusive. [.S'fc Diet. Nat. Bioi/., II., li, 7; Rep. of Committee for Privileges on Anglesev' Peerage (printf/d Uth Mav. 1810) ; Howell's State trials", XVII.. 11194, Il'.'l, 11-2.'). li:!9. 1148, 1 149, 124.), 144.'i, 1454 ; Lodge's Peerage of Ireland ; Burke's Ext, Peerage. " Anne.slev ": (lent.'s .Mai/.. XIII., 93, 2114. sue, ;W2; Journals of House of Lords '(Irel.and), III., 1, Slili, (England) X.XV., Il.'i; Cat. of Home Office Papers, (I7iiO— llo) 2(119, 2(i:i7, 2I.'iii: (I7IIG— «9) 17.S ; (1'70— 72) 8(;9, 9:!.'!, 1(19S, 1119, llliG, 124li,] Anonymous. .\n Examination of a Book, lately printed by the Quakers, intituled, A Brief Account, i-c. So far as the Clergy of the Diocese of Litchfichl ami Coventry are concerneil in it. London: Printed for . I. Hoherts. near the t)j-/ord .Inns, in Waririeh Lane. vii'J. Price One Shilling. 8vo., pp. :!2. A Letter to the Right Rev. Richard Loi-d Bishop of Lichfield and CJoventry, occasioned by so much of his Lordshi|)'s .Second Volume of The Vindication of the Miracles of our Blessed .Saviour, as regards the Quakers. London : Printed for W. .Meadows, at the .inr/el. in Cornhill, and .told bif the Booksellers of' London and We.ttminster. 17.11. 8vo.. pp. l(i: 2 ed. corrected 17:tl, 8vo., pp. I.'i. [Signed "T.S."] A Second Letter to the Ri.ght Reverend Richard Lord Bishop of Lichfield ami Coventry, In Defence of a former Letter to his Lordshi)i. Wherein that misrepresenteil and injured Chri.stian Society called Quakers arc impartially Defemled against his Lordshiii's Vindication. By T. S. London: Printed/or .L Iioh:rts. in Warwick Lane ; A. Dudd, Without Temple Bar; and T. Xiill, at the Royal Exchange. I'.'t:!. Svo., pp. 0(1. The Case of the Protestants. [Hee Rudyard (T.).] A Vindication of the Quakers: or, .^n .■\nswer to the Bishop of L 's Charge against them, ami the late de- fence of that C'harge. To wliich is added a more full and perfect accouut of the Quakers and their Doctrines, occasioned by Dr. Henry More's opinion of them. London: Printed for T. Cooper,' at the Globe, Corner of I ri/ Lane, ne.rt Paternoster Row. 1732. 8vo.. pp. 1(!. Reprinted, p. ANSCOTT (IH) ANSON •294, Vol. II., of " A Coiiliiil for L-w Spirits, Ac. By Thos. Gordon, Esq. 17G3. \hu». .,.,, Three Letters to tlie Bisliop of LichtieW anil Coventry. 1st: Concernint; the Trinciples of the Quakers, and some late Cliarjjes a^'ainst theui. -Jnd : Confutation of the Charges whidi arc maile against the Qualarticular Doctrines ami Customs wliich distin.'uish tlie Quakers from the Rest of Mankind, and consistent witli I'rimitive Christianity: with a Cliarafter ,.f Ge.n-!;e Fo.v ami his writing's. To which is preti.-ced a Letter to the Queen concerniiis? Liherty, &e Lnnilon: Printed hi, ./. llnmoiimn. hi ISurlhilomew ['"'"■'/"''•'■ Jloberh, in Wanrh-i' Lan:: 1733. pp. -M. ind ed., 1733, '^°' An Aflfectionate Address to Youth upon leaving Sun- day School. IIn„Uu,: T. Mlhut. 1S:>3. limo. [Review of." A-.vr f v.". .1/"'/. I ix-^:!), :»'■—'"•] ,, , , , AClondof Witnesses. [.Se.- Besse (Joseph).] Anscott, Ale.x;uidpr, Sclioolinaster. b. South Moltoii, Devon., 1070; cdm-ated Ox. ; became a Quaker, circa 1701) ; Clerk to Yearly Meeting, 1722, 25, 2S, & 36 ; d. Bristol, antii .Ian., 1737'. Some Considerations relative to the I'reseiit State of Ihc Cliristiaii Rulif,'iun, Wliereiu tile Principal Lvidences of the Christian Reli'.,'ion is further explained and defended in answer to the objections made against it in a late ••Vindication of the Bishop of Lichtield :ind Coventry. With an Appendix. &c. Tart HI. Lowhi, :J''-",teJ mid s„/,/ h,/ the l.wiV/"'-" "/' ■■'■ •'*''"'''■'•• "' ""' ^''''''- '" '"■"';'/« y„rd.'Lomh.ird 'stml.' 1S34. Svo., pp. «». :inl ed. (m- dmliu.' Parts I. & II). Lnmloii : Printed and SnldbijJ. Philip!!, in Geori/e i'nrd. Lwnbttrd Street. 1770. Svo., pp. lad. Anslow, 11. Uniioiary Clioiriiiaster, Queen Street' Chapel, Wolverhampton. Queen Street Chant Book. A Selection of Psalms from Holv Scripture, and ancient hymns, with Chants, for the use of the congregation assembling at Queen Street Chapel, Wolverhampton. iVolrerliiimpton : /• redrnr/,- .Inn ■,-■. ISGS. l-2mo., pp. W. Pi-ef. by T. G. Hortou. Anson, Augustus Henry Archiliaki. b. 5th March, 18:55 ; Cajitain S4th Foot, 1855— 5« ; Aide-de-camp to General Grant in the Indian Mutiny, 1«57— 5S ; V.R. 24th Dec. 185H ; M.P. LichHeld 185")— OS, L5ewdley 1809—74; (/. Cannes, 17th Nov., 1877. [Portrait in '•-Mrs. Fairlie's Portraits of Children of Nobility." 3id Series, 1S41. Biographical ^otlce, Mud. Enij. liiog., I., col. 7'2.] Anson, George, h. Shugborough, 23rd April, 1697 ; s. of William Anscm and Isabella, Umi. of Charles Carrier, of Wirkswortli, Derbys. ; Volunteer on the " Ruby," 2nd Feb., 171 1—12 ; Midsliipman on the "Hampshire," May, 1710 to Dec, 1717 ; Second Lieut, on the ''Monta- gue," March, 1718—19 ; Commander of the "Weasel" (sUiop), June, 1722— 24; Capt., appointed to the " Scarborough," Feb., 1724 — •>8 • in command of "Garland," July, 1728 —31: "Diamond" (frigate), 1731: "Squir- rel," Feb., 1732—35: "Centurion," Dec, 1737 ; Commodore, 1739 ; in command ot squadron to Juan Fernandez, 18th Sept., 1740 ; captured Spanish galleon, 2Uth June, 1743 ; M P., Hemhm, Yoiks., 1744—47 ; Rear- Vdmiial of the White. 20th April, 1745 ; in command of Cliannel Fleet, 9th Aug., 1740 : won the battle of Cape Finislerre. 3rd May, 1747 ; created Baron Anson of Soberton, Ilanii.shire, 1747 ; m., 25th April, 1747, Lady i:ii/.ali.'lh, dau. of Lord Chancellor Yorke [who d. 1st June, 1700) ; First Lord of Admirahy, June. 1751 — Nov., 1750, and again June, 1757 " ; Admiral of Fleet, June, 1701 : iL, (itfi JunV. 1702. at Moor Dark, Herts.; bnr. Ctdwich. \AovageRound The \V..rld,Iii the Years .M 1)CC.\ l-l., II III iV . ■ Compiled from jiapers and the ma'terivi of the Right Honourable George L..rd Aiis.ui and published under his direction, by Ricliard Walters, M.A., Chapliin of His Majesty's Ship the ■' Centun.m, 111 th:it Expedition. Illustrate,! with Forty-Two Co|.per-plates. Londmi: Printed Jor the .\nlhor 6y John 0' /_'""' hnaplon, Ludimle Street. M DICXI.V I II. 4to., 1, leives pp. 417 Plates and Maps f.icing pp. 4:1, till. 1.2 (2). nil LI. 7-' '73 74 (2l. Ill, 111, lir. {-A). 120. P2:i, 11(1, 1... |2), !sM -'ill 2iti. 2:17, -201, ■2mi (:i), 201, 277. :iu-2, :iio. .-im. lild' 3:^7'all. ;i.'i(l, 373. 3k,-.. 414. Large and small |upcr: Ditto, Bv an Officer of the Fleet. /^""■'"'' • I'l-nled "nd SM 1„, J. Plumh. Opposite the U hite IP.rse »"!'•" Xe,r,,,ne. 1744. Svo,, pp, viii.. 1I-I121 Wh ed. ./.>V/. Knaplnn. 1740. Svo,. 1 1 leaves, pp. ..48. ,thed. Dnhin: Printed h,/ U. .(■ -I, VV(co/'/. ul the .in;,el and Ihble, ,n iMme Street. 174)1. 4to., pp. i.-xiv. (adyer 2 leaves) oil. Again-4to,. 1753: 4to., mu : 4to, 1757 : >^yo 1,M; ■•0. t hapbook London: Printed for and Sold hi the Book-sellers '"'"■«■"« Britain. 1704. " 8vo.. 1 leaf. ,.p. 232. Second Ldition, with Improvements, I'rinled Jor R. ]\ lntn.,rlh. in the nearVGO. Chapbook. pp. I2:i. Asain-2/(j;. 8vo. Lo«- ,/oH 17G0. Svo.. 1 1 leaves, pp. oDO Chart of Pacihc Oie.in, ].ith ed. London: 177G. Hvo pp. x.x., 41,. J'nbl.n: Printed h,, (irni.^herr,/ .(■ fampbell, 10. Bar/.- Lanr. 1S17 Duo pp. I'llli. Frontis. Dnblin : Printed b;/ P. .Uarchban/.: Xo I!.' Dame Street. 1700. «vo„ 7 leaves pp. .3, 2 Ayr: Printed b,, .hlin WiUon. 1700 8vo,, 2 vols ^ ol, 1,, pp. jjix •Ji—PU • II 3—211. Edinbniyh: Printed Joi the Booksellers. ' 1823. 8vo.. lip, S-o"- Pnhlislied b;/ the Soeietnfor Pioniolim/ the fnited and .^eriptnral hdncatwn of the 'Poor of Ireland. Kildare Place, Dublin. ... . lluUin : Printed 4,,/ /', I>. Ilardij Ceeilia Street and.^^olda the Soeieti/S Depository, Kildare Plaee. n.d 2ino. I'rontis. pp 1X0, Repriiitedalso in Vol, L, pp. 113—12 of '• .Moore s Collection of Voyages and Tr.ivels." London, n.d. \ ol. VII of -The World Displayed.' 2 leaves pp. 221. Vol 'hi.. "Callander's Voyages"; " Harris s \ oyages ; '■Mavoi-'s Voyages": &c. London: (;ri,thni.\ to. 1853. Svo Dublin.' Printed by .1. O'.Vei/, 17, Ihaneery Lane. 18->a fino pp 180. Frontis. London: Inyram, Looi; ly Co.,227'^li''<"l- ■'■'<5'3- 4to„ xiii., 128. " Nimmo's National I Library'." 8vo., pp. 321— 174. „ . ■ ■ Supplement to Lord Anson's Voyage, &c. Containing •V Discovery and Description of the Island of Frivola. By the Abbe Lover. To which is Preti.xcd an Introductory Preface by the Translator, London : .1. Millar. .1. II histon, and B. While. 1752. 8vo., pp. xi., 113. Lord Ansoni. Viaggio attornio al Monds traddi.tt., da Hambly Pape. Lirorno, 1756. 4to. Port, by G. Lape, ■'■'"' "''■i'-;.„e and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, and round the Globe, under the command of Commodore George Anson, By Pascoe Thomas. London, 1745. Svo,. pp, 347. 311, . Vova-e .'I la Mer dn Sud faits par iiuehpies Officiera Commandants le Wager poruservir de Suetuis Voyage de ""■ ^^rf Ai^sf^r- Tko'a^ae. With N-iew of the Bat^ of Cape Lizard, with printed description. .iin.rinted privately.] Anbon, Thomas William, Viscount, b. 179(5 ; s. of Thomas, Viscount Anson ; Mat. Ch. Cb., Ox., 23rd May, 1814; created Earl of Lich- field, 15th Sept., 1831. An Act for Vesting certain Parts of the settled Estates of the Right Honourable Thomas William, Viscount Anson, in the County of Norfolk, in Trustees, in Tnist, to carry into execution Contracts already entered into for .Sale of Parts of the same fjstates, and to sell the other Parts thereof under the Direction of the Court of Chancery, and to apidy the Money :irising from the said Sales in the manner therein mentioned. 1st .luly, 1822. fob, pp. la. Anson, II' n. \V. Obituary. [Jllu^. Tim:-», 18ij6, ]). 427.] Engraved Portrait of. By F. Raymond, ;ifter G. Richmond. Imp, 4to. Anstis, Rev. Mattliew. b. Liskeard, 4th Nov., 1815; Mat. Hxeter Coll., Ox. ; B.A.; resi- dent (1878) 44, Gloucester Square, Hyde Park, ami Hishlon Hall, Staffs.; tw., 1st Oct., 1»53, at Longdon, Staffs., Maria Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir George Chetwynd, Bart. [See Bibl. Cornub. ; Boase's Exeter Coll., 1.3.'!.] Antiquarian Rkpertorv, The [.See Devereux's (Earls of Essex), Dudley (.lohn. Duke of Northumberland), Levitt (.!.); Tamworth": Tutbury.] ANTigU.MtlAN SciCIETV OF LoNDOX. View of Tutbury Castle, from a Drawing in Queen Elizabeth's Time. 17':4;i. Archafologia : or. Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antitpiity. London ; J'ublisfied by the Sorlefi/ of Antii/nnries. 17 70—1801). 4to. [See Alphabet for Staff', .\rticles.] Anti.ifi', Rev. \Villi;im. Life of the Venerable Hugh Bourne. London: (ieorge Lfimh. 1872. cr. 8vo., jip. 48U. A New Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. Left in MS. by the late Ven. Hugh Bourne, and Edited by Authority of the Conference of 18t>5. cr. 8vo., l;-p. 10. [Signed " A Potter fr(un Childhood."] The Throne, the Chnrch, and the People. Same im- print. Whig Deceivers, and Trades' Union Dupers. Api'LKiiV. Mrs. Hann;di. 6. Bowers, near I'^ccles- hall, 1705 ; removed to Newcastle, 1803 ; d. there, 1875. Obituary. Bv Rev. N. W. Stafford. [Christian Witness (1875), 157.] ArrLERV, Rev. William, Wesleyan Minister, b. Tunstall, otii Oct., 1811 : Itinerant ilinister, 1K3I — 59; superannuated: d. 12th Nov., 180O, aged 40. Obituary. [IIV.«. Mi,i. (18i;i), U, 12.] Api'I.eton, Rev. W. Private Chaplain to Squire Giffard, of Chillington. Theophilns : or. The Puiiil instructed in the Principles, the Obligations, and the Resources of the Roman Catholic Religion. By the Rev. W. .\ppleton. From the French, AlTLETllEE (•^0) AULIDGE " La Doctrine Cretienne." " He that rojecteth instruct iou ilespisL'tli his own soul " ( Prov. xv., .*t2). W'a/ rer/itintplou ; J'lhttetl fur llif Aiillior by J. Small. 1TJ4. Svo.. pp. 4i:3. Deci. to tlie Kight Kev. anrl Honourable Thomas Talbot. Ai'i'LETUKK, William tie. Preb. of Lichfield ; Dean of Clie-tor ; Arelul. of Stafford, l:33S — 49; Viear-Ueueral of Lieliticld, 13:5(j— 4'.). [Harwooil's Lichtiekl. IKiP. L'KI.] Araoo, Francois. [.s>e WattB (J.1.] AliCHJ50I.001C.VL AssOfl.\T10N, l.,ONI)0X. The Journal of the British .Vrchieological .\ssociatiou. Vol. XXIX. Loiidtiii : I'liiileil for the Assinialioii. 1873. Xvo. [Report of Wolverhampton Meeting.] Ditto. Vol. I.. lS4i. [Start's, ref. :— pp. '.IS— lull, Kl."), 210. .-(SH.] Ditto. 1846. At Winchester. .Memoir, l>y .\, .1. Beresfortl-Hope. Ditto. 18U(I. Memoir on Foundation of Early Buikl- ings iliscovereil in Lichfield Cathedral. lS(i(l. By the Kev. Professor Willis. (Issued separ.itely at 2 li.l [.Si'i- Burton; tiirt'ard Family; Wolverhampton; StalFordshire ; .\stou Familv : Wrotteslev ; Dudlev Castle.] ArOHJJOLOGIC.VL JoUKXAl., Tiie [See Dudley Castle ; Lichfield.] Aitfii.KOi.ofiic.vL SociETV, The Wm. Sii.x, Stafford. [See Mazzinghi ( T. D.), Bridgman (Rev Canon), Swinnerton (Rev. C), Eyton (Rev. J.), Crocket (Rev. C), Wrottesley ( Miijor-Gen.), Hobhouse (Bishop). Cirazcbrooke (G.), and various towns and village.s of Staftordshire. AucHiiOLi), Sir Henry. Registrar of St. .John's Hospital, Lichfield, 1G(!2 ; Viuar-General of Lichtield, K;?.")— S2 ; Kni^htpd, IGSO. Letter to Sir W. Dugdale (Lichtield, iith .Ian.). [Bodl. Lih.,i;3i,f.-ll«] ; to .1. Dugdale (Coleshill Hall.iHih Dec, 1()77), [4.S«J : two to Ashmole and one to .Sir W. Dugdale (iith .Tan.), [i'>2 — 54]: to .\shmole (Lichtield, Jan. Hth), [.■)?«, aSu.] ; to John Dugdale (Jan. iUh), [.i!ln] : Sir W. Dugdale ( 14th J;ui.).[(ili«]; Ashmole (2iith Jan.), [(14, Oo]; two to A. i! J. D. (2nd and 5th Feb.), [Ma, I'i'.kl.] [See Ashmole (E.). Dugdale (Sir W.) (J.). Harwood's Lichtield, ]a2, 550 ; Reg. Lib. 17, p. 17.] Arciiei!, .lames. Preacher to a Congregation in Lincoln's Inn Fields; Clip, to Bavarian Minis- ter, 17'Jl ; cieated D.D. by Pope Pins IX., 24tli Aug., 1K21 ; d., uncertain. Sermons on various Moral and Religious subjects for some of the Principal Festivals of the Year. Loinloii, 1789. Xvo. 2nd ed. jMiiduii. 17'J4. 4 vols.. 12mo. .Srd. ed. Lon- don, 1817. 2 vols.. 8vo. Sermons on Matrimonial Duties, and other Moral and Religious Subjects. Lundoii. 1S04. 12mo. [In a Pastoral by Bislio]i Milner, of Wolverhampton, IslH. the above were condemned, and prohibited being re;id : hence the following ; — ] A letter from the Rev. James Archer, to the Right Rev. John Milner. Vicar-Apostolic of the Midland District. London, 1810. «vo. Ar( HER, Sir Syniiin. b. LTmbersIade, nearTam- wortli, 21st Se]it., 1581 ; of an old VVarwiek- shiie Family ; Knighted 21st Aug., 1G24 ; SbeiifT of Warwick, 1(128; M.P., 1G40 : m., 13th Oct., 1G14, at Tannvortli, Ann, dau. of Sir John Ferrars, of Tamworth Castle ; d. June, 1GG2 ; bur. Tamworth, 4lli of that month. [He seems to have lived at Tamworth nearly all his life. He was a great friend of Dugdale ; jiossibly the first instigjitor — as he certainly was one of the most energetic supporters — of Dugdale's History of Warwickshire. Nu- merous letters, ranging from Uith Nov., KiSo, to llth Seiit., I(J57. are jjrinted in Dugdale's Life. Iiy H;unjper ; ami other references and particulars will be found in Visitations of Warws., Kilil (Harl. Soc.) : Colville's Worthies of Warws., 1.S7(I ; il'ul. Sat. Jiio;/.. II., 7il : Palmer's Tamworth, 3(i5.] AnDES, .F. On the S.iline Springs at Moir.i Bath, near Ashby-de- la-Zouch. Leicestershire; with remarks on Bathing. By J. Arden. Jiiirton-on-Trent. 1817. Argentine, .lohn. b. Botfisliain, Canibs. ; edu- cated Eton Coll., elected therefrom to King's Cidl., Camb., 14o7 ; M.A.; I'roctor of the Uni- versity, 1472 ; .NLD.; Physician iiiid Dean ofthe Chapel to Aithiir Priiic<> of Wales ; Hector of Hartest-cum-Boxted, Suffolk, 14H7 ; Glensford, Suffolk, also St. Vedast, London, 14S8; of Cavendish, Suffolk, 1490; Preb. of Dnrnford, Lichfii'ld, 1494 ; exchanged for Bobenhall, 1497, and for Pipe Parva, 1;j01 ; also Preb. of Holcoinl),Wclls, 149K ; Master St..Iohn liaptist, Dorchester, 1499 ; Provost King's C(dl.. Camb., 15U1 ; U.D.. 1504; (/. 2nd Feb., 15U7 ; bur. in Chantry, King's Coll.. Camb. ActiLs publice habitus in .\cad. Cantab. Contra ommeo regente.s universitatis ()uo:id oppositiones 147(1. [MS. Corji. Ch, Coll., Ox.] [Cooper's .\th. Cant.ab, I., 12 ; Alumni Eton. .'IS, III. : Le Neve's Fasti ; Newcourt's Reports ; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.; Word's Annals, TI., 50 ; Cox's Cat. of O.v. Coll. MSS.; Univ. A: Coll. Doc. I.. 244 : Cole's MS.. I., !l(l. '.11 : XIII.. 115. 117 : XLV.. 2(15 ; Diet. \at. Bio;/.. II.. 80.] " Akistides," Shelton. Thoughts on the Truth of the Gosjpel. [Xeie Con. Maij. (1.SSU), 72. 7:i.] Obituary of .Samuel .Tervis. [///. I IS.'il ). 21(1— 12.] Aiti.Ev (Over). Church Registers :— Vol. I., Mi.\ed. l.'i«4— 171'.t. II.. (Peter Bouncefoy's gift to the Parish of Over Arley), Mixed. 1720— lSl'2. III., Marriages, 1754—7!!. IV., ditto. 17711— 1K12. v., ditto, isni- ;i7. VI., ditto. 18:-t7. VII.. Baptisms. IHl.-l— Sll. VIII.. ditto, 1«WI. IX.. Burials, 181.'!. (Kev. C. J. Wilding, M.A., Vicar.) Arley Church. Woodcut. 12mo. ^Castle. Lithographed by M;ideley. 18.'UI. Cottage. Ditto. Church ;ind H;ill, with Print of Naboth's Cottage. [.l/;mj/-, XXXV., 24, 2.5.] Church. Print and Description. [76.. 151 — .58.] Collections relating to. [Salt Library.. vcc Cat. No. 1744.] [Pitt's Start's.. 201.202 : Harwood's" Erdeswicke ( 1844). .187, 388 ; Oliver's Coll. Ch. of Wolverhampton, 10, 18, 174: Gamer's Staffs., 18, 24G ; ^up.. 32: Co.x's Muniments of Lichtield, !l, 11. 12. 58, 72. 82, 101, 110. llli, 128, 129, l.Hli, 153. 21ii: Grirtiths's Markets and F;iirs. I.. 235.] [See Noyes (R.J : Word (J. P.) ; S. (R.).] Arlidge, John T. *. Chatham, 17th July, 1S22 : s. of John Arlidge, Esq. ; educated Hochester andCliatham Proprietary Schools ; King'sColI., Lond. ; M.D., Loud., 1KG7 ; A.B., Lond., 1846 ; F.R.C.P., Lond., 18C9 ; Physician to the North Staffs. Lifirniary ; Physician to the West Leeds Hospital ; J. P. for Newcasth' and Staffs. : m. Eliza Watts, of Tottenham : resident Holly Grove, Stoke, since 18G2. On the State of Lunacy and the Legal Provision for the Insane. London: John Churchill. 1850. 8vo., 7s., ip. 213. Pritchard's Imfusoria. London, 1852. pp. 968, XI. plates. Edited by On the Hygiene Diseases and Mortality of Occupa- tions, llanleij: Printed by Allbtit .{• Daniel. ' 1801. 8vo., pp. 16. ARMET (21) ARNWAY I'.iper on " The Structural Features of Plants iu re- lation to their uses in the Arts and in Medicine." [ Tr/mx. y. SliiJ/x. F. Clnh (l«7o), 4li— .")2.] Annual Atklress as President. [/4., pp. 12 — •iti.] Ditto. 1871. On the Sanitary of the Statfordsliire Potteries. B. /■'. .l/c/. C/iii: ltei!.,lSGi. Calcareous Deposits in the Brain, lb.. 1854. Amyloid Dejjeneration. /4., 1S6I. Notes on the Lunatic Asylums of France. Italy, and ((tTinany. (Serial.) Pxi/choL Juurim!, 1H.51 — GO. Aii.MKT, Mary. b. iu the Mo(iil;iiul.s of Staffs., 17()4 ; resided Bankhouse, where she d., Sept., 1S41, aged 84. Ohituary. By -'W. W." [ IIV... .!/»;/. (1M4S), I:)i8.] AuMKTT, Rev. Thomas, Wesleyau Minister, b. Staffs., 29th Dec, 1787 ; Itinerant Minister, l. III., ditto, 2nil Feb.. I,s4.i. IV., JIarriaj;e^. 2ilth .Iidv. 17.')4 — 2.sth .Jan.. 1,S12. v., ditto, lilth June, l.si:t—l,sth' April, l.'<:)7. VI., ditto, 14th Sept., I.s;i7. VII.. Burials, :)rd Feb.. ixi:!— 2nd Nov., 1.SG8. VIII., ditto, loth Aug., 1«(;8.— ( Rev. J. W. Kewlev, M,A., Rector.) Notes, &c. [Staff. Coll., Salt Lib., .w Cat., ,-t7l), .•i!l7.] Collections relating to. [Salt Lib., .lee Cat. 7.'M.j [ Jewitt's Wedgwood. 49 ; Ceramic Art, II., 4;i2, 4:i4 ; Calvert's Views, 22—24 ; Pitt's Staffs., 78, 7!) ; Harwood's Erdeswicke, 2;!(l ; Garner, 8i), ".).') ; L mgford's Staffs, and Warws., I,, lilJi, 1114 ; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield, a8, i;5,82,] [See Lister (T. H.): Shaw (Rev. S.); Stringer (E.); .\llport(J.); Buckler (J. )1. Armit.uie, Rev. Robert. Rector of Easthope, Salop, 1843 to death : (/. there 2nd Feb., 18.')2, aged 42. Dr. John.son, his religious life, and his de.ath. Lwnlaii. IHSO. 8vo. [Published anonymously]. Arms .\nd Seals of Stafforushirk. From the Visitation of I.i8H. [Brit. Mns., Harl. MS., 220li.] Ditto, taken at the Visitations of IGCI! and l(ii)4. In Sir W. Dugdale's hand. [Brit. Mus.. Lansd. MS., 8r)7.] Engravings of Arms, Coins, and Seals, a parcel. [Salt l.ib., lee Cat. 15.] [,S>e Salt (W.).] Armstrong, Rev. H. W. A Sermon on Mark xvi. l.'j, in aid of the Funds for the Propagation of the Gospel. Totteiihani. 1S31. 8vo. The Christian's Wreath of Simple Verses. Lomluii : lliiiniltiiii, Allans, i(' i'o. ['/tuj-eter: A. Xorrls if Sou. M Dt'CrXLI. 12mo., title, dedication, "Vicarage, L'ttoxeter, &c., 1840"; erriita and contents, (i leaves (un- paged), then pp. 7 — 7(1. Armstuono, Rev. John E., D.D., LL.l)., Rector of Bnrsleni. The .\strop Case : a tale of the Kidnappers. Being a complete account of the Inquisition's Aggression practised by the .servants of Rome on a free loyal IJritish subject, as investig.ited and exposed by the Rev. John E. .•Armstrong, D.D., LL.D., hon. secretary to the Euglisli Church Missions to Roman Catholics. Hull, 1855. 8vo., pp. (12 and cover. The World's Wail of Misery from Rome's Revolting Tyranny. The Essay that received the Prize — Cfiristmas, 18(;.i — awartled by tlie Rev. J. E. .\rmstrong, D.D., LL.D., Rector of Burslem, Staffordshire, and Domestic Chaplain to the E-irl of Shrewsbury anl Talbot, .\ddress to Dr. Armstrong, by W. L. Evans, 1.') lines. The tirst five \ thousand in this epitomized form. One Penny. Kituley: Printed at the tlffie^ of William Tiinmiit, Fountain Place. 1860. 12mo., pp.'s. Armstrong, Sir Thomas, b. Nimeguen, Klan- (ler.s, circa 1624: liaving been brouglit ti> England, we find him in Ireland, 104'.) : missiou to King Charles II. in e.vile, IO.'jS : imprisoned three times by Cromwell's Government ; finally released 3rd Sept., 1058; m. a niire of ("larendon ; implicated in Rye Himse Plot : M.P. for Stafford, 1082; arrested in Leyden, May, 1084 ; tried and condemned by Jefferies, 14t"h June, 1084 : executed 20th June, 1084 : j his body being quartered, and iiead fi.xed be- tween the heads of Cromwell and Hradshaw, in Westminster Hall. A Protest against the sentence of Judge Jefferies, A*c, London, 1G84. See also Oldmixon Hist, of Stuarts, (i8(i, 687 ; True Acc't, *tc., of Horrid Plot by Command of .Tames II., l»»8.i : Bioff. Brit, {the scaSold paper is here jtrinted) ; Russell'- Lord W. Russell, 257 : Clarendon's Hist. ; Kennet's Chronicle, 122; Did. Xat. Bio;/.. II., 1(11; Huggon's Re- marks on Burnet's Hist., 2il'.l • Luttrell's MS., .\11 Souls' Coll., Ox. : Sprat's True Account, 2!1, :r2 : .State Trials, X.: Copies of Information (lli8.^), (il, lliil, l,j(l, IM ; Eachard's Hist., 1027, 1043 ; Burnet's Hist. Own Times, I,, .577 : Heath's Civil Wars, pt, I., 240, Arnald, William. b. Thurcaston, Leics. ; s. of the Rev. Richard Arnald ; educated Man. Gr. Sch., 20tli June, 1757 ; St. John's Coll., Camb. ; Senior Wrangler, 1700; Fellow. 1767; Head Tutor, 1768; Chj). to Bp. Hurd. 1775 ; Precentor of Lichfield, 5th Seid., 1778 — 97 ; Sub-Preceptor to Prince of Wales, 1777 — 81; Hon. Canon of VV'indsor, 1779; became insane, Jan., 1782 ; left £50 by Will to Man. Gr. Sch. to buy books ; 7!l: II., 704: VI., 4'.i'.l ; Kilvert's Hurd, 120, 1,'tli : Diet. Xat. liiog., II., 103: Harwoods Lichfiehl, 212.] AuswAV, Rev. John. b. Salop ; Mat. St. Ed- mund's Hall, O.K., 4th Dec, 1818; B.A.. 1021 — 22 ; M.A., 1024 ; created D.D., 1042 : Rector of Hoduet, and of Ightfield, Salop, 1035; Archdeacon of Lichfield, 1042 — 53; Preb. of Wolvey, 9th May, 1033—53. He (after sequestration of his estate, and inqirison- nient) was driven out of the Kingdom by the Soldiers, first to the Hague, from whence lie went to Virginia, where he (/., 1053. The Tablet : A \'indicatiun of Charles I. against the •■ Eikonoclastes " of Mr. John Milton. //«;/«<•, 1650. 8vo. An Alarum to the Subjects of England. Haqne, 1G5(I. 8vo. The Tablet: or. Moderation of Charles I.. Martv)-. With an .\larum to the Subjects of England. By Jo'hu I Arnw:iy. Edited by William Rider, of Jlerton Coll., Ox- I ford. London, IGGl. 8vo. Port, of Charles I. I See Dom. State Pa.. 1034 — a: Bliss's Wood's A then., III., 307; Neve's Fasti, I.. 307, 41.') ; Did. Xat. Bioij.,\ii. Harwood's Lichfield, p. 20!l, 2.i.j.] AUUOWSMITH (22) ASBUUY Arrowsmitii, Rev. Rdbert. b. Cannock, 2i)th Sept., ixm ; s. of Robert Arrowsmitii, M.L). ; educated Mr. Gibson's and Coventry Gr. Sch. ; Oriel Coll., Ox., 1«40 ; 1st Class Math.. 1H4C ; B.A., \XM : M.A. : Curate of Holy Trinity, Windsor, and Assistant Master ol' Eton, 1H4G —47; Bellir.nif,'litoii, Worcs., 1K4!I— f)!. and 1H,54 — f)(i ; Fellow and Tutor St. Peter's Coll.. Radley, 1852— 5:i; Vicar of ,Stoke-ic.-Wal- grave, IXuU — 84 ; m. Beatrice, dau. of — Evans, Esq. ; of the Moor House, Fillongley, Coventry, until his d., at Hologna. Mamial fcir HdIv Communion. [Blvth's Sl"kf-H-.-\Valgrave. 21. :)ti. '.HI, 181. IS.'j. 187— 8!l, l'.l(l— 2. I!l7— >.i, 2i>-2—\2, -214—17, 21!), 221, 223—7, 22!>. 2:t2— I. 2:l(i— '.I. Hb, 218. 2.")1, 3(17, 317.] [IVivntc information from .Mr. Arrowsmitii iiiid Dr. Bl.vtii,] AuTHixoTox, Henry. Tlie Seclnotion of Arthingtoii bv Hackett ; especially with some tokens of his uufainefl rejicntance and sub- mission. Written by the saiii Hcnrie Arthinfiton, the third lierson. in the wofnll tragedie. Psal. XXXIV., vers. I(J A: 1 7. Marginal notes. -Ito. Loiiduii (1,'>'.>:>) : I'liHteil hi/ I\. B..J't>r Thomas Man. ihri'lthif/ in Patvnmntrr liutr, at the giijiie. Ill' the Talhiil. Dedicated To the Kiglit Honourable, the Lorils and the rest of her Majesties most Honourable I>rivie Councell, increase of all graces and blessings need- full, Ac. Preface 1 leaf, i)p. (i3. The end of wcnk. A.'s Lamentation in verse. 4 leaves. Art JouiiNAi,, The [.S><> Wallis (G.), Wedgwood (,!.). Lightbodv (.1.). }5ourne (H.), Greatbatch (.1.). Hammerslev (J. A.). 'Bavlev (W. P.).] • • Arts Sociktv, Transactions of, 1783 — 1843. [AVr Lcgge (W. Earl of Dartmouth; George, Karl of Dartmouth).] AuuNDKLi., Rev. John. b. Lanlierne ; Mat. E.xeter Coll., Ox. ; B.A. ; M.A. : Fellow, 1421—30 : Proctor, 1426 : Chp. and Physician to Henry VI. ; Preb. of Lichticld, 28th dulv, 1443, to nth Dec, 1458; of Wells, Lincobi, Hereford, York, and Kt. Paul's ; Archd. of Richmond, Yorks. ; Dean of Windsor, and Wolverhampton ; Bp. of Chichester, 145H — 77 ; tl., 18th Oct., 1477 ; hw., Chichester Cathedral. [Bliss's Wuo.rs.. U., i;n3 : Kvmer's Koedera. Aji., M.'il ; .sitrifklanil's Queens. II.. 21.-); Philliii's Wilts. Insti., 1.. 117— S; Boase's Exe. Coll.. 17 : Tighe's & Davis's Annals Windsor (18,^8), I.. 3UU ; Dallaway's W. Div. Susse.\ ( 1815), I., lili ; .Tohnson's Lin;icre (183.")"). 164; Stephen's See of Chichester Il87ii), Inii— 8; Bibl. Cornub.. III.. I(i.'i8 ; /)Ul. Xai. Hloi/.. II.. 1 Id: Harwood's Lichfield, 224.] AuuNOKi.i,, Rev. .John. b. Tjanherne : «. of Humphrey Aruiidell, by Joanna, his wife ; of Duloe, Cornwall, 1474 ; etlucated Coll. of Augustine Monks at St. Colomb, Cornwall ; E.\eter Coll., Ox. ; B.A. ; M.A. ; Rector of St. Colond) ; Rector of Sutton, Berks., ciim 14711 ; Canon of York, 147!) ; Preb. of York, 14Si) : Preb. of Salisbury, Nov., 1489 ; Chancellor of Hereford; Dean of Exeter, 14«3 — y(i ; Bishop of Lichfield, 14th June, 1490 — 1502 : Bishop of Exeter, 15(i2— 4 ; t/., 15tli March, 15l)4, Episcopal Palace, St. Clement Danes, London, where he is buried. [Library of brick, built by Dkui Heyvvood. at Liclifield. tini.sfied in his time.] [His Will, Somerset House, fol. 14. Holgrave ; Oliver's Bi)R. of Exeter, ll«, 117; Bliss's Wood's.. U.,(i!l2, (ii)3 ; Bp. Kennefs Biog. Memoranda, L;insd. MSS.. '.178; Art.3'.l, fol. o4, a;') ; Polwhele's Deviui.. 1.. '288 : Weever's Monuments (l(i31|. 444; Collectanea. III.. 3!i4 ; Hil)l. Cornul).. III., 1(138 ; Diet. Aal. Bia/., IL, 14(i ; Harwood's Lichtield. I4(i, 147: Ilarl. MS., 3839': Cotton MSS., 'Vesp. E. 6.] AiiUNOELL AND SuRitEv, Alatliea Talbot, Coun- tess of. (Wife of Lord Henry Arundell, one of "the five ]io]iish lords" tried 1()7'.> — Lords Stall'ord, I'owis, I'elre, B(^lasye, and Arundell — who, after being kept in prison five years and four months, w-ere released on bail ; lie d. 28th Dec, l()94,at Breamore, Hampshire), d. Hili'i. Nature unbowelled ; her choicest secrets digested into receipts, whereunto are annexed many rare ami hitherto unimparted inventions. Lnnihii, ItSVa. 8to., 12s. Port, by Hollar. Asuuuv, Rev. Francis. b. Hamstead Bridge, Handswortli, 20th or 21st Aug., 1715 : only *. of Joseph Asbury and Eliz;i Rogers ; bej.jan to preach I7()3 ; Itinerant Preacher. 17()() ; oft'ered himself for America, Aug., 1771 ; rm- barked iu Sept. and landed at Philadel]ihia 27th Oct., 1771 ; elected Superintenilent (jointly with Coke), Christmas, 1784 ; denomi- nated Bishop, 27tii Dec, 17H4: spent the rest of his life in organizing the Societios ; d.. un- married, 31st March, IhIG. Constitution of the Methodist Episcop:il Church of the United States of America. ITHij. Form of Discipline of ditto. ITS'. Bisho]) .\sUury's .lournal. Xew Yuri:. 1S.52. Asburv aiid his Coadjutors. Bv Larrabee. Ciitriiniftti. 1854. 8vo'. The Pioneer Bishop. Edited bv 8. W. Christoiiher. Londiiii : .'.«. Mai/. ( 1804 1,47— 8] ; to Rev. t'harles Atraore [//>., l.'i.T] ; to Conference [iA.. 47.). 47(i] ; to Z;ichary Myles. '• Baltimoi-e. ICth Aug., 1804" [lA. ( 18(p.)),4(), 47.] Address to Baltimore Conference. April, 180.-) [ih., ,r2."), iriti. Letter to Dr. Coke, " New York, M;iy 7, I8O1; " [ ih. { 180(i ), ,'>24— -2(;]. Letter (Obituai-v on Rich:vi-d Whatcoat), July 17, 1800 [ih. (1807 1, llio] : ditto to Dr. Coke, " Charlestown, Nov. 4, 1800 [ih.. 331. 332] : ditto to Dr. Coke, " New York. Mar. .30. 1808" [)■/). (1808), .i73. .')74]: ditto to Mr. Roborts. " Baltimore, Mav 27. 1808" [«. (180'.l). 131. i:i2] : ditto to Zacharv Mvles.'-Fevetteville. Jan. h. Um" [ih. 2i;.^]; to Dr. Coke, -'.Sat'en Island, May 2, 1800,'' [''». (181(1), 8), 8.->] ; to Zacharv Mvles, ■■Shi])pinsbui-g. Aug. 0, 1810 " [iA. (1810). 483]. Letter to F. A. [ih. (1811). IOC— 08, ->37, 238]; to Dr. Coke. '-Charlestown. Jan. 0. 1811 " [lA, (1S12), la,i. l.-)(l] ; to B.-itish Conference, '-Wilmington. Delaware, 18 .A|)ril. 181.1 " [I'A. (I81(>), 73]. Letter by I). Hitt, book-steward, on [ih. 73. 74]. Letter from Daniel Hitt. announcing his de;itli. and on his character ; :ilso from Rev. Dr. Clarke and John Weslev Bond [lA.. -2.30. 240]. Obituary [VVes. Min 4- Man., for '1817]. Providential occin-rence to Two Methodist Preachers (Messrs. Asburv and Chew). Bv "N." [ W'es. Mai/. ( 1818 1, 1-22.J Reference to [I'A. (1700). 3.il : .Ww fon. Mti''/. ( 18(ii; 1. Ulf. ASBUIIV (28) ASHEXHURST AsHURY, Jacob Vale. b. Stone, 1701 ; Surgeon ;it Hntield, 1X20 to tleatli ; patentee of Hail- wav BuffiTS, 18.")3, 1H.")."( ; inventor of Surgical instrument for puncture of tlie tjinpaniuin ; m. 1820, Dorothy, 3rd dau. of Cliarles Jacoinb, of Russell Square : d. Enfi^-kl, 21st .lune, 1871, aged 80. [Mediad TIme.i ami Gazflli-, II., 87 (l!<7ij: Mwl. Kny. lii')!/., I., col. !I2 ; a great frieaJ of Charles Lamb, who wrote an acrostic on his successful treatment of Cholera.) AsiiURv, Rev. S. R. Kriars of " Dies Ira;." [I'»i. Mn,j., Vol. II. (ISlil). ■m.'X Ash, Charles Bowker. A. Adbaston, April, 1781 ; baptised 17tli April, 1781 ; s. of George Ash and Frances his wife, of Adbaston, Farmer ; (father d. I'Jth May, 1784). Poeinita Miscellanea, pp. Ili3 — .103 of vol. I. of his • Works," I83i;. The Fl igellator : A Philippic intended as a gentle whipping for the .\uthor of the " Intercepted Epistle." with A Rod in Pickle for the writer of the promised "Postman." Hal h. IS 14. 12mo.; reprinted in •' Works," 183i;. Vol. II.. pp. i-11 — 13. The Triumphs of Thespis or the Flagellator's whip lent to the Actors. \ Serio-Comic Poem. Bath. Ifili. 12mo.. reprinted in "Works," 18.%. vol. II., pp. 251 — ;io. A Lavman's Epistle to A Certain Xobleman. Loudon. 1827. i-i'mo. [Pref. dated 17th Sept.. 1823. C. B. Ash.] reprinted in " Work.s." 183ii. Vol. II.. pp. 109 — 14. An Epistle to Sir Isaac Coffin. Bart., Member of the Honourable House of Commons, occasioned by the pro- posed Tax on Inland Coal. [.Signed. Cumherfamt Cottage. 14 miles A'o/fA of the Wreliu, April. 1810. Roderick Flagellum.] Postscript [Cumberland Cottage, 1st Sept., 18i;i. Roderick Flaggellum.] LoiiJoii. 181D. 12mo., reprinted in "Works," 18311. Vol. II.. pp. 181 — 22t;. The Poetical Works of C. B. Ash, of Adbaston. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Perchance the tenor of my moarning verse May leade some pilgrim to my tomblesse grave, Wliere neither marble monument, nor hearse The passciiL'er's attentive view may crave ; Such honours now the meanest persons have, tiut well is me, where ere my ashes lie, If one tearc tlrop from some religious eie. ."borer's " Li/e of Wolseyy London : Longmans, Bees. Orme, Broun, and Green, Pater- noster Row. 1831. 8vo.i pp. (Vol. I.) xvi., 30.3. Ded. to Earl Lichfield. Vol.11., x., 312. Market Drayton: Printed by S. Sylvester. The Hermit of Hawkstone ; A Descriptive Poem. By Charles Ash, Author of '-.Adbaston," '-The Heath Girl," Ac, lie. Loug as the soil on Vimiera's i>1ain. And long as Talamauca shall remain ; Till fam'd Molino is at last forgot. And not a stone shall mark the desert spot Where Almarez in former ages stood AH crimsou'd o'er with haughty Gallic blood, So long, emblazoned on the height of fame. Shall brightly last the gallant Hero's name. Bath: Printed by Meyler 'ind Son. .Ibhey Churchyard : and Sold also by li. awl S. Uobinson. I'dternoster Row. Loudon, and most other Book.iellers. ISW. 12mo., pp. xv., 101. Ded. to Lord Hill. List of Subscribers. The following Water Colours hi/ him are in the Salt Library, Stifford :— Hill Hall; Biana ; Sugnall Hall: Charnes Hall ; The Brooms : Seighford Hall ; Pelvall House. Maps of various Parishes of the Countv of Stafford, with large Index Map. In lit parcels. [.Salt'Lib., .»fe Cat.. 117]. AsHBOORXK, Derbyshire. History of Ashbourne, the Valley of the Dove, and adjacent villages, .ishbourne: Printed and Published by R. Hobson. 1830. 8vo. [See Hobson (R.).] AsHBY, Richard, of London and Norfolk ; d. at Wyuiondhain, 21st May, 1734, aged 71. Christian Counsel : in the Spirit of Love and Meek- ness, Tenderly Recommended to the .Serious Consideration of those French Prisoners, at Nottingham and Litchfield. London : Printed and Sold by T.- Sotrle, in White //art Court, in Gracious .Street. I'lti. 8vo., pp. 12 ; 2nd ed. 3rd ed. with additional preface, 1704. 8vo., pp. 8. [In French and English]. .4 vis Chretien en espirit de Charite et de Douceur, Tendrement recommandi ii la Considuation serieuse des Francois Prisonniers en Angleterre. 8vo. [ii.p/., — 182(! ; d. 3i'd May, 1820. A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Milner, author of the History of Winchester, in vindication of Bishop Hoadley, from that gentleman's false aspersions. 1709. [Diet. Sal. Bion. IL. 1(171]. Ashe, Simeon. Educated at Emmanuel Coll., Cam.; Minister in Staffs.; ejected for not reading "Book of Sports"; Clip, to Earl of Manchester ; Vicar of St. Austin ; a Cornhill Lecturer; bur. 24th Aug., 1(!(;2. Support of the Sinking Heart at Times of Distress. London. 1642. 4to. Ditto. London, 1645. tto. Best Refuge for the Oppressed. London, 1642. 4to. God's incomparable goodness unto Israel. L^jndou, 1647. 4to. Good Courage discovered and encouraged. London, 1642. 4to. Living Loves betwixt Christ and Dying Christians ; Preached at the Funeral of Jer. Whittaker, Pastor thereof, with Poems and Elegies. London. 1654. 4to. Gray Hayres Crowned with Grace. Preached at the Funeral of T. Gataker. with Poems and Elegies. London, 1655. 4to. The Good Man's Death Lamented ; Preached at the Funeral of R. Robinson, with Poems and Elegies. London. 1655. 4to. Faithful Christian's Gain by Death. Preached at the Funeral of Essex Corintus, of Manchester, 12th Oct., lil.')8. London, 1650. 4to. Funeral, Sermon on. by Calamv. [ .Yon. Con. Memorial, 1802]. ' ■ Letter of. [Vicar^ Parliamentary t'hronicle]. and Particular Relation of the most Remarkable Occurrences from t4ie United Forces in the North, by S. A. and Willmm Goode. London. 1644. 4to. A True Relation of the most Chiefe Occurrences at and since the Battell at Newbery. London, 1645. [See Calamy. *Vum. Con. .Memorial (1802) '.14 — »; ; Sylvester's Reliquiae Baxteriana;. pt. II.. 43(P : Neal's Puritans, 18-22, IV., 344 ; Diet. Sat. Biog. 168, 1«'J.] AsHEBORX, Thomas, b. Stafford ; educated 0.x. University ; Fellow ; great opponent of Wick- liffe. Caused a Convocation in London. 1332, at which the Reformer's writings were con- demned. [Pitt's Staffs., -295.] ASHENHURST. History and Print. [Gide l^eke, (id, "j7.] [.N'ef Buckler (J.)] ASHESHCRST, OF AsHENHCRST. [See Sleigh (J.)] ASHENHURST (24) ASHMOLE AsHESHunsT. Rov. Francis, b. Sed>;k'_v : s. of Edward Ashenlmrst, of Old Park. Sedgley (will dated Nov. I't), 1(1(19, iSoni. House, Coke, 156. in which Francis is ineiitioiu'd) ; Mat. St. Mary's Hall, 0.>c., •22nd March, 16(11— (12 : M.A., 167U : Vicar of VVootton Wawen, 1664: Rector of Kingswinford, 1670 ; Master St. .lolin's Hospital, Licifield, 4th March, 1G78— Dec, 1704: Preb. of Oh.ughton. ex parte Precentoris, 1684; of Wellington, 168!> — 17(14 ; of Lincoln, 16S!) : Archdeacon of Dcrhv, Aug., 1680 to Dec, 1704; m. Annie, dau.'and co-heir of John Whitehall, of Park Hall ; d. 1704, aged 01. [Harwood's Lichfielci. 214, 210. .i.i9. .ifiO : Reg. Lib.. 17. 1' 2. 1- 7.] Ash Flats (The) Mubdeu. Staflforiishire S^vrng Assizes, IX.Vi. Before Mr. .Iiistice Talfoiird. The Asb Flats Jlunier. The Trial of Black- burn Moore and Walsh, for the Murder of John Blackburn, copie.l from the Sialfordshire Adrerllsei; of March 2«th. With Portrait and illustrations. Slajfoni : J'ublislied by /nil ami Halden, (lault/ate SIreef. Price Sixpence, n.d. Sto.. pp. 4U : one leaf unpaged. Ashfoiid-in-the-Water, Derbys. [See Sleigh (J.).] ASHI.EY. Church Registers :— Vol. I., fol., Mixed (records in Latin to 173:!), from 20th Mar. Kwl. to 21st March, 1<42. U Mi.xed (to 17.')."). then onlv Burials and Baptisms), bth April 174:!, to 17th Dec, lH:ii;". HI... Marriages, 2lith Jan,, 175.i to 2l!th Jan,. l! ; Freemason, 164(1; Windsor Herald, 1660; presented his Mu. by H. Moll. Mr. W'illiam Lilly's History of His Life and Times, from the year liiu2 to liiSl. Written by himself in the (ilith year of his Age, to his worthy Friencl, Eliiis Ashmole, Esq. " Published from the origimil M.muscript containing m;iny curious particulars. London; I'rintedj'or J. Uobertf, in Warwick-Lane, nia. limo. pp. llti. [Ded. to E. Ashm(>lo. who contributed the Notes.] Bibliothera Ashmoliana. A Catalogue of the Library of the Learned and famous Elias Ashmole, Esq., containing not only the Rarest Books of History, Philosophy, Gene- alogies. Heraldry. Coins, ifcc, but of the most Abstruse Parts of Humane Learning : together with about 40 Volumns of Tracts and Pamphlets neatly Bound ; and also 30 Volumns of MSS., many of them written on Vellum. To be .Solii by Auction, on Thursday next, the 22nd day of this instant February, 1G'J4, at Rolls's Auction House, in Petty-Canon-Allev, in .St. Paul's Churchyard. By Edward Millington. 4to. " Title, pp. 20. Catalogue of the Ashmolian Collection, by W. H. Black. 4to. Index to Catalogue, by the Rev. W. D. Macr.-iy. Memoirs of the Life of that Learned Autiquary, Elias Ashm.)7 [ib., 7X4], Xvo., ll'S leaves. Familiarum illustrum Impera- torumque Romanorum Numismata, Oxoniai in Bodlije Bibliothecaj archivis, descripta explanataque [in tria vol- lusmina digesta] industria EUje Ashmole armigori Win- desore Heraldi ad arma [ib.. SOS. fol. ft", la— 241n]. Des- cription of the Gold Coins of the twelve C8es.ars [I'A., ff. 244 — .5]. Diary of events and transactions, personal and historical, fnitn 2('ith Aug., 16(10, to 9th March, 1661 [ib.. 82li ( 4IJ ), f. 714- X24]. Veteris Registri Lichefeldensis pars, quid Liber Albus nuncupation est manu E. A. diligenta excripta [lA., A'.27, ff. 1 — 89]. Creations of Peers by Edward III., Mary. Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. : being the Seconcl Volume of Peers, Patents, &c., collected bv E. A. [ib.,S3:i. ft. 9ni— 2K9n]. Elia; Ashmolii Chartarum Anti- quarum transcripta et e vetustis documentis e.xcerpla ad sem genealogicam ac hei'aldicum idonea [ib., S33'\, fol.. 488 pages. Pedigrees and Arms of .Staffordshire Families, dated l.if.d [ib.. S34, V. I., ff. 1—14]. A Cat.ilogue of the principall Gentry now living in the County of Berks. Ano. 166.) [ib.. 837, fol. ff. 262A, 26;!— 2726], Creations of Peers, &c. : being the third Volume [ib., .?S8], fol., pp. 200 ; ditto, first Volume [ib., 841], fol., pp. .^07. Vol. I. Verum exemplar Insignium, Epitaphorum, Venuandieque antiqui- tatis, Inscriptiorum a liquet, numon paucae clari orsoque Tnmalorum Icones, in omnibua Ecclesijs el alijs locis Bercheriensis Comitatus, ibidem existentis postuitatique consecrala; per Eliam Ashmole armigerum Windersorij Heraldum ad arma, Deputjitum ' Mavcscillumque ab ' Edovardo Bysshe milite, Armorum Rege Clarenceux. pis comitata praedicto [ib., 860], pp. .367. Vol, II. Visitatio Bercheriensis Comitatus incepit Anno Domini 1664, et desijit Ano. Domini 1666, per Eliam Ashmole arraig, Windersorij Heraldum ad arma. Deputation ILirescallumque ab Edovardo Bysshe milite .... [ib., 8.51], pp. 1 — 288, Vol. III. Pedigrees at sundry Visitations of Berk- shire, reduced into an alphabeticall series by E. A., with most of the Armes trick'd [ib., 8.r2], pp. 1—202. Vol. I. The Sepulchral Inscriptions and armorial bearings in the Churches, etc., of Staffordshire, collected ( mostly in 16.58 it 1663) ami written by E. A., with drawings of the .Vrms and principal Monuments [ib., 863, ft'. 1 — 81iJ. Vol. II. I. Ditto of Derbyshire [i6., «.')4]. pp. I — 86: of Nottingham- shire [ib.J, pp. 121 — .')7 ; of Shropshire [ib.], 169 — 234; of Cheshire [i'a], 27o — 3.MI. Vol.1. Collections concerning the Antiquities and History of the City of Lichfield, by E. A., a Dative of the same [ib., 8.i.')], i>p. 3 — 249. [Printei in part in •' Lelaud," IV., f. 187— 9, VII., f. 37— 9.] Vol. III. A Collection of Letters, Patents, Warrants. &e., relative to the Office of Arms [i/i., 8.i7], pp. .i63. Vol. IV. Ditto of Grants of Arms under the great seal of England, &c. [;*., 858], pp, 1—240. Vol. V. Elia; Ashmolie Tran- scripta et Collectanea ad Comitatus .Staffordiensis Historiam et Antiquitatis spectantia [ib., 8.i9], pp. 1 — 2;tO. Vol. VI. Historical and Antiqu;irian gleanings, transcripts, and notes, from various records ;ind manuscripts [ib.. 860], pp. 1— 50y. Vol. VII. Ditto [i4., 861], pp. 1— .577. VIII. Various Tracts and Documents chiefly relating to the Origin, Descent, and Privileges of English Dignities [iA., 862], pp. 3—531]. IX. A Collection' of Records, Cere- monials, and other documents relating to ".Serjeanties of various Kindes (or) personall services of the Realme, as well in tymes of war as of peace, and pastime. es|)ccially at the Coronaca " [I'A., 863], pp. 1—570. X. Ellae Ashmoli'i Transcripta et Collectanea ad Comitatus Staffonliensis et Civitates Lichefeldie Historuimet Antiquitatis illustrandns Congesta [lA.. 864], pp. 471. XI. Various Historical Transcripts [lb., 865], pp, 477. Interieaved Copy of bis " Theatrum Chimicum Britannicum." London, 1652 With MS. notes and a Collation of some of the pieces contained therein, [ib., 971 & 972]. 4to., pp. 256, interleaved with 328 leaves of paper. Fragments connected with the same [I'A., 1441, 79, &c.]. Notes on the same, by Mr. Townend [i'A., iiW6, 237]. References thereto [16.. i4*). 200] . Letters concerning it [iA., 165]. MS. Notes to interleaved copy of "Museum Tradiscantianum." London, 16,56. 8vo. Mar- ginal Notes on the works of Chaucer. Godfi-ay's Edition. London, 1532. [I'A., 1095]. Original MS.S. and papers re- lating to the Life and Correspondence of E. A. [i/t., 1136, ff. 2 — 217]. Heraldic Church Notes, t:iken in the Counties of Surrey, Northampton, Hertford, and Berkshire, lic. [lA., 1137. ff. 1«A — 1524]. Impressions of the Seals of Arms of the Knights and Gentry of Staffordshire, with their names WTitten [lA., 113S, ff. 72'o, 75«]. C:italogue of the Knights of the Garter, the tvmes of their Eleccon. Installacon. and Death [ib., 1130. ff."l«A— 38a]. A ClassiHed Catalogue of the Roman Coins in the Roval Cabinet, m;ide ;it the com- mand of the King [I'A., 1140. ff. 2A — 199A, 200 — 294, 29.')A 296], A Collection of Records and other Docnmente, Ancient and Modern, relating to the Privileges and Juris- diction of the Duchy of Lancaster [ib.. 1157. I., ff. 1, 2, 5—128]. E11:e Ashmolii ampla Additamenta ad opus im- pression (D. Chr. Hattono dedicatum) cuitatulus: — Biblio- theca Chimica, sua Catalogas Librorum Philosophicorum Hermeticorum. In quo quatuon millia circiter, authorum chimicorum vel de transmutatione muttalorum re mineralli, et arcanist:im raanuscriptorum qu:im in hicem editorum, cum corum editionebus, usque ad annam liio3, continentur! Authori Pietro Borellio. Castorensis iledico Doctore Parisus. 1654. [/A., 12a, ff. 6]. Et pp. 276. I. EUse Ashmolii Librorum prtecipuorum quos colle- gerat. Catalogus alphabeticns, ailliterarum N. tantuinmods pupluctus r;*., ff. 9— .33]. IL Ditto of Pami>hlets [3.'in— 70]. III. Ditto, Octavos [.A., 73o]. VIII, Ditto [82(iA— 85a]. Ashmole's copious extracts of antient Evidences apertej-ning to ye Vicirs of Lichfield C;ithedral [I'A., 1521, ( B) 1.1, pp, 1 — J.3. Original Correspondence of E. A., relative to "his proposed election to rciiresent the Cit_\- of Lichfield in Parliament, in 1677 — S, and other personal papers [I'A., 1733], III! leaves. Short Account of him, by E. Lluvd [lA., i27. 90]. Nativity .and Accidents [iA.. 2*?, 29,-)A ; 421 : 1—79 : 1136. 177 ; 219], Memoirs of his early life (2nd July, 1633 to 9th Oct., 1687) [iA., 113G, 2— .34, 0— ASH MOLE (26) ASilWOlJTll ror Am. ^^ ood iifj., ii-its. \Kutit — lui j. tornev [lA., IViO. 'M>]. Diarv of a lUJT)" r I*.. 784. -i'JA]. Ditto | lii"(;i)— 1 ), dsor Hev.ild [lA., XIW, (i4:i. Sill. ,')ii;> ; U8]. {Piinlnl 1717, l-2mo.; i774, 8vo.). A.'s account of his own life, drawn up for Ant. AVood [ih„ 1130. With — Idl ]. Certificate as an Attori ' " ' Journev to the Fens ( lt),'i [lA., S2G. 71A]. Winds »57. 117 : 1731. 100. 102]. Otficial papers as such [i'A.,8:t«l. Patent [lA.. *.57. ",i;i]. Funenils at which he attended [I'A., S36, 11.'), :tiir>, ;t()ll, ;tl!t, 3:i7, ;i;i:i, ;il.')]. l'ai>ers relating to his appointment as Historiographer [I'A.. 113',). IIA]. Forms used in Visitation of Berks [I'A., S-Mi. in.'), H77. (!7'.'. CSl ; 8.")l,en'l]. Proclaims peat'e [I'A.. S.57. 4i(lj. Treasurer and Registr.ir of College of Arms [lA.. «57, -ill!]. His M.D. Diploma [lA., 12>.12]. Petition to Duke of York [1131. 3581. Other papers relative to him [ lA.. //.Ji. :!»."). :i.iO. .aii. ;!4-2, 3t8.3i;iP: i7.3.5..s:i: 1 Mlt.i'.'.i.il'.i'i : llU.'Ml : i7V, ll-'i]. Ob- servations on the Weither (lii77 — 8.')) made at South Lam- beth lib., 438]. Catalogue of JISS. [ lA.. 15()0. 8.">, 88 : 2790, 138]. Engraved Portraits of A. K. [8,5.1 : 8.i8 ; IIUO: 1114; 1121—1125; 1127: 1131 — 113r,]. Jos. llbodes' disticha elegiaca in E. Ashniole [Hi., .%'. 3211]. Luidatio .\shmolil per 0. Borricliinm [lA.. .'>77, 2]. t'hartarum ti'anscripta [/A., 833]. Material for a History of New Windsor [lA., IPiti]. Papers relative to position of Earl Marshall [lA.. 85(i : 857 ; 858]. Heraldic Papers. A- c. [lA.. 8;15: 83li ; S*'. 22 : S33, !I0, &c. ; .S-*;. llA. Ap. : 1414, .Mi:>: 1750; 17li3]. Other papers [I'A.. y;7.5, 5— tjA: 11311: 1138]. Alchem'.cil Papers [lA., 37ti; 3«7: 174, 147. 14'.l, 157: ISO. IGIA; i«S. art. 4 ; 192. L, lO'.l : 240. 237—277 : 242. 7r,, 81, 125. 128. 130, 137 ; ^i3. 124— 305: 331—2: 3.50. [. ; 374: Ji7. 1—1(1. 13— 32, 96,08.421.107—112; J.?(). 1«— 102 : J37. 1U3— 113: 43t;]. Continmition of Lilly's Autohiogniphv [ib.. 421. 173.224; SoS. VII.. 580 ; 204. 132—143 ; 1441. 320, 351, 355 : 1457, 32 : 14G3, I.. II., 23]. Notes on Lilly's Christian Astrology [I'A.. 312 ; Index, 377]. Poems on various occasions [ib., 36, 18liA. 210— 243; 37; 47; 247— '2511 ; iJ59. 2(iA : ;;,«, art. 1-2]. Miscellaneouspapers.>)L-c.[;6.,J5.art.3: 777,103; 242, 26—50. 17-2— 18(i: 417. •>30: 421. 125—1.57: 422; 423; 7liO ; 761 ; 7li'>. III. : 780. 787 ; >i2G. 147 : 837. IV.. .\xxiv.. xxxv., xl.. Ac. : A'J.5, 137: 1080: 11.50; 11.5(1; 11.58: 14(i(; : 1788; 1700, VIIL] Letters from Ashniole [ib., 14.W. II.. 116; 7737, .50— 70 : 7/,3e. ISii; 77.37. .■i2.)A, 3.'!x, 345: 384. 366; 77,37.322; 77.JC, 171; 7790.68; 77,37. 5— 7A : 1142. xl, 130 : 77.37, :t:tO. 08 ; 2SS. Mil, 325 ; 77.37, 74 ; 77.37, 321 ; 1731, 20— 30A, 35. 30 ; 77,37. .■151. 335 ; 42:S, 20.-! : 7737, 44, 80; 7o57, (B)123; 7737,00; 1134.11; 77,37, 200A]. Letters to Ashmole : — See Sir H, Archbold, Sir .T, Avion, R, B., T, Barlow. .T. Barnes & H. Baker, Jos. B-irnes. C. Bertie, T. Blount, U. Bnicegirdle. T. Brown, Sir T. Browne, N. Burghen, Sir H. Chauncey, H. Coiey, Sir C. ('otterell, A. Dee, J. Dolben, Sir W. Dugdale. G. Evans, J. Evelyn, B. Fielding, E. of Denbigh, F. William, of Brandenburgh, J. Gadburv. J. Gibbons. ,T. Goad. G, Gibbons, G. Hascard, J. Haves. H. Hine. T. Ileush;iw. Sir T. Herbert, J. Hever, J. Hiiiton, S. Hull, F. Hyde, T. Hyde, Sir L. Jenkins, N. Johnston, G. King, Ann Leveson, W, B, Lyonberg, ■W, Lilley, C. Lindernow. W. Lloyd, R. Lowndes, J, Ludolf , Sir T. M;nu*varing, S, ^tartin, Couitt de Morroux, .Sir S, Morland. H. Newcome, W. Noell, R Palmer, E. of C:istle- main, F. Phillips, Lord E. Powlett, W. Quinton ifc E. Smith, T. Ramsey, J. Rawlins, B, Rockwood, B, Ryves, H, St. George, Baron Schwerin, G. Smallridge. Sir R. Southwell, B. Sterrill. W. Sw;uin, Middle Temple Benchers, J. Thomp- son, J. W.. Sir E. Walker, S. Waid. W. W.inle. T. Weedon, Sir G. Wharton, Sir J. Williamson, T. Wilkinson. E. Wilson and C. Harrison, Sir W. Wrottesley, W. Ye:irvvell. Ampla Prosapia Noellorum, a Noels domino de Ellen- hall tempa; K. Hen. I., ad filio.s Jacobi Noel de Hilcote et ux;iris ejus Eli/,. Poole, descriptas cumnnillis documentis antiquis, ad generalogium probiindam it illustnindam interpositis ; auctore et scriptore E. Ashmolio. Large Roll of 7 Sheets of P.aper. [Ib., 1750 (B)]. Brief Arguments on office of Earl Marshall [ib.. 11.35, 2.3. p. 7.5—8]. Ditto [;A.. 2S f. 80— 0.3]. Original Diary from 164.5—40 [ib.. 1130, 37 ff, 184—217], Some acc't why I was not willing to sue for Crarter's place [ib., 1135, 26, p. 83a, 87«], (Printed in Memoirs prefixed to Antiqui- ties of Berkshire, 1710. 3 vols., 8vo., pp, xiv. — xx.), De Vita et Martyrio Sancti Georgii Cappadoci, ac de miracnlis ejus libellus, Gra-co sermonequemad Ashmoliam inscripsit auctore. [Grig. MS., ib.. 11-34. VI It., I, ft'. 26'2— 272A]. Elia3 Ashmolii (ipius sui de ('ordine Georgian! dedicationes pecnliares. ad ejusdem. Ordinis Mites, quos- dam [lA., 7737, 71 — 77, ff. 151n — 157(j] One hundred and thirtv-two coats of Arms of the Knights .and Gentlemen of Cheshire [ib.,S4e. X.. ( 1 ) if . ,3:!. 31]. Ditto, One hundred and eight of .Staffordshire [lA.. ft'. .'MA. .3.5A]. Alchemiral papers, ic. [I'A., 377, «. 1— 30A : 421, t 1—70, 111—12]. Occasional Figures on horary Questions, from 1 0th Nov., 1640, to 6th Dec, 16.53, set in some outlines. Printed. [Ib., 304. 104 leaves. 12mo.]. Verba Abbreviata in libni de Domesdav [lA.. S22. I. (1), f. la]. Ditto, relating to Berkshire [ib.. (3) :mh.. 6 — 1. 4'2o— 1.5n]. Cheshire [ib.. (4) 50— M7, 88—00]. Staffs, [ib.. (5) 04—114, 114A— 116A]. Draught of a hirge Pedigree of Maiuwaring, of Cheshire, I663[iA., S3e (102). 601], Patentees of Amies executed bv me in mv visit;ition of Berks,. Ano. 1665 [lA.. SoS, ^ 185—201, ff. "180—270]. Figures set on Dr. Wharton, &c. London : Printed bt/ Sam. Sttlterthwiiite, at the Sun, on Garlick IliU. 12mo. Ditto on Nativities, same imjirint. 12ino. 10 leaves. [Other references, &c,, Bodl, Lib.. 358 ; I'A. 350, II., ff. 2 — 14 ; (A Poem To his much resjiected Friend, Mr. Francis Whitwiek. in Stiiffordshirc) 47, 100. ji. 128. (.56 lines) ; (A, 7790, III,, ff. 34—6 l«A : ib. S22. II.. ff. 20-2— 237A ; ib. SOU. (6) 46—0, 40A ; lA. 7739, II„ ff. 42A— 52 ; 77-i2, IV., ff,85— 00 ; lA, 7J59, VI,, f. 26A; I Particulars of the Baptisms, Marriages, ;ind Burials of many persons, especially such as were relateil to ,\shmole, from 15(>7 to 1(>58 ; by him Collected from the Register Books of Lichfield, begun in Oct,, 1566, from the parishes of St, Maryes, .St. Micbael, and St. Ch:id's, alias Stowe, also the names of the Vicars of St. Marves of Lichfield from 1511 to 1645), ib., 1450, I., 7.3—80 ; ib.. 1731. f. 00a. 10 1«A. 1 0.5o. lOlin, 107rt/ : lA.. 77S8, ff, 140nA : ib., S40, (56) 25.3—7 ; ib., ,S,3C, (87) 3;t;!, 334 ; Diary of events and transactions, jjcrsonal and historical, from 26th Aug., 1660, to 0th March, 1661, ib., 820 (40) f. 71A— 82A.] [Handbook of Auto., 1, 25 ; Cox's JIuniments of Lich- field. 86 : Brit. Mus. C;it.; Bliss's Wood's Oxon,. 111. ,•(54. —64 ; Allen's Lambeth, 124, 30.3—08 : Diet. Nat. liior/.. II,, 17"2 — 74; Harwood's Lichfield ; Pennant's Journ. to Loiul,, 132.] ASHMOLE, EliilS. S. of .Jllllll. Nativity. [Bodl. Lib.. 242. 125 ; 332, I.] AsnMOLE Family. Baptisms and Marriages of the Ashraole family and their connections. [Bodl. Lib., 7o27, (B) 73.] AsHMOLE, Jo. cousin of Elias. Nativity, [Bodl. Lib., 242, 125 ; 332, 1,] AsHMOLE, Thomas, grand/'ailier of Elias. Epitaph. [Bodl. Lib,, S53, 87.] AsiiMOiiUROOKK, near Slicnstoiie. [Bodl, Lib,, 7527, (u) 85, 86], AsHTON, Tlionias. Correspondence between the Manchester and Binniug- hara and the Grand Junction Railway Companies, with a Prefatory Letter, Manchester, 1830. 8to,, pp, 58. AsHWELL, Rev. Albert Hcnrv. b. Stoke, 10th March, 18r)i) ; «. of Michael Aslnvcll, M.R.C.S., Eng. ; edueateel at Kii,-om Coll., lX(iS — 74, Pembroke Coll., 0.\-., Is7.")— 7H ; B.A., 1X78 ; M.A., 18S0 ; Deacon, l,s7'.) ; Priest, IXXO ; Curate of Tynemoutli, 1H78 — S2 ; St. James, Norlands, 1HS2 — S.j ; Ticliborne, ISH.j— 87 ; Minster St. Mark's, Jersey, 1887 ; m. Eliza Blow, tlmt. of — Glover, Esq. Editor of The Kpaomian. AsHWORTH, James, Mining Engineer, b. Turtoii, Bolton-le-Moors, 1844 ; s. of John Ashworth ; educated privately ; m. Miss Seolesby, of Alvaston, Derbys. Paper on "Gunpowder" [Trans. North Staffs. M. ICng. Inst.. II.. 11(1-31] ; Ditto [I'A. (pt. 2) pp. 140—56]; Discus- sion on, [ib.. pp. 157, 170 — 81.] Paper on Guniiowder : its eftects on the Atmosphere of a Coal Mine when exploded [ib., III., 15 — '22]; Dis- cussion on. [ib., ]ip. 22, '23, 126 — '28.] Paper on The Circumstances arising from the Chemical effects of the Products of Gunpowder when fired in close chambers, such as the bores of Cannon, [ib., ni,, 05—9,] ASPLEY (27) ASTLEY Papers: — "Injury to Miner's Eyesight by Safety Lamps," "Safety Lamps," 'On Two Recent Accidents from blasting in Coal Mines" [Afaii. Oeolof/lcai Soc. Jouni.']. ■' On the Davy ami Mucseler tyjies of Safety Lamps, with translation of the Belgian Government report and decree," [Norih /'.lit/. Iiisi. 'frniisacl !oiis,\' 111., '28.") — SSj. '-The Lam|) Section " fin H'ant{e'» Reference Btxtk for CoUiertf .Mnun- gers]. 'Electric Signalling;" and "Coal Dust" [Trans. Midlantl Branch of Xnlinnal A.'nociation of Colliery Mana- i^ers]. "Injury to Miner's Eyesight by Safety Lamps" [Iron and Coat Trade Jieview]. Asi'i.EY, near Eccleshall. [.See Colbeck (John).] AsTBURY, .Tolin. b. Stoke, 1(!SH ; bound himself to Eler Brotlier, Potters, Bradwell (they settled here, circa lO'.K)); Potter at Stoke ; introduced calcined flint in pottery, 172, aged S;{ years ; bur. at Uttoxeter. A Prospect from Barrow Hill, by Captain Daniel Astle, 2.^th June, 1777. Birmingham; Pearson and Robinson. 1777. 4to. Pen and Ink .Sketch of Dr. Johnson and himself. [Penes Xorris. Printer, Uttoxeter. Engraved Redfern^s L'ttoreler, p. 119.] [.See Redfem's Uttoxeter (1865), 228, 229; Boswell's Johnson (1860), 767.] I I AsTi.E. Thnnias. b. Yoxall, 22nd Dec, 1735 ; i s. of Daniel Astle, keeper of tlie forest of Need- j wood ; articled to a Solicitor, but went to London : F.S.A., 1763 ; Receiver-General of fid. in the pound on the Civil List, 17fi.j ; Chief Clerk of the Record Office, 1775 ; Keeper of the Records in the Tower, 17H3 ; Trustee to British Museum ; m. i><{,\\ Dec, 17(;5, only dau. of the Rev. Philip Jlorant, historian of Essex ; a. 1st Dec, 1H03, at Battersea Rise, aged (59. i Index to Catalogue of the Harleian, MSS., 1759. Rotuli Parliamentorum ut et petitiones et placita in ' Parliamento, 1278—1.503. London, 1707—77. 6 vols., fol. [Down to 2 Henry VI., by the Rev. P. Morant and John Topham, after that by Topham and Astle.] Antiquarian Repertory. A Miscellany intended to preserve ami illustrate several valuable remains of old times. London, 1775 — S4. 4to., 4 vols. [Thomas Astle a large contributer]. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library. To which are ailded many emendations and additions, with an Appendix containing An Account of the Damage sustained Viy the Fire of 1731, And also a Cata- logue of the Charters Preserved in the same Library. London : Printed for .S". llitttper, Xo. 25, Lndfjnie //ill. MOCCLXXi'll. 8vo., 1 leaf, v— xiv., 1 leaf, pp. 120,34 leaves. [This work was published by .Samuel Hooper, with a dedication To T. Astle, Esq.. to whom I am indebted for the MSS. from which the following work is printed.] The Will of Henry VII., from the original in the Chapter House at Westminster. London, 1775. 4to. [Very interesting Preface.] ■The Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hiero- glyphic as Elementary, illiistnited by Engravings taken from Marbles, Manuscripts, and Charters, Ancient and Modern ; also some account of the Origin and Progress of Printing. London: Printed for the .iuthor, Sold by T. Pat/ne and .'ion. B. White. P. Klm.itei/. (!. Xicol,and Leigh and .Soihebg. MDCCL.XXX I\' fol.. pp. viii., .\xv., 2.'t.5. Ditto. Xew Edition. Portrait of the Author, with an additional copper-plate engraving from a Manuscript in the British Jluseum, marked Nero D. 4. London, 1703. 4to. Ditto. .Second Edition. Lomlnn : Printed by T. Bensley, Bolt (.'ourt , for .1 . White, al Horace's Head, fleet Street. 1803. 4to. lar. and sm. papers. Portrait, 3 leaves, pp. xxiv., 240. lar. p., fol. Ditto. London : Chatto and Windm, Picadilly. 1S76. fol. Port., pp. xxiv., 240, title and contents, 3 leaves extra, (.lohn I'hitds and Sons, Printers). Plates facing pp. 64,66,7(1,72(2). 76.80 (2), 82, 83. 84. 92, 94. 96 (6), 98. 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 112, 128, 140, 141, 142, 146, 1.50, 1.58, 160. 176, 178. The Calendar of the Patent Rolls of the Tower of London, from the 3rd of John to the 23rd of Edward X. London, 1775. (N.B. — Published from 4 vols, of MS. Journal, procured from the e.xecutors of the bite Henry Rooker. hi.s predec ss'tr. as keei)er of the Records. C limited with ilSS. (2) in the Cottonian Library ; marked Titus, c. 2 and 3.) On the Radical Letters of the Pelasgians and their derivations. Read at the .Society of Antiquarians, Jan. 13th, 1785. London : Printed by ./. .\ichols. Printer to the Society. MDCCLXXXV. fol., pp. li;, all included. An Account of the Events produced in England by the Grant of the Kingdom of Sicily to Prince Edward, Second .Son of King Henry the III., with some remarks on the Seal of that Prince" Read before the Society of Antiquarians in March, 1776. Umdon. 1776. 4to., pp. 18. The Will of King Alfretl. Ojford: ,lt the Clarendon Press. MUCCLXXXVlir. fol., pp. III., .S— 51. An Account of the King's Royal Burghs and Magnates of Scotland, prepared for the Press, pp. It in Vittiista Monumenta. Ditto. Issued separately. 1793. Imp. fol., pp. 44. Plates. Report on State of Records in the Tower. [Royal Commission on Records. 1800.] Letter to W. Huddesford. [Bodl. Lib., 18-Z2. 145.] Autograph and Note relative to. [Handbook of Auto- graphs, 1862, pp. 1 — 17.] (After his death all his printed books were purchased, 1804, by the Royal Institution. His MSS. were left by will to "the Marquis of Buckingham for £500, who removed them to Stowe. Catalogued for Sale at. and removed to, Sotheby's. 1849 : but being bought by the Earl of Ashburn- ham for .£8.000, the sale did not t.ike place. This collec- tion, offered in 1879 by the present holder of the title to the Nation for £160,o"00. out of which the Stowe portion (mostly Astle's) were bought by the Nation for £45.000. and are now in the British Museum.) Life with Portrait. Enron. .Mm/., xlii. (1802). Letters. [.Salt Lib., .«ee Cat.. 478.] [Diet. Xat. Biog., IL, 203—5; Shaw's Staffs., I.; Harris's Cat. of Lib. Roy. Institution. 1821 ; Vincent's ditto, 1857; O'Conor's Biblio. MS. Stowe. 1818; Smith's Cat. Stowe Collection, 1849: Ashburnham MSS. Parlia- ment.ary Return, 1883; Gent.'s Mag., 18(13. 1190 — 91 : 1804, 84. Other references : — Knropean Mag., 1802, 243 — Jo ; Nichol's Anecdotes and Illustrations, III.. 202 ; Xotes and Queries, 4th series, ILI.; Boswell's Johnson (1860), 46, 698.] AsTLEY Family. Pedigree of the Family of Astley, with its alliances with the Bagot. Carzon. (^hetwynd. "and other families. In the autograph of W. Camden, lar. fol., 14 leaves. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 17.] Letters by, [i«., 391, 478.] Astley, Margery. Widow of Sir John Astley. Abstract from WUl (1487). [Bodl. Lib., 1105, 197]. ASTLEY (28) ASTON Artlkv, Phillip, b. Newcastle, 24tl) June, 1742 ; s. of a c«liiiiet maker, to wliicli trade ho hiiiiselt' served apprentiecsliip ; ran away from homo and entered the Army, IT.J'J, joining Eliot's Light Horse : lie remained in the Army 7 years, wlien he hegan liis equestrian career, first opening in St. George's Fields, I7(!H; for next 2 years hetravelleil the country, perform- ing at fairs, and following his trade ; opened Theatre (since known as Astley's Amphi- theatre) 17H(I, and (in conjunction with Antoine Franvoise) founded the Cinque Olympiqne ; rejoined the Army on the hreaking out of the Revolution in France ; his Amphitheatre was burnt down 17th Aug., 17'.)4, rebuilt and re-opened Easter Monday, I7!t."i; l)urnt again 2nd Sept., 180:5; altogether he built 19 Theatres; (J. in Paris, r4th Oct., 1K14, aged 72 ; btir. Cemetery of Pere la Chaise. Ilemarks on the Profession and dutv of .1 soldier. LimilijN, ITJ4. 8vo. A Description ami Historical Account of the Places, now the Theatre of War in llie Low Countries: viz. Charlemont, &c Embellished with a Frontis- piece, and Plans of those Places, The most llemarkable for their Fortifications. By of Hercules Hall, Lambeth. Lnwhut : Printed fur the Anthur by II. I'acet/, No. 50. ISaroiu/h Uii/h Street. 1704. 8vo., jip. v.. (2 leaves) 80. -Itli ed. Lutidon ; Printed hi/ ./. Monre ami N. Utanley, J'lirv/Kisen of the Copy Itiqht. 179-i. 8vo., pp. v. (2 leaver), 82. A New Prelude founded on a late Calamitous Event, entitl'd, The Manager in AfHiction, as performeil at the opening of Astley's New Amphitheatre of Ana, (jth April, 1795. London, ITJo. 8vo., pp. IG. Astley's System of Eipiestrian Education, Exliibiting the Beauties and Defects of the Horse ; with .serious and important advice on its general e.\cellence, preserving it in health, grooming, &c., with Plates. "To prevent Accident is better than to Cure." Price lOs.lid. .Solrl by (L Creed, No. 2. We.^tntinster-/irldf/e. Lnmbeth, and the Priueiput Book^eilers in Knijland, Srnthinil. tind Ireland. [Entered at Stationers^ Half. Jnne. ISOl.] fUbson, Printer, Westininster-Hridye-ltoail, Lambeth. 8vo., Port, of Astley. pp. vi. 7— l.i, 1112, and 7 leaves. Hrd ed. London: Printed by .1. liurton. Little Qneen .'street, Linailn's-/nn- Fields. Price Uis.(id. «.p. xvi. 72. A New Map of Europe, Corrected. London, 1808. P. Astley aud the Two Drumheads. \ Mirror, xxxvi., 245, 24G.] P. Astley and his Amphitheatre, [lb., xxxvii., 387, 398.] Miscellanea as to Astley and his Amphitheatre. [Salt Lib,, see Cat, 391,] [ Brayley 's Account of London Theatres, 08 — 66 ; Circus Life, by Frost, 17, 28, 4(1. 48,51.53; Cuningham's Handbook to London (IS.'jO), 24: Timbs' Curiosities of London, 288 — 93 ; Biog. Diet, of Living Authors (1814), 9,410; Boswell's Johnson (1860), 638; Strutt's Sports .and Piistimcs (1801); De Castro's Memoirs (1824); JJiet. Nat. Bioff., I., 207, 208 ; Ingamel's Newcastle ; Cotterill's Directory of Newctstle; While's Staffs. (1834).] AsTLKV, Sir Richard, of Patsliuli, Arms in his house. [Bodl. Lib., S.53, H7.] Seals from liifi Deed.s. [lb., 833, 49 ; 11.37, 134a.] [See Carter (T.).] AsTON, Edward Lee, b. Bilston, Sth Sept,, 1794; joined the Army, ISi:); returned as Colour-Sergeant, 18;3(;, settling at Market Drayton ; afterwards (1843) Aston, Cheshire ; finally at Crewe, wliere he d., llSth May, 1857. Memoir. By Rev. H.Wheeler. [/'. .1/. .)/««. (18.58), •202—1.] Aston F.vmily, Inventory of the Goods, Chattels, and Debts amount- ing to £1,078 Os. 4d,, besides £1000 owing to the deceased by the King. On two long rolls of Parchment. 2 Nov., 16.39. Signed by .T. Abbott, Keg. Also an Addition of £95 from King; Crosses aud Pictures, (kc. 27 Nov., 16.56. Signed by Earl Essex. [Lot 198. Burton-Constable sale. 25,6,89.] Aston of Tixall Papers, comprising order to Lord Aston, Lord Lieut, of Stafford, to cause a soknin Thanks- giving for the Birth of James II. 1688. Autogi'aph Letters of Lords .Sunderland, Chetwynd, Essex, K. Bid- duljdi. Sir R. Southwell, Walter Lord Aston. Also Walter Lord Aston's autogra]>h Petition to the King; Speech of Lord Aston ; Answer of Lord Aston to the Hill of Com- plaint ; R;ite upon Lord Aston ; Aston Poll Tax, &c. [Lot 199. Burtou-Const:ible sale, 25,6,89.] [.S'fi; Colton and the De W:isteney's, 1879, p, 69: Arms of, 83 ; Catherine, 64 ; Sir Walter, 69— 72 ; Letters of. 150 —.53; Walter, 2nd Lord. 72—78, 146. 251 ; Hon. Herbert, 71—81.132 — 12,187; Gertrude. 72— 75, 254 ; John. 63 ; Hon. Walter, 2(iO ; Letters of Kath;u'ine. 153 — 63: James, oth Lord, 83, 261; Hon. Mary, 83; Hon. Barbara. 83; Roger de. 3:i, 235 ; Thomas, 236". J Aston Monuments in .S. Mary's, Stafl^ord. [.Journal British .irchieoloyical .Association, XXI. (1873). .See Dug- dale (Sir W.).] StemmiE Astonise Famillae, A linely-executed vellum roll of descent of the family of Aston, deduced out of authentic records in the pos.session of .Sir Walter Aston, of Tixall. CO. Stafford, Bart. Royal Archives and other Ancient Muniments. By William Dugdale. Norrey King- at-Arms. A. 1). 1667, Arms in Blazon, [/i., 295.] AsTON, Rev. Frederic, b. Bdllington, Cheshire, 24tli March, IKyG ; s. of Rev. J, A. Aston, Vicar of S, Luke's, Cheltenliam (A. 15th Nov., 1827 ; (/. 1st Dec, 1S84), and Mary Jane {vee Davics, of Leek), his wife ; educated at Neuweid, Germany ; Lon. Coll. of [)iv., 1874 —77; Deacon, 1879; Priest, 188<); Curate of S. Philip's, Penn, 1879—80 ; Emmanuel Church, Bristol, 1880—81 ; Minister, with Charge of Emmanuel Church, Cheltenham, 1881—83; Vicar of Bushhuiy, Iss;^. Contributed Gog aud Gomer :ind The Testimony of Mother Church, to Handbook on British Isr.iel Truth. Chap. VIII. Also a contributor to : — The Me.-<.tenffer. The Banner of Israel. Aston, Rt. Hon., 7th Lord, h. 24tli Feb., 1712 ; succeeded his brother, 6th Lord, 7th April, 1755 ; he was then cook to Sir Charles Mordaunt ; d. March, 17C3. [See Annual Register, 1761, 1763.] AsTON, James, 5th Lord. [dent.'i Mag., 1751.] ASTON (29) ATHERTON AsTox, John. b. 1781 ; d. Diirlastdii, 29th Miireh, 1858. Obituary. By J. Belcher. [/'. .)/. .\fag. (1858), 401, 402.1 AsroN, Little. Annotata ex Chronica Aston, Lichf. [Bodl. Lib., 770, 54, 55.] [.See Notes, lie, of Aldridge, by Smith, 1880, 41, 42; Ceul.'s Mai). ( 1822), 180 ; Hanvood's Erdeswicke ^ 1820), 310, .■(17 (1844), 51, 428; Shaw's Staffs., It., 51; Sanders' Shenstone, 108— 99 ; Garner, 117; Pitt, lOH ; Allport (H.C.), Shaw (Kev. S.).l .V.STON, Marie. Nom de plume. [.See Wright (Miss M. E.).] Aston, Sir Richard. [Bodl. Lib., 1720, 2246.] Aston, Sir Thomas. b. probably at Aston, Chesliire, 29th Sept., 1(J00 ; s. of John Aston, server to wife of .lames I. (d. 1015) ; educated Brasenose Coll., Ox. ; made Baronet by Charles I, 1(;2.S; High Sheriff, Cheshire, 1*635; in coMunand at Middlewieh, March, 1042 — 43 ; and a>H-t. Nat. Biiii/., II., 212. 213; Ormerod's Cheshire ( 1882). II., 82, 83 ; Earwaker's East Cheshire. I., 470 : II., 057 ; Bliss's Wood's Athen. Oxou. ; Axon's Cheshire Gleanings.] Aston, Walter, b. Ti.xall, losi ; eldest s. of Sir Edward Aston ; made Knight of Bath and Baronet by King James ; Ambassador to Spain, 1620 — 25, and again 1635 — 38 ; created Lord Aston of Forfar, in Scotch Peerage ; m. Ger- trude, grand-dan. of Sir Ralph Sadler ; d. 13th Aug., 1639. Correspondence of with Lord Digby ; with Explana- tion of Cyjiher used. MSS. fol.. forming Lot 8. Burton- Constable sale. Sothebv's, 24th June, Isso. Bond for £4000, on Parchment, dated 2 Sept., 1035. Copy of Deed between Lord Paget and Sir VV. Aston, I 7, James I. Order to T. Pegg and W. Vince, Collectors at Colton, | in Staffordshire, to raise for John Aston i!44, ic, dated | 12 Ap., 1092. 1 Letter from H. Aston (10 folio pages) to his Cousin, respecting the Roman Catholic Religion. Autograph Letter of Walter Aston. Order from R. Haines, LL.D., to .John Aston, to furnish description of Property left by his father, Hubert Aston, who died intestate, 21 .June, 1019, List of Lord Aston's Debts at Lady-Day, 1020. List of Birth Days of Astons and Friends, 8 Ap., 1047. List and value of Goods, Cattel, and Chattels, of Hubert Aston, 11 June, 1089. Autograph Letter of H. Aston for his sister, W. Thimely. Account of sums dne by E. Aston, and receipt in fnll of all demands from his brother, E. Aston. Estreat of Lord Aston's Manor of Colton, benefactions. Forming Lot 197, ditto. Memoir and Portrait of W., Lord Aston, [Bohn's Lodge, pp, 11,] Letters bv, from Spain. [Bodl, Lib,, 830, 140.] His Cvpher, or Character. [/A.. 78a, 175.] Tixall Letters. Edited bv A. Clifford. 2 vols. 1815. Letters of. [.Salt Lib., .«ee Cat. 478.] [Payne's Records of Catholics. pt. IV., 22—23. Pennant's Journ. to Lond., 83. Reference : — Wright's Annals, 1685, p. 80. .See Aston Family, Dugdale (Sir W.).] I AsTON, Rev. the Hon. Walter Hutchinson, b. 1770 ; s. of Baron Aston ; mat. Ch. Ch„ 12th June, 1789 ; B.A,, 1793 ; M.A., 1796 : 9th Baron Aston ; Rector of Hartfield, Sussex ; Vicar of Tardebigg, Wores., 1821 — 45 ; 77!., 1802, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Dr. Harris ; d. 21st Jan., 1845. Select Psalms in Verse ; with Critical Remarks by Bishop Louth and others, illustrative of the Beauties of Sacred Poetry. "Awake up my Glory"; "Awake, Lute and Harp"; Psalm Ivii, 9, London: Printed for J. Hatchard, Bookseller to Her J/aJestf/. 100, opposite Albany, Piccadillt/. 1811. 8vo, [Edited by Baron Aston,] pp. XX,, 288, (Printer: J Brettell. Marshall Street.) The trijier. No, 1. A New Periodical Miscellany. By Timothy Touchstone, of Saint Peter's College, West- minster. "Semper ego auditor tantum," — ./nrenal. Lon- don ; Printed for the Authors, and Sold hi/ .Messienrg Kobinsons, Paternoster Row. MDCCLXXXVIII. 8vo. pp. 554. II. Commenced 31st May, 1788: ended 21st March, 1789. Lord Aston one of the contributors. Atcherley, Rev. John. Curate of Wednesbury. The Curate of Wednesbury and his Vicar. " I will a rouil'i nnvaruished tale Oeliver." "Nothing extenuate, nor set down ought to malice." Birminyham : Printed for the .[uthor bi/ Suinney if Ferrall, Xo. 75, High Street; and Sold by ail Booksellers. Price One Shilling. 1806. 8vo., pp. 48. Ded. to the "Honest Inhabitants." Atherton, Rev. Charles Isaac, b. Lanes., 18th July, 1839; s. of Samuel Atlierton, Esq.; educated Standard Hill School, Nottingham : St. John's Coll., Camb. ; B.A., 1863 ; M.A., 1S66 ; Curate of Pensnett, 1803 — 67 : Vicar, 1867 — 76 ; Rector of Nympsfield, Gloucs., 1876 — 78 ; Vicar of St, Paul, Bedminster, Gloucs,, 1879—86 ; of Snaith. Yorks,, 1886 ; Rector of Farringdon, 1887 ; Canon of E.xeter Cathedral, 1SS9 ; Treasurer, 1891 ; 77i. Miss Mallet, of Nottingham. Nature's Parables. London : Lorn/mans ij- Co. 1868. 8vo. Via Dolorosa: a Manual for Holy Week, Same im- print. 1880. Instructions in Ways of Peace. London : Skeffinaton. 1885. .A.ncient Types, Instructions in Spiritual Life. Same imprint. 1888. Garden of God. Addresses to Children. Same im- print. 1880. [Rev. Canon Atherton.] ATKINS (30) AUBREY Atkins, .Tolin. Surgeon. A Compendious Treatise on the Contents, Virtues, and Uses of Cold and Hot Mineral Springs in general, particularly the celebrated Hot Waters of Scarborough, with observations on their quality, To which are annexed the opinions of Sir John Floyer'and Dr. Barnard on sea- bathing. London, n il. {1737)' Svo. Printed auoni/moualy at yort. ISSn. 8vo. [ roi-fc. X oH9.] The Penitent's Prayer, [lb., I6.i.] Desponding penitents encouraged, a Poem. (Burslem, April 2r)th, 1823), [lb., 2,").i,] Guilt and Danger of Profane Imprecations, [/i., 463,4(14.] Wonders of Grace, a Poem. [lb. (1824), 166,] Obituary of Hugh Davis, [lb., 168, 1611,] Address as President, [Xeii' Con. JJiniitei (1829), 41 — 44,] Address on Irish Missions, [lb., 45, 46,] Atkinson, Mrs, Dorotliy. d. Macclesfield, 7th Feb., 1806, aged 72. Obituary by Rev, John Riles, Macclesfield, 5th April, 1805, [ Wes. Mag. (1806), 45,] Atkinson, Rev, Stephen James, b. Lancaster, 22nd Feb. ,lS(il ; Primitive Methodist Minister, 1880 — 83; Stationed at Silverdale, 18«;j ; d. there 14th June, 1883 ; bur. Newcastle Ceme- tery, 18th June. Obituarv. Bv Rev. .Samuel Brock, of Silverdale. [P. J/. J/iH«/f.? (1884), 15, 16,] Ditto, [P. M. Mag. (1884), 625, 626,] Atkinson, Rev. T. D., M.A,, Vicar of Rugeley. Additional Hymns, for Public and Private Use in Rugeley and Brereton. Selected by the Rev. T. D. Atkin- son, M,,\., Vicvr of Rugeley and Rural Dean, and Rev. J. E, Wetherall, M,A., Incumbent of Brereton. Rnqeley : Printed and Published by Thomaji James. MDCCCLXIII. 12mo., pp. 1 — 80. Atkinsos, W, N. b. Lougher, South Wales ; s. of John A. Atkinson, H.M, Inspector of Mines for Durham ; educated Houghton Gr. Sch. ; H.M. Inspector of Mines for N. Staffs., Cheshire, and Salop, 188i1. Explosions in Coal Mines. By W, X, & J, B, Atkinson, H.M, Inspectors of Mine-;, With numerous Plans in colours, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Andrew lieid, Akenside Bill. 1S8G. 8vo,, pp, 144, Plates : pp, 42 (2), 52 (2), 58 (2), 68, 1(12 (3), Official Reports a3 Inspector of Mines. [Printed in Mineral Statistics, i|c., 1830—92.] Reports on : — Hvde CoUierv Explosion, fol, M'ossfield Coiliery Explosion, 1889, fol. Apedale Colliery" Explosion. 1891, fol, Atkinson, William. Mr, Huskinson, Free Trade, and the Com Laws. Lon- don. 1840. 8vo.. pp, 24, Atkyns (or Atkixs), William. b. Cambs., Kidl : a secular priest : on tiie English Mis.ict. Nat. Biog., II,, 221,] Atmore, Rev. Charles, Wesleyan Minister. The Grace of God manifested. In a short Account of the Life and Death of Mrs. R. Emmet, of Halifax, and Mrs. Slater and William Wright, of Wcdnesburv, Dated Wednesbiiry, Jan, 31st, 18U1, [ llVs, Mag. (180.)), 78—82,] Atslowe, Edward, of Winchester, and New Coll., 0,\-, ; Fellow; M.D, ; F,R.C.P. ; rf. before 2nd May, 1594. [Was a visitor of Mary Queen of .Scots, whilst prisoner in Tutbury Castle. — Vide Walsingham's Journal (1570 — 83) in Cam. Soc. Miscellanies, VI., 1.] Atterbdry, F., Bishop. A Defence of the Right Rev. the Bishops of Rochester and Bristol ; being a full answer to a pamphlet entitled Bishop Atterbury's and Bishop .Smallridge's Reasons for not signing the Declaration. London, 1716. 8vo., pp, 30, Attwood, Thomas, b. Hawne House, Halesowen, 6th Oct,, 1783 ; Banker in Birmingham ; one of the founders of the Birmingham Political Union, 1829 ; Freedom of London, 23rd May, 1832 ; M,P, for Birmingham, 12tli Dec, 1832, to June, 184(1 : of Grove House, Harliorne ; d. Great Malvern, Gth March, 1856, A Second Letter to the Earl of Liverpool on the Bank Reports, as occasioning the National Distress, Birming- ham, 1810. 8vo„pp, 113. Distressed State of the Country. The Speech of Thomas Attwood, at Birmingham. Birmingham, 1820. 8vo., pp, 8.3. The Scotch Banks . . . being Articles , , , on Bankruptcy, Currency, Ac, London. 1832. 8vo,, pp, xiii., 175, 2nd edition, reprint with new title page. Letter of Mr. Thomas Attwood to Sir Robert Peel, Bart., 7th Februarv, 18:i7. London, 1837. 8vo., pp, 8, Memoir and P'ortr.ait. [.l/irror, N.S,, V,, pp. III.,IV,] Obituarv of. [/llu-ttrated Times. 1856, p. 211.] [Mod. Eng. Biog., I,, col. 105; Dent's Old and New Birmingham, sec. 2 (1880), 349 — 52 ; Kenward's Harbome, (1885), 56,] Aubrey, John. Letters to Ashmole, 243, 395, 367, at end. AUDEN (31) AUDLEY AcDES, Rev. Jolin Ernest, b. Silvenliilf, 18C1 ; first s. of Rev. John Aiiden. Curate ; Mat. at Lincoln Coll., 0.x.. 2;irJ Oct., 1««U; 3id Class Moderations, 1HH2; 15. .V., 18H;-i; M.A., 1887; Curate of CarrislirooUe, 1H83— 8.5 : of Wooburn, Hueks., 18«5 — 86 ; S. Mary, Lich- field, 1880; Curate-in-Charge of Slirawardine, Salop, 1888. A History of Shrawardine Parish, Salop. Adden, Rev. Thomas, b. Rowley Retris, 7th April, 1830 ; 3rd s. of William and Hannah Auden ; educated at Dudley Gr. Sch., and Private Tuition, St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 18.58 ; M.A., 1861 ; F.S.A., 1890 ; Deacon, 18.");) ; Priest, 1860 ; second Master of Dedham Gr. Sch., Esse.x ; Head Master of Welling- borough Gr. Sch., 1X63—6!) ; Vicar of Ford, Salop, 186!) — 70 ; Vicar of St. Julian, Shrews- bury, 187!) : m. Anne, int\ dan. of William Hopkins, of Dunstall. An Analysis of Archbishop Whateley's Christian Evidences. Louqtnans, 1868. 8vo., p. 48 ; new ed., 1877 ; pp. 4S : 8th ed., 1870. Eiiitud: — The Chnrch and Parish of St. .Juliana in Salop. Reprinted from Trans, ^hropuhire .Arch. Soc. 1887. 8yo., pp. xii. 192. [Only a few copies printed separately.] AoDLEY Cross, Blore Heath. Description. Bv E. W. R. [.l/irror, XXIV., 200.] [See Wood (J. P.).] Addlev, Edmund. «. of James, Lord Audley, and Eleanor, his wife ; of Lincoln Coll.. 0.x. ; B.A., 1403 ; Preb.of Colwall, Hereford,'l464 ; of Iwern, Salisbury, 1-467 ; Canon of Windsor, H12 ; Preb. of Farrendon, Lincoln, 1472 ; Gaia Minor, Lichfield, 1474 — 80 ; Codeworth, Wells, 1475; Archd. of East Riding of Yorks., i'5th Dec, 1475—80 ; of Essex, 1479 — so ; Rector of Bursted Parva, Essex, 14 , to !)th April, 1471 ; Preb. of Gevendale, Yorks., 18th Oct., 147H ; Bishop of Rochester, 1480— 92 ; of Hereford, 1492—1502 ; of Salisbury, 1502 — 24; Chancellor of the Order of Garter, circa 1502 — 24 ; d., 23rd Aug., 1524, at Ramsbury, Wilts. ; bur. Chapel of Virgin Mary, Salisbury Cathedral, which lie had erected himself. [He was a patron of learning, and a gve:\t Iionefaclor to Lincoln Coll. (£1(MP in l.)18i and Chichele's Chest. Ox- ford (2(1(1 Marks in l.')U!M ; founded two Chantries (one Salisbury, the other in Hereford Cathedral), 151(! ; was a legatee and e.xecutor of King Henry Yll., also trustee to Savov Hospital.] [See Calendar Henry VIII., I., 776, .'?2'.<2 : II., 2i;iiO : III., 18*t)t ; Bracly's Episcopal .Succession. I., .SI. .5t. 23.T ; Bliss's Wood's Athen. Oxon.. I., ()(;2 : II., 722, 72.) ; Wood's Antiq. Univ. Ox., I., (i(!7 ; ditto of Coll.. 2:!i), 248 ; Hardy's Le Neve ; Godwin's Biog. Brit. ; Uict.Xal.Bior/.,ll.,Hg, 249; Harwood's Lichfield, 23.'!.] AuDLEV, Lady Eleanor. To the King's Most Excellent Majestye. The humble Petition of the Lady Eleanor. Ki.Hit. fo!.. single sheet. Given to the Elector Prince Charles of the Rhyne. from the Lady Eleanor. Anno l(>.'i;i. At Her being in Ilitllanil or Beh/iiim. Lamentations. Mourning, and Wo. Amsterilom: Printed by Frederick Slarm. 16.13. 4to.. pp. 10, including title. Amend. Amend : God's Kinsdome is at Hand : .A.mcn, Amen. The Proclamation : .I/phc, Mene. Thine finished [or ended]: Tekel: Thou sound sickly or weak by Them. Feres, Thy Peers or Parliament Mem {Mene, Tekel, I'phar- sin, K : Parliament house. .Ter. the first, and 10 verse. Dan. the sixt, and 21 verse. Tlie New .Song: Come and .See. 4to. Anagrams, ,tc,, I leaf. First printed at Amster- dam, 1633. Aprill, l(i4;(. pp. 12. The Lady Eleanor. Her Appeale to the High Court of Parliament. Psal. 12:i. Behold, even as the eves of Servants looke to the hand of their Masters. Ac. I'rinlei in the year, 1641. Mat. 8, 4. See thou tell no man, but goe thy way, shew, ic. 4to. To the Hon., &c., 1 leaf ; pref., 1 leaf : pp. 2(1, all included. Samson's Fall Presented to the House, 1042. Kinga 1.^. And he gave a sign at the same time, saying. This is the sign, that the Lord hath spoken. London: Printed in the year 1612. 4to., pp. Kj, including title. The Star to the Wise. UHa. To the High Court of Parliament, The Honorable House of Commons. The Lady Eleanor, her Petition ; .Shewing cause to have her Book Licensed. Being Thu Revelations Interpretation. Malachy 4. 2. For unto you who fear my Name, shall the .Sun of Righteousnesse arise with healing in his wings. London : Printed in the year 1643. 4to., pp. 20, with title. Beyin : To the most assembled, ic. [Signed Eleanor, offering her services to bring the King to Parliament again.] (Samson's Legacies, etc.) London, 1643. 4to.. 2 parts, pp. 24. The Word of God. to the Citie of London, from the Lady Eleanor ; of the E irle of Castle-Haven ; Condemn'd, and'Behe,aded Aprill 2."), 1«31, i-c. Luke 21. And some of you shall they ciiuse to be put to death, «tc. But there shall not a haire of vour head perish. Printed in the yeare 1644. 4to. The Word of God, ic, 2 leaves ; The Earle of Castle-Haven, ifcc. 1 leaf ; pp. — 22. From the Lap. H), including title. Before the Lord's second coming, of The last Days To be visited. Signed with Tyrant Phnraoths overthrow. Acts iii. 22, 23. A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your Brethren, like unto me. A-c. And it shall come to pass, every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed among the people. Printed in the year. 10-50. 4tO., ppl Hi. Elijah The Tishbite's Supplication when Presented the likeness of Hand. itc. Kings 18. M.ark lit. But when ye shall .see the Abomin.ation of Desolation (or makcth desolation) spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, standing when it ought not; Let him that readeth understand, &c. Printed in the year 1661). 4to., pp. ii — 8. The Dragons Blasphemous Charge again.it Her. Matth. 10 : And ye shall be brought before Governors and Kings for my sake, against them and the Gentiles. Isaiah (tJ3) of the year .Jubile complete, iS:c. Thus will I tread down mine Enemies for the day of Vengeance is assigned, and the year when my people shall be delivered. Printed in the year 1651. 4to., pp. 13, including title. Tobits Book. A Lesson Appointed for Lent ; Ex- pressing foresaw upon his being anointed. And from the Seven days' celebrated Nuptials success ; the ('hutches glorious estate at last, After that order put to flight under the conduct of Asmodeus, or delivered up to Satan. Enemies of the Lamb's ilarriage-.Supper. Printed in the year 16.52. 8vo.. |)p. Hi, with title. I am the first, and the last, the beginning and the ending. From the Lady Eleanor, The Word of God. 4to., pp. 3. including title. AuDLEV, Liuly Elizabeth, luife of Nicholas, 5th Baron (who d. 1392, and was bur. Hulton Abbey): .she d. circa 1400. Her will dated 1400. [Ward's Stoke, 142, 202.] AuDLEV F.^MILY. Pedigrees of. [Ward's Stoke, pp. 71, 73, 13.j— 50, 183, ,'>95 ; and Peerages. ] Letter of Lord Audley to Lord Cecil. {.intiuuary III.. 2.57.] Reference to. [/6., X., 24, 2.i.] Reference to, and Fac-simile of Autograph. [Hand- book of Autographs, 18i;2. p. I. Example 27.] Family, [Bodl. Lib.. 739, 1.S26 : il36,1bl: 1107,213: 1115, 223ft, 232 : ll.W. 108.] Barony. [Bodl. Lib.. «6'2, .i'.l ; Arms, 722/, 245 ; Badges on Supporters, 780. IG4i.] Pedigree. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 274.] Descent of the House of Lord Audlev. Made 1IJ18, in MS. [lb. 278.] Letters of. [/*., 478.t Audeleiornm, ab 'Hen Audithley ; and Geo. Dominum Audley, 1580, " C ||." [Bodl. Lib.', 1107, 3 (4), 21.3. Blazon of the Arms of Lord Audeley. [lb. 1115, l.'i 0),f!'2. Xotices of the families of Audeley, Basset, and Holland, [fb., 1115, !M ('.)«), 22.36.] Finis inter Jacoben de Audeley, et Evan ux, ejus, quer, et Ric. de, Delvis et Ric. de Boghav def., de terris in Mere (oct. S. Trin. 4 Edw. III.) [/J., (loO) 2.34.] De flodo .Tacobi Audeley. Sigilla armorum Jacobi de Audele et Joh de Rochfort. [n>., 103, ih(,b. On fol. 58, same MS.] [See also Sleigh's Leek, 2nd ed., IG, 40, 48, 50, 53, 56, 57, .59, ict. Nat. Biof/.. II., 250, 251 ; Bodl. Lib., 1105, 195 : 1115, 234, 234A, 2.'>i)A : Pitt's. Nightingale's. Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844) ; Ward's Stoke.] Pedigree, &c. [Her. et Gen., V. (1870).] Audley, Sir John, 9th Baron. [Chronicle of Calais; Camden .Soc. (1840), \i. 0; Rutland's Paper, Camden Soc. (1842), 32 : Ward's Stoke, 143, 144 ; Brady's Episcopal Succession, III., 97.] Audley, Nicholas, Lord. 1307 — 19. 3rd Baron. m. Joan, widow of Hugh Lacey, Earl of Lincoln ; succeeded his brother Thomas, 1307 ; d. 1319. Breve pro co. (Claus 8, Edw. 11.) [Bodl. Lib., SGO, Ul], Audley, Nicholas, Lord, 1st April, 1387 — 92 ; 5th Baron Au'iley ; d. 1392; bur. Hulton Abbey. [Bodl. Lib., 1115, 231.] AUDLEY- (33) AYTON AuDr.EV, Nicbolas de. Lit. pat. pro co. (2 Kic. 11.) [Bodl. Lib., mt. 3.SI1]. Extract from his Will (o Ric. XL). [/A., 11U5, i;i5J. AuDLEY, Robert (1( Henry III. Obituary of. (188X), 11, 12.] By Joseph Hardin y [Bodl. Lib., 1105, q. V.] Joan, hi.s wifo, dau. of [/'. M. Mhiutes d. AuDLEY TOWSSUIP. Act to Exchange Land in Aiulley between ('. Tollett and others. Original Plan of the Sittings and Monuments of the Church. Size — Imperial. Drawn by Beach, of Pool Farm, Surveyor, circd IH.-iU. [/V/(e.< ('ompiler.l Original Drawing of the Church, [/ft.] Hi.story of. [Gent.'s Mai;. (IXlli), 11)1— l.i, 42(1—42.] Registers :—L, Mixed, l.i.Hr— 1712. II., ditto, 171.-t— H7. III., Marriages, 17.04—180.5. IV.. Burials and Births, 17«i;— 1810. Some loose leaves (inside Vol. III.), Burials and Births, 1810—1.3. V., Burials, 1813 — 14. VL, ditto, lH.14_i;7. VIL. ditto, 18(17-81. VIII., ditto, 1882— 88. IX., ditto, 1888— . X., Baptisms, 18 1 :t—.S(l. XL, ditto, ix;!(l— 59. XII., ditto, 18(;o—(;8, XIIL, ditto, 18(18— 811. XIV., ditto, 1889— . XV., Marriages, 181,S— 42. XVL, ditto, 18;i7— .J4. XVIL, ditto, 18.ii— 7,i. XVIIL, ditto, 187,5—9(1. XIX., ditto, 1890.— (Rev. J. Pauli, Vicar). Collection Relating to. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 7.')0.1 Miscellanea. [. *>/((//'. 'W/., ib. :i89.] [Pitt, 344—10; Griffiths' End. Sch., 103—7; Hinch- cliffc's Barthomley, 3, 1.56, 203, 3.57 ; Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844 I, 9(1—99 ; Garner, «2, 123, Sup., 19 ; Pennant's Tour to Loudon, 42 : Staffs, and Warws., L, 223—27 ; Monu- ments : Boill. Lib.. &5.3, .32 ; see Wardle (T. ). Pauli ( Rev. J. ), Wilbrah.am (Rev. C. P.), Garratt (Rev. T.), Audley (Lords), Wood (J. P.), Ferneyhough (J. R.), Buckler (J.), Parrot (Richard); Pennant's "Journ. to Lond., 42 ; Procter (W.).] AuDi.KY, William, Loni, 1275 — 83. Arms. [Bodl. Lib., llil, 224 ; Ward's Stoke, 140.] Aui.T, Rev. Horatio, b. Uttoxeter, 9th Nov., 1S0(J ; Congregational Minister at Repton, 1S;35— .54 ; kilsby, 1854— GH ; Scaldwdl, Nortliants., 1868 — 71 ; d. Scaldwell, 4tli June, 1871 ; bur. Kilsby. Obituary. \_Conrjregaliuuut I'caj- iitmi- (1872),. '104, 305.] Austen, Ralph. b. Staffs. ; educated Magd. Coll., Ox. ; a Proctor of University, 7th April, Ki:')!) ; Deputy-Registrar, 1(J47 ; Registrar ; d. in Parish of St. Peter-le- Bailey, Ox.; bur. in Church, 26th Oct., 1670. A Treatise on Fruit Trees, showing the manner of grafting, setting, pruning, and ordering of them in all respects. London, 1663. Second Edition, with additions and improvements. 1657. [According to Watt, there were editions in 16G2, l(ili7.] Spiritual Use of an Orchard. London, 1G53. [Published jointly with the above, and was reprinted separately. London, 1S41,'] Observations on some parts of Sir Francis Bacon's Naturall History as it concerns Fruit-trees, Fruits, and Flowers. London, 1G5H A Dialogue on Familiar Discourse and Conference be- tween the Husbanthnan and the Fruiterer in his Nurseries, Orchards, and Gardens. Loudon, 1676. 8vo. Second Edition. 2670. [See Diet. Nat. Bior/., XL, 2(i0— (il ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon, I.. 453: XL, 174; Johnson's History Knglish Gardening, 93, 98; Fclton's Ports, English Authors on Gardening, 18, 19; Watt's Bibl, Brit.; S.D.U.K. Diet.; Burrows' Register of Visitors to the University of Ox. (Cam. Soc), VXIX., 84, 312, .357.] Austin, Kev. George, b. Kingsley, Jan., 18H): Primitive Methodist Minister, 18'39 — 80, when he was superannuated ; (/. Luton, 4th Aug., 1887, aged 77. (Was the means of 4'J chapels, houses, and schools being erected.) AusTiM, Mrs. Jane. b. Walsall, 18(»9 ; Haughton, 27th Aug., 1851. Obitu.ary. Bv The Rev. Samuel Tillotson. [/'. .U. Maij. (1851). 707—9.] Austin, Tiiouias, of Holm End. d. 4th April, 1820, aged 75. A Short Account of. [/'. .1/. ifay. (1819), 257. Austin, William Piercy. b. Stone, 1808 ; «. of William Austin, Gent. ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox, 4th March, 1825 ; B.A., 1829 ; M.A., ]M35 ; D.D., by decree of Convocation, 9th July, 1842; Fellow; Arclid. of Guiana: Bishop of Guiaiui, 1812 ; Primate of the West Indies, 1SS3. Sermons. Charges. Austin, Wiltshire Stanton. The Lives of the Poets-Laureate, with . . . Essay on the Title and Office. By and John R.alphs. Lon- don, 1S53. 8vo., pp. vi., 428. [Includes R. Whittinton.] Authentic Documents Relative to the miraculous cure of Winifred White, of Wolverhampton, at St. Winifred's Well, 1805. H'oli-er- hanipton, 1806. 8vo. AuTHERLEY, near Wolverhampton. An Act p.assed for m.aking a Navigable Cut, or Canal, from Birmingham to BiIston,and from thence to Autherley; these to communicate with Canal now making between Trent and Severn, ami for making collateral cuts up to several coal mines. 17(iS. fol. An Act to extend. 17119. fol. Ditto for incorporating the Proprietors of a Canal Navigation authorized by an Act passeil in the eighth of the reign of His present" Majesty King George the Third, &c., with the Projn-ietors of a Canal navigation authorized by an Act of twenty-third year of His M;ijesty to be made from Birmingham to Fazeley, i&c. 1784. fol. Ditto. 1794. fol. [.See Cary's Canal Navigation, 1798, pp. 35, 3(1; Lond. May., May, 1752 ; Scott's Stourbridge, 345.] Autographic Mirror (The). [.See Devereaux (Earl of Essex). Paget (W. H.. Mar- quis of Anglesey), Peel (Sir R.), Sheridan (R. B.), Jervis (Earl St. Vincent), Johnson (Dr.), Howitt (Mary), Legge (W. L., Earl of Dartmouth).] A., W., of Hanley. On Evil Speaking. On Public Worship. AxTON, William. [AVk' Con. Mag. (1821), 08-70.1 [lb. (1822), 279—81.] Mat. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1570—71.; Fellow; M.A., 1574; Rector of Moreton Corbet, Salop (gift of Sir Robert Corbet) ; defioscd for Xonconformity by Bishop Bentham, of Lichfield. Account of the various E.xamin;»tions of Rev. W. Axton before Bishoji Bentham. Reported- Neal's Puri, I., 170; Brooks' Puri, I,, 151 ; Strype's Whitgif t, 357 ; Brooks' Whitgift, 310 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., L, 320, 327. Ayton, Sir Joseph, Usher of Black Rod. Letterfrom, to Ashnnde (Whitehall, 9th March, '60 — 1). [Bodl. Lib. 1131, ( 213«, 214*.] BABINGTON (34) BADNALL B Babin'gton, Anthony, of Licbfield. Correspondence with JIary Queen of Scots. [Bodl. Lib., S30. 3—8.1 Letter to Queen Elizabeth. [/A., 7SI, /3.] [Hist. Coll. Stafifs.. IV., (pt. 1) 136 : IL, (pt. 2) 23, 24, 119, 2111, 214.] Babin-gtox, Brute, b. probably in Chesliire ; educated Ch. Coll., Cam., 1572 ; B.A., 1575 ; Fellow, 1571; ; Incorporated at Ox., loth July, 1578 ; Eector of Thurcaston, Leics. ; of Tatenhill, Staffs. ; Preb. of BishopshuU, Lich- field, 18th Sept., 1592—1611; Bishop of Derry (bolding his Prebend and Tatenhill in comiiienrJum), ICIU to death; d. probably 10th Sept., 1611. Letter from. Dated 1609. [Lichfield Cathedral Muni- ment Chamber, H 3.] ^ . „■ ^ i [Le Xeve's Fa.sti, L, 590 : IH., 310 ; Dyer s History of Cambridge University, n.. 65 : Blisss Wood s Fasti,_I., ''11 : Willis's Cath.,'L. 427: Talbot Pap, M. 9i, >Ui; Ward's Bishops of Ireland, 292: Lodge's Illustrations (1«3«^ III.. .36: Cotton's Fasti Eccl. Hib., UI., 31b : V., •254 ; O'Sullivan-s Hist. Cath., IV.. 13 ; Cal. St. Pap (Dom. 1603—10). 614. «H (Irish, 1608— 10), 448, 48/, 490 ; />iC«. Xal. Bio'/.. II., 312; Har%vood's Lichfield, 218; Cox s llunimen'ts of Lichfield Cathedral, 28.] Babixgton Family. Deeds relating to [Salt Lib., s^e Cat. 130]; Letters of [76., 478.] Babisgtos, Zachary, A.M., Preb. of Pipa Magna, 28th April. 1581—84; of Curbo rough, 19th Feb., 1583—89 : Precentor Lichfield Cathedral, loth July, 1589—1608; Chancellor, 1581 — 83. [Harwood, 191, 196, 2-23, 243; Cox's JIununents of Lichfield, 32.] Babin-gtos, Zachary, of Lichfield. Letter to W Warde, at the Temple, about the Election (Whittington, 9th Feb., 1678). [Bodl. Lib., 1731, f. 89a,- see aim S55. 91.] „, ,, , [Hist. CoU. Staffs., n., (pt. 2) 28.] Bacatello, Ludovica. Vita Reginaldi Poli, S. R. E. Cardinalis et Cantuariensis Archipiscopi, ItaUce conxupta A. L. B. Latini reddita al Audria Dudithio. LondM, 1600. 8vo., pp. 108. Bacon-, Anthony, b. probably at Gorhamhury, Herts., 1558 ; «. of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper ; educated Trin. Coll., Cam., 10th June, 1573 ; joined himself to W., Earl of Essex (1593—1600) ; d. 27th May, 160l. Ori<'inal Correspondence ^vith Essex and others, bound in 16 volumes. [Penes Lambeth Palace Library.] Transcripts of ditto. [Brit. Mus. add. ilss., 4109-24.] Bacon, Francis. b. York House, 22nd Jan., 1561 ; brother of above ; great (pretended) friend to W., Earl of Essex ; afterwards Lord Chancellor ; d. 9th April, 1626. Full account of his connection with Essex will be found in-//io(. Xat. Biog.. IL. 329-36 ; .Spedding's Letters and Life of Lord Chancellor Bacon ; Abbott s Bacon and Essex ; Devereux's Lives and Letters of the Earls of bssex. He published the following works on Essex :— A Declaration of the Practices and Tre;\sons attempted and committed bv Robert, late Earle of Essex, and his Complices, against Her Majestic, and Her Kingdoms : and of the proceedings as weU at the Arraignments and Con- victions of the said late Earle, and his adherents as after ; Tcether with the very Confessions. Imprinted at London bii "itnbert Barker. Printer to the Queens most excellent Majestic. Anno 1601. 4to., no pagination, 2.3^ leaves. Sir F. Bacon, his apologie, in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex, Written to the Right Honourable his very good Lord the Earle of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant of" Ireland. Printed for Felu ^orlon, London, 1604. 4to., pp. 74. Ditto, For M. Lownes, London, 1605. 8vo., pp. 72. Bacon and Wilder, Market Place, Uttoxeter, Printers, Booksellers, Stationers, and r.ook- binders, Dealers in Paper,Paperhangings, Patent Medicines, and Toys, Sub-distributor of Stamps, and Circulating Library. [Parson tj- Bagshaw's Directory. 181S.'\ Baddelev Edge. [Jewitt's Ceramic Art, I., 96—8.] Baddeley, Rev. Thomas, Curate of Bilston, circa 1622. [See Perry (W.) C^The Boy of BUson").] BiDDELEY, William, b. Goldenhill, 24th Aug., 1816 ; d. Talke, 16th Oct., 1865. Obituary. By C. Lawton. [P. M. Mag. (18671. 315, 316.] Baden, Owen. b. Over Lane, Winsford, 28th Dec, 1808 ; removed to Weston-upon-Trent, 1819, where he lived until 1840 (a shoemaker by trade), when he went back to his native place, where he d., 29th July, 1857. Obituary. By D. Kitchin. [P. M. Mag. (1857), 584— 86.] Badius Jodocus. Editio roberti Whittintoni Lichfeldiensis graramatices magistri prothonatis Angli in floreiitissima Droniensi academia laureate, Declinationes noim ta latinoru irrecoru patronvmicoru Z barbaroru e Pnsciano .Mpontma Sulpitio et Ascesio amuasatim coUecti cu comentanote interliniari & dictiouu interpretatiomentis. » ynhgn de Worde. London, 1.517. 4to., no pagination, 14 leaves, con- tinued on back of title. Grammatica; Whitintonianse liber secundis de nominum declimatione. DecUnationes, &c. (As above.) Flumiliabit Caluminiatorem. London: In O'dibm R'charjh Pynsonu,. Anno 2o supra sesquimillesimum 30 pie J,dy lo25. 4t«., no pagination; 13 leaves and back of title. [Ornamental title.] Badxall Family. rpiei-h's Leek. 2nd ed.. 6, 8, 11, 21, 96, 99, 106, 107, 145, 162, ■218, -222, '223.] B^dnall, Eev. Hopkins, b. Leek, 21st Sept., 1821 ; s. of Richard Badnall, the younger ; educated Wavertree, Liverpool ; Fellow of University of Durham ; Dom. Exam. Chp. to Bishop Gray, of Capetown, 1847—54 ; Rector of Goldsborough, Yorks. ; Archd. of George, Cape of Good Hope, 1862 ; of Cape- town, 1869 ; Canon St. George's Cathedral and Rector of Rondebosch, Capetown, 1869 —85 ; Vice-chancellor University of Cape of Good Hope, 1882—84 ; one of three assessors at trial of Bishop Colenso, 1863 ; 'N icar of Fishlake, Doncaster, 1886—88 : m., 1854, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of John Owen Smith, of Port Elizabeth, S. Africa. Proposals for Jlissionary Bishoprics. 1860 Relation of the Church in South Atnca to the Church of England and to the Civil Powers. 186a. Proposed Changes in the Law of Marnage, in re The Deceased Wife's Sister. Capetown, 1872. a ^.^^a Remarks on the Judgment delivered in the Supreme Court in re Bishop Merriman r. Dean Williams. Capetown, 1880. 1 BADNALL (35) BAGGULEY The Nature and OflSce of Conscience. Printed by T. B. Adland, George Town. 1865. 8vo. Ch;irges. Letters. Sermons. [Cox's Colenso, II., 262, et seq.] Badvall, Rev. Jaraes. b. Wavertree, Liver- pool, 24th Sept., 1H;39 ; g. of Rev. William Badnall, Incniiibent ; educated Roy. Inst. Sch., Liveiiiool, and by his father ; Univ., Durham, 1m:,7_(;0 ; 3rd Class in Hon., IKo'.) ; B.A., 16th June, l^sfiO ; Class. Master Wimbledon Coll., 1860— G2 ; Curate of Asli, Salop, 1802 — 64; Vicar of Endon, 17th Dec, 18(;4; m., May, 1870, Ellen, eldest dan. of John Russell, of Leek, Esq., J. P. The Raismg of Jairus's Daughter ; or. The Tears of Christian Mourners wiped away. Leek : Printed by James Rider. 1S67. 8vo. E'litcd — The Poems of George Heath. JJerby: Printed and Published by Messrs. Bemrose. ISTO. Cr. Svo. Ditto. Second Edition. Hanley: Altbut <|- Daniel. 18S0. Cr. 8to. [See Heath (George).] Badnai.l, Richard, b. Leek, 28th Feb., and bujitised 23rd March, 1770 ; 3rd s. of Joseph Badnall, Silk Dyer, and Martha his wife ; educated at Man." Gr. Sch., 28th Jan., 1784 ; Lieut., Leek Volunteer Cavalry : vi., (1) 1794, Harriet, dau. of Rev. John William Hopkins, M.A., Rector of Upminster, Essex, and St. Mary's. Strand, (2) 1821, Sarah Pratt, of Tean ; J.P., Staffs.; of Highfield House, Leek ; d. Liverpool, 28th Feb., 1838, aged 68. [Smith's Man. Sch. Eeg., II., 136, 1.97. Sleigh's Leek, 2nd ed., lOiJ, 107.] Badnall, Richard, h. Leek, 1797 ; eldest s. of Richard Badnall (see above) ; educated Ash- bourne Gr. Sch., and at Chaddesley, Worcs.; m., 1819, Sarah, dau. of Enoch Hand, of Uttoxeter, Solicitor ; of Ashenhurst Hall, Leek, and Cotton Hall, Cheadle ; d. 31st Aug., 1839, aged 42. A Treatise on the Silk Trade. London : Sherwood, Gilbert, and Pyper. 182S. Svo. A 'Treatise on Political Economy. London, 1830. Svo. A Treatise on Railway Improvements. London : Sherwood. Gilbert, and Pyper. 18-i3. 8vo. Ded. to E. J. Littleton. Esq., M.P. Zelinda. A Poem. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Newcastle- under-Lyme Election Committee on the Petition of R. Badnall. Esq., of Cotton, against the return of W. H. Miller, Esq., for that Borough, on Allegations of Bribery and Corruption. London ; Ejjinqham Wilson, Sheetinf/'s Alley. 1838. 8vo., pp. 119. (Charles fVood, Printer, Poppin^s Court, Fleet Street.) Badn-all, Rev. William, b. Leek. I3th Oct., 18tl3 : 2nd s. of Richard Badnall : educated Brasenose Coll., Ox., 10th Oct., 1821 ; 15. A., 1825; M.A., 1S28; Curate of Wingerworth, near Che.sterfield ; Incumbent of Wavertree, Liverpool, 1827—59 ; Chp. to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge ; Queen's Preacher for Lancashire ; m., 16th July, 1833, Elizabeth Rose, dau. of James Parr, Esq., of Wavertree ; d. 28th July, 1859. A Sermon on the Cause and Effect of Sin, composed in reference to the alarming Aspect of the Times. London : Whittak'er, Treacher, and Co., and J. Waimsley, Liverpool. 1831. 8vo. Badnall, William Beaumont. b. Leek, 7th Oct., 1823; s. of Richard Badnall, the young- , er ; educated Athole House Academy, Isle of Man, and at Wavertree ; Solicitor, 1857 ; Barrister-at-Law, Mid-Temple, 9th June, 1865; J.P., Staffs, and Derbys. ; Alderman ; Derbys. C.C. The Law of Pews and Sittings in Churches. Leek : Printed by llidiert Nail. ISIJU. 8vo. [Private information from the Ven. Archd. Badnall, the Rev. Jas. Badnall, ami W. B. Badnall ] Bagbb, John. b. Bedworth, 1794 ; d. Darlaston, 29th April, 1862. Obituary. ByS.Sanders. [P. J/. J/a don, 1784. Pt. Svo. The Fair Syrian : A Novel. don, 178.5. Pt. Svo. James Wallace : A Novel. In Three Volumes. London, 1788. Pt. Svo. Man as he is : A Novel. In Four Volumes. London, 1702. I'imo. Hermspring : or. Man as he is not : A Novel. In Three Volumes. London, 1796. Pt.Svo. [Three of the above Novels are reprinted in Ballan- iyne's Norelists' Library, witii Biography By Sir W. Scott. One in Mrs. BarbanhVs British Novelists, with a Biography.] Biographies in: — Chalmers' Biog. Diet.; Vict. Nat. Bioy; Chambers' Encvclopaedia ; and Cyclopaedia of Eng. Lit. ; Pitt's Staffs. ; Nighting.ale's Staffs. : Fletcher's Dis- tinguished Alumni of Derby School, 37 — 12 ; .Midland Weekly News (Wolverhampton), .Sept., 1890; Simpson's Derby, II., 5.")+ ; Hutton's Derbyshire, 296 ; Press and St. Jameses Chronicle copie*! in Derby Mercury, 2.5th Oct., 1871 ; Scott's Misc. Works (18.34). HI., 441 ; Biographe Univer- selle (1811), III., 211 ; Quarterly Review, XXXIV., 367. Bagoeley, William, b. Silverdale, 15th Aug., 1813 ; killed in an explosion of fire-damp there, 7th July, 1870. Obituary. By Thos. Speed. [P. J/. .1/a^. (1871). 375, 376.] Bagos, C. M., M.D. Funeral operations ... at the obsequies of the Lady Gwendoline Talbot, Princess Borghese. Rome, 1841. Svo., pp. 26. Baqgcley, George Thomas, Printer, b. New- castle, 1860; «. of Henry and Mary Bagguley ; educated at Middle Sch., Xewcastle ; Appren- ticed to Mr. David Dilworth, Printer ; bought business on death of Mr. Frederick Dilworth (which see), Cbristmas, 1889 ; m. Miss Rogers, of Liverpool. The Firejly. Magazine of the High School. 1890. Svo. St. George's Parish Magazine, 1890. Keete Parish .Magazine, 1890. F. E. Kitchener's Farewell Address. [ S<« Kitchener (F. E.).] Private Prayers, by Rev. F. C. Stamer. [S« Stamer (Rev. F. C.).] ■ Trans. Sorth Staffs. Min. and Mech. Enq., 1890, 1891. Reports of .\;rth Staffs. Field I 'luh. 1S9II. The Fossil Flora of North Staffordshire Coallield. BAGGULEY (36) BAGOT [.See Wiinl (John); Wardle (Thos.) ; Sawyer (A. R.) ; (Collins (U.T.); Kcele Agriciiltural Society ; Phillips fH.); ! Dakyns (G. D.).] ! Bagodley, Rev. William, Ntnv Connexion Minister. Report of Meetings held at Lougtou and Stone. [AV«' Coil. Mii'i. (\M-1). 77— 7!!.] Oliitnary of Thomas Cooper, of Lonfjton. [/ft., 118.] ] Letter on the Longton Circuit, March. 1842. [/6.. l.ili —58.] Bagley, Rev. Georpre. b. Rowley Regis, 1808 ; Primitive Metliodist Minister, IXtli Jnly, 1833 — 5!> ; d. Siirewsbury, 24tli Oct.. 18.5!l. Obituary. By Rev. S. Morris. [/'. .l/..l/n, 1(1, 17, 20, 32. 35, 39, 47.(10, (11, 74. 82, 84. 87, 105, 117, 118 120, 121, 121), 132, 131, 135. 142. 173, 1711, 182, 18(;, 197. 201. 2ot, 20.5, 2(J(1, 208. 230, 24(1. 2(19, 270, (pt. 2) 25, (15 : V., (pt. 1 1 .58, 74, 90, 107, 109, 112, 141, 152, 157. 1(12, 170, 172, 173, 175, (pt. 2) 3, 4, 2(1, 27, 28. (10, 73, 84, 114, 197, 2tl9, 337, 311 : VI., (pt, 1 ) (1. 7. l.-i. 17, 18. 20, 21, 23, 24, 27. 31, 32. 48. 52. (11. (12. (14, (1(1, 72, 7.5, 77, 78, 89, 102, 118, 141. 158. 170. 185, 190, 203, 205, 210, 215, 221, 233, 250, 2(18,275, 278, 295. 297, 299 : VII., (pt, 1 ) 8, 18. i;), 25, 34, 45, 47, 50, 55, (15, (1(1. 09, 71. 75, 79, 80, 97, W. 101, 102, 112, 113, 11.5, 139. 185, 20(1. 242, (pt. 2) 3, 4, 141, 142. 144 : VIII.. (pt. 1 ) 5, 21, 24. 2(1, 27. 37. 40. 50. 57. 58, S8, 110, 130, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 147. 150. 158, 100, 101. 105, 177, 180, 184. 187. 19.5, (pt. 2) 17. 34, .35, 30, 105«, l|o», 112, 12(1, 127. 128, 132, 142, 143: I.K., (pt. 1) 4, 25, 2:i, 5(1, 0.3, 89, 93, 95, 104 : X., (pt. 1 ) 8, 12, (17, 73, 88, 89, 122. 120 : Bodl. Lib.. 834, V., 1, f 34— 4J ; Sleigh's Leek. (2ud ed.) 51, 143, 103. 172, 189, 190, 191, 194; Letters of, Salt Lib., see Cat. 478.] Bagot, Hervey. h. Checkley, 8th Feb., 1590 ; s. of Walter Bagot ((/. 16tli March, 1622); Governor of Lichfield, &c. ; resided at Trescote Grange, Wolverhampton, to 1620; (I. Field Hall,' Leigh, 27th Dec, 1670; bur. Blithfield. Letters from and to, and Order.s in Council, itc, under the Cromwelliau Government relating to him. [Pt-ties Lord Bagot,] A large number are printed in •'Mem. of Bagot Family," 58—70. Bagot, Sir John (Sir William, see Diet. Nat. Bincj.) of Blilhtield. Governor of Calais in reign of Richard IL; with Sir .John Busbye and Sir Henry Green formed Shakspeare's "Busby, Bagot, and Green": committed to the Tower of London, first year of Henry IIL [Shakespeare's Richard II. ; Erdeswicke's Staffs. Memorials of Bagot Family : Chetwyn's MS.S. Ingestre ; Hist. MSS. Commission (Lord Bagot's MSS.); Proceeilings of Council, I., pp. xxi., 77, 78 ; B'oedera. vii., 844 : Thomas of Wals (RoUsSeries), ii., 224. 232, 232; Chronique de la Traison (Eng. Hist. Soc, 184G) 17. 24: Trokelowe. 200. 223, .304, ;i05. .308 ; Clans I. H.. IV.: Stnbb's Const. Historv (1878), iii. 19.] Baoot, Josceline. 6. Ashtead Park, Surrey, 22nd Oct., 18,54 ; s. of Col. Charles Bti.got, of Elford ; educated Eton ; Captain Grenadier Guards ; A.D.C. to Governor-General of Canada, l,s«2— 83, 1888— 8mhrld//i' tf- Son. 1854. Roy. 8vo. The -Vtnneinent, an Argument. (Posthumous). Lon- don : Gronnihridgt' and .Son. 1800. Fcp. 8vo. Correspondence with the Right Rev. Richard, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. By the Ten. Archdeacon Donison. 1854. 8vo. Portraits in Oil. penea All Souls' Coll., Ox., and the Dowager Viscountess Downe. [Palmer's Events, connected with the publication of the Tr.acts for the Times, 80— (i ; Mud. Enij. Bioq.. I., col. 12o ; Diet. Xnt. Bio;/., II., 3;)1), 400 ; Gentleman's Magazine, 18,54 ; Brown's Annals of Tractarian Movement, 18G1 ; Oakeley's Tractarian Movement. ,51. .52 ; Mozley's Reminis- cences, I., 442 ; Brit. Mus. Cats.; Bricknel's Judgement of Bishops, 11.25—27, 12.S— 25. 142 — 14, 150. 151. 1(!4— GO ; 275, .S8!l, 529. 530, 504— GO, 012, G13, G25, G2G, G2!1, G37— 39.] Bagot, Sir Walter, h. 21st March, 1044; d. 15th Feb., 1704. Portrait of. By Richard Wright. [Penes Lord Bagot.] Bagot, Sir Walter Wagstaffe. b. 1702 ; d. 20th Jan., 17G8. Portrait as a boy. [Pene.-: Lord Bagot.] Portrait of his wife, Lady Barbara. [76.] Head of. By Sir Joshua' Reynolds. [76.] Bagot, William. 1st Lord ; b. 28th Feb., 1 728 ; educated Repton Sch.; M.A. Ox., 1749 ; M.P., Staffordshire, 1754—80 ; m., 1700, Hon. Louisa St. John, dau. of John, Viscount St. John ; created Lord Bagot, 17X3 ; d. London, 22nd Oct., 1798 ; bur. Blithfield. Abstract of title of, to estates in Staffordshire, 1757. MS., pp. 30, fol. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 22.] Three Speeches by him, delivered in Parliament. [MS. pene.s- Lord Bagot.] Two Letters. [Printed in "Mem. of Bagot Family," 90,92.] Epitaph on Dr. Townson, at Malpas. [lb.. 94, 95.] Poetical Ejiistle to his brother, the Bishop of St. Asaph. Spring. 1793. [76., 9G, 97.] Head of. By Sir Joshua Reynolds. [Penes Lord Bagot.] Portraits of — and Lady Bagot. By Opie. [76.] B.viiOT, William, Tjord. b. Bruton Street, Lomlon, lltii Sept., 1773; .9. of William, 1st Baron Bagot ; educated Eton, and ILit. Ch. Ch., Ox., 10th Nov., 1791 ; 2nd Baron liagot, 22nd Oct., 1798 ; created D,C,L„ llth June, 1X31 ; F.S.A.; F.L.S.; F.H.S.; F.Z.S.; d. Blith- field, 12th Feb., 1850. Memorials of the Bagot Family. Compiled in 1823. Blillitifld, 1824. 4to. 75 copies privately jirinted. Oliituary. [Illustrated London Xeirs, (18.5G) 134.] Portrait. Memorials of Bagot Family. [Mod. Eng. Biog., I., 124 ; Diet. A'n^ Biog., II., 400 ; Gentlemati's Magazine, N.S., xlv., 422 ; Ann. Reg. XCVIII., 2,39,] [The Compiler tenders his thanks to the RiBht Hon, Lord Bftgdt, Kev. L, K, C. Bfij,'ot, aiui Captain Josceline Bagot, M,P., for information as to the Bagot Fiimily.] Bagot's Bromley. Deeds relating to, very ancient, but undated, 200 in number. [Penes Lord Bagot,] Deeds relating to, 1st Edw. I. to 1st James I., 374 in number. [/6.] Baoshaw, J. and W. Morris. Potters from Tun stall. Introduced Primitive Methodism into Newcastle-on- Tyne in 1822. [P. M. Mag. (1884), 27, 485.] Baoshaw, Samuel. History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Derbyshire, with the Town of Burton-on-Treut with a coloured sheet map. Shejield, 1846. 8vo., pp. x., 702. Baoshawe, George. Innkeeper ; Deputy Bailiff, 1500; Bayliff of Lichfield, 15(19, 1577, 1580; Sheriff, 1504. A Catalogue of all the Bayliffs and Sheriffs that have been in the Citty of Lichfield since the incorporation there- of ; first collected by George Bagshawe, sometime Cittizen and Baylift'e of the said Citty ; after whose decease John Bagshawe, his sonne, Canon residentiarii of Lichfield, con- tinued the same, and at the cost of Mr. Robert Hill and Mr. Francis Woodd, the Bayliffs, wrote the same into this booke as follows. [Bodl. Lib., 1521, f. 76 — 96, (see .also ib., 855, 140, 227).] Bagshawe, Rev. John. b. Lichfield ; s. of George Bagshawe, sometime Bayliff of the City ; Preb. of Gaia Major, 7th May, 1509—90; Preb. of Cohvich, 23rd Feb., 1589—1005; Canon Residentiary of Lichfield Cathedral. Continued List of Bailiffs and Sheriffs begun by his son [see Bagsliawe (George)j and wrote the same out in the books now in Bodl. Lib. (see above). Printed in Har- wood's Lichfield. 419 — 29. [Harwood continued the list from IGSO — where Bagshawe's list ends — to 180G ] [Harwood's Lichfield, 221, 232, 419—29.] Baildon, William Paley. b. Newcastle, 1859 ; s. of Joseph Baildon, Esq., J. P.; Barrister- at-Law, Lincoln's Inu ; P.S.A. Note. — Am Collecting Material for a History of Baildon, Yorks, and the Baildon Family. [ Yorks. N. t^ (l,l..M.] Blount's Yorkshire Tenures. Contributed by. [lb., 211-23,228-32.] Early History of Howley, Yorks. [76., II., 105—20.] The Cla])ham Family. Being a reply to W. P. Baildon. Bv"J. A. C." [/6., 171— 74.] " Ilklev. [Ib., 250. 251.] The Boilings and the Thorners. [fi., 278, 279.] Gallows at Otley. [ I'orfo. Mag., 8G.] The EUand Feud. [ J'ori-.s. Archteol. Jour. v.] The Old Baile. [76.] Edited :— Select Civil Pleas. Vol. I. : being Vol. III. of Seldon Soc. Loud. Quaritrli. 1800. (Jointlv with F. W. Maitland), The Court Baron. Vol. IV. of Seldon Soc. Lond. Quaritch. 1892. BAILEY (39) BAKER Bailey, David, b. BiMail-laiies, Si'dyley, 25th Oct., lHfi4 ; «. of John Bailey, Charterinaster ; educated at private school of Mr. James Penrose, Bilston, and Baptist C(j1I., Regent's Park ; m., 1M,0'J, Jaue Catherine Redman ; keeps Private School, Alice Street, Bilston. Tlie Truck System : A Book for Masters and Workman. London: Fred. Pitman, 20, I'uternoater Row, E.C. 1850. 8vo., pp. 24. E.xereises in Spelling and Pronunciation on an entirely new plan, comprising a .selection of pieces from the best slandaril authors, adapted to promote the growth of the mind in what is pure and noble, and phonetically exprcsr^ed according to the most approved style of speaking. J.^)ndon : F. Pitman, Bath: Igauc Pitman, Phonetic institute. 1S61. rimo., pp. 4H. The Testimony ov Jesus ; or, Plain Proofs from the Old and New Testament compared, that the Lord Jesus Christ iz the one only God ov heven and erth in Whom iz the Divine Trinity ov Father, Son. and Holy Spirit. " For the Testimony ov Jesus iz the s)iirit ov profesy," — Rev. xix., 10. London: Fred. Pitman. Bath: Kizah J^itman, Phonetic Institute. 1SS4. 12mo., pp. I'A ; cheap ed., 1884. [Mr. Bailev has contributed to the Phonetic Journal, 18i;0— 85; A'ew Church Maijazine, 1887, 1888, 18.12: the Intellectual Pepofitori/, 187.7, 187»»; and Slorning Liijht, 1891, 18'J2.] B.\iLEV, Rev. John, educated St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1854 ; M.A., 1H57 : Curate of Walsall, 1844— 58 ; Perpetual Curate of St. John, The Pleck, 1858— ti3 ; Vicar of Grosniont, 18G3 — 79 ; of Ebber3ton-2<».-AlIen, Yorks., 1879. An Address to the Walsall Sunday School Teachers' Association, at their First Meeting held at the Blue Coat Schooi Room, Walsall, on Monday, April 20th, 1857. Published by Request. Walsall: J. H. Robinson, Steam Printing Worts, The Bridge. 1857. Fcp. 8vo., jip. lli, printed wrapper. Bailey, Rev. — . Congregational Minister, Lane End. Speech. [New Con. Mag. (1829), ,'!04, .'iOo.] Bailev, Thomas Ridley, b. Durham, Oct., 1859; a. of R. Bailey, Esq.; educated privately Edin. Univ.; M.B. and CM., Edin., 1SS2 ; M.L). (with honours), Edin., 1887; Member of the (jfeneral Council of the University of Edin.; Member of the British Medical Associa- tion, and Society of Medical Officers of Health ; Medical Officer of Health, Bilston ; Surgeon to 3rd V. B. South Staffs. Regiment ; Surgeon to G. W. Railway ; m., 1885, a clau. of F. Squires, Esq., of Ealing. Annual Reports to Local Board on the Health of Bilston, 1885— 111. 8vo. Cure of Aneurism of the Abdominal Aorta. [The Lancet, 1891.] On Typhus Fever. [Public Health, 1892.] Bailey, W., Hanley. The Displeasure of God against Sabbath Breakers, and His regard for those who observe the Holy Dav, Illus- trated by a variety of Examples. Hanley: T. Allbut. [Four editions are known to have been issued.] Bailyk, Rev. Hugh. b. Lichfield, 17fil ; s. of William Bailye, Printer ; educated Lichfield Gr. Sch. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 1st Julv, 1778; B.A., 17.S2 ; M.A., 1802 ; Vicar of lianbury ; Prel). Gaia Elinor, 5th Xov., 1802 ; Canon Resilentiary of Lichfield; (/.June, 1833. Sonnets in memorv of the Rev. Hugh Bailye. Canon of Lichtield, who died June, 1833. By the Rev. Richard Polwhele, Truro. [Gent.'s .Mag., CIII. (I833),pt. IL, 160.] Letters from Canon Bailye to Rev. R. Polwhele. [76., 12C— 28, 231, 232, 411— M.] [Harwood's Lichfield, 231 ; Bibl. Comub.] Bailye, R., Printer, Lichfield. [.Sec Horbery (Rev. Matthew, D.D.).] Bainbrioge, John Natlian, M.D. ; Medical Officer of Health, St. Martin's, London ; wit- ness on trial of William Palmer. Evidence. [Verbatim Report of Trial, 185li, pp. loli, 157.] Baines, (Sir) Edward. The Social, Educational, and Religious State of the Manufacturing Districts ; with statistical returns of the means of education and religious instruction in the manu- facturing districts of Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Cheshire. In two Letters to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. ; with an appendix. Second edition. Leeds: Baines if Newsome. 1843. 8vo., pp. 7AM!<. Printers, &c., Market Place, Uttoxeter. A Selection of Psalms and Hymns. Uttoxeter: Bake- well and Adams. 1834. Duo. 18:U. Register of the Electors within the Northern Division of the County of Stafford .... Ulloxeter : Printed bg Bakewell and Adams, n.d. Oblong 4to., pp. 186. [White's Staffs., 1834.] Printers, Burton-on- Bakewell and Adams. Trent. A Selection of Psalms and Hymns used in the Holy Trinity Chapel, Burton-on-Trent. Psalm xcvi., ], 2. Burtou-on-Trent : Printed and Sold bi/ Bakewell and Adams. MDCCCXLl. 18mo., pp. 2C0 : Index, &C. vii. Bakeweli-, Isaac, b. Lane End, 15th Atig., 1807 ; d. Oldham, loth Nov., 1862. Biography by John Dunibell. [P. M. Mag., (I8G.?) 4-19— .^1. J Bakewell, James Glover. Managing Director of Mossfield Colliery Co.; Town Councillor of Lougton ; Alderman. Explo.-sions in Mines and the Mines Regulation Act, 1872. [ Trans. Xorlh Ulajl's. Min. and Mech. Kng., V., 31— 311.] Discussion, [lb., 40 — J, 96—1 1 1.] Bakewell, Rev. John. b. Staffs. ; Xew Con. Minister. The Sunday Scholar at Home and Abroad. London : S. T. .S. 1S4.3. 12mo. On the Divine foreknowledge as connected with con- tingent action [.Vcic Con. Mag. (1827), 6.3,64]. On the Nature of the Death threatened to Adam [i6.. 290, 291]. On the Knowledge of God as diffused among the >tation by means of the Jews [i6. (182s), 74, 76]. On the Enmity betwixt the Jews and Samaritans [i7>.. 1.54. \ii\]. On the Education of Ministers [i4., 289, 290], On the Fitness of Man to receive a Revelation [i6., 377, .378]. On the In- sufficiency of Reason, to discover the means of Recon- ciliation with God lib. ( 1829), 248 — 50]. On the Religion of Egypt [i'4.. .'148, 549]. On Envy: A Fragment [ib. (1830)', 148-51], The Character of Heathen Gods [ib., 466, 447]. The Polytheism of Ancient Heat hens [iA.( 1831), 203, 204]. Objections and Arguments against the Doc- trine of Universal Restoration : An Essay (Lane Delph, 1st Nov., 1X31) lib.. 462—68, ,502—6]. On "Universal Res- toration and the word Everlasting (Lane Delph, 17th Nov., 1831) [i'6.. .534, 537]. Obituary of Sarah Bagguley [t6., 555]. Memoir of Mrs. Hilditch [ift. (1832), 4.5 — 50]. Canon. &c.. of the New Testament (Lane Delph. 14th June, 1831) [ib., 196—98]. Obituary of Mr. Bradley [I'A. (1834), 38]. Obituary of Maria Marten, Hannah M.arten, and N. Barnsdell, of Nottingham [ib., 73 — 5]. Answer.^ to Queries [16. (1835). 10.3. 1041. Obitu-iry of Mr. R. B. Robinson [I'fc.. 116. 117]. The Ciood Minister of Christ: A Charge delivered to the Revs. J. Flather. T. Boycott. G. Orme. and J. Wilson. Jun., at Sheffield, 20th May, 1812 [16. (1842), 299— .303. .344 — 18. 379—861. The Sundiy Scholar at Home and Abroad [ .'^undag .'School .Wag. (1X42 1 ]. Address as President of Conference [.\'ew Con. .Win. ( 1844 ). 74 — 8] ; to Irish Conference [lA., 78 — 50] ; to Canadian Conference [ib., 80—2]. Editor of A>«' Con. .\fag.. 1816 — 56 : Jurenile Man.. 1846—56. Bakewell, Mrs. Mother's Practical Guide to the Early Training of Children. Ilanleg: T. .illbul. 1826. 18mo., pp 220. Review. \ Xew Con. Mai/., (\»m) 110.] 4th ed. London: . I. Snow. 1862. 12mo. The Lord's Pr.ayer Explained and familiarly Illns- trateil for the use of Children. London : Darton d- Clark. : 1838. 18mo., pp. 101. Bakewell, Samuel Glover, b. S]iriiig Vale, 1811 ; eldest s. of Thomas Bakewell, of Spring Yale Asylum; educated at Edin. Univ.; M.D., 1833 : removed the Asylum (1; to Oulton, and (2) to Churcli Stretton, Salop ; m. Miss Wainwright, of Cliurch Stretton. An Essay on Insanity, Translated from the Author's ! Latin Inaugural Dissertation composed on that subject and submitted to the Faculty of Medicine in Edinburgh. Pre]iaratory to receiving the Degree of M.D. in the present [ year ....*' Orandum ert ut sit mens sana in corpore I sano." Jur. Sat, 10. .3.56. Edinburgh: Printed bg Neill >^ I Compang. .MDCCCXXXIU. 8yo., 2 leaves, pp. 54. Ded. ' to Thomas Bakewell. Bakewell, Thomas, b. Chcadlo, 17G1 ; Mana- ger of a Tape Mill, belonging to the Messrs. Phillips, of Tean, itc; studied Insanity under two uncles ; bought Spring Vale, Trentham, from the Jervis Family ; established there an Asylum for the Insane, which was very success- ful (ills daughter says 9 cases out of 10 wore cured); m., (1 — 2) Miss Keys: (3) Sarah Glover, of Hanford (b. 1787 : (/. 18th Jan.. 1873, aged 8G) by whom he had eleven children; d. Spring Vale, (ith Sept.. 1835, aged 74 : bvr. St. Michael's Church, Stone, in the Family Vault. [In 1840, the Spring Vale property was soldtotlie Duke of Sutherland for £11,000, and the Asylum removed to Oulton Old Hall. See Samuel Glover Bakewell.] The Domestic Guide to Cases of Insanity, Pointing out the Causes, Means of Preventing, and proper Treatment of the Disorder ; Recommended for private Families, and the Clergy. Hanleg: Printed bg T. .lltbut. 1805. 12mo. Reviews of. [Ladies Museum, May, 1806 ; Critical Reriew, Sept.. 1806 : Brill.'h Critic, Sept., 1806 ; Mnnthhj Iteview, Dec, 1806.] The Moorland Bard : or. Poetical Recollections of a Weaver in the Moorlands of Staffordshire; with Notes. Ilanleg: Printed and Sold by T. Allhut. .Sold also bg H'. Briiton. Paternoster Row, London : and all other Booksellers. 1807. 12mo., 2 vols., pp. (Vol. I.) xvi.. 156 : (Vol. II) vi., 168 ; Tailpieces ; Slip of Errata extra. Ded. to Lord Gower. Pref. signed "T. Bakewell, Cheadle, Staffordshire." [Very rare and valuable.] Remarks on a Publication by James Lock, Esq., en- titled " An Account of the Improvements on thie Estates of the Marquis of Stafford." .... '• Nothing ex- tenuate, nor set down ought to malice." London : Printed for Longman. Ilurst. Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Row. Sold nlsobg .7. Bflcher and Son, Birmingham : .Smart, Wolverhampton ; Silre.^ter. Xewport ; .Moore, .Stone: bg the Author at Spring Vale, and bg all Booksellers. 1820. 8vo., 2 leaves, pp. 3 — 148. "Spring Vale, May 17th, 1820." [Exceedingly rare, having only seen one— my own--and beard of one otber copy in 10 years.] [See Snape (Rev. W.) ; Plant's Cheadle, 63—5, 169.] BALDWIN (■H) BANKS Baldwin, Charles, b. Aqualate Hall, 1730 ; s. of Charles Baldwin, Gent. ; mat. St. Mary's Hall, Ox., '.Itli May, 1747 : created M.A., «th June, 17()1 : D.c'.L.. >Jth Julv, 1773 ; M.P., Salop, 17GC and 1774 ; (J. 28th Sept., 1«01. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.] B.1LDWIN, Martin, b. Coalbrookdale, Salop, 22nd Nov., 17K8 ; Engine -factor at Bradley, 1K09 ; of Lower Bovereux Colliery ; an Inventor ; d. Newbridge Crescent, Wolverhampton. KUh Feb., 1X72. [.UoJ Eng. Blog., I., col. 141.] B.\LD\vix, Thomas. Chief Engineer of Mutual Boiler Insurance Co., Manchester. Paper, " On Boiler Explosions," read before the Xorth .Stiffs. M. ilech. Engineers at Stoke, 6th Oct., I87!l. [ Trans.. IV., 134 — !«.] Discussion. [/6., 147 — lil : V., 27, 2»<, 42— 48.] Baldwin', William. A Mirrour for Magistrates. New corrected and aug- mented. Anno l.o71. [With Poems on the Death of Edmund, Duke of Somerset. . . On that of H. Stafford, Duke iif Buckinfrham. With an Introduction bv T. Sack- ville, Earl of Dorset. Edited by W. B.] Printed bi/ Thomas Marshe. London, loll. B.L., 4to. Epistle, 2 leaves ; Table, 1 leaf ; Brief llemoriall, 2 leaves ; f 's., 168 ; at end, '* Imprinted at London by Thomas Marshe.^' Balev (Baile), Nathaniel. Probably b. Lich- field, and s. of William Baley, a former Preb. of Gaia Major ; A.M. : Preb. of Gaia Major, Lichfield, 2isth Sept., 16(50—66. Lichfield .A.nthems. [Harwood's Lichfield, 232.] Ball, Rev. John. b. Cassington, Ox., Oct., 1585; g. of William Ball ; educated Brasenose Coll., Ox., 1602 ; B.A. (St. Jolin's Coll.) ; M.A. ; Curate of Whitmore, 1610 to death ; Tutor to Lady Cholmondeley's children, Vale Royal, Cheshire, ICIO ; d. 20th Oct., 1640, aged 55 ; bur. Whitmore. The Power of Godliness, both Doctrinally and Practi- cally handled, whence the Xature, Parts, and Properties of a Godly Life are discovered by Scripture Evidence. Au- thority." ic. London, 1627. foL Ditto. London, 1657. A Short Treatise concerning all the Principal Grounds of the Christian Religion. London. 14th ed. London, 1S32. Trans, into the Turkish Language by William Seavan : tenth Impression. Printed by Wifliam .Stam^bi/, and arc to be ."^o/d by Samuei Bruster. London, 1635. 8vo. Table and preface, a leaves, pp. 342. A Treatise of Faith. Divided into two parts. The First shewing the Xature ; the Second, The Life of Faith. London, 1621. 4lo. [With recommendatory preface to the reader signed •■ R. Sibbes."] Printed by G. .Miller, for K. Brewster. London, 1632. 4to. Pref., 2 leaves ; Tables. &c., 14 leaves ; pp. 428. Alphabetical table at end, 25 leaves. 2nd ed. London, 1637. 4to. A Friendly Triall of the Grounds Tending to Separa- tion. In a Plain and Modest Dispute. Printed by R. Daniel, Cnmbridije, for E. Brewster, London. 1640. 4to. Pref., 7 leaves ; pp. 314. An Answer to Two Treatises of Mr. .John Carr. The First entitled " A Necessity of Separation from the Church of England proved by the Non-conformist principle": and the other, " .\ Stray against Straying ": wherein in opposi- tion to Mr. John Robinson he undertakes the lawfulness of many of the Ministers of the Church of England. Published by Simeon Ash. London. 1642. 4to. Trial of the New Church way in New England and Old. London. 1644. 4to. A Treatise on the Covenant of Grace. Published by Simeon ,ish. L^jndon. 1645. 4to. A Treatise on Divine Meditation. Published by Simeon Ash. London, 1660. 12mo. [Brooks' Puritans. II.. 440—44 : MS. Chronologv. II., .395: III., A.D., 164"; Clark's Lives. 148— .52 ; Fuller's Worthies. II., 33'.i ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon.. II.. 670; Watts' Bibl. Brit. : Kippis's Bioy. Brit. ; Ball's Works ; iJicl. .Vat. Bioy.. III., 75: Pitt's Staff.s. ; Nightingale's Staffs.; Cox's St.att's. ; White's Staffs. (1834. 1851); Calamy's Account, II., 3116, 3'.)7 : Xon.-Con. Mem. ( 1802). I., 326 : il., 272—74 ; Neal's Puritans, I., 523 ; a Beckett's Univ. Biog., I. ; Gorton's Bioy. Diet., I.] Ballastyn'e's Novelist Libkary. 10 vols., 1821 — 24, 8vo., with Memoirs of Authors. [Dr. S. Johnson's Rasselas, and Memoir, in vol. V.] Balterlev, Balterdeley, Baldrideie, Baldrithelega. Historv of. [Hinchcliffe's Barthomlev. 1.5.5 — 215.] Natural History of. By G. Toilet. Esq. [lb.. 204 — 1.5.] [Jewitfs Ceramic Art.II.. 127. 128 ; Hist. Coll. Staffs., lU. (pt. 1), 221 : IV. (pt. 2), 77; TL (pt. 1). 51,58, 67, 71, 144, 174 : VU. (pt. 1), 205 : IX. (pt. 1). 52, 78, 93.] Bamford, Edward. Printer, Ashbourne, Derbys. The Complete Guide to Dovedale, Ashbourne, and Ham to which is added an Appendix. Com- prising Lists of Nature Plants, Dovedale Fossils, &c. Illustrated by Engravings expressly prepared for this guide book. Written for the Publisher. Ashbourne: Edward Bamford, Market Place, n.d. r2mo., pp. 104. Woodcuts facing Title and pp. 11, 16, 51, 67. [Staff. References : — Dovedale, 3 — 13 ; Beresford Dale and Isaack Walton, 22, 77, 78 : Okeover ; Gilbert. Earl of Shrewsbury, 49 ; J. W. Russell. 49: Leek. 59 : Dr. John- son, 60 — 3 : Thomas Moore and Mayfield, 6.5 — 7. 90 — 1 ; Ham. 67 — 86 : Throwley Hall. 72 ; Congreve, 72 ; Wetton, 75; Native Plants of Dovedale, 95 — 104.] Six Views of Dovedale and Ham. Engraved on Steel. 8vo. India Proof, 4to. Eight ditto, in colours by Banks & Co. 8 Steel Etchings. Bamford, Mrs. Mary {nee Bradbury), b. Han- ley, 1824 ; d. there 27th Sept., 1868. Obituary. [.Ve«> Con. May., (1869), 180, 181.] Bamford, William. Surgeon at Rugeley, 1803, to death ; A principal witness at the trial of William Palmer, the poisoner, 1856 : d. Rugeley, 17th April, ISS'.t, aged 84. Evidence. [Verb.atim Report of Trial, ( 1856) 164, 165. See also Ward and Lock's Life of Palmer, (1856), 136.] " Banker, A Free Trade." A Letter to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, M.P., on the establishment of a State Bank, the Repeal of the Currency. Measure of 1844, and Free Trade in Bankruptcy. Glasgow, 1S50. 8vo., pp. .52. Baxkes, Thomas Christopher. Genealogist ; d. Greenwich, 30th Sept., 1X54, aged 90. History of the Ancient Noble Family of Marmyon : their Singular office of King's Champion.with Tenure of the Baronial Manor of .Scrivelsby in the County of Lincoln. The whole collected at great expense from' the Public Records, Ac. Loudon: Printed and Published by H. K. Caiiston, Birehin lynie, t'ornhill. 1817. 8vo., Frontis.. pp. viii. (2 leaves blank) 204. (Jenealogical and Historical Account of the Earldom of Salisbury, shewing the Descent of the Barons Audley of Heliegh, from William Lungspe. Earl of Salisbury, son of Henry II., by the Celebrated Fair Rosamond : and shewing also the right of the Baron Audley to the In- heritance of the said Earldom. London, 1S30. Basks, Edward, b. Merridale, Wolverhampton, 24th Aug., 184!» ; s. Edward Banks, J. P., Architect; educated Brewood Gr. Sch.: d. 12th June, 1884. Waifs of Rhyme. (quot:ition from J. G. Whittier. and W. C. Bryant ). t'ornish Brothers. 37. .\ew .'it reel, Birming- ham. .VDiCCLXXXIW Cr. 8vo., pp. xi., 134. [Posthumous Publication. Pref. signed " W. D., Wolverhampton. Sept., 1884." Contains ijesides his own BANKS (42) BARKER poem '• A Sonnet, In Memoriam," signed "J. C, Birming- ham, 18XI."] Wrote Letterpress to Fiillwood's '• Old Wolverhamp- ton." Poems : On the Summit of St.igbury. [The Amnleur,!., 9, 101: After a Summer Sunset, [ifc., 31, :i-}}: The Parting, [ib.. !». 7!']; The Churchyard of Tettenhall, [;6., 1114— 200]; Hilda, [.'A., 2ttti.] Baxks, John. Dramatist. The Unhappy Favourite or, the Earl of Essex. A Tragedv. London : Printed for W. Fowki, at Rotten IJend^ the Corner of Kfnex Street,' in the Strand. .V/i''C.\'.\\'. 12mo., pp. 9t>, 2 leaves extra. Banks, William, h. Wolverliam))ton, '2oth Sept., 1823 ; removed to StafforJ, 1833 : d. there 2 1 st March, 1875. Obituary, bv Rev. Joseph Shenton. [P. M. Maij., (1870), 750, 751.] Banner, Rev. Benjamin, h. Dawsbury, Cheshire; s. of Thomas Banner, Farmer ; cdncateil Man. Gr. Seh., 31st Ang., 17G7; Brasenose Coll., O.K.; B.A., loth Oct., 1776 : M.A., 2u(l June, 177!) ; Fellow ; Rector of Didcot, Berks., 1793 ; lived mostly at Lichfield, where he d.oi apoplexy, 2.")th May, lnl7. Obitu.irv. [Gent's Mag. (1817), 285. .See also Smith's Man. Seh. Reg., I., 140.] Bannister, Rev. John. h. York, 2.")th Feb., ISlO; T.C.D.; B.A., 1844; M.A., 1852; LL.B. ami LL.D., 186(! ; Perpetual Curate St. Day, Cornwall, 18.")7 to death ; d. St. Day, 30th Aug., 1873. En^Iish-Comish Dictionary, being a copy of Dr. Johnsfm's Dictionary interleaved with Cornish and other Equivalents. [Brit.'JIus., Egcrton JISS., 2;t2'.i.] Barbkr, Charles, b. Birmingham ; settled in Liverpool ; President of Institute of Arts, 1813 ; Painter in Water Coloui-s ; d. Liver- pool, Jan. 18.^4. A View of Dovedale. Barker, S., Tunstall. Description of the Tunstall Tract Distribution Society. [P. M. May. (I822j, 280, 281.] Barber, Thomas, h. Nottingham, 17C8 ; re- sided at Derbv ; d. Nottingham, 12th Sept., 1843. Portrait of Rev. J. Jackson, D.D., Member of the Lich- field Linnxan Society. Barber, Rev. William. Wesleyan Minister at Newcastle, 18X0 — 83. Obituary of Mr. Henry Farr, coach-builder, Newcastle. [Wes. Mng., O.S., VI. (Aug. 1882), 6.38, 6.TO.] Barbor, Walter, Coventry. Arms of ye corporate bodies in the countie of Stafford, as well .13 of the various noble families who have held possessions in ye said countie, bv me. Walter Barbor of Coventrie, this -Ito. MS. book. [Salt Lib., »e« Cat. 9.] Bardell, Edward, Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., loil, (B) 58.] .Baretti, Giuseppe, Marc' Antoni. b. Turin, 25th April, 1719 ; came to London, 1751 ; very intimate with Johnson in the years 1751 —60, 1766—70, 1771—76. Italian and English Dictionary. London, 1760. -ItO. (Introduction written by Dr. Johnson). Barkork & Nbwitt, Printers, Queen Street, Wolverhampton, begun by Mr. Barford. [Walter Barford. b. Gayhurst, Bucks, 23rd April, 1834 ; s. of Thomas Barford, and Ann, iiis wife ; educated Brackley Gr. Seh.: Secretary to Athenaeum Reading Room, 1866 — 69 ; Tradesmen's Association, several years ; Caiu- liriflge Local Exaniinatidn, 18()8 — 8!) ; m. Sarah Ann Ro.se ; d. Ifilh Dec. IXM'.).] A Romanist's First Doubts «f Romanism, and how he came to abantlon the System. Wolcerhainpton : Barford and A'euill. IHIiO. 8vo.'. pp. 18. Thirtieth Annual Report of the Wolverhampton Chamber of Commerce. tSSJ. 12mo.. pp. 4.3. Municipal Year Book. I.s70 to date. 12mo. and 8vo. [.See Xewitt (W. E.), Rushton (J.), Lawlev (G. T.), Baker (J. P.). Cnderhill (A.), Osborne (H. J.). Stokes (Rev. H. P.), Dale (Rev. H.), "A.P.." HuUey (J.», Law- lev's Biblio. of Wolverhampton, .Stanley (H.). Hickman (Sir A.), Bauman (0.), Hall (J. W.).] Barker, — , Bath. b. Pontypool, 1769; d. Bath, 1847. [His Paintings used very largely on Staffordshire Earthenware, and China.] Barker, Rev. David. The Juvenile Exemplar; or. Christian Graces and Duties, illustrated by example, in order to Ie.id the young to Hapjtiness and Salvation. Ilanley : T. Allbnt. Sold by T. Westley t^- Davis, lymdon ; and at the Metho*list A'eto Connexion Bool-room. 1820. 18mo., pp. 242. Review of. [Neir Con. .Mag. (1829). 471, 472.] The Parent's Monitor. On Reading the Scriptures in Public Worship. [New Con. Mag. (1822). 441)— .50 ; 477—87.] Memoir of Richard Broadbent. [/i. (1824), 89—9.3.] Of Mrs. Wynne. [Ib. (18.37 ), 89— 92.T The Prospects of Christian Churches and Ministers of the Gospel in the Life to come. [/6. 179 — 8i;, 224 — 27.] Thoughts on Ruth. II.. 11, 12. [fb. 422—20.] Life of Mrs. Taylor. [lb. (1828;, 177—81.] Of Theophilus Holt, of Du'xley, near .\shton. [fb. 181—85.1 Extracts from the Diary of Daniel Bradshaw. [lb, 441 — 15. 48.5—88.1 Obituary of "Thomas Lerrick. [fb. (1829), .5.52. .5.5.3. Of John Warbrick (6. Dukinfiekl). [lb. ( 18.30), 470—73. Notice of Death of Rev. D. B.irker. [lb. ( 1831). 17li. Obituary, [fb. 209, 210, .313.] Letter of. [lb. (1832)', 116. 117;] Wheat and Chaff : A Meditation bv. [/*. 337—39.] A Plea for Ireland, [lb. .382, .'WS.] Sunday School Scholars on leaving Schools too fre- qaentlv neglected, [lb. .530—32.] Memoir (by W. Shuttleworth). [lb. (1836), 333—39, 416 — 25. 461 — (j8, 564 — 69.] Obituary. [New Con. Min. ( 1831 ), 4.] Barker, George. Printer, Silverdale. Rules of the Millbank Colliery .Sick and Dividend Club: established May 18th. 1867. Silverdale: Printed at the Office of G. Barter, Church Street. 1870. 12mo. pp.4. Barker, Henry Theodosius. b. Wolverhampton, 23rd April. 1841 : s. of John Barker, Esq., of Clevelatjd House, (High Sheriff, 1846) ; edu- cated Cheltenham College ; Captain Staffs. Yeomanry, 1861 — 80; m. Constance May, dau. of Henry Hodges, Esq., of Lndlow. A .Short History of Glass, ti.p., pi., or d. 4to., pp. 12. [Privately printed by A. Hinde. 1880.] Barker, John W. Printer, Snow Hill, Wolver- ham])ton. Barker's Wolverhampton Trades' Directory and Guide : A Handbook for Traders, Ratepayers, and Visitors. BARKER (43) BARNARD Wolverhampton ; Publhhed by John \V. Barker^ 11, Snow //ill. n.J. (1»»7). 8vo. pp.. xxii, 117; Adver. xxiii. — Ixx. IjARKEK, Rfv. Joseph, h. Branilcy, York*., lltli May, liSOO ; Methodist New Connexion Minis- ter, 182!t — 41, when he was expelled for Socinianism ; Town Conneillor, Leeds, 1848 ; Printer at Wortley, Yorks., 1846 — 51 ; in AuuM-ica, 18.j1 — CO ; on his return joined the Primitive Methodists at Tunstall ; retnrned to Anierica, IXOM ; m. Miss Salt, of Betley ; (I. Omaha, Nebraska, lltli Sept., 1875 ; from lX:iO — 32, lived in Hanley and Newcastle : IKGo— 02, at Betley ; 18t;;^— CM, at Wolver- hampton, Bilston, Tunstall, &c. ; c/. Omalia, U.S.xV., 15th Sept., 1875 ; bur. there. An Address to those persons who spend the Holy Sabbath without attending the House of God : By Joseph Barker, one of the Ministers of the Ebenezer Chai>el, New- castle. »./>.. pi., or d. 8vo., single sheet, liepriuted New Con. Mag. (1829), 426, 427. Discussion between the Rev. .1. Barker and the Rev. J. Campbell on Socialism .... in Hanlev. Ilnnley : T. .■illbiit. 1S20. Svo., pp. 30. The Deceitfulness of Sin : A Sermon on Heb. III. 13. NewcuslU; 1S32. 12mo. Discussion, i-c. with Dr. Cooke. [See Cooke (Rev.W.).] Report of Jfeeting held in Hanlev, 184.5, to congratu- late Mr. Jose|)h Barker on his Discussion with Dr. Cooke. Printed by (Jeorge Turner, Liverpool Road, Stoke-upon- Trent. 12mo., pp. 12. fSee also Minton (Rev. S.), Turner (George).] Various accounts of his Staffordshire experiences will be found in The History and Confessions of a Man, as put forth by himself. Wortley. 1S4G. 8vo. Confessions of Joseph Barker, a convert from Christianitv. London. 1S58. 8vo. The Christian /nrestigator (18«()— C2). The Life of a Man. Barker's Review (18B1. 181)2). Life of Joseph Barker, written by himself. London, 1880. 8vo.] Bakkeu, Miss. b. Congreve. A Welsh Story. Barkei!, Rev. Moses. [See Xews for Saints. Printed by Cheaters (('.)] Barker, Rev. Walter, b. Middlesex ; educated Westr. Sch.; St. John's Coll., Cam., 1562; B.A., 1504—65 : Fellow, 4th April. 1560—76; M.A., i:.i;8 : B.D., 1575 ; Preb. of W^elling- ton, Lichfield, 8th A.ng., 1567 — 76 ; signeil University Statutes, 1572 ; L'niv. Preacher, 1572 ; d. Oct., 1576. Wrote Preface to; — Edw. Grant's Groecje Linguoe Spicelegium. London. 1575. 4to. [Harwood's Lichfield, 2.>S ; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.: Le Neve's Fasti, II.. 1)37; Lansd. MS.. Iii. art. 28: Baker's Hist. S. John's, 3l)2 ; Lamb's Camb. Doc, 358 ; MS. Baker xxiv. IGO ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., i. 357.] Barkkk, Rev. William Gibhs. Educated St. John's, Cam. ; B.A., 1835 : M.A., 1836 ; Curate of Combe St. Nicholas, near Chard, 1835 — 37 ; Abbey Church, Shrewsbury, 1837 — 3H ; St. Mary's, Shrewsbury, 1838—39 ; Head Master Walsall Gr. Sch., 1839—44 ; Perpetual Curate Holy Trinity, Matlock, 1844 — 53 ; Principal C. >I. Children's Home, 1853 — 63 ; Perpetual Curate Holy Trinity, New Barnet, 1863—66. Sermon on Indulgences in "Sermons on Popery." bilston. 1841. Barlastok, Berleston, Berlaston, Berleweston. Print of Barlaston Hall, and Description. [Calvert's ■Views 1 1830).] Miscellanea. [.Salt Lib., see Cat. 393.] [Hist Coll. Staffs. I.. .1(1.177: IIL (pt. 1) 20.3, (pt. 2) 71, 72 : Vl. (pt. 1 ) .i.'). 133, 209. 27ti : VU. ( pt. I ) 75, 98 : VIU. (pt.2)74, 104: X.(pf.I)U2; Jewitt's Ceramic Art., I.. 303: II., .357, 372 ; Wedgewood, 20.5, 337, 371. 375. See Banifield (R.), Keeling (— ). Jewitt (LI.), Scott (W.), Blunt (J. H.), Farmer (Rev. R. C.).] Bari-ixg, Arthur Stanley, b. Windermere, 1 1th Nov., 1K62 ; educated Leeds Gr. Sch.. and Yorks, Coll. ; Eaton Prize in Eng. Lit., 1H81; in Medicine, 1886 ; in Surgery, 188(; ; Medal in Sen. Anat., 1884 ; Thorpe Prize Forensic Med., 1886 ; M.R.C.S., Eng., 1886 ; L.R.C.P., Lond., 1889 ; House Surg. N. Staff. Iiifir., 1888. Hvoscin as a Sedative. [Lancet (1888).] Excision of Fistula in Ano. [/*. (ISthJnly, 1891), 123.] Cyanide Gauze as a Dressing. [Brit. ,\fed. ./ourn. (1890)'.] Barlow, Right Rev. Thomas (1607—91), Bp. of Lincoln. Letter from, to .\shmole, on bis "excellent present of our Universitv Librarv," dated -'Q. Coll., Oxon., Dec. 18, 181)8." [Bodi. Lib., 808, 248a, 7a]; other Letters, [/b. (1131), 280.] Barlow, Rev. William, b. St. Davids ; s. of the Right Rev. William B.iriow (Bishop, 1536—49); educated Balliol Coll., Ox.; B.A., 1564 ; Preb. of Winchester, 15H1 — ; Rector of Easton, Hants., 1577 to death ; Preb. of Lichfield, 1588—89 ; Treasurer, 1589— 25tli May, 1(')25 ; Clip, to Prince Henry, s. of James L; Archd. of Salisbury, 1615 — : il. Easton, 25th May, 1625 ; bur. in the Church. The Navigator's Supply. I^ndon. 1,507. Magnetical Advertisements concerning the nature and property of Loadstones. London. 1618. [To this a Reply was published by Dr. Mark Ridlev. charging him (Barlow) with Phigiarisin. To this Barlow- replied with the following: — ] A Brief Discoverv of the Animadversions of Mark Ridley, M.D. London. 1G18. [Harwood's Lichfield, 202, 221 : Vict. Nat. Biog.. III., 234 : Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., XL, 375 ; Kippis's Biog. Brit. : Hardv's Le Neve's Fasti ; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield Cathedral, 50.] Barlow, Right Rev. William. B.A., 1583—84; M.A., 1587 : Fellow Trin. Hall, Cam., 1590; B.D., J594; D. I). ,1599; Bishop of Rochester, Siith Jan. 1005 — 8 ; of Lincoln, 27th June, Klots — to death ; d. Buckden, 7ih Sept., 1613. A Sermon (on Matt. xxi. 22) preached at Paule's Crosse, on the First Sund:iy in Lent : Martij 1. Itiov., with a short discourse of the late E;irle of Essex, his confession, and penitence. l)efore and ;it the time of his death. By Willi;im Barlow. Doctor of Diviuitie. Whence to is an- nexed a true copie. in substance, of the behaviour, speeche, and prayer, of the said Earle at the time of his execution Printed for .1/. inw. London. 1(101. 8vo., B.L.. Pref., 7 leaves ; signed, William Barlow ; n.p., 31 leaves. Bar.vard, Thomas. b. 1728 ; M.A., Cam.. 1749 : Archd. of Derry, 3rd June, 1761 : D.D., 1761 ; Deau of Derry. 2nd June, 1709 ; Bp. of Killaloe, 2iith Feb., 1780 : of Limerick, 12tli Sept., 1794 ; (/. Wimbledon, 7th June, 1806. (Great friend of Johnson.) Wrote the well-known verse, beginning — Jobiisoii gliall teach me how to place. [For Accounts of his intimacy with Johnson, »ee Croker's Boswell (187t)). IX.. 215 ; Burke's Correspondence, II.. 4o:t— 7. 4i;3 : Walpole's Letters (Cuniugham). VI.. 302; Vict. Sat. Biog., IH., 241.] BARNES (44) BARR Barnes, J., Engraver. View of Xewcomen and Savory Steam Engine, near Dudley Castle, from his own Drawing, 171'.>. [Very rare. A copy in BirmiuBbam Free Library and one in Salt Library.] Baunes, John (spcU Bunies in Harwood), and Henry Baker, Bailiff's, of Lichfield, 1066. Letter of Thanks for present of a piece of plate. (Uchfield. 2Glh Jini.lGUIJ.) [Bodl. Lib.. JWC. 104n6. 1_0.).J Printed in Appendix to Memoir of Ashmole, ll'mo. (li U), 847 : and in ditto, 8vo. (1777), .Wi— 8(i. Bauses, Joshua. Letter of Apologv to Ashmole. (Cambridge. 15th Oct , 16SS.) [Bodl. Lib., IISG, L. !:!:!«, VMa.] Ashmole s Answer CJSrd Oct.. Ili88). [Ih.. l.'iim.] Printed in Memoir, r2mo. (1717), '.15—7 ; 8vo. (1777). ;V.14— 1I7. Barneslky, Staffs. Arms of the Baruesleys of Staffordshire. [Bodl. Lib., 8o8. !I8.] Baknet, Rev. John. Preb. St. Paul's, \?>il \ of Wolvcy, Lichfield, 1354 ; Archd. of Lon- don, 13.')0 ; Bishop of Worcester, 1362 — 63; Treasurer of England, 1363—73 ; Bishop of Bath and Wells, 24th Nov., 1363—60 ; of Ely, 15th Dec, 1366 to death : d. Bishop Hatfield, Herts., 7th June. 1373 ; hur. Ely. [Bentham's Elv. 148, 1«.H— Ii5, 287; Godwin's De Prssiilibus, ai!.^: ditto Cit. Bishops of England. 2/(. ; Wharton's Angli. Sacra. I., lifiJ : Le Neve's Fasti. I.. 138, i .^3fi (140 : TL. 321. .'174 : III.. o8 ; Cassam's Bishops of Bath | and Wells. 17U— 74 : Chambers' IIUis. of Worcs. Biog.. 24 : Rymer's FcEdera. VL. 5:18 : Add. JESS., (illj.i, p. 157 ; Did. Kat BioQ., III.. 258 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 255.] ■ I Baunett, William, Newcastle. I Obituary of Mary Rigby (b. Newcastle). [New Con. ,1/0^.(1842), 475.] Barni'IEI.d, Riehard. /). Norbury (baptised 13th June), 1574; s. of Richard I'.arnfield, Gent., of Edamond, Salop, and Maria Skrimshire, of Norbury Manor {(I. 15l-i3) ; mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 27th Nov., 1589 ; B.A., 5th Feb., 1592 ; he resided mostly in Oxford to 1599, when he returned to his country seat at Der- lestoii (Darlaston, near Stone) ; d. there. Mar., 1627 ; bur. St. Michael's Church, Stone, 6th Mar., 1627 ; aged 53. I. The AfEectiouate Shepheard. Containing the Com- plaint of Diiphnls for the Loiie of Gaiii/mede. Amor plus mellis quam fellis, est. London: Printed hij lolin Danter, for TG. and E. A'., and are to bee fold in Saint Dunftone's Church-yeard in Fleet street. 1.504. sm. 4to., 28 leaves. Ded to "Lady Penelope Ritch." Ditto (according to •■Theatrum Poetarum, 181X1," p. 223), 759.5. Ditto (accord- ing to Ritson's Bibl. Poetica:, pp. 124. 125), with Cynthia added. 1506. Reprinted for the Percy Society. Ed. by J Halliwell. F.R.S.. MDCCCXLV. Title page, pp. vi., 51. Ditto. iSre, in Complete Works. Ed. by Dr. Grosart. Ditto, 1SS2. Bv Mr. Arber. In lar. and sm. paper. II. Ci/nthia. With Certaine Sonnets, and the Legend of Cassandra. Quod cupio nequeo. At London : Printed for Humphrey Lownes. and are to bee sold at the M'est doore of Paiiles. 1505. sm. 12mo.. .SG leaves. Ded. to ■' W. Stanley, Earl of Derbv." Reprinted (omitting the Sonnets and the celebrated Ode) by Mr. Vlterson. 1841. [Hi copies, in four of which the omissions were in part supplied.] III. The Encomion of Lady Pecunia : or, The praise of Money. Quffirenda pecunia "primum est, Virtus post nummos.— /forace . . Printed by G. S..for lohn laggard, and are to be solde at his shoppe neere Temple-burre, at the Sinn of the Hand and starre. 1508. IV. The Complaint of Poetrie tor the Death of Liber- alitie. Viuit post funera virtus. Same imprint. V. The Combat, betweene Conscience and Couetous- nesse. in the niindc of Man. Quid non mortalia pectora cogis .\uri .Sacra fames. — Virgil. Same imprint. VI. Poems : In divers humors. Trahit sua quemque voluptas. — I'irt/il. Same imprint. 1508. sm. 4to., 31 leaves. Reprinted by .fames lioawell. at the Archinleek Press, and presented to the - Roj-l/urghe Club." 181G. 4to [Onlv 35 copies. See presentation copy in Brasenose College librarv.] And again, without Poems in Divers HumSrs. By "J. P. Collier. VII. Lady Pecunia: or The Praise of Money. _ Also A Combat betwixt Conscience and Couetousness. Together with The Complaint of Poetrv for the Death of Liberality. Newlv corrected and enlarged by Richard Barntield, Gradiiate in O-xford. Printed by W. /.. and are to bee sold bv John rlodgets. dn-ellinr/ in Panics Churchyard, a little beneath Panics Schoole. 1G05. 4to. Reprinted in a great part in Warton's Historv of Poetry : and wholly by Mr. Arber. 1882. in lar. and sm. paper, with fac-similes in Dr. 6ro.sarfs edition (f(in/ra). ,.„„,,, [In The Passionate Pilgrime (London, laOO), there are two poems by him (taken from the above 15U8 edition), entitled— "If "music and sweet poetry agree," and, "As it fell upon a day."] The Complete Poems of Richard Barnfield. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. D.D.. LL.D.. St. George's, Blackburn. Lancjishire. Printed for the Ro.xburghe Club. London: ./. B. yichols and Sons, 25, Parliament Street. M IXCCLXW I. 4to. Frontispiece (in photo-ink. of Norbury Manor, from Plot, lfi8ii) Title : Vignette title. Members of the Ro.xburghe Club 187(i. Preface, pp. ii. Introduction (in which Dr. Grosart vindicates for Barnfield— against Collier— the authorship of the Ode ^- As it fell upon a day, mis-assiped to Shakespeare : and also gives an excellent account of the Barnfiehls and Skrvmshire, with pedigrees), pp., ">•— =<1'^- Facsimiles of all the original title-pages at pp. 1. oi. l.il, 15B. 1711, 187 : Poems, &c., 240. j [Only 40 copies were printed (none for sale) for the Members 1 of tbe Club.] In "England's Helicon." IGOO. At Sign H., 1 and 2, we have The Vnhwnvne Sheepheard's Complaint. By Barn- .. , , * -. -1 _!.., c^ .,» v"^r frif tVifi .Kf.niiets nrinted with ave I ne t n^-now/ie ../(../y..^... -. .. . / — .- ^ field And also Sonnet -X-V. [of the Sonnets printed with Cvnthia (p. iH )]. at p. 2. Reprinted (and for the first time claimed as Barnfield's) by Dr. Grosart m "Complete Works." 187G. pp. 1SI7, 198. ,,0 • Other Poems (never before printed) from a Mh. in the possession of Sir Charles Isham, Bart., Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire, with fac-similies m Dr. Grosart s edition (ut infra). [It is interesting to note (under IH. to YI especially VL) that Shakespeare's publisher, lolin laggard (folio of 1023), was also Barnfield'.. Also that The Affectionate Sl.cpheard was dedi- cated to Sir Philip Sydney's immortal Stella.] 1 [Hizlitt's Warton, IV., 43il, 440; .A.dd. MSS. (Brit. Mus ) 21487; Harleian MS., 1241 ; Norbury Church Regis- ters • BlLss's Wood's Ath. O.xon.. I.. (WS. i;81 ; Bodl. Lib., 11.53 xii, f. 117a, 118— 1H8. 141« ; Will and Inventory [Probate Court, Lichfield]; Church Register of St. Michael's. Stone; Diet. .\at. Biog.,UIiiyi, 263; Hist. Coll. Staffs.. IL (pt. 2), Hi; Martm s Biblio 3o0, 3/0; Collier's Shakspeare, 1843. Preface ; ditto. Biblio. Account of Rarest Books, &c,. I., 57, 58 ; Edmoud s_ reprint ot The Passionate Pilgrime, Preface ; Fuller's \\ orthies ; Com- plete Works of Barnfield, 187B,] [Private information from the Kev. A. B. Grosart, D.D., LLD.] Barr, Barre. [Hist. Coll. Staffs., I., no, 190,194,202; III. (pt 1) 'M, 85. 145-9. 150-9, 109. 161, 170—73: V. (pt 1) 108: vi. (pt. 1) (11, 80, l.'i6, 214. '250, 2B8 ; VIII. (pt, 1 ) -228 229 : IX. (pt. 1) 117, (pt. 2) 37, 31, 44, 64 : X. I pt. 1) 4(., 102.] Barr, Great. Xmas Customs at. [. l/i /■/■(<;•, XXIIL, 37.] Church Registers :— Vol. I., Mixed ( imperfect), earliest legible date, 22nd Nov.. 1654-8th Dec 1749 IL, Mixe_d 13th March. 1750— 1.3th Dec. I»r2. IIL, Marriages, 1 / .0 —1812. IV.. 29th April. 1756— 10th Dec. 1,9, \ ., Jan., 1798- 14th Sept.. 1812. VI.. Marriages. 15th March, 1813 —6th Aug 1837. VII.. B.aptisms, l,th J.an., 1813 (m use). VIII 6th 'Aug., 1837' (in use: entries incomplete, with memo stating the omissions in the book, were " registered in the'old book in mistake"). IX.. 18th Jan., 1813 (in use). —(The Rev. J. H. Clarke, A.K.C., Vicar.) [.See Waters (Rev. E. P.), Luckock (Rev. M.) (Rev. Canon).] BARRETT (45) BASSET Barrett, Rev. J. Casebow, M.A., Vicar of St. Mary's, Binniiigbam, 1«37 until (/., 2Gth Feb., lK8i. Sermon on " Purgatorv,'' in '■ Lectures on Popery." U'oli'erftfliiiptoH, 1S51. Barrett, Mr., Engraver. Engraved Plates on Mavesvn Eidware for ".Shaw's Stafe." Contribution on. [RclUj., XIII.] Barrow, Harold Murdock. Poems. *' Soles ftccidcre et redre possunt Nobis cum seme! occi«iit huvis lux Ncjx est perjjetua una ilouiiueniia." — CATULLUS. ]\'nlsall : IV. Ilenrij Robinson, Steam Printini/ Woris. London: Simpkin, Marshall, if Co., Stationers' Hall Court. 1S87. Pt. Svo., pp. o2. Barrow, Sir John. h. Dragley Beck, near Ul version, 1704 ; d. 23rd Nov., 1848. Life of Admiral Lord Anson. [See Anson (G. Lord).] Barrs, F. W. G. h. Haden Hill ; g. of Rev. G. Barrs, Curate of Rowley ; St. John's Coll., Cam.; A.B.; A.M. ■Wrote Memoir, and edited the Extracts, Sermons, and Hymns of his Father.. [See next article below.] Barr.s, Rev. George, h. Caddecote, Warws. ; s. of Robert Barrs, and Elizabeth, his wife ; educated privately ; Mat. ^lagd. Coll., Cam., 1795 ; A.B., 1st Jan., 1799 ; A.M.; Curate of "Wareham All Saints, Norfolk, 1800 ; of Rowlev Regis, 1800 — 40 ; m. Marv, relict of J. Haden, of Haden Hill, Esq., 180"l. A Sketcli of the Controversy relative to the rebuilding of the Parisli Cliurch of Rowley Regis, in the County of Stafford, n.pl.i/rpr. 1x12. 8vo.. pp.. xvi., 1211. Four Sermons, by the late Reverend George Barrs, A.M., of St. Mary Magdalene Coll., Cambridge, and Forty years Curate of Rowley Regis, in the County of Stafford, together with copious extracts from his Private MS, Journal comprising observations upon many of the most difficult passages in The Sacred Scriptures and his senti- ments on various interesting and important subjects, to which is affixed. A Rrief Memoir of his life bv his Son, P. W. G. Barrs. .\.M., of St. John's College, C;imbridge. Birmiii'iham ; Beii/amin Hall. Hiqh Street. 1S44. 8vo., pp. xxix.. 280. Pi-ef. signed ''Haden Hill. May. 1843 "; at end. J'rinled by B. lliill. [Memoir, pp. xxix.: Sermons, 1— .Dt; ; Extracts, al—TiO ; Original Hymns, 271 — 80.] [Dictionary of Living Authors, (181G), 15.] Bartholomew, John, Geographical Engraver. Engr.ived Maps in — Philip's Handy Atlas of the Counties of England (187.'i). Svo. Ditto. Atlas of Counties of England with Consulting Index (1875). fol. [A Map of Staffordshire in each.] Bartlett, Frederick R. Flashes from Forge and Foundry. A Volume of Poems. Under the Distinguished Patronage of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Premier, and H. H. Fowler. Esq.. M.P. Printed bt/ the Shakespeare Printing Company, Bilston, Staffordshire. 1880. Sm. 8vo., pp. 117. Pref. by Rev. C. Lee. Barton, William. /;. about 1.598 ; Vicar of Mayfield ; afterwards of St. Martin's, Leicester ; d. there, May, 1678, aged 80. The Psalms translated into English Terse. London. 1G44: 1G4.5: IG-iO ; IGol. Text revised for -'the last time " by the Autlior. Wo4. A A'icw of the many Errors and some gross Absurdities in the old Translations of the Psalms in English Metre. London. 1G54. A Century of Select Hj-mns. London, 1650. Four Centuries of Select Hvmns. London. 1G6S. Six Centuries of Select Hymns, edited by his son, Edward Barton, Minister of Welford, in Northamptonshire. London. 1688. [Hebers Cat.; Bliss's Cat.; Bagford Harl. MS., 59i/; S. Brown's Pref. to his book of Hvmns (1720) ; Hunter's MS., Chorus Vatum, in Brit. Mus.;" Diet. .\al. Bioy.. III., 318a ; Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. V., 92a ; Cole's Ath Cantab.] BARTOX-UNDER-XEKDWOOn. Tr.mslations of four charters relating to land in Barton, viz.: one of Rob. de Ferrers, Earl of Derby (*». Edw. I.); two of Edm., E:irl of Cornwall (10 & U, Eilw. I.); and one of Thos.. Earl of Lanciister (7. Edw. II.). [Bodl. Lib., 1521. f 101—3. See also lb. 827, 30 ; 850. 217 : 8G4, 113, 71.] Church Registers :— Vol. I.. 1571—1752, Mixed : 17.52— 95. Bajitisms ;ind Burials. [.\n omission of 10 years, 1G83—U:s.(ind o/'/ice months in 1GIJ3.] II., 17.5"4— 77. Mar- riages. III.,Baptisms and Burials. I79S — 1812. (Thisisa number of' sheets of parchment rolled, in a parchment case.) IV.. Marriages, 1777— 1812. V.. Baptisms. 181.3— 53. VL. Marriages, 181.3—37. VII., Burials, 181.3—71. VIII., Baptisms, 18.54 — 88. IX.. Burials, 1872 — . X.. Marriages, 1837— . XL, Baptisms, 1888— .—(The Rev. W. H. H. Fairelough, M.A., Vicar.) Miscellanea. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 397.] [Hist. Coll. of .Staffs., IL (pt. 1) 17(i : IIL (pt. 1) 32, 170: IV. ()>t. 1) 53. -C, 81,85, •2i;3: V. (pt. 1) 50, 108: VL (pt. 1) 7. 250 : VIL (pt. 1 ) 109. 209. 224 : IX. (pt. 2) (15: X. (pt. I), lOli. .See Linsell (Col.-Serj.), Tayler (Rev. J., D.D.), Mewis (Catherine).] Bartram, Rev. M., New Con. Minister, Tipton. Letter on Dudley Circuit. [AVw Con. Ma(f. (1873), 491, 492.] Bartrams. Rev. John. Curate of Tettenhall, 1797—1807 ; d. 27th Feb., 1823. IGent.'s Mag. (1823), (pt. 1) 281.] Basco.m, John. Philosophy of English Literature. -Vew York, 1874. 8vo. [Dr. Johnson, pp 199—208,] , Basset, Alicia, Grant from , , . . to Robert de Denton, of a Mes- suage outside Tamworth Gate (1339), [The Vicar's Muni- ments of Lichfield, (I)) 108.] . Basset Family. Stemmi Bassetorura, cum comitibus de St;ifford, et Bretlis. [Bodl. Lib.. 793, I. (87), 79n.] Bassctorum Stemma a temp. Hen. I. a 10 Hen. IV. [lb. (90). 806.] Basset of Chaworth and Stafford. [lb. II., (15) 230, 1-28 : 834. v. 376 : 848. hb : 111.5, 21.36.] Pedigrees of Bassets of Blore, A-c. [Sleigh's Leek, 1(14 ; History of Ashbourne, 193 ; Lyson's Extinct Peerages ; Salt. Lib.. .«ee Cat. 274.] [Hist. Coll. of Staffs.. III. (pt. 2) 22, 44—9, 110, 121, 1.52 : IV. (pt. 1 ) 22. 2i;. 32. 33, 35, 37—9. .50. 70. 77. 78. 80, 8.3-5.92. 101. 104, 109. HI, 11.5. llii. 130. 131, 14ii— 48, 150—52, 1.5(i, 1119, 192. 197, 200. 214, 225. 252—54: V. (pt. 1) 108, 109, 114, 117, 137, 14(), 149. 15.3, 170, 175, 178. (pt. 2) 45, 112. 228. 240. 311 : VI. (pt. 1) .33, .50, 5.5, 57, (id. 71, 73, 7G, 83. lOS. 131-,, 110. 14:i, 14i;, l.iii, lt;o. 103. 1«4. 18,5. 193, 194, 20ii, 207, 211. 214. 215. 220, 223. 22.5, 24t;. 249. 2.")i'.. 2iil, 2G4. 2ti.5. 2119. 270, 275. 2811, 299 : VII. (pt, 1.) 10, 29, 31, 3(),40, 42, 711, 78, 79, 82, 91, 102. 109, 113, 158. 172. 21(1. 229, 233, 234. 249. 254. (pt. 2) 26. 32. 37. 40. 99. 109 : VIII. (pt. 1) 2. 4. 11, 7. 11. 14— 16..'20, 21. 25. 27—9. 32. 34. 3.5, 37, 40— 3, 4G, 47. 49. 53. .55, 99, 102, 112. 114, 11(1—20. 152. 157, (pt. 2) IIOhi, 118h. 138: IX. (pt. 1) 14.27. 31,3;i,39. 4.3, 5(!. (jO. 113, (15. 71. 87. 89. 93. 99. lo.'f. 121. 123, 125, 127, 1'28, (pt, 2) 2—3, 311. 32. 3.5. 38, 41, 42. 44. .Vt. 70 : X. (pt. 1) 4, 5, 11. 19, 20, (12. (14, 74, 9.1, 103—5, 112, 117.] Basset, Ralph. Lord of Drayton Manor ; joined baronial party against Henry III, : by them appointed ciistos pacts for Salop and Staffs. ; summoned to Simon de Montfort's Parliament, 4th Dec,, 1264 ; fell at Evesham, 4th Aug., 1265. BASSETT (46) BATE MAN fDut;il;ile's Baronets, I., 379; First Reiwrt on the Dignity of a Peer, 145 ; Hymer's Foeilera ; Clause 4il, Henrv III., m. 12 dors ; Chronicles of Edwards I. and II., Vol. I.. l!!l : Rishanger, .•1(J. .'tT ; //iil. Sat. Bin;/.. III.. ;t8,i ; Palmer's Tamworth. I!8 ; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield, 210, 2Iii.] Bassrtt, Ralph. 4tli Lord of Dravton, K.G. Abstract of Will. [Bodl. Lib.. 8G.3. :U.] Engr.iving of Monument formerly in Lichfield Cathe- dral, and description. [Harwood's Lichtield, al.J [Co.x's Muniments of Lichtield. 2 Hi.] Basskorp, Stephen. Church Street, Bilston, " Printer, Bookbinilnr, Stationer, Agent to Birniintjham Fire Office." [Par.son and Br.idshaw's Directory, 1818.] Bassford, Tiraoth}'. Printer, Church Street, Bilston ; s. of the above. [White's Staffs., (18;U).] Baswick, Baswich, Berkswich, Berkew3'z, Berecleswich, Berkeswich. \_See Berkswich.] Ordnance plan of the Parish of Baswick, Hundred of Cuttli>*tone. Scale 2.T'3It inches to one mile. 8 Sheets witli Title and Area Book. Snitthamptnti, 1S65. Miscellanea. [Salt Lib., .w Cat. H'.W.] [Hist. Coll. of Staffs., Il.(pt. Ij Ul : VL (pt. 1) 277: VIII. (pt. 1) i:!:i— 42, (pt. 2) i;w. Batchelor, Rev. Cornelius, b. Uancliill, Sussex, 2!)th May, 1X32 ; s. of James IJatchell.ir and Anne, his wife ; Trin. Coll., Duiilin : B.A., IH;-)?; M.A., 1804; Curate of Wig<;inton, Oxf., l!S5S— 62; of Coseley, l«(i:J— 72 ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Bilst n, 1S72 ; m., 24tli May, 1HG4, Hannah, duii. of John Hall, of Milconibe, Oxf., Esq. Funeral Sermon on the Life and Death of James Preece, Scripture Reader. Bihton. 1HH3. Svo. Articles in .S7. MtinjA J'ari^h Mfi^jazitir (Bilston). Batk, — . Printer, 'J'ontine Street, Hanley, formerly of Fenton (1X30). Laws of the Widows anci Orphans' Fund, and Bye- Laws of the Loyal JIagnet Lodge of the Inde]>enilent Order of Oddfellows. Longtcni, Potterv and Newcastle District. Ilnnlei/: Prhileil hi/ I'.I'.G.M. 'Bale, (it the A/bion Office, Tontine Street. 1H42. 12mo., pp. 12. Historicjil Sketch of Newcastle-under-Lyme. [Bale, Printer, //niilei/). u. pi., p. or il. Cr. 8vo., ])p. 17. [Very rare anci valnahlp. I have only lieanl of 2 copies in my e.xperiem-e, my own (formerly IjeloUKiag to J. .Mayer, Ks(|.) being one.] Bate, George. Farm Labourer ; " George Bate, Esq." important witness in Palmer's Trial. Evidence. [Verbatim Report, (18.i(i) 10(5— n.] Bate, George. /;. Birmingham, Sdth Jan., 1842 ; s. of Heniy Bate; F.R.S.S.; F.R.H.S.; Superintendent of British Workman Insurance Society, at Burslem ; m. Harriet Hunt. How did Christianity and the Gospels origrn.ate? An Answer for Minds Perplexed with Difficulties. London ; SimpX'in, Marshall, Ilamilton, Kent, (J- Co., Limited. MDCVCXCII. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 204. ( Allhut 4' Baniel, Printer.) Bate, Samuel, b. The Styche, Market Drayton ; spent nearly the whole of lii.s life in Staff.?., residing at Knutton, and Springfield?, New- castle, until 1883, wlien he went to reside at Tlie Firs, Aylestnne, Leios. ; Land Agent to Lord Cainoys, Mrs. Marsli-Caldwell (tlie authoress), of Lindley Wood, J. Ayshfoi'd Wise, formerly M.P. for Staflford, and other Stiift's. Lafi(b)Wfiers ; (I. Ayiestone, Gth May, 1891 ; age, 74. A Lecture on the Nece.«sity of Agricultural Eiluc.it ion ami tile Means Ketpiisitefor imjJirting it. Delivered before the Members of the North Staffordshire Agricultural Society. Sept. 2'.Hh. 1853. Published by request of the Society, .yeuvastle : Printed by Frederick Crewe. 1854. 8vo., pp. 12. Reasons why the Irish Br.mch of the United Church of Engkand and Ireland should not be Disestablished and Disendtiwed. Xeircantle : C. Bickno-.i (late Crewe), Printer, Ilir/h Street. «.(/.( 18li8). 8vo., pp. 8. [I have his own annotated copy.] Bate, Samuel Stringer. /). Newcastle ; s. of Samuel Bate, Land Agent, Solicitor. Cardinel Wolsey and The Lives of the Poets. An Historical Drama in Five Acts, containing The Tragic His- tory of Queen Anne Boleyn. Ded. to Her Most Gracious and Beloved Queen Gloriana II. Great I.atiy of tfie greatest isle, wliose light, Like PluL'lms" lain]), tlirougliout the world doth shine, by Walter S. Raleigh. London : I'liblished by Thomas ScnII, 1. iVarwich- Court, Jlolhorn. 1S74. [Copy, Dram.atic, and all other Rights reserved.] Cr. 8vo., pp. 74. Ditto. Second Edition. Same imprint. JS7J. Cr. 8vo,, pp. 74. Note signed "Temple Club, Nov., 1874." " Notice of withdrawal of the Dedication and Epilogues to Her Majestv in consequence of a communication from Sir Thomas M.'Bicldulph." [The Compiler lins a copy, with additions and corrections by the Author. 1st and 2nd editions bound up in oue volume.] The Real and Ideal, The Beautiful and the True, or Art in the Nineteenth Century, with illustrations from the Rnval Academy Exhibition of 187(1. By A Rustic Ruskin. [All Rights Reserved.] Samuel Tinsley, Strand. 1816. 12ino. Second Title runs :. — A Plain Treatise, in Plain Language, for Plain People, in which the True Theory of Art, and the jn'oper mission of An Artist are examined, aiul the Boasted Revelation of the Modern School of Re- Ra])haelitism shown to be but a Simple Plagiarism of an Old Master. Ded to the Earl Dudley, pp. vii.. Kid. Bateman, James, late of Knypersley Hall, Staffs., F.R.S., F.L.S. b. July 18th, ISll, Redivals, Bury, Lanes. ; s. of the late John Jiatenian, Esq., of Knypersley (c/. 1858); educated Magd. Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 1834 ; M.A., 1844 ; m., 1838, Maria Sibylla, dau. of the late Rev. Rowland Egerton-Warburton, of Arley ; D.L. and J. P., Staffs.; of Home House, Worthing, (1892). Tractarianism. as described in Prophecy ; A Word to the Wise on the Oxford Crisis. London : ./. liidt/way^ J'iccadilty. W. Clarke. Congleton. 1845. 8vo., ]ip. 4.'!. Ditto. Second Edition. 1845. (Profits to Biddulph Moor Church Building Fund). Lecture on Recent Discoveries in Ancient Nineveh, r-eprinted from the Stnfordshire Advertiser, March, 1850. [/'. .1/. May. ( IS.ili) 47.^— 7B.] The 'iractarian Tendency of Diocesan Theological Colleges : A Speech delivered at the Meeting of Lay Members of the Church of England, held at Stoke-ujion- Trent. March 7th. 185ii London: Seeleyit, Fleet Street; Hanley : Allhnt Cf Daniel. 1853. 8vo., pp., 27 Postscript, 1 leaf extra. ( Allbnt 4' Daniel, Printers, Ilanley.) The Orchidacea^ of Mexico and Guatemala. London, 1837—43. Elephant folio. (Ilidyway.) [Only 100 copies iiublished. Price to Subscribers. £12 12s. At the S'lle of the late Duke of Marlborough's Library, a co] y sold for «77.] A Monograph of Odontoglossum, a Genus of the Vandeous section of Orchidaceous Plants. London, 1SG4. Im)). fol. Issued in Parts, 21- each. Coloured Plates and Wood Engravings. A Century of Orchidaceous Plants. A Second Century of Orchidaceous Plants, selected from the Subjects initilished in Curtis s Botanical .Mayazine, since the issue of the First Centurv. Roy. 4to., £5 5s. 100 Coloured Plates. BATE MAN (47) BAY LEY Guiile to Cool-Orchid Growing. London. Woodcuts, Letter to Ch-.iirmnn of Church Association. 3rd ed. Tlldgimi/, ISSB. Price 1,-. Bateman, John, Biddulph. Eldest «. of JaniM BateTiian, Esq. Director of a Geologic il Exploring P.irty. [Report Tr.ins. \orlh Staffs. Field Club (18l)(i), 4.] BATK.M.\>r, Robert, Biddulph. 3rd s. of James Batcnian, Esq. Describe.'^ Chief Feiture of the Old Hall, Biddulph. [Trail.-!. North Staffs. Field Club (l.S7iJ), 7.] Bateman, Thomas, h. Rowsley, Derhys., >^th Nov., 1K21 ; f. of William Bateman, Middlp- ton Hall : d. Lomberdale House, ne:ir Bakewell, 2«th Aug., 1H61. Ten years' Diggings in the Celtic and Saxon Grave Hill-s in the Counties of Derbv, Stafford, and York, with Descrijjtions of the Crania and Pottery from the Mounds, liy the late Thomas Bateman, from 1848 to 18.58. London : Hemrose if Sons. ISei. 8vo. Extracts from. [Trans. Xorlh Slafs. Field Chib{\>^ll), 8, 9.1 Address to Burton Natural History Society. [/*., •23—5.] Pedigree of Bateman Family. [li'tiq. VI.. 105—8.] On Chain Mail from Staffs." [lb. 70.] Batkman, Thomas, M.D. Memoirof. [New Co«. .Va(?. (182-2), 170— 81, i-il— -25.] Bathkr, Rey. Edward. /'. Shrewsbury, T7H0 ; s. of Rev. John Bather, il.A., Vicar of ^[eole- Braee, and Martha Hannah his wife ; educated Shrewsbury Gr.Sch. and Rugby; mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 15th, tune, 1798; B.A.,1S()3: M.A.,1808; Vicar of Meole-Brace. Salop, 1801 — 47; Archd. of Salop, 1828 to death ; Preb. of Lichfield, 1828 to death ; m., (1) 1805, Emma, flau. of Rev. Robert Halifax, of Standish, Gloucs. {il. 1825); (2) 1828, May, eldest dau. of Dr. Butler, He.id Master of Shrewsbury Gr. Sch.; d. 3rd Oct., 1847 ; bur. Meole-Brace. The Obligitions imposed upon Christians bv their full knowledge of Divine Truth, and Christian Patriotism. Two Sermons Preached on Public Occasions Printed at the reipiest of the Right Rev. the Loi-d Bishop of Lichfield. London : .1 . Hatchard and Sons. 1S7. Pircadilli/. I'riuted by ./nlin Thomas Walters. Tiurjeletj, 1S40. 8vo., Wrapjjer with half title, the Divine Truth. Ac, a Sermon preached at Great Havwood. 18th and itth Se)>t.. 1810. [ip. 20. Ded. to the Lord Bishop of Lichfield. Christian Patriotism, preached at Wolverhampton, 8th Oct., 1810. jip. 20. Del. to Mi.ss Theodosia Hinckes. Sermons chiefly practical. London, 1827 — -If). 3 vols., 8vo. Hints on the Art of Catechizing. Published by his widow. London, 1X48. 12mo. Third Edition. 18.52. A C(dlcction of Sermons on Old Testament Histories, collected f(U' his Parochial Discourses. London. IS'iO. On Some Ministerial Duties : Catechizing, Preaching, &c. Charges by Edited (with Preface) by C. J. Vaughan, D.D., Master of the Temple. London: Mac- miUun .(■ Co. 1876. Fcp. 8vo., pp. xvi.. 232. [Foster's Alumni Oxon, I.. 74 : Diel. Nat. Bio;;., III., 403, 401 : Cat. Printed Books. Brit. Mus.; Hardy's Le Neve's Fasti, I. .57.5, 030 ; Cat. Ox. Graduates, 40 ; Gent.'s. Matj., N.S., xxviii., 542.] [Private iufonnatiou. per Ven. Archd. Bather, M.A.] Batmaxn, O. Master of Modern Languages and Literature, Wolverhampton Gr. Sch. ; B.-cs-L. (Paris). French Sentences, specially arranged for students entering the Cambridge and Oxford Local Examinations. Wolrerhiimpton : Harford if Newitt, Printers, Queen Street. ».d. (ISOUJ. 12mo., pp. 19. Baxteu, Edward Jolin. h. Hanley, 28th Nov., 1838 ; «. of John Baxter, Canada Cottages, Penkhull ; educated Dr. Haslam's Sch., Shel- ton : Methodist New Connexion CdII. ; New Connexion Minister, June, 1S5() — June, 1872; J. P., Staffs.; m., IStli Sept., 18C0, Lucy, dati. of Joseph Clementson, Esq., of Hanley : (/. Mayfiebl, Newcastle, 17th Feb., 18H9. Year Book for the use of the Church and Congrega- tion Worshipping in Bethesda Chapel (.Methodist New Connection). Hanlev. for 187L Compiled by Rev. E. J. Baxter, and published with the Sanction of the Leaders' Meeting. Ilanlei/ : John Keates, Publisher. 1871. I2mo., pp. 90. .\ Night with the Supernatural. A Christmas Tale. [I'ot. .Ua'/., I., (1800) 2.54—02.] How' to write a Tale. [/«., II.. (1801) 30—0.] D.imp Beds. A Night in one. f lb., 103—8.] A D.av in the Countrv. [/b.. 217—23.] Memoir of T. E. Pai-ks (b. Hanlev. 3rd March. 1849; d. there 4th .Tune, 1X08). [Neir Con. Ma;/., ( 1809) 194—97.] Report of Farewell Meeting to the Rev. Herbert Fenton, Missionary to Australia, dated Hanley, 30th July, 1809. [lb., .570, .577.] On the Doctrine of the Divine Omniscience. [lb., 748— .54.] On Meditation, its Nature and Advantages. [/*., 020—27.] The Union Question. Hanley, loth March, 1870. [lb., (18701 249.] Obituary of John Mills (4. Burslem, 1798 ; d. there 0th March. 1871'). [rt.. ( 1871 ) 7.53. 7,54.] Disestablishment of the Irish Church. [Meth. Quart. May. (1809).] Baxter, Rev. James Alexander, b. Gloucester, 180!); educated St. John's Coll., Cam.: F'ounda- tion Scholar ; B.A., 1828 ; M.A. ; Curate of Kingswinford, 1828—31 ; of Wordsley, 1831 —43 : Vicar of Coseley, 1843 to death ; d. 1848 ; bur. Ccseley. A Collection of Hymns for the Congregation of St. Matthew, Kingswiuford Parish Church. 1830. Several editions. The Church History of England Vol. I., comprising the Ancient British. Anglo-Saxon, and Anglo- Romish Periods. London : Hatchard and Sons, 187, I'iccndilh/ : Hnmilton, .Adams, and Co.. Paternoster Horn. MDCCCXLVl. 8vo.. pp. xii.. 382: Vol. II., pp. viii. 47.5. Ded. to the Lord Bishop of Lichfield. 2nd ed.. London, 1840. 8vo.. lip. xix. 709. Large contributor to .Midland .Monitor, 18(4. 1845. [Bibl. Wolverhampton, 31; Scott's Stourbridge, 154.] Baxter, Rev. Richard. [See AUbut (Thos.), Tregortha (John), Wilson (M.), Chesters and Drury, Wedgwood (Isaac).] Bavley, Alfred Parker. Printer, Red Lion Square, Newcastle. Abstract of the Accounts of Newcastle Borough, 1884 Bayley Bros. Address to the Electors by W. Allen, Esq., the Liberal Candidate, at Silverdale. Nenvaslle: BayJey, Bros. 1802. 12mo., pp. 10. Bayley, Charles H., ArchiEologist. h. Warley, Worcs. 1829 ; Solicitor at West Bromwich ; Clerk to the Commissioners 1865 — 82 ; d. Nov., 1882. A True Relation of the Terrible Earthquake at West Brummidge. in Staffordshire, and the Places .adjacent, on Tuesday, the 4th of this Instant, January, 107.5 — 0, .\s it was lately communicated by several Letters from those parts to divers eminent citizens in London ; and likewise a • true Account of the Terrour of the Earthtpiake at Kidder- BAYLEY (48) BAYLEY minster in Worcestershire, as it was commiinicateil in a Letter to an Eminent Artist in London from his corres- Eondent tliere (Psal. 108). With Permission of Roger I'Estrange. London : Printed for I).M. in the year 1676. [Reprinted from a very rare and probalily nni(iue tract in the British Museum, bound up with 17 other earth'piake tnicts in a 4to. Vohime, numbered 444h, 21; SJ "My Private Press at The Larches, West Bromwich, February 23rd, 1««9." 4to., pp. 6. [Tliis was the first i^sae, and inaoguration of Mr. finyley's Private Press.] The Rent Rolls of Lord Dudley and Ward in 1701, with two pai)ers relating to the Dudley and Ward Family, dated in I'l'A and 1725 Printed for Private circulation, 18S2. 4to., pp. ix. (1 blank le:if) IX. .i. Pref. dated "The Larches, West Bromwich, Jan. 2.Srd, 1882." [Printed in double columns. 14 copies only printed of the 4to. edition.] The Doleful Ditty of Tummas Dot-and-carry-one who, when drunk laid himself down by a lime kiln and lost one of his leg% n d. 4to. single sheet. Signed '■ C.H.B., West Bromwich, 2nd March, 1882." 2.i copies only printed : written during an attack of Gout, .Jan., 1871. A Full Report of the Incorporation of West Bromwich. pp. 17 and Map. App., pp. Ill — 28, of Tables and Figures. [Edited and probably compile! by Mr. Bayley, who was the principal witness at the Official Enquiry on 2sllj May, 1»82.] Catalogue of the Antiquarian, Tu])Ogr.ii'hiCi»l. and Pictorial Library of the late Charles Bayley. Esij.. of West Bromwich; containing a valuable and interesting collect ion of Books, illustrating the History, Topography, and Liter- ature of the Counties of Worcester, Warwick, and Stafford, which will be sold by Auction by Messrs. Sothcby, Wilkin- son, and Hodge, at their House, Xo. 13, Wellington Street. Strand, W.C., on Wednesday, the 18th July, 188S. at one o'clock precisely. {^London;] Dryden Press : J. Vnvy and Sons, 137, LonyAcre. n. d. 8vo., pp. 34. [Sold on Wee). Oblong 8vo., pp. 26. [White's Staff., 1834.] Baylev, John. " Wjbunbury, Cheshire," 3rd Jan., 1842 : " Lower Street, Newcastle," 22nd March, 1842. Poetic Pieces on Varions Subjects, to which are added Notes and Illustrations. Sewcastle: Printed by J. Uuhe, Ironmarket. n.d. 12mo., pp. 16. [I have only seen one copy in cine years.] Bayley, Rev. John. b. Newcastle, l.Stli March, 1844 : apprenticed to Printing witii his uncle, John Bayle)' ; afterwards worked on AJanches- ter Weekly Times, when edited hy Archi- bald Prentice ; went to America, 1 830 or 7 ; Printer in New York ; and at Richnionil, Vir- ginia, became Minister of Metliodist Episcopal Church South ; visited England twice ; 2diI time in 180O ; owing to the Civil War reiiiaiiiiMl here until IHO'J ; d. Lynehburgh, Virginia, 2.Jth Feb., 1880. Confessions of a Converted Infidel ; ditto, 2nd ed.; 3rd ed. 1st English from 3rd American ed. Newcastle: T. Bayley. IHOO. 12mo. Marriage as it is and as it should be : A Book for the Times. Seir York : Published by M. \V. iJodd. Xo. .^U6. Broadway. ]2mo. 2nd ed. 1858. pp. vi. 7 — 175. Ded. to " Lizzie Lee, my Wife." Good things for Boys and Girls : a Collection of Moral and Religious .Stoines, chiefly from American Sources. Facts for the People of Great Britain and Ireland, Concerning the United States of America 7. Bayley, 2, Red Lion Square, JVewcastle-under-Lyme. 1860. 12mo., pp. 107. Curiosities of Negro Life. Printed by T. Bayley, Red Lion Sfjnare, yeurastle. 8vo.. p\). 12. Was Shakspe:ire a Christian ? [P. M. Mag., (1867) 444.] B.\YLEV, J. H. R. Master of Burslem Gr. Sch.: afterwards kept a Private School in St. James's Square, Wolverhampton ; M.R.C.P. The Drama of Life (in two Cantos) and Lyrical Breath- ings. /.OH'ioH ; Simpkin. Marshall i)' Co.; H'olrerhampton : 0. Williams. 1X53. 12mo. Ditto. 2nd ed. London : Lonymans ; Allen ly Son. Cannon Street, Birmingham. ISoll. Pt. .-(TO., pp. six. 192. Ded. to Sir R. Peel, Bart. "Burslem Grammar School. July 1st, 18.56." Oscar : A Poem, and Autumnal Breathings. Birm- ingham : .mme printer. 1SG3. 8vo., pp 247. Ded. to His Grace the Duke of Sutherlaml. Oscar Founded on Schamyl, the Hero of the Caucasus (in twelve Cantos). " O give me liberty For were even Paradis<- a prison Still 1 would long to leap its crystal walls." — DRTDKX. London: Thomas Manby, 32, Bouverie Street, K.C ; M'olrer- hampton : .Steen, tlneen's Square ; and all Booksellers. 1SG7. Crown 8vo., jip. 316. Ded. to Sir R. Peel, Bart. "Ivy House, Wolverham|)ton. 1867." Solon : An Historical Story of Ancient Greece (in two books), to which is ai>pended Harvest Sheaves. " Love was to her imprisoned soul, Not, as with others, a mere part Of its exi^tence. bnt the whole. The very life-breath of her heart." — MOORE. Birmingham: Guest, Bull .Street; Wolverhampton: Steen, Queen's .Square ; and all Booksellers. 1871. Cr. 8vo.. pp- xiv. 516. Ded. to the Earl of Stamford and Warrington. Baylkv, Peter, b. Nantwich, Cheshii-e : baptised 1st Sept., 1778 ; «. of Peter Bavley, Solicitor (formerly of Betley, Stafi's , and of Stapeley, Cheshire ; h. Stapeley, 1742 ; d. 3rd and bur. at Wybumbury, 5th Sept., 1803), and Sarah his wife, dan. of Martin Tomkinson, of Ecde- shall (b. 16th Feb., 17.")H ; m. at Ecdeshall, 22nd June. 1775): educated Rugby, 1790; Merton Coll., Ox., 1st Feb., 179(; ; Member of Lincoln's Inn, 17th Jan., 1799 ; m. 1st. Oct., BAYLEY (49) BAYLY 1HII7, at Caverswall, his cousin, Mary, dau. of Joliii and Mary Wright, of Weston Coyney, Staffs, (she d., London, 1830) ; resided mostly at Hauford, Staffs.; d., London, 2.Jth Jan., 1823. Poems. 1S03. Specimens of an Epic Poem on the Conquest of Wales. (For private circulation.) Sltetches from St. George"s-in-the-FieIds, by Giorgino di Castcl Chiuso. 1H20. Ditto. Second Series. 1821. Idwal. 1821. [Posthumous.] Poetry. 182i. [Posthumous.] Orestes. X Trajedy . . . performed 20th at Covent Garden, April, 182.9, Edited The Museum. Contributed largely to Periodi- cals and JIagaziues. [Literary Museum ( 1823), 77, 78 : dent.'s .Uarj., XCIII (pt. 1).47.H: "Cumberland's Briti.sh Theatre, XII.; Rugby School Register, 68 ; O.xford University Register ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.: Private communication from C. 'W. Stretton of Southampton Citith Jlav, I8!ll : l.Sth August, I8S)2) ; Diet. Nat. Biog.,U.l.,m: A', ij- ( — 4.") ; Founder of the People's College ; of Queen Street, Ratcliffc Highway, London, 1845 — 5(i ; Eignhrook Chapel, Hereford, 185G to death ; F.S.A.; d. Hereford, 15th Nov., 1859. Nature considered as a Revelation, in two parts ; Part I. being an argument to prove that nature ought to be reg.arded as a revelation ; Part IL furnishing specimens of the manner in which the material revelation ought to be explained. Lomloii, 1836. 12mo. Lecture on the Early History of the Christian Church. A New Concordance to the Hebrew Bible, juxta editionum Hooghtiana, and accommodated to the English Version. Lnudon. 8vo. Ded. to the Bishop of Lincoln. Two Sei-mons on the Educational Question delivered in the Town Hall, Sheffield. A Course of Lectures on the Inspiration of the Scrip- tures. Loutlo», 1852. 12mo. Edited The Peoples College Journal, 1846, 1847. [Left in JIS. at his death — Collections for a Life of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Stratford.] [Obituary, Congregational Year Boot (1800), 17.5, 17(1 : Biographies -.—Diet. ^at. Biog.. III., 444—53 : .V/orf. Eng. Biog., I., col. 200: Notice of ■.—Ueid.'s Mag. (Feb., ISGO), 18{) ; Books by :— Brit. Mus. Cat.] Bayley. Thomas, Printer, b. Newcastle, 24th Feb., IHlC ; with his uncle. John Bayley, Printer, for some years ; worked at Lester's Silk factory; Second-hand and New Bookseller, &c., in the Higherland ; in Lad Lane, 1847 ; in High Street, 1852 ; and in Red Lion Square, 185G ; Town Councillor, 1st Nov., ls(i3— CO, 1870—74 ; Alderman, 1874, to which ottice he has been re-elected twice ; Mayor of the Borough, 1871 — 72 ; retired from business, 1888. The Xeweastle Journal (185.')), one sheet sm. fol. ; altered to The Xeuvastle Pioneer, 1857 ; again altered to The Stajt'orthhire Times ami Newcastle Pioneer, 1807 ; and finally to The .stajfhr.] The Young Heroes. [.See Newton (Rev. S.).] Come at Last. [.See Rhead (W.).] An Address. [/A.] The Wesleyan Rebel's Lament. [/6.] A Broad Side. [Ih.] Not your money. [/A.] .. r/«.] Asses in Lions* skins. England rersns Rome. \.See Horton (Rev. H. H.).] The Fight in Dame Europa's School. [lb.] Life of Major-General Harrison. [See Wedgwood (H.).] Rules of the North Staffordshire Western District of the Ancient Order of Foresters, n.d. 12mo., pp. 15. Scheme for the Man;igement of the Endr)«ed Schools for Newcastle-under-Lyme. Newcastle : T. Bayley. 1872. r2mo., pp. 30. The Scheme for the Management of the Endowed Schools for Newcastle-unrier-Lyme, and its administnition. Neu!ca.itle : T. Bayley. n.il. (1815). 8vo., pp. IC. The Statute L:iw relating to the Management and Disposition of the Newcastle-under-Lyme Burgesses' Land and the Income thereof. Newcastle ; Printed by T. Bayley, Red Lion .Srjuare. MI>CCCLXXIX. 8vo., pp. 53. Bavley, William Peter, b. Hauford, Staffs, (baptised at Trentham, 26th Feb.), 1813 ; s. of Peter Bavlev, and Marv, his wife \_see Bayley (Peter)] ; (/. 13th April, 'l881. Tintoretto at Venice and Mr. Ruskin. [.4r(. Jouru., Sept., Oct., 1857.] Paolo Veronese. [lb., Jan., Feb., 18.58.] Giovanni Bellini. [lb., March, .\pril, 18.58 J The Pre-Titianites, including Giorgione. [76.. April, June. 18.58.] Titiiin : His Idyllic and Mythological Subjects, [tb., July, 18.58.] Titian : His Works now remaining at Venice, [lb., August, 1858.] The Successors of Titiiin. [lb., Sept., 1858.] Early Artists of Florence. \lb., Nov., 1S.5X.] Fra Angelico da Fiesole. [lb.. Dec, 1858.] Leonardo da Vinci. [lb.. April, 1859.] Perugino. Fra Bartolommeo,and other Pre-Raphaelites, [lb., May, 18.59.] Florentine Painters of the Second Period. [lb.. Oct., 1859.] Andrea del Sarto. [lb., Nov. 1859.] ilddio Firenze. [Ih., Dec, 1859.] Lombardy and its Capital. [lb., I8(iO.] Un:t Gomlola, .Signorc. [lb., .Sep., Dec. 18(10.] Mr. Church's Pictures — Cotopaxi i-. Chimborazo. [lb.] Visits to the Paradise of Artists. [lb., Feb., May, Aug., 1.SU7.] Private communications from 6. W. Stretton of South- ampton, 1st June, 1891 ; 22nd June, 1891 ; 13th August, 1892. Baylie, Rev. John. Incumbent of Bloxwicb. A Discourse on the Creed. London, 1827. An Essay on M:in in Paradise. [Vignette.] "That spot to which I point is Paradise, .Adiira's aboiie, those lofty shades bis bower." — MILTON. Wolverhampton: T. Simpson. ISM. 12mo., pp. 11 1. Ded. to The Duchess of Beaufort. [List of Subscribers at the end.] Life the Day for Work : exemplified in A Brief Memoir (with extracts from her letters and diary) of the late Mrs. Baylie, wife of the Incumbent of Bloxwich . . . London: Wertheim and Macintosh, 28, Paternoster Bow. n.d.(1854.) 12mo., pp. 72. [Pref. signed "J. B.," Bloxwich Parsonage, June, 1854.] Baylie, Mrs., wife of the Rev. John Baylie, In- cumbent of Bloxwich. Early Truths. The Flowers Transplanted. Another and Another Harp. Life of. [.See Baylie (Rev. John).] Bayliss, J. B. Observations on the Method of Assessment. Collection, and Payment into Her Majesty's Treasury, of the Land, Assessed Property and Income Tax. London : Simpkin, Marshall cj- Co.: Walsall: J. R. Robinson, The Bridge. 1865. 8vo., pp. Ij. Bayly, Bayllye, Bayley, Bailye (in writing his name, all these forms have been used), Lewis. b. probably at Carmarthen ; Fellow, of Exeter Coll., Ox.; Afinister of All Saints, Evesham, about llil 1 ; Archd. of St. Albans ; Preb. of Colwich, BAYNES ( 50 ) BEAVKN Lichfield, 17th Fob., 1(514 to doath (he held Ills Preb. in comnioiidam with his liisbo)ii-ic) ; B.D. (of Exeter Coll.), Ui 1 1 ; D.D.. IGIS; Rector of 8t. Matthew, Friday Street, London ; Chp. to Henry. Prince of Wales (who d. 1012), and to the King : Bisiiop of Bangor, Hth Dec, ICIC), to death ; Master, St. John's Hospital, Lichfield, l(i21 ; m. Ann, tlaxi. of Sir Henry Bagenal ; d. iCth Oct., 1(J31 ; bur., Bangor Cathedral. The Practice of Piety. London (1611). .'ird ed., 1613 ; 11th cil., Wl'J; Toth eA.,'lG30 ; a'Jth ed., nSH: Translated into French, (ieiieca. 1025; into GeTm:in. Ziiridi, 1620; into Welsh, 1630; Polish, 164' ■. into Indian languajre of Massachusetts. CumhritUje, .Ma., 1665 ; Romansch, 1668. Republished, with biographical preface by Grace Webster, London, 1S4^. [Bridges' Collins' Peerage, v. 19.3 ; Cal. Sta. Pa. Dom. Ser. (Ill2il— 31), 230; Dumoulin's Pat. Bonie Fidei, 48; Kennett's Register and Chronicle, 3.')0 ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., II., f)2.5— 31 ; Dkl. A'«<. JSioy., III., 4-18, 44S) ; Harwood's Lichfield, 222, fi.i'.i ; Boase, I., .58 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.: Private communiKitions from C. W. Stretton, Southampton, ISill, 18',>2 ; .T. E. Bailev. in Man. Quarterli/, II., 201.] Baynes (or Bayne), Rev. Ralph. h. Knows- thorp, Yorks. ; educated St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1517 : M.A., 1521 ; D.D., 1555 ; Fellow; University Preacher, 1527 ; Rector of Hardwicke, Cainbs., 1527 — 44 ; opposed Lutinier at Cam., 1550 ; Professor of Hebrew in University of Paris ; Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 10th Nov., 1554— 21st Jan., 155'.l ; at Funeral of Queen Mary ; deprived of his Bishoi)ric by Queen Elizabeth, 155'J ; (/. Islington, IKth Nov., 1559 ; Inir. at St. l)un- stan-in-the-West. Prima Rudimenta in linguam Hebraicum. Park, 1550. 4to. Compendium Michol, hoc est, absolutissima Gram- matices Davidis Chinhi. Pari!i, 1.5.54. 4to. In Provcrbia .Salamonis. in three vols. Parit, 1555. folio. Ded. King Fr.mcis I., of France. [Lcland, V., .312 : Harwood's Lichfield. 149, 1.50; Pit's De AngliiE Scriptoribus, 759 ; Tanner's Bibl. Brit., 82 ; Fuller's Woi-thies, ed. NichoU, IL, 503 ; ditto History; Dodd, I., 479 ; Richardson's Godwin ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Rymer, XV., 407, 410; MS. Add., 5863. f. 484.; Godwin's De Praisulibus ( 1743) 342 ; Strvpe's Annals, I., 57— fiO, (J4, 77, 87, 90, 94, 95. 139, IH, 144: ditto Cranmer, .320; Cooper's Ath. Cantab.. I.. 202 ; X. 0'' Q-, 1st .Series, VI., 203 : JJitl. yiit. Bio;/., III., 456 ; Strvpe's Stow, L. 3 p., 357 ; Wharton's An'gl. Sacra, I., 458 ;" Thoresbv's Ducat. Leod.. loo ; Life of Leland, 20 ; MS. Cole, XXVI., 151 : XLIX., 250 ; Cole's Ath. C.intab.. B., 21 ; Baker's History of St. John, 280, 332 ; ditto, ed. Mayor, I., 243 : IL, 662 ; Aschami Epistola;, 77.] Beacon, The A Temperance .Tournal, 1841, 1812. Review of. [New Con. Maij. (1812), 113, 114.] [See Jones (Elijah).] Bbaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of. In his " Sybil," Wednestield, in South Staffordshire, is described and otherwise referred to under the names of " Woodgate " and " Wogate." Beale, C, C.E., Rowley Regis ; d. 1887. An examination of Drift in Railway Cutting near ■Walsall. [.Mid. Nat., IV. {U19), 226, 227."] Beane, Hector, of Lichfield. Reference to. [Bodl. Lib., 855, 75.] Beard, Joseph. Printer and Bookbiniler, Tain- worth. [Parson's and Bagshaw's Directory. 1818 ; Wliite's Staffs., 18.34.] Beardmore, Francis, of Spot Grange, Stone. The Horse's Preservation ; or, a Treatise on the Management of Horsus. laid open in a Phiin and Practical Manner, with the proper niftliod of Feuiling and Driving them; :ilso on tlie Breudiug ami Shoeing of all kinds of Horses, with the exception of the Race Horse Entered at St:itioners Hall. liemersleij : Prinlfd /or tht .iitlhor, h;i James Bourne. 1S32. 8vo., ]))>. viii., 9—106, list of Subscribers 3 leaves extra. Beaudeseut. Manor of. [Bodl. Lib.. SG4, 34.1 Print of. 1830. 12mo. [Also by Burgher, in Plot's Staffs.] Brank at — Description of the. [.hilir/., I., 73.] Notice of. [_ln7/(Ky/. Joio'.. XXXV., 108.] Miscellanea, Ancient and Moilern. [Staffs. Coll., Salt Lib., .we Cat. II.. 397.] [,See Tusser (T.) ; Anglesey (Earls of) ; Paget (Lords) ; Hist. Coll. Staff., I., 258 ; VI. (pt. 1 ), 277.] Beaufo, Jo., of Stafiford. Descent of. [Bodl. Lib., 859, 22.3.] Beaumont, Rev. J. New Con. Minister at Burslem. Farewell Address : A Poem. [New Con. May. (1817), 474.] Memoir of Thomas Walton. [/A.. 2.55.] Beauties of England, The. Or, A Comprehensive View of the Antiipiities of the Kingdom.... 2nded. London. 1764. 12mo. [Stafford- shire, pp. '281 — 87.] Beauties of England and Wales. London, 1818. 8vo,, 18 vols, in 25. [Staffordshire forms Vol. XIII. (pt. 2) ; see Nightingale (Rev. J.).] Beaven, Rev. Frederic Hicks, h. Calne, Wilts., 11th April, 1855: .?. of Christoplier Beaven, Esq. {h. 4th Feb. 1805: d. 2'.)th Nov., 1.S71), and Edith, his wife (vee Hicks, h. 2nth Ai)ril, 1834; d. March, 1H77) ; educated Windiorne, 18G9; St. Bees, 1875— 77 ; Univ. Coll., Dur- ham, 1877 ; Curate, St. Martin's, Brighton, 1878 ; Vicar of Newborough, 1881—85 ; St. Chad's, Stafford, 1885—87; St. Paul's, Burton- on-Trent, 1887 — : ?h. Georgina Braithwaite, dau. of Capt. Edw. A. Dawes. 47th Regiment. Short addresses on tlie Seven T^ast Words of our Blessed Redeemer from the Cross, delivered in the P:vri3h Church of All Saints. Newborough. on Good Friday Even- ing, March 23rd, 1883. 11'. Ifcnry Robin.':on, Steam Printing Workf, Walsall, n.d. Sq. 18mo., pp. 27. Dedicited to "My Dear Parishioners." [Printed for i)riyate circulation only.] Beaven, Rev. James, M.A. b. Westbury. Wilts.; s. of Samuel Beaven : of St. Edmund Hall, Ox.; B.A., 1824; M.A., 1827: B.D. and D. D., 1842 ; Professor of Divinity in Univ. of Toronto ; Curate of Leigh. Discourse on 2 Sam. i. 14. Warnings from History, Political and Ecclesiastical. Jan. 30th, 1838. Oxford, 1838. 8vo. Elements of Natural Theology. London: F. tj- J. Jiivini/lon. 1840. 12mo. A Calm exijosure of the unfairness of the General Reply of all objections of the Author of Ancient Christi- anity. London: F. i^- ./. nli-liii/fon. 1840. An Account of the Lite and Writings of St. Irenseus, intended to illustrate the doctrine, discipline, practice and history of the Church, and the tenets of the Gnostic heretics during the Second Century. London : F. ij- J. Rivinylon. 1841. 8vo. BEBBINGTON (51) BELCHHR Doctrine of Scripture on Celibacy. Lontlon : /•'. >y ./. Rivinfiton. 1H41. 8to. Visits to Indian Missions in Upper Canatia. Lninluii : ./. Bums. 1847. 12mo. Questions on Scripture History. London: f/ami/ton. 1850. ISmo. Catechism of the Thirty- Nine Articles. Lomlon: J. U. c(- J. J'nrker. 18-50. 18mo. Jlanual for Visiting the Sick. London: Hamilton. 1852. iMmo. Help to Catechizing. London: F. if ./. Rivinglon. 1850. 18mo. BEimiNfiTON, James. Printer, Tontine Street, Hanley. Up and Down the Country. [.See Wedgwood (H.).] Brcani, M. Duellum cum i}. Tooker, Decano Lichfeldensi de Primatu Regis Anglise. Motjunthv^ 1G12. 8vo. [Rigidly suppressed. Exceedingly rare.] Beccatelli, Ludovica, Archbishop of Ragusa. Vitoe de Poll. Ditto. Translated into Latin. London, 1600. Svo. Ditto. With Notes and Appendix by Rev. Benj. Pye. London, 1766. 8vo. Beckett, Henry. The South Staffordshire Coalfield. The Substance of a paper read before the Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society. Wolverhampton, 1865. 8to. Becon, John. b. Suffolk ; educated St. John's Coll., Cam., 27th July, 15.")'.) ; B.A., 15fi(l— CI ; Fellow, 21st March, 15(>1— (i2 ; M.A., 1504; LL.D.,1576; Canon of Xorwich, 12th Jan., 1574 ; Chancellor of Norwich, 1575 ; Preb. of Colwich, Lichfield, I'Jth Aug., 1581— 86 ; Chancellor in 1582 ; had a dispute with Bishop Overton, who deprived him, but finally they compromised ; d. 1587 ; bur. St. Giles', Cripi)legate, 4th Sept. An.^wer to three reasons propounded by the Bishop of Lichtielil and Coventry why he should not be Chancellor of that diocese. [Printed in "Strype's Annals, II.. App. 24.] Letters of. [Strype's Grindall, App. 11.12; Cooper's Annals of Cam., II., 4.SG ; Heywood A; Wright's Univ. Trans., I., 457 ; Epistote Academicse ; MSS., II., 408, ,««../.] Latin Verses on the Death of Sir Philip Sidney, 1584. [In University Collection.] [Nichol's Prog. Eliz., III., .^0: Greek Verses by him in Carr's Demostlienes. 1571: Lamb's Cam. Doc; Le Neve's Fasti, I., 2i;iJ, 5112 : II.. 4yG, 498 : III., 1140; Cooper's Annals of Cam.j XL, 27!l — 301), 43() ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., IL, Hi, 17, 542: Baker's History of S.John's, ,345. :tilO : Bliss's Wood's Fasti, I., 173 : StrVpe's Annals, III., ill, 115. 174, 4111'., 407: A}ip. 24: ditto Whitgift, IW, 104; ditto, Grindall, 272 : App. 101 ; Lemon's Cal. St.ate Papers, 446, 417 ; Cat. Univ. Lib., ilSS., II., 72 ; Heywood's & Wright's Univ. Trans. ; Marprehate's Epitome, 44 ; Harwood's Lich- field, 221 (rwBeton); Add. MSS., 5S63, f. 47 ; Diet. Nat. Bio;/., IV. .'.>■}.] Beddo'.v, J. J. Ritualism, shewn to be A Conspiracy for Romanising the English Church and Nation, The Conspirators them- selves ijeing witnesses. A Lecture . . , with a Pref. by the Rev. C. Lee, M.A., Vicar of Bilston. London : Bemrose and Sons, 10, Paternoster Buildings, and l)trhy. Price Sixpence. H.d. (1877). Timo., pp. iv., 5(>. Beddows, John. Bookseller, Wolverhampton, Fellowsiana : A Dramatic Sketch. Ded. without per- mission to the Goldthorn Hill Lodge of Odd Fellows, and to the .Vldermen, Town Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Wolverhampton, who are opposed to the Sewcr;ige .... By a Sanitary Reformer and Mom- lier of the Association for the Reduction of Overweening Vanity. "No uum sympathises with the sorrows of Vauity,"~JoHssox. Published hij .lohn Beddou-s. Bookseller and Newsagent, Worcester Street, Wolverhampton. 8vo., pp. 2ii, ii. Bedsmore, Thomas, b. Lichfield, 183ti ; s. of Thomas Bedsmore of that City ; educated Gr. Sch.: Mat. New Coll., Ox., 5th Feb., 1877; organist of Lichfield Cathedral, 18(14 ; d. Lichfield, Dih June, 1881, Anthems, Beeby, Rev, William Mardon. b. Loughborough, Leics., (!th .hull', 1841 : «. of John Beeby ; edu- cated Louifhlioroagh Gr.Sch.,: Spring Hill Coll., Birmitighani : H:irdy .Sihohir : Cong. Minister, Newcastle, lS7U—8;^ : Shctlield, 188:5 ; Mem- ber Newcastle School l}oard, 187:^ — 83 ; Chair- man, North StatTordshire Infirmary Hospital Sunday Fund, 1877 — 83 ; m. (2), 1874, Mary, dav. of William Hargreaves, J. P., of New- castle ; (3) 1884, M. J, Sorby, of Shellield, Contributed Articles on A Visit to the Holy Land, and Poems, to Christian Witness, Christian Familg. Krangelist Magazine, Congregational .Magazine, and Lai:e Journal. The Lorimer, or Birmingham, in IG42. [.V. Staff, Cong. Journal, 1880.] Edited : — Founders and Principles, Jubilee Lectures deliverei ami Printed un:hall, ij- Co., Stationers' Hall Court; .Sold by John Mason, 66, Paternoster Row. 1S56. 12mo., pp. viii,, 9 — 216. (Bnrslem: Printed hg J. Pean.) History of the Rise and Progress of Wesleyan Metho- dism in the Burslem Circuit. Bbestov, Hugh, Youngest bro. of Sir George Beeston, of Beeston, Clieshire (JLP. Cheshire, 1588—89) ; M.P. Knaresborough, 15'J7 : Bodmin, 1.5,88—89: West Love, 1592— 93 ; Winchelsea, 16(il ; Stafford, 16U4 — 8; j;hani, 1864 — 78 ; Hands- worth Parish Church, 1878 — 81 ; of Holy Trinity Church, Bordeslev, 1884 ; :Mat. t>eeu's Coll.. 0.\., 2nd July, 1SG7 ; Mus. Bac, O.v.. 1867 ; Mus. Doc, 0.\., 1872. The .Se;isons : a set of four Part Songs. Birniim/ham. The Sea of G:ililee (MS.), Oxford. 1S72. EstcUe ("MS.). The Fates, 1868, Excelsior. The Holy Tree and the Mistletoe. Sweet Spring is Coming. Crowned with blushing Roses, The l{ii)e Fruits Mellow iu the Sun. BELL (52) BENNETT Give me tlie lusty Winter time. I wisli ynu a merry Christmas. S:ibl):itli Hiiriiionies. Four Hymns. Six Hymns. Full Anthem for Double Choir, from I'salm 122. Te Deum in C. Anthems from Psalms 13, -.'7. Chants. Wake ! Wake ! each instrument of Sound. The Ship- wreck. Happy hearts in Glailness met. Hark ! the syren strikes the lyre. Arise, and j;o forth. The Clarion. " Si.\ Organ Pieces. Songs of the Convert. The Bridegroom's Serenade. The Death of Wellington, lly Home is on the Mountain Steep. The brave and the bereaved. 'Tis lovely May. Come, then, join our Soldier band. Our village bells. Ever mine ! ever thine ! 'Tis not when smiles are brightest. Polkas. Quadrilles. [Brown li Groves" Dictionaries of Musicians. 1 Bell, George, Printer, John Street, Shelton. Thf \Vtn-l:iner's Ath. Cantab.. I., liil ; Chambers's Worcs. Biog., 47; Malcolm's London Rediv.. IIL, 212, and plate ; Strype; Machvn's Diary, 112, .'iol ; Wood's Colleges and Halls, 78, m, 8; pi., or it. iVlmo., pp. iJ'2. Prhatfit/ Printed [b// \V. ]L Uoh'un'uu, \V(tlsti/l]. Benson, Rev. Joseph, D.D. Wesleyan Minister. Apology for the People called Methodiifts. Loii'loit, ISOl. l-2mo. [Staffordshire, pp. lo.'i— ri7.] Benson, Ralph, h. Jamaica, 1773 ; s. of Moses Benson, Esq. (d. 5th June, 1S0(!, aged 68) ; adm. Man. Gr. Sch., 12th Jan., 1782; joined the Army in Ireland ; m. Barbara, 3rd ildu. of Tliomas Lewin, Esq., of Cloghan.s, co. Mayo ; Cominanded a Company of the 85th Regiment at Walcheren, 1801) : of Lntvvyche Hall, Salop; M.P., Stafford, 1812, 182(;— 32, ■when he retired ; d., Lutwyehe Hall, 23rd Oct., 1845 ; hjir. St. James's, Toxtelh Park, Liver- pool. [Smith's Man. Gr. Sch. Reg. II., liiT, Iii8 : Liverpool a few years, by an Old Stager (1852) : 8vo., p. 17.] Benson, or Boston, William. A Benedictine Abbot ; a 1st Dean of Westminster ; />., Bos- ton (which name he took); B.D., Cam., 1521; D.D., 1528 ; Abliot of Beiieilietine Monastery of St. Modwena at Burton, 27th March, 1529 -33; Abbot of Westminster, i: subscribed the Articles of Religion formnlated 153(i • assisted at baptism of Lady Elizabeth. Sept., 1533; present at baptism of the Prince of Wales, 15th Oct., 1537 ; d. 1549. rWidmore's Westmr. Abbey. l"2ri ; Rymer's Foedera XIV.. 4.'>>,l; Strype's Cranmer. }'.\ Ul!. l.'xl ; ditto Annals II. (pt. 2), .'Vpp.. Book I.. No. .•!7 : dittoMemoir ft., 4. ; Kempe's St. Martin's-le-Grand. II!;!, Iill. 2iHI : Bravley's Westmr. Abbey. I., lim: Caley's Dugdale's Monast., I.. 280; Hardy's Le Neve's F.asti, III., .'ill! : Cox's Cranmer's Works, II., 210. 2-ir), 2.t1, 270: St. Pa. H. 8, I., (i.% ; Fronde's Kngland, 11.. 222. 224: Cooper's Annals Cam., I.. XKI ; Corric's Latimer's Works. II.. .170: Pocock's Burnet's Reform, I., 2.")!;. 28i!, 410, .W! : II., 17.T : 8 Rep. D. K. Rec., App. II., 48 : Letters and Papers. Foreisrn * Dom.. H. 8, V. g. Kill C-).H. g 278 (2r)) : VI. 218 : I. 472, (illl, g 417 120) (21), g .178 (2.i), g nil. 4 ; Ellis's Letters. .•), S., III., 27:1 ; Dart's Westmr.. I. l!l> : Cooi>er's .Ath. Cantab., I.. .");!7, .■):t8 ; Sir T. Moro's Works (l.i87), 14:!0; Dirl. .Vrit. B!o,/., IV., '2:>S), 2(;o.] Bentiiam, Jeremy. Two Letters to Lord Pelham. Loiulon, 1S02. 8vo., pp. 80, 72. The King against Sir C. Wolselev, Bart. London, 1S20. 8vo, Observations on Peel's Police Magistrate's Salary Raising Bill. London, 1823. 8vo. Bentham, Thomas, h. Sherbnrn, Vorks., 1512 —13 ; INfagd. Coll., Ox. ; Fellow, Kith Nov., 154G ; M.A., 1547 ; ejected on accession of Mary ; D.D., 15f.6 : Bishop of Lichfield, 2Cth Dec, 1558 to death ; d. 21st Feb., 1578, at Ecdeshall, where he was buried. The holie Bible [conteyning the olde Testament and the newe — Revised and edited by M. Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury .... T. Bentham .... &c.] Im- prinlnl bij R. ■fiujijt, London (15G8). fol., B. L. in a parts, prologue or pref. by T. Cranmer. Illustrated. Ditto, fol. London. 1572. (Not illustrated.) Same imprint. Ditto, fol. Loudon. 1.585. /*r!ntfd htf ChriKtopher Jifirker. (Ornamental title-page.) [Bishop Bentham translated Ezekiel and Daniel.] Documents, signed by him. [.Salt Lib., .tee Cat. 44.] [Harwood's Lichfield, l.io : iJlrl. .\„t. Blot/., IV., 284; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Cxon., 11., 8li;, 817 : Willis's Cathls.; Anderson's and Eadie's Hist, of Bible : Le Xeve's Fasti. I., :>bG ; Heylyn's Hist, of Reformation ; Life of Jewel, 1.')7.'5 ; Foster's Alumni Oxou.] Bentinck, William George Frederick Cavendish, commonly called Lord (JEOitriE Bentinck. h. Well)eck Abbey, 27th Feb., 1S02 : s. of 4th Duke of Portland : (/. (fell from his horse) near Welbeck Abbey, 21st Sept., 1848; Leader of Protectionist Party, 1845 — 48, and great opponent to Sir Robert FeA in his abolition of the Corn Laws. [For his contests with, :ind opposition to. Peel, tee Motley's Life of Cohden, I., S.18 : Did. Xat. Biog., IV., 2»9— .'!02 ; iJisraeli's Lord G. Bentinck ; Parliamentary Debates, 18.Ki — 18; Molesworth's England, 18:10—74.] Benti.ey, J., Bilston. Obituary of Richard Nock (b. Wednesfield). [.Vew Con. .Uar/. (1842), 477,478.] The' Advantages of Benefit Societies. [lb. (l«4;i). 299 —302.] Bentley, Rev. Richard. />. 1772; M.A.: Vicar of Leek, 1803—22 ; d. 7th Oct., 1822. Sermon lu-eached at Leek by Rev. Rd. Bentley. M.A., vicar, for the lienefit of the wounded soldiers, and widows and orphans of the brave men who have f;illen in the late bloody contests (Waterloo). Leek, 1815. 8yo. (Heb. xiii. Hi.) Copy of a Letter from, dated 10th May, 1822. [Mi)/., XIII.. ii:!.] [Sleigh's Leek, 2nd ed., 84.] Bentley. Samuel. />. Market Place, Uttoxeter, April, 1722 (baptised 3rd May) : s. of Richard Bentley, barber, and Elizabeth his wife : edu- cated Alleyne's Gr. Seh.: a gentleman ; friend of 1st Lord Gardner ; became blind : (/. Utto.xeter, 20th Feb., 1803. The River Dove : -A Pastoral Lyric. London : Printed for the. .\utlior bi/ F.liz. Stenliens. tit the Bible anil Crown, over (ir/ainst Stiilioner.t' ITctl. London. 1768. 4to., pp. 14, verses 28. [Reprinted in Poems, .we ie/ow.] Poems, on various occasions consisting of original pieces. (Vignette of Doveridge Hall.) "Nil intentatum nostic liquere pMietaj Nor iiiiniinum meruere deiMis. vestigia Gneca Ausi (leserere. et celebrare domestica fartJi Vol qui prcctextas. vel qui docuero topatAs.'*— Hon. i)i; AUTE I'oKT. London: Printed for the .Inlhor bi/ ./. D. CornL'th; and sold hy Elizabeth Sterens. .■Stationers' Hall. 1774. 8to., pp. xxiv.. 20.i : title extra. Napoleon. .A Poem. Lines written on his 77th Birthday, 9th May, 1799. [Redfern's Tttoxeter. 2nil ed.. 2i!9— 71.] Contributor to f^ent.'s .}fa(/. Biogra))hv, with Print of birthplace. [Redfern's TJttoxeter, 2nd ed., 2il.i— 71.] Bentt.ev, Thomas. Partner with Josiah Wedg- wood, 14th Nov., 17fiS to death ; h. Scrojiton, D.Tbvs., 1st .Tan., 173(1; m. (I) 1754, Miss Hannah Gates, of Sheffield: (2) 22nd June, BENTLFA- ( -'-t ) BE RES FORI) 1772, Mur_v, dau. of Mr. iStanford, of Derby, Engineer ; resided some time at Burslem, but mostly ill London, wliere he managed the London trade ; (I. Turnham Green, 2(lth Nov., 1780. Wrote several iiainjihlcts anil political songs, was a con- tributor to the Mititt/ihf Mfit/az'uie. Article, .James lirindley, in Kippis's Biog. Brit, was by him. [Jewitt's Wedgwood, ll>4, I()5, 19.^— a,"), 204, 201), 212, 2G4— Gli, 2(;;>, el serj., .'tl."), .•(11, Ml, 3S4, 407; Meteyp. 10. Diocesan Histories. History of Lichfield Diocese . . . With Map. Publislieil under tiie Direction of the Tract Committee. London: Society /or Proinotiny Christian Knoniedye, Xorthnmberland Avenue, t'harint/ I'ross, W'.C, n.d. 12mo., pp. XV., 301. Ded. to " Bislioii jlaclagan." Rules ot the St. Luke's Young Men's Society. Leek: Printed at the Vicaraye Press. 1SS4. 12mo., pp. 8. S. Luke's, Leek, Parish Accounts. 1883 — 84. Revised by the Finance Committee. Leek: Printed by T. Mark, Jjerhy Street. 18S4. 12mo., 4 leaves. Ditto, with A Pastoral Address. 1SS5. 12iiio., p|i. 28. (Jointly with Rev. W. J. Smith, of Longton). With Cars and Camera in the Donegal Highlands, illustrated with Photograi>hs. 1891. Oblong. (Jointly with S. B. Beresford, and E. A. Beresford, B.A.) Life of Canon James Beresford, LL.D., together with his License from Henry VIII. to found a Chantry at Fenny Bentley. Printed at Leek, ISO:!. On single sheets. What- I saw and heard in the North Staffordshire Moorlands in June, 1892. London : Bemrose. n.d. pp. 27, wood cuts. Contributed a Series of Articles signed " L. W. B." [^Macete-ilield Uhserrer. Sept., I8(>3 — Jan., 1804.] Notijs on Meerbrook [Iteliij., III. 1 1X03), 59J; on Rush- ton [/6., 117]; Blackmereof Morridge [/J,. 182,183]; Gaws- worth's Cheshire [/6., 200 — 5] ; The Northern Borders of Startiordsliire [ i/i., 1 V .( 1 8(12 ), 23— .'SO] ; on Bosley [ llj., 1 08— 10] : on Wincle [ib., V. (1805), 3— »J ; TheMoorsand the Moorlanders [ih., 131 — 13] ; The Bald Stone and Longnor [ib.. VI. (1800), 09 — 75]; Jottings and Gleanings at Leek [ib., 19.'>— 99J ; On Superstitions [ib., VII., 100— 3] ; Lichfield Close in the Middle Ages [;*.. 249—55]; St. Alkmund's, Derljy and its oldest Registers [ib., X., 19.3 — 203: XI., 109—14,135—40: XII., 9—15] ; Conjectural Traces ot the Druids in the North Statl'ordshire Moorlands [ib., XV.. 138 — 40] ; Discovery of some Ancient Interments at .St. Chad, Stafford [ih., XXL, 194—9(1] ; How they laid the Bradnop Ghost [Leek Times] ; Over Lonely Morridge [ib.] : Dudley Priory [Aorth Staff's. Field iflub Report (l,s,sl)]; Stone Priory [ib. (1881), 2.-!— 28] ; Celts and Druids [ib. (1884), 24— OJ. A large contributor lo : — The I'hnreh Kramjelist. Vol. I.— IV. The Staffordshire Adrerli.ser. 1881 — 83. Staffordshire Sentinel, Oct. .'ioth, ls75. The Lran'/elieal Monthly. Vol. I. 1892. (10 papers.) The Leek 'Po.it. _ The Staffordshire Times. The Staffordshire Chronicle. To "Old Leeke," 1891, Mr. Beresford contributed: Traditions of Naden — The Hermitage at the Abbey — AUehoiise Cross — (coaches and Four — An Old Fashioned Schoolmaster — British position on Gun — Stanlowe Hall — An -Ancient Quarrel — 'I'he last Steward of Dieulacresse — — Ball Have Jack — Another Tragical Event on (tuu. To •■ .Staiford in the Olden Time," 1890 ; An old Stafford Will — -A. Fiery Dean — Deans of Stafford— St. Chad's Church and itsHistory — Trial by Duel on the Green — An old Sign. Edited :— The Derbyshire Churchman, fol. 1872. Lichjleld iJiocesan Churchman, 187.3 — 75 (fol.), 1870 — 79 (Fcp. 4to.). North's English Bells and Bell Lore. Leek: T. Mark 8vo., pp.. 200. The Lichjield Diocesan Year Book. 1888—91. The Archaeological Columns of tlie Derbyshire .\d- vertizer, 1874 — 70. BERESFORD ( -^5 ) BElllXGTON Beresi'-oiu), William Carr. h. Irelaml, .^th Oct., 17(iS : natural s. of Gfiorge, l.st .Man|iiis of Watrri'ord, 1735 — Isiio : eJucatcil Stra-burtf ; Ensii^Q, (Jth Foot, I'Tth Aug., 17H5 : Licut.- Col.,' 124th Foot, nth Aug., 17'.»4: of H8th Foot, 1st St'pt., 179.)— !lth Feb., 1H07 : in oommand 1st Brigade ia Egypt, June, IHOl — 18tll' ; and at Cape of Good Hope, 1800 ; captured Buenos Ay res, 27th June, 1806 ; Colonel 88th Foot, Dth Feb., 1807— 11th ]\Iarcb, 181'J : Governor Madeira, 24th Dec, 1807 — July, 1808; Marshal in Coiuiiiand Portugese Army, 1st March, 1.SU9— 19 ; Cap- tain-General of Spain, 1811 : a Cross with seven clasps for twelve actions, July, 1815 ; Governor of Jersey, 1820 to death : General, 27th May, 181^5; K.C.B,, 18th Oct., 1810; G.C.B., 2nd. Jan., 1815 ; Duke of Elvas (Peerage of Spain) : M.P., Waterford, 1«11 — 14, but never sat ; knighted, 23rJ Oct., 1810 ; created Baron Beresford of Albuera and Dun- garvon, co. Waterford, 17th May, 1814 ; G.C.H., 1818 ; P.C, 6th Feb., 1821 : created Viscount Beresford of Beresford, Staffs., 22nd April, 1823 ; d., Bedgbury Park, Kent, 8th Jan., 18.54. A Letter to Colonel Napier on the third Volume of his History of the Peninsula War. Loii'loii, 1833. Replv to rlitto on his Yindication. IS.'iit. A Tliird Letter to Colonel Napier, Jfcc. 18.33. Litter to M.r. C. Long on Colonel Napier's Hi.storv. UU. [Cole's Memoirs of British Gentry, I.. IGo — 217 ; Mud. Eiig. Bioff.. I., col. 2011, 251 ; Taylor's National Portrait Ga'Uerv, IV., 1)6 (with port.) ; lUiiHrated London Xeir.t, XXI., V)l.") (port.) : SXIV., S8, .58 (port.) ; Napier's Penin- sula War, III.; Morning Chronicle, '.Ith Jan., 1854; Cole's Peninsular Generals ; Wellington's Dispatches, III,; Sup- plementary Dispatches, III.; Did. X'at. fiior/., IV., li.'iO — Beresfords, of Beresford. [Reliq.. X. (U : IX. 177— Til : see Sleigh (J.) ; Sleigh's Leek, 2nd ed., 1.5, Til, 80, 81, :i:i, 100, 12G, ISIO, IIU, 201, 207, 2011 ; Hist. Coll. Staff., III., (pt. 1) 200 : (pt. 2) 8, 70 : V., (pt. 2) U;, 74, 1)5, Di;, 184. 187, 289, 304 : VL, (pt. 1) 7, 158, 16.S: VII.. (pt. 1) 172, 218: (pt. 2) 33: IX., (pt. 1) 94, 95: X., (pt. 1) 50,51,73, 110.] Bekesford-Hope, Alexander J. Beresford. h. Deepdene, 25th Jan., 1820 ; s. of Thomas Hope, Esq., a)id the Hon. Louisa Beresford, bis wife : educated Harrow : Trin. Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1841 ; M.A., 1844 ; D.C.L., Ox., 1848; LL.l)., Cam., 1864; LL.D., Dublin, Wash- ington, Lee, and South Tennesse, Universities, 1881; J. P. and D.L., Kent; J.P., StafiFs.; President Ardu-eological Museum ; Trustee Brit, Mus. ; ditto, National Portrait (lallery ; U.V., Maidstone, 1841—52, 1857—59; Stoke- on-Trent, July, 18(!5 — 6S ; Univ, of Cambridge, ISD.s to death ; President Roy. Inst. Brit. Architects, 18(i5 — 67 ; m. Lady Mildred Ara- bella Charlotte Henrietta, eldest daii. of 2nd Marquis of Salisbury; of Beresford Hall, Staffs., and owner of Sheen ; (/. 20th Oct., 1887. Address on the Political Questions of the Dav. delivered in Stoke Town Hall, on Tuesday, Sept. oth, 18i;2. (C. M. Campbell in the Chair.) .... [with llr. Hope's com- pliments.] lliiulei/ : Printed htj \V. Timmis. 1S82. 8vo., pp. 18. Tlie Social Influences of the Prayer Book : A Lecture in the Town Hall :it H inley, before the Memters of the Hanley Branch of the Church of England Young Men's Societv .... The Right Rev. tlie Bishop of Lichfield in the Chair, f/anlei/: Printed bi/ W. Timmis. 1SG3. 8vo., pp. 43. Berg, Rev. J. F., D.D., Philadelphia. Great Discussion of the Origin, Authority, and Ten- dencv, of the Bible, between .... and Joseph Barker of Ohio. Stoke-upon-Treiii : Printed by George Turner, Lirerpool Road. 1858. 8vo., pp. 184. Berinotox, Rev. Charli's. b. in Essex, 1748; educated at Douay and Paris : D.D., 1776 ; Coadjutor Bishopof Miilland District, 1786; 18t,h Vicar-Apostolic of Midland District; Bishop of Hierocesaria ; lived mostly at Long Birch; rf. there, 8th June, 1798 ; />«»■. Brewood, 1 1 th June. [Brady's Episcopal Succession (1870), III., 178, 179, 215. 210—18, 223. 221; Catholic Progress, IX., .33, 36; Butler's Hist. Mem. of Eng. Catholics (1822), 44, sei].; Milner's Sup. Mem. of Eng. Catholics, 53, 70, 72 ; Cath. Mag. and Hep. ( 18.-i3). IIL. 107 ; Husenbeth's Life of Bp. Milner. 28, 29, 5(j. 57. (!1, 475 ; Gent.'f .Mag., LXVIII.. 542, 1)22 ; Nichol's Illustrations, VII., 513 : Hid. Xat. Buy., IV., 337.] Berington, Rev. Joseph, h. Salop, 1743 ; edu- cated at St. Omer, in France: of Sedgley Pai-k a)id Oscott Coll., many years : settled at Biickland, Berks., 1814; (/. 1st Dec., 1827. Letter on Materiilism and on Hartley's Theory of the Human Mind. 1776. 8vo. Immiterialism Delineitei: or, a View of the First Principles of Thing.s. 7770. Letter to Rev. Mr. Fordyce occasioned by his Sermou on the Delusive and Persecuting Spirit of Popery. 1770. The History of the reign of Henry II., and of Richard and John his sons, with events of the period from 1154 to 1210, in which the character of Thomas a' Beckett is vindicated from the att;icks of Lord Lyttelton. Birming- ham. 170(1. 4to.. xx.tvi. 083. The State and Beliaviour of English Catholics from the Reformation till 1780. 1780. 8to. (Anon.) An Address to the Protestant Dissenters who have lately Petitioned for a Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts". Birmintjham, 1786. 8vo. The History of Abelard and Heloise, with their Genu- ine Letters. Birmingham. 1787. 4to. Reflections, with an Exposition of Roman Catholic Principles in reference to Goil and the Country. i7*7. 4to. An Essay on the Depravity of the Nation. Birming- ham, 1780. 8vo. Memoirs of Gregorio Panzani : giving an account of his Agency in England in the years Iii3l — .'> — 0. Trans- lated from" the Italian original, and now tir.jt published. London. 1703. 8vo. Reprinted, London, 1813. 8vo. [Replies to the above were written by Charles PlowJea (Re- marks oil Beriiigtou's publication. 1794) ; Bishop Beringtcn wrote a Vinrticatiou iu (lent.'n .\hi8— I3th Julv, 1892. XI., Marriages, 19th Aug., 1879— 23rd Dec. 1891." XI.i., duplicate. XII., Baptisms, 28th Dec, 188(J.— (The Kev. F. O. Inge, M.A., Vicar.) Miscellauea. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 390.] Bersard, Sir Robert, Bart. b. Bram2:jton, Hunts.: 5th and last Baronet ; d. 2nJ Jan., 17S9. Survey of his Staffordshire Estates, made 1770. 4to. MS. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 453.] Bertie, Charles, s. of Montague, 2nd Earl of Lindsay : Envoy to the Elector Palatine of the Rhine. Ashmole's Copy of a letter to (Lond., 1 Dec, 1680), [Bodl. Lib., IISI. i. 335A]. Letter to Ashmole (Cologne. 17th Jan., Ici8(l) [/ft., ,342, 343, .S4.3i]. Keply by Ashmole (Lond., 28th Jan, 1680) [ib.. 34.5, 316, .338«]. Letter to Ashmole (Heidelburg, 12th April, 1681) [i4., .348, 349, 3496]. Besse, Joseph, Quaker, i. 1G18; Writing Master of Colchester, Clerkenwell, and Chelmsford ; m., 9th Oct., 1710, Hannah, dau. of George Dehorne, of Colchester ; d., Ratcliffe, 25th Nov., 1757. A Defence of Quakerism With an Appen- dix. Containing I., An Exjimination of the First Class of Quaker Testimonies produced in a late Vindication of the Bishop of Lichtielil :md Coventry, &c. London : Printed and liold by the A:fsiynf of J. Mowte, at tfte Jiibie in George- yard. Lombard-street. 1132. 8vo., pp. 202. An Abstr:ict of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers for the Testimony of a Good Conscience, from the Time of Their being first distinguished by that Name, taken from Original Records and other Authentick Accounts. Vol. I. From the year 1650 to the ye;ir 1660. London: Printed by the Assiyns of J. .Sonde, at the Bibie, in Georye-yard, Ltjntbard Street. 1733. 8yo., pp. 316. Vol. n. 1738. pp.296. IIL 1738. pp.288. [Arranged in Counties. Copious reference to Staffordshire.] A Confutation of the Charge of Deism ; Wherein the Christian and Orthodox Sentiments of William I'enn are fully demonstrated by Extracts from his own Writmgs, which are cleared from the Perversions and Mis-construc- tions of a Nameless Author, in his late Vindication of the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. London : Same imprint. 1734. 8vo., pp. 92. A Vindication of a Book intituled — A Brief Account of the People called Quakers, &c. Presented lo the Mem- bers of both Houses of Parliament, in answer to a late ex- amination thereof, so far as the Clergy of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry are concerned in it. [Anonymous.] London; Same imprint. 1738. 8vo., pp. 50. Remarks on a late Pamphlet called A Defence of the examination of a Book entitled — A Brief Account . . . so far as the Clergy of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry are concerned in it. London: Printed and Sold by J'. Sou'le, Kayllon and Luke llinde, at the Jiibie, Georye- yard, Lombard Street. 1740. 8yo., pp. 26. A Collection of the Sufferings of the people Called Quakers . . . from the time, ic . . . 16.50, to the Time of the Act commonly railed the Act of Toleration . . . . in Two Volumes. Loudon: Printed and Sold by Luke Ilinde^ at the Bible, in Georyt't/ard, Lombard .Street. 1750. fol., pp., 738. " Beta." Article on Weaving. \^Pot. Mag., II. (1861), 79 — 82.] Bethesda Chapel, Hanley. Report of Meeting on Revivals, held 12th May, 1829. [New Von. May. (1829J, 304, 305.J And of one held in 1832. [/A., (1832) 469]. Reprinted. 12mo. S. Sheet. Betlev, Betteleye, Bettelegh, Betteley, Betty- legh, Betelegh, Betlegh, Bettele. Church Registers :— Vol. I., Mixed, 1.538—1622. II., Mixed, 1653 — 1737. III., Baptisms and Burials, 1737 — 9.3. IV., Mi.xed, 17.54—1812. V., Baptisms. 179.3—18(19. VI.. Marriage.s, 181.3—33. VII., Baptisms, 1813—78. Till.. 1837 . IX.. Burials. 181.3 . X., Baptisms, 18i8.— (Key. R. Boughey, B.A., Vicar.) Morris Dancers from Window in Betley Hall. En- graved in Colours, as frontispiece to C. knight's Old England, fol. 1845. Vol. I. Ditto [with :in elaborate Dissertation upon the Morris Dance and Maid Marian] in The Littel Geste of Robin Hood. ed. by J. M. Gutch. 2 vols. 1847. Appendix. Description of. [Hone's Year Book, >i'M.'\ Morris Dancers, from an ancient window in the house of George Tollett, Esq., at Betley in Staffordshire, engraved by Shervvin. Miscellanea in Staff. Coll. [Salt Lib., see Cat. .389.] [Hist. Coll. Staffs.. I., 75; III., (pt. 1) 143: IV., (pt. 1) 124. 170: VI.. (pt. 1) ,58, 87, 113, 243, 273, 276: VU., (pt. 1) 16, 17, 2117 : VIII., (pt. 2) 159 : IX., (pt. 1) 6.5, 127; X., (pt. 1) 101 ; Hmchcliffes Barthomley, 188—93,205.] Bettei.i.v (Saint), Bertoline, Beculin, Bartiielm, Bertelin, (we meet him by all these names), b. in the seventh century, wiiere or when is pure conjecture : all that seems certain is that he lived in the latter part of the seventh, and former part of the eighth century ; said to have been a King's son, to have gone to Ireland, to have married a beautiful princess, whom he brought over into Derbyshire, where she and her child are eaten by wolves ; he repents of his sins ; meets St. Guthlake, who is leaving Repton for Croyland, and goes with him ; he turns up (according to Plot) at Stafford, -v.ii. 705 (it was then known as Bethneij, where he led a hermit's life for some years : but he " removed into some desert mountainous places where he ended his life " (Plot); the same writer thinks be lived in Dove- da\e, and that this is the " St. Bertram who has a well, an ash, and a tomb at Ham" (p. 28); some think be died at Berkswich, wherever he died his tomb was in Croyland Abbey, Lines.; Patron Saint of Barthomley, Cheshire. [Those who are interested in the Saint Avill find account of him in Ingulphus ; Felix ; Prior Alexander ; Butler's Lives of Saints ; Calendar of Latin Church ; Wilson's English Martyrlogie : Molanus ; Suysken the BoUandist ; Lives of English .Saints, by Cardinal Xewman, (pt.4); Plot's, Pitt's, Nightingale's, Cox's, Harwood's Erdis- wicke (1844), Hist, of Staffs.: a very amusing resume m Hinchliffe's Barthomley, 20 — 9 ; and in nearly all col- lections relating to Saints.] BEVAX (57) BICKliilSTETH Bevan, Edward. M.D., St. Andrew's, 1818 ; Physician at Stoke-upon-Treiit, Conp;leton, Mortlake, and Biidstow, near Ross, Herefs. ; d., Hereford, Jllst Jan., 18G0. The Honey Bee : its natural history, physiology, and management. I^mlon, 1827. 8to. .3rd ed., 1870. [Composed whilst resident at Stoke : he also lielpcl Samuel Parker with his Cliemical Catechism, whilst living there.] Bev.\n, Rev. William, b. Islington, 3rd Sept., 1.S12 ; educateil Hi.u'liliury Coll. ; Consrega- tidnal Minister Saleni Street Chapel, Welling- borough, IS;!.") — 37 ; Xewington Churcli, Liver- pool, 1837 — 47 ; Sec. Evangelieal Alliance, 1847—4;); Minister Snow Hill Chapel, Wolver- hampton, 1849—60 ; of WycliBe Chapel, London, 1862 — 74 ; d. 4th June ; bur. Abney Park Cemetery, 9th June, 1874. The Operation of the Apprenticeship .System in the Britisii Colonies. A Statemeut. tlie substance of which was presented and adopted at the Meeting of the Liver- pool Anti-Siavery Societv, December. li)th, 1837. 1S3S, I). Marples ij- Co.: T. Taylor (j- Co., Liverpool; Hamilton. Adnms. i?- Co., L(ntdou. 8vo.. pp. (Jl. A Letter to the Kight Honourable IJord Bi-ougham on the Alleged Breach of the Colonial Apprenticeship Con- tract. London, 183S. An Essav on the Jloral Influence of Popery. London, 1840. 8vo. Emigration to the British West Indies, London, 1S42. 8vo. An Essay on the Genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ. London, 1843. The Protestants and the Puritans : Two Lectures, delivered on Saint Bartholomew's Day. London, 1846. The Life of Faith. A Sermon preached in Snow Hill Congregational Church. November 14th. 1S.52, on the de- cease of the late John Barker. Esq., Deacon, and President of the Schools of Snow Hill Church; Alderman and Justice of the Peace of the Borough of Wolverhampton ; and ex-High Sheriff of the County of .Stafford. With a Memoir. London: li*. .1. Vincent. 1852. 8vo. The Pilgrim Fathers : The Defenders of Congrega- tional Order, The True Successors of the Apostles and the first -Anglican Reformers. A Lecture, illustrated by Lucy's prize picture, delivered in Snow Hill Congregational Ch:»iiol. and published at the request of the Meeting, December 4th, 18.J4. Wolverhampton : W. A. Vincent, JJtldli-i/ .•street. 18,54. 8vo., pp. 28. Cliurch Reform in the Olden Time. An Historical Argument for Congregational Principles. A bi-centenary lecture delivered at Trinity Chapel, Poplar ; Hurley Street, Bow; and Wyclift'e Chapel; June, 1862. London: John Know. 1862. '8vo. Obituary. [ Congregational Year Book (1875). .112, 31,3.] [See Biblio. of Wolverluimpton ; Lcang. .Wag.; Con- gregalioital Mag.] Bevkridge, Bishop. [.Sfe Wilson (Mary).] Bexlkv, Lord. [See Shrewsbury (John, Lord).] Bewley, Edward White. Dudley Castle, in the Black Country. A Poem. Lon- don, 1871. Fcp. 8vo. Bible, Thomas, M.D. Army Surgeon ; Princi- pal Inspecting Surgeon to the Army of Reserve at Mallow, in Ireland. A Plain Address to the Candid and Impartial, princi- pally directed to the Volunteer Corps and Friendly Societies of Lane End. " Pudet hoec approbria nobis Et dice portuum et non portuisin repelle." Oviri. Met. I., 75». ** To hour an open slnndpr is a curse. But not to find an answer is a worse." — DRVDKN'. L'ttoxeter: Printed for the Author by R. Richards. 1808. «vo., pp. .-iii. [Very rare ; only seen or heard of one copy. — Compiler.] Bickerdike, Rev. W. First Yeir's Progress in West Bromwich Circuit. [P M. .\fiig. (18,'>0), 3(iS.J Bk'kerdyke, John. The Curlosit'e.s of Ale and Beer, an Entertaining History. Illustrated with over Fifty Quaint Cuts . . . in Cuts collected by the late J. G. Fennell, now largely augmented with manifold matters of singular but worthy memory, by the Author and his friend, J. M. D . Lon- don : Pichel . Holy Places. A .Sermon preached in Worcester Cathe- dral on occasion of the Anniversary Festival of the three choirs. Thursd.ay, Sep. 2;^rd. 1875. Same imprint. 1S7S. 8vo. Fear God. Honour the King. A Sermon preached on the Anniversary of the Queens Accession on June 20th, 1875. Same imprint. 1875. 8vo. The Holy Procession. A Sermon preached before the University o"f Oxford, on Whit Sunday, M.ay 16th, 1876. Same imprint. 1S76. 8vo. The Mystery of Godliness. A Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge on Trinity Sunday, June 8th, 1873. Same imprint. 1873. 8vo. Reform of Convocation, .A Speech delivered at Lich- field Diocesan Conference, in St. James's Hall, Lichtield, on Friday, .Sept. 28th. 1877. Same imprint. 1S77. 8vo., pp. 20. Councils of Peace from the Church of England. An Address to the Clergy of the Rural Deanery of Hands- worth, delivered at .Smethwick, July 23i>l, 1877. Same imprint. 1S77. 2nd ed., 1877. Svo.,"pp. 21. .St. Paul's Message to .Archippas. A Sermon preached in Lichfield tlathedral on St. Matthew's Day, Sept. 2l3t, 1878, on tlie occasion of the Bishop of Lichfield's Primary Ordination. Same Imprint. 1878. pp. 24. Man in the Universe without God — Pessimism. A Sermon preached ;it .\ll Souls, Langham Place, at the request of the Christian Evidence Society, on Sundav After- noon, Julv llth, 1880. Same imprint, n.d. (ISSOJ. 8vo., pp. 19. Marrliige with a Dece.iscd Wife's Sister. A Paper read at the Dioccs;in Conference on Thursday, Oct. 27th, 1881. Same imprint. ISSl. 8vo., pp. II. 2nd ed.. 8vo. - The Mercian Church and St. Chad. An Address de- livered in Lichfield Cathedral on St. Chail's Day, March 2nd, 1880. .'iame imprint. 1880. 8vo., pp. 24. 2nd ed., 1881, same pagination. BICKLEY (58) BILL Exposition on St. Murk's Gospel iu Tlie Piilpit Com- mentary. J8S2. 4th ed. h'e;/iin /'aiil ,S- Co. JSS3. Heart Chords : My Hereafter. Loinlun : Cassell ij- Co. 1883. 8vo. The llevised Version of the New Testament. A Lecture delivered in the Cliapter House of Liclitield Catlie- dral on Kecemhcr 311th, 1884. Kivim/ton. ImuiIoh. 1885. 8to.. pp. 2il. Lay Ministrations. A Paper read at the Carlisle Church" Confrress, Sept. — Oct.. 1884. pp. .'). Christian Evidences and Modern Intidelity. A Sermon preachcil iu .St. Jlark's Church, Ualston, at the reipiest of the Christian Evidence .Society, on Sunday Morning, November Iilth. 1881, beiujj: the Day of the Opening of the East London Jlissiou. Jiirint/fan, London. 1SS4. 8vo., pp. llj. Stoke-upon-Trent Parish Church Harvest and Jubilee Festival. The Dean of Lichfield on the Early History of Stoke. Stol'e-upon-Trent : Ah-xander Orei/i/, Staffordshire Time.-: Qllivr. 1880. Svo., pp. 14. Lichfield Diocesan Gregorian Choral Association. Reprinted from the Staffordshire Times o/ Jnli/ nth. ISSO. «. /)., pi., ur d. 12mo., pp. l.i. 'J'homa's Peake, Printer, Newcastle. [.Sermon by Dean Bickersteth.] Three Sonnets written in the Course of Revision of the New Testament, .v.D. 1871 to A.i). 188(1. r2mo. A .Short (Catechism on Confirmation. Ricini/ton, London. 7th ed., 1884. l'2mo.. pp. 11, and 1 leaf. Association: Its Divine Origin and Importance, A Sermon preached to the Freemasons of Staffordshire in Lichfield Cathedral, June 28tb, 1885. Rieinyton, London. 1885. 8vo. The Kingdom Come. A Sermon preached in Lambeth Palace Chapel on the occasion of the Consecration of Bishop Blyth, March 25th, 1887. Ririni/ton, London. 8vo. ('hristian Progress. A .Sermon jtreached in the Parish Church of Wetton, Shro|ishire, on Suiiilay, August "i.'lrd, 1885. Being the Sunday after the Funeral of Thomas Pardoe Burton. J. P., of Fairtree Hall. Bridgnorth. Ricinr/- ton, London. 1SS5. 8vo., pp. 12. The Day of Intercession. A Sermon preached in Lichfield Cathedral on St. .Xndrew's Day, November 30th, 1887. Ririnf/ton, London. 1SS7. 8vo.. pp. 14. Vestry Prayers for the use of Clergy and their Choirs. Lichjield: .1. C. Lomax, The ".lohnson's Head." 1880. Lar. Pt. 8vo., pp. lli. Edited :— Evans's Bishopric of Souls. With Memoir of the Author. Fifth Eilition, with an Introductory Memoir by EdHard Bickersteth, Dean of Lichfield ; and a Portrait. Rivinf/ton. London. i.S'77. Sm. Svo. Handbook of Lichfield Cathedral. Bv John Hewitt. 2nd ed., revised. 3rd ed. 4th ed. Lichfield, 1892. Cr. 8vo., pp. 111. BiCKi.Ev, Alfred, ILiiilcy. lleview of G. Massey'.s '■ B.ibe Chri.stobell." [Pot. Mag., I. (18(iil), 42—4.] The Purpose of Life [ib., 7,5—8]. Tom Hood, Poet and Punster [ib., !12 — I, 12u— 22. i;i8— 40]. Palis.sy the Potter [ih.. II. ( 18(il ), i)7— 102, 127—32]. Music. A Poem [I'i., l:):i. i:!l]. BiCKLEY, Rov. Thoiuan. b. Stowi;, iJucks., l.")18; Masrtl. Coll.. 0.x. : B.A., 15+0 : M.A., 1545 ; B.D., 1552; D.D., 1570; Fellow, 1540— 5-t ; Kinjf's Clip, to King Edward VI. ; in France duriiijir Qiuen Mary's reign ; Clip, to Archbp. Parker; Hector of Biddenden, Kent, 1502; of Sutton Waldron, Dor.-^ct., 157S ; Arclid. of StalTord, 15(;7— Sd; Chancellor of Liclitield Cathedral, 11th July, 15(iO— K(l ; Warden of Mertou Coll., Ox.', 1560—85 ; Bishop of Chichester, 30th Jan., 1585, to death ; (/. Mav, 151)fi ; bur. Chichester Cathedral, I'lUh May. [Fuller's Worthies. 131 ; Harwood's Lichfield, Hill. •211 : Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon.. II.. 8.'i!l : Bickley's Regis'- ter in Chichester Cathedral : Lansd. MSS., 982, f. 238 ; Diet. Xal. Bio;/., v., 8, 9.] BiDDni,i>H, Bidulf, Bydulf, Bidolf. Bydult de Bydulf, Pedigree (1.580) [Rm\\.^^h.. 1834, T. 1, f. 13i— 14]. Arras e.xhibited at Lichfield, 30th March, I«(i3 [ ;*.. 858, f. 115, 111!: 844. 57]. Biddulph Church. Dniwn on Stone by Pickering, circa 18,50. 4to. Extracts from Registers [Bodl. Lib., 833, •244]. Other references to [ib., 853, 31 : 1150, 1.56]. Re.storation of Cliurch. [Antiijuar!/. III., 228, 229.] Biddulph Hall and Castle. [.See Head (11.), and Hulme (F.E.).] [ .See Batem.an (Jas.). (R.), (J.), Cooper (Thos.), Hulme (F E.),Wilson(Rev.J.),Painter(Rev.W.H.), Head (Rob.), Jewitt's Wedgwood, 72. 158, 293; Xorth Staffs. Field flub Report I 18i;(l). 3, 4 : (1874) 7, 8 ; Sainter iJ. D.) : Sleigh's Leek, 2ud ed., 22, "25, 31, 34, .55,89, 90, 108, l'2l!, 1.50, liil, Ili2, 191, 218: Pedigree of, 55; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield Cathedral, 98: Hist. Coll. Staft's. (Biddulph Township and Family), 11. (pt. 1), 119, 154: (pt. 2) 18,21, •29, (!1 : IIL (pt. 1), 511. 51, IIW, 1-22. 172. 173 : (pt. 2), 8. 17, 37, 5(1. 51. 83. 12«: IV. (pt. 1), 21, IJO. 155. 157, 1.58. 181, 183, 19(i, 208, 212, 222, 275 : (pt. 2) 59 : V.ipt.l),13: {pt. 2) 31), .38, 39, 40— 2. 53, 101. 109, 221, 2,53, 342, .307: VI. (pt. 1) 7, 8, 71, 74, 103. 100, 122, 12li, 128, 138, 139, 185, 198, 214. 222, 228. 234: VII, (pt. I). 84. 121. 158. 1112— lU, 170, 180, 198,' 241. -243: VIII. (pt. 2), 83. 133, 135: IX. (pt. 1), 111, 41,05, 72, 85; Miscellanea [St:iffs. Coll., S;xlt Lib., see Cat. 389] ; Antiquities of Biddulph Hall [ib,, 370]. BiDoui.i'ir, Sir Michael. [Bodl. Lib., 1731, 99,] BiDDULi'H, Mrs., Sydney. Memoirs. London: ./. ill, Surgeon ; adm. Man. (ir. Sch., 20th Jan., ]S0(!; Barrister-at-Law ; 7n. Sarah, t/nK. of Mr. Humphreys, of Manchester ; tuniment Room, Lichfield Cathedral, R. 11.] [Handbook to Lichfield Cathedral (1892), 101 : Har- wood's Lichfield, 180, 187, 22ii ; Smollett's England, I., 453 ; Lathbury, 394 ; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield Cathe- dral, 4 I ; (jrii'l. Cantab. ; Hardy's Le Neve's Fasti, I., ,504, 000: II., 193; Allibone's British and American Authors; Parliamentary History VI., 22, 23 ; Shaw's Staff., I,, 289 ; Diet, ^'at. Biug., V., 44.] BiNNEY, E. W., F.R.S., of Manchester. The Hematite of the Churnet Valley. " Biographers and Critics op Johnson." [We-^tmr. Review, LV., N.S. (1879), 1—39 : AppUtou's Journal of Lite rat nn; VI., N.S. (1879), 308—25.] Biographical Magazine. The Lives of the Illustrious, IV. [Johnson, pp. 1 — 12.] Birch, Eli. /). Cannock Wood, 27th Aug., 1811 ; (l. 16th Oct., 1868, aged a?. Obituary of Joseph Birch, by him. \^See Birch (.!.).] Obituary of. Bv Samuel BiVch. {P. M. Mag. (\»6'i), 087, 088.] London, 1853. 8vo. Birch, George, h. Cannock, ISS-t ; shaw, 16th Jan., 1863. Obituary of. By Rev. W. Whitehead. (1805), 817, 318.] (1. Gentle- [/'. M. Mag. Engraver, b. 1768 ; d. Whitby, Birch. John 1829. Engraved Drawings for Angus's Seats. Birch, John. Painter, b. Xorton, Derbys., 1807; d. South Hackney, 1857. Views in Dovedale. Birch, Josejili. b. Whiston, 1783 ; .">, Tli, KM, 121, 140, Ifii. Anil to JJrivenJ'rom Home, and other Life Stories. By a "Delrer." 1882. Two Poems: "The Outcast " and ''The Reclaimed." pp. hi, 1)0. The House of John Hevwood. \^The Britinh ij' Colonial rriuler and Stationer. X'XVIII. No. 24. (Dec. 10th, 1892.] BiuD, Edward, Paintff. b. Wolverliauipton, 1772 ; Drawino; Mastt>r at Bristol ; o.vliiliiteil Paintings at Batb, lsi>7 : in London, 1^13 ; A.R.A., 1S12 ; R.A., 1«15 ; Painter to Prin- cess Ciiarlotte ; won ?>U0 guinea prize for his " Death of Eli," at the British Institution ; d. 181!), aged 48 ; bur. Bristol Cathedral. Paintings : — Good News. The Field of Chevy Chase : The D:iv after the Battle [penes Duke of Sutherland]. The Death of Eli [/*.]. The Surrender of Calais [presented to Princess Charlotte]. The Blaclisinith's Shop. The Auction. A Game of Put. The Gipsy Boy. The Death of Elizabeth. Psalm Singers in a Country Church. Prince Regent. The Debarkation of the French King [penes Dulce of Bridgewater]. [Did. Nat. Bio//., v., 72, 73; Life of B. R. Haydon ; Cunningham's Lives of British I'ainters ; Redgrave's Diet, of I'jiigravers : Pilkiugton's Diet, of Artists; Cat. of Works of Bird e.xliibited at Bristol the year after his death ; Brit. Mus. Gen. Cat.] BiltD, Richard. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; Scholar, 15G8; B.A., 1508—1) ; M.A., 1572 ; B.I)., 1580 ; D.D., 1608 ; Tutor to William Cecil ; Archd. of Cleveland, 21st March, 1588—89; a Canon of Canterluiry, 25th Sept., 1590 ; (I. June, 1009 ; bur. Canterbury Cathedral, 19th June, 1G09. Author of An Apjjeal to Lord Burghley against the cruel treatment of Sir Edward Stafford, Ambassador to France. [MS Lansd., 4(3, Art. !l ; Ath. Cantab., IL, ,".21. ] BiKD, Richard. B.A.; Magd. Coll., Cam. Achmet's Feast and other Poems. London, n.d. 8vo., xii., 200. Lines on the Death of the Lord Bishop of Lichfield. (Cornwall.) pp. 1G9— 71. BiRKS, Rev. T. R., M.A., Rector of Kelshall, Kent. Lecture on The Eft'ects of the Roman Catholic Reli- gion on the Intellect and Conscience of Man. [Lectures on Romanism. WolrerJiamplon. ISol. pp. ()3 — 8'.L] BiRSIlNOH.tM. Poetical Survey round Birmingham. 1800. Map of — and 25 miles round. Bv James Sherriff. 2 sheets. 1798. Fifty Miles round Birmingham. Drawn bv Richards. 1862. Birmingham and District. Drawn by John Bartholo- mew. London, n.d. (ISGO). Excursion to— by the North Staffs. Mining and Mech. Engineers. [Trans. IX., 320— io; 327—35.] BiRRELL, Augustine. Article on Johnson. [Coyttemporart/ lierieiv-XUVlI. (1885), 25—39, and in his Obiter Dicta.] BisBY (or Bisbie), Nathaniel, D.D. b. Bradley Hall, Tii)ton, 5th June, ICi'A.i ; *-.of Rev. John Bisbie, Vicar of Tipton, ami Margaret ((/o«. of Anthony Hoo, of Bradley Hall), his wife ; edu- cated Westnir. School ; elected Student of Ch. Ch.,0.\., from thence, 1051; B.A.,lt;57; M.A., 1U80; D.D., 7th June, 1068: Rector of LoTig Melford, Suffolk ; m., 1072, Elizabeth, dau. of John Wall, of Radwater Grange, Essex, Esq. ; refused to take oath of allegiance on accession of William and Mary ; deprived of his" rectory as as nonjuror, Feb., 1090 ; d. 14th May, 1695 ; bur. Long Melford. The Modern Pharisees. London, 167.'i. Persecution no Persecution : or. the Difference between Suffering for Disobedience ami Faction, and .Suttering for Righteousness and Christ's Sake. London, 1682. Mischiefs of Anarchy. London, 1682. Korah and his Comjjany proved to be the Seminary and .Seed-plot of Sedition and Rebellion. London. 1684. The Bishop \'isiting. London, 1686. [Diet. Xat. liiog.. V., fiH ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I^V., 610: Walker's Sufferings : R.awlinson MSS., Bodl. Lib. ; Fuller's Worthies : Welch's Westmr. Scholars. 142, 143 ; Fasti, II., r.l',1 : Hearne, II., 68 ; Rawlinson,' IV., 113; Foster's Alumni Oxon.] Bishop, F. [See Powell and Bishop.] Bishop's Palace, Lichfield. Ichnograph and Sketch of its ruins. [Tanner's M.S., 217, f. .i4, 56.] [Other References: — Gough's Topog., 485; Wharton's Hist, of Poetrv. II., 276 : Erdeswicke's Staffs., 101 ; Har- wood's ditto (1844) ; Harwood's Lichfield, 287 — 89 : Dods- worth's itSS. : Shaw's Staff's., I., 307.] BissELL, T. F., Wedneshury. Original Poems. Wedneshitri/ : ]*rinted hy A. W. Wldtehouse. 1871. 8vo. BissETT, James, Miniature Painter, h. 17G0 ; of Newmarket, and lastly of Birmingham ; d., Leamington, 1832. Engraved Emblematical Plate for " The Poetical Survey round Birmingham.'' ISOO. Black, W. H. Catalogue of the Manuscripts bequeathed to the Uni- versity of Oxford by Elias Ashmole, Esq. (Jj-ford. 1845. 4to. Blackburxe, Rev. Francis. Remarks on Johnson's Life of Milton ; to which are added Milton's Tractate on Education and Areojjagitica. London, 1780. 12mo. [Privately printed anonymously.^ Black ConxTnv. Strangers in [Leisure Hour, XI. (1860), 635, 637]. Home in [ib., (152 — 55]. Manners and Customs [ib.. 661- 64' " ■ ------ . -.. - Ed'u Chu A Sponge for [ih., 795 — 97]. Honest Munchen ; and other .Sketches of Early Metho- dism in the Black Country ; with the Romantic .Story of the Leek Road Chapel. 2nd ed. London, 1871. 12mo., pp. 80. W.alks in the Black Country. [See Burritt (Elihu).] [See also Griffiths' Markets and Fairs, 91; Bradley (.las.), Wagstaff (Rev. F.).] Blackfriars, Newcastle. [See Palmer (Rev. C. F. R.), Leech (A.).] Black Ladies. [Antiquary, YIL, 83.] Jiome m ito., ii.iz — .joj. juanners anu customs [lo., uui — 64]. Society [ih.. 682—85]. A Tea Party iu [ib.. 700-31. Education in [ih.. 717—20]. Music in [ib., 731-34]. Church in [ib., 746—50]. Lions of [ib., 761—65, 781—83]. BLACKSTOCK (61) j; LAKE WAY Loii'JoH : Priit- .MDCVKLVII. 8vo., Blackstock, Rev. Edward. Baptist Minister, John Street Chapel, Wolverhampton ; formerly fif Pottoii. A Discourse on the Covenant of Grace (2 Sam. xxiii. .")). Mnitchi'gter : John ^iaihhy^ NeivalVs Buildluf/n, Market ■Slrerl. 1835. Vlmc pp 48. The Way to Heaven. Being the substance of two (li.«courses preached in .John Street Chapel. Wolverhamp- ton, on Suuilav, the Htli of April, 1837. Woleerliampton: J. iirlilyni. IHIil. 8vo. -Mercy Manifested to a Chief of Sinners ; or, Auto- biof^rapy and Letters of the Kev. Edward Blackstock, durinff HO years minister of the Gospel at Petton, Wolver- hampton. Loudon^ 2853. 12mo., pp. 5il0. Black Tkihunai,, Enirland'-!. Si.Kth Editicjn. Very much enlarged. ted h>i li. /"/■f'cma'i, in Fleet Street. pp. xxi., 400. [Staffordshire: — Major-Gen, Harrison, 40. ,54, (jl ; Hoptim Heath, ,-i;iS. ;i;iy, :-t,i7, mi : Litchfield, )i42 ; Earl of Liclitielil, :W8, :)t;o, 3li7, 370 ; Col. Bagott, 3(!0 ; Utto.\eter, 3i;7 ; Burton, .3ilil ; Archbp, Sheldon, 378, 37!),] Blackwei.l, J. A., of Cohridge. An Account of an interesting Discovery of Remains of Dieulacres Abbey. [Gent.'.^ May. (Feb. 1819), 121,] Blackwei.l, John. h. near Sheffield, 1791 ; Metiioilist New Connexion Minister, 1«12 — 19 (Hauley, 1818, 1819) ; Proprietor of Sheffield Iris ; bought Nnucastle Courant for £8,000 ; joined Joseph Barker, 1841 ; Town Councillor, 1810—52 ; Alderman, 185^—71 ; Mavor, 18.)9; J.P.; m. Miss Prince, of Shields; d. 12th April, 1871, aged 80. The Methodist Class Le.xder; or. The Duties, Qualifi- cations, Ditlifulties, and Encouragements, of a Class Leader considered : with an Account of Class Meetings . . . . London: Sold by T. Blanchard, W. Babies, and Button ((• Son. Paternoster Row: Somerville, Glasf/oir ; Clark. .\t'nrastle-iipon-T//ne: Allhnt, Hanley: Phenr. Bir- m'uit/li'int : and iiiaif be ordered of the Jfethodist Preachers. u.d.'(JSlS). 18U10,, pp, xii, 13—144, Pref,, "Aug, 24th, 1818" (Allbul. I'rinter). Liberty and Restrictions relative to Marriage : A Discourse from Numb, xxxvi, (J. addressed to Young Persons of Both Sexes professing Religion. Uanleij : same imprint. 1819. 8vo, The Glory of God in Creation and Grace: A Poem, [New Con. Mag. (1818), 273] ; An Address to Yonth [('4., 253] ; Address to Promoters of Sunday Schools [ib., 5G2]; Obituary of [ib. (1872)], Blackwood's Edinburgh Maf/azine. .lohnson and Bishop Warburton, By (1883), 317— .32, Ditto, and David Hume, C, R," II. [/4,,IIL (18181,511—13,] l^Trans. North Staffs. Field Bladkn, W., Wells. stray Notes on Birds. Club ( 1884), pp. 45—53.] Bladon, James. /), Uttoxeter ; living in Ash- bourne, isi;j ; in Birmingham, 1821 ; m., 1825, at Poiityj)ool ; Member of Entom. Soc; of Wernerian Club ; Collector of Taxes in Pontypool ; d. 1874 ; hur. Pontypool. .Joint Editor of Ray's Wisdom of God in Creation, Wernerian Club, Large contributor to : — 7'he Entomoloijical .)faf/azine. Charlesworth's Natural History Mai/azine. Newman's h'utomolot/ist and Zoolofjist. The Phyloloi/i.it. (Both Series.) Athemetim. Notes anil Queries. His article on Spontaneous Generation in the Kntomo- loglcal ^[alfazine. frtnn 1837, was republished bv Erichson in his "Bericht," Berlin, 183S; and again in i;M9, by Wregmann in his " Archives." History of Pontypool, Past and Present. Pontypool : Free Press. Notice of. [Redfern's Uttoxeter, 2nd ed,, 284, 287,] Bla(ii)os', Francis William. Reflections on tlie Naval Administrations of the Earl St, Vincent, By .A-ristides, London, 1805. 8vo, [,\uthor imijrisuned for six months for writing the above.] Blaoo, Henry, Cheadle. Letters, Diaries, &c., Written by Persons in Humble Life, Compiled and arranged by ... . London : I/arnilton. .Idanis, tj- Co.; Norris and Son, i'ttoxeter. MlifCCXLI. 12mo,, pp, xii,, 144, (Pref, signed "Com- piler. Chcadle, .Staffs.") Bi,AKK, John, Printer, Wednesbury. Printer and Bookseller, Market Place, Staffs,, 1834,] [White's Blake, Thomas. b. Staffordshire, 1597 ; mat. Ch. Ch., O.K., 2.5th Oct., lOK) ; Subscribed the Covenant, 1G48 ; Minister St. Alkmund's, Shrewsbury, 1(j45 — 50 ; Tamworth, 12tli Nov., 1()29 to death ; he was Vicar and Perpetual Curate; d. June, 1657. Birth Privilege or Covenant Holinesse. London, 1844. 4to, Tracts on Infant Baptism, London, 1045. 4to. Testimony of the Ministers of Stafford to the Solemn League. London, 164S. 4to. Answer to XVI. Queries touching Christmas, by Jos. Heming of Uttoxeter, London, 16.50. 4to, Font uncovered for Infant-B.iptisme ; An Answere to the Challenge of the .-Vnabaptists of .Stafford, by W, Cook, of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, London, 1651. 4to. Vinilici;B Foederis ; or, A treatise of the covenant of God with mankind in the several kinds and degrees of it ; In which the agreement and the respection of the covenant of works and the covenant of Grace of the Old and New Testament are described. London, 1653. 4to. The Covenant Sealed : A treatise of the Sacraments of both Covenants, polemical and practical, especially of the .Sacr.aments of the Covenant of Grace, with an answer to Baxter. London. 1655. 4to, [In Salt Lib, there is a copy, in which is written ". Michael et Frances Bi'ldulph Imnc librum teaent ex dono .\utbohs, 19 Julii, 1655, die uuionis."] Mr, Humphrey's Second Vindication considered, L)jn- don, 1656. 4to. On the Covenant of God entered with Mankind. By T. Blake, with his funeral sermon by A Burgess, and a funeral Sermon at his death by S. Shaw, London, 1658. 4to, Living Truths in Dving Times. London, 1665. 4to. [Shaw's Staffs,, L: Pitt's Staffs,: Cox's Staffs.; White's Staffs, (1834, 1851); Palmer's Tamworth, -234; Tamworth Corporation Records ; Wood's Ath, O.xon,, III,, 431 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon ; Owen and Bhikeway's Shrewsburv, II,, '281 ; see Cook (J.) ; Shaw (S.) ; Burgess (A.).] Blakemohe, Edward, Wednesbury. On the Restoration of the Parish Church of Wednes- bury. Wednesbury: Printed by Edward Ellis. 1857. 12mo., pp. 51, Subscription List and Peals rung at Parish Church 4 pp, extra, [.See Goddard (John),] Blakeway, Rev. Bennett, b. Ross, Herefs., 17th June, 18(58 ; s. of James Blakeway and Catherine, his wife ; educated Ledbury Gr. Sell,; St. Bees, 1863; Curate of Portwood, 1865—68 ; St. Mary's, South Shields, 1808 — 73 ; Beighton, 1873—74 ; Caverswall, 1874 —78 ; Wellington, 1878—79 : Vicar of Horton, near Li^ek, 1879 ; m. 22nd April. 1874, Rose Sarah, dau. of Bennett Carr of Eckington, Derbys. Horton Church. [Trans. North Staffs. Field Club (1885), 55, 5ti.] BLAND (62) BLOUNT iliuor Matters of Order in Churches. {^Family Cliurch- man, III., 370, 387, 41U, 42.i, 450, 4t<7, 54ti : IV., 73.] Bland, J;inic?. /;. MacdesfielJ, 1812 ; (/. Lfek, lOtli Mardi, 18(;s. Obituarv. Bv Jolin Clarkson. [J: M. Mar/. (1870), 298, 2!l!l.] Blatch, W . G. Entomological llamble.< in the Midlands. II., Cannock Chase. [.I/ii/. \al., II. (\*T.*), 291— '.lo.] Blatch, Ui'v. William, b. Fiomi', 1814; s. of George Blatch, Es^q.: educated Holierts' Board- ing School, Sainbourne, Waniiiiister, Edin- burgh, and Trin. Coll., Hartford, U.S.A. ; Hon. B.U., 1855 ; Incumbent of Aberdeen, 1849 ; Pottenween, 185U — 51 ; St. John's, Perth, 1855— 5H ; Synod Clerk, Diocese of St. Andrew, Acting C.F., and Visiting Clip, to H.M. General Prison of Scotland, 18(J1 — 79 ; Vicar of Hauford, 1879 — 85 : Rector of Sloley, Norwich, 1><85 — 89 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of J. Andrews, Esq.; it. 1892. The Mutual Kesponsihilitie.s of Ministers and People. A Sermon .... delivered in the Hanford Church on Sunday Morning, October iGth, 187!l. I'ertli : S. Coiian ^• Co., Stratftmore Prets. IS70. 8vo., pp. 8. Blick, Eev. Francis, h. 1755, Coventry : Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox.: B.A.. 1774; M.A.. 1777 ; Curate of Sutton Coldfield ; Rector of Walton-!<;.-Rolleston ; of AVissett, Suffolk ; Vicar and Perjietual Curate of Tamworth, 1795 to death ; Preli. of I'ipa Parvu, Lichlield, 7th Nov., 1828 ; Bailiff of Tannvorth, 1S17 ; (I. 3rd April, 1S4:2, aged 87. Sermon ou John vii. 17, delivered in the Church of Sutton Coldfield, Jan. ;iOth, 1791, with the letters that passed between him and the llev, John Hiland, A.M,, respecting it. 1701. 8vo. [Biog. Diet. Living Authors (1816), .30; Palmer's Tamworth, 237, 2.38, Ajip. xxii. ; White's Staffs. (1834), 383 ; Riland's Sntton Coldfield ; ditto, Riland family ; Sutton Coldfield and Border Districts ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.] Blithfield, Blieleld, Blithefeud, Blvfeld, Bly- ffekle, Blythfield, Blidefelt, Blitefield.'Blithefield, Church Registers : — I., Mixed, l.).i8— 11)42. II.. Mixed, 16oS— 1812. III., Marriages (and Banns), 1754—1838. IT., Marriages. 1813 — 5ii. \'. & Tl.. Duplicate Marriages, June, 1838. VII.. Baptisms. 181:!. VIII., Burials, 1813. —(Rev. D. S. Murrav, M.A., Rector.) Miscellanea. [Staffs. Coll., Salt Lib., see Cat. 39(!, 398.] Account of Blithtield Church, its Monuments, ti', 85, 87. 195, 199.2(18,210.211,214. 217, 219, 22r, 225, 228, 2.S« : Hist, Coll. Staffs., I., 80, 223, 234—37, 3.39. 30.5, 360. mX 371 : II, (pt, 1.), 132 : III. (pt. 1). 48. 50, C8, 88 : (pt. 2) .39 : IV. (pt. 1.). lib, 74, 102, 172, 231 : Y. (pt, 1), 75 : VL (pt. 1), 90. 140, 180, 230 : Vli. (pt. 1). 148. 157 : VIII. (pt. 1). 143. 1.5(i : (pt. 2) 45, .50, 75, SI— 3, 105k, 148 : IX. ( pt. 1 ), 93 : X. ( pt. 2), 4, 45, 89: Townsou (Rev. T.. D.D.) ; Harri.son (Rev. Canon) ; 1 'Warden (Rev. M., LL.B.).] Blocke, Roger, Lichfield. Letter to Mr. John Hussev. at the Excise Office, Lon- don (Lichfield, 2nd Jan.). [Bodl. Lib., 1731, f. 42o.] Blome, R. Britannia. Lomlttn, 1G73. fol. (five maps.) [Includes Staffs.] Blood, Lieut, b. 1775; entered Army, 17'.l;j; served in Peninsula and Waterloo Campaigns and in India (altogether 40 years) ; cl. 20th June, 1«40 ; btcr. Cheadle. Monument, Inscription, A'c. [Plant's Cheadle, 83, 84.] Blore Heath. [Jewitt's Wedgwood, 74 ; Mortimer's Wirrall, 93 ; Pitt's. Nightingale's, Cox's, .Shaw's, White's Histories of Stafl^^s. ; 7'ia».«. A". Slafs. Field Club (1884), 7, 14. l(i. .See Leech (A.). Snape (Rev, W,), Gent.'s Mai/., Hist, Coll, Staffs., I.X. (pt. 2), 07.] Blore Rav. Church Registers : — I,, Mixed. 1558 — 11)41 (pp. 44). II., Mixed, 1(;50— 1783 (pp. 92). III., Baptisms, 1784— 1812, IV., Marriages, 1784 — 1812, V., Banns of Marriages, 1784.inu.se. VI.. Burials, 1784— 1812. VII.. Baptisms, 1813. in use. VIII., Marriages, 181.3—34. I.\., Burials, 18i;i, in use. X., Marriages, 18;i7, in use. — (Rev. John Young, Rector.) Ancient Records, &c. [.S<><" Young (Rev. .1. ).] History of, and Bassett Family. [Tiipiiurupher, II., 317— 2(!.] Miscellanea [Staff. Cell.. Salt Lib., see Cat. 398.] [Harwoods Erdeswicke (1844), 104, 114. 11.5. 484, 485. 5(i5; Dugdale's Monast., 271; Bodl. Lib., S,5.?, 42, 436; .l/irror, XXIV.. 20: Topoijrnpher,l..i(i: II„317— 2(i: III., 54 : Hist. Coll. of Staffs.. I., 2.")0 : II.. I pt. 1 ) 159, 248, 250. 2.5li: III., (pt. 1) 72. 102-9. 117. 120. 127. I2S. 1.32, 136, 137, 141, 173 : IV.. (pt. I) 45, 61, 91, 212, 235, 2.-i9. (pt. 2)35: V. (pt. 1) 40, 45: VI., (pt. 1) 66, 145, 153, 245. 251 : VII., (pt. 1) 221, (pt. 2) 14 ; IX., (pt. 1) 48, 100, 10.5, 107.] Blore, Thomas. Collection for the History and Antiquities of .Staf- fordshire, arranged in P^irishes. MS. 4to. Vol. [.Salt. Lib., see Cat. ;)7ll.] Blouxt Family. [Colton and the Wastenevs. GO, 61, 8.3—5 ; Topo- grapher, II., 391, .392 : Hist. Coll". Staffs., VIII. (pt. 2). 1 IOh, 138.] Bloukt, Thomas. Lawyer and Anti(juary ; h. Orleton, Oxf. Boscobel (ir/ticli .n-e). Ancient Tenures of Land ;ind Jocular Customs of Manors. London. 1670. Letters to Ashmole (3rd Sept., 1672). [Bu.ll. Lib., 1131, i. 282a4, 2834.] Blount, Rev. Walter. Curate of Cheadle. Lectures on the English Church a!id the Romish Hierarchy. lS-13. 1 2mo. Reply to Rev. Henry Winter, Romish Priest at Alton, Cheadle. " 1S43. 12mo..'pp. 83. [.See Winter (Rev. H.), Plant's Cheadle, 11.3—1.5.] Blodxt, William. 4th Lord Mountjoy, K.G.; b. Barton-under-Needwood ; s. and heir of John, Srd Lord Mountjoy, and Lora, hi.s wife ; succeeded his fatlier, ]4s5 ; Privy Couiiciiior, 14(S6 ; Commander in Cornish Insurrection, 1497; special grant of all honours home by his father, 1499; Master of the Mint, 1.509; Chamberlain to Queen Katharine ; Governor of Hampness Castle, 1512 ; Lieut, of Tourney, 1514; accompanied Charles, Duke of Stiffolk, to France, 1524; m. (1) Elizabeth, ilav. of William Say : (2) Alice, i/au. of Sir Henry Keble ; (3) Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset ; d. i 534. BLOXAM (63) BLYTHE Siit)scrilied Articles ag.iinst Cardinal Wolsey. Parli;iiiioiitarv Declanition to Pope Clement VII. on King Henrv Vllf.'s Divorce. Will, dated l.fth Oct., l.i.14 : proved 11th Feb., l.iS.). [Croke's Croke Family, II.. •-'Ot; Dugdale's Baronetage, T.. .520 : CooiJer'is Ath. Cantab.. I., hO, .5211 : .Vnstis's Garters ; Kiiitrlifs Erasmus : Test. Vetust., o'HJ, i;a2. IJTO : P. P. Exp. of Eliz. of York. S.5, 210 : E.xcerpta Historica. 2St; : Rvmer, XIII., .■>!»(: StatePapersHenrv VIII., I.,8.312: SUT— 4IM, 408. 4011. Ill)— 1'.»: III., 47.H: VI., 170; Willement's Wind- sor, 42.] Bloxam, Roy. Richard Rowland, b. Ruijliv, Jan., 17'.t8 ; eldest .«. ot Ri'v. R. R. Blo.\atii, Ar-sist- ant Master of Riiehv School: educated Rut;liy; Mat. 14th Oct., 1X1."), Worcester Coll., Ox.; B.A., 1819 ; Master of (niilsboroiigh (Jr. Sch., 1821—24 : Chp. Royal Navy, 1824—4.5 ; Chp. Pembroke Dockyard, 1845 ; Dom. Chp. to Earl Ferrers, 1848 ; Rector of Harlaston, 1850, to death ; (/., Leamington, 2:-!rd Jan., 1877. A Voyage to the Sandwich Islands in H.il. Ship Blonde. London. [.Uod. Km/. Jiio(/.,I.ea.,ni»: Crockford (1876); Fos- ter's Alumni, Oxon.] Bloxwich, Blocksich, Blakesw^-ch, Blockeswych, Blokkcswych, Blockeswyz. Church Registers :— I.. Baptisms and Burials, llith Aug.. 17.-!.-!— .-mth June, 1772. II., ditto, ftth .Tulv. 1772— ;!Oth Deo.. 1812. III., Baptisms, 17th Jan., 181.S— l.")th Julv. 18.!2. IV., Burials, loth .Ian.. 181.!— 12th Oct., 18.-)7. v., Baptisms, l.ith Julv. I8;i2— 14th ilav. 18.i4. VI.. Burials. 17th October. " 18.-!7—lilth April! 18(iO. VII.. Baptisms, 21st ilav, 1854— ilth April, l8i;o. VIII.. Burials, 18th April. I8i;o-^ltith Mav. ISii'.'. IX.. Baptisms, 8th April. 18i;o— Kith Mav, 18t;i).' X.. Burials, 21st June, 1872 — 27tli October, 1884." XI., Baptisms. i:ith June. 18(;il— 22nd Julv. 1877. XII., ditto. 27th Julv. 1877— l»th Oct., 1884. Xril.. Marriages, 1.5th Mav, 1843— 27th Julv. 18ii:!. XIV., ditto, 2nd Aug.. 18i;:!— 21st"Feb., 1881. XV.. ditto, 2i;th Feb.. 1881— 21st Oct.. 1884. XA'I.. Banns. SOth April. 18i:i— 2i;th Mav. 1878. XVII.. ditto. 26th Mav. 1878- 1.5th July, 188.!. XVIII.. ditto. li)th Aug., I8:!.S— 2(Jth Oct., 1884. aud those in use. — (Rev. J. C. Hamilton, Vicar.) Manor of. [Bodl. Lib.. «5.9. 1 1.3—3.56.] [.S« Bavlie (Rev. J.); Hist. Coll. Staffs.. I., 376 : V., (pt. 1) 14.5. 169. 178: VI., (pt. 1) 233: VII.. (pt. 1) 94, loj, (pt. 2) 89: IX., (pt. 1) 29: X., (pt. 1) 6,7.] Blundell, Bazer, F.S.A. The Wolverhampton Warbler ; or, County Court Christmas Carol. With " Notes and Queries," critical and constitutional. London: Printed for the .lullior. n.d. (IS.Ji). 8vo., pp. xi. 82. [A smart'satire on Mr. Serjeant Clarke, County Court Judge.] The County Court of Wolverhampton. Its abuses and remedies. Considered in a Letter to the Right Honour- able Lord Brougham. London, 1S.53. 8vo. Bi.usT, Charles John. [Documents relative to Rugby, Derby, and >[anchester Railway.] Map. Engineer, C. J. B. 184o" (Passes through Staffordshire.) Bi.uNT, Rev. John. Head Master of Newcastle Gr. Sch.; Vicar of Lilleshall. Recollection of Richard Holland respecting Lilleshall .\bbey. MS. in large Book of Views of the Abbev at Lilleshall. [Printed in Bunsen's Lilleshall. pp. 2.3, 24!] Blunt, Rev. John Jaiues. h. Newcastle, 1704 ; s. of the Rev. John Blunt, Head Master of Gr. Sch.; educated Newcastle Gr. Sch.; St. John's Coll., Cam., 1812 ; 1st Bell Scholar- ship, 18l;5 : 15th Wrangler, 181(! ; B.A., 181G ; M.A., 1819; B.U., 182(; ; Fellow, 181(1; travelling Batchelor, 1818 ; Curate of Hodnet, Salop, 1823: Chetwynd, Salop; Huls. Lecturer, Cam., 1831—32 ; Rector of Great Oakley, Essex, 1834—39 : Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, Cam., 9th May, 1839 ; refused Bishopric of Salisbury, 1K54 ; d.. Cam., 17th June, 1855. Vestiges of Ancient Customs discovered in Modem Italy and Sicilj-. London, 1S23. Sketch of the Reformation in England. London, 1832. 29th ed., lS7.i. The Acquirements and Principal Obligations, and Duties of the Parish Priest. London, JHoG. 6th ed., 1S72. A Historv of the Christian Church dunng the First Three Centuries. London, 2S.iG. \thed..]SGO. The Rev. .1. J. Blunts Two Introductory Lectures on the Study of the Early Fathers. 2nd ed., 1S56. On the Right Use of the Eirly Fathers. Two Series of Lectures. London, 1867. 2nd ed., iSoS. [Clmtrlerti/ R-view. CIV. ( 18.58), 151— 70 ; Cambridge ChronirU (22nd June, 18.55) : (Juardian (10th May, 1882), 66.5. G6ii : Mod. Km/. Biog..!., col. 319; Diet. ynl. Biog., v., 274, 276 ; Brit. Mus. Cat.] Bldrton', Blorton. Church Registers: — I.. Baptisms, I8i:i — .5.3. II., ditto, 1853 (in use). III.. Marri.ages (18 only : 14 by license), 1754—70. IV., ditto, 1842 (in use). [No Marriages be- tween date of Vol. IIL and 1812.] V., Burials, 1828 (in use). [Xo Burials before 1828, nor Baptisms before 1813 : all before those vears were registered at Trentham.] — (The Rev. S. W. Hutchinson, Curate.) [See Hutchinson (Rev. Canon), (Rev. John), Butt (Rev. T).l [Hist. Coll. Staffs., IL (pt. 1). 4.3, 49, 64. 71, 78, 94, 101, 108. 114. 119. 125. 140, 146, 15:!, 160, 166, 171 : IV. (pt. 1). 240 : Vn.(pt.2),61 j: Miscellanea [Salt Lib.,. «« Cat. 393.] Blurtos', William, nf Field Hall, Uttoxeter. [Inventor of the Portalile Flood-gate Screw Lever, tiie Swing Cheese Frame, Milking Sy- phon, Syphon Can, Curd Slicer. &c.] A Practical Essay on .''team Ploughing. A Practiciil Essav on Milking. 2nd ed. Birmingham : Printed bg .lllen i)'- 'Lgon. 5, Bennett's Hilt. MUCi'CXL. l2mo., pp. 12. Blvmhill, Blumenhall, Brumhnlle, BIymehill' Bleuihall, BIynienhall, Blomenhale. Church Registers : — I., Mi.xed. 5th April. 1.561 — 20th Feb., 16,54. II., Mixed, 6th Ajiril. 16.54— 8th March, 172:1. III., Mixed, 6th April, 1724— 24th Dec, 1789 [the last Marriage iu this Vol.. 24th Se|)t.. 17,53], IV., Marriages, 18th Aug., 17.54— 8th Oct.. 1789 [and Banns, 21st July, 1754— 21st Oct., 1787]. V.. ditto. 15th Jan., 178!1— .5th Nov.. 1812 [and Banns. 24th Dec, 1788— 2nd March. 18171. VI.. Baptisms and Buria.s, 1st .lau.. 1790— 29th Dec. 1812. Vli., Mar.-iages. 23rd Feb.. 181.!- 14th March. 1837. VIII., Baptisms, 10th Jan., 1813— 1st June. 1850. IX.. 14th Jan., 181.3 — 1st April, 1878. X. (in duplicite). Marriages. 5th Jan., 18:58 (in use). XI., Baptisms, 23rd June, 18,50 (in use). XII.. Burials, 22nd April, 1878 (in use).— (The Rev. E. R. 0. Bridgeman, M.A., Rector.) History of the Parish of. [S«« Bridgeman (The Hon. and Rev. Canon). J [.Spf Clive (Ven.), Bridgeman (The Hon and Rev. J.), (Rev. E. R. O.] [Hist. Coll. Staffs.. I., 170, 176. 226. 290— ;!84 : II. (pt. 1), 29, 97, 184 : (pt. 2) 69—147 : III. (pt. 1), 209. 212 : IV. (pt. 1), 259 : (pt. 2) 49, 50 : V. (pt. 1). 107 : VI. (pt. 1), :42, 100, 107, 115—98 : VII. (pt. 1). 57. 69. 104. 157. 178. 238 : (pt. 2) 8:5, 85, 86 : VIII. (pt. 2), i04. 112h : IX. (pt. i), 42, 50 ; Miscellanea [Salt Lib., see Cat. 390.J Blythe, Geoffrey. b. Norton, Derbys. ; s. of William, by a sister of Archbp. Rotherani ; educated Eton ; elected to King's Coll., Cam., 1483 : Pieb. of Strensall, York, 4th April, 14:i3; Archd. of Cleveland. 9th May, 1493; Treasurer of Sarum, 1st Nov., 1494 ; Rector of Corfe, Dorset., 5th March, 1494 — 95 ; Preb. of St. Paul's. 149(5 ; Dean of York, Mav, 1496; of Gloucester, 9th Feb., 1497—98 ; Master of King's Coll., nth Feb., 1498—99—1528; BLYTHE (64) BODINGTON Arclul. of Sarum and Prol). of Strattuni, Sanim, 21st Aug., 1499 ; Special Embassy to King of Hungary, 1502: Bishop of Liclitielil on his return ; temporalities returneil to him, 2(;th Sept., 1503 ; Lord President of Wales, 1512—24; iL, London, 15;S4 ; bur. Lichfield, befoi'e the image of St. Cliad. Agreements witli Inhabitants of Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., 1531 (B), 15;). Joint Author of Statutes of Lichfield Cathedral, 1526, confirmed by Cardinal Wolpey. [Original Ml^. in Muni- ment Room, Lichfield : Wolsey's ratification at F -'i» ; \'ol. XIII., fol. Blvthe'.s Statutes are at F 24 ; and printed in Dugdale's Moniist., III., 241.] Account of Obit. [Vol. XXV., Muniment Room, Lichfield.] Will, dated 28th April, l.iSO, proved 1st March, l.').'il, contains legacies — To Lichfield and Coventry Cathedrals ; King's College ; Eton College ; King's Hall, and Church of St. Chad, Shrewsbury; and of Norburv, Derbvs. [Harl. MS., ;t8.-til ; ■Cottonian M.SS.. Vesp. E" 6 ; Har- wood's Lichfield, 147 ; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield, itl, 9li, '.'9 ; Anglia Sacra. I., 45.5 ; Handbook to Lichfield Cathedral ( 18S>2), H". 71. tl2 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 40, 41, 528 : Clive's Ludlow, 155, 28.S, 292 ; Hall's Chron., G55 ; Dodd, I., 181; Richardson's Godwin's Fasti; Rvmer ; Alumni Eton, 119; Cole, I., 14.S : XIII., 297 ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon.. II., 702; Thoroton's Notts., ;i44 ; Hist. Coll. StafiEs., VI. (pt. 2), ;t4, 9l!, 99; Beresford's History of Diocese of Lichfield, 17ij, 2(i7.] Blythe, Jeffrey. Nepheiu to Bishop Blythe ; educated Eton ; elected to King's Coll., Cam., 1515; Preb. of Prees, Lichfield, 21st July, 1520 — 21 ; by exchange, of Tervin, 13th April, 1521—47; B. A. ,1520; M. A., 1523 ; Preb. of Weeford, Hth July, 1523—30 ; Master of King's Hall, 1528 ; Vicar of Chesterton, Cainlis.,1558; LL.D.,1529 ; Archd. of Stafford (l)nt only for a few days), 1530 ; Treasurer of Lichfield, 7th June, 1530, with which he held the Precentorship ; d. March, 1541 ; btir. at All Saints', Cam., 8th March, 1541. [Dr. Blythe preached against Bishop Latimer at Cam- bridge.] [Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 79 ; Hardy's Le Neve's Fasti; Latimer's Works, ed. by Corrie. II., p. XII. ; Reg. of All Saints; Alumni. Eton, 135; Harwood's Lichfield, 202, 211, 241, 251, 252 ; Townsend's Foxe's Martyrs, VII., 451 ; Diet. Nat. Biog.. V., 278.] BoBBINGTOS. An Act for inclosing lands in the Manor and Parish of Bobbington, in the several Counties of Staffordshire and Salop. 15th May, 1822. fol., pp. 27. BoDDAM, Hungerforil Tudor. b. 1851 ; 2nd s. of Col. Hungerford Mia Boddam, of Bengal ; studied Luier Temple, 12th April, 18(i9 ; called to the Bar, 2(ith Jan., 1872 ; a Revising Barrister ; on Oxford Circuit ; Recorder of Newcastle, 1891 ; m. Alice Mary, dnu. of J. A. Griffiths, Esq., Q.C., recorder of Reading ; of Burston Lodge, Stone : 5, Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C. Nr)tanda. Digfst on Law and Equity. Highways. A Paper read to the North Stafi^ordshire Law Students' Society, on April 1.5th, 1891. Burslem : IC. Griffiths, Waterloo Priiititir/ Office, ii.il. 12mo., pp. 21. [Foster's Men at the Bar, 42.] BoDEN, Rev. Charles H., Primitive Methodist Preacher at Burton. Obituary of Priscilla Adams {h. Burton, 1821 ; d. there, 18.58). [P.'M. .V(i;i. (1858), 707.] [>See Dalton (James).] BoDEJJ, N., Printer, Stafford. The Holy Bible of the Authorized Version, with Note.s and Cninrneiits selected from the best Annotators. Stafford: I'riiiledh;/ X. Bodeii. 1773. fol. [The Title-])ages of llie Apocryplia iind the New Testament read •' Birminijhum : titj S. lioden and (!. Adams, JT70."\ Remarks on Five Guinea and other Promissory Notes. With some observations on the practice of speculation. By a Country Banker. Bodeii, Printer, Stafford. n.d. 1 'imo., pp. 1 9." BoDiNGTON, Rev. Allied, b. Erdington, Warws., loth Dec, 1H31 ; s. of George Bodington, M.D. ; educated Sutton Coldfield Gr. Sdi., Trin. Coll., Dublin, and St. Aidan's, Birken- head ; Curate Little Hereford, 185(1 — 5X ; Mablethorpe, Lines., 18(')1 — (13 ; Vicar of Hannah-iu.-Hagnaby, 18C4 — 70; of March- ington and Marcbiiigton Woodlands, 1K70 ; m. Zipporah, dan. of the late Edward Elkington, of Warkwortii, Northants., Es(i. Bible Heads and Sacramental Significations strung together. W'ahall : W. Ilennj Robinson, n.d. 12mo., pp. 24. Burial of the Dead ; or, Hymns for Mourners. Ded. to the Memory of Princess Alice, E. F. Selwyn, and Arch- deacon Moore. Music by S. V. A. G. Ouseley. London : Xorello ij- Co. n.d. 8vo., pp. 4. Hymns for use at the Solemnization of Holy Matri- mony, n. pr., d.. or pi. 12mo., pp. 3. (G. II. Sinart, Printer, i'ltoxeter.) Record of a Poor Parishioner. By her Pastor. Ut- toxeter: Charles IVebster, Printer. 188G. 12mo., pp. 7. BoDiSGTON, Rev. Charles, b. Aston, Warws., 28th Nov., 1H30 ; s. of George Bodington, M.D.; educated Sutton Coldfield Gr. Sch., 1845 — 54 ; Mat. King's Coll., London, 185G — 58 ; A.K.C., Applied Science, 1858 ; ditto, 1st Class Theolog}', 18C3 ; Applied Science Dep.irtment, 1850-58 and liSGl- 63 ; Theo- logical Department, 1861 — 63 ; Assistant to Dr. A. Volecker, Professor of Chemistry, Agricultural Coll., Cirencester, l!S5>S — 60 ; Curate St. John's Middlesbrough, 1863 — 65 ; of St. James's, Wednesbnry, lSli5 — 67 ; Vicar of St. Anne's, Willenhalf, 1S67— 70; of St. Andrew's, Wolverhampton, 1871 — 79; Rector of St. James', Wednesbury, 1879 — 83 ; Vicar of Ch. Ch., Lichfield, 1883—89; Diocesan Missioner, 18H7— ; R.D. of Lichfield, 1888— 91 ; 4th Canon-Residentiary and Treasurer of Lichfield, 1888—. The Bible and Ritualism. A Sermon preached in sub- stance in Christ Church, WolverhamiJton, on Sunday, December 18th, 1870 .... St. Luke vi 21— i;. IfoV- verhampton : Joseph Vork, 30, Market .Street ; Birrai at/ha in: Ilodf/etfs, Canon Street; London: llodf/es, Knott. 1871. ]2mo., pp. .'HI. The Doctrine of Confession and Absolution in the Church of England .... I speak as to wise men, judge ye what I s;iv .... Wolrerhampton : William Parke'. Hiyh Street. MDCCCLXXU. 12mo., pp. 25. 2nd ed. Lonijlntrst, 30, Xea- Bridge .street. Blaehfriars. A Letter' to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lich- field in reference to His Lordship's Reply to the Meniorial on the subject of the St. Andrew's and Christ Church Parish Almanack .... Wolrerhampton : W. I*arL-e, Printer, High Street. MDCCCLXXIII. 8vo.. pp. 15. Speaking the Truth in Love. A Sermon preached in Christ Church, Wolverhampton, on the Anniversary of the Midland District Branch of the English Church Union, October (ilst, 1873 .... Published by recpiest of the President of the Branch. Wolrerhamptnn : William Parke. Ilifjh Street; London : John Masters, 78.Xen' Bond .Street: MllCCCLXXIU. 8vo., pp. 11. The Wines of the Bible. A Lecture delivered in BODLY (65) BOLTON Christ Church Scliool Koom, Wolverhampton. Wolcer- h'intj>li)ii : \V. Pnrlce, Prlitter, I/if/h .Sfn'*'/ ; Loudtm : J. T. Hii'ji''^^ Li/(itl litu-e. I'j-tton Sf/iiKri', awl 4, flfiirhtta Sti-i'ft, Cooeul (iiiiden. MDCCCLXXW 8vo.,|>p. 22. Reprinted as "The Wines iif the Bible. A Lecture on Temperance." S.P.C.K. 12nio., pp. :)1. The KinKil'ini of Chri.st. A Sermon preached in St. James's (Ihiirch, Wednesbiiry, on the Sunday before Advent, 1880, Jn reference to the Imprisonment for Conscience Sake of The Reverend Thomas Pelham Dale, The Reverend Richard William Enraj^Ut, and The Rev. Sidney Kaithurri (Ireen. Binniufjham : Coniifh Jim/hers ; Lou'lnii : Simphiti^ .\far:iltnU^ i^' CiK IHSO. Svo.. ji]). lo. The Marriage Garment and how to put it on. A Guide to Ueijentance and Reconciliation. St. Matt., xi. 28, 'M. rublished by Direction of the Tract Committee. Lundmi : S.P.C./C. n.d. 18ma., pp. 20. Some Difficulties of Belief. A Lecture .... Published under Direction of the Tract Committee. Londitu ; S.I'.C.K. n.d. 12mo.. pp. 42. Jesus the Christ. Published under Direction of the Tract Committee. London: S.I'.r.K. 1X02. 12mo., pp. 80. BoDLV, Staffordshire. [Bodl. Lib., .S'.3S, iUl.] Body, Rev. George. b. Clieriton, Ribypane, Devon, 7th Jan., 1S41 ; s. of Josiah Body, Surgeon ; educated Blundell's Sell., Tiverton ; St. John's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1862 ; M.A., 187(! ; D.D. {cansa honoris), Durham, IM^.") ; Curate of St. James's, Wedne.shury, ISCi — (!4; of Si'dgley, 18114 — 6(1 ; in charge of Ch. (,'h., Wolverhampton, 18CG — 70; Rector of Kirkliy- Misjierton, Vorks., 1870 — 84; Canon of Dur- ham, 188;} — ; m. Louisa, dim. of the Rev. W. Lewiii, M.A., late Vicar of Sedgley. St. Paul's Kirenicon. or the Way of Peace in an .\ge of Conflict. A Sermon preached in Christ Church, Wolver- hampton, on Sunday Morning, April 1 Ith, 18)ji*. Published at tlie request of Christ Church Men's Union. Wolcer- hamploii: IV. J'aiki: 1S69. 8vo.. pp. l(i. The Life of Justification. Loudon: lih'ington. IS71. Cr. 8vo. 2nd ed., 1X12. 3rd ed., lX7:i. The Life of Temptation. London : Rivimjlon. 1X72. Cr. 8vo. 2nd ed., 1X73. pp. xii. 2.i0. Boiss.vai), Robert, b. Vanleneia, 1.J70. Portrait nf Robert, Earl of Essex, engraved by Brom- ley. BoKYNOHAM {or Buckingluiui), John. Rector of Olney ; Preb. of Bishopshull, Lichfield ; Dean of Liclifield, 1«4II— r;3 ; Archd. of Northamp- ton, 1351 ; Preb. of Gretton, Lines., 1352 ; Keeper of Privy Seal to Edward IIL, and also to Richard IL (Harwood) ; Bishop of Lincoln, 25th June, 13(12— !t7 ; attended the "Earth- quake Synod," held in London, May, 1382, on the VVyclilTe heresy ; translated to Lichfield, 13117, wliich he refused ; retired to Monastery of Ch. Ch. at Canterburv, where he (/., 10th March, 13'J8. Deranal Visitation of the Prebends of Gaia Minor, Longdon, and Bish.ipsluill, iirci, \:\M, MS. B.B. 2. (Ca])itular A'isitations I Muniment Room, Lichtield.] [Harwood's Lichfield, U.'i. 178, 17il. 217; Did. \at. Bioij.. v., 310, 31(1; Anglia Sacra, I., 411, 441). i;(i3 ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Fox's Martyrs, T., 607 ; Bokyngham's Regis- ter. Kutton extra Harleian MS.. 69o.2 ; Fasciculi Zin/aui- orum. 28i;, .Wl : Walsingham, l.,208: 11., o."), 22S ; Bale, de Script. Brit., IL, 72; Fuller's Worthies in Bucks; Godwins Rolls of Parliament, III., 273 ; Cox's Muniments of Liclifield, ;")G.] BoLKYN, George, s. probably of George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford (beheaded, 1 7th May, 153(1); Mat. as a Sizar of Trin. Coll., Cam., Nov., 1544; B.A.,1;552; M.A., 1560; B.D., 1567; D.D., 1576 ; Puiiil of Archbishop Whitgift ; Preb. of Ulskelf, Yorks., 3rd Aug.. 1560; Canon of Canterbury, 27th Dec, 1506 ; Rec- tor of Kem|)Ston, Notts.; of (yhichester ; Rec- tor of St. Dioni's Backclmrch, London, Feb., 1574 — 75 — Aug., 15',)2 ; of Bongor, Salop, Sept., 1575 ; Dean of Lichfield, 22nd Nov., 157C to death ; Preb. of Dassett Parva, Kith Nov., 1577— Feb., 1578— 7'J ; d. Jan. 1002 ; bur. Lichfield Cathedral. ComiKised his own Ejiitaph. [See Willis (Browne). Printed in Bickersteth's Handbook to Lichfield, '.10.] Paper by him entitled ; — Dutys for bur/alls in the Cathedral, Lichfield. [Original in Muniment Room. Lich- field. F. 4;y) (printed) ; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield, 114, 95.] Letters. [Strype's Whitgift ; Lansd. MS. ; &c.] [Add. MS., 5037. f. 744; Antii). of Lichtield, .5, 57 ; Gibson's Synodus Anglic;vna ed. C;irdwel!, 24(>, 251. 264, 266. 268, 260, 272; Hasted's Kent, XIL, 93; Herbert's Ames. 1699 : Limbeth MS. ; Lansd. MSS., 30. art. U : 48, art. 69 ; 0X3, art. 13 ; Le Neve's Fasti, 1., 57, 56.-!, 599 : III., 220; Neve's Mon Angli., I., 5; Mackay's Journey through Engl;ind, II. , 17; Monro's Acta Cancel, 28; Newcourt's Repertory, I.. 230; Pap. with a Hatchet, 39; Parker's Correspondence, 319 ; .Strvpe's Annals, III.. 174, 175, 406, 407, App. 26, 27 ; ditto (ed. 1824), III., I. 251, 2.52. 592: III., II. 206— 8 ; ditto, Parker, 2li2, 444, App. 176; ditto (ed. 1821 ). IL, 301 ; ditto, Grindal. 211 ; ditto. Whitgift, 100 — 1,311; 'I'albot P:i., H611; Willis's r:ithedrals, I., 172, 400, 4.38: II., 825; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon.. I., 427: IL, -288; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., II. , 341, 342; Harwood's Lichfield, 53, 182. 183 ; Dean Boleyn's Will (Somerset House) ; Protestatyon of Martin Marprelate ; Cal. Sta. Pa. I Dom. Ser. l.')8"l— 90). 329, 426; Manning- ham's Diary (Cam. Soc), 148 ; £>icl. .\at. Ilioi/.. V.. 320, 311.] B0LL.4ND DE GnKENHAnOH. Pedigree of Nonnanton, alln.i Grexon. or Gregson, with arms, crest, and motto. [Bodl. Lib., 834, IV.. 3 f. 36fc -39.] Boi.TON, Rev. Charles Nelson, b. Ipswich, 7th Nov., 1844 ; g. of Charles Bolton, Commander R.N., and Anne Elizabeth, his wife ; educated Rossall Sell., and New Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 1806 ; M.A., 1872 ; Curate of St. John's, Carlisle, 1867 — 72 : Vicar of All Saints, Darlaston, 1872 — 81 ; of Cannock. 1888; m. Catherine Anne, dan. of T. Noriiian, of Bolcherley, Carlisle, Esq. The Still Hours before Early Communion. Walsall: W. Ilenr// Iiobln.^on ; London: SimplL-in, Marshall i]I' Co. n.d. 12mo., pp. 16. A Midnight Walk, or a Chat about Stars. S.P.C.K., 1887. The Comfort of Infidelitv, or Scripture Difficnlties. S.P.C.K. (No. 14 of Scripture Difficulties). The Barbican, or Lessons from the life of Fishermen. S.P.C.K. (No. 2.'!83 Tracts). Swing ofl:'. R.T..S. Boi.To.v, Frederick. Poetical Miscelbmies. consisting of Odes, Songs, and other Pieces. London : John Loirndfti, 9, South Side of Drurtj Lane Tliealre. 1S2G. 12mo., jip. 48. [Lines \vritten in Tettenhall Churchyard, Staffs., p. 39.] Bolton, Rev. Frederick Siimuel. St. John's, Cam. ; Sen. Opt. ; 1st Class Tri()0S ; B.A., 1839; M.A., 1842; B.U., 184'J ; Fellow, 1840 — 51 ; Assistant Master of Bridgnorth Gr. Sch., 183'.)— 50 ; Vicar of Salt. 18.50—76 ; R.l). of Stafford, 1871—76 ; Rector of Taten- hill, 1876 ; Preb. of Handsacre, Lichfield, 186"J. BOLTON (fifi) BONNE Y Christian Uiiitv, A Surmoii preachcil in St. Mary's Church, Statl'iinl, jlav i-in.l, l^^.■l^). Lumlim : /•'. uml' J. nicingtim ; Slnl/hnl : It. niiil W. Wiiyhl. 1S55. 8vo., pp. 66. The Confirmation Service with Explanatory Notes. S.P.C.K. ISlii:. True Limits of Rubrical or Ceremonial Revival in Divine Service. Lotnlon : Parke'- i.^ Co. IHGO. On the Collects. >'«wc luipriut. ISOS. What can our Cathedrals do for us? Same imprint. 1800. Sermons. BoLTOs, Sir Ricliard. b. Feiiton, aHotit 1570 ; s. of Jciliii liciltou ; after [)raclisiiig as a Barrister in EuylaiiJ lie went to Ireland, where he became temporary Uecorder of Duldin. 1 G04 : Eecorder "during good bsliavionr," at £25 per year, IfiOS — 13 ; admitted Socic'ty of Kiiis;'s Inn, Dublin, IfilO; MP., Dublin, KUa; Knighted, IGIH, by Sir Oliver St. John, Lord Deputy of Ireland ; Snlicitor-General, l(iI8 ; Attorney-General to the Court of Wards, Uiib- lin, 1622 ; Chief Baron of the Kxeliequer, 1G25 ; Lord Cbaneellor, Dec., lOSi); m. (1) Frances, dau. of Richard Walter, of Stafford, (2) Murgari't, ilati. of Sir Patrick Barnewall ; (J. Nov.,' KIIS. The Statutes of Ireland, beginning the third year of King Edward the Second, and continuing untill the end of the Parliament begunne in the eleventh year of the reign of our most gratious Soveraigne Lord King .lames, and ended in the thirteenth year of his raigne of England, France, and Ireland. Newly perused and examlTied with the Parliament rolls ; and divers statutes impriiiteil in this booke which were not formerlv printed in the old booke. lG.il. fol. Ditto of the tenth and eleventh rears of King Charles I. 1635. fol. A Justice of the Peace for Ireland, consisting of two bookes. Tiie first declaring th' exercise of that otlice by one or more Justices out of Peace out of Session. The second setting fortli the forme of ]iroceeding in sessions, and the matters tobeemiuired of and handled therein . . Whereunto are added many presidents of indictments of treasons, felonies, misprisons, pra^inuniers, and finable offences of force, fraud, omission, and other misdemeanors of severall sorts more than ever heretofore have been pub- lished. Imprint— Dull! Ill, IGSS. fol. 2nd ed. Dnhliii, IGfiS. [Fac-similes of Nat. MS. of Ireland, pt. lA^.. sec. 2 ; Tucker's Hist. Irish Conf. and War in Ireland, Vol. I[. ; Carte Papers in Bo(il. Lib., Vol. XX, ; Archives City of Dublin ; Ditto of Kilkenny Castle ; State Papers, Ireland, 1008 ; MSS., King's Inn, Dublin ; Regimini Anglicaua in Hibernia, Defensio : London, 1624 ; Desiderata Curiosa Hiberniii, 1 772 ; Patent Rolls, Ireland, James I,, Charles I.; Contem]!. Hist, of Aft'.iirs in Ireland, Kill — 52, Dub., I87il ; Chu-endon Papers, Bodl. Lib.. liUtJ — 47 : Survey of rejected Peace, Kilkenny, ICli:; Add. MSS. (Brit. Jlus.), 47118; Peerage of Ireland, V., 1783; Hibernica, pt. II., 17.iO; Records Ulster King of Arms, Dub, ; Letters and Dis- patches of Earl of .Sti-afford, Ireland, 1740 ; Journ. House of Lords, 1., 1779 ; Ditto House of Commons, Ireland. I., 179G ; Carte's Life of Ormonde, ll'M ; Report of Roval Commission on Hist, MSS. ; Diet. Nat. Bioi/., "V., 328 — .'iO.] BoLTON, Richard, Newcastle. Made a Transcript of Erdeswicke's MS. Survey amongst the Chetwynd papers at Ingestre, A.D. 1702, formerly in the possession of Rowland Cotton, of Etwall. Bolton, Rev. Richaid Knott. Trin. Coll., Dub.; Vice Chancellor's and Hebrew Prize ; B.A., 1853 ; 2nd class Classical and 1st class Mat. Honours ; M.A., 1860 ; Curate of Brierley Hill, lKr)4— 50; of Ridgway, 1856—57; Rector of Newbold-cum-Dunstone, 1857 — 89 ; Rector of Fenny Bentley, 1889. Ad Clerum, "All things to all men." Address delivered at a Devotional Meeting of a Ruridecanal Chapter. Wiihntl: 11'. Henri/ Robinson, Steam I'rliilini/ Wurts, T/ie Jlritist Minister of Wood Street Chapel, Bilston, trampling the Prayer Book under foot, at a Meet- ing held in the IndepeTiden't Cliapel on Tuesday Evening, April 2,")tli, lS+:i. Bilston: Printed and Pnlilished Ay Georye Price, New Town; and Sold Iti/ Simpkin, Murshall, tt t'o., London ; T. liayy and Co., Birmiiii/hain; T. Simpson, Wolverhampton ; \V. Salter, West Bromwich. 1843. 8vo., pp. -Ai. Treatment of the Book of Common Prayer. Bilston, 1843. 8vo. [To this, besides the above, replies were issued by "A Wesleyan Methodist," by "A True Born Briton," by '■ A Protestant Nonconformist," and by " An Independent of Bilston"; all printed at Bilston, iii 1843, and in 8vo.] The Christian as a Citizen. London : Elliot Stoch. 1867. 8vo. Reviewed. [P. J/. .Ife/. ( 18(17), (;;i|,] BoNNEY, Frederick, b. Rugeley, 1842 ; s. of the Rev. Thomas Bonney, M.A. ; educated Marlborough School ; in Australia — liy the River Darling— 1865— 80 ; J. P., Staffs. ; F.R.G.S. ; of Colton House, Rugeley. On Some Customs of the .Aborigines of the River Darling. New South Wales. London : Harrison and Sons, St. Martin's Lane. 1SS3. 8vo.. pp. \G (only a few copies for presents). Reprinted from Juur. of the Anihrop. Institute (Nov., 1883). BoNNEY, Rev. Thomas George. /;. Rugeley, 27tli July, 1X33 ; s. of the Rev. Thninas Bonney, M.A. ; educated Uppingham Sch,; St. John's Coll., Cam,; B. A., 18.56 ; 12th Wrangler and 16th in 2nd Class Classical Tripos; M.A., 1859; B.D., 1866 ; Fellow; D.Sc, 1883; Hon. LL.D,, Montreal, 1884; F.R.S.; F. Antiq. Soc; F.S.A.; F.G.S,; President, Geo- logictl Soc; Hon. D. Sc, Dublin, 1892 ; Pro- fessor of Geology, Univ. Coll., London, 1877 ; 1884—86 ; Wollaston Medal, 1889 ; Tutor, 1S68— 76 ; Math. Master, St. Peter's Coll., Westrar., 1856—61; Wliitehall Preacher, 1876 — 78; Hon. Canon of Manchester; Hulsean Lecturer, Cam., 1884 ; Secretary BONSOR ((57) BOOKER Briti?h Association, 18H1 — 8.'); Boyle Lectur- er, 18!)! — 'J'-i ; Rede Lecturer, Cam., 18'.t2; mimurried ; of 23, Denning Road, ILimstead. The Holy Pluces of Jenisiileni. Lomlmi, 1S(14. 8to. Outline Sketches in the High Alps of Uauphinii. London, 1HG5. -tto. The Text to '-Walton's Peaks and Valleys of the Alps." Limtloii, ISin. folio. Testimony of the Primitive ["'athers to the Truth of the Gospi'l History. London, 2S67. r2mo. Four Sermons jireached before the University of Cam- bridge. London, IHUS. 8vo. The Al|iiiie Kegions of Switzerland and the Neigh- bouring Countries. London, 1K6S. 8vo. The Coast of Norway. London, 1S7U. 4to. Vignettes, Alpine and Eastern. London, 1873. -Ito. The Bernese Oberland. London, 1X74. fol. Lake and Mountain Scenery of the Swiss Alps. Lon- don, 1X74. fol. Elementary Geology. London. 1X74. sm. Svo. Welsh Scenery. London, 1X76 — 76'. 4to. Sketch of the Geology of Cambridgeshire. London, 1875. 8vo. English Lake Scenery. London, 1870. 4to. Elementary Physical Geography. London, 1877. sm. Svo. The Profaneness of Esau and the Question of Elijah. London ami Camhridt/e, IXXU. Xvo., pp. 20. Sermons on some Questions of the Day. London, 1878. Svo. The Influence of Science on Theology. Hidsean Lecture. London. IXSH. Svo. Old Truths in Modern Lights. (Boyle Lecture for WM.) London, 1X01. 8vo. Christian Doctrines and Modern Thought. Boyle Lecture, 1891. London, 1X02. Svo. Numerous Single Sermons and Lectures. Notes on the Pebbles of the Biinter Beds of Stafford- shire, [deoloffical Magazine, Decade II., Vol. VII., 404 ; X., im.] Author of more than a hundred papers on Geological subjects, chiefly Petrological and Physical, in : — The Philosophical Transactions. Proceedings of Roi/al Society. Journal of Gt'olor/ical Socicti/, Reports of British Association. The Oeological Magazine. Tht Mineralogical Magazine. The Philosophical Magazine. Translated '' Pierotti's Jerusalem Explored." 1864. 2 vols., fill. And his "Customs and Traditions of Pales- tine." IXIU. BoNsoit, Harold. Blasting Gelatine. [ Trans. North Stntfs. Min. ij- Mech. Eng., III., 201— .'!]. Discussion thereon ['/A., 204— ti]. BoNsoit, J., Primitive Methodist Minister. Obituary of Sarah Becklev {d., Roval Oak, l.'ith May, 1832). [/' .1/. J/aj. (1S22), 221.] Book. Here begynneth a ryght gratefull mater ; ancl liath to name the boke of surveveug and improvmentes. Printed h A Discourse on the Duty and Advantages of Innocu- lating Children with the Cow-po.'c; Addressed to Parents. Dudley. 1X1)2. 8vo. .■\dmonitory Prayers for Females and Individuals in various states of Life'. Poems, inscribed to Viscount Dudley, having reference to his seat at Himlcy. Dudley. 1X02. 4to. Calista ; or. .V" Pictnre of Modern Life. A Poem. 1SU3. Ito. and Svo. Tobias. A Poem in Three Parts (Vignette by Eginton). London : Printed for ./. Booker, No. .5C, Bonil Street, by John Rann, Dudley. 1805. Svo., pp. i.^c., 9li. Ded. to Bishop Hiird. Illustrations of the Litany. Dudley, 1X07. Svo. jVn Address to Parliament on the necessity of Enlarg- ing the accommodation in Parish Church. Dudley, ISOO. Svo. Sermon cm the Jubilee, proched at St. Philip. Bir- mingham, for tlie benefit of the Infirmary of that 'Town. Birmingham, 1X09. Svo. The Temple of Truth, or. The L'nited Chnrch of Eng- land and Irclanil proved to be built upon the Prophets and the .\postles Monmouth, 1X00. Svo. .V Sermon on the General Fast, with an Address to Common People on Riots. A Sermon to British Soldiers. A Sermon pre.ached at St. Philip, Birmingham, for the benefit of the Blue Coat Cliarity School, of that Town. An .\ddress to the Diulley Loyal Association, delivered at the Consecration of their Cololirs. A Plain Form of Christian Worship for the use of Workhouses and Infirmaries. \ Sennon preached at the Interment of the Right Honourable Viscount Dudlev and Ward. BOOKER (68) BOOTH Two Assize Sermons [on Ezek. vii. 2.'), 2li, and Romans vi. 21] preiched in the Citheilnil Clnirch of Wcjrcester. 2nil ed., with an App., containing the prisoners' prayers and a mirrour for magistrates. Duillei/. ii.il. (ISIS). Svo. The Procession and tlie Bells ; or The Rival Poets. By AV. T., of Wanta.ge. Lumlon. I!il7. 12mo. Repniiled, Jtiaili'tf, JS'1-3. rJmo. liepi-'ntted ttfjain in CUirke» Black Counirii, ISSl. pp. 7(1— 1<7. [A very clever satire on Booker.] A Moral Review of the Conduct and Case of Mary Ashford. in Refutation of the Arguments adduced in Defence of her supposed Violator and Murderer. [A. Thornton.] f)iii>. v. liU. Lectures on the Lord's Prayer, witli Two Discourses on interesting and important subjects. Lomlon, 1S:14. 12mo. X Descriptive and Historical Account of Dudley Castle and its surrounding scenery, with Graphic Illustra- tion (Vignette of the Castle). *' I iloe love these ancient Ruins ; We never tread upon tUetu but we set Our foote upon some revered iiistorie." — Webster's iJttctiess of Afulfrey. " Nor rouffli nor barren are tiie winding ways 'tr' liitar Anti(|Uity, but strewn witli tiowers." iJudlet/ : I^rinted and Soltl at the OJ/ice of the late J. Ilinton^ J'or Messrs, Nicholls^ Messrs. Longmans and Co., Messrs. 1/atchards^ Messrs. Simpkin and Marshall, London, 1825, 8vo., i)p. X. 144, plates :i. 17. 18—111 (folding). 20—21 (fold- ing), 2;i (Plan of Castle), iio, 04, 7(1, 12U. Ded. to Lord Wai-d and Dudley, Dec. 1824. Suggestions for a candid revisal of the Book of Com- mon Prayer. London [Birmin(/ham Printed]. n.d.(lS30). 8vo.. pp. ;u. Tributes to the Dead ; Consisting of more than Two Hundred Epitaphs, many of them original compositions, suitalile for persons of all ages and circumstances . . London: J. /{atchard and Son, 187, Piccadilli/, 1830. l'2mo., pj). xiii. (1 leaf blank) !)8. Ded. to Arc'hd. R. F. Onslow, Midsummer D.ay, 18;(U. Springs of Plynlimmon. A Poem with copious notes descriptive of the scenery and circumstance connected with the Severn, the Wye, and those minor rivers. Wolver- hampton. 1.S.34. 12mo. Portr.iit. in Robes, [/'enes Col. Fletcher, Lamm Wood.] [Ann. Register (18.3,i),2.'!7; Oeut.'s Mar/. (1«;!(;), (pt. 1) ".13; .V. O'- d, 2ud Series, xi. 4.S1 ; Clark's Dudley and Black Country ; /lict. Nat. Bioi/., V., 3G8, 3(iil ; Biog. Diet. Living Authors. IsliJ, p. 33 ; Scott's Stourbridge, 287, 288.] [Private iiifurmation from J. P. Briscoe. F.R.H.S.] BooKKu, Rev. Matthew. Vicar of Hitchencien, Bucks.; Minister of Lje Chapel, near Stour- bridge, 1813 — 17 ; d, 1S17, aged 08. Sermons on various subjects ; left by . . . Published by his widow. Stourbridge : Printed a'nd Published by J. ITeminr/s; sold also at No. 7, Warwick Sr/uare, London; Itann, IJudlei/ : Smart and Simpson, Wolverhampton : Hunt, Worcester: Beilb;/ and Knott, Birmint/ham; and may be /tad of all Booksellers. 1819. 8vo., 12 leaves, pp. 400. [Scott's Stourbridge, 08.] Bookworm, The. .\ Literary Journal for Staffordshire. Stafford. 1820. [Only lived three months.] Printed at Booth, Ann. h. Norton-le-Moors ; <1. Bradley- Green, IGth May, 1800. Obituary by Rev. J. Pritchard. [/'. M. .Mar/., (18(17) 5(i(l.l Booth, Cliarles. Pemb. Coll., Cam.; B.A.; M.U.; LL.D.; Treasurer of Lichfield, 10th Nov., U'JO— 1516; Rector of St. James's, Garliekhithe, London, IDth Sept., 1499 — 1503 ; Preb. of Clifton, Linos., 0th April, 16(11 ; exchanged for Farrindon-cuni-Balderton, Lines., ilstAngust, 1504 ; Arciidn. of Bucks., 8th May, 1505; Preb. of Reculverland, St. Paul's (by Papal Bull) 21st July, 1516 ; Bp. of Hereford, 1510 — to death; Chancellor of Welch Marches ; . 65, Adver. 2 leaves extra. [Rarely to be met with.] Booth, Harriet, b, Stafford. Obituary by Rev. J. N. Innocent. [Neit> Con. Mag., (18.54), 31.3, 314.] Booth, Rev. J. New Connexion Minister. Obituary of John Swingwood, of Lane End. signed "J. B." Lane End. [New Con. Mag., (1X15). SO, 81.] On the Necessity ;iud Usefulness of Holiness and Good Works. J. Booth, L;me End. [lb., 204—7.] Obituary of Jane Allam. [76., (1820) 126. 127.] Obituary of George Martin, [/b., (1830) 349—52, 39.S, 394.] Booth, Rev. John. B.A., Cam.; of Bromyard (1868). Metrical Epitaphs. Bickers and Sons, London and Eton. 1SG8. 12mo. [Epitaphs by, or upon — R, Barn- field, 74 ; Boswell on S. Jenyns and Johnson, 163 ; D. Garrick, 141—6 ; Dr. Johnson, by, 159—62 ; on, 16-2- 4.] Booth, Joshua. Printer, Wednesbury, of High Street, in 1818. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for the use of Wednesbury Parish Church. Duo., pp. 1 — 178. Appendix to A Collection, &c. Wednesbury: Printed and Sold by ./oshua Booth. 1834. Duo., pp. 179—240, Index 249, 250. [Parsons and Bradshaw Directory (1818); White's Stafl:'ordshire (1834).] BOOTH (69) BOSCOBEL Booth, Thomas. /;. Wickcnstoiie, Biddulph, March, lS(i;j; ,1. 11th April, 1808. Obituary by George Shenton. [P. M. May., (1869). 99—101.] BooTif {or lidothe), Williain. hrolher to Sir Uogor Booth, Knt., of Barton, Lanes.: Law- rence Booth, Arclihp. of York : John Itooth, Bp. of E.xeter ; Student of Gray's Inn, but liaving taken Orders, was Rector of Prescot, Lanes.; Preb. of St. Paul s ; Chancellor of St. Paul's; Archd.of Middlese.K; Hp. of Lichfield, idtli April, U47— 52; Archbp. of York, 14r)2 — to death; (/. Southwell, 2()th Sept., 14fi4. [Bodl. Lib., 1527, WM ; Fuller's Worthies: Godwin de I'rics ; Harwood's Liclitield, 144, 145 ; Handbook to Liebtield Cathe.lral, '.12.] Booth, William. Tlie Forger. [Sec Drewry (J.), AUbut and Gibbs.] Booth, William, h. Dilhorne, 17!)0 ; '/. Tunstall, 15th April, 186'.l. Obituary by Hunry Binnall. [/'. .U. Mag., (l«7n), 180— 8.-!.] BooTHiiV, Sir Brooke, Bart. b. Ashbourne Hall, l)erby.s., 1743 ; eldest s. of Sir B. Bootliby.Bart. ; joined literary circle at Lichfield ; and also a member of the Lichfield Linnean Society (which «««); a friend of Rousseau ; 7th Bart., 1781) ; m. Susannah, i/an. of Mr. Robert Bristoe ; (/. Boulogne, 23rd Jan., 1824, aged 80 ; bur. in family vault, Ashbourne Church. A Letter to tlie ilif^ht Honourable Edmund Burlce. Loiiitnn, 1701. Svo.. pp. I'-Hl. Observations on tlie Appeal from the New to the Old Wliigs. and on Mr. Paiue's Rights of Han. London, 1702. 8vo., pp. 28.1. Sorrows sacred to the Memory of Penelope. Lomlnii, 1796. fol,, pp. 87, plates. Tears of Penelope. Lotulon, 1705. sm. fol. Britaiinicus, a Tragedy, from the French of Racine. London, 1S03. 8vo. Fables and Satires with a Preface on the .^sopean Fables, in two vols. Edlnhnrgh, ISOO. Pt. 8vo. .Toint Compiler with Dr. Darwin and Rev. Joseph Jackson, D.D., of System of Plants, 2 vols., and Families of Plants, 2 vols, [.src Lichfield Linnean Society.] [One of Miss Reward's Giles ami several of her Letters are addressed to Sir B. Boothby.] Epitaph on Miss H. Boothby, in Ashbourne Church, printed in Miss Boothby 's Letters to Johnson, 1805. pp. 143, 144. [A'ec Seward (Anna), Darwin (Erasmus), Day (Thomas), Edgworth (R. L.).] f Cox's Muniments of Lichfield, .H'.l ; Handbook to Lichfield Cathedral, 111; Jevvitt's Wed}2 ; 8vo,, 4 vols. Ditto, Ox/ord, 1826; 8vo,, 4 vols, '■ Oxford English Classics," Abridged from Boswell's Life, Otley (1877 j; ICmo, [See Malone (A,), Chalmers (A,), Croker (J. W,), Carruthera (H.), Wright (J,), Portch (J,), Blackwood's Library of Standard Authors, Wallace (W,), Fitzgerald (P,), Napier (A.). Thomas (F.;, Donne (M, A,), Main (A,), Birkbeck (Dr,), Cyples (W,),] The principal Corrections and Additions to the First Edition of Mr, Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson. London, 1703. 4to. "Extracts from the .)/(j«^/;/^ /I'cfieK'" of Lon- don, accompanied by Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson. [Proposals, by Messrs. Andrew and Blake, of a new edition of the Life, itc] n. p.. pi., or d. (i'lmrlestown, Ma.^s., 1S07J. 8vo, Boswell again [A defence of James Boswell against Macanlai/'s Hericir]. By Philalethes. London, 1878. 8vo, A Letter to James Boswell, Esq,, with some remarks on Johnson's Dictionary and on Language, i'c. London, 1702. Epistle to James Boswell, Esq. ; occasioned by his long-expected and now speedily to be published Life of Dr. Johnson. London. 1700. 4to. Johnsoniana ; or, Sup- plement to Boswell. London. 1836. 8vo. Another edition. London, 1848. I2mo., 2 vols. Ditto. London, 1850. 12mo., '2 vols. The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D,, containing some poetical pieces relative to the Tour, a Series of his Conversations, &c. London, 1785. 8vo,, pp, vii, 524. 2nd ed,, revised, London, 178S; 8vo. 3rd ed., revised, London, 1786; 8vo. (in this year there were three editions). 5tli ed., London, 1812. 12mo. Gi\\ ei\., London. 1813 ; 8vo, [Other editions in Life of Johnson] — A Poetical and Congr.atulatory Epistle to J, B. on his Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, by Peter Pindar (J. Wolcot), London, 1786. 4to, (Several editions.) Remarks on the Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, in a letter to J. B. (Signed Yerax). n. p., pi, or d. (1785). 8vo, A Defence of Mr, Boswell's Journal, in a Letter to the Author of the Remarks, London, 1786. 8vo, The Remarker Remarked, or a Parody on the Letter to Mr. Bosw'ell on his Tour, &c. London, 1785. 8vo, (20 Cari- catures, by T. Rowlandson, in illustration of Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides.) (London) 1786. fol. Boswelliana. The Commonplace Book of Boswell, With a Memoir and Annotations by the Rev. Charles Rogers. London, 1874. 8vo, (Printed for the Grampian Club.) Boswell's Letters on Johnson, [C'li. Observer, LIX, (1859) 9—21,] Notice of his Life of John.son. [Montgomery's Life (1854), 127.] BoTFiEi.D, Beriah. b. Earl's Ditton, Salop, 5th March, 1807; M,A.; Ch. Ch., Ox.; M.P,, , Ludlow, 1840—47, i857 to death ; d. 7th j Aug,, 1863. Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England, London, 1840. 8vo. Prirateli/ printed nt Norton liidl, Norlhanls., [Lichfield Cathedral Library.] BoTHAM, Mary. [See Howitt (Mr. M,),] BoTH.\M, Sarah. [See Harrison (Mrs, S,),] BoTT, Rev, Thomas, b. Derby, 1688 ; Rector of Whinburgh, Norfolk ; of Spixworth, 1734 to death, and Edgfield, Norfolk, 1747 to death ; d. 23rd Sept., 1754, Wrote a Reply to W. AVoUaston's Religion of Nature. 1725. Boucher, Ben. "The Dudley Poet and Rhymist," b. Horseley Heath, 1769 ; a Collier ; for the greater part of his life lived in Dudley and maintained himsell with his rhymes, which he sold at one penny each ; his subjects were vari- BOULGER (71) BOURN 0U5 — dog, cock, or iiuiu fi.Lflits, murderers, executions, &c., all were dealt with ; '/. iu the Workhouse at Dudley, IK.")!. A mimbei- of his Poems (V) are printed in Clark's Dud- ley and the Black Country (1K!<1), pp. 214—17. In the same work is a Portrait at p. 214. BouLGER, Leon. Johnson et ses Critiques. [Hevue da Deux Mondes. Tome, XXXVII. (1880), (i74— 97.] Boui.TiJEE, Eev. Thomas Pownall. h. Bidford, Warws., 7th Aug., 1818 : a. of the Rev. Thomas Boultbee, Vicar ; St. John's Coll., Cam., 18;^7— 42 ; B.A.,I841 ; Fellow, 1842; M..V., 1844 ; LL.U., 1872 ; Theological Tutor, Cheltenham Coll., 18.5:5 — (13 ; Principal, Lon- don Coll. of Divinity at Kilhurn, I8U3 ; at St. .lohn's Hall, Hi-l'ibnry, 180.5 to death ; d., Bournemouth, ;3rd .Ian., 1884. The Charter of the Remission of Sins. A .Sermon jtreached before the Church Association at the Autumnal Conference hehl at Wolverhampton, November 2fith, 187.3. Church A.f^ociatiim, 14. Biick'tHgham Street ; W. Mackintosh, 24, J'aferiiuyter Row. IS73. 8vo.. pp. 2l>. BouLToN, Matthew. b. Birmingham, 8rd Sept., 1728 ; g. of Matthew Boulton (h. LichBeld, '/. 17'>'.i): in., 17()2, Miss Ann Roliiiison, of Lichfield, i/au. of Luke Robinson, with whom he had a fortune of £28,(I(I0 ; purchased lease of Soho, 1702, erected Manufactory there 1705 ; built Soho House, 1760 ; purchased fee simple, ]7'.ll: introduced (in partnership with James Watt) the Steam Engine, 1707 ; '' I make here what all men want — Power"; erected coining mills, 1788 ; High SlierifT, 170.5 ; F.R.S. of Kdin. ;ind Loud.; Fellow of Lunar Soc; d. Soho, 17lh Aug., 180".), aged 81 ; hnr. Hands- worth Church, near his friends James Watt and William Murdock, the three founders of Soho. Act to enable Mr. Matthew Boulton to export machinery' necessary to erect a Mint in Russia. London, noa. tol. Letter respecting the Forest of Need wood. London, ISOO. 8V0. Pro|)osals to the Adventurers in the Poldice Mines, Cornwall. ISOO. [Did. .Vat. Bioff., VI., 8, 9 ; Smiles's Boulton & Watt, 18lio : Muirhe.ad's Watt, 1858 : 6Vh<.'» .l/rt(^., ( 1809), 780, 883, 979 ; Shaw's and all other Histories of Staffordshire (e.tcept Plot, Cox, and Erdesvvicke) under Soho ; a' Becket's Universal Biog., I., 518 ; Group of Englishmen, 2 ; see Tinimins (Sam.), Smiles (Dr.), Mete_vard.] Boui.Tox, Richard. (/. Baddeley Edge, 20th Sept., 187(1, aged 76. Obituary by W. E. Sanders. [P. M. Mar/., (1872), .TOO.] BoOLTON", Samuel. Ii. Hanley. Obituary. [.\ew. Con. May., (18(16), 4.37, 438.] BoDi.Tov, Rev. Thomas. b. Staffs., 1800 ; Primitive Methodist Minister, 1838 — to death ; superanuated, 1872 ; d. Brown Knowl, 30th July, 1881. Obituary by Rev. Thomas Lagar. [/'. M. .Mag.. (1882) 307, 308.] Bouuv, Itev. Samuel. /;. Calne, Wilts., 1689 ; s. of tiie Rev. Samuel Bourn {h. Derby, 1(>46 : (/. Bolton, Lanes., 4th March, 1719) : educated at Bolton and at Manchester Academy ; Minis- ter at Crook, near Kendal, 1711 — 20; at Tunley, near Wigan, 1 720 — 27 ; at Chorley, 2yth Dec, 1727—32 ; at Coseley, 2.5th June, 1732 to death ; for some months he sufTered much perseiution at the iiands of John Ward, M.P. for Newcastle (afterwards Cth Baron Ward and 1st Viscount Dudley), but won on appeal to Stafl'i rd Assizes, 1738 ; m. about 1712, at Crook, Hannah Harrison [il. 1768), by whom he had nine children : '/. from paraly- sis, at Coseley, 22nd March, 17.54, wiiere he lies bur. An Introduction to the History of the Inquisition (Anon). Binninyham, 173-J. 8vo. Popery a Craft, and the Popish Priest the Chief Crafts- man. Birmiiiyham,V.3a. 8vo. Reprinted in "A Cordial for Low Spirits," edited by Thomas Gordon. 2nd ed. edited by Rev. Richard Baron. An Address to Protestant Dissenters, or an Inquiry into the grounds of their attachment to the Assembly's Catechism .... Being a calm examination of the sixth answer .... by a Protestant Dissenter (Anon.). Birminyhum, 17-3G. 8vo. A Dialogue between a Baptist and a Churchman, occasioned by the Baptists opening a new Meeting House for reviving old Calvniistical Doctrines and spreading Antinomiau and other errors at Birmingham .... Part I. by "A Consistent Protestant ' (Anon). 2737. Part II. by "A Consistent Christian " (Anon). 27.39. The Christian Family Prayer Book . . . with a recommendation by Isaac ^Vatts, D.D. 17.38. [Fre- quently reprinted, with additions.] Prefixed is an Address to Heads of Families on Famil}' Religion, which was re- printed by the Rev. John Kentish. Birmingham, 180.3. An Address to the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters ... at the Castle Gate, in Nottingham . . ic, by '"A Protestant Dissenter" (.\non). Bir- mingham, 1S3S. 8vo. [Reply to the Rev. James .Sloss, of Nottingham, who had attacked " A Dialogue between a Baptist, &c."] Lecture to Children and Young People. . . . Con- sisting of Three Catechisms With a Preface. Birmiiiyham, 1738. 8vo. ( Contains a recommendation by Revs. John Mottershead, Josiah Rogerson, Henry Grove, Thomas Amory, D.D., .Samuel Chandler, D.D., and George Benson, D.D. : and appended thereto is a revision of the Assemldv's Catechism, bv the Rev. James Strong, of Ilminstef ). 2nd ed., 17.30. "3rd ed., 1748 (entitled Religions Education, Sec). [The Rev. J. A. Orton reprinted the Third Catechism, as A Summary of Doctrinal and Practical Religion.] The True Christian Way of Striving for the Faith of the Gospel. A Sermon on Phil. I., 27, 28, delivered at the Dudlev double Section, 27th May, 1738. Birmingham, 1738. 8vo. Remarks on a pretended answer to The True Christian Way, &c. (Anon.). 27.30. The Christian Catechism intended as a preservative against Deism. (Anon.) Birmingham. 1744. Address. Being a Charge delivered at the Ordination of Job Orton, at .Shrewsbury, on 18th Sept., 174.5. Shrews- bury, 1745. The Protestant Catechism, &c. (Anon.) 1746. 8vo. The Protestant Dissenters' Catechism. . . . By a Lover of Truth and Liberty. (Anon.) 1747. 8vo. An Answer to the Remarks of an unknown Clergy- man on The Protestant Dissenters' Catechism. A'c. (Anon.) 174S. A New Call to the Unconverted. Being Four Sermons on Ezekiel xxxiii. 2. 2752. 8vo. Twenty Sermons on the most serious and practical subjects of the Christian Religion. Birmingham, 2755. 8vo. 2nded. 2/57. [Selections from his Lectures, Sermons. Ac, and aUo describing the MS. of a projected work by him on "The Scriptures of the Old Testament," Jcc, in his Life of Rev. Samuel Bourn.] Articles on the "Logos." [Theo. lief-, l■^ Letter to John Wani. [Printed in Twamlev's Dudley Castle, and in Toulmiu's Life of Rev. S. Bourn.] [Diet. .\at. Biog.. VI.. 25, 2« ; Twamley's Dudley Castle. 53 — 5 : Toulmiu's Memoir of Rev. Samuel Bourn, ISOS. 8vo. : Pickard's Brief History of Conglcton Uni- tarian Chapel, 1S83: B;iker's Mem. of a Dissenting Chapel, BOURNE (72) BOURNE 1884; Turner's Lives of Eminent Unitarians, II. ; Blyth's Funeral Sermon for Rev. S. Bourn, 1754.] Bourne — , Surgeon, Atherstoue, Warws. Pathological Remarks of Dr. Bourne upon the Case of Ann ilooie. of Tutbury. [Loud. Med'icnl Journal, No. 1«8 (27th Oct., 1808).] Bourne (Mrs.), Ethel, h. Lyiiiington, Hants., 1830 ; dau. oi John Mason, Esq. ; m. 1S47, John Bourne, of Hilderstone Hall, Stone, Esq., J.P. and D.L. Spectre Stricken. By Evelyn Burne. LoikIoii : A. S. Mallet <(■ Co., G8—70, Wardoiir Street, W. ISHT. 12mo., pp. 511, two leaves unpaged. Storm-Beaten and Weary. A Novel. By Evelyn Burne. London : Grillith, Fnrrnn, Okeden, i$- Welsh, West Corner St. J'onr.i Clinrr/,i/nrd. 1H87. Cr. 8vo., pp. 3119. (./. (/iindri/. Printer. Hii/li Street, Stone.) Bourne, Hush. b. Fordhay Farm, Stoke, 3rd March, 1772 ; «. of .Joseph Bourne, and Ellen, his wife ; connected himself with the Wesleyan Methodists at Hidgway, near Bemersley, 171)9, where his parents then lived ; began to preach, 1801 ; on Monday, 27th June, 1808 (having attended two Camp Meetings — one at Norton, one on Mow Cop — contrary to Wesleyan Dis- cipline), he was expelled the Society ; with William Clowes, of Burslem, J. Steele, of Tnnstall, and others, founded the Primitive Methodist Connexion, 1810 (first Class Meet- ing held at Standley, Uth March, 1810 ; in connection with which he acted as Preacher until death ; President of Conference several times ; Editor of Publication Departments, 182'.) — 44; / J. Bvnrne ; Stereoti/ped hi/ J. Wnrtkam, Hanley, Stufordshlre. lS3i. Duo, no pagination, lo4 Hvmns. [In this collection he composed Hymn.s No. 54, bo 58, 09, 80, 87, 121, 123, and (jointly with W. Sanders) 112.1 Ditto. 1835. Duo. Lorenzo Dow's Hymns and Spiritual Songs, with an addition of a few hymns from other authors, edited by. 1809 Benton's Edition of Lorenzo Dow's Collection, edited liv Entered Stationers' Hall. 1818. ' Large Hvmn Book, For the use of the Primitive Methodists. ' Bemersleij, near Tnnstall : Printed at the Office if the Primitive Methodist Connexion, hi/ J. Bourne. 1825. Duo., no pagination, 563 Hymns, Index 7 leaves, rin this collection he composed Nos. 23, 04, 77, 103, 192, •>75 304, 378, 412, 419, 421, 423, 42.5—28, 45(1, 470, 529, and iointly with W. Sanders Nos. 1, .'5— 0, 9, 11, 14, 10, 20, 28, •>9 31 35, 02, 75, 80, 82, 9.3, 98—101, 103—5, 110, 115, 117— 19' 124 127— 33,147— 9, 150, 100, 172 — 1, 177, 178. 183, 186— •M 190,' 191 , 193, 195, 200, 202, 214, 225, 227, 229, 2.32, 2.3.5, 246, 254 256, 2.58, 262, 269, 271, 272, 276, 279, 280, 282, 284, 292, •'99' 300, 310, 315, 318. 323, 329, 338, 339, 343, 347, 350, 353, 355 357, 301, 364, .371, 382, 385, 387, 388, .390, 391, 394, 396, 399' 401, 404, 406, 408, 415. 417, 420, 422, 429, 432, 440, 443, 444, 455, 460, 464, 469, 472, 473, 477, 478, 482, 484, 486, 488, 4gc)' 4(ii_e Antlifi: (Rev. W.).] Funeral Sermons. [.See ditto, Jakes (Rev. R.), Petty (Rev. J.).] Account of my first meeting with James Crawfoot. [Herod's Sketches, 256— .58.] Sermon to Children. Id. Elegiac Lines. [.See Jukes (Rev. R.).] An Address on Hugh Bourne's Centenary Birthday. By Rev. Colin McKechnie. [P. M. Mag. (1872), 1 — 11.] Huch Bourne and the Lost Sinner. [Ih. (1873), 40.] Hugh Bourne. By G. W. [/A. ( 1882). 270— 79.] Memoir of Hugh 'Bourne. By Mr. Thomas Bateman. [/A.] Hugh Bourne. A Biography. London: .lohn II «(<(. 18&G. 18mo. Recollections of Hugh Bourne. By Mr. Simpson. London, 1859. 12mo. Biographical Notice of. [Herod's Sketches of Early Primitive Methodists (1842), 44.5 — 88; other references at 250—67 271, 279—81, 212— 1.5, 241, .306, .307, .309, 316, 335, 336 339' 397. 398, 400, 407, 409, 417, 419, 435,441,437,438.] '[The Methodist May., 1819—24; P. M. May., 1824. The various Lives, see Jukes (Rev. R.), Antliffi (Rev. AV.), Pettv (Rev. J.), &c. Mod. Eny. BiV/., I., col. 350 ; Diet. Nat ' Bior/., VI., 29, 30 ; Pettv's History of Primitive Methodism (1864), 4, 5, 10, 15, 19, 20, 27, 32, 34, 36, 39, 46, 05, 82, 98, 107, 137, 2.50, 2.52, 458, 469, .551— .54 ; Stephen's History of Methodism (18lil), III., 223—25; Davidson's Life of Clowes, Chap. 6 ; Methodist May. (1807), 8, 10.] Bourne, James, Printer and Book Steward, h. Stoke, 1781 ; brother to the above ; a Wesleyan Methodist, 1791) : with his brother at the first Camp Meeting, 1807 ; expelled with him, ISIO ; jointly with bis brother built the first Primitive Methodist Cliapel in Tunstall, 1811 ; first general Book Steward, 1820 ; lived at Bemers- ley, where he d., Jan., 1860. Hvmns for Camp Meetings. Larger Hvmn Book [and its various editions]. History of Primitive Methodism. 1823. II BOURNE (73) BOWERS The Primitive Methodist Muijdziiie. IHI!) — K. Slinute:^ ot the Primitive Methodist Conference, from the beginning up to l«-4tj. An Extract from the Journal of Mr. John Nelson, Preacher ot the Gospel. Containing an account of God's dealing:^ with him from his youth to the Forty-Second year of his age. Written by himself. (2 Chron. i. .S, 4). Bemerstey, near Tutistall : J. Bourne^ Printer. 1824. r2mo., pp. v.>->. Again. Printed at the Office of the Primitive Jfetho- diit Connexion by J. Bourne. >itereott/ped by J. Wortham^ Hanley. 1834. fimo., pp. 180. The Experience and Gospel Labours of the Rev. Benjamin Abbott. To which is annexed A Narrative of his Life and Death, by John Ffirth; also Extracts from the Journal of the Kev. John W^esley. (Psalm .xxxvii. 37.) Orif/itiaily Printed at Philadelphia., by S. Conrad, J'or E. <_'ooper. Second English Edition. Bemersley, near Tunstati: I'rinted at the fjjfi<:e of the Primitive Methodist Connexion, by J. Bourne. 18J4. 12mo., pp. iv., o — r.*2. The Cabin Boy. Id. Present Salvation. By T. Morgan. Memoir of Mary Charlton, who died in her twelfth year. Id. A Treatise on Tobacco. By H. Sharman. Id. Jjess Water and More Fire. Id. Christian Baptism. In Two Parts. Part I., 3d. ; Part II., Id. Scripture Promises. By Dr. Samuel Clarke. I2mo. Original Poetry. [.See Howcroft (.W.J.] Primers. Honorary Cards for Sunday Schools. 28. per 100. Copy Books. 4to., 12 leaves ; Is. Bd. per dozen. 4to., 24 leaves ; 4s. per dozen. Un Chairmunry. Id. Life of Ann Cutler. I2mo. 3d. Justice and Mercy. A Poem. Id. Family Receipts. I2mo. Id. The Invisible Worid. Id. Sermons to Children. [*'ec Bourne (H.J.] Sunday School Rules and Regulations. Id. School Bible and Testament. 4to., 10 parts, at 5,'-. School Testament. 4to., 4 parts, at 2,-. An Extract from the Christian Pattern ; or, A Treatise on the Imitation of Christ, written in Latin, by Thomas A'Kcmpis. Abridged and published in English, by John Wesley, M.A. Bemersley : Printed and Published by James Bourne. 1H34. 18mo., pp. iv., 6 — 18G. Contents, 4 leaves extra. Primitive Physic, or, An Easy and Natural Method of Curing Most Diseases, by John Wesley, A.M. (Vignette.) '■ H'-'iiio Sum humaui nihil e me aliemira pnto." A New Edition, Revised and improved. Bemersley ; Printed by James Bourne. r,.d. 12mo., pp. 96. Reflections on the Love of God, on Predestination, Deism, and Atheism, and on Christian Experiences. By Lorenzo Dow, a Native of America. This English Edition is divided into Chapters an prolxibly all tliac was issued.] Rules for the Government of the Burslem Chemical Society. Established 1855. Burslem: Printed by S.Boicer- ing. MDCCCLV. 12mo., pp. 8. Bowers, The Very Rev. George Hull. b. Staffs., 17',)4: s. of Mr. Francis Bowers; educated Pembroke Gr. Sch. : Clare Coll., Cam. ; Per- petual curate, Elstow, Beds.; B.A., 1819; B.U., 1829; U.U., 1849 ; Select Preacher, Cam., 1830 ; Rector of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 1832 ; Dean of Manchester, 1847 — 2()lh Sept., 1871 ; twice married ; after his resignation of hi.s Deanery he lived at Leaming- ton, where he d. 27th Dec, 1872. Sermons preached before the Universitv of Cambridge, 1830. BOWERS (74) BOYCOTT A Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the pro- posed Schools for Sons of Clergy. Looiloii. 1842. A Scheme for the foundation of Schools for the Sons of Clergy anrl others. L'mdon. 1842. Sermons preiched in the Parish Church of St. Paul's, Covent Garden. Lowlon, 1840. Open Churches with Endowments preferable to Pew Rents. A Sermon. Manchaler, 1855. Pew Rents injurious to the Church. An Address. Oxford. ISG.x Portriit by Chirles Mercier. [/'<»«. Rossall School.] [Parkinson's Old Church Clock, 8th ed.. p. Ixxiv ; Mod. Enq. Hio2,] BowEs-How.\RD, William, b. Elford, 23rd Dec, 1714; s. of Henry, Earl of Berkshire; Vis- count Andover : m., fith Dec, 1736, Lady Mary Finch, 2nd dan. of Heneage, Earl of Aylesford; M.P., Castle Rising, 1737 to death ; "killed in a coach accident, near his lodge gate, 15th July. 1756; of Elford Hall. [Ashtead Park, HO, Hi.] BowKKR, Charles E. B., Solicitor. Some time with Mr. W. Turner, Solicitor, of Newcastle ; afterwards of Nottingham : now abroad. The Recent Conyeyancing Statutes, and the Construc- tion they ha ye receiyed from the Courts, being a Paper read before the North Staffordshire Law Students' Society. Hanlty: .\Uhut ^ Daniel, Percy Street Printinq Works 8yo., pp. 74. Bowles, Rev. W. Lisle. Lines on the much admired Monument by Chantry to the Memory of the two daughters of the Rey. W. Robinson, in Lichfield Cathedral. [Literan/ Sourenir, 1827 ; copied in Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844), '562, 563.] BowsEss, William. *. Stramshall ; «. of Thomas Bowness, ganger (afterwards of Salford) ; edu- cated Man. Gr. Sch., 17th Aug., 1763—73; Exhibitioner to Christ Coll., Cam., 14th April', 1774; Scholar, 12th June, 1775 : A. B., 1778- A.M., 17it0; LL.D., 1806: Curate to the Rev. Charles Prescott, D.D., Rector of Stock- port ; Perpetual Curate of Marple ; Chapelry of St. Chad's, Romily ; d. Dec, 1807 ; bur. South Aisle, Stockport Parish Church. [Smith's Man. Sch. Reg., I., 114.] BowsTE.\D, Right Rev. James. Mat. Corpus Christi Coll., Cam. : B.A., 1824 ; M A 1827: B.D., 1834; D.D. per Lit. K.g., 1838 ; adm., ad eundein, Ox. L^niv., 2ist June, 1832 ; Bp. of Sodor and Man, 1«38 — 40 : of Lichfield, 1840 to death : d. 11th Oct., 1843 : bur. Lichfield Cathedral. Practical Sermons. London ; Rivington. 18.iG. 8yo., 2 vols. BowvERS, of Knypersley. Chartae Antiqujeetaliaquamiplurinadocumcuta ; "Ex eyideucijs et scriptes Jok' es Bowyer de Knipcrsley in com' Staff, milit ; et Baronetti "; transcripta. TBodl Lib., S.3.X i)i—i:,6, 159-31.31. Further extracts from Sir John Bowyer's Charters and Evidences. [/4.. 229 iHi.] Descent of Bowyer from Sir W. Venables. of Bradwell (3 Edward I.), and Notes about the Bowvers. taken when Dugdale made his Visitation of Staffordshire ( 1«03). r/6.. 23tf.] ' I. > Arms and Pedigrees of Bowyer, or Bower, from the Lincolnsh.: Visitacon, fol. Bl (Kiijl), and a note from the •' Staff. Visit : 14 fol." [/*., (i74. 241.] Arms and Pedigrees of Bower; Transcribed out of the Visitacon of Staffordsh. : made by William Flowers, Norrey. ao. 1.583. With continuation to Iiilij. [/A., 24.3. qua i Draught of Ashmole's Pedigree of Bowyer, witl rterings. [/6., 244.] Notes on. [/A., 245.] ' "Ex evidencijs penes Joh'en Bowyer de Knipersley in Com' Staff. ; mil : et Bar't. Diversorum testium nomina, et charta tres transcripta. [Ik., 381. :382.] Notes on Family of Bowyer from Visit, of Surrey and Sussex. [/6.] Exemplification of Arms and Grant of a Crest nnto William Bowyer, of Knipersley. by Norrey Flower (12th June. 1574). [lb., 8.58. 3.5, f. 37", HS.'aO.] Sir Gilbert Dethick's exemplification of the arms of Raffe Bowyer. of Lincolnshire, deseendetl from the House of Knipersley (9th Ajiril. 157(;). [lb., f. 70, 71.] Motto of Bowyer, of Staffordshire, [fb.. 862. 29 f 150.] ^ ' ' Stemma descendens ad Johannem Bowyer, anno 1597. Cujus u.xor erat Katherine filia Chr. Telverton serv. and arma. " Ex Collect' Samp' Erdeswick ar' pag. 284 " fib 1115. 10.3. f. 25BA.] ° ■- ■' Notes and Descents, collected from evidences, relative to Chapman, Rost. Kelyng, Heyward, Harcourt, Radyte, Henshae, Davenport, Acton, and Bowyer. by Ashm'ole. [lb., 1750, f. 12a.] .> - Boothe's Observations of Bowyer's Matches f/S f 126.] L •> • Sundry descents and notes relative to the families of Bowyer and Knypersley, collected by Ashmole from old evidences. [lb., f. 13a.J A shield of eight quarterings (Painted over the hall dore at Knipersley) of Bowyer, Knipersley, &c., tricked with blazon, and notes of matches shown thereby [lb f 1.36.] - '■ ■' Pedigree of Bowvers. the descent of which is the children of Sir John Bowyer. 1651— 1(!(;2. [lb., f. 146— 1.5a.] Descents of Palmer. Harcourt, and Pochin. and John Davenport (from a certificite amongst Sir John Bowyer's evidences) ; descents of Brodock. Holiditch, and Bowyer ; also coat of arms " In Bidulph Church window." and a seal of "Will. Bowyer, 2 Eliz.,' tricked. [76., 1.54.] Ashmole's draught of a Pedigree of Bowyer. collected from evidences from 50 Edward III. to 17 Henry VII., and brought down to 1662. [/A., f. 16a6.] Arms of Bowyer and 5 others. [lb., f. 17c.] Draught of a Pedigree of Knipersley in 7 descents to the match with Thomas Bower, 20 Richard I. [lb.. ISa.] Some of^ Ashmole's collections "out of Sr Jo. Bowyers autographs "; or. original evidences relating to the history of the family, r/6., 19. 20.] [ See a/so— lb., 840, 371 ; 846, 33. 346 ; The Topographer, IL, 457.] Boxer, Rev. J., Primitive Methodist Minister, of Wilienhall, Nest. A Tale of the Early British Christians. Lon- don : Elliott Stock. 1866. 12mb., pp. 233. Boycott. Rev. Thomas, New Connexion Minister. b. Staffordshire. BOYD (75) BRADSHAW The New Connexion Weekly Prayer. By and T. Batty. B.irnslev, i:ith Nov., 11*41. S. sheet. Reprinted New Con. Mag. i 1842), 2;!. Proifre.ss of Oklbury Circuit (4th Jan., Iii6t>). [/J. (ISGii), \2i—il.] Obituiry ol .lohn Elli3 [lb.. .iOO, r>l)l] : of Mrs. Sum- mers (A. Cross How, Northumberland, 'iOth July, I>*2ii ; d. Newbottle, 2nd Jan,. 1X70) [ih. (1X70). 4ti.'5— 66]" Obituary of Mrs. Wright (wife of Peter Wright, of Dixon's Green) [ib. (1870), 7*;, 7H7]. Boyd, R. Nelson, F.R.G.S., F.G.S. The Question of Insurance and Compensation a.? re- g.ards the Emjdovers' Liabilitv Act. Read at Stoke, 2nd June, 1X7'.I. [Trnm. North Staff*. M. mid Mech. Bug., IV., 61—8, 112—30.] Bover, Artliur. b. Newcastle ; s. of Samuel Boyer, Attorney ; educateil Man. Gr. Sch., (5th April, 1761 ; Mat. Magd. Coll., O.K., lltb Oct., 17«1. [Man. Sch. Reg., I., M.] BovLE, — , of Stoke, Potter. [Jewitfs Ceramic Art, II., 87, 190, 202, 209, 224, 2.13— 35, 374, 408.] BoYLE, Rev. .John, Vicar of Stramshall. Reasons for Preferring the Worship of the Est.ahlished Church. Preached in .St. John's Church, Wolverhampton, Dec, 1831;. Wolverhampton, ISSB. 8to. 2nd ed., 1S41. 8vo. Reprinted in ''How and for what to Pray." [See below.] Sermons on the Leading Points of Christian Doctrine and Duty. How and for what we ought to Pray. A Series of Lectures on the Lord's Prayer ; with Reisons for Prefer- ring the Worship of the Established Church. (Quotation from the Christian Year.) London: John, Henri/, and James Parter,:}T7,.SIrand: and Broad .Street, Oxford. 1858. 12mo., pp. viii., 163. Reasons, &c., pp. 143 — 63. Boy ov Bii.so.v. [.See Bilson, Perry (W.). Baddelev (Rev. T.), Morton (Bp.).] Bbacegirdle, Richard. Letter to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 1458, 4, f. 1 12«. 1 l:t6.] Bradbory, Edward. All about Derbyshire. London: Simptin, Marshall if Co. Derby. [Contains chapters on Lndchurch, The Roaches, Swythamley, &c.] BRAnncTRY, Henry, b. Shelton. Obituarv. By Rev. T. Harrison. [.Vew Con. Mag. (1816), 84, 85.] Bradhcry, John, jun. The North Staffordshire Coalfield. [ Trans. Geol. Soc, Man., III.] Bbadfiki.d Schooi,, Berkshire. The Bradfield School Chronicle. Vol. II. No. 3. April, 1882. n.p.orpl. Fcp. 4to.. pp. 18— 31. [Printed 4y IK. H. RAin.mi, Walsall.] Bradfouo, Earls of. [.See Bridgeman.] Bradford, Henry. Plan of the Rivers Trent and Tame. 1759. Bradley-le-Moors. Church Registers :— I., Mixed, 1708—1812. II.. Bap- tisms, 1S1.3— 92. III., Burials. 1813—92. IV., Marriages, 1815—29. v.. Marriages, 1837—92. VI., Banns of Mar- riages, 1824— S8.— (The Rev. W. J. Norton, Curate-in- Charge.) Miscellanea. [Salt Lib., see Cat., 390.] [Relig., XI., 236 ; »e« Whieldon (Rev. E.).] BRAni.EY, RcT. Edward. B.A.; Univ. Coll., Durham, 18+« ; L.Th., 1849 ; Curate of Glatton-tf.-Uolme, Hunts., IHM — 54 ; Leigh- M?.-Bratisford, Worcs., 185-1 — 57 ; Perpetual Curate of Bobiiington, Staffs., 1857 — 5'J ; Rector of Di>nton-w -("aldecot. Lines., 185'.t — 71 ; of Stretton, near Oakham, 1871. Whilst resident at Bobhington. Mr. Bradley, under the nom-de-plnme of '' Cuthbert Bede," published — Ne irer and Dearer. London: Hentleif. 1857. 8vo. Fairy Fables. London: BentUi/. 18.58. Happy Hours. London, 1858. Bradley, Rev. J., Vicar of Alrewas. Impartial View of the Truth of Christianity, with Life and Miracles of Appolonoeus TyancEUs London : I'rinled by .f. Downing, for M. Johnson. 1690. Sm. 8to. Large and small paper. [Lirge Pai»er copy in the Salt Lib. with plate, "Ecce Agnus Dei," by Loinbjirt, prefixed : e.TceedingIy rare.] BRAor.KY, Rev. .James. b. Walsall, IDth .Jan., 1H:^(; ; Mat. Gonville and Caius Coll., Cam. ; Perse Sch. and E.xhib., Caius Coll. ; B.A. (27th Wrangler). 18(U : M.A., 1864 ; Curate, St. Andrew's, Leeds, 1861— (wi : Vicar of St. Peter's, Walsall. 1862—77 ; of St. Paul's, Leamington, 1878. '• Prove all things. Hold fast that which is good." Plain Words on Biptism ; Its mode and proper subject^ in Reply to Anabaptist Arguments. Walsall : J. R. Robinson. Steam Printing Office, The Bridge, n.d. (1865). Demy 8vo. pp. 19. " St. Peter's Parsonage, March, 1865." A B'>ok of Christmas Carols. Walsall : ./. R. Robinson, Steam Printing O/lire. The Bridge. iVfi.V. 12mo., pp. 19. Fiftv-Two Home Collects for Family Use. Leamington Spa : Printed by T. Hamblen, 16, the Higher Parade. 1887. pp. 64. Betting and Gambling. A Sermon preached in St. Paul's P.irish Church Leamington, on .Sunday Evening, March 18th, 1888. Leamington Spa: T. Hamblen, Printer, 16, The Higher Parade, n.d. 12mo., pp. 11. Sundry Sermons. Bradley, Rev. Robert. A Letter to the Rev. J. HoUis .... including observations on the remarks of his benevolent visitant, Mr. Keeling. Manchester, 1820. 8vo., pp. 22. Bradley, W., Dudley. The Botany of the Black Country. [Science Gossip (1876), 1.39.] Bradley, William, Painter, b. Manchester, 16th Jan., 1801 ; settled in London, 1822—47, when he returned to Manchester ; d. there, 4th July, 1857. Painted Portraits of : — Lord Beresford of Beresford ; Lord Bagot ; Lord Sandon ; Lord EUesmere. Bradshaw, George, b. Pendleton, Salford, 21lth July, 1801; originator of Railway Guides; d. 6th Sept., 1863. Bradshaw's Handbook to the Manufacturing Districts of Great Britain .... in the Counties of tinc.ashire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, and Warwickshire. London. n.d. (1854). 8vo. Map of Canals, Navigable Rivers, Railroads, &c.. in the Midland Counties of England. Manchester, 18.30. [Staffordshire included.] Bradshaw, .John. Regicide, b. Wybersley Hall Stockport (baptized, 10th Dec.), 16l»2 ; .'.of Henry Bradshaw. and Catherine {t/au. of Ralph VVinmingtiin. of OtVerton, Cheshire), his wife; edui'ated Stockport Free Sch., arul under Biiruh- sll (the Puritan), at Bunlmry, Cheshire, and Middleton, Lanes.; studied Law ; called to Bar BRADSHAW (7f,) BRAMSHALL at (iriiy's Inn, '2'Sr[ April, 11>27 ; Mayor of Coiigleton, 1(12" ; Higii Steward for several years to 165() ; practised as a Solicitor in Con- ,u:letc)n to 1643, when he removed to London ; .hidije of Slieritf's Court, London, 164o ; Chief Justice of Cliester, 22nd Feb., KUC — 47; Lord President of State, 1049; President of the Court to trv King Charles I., 20th to 30th Jan., 1649; MP., Cheshire, Lst Parliament of Cromwell, 1654 ; Recorder of Newcastle, 1641 to death ; 7n. Ma'V, '/liaw at his execution on the gallows at Tyburn. Itut "for weightie reasons omitted." 6th Feb., 1000 — ^i. (Pub- lished hi/ M. ^eedham.) Tlie Lives ... of the prime actors ... of that horrid murder of ... . King Charles. 1001. The Impudent Babbler Baffled ; or, The Falsity of that assertion uttered by Bradshaw in Cromwell's uew- erected Slaughter-House. London, 1705. [Congleton Town Records ; Head's Congleton, 46, 50, 51!, 72, ~»—m. S;i, 81. W, !l-2— :i4: Noble's Lives of the Regicides. I., 47 — (iG ; I'?arw iker's East Cheshire, II.. liil — 77; Ormerod's Cheshire, 41W— II ; Granger, II.. 3117 : III., 71 ; State Trials, III.. IV., V.; Hallam's Hist, of Common- wealth ; Carlyle's Cromwell ; Commons Journals, VI., Til., VIII. ; Clarendon's llehellion ; Whitelocke's Memori- als ; Ludlow's Memoirs. I;i5 : Thurloe's Sta. Pa., VI., AV.l ; Braylev and Brittou's Beauties of England, II., 264 — 6)< ; Foss's Judges, VI., 418. c( .ley. ; Did. Nat. Bioi/., VI., 176 —81; (;al. St. Pa. (Dom. Series). Idlll— 58; Westmr. Abl)ev Reg. (Harl. Soc). 522; Pepvs' Diarv, 4th Feb., l(;(;il_Lill ; .If/jcHfciim (1S78), 6S!); Ni'cholson'.s Hist. Lib., III.. 124; Hist. MSS. Cora., 5. Rep. .'528. H44 ; .Uercurius Politicu.1. .list Oct. — 22ud Nov.. 165!l : Peck's Desiderata Curiosa. XIV.. 32 ; Complete Histori-, IIL. 181h ; Gent.s J/a/?., LXXXVIII., (pt. Ij .■128; Milton's Second Defence of the People of England, 1654 ; Non-Conformity in Cheshire. 1.52, 313, 314; Stockport Parish Church Regis- ters ; Wedgwood's Maj.-Gen. Harrison contains copious references to him ; The Various Histories of Staffordshire give accounts more or less complete, and in all Histories of England he necessarily comes in for treatment, for or against him, with details twisted to suit the opinions of the writers. There are two engraved portraits, one in 4to., '■ partly scraped and partly stippled" (Granger), and one " in his iron hat," by Vandergucht.] Brapsh.\w, Mrs. (iiee bold), b. Burslein. Obituary. [New Con. Mag. (182J), 484.] Br.\ush.\w, T., of Manchester, Printer. History, ic, of Staffordshire. [See Parson (W.).] Bi!Ansn.\w, Rev. Thomas, New Connexion Minis- ter at Longton, Hanley, Newcastle. Obituary Notice of Jane Hallam and Eliza Adams. [New Von. Mmj. (1827). 475.] A Letter to the Eilitor, with reply, [/ft., 550, 551.] The Primeval State of Man. An Ess;iy. [lb. (1828), 104—6.] Hvmn sung at Ebenezer Chapel, Newcastle, on Sun- day, Jiin. 2Uth. 1828. [lb., 341, 3I2.J On Keeping Holy the Sabbath Day. [ /i.. 40!), 410.] Observations on I*sahn ex. 3. [Ib„ 511, 515.] On the Revival of Religion. [Ih. (18211;. 146—50.] Memoir of Mrs. Bradshaw. [/6. (1830), 525-28.] Bradshaw, Rev. William, NewConne.xion Minis- ter, b. Staftonl. Memoir. [New Con. Maij. (1821), l:i:!— 36.] Bkadwell. [Jewitt's Ceramic Art, I.. iHI : II., 283.] Braoge, William, Engineer and Antiquary, b. Birmingham, 31st May, 1H23 ; s. of Thomas Peiry Bragt;e, Jeweller ; Civil Engineer ; made railway from Rio Janeiro to Peliopolis, Brazil ; Knighted by the Emperor of Brazil ; partner in John Brown & Co., Atlas Steel Works, Sheffield, 185S — 64 ; managing director of John Brown & Co., Limited, 1S(;4 — 72 ; watch making by maeliinery, 'n Birmingham, 1876 ; afterwards English Watch Company, 1882 ; M.LM.E., 1854; F.S.A., 1X70; F. Ant. Soc. ; F. Geograph. Soc. ; sold iiis Illuminated MSS. for £12,272 in June, 1878 ; his 13,000 pipes and smoking apparatus for £4000, in Feb., 1882 ; m. a sister of the Rev. George Beddow ; of Hall wood, Handsworth, where he (/., 6th June, 1884. Bibliotheca Nicotiana : a catalogue of books about Tobacco; together with a catalogue of objects connecte'l with the use of Tobacco in all its forms. Hirntintjhnin, ISM). Brief Hand List of the Cervantes Collection, presented to the Birmingham Free Library Reference Department by William Bragge. Jiirminr/Iiam, 1S74. [ Hod. Km/. Bill!/., I.j col. .'178 : Diet. Nat. Biog., III., Hit, 1115; r/ic r/mci,' 10th June, 1884 ; Birmingham Daily Post, Uth June, 1884.] Braithwaite, Rev. George, b. Kendal, 15th April, 1815; s. of Joseph Braithwaite; edu- cated Sedburgh Sell. ; Queen's Coll., Ox. ; B.A., lK4ii; M.A., 1843; Curate of Great Burr, 1S47— 51 ; Vicar of St. Peter's, Chichester, 1851—68 ; Sub-Dean of Chiches- ter Catiiedral, 1853—68 ; d., Beechfield, Carn- forth. Lanes., 2nd April, 1875. Sonnets and other Poems. London, 1851. 2nded., 1S75. Bramal, L. Joseph, C.E. A Letter on the Subject of Boulton & Watt v. Horn- blower & Maberley, for an infringement of Mr. Watt's patent for an Improvement of the Steam Engine. London, 1707. 8vo. Contributions to the History of the Steam Engine. Being Two Deeds relating to the erection by Messrs. Watt and Boulton of a Steam Engine on the United at Gwennap and at Werneth Colliery, Lancashire. From origin.als in the Patents' Offlee. London: Ei/re and Spottiswoode. Pub- lished at the Otfice of the Commissioners of Patents. 1872 fol. Bramshall. Church Registers, &c. :— L, Mixed, 1587—1770. II., Mixed. 17711—1812. III., Marriages, 17.54—1812. IV., Baptisms, 1812. V., Burials, 1812. VI., Marriages, 1837 — 02. Churchwardens' Book, 1680 — 1774 [entry under BRAND (77) BRETTELL 1688 : Book of Prayer for coming of Prince of Orange to de- liver from an Arbitrary Power ; m iny payments for killing jackiiaws, hclgeho;;**, moles, and for poor p;issengers]. In Chiircii Register, Vol. I., entrv : 3 boys A. at a birth, and named Abraham, Is lac. and Jacob (17o*2)]. Title D^ed conveying 8 acres of land for use of Parish, (i Eliz. (l.itU); Order from Bp. of Liclif. and Gov. assigning seats in the Church to particular persons, mentioned by name (l(J;t7) ; Terrier of Glebe Land ; Faculty for pulling down the Church and building a new one (1837). — (Rev. B. Williams, Kector.) Miscellanea. [.Salt Lib., tee Cat. 389.] Br.wi), Jolin, Antiquary, b. Washiiifjton, Dur- ham. li)th Aug., 1774 : Lincoln Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 1775 ; Kcctor of the unityil jiarishcs of St. Mary-.at-Hill :uul St. Mary HubliiinJ. L>nr Trinity House ; created Lord Brassey, of Bnlkeley, Cheshire, 1886; m. (1), 1860, Annie, ;ton, 31st March, 1847 ; s. of Archibald Paull Brevitt ; educated Dr. Langlej's, Mowbray House, Wolverhamp- ton, and Siiifnal Gr. Sch. ; Town Clerk and Clerk of Peace of Wolverhampton ; /«. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of — Yardley, Esq. A Concise View of "The Summ;iry Jurisdiction Act, 1879" .... and Index. London: Cratton. Marshall, (J* Co., Amen Corner. Paternoster How; Wolverhampton: Alfred J/inde, Steam Printer, Dudley Street. 1879. 2nd ed., 1880. Svo., pp. 42. Brewerton, Benjamin, b. Xorth Wales ; re- moved, 1817, to Smethwick ; d. Birmingham General Hospital, 1st Sept., 185-4. Obituarv. Bv Rev. Jas. Pritchard. [/'. M. Maq. (1855), (iS.J Brewood. Church Registers:—!., Mi.xed, fol., 15(;-2— IG.iO. II.. Mixed, fol., Itio.S— !li;. III.. Mixed, fol.. 1 i;'.iti— n2!i! IV., Mixed, fol., 172y— 84 (Marriages 17211—54). T.. Marriages, 1754 — KSO(i. YI., Baptisms, 1 7K.T — 1S13: Buri- als, 17X5— IS 13. VII., Marriages, liSUC— 13. YUl., Baptisms, 1X13— 2llth March. 1831. IX., Burials. l!S13— .'JUth Aug.. 183li. .\"., Marriages. 181.3—37. XI., Baptisms, 18.31— (iU. XII., Burials, 183i; (in use). XIII., MarrLiges, 1837 (in use J. XIV., 1850 (in use).— (Rev. E. J. Wrottesley, M.A., Vicar.) Brewood : A resume, historical and topographical. Wolverhampton, 1867. 8vo. 2nd ed. Wolrerhamplon. 1874. Brewood Chancel. An account of the tombs of the Giffiards. Wolcerhampton. 1870. 8to. S.E. View of Brewood. View of Brewood Free Grammar School. Bv R. Paddv. 17!)y. dhartae de "Brewoode." [Bodl. Lib., 1527, f. 63—654.] Monuments iu Church. [lb., H53, 274.] Miscellanea. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 3;I0.] An Act for Vesting in New Trustees, upon and sub- ject to the subsisting Trustees, certain Lifehood Estates in Brewood, in the County of Stafford, which were vested in the Rev. John Henry Powell, Clerk, deceased. 2nd May, 1825. fol., pp. 5. An Act to enlarge and amend the Powers and Pro- visions of the several Acts relating to the Birmingham and Liverpool Junction Canal, and to better supply'the same with water. 21st April, 1831. fol., pp. I'J. [To carry water from brook at Brewood.] Black Xuns of. IReliq. .\IL, 103.] [Congregational i'ear Book (1867), 281 : Griffiths' Markets and Fairs, 849 — 58 ; ditto Endowed Schools, of Staffs.; Monckton FamUy, 137, 138, LXXXVIII.; St. James's Gazelle. .5th Dec.,' 1887; .4rt ./oujiia/, June, 1878. See Hicks-Smith ( Johnj, Budworth (Rev. W,). Brookholes (Rev. T.), Smith (Rev. J.. D.D.), Fernie (Rev. J.), Huffia- dine (Rev. H.), Brodhurst (J.P), Wrottesley (Rev. E. J.).] Brian, Jo., Preb. of Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., 794, 110, 115.] Bridgeman, The Hon. Francis, b. 30, Wilton Crescent, London, 4th Julv, 184G; s. of Orlando, 3rd Earl of Bradford; educated Harrow; Knt. of Isabel-la-Catalonia, of Spain ; Medal for Soudan Campaign, 1885 ; Khedive's Star; Attache to Special Embassy to Madrid, Jan. 187K ; Colonel, Jan., 1887 ; M.P., Bohon ; m. Gertrude Cecilia, dau. of S. Hanbury, Esq., of Lilytliewood, Bucks. Joint -Author of The Fauna of Harrow. London, 1864. Bridgkmax, George Augustus Frederick Henry. ind Earl of Bradford; Zi. 28th Oct., 1789; TO., (1) 5th .Marcb, 1818, Georgina Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Tlioinas Moncrieffe, 5th Bart., (she d. 1842): (2) 30th Oct., 1849, Helen, dmi. of James Maokay, Esq., of Scotstou, and widow of Sir David Moncrieffe, 6th Bart ; succeeded his father as 2nd Earl of Bradford, 27th Sept., 1825; d. 22iid March, 1865. Author of Letters from Portugal, Spain. A-c. [Pri- vatelj- Printed by Orlando, 4th Earl. See below.] Bridoeman, The Hon. and Rev. George Thomas Orlando, b. Castle Bromwich, Warws., 21st Aug., 1823 ; 3rd s. of George A. F. H., 2nd Ear! Bradford ; educated Harrow ; Trin. Coll., Cam.: M.A., 1845; Rector of Willcy with Barrow annexed, Salop, 26th May, 1850 — 53; of Blymhill, 25th Nov., 1853—64; R.D. of Brewood, 2<»tli April, 1863; Rector of Wigan, Lanes., 2'.)th Nov., 18C>4: Hon. Clip, to the Queen, 26th March, 1868; Clip, in Ordinary, 23rd Dec, 1872 : Hon. Canon of Chester, 11th March, 1872; transferred to Liverpool, on creati(jn of Bishopric, 18tli Oct., 1880 ; Acting Chap, to the 4th A. B. Lanca- shire R. Volunteers, 28th Oct., 1879 ; Trustee of William Salt Library, Stafford ; m. Emily Mary, ddti. of the Hon. and Very Rev. Richard Bayot, Bishop of Batli and Wells. The Princes of Upper Powys. [Collectanea Archieo- login, 1862. 4to.. pp. 5SI, 7'.!]. Reprinted for the Powys Land Club, with slight additions. 186S. 8vo., pp. Iit4. History of the Princes of South Wales. Printed fty Thomas Birch, 32, Millyate, Wigan. 1878. 8vo., pp. vi. 3011. An .Account of the Family of Simpson, of Babworth. (Privately printed by Simms, of Manchester.) Some account of the Families of Morehall and Clopton, of Billingslev, County Salop (and of Astlev. County Stafford). [ Trans. Slirop. A. i(- A'. //. Soc. ( 1878), pp. 30.] Some Account of the Family of Bromley, of Eyton- upon-.Severa. [lb. (18811), 1.] Some Account of the Family of Forester. [/4. (1891), 151.] Some account of the Manor and Parish of Blymhill, in the Countv of Stafford, with .an Index. [Hist. Coll. of Staffs., Vol. i., 2811— .384 : II., (pt. 2) 67—147.] [A few copies issued separately.) Some account of the Parish of Church Eaton, in the County of Stafford. [/4., IV., (pt. 2) pp. 124, xvii.] An account of the Family of Swynnerton, of Swyn- nerton and elsewhere, in the County of Staft'ord. [lb., Vn. (pt. 2j. pp. 1811. xvii.] History of the Church and Manor of Wigan in the County of Lancashire. Chetham Society. 1888. 4to., pp. 836. Edited : — Loans, Subscriptions, and Ship Money, paid by the Clergy of the Diocese of Chester in the years 1620, 1622, 1624, 1634 — 311 (as recorded in the Private Ledgers of John Bridgeman. D.D., Bishop of Chester, and now in the possession of his descendant, the Earl of Brad- ford.) Printed for the Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1885. Recollections of School Days at Harrow more than Fifty Ye;irs ago. By Rev. T. H. Torre. 1 8110. Bridgemax, Orlando George Charles. P.C.; 3rd Earl of Bradford ; b. 24th April, 1819 ; (t. of George A. F. H., 2Dd Earl of Bradford ; educated Harrow; Trin. Coll., Cam.; M.A., BRIDGEN (79) BRITTAIN 1«40 : M.P., Soutli Shropshire, 1842—65 ; Vice-Chaiiiherhiin of H.M. Household, 18:)2, 1k:.H, IK.Ji) ; Lord Cliariilierhiiii, IKGC — 68; Deputy Lieutenant of Warws. and Staffs.; Lii'ut.-Colonel, 1st Batt. of Shropsliire Hiih-s, ISCd; Captain, South Salopian Yeomanry, 1H44: m., 1.S41, The Hon. Selina Louisa Forester, olii ihiu. of the 1st Baron Forester ; of Weston Paik, Staffs. Letters from Portugal, Sj>ain, Sicilv, uneph, Printer, Darlington Street, Wolvrrhauiptnn. Bookseller and Artists' Re- pository, in ls:)4. Wolverhampton Post Office Directory for 1833, inclu- ding Bilston. Willenhall, Wednesfield, 8edgley, Gomal, Tettenh'iU, and their Vicinities. Wolverhampton : Printed for the I'riiprietors hy J. Bridffen. 1S33. Ditto. 1S47. A Catalogue of the Second Annual Exh!l>ition of the Wolverhampton Mechanics' Institute, 1840. Wolcerhamp- ton : Joseph Hridifen, 1840. Bridgen's Railway Guide, and Guide to Wolverhamp- ton. Joseph Bridf/en. 1S47. r2mo. Statford Summer Assizes, ilonday, July the 28th, ]8.t1. The Queen versus George Duffield, Thomas Woodnorth, an7), 307; ,*ee Morton (Rev, J.), Moss (Rev. T.).] Brigos, John Jose]ph, Naturalist and To|io- grapher. h. Kintr's Newton, Melbourne, Derliys., 6th March, 1819 ; contributor to The Field, &c. ; m., 1869, Hannah Soar, of Chell- aston ; [ary's, Stafford, at the Visitation held there by the Ven. the Archdeacon of Stafford, Mar 2iith, 18.">1 " . . London : T. Hatehard, 187, Piccadilly; Writjht, Stafford. 1851. 8vo., pp. 40. The Triumphs of the Gospel, the Peace of the World. A. Sennon pre:iched on the occasion of the Gener.il Thanks- giving for the Sujipression of the Indian Mutiny, in the Parish Church of Adbaston, Staffordshire, on Sunday, the 12th May, 1859. . . . Newport : Printed by H. P. and C. Silvester, n.d. r2mo., pp. 17. Brighton, John George, Surgeon, Kinver. On the Bite of a Rattlesnake. [Lancet (Sept. 21, 1839), 929, 930.] Pseudo Boa Fasciata. [/*. (5th Oct., 1839), 70, 71 ; (5th Nov., 1839.)] Brightwell, Cecilia Lucy. b. Thorpe, Norf., 27th Feb.. 1«11 ; '/. Norwich, 17th April, 1875. Heroes of the Laboratory and the Workship . . London, 1850. Cr. 8vo., pp. lii. 222. New Edition, Illns- trated by J. Absalon. London, n.d. (1660). Cr. 8vo., same pagination. [Staffordshire :-J.Brindley, 17—26 : J. Watt. 178—89 ; Plate, "Prof. Robinson and J. Watt." p. 183: J. Wedg- wood, 190—202.] Brindlev, James, " the schemer," engineer, b. Horiiset, near Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbys., 1716 ; «. of a collier ; apprenticed to Abraham Bt-nnett, mill-wrigbt, Sutton, n'-ar Macclesfield, with whom he stayed until Bennett's death, 1742, when he moved to Leek ; engaged, 1759, by the Duke of Bridgewater, to construct the Worsley Canal ; he was also constructor of the Bridgwater Canal from Manchester to Liverpool, and the Trent and Mersey Canal ; resided mostly at Turnhurst, near Tunstall, where he f/., i;7th Sept., 1772: bur. at New- chapel. A Fire Engine for Drawing Water out of Mines, or for Draining of Lands, or for supplying of Cityes, Townes, or Gardens, with Water, or which may be applicable to many other great and useful Purposes, in a better and more effectual manner th;in any Engine or Machine that hath hitherto been made or used for the like Purposes, Patent Office Specijicalion, So. 730. A Plan of the Navigable Canals now making in the Inward Parts of the Kingdom, for opening a communica- tion to the Ports of London, Bristol, Liverpool, and Hull. London, 1760. Plan of the intended Great Canal from the Trent to the Mersey. A Profile of the River Thames from Boulton's Lock to Mortlake. Surveyed by. 1771. A Plan of the River Thames from Boulton's Lock to Mortlake. 1771. 3. Brindlev and the Early Engineers. By Dr. Smiles. 1864. Memoir of. By Samuel Hughes. [ Weale't Quar. Pa, on Enyineering. 1844. I., 50.] Memoir. By T. Bentley. [Kippis's Biog. Brit.] James Brindlev and the Duke of Bridgewater. By '• P. T. W.' [Mirror. V., 312 : XXL, 53.] Memoir and Portrait. [Nat. Port. Gallery (1830), v.; European Mag. (1810) ; Imp. .Mag. (1820). [Olde Leeke, 157, \M ; P.rasmus Darwin's Botanic Garden: Jewitts Wedgwood, 71, 160, 168, et. seq. 194: Brighwells Heroes of the Workshop. 17 — 26 : Smiles 's Engineers, I. ; MSS. penes late Joseph Mayer, Liverpool : Ward's Stoke, 764 ; Stuart's .\necdotes of "Ste4»m Engines, 626 : Young's Tour through North of England ( 1770), III., 2.i8 ; Williamson's Liverpool Adrerti:er. 12th July, 1768 : see Egerton ( Francis. Duke of Bridgewater) ; Loudon Quarterly, XXT.] Brindlev, T. B., Editor of the Wolverhampton anil Staffordshire Herald. Lines to J. H. R. Bailev. [Bavlev's Drama of Life, p. 41.] British Poets. Biographical Sketches of Eminent — ic. Dublin, 1851. 8vo. [Johnson, pp. 22(i — .349.] Britt.\is, Edwin, Printer, Chesterton. b. New Road, Talke, May, 1859 ; s. of Peter Brittain; BRITTAIN (80) BROCAS apprenticed to J. Dawson, Printer, Burslem ; Printer, Victoria Street, Chesterton, 1^(80 ; m., 1884, Eva Rachel Wynne. A Lecture to Women. [See Brittain (John).] Bbittain, John, Iroiifounder. b. Red Street, Che.storton, 14th Sept , 1834 ; s. of John Brittain ; Ironfounder at Chesterton until deatli : m. Charlotte Ann Rhead ; d. loth July, 1H'.I2. A Lecture from Women, or Lessons from the Epitaph a man put on his wife's Gravestone at her death. '• She made home pleasant." Chesterton : Pihited by Edwin Brittain, Victoria Street. 1887. limo., pp. 8. Brittain, Rev. Joseph, b. South Staffordsliire. Obituary of. [Wes. .\fag.(l»-21),IH; Wes.Min.(l). The True Ground of National and Indiviilual Glory. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Newcastle- under-Lvmo. Before the Worshipful tlie Mayor and Town Council," on Thursday, the 18th of November, 1852. The Dav ajipointed for the Public Funeral of His Grace the late Duke of Wellington. Newcastle: F. Crewe, Printer, High Street. 1852. Cr. 8vo.. pp. 24. Preparation for War not unralled for prior to the reign of the " Prince of Peace." A Sermon preached at St. (ieorge's Church, on the occasion of the attendance of the Newcastle Rifle Volunteer Corps — as Hon. Chaplain to the Corps — on Sundav. Mav 6th. 1860. Sewca.'tle-under- Lyme: Printed and Published by D. Ditworth, High Street, n.d. Cr. 8vo., pp. l.i. Remembrance of Departed Pastors. Heb. xiii. 7, 8. A Sermon Preached at the Parish Church of Fenton. Feb. 23rd, 1873, on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Wallis Sollis. M.A. (iloucester : Printed by Davis and Sons. 8vo. The Great Exhibition : its uses, abuses, and teachings. Exodus iii. A Sermon Preached at St. George's Church, Newcastle. Dec. 18ol. [Ch. o/ Eng. Mag., 18.il.] The Sunday School Teacher: an Instruction of the foolish and teacher of babes. Rom. iii. 20. Preached in Stoke-upon-Trent. at the first meeting of Church of Eng- land School Teachers' Union for Newcastle and Neigh- bourhood. [/&.] Your fathers : where are they ? Zech. i. 5. A Sermon preacheil at St. George's Church. Newcastle, Feb, 27th, 18,53, on the occasion of the de:>th of the Rev, Clement Leigh, M.A„ Rector of .St, Giles' Church, Newcastle, [lb., 1853,] Reprinted. 8vo,, pp, 16, The Divine Presence entreated for the efficiency of the Ministry and prosperity of the People of God. A Sermon preached at the Visitation of the Venerable Arch- deacon Moore, at St. Peter's, Stoke-upon-Trent (from 2 Chron. vi. 4), May 26th, 1854. [lb., 1854, pp. 152—57.] Reprinted. 8vo., jip. 20. Mr. Broad delivered the following Lectures and Ad- dresses before the Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Institution. Published in the Reports for the several years : — Druidism, the Ancient Religion of Great Britain, kh Sejit., 1841 : Poetry and the Poets, 0th Feb,, 1840; General History of the" Anglo-.Saxons, 23rd Sept., 1841 ; Religion of dit"to, 20th May, 1842 ; Literature of ditto, 24th Aug., 1843 ; Manners arid Customs of ditto, 21st May, 1844 ; Beneficial Effects of Sound Knowledge and useful information, 21st Nov.. 1844; Illustrations of Female Genius, r2th March. 1847: Celebrated Characters in English History. 2nd JDec, 1848 ; Origin and Use of Sur- names, 7th March, 1850 ; Remarkable Discoveries in their Influence upon Civilization and Religion, 13th May, 18.54 ; A Visit to Glastonbury Abbey. Otb May, 18.)4 ; Kenilworth Castle :ind Queen Elizabeth," 4th Feb"., 1856 ; The Book- worm. A Sketch. The following Papers and Addresses were delivered before the North Staffs. Field Naturalists' Club, and (mostly) published or noticed in the Reports: — The Life of Rosseau, Writer and Botanist, 20th Aug,, 1869 [Reports, 1871]; Wenlock and Buildwas Abbeys, 20th Aug,, 1870 [ib., 5] ; Beeston Castle, 20th Sept., 1870 [ib., 5] ; Old Newcastle. 23rd Feb.. 1871 [ib., : Vol. of Papers (1875). 91 — 105]; On the Poetry of Natural History, 21st Nov., 1871 [ib. (1871). 186; Church of England Mar/.. 1871] ; Boscobel, White Ladies, and Tong, 20th June! 1871 [lb. (1872), 6] : On the Historical Associations of Battlefield and Haughmond Abbey, 20th Sept., 1871 ; Tutbury. its Castle and Association. 20lh Oct.. 1873 [ib. (1874), "lOJ; Chartlev C:istle and Park, lilth Aug., 1871; Presidential Address". 2(lth May. 1872 [ib. (1872). 9, 17— 23; Uriconium[;ft, (1875),36— 9: (1879)9], To the r/<«rcA of Ear/land Maqazine: — Personal Visits to old Ruins ri>i,50-^7O] ; A^sit to Evam, Derbyshire [13th Nov., 21st bee. I867J : The Finger of God and the Tongue of God [Feb., 1873] ; Scripture Scenery ; Songs of the Church for Sundays and Holy Days ; Poeiiis. Portrait in Lithography. Published by Wall cj- Co., Lancaster, folio. Brocas, Thomas, b. Sedgley. Uni%-ersal Goodnews ; or God's Goodwill to every man. As manifested in the Scriptures of Truth ; Showings BROCKLEHURST (81) BROOK that the Election of Jews is no bar to the Salvation of Gentiles, being An Answer to The Friendly Address of the Rev. Mr. John Roberts, in Six Letters. Shrewaburi/ : Printed and Sold by T. Wood; Sold aho by B. Cro4ey^ Paternoster Row ; R. Lorna^, New Chapel^ City Road, Lon- don; Sanderson, Bala ; Owen, Machynlleth. 1S07. Timo, 2nd ed., with Postscript, lg08. 12mo., pp. 100. An Answer to the Address of Mr. \Valker, of Dablin. Shrewsbury: Same imprint. 1809. 12mo. Memoir, from Documents furnished bv his son. [ Wes. May. (IH-.'l) 481— «9, 561—70, Ii41— 51, 721—26, 801—7.] Brocki.kiiukst. F. S., Printer, Uttoxeter. For- merly a colonist in Australia and Africa ; after a few years in business Mr. Brocivlchurst went to America. Guide to Alton Towers. r2mo., pp. 16. [.SeeRedfem.] The Market Place, Uttoxeter. A fine ami rare Litho- graph. 4to. Brocklehcrst, Philip Lancaster, b. Maccles- field, 12tli Oct., 1>:<27 ; s. of John Brockle- hurst, Esq., M.P. for Macclesfield ; educated privately ; J. P., Staffs, and Cheshire ; m. Anne Lee, dait. of Samuel Dewhurst, Esq., of Southfield Hall, Handforth, Cheshire ; of Swythamley Park ; Lord of the Manor of Heaton since 1860. Swythamley and its Neighbourhood, past and present. Desultory Fragments collected from various Authors. (Privately printed.) London: Robert Hardwicke. 1874. 8vo., pp. 77. Swythamley Park. [ The Cosmopolitan, I. (Dec, 1887), 150.] Brocklehurst, Rev. William, b. Hollinsclough, near Leek ; Wesleyan Minister. Sermon on the Death of Miss Collins, High AVycombe. 1830. 12mo., pp. 62. Obituary of Thomas Ibbotson of Hathersage. [ Wes. Mag. (1821)! 5.t6, ij37.] Of J. SwanneU.of St.Neots. [/6. (1826J, 286,287.] Brockton Lodge. A Journey from Shenstone to Brockton Lodge and back, in which the Writer and his Friend, Mr. W. Kirkby, of Shenstone, were lost on Cannock Chase. [Garratt's Occasional Poems, 42 — 7.] Brodhcrst, James Pendrill. b. Walsall, 18.5'.) ; s. of Charles Pendrill Brodhurst ; educated privately at Walsall ; reporter to Wolverhamp- ton ; m. Henrietta Lee, dau. of — Baker, Esq. In Memoriam : William Parke. A Sketch. Wolver- hampton: A. Uinde. 1876. 8vo,, pp. 16. A Guide to Boscobel and the Whiteladies. Wolcer- hampton : J. Sleen tf Co. 1877. 12mo., pp. 28. Ded. to W. H. Aiiisworth. Destined to Win Her. A Generous Love. Boscobel and the Whiteladies [Art Jour., June, 1878, p. 178] ; Brewood [SI. Jamef's Gazette, 5th Dec. 1887] : A Comer in Old England (Brewood) [Lsures of Art. III.. 37 1—80 : Illustrated London Sews, LXXXV. (1884). 629 (Portrait); Baily't Mag., XLII. (1884), 385 ; Mod. Eng. Biog., I., coL 413.] Bromley-Paget. The Hobby Horse. By '• W. H. " [ Mirror, SIX. 228.] Brook, Rev. Benjamin, b. Nether Thong, near Hiuidersfield, 1776 ; adm. Rotherham Coll., 1797 ; pastor of Tutbury Independent Church, l.sol — 30 ; resided after that date mostly at Lozells, near Birmingham ; d., Lozells, 5th Jan., 1848, aged 73. Appeal to Facts to justify Dissenters in their Separa- tion from the Established Church. 2nd ed., 1806. 8vo. 3rd ed., 1815. 8vo., with new title — Dissent from the Church of England justified by an Appeal to Facts. Reprinted [New Con. Mag. (1819), 206—9, 236—39, 281— S4, 330—32, 37-2,373,417—21]. BROOKE (82) BROUGHAM Tlie T.ives of the Puritans. Containinj; n Bioj^raj^hical Account of those Divines who (listinjruishetl tliemsrlves in the cause of Helifrious liberty, from the Keforoiation under Queen Elizabeth to the Act of Uniformity in l(irr2. Loiiiloii, ISIS. 3 vols., Svo., and rov. 8vo. Reviewed [Ck. Obserrei: XIII. (1814), »Sti — 104. 411)— 71.] The Reviewer Reviewed; being a rejily to the CArJ.v- tiaii Oh:n'rve)\ Lowloti, 1S25. 8vo. The History of Religions Liberty from the first Pro- pagation of Christianitv in Great Britain to the death of George III. Derby. 1820. "2 vols. 8 vo. Review of. [Kriimi. Mii;/. (18-21 ). 18. 1!1. 118—70.] Memoir of the Life and Writings of Thomas Cart- wright. B.T)., including the princiiial ecclesiastical move- ments in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Lomlon. 184-'>. 8vo. Portrait. Engraved bv Freeman, Feb., 18'20. [Eeang. Mag. (1820).] ' [Coiiq. Year Bonk (18181.214: Bennett's History of Dissenter's (1839), (il : Dk-I. Nut. B'imj., VI., 414.] Brooke, George, b. CoMiam. Kent, 17th A])ril, mCS; 4th s. of William. Lorrl Cobham ; Mat. Kind's Coll, Cam., i:)SO; M.A., InSG ; be- headed at Winchester, 5th Dec., 1603. Two Poems, in commendation of an Alchemical Work in Terse. Bv Edward Nowell. of Stafford, Ironmonger. [MS. Bodl. Lib., 1145, VII. (2. 3.)] Brooke, Mrs., Lapley. Collector of Roman Catholic Contributions. [Reliq, Xin., «!!.] Brookk, of Beauchamp Court. Warwiek. Robert, 2nd Lord. «. of Robert Greville, Lord Brooke, Lord Lieut, of Stafford'^hire (killed durinu: the siege of Lichfield). Letter to R. Dyott. dated luth July, l(;t;2. [Printed, Harvvood's Lichtield. 308.] Brooke, R. A Treatise on Arithmetic. Collected from the works of several Eminent Authors. Newcastle i Printed and Published bi/ ./. Smith. Sold by T. Evans, Paternoster Row, London. Pt. 8vo., pp. iv., 340. Brooke, Wilb'am Henry, h. 1772 : book illus- trator ; (I., Chiswiek, 1800. Illustrated Walton's Angler. Brookes, Rev. R. B.A., Pemb. Coll., Ox. Short Xotes on English Church History (208 — 1,509). Lichfield: A. C. Lomax, The " Johnson s Head." n.d. 8vo., pp. 18. Brookes, Rev. Thomas. Incumbent of Lane Enil : Rector of Wista. I hare never seen any others. —Compiter.'] Bve-Laws made and ordained by the Local Board of Health of the District of Barslem. Pursuant to the Pub- lic Health Act, IMS [11 and 12 Vic, cip. (;:(], and the Locil .\ct for Burslcm [ti Geo. 4. ciji. 131 J. Allowed by Sir K. Grey, one of Her Majestie's principal .Secretiiries of State. The Sixteenth day of May, 18.il. Burslem : Print- ed at the Office of Mary Brour/liaih. n.d. liino., pp. h'i. [.See Burge-ss (Rev. J.), White's Staffs., 1X34.J Brouoham, Stephen, Printer, &c.. Market Place, Burslem. [.See Dunderdale (Rev. J.), Heath (Xoah).] Bbocohtos. Antiquities of. [Staff. Coll., Salt Lib., ue Cat. 370.] Jliscellanea. [/A., 393.] Bbouchtos, James, d. Birmingham, circa 1857. Staffordshire iliscellanies, consisting of the Gowcr Gazette, &c. MS. List of Contents. 1821. Svo Vol. [Penes Salt Lib.] Ditto. A Collection of Cuttings from Newspapers, neatly mounted and illustrated, with Maps, and a few Engravings. MS. List of Contents. 1831. Svo. Vol. [/4.] Collections for a History of Staftordshire. 1827. 4to. Vol., consisting of MS., additional Maps, Portraits, Views, Engravings, &c., from the Pottery Gazette, 1822, 1823. [/6.] Some Accour.t of the Stafford Barony, and of the Disputed Claim thereto. A Collection of Cuttings from Newspapers and Pamphlets on the subject. 1831. 4to. Vol. [lb.] Transcript of Glover's Visitation made by him. 1823. Arms iu Blazon, lar. fol. [lb., gee Cat. 462.] Contributor to Notes and Queries in Aris'g Birming- ham Gazette, under the signature of "A Freemason." Bbocghton, Sir Thomas, Bart. b. London, 1745 ; s. of Sir Brian Broiightoii Delves, Bart. ; succeeded as (>th Baronet ; cl. 23rd July, 1812. Speech of the Rev. Sir Thoma= Broughton, Bart., at the Meeting held at .Stafford, the 27th of February last, for the purpose of adilressing the King on the present situation of Public Affairs. London: Printed fur John Stockdale, opposite Burlington IJouse, Piccadilfg. 1784. Svo., pp. 21. Another Speech of Sir Thomas Broughtou at the Meeting at Stafford. 1785. 8vo. Brouse, Rev. Thomas, Canon of Windsor. Letter to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib.. 1131, f. 2G4a.] Bbown, — . Notes of Evidences belon{jing to the Vicars Chorall, of the Cathedrall Church, Lichtield, as they were iu certain Coffers and Boxes over the Vestry and other Places. [MS. penes Muniment Room, printed in part in .Shaw's Staff's.. I., 3U3 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 271—83 ; Wharton's Anglia Sacra, L] Bbown, — ., Printer, Lichfield. [See Skeeves (Rev. J. H.).] Bbown, Edwin. X Chapter on Toadstools [Reliq., I.,10.t — II] ; Rautin iu Natural History [ib., 18!)] ; On an Ancieat Bed of the River Trent [ib.j 2UiJ— II]; On Breedon Hill and the Glacial Drifts of it§ neighbourhood [ih., IV., l.')7 — M]. The Fauna of the Neighbourhood of Burton-on-'irent. [Mosley's Natural Hist, of Tutbury, 83—231).] The Flora of the District surrounding Tutbury and Burton-on-Trent. [/A., -231- 1;4.] A Sketch of the Mineralogy of the Neighbourhood of Burton-on-Trcnt. [/«., 2«o — S2.] Brown, James. Colliery Manager, Fargreen, Hanley. Colliery and Ironworks Boilers. [ Tram. North Staffs. Min. and .l/ec/i. A'ng.. I., 143 — .>!.] Discussion thereon. [/i., 2(18—13.] Reprinted. Lon'jton r Printed by F. S. Wright, .Market Place, n.d. Svo., pp. 8. Brown, James, b. Leek ; «. of Josiah Brown, grocer; adni. Man. Gr. Sell., 9tli June, 1745. [Smith's Man. Gr. Sch. Reg., I., 28.] Brown, Right Rev. James, b. Wolverhampton, 11th June, 1812 ; educated SeJgley Park Sch., 1M20 — 26; St. Mary's, Uscoit, " 1820—37 ; Professor and Prefect of Studies at Oscott, lfS;57 — 44 ; Vice-President of Sedgley Sch., 1S44 : President, 1«45 — 51 : Roman Oatholic Bishop of Shrewsbury, 27th July, 1H51 to death ; d. St. Mary's Grange, Shrewsbury, 14th Oct., 1881. A Sermon preached on the occasion of the .Silver Jubilee of the Bishop of Shrewsbury, by the Rev. John Morri-i. 181G. [Bradv's Episcopal Succession, III.. 445 ; Mod. Eng. Biog.. I., col. 4.33; Oict. Nat. Biog.. VII., Men of the Time, lutiied.. I.J3: Timrs. l.'ith Oct., 1801 ; Tablet, 22nd Oct., 1881 ; Weekly Uegnler, 22nd Oct., 1881.] Bitowy, John. C.E., F.G.S., of Hednesford. Sudden outbursts of Firedamp, and as to the Propriety of Blasting in those seams wliich are proved to be liable to the outbursts. [Tratvs. North Stag's. Mia. and Mech. Eng., IV., IDD— 214.] Discussion thereon. [Ib., V., 49 — 58.] Suggestions ft>r the Discussion upon the use of Com- pressed .\ir Machinery I'nderground, and upon the relative value of Mechanical and Furnace Ventilation in Deep Shafts. [Ih., IV., 8— 38.] Inaugural address as President, 12th Feb., 1882. [/*., VL, 137— (18.] Brows, John. b. Newcastle, 17th Sept., 1810 ; Leather Dealer and Local Preacher ; d. ilth Aug., 184"J. Obituary. Bv Rev. W. E. Sanders. [P. .\(. .Uag., (1850), 74— 7.] Brown, Mr. John. Obituary. By B.irncs. [P. .}f. Mag., Jan., 1849.] Browx, Rev. John Henry. Mat. Trin. Coll., Cam.; A.M.: Headmaster East Retford Gr. Sch.: of Bivwood Gr. Sch., 1850 — (io : Vicar of IIolm-it'.-Laiigford, Notts.; d. 1872. Sermons. Brows, Joseph. Engraved, Map of Staffordshire, for Plot's History of Staffordshire, IWii. Brows, Sarah Ann. h. Brj-brook : d. Cobbity Paddock, Camden, N.S.W., 21st March. 1.S60. Obituary. By Rev. Jabcz Langford. [/'. M. J fag., (1861) 183.] Brows {or Brouns), Thomas. Sub-Dean of Lin- coln, 1414 ; Arclid. of Stowe, 1419 ; Preb. of Bigjjleswaile, 1422 ; of Langford Manor fall Lincoln), 1423; of Flixton. Lichfield, 1425— 35; Archd. of Berks., 1427 ; Dean of Salis- bury, 1431 ; (lie held all these preferments to- gether until 1435, wlien he became Bp. of Rochester) ; attended the Council of Basle, 143('), when Pope Eiigenius IV. made him Bp. of Norwich ; S'ee ahoce.l Browne, Rupert. Case of Rupert Browne, Gent., upon a Grant by King Charles II„ under the Duchy Seal of the Manor of Tut- bury, and Forest or Chase of Needwood, and other things therein granted. 16SG. folio. Browne, Sir Thos., of Norwich. Letters to Ashmole (Norwich, 8th Oct., Ifi74). [Bodl. Lib., 1131. f. 314rt— Itii.] Copy of Ashmole's Answer (2(ith Nov., I(i74). {lb., f. 322a.] Another to Ashmole. [76., nSS, 173.] Brownes of Burton-on-Trent. Pedigree. [Reliq., xxiv., 71, 72.] Brownes of Caverswall and Shredicote, Staffs. Genealogical Memoirs of the Bentley Hall, Derby ; Geernford, Middlesex ; Withington and Caughley, Salop ; also of the Peploe Family, of Garnstone, Hereford. Com- piled by S. B. Morgan. In Two Parts. (Privately printed.) ISSS—bl. 4to. Brownfield, William E. Potter, Cobridge. Portrait of, in Oil. [Penes Free Library, Hanle}'.] Ditto, in Lithography. Imp. fol. Notice of. By Rev. J. C. W. (Watts). [Neiv Con. Mag. (1873), 508, 500.] Brownhill, Mrs. Elizabeth. b. Shrewsbury, 24th Aug., 1808 ; Primitive Methodist Minis- ter, 1824—28 ; settled at Brickills, near Wal- sall ; d. there, 15th Nov., 1860. Obituary. By Rev. R. Jukes. [P. M. Mai/. (1861), 204—8.] Lines on the late Mrs. E. Brownhill. By R. Jukes. [/A., 25G.] Brownhills, Tunstall. [Jewitt's Cenamic Art, I., 94 ; II., 422, 429 ; ditto, Wedgwood, 39, 82, 12ij ; see Wood (J.),] Murder of John Wood, Esq. 1706. 8vo. Reprinted in Wedgwood's Romance of StaJEs. ; partially in Payne's Stafford Gaol. Brownrigo, Ralph, b. Wellisham ; of Pemb. Hall, Cam.; M.A., 1617; B.D., 1621; D.D., 1626 ; Fellow ; Master Catherine Hall ; Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, 1(538, 1643, 1644; Rector of Barley, Mardingly, 1621; Dnrham, 1641; Archd. of Coventry, 1631 — 42 ; of Lichfield, 1631—42 ; Bp. of E.xeter, 18th Nov., 1641 (never saw his Diocese) ; ejected, 1645 ; d. 7th Dec, 1659 ; bur. Lin- coln's Inn Chapel. Forty vSermons by the late Bishop Brownrigg. Pub- lished by the Rev. W. Martyu. London, 1052. Reprinted, with Twenty-live others, 1G6S. 2 vols. [Walcot's Hacket, 33; Oliver's Lives of Bps. of Exeter ; Newcourt's Report, I.. 547 ; Harwood's Lichfield 208 — 9 ; Fasti, I., 448 ; Foster's Alumni Oson.; Diet. Nat. Biog., VII., 83, 84 ; Bp. Garden's Life of Dr. Ralph Brown- rigg ; Fuller's Worthies ; Biog. Brit., II., G74 — 7t; ; Neal's Puritans, IIL, 172 IV., 242, 243.] Brownsword, Rev. Thomas, h. Gorsty Hill, Salop, 21st Aug., 1801 ; Primitive Methodist Minister ; retired 1825 ; settled in Wednes- bury ; d. there, 11th Oct., 1867. Obituary. By James Belcher. \P. M. Mai/. (18U8), 491—93.] Brumiiy, Cornelius. Schoolmaster in London Street, Leek, 1834. Shorthand made easy. 1840. 12mo. Brcnh.im, Jo. de.. Vicar of Lich(field). Absolved from Excommunication (138(i). [Bodl. Lib., 704, 119.] Brunt, Ephraim, Hanley. Secretary to Mechanic Institute, and Librarian ; d. Havelock Place. ■ James Brindley, [Pot. Mag., I., 31.] Brunton, Robert. b. Lockwinnock, N.B., 10th Feb., 1796 ; engaged by Banks & Co., Bilston; principal assistant to Isaac Dodds, at the Horsley Ironworks, Wolverhampton ; in ser- vice of Indian Iron Company, 1835 to death ; constructed and managed Works at Porto Nuovo, Coromandel Coast; engineer to Maes- taeg Ironworks, Glamorganshire, to death ; M.I.C.E., 1842 ; d. Maestaeg, 6th July, 1852. A Compendium of Mechanics, or Text-Book for Engineers, Millwrights. Machine Makers, itc. London, 1824. 8vo. 2nd ed., 1825. [Minutes of Proceedings of Institute of Civil Engin- eers, XII. (1853), 149 ; Mod. Eng. Biog., I.,ed. 454.] Brushfield, Thomas, b. Ashford-in-the-Water, Derbys., 16th Feb., 179K ; d. 5, Church Street, Spitalfields, 1st Sept., 1875. The Staffordshire Clog Almanack. [Reliq., IV., 210.] Brdtton, Thomas. Governer of H.M. Gaol at Stafford. Port., Engraved in Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds after J. Emerv. Published by J. Shepherd, Newcastle, 20th Nov., 1842. fol. BRUYN (85) BUCKLER Brdyx, De. A Flemish Painter. Altar Piece painted by him in Roman Catholic Chapel at Lichfield. BiiYAN, James. What are the best practical means for avoiding the explosion of Inflammable Gas in Mines. \_An)iaU of Sucralic Sch., State.] London, 1H30. Bryan, Rev. John. Wesleyan Minister, Burslem. A Short Account of the late Mrs. Bryan, wife of the Kev. .Tnhii Bryan, Preacher in the Wesleyan Methodist Ciinnexion. Tret/ortka, Printer, Phanijc Office, Burstein. ii.d. I'Jmo., pp. S. Obitu.ary. By Mr. Bryan. [ Wes. Mag., (1822) «7.] Bryan, Mrs. h. Ruthin, N. Wales ; m. Rev. J. Bryan, Wesleyan Minister, Sept., 18()5 ; d. Burslem, 21st April, 1821 ; where she is hitr. [See Bryan (Rev. J.), Tregortha (J.). Wes. Mai)., (1822), 67.] Bryson, Rev. John. LL.l).; Minister of Trin. Presbyterian Church, Wolverhampton. Jesuiti.sm delineated, in five Lectures. Jamex Xisbet li Co., Loudon. 1840. 12mo., pp. 139. 2nd ed. ISiO. Papal Aggression : A Lecture on Papal Principles and Proceedings in connection with the recent appointment of a Romish Hierarchy over En. Dilworth, Newcastle. Circa 1857. St. Giles' Church, Newcastle. Same imprint. Newcastle-under-Lyme, from Clayton Fields. Same imprint. Ebenezer Chapel, Newcastle. .Same imprint. Buckler, J. b. Calbourne, Isle of Wight, 30th Nov., 1770 ; architect up to 1826 ; employed by W. Salt to make drawings for Staffordshire; F.S.A., 1810 ; 00 entries)! IX., ditto, IS.'il — (i8 (.iOO entries). X., ditto, 18lis— lU (500 entries). XI., B.iplisms, 181.'! — 34 (8IHI entries). XII., ditto. 1N34 — .■)8 1784 entries). XIII., ditto, I8.'>8 — 7.i 1800 entries). XIV., ditto, 187.)— 83 ^800 entries). XV., ditto, 1883— yi ('J14 entries). XVI., Buriils, 1813— .36 (800 entries). XVII., ditto, 18.36 — 60 (800 entries). XVIII., ditto, 1860—74 (800 entries). XIX., ditto, 1874 — 8.0 (800 entries). And those in use.— (Rev. G. T. Birch, M.A., Rector.) Miscellanea. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 389.] [See Allans of Buckenhall, Langstatfe (.7.), Owen (Eev. H. S.).] BccKWELL, Rev. William, Incumbent of Long- nor. Staffs. : of Earl 8terndale, Uerbys. A Small Manual for the Use of Vilhige Schools, in which an attempt is made to assist Plain Country School- masters and Mistresses to understand and adopt. Leek; Printed by 6'. NM, BooknelUr, ifc. v.d. 12mo., pp. ii., 11 i —68. BuDwoBTH, Rev. William, M.A. b. Longford, "Derbys.; s. of Rev. Luke Bud worth ; educa'ed Market Bosworth Gr. Sch.; Christ Coll., Cam., 1 1720; B. A.. 1720; M.A., 172(i ; Master of Rugeley Gr. Sch. ; Head Master Brewood Gr. Sch., 1737 — 45; Perpetual Curate of Shares- hill ; Vicar of Brewood: d., Shareshill, 1745. - Anecdotes of. By Joseph Budworth, 72nd Foot (under the }iom de plume of "A Rambler." [N'ichol's Literary Anecdotes. III.. 3.32— .')."). 7o'.( : VI.. 46SI. 470; Carlisle's Gr. Sch.. 1 1.. 476 ; Kilvert's Bp. Hurd ; Boswell's Johnson.] Memoir of. [Gent.') May., Aug., 1792.] BuLKELEV, Rev. Edward, D.D. Rector of Odell, Beds.; Preb. of Pipa Minor, Lichfield, 2nd Jan., 1594— l(;o8 ; m. Olyff Lby, of Irby, Lines.; . Bullock, Francis, h. Cheadle, 25th Dec, 1823 ; s. of William Bullock (A. 1799; d. 1843), and Mary, dau. of Francis Austin, of Kingsley (A. 1799; d. 1858), ids wile: educated Private Sell., Cheadle ; Honierton Coll. ; Special Cer- tificate for Matlieruatics, April, 1850 ; General Certificate for whole College course, April, 1850: LL.D., May, 1870 ; m. Dinah, dan. of Joseph Ball, of Etruria ; 1st Master, Cavendish Street School, 1849 — 50 ; Head Master, ditto. Higher and General Schools, 1850 — 53 : Principal of Eudiden Street Commercial Academy, 1854 — 55 ; resident in Manchester since 1849 (e.xcept 1880—90 in Cheshire). The Divine Origin of the Christian Religion Proved from its Harmony with Nature, and the Impossibility of Referring it to any other Source. Hanley : W.White. Cr. 8vo., pp. 11). Puiiular Educjition. [,See Bullock (T. A.).] Cavendish Pew. By a "Seatholder." In answer to the Rev. Joseph Parker's C.ivendish Pulpit. On Church Finance. Manchester, 1860. Cr. 8vo., pp. 12. Ditto, Xo. 2. Same imprint, 1861, *fcc. Sketches of Oliver Cromwell and Dr. Sam. Johnson. [In Popular Sketches (1852), and in Pictures of Genius (18.)4).] [Jointlv] Illustrated History of England. [See Bullock (T."a.).] Fir67— 69] ; The Classification of Folk Lore [ib.. IV. (1886), l.'i8J ; Herefordshire Notes [ib., I(i3] ; 'fraditional Songs [i'6.. 259] ; Gniser's Play, Songs, and Rhymes, for Statt'ord- shire [ib., 250 — 59] ; Some Simple Methods of Promoting the Study of Folk Lore, and the Extension of the Folk Lore Society [ib., V., 62] ; Derbvshiie Savinirs [ib., VII., 291]; Staltordshirc Sayings (ib.. 294]: Collection of English Folk Lore [i'6., 313— 31]; What Next? The Moral of the Folk Lore Congress [ii., XXV., 12 — I]; Reviews in the same [ 1890 — 92 J ; On a Painted Wooden Figure at Pillaton Hall [.Intiq., XXIII., 2.53 — 57 J; Norbury Church [Rep. of .\orlh ■'Staffs. Field Club, 1883]; TheNormansin Stattordshire [Salopian and .Mid. Illus. ./our., July. 1878] ; Notes on Richard Barnfleld [Salopian Shreds and Patches 18851. [The following sign;itures are used by Miss Burne in Eddowes' Shreirsbury Jour, and Salopian Shreds and Patches :— •' E. A. E." ; " C. S. B." ; •' S. K." ; and " Wild- moor."] [Private iaformatiou.] BURNE (90) BURTON-U PON-TRENT " BnRNE, Evelyn," psewlonym. [See Bourne (Ethel).] Bdrset, Right Rev. George, Bishop of Salisbury. and Litch- * Specimen, A Letter written to tlie Bisliop of Coventry and Litcli field .... cipncerninLT a book callftil &c.," by Anthony Hurmen. London, 1G03. Ito. Burnet, Rev. William. Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., IHiiC, ; M.A., ISOO : Curate of Witton, Lanes., 18.")!) ; of 8t. Luke'.s, Blackburn, 1859—61 ; St. John's, Lewes, ISC.l— (i;^ ; Cb. Ch., Binninghani, 1X63—64 ; Walsall, l.S(i4 — 66 ; in charge, St. Andrew's, Islington, 1866 — 69 ; Missionary of London Jews' Socie- ty, 1869—75 ; in charge of Ch. Ch., Ore, Kent, 1875—78: Rector St. Michael Coslany, Norwich, 1878. The Unchanf,'eable .'Saviour. A Farewell Sermon preached in the Parish Church of St. Matthew, Walsall, on Sunday Evening, Oct. 8th, ititif) .... WulmU : J. li. RobUimu, Steam Printing Office, the hiidne. 1SG5. Fcp. Svo., pp. M. Bdrnett, Rev. J., Vicar of Macclesfield. Sermon on The Supremacy of the Pope, in " Lectures on Popery." Wolfei/iamptun. 1S.51. Bdrney, Frances, afterwards Madame D'Arblay. Diary and Letterii. London, 1832 — iS. »vo., 7 vols. [Numerous anecilotes of, and references to. Dr. Johnson.] BcRRiTT, Elihu. /;. New Britain, Connecticut, 8th Dec., 1810 ; " The learned blacksmith " ; U. S. Consul at Birmingham, 1867 — June, 1869 ; (/. New Britain, Ut'h March, 1879. Walks in the Black Country, and its Green Border- land .... London: Dean if Son, 05, Ludgale Hill, E.C.; Simpi-in, Low, Son, ij- Marshall, Crown Buildinrjs, 188, Fleet Street. 1812. Cr. 8vo.. pp. vi., 414. Froutis!— Lichfield Cathedral (Printed by Josiali Allen, Jun., liir- rnint/ham). Burrows, Rev. Bamford. ThePnritans. A Lecture. Dudley, 1SG7. 12mo.,iip. 27. BuRSLEM, Family of. [Jewitt's Wedgwood, 70, 72, 75, 76, 121! : Hist. Coll Staffs., V. (pt. 2), 8a, 229, 299, .'SOO.] BuRSLEM, Township of. Church Registers :— St. Paul's Church : Burials, I., 10th June, lS:tl — 17th May, W\il. l.ith J.an.. l«r)]. III.. Kith Jan II., 21st May. 18;i7— 18,)1— 22nd Feb., IHC.^. IV.. 22nd P^eb., IXliS— 24th Sept., 1871. V.. 24th Sept 1871— 8th Feb., 1874. VI., 8th Feb., 1874— 14th Feb ' 1878. VII., 15th Feb., 1878— 22nd Feb., 1891. VIII.' l.ith March, 1801 (in use). Marriages: I., 4th Feb' 184.")— 2,)th July, 1855. II.. 20th July, 18.5.5— 1st July 18(!(:. III., 1st July. 18(;(;— nth Aug.", 187.?. IV., llith Aug., 187.-!— 20th July, 1880. V., 1st Aug., 1880— .5th Aug.. 1880. VI.. .5th Aug.. 1889 (in use). B.aptisms : I., «th March, l,s:il— 2i;th March. 1837. II.. 2(;th March 1837— 28th Nov., 1871. III.. 4th Dec, 1x21— 22nd 'Vu-' ' 1877. IV., 24th Aug., 1877— 2(lth July, 180(1. V . l.ith July. 180(} (in use).— (Rev. J. M. Graham, M. A., Vicar.) An Act tor regulating the Markets in the Town of Burslem, in the County of Stafford, and for writing and regulating the Police, and watching the said Town of Burslem, and the Villages of Longport, Cobridge, Sneyd- green, and parts adjacent in the Parish of Burslem. ioth June. 182-5. fol., pp. ](i. Lord Carlisle's Speech at Burslem [Chambers's Edin- burgh Jour. (Feb., 185.=f). 142 — 14. Reprinted by R. Timmis, Burslem. n.d. 8vo., pp. 41 ; Letters from Burslem, giving an account of a Revival, 7th April, 1841 [Wes. Man (1821), 450— i;i]; Revivals .at [New Con. Mai/. (182f)j loG— 58] ; A Plain Account of the Great Revival of the Work of God in the Burslem Circuit ; Staffordshire Potteries in the year 1820—21 (Signed "J. C. L." pp. 28 — 10 of Praying Nanny. I'rinted by J. Wedi/wood, Tunstall. 1821). [See Wedgwood (J.) (I.), Dean (Jas.). Beech (Rev. J. H.), Tregortha (J.) (J., jun.). Ward (J.). Brougham (S.) (M.), BrettelK Mrs.). Wood (E.). Cooke ( Rev. W.), (lowes (Rev. W.), Wood (Hamlet), Mann (Rev. I.), Heath (N.), Woodall (W.). Holland (J.). Mason (G.), Bower- ing (S.), Bryan (Rev. J.), Wesley (Rev. J.), Hebert (Rev. C), Massingham (Rev. J. D".), Slater (Rev. J.), Rouse (Rev. N.), Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.), Taylor (Rev. J.).] Miscellanea relating to. [Salt Lib., see Cat. .-WO.] [Wes. .Mag., 1700, 18111. 1818. 1821 ; Minutes of Con- ference (Wesleyan), 187", 1884 (the Wesleyan Conference was held in Burslem in both the^e years) ; Meteyard's Wedgwood, in alia ; Jewitt's Ceramic Art, I., 94, 07. 90 — 101,110.111. 1.53— .55, 4tili. 4<18, 480, 49U. .524, 521) : II. .SO 31. Kill, 107. 230- ■)7, 304. .34.5, 340, et. seological Society. [.\nt'i- quary. I.. 128, 120 : IL. 259. 260 : V., 222 : Vm.,'78. Mid. Nat., I. (1878), 202, 231, 256, 286 : II. (1879), 26, 27, 82, 83, 105, 287, 310 : IIL (1880). 23. 71. 72, 9.5, 96. 12.S.] View and Account of. [flent.'s .)/nr/. ( Julv, 1751), 296.] Trade Tokens [Relir/., IV., 104] :' Chur'ch Good [ib., XL, 5, 233 : XII., 8] : Abbey [ib., XI., 81, 82, 132, 133: X., 69] : College at [ib., XL, 82] : Encaustic Tiles from [ib., VIII., 139: XL. 131. 132] : Natural History of [ib., VIII.. 181]; Gre;itrex Family Bible at [!'6., XVIII., 2.56]. Abbey of. [Colton and the Wasteney's, 59.] A Song in Praise of Burton Ale. Set to Music by J. Barrett. Time of Queen Anne. Communicated by J. Maskel. [A'. <(■ Q., 7 S., VII., 426.] Calendar of Nature. 1878, kept by Burton-upon-Trent Natural History Society [Mid. Nat., II. (1879), 152— 64] Gypsum Beds at [ib., 26.] BURTON (91) BUTLER Burton Abbey and its Charter. [Jour, of British Archfeolo'jical AnsocirUion. IH.'j'i.]' Transactions of the Biirton-iipon-Trent Archaeological and Natural History Society, Ixiiii to date. [.See Bass (M. T.). Bakeivell and Adams, Smith (Rev. S.), Bellamv (K. R.) I A: Son), Molyneux (W.), .Sketchley (— ), Stiibbs(P.). Nujient (— ), ArclenLf.), Tresise (.1. M.), Whymper (H.), King i.f. I'\), Crofts I.J.). Whitehurst ( — ), Darley (W. B.), W'avte (T.). Krench (Rev. .1.), (Right Eev. R. v.), (Rev. T. V.;, Wa.l.ly (Rev. S. D.), Wesley (J.), Buck iC), Brown (Edwin). Browne (I. H.), Thomson (Spencer). Thornewill (Rev. C. F.). B.igshaw (S.), Herbert (J.), Tomlinson I — ), Darrell (J.), Rice ( R. C), Congrega- tional Union (S. Staffs.), Bickerdyke (J.J, Mayhew (H.), Peggs (Rev. J.), Bushman (J. S.), Benson (Abbot), Moggridge (G., "Old Humpbrev ").] [.lewitfs Ceramic Art, II.", iW, III'.), I.")'., l.'.li. I.i9, 1150, 1C.7 ; Hist. Coll. Staffs., I., 2. 7. ol. .'17. •.'P.i. I'li:!. ^ils, -271: : II. (pt. 1), !<.-i, »S, 'M. 117, 117, UK. 122. 127, \Xk 111 : III. (pt. 1), It, M—«, 118, 101—3, 111— IG, 120, 1211, 172, 17.i, 205, 224, 227: IV. (pt. 1), o4, 57, Ii7, 70, 72, «ll. Ill, i:W, J.TO, lUI, 22."): V. Ipt. 1), 1.2, 8. II. 14. I.'), 18, 24,47.74,75, 87, lus ; (pt. 2), IJ7 : VI. (pt. 1), 100. lUO, Kil, 105. 1(W, 102, 256, 200, 270, 270, 287 : (pt. 2), 52. 54. .50, 07, Oil. »0, 108, 134,152: VU. (pt. 1),27,H7, 110, 1711, 240: VIII. (pt.l), 25,29: (pt. 2), 00. 114, 123, 143, 147, 151, 1.52: XI. (pt. I), 53,50,114,115,117: X. (pt. 1). 100 ; Butcher's Excursions (1805), 324, 326.] BouTON, ^Villiam. Historian of Leics. ; b. Lind- ley, Lines., 2-tth Aug., L575 : of Brasenose Coll., Ox., 2yth Sept., l.')91 ; B.A., l.")yi; of the Inner Temple, 159;3 ; called to the Bar, 1G03 : ?«., lt)()7, Jane, dau. of Iluinphrey Aiiderley, of VVeddingtoii, Warws. ; cL, Fald, near Hanbury, Staffs, (having resided there almost altogether sinee IGO-t), 6th April, l(!-t5, aged 7(1. Saxton's Map of Leicestershire. Corrected by. [Ant- werp, IVU:!.} description of Leicestershire. London, 1G62, fol. Engraved title. Portrait by F. Delaram. Reprinted 1777. Catalogue of Religious Houses in England, with their VaUuitious. [Speed's Chronicle.] Left in MS. :— Antiquitates de Lindley. [Partially printed in Nichols's Leicestershire, IV., 051 — 50 ; at which time it was owned by Samuel Lysons.j Antiquitates de Dadlington Slanerio. com. Leic. Collections towards a History of Thediugworth. [Left behind some ilS. Collections on the Antiquities of Stattordsliire, given by his son to Walter Chetwynd, of Ingestre, and used very largely by Shaw for his History of Staffs. ; and also his father's copy of the " Description of Leicestershire," with MS. additions by the Author, nsed by Nichols in vols. III. & IV. of his "History of Leics," both penes Ingestre Hall.] Portrait. " Pavcis Ignotvs Willielmvs Bvrton de Falde in com. Staff. Anno ^tatis sva; .\LV1I., .MDC.\.\II. obit. viii. Aprilis .mocxlvii. Anno jiltatis Lxx." at p. xnv. Harwood's Erdeswicke. 1844. Notes in a copy of Erdeswicke. [Salt Lib.,. 'ee Cat. 154.] [Nichols's Leicestershire, II., 843 — 45 : III., xvi.. Ixv. : IT., 051— 50 ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I., 200 : III.. 153 —50; Oldy's Brit. Lib., 287— Oil; Geiit.'s .)/«3(; ; '/..Auck- land, 14th April, 1345; bur. Durliani Cathedral. Philobiblon. Coloi/ne. 1473; h/ Hitst at Spires, 14S3; at Paris; bt/ liadius, .Ucfncins, and Jean Petit, Ititiii; Ox- ford: ed. by T. James: 1590; Leipzi;). 1S77 ; Paris: 6y .l«6iy, ISotj. Translated by J. Bollingham Inglis. Lon- don, ISS:! ; reprinted, .Ubant/, l'.S..i., ISGl. Again trans- lated and ed. by E. C Thom:»s. London, 18S5. An Epit- ome is given in Professor H. Jlorlev's English Writers, II., 43. Left in MS. : — Liber Epistolaris quondam Ricardi de Bury. (Penes Mr. Ormsly Gore.) [.See Hist. MSS. Com- mission, 4th Rep., 85 : 5th Rep., 379.] [Hutchinson's Durham, L, 284, 288; William de Chambre in Wharton's Anglia Sacr.i, I., 705 ; Hist. Dunel Scriptores (Surtees Soc), 139. et. sei/. : R,-mer's Fojlera, II.; Bate's .Script. Brit. Cat. (1484), lo'l ; Godwin De Proesul, 747; Camden Britannia (1772), 310; Kippis's Biog. Brit, under Augervyle ; MuUinger's Univ. of Cam., I., 201 ; and the Philobiblon itself ; Harwood's Lichfield, •2'2«.] BusHBUiiV, Buschehury, Bysshchury, Biscophuri, Bischeburi, Bissopburi, liussoburi, Byscopburi, Bushebury, Bussebury, Busshebui'y, Bishbury. Church Registers :— I.. Mixed. 1747— 8S. II., ditto, 17.S8— 1812. III., Baptisms, 1813— 22. IV., ditto, l.s2:!— 41. v.. ditto. 1841— 01. VL. ditto. 18i;i (in use). VII., Marriages, 1704—1812. VIII.. ditto, 1813—29. IX., ditto, 1821)- .'iU. X.. ditto. 1837—02. XL. ditto. 1802-79. XII., ditto, 1879—91. XIII., ditto. 1891 (in use). XIV., Burials, 181,3-22. XV.. ditto, 1823 — 10. XVI.. ditto, 1840 (in use). — (Kev. F. Aston, M.A., Vicar.) Monuments at. [Bodl. Lib., 8.53. 78.] Miscellanea. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 391 ; t^ourt Roll of the Manor of, George I. to George III. [I'i.. Cat. 109]. Hist. Coll. Staffs., I., ISO. 191.193.283: 11.. (pt. 1) 148, 152: III., (pt. 1)4", 147. M.S. 1011. 177. (pt. 2) 23. 90: V., (pt. 1) 109. 1;,4. 137, 141, 109, 172. 175, (pt. 2) 1.59: VI., (pt. 1) .50. 149, 102. 223. 259, 295, 299. (pt. 2) 98: VIL, (pt. 1) 13. 19. 33. 81, 2.50. (pt. 2) 89. 90. 94 : VIII., (pt. 1) 37, 39, 40, 45. 49, .53, .55, 113. 149, (pt. 2) 124 : [X., (ft. 1) 14, 00, 65, 60, (pt. 2) .34, 44.] BnsHM.ix, John Stevenson, b. The Guildiiall, London, 1810 ; s. of Joseph Bushman, Con- troller of the Chamber, City of London ; IH.R.C.S., Edin. : M.R.C.P., Edin., 1830; M.D., Heidelburg, 1.S3G : F.R.C.P., Edin., 1839 ; of Cary, Somerset, 1837 — 41 ; abroad 1841—48; London, 1848 to death ; d. The Charterhouse, London, 17th Feb., 1884. Burton and its Bitter Beer. London: IT. S. Orr ij- Co., Paternoster Row. 1S53. 12mo., pp. 179. Buss, Robert William, b. St. Luke's, London, 4th Aug., 1804 ; studied under George Clint, A.R.A. ; d. London, 2(Uh Feb., 1875. Painter of "The Mock Mayor of Newcastle-nnder- Lyme. " [National Gallery.] Copy. [Municipal Hall, Newcastle.] Etching of. Issued 1845. [Now very rare. It was several times enpraved, by per- mission of Mr. Joseph Mayer, late of Liverpool. ( I'lrf.* note from \V. H. Button, Esq., of Newcastle, 1st May, 1S92 ; fnes Compiler.)] Etching of " Old House at Madelev." Ditto of "Shelton Old Hall, bfrthplace of Elijah Fenton, the Poet." [These last two were privately printed by Mr. Mayer.] Butcher, Rev. Edmund. Excnrsion from Sidmoiith to Chester, 1803. Includ- ing Sketches of the Principal Towns and Villages in the Counties of Devon .... Staft'ord. Warwick, and Worcester. Parti. London: Printed by CWhiltini/ham, /lean Street, J'or If I). Symonds. Paternoster How; and S. IVoolmer, Exeter. ISOi 12mo.. pp. iv., 232 ; (Part II.) iv., 233 — 162. [Staffordshire, 321—12.] Bdtler orBolers, Reginald. Abbotof Gloucester ; Bishop of Hereford ; of Lichfield, 7th Feb., 1453 — to death ; bequeathed his Chalice and Vestments to Lichfield Cathedral. Joint Compiler of Statutes of Lichfield. [/"eiiM Muni- ment Room, Lichfield Cathedral.] [Bishop Bolers' Statutes are marked F. 22, in Vol. xni.] [Harwood's Lichfield, 145 ; Bodl. Lib., 111.5, 237 ; Cos's Muniments of Lichfield, 62, 96.] DUTLER (92) BUTT Bdtlfr, Rev. Samuel. A. Kenilworth, SOtli Jan., 1777 ; ». of William Butler, Gent.; educated Rii,s?bv, 17«3; Mat. St. John's C"ll., Cain., 1792"; Fellow, 17'.I7 ; B.A., 17!)(! : M.A., 1799; D.I)., per lit. Reg. isil ; ,«., 179H, Harriet, (/an. of Rev. Dr. A]itliiiiii ; Vicar of Kenilworth, 1H02 ; adni. ail eundein Univ. of Ox., 21st Jan., 1830 ; Arclid. of Derby, ]M>2— 30; Preb. of Lichfield, 1807; Head Master of Shrewsbury Sch., 1798 — IHSO: Bp. of Lichfield, 1830 to death : d. 4th Dec, 1839. M. Musiiii (^annen et Platonem. Lnniloni, 1707. 8vo, Security in tlio Divine Protection. A Sermon preached in the Cha[iel at Berwick on Tliurs(hiy, December .^th, 180.i, Beins llie Day a|)pointecl by Prochimalion for a General Thanksgiving. S/ireiisburi/ : J'riiileil ami .Soltl hy ./. ^\^ W. Kildoires .... ti.d. I*2mo.. pp. 24. The tUe and Abnse of Reason in matters of Faith. A Sermon. Ltntdau ( Shmf^hury). 1^05. l"imo. The Huntiad. Being a Speech delivered at the Gnild- hall. Xovember 4lh. Done into English, .and into verse. Skreifshtiri/. 1S06. 4to., p]>. xiii., 40. [An elertioa squib, by lip. Butler.] Eschvlii Traj;edic;c ex Editiones Stanleii. Cambr'ulije: Unimrsit}/ /'r™. 1SU'J—1S12. 4to., 4 vols. Trajfedicffi qna; snpersunt, deperditarum Fabulanum Fragnienta et Scholia Gra;ca. ex editiones Thomae Stanleii cum Versione Latina Accidunt Vari:E Lectiones et Nota, V.V., D.D. Critics) et Philological quibns suas passim intertexiiit Samuel Butler, Cantab. 1800—16. Svo., S vols. lar. paper, 4to., 4 vols. A Letter to the Rev. C. J. Blomfield, containing re- marks on the Kilinhur(/h fferie/r review of the Cambridge .ffischvlus. Ciimbriili/'e. ISIU. 8vo. A Letter to the Rev. S. Butler by the Rev. J. H. Monk. Greek Professor in the University of Cambridge. With Mr. Butler's Answer. Camhridr/e, ISIO. 8vo. A Letter to Henry Brougham. Esq.. N.P., on Certain Claims in the Education Bills. S/irewsburi/, 1810. 8vo., pp. 24. Christian Liberty. A Sermon preached at St. Mary's, Cambridge, at the Installation of the Duke of Gloucester. Hhreirxbmi/. 1811. 8vo.. pp. 1'.';i. Charlemagne ; or The Church delivered. An Epic Poem in twenty-four books. By Lucien Bonaparte of the Institute of France. Tr.anslated liy the . . . and the Rev. Francis Hodgson. M.A. Vol. I. London : Printed for Loni/mrni, JJiiisI, /?.■(•.«, Orme, iV Broun. Paternoster Hou: by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars. 1815. 4to., pp. xl., :S84, (II.) 4I'.l. Portrait (bust) of Lucien Bonaparte in Vol. I. ; Plan of Rome in Vol. II. [Dr. Butler trans- lated Cantos 7, 8, 15, Ui, 18, 19 : and revised 1 — fi, which had been translated by Rev. John Maunde. ''Scarce a 20th of Mr. Mannde's translation left."] A Sketch of Modern and Ancient Geographv for the use of Schools. S/ireir.2 ; Wes. .Minutes.] Bdtt, Rev. George, h. Lichfield, 2(;th Dec, 1741 ; 8. of Carey Butt, M.D.: educated Staf- ford and Wcstr. Schools ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Coll., Ox., 1760: B.A., 1765; M.A., 1768; B.D. : D.D., 1793; Curate of Leigh, 1765—67; Rector of Stanford and Vicar of Clifton, Worcs., 1771 to death ; m., April, 1773, Martha, datt. of Henry Siierwnod, of London and Coventry, Merchant : Vicar of Newchurch, Isle of Wight, 1778—1883; Rector of Not- grove, Gloucs., 1783; Vicar of Ividdeniiinster, 1787 to death ; (/. 30th Sept., 1795. Isaiah Versified. London, 1784. 4to. The Practice of Liberal Piety Vindicated. London, 1784. Sermons ... In Two Volumes. Kidderminster: Printed by deorge Gou>er. MDCCCXCI. 8vo., pp. (Vol. I.) iv., 5—237; Title, Ded., and List of Subscribers, 27 leaves extra. II., pp. iii., 9 — 230; Title, and blank, (i leaves extra. Poems .... in Two Volumes. Kidderminster: Printed by George Goner. 1703. 8vo. Portrait and Views. [Very rare.] Felicia. A Novel. Published by his daughter, Mrs. Sherwood, under the title of ■• The Spanish Daughter." 2 vols. 1824. Sermons. .Some Account of the Rev. G. Butt, D.D. [Valpy's Poems spoken at Reading, 225 — (14.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; Alumni 'Westr. ; Biog. Pre- face to The Spanish Daughter; Mrs. Sherwood's Auto- biography, chaps. I. — III. ; Life of Mrs. Cameron ; Nash's Worcs., I., 250 : II., 371 ; Welch's Alumni Westm., 37(i ; Gent.'s Mag., LXV. (pt. 2), 9(J9 ; Nichols's Lit. Anecdotes, IX., 7.3(5.] Butt, Rev. Thomas, h. Ryton, Salop, 1777 ; g. of the Rev. Simon Butt, Rector ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 5th Feb., 1795 ; B.A., 1799 ; M.A., 1802 ; Incumbent of Trentham, 1805—41 ; Rector of Kinnersley, 1816 to death ; Chp. to the 1st and 2nd Dukes of Sutherland ; d. 14th June, 1841, aged 04. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Newport, in the Cuonty of Salop, at the Triennial Visitation of the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, August 12th, 1828. London: .luhn llatchard ij' Son, 187, Piccadilly. 1828. 8vo., pp. 3G. A Sermon preached in St. Mary's Church, Stafford, at the Primary Visitation of the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. September II., MDCCCXXXV. . . . London: Printed for ./. G. t)'* F. liiviiigton, .St. Paul's Churchyard, 1836. 8vo.. pp. 39. Observations on Primitive Tradition and its connection with Evangelical Truth, with particular reference to, and examination of. Professor Keble's Visitation Sermon, Preached at Winchester, Sejit. 27th, 18.3(1 .... Lon- don: IL G. Bohn, 4, York Street. Covent Garden. MDCCCXXXVn. 8vo., pp. iv., 99. Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Trentham. London: Printed for ./. G. if- /•'. Pivington, St. Paul's Churchyard. 1838. 8vo., pp. xvi., 415. Character of. By Rev. J. J. Blunt. [ Trentham Mag.] The Church Catechism as taught in Trentham Church, by the late Incumbent, the Rev. Thomas Butt, M.A. Newcastle: Printed by Ilijde and Crewe. MDCCCXLYI. Itimo.. pp. 46. 4th eci. f. Peake. 1881. pp. 48. Extracts from the MS.S. of the late Rev. Thomas Butt. [.Sep Edwards (Rev. J. E.).] BUTT (93) CALDON Notes from his MSS. are published in the Annals of the Diocese, 1S59 :— On Biddulph, Betley, and Butt Lane, p. 4:i ; The Bridestones. p. 42 : Sir John Bovvyer, p. 42. Letter in rejdy to " S. J." in the March Xo. on the expression " Double " [C/irisliuii Ohxercer, XIII. (1814), 281,282]; Letter on the Special Provirlence of God [ib., XXVII. (1821)). 21»— 11] : On our Lord beinjf remembered among the Transgressors [iVa. 21 1. 212] : On the Trinity Sunday Collect \lh., XXIX. (1828), 48li, 487]; On Sir Isaac Newton and Hutchinson's Philosophy, by '-Oxonian Tertius" [ 16., U:i I , Ii:i2 ] ; On Mr. Faber's View of Tran- substantiation, bv "T. B." [ih.. XXX. (1821M, 3:-)l— 54 ; On the Double Sense of Prophecy, in reply to J. B. M., by "T. B." [ih., (!(■.:!, (i(i4 ; tee Marsden (J. B.)] ; Suicide for- bidden by the Sixth Commandment, by "T. B." [ib., XXXI. ( i8.10). 28.")] ; On Attending the preaching of the Gospel [ih.. .542 — lH] ; Good Humoured Christian Graces r;^ (;8|— xa] ; Xote from -A Barrister" on "T. B.'s" Letterof Sept., 18:ili [;*.. XXXII. (18:!1). 127] : On the I Interpretation of John xi. 2.i, 211 [ih.. XXXIII. (1832), 449, 450] ; Remarks on Eastham's Note on Lansdowne s Supernatural Visitation, by •' M." [ih.. 470— 7.i] ;_ On Believers being judged according to their Works fiA., 589] ; Reply to '-T. B." bv Rev. J. Scott [ih., ilU. Ii45] ; Xote by '-"T. B." on the Rev. J. Scott's reply [I'ft., 75«] ; On Seeking Reconciliation with an offended Brother, by "T. B." [ih., 170—72; other references [ih., XXXIX.. 22G, 230.] Butt, Williani. b. Staffordshire. Private Monody on the Death of Thomas Campbell . . . written "shortly after the Poet's decease, at Boulogne on the 15th of Jiine, 1844. 8vo.. pp. II. ("£<"'- don: Joseph Jiickerhi/, J'riiilei; Sherbourne iMite, City.) [Not published ; no title page.] Buxton, Jnhn. h. Titten?or, 1st Oct., 1791 ; d. Sandbaeh, 17th Feb., 180'). [Left MS. Journal of his travels as a Local Preacher.] Obituary. By Rev. W. 'Wood. [/'. A'. Mmj. (1865), <;18, fil9.] Bynns, Eev. Richard, S.T.P., D.D. Rector of St. Mary's, Stafford ; Preb. of Liclifi>Md, 14th Sept., 1711— 1st Aus., 1713 ; d. 1713. Sermon i)reached at the Visitation of the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. Lomlnn, 171)1. 4to. Evil Communication. A Sermon preached at the Assize held at Stafford, August the 7th, 1712. before the Honourable Mr. Justice Powell and Jlr. Justice Dormer. . . . Published at the request of the High Sheriff, Gentlemen, and others, that heard it. Printnl J'nr .Michael Johnson in Lichjieid, and [lenry Moryan in SUift'ord, and SoiJ by John Xeorphew. near Stationers Hall. 1712. ]2mo.. 3 leaves, pp. 20. Ded. to Legh Brook, Esq.. High Sheriff. Signed, " Ric. Bvnns, Stafford, Aug. 23rd 1712." [Harwood's Lichfield, 24C. ] Byhdall, Rev. Thomas, MA. Vicar of Wal- sall, KUO to death ; d. 30th April, 16(!2. A Glympse of God. London, IG60. 8vo. Pref. by W. Gearing. Eighteen Sermons preached in Walsall Church. Lon- don, 16G6. 8vo. Profit of Godliness. London, IGGG. 8vo. Sermon on the Death of. [See Burgess (Rev. Anthony).] \Sie Blake's Testimony, ir.48; WiUniore's Walsall, p. 137 ; ditto. Register of St. Matthew, Introduction ; Glew's Walsall ; Pearce's W;vlsall ; Brook's Puritans ; Shaw's Staffs, under Walsall.] BvBDE, Jo., Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., S.55, 140. 227.] Byrne, William, Engraver, b. London, 1743 : d. 1805. Antiquities of Great Britain, from Drawings by T. Hearne. 20(i plates [several of Staffordshire]. '• C," Leek. The Farewell. A Poem. By " C." [ The Bookworm : A Literary Journal of Staffordshire. Stafford, ISBO. Re- printed, Olde Leeke, 245, 240.] " C," Mrs. Letter of Mrs. C. to Miss M. Werrington, June 25th, 1814. [ AVw Con. May. ( 1814 ), 432—34.] "C. C," Sneyd Green. Obituary of Joseph Tatler [New Con. Mag. (1821), l-24_2i;i ; of Elizabeth Brownset [16. (1822), 79-83] ; of James Rowley [ib. ( 1824). 337-39] ; of WiUiam Vodrey [ib. (1827), 518, 519]. "C, C." The Pendrills. [.Mirror, XIV., .35.] "C, H." Lines addressed to Mr. Thomas Bourne, Master of Leek School. By H. C. [Lon. May., Nov., 1733. Re- printed, Olde Leeke, 135—37.] CADnicK, Mrs. Elizabeth, of Bradley, b. 1768 ; d. 22nd Jan., 1824. Obituary. By W. D. [ Il'«. May. ( 1824), 115, 111',.] CvDDicK. Richard, b. Sedelev, 1740 ; s. of Job Caddick : St. Edniniid Hall, Ox., 21st Oct., 1772 : B.A. (Ch. Ch.), 5th June, 1770; M.A., 20th .Tnne, 1799 ; '/., Fnlhani, 30th May, 1819. The Gospels translated into Hebrew. A Hebrew Grammar. London. 1700. A Hebrew New Testament. In Three Volumes. Lon- don 1700— mw [This work, which is a corrected edition of Robertson's edition of lti41, was issued in two forms, viz.. senarately, and with the Authorized Version inter- leaved.] , . ^ , J Ditto. Reprinted. Interleaved with the Greek and Latin Vuleate Texts, as well as the English. UOa. True Happiness. A Sermon. London, 1S02. 8vo. Peace the Christian's Happiness. London, 1S02. 8vo. Counsel for Christians. London, 1S02. 8vo. [Ilent.'s Man.. LXXXIX. (pt. 1), 587. (555; Lists of Graduates of Ox. Univ.; Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; Did. Nat. Bioy., VIII., 171.] Cadwai.lader, William, b. Willenhall. Obituary. By Rev. R. P. Downes. [Wes. May. (1881), f)34, 035.] Cahill, Dr. [.See Minton (Rev. Samuel).] CALDiroT. J., Newcastle. .A Discourse concerning the Scriptures of the New Testiment By J. C. Burslem : Printed at the Office of n. Timml<. .Market Place, for J. Caldicot, of .Vewcaslle, in Staffordshire. lf<-iG. 8vo. pp. Ixxxvii. 1 CAT.oiroTT, Alfred Jollv. Printer, Dudley Street, Wnlyrhumpton ; " Bookseller and Copper- Pl;ite Printer" in 1834. To the Coerced Electors of the Borough of Wolver- hampton. Bv an Elector. Wolverhampton : A. J. Caldicott. 18.37. 8vo.. pp. 14. Calddn, Cauldon. Onlnance Plan of the Parish of Caldon. Scale, 25.344 inches to the mile [Index Sheet and Area Map. Title from Index]. Southampton (IISI). Church Registei-s (St. Chad'sl ;— I., Mixed, 1.580— 1 1 38 (2020 entries). II.. Baptisms. 1813-09. III., ditto, 1870 (in use). IV.. Burials. 1813 (in use). V., Marriages. 1785 —1835. VL.ditto, 1839 (in use).— (The Rev. C. B. Tyrwhitt, M;.A., Vicar.) CALDWELL (94) CAMPBELL Caldwell, James Stamford, b. Linloy Wood, 1788 ; s. of .lames Caldwell {h. Nantwiuh, 1760; J. P. and D.L. for iStafis.; !. [.I/(ji/. Kng. Biog., I., col. 51.').] Caldwenl, John de. Steward for the De Was- teneys, at Colton, 13G2, 13G3. His Receipts and Accounts in M.S. [Penes The Earl of Shrewsbury.] Printed in Colton cj the He Wasteneya 47—51. Caldwell (Coldwell — Cooper's Ath. Cantab.), Rev. John. b. Burton, 1548 ; Hector of Mob- berley, Chesiiire, 1570 ; of Winwiclc, Lanes., 7tli Jan., 1575 ; d., Clifton Campviilc, 30th Jan., 1595 ; bur. there the next day. A Sermon preached before the riglit honourable Earle of Darbie and divers others assembled in his honor's Chappell, at Newparke, in Lancashire, the second of J.auu- arie, Anno humana Sahit. Iu77. Imprinted at London bij Thomas Easle. the -slm. diiij of Murch.lall. Sm. 4to., pp. 8tj. [Copy — knowsley Hall Library, supposed to be unil/ice ii/'J. iSeckerson. 1841. 12mo., pp. 8. Separation is Schism. Being the third conversation between a Churchman and a Schismatic. Tunstall: same imprint. 1841. 12mo., fip. 18. A Review of the Pamjihlets lately published on the Sin fif Separation from the Church, in a letter addressed to the Parishioners. Tunstall: same imprint. 1S41. 8vo., pp. 16. [For replies see Turner (Rev. G.).] Campbell, Rev. William. New Connexion Minister. Discussion between the Rev. William ('ampbell and the Rev. Joseph Barker, on the Being of a God. lliinley, 183(1. 8vo. On Man's Accountability for his belief (dated Hanley) [Xew Con. Mug. (1842), 201—7, 248—54] ; Letter to the Rev. John Bakewell (riated Canldon Place, 13th April, 1842) [JA. (1843). 40, 50] ; Obituary [New Con. Minutes^ (1843), (i, 7]. n CANNOCK (95) CARLYLE Cannock. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Cannock, Hundreil of Cuttlfstonc. Scale 25,344 inches to one mile. 17 Slieets, witli Title and Area Book. Stiuthampton, 1SG5. Cliarta Cannok et Ruglegh cum ecclesios. f Bodl. Lib., ^27, ! 2:( — :)2] ; Placita foreste ile Canke et Kenefare in com. Staff., apiid Staftord in octatis sancti Hillar anno signi r.;gi.s Echvardi [I.], cjuarto decimo coram K;>gero Extranes, Petrus de Lenche, et Johaniie filio Nigelli, Justic. ad eadem placita audiend. et tumiuand assignates [;*., 850, M ■■ lo21. f 2)!— 3:t6) ; Charta de turis in vasto de Cank, in Liclilield. Langedon, Kvsherwvk, Pre/.. Brewoode, Terviu, Owescroft, et Colwelcv [/'v., f :i:i— 12] ; Manors \ib., 850. 81] ; Customs {ib., 804. IS] ; Clmrch Lamls [(«., 850. 22.-) : 864, I., illi] ; Bounds of Forest [ih., 850. SI, 1.J2I, (11) ll'.l] ; Notes concerning it [ib., 850. Iil7 — '.M, 223]. An Act for making .... road from Cannock to Penk ridge .... 22nd March, lS2ri. fol.. pp. II. [.lewitt's Ceramic Art, II., Uli, 81— il2, 2011— (11 ; ditto, Wedgwood; Cook's Topogr.iphv of Staffs.; Herod's Biog. Sketches of Early P. M. Preachers, 318 ; Lei.iuie J/our (1872), 31S; aai-ratt's Occasional Poems, 43 ; Masters iter Boreale, ll!75 ; see Brockton, Molyneux (W.), Bonney (T. G.).] Cannock Chase. Reduced Oidnance Map of the Environs of Cannock Chase. Compiled from the Autumn Manoeuvres. (;. T. Cnitchti'i/, Luinlou. H.d. (1813). Wyid's Map of the Country to be occupied for the Military Manoeuvres during the Autumn of 1873. Lniidoii : .1. Wi/ld. 1873. Excursion to. [lifp- North Stafi- Fiehl Club, I'.L] A Journey. Ac Brocton Lodge .... in which the writer and his friend (Mr. W. Kirkland, of Shenstone) were lost on Cannock Chase. [CJarratt's Occasional Poems (1818), 42—7.1 Drawing by E. Adveno Brooke. [Salt Lib. ; Pennant Jour, to London ; Clifford's Tixall, 47 — 57.] Cantelcte, Thomas de. h. Hamliledeii, Bucks, circa 121S ; s. of William de Cantehii)?, 1st lUron Cautelupe (r/. iTSU), and Millicciit, '/a!(. of Hugh do Gournay, a Baron of Normandy ; of Ox., 1-237; of Paris, soon after ; Chp. to Pope Innocent IV. ; Chancellor of 0.\. Univ., li(;2 ; Archd. of Stafford, 1-26.J to death ; Canon of Lichfield ; Precentor and Canon of York ; Canon of Hereford, 1273 ; Canon of London ; held hesidos, eitiht parochial benefices; attended both the Councils of Jjyoiis (12-15 and 1274) ; Bp. of Hereford, Sth Sept., 1275 ; a very active politician during flic whole of his life ; '/. at Orvieto, 25th Aug., 12S2 : hur. in Monastery of Santo Severo ; his heart and bones brought to England, the former being bur. in the Monastery of Ashridge, the latter in Hereford Cathedral ; canonized by Pope John XXII., 17th April, 1320. [Cliancellor Cautelupe left in MS. a Register contain- ing vaUiable iufonuatiou relative to himself, his contests with his opponents, and of his times generally. This has been made use of by all his biographers.] [Accounts of him will be found in all Lives of Saints, The best and most reliable is to be found in tlie BoUandist Acta S;uictoruiu Octobris. tom. 1., 53il — (Jll), vita, tild — 705, miracula. Other accounts are : — Capgrave Nova Legenda, f 282i ; Surius, De Probatis Sanctorem Vitis, 2 Oct., p. Hi; Strange's Life and Gests of Thomas C;intelupe, Gaud, 1Ij74; repriuli'il LmiJuii. 1870. See also H:irdy's Descriptive Cat., 111., 217 — 2o ; Dugdale's B;iron.age, 731 — 3.'i ; Gutch's Wood's Annals of Ox.; Campbell's Chan- cellors, I., 15.3, 154 ; Foss's Judges, 11., 287—811 ; Hanly's Le Neve; Godwin's De Pnesul : Trivet (English Hist. Soc.) ; Annals of Worcester, Waverley. Oseney, and Wykes, in Luard's Annales Monastici (Rolls Series); Stubbs's Annals of Edwards I. and 11. (Rolls Series); Wilkins's Concilia, II.. Ballarium Romanum, I., 234 (Lui/d. 1092); Duncomb's Herefs., I., 470 ; Kal., and Invent, of Exchequer, I., 83 ; Britten's Hereford Cathl., 50, 57 ; Reg. Peckham, CCL. ; Expenses of Bishop SwinBeld, II., xcvii. (Camden Soc); Eyton's Shrojishire, XI., IS'J ; Notts Hist of Malvern Priory, 52. 53 ; Rymer's Frcdera ; Par- liamentary Writs, I., 5 ;" Rot. Pat., 50, H.. IH- '«• \ "> I)u"dale'.s" Baronage. 732; Rot. Clans 411, H.. III., m, 9 ; Rot Pat.. 40, H., III., m. 18, in Campbell's Chancellors, I., 153- Blaaw's Barons' Wars, 257 ; Rishanger's Chronicle (Camden Soc), 122. 123 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 210 ; Beres- ford's Hist. Diocese of Lichfield.] Cantuill, William. Porter to the Marquis of Stafford. Six Etchings, being first attempts by an untutored Hand. From the originals in the Gallery of Cleveland House. [Not published, n.d. A few copies printed in folio for presents.] Canwell Hall. Drawing, by Buckler ; Two ditto, in Water-Colours, by Shaw. [Salt Lib.] Capell, Arthur, Lord. Beheaded March, 1649. Autograph Letter to Lord Falkland. Dated Bridge- north, 2iith Mar., 1043. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 487.] [Relates to Prince Maurice coming into Staffs.] Ditto to Prince Rupert. [/*., see Cat. 488.] [Relates to the taking of Drayton, and movement o( Rebels in Staffs.] Capes, J. M., of Walsall. Flavian : a Dramatic Cantata. Walsall : J. 4 W- CrlffiH, Printer, The Bridije. 8vo., pp. 14. Capper Family. Pedigree of the Capper Family of Rugeley. By Naish and Capper. Capper, Joseph. Chartist, Tunstall. Sketch of. [Romance of Staffs., 111—21.] Capper, Ralph, h. and d. Newcastle. Obituary. [.S'pe West (Eliza).] Carbutt, Edward, d. 25th Feb., 1836. The Letter of Terax [i.e.. Dr. Edward Carbutt] on the Currency, reprinted from the Manchester dazette and the nanche.^ter Courier. With an Epistle Dedicatory to Robert Peel, not before published. Manchester, 1820. 8vo., pp. 40. Careswell Exhibitions for Staffordshire youths. Account of. [Griffith's Markets and F.airs, til.')- 24.] Carew, George. Dean of Windsor and Wolver- hampton. Letter to Mr. Alleine [Bodl. Lib.. 1113. 224] ; Ab- stract of Will (1.5831 ['■'>•• 111'"', '''8] : Pews first erected in St. Peter's Church. Wolverhampton, under Dean Carew [Oliver's Collegiate Ch. of Wolverhampton, 71.] Caricatdres. Including Staffordshire Courtship : Before Election at Stafford : tvvelve relating to George IV. and Mrs. Fitz- herbert ; a Drawing of Dr. .Tohnson ; Ac; in aU 18 in number. [Salt Lib., .lee Cat. 51)2.] Carlisle, N. Concise Description of the Endowed Grammar Schools of England and Wales. London, 181S. 8vo. 2 vols. [.\moiigst others a good account of the Staffs. Endowed Gr. Schools is given.] Carlyi.e, Thomas. Biographical Essays. No. 1, SamuelJohnson. Lon- don, 1853. 8vo. Critical and Miscellaneous Ess;iys. Six Volumes. London, n.d. (1885). 8vo. [Boswell's Life of Johnson, reviewed in Vol. IV., 25 — lUti. See Fraser's .)[aga;ine.'\ Carlyle Club, Walsall. A pleasant description of the Fellows of the Carlyle Club, wherein is shown their divers moods and manners. CARNALL ( 9<'> ) CARTWRIGHT now first printed for the profit of all men. Wnhnll : If. Cooper. 1880. Carnall, Joseph, b. Stubwood, 1802 ; '/. Den- stone, 13th Sept., 18G7. Obitiuirv. By Kev.M. Nicholas. [J'. M. Ma;/. (U69), il70, a71.] Carnelly, Thomas. F.C.S. ; h. Manchester : d. 27tli Atig., 1890. Lectures on CoUicrv Explosions. [ Trails. Xorlli Staffs. Mill, ami Mech. JCiii/.,'Ul., pp. 3:i — 18.] On Explosive Agents. [/A., 71— 80.] Carpknter, James. (I. Willenhall, 18th Feb., 1844. Obituary. By -'T. J." [ IIV.-. .1%. (1844), im.] Carpemter, Richard. Astrology proved harmless, useful, and pious. Lon- don, 1651. 4to.. ti sheets. Ded. to Elias Ashmole. Carrington, Samuel. Schoohnasterat Wetton ; d. 1871. Contributed most of the Staffordshire portion of Bateman's Ten Years' Diggings. Carboniferous Fossils at Wetton \_Trttiis. Midland Scientlfiv Association] ; Some Account of Long Row, Wetton [lieliq., V.. -20—9] : of a Celtic Tumulus at Throwley [ib., V., 171— 73J ; A'estiges of the Romano- British Period in the neighbourhood of Wetton [ib., 217 — 2(;] : Some Account of the E.xcavations and Dis- coveries in Thor's C.ive, Wetton Dale, with 4 plates [ib., VL, 201 — 12] : Notice of some interesting Discoveries in a Cleft in the Mountain Limestone of Narrowdale [16., IX., 24 — 8]; Explosions of Gas in Moreton Limestone \ib., XI.. 27 — '.I]: Notice of his Geologv of Narrowdale [llfp. North Slag's Field Club (1870), 10] ; Notice of his death [ib. (1871). 4]. Carrington, W. T. Paper on the Improvement of Grass Land. [Midland Farmers' Club.] Jfarlin Hilliu;; and Sons, Binnlni/liain. 12mo., pp. 11!. Carruthers, Robert. The Life of Johnson. With Introduction and Notes. A new edition. In Five Volumes. London, ISol — 52. 8vo. [National Illustrated Library.] Carte, Rev. Samuel, h. Coventry, 21st Oct., 1652 ; educated Coventry Free Sch. ; Magd. Coll., Ox.; B.A., 1G72 ; M.A., 1675 ; Vicar of Tathlirook ; of St. Martin's, Leicester ; Rector of Eastwell, Lines. ; Head Master of Gr. Sch., Coventry, 3 6'.>1 ; Preb. of Lichfield, 3uth Sept., 1680, to death ; d. Leicester, 16th April, 1740, aged 86. Two Sermons : — A Discourse from Mourning. I^ndon. 1604. 4to. The Line of Self-Conceit. London, 1695. 4to. Tabula Chronologica Archiepiscopatuum et Episcopa- tnum in Anglia et Walia Ortos Divisionis Translationes . . . . . breviter exhibens ; unacum Indice Alphabetica Nominum quibus Apud Authores insigniuntur concinnata per Sam. Carte, Vic. S. Martini. Leycestr. Londoni. n.d. fol. Reprinted in lath Vol. of Somers' Collection of Tracts. MS. History of the town of Leicester. [Harwood's Lichfield. 2.i0; Rawlinson. IV., 104 ; Fos- ter's Alumni Oxon. : Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Nichols's Leicester- shire, 1.. .i'.li;— '.18.] Carter, J. View of the West Front of Lichfield Cathedral. Knyrared by Basire, 1182. Carter, T. Monuments of the Astleys in Patteshall Church ; lugestre Hall ; Ranton Church, in Water-Colours. [Salt Lib.] Carter, Thomas. b. London, 1781 ; s. of Thomas Carter, Esq. ; Mat. Cli. Ch., Ox., 3rd June, 1779 ; B.A., 1783 ; M.A., 1786 ; of Eilgcott, Northants. : M.P. Taniwortli, 1798 — 1802; Callington, 1807— Hi ; tt.iger, bv P. [ik, (18.30), .=)'.)— G.i] : The late Rev. Robert Hall (da'ted New York) [(•6. (1838), II, 12.] Cartledge, Thomas. Surveyor, Longport. Map of the .Staffordshii-e Potteries, and Newcastle- uuder-Lyme. Ded. to Earl Gower. 1832. l> ft. by 4 ft., on Rollers. Ditto, revised to 1857. Same siise, &c. [Very fine ; sometimes found folded to 8vo. size, in case, worth 40/-.] Cartudge, William, of Dale Hall. Memoir, principally by himself. [New Con. May. (1834), 1—8.] Cartwrioht, Rev. Anson William Henry. Queen's Coll., Cam. : B.A., 1856 ; M.A., 1864 ; various Curacies ; Organizing Secretary to Assisted Curates' Society, Diocese of Lich- field, 1K72 — 77 ; ditto, Dioceses of Ely, Norf., Lincoln, and Peterborough, 1877. Sermons on Sulijects. Bosirorth, 1SG7. The Charitable Administration of an East End District. London, 1811. Cartwright, Mrs. P^lizabeth (nee Mason), b. Birmingham. [See Waddy (Rev. R.).] Cartwrioht, J. T. Surgeon, Wolverhampton. Letteron the Coroner's Election, 1842. [Lancet (1842), 1008.] Cartwrioht, Job. b. Brierley Hill, 2Gth July, 1808 ; d. there 7th Nov., 1874. Obituary by Robert Bowen. [['. M. May. (187(i),5o4, 55U.] Cartwrioht, Major John. Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Lieutenant of Nottingham, resjiecting his conduct in the disposal of Commissions in the Militia. London, 1102. 8vo., pp. 182. Cartwrioht, William, b. Thorns, Brierley Hill, 31st May, 1801 ; (/., Wednesbury, 11th" Apr! I. 1871. Obituary. Bv J. Belcher. [P. ,1/. Mui/. ( 1873), 5157, oi;8.] CARVEL (97) CATALOGUES Carvel, Nicholas. Educated Eton ; elected therofroiii to Kind's Coll., Cam., lo-tu ; B.A., 154'.); M.A., IS;');-!; left England during reign of Mary, .settling at Zurich ; returned on accession of Elizaheth ; d. 1564. The Wilfiill r:>ll of the lihioke Smith, .-ind the foolishe ende of the Lonl Awiitley in Jtine Anno 141*6. A Poem. [Mirrour for Magistnites, ed. Haslewood, II., 3'.lti.] Cary, Rev. Henry. M.A.; of Wore. Coll., Ox.; s. of Rev. IL l'\ Cary. Memoir of the Kev. Henry Francis Cary, M. .4., Trans- lator of Uante, with his Literary .lournal.s and Letters. In two vohimes. Loudon : Edward Moxoiij iJover Street. MDCCCXL \ '[I. »vo., port. Cary, Rev. Henry Francis. h. Gibraltar, fith Dec, 1772 : s. of William Cary, Capt. 1st Regiment of Foot (who retired to Cannock soon after, where he settled), and Henrietta (dau. of Theopliilus Brocas, Dean of Killaloe) his wife ; educated U.xbridgc, Rugby, 1783 ; Sutton ColdHeld, 1 7s5 : King Edward's Gr. Sch., Birmingham, 1787 ; Ch. Ch., Ox., 29th April, 1790: B.A., Uth Jan., 1794 ; M.A., 23rd Nov., 179G : Vicar of Abbot's Bromley, 179t; ; of Kingsbury, Warws., 1800 ; Reader at Berkeley Chajiel, London, 1810 — 13 ; Curate of .Savoy Chapel, 1X15 : Assistant Librarian British Museum. 182(; — 3.") : m., TJtb Sept., 179G, Jane, dau. of James Ormsby, of Sandy- mount, Dublin, Esq. (she d. 1832) ; had peusicjn of £2o0 a year granted to him, 1841 ; d. 14th Aug., 1844 ; bnr. Westnir. Abbey. Ode to General Eliot. 1787. ■ito. [Written when 15 years old.] Letter on. [Seward's Letters, II., 131.] Sonnet to Henrv Carv and T. Lister. By J. W(eston). [Gent.'s Matj.. Sept.." \1*»'\ Seward's Letters, II., 192. Re- priBted Carv's Carv. I.. 13, 14] ; Answer by T. Lister and H. C. to J. \V. [ib'. I., IG.] ; The Mountain Seat : A Poem [Getit.'f Hag., Feb., 17114; Reprinted and corrected in Gary's Cary, I., ha — tid] ; Lines ou the failure of obtaining a fellowship at College [ih., March, 1797]. Sonnets and Ode.-*. Lotidoti, 17S8. 4to. An Ode to General Kosciusko. London : Cadell and Davits. 1VJ7. 4to. [131 lines.] Three Sermons. [In Sermons by Rev. C. W. Barrs,of Rowley Regis.] Dante's Inferno. With an English Translation in Blank Verse. London, 1S03. Fop. 8vo. 2nd ed., together with The Purgatory and Paradise of Dante. In Three ■Volumes. Loudon, 1813. Xew ed., 1819. Illustrated by G. Dore, lA>ndon, 1SG6. Lar. fol., pp. xxiv., 183. Ditto, n.d., fol., pp. xii., 337. The Birds of Aristophanes. Translated. Lt/ndon, 1824. 8vo. Pindar translated. London, 1832. Essavs on the Early French Poets, and Lives of the English l*oets, supplementary to .Johnson, originally con- tributed to the London Mayaziue. republished after his death. London, 184(1. 8vo. [.Johnson, 1 — 113.] [Gent's .Magazine. April, 1847: Fxiward's Founders of Brit. Mus., o47 — .'>2 : <'A. Observer, xxv.. 39,5: Xortk British Iterien; 1847; Bloxam's Magd. Coil,, YII.. 79; Mrs. 01iph:int's Hist. Eng. Lit., II., 21, ;!06— 12 : Herald and Geneiilogist, IV., 391 : Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 227.] Gary, John. Engraver and Map Seller. A Plan of the Navigable Canals made and now makings in Enghind. London. 1770. 4to. A New and Correct English Atlas. London, 1787. 4to. New English Atlas, being a complete set of County Maps. London, 18U9. fol. A Plan showing the Canal projected from Ashby-de- la-Zouch. H.J. (1"94). Inland Navigation ; or, Select Plans of the several Navigable Canals throaghoat Great Britain, accompanied with Abstracts of the Different Acts of Parliament relative to them ; likewise the Width, Depth, Length, and Number of Locks on each, with the principal Articles of Carriage, &c. London ; Printed by J Cary. Sor. 2nd, 1795. lar. 4to., title. Ded. to the •• Duke of Bridgwater." pp. 1.32. Gary's New Map of England and Wales, with part of Scotland, on which are Cirefnlly laid down all the direct and principal cross roads, the course of the rivers, and navigable canals. . . . London : Published Jan. 11th, 1707, l»j J. tiiry 4to. [Staffs., Nos. 32, 41.] Reprinted, 1x42. [In all the above, there are plans, and maps, references or descriptiuus of Staffordshire places and persons. Vide Atpliabet.] C AS LAND, Rev. Henry, of Coseley. [P;dmer's Calamy, III., 383 — 87.] Castle Chdrch, Stafford. Church Registers : — I., Mixed, 1507 — 1727. 11., ditto, 1728—1812. III.. Marriages, 1757—1808. FV., ditto, 1803 —1X37. v., Burials,_1813— 71. VI., Baptisms, 1813— «7. VII., Marriages, 183i — 83, and those in use. — (Rev. W. Allen, B.A., Vic-ar.l Miscellanea. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 390.] Drawing of. Bv Buckler. Ditto and Bank (2 views), in Water-Colours. "[Salt Lib.] [.See Allen (Rev. E.), Mazzinghi (T. de).] Castlehaven, Earl of. [.See Tuchet (Mervin).] Castlemain, Earl of Letter from Liege, 29th Oct., 1(;74 [Bodl. Lib., i7.3/, f 309aA, 3106], Ashmole's copv of his answer. London, 21st Nov., li;74 \ib. 321a4]. Castle Ring. [.See ArchKol. Jour., XX., 198.] Catalogdes. A Waltonian Library, or a list of such books as relate to fish and lishing, Walton and Cotton. New York, 1847. 8vo. Annexed to Dr. Bethune's ed. of Walton's Angler. The very choice and valuable libniry of the late W. H. Higgs, containing a choice collection of books on angling .... all the various editions of Walton, in- cluding a magnificently-illustrated copy, &c. . . Sold by Auction, by Sotheby & Son, on April 30tb, 18.S0, and two following days. [London, 1830.'\ 8vo. (55 Lots.] [The illustrated Walton sold for £63.] A Collection of books on Angling; illustrations to Walton and Cotton, &c., sold by auction, Dec. 22nd, 1830. [London, 18.30.1 *vo. (90 Lots.) The valuable and unique private library of Mr. W. Pickering, consisting of ... . works on angling, em- bracing the first five and almost every other edition of Iza:ik Walton's Complete Angler ; and also the works of all his favourite authors. . . . Sold by Auction by Mr. G. Robinson, on March 13th, 1854, and [two] following days. [London, 1854.} 8vo, (9ij Lots.) The curious collection formed by the late Mr. L. Cotton, comprising works on angling , , . , and be:iutiful engraved illustrations to Walton's Angler.and Waltoniana. . . . . Sold by Sotheby and Wilkinson, on Feb. 9tb, 18oB. [London, /a.SS.] Xvo. (20 Lots.) A further choice portion of the valuable library of a well known Collector, comprising works on angling."inclu- ding beautiful copies of the first five editions of Walton, &c. . . . Sold by Auction, by Sotheby and Wilkinson, on July Iflth [/858] and two "following days. [London, lSaS.\ 8vo. (lal Lots.) [The Waltons fetched £50 lOs.] The Valuable . . . Library formed by the Rev. T. Corser. of St:iuil Rectory, ne:ir Manchester. . . Sold bv Sotheby & Co., on July 28th, 1808. Second portion, on starch 17th. 1809. Third portion, on August 0th. 1869. Fourth portion, on Feb. 23rd, 1870, and three following days. [Loudon, 1868,4c.] 8vo, [A copy of Pickering's \Valt4in and Cotton, 183C, extra illus- tnted, aud twuud in six volumes, fetched £i>2.] Of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen that have compounded for their Estates. London, 1655. Reprinted, Chester, 1733. [Numerous Staffordshire persons.] The Names of those persona who subscribed to the X CATTLE (98) CHADWICK defence of this Countrv ajjainst the Spanish Armada, 1588. Loiiiluii. 1SS6. [St.ifl's., .')ti, :i7.] The Names of Uoman Catholic nonjurors and others who refused to take the oaths to King George, 1715. Lon- don, 174S. Reprinted 18(12. [Staffs.. 1(1.5— 11.] [See Salt Lib.; Bailey (C. H.), Bullock (— ), Britton (J.), Stafford (Maniuis).] Catti.e, Rev. William. h. DriHidil, Dcibvs., Jan., 1 HI 3; entoriMl VVesWan l^Iinistry, ISSfi ; snpcraiiimatcd lH(il, when lie ivticetl to Walsall, whpi-e he (/., 29th Aug., 1SS(», aged 68. Popery Delineated ; or, Information for Protestants. I)uutU-e, lS-16. limo. The Po])e is Antichrist : A Lecture delivered before the Wesleyan Young Men's Christian Associ.ition, Walsall, and published at their request ; also a Postscript in which some remarks are made on Father Lori's attempted Keply. W'ahnU: T. Kirby. The Hridqe. ISGG. Cr. 8vo., pp. "il. Obituary. [IVes. Min. (1881), 15, IG,] Cattlow, Rev. James Stevenson, h. Cheadle, 18:U ; 2nd s. of Rev. John Cattlow, Vicar ; Mat. Trin. Coll., 0.x., 27th May, 1852 : Scholar, 1853 ; Feredav Scholar ( St. John's Coll.). 1854 —08: B.A., i857: M.A., 1859; Tutor, 1861 —68 ; Master of the Schools, 186] ; Curate of Romford, 1869—71 ; of Fnimlingham, 1871 ; d. 3rd June, 1885. Sermons. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 2.30 ; Gent.'a Ma;/. (1885).] Cattlow, Rachel Jane. Directions for Plain Knitting, with additions and cor- rections for the Working Classes and Schools. Loudon: Barton and Clnrk, IlnntiUon, Adams, O' Co. Xerrcastle- tnider-J,i/ine : Hyde and Crewe. AfltCCCXL]'JL sq. 12mo., pp. 54. (Printed by Hi/de and Crewe.) Catton, Rev. James. Wesleyan Minister. Obituary of Mrs. Bull {nee Catherine Oakeden, i. Bentlev Hall, Dec., 17U0, removed to Needvvood. 1814 ; d. Leek, 30th March, 1842). [ Wes. Mag. (1842), 942, 943.] Cadldon. Dr.awing of Church and Font. By Buckler. [Salt Lib.] Cauldon Place, Works, Shelton. Note on. [iJe«j. XIV., 240.] Cadnter, J. S. Printer, Bird Street, Lichfield. A New and Enlarged Edition of Anthems, together with a selection from the old version of Psalms as they are nsuallv sung in the Cathedral Church of Lichfield. Compileil bv •!. S. Caunter, A'icar Choral. Liehjield: J. S. Counter, Bird Street. IS30. 8vo,, pp. 94, ii. Cave, Rev. John. b. Great Milton, Oxon. ; s. of Rev. John Cave, Vicar ; R.A. of Magd. Coll., Ox. ; Line. Coll., Ox. ; Rector of Nail- stoue ; Canon of Durham, 1686 ; (/. Oct., 1690. Funeral Sermon at Shenstone on the Death of that Hopeful Young Gentleman. Mr. Francis Woollaston. London, 1685. 4to. (Dcd. to Mr. Woollaston, and Madame Eliz. Woollaston.) Caverswall. Church Registers :— I., Mixed, Nov., 1.552— Oct., I(i07 (gap 1(107^1;!) ; Aug., 1613 — June, 1G43 [evidently two books bound together]. II.. Mixed. 1(;(12 — 170.3 (gaps 1664— (!7 : 1«71— 72; l(i98— 170(1; 1703-4) ; [after l(i82 Burials and Marriages only]. III., B((rials. l(jK2 — 1780; IV., Baptisms and Marriages, 1704 — 1812: [.after 1755 Baptisms oulv]. V.. Marri.ages, 1754 — 1.S13. VI., Burials, 1781—1813. After then regular.— (The Rev. J. G. Adden- brooke, M.A., Vicar.) Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Caverswall, scale 25'344 inches to one mile. [Index Sheet and Area Book, Title from Index]. Southampton, n.d. (1888). Caverswall Castle. Lithograph, by Bentley and Wear, Shelton; ditto, by Jarrult, circa 1S20; ditto, 6^ Cah'ert, 1830. View of, in bistre ; 2 ditto, in Indian ink, by Buckler; Nunnery, pen and ink by .1. AUport ; St. Peter's Church, bv A. K. Kveritt. in water-colour ; S.E. iV' W. & N.E. ditto, w'ith view of Interior and rei^resentations of F(uit. bv Buckler; 2 ditto of Old Houses at, by Buckler. [Salt Lib.'] Ceadda, or Chad, Saint. A Northumbrian by birth ; one of four brothers, of whom two be- came Bishops ; disciple of St. Aidaii ; spent part of his youth in Monastery of Rathnielsige, now Melfort, Ireland ; became Abbot of Last- inghani, in Deira, on the death of his brother Cedd, 664 ; became Bp. of York, 665—69 ; Bp. of Mercia (Lichfield), 669. to de;ith : d. 672 ; bur. near St. Mary's Ch., Lichfield. A richly-decorated MS. of the Gospels (circa 700), known as Stl Chad's Gospels. [Cathedral Library. Lichfield.] Life, in A'erse. [Bodl. Lib., 43. 316.] Legeiul of, from Hob. of Gloucester. [ Ih. 1115. 9.] Figures from his book at Lichlield. [864,411: 1521 (B), 149, 1.50.] Ordinatio promissa S. Cedde, in eccl.. Lich.. 864. 69. [For accounts of St. Chad see all histories of .Staffs. ; ditto of York Minster ; Acta Sanctorum : Capgrave's Nova Legenda, 58, 59 ; Eddins ; but especial! v Bede's Ecclesia Historia (Bohn), 3, 149, 153, 1(15. 170. '171—78; Anglo-Sa.Non Chronicle (Bohn), 325; also the following may be consulted : — Butler's anH^'.< .l/a?., XCIIL (pt. 2), 418, 193 ; N.S., I., 283 :' CCVIII., 278, 38,S : A L.ayman's Life of Bp. Kea, 4 ; Nicolas's Life of Walton, pp. iv., xcvi., scvii. ; Pedigree of Ken Family in Markham's Life of Ken ; JJict. Nat. Bioy.,lK.,i31.] Challinor, Ann. h. Burslem, 17th June, 1828; d. Wolverhampton, 2."jth April, 1857. Obituary. By E. Jones. [P. M. May. (1868), 237, 238.] Challinou, James. Made Collections of .\rms, &c., of Staffordshire, after- wards in Vincent's hands. Chai.i.inou, William. /;. Leek, llttii March, 1821 ; .5. of William Challinor, and Mary, his wife; educated [jeek (ir. Sell.; King William's Coll., Isle of Man; Trin. Coll., Dnbhn; B.A.; M.A. ; Solicitor practising in Leek ; /«. Mary Elizabeth Pemberton, of Birmingham. The Court of ('hancery : its inherent defects as ex- hibiteil in its system of Proceedings and Fees, with sug- gestions for a remedy ; ;ilso an Appendix containing exti.acts from evidence taken before the Select Committee on Fees. London: Sti-trmi and Noftou, 20, Hellt/ard. MOCIC.XIJX. 8vo., pp. 56. Ded. to .loseph Hume.Esq., M.P., by W. Challinor, Leek, Staft'ordshire, .\pril, 1849. (Leek: Printed at the Ojfice oj G. yall, Bookselter. 2ud ed. Same year and payination.) Chancery lleforni : Being a Supplement to the Court of Chancery ; consisting of Two Letters and Appendix, published in the .S'«h. Reprinted, n.d. Fcp. fob, pp. 4. ['I'his Pamphlet was the foundation for Charles Dickens' Bleak House. .So; Forsters Life of Uiekens, III., 2a.] Address a,s President of the North .St;ilf's. Field Club. Stoke Meeting, 2nd May. 1882. [Heport (I.S82).] Re- printed. Nem'a.ttle : IJ. iJihrortk. n.d. 8vo., pp. 8. Proposed Disley Loop Line. Corresjjondence and Copy of Memorial respecting Negotiations for this Loop. Stiiinne/tnn anil Pniwu. n.d. Fcp. fob, pp. 111. Ded. to the Memorials, March 4th, 1X73. The History of Leek (reproduced, by desire, from the fitajordxhire Adoertiger, Saturday, April 4th, 1863). 4to., lar. paper, 7 leaves, printed on one side only. A Lecture on Mr. John Sleigh's History of Leek. Leek: G. Nail. JSfJ.I. 8vo.. pp. 8. Reprinted at the end of the 2nd edition, 1HS.3. A Lecture on ditto. 2nd ed. Imp. 4to., pp. 8. Lecture delivered before St. Luke's Young Men's Society, and (reprinted from the Leek Tlrnen, May 3rd, 1884) 'Publisheil by M. It. .Miller, Times OJice, Leek. n.d. 8vo. Lectures, Terees, Speeches, Reminiscences. &c. . . Leek: Printed and Published by M. U. Miller, Time) Office, . . . 18'Jl. 8vo., Port., pp. 368. Some facts connected with the History of Endon and Neighbonrhood. Being the substance of a Lecture delivered .... in the Endon Schools on Thursday Evening, November oth, 1872. [A'nJoii and Utanley Parish May., Jiiu. and Feb., 1873.] Chamukulayne, Edward. Angli;u Notitia : or. The present state of England. Lonilfin, lljtn. I21I10. [Frontispiece by Faithorne, con- taining Portriiits of King Charles II., Archbp. Sheldon, and the Earl of Shaftesbury.] Chambers's Edinburgh Journal. Johnson and Hannah More. [Ih., XV., N.S. (1857), 380—82. ,S«e Chambers (Robert). J Chambers, Robert. Johnson and Sav.age. [Chambers^s Edinburyh Jour. (1847), 65— 8.] Chamukiis, Rev. William. Congregational Minis- ter at Middlewich, 1832 — 37 ; of Newcastle, 1837— 7t). Sermon on the Death of Mr. George Jackson. [Non- con, in Cheshire, 185, 186.] Chamier, Anthony, b. London, Gth Oct., 1725; s. of Daniel Chamier and Snssanne de la Mejanelle : tn. l.)orothy, dau. of Robert Wilson, of St. Mary Axe, London, Merchant; Ueputy- Secretiir_v-at-War, 1772 ; Under Secretary for the Southern Uepartment, 1775 : M.P., Tara- worth, 1778, to death, having been returned a second time one month and one day before his death ; d., Savile Row, London, 12th Oct., 1780. Great friend of Dr. Johnson. [He was severely lampooned by Sir P. Francis, in private letters, and also in the public press. .See Boswell's Johnson (1835), II., 271: IV., 112: VI., 210, 254 : VII., 40, 85 ; Parkes' Sir P. Francis, I., 273—78 ; Courthope's Daniel Chamier and his descendants. 53 — 5 ; Agnew's Protestant Exiles from France, II.. 246, 294 — 95 : Leslie & Taylor's Reynolds, I., 219, 228, 2.37. 250 : II., 203, 386 ; Gent.'s May. (Oct., 1780), 495 ; Diet. Nat. Biog., X., 32.] CiiAMi'XEya, The Very Rev. William Weldon. h. Camden Town, (!th April, 1807 ; eldest s. of Rev. W. B. Champneys, B.C.L., of St. John's Coll., Ox., by his wife Martha, dau. of Montague Stable, of Kentish Town : educated by Rev. 1{. Povah, Rector of St. James, Duke's Place, London : Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 3rd Jan., 1S24: Scholar; B.A., 1828; M..\., l^>31 : Curate of Dorchester, near Ox., 1831 ; of St. Ebbe's, Ox.: Fellow of his Coll., 1831 ; Rector of St. Mary's. Whitechapel, 1837 — 60 ; Canon of St. Paul's, 3rd Nov., 1851 — tiS ; Vicar of St. Pancras, l.S(!o — 69 ; Dean of Lich- field, 11th Nov., 1K68, to death, with Rectory of Tatenhill attached : m., 20tli March, 1838, Mary Anne, ilaii. of Paul Storr, of Beckenham, Kent ; (/., Lichlield, 4th Feb., 1875 ; bur. in the Cathedral yard. CHANCE (lOU) CHANCE Plain Sermons on the Liturgy of the Church of Eng- land. Lnniion, 1S45. The Path of a Sunbeam. London, 1845. Tlie Church Catechism made Plain. Lomloti, 1S47. A Cliild a Hiniilrea Years old. London, 1S4S. Floating Lights. London, 1S40. \ Images ; or, Allegories for the Young. London, 1849. j 8th ed., ISGS. A Quiet One in the Land : A ilemoir of llarj Anne Partridge. London, 1S40. Drops from the Well : A simple explanation of some i of the Parables. London, 1862. Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister. London, 1851. Six Lectures on Protestantism. London, 1852. The Golden Cliord, or Faith, Hope, and Charity. tiondon. 1852. She hath done what she could. London, 1853. An Example of Suffering, Affliction, and Patience ; or, A brief Memoir of Helen S. iHth thousand. London, 1853. Confirmation : or, The Citizen of Zion taking up his freedom. London, 1S50. Sin and Salvation. London, 18.58. The Sunday School Teacher. London. Srd ed., 1857. A Story of the Great Plague. London. 1S5S. The Spirit of tlie World. " London. 1862. Ith ed.. 18GG Early llains. A Sketch of A. C. Savage. London, 1863. Facts and Fragments. London, 1864. Parish Work. A brief Manual for the young Clergy. London. 1865. Tilings New and Old. London, 1860. The Gospel Embassy : a Sermon. London : James Palel. 8vo. 4 leaves. ['The Preacher, No. 178 (18711).] The Power of the Resurrection : A Sketch of H. Adams, a Whitechapel ragged school teacher. London, 1871. Joseph and a Greater than Joseph. A Sermon, ion- don, n.d. (1873). 4 leaves. [The Preacher. No. 271 (187.S).] A Simple Catechism for Protestant Children. London, 1875. (57th thousand.) Sixteen Sermons on various subjects. By the late Rev. W. W. Champnevs, Dean of Lichfield. London : F. Davis. 1S7G. 8vo. Dean Champnevs was a large contributor to Home TT'oifiv, Our Own Fireside, and other Periodicals. [Drawing Room Portrait Gallery (4 S., I8(;0), with portrait, 1,2; Chri.ilian Cabinet Almanacl; with portrait (1861), 14, 31 ; Miller's St. Pancras, 21, 22 : Chamimeys' Story of the Tentmaker (1875). with Memoir and portrait, 7_14; r;Horrfmii. 10th Feb., 187.5, p. 1(!8 : 1 7th B'eb., p. 209 ; Diet. Xat. Bio;/., X., 3li. 37 ; Afod. Eng. Biog., I., col. 589, 590 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., L, 237.] Chasce Bros. & Co., Spon Lane, Smethwick. About 1830, Roliert Lucas Chanoe and his brother, WiUiam Chance, both of Birmingham, purchased a small crown window-glass manu- factory in Spon Lane, Smethwick, working one furnace and employing 100 workpeople ; Mr. Hartley, of Nailsea, near Bristol, joined them, during whose partnership (1830 — 40) the manufacture of sheet or window glass was established. Partnership dissolved iu 1840. The firm have held numerous patents for the manufacture of patent plate, patent rolled rough plate-glass for roofing, optical glass, coloured glass, &c., &c. They supplied the glass nsed in the erection of conservatory at Cbatsworth, the Exhibition building in Hyde Park, 1851, the Crystal Palace, &c. The firm established chemical works, at Oldbury, Worcs., about 1840 — 42, known since 1801 as the Oldbury Alkali Co., Limited. During its existence, the following have been partners in the firm : — Robert Lucas Chance {d. 18G5) and his sons, Robert Lucas Chance and John Homer Chance ; and William Chance (cl. 1855) and his sons, James Timmins Chance, Edward Chance ((/. 1881), and Henry Chance. On the 1st Jan., 1889, the business was converted into a Limited Co.. whose members are : — Robert Lucas Chance and his son (Arthur Lucas Chance), J. H. Chance. Henry Ciiance, George Ferguson Chance, and James Frederick Cliance (sons of James Tinirains Chance), Edward Chance (son of I'Mward Cliance, deceased), and Kenneth Alan Macaulay (nephew of J. T. Chance). The literature of the tirm is found in Catalogues, most elaborately got up, giving full particulars as to their various manufactures, mostly in 4to. It.s variou.s part- ners, ])ast and present, who have contributed to literature are as follovvs : — Chance Edward, b. 1825 : 4th s. of William Chance, of Birmingham and Smethwick ; part- ner in firm of Chance Bros., Sjion Lane ; m., 1850, Maria Isabella, dau. of Joseph Feri,'uson, M.P. for Carlisle, 1852 — 57 ; l)ecame partner, 1805, of Ferguson Bros., Carlisle, Cotton Manu- facturers ; r/., London, June, 1881. Numerous Contributions on Local Matters connected with Malvern. Chance, Frank, b. 22nd June, 182G ; 4th s. (2nd surviving) of R. Lucas Chance, of Birm- ingham and Smethwick : educated London, Dublin, and Birmingham ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1K54 ; Tvrwhitt Scholarship; Hebrew Scholar, 1854 ; M.B., 1855 ; M.R.C.S., Lond., 1856 ; F.R.C.P., Lond., 1863 ; m., 1858, Katharine, dau. of James Brewster, of Brampton, near Huntingdon : member of the Old Testament Revision Company, 1875 — 84 ; of London. Cellular Pathologic. Bv Dr. "V'irchow. Translated by. London: .1. Churchill. ISGO. 8vo. Commentary on the Book of Job. By Dr. H. H. Ber- nard. Translated, under Dr. Bernard's superintendence, by. . . . London : Hamilton, Adams, ($• Co. 1884. 8vo. Re-issued, same ye.ar, by C. Jlif/ham, Ij>ndon. [Dr. Chance is a frequent contributor to Xotts and Queries, and, during 1891 — 92, to the .icademy.'] Chance, Henry. Trin. Coll.. Cam. ; M.A. ; partner in Chance Bros., 1S56 — 89 ; Thorn- bridge; J.P. and D.L. Warws.; High Sherriff, 1885 ; of Leamington. Lecture on the Manufacture of Cro^vn and Sheet Glass. Delivered before the Society of Arts, 1856. \_Soc. of Arts Jour.. 185t).] Treatise on same subject. [Manual of Glass Making.] On the Manufacture of Plate. Crown, and Sheet Glass. [Birminfiham and Hardware liistrict. 147 — 50.] On the Manufacture of Alkali and Acids in Birming- ham and Neighbourhood, [/i., 16B — U8.] Chance, James Timmins. b. Birmingham, March, 1814 ; s. of William Chance : partner in the firm of Chance Bros, up to 1889 ; Trin. Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1838 ; M.A., 1842 ; &im. ad eundem Ox. L'niv., 1848: Associate Institute of C.E.: J.P. and D.L. for Staffs, and Worcs. ; High Sheriff of Staffs., 1868. On Optical Apparatus used in Lighthouses. [Minutes of Proceedings Inst, of C. Fng., XXVI.] Diojitric Aiipara'tus in Lighthouses, for the Electric Light. [/6., LYIL] Chance, William, h. Brown's Green, Hands- worth, 2nd July, 1853 ; eldest s. of J. T. Chance, Esq., J. P., &c., of Staffs. ; educated Harrow, Sept., 1867—71 ; Trin. Coll., Cam., CHANDLER (101) CHASETOWN Oct., 1872—76 ; Math. Hon., Jan., 1876 ; B.A., 187(; ; :M.A., 187;t : Barrister-at-Law, Inner Teinpli', 15ili Xov., l.'S7y ; J. P., Surrey, 1891 ; Hon. Sec. Surrey Liberal Unionist A.s.sociation ; m., I5th Oct., 1884, Julia Char- lotte, dau. of Lieiit.-Col. Henry Strachey ; of Wharfenden, Frimley, Surrey. The Law of Discovery. By Walter S. Sichel and William Chance. Loudon : Steveng tj- Song, 110, Chancery Lane. 1883. «vo. pp. xl., (1 blank) 291. Ded. to Mr. Justice Matthew. The Powers of the London County Council in regard to the Housing of the Working Classes. Loiuloii : Whiting 4 Co., 30 if 32, Sardinia Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fidds, W.C. 1880. Cr. 8vo., pp. iv. (1 blank), 62. Chanhler, Right Rev. Edward, s. of Samuel Chandler, of UnUin ; Mat. Emmanuel Coll., Cam.: M.A., 1(;'.I3 : D.D., 1701; Chp. to Bp. Lloyd, of Winchester, Ki'JS ; Rector of St. Nichola.s, Worcester ; Preb. of Pijia Minor, Lichfield, 30th April, 1 007— 1717 : Canon of Lichfield ; Preb. of Salisbury, 17u::5 ; of Worcester, 1706 ; Bp. of Lichfield, 17th Nov., 1717—30 ; of Durham, 21st Nov., 1730 to death : m., Barbara, eldest dau. of Sir Hum- phrey Brigss ; '/•, London, 20th July, 1750; hur. Farnham Royal. A Defence of Christianity from the Prophesies of the Old Testament, wherein are considered all the objections advanced by a late ''Discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian Religion.*' London, 1725. 8vo. [To this a reply was issued by S. Collins, entitled, A Scheme of Literal Prophesy. To which the Bishop answered in — ] A Vindication of the Defence of Christianity from tlie Prophesies of the Old Testament, in answer to "A Scheme of Literal Prophesy " considered. With a Letter to the Uev. Mr. Marson concerning the religion of Macrobins and his testimony touching the Slaughter of the Infants at Bethlehem. London. 1728. »vo., 2 vols. A Thanksgiving Sermon (on Psalm Iv. 19 — 21) for the .Suppression of the Rebellion. London, 1710. 8to. Ditto (on Jude xvii. t>). London, 1718. 8vo. Sermon (on John i. 14) on Christmas Day. London, 1718. 4to. Sermon (on Genesis iii. 9) before the Society for the Reformation of Manners. London, 1724. 4to. Pour other Sermons. Letter to his brother. " Eccleshal, June 24th, 1726." [Salt Lib.] A Chronological Dissertation, prefixed to K. Amald's Commentary to Ecclesiasticus. 1748. Short Preface to Cudworth's Treatise on Immutable Moralitv. [Harwood's Lichfield. l.'>7. 242 ; Diet. Xat. Biog., X., 38: King's Anecdotes. 118; Shaw's Staffs., L, 279; Hutchinson's Durbaui, I., 574 : Whiston's Life, I., 422 ; Neve's Fasti. I., .i.")8, G19 : U., 6G.') : IIL, 86, 297.] Plain rca.sons for being a Christian. [Reprinted in Bp. Walson's Tracts, 1785, Vol. ILL] Ch.^pel Chorltok. Church Registers :— I., Mixed, 156 1—1709. II., ditto, 1715—1813. III., Baptisms, 181.^5—91. IV., Marriages, (only 6 pp. used), 1817 — 36, and those in use. [In I. and II. are some notes on parish m.attcrs.] — (The Kev. 0. C. Selbv-Lowndes, M..\.. Vicar.) brawing of Church : By Buckler [Salt Lib.] ; Mis- cellanea [i6., see Cat., ;!93.] Chapman, James. Surgeon, Uttoxeter, 1st Feb., i 18-11. Tre,atment of Pruritus Ani. {Lancet ( 1841). 760.] Chapman, Jane. Elegies on the Deaths of several of her valued friends (affectionatelv inscrilwd to their Memorv). Burton-on- Trent : Printed by T. Wayte. 1805. 4to., pp. 28. Chardon, John. Bishop of Down and Connor. Fulfordo et Fulfordas. A Sermon (on Isaiah i. 2, 3) preached at Exeter, Aug., 1594, in memorial] of the Citie's deliverance in the dales of King Edward the .Sixt. Printed bii J. Danter; Sold by \V. Barley, London. 1.505. 8vo. Preface and some latin verses add. to T. Fulforrl. Es<^.. and his wife. Charles I. His Majestie's Propositions to, and answer of, the Lords, Knights, 4c., of Staffordshire, at Cttoietcr. Lon- don, 1G42. 4to. His Majestie's Speech and Protestation made at the Head of His Armie, between Stafford and Wellington, the 19th of September, 1642, after the Reading; of the Orders. (Vignette — Royal Armes.) London: Printed by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kiny'g .Most Kxi:ellent Majestie ; .ind by the .issiyneet if John Bill. 1642. 4to., pp. 5, and title. Charles II. Account of Coronation. By Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 810. l.iOS, fi7. 77] : Ashmole's interview with him. re Lich- field Cathedral (166(1) [ib., 1521. (B) 161] : Ashmole made Win.isor heral.i by him (1660) [i'4.. So?, 93 : 1731, 102]; Licences to Ashmole's Institutes of the Garter [i6., 1131, 27, 188]. Charles U., the Pendrills, Lanes, &c. [Grammonts Memoirs (Bohn), 63, 462, 464, 503, 505—507, 513.] Charles II. Charles II., Count Palatine of the Rhine, and Duke of Bavaria. Sends Medal to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 1131, 3354, 336, 342, 348. J Charles, James Edward. " The Chevalier." Narrative of the Chevalier. London, 1765. 8vo. [Gives his Staffordshire experience.] Expenses at Leek. IRelig., VIU., 256.] Charlesworth, Charles. b. Longnor, 14th March, 1729 ; s. of Richard Charlesworth, carrier ; when 4 years of age he stood 4 feet high ; when 5 years old, 4 ft. 7 in., and could easily carry 14 stones' weight ; at the age of 7 years he died, having become emaciated as an old man. [Trans. Royal Society, circa 1780 : IPm. Mag. (1786), 37 ; bide Leeke, 67, 58 ; Z>uWih I'liii!. Mag. (1868).] Charlton, Richard. Burton. Obituarv of Joseph Lev. [Xew Con. Mag. (18'29), 124 —26.] Charnes Hall. Water-Coloar. By C. B. Ash. [Salt Lib.] Chartley Castle. Queen Mary of Scots prisoner there. [Bodl. Lib., 830, 3.] ('Accounts of the unfortunate Queen's residence at Chartley are innumerable, and there is therefore no ne- cessitv to sav more here than to state that they are found in allhistories of England : ditto, of Staffordshire : the various Lives of Queen Marv, and Eliz;ibeth, ic] Drawings of Castle, Coiirt-vard, and Old Hall (by T. P. Wood); of the Castle (by S. Bentley) ; of the old Bridge and Moat round Chartlev Hall, and Ruins of Chartlev Castle ; of Castle (bv Buckler) ; of Chartley Oak (by T. P. Wood). [Salt Lib.] Thomson's Literary Characters and Celebrated Places. 1854. Vol. IL, So. 2. Chartley Park. Legend of Chartley Park in Philosophy of Mystery. By Dendav. Its wild cattle, and its famous leap, are described in Shirley's Deer Partt of England. Chasetown. Church Registers : — (only those in use). [ See Seaton (Rev. J. M.).] CHATCULL (1(.2) CHESTER Chatcl'll Manor House and Old Hall. By T. P. Wood. [Salt Lib.] Chattbrton, Stephen, a Schoolmaster at Willen- hail. Poems. Bihioii. 1705. Poem. " An Epistle to my frienil. Mr. Thomas S , who was married in July. 178ii, to his third wife, on his fiftieth birthday." [WilUnhaU Mag.] Chattock, Christopher. Hayes House, West Bromwich. Large 4to. Vol. on the Antiquities of Staffs, and Warws. [Aittiq., VII., 83.] Chattock, Richard S. The Black Country, Illustrated in lii Etchings of Scenes in the Coal and Iron District of South Staffordshire with descriptions. 1872. fol., loose, mounted. Chatwell. Stone Cross at. A Drawing. [Salt Lib.] Chadncev, Sir Henry. Letter to Ashmole '19th Oct., li;8«) [Bodl. Lib.. 1737, f. 17Ua. 1726] ; Ashmole's Answer (South Lambeth, 2yth Oct.) [_ib.. 171a]. Chavasse, ( — ). Uigbeth, Walsall. Notes and Queries. A ilagazine edited by. Walsallj 1834. History of "Walsall. Walsall, 1838. 8to. Chawneu, Darwin. Surgeon, Burton ; bur. Hanford. [Lancet (.l*-4-l)> ''■"'•] Cheadle. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Cheadle. Scale 25,344 inches to one mile. Index Sheet and Area Book. Title from the Index. Southampton, n.d. (1870) Ditto. 7 Sheets, with Index Sheet and Area Book. Title from the Index. Southampton, n.d. (1880). St. Giles' Church : Water-Colour, by A. E. Everitt ; N.W. & S.E. View of Cheadle Cliurch, hy Buckler [Salt Lib.] : Miscellanea [ih., see Cat. .S8'j.] Lord Shrewsbury's New Church of St. Giles, in Staf- fordshire. Being A Description of the Edifice and an account of the Consecration and opening. By the Editor of Dolman 8 Mayazine. To which is added Bishop Gillis's Discourse on the occasion of the opeuiuj;. London: Charles Dolman, 61, JS'ew Bond Street. 18-10. 8vo., pp. 23. A Discourse delivered at the opening of St. Giles' Catholic Church, of Cheadle, on the 1st September, 184G. Same imprint and size, pp.16. [Xow rare.] Monuments at. [Bodl. Lib.. A5.3 18.] The t-heudle Herald. [.SVe ilachin (J.).] Metrical Ps;ilms and Hymns for Congregational use in the Parish Church of Cheadle, Diocese of Lichfield. To be boutjhl of the Parish Clerk. 1843. Duo., pp. 197. City Press, Louy Lane: 1). A. Dondnei/. [See Machin (J.), Blagg (J. M.), (C), (H.), Horn (and Son), Allen (W. S.), Maserield (J.), Wheildon (Rev. E.), Bagot (Rev. L. T.), Cattlow (Kev. R. S.), Plant (R.), Ingamells (J.).] Cheissev. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Chebsey. Scale, 25,344 inches to the mile. 4 sheets, with Index Sheet and Area Book. Title from the Index. Southampton, 1880. Monuments at. [Bodl. Lib., 853, 34a.] Church ; S.E. View of ditto ; and Font. By Buckler. [Salt Lib.] Miscellanea [ib., see Cat. 393]. \_See Panting (Rev. L.).] Checkley. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Checkley. Scale, 25,344 inches to the mile. 2 sheets, with Index Sheet and Area Book. Title from the Index. Southampton, 1880. Ditto. 8 sheets, as before. Southampton, 1881. Monuments at. [Bodl. Lib., 853, lli.J Churcli. Drawing in Water-Colour. By Rev. S. Shaw. Four Views of Ditto, and its Font. By Buckler. [Salt Lib.] Sculptured Stone in the Churchyard, with cuts. [&//■«., XXI., .33.] Epitaphs at. [.Sfe Redfern (F.).] Church Registers :— I., Mixed, lli25— 17tl2. II., ditto, J71(l— 18th Dec, 1792. III., Baptisms and Burials, tith Jan.. 179.3— 2i;th Dec, 1712. IV., Marriages, 29th Mar, 1759— 12th Dec, 1799. V., ditto, 29tli Jan., IS(«)— 3(lth Dec, 1X12. VI., ditto. 3r Mort (John Drewry Mort), Printers, Newcastle. The Staffordshire Pottery Directory: containing an Alj>h:ibetical List of the Xanies and Places of Abode of the Manufacturers, Shopkeei>ers, &c., ic. in the Stafford- shire Potteries. ... To which is prefixed An Historicil Sketch of the Country, with an Account of the Origin and Progress of the Manufacture of Earthenware, &c. . . Printed and Sold hy f/henter find Mort. Ilnnley and Xew- cagtle; and Sold also by J. Knott, Lombard .Street, Lon- don, n.d. Pt. 8vo., pp. 1 — C4. Chesterfield, Derbyshire. A Map of 90 miles by "!'>, in which Chesterfield is the centre, comprising the Counties of Derby and Xotlingham, and part of the Counties of York, Lincoln, Rutland, Leicester, Stafford, Salop, Chester, and Lancaster. By J. Tuke. 1798. Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl of. Two Dialogues, containing a Comparative View of the Lives. Characters, and Writings of Philip, the late Earl of Chesterfield, and Dr. S. Johnson. London, 1787. 8vo. Chesterfield Thomas. Canon of Lichfield ; Preb. of Tervin, 8th Feb., 1425—33 ; Archd. of Salop, 13th Oct., U2.J— 33 ; Preb. of Morton Magna, Hereford, 13th Jan., 1450 : (/. 1451 or 1452. [Canon Chesterfield gave £120 to the Vicars Choral for the repair of their home and hall.] History of the Kings of Mercia and the Bishops of Mercia. or Lichfield, to .\.D. 1347. Commonly known as Chronicon Lichfeldensis. It was printed by Wharton in his Anglia Sacra, I., 42.? — 13. [In the Ashmolean Museum there is a transcript by Whitlocke. witli additions to l.')59.] [Bodl. Lib., 1521, B. I., 19.] [ See Whitlocke I W.).] [Appendix to Cave's Historia Literaria, p. 484 ; Diet. jVa<. liior/., X., 205, 201'.; Harwood's Lichfield, 21,5, 2.51, 502 ; Wharton's pref., XXXVI. ; Tanner's Bibl. Brit, 176 ; Hardy's Le Xcve's Fasti, I., .574, «.M0.] Chesterton. Ordnance Plan of the Town of Chesterton. Scale, 1..500 or 10..5G0 feet to one mile. 9 sheets, with Index Sheet. Title from the Index. Southampton, 1870. A Barrow at. [ Itel in., XI., Gti.] Its claim to be the Mediolanum of the Romans. With Plan. [Ward's Stoke.J [See Beech (Rev. ft.), Riles (Rev. J.) (Mrs.).] Chettle, Rev. Henry H. A. Burton, 5th March, 1X09; s. of Rev. John Chettle. Wesleyan Afinister ; educated Kiny;swond Sell, ; Master Woodhouse Grove Sch, ; Wesleyan Minister from 1.S32 ; Sec, Worn-Out Ministers' Fund, &c., 1852 ; for eight years Governor of Wood- house Grove ; Superannuated 1876 ; d. 19th June, 1878, aged 70. The Wise Son. An Address at Woodhouse Grove. London, 1840. 12mo., pp. 30. Sermon on Job ii. 10 [Sermons by Wesleyan Minis- ters, 18.50] ; ditto, on Isaiah xl. 31 [iA.,'l8ol]. A Sermon on the Indian Mutiny. LonJon, 18S7. 8vo., pp. 14. Christian Believers exhorted to the Maintenance of their Spiritual Liberty. A Sermon. London, lS6i. 12mo., pp, 17. A .Sermon on the Character and Happiness of a Godly Man. Loudon. 1S63. 8vo., pp. 12. Sevenil contributions to Wei. May., and other con- nexional literature. Obituary. [Wes. Min. (1878), 46—8; Wtt. May. (mi)}. [Osborne's Wes. Bibl., 82, 83] ; Slagg's Woodhouse Grove Sch. Chettle, Rev. .John. b. Castle Donington, 1777 ; Wesleyan Minister from 1797 ; super- annuated 1847 : tt., 8th Aug., 1850, aged 7.3, after a Ministry of 53 years. Strictum on Popery, occasioned by -A Letter addressed by the Rev. F. Martynto the Inhabitants of Walsall and its vicinity. Walsall: Printed and Sold by J. Wilkes, fliih Street, n.d. 8vo., pp. 42. Signed, " Walsall. March 12th, 1827." Objections against the RomLsh Doctrine of Transab- stanriation. Walsall; same imprint. I2mo. The Word of God Illustrated [ Wes. May. (1820). 749 —51]: The Attributes of God [i6. (18211,494— 97]; Me- moir of Rev. Johu Rossall [ib. (1835). 361, 362]. [Osborne's Wes. Bibl., 83.] Chetwode, of Chetwode and Oakley. Pedigree. [.See Tucker (J.).] Chetwode, Rev. George, b. Oakley, Ist Nov. (baptised Mucclestone, 2nd Nov.), 1791 : k. of Sir John Chetwode, Bart., and Lady Henri- etta Grey (elde.st dan. of 5th Earl of Stamford and AVarrington), his wife ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 1809; B.A.,l.-)th Nov., 1814; M.A., 1815; Rector of Ashton-under-Lyne, June, 181(5; P.C.of Chilton, Bucks., 1829"; ot. (l)at Cannock, 26th April. I.sl8, Charlotte Anne, 2nd dau. of Morton Walhouse, Esq., of Hather- ton, (2) at Marylebone, 1st Sept., 1840, Anna Maria, dau. of Dr. Shipley, Deau of St. Asaph, (3) 27th Feb., 1849, Elizabeth Anne, dau. of Thomas Deane, of Winchester, and (4) 30th April, 1868, Elizabeth Sophia, dau. of Colonel Thomas Aubrey ; d. 4th Aug., 1870. A Letter to the Rector of Ashton on Xon-Residenc9 and the Evils of it. By a Christian Philanthropist. Man- chester, 1S47. 12mo., pp. 8. Chetwynd Cross. [See "Giacomo.''] Chetwtnd, Edward, i. Ingestre, 1577 : Exeter Coll., Ox., 1593 ; B.A., 1595 ; M.A., 1598 ; B.D., 1606 ; D.D., 1616 ; Lecturer to Cor- poration of Abingdon, 1606 ; to Corporation of Bristol, 1607; Chp. to Queen Anne, 1613; Vicar of Banwell, Somerset : of Barclay, Gloucs.; Dean of Bristol. 1617 ; d. 13th May, 1639; bur. in the Choir of Bristol Cathedral, Concio ad Clerum pro grada habita Ozonis, 19 Dec,, 1607, Oxford, 1608. 8vo. The Strait Gate and Narrow Wav to Life. Loudon, 1612. 8vo. Sermons. [Wood's Ath. Oxon., II., 641 ; Foster's Alumni Oson.; Diet. Sat. Biog.] Chetwynd Family. " Chetwyndorum stemma " ab Eudore dc Mutton, and Walt. Chelwvnd de luge^tre in com. Staff., anno 1671, et Annan Rigot ux ejus. [Bodl. Lib., 1763, f. 286. 29.] An- other reference [i'*., S.33. 47]. Chetw^-ndorum stemma sive Chetwyndianse familie de Ingestre in Agro Staffordiensi Ac ollm de Chetwynd in comitatu Salopie successio. .i.D. 1690. 4to. vol. [.Salt Lib., see Cat. 41 : Printed in Hist. Coll. Staffs., XIL : .'e* Wrottesley (Major-General).] CHETWYND (104) CHICHELE Drawing of, and Haeelrig Monuments in Ingestre Cliurch. By Ferneyhough. [Sait Lib.] ,.,„„,„„ [Colton and the De Wasteneys, 4!), ol, 5b, 198, IS'J, 224, 229, 235, 236, 238, 271, 274, 283.] Chetwynd, (Sir) George (Bart.), b. Berkswich, 17«4 ; s. of Sir George Chetwynd, Bart. ; of Brasenose Coll., Ox., 81st May, 1802 ; Bar- rister, Lincoln's Inn, 1813 ; 2nd Baronet ; M.P., Stafford, 1820—26 ; d. 24th May, 1850. Catalogue of Sir George Clietwynd's Collection of Provincial Copper Coins, Tokens, Ticltets, and Medalets, issued in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies. By T. Sharp. London, 1834. 4to. Portraits, Engravings of Coins, &c. [Only printed for presents.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 24.i.] Chetwynd, Mrs. Henry. Brocton. [w. John Chetwynd, who was b. at Baswick, 1792, and d. Brocton, 9th Aug., 1870.] A Poetical History of England. Stafford : J^-^ 'fj^- Wriqht: London: Lonyman if Co ; Derbi/ : J. ^f C.Moz- Uth, 1887. [Volverhampton ; WUIlam (Jibbonit, Printer, Princess Street, n.d. Mvo., pp. 18. Woman L"^nsexed. A Novel. London : W. Foulskam ij- Co., 4. Pilgrim Street, Ludijate Hill, London, E.C. 1801. 8vo., pp. 320. CHirriNDALL, Rev. Jolin. b. Manchester, 1826 ; s. of John Chippiiidall ; Wtirc. Coll., 0.x. , B.A.. 1848 ; M.A., lM5t) ; (.'urate St. Peter's, St. Albans, 1848—51 ; P.C. of Rocester, 1851 — 55; Warslow-(('.-Elkstone, 1K55 — (i;! ; Hec- tor St. Luke's, Cheetham, Manchester, 18G;i. Papers on Church Councils. Sermons on the Disestablishment of the Irish Church. CuoLMONDELEv, Rev. Fraucis Grenville. b. Hamstall Riilware, -iSrd March, 1850; s. of the Hon. and Rev. Henry Pitt Cholmondeley, Vicar: educated Rugby ; Mat. Cli. Ch., 0.\! ; Newdigate Prize Poem, 1872 ; B.A., 1H73 ; Fell.iw of All Souls' Coll., Ox., 1874 ; M.A., 1H7G ; Vicar of Le.-k-Wootton, Warws., 1880 ; Domestic Chp. to Lord Leigh. The Burning of Paris. A Poem. Oxford Prize Poem. Articles on — .John and St. Peter [/Tr/JMiVor, July, 18441; Our Lord's Temptation [Thedw/ical Monthly, March, 1890] ; Lead us not into Temptation {ih., .Sept., 1890] ; The now and the then [ib., April, 1891.] Choi.moxiielev, Hon. and Rev. Henry Pitt. b. Vale Royal, Cheshire, 1820 : s. of Lord Dela- mere ; Ch. Cii., 0.x. ; B.A., 1840 ; M.A., 1845 ; Fellow of All Souls' Coll., Ox. ; Rector Hamstall Ridware, 1848—52 ; of Brad- well-w.-Adlestrop, Chipping Norton, 1852 ; R.D. of Stow ; Hon. Canon of Glouc, 1877. Parish Sermons. Oxford: Slirimpton. 1856. One more Guide Post on an Old Path. (Jx/ord: Shrinipton. 1870. Chorley. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Fairwell and Chorley. 18Go. Christian, Evan. Architect. A Report on the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Wol- verhampton, describing its present dilapidated and wast- ing condition, and the measures needful to he taken for its restoration and substantial repair. Preceeded by a brief sketch of Architectural history of the Fabric. Wolver- hampton : W. Parte. 1852. 8vo. Christian Observer. Last Days of John.son [XXXII., 1— o] ; Letter of Miss Boothbv to Johnson [(6., C — 10] ; Religious Friends of Johnson [XXXI., 1—13]; Choleraat Bilston [XXXIII., o(,;i— 21]; Cholera at .Sedgley [XXXIV., 1—17]: Mr. Wilberforce to the Editor of the Christian Vliaerrer, on the Last Days of Dr. Johnson [XXXVII.. 35, 3ti] ; Dr. ■Johnson's Conversion by ''Zenana" [ih., 68.1—85]^; On the Period of Dr. Johnson's Conversion by " G. (_.. G.," Maidenhead [ib., 8l.'i — HI] : On Dr. Johnson's Conversion bv "Zenana" [XXXVIII., 18]; On the Last Davs of Johnson, by "D. M. T." [XXXIX., 219, 220]. Christian Reformer. The Wolverhampton Case. [III. (183ti).] Christian World Magazine. Johnson in Society. [XIV., 821!- 28.] Chuuh, Charles. Began business in Winchester ; removed to Portsea, and from thence to London before 1824, when he founded the lirm of Ciiubb & Sons, of London, Wolverhampton, &c. ; held patents in locks (1824, 1828, 1S33) and also in safes ; iu 1841, the firm was C. Chubb & Son ; (/., Islington, 10th May, 1845. [Specifications of Patented Inventions ; (Jent.'s .Mai/., N.S., X.VVI., 104, (iliO; Tomlinson's Cyclo. Useful Arts, art. '• Locks "; " Locks," in We;ile's Series. 1833 ; I'roceed- inr/s of Meeting of Civil t^ngineers ; Exhibition Reports.] Chubu (Sir), George Hayter. b. London, 1848; 2nd s. of John Chubb [see) ; Chairman of Chiilib & Sons, of Stafford Street and llorsley Fields, Wolverham|iton ; Chevalier of Legion of Honour: Othce of Order of Leopold; Kni;,dited 1SS5 : ?«., 1870, Sarah Vanner, ilaii. of Ciniiles Early, Esq., J. P., of Witney, Gxon.; xV.I.C.E.; of Newlands, Chislehurst, Kent. Protection from Fire ;ind Thieves : Including the Con- struction of Locks, Safes, Strong-Room, and Fireproof Buildings ; Burglary, and the means of Preventing it ; CHUBB (106) CHURTON Fire, its Detection, Prevention, and Extinction, &c. Also a Complete List of Patents for Locks ami Safes. I^jitdou ; Lontimnns, 1S7.'). Cr. Svo., pp. 17(i. Woodcuts it2. Safe Deposit Vaults : Their Objects and General Construction. Lotnluii^ ISSO. 4tn., pp. K. Chubb, Harry W. Srd s. of John Clmlib ; Maiuigins; Director of Chubb & Sons. Articles on the Centennial Exhibitions at Philadelphia. [IVolmrhamplon Chronicle.} (The last one 28th Sept., 1876.) Letter from Chubb it Son, in connection with Contro- versy on Kntflish and American Locks. [Timi's. ITtii .T.iu., 387'.! : Miilliutd C'liuities Krenim/ Kxprfss. 17th .Ian., 1M71I ; Birmingham iJailf/ Mail. I(!th .Tan., 187'.'.] Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern Locks and Keys. A Pai)er read at a meetin. With Illustrations. [Besides refer under Charles Chubb : — Times, 2nd Nov., 1872 ; Mod. Knrj. Bioi/.. I., col. 018 : Diet. Xal. ISior/., X., 29G, 297.] Chubb & Sons' Lock Safp Co., Ltd., of Stafford Street and Horsley Fields, Wolvprhanipton ; established in Temple Street, W'olverhampton, by Charles Chubb, before 1832 ; in 1841 be- came C. Chubb & Sons (see John Chubb) ; afterwards Chubb & Sons until 1882, when it was converted into a Limited Liability Com- j.any, with Sir G. H. Chubb (Chairman), .lohn C. Chubb, and Harry \V. Chubb, as Managing Directors ; Chief Office : 128, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.(L ; with branches all over the world ; from 1851 to 181)2 they have won Prize Medals, &c., to the nundier of GO. [See Reports of various Exhibitioiui ; Birmingham and Midland Hardware District, I8(i.> ; and articles above.] [The Compiler's tliauks are due to Messrs. Chubb & Sons for the above iuforinatiuu.] Chubb, Thomas, b. East Harnham, near Salis- bury, l('i7!l : a Glover ; aftern-anls a Tallow Chandler ; . London: William ]Vetls (iardner. n.d. 8vo., xvi., (il)8. Wnlrt'rhampton : — Authorised Report of the Papers, Prepared Addresses, and Discussions of the Church Congress, held at Wolver- hampton, on Tuesiiy, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October 1st, 2nd, .'trd, and 4th, 18()7. London: Maanillan •.]■ Co. n.d. 8vo.. pp. xvi., ;!S1I. Ditto. 1887.' [.See Dunklty (Rev. C.).] Guide to the Church Congress and Ecclesiastical Art Exhibition, Wolverhampton. London: Spottiswoode ij- Co. ISHT. 8vo. Church Eaton. Church Registers :— I., Mixed, 15S8— 1724. II.. 1725 — ISDa. III.. Marriages. 1754 — 1812. IV., Baptisms and Burials, 18111 — 12. V.. Baptisms, 181.S— 74. VI., Marri:iges,. 18lli— :{7. VIL, Burials, 1813 (in use). VIII., Banns, 1824 — 87. IX., Bapti.sins, 187ii (in use). X.. Marriages, I8.'(7 (in use). XI., Banns, 1888 (in use). Overseers' Books, I.. 11)81) — 1722. II.. 17i;:i— 1812. Cliurchwardens' Accounts, I., 182-2—87. II., 1888 (in use).— (The Rev. A. H. Talbot, M.A.) Three Views. Drawings in Water-Colour. By J. Buckler. [Salt Lib.] Miscellanea [lA., see Cat. :W0]. Chdkch, George, h. Quatford, Salop ; removed to Sedgley, where lie d., 17th July, 1874. Obituarv. Bv G. Church. [P. .M. .May. (187G), 178, 17!..] Churchill, Lord Randoli.h, M.P. ."Vutborized Elition. On Public Expenditure, its Amount, Nature, and Results. Speech delivered . . . at Wolverhampton, on Friday, June .'ird, 1887. Lom- don ; tteorije Hoitthdtje tj- Sous, Broadway, Ludgate Hill ; Seiv York and Glasgow, n.d. 8vo., pp. .*U. Churchill, Major Seton. b. 20th April, 1831 ; s. (.f Rev. VV'illiam Chnicliill, of Colliton House, Dorset. ; educated Windlesham Hou.se, Bagshot ; Royal Military Coll., Sandhurst ; (Jazetted to 44th Regiment, Feb., 18(;'J ; m. Eleanor M. Kidd : purcliased Whitehall, Lich- field, 1889. Stepping Stones to Higher Things. London : .Xisbet 4 Co.,21. Berners Street, lith ed., iSO/ (10,000). 12mo., pp. vi., 212. 7th ed., 1802. Church Ordinances, from the Layman's Standpoint. Loudon: same imprint. 3rd ed. (4,0u6), iSSC. 12mo.. pp. xiv.. 288. Forbidden Fruit for Young Men. 4th ed. (7,000), 1880. 12mo., pp. X., 2li'.l. General Gordon. A Christian Hero. London: same imprint. .\/IfCCCXC. Cr. 8vo., pp. 274. 2nd ed., same year, imprint, size, and pp. .-Ird ed.. ditto. The Influence of Elder Brothers [Parents' Tiei'.] ; Religious MutFs [A.I. .Magazine] ; The Di.scipline of Dis- appointment [f'h. Missionary Intelligeucer]; An Officer's Experience of Foreign ilis-ions [The t_'hnrchmau'\ ; Chris- tian Work in the Army [iV..] ; The Work of the Laity [(.'le rgym a u 's Mag . ] . Biogi'apliical .Sketchof Major Seton Cliurchill. [Church Bells.] The >'ew Life of General Gordon. A Chat with its Author. By'-F. A. A." [The i'oung Man,l>in.] On the best Means of Raising the Social .Standard of Purity among the Upi>er and Lower Classes [Hejxjrt Ch. Congress, held Carlisle, 1884] ; Popular Amusements [Re- port Cardiff Congress, 188iiJ ; Betting and Gambling [Report Hull Congress, 18i.0j. Chuhchyard, Thomas. The fortunate Farewell to the mo.^t forward and noble Earle of Essex. London: Printed by Kdm. Boll i/aut for William Wood. 1.500. 4to., 4 leaves, containing 12 .Stanzas. Reprinted Nichols's Progress, 1718, Vol. II. The Welcome Home of the Earle of Essex. London, 1.500. 4to. Reprinted in Nichols. Churnkt Valley. [See Molj-neux (W.), Wardle (T.).] Chukton, Rev. Ralph, b. Biekley, Cheshire, 8th Dec, 1754 ; Archd. of St. Davids, 1805 : il. Middleton Cheney, 20th March, 1831. Memoir of Thomas Townson. D.D., Archd. of Rich- mond, &c., j)retixed to A Discourse on the Evangelical History, from the Interment to the Ascension. Oxford, n03. Reprinted 1810 ; ditto 1828 ; ditto, 1830. [.See Townson (Rev. Tiiomas).] A Letter to the Bishop of Worcester (Dr. Hurd). occasioned by his Strictures on Archbishop Seeker and Bishop Lowth, in his Life of Bishop Warburton. Oxford. nOG. 8vo. CLAPP ( 107 ) CLARKK Lives of William Smyth, Bishop of Lincolo, and Sir Richard Sutton . . . Oxford, 1800. 8vo. Supplement, 1803. Clapp, Mr., of Nantyglo. E-tperiments with his Coul-Cutting Machine made at Stoke, Oct. IJth and 7th. 1H74. [Train. North Staft. Min. and Mech. Knij., I., 213— 20.J Clare, Charlotte. Bookiieller, Dudley Street, Wolverhampton. [White's Staff.s., I»(:t4.] Clare, John. Printer, Wolverhampton. The Camelion ; or, .\[oiilJibj Olio. Xo. 2. March, I8.S1. Price lid. Wolverhumptim: Printed and Published by John Clare, aVo. 27, Dudley Street. 8vo., pp. 19 — 3"2. Cover extra. Clarkndos, Edward, Earl of. A-ohmole's Letter to. (luth Dec , l(>ti2.) [Bodl. Lib., 1130,i\b—i.] The Characters of Robert, Earl of Essex, favourite to yueen Elizabeth, and George, Duke of Buckingham, favourite to King .James I. and King Charles I. With a Comparison. Loudon, 1706. 8vo., pp. .3.i. Clarendon, F. Letter to Ashmole. (Kilkenny Castle, Sept., 1886.) [Bodl. Lib., 1137, f. 1«7«, lt;8A.] Ci.akk, C. F. G., Chemist, Dudley; after (1883) of Carr Villa. A Short Hi.storical Account of Dudley Castle, with a guide through the ruins and a few brief remarks upon the Geological Feature of Castle Hill. 2nd ed., n.d. (1S4G), 12mo., pp. 31, and 4 plates. 4th ed. Birmingham: Witliam Josebury, Printer, 1, Aston Street, n.d. pp. 28. IGth ed. Birmiuijham: Martin Billing, Son, ij- Co. 1883. 12mo. pp. 47.' The Curiosities of Dudley and the Black Country, from 1800 to 18i;o. Also an Account of the Trials and Sufferings of Dud Dudley, with his "Metallum Martis." The First Artificer in Iron, made with Pit-Coale and Sea- Coale, in I1JI8. Being some lively and instructive traits of the Peculiarities of the Inhabitants, and their Doings in the Coal and Iron Districts ; also an account of the erec- tion of St. Thomas's Church. Birmingham: Buckler Brother:!, Printers, York Passage, Iligh Street, 1881. 12mo., pp. 337. [Dud Dudley, pp. 27.J Clark, F. L. Golden Friendship. London, 1884. 8vo. [Samuel Johnson and Goldsmith, pp. 74 — 91.] Clark, Rev. Francis Foreman. A.B. ; Vicar of Ch. Ch., Coseley ; Head Master of Newcastle Gr. Sch., 183G— 48 : Vicar of Hartshill ; d. Hartshill, where he was buried. Plain Sermons preached to Countrv Congregations. London : J. Ilatchard ij- Son, 187, Piccadilly. 1830. 8to., pp. xi., 301. An Aildress to the Members of the Newcastle Litcrarv and Scientific Institution, yeuca-ttle : IV. //. Hyde. 1837. 12mo. Transubstnntiation. A Sermon, preached in St. Giles' Church, Newcastle. .Vewcaslle: It'. //. Hyde. MDCCCXXXf'/. 8vo., pp. 4.5. Re-issued, with others on Romanism. [See Leigh (Rev. C.).] Clark, J. L., Surgeon, Tamwortli, 3rd April, 1841. Puerperal Convulsions. [Lancet (1841), 238, 239.] Clark, Rev. James. Minister of Bethel Chapel, Cheadle. On the Sanctification of the Sabbath : or. Keeping the .Sabbath Day Holy. The substance of a Sermon, preached in the Bethel" Chaiwl, Cheadle. Febniary llth, 1827. "Filius Hominis est Sabbati Dominis." — Marcus. Cheadle: Printed for the Author by Home 4 Son. 1827. 8vo., pp. 27. Sermons. ^ Juvenile Hymns. Clark, James, b. Aberdeen, 21st July, 1839 ; g. of John Clark and Charlotte, his wife ; edu- I cated Aberdeen Gr. Si;1j. ; Aberdeen Univ. and Edin. Univ., 185l'— o7 : M.B., Mar. Coll., Aberdeen, 18.-)9 ; M.D., Aberdeen, 18G4 ; F.R.C.S., Edin., l.->7u ; L. & L.M., 1859 ; Memlier General Committee Univ. Aberdeen ; Medical Officer of Heallli Lichfii'ld Urban and Rural Sanitary Uistrict.^, 1884; Surgeon-Lieut.- Col. 2n(l V.15.S. Staffs. Regiment, and Army Reserve ; of Minster Pool House, Lichfield. Annual Reports to the Rural and Urban Sanitary [ Authorities. Lichfield, 1884. \ Occasional contributor to — l^ancet, Med. Timei and Gazette, and British Medical Journal. I Clark, Hev. Tliomas, M.A. h. Burton, 1804 ; Vicar of Poulton-le-Fylde, lived there and at Preston from 1 829 — G9 ; d. Preston, 27th j March, 18U9. I Questions on the Articles of Religion with Scripture Proofs. [Sutton's Lanes. Anthors, l.'>4 ; Man. Zfiocesan Ch. Calendar, 1870, p. 1.52.] Clarke, Rev. Henry James, b. Brown's Green, Handsworth, 9th Aug., 1823 ; s. of Nathaniel Richard Clarke, Ejij., County Judge of Wol- verhampton, &c., and Maria (dau. of Thomas Garnett, of Nautwicli, Banker), his wife ; edu- ' cated privately ; Student King's Coll., London, I 1840 ; Associate, 1843 ; 1st Class Certificate in Theology, 1848 ; Theological Lecturer to , Candidates' Class, 1853 ; Assistant Curate to Ch. Ch., Bloomsbury, 1848 — 57 ; Curate of All Saints", I'adilington, and Assistant in MS. Department Brit. Mus., 1857; Chp. to British Residents at Lille, 18G0 ; Perpetual Curate of Scropton and Foston, Derbys., I8G4 ; Vicar I of Great Barr, 1870 ; m., 19lh Nov., 1.S59, ! Margaret Eliza, dau. of Charles Frederick Darwall, of '>Valsall, Solicitor. The Catholic Test of a Church. Tivo Sermons. Lon- don, 1S61. 8vo. Freedom of Speech. Two Sermons. Birmingham, 1S84. Svo. The Meaning and History of the Logos of Philosophy. , Being a Pajier read before the Victoria Institute. Author's I Copy. 8vo., pp, 31. The Science of Rectitude as Distinct from Exi>edience. Ditto. 8vo.. pp. 21. I Dcontnliigy. Ditto. 8vo., pp. 17. ' /The Fundamental Assumptions of Agnosticism ex.am- 1 ined in the court of i)ure reason. London: O. Robertson t|' Co., Limited, n.d. 8vo.. pp. 22 [Jour, of Vic. Inst.. XX., No. 79.] Evolution a Revelation. Ditto. 8vo., pp. 6. [lb., ■■ XXI., 84.] Development of the Percci>tions of the Sublime and Beautiful. A Paper read on Tuesday. November 19th, 1889, before the Warrington Literary' and Philosophical Society. Warrington: Printed Jor the Society at the " Guardian " Ojlicr. ISSO. 8vo.. pp. 27. . The Book nf Job. A Metrical Translation, with In- troduc;i"n ami Notes. London: Hodder iV- Siouohton MVCCCL.XX.W Svo., pp. Ixix., 104. The Fundamental .Science. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, if Co., 1, Paternoster Sijuare. 1885. 8vo., pp. xxiv., 2U.5. Elijah's Coming [Kitto's Jour, of Sapred Literature]; Sermon on Other Men's Labours [Penny Pulpit. Dee., 1857]; The AiTOstacy of the Last Days [Chrisliau Adro- CLARKE (108) PL EXT cale. All?, and Sept., 18G.3] ; Two Letters on the desir- ability and possiV)ility of a reunion of the Methodists with the Estai)lished Church [The Birminf]hnm Methotii/t. Feb., March, l««7] ; Demoniacal Possession [The Tlieologicat Monlhlii, Oct., 1889] : The Only Formidable Enemv [i'6., May, 18111]. Cl.\rke, Rev. John. il.A. by Arehbp. of Can- terbury ; Carate St. Mark's, Hull, 1854 — 'u ; Leek ; Vicar of Meerbrook, near Leek, 1 863 — 70 ; of St. Stephen's, Bowling, Yorks. The History of the Church of our Lord for 1,800 years. Lontion. IS71. The Power of Influence. Clarke, Rev. John Erskine. b. in the East Inclie.<, 1828 ; s. of \V. F. Clarke ; Wadh. Coll., O.K. ; B.A., 1850; M.A., 1853 ; Curate St. Mary's, Lichfield ; Vicar St. Michael's, Derby, 1856 — 66 : P.C. St. Andrew's, Derby. 1866- Prob. of Bohenhall, Lichfield, 1860 ist in Pathology aud Foreign Mfdica and Surgery Prizeman, Queen's Coll., Birniinghara. Notes on a Case of Jacksonian Epilepsy. [Brit. iUi. Rev.) Clarkson, Rev. Isaac. Questions for Self Examination. Hymn Book. Pub. by E. Ellis ij' Co., Weilneihury. 1S50. Clarksox, James. Every Man his own Doctor: or. The Cold Water Core. 2nd ed. Stoke-tipon-Treut : Prhitetl and Puhli..] Clkws, John. b. Newcastle ; youngest s. of John Clews, Malster; educated Man. Gr. Sob., 1804 ; settled in London as a Merchant ; a King's Messenger : eJ. at his eldest brother's (Ralph) house, Newcastle. [Smith's Man. Sch. Reg., U., 235.1 Cliffohi), Arthur, b. Ti.xall, 1778 ; 6th s. of Hon. Thomas Cliflford, by Hon. Barbara Aston, youngest dau. of James, 5th Lord Aston ; educated Stonyhurst ; ?«., l.Jtli June, 1809, Eliza Matilda, dau. of 'Pliomis Macdonald, of Berwick-on-Tweed ; d., Winchester, Kith Jan., 1830. The State Papers and Letters of Sir Ralph Sadler, Knight-Banneret, edited by. To which is added a Memoir of the Life of Sir Ralph Sadler, with Historical Notes by Walter .Scott, Esq, Two Volumes, 4to, Edinburgh : Prinle'l by Archibald Constable 4 Co. ISUO. [A few copies were priuted on large paper in three vols. ; the collation is of a large paper copy.] Vol. I. : Portrait of Thomas Cromwell ; Title : Ded. to the Earl of Charleville : Advertisement ; Four Plates of Fac-similes ; Contents and Memoir, xxxix. ; Embassy to Scotland (15.S'.I— 43), pp. 1— .-i.')! : .Settled Acc't of the'Ex- penses of Somerset's Expenditure, 1 Edward VI„ pp, 3.i'2 — 64 ; Letters during the Reign of Queen Mary, pp. 305 — 71 ; ditto during the War of the .Scottish Reforma- tion (l.i.W— CO), pp, 372 — 1<)3, II,: Portrait of Queen Mary, Title, Contents, and Scottish Reformation (con- tinned), 1 — 270: Memoruils concerning the Border Ser- vice, 280 ; Letters during the great Northern Insurrection, 290 — 12.i ; Acc't rendered by Sir R. Sadler, treasurer (1559 — 70), 42ti— 57: Ajipendix to Letters, 4.58—573. III. : Monument to Sir R. Sadler, Title, Contents, Appendix (continued), I — l^i< : Letters and Papers relating to the Imprisonment of Queen Mary, 89 — 302 ; Notes of Speeches in Parliament, 30.3 — 13 ; Appendix of Sadler's Chattels, Jirc. 344 — 61 ; Letters giving an Acc't of the North of England (1537), 362 — 67; Genealogv of Descen- dants of Sir R, Sadler, 3(i8— 69 : of Clifford of Tixall, 369 — 74 : of Sadler of Temple Denesley, 374 — 79 : of Sopewell in Ireland, 379—82 : of Eversley. .382—83 : Description of Monument, 384 — 85 ; Verses (signed, R, V. S.) on Sadler, 386 ; Catalogue of Signatures engraved on the four plates of Autographs (in Vol. I.), .387—89; blank, 390—92; Index, 393—135. Sadler (Sir Ralph) State Papers and Letters. 4 Vols. The Original Documents from which Clifford edited his 3 vols., 4to., with Memoir by Sir Walter Scott. Russia extra, lettered, 'Tixall Library." [Sold Burton Constable Sale at .Sotheby's, 26th June, 1889, as Lot 157,] Tix:ill Letters : or. The Correspondence of the Aston Family and their Friends during the Seventeenth Century, with Notes and Illustrations. In Two Volumes, London : Printed for Longman^ Hurst. liees^ Orme. and Brotrn, Pater- noster how: and /"or Archibald Constable tj- Co.. and John Ballanli/ne 4 Co.,'Edinhur;ih. 1815. 12mo, Vol. I. : Title, Preface, and Contents, pp. xii, ; Letters, pp. 20(1 : Poems, 201—204. IL : Title and Contents, viii. ; Letters, 1—174 ; Reliqui.'e AstonianiE, 1 75 — 204. [Privately priuted, and afterwards rigidly suppressed. Fine copy worth 30,-.] Collectanea Cliffordiana, in Three Parts. Containing — I. : Anecdotes of Illustrious Personages of the name of Clifford. II. : Historical and Genealogical Notices res- pecting the Origin and Antiquity of the Clifford Family. IlL : Clifford : a Tragedy. Tu facito. mo.x quum matura adolevertt tetas Sis memor, et te auimo rei)etentem exempla tnorum Et pater J^neas, et avunctulus excitet Hector, VlROIl. .A'n., B, XII, Paris: Printed by M. .\omou. 9. Hue de Ctrry. 1S17. 8vo, Title and Contents, viii.; Ded, to Sir T. Clifford, Constable of Tixall, I—:! ; Part I., pp. 4—102 ; II., pp. 103—218 ; III., pp. 1—86 ; Appendix, pp. 89—145 ; pp. 87, 88, blank. [One of the rarest book.s of the century. I have only seen one copy in len years, i.e., on sale. — Compiler.'] Tixall Poetry, with Notes and Illustrations [10 lines from the P<»ly-olbion, Song XIL] Edinburgh : Printed by James Ballantyne if Co., ^for Longmans, Ilurst, Iteex, Orme, if Brown, London; and John Ballantyne 0— liS ; Gent. 's Mai/. (Oct., 1822), p. 370: (March, 1851) pp. .309. 310; Times, 15th Jan., 1851, Ulus. Loud. Xeirs, 18th Jan., 1851 (Port.); 25th Jan., pp. 62 — I; Portraits of Eminent Conservatives (1836), 1. 2 (Port.),] Clinton, Henry Pelhain Fiennes Pelham. h. Berkeley Square, 22nd May, 1811 ; s. of 4th Duke of Newcastle ; educated Eton ; B.A., Ch. Ch., Ox., 1832; created D.C.L., 11th June, lX(i3 ; M.P., South Notts., 1832—46; Chief Secretary for Ireland, 14lli Feb., 1846 ; M.P„ Falkirk Burghs, tuA May, 1846 ; suc- ceeded as 5th Duke, 1.S51 ; Secretary to Colonies, 28th Dec, 1«52 ; of War, 12th June, 1854; of Coloniesagain, 1S59; Lord Lieutenant of Notts., 1857; K.G., 1X63 ; m. 27th Nov., 1832 ; Lady Susan Harriet Catherine, dav. of 10th Duke of Hamilton ; d. Clumber Park, Notts., 18th Oct., 1864 ; personalty sworn under £250,000. [Diet. .\at. Biog. : Hansard, from 1834 ; Gent.'s .Mag. (Dec, 1861), jip. 783—86 ; Brit. Cabinet (18.53), pp. 240— 50; rilns. Land. Sews. 22nd Dec, 1860, pp. 5i5. 586, 587 : (Portrait) 5th Nov.. ],>i64. p, 469 : Brown's Notts, Worthies (1882), .3.52— .55 : Times, 19th. 20th, 22nd, 2.5th. and 28th, Oct., and 26th Nov., 1864; Eton Portrait Gallery (l'<76), 412 — 17; Martineau's Biog. Sketches. 122 — 80; Kinglake's Crimea, 6th ed., VII., 28, e( »ef/.] Clive, J. H. Mayor abbreviated. [.S« Bayley (J.),Chester9 (C.).] Clive, The Yen. William. b. 14th March, 1795 ; #. of William Clive, of Leigh Hall, Salop ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1S17; M.A., 1820; Vicar of Welshpool, 1819 — 65; Archd. of Montgomery, 29th Feb., 1S44 — 61 ; Preb. of St. Asaph, 25th July, 1849 ; Hon. Canon of St. Asaph, 1854 to death ; Rector of Dlymhill, 1865 to death ; d. BIymhill Rectory, 21th May, 1S83. Sermons. Charges to the Archdeaconry of Montgomery. [Mod. Eng. Biog., I., iVoX'l Close, Rev. F. An Apology for the Evangelical party : Being a Reply to the Rev. W. Gresley. Preb. of Lichtield. London, 18-16. 8vo., pp. 32. Close, Nicli. Bishop of Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., 1115, 237.] CLOSE (111) CODD Close, The. Liclifield. Accounts of, will be found in all Histories of Staf- fordshire, and of the Catheilral and City of Lichfield. Also Dugdale's Monast.. HI., ^I'.l; Wharton's Anglia Sacra. I.. 4.i!l ; Fuller's Ch. Hist., Book IV., 174 ; Leland. III., 511, -Ml ; Holme's i£S., Brit. Mus.. Harl.. 204.1 : Draw- ing of Ixington Tower in the Close [H irl. M.S.] ; ditto, of the Banqueting Room in the Close, by Ferney hough [Salt Lib.l. Close, Rev. Titus, b. Hanley, 10th June, 179.3; VVeslevaii Minister from IHIG ; Missionary to Asia, IKl!) ; returned home, 1832 ; d. Croft, near Darlington, lUth July, 18:33. Memoir. Bs- Rev. James Heaton (mostly t.aken from his own Journals'). [ HV.». .I/«.'/, ( IS.S.'x, -iol— -JI.] Reports. [Penes Weslevan Mission House.] Letter, dated •' Madras, 4th Jnly, 1M2I." [ ll>.<. Jf'iy- (K2->), iA, 2t;.] Obituary. [ IFes. J/in. (1831).] Clowes, Frank. D. Sc., Professor Chemistry, Univ. Coll., Nottinsjhani ; formerly Science Masster High Sch., Xowcastie. Lecture on the Chemistry of Combustion, before the Members of the North .Staifoi^lshire Mining and Mechani- cal Engineers, 14th Nov., 187X [Trans.. III., ISJ — 14]; ditto, -jsth Nov., 187!< [i'*., 14,i— 57] : ditto, on Singeing and Sensitive Flames, 12th Dec, 187» [ib., lUl— 70] ; ditto, on Colliery Explosions— Safe Lights — Safe Methods of getting Coals [ill.. X., 42 — 54]. Clowes, Rev. William, b. Burslem, 12th March, 1780 ; s. of Samuel Clowes, and Ann, his wife; a working Potter : m., 2«th July, 1X00, Mary Rogers of Tunstall ; attended first Camp Meeting ever held in England, on Mow Cop, 31st Jliiy, 1807 ; Leader and Local Preacher amongst the Weslevan Methodists, from Oct., 1H08 : removed off the Plan, Sept., 1X10 ; joined Hugh Bourne, and was co-founder of Primitive Methodism. Uth :Marcli, 1X10 ; cl. Hull, 2Dd March, 1851. Short Account of Charles, son of John and Nancy Mather [/'. J/. Mag. (1825), 22—5]; Two Missionaries imprisoned at Jerusalem : contributed bv [ib. (1826), 28 — 31^ (Jl — 70] ; Letter to the Rev. E. Cornwall [ib. (1863), 33, 34]. Editor of T/ie Primitive Methodists' Children's ifaga- zine. Notice of the Death of Rev. W. Clowes, bv T. Holliday. [P. . v. . I/ay. (1851), 249]. Life of W. Clowes. By Rev. J. Davidson. Toronto, 1854. Cr. 8vo. Sermon preached on the occasion of his death, by Rev. John Petty. Ditto.' By Rev. G. Lanton. Memoir of W. Clowes. By John Bywater. London, 1852. Review of Life of W. Clowes. Bv "An Old Sub- scriber." [P. M. Maril. 185.3.] The 'Tombs of 'Fletcher and Clowes. By Petty. London. 8vo. Life of Clowes. Bv Rev. J. Gamer. Revised, 1868. [Review, P. M. Mai/. (1868), Ii!l7, ('.98.] William Clowes. By .1. W. [P. .If. .Vag. (1882), 474, 478] ; see also Dent's Remarkable Successes of the Early Primitive Preachers [ib. (1884). 339 — 13]. Biographical Notices of [Herod's Early P. M. Preach- ers (1844). .395 — 145]; Other References' [ib.. 241, '245, 257—59, 2(i7. 279. 308. 315, 322, 324 : Petty's Hist. Prim. Meth. (186(1), 5, 7. 17. 22, 35, 41. 4.3— 6. .55. 5i;. 61, 6.5, 72, 75, 85, 87, »», 97, 105, 127, 128, 130. 1.33, 136. 151, 176, 185, 202, 239, 244, 382, 459, 497, 498, 5,52, 554 ; P. M. Mag., from 1819 to death ; -UoJ. Kng. Biog.. I.. 655 ; Por- traits in Davidson's Life, 18,54, and Petty's History, 1860 and 1864 ; P. M. Mag., 1825, Frontis. : jeeLynn (Rev. A.)]. Cluett, William. "Bookseller ami Old Book Dealer, (Queen's Square, Wolverhampton." [White's Staffs., 1834.] Clulow, James, b. Leek, 2nd Sept., 1811 : d. Kidderminster, 13th Aug., 1880. Obituary. [/'. M. .l/«j. (1883), 6.5, 56.] Clulow, Rev. John. b. Rushton, near Leek, 22nd March, IX 18: We.-leyau Minister, frooi lx + 1 : organized the Connexional Sunday School Union, 1HG4 ; d. Plymouth, 18th Dec, 1X7!I, aged 04. Obituary. [ II'm. Mag. (1880), 21, 22.] Clulow, Rev. William. b. Leek ; ecJucated Hoxton Academy : Congregational Minister at Shaldon, Devon", 1825—3.5; Classical Tutor of Airedale Coll., Bradford, 1835—43; (/. Leek, leth April, 1882. Truths iu Few Words. Aphorism and Reflections. A Miscellany of Thought and Opinion. 1843. Sunstiine and Shadows ; or. Sketches of Thought, Philosophic and Religious. ISGS. Essays of a Recluse ; or. Traces of Thought, literative and fancv. 1865. [Mod. Kng. Biog., I., 656; Con. Year Book (1883), 269.] Coalfields. Coal-getting in Staffordshire. [See Hedley (John), Johnson (H.), Homer (C. J), Sawyer (A. B.).] Coates Heath. [See Cotes Heath.] CoBBKTT, AVilliam. b. 1762 ; d. 1835. The Politiciil Proteus. A View of the public charac- ter and conduct of R. B. Sheridan, Esq. London, 1804. 8vo. Geographical Dictionary of England and Wales. London. 1832. 8vo. Legacy to Peel. London, 1835. 8vo. Cobridoe. [See Jones (Mrs.); Jewitt's Ceramic Art, U., 167, 247, 290—97. " ' ' Melanch- 97. .3(I6J cholv Evi ent at. [.\'ew Con. Mag. (1814), 86. 87.J Cocker, Rev. Sampson, b. Roche St. Austell, 1823 ; Weslevan Minister, from 1845 ; d. Smethwick, 19th March, 1889. Obituary. [ Wes. May. ( 1889), 28, 29.] Cocker, Rev. Thomas. b. Ashton-under-Lyne, 9th April, 1840 ; Congregational iliiiister, Stoke-on-Trent, 1X65 — 82 ;" Secretary North Staffs. Congregational Union ; killed by a fall at Hivnley, 1st Feh., 1S82. Obituary. [Congregational Year Book (1882), 229. 230.] Cock-fighting. [See Sketchley (R.),] 'The Remarkable Story and Sudden Death of a Cock- fighter, who died in the Pit -hill, as he was about to descend into a Coal-pit. Together with a Copy of Verses upon the occasion, bv the celelir.Ued Poet. William Cowjjer. Esq. London: R. T. S. [No. 1.580. early this century.] 12mo.; pp. 8. On p. 5 we read, " The following account of the melancholly death of Another Cock-Fighter presents an awful contrast to the foregoing. Joseph M — ge. of the parish of S(eplement. 1859. Contributed to Jour, of Bihlicai Literature. July, 1863, a fine Paper on "The Eighteenth Chanter ^)f Isaiah." Re- printed, with others, in Biblical Papers, being Sermons of the Rev. W. H. Coleman. 1864. Large Contributor to Mosley's Natural History of Tutbury. [Jour, of Botany (1863), 318 ; Phytologist, IIL, 217 ; English Botany, Supplement, 291(1, 2944 ; .Ann. Xat. Hist., v., 13, 188 t. -i.] COLERHALE (113) COLLINS CoLEKUALE, Thomas de, Vicar of Liclifield. Absolved. [Bodl. Lib., 704, 19.] Coles, Elisha. b. 1645 ; s. of John Coles, Sehooliiiastor, WolvcThmiipton : Cliorister of Ma.ir.l. Coll., Ox., ir>5«— (51 : Mat. 2f;tii Mar., 16.">9 ; taii>i;lit youtiis Latin and English in Russell Street, near Covent Garden, 166:! ; 5Jnd L'nder-Master Merehant Taylors' School, 8rd Aug., 1677 ; Master of Galway Scli., 14tb Dec., 1678 ; (/., Galway, 2(tth Dec," 1680 ; bur. St. Nicholas' Collegiate Church. , or, a Metrical P.iraphraise of the History of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Lomlon, 1S71. ."^vo. Reprinted .13 the '-Life and Death," &c., ItiSO; again, liiT'J; 1682. The newest, plainest, and best Shorthand ; containing (1) A brief account of all the Shorthands already extant, with their al|ihabet8 and fundamental rules ; (2) A plain and easie method for beginners, less burthensome to the memory than any other ; (.t) A new invention for contract- ing words, with special rules for contracting sentences, and other ingenious fancies, both pleasant ami profitable to all, let their character be whose or what it may. London. 1674. 10th ed., 1707. The Compleat English Schoolmaster ; or. The most natural and ea-»y method of spelling and re.iding English, according to the present proper pronunciation of the lan- guage in 0.\ford and London. LmiJim, 1C74, 8vo. Syncrisis; or. The most natural and easie methol of learning Latin, by comparing it with English. Together with the Holy History of Scripture-War ; or. The Sacred Art Militarie. London, lG7o. 8vo. Nolens Volens ; or, You shall make Latin whether Tou will or no. Containing the plainest directions that have been yet given upon the subject. Together with the Youth's Visible Bible, being an alphabetical collection (from the whole Bible) of such genenil heads as were judged most c,ii>able of Hieroglyphiclcs. Illustrated in four-and-twenty copper plates. " London, 1G7G. 8vo. Ditto, 1677. An English Dictionary ; explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physic, law, naviga- tion, mathematics, and otlier arts and sciences. London, 1676. 8vo. IGHi; 1602; 1713: 1717; 1732. A Dictionary: English-Latin and Latin-English. Con- taining all things necessary for the translating of either language into th.; other. London, 1677. 8vo. 1670; 1711; 1716; 1736; 1764. 18th ed.. 1772. The Young Scholar's best Companion ; or. An exact Guide or Directory for Children and Youth, from the ABC to the Latin Grammar. Comprising the whole body of the English learning. London, n.d. ]2mo. Portrait pr.;fixed to his Shorthand. Dr. Edw. 1'". Uimbault had a smill oil painting of him. [Harl. MSS., 31!l7.v, .■{1078. .'tlM ; Hardiman's Galwav, *9, 2.52 ; Anderson's Hist, of Shorthand. 108 ; Roclcwelf's Shorthand ; A'. .(• d, 4th S.. IL. 171. .i'.li) : -ith .S., IV.. 1211, 197 ; Ev.ms's Portraits, Xo. 14.421 : Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., 111.. 1,274; Biog. Brit. ; Add. MS., 24.492, p. 1 11 ; Bloxam's Magd. Coll. ; Nichols's Literarv Anecdotes, VI., 186; Wilsons Merchant Taylor's Sch.,' II.. 1179. 118.'!; Eobinson's Reg. of ditto, I., 2«:t ; Shorthand, II., 10, ol, 52, 145 ; Diet. Xat. Biog., XI., 320.] UoLEs, John. b. Adderbury, O.ton. ; s. of John Coles, a clergyman ; educated Winchester ; Probationer New Coll., Ox., 1643 ; ejected from College before t;iking his Degree : after- wards he lived at Woherhanipton, where he m., "but not to his content"; a Schoolmaster; where he died is not known. Translated •■ Seventh part of Cliiopatre" by Gauthier de Coster. Published (with other parts). London, 1663. fol. As : — Hymen's Pr«ludia ; or. Love's Masterpiece, being . . . . . that so much admired Romance Cleopatra. [Bliss's Woods Ath. Oxon., IV., 540; Preface to Parts VII, and VIII. of Hymen ; Poster's Alumni Oxon. ; Diet. Nat. liioij.'. Burrows,] CoLE-WfcnB, Rev. Charles Henry, b. Southem- hay, Devon, 4th Ang., 1842; s. of Charles Knighton Wibb, E,sq. ; educated Exeter and Abingdon Gr. Schools: Queen's Coll.. Ox.; Huish I]xhib. ; Curate of Kenilwortli, 186ti — 70 ; of liedwortb, 1874 — 76 ; Vicar of Pens- nett, 1K76— 83; of Penn, 1883; m., 1890, Anne Elizabeth, eldest tiau. of the late B. Savage, of the Woodlands, Penn. Prize Poem on the Queen's Visit to Paris. 18S5. Poem on the Peace. ISoG. Masonic Oration. 1R70. Two Sermons on the Queen's Jubilee. lliS7. Cor.Ey, Henry, Lichfield. Letter, enclosing one from Lewis Yates. [Bodl. Lib., 25«, 40.] Ditto (loth Dec, 1673). [/i., iJ«,tV.] Coi-LETT, Rev. Edward. b. Wolverhampton, 1844 ; g. of Samuel Collett ; Mat. St. Mary's Hall, Ox., 21st Jan., 1864. Earlv Gravestone Inscriptions at Wolverhampton. [7f<;%, XIV., 1-28.] CoLLEV, John. b. Sump Lane, near Oakengates, 24th Dec, 18^4 ; d. Pensnett, March, 1867. Notice of De;ith [Xeu: Con. Maq. (1867), 660] ; Obitn- aiy, by -W, B." [i«. (1868), 2.55— ois]. C'OLLECTAXEA ToPOORAPHICA ET GeXEALOGICA. London, 1834—43. 8vo. 8 vols. [Many Staffordshire items.] Collections for a History of Staffordshire. [See William Salt Archicological Society.] Ditto, relating to Start'ordshire : a most elaborate work compiled for the late William Salt . . . bound in 14 vols., lar. fol, [.Salt, Lib,, see Cat, 370, pp, 40—2] ; Other Collections will be found in same Library [Cat. Lots 372 — 115; for particulars nee Alphabet]. Collier, Francis. Darlaslon. Guli. Segar. Garterii Regis, armorum exempHficatis in gratiam F. C, de Darleston in com. Staff, (10 Oct., 1629). [Bodl. Lib., 808, H. 74, f. 95.] Collier, Joel, at Wolverhampton. See his Musical Travels through England. London, 1776. 8vo. Collins, Anthony. Life of Edwarl the Black Prince, and History of John of Gaunt, King of Castile and Leon, Duke of Lancaster, ■and Father of Henry IV. I^ndon, 1740. 8vo. 2 vols. [John of Gaunt owned Tutbury and resided there when in England,] Collins, Miss Eliza. High Wycombe. Obituary. Bv Rev. J. Brocklehurst. [ H '«. Maq. (1830), 781—83.] Funeral Sermon [See Brocklehurst (Rev. W.).] CoLLiss, Henr}' George. Railway and Pedestrian Map of England, comprising Forty-three Maps. n.d. (1S5S). New Schoolroom Map of Staffordshire. (1876.) Collins, Richard, h. Bishop's Castle. Salop, 16th March, 1S34 ; d. Drierley Hill, 1S64. Obituary. By W. Evans. [P. .U. Mag. (1865), 237.] Collins, Rev. Samuel. Minister at Tamworth, 19th June, 1094—1710 : Preb. of Gaia Minor, Lichfield, 2Kth Sept.. 170.i— 9th Feb.. 1710 : (I. Tamworth, before 8th Jan., 1710, when his successor was appointed. COLLINS (114) CONGREVE T;nn\vui-th Sennous. LohiIoh, 1608. 4to. [Harvvnotrs Lichfield. -1(4 ; Pulmer's Tamworth. 'JS.") ; Tam\vt)i'tli Oorporatiuii Kecorils.] Collins, Rev. Simon. Presented liy Tannvortli Corporation to bo Minister of the Cliureli, 1st Dec., ITuH, which resulted in legal proceedings being taken by his opponent, the Rev. AVilliam Sawrey (who had been appointed by Charles Rei>ington, Esip), to oust him ; the case was heard at Staflord, 1761, resulting in Sawrey's favour, and tlie rcsigaation of Mr. Collins, Oct., 1761. [Stafford Assize Rolls, 'ITl'il ; Tamworth Coiiiuvation Records; Palmer's Tamworth, 23(1, 2:i7.J Collins, William. Poet. Poetical Works .... to which is prefixed a Life of the Author by Dr. Johnson, Loiulon, 1708. 8vo. Plates liy Harding. 2nd ed., London, 1801, 12nio. : again, Loniloii. 1804, 12mo., lar. paper, pt. Svo. ; again, 1811 : and with the Life enlarged and corrected by Kev. W. Crowe, Bat/i, 1828, 12mo., lar. paper, pt. Svo. CoLQOHODX, John CamiibcU. h. Edinburgh, ■2Sn\ Jan., ISO;! ; eldest s. of Archibald Camp- bell, Lord Registrar of Scotland ; educated Edinburgh High Sch. ; Oriel Coll., Ox., -iSrd March, 1820; B.A., 1823; M.P., Dund.arton- shire, 1832—34 ; for Kilmarnock, 1837—41 ; Newcastle-under-Lynie, 1K42 — 47; '/. Chesham Street, London, 17th April, 1K70. Hints on the Question now affecting the t'hurch of Scotland. (lUiS(jo)i', 1840. Svo. Short Sketches of some Notable Lives. London, 1851). Life in Italv and France in the Olden Times. Loudon, 185S. William Wilberforce, his Friend.*, and his Times. London : Lonf/man, (Jreen, Reader, and Dyer. 18.56. 8vo., pp. -148. [Staffs. References : — Rev. T. Gisborne, •'!;!, 177, Isl, 182, iu:i— 212, 2(i;i; Yoxall Lodge. 2UI. 2!l.% 2llli ; Need- wood Forest, 2li;i ; Sir R. Peel, 352 ; Lord Harrowby, 404; Dr. Johnson, lit, 89, 1U4, tOli— 8, 218.] [.Mod. Kill], liioij.. 1.. (18li ; Foster's Scottish M.P.'s ; Men if the Times; Foster's Ahunni Oxon., L. 281; In- gamel's Newcastle, 4ii.] Coi.T, Sir Edward Henry Vaughan. h. Leacroft, April, 1S((S ; 1st ;•■. of Edward Vaughan, Lea- croft ; Queen's Coll., Ox., l'.)th Sept., 1S27 ; B.A., 1836 ; Vicar of Hill, Clones., 1831) to death; succeeded as 6th IJaronet, Uth June, 1849 ; d. Hill Vicarage, loth Oct., 1882. [Mod. Eni/. Bioij., I., col. 1)86 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 282.] COLTON. Some Account of. [f^ee Parker (Rev. F.).] Miscellanea. [Salt Lib., see Lot 3!l(i.] Drawing of Colton Church and Font. By Buckler. Ditto. By T. P. Wood. [Salt Lib.] Drawing of Church. By T. P. Wood. [Salt Lib.] CoLViLE, Cliarles Robert. b. London, 20th March, 181,") ; «. of Sir C. H. Colvile, of Uufficld Hall, Derbys. ; educated Eton Coll. ; Ch. Ch., Ox. ; M.P., South Derbys., 1841 — 59, 1865—68 ; High Sheriff of Derbys., 1874 ; resided LuUington Hall, Burton, where he d., 10th March, 1886. [Mod. Kill). Hioi,., I., col. 680.] CoLvvELEY (Cowley), Staffs. [BodL Lib., 1027, 426.] COLWICH. Church Registers :— L. Mixed, 2nd March, l.'iOO— 11th March, 17U1. II., Api-il. 17ul— 20th Oct., 17:t2. IIL, 2i:th Feb., 17:i:i— sth Jan., 17.i8. IV.. 3rd March, 1758— nth Oct., 18113. v., 1st Jan., 18(11— 22ud Dec, 1812. VI., Marriages. 2'.lth April, I7:)4— 17th June, 1790. VII., ditto, 28th June, 179(1— .ith Dec. 1812. VHl., ditto, 1st Feb., 1813— 7th Aug.. 1851. IX.. ditto. 21st Aug., 1837 (in use). X.. Baptisms. (1th Jan., 1813— (1th Nov.. 1811. XL. ditto, 7tli Nov., 1841— 17tli Dec. 1859. XIL, ditto, 1st Jan., 18(10 (in u.se). XIII., Knrials, 1st Jan.. 1813— 3ril Dec, 1872. XIV., ditto, 17th Jan., 1873 (in use). (The Rev. I'reb. Dobree. B.A., Vicar.) Miscellanea [Salt Lib.] : Extracts from Church Regis- ters regarding the Wolseley Family [ih.. see Cat. 274]. Drawings of Clmrch ; ditto, and Oakedge, Water- {'olour by Rev. S. Shaw ; 4 Views of ditto, by T. P. Wood : S.E. View, by Buckler ; Ditto, by J. Allport." [Salt Lib.] [See HiJdson (Ven. Archd.), Harland (Rev. Preb.), Dobree (Rev. Preb.).] Comukufoui), Staffs. Descent. [Bodl. Lib., 8a0, 199, &c.] CoMiiEitifORD, Rev. Henry, b. Comberford, 1499 ; St. John's Coll., Cam." ; Fellow, 31st March, 1533 ; Proctor Univ. Coll., 1543 ; Rector of Eashani, Norf.. 1553 — 58 : Precentor of Lich- field, 19th Dee., 1555—59; brought before Privy Council for lewdness in preaching at Lichfield ; imprisoned 1556 — 59 ; his case re- ferred to the Lord Chief Justice of Queen's Bench, and the Solicitor General ; deprived of his Precentorship, 1559 ; mentioned in fjist of Recusants, 1561, as "learned but wilful"; bound to remain in Suffolk, with permission to visit Staffordshire twice a year ; apprehended for celebrating Mass in Northumberland ; a prisoner in Hull, 1579, then 80 years old. The Examination of Comberford before the Eccle- siastical Commissioners at York, Sth Nov.. 1570, is extant. [Baker's Hist. St. John's Coll., Cam., 334 ; Hai-wood's Lichfield, 194 ; Strype's ,\nnals, I., 42, 272 : Lemon's Cal. St. Pa., 390 ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Archanei, 80, 82, 214 : Blometield's Norf., V., 317; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 392.] CoMiiERFoitD, Mary. Lmcashire. A Short Testimony concerning that Faithful Servant of the Lord, Thomas 'I'aylor (of Stafford), wliose memory is blessed. Dated the 2(itb of the 1st Month, 1(181. [Tay- lor's Works, 1097.] "Common Sense." Stafford, June, 1831. Letter on An Exclusive dub, not far from .Stafford. By "Common Sense." [Lancet (1831), 3.55, 33(1.] CoMPTON, near Wolverhampton. [Carv's Navigable Rivers, 33.] CoNOEit, Rev. E. R., :\I.A. The Church and Congregationalism. An Address delivered at the .Vutumnal Meeting at Wolvei-hampton. 1870. [Report. Ill— 18.] CoNGREOATioNAi; AutuDinal Meeting at Wolver- hampton. Report. [Coiiiirct/otioniil Year Book (1870), 5() — 123.] CoNQREVE Family. The Congreve Family. Consisting of several hundred Letters to and from members of the Congreve Family.- 18th Century. [I'ene.-: Salt Lib.] Charta "regis Henrici II. (piod Hervens de Strattona tuuam suam inclndat at parcnm faciendum ; transcripta "Ex evidm ■;" penes Ric' Congreave in com. Staff." [Bodl. Lib., 833, 37 ; Mortimer's Wirral. 214,.] CONGREVE (115) CONGREVE CoNOREVE, Rev. Charles Walter, h. .Stretton, 1738 ; s. of John Coiigrcve, Esq. ; Mat. MagtI. Hall, Ox., 11th March, 17-2fi ; B.A., 1729; M.A. (All Souls), 1734 ; Archd. of Armagh, 1738; Vicar General, 17-16; d. I771. Several Charges. CoNGREVE, Thomas, M.D. Wolverhampton. A Scheme or Propos.il for making a Navigable Com- munication between the Rivers Trent ami .Severn, in the County of Stafford. London : Printed hi/ E. Curl, in Fleel Street, nn. Svo.jpp. 15. Ded. to \V. Ward, Esq., of Wolverbauiptoii. Feb. lUli. 171li. Observations on Biver.s betwixt Oxford and Bath, pp. 13— o (usnally bound up with the ITl'A reprint of Erdeswicke). (Jon(;rkvk, William, h. BarJsey, near Leeds, 10th Feb.. lliOl) ; s. of William Congreve, of Stretton Hall, Stalls., an Officer in the Army, and Anne, dau. of Sir Thomas Fitzherberl ; educated Kilkenny Sch. : Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1685; Middle Temple, 17th March, lO'.ll ; d. I'Jth Jan., 1729 ; bur. Westmr. Aliiiey ; of Stretton Hall ; Lord of the Manor of Congreve. Incognita ; or, Love and Duty reconcil'd. By Cleophil. l/mdon, IGO:!. «vo. (Ded. to Mrs. Elizabeth Leveson.) Ditto. London, 1700. Hvo. London, 1713. «vo. London. 1713. U'mo. The Old Baclielor. A Comedy [in five acts and in l)rose]. London. 1603. -Ito. ind ed., London. 1(1<)3. -Ito. London, n.d. (JCU.y. 8vo. ilth ed., corrected, A(;/ith ed. Two Vols. London. 1751. l2mo. Another ed. Two Vols. Xeio Vor/,: 1S15. I2mo. The Dramatic Works of John Dryiien [edited by W. Congreve]. In Si.x Volumes. London, 1717. 12mo. Another ed. London, 1735. 12mo. (i vols. Ditto, Lon- don, 1702. 12mo. G vols. Letter (in Verse) to Viscount Cobham. London, 1720. Svo. Epistle on Retirement and Taste. London, 1732. Svo. Mr. Congreve's Last Will and Testament : with character of liis writings. By Mr. Dryden, Sir R. Black- more, Mr. Addison, and .Major Pack. 'To which are added two pieces, viz.: — I., Of rightly improving the present time : An Epistle for Mr. Congreve. II., The Game of Quadrille : An Allegory. London, 1729. Svo. The Story of Scmole. Altered from the Semele of William (Congreve. .Set to musick by Mr. U. F. Handel. London, 1744. 4to. An Opera. Words only Ditto. An Oratorio, in three parts. London. 1702. 4to. Tales and Novels in Verse. From the French of La Fontaine, bv several hands [Topham, W. Congreve. and others.] PuhUsliedby S. Ilnmphrei/f, Edinhnrj^h. 1762. 12mo. Hymn to Venns. Translated by W. Congreve. Xew York, 1872. Svo. [Minor Poems of Homer.] The First (—Third) Volume of the Works of Mr. William Congreve. Three Volumes. London, 1710. Svo. [Pagination continuous. I^ich Piece has a separate title- page.] Re-issued with a Collective Title-page, 1717. 3rd ed., London. 1710—20. 12mo. ,ith ed., London. 1730. 12mo. Another eil., London. 1753. I2mo. :! vols. Ditto, Birmingham, 1701. Svo. 3 vols. Ditto, Dublin. 1773. Ilimo, 3 vols. 7th ed., to which is prefixed the Life of the Author. In Two Volumes. iMndon, 1774. I2mo. The Dramatic Works of William Congreve. Contain- ing The Old Bachelor . ... itc. In Five Parts. Dublin, 1731. 12mo. [Parts II. and III. were printed in CONGIJEVE (IIC) COOKK 1720 and 17.10 respectively.] Another ed., with additions. Lonilnn. 1773. I2nni. 2 vols. The Poetical Works of Will. Congreve. EJiiihitrah, 1778. l2mo. [Bells Poets of Great Britain, Vol. LX VI.] The I'oems of Congreve and Feiiton. Loiuluii, 177!). 8vo. [Dr. Johnson's Poets, Vol. XXI.X.] Ditto. Lowlou 1700. »vo. [Anderson's Poets. Vol. VU ] The Poetical Works of Willinn Congreve. L-milon ISOO. «vo. [Park's Brit. Poets, Siipidejient.] The Poems of William Congreve. London. 1810. 8vo. [Chalmers's English Poets, Vol. X.] .''elect Poems of William Congreve, with a Life of the Author. I'liila'Mphia, ISIO 12nio. fSandford's Brit Poets. Vol. XIV.] The Dramatic Works of Wvcherley, Congreve. &c. With Biographical Preface and Critical Notice by Leigh Hnnt. /,.,«./,>«, 1840. Xvo. The Best Plays of tlie Old English Dramatists. Edited by Alexuicler Charles Ewald. Loii'lon, 1SS7. 8vo. William Congrcve's Plays. [Mermaid Series.] Lon- don: Vhilelli/ if Co. 1887. Tlie Iteconciliation betwean Jacob Tonson and Mr. Congreve. By Mr. Howe. London, 1711. The Temple of F.ime : A Poem inscribed to Mr. Con- greve. Liiidoii, J70!J. 12mo. A Poem to the Memory of Mr. Congreve [By James Thomson]. London. 1720. Svo. Another ed. [Elited by Bev. H. J. Cary, for the Percy Society.] London, 184.3. Svo. Memoir of the Life, Writings, and Amours, of W. Con- greve, Esq. interspersed with miscellaneous essays, letters, itc, written by him. Also some very curious memoirs of Mr. Dry den and his family, with a character of him, by Mr. Congreve. London. 17-30. »vo. [ By Charles Wilson.] Congreve, Vanbrugh. og Sheridan. En. Skildring til Belysning .if dc sociale Forhold fra Carl den Andens Ti'd O" I til henimoii den franske Kevolution [by S. L Zinckl Kjobenhaen, 1860. Svo. ' Life of William Congreve. Bv Edward Grove, M A London: Walter Hcotl. 1888. [Great Writers Series IX pp. 1!I2.] [For Biographical and other notices, ««;— Biographia Dramatica. I., Ml— It; Biog. Britannica. IIL. 1 l.-ill— HI ; Cibber's Lives of the Poets. XV.. s:!— !U ; Coleridge's Biog. Borealis, lili.'i— li;! ; Cr.uvford's Eng. Comic Dramatists, 12!) — (ill; Davis's Dr.imatic Miscellanea, III., ;tll .S2 ; Doran's Annals English Stage; Malone's Drvden ; Gene'st Some Acc't of English Stage. II. ; Gosse's' English Odes [Introduction] ; Grisy's Histoire de la Comedie Anglaise lol — "^•">'^ ; Uiyman's Handbook to Youghal. o.S, o.) • Haz- litfs View of English Stage. 22G— 2'.) : ditto Lectures on English Comic Writers, 13:!— 7(i: Hunt's Dram.atic Works of . . . Congreve, lie. (Biog. notice). XIX.— XXXVIII • Giles' Poetical Register. I.. 4 1— 4t; : II., 24«— .>(i ; Johnson's Lives of Puets (1781), IIL, 4:(— IW ; L'Estrange's History English Humour, I., 3.").->— .",,S ; Macaulav's Essavs III 2oa— 312; Moyles Works, 227, 231: Nichols's Literary Anecdotes ; N. & Q., 185G to date (references to Congreve innumerable, see Indexes) : Diet. Xat. Bior/.. XII. (T— 9 ; Encyclopjcdia Britannica, !lth ed., VI.. 27i, 272 :' Swin- burne's Jliscellanies, .")0— ,>'); Thackerav's En"-li.sh Hu- mourists. ;m— 1(11; Ward's Historv Dramatic Literature, II., .582— !<;1 : Ward's (J. H.) English Pools, III.. 1(1—12 Works of Sir J. Ware. II., 211 J; Watkins Ciiamcteristic Aneciiotes, Men of Learning, A:c., 42u — 2.> ; Wharton's (G. & P.) Wits anil Beau.\- of Society. 121-13 ; Scots Van LXVI., ;i— 14 ; (/enl.-.', Ma,,., Vll. f N.S.). 82;!- I.i ; Kdin- burgh /?f r,>«., LXXIL, oil— 28 ; -l/iV/oc, IX., 311 : XI /8 : XIA.., 432.] Congreve, Sir William (Bart.). /;. W;iItoii, 177l' ; s. of Sir William Congreve; F.H.8.' isil : Lieiit.-Gcncral, 181C ; retired 1820; M.l'., for Gatton, 1812 ; Plymouth, 1820, 1826 ; d. Toulouse, 1828. Elementary Treatise on the Mounting of Naval Ordnance : Showing the true Principle of Construction for the Carriag-es of every Si>ecimen of Ordnance. London, 1812. 4to. ' A Description of the Construction and Properties of the Hydro-Pneumatic Lock. London, 1815. Ito. A Treatise on the Pointing of Naval Ordnance. Lon- don. Svo. A Short Account of a New Principle of a Rotation Steam Engine. London. Svo. A Treatise on the General Principles, Powers, and Facility, of the Congreve llockct System, as compared with Artillery. London. 4to. Plates. Details of the Rocket System,with General Instructions, London. Oblong fol. Coloured Plates. Canal and Lock Improvements. 1813. Original Document [.Salt Lib.] Keport on the Gaslight Establishments of the Metropo- lis. Published by Authority of the Government. London. 182S ' [Mirror, XIX., 23!< ; Walker's Men of Science, living, 1807—8 ; Gorton's Biog. Diet. App.] CoNoitEVE, William. /;. Xewcastle-on-Tjno, 5th Aug., 1831 : «. of William W. Congreve, Esq.; Samiliurst Coll. ; Chief Constable of Staffs., 188i) : m. Fanny Emma Townsend ; Lord of the Manor of Congreve ; of Congreve, Staffs., and burton Manor, Cheshire. Lithograjih Portrait, when Chief Constable. Imp. Has iu his po.ssession the following Staffordshire por- aits:— William Congreve, the Poet, as a bov ; ditto, as a lan ; Miss Jane Congreve (by .Sir P. Lelv); Lieut. -General ; Colonel Sir W. Congreve ; a cneral Bishop tra: ma Sir W. Congreve, B.irt Hough (2). CoNiNOTON, Henry. A Letter to Mr, Serjeant Shee on the Trial of William Palmer. London, 1S5G. Svo., pp. IG. CoNNELV, Rev. Pierce, M.A. Rector of Trin. Cli., Natchez ; Domestic Chp. to John, Earl of Shrewsbury. Reasons for adjuring allegiance to the See of Rome. A Letter to the Earl of Shrewsbury. London : Printed/or the Author hi/ G. L. Palmer, Saroy Street, Strand. Contemporari/ Herinc. Johnson without Boswell. Bv W. Cvples. fXXXII.. 707—27.] ■ -'' L , Cook, Button. "Irene" at Drury Lane. [Once a Week; V., «5I— 5(5.] Cook, George A. History and Topography of the County of Stafford .... G.A.Cook. London, n.d. (181U). And again 1830. 12mo. Plates. CooK, Peter, b. Betley, 24th Jan., 1827: d. Crewe, 3rd May, 1867. Obituary. By C. Smallmau. [/'. J/. .!/«//. (1863) 29G— lltl.] ■> \ 1: CooK, Rev. William, b. 1612: educated under Rev. J. Ball, at Whitmoro ; Minister at Wrox- all, Worcs. ; at Ashl>y-de-la-Zouch ; at St. Michael's, Chester, IS.'iO — Aug., Iti62 : re- stored to his Ciiurch, 1672 : rL Clie.«ter, -1th July, 1684 ; bur. St. Michael's Church. The Font Uncover'd for Infant-Baptisme; or, An Answer to the Challenges of the Anabaptists of Stafford, Never yet Reply 'd unto, though long since promised . . . London: Printed hi/ A. Miller for Tho. I'liderhill, at the Anchor in Paul's Church-yard, near the little North- door. IGil. 4to., 4 leaves, pp. 47. Ded. to '■ The Faith- ful Servants of Christ in Stafford." CooK, William. Stafford. [.See Riles (Rev. J.).] CooKE, Rev. Alljert. h. Utto.xeter, 184.3 : s. of Rev. John Cooke, Congregational Minister ; educated Alleyne's Gr. Sch. ; Lanes. Ind. Coll., 1861 — 66 ; Congregational Minister, 1866 — 74 : d. Frome, 30th July, 1880. Obituary. [Conyregalional Year Book (1880), 315, 316,] COOKE (117) COOKE Cooke, Rev. John. b. Athcrstone, VVarwi., 25th March, 1799 ; educated Blackburn Academy under Drs. Fletcher and Payne, 1 H2 1 ; Con- p;res:ational Minister, Uttoxeter, 18th Oct., ix^.j — C), when he resigned: (/. Utto.xeter, llih Jan., 1871. The Coarse and End of David. A Funeral Discourse for the late Mr. John Vernon, delivered in the Independent Chapel. E ister Street, Uttoxeter, on Lord's D.iy. M. ly 'ioth, I85ii. the Slemory of the just is blesseil. — /*rof. x. 7. Ultoxeler: Xorrh ij- Son, BwksMers, Market J'lace. ISaG. 8vo., pp. 27. Obituirv. [Congregational Year Book (1872), 309 — 10.] CoOKK, Peter. Printer, Piccadilly, Hanley. i The StaffnrJshire Punch Bowl. So. XXX. Vol. I. Feb. :Srd. 18l'J. 8vo., pp.8. • CooKE, Mr?. S. S. I Memoir of Sophia, widow of S. S. Cooke, brother to ] the Claim int of the Stafford Barony. By herself. London, 182J. Hvo. Vol. I., all published. CooKK, Rev. William, b. "New Inn," Burslcm, 2nd Jr.ly, 18'J6 ; New Connexion Minister, fioin 1827 ; Secretary of Missions, 1841—49 ; belli discussion with Joseph Barker at New- i castlc-on-Tyne, 1843 ; Editor 1848, and Book Steward, 1849—72; President of Conference, 1S43, 1K59, 1809: D.l). ; m. Miss Boulton, of Hanley ; . 12mo., pp. 47». Another Edition, pp. .i04. [Mr. Barker printed au Etlition at Wortley. uear Leeds, which ililTtrs m.kterL-iUy from the above, also another by Oeorge Turner, of Stoke] Report of Public Meeting, and Presentation to Rev. W.Cooke. London, 184-^. r2mo., pp. 21. The Testimony of the Ancient Jewish Church with respect to the Divine Logos .... A Reply to Dr. F. R. Lees, Editor of the Truth Seeker, and an exposure of Error. L'jndon, 184G. Cr. 8vo., pp. 44. Christian Theology explained. London: Partridge. 184G. Cr. 8vo. 3rd ed., enlarged, pp. lob ; and in 12mo., pp. ijGO. London : Hamilton. 18G2. Cr. Svo. [Ori);iuaUy issued iu a course of Tlieological Tracts.] The Christian Ministry, and the Obligations of the Churches to its support. London, 1846. 12mo., pp. 24. Theoitis : or. An Argument on the Existence, Perfec- tions, and Pergonal Distinction of the Deity. Svo., pp. 4i)0. Remarks occ.isioned by certain addresses at the Fare- well Serviceto the Rev. \Vm. Couke. yeifca^tle. n.d. ( 1848). The Deity. Being the Third Edition of the Theoites, revised and enlarged. London, 1840. Cr. 8vo.. pp. 55t>. The Life of the Rev. R ilph Waller. London, 1S50. 12mo., pp. 370. [Written yrcii for the benefit of the widow.] Jubilee Sermon preached in 1849, being the 50th year of the Xew Connexion. London, 1850. 8vo., pp. 10. The Jubilee Volumes. Being a Memorial of the Methodist New Connexion, and a Defence of its Principles. London, 1830. 12mo., pp. 450. (In this Dr. Cooke wrote Chapters I. and II.] London. A Catechism for Bible Classes and Families. 2850. 32mo. The First Methodist Reformer ; or, A Defence of the Rev. Alexander and his Pruiciples London, 1831. Duo., PP- lO- ... The Foundations of Purgatory destroyed; or, A.n Explanation of Xine Passages quoted by Romanists in support of the Doctrine of Purgatory. London, 1832. 8vo., pp. 44. , :■ t ,_ The Holv Spirit and its influence needed by the Church. London, 185G. 8vo., pp. 32. The Grand Prize for Christian Effort. London, 1836. 8vo., pp. lii. , ,r -I The Shekinah ; or. The Presence and Manifestations of Jehovah under the several Dispensations, from the Creation of Man to the Day of Judgment, with a Disserta- tion on the Cherubim. Urim, and Thummin. London, 1857. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 'J—iiti. The Liv Ministry : Its Divine Origin proved ; Its Revival needed. London, 1838. 8vo., pp. 48. Power of the Priesthood in Absolution. London, 1S38. Explanations of Difficult Portions of the Holy Scrip- tures, being Answers to 5U5 Queries. London, 1860. Cr. 8vo., pp. 4811. Reprobation and Elections. London, 1860. 8vo., pp. 32. Paul the Ritualist, and Paul the Christian. London, ISGO. 8vo., pp. Hi. The Intercession Unitel, The Son. The Holy Spirit, and the Church. London, 18S0. Cr. 8vo.. pp. 124. The Cosmogony of Genesis ; Its Inspiration and Har- mony with Science.' L'jndon, 1860. 8vo., pp. 32. The Good Minister of Jesus Christ. An Ordination Charge delivered to Eight Ministers. London, 1861. 8vo., pp. 24. The Revival of Religion : The best Mode of promoting and securing its Fruits. London, 1862. 8vo., pp. Hi. Poperv exhibited and defeated ; or. The Xovelty. the Diversity of Unity, and the Charges of Infallibility, ioii- don, 1895. 8vo., pp. 1«. The Methodist Class Meeting on the Communion of Saints, a Scriptural Duty, and a precious Privilege. Lon- don. 186(1. 8vo., pp. 1«. ^ , The Bible: Its Trial and Triumphs. London, 1867. Cr. Svo., pp. 32. Free Speech and Fair Play. A Flv-sheet addressed to the Rev. William Cooke, D.D., by the Rev. John Stokes, of Belfast. London, 1868. Svo. Review of [P. M. Mag. A 'Discourse on the Sanctity and Permanent Obliga- tion of the Christian Sibbath. London. Thoughts on the Mode of Divine Existence prior to the Creation. Ac. Popish Councils : Their History and Doings. London, 1860. 8vo., pp. Hi. Angels and Devils. London, 1860. 8vo., pp. 28. God's Wisdom displayed, and Prophesy fulfilled in the exact time of our Lord's coming. London, 1860. 8vo., pp. 10. ^ ■ - T The Jailer's Conversion ; or. Present Salvation. Lon- don, 1800. Cr. 8vo., pp. 32. The Soul : its Immortality proved from Reason and Holv Scripture. London. 1870, Cr. Svo., pp. '28. "Infant Baptism defended. London, 1870. 8vo., pp. 24. An Appeal to British Protestants. London, 1870. 8vo., pp. 16. . , T Papal Agsrression and Protestant Duty ; with a Letter to Cardinal Wiseman. The Earnest Minister. A Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Carlisle. London, 1871. Cr. 8to.. pp. Iti2. The Pope's Curses turne— 40]: Proposed Mission to Au-stralia [(1842), 1.311—38.302, 303]; Letter on Juvenile Missionary Societies [107, 108]; Encouragement in the Work of Missions, and a C.ill to greater Liber.ility and Exertions [(1843), Oij — 100]; Signs of Prosperity in the Armagh and Smithbro' Stations [23tl — 38]; Missions in Canada during the past year by the Secretary [433 — 3(1]; Ancient Faiths an*! Mcjdern Scepticisms :" A Sermon [(18i;ii), 1—13, 73—87, 1.30— .•)il]; An Appeal to British Protestants [(1868). 1—14]; Memoir of Mrs. Martha Cooke {nee Boulton), b. Han-ley [08—00]; Thoughts on Eister [201—8]; The Salvation of Infants [410 — 21]; Abyssini:! : The Country and its People |.537 — 18]; ThePope's Curse [(S73— 8i;']; Popery exhibited [(18(10). 1 — 15]; Address of the Annual Comtnittee. To Members .... New Connexion. Signed, W. Cooke, President [720 — 11]; God's Wisdom displayed [(1870), 1 — 1(1]; Popish Councils [1.37 — 51]: Remarks on Rev. J. Coultas's Defence [29.5, 20(1]: A Contra.st [(1871). 1—15]; Notice of Death of Rev. J. Maugham [370]; Remarkable Conversion of an Unitarian to the Orthodox Faith [(1872), 283 — 85]; Memoir of Mrs. Sarah Woodroff, b. Wigan [310—1(1]; Of Rev. Richard Henshaw. A. Hanley [.See]; How to secure a Glorious Revival in all our Churches [G02 — .5]; Connexional Testimonal to Dr. Cooke [1)24, li'25]: Report of Presentation Ceremony to Dr. Cooke [(1873). 438— 45]; Speech by [440 — 12]: Ministerial Power [440— (13]; The Moabite Stone [512—22]; Serious Warn- ing to the Impenitent [(1877 I, 378. 370j: The Early British Church [(1882), 120—35. 10.3— 20(!]: Krao. falsely called the Missing Link [(1884), pp. 120 — 11]; Address as President of Irish Conference [Xew Con. Min. (1842), .52 — 3]: Of English Conference [(1843), 57—61]; On Iri.sh Missions [63 — .5.] Reviews :— Of his Man of All Work [Xew Con. Mac/. (1872). .300, .391] ; of Christ's Universal Kingdom [(1837'), 111. 112] ; of Waller's Life [P. M. .Mar/. (1852), 2.36. 237]; of The Methodist Reform [(1850). 410]; of Creation a proof of Divine Love [(1851), 86. 87]; of Papal Aggression [107]; The Benevolence of God [(1852), 149. 150]; of Christ preaching to Saints, &c. r.522— 24] ; of The Deity [(1868). 118]; of The Shekinah t753 : (1857)233: (1858) 101. 102] ; of The Methodist Class Meeting [(1865), 254] ; of Popery exliibited [(1869). 313] ; of Discourse illustrative of Sacred Truth [(1871). 636.666—71]; of The Kingdom of God [(1877), 630, 631]; of Eternal Punishments [(i870), 312, 313]. Life of. [Sef Hulme (Rev. S.).] Obituary. [Xew Con. ifin.. 1885, and Xew Con. Mag.. Jan., 1885 ; see also Mod. Eng. Biog., I., col. 704.] Cooke, William, Surgeon, b. StiifFonlsliii-c ; M.R.C.S., Lond.; practised at Exeter ; after- wards in London. A Brief Skutcii of the most striking Characteristic Appearances, during Life and after De:ith. in the Con- tinental Sp.asmodic Cholera, with practical remiirks upon its treatment. London: tlighley. 1831. 8vo., pjp. 31. A Practical and Pathological Inquiry into the Sources and Effects of Derangement of the Digestive organs. Embracing ilige,..)/. .)/ay. (1872). 43.'$.] Cooper, John. h. Bliickheath, Rowley Regis, llth Dec, 1829 : d. 2.3th June, 1K62. Obituary. Bv N.W.Stafford. [P. M. .Uag. (1802), 395, 390.] Cooper, John. /'. Wrockwardine Wood, Salop, ls;i4 : '/. Biownhills, Cannock. 8th Jan,, 1S61. Obituarv. Bv John Cooper and .John Pickerill. [P. M. Mag'. (18i;i"), 573, 574.] Cooper, John Dunning. b. Compton Road, Wolverhampton, 31st Dec, 1S52 ; s. of Frederick Cooper ; educated Wolverhampton Gr. Sell. ; for 18 years on the sea ; a passed Master ^Mariner ; served as Othcer and Com- mander in the Mercantile Marine ; m. Agnes, dau. of the late David Kendrick, Esq., of Bilston. Prometheus Bound (from the Greek of ^schylus) and Original Poems. lAtndon : Simpkin, .}farsltall, Hamilton, if Co.. Limited: Wolcerhampton : John Sleen -.y Co.. Queen Square. n.d. (ISOll). 8vo., 3 leaves, pp. 121. Ded. to Thos. Beech, Esq., late Head Master of Wolverhampton Gr. Sch. The Agamemnon, Choephorie, and Eumenides, of .Sschylus, rendered into English Verse. .sVime imprint, n.d. (1801). 8vo., 3 leaves, pp. 192, Ded. to Henry Irving, Esq. (Printed by John Steen i^ Co., Wolverhampton.) Cooper, Susannah, b. Wednesficld, "ilst Feb., 1837 ; d. IKth June, 1859. Obituary. By T. Evans. [/'. .1/. .l/«v. ( 18tiu). 127.] Cooper, Thomas, b. Knighton, 2Hth Aug., 1819 : s. of George Coo])er, of Madelcy, Staffs.; educated Rev, Peter Robey's Sch., Newcastle ; Solicitor ; m. (I) Marianne Parker, (2) Fanny Elizabeth Hatfield, (3) Jane Smith : Mayor of Congleton ; Alderman ; of Mossley House, Congleton, COOPER (120) COPE A Treatise on the Rights, Duties, ;iiul Liabilities, of Trustee! of Wesleyau Methoilist Chapels. LomJon: Houl- aton ami Stotiemaii. 2850. Svo., pp. ht]. Astbury Church, Cheshire. An Impartial Inquiry re3i)eeting the C.inopieU Tomb or Monument and the Two adjoining Gravestones or Jlonuiiients in the t^inrchyard. With Illustrations. London : .Simpkiu, ilnrthall, <$■ Co.; Conijhtou : A". Poi/ton. 18S8. 8vo., pp. S'.'. PI ites. Xote respecting an Ancient Temple at Biddulph. [Auti',. III., l!*7.] Sir. Cooper has contributed to the Antiquarian Maga- zine papers on The Trafford Tomb, The Bridestones, and the Knypersley Cross, all of which have been struck off on single sheets. Cooper, Tliomas. h. Leicester, 2iitli .Marcl], 1805 ; a shoemaker by trailo ; Chartist Lecturer ; Lectured in the Potteries, August, 1842 ; arrested, tried, and sentenced to two year's imprisonment in Stafford Gaol, 1843 ; whilst there wrote his Purgatory of Suicides ; afterwards hecame a Lecturer on Hcligioas and Social Topics ; d. Lincoln, 18',)2. Address to the Jury by Thomas Cooper, the Leicester Chartist, at the Stafford ' . . Assizes, on a charge of arson. Leicester, 1843. 8vo., pp. ]G. The Purgatory of Suicides. A Prison-Rhyme. Lon- don: Jeremiah How. MDCt'CXLV. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., (1 blank) a43. Ded. to "Thomas Carlvle— From Stafford Gaol, May 3rd, 184.i." [The Compiler has a unique copy, ]>rescntcd "To John Richards, commonly called 'IJaddy' Itichanis. from his prison Frien4,] The Life of Thomas Cooper. Written by himself. London: Hodder ,<( Hlomjhton. MDCCVLXXIl'. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 400. [Staffs. : — Rev. Isaac Keeling, 13 ; Dr. John.son, Ii4 ; Rev. H. H. Chettle, M, 97 : Pottery Riots, 18«— 201;, ili— 18, 2-i'.l— .")8 ; Daddy Richard's Speech, 234, 235 ; Joseph Livsey, of Bilstou, 249 ; Rev. Humphrey Price, of Xeedwood, 254, 255.] CoopEii, Rev. Thomas. Unitarian Minister at Newcastle, from 31st July, 1821 — 25tli June, 1825; was sent out to Jamaica in 1817, by R. Hibbert, Esq., of East Hide, Luton, Reds., to iiii[irove the condition of the Negroes on bis Estate, at Georgia, Parish of Uanover ; remained tiiere three years, when be returned to England and liecamc Minister of the Old Heeling House, behind St. Giles' Church- yard, Newcastle-iinder-Lyiiie ; Acting Secre- tary to Rritish and Foreign Unitarian Associa- tion, 1825. Evidence of Rev. Thomas Cooper. [Parliamentary Report to House of Commons on Slavery, 1822.] Negro Slavery. Being a Reprint of Letters to the Monthly Repository, March to Nov., 1822. London, 1822. 8to. Facts illustrative of the condition of the Negro Slaves in Jamaica. With Notes and Appendix. London : Sold by J. Ilatchard ij* Son, Piccadilly, ana Lupton liel/e, 13, ('ornhill. 1824. 8vo., pp. iv., Gl. Correspondence between George Hibbert, Esq., and the Rev. T. Cooper, relative to the condition of the Negro Slaves in Jamaica. Rxtr.icted from the Morniny Chronicle. Also. A Libel on the (^liar.icter of Mr. and Jlrs. Cooper. Published in 1823 in several of the Jamaica Journals. With Note* and Remarks. London: same imprint. 1814. 8vo., lip. iv., (17. [To this a reply was issued : — Facts verified upon Oath in contradiction of the Report of the Rev. Thomas Cooper concerning the geuer.il condition of the ."Slaves in Jamaica. By Robert Hibbert, Esq. Lnmlon. JSi4. Svo.l A Letter to Robert Hibbert. Jun., Esq., in reply to his Pamphlet entitled Facts verified ujion Oath, itc. To which is added .-V Letter from Mrs. Coojier to R. Hibbert, Jan., Esq., and an .\ppendix, containing An E.tposure of the Falaehoo Is and Calumnies of that Gentleman's Affidavit. L'mdon : sitme imprint. 1824. Svo., pp. iv., 911. Christianity and Slavery incompatible. A Serm >a pi'eached . . . at Jloretonhainpstcad, Dec. 21st. 1823^ bv J. Smethnrst. Exeter : Printed and Sold by T. lieslei/, .lun., 223, Hitjh Street, n.d. (1823). 8vo., pp. 25. | To the Rev. Thomas Cooper, of Newcastle-nnder-Lyme. .as a token of sincere regard and high esteem for bis laudable exertions in the ciuse of suffering humanity .... affeutionately inscribed by his friend . . . J. Smethnrst, Dec. 23rd. 1823.] Letters to Rev. Thomas Cooper, by ''Enquirer" (George Hibbert) [77ie 7'i'mc.«. 3rd Dec, 1823, and 7th Jan., 1821; John Bull (.same day )] ; Letter to G. Hibbert by Mr. Cooper [Mornim/ Chninicte, 19th .Tan., 1821] ; Reply by Hibbert [lA., 24th Jan., 1824] ; Cooper's Reply [if,., Feb.]; A Letter by Hibbert and also two Letters from Mr. Cooper to the Hnthly Repository (1822), 217—19, 297—99, 492— '.15. 751— .')4] ; Article on Mr. Cooper's Pamphlet (issnerl Nov., 1822) [Edin. Rcr., Feb., 1823] ; Letter to R. Spooner (South Staffs.) from S. M. Solomon on Mr. Cooper, dated Montego-Bay, .Tamaiea, 1st Aug., 1823 [Monteyo-Bay tlazette, 2nd .-Vug..' 1823] ; see also The Queen's West Indian Colonies, 1824, ch ip. ix,] Two Letters, dated Sl.st July, 1821, and 25th June, 1825. [Penes C. Jeffreys, Newcastle.] Cooper, Rev. Thomas. Wesleyan Minister. [Experience in Staffordshire, with Account of Murd.;r of .Tohn Wood, of Brownhills are given. IVes. Mag. (1835), 43, 44.] Cope, Sir Cliarles, Bart. Plans of several Farms in co. Stafford, the Estate of the lite . . . On Vellum. 1182. 4to. vol. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 308.] Cope, F. h. Woodlands, Utto.xeter, 1778 : Reader on Spectator when Mr. Rintoul was connected with it. Published first Newspajier in Macclesfield. Wrote The Account of Civil War in Uttoxeter in Redfern's Uttoxeter, 2nd ed., pp. 154 — 59. Cope, Rev. Jcseph. Puritan ; b. 1622, at Cliarl- don ; s. of Thomas Cope ; ejected lG(i2 ; after- wards of Eccleshall, Bartlioniley, BiiliUilpli, and Sandbach ; d. 24th Aug., 1704. [.VoH-foH. Memorial (1802), I.. .341, 342; Noncon- formity in Cheshire, 187 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.] Cope, R. Printer and Bookseller, Wolver- hampton. [See Richards & Cope.] Cope, Thomas, b. Onneley, 1819 ; d. Woorc, Cheshire, i:)th Oct., 18{J2. Obituary. Bv James Lawton. [/'. .1/. .\tay. (18G3), 462— G4.] Cope, Rev. Thomas. Obituarv of W. Hilditch, b. Lane End. Bv T. C(ope), [;\'eK' Con. Mag. (183G), 27.3—75.] COPELAXD (121) CORNWALLIS Coi'ELAXi). William Taylor, b. Stoke, 24th March, 1797 ; only s. of William Copelaml, who d. 182() ; Manufacturer of Porcelain at Stoke, from 1833 : Sheriff of London and Midillescx, 1X28—29 ; Alderman of Bishops- gate Ward, 1829 to death : Lord Mayor, 1835 —30: M.P., Coleraine, 1833—37"; Stoke, 1837— .')2, and 1857 — Gth July, 1865 ; Presi- dent of Bridewell and of Bethlehem Hospitals for many vcars ; '/. Russell Farm, Watford, Herts., 12th April, 18(i8. [Wanl's .Stoke. i>4, 4!>7— .i04. .582; Sporting Review, LIX., H(l!l; An Jour. (1868), l.i8; Illus. I.ond. Newt, XSXir., 5lJl, Portrait ; Jewitt's Ceramic Art, I., 284, 492: II., 88, lOli, liil, lt;8— 84, 2;io, 237; Mod. Em/. Biog.,1., 716 ; Chaffer's iLirks and Monograms.] Coi"Ei.-\ND ( W. T.; & Son, Potters, Sloke-upon- Trent. Originated with William Copeland entering into partnershij) with Josiah Spode, when the title of the firm was •' Spode & Cope- land"; next, "Spode, Son, & Copeland"; on the death of the elder Spode becoming again " Spode & Copeland "; the whole concern was purchased by Mr. Copeland in 1833, when he took into partnership Mr. Thomas Garrett, the title then becoming " Copeland & Garrett," and remained so until 1847, when the partner- ship was dissolved, the title being "W. T. Copeland, late Spode"; in 1807 becoming what it has remained, " W. T. Copeland & Sons." [Patent Office Index; Jewitt's Ceramic Art; and most of the books on Ceramics touch upon the firm, some giWng lengthy account.s ; besides which the firm has issued several very fine Catalogues. In the various reports of the several Exhibitions (International and otherwise) copious accounts are given of the exhibits and manufactures of this firm. They are too numerous to quote. Sample — Cat. of 18.51 Exhibition, pp. 1 — t, 167.] CoPLESTOs, Right Rev. J. Bishop of Llandaff. [His Lordship, six years after the death of John William, Earl Dudley, printed letters received by him from Earl D. To this, objection was taicen by the Executors and the publication stopped. In 1840, however, the interdict was withdrawn, and the letters pablished. A new Edition was issued in 1841. with portrait and fac-siniUe of his handwTiting. The letters in the new edition were from 6th Jan.. 1814, to 4th Jan., 1823. | [See Dudley (John William, Earl).] COPPARI), W. J. Cottage Scenes daring the Cholera. 18.32. Lnndon. 1848. 12mo. COPPENHALL. Drawing of Church. [Salt Lib.] CoPRARio, John (i.e., John Cooper). Funeral Teares for the Death of .... the Earle of Devonshire. Figured in seaven songes, whereof sixe are 80 set forth that the wordes may be exprest by a treble voice alone to the Lute and Base Viole .... The I seventh is made in forme of a Dialogue and cannot be sung without two voices. J. Windet, the Astiyne of W. Barleij, for J. Browne, London. 1600. folio. j CORBOULD, H. Dr.iwing of Chantrey's Sleeping Children (Lichfield ■ Cathedral). [Salt Lib.] Cork and Edge, Potters, Burslem. Discription of Exhibits, with engravings. [Cat. 1851 Exhibition, 41.] CoKKEB, Rev. James Maurus. h. Yorks., 1636 ; became a Roman Catholic. 1050 ; committed for tiial at the Old Bailey, 18th July, 1679 ; in Newgate until 1085 ; Abbot of Lamb.spring, 1690—95 ; d. Paddiugton, 22nd Dec, 1715. Stafford's Memoires ; or, A Brief and Imjjartial Ac- count of the Birth and Quality, Imprisonment, Tryal, Principles, Declaration, Comportment, Devotion, Last Speech, and Final End. of William, late Lord Viscount Stafford. Beheaded on Tower Hill, Wednesday, Dec. 29th, \iim. London, 1682. 12mo., 5 leaves, pp. •216. (1st ed., 1681.) [See Curtis (Langley).] Corn Laws. A Letter to . . . Robert Peel ... on the comparative oi)eration of the Corn Laws and of Public Taxation. By a Briton. London, 1820. 8vo., pp. 6y. CoRNE, Re7. Williatn. *. Stafford, 1737 ; s. of Rev. William Corne ; Mat. Trin.Coll., Ox., 23rd March, 1753; B.A., 1750; M.A., 1759; Rector of Ti.vall, 1760, to death ; living 1817 ; d. broken hearted it is said. [See The Widow of the Wood; Clifford's Tixall ; Foster's Alumni O.you., I., 2'.I8.] Corse, Rev. William, b. Tixall, 1770 ; s. of the above ; Mat.Ch. Ch., Ox., 30th May, 1793 ; Student, 1793— 1818: B.A., 1797 • M.A., 1800; B.D., 18(j9 : Proctor, 180H ; Rector of Hambledon, Buck.s , 1803 ; Preb. of Boben- hall, Lichfield, 1800 ; Rector of Swinnerton, Staffs., 1812. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 298 ; Alumni Westr., 4.^7.] CoHXFiEi.D, John, Jun. Hurst Hill (1877), Bilston. Allan Chace and other poems. London : E. W Allen. 1877. 8vo. Cornhill Magazine. Macaulay on Johnson and his wife [i6., xlii., .57.3 — 811 ; Reminiscences of, by Capt. Thompson [lA., xvii,. 622 — 29] ; Writings of, by L. Stephens [i4.. xxix., 28(J — 297 J. CoRXHni.1., William de. Bishop of Lichfield. Carta [Bodl. Lib., lo27, 35.] Cornwall, Rev. William Augustus. Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1844 ; M.A., 1863 ; Vicar of St. Paul's, Wolverhampton, 1867 — 73 ; of Widcombe, Bath, 1873. The Church of England : its cise considered. London: ►r. Macinlosh, J'tileriio-'ler Row. Wolrerhumpton : Steen and Blackett, and Richard Cope. 12mo., pp. 26. CoRNWALLis, Right Hon. and Ri^ht Rev. Frederick, s. of 5th Baron Cornwallis : uncle to the above ; educated .it Eton : Christ Coll., Cam. ; Clip, to Geor«;e IIL: Canon of Wind- sor ; Dean of St. Paul's, 1706 ; Bp. of Lich- field, 1749—08; Archbishop of Canterbury. 1768 to death ; d. Lambeth, 1783. Sermon on 2 Kings xlx. .1. London, 1731. 4to. Sermon on Acts xxvi. 25. [In the 1756 Report of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts.] Sermon on 2 Thess. iii. 13 on behalf of the London Hospital. Loudon, 1762. 4to. [Harwood's Lichfield, 158.] Cornwallis. Right Hon. and Right Rev. James : 1743: 3rd .«. of 1st Earl Cornwallis : educa- cated Eton ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 23rd Oct., 170(1- B.A., 1703; of Merton Coll., M.A., 1706: D.C.L., 1775; Chp. to The Marquis Towns- hend, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; Preb. of COKRY (122) COTTON Westinr. ; Rector of Wrotluim, Kent ; of Nowiii^'toii, Oxon.; Dean of Uantcibury, 1775 ; Bp. of LicliHoKI, 1781, to lieatli ; Dean of Windsor and Wolvci-lianipton, 171)1 — 94: of Diirliain, 17il4, to doatli ; 4tli Karl ; m.. 1771, Catlierinc, 4th dati. of Galfiidus Mann, ICsij. : (I. 20tli Jan., 1824. Sermons on Matthew vi. 111. [Report Societv for the Prjpagiition of the Gospel in Foreign I'urts, I7x«.l Sermon on 1 Tim. iii. 1«. Preached at the Anniver- sary of tlie Sons of tile Clergy, at St. Panl's, May liith, 1777. Canterbury^ 1777. -Ito. Sermon Westminster Abbey, March 30th, 1811. London, ISll. 4to. Lines on the De ith of. f Bird's Achmet's Feast, 169— 71.] Coiiity, Jobn. A Satirical View of London .... Observations on Literature and the Fine Arts, and Amusing Anecdotes of Public Characters .... Sixth edition, enlarged. London: Sold hy ./. Ferrjmon, Somertown .... 1S15. 8vo., pp. vi., 7 — 11)7. (yeircdslh' : Printed by .1/ Smith.) A Narrative illustrative of the Passioiisand Aft'cctinns of the Human Mind (Quotation from Sterne, 'i linesj. Newcastle: Printed by M. Smith. ISU. iivo. Title. Edwy and Bertha. .Si-cl ed., pp. 4,s ; The Pleasures of Sym- pathy, pp. 12; The Miseries of Seduction, pp. 8; The Elopement, lith ed., pp.27; The Romantic Attachment, pp. 28—44. The Commercial Guide through England. Loudon (Liverpool printed). 1SU7. 18mo., pp. 8(i. The History . 258- CO.] CoR\-, Rev. Alexander Arthur, M.A. Durham : Curate of Darlaston ; Yicar of All Saint?, Darlaston, 1881—87 ; of Tipton, 1S87 ; m. Clara Louisa, c/au. of John Howell?, Surgeon of Willeahall. History of Wednesbury Old Church (an extract from a Sermon, Aug. 24th, 188:i). 12mo., pp. 4. CoSEI.EV. View. By T. P. Wood. [.S.alt Lib.] Circular Letter to the Ministers, itc. ... of the B.aptist Churches in the Midland Association, assembled May 28th and 21Hh, 1S44, at Providence Chapel, Coseley. 8vo., pp 8. CoTF.SMOHR, Thomas, h. Lichfield ; Priest from Rhcims, 1580 ; d. in Prison, 1584, [Memoirs of Missionary Priests, 180.'!, I., Ul ; Douay Diaries ; Gillow's Catholic Biblio., I., 574.] CoTTERii.L, Sir Charles. Letter to Ashmolc. [Bodl. Lib., 7i.'i7, f. 33Gn, 3.'!74.] CoTTERii.L, Georsre. Editor. The .Midland Mmjnzine. Printed by ./. ,J' It'. Griffin, The Bridije, Wahall. ISSO. ]2mo. [Only lived seven months.] CoTTERii.L, L«aac. Superintendent of Police, Newcastle. Cotterill's Directory of the Borough of Newcastle- under-Lyme for 183(1 ". . . . Newcastle luider-Lyme : Printed by ./. Bayley. 12mo., pp. 74. Adver. 2.i jjagcs extra. •2ni\ ed., same imprint. 1S30: brought up to date. Folding Plate of High Street, Newcastle— J. Hulse, Sc, as frontispiece. Ten Letters to Joseph Mayer, of Liverpool, relating to Sports, Games, i-c, at Wake.s, in Newcastle. [Penes Compiler.] Eight Collies of Bills of Sports, &c., provided for the amnsement of the Ancient Borough, issued by him. [Penes Compiler.] COTTERII.L, Joseph. IGth April, ISli;!. Obituary. By Uev. S. Sanders. 374, 375.] h. Darlaston, 1834 ; d. [P. M. .May. (ISCo), CoTTEiui.i,, Rev. Thomas, h. Cannock, 1st Dec, 1779 ; .•.-. (if a woolstapler ; educated Birniing- ham Gr. Sell.; St. John's Coll., Cam.; Fellow; Curate of Tutliury : P.C. of Lane End, 1805 —17 ; of St. Paul's, Sheffield ; m. I8U8 ; cl. 1824. A Speech delivered at the -Anniversary of the New- castle anil Pottery Branch Bible Society, on Thursday, May 3rd, 1813. Newcastle: Printed bi/ ,/. Smith, Mat/ 17th, 1813. 8vo. 2nd ed., June 3rd, 1X13. ' 8vo. A Selection of Psalms and Hymn.s for Public and Private U.se. . . . nth ed., with an App. and Pref. intended to vindicate the singing of Hymns against the charge of Innovations and Irregularity. Newea.'tle : C. Chester. 1X13. Again, 1815. A Sermon preached . . . P.irish Church of Cheadle, June 3rd, 1814 . . . (at the Archdeacon's Visitation). Neiirastle-nniler-Lyme: Printed and Sold by M. Smith, n.d. (1X14). 8vo., pp. 30. Family Prayers . . . from Holy Scripture . . . &c. London: Printed/or T. Cadell anil \V. Davis, Strand. 181G. 8vo., pp. 284. A Speech delivered at the Anniversary of the Au.xiliary Bible Society, at Start'ord, in reply to a Paragraph reported to form a part of an Episcopal Charge against the Bible Society. 8vo. An Assize Sermon, preached at Stafford, March 15th, I 1816. 8vo. Sermon on the De.ath of His Maie.sty King Georse III. Sheffield. 1S2U. 8vo. [Ch. Obserrer, XXIV., 530— 3.-i, 507— 1;03 : XIX., 109; Montgomery's Life, III., 15S : Notice of Suit in Cliancery Court to restrain the Kev. T. Cotterill from introducing his Hymn Book into his Church at Sheffield, ib., XX., 258, 259.] . . > > CoTTiNGHAM, Rcv. Hcurj, M.A., Vicar of Wes- ton-upon-Trent. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Weston- upon-Trent . . . before Lord Ingestre Lodge of Odd- Fellows. .Stafford: Printed by J. i)'- iV. Dreary. 1843. 8vo., pp. 10. Cotton, Alice. /;. Cannock Wooil, 2Dth Dec, 1792 ; (/. 14th April, 1874. Obituary. By Rev. S. Saunders. [P. M. Mail.. 1876. pp. 748, 740.] J ' < Cotton, Charles. Father of the succeeding. Epitaphium sujier "Carolum Cottonum patrem." [Bodl. Lib., 7X8 (42), 1444.1 Oliviam uxorum ejusdem. Car. Cottoni. \Ib. (43) 145a6.] <- y h Cotton, Charles, h. Beresford Hall, 28th April, 1630; educated at Cambridge ; r/. Sr. James's, Westminster, 11)87. A Panegyric to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. London, 1600. fol. The Valiant Knight ; or, the Legend of St. Peregrine, with his Strange Adventures. London, 10G3. 4to. Moral Philosophy ; or, the Stories of M. De Vain. Translated by. London, 1064. fol. The History of the Life of the Duke D'Epason. London. 1670. fol. A Voy.age to Ireland. In Verse. London, 1G70. Horace : A French Tragedy of Monsieur Corneille. English edition. London, 1671. ' ito. London, 1777. 4to. Frontis. English Burlesque. London. 1672. 8vo. London, 1682. 12mo., pp, 150. London. 1674. The Complete Gamester. London. 1674. 8vo. Frontis. and Portrait. 2nd ed. London, 16X0. 8vo. The Fair One of Tunis, Lo„don, 1074. Commentaries of Blaise and Mont-Lieu, Marshall of France. London, 1674. Planters' Manual. Instruction for Raising. Planting, COTTON (123) COX and Cultivating all sorts of Trees. London, 1075. 12mo. Frontis, London, 1716. Svo. Burles()Lie upon Burles()ue; or, The Sco6Eer Scoffed. Beinff Lucian's Dialogues newly put into Enjflish Fustian. L-tudon, 1G75. Xvo. and eil., correctel, i(;w. Xvo. The Compleat Angler. Being Instructions how to angle for a Trout and Grayling m a clear Stream. London, 1676. 12ino., pp. iv., 112." [Ever since itjt issue it lias been printeil conjointly with Wnltoii's AiiKier. Nf/^ Walton ( Izaak).] The Wonders of the Peake. London, IGSl. 8vo., pp. ;»0. Again IGSO, 8vo. ; lOUO. The Essays of M. Montaigne. Translated into Eng- lish. London. 8vo. H vols. Poems on several occasions. London, IGSO. 8vo., pp. vi., 7;iU. [At p. 114, is "To my dear and most worthy friend Mr. Izaak Walton": p. 133, "The retirement. Strange irreguliers, To Mr. Izaak Walton"; and on p. 252, " Contentation. directed to my dear Father, and most worthy Friend Mr. Izaak Walton."] Memoir of ."^ieur De I'outis. Translated by C. Cotton. Edited and I'uhlls/ied by Heresford Cotton. London, 1604. Poetical Works of C. Cotton. London, 1765. 8to. Plates. The Genuine Poetical Works of Charles Cotton. The sixth edition. Corrected. London, 1771. 12mo. Cuts. [Reprinted, Select British Poets. Kdinburgh, 1704^1813. Vol. IV.] A Journey into the Peak to Sir Aston Cockayne. [lieliq., I., p. 121.] Notes on. Charles Cotton. [/A., V., 52 : XI., 78.] Biography of. [.See Jewitt ( LI.) ; Biog. Dramatica, I., ]!'.>, l.')0 : and in most Biographical Dictionaries and General Cyclopajdias, &c. ; also in Nichols's edition of Walton anil Cotton, 183(i.J Philip Kinder's letter of commendation to a generous friend (C. C.) at Beresford. lii.u. [Bodl. Lib., 788 (2). 10a,] Letter of friendship from C. C. to P. Kinder, at Walton, imh July, li;(i2. [/*. (21)), 526.] Kinder's Verses To Mr. Charles Cotton upon his Poems. [/4. (.|1), 144]. 14 lines. Letter to Mr. Cotton, at Beresford, about the names of Quintan, and Cotton's Book of Stoic Philosophy, Wihtau, 50. [/A. ((;«), 174.] Letter of C. C. about contributing towards the printinj' of a book written by Kinder. 8th Nov., liiGI. [/6. (80), 9U.] Charles Cotton. [Minor, XXII., .Sdt.] [.See Blaine's Encvclopiedia of Bi'itish Sports, 1840, p. 1192 ; Andcrilon (J. L.), Walton (Izaak). Cotton, Ricliiinl, Printer (Parson s Directori/, 1818), ISookseller, &c. ( White's Stap., 1834), Church Street, Tamworth. Cotton, of Ridware. A Gcne.ilogy of the Family of Cotton, of Cotton, Cheshire, and of Kidware and elsewhere in the County of Stafforil. \ piper roll. [Salt Lib., see Cat. 271.] CoDLTAs, Rev. J. Now Connexion Minister, Newcastle, 1809—71. Memoir of John Coultas (4. York, 1 1th Oct., ISOfi ; d. 13th May, 18i;:i) [New Con. Mai/. (18(59)] ; The Methodistic Union, a Letter [ih. (187»), 177—81]; A Word in Self- Defence [ib., 244, 25.")]. CocRMOULS, Rev. Tlioiiias. b. AUonby, Cumlier- land, 1758 ; s. of Samuel Courraouls ; Mat. St. Mary Hall, 0.\., July, 1779 ; B.A., 1783 ; M.A., 1780 ; Curate of St. Peter's, Wolver- hampton, 1S02 — 18 ; Vicar of Beolev, Worcs., 1823. Eversiou ; or. the Refutation of the present principles of Mundane Philosophy. Woli-erhampton, 1804. 8vo., Folding Plates. The First Stroke of the .\xe at the Baneful Tree of False Knowledge, and its Main Root severed : or, An Analysis, by Experiments and Natural Facts, of True Gravity, and its real idienomena and cause developed. Preceiled by an Adtlress to the Reader, itc, &c. /■'old hi/ Afe^grs. Rivini/tou. St. Panl'f Churchyard, and No. 3, Water* loo Place, Pall Mull, London. 1821. 8vo.. Introduction, pp. 158, the Work, pp. 31. A very curious front is|iiece. [This Work is exceedingly scarce.] Court, M. H. Analysis of the Natural Price of Com. with Observa- tions on the Speech of Sir Robert Peel to his constituents at Tamworth. London, 1841. 8vo. COURTEN'AY, .Tolin. A Poetical Review of the Literary and Moral Charac- ter of the late Samuel Johnson. With Notes. London, nSG. 4to. Codrthohpe, W. J. Johnson and Carlyle. Common Sense vergiis Trans- cendentalism. [.Va(. Her., II., 317 — 32.] Cousin, Samuel. Engraver; h. 1801 : A.R.A., 1838; A.R.A., 18.55. Engraved : — The Countess of Stafford and Lady Elizabeth Leveson Gower. After Lawrence. Lady Evelyn Leveson and the Marquis of Stafford. After Landseer. The Rev. Clement Leigh, Rector of Newcastle, for Shepherd of Newcastle. The Earl of Harrowby, for Gundry of Stone. CouTTS, Rev. Francis Burdett Money Coutts, M.A. Letter to a Son, Prei)atory to School Life. Being a separate edition of No. Hi of the White Cross Series. Pub- lished with the sanction of the Bishop of Durham. London : Hatchards; WaUall : 11'. Henry liobimon. 1803. 18mo., pp. 24. Coven. [Monckton Family, 138, Ixxxviii., xc. ; Moncktons of Coven, ib., 138, 130, Ixxxix.] Cowan, Rev. Charles Ernest Raiidie. Of Caius Coll., Cam. : B.A., 1858 ; various Curacies ; Association Secretary to Colonial and Con- tinental Church Society ; Vicar of St. Paul's, Wolveriiaiiipton, 18G0 — 08 ; of St. John the Evangelist, Blackheath, 1868 — 75 ; Rector of Millbrook, Amptliill, 1875. Why am not I a Member of the Church Congress ? Extract of a Sermon preacheil in St. Paul's Church, Wol- verhampton, Sept. 29th, 18(;8. Wolrerhamplon : Steen tizo. Immergo, Dipping; or, The Seven Baptisms of the Bible. London ; Partridye. 1858. 8vo., pp. -24. Spurgeon Right and the Church of England Wrong. London; Robert Banks. 12mo.. \i\i. 1(1. A Christmas Box ; or. The Great Festival .... To which is .added the Author's Faith, Call to the Ministry, and Eventful Life up to the present time. London : Printed/or the .lut/ior by T. Mathews. 1SG4. Pt. 8vo., pp. 17!l." A Tribute of Affection to the Memory of the late Rev. Henry Dowling. Tasmania, 1800. 8vo.. pp. 40. Reminiscences; or, F'ootsteps of Providence. [Oospel SlamUird, 1857.] [ [See Pugh (Uev. P.).] I Cradock, Rev. Edward Hartopp. /;. Shenstone Park, 2Cth Ajiril, IHIO : «. of Edward tJrove, Esq. ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 2'.)th Nov., 1K27; B.A., 1881; of Brasenose Coll. ; M.A., 1S34 (as Grove) ; B.D. and D.D., 1854 (as Cradock) ; assumed additional name of Cradnck by R.L., 1849 ; Fellow to 1845 ; Principal 27th Dec., 1853 to death ; Rector of Tedstone- Delamere, Herefs., 1845 — 54 ; Canon of Worcester, 3Ist Jan., 1848—54 ; t/. Oxford, 27th Jan., 1886. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 311 ; ^fod. Eny. Bioy., I., col. 74(1, 747 ; Leicestershire Pedigrees, 93.] Craddock, James, h. Norton Canes, 2nd Feb., 1805 ; d. 25th April, 18(!8. Obituary. Bv R. Craddock. [P. .1/. .)/« — I'.l] : On Loading and Screening Coals [ifi., 23— .Sli] ; Proliihition of Blasting in Coal XIine.s : Its Effects upon the Cost of Production [ib., IV , 53 — '.I, ■j:; — IDI, 17!) — '.11 ]; Underground AVater Drains for the confinement of air at high pressure [ih., I(>i1 — 78, 4 plates] ; Arldrt-si on Resolution, Feb. Dth, 1880 [lb., II., 7—26] ; Address [ib., VIIL, l.")(;— 1>8]. Craik, George L. A Compendium History 01 English Literature. . . In Two Volumes. London, ISUl. 8v-o. [Johnson— Vol. II., ami- 10.] A Manual of ditto. 9th ed. London, n.d. (1SS3). [Johnson, pp. 104 — 8.] Craik, Mrs. [See Mulock (Dinah M.).] Cran'e, Rev. Abraham Bromley. h. KiJiliT- minster, 1817; s. of Abraham Crane; edu- cated .Si'dj,'iey Park and Oscott ; Professor at St. Wilfrid's Coll., Cotton, 1884-8G ; now .,f Oldbury. Facts of Faith ; or, First Lessons in Christianity. Leaminf/ton, 18S-L 8vo. Crai'I'er, J. S. Dental Surgeon, Hanley ; . 15, 6, 2, 1, 1, I. Annals of the Diocese. 1850. pp. viii.. 98. Plates — Frontis.. and pp. 63. 67. 69 (2). 83. IL. iS6(). \U., ISGl. 6 leaves; pp. 140. Plates— 13. 47 (2), 74, 86, 100. l\ .. 1863. North Staffordshire Infirmary. Report of Sub-Com- mittee presented to General Meeting of Governors. I4th -\pril. 1864. 12mo., pp. 24. Plans of New Infirmary, Jkc. (Prirately printed.) Report St. Giles' Church. 1857—64. Borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme Bye Laws. 1850. 8vo., pp. 10. [See Baker (Rev. R. B.). Bridgman (W.). Mainwaring (Admiral), Tyson (C), Broad (Rev. J. S.).] Crewe, Henry, nephew to the above, whom ho succeeded, 1804 ; sold business, 187(1, to Mr. C. Hickson (see) : d. 27th Nov., 1884. Calendar of Lichfield Diocese. 1SG5 — 70. Arithmetical Tables. Gth ed. Xewcastle-nnder-LyiHe : Printed by F. Crewe. 186G. Catalogue of valuable . . . Library of the Literary and Scientific Institution . . . 4,(KI0 volumes . . . Unreserved Sale ... at Institution, Dec. 21st, 1865. By Messrs. Edwards. //. Crewe, Printer, Xeircastle. n.d. rimo., pp. 24. [.See "A Man of Many Ways": Dutton (W. H.).] Ckitchlow, Elizabeth, h. Ramson, 1768 ; c/. 16th July, 18(;5 : aged 97. Obituarv. Bv W. E. Saunders. [/'. .1/. .l/nj. (I8o7). p. 50.] CROCKETT (12(i) CliUXDEN Crockett, Rev. Roboit Piinccpt. b. Stafford, 1812 : s. of John Murliall Crockett, (if SliitVur.l, formerly of Johnson Hall ; Mat. Brascuo-e Coll., Ox., 12ih April, 1832; B.A., ISS') ; Vicar of Eecleslon, liancs., 1838 to death; m., 24tii Aug., 1848, Klizatielh, dan. of 'J'lios. Briarly, Esq., of Bowden ; d. 4th June, 1880. Pedigree of the Crocketts of Little Onn. [Hist. Coll. Staffs., It. (pt. 2), I2«, 127.] Crokt, Rev. George, b. Bcanisley, Yorks.: n. of Samuel Crolt ; Univ. Coll., Ox.; B.A., 17G5; M.A., 1769: Fellow, 1779: B.D. & D.U., 1780; Master Baverlev Gr. Sch., 1708—78; Vicar of AnielitTe, Yorks., 1779 : Master of Brewood Gr. Seh., 1780—92 : Bampton Lecturer, 17>^0 ; Lectnr,r St. Martin's, Bir- mingham, 1791 : Rector of Thwing, Yorks., 1802 ; Clip, to Earl of Elgin. A Sermon against Innovation, pre.iched before the Univereitv "f Oxfovil. London. 1783. Hvo. A Plan of Educjition. With a Letter to a young gentleman designed for the University and Holy Orders, and a Dissertation on the Provision for, and Expectations of. Public Te.achers. London, Vii. 8vo, Bampton Lecture for the year 178(>. Loudon, 17SG. 8vo. The Test Laws defendel. -\ Sermon iireached at St. Philip's Chnrch, Birminghim. London. 1700. 8vo. Cursory Observations, chiefly respecting Dr. Priestley. Binninr/fiani. 8vo. Parliamentary Reform proved to be visionary. A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Wyvil. London, 1793. 8vo. Thoughts concerning Methodists and the Established Clergy. London. Commentary on the Mor.il Teachings of Dr. Paley and Mr. Gisborne. With Observ.ations on the Duties of Trustees and Conductors of Grammar Schools, and Two Sermons on Purity of Principle and the Moral Laws. London, 1705. 8vo. An Abstract of the Charter of King Eilward the Sixth for the forming of the Free School in Birmingham. By . . . With an Appendix containing Letters from the Rev. Spencer Madan. Binninqham : Printed hy E. Pierct/. 1707. 8vo. Sermon before Confirmation. London, ISUG. Sermons on the Minor Prophets, with Memoir of the Author. London, ISll. [Smith's Brewood, 1874, pp. 28, 82.] Cbofts, Rev. Henry O. b. Lichfield : New Con- nexion Minister from 183.") ; in Canada, from 1839—48; President of Conference, 18G1 : U.D., Toronto ; d. 1882. Discourses delivei'ed in London, Canada, West. The Advantages of Knowledge. Obituarv of Robert Haggerston. of Newc»stle-on-Tyne [Xew Con. Slai/. (18.3t;), 19:5] ; of Martha Bloor (*. SalfoVd) and Jane Sagor (6. Stockport) [li., 44(1. ( 18:i7) 2(11— .')] ; On Hypocrisy [ib. (18:(7), 2;i— !l] : Self-Examination [ib., 297 — iiiill] ; A Communication, dated Truro [ib. { I8:i8)j 99] ; Illumination of the Face of Moses [i6., 1(10 — 3] ; Ancient and Modem Conversions [ib. (I8t;8), 407 — 18J : Christ's Representation on Earth [ih. (1870), 201— 10] • The Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ [ib. (1871), 71,^ — 22] ; The Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour [ih. (1872), 80—88] ; Meditation on God [ib. (1883), 321—28]. Crofts, J. Printer, Bnrton-on-Treiit. [See Richmond (Rev. L.).] Crofton, Zachary. b. DuUlin, where he seems to have been educated ; Vicar of Wrenburv, Cheshire ; Minister of St. James's, Garliek- hithe ; of St. Botolph, Aldersgate ; ejected 1662; returned to Cheshire ; after much perse- cution he was allowed to rest, and kept a grocer's shop for a living : had a farm in Bed- fordshire, from whence, 1667, he returned to Ijondun, where he kept a school in Aldersgate, and where he died circa 1672 ; ofliciated some time in Newcastle Church. Besides other works he imblished the following: — Foeli.x Seclus, Querela Pioruni et .Vuscultatio Divina ; or, Prospering Prophanenus provoking Holy Conference and God's Attention. London, IGGU. 8vo. Ded. to Kewrastle- under-Line Corporation. Croker, Right Hon. John Wilson, LL.D., JI.P., P.C, &c.; d. 10th Aug., I857. The Life of Samuel Johnson. New Edition. With numerous Additions and Xotcs. London, lfi32. 8vo. 5 vols. Xew ed., London, 1S3>. 8vo.. 10 vols. Ditto, with much additional matter, London, 184S. 8vo. Revised by J. Wright. London, 1S50. 8vo., 1 vols. (Bohn's Shilling Series). Again, with Portniits. in 10 parts. London, 18G0. 8vo. Again. London, 1S7G. 8vo. AnsH-er to Mr. Macaulay's criticism in the Edinburgh Review on Mr. Croker's edition of Boswell's Johnson. Selected from Blackwood'f .Uar/dzine. Lftndon, 1H5G. 8vo. Reviews of Croker's Edition appeared in — North American Rev., X.X.XIV.. 91-112; Kdin. /fpf, LIV.. 1— 38; (Reprinted in) .1/'(,s-(?h;» of Eorei;/n /.iterafnre, \iX., t>7t> ; Church Examiner. Xl\ ., I.i4 — (li! ; tlnnrt. ilee., XLVI., 1— 4(i ; Weslmr. liev..X\'.. 374—99 ; Moulhli/ Rev., CXXV., 452—04 ; Fraser'f .Ua;/., Y., Uri—tW, 380-41:1. Crosiue-D.iwsos, G. J. C.E. ; Rowley Park, Sta fiord. A Brief .Sketch of the Introduction of Railways into this Country, and the wonderful result thereof. Tamworth : Printed by lianiel Addison at hi.t O/fice.i, -Silver .Street, n.d. (1875). 8vo.. pji. 72. [Reprinted from the Nuneaton Chronicle of 17th Feb.. 1872.] The Future Prospects of the Civil Engineering Pro- fession at Home aud Abroad. [Jour, of Civil Enfj., 1870.] Croshaw, James, b. Measham, Derbys., 1770 ; d. 11th Aug., 1799. Experience and Death of. Bv Rev. J. Riles. [ Ifes. J/aj. (1801), 15, 16.] Crosse, Rev. George. Cii. Ch., Ox. : B.A., 1631 ; M.A., 1634 ; Rector of Clifton Camp- ville, 1640: ejected, 1602; r/. Basford, N(jtts., 8th Aug., 16(!5, of the Plague. [Xoncomformist Mem. (1802), I., 410; Add. MSS., Brit. Mas., 75,670, f. 172.] CitossLEV, Rev. J. Congregational Minister at Lichfield. Obituary. [Conyrer/atioual Year Book (18(J5), 232, 233.] Crostox, James. Manchester. On foot through the Peak. London (Manchester printed), 18G2. 8vo. 2nd ed., iSffS, pp. xii., 411 and an itinerary ; new ed., Manche.iter (1S7G). 8vo. [Chap. xix. : — Dovedale — Walton and Cotton — Pike-pool— The fisluug house at Beresford Hall.] Crouch, Rev. H. J. Obituarv of Edward Sheward (h. Tipton, 1840 : d. Horslev Heath. 8th Sept.. 1872). [New Con. May. (1873), 311— lii.] Crousaz, J. P. de. Considerations on the dispute between Crousaz and Dr. Warburton. By Dr. Johnson. [Gent.'s J/ag., lHa.} Crowther, Rev. Jonathan. Wesleyan Minister. Serious Reflections upon the most important d-ities of Religion. Newcastle: Smith. 1800. 8vo., pp. It!. Croxden. X.E. View of Croxden Abbey. By Buck. 1731 Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Croxden. Scale CUOXTON ( 127 ) CURTEIS 25,344 inches to a mile. Index Sheet and Area Book. Title from the Inde.x. Southampton (1881). Cliurrh Ucgisters :— I., Mixed. IdSII— IT.'Sl. II., ditto, ]727_lx|-.'. III., Marriages, 17:i;')—lH12. IV., ditto, 1813 — 37 : rest in use.— (The Kev. E. Philips, M.A., Vicar.) Foundation Charter of Croxden Abbey. By Rog. de Verdun, 117U, Engraved by iJr. Kiwiinson. London, J743. (From the original, then in his possession,) Quecta clamatis abbatis et conv. de Crokeiiden, regi Edw. III., facta, de qiiatuor solidatis redditus, et anniver- saris in die S. Matthoei pro anima Edwardi II. (dated •' Wednesiav. before S. Dennis, 1 Edw. III.). [Bodl. Lib., 709,11. (la)", \Xtih.] Description, with woodcut. [Antiq. and Topog. Cabinet, Is 11, XI.. 2.1 [.See Flood (W. H. G.), Whieldon (Rev. E.).] Croxtox. Church Registers : — Only those in use. Church founded, IX.iG. Drawing of Ch.apel and School. By T.P.Wood. [Salt Lib. J Miscellanea [i4.]. CltL'MlilLIlOMME, Rich. Cirant to him of the "Friars,' Lib., AJo, 14ti.] at L-chficId. [Bodl. Cromi>, John F. On Statues ; with some account of the statue of Sister Dora. London: W. Allen cy Co.: Walsall: J. if W. Criffin. The Bridge. 1886. 12mo., pp. 23. Crdtchi.ey, C. County Atlas of England and Wales, A-c, in a Series of 4i> coloured maps. London, 1SG3. 8fo. Xot coloured (18GS). Svo. Coloured (i*7 .5 I. Not coloured (.wwiei/a/e). Riilnay and Station Map of the County of Stafford. Crutchlei/, Map and (Uohe Seller, 81, Fleet Street, London, E.C. Folded 12mo., in printed cover. "Cru.\." \See Sleigh (John).] CCDDESTON. Questions and Answersrelativeto. [Topographer,lH., 397. .WS.] Cni.i.wicK, W. W. Printer, 25, Marliet Street, Wolverhampton. Papers read at Excursions in connection with the Naturalists and Archaeological Department, Wolverhamp- ton Free Library, Christmas, 1^77. Wolverhampton: W. W. Cullwick, Printer. ]2mo., pp. 51. Cdlwick, James C. h. West Bromnich, 1845 ; g. of W. Culwick, Vicar Choral of Liciifield ; Chorister and Assistant Organist at Lichfield Cathedral : Organist at Parsonstown, 1866 — 68 ; of Bray, 1868—7(1 ; of St. Anne's, Dub- lin, 187(1 — 8(1; of Chapel Royal, Dublin, 1881 ; Professor of Pianoforte, Organ, and Harmony, at Alexandra College ; Conductor of Harmonic Society, Dublin. The Rudiments of Music, and Introductory Text Book. Vuhlin, 1881. Xvo.; 2nd ed. 1887. The Study of Music and its Place in general Educa- tion. Dnhlin,'lS8i. !7 — s(l : Boyle Lecturer, 1884 — 86. Bishop Selwyn, of New Zealand and of Lichfield. A Sketch of his Life and Works, with some further gleanings from hij; Letters. Sermons, and Speeches. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, if Co., Paternoster Square. 1880. 8vo,, Portrait, pp, xiv,, 494, Spiritual Progress, London, 1855. 8vo, The Evangelization of India, London, 1857. Cathedral Restoi"ation. London, 1860. Dissent in its Relation to the Church of England. Eight Lectures pi-eached befoie the University of Oxford, in the year 1871, on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampt'ou, M.A. London : Macmillan Cf Cif. 1872. 8vo., pp. xxiv., 448. 2ud ed. (Cr. 8vo.), i»73. Reprinted— 187.5, 1878, 1882. 1885, 1880. 1888. The Scientific Obstacles to Christian Belief. Boyle Lecture. 1S84. London : Macmillan tf Co. 18S5. Cr. 8vo., pp. xxiv. (1 blank), 184. The Children in the Temple . . Lomax. Lichfield. 1S63. 12mo., pp. IS. CiTRTEis, Mrs. E. A. Wife of Rev. Canon Curleis. In Memoriam. A Sketch of the Life of the Right Rev. George Augustus Selwyn, late Bishop of Lichfield, and formerly Bishop and Metropolitan of New Ze;iland. I^^eu'castle : C. liickson. Printed and Published by J. Parker if Co.. London, n.d. (1S78). Cr. 8vo.. Portrait, pp. 90. Plates, pp. 24, 48, 85. [• E. A. C, The Close, Lich- field, 1878."] CUIiTEIS (12S) DAKEYNE CnRTEis, Rev. Thomas. A Letter to Sir Robert Peel on the iirincijiles ami operations of the Poor Law. With an .Appendix, Lotidtm, 1SJ2. Svo., pp. 4(i. CuRzoN-, Aslietoii. />. London, 1730 ; «. of Sir Nathaniel Curzon, Bart.; Mat. Brasenosc Coll., Ox., 6th Feb., 1747 ; created D.C.L., 2nd Jan.. 1754 ; M.P., Clitheroe, 1754—80, 1792 — 94 : created Viscount Curzon, 27th Feb., 1802 ; (/. 21st March, 1820. [Mod. Eng. Biog.. I., col. 7iU ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., L] Curzon, Lady. Widow of Sir Natiianiel Curzon, Bart., of Rugeley. Abstract of Jackson's Chronology. J'rirntelit printed. 4to. [Only 20 copies issued.] CcRzov, Hon. Robert, b. Rugeley, 13th P'eb., 1774 : s. of 1st Viscount Curzon : educated Westmr. Sch. ; Ch. Ch., Ox. : B.A., 1795 : M.P. Clitheroe, 1st June, 179fi— 23rd April, 1831 ; (/., Parhani Park, Sussex, 14th May, 1863. Catalogue of Materials for writing a history of Early Writings on Tablets and Stones, Rolled and other Manu- scripts, and Oriental Manuscript Book, in his Library at Parham, Sussex. London, 1S40. fol. [Privately printed.] A Visit to the Monasteries of the Levant. With nu- merous woodcuts. London, 1849. Pt. 8to. .Srd ed., Lcn- doii, 1850. 8vo., pp. 420. Armenia and Erzeroum : A Year on the Frontier of Russia, Turkey, and Persia. London: .fohn .Mnnag. 1850. Pt. 8vo. Xew ed., London, 1854. 8vo. pp. xiv., 'i.'))). Curzon Manuscripts. 12 Plates. Thorpe, 1850. fol. £5 5s. [Quarterly lierleu; LXXXIV., til ; Mod. Enn. Bioa., L,col. 7-Jo.] J J' Cyples, William, b. Longton, 31st Aug., 1831 ; lived many years in Nottingham; from 1877 to death in London ; d.. Hammersmith, 24th Aug., 1882. The Island : A Venetian Fable. In Five Cantos. Love's Fortunes : A Dramatique. In Three Acts. .\m\ other Poems. IliiuUtj : U. Roberts.'- fieuthud" 0//ice, Cheap- side. MDCCCLVJL Demy 8vo., 4 leaves, ]ip! lt;o. Ded. " To the Inhabitants of Longton." Satan Restored. A Poem. /S.53. Philip the Dreamer. A Novel. In Three Volumes. London, 18GG. An Enquiry into the Process of Human Experience. London, 1880. Hearts of Gold. London, 1883. .Johnson without Boswell [Contemporary Review, XXXII., 7117 — 27. Same article reprinted in Littel's Living Afie.'\ St. Fortune : A Poem [Pot. Mec. Mag.. I., 2.i] : The Sun: A Poem [i6., .'iij] ; A Few Words .about the Potter [ib.. G.i — 67] ; About the Potteries [16., 85 — 8] ; Death of the Flowers : A Poem [ih., 123] ; A White Legend : A Poem [;*., l.-iO— 34] ; Great Stakes [ib.. 72—174. 182—84] ; The Season ; A Poem [ib., II., 78] ; Metaphysical Recrea- tions [!6.,214.215] ; Above and Below : A Poem [I'd., 241]. [Mod. Eng. Biog., I., col. 707.] D D.C.J." Obituary of Mrs. Waterhouse (formeriv of Longton; tfife of the Rev. T. Waterhouse ; d., Ashton-undei-Lyne 7th Jan., 18(ili). By "C.J.D." [New Con. .Mag. (is'liil), pp. 175 — 80.] "D.J.," Hanley. Obituary of William Ball, of Hanlev. [Neiv Con. Ji/ug. (1818), pp. .i(i2— 05 ] By ".T.D.' "D.J." ("a Staffordshire Correspondent.") Habits of the Common Snake in Captivity, [.\alurol History Mag. (18211) : reprinted in The .Mirror, XIX., 342. 343.] ' ' Dabb, James, h. Probos, Cornwall. Obituary. [See Rile (Rev. J.).] Dace, Charles, b. Hanley. A Brief Account of. Bv " H. W." [New Con. .Man. (1834), p]). 155, 15ti.] ■ •" D.\CE, Rev. John. /;. Wcdnesluiry, 1784; Wes- leyan Minister, 1M06 — 21 ; Missionary to St. Bartholomew, 1806 : d. 31st Aug., 1821. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ Manifested, .and the Providence of God asserted, in the experience of Mr. J. Dace. WiilsaU, 1817. 12mo., pp. 27. The Heathen made wise unto Salvation exemplified in several instances, Bristol, n.d. 12mo., pp. 28. Letter to Dr. Coke, dated St, Kits, 4 Jan,. 1808 [Wes. Mag. (1808), pp. 282. 283] ; ditto to R, Johnson, S, Kits, C Dec, 1808 [ib. (1800), pj,. 30S, 300] ; to Dr, Coke, Tortola, W, Indies, 17 Mar.. 1800 [,7,. (1810), p, 3]; to Mission Committee, 14 .Sept.. 1800 [ih., 43, 44] ; to Mr, Benson. St. Thomas, 1 Mar., 1810 [ib.. 207] ; to Dr. Coke, 2 Mar., 1810 [«6.,4041 ; to Mr. Benson [ih.. 404] : to Dr, Coke, 1811 [i6,, 394, 3051 ; Address by Jtr. D. & M. Coutas to Governor Elliot [ib., 39.5, 39G], Daintrv, Rev. John. b. Leek, 1763 ; .«. of Rev. John Daintry : Mat. Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox., 19th Oct., 1781 ; of Wore. Coll.; B.A., 1786. [Foster's Alumni Oxon. : Olde Leeke, 321,] Daintry, Michael. /*, Leek, 1733; g. of Rev. John Daintry, vicar; Mat. Oriel Coll., 11th Marcii, 1757: button and twist manufacturer in Leek : after in partnership with John Ryle, in Macclesfield, from 177.S nutil Mr. Kyle's death, 1808 : Alderman and Mayor of the Borough ; J. P. ; d., 5th April, 1811, Byron's House, Macclesfield. Obituary. [Christian Observer, X., 334 — 3G.] [Foster 6 Alumni Oxon,] Daken, Elizabeth. Obituary of Mary Daken. [See below,] Daken, Marv, b. Ashmore House, Rushton, June, 1791; d. Aug., 1812. Obituary. By " H. B," and Elizabeth Daken. [/'.,U. Mag. (1810)' pp, 121—24.] Dakex, Rebekah (jie'e Reynolds). b. Seighford, 1752 : (/., Rushton, 25th Feb., 1822. Obituary. [P..M. Mag. (1822), pp, 147 — 19.] Dakeyne, Rev. H. C, Leek. The Deliver.ance of Switzerland. 2nd. ed., London 1831. Dakeyxe, Rev. John Osmond. B.A. ; M.A. ; Rector of St. Peter's, Wolverhamiiton, 1847 —57 : (/. 1860. DAKEYNE ( 1^'J ) DA ETON Virtutis Fortuna Comes. A Sermon preached in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Wolverhampton, on Thurs- day, Sov. XVXII.. JIDCCCLU. : the dav of the Funeral of the late Uuke of Wellington, (Sic. H'oloerhampton : IV. Paiki: 1852. »vo. The Sword and the Cross. A Sermon. W'olrerhamp- (01, Ui.'i. «T0. Ded. to Preb. Mountain, D.D. Contains an etching of St. Peter's Church. D.^KEYNE, Miss. Legends of the Moorlands and Forests of Stafford- shire. Lfjtidon: J/amiltoti, .iitams. ij' Co., Patentoster Row. Leek: <;. Snll ^ .Son. MDCCCLX. limo., pp. 7G. (Nail tj* Son, Priulers, Letk.) Dale, Kev. Hfiiiry. Magd. Coll., Ox.; B.A., 1834; M.A., 183G ; Vicar of East Stoke, 1851 — 53 ; Rector of Wilby, Xortliants, 1853. Verses Grave and Gay. TransUited from the German Poets, for the benefit of a Bazaar. H'olverhaniptun : Bar- ford .)■ Xeu-ltl. 18SU. 8vo., pp. 10. Dale, Rev. R. W., D.D. Birtningliaui. Address on the Holy Spirit at the Autumnal Meeting of the Congregational Union at Wolverhampton, 1870. [Report, pp. o»— 78. Dallas, Sir George. b. Kensington : s. of Rol>ert Dallas, Esq.; in Civil Service of the East India Company ; M.P. for Newport, Mon. ; ;/!. Hun. Catherine Blackwood, (/iiti. of Sir John Blackwood and the Baroness DuflFerin and Clarboye ; resident at Patshull, Staffs. Thoughts upon our present situation. With Remarks on the Policy of a War with France. London, V03. 8vo., pp. 63. 2nd ed., game date. pp. 70. Speech of George Dallas of the Committee .... of Bengal, praying redress against .in Act of Parliament . . . delivered ... in Calcutta on the ioth of July, 1785. Calcutta, J7So. 8vo., pp. oH. Letter on the Trade between India and Europe. Lon- don, 1802. 8vo. Vindication of the Justice and Policy of the late Wars carried on in Hindoostan and the Dekkan by the Marquis Wellesley. London. 180G. 4to. [Biog. Diet, of Living Authors, 1816, p. 81.] Dallaway, Ven. Archdeacon. Architecture in England. London. 8vo. [Staffs. : — pp. 160, l!l«, 203, 207, 210, 230 (very important), 250—54.] Dalton, Rov. (i. W., M.A. ; Vicar of St. Paul's, Wolverliaiuptun. A Scripture Synopsis of Prophetic Teaching ; being outlines of Sermons preached in St. Paul's Church, Wolver- hampton, during Advent, 18(i5. Also a Reprint of Lectures preached in Duiilin during Lent, 1861, to which is added a Paper on the Anti-Christ, read at a Clerical Meeting. 1866. (Quotation from Rev. i. 3.) Wolrerhampton: Iiichiird.i 4 Cope. GO, tineen .Street. London : It', ^facintosh. 24. Pater- noster Row. Dublin: (J. Herbert, 117, Ora/lon Street. 1866. 12mo., pp. 43. Daltos, Rev. Henry, M.A. Vicar of St. John's, Wolverhampton, 18:^1; Irvingite Apostle; Vicar of St. Leonard's, Bridgnorth, 1832 ; of Clovelly, Devon. Unitarianism Unmasked. A Ijetter to the Congrega- tion of St. John's Church, Wolverhampton, ocaisioned by an Address entitled "Unitarianism the Religion of the Bible." Wolrerhampton : Printed and Published by Smart •.f Parke, Ilitjh Street. 1S31. 8vo., pp. 28. An -\ddress from the Rev. Henry Dalton to his beloved flock. (Quotation from Titus ii. II.) IVoleerhamplon : Printed bi/ T. Simpson. 1S.32. 8vo., pp. 32. [To this the following reply was issued : — A Letter to the Rev. Henry Dalton in reply to his Letter to his Be- loved Flock. " Is fume your ])&%sioD, Wisdom's powerful chain. If thrice read over, sliall its puwers disarm ?" Wolverhampton : Printed and Published by J. Bridgen, /Mrlini/lon Street. 18.32. 8vo., pp.12. ( Signe\t. ». Our Two Dangers. Reprinted with slight alterations from The Theologian. Published by request. Exeter, 1847. 8vo. [See Grueber (Stephen).] Daltox, Mrs. Jane. b. Burton. Obitu;ir,-. [.S'ee Boden (C. H.).] Dalto.v, Mrs. W. [5ee Fereday (Sarah).] Dalton, Rev. William, b. 1805 ; Triu. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1823 ; M.A., 1832 ; incor- porated at Pemb. Coll., Ox., and B.U., 184G ; Minister of St. Jude's, Liverpool ; Incumbent of St. Paul's, Wolverhampton, 1834 — 59 ; Vicar of St. Philip's, Pennfields, ]85'.l— 80; R.D., 1857 ; Preb. of Sandiacre, Lichfield, 1850 to death ; m., 1831, Mrs. Marsh (nee Fereday), of \Volverham])ton ; d. 1880. The Word of God vindicated ... A Reply to the Rev. F. Martvn, Romish Priest of Walsall. Wolverhamp- ton, 1830. 8vo. The Marks of the True Church not to be found in the Church of Rome. .\ Reply, itc. Wolrerhampton, 1830. 8vo. The Invocation of Saints and Angels shown to be unscriptural and idolatrous. Wolverhampton, 1830. 8vo. The Doctrine of the Cross compared with the Sacrifice of the Mass . . . Wolverhampton, 1S30. 8vo. A Release from Purgatory. A Reply, &c. Wolver- hampton, 1830. 8vo. England's Freedom from Religious Bondage affected by the light of the Reformation. A Keply, A-c. Wolver- hampton, 1830. Svo. The Infallibility of the Church of Rome examined and refuted. A Reply, Jcc. Wolverhampton, 1831. 8vo. Christian Patience exemplified in the case of Catherine Berrie. A Narrative of Facts. Liverpool. 1832. I'lh ed. Wolverhampton: Simpson ^y Steen. 1863. 8vo.. pp. 24. Plain Reasons for attachment to the Church of Eng- land. A Lecture delivered in .St. Jude's Church, Liverpool, on Thursday, Feb. 13th, IS34. London: James .Xisbet, Berners .Street. 1.S.34. Svo., pp. 48. 2nd ed., considerably enlarged. Wolverhampton : T. Simpson. I2mo., pp. 118. 3rd ed. London : Hamilton. Pt. 8vo. Annual Address to his Parishioners. Wolverhampton : T. Simpson. 1835 — 55 : in all, 21 years. 12mo., pp. 17 to 25. The Family Altar. A Series of prayers for every day of the month, suited for domestic worship. Wolverhampton : T. Simp.-:on. 1837. 8vo. .")th ed., pt. 8vo. 7th ed., fcp. 8vo. 8th ed., I8tis. 12mo., pp. 314. An Explanatory and Practical Commentary on the New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, intended chiefly as a help to family devotion. Edited and revised by . In Two Volumes. Dublin: William Curry, jun.. and Com- pany. 1838. 8vo. Vol. I., pp. 696. Vol. II. (1840). pp. IV., 630. 2nd ed., 1842. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. 3rd ed.. 1848. Fourteen Expository Discourses on the Lord's Praver and other important subjects. London: Hamilton. 1838. 12mo. 2nd ereached at St. Mary's Church. Bilston, on the 2l3t Oct., 1840. Wolver- hampton : T. Simpson. 1840. l2mo., pp. 26. A Course of Scripture Lessons for Sunday and National Schools, &c. Wolverhampton : T. Simpson. ' 4to. DALTIIV (l;)o) ]>AULlNa rrt'[wrat!oa for Confirmation. London. 1,S40. 12mo., pp.8. Tradition. A Sermon preached at St. Leonard's Church, Bilstoli. W'oh'frhnmpton : T, Simpson, 1850. 8vo. Tli'^ Rise and Progress of Romanism. W'oh'trhampton; T. Simpson. IS.'il. I2mo.. jip. ."M. A .^election of Psahns and Hymns designee! for Pnblic and Social Wttrsliip. Wolrer/iamptun : T. .Simpson. 2S5I. l"2mo. ( I editions.) Christian Instruction founded on the Catechism of the Ciuircli of England, in three Successive Steps. 7'. Simpson. Wotferhampton. 186:2. 12mo. Step I., pp. li> ; II., l-'X ; HI., l.")i:. -.'nd ed., 1854, pp. 24, 7ll. (Ith ed., 180:1. Questions on the Articles of the Church of England answered liy reference to Scripture. Extracted from the " Christian Instructor." Prayers for Young Persons. From ditto. Pr.iyers for Children. From ditto. Landmarks of Truth. Pastoral Addresses, Doctrinal and Pr.ictical. Wolverhampton: T. Simpson. 1857. sm 8vo. A Farewell Address from a Minister to his Parishioners. IVolcerkftmplon : Simp.^on i.^- Sfeen. 1858. 12mu. A Brief Memoir of a Beloved Wife. (For Private Circulitiiiu). Wolverhampton : Simpson tj" Stecn. 180:1. 12mo., ]ip. 1(1(1. A Scripture Synopsis of Prophetic Teaching. Being Outlines of Sermons preached in St. P.aul's Church, Wolver- himpton, during .\dvent, ISd.''. Also a reprint of Lecture jiroached in Duljlin in ISiili. Wolrerhnmpton : Richards 4' Cope. 1800. Svo. John llallid.iy ; or, The Fear of Death removed. A Narrative of Facts. Wolverhampton : .1. .Steen. 1800. Adilysg. Cliristionogol. S^'iliedg.ir Catechism Eglvvys Loegr. jlewn Tri o gamran olynol gan y Parch William Dalton. B.D., Prebeadari. Liciilield A phcrsou Eglwvs St. Phylip.WoIverh impton ; Cytici thedig gan Morris Williams, M.A.. y C.im Cynstaf Caerfyrddin lS(i7. An Exposition of the Sacraments of the Lord's Prayer. London: /Iamilto:i. n.d. 12mo. A Short Catechism on Confirmation. London, n.d. 12mo. The E;ernity of Future Rewards and Puni.shnients, A Sermon delivered in Christ Church, Liverpool. Class Register Book for Sundaj' School Teachers, with Plan of Instruction. Practical Hints for a Congregation, (n editions.) \Wes. .Ma;/. (1X411), p. 418.1 llALTity, Rev. John William. b. Hull, ICth March, 1804 ; s. of Thiniias DaltiT, sliiii-owiicr, Hull ; educated liifluii'md Sell. ; Hat. Trin. Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1,Sl'8; M.A., 18;51; Viear of Mailelev, 1 83;> — 79; m. Eliza, dau. of Edward Hobson, Esq., of London ; (/., 13th Dec., 187'.i. Baltky, Rev. Tliomas William, b. Hull, 7th Juue, 1832 ; .t. of Rev. J. W. Ualtiy, after- wards Vicar of Madele}- : educated Sedbergh Sch.: Mat. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; 1!.A., 1855 ; M.A., 18.-,<); F.L.S., 1875; F.E.S., 1887; Curate of Petwonb. 1858 — 59 ; of Hatiibledon, Hants., 1859— (51 ; of Madeley, 18(;i_8U : Vicar of Madeley, 1880 ; Secretary of North Staffs. Nat. Field Club and Arcliivologiciil Society, 1868 to date ; President 1879 — 80. Paper on the Mistletoe [Rep. North Staffs. Field Cluh (I8li8), ;,, (1874) I,"i7— ()!] ; On the Lepi.loptera of North Staffordshire [/4. (l,S72j, 724— au] ; On some Lepidoptera, new to the District, taken in ]N7;i [16. ( 1874). 42 — 1] ; List of Macro-Lepidojitera of North Staffordshire [ji. ( I87(>), 1.3, 2.i2 — .i.'i] ; On certain Insects added to the List of Lepidop- tera of Xorth Staffordshire [16., 4:1— 8]: Remarks on Plants fonnd during the year [ii. (1871))] : Notice of New Lc- pidoi)tera [ih. (1877), 14]; List of Plants exhibited by [ib. (1881), (12] ; ditto, collected this vear [ih. (1882), 701"; Speech by [ib. (1882). 81] ; Introduction to Addre.s.ses, i-c, published by the Club. 187o, 8vo., pp.ix. — xvii.] ; Mistletoe "[reprinted in ib., I."i7— (il] : Macro-Lepidoptera [reprinted 16., 252— liC] ; Presentation and Address to Rev. T. W. Daltry [;«. (1877), lU— 22] ; Reports of Committee of Club, drawn up bv Mr. Daltry [Reports— LSC.ll, l—(i; 1870,2— 7: 1871, ;)— 8; 1872, ".•!-.-<: 187;i, ;i— lO; 1874,3—12; 1875, ;)— l;i; 187(1, :i— 14; 1877, ;!- 18 : 1878.5-8; 187S, 5— ".I; 1880, ,■)- '.I; 1881. .'1— '.I ; 1882, 5— !1; 188S, ,')- 10; 1884, 5— Ul; 1885,5-10; 188(i, ,5— '.1 ; 1887, 5— !>; 1888, .")— 1(, ; 18Sil, .->— ;i; 18il0, .')- 10; 1891.5-10]; Reports on Entomologv [1877, 27— '.I ; 1878,12 — 14: 187!i, 0, 10; 1880, 12—17: 1881.1(J— 12: 1882,11—14; 188:i. 1 1 — 14 ; 1884.10 — 12; 1885, II, 10; 188(1, Id — 12 ; 1887, 10— 15 : 1888, 11 — 1;i; 188hire. and the supposeyith a Political Sermon at Walsall. Wat.mll 1770. [Printed by the .Vuthct at his own jrivate press : probably 1 the 1st work printed at Walsall. Copy in i^alt Library.] DARWALL (132) DARWIN A Discoui'.-5e on Spiritual Improvement from Affliction. Walsall: Printed fw the Author .bi/ F. Millimni. 1789. 8vo. (Detl. signed "John Uurvvall.") pp. 2S. ;!rd ed., nOO. Svo., pp. ■>.<. Cliri^tnias Hymn and Tune. F.Mllhmrd^Wdlsnll. sm. sh. Ilepriiite 1 in Rjv. L. Darwall's Collection for Cbrist- mas-tiile. No. 22. A Cliarity Hymn and Tune. »SV/me printer, sni, sheet. A Hymn. To which is prefixed a Biogr.iphiciil Notice. Bath : i-'.irlif this friitnrt/. Ode to Friendship. Inscribed to the Rev. Mr. J. Danvall. [Miss Wh iteley's Poems. 1774. p. 10(1.] Left three MS. Volumes, containing tunes to all the Psalms, entitled : — The following Set to the Xew Version of the Psalms. By J. Darwall, A.B., Vicar of Walsall, Dec lOtli, 17S3. [Penes Ilev. L. Darw.all, (now) of Tenby.] [Brown's Diet. Musicians, lili); Man. Sch. Reg., I., 31 ; Salt Lib. Cat., p. 42 ; Willraore's Walsall, i:W.] Darwall, Rev. John. h. Tivsul, IStli May, ITfil; s. of Rev. John Darwall, Vicai- of Wal.sall, liy Mary Fox, lii.-< first wife ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 23rd March, 1790; B.A., 171)1); M.A., 18(10; a Master of Kiiif? Ed- ward's Gr. Sell., Biriiiinshani, 1K04 ; Minister of St. John's Ciia]icl, Dcritend, 1791 to deatli ; Vicar of Walsall, l-ttli May, 179G —3rd Dec, 1803; d. 1«28. Sermon preached in St. John's Chapel, Deritend, IMth July, IS21. being the Diy of the Coronition of His Most Sacred Majesty King George IV. Birminr/hdin : /^tinted and Snld by \Vm. Uodrjetts^ Edijebaston i^treet. 1821. Hvo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., L, Hid.] D.\uw.M,L, John, M.D., Edin. /;. 25lh March, 179G ; i«. of Rev. John Darwall, Vicar of Walsall ; Physician to the Binninghain Dis- pensary ; (J. 31st October, is;i3. A Dissertation, "de Morbis Artificum." Edinburgh, 1821. Plain Instruction for the Management of Infants. With Practical Observations on the Disorders incident to Chihlren, To which is added an Essay on Spinal Irrita- tion. London: Whiltaker 4- Co. 1830. 12mo., pp. 240. Darw.vll, Rev. Leicester, b. Walsall, 10th Jan., 1813 ; s. of Charles Henry Darwall, of Walsall, Solicitor [s. of Rev. John Darwall, vicar ; b. lUth Oct., 1769 ; (/. 7th Jan., 1843] ; educa- ted Walsall Gr. Sch. ; Mat. Triii. Goll.,Cam.; B.A., 1835; M.A., 1838; Curate of Blakeney, Norfolk, 1830 — 37 ; Incumbent (afterwards Vicar) of Criggion, Montgomeryshire, 1838 — 90 ; m., 1852, Mary Dyott, dan. of John Lee, ot Ashbouni, M.D. ; now of Tenby, S. Wales. Christ's Ministers to give .attendance to Reading, Exhortation, and Doctrine. A Sermon preached at the Primary Visitation of the Venerable Archdeacon Vickers, M.ay l.'ith, IS to. With an Appendix. Jyondun : Iticini/lons. Oj-furd: Parker. Shrewsbury: John Davies. 1841. 8vo. pp. 78. An Outline of the Ecclesiastical transactions and government of the English Romanists from the commence- ment of the Schism in the Reign of Elizabeth to the establishment of their present .system under James II. ; with a vindication of the succession of the Reformed Church of England. [Tills was au enlargement of the Appendi.\ to the Visitation Sermon (ice above) imljlished in Th- Christian A/iscf^tittny tLeQd&) for 1»42.] The Catholic Church, together with the true Bible and Apostolical tradition. Evangelical doctrine ; or, the Romish Schism, with an interpolated Canon, Mens traditions, a corrupt doctrine, a still developing creed, itc. . . which ? London: liivinyton. .Shrewsbury: .John Davies. n.d. (1851). Svo., pp. 55. The Churcli of England a true Branch ot the Holy Catholic Church. Being a reply to the remarks of the Rev. Eugene Egan ; or a Pamphlet entitled '• The C/atholic Church, or the Romish Schism, which '":' Shrewsbnry, 1853. 8vo., pp. X\h. A Collection of Carols for Christmastide. Shreusbnry: W. U'lirdle. ISIJl. 12mo., pp. US. Psalms anil Hymns for Public Worshipand Private Use (intended as a local supjilement to " Hymns Ancient and Modern"). Shrewsbnry: II'. W'arJle. 1885. 18mo., pp. ISO. Index vii. Hvinn Tunes, one— St. Hubert— No. 40(1 in the S.P.C.K. Churcii Hymns; also in an American Collection. Others in a Collection of Hymns for Children. Darwall, Mrs. Mary. Wife of Rev. John Darwall (A. 1701). [See Whately (Mary).] DARWAt.i,, Rev. Randle. b. Barthoniley, Cheshire, 1703 ; i«. of William Darwall, Gent. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 1 1th March, 1 720 ; B.A., 1723 ; M.A., 172G ; Hector of Haughton ; m. Mary Barbor, of Staflfs.; d. 7th Feb., 1777. Elegy on the uses of Poetry. Inscribed to the Rev. Randle Darwall, M.A. [Miss Whately 's Poems. 1774. pp. Ki'.l, ii;i.] [Tlie Compiler's tlianks are due to the Rev. L Darwall, in connection witli the DarwaU articles.] Darwin, Charles, b. Lichfield. 3nl 8e])t., 1758; first «. of Erasmus Darwin, M.U. : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 30th March, 1775 ; studied Medi- cine in Edinburgh ; discovered test by which you m.ay distinguish /nis from miicu.i, for which he received a gold medal from Edin. Univ. ; d. there, from blood poisoning, 15th May, 1778, aged 21. .Sketch of the Life. [See Darwin (Erasmus).] Two Essays on Scientific Subjects. [.See Darwin (E.).] [Hutchinson's Biog. Medica, I., 239 ; Biographic Universelle, X. ; Gent.'s Mat/.. LXIV., 71*4 ; Duncan's Harveian Discourses, 1824 ; Krause's Darwin ed. C. Dar- win, 80—:) ; Foster's .\lumni Oxon., I., ii:i'.t ; Edin. Med. andSurt/icalJour.,lll..iGl; Chalmer's Biog. Diet., XI., 289, 2'JO'.] Darwin, Erasmus, b. Elston Hall, Lines., 12th Dec, 1731 ; s. of Robert Darwin, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn ; educated Chesterfield Sch., 1741 ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Cam., 1750 ; Exeter Scholar ; B. A. ,1754; at Edinburgh, 1754 — 55 ; back to Cam., where he took his M.A. ,1755; M.D., Cam.; F.R.S. ; settled as a Physician at Nottingham, Sept., 175G ; in Nov., same year, removed to Lichfield, where he remained till 1781, when he went to reside in Derby, and finally to Breadsal Priory ; m. (1) 30th Dec, 1757, Miss Mary E. Howard (she d., 1770), (2) 6th March, 1781, the tvidow of Colonel Chandos-Pole, of Radborne Hall, Derbys. ; d. Breadsal Priory, 8th April, 1802 : bur. Breadsal Church, where is a monu- ment. The Botanic Garden : A Poem. In Two Parts. Part I. containing The Economj' of Vegetation ; Part II. The Loves of the Plants. With Philosophical Notes, London: Printed fur J. .Johnson. St. Piinl's Churchyard. MDCCXCL 4to., Frontis., pp. viii.. 214. 12i!. Plates'— pp. 88 (4 plates), 202, 205, and (i.a in Notes. Part II. Lichfield: Printed by J. Jackson. Sold bi/ ./. Johnson, St. Paulas Church Yard, London. .MDCCLXXXIX. 4to!. pp. 184. Reissued with Part I. 17!)1. pp. viii., 200. Plates— Frontis., at end of Preface, and pp. (J. 14, 15. 17, 40, 1(58, 182. 2nd ed. of Part I., 1791. 4th ed, of Part II., 1794. Another ed., 1824. Svo. [This was parodied in "The Loves of the Triangles," a work issued early this century, and has long been neglected.] DARWIN ( 133 ) DAVENPORT Zoonomia ; or. The Liws of Organic Life. London : Prinle'l for J. Johtiion. in SI. J'ant'i Churflii/itnl. 1704. 4to pp. viii., 58.'). Plate.s — Sectinn iii., 1 : ditto, .'i : ditto, 3, G ; xl., 4, 2 ; 10, 3 : 10, 5. Vol. II. 1706. pp. .xi., 77-2. Another edition in 8vo. Transkite.i into German by Hofr.ith .1. D. Brandis. Hanoeer. 1705—00. a vols. 8vo. Th>- Temple of Nature ; or, the Origin of Society. A PoeiM. with Pliilosophical Notes. L'jnilon : I'riiili'l tor .1. Johusiiii, St. I'aurx Churchi/aril, by T. Benalei/, Unit Court, Fleet Street. IHUS. -tto. i?rontis., 2 leaves ; pp. 171 and 12.1— in large and small paper. Translated into German by Kraiue. liruiisifick, IHOS. Svo. A I'lin for the t'oiidiu-t of Female Educ.vtion in Board- ing-Schools. Derbii : J'rin'eil In/ .1. Dniri/. for J. .tohnson, St. I'lmlf Church Yard. Louilon'. 1707. -Ito. Frontis. (Ash- bourn Hall), pp. viii., 12.S. Phvtologia ; or, the Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening-. London, IHOl. Ito. ijp.'llOJ. Tran.slated into German by Hebenstreit. Leipzi, p. 1.1 Litter of D.arwin. [Printed in fr.V' .vditions. Sic. of the rwin. [ Printcrl in Rev. R. Polwhele. London, 1S2U.] Letters to Dr. Okes's, of E.xeter. [Gent.'i .Vai/., Oct., 1808, p. 869.] Ditto to Reimanru [Darwin's Darwin, 1870, pp. Hi — 111]; to Mary Howard, of Darlaston [ih.. 21 — 21]: to .losiah Wedgwood [Phil. Tmng.. ft8— KID], Poems on. By Cowper ife Havley. [.Ifonlhly .I/a//., 1803. p. 100,] A Contrdiution to the History of the Descent Theory. By E, Kr.iuse. Konmos. Feb., 187'ft. Translated into Eng- lish, and reprinted as — Erasmus D.irwin. By Ernest Krause. Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas. With a Preliminary Notice bv Charles D.irwin, Portrait and Woodcuts. Lon- don : .foiin Murray, .Ubemarle Street. 1S70. Cr. 8vo., pp. iv.. 2111. [Krause's Essay occupies pp. 228—40] Erasmus Darwin. Philoso])her, Poet, and Physician. By Dr. Dowson. ISGl. 8vo. A pamphlet. Comparative View of the Theories and Practice of Drs. Cullen, Brown, and Darwin. By Dr. Bacta. 1800. Memoir. [.SVc .Seward (Miss)]. Miss Seward's Ai)olr>gy for her Life of Dr. Darwin. [Monlhli/ .Mai/., 1801, p. 378 ; and many other Journals of the day.'] Remarks on the opinions of Dr. Darwin. By T. T., of Hull. [ Wes. Man. ( "*01). PP- 210—14, 2.i!l— G3.] Theories of Hartley. Priestley, and Darwin. [Hamil- ton's Works of D.Stewart. Vol."V.] Memoir and Portrait. [/'*»rrt;j, ,1A///., XXVII.] Memoirs also in : — Chalmers' Biog. Diet.. .\' 1,. 28il — 00 ; Mrs. Butler's Evolutions, New and Old, l.s7il ; .\nnual Register. 1802 ; Ditl. Xat. liioy.; Kd'in. Medical <<• Sitryical ,/oHr.. IV., 4(11 — (14. Other references: — The .Mirror, VS.., 32.H: XX.. 304, 3,-)(l: XXVIII.. 2(10: Craik's History of English Literature, 2nd. el.. II., 382, 383, &c. ; Edin. 'iter., II., Ill, ; Darwin's Origin of Species, (itli ed., p. xiv.. note; The Athenieum (March, 187.i), p. 423; Life and Works of Sir .1. .Sinclair: Brunton on Catching Cold, in lirilinh Medical .lour. (1873), p, 73,"); Maiid.slev's Path, of the Mind 11870), p, 22'.i ; -MuUer's Physiology, trinslatei by Baly ( 1842), pp. 043, 1 121 : Lowe's 'History of Philo.sophy, 3rd "ed., XL, .3o(i ; Sketcli of the Life of James Keir, F.R.S., III.; Pursuits of Literature, 14th ed. (1808), p. 04 : Monthly Mail. (1802), XIII,, 4.')7— 113 ; Cr.vdock's Literary Memoirs, IV.. 143 : Edgeworth's Memoirs, 2nd ed., I., 108, 181 : II., 110, 113, 177 ; Mi.nlhh/ .Mai). (1802), p. ll.i; Dr. Whallev's Journal (18(13). I,, 312, 381: II,, 73. 220—22,312; Dr. Richai-dson's .Vddress to British Temperance Association, 187'.l ; Sir B. Boothby's Sonnets ; British Iteyister (1802), p. 4.')7 ; Schimmelpenninck's Life (18.>8). pp. 32, 84. 12(1 — •20. lift— .il, 1ft,"), Iftft— 208: Mrs, Oliphaiit's History of English Liter:ituro, I,, 218— .38 ; Olde Leeke, l.i8 ; Jewitt's Wedgwood. .312. .374 : .Meteyard's Wedgwood ; F. D;u-win's Life t)f C. Darwin : .lohnson's Jour, to N. Wales, 7 ; Cun- ningham's Biographical History of England ( 18:").")). III., 300—10: Topoyrapher, I., 282— ftl ; Christian Obserner, I., 27ft; Meteyard's Grou)! of Englishmen, 11. 3.'), ilu, 74. 2.i3 ; Miss Seward's Letters, I., 14, .33. 70, 21(1, 217, 333. 340 : II 2(11 -id.-!. •27"2, 311, 31.3, .3(!7 : III., 4, (17, lift, 1.^)3. 173, 182 187. Iftil. 211.21.j..3-24,.31.3, 3.i.i, .373: IV., 2(18, 30(J. 324 : v.. 48. UX, 13'1— 10, 322, 332 : VI., 20, 23, 8(1, 120, 135, 141, 17.^. Dauwin, Erasmii:*. b. Lichfield, Ilth Oct., 1759 ; 2iid s. of tlic above : " wlion a boy he counted the houses ill Lichfield, and found out the number of inliabitants in each house as far as possible "; "discovered the writer of si.^c anonymous letters which had caused very niucli annoyance to people ill the city ": a Solicitor : d. 29th Dec, 1799 ; hiir. at Brcadsal. [C. Darwin's .Sketch of E. Darwin. 83, 84 ; Miss Seward's Letters, I., 317.] Dakwin, Leonard. I>. lyth Jan., 1X50: s. of Charles Darwin, the Naturalist : entered Royal Military Coll., Woolwich, 1808: joined Royal Engint'ers, 1870 ; at Autumn Mann(.','< .Wnv,. LXVI.. 351; Jewitt's Wedgwood, .372, 374, 375; Edin. ifed. and Surg, ./our., IV.. 4111 : Chalmers's Biog. Diet,. XT., 287 : Meteviird's Wedgwood ; Meteyard's Group of Englishmen. 12. 100. 253. 254, 2.58— (15. 284. 357. 3i;o. 3111; Mayer MSS: see Snape (Rev. W.) ; Life and Letters of C. Dar\yin. I., 11.] [Tlie Comjiiler's thanks are due to F. Darwin. Esq., and L. Darwin, Esq , M.P., for correcting Darwiu articles,] Davenport, ( — ). Rushton. Anthems and Church Music. 1750. Davenport, Davies. h. Ca])esthorne, 1757 : s. of Davies Davenport ; Mat. Biasenose Coll., Ox., 5th May, 1775 : Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1780: M.P., Cliosiiire, l,S(iO— 30 : (I. 5th Feb., 1837: m. Charlotte, dau. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq., of Keele : of (\itton. Staffs., and Capesthorne, Cheshire. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I. 341.] Davenport, Edward Davies. i. Catton, 1779 : «. of the above : Mat. Ch. Ch. Coll., 0.\.. 20th Feb.. 1797 : M.P., Shaftesbury. 1S20— 30 ; of Capesthorne and Catton : m. 30th Nov., 1830, C;iroline .Anne, dait. of Richard Hurt, of Wirk.sworth ; d. 9th Sept., 1817. Speech of .... on a motion to enquire into the cause of the distress .... With the reply of the Right Hon. W. Huskisson. London, l^il. 8vo.. pp. .5(>. DAVENPORT ( l-!4 ) DAVIS Daveni'drt, Rev. Gporge Horatio. /;. Ti'ttt'ii- li.ill, 1st Aug., 1832 : .«. of John Davenport, Esq. ; Mat. Oriel Coll.. 0.x., 2nJ Mav, IS'iU ; B. A., 1854; M.A., 1857 : Rector of Stanford, Notts., 1881 ; m., Cth Feb.. 1806, ilnv. of the Rev. Samuel Vere Daslnvood, of Stanford Park, Notts. ; J.P., Stafford and Hereford ; Alderman, County Council of Hereford ; of Fo.s'lej, Hereford. Portr.iit of. By .Tolmsou. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 3i2.] Davenpout, Harry Tichborne. [.SceHinckes (H. T.).] Davenport, John. h. Leek, 17G5 ; s. of Jona- than Davenport and Elizabeth, his wife ; of Longport Hall, Burslem, and Westwood Hall, Leek ; M.P., Stoke-on-Trent, 1«;)2— 41 ; began business as a Potter at Long))ort, 1794 ; retired 1888 ; Major of Longport Rifle Volun- teers ; d. Westwood, 12th Dec, 1848. Portrait. By .1. Pbilips. Engr,aveJ liy Mote. Folio. [Foster's .Miinini O.xon.: Shaw's Statt'.s. Potteries 35 ; Ward's Stoke, ll-.'. C.i, l.iii— .^s ; Sleigh's Leek.] Davenport, Jr. First exhibited Royal Academy, 1811; went to Rome, 1824 ; d. 1862. The Talbot Family receiving Papal Benediction. Davis, John Edw.iid. b. Presteign, Radnor- shire, 1817 ; s. of Aaron Wall Davis, M.D.; Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple, 25th Nov.,' 1842 ; Revising Barrister, 1854 ; Rejiorter to the Law Journal Reports in Court of Excliecjucr, 185(i — 64: Stipendiary Magistrate of Stoko- upon-Trent, 18(;4— 70 : of Sheffield, 1870— 74 : Legal Adviser to Commissioners of Metropolitan Police, 1874 to death ; d. 12th July, 1887. Prize Essay on the Laws for the Protection of Women. London, 1S51. 8vo. Practice and Evidence in the County Courts. London 1S55. Svo. 0th ed.. ISSr. The Criminal Law Consolidation Statutes. London ISGl. 8vo. ' A Manual of Law of Reeistration and Electors London. 1808. Svo. 2nd eil., 1870. Joint Author of the History of Woolwich. 1S8T. Address. [Heport .Xorth StatTs. Field Club 1 1809), 7.] Paper on A Fossil Tree in Marl Works, near .Joiner's Square. Hanley. [Reiiort, 1870, pp. 22—32. ' Repriuted in Club Address, 187.5, pp. 80-0.] The Absence of AVater- falls in North St.affm-dshire. [Report. 1871. Reprinted. Club Addresses, 1875, pp. 147— ,50.] ' Other Eeference.5. [Reports. 187(1, p. 3 : 1871, p, 0,] [Mod. Eng. Biog.. I., col. 8.30, 831 ; Law ./our.. XXII .397,400,42(1: Men at the Bar, 118.] Davis, Rev. John Wtstley. 2nd Master of Ded- ham Gr. Sch., and Curate of Ardleigh, Esse.x, 1S62— 65 ; St. John's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1802 ; M.A., 1866 ; Head Master Tamworfh Gr. Seh , 1866—84; Curate-in-Charge of DAVIS (l;!5) DEACON Kingsbury. 1806—76 : of Wishaw, 1876 ; of Slmttington, 1877 — 8(1 ; Vicar of Walmsloy, 18H4. Greek Exercise Book. L:itiri Prose E.xercise. .'^iml>le Chemistry. Mechanics of Agriculture. Davis, Joseph ISaniarJ. h. York, l;'it,h June, ISOl ; Surgeon in whale ship to Arctic Seas, 1820: L.S.A., 1823: M.ll.C.S., 1843 ; settled in Shelton, 1834 ; M.U., St. Andrew's, 18(12 ; collected a Museum of Skulls and Skeletons larger than that of all the British Public Insti- tutions ; sold to Royal Coll. of Surgeons, 1880; F.S.A., eist Dec, 1854: F.R.S., 4th June, 1868 ; d. Hanley, 19th May, 1881. A Popular Manual of the Art of Preserving Health. Embracing the Sulijects of Diet, Air, Exercise, Gymnastics, &c.. tle-igiieil for the use of all r.mks an.l professions in Society. London : Whilaler ij- Co. 183G. 8vo., pp. xiii.. 504. Thesaurus Craniorum. Catalogue of the Skulls of the Various Races of Man, in the Collection of .Joseph Bar- nar.l Davis, M.D., F.S..A.. . . . (Vignette of a Skull.) *• Delubra magnitica liumanes consecrata simulacris." — CiCEUo. Hep. III., t). Londou : Printed far tkf Subscribe r.^. ZHGl. 8vo., pp. -xvii., .^74. Woodcuts and two plates. [ Dated '■ .Shelton, Hanley, Staffs.. Aug., 18i;7. .T, Barnard Su|iplement to ... . London : Printed for the Subscribers. 1S75. 8vo.. pp. X., KM. Plates— pp.' ;!(i, ill, yl (2 1. ['-Shelton, Hanley, Staffs.. Oct. 1st, lS7r>."] On the Peculiar Crania of the Inhabitants of Certain Groups of Islands in the Western Pacific. London. 1SG6. 4to., .'! plates. On the Osteology and Peculiarities of the Tasmaniaus, a Race of Men recently become extinct. London, 1874, •Jto., 4 plates. Crania Britanuica. Delineations and Descrii>tion.s of the Skulls of the Al)original and Early Inhabitants of the British Islancls, witli Notices of their other Uemaius. Bv J. B. D. . . and John Thurman, M.D., F.S,A. London. Imp. 4to. Sixty-seven Plates and Woodcuts. Sur les Deformations Piastiques du Crane [^fems. de la Societie d'.lnllirojwloi/ie (ISGD), 1)70] : The Neanderthal Skull ; Its peculiarities and conformation explained anatomically [ib., :>'SI]; On Synostotic Crania among the Aboriginal Races of Man [Trans, o/' Dutch Societi/ of Science, Haarlem] ; Notes on the Distortions wiiich present themselves on the Crania of Ancient Britons [Xat. Hist. Iter. (18C>2). 2im ; plate, 2!ll ] : E.xameri des Meneri Craniomatium adoptes jiir le Thesaurus C'r.iniorum de M. Bernard Davis [Rerue d\-lntfiropolof/ie, II.. 1M.I] : De- scription of a Sketcli of an Arno Woman, and of three Skulls of the same Race [.l/cm. .intkropolor/i/ .Societi/, IV., 24]; Notice of a Paper by [Ileii. North' Staff.s. Field Club (187:i). !!]; Remarks on a Mammoth Tooth [ib. (1874), 11]: On the Interments of Primitive Man [Club Addresses (187.1), .■)2 — (17]; Review of Crania Brit.annica [Heliq.. Ill,, 175— 7!!]; Note on the Hitter Hill .Skull [ib.. U>«]-. Extract from Crania Bri(annica [ih., V., 2!(] ; On the 'Br.idbury Clog [ih.. 1811] : Remarks on a Clog Almanack, in a letter addre^se 1 to the E litor [ib.. 2li.') — 10] ; Notice of the o]iening of the Barrow at .Seale House. in the West Riding of York^ihire. and a compirison of that Barrow with certain others in .futland (With 111 woodcuts and one jilate) [(A., VI., 1 — U] ; Notice of Prospectus of Thesaurus Crania [ib.. 1S2, 18:i] ; .V Notice of the opening of Calais Wold Birrow. on Bishop Wilton Wold, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, by J. A. Morton, Esq., with some notes upon its contents by Dr. Davis [ih., 18.")— iHI] ; An iVccouut of the Skull of a Ghiliak [.Intliropolor/i/ .\fem., III.]; Skulls of llie Inhabitants of the Caroline Islands [ib., IV.] : Italian .Vuthropology [ib., V.] ; Grecian An- thropology [ib., VI.] ; Brain of a Negro of Guinev [ib.] ; J. B. Davis on Craniosophy, by C. Carter Blake [lA.J ; Weight of the Brain of the Negro [VII.] ; Obituary Notice of .1. Vanilen Uoeven [ ib.] ; Oceanic Races and the Value of Skulls in the Classitication of Man [ib.. Vllt.] ; Notice of his Popular Manual [ /-'incW (I8:!(l). .idil ; .Vew Con. Mmj. ( I8;ii;). 1 III. :M'.l,:il(i,:U!i— .il 1; Other References : Jewitt's WedgwooJ, (!, ;(2(), 327 ; Nature (2(lth May, 1881) ; Hod. Eng. Biog., I., col. 831]. Mr, Daris was Joint Editor of The Journal of An- thropology, 18GU — 71. D.^vis, Richird. /). Lichfield, '.)th :March, 1643 ; s. of Richard Davis, of Ch. Ch. Coll., 0.\. Notes on his birth. [ Bodl. Lib.. 24:1, (in.] Davis, Robert, h. Carnarvon, ittli Sept., 181.') : Con^jregational Minister from 1833 to death ; at Biiston for 12 years (1837—59) ; d., Bath, 1st June, 1879. Obituarv. [Cont/regational i'ear Book (1880), pp. 320. 321.] D.wis, Rev. Samuel Burnett. b. Leominster, 17th M:irch, 1803; Congregational Jlinister from 1.S31 to death; at Biiston, 1831— 33 : finally at Barnet, 1861 to death ; ..)/. J/«y. (18. )1), pp. Go — 7.] Dawson, Edward, Printer, of " Gaolgate Street" (1818), afterwards of Market Street, Stafford. A Selection of Hvmns for the use of Sunday Schools. Stafford: Sold hi/ K.' iMirson. and R. li- 11'. Wrii'/ht. 1S41. Duo., pp. l.i. (/■'. Daicson. Printer, .\tarket Place. 1860.) The Poll for Two Burgesses. [See Fernie (E.).] Dawson, George, M.A., Birmingham. Biographical Lecture. London, ISSG. 8vo. [S. John- son, lo'.l — 71.] Dawson', Rev. William, Wesleyan Minister. Life of. By Rev. J. Everitt. .jth ed., 1842. [.Staffioi-dshire References: — Bp. Newton. Kiii ; Dr. Johnson, 177: Dawson pre:iched :it Burslem ( 1828, 182i»), 3.5.-!, (18411) 4.i3 : at Burton (1828). :!.'.3. (18.-!«l) 4.il : Leek, Che.idle. Stoke. Welnesbury (1831). 4llt, 40.i : Leek. Burs- lem (1*:*'')- -US': West Bromwich (1837, 1838). 429. 451 : Etruria (1839), 451 : Biiston (1840), 453 : Uttoxeter (1810), 453, 481.] Day, John. Dean of Windsor and Wolverhamp- ton ; Provost of Eton. Letter to Lord Burleigh. [Bmll. Lib., 1132. t. U17a, li;86. Other references :— S3J, I. 55 : 858, 44 ; 1113, 82.] Day, Rev. Thomas Talbot. St. John's Coll.. Cam. ; Head Master Nantwich Gr. Sch., 185-2 — 60 ; of Gr. Seh. and Curate of Abbot's Bromley, 1866 — 73 ; Vicar of Benthall, Broseley, 1878. Dkacg.n', Rev. George Edward, h. Portsmouth, 1810 : s. of William De;icon, Gent. : educated Corpus Cliristi Coll.. Ox., 17th Mav, 1827 ; B.A , 1831 : M. A. ,1824; Fellow. 1834— 38 ; Cunite of St. Giles', O.K., 1836—38: of St. Lawrence, E.xeter, 1839 — 10 ; Vicar of Leek. IHCO— 81 ; d., Leek, 22iid Xov., 1886. The Lonrs Prayer. A Course of Sermons preached in St. Edwarii's Chiirch, Leek. Printed and Pitbtislied bi/ T. Mark. Iterbi/ Street. London: Siinpkin, Marshall. »>• Co 1881. 8vb. [Foster's Alunini, Oxon., I., ,358.] DKAKIX ( i;3c ) DE LA iMOTHE Deakin, Rev. James, b. Preston Brockhuist, Salop, 17n4 ; Congregational Minister iVoni 1823 : of Hollinshead Street (ihapel, Cljorley, Lanes., lH2t — r)2 ; of Hoiie Cliajiel, Ilanley, Sept., 1857, to death: (/., iloss Cottage, Egerton, 20tli May, 1880 ; hur. VValniley. Obituary. {Congregational }'efi( iior)/- ( 1881), ;t70.] Dean, Mr. Pelsall ; d. ] 802, aged 70. Obituary Notice. [Ch. Observer, I., (120.] Dean, Henry. /;. Mow Cop, Feb., 1835; d. 2nd Aug., 18G7. Obituary. By ''T. L." [/', .1/. .)%. (ISDil), ;Wi;, .'iilV.] Dean, James. Printer, Market Place, Burslem. Concert of Mr. Hovvson's Tonic Sol-fa Choir. Pro- gramme and Words, n.d. 12mo., pii. 8. (The first in North Staffs.) Ditto, at Longton, l&tli May, 18(111. I'imo., pp. 4. Ditto, at Newcastle, 2ilth Oct., ISUU. I2mo., pp. 4. Printed 6y Dean, Printer. Burslem. Plan of the Public Religious Meetings in connection with the Wesleyau Methodist Conference, Burslem. 1884. Louilan: H'eslei/cin Ciin/erence Office. Burslem: ./.Dean, Market Place, i^r. n.d.' 8vo., pp. lil. Report of the Methodist Convention held at Burslem and Hanley. I87(i. Printed at the Office of James Dean, Market Place and Printing House Street, Burslem. n.d. 12mo., pp. vi., 7 — 1)7. Report of the North Staffordshire Branch of the Manchester Scliool for Dumb and Deaf. .James Dean, Burslem. 1870— SS. 12rao., pp. IB. [See Sherratt (E.), Beech (Rev. J. H.), Slater (Rev.), Beech (Rev. H.), Rouse (Rev. N.), Dixon (Rev. M. C.) ; Daniels (Miss E. F.).] Dean, John. b. Burslem, 24th May, 1842. Obituary. By " W. L." [ IlVs. Mag. (1842), 780.] Dean, S. A. h. West Bronnvieh, 5th Nov., 1853 ; d. Toll End, 8th April, 1880. Obituary. [Ch. Messenger (1882), .'ll.] Dean, William. Printer, Stoke. Lithograph of Mow Cop and Church. Drawn by R. Wilbraham. Litliogiaphed by Michael Scott. Printed hy \V. Dean, Stoke. Ifi4:i. 4to. Lithograph Map ol the Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent. Drawn by Michael Scott. Printed by I)'. Dean. 1S4S. folio. [Issued in connection witli Ward's History of Stokc-upou- Trent, but often missing. Very rare.] Lithograph of Biddulph Old Hall. Drawn by E. H Hulme Printed by If. Dean. 1843. 4to. Lithograplis of Remarkable Places. Drawn by E. H. Hulme. Printed hy 11'. Dean. [Tlierc were six plates. Very seldom to be met with.] Mr. Dean also issued a set of Engravings [in two or three states. Proofs on India Paper ami Prints I have »*een] of the following places : — Burslem Town Hall. Newcastle Market Place. Liverpool Road, Stoke. Railway Station, Stoke. Longport Hall. Hanley Town Hall. Deaville, Thomas. b. Tittensor, 5th July, 1851 ; s. of Thomas and Ann Deaville ; edu- cated Chapel Chorlton Seh. ; a farmer ; m. 21st Feb., 1878, Mary Elizabeth Cotton.' Mr. Deaville is collecting material for a History of Tittensor, and has contributed during the last two years a series of articles, bearing on that Township and its inhabitants, to the Stone and Eccleshall Advertiser. Decastro, J. Comedian. The Memoir of .... In the course of these will be given anecdotes of ... . Dr. Johnson, Garrick. &c. . . . R. B. Sheridan, Esq. . . . never before in print, tlie life of tlie late Philip Astlcy, A-c. Edited by U. Humphreys. London, 18->4. 12mo., pp. .\x. 270. Portr.cit and f.u' simile. ' DuKii, William. /;. Staffs. ; «. of a shoemaker ; persecuted for recusaney, and after being very much abused and tortured, he was hanged, in error, 14th March, 1588. [Foley's Record.s, S.J. ; Gillow's Catholic Biblio., I 27, 38.] ' ' De Foe, Daniel. History of ."kddresscs. ]u Two Volumes. London nOO. 8vo. Vol. II., nil (includes Staffordshire). Tours through (Jreat Britain. In Three Volumes. ^"4 — 27. In Four Volumes. London, 17.53. 8vo Again London, mx. ( Includes Staffordshire.) ' Life of. [,S(-<- Keir (J.).] Deoo, Samuel, b. Lane End. Obituary. [New Con. Mag. (1.810), 172.] Deooe, Sir Simon, b. Uttoxeter, 5tb Jan., Ilil2 ; of Doctor's Commons ; Justice of Assize for North Wales, IGOl— 75 ; Recorder of Derby for 31) years : J. P. for Derhys. and Staffs. ; High Sheriff of Derbys., 1(575 , m. (1) a dau. of Richard Brandon, Esq., of Shcnstone Hall (who (/. 2nd July, 1652, aged 42), and (2) 7th Dec, 1G52, Alice, ilaii. of Anthony Old- field, Esq., of Spalding : d., Blytlie Bridge Hall, Feb., 1708 ; hur. Kingstoiie, loth Feb. The Parson's Counsellor. With the Law of Tithe or Tithing. London : H. Twyford. 1070. 8vo. 3rd ed 16HL 0th ed., 17t}3. '' Certain Projiosals of Divers Attornies of the Court of Common Plea, for Regulating the Proceedings at Law, and Remedying some Inconveniences, whereby the Clyent will be much secured, the process shortened . . . many unnecessary Suits at Law and Equity prevented, &c Presented to the Honourable Committee" for the regulating Proceedings at Law, December 6th, Ki.^iO. London, 1650 4to., 1 1 leaves. 4 th ed., corrected. London, 10S5. 8vo., pp. 341, and 21) leaves unpaged. [Epistle signed S(inion) D(cBge).] The Law of Tithes .and Tithings. 7th ed., with great additions by Charles Ellis. Lomlon. 8vo.. pp. xix. (1 blank leaf), 405: Appendix 40(i— .Jl.O (I blank leaf I • Index .")17 — 13. Observations on Possessors of Monastery Lauds in Staft'ordshire. [Erdeswicke's Staffs., 1723.] De Hamef,, Felix John. A. Tamworth, 1808 ; s. of Comte Jean Baptisto Augu.stin Bruno de Hamcl : educated Reptoii Sell. ; adm. a Solicitor, 18;i5 ; Assistant Solicitor for the Customs, 1845 ; Chief Solicitor for Customs and Board of Trade, 1848—78 ; d., 70, Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London, 31st July, 1885. The Acts relating to Customs. London, 1854. And again, London. 1870. Seven Lithographs of Views in Tamwortb, circa 18.08. [Very rare as u set, and not often to be met with singly.] Dehane, J. M.D., Wolverhampton, 1842. Letter on Staffordshire Coroner's Ca.se [lancet (1842), 4,')0, 4.51, 1007]; Note by '-Vindex" on the above [ ib., ■iHT, 1007]; Letter by "J. G-.," Wolverliampton, on the above [/A., 487, 1008] ; The Dislocation of the Hip reduced under the influence of Ether [ib., 12ii]. De la Mothe, Rev. Claude Hoskins. St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1804; M.A., 1867; Curate (besides other jslaces) of Compton, Leek, 1872— 74 ; Vicar of Skclton-w-Newly, Yorks., 1876—79 ; afterwards of Rochford, Essex. DELEY (137) DENTON An Essay on the Principles of Modern Atheism apposed in Nine Sermons . . Lffk: W. Clfiniahn. 1S73. 8to. Deley, Julien, Brussels. Paper on A Winding Engine for raising Coal from Great Depths. [Trans. North Staffs. Eny.,ll.,io'A,ia\.] De Lisle, Ambrose Lisle Marcli PliilHpps. h. Garendon Park, Leies., ITtii March, IXO'J : s. of Charles AL Phil]i|ips, Esq., of Garendon Park ; ediieiited iiiiiier Rev. George Hodson (afterwards Archil, of Stafford), at Maizeniore Court, Gloucs., afterwards removed to Edg- baston, 1^*2-1: ; became a Roman Catholic 21st Dec, 1H25; Mat. Trin. Coll., Cam., 1826 ; m., 25th July, 1833, Laura Mary, r in Lady Huntiiigdo:rs Connexion from 1786 to death; at Ffoinc : finally at Lock's Fields, Walworth, 1798 ; ,/. 11th Nov., 18l)0 ; btir. in Chapel burying grounil. Funeral Sermon. By tlie Rev. Samuel Ford, of Step- ney. [Printed (in part), Kvangetical Mag. (1800), .i3C — 82.] Obituarv. [Ih., ,'')29— 32,] Desison, Edmund Beckett. ( Lord Grimlhorpe.) The Life of John Lonsdale, Bi.shop of Lichticld. With some of his writings. Edited by his Son-in-Law. With portrait. Lunilon, 1818. pp. iii., 3.55. Denison, John Evelyn. 6. Marylebone, 18(M) ; s. of John Ueniiison ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 5th Dee., 1817; B. A. ,1823; M.A., 1828 ; M.P., Newcastle, 1823 — 20 ; Speaker of the House of Commons, 1857 — 72 ; created D.C.L., 22nd June, 1870, and Viscount Ossiiigton, 13tli Feb., 1872 ; d. 7th June, 1873. [Ingamel's Newcastle, Hi: Hansard's Debates from 1823: Foster's Alumni Oxon., I,, 3(i2.] Denman, Rev. John. h. Wolverhampton, 1825; s. of I'hilip Denman, (Jent. : Mat. Lincoln Coll., Ox., 17th Nov., 1842; B.A., 1847; New Inn Hall,; M.A., 1851; P.C. of Knottiiigly, 1852 — 63; in charge of Barnard Castle, Diirham, 1863 — 66 : Vicar of Church Fenton, Yorks., 1S67— 69 ; Rector of New- market, 1869 ; Clip, to Newmarket Union. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 1., 3ii2,] Dennis, Rev, John. b. Newcastle, 1758 ; .«, of Stephen Dennis ; Mat. St. Edmund II:ill, Ox., 20th March, 1779 ; Vicar of White Notley, Essex, 1804—43; d. 13th Sept., 1843. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I,, 3G3,] Denstonk Colleoe, The Hev, N. Woodward's Propose, 7ii, ;I3, 1711, 180; Har>voor.s Lichtield. 181, 288. 4.i:! : Cooper's Ath. Cantab.. I., :t:t ; Hist. Coll. Staffs., VI. (pt. 2. 2n. 28, :i2. 7ti. 112, 17cl, ISO: Alumni Eton. 120; Bliss's Woo I's Ath. Oxon., I.. Ill ; Le Xeve's Fa.sti ; Anjrlia Sicra, I., -tii."). Wi> ; Miss Wood'.s Letters, I., 181. lilS. 1114: P. P. Exp. of Princes i Mav, X.YIX. ; Hall's Ciironides. i;85 ; Xichols's Prog, of Eliz.. III.. 13."); Cole's MS., XIII.. 108 ; Leland's Itinerarv, IV.. 187 : Pole's Wimlsor, .I'.l ; Thomas's Hist. Notes, l'o7, 112;! : R. Holme's Collection : Brit. Mns. Harl. MS.. .304:i. p. 24 : Stowe's Chrimicles. (ill — 8U ; Beresford's Lichtield Diocese, 181 ; Did. .\'al. Blui/.] Depctatids of the Presbyterians of Irel;inil (A). A Lotter to . . . Robert Peel . . . occasioned by some observations he is reported to have m ide in a speech in the Honse of Commons on the Dissenters' Chapals' Bill, June (ith, 1844, by . . . Lmiiiou. ii.il. 8vo.. jip 2u. Dkkuv, .)..hn (!c. Prel). of Wclk : Dean of Liclitield. 12.S0 to iloi^tli ; frequently siimiiioiH'd to P.irliaiiieiit : d. Oct., 1319 ; bin: Liclitield Catliedral. [Wharton's Angla Sacra, I., 4i!o ; Harwood's Lich- field. 178.] Dkkuv, William. />. Ijirniiii^'liara, 1781!: in l..ondo:; from IHIIS ; '.I8. London. 100-1. 4lo. .l/iildli-l/nri/h. 1U03. 4to. Reprinted as The Earl of Essex's Vindic ition of the War with Spain, in an Apology to Mr. Anthony Bacon. Penn'd auno loilS. London, 1720. 8vo. Laws and Orders of Warre established for the services in Ireland. . . . n.d. 4to. By the Queene : A Proclamation declaring the treason- able .attempLs and practices of the Earls of Essex, Rutland, and Soutli:irnpton ; commending the citizens of London for their f:iilhtul conduct : :ind directing the apprehension of ;iccomplices. ('.I;h Feb.. l(iOU. j Imprinted at London hij II. Wirker. IGUO. s. sh. fol. A Prescious and most divine Letter from that famous and ever to be renowueil Earl of Essex (f;ither to the now Lord General, his excellence) to the Earl of .Southampton, in the latter time of Queene Elizabeth's reign. London, 1642. 4to. Ditto. 1643. 4to. And in Somers' Tracts [ed. Scott. I., 502]. Opinions delivered b;>" the Earl of Essex, Lord Bur- leigh, Lord Willoughby. Lord Burrough. Lord North, Sir William Knollys. Sir Wjilter Il;ileigh. anil Sir George Carew. on the Alarm of an lnv;ision from Spain, in the year 1.5iH!. London; Printed in September, 1S04, at the Press of the Secretari/ of State's Olfice. 1804. 8vo. [Not published nor sold.] A lamentable new Ballad, upon the Earle of Essex, his death [2.')th Feb., lilOlj. Printed by V. Wriijht. London, n.d. (1G33). Broadside fol. Robert. Earle of Essex, his ghost, sent from Elizian : To the Nobility, Gentry, and Coramunalty, of England. [A Postscrippt : or, A second p;irt of Robert, Earle of Essex, his ghost. &c.] Two Parts. Printed in Paradise (London). 1624. 4to. Memoir of. [Creasy 's Eminent Etonians, Chap. III.] A Device for the Entertainment of the Queen [Devereux, Eirls of Essex, II., .")01 — .'>] ; A Memorial drawn up on the apprehension of an lnv;ision from Spain [Birch's Elizabeth. I., 1!I2 — '.14] ; Instructions and Articles set down by us, Robert, Earl of Essex, and Charles, Lord How:ird, High Admiral of England, Generals of Her Majesty's Forces in this action both at L:ind and Sea, to be observed by every Captain and Chief Officer of the Navy, &c. [Devereux," Earls of Essex, II.. 4'.l.")— ;>0 1 ] ; The Advantage which Her Majesty hath gotten by that which hath pissed ;it Cadiz, the 2ist of June, Io!M; [Birch's Eliz.ibeth, II., 47] ; Censure of Omissions in the Expedi- tions to Calais [Devereux. Earls of Essex, I.. 38;') — 87 ; see also Birch's Elizibeth, II., h\), 108]; Advice as to the Defence of the Kingdom against the Invasion of Spain, loOtJ [Report on the arr.mgements in defence of the King- dom against Spain, privately printed. I7i'8 : see also Sussex .Vr(hivological Coll.. XI., "l.'i4] : Advice to the Earl of Rutland in his travels [Profitable Iustruct:on.s .... by Travellers in ;U1 Nations, ifec. — London, 1633 : 8vo. ; also Sewjird's Biogra]>hiana : Devereux. Earl of Essex. I., 322] : A Relation of the Manner of Government of the Kingdom of Ireland :is the Earl of Essex left it [Devereux, Earl of Essex, II.. 84] : Speech and Prayer at his Execu- tion [Bp. Barlow's Funeral Sermon (at end); Birch's Elizabeth. II., 482, 48.'! ; Xichol's Prog. Elizabeth, III., .t18: Deverenx. Earls of Essex, II.. 187 — 8!i] ; Poems fRob. Dowland's Musicall Banquet, Kill) : Kippis's Biog. Brit. ; Ritson's Bibl. Poet ; Bliss's Wood's Fasti : Ellis's Specimens ; Nichol's Prog. Elizabeth : Devereux, Earls of Essex]. In MS. there are : — A ])ri;iposal touching the inhabiting the North of Ireland [Laujbeth MS., (,'.3.5. f. 102] ; Answers to such Articles as his opinion was desired of [ib., GOl, p. 24.1] ; Apology to the Lords of the Council upon the account of his leaving Ireland [i'6., GOl, p. "244] ; A Table of such things as he snjaposed we should be taxed with [I'A.. 600, p. 248] ; Instrnctions to his sonne [Cains Coll. MS.'. 150. f. 21]: Meditations [Roval M.S.. 17, B .^0]; Poems [Add. MS.. 41, 28; Royal MS.. 17, B .JO] : A Re- lation written while he was prisoner in England [Lambeth MS.. 617, p. 332] : Letters in Latin and English, innumera- ble [in various collections] : The Buzzinge Bee's Com- plaint [Bodl. Lib., 767. L. I. f. 1—3: 14 staves of 6]; Coppie of the Earl Marshall's reply to the Lorde Keeper, beginning: ''Your lordships poore friende Essex" [ib., 767. I. (3). r>b — 7] ; Letter from the Earl of Es.sex to Queene Eliz.abeth. begmning: •• Your exiled servant Essex" [ib. {b), 10; printed in Park's Walpole, II., 108]; The Earle Marshall to the Queen's Ma'tie [ib. (4), 8o6] : Essex's last voyage to the haven of happiness | ib. (8), DEVEREUX (189) DEVERHUX :')*. 12 staves of G ; printed in Tanner's Bibl. Brit., beth" [lb. (lli), X2] ; Letter to Her ila'tie upon his command to go to Ireland [ih. (17), S3] ; Certain Verses made by him, beginning: •■Happy even he conld finish forth liisfate" \_ib. (IS), 8] ; Bill presented to the Court of Wards by the Earl of Essex, suing delivery of his estates by reason of his full age and knighthood. Upon, or about, him there are :— An Epitaph upon llobert Eiarl) of Essex [Bodl. Lib., .3C. f. 44J ; The dis- pairiiige complaint of wretched Rawleigh for his treachene wrought against the worthy Essex [ib., f. 11] : The names of the honourable Jurv impannyled, IGOl, the 2ilth of Februarii. for the tryall of life or death on the right honourable Robert Devereux, Errell of Estsex and Southampton [W., 411. i. 49«] ; A Coppie of the Lorde Keeper's Letter to the Earl Marshall [i6., 767, I. ("2), f. 4, .0] • Letter from Lo: Keeper Edgerton to the Earle of Essex (dated 12th Oct., 15119) [.A., ^8l (14), 78, 79] ; '■When noble Essex, Blunt, and Danvers, dyde ' [i6., (19), is:i] : Epitaph on Robert, Earl of Essex [i6. (2G), !.-)() ; printed in Park's Walpole, H., 113, 114] ; A briefe note for the settinge and plantinge of melon-seede, from my lorde of Essex, gardner [ib., 8U, W (4), 2.54n] ; The arraiugment of the Earles of Essex and South ton in Westm' hall, on Thursday the xixth of February, IGOU \ih H3(), 11, f. 411— »6j ; An account of the Execution of the Earle of Essex (2.ith Feb., 1600) [ib., 12, f. 49. 50] ; The summary pointes of all that I and others found con- cerning the office of Earle Marshall, when we were com- manded by the E. of Esse.^, Earle Mar.shall, to make search into the records of ye same, 1597 [ib., 862, G. f. G2 — G] ; Certificate of Robert, Earl of Leicester, to the Court of Wards, that he had knighted Robert, E. of Essex, in the Low Countries (10 Feb., '29 EHz.) [/ft., 14 f. 85] ; The "Earl of Essex rvsinge" [ib., 44. f. 229]; Queene Elizabeth's Warrant to the Lord Treasurer (Lord Burgh- ley) for the Earl of Essex's provisions into Fiance, lo9l) [ib.. 1720, f. 19a]; Ditto, to sell commodities taken in a Spanish ship by the Earl of Essex [ib.. f. 2.in4] ; ditto, for the Erie of Essex to have £7.000 out of the 44,170 li. arrisinge of the cochinello and indico prize, aforesaid [ib., 27a]; Account of the Storm that drove his Squadron to , Plymouth (1597) [ib., 175, 2G]. ] The Order of the arraigning of Robert, Earl of Essex, ic. in a contemporaneous hand [Salt Lib., «e« Cat. MSS., I Lot 449]. The manner of arrainging— the general proofs — Speeches ag:iinst the Earl of Esse.x— Letter from Lord Keeiier to, with answers from, the Earl of Essex— Lady Rich's letter— names of those associated with Essex — Speeches of the Earl on night before execution, A:c.— other matters relative to his trial. Folio. Belonging, IfilS, to a Jasper Wickstead. [Salt Lib., see Cat. (MSS.). Lot 450. E. of Essex, his character, undertakings, treason, and execution. [Aulicus Coquinariae, pp. 3G — 49.] The Poems of Thomas. Lord Vause, Edward. Earl of Oxford. Robert. Earl of Essex, and Walter. Earl of Essex. [Fuller's Worthies' Library. Vol. III., pp. lOG] Knights made bv the Earl of Essex in Ireland [Brit. Mus., Hail. MS.. ;toi.] [.\'Becket's Universal Diet., II., G.5. fi7 : Autographic Mirror. I., No. 5 ; Bodl. Lib., 220. 347 : m, 1G3 : 210, 133 : .3.3s 110: 471, 4'J: 7C7, in.G2: 7S7. 83 : SOi, 187 : S.30, 49 : ((56'.I05: SC2,G3,2-29: S55, l->2 : J7i3. 58,199: i7i5. G9, 70 : 112t. 2574 : 1132, 1G2 : 14SG, V. cover : 1720. 1G7 ; Collin's Ancient Biog. Poems, C:im. Miscellanea. III., 1012: Dixon's Pers. Hist, of Bacon; MS. Douce, i7i, f. 1 : .30.3, f. 40. 41,91 ; Fuller's Ch. Hist. (1837), III., 132; Hackman's Cat. Tanner MSS., Sll7, 808 : Jones' Guide to Printed Books, Brit. Mus., 23 ; Madden's Guide to Autographs, Brit. Mu.*.. 4 ; Taylor's Hist, of Univ. Dublin. 12, 218 ; Wiffen's House of Russell, II., .38— 05 : Chalme;s' Biog. Diet., Xll, 11— 21: Cooper's Ath. C;intah.. II., 29G— 30 1 , .5.52 ; Adil. MS.. Brit. Mus. ; Proceedings Society of Antiq., II., •248; Antiq. Repert., I., 19ii— •2^25 ; Archiologia, XXII., 172: XXXIII.. ^24: XXXIV., 1G9, .•iOI, 315. 3^2^2. 3^23; Stebbing's Bacon's Works ; Bagade .Secretis : Baker's MS.,XV., 17.5— 78: XXXIII..81— 8 : XXXV.,41 : B:ink's Unhappy Favourite ; Barrow's Drake ; Bibl. .Vnglo. Poet, IG, 43, 123, 227, 303; Kippis's Biog. Brit.: Birch's Eliz.; ditto, Hist. View ; Back's Cat. Ashmole MS.. 17. 384, .391!, 398. 399, G90. G9I. G9t, 794, 942, 1449. 1450 ; Life of Sir T. Bodley ; Brooke's E;irl of Essex ; Browning's Huguenots ; Buckel's Naval Hist., «G3, 364 ; Cabala, 3rd ed., I., 213— 18 • Campbell's Chancellors ; Camden's Elizabeth ; ditto. Remains ; Bp. C:irIeton's Thankful Remembrancer, cli:ip. xiv ; Rob. Carey's Memoirs ; Casley's ('at. of MSS., 2GG ; Churchyard's Fo'rtunate Farewell ; Chnrton's Xowell, 431: Clarend'on's Disparity between Buckingham and Essex; Clarke's Lives (1G83). 6 ; Clay's Liturgical Services, 4, •2— 74 ; Life of Codrington ; Colliers Annals of the .Stage. I., 304 338; ditto. Poetical Decameron, I, IG I : Coningsby 8 Sie^e of Rouen ; Bp. Coof er's Defence, ed. Goode, p. xv.; Cooper's Annals of Cam., II., 352—56, 529. 585, 592—94, 601, 602 ; Cotton MS.: Cox's Ireland ; Coxe s Cat. MSS. in Coll. Aulisque Oxon.-. Cruden's Gravesend ; The Devereux Earls of Essex ; D'Ewe's Autobiography, I., 51, V'4 224; D'Ewe's Journals ; Dugdale's Baronage : Dun- cumb's Herefs., II.. '204 ; A'8;) ; Union Inventores. pp. lii.. liii.. Ivi . Ivii.. 34 : Wornuin s Walpole'f Painters. 171. 180, -223. 851. 8.5.5—57. 868. 879, 914 Walpoh's Royal ami Noble Authors; Walton s Donne; ditto W..tto"n : Wartou's Hist. Eng. Poets Win- stanley's Ensl.and's Worthies: Winwoods Memorials; Wodd'er^pnoii's Ijiswich. 118; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon. ; ditto. Fasti; Wood's Annals. II.. 256. 791. 9-211 : Wood's C(dleges .and Halls. App. 1 1 1, 1 13, 1 15 : Wright's Eliza- beth ; Zouch's Sidney. 3.57— Ii2. 365 : Zurich Letters, II., 3-2 Thf .Minor, N.S., III.. 36( : Dr. Vaughan's Eng. Revolution, III.. 24, 288 ; Diet. .\at. Bioy.] Devereux, Robert. h. Esspx House in the Strand. l.')92 ; s. of tlie above : eilucafed Eton Coll. ; :Mat. Morton Coll., Ox., Jan., 1C.02 ; restored to his hereditary honours ami became DEVEKEUX (liU) L)lCKENt5(3N 3rd Earl of Essex ; Lord Forrer.s of Cliartk'v ; Lord of tlie Manor of tlie City and County of Liclifii'ld ; cieaU'.l M.A., aoili Aug., KiO.') ; m., KiiK), to Lady Frances Howard, wlien lie was only 14 years old, but was divorced soon after ; became a Vice-Admiral on accession of Cliarles L; 711., a second time, to a dttu. of Sir \V. Paulet, from whom lie was divorced about two years afterwards ; became General of Parliamentary Army, July, \i>i'J : made a Uuke and given an annual allowance of £10,000 in 1046, but he '/. suddenly, 14th Sept, 1046, before it could take effect ; hnr. Westmr. Abbey. Victorious Xews from tlie Karle of Essex. Bein«^ a true relation of the famous B-ittaile fought between His Excelloncie and the Lord Strange, wherein is declared how the Lord Strange was taken prisoner with five other Commanders. 'iBrd Sept. I'rlnted 16-12. Sin. 4to. .Speech of the Eavl of Essex at the head of his Army. [Anliq. Report, Vol. I.] Ditt'erence betweju the Estites of the Duke of Buckingham and the E irl of Essex. Written V>v the Earlof ClirenJon. [/4.J The Nuliity of Essex's Marriage with Suffolk's Daughter. With the Legall proceedings. [Aulicus Coiiuiuarice, ll.'i — :i;i.] Portrait. [Biog. Mirror, 17115.] Life and Deith. [.See Coilrington (R.).] The Pro:?eedings whicii happened, touching the Divorcement l)etweeii the Lady Frances Howard and Robert Earle of Es=ex. In MS. folio. [/Vwe.-j Compiler.] Autograph Letter to Prince Rupert. "'Tame, "22nd .lune, li;4:i." 1 page, folio. [Salt Lib., see Cat. (MSS.). Lot .i"!i.] [Harwood's LichtieUi. 310: Somers" Tracts, VoL II. ; Chalmers' Biog. Diet., XII., 21 — .'i ; A'Beckefs Universal Diet.; Gorton's Biog. Diet.; ])ict. A*«^ Bituf.: Devereux's Earls of Essex.] Deverku.\, Walter. /'. Carmarthen, circa 1538; eldest s. of Sir Richard Devereux (eldest s. of Walter, 3rd Lord Ferrers of Ciiartley), by his wife, Uoiothea, dau. of George Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon ; his father having d., 13th Oct., 1547, he suceeoiled his grandfather, 27th Sept., 1558, as '2\\A Viscount Hereford, Steward of Tamworth, Lord Ferrers of Charth-y, &c. ; ; ordered, 5th Xov., 1558, to be ready to defend j Tutbury Castle against any attempt to rescue Mary, Queen of Scots ; Lord Lieutenant of Stafl'ordshire ; m. Lattice, dim. of Francis Knollys; K.G., 23rd April, 1572; created Earl of Essex, 4th May, 1572 ; Earl Marshal of Ireland for life, 0th Mav, 1576 ; d. Dublin Castle, 22nd Sept, 1576 ; bur. Carmarthen, 2(:th Nov., 1570. The Poems of Thomas, Lord Vau.x. Edward, Earl of Oxfor.l Robert. Earl of Essex. :ind Walter. Earl of Essex. [Fuller's Worthies' Librarv. Vol. III., pp. liiii.] Knights made by the Earl of Essex in Ireland. [Brit. Mus.. Harl. MS., 301.] Funeral Sermon. By Bishop R. Davies [»ee]. The Complaint of a Synner. In English Verse. [Farr's Select Poetry, reign of Elizabeth. 3Hi.] Life of. [The Devereuxs, Earl-s of Essex.] Portraits of, in "The Heroologia," the '" Gerania," and by H. Meyer, R. Young, and H. Moll. Numerous Letters of his in MS. are extant. Creation as Earl of Essex (18 Ap. an. 37. Hen. 8). From the ■' Olde Booke of Mr. Owen." [Bodl. Lib.. 25, f. :>%.] Other references [i6.,ii2C, B. 45a : (71) .i4 and (72).] [;Kippis'B Biog. Brit.; Thomas's Hist. Notes, 421, llXil; Havnes' St. Pa.. I'.Ki, .V21, .')32, ,5311; Murdin's St. Pa., 2i;.s, 30(1— 2, 77.S— 7."); Lemon's Cal. St, Pa,, 111, 181, 340, 348, 3:)0, 442, 44.5, 44ii, 4.54, 4,59, 49.5, 502, 508, .531, 574, I (j52; Thorpe's ditto, .%1, 875 ; Cooper's Ath, Cantab,, I., I .5()3, Mi ; Chronicles of Queen Jane, 2i) : Ellis's Letters, Ist Series, II., 279 : 2nd Series, III., 31 ; Halpiin : or, Oberon's Vision; Pennant's Chester to London, 87, 1 13 ; ditto, Dover to Isle of Wight, 175; Rymer, XV,, 760; Walpole's Royal and Xoble ,\uthors. II.. 18; Farr's Elizabethan Poetry, XXVIII., 3I('. ; Lloyd's State Worthies ; Grindal's Remains, 345 ; Zurich JLeiters, I., 2B7, 329: II., 2.33; .Strvpe's Smith, 140, 142: ilitto. Annals, I., App., 3: II., 3811, 4iil— r,7: III., (ill; Moule's Bibl. Her,ildic:i. 24; Smith's Autol>iographies ; Granger; Wright's Elizabeth, I., 481, 484, V.K : II„ 2.5—31, 34—7, 43 ; Craik's Romance of Peerage, I., 1 ; Restituta, I,, .543 ; Fuller's Worthies (Caeriuarthenshire) ; Barrow's Naval Worthies, 1845; The .Minor. X.S.. III.. 3i;(); Did. .\at. BSoy.] De WixT, Peter, b. Stone. 1784; s. of a Piiysician ; Student under John Kaph»l Smith, Engraver ; m. sister of Hilton, the liistorical painter : entered Sell, of Roy. Academy, 1807 : exhibited, 1828 : Associate of Water Colour Society, 1810 : Member, 1K12 ; d. London, 1849; bur. Lambeth. The following Drawings by him were beciue;ithed to the National Gallery by Mr. Heiidersou in 1880 : — Lincoln Cathedral — Br:iy on the Thames — Ruins of Lincoln Castle — Harvest Time in Lancashire — South Ken- sington — Thornbury C.istle — Gatew.ay :it Lincoln — The Cricketer — Nottingham — W;iIton-on-Thames — Hay Har- vest — Mountain — A Ferry on the Seveni. 1840 — H;iddon. 1839— Shap F:4lls, Westinorehmd — Wetsford. Lincolnshire — Rickmaking near Lincoln — Tutbury Castle — View near Salt Hill. Bucks.— Stokesay Castle— Canes Castle. Sicilian Scenery. Dr;iwn by P. D. from Sketches miide on the Spot, by Ciijitaiii Light. LnnJmi, 1S2.3. 4to. Engravings from his Drawings in Turner's Southern Coast : M:irvey's English Landscape Painters ; Hughes' South of Fninco. and in Views in France, 1825. Burlington Fine Art Club. Drawings and Sketches bv D. Cox and P. de Wint. Catalogue. London. 1873. 4to. Memoir of Peter de Wint. By Walter Armstrong. Luiidun, ISSS. Oblong 4to. [.See Redgrave (Gilbert R.), Wedmore (Frederick).] DiBBi.v, Henry A. Clyde Street, Stoke. Paper entitled : — The Theory and Practice of Electric communications as ajiplied to Collierv Works. [Trans. Xurth .Staff s. .Min. and .Uech. Em/., II.j 114—23: Plates— pp. 118, 119, 122.] Reprinted (for presents) in 8vo., pp. 8, Plates, 3. Dickens. Staffs. Arms. [Bodl. Lib., 858, 98.] Dufferin [ib., 100]. DicKKNsoN, Rev. H. St. John's Coll., Cam.; M.A.; Curate of Church Eaton: d. Blvmhill, 1805, aged 97. [CA. Observer, IV., 387.] Dickenson, Rev. John. h. Burton, 11th Nov., 1828 ; Primitive Methodist Minister from 1849 ; Book Steward, 1870, 1875 ; Secretary to Conference, 1873 : President of Conference, 1876 : d. Oct., 1K88. Obituarv of Rev. James Eckersley. [P. M. Mag. (18G9). Olti— 18.] Obituary. By John Gair. [P. M. Min. (1889), 6, 7.] Dickenson, John. Surgeon, Bilston. Trial at Stafford. [Lancet (1846), 313.] Editorial on Trial. [Ib., .39.3.] Dickenson, Rev. John Horace, b. Blyniliill, 1770 ; «, of Rev. Samuel Dickenson, Rector : Mat. Wore. Coll., I'.lth June, 1793; B,A,, 1797 ; Rector of Blymhill, 1840—53 ; (/. 1854. Zoology of Staffordshire, [.Shaw's Staffs., I., 92—96.] [Hist, of Blymhill ; Foster's Alnmni Oxon., I., 367.] DICKENSON (141 ) DILWORTH DicKEN'soy, Rev. Samuel, b. Dlymliill, 17.')3; s. of Rev. John Dickenson, Rector ; ("lip. to H.M.S. "Dunkirk"; LL.15. ; Rector of nivniliili, 1777 — 1X23 ; m. Catlieriue, ilait. of — . York, Esq., SherilTliales: 02, and emhraccd the religion (Roman Catholic) of his fatliers ; knighted by Jiuiies I., 1603 ; m. Mary, dan. of William Mulshaw, Esq., of (iothurst, Bucks. : connected with the Gun- powder Plot, on the discovery of which, he, with two friends, retired to Holbe.ich House, near DuiUoy, where they defended themselves : having broken through the beseigers he was taken prisoner in a wood ailjoining, cariied to London, and placed in the Tower ; tried, 27th Jan, 1606, condemned, and executed in St. Paul's Churchyard, 30th Jan., 1606. [It is only necessary here to piint out that ftrcounts of the Plot, plotters, anil places conncctcrt therevvitli, urc fouiKl in nil histories of Kiigluuil. and anyone ilesirous to know more regAniin^ the Plot, or Sir Kverarii, eau be satisdetl. both as to curiosity ami tastes. P,»rtirulars as to tlie Holbcach House episoile are touiul in all works (with which I aui acquaiitt^'d I rreatin^ on the Plot, «si)ecially the contemporary tracts. .*yv Brit. Itus. Cit. for titles.] DlLHORNK. Church Registers :— I.. Mi.ted, l.itjli— lii'.lj. II.. ditto. Iii'.i.') — 1748. III., ditto, 1748—78. IV., B-ijitisms and Burials, 1778—1812. V., Marriages, 17.')4— 1812. VL, ditto, 181:t— 37, VII,, Baptisois, 181,! — lii. VIIL, Burials, 1813—77. IX. and X., Marriages, 1837 (in use), XI,, Baptisms, 184(i, (in use), XII,, Burials, 1877 (in use), — . Cranbrook, Kent, 1700; a shoemaker and leather cutter, afterwards Baptist Minister at Cranbrook for 44 years • (/. 1782, aged 81. The Seventh D.iy Sabbath not oblig.atorv on Christians. In Five Parts, &c An A)ipendi.\ containing answers to objections, .and likewise an e.yamina- tion of Mr. Elwall's chief argument for the continuation of the Seventh Day Sabbith, &c., &c. London. DoBREE, Rev. Osmond. b. Guernsey, 13th March, 1832 ; *■. of George Dobree and Mary Brock, his wife ; educateci at Elizabeth Coll., Guernsey ; Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1853 ; Curate St. Mary's, Nottingham, 185(5—57 ; St. John's, (juernsev, 185(; — (13 ; of Biddulpli, 18G3— 73 ; Vicar "of (ioldenbili, 1S73— 90; of Colwich, 1890 ; Preb. of Ilaiisacre, Lich- field, 18S5: in. 18(;3, Mary Octavia, i/,iu. of John Beck Eaton, Esq., Banker, of Shrews- bury. The Eucharist a Sacrament and a Sacrifice. /fanh-i/: Alllmt i(- Daniel. 1SI<7. lar. «vo.. pji. 28. Missions to Commnnicants onlv. Lnmlon : Cardtier if Co. n.d. 8vo.. pp. III. The Ooldenhill Church Papers— Confessiim, Cnnrir- malion, The Henl Presence. [The first two prinlcd by Wardle, Kidxijrore : tlie last by .Ulhnt ,V Daniel, Ilanlei/.] Home Reunion. [Liehjield Diocesan Mar/. (188iP), 2G().] ("hristian Home Life [il>.. lilll] : Private Prayer [ib. (18il|), 213] : The Chiirch ;iii.l Non-Coiiforiiiitv ri'rar Book (1888), 3:i]. DoiisoN, Frederick, b. Leek, IKDl ; 2nd s. of John Dob.son, Gent. ; Mat. Merton Coll., Ox., 3rd Nov., 1S19 ; li.A., 1.S23 ; JI.A., 1828 ; d. 7tli Oct., 1881. [Foster's Alumni Oxen.] DoBSON, Rev. John. Preb. of Salisbury ; Vicar of Lon;!bridge-Deveiill, and of Market Laving- ton, Wilts. : resided at Ball Haye, Leek, where he d., 1805. [Cli. Ohserrer. IV., IIH.] DoBSON, Samuel. A.Newcastle, 1794 ; d. Silver- dale, 18G9. Obituary. By R. W. [/'. J/. Ma,/. (1871), .i.jll.] DoBSON, Sarah, h. Wybunbury, Cheshire, Feb., 1794 ; ivi/e of the above; d. Silverilale, 23rd July, 18G8. Obituary. Bv U. Wvclierlev. [/'. .lA .]faii (ISii'.O in.5, til'i.] - - I ./ ;, DocKPEY, Mrs. (ne'e Garrick). /;. I,iclifield. Trial between Mrs. Docksev (sister to the late David Garrick. Es(|.). Plaintiff, and Mr. Stejihen Panting, of tlie City of Lichfield, Apothecary, Defendant, in ejectment. Before Baron Tliompson and a Special Jury at Stafford Lent .\ssizes. 17!li;. To which is jirefixed the Speech of the Hiinourahle Thomas Erskine. on the jiart of the Plaintiff. Stujl'iird : I'rinted anil Sold hi/ .loshiia Dreirri/, at tlie OJIice of I lie Staffordshire .\drert'izer. Sold ills:, hi/ .laclcson and Mori/an, Lichfield ; Chester and Smith. New- castle ; Chester and .\for't, Ilanlei/ ; Smart ami Simpson, WoU'erhainpInn : h'nntt, Lomhard Street, London .(■<■ n d 8vo., pp. a I. [Excec'lingly raiv niirl valuable. Tlic Cnsc wns triuil ii] St Mary's C'liurcli, m the Town Hall was tlitn iimli-r rei>aii.] Doon, Charles Edward. Letter to Sir Robert Peel on the Legal Reforms |]io- posed by Lord Brougham. iMndon. 1S2S. 8vo. DoDD, Rev. George. Curate of Donin;;ton, 1859. Boscobel, i-c Wolrerhaniptnn : William I'arl-e. n.d. 8vo., jip. 77. 2nd ed., jsr,!l. [Published anonymously.] DoDD, Isaac, b. Felling Hall, Ileworth, Durham, 9th June, 1801 ; .s. of Thomas Dodd ; appren- ticed to 6. Stephenson ; an inventor, from 1830; engineer to Horseley Iron Works, Staffs., 1832 — 30 ; Locomotive Superintendent, Midland Railway, 1835 ; founded willi hi.s son (T. W. Dodd) the Holmes Engineer and Railway Works, Rotlierham, 185(l ; works cIos.mI, 1866 ; d. Nether Hallani, 1st Nov., 1808. [Min. of Proceedinr/s Institute of Civil Eni/ineers, LXXV., 308—14; Mod. Eng. Biog., I., cols. 887, 888.] UODD ( 1-13 ) DONALD DoDi), James. Abstract (if the Inland Revenue Act, 188(1. An Act to repeal the Uiitie.s on Malt. Wolrerhamptun : Williiim Mimi'lfi) iC <'o- 8vo. Licensing Statistics. \ protest against existing licences, changes, anil suggestions for a more equitable scale. Dedicated to H. H. Fowler, Esq., M.P. Wolvei- luiiiipluii: I'liininin- ^\- Co. 1SS4. 8vo. DiihiiK, 'I'l Kis, IJclitirld : M.\.. Cam.; in cnr|MinitcMl ().\. I'liiv., IC.lli .Inly, l(;iHi : t'unuii (,f l.ichH.'lil. lUlil. [Bodl. Lib.,».5.5, 13:i.] DoDsiKiN, Frances {ne'e Hon.shaw). /;. Cawden Hull, Lci'k, 1714; Ministn- amongst the QiinUcrs fur SO year.s ; m. (1) William Taxtdii, (if Itiirliam, (2) — . Dodslion : tl. Maccliisfi(.'lii, Aug., 171)0, agi'il 7'J : /""■. Fricmls' Imninf,'- grounil at Macclesfield. A Serious Call in tender compassion to the sinners of Sion (if what rank or degree soever. '•Kendal, 10th of •2nil Mil. 17 H." By Fr.ances Henshaw. Kemlal : I'liuted liy TluiiiKis Afhhonnici: n.il. 8vo.. pp. 8. Again, lirislol : Rejiriiitrd hi/ It. Wiiipi-iiiii/. ii.J. 8vo., pp. U. .\g.iin. witli a hitter by Kichanl t'iiampinn, .Macclr.yie/i! : I'riuled bij Kilmird I>rii//i-!/. ti.d. 8vo., pp. IG. A Brief Nai-r.itive of the Convincemeut of Frances Dodgshon formerly Frances Henshaw, giving some account of the dose trials she underwent on her joining the Society of Friends. To which is added A Serious Call, &c. /.oiitluii: J'riiilfJ hi/ James I'liillipn, Ccuri/e Yurd, Lomhnrd Slnel. 1794. l'-2mo., pp. 24. [Published liv instruction of the .Morning Meeting, but siip- press.-i| bv the Meetiuii fur suffering.-Co.vilMl,KU ] .Some AcLMunt. (.'iic. . . of Francos Dodshon, late of Jlaccleslield. To which is added A Serious Call, i-c. Warriiif/foH : Prhitt'd and Sold bi/ ]V. Li'iri'ster. Sold 6// Dartou iV Uarvfy. London : and hi/ J. .Milh. Hrhtol, 1S03. 8vo., pp. 20. .\nother ed.. Wnninf/ton : l*rinted by IT. Leicester. 1S03. 12rao., pp. 20. DoDsoN, Rev. Christopher, h. Iturton, 17'Ji5; s. of John Dodson, Doctor ; Mat., Univ. Coll., 0.1., 3rd April, 1810 ; B.A., 1813 ; M.A., ])S17; Rector of Grateley, 1819 — ; of Penlon-Mewsev, Hants., 1832 to death ; d. 14th April, 1876. [Foster's .\lumni Oxon., I., .'!7(i.] DoDsdX, Sir John. Ii. Yoxall, 1780 ; s. of Rev. i Jolin Dodsun, D.D.; Mat. Ch. Cli., Ox., 28th Nov., 17'J/: I!. A., 1801; M.A., 1804; R.CM.. aipl D.C.L., 1808 : Banister-at-Law, Inner Temple, ls;^4: a Benclier ; M.I'., Rye, IKl'J — 23; King's Advocate-General, 18;!4: Admiralty Advocate, 1 821) ; Master of Faculties, l.sn : Vicar-General of Canterbury, 1841); Dean of Arches, iind Jiidije Prerogative of the Court of Canterliurv, IS.-)i>; ; Moil. Knr/. Hioif., I., cols. 8811, S'.lll (this Work puts him as born at Hurstpier- point, in Sussex, evidently an error),] Donsox, Rev. William, h. Yoxall, 1782 ; «. of John Dodson, U.K.. of Yoxull ; Mat. >St. John's Coll., 0.\., 1800; B.. v., 1804: M.A.. l.SUS; B.D., 1817; Fellow, lSii4 — 12; Rector of Well-w.-Claxliy, 1.S12: Vicar of Kdlington. Lines., 1817 to death ; (/. 17th Oct., 1852. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., :t7G. ] DoGOETT, Rev. Jolm. b. Sherhorne ; eiccted from Eton to King's Coll., Cam., 1451 ; Preb. of Ruscombe, Sariim, and of Clifton, Lincoln, 1473 ; of Rampton, Sontliwell, 1474; of Cliadstock, Sarum, 1475; Ambassador to the Pope, 17th July, 1471) ; Commissioner to the King of Denmark, 14K0 ; Chp. to Richard III., 14H;i; Vicar-General of Sanim ; Chan- cellor of Li(difield, l.'ith Feb., 14HH ; Dr. of Canon Law of Bologna University ; Rector of Eastbourne, Sussex, 111)1: Provost King'.s College; (/. April, 1501; bar. Salisbury Cathedral. Examination in Phoedonem Platonis. [M.S. Addit. (Brit. Mus.), lU. 3tl.] [Le .Xeve's Fasti ; Rymer, XIII., 108, 1'2I ; Alumni Eton. :i.'). 108 : Parker's Selectas Cantab. Univ. .and Coll. Doc. 24.'. ; MS. Biker. 2; MS. Cole. I.. 1 17 : XIII. , .i2 : XX^'., 102, 1114 ; Harl. MS.. 4S3. p. lUi ; Harwood's Lich- field.] DoHEKTY, Rev. James. b. Tunstall, 183U ; Wesleyan Minister from 1855 ; d. 1872. Obituary. [ lIV.--. Min. (187.'!), 19, 20).] DoLLE, William, Engraver, b. London, circa IGOO. Engraved — Portrait of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. DoLMAX, Charles, Printer, h. Jlonmnutli, 1805; s. of Charles Dolman, Esfj., and his wife, Frances Booker; became partner with Jlrs. Booker (his aunt), 184o, under the title of " Booker and Dolman," afterwards known as "Diihnans"; //;. Frances Coverdale, of Li- gatestone, Essex; (/. Paris, 31 st Dec., 1863. Description of Lord Shrewsbury's new Church of St. Giles, in Stattordshire (Cheadle). With an account of the Consecration and opening. By the Editor of Dolinan'ii Mat/azine. London, 184G. 8vo. DoLM.\x, Rev. John. h. Aldridge, 8tli Sejit., 1088 ; s. of Rev. Nathaniel Dolman, and Winifred Prettye, his wile ; Mat. New Inn Hall, Ox., 1st June, 1703 : M.A., 1710 ; Rector of Aldridge, 13th Oct., 1718 to death : Preb. of Lichlield, 18tli Sept., 1721 — 16 ; Divinity Lecturer; m. Margaret, dnu. of William Rendy, of Short End ; d. Nov., 1746 ; bur. Aldridge. [Notes, &K.. of Aldridge (pt. 1), :i2 : (pt. 2) 51 ; Har- wood's Lichfield, 225; Foster's Alumni Oxon.] Don'Hi.v, Rev. James, b. Shenstone, 1775; f. of John Dol|ihin : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., Srd June, 1791; B.A., 1795; M.A., 1799: Preb. of York, 1813; Rect(jr of Pebmar.sh and Ciihie Wake, Esse.x, 1823 to death: (/. is;il. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., I., ;i77.] Domesday Book. Domesday Book ; or, The Great Survey of England. By William the Compieror. .i.n. lOSti. Facsimile of the part relating to Staffordshire. Southampton, 1S62. fol. Analvses as to Stafford and Chester. [Bodl. Lib., A'.3i, vm.] [See Eyton, (Rev. J.).] DoxALi), Rev. C. J. New Connexion Minister. Obituarv of Thomas Ellis, of Shelton. [.Ve/c Con. Mag. (183(i)" :i:i, :i4.] DONCASTEIl (144) DUWNES 1>0NCA«TER, Rev. John. Wcsloyaii Miiiistoi' from 17'.)l) : at Ncwcastlo, IShS— 20 : (I. Utli Oct., 1828. Friendly Hints, iiriucipilly ad(ire^i:^eii to tlie Youtli cif liDth Sexes, .Sic. . . . Partly origiuLil, p.irtly selected. The Fourth Edition enlarged. " Lomloii : Sold hi/ T. lilnn- slrinl, 14. Ci!i/ R'tnil ; .S/)c/itv .(• Bnrdekin, Yitrk: Slokc- Kpuii-Treii/ : ' J'liiileil (it the O/fice nf R. ('. Tnmk-himii. ISO). I'.'ino., iip. xii., 271!. [Pref. '"Halifax, Feb. 7th, IHll"; Adv. •■ Newcistle-iinder-Lyme, May l.ith, 181!1"; Uevieived in Wes. Mai/.. 1S2I).] The Won! of Gocl Illustrated. (Newcastle, Stafford- shire, April 7th, 1«1H.) [Wes. Mar/. (ISllI), .i2(l— 22.] The Man of Pleasure. [Xeir Con. .Vng. (182(1), 120, 121. J DoNKiN, Martlia. I>. Loiiaton, 2.")th May, 184(1 ; (/. Cliaddesley (Jorbet, Woros., 18511. Obituary. By S. TiUotson. \_P. M. Miii/. {\»M\).W>.] Donne, .John. LXX.N;. .Sermons. [Edited by J. Donne. With the Author's Life, by Iz. Wa.] Prlnteil hy R. Rnijstim . . . inid R. .Marriott, London. 1640. fol. DooDV, Samuel, b. Staffordshire ; a medical man ; Superintendent of Botanical Gardens at Chelsea ; F.R.S., 1G95 ; d. 1706. Descriptions of Cryptogamia. Assisted Ray in i)reparing his Synopses, to the second edition of which he contributed a long list of rare plants discovered by himself. Contributed several papers to Proceedings of the Royal Societi/. and a very valuable one, The case of a diopsy of the breast, in Plill. Trans., Vol. XX. M.SS. on Medical and Botanical subjects in British Museum. [Gorton's Biog. Diet., ed. 1847, Vol. III., App. ; Palteney's Botanical Sketches; Gorton's Biog. Diet., 111., App. ; Chalmers's Biog. Diet., XII., 2(i;i; Av-scouijh's Cat. of MSS., Brit. Mus.] DoRRicoTT, Rev. Isaac. Primitive Methodist Mini.^ter. Obituary of Rev. Henry Higginson (see). [P. M. .)/■;». (1871),- 10, 11.] DoTHiE, Mrs., Wolverhampton. Hymns and Poems. Booh Society Leaflets. UouGHTV, William, b. York; Portrait Painter, 1771) ; Engraver : d. Lisbim, 1782. Engraved Portrait of Dr. .Johnson, after Reynolds. UonoLASS, John, D.D., Bishop. b. Yaruni, Yorks., Dec, 174;^ ; Roman Catholic Bishop of Centuria, 1700 ; d. 8th May, 1812. A Letter to Bishop Douglass. By the Rev. Joseph Berington. London, 1797. 8vo., pp. 2H. An Address of several of His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects to their Protestant Fellow Subjects. London. n.d.(lSOO). 4to.. pp. 7. [Signed— Bp. Douglass, the Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord Petrie, &c.] Dove, The (River). True Trerti.se on the Art of Fly Fishing, Trolling, Ac, as practiced on the Dove. By William Shipley, ed. by Edward FitzGibbon. London ('Derby printed), 'lS38. rimo., pp. xii., 261, with engravings. A small View of Cotton's Fishing House on the Banks of the Dove. 1S15. U}>per Dove Valley and Pike Pool. [Report North Staffs. Field Cliih (187.i), (!, 7.] Dove Valley Rhymes. [.See Eedfern (F.).] The River Dove' [See Bentley (S.).] The Tour of the Dove. [See Edwards (H.).] D0VED.\LE. The Romantic Beauties of Dove-Dale and Ham. Henry Moore. Ashbourne, 1820. 12mo. By Twelve Views in Dovedale and Ham. From Drawings by Edward Price. With Illustrative Notes, .ishbonrne. n.d.(lUo). -Ito. The Guide to Doveilale, Ham, .Mton Towers, &c. 2nd ed. Ashbourne, 1S50. 8vo. The Complete Guide to Dovedale, Ashbourne, and Ilim. Ashbonrne. n.d. (ISU). 8vo. Eight Views in Derbyshire. Engraved by Vivares, Smith. A'c. [Three are of Dovedale.] A View of the Straights in Dovedale. . . J. Bovdell, sculptor. 1740. A View of Revnanl's Hall, in Dovedale. [Ih.] .■V View of Dovedale. By Hassall. 1700. Three Views of Dovedale. By F. Chantry, Esq. -Ito. Buxton and its Hesonrses. With Excursions to Haddon . . . Dovedale. By J. (!roston. London (Manchester printed). 8vo.. pp. (i4. Dovedale E.xcursion. Bv E. Rhodes. Plates. 4to. Peik Scenery, &c. With Plates by F, Chantry ; Letterpress by E. Rhodes. 4to. Pt. I., 1817. Pt. II., 1810. Pt. III., 1822. Pt. IV., 1823. Having 2il plates. Reprinted, edited by ,1. Crostnn, 188G. [Plates 25, 2«, 27, are of Dovedale.] Description of Dovedale, with two woodcuts [pji. 10(> —10, C. Knight's .Tourney Book of England. 1841] ; Visit to [Old Humphrey's Country Stories, pp. Ifiit — r)8j ; ditto [Francis's In and Out of the Dales, in tioitd Words (Sept., 1882), pp. (iOl— 7]; Notice of [Topoi/riipher, III., Ii7]; Ode on Dovedale, and addenda [S[tare Moments of a Country Parson. By Rev. T. M. Freeman. Incumbent of Mellor. Manchester, n.d. pp. .'jO — .'(.] ; Description and Three Lithographs [Bemrose's Guide to Buxton, tfcc. Derby, n.d. pp. 72— 84] ; Some Account of [Dr. .John- son's .Tonrney to Wales (18Ii;), p. IM] ; ditto, by Archbp. Whateley [ib.. pp. 1117 — 77]; Visits to [Report North Staff's. Field Clnh (XMd). -p. i : (1870) p. 4: (1872) pp. 4, b: (187(i) pp. (i, 7: ( 187!!) pp. 14— 17 : ( 1885) pp. (17, 118 ; Description of [Reliq. IX., 177 : XV., 152]. DowNAiM, Rev. John. LL.I)., Cam.; Rector of Pocklington, Yorks.: Prcl>. of Offlcy, Lichfield, l.'idO — 25 ; of Portpole, St. Paul's ; resigned 1514 ; of Twyford, St. Paul's, 1514 ; Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's; d. 11th Nov., 1526 ; established a School at Pocklington, and founded five scholarship.s and nine sizar- ships at St. John's Coll., Cam.; will ]iroved 6th Dec. (dated 8th Nov.), 1526. Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 5.S ; Education Report, 482 ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Fidde's Wolsey Collection, 228 ; Infor- mation from Thos. W. King. York Herald. Cambs. Visita- tion. 1584; Dugdale and Ellis's St. Paul, 2il, IWIi ; Univ. and Coll. Doctrine, I., 175 ; Testa. Vetusta. (!24 ; Baker MS., XVI., 243 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 2:i8.] Dowses, Geoffrey. /;. Staffordsliire ; of Univ. of Cam.: M.A., 1515; Fellow Jp.sus Coll.; Univ. Preacher, 1520; B.D., 1521; D.I)., 1526 ; Preb. of Hcdmcr, Archiepiscopi York., 12th Nov., 15;-i2 ; of Nowell, Patcsliall, South- well, 1st Nov., 1535 ; Chancellor of York., 11th Aug., 1537 ; d. 1561. Compiled part of The Institutions of a Christian. [Strype : Le Neve's Fasti ; Cox's Cranmer's Works, II., 2(il ;' Sta. Pa. Hen. 8, 1., 6H5 ; Bale, i;.'i2 ; Cole's Ath. Cantab.] DowNEs, Rev. James. Mat. Pcmb. Coll., 0.\., 1822; of New Inn Hall, 0.\.; B.A., 1835 ; Vicar of Stonnall, 1840. " Bear ye one another's bunlens, and so fultil the Law of Christ." — Gal. vi. 2. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of .Shenstone . . . June 27th, 18711. W. Henri/ Robinson. Steniii J^rintini/ Works, The liridye, Walsall, n.d. r2mo., pp. 12. 200 copies. The Dying Man's Hope — The Mourner's Comfort. A Sermon preached at Woodville, in the Parish Church of Hartshorne. in the County of Derby, on Sunday, July 24th, 18(14. on the occasion of the unexpected death of Mr. William Thompson, the .Senior Partner in the Firm of Thompson Brothers. Walsall: J. R. Robinson, Sfeam Printinij Oj/ice, The Bridge, n.d. 12mo., pp. 18. DRAKE ( ll^J) hIMlSDHN Drake, Sir Francis. The Omianions of late Cales Voyage, stated ami dis- covered by the Earl of Essex. Printed from a MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Stafford. [Hakluvt's V^oyages, Vol. IV.] Dr.vke, Jame.a. Priutci-, BirminghaTU. Drake's Railway Maps of the Entire Line of Route from London to Liverjiool and Manchester. Hirnihir/liam : Priiile'l and I'iMhhed by James Drake. ti.il. .'tiino., folded on canvas, with sheet of particulars. [Goes through Staffordshire.] Drake, Nathan. E.ssays ; Biographical. Critical, and Historical. Illus- trative of the Rambler, Adventurer, Idler, &c. In Two Volumes. London (Buckiiir/liam printed), mi!)— 111. I'-'mo. [Literary Life of Dr. Johnson, I., p)). Ill — I'.i'.i.] Drake, Siimuel Adams. Our Ureal Benefactors. Short Biogr.iphies, &c. Boston (U.S.), 1884. 4to. [Samuel .lohuson, Illustrated, pp. 4:t— «.] Drank, Augusta Theodosia. h. London, 28111 Dec, 182:5 ; ilan. of Thomas Drane, of Tor- quay, and Cecilia Harding, liis wife ; entered Order of St. Dominic, at Clifton, Oct., 1852 ; Prioress Provincial of Dominican Congrega- tion of St. Catiierine of Siena, at Stone, since November, 1881. A History of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John. /x)H*<" : Bnrn.i cf Oales. 1858 «vo., pp. iXi. An Introduction to English History. London: Burns (111(2 Oale.i. 1800. 8vo., pp. 2!i(). Several editions. The Three Chancellors. Lives of William of Wyke- ham, William Waynflete, and Sir Thomas More. London ; Burns .(• Oale.':. 1861. 8vo., pp. ;!.')4. A History of England. London : same imprint. 1863. 8vo., pp. S11. lith ed., pp. H.'iil. Christian Schools and Scholars ; or, Sketches of Edu- cation from the Christian Era to the Council of Trent. In Two Volumes. London: LoiK/mans i^- Co. 18G.1 Lar. 8vo., pp. -Wl. 'ind ed., Burns ,(• Oales. 8vo., pp. 7IW. The Inner Life of Pere Lacordairo. Translated from the French of Pere Chocarne. O.P. Duhlin : Kell;/. 18G7. 8vo., pp. o.-)li. '2nd ed., flnhtln : GilL 8vo.. pp. .'wil. Life of Mother Margaret Hallahan, O.S.D. London : Longmans <(■ Co. 1860. 8vo., pp. .58!!. 2nd ed., 1810, pp. o8H. :trd ed., same. Abridged and cheap ed., Lonqmans, 1870. [This Work has been translated into French and German.] Songs in the Night. A Volume of Poctrv. London : Burns ^■i- (Mies. 1816. sm. 8vo., pp. 211. imi ed., 188!). History of St. Catherine of Siena, and her Companion. London: Burns ii Oates. 1880. 8vo., pp. li III. 2n(l ed., in Two Volumes, with nine illustrations, ISSS. 8vo., pji. :!81i, aid. [Translated into French and Gorman.] The History of St. Dominic. With m illustrations. London : Lont/mans tj- Co. 1801. 8vo., pp. 479. The Martyrs of Stone lt>), pp. 2r>0, 2r>l.] Dransfield, Rev. W., of Wednesbury. .Sermons on various interesting subjects. iVednegburffj 1824. Cr. 8vo., pp. 230. " Drag." [See Irving.] Draper, Rev. William, b. (Joseley, May, 1S18; g. of Rev. H. Draper ; Congregational Minister from 22nd Jidy, 18C4, to death, at Goodna, Queensland ; (/. 18th Jan., 1881. Obituary. [Coni/regational Year Book (1882), p. 294.] Draimer, Rev. VVilli.ani. Curate St. John's Church, Wolverhampton, 1790 ; Preacher of All Souls', in the Wall, London. A Probationary' Sermon, on becoming Curate of St, John's Church. Woher/uimpton : Printed bij ./. Smart, VOL 8vo. Twenty Sermons on Various Subjects preached at All Souls,' 'in the Wall. London, 1703. 8vo.. pp. 370. New Series of Reading Lessons for Children. London, 1812. 12mo. [In Two Parts.] [Biog. Diet. Living Authors (181B), p. 94.] Draycott, Anthony, b., probably, Draycott ; Rector of Dravcott ; of Ox. Univ. ; B.A.; B.C.L., 3rd Feb., 1511 ; B. Canon Law, 23rd June, 1522 ; D. Canon Law, 21st July, 1522 ; Principal o' Whitehall : Canon of Fjincoln, 1503; Archd. of Stow, 1542; of Hunting- don, 1543 ; Chancellor of Lincoln ; of Lich- field, 15th Oct., 155(i— 60 ; Preh. of Longdon, Lichfi' Id, 8th Sept., 1556 — 60 : imprisoned in the Fleet, 1560 ; " Dr. Draycott, long prisoner, at lenj^'th, getting a little liberty, went to Dray- cott, and there died "; (/., Draycott, 20th Jan., 1570, where there once was a monument to his memory. [Harwood's Lichfiehl. 191, 2:!il : Harwood's Erdes- wicke (1844). pp. 2r>2 ; JI<)rris's Troubles, ;!rd Series; Dodd's Ch. Historv, Vol. I.; Gillow's Catholic Biblic, II., HI.") : Wood's Fasti, I, Gl ; Did. .Vat. Biog. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.] DuAVcoTT, John, of Draycott ; " suffered im- prisonment for his religion in the Compler, Poultry, 1561 "; d. 1604. [dillow's Catholic Biblio., II.. luij; Dodd's Ch. History.] Draycott-in-the-Moors. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Draycott. Scale 2.").l!44 Indies to a mile. Two Sheets, with Index Sheet and Area Book. Title from the Index. Southampton (1880). Monuments at. [Bodl. Lib., 8S8. 186.] Arms of the Draycots. [lb., 834. V. 1, f. 3a6.J Draytos-in-Hales, Staffordshire. Ordnance Plan of (Part of) the Parish of Drayton. Seven Sheets, with Inde.K Sheet and Area Book. Title from the Index. Southampton (1880). i Drayton Manor House and Church. Engr.ivings of in — Plot's Staffordshire : Shaw's Staf- forilshire. II.. lip. 1. Hi ; Nightingale's Staft'ordshire. 1810 : West Views, 1830 : Darling and Cardwell's Lite of Sir R. Peel ; and Description in The Mirror, N.S., II., 274, 275.] Dresden'. (^liiiiTh Registers: — I., Baptisms, 2lith June. 18.i3 — .Ird July, 1870. II., 4th Julv, 1870— 2nd Sept.. 1880. Ill,, 2nd Sept., IS.sii — 1th Sept., I.s;io. IV., 811i Sept., ls;io (in use). Burials. I.. 7th Aug., Is.ili — 1th March. 1S71. II., fith March. 1S71 — 14th Oct.. 1878. III., 19tli Oct., 1878— DREWRY ( 1-Ki ) DUDLEY 27th Jan., 1S8G. IV., Ist Feb., 188G (in use). Marriages. I., KItli Feb.. I8t;7— .■!(lth .I\ine, 1884. H., -inil Julv, 1884 (in use).— (The Rev. S. S.ilt, Vic.ir.) Drewry, John. Printer, " Gaolgate Street, Office of the Stajf'ordxhiri' AdriTtizi'i-" {Bafl- shniv^s Dirertorij, 1X18); "of East Gate" (While's .Stiifls, 1«34), StalTonl ; Partner with C Chester some time. Joe Miller in Dojjgrel Hhyme ; or, Old Friends with new faces, done into Rhyme by Sir Peter Pilgarlick, Knight, and adapted to the taste of a Soeiety of Bon Vivant.s at tlie Vine Tavern. Stafford. StaJ/hfd; Printed b// ./. Di-firri/. Sold hif Loiu/ttiriu tf* Co., Luitduit ; A. Mort/an, StfiJ/hrd ; and all the Booksellers, 1S14. i'lmo., p]) viii.. '.I — 18. -Dedicated to mvself, Stafford, Jiilv. 1811." [\'er,v rare and curious ; the Compiler has seen oidy two copies.] The Case of Mackouel for Kobbinf,' the Stafford Bank. [.See Mackouel (J.).] Trial of William Booth. [See Booth (W.).] A Siimniiiry of the Prophetic Orijjin and History of Joanna Sunthcote the Pi*etended Pi-nplietess. Stajf'onl ; Printed hy ./. lireivrtj. Isl 1. rjnio., ]ip. 12. Poetical Journey to Bridgnorth. [.See Heathcote On the Important Subject of Confirmation. A Letter written by Nicholas Faithful to his friend, Timothy Keep- Conscience. Stafford: Printed by .!. Dretmy. IHSl. 8vo., pp. Ki. The Staffordshire Adrerti^er. Printed by him from 1812 to death. Drewry, Joshua. Printer, Staffot-ilMrt' Ailver- tizer Office, .Statibrd, 17'.)S. Mr.s. Docksey's Trial. [.See Docksey (Mrs.).] Ned Bentley. [.See Amphlett (J.).] The Staffordshire Adrerlizer. Printed by him from 179.') to death. Drewry & WniTAKEU. Printers, Eastgate Street, StatTord. Papers read before the Stafiford .Scientific Institute and Field Club. .Session 1884— 85. Stafford: Printed by Drewry ,\- Whitaker. 1SS5. 8vo., pp. 87. Driver. Rev. William. New Connexion Minis- ter, from 17!)() to death ; r/. Haidey, 1831 ; hiir. Betliesda Chapel. Aildress as President of Conference at LaTie End. [New Con. Min. (181(i), 28— ;i4.] Ditto, as President, I82:i [;//. (1823). .S2— 5]. lloport of Meeting held at Stafford. [A'ew Con. May. (1817). 2211.] Notice of Death and Burial of [I'i. (18;U), 308]. Obituary [Xew Con. Min. (18;i2), 4]. Droeshout, Martin, [n England about 1G23. Portrait of Blount, Lord Mountjoy. Drlii) He.vth. [Jlicl. Antici., II., LSI.] Drukv, Rev. William Frederiek. /;. Isle of Man, 22ikI June, 1841 ; s. of Rev. William Drury, Vicar of Bhiddani, Isle of Man ; educated King William's Coll. ; Mat. Corp. Cli., Coll., Cain. ; B.A., 1803 ; M.A., ISOl ; Chp. to late Lord Lill'ord, 18(U— OG ; Ai.x-les-Bains, 186U— 67 ; of St. Jude, Soutiisea, 1SG7— G'J; All Saints, Knightsbridge, IS7U — 74: Vicar of Holy Trinity, Burton, 1X71 ; m. Miss E. H. Ivorimer. Various Tracts on Tr,ades : Coopers, Joiners, Malsters, Blacksmiths, iSc. Ducket, Andrew. Chancellor of Lichfield, 1470 — 7G ; 1st Master of Queen's Coll., Cam. [Harwood's Lichfield, 198.] Dddlev. Pedigrees and Notices. By Cooke (10811). [i'ei(e.« Manjuis of Bath, at Long- leat. "(.See .'ird llep. of Hist. MSS.. Com. 198.)] By Glover ( l.')8I ). [Harl. MS., (;182.] The Genealogy, Antiquity, .\rms. Successions, and Creations of the .\ncient Lords and Barons of Dudley Castle, their princely alliances and honourable posterity. Showing how the Barony of Dudley descend.s to the heirs general by letters patent granted long before the Contjuest, and since confirmed by divers Parliaments, when by women the s-iid Manor and Title was brought into several families : First, to Earl Dodo's by an heir female, and from it by an heir female to the noble family of the Beaumonts, ancient Earls of Lester, surnamed Paganell, from whence it c;ime to the .Suffons by the marriage of Margaret, daughter and heir t)f .John Paganell, Lord Dudley and Earl of .Sommery, with Sir .John .Sutton ; in whose f.tmily it continued until 1)!1.'{, when the said Barony devolved upon Fr.inces, the wife of .Sir Humble Ward, Lord Ward, descended of the ancient family of the Wards of Norfolk, and to their honourable issue for ever ; in who.se family and surname it hath continued to the present. The aforesaid l-'rauces was daughter and sole heiress of Sir Ferdinanili) Duilley, son and sole heir to the Right Honourable Edwanl Sutton, Lord Dudley, Baron of Dudley Castle, in the County of Stafford. Large Roll. [Penes F. D. L. Smith, Esq., of Hales- owen Grange.] [Contaius portraits of the persons.] Sutton-Dudleys. [.See Adlard.] History of the Du. 2.50, 251.] Dudley, Rev. Arthur. Younger brother to Lord Dudley ; Preb. of Colwich, LicliHeld, 29th Nov., 1531—77 ; of Worcester, Vofit— 70 ; he it was who removed the relics of St. Chad from Liclifield. [Adland's Dudleys, p. .\ii. : Dom. State Pa., Edward IV.. |i. xii. : Green's Worcester, I., 232 ; ./our. .irchuol. Soc, XXIII., No. 129; Hist. Coll. of Staffs., I.X. (pt. 2j, 89, 90 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 221.] Dudley Castle. Dudley Castle Miscellany. London: Simpkin, Mar- shall, O'- Co. 1»00. 12mo. Histories of. [.See Booker (Rev. L.), Twamley (W.), Simms (C), Clark (C. F.), Smith (W. H.) ; all Histories of Staffordshire ; and copious notices of in all Histories of the County of Worcester.] Views of. [.See Hodges (W.), Paddy (— ), Buck (A. and C), Jukes (F.), James (F.), Saniiers ( — ), Journ;vl of Archaiological Institute. 1870: .Irchaol. ./onr., 1858: West'.s Views, 18.'iO; Nightingale's, Plot's, and Shaw's Histories of Staffordshire, II., 138, 141, 142.] Description of. [.Midland Weehly News, 31st Jan., 1885 ; Old Hum- phrey's Strolls, p. 3uf.] Engravings of Dudlev Castle and its Vicinity. By W. Riidclvffe. Birmini/hnm, 1831. 4to. [Hist. Coll. Staffs.', VIII. (pt. 2), 75 : IX. (pt. 1), 88 : (pt. 2)1, 2, 8, 28, 33 et passim, 42, 45, 47 : X. (pt. 1 ), 39.] [Tlie Ciimpiler lias two very fine eteinngs of tlie Castle, anil also two watL'r colours, but whom tliey were done by lie has not been able to find oul.] Dudley, Charles, b. Shut End, 1772 ; 2nd s. of Thomas Dudley, Esq.; educated Rugby ; DUDLEY (147) DUDLEY Mat. Urasenoso Coll., Ox., 24lh Jan., 1801 ; Captain 22nd Light Infantry ; f/., unmarried, at Java, IHth Jan., 181fi. [aeiit.'s Afar/. (1817), .S7S ; Foster's Alumni 0.\on.] Dudley (Dean). Massachusetts, U.S.A. History of the Dudley Family. With genealogical tables, pedigrees, &c. Wakefield, Massachusetts, 1SS6—88. Issued in Parts. Dudley Genealogies, lic. Dudley District. Practical Survey of the Geology, ic, of. 1H48. i*vo. Dudley, Dud. h. 1599 ; a natural son of Eilward, Lord Dudley (time .James I.) ; of Balliol Coll., Ox.; fetched away to manage his father's forges, 1619 ; took out patents for the making of iron ; m. Eleaiun- Heaton ; Colonel in the King's (Charles IL) Army; tl. Oct., 1684 ; bur. at. Helen's Church, Worcester, 2r)tli October. Dud Dudley's MettalUun Martis ; or. Tron made with pit-coale, sea-coale, and with the same fuell to melt and fine imperfect mettvils, and retine perfect mettals. London : Printed by T. M.for the Author. 1665. 4to., 7 leaves, pp. 40. [" 1,000 copies were paid for ; seller cheated of nioiue by Iron- masters (nt) h(toii)." (Qi/crt/— Wolverlmnipton ?) Note in Imiiil- wrltiiiB of Sir John Fetters. Knight, of Suffolk, to whom copy now In the British Museum formerly belonged.] Reprinted, Woli-e'rhampton, IS.'il, as above, but jiedigree added, and again in l.S.i4, jointly with Sturtevaut .and Rovenson. Another reprint, issued by the Patent Office and included in State Pa. ; Woodcroft's Supplement to Series of Letters Patent . . . Ii;i7— 1852. [.See Bag- nail (J. Nock).] Detail of part of the services of Colonel Dudley, l(i;!7 — 48. [Mr. Green's Dom. .S. of State Pa. of Charles II., l(i(iO_(Jl ; Romance of Trade, 17(), 177 ; Twamley's Dudley Castle, 44, 127 ; Dowiuet Book, :!,] Dudley, Edmund. /;. Staffordsliiro, 14()2 ; Mat. Ox. Univ., 1478 ; of Gray's Inn ; P.O., 148;') ; vfith King Henry VII. helore Boulogne, 1492; m., 1494, Elizabeth, dan. of Edward Grey, Viscount L'Isle ; Speaker of House of Commons, l.')04 ; Steward of Hastings, ITjiK! ; arrested and put in the Tower of London for high treason, 1509 ; tried, and found guilty, July, l5o9 ; heheaded on Tower Hill, 18th August, 1510. Left in MS. — The Tree of the Commonwealth. By Edmunfi Dudley, Esq., late Counsellor to Henry VII., the same Edmund being at the compiling thereof prisoner in the Tower, in 1 Henry VIII. Printed in Manchester, lH60,for the Brotherhood nf the Holy Rosary. 4to., pp. .\ix., Ilii. [Chalmers's Biog. Diet. ; Diet. Nat. Bioff, : and nearly all other Biographical Dictionaries; Commons' Journal; State Pa., Henry VII. and VIII.; accounts of him will be found in most ilistorics of .Staffordshire : and very many of the references given under his son's name (John, Duke of Northumberland) also contain matter relative to him ; and, of course, in all Histories of England accounts are given of him, from all shades of opinion.] Dudley, Edward, Lord Dudley and Powis. d. circa 1532. Obtained Act of Parliament making void gift of certain manors to the Duke of Bedford, and continuing the grant to the said John, late Lord Dudley, and his heirs male. Deed. [Harl. MSS., 11)70, Art. 5 ] Letter of (Printed). [Twamley's Dudley Castle, '21 — 3 ; Ellis's Original Letters, 3rd Series, II.] [Lcland's Itinerary, v., 80; Herald and Genealogist, 11., 117; Letters, &c', of Richard III. and Henry VIL, Vol. 11. ; Ditto, Henry VIII., Vol. II. (pt. 1); Nash's Worcestershire, IL, 190; Statutes, II Henry VII, chap. 47; Sluiw's Staffs.. II.; Lords' Journals; Dugdale's Baron- age ; Walcot's Memorials of Westmr., 181; Twamley's Dudley Castle. 19—2;').] Dudley, Rev. Edward. Ik .Shut Eml, 7th May, 1777 ; eldest «. of Thomas Dudley, Esq. ; educated Rugby, 1785 ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 21st Oct., 1795 ; 1$.A., 1799 ; M.A., 1802 ; Rector of Broome, 1810 ; m., 9tli Dec, 1813, Christiana Maria, ihiu. of Joseph Amphlett, Esq., of Horseley House, Tipton ; d. Gth Dec, bur. l;3th Dec, 1858, at Bronie. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., I., .'HU : lli. Iltj.S ; bad grant if Duilley I'riory, 154o ; resided much at the Castle ; in one of Ids letter- he says he is "come hniiie to Dudley." DUDLEY (118) DUDLEY Niitneions letters, in Latin and English. Some of which have been printed in — IjiK'ubrationespaspimcollectfeet eflitje: sttKliisetlabore The. Ilatchii. Caiitahrifjjiensis. LoinVnt'i, ld(J7. -Ito. hotters, Latin anil Knglish. By same. &c. The Saying of John, late Duke of Xortluimberland, njiiion the Scatfolcle, at the tyme of his execution, the XXll. of Aiignste, lo.'i:!. I'linted I/;/ ./. Caimuil. n.il. (1553). Svo., S leaves, without pagination. Survey of the Borough of Birmingham and the Manor or Demesne Foreign of Birmyncham, in the C'linnty of Warwick. Part of the Possessions of John, late Duke of Norlhnmberland, attainted of High Treason, and formerly part of llie jiossessions of Edwanl Birmvncliam. attainted of Kelonv. (MS. Charter House. Book A li 7.) Trans- cribe.! by W. B. Bickley. [MI'l. Antiqnari). III.. 1 Hi— III.] Ditto. With notes and introduction by Joseph Hill, and conjectured plan of Binnin'.'h am in l.'>.'>:!. Blniiiiir/liam : C Cooper 4- Co. ISOO. Ito., pp. xvi., 1111. [Only 50 copies issued. .Tohannis Northunibriic miliar Ducis in Anglia qnum ad suiiplicium produelus assat (jr.Uio. Lord'iil, 15^)3. 4to. Historia Delia cose occorso nel rcgiis d'Inghilherra in materia del Duca di Northumberland dojui-la morte Di Edvardo VL [By G. R. Rosso.] IViiei, ir>5S. 8vo. The Life c f ftdwanl Sevmour. Duke of Somer.set . . To wbi'li is added The Fall' . . . of John Dudley, Dnke of Nortaumberland. Loititoii, 11(13. Hvo. [BoJl. Lib., S.Sr, US; bi41, Vih : .S.57. K(i : SC.2, 408: 1110.i:>; 1113, ab; lllG.-Ah: 11:11, ib] : 1133. -nb; 1720, 1112; n:W. I'tl. Amphlett's Clent, 71, T'i ; Anti(.|. Report, in.. II.')— I'.l: IV., r)li7; Hist. Coll. Slalfs., Ill, ll."i; Had- doni, I'oemata, 7(1. llil. 111, II.'): 2. Rep. D. K. Rec. App. XL, -27(1 ; loth ditto, App. II.. iXi : Herbert's Ames. (i73, 738, 788, 7811, 8 Pi; Thorpe's C:d. Sta. Pa., (il, (17, 70, 72; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 112. 11)1; Did. \at. Bior/.: Dugd;de's B.ironage, II.. "218 ; Kippis's Biog. Brit. : Howell's State Trials, T., 7(i.') ; Llovd's State Worthies. -IL'O ; P. P. Exp. Prin. Mary, Kit, 2211, 24(i ; Arcbani K|iistoliC. SU7 ; Strypj; (Jranger. I., lliii ; Cooper's Ann. of Cam., II.. 43, (;i,"li.'>, 73; Nichohis's L. of Lady J. Grey ; Tytler's Edw. VI. and Mary; Hay ward's Edw. VI. : Nares' Burghley ; Anngier's Svi-on, 01 ; Lemon's Cal. St. Pa. ; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.; Thomas's Hist. Imlex. 117. lini. 1111. .3.^7, 37.i ; Gough's Gen. Iu;lex, 28.5 ; Grev Fri;irs' Chron.. 71, 73, 80, 83; Rymer; Lodge, I., 1 II, 212/277 : Blomefield's Norfolk, 222 — .50 ; Burnet's Reform. ; Hutchinson's Durham, I., .')2S— 32: Machvn's Diarv, 0, 7, HI— 12, 10— 21, 31. 3G, 37, 41, 42. 321, .'(25 ;" Havne's St. Pa., 4, 8, 15, 33. 111,1 10—21, 15ii: Miss Wood's Letters, II., 71. 213: HI., 35,38,77, 218,240.251,2113,275-70; St. Pa. Henry VIII. ; Fox's Acts; Burgon's Life of Greshani, I., 88—011, 100, 103; Chron. of Calais, p. xx.. 38, 42. 08, 100. UiO, 17(1, 188; Campbell's Chancellors, 4th ed., II.. 132, i:!3, 151, 1(12— (!8 ; Statutes 3 Henry VIII., C. 10 ; 1 Mary, St. 2, C. 10 : 4 4 5, P. & M., C. 12 ; most Histories of Staffs., esiiecially .Shaw ; Chalmers's Biog. Diet., Xtl., 400 — 5; and every other BiogiMphical (General) Dictionary; Twamley's Dudley Castle; Booker's ditto ; .'simms's ditto : Clark's ditto.] DcDLEV, Rev. Jiiliii. b. Tijitoii (l)a[)t. 16th Sept.), 17.Jtl ; .f. of 'I'lioiiKis Diullev, Esq. ; M;it. Ch. Cli., Ox., 11 111 July," 17U9 ; 15. A., 177:'. ; M A., 177(; : ivctrd Viscount Dudley and Ward, and Julia, dan. of Godfrey Bosville, Esq., his wife ; M.P., Worcestershire, circa 1802, after- wards for Warehani, Dorset. ; succeeded his father as 4th Viscount, 182;! ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1827— 30th May, 1828, when he was created Earl Dudley, of Dudley Castle, and Viscount Ediiani of Ivliiaui, in the County of lioxhurgh ; (/. (Uh IMarcli, 1833, unmarried. Letters of the Earl of Dudley to the Bishop of Llan- daff. London: ./ohii Mttrrai/. 1H40. 8vo., pp. 384. 2nd ed., 1841. same pagination, with portrait as frontispiece. Lord Dudley was a contributor to the Qiiarlerl;/ Review. [His Will is printed in Twamley's Dudley Castle, (12. 03.] [Letters of Earl Dudley ; Peerages ; Twamley's Dudlev Castle, .56 — (!3 ; Diet. Nat. Biog.; see Codrington (Bp.).'] Dddi.kv and Midhnid Geological Society. Transactions of. 8vo. 1 I DoDi.Ey, Rev. Richard. Oriel Coll., Ox. ; M.A.: Proctor of Univ., Io03 ; D.D., 1508 ; Chan- cellor of Salisbury ; Ineumlient of Brighton, Norlhants., 1513 ; of St. Martin's, Birming- I ham, 1504; Canon of St. Paul's, 1505; of Lincoln, 1508 : of Y'ork, 1508 ; d. 5th June, 1536. His Will. [Somerset House; 30 Hogan ; printed in Hist. Coll. Staffs.. IX. (pt. 2j, 82—4.] ; [Whallev's Bridges. I.. 474; Hist. Coll. Staffs., IX. ; (pt. 2),8l-4.] DuDi.KV, Thomas. Suigc(ui, Kingswinford, 1847. I Alleged discoverv of the Influence of Snljihurous ! Ether, in 1824. [Latml (1847), p. 1(13.] Painless Surgical Operations. [/5., p. 345.] Dddi.ey, William. 3rd. $. of John, VII. Earl Dudley ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 1457 : 1 M.A., 1457 ; Rector of Mulpas, Cheshire, 27th Feb., 1457: of Hendon, Middlesex; Arclid. of Middlesex : Dean of King's Chapel ; Chancellor of Ox. Univ. 1483 ; Bp. of Durham, 1476 ; d. 29th Nov., 1483 : monument West- minster Abbey. [Hist. CoU. Staffs., IX. (pt. 2), 7«; Ormerod's Ches- hire; Surtees' Durham ; Diet. Xat. Jiior/.] I I Dudlev, William. Ireland and the Earl of Shrewsbury. An Answer to ' His Lordship's Letter. By W. D. Manchester, 1841. 12mo., pp. 32. i DonLEV .\Nu West Buomwich Bank. Deed of Settlement of the Dudley and West Bromwich ' Banking Company, established under the Authority of an I Act of Parliament passed in the seventh year of his late M;ijesty George the Fourth, to which is appended An Abstr.act of the Bank's Ca|iital of £400.000 in 8,000 shares of £5(1 each. DuJlei/ : Prinled by tind for Iliuton's Execu* tors, Hiyh Street. 1834. 8vo.. ji'p. 80. " I DUESBURY ( 1-t'J ) DUNDAR DuEsnuRY, William, b. Cannock, 7th Sejit., 1725; *■. of William DiK'sbury, a currifr, of Cannock, who n-tircil in 1755; a Potter: fomuhu- of tho Derby Works ; when he re- moved to Derhy i-i not certain, probably 175() : bought Chelsea China Works, 1709, but pur- chase not completed until 5th Feb., 1 770 : in 1755 he was resident at Lonyton Hall, as an enauH'ller : m. Sarah .lames, of .Shrewsbur}' (r/. 14th Sept., 1780); i/. Derby; bur. St. Alkmund's Church, 2nd Nov., 17H()' ; having during his life become pos-essed of the Derby, Chelsea, Bow, Vauxliall, and Kentish Town List of the principal additions made this year to tlie new invented grmips, jars, vases, urns, beakers, cups, chalices, ttc of Mr. DuesburyV Derby and Chelsea Manu- factory of Porcelaines, Biscuit and Cliiua Ware, both ornamental and useful. Lnndnn, 1773. sm. Ito. Catalogue of an elegant and extensive Assortment of Derby and Chelsea Porcelain, ifrc, at Messrs. Christie and Mausell's Great Room, &c., to be sold by auction, 7th May, llii, .lud four following days. Svo., pp. ;i"i. [On this occasion un invitation was issued, repeating the above, with an N.B. by Mr. Diieshury as to the quality of liis productions.] China on Sale, by the Candle, at Mr. Willi.am Due.s- bury's Wareiiou-^e, Wednesday the Kth, an(i Tiiursday the loth, ilareh, 17s.'), at six o'clock, in tiie afternoon . . Derby Figures, ic. To be Sold by Auction by William Hunt. . . . folio, pp. 12. Reprinted [Jevvitt's Ceramic Art, 7S— 8.^]. [Haslam's Old Derby Factory, 15— -i.'); Marrvat's Potterv, .■!7.'). SS-2. :i.s:! ; Jewitt's Ceramic Art. I.. 17(!, I'so— tl4. 21.i— 17, 2H2— ."i», 2(iil, 404, 441 : II., 57, Cl— i;i2. KiC, 1.3/, l.')(i, 422; .Short Tour in Midland Counties. 1771: Derby Poll-book, 177.5; Bray's Tour, 1777; Boswell's Johnson, under 1777; Pilkington's Derbvshire, I7.S'.): Button's Derby, I7',ll ; Jewitt's W. Hutton" and Family, 13 ; MS. History of Hutton Family ; Ducsbury's (.cata- logues.] Dv G.viin, Ri>v. Samuel, h. Barfonl, Warws., 164:^.; M.A., Trill. Coll., 0.\. : Rector «f Fortiin, 1()73 ; Canon of Lichfield, 2n(l Jan., l(iU7 ; bur. at Fenton, lOtli April, 16'J7. Letter to Dr. Rtilph Bathurst, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, about a remarkable bleeding at the nose of a child at Lilleshill. Dated "Candlemas, li;7:i." [/'/,;/. r™ >;.■■•., No. IIISI ; Wanlev's Hist, of Man, Book I., chap, i.: o'ch/.'.« -l/aj., XLVUI., oS7.] DuGDALE, Sir John. s. of Sir Willi;ini Dugdale {tii'c below) ; created M.A., 0.\., KSC.I ; Wind- sor Herald, Oct., 1075 ; Norroy, March, KWG ; d. 3rd Aug., 1700. Twelve Letters from .\shmole to his brother-in-law, J. D. (dated 2'.lth .Ian., 2nd, 5th, 7th. !lth, 12ib. 14th, Kith, 26th, and 2,sth Feb., and 1,5th and li'.tli March, li;7S), [Bodl. l,ib., n:u, tf. 5, li, (i6, 7, 8, 'Jab. 11—124, 13«4, 14n«, 156— 1(;4, 17r(, 17ft.] [Wo )il's Fasti, II., -253 : see Stubbes (John), Archbold (Sirk.).] Dug DALE, Richard, h. Handsworth, 1725 ; s. of Richard Geast ; Mat. Univ. Coll., 0.x., 17tb .Ian., 1742; Barrister-at-Iiaw, Inner Temple, 1747 ; assumed snrn;inie of Dugdale, 1791) ; rl. 12th March, ISOO ; of Meivvaie and Blyth Halls, Wanvs. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. I., 3'.i2 ; ditto, Men-at-the- Bar; Clialmers' Biog. Diet., XII., 427.] DoGDALK, Sir William, h. Shustoke, W;ir\vs., 12lh Sept., 1005 ; s. of .lames Dugdale, gent., and Fli/.abetli, rluii. of Arthur Swinfen ; edu- caled by Mr. T. Sibley, Curate of Nether Whitacre, and Coventry Free Sch.; created M.A., 25th Oct., 1042: (iarter King-at- Arms, May, 1677; tn.. 17th March, 1021, Margery, i/un. ti John Huntbach, of Seawall, near Bushhurv : of Filiongley, 1025, after- wards of Blythe Hall, Warws,; ,/., 10th Feb., 10^0, and was bur. at Shustoke. [Wrote Epitaphs of Dr. Samuel Hinton (1671), Lich- field (Cathedral ; John Ferrers, of Tamworlh Castle, 1680. and of his .«., Sir Humi)hrey Ferrers, 167l< : and of Harry Grey, of Eoville, IGtSii.] itonasticon Anglic;inum Londou, IGoo. Vol. II., IGGl. Vol. III., 1673. folio. Vol. I. was reprinted with large additions, 1G82. The whole work was abridged in IGOi. .lames Wr'ujiu. Another epitome. niS. Comprehended in Stephens' Hist, of the Ancient Abbevs, lie, 1722 and 1723. Reprinted again, edited bv the liev. B. Bandiuell, F.S.A., of the Bodleian, Mi3, (j-e., and again, by Sir Henry Ellis, in 8 vols., imp. 8vo. The Antiipiities of Warwickshire. IGaG. 2nd ed.. edited by Dr. Thorn is, 1730. Origines Juridiciale.^. ic. Loiitlon. IGGG. folio. 2nd ed.. JG71. 3rd ed., IGSO. The Baronage of England. LouiloH. IGTo. Vols. II. and III., iflrC. folio. [Iti ail the above there are numerous Staffordshire references. whicii will be foUH'l ill the Alphabet.] Directions for the search of Records and the making use of them, in order to give an Historical Discourse on the Antiipiities of Staffordshire, printed in : — Select Pa])ers . . . English Antiquities. Editeil bv Mr Ives. Lumlou. 1773. 4to. Visitation of Staffordshire. Iiiil3. Original MS. [Coll. of Arms, Dugdale MS., C. 36 ; Harl. MS.. Brit. Mus., T. IJHI4.] I'riiileil and Edited bi/ Grazebrook. [/See Graze- brook (H. T.).] Letters to Ashmole [Bodl. Lib.. 1131. f. .37(ln. 370ft. :)72 : S3G. Ill, !)5, 1U3 : G40, 78 : 1134, 14:i. 14'J : 1731. 1. 2, .-1.4]. [See Ashmole (E.), Stubbes (J.), Huntbach (J.).] DuHiN-AN, William Henry. Rushall Hall, Walsall. On the Land Laws. A Lecture delivered ... on the 14th Jan.. 1,^^78. London: Sinipkin. MafuhaU, i^' Co. Walsall : T. kirby. n.d. (1S7S). 12mo., pp. ;t2. 'ind ed., tame size. p.. pi. and d. The Employer's Liability Act, 1880." kn Address to the South .Staffordshire Mill and Forge Managers* -\ssocia- tion at the Public Hall, Dudley, 4th Dec, 1880 .... With copy of Act annexed. Walsall : W. Henry Robinson, n.d. (ISSOj. Svo., pp. 28. [Notes on the Historv of Rushall Hall.] 12mo., pp. 32. ./. .(• W. (irijin. Printers. Wul^all. [.\ few struck off Cor jirosents, without title.] Shakespeare on the Walsall Corporation. By "A Man in the Moon." From the Walsall .Idrertiser of February liith. 20th, and March Pith, 1881. Wai'all : W. I/enr/j liohinsitn. 12mo., pp. 8. The Charter of Wulfrun to the Monastery at "Hamp- ton" (Wolverhampton). Wolrer/tainpton : John Steen .)• Co., (ineen\< .^ffuare. Walsall: W. Jlenri/ Robinson. Lon- don: Simpkins i^- t-'o. n.d. Cr. 4to., pp. U>. [Introduction dated March. 1888.1 The Will of tValfgate of Donlugton. IShrnpshire .\rclinol. Trans., 2nd S., III., 311— U.] DubCKEN, H. W. Worthies of the World . . . Londou. n.d (1881). 8vo. [Johnson, with portrait, 97 — 112.] DlTMOXT (I)E JIoXTEUX). Lettre a'Mons. A Latour sur I'etat pathologique de Samuel Johnson. [L'l'nion Medicale, tom. XI., 297, 298. 321—23.] Reprinted, iSo7. 8vo., pp. 15. DfNiiAU, Sir William, Bart. b. London, 1805 ; .s. of Sir Robert Dunbar, Bart. ; Magd. Coll.. Ox.; S.C.L., 1S;50 ; hehi various curacies, amongst others tliat of Stoke-npon-Trent, ls;)2 ; liocanie Rector of Dumna, near Roches- ter, 1875 ; '/. 27ih Ni>v., issi. DUNCALF (150) DURELL Pulpit Recollections : or, Miscellaneous Sermons l>reacheii in the P:irish Church of Stoke-upon-Trent. London: .Smitli, Elder, ij- Co. 1S41. 8vo., pp. vi., IIPS. DuscALF, Jolin. b. Codsatl : his hands and legs rotted ofl' [.«<*■ Illiiigwortli (Rev. J.)] : '/- King.^wiiiford. [H'm. .1/«r/. (1784). 213—18, •2(i8— 73, 3.S4— 3«. 37li— 79. 43.»_a(;, 494— !Hi, ,^4.i— 48, C.IKl— «, ti.VJ, (i.iS : (1801)) 30fi, W7 ; Plot ; Shaw. II.. 231. 232.] Ddsc.\n, C. B. Catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford. 1S.3G. fro. [Privately printed.] DoNCOMBE, The Hon. and Very Rev. Augustus. h. Htlmsley, Yorks., 2nd Nov., 1814: s. of the l.*t Baron Feversliani ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox.; B.A., 1836: M.A., 1852; B.D. and D.D., 1859 : Preb. York Cathedral, Oct., 1841—58 ; Dean of York, 1858 to death : J. P., Staffordshire : m. Harriet, (Jan. of tlie 5th Marquis of Queensbury ; t/., York, 2()th Jan., 1880 ; hnr. Helmsley Church ; resident at Calwich Abliey. Manual of Devotions. ISGS. A Memorial of A. Diincouibe, Dean of York. ISSO. [Cli. of Euyland Pholoi/raplilc Picture Gallery (18.ifl), part 49, port. ; ' Ch. Portrait .lour.. III., 41, port.; York Ch. Calendar (1880) ; Uuardian (Jan., 1880) ; Timei! (27th Jan., 1880) ; Mod. Kng. Bin//.. I.. 931 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., ;«4.] DnsDEUDALE, Rcv. J. P.C. of Fulford. Church Missions Advocated . . . London: Colninn 1815. 8vo. A Selection of Psalms and Hymns .... Second Edition, considerably enlarged. Bnrslem : S. Brougham. 1823. Duo., 4 leaves, pp. 332. Index, fi leaves. An Appendix, consisting of all the New and Addi- tional Hymns, i-c, in the above Second Edition. For the use of ]»ersons possessing the First Edition only. Bnrslem : Printed at S. Brougham's Oj/ice, in the Market Place. 1823. Duo. A— Ff in fours. An Appendix, consisting of such of the Psalms and Hymns of the Old Edition as were omitted in the New Edition. Burslem : Printed bi/ S. Brovghnm. n.d. Duo., l>p. 33. DcNKARTOS, Robert, Mezzo-Engraver, h. Lon- don, 1744 ; plates datfd from 1770 to ISll. Engraved Portrait of James Brindley, after Parsons. DcNLOP, Peter. Formerly Draughtsman to Messrs. F. & J. Sylvesters, Castle Hill Foundry, Newcastle. Morton's Ejector Condensor for .Steam Engines with- out an Air-pump. \^Trans. Xorth Sta^ff's. Min. and Mech. Jing.. 1879.] Peprinied bij I) Diluorth. in »vo., pp. 4. plates 4. Dunn, Henry Arthur Colninre. h. Smetliwick. 24t.h April, 1H.">9 : .«. of \Xm. .las. Dunn, Esq., of Kelvin House, Cape Hill, Smcdi- wick : educated Wellington Coll. ; Mat. New Coll.. 0.\., 13th Oct., 1877 ; B.A., 1882 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, June, 1885 ; m. Gertrude, dau. of J. T. Renton, Esq., of Bradstone Brook, Guildford. Fencing. London: George Bell ly Son. 18S0. Cr. 8vo., pp. 107, illustrations 17. [One of the AU England Series.] Ddss, Rev. J. P. Protestantism and its Protest. A Lecture delivered at St. George's Hall. Wolverhampton. ./. A. Roebuck, Wolverhampton. 1867. 8vo., pp. 12. 2nd ed.. iS'i/. 12mo. The Maynooth Grant. A Lecture delivered at Bilston and at Wednesbury on l)eh3lf of the Protestant Electoral Union. J. A. fioebuck. Woh'erhampton. 8vo., pp. Iti. DoN'N, Rev. Major William Meese. b. Brierley Hill, 11th Aug., 1857: s. of Rev. Thomas Major Dunn and Matilda Holloway !Meese ; educated Bishop Stortford, Herts.: Mat. Non- Coil., Ox., VM\\ Oct., 1S7G; B.A., 1880; M.A., 1883 ; Second Master of Sutton Cold- field Gr. Sch., ]«80— K4; Curate of St. Mary's, Stafford, 1H84— 5 : St. Peter's, Stoke, 188.5— »>; Holy Trinity, Eccleshall, J 886; Precentor of Choirs for Eccleshall Rural Deanery. Is Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister lawful? Loudon : liirington. 8vo. (jongregational Functions of Worship, d'C. Lichfield: ,4. C. Li/max, 1SS9. 12mo.. pp. 8. Reunion of Dissent with the Church ; What should a Churchman do? Lichfield: A. C. Lomax. 189i. 12mo., pp. 8. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 39('i.] Dunn, ilarv. b. Dunn's Bank. Darlaston, 30th Jan., 177"l : (/. 21st Aug., 1«24. Obituary. {P. .M. Mag (182.T), 89, 90.] Ddnn, Rev. Thomas Major. Assistant Master, Aldridge Gr. Sch., 1855 ; various curacies ; Ph.D., Univ. of Rostock, 1868. Ca'sar's Commentaries literally translated. Virgil's Bucolics literallv translated and interspersed with Notes. 1861. DnNSTAI.L. Historv of. [Shaw, I., 10(1—12.] Ddnstall (Wolverhampton). Historv [Shaw, II., 173] : View of Gatewav and Moat [173]. DuxsTRK, Mr. Anglia Hedivivus. Being a full Description of all . . . Shires, Cities ... in England, &c. To which is prefixed A Short Account of the Origin of our Nation, itc. London. 1600. sni. 4to., pp. (3 leaves), 130, and 4 leaves. [Staffordshire — 80, Nl.J Dli-s'tox, John. Books<'ller. Essay on Death-Bed Charity, exemplified in Mr, Thomas Guy, Bookseller, &c. I.A)ndon, 1728. DuiTA, Richard, LL.D. A Diary of a Journey into North Wales, in the ye;ir 1774, bv Samuel Johnson. LL.D. Editeil, with Illustrative Notes, by R. D. Londmi, 1816. 12mo., pp. xiii., 22ii. DuitDEXT, Waller. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 1153 — 62; Precentor of Lichfield, 1130 — 40; Prior of Ch. Ch., Canterbury; King Stephen granted him power of coining money at Lichfield and also gave him lands in Rngeley and Cannock : d. IKil ; i«r. Coventry. Grants to him [Bodl. Lib., 864, 7.')] ; Bull to him {ib., 1521, (B) 1-25.] [Harwood's Lichfield, 134, 193.] DonKLL, Jo. h. St. Helier, .lersey, 11125 : s. of Jnlin Durell ; D.D., Ox., 167;); Dean of Windsor and Wolverhampton, 1677 ; d. 8th June, 1683. [BodL Lib., 1134, \6?,b: 1131. 374. 2.^.2. 2.i7i. 263: 1134, 1794; Diet. \at. Bioi/.: Wood's Ath. O.xon.. IV., 87 ;. Fasti, II.. H17.] DURHAD ( 151 ) EASTWOOD DcKRAD, William. Printer, Eccleshall. [See SneyJ (Rev. H.), Moore (Rev. H.).] DcTTON, William Henry. h. 11th Sept., 1.S27 ; s. of William Dutton, Esq. : private tuition : Magistrates' Clerk to Newcastle Justices since IHaH : (Jhairman Endowed Sch. Governors, since 1H70 ; Hon. Colonel and Lieiit.-Colonel Commanding 1st V. B. North Staffordsliire Regiment : m. Victoria, dan. of Thomas Mason, Esq.; of Hewcroft, Newcastle. [ See " A Man of Many Ways." ] Contributed, Biographical, Antiquarian, and other Notices, and Letters on Auxiliary Forces, and on Franco- Oerman War to the Times. Stajf'tfrir52 ; Recorder of Tamworth : M.P., Lich- field, 1601, 16U1— 11 ; Will dated 21st June, 1622. MS. of his cited. [Bodl. Lib.. 8G3. 112: Forster's Judges, Baronage, and Alumni Oxou.] DvoTT, John, of Stycr.broke. 1562. Arms exchange at Lichfield [Bodl. Lib.. S.5«, f. 11:1 — 15] ; B.iiliflE of Lichfield [lA., liil, (u) .j8]. DyoTT, Sir Richard, h. Lichfield, 1590 : .v. of AMtlicmy Dyott ; B.A. ; Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox., 16(i7 ; Barrister-at-Law, 1615; Recorder of Stafford; M.F., Stafford, 1621—25; Lich- field, 1625—29, 161(1 ; P.C. to Charles L ; High Steward of Lichfield and Chancellor of Durham ; (/. 8th iLarch, 1859. Draught of Jronumental Inscription of, at Lichfield [Bodl. Lib., 1137, ff. Ul, 12;>a— 8ft]. Dyson, Rev. J. B. Wesleyan Minister. Historv of Wesleyan Methodism in the Leek Circuit. Leek: G. Nail, Printer. 1851. 12mo. Ditto, in the Congleton Circuit. London (Leeds printed). 1858. 12mo. [This work gives an account of Wesleyanism about Mow Cop. Bidilulpli. GlJlow Heath, Biwltey Green, and other portions of Staffordshire] E Eades, George A. H. Manager (1858) for Messrs. Bagnall, Caponfield Ironworks, South Staffs. The World's Charity. A Poem. Wolverhamptun : T. Simpson. 1858 12mo.. pp. .itf. Ded. to Mr. John Thos. Field. Pref . dated " Highfields, near Bilston, J une, 1858." Eauuley Epitaphs in Audley Church. [Wilmofs Life of Wilmot (1811), 3; Cent.'s May. (17118).] E.4RDLBY, Edwin Henry, Printer, b. Newcastle : s. of Charles Barker Eardley, Printer ; appren- ticed to D. Dilworth, Printer. Newcastle ; began business as Printer, &c., in Market Square, Tunstall, 188 : ?«. Mary, (/a«. of the late Jabez Viggars, Colliery Proprietor, Silver- dale. Primitive Methodist Connexion Public .Services . . . in connection with the Sixty-fifth Annual Conference to be held in the Lecture Hall, Tunstall . . . Tunstall: Printed hij Edwin H. Eardleij, Market Square. 1884. 8vo., pp. lU. Earl, Alfred George. b. Newcastle, 7th Dec, 18.J1 ; .y. of E. Earl [.^t? bdoiv'] ; educated Middle and High Schools, Newcastle, Mayer's Univ. Seh.: Scli. of Ch. Coll., Cam., 1«79 ; B.A., 1882 : M.A., 1882 ; Science Master, Derby Gr. Sch.. 1882—84, and Tonbridge Sch., 1884 ; House Master, 1892 ; F.C.S. The Elements of Laboratory Work. . . . London ; Longmans. 1800. Fcp. 4to. Earl, Emmanuel. b. Maidford, Nurthants., 2:^rd Dec, 1824 ; .-■. of John Earl : educated privately and at London Training Coll.; Head Master of Orrae's Sch., Newcastle, 1851 — 79 ; Vice-President, North Staflfs. Field Club : President, 1H82 : now of Stoke. Presidential Address. [Ileport Xurtli Stajf's. Field r/«6(1882), 911— 102.] Earlom, Richard, Engraver, b. London, 1743 ; d., London, 1822. Engraved Portrait oi Bishop Newton, after B. West. Earnest Appeals. [See Sneyd (Rev. H.).] Earsshaw, Rev. B. New Connexion Minister. Obituarv of Samuel Edge, of Honevwall, Stoke. [Sew Con. ilaij. (1818), 31HI, 3!ll.] Earwaker, J. p. Lord Chancellor Parker. [Reliq., XL, 136, 238.] Eastwood. [Jewitt'a Ceramic Art, II., :!:«— 37, 341, 401.] EASTWOOD (152) EDxMONDS Eastwood, Rev. John. Primitive IMotlmilist Minister. Obituary of Rev. TIk.s. Himlley [.-i;-]. [P. M. Mlii. I 188 J), 18— 2f Vork. 2,S'C,i. Thi- BiWe Wonl Book ; A Glossary of Old English Bible Wonls, with illustrations. By " . . . and \V. Aldis Wright, M.A., Trin. Coll., Cam. Cambihli/c, ISUG. Jtint Compiler (with Rev. E. J. J. G. Edwards) of fjist of Church Goods. \^Auitals nf Diocese, YV .'[ Eaton, Rev. Henry Knight. Curate of Swansea, 18(15-07; St. Paul's, Clifford, 18(;7— (W ; St. (.Iliad's, Siu-ewslmry, 1868—72 ; Vicar of Ch. Ch., Stafford, 1872—81. National Education. 1S75. Scripture Questions and Answers. 2S77. EiiHSMiTH, Joseph. /). Wednesluiry, liUh April, 1849 ; member of a family Icmg tonuected with the iron industries of the town — the Smiths (the ]irefi.\ Ehli having been assumed liy Mr. Smith since 1887) ; articled to Mr. Slater, Solicitor, Darlaston ; began business on his own account in his native town, 1870 ; Clerk to Wednesbury Local Board, 1870 ; Town Clerk when the town was incorporated, 1886 : Chairman of Central Tramways' Company, 1887 ; resigned his Clerkship and abantloned the Law, 1888, on becoming Chairman of the Electric Construction Company ; ?«., 1877, Miss Alice Howl, of Tipton. Biographical Xotice, with Portrait [Binniiii/lirim ync-eM awl Phici's, fU., 103-0").] EcCI.KSHAI,!,. Eccleshall Cliuri-h and Castle. [See Durrad (.1.).] Church Registers:—!., MLsed. l.iT.'S— l(i-.'0. II.. ditto, l.')7:)— '.111. III., ditto, 1I12II— (W. IV., ditto. 1(1118— 171^. v., ditto, ITUli- Oct., I78.S (Marriages to 17.")4). VI., .Marriages, 1754—81. VII.. Mixeil. 178:5—1812 (and Marriages for 178:!). VIII., Marriages, 1781-1808. IX., ditto, 1808— i;!. X.. Baptisms. 1st .Ian.. 18i:S— 22nd March, 18:1,'). .XL. Burials. Isi:!— 24th Dec, 1848. XII., Marriages, 181.^— 21th Feb., 184.i. XIII., Baptisms, 2!lth March, 18.'!.") — 2Gth June, 18.iil. XIV., Marriages, :!rd July, 1837— :^lst Dec, 18til. XV., Burials,' 2(ith Dec, 1848 (in use). XVI., Baptisms, 2llth June, 18,^9— 27th Dec, 181)1. XVII., Marriages, 4th Feb., 18(12 (in use). XVIII., Baptisms, 14th Feb., 18112 (in use).— (Rev. Preb. Allen, .M.A., Vicar.) Account of Camp Meeting at [/'. M. Mo;/. ( 1822), 13]. Miscellanea relating to [Salt Lib., see Cat. :!lt:i]. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of. Scale 2.i';il4 inches to a mile. 12 Sheets with Index Sheet and Area Book. Title from lode.':. Southamploii, ISSG. Charters [Bodl. Lib., J.527, 47, 5.5, G5fc] ; Bishop's Lands [8G4, :14] ; Charter to build Castle [(17] ; Grant of a Market [ds] ; Monuments, So3, 75]. [Hee Burne (C. S.), Allen (Rev. W.), Good (Rev. P.), Moore (Rev. H.). Sneyd (Rev. H.), Durr,ad (W. and J.), Dunn (Rev. M. W. M., Nonconformity in Cheshire, 14:4.] Eccleshall, Rev. Joseph. Lecturer at Dudley ; Invited to Sed.gley, 1050 ; entered as Minister, 27th Oct., 1654 ; preached Farewell Sermon, 17th Aug., 1662 ; r/. 1692 : bur. 22nd Dec, at Sedgley. Funeral Sermon. By Mr. Oastlend. [.S'ee.] [Nonconformist Memorial, II., 401 ; Shaw, II., 222.] ECCLESIASTES. [.s>e Wollaston (Wi"Iliam).] EcKERSLEY, Rcv. Janios. /). Lowton, Lanes., 28th Keb., 1828 : Primitive Methodist Minister from 1854 ; (I., Burton, 24tli Sept., 1808. Obituary. [See Dickenson (Rev. John).] EcofKEs, W. Wolverhampton. Villager's Pocket Gem. ISSH. Xvo. EcTON Hir.i,. .-V Description of the faDious Copjier Mines belonging to His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, at Ecton Hill, in the County of Stafford. [ 11','s. .!/,/8. Autumn Wild Flowers of North Staffordshire [Report North Staffs. Field Club C187iS), 77—80]; The Wild Flowers of North Staffs, [ii. (1877), 48— 54J. Edwards, Charles. h. \Volverhanii)ton, 9th Julv, 18r)7 ; «. of John Edwards ; educated Wiilverhaniptim Gr. Sell., privately, and Ar- dingly Coll., Susse.x ; Memlier of Society of Autiiors ; of St. Edward's Place, Wolver- hampton. Essays and Dialogues of Giacomo Leo])anli. Trans- lated from the Italian by C, E. With original biographic;il preface. London : Trdbner ij- Co. 1SS2. 8vo., pp. .\lii., 216. [Vol. XVII., English and Foreign Philosophical Library. ] Virginia the American. London : J. ,i* U. MaxiceU. 1886. 12mo.. pp. .1.")8. Garibaldi ; Recollections of his public and private life, with more than a hundred letters from the General to the Author. Translated from the French by Elpis Melena. London: Triibner it* Co. 8vo.. ])p. x., iUH. Frontis. — "View of Caprera," fac-similc of a letter of Garibaldi. Letters from Crete. Written during the .Sjiring of 188G. London: Bentley and .S'oh. 7.S'.S7. Demy 8vo., pp. xiv., OT4. Ded. to Count .\ngelo Manzoni of Bologna. Rides and Studies in the Canary Islands. London : T. Fisher Unwin. ISSS. 8vo., pp.' xx., .-Wr). Ded. to Dom. B. Benshaw of Laguna. Teneriffe. Sardinia and the Sardes. London ; R. Bentlet/ and Son. ISSO. Demv 8vo.. pp. xii.. :t7i'. Ded. to "B. P., Esq." Mr. Edwards has contributed Articles to Ca»eU's Pirtiiresi/iie .Mrditerrnnenn, .Ul the Year Round, Cornhill, Temple Hor. .MarniiUan. .Vationil Rerieu; .St. .lame.s's Gazette. The (iraphic. Whitehall Rerieu; Field, Chambera't Journal, The Chase, The Sporting and Dramatic News, ijc. Edwards, Edward, h. Wolverhampton, 1796 ; ll. there, KUh -May, 185(1. Obituary. By S. Roger.s. [/>. .1/. .l/nr/. (18,iO), .".74.] Edwards, Rev. Edward James Justinian George. b. Harrow-on-the-Hill, 1812; s. of James Eilwards, Bookseller ; Mat. Balliol C(.ll., Ox., 2n(l Aj.ril, 183i» : Kennicott Hel.rew Scholar and B.A., 1S3.5 ; -M.A., 1>^36 ; Vicar of Trentham, 1841 to death ; Preb. (.f Cur- borono-h, Lichfield, 1S.59 to deatii : R.D. of Trentham: Proctor, 186«, 1x7-1, 1880; (/., loth Nov., 18H1. Editor of Lichjield Diocesan Calendar from its com- mencement to death, 18.')(; — 84. Editor and part Comiiiler of The Annals u)' the Diocese, 1859—03. Theological Colleges, itc A Visitation Sermon . . . ISo'i. London .... Newcastle: F. Crewe. 1852. 8vo. 2nd ed., 8vo. An Evil, with Suggestion for its Remedy. London . . . . Stafford: R. if W. Wright, u.d. Square Itimo., pp. 88. A Sermon preached on .Sunday after Christmas Day, 1800. Newcastle, 1861. 8vo. I The Home in the Hospital. A Sermon. London, 1861. ! 8vo. Love to the Brethren. A Sermon. Newcastle: C. Ilickson. n.d.(1860). 12mo., pp. 1,5. I The Dischargecl Prisoner. A Sermon. Newcastle, : 1871. llhno. To the Parishioners of Trentham. Sermon on 2 Timothy ii. 1.0. Thought.? in the Graveyard, &c. New- castle: Thus. I'eake. n.d. 8vo., pp. 24. Two plates. Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. A .Sermon ... preached at St. Mary's, Trentham. Thomas Peake, Printer, Newcastle, n.d. pp. l.'>. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. I., 410.] • Edwards, Eliesier. o. Bristol, 1815 ; settled in Birmingham, 1845 : resided mostly at Har- borne, where he (I., 22nd Feb., 1891. Personal Recollections of Birmingham and Birming- ham Men. Birmingham, 1877. 8vo., pp. 108. Views and Portraits. The Old Taverns of Birmingham. A Series of Familiar i Sketches. Birmingham: Cornish Bros. 1879. 8vo., pp. ! 114. A History of Sutton Coldfield and Guide, with Ma), of Sutton Park. Rirniint/hani. n.d. 8vo., pp. 70. Life of Sir Rowlan.l Hill. \ Words. Facts, and Phrases. A Dictionary of quaint, curious, and out-of-the-way matters. London, 1882. pp. 631. Edgbastonia. A Magazine. (May, 1881, to death.) [Continued by his nephew.] To the latter Mr. Edwards contributed a series of articles on *■ Edgbastonians. Past .and Preset t." He also contributed papers to the Daily .1/fli/, from 1876. entitled " Personal Recollections." [See abore.'\ Biography and Portrait. [Birmingham Faces and Places, III., l"82— 84.] Edwards, Mrs. Elizabeth. Wife of Thomas Edwards, Esq. (t.f Edwards and Sons, Furni- ture Dealers, &c.), Brampton, Newcastle. Chaffinch .and Missel Thrush [Science Cossip i\i<'a), 282, 283] ; The Northern Holy Grass [177, 178] ; Note on Mrs. Edwards' Paper, by R. W(estwood) [232] ; Remarks on a Note by R. Weslw'ood [263] : Note on E. E.'s Note on the .Scarlet Pimpernel, by C. B. [( 1870) 80] ; Professor , Boulgar on the Northern Grass [102]; Mrs. Edwards on 1 Professor Boulgar's Note [278]. EDWARDS (154) EGINTON Edwards, George. Gleanings of Natural Historv, with Descriptions in English and French. Lnndoii (pt. 1), 775*.- (pt. 2) 1160; (pt. ;t) IWi. Ito., jip. (I) J(I8, besides title: (2) xxxii., lOil— 22(1: (.■)) vii., 221— ;t47, besides two titles. Ded. to the Earl of Ferrers, 1 le:if. Subscribers' List, 1 le:if. Plates, .'ill— til. Ditto, Lnmluii, muri. 4to. 7 vols. 25 copies, lar. paper, royal folio. Edwards, George. Wolverhampton, 1833 — 47. Speech bv [Lancet (183.-t), 418] ; Amputation of the Thigh [lb. (1847), 7!!, 8U]. Edwards, Henry. A Collection of Old English Customs . . London : John Bowi/er Nlcholls (nul .Son, 35, Parliament Street. 1842. 8vo.. pp. viii., 2(17. [Staffordshire :—Alrewas, 3:"), 3(!; Gre:it B:irr. .")7 ; B:irt.)n, 22;i ; Forebridge, 4, 5; "Walsall, 55 ; Wolvurh:impton, 221 ; Fradley, 30 ; Or- greave, 3G ; Aldridge, 57.] Edwards, Rev. Henry, b. Chartlstock, Devon., 1819; s. of Rev. Henry Edwards, Vicar; Mat. Lincoln Coll., Ox., 13tli Dec, 1838; B.A., 1843 ; M.A., 1887 ; Rector of Church Stanton, Devon., 184C— 81 ; of Wambrook, Dorset., 1850—81; of Uplyme, 1881—83; of Willenhall ; Rector of Burslem, 188G. [Foster's Alumni 0.\on., I., 411.] Edwauds, John. The Tour of the Dove ; or, A Visit to Dovedale, &c. A Poem . . . Printed for Lotir/man, Hurst, Pees, Orme, Brown, and Green, J'aternuster Pun; London, n.d. 12mo., pp.^ xi., 122. Dcd. to .1. W. Kussell, Esci., Ham. (Printed b)/ 'A'i//:ins and .Sons, Queen Street, Derby.) 2nd ed. n.d. Edwards, JMary. Tunstall. Account of Tunstall Circuit, from .lournal of M. E [P. M. Mag. (1822), 258, 250.] E(dwards), S(amuel). Newcastle. The W:ill Germander. By S. E. [Science Oossio (1876), 284.] '^ Edwards, Rev. Vincent, h. Wolverhampton, 17(i8 ; s. of Vincent Edwards, CJeiit.; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 31st Oct., 1787 ; B.A., 1791 ; M.A., 1796 ; Vicar of Broomefield, Essex, 1791, to death ; (/. 17th Jan., 1843. [Foster's Alumni Oxon,. I., 412.] Egan, Rev. James. Roman Catholic Priest at Newcastle : Designer and Architect of the Brick Chapel. A Circulnr in answer to the Rev. Lord Marcus C Bere.sford, Vicar-Gener.il of Kilmore. [To this an answer w:is made by his lordship, ad- dressed : To the Rev. Jame.s Eg;in. Roman Ciitholic Priest, Newcastle, Staffordshire. No title. (Printed by W. H. Hyde. Newcastle.) Dated '-Kilmore, Cavan, December 2t)th, 1835. 8vo., pp. 8.] Egan, James, Mezzo-Engraver. /;. Roscommon, 1799 ; d. London, 1842. Engraved Portrait of the first Duke of Sutherland. Egan (Pierce) and Walton. Pierce Egan's Book of Sports, ic. London: Teijg. lo3/i. 8vo. [At pi>. 137 and 377 is a " Conference between au Aupler a Hunter, and a Faleoner," from Izaak Waltou] ' Egerton, Kir Charles, Knt. b. in Ireland, 1586 ; s. of >Sir Charles Egerton, Knt., of Newbor- ough : of St. John's Coll., Cam.; of Lincoln's Inn ; principal Keeper and Ranger of Need- wood ; made various claims ns to lands in Needwood, 1650, 1657, in which he was fairly successful ; d., Newborough Hall, 3rd May, 1662 ; bur. Hanbury. MS. Survey of Needwood. [Augmentation Office.] [Shaw, I.,'il3, 94.] Egerton, Francis. [See Ellesmere (Earl of).] Egerton, Francis Henry, Earl (jf Bridgewater. *. 1757 ; d. 1829. Memoirs of the Egerton Family. Paris, 1S12. fol., pp. 1*4. (Prirately printed.) The Second Part of a Letter to the Parisians and the French N:itiou upon Inland Navig:ili(>n. Containing a Defence of the Public Character of His Grace Francis Egerton, late Duke of Bridgewater . . . containing some Notes and Anecdotes concerning Mr. James Briudley. Paris, 1820. 8vo., pp. '.19. (Prirately printed.) Egerton, George Granville Francis. [See Ellesmere (Earl of).] Egerton, Right Rev. John. b. Hereford, 1722 ; s. of Henry, Bishop of Hereford ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox.. 22iulMay, 1740 ; B.C. L., 1748 ; D.C.L., by diphima, 21st May, 1756 ; Rector of Ross, Hereford, 1745; Preb. of Hereford, 1746; Cbaplain-in-Ordinary to the King, 1749; Dean of Hereford, 1750 ; Bisliop of Bangor, 175(5— (;8 ; of Lichfield, 12th Oct., 1768—71 ; of Durham, 1771 to death; d. 15th Jan., 1787, at Durham. A Sermon. London, 1757 ; ditto, London, 17G1 ; ditto, London, 17G3. [Harwood's Lichfield, 158; Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 415.] Egerton, Thomas, of Walgrave. [Topog.,l.,i70.] Egerton, Thomas, Viscount Brackley, Baron Ellesinere. Lord Chancellor, 1616 ; ict. .\at. Biog.'\ Eli.ksmrhe, George Granville Francis Egerton, 2nd Earl of. h. Albemarle Street, London. 15th June, 1823 ; M.P.. North Staffs., 1817—51 ; succeeded as 2nd Earl, 18th Feb., 1857; '/., Balbernie, Fife, 19ih Feb., 1862. Portrait of. ['Man. Gr. Sch.] [.Mod. Km/. liioy., 1.. col. 97li; Smith's M.an. Sch, Reg., III., 311.'] Eli.iot, Ernest, b. Wolverhanqitoii. 19(li Sept., 1869 ; «. of .John Elliot, Librarian {jtee): edu- cated Wolverhanqiton Gr. Sell.; Hackney Coll., London, 1891. Edmund Spenser. An Ess.ay. yWelcome (April, 1890).] Oliver Cromwell {One and All (1892)]. ELLIOT ( i5t; ) ELWELL Eli.iot, John. h. AVolveiliainptdii : l/ibiariaii to Wdlverliaiiiiitoii, since St'iit., IXi'i'J; F.U.H.S., 7th June, 187H. A Practical Explanation of the Safe ami Kapiil Metho.l of issuing Library Books. Woh-erhamptun, lurU. 4to. Mr. Elliot has contrihuted the following papers to various Societies, all of which have been publisheil : — The Wigbtwick Fault, i»l«; Guy of Warwick and Piers Gaveston : Vestiges of the Ice Age. near Wolver- hampton; Dniitwich Salt Springs, 18S0 : Battle of Eve- sham. 1S81 : The Arrest of the Gunpowder Plot Conspira- tors near Wolverhampton, 1SS3: The Battle of Shrewsbury; The Wrekin and its surrounding--. ISSo ; The Siege of Lichlield, ISS7 ; Lilleshall Abbey, iiS9 ; History of Bridg- north, ISOU. Ellis, Charlotte. [See Mort (Kev. J.).] Eli-is, Jolin. /'. St. Clement's Danes, 22nJ Mareh, 101)8 ; a frieiiil and corresiiondcnt of Dr. Johnson ; d. Tith Jan., 17'J2, ageil l)-i. Letter to Dr. .Tohnson. [Chalmers's Diet., XIII., !47.] Ellis, William Medlicott. h. Snow Hill, Bir- mingham, l.s2(i; s. of Charles Ellis, Metal Dealer, &c., Wychal Mill> ; educated King Edward's; Seh. ; "I'artner in Messrs. C. Ellis and Sons ; Chairman of Haiulsworlh Higli- way Board, 1K74 — 79 : on Birniingliam Board of Guardians for 20 years ; J. P. for Birniing- liam and Statlordshire : '/., at his residence, The Willows, Terry Barr, Gtli Aug., 1892 ; bur. Aston Parish Cliurch. Biographical Notice and Portrait. [BUmiiiijhdiii Faces and Places^ V., ti7 — *.•.] Ellison, Rev. Honrv John. Mat. Trin. Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1835; M.A., 1838 ; Vicar of Edensor, Derhys., 1845 — 55 : Preb., Dassett Parva, LicliHeld, 1854 — 75 ; Viearof Windsor, 1S55 — 75 ; Kector of Great Ha.seley, Oxon., 1875 ; Hon. Canon, Cli. Ch., Ox., 1873 ; Chaplain-in-Ordinary to Her Majesty, 1875 ; President and Founder of the Church of Eng- land Temperance Society. Holy Matrimony. The Married Life of the Christian Man and Woman. New Edition. ir<"//j! Carduer. The Temperance Reformation in the Church of England, &c. Londuii : I'drlridijr. Cr. 8vo. Snd ed. The Doctrine of the Cro.ss. in its relation to the troubles of life. Uiniiiiif//uim, 1S7S. Sermons and Addresses on Temperance Subjects. C.E.T.S. Uepiil. London. The Lichfield Diocesan Chronicle. Edited by the Rev. J. H. E. Printed and I'ublished at Ldensor Vicarage House, up to iJSoj, when it was taken up by the Rev. Preb. Edwards. Testimony in favour of Temperance. [Ch.qf Eni/. Mag. (18G7). "llepriuted in Clerical Testimony in favour of Temperance. Pt. 8vo., 2867. No. III., pp. 10— I'.L] Ellys, John, Portrait Painter, b. 1701. Painted Portrait of first Lord Whitworth. formerly at Knole Park. Elsley, Rev. J. Annotations on Gospels. 1790. 8vo., •! vols. Re- vised, with the Epistles combined, lfi21. it vols., 8vo. [Mostly from John Lightfoot, D.D.] Elstracke, Reginald, Engraver, circa ICIO — 30. Engraved Portrait of Robert Devereux, lird Earl of Essex. Elton, Rev. Sir Abraam, Bart. b. Bristol. 1755 ; s. of Sir Abraam Isaac Elton, Bart. ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 9th April, 1772: B.A., 1775 ; succeeded as 5th Baronet, 1790 : Minister and Lecturer of West Broniwich, 17S2— 90 : d. 23id Feb., 1842. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. I., 424; Mrs. WiUett's West Bromwich, 4.'i — 51. ] Elwam. or Ehvell, Edward, b. Sedgley, "where his ancestors had lived above eleven hundred years, ever since the Saxons conquered the Britons" (Elwell) ; a mercer and grocer in Wolverhampton ; built Elwalfs Buildings in that town ; much jiersecutcd for his peculiar opinions ; a Saidiatarian Baptist ; always closed his business on Saturday ; underwent a trial at Slatford Assizes, 172t> : removed to London, where he became a member of the Seventh Day Baptists' Church, Millyard, Goodman's Fields ; d. there, 1745. A True Testimony for God and His Sacred Law, &c. ni4orI71G. A^ain. London. 1724. I'imo., pp. 72. Ded. "To all Honest Men and Women." Dated "Wolver- hampton. Sth day, ;ird month, 1724." Ditto, in aiissver to a Book entitled Religious Ob- servance of the Lord's Daj'. Dagon fallen before the Ark. The Triumph of Truth. Being an Account of the Trial of ilr. Elwell for Heresy and Blasphemy, before Judge Denton, at Stafford As.sizes. London. 1726. Edited by D. Priestley. Dundee, 1742. 8vo., p)). 42. Again, with altered title. cliUeil Third Edition, with improvements by J. Priestley. Birmingham : Printed hy M. Swinney^ No, 21, AVw Street. 1772. sin. 8vo., pp. .■)2 (2,lillll copies). Ditto. Hirmingham : Belcher. 1S17. 12mo.. ]<\t. 12. Again, London : Printed hy J. .lohnson. Price One Penny. London, ISIG. 12mo.. \i\>. 12. A New Edition, Liverpool. 1S17. iSvo., pp. 8. Reprinted by J. H. and ./. U'., .S7. U-es : T. Bloor, or- "■<'■ 12ino., pp. 12, besides 28 lines of Poetry and II of Advertizement. A Declaration against all the Kings and temporal Powers under Heaven . . . also Dagon fallen before the Ark of God. i-c To which is added The "Canity and Improbability of expecting that any good Jew should ever be brought over to the pretended Christian Religion, ic. London. 4th ed., 1741. The Grand Question in Religion considered ; whether we shall obey God or man, itc. Idolatry discovered and detected, showing that almost all "the Christian Greeks, Papists, and Protestants. »tc., are guilty of it. London, 1744. ' The Supernatural Incarnation of Jesus Christ proved to be false. London, 1742. Hvo., pp. 48. 2nd ed., 1743. The Sufferings of E. Ehvell in :— A Sequel to the Apology on resigning the Vicarage of Catterick. By the Rev. T. Lindsey. London, 1770. 8vo.. pp. 11— 17. ] Memoir of Edward Elwall, who was tried, &c., foi- ' writing a book in defence of the unity of God, &c. . . . i Liverpool : Printed and Sol, I by F. B'. Wright. 1877. 8vo.. j pp. 8. Memoir of Mr. Edward Elwall, to which is added The Triumph of Truth, &c. Birmingham: Belcher i)" *'"". 2877. 12mo., lip. 11. ' [Smith's Anti-Quakeriana : Boswell's Johnson, chap, xxvi. ; Towell's Life, &c„ Dr. Priestley (1832); The Monthly Repository. XII., IWtJ : XVII., 7;); Hole's Brief ! Biog. Diet. (18Co) ; Diet. Nat. Biog. ; N. i)'- Q ] Elwell, Rev. Henry, b. Wednesbuiy, 1845 : s. of Edward Elwell, Esq, ; Alat. St. John's Coll., Ox„ 24th June, 1863; B.A., 1867: M.A., 1809 ; various curacies; Vicar of St, Mary Magdalene, Harlow, 1877 ; Chaplain of All Saints, Harlow, 1K78. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 424.] Elwell, Rev. William Edward. b. Wolver- hampton, 180H ; «. of Thomas Elwell, Esq. ; EN DERBY (157) ENVILLE Mat. Univ. Coll., O.'c., 27th Feb., 1828 ; B.A., 183:5- M.A., 1835: Rector of Dauntsey, Wilts., IHJ'J— 75 : d., Brighton, 2yth Feb., 18H0. Enclosure Acts. [See Alp'mibet.l En'derisy, Charles. The Fallacv of a Monetary System, as deduced from Sir Kobert Peel's definition of a ■■ Pound." London, 1S47. 8to., pp. 111. Enol.\n"d. Atlases, Plans, and De.scriptions, containing Stafford- ''"■'A^Atlas of England and Wales. By J. Speed. Un- don,mu. fol. Ditto, coloured, leCO. fol. Again, 2e«0. *°'' A Pocket Book of all the Counties of England and Wales. rioHJoii, lGiU.'\ Ximo. Englishe Traveller. ... J. Van Langeron, Sculp. I'rUited by M. Simons {Loudon]. 163o. «vu Map., of the Counties of England and Wales. Bj Christopher Saxton. London. 157Jr-0.^ fol Again, 2C4o AnUia Contracta : or, A Description of England and Wales. . . . J. Heller [London, lOSUl A Collection of County JIapps ot the Kingdome of England, 4c. By J. Sellar.s. fol. JLaps of the Counties of England and Wales. By Rob;-rt Jlorden. Oblong fol. „.,,„, r , .. Speed's Maps epitomized. Richard Blonie. London. 16SL x^o. [Many by Hollar.] , .^ , , , „. , , A Collection of County Maps of England and U ale». By Overton, Janssen, &c. fol. , i t t i England exaiUy described, &c. Pnnled by T. Tayloi (for [{."lilume). London. 1715. Britannia Depicta By E. Bowen. London, 1720. Svo. Again, iWO. 8vo. The Large English Atlas. By E. Bowen. London, 173U. Ditto. 174U. fol. Ditto, 17SS. , ^ , , , A Set of Filtv new and correct Maps of England and Wales. Bv H. Moll. London, 1724. Chorographia Brittannias. By T. Badeslade. . . . W. H. Thomas. London, 1742. 12mo. „ , ^ . , Atlas, without title, of Counties of England. ILon- ' '"''The'''smill°Enelish Atlas, &c. Kitchen & Jefifreys. London. 1740. -„ ^1, 1^ Ditto. John Rocque. London, no3. Oblong -Ito. An Atlas, without title-page, of England and Wales. [London. 1765.] Ellis's English Atlas. London, 1773. -Jto. A Short Tour through the Midland Counties of Eng- land. London, 1775. 8vo.. pp. lOS. Bowles's New Medium English Atlas. London, 17X0. 4to. r.sVeCary (J.).] . , , Maps of English Counties. J. Harrison, London. London. VOL Oblong fol. A Curious Antique Collection of Bird s-eyc \ lews of the Sever.il Counties. . . . England and Wales. En- graved bv G. Bickham. jiin. London. VOG. 4to. A New Pocket Atlas and Geography of England and Wales. London, 1X03. 4to. Smith's New English Atlas, ind ed. London, ISOS. fol. The British Atlas. ISW. 4to. English Topogr.iphy. By J. Nightingale. London, The Pocket Tourist ami English Atlas. O. Hodgson, London (1S25). llimo. Atlas to the Counties of England, from actual survey. 1817—:!:! Bv C. A: J. Greenwood. London. 1X34. fol. The English Counties. . . . T. Moule. ti8 Nos. in ■2 Vols. London, 1830—37. 4to. Pigot & Co.'s British Atlas. London (1838). fol. Ditto. J. Slater. London (1S57). fol. , „ , , Atlas to the Topographiciil Dictionary of England and Wales. >". Lewins .(■ Co.. London. London. 1S45. 4to. Fisher's English Atlas of England and Wales. Lon- don, Liverpool, ami Maiulie. ;^g View of the Area, &c., of the Several Counties of England and Wales. . . By A. Arrowsmith. London, 1S21. . - i-- i i „,i Plans of the Cities and Boroughs of England and Wales, ic. In Two Volumes. London, 1832. fol. Plans of the Principal Boroughs of England and Wales. [ London, 185v]. . . . Boundary Commission (The Representation of the People's Act, IxiiT). Report of Boundary Commissioners [with Maps of the Boroughs]. London, 1868. fol. Plan of Navigable Canals, &c. Henshall, del. Lon- ""'a Plan of Ashbv-de-la-Zouch Canal, with Branches therefrom. R. Whitworth and W. Jessop, Engineers. London i 1702). , . , , j , -7 .„i. A Plan shewing line of Intended Ashby-de-la-Zouch Canal &c . . Grand Junction and Hampton Gav Canall . . . With the Ports of London, Liverpool. Hull. ic. [London, I'Oz.] ... , , A Plan of a Navigable Canal from Birmingham. Ant then bv Fradlev Heath and Fa/.eley. &c from actual Survev'by William W- right. 17'Jl. Ditto, from Chester- field by Retford to River Trent, &c., proposed by Mr. Brindle\-. Engraved by Jeffreys 17«0 Uitto from Fr.idlev Heath, surveved in 17(ii by R. Whitworth. 1. Kitchen, sciilpit. Ditto, Grand Junction Canals . . .. With Observations. Ditto, with additions. Again [£,on (184.^1; of the Grand Junction and Midlands Lmon Rail- way 184o): The Great Western Rail«;ay (18bO): The Leicester, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, BLirton-on-lrent. and Sta - ford Railwav ( 184.5 ). Chiffen's Maps, ic, of Grand Rail- wav from London to the North. &c (18oU); The Midland Union and Burton-upon-Trent Railway (184.^) : The Ox- ford Cpventrv, and Burton-on-Trent Junction Rai waj (1845): Sheffield, Buxton, Leek, Potteries, ic. Railwav (184.i The South Union, or Manchester, Potteries and London (1K4.T): The Staffordshire and North Midlands Junction Railwav (184.,) : The Trent Valley Contin«.atio« ■ml Holvheid Junction Railway (1S4.-.) : Trent A alle> . Midlands", and Grand Junction Radway (184.)). Englishman, The. 'bv R B Sheridan. C. J. Fox. and the Honourable J. Townshend. London,' 1778. fol. 17 Nos. only pubhshcd. Entwhistle. Rev. Joseph. Wesleyan Minister. Memoir of H. Foxall. of Handsworth [see]. Concise Account of Mr. Brettel s Death and Character. [Wes. Mag. (183',l). 728— :i8.] ESVILLE. Historv of. [Shaw, II., 2«8-7«.] Church Registers :-Vol. I., Mixed, 23rd April 1..2, - aris. Strand. 1820. 8vo.,' pp. Ivi., 440. Plates : facing Title, and at pp. xxvii., xxxi., xlii., 821. [Large paper copies are rare. Copies in Salt Library : one large paper, with MS. Notes by Archil. Nnres and by \Vm. Ham- per, transcribed by J. B. Sharp ; and another with MS. Notes, Jkc, by J. Broughton.] Ditto. A New Edition, considerably enlarged. Lon- don : J. Xlchols ,(• .Soils-. 1844. 8vo., pp. cvi., 588. Plates : facing title, and at pp. xli., xliv., xlix., Ixv., Ixvii. (Pedigree, p. Ili4), 300. In large and small paper. [The best edition. Value— Small paper, 50, - ; Large paper, £5.] List and Description of the Manuscript Copies of Erdeswicke's Survey of Staffordshire. By AV.. Salt. Twenty copies only printed for presents. Reprinted in Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844). [The following copies were traced and described by Mr. Salt :— n. Holme's cop.v, Brit. Mus., Harl. MSS., No. 1,99U; Three copies in the Bodl. Lib., O.xford, in Dodsworth's MS., 89, Gough's MS. Stafford, 4, and Kawlinson MS., B 433 ; Cambridge Public Lib., Mm. 4, 23 ; Sir Jacob Astley's copy, now in Salt Library ; Francis Bassano's copy, in ilitto ; Walter Chetwynd's copy, penes the Earl of Shrewsbury ; Earl Dudley's copy, penes the Earl of Dudley ; Sir \V. Dugdale's cop.v, pene.'; \V. S. Dugdale, Es,^. ; Rev. John Fcrney- hough's copy, pen-d (1S43) Rev. Thomas Newcome. Shenley, Herts.; D. R. Farmer's copy, penes R. Sneyd, Esq., Keele Hall ; John Hurd- nian's copy, penes — . Wicksteed, Esq., Betley Hall ; W. luge's copy, penes — . Inge, Esq.; J. Mee Matthew's copy, in Salt Library ; I'hos. Palmer's copy, peiips the Karl of Harrowby ; John Powys' copy, in Salt Library ; W. Salt's copy, in ditto ; W. .Stevenson's copy, in ditto ; George Toilet s copy, penes — . Wickstoed, Esq., Betie.v Hall : John WiUon's copy, ^en^.s James Newman, Bookseller, Holboru (1843): Three copies, penes S. Pipe Wolferstan, Esq., •Statfold Hall. .\ll the above copies vary from one another, some being incomplete, most containing additional matter] [The following copies are known to have been in e.xistence, but were not traceable when .Mr. Salt made his search, 1S4U— -13; — Copy by or iu the iwssessiou of the Hev. Mr. Berks ; Rowland Cotton, Esq.; Rev. Handle Darwall ; Mr. Lockyer Davis ; Sir Simon Degge; Mr. 'I'hos. Hammersley ; R. Hubbard; John Hunthach ; Mr. Kelshnll ; Mr. John Langley ; .Mr. Lee ; Sir P. Leyccster ; Dr. Charles Lytteltou ; Ralph Tliorcsby. [For further information see Salt's List, copy iu W. Salt Library, Stafford, or 1844 edition of Erdeswicke. [Of the early edition, besides the special copies enumerated above, there are in existence :— 1717 edition, with MS. Notes by P. le Neve (Brit. Mus.); with notes, Ex. Libris Rad. Thoresby, Leodiensis (Bodl. Lib. Gough MS., 4); 1723 edition, with MS. notes and review of Shaw's Staffs. (Cam. Public Lib.) ; ilatc not known, with .MS. notes by Sir Simon Degge, penes t\nj Karl of Dud- ley; 1723 edition, interleaved, with MS. notes by Bp. Charles Lytteltou, jienes — . Wicksleed, Ksq., of Betley Hall.] The True use of Ai-mory, shewed by history, and plainly pi-oved by example, Ac. London, 1502.' 4to. (Published hi/ IVi/rlei/.) Lord Chandos. Capitall de Buz. Poems. (Published by IVi/rley.) Certaine verie rare observations of Cumberland, Northumberland, itc, with divers Epitaphs, Coats of Arms, and other Monuments, got together by Sampson Erdeswicke. 1574. Reprinted, Press of A. Itichardson, Neivcastle-on-Ti/ne. 1848. 8vo. An Account of the Family of Erdeswicke. [Brit. Mu.s., Harl. MSS.. 381, 84— 10.V2, Li.'i, .'138.] Collections for a History of Cheshire. Two thick 4to. and two 8vo. Volumes in MSS. [Harl. MSS.. .188, 501), 814,10110.2113.] Collections of Staffordshire [Harl. MSS., 818]. Absti'act of Deeds of the Barons of Kinderton. [College of Armes. Another at Tablev Park.] [Bliiis's Wood's .4.th. Oxon., I., 73i;'; Harwood's Erdes- wicke, pp. xxxiv. — xli. ; Morris's Troubles. 3rd Series ; Gillow's Lanes. Recusants, MS. ; Forfeited Estates, (13 ; P.R.O. : Bi'it. Mus. ; Oi'merod's Cheshire, 119 ; Ashniole's Garter ; Prince's Worthies, 248 : Gillow's Catholic Biblio. ; all Histories of Staffordshire and most Biographical Dic- tionaries contain Lives or Notices of him : Bodl. Lib., 834, v., 1, f. 46—06 ; Diet. Xat. Biorj., XVII., 388-90.] Erdeswicke, Sampson, s. of Edward, .s-. of John, who was consin German of the above. Erdeswicke's Survey of Staffordshire. Transcribed by . Folio Volume. [Salt Lib.] Errinoton, The AFost Rev. George, h. Clintz, near Richmond, Yorks., 14th Sept., 1804 ; .«. of Thomas Errington, Esq. ; eiUicated at Ushaw, 1S14— 21 ; English Ccdl., Rome, 1821 — 24; D.I)., cum prcemio, \S'21 ; Vice-Rector English Coll., Rome, 2t)th May, 1832—43 ; Prefect of Studies Oscott C(di., 1843—47; Bishop of Plymouth, 1S.")1 — 55 ; d., Prior Park, 19th July, 188(1. Four Lectures on the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church. London . 1850. The Irish Land Question. London, 1880. Errikgton, Rev. William, h. Salterton, Wilts., 17th July, 1716 ; ^*. of Frank Errington, E.sq., and Martha Baker, his wife ; sent to Douay, 1737 or 1738, of which College ho became a professor ; on English Mission ; established a Middle Class Catholic Sch. in Bucks.; removed to Wales ; thence to Betley, Staffs., in Jan., 17G2, of which the Rev. John Hunt {set') was master ; finally settling at Sedgley Park, on Lady Day, 17(i3 ; Father Errington after- wards removed to London and became Archd. of Chapter, and Treasurer ; d. London, 28th Sept., 1768, aged 52. [Gillow's Catholic Biblio., II., 177— 79 : ditto Catholic Schools in Engl.and. &c., .'VIS.; Barnard's Life of Bishop Challoner ; Husenbeth's Hist, of Sedgley Park ; Kirk's Biog. Coll. MSS.; Husenbeth's Biog. of Parker's MS. (At St. Wilfrid's ColL, Cotton).] ESLIGH (159) EVANS " EsLiGH." (John Sleigli, Esq.) Note relating to Garrick, Johnson, and Boswell at ChatsH-orth [Jielifj., I., 24il]. A Tongh .Subject. Note relating to George Talking- ton, Horse Dealer, Uttoxeter. [/A., II., 172, 173.] Waste not, want not. [lb.. III., 180.] Note on "The 4.i," relating to John Gould, Cross Farmer, War4ow. [lb., IV., U".] Pedigree of Parker, Bateman, and Livinge, with Note. [lb., v., 244, -24.^.] Eki'ALIer, The. Or, Xovlh .Staffordshire ./oiiriia! of Literainre and ,S'ci'e/ne, liS;ill— 41). N.S. llauley : Printed and I'iMifhed by J. ('■ Westbriiid-. Miutet Sijiiitre. n.d. Svo., pp. 114. [Tliis .Journal was coiidacteil by tbe pupils of Dr. llasU-in's Aca'leuiy. Slielttiii, and runs from July, IHJy. to I'ebruary, 1S4U, when it "dieil a natural death for want of support." It was Edited by J. 0. W. .My eoi)y formerly belonged to Mr. Kdward Swaiue (a contributor; "with tlie Editor's regards. J. O. W. April, IMU." Mr. .Swaine has wrilteu in it " All printed - Suppressed." It is now very seldom to be met with, complete colJies are worth at least 20s. each.] EspiNASSE, Fiancis. L tncisliire Worthies. 2 vols. 2nd Series. .Manchester, 1877. Svo. [Contains Life of 1st Sir Robert Peel.] EssiyoTON, Rcr. Robert William, b. Noland's Farm, Comptou Bassett, Wilts., 17tli May, 1X18 ; .». of Robert Essington ; educated Eton Coll.; Mat. King's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., IS-ll ; M.A., 1840 ; Seatonian Prizeman, 1H4G ; Fellow ; Morning Reader and Divinity Lec- turer, King's Coll. ; ^'icar of Shenstone, since 1848; R.l)., Liebtield, 1801 ; 7n. Ann, f/a». of James Negus, Esq., of Footherley Hall. The Curse of Canaan, a .Seatonian Poem. Cambndi/e : Printi-J at the Unicersitt/ Press by F. Deiijhton ; .Uacmiliaii, Barclay 4 Co., and Geori/e Bell, London, lS4tl. 8vo., pp. ii. (1 blank) Hi. ' The Legacy of an Etonian. Edited by Robert Noland's Sole E.-iecutor ttpiotation from Sophocles). Cambridi/e: Macmillan. Barclay, and Macmillan ; London: George Bell, Fleet Street, 181G. Cr. 8vo., pp. xvi. (2 blanks)' 182, (2 blanks). The Jliddle Way;' or, the Province of Patristic Divinity determined ; To which is added The Samaritan : A Sermon. Cambridye : Same imprint. 1847, 8vo., pp. 38, (2 blank), 1 blank and 1 paste down. The Island on the Here. A Cheshire Tale. Cambridge: Same imprint. 1847. 8vo., pp. 24 ( 1 bhink). Ceei Mnrinel : A Tale, London: John W. Parker (• Broun. 1801. Cr. Svo., pp. 24o. Micro and llegga : A Political Pamphlet. Lichfield: same imprint, n.d. 12mo., pp. 21. EsTE, Mieliacl. Master of Choristers, Lichfield. Madrigals. First and Second Sets. London : T. Fste. 1G04. 4to. The Second Set of Madrigals to 3, 4, and .i parts, apt for Viols and Voices. J. Wtndet, the Amigne of W. Barley. London, 1606. 4to. Third Set ... . with Anthems, Neapolitains, Fancies, kc T. Snodham. n. pi. (London). 1610. Fourth Set. London : T. Snodham. 1618. Fifth Set of Books, wherein are Songs full of spirit and delight, i-c. ... 7". Snodham, for M. Lownes and J. Browne. London, 1618. -ito. Sixth Set. T. Snodham. London, 1624. Seventh Set of Books, wherein are Duos for two Base Viols . . . lastly, ayerie Fancies of four parts, that mav be as well singing as plaid. Printed/or \V. Stanesby and J. Lith'im. London, 1638. 4to. Madrig.ils to 'A, 4, and .'> parts, &c. London, 1604. 4to. Anthems. London, 1624. 4to. Duos and Fancies for Viol. London: Imprinted by Thos. Esle. 1638. 4to. " Hence Stars you dazzle." Five part Madrigale in " Triumphs of Oriana." Etchells, Rev. J., Wesleyan Minister. Obituarv of Mrs. Marv Fisher, of Tipton. [ H'm. Mag. (1810), 514,510.] Ethelfleda, clan, of King Alfred the Great ; ?«. Ethelred, King of Mercia ; lived mostly at Tamworth Castle ; governed after death of her husband ; fl., Tamworth, !I22. [Palmer's Tamworth ; Shaw's Staff., ic] Etrcria. Description of, with Plate [Tayler's Scenes of British Wealth ( IS75) 175—83 ; The Land we live in, &c.] [Jewitt's Ceramic Art. I., 115: II., 14. 45, IG7, 187, 245,247,320,327,344—00, 48il ; Jewitt's' Weiigwood and Meteyard's Wedgwood, passim : nearly all works on Potte'rv .and the Potteries; see Wedgwood (J.), Bentlev (T.), Bourne (Rev. A.), Mainwaring (Rev. S.).] Evans, Daniel. Iveta Honoraria ; or. Funeral Rites in Honour of Robert, Earl of Essex. London, 1646. Ito. Frontis. Evans, David, d. Bradley. Obituary. [New Con. Mag. (1842), 433—35.] Evans, Mrs. Esther, d. Blo.xwieh, 12th Jan., 1840. Obituary. [ Wes. May. { l.s4n), 2.)2, '253.] Evans, G. Echoes from Nature. Poems. IVahall : Printed by J. o'- II'. Griffin. 1875, 12mo., pp. 146. Evans, Rev. George. Canon of Windsor, 1660 : d. 2nd March. 1702. Letters from Ashmole to Canon Evans (27th March. KiliO) [Bodl. Lib., 11.3L f. 223rt.2346]: (■2.>th Sept.. 'G7) [229a] : (4th March, '(in) [230a] : (21st Nov.) [23.3i] : (Sth May. 'Gii) ['234^] : (14th Feb., 'GO : 14th April. 70) [24'.i«] : '(2Sth Juuel [25ll(j] : ( 17th June) [-253(1] : (22nd June) [254a]: (2Ist Julv) [14'2*] : (2;ith June) ['2.586. 2«3«] : (IdthAug.) [27.3a]. Evans, H. T. .Sacred Subjects in Verse. Wolverhampton : Printed by .Uj'red Ilinde, Snowhill. n.d. 12mo., pp. 3il. Evans, James Harrington, b. Salisbury, 1785 : .«. of Rev. James Harrington ; M.A., Wadh. Coll., Ox. The Old Man and his Granddaughter .at Enville. Hackney: Printed and .Stereotyped by S. o'- J. Cace . . . 1833. 12mo., pp. 24. Evans, John. b. Dudley, 3rd Sept., 1789 : d. Kate's Hill, Dudley, 16th Oct., 1S56. Obituary. Bv J. R. Batlev. [/'. .1/. Mag. (1857), 14,1.5.] EVANS ( 160 ) EYRE Evans, Lucy. h. Uttoxeter, 1848 ; d. Man- chester, 12th Nov., 1876. Ohituaiv. Br G. B. Miller. [Ch. .l/c.«--ii//cr, XIV., 220.] Evans, Rev. — . Wesleyan Missionary to West Iiidips : 6. WoIverliani]iton, 12lli April, 1772; Wcsleyan Mini.ster from 1803 : went to West Indies, 9tli Sept., 1803 ; d. Tortola, Jan., 1807. Letter to. dated 1H0.>. [ Wes. Man. (18011 1, 18:!— H.i.] Obituary. [See Miller (Rev. R.), Evans (Mrs.).] Evans, Mrs. Mary. Wife of the above. Account of the late Mr. Evans, dated •'Wolverhainp- ton, 3rd Oct., 1808." [ H'c». Mnq. (1800). 184—87, 22.")— .-!], 269—73.] KVANS, W. L. Moral Heroism; or. The Evolution of the Heroic in Man. A Lecture. Hanley : Printed hi/ William Timmis. 1858. 8vo., pp. 32. A Series of Letters ("which have ai>i'cared in the Stajf'orthliire Senlinel) bearing upon tlie Pottery Produc- tion .... Free Trade, ic. Ilanlei/ : J. Hilcliiiir/s, Printer, Market Street, n.d. (1882). 12mo., pp. 8. Evans, Rev. William, h. Bala, 1773 ; aJni. to Oswestry Academy, June, 1701 : Independent Minister at Lane Pelph, n'.!.") — 99; Bridg- north ; Orchard St., Stockport, 27th Sept., 1803 to death ; d. Stockport, 29th Sept., 1814, aged 46. A fen- Reasons for Dissenting from the Established Church. An Introductory Discourse delivereil at New- castle. Staffordshire, October 10th, 1811, at the Ordination of the Rev. Thomas Sleigh. Stockport : Printed b;/ J. Dawmn. liridi/e Street, n.d. (ISll). 8vo., pp. 10. Ded. tn Members of Newcastle-under-Lyme Church. [Nonconformity in Cheshire, 3o.i.] Evans, William. Hanley ; Editor of The Potteries Examiner p. 107. Observations, f ('horley.] Faumku, George E. Printpr, Longton : Town CounciUor. [ See Irving. ] F.vuMKit, Ned. A Collection of Originul Songs, Scr,aps, &c. 2nd ed., Louiluii : SimpHii. Marshall, ij- Co. 1846. Demy 8vo., pp. iv., .VJ. Fovsjet Him. A Song. Music by Mr. George Simpson, of Hiinlc-y. St;ittordshire. 184G. Music fol. [Reprinted on page 10 of tlie above.] F.\RMKR, Rev. Richard. I>. Leicester, 2!^th Aug., 1 7;^.") ; •«. of Richard Farmer, Maltster : educated Leicester Gr. Sch. ; Mat. Emmannel Coll., Cam., IToC ; B.A., 1757 ; M.A., 1760 ; B.D., 17(")7 : Master, Emmanuel Coll., 1775 ; D.l).; Piincipal Lilirarian to Cam. LTniv., 1778 ; Preb. of Alrewas, Lichfield, wiih Chancellor- ship, A])ril, 17^'0 to death : Preh. of Canter- liurv, \~X'2 — onnds in Nervous and Mental Diseases \_ib. (ISIKS)] ; The Medico-Legal Importance of Ptomaines [Jonr. St. .Med. (181I.-!)]. Farhand, Banks, .v. of Frederic Farrand, of Peckham ; member of the Society of Friends ; of Stafford. Man: Natural and Spiritual. London: Charles Cilpin, Bishopsgilte Without. 1851. 8vo.. Jip. 1:12. The Christian System ; or. 'Teai-hings of the New Testament. A Treatise on, and Book of Quotations or References to. every Doctrine and Passage from Matthew to Jude according to the .Subjects. '• What is written ? How read'st thou '/"' — Luke x. 2ii. London : Longman, Brown. i(- Co., Paternoster Poll: 1856. 8yo.. pp. 2G4. Farrand, Rebecca. 5/.v/c/- of the above. A Sister's Memorial ; or. A little Account of Rebecca Farrand. Also drawn up by her, \ Brief Sketch of an Elder Sister. London: H'. ij- /'. d'. Ca.th, 5, Bishopsgate Street Withoitt. 1857. 8to., pp. Tli. Farrar, Rev. Frederick William, D.D., Archd. of Westminster. Music; In Religion and in Life. A Sermon. Walsall: W. henry Pohinson, Steam Printing Works. London: Simpkin.'MinshaU,^^- Co.; Griffith 4'parran. n.d. (1882). lllmo.. jjp. 2(). Life : Its Occupation and Opportunities. An Address delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham. March 16th, 1888. n. p.. pi., or d. (W. H. Robinson, Printer, Walsall). 12mo., pp. 21'. Farvvkll, George. h. Bn.shbury, 22nd Dec, 1846 ; s. of Frederick Cooper Farwell, E.=q., of Tettenhall ; educated Rugby ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 28th Jan., 1«65 ; B.A., 1869; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 25th June, 1867 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 11th Nov.. 1X71 ; Q.C., Jan., 1891 ; m., 5th Aug., 1875, Mary Erskine, dau. of Vice-Chancellor Sir John Wickens. A Concise Treatise on the Laws of Powers. London, 1874. 8vo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., -loO; Men at the Bar, 1411.] Faulkner, J., Burslera. How are the mighty fallen ? A Poem [.Xew Con. Mag. (1829). 24] ; Heartfelt Breathings : A Poem [ib.. 1011, 167] ; Dying Moments : A Poem [2011.210] ; The Dead : A Poem [340] ; Affection's Lav, Addressed to an Infant Daughter : A Poem [473] ; The Dove : A Poem [(1830) 117]. Fazeley. An Act passed for making a navigiible cut or canal from a place called Rider's Green, in the County of Stafford, &c. : also a navigable canal from . . . " . . Birmingham .... to Coventry Canal, near Fazeley, 1782. fol. [Printed in Gary, p. 39.] Another, same. [Printed, ditto, p. 75.] Act to enable the Company of Projirietors of the Trent and Mersey Navigation and ditto of Birmingham to Fazeley, &c. 1784. fol. [Printed in Cary, p. 75.] FEILUH ( 163 ) FICLL Feii.de, Rev. Tlidiiias. b. Brewood, 176(5 ; .«. of Rev. Tlionias P'eihle ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 9th May, 17H;^; B.A., 1787; M.A., 1789; Vicar of Stanstead AbbotLs, 1793 ; Rector of Hertin'ftordlmry, Hert^., 18:^5 to death : cl. (itii Marcli, I«47. [Fo.ster's Alumni Oxon., I., 4o3.] Feii.dex, Rev. Oswald, i. Did.sbury, Lanes.; >>.o{ Robert Fcildeii, Esq. ; educated Man. Gr. Sch. : Braseiiose C<.11., ().\.: B.A., Vith May, 181,S : M..V., :.'7th Jan., 18;^I : Curate (with sole ciiarge) of Weston-under-Lyziard : Rector, IHoli — 59, when be resigned and retired to Lea-inghani, Lines. ; m. Annie Maria, dati. of Rev. J. P. Mosley, A.M., Rector of Rolleston : (/. 27th Xov.. 1872. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 4.i2 ; Man. Sch. Reg.. III., 10.S.J Feilden, Rev. Robert Mosley. b. Rolleston, 1791; y. of Rev. Robert Feilden, Rector; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 18th Oct., 18i?. : Barrister-at-Law, 1818 ; of Duias Court, Herefs. ; Rector of Bebbington, Cheshire, 182(; to death ; d. 14th May, 18(;2. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 454] Feii.den', Rev. William Leyland. b. Witton, Blackburn, 182.") ; «>. of Josepli Feilden, Esq.; educated Eton ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 19th Oct., 184;i ; B.A., 1847 ; M.A., 1850 ; Chp. to Marquis ol Cholmondeley, 1851 — 711 ; Vicar of Knowsley, 1855 — 80 ; Chp. to Bishop of Liverpool, 188t) ; Hon. Canon, 18!Sl : Rector of Rolleston, 1883. [Eton Sch. List; Baronetages, see Feilden; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 4.54.] Felkin, Alfred Lawrence, h. Beeston, Notts., 29th Dec, 1856 ; .?. of Robert Felkin, Esq.; educated Wolverhampton, 1866 — 75 ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox.: B.A., 1879 ; M.A., 1883 ; Senior Assistant Master, Roy. Naval Sell., Eltham. On Heroes and Hero Worship. In Jlemoriam of General (iordon. A Pai er read before the Carlvle Societv on Feb. 4th, Is.sii. Felkix, Robert William, h. Beeston, Notts., 13th March, 1S5:! ; .v. of Robert Felkin, Esq.; educated Wolverhampton Or. Sch. : Edinburgh : Hcidclburg; M.L)., Marburg; F.R.S.E. ; L.R.C.P.; L.R.C.S., Edin.; F.R.G.S.; Mem- ber of Anthrop. Soc. of London ; of Berlin ; of the Scottish and Berlin Geographical Soc; &c., &c.; Physician in Edinburgh : in Uganda several times ; m. Mary .1. ^Mandcr, of Wol- verhampton. Joint Author of — Uganda and the Egyptian .Soudan. London : Sampiion Loir. .] Fell, Rev. James Alexander, b. Surrey, 1824 ; s. of Captain Fell ; educated Rngbv : Mat. Corpus Coll., Cam.: B.A.. 1847 ; M.A., 1850: various curacies ; Vicar of Penktidge, 1S51 — 73 : R.U. of Penkridge, 1X53—73 ; Chp. to Lord Hatherton : m. Elizabeth, ihitt. of Rev. H. (i. Lonstlale. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Penkridge, on Sunday, May 17th, 18i>;t. on the occasion of the death of the Right Hon. The Lonl Hatherton. Lorii Lieutenant of the County of Staftonl . . . With Ap|)endix con- taining some Account of Lord Hatherton's Life and Character. Stafford: Printed by R. if ft'. Wright, Green- gate Street. 1863. 8vo.. pp. 18. Sevei-al other Sermons and Tracts. Fell, Margaret, b. Swarthmoor, Lanes.; m. (1) Judge Fell, (2^ George Fox, the Quaker; d. Swarthmoor Hall, 23rd Feb., 1702, aged 88. FELL (164) FENTON This was given to XI;ijor-(ienerall Harrison nml the Rest : ReiKi this in the Fe:ir of the Lord and the Modera- tion of your Spirits without Prejudice. London: I'linted for Thu'mns Simmixis at the Bull and Mouth near Alder- gale. 1GG4. 4to., |ip. 4. Fei.i., Rev. Samuel, h. St. Clenu'nt Danes, London, 1584: otliicated Westr. Sell.; Mat. Ch. Ch., O.K., 20th Nov., 1601 : B.A., ICOo ; M.A., 1G08; D.D., 1(U9 ; Vice-Cliancellor, 1645 — 48: ejected 1648 : imprisoned 1047 ; Proctor of Univ., Ox., 1614: Canon of Ch. Cli., 1619 ; Dean of Lichfield, 1637—38 ; of Ch. Ch., 1638—47 ; Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1626—38; (L, 1st Feb.. 1649, at Sunningwell. 0.xoiii!E in Primitiie : sive Gratis habita Schola Theo- logia;. Oxford. 1G27. 4to. Concio and Riccalaureos die Cinerum in Coloss. ii. 8. Oxford, 1G27. [Harwood's Lichfield, 18.'): Univ. Biog.. I., 248; Foster's Ahimni Oxon.; Chalmers' Biog. Diet., XIV., 175.] Fell, Rev. Thomas Cotton, D.D. Rector of Sheepy, Leics., 1807 ; Preb. of Wellington, 1812,"and of Whittington, Lichfield, 1822. A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Lich- field, on the Occasion of the Death of the late Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry (Ryder) .... London: Rivini/ion : Hatchard o'- ^ons ; and Seeley. John Knott and H. (1. Lamjbridtje, Birminijham. MDCCCXXXVL 8vo., pp. Hi. [Alumni West, 70 ; Woods Ath. Oxon., in., 342.] Fellowes, Rev. Henry Cecil. Lichfield Theo- logical Coll., 1873 ; Curate of Alrewas-'t'.- Fradley, 1S75 — 76 ; Rector of Franiingham Earl-io.-Bixley, Norf., 1876— 7« ; ofBeightoii, Norf., 1878. Prayers for the u.-se of Cottagers, compiled from the Prayer Book. Fellows, Frank Perks, b. Wolverhampton, 29th Sept., 1827; .•■•. of Isaac Fellows, Esq.; educated at home and by the Rev. S. Hunter ; Knight St. John of Jerusalem ; F.S.S. ; F.S.A. ; Life Member of General Committee of Brit. Association for the Advancement of Science; Inspector of Accounts of H.M. Dock- yards and Victualling Yards : m. Mary, eldest ddii. of the late Sir Rowland Hill. On the Impediments to the Introduction of the Metrical System of Weights and Measures, &c. . . 2nd ed., London: Smith, KIder, 4 Co. 18G3. 8vo., pp. .i(i. On our National Parliamentary Accounts. With Sug- gestions for Establishing a Domesday Book. &c. . . . London: Harrison and !Son9. 2873. 8vo., pp. 25. Admiraltv Monies and Accounts, Ac. . . . London : JJarrison and'Son.^. 1881. 8vo.. pp. 32. Letters (Lithographed) relative to Accounts, ic., addressed to Sir R. (i. C. Hamilton, Under-Secretary for Ireland. 8vo., pp. lli. (Usually bound up with the last two items). Poems, In Memoriam, &c. The Knights Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem, Acre, Cyprus, Rhodes, and Malta .... (Dedicated to my Mother- in-Law, Lady Hill, and my Mother, Mrs Francis Fellows, with great love and thanks.) Composed, designed, etched, litho- graphed, and printed, by F. P. Fellows, for private circula- tion, n.d. 12mo. Port niits of Mr. and Mrs, Fellows, pp. Title and Index (lithographed), 5; Poems (printed), 7 — 22; Poems (lithographed), 23 — 214: Etchings, &c. (litho- graphed), at pp. 2, 17, 2«, :^(l, 32, 37 (2), 41, 48, 51 (2), ,53 (2), 55, 5',l, Gl), 71 (15), port, of himself and mother, 110 (7), ll'J (4), 134 (4), 151 (4), l(i(i (4 ports, of himself and wife), 182 (8), I'.IS (ii and a port,). (The Etchings, &c., are reckoned in the pagination,) Continuation to the Knights of .St. John (not issue— 62] ; A Voyage to Australia : Its Incidents and Lessons [I'A. ( 1870). ICa — 67] ; Memoir of K. B. Robinson, of Magill, .idelaide [16,, 387— HO] ; The Sleeping and the Stilling of the Storm [16. (1S71), 207— 13]. Fenton, Rev. John. b. Newcastle, 17th Jan., 1773 : *. of Thomas Fenton, Solicitor {b. 1st Jan., 1737 : d. 29th Feb., 1792) : educated Newcastle Gr. Sch.: Man. Gr. Sch., 1 1th July, 1785 ; Mat. Univ. ddl., O.v., 8th June, 1791 : B.A., 13th Feb., 1795: M.A., 19th Nov., 1800; Curate of Wolstanton, Sept., 1770 — 75 ; Chp. to the Most Noble the Marquis of Stafford ; Vicar of Torpenhow, Cumberland, 1801 ; of Penrith, 1823 ; Rector of Oaseby, near Penrith, 1833: m., 1801, Annie, dan. of Sir Alexander Livingstone, Bart, (who d., 1857) ; d., 13th Oct., 1854, at Douglas, Isle of Man : bur., Kirk-Braddon Cemetery, Douglas, aged 81. To the Memory of Lady Flora Hastings. A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Car- lisle, August 25th, 1826, before the Diocesan Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 182G. 8vo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 4.56; Man. Sch. Reg.. II., 144, 14.5.] Fenton, Rev. John. h. Newcastle, 1747 : ». of Robert Fenton \_sef'\ ; educated Man. Gr. Sch., 10th Oct., 17(50; Mat. Hertford Coll., Ox., 6th March, 1764: created M.A., 1st June, 1775 ; Rector of St. Michael's, Royal Cidlege Hill-ii'.-St. Martin's Vintrt', London : d. un- married, 7th June, 1780, aged 33 : bur. St. Giles' Church, Newcastle. [Man. Sch. Reg., I., 9.3: Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II.. 450.] Fenton, Rev. Robert, b. Newcastle, 26th Oct., 1707 : s. of John Fenton : iLit. Pemb. Coll., Ox.. 19th March, 172:. ; B.A., 1728 ; M.A., 8th July, 1731 : P.O., St. Giles, Newcastle, 1731 _(";() ; (/. llth March, 1760 ; bur. in St. Giles' Church, where there is a monument. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. 456: Man. Gr. Sch. Reg., L, 9.X] Fenton, Robert. A.Newcastle, 1 1th Jan., 1777 : .V. of Thomas Fenton, Attorney {b. 1st Jan.. 1737: d. 29th Feb.. 1792); educated New- castle Gr. Sch.: Solicitor: m., 9th July. 1810, Hannah, dun. of John Mason (who d. 10th March, 1859) ; d. 20th March, 1838 : bur. St. Giles' Church. Medea to Jason, translated from Ovid. London : Printed by and for C. if R. Baldtrin, Xeiv Bond Street. 1800. 12mo.. pp. 12. Leander and Hero, translated from the Heroic Epistle^ of Ovid, with other Poems, original and translated. London: Printed for F. ij- C. Rieinyton, So. 62, !it. Paul'' Churchyard, by Pye >j- Law. St. John's Square, Cierkeuwell. 1800. i2mo.. pp. vi., 103. Portrait. By Sam. Spode. [PeiiM Miss Fenton.] Fentox, Robert. b. Edinburgh, 28th Sept., 1849 : .-•. of John Fenton, Surgeon {b. New- castle, 24tli May, 1820 ; d. llth June, 1863); educated privately : Clerk to Newcastle Sch. Board, llth April, 1871 to date: ditto to Commissioners of Taxes, 27th !Marcli, 1885 to date ; Borough Accountant, 1878 to date. St. Giles' Parish Church. Xewcastle-under-Lyme. Complete Ancient History . . . Xeircastle-under-Lynu: Printed by the Xeirspaper and Printing Company Limited, n.d. (1876). Fcp. 8vo., pp. 16. [Printed in the Stafford, shire Time! 3rd .lune, 1876).] Historv of the Ancient Borough of Xewcastle-under- Lyme. By' R. F. and Henry Wedgwood, .\eircastle-under- L'l/me : Printed and PnblL'hed by D. Dilworth. n.d. 8to. [three Parts only printed in lar. and sm. paper, in covers, pp. 48.] Twelve Years' Accounts of Newcastle-under-Lymo School Board. 1883. Svo. Compiler and Editor of the Annual Abstract of .\ccounts for the Borough since 1878. Fenton, Thomas Livingstone, b. Longton. [See Livingstone (T. L. F.)] FERE DAY (166) FERNYHOUGH Fereday, Dudley, /v. Kttingslnill Park, 1789 : g. of Samuel Fercilay, Gent. : Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., lOth Nov., 1811; created M. A., •2;jth June, 1814 ; J.P. ; High Slierifi' of Van Dieman's Land ; d. 22nd Sept., 1841). [Bequeathed £20,00^ to Magd. Coil, to found Sfliolarstnits. and to St. John's Coll., Ox., to found FtUovvsliiiis. 1N54. open to ;1) Founder's Kin, (2) Natives of .Stjiffordshire, (3) fading both, to any person being a member of the C;hurch of Kngluud. Tenure 14 years.] [Gcnt.'s Mag., N.S., XXXIII., 9-2; Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 458 ; Memorial of a Beloved Wife, 64.] Feheday, Rev. Jolin. b. Sedgley, 1814 ; .«. of John Tintou Feredav, Gent.; Mat. Wore. Coll., 0.\-., 3rd Nov., 1831; B.A., 183G ; M.A., 1839 ; Fellow, 183(!— 38 ; Curate of Aston- Abbotts, Buck.s. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 4o7.] Ferkday, Sarah, b. Ettingshall Park ; dau. of Samuel Feieday, Gent.; m. (1) Richard Bailey Marsh (who (/. d years afterwards), (2) June, 1831, Rev. William Dalton (afterwards Preli.); endowed St. George's Church, Wolvcrhaiiiiiton ; founded and endowed St. Paul's Church, Wol- verhampton, 1834, and St. Pliilip's, Penn, 1859 ; d. 19th Feb., 18t;2. [A Brief Memoir of a Beloved Wife (18(1'2).] Fergus, Nathan, M.D. House Surgeon to Stafford Intirniary. Case of Extensive Laceration of the Liver. &c. [I.ancet (1847), G'i'.l, liSO.] Ferguson, Rev. Joseph. b. Brierley Hill ; Primitive Methodist Minister; D.D.; F.R.A.S.; President of Conference, 1891 — 92. Knowledge. Being the Substance of a Lecture de'- livered ... in the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Talk- on-the-Hill . . . Oct. '-'Tth. ISIKi, kc. Lomluu : Pttb- tiaheil by W. Lister. VonJ'ereiice UJficeSy Commercial Road. ISUl. I'.'mo., pji. fill. The Thiril cEciimenical Council held at Ephesus. A.I). 4:il [-/'. .)/. May. (ISliUj, l'.4.i— o'i] ; The Fifth CEciimenical Council, held at Constantinople, a.d. M'.i [ib. (18711), 9 — 1 J] ; Sixth ditto, held at Constantinople, A.n. |I81 [71—7] : Seventh ditto. A.I). 787 [ 14'.'— .ill] ; The Wo)'ship of Images, Saints, and Angels ['.'liS— 7li, .■i8:)— 94. 449 — till] ; Eighth Council, A.D. 8(19 ['illo— IS] ; The Vatic.in Council, opened Hth Dec, 18ii9 [.t77 — 88] ; Sermon on Matthew svii. 18 [(1871) 2.-)8— (I8J ; The Religious Tendencies of the Age [S94 — IU'.>] : The 'S'ictor's Reward [(111—49]; The Christian Man's Portion [(187-2) 129— :47J ; An En- cour.aging Outlook [(187.'i) 2(;,')— (19, :)2('>— :S(i] ; The Necessary Qualitications and Recognised Duties of Class Leaders [(187.5) 71 — 9] : Our Duty as Ministers in Rela- tion to Modern Developments [i;t9 — 18. 2I1G— Hi. 274 — 81. 332 — 38]: Whence comes the Revenue of the Established Church and in what manner is it distributed ';* [tl()8 — 73, 71«— ■>(;]; The Sun [(187(1), 278— 8(1, 344— .52, 394—403] : Ohituarv of Josejjh Hall [(1879) 3U7. 308] ; Obituary of Rev. W". E. Sanders [( 1881 ) 4.'i5] : Memoir of Mrs. Ann Willcock [Christiini ,)/«.««(/(■.-■. XVII., (U]; Obituarv of Rev. W. Knibb [/'. M. .1/;h.(1880), 9, 10] ; Memoir of Rev. J. Timmins [ib. (I89(I)J. Fern (or Feron), Joseph, b. Lichfield, 1774; .«. of John Fern, Gent. : Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., (Jth Feb., 1792 : B.A., 1795. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 458.] Fernie, Edward. Stafford ; Secretary to Staf- fordsliire Central Conservative Associations. 1868. The Poll for Two Knights of the Shire to represent the Weitern Division of the County of .Stafford, itc. . ' . . Compileilfrom various sources and corrected bv the Official Ketu:nj to the Crown Office . . . London: Printed by Spotliswoode i(' Co.. Xew Street SfjHare. n.d. 8vo., l>p. 267. Fernie, Rev. John. Congregational Minister at Brewood. Portrait. [Eranrjelist .l/«7.] Speech by. [Rep. of Bible Society Meeting at Wol- verhampton (1815), 19, 20.] Fernie, Rev. John. b. Brewood, 24th June, 1811 ; ,v. of the above ; Congregational Minis- ter from 1837 ; d. Dunstable, ISlUi. Obituarv. [Coni/regatimial i'ear Bool- (1867). 281, •282.] Fernyhodoii, Bouni<>. /;. Xevveastle, 171)0 ; ••''. of Thomas Fern^ hough, Gent.; Mat. Wore. Coll., 0.\.. 12th Nov., 1782 ; B.A., 1787. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 4,58.] Fernyhough, Edward, b. Fnlford, 1739 : .-■. of Rev. Adam Fernyhough ; Mat. Cli. Cb., Ox., 13th Feb., 1759 : B.A., 1702. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 4.'i8.] Fernvhodgh, Henry. A. Staffordshire ; Ensign in 52iid Foot. 1799 ; afterwards in Stafford- shire Militia at Windsor ; Lieut, in 1801 ; d. 1804, .iged 21. [Military Memoirs of Four Brothers, 2 — 9.] Ferneyhouoh, J. Surgeon, Yoxall.. Report of the Trial of "The Apothecaries Company. 1'. J. Ferneyhough," at Stafford Assizes, 17th June, 1826. [iaiice?, X., 501, 502.] Fernyhough, John. h. Staffordshire ; brother to Henry, Robert, and Thomas [.--^vj ; Lieut. in Marin(>s, 1800 ; killed off St. Lucaii, 2(;th Oct., 1805. Journals of Lieut. John F. [Military Memoirs of Four Brothers, 10—63.] Feunyhough, Robert. Youngest brother of the above ; Ensign 2nd Battalion Staffordshire ^lilitia, June, 1803 ; 2nil Ijieiit. in Marines, Aug., 1804 ; d. in Leland, 2Sth April, 1828, aged 44. Journals of Lieut. John F. [Military Memoirs of Four Brothers. 66 — 275.] Fernvhouoh, Thomas. Brother of the above ; ! Captain, Staffordshire Militia ; Knight of Windsor. Military ilemoirs of Four Bi'others (Natives of .Staf- fordshii'e I. " Plates. London, 1X2!). 8vo. Ditto, 3nl ed., with aiiditional chapter (of which only 30 copies were printed). lS4g. pp. (1st ed.) 27.5, (.3rd ed.) 3'24. Collections of British, Saxon, and English Coins and Medals. Being Cuttings and Plates from Rapin. Bovvyer, Hume. kc. with 76 fine Porti'aits and with Engravings. [Salt Lib.] Staffordshire Collections and Lichfield Collections. 2 vols., fol. Portions from Shaw, Britton ; cuttings from ' Newspapers, with MS. notices neatly mounted, &c. ; autographs, drawings, kc. [Salt. Lib.] I Relics of Dr. .lohnson. Consisting of MSS. Letters, Sec, arranged in Six Imp. fol. Volumes, with upwards of [ l,:iO0 portraits and engravings. Sold in London, ISl.'i — SO. I Staffordshire Collections. Compiled by Captain F., ' being transcriptions from MSS. and Printed Books. Arms I emblazoned. Drawings. Engravings, Prints, Portraits, &c. In 14 Volumes, fol. [Salt Lib.] 1 Ditto. Being Extracts from Dr. Burney's Collection of Newspapers, 1641 — 1768. of all occurrences relating to Staffordshire. Transcribed 1838 — 15, in 5 vols. fol. . [Salt Lib.] FERNYHOUGH (167) FINNEY Ditto. Consisting of Arms and Seals from Shaw; ditto from Monuments, from Harl. MSS., &c.. copied by Captain T. and J. R. Femevhoiigh. in 1»;(7, IfS.'W. Folio Vol. [S.ilt Lib.] Ditto. Consisting of Additionts and Corrections to Shaw, by S. P. Wolferstan, of Statfold, copied in 1830. Folio Volume. [Salt Lib.] Ditto. Being Extracts from Harl., Cottonian, and Lan.'^downe MSS., made in 18H(;— :i7. fol. [Salt Lib.] Ditto. Being Extracts from Pamphlets in Brit. Mus., 1(;4I)— «1, relating to Staffordshire, copied IS37, 18;W. ;! vols., fol. [.Salt Lib.] Ditto. Being E.xtracts from Rolls of Parli:iment anatria, Cuiuberland. Trentham Park. A Poem. XewcastU: Smith. 17S0. 4to. Poems on several occasions. Newcastle: Printeilfor the Author by M. Smith, High Street. 1814. Demy 8vo., pp. iv., 228. [Jewitt's Wedgivood, 357.] Ferrers, EdmunJ, Lord, of Chartley. Letters Patent of Henry V., granting to him | a free pardon for all robberies, murders, rapes on women, &c., committed bv him before 8tri December last. Seal attached, Jan. 24th, 1415—18. [Salt Lib.] Fekreus Family. Genealogical and Historical Account of the Noble and Antient Family of De Ferrers. MS. folio, ssec. xviii. [Salt Lib.] Superstitions of the Ferrers Family. [The Mirror, | XXVI., 55. ot; ; 9ee Fairholt (F. \V.), Devereu.x ( Earls of Essex), Townshend i Lords Fen-ers, of Tamworth ) : Bodl. Lib., IKMl. 41ii«, 418. 41!!: Iteli79 : succeeded his father as 2nd Earl, 11182 : Secretary of State to William and ilary and also to Queen Anne : declined Chancellorship ; resigned his appointments, 1704; Lord President of the Council, 24th Sept,, 1714; retired from public life, 17115; succeeded to the title as fitli Earl of Wiiichelsea, 1729 ; m. (1) Lady Essex Rich, (2) Anne, itau. of Christopher, Viscount Hatton : d. 21st Jan., 1730. Reply to William Whiston in Defence of the Trinity. London. 1721. 8vo. A Letter to Dr. Waterland. [Printed at the end of Dr. Newton's Pluralities.] Observiitions upon the State of the Natives in Jamaica, 1712 — I.S, is ascribed to him. Portrait. Engraved bv Vertue. fol. 1732. [Chalmers' Biog. Diet., XIV,, .308—11; Universal Biog.. I., 273 ; Collins' Peenige, ed. Brydges : Park's Walpole : Swift's Works : Whiston's Life : Nichol's Atterburg. L, 1.34. 1«0, liJl : III., 90; Harwood's Lichfield, 3«3 : Wood's Ath. Oxon., IV., «51.] FisDEN, Edward. Great Britain. Illustrated. Original Views. London. lS.3fl. 4to. FiSLow, Rev, Thomas, b. Burton, 1797 ; *, i>f Thomas Finlow, Gent, : ilat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 3rd Nov., 1814 ; B.A., ISIS : M.A., 1824 : Fellow, 1824—2(1 : Rector's Curate, St. John's, Manchester; d. 8th Sept., 182C. [Foster's Alumni Oxon, II., 403.] Finney, Rev. C. F. b. Staffordshire. Lectures to Professing Christians. London, 1S30. i*vo. FiNSEV, Elizabeth. Longton. Some Account of E. F., late a scholar in Zion Sabbath School, Lane End. [.Ve«- Con. .Wag. (1823), .■t3,">— ;t7.] FiNNEV, J, A. JIacclesfield. A Visit to. and Reflections upon, the Ruins of Dieu- le-Cres Abbey, near Leek. " .idcertizer'^ Ofice, .*>tocl'portt H.J. 8vo., pp. Hi. [ My copy lias some very severe MS. notes by a former owner.— COUPILER.l FINNEY (IfiK) FITZ HERBERT Finney, Mrs. Mary. /'. Ellastone : <1. there, 20th Jan., 185K." Obituarj-. By J. Arnold. [P. M. May. (IS.W), 383.] Finney, William. Stoke-on-Trent. The R;ivages of Man and Time, and other Poems. London: Hamilton, Adams, it Co., 33. I'alernoster Row. riantey: W. Timmis. n.d. (1857). Fcp. 8vo., p|i. v.. »0. ( William Timmis, Printer, Tontine Square.) Pref . dated " Stoke-upon-Trent, July, 1857." Fibchii.d, Charles. Forton. An Act to authorize the Sale of certain Messuages? . . . of Charles Fircbild. his wife, and children, in the Manor of Meer and Forton. in the Countv of .Stafford. .^ fol., pp. 11. FiRMSTONE, Rev. Edward, b. Highfields, near Bilston, 15th July. ls23 : «■. of William Firmstone, Esq., and Sarah, his wife : educated privately ; Mat. Lincoln Cull., O.x. : B.A., 184i; ; M.A., 1S4:8 ; Head Master, Queen Elizabeth's Free Seh., Hartlebury, Worcs., 1852 — 55: Hyde Al)bey Sch., Winchester; Rector of Wyke, Winchester, 1877 : m. Jane, d(tu. of — . Ui.xon, E.sq., of Sunderland. Two Sermons preached in Winchester Cathedral. A Lecture: The Christian Altar. [Clergyman's May. (Feb. 2nd, 1882), and several Astronomical papers.] Fisher, Edward, Engraver, h. Ireland, 1730 : d. 1785. Engraver of — Garrick. between Tragedy and Comedy. 1769. Portrait of Granville, Lord Gower. ^765. Portrait of the Hon. and Rev. Frederick Cornvvallis. after Dance. Fisher, Mrs. Mary. b. Walsall, 7th Jan., 1797 ; d. West Bromwich, 31st March, 1861. Obituary. Bv T. Boulton. {P. M. Maq. (18t;i), 699, 700.] Fisher, Mrs. Mary. (/. Tipton, 20tli Feb., 1811. Obituary. [.See Etchells (Rev. J.).] FiSHERWICK. Engraving of. [In Plot, 102.] [Bodl. Lib., 1527, 404 : Ashtead Park, 141.] FiSHERWICK, Arthur, Baron. Library Catalogues. London, 1800. 8vo. FisK, Rev. George. Mat. Corpus Christi Coll., Cam.: LL.R. : Rector of Darlaston, 1834— 37 : Vicar of St. Matthew's, Walsall, 1837— 45 : of Great Malvern, 1845 : of St. Botolpb's, Cambridge, 1H49. A few plain Words on the awful and sudden Death of John Jones, late of Darlaston. Walsall, 1S3G. 8vo.. pp. 4. The Necessity of a National Seeking after God. A Sermon, &c. Puilished by Valentine and Throsby, Walsall. . . . 1837. 8vo., pp. 24. Past Mercies received and Future Resolutions enjoined. . . . Walfialt : Printed and Piibli.. viii., 9 — 123. A Sevenfold Aspect of Popery .... London : Xi.sbet <(■ Co. 1851. I2mo. Twenty-tno Sermons preached in St. Botolph's Church. Cambridge. London : Hamilton. 1S4G. 8vo. Twelve Aspects of Christ. A Sermon .... Original Hymns and Meditations. London: Sampson Low, 0'- *'<>«• 1H53. l2mo. An Orphan's Tale. Told in Rhyme. . . Published in Aid of the Fund of the "' New School of Industry for Female Orphans," Grove Road, St. John's Wood. London: Sampson Low, 0' Co. 1851. Itimo. Popery Subversive of Morality. In Two Parts. Part II., London, 1850. I2mo. Popery a Hindrance of Spiiituality. A Lecture. London, 185(i 12mo. Popery Foredoomed. London, 1850. 12mo. A Pastor's Memorial of Egypt, the Red Sea, the Wilderness of Sin and Paran, Jerusalem, and other princi- pal localities of the Holy Lami, visited in 1842 .... London : Seeley, Burnside. and Seeley. Fleet Street. li o/- verhampton : T. .Simpson. 1843. 8vo.. pp. xiv., 4lJ3, f rontis, 3rd ed.. 1845. The Liberty of Opinion and the Qualification for Using it. A Lecture. London : James Xisbet tV Co. n.d. (1850). Cr. 8vo., pp. 31. (Young Men's Christian Association Lectures, 18.)8— .i9. Lecture No. 11.) [ Wes. Mag. (1844). 45—52, 1)2—5 : Hackwood's Tipton. 58, 8«, 87.] Fitter, Daniel. h. AVdlverhanipton ; .s. of William Fitter : admitted English Coll., Lis- bon, 24th Nov., 1647 ; Priest, l(i51 ; blown into the air by an explosion on board a sliip, escaping with three ribs and one leg broken : eventually settled at Stafford, becoming a mem- ber of the family of W. Fowler, of the Priory ; V.G. of Stafl'ordshire, etc., 11)87; kept a School at Stafford ; d. there, (ith Feb., 1700, aged 70. Thesis in Universal Philosophy defended. By Daniel Fitter, under Dr. Godden, Feb. 1st, l(io3. A Treatise of Divinity, which he defended, under Dr. Clayton, the President of Lisbon College. June 29th, KioS. "Wrote a Defence of (approving) the Oath of Supremacy, time of Gates' Plot, lli79. [References below.] Fitter, Francis, Priest. //. WnUerliampton, elder hrollier of the above ; admitteil English Coll., Lisbon. 1640 : Priest. 1645 ; proceeded to England, 1647 ; laboured in Staffordshire and Shrop.^liire ; succeeded his brother as Administrator of Clergy Funds : had charge of Mission at Oscott on death of Andrew Bromwich ; r/., Oscott, 1711, aged 89. [Kirk's Biog. Coll. MS.; Gillow's Catholic Biblio., IL, 270—72 ; Husenbeth's Weedall, 18.] FiTZHERiiERT, Basil, of Gray's Inn and Swinnei- ton : Will, dated 30th Dec., 1727, proved 23rd Jan., 1728. [Payne's Catholic Nonjurors (1715). 01.] FITZHERBERT ( 16'J ) FITZ-RALPH FiTZHERiiERT Family. Pedigree [Bodl. Lib., 7«9,33n» : 845,129]: Differences [858, V"l]. FiTZHERiiERT (Mrs.), Maria Ann. h. Bran- bridge, Hant?;., ifjtli .fulv, 17ul : dan. of Walter Smith, Esq. : m. (1) July, 1775, Edward Weld, of Lnlwortli Castle, Dorset (wiio (L, fame year), (2) Thoina.s Fitzlierbert, Esq., of Swinnerton (who d. 1781), (3) Prince George, afterwards George IV., King of England ; d., Brighton, i'Jth March, 18:^7, aged 8(». Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherhert .... By the Hon. Charles Langiiale. I.owlon. 1S56. 8vo., pp. 202. History of the Itoyal Malady . . . . To which are added Strictures on the Declarations of H. Tooke, Esq. respecting .... Mrs. Fitzherhert. Loiiaon. n d, (1787). 8vo. A Letter to a Friend on the reputed Marriage of the Prince of Wales. London, 1787. 8vo. 2nd ed., Dublin. (By John Home Tooke.) A Letter .... on the Present State of Public Affairs, in which .... the following characters are considered . . . the Dukes of Norfolk and Northumber- land . . . Mrs. Fitzherhert. &c. Loudon. 1708. A Review of the Conduct of the Prince of Wales . . Containing a detail of many circumstances relative to the Prince .... Mrs. Fitzherhert. &c. Letters between an Illustrious Personage (Prince George) and a Lady of Honour (Mrs. Fitzherhert). ii. p., pi., or d. (lMndon,'l780). 8vo. Alfred : or, A Narrative of the daring means to sup- Ijress a pamphlet entitled " Strictures on the Declaration of Home Tooke, respecting . . . Mrs. Fitzherhert. Sic." London, 1780. 8vo. (By P. Wit hen.) Alfred's Apology [by P. Withen, appealing against his indictment for a libel on Mrs. Fitzherhert]. London. 1780. 8vo. Mrs. F. and George IV. [The Mirror, XVI., 21: XVII., 15!): XIX., 14.?; and in A Tour of a German Prince.] Portrait. By R. Cosway, pinx. A. Brown, sculptor. Oval. 8vo. [For i)articu]ars as to 3Irs. Fitzherbert (besides the above) see general Histories of Englaud and Lives of George IV., or of his times, aud numerous (in some cases, copious) references will be found in Lives of Home Tooke. R. B. Sheridan. &c. A fair epitome is given in Gillow, XL, 279- 81 : *-? also European Mag., Vol. IX., portrait; Lord Brougham's Memoirs, 407—9.] Fitzherhert, Thomas. Preb. of Weeford, Lichfield, 12th July, 1513—19 ; Precentor of Lichfield, 27th May, 1519, to death : d. 20th Nov., 1532. [Harwood'.s Lichfield, 195, 2,V2.] FiTZHERBERT, Thomas, S.J. b. Stafford, 1552; .?, of William Fitzherhert, Esq., of Swynnerton, by his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Humphrey Swynnerton, of Swynnerton ; was of Oxford Univ., 1568 ; imprisoned, 1572 ; m., 1589, Dorotliy, dau. of Edward East, Esq., of Bledloe'. Bucks , (she d. 1598) ; Priest, 24th March, 1 (J02 : became member of S. J., privately, 16(J6, pulilicly, 1G13; Superior of Englisii Mission at Brussels, ICKi : Rector of English Coll,, Rome, 1(;18 — 39; '/. at the College, 17th Aug., 1640, aged 88. A Defence of the Catholycke Cause, containing a Treatise of Sumlry Cntruths and Slanders published by the heretics in infamous libels, as well against all English Catholicks in general, as against some in particular, i-c. By T. F. With an .\pology of his innocence in a faymed Conspiracy ;»gainst Her Majesty's person, for which one Edward Squyre was wrongfully condemned and executed in November, 1598, wherewith the Author and other Catholykes were falsely charged. .S'(. Omers, 1602. 8vo., Defence, pp. 71 ; Apology, pp. 51, A Treatise concerning Policy and Religion, wherein the infirmitie of human wit is amply declared, and the necessity, fruit, and dignitie of the Christian Religion in Commonwealth is evidently shewed, with the absurditv of false religions, many controversies in religion discussed, finally proving that the Catholi(]ne Roman Religion only doth make a happv Commonwealth, Ilouay. 4to. Part I., laoG, pp. Mil ; Part II., IGIO. pp, 097, Both Parts re- printed, iJouatj, 1615. 4to, 3rd ed., in Four Books, Parte I. and il„ London (SI. Oermain), 1606. 8vo. De0, .Jnne, 18.il. A Scrmim jjreached on the occasion of the death of the Rev. T. Flanagan. [See Ullathorne ( Archbp.).] [Gillow's Catholic Bihlio.. II., -.'Ill, i'.l-l ; Lawley's Wolverhampton Bihlio.; The Tablet (-.iTth July, ISii.")) ; The Weektij Reyisler (.'jth Aug., 18(15) : Husenbeth's Weedall ; Characteristics of Bp. Ullathorne, xxiii.] Fleetwoods of Calwich Abbey. [Betham's, Collins,' Watford's, Burke's, Debrett's, Wootton's, and all other Baronetages ; the various His- tories of Staffordshire, esjiecially Harvvood's Erdeswicke ; Gillow's Catliolic Biblio., Vol. II.] Fleetwood, Charles Gerard, .s. of Thomas Fleetwood, of Gerards Bromley ; owner of Gerards Bromley, &c. ; a gambler : manager of one of the London Stages : parted witli his patrimony. Fleetwood, James. 7th .«. of Thomas Fleet- wood, of Hesketh, Lanes., and Calwich, Staffs., and Bridgi't, his wife ; Sch. King's Coll., Cam., 162i ; created D.U., 0.\., 1st Nov., 1(142 ; Chp. to 15p. Wright, of Lichfield ; Vicar of Prees ; Preh. of Eccleshall, Lichfield, Sept., lOaC— (U; ; Rector of Sutton Coldfield ; of Anstey, Herts., 1662 — 71 ; of Denham, Bucks., ir.T'J : Provost King's Coll., 1660; Chp. to King Charles IL ; Bp. of Worcester, July, 1073, to death ; d. llth July, 1683. [Harwood's Lichfield, 228 : Gillow's Catholic Biblio., II.; Betham's Baronetage, I.. 121 ; Wood's Ath. Oxon., Vol.11.; Fasti, 30.] Fleetwood, Sir Richard, Bart. s. of Thomas Fleetwood, Esq., of Penwortham ; settled at Calwich ; created Baronet, 29th June, IGll. [Gillow, II., 2U(;, 2U7.J Fleetwood, Roger. Preb. of Bobenhall, Lich- field, 1640 ; deprived, 1642. [Harwood's Lichfield, 219.] Fleetwood, Walter, Father S.J. h. London, 9th March, 1690 ; probably *■. of William Fleetwood, of Calwich ; educated abroad and at Twyford Sch., Hants. ; circa 1726, Priest at Paynsley ; entered S.J., 1735; d. Liege, 10th July, 1774, aged 75. [A'ee reference above.] Fleium, W^illiam. Abbot of Burton ; presided nine years (1493 — 1502) ; formerly a monk in the house ; d. 14th May, 1502. [Shaw's Staff., I., 7, 8.] Flemino, Abraham, h. L(]nd(]n ; of Peterhouse, Cam., 1570 ; B.A., 1582 ; rector of St. Pancras, 19th Oct., 1593 ; d. Bottesford, Leics., 18th Sept., 1607. Amongst his MSS. (which were, in 171)2, in the possession of the Rev. Francis Peck) were : — A Large Account of the unusual sufferings of Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex, 22nd Sept., MDLXXVI., sup- posed to be poisoned. The Hymn which the aforesaid Earl of Essex sang the night before he died. /). Trenthani, 1725 ; .«. of 5 , Mat. (Queen's Coll., Ox., Fleming, William Thomas Fleniin 15th July, 1749 [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 4(i8.] Fletcher, Rev. Adam. Wesleyaii Minister at one time in Newcastle. Obituary of llrs. Lees [itee] ; of Mrs. Walker [.*ce]. Fletcher, Rev. Horatio Samuel, h. Walsall, 1807 ; •>■■. of Samuel Fletcher ; Mat. Queen's Coll., 0.x. , 8th March, 1826 ; B.A., 1830 ; Vicar, St. Mary's, Bilston, 1830—36 ; Incum- bent, St. Mary's, Bilston, 1 836 to death ; m. Miss Lester, of Lester Street, Bilston ; d. 30th April, 1871, aged 64 ; bar. Kensall Green Cemetery, Loiulon. A Sermon on the Duty and Importance of Family Religion . . . Bilston : F. Xok-es. 1S4U. 8vo., pp. 18. Fletcher, Rev. James Michael John. b. Coven- try, 29th Sept., 1852 ; .«. of the Rev. J. W. Fletcher, M.A., Vicar of St. James's, Hands- worth ; educated Derby (ir. Sch. ; Mat. Univ. Coll, 0.\-., llth Oct., 1872; B.A., 1876; M.A., 1877 ; Curate of Holy Trinity, Shrews- buiy, 1877 — 82 ; StoUe-on-Treiit ; Vicar of St. Andrew's, Wolverhampton, 1885. Distinguished Alumni of Derby .School. Derby: Pike. 1872. 12mo., pp. (12, and 3 plates. A Visit to the Monastery of Mount St. Bernard in Leicestershire; with a short account of Mocasticism. Louf/hburonyh : Soars. 1872. pp. 32. Consecration of the Chancel of St. Andrew's Church (containing a History of the Church, Whitmore Reans, and of Dunstall Hall). Wolverhampton: Whitehead Bros, n.d. (1802). 8vo., pji. 18. Another ed., pp. 32. A few Words .... addressed to Members of a Bible Class, July 2nd, 1892, in All Saint's Church, .Stoke- on-Trent. Stoke: Feun. n.d. 8vo., pp. 4. Flamsteed the Astrouomer [ Re! iq., XIY., 14!l— 59 : XV.. 34—8: XVI., 189, 190]; Memoirs of Sir J. E. Wilmot [ib., XIV., 254] ; Wilrnot Memoranda [XV , 63]; Gravestone at Newtown Linford [191] ; Inscription at Sandford [250] ; Epitaph at Stanton Harcourt [XVI., 34] ; A Series of Articles on the Revised Version of the New Testament [Leicester Advertizer (1881).] Fletcher (Mrs.), Jane Maria, b. 18th March, 1812, Bescot Hall, Great Barr ; dau. of James Russell, Esq., J. P., of Bescot Hall and End- wood Court ; m., at Walsall, 13th Sept., 1831, Thos. W. Fletcher [whom .«cc] ; d. 4th Nov., 1892 ; bur. 10th Nov., Stourbridge Cemetery. Sacred Melody: '"Thou art gone to the grave." Ded. to Thomas Moore, the Poet. London : t.'ramer, Addison, ^ Co. n.d. (1836). FLETCHEFi (171) FLETCHER Song : " Child amidst the Flowers at Play." Ded. to the Right Hon, Lady Ward. London : same imprint, n.d. (183G). Kacved Song : " Thou that wilt not lireak the bruised reed." The words by the Kev. H. H. Milman. Ded. to H.M. the Queen Dowager. J^ondoH : Monro o'- JA/y. n.il. (1840). 2 editions, same year. Fletcher, Rev. John. h. I'attingliaiii, 1742; s. of Jolin FletfluT ; Mat. All ^Souls' Coll., Ox., 7th April, 17(!1 ; B.A., 17(i5. [Foster's /ilumni Oxon., I., 470.] Fletcher, Rev. .Josi'ph. //. Bla<'ki)urD, 7tli Jan., 181 G ; .v. of Rev. Joseph Fletcher, D.D., and Mary France, his wife ; Congregational Mini.?ter from 1H33 ; at Hanley, 1839—49 ; at Christchnrch, Hants., 184i)— 73 ; d. Bourncmoutli, 2iiil Jan., 187(1; hur. Christ- church. Six Views on Intidelity. Being Six Lectures delivered in Hanley. London (AUbut if- .Son, Hanki/), 1843. I'imo. History of the Revival and Progress of Independency in England. With an Introduction containing an account of the Development and Principle of Independency in the age of ('hrist. London (Hanley: AUbut, Son, i^ Jlobson), 1847—40. liimo., 4 vols. The Select Wtuks and Memoir of the late Rev. Joseph Fletcher, D.D. Edited by his son, the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, Jun., now of Hanlev. London; J. Snow. MDCCCXLVI. 8vo., (I,) pp. vi., :m : (II.) xxvii., .523 ; (III.) x., 48B. Life of Constantine the Great. London, 1852. r2mo,, pp. 1112. Two Lectures on Bible Temperance. London, 186.3. The New Testament Commentary and Prayer Book. Christ clinrch, 187-3. 8vo. [Mr. Fletcher was one of the originators of The Christcharch Times, which he edited for many years.] Obituaries will be found in The Christchnrch Times [(Jan., 1871))] ; Coni/rer/ational Year Book [(1877) :}B2 — 1)4] ; and Biographical Notice [Mod. Eng. Bioy., I.]. Fletcher, Joseph, b. 12th Sept., 1837 ; d. Shropshire Row, 1858. [See Hickman (Rev. J.).] Fletcher, Mrs. b. Biirslem, 3rd April, 1842. Obituary. By W. L. [ Il'es. .Vny. (1843), liS.] Fletcmkr, Thomas, d. Burslera, 15th April, 1843. Obituary. By T. H. [ W^m. .Va^r. (1843), 947.] Fletcher, Thomas William. b. Darlaston, ■2',)th May, 18D8 ; eldest .•;. of Thomas Fletcher, Es(i., of Handsworth ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Dub- lin ; B.A. ; M.A., 1852 ; ad eundem Ox., 18th Jan., 1853 ; J. P. and Deputy Lieutenant for Worcs. and Staffs. ; F.R.S. ; F.S.A. ; F.G.S. ; Ciilonel, 1st King's Own Staffs. Militia ; Barristcr-at-Law, Inner Temple : Earl Marshal's (j!(iki Staff Officer at Coronation | of Quren Victoria, 28(h June, 1838 ; m., at Walsall, 13th Sept., 1831, Jane Maria, thm. of i James Russell, Esq., of Bescot Hall and End- wood Court ; of Lawneswood House, Staffs.; d. 1st Feb., 1803. Pedigree of the Family of Fletcher (of Cannock and Lawneswood, StalYonlshii-c), showing the connection with the Families of Bracebridge and Keeling; Pickering and Keen ; Blakemore, Best, and Russell ; Burton, Bainbrigge, and others. London : .Mitchell c\- Hnijhes. 140, Wardoiir Street, \V. 188:1. 4to., pp. 22, and Pla'te of Arms. Observations on the Dudley Trilobites [Quart. Jour, of rieuloyical Soc. Lond., Vol. VI.] ; Familv of Fletcher [Misc. den. et Her., N.S., IV., 214— Hi] ; Bracebridge, Hawkesford, (Jibbons, and Keeling [231] ; Pickering and Keen [232]; Blakemore [2;t3] ; Best and Russell [234— 36] ; Bainbrigge [24.5 — 48] ; Burton and Borough [257— eoj. [Foster's Alumni Oxon. I., 171 ; Men at the Bar, 1,'>8 ; Burke's Landed Gentry.] Fletcher, Rev. William. h. Darlaston, 19th Fell., 1810 ; 2n(l .«. of Thomas Fletcher ; edu- cated Shrewsbury Sell. ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 9tli July, 1«29 ; Fellow, Brasenose Coll., i 1833— 35; B.A., 1833; M.A., 183(;: B.D., 1845 ; D.D,, 1847 ; Head Master, Derby [ Sell, ; Southwell Collegiate Sch, ; Queen Elizabeth's Sch,, Wimbdurne, and Clip, Wim- bourne Union, 1859 — 72 ; Rector of Minterne Magna, and Curate of Hilltield, 1S72 — 75; ! Vicar of Ulceby, Lines., 187(1 — 9t» : wi. (1) I 31st Dec, 1835, Jane Maria, daii. of Joseph Bainbrigge, Esfj,, of Derljy, (2) 4th Jan,, 18^8, Charlotte Fowler, ividuw of J] ; The Family of Story of Lockington ['i-il — ,5.5] ; Extracts from Leices- tersliire Registers relatitig to the Hastings Family [Ileports and Papers of thf Anxucluted Airhiteclural Socie- ties, XVII., ;W!I— 12j ; Robert de Stretton, Bishop of Coventry and Liclilield, KilUI— 8.i [XIX., HIS— 2II»] ; The Earliest' Leicestershire Lav Subsidy Roll [■2(111—812,447, 448: XX., i:)U— 78] ; G'leaning.s" from Ancient Wills [Leicester Literary and Plulosophical Soc. Report for 1885, pp. Ui.'t — (;] ; Gleanings from Early Leicestershire Wills [/it/fjoiie Leicestershire (edited by W. Andrews), 140 — 58] ; Tlie Ancient Watermills at Loughborough [2U4 — 18] ; Loughborough Worthies (A Series of 15 Articles) [Loujilihoruiif/h Advertiser (1872)]; Notes on Ulceby, Nortii Lincolnshire [Old Liucolushire, 1.. 5it — 05, 7.^ — It, 97—101, 121—28, U5 — 17. KID— 74, 193— Oil. 217—24] ; The Isle of M;in [ The Aiiliijuari/, IV., 224—25] ; Obituary Notice of T. R. Potter [III., 225] ; The Parish Registers of Loughborough ['J'he Itelii/uan/, XIII.. 194 — 201] ; The Churchwardens' Accounts of Loughborough [201. 202] ; Ashbourne Knives [XIV., 02] ; Haliwell in Chesterfield [02] ; Chambers of Derby [Oli] ; Bray of Eyam [04] ; AUeyne of Tidesvvell [04] ; Bellman's Duties of Lough- borough, Timp. Edward VI. [128]; Family of Sisou of Shee]islied [189] ; Somersal Family [250]"; The Manor of VVaddingworth, Lincolnshire [XV., 72] ; The Keelinge Family [127, -239, '240 : XVI.. 190—91 : XXIV, 47, 48]; Derbyshire Extracts from Bodl. Lib. [XV., 114] ; Pedigree of Kinder [107, 253 : XVI., 03, 04. 125. 120] ; PeiUgree of Oxspring [^XV., 108] ; Alleyne of Loughborough and of Derbyshire [■2.':3 : XX., 250': XXII., 2.50 : XXIII., 101 : SXlV., 100—13] ; Dawson of Loughborough [^XVII., 127] ; Fletcher of Walton [128] ; Parker of Derby [XXI.. I28J ; Royal Descent of the Noble Family of Vernon [Plate XV.]; ditto, of Boothby of Ashbourne [174,175]; ditto, of Babington [237] : ditto, of the Ducal House of Caven- dish [XXII., plate iv.] ; ditto, of Holden of Aston and Hurt of Alderwasley [XXIV., plate iv.]; Pedigree showing descent of Derbyshire Peers from Henry VII. [.YXIV., plate XX.] ; Pedigree of Finderne [XXII., Oil ; Philip Kyuder'a MSS., "Historic of Derbyshire" [XXfl., 17—24. 97—110, 181—84,197-200: XXtll., 9, 10, 103— 08] ; Swvnerton [XXI., 191] ; Tomb of John Foljambe [192] ; Heraldic Grants of Derby.shire Families ['240 : XXII., 49—52, 244] ; Excheijuer Depositions bv Commission [XXI. .250] : Derby- shire MSS. in Bodl, Lib. [XXIII., 100—02] : Religions Census of Shropshire in ](>70 \_Traits. Shrop. A. ^y X. H. Soc, 2nd Series, I.. 75 — 92] ; History of Shrewsbury Hundred or Liberties, bv the late Rev. John Brikdale Blakewav, M.A., F.S.A., edited bv [93— 1'28, 311 — 100 : IL. 319— 58 :' III., 329— 02 : IV., 339— 74] ; The Shropshire Lav Subsidy Roll of 1327. with Introduction [I., 1-29— 20(): IV., ■287-33x1; The Poll Tax of the Town and Liberties of Shrewsbury, 13S0 [II., 17—28] ; Petition of Humfrey Kynaston, Gent. [08 — 71] ; Inquisition of the Liberties of Shrewsbury, 1515 [7^2 — 5] ; Shropshire Topo- graphic;il MSS. in the Brit. Mus. [70—104]: Letter from the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to the Bailiff of Shrewsburv, 1.508 [IV., 04] ; Dimock of Randwick and Stonehouse [The denealogist, IL, Ul—»:i, iVA. iU : III., 320,327: IV.. 98, 99] ; Field of Lacebv and Ulceby [II., 344—47 : V., 179—83 : N.S., I., 9^2- 0] ; 'Cnolock of Lough- borougli [VI., 19 — 23: VII.. 24] ; Newcomen of Lincoln- shire [V., 181, 182: VII..'229— 31] ; Davys of Lough- borough [V., 25 — 32] ; Grant of Arms to Robert Strelley, of Bowden [IV., 193. 191] ; Dimock of Stonehouse [Misc. Gen. el Her., N.S., II.. 44] : Giflfard of Staffordshire [III., 320] ; JeviUi of Shrewsl)ury and of Staff'ordshire [IV., 384, .■i85] ; Pickering of Walford and Thelwall [IV., 405] ; Alport of Cannock [III.. -288-110, 325, 320, 453 I : Fletcher of Condover [III., 344] ; Best of Perrv Hall [IV., -202] ; Royal Descent of Scott [in Dorothea Scott, by G. D. Scull. Pedigree No. II.] ; Pedigrees, Wills, A'C, of Herrick [in Genealogical Register of the Names and Family of Herrick, by Lucius C. Herrick. 2nd ed., ISSo, pp. 14—141, 380—404, 4i7— 22, 428-30]. Mr. Fletcher is a frequent contributor to Salopian Shreds and Patches ; Notes and Queries ; Shropshire S'otes and Queries. Compiler of several Pedigrees in Burke's Landed Gentry [0th, 7th, and 8th editions]. FLETcHER-BoDOHny, Sir Jnlin Feiitun, Bart. h. Newcastle, IT'^-l ; •••■. of Sir Thomas Fletcliur, Bart.; Mat. Ch. Cii., 0.x., 3rd May, 1803; M.P., Newcastle, 1812—20 ; Staffs., 1820 to death ; assuioed name of Boughey, by 11. S. Manual, ICth May, 180.") ; m., 9th Feb., 1808, Henrietta Dorothy, dati. of Sir John Chetwodc, Bart., of Oakley ; (/. 23rd June, 1823. .Squibs, A'C, by, and relating to. [Penes Compiler.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 470; Ingainell's New- castle; Burke's Peerage and B;ironetage.l Flood, William Henry G rattan, h. Lismore, Waterford ; s. of William Flood, Esq., and Catherine Fitzsimon, his wife ; educated Lis- more Coll., Catholic Univ., and Carlow Coll. : Hon. Member, Trin. Coll., London ; M.P.S. : Undergraduate of Royal Univ. ; Organist, Thurles Cathedral, 1882—84 ; Professor, Clon- gowes Wood Coll., 1S84— S6 ; of St. Wilfrid'.s Coll., Cotton, 1891. History of Croxden Abbev. London : Kegaii Paul (f' Co. 1803. 8V0., pp. 80. Benediction Service. Novello. 8vo. '■ Salutaris." Xovetlo. 8vo. Benediction Service. A. Vary ^- Co. 8vo. Our Fond Ones Far Away. A Song. Edmund Ash- down. Waiting for the Mav. Willcocks ij^ Co. Aye F;iyr Citie. Polka. Willcocks . Hints Hall, 1707 : .». of Halph Flnycr; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 6tb April, 1723 ; rf., same place. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 472.] Floyer, R.alpli. I>. Hints Hall, 1740 : .v. of Cl)ai'les Floyer ; .Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., l.nli May, iVoy ; Higli Sheriff, Staffs., 1780 ; of Hints Hall ; (/. IGtli Nov., 1793. Fi.oYER, William, b. Hints Hall, 1796 ; ^■. of William Floyer; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., •23rd April, 1814. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 472.] Foley, Ho]i. Edward, h. St. George's, Hanover S()uare, 1747; *. of Tliomas, Lord Foley: Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 27tli Oct., 17G4 ; created M.A., 3id Feb., 1708; M.P., Droit- wich, 17(;.S— 74; of Worcs., 1774 — 1803; of Prestwood, Stafford ; (/. 22nd June, 1808. [Foster's AUunni Oxon., II., 472.] Foley, Edward Thomas. /'. Prestwood, 1792; s. of the above ; Mat. Bi'asenose Coll., Ox., 17th April, 1809 ; created M.A., 10th June, 1812, also U.C.L., 13th June, 1834 ; M.P., Liidgershall, 182(1—32 : of Herefs., 1832— 41 : (/. 29tli Maich, 184li. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., It., 472.] Foley Family. Origin of the Foley Faniilv. [The (Jeneatoyist. VI., 171.] Foley, Henry John Wentworth Hodgetts. b. Marylebone, 1829 ; s. of .John H. Foley, Esq.; Mat. Ch. Ch., 0.x. , 4th June, 1S4(; ; of Prest- wood ; J. P.; D.L. ; High Sheriff of Staffs., 1877 ; M.P., South Staffs., 1857— G8. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., II., 473.] Foley, John Hodgetts. b. Prestwood, 1797 ; .«. of Hon. Edward Foley ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 27th Oct., 1815 : M.P., Droitwich, 1822—35 : East Worcs., 1844 — (11 ; assumed additional name of Hodgetts by R. L., 4th April, 1821 ; i/. 13tli Nov.,'lH(;i. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 473.] Foley, Paul Henrv. b. Lo)idoD, 1857 ; >>. of Henry J. W. H. Foley, E.sq. : Mat. Ch. Ch.. Ox., 20th May, 1^75; B.A., 1880; M.A., 1HX2 ; Barristcr-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1880. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 473 ; Jlen ,at the Bar.] Foley, Robert, of Stourbridge. Gi-ant of Augmentation to R. Foley. I(i71. [The Genealoyist, II., 37.] Foley, William, b. Alrewas, 1711 ; -■. of Paul Foley, Esq. ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 5th July. 1728. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I., 473.] Foley, Rev. William. Educated Sedgley Park and Oscott Coll., 26th Maich, 18(i6 : left from here some years after, but returned to Oscott, 1st Oct., 1817 ; became Procurator and Prefect, and served Mission at Hopwas : left Oscott for Xorthamptoii, 22nd Oct., 18:^3 : President, Oscott Coll., July, 183((, for a short time : again, llth Feb., "l839— Sept., 1S41 ; charge of Mission at Hampton-on-the-Hill, but having returned to Oscott, d. there, llth Feb., 1843. [Gillow's Cath. Sch. of Eng. MS. ; Husenbeth's Weedall. 28, 2'.). llil, 125. 137—3;). li;3. 111!), 170. 1!)7. -iO'.). 224— 2!),'231, 2'.)li: ditto, Milner : The Tablet (25th Feb.. 1843) ; Gillow's Catholic Biblio., II., SOO, .307.] FoLKER, William Henry, b. Brighton, 30th Aug., 1826 : Mat. New Coll., Ox. : Charing Cro^s Hospital ; in Paris ; M.R.C.S., 1851 : L..M., 1S52 : L.S..A., 1852 : F.R.C.S., 1864; House Surgeon, North Staff's. Infirmary : Hon. Surfjeon, 1892 ; Sui'geon-Major, 1st North Staffs. Volunteers : F.R.M.C.S. : m. Ellen Jane, dun. of H. Fourdrinier, Esq., of Hanley. Operations on the Upper and Lower Extremities . . Stoke-upon-Trent : Printed and Published by .itexander tireyy. 18S0. 8vo., pp. 27. Dr. Folker is a contributor to The Lancet and The Brit. Med. Jour. Follows, Rev. George. h. Stafford, 1824 : Wesleyan Minister from 1848 ; d. 2nd July, 1884." Obituary. [ Wes. Min. (1881), 30.] Ford, Ann. b. Alton, 24th May, 1801 ; d. Oth Dec., 18(i9. Obituary. [S« Ford (John).] Ford, James, b. Alton, 27th Sept., 1829 ; d. Oi.kamoor, 15th July, 1881. Obituary. Bv W. H. Kershaw. [/'. .1/. .1/n^. (1884), G28, (i2'.).] Ford, John. b. Newcastle, 17()9 ; .<. of Hugh Ford ; Mat. Ch. Ch. Ox., 18th March. 1725 ; Barrister-al-Law, 1732: t/. 20th June, 1753. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 474.] FORD (174) FORSHAW FoKU, Rev. John. Primitive MiHlunlij^t ]\linister. Obituary of Ann Ford. [P. M. Mar/. ( lt<72), (;2i;, C.il.] Obituary of Henry Proudlove. [_li>. (188-1), mi, 182.J Ford, Rev. John. Vicar of Ch. Cli.. Stone, 1853—82 : at Clieltenhani. A New Year Address .... to his Parishioners Jamei Giindri/, rrinter. Stone. n.iI.(187G). limo., pp. 14. Ford, Rev. Simon, b. East Ogwell, Devonshire, 1619; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., Ki;-!!; ; B.A., 1640; M.A., 1648; B.D., 1650; DD., 1665; Vicar, St. Lawrence, Reading, 1651 ; of All Saints, Northampton, 1659 ; Rector of Old Swinford, 1676 to death ; d. 7th April 1699. A Discourse concerning God's Judgment ; resolving many weiglity questions and rases relating to them. Preached (froln the substance of it) at Old Swinford, in Worcestershire (and now published to accompany the annexed Narrative concerning the man whose hands and legs lately rotted olf in the neighbouring parish of King's Swinford, in .Staffordshire, penned by another author). . . Londun: Priuteii hi/ lleini/ Brome lit the '^ dun," at the West End of ,-it. Piiid'.i. 167K. 12mo., ."i leaves, pp. 811. [See Duncalf (J.), Illingworth (Rev. A.).] Ford, Rev. Thomas, h. Alrewas, 1796 ; Primi- tive Methodist Minister from 1821 : (/. New- bury, Berks., 21st Aug., 185(1. Obituary. By Samuel Wilshaw. [/'. .)/. ^fal/. (18:>1), 7-11.] Ford, Rev. William, M.A. Minister at St. John's, Longton. Portrait in Lithograiihv. Sermon. Loni/ton : Elizabeth Forester, Iligh Street, n.d. 8vo. Ford, Rev. William. f>. Hanley, 1798 ; New Connexion Minister from ISIS ; President, 1835, 1845 ; (/. Newhaven, Sussex, 15th Feb., 1859, aged 61. Memoir of Rev. J. Henshaw. [Xeir Con. Maij. (1830), 437—42, 481—89, 521—24.] Memoir of Richard Oldham, of Ashton. [New Con. Mag. (18:i4), 320—27, 3(11- i;s, 401—8.] ' An Address delivercil to the Rev, Messrs. J. Marten, R. Henshaw, T. Berry, and .J. Robinson, on b( ing received in full connexion at the Hanley Conference. Manchester : Office of New Cimnej-inn. 1K35. 8vo., pp. 22. Obituary of Mrs. Aldred, of Nottingham [New Con. Mag. (1830), 108] ; of Rev J. Henshaw [437—42,481-80, ■521 — 24] ; Memoir of Rachel Drinkwater, of Dukinfield [(18.3,)) 41 — 7] ; An Account of Methodism in Mosley, Ashton Circuit [(1S30) Sfi- 8.71— 4, 117, 118] ; An Address delivered at the Hanley Conference, 11th .Tune, 1835 [173 — 78, 210 — 2.'), 2.i3 — ,i'.t] ; Report of the Reception of the Wesleyan Seceders of the Dudley and Stourbridge Circuits into the Methodist New Connexion [3114 — i)8] ; Hanover Street Chapel, Sheffield— Description of, by W. F. [(1837) 3011 J ; Means should be valued and used in relation to the end [(1838) 179 — 81 J ; Memoir of C. Carter of Altringham [201 — 1] ; Report of Meeting at Hanley [(1842) 77]; Obituary of Mary Balm [479] : Presidential Address to the Churches [(1830) (1840);' New Con. Min. (1835) (1845)]; Address to Irish Missions [ii. (1830) ; to Irish Conference [(1832) (1835) (1845)]. Fordb, Hugh, of Forde Green, m. Jane, dau. of William Milner, of Bank Top ; d. 6th Sept., 1788. [See below.] FoRDE, Hugh. b. Forde Green (baptised, Nor- ton, ;-)lst Julv), 1750 ; Silk Merchant at Leek ; d. 22nd Nov.', 1797. \_See below.] FoRDE, William. b. Forde (jJreen (bajitiscd Norton, 1st July), 1743; eldest g. of Hugh Forde ; educated Man. (ir. Sch , 21st May, 1759 ; Surgeon in Manciiester ; afterwards settled in Nottingham : m. Jane, dau. of John Farnworth, Attorney, Nottingham. [Man. .Sch. Reg., I., 85; Ormerod's Cheshire, III., 58, 59; Pedigree in Ormerod.] Forester, Elizabeth. " Bookseller, Printer, and Circulating Library" [White's Staffs. (1834)], High Street, Longton. [, See Ford (Rev. W.).] Forester, Samuel. Ilv.iband of the above. "Printer and Postmaster" [_Bagshaiv'K Direc- torij (1818)], Market Street, Longton. FoRMHV, l{ev. Henry, b. 18I(i: 2nd .v. of H. G. Formby, Esq., of Bury, Lanes.; educated Clitheroe Gr. Scii. and Charterhouse ; Brasenose Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 1837 ; M.A., 1841 ; Vicar of Reardon, Gloucs., 1844 ; received into the Roman Catholic Church at Oscott, 25th Jan., 1846 ; snccessively priest at St. Chad's, Bir- mingham, and Wednesbury ; d. Normanton Hall, Lines., 12th March, 1884. A Visit to the East. London, 1843. Editor of The Monthly Magazine of the llnh/ Hosurij, N.S., 1873. [Gillow's Catholic Biblio,, II., 3U9— 13 ; Mod. Km/. Biog., I,, col. 1082.] Forrester, Martin. Cheadle. Obituary of John Fowler. [/'. .lA Mag. (1850), 567.] FoRSHAW, Charles Frederick, b. Bilston, 23rd Jan., 1863 ; s. of Thomas Garratt Forshaw, chemist, and qi-andsori of t]ie Rev. Tliurstan Forshaw, of Newchapel ; educated at Clarendon Academy, Bradford, and privately ; Consulting Dental Surgeon to Ilkley Coll. ; Tlie Nutter Orphanage ; The Bradford Tradesmen's Home ; late to the Bradforil Children's Hospital, and Eye and Ear Hospital; F.G.S., Edirdnirgh ; F.S.A.; F.S.C.L: M.A.; President of York?. Literary Society and Member of Bradford His- torical Society ; /«., Oct. 6th, 1884, Mary Elizabeth, youngest dau. of George James, The Rouch Farm, Werrington, Stoke-on- Trent ; of Winder House, Bradford. Wanderings of Imagery. Bradford: Printed hi/ ./. Woodhead. 1886. Pt. 8vo., pp. 72. Ded. to H. B. Reed, M.P. Thoughts in the Gloaming. Bradford: Printed by T. Brown. 1887. Pt. 8vo., pp. 80. Ded. to Aldermaii Morley, J.P., Bradford. The Village Wedding. A Poem. Bradford: Printed by T. Brown. ISSS. Pt. 8vo., pp. 12. Ded. to Sir W. C. Lerg. Yorkshire Poets, Past and Present. Vol. I. Bradford: Printed by T. Brown. 1888. Cr. 8vo., pp. 200. Ded. to W. C. Newsam, LL.D., and A. W. Lvall, F.S.A. Ditto. Vol. II. 1880. pp. 200. Ded. to J. Bils- borough, F.S.Sc, and J. Gaunt, B.A. Ditto. Vol. III. 1800. pp. 200. Ded. to F. Ross, F.R.H.S., and C. A. Federer, L.C.P. Ditto, Vol. IV. 1801. pp. 200. Ded. to the Rev. J. Gabb, B.A., and the Rev. J. W. Kaye. Ditto. Vol. V. 1802. pp. 200. Ded. to J. Horsfall Turner, F.R.H.S., and the Rev. R. V. Taylor, B.A. Yorkshire .Sonneteers. Vol.1. Bradford : Printed by T. Brown. 1888. Pt. 8vo., pp. 80. Ded. to the Rev. Dr. Rix, Bradford. FORSHAW (175) FOSTE R The History of the StafFordshire Giantess. 18S7. jij). 10. (Only H coijies issued.) My Little Romance : A Tale of Caverswall. Brad- f'oid: 'I'liiili'ilhi/ \i'. I/arrimii, Bitii/li'i/. IS'M. \>\>- \i. The Wild Boar of Clitt'e Wood': or, How Br.idfonl got its ('rest. A I'oem. Bradford : Printed by J. Woudhead. ISHG. pp. H (4(ill lines). Dental Tit Bits. Bradford: Printed bij Thornton and I'eirsuii. IH'Jl. Cr. 8vo., pp. 'MM. A .Short History of Tobacco, with its Effect on the General Health, and its Influence on the Teeth. BrtidJ'ord : J'rinted bij Cleiji) and Tetiei/. IXST. Cr. «vo., pp. 20. Ditto. 2nii. :ird, 4th, and .'ith editions. Stannimjley : /'riiili-d by ./. H'. Birdsull. Roy. 8vo., pp. lU. The Teeth and How to S.ave Them. Bradford: Printed by J. Wiiudhmd. n.d. (IHSSJ. pp. 40. De'd. to Thomas Gari-att Forshaw. Alcohol : How made, Its Influence on Body and Mind, &c. Stannincjley : Printed by J. W. Bird.iall. 1887. pp. n;. Hints to Parents on the Management of their Children's Teeth. Bradford: Printed by J. Woodliead. n.d. pp. 12. Ded. to J. N. Cutts, D.D.S. Stammcrinf; : Its Causes and its Cure. Stanningley : Printed bi/ .1 . W. BirdsaU. 1SS7. pp. 12. Poems. Bradford: Printed by Percy Lund. 1880. Cr. «vo , pp. 304. "Ded. to the Rev. E. Wilkinson, Christ Church, Leamington. The Human Teeth and How to Preserve Them. Brnd- I'nrd : I'rinteii by Thornton and Pearson. ISOl. Cr. 8vo., jip. 120. Ded. to Professor R. B. Winder, Baltimore. St. Bees and other Poems. Bradjord, 1891. Cr. 8vo., |ip. 2.')G. Ded. to the Rev. J. Gabb, B.A., and the Rev. J. W. Kaye. The Poets of Keighley, Bingley, and District. Brad- ford. 1801. Pt. 8vo., pp. 200. Ded. to H. I. Butterfield, Cliffe Castle. Cocame. for Tooth E.^traction. Bradford : J'rinted by T. Brown. 1801. Cr. 8vo., pp. 8. The Poets of the Spen Valley. Bradford, 1801. Cr. 8vo., pp. 200. Ded. to W. Anderson, J. P. The Poetesses of Yorkshire. Bradford, 1801. Cr. 8vo., pp. 300. Ded. to Her Majesty the Queen of Roumania. Forshaw, Thomas Garratt. b. Prestbury, Cheshire, 28th Jan., 1830 ; eklesfc *-. of the Rev. Thur.stan Forshaw ; apprenticed to Wil- son, chemist, Hanley, 7 years ; Dispenser and Dental (Operator at North vStaffs. Infirmary ; Macclesheld Infirmary and Dispensary ; Stock- port Infirmary ; Bradford Infirmary and Dis- pensary, 25 years ; m., Jan., 18G0, Lydia, youngest dim. of Peter Brownsword, Hanley ; of Fountain Street, Bradford. The Bradford Inhrmary and Dispensary Pharma- copoeia. Bradford: Printed by .)/. Field. 1878. 8vo., pp. 40. Ditto. Bradford: Printed by IJeorye llarrisun. 1880. 8vo., pp. 1)0. FoRsHAW, Rev. Tliurstan. />. Burton Wood, 25th Oct., 1801 ; .-■. of George Forsiiaw, farmer ; educated privately and at St. Bees Coll. ; Curate of Alsager : Head Master of Prestbury, Audley, and Alsager Grammar Schools ; Vicar of Newchapel (35 years) ; m., July 1st, 1828, at Prestbuiy, Hannah, sister of the Rev. Thomas (Jarratt, curate ; rl. 1st Sept., 1879, aged 78 years ; hiir. at Newchapel. "Prepare to Meet thy God." A Sermon preached at Alsager Church, Dec. 4th. 18:iii. Bradford: Printed by M. Field. 18T>. Cr. 8vo., pp. 8. FoRSTER, Sir Charles, Bart, h. Walsall, 1.S15 ; «. of Charles Smith Forster, Esq. ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., (!th Dec, 1836 ; B.A., 1840; M. A., 1843; Barrister- at-Law, Inner Temple, 1843; J. P. and D.L. for StafTs. ; created a Baronet, 17th March, 1874 ; M.P. for Walsall, 1852 to death ; Chairman of Public Petition Committee for many years and until death ; d. 1891. Numerous Reports on Petitions presented to the House of Commons. Speeches ])rinted in Hansard's Debates. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 478; Men at the Bar; Baronetages (since his creation).] FoRSTER, Francis, O.S.B. .'. of Mrs. Forster \_i(• J. furker. 1856. Cr. Svo., pp. xxii. ^4 bhmk ), 204. 2ud ed., witli preface, Macmillan, 1876. Cr. Svo. Reprinted Nov., 1876, 1877. History Primers. Edited by John Richard Green. History of Eurojie. With Maps. London: Macmillan. 1876. Pott Hvo.. pp. l.iO. Printed in April, reprinted in June. 1876: 1878, 18S1, 1887, 1S89 The Ottoman Power in Europe : Its Nature, its Growth, and its Decline. With Coloureil Maps. London : Macmillan. 1877. Cr. Svo., pp. xxiv., f)l.^. Historical Essays. Third Series. London: Mucniillan. 1879. Svo., pp. xxi., 47(>. Sketches from the Subject and Neighbourlands of Venice. With Illustrations. London: Macmillan. 1881. Cr. Svo., pp. XX., (4 blanks), 39G. English Towns and Districts . . , With illustra- tions and map. London : Macmillan. 1883. 8vo., pp. (2 blanks) xiv. (2 blanks), 455. The Reign of William Rufua. In Two Volumes. London, 1882. Svo. The Office of the Historicil Professor. London: Mac- millan. 1884. Cr. Svo., lip. Gl. The Chief Periods of European Historv . . .London: Macmillan. 1886. Svo., pp. xii., (2 blank,s), 2i>0. Greater Greece and Greater Britain, and George Washington, the Expander of England. London: Mac- millan. 1886. Cr. Svo., pp. iv. (1 blank), 143. The Methods of Historical Study. Eight Lectures . . . London: Macmillan. 1886. Svo., pp. viii. (1 blank), 336. Four Oxford Lectures, 1SS7. London: Macmillan. 1888. Svo., pp. iv. (1 blank), 112. Historical Towns. Exeter. London. Cr. Svo. Historical Geography of Europe. In two Volumes. London, 1882. Svo. Lectures to American Audiences. Philadelphia, 1882. Mr. Freeman was a very frequent contributor to Mac- millan's Maq.. Loni/nian's Mar/.. Nineteenth Century, Con- temporary Review, National Review, Cyc. [Corrected by Professor Freeman.] Freemak, Rev. Gage Earle, M.A. Vicar of Willi Boar's Clough, 1850—84 ; of Ackhain, Cund)., 1884. Address on Falconry. I Rep. North Stuffs. Field Club (1882), 31.] Freer. George Lane. b. 1771 ; Surgeon to the Birndiighani and General Hospital, 1793 ; m. Joanna, dan. of Thomas Goodall, Banker, of Coventry : d., 2nd Jan., 1823 ; bur. at Hands- worth ; of The Friary, Handsworth. Numerous Medical and Surgical Works. Portrait of [Birmingham General Hospital.] Freer, Rev. Richard Lane. b. Handsworth, . 1806 ; s. of the Rev. Thomas Lane, M.A., Rector, and Sarah {dau. of Dean Weatherall, of Hereford), his wife ; educated Westr. Sch. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 28th April, 1824 ; B.A., 1828 ; M.A., 1830 : B.D., 1839 ; D.D., 1858 ; Rector of Bishopston-cum-Zazar, 1838 to death ; Vicar of Marset Lucy, Herefs., 1840 ; Archd, of Hereford, 1852—63 ; Prse- lector of Hereford Cathedral, 1861 to death; m., 1848, Harriette, dau. of Rev. J. Clutton, D.D., ('anon of Hereford ; d. 11th Aug., 18(i3, at Bishopston Rectory ; bur. there. Various Charges and Lectures. Memoir of Ven. R. L. Freer. (By his widow.) Pri- vatelti printed, 1860. Portrait. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 494; Fletcher's Leics. Pedigrees and Roy. Descents, 141.] Freer, Rev. Thomas Lane. b. Birmingham, 1777 ; s. of John Freer, E.sq,, and Jane, hia wife {dau. of Thomas Lane, Esq-, of Bentley FREi; TRADE (179) FULLERTON Hiill); Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 8th Nov., 1792 ; B.A., 1797 ; M.A., 1709 ; Rector of Haiuhworth, 1803—35 ; Vicar of Wasperton, Warws., 182(i to death ; (I. 25th March, 1835. Pravers for the Sick. [CA. Observer, XXLi-WI ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 494 ; Fletcher's Leics. Pedigrees, &c., 141.] Free Trade and Sir Roliert Peel. Letter to Sir Robert Pejl oa Fraj Trals and Finance. LonJ;ii, 1814. 8to. French, Rer. Peter, h. Reading, 1800 ; f. of Peter William FrsQch, Esq. ; educated Ham- mersmith : Queea's Coll., Ox., 10th Oct., 1818; B.A., 1822; M.A., 1825; Vicar of Holy Trinity-w.-Stretton, Barton, 1824 — 71 ; Chp. to first Marquis of Anglesey; m. Penelope, dan. of Rev. Mr. Valpy ; ll. Feb., 1878, aged 78. A Sermon. Tracts. Fren'ch, Rev. Richard Valpy. b. The Abbey, Burton, 16th Feb., 1839 ; «. of Rev. Peter French, M.A. \_»m'\ ; educated Burton Gr. Sch. and Marlborough Coll. ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 18th Feb., 1858 ; Trin. Coll., Dublin, B.A., 18C8; LL.B., 1869; LL.D., 1873; adra. D.C.L., Durham, 1874; F.S.A.; F.R.S.L. ; F.R.G.S. ; Assistant Master, Queen Elizabeth's Sch., Wimljorne Minster ; Head Master, Huntingdon Gr. Sch. ; of King Edward VI.'s Sch., Stratford-on-Avon ; Rector of Llanmartin, Mon., 1878 ; R.D., 1882 ; m. Louisa, dau. of Rev. D. Wheeler, Vicar of Barrow. Natural Laws. IHGU. Monumental Brasses of Huntingdonshire. 1ST2. Does the Bible support Total Abstinence ? Coventry, 1877. 2nd ed., 1870. Personal Advantages of Abstinence. London, 1878. 8vo. The History of Toasting. ISSl. Nineteen Centuries of Drink in England. London : Longman. 1884. Biographical Sketch of. [ T/te Little Jour.. I., 36.S, 36 i.] French, Right Rev. Thomas Valpy. b. Burton, 1825 ; s. of Rev. Peter French, M.A. ; edu- cated Rugbv ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 20th March, 1843; B.A., 1846; M.A., 1849; Fellow, 1848—53 ; created D.D., 11th Dec, 1877 ; Vicar of St. Paul's, Cheltenham, 1865 —69 ; of Erith, 1874 — 75 ; of St. Ebbe's, Ox., 1875 — 77 ; consecrated Lord Bishop of Lahore, 1877 : Principal of C. M. Divinity Sell., Lahore ; m. Mary Anne, dau. of Alfred Jansen, Esq., of Walthamstow ; (/., Muscat, Arabia, 14th May, 1891. The Lord's Voice unto the City. Sermons .... preached . . . in the years, 185"2 — 56 . . . in Agra. Calcutta, 18.70. 12mo., pp. xxiii.. '27.'!. Remember now thou hast heard. [Sermon] . . . at Clifton. Lomhn. 18G2. 8vo. Sermons. London, 1863. 8vo. Kevised Memories of a Pastor's parting Counsels. London, 1878. 8vo. Fretton, W. G., F.S.A. Coventry. Paper on Fortified Coveatrv. [Rep. North Staffs. Field Club (1881), 31— 6.] Frevilles, Lords of Taniworth. [Ashtead Park, 1.1—8, pedigree at end ; Dugdale's Baronetage; Shaw's Staffs.] Friesds, The, and Sir Robert Peel. Memorial of a Meeting for Suffering ... to Sir R. Peel, on Ecclesiastical Demands. 1842. Ditto, to Sir K. Peel and the Eirl of Aberdeen on the Oregon Dispute %vith the United States of America. 1846. 4to., i sheet. Frith, ( — .). Photographs of Dovedale. Size, 8J by 6i inches. Frogg.\tt, William, h. 1810 ; d.. Hanging Bridge, 9th June, 1857. Obituary. [P. .U. Mag. (1857), 194.] Frost, Mrs. Jane. Wife of James Frost, Surveyor, VVednesbury ; (/. Woodgreeu, 22nd Jan., 1835. Obituary. By R. W. [ Wei. Mag. ( 1 83 J ), 1 10. ] Frost, Rev. Robert. Rector of Thornhill, Yorks. ; admitted to the Guild of St. Mary, Lichfield, 1501 ; Preb. of Gaia Major, Lich- fiel.l, 25th June, 1497 : of Frees, 30th M.ireh, 1500 — 7 ; of York : Archdeacon of Winches- ter ; of Stow, 20tli May, 14!)7 ; Master, St. John's Hospital, Lichfield, 20th April, 1498 ; resigned 30th March, 1507. [Harwood's Lichfield, 232, 241, 5)8; Reg. Lib., fi, 210; MS. Harl., 69.53, 18.] FiiosT, Thomas. Circus Life and Circus Celebrities. London, 1875. Cr. 8vo., pp. xvi., 328. [Staffordshire :— P. Astley, pp. 17— 38, 46 — 53 ; Wolverhampton, p. 2.)6.J Fry, Richard. A Funeral Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Franklin and her Daughter-in-Law, Mrs. Elizabeth Whitehouse, delivered at Coseley, in Stafford- shire. Bihton : Printed by S. Batifuri. 1800. 8vo. Fryer, John. h. Handsworth, 1775 : d. Xine- veh, 1840. [See Dicken (Rev. Thomas).] Fulfesne. [Bodl. Lib., 2527, 34.] Fuller, Rev. Andrew Gunter. Baptist Minister ; residing after his retirement in Wolverhamp- ton, where he died. Life of Andrew Fuller. 188i. Cr. 8vo., pp. 20i. FuLLERTON", Gcorgiua Charlotte, b. Ti.xall Hall, 23rd Sept , 1812 ; dau. of the first Earl Gran- ville, of Stone Park, and Lady H. Elizabeth Cavendish, his wife ; m., 13th July, 1833, at Paris, Alexander G. Fullerton, Esq. ; adm. into the Roman Catholic Church, 29th March, 1846 ; enrolled in Third Order of St. Francis, 1856 : Founded (with Miss Tayler) the Com- munity of Poor Servants of the Mother of God Incarnate ; '/., Ayrfield, Bournemouth, 19th Jnnc, 18,s5, aged 72. Ellen Middleton. A Tale. In Three Volumes. London: E. Moion. 1844. 12mo. London [Collection of British Authors, Vol. ;P8]. 1844. liimo. London, lS4i. 8vo. Heleno Middleton : Romance Anglais, traduit par M. Villeret, Paris CouUommier.s. 1873. 8vo. FULLWOOD (180) G Grantley Manor. London : E. Moxon. 1847. Three Vols. r2mo. [Collection of British Authors, Vols. 131, 132. 1847.] iwl ed.. London : J. Burns. 1854. 12mo. The Old Highlander. London, 1840. 8to. (Privately printed.) Lady Bird. London : K. Moxon. 1852. 8vo., 3 vqIs. [Collection of British Authors, Vols. 258, 259.] 1852 I6mo. London, ISG.x 8vo. Comtesse La Bonneval, Historive dii Temps de Louis XIV. Paris: Berlhe.-. 1857. 8vo. Translated in 2 vols, as : Countess of Bonneval, her Life, Ac. London: Hurst and Blacken. 1858. Pt. 8vo. Laurentia. London: Catholic Aid Fund. 1861. 16mo. 2nd ed.. London. 1872. 8vo. Rose Leblanc. London : J. Burns. 1861. fcp. 8vo. Apostleship in Humble Life. A Sketch of the Life of Elizabeth Twiddy. London. " Our Lady's Little Books." Edited by Lady F. 1860. 16mo. Too Strange not to be True. London. '• Coll. of British Authors." Vols. 72t), 727. 1864. 16mo. London, 1864. 8vo. With appendix. Constance Sherwood. London. Ditto. Vols. 793, 794. 1865. Kimo. London. 1865. 3 vols., 8vo. London (Guildford printed), 1875. »vo. The Life of the Marchessa. By Falletti di Baroto. Translated from the original Italian. 1865. The Miracles of Jletz, London, n.d. (1866). llimo. The Life. Virtues, and Miracles of the Blessed J. Berehmans, &c. London, 1866. 8vo. A Stormy Life. London. " Coll. of British Authors." 1867. IGmo.' London, 1867. 3 vols., 8vo. The Helpers of the Holy Souls. London (Iloehampton printed), 1868. 8vo. Biography of the Hon. Edward Dormer, late of the 60th Rifles. London. 1868. 12mo. (Privately printed.) Mrs. Gerald's Niece. In Three Volumes. London, 1869. 8vo. London (Guildford printed), 1871. 8vo. The Life of Louisa de Carvajal. London. Quarterly Series. Vol. VI. 1875. 8vo. London, 1881. IGmo., pp. 336. Germanic Cousins. A Drama. London (Dramas from the Lives of Saints, 1872, &c.). r2mo. The Gold Digger, and other Verses. London (Edin- burgh printed), 1872. «vo. Seven Stories. London, 1873. 8vo. A Sketch of the Life of the late Fr. Hy. Toung, of Dublin. London, 1874. 8vo. The Life of Mere Marie de la Providence, Foundress of the Holy Soul. (London) 1875. 8vo. London, 1882. 8vo., pp. viii., 277. Natalie Narischkin, Sister of Charity of St. Paul. Translated by Lady F. London (Bungay printed), 1877. 8vo. 2 vols. The Notary's Daughter. Translated from the French. London (Buut/atj printed). 1878. 8vo. 2 vols. The Life of Mere Duchesme. Translated from the French. Rorhnmpton : Bro. J. Stanley, S.J. 1879. 8vo. pp. xxxvi.. 4(»lt. The Miraculous Medal. Life and Character of Catherine Laboure. London, 1880, 8vo., pp vi., 230. The Life of the Vener.able Madeleine Barat Translated from the French. Jioehampton : Bro. J. Stanley, S.J. 1880. pp. xii., 368. A Way and a Way. London (Guildford printed), 1881. 8vo. Eliane. Translated by Lady F. London (Bungay printed), 1882. 8vo. The Fire of Ludv'or. London: Burns tf Oates. n.d, (1882). 8vo. The Life of Elizabeth, Lady Falkland. London Quarterly Series. Vol. 43. 1883. "8vo.. j:p. xv., 269. A Child of the Sacred Heart. London. 8vo. A Funeral Discourse over the remains of the late Lady Georgina Fullerton. By Father Gallway, S.J., in the Chapel of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Roehampton, Friday, Jan. 2.3rd, 1885. I^ndon. n.d. (1885). 8vo., pp. 32. Life of Lady Georgina Fullerton. From the French of Madame Augusta Craven. Translated by H. J. Couridge. London, 1888. Portrait. IWeeHy Rei/itter (24th Jan., 1885) ; Burke's Landed Gentry: Teler/raph (21st Jan., 1885); Daily News (21st and 2.1th Jan..' 1885) ; T/ic TiVHes (21st Jan., 1885) ; The Tablet ; Gillow's Catholic Biblio., II., 336—39 ; Mod. Eng. Biog., L, col. 1112; English 7?ci-., I.] FcLLWOOD, John. Remnants of Old Wolverhampton and its Environs. A Series of Original Etchings on Copper. By John Full- wood. With Descriptive Letterpress, by E. B. Printed by Virtue if Co., London, /or the Publi.'ihers and Proprietors, Fuilwood and Hellier, Waterloo Road South, iVftlrerhamp- ton. 1880. fol. Fdlnethy, Rev. .luliii. Rector of AMridge, ]9th -March, 1622—30; Archd. of Stafford, 19th May, 1614—36 ; Canon of Lichfield ; Rector of Handsworth ; Precentor of Liolifield Cathedral, 27th Oct., 1608- SC. ; d. 1C3G. [Smith's Aldridge, II., .50. 51 ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Shaw's Staffs.. II., 102—14 ; Harwood's Lichfield.] FoR!JES8, Rev. John. Wesleyan Minister, 1788 —1830. A Biographical Account of Solomon, King of Israel, (fee. . . . JJoncaster : Printed and Sold by J). Boys, and Sold in London by Crosby if Co and Tregortha, Burslem. 1805. 12mo., pp. xxx., 166. [Introduction dated "Burslem, 24th July, 1804."! Memoir of Mr. George Houlson, of Eillingholme (dated " Leek, Sept., 1808 "). [ Wes. Mag. (1814), 501—6.] Fdrnival, James. h. Napeley Heath, 1826 ; (/. Knighton, 27th Aug., 1849. Letter to Knighton Church \P. M. Maq. (1850), 11] ; Obituary, by J. Lewis [li., 10, 11]. FCTTERGARH LETTERS. [See Monckton (John R.).] Fynney, Eev. James, D.D. h. Stafford, 1652 ; s. of William Fvnney : St. John's Coll., Ox.; Canon of York, 1G89 : of Durham, 1694 ; hur., Durham Cathedral, March, 1726. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 541.] FYToy, John. Archd. of Stafford, 14ir> — 21 ; Chancellor of Sarum, 1421. [Harwood's Lichfield, 210.] Fytton, Peter, Priest, h. Biddulph Hall ; s, of (prol>ably Richard) Biddulph, Esq., of Bid- dulph : Le seems to have lived much with the Fyttons of Gawsworth, Cheshire ; adm. Eng- lish Coll., Rome, 28th Oct., 1619 ; Douay Coll., 25th Oct., 1623 ; sent on English Mission, 14th May, 1627 ; was in Rome very often, finally (1655) becoming Librarian to the Duke of Florence, at Florence, where he d., 1659, aged 50. Original Letters in the English Chapter at Rome. [Used by Dodd for his '• Church History," and also by sarjeant in his ''Account of the Chapter."] [Dodd's Ch. Hist., III. ; GUlow's Catholic Biblio., II., 345 — 17 ; Douay Diaries ; Foley's Records S.J. ; Rouen Diaries ; Sarjeant's Account of the English Chapter.] G G., M.ADAME DK. Verses to her by Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 36, 237.] " G. D.," Alton. Obituary of Mary Wood. By "D. G." [Evang, Mag, (1800), 335, 336.] " G. G.," Shelton. The Swearer Reproved by an Infant. \^Evang, Mag, (1800), 373.] G. G. C. (181) GARNER Printer, High Street, " G. G. C," Maidenhead. On the Period of Dr. Johnson's Conversion. [Ch. Observer, XXXVII., 813—18.] " G. H. S." I Note on the Keeling Family. [Reliq., XVII., 63.] " G. T.," Sedgley. Awful Death of a Profane Swearer— T. G., of Sedgley By '■ G. B.," Coventry. [Kcang. Mag. (l$00), loS, lb\).] \ G.\DSBCRy, Joseph. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 436, Art. 10, US, SO, o6, 57.] Gair, Rev. John. Primitive Methodist Minister. Life of the Rev. John Dickenson [see]. Obituary of Richard (" Diclcy ") Home. [P. M. Mag. (1882), 276—79.] G.\LE, Thoma?, et J. Fell. Rerum Anglicarum Veterum (opera J. Fell et Wm. Fulman). Tome L Oxon., 1S64. fol. [Part IV., " Annales Burtonensis."] Gallery. Engravings of the Slarquis of .Stafford's Collection of Pictures in London, arranged according to Schools and in Chronological Order, with Remarks on each Picture. By W. Y. Ottlev. The Executive part under the manage- ment of P. \V. Tomkyns. London, tSlS. Imp. 4to., 4 vols. [Large Paper, with" proofs on India paper, £71 18s. Od. A few copies, Imp. fol., coloured and mounted, in port- folios, £171 14s. Od. Ditto, containing an Etching of every Picture, and accompanied with Historical and Biographical Xotices. By John Young. London, 18^.5. 4 vols., 4to. [£.5 os. Od., large paper, vnth proofs on India paper, folio, £9 9s. Od.] Ditto, of Dam Gallery. Ashbourne, 1828. Imp. 4to. [2.'> copies only were printed for presents at the expense of the proprietor, J. W. Russell, Esq.] Description of Stafford Gallery. With Illustrations. [11/113. Lond. News (31st March, 21st arid 28th June, 1848) ; see Britton (J.) ; JIussow.] Gallimore, Ambrose. Stone. [.See Beardmore ( — .), Richmond (Rev. W.), Moorland Farmer " ; White's Staffs., 1834.] Galtos, Mary Anne. [See Schimmelpenninck (Mrs. M. A ).] Galtos, Samuel, Sen., of Birmingham and Great Barr. Statement of the Case of .Samuel Galton and Samuel Galton, Jun., who were disowned by the Birmingham Monthly Meeting for fabricating and selling instruments of war. 8vo. Galtox, Samuel, Jun. To the Friends of the Monthly Meeting of Birming- ham. Birmingham, 1195. fol., sm. sheet. Gardiner, Rev. Samuel, M.A. Rector of Eggin- ton, Derbys.: Preb. of Deruford, Lichfield, 24th Oct.", 1701 to death ; d., 1731 ; bur. Egginton. [Harwood's Lichfield, 225.] Gardner, Alan. 5. The ilauor House, Uttoxeter, 12th April, 1742: .«. of Lieut.-Gol. Gardner, of the 11th Dragoons; Midshipman in the " Medway," 1756 ; Lieutenant of the " Bel- lona," 1769 ; Commander of the " Raven" ; m., 1774, Susannah Hyde, dau. of Francis Gale, of the West Indies": M.P., Portsmouth, 1790 : Westminster, 1796 ; Rear-Adrairal of the Blue. 1790 ; a Lord of the Admiralty, 1790 ; created a Baronet, 1793 ; raised to the Peerage as Lord Gardner of Uttoxeter, loth Nov., 1806; d., Bath, 1810; bur. in the Abbey Church. Memoirs of. [Campbell's Xaval Hist., VIII., 285— 93 ; Xaral Chronlcfe. Vols. VIII. and XXI.] Memoirs, with Portraits. [Xat. Port. Gallery. III. ; European .Mag., XXVI. : Redfcm's Uttoxeter, 2nd ed., 271 — 76 ; Notices, &.C., in Navy Lists, Peerages, and Baronetages.] Dispatches. [In Admiralty Office.] [See Lyell (R.. M.D.) ; lancet (1826), 289— 30O.] Gardner, James William, b. Rngeley, 1851 ; g. of James Gardner, Esq. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 10th April, 1869; B.A., 1872. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 508.] Gardner, Rev. Lawrence, D.D. Preb. of Long- don, Lichfield, 22nd Oct.. 1779: Preb. of Ulveton, 27th May, 1770 — 1827 ; Canon Residentiary of Lichfield ; Preb. of Wolver- hampton ; Vicar of High Ercall, Salop ; Rector of Coppenhall, Cheshire ; Rector of St. Philip's, Birmingham ; resided mostly at Sansaw Hall, Salop, where he d., 27th July ; bur. 3rd Aug., 1844. [Hulbert's Seventv Tears of an Eventful Life, 302 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 237, 239.] Garland, Rev. William Guest, h. Handsworth, 1848 ; s. of William Stevens Garland, Esq.; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox„ 1st May, 1867; B.A., 1870 ; M.A., 1873 ; Curate of North Harborne, 1872—77 ; of St. Michael's, Hands- worth, 1876 ; Vicar of Edingule, 1883. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 11., 509.] Garman, William Chancellor. M.R.C.S., Eng- land, 1859 ; L.S.A., 1855 ; of Great Barr and Wednesbury. Case of Resection of Hip Joint [Birmingham Med. Rev. (1871 J] ; Treatment of Habituaa Drunkards [«6. (1874)]. Garner, Robert, b. Foley, Longton, 1808 ; s. of Robert Garner, Potter ; educated privately, and at Aston Hall and Sedgley Park ; Student at North Staffs. Infirmary ; London Univ. ; Silver Medal (Anat.miy, "&c.), 1829 : Silver Medal (Materia Medica) : Gold Medal (Sur- gery), 1830 ; Silver Medal (Comp. Anatomy), 1831 ; House Surgeon, St. Mary's Dispensary, Nottingham, 1831 ; Surgeon, North Staffs. Infirmarv; Physician, to ditto ; settled in Stoke, 1834 ; "F.R.C.S. ; F.L.S. ; Vice-President, North Staffs. Field Club ; President ; m. (1) Lucy, dau. of Rev. Thomas Cotterill, Incum- bent" of St. John's, Longton, (2) Miss Bishop, of Shelton Hall ; d. 1886. The Natural History of the County of Stafford, 4c. London ; ^0*11 Ian Voorst. MDCCCXLIV. 8vo., pp. vi, 551 ; 22 iUnstrations, 2 plates of trees, 1 of fossils, and map at the end. Supplement to the above. London (Xewcastle: F. Orme), 1S60. 8vo., pp. 61, including Index to both History and Supplement. Eiitherapeia . . . London: Churchill. 1855. 8vo., pp. 282. GARNER ( l«-2 ) GARNET! Figures illustrating the Structure of vMrious Inverte- brate Animals (Mollusc, &c.). Stoke-on-Trent : Printed by 0. Tamer. 1S60. 8to. Holiday Excursions. London : Hardwicke. 1867. 8to. Staffordshire Tracts. Stafford Advertiser Office. 12mo. Dr. Gamer contributed the following to Reports and Magazines : — On an Economic Use of ilillstone Grit \_Itep. Brit, .issociiili'in (1839)]; On an Albino Crab [/6., Cam- bridge (IS.V-'l, -'U,)] ; On the Cause of Pearls [i6.] ; The Relative Action on each other of Plants and Gases [ilj., (Newcastle 1853)] ; On a Parasite Acarns of AnoJon ['4.]; On the Soun.i ciused by Corixa [ib. (Bath, 1S.W)J ; On the Power which some Protifers have of attaching by a thread [ib. (Nottingham, 1855)] : On a Remarkable Hail- etorm in North Staffordshire (ib. (Cheltenham, 185())] ; On the Country rcjund Conway [ib.] ; On the Anatomy of the Brain in jlarsupial and some small Quadrupeds [ib. (Leeds, 18.58) ; .I/<;y.i/.Var«ra///;sf.,/;ii6/;H, plates (18.58)]; Some Remarkable Effects of Endosmosus in the .Spermo- tophores of Gastropodes [ib. (Aberdeen, 185(1)] ; On Organic Remains in North Staffordshire, by R. G. and W. Molyneux [ih.] ; On Cilia in the Vessels of Beroe [ib. (Birmingham, 1834)] ; On the Eye of Lepades [ib. (Oxford, 18(i(l)] ; On Alterations in the iledula Oblongata in Paralysis ['6 J ; On the Convolutions of the Brain [ih. (Manchester, 18G1); On the Brain in relation to Skull Sutures [ib. (Cambridge, 18()2)] ; On the Anatomy of the Carinaria [i6. (Norwich, 18G8)] ; On some rare (jephalo- poda [ib.] ; On the Homologies in the Foot of the Horse [ib. (Exeter, 18(;il)] ; On the Brain of a Xegio [ib.] ; On the Anterior and Posterior Limbus [ib. (Liverpool, 1870)] ; Comparison of the Brain of the Different Varieties of Dogs [ib. (Glasgow, 1875)] ; On the Use of Ligatures of Split Tendon [Jour. Brit. Med. Association ( 8th Dec., 1877)] ; Address [Rep. Xorth Staffs. Field Club (I87U), 15— 21 J; The Intelligence of Animals compared with that of Man [(1880), G7— 71] ; On the Staft'ordshire Flora [(1878) 95— 91)1 ; Address [(1879) 40—53] ; Presidential Address [83— 9] ; On the National Kalendar [(1881) 93— ]; List of Plants found round Stafford [(1882) 59— f.lj; The Black Cowslip, &c. [(;7— 70] ; Thor's Cave [(1880) 5, ()] ; Tutbnry [li] ; On the Power that certain Rotifers, &c. [(1801))] ; On the Upper Trent Valley [(1877) 3, 4] ; Extracts [(1809), 3]; Natural History [(1870) 5, 0, 15 — 21]; Manx Fishermen [0]; Ob.servations [(1871) (>] ; Waterfalls [(1871) G] ; Note from Dr. Darwin [7] ; Natural History [(1872) 0, 7]; Trentham [(1873) 5] ; Remarkable Rocks [8,9]; Birds of Leek [(1874)12]; Crustacea [11]; Eutdectella AspugiUim [(1875) 11 J ; Zoological and Botanical Notabilia. 1882 [(1883) 74— 82] ; Observations on Natural History during the year [(1885)77,78]; Presidential Address for 1870 [reprinted in Addresses, iSc. (1875), I — 11] ; Lines on a Fossil Tree [in ditto [20] ; C.atalogue of Contributions to North Staffs. Field Club [Simms's Biblio of same. 30. Rl] ; Edward Forbes and his Country ; Cajjriferous Sandstone at Barlaston [Midland I'hilosophical Soc. Jiep.] ; On the Junction of the Coal Strata with the Petunia around Stoke-on-Trent [ib.] ; On the Ffitton Combat, Gawsvvorth [Stnffs. Advertiser (1872)]; Letter on Theological Opinions [ib.] ; On the Avoidance of Choke Damp [ib., 1874]; Review of Sir 0. Mosley's Tutbnry [ih.] ; of Sainter's Jottings [ib.] ; On St." Mary's Font, Stafford [lA.] ; On the St.afford.shire Knott [ii.] ; Discovery of a Gold Torque on Needwood [ih.] : Diggings on the Site of Etocetum [ib.] ; On the Cultivation of Vegetables [ib.] ; Three Letters on Vital Statistics [ib.] ; On the Diseases mentioned in the Bible [ib. ( 1849)] ; The North Stafford- shire Infirmary [ib. (1871)1: Medicil Worthies [ih.]; Sanitary Statistics [ib.]: Medical Topography ['A.J; On the Administration of Prussic Acid in Cholera [Lancet (1831), 05O] ; On the Lower Forms of Life [ib. (1872)] ; On Fossil Footprints at Kerridge [Macclesfield .lour. (28th Dec., 1881)]; With the Fisherman (Port Erin) [Man. Scientific (Ipininn (9th Feb., 1870)] ; On Erasmus Darwin [Mill. Sat. (187S|]; On Modern Troglodytes [Reliq. (1867)]: The Early Potters of Staffordshire "[iA. (1875). 127, 128] ; Christmas Tale of the Upper Trent in the Olden Time [Potteries .\Iech. Maq. (1801 )] : Fact and Fiction on the Folk of our Moors [ih.] : On Life [.\ted. and Cliir. Rer. (1870), 1—24] : On the Nervous .System of Mollusca [Linn. Trans. (18.34). plates] : On the Anatomy of Lameliljvanchata [Zuolofj. 7>flM.*. ( 1835), 1 — 33; ^faf|. Nat. Hist. ('18.35)] : M.alacoiogical Notes [ib. (1877), 357— 59] : On the Anatomy of Mollusca [Jour. Linn. Soc. (18.50)1; On the Structure of the Aye-Aye [Med. (iazette (1800)1: Cases of Lithotomy \ib.]; On some Malforma- tions [ib.] ; Review of the Nervous System [Jpur. of Anatomy and Phi/sici, XV., cibG — 79] ; On the Hypophysieal Cerebraltnict [Marf. and Annals of . Vat. ]list. (I,S82),2»0 — 85] ; On the Formation and the ImprovemL'ut of British Pearls [Jour, of Linn. Soc. XL, 420—28] ; On :i Hybrid Vaccinium (Mare) [Science fiossip (1872)]: On Phmts Viable on the Sea Sliore [iA. (1874)]; Seeds found in Bhvckbirds' Nests [iA] ; On Buds or Galls on Cultivated Ferns [iA.] ; On the Capriraulgus Europccus [ib. (1875)] ; On Dero (Annelia) [iA. (1878)]; An Escape! Green Liztrd — Transpinition — Entomology in Coal Mines — Parasite (Chetefei) on the House Fly — Ova on the Poa Atpiatica ■ — t'ocoons on Juneus squ:irrosus — A Manx Potentella [ih.] : Case where a large (puintity of Chloro- form w;is inlialed [Id. and Snow's Chloroform]. Dr. Garner read the following before the North Staff's. Medic il Society, which appeared more or less iii extensn in the local papers : — Case of Parturition with Piocidenti;i — Case of Hydated Form Growths in Uterus — Melon-seed-like-growths in the Sheaths of Tendons — -Cases of Calculi in Urethra — On E.'ccisions of Joints — On Railway Acciilents — On the Derbyshire Neck — On the Cattle Disease [Three C:ise9 of Pneumothcrax in one family — On the Natural Relation of Hydrophobia to Tetanu.^ — Presidential Address at the first Meeting of North Staffordshire Branch of British Medical Association, 1874 — On the Affections of the Nervous System. Biogra[ihy and Portrait of. [Rep. North Staffs. Field Club (1880).]' (From information supplied by Dr. Garner.] Garnett, Charles, i. Maiiclii'ster, ISll ; ,v. of Robert Garnett, E.sq, ; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 5tti May, 1837 ; Mid. Temple, 1st Dec, 1840 ; calleil to the Bar, 29tb Jati., 1841 ; J.P., Staffs, and Warws, ; m. Mary Anne, dau. of Robert Peel WillocU ; of Bonchdl House, [Foster's Men at the Bar, 171.] Garsett, Frederick Charles, h. Manchester, 181S: .«, of Robert Garnett, E.sq. ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 18th March, 183i; ; B.A., 1840 ; M.A., 184"i ; Student, Inner Temple, 1840 ; of Bonehill House; r/., nimiarried, 4th April, 1874. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 510.] Garnett, Rev. Richanl. /). 1781); Priest Vicar of Lichfield Cathedral : Vicar of Chebsey, 183(5 ; Assistant Keeper of Printed Books in Brit. Mus., 1838—50 ; d. 27111 Sept,, 18.50. The Philological Ess.ays of the late Rev, Richard Garnett. Edited by his son. London (Leip:i// printed), 1850. Svo.. pp. xvi"., 342. Contributor to Gent.'s Mar/., Fncgrloptedia Metropoli- tana, Quarterli/ Review, I'rote.'lant Ihiardian, Trans. Philo- lofjical Soc. Gauxett, Richard. h. Lichfield, i!7th Feb., 183;') : s. of the above ; educated privately ; LL.l)., Kdin., 1883; Keeper of Printed Books in Brit, Mus. ; m. Olivia Nainey, dau. of Edward Singleton, Esq,, of eo. Clare ; President of Library Association, 1892 — 93. Primula. A Book of Lyrics. London. 1S,5S. lo in Egypt and other Poems. London. 1850. 8vo., pp. 152. Poems from the German. London, 18G1. Idylls and Epigrams. Chiefly from the Greek Anthology. London : MacmiUan. iSCO. Fcp. 8vo., pp. viii., 72. 2nil ed. Coventry Patmore, Florilegium Amantis. London (Edinhuri/I, printed), 1S70. 12mo., pp. 8, 2.3(1. Historic and other Doubts. In a Preface, by R. G. London, 1S85. De Quincey, The English Opium Eater. London, 1885. Life of Carlyle the Great. London : Walter Scott. 1S87. Life of Emerson. London, ISSS. GAR [{ATT (183) GAVAN Life of Milton. London : W. Scott. ISOO. pp. 205. The Twilight of the Gods. London, 1S88. Iphigenia in Delphi : A Dramatic Poem. London, 1800. Relics of Shelley. E Jited by R. G. London, 1862. 8to., pp. xiv., lUl. Select Poems of Shelley. Edited by R. G. London, ISSO. Warter's Old Shrop-shire Oak. Edited by R. G. 1880. Select Letters of Shelley. Edited bv R. G. London, 1882. Marv Wolstonecroft Shellev. With an iDtroduction by R. G.' London, 1801. Jly Study Window. By J. Russell Lowell. With Introduction by R. G. London. 1801. The Accession of Queen Mary. Being the con- temporary narrative of Antonio de Grearas, a Spanish Merchant, resident in England. Edited, with introduction, by R. G. London, 1802. Collected Work* of Thomas Love Peacock. Edited by R. G. 1(1 vols. Loudon, 1S02—03. The Battaile of Agincourt. By SIich.iel Drayton. With Introduction and notiB by R. G. London, 180.3. Vathek. By William Beckford. Edited with intro- duction by R. G. London. 1S03. .Shellev and Lord Beaconsfield. [Pubtkations of ShMfi/ Sorieli/.] 1887. N-iw Melusina. Translated from Goethe. [ Tram, of Eu'j. Goethe Soc, Vol. 1.] Literature in the Reign of Queen Victoria. Contri- buted to T. H. Ward's Reign of Queen Victoria. 1887. Dr. Gamett contributed the articles — Alexander VI.; Anthology ; Calderon : Leopard, &c., to 9th Edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica ; and superintended the publi- cation of the General Catalogue of the British Museum Printed Books from its commencement to his appoint- ment as Keeiier of Printed Books in 1890. He has also contributed to the iJict. \at. Biog. and Jour, of Library Association, [Men of the Times, &c.] G.VRP..\TT, Rev. Thomas, h. Baddesley, Ensor, Warws., Feb. 22iiil, 1796 ; s. of Tliomas Garratt, Gent. ; !M.A. ; Curate of I'rcstbiiry, Cheshire, \Hi>i; Wilmslow, 1829—3(1; Vicar of Amlley, 1S31 — 41 ; m. twice; d. 9th Dec, 18-tl, London, aged 45 years : bur. Audiey Churchyard. [Monument.] Original Poems. London: PrintedJ'or tJie Author bi/ Barnard o'- Furlei/. 1818. Pt. Svo.. pp. kii., Ki". The Pastor. A Poem. 1824. An Address to the Inhabitants of Prestbury on the Observance of the Sabbath. 1826. An Appeal to Protestants. Including a copy of the Verses inserted in the Maccle-tjield Courier, headed *"A Constitution is a Constitution." .^rd ed.. with Xotes . . . of an Address to Protestants, and a Series of Correspondence . . . between . . . E. Stanley . . . J. M. Turner . . . now Bishop of Calcutta, and the Curate of Wilmslow. 1820. A Manual of Christian Faith and Practice, attempted in six Discourses, delivered during Lent, 18iJ(l, at South- port. London ; Baldwin tj* Cradock. Printed by Leak, Orrmkirk. 1831. 8vo., pp. xii., 182. The Bachelor's Whim ; or. The Hermit of Lathom. A Poem. AUrinckam : Printed by T. Balshaw. n.d. Fcp. 8vo., pp. 1"2. A Farewell Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Wilmslow, 31st Mav, 1829. Richmond: Printed by J/. Bell. Cr. 8vo., pp. 48. A Letter to the Rev. E. Stanley .... author of "A few Observations on Religion and Eduration in Irehnd." 18.%. The (lontrast of Scripture and Tradition ; or, Protes- tantism and Popery. A Poetic and Descriptive Colloquy, with a Corollary addressed to the British Nation. Let not a recreant Rirabler ha.sely choke '1 lie brave aud rigliteous spirit we invoke ; Ltjt not tho vain .\pologist of Rome Mislead your minds and expedite your doom. Be just aud wise, prescriptive truth otjserve — And keep its limits— though a .-tauley swerve. (Corollary.) London: Whittaker tj* Co., Ace Maria Lane ; J. Swinner' ton, .Macclesjield : and 11'. H. Hyde, Newcastle. Printed by W. n. Hyde. 1836. Pt. 8vo., pp. 36, not including title. Collected Poems. With Memoirs. Edited by Dr. Forshaw. Bradford, 1802. Cr. 8vo. [From information supphed by Dr. Forshaw.] Garrett, C. B. " Studiosus Medicina," Hanley. Letter on Experiments with Prossic Acid. [Lancet (1830), 57«, 577.] Garside, Charles Brierley. b. Manchester, 6th April, IHIK ; «. of Joseph Garside, Surgeon, and Marv Ann, iiis wife ; educated Man. Gr. Sch. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., 0.x., 18th May, 1837; B.A., 1841; M.A.. 1842; Curate of Tetburv, Gloucs., 1842 ; of Cii. Ch., Regent's Park ;" of Margaret Street Chapel, 1847 ; re- ceived into the Roman Catholic Church, 21st June, 1850; Dimiestic Chaplain to Bertram, Earl of Shrewsbury, at Alton ; d., Posillippo, near Xaple.-, 21st May, 187C, aged 58. The Impiety of Bartering Faith for Opinion. London, 1851. 8vo. The Preaching of the Cross. Ac. London, 1860. 8vo. The Prophet of Carmel. London (187.3). 8vo. The Helpers of the Holy Souls. London, 1874. 8to. Bli-ssed Margaret Mary Alacoque. London, 1874. 32mo. The Sacrifice of the Eucharist. Ac. London. 1875. 8to. [The Tablet (Mav. 187()) ; Cooper's Biog. Diet.; Gillow's CjthoUc Biblio., II.. 397, 398 ; Mod. Biog. Diet., L, col. 1126.] Garton, John. b. Little Lea, Cheshire ; came to Stoke, Nov., 1852 ; d. there, 1877. Obituary of. [.See Shenton (Rev. J.).] Gates, James. Surgeon, Wolverhampton. Pressure under Parturition. [Lancet (1841), 952.] Gates, Rev. Samuel. Wesleyan Minister, 1787—1821. An Important Question Answered. A Sermon. Tun- stall: /. Wedgwood, n.d. 12mo.. pp. 28. A .Sermon (on 1 Cor. i. 30) pre:, P. 40.'!; Hollingworth'sStowmarket, I.'il ; Howell's St. Trials, i8. :\rA ed., 1837. I2mo., pp. xii., 337. Ditto. Second Series. Ditto. Third Series. London, 183G. V2mo. Seven Sermons on the Course of Christian Life. London, 1832. .'Ird ed., 18.13. A Letter on Church Reform. London, 1832. 8vo. A Second Letter oa Cliurch Ileform. London, 1833. 8to. Affection between the Church and Dissenters. A Sermon. Oxford, 1833. Kvo., pp. 23. Church Rates Lawful but not always Expedient. London, 1833. 8vo., pp. 24. A Sermon on Titus ii. «. London, 1S33. 12mo. A Concordance to the Prayer Book translation of the Psalms. London. 1834. Ilimo" An Address delivered .... at Ettingshall. Wol- verhampton. 1834, 8vo. The Church Catechism. Broken into Questions and Answers. London, 1831. The Sedgley Church Tracts. Twenty-three in number. ]2mo. A Companion to the Office of Baptism. A Companion to the Morning Service. A Collection of Hymns. In Two Parts. l(Jmo. and 24mo. Devotions for Private Use. 1835. IGmo. Devotions for Family Use. 1835. lUmo. Seven Sermons on the Lord's Supper. A Course of .Sermons for the Year. London ; Riving- ton, 1834. 2nd ed., 1830. 12mo., 2 vols., pp. xiv., 510 ; xii.. 520. Seven Sermons on the Cholera. Preached in Sedgley Church. London, 1833. God's Word and Ministry. London, 1838. 8vo.,iip. 24. Plain Lectures to Young Persons. London: Rivinnton. 1836. 8vo. Farewell Sermons preiiched in the Parish Church of Sedgley. Priv.ate impression, with portrait. London: Ririnr/lon. 1837. 12mo. The Duty of a Christian Subject. London. ]2mo. The Social Conduct of Christians. London. ]2mo. Thoughts on Dying Daily. London: Hatchards. The Lord's Supper e.xplained and enforced in Seven Sermons. Chester, 1845. 8vo. The South Staffordshire Colliery District : Its Evils and their Cure. Two Letters . . " . Utourbridge, 1855. 8vo. Gospel Christianity, Ac. . . London, 1866. 8vo. Christendom. Sketched from History, &c. London ■ Hatchnrds. 1870. The Question of a Day, by the Creature of an Hour. London, 18.'>7. fvo., pp. I'sT. Black Bartholomew's Dav. 1862. 8vo. Almsgiving. 1867. Number a Link between Divine Intelligence and Human. London : Loni/man 4 Co. 1875. 8vo. B.ixter's Saint's Rest. Abridged and Revised by. Jointly with Rev. W. A. Osborne, Mr. Girdlestone edited : — The Works of Horace. For the Use of Schools and Young People. London: Longman ij- Co. Jeremy Taylor's Works. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 526.] Girdlestone, Charles Riehey. b. Wordsley, 1864 ; .«. of Rev. R. B. Girdlestone [.w] ; educated Charterhouse ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., l-2th Oct., 1883 ; Exhibition, 1883, 1884 ; B.A., 1887 ; M.A., 1890. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 526."] Girdlestone, Edward Deacon. b. Sedgley Vicara,L;e, 2Gth April, 1829 : s. of Rev. C. Girdlestone \_see'\ ; educated Repton and Ashbourne Gr. Schools ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., -irth Jan., 1847 ; B.A., 1851 ; Wells Theological Coll. ; renounced Holy Orders, 12th Jan., 1871 ; m. (1) Catherine Ann Lloyd {nee Mayo\v), widow of Lieut. -Colonel E. S. Lloyd, (2; Anne Friederike Thoma, of Nordlingen, Bavaria. Heart Impropri, A Sermon. Worthin,/: rhilins l2mo. ' , Memorv Helped : A Treatise on Memoria Technica. London: //ami/ton. 1866. 12mo. Society Classified. London: IV. Reeves. 12rao Luxury and Poverty. »'eston-super-.\fare: Robbins. 2nd ed., 1876. I2mo. Our Misdirected Labour. Weston-super-Mare : Ruhb'ins 1876. 12mo. Our Debt and Duty to the Soil ; or, The Poetry and , Philosophy of Sewage Utilization. London: Hamilton. 1878. 12mo. Vivisection in its Scientific, Religious, and Moral Aspects. London: Simpkin, Marshall i^- Co. 1884. 8vo. Thirty-Nine Articles of Belief for Christian Socialists! London: Simptin, Marshall, if Co. 12mo. Christian Socialism rersus Present Day Unsocialism. London : 11 . Reeves. 12mo., jip. 20.i. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., II., d2i!.] GiuDLESTONE, Rev. Henrv. h. Sedgley, 13th Oct., 1833 ; .'t. of Rev. C. Girdlestone [«^«] ; educated Marlborough and Rossall Schools ; Mat, Emmanuel Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1854; Curate, Kingswinford, 1S5C— 59 ; Penkridge, 1859— 05 ; Westburn-on-Trym, 18G5— 66 ; Vicar of Bathanipton, near IBath, 1806 ; m. E. J. Webb, dau. of E. Webb, Esq., of White House, Wordsley. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 626.] Girdlestone, Rev. Henry, b. Penkridge, 1863 ; s. of the above ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 16th Oct., 18S2 ; B.A., 1886 ; M.A., 1888 ; Chp. of Bath Coll., Bath. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 526.] Girdlestone, Rev. Robert Baker, b. Sedgley, 1830 ; *.-. of Rev. Charles Girdlestone [see"] ; educated Charterhouse : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 3l)th May, 1855 ; B.A., 1859 : M.A., 1861 ; Curate of Worthing ; Kingswinford-!{).-Words- ley ; an Editorial Superintendent of British and Forei-n Bilile Society, 1800 — 70: Principal of WyclitTe Hall, Ox., 1877—89 ; Hon. Canon of Ch. Ch., Ox., 1882 : Minister of St. John's, Dunstone Hill, Hampstead ; m. (1) Maude, dau. of Rev. J. Riehey, (2) Mary, dun. of J. Wood, Esq.; now of 4, Foley Avenue, Hamp- 8tead. The Anatomy of Scepticism. London : Bunt. 1863. 8vo., pp. 112. Synonyms of the Old Testament : Their Bearing on Christian Faith and Practice. London : Lonr/man if Co 1870. 8vo.. pp. 534. Dies Irae : The Final Judgment and Future Prospects of Mankind. London : Hatchards. 2nd ed., 1876. pp. 260. How to Study the English Bible. R.T.S., 1885. pp. 112. Age and Trustworthiness of the Old Testament. R.T.S., 1888. pp. 62. The Foundations of the Bible. London, 1800. pp. 216 3rd ed., 1801. Doctor Doctorum. London, 1802. 870., pp. 1911. Pamphlets on Biblical Matters, &c. GisBORNE, Rev. James. Vicar of Barton-under- Needwood, 1820. [Ch. Observer, XIX., 855 ; Foster's Index Eccles .] GiSBORNE, John. b. Derby, 26th Aug., 1770 ; s. of J. Gisborne, Esq., of Yoxall ; educated Harrow Sch. ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Cam. ; GISBORNE (189) GLANCEY I B.A., 1792 : d., Pentricli, Derbys., 17th June, 1H51 ; of Yoxall. The Vales of Werer. A Loco-Descriptive Poem. London, 1707. 4to., pp. 88. Keflections, and other Poems. 1833. 2nd ed., Derb;/, 1851. A Brief Memoir of the Life of Jolin Gisborne, with Extracts from his Diary, n. p., p!., ur il. (1852). 8vo. Gisborne, Rev. Thomas, b. Uerb}', 31st Oct., 1758 : cducatoil at Harrow Sch. ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Cam., 1781; B.A. : M.A. ; Prel). of Uurham, 1825 to death : Vicar of Cro.xall, Uerhys., 1838 : of Yo.xall Lodge ; i ct. 1S15, aged 87. ' The Principles of Moral Philosophv, Ac. . . . London: T. Cadell .(• W. DaBies. 1780.' 8vo. 2ud ed., corrected and enlarged. 1700. 8to., pp. xii., 249. 3rd ed., 1706. Svo., pp, xvi., 3()7. An Inquirv into the Duties of Man, &c London: T. Cadell 4' H'. iJat'ins. 1704. 4to., pp. 84B, vi. 1705. 8vo., 2 vols. 1800. 8vo., 2vols. 1811. 8vo., 2 vols. , 1824. 8vo., 2 vols. An Enquiry into the Duties of the Female Sex, &c. . . London : T. Cadell cj- H'. Davies. 1707. 8vo. 3rd ed., [ 2798. 8vo., pp. viii.. 448. 1801. 8vo. 1805. 8vo. 1810. 8vo., pp. viii., 448. 1813. fcp. 8vo. 1816. 8vo., and also for the pocket in 12mo. 14th ed., 1847, Vlmo. A Familiar Survey of the Christian Religion, *fec. . . London : same imprint. 1707. 8vo. 1802. 8vo., pp. xv., 2i8. Reprinted in America, 1806. 6th ed., 2«17. 8vo. 8th ed., Loni/man, 1840. fcp. 8vo. Walks in a Forest ; or, Poems descriptive of Scenerv, &c. London. 1707. 12mo., pp. vi., 124. 4th ed., 1700. 8vo., pp. vi., 124. 7th ed., corrected. 1808. Timo., pp. vi., 128.; plates at pp. 17. Hli, 62. 8y, 97, Hit. Poems : Sacred and Moral. London. 2nd ed., 2799. sm. 8vo. 3rd ed., 1803. 12mo., pp. viii., 77 ; plates at pp. 23, 5.1. G9, 128. Ode to the Memory of W. Cowper, Esq. London, 1800. 4to. Sermons. London. Vol. I., 1802. 8vo., pp. 4.i3. Vol. II., 1804. 8vo., pp. 442. 1810. 1814 8vo. ( [., 7th ed.), pp. XV., 4.ilS. 1811. (IL, Uth ed.) pp. viii., 442. Observations on the Plan of Training the People to the Use of Arms, &c. . . London, 1806. 8vo. Sermons Christian Morality. London, 1800. 8vo. A Sermon preache96.] Goodwin, Rev. Thomas. Master of St. John's Hospital, Lichfield, Uth Dec., 1704— 19; Preb. of Bishopshull, Lichfield, 1704— 5 ; of Welling- ton, 1704—13 ; of Cdlwich, 1713 ; Rector of Launtou, Oxon.; Arclid. of Derby, 14th Dec, 1704 to death ; d. Launton, 1719, where he is buried. [Harwood's Lichfield, 214, 2,M ; Reg. Lib., 10, p. 49 ; Blosam, VI., 7 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., IL, o8(J.] Gordon, Rev. Alexander. b. Aberdeenshire, 1808 ; ■«. of a farmer ; educated King's Coll., Aber., 1834—38 ; M.A. ; Glasgow Univ., lii'dS — 42 ; Agent to Irish Evangelical Soc, at Ballybay, Ireland, 1842—45 ; Pastor of Bridge Street Congregational Ch., Walsall, 1845—71 ; LL.D.. Aber., 1S57 ; retired from the Ministry, 1^71, living mostly in and around London ; (/., at the residence of his son, Dr. John Gordon, Walsall, Gth July, 1889. The Pastor's Gift. London: John Snow. 1S4S. 24mo., pp. vi., 120. Impressions of Paris. London : Partridge. ISal. 12mo. Remarks on National Defence. London : Parker. 1S53. 8vo. Heart Effusions. Original Hymns. London : Judd if Class. 1857. Itimo. Reasons for withdrawing from all connection with the Walsall Cottage Hospital in its present form. Walsall : J. S. Poblnson. 1S64. 12mo., pp. 8. Puseyism : What is it ? . . London : Elliot Stock. 1S65. 8vo., pp. 40. Ritualism. Voluntaryism. Obituary.' [ Congregational Year Book ( 1890),145 — 17.] Gordon, Rev. Alexander, h. Handsworth, 1854 ; s. of William Francis Gordon, Esq.; Mat. Trin. Coll., 14th Oct., 1872 : B.A., 187G : M.A., 1877 ; of Woodlands, Wiraborne. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 539.] Gordon, Rev. Charles O.^born. b. London, 1843; s. of Charles Gordon, Esq.; Mat. Exeter Coll , Ox., 1 1th June, 18G2 ; St. Albans Hall, B.A., ]8Oth April, 1 8:^)2 : -v. of Ralph Gough ; educated Appleby Sch. and privately by Rev. D. X. Walton, M.A., Hands- worth ;" of Trin. Coll., Dublin, IXbA : B.A. ; LL.D., lS;y,l ; Colonel and Lieut.-Colonel Commanding ;^rd Volunteer Battalion South Staffs. Regiment ; Commanded the .")th Bri- gade of 2nd Army Corps at Jubilee Review, at Aldershot, 1887 ; d. 1892. Narrative of the Knights Templars and Crusaders . . Wolverhampton: W. Parke. 1867. 8vo., pp. ;i3 : A[ipen- dix, pp. iv. Gouiiii, Henry. h. Perry Hall, 1744 ; .«-. of Walter Gough, E^q.; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 10th Oct., 17(i;> ; killed by a fall from a horse, 25ih Nov., 17G9. [Foster's .Vluiuiii Oxon.. II.. .)44.] GoDiiii, John. b. Handsworth, 17."i4 : .-.. of Walter Gough, Esq. ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 18th June, 1773 ; of Old Fallings and Perry Hall ; (/. 20th Jan., 1828. [Foster's Alnnmi Oxon., II., .'144.] Gough, John. b. Handsworth, 178(J ; .■<. of the foimer: Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 2:^rd Oct., 1799 ; of Perry Hall. [Foster's Alumni O.ton.. II., 544.] GoDGH, John A. H. b. Wolverhampton, ISlil ; ». of John Gough : Mat. Non. Coll., loth Oct., 1881 ; drowned, 1889. Macaulay as a Critic. An Essay. f.^udon : Pardon .] GouNTER, Colonel, of Racton, Sussex. An Account of the .Miraculous Preservation of King t'harles the Second in lt»51. n. p.. pl.^or d. Deray 8vo.. pp. 26. (Printed by W. H. Rnbimon, Walsall.) GowER, Lord Albert Leveson. g. of G. G. W., 2nd Duke of Sutherland ; b. 1844 ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 24th .Vpril, 1863 : d. 23rd Dec., 1X74. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 546.] GowEu, Hon. Baptist Leveson. b. Trentham. 1704: M.P., Newcastle, 1727— .54 : Com- missioner of Traile, 174-'> ; d. 1782 : hur., St. James's, Piccadilly. [Ingamel's Newcastle, 45 ; Communicition from G. L Gower, Esq.] GowER, Lord F. Leveson. [ See Earl of Ellesmere. ] (iowER, George Granville Leveson. b. 9th Jan., 1 758 ; .«. of George, 2nd Earl Gower ; Mat. Ch.Ch., Ox.. 3rd .Mav. 1775; created M.A., 31st Oct., 1777 ; ^M.P., Newcastle, .Tan., 1779 — S4 : StatVordshire, ALiy, 1787— 99 : created GOWER (194) GOWER 1st Duke of Sutherland, 14tli Jan., 18:3:3 ; m. Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland, &c'.; K.G.; P.C. ; d. rjth July, 1«;3;3 ; Munumonts to, at Tittensor, at Lilleshall, and in Sutlierlandshire. The Despiitcbt'S of Earl Tlower, English Ambassador at Paris, froiii 17:ili to 17112. Eiiiteil by Oscar Browning. Cainbriilffe. lSii5. Svo. Memoir. [.Sec Loch (George).] Balhuls and other Poems of John Gower. From the Original JIS. in the possession of the Earl Gower. Loiiiloii, ISIS. 4to. [Presented to the Roxbnrghe Club by tlie iUght Hon. Earl Gower.] Portrait. [Taylei's Contemporary Portrait Gallery (1822), I.] Gower, George Granville Leveson. h. 17X(! ; s. of George, 1st Duke nf Sutherland : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 21st Oct., 180:3; B.A., 180G; M.A., 1810; ereated D.C.L., ]5tli June, 1841; M.P., St. Mawes, April, 1808—12; Newcastle, 1812— July, 181.5; Staffordshire, 1815 — 20; 2nd Diike of Sutherland ; assumed additiimal nauie of Sutherland by R.L., 12th May, 1841 ; w., 1823, Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana, ilau. of George, Ctii Earl of Car- lisle ■' il. 28th Feb., 18fiL [Ingamel's Newcastle ; Foster's Aliimni Oxon., II., .'■)4(i.] Gower, George (Jranville William. b. London, 1828; *■. of 2nd Duke of Sutherland; m., 184U, Anne, dan. of John Hay Mackenzie ; Deputy Lieutenant of Sutherlandshire, 1849 ; Viee-Lieuentant, 1850 ; M.P., Sutherland- shire, July, 1852 ; Lord Lieutenant of Croniartie, 1853 ; succeeded as 3rd Duke of Sutherland, 1861 ; (/. Sept., 1892. [Peerages, by Burke, Doyle, A-c] Gower, George Leveson. b. 10, Stratton Street, London, IDth May, 1858 ; s. of Hon. F. E. L. Gower ; educated Eton ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 18tii Oct., 1876 ; M.P., North- western Division of Staff's., 1885 — 86 ; Stoke-on-Trent, 1889—92, 1892 ; Director of Shelton Bar L'on Co., 1889 ; Junior Lord of the Treasury, 1885 — 86 ; Comptroller of the Household," 1892. Speeches. [Han.sard's Debates.] GowER, Granville Leveson. h. 4th Aug. (baptised, Trentham, 20th Aug.), 1721 ; .v. of John, Baron Stittcnbam ; Mat. Ch. Ch.. Ox., :30th April, 1740 ; M.J^, Bishop's Castle, Dec., 1744—47 ; Westmin.ster, 1747—54 ; Lich- field, 1754 ; Lord of the Admiralty, 1849— 50 ; Lord Lieutenant of Staffs., 1755—1800 ; Lord Chamberlain, 17C3 — C5 ; President of the Council, 1768—79, 178:3 — 94; 1st Marquis of Stafford, created 28th Feb., 1786 ; K.G. ; d. 26th Oct., 1803. Portrait, engraved by Fisher, after Reynolds. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 546.] GowER, Granville Leveson. b. Trentham, 12th Oct., 1773 ; .•*. of Granville, 2nd Earl Gower ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 29th April, 1789 ; created D.C.L. , 18th June, 1799 ; M.P., Lichfield, Jan., 1795— Feb., 1799 ; Staffs., March, 1799 — 12th Aug., 1815 ; Ambassador to Russia, 1804—6, 1807 ; to France, 1828, 1830—41 ; Secretary of War, July — Nov., 1809 ; created Viscount Granville, 15th July, 1815; Earl Granville of Stone Park, 2nil 'May, 1833 ; d. 7th Jan., 1846. Speeches delivered in the House of t.'ommons and the House of Lords. [Reported in the Journals.] Reports printed and MS. as Ambassador. Gower, Granville Leveson. b. Stone Park, 11th May, 1815 ; eldest .v. of Granville Leveson, 1st Viscount Granville ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 24th Oct., 1832 ; B.A., 1839 ; created D.C.L., 1863 ; M.P., Morpeth, Feb., 1837— Feb., 1840; Lichfield, Sept., 1841—46; P.O., 1846 ; succeeded his father as 2nd Earl Gran- ville, 1846; President of Council, 1852—54, 1H59_06 ; Colonial Secretary, 1868—70, 1885; Foreign Secretary, 1851—52, 1870— 74, 1880—85; d. 1892 ; bur. at Stone. The Practical Effects of Disestablishment and Dis- endowment .... June 2r)th, lS(i«. Loii'lon. Svo. sm. sheet. Portrait. By Phillips. [There are numerous speeches by Earl Granville in Hansard's Debatt'S. Very mauy Portraits in all stales, and Obituary Notices from all siiles, and representing all shades of opinion, in the Daily and Weekiy Papers of the week in which be died. They are too numerous to particularize.— CO-Ml'lLHR.] GowKR, Granville William Gresliani Leveson. b. Titsey Place, Surrey, 25th Feb., 1838 ; s. of V/illiam Leveson Gower, and Lady Mary Tufton, his wife ; educated Eton ; Ch. Ch., Ox. ; B.A., 1860 ; M.A., 1862 ; F.S.A.; Vice-President of Soc. of Antiquaries ; J. P., Surrey and Kent ; Deputy Lieutenant for Surrey ; Alderman, Surrey County Council ; m. Hon. Sophia, dan. of Chandos, Lord Leigh ; of Titsey Place. Leveson Family Register Extracts and Monumental Inscriptions from Trentham and Lilleshall. [ Geuealogist, II., 84.] Ciower Family. Extracts from the Parish Register.? of Trentham. {Gen. et Her., 2nd Series. I., IIU — 14.] Funeral Certiticates, etc.. of the Leveson Family. [/6.] GowBR, John. b. 1694 ; .v. of Jtdm Leveson Gower, 1st Baron Gower of Stittenbam ; Mat. Cb. Ch., Ox., 6th Feb., 1710 ; createil D.C.L., Ox. Univ., 19th Aug., 1732 ; created Viscount 'Trcntliam and Earl Gower, 8th July, 1746 ; P.O.; Lord Privy Seal, 1742,1744; Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotuloruni of Staffs., 1742 ; d. 25th Dec, 1754. Portrait, Engraved by Faber (1743) in mezzo-tint, after Vaulo. [Very fine ; rarely to be obtained in good condition. — COMl'lLER.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. u4(i.] GowER, Eiehard Leveson. b. Trentham, 30th April, 1726 ; s. of John, 1st Baron Gower of Stittenbam ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 2,8th May, 1744 ; M.P., Lichfield, 1747, till death ; d. 19th Oct., 1753. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 547; Alumni West., .^30; Harwood's Lichfield ; Shaw's Staffs.] GowER, Lord Ronald Charles Sutherland Leveson. b. Trentham, 1845 ; ,s. of 2nd Duke of Suther- land ; Trustee of National Portrait Gallery ; M.P. for Sutherlandshire. GOVVER ( 195 ) GRANVILLE The Lessoir Collection. Marie Antoinette. Brie d Brae. Reminiscences. Two Volumes. 1SS3. fol. GowEit, Tlionias Leveson. b. Troiithani, 6th May, 1699 : ■-■•. of John, 2nd Baron Gower of Stittenham : Mat. Ch. Ch., O.K., 15th March, 1716; M. P., Newcastle, 1722— 27 ; '/.12th Aug., 1727. [Ingamel's Newcastle, 4.5 : Foster's Alumni Oxon., H., 547 ; Gower's Extracts from Trentham Registers, 3 ; Gen. el Her., -ind Series, I., 1 10—14.] GowEn, William Leveson. b. 1716 ; s. of John, 1st Baron Gower ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 11th April, 1733 : d. Uth April, 1756. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., .547.] GowBR & Smart, Printers, Chronicle Office, Wolverhampton. The Trial at Large of William Booth and his Associ- ates, the three Yates, John Barrows, and Eliza V>eth Chidlow, for forging, coining, ic, at Stafford Summer Assizes, 181*2 . . Wolverhampton: Gower t.f Smart, ^^ Chronicle" Office, n.d. (1812). 8vo. [.scf Snape (Rev. W.).] Grace, Rev. Allen Zechariah. Curate (amongst other places) of Goldenhill, 1X69 — 71 ; New- castle, 1S77 — 78 : Rector of Wacton Magna- w.-Wactoii Parva, Sinecure Rectory, Long Stratton, 1878—81 ; Vicar of Wellington, Salop, 1881—88. Hymns of Prayer and Praise. Wakefield, 1H7 6. liimo. Grafton, Rev. Adam, LL.B. Chp. to King Edward VL and Prince Arthur ; Warden of Battlefield Coll., Salop, 1478 ; Dean, St. Mary's Coll., Salop ; Archd. of Salop, 1.J04 — 14, and of Staftord, 15U4 to death ; Rector of L'pton Magna-w.-Withington, Salop, 1494 ; Preb. of Wellington, 1497—1524 ; rf. 24th July, 1 530 : bur., Withington. [Harwood's Lichfield, 210, 211, 2,53 ; Fletcher's Battle- field Coll., 15,] Graham, Rev. John. b. Giggleswick, Yorks., 1799 ; Primitive Methodist Minister from 1825 ; travelling nearly altogether in Staffs. ; superannuated at Brierley Hill, l.S(;6, where he d., 19th Feb., 1885. Obituary of ,Tohn Goodwin (6. Alton. 180SI ; (/. Sftth Oct., 181!l) '[/'. .1/, Mn;,. (18.50). 123]: Letter on Fole Chapel, dated "Alton. 2'8th Sept., 18.50 " [(i'.ll] : Obituary of John Goodwin (6. North Rode. Cheshire. I78;t; lived at Chell. 1812 — 14; il., Liddington, Cheshire, lith Julv, IStiO) [(18(i()) fi.5.'!, (io4]. Obituary of. [See Harvey (Rev. L, J,).] Graham, Rev. John, Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1844 ; M.A., 1849 ; admitted, ud eundem, M.A., Ox. Univ., 1840 ; various curacies ; Rector, St. Chad's, Lich6eld, 1853 ; R.D. of Lichfield. 1876—85; Preb. of BishopshuU, Lichfield, 1885. Sermons. Graham, Mary Jane. Stoke. Difference between a Christian and a Worldling. [iVew Con. Mag. (1838), 267, 268.] Grainger, Benjamin, Snrgeon, Burton. The Fasting Woman of Tutbury. [/-aI in. Med. ami Surgical Jour., V. ; reprinted in Henderson's Exposure and Richmond's True Statement, which see.] Grainger, James, M.D. [.See Johnson (Dr.).j Grainger, Rev. John. />. Tipton, 20th March, 1851 ; Primitive Jlcthndist Minister from IWH ; d., Stafford, 6th April, 1SS9. Obituarv. By E. .Mitchell and C. Banks. [P. M. Mill. (18811)," 8, ndon, neO — 74. 4to. 5 vols. (Some copies printed on one side of the leaf only.) 2nd ed., with large additions and corrections, i775. 8vo., 4 vols. Portraits. (20 copies on Atlas Paper.) 3rd ed., 777.9. 8vo., 4 vols. 4th ed., 1804. 8vo., 4 vols. Lar. paper, roy. 8vo. 5th ed., with 400 ad- ditional lives, by J. Caulfield. 1824. 8vo., 6 vols. Lar. paper, roy, 8vo,, and a few copies in 3 vols., folio. Ditto, in continuation, by the Rev, Mark Noble, 1806. 8vo., 3 vols. Lar. paper, roy. 8vo. Copies of rare English Portraits to illustrate Granger. London; Richardson. 8vo., 72 Xos. Lar. pt. 4to. In all, 310 portraits. Ditto, including some from Noble's con- tinuation, London: T. 4 R. Rodd. 1820—21. 8vo., 12mo., and lar. paper in 4to. proofs on India Paper also. [In all the above there are numerous Biographical Notices and Portraits of Staffordshire Persons, to which references are given in the Biblio.] Grant, Rev. Brewin, B.A. Church Claims rersns Conscience and the Bible . . Substance of a Speech delivered at a Town Meeting, ' ... Burslem : Printed at 1840. 8vo., pp. 15. Burslem. Oct. 9th, 1849 Ojfice of R. Timmis . . Grant, Sir Francis, Perthshire, IS 1(1 ; 1851 ; President, Mdwbrav, 1«7X. Painter, h. Kilgraston, A.R.A., 1842 : R.A., R.A., 1X66 ; d. Melton 1841. Painted : — Shooting Party at Ranton Abbey, [Penes the Earl of Lichfield.] [Engravings and Prints were taken. The former are now very rare.— Compiler.] Grant, Rev. Francis Bazett. h. Maidstone, Kent, 1795 : .'. of James Lewis Grant : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 21,st Oct,, 1813 : B,A„ 1817 : M,A,, 1822; Rector of Shelton, 1X45—64; of Cullompton, Devon,, 1864 — 72 : d. 14th Aug., 1872. [Eton Sch. Lists ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 550.] Grant, James, h. Whalley, Derbys., 24th June, 1824 ; lived in Staffordshire fnuii 1845 ; killed at Butt Lane, 13tli Oct., 1876. Obituarv. Bv W. Edwards. [Cli. Messeiiqer, XIV 187, 188.] Granville, Augustus Bozzi. Letter to the Right Hon. W. Huskisson on the Quarantine Bill, f^ndon. 1826, 8vo. Granville Family, Cahvich Abbey. Pedigree of Granville, of Stowe, co, Devon (and D'Ewes, of Wellesbourn, co, Warwick), and Calwich Abbev, co, Stafford, [Printed on a Double fol, nd (1840).] Granville, Rev. Gray. b. Chelford, Cheshire, 1843 ; *. of Rev. Granville John Granville ; GRATTON (196) GRAZEHROOK Mat. Ch. Cli., Ox., 12tli June, 18(12 ; B.A., 18(;7 ; M.A.. 187G ; Curaciei?, 18(;8— 78 : Rc't'toi- of Blore-Ray, 1873—75 : Vicar of Ilaui, 187.J. [Foster's .\lumni Oxou., II., ")ol.] Gr.vtton, Ri^v. Enouli. b. Staffordsbire ; New Connexion Minister. Memoir of Jtrs. Henshiiw, of Shetfield. [.Vew t'oii. Muy. (18(iS). JTA, ,j71.] Gratwich. Orilnance Plan, iJcc. fiouthuwpton (1SS2). Ghavks, Rev. R. 1)., B..V. IncLiuibeiit of Han- ford. .Simri.se. Stid-e : Prinlfil hi/ L. M. W'uullei/. lul. Uuo., pp. lii. A Letter to the I'arisliioners of HanforJ. Stoke : mine impriid. ISGti. «vo., pp. 111. Ditto, ISGO. Svo., pp. 1(!. Ditto, 1S7U. Svo. Poem, iu Remembrance of llev. U. D. [.See H. (\V.).] Gh.^v, Frederick Jolin. L.S.A., ISCS ; of Old Parl^ Hall Retreat. Gun Sliot Woiiiuls in the Head — Kecovery. [Lttncet Gray, John Edward. l>. Walsall, 12th Feb., 1800 ; *. of Samnel Frederick Gray, Chemist [*('<;] ; educated Walsall Gr. Sell, and St. liarthohnnew and Middlesex H(>S[)itals ; black- balled at Linna'an See, 1S22 ; elected Fellow, 1857 ; F. Entoni. Soc, 1824 ; F.R.S., 1832; D. Phil., Munich, 1852 ; Gold Medal of Merit, Wurtemburg, 1860 ; President of En- tomological Soc; Vice-President of Zoological and Microscopical Societies; F.G.S.; Assistant Keeper, Brit. .Mus., 1824 ; Keeper of Zoo- logical Department, 31st March, 1840 ; re- signed, 1874 ; Deputy Chairman of Animal and Vegetable Section, Universal Exhibition, 1851; Juror, Educational Department, 18(!2 ; Exhibition ; (/., British Museum, 7th March, 1875. Historical Slcetcli of the Improvements in Compara- tive Anatomy and Zoohtgy. Luiidon. ISIO. Synoi>sis of the Natural Arrangements of British Phiuts. Two Volumes. Luiition, 1H21. 8vo. [Preface and Introduction by his Father.] Synopsis of the Sp)ecies of the Class Mammalia. ISiio. [Griffith's Cuvier, V.] Illustrations of Indian Zoology. Two Volumes. Luiiiloii, 1830—35. 8vo. Sviiopsis of the Species of the Class Reptilia. JS30. [Griffith's Cuvier. IX.] Zoological Miscellany. London, 1831 — i5. Syno[(sis Reptilia. 1831. A. Descriptive Catalogue of Recent and Foreign Shells. London, 1832. List of the Specimens of Mammalia in the British Museum. London, 1843. Catalogue of 'I'ortoise, &c. London, 1844. Systematic Catalogue of British and Freshwater Shells. London, 1844. Catalogue of Specimens of Lizards. London, 1845. Gleanings from the Menagerie and Aviarv at Knowsley Hall. London, 1840—50. List of the Genera of Recent Mollusci. London, 1847. List of Osteological Specimens. Loudon, 1847. List of British Sponges, Radiated Animals, Ac. London, 1848. Catalogue of the Mollusca. London, 1840 — 50. Ditto, of Reptiles. London. 1840. Ditto, of Fish. London, 18.50. Ditto, of Mammalia. London, 1850 — 5$. Catalogue of Amphibia. London, 1850. Ditto, of Bivalve Mollusca. 1850—53. Fjist of Fish. London, 1851. List of I'.rili.sh Fi.sh. London, 1851. List of British Mollusca and .Shells. London, 1851. Catalogue of Echinida;. London, 1851. Ditto, of Pharnesopneumona. London, 1852. [Jointly with L. PfeitTer.] Ditto, of Fish, collected and described by L. T. Grouov. iMndon, 1854. Ditto, of Shield Rejitiles. 1855- 72. A Kami Catalogue of Postage Stamps. London, 1SG2. Cr. 8vo. •.'nd ed., 1863. Handbook of British Waterweeds or Algae. London, 18G4. [.lointly with \V. Carrutliers.] Catalogue"of Seals and Whales. iMndon, 18GG—71. Svnopsis of Specimens of Starfish. London. 18G6. Ditto, of Whales and Dolphins. London, 18G8. Ditto, of Carnivorous, Pachyilermatous, and Edentata; Maniiiialia. London, 1860. Ditto, of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats, London. 1870. Ditto, of Tortoise, Terrapins, and Turtles. London, 1872. Hand List of Seals. Morses, Sea-Lions, and Sea-Bears. London. 1874. Edited ■• — Turton's Manual of Land and Freshwater Shells in British Museum. London, lS4.'i. .\liodal Fish. By Dr. .1. .1. Kamp. Translated and Edited by J. E. G. London, 185G. .1. E. G. assisted iu the composition of Lee's Intro- duction to Botany. .1. E. G. was a voluminous contributor to the Annals of Xdinrnl Kislori/, [Last contribution is in Vol. XV. (187.-,).] [.\ltogetber. Dr. Gray wrote 1,162 Books, Pnpers, and Articles, of which be issued a Catalogue, entitled : — ] Catalogue of Books, Memoirs, and Miscellaneous Articles, by .T. E. G. With Notes. London, 1875. 8to., pp. .')ti. (Pr'n'uteli/ printed.) Gray, Samuel Frederick. Chemist and Druggist at Walsall, London, &c. Supplement to tlie British Pharmacopceia. Preface and Introduction to his son's Natural Arrange- ment, &c., of British Plants. 1831. Gray, Thomas. A Catalogue of the Antiquities, Houses, Parks, Plan- tations, etc. . . . England and Wales, arranged . . Alphabetical Order of the several Counties. London, 1773. I2nio. (Printed for private distribution by W. .Vason.) 1787. V2mo. The Traveller's Comiianion in a Tour through Eng- land and W.iles. London, 1787. l-2mj. New ed., 1789. 12mo. GRAZEiuiooK, Henry Sydney, b. Stourbridge, Gth dune, 1S36 ; >'. of the late George Graze- brook, Esq. ; educated 15ronisgrove Gr. Sch. : Barrister-at-Law ; holds an aji|jnintment in H.M. Treasury : Trustee "W. Salt Library ; F.R.H.S. ; on Editorial Committee and also on Council of W. Salt Arch. Soc. The Heraldry of Smith . . . London :./. It. Smith. 1870. sm. 4to. The Heraldry of Worcestershire . . Two Volumes. Lontlon, 1873. s'm. 4to., pp. liii., 748. Collections for a Genealogy of the noble Families of Henzev, Tvttery, and Tyzack . . . Stourhridi/e: F.R. Ford. ' 1877. 8vo., pp. vii., •-'111. (I'ririitelij printed.) [The refugees were of Amblecote, Staffs., vtc] Fines for Knighthood, temp. Charles I., with the names of those Staffordshire Gentlemen wlio compounded, &c. [Hist. Coll. of Staffs., II., pt. i, \—ii.] The Visitation of Staffordshire made by Robert Glover, al's Somerset Herald, (fcc. . . . anno d'mi 1581). (From a MS. iu Salt Library.) [//'., III., xx., 1!I8.] A Coppy of the Armes taken in Visitation of ye County of Stafford . . . 1 lilJS et I U(;4, by Wm. Dugdale, Esq., Norrov, King of Armes. Tr,anscribed from the original, &c.' [lb.. V.. pt. '2, 2.S— «5.] The Heraldic A'isitations of Staffordshire made by Sir GRAZEBUUOK ( l'J7 ) GHEEX Richard St. George, Norroy, in 1«14, and Ijy Sir Wm. Dugilale, Norroy, in the years 16(i3 and 1C64. [/A., V., pt. 2, pp. XX., VM.] The Barons of Dudley. [/*., ix., I;)2.] Junior Bni!iche.s of the Family of Sutton, a/in.< Dudlev. [7*., X., 17S.] Grazebrook, Tliomas Worrall Siiiitli. A. Kin- fare, 1811) ; s. of Thomas Worrall Grazebrook, Esq. ; Mat. Braseuose Coll., O.v., IMli June, 1X27 ; B.A., 18:^1 ; M.A., lK3(i : Barrister- al-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 18o8: i/. 1st Aug., 1840. [Foster's Alumni O.ton., II., .'i.il ; Men at the Bar.] GuK.VTn.vcH, Ann, Lane I'2nd. Memoir of. [Xew Con. i[aij. (1H23), 4(;7_(;;i.] GRE.^TiiAcii, Uanii'l, Haulev. Xotice of his death. Bv "G. E." \^\ew Con. Mini. (18:!l>), 354.] GuKATiiAcH, John. Stoke. Christmas (a Prize Poem) and other Poems. London (State: \V. Dean, Printer), 1S60. lirno., pp. xii., 144. Greatbatch, Rev. George, h. Slielton, Oct., 1779 ; Congregational Mini.?ter from 1802 ; at Orraskirk, 18u2— G ; at Southport, 1H()7 to death : he resigned his pastorate, lS-17 ; '/., Southport, 5tb March, 18G4, aged HO. Funeral Sermon. By J. E. Millson. Obituarv. [^fongref/ational Year Book (ISiJ.i). *J4U — 42.] GitEATOREX, Henry Wellington. b. Burton, IisK; ; ,s. of Thomas Greatorex, Organist of Westminster Abbey (17-i)8 — 1H31) : educated by his father ; went to New York, 18;39 ; ()rganist at Calvary Ch., N.Y. ; of St. Paul's, N.Y. ; f/., Charlestown, South Carolina, Sept., 1868. A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Chants, Anthems, and Sentences. Boston. 1S51. Greaves, Charles Sprengel. I>. Burton, 18th .lulv, 1802 : ••'. of WiHiam Greaves, M.D., of Mavfield (1771—1848) ; educated Rugby ; Mat. "Queen's Coll.. Ox., 27th Feb., ISl!) ; B.A., 1823 : M.A., 1S25 : Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1850 ; Q.C., 2Xth Feb., IHoO : a Secretary to Criminal Law Commission, 187S : t/., 11, Clundford Square, ord .June, 18H1. An Act for the Conviction of Juvenile Offenders. 10 & 11 Vict. London, 1S47. limo. Lord Campbell's Act for the Further Improving of the Administration of Criminal Justice. London, ISol. Svo. A Letter to the Lord Chancellor. By C. S. G. and J. J. Lonsdale. London, 1854. 8vo. Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendment Acts of the 'i I and •2;') Victoria. London, 1S61. 12mo. 2nd ed. 1S62. Pt. 8vo. The Proper Time for the Publiaition of Banns. London. 1S67. 8vo. A Review of the Statutes. Rubrics, and Canons, relatinj; to Ve'stments. London, 1S67. Svo. Editor of : — A Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanours. Bv Sir \V. O. Russell. In Two Volumes. 3rd ed.,J843. 4th ed., 1S65. 3 vols. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II.. boi ; .1/o. .lA .!/«•. of Rev. Preb. W. Gresley ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 16th Oct., 1861. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 563.] (jtREsLEY, Richard, b. Leicester, 1767 ; .■<. of Rev. Thomas Gresley, D.D., F.R.S. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 25th June, 1785 ; Barrister-at- Law, Middle Temple, 1794 ; Bencher, 1830 ; of Stowe House, Lichfield : rf, 27th March, 1850. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 563.] Gresley, Sir Roger, Bart. h. 1799 ; m., 1821, Sophia Catherine, dim. of the 7th Earl of Coventry ; M.P. for South Derbys. ; d. 1837. Letter to John, Earl of Shrewsbury. LtjnJon, 1828. 8 70. Gresley, Sir Thomas, Bart. b. Drakelow, Derbys., 1723 ; s. of Sir Thomas Gresley, Bart. ; Balliol Coll., Ox., 24th May, 1739 : oth Baronet; M.P., Lichfield, Nov., 1753— 21st Dec, 1753 ; d. 23rd Dec, 1753. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., II., 563; Harwood's Lich- field.] Gresley witli Warnes. Pedigree. [Bo 11. Lib., 834, v. 1, f. 1, ■>.] Gresley, Rev. William, b. Kenilworth, 16th March, 18(H : *•. of Richard Gresley [»<-«] ; educated Westr. Sell.; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 21st May, 1819 ; B.A., 1823 ; M.A., 1825 ; Curate of Drayton Bassett, 1828—30 ; of St. Chad's, Lichfield, 1830—37 ; Preb. of Lichfield, 1840 to death ; P.C. of All Saints, Boviie Hill, Berks., 1857 to death ; d., Boyne Hiil, 20th Nov., 1876. Ecclesiastes Anglicanus. Being a Treatise on Preach- ing, adapted to a Church of England Congregation. Lonilon. l,S3i. 8vo. First .\mericin. from Second English Edition, with Supplementarv Note bv the Rev. B. Haight, M.A. New y'ori, 1844. 8v6., pp. xvi., 240. Portrait of an English Churchman. London, 1838. 12mo. Mhe:i.,1839. The Xeccssity of Zeal and Moderation, &c. London, 1830. l-lmo. Some Thoughts on the Means of Working out the Scheme of Diocesan Education. London, 1830. 12mo. 2nd ed., London, 1840. Sermons on some of the Social Duties of a Christian. London. 1S40. Vhao. Charles Lever. London, 1840. Xew ed.. 1841. A Few Words to Parents about their Children. 12mo. The Siege of Lichfield. A Tale illustrative of the Great Rebellion. London: Burns. 1840. Woodcuts. 8vo., pp. ix. (2 blank). 412. (.Several Editions.) The Forest of Arden. London, 1841. 12mo. Clement Walton : or. The English Citizen. London, 1841. 12mo. 3rd ed. [The Englishman's Library, I.] Bernard Leslie. A Tale, in 'Two Parts. London, 1842. 12mo. i$o7. I'imo. Parochial Sermons. London. 1842. I2mo. Church Clavering. London, 184^i. 12mo. Henri de Clermont : or. The Royalists of La Vendee. London. 1844. 18mo. Colton Green. A Tale of the Black Country. London, 184.5. 18mo. A Short Treatise on the English Church. London, 1845. I2mo. Frank's First Trip to the Continent. London, 184o. 12mo. Suggestions for a new Statute to be proposed in the University of Oxford. London. 1845. 8vo. Couiston Hall. London. 1846. 12mo. The Real Danger of the Church of England. London, 'irded., London, 1840. 8vo., pp. 18. (Six Editions.) The Second Statement of the Real Danger. p. v. — xii. Portrait. The Theory of Development briefly considered, linio. Holiday Tales. [Mod. Eng. Biog.. I.. 12.^7 ; Ch. of Eng. Photographic Uallery (ISnft), portrait, .W.] Gbeswoi.d, Rev. Henry, s. of Humplirpv Gres- wold, <)f Greet, Wore*. : Rector of SoliiiuU : Preb. of Ripoii ; Preb. of Lichfielil, iltli Oct., 1G63— IGth Aug., KJOG : Precentor, :^rd Aug., 1666 to death ; d. Nov., 1700. [Harwood's Lichfield, 19i;, 242.] Gbettox, Very Rev. George, b. March, 1754 : s. of Rev. George Gretton. Rector of Norton- in-Hales and Blore ; Trin. Coll., Cam. : Fellow, 177^! ; m., 4th Jan., \~tS\, Mary, dnu. of Richard Augustus Clay, Esq., of Westhorpe, Notts. ; Rector of Dartmouth, 1781 ; had pupils at Hitcham, Bucks.; Dean of Hereford, March, 1X1,19 ; Vicar of Upton Bishop, Hcrefs., 1810 ; d. July, same year : bur., 5th Aug., in chancel, where is a monument. [Havergal's Upton Bishop. II. 12.] Gretton, Nicholas, Shenstone. A lon^' Letter to Ashmole . . . telling him about the Quaker.s of Tamworth, who had much abused him in a book called " Witchcraft past out of the Religious Seed and Israeli of God." Dated '• 29th Jan., IG.if)." [Bodl. Lib., 4i3 (72), ff. 218, 219.] Grey of Enville. Glover's Pedigi-ee of, with Lowe of Enville and of Wavendon, co. York. [Bodl. Lib., 834, v. b, ff. 294, .SO.] Grey, Rev. Harry, h. Kuutsford, 1812 ; .-■. of Rev. Harrv Grey ; Mat. St. Edmund Hall, Ox., 2nd May, 1832 : B.A., ls;36 ; Stii Earl of Stamford and Warrington : of I']nvillc Hall. &c. ; lived for many years in South Africa, where he died, 18th June, 1890. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 5UiJ ; Leics. Pedigrees. kc. 74.] Grey, John. b. Red Lake, Salop, 1822 : re- moved to Pensnett, 1X44, where he died, I8th July, 1858. Obituary. Bv J. Wynne. [/'. M. Mini. ( I8.")9). liM, 1146.] Grey, Right Rev. William. Preb. of Longdon, 21st Oct., 1443 — 54 : Procurator at Rome for King Henry VI.; Cbancellor of England ; Bishop of Ely, 1454 ; founded a Library at Balliol Coll., Ox.: d. 4th Aug., 1478. [Harwood's Lichfield. 21-tti.] Grice, Rev. Joseph Hill. b. Handsworth, 1X09 ; 8. of Joseph Grice, Esq. : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 21st June, 1X27 ; B.A., 1831 ; M.A., 1834 ; Curate of Queenhill, AVorcs., and of Ripple, Upton-on-Severu : //. lOtli Aug., 1867. I [Foster's Alumni Oxim.. II., .iij.i.] ' Grice, Rev. William, b. Handsworth, 1X13 ; brother of the above ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 1834 ; M.A., 1837 ; Curate, Hatton, Warws., 1837—39; Chp. of Wroxhall, Warws., 1837—54 ; P.O., Sherborne, Warws., 1848 : Chp. of Broughton, 1X63 ; Lav Clerk of New Coll., 1X81—85; rf. Xth Jan.,'l8S5. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., ofia.] Grier, Rev. Richard, M.A. Vicar of Temple- bodane. Diocese of Cloyne ; Chp. to l']arl Talbot, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. A Keply to the ■' End of Religious Controversy," bv ... Rev. John Milner, D.D., F.S..\. London. 1821. 8vo., pp. xlvi., 41(i. Grier, Rev. Richard Macgregor. A. co. Wicklow, 11th Dec, 1834 ; s. of the Rev. J. W. Grier ; educated Whitchurch, Salop, Stourbridge Gr. Sell, and Bronisgrove : Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox.; B.A. (Pemb. Coll.), 1858; M.A., 1871; Curate, Holy Trinity, Burton, 1858 — 62 ; of St. Helier, Jersey. 1862 ; St. Mary's. Lich- field, 1X62 — 65 ; Vicar of Rugeley, 1865 : of Hednesford, 1888 ; R.D., Rugeley ; Preb. of Pipa Parva, Lichfield, 1876 ; m., 1877, Grace, ditn. of Ven. Archd. Allen. The Christian Priesthood. A .Sermon preached . . Rugeley . . . May the 9th . . . 18G9. London: Ririugton. 1S60. 8yo., pp. 8. Absolution. A Sermon, Ac. Printed by Thoma.i Jame.i, Brooke Square. Rngelei/, n.d. (1870). 8vo., pp. 18. Confession. A Sermon. Same imprint, n.d. (1870). 8vo., pp. Hi. Dogma. Second Edition. .Same imprint. 1812. 8to., pp. 16. An Lnpreached Sermon. .Sam* imprint. (1874.) 8vo., pp. 14. Sacerdotalism. A Sermon. Same imprint. 187,5 8vo., pp. 12. Catholic Principles and the Reform of Intemperance. A Sermon preached in St. Paul's Cathetlml on ... . November 21st, 187.'>. Same imprint, n.d. (1875). 8vo., pp. l.i. A Reply to the Bishop of Peterborough's Speech in the House of Lords on Intemperance .... Same imprint. 187G. Svo., ])p. l(j. The Direct Popular Veto ...... p.. pi., or d. (1SS5). 8yo.. pp. 4 (unpaged). [Also in Ch. CoBgres* Report (188r>).] Traffic in Livings. Same imprint. 1886. 8vo.. pp. 8. The Spoiling of Satan. To the Electors of the United Kingdom. Same imprint. 188.5. 8vo., pp. l(i. The Transfiguration. The Substance of a Sermon . . . . In Memory of H. B. Same imprint. 1871. 8vo., pp. 2. A Letter of Respectful Remonstrance to the Very Rev. the Dean of Rochester .... January, 1889. Ruijeley : Printed and PiMished hij //. ./. Pascoe, Brook Square. 8vo. John Allen. Vicar of Frees and Archdeacon of Salop. A Memoir by his Son-in-Law . . I^ndon : Rirington. 1880. 8vo., pp. viii., .S70. Grieves, Evelina, b. Yew Tree, Vowchurch, Herefs., 19tli April, 1X47 : '/., Brierlev Hill, 29th Oct., 1867. Obituary. By Julia Grieves. [P. .1/. .Maa. (18r.9), 377, 378.] Grieves, Rev. Joseph, b. Aukside, Durham, 1 1th Jan., 1800 ; Primitive Methodist Minister from 1826 ; d., Bricrley Hill, 2nd June, 1862. Obituary. Bv P. Pugh. [P. M. .Wag. (18«2), f.41— 51.] Grieves, Julia, b. Tunstall, 12th Aug., 1848 ; dan. of Rev. Joseph Grieves [«c^l ; d., Brierley Hill, 15th Feb., 1871. Obituary of Evelina Grieves. [.S'e«.] GRIFFITH (201) GRONOW Obituarv of. Br II. A. Whitehead. [P. H. Uaq. (1872), 3(J7.] " Gkiffith, George. h. in or near Bewdlev, 1811 ; educated Bewdley Gr. Sell.; came to reside at Wolverhampton, 180(1, where he set up a Printing (Jffice in Queen Street, after- wards in Garriciv Street ; Assistant Commis- sioner on Cijarities, 18(16 ; d., Bewdlev, Feh., 1881. Devil's Spadeful : A Traditional Poem. BeiidUy : Banks. 1839. 12mo., pp. 3(). Ribbesford : A Poem in Three Cantos . . Loudon : Himpkui, Marshall, i(- Co. 1843. 8to.. pp. 102. (Ded. to Lord Ward.) The English Village: An Old Jlan's Tale of the Castle of Quatford. StoHrbr'ulge : ]i. BroomhaU. 1847. five, pp. 4.S. Education without Taxation . . . With Remarks by JIancuniensis. Manchester, 185.3. 8to., pp. 8. Life and Adventures of George Wilson, a Foundation Scholar. London : ff'aid F. G. Cash, 5, Bishopsgate . . 1854. Demy 8vo., 4 leaves, pp. xvii., 257. Letters'between the Rev. B. H. Kennedy, D.D., Head Master of Shrewsbury Grammar School, "and George ffriffiths, of Kidderminster, &c. Shrewsbury, 1860. 12mo., pp. 48. The Free Schools and Endoivments of Staffordshire and their Fulfilment. Stafford: Hill i)- Halaen. ISGO. 8vo., pp. 631). Frontis. — Walsall Grammar School. History of the Free Schools. College, Hospital, and Asylums of Birmingham. &c. Stafford: Hilt ,.y Ualden. 1861. Svo., pp. 602. Ded. to Lord Brougham and Vaux. The Endowed Schools of England and Wales . . . Stourbridge: R. BroomhaU. 1864. 8vo., pp. 128. Dedi- cation dateil " Wolverhampton, Dec. l.st, 18t>4." The Two Houses : A Staffordshire Tragedy . . . With eight illustrations. Stourbridge: R. BroomhaU. 18G6. 8vo., pp. 72. Dedication dated " Wolverhampton, Jlay Day, \SiX." Charles U. : An Historical Drama in Five Acts. . . With seven illustrations. fVolver/iampton : G. Griffith, Uaeen Street. 1867. 8vo., pp. 91. Our Classical Schoolmasters and our Free Grammar Schools. A Satire. Wolverhampton: G. Griffith. 1868. 8vo., pp. 84. Education in Switzerland in the year 18fi.5, and Educa- cation in the " Black Country " in the year 1868. With a Preface. Wolverhampton : Griffith, Garrick Street. 1869. 8vo., pp. 32. Going to Markets and Grammar Schools. Being . . Autobiogiaphical Records, ifcc. ... of forty years . . . Midland Counties, from 1830 — 70 . . . Thirty- four Wood Engravings. In Two Volumes. London : W. Freeman. 1870. 8vo., pp. 401, 3'.I0. Dated -'Wolver- hampton, Oct. 31st, 1870." Reminiscences and Records of a Residence in the Midland Counties from 186;i to 1880 . . . Wood En- gravings. Bewdley: G. Griffith, Severn Cottage. 1880. Xvo., pp. 606. [J. B. Burton's Bewdlev, 6 ; Mod. Knn. Bion.. I., 1244.] " Griffith, T. A. Hunting Songs. By T. A. (i. and other well-known Writers. Lichjield: Eggington ij- Brown. 1876. »*vo.. pp. xii., 72. Griffiths, Brownlow William, h. Great Bridge, 20th April, 1830 : d. 12th Sept,, 1857. Obituarv. Bv L. L. and G. Cheetham. [/'. .1/. .Maa. , (1858), 67— 0.] Griffiths de Wichuor. Pedigree (l.i6.i) [Bodl. Lib., 705,3141: (1.56!!) r«6:<, V. 116] ; Arms [844, 6]. • j Griffiths, Hannah {nee Bagnall). h. Great Bridge, 8th Dec,, 1830 ; d. LS.-)7. Obituary. By L. L. and G. Cheetham. [ I'. .\f. .Man. (1858), 61, 62.] I Griffiths, Rev, John. h. in Wales, 1801 ; his parents came to Staffordshire whilst he was a babe, and he lived there until his call to the Ministry ; Wesleyan Minister from 1828 ; d. 15th Jan., 1846. * Obituary. [ W'e«. .l/ini(^f.» (1846), 15, 16.] Griffiths, John Howard, h. The Weir, Here- ford. 1822 ; s. of John Griffiths, Esfj, : Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 18t.h June, 1840 ; B.C.L., 1848; S.C.L., 1844; late Hon. Major of Herefs. Militia ; Deputy Lieutenant for Here- ford City: J. P. for Staffs, and Herefs.: High Sheriff, Herefs., 1877 : Barrister-at-Law. 5th May, 1848 ; m., 2ml April, 1872, Hon. Emily Wingfield, widow of Thomas Guy (jsborne, Esq., of Yoxall, and dati. of Frederick, 13th Lord Saye and Sele ; of Yoxall Lodge, and The Weir, Hereford. [Foster's Men at the Bar.] Griffiths, Robert, b. Lleweny Farm in the Vale of Clywdd, 13th Dec., 1803 : pattern maker ; engineer at Smethwick up to 1845 : numerous patents from 1835 to 1878 : d., 107, Ledbury Road, Bayswater, 16th June. 1883. [Engineering (2'.lth June, 1883j.] Griffiths, Samuel. A. Bridgnorth, 1786 : d., near Bilston, 11th April, 1861. Obituary. By Rev. X. W. Stafford. \P. .1/. Mao. (1861), 52.5, 526.] "^ Griffiths, Samuel, b. Bilston : Manufacturing Chemist : Bill Discounter and Banker in Wol- verhampton ; Ironmaster : M.P. for Wolver- hampton, 1861 ; removed to London : Pro- prietor of Iron Trade Circular, afterwards merged into The London Iron Trade Ej-rhange. Medical Responsibility. Griffiths r. Walford, tried at the Guildhall County Court, London, Fridav. July I3th 1849. Wolverhampton: T. Simpso:.. Market T'lacc' 1849 8vo.. pp. 16. A Tabulated List of all the BLast Furnaces in Great Britain. Reprinted from the Staffordshire Iron Trade Circular. Wolverhampton, 1862. 8vo. Griffiths' Guide to the Iron Trade of Great Britain With plates and illustrations, &c. London: Published for the Proprietor. 187.3. 8vo., pp. xvii., :H55 : cxxvii Frontis.— Shelton Furnaces, &c. Ded. to Sir S. H. Water- low, Bart.. Lord Mayor. Editor of The .'^tafordshire Iron Trade Circular and The London Iron Trade Exchange. Griffiths, Thomas. Printer, &c„ West Brom- wich. [White's Staffs. (1834).] Grindos. Ordnance Survey, &c. Southampton, 1879. Gronow, Rees Howell, h. 7th May. 1794 ; s. of William Gronow, of Swansea (whof/. 1830); educated at Eton : Ensign, 24th Dec, 1812 : Lieutenant, 181.5 — 21 ; served in Spain, 1812 —14: present at Waterloo ; xM. P. for Stafford, 1832 ; unseated, 1833 : contested Stafford in 1835 ; ; .«. of William Grove, Esq. ; " Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 22nd Jan., 1789 ; of Shenstone Moss, by purchase, 1797 ; J. P. and Deputy Lieuten- ant of Staffs.; created D.C.L., Ox. tfniv., 0th July, 1«10 ; (/. 7tli March, 1845. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., .573.] Grove, Rev. Thomas. h. Honiley, Warws., 1771 ; brother of the ai)Ove ; Mat. St. Mary Hall, Ox., 30th May, 1794; B.A., 18uO ; M.A.. 1802 : Rector of Mavesyn Ridware ; d. 19th Sept., 1811. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., bli.'\ Grove, William, h. Stretton Hall, 1798 ; .«. of Edward Grove, Esq.: Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 21st June, 1814 ; B.A., 1819 ; M.A., 1821 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1821 ; Police Magistrate, Worship Street, London ; d. 1892. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., .'J73 ; Men at the Bar-.] Grozer, Joseph, Mezzo-Engraver. b. circa 1755 ; (/. 1799. Engraved : — Lady Charlotte Legge, after Romney. Grukhkh, Stephen Henry. The Doctrine of Personal Salvation as preached by the Rev. Henry Daltou, considered. Wolverhampton : Joseph Jiriilf/eii. 1S32. 8vo., pp. 24. An Address to the Parishioners of St. Leonai-d's, Bridgnorth, on certain changes . . . adopted . . . Chnrch Service, &c. BrUhjiiurth, 1S32. Svo.. pp. 12. Grundy, Rev. George, b. Sheffield ; Methodist New Connexion Minister. Aspects and Prospects of Humauitv . . . London : Parlr!i!r/e awl Oriklri/ . . . I>i53.' Pt. Svo , pp. 112. [Written whilst in Staffordshire.] Grdnuy, Rev. George Frederick. Of Brase- nose Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 1857 ; M.A., 1867 ; Curacies, 1857 — 59 ; Head Master, King Edward VL Sch., Lichfield, 1872—74 ; Vicar of St. Elizabeth's, Liverpool. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 574 : Man. Sch. Reg.] Gdest, Rev. Charles. St. Aidan's Coll.; various curacies ; Vicar of Ch. Ch., Burton. Sunday the Lord's Day. London, 1887. Catechism on the Church and the Churches. London, 1S76. GoEST, Rev. Edward. /;. Staffordshire, 1824 ; brother to Rev. John Guest [(.cc] ; Wesleyan Minister from 1850 ; (/. Hornsea, 9tli March, 1804. Obituary. [ »'«. Minnies (18(i4), 21, 22.] Guest, Rev. James Merrick. /'. Edgbaston, Warws., 183(J ; s. of James (iuest, Esq., and Martha, his wife ; educated King Edward VL Sell., Birmingham ; Mat. Pembroke Coll., Ox., 17th Oct., 1852 : B.A., 1850 ; M.A., 1858 ; Assistant Master, King Edward's Sch., Birmingham, 1857 — 02 : Head Master, Bridge Tru«t Sch., Handsworth, 1802; m., 1865, Elizabeth, dan. of William Jones, Esq., of Bryn-y-mor, Penmaenmawr. A Contributor to Magazines and Periodicals. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 575.] Gdest, Rev. John. b. Briorley Ilill, 23rd Feb., 1828 ; educated Stourbridge Gr. Sch. ; Primi- tive Methodist Minister from 1849 ; (/., Tipton, 1st Se|it., 1888. Obituary of Mrs. Mary Hemingley [see]. Paper on Original Sin, read, by appointment, before the Tunstall District Association of Preachers. [/'. .1/. Maa. (lS(ii»), S— 18.] Portrait and short Notice. {lb. (1877), 513, 51 1.] Obituary. By Rev. Thomas S. Bateman. [/'. .1/. Minutes (18811), 22. 23.] Obituary of Thomas Wallett. [/'. .1/. .1%. (1«84), 240,247.] Gdest, Susannah. b. Wheaton Aston, 28th Dec, 1824 ; d. 20th Dec, 1804. Obituary. By R. Bowen. [P. J/. J/«y. (1807), 44.] Gdii.d of Our Lady, Lichfield. Account of. [Hai-wood's Lichfield, 31!) — 35.] GuiZOT, M. Sir Robert Peel, Etude d'Histoire Contemporaine. Paris, 1866. 8vo., pp. viii., 59. GUMMOU, M. Catalogue of the Pictures belonging to the Mari|uis of Stafford at Cleveland House. Printed/or M. Giwiniou, by John Meeson . . . London, n.d. 12mo., pp. 511. Gdndrv, James. Printer, Stone. Prejiaration for Confirmation. Stone, 1S59. 12mo., pp. 41. The Form and Order . . . The Coronation of Her Majestv Queen Victoria. Reprinted. Stone : Printed and Published 1)1/ J. Gundry. 1SS7. 8vo., pp. 19. [See Bourne (E.), Sandon Hall, St Vincent (Earl), Harrowby (Earl).] Gdnn, Archibald. Master of School of Art, Wolverhampton. Paddy's Letters from Wolverhampton to his Mother in Ireland on the Great Exhibition. Wolverhampton, 1S60. 12mo. More Blunders than One. Barney O'Toole's Comic Letters to his Mother in Ireland oii his .Tourney to. and Adventures in, London, &c. London, 1S71. 8vo., pp. 92. Gdy, Thomas, b. Tamworth, 1644 ; Bookseller and Stationer in Lombard Street,London: M.P., Tamworth, 1095 — 1707 ; founder of almshouses and various other charities in Tamworth, and of Guy's Hospital, Southwark, 1724, which he built at a cost of £18,000 and endowed with £219,429 ; he was rejecteresented in a Philosophical Sacred Poem. London : Printed for Thou. Guy. 1700. 4to. Book for the Aged. By J. Davis. London: Thou. Ouy. 1710. iimo. English Grammar. Bv .T. Brightlaml. London: Sold by Thos. Guy. 1712. 12mo. Copy of the Last Will and Testament of The. Guy, founder of the Hospital. London, 1725. 8vo. Again, with the Act for managing his charities. 17S2. 8vo., pp. 6.^). An Essay on Deathbe\: Biog. Brit.; Brit. Biog.. HI., 4l'!) — 21.] I'.diled. Willi large :ulilitions :iud copious note.*, by M. C. C. Walcot, B.D. London, 1S65. 12mo.. pp. xii., 18S't Summary of the Life, by T.Seward [(.Vh*.'* J/aj;.,LxVlL 47it]. ' Portraits ;— Full length Painting in Oil, Trin. Coll., Cam. : ditto, by Sir Peter Lely, at Bcddingham. Surrey. Prints, by Faithorne — a large one, date■>, f. Ilis'; Monk's Bentle.v, L, 127, 128 ; Pane MS., f. Iij56; Ashmole's Life. 8() ; Lives of the ' Norths. I., 144 ; Lyttleton's Per.^ian Letters, I.. 309 ; Evelyn's Diary, I., .3-.';i ; Kennet, 31S, 81(i, i>17 : Calamy's i Acconnt, II.,'lli3, 170.740,751.8.50; Sloane MS. (1710), f. 182 ; Watt's Bibl. Brit., L, 304 ; ^'e^vconrt, I., 1X1, 275 ; Lansd. MS., OA^, f. 04— G ; Cal. St, Pa.. 171; Dom. Series, 277 ; Cardvvell. 257 ; Stubb's Reg. Sacra Angli.. 09 ; Willis's Cathedrals, III.. 375. 370 ; 1st Report of C;ithe- dr.al Commissioners (1854). 21 — 12; Fuller's Cam., 238; ditto. Worthies. III.. 92; Biog. Drama. I.. 30.5— 7 ; ilirmi; N.S., VIII., 12(;. 127; Bodl. Lib.. llll,S:^b: 1521, (B) 118; Ch. Obseii-er. XXXII.. 127, 134. 130; Shaw. I.. 250; Forest and Chase of Sutton Coldfield. 09. App. No. 2 ; Beresford's Diocesan Hist, of Lichfield.] Hacket. Rey. Philip. 6. Kettlcby, Kent, 1 665 ; ,'•■. of Jolm Hiicket ; Curate of St. Micliael's Lichfifl.l, 17U0 : of Norton, 17U0 : Rector of ' South Ci'oxtou, LeifS., 17(iO: Vicar of All Saints, Leicester ; m. Jane. dan. of George i Holden, Sacrist of Liclitielil : d. 17th July. 17:)5. [Harwood's Lichfield, 517 : Nichols' Leics., III., jit. 1- 238; Leicester Arc/iaol. Trans., VI.. 29, 30.] Hackett, William, h. Bilston : apprenticed to Stephen Basffonl, Printer, Bilstou ; Printer on his own account for many years ; Local Preacher amongst the We.sleyans. A Letter to the Inhabitants of Sedgle.T, in Answer to a Sermon by the Rev. C. Girdlestone, entitled " A Plea for Unity." By a Dissenter. W. Hackett, Printer, Bilston. 1835 I'imo., pp. 12. A Collier's Directory. Hackwood, Frederick William, h. Wednesbury, ISth April, 1851 ; T()\Tn Councillor since 1887 ; Ciiairnian, Free Library Committee, and of the Wednesbury Subscription Library ; F.R.H.S. Notes on Lessons on Moral Subjects. A Handbook for Teachers. J-:ilinbur. Haiiley, 1824 : d. 7lli July, Obituary. [»p Goodwin (Rev. J.).] Hall, Rev. E.lwaid. //. Hull, 20th Jan., 1H05 ; s. of Thomas Hall, iiu'ichant, and Rel)efL-a ((/nil. of Rev. Thomas Robin.=on, Vicar of St. Mary's, Leicester), his wife ; educated privately ; of St. John's Coll., Cam., 1S24 ; B.A., 1S2II ; Curate of S>tee[ile, Essex, 183U ; of Mount Sorrel, Leics.: of West Winch, Norf., 1834 : of St. Mary's Chapel, Birniinf,'ham, 1835 — 41 : Chp. to Lord Hif^h Commissioner of Ionian Islands, 1841 — 4G ; in t('m])orary charfje of Penkridge, 1847 : Vicar thereof in Oct.. satne year to death ; m. Eliza Kirk, of Mount Sorrel, 15th May, 1834 ; il. 24th April, 1851. Parochial Sermons by the Rev. Edward Hall, B.A., late Vicar of Penkridge, Stafford.shire. With a short Memoir, i-c. . . . Bv Thomas Robinson, D.D., Master of the Temple. Hull : .'lohn Moxhu. .MDCCCLII. Svc, pp. x.xix., .H1.5. Memoir, pp. xxix. Hall, Edward Kirkpatrick. /;. Holv Bush, Burton. 2nd June, 1844 ; *■. of L. K. Hall, Esq.; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 17th Oct., 1862; B.A., 18(i(; ; Student, Middle Temple, 5th Nov., 186B : Barristpr-at-Law Con. .Uay. (18iJi>), 388 — 90] : Memoir of Rev. George Wood [748 — 52] ; Letter on Tipton Circuit [783, 784]. Hallam, Maria. [See Jackson (Jlaria).] Hallam, William Henry, b. Newcastle, Oth June, 18.")4 : s. of John Hallara, Wine Mer- chant ; educated King's Coll., London ; M.R.C.S., Eng., 187'J ; L.R.C.P., Edin., 1880 ; Med. Officer of Health to Newcastle Urban Sanitary Authority, 1882 ; m., 15th Nov., 1885, M. J., (tail, of Dr. Weaver, of Southport. Reports to Urban Sanitary Authority, 1882 to date. (Printed since 1888.) Uniformly 8vo. Hallett, Rev. George. Nonconformist Minister at Newcastle. Obituary of Rev. George Wood. [Xeir Con. Mag. (1870), 291—95.] Hallier, E. Homalomolus Delphinocephalus, found near Dudley. [Trans. Man. Geological Hoc, II.] Hallikax. Rev. Josepii. /'. in Staffordshire, 1821) ; 6-. of Rev. Joseph Uallifax ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 10th June, 18i7 ; B.A., 1851; M.A., 1854; Rector of Kirkbride, Cumb., 1855 — 59 ; of Breame, near Axbridge, 1859 to death ; d. 8th Nov., 1882. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 590.] Hallsworth, Edward, d. Walsall, 12th July, 1838. Obituary. By'-A. F." [IFm. .1/(1^^. (1838J, 399.] Halsall, Henry de. Archd. of Chester, 15th May, 1413—22. [Harwood's Lichfield, 205.] Halse (or Hales), Edmund. Archd. of Salop, 1483—85 ; Preb. of Weeford, 1474—78 ; of Offley, 14S() : of Whittington, 1478—81 ; of Eccleshall, 2nd April, 1490 to death ; d. 1501 ; bur. near West Door of Lichfield Cathedral. [Hanvood's Lichfield, 21.\ 228, 238, 252, 254.] Hamer, Rev. D. Jones. Minister of Queen Street Congregational Church, Wolverliauipton, 1877 — 82 ; of Cullins Street Cli., Melbourne, 1882 to death ; d., Rotoria, New Zealand, 7tii March, 1880. In Memoriam .... Supplement to ]'ictoyiaii Independent. Melhourne, 1H8G. 4to. Hamerton, S. C, Cannock. Christ the Aivakener and other Sermons. ISIO. Duo. Hamilton, David Henessev, M.B., R.U.I. . B.Chir. and R.A.O., lb'80 (Queen's Coll., Belfast) ; of Norton-le-Moors. Peculiar ("ondition of Spleen Capsule. [Hiit. Med. Jour. (1889).] Hamilton, James, Duke of Hamilton. Owner and resident of Sandon Hall ; fought a fatal duel with Lord Mohun. Memoirs. London, 1742. 8vo. Portrait. A True and Impartial Account of the Animosity, Quarrel, and Duel, between the late Duke of Hamilton and the Lord Mohun. /Mndon, 1752. 8vo. Hamilton, John. L.R.C.P., Edin., and L.M., 1S75 ; F.R.C.S.. Edin., 18S(l : M.U., Durham, 1891: Fellow i>f Obslet. Soc, of London; Med. Ofliccr and Public Vaccinator, Burton- on-Trent : Med. Ollicerof Health, Swadlincote. Amputation of Breast, followed bv Spontaneous Features of Fever. [/.niiccM 1883).] Hamilton, Robert. Mutter of Fact versus Messrs. Huskissou and Peel. Pkiliidelphia, 182S. 8vo., pp. 24. Hamilton, William trerard. Parliamentary Logic .... London, 1808. 8vo. [With Appendix cont.aining "Considerations on the Corn Laws," by Samuel Johnson, LL.D.] Hamlet, Richard. />. 1805 ; d., Lichfield, 15th Dec, 1«59. Obituary. By H. L. Ward. [/'. .1/. Mag. (1870), Hammersley, James Astbury. b. Burslem, 1815 ; exhibited three pictures at the Royal Academy, three at the Royal Institute, and ten at Suffolk Street, 1842—52 ; Head Master, Man. Sch. of Art Design, 1849— G2 ; President of Academy of Fine Arts, Man., 1^157 — (!1 ; d., Manchester, 1869. A Brief Narrative of the Shipwreck of the "Premier." By G. R. Dartwell. Illustrated from Sketches made on the spot. The Drawings by J. A. H. 1845. 4to. Elementary Freehand Drawing Copies. By C. Aichson. With Prefaces by J. A. H. n.d. 4to. The Condition of Continental Schools of Art. 1850. An Address ... on the Great Exhibition. 1855. 8vo., pp. lij. Exhibition of Art Treasures. (A Series of Articles in the Manchester Papers.) 1856. 8vo. Hammond, Rev. John. b. on an open moor, near Sheffield in a deep snow, JiOth Jan., 177G ; educated Rothcrham Coll., Sept., 1790 ; Congregational Minister Irom 1802 ; at Hands- worth, 1S05 — 57, when he resigned ; d. 5th June, 1KG9, aged 9:3 ; hiir., L^nion Chapel, Handsworth. A Memorial of the late Rev. John Hammond, of Handsworth. By Robert Ann. Birmingham, 1870. 8vo. Obituary. [Congregational Year Book (1870), 29(), 297.] Hammond, Rev. Thomas, b. Kingsley Moor, Cheadle, 2Gth May, 1851 ; Wesleyan Minister from 1870 ; Missionary to Rheims and Bar- badoes ; d., West Brotuwich, 6th May, 1879. Obituary. [ (!'&•.. Miniile.i ( 1879), 37, 38.] Hamxett, J., Longton. Obituarv of .Sarah Dobson. of Halif, Mag. (1870)^ 4.")9, 4110.] IX. [A'cH' Con. HAMPTOX (207) HAND Hami'ton, Rev. Henry. M.A., by Arclibj). of Ciiiiterljurv, ].")K [ib.. 8^3. I.: 1137, unba] ; History of H. R. fShaw. I.. loO— liO] : Engraving of Church [iVa, ln7 ; Bodl.'Lib., 853, 27]. Haxhuiiv. Engr.iving of Church and Parsonage [Shaw. I.. 71] ; History of [ib., 71 — )i] : other references [Higden's .St. Werburgh, t! : Leiand'a Coll., I., 4t; ; Rymer, XIV., .i85 ; Harl. MSS., 6S.28 ; Bodl. Lib., 8o3, 45]. Hanhury, Benjamin, h. Wolverhampton, loth May, 1778 : "in Bank of Englaml. 1803—.-,!) ; Deacon, Congregational Church. Union Street, London, 1811) — 57 : Treasurer, Congregational Union, 1831 to death ; c/., IC, Gloucester Villas, Brixton, Surrey, 12th Jan., 18(34. An Historical Research concerning the Congrega- tional Church of England. London, 1820. 8vo. Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity. Edited by B. H. In Three Volumes. London, 1830. 8vo. Historical ilemori.als relating to the Independents. In Three Volumes. London. 1830—44. [Ki-angelisl .Mag. (18(;i). 166; Mod. Em/. Bloq., I., 1312.] Hanbury, Robert, b. 2nd July, 1706: •-••. of Osgood Hanbury, of Holfielil Grange, Essex (1765—1852) : clerk with Trum.in, Buxton, & Co., 1815 ; partner, 1822 ; managing partner of business in London and Burton ; Sheriff of Herts., 1854 ; built and endowed Thundridse Ch., Herts., 1840, and Ch. Ch., Ware, 1858 ; iL, Poles, Ware. 20th Jan., 1884. [Licensed Victuallers' Gazette (16th .Ian.. 187.>), port. ; Licensed Victuallers' }>ar Soo^- ( 1S76), 8.1 — 1. port. : Mod. F.ng. Biog., I., 1.S13.] Hanhdrv, Robert William. //. Tamworth, 1845; Mat. Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox., ISth Oct., 18(;4 ; Scholar, 18G4— 69 ; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 1867 ; Barrister-at^Law ; of Bolehill House, Tamworth ; now (1893) of Ilani Hall. Staffs. ; .T.P. and Deputy Lieutenant for Staffs.; M.P., Tamworth, April, 1872— April, 1878: North Staffs., 1878—80: Preston, 1885 to date. Speeches. [See Hansard. A few have been printed.] Mr. Hanbury is a contributor to several of the Monthlies. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 598 ; Men at the Bar.] Haxch Hall. History of. [Shaw, I., 226, 227.] Hancock, George, Potters' Painter. x. of John Hancock : workeil at Mansfield ; the Potteries, both before and after his lieing at Mansfield ; for Ridgways, at Cauldon Works up to 1819; at Derby, 1819—35; became Manager of Mr. Edwards' Pottery at Burton ; Potteries again, 1836 ; at Lyons, 18;!9 : finally at Wordsley, South Staffs., where be cL, after 1850. [Haslam's Old China Factory, 128—11.] Hancock, John. fi. Nottingham ; apprenticed at Derby Works ; at Swansea : thence to Potteries for " Turner, of Longton, before 18((0" : invented gold, silver, and steel lustre, first used at Spode's, Stoke ; for Wedgwood, 181t; to death, as colour maker, &c. ; d., Etruria, 18th July, 1847, a.ged 90. Letter on Who invented Lustre'/ [Staffs. Mercury (1846).] [Haslam's Old China Factory (1825), 182.] Hancock, Robert, Mezzo-IIngraver. />. Burslem, 1730: employed at Battersea ; Tutor to Valentine Green ; spent latter part of his life at Worcester and Bristol : d. 1817. Eno-raved amongst other Subjects — General William Kin^-^lev- after Revnold — Lady Chambers, after ditto- Miss Da'v ( Ladv Fe'nhoulct ). after ditto— William Hopley, Vero-er "of Worcester Cathedral— Edward Scholfield, a dw.arf after Wright— Robert Hancock, Engraver of War- wick, 'after ditto (only one impression)— R. Lovett, after Robert Hancock and His Works. A at. 1730:0*. 1817. By A. R. Ballantyne. London: Chiainck Press. 1885. 4to.. pp. ii., 5(1. 12 plates. [Only 150 copies publisheil to subscribers.— COMPILER.] Hand, Charles Frederick. b. Rowley Hall, Stafford, 1849 ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 16th Oct., 1868 ; B.A., 1875 ; M.A., 1878. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 59!>.] Hand. George Watson. b. Ridware, 1750 ; .«•. of Rev. Watson Hand ; -Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 6th March. 1767 : B.A., 1771 ; M.A., 1774 ; Archd. of Dorset. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. 599.] Hand, John, il., Newcastle, 1st March, 1842. Obituary. By H. C. [ ">.<. Mag. (18-12), 425.] Hand, Katherine. b. Barlaston. [.See Farmer (Rev. R. C), Gundry (J.).] Hand, Thomas. *. Brewood, 1699; .<. of Thomas Hand : Mat. New Inn Hall, Ox.. 9th 5Lay, 1710 : B.A., 20th Feb., 1720. [Foster's Alumui Oxon., II., 599.] Hand, Rev. Watson, b. I,ichfield, 1723 : .-'. of George Hand : Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 17th March, 1740 ; B.A., 13th March, 1744. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 599.] HANDLEY (208) HAUCOURT Handlev, William. cl., Cop, llth Oct., 1842. [See Keeling (llev. John).] Harriseahead, Mow -10,* 2"7,* 208] : Plate of 12mo. Ditto, Manchester, 12mo. Ditto, . . Hanley Hands.\cre. Historv [Shaw. I., Hall(17im) [/A., 211.] Hanford Church. Invitation to. London: Loiighurst. nil. 12mo.,pp. 4. [See Graves (Rev. — .), Blatch (Rev. J.).] Hank, Nicholas. Treasurer of Lichfield, 18th Oct., 1390—1417. [Havwood's Lichfield, 201.] Hankinson, Rev. Josiah. h. Macclesfield, 15th Feb., 1830 ; s. of W. B. Hankinsou and Elizabeth, his wife ; educated privately ami Lanes. Lidependent Coll. ; Congregational Minister, Leek, ISiC— 92. Vanishing Forms. A Memorial Sermon on the Death of the Rev. William Benton Clulow (formerly Classical Tutor of Airedale College). Loudon: Hodder ij- Sloui/hton. Leek: S. Rider. (1SS2). Hvo., pp. I'J. In Memoriam : Hannah Benton, Wife of Crosby Rowbotham, who fell asleep Feb. 2Uth, 188.5. Sermon preached at Leek . . March 1st. (Printed by reipiest for private circulation.) n. p., pi, or d. (Printed by W. Windridge, Cheltenham.) 8vo., pp. 12. Funeral Sermon on the late Mr. Joshua Nicholson. No title. (Reprinted from Leek Times, 1885.) 8vo.,pp. 1!". Parting Admonitions. A Sermon preached at Leek, Feb. 28th, 181)2, on the occasion of his retirement from the Pastorate which he had held for more than thirty-five years. Leek. n.d. »vo., pp. 10. (Printed by C. Kirkham.) Hanley. An Abridgement of the Original Chapel Trust Deed of the Methodists of the New Connexion, approved at the Conference held at Hanley, June, 1835. Mauley, 1S3S. »vo. Account of the Conference of the Methodist New Connexion, held at Hanley, June, 180ij. Nottingham, 1S06. 12mo. Ditto, 1814. Hanley, 1814. 1823. Hanley, 1823. 12mo. Ditto, 1835. 1835. 12mo. Ditto, Isiio. London, 1860. 1874. London, 1874. 12mo. An Act for Watching and Lighting and Shelton, 2Uth May, 1825. fol., pp. 44. An Act for explaining, ic. ... an Act passed in the sixth vearof His present Majestv's Reign for Watching, &c. . . ". Hanlev and Shelton. SHh Mav, 1828. fol., pp. 23. Ordnance Plan of Part of the Parish of Stoke-on- Trent, including Hanlev ... 4 sheets. Southampton, 1866. Ditto, of the Town of Hanley. 46 sheets. Southamp- ton, 1866. Ditto ... 51 sheets and Index Sheet. Southamp- ton (1870J. Indian Cholera at Hanley [New Con. Mag. (1832). 38 — 12]: other references [lb. (1835), 43.5— 3!l, 474 — 77.] [Nonconformitv in Cheshire. 160, 17U ; Jewitt's Ceramic Art, I., a6,'33!t : II., 12, 40, 51, 97, KW, 167, 187, 273, 288, 2ii8— 344, 401. 602;^ ditto, Wedgivood. 40. i!0. '.12. 105, 146, 2!ll. 408, 400; .«ef Jewitt (LI.), AUbut ('T.)'iT. and Son) (andHobson) (andGibbs) (and Daniel). Hitching (J.), Westbrook ( — .), Cooke (P.), Keates (J.) (and Ford) (and Co.). Atkinson (Bros.), Bate ( — .), Lanton (A), Hewitt (E.). Ridgwav (J.) (J. E.), Baxter (E. J.). Wedg- wood (J.) (H.), Kowlev (— .), Evans (W. L.), Booth (G. R.). Watson (Rev. J.'). Ring (Rev. T. P.), Miller (Rev. J.), Keating (Rev. R. R.), Pankhurst (R. M.), Walker (G.), Thom (Rev. W.). AUin (Rev. T.), Abingdon (L. J.), Jones (E.), Eastwood (Rev. J.), Tayler (J.).] Hanley, Thomas. Preb. of Gaia Major, 3rd Feb., 1558— (59. [Harwood's Lichfield. 232.] Haracles, near Leek. [Jewitfs Ceramic Art, II., 346.] Harbohxe. Francis White it Co.'s Commercial and Trades Direc- tory of Birmingham. Handsworth . . . Harborne, &c. In Two Volumes. Sheffield, 1875. 8vo. [.See Kenward (J.).] Harchius Jodicus. Oratio ad Senatum Anglie pro Instaulatione Re- publicie AngliciB, proque Reditu Reginaldi Poli Cardinalis. Lond. : Joannis Cawood. 1554. 4to. Harcourt. Transcripta quaedam cnriosa et excerpta. '• Ey chartis antiquis Waited Harccourt de Kllenhall et de Ranton in com. Staff. [Bodl. Lib., 8.33 (35), 247— .56] : Excerpta e rotulis Finium ct Clausariim de Harecourt [(36) .S57. 358] ; Two Pedigrees of Harecourt of Stanton, Co. Oxf. (Ex. lib. C. 10. fol. 108), of Ranton, &c. (Ex. lib. C. 10, fol. 7!l, 1614) [(44) •W4. 285]. Harcourt, George Granville Venaliles. It. Sudbury, Gtli Aug.. ITH.j ; ,v. of Right Rev. E. V. Harcourt ; educated Westr. Sch. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., O.K., 23rd May, 18U3 : Student, 1803—14 ; B.A., 1808 ; M.A., 1810 ; Bar- rister-at-La\v, Lincoln's Inn, 13th May, 1817; M.P., Lichfield, 1800-30 ; Oxon., 1831 to death ; Ciiancellor and Commissary for Dio- cese of York, 1818 to death ; d., Strawley Hall, Twickenham, 19th Dec; bur., Stanton- Harcourt, (3.xon.. 27th Dec, 1861, [Lair Times, XXXVII., 122, 154 ; Times (April, 1840); J/orf. A"ny. £io^.. I., 1324 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., IL, 602.] Harcourt, John. Sheriff of Staffs., ttrnp. Edward IV. [Probationes Sub. Edvardo Quarto.] Harcourt, Michael. Brother of Robert ; Mat. Balliol Coll., O.X., 20th Jan., 1598 ; in com- mand of one of the ships in iiis brother's expedition. [Account of Voyage, &c. (1613); Foster's Alumni Oxon. II., 646 ; Letter from Col. Harcourt.] Harcourt, Sir Richard. Gramhon of William Harcourt (Jfmp. King John) : m. Joan, ihiii. of Sir W. Shareshill, of Share.-^hill, Staffs., and Lord Chief Justice of England. [Colonel Harcourt 's Letter, penes Compiler.] Harcourt, Sir Robert. /;. Ellenhall, 1574; s. of Sir Walter Harcourt, and Dorothy, (dan. of William Robinson, of Drayton Bassett) his wife ; Mat. as Gentleman Commoner, St. Alban's Hall, Ox., loth April, 1590 : obtained grant by letters patent fnmi King James I. to tit out an expedi- tion to plant and inhabit Guiana ; to raise funds he sold, in the year l(;(t9, the Ellenhall Estate, and also estates at Wytham, Berks.: ?«. Frances, dan. of Geoffrey de Vere (4th ■>■■. of John, 15th Earl of Oxford) ; (/. 20th May, 1631, aged 57 : bur. Stanton-Harcourt. Account of a Voyage to the Country of Guiana. Loudon, 1613. 4to. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. 646; Letter from Colonel Harcourt ; Wood's Ath. Oxon., tl., 143 : Diet. i\at. Biog.'\ Harcourt, William de. ■<<. of Sir Robert Har- court, by Isabel de Caniville, rou.^in of Queen ) Adelina (2nd wife of King Henry I.) [through HARDING (209) HARDMAN Isabel, Stanton — since called Stanton-Harcoart, Oxoii. — came into the family] ; m., by appoint- ment of King John, Alice, dau. of Thomas Noel, of Ellenhall ami Ronton [she brought him Ellenhall, Seigiifonl, Bridgeford, &c.] ; d., and was bur. in Worcester Cathedral, where there is a monument. "The original Deeds of Ronton, kc, were carried to Stanton, and are now at Xiineham Park, Oxfordshire." — [Private Letter from Colonel Harcourt to Compiler.] Harding, Edward, b. Stafford, 29th March, 1755 : brother of Sylvester Harding ; went to London, 177G ; in partnership with his brother as prititseilers ; Librarian to Queen Charlotte, after who.se death he had charge of Her Majesty's MSS., until presented to the Nation by King George IV.; became Librarian to the King of Hanover ; d. 1st Nov., 18i2, aged 86. Obituary. B.v E. W. Gaulter. [IFm. Mag. (184.S), iiS4 ; another notice in Genl.'s Mag. (Dec, 1840).] Hakdisg, Egerton. h. Betley, 1007 : Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 27th April, 16«3 ; B.A., St. John's Coll., 1687 : M.zV., 1690. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., G47.] Hardisg, Egerton William, b. Everton, Lanes., 1815 ; s. of W. Harding ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 21st March, 1833; J. P., Staffs.; of Old Springs. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., (>03.] Harding, Rev. Henry, b. Baraset, Warws., 24th Aug., 1794: of King'sColl.,Cam.; B.A., 1H18; Curate of Aldridge, June, 1829 ; Rector, July, 1829—49 : Preb. of Dernford, LichBeld, 1844 to death : Vicar of Stratford-on-Avon, 1849 — 55 ; Rector of Stapleton, Salop, 185.i to death ; m., nth Oct., 1827, Lady Emily Fielding, sister of 7th Earl of Denbigh (who \ of Samuel Harding ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 5th Nov., 1818; B.A., 1822; M.A., 1825 ; D.D., 13th June, 1861 : Rector of Ashley, 1836—73 ; d. 31st May, 1883. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 605.] Harding. William Fielding, tised 21st Nov.), 1829 ; Harding. Rector : Lieut., R.N. ; inherited family estate at Baraset, Warws., on the death of his uncle : d., Leamington, circa 1889. [Xotes and Collections of Aldridge, I.. .56.] Hardinge, George. Biographical Memoirs of Dr. Snevd Davies (Preb. of Lichtield, itc). L->uilon, 1S77. 8vo. Portrait. [Only 50 copies printed.] Harding's Wood. An .-Vet for making a Xavigable Canal from the Peak Forest Canal ... to join Trent and Mersev Naviga- tion at or near Harding's Wood. . . . nth April. 1826. Folio 102. Hardman, Ann. ,«. Mar/. (183-2), 838, 839.] Harradine, C. Verger, Lichfield Cathedral. Hand Guide to Lichfield Cathedral. LichfieUl : A. C. iMttxax. 1SS5. Cr. 8to., pp. 16. 2nd ed., enlarged. 1891. Cr. 8ro., pp. '24. Harris, Mrs. *. Farley, 13th July, 1844. Obituary. By J. C. [ iVes. Mag. (1848), 84.] Harris, Charles. Quaker ; High Wickham, Bucks. The Woolf under .Sheep's-Clothin*^ Discourse ; or, The Spirit of Cain in the Bishop of Lichfield Reproved, &c. Published /or the benfjtt of the People in these parti bi/ a hi'er of their Immortal Souh, Charle.i Harris. Printed in the year 1060. 4to., pp. 12. Harris, Josiah. b. Mevagissey, Cornwall, (ith May, 1)^21 ; s. of William Harris : d. Port- mellon, Mevagissey, 5ili Marcli, 188(i. Edited The Wolverhampton Journal, 185.'), 18.iil. Harris, Thomas, Burslem. Methodism in Tunstall and its Vicinitv. [ H'e,--. .Mat/. (1835), 262— lU.] Harris, William, the younger, of Warwick ; d. 7th Aug., 17o5, aged 70. A Seasonable Address to the Inhabitants of Poles- worth . . . Bishop of Lichfield. [In C. Harris's The Wooli, &c. See Harris (C.).] Harris, William. Clentine Rambles. Rambles about Dudley Castle. Halesowen: Printed by William Harris, High Street. 1S45. r2mo., pp. viii., H— 100. Plates— Frontis., 23, 25, 23, .'So, h\. .W, 61, 7,i. 108. The Beauties of Clent, with the History of St. Kenelm, the Saxon Martyr. Halesowen: Printed bi/ .). ./. .S'a/r. lS7o. 12mo., frontis., pp. 3,s. Harris, William. b. Cheadle, 25th Sept., 182G ; educated Private Sch. : a Birmiii£;ham Architect ; J.P. [ Thoughts from the Inner Circle. By H. Latham, J. A. Langford, and W. H. hirmim;ham, lS.iU. 12ino. I The Unity of the Christian Church. Birmingham, 1851. 8vo. History of the Radical Party in Parliament. London, j 1885. lar. 8vo. Edited Birmingham Pally Press. Harrison, Anna (nt'f Botham). b. Uttoxeter, 10th Sept., 1797: dnii. of Samuel Botham and Ann Wood, his wife (and «/.(. I [Private infurmation, per Miss A. M. Harrison.] Harrison, Charles, Bailiff of Lichfield. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 1731, 32, 86.] Harrison, Rev. Hamlet, b. Prescott, Lanes., 1764 ; educated Man. Gr. Sch. ; Mat. Brase- nose Coll., 0.\., loth June, 1783 : B.A., 1787; M.A., 1789; B.D., 1808; Rector of Stratford-le-Bow, 1809 to death : of first portion of Poiitesbury, Salop, 1809 ; Head Master, Brewood Gr. Sch., 1792 — 1810 ; d. 12th Oct., 1843. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 615; Hicks .Smith's Brewood, In, 27, 2s, 85 : Man. Gr. Sch. Reg., III., 215 ; Shrop. Archa^ol. Trans., 2nd Series, V.] Harrisom, James. 4. probably Staffs.; educated English Coll., Rheims, where he was onlained, Sept., 1583 ; on English Mission, 1584 ; arrested for exercising his priestly office in Yorks. ; tried, York Lent Assizes, 1(!02, where he was afterwards hanged, drawn, and quartered, 22nd March, 1G(I3. [Gillow's Catholic Biblio., IIL, 148, 149 ; Challoner's Missionary Priests, I. : Douay Diaries : Dodd's Ch. Hist., II.] HARRiso>f, John. b. Lichfield, 1755 ; ,«. of Thomas Harrison ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 3rd June, 1772 ; B.A., 1770 ; M.A., 1781. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 616.] Harrison, Jolin. b. Staffs. ; d., Netherton, near Dudley, 15th Nov., 1834. Obituary. [.See Harrison (Rev. John).] Harrison, Rev. John. South Staffordshire. Obituary of John Harrison [.V«r Toil. J/ny. (1829) 79—83]; of'Phcebe Robinson [:t40,341]; of John Bickley, of Brockmoor [(1830), 77, 78]. Harrison, John. b. Norton Hall, 1829 ; s. of William Harrison ; Christ Coll., Cam., 1855 ; Student, Inner Temple, 29th March, 1855 ; Barrisler-at-Law, 3(ith April, 1862. [Foster's Men at the Bar, 206.] Harrison, Rev. John. D.D., Edin. Univ.. 1870 ; Curate of Burslem, 1854 — 58 : other Curacies ; Vicar of Fenwick, Yorks. HARRISON (212) HARTILL Whose are the Fathers? London: Ijitujmans. 1866. 8vo. An Answer to Dr. Pasey, &c. Two Volumes. Loudon^ mi. 8vo. The Fathers i\ Dr. Pnsey . . . Loudon, 1873. 8vo. An Answer to the Encharist Doctrine, &c. London, 1873. 8vo. The Eastward Position Unscriptnral. London, 1876. 8vo. The True Bread of Life, A:c. Jielirjinus Book Society. Letter to Dr. Pusey. Itelitjious Book Socielt/. Harrison, Rebecca, b. Newcastle, 14th April, 1797 : (/. \Uh Nov., 1872. Obituary. [See StafCord (Rev. N. W.)] Harrison, Rev. Canon Richard. Rector of Blitlificltl,, l«th July, IGfiO— 75; Vicar of St. Mary's, Lichfiekl, ioth Sept., 1045 to death ; (chancellor of Lichfield, U)(!0 to death; d. 1670 ; bur. St. Mary's, 3rd April. [Bagot Family, 140 ; Harwoort's Lichtield, I'.m, 474, 470.] Harrison, Samuel, b. Caverswali, 1713 ; .«. of Samuel Harrison ; Mat. Magd. Hall., Ox., 17th Feb., 1730. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., Iil7. ] Harrison, Thomas, b (probaiily) in the Market Place, Newcastle (baptized KUh Jul}'), 1G06 ; «. of Ricliard Harrison (Alderman of the Boroufjh and Mayor of the same four years ; his father was a butcher) ; educated at a Gr. Sch. : 2)laced with one Hulk or Hulker, an Attorney in Clifford's Inn, London ; in the Civil Wars under Cromwell, &c., he took an active and important part, being present in nearly all the battles, including the " crowning victory " of Worcester ; created M.A., Ox., lUth May, 1649 ; M.P., Wendover, 1845— 53 ; had custody of Charles I., when going to his trial ; was one of tlie Judges and signed the death warrant ; one of the eleven Major-Generals under Cromwell ; Governor of Wales ; liroke with Croniwell in 1 (;;")(! and was imprisoned ; a Fifth-Monarchy man ; afterwards resided in his native town, where he was ai'rested " at corner of the street now called Merrial Street " ; taken to London ; tried and condemned on the 11th Oct., 1(J60, and executed on the 13th of the same month. Another Victory in Lancashire obtained against the Scots by Major-General Harrison and Colonel Lilburn, &c. , . . London : Printed bi/ B. A. MDCLf. sm. 4to. The Speeches and Prayers of Major-General Harrison . . . Hugh Peters . . . London, 1660. 4to.. pp. 19fi. Report of his Trial. [See State Trials, reprinted several times ; a very fair and complete reprint being in Trial of Charles I. (Family Library. 275 — ;i02) ; an adverse account in The Indictment. &c., of Twenty-nine Regicides {London, 1724).] [It would be an unnecessary waste of space to give the in- numerable references there are to Harrison to be found in litera- ture. It is siiffieieut to point out tlmt there are accounts of him and of his trial in all Histories of England, all Histories of Staf- fordshire ; all Lives of Cromwell anil his associates ; all Lives of Charles I.; and all Histories of the Civil War period. Anyone who is at all curious on the subject can have every taste satisfied, from the most rabid and intense hatred to the most fulsome adulation of this man. Like all individual and strong-minded persons, his motives have never been understood, or. If undr-rstood. have been warped to suit the bias of the writer. We conclude with a quota- tion from Sir J. Macintosh, that Harrison was "the most grossly defamed in his birth, education, and personal character, of all the chiefs of the army and founders of the Commonwealth." — Oompileh.] Harrison, William. h. Tean, 1719 ; William Harrison : Mat. Magd. Coll., 12th Oct., 1737 : B.A., 1741. [Foster's .\lumni Oxon., II., 017.] .«. of Ox., Harrod, J. G., and Co. Postal ami (Commercial Directory of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, and Staffordshire. Second Edition. Nonvich, 1870. 8v4th May, 1880. [Minutes of I'roceeilings of Institute of Civil Engineers, LXXV., 409—12 ; Mod. Eng. Biog., L, 1301.] Hartley, .Tolin. 6. Dumbarton, 1775 ; (/., West Bromwich, 15th Dec, 18;^4. Obituary. By R. P. [ IFe.?. l/djf. (1834), 79.] H.MiTi.EV, .lohn. Partner in G. B. Thorneycroft & Co., Iron Manufacturers, Wolverhampton ; J. P. for Wolverhampton and Stall's. ; Mayor of Wolverhampkm, 1858—59. [Xotice and Portrait. [Jones's Mayors of Wolver- hampton.] Hautlky, Rev. .John. Curate in charge of Hart's Hill, Brierley Hill. Monasticism : Its Origin, Influence, and Results. London : Hall. IfiSS. Cr. 8vo., pp. 99. Hartley, Rev. .John Thorneycroft. b. Wolver- hampton, 9th Jan., 1849 : s. of .John Hartley, Esq., of Wheaton Aston and Tong Castle ; educated Harrow ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 12th June, 1807 : B.A., 1870 ; M.A., 1874 ; Curate of Ch. Ch., Southwark, 1872—74 ; Vicar of Burneston, Yorks., 1874 ; R.D. of Catterick : 7H. Alice M., (laii. of the Hon. G. and Lady Louisa Lascelles. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., (J20.] Hartley, Rev. Percival. Scholar of Trin. Coll., Cam. ; LL.B., 1805 ; Curate of Tamworth, 1S49— 54; P.O. of Wigginton, 1854—04; Rector of Clonpriest, Cloyne, 1804 — 72 ; of Staveley, Yorks., 1872 — 78 ; of Creeton, Lines., 1878. Harvey, Elizabeth, il. Drybridge, Newcastle, :3rd Jan., 1851. Obituary. By Kev. H. Wheeler. [/>. .1/. .1%. (1851), 250, 251.] Harvey, Rev. Frederick, b. Stone, 1854; g. of Charles Harvey ; Mat. St. Mary Hall, Ox., 21st April, 1874 ; Curate of St. John's, Clevedon. [Foster's Alumni 0.\on., II., G21.] Harvey, George, b. Outcliurch Farm, Norton- le-Moors, 1803 ; cl., Broomhall, Cheshire. 15tli Sept., 1X00. Obituary. Bv T. Bateman. [P. .M. Mfiy. (UGi]), 131, KiG.] Harvey, George, b. Dudley, 1«20 ; s. of Joshua Harvey ; Mat. S. EdmundHall, xth July, 184:5. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 1)21.] Hakvky, Henry. With Essex in Ireland. Being Extracts from a Diary kept in Ireland during the year 1589. By Mr. Henry Harvey, .sometime Secretary to Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. With a Preface by .John Oliver Maddox. Intro- duced and Edited by the Hon. Emily Lawless. London : Smith, Elder, .(■ Co. 1800. Cr. 8vo., p).. 302. Harvey, Rev. Herbert. Ch. Ch., Ox. ; B.A., 1857 ; M.A., 180:3 ; Curacies, 1859—02 : Vicar of Betley, 18G2— 76 ; Rector of Hin- stock, 1876. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II. ] Harvey, J. H. Four Lectures on Civil Liberty and Expansion of Intellect as connected with human happiness, delivered at the Philosophical Institute of Walsall. London : Lonqmam. Walsall : It'. (Jrilftn. 1S45. 8vo., pp. iv., 222. Harvey, John. b. Cauldon, 1754 ; .y. of Thomas Harvev ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 22nd March, 1771 ;' B.A., 1774; M.A., 1780. [Foster's Ahimni Oxon., II., 021.] Harvey, Rev. Lucas L. Primitive Methodist Minister, Newcastle. Life of the Rev. John Graham. [P. J/, ^fin. (1885).] Harvey, " Squire."' b. Comraonside, Brierley Hill, 24th :March, 1822 ; Primitive Jlethodist Minister since March, 1849 ; d., West Brom- wich, 22nd Oct., 1855. '•I have pre.ached 443 sermons, visited 2,072 families, walked 2.000 miles, and seen 3()2 souls converted to God in the Dudlev Circuit." THe was there 15 months.] Obituary. Bv Rev. "J. Grieves. [P. M. Mag. (1855), 8—12.] Harvey, Thomas. A Moorlander. His Hairbreadth Escapes. IHelifj., May, 1871.] Harvey, Rev. William Woodis. b. Exeter ; c. of Rev. Preb. Harvey ; Trin. Coll., Camb. ; B.A., 185:3 ; ALA., 185(! : adm. ad eundem Ox. Univ., 28th June, 1860 ; Master AUeyne's Grammar Sch., Uttoxeter, 1857 to death ; d. 4th Feb.. 1804 : 4m/-. Uttoxeter Cemetery ; mural tablet in Gr. Sch.. and Harvey Prizes estaldished. value £7 per year. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 11., ti22 ; Reilfern's Uttoxeter, 2nded., 410, 411.] HARWARDEN (214) HATE LEY Hahwarden, Huniphii'v. LL.D. ; Proli. of Gain Major, ;!lst Oct.," 14K;!— Sa; of Eccles- hall, intli Jan., US«— l.MK) ; of Tarvin, IStli Marcli, USD — 1521 (all Lichfield); Ueau of Arclics. [HarwoodV Lichfield, iii, 232, 254.] Harwood, Jolin dc. Preb. Gaia Minor, Lichfield, 4t,h Sept., 1:^.74—90. [Hanvood's Lichfield, 2;t3.] Harwood, Michael. Boulterley (Balterley) Hall. Letter to Lilly. [Bodl. Lib., 423, 132.] Harwood, Rev. Thomas, b. Shepperton, Middle- sex, 18th Ma}', 17(J7 : *. of Rev. Thomas Harwood, Rector ; educated Eton, 18th Nov., 177;3_84 ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 8th Nov., 1784 ; migrated to Emmanuel Coll., Camb.; B.D., 1811 ; D.D., 1822 : resident at Lavcnliam, near .Sudbury. Suftblk, 178 V'; Head Master Lichfield Gr. >Scli., Oct., 1791 — 181;! ; P.C. of Hammerwich, ISOO todeath ; of Burntwood Chapelry, 1S28 — 42 ; Rector of Stanley, Somerset, 1814—19; m., 1793, Maria, dim. of Charles "Woodward, Esq. ; (/., Lichfield, 22nd Dec, 1842. The De;Uh of Dion. A Tragedy. Lmuliin, 1787. Rvo. A Tragedy. (Performed at Norwich Theatre, 1787). Annotations on Genesis; with Obs^ryations, Doctrinal and Practical. Lomlon : Caildl. 1780. 8vo. Sermons. In Two Volumes. liinninr/liam ; Printed by Thomas Pearson for G. C. J. i)' J- Robinson, Paternoster . London. MDCCX'Cl I'. 8vo., pp. (I.) xv., 200 : (H.) viii., 249. Alumni Etonienses ; or, a Catalogue of the Provosts and Fellows of Eton, and King's College, Cambridge. London, 1707. 4to. The Second History of the Life of Jesus Christ. . . London: CadeU if Dav'ies. 1708. r2mo., pp. vii., 14!l. Grecian Antiiiuities ; or, an Account of the Public and Private Life of the Greeks. London, 1801. 8to. A Manual of Geography. London, 1804. 12mo. The History and Antiquities of the Church and City of Lichfield . . . Gloucester, 1806. 4tD., pp. vi., o74. Plates. [This is one of the most valuable compilations connected with the history and topography of any town, city, or county— its infor- mation being very correct. Very few mistakes, mostly those of the printer.— Ctj .M r I LElt.] Observation on the Writings of Dr. Johnson. Erdeswicke's Survey of Statl'ordshire . . London, 1820. 8vo. Ditto. 1844 [Died whilst in progress.] 8vo., pp. ci., 588. Plates. [The best edition ; good copies are valuable. — CoMPll.KK.] Dr. Harwood was a frequent contributor to the Gent.'s Mag. for many ve;irs, under the signatore of "Clio." Obituary Notice. [Gent.'s Maij. (Feb., 1843).] Re- printed. [Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844). Ixxv. — Ixxviii.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II., ii23 ; Biog. Drama, I., 313.] Hascard, Gregory. Deau of Windsor and Wolverhampton ; Registrar of the Garter. Letter to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., ii3.3, 01.] [Bodl. Lib., 11S4, 118 : 1135, (i3, tlo.] Haselour. Engraving of Hall and Chapel [Shaw, I., 388] ; History [.•i88— 90]. Haslam, Rev. Charles Edward. Of St. John's Coll., Cam. : B.A., 18U5 ; M.A., 1876 ; Rector of Blore Ray, 18(>9 — 73 ; Vicar of Frocester, Gloucs., 1873 — 70 ; Rector of Tod- dington, Camb., 1870. [Grockford.] Haslam, Rev. Peter, h. BoIton-le-Moors. Lanes., 1774; AVesleyan Minister from 1790; d., Liverpool, 5th May, 1808. An Account of his Conversion, &c. (dated " Wolver- hampton ") [II'm. .Mag. (1800), 1— ;t, 4!l— o4] ; The Im- portance of Religious Knowledge [(180(i) r)»7 — 1!04] ; An Essay on the Right Use of our Knowledge |( 18(17) o89— 93]": Obituary (if Peter Haslam [ilsns) 420,421]; Memoir of P. H., by W. Myles [(ISIi'.i), '.13—8]. Haslam, Rev. William, Hanley. Memoir of Mrs. Posnet [New Con. Mag. (1822), 387 — 402] ; Speech as President [( 1824) 3.3— .i]. Haslehuhst, Rev. Richard Kay. Trin. Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1842 ; M.A., 1847 : Curate of Cohvich, 1844—40: Shustoke, ISKi- r,l; Vicar of Alrewas, 1851—08 ; Rector of We.^t Felton, Salop, 1868; R.U. of Ellesmere, 1878. [Crock ford.] Haslem, Dr. Kept an Academy in Shclton for some years. [His pupils (and probably himself) edited and pub- lished a magazine called the Espalier.] [.See Espalier.] Haslope, Rev. Lancelot Melvill. b. Chesterton, 1860; ,s-. of Lancelc t Haslope, Esq.; Mat. Merton Coll., Ox., 1879 ; B.yV., 1884 ; M.A., 1887. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 024.] Hasluck, Rev. James George Edward. /;. Handsworth, 1820 ; .f. of Richard Hasluck ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 27th April, 1837 ; B.A., 1841 ; M.A., 1843 ; Rector of Little Sodbury, Gloucs., 1851. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 024.] Hassall, John. b. London, 1572; D.D. and Fellow of New Coll., Ox. ; Preb. of Eccle- shall, Lichfield, 24th July, 1604—16 ; Dean of Norwich, 1028; (/. 27th Dec., 1654; bur. at North Creako, Norfolk. [Harwood's Lichfield, 228 ; ■Wood'.s Fasti. I., 424 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 070.] Hassell, John, Engraver, d. 1825. Engraved — A Tour of the Grand Junction Canal, ISl'.i. ! Hassells, Rev. Charles Stephens, b. Newcastle, 1801 ; .y. of William Hassells ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 14th Oct., 1818; B.A., 1822: M.A., 1825. The Rule of Faith. The Doctrine of the Churcli of I England and tlie Church of Rome compared with Scrip- ture. Xewaistle: W. H. Hi/de . . . 18.36. 8vo., pp. 00, ! Also bound up with several other Sermons on Subjects I connected with the Romish Church. Same imprint. Being No. 4. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 024,] , Hastang. Kaverswall, and Swynnerton. [ [Bodl. Lib,, 700, II. (15), 239,] ! Hatelev, J., Printer, Wolverhampton. ' The Life and Surprizing Adventures of Blue-eyed Betty, the Valiant Female Soldier. Wolverhampton, n.d. 12mo. IIATHEULEY ( -^1-^ ) HAVERGAL Hatheui.ry, Stephen Georgeson. b. Bristol, lith Fob., liS27 ; ; Missioner to Greeiv and Slavonian Seamen at Bristol and ('hannci Ports. The Briton's Prayer. 184S. Te Deum and Jubilate. 1853. pp. 27. Beneilictiis ami Apostles' Creed. 1S5S. pp. 23. Russian Air. 1S.57. God Save tlie Queen. 185S. Service of Greek Church in English. 1860. pp. .SI. Baptism. An Oratoriette for Eight Voices. I860. pp. 209. Common Pr.iise. An Enlarged Edition of Rev. W. H. Havergar.s Old Church Psalmody. 1864. pp. Bl. App. to Gtli ed. of same, 1876. j)p. 51). Specimens of Ancient Bvzantine Ecclesiastical Melody. 1870. pp. 2a. The Cherubic Hymn. For Four Voices. 1881. Hymns of the Eastern Churches, &c. 1882. pp. Iii2. H.iTHEHToN, Lords. [.See Littleton (E. J.), &c.] Hatton, George Siokes. L.S.A., 1871) ; M.R.C.S., Eng., 1880 ; M.B. and M.S., 1880 ; M.D., Durham, 1882 ; Senior Assist- ant Surgeon, North Statfs. InBrmary ; of Hanover Street, Newcastle. Three Cases of Locomotive Ataxv, with Development of Unusual Symptoms, [bril. .Med. Jour. (1S8I).] H.iTTON, W. H. h. Chesterfield, 13th Sept., 1841 : ". of Franci.s A. Hattriutecl. London. JS44. An Old Disciple. London, 1847. A Wise and Holv Child. London, 1847. Old Church Psalmody. A Collection of Old English and Foreign Psalm Tunes. London, 1H47. The Ark of the Covenant. Lent Lecture, 1852. London, 1852. Several Miscellaneous Sermons. Published by request. London. 185-3. 8vo. Sermons. Chiefly on Historical Subjects from the Old and New Testamcnt.s. London, 1853. Svo. The Prussian Oculist, Dr. de Leuw, London, 1853. Memorials of the Rev. W. H. H.ivergal : The Pastor Remembered. By Rev. C. Bullock. With Biographical .Sketch by Andrew J. Symmington. London, 1870. 8to., pp. lis. Pyrmont ; an eligible place for English Patients. Lon- don, 1871. duo., pp. .iO. Records of the Rev. W. H. Havergal. London, 1882. 8vo., 2 portraits. [Bullocks Crown of the Road, 24.S— 302 ; Important Lvmmgtons: The Pastor Remembered, 43 — 54; Mod.Eng. B'iog.. I.. KWl : Crockford ; Robinson, 183; Foster's Alumnr^xon., II.. 1127.] Havering, Richard. Archd. of Chester, 1321 —36. [Harwood's Lichfield, 204.] Hawes, Rev. Robert. St. John's Coll.. Cam. : B.D., 1865; D.D., 1876; Missionary N. India, 18il— 4!l ; Curate of Walsall. 1849— 53 ; Vicar of Tunstall, 1853 to death. A Sermon, preached in the Parish Church of Walsull . . . Aug. 17th, 18.il. . . . Walsall : J. U. Riih'inson. 1851. 8vo., pp. 2.1 Hawke, John, Bp. of Lichfield. Memorial of .1. H., Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, and of the Worthies who flourished at Lichfield in his time. [Bodl. Lib.. U21, f. Ui'.l.] Hawkhcrst, Sampson, B.D. Vicar of Dun- church and Niiiipaton ; Preb. of Offley, Lich- field, ■28th June, 160K— 27. [Harwood's Lichfield, 238.] Hawkins, Sir John. The Life of Samuel Johnson. LL.D. London, 1787. 8vo. Portrait, by Hull, after Reynolds. The Works of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Edited by .Sir J. H. iMndon. 13 vols., 8vo. Hawkins, Rev. John. A General Defence of the Principles of the Reforma- tion, in a Letter to the Rev. Joseph Berington. Worcrslrr : Printed by J. Tym/ts. at the Cros.-!. 1788. 8vo., pp. 212. [Not published ; only a few copies issued.— CoMPI LEU.] Hawkins, Philip. h. Staffs., 1713 ; .«. of AVilliam Hawkins ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 24th Feb,, 1732 ; B.C.L., 1739. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 630.J Hawkins, Thomas. Archd. of Stafford, 1459 —68. [Harwood's Lichfield, 210.] Hawkins, William, h. Burton, 1708 : .«. of William Hawkins ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 16th Jan., 1724. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 630.] Hawksford, John. Solicitor and Estate Agent : formerly in office, having management of the Duke of Cleveland's StafTs. Estates : Member of the Town Council, Wolverliampton ; JIavor, 1863—64. Notice and Portrait. [Jones's Mayors of Wolver- hampton.] Hawksvard. History. [Shaw, L, 21 1—1.1.] Hawley and Baker. Report of Trial. [See Roberts (H.).] Hawn Coi.merv, South Staffs. Lawn Wall .System at. \^Trans. North England Engineers^ Inst., X., 195.] Hawthorn, C, Surgeon, Sandon. On the Surgical and ifechanical Treatment of Spinal Bifida. [Lancet (I84t;j, 5(i2, .")li3.] Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tales, Sketches. &c. Boston (U.K. A.), 1883. 8vo. [Johnson, 16G — 76.] Haxev (or Huxley), Stephen. Preb. of Wolvey, Lichfield, 23rd Nov., 1619—22. [Harwood's Lichfield, 2.56.] Haxev, Thomas. Preb. of Tarvin, Lichfield, 31st Jan., 1389-1428. [Harwood's Lichfield, 251.] Hay, Sir George, b. London, 1701 ; .«. of Rev. John Hay ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 30th June, 1731 ; B.C.L., 1737 ; D.C.L., 23rd Feb., 1742 ; Chancellor, Worcester Diocese, 1751; King's Advocate: Lord of the Ad- miralty ; Vicar-General, 1754 — 64 ; Dean of the Arches, 1764— 78 : knighted, 11th Nov., 1773 : M.P., Stockbridge, 1754-56 ; Calne, .July, 1757 — 61 ; Sandwich, 1761 ; Newcastle, Nov., 1768 to death ; d. 6th Oct., 1778. [Foster's .\lumni Oxon., II., Ii32 ; Robinson, 64 ; Poll Books of Newcastle Elections ; Ingamel's New^castle (1870, 1881).] Hay, John. h. Shrewsbury, 28th March, 1806 ; m., 21st April, 1838, Emma Bracebridge ; cl., Brewood, Feb., 1869. Notes and Collections relating to Brewood. Wolver- hampton: W. Parke. 1856. 8vo. (Assisted by W. Parke.) Two Lectures on Boscobel. [Burke's St. .Tnmes's Hag. ; afterwards reprinted.] Numerous other contributions to Periodicals. Hay, Thomas William Littleton, b. Brewood, 14th Sept., 1849 ; .f. of the ai)ove ; educated Brewood Gr. Sch., 1857— 67 ; Ofiicial of the Equitable Soc. (Life Assurance), London ; m., 21st July, 1890, Alice Louisa, dan. of the late W. Hatton, J.P., of Albrighton, Salop. Mr. H.ay is a frequent contributor to London Figaro, Cope's Tobacco Plant, Picloral World, Punch, Belgravia, Entr'acte. London Correspondent of Cinnarrow Netvs (Mexico), 1870—71. Wrote Article, Mortimer Collins, for Miles's Poets of the Nineteenth Century. Hayes, Alfred, b. Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton, 7th Aug., 1857 : .«. of Edwin John Hayes, Town Clerk of Wolverhampton (afterwards Town Clerk of Birmingham) ; educated Wol- verhampton Gr. Sch., 1869 — 72 ; Edward HAYES (■ni) HEACOOK VI. Gr. Sell., Birmingliam, 1873—76 ; Mat. New Coll., O.X., 13tli Oct., 1X7(; ; B.A.,1881; M.A., 1^585; admitted Inin-r Temple, 1877; Secretary, Birniiiigliam and Midland Inst. : ditto, Biriiiingliam Municipal Technical Sch. ; m., 1883, a clan, of T. P. Chattock, of Solihull, Warw*. The Death of St. Louis. A Poem. Birmini)hain : Cornish Brothers. liSG. Cr. 8vo. The Last Crusade and other Poems. Birmingham : tame imprint. 1S86. Cr. 8vo. Ditto, ind ed. Birming- ham. IHHT. :) leaves, pp. 149. A Welcome to the (jueen. Birmingham : tame imprint. 1887. Cr. 8to. David Westren. Birmingham: name imprint. 18S7. Cr. 8vo. 2nd ed., 1888. 2 leaves, pp. xiv., 124. The March of Man and other Poems. London, 1891. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii.. 17.5 ; ditto, 2nd ed., 1892. A Fellowship in Song. London ; Elkin^ Matthews, tj- John Lane. 1803 Cr. 8vo. Edited — The Transactions of the Congress of the National Association for the Advancement of Art in its Application to Industrv. held at Birmingham, from 4th to 8th Nov., 1890. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II., 1)33.] Hayes, Rev. David. Wesleyan Minister, 1835. All for Christ. A Brief Memoir of the Rev. Joseph Edge (6. Burslem). 2nd ed., 1865. 18mo., pp. i>4. Hayes, James, Secretary to Prince Rupert. Letters to and from Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 1131. *4G, f. 97a6: 47, f. yxn.] Hayley, Sedgley. h. Wolverhampton, 17'.t2 ; B. of John Lea Hayley : Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 10th April, 1810." [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., B.34.] H.ivTEB, Sir Arthur Divet, Bart. b. London, I'Jtli Aug., 183;"); .V. of Right Hon. Sir W. Goodeiiough Hayter, Bart., M.P. : educated Eton; of Balliol and Brasenose Coll., ()x. ; B.A., 18r)7 ; M.A., IKfid ; Capt. Grenadier Guards ; M.P., Walsall, 1893 ; Lord of Treasury. 1880 — 82. and Financial Secretary AVar Office, 1882 — X5 : m. Henrietta, dau. of Adrian J. Hope, Esq. Three Essays on Production and its Increase. London, 1863. 8vo. Sir A. Hayter is a contributor to the Forlnightli/ and yineteenth Century Reviews. Haythos, Armenius. Here begynneth a lytell Cronycle, translated and im- jn'inted at the cost and charge of Richard Pynson, by the Commaunement of the ryglite high and mighty prince Edwarde. Duke of Buckingham. Yerle of Gloucester. Staf- forde. and Northampton. Richarde Pynson. n.d. folio .V — E and H in sixes, F G and I in fours. 48 leaves. [Only one copy known, that iu the Greville Library Brit. Mils.. which vvas bought at Heber's sale for £4U 9i. 6d.] Hayward, C. Flavel. Wolverhampton. Chloris ; or. Plots and Plans. .\ Come ly -Operetta, in One Act. Written by Magdalene Wycombe and Vernon Shael. Composed br C. F. H. Wolverhampton : .4. Ilinde. ISSo. Hayward, Henry, b. Broseley, Salop, 1K14 : Violinist : pupil of Spagiioletti : known as the English Pas^anini ; first a|)pearaiicc in Hanover Square Rooms, 1839 : played several times at Wind-or Castle ; teacher and music seller in Wolverhampton, 1839 to death : r/., 12, Queen Street, Wolverhampton, 12th Nov.. 18K4. Pizzicatto rondo for the Violin. 1850, Hayward's Violin Solos, with Pianoforte Accomi)ani- ments. In 7 Nos. 1885. [Musieal Oirectorg ^\XW), p. xix. : Mod. Eng. Biog.. L, U03.] Hayward, Rev. James W. Obituary. Rev. Elijah Jackson. [P. .M. Min. (1882). 9, 10.] Haywaui), John. Rector of Draycott-le-Moors : of Eyam, Derbvs. : Chancellor of Lichfield, Kith March, 1614—30. [Harwood's Lichfield, 190.] Hayward John. b, Tetnor. 1687 : ^. of J. Hayward : ^LA., Bra-Venose Coll., Ox. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 683.] Haywaud, Mrs. Mary, d, Carr Lane, Wolver- hampton, loth April, 1845. Obituary. By "J. G." [ Wes. Mag. (1845), 711.] Hayward, Roger. Yicar of St. Chad's, Shrews- bury ; Preb. of Gaia Major, Lichfield, 10th Aug., I(i69— 80. [Harwood's Lichfield, 232.] Hayward, Sarah. b. Wiiibridge, Saloj), 11th Dec, 1831 ; d. Suuimerhill, South Staffs., 11th June, 1859. Obituary. [.See Jones (Rev. Samuel).] Hayxes, Matthew Priestmau. b. Husband's Bosworth. Leics. ; educated Old Oscott ; Jour- nalist in Birniini>liaui ; established and edited The Penny Catholic Magazine, 1839 : where he d. is uncertain. The Enipiirers (iuide ; or. An Exposure of the Evasive, Erroneous,' and Inconclusive Arguments urged against Catholicity by the Rev. W. Dalton and the Rev. Wm. Crowley. Birmingham, 1830. 8vo. In two parts. An Interesting Account of the Grand Teetotal Gather- ing held at Dvrham Park. Aug. lllth. 1840. London, n.d. (1840). Svo. The Position of the Jews, A-c. London. 1847. Svo. The Penny Catholic Magazine. London: Keating if Brown. Commenced 7th Sept., 1839 ; ceased towards the close of 1840. Mr. Havnes wrote articles for the O.»cofi«n, 1828, A-c [Tablet. I.. 200, 3i:7 : Catholic .Magazine. IV.. p. Ixxxiii.; Catholic Directory ( 1841). 18(! : O.-'CnIiun, VI., (!l ; Tablet, Jan. 29th— March 19th, 1881 : Gillow's Oath. Biblio.. Ill 231. 232 : Mod. Eng. Biog., I.. 1402.] Haywood, near Stafford. An Act ... for miking . . . Canal . . . from River .Severn ... to cross River Trent near Haywood. A-c. 17i!l>. fol. Hazell, William, b. Nailsea, Somerset, 1809 : d, Clieslyn Hay, 1868. Obituary. [.\'ew (\ii,. .U<;y. ( 18i;8). .")I2.] Hazi.itt, William. Johnson's Lives of the British Poets. Completelete, worth SOs.] Lines on the World from its Ch;»otic State to the Deluge. [Xeiv Con. Afay. 1 1814), 478, 479, .521, 561, 562.] Noah Heath and his Poetry. [Wedgwood's Romances of Staffordshire, II., 101—23.]" Heath, Rev. Richard Ford. b. U.\bridge, Mid- dlesex, 1833 : .s. of Richard Ford Heath, Esq. ; Mat. Univ. London, IS.io ; B.A., ls.53 ; Mat. Non-Coil., O.'c., 17th Feb., 1S73 ; B.A., Hert- ford Coll., 187G : M.A., 18?!); Curate, St. Philip and St. James, 0.\., 1S7.5 — 7S ; Head Muster, Bidelbrd Gr. Sch., 1S7'J — SO; Vicar (if liisliupswood, ISHU to death ; 0 ) HENLY In Two The Loril's Sii) per. Uninspired Teaching. Vohimes. Lontlini, 1S7S. Svo. The New Testament Scriptures : A Translation of the Six Primarv Eiiistlcs. Lmiitnu, 1SS2. 8V0. [Foster's Ahimni 0.\on., H., Il-tl ; Mod. Eikj. llh,//., I., Ulu.J Hector, Brooke. b. Lichfield. 1701 : .<. nf George Hector: Mat. Cli. ("li., Ox., tiUnl Aut?., 1717; B.A., ;^ 1st Jan., 1722 : M.A., 1724: M.15., 1727 ; M.D. : m. (1) Elizalieth {d. 1742), (2) Mary (il. 17S;!) ; d. 13th Dec, 1773. I [Foster's Alninni Oxon,, [I., lill.] ' Hedlev, John. Mining Engineer, Ncwcastle- on-Tyne. Mining aiul Mines in Nortli Statforiishire. [Triiiig. nf North of Eur/, /mlilule, II., •.' 4-.'— .')!.] Heelby, Joseph. i Letters on the Beauties of Hagley, Enville. and the Leasowes. In Two A'olumes. Lnitihtu : Priuteil for R, BaUhrhi. MDCCLXXVII. linio.. pp. (I.) vii,. •.'::i : (II.) vi., •J.-ill. [luterestiiiff, curious, anil rsirc] Heicote, R:il[)h. Preb. of Bobenhall, Liclifield, I Dec, 1464 — 73 ; Preb. nf Saruni and Here- ford, 1473: of Ulveton, Liclifield, 12th Ajiril, U7;i_81 : of Offley (as Heithcote), 1 3th March, 1481—1509. [Harwooil's Lichticld, 21!1. i.'W. 2:ill.] Heiomwav, John. Wolverliaiiipton. The Corn Laws Impolitic and Unju.st. A Letter to G. B. Thorneycroft, Esq., in answer to a speech delivered . . . . Corn Law League Meeting . . . Swan Hotel, Wolverhampton. . . . February 14th, 1844. . . . Added Mr. Thorneycroft's sjjeech. Wolverhampton : ./. Ileigfitrai/. Jitii., J^riittf'r. n.(l. (1844). 12mo. Heighway, John, jun. Printer, Wolverhampton. [•'See Heigh way (John).] Hellieu, Thiiiiias Bradney Shaw. h. The Woodhouse, Wombourii, 2nd Oct., 1836 ; s. of the above ; educated Winchester Sch. ; Mat. BraseiKise Cidl, 0.\., 12th June, 1.S53 ; Colonel Cdiiiiiiandiiig 4th Dragoon Ouards, 7tli March, 18H2 ; Captain (Hon. Major, 1SS4), Staff's. Yeomanry, lSiS4 — Hi) ; Cuminandaiit Royal Military School of .Music, Kncller Mall, 2lst May, ISSS. Possessor — (1) Huntbach Manuscripts (in box at Wombourn). (2) A View of Staffordshire, containing the Antiqui- ties of the same County, written by Sampson Erdeswicke, Esq , of Sandon, near Stafford, in the same County. Trans- cribed from the original bv Sir William Dugdale. Dated 1G09. Hellier, Thomas Shaw. h. Dudley, 1803 ; *. of John Hellier, Esq. ; Mat. Wore. Coll., O.x., 25th April, 1820 ; Lincoln Coll., Ox., B.A., 1825 ; M.A., 1826 ; P.C. of Little Compton, Gioues., 1«42— 56 ; Vicar of Weston-Bamp- fylde, Somers., 1857—68 ; d. before 1878. [Foster's Alumni 0.xon., II., Ii42.] Helmoue, Rrv. Thomas, b. Kidderminster, 7th May, 1811; .v. of Thomas Helmore : Magd. Hall, Ox., 31st May. 1836; B.A., 1840; M.A., 1845: Curate of St. Michael's, Lich- field, and Priest Vicar of Cathedral, 1840 ; Precentor of St. Mary's Coll., Chelsea, lH4(i; retired in 1877 on a pension; Master of Choristers, Chapel Royal, St. James's, 1846 to death ; Priest-in-Ordinary to the; Queen, IS47 to death ; d., Pimlico, 6th July, 18'J1. The Psalter Noted. Loudon. 1849. A Manual of Plain Song. London, 18!tO. Pai>er on Church Music, read at Church Congress at Wolverhampton, 18G7 [rit/e Report] ; and several other publications. HEr.v.4.s. The History of ye noble Helyas. Knyght of the Swanne (newly translated out of the Frensshe into Eng- lysshe at Thiustigacion of ye puyssacint and illnstryous Prynce Lorrl Edwarde, Duke of Huckyngham. Lond.: Btf It'. Copland, n.d. 4to. A — S 2 in fours. [Very rude : very rare.] Hemin'o, Rev. Joseph. Preacher at Uttoxeter. Judas Excommunicated : or. A Vindication of the Communion of Saints. London, 1G48. 4to. [Answered by Ligiitfoot (Peter).] Queries, touching the Rise and Observation of Christ- mas Day. r Re-lfern's Uttoxeter, 2nd eil., 2lW— 21 1 ; see Lightfoot (P-).] Hemmersley, Mrs. Mary. h. Darlaston, 1813 : d. 24th Pel).. 1K57. Obituary. [See (iuest (Rev, J.).] Henderson, Alexander, b. Aberdeenshire, 1780 ; educated at Edin. Univ.; M.D., 12th Sept., 1S()3 ; L.R.C.P., 22iid Dec, ISOS ; resided at 6, Curzon Street, London ; d., Caskieben, Aberdeenshire, 1 6tli Sept., 1863. An Examination of the Imposture of Ann Moore, called the Fasting Woman of Tutbury. London : Under- wood (j- Black, Fleet Street. 1813. 8vo.. pp. 52. Henderson, Andrew, M.A. A Letter to Dr. Samuel Johnson, on his journey to the Western Isles. London, n.d. (1775). Svo. A Second Letter. . . London, n.d. (1775). 8vo. Hendren, Right Rev. Joseph William. b. Bir- niingliani, I'.ltli Oct., 1791 ; educated at liaddesley ; ordained at Woh'erliani])ton by Bp. Milner, 1815 ; Teacher of Pliilosophy and Divinity at x\.ston, near Stone, Oct., 1H18 — April, ]S23 ; whilst there, supplying Swynner- ton ; Bishop of Uranoplis, 184s : of Clifton, 29th Sept., 1850 ; of Nottingham, 27tli June ; ' .1851 ; resigned, 1852 ; settling in Birming- ham, where he d. 14th Nov., 1886. [Brady's Episcopal Succession, III.. 217, H33, 357, 401), 4H2 ; " Weekbj and Monthh/ Orthodox May., I., 456 : Gillow s Catholic Biblio., III., 2(i(i, 2«7.] I Hene, H. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl Lib., 1131, 207a, 2084.] Henley, Rev. John. Wesleyaii Minister, 1824 —42. A Calm and Affectionate Address to the late Seceders from the AVesleyan Methodists in the Dudley Circuit. Tipton. 1837. 8vo., ].p. 8. Memorials of the Rev. J. Henley. London, 1844. 12mo.. pp. 4-20. Hbnly, Rev. Oliver Partridge, h. Cotes Heath, 1861; .«. of Rev. John Heiily, Vicar ; Mat. Keble Coll., Ox., 22nd Nov., 1879; B.A., HENN {■ni) HER RICK 1882 ; Curate of St. Matthew'?, VVestiniiistcr. 18H(). [Foster's AUimni Oxon., II., till. | Hk\n, Silas. Printer, Tiptmi ; Triuitariiiii ; Anti-Trinitarian ; Primitive Metiiodist ; " no- thin.!^ l.] Hknuy hi., King of England. ChartiB ecclesia; Lichfield, &c. [Boill. Lib. 855. 105, 107: 864, (i.O : 1527, iK.] Henry IV., King of England. De donat. eccl. cle Denfnrd Epis'cojjo Cov. et Lich. [Bodl. Lib., i5i'7, 9G6.] Hkx.sh.\i.l, Jane. h. Bradley Green, lotli April, 18-40 ; d., Mow Cop, lOth Feb., 18(;8. Obituary. [Sec Tayler (C.).] Hessh.\ll, Rev. Samuel. 4(! — 18]; Obituary of .Tames Jevon, Gornall, and Elizabeth Davies, Bilston" [(18;tt)), iilHi] ; Letter on Shrewsbury Circuit [(1842) U'J] ; Memoir of Rev. J. H. [(1871) 4.1,329— .?7]. Hkjjsh.wv, Rev. John. b. Hanley. Memoir of the Rev. Richard Henshaw [New Con. Maq. (182(1), :)'.I7 — 101,441— 4li; New Con. .l/inu(e.i (1830), 4l ; Obituary [(18211) :i:W, .W.i] ; Memoir [«ee Ford (Rev. W.)'j. IIknshaw, Rev. Richard. //. Hanley. Obituary [New (.'on. .Man. ( 1818), 303 ; New Con. .Min. (1818), 4, .t] ; Memoir [see Henshaw (Rev. John)]. Henshaw, Thomas, Secretary to Embassy at Copenhagen. Letters from and to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 1136, 282rt, .'iol. .-102. 302n, 3014.] Heptinstall, John. /*. Walsall, 171)0; .». of John Heptinstall ; Mat. St. Mary Hall, 0.x.. l.')th Dec., 17H1 : B.A., 1780. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., lit?.] Heraldic Anomalies. [See Nares (Archd.).] Heraldic Miscellanies. (Jonsisting of the Lives of Sir William Dugdale, Garter, and Gregory King, Esq., Windsor Herald. Written bv themselves. &c. . . . London, n.d. (1703). 4to., pp. 110, and Introduction ti pp. extra. Herbert, George, Poet. [.S<-.; Walton (Izaak).] Herbert, Sir Thomas. 1st Baronet of Tintern. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib.. 1131. f. 317n5, 3186, 31 9«, 3206.] Heritage, Thomas. Rector of Hackney, Middle- sex ; Precentor of LichBcld, 20th Nov., 1532 : rl. 1536. [Harwood's Lichfield, lO.').] Herl ASTON, John de. Archd. of Chester, 11th March, 1386— i)0. [Harwood's Lichfield, 20.i.] Primitive Methodist Herod, Rev. George. Minister. Biographical Sketches of some of those Preachers whose labours contributed to the origination and early extention of the Primitive Methodist Connexion. London (Sawnel Ward. Waiton, Todmorden, Printer). n.d. [Staffordshire items and references: — Alstonfield, 281, 310; Benton (John), 27:i— 304. 314, iWl. 338. 343, 400. 407. 427, 428. 441 : Bourne (Hugh), 212— l.i, 241, 2.i(i. 2(17, 271. 27'.l, 281. 30(1. 307. 30i). 31)!, 3.-1.'), XW, .-W!). 397. 398, 400, 40G. 407. 409, 417. 43.-), 437. 438. 411, K.i— 88 : Bourne (James), 2 l.'>.2(i(;. 2(17.279.298. 400: Biddulph Moor.3ll: Brown Edge. 214,397: Burslem. 392, 401. 410 : Buttcrton. 281 ; B;ivlev (M.'). 400 : Cannock, 27.'). 318. 110; Clowes (W.). 211. '245. 251. 258, 2(17, 279. 308, 315, 322. 324, 39.")— 444 : Cotton (T.), 400; D:irlaston, 279 : Harriscahead, 211: Mow Hill. 213, .397: Norton. 213, 297: Ramsor. 31.3, .39.8. 400.401.407: Staffs.. 212. 280. 28.-). 287. 342. 3(17, 404: Shubotham (Daniel), 211, 291, 398; Steele (J.l. 394. 403, 407, 409: Wedgwooil (.v.), 393: Wedgwood (J. ), 393 : Tunst:ill. .341. 100,402,403, 407, 411, 418, 427, 429, 432; Warslow, 281 : Wyrley Bank, 318,] Hehrick, Rev, Joseph. A. Wolverhampton. 2Sth March, 1794; .-•. of a Jeweller; Congrega- UEUKICK (222) HEYWORTH tional Minister from 18U ; at Colchester, 18U to death ; d. 28th .Jan., 1865. Obituary. ICoiigregalional I'ear Boot (1861!), 260, 261.] I Heuuick, William Perry, b. Wolverhampton, 2'Jth June, 1794: *."of Thomas Bainlirigge Herrick; Mat. Univ. Coll., 4th Feb., 1814; B.A., 1815; M.A., 1821; of Beau Manor, Leics. ; J. P. and Deputy Lieutenant, Leics. ; Deputy Lieutenant, Staffs. ; High Sheriff, 1835 : Barrister-at-Law, Gray's Inn, 1821 ; m., 13th Aug.. 1802, Sophia, db., 187fi. [Men at the Bar : Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 61!> ; Bugby Sch. Keg.. 117 ; Nichols's Leics., III. ; Herrick Geneaology (by L. C. Herrick) ; Burke's Landed Gentry ; Leici. Archaol. Tran».~\ Heuvky, John. Prel). of Ulverton, Lichfield, loth April, 1489—1500. [Harwood's Lichfield, 23y.J Hervys (or Huys), John. Rector of Bradwell, Essex ; Treasurer of Lichfield, 1523—30. [Har^vood's Lichfield, 20>.] Hewett Rev. John William. Trin. Coll., Cam., B.A., 1849 : M.A., 1852 ; Fellow and Tutor, St. Nicholas Coll., Shorebam, 1849 — 52 ; Curate of Bloxhain and Head Master of Blox- ham Gr. Sch., 185:5 — 56 : Curate of St. George's, Wiiitwick, Leics., 1857 (with sole charge) ; of Scropton, Derbys., 1866 ; resided at Croft House, Tutbury. History and Description of Exeter Cathedral. History and Description of Ely Cathedral. Ver.ses"by a Country Curate. Sermons. , , -r, t, , Editor of the Sealed Copy of the Prayer Book. London : J. Maulers. , „- n , Liber Precuin. London : ./. It . Farket . Bibliotheca Sacra Parvulorum. London: Rivinijton. From Advent to Advent. Derby: Bemrose. Contributed Papers to Kxeler and North Oxon. Archi- tectural Societies' Trans. Hewitt, Edwin, b. Hanley, 1829 ; Collector of District Rate since 1877. On Coins and Medals, with some Notice of Staffiord- ghire Medals and Tokens. [Rep. North Staffs. Field Club / I a u 1* i ji -'. < ( T 1 E.H. assisted Mr. Chaffer in compiling his '-Marks and Monograms of Pottery and Porcelain," 3rd ed., 1S13. Hewitt, John. b. Lichfield, 1807 ; Organist, St. Mary's, Lichfield ; in War Office ; residing in Woolwicli ; wrote articles under the name of " Sylvanus Swanquill": /;wi;4.] Hinckley, Henry, h. Harborne, 1724; s. of Henry Hincklev ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 8th July, 1742. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., Mi.] Hinckley, Rev. John. i. Coton. Warws., 1618 : .?. of Robert Hinckley : D.D.. St. Alban's Hall. (Jx. : Rector of Nortbfield, Worcs.. HINCKLKY ( 2-27 ) HINTON 1660 ; Preb. of Gaia Minor, Lit-lififld. otli Oct., 1673—95 ; d. lAt\i April, IC.ltS. [Harwood's Lichfield, 234.] HiNcKi.EV, Rev. John. h. Liciifii'lii, 1796 ; ". of Thomas Hinckley ; M;it. Ch. L'h., 0.\., 4th May, 181.'.; St. Mary Hail, 15.A., IXIO; M.A., 1828 ; Incumbent of Kin^''s Bromley, 1829 ; Vicar of Slierififhales and Woodcote, 1832 to death ; d. 'dih Oct., 1809. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., Gijo.] HiNi'Ki.KV, Richard, h. Lichfield, 17.")3 ; .*. of Richard liinckiey ; Mat. Jlertoa Coll., 0.x., 19th March, 1771 ; B.A., 1775. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II., Gtia.] Hinckley, Richard, h. Lichfield, 1792: .".of Thomas Hinckley ; Mat. St. Mary Hall, 24th Oct., 1S15. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 66.0.] Hind, G. W., Printer, Merrunj Office, Lichfield. [White's .Staff.s. (1834).] Hind, Wheelton. b. Harrow, 2nd Nov., 1859 : «. of Rev. W. M. Hind, LL.D. ; e.iucated Framlingham ; Guv's Hospital ; Univ. of London; M.B., 18K3; M.D., 1884: B.S., 1883; M.R.C.S.,Eng.,1882; F.R.C.S., 1888 ; F.G.y. ; Assistant Surgeon to North Staffs. Infirmary ; President North Staffs. Field Club, 1893 ; m. VVilhemina Maria Mansfield : resi- dent at Stuke. On a Case of Ilepeateil Aspiration for Pyaemic Knee Joint ; On a Case of Operation for Hydatid Cyst of Liver ; On a Scries of Operations for vStrangulated Hernia and for Radical Cure ; A Case of Reduction e» masse -^ Opera- tion on a Case of Fracture of Fore-Arm, ic. [(j'li/'s Uospitat (iazette.'\ The Geology of North Statforilshire. [ Froceeiliugs of the Geological Associatiou of' London ( 181)0).] HixDE, Alfred, b. London, 1819 ; .«. of George W. Hinde ; educated Lichfield Gr. Sch. : began business as a Printer on Snow Hill, 1843 ; removed to Dudley Street, ISOS ; opened West End Branch, 1889 : m. Eliza Smith; d. I89(». A Sermon on the Advantages of well regulated Friendly Societies. A. Hinde. Wolverhampton. 1S67. svo. Handy History of Wolverhampton. Compiled bv A. H. Printed and Published by Alfred Hinde. 1S84. rimo., pp. viii., 'M. Too Much .A-merlcm Beef. Notes to the Building Societies Act. 1871. f See Hinde (F.H.).] The Comet and all about it. 1874. Cr. ISvo., pp. 16. Summary Jurisdiction Act, 1879. [.See Brevitt (H.).] Brewing and Licensing Act, 1880. r2mo. (ironnd Game Act, I88(P. F.mployers' Liability Act. 188(1. Burial Laws Amendment Act, 1880. With Notes. The Bills of Sale Act, 1882. With Explanatory Notes. Married Women's Property Act. 1882. With Notes. General Catalogue of the Wolverhampton Free Library. 1SS3. Rov. 8vo.. p|). 174. Bankruptcy Act", 1883. Patent Act, 188.3. Agricultural (England) Holdings Act, 1883. The Corrupt Practices Act. 1SS3. [See Thorne (G. R.).] Short Notes on The Corrupt Practices Act. f.^Ve Thorne (G. U.).] Classified List of the New House of Commons, elected 1.S86. 12mo. Boscobel : Its Historv, itc. By Alfred Hinde . . . A. Hinde. 1S8S. 12mo., pp. 20. Hinde's Household .Vlmanack. 186.5—03. 8vo. The King and the Miller. A Comedy. Arranged for the Stage by I. I. P. H. PublMed and Sold by .it/red Hinde. n.d. 12mo., i)p. 8. Catalogue of Juvenile Books (Wolverhampton Free Library), n.d. 12mo. The Three Prizes . . . Wolverhampton: .{.Hinde. 1887. Duo., pp. 39. On the Cure of Stammering and .Stuttering. By the Author of " Preachers and Preaching." .3rd ed. Duo., pp. 36. (Dated ''Wolverhampton, Mav, 1889.") The New Carol Book. Part" 2. n.d. (1848). Duo., pp. 26 — 18. Anthems used in .St. John's Church, Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton, ji.d. 12mo. 18 leaves. How to Prove a Will . . By •' An Old Will iDiker." Wolverhampton : .4. Hinde. n.d. Duo., p]). 20. Alfred Hinde's West End Almanack. 1801. Pub- lished btj .\lfred Hinde at hiy West /Cud Branch. 12mo. Elementary Education. What is the Church's Posi- tion ? By the Rev. C. Dunklev. Wolcerhamplon. n.d. (1801). 8vo., pp. 15. HiNDK, Francis Hawkyard. b. Wolverhamp- ton, Uth March, 1S.")1 ; *-. of Alfred Hinde, Printer ; educated Wolverhampton Gr. Sch. ; apprenticed to his father, to whose business lie succeeded ; m. Charlotte Harvey ; carries on business under the title of " A. Hinde," since his father's death. The Building Societies Act, 1874. With Notes by F. H. H., Secretary of the Wolverhampton and District Permanent Building .Societv. Wolverhampton : .4. Hinde. 1875. 12mo. HiNDE, Francis, Persall, near Eccleshall. Arms and Quarterings. [Bodl. Lib., 858, 91, f. 1 19.] HiN'DLEY, Mrs. Ann, Hanley. Ode sung at the Interment of A. H. [Xew Con. Mag. (1814), ,i23.] HiSDLEY, Rev. George. New Connexion Minister. A Memorial of Children. Being the Authentic Account of the Conversion. Experiences, and Happy Deaths of Twentv-three Children . . 9th ed. Hanley; T. .illbut. 12mo.' Kith ed., Twentv-six Children. Han- ley: T. Atlbut. 1822. 12mo.. pp. 72. Speech as President. [New Con. Min.. 21 — 8.] HiNOLip, Henry AUsopp, 1st Baron, i. Burton. 19th Feb., l.sil ; s. of Samuel Allsopp (17S0 — 1838) ; Head of Firm of Allsopp and Sons, Brewers, Burton ; M.P., East Worcs., 1874 — 80 ; created a Baronet, 7tli May, 1880, and Baron Hindlip, i>F Hiiidlip, Worcs., loth Feb., 1886 : (/. Hindlip Hall, near Worcester, 3rd April, 1887. [London Figaro (9ih Ajiril, 1887\ Jtort. : .)fwl. h'ng. Siojf., I., 1481] HiNDSLEY, Rev. Thomas, Congregational Minis- ter at Walsall. An Address at the Funeral of ifr. Samuel Stephens. Walsall : T. Kirby. 1879. Svo. H!XGKSTOX-R.\XDiu.rH, Rev. Francis Charles. Exeter Coll., Ox : B.A., 185."'> ; M..\,, 1.S58 : Rector of Rintrmore, Devon., 1S60 to ilate ; R.D. of Woodleigh, 1879 ; Preb. of Exeter. The Register of Edmund Stafford. Bishop ef Exeter, (A.D. 1393 — 1419). An Index and iVbstract of its Con- tents . . . London : (Jeorge Bell .(■ Soii.«. Eieter : Henry S. Eland, High Street. 1886. 8vo.. pp. xvi., \$n. HisTON, James. Letter to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib.. 1131, f. 339a. 34o*.] HINTON ( 228 ) HOUGETTS HiNTON, John. Preb. of Colwich, Lichfield, May, 13;i8— 56. [Harwoocl's Lichfield, •22S.] ' HiNTON, William. Vicar of St. Michael's, Coventry : Arcliil. of Coventry, 4th Oct., 1.5H4 to death ; Precentor of 8l. I ).ivid"s Cathedral, 151)() : Preb. of Hansacre, LicliBeld, 7th April, l;")!)? to death ; d. 1031 ; bur. St. Michael's, Coventry. [Harwood's Lichfield, 2(18.] HiTCHiNGs, .fames. Printer, Market Street, Hanley. Second Animal Scholars' Festival. Oratorio, '' Christ and His Soldiers." J. Uitchiiiijs, Haiilei/. n.d. (1882). 8to., pp. I'i. [*>« Wedgwood (H.) ; Evans (W. L.), Tayler (J.).] HiTCHM.vv, Francis. Eighteenth Centurv Studies. Lomlnii : Low. 1S87. 8vo., S leaver, pp. lint). " [Staffoiilsliire :— D. Garrick, IH'.l — 91 ; Erasmus Darwin, 300 — »<> ; Mr. Keir, of Lichfield, 336,337; Lichfield, 336— 68.] HoARE, Rev. Francis. Curate of Wilton, Cumb., 1857 ; Hanley, 185'.l ; Slielton, 18G1 ; New- castle, 1884—07 ; Holy Trinity, Derbj', 1807 —80. Confirmation : Its Authority, Meaning, and Utility. Sermons. HoBAnr, Hon. and Very Eev. Henry Lewis, D.L). Dean of Windsor and Wolverhampton, 1811) to death ; Registrar of the Most Noble Order of Garter. [Oliver's Coll. Ch. of Wolverhampton, 86 — 8.] Hobart-Hampden, Rev. Augustus Edward. h. Ripon, 1st Nov., 1793 ; educated Westr. Sell. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., 0.\., 13th May, 1812 ; B.A., 1815 ; M.A., 1818 ; Rector of liennington. Lines., 14th Dec, 1817 ; of Walton-on-the-Wnlds, Leics., dulv, 1820 — 47 ; Pri^b. of Kiuvaston Coll. Ch. of Wolver- hampton, 1834 to ileatli : succeeded as lith Eail of Buckinghamshire, 1st Feb., 1849 ; assumed additional name of Hampden by Royal Letters Patent, 5th Aug., 1878; d., Hampden House, Great Missenden, Bucks., 29th Oct., 18«5. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., II., (i(i8 ; Oliver's Coll. Ch. of Wolverhampton, 88.] Bobbins, Richard. l>. Walsall, 1719 ; 6'. of Francis Hobliins ; Mat. Balliol ColL, Ox., 18th May, 1738. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., tjii^.^ HoBBS, Richard. Baptist Pastor at Dover ; d. 1673. [See Rudyard (Thomas).] HOBHOUSE, Right Rev. Edmund. /). London, 1810 ; .?. of Henry Hobhouse ; Mat. Balliol Coll., 10th Dec, 1834 ; B.A., 1838 ; Fellow, Merton Coll., 1841—57 ; M.A., 1842 ; B.D., 1851; D.D., 1858; Vicar of St. Peter-in- the-Ea.st, O.xf-.rd, 1851—68; Bp. of Nelson, New Zealand, 1858 — 65 ; Assistant to Bp. of Lichfield, 1809—80 ; Chancellor of Lichfield, 1874—75. The Okeover Manuscripts. [Iteliq.. xi., 179, 180.] Calendar of Bishop Norburv's Register. [Hist. Coll. of Staffs. (I88U).] HoBHOusE, Thomas. Elegy to the Memory of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Lomluit, 1875. 4to. HoBsoN, Robert, i. Ashbourn, Derbys., 1815 ; educated Mr. Jones's Sch., Ashbourn ; ap- prenticed to T. Allbut, Printer, Hanley, 1832 ; became member of firm of Allbut, S.j Holdex & Co., Printers, London. Holden's Triennial Directory for 180,5, 180{1, 18(17, con- taining upwards of One Hundred and Forty Thousand names . . . with a concise description of each place. London. 2 vols., 8vo., pp. (I) 144, and 2a — 3zz in foui-s, (II) 4a — (lii in fours, and pp. .'ill.-!. [Leek, 180; Potteries. 2,Vi-2 : Walsall, 281, 282; Wolverhampton, 2!U — ii.).] HoLDEN, Edward (Ted), h. Walsall ; Pugilist. [.See reference under Holden (John).] HoLDEN, George, h. Walsall, 29th Nov., 1821 ; brother of Edward ; Pugilist : beat C. Davis, 24th Jan., 1843, in 43 "rounds ; Bill Stevens at Caly Heath, 14th iJuly, 181."), in fiG rounds; Bob Smith, at Bickonhall, 1st April, 1840, in 84 rounds : lieaten by Paddy Gill on Warwick- shire Moor, 29th Oct., 1844, in 21 rounds; Landlord of " Malt Shovel," Walsall ; d. Wood's Fold, Walsall, 4th Feb., 1889. [See Holden (John).] HoLOKN, George, k. of George, sen.; Pugilist; fouijht Cliarley Liuch, Jack Lear, and Peter Morris. [See Holden (John).] HoLUF.N, James (.lem). hrothrr of George, sen. [.See Holden (John) ] HoLDEN, John. Anotiier brother ; Pugilist. [Boxiana: Sporliny Life, ilth Feb.. 188'.) ; .Mud. Kng. Bimj., I.. I.-.IM.] HoLDEX, John, S..I. /;. Bonds Garstaiig, (itii May 1797; educated at Stoney hurst ; of Oscott (Old) Coll., 1823 — 25 ; on various missions ; d. Spinkhill, Derbys., 30th June, 1861. rOillow's Catholic Bildio., III.] HoLOEN, Louisa. b. Gun Village, 1846; d. Sodom, 22nd Feb., 18G0. Obituary. By J. Arnold. [/'. .1/. .Uaij. (18lil)), 702J. Holden, Rev. Oswald Mangin. b. St. Oswald's Hospital, Worcester, 6th Dec, 1843 ; .«. of the Rev. W. Holden, M.A., Assistant Chp. of St. Oswald's, Worcester : educated U|ipingham Sell.; Mat. Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox., 14tli Oct.. 1801 ; B.A., 1864; M.A. and B.C. L., 1808 ; Curate of St. Mary's, Kingswinford, 1806 — 74 : Vicar of Gail(>y-c!/?n-Hntherton, 1874 ; R.D. of Penkridge, 1880 ; Chp. in Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 1808 : m. Henrietta, dau. of the late Edward Adden- brookc Addenbrooke, Esq., of Kingswinford. The Kingdom of God. A Commemoration Sermon preached .... in Chapel Royal, at the Savoy, before the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ' Wolver- hampton : Printed by .fohn Steen if Co. 1876. 8vo.. pp. 12. Cheerful Hope and patient endurance, the fruit of persevering Prayer. A .Sermon preached in Old Swinford Church. . . '. . January 20th, 1878 (being the first Sunday after the late Rector's (Rev. Henry Downing) funer.il. Stourbridge: Printed by R. Broomhall. 1878. 8vo., pp. 18. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., mn.] Hole, William Gimblett. b. Watchet, Somerset, 19th April, 1862 ; s. of James G. Hole, and Sarali, dan. of late Thomas Stockwood ; privately educated ; resides at Newcastle. Procis, and other Poems. Loudon: Kei/nn Paul, Trench, if Co. 1S86. fcp. 8vo., 4 leaves, pp. los. " Amoris Imago." London : mme imprint. 1891. Sexto — Decimo. ^ leaves, pp. 144. ! Mr. Hole is a contributor to several Magazines. I HoLKs, Anthony. Preb. of Flixton, Lichfield, 7th May, 1435 — 42 ; Chancellor of Sarum, 1442. : [Harwood's Lichfield, 229.] ' HoLL, Francis. Engraver: b. London, 1815: d. Milford, near Godalming, 1884. Engraved — Elizabeth, Duchess of Argyle, after J. Swinnerton. The Marchioness of Stafford, after E. A. Eddis. HoLLANn, Rev. H. W., Wesleyan ^Minister. A Sermon on the Death of H.R.H. Prince Albert, preached in the Wesleyan Chapel. Bilston, on Sunday Evening, December 22nd, 18fil . . . Wolverhampton : Printed and Sold by 0. Williams i|'' Co., tlueeu Street. : 18G1. 8vo.. pp. 18. liULLANU (■ZU) HONE Ho:.r,ANi), Henry. B izilioalogic : A Book of Kings. Lnndon, 161H. fol. [Contains portrait of .John O'Gaiint, by G. Y(ates).J Holland, James, h. Burslcm, 17th Oct., 1800 ; .<. of a potior ; painter of flowers on pottery and porcelain : went to Loiulon, IHl'J ; painter in water colours and oil ; ( xliiliited 82 pictures at the Royal Academy, 'Jl at Brit. Insti., and 108 at Suffolk Street, 1815—07; Associate Soc. of Water colours, 1835—4:5 : Member of Soe. of Brit. Artists, 18-ia— 48 ; Member of Soc. of Water colours, 185(i : often abroad after 1830; d., London, 12th Fob. or Dec, l«7ii. Several of his pictures at Soutli Kensington, drawn for the Landscape anri otlier Annuals, 18:iy — 4.t. [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists, 21U ; Bryan's Diet, of Painters, I., fi71 ; Mod. Eng. Bioy., I., 1509.] Engraver. /'. Prague, HoLLAn, Wenceslaus, l(i(»7 ; '/. U!77. Engraved — England and the Principality of Wales e.\actly des- i-rihed, Arc., in Six Mappes. Loudon: Sold by Thoma-i .lenner. 1046. fol. [Staffordshire on Maps 'A a'rid -t.] Ditto. 8vo. u.d. ** Portable for every man's pocket." ■' Described by one that trauailed throughout the whole Kingdome for its purpo-^e." Printed and ^old bi/ John (larrntt at the South Entrance of ye Ej^change. H. Hollar, fecit. Views of English Cathedrals, fol., 4il plates, u.d. [Three Plates of Lichtield Cathedral.] Portrait of Robert Devereux on horseback. Ditto, of Alathea Talbot, Countess of Arundell. Nathaniel Fiennes. H01.LINS, Michael Daiutry. A. Manchester, 22nd March, 1K15 ; ■■>■. of Tiionias Hollins [.sw heloio^ ; educated Manchester Gr. Scii.; Pupil of the late M. W. H. Whatton, Surgeon ; Diploma as Surgeon, 1838 ; Partner with his uncle, Mr. Herliert Minton, 1838 — 70 ; es- tablished as Minton, Hollins, & Co., for the manufactory of Encaustic Tiles, from 1840; on his own account since 1870 ; m. Eliza, ilau. of Tliomas Mackenzie, M.I)., of Newcastle; J. P. and Deputy Lieutenant of Staffs.; Clolonel of 1st Battalion of Staffs. Ritle Volunteers up to 181)2 ; of Whitmore Hall. [Man. Gr. Sch. Reg., III., '.'IS. 2111 ; Law Journals and Exhibition Reports.] Hoi.LiNS, Thomas. h. Shelton Hall ; .". of Samuel Hollins, Earthenware Jlanufaoturer : Merchant at Cheethani Hill, MiiiichestiT : in. Sarah, dau. of William Clegg, of OMIiain. [Man. Gr. Sch. Keg., III.. 207.] Holly Bosh. .Tewitt's Ceramic Art, II., 172.] Holme, Rev. Herbert Alfri>d. Of St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1K70 ; M.A., 1873 ; Curate, St. Paul's, Wolverhampton, Ks70— 73 ; of St. James, Teignmouth, 1874 — 77 ; Lentoii, Notts., 1877— 7H ; Vicar of Sutton-in-Holder- ness, Yorks., 1878. ■Verses written in Aid of St. Paul's Restoration . . Wolverhampton: Steen tf Blackelt. ISli. 12mo., pp. 12. Holt, Sir Lister, Bart. h. Aston Hall, 1722; .«. of Sir Cleobury Holt, Bart. ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 4th Feb., 1727 ; created D.C.L., 13th April, 1749 ; 5th Baronet; M.P., Lich- field, 1741—47 ; d. 21st April, 1776. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. (W.'i ; Harwood's Lich- field.] HoLYOAKE, Rev. Elisha. b. Round's Green (Staffs.), Oidl)ury. I'.ltli Sept., 1843; ■■'. of Elislia Holyoake ; educated Ranraoor Coll., Sheffield ; Methodist Now Connexion Minister since 1805 ; Correspondent of Sunday School, 1890, 1891. Several Obituaries and about Twenty Articles on Sunday School Matters. [.Uelh. Xew Con. Mag. and .Juvenile Instructor.'] HoLYOAKK-CJooDiiicKE, Sir Francis Lyttleton. b. Tettenhall, 13th Nov., 17(i7 ; «. of Francis Holyoake (17GG— 1835) ; of St. John's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1819 ; assumed name of Good- rieke by Royal Letters Patent, 12th Dec, 1X33; Hiali Sheriff, Warws., 1834; M.P., Stafford, Feb.— May, 1835; South Staffs., May, 1835 — 37 ; created Baronet, 3rd March, 1835; Master of Quorn Honn.ls, 1834 — 35; d., Sherbourn House, Malvern, 29lh Dec, 1865. [Burke's Vicissitudes of Families, II., :»8,3n;i ; .Vod. Eng. Biog., I., 1418, 1419.] HoLYOKE, Rev. Thomas. /;. Southam, Warws., 1616; .?. of Rev. Francis Holyoke ; M.A., Queen's Coll., Ox.. 1639 ; Captain in a Foot Company in the Civil War, and wa3 created D.D. for good service; Canon of Wolver- hampton ; Rector of Bridenbury, 1641 : il. loth June, 1675 ; bur. St. Mary's, Warwick. [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., II.. 1040.] HoMUERSLKY, Rov. William. /). Ketley, Salop. 1818; .?. of William Homberslev ; Mat. Ch. Ch.. Ox., 20th Oct., 1.S36; B.A., 1840; M.A., 1843 ; Curate of Blurtou, 1849—53 : Vicar of Normacot, 1853 — 73 ; Rector of Kirk-Ireton, Derbys., 1875 to death. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. 683.] Homer, Frederick Augustus, of Sedgley. J. P.. Staffs. .\unual Reports of the Sedgley Temperance Home Mission fiom 18.i9 to 1888 .... Wolverhampton: J. Sleeu ij- Co. 1888. 8vo. Homer, Rev. William. /'. Dudley, 1784 ; Wesleyan Minister from 1S07 : "his labours especially owned of God at Noweastle-under- Lymo"; d., Hungerford, 7th Dec. 1861. Obitnary. [Wes. .\fin. (1802), 18.] HoMKRAY, Rev. Jeremiah (Caswell). A. G others- lev, Kinver, 1778 ; .». of Thomas Homfrav : Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 13th Nov.. 1798. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., i;S4.] Hone, William. Memoirs of R. B. Sheridan, Esq.. with Estimate of his Character and Talents. 8vo. The Every Day Book. Two Volumes. London. /Sio — 27. 8vo. [Vol. II.. p. 384 — Letter, signeil '• Nottingham. W. H.," giving an Account of a Visit to Dovedale; at pp. (ioG, G.'>7 — Advertiiement of Walton's Angler (1653).] HONEYBOURNE (232) HORDERN HojJEYBOURNE, Rpv. Joseph. /). Biriiiingliani, 172(> : s. of Thonia* Honeyliomne ; Mat. Queen's Coll, Ox., lUth Dec. 174H : Demy, [ Magd. Coll.. Ox.. 1747—55: B.A., 1748; ' M.A.. 1751 ; Clip, to Lonl Bradford; Vicar of PattinKham and Patesluill, 175(! ; of Worn- bourn and Trysnll. 177li — 94 : Rector of Dar- ! lastoii. 1788— 9H : T.C. of Bohhington : (/., ' Wonibourn, 27th April, 1794. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 11.. I1!I4 ; Blo.'c.im, V.. 2ii7 ; Hackwood's Darlaston, 8.i.] HoNVMAN, Rev. Robert, h. StafTs., 1551 ; M.A., ' Magd. Coll., Ox. ; d. 5th March. 1016 ; htii: Magd. Coll. Chapel. [Gutch, I., ;^32 ; Blox.ini. 11., 41.] Hoc, Adam de. Archd. of Coventry, 1242 — 46. [Harwood's Lichfield, 207.] Hoc Family. Arms. [Bodl. Lib., S5S, W.] Hoo, John. b. Barr, 1719; v. of John Hoc; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 9th June, 1736 : crea- ted M.A., 25th Feb., 1741. [Foster's Alutani O-xon., II., liS.i.] Hood. Thomas. Hood's Own. 1st Series, 18r>'.i ; 'ind Series, ISlil. Moxon. [On p. 433 of 2n(l Series is " Walton Uedivivus : a New River Romance." Also includetl in "Wliimsaud Oddities," 1827.] HooivEH, Richard. Bishop. Life of. [»(■ Walton (Izaak).] Hooi.E, Rev. Elijah. Wesleyan Minister. Life of Rev. Alfred Bourne, b. Etruria. [ \Ve^. Maq. (18.S8), 161—81.] HooTON, Elizabeth. Quaker : Prisoner at Derby ; d. circa 1671. and Thomas T.iylor. To the King, &c. [.See Taylor (Thos.).] Hope, Herbert, b. Betley Hail, 1858 ; .«. of Samuel Pierce Hope, Esq. : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 12th Oct.. 1877. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. TL. ii87.] Hope, William. Print<'r and Bookbinder, Cus- tard Street, Leek. [Bagshaw, 1818.] HoPE-ScoTT, James Robert. D.C.L., Q.C. b. Great Marlow. 15th Julv, 1812; d., Hyde Park Place, 29tli April, 1873. Case of the Right Hon. Hen. Chetwynd, Earl of Talbot, claiming to be the Earl of Shrewsbury. (Lniidou, 1S57.) fol. Folding Pedigree of the Talbot family from 1442. [Privately printed.] [N.lt. — Mr Hoj>e-Scott and Mr. Bellasis were Trustees under the Will of Bertram, Earl of Shrewsbury.] HopKiN, Rev. John. b. Clayton, Yorks., 3rd Nov., 1850 ; .«. of Daniel Hopkins, Esq., and Hannah, his wife ; educated by the Rev. G. B. Rogerson, M..\. : Mat. St. John's Coll., Cam.: B.A., 1875; M.A., 1879; Curate of St. Mary's, Hull, 1875 — 83 ; Rector of St. James's, Wednesbury, 1883.; Chairman of Wednesbury School Board, 1889 to date. Sermon preached before the Mayor, Corporation, and St. James's Church .... .Tune . Wednesburi/ : n. Ri/der. 1SS7. 12mo., . . on Mayoral Sunday, Nov. l,^th. 18!)2. 12mo., pp. l.'i. (7^ lii/ih'f. Prhilt'V, Wrilues- Volnnteers 19th, 1887 . pp. 14. Sermon H. p.y p/., or il. bury.) Hopkins, Albert Bassett. A. Aston, Stone, 1848: «. of Daniel Hopkins ; M.A., Lond. Univ. ; a Member of Convocation; on N.E. Circuit; Student Inner Temple, 1st May, 1875 : Bar- rister-at-Law, 2()th Jan., 1883. [Men at the Bar, 225.] Hopkins, Rev. Francis. Educated Oscott Coll.; on Mission at Tannvorth, 1851) — 64; Choir- master Oscott Coll., 1864 ; Prefect of Stu ; Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex, .i6 ; Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, 11.5.] HORTOS. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Horton . . Eight Sheets with Index Sheet. Southampton (1877). HoBTOx, Rev. Alfred William. Mat. Pemb. Coll., 0.\.: B.A., 1867 : M.A., 1870: Curate of Abbot's Bromley, 1873 — 76 ; of Mavcsyn Ridware, 1876 ; Rector of Dew.sall-M;.-Callow, Herefs. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.] HoRTON Bros., Printers, Wednesbury. Junior Liberals' Pictorial Monthly. Wedneibunj, 1886. Lar. 8vo., pp. It!. Voters List for the Borough of Wednesbury. 180O. Lar. 8vo., pp. 243. HoRTO>f, Rev. Edward, LL.D. Preb. of Welling- ton, Lichfield, 1777—1802. [Harwood's Lichfield, 254.] HoRTOs, F., Printer, Wednesbury. The IVednesbury Watchman. Wednesbury, 1885. Lar. 8vo., pp. 14. HoRTON, Rev. Harry Howells. Univ. of Rostock, Ph.D., 1X65, and M.A., St. John's Coll., Brooklyn, U.S.A. : LL.D., 1867 : Assistant Minister of St. Michael's, Birmuigham, 1858 — 60 ; of Bp. Ryder's Church, Birmingham, 1860—70 ; Chp. North Staffs. Inhrmary, 1870—75 ; Curate of Newcasth-, 1875—77 ; of Cobridge, 1877 ; Vicar of Gallon, 1885. Family Worship. Birmingham. 1863. Sutton Park. A Poem. Birmingham. A Poem. 2nd ed., Birmingham. 12mo., pp. 2110. England versus Rome. X^eiccastle: T. Baytey. n.d. 12mo., pp. 12. HoRTOX, Henry, b, Darlaston, 7th Dec, 1834; ^«. of William Horton : educated privately, and at Victoria, and at Queen's Coll., Birmingham, and at ^Iclbourne Univ.; L.S.A., ]SC2; M.R.C.S., and L.M., Eng., 1859 : Member Brit. Med. Association : J. P. and Acting Coroner, Adelaide, S. Australia, 1865 — 70: Surgeon to Moonta UiHe Volunteers, 1866 — 70 ; 2nd Surj^eon to 2nd Brigade S. Devons. Artillery Volunteers, 1S7(> — 81 ; Worcs. Ar- tillery Volunteers, 1881 — 88 : in New Zea- land during the Maori Agitation ; met Poniare at the Governor's Levee, 24th ^lay, 1859 : formerly of Wednesbury, now of Aston, Bir- mingham. Case of Conservative Surgery [iaiicef (1807)] ; L'n- common Wound of Abdomen cut with glass bottle [Brit. Med. Jour. (1872)] : Removal of Inverted Uterus by Ligature [ib. (1872)]. HoRTOX, Rev. Robert Forman. b. Wolver- hampton : .V. of Rev. T. G. Horton. Congrega- tional Minister : educated Tettenhall Proprietary Sell.: Mat. New Coll., Ox.. 1S74 : B.A. : M.A. : Fellow : President of ().\lord Noncon- formist Union, 1877 : Minister of Hampstead Congregational Church, 1884. EE HORTON (234) HOW Inspiration of the Bible. An Inquiry. London : T. Fisher rniriii. ISSS. 8vo. Sermons delivered in Lvndhurst Road Church, Harap- stead. Lniiilou: Clarke. 1803. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 320. HoRTON, Right Hon. Sir Robert John Wilmot, Bart. P.O. ; Governor of Ceylon ; M.P. for Newca.stle, 1826 — :50. Tlie Speech delivered by R. W. H., M.P., in the Town Hall of Newcastle-uuder-Lyme, on the occasion of his attending tlie Election of Mayor . . of that Borough, 4th Oct., IS-J.i. Limiloii (Xeircastle). 8vo.. pp. !<. A Letter to the Duke of Norfolk on the Catholic Question. Lomliin, 1S26. 8vo., pp. 100. A Critical View of a Pamphlet entitled The West Indian Question Considered . . . . In a Letter to the Right Hon. It. W. H. By Gilbert Matheson, Escp Lundvn, 1827. 8vo., pp. 78. Protestant Securities Suggested . . . Lomloii : John Murray. 1S2S. 8vo., pp. viii., 1!I7. Correspondence 34, 63.i ; Mirror, XV., 174.] Horton, Rev. Thomas Galland. Congrega- tional Minister, Queen Street Chapel, Wolver- hampton. Russia and its People. 1851. 12mo. Turkey and its People. 1854. r2mo. The True Theory of a Church. 1854. 12mo. A Holitlay or Holy-Day, w'hich ? London : Judd and Glass. 185G. " 8vo. Gethsem.'ine. and other Poems. 185G. Svo. Peace in Believing. A Discourse .... Wolrer- hampton : R. Lewis. 8vo. Come with us. A Sermon. WoU'crhaniptou : same imprint. 8vo. Zion, tlie Birthplace of Souls. A Sermon. Wolver- havipton : same imprint. The End of the World. A Sermon. Woherhampton : sajne imprint. Lecture on the Epistle to the Romans. 1SG3. 8vo. The Fulness of the Blessing of the Gospel of Christ. Being a .Series of Lectures on the Eighth Chapter of . . Romans. London : Jackson, iValfoi'd, and IJodder. 1865. 8vo., pp. 400. Born Again. A Lecture on the Scriptural Doctrine of the New Birth, &.C. . . . London : W. Freeman. 8vo. The Dithculty Solved. A Letter to an Inquiring Protestant . . . Wolverhampton : J. McD. Roebuck. 1867. The CEcumenic.al. A Sermon preached in Queen Street Chapel, Wolverhampton . . Wolverhampton: J. McD. Roebuck. 1870. Svo. The Christian Standing of Children. London: /fod- der i)'- Stoughlon. 1S73. 8vo. Editor of — The Congregational Pulpit. A A^olume of Sermons . . . London, 1856. 8vo. [P. M. May. (1800), .'ill : (\Wu) .■)94— 118.] Horton, Rev. Walter. A. Catton, Derhys., 1053 ; 8. of Walter Horton, Esq. ; M.A., Oriel Coll., Ox., 1C78 : Rector of Walton-on-Trent, 1680 : Canon of Lieli field ; Preb. of Gaia Major. Lichfield, 20th Sept., 169;'.— 1728. [Harwood's Lichfield, 232 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.] HoRWELL, Samuel, h. Tunstall. Obituary of Sarah Hor^vell. [/'. .1/. .May. (18iill), 763 — hh. ] HoRWELL, S(arah). /). Tunstall, 6th Aug., 1839 : (1., Yoiddns, U.S.A., 22iid May, 1866. Obituary. [See Howell (Samuel).] Hough, Right Rev. John. h. in Middlese.x, 12th April, 16.")7 ; .«. of John Hough and Margaret Byrche, his wife ; educated either Birmingham or Walsall : Mat. Magd. Hall, 0.x., ''12th Nov., 16(i9 ; Fellow ; Ch'p. to Duke of Ormond, 1678 ; Preb. of Woreester, 1685 : Rector of Tempsford, Beds. ; President of Magd. Coll., 15th April, 1687 ; D.D., June, 1687 ; Bp. of Oxford, April, 1690 ; of Lichfield, 1699; of Worcester, 1717; m., 1702, Letitia, (/aw. of Thomas Fisher, Esq., of Walsh Hall, Warws.; (/. 8th May, 1743 ; bur. Worcester Cathedral. A Sermon preached before the Queen . . . London, 1705. 4to., pp. 28. Some Account of Bishop Hough. By Bishop Small- broke. London, 1743. 4to. The Life [and Letters] of the Right Rev. John Hough, D.D. . . By John Wilmot, Escp, F.R.S. . . London: Printed for the Author by Jame.t GiUett, Crotvn Court, Fleet Street. . . 1812. 4to. Port., pp. xvi., 387. Plates— pp. 80, 110, 112, 222, 321), 340. Pedigree— 142. Sermon and Charges . . . With an Api)endix. To which is prefixed A Manuscript of his Life. By William Russell, B.D. Oxford: Printed by W. Baiter for F. C. 0* J. Rivinyton, St. PauVs Churchyard, London , . 1821. 8vo., 1 leaf, pp. xlvi., 34.i. Two Letters printed. [Wilmot's Wilmot, 8 — 11.] Biograpliical Notice and Woodcut of Monument. [Saturday .Mag. (1832), 101, 1'.I2.] Couplet on. [Pope's Works.] Panegyrics. By Lord Lyttleton and I. H. Brown. He is the Principal Speaker in Bernard's Comforts of Olde Age. [Harwood's Lichfield, l,i7 ; Vaughan's English Revo- lution, II., .i37, 538 ; Did. Xat. Bioy.] HouoH, Rev. John. Vicar of Croxall ; Preb. of Dernford, Lichfield, 20th Oct., 1664—90. [Harwood's Lichfield, 225.] Hough, Thomas, b. Shavington, Cheshire, 24th May, 1824 ; d., Silverdale, 1st Oct., 1867. Obituary. [See Wycherley (Rev. R.).] HoDGHTON, Rev. Robert Walpole. Trin. Coll., Dublin; B. A. ,1828; Curate-in-Charge of St. Stephen's, Congleton ; in Charge of Horton. Sermon on Justification. 1842. Advent, &c. 1848. Catechetical Exercises. 1852. Sermons : — On the Word of God ; on the Holy Trinity : on the Perfection of Christ's Work ; on the Validity of the Apostolical Church of England ; on the Lord's Supper ; on the Holy Spirit of the Church. London, 1867. 8vo., 6 vols. How, Rev. Alexander. Rector of Uraycott-le- Moors ; Preb. of Ulveton, Lichfield, 26th HOWARD (235) HOWELLS Aug., 162G ; (I. before the Restoration. [Hanvood's Lichfield, 23'.!.] HowAUD. Right Hon. Anastasia Stafford, dun. of William, Earl of Stafford (who d. 1734) ; Baroiip.ss Stafford : d., Pari.s, IH07, aged 85. [Ch. Observer, VI., t'.IO ; aent.'n May. (IMOT); Ann. KegistKr (l«07) : Various Publications of Stafford Peerage Case (1W7).] HowAiiD, Edward Henry, b. 7th June, 1832 : .«. of Ven. Dean Howard, of Lichfield : educated Eton Coll., 1844: entered Navy, 21st Jan., 1845; Captain, Kith Feb., 1854; A.D.C. to the Queen, 1878—79: Vice-President of Ordnance Committee, 1881 — 84 ; Vice- Admiral, 26th Nov., 1885 ; retired 29th Nov., 1889 ; (/., K'l. (iranvilie Park, Lewisham, Kent, 18th Jan., 1891. port. ; Mod. Knij. Report of Ordnance Committee. [Piclorlal World, XVI., 147, Hi.') Biog., I., l.i.=>.] How.viii), The Hon. Fulke Greville : ofElford Hall, 1808— :i(l. [Ashte.ad Park, 231.] Howard, George, h. 2Gth Jan., 182G : ■v. of the Very Rev. Dean Howard of Lichfield : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox.: M.A., 1851 : Student, Inner Temple, 25th Jan., 1849 : Barrister-at-Law, 30th Jan., 18.')2 ; Librarian to House of Com- mons since 1867 ; m., 18th May, 18.')2, Marion, ividoio of William W. Leigh Bennett, Esq. [Foster's Ahnnni Oxon.; Men at the Bar, 22?<.] Howard, Hon. Henry, b. Elford : of Ox. Univ., 13th April, 1757 :' Hon. M.A. ; 12th Earl of Suffolk and 5th Earl of Berkshire, 21st March, 1757 : Deputy Marshal of England, 1761 ; Knt. of Privy Seal, 12th June, 1771 : K.G., 3rd Jan., 1779 ; Governor of Charterhouse, 1777; LL.U.. 1778; (/. March, 1779. Portraits. Bv Sir ,T. Kevnolds. [At Elford Hall and Charlton Park (1H74).] [Ashtead Park. 142. 1«2 : Countess of Minto's Hugh Elliot; Stanhope's England, V.. 442 ; Correspondence of George in. with Lord North, I.. 42, 43, 73 : II., I.i8— 223.] HowAUii, The Hon. anil Very Rev. Henry Edward Jolin. b. Castle Howard, Yorks., 14th Dec, 1795 ; ». of the 5th Earl of Carlisle (174K— 1823) : educated Eton Coll., 1805— 11: Mat. Ch. Ch.. Ox. : B.A., 1>^1X : M.A., 1822; B.D., 1834: D.D., 1838: Vicar of Stanton, Yorks.. 5th July. 1820: Succentor of York, Ac, 27th Nov." 1822: Rector of Sling-sby, 1823—33: Vicar of Sutton-in-the- Forest, 1824—33 : Dean of Lichfield, with Rectory of Tatenliill annexed, 27th Nov.. 1833 to death ; Rector of Donington, 1834 to death ; d., Donington, 8th Oct., 1868. Translation of Claudian. Loiidnn. 1S23. Scripture History in Familiar Lectures . . . First Sjries. The Old Testament. Loudon: Jumea Burns. JS40. 12mo.. pp. iv., .-US. [The Englishman's Library, IV.] Sjcond Series. The New Tesfciment. London :' James Hums. IS-il. The Book of Genesis according to the Version of the L.KX. Translated into English . . . Cambridge: Mac- niillan i)'' Co. 1S55. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 280. The Books of Exodus and Leviticus . . . Cam- hridr/e: same imprint. 1S67. Cr. 8vo.. pp. viii., 4(l.s. The Books of Numbers and Deuteronomy . . Cambridge, l,So7. Cr. Svo., pp. viii., 430, [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., IJflfl ; Eton Sch. Lists ; Guardian (14th Oct., IXliS) : Burke's Portrait Gallery, II., UD, port.; Mod. Eng. Jiiog., I., 1602.] HowAi[i>, Rev. Josiah. b. Formby, near South- port ; New Cimnexion Minister : drowned in the River Holme, Yorks., KHh Fel)., 1869 ; stationel in Newcastle during the (,'holera Visitation, 1819, where he rendered valuable aid. Obituary. By Rev. 11. Henshaw. Howard, Hon. Marv, the last Howard. Owner of Elford. Obituary Notice. By Rev. F. E. Paget. [Copy in Colonel Bagot's copy of Ashtead Park, by Paget, p. 188.] Howard. Philip Henry, b. Corby Castle. Cumb., 1801 ; .s. of Henry Howard ; educated Old 0.-cott. which he left in 1815 : M.P. for Car- lisle, 1830-52; (/., Ventnor, Isle of Wight, 1st Jan., 1883. [Oscotian, II., 180 : IV., 252, 2.")3.] Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk, K.G. Letter to Archbishop Abbott. [Bodl. Lib., 1720, 162.] Howard, Hon. Thomas. A. Elford, 1 1th Jan., 1721 ; inherited Ashtead Park from Lady Diana Fielding, 1731 ; M.P., Castle Rising, Yorks., 1837 — 1757: St. Michael's, Cornwall. 1757 : m., 13th April. 1747, Elizabeth, dau, of W. Kingscote, Esq., of Kingscote, Gloucs.; Earl of Suffolk ; d. 23rd Feb., 1783. Portrait. [Ashtead Park, 138, 139, 230.] Howard, William, Viscount Stafford. The Tryal of William, Viscount Stafford, for High Treason . . . begun in Westminster Hall, the .30th day of Nov., ItiHO . . . 7th December following . . . London: .•\sgigns of John Bill . . . 1GH2. fol., pp. 218. Articlei! against him. [Bodl. Lib., 1806, 9.] HowBELL, John. Archd. of Saloj), 1402 — 25. [Harwood's Lichtield, 215.] HowcROKT, Rev, W. Minister. Hymns in Collection. Bemersleg, 1825. Original Poetry. Miscellaneous Hymns, and Poems. Bemersleg: Printed hg James Bourne.' 1S42. 12mo., pp xii.. 202. HouK, J.. Lord Ciiedworth. Notes upon some of the obscure passages in Shak- spear's Pl,ays ; with Ren>arks upon the Explanations and Amendments of the Commentators in the editions of 1785, 1790,171)3. [Dr. Johnson, A:c.] London, 1805. 8vo. HowELi.s, Rev. John. b. 21st Sept., 1777 : *■. of Rev. William llowells [w?] : Curate of Tipton. 1803—37 : P.C. of Holy Trinity, Coventry, 1837 to death ; d.. Coventry. 3lst Dec, l«5(i. Monument in Holy Trinity Ch. A Selection of Psalm.s, Hymns, Anthims. aud Choruses, for Public and Private Use. Tipton. IS.il. 12mo, [lllus. Land, .\eiis, XXXH ., iiili, view of monument ; Mod. Eng. Biog., I., 1558 : Hackwood's Tipton, 17, IS.] HowELLs, William. Churchwarden of Tipton ; brother to the above. Primitive ^Methodist HOWELLS (236) HOWITT Cambrian Superstitions, comprising Ghosts, Omens, &c. . . Concise View of the Manners and Customs of the Principality . . Tipton : Printed by Thomas Uanks. 1831. 8vo.. pp. vi., 19J. Chidlia. and other Pieces, by various [Tipton] Authors. Edited by W. Howells. 1862. Fcp. 8to., pp. 142. HowEi.Ls. Rev. William. J. 1714; Co-Pastor of Old ^leetins:,' House, Birminghaiu, with Rev. Samuel Clark, wliose funeral sermon he preached ; kept a High Class Sch. at Winson Green. Birmingham ; retired to West Brom- wich. where he d., oth Feb., 177B, aged 62 ; bur. West Brorawich Churchyard. Fnneral Sermon on Rev. Samuel Clark. Birmingham. {Monthly Repository, XVII., 743.] HoWELi-S, Rev. William. Father of Rev. John HiiwcUs : b. Wincanton, Somerset, 1740 : s. of Rev. William Howells \_>>ee'] : educated Pres- byterian Academy, Carmarthen : Unitarian Minister at Chelford, near Bristol, 1771 — 86 ; Theological Tutor and Superintendent of Car- marthen Academy, 1786—9;} : Pastor at Swan- sea, 1786 — 1814 : m., 1775, Miss Beverstone, of Bristol ; d., Swansea, 21st June, 1822. {Monthly Repository, XVII.. .ilO, 74.'i, 744.] HowiTT, Mary (ne'e Botham). b. Coleford, Gloucs.(iier parents were temporarily living there,, returning to Uttoxeter in 1800), 12th March, 17i»9: dim. of Samuel Botham, of Uttoxeter, and Ann, his wife : having received the ordinary edu- cation allowed by a Quaker parent she was taught by her mother "good housewifery"; on 16th April, 1821, she was m. to William Howitt, of Heanor, Derbys. : from their marriage they were devoted to literature ; resided at Hanley, Nottingham, and near London : in her later days Mrs. Howitt lived in the Tyrol, and at Rome, where she d. ?.Otb Jan., 1888 : hur. in the Cemetery of Monte Testaccio. The Forest Minstrel . . . London : Baldwin, cj-c. 1823. «vo., pp. lOS. The Desolation of Eyam . . . 1821. fcp. 8vo., pp. xii., 32-2. 2nd ed., London. 1828. Same collation. The Seven Temptations . . . London : Bentley. 1834. fcp. Hvo.. pp. 1110. Sketches of Natural History . . . London, 1834. 4to. .5th ed. n.d. Hth ed., enlarged, n.d. (IRol). lijmo. Reprinted, with illustrations, London (1S64). 8vo. 1873. Wood Leightou . . . Three Volumes. London : Bentley. 1836. Pt. ! — 8{>]. Twelve Articles. Amplified by Margaret Howitt. 2 vols., 8vo. ISSO. New ed., 1801. Howitt, Mary and William. Uotvitt's Journal of Literature. Edited bv W. and M. H. London. 1S47—40. Imp. Svo. Stories of English and Foreign Life. 1S49. Cr. 8vo. [Bohn's Illustrated Library.] The Literature and Romance of Europe, tfcc. Two Volumes. London, 1S52. 8vo. The Ruined Abbeys and Castles of the Border. London, ISGo. Svo. The Ruined Abbej's of Yorkshire. London, ISGS. 8to. Mrs. Howitt was a frequent contributor to the Annuals : — The .lurora Borealis^The Winter Wreath — The .Imulet — .lurenite Forget-me-not ; W. Howitt's Pic- torial Calendar of the Season ; Good Words, &c. Poems by her will be found in most Collections for the Young, as : Poetry for the Young — The Training School Song Book, &c. — Orph;inhood. [It>,». .)/«(/. (182'.I),7!I0: (18.39) CM: (1840)628,872: (1841) 9.)2; .Xew Con. Mag. (1827), 4«il. 470, 472 : /.<-t(1872),32tf,327.] HuDsox, Rev. John. b. Staines, Dec, 1778; of Hoxtoii Coll., 1797 : Congregational Minis- ter from 1802 : at West Bromwieh, 1802 — 43, when he retired from the ministry ; d. 28th Oct., 1864. Funeral Sermon. [.See Jukes (Rev. J. G.).] Obituary. [Congregational I'ear Booi(18Bo),248,249.] Hdkf, James. Obituary. By J. Higginson. [/', M. Mag. {lSS3),b67.] HcKKADiXE, Rev. Henry Hughes. b. Tong, Salop, 6th March, 1847 : 8. of Henry Huffa- diiie : educated long and Donington Schs. : Elinfield Coll., Vorks. ; Congregational Minis- ter at Brewood since 1876. HUGHES (238) HULME Free Church Work in Country Places. [Staffs. Cou- gregatinnal Mai). (Aug., 1887).] " Congregationalism in 'Rural Staffordshire [lb. (Oct., 1888)] ; Country Churches [Ebenezer .\{ag. (West Bromwich, 1891)]. Hughe?, George Burgess, b. Longton, 1858 ; s. of Stephen Astbury Huglies ; ;Miit. Wore. Coll., Ox., 19tli Mareh, 1875 ; Exhibitioner, 1875—78; B.A., 1S78; M.A., 1884. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 706.] Hughes, Rev. John. Wesleyan Minister, 1790 — 18-13 ; in Staffs, several years. A Plea for Religious Liberty. Macdenfelil, 181-3. limo.. pp. 81. Theological Essays. Slote-upon-Tient : Priutrd by R. C. TonUlnsoH. 181S. 12mo., pp. xii., 263. Remarks on s.ime, bv '• D. L. L." [fVe.'. Mag. (1820), pp. 192— 98.] Horse Britannicse. ISIO. 8vo. Hughes, Rev. John. /;. Hereford, 1805 ; ■«. of Samuel Hughes, M.D. : Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 1st Oct., 18i'3 ; B.A., 1827 ; M.A., 183(; ; Vicar of Coddington, Hereford, 1831 : of Wombourn-if.-Trysull, 1836 to death : (/. 18th Nov., 1848. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 707.] Hughes, Mary. h. Norbury, 1756 ; dau. of Rev. Edward Hughes, Rector : resided mostly at Harewood, Salop : 0.] Letter on Unitarian Cases at Xew Church, Rossendale. [Monthly Repository (1822), 461, 46.i.] Hughes, Samuel. Life of James Brindley Engineering (1844), I., 50.]. Hughes, W. H., Printer, VVillenhall. [See Cozen (Rev. S.i.] HuGHFORD, Rev. John. Preb. of Ulveton, Lich- field, I4th Jan., 1443—51. [Harwood's Lichfield, 2;);i.] HuGiLL, Rev. Joseph, D.U. h. Westerdale, 9th Sept., 1789; formerly a Wesleyan Minister; ordained and joined the Church of England 1815 ; of St. John's Coll., Cam. ; Rector of Darlaston, 1840 to death : d. Oct., and bur. 4th Nov., 1842. Funeral Sermon on his death. By Rev. W. Clarkson, Vicar of Wednesbury. Darlaston ; James Slater, n.il. (1S42). HuLBBRSTY, Robert Stephen. M.B. & CM., 1884 ; M.R.C.S., Eng., 1885 ; M.D., Lond., 1888 ; Assistant Surgeon to Eye Asylum, Wolverhampton. [Weale's Question Pa. on Infrequent Pulse >vith Epileptic form Attacks. [Brit. Med. Jour., 1889.] Hui.iiERT, Rev. Canon Charles Augustus. h. Manchester; d. Mareh, 1888. Annals of the Church and Parish of Almondbury, Yorkshire. London, 1882. 8vo. Supplement. lS8.i. 8vo. [Ded. to Walter, Earl of Dartnumtli. Pedigree of Legpc Family, 205— 12; Portrait of the Earl of Dartmouth iu Supplement.] Hdlf.t, J. Engraver early in 17th Century. Engraved Portrait of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, Hull, Samuel. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., lUl, iilab, 248a6.] HcLI.EV, — . HuUey's Directory of the Parliamentary Borough of Wolverhampton. Wdverhamptnii: Bar/ord iji Newitt. 1874. HULM.A.NDEL, C. J. Lithographer ; b. London, 1789 ; (/, 1850. Stoke Old Church, 1823, HuLME. Arms. [Bodl. Lib., «5S, 99.] HcLME, Rev. Benjamin, b. Lane End ; «. of a Master I'otter ; became, about 1 S20, a convert to Roman Catholicism : educated Sedgley Park Sch. ; Oscott Coll., 1824—31 ; on Mission in Leicester, 1831 — 33; in Loughborough, 1833 — 40 ; removed to Newcastle, ls40: at Aston Hall same year ; whilst there discovered the relics of St. Chad ; created Monsignor, 1842 ; Chp, at Mawley Hall, Salop, 1843—47 ; at Hathersage, 1847 — 50 ; returned to Longton, where he d., 9th Aug,, 1852 ; bur. Aston, near Stone : bequeathed a considerable sum of money to found a convent of Tertians of the 3rd Order of St, Dominic in the Potteries : spent in the erection of convent at Stoke. A Reply to .iristogeiton's Address to the Inhabitants of Loughborough and its Vicinity, London (Leicester printed J : Kmtiug i\ Broirn. 1834. 12rao. pp.27. [Tbe above was a reply to some letters by Rev. P. Krazer, published in The Timt^s, afterwards republished by a uo-Popery Societ.v as a tract.] A Letter on Transubstantiation. Being a Second Letter to Aristogeiton, lie. London: Andrews. 1835. 8vo., pp. 28. An Address to the Students of Oscott College on the Discovery of the Relics of St. Chad at Aston, near Stone. MS. [These relies were origiuallv in Lichfield Cathedral, where they remained until the Heforrantion. when Preb. Dudley took them, and entrusted them to two ladies, relatives of the Dudleys, who resided at Rus-ell Hall, Dudley. These, in their turn, gave them in charge of two brothers. Henry and William Hodshead, of Woodeaton, near Sedgley, 'Ihe portion held by Henry was handed by him. when on his death-bed, to Kr. Marshall. atUt^ Turner. S.J-. who wrote an account of how they came into bis hands. From this p> riod they were kept in the county, being removed at last to Synnerton Hail, ami thence transplanted to .\stou. This fact had been lost sight of (although the key 'tf tbe box containing the case was at Syimerton) until discovered by Fr. Hulmc behind the Altar at .^ston.] rLartv's Directories ; Cath. Mag.. III., 33, 398 : V., 268:' VI.," 242; Orth. .lour., IL, 423, 472 : III.. .164, 394 : Original Letters from Frs. Fairfax. Massam. and Very Rev. Canon Longman, to Rev. J. Caswell ; Gillow's Cath. Biblio., III., 470. 473 ; Hi-torv of St. Chad's Cathedral ; Foley's Records of S.J.. IIL, 794.] HiLME, S. J., Hanley. Obituary. [Xew Con. Mag. (1866), 193.] HULME (239) HUNTER HuLME, Rev. Samuel. h. Longtoii, 1836 ; Methodist New Connexion Minister from 1828 ; President of Conference, 1842, 1855 ; Superannuated at Bowden, Cheshire. Truth Defended. A Reply to the Rev. Jo.seph Barker's Tract, ''Truth against Misrepresentation." Manchester , JH42. *vo. The Good Sam^itan. A Lecture. London : Groom- bridijt. 1842. 12mo. A Compar.itive View of Popery and Christianity. London: Partridge. 1852. 8vo., pp. viii,, It — 27o. A Discourse preached in Bethesda Cliapel, Hanley, on occasion of the Death of Mrs. Roberts. London, 1837. 870., pp. -20. The Path of Peace. London: J. B. Cooke. 1858. l'2mci,, pp. \)i. The Bible: ilan's Best Book. I..eeils: Printed by J. Ueaton ij Son. 1859. 8vo., pp. 24. Another, pp. l(i. Memoirs of the Rev. Thomas Allin. With Notices on the Contemporary History of the Methodist New Con- nexion. London: Hamilton, tfc. 1881. Cr. 8vo., pp. xii., ■263. An Address to the .Students of Ranmoor College. Slieffield, 1884. 8vo. Memoir of the Rev. William Cook, D.D. London : C. D. Ward. 18SG. Cr. 8vo. Portrait, pp. viii., .S'j:i. Review of Truth Defended [.Vew Con. Mag. (1842). 11.1, 114] : Reply to Irish Conference [i6. (1843), .54, .io] ; Review of Good Samaritan [iO., 70] ; Our Conne.xional Position and Obligations [i6., r28 — .?o] ; Letters on Methodistic Union [I'A. (18i;«), TijO — 09] ; Speech [lA., 780, 781] ; The Claims of our Home Missions [ib. (1868), 39 — 4.i. Reprinted for free distribution by the Home Mission- ary Committee] ; Methodistic Union [i6. (1870), 24 — 37, •221— .M, .S7.3— 80] ; Dangers and Duties : A Sermon [ib., (iOl— 131 ; The China Mission [ib. (1871), t;7.')— 80] : Sijeech [ib. (1873), 440] ; The Methodism of the Future : A Symposium [P. M. Quart. Rev. (1887)]. HiTLME, Thomas. b. Burslem ; Ex-Mayor of Burslem ; Chairman of School Board ; J. P., Staffs. Chant Book. Burslem : J. Dawson. 12mo. T. H. was joint Compiler of The Methodist Free Church Tune Book. 1803. HuLsE, J. Printer and Engraver, Newcastle. Poetic Pieces. [.See Bayley (J.).] Engraved View of High Street, Newcastle, in 2nd ed. of Cotterill's Directory, 1839. [Origiaal coloured sketch penes Compiler. J HuMFREY, Charles Robert Pargiter. b. Burton, 1839 ; s. ot Rev. Robert Pargiter Humfrey ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 1858. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., U., 713.] Hdmi'age, Francis. b. Darlaston, 1783; iL 14th Nov., 1862. Obituary. [.See Sanders (Rev. S.).] HuMi-HiiEY, Rev. Hugh. Rector of Barchelston ; Preb. of Flixton, 22nd June, 1502 — 29. [Harwood's Lichfield, 229.] HuMiMiREYs, Rev. Hugh. Vicar of Longdoii : Rector of Drayton Bassett ; Preb. of Fli.xton, IHth Sept., 1660—93. [Harwood's Lichfield, 230.] Hunt, Arthur Henry William. Gleadow Prize- man, 1888 ; President's Scholar, 1885: Ex- hibitioner, 1884; M.R.C.P., Lend.. 1888; M.R.C.S., Eng., 1889 ; of Wolverhampton. De:Uh under ether [Lancet, 1890]. HnsT, Rev. Augustus Archer, b. Plymton Erie, Devon., 1820 ; s. of Richard Burgess Hunt Esq.; Mat. Worcester Coll., Ox., 29tli ilar., 1839 ; E.xhibitiorier E.xeter Coll., 1837—41 ; B.A., 1841: M.A., 1844; Vicar of Tipton ; of .St. John, Devon, 1845. {Foster's Alamni Oion.. IL, 715 ; Boase's Exeter Coll., 153. J Host, Joseph W., M.D. Physician to the Wolverhampton and Staffs. General Hospital. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Pleural Effusions. HoNT, Rev. Richard, S. T. P. Preb. of Tarvin, Feb., 1639 ; survived the Restoration. [Harwood's Lichfield, 251.] Hdxt, Rev. Robert, M.A. Preb. of Dassett Parva, Lichfield, 9th Dec, 1636—62. [Harwood's Lichfield, 22i;.] HcsT, Rev. William Thorley Gignae. b. Bath, 1838: .*. of William Hunt, Esq.: Mat. Ch. Ch., loth Mav, 1856 ; Student, 1856 — 62 ; B.A., 1859 ; M.A., 1863 ; of Lincoln's Inn, 1858 ; Vicar of Prestwood, 1866—71 ; of Holy Trinity, Folkestone, 1885. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 11., 717.] HoNTBACH, Fowke. h. Wolverhampton, 1712 ; «. of Rupert Huntbacb : Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 11th Nov.. 1729. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II.. 717.] HcNTBACHE, John, Seawall. Letter of J. H. to Sir W. Dugdale, stating the result of his enquiries at Cosford and Hollingsworth about grandfather and grandmother of Edward Noell, who m. Grace Noell. of Pelsall. also as to a deed of entailment of Hilcot estate (26th Oct., 1()«3). [Bodl. Lib.. 1750, f. 9a, 106.] Hunter, Charles, b. Lichfield, 1712 : .«. of Rev. John Hunter : Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 7th May, 1730 ; B.A., 1734. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IL, 717.] Hunter, Rev. John. M.A.; Head Master Lich- field Gr. Sch.: Preb. of Dassett Parva, Lichfield, 27th May, 1709—41. [Davies's Garrick. I., 3 ; Boswell's Johnson (1859), 7, 8, 89, 227, 836 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 227.] Hunter, Rev. Stephenson, h. on family estate in Cruralin, near Belfast. 29th March, 18o3 : .«. of Thomas Hunter, farmer : educated Crum- lin Academy, and BelAist Academical Institu- tion (now Queen's Coll.), 1818 : Private Tutor, 1821, and 2neHwLord Hatherton,Teddesley, Penkridge] ; (4) to Bishop. I. Butler, of Hereford [pc»es(1800) Miss Burne, Richmond Lodge, Bath]. Life of. [See Kilvert (Rev. F.).] [Cradock'sMemoirs.85. 183, 184: IV.,i;00; D'Arblay's Autobiography ; Gibbon's Miscellaneous Works, IV., 152 ; Colman's Horace Ars. Poet (1782): Wheeler's ditto; Green's Diarv, 41, llio, lliii, 221; Todd's Siiencer, II.; (Innrl. Her., XXXIX., 27li— 84 ; Watkin's Duke of 'i'ork, 311 ; Croker's Boswell, viii., 17!), 180; Sidney's Lady Huntingdon, I., 18; Prior's Malone, 445: Holliday's Lord M:nisfie]d ; Warton's Milton (1721); Johnston's Parr, I., .324 Ii, 322—25: Bibliotheca Parriana, 58, 4311, 443, (i85 ; Gritfith's Markets and Fairs, I., 2',p. ii(), 31!, 37, 124; H:ir- wood's Lichtield, 158; Smith's Brewood, 27, 2i), 31, 71); Cli. Observer, IlL, 127: VII., 832, 833: VIII.; 5lj7— 7li.] Hdrd, Rev. Walter Robert. Of King's Coll., Lond., and St. Aidan's ; Vicar of Holy Triii., Anslow, Burton, 1871 — 76 ; of Newton tSolney, Derbys., 1870. Sermons on the Titles of (.'hrist. Hdrst, Rev. John. h. Brousjhton, Lanes., circa 1734 ; educated Fernyhaigh Sch. and Dotiay Coll.; placed in charge of School at Betley, Jan., 1702 ; (■^■/•i' Essington, Rev. W.) removed with 12 students to Sedgley Park, Lady Day, 1703 ; Clip, at Cossey Hall, 1778 ; at Scarris- brick Hall, Lanes., 1791 ; where he d. 23rd Jan., 1792. [Gillow's Cath. Schs. in Eng., MS. ; Cath. Biblio. ; Kirk's Biog. Coll. MSS., No. 24 ; Husenbeth's Memoirs of Parker's MS., Vol. I.; Hist, of Sedgley Park Sch.; Douay Diaries.] HcRST, Rev. Leonard. Preb. of Ulveton, Licli- field, Dec., 1557—77. [Harwood's Lichfield, 237 ] Hurst, Thomas. A. Cheadle, 1741 ; .«. of Rupert Hurst; Mat. St. Mary's Hall, 2Cth Jan., 1761 ; B.C.L., 1708. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 711).] Husn.iND, Rev. .lohn. Curate of Hints ; of St. Chad'?, Lichfield ; Sacri.st of the Cathedral ; Preb. of Bishopshull, Lichfield, 1719—25. HUSENBETH (241) HUSENBETH A Miscellany of Poems by several Hands. Publishefl by J. Husband,' A.M., Fellow of Perab. College, Oxon. Oxford, 1731. 8vo. [Coutains Dr. Johnson's first printed composition, a translntion of Pope's Messiah, see Preface to the Poems, where we read "the writer of tliis Poem will leave it a (|iiestiott for posterity whether this or mine is the origiuall." — PoPK.] [Harwood's Lichfield, 218.] HnsEN'iiETH, Key. Frederick Charles, b. Bristol, 30tli Jlay, 17!lG : •". of Freiierick Charles Huscnbeth, Wine Merchant, and Elizalieth Jane his wife ; educated .Sedgley Park, \H^yi — 1810, 29th April, 1813— 1st Aug., 1«U ; Oscott Coll., 1st Aug., 1814 — Jan., 1820 ; Chp. at Cossey Hall, Norwich, 7th July, 1820 to death (except for a short time in 1825 when he was teacher of Diyinity at Oscott); Grand Vicar to Bishop Walsh of Midland District, 1827 ; D.D., ISuO ; Provost and V. G. of Northampton, 24th June, 1852 ; d. at the Presbytery at Cossey, 31st Oct., 1872 ; Dr. Husenlieth was one of the earliest teetotalers in England. The Little Office of the Immaculate Conception. Lon- don: Cnddon. 1823. r2mo., pp. 3o ; lH30,l'2mo.; London: Washbuuru. ISGS. r2mo. The Christian Student, translated from French. Lon- don, 1S23. 18mo. Defence of the Creed and Discipline of the Catholic Church against the llev. J. Blanco White. . . London : Keatiuy i)' Brown. 8vo., pp. 134. yorwich, 1831. l*2mo., pp. 10'2. Translated into German bv Professor Klee. Leip- zig: Bool- Fair. 1837. Discour.se delivered at the Funeral of Rev. Laur Strong- itharm. . . March IHh. 18*27. Norwich, n.d. 8vo. Twenty-four original Songs. Norwich, 1827. lar. 8vo. An Answer to Rev. G. S. Faber's Difficulties of Romanism by . . . Trevern, Bishop of Strasburg. . . . translated by Dr. H. London, 1828. 8vo. [To this Faber replied with a Supplement, &c. London, 1828.'] A Reply to the Rev. G. S. Faber's Supplement. Norwich, 1820. 8vo. [Faber replied with some Account of Mr. Husenbeth's attempt to assist the liishop of Strasburg, &c. London, 1829.] The Difficulties of Faberism . . Norwich, 1820. 8vo. Breviarum Romanum. London, 18.30. 32mo., 4 vols. 2nd ed., 18.%5. With a supplementary Breviarum. The Christian's Refuge in time of Epidemics. London, 1832. 12mo. London, 1840. 12mo. Discourse on Funeral of F. X. S. Jemvngham, Baroness i Stafford. Nov. 27th. 1832. Norwich, 1832. 8vo. A Guide to the Wine Cellar. Nurwich, 1834. 8vo. Supplementum ad Missale Romanum. London, 1835. fol. and 4to. Original Songs set to German Music, &c. London. I 1835. 4to. Faberism Expcsed and Refuted. Norwich, 1836. 8vo.. pp. 738. [Faber replied rame year.] A Further Exposure and Refutation of Faberism Norwich, 1836. 8vo. The Miss:il for the use of the Laity. London. 1S37. r2iao. London, 1838. l'2mo. London: Dolman. 1840 45. i 12mo. 2 vols., with Supplement. London : Dolman. 1848. 12mo. 1840. r2mo. 1S.50. 12mo. pp. xvi., 741. cxlv. II. d. (1853). 8vo. [Frequently reprinted.] Bishop Challinor's Medit.a"tion. London. 1838. I2mo. Memoir of Bishop John Miluer. Winchester, 1830. 8vo. [Appeared first iu Slilner's Winchester, 3rd ed.] St. Cyprian Vindicated .against . . . Rev. G. A. Poole, .\urwich. 1830. 8vo.. pp. 127. London. 1841. 8vo. Authentic Account of Dominican Lazzari, &c Nor- wich, 1841. 12mo. The Vesper Book for the use of the Laitv. London 1842. I2mo. 2nd ed., 1844, pp. Ixxii.. 38'.l. 'With Gre- gorian Chants for the Psalms. 4 ff. London, 1850. Itimo. Funeral Sermon. . . . Rev. Dr. Bowden, President of Sedgley Park. U'olcerhampton. 1844. 8vo. Life of the Rev. Robert Richmond. Norwich, 1845. , Svo., pp. 87. [Also in The Laityt Directory (1840), with portrait.] Gother's Daily Lessons. London: T. .Ione». 1846. 8to., pp. viii., 3!)0 ; II., 4'J3. Again, as The Catholic Year, (fee. Dublin, 1861. 8vo. Notices of English Colleges and Convents established on the Continent after the Dissolution of Religious Houses in England. By The Hon. Edward Petrie. Edited by Dr. i H. Norwich, 1840. 4to., pp. vi., 105. Funeral Discourse on . . Hon. Edward Jernyngham. June 30th, 1849. Norwich, 1840. Svo. Emblems of Saints. In Two Parts. London (Norwich printed), 1850. 8vo. 2nd ed., Loni/man.*, 1860. 12mo.. pp. xii., 31SI. Norwich : Norwich and Norf'iAk .irch. .S'oc, 1882. 8vo.. pp. xiv., 42i;. Edited by the Rev. Aug. Jessop, D.D., from the author's own copy, with MS. Notes by Dr. Husenbeth. Funeral Sermon on Hon. JLay Stafford Jemyng'nam. Norwich. 8vo. Funeral Sermon on Right Hon. G. W. S. Jernyngham, Second Baron Stafford. Norwich, 1851. Svo. Office of the Will of God. Norwich. 1851. l'2mo. The Roman Question. Norwich, 1852. Svo. The Holy Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgate. London: G. Henry ,)■ Co. n.d. (1853). 4to., pp. ( I.J viii., i;9-2, (IL) 38li. New Testament, pp. X., 3oii. Phites. Sermon . . . Funeral of Hon. Lady Bedmgfield. Norwich, 1854. Svo. The Claims of the Fathers. London (Derby printed), 1855. Svo. Ditto (Norwich, 1860), Svo. The History of Sedgley Park School, Staffordshire. London (Norwich printed), 1856. Svo. [A corrected edition in MS. left by Dr. Husenbeth to Canoa Moore now at St. Wilfrid's Coll., Cotton.] Sermon .... Funeral of the Right Hon. Julia Barbara, Lady Stafford. Norwich, 1856. Svo. The Convent Martyr. A Drama. London (Norwich printed), 18.y7. Svo. London, 1870. Svo. The Life . . . Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By Rev. Henry Butler. With Introduction by Dr. H. London: Benry if Co. n.d. (1857). 4to.. pp. liv., 774. [Issued in parts. Plates. Reprinted, R. Washbourn. Svo.] The Lives of . . . Saints. By Rev. Alban Butler. Edited by Dr. H. In Two Volumes. London, 1857—60. Svo. The Life of St. Wulstan, Confessor. London (Nor- wich printed), 1850. Svo. The Life of the R. R. M'g'r Weedall, D.D. London: Longmans. 1860. Svo. Life of R. B. John Milner, D.D. Dublin : J. Duffy 1862. Svo., pp. vii., oSli. History of the B. V. M. . . . Translated from the French. London : Virtue •)'■ Co. n.d. (1862, ije.J Cr. Svo., pp. viii., 824. Plates. Reprinted, with additions. Loudon .' R. Washbourn. 1872. Svo. Woodcuts. London : Burns tj- Oates. 1874. Svo. Plates. Sermon . . Funeral . . R. R. William Wareing D.D. London, 1866. Svo. Sermon . . Funeral of Very Rev. T. M. M'DonneU. London, 1860. Svo. Our Blessed Lady of Lourdes. London (Norwich printed), lS7u. llimo. The Apparition at Portmain . . . France. Trans- lated from the French of Abbe Richard. London : Burns, Oate.<', 4 Co. 1871. Svo. Memoirs of the Parkers. MS. In 2 vols., 4to. ff (1 1 373, (11.) 374. ' ^ ''' [Now at St. Wilfrid's Coll., Cotton.] Poems. [In various Magazines, as Catholic Miscellanu Orth. Jour., Catholic .Maa.. ic.l Jv R. K. Jfg'r ' Sermons, Ac. By R. K. Jfg'r Wee UMi- Oliver's Coll., 331 : Cath. Opinion, .VII..'4 : Cath 'Tintes' loth Feb., 1S73 ; Gillow's Cath. Biblio., UI., 4'.t'2— oU7.] ' FF lIUSlvISSON ( ■■ii'-i ) HUTCHINSON Hdskissox, Samuel. b. 1773 ; *<. of William Huskisson, of Oxloy ilanor, Wolver!iaiii]iton ; Cornet :;9tli Lijilit ih-iigooiis, 17tli May. 1799; in r.engal, 1799— isii;i: Majci- Stli Foot, 4tli July, 1K05 ; Lieut.-Col., i8tli May, 1807; General, 11th Nov., 1851 ; d., Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London, 3rd Dec, 1854. [Army Lists ; Mod. Eng. Biog., I., liKKt.] HnsKissoN, Right Hon. William. Of O.vley Manor, Wolverhampton. The Question concerning the Depreciation of our Cur- rency stated and examined. Lor,dim. 1S20. Svo., pp. xix., 1.54. '2nd antl ;{rd editions same year. Xo. J.'tof McCulloch's Select Collection ... on Currency, ttc. Lonilon. 1S57. The Preface Examined. -Vn Examination of the Pre- face of a Pamphlet entitled The Currency, &c. London, 1810. 8vo., pp. 22. Some Observations upon the Argument drawn by W. Huskisson and the Bullion Committee on the High Price of Gold Bullion. First Publi.shed in Thi: Times. By "Civis." Lomiim.lSll. Xvo., pp. 74. Speech of the Right Hon. W H in the House of Commons. March, 1822, on the Agricultural Distress of the Country. London, 1S22. Wvo., pp. I)!. Substance of Two Speeches . . respecting Colonial Policv, ic. 2nd ed. London. 1825. Svo., pp. 88. Free Trade Speech by \V. H. . . Feb., 1822, on the Silk Manufacture. London, 1823. 8vo.. p]). :i!l. Ditto (with some other .Speeches). London, 1826. 8vo., pp. 100. A Letter on the Corn Laws. By W. H., to one of his Constituents, in 1824. London, 1826. 8vo., jip. )(>. Navigation. Speech bv W. H. With Appendix. London, 1826. 8vo., pp. 70. State of the Country. Speech by W. H. London, 1830. 8vo., pp. 44. An Accurate Description of the Liverpool and Man- chester llailway. . . . An Account of the Opening of the Railway. A Short Memoir of the late Right Hon. Wm. Huskisson. and Funeral Procession, ttc. By John Scott Walker. 2nd ed. Lh-eipool, 1830. 8vo., pp.".52. The Speeches of W. II. With Biographical Memoir. London, 1831. 8vo. 3 vols. Portrait. A Biogra])hical Memoir of the Right Hon. William Huskisson, M.P. Derived from Authentic Sources. Lon- don : Printed by ./. C. Cox. 1831. 8vo., i>p. 27.i. Portrait by Fiuflen. after Lawrence. (By .John Wright, Etlitor of ""Hansard.") Copies of a Correspondence with W. Huskisson. &c., on Waste and Abuses in the Military Establishments. . . By J. Vassar. London. 1810. 8vo.. pp. l.'):'). Substance of a Speech. [The Pamphleteer. Vol. II.] [Brougham's Memoirs, KlU. ll>7 ; Mirror. XVIII., 39. See Davenport (E. D.j : ^lartin's Privately Printed Books, 428 ; Fishwick'.s Lanes. Lib., 41, 02. 100 ; Carter (Mr.).] HcTCHiNsos, Rev. George Watson, b. Edgbas- ton, 1783 ; Vicar of Tutbnry, 1812— IC. Obituary. [CA. Obserrer, XVII., 482—88.] HcTCHixsoN, Rev. John. Rector of Astbury ; Canon Residentiary of Lichfield ; Preb. of Longdon, 16th Jan., 1()()3 ; of Tarvin, Lich- field, 2nd Oct., 1(U;2— 1704. Works. In Twelve Volumes. London, 174S. [B. Willis, 4(;7 ; Walcofs Hacket, 152 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 235, 251.] Hdtchinson, Rev. John. *. 21st Sept., 1793 ; M.A., Cam.; P.O. of Blurton and Trcntham, 1817 — 43 ; Incumbent of Blurton, 1843 to death ; Canon Residentiary anil Precentor, Lichfield Cathedral, 1850 to death : reached in the Church at Blurton, on the Sunday next but one after the death of .1 R. H., May 4th, 1844. ■ By her God-father. (Rev, E. .1. Edwards), li.p. pi. or d. .32mo., pp. 22 ( K. Forrester, Printer, Longton.) The Parent, The Pastor, and The .Schoolmaster. . . . Lichfield: Thomas (leorge Ijimax. 1851. 8vo.. pp. 14. A Sermon preached in Lichfield Cathedral at the Trinity Ordination, June 3rd, 1855. Lichjield, 1855. 8to., pp. 14. Parish Recollections, a few Plain Sermons on certain Church Observations, and on some of the Incidents of Thirty-Eight Years' Ministry in the same Church. Lick' field: Thomas George Lomaz. 1855. 12mo., :) leaves, pp. 253. In Memoriam, John Hutchinson. M.A . Trin. Coll., Cam . . . n.p.pl.ord. Signed " E. J. E." {F.Crewe, Printer, Newcastle.) 12mo.. pp. 25. The Choir Leader of Thirty-Seven Years' Standing. A Sermon preached . . . Blurton Church . . . May Kith. 18.58 ... Mr. Thomas Swift. Neuvaslle: F. Crewe, n.d. (1858), 8vo. Hdtchinson, Rev. John Rogers, b. Blurton, 1848 ; 8. of the above ; M.A. Cam. ; Curate of Ch. Ch., Lichfield, 1871 ; of Alsager's Bank, 1873; Vicar of Normacot, 1875 to death; (/. 1892. Limen Sanctorum, or Preparations for the Offices of the H rly Church. Neuxastle : Peake. 1881. 12mo. Hutch ISSON-, Rev. Michael. D.D., Fellow of Trin. Coll., Cam. Rector of Cheadle, 1713; Minis- ter of All Saints, Derby ; Vicar of Packington, Leics., 170(5 ; Preb. of Uassett Parva, Lich- field, Sept., 1 703 — 6 ; of Sandiacre, Aug., 1713—21; of Longdon. 15th Sept., 1721—27 ; of Freeford, 1727 — 30 : hur. at Packington. [Harwood's Lichfield, 22t;. 227, 231, 237, 211',.] Hutchinson, Rev. Sanf'ord William. b. Han- foid, 1853 ; •■-. of Rev. William Hutchinson ; educated at Rossall and Hailevburv Schools ; Mat. New Coll., Ox., 12th Oct., 1872 ; B.A., 1876 ; M.A.. 1879 ; Curate of Stoke, 1877— 79 ; of Talke, 1879— 8G ; of Blurton, 1886. The Archdeaconry of Stoke-on-Trent. Iferby: Bern- rose <<• Sons. 1803. Demy 8vo.. pp. viii., 212. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 722.] Hutchinson, Will. Verses to him bv Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 36. 3304— 332i.] Hutchinson. Rev. William, h. Heavitree, Exeter, 1810 ; «. of Rev. William Hutchinson ; Mat. All Soul's Coll., Ox., 10th June, 1829 ; Bible Clerk. 1828—33 ; B.A.. 1833 ; M.A., 1849 ; Curacies, 1833—50 ; P.C. of Hanford, 1850 —65 ; Vicar of Blurton, 1865 ; Preb. of Cnrb(.roHgh, Lichfield, 1885. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 723.] Hutchinson, Rev. William Antony, b. London, 27th Sept., 1822: of Trin. Coll., Cam.; a convert to Roman Catholicism, 21st Dec, 1845 ; Brother of the Order of the Will of God, at Cotton, 1846 — 49 ; d., London, 12th July, 1863. Whilst at Cotton he assisted Father Faber in the compilation of his Lives of the Saints. [See Faber (Father).] lUTTOX ( -'-^3 ) ILLINCJWOHTH HoTTOx, Laurence. Literary Landmarks of London. London, n.d. (1SS5). 8vo. [Johnson, lob — 71.] HcTTn.v, Rev. Wyiiilham Madden. b. Grantby, Nott-;., 1«31 : "". of Rev. Jolm Hutton ; Mat. 8t. Edmund Hall, Ox., 7th July, 1849 ; Vicar of Plun^ar, Notts., IHCti— 01 : of St. Paul'.?, Tipton, 1801 — fi"J; Kirk-Christ-Lezazc, Isle of Man, 1809—77 ; of Twyfonl, Hungarton, and Thorpe Satchville, 1877 to death ; d. ISth Jan., 1882. Poems bv Members of the University of Oxford. Oxford, ISol. ' 8vo. Gottfried's Pilgrimage. London, 18GS. Berth:i'« Dream. London, 1800. The tTnconquered Island. I^ndon, 1873. Danish Memories. London, 1877. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II., 721.] HuYSMAS, Jacob, I'aiutfr. b. Antwerp, 165G ; d., London, 109(1. Portrait of Izaak Walton. [Xat. Port. Gallery.] Hyde & Crewe. Printers, Newcastle, in suc- cession to VV. H. Hyde. [.5i«« Crewe (F.).J An Alphabetical Copy of Poll taken 29th June, 1841. .Vewcaslle: Printed bi/ Ili/de cj- Crewe. 1841. 4to., pp. i'i. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns from various Writers. XewcaslU: Hyde and Crewe. 1845. Dno., pp. xvii., 4B.5. Rules of Xewcastle-nnder-Lyme Book Society. New- castle : Hyde l\- Crews. 1840. I'imo, pp. 11. Reports of the Staffordshire Agricultural Society. IS43. Reports of the Keele Agricultural Society. Reports of North Staffordshire Infirmarv. Course of Truth. [.See Stone (Rev. \V.).] Natural History of Staffordshire. [See Garner (Dr.).] [See Broad (Rev. J. S.), Butt (Rev. T.).] Hydr, Thomas, D.D. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., i/37. f. 211a, 2r2i!> : 431, 137.] Hype, William Henry, Printer. Partner with, and successor to, J. Smith [«^«] ; Partner with F. Crewe [o'cc Hyde & Crewe and also Crewe (F.)]. An Alphabetical Copy of Poll taken . . . Tues- day and Wednesday in 18.t2 .... Newcastle-under- Lyme: Printed by iV. H. Hyde, High Street. 1832. sm.4to., pp.41. Copy of Register of Voters . . . Borough of New- castle. Xewciulle: tame imprint, n.d. (1832). 8vo., pp. 35. Advice to Sunday Scholars in Rural and Mining Districts. Xeiicaalle: Printed by W. H. Hyde. 18.36. fcp. 8vo., pp. 31. S.acred Records. [See Sadler (J.).] A Correcte 1 Edition of the S|)e€che3 of Sir C. Wethjrell and Mr. Knight at the Bar of the House of Lords ag liust the Corporation Reform Bill ; also the Speejh of Lon;l Lyndhurst . . . 183.5. yewcastle: Printed and Published by W. H. Hyde. 12mo., pp. 82. The Corollary. [.See G.irratt (Rev. Thomas).] Lectures on the Controversy with Rome, delivered in the Parish Church of St. Giles, Newcistle-under-Lyme. .Vewcastle: »'. H. Hyde. 1836. Svo. [Seven Lectures ; separate pagination.] Justification. [.See Leigh (Rev. C.).] Sacrifice of the Mass. [.See Wright (Rev. J.).] True Cause of the Reformation. [.S'eeBowen (Rev. J.).] The Rule of Faith. [See Hissells » Rev. J. S.).] Transubstantiation. [See Clark (Rev. F. F.).] .Idolatry. [.See Kingsmill ( Kev. J.).] Points of Difference. [See Leigh (Rev. C.).] Reply to '• Spectator." [.See Bovven (Rev. J.).] [See Egan (Rev. J.), Garratt (Rev. T.).] Hymenelogia. [.SeeSildon3(H.).] Hrsi.op, Samuel James, b, Newcastle, 2-4th Nov., 1804 ; «. of Alderman Samuel Hyslop ; educated Newcastle Hi^^h .Sch.; Memlier of the Society of Arts ; Banker. A Pa;an of the Past. (Pricately printed.) S. H. is a contributor on Art, Drama, and Poetry to the Daily Papers. I. Ibhestock, Rev. Laurance de. Rector of Bar- well, Leics. ; Dean of Liclifield, 1303 — 7(». [Harwood's Lichfield, 17U.] Rector of Hanbory ; Lichfield, 10th Oct., IiiBOTsox, Rev. Thomas. Preb. of CurboroDgh, 1677—91. [Harwood's Lichfield, 223.] Ibbs, Martha, b. Longton. Obituary. [New Con. May. (1866), 578, 579.] Ibbs, Samuel, h. Staffs., 1704 ; a Draper and Tailor in London and Margate : d. 23rd Nov., 1703. Obituary. [See Cozens (S.).] Ilam. Ash- The Romantic Beauties of Dove Dale and Ham. bourne, 1820. I2mo. Twelve Views in Dove Dale and ILim. From Draivings by Edward Price. With Illustrative Notes. Ashbourne, n.d. (lS4-i). 4to. The Guide to Dove Dale, Dam, &c. 2nd ed. Ash- bourne, ISSO. Svo. The Complete Guide to Dove Dale and Ilam. Ash- bourne, n.d. (1871). 8vo. An -Account of the Three -indent Cros-s Shafts. &c. . . at Ilam. By the Rev. G. F. Browne. With twelve reproductions of photographs and eleven lithographs [in five plates]. London ; O. Belt. 1888. 8vo.. pp. 32 [See Catalogue. Russell (J. W.).] Ilam Hall. [Morris's Seats, I.. 41, 42.] li.ES, Rev. John Hodgson, b. Healing, Lines., 1828 : .*. of John lies, Esq. ; Mat. Lincoln Coll., O.'f., 19th March, 184G ; B.A., i8J0 ; M.A., 1853: Fellow, 18.55— Gl ; Rector of St. Peter's, Wolverhampton, 1800 — 7G ; of Bartoii-under-Needwood, 1876 — 80 ; Vicar of Ch. Ch., Lichfield. IKSd— S3: Preb. of Lich- field, 1^7<^: Archd. of Stafford, 1K70 to death: Canon of Liclifield. ]S77 to death ; bur. Lich- field Cathtdral, 17lh Nov., 1K88. Sermons. Charges. In Memoriam. [See Lomax (A. C. ).] [Rugby Sch. Lists, 246; Foster's Alumni Oxon., 726.] Illisgworth, E. Leek. Life of Pastor Oberlin. [/'. J/. .1/nj. (1871), 207— 14, A Sermon on the Preaching of St. Paul. f/S (187->) 63—72.] "" Obituary of Ann Thomas. [Ch. Sfestenger (lilb), 221.] ILLINGWORTH ( -'-t^ ) INGRAM Illingworth, Rev. James, h. in Lanes.; B.D.; ejected, 1(;02 ; Clij). to P. Foley, of Prest- wood; d. Aus., IG'J;!. A Just Nurvative or Account of a Man whose Legs and .\rms rotted off in the Parish of Kin«j:s\vinford, Staf- fordhhire. ImihIuu, JfJTS. 12mo.. 2 leaves, [ip. 17. [ \Ve>..y(ir/.( 1X11(1), Sfili.iiO? ; NonconformistMemorial.'l Ilslev, Ri.ufht Rev. Edward, h. Stafford, 11th May, 18;W; .«. of Cliarle.? Ilslev; educated Sedgley Park Sch., 1H48— 53 ; "Oscott Coll., 18.-|3— Gl ; Curate of Longtoii, 1801— .\ug., 1873 ; Rector of Olton iSeniinary, near Birni- ingliani, 1873 — H:\ ; Canon of St. Chad's, Birmiiiii-liani, 187G ; created Auxiliary Bi). of Birmingham, 1879 ; Bp. of Birmingham, Feb., 1888 ; Rector of O.scott Coll. Pastorals to Diocese of Birmingham, 188K to date. Svo. Biographical Sketch and Portrait. [BinningftarH Faces and Places, III., 145 — IS.] "Imperial Mao.vzine," 1819 — 29. Notice and Portrait of James Watt [Vol. II.] : James Brindley [Vol. IV.]. Ince, Rev. W., M.A. Praise a necessary part of Divine Worship. Walsall: J. R. Robinson, n.d. (1SG3). l'2mo., pp. Hi. Ingamells, Jeremiah. /). March, Camhs.. 1835 ; Reporter on staff of Stafforilnhirc Arlvfrt/ser, since 1859 ; resided at Newcastle, 1859 — 80, and in Ilanley from 1880. Directory of Newcastle-under-Lyme, with Historical Records of the Ancient Borough. Newcastle : J). Dilicorth. 1871. Cr. 8vo.. pp. vii., 112. 2nii ed.. ISSO. Compiled Plant's History of Cheadle. [See Plant (R.).] Inge, Rev. Charles, b. Langley, Warws., 17(51 ; .«. of Rev. Preb. Inge; Mat. Ch. Ch., 0.\., 7th April, 1778 ; B.A., 1781 ; M.A., 1784 ; Rector of Newton, Warws., and Vicar of Rugeley, 1784 to death ; d. 4tli Oct., 1833. [Shaw, I., 409 ; Foster's Alumni O.xon., II., 727.] Inge Family. [Shaw, I., 4(11',— 408 ; Pedigree, 409.] Inge, Rev. Francis George. h. Ravenstone, Warws. ; s. of Rev. Charles Inge ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 13th June. 1859 ; "B.A., 1864; M.A., 18G6 ; Assistant Master of Charter- house Sell., 1864, 1865: Curacies, 1865—81 ; Vicar of Elmton, Derbys., 1881—84 ; of Bas- wicli-iy.- Walton, 1884. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 727.] Inge, Rev. George, b. Thorpe, 180(1 ; s. of William Inge : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 8th May, 1818 ; B.A., 1821 ; Fellow, All Souls' Coll., 1822—80; M.A., 1826; Rector of Thorpe, 1824 to death ; d. 1st Aug., 1881. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 727.] /-. 23rd July, 1686 ; of Inge, Rev. Richard. Nether Scale, Leics. [Shaw, I., 409.] Inge, Theodore William, b. Thorpe, 1711 ; .'. of William In.ge, Esq. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 22nd May, 1729 ; of Thorpe Constantine ; High Sheriff of Staffs., 1738; d. 1753. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 727.] Inge, William. /). 1G48 ; High Sheriff of Staffs., I(i84 : ?«. Frances, (/n/(. of Sir Thomas Gresley, Bart. : bur. Thorpe, 4th Nov., 1690. Left several folio vols, of MS. Notes, &c., relating to Staffordshire. Leicestershire, Warwickshire, and Worcester- shire. [Shaw, I., 406, 407.] Inge, Rev. William. A. 1722; Rector of Thorpe, 1758 ; Rector of Brereton, Ciieshire ; Preb. of Gaia Minor, 18th Nov., 1780 — 1802; Canon Residentiary of Lielitidd, 1798 to death ; m. Elizabeth, dnu. of liichanl Fowler, of Pendeford : d., Shenstone, 23rd April, 1803. [Shaw, I., 40.S. 4119 ; Harivood's Lichfield, 222. 234 ; Ch. Obseri-er,\-L,V.W.] Inge, William. A. Thorpe, 1737 ; ,«. of Theodore William Inge : Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 25th Oct., 1754 ; J. P., Staffs. : Iligli Sheriff, 1767 : Chairman of Quarter Sessions till death ; bur. Thorpe, 19th Feb., 1785. [Shaw, L, 409 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 727.] Inge, Rev. William, b. Tettenhall, 1757 ; «. of Rev. William Inge ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 23rd March, 1774; li.A., 1777 ; M.A., 1780 ; d. 7th Oct., 1832. [Foster's .\lumni Oxon., II., 727.] Inge, William, h. Thorpe, 1799 ; .«. of William Philip Inge ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 6th Nov., 1816; of Thorpe; Lieut.-Col. ; (/. 3rd March, 1870. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 727.] Inge, Rev. William, b. Ravenstone, Leics., 1830 ; Mat. Wor. Coll., Ox., 2nd June, 1842 ; Scholar, 1849—54 ; B.A., 1853 ; Fellow, 1854—59 ; M.A., 1856 ; Examining Chp. to Bp. of Lich- field, 1880 ; Vicar of Alrewas, 1875—81 ; Provost of Wore. Coll., 1881. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 727.] Inge, William Philip, b. Thorpe, 1774 ; «. of William Inge, Esq. ; Mat. Cb. Ch., Ox., 7tli Feb., 1792 ; of Thorpe : High Sheriff of Staffs., 1807 ; d. 5th Feb., 1858. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 727.] Ingestrb. Plan of the Parisli of Ingestre. Southampton, 1879. Monuments. [Bodl. Lib., 853, 20.] Ingestre, Viscount. Meliora ; or, Better Times to Come. Edited by V. I. 2nd ed., revised. London, 1853. 8vo., pp. xvi., 287. 2nd Series, 1853. 8vo., pp. vii., 255. Ingleby, Rev. Charles, b. Birmingham, 1822 ; s. of John Toinlinson Ingleby, M.D. ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., Gth Feb., 1840 ; B.A., 1844; M.A., 1846; Curate of EUastone ; d. 11th June, 1873. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 728 ; Rugby Sch. Reg.] Ingram, Rev. Arthur Foley Winnington. /;. Stanford, 1858 ; .«. nf Rev. Edward Winning- ton Ingram ; Mat. Keble Coll., Ox., 15th Oct., 1877 ; Scholar, 1877—81 : B.A., 1881 ; M.A., 1885 ; Private Chp. to Bp. of Lichfield, 1885 ; INMAN ( -'« ) JACKSON Head of the Oxford House, Betlmal Green. London, 1889 to date. The Bands of Love. Lichfield: A. C. Lonuix. JSSO. Cr. 8vo., pi>. 12. Olil Testament DiBiciilties. 1S91. New Testament Difficulties. 1S93. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 728.] Inman, George, b. Wolverlianipton, 1778: s. of John Inman ; Mat. Pembroke Coll., O.K., 11th April, 1706 ; B.A.. 1800 ; M.A., 1805. [Fo.»tei-'s Aliimni Oxon., II., 729.] "Inquisites." Stoke, 1828. Inquiries by "luquisites." [Xew Con. May. (1828J, 118, U'.l.] InSKII'P, J. Pike Pool in Bere.sford Dale. [.Mirror, XXI., 223.] Insula, Peter de. Arclul. .if Coventrv, 1291)— 1315. [Harwood's Lichfield, 207.] Ipstone Family. [Her. et Geii., VI.] Ipstones. Plan of the Parish of Ipstones. Southampton, 1881. Ireland, William, S.J. b. Lines., 1036 ; re- lated tij the Giffards, Pendrells, and Iron- mongers of Staffs.; tlie latter name ho adopted as liiri alias ; edueated at St. Onier ; joined S.J. at Watten, 7th Sept., 1655 ; on Enslish Mission, Jan., 1677 ; arrested for complicity in Gates' Plot, 28th Sept., 1678; tried at Old Bailey. 17th Dee., 1678 ; executed 24th Jan., 1679. Left MS. Journal accountinf^ for every day he was indicted, from August itrd to September 14th, 1078, during which period he appears to have visited his relations and others at Tixall, Wolverhampton, Boscobel, &c, Irish Arch.isolgoical Society. Macariic Excidum. Bv Colonel C. 0. Kellv. Edited by J. C. O'Callaghan. 1850. 4to., pp. xix., .")4(1. '[Statirs.:— Earl Castlehaven, 178— 82; Lord Dartmouth (l(i82). ;!il2 ; Earl of Essex, 240, 269 : Lord Deputy Mouutjov ; Colonel Lord Mouutjoy, 297, 397 ; Sir R. Peel, 17i;.] Iron Ohks of Great Britain. London: Lonr/ma II. 1838. Hoy. 8vo. Three P.arts. [Part II.:— Staffs.] Ironmonger, Moses. Rope Manufacturer. Wol- verhampton ; an Alilcrmun ; Mayor, 1857 — 58, 1868— GO. Notice and Portrait. [.Tones's Mayors of Wolver- hampton.] Irvine, Rev. Alexander Camiiboll. /;. Bute, 1825 ; .«. of Alexander Irvine, Esip, Deputy Lieutenant of Buteshire ; Mat. Exeter ('oil.. Ox., 21at March, 1841 ; Balliol Coll. S.C.L., 1848 ; B.A., 1840 ; M.A.. 1850; Head Mas- ter, Walsall Gr. Sch., 1858—81 ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Warwick. 1881. The Blessed Dead. A Sermon ])reached ... on Sunday, Aug. 9th, 18l!3, the Sunday after the Funeral of the Rev. C. Dunn, B.D., seventeen years Incumlicnt of St. Peter's. Walsall: J. H. liobinso'n. n.d. (1863). 8vo., pp. 14. Sermons. Isaac, Rev. Charles Powys. b. Boughton, Warws., 1830 ; #. of Elias Isaac, Esq.; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 22nd March, 1849 ; B.A., 1852 ; M.A., 1856 : Vicar of Boningale, 1857. [Foster's .\lumni Oxon., IL, 732.] IsLip, Right Rev. Siinun de. LL.D. Canon of St. Paul's ; Dean of the Arches ; Keeper of Privy Seal to Eiiward III.; Preb. of Ryton, Lichfield, 17th April. 1347—50 ; Archbp. of Canterbury, 1349 to death ; (1. 26th April, 1366. Founded and endowed Canterbury Coll., Ox., circa 1363. Speculum Regis Edwardii 3 tii. [Harl. JISS.] [Harwood's Lichfield, 240.] IVIMEV, Joseph. Jolm Milton, his Life and Times. With an Appendix containing Animadversions upon Dr. Johnson's Life of Milton. A'c. London, 1833. 8vo. IzoN, Rev. William York Seymour, b. West Brorawich, 1832 ; .«. of John York Izon, Esq.; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 5th Feb.. 1850 ; B.A., 1853 ; Curacies, 1856—72 ; il. 8th Feb., 1874. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 7.33.] " J." Hanley. Fragment. A Poem. By "J."'. [The Beacon, IX'\ "J.. T.," WiUenhall. Obituary of James Carpenter. ♦ By " T. J." [See Carpenter (.T.).] Obituary of Henry Laurence. By " T. J." [See Laurence (H.)]. Jackson, Rev. Andrew. Address as President of Conference at Hanlev. [Xew Con. Mag. (1819), 34—38.] Jackson, Mrs. Ann. b. Etrnria ; (/. 3rd Jan., 1824. Obituary. [.SVe Sumner (Edw.)] Jackson, Rev. Arthur Gregory. Lichfield Theo. Coll.; Chp. Redhill. The Hive of Bees. .V Half-Yearlv Chronicle of the Farm School, Redhill. No, I., 188;i. " Cr. 4to., pp. 12. \V Henry Robinson. Printer, Wahall. Jackson, Rev. Edward. JI.A. ; Preb. of Gaia Minor, 23rd Oct., 1733 — 58. [Harwood's Lichfield, 234.] Jackson, Edward Peter, b. 1 794 : Schoolmaster at .Vlilridse as assistant to Rev. Joseph Shiitt up to 1819 : Master of Endawed Sch., 1819— 62, when he retired on a pension of .£60 ; m. Anne, ilaii. of Rev. Joseph Shutt ; d. 1869 ; bur. Aldridge, 24th Sept., in that year. [Notes and Collections on Aldridge, pt. I., 55, 70.] JACKSON (246) JACKSON Jackson, Edward Steane. M.A. ; F.G.S. ; 2ud Master of Tetteuhall Proprietary Sch. The Cabinet of the Earth Unlocked. London : Jack- ion, Wal/ord, .y Uodder. 1S67. 8vo. Jackson, Rev. Elijah, b. Hanley, 1H39 : Primi- tive Metliodi.sl ^Minister since 1864 : (/. 12tii Dec, 18K1. Obituary. Bv P. Coates. [P. M. Mag. (I». Hansacre, March, 1799; Wesleyau Mini.ster from 1823; d., Bridlington, 20th June, 1S41. Memoir. By Rev. Robert H. Hare. [ lIV.i. .\fag. (1841), 841 — l.i.] Jackson, Thomas, b. Walsall. Narrative of the eventful Life of T J , Late Sergeant in the Colilstream Guards : details of his Military Career during Twelve Years of the French Wars, describ- ing his perils by sea and land, his manv hairbreadth Es- capes from Death, cic, ic. Written by itiniself. Birmiug- ham : Josiah Alien ly Son, Printers, 3, Col more Hon: lSo7. 12mo., pp. viii., 164. J Jackson, Rev. Thomas. b. Newcastle, 18th Jan., 1811 ; Primitive Methodist Minister since 1832; Secretary to Conference, 1866; Superannuated, 1876 ; '/., Camden Town, 8th Feb., 1879. Obituary of Maria Jackson. [P. M. Mai/. (1825), Xi'.i —64. 402— 4b!t.] Portrait. Bv J. Hooker. [P. M. Mar/. (1858), 1.] Obituary. By R. C. Connell. [/'. M. Min. (1879), 8, 9.] Ditto. [See Wright (John).] Jackson, Rev. Thomas. Life of Rev. Robert Xenton. D.D. London, 1855. [Stalfordshire :— Wolverhampton. 107 ; Lichfield, 107, HI: Bnrsleni. Ill: Burton, 107 ; Wednesbury, III; Walsall, 251; Stafliirdshire, 250; Rev. J. Rilis. 109; Johnson, 285 ; Rev. John Chettle, .'J02 : Rev. Isa;ic Keeling, 315; Letter of Dr. Newton, d:ited "Burton, .lOth Sept., 1851," 324, 325.] Jackson, Tliomas Vincent, b. Russell .Square, London : .<. of John Jackson, Esq. : educated King's Coll., London ; Mat. Univ. Coll., O.K.; M. R.C.S., Eng., 1857; L.S.A., 1858; F.R.C.S., Edin., 1883 ; President and Mem- ber of Staffs. Branch of Brit. Med. Associa- tion ; Member Univ. Coll. Med. Soc; F. H. Med. and Chirurgieul Soc, Lond. ; F. Brit. Gynwcol Soc. ; Senior Surgeon Wolverhamp- ton anil Staffs. General Hospital ; J. P., Staffs, and Borough of Wolverhampton. Employment of Gradual Dilating Metallic Sounds in Stricture of the Urethra. London, 18G2. 8vo. Antiseptic Irrigation of the Knee Joint. Iliac, or So-cUled Ingumiil Colotomy. St;itistics of Perineal, Lateral, and Median Lithotomy. Sarcoma of the Urinary Bladder. The Medical Profession and Public Life. L;iceration of the Diajjhragm. [Med. Times tf Gazette (1857).] Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra. [Brit. Med. Jour. (1861).] Amputation of Right Arm at Shoulder, with Excision of Scapula, [ft. (1869).] Biographical Notice. [Pror. Med. Jour. (Mav 1893).] JACKSON ( -'17 ) JEFFCOCK Jackson, William, of Lichfield. Be uities of Nature. Lichfieid, 1700. Xvo., pp. 288. Jackson, Rev. William Edward, h. Aldrid^e (bapt. 14th Aug.), 1822 ; n. of Edward Peter Jackson, Schoolniaster, and Anne (dau. of Bev. Joseph Shutt, of Coppin Hall, Aldridge), his wife; B.A., Trin. Coll., Dul.lin, 1852; Curacies, IH.jS — 58 ; Vicar of Jjilburuc, near Huu'bv, 1H5X— 72 ; Bedford Cha])i-1. Exeter, 1872 — 74 : of Newton-in-Cleveland, Yorks., 1.S74. [Notes and Collections on Aldridge, pt. I., m : Crock- ford.] Jacksos, William Frederick Marsh, h. Cum- berland, 19th July, 1S42 ; s. of Rev. W. Jackson, M.A., Vicar of Adbaston ; educated Rossall Sch. ; Queen's Coll., Birmintjliam ; M.U.C.S., Eng., 1HG8 ; L.R.C.F. and L.il., 1888 ; ilenilier Brit. Med. Association, Harleian, William Salt Archajol., Yorks. Topographical, and Lanes, and Cheshire Record Societies ; Medical Officer of Hi-alth, Brierley Hill, 1881 ; m. Catlierine. r/uii. of Rev. Anthony Ely, Vicar of Whittington, Gloucs. Remarks on Health. JS80. Notes on Post Partem Hoemorrhage. [Brit. Med. Jour. (1874). JIammany Abscess in Infants. [/A.] Danjfer Attending tlie Administration of Chian Tur- pentine. [/6. (1880).] Numerous contributions to Xotes ij- Qiteries. Jackson, Rev. William Henry. /'. Tutlmry : .«. of Henry Jackson, Esq. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., O.X., 15th June, 18415; Scholar. 184(5— 48 ; B.A., 1H47 ; M.A., 1851 ; Vicar of Chester- ton. 1850 — 75 ; Rector of Thorpe-Arch, Yorks., 1875. In Memoriam : F. K. A Sermon . . . March 24th, 18tj7. Kindly permitted to be printed for distribution amongst a few friends, n.p.. pi., or d. Svo. (Printed by Allbut i.f iJauiel, Uanley.) [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 738.] Jacob, A. Captain R.N. Notes on California. Watsall : 11'. Henry Robinson. 1885. 12mo., pp. 1«. Jacoh, Alexander. h. Staffs., 17:^2 ; s. of Alexander Jacob ; Mat. Merlon Coll., Ox., 25th March, 1751. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., U., 738.] Jamks, Edw.ird. h. Walsall. 17H1 ; Mat. St. Edmund Hall, Ox., l;5th Oct.. 1802. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 740.] James, John. h. Hampshire ; Sizar Trin. Coll.. Cam., 4th Oct., 15(54 ; Scholar and B. A., 1568 ; Fellow ; M.A., 1571 : also M.A. of Leyden ; adni. Candidate of Coll. of Physicians, 2nd June, 158:^: Fellow, 2:5rd Nov., 1585; Censor, 1588, 1591, 1594 ; M.P. for Newcastle, 19th Feb., 1593, on the nomination of Robert, Earl of Essex ; Physician to Queen Elizabeth's Household, 4th Nov., 1595. [Ingamel's Newcastle ; Ellis's Letters. 93 : Munfc's Roll Coll. of Physicians, I., .88 ; Devereux's Devereuxs, Earls of Essex, I., 280 ; Murdin's Sta. Pa.. 807 : Rvmer, XVI., 283: Whitney's Emblems. 212: Willis's Notitia, Pari. 111. (2), 100, 1.33; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., U., 178.] James, Rev. John Angell. Congregational Minister at Birmingham, 1785 — 1859. Christian Actirity. \ Sermon preached in Queen Street Meeting House, WoUerhampton. . . . Dec. 27th, 1814. Birminyham : Printed by Thomas Knott. Jan., fliyh .S(ree/. T. .Simpson, Wolverhampton; and A. Morgan, Utafford. 1815. Hvo., pp. 24. Spaech at Bible .Society Meeting at Wolverhampton. 1815. [Report, same date, pp. 30 — 33.] James, Ralph. Baptist Minister, North Willing- ton, Leics. [S«Rudyard (Thomas).] James, Robert, b. Shenstone (Kinver), 1705 ; «. of Edward James, Esq. ; educated Lich- field Gr. Sch.; Mat. St. John's Coll., 10th Oct., 1722 ; B.A., 1726 ; created M.D..Cam., 1728 ; practiced Medicine in Sheffield, Lich- field, and Birmingham; L.R.C.P. ; //. 2:3rd March, 1776 ; invented James's Fever Powder. A New Method of Preventing and Curing Madness caused by the bite of a mad dog. London. 1741. 4to. A Treatise on the Gout and Rheumatism. London, 1745. 8vo. The Modern Practice of Physic. Two Volumes. London, 1745. Svo. Treatise on Canine Medicines. London, 1760. 8vo. A Medicinal Dictionary .... London, 1743 — 75. fol., 3 vols. Ded to Dr. Mead, pp. iv. Preface, by Dr. Johnson, xcix. B— llK in twos. Plates by .T. Basin, xxxv. Explication of same. IlL — Ux, (II.) A — .3s in twos! (III.) A* — +K in twos. Plates, xxxri. — Ixii. Translated into French by Diderot, Eidous, and Tonssaint. Paris, 174B — I 48. « vols., fol. I A Dissertation on Fevers and Inflammatory Distempers. London: Printed by J. Newbery. 1748. 8vo.," pp. 50. 2nd ed.,1740: 4th ed., 1750 : 5th ed.. 27^2; 7th ed., 2770 : 8th ed., 277«. Pharm/., Bath, 21st Nov., 1876. Obituary. [Wes, Minutes (1877), 20, 21.] James, Thomas. Printer, Rugeley. [See Atkinson (Rev. T. D.).] James, Walter. Surgeon, West Bromwich. The Employment of Internal Pess in Uterine Hceniorrhage [Lancet (1827), 799, 800]; Case of Viper Bite [lA. (1831), 294, 295]. Jassos, Simon. s. of Sebastian Jasson. of Burton (6th Nov., 1610). Arms cxch. at Lichf., .30th March. lCiJ3. [Bodl. Lib., S5S, f. 1181.] Jkffcock, Rev. John Thomas, b. Cowley Manor, Yorks., 1st Feb., 1834 ; .■••. of John Jeffcock, Esq., J. P. ; educated Sheffield Collegiate Sch. ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., May, 1858 ; JEFFREYS (24K) JERNYNGHAM B.A. of Oriel Coll., Ox., 1854 ; M.A., 1859 ; F.S.A. ; P.O. of St. Saviour's, Hoxton, 1862 07 ; Vicar of Wolstaiiton, 1807 — 77 ; Rector of St. Peter's Collegiate Cli., Wolver- hampton, 1877 ; R.D. of Wolverhampton, 1882 ; Proctor to Convocation, 1885 ; Preh. of Dassett Parva, Lichfield, 18',t0 : m. Alicia Ann, ciciu. of Rev. Canon Everard, of Swaff- hani, Norf. Where are our Young Men? SheJ/ieUl: G. Peurce. 1852. 8vo. A Short Historical Account of Ecclesfield Church, Yorks. Oxford: Parker. 1850. Svo. The Swaffham Tracts (10 in number). Swa£ham: B. Oooch. ISGO-Gl. ^ , Parkin .Telfcock, Civil and Mining Engineer. A Memoir by his Brother. London, 1867. Cr. 8vo., pp. ix., 129. 2n(l erl., mwe year. Sermons in Town and Country. London : Bemrose ij- Sons. IHGl. 8vo., pp. HI. , ^, . . t -i. . The Temperance Movement and Ohristian liiberty. Burslem : Warwick Saraffe. 1868. Svo. A Middle Class and other Sermons. London : Bemrose ,J- Sons. 1881. 12mo., pp. 203. Edited— Steen's Guide to Wolverhampton. 1884. Svo. [P. ^f. Mag. {18(i8), 58—00 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 745. See Lees (F. R.).] Jeffreys, Rev. John. Preb. of Ryton, Lich- field, 1780—93 ; Archd. of Sudbury. [Harwood's Lichfield, r!45.] Jeffreys, Rev. William. Vicar of Sheriffhales ; Preb. of Offley, 1627—30; Archd. of Salop, 1028 to death ; Chancellor of Lichfield, 1630 to death ; d. before the Restoration. [Harwood's Lichfield, 199, 216, 238.] Jelf, a. R., M.A., Q.C. Our Jury System . . . North Staffordshire Law Society. Burslem : Griffiths, n.d. (1800)- Cr. 8vo., pp. 15. Jelf, Edward, h. Lichfield, 1852; «. of Rev. William Edward Jelf ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 14th Oct., 1870. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., II., 741:;.] Jelf. Louis William, i. Lichfield, 1854 ; brother of the above ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 23rd May, 1872. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 740.] Jelf, Rev. William Edward, D.D. The Substance of a Speech intended to h.ive been delivered at tlie Meeting lield in Aid of tlie Establishment of Middle Class Schools in connection with Dcustone, on Monday, Feb. 23rd, 1874 . . . London (Lichjield: F. W. Meacham, St. Mary's Square), 1874. 8vo., pp. 16. Jenings. Jenings AVills and Administrations at Lichfield, Eng- land. 1550-57, all tending to show who are Heirs to the hate William .Icnnings, of Acton Place, County of Suffolk, England. Also Jennens, Jennins, Jennings, &c.. from the Registers at Birmingham, Aston, Harbome, Walsall, Dar- laston, and Wednesbury, from 1560 to 1800. London, n.d. (1870). 8vo., pp. 17. The Jennens' Case. Statement of Facts, ic. (1870.) 8vo., pp. 21. Jenkins, Sir Lcoline. Ambassador at Numeguen. Letters to Ashmole (20th Dec, 1677, and 25th March, 1678) and Copy of Answers to same [Bodl. Lib., 1131, f. 323—246, 22o«6, 326a6, 327A.] Jenks, Thomas Henry, b. Penn, 1808 ; «. of William Jenks ; Mat. as a Non-Coil., Ox., 20th .Jan.. 1883. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. 11., 716.] Jennings. Artlinr Richard, b. licainhiri^t Hall, Uttoxcter. 1851) ; .v. of W. (ji. W. N. .leniiigs. Esc).; of Trill. Coll., Cam.; LL.I}.: Student. Lincoln's Inn, 0th Nov., 18H0 ; Barrister-at- Law, 7th May. 1884. [Foster's Men at the Bar, 213,] Jennings, Edward Alivey. b. London. 18th Oct.. 1855 ; .s. of Edward !>. Jennings. Solici- tor, of Burton ; educated Burton Sell.; Win- chester Coll.; B.A., Clare Coll., Cam.. 1878 ; Student, Inner Temple, 11th Jan.. 1877; Barrister-at-Law, 21st April, 18SU ; at the Chancery Bar and on Oxford Circuit. [Foster's Men at the Bar, 243.] Jennyns, .lohn, Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., 855, 75.] Jebnyngham, Hon. Edward Stafford. /;. Cossey Hall, Norwich. 4tli Aug.. 1804 ; .«. of Sir G. W. S. Jernyngliam, Bart. ; educated Oscott Coll., 1814 ; in Dragoon Guards ; m., 10th June, 1824, Marianne, dtiii. of Jolin Smythe, Esq.; d., Carlton Villas, Maida Vale, 22nd July, 1849, aged 44. Funeral Discourse. [See Husenbeth (Ilev. F. C.).] Prefixed is a Biograjiliical Notice. [Gillow's Catholic Biblio., III., 028, 629 ; Oscotian, N.S.. IV., 248 ; Weekli/ Re-. of the H.jn. E. S. Parker- Jervis ; I Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 13th Oct., 1871. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 752.] Jervis, William, M.A. Preb. of Ulverton, 15tli Sept., 1727 — 29. [Harwood's Lichfield, 240.] Jervis, Hon. William Monk. b. London [Fos- ter says Meaford], 25tli Jan., 1X27 ; s. of Hon. William .Jervis ; educated Eton : Trin. Coll., Ox., 1852 ; B.C.L. : Captain. 3rd Staffs. Militia, 187u — 76 : had warrant for precedence as son of a Viscount, 13th Feb., 1«00 ; J. P., and Deputy Lieutenant, Derbys. ; Student, Liner Temple, 7th Nov., 1849 ; Barristcr-at- Law, June, 1853. [Foster's Men at the Bar. -244.] Jesse, Edward. Scenes and Occupations of a Countrv Life. London, 1853. fcp. Svo., pp. X., 327. [Staffs.:— .Swilcar Oak, 41, woodcut ; Needwood Forest, 13, 14 ; Rycote. 38 ; Blyth- field, Lord Bagot, and Beggar's Oak, 40 : Izaak Wafton, llli— 21.] Jesse, Heneage. b. West Bromwich, 1809 [Dirt. Nat. Biog. says LSI 5] : .*. of Edward Jesse; Mat. Braseiiose Coll., Ox., 31st Oct., 1827 ; in Admiralty Office ; d. 1874. Life and Times of Richard III. London. Numerous other Works. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 753.] Jesse, Rev. William, h. 1738; M.A.; Minister and Lecturer of West Broniwiili, I7i)0 to death ; d. Jan., 1815 ; bur. 0th Jan. The Importance of Eduration. A Discourse preached at Bewdley Chapel, March. 1785. With . . . letter to Thomas Bntterworth Bayley, Esq., of Hope near Man- chester, A-c. . . . Kidderminster, n.d. 8vo., pp. 31. On the Scripture : Being a View of the Truth and Importance of the Holv Scri])ture. London. 1700. 8vo. Obituarv. [Cli. O'bsrrrer, XIV., 417 — 1S>.] [Willett's West Bromwich.] Jksse, Rev. William, b. Hutton, Yoiks., 1778 ; s. of Rev. William Jesse, ALA. : JIat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 28th Jan., 1795; B.A., 1798; Curate to his father until his death : Vicar of Pelsall, 1811—27: of Margarefting. Essex, 1827 to death : d. 5tli June, 185S. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 753.] Jesson, Rev. Cornelius. b. Wolverhampton, 1726 ; .■■■. of Rev. Cornelius Jesson (Vicar of Trysull : bur. 18th Nov., 1756) and JIarv, his wife : Mat. Ballinl Coll., Ox., Kith March, 1743: B.A., 1740; ALA., 1750; of Bre- wood ; bur. 22nd Jan., 1778. [Foster's .\lunini Oxon., II., 753.] Jesson Family. Pedigree. [No. 7, Willett's West Bromwich ] JESSON ( 2r.o ) JOHNSON Jbssox, Richard, h. West Bromwich, l:'.th Nov.. 1K04; «. of Thomas Je.-sou, of Charlcsinont Hall, West Bnnnwich ; Mat. 18th Oct., 1«2-'. [Foster's .'Vhiniiii Ox.m., II., 7i).^.] Jessoi', FraiH'is .lohiisoi). Rhyming Notes of a Tour in North Derbyshire (Aug. lUth, 1S41). [Contains an E.\cursiou to Dovedale.J Jevon, Daniel and Thomas. Exemplification of Arms of D. ami '1". .levon, of Sedglev, by W. Rvley, Norroy (lOth Jan., Ki.il). [Bodl. Lib., S5S, in, f. I.i^.] Jevons Family. [Mhc. Her. el Gen., N.S., IV., ;i81, .18.5,] Jevoss, Henry Hamoii. b. Willpnhall, IStlT ; s. of Henry" Jevons ; ]Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 18th Oct., 188G. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 75:).] Jevoxs, Thomas. b. Staffs., 1791 ; d., Pisa, 1855. Remarks on Criminal Law . . . Lantloii pool printed), 1S34. pp. iv.. 111. Remarks on tlie Corn Laws. Liverpool, 1S40. [Sutton's Lanes. Authors, Ija.] Jevons, Rev. William, b. Staffs., 1794 tarian IVIiiiister ; d., Liverpool, 1873. Religious Reading recommended as an Instrumental Duty. A Sermon preiched in the Unitarian Chajiel, Mosley Street, Manchester .... J.-inuiiry 2nd, 1817. Manchester, u.d. 8vo., pp. 21. Svstem;itie Morality. 1S27. A Populiir Introduction to Astronomy. Stol-e-on- Treiil ( Wortlei/ printed), Ifiol. 8vo., pp. 22C. The Book of Common Prayer Examined. Jiamst/ate, 1872 The Claims of Christianity to the Character of Divine Eevelation [Scott's Publications on Behalf of Free In- quiry, \c.. Vol. IV. (18711). 8vo., pp. .i:i]; The Prayer Book adapted to the Age [ih., pp. 2ti] ; The Book of Com- mon Prayer Examined in the Light of the Present Age [ib. (187-2) (2 parts), pp. (L) viii., oij, (II.) viii., a.")]. [Sutton's Lanes. Authors, (13. ] Jewitt, Rev. Arthur G. Wesleyan Minister, 181G— 28 : il. 17th Nov., 1828. The Christian Watchman. A Sermon preached in the Weslevan Chapel, Bilston, 25th Sept., 18211. Bilston. n.d. (1S26J. 8vo.. pp. 38. An Examination of the Rev. Thomas Tysan s Pamphlet, entitled '• Via Divecta," with a few Remarks on the Rev. J. A. Mason's " Shaver." Bilston, 1827. 12mo., pp. 115. Justifying Faith. M'olrerhampton, 1827. 8vo. The Christian Comforter. A Sermon. [ Wes. Mag. (182il), 2211— 2'.l, 2'.m— yuil.] (Lii-er- 8vo. : Uni- Jewitt, Llewellyn, F.S.A. b. Kimberworth, Yorks., 24tli Xov., 181(i ; ^. of Arthur Jewitt and Martha Sheldon, his wife ; Editor of the Reliquarii to death ; '/., Duffield, Derbys., 4th March, i886. The Wedgwoods. Being a Life of Josiah Wedgwood .... Memoirs of the Wedgwood and other Families, and a History of the Early Potters of Staffordshire. Lon- don: Virtue. 18G5. 8vo.", pp. xx., 4,15, with 115 illustra- tions. Guide to Alton Towers and surrounding District, Edinburgh : A. ij- C. Blade. ISGO. 8vo., pp. 78. History of the Ceramic Art . . . Two Volumes. London: Virtue and Co. 1S78. 8vo., pp. (I.) xiii.. .531, (11.) viii., 5ii9. [Staffs. Potteries— II., 1B7 — 134, and in- numerable other references, mostly details under proper heads in the work.] Description of the Ojiening of a Mound at Hollins- clouo-h . . . [Tie/iy., lU.. IGl- 63] ; Notice of Josiah Wedgwood [V.. 244: see Billinge (W.)] ; Note on Cinerary Crn from Stone [VI., M) ; Biographical Notice of T. (J. Lomax [.XIII.. 2471 ; Note on Uravestones at Wolstanton and Burslem [XIV.. 1»2] ; St. Chad's Gospel at Lichlii-ld [.WII.. 12',iJ ; Notice of John Hewitt [XVIII.. 228— :tli] ; The Mace and Corporation Insignia of the Borough of Stafford [XX.. 1 13—15] : of Tamworth, Burslem. Hanley. A-c. [XXI., lill] ; The First Vase made at Etruria [XXIL, 2(18]. Jewshury, Joseph, of Kinver. [Biblio. Cornub., II., 700.] JOBERNS, Rev. Charles Henry. b. Ryde, Isle of Wight. 183(5 : Mat. St. John's Coll., O.K., 6th Dec, 1854; B.A., 18G2; M.A., 1805; Warden, St. George's Home, Capetown, and Clip, to lip. of Capetown, 1874—77 : Vicar of Ch. Ch.. West Bromwich, 1883—91 ; Rec- tor of St. Stephen's, Bristol, 1891. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 7.54.] JoHNES, Rev. John Horatio. b. Llainvnog, Montgomeryshire, 3rd Dec, 1848; Student, Independent Coll., Manchester, Jan., 18(;9 — 74 ; Mat. Univ. of London, 1870 ; Pastor at Caroline Street Chapel, Longton, Jan., 1874 — 85 ; Secretary to North Staffs. Congregational Union, 1878; vi., 1874, Amelia Roberts, of Machynlleth ; (/. 5th Sept., 1887 ; bur. Has- lingden. Fragments of Music. I/anle;/: Allbiit if- Daniel. 1883. 8 TO. Tunes in Welsh Congregational Tune Book. Editor of Oratorio, ic, by Rev. E. Stephen, of Tany- marian, Wales. Obituary. [Congregational Year Book (1890), 154 — 56.] Johnson, Alfred E. Science Teacher at the Wolverhampton Free Lib. Educational Classes ; A.R.C.Sc.L; F.LC; F.C.S. The Analyst's Laboratory Companion . . London : Churchill. ISGS. \ Johnson (Jonson), Ben, Poet. I Hymencei ; or, The Solemnities of M.asque and Bar- riers magnificiently performed on the eleventh and twelveth night from Christmas at Court, to the auspicious celebrating of the marriage union between Robert, Earle of Essex, and Lady Frances, second daughter of the Most Noble the Earle of Suffolk. 1606. London, lOOG. 4to. JoHNSox, Edwin. /'. Longnor, 1840 ; s. of William Johnson : educated Longnor Day Sch.; Q.C., Brit. Columbia; Revising Bar- rister of Canada ; Stipendiary Magistr.ate of Brit. Columbia ; Police Magistrate of Victoria, Brit. Columbia ; /n. dau. of S. Tatton, Esq., of Leek. Edited — Statutes of British Columbia up to and in- cluding the year 1888, and Gonsolidated by Authority. Vol. I., Consolidated Acts. Victoria, 1888. Roy. 8vo., ' pp. 9U0. Vol. II., Unconsolidated Acts. Same imprint. Roy. 8yo., pp. 555. " Rerised — Byelaws of the City of Vict6ria, B.C. 1880. I Johnson, Henry. M.N. Eng. Inst., 18G1— 68 ; I of Dudley. The Green Rock and Basalt of South Staffordshire [Trans, of' Man. Ceoloi/icnl Soc. VII.] ; on the Geology of the South Staffordshire Coalfields [Jour. Iron and Steel Inst. (1874), 1—11]. j Johnson, Rev. John. A. Linton-on-Ouse, Yorks., i educated Douay Coll.. 8th Dec, 1G78 ; Con- JOIIXSON (251 ) JOHNSON fessor there for some years ; Chp. at Chilling- ton for many years before 1718 ; to Mr. Giffard, at Longbircli, 1718 to death ; left £200 to increase endowment for Priest at Liiitoii-on-Ouse ; (/. Lougbirch, Kith June, 173'J. Discourse on Catechism, Creed, &c. [See Hornyhold (Bp.).] The Secular Clergy Fund. [See Green (Rev. T. L.).] [Kirk's Biog. Cull. MS., No. ib ; Catholic Mug., V., 301, 'Mb ; Knox's Records of Eng. Catholics, I. ; Gillow's Catholic Biblio., III., (i34, G35.] JoHxsoN, John, of Liverpool. An Occasional Review of the Prebendary of Litch- field's Sermon, and An Address to the People called Quakers ; with a more mature Examination of the Re- mark.s of his Opiionents, S. Fothergill and J. Phipps. In a Letter to a Friend. JoBNsoN, Rev. John. Congregational Minister at Congleton. Speech at Anniversary Meeting of the Irish Evangeli- zation Society for Newcastle and the Potteries . . 17th May, 1828. [ Wes. Mmj. ( 1828), 21li— HI.] Johnson, John. b. Blackheath, 171)2; d. Netlierton, 18()5. Obituary. [See Sanders (L.).] JoHNSOK, Samuel, h. LichBeld, 18th Sept., 1 709 ; s. of Michai'l Johnson ( Bookseller, Market Place) and Sarah Ford, his wife ; educated Lichfield and Stourbridge Gr. Schs. ; Mat. Pembroke Coll., Ox., 31st Oct., 1728; left without his degree ; Tutor to Whitby family ; Usher in Market Bosworth Seh. ; kept a Sch. at Edial Hall, Lichfield; m., 1735, Mrs. Porter, at Derby ; went to London, 173li, where he spent the rest of hi.< life, making occasional journey s to Lichfield, &c. ; LL.D., Cam. ; d. 13th Dec., 1784 ; /;/(/■., Westminster Abbey, on Monday, the 20th Dec. Translation of Pope's Messiah. [.See Husband (Rev. Preb.).] A Voyage to Abyssinia. By Father Jerome Lobo. From the f'rench. London (Birmingham: Warren), 1735. 8vo. Ditto, with additions. Lomlon, 17S0. 8vo. [His first prose work. Published anonymou3l.v.] London. A Poem. (By S J.) In imitation of the third Satire of .luvenal. London, ITSS. fol. 2nd ed. within a week, fol. 4th ed., 17il9, fol. Juvenal. Trans- lated by Charles Badhani. With an .\]>peudix containing imitation of the Third and Tenth Satires, by Dr. S. J. London. 1S31. llSnio. A Complete Vindiciition of the Licensees of the Stage from the malicious and scandalous aspersions of Mr. Brooke. By an Impartial Hand. [S. J.] London, 17.W. 4lo. JIarmor NorfoUciense ; &c Bv Probus Britanniciis [Dr. J.]. London, 173'.). 4to. An Account ot the Life of Mr. Richard Savage, &c. London, 1744 8vo. 2nd ed., London, 174S, 8vo. The 3rd edition, to which are added the Lives of Sir Francis Drake and Ailmiral Blake, ic. London, liU7, 8vo. 4th ed., ioii- i/oH. i'yy, 8vo.. pp. ii., 2118. 4th ed., London, 1777, 12mo. Translated into French, 1771. An Account of the Ijife of John Philip Barretier, who was master of five languages at the age of nine years. London, 1744. 8vo. [Orifjinally appeared in (lent.'s .Maij. (1740 — 42).] Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy ot Mac- beth, with remarks on Sir T. H.'s edition of Shakespear. To which is affixed Projiosals for a new edition of Sliake- spear [A'icJ. with a specimen. Lomlon, 174.5. l»mo. Tiie Plan of a Dictionary uf the English Langii,age, addressed to the Right Hon. Philip Dormer, Earl of Ches- terfield. London, 1747. 4to. 2nd ed., 174S, 8vo. Irene. A Tragedy. [In five acts and in verse.] London, 1740. 8vo. Again, London, 1181, 8vo. 1700 [HM's British Theatre. \o\. 25.]. IHll {Mod. Brit. Drama. Vol. II.]. The Vanity of Human Wishes. The Tenth Satire of Juvenal translated by S. J. London, 174!). 4to. The Rambler. 2 vols. London, 17.50 — 52, fol. London, 1752. 12mo., (I vols. Dublin, 1752, 12mo., li vols. London, 17(17, 12mo., 4 vols. London, 177!). 12mo.. 4 vols. London, 1710), 12mo.. 4 vols. London. 17DG [Harrison's Brit. Classics. Vol. I.]. London, 17!)l)—03. 12mo., 4 vols. London, 1809 'The Brit. Classics. Vols. 1,)— 18]. London, 1817, l-2mo. Chalmers's Brit. Essayists. Vols, ly — 22]. Again, 1S23 ditto, Iti— 18]. Again. Hoslon (II..S.), 1856 [ditto. Hi— 18]. London, 1823, 12mo. [Ferguson's Brit. Essayists. Vols. It; — 18]. London, 1827, 12mo. [Lynam's Brit. Essayists. Vols. 12, 13], London: Tei/g. 1862.' V2mo., 2 voU. ; with a Sketch of the Author's Life, by Sir Walter Scott : in Two Volumes. London, n.d. (187G), 8vo. A New Prologue, spoken by Mr. Garrick, April .ith, 1750, at the representation of Comus, &c. London. 1750. fol. ■ The .\dventurer. [Edited by Drs. Hawkesworth, Johnson, itc] In Two Volumes. London. 1753 — .54. fol. 3rd ed., London, 1756, 12mo., 4 vols. : DuUin, 1760. 12mo., 2 vols, oth ed.. London. IIGG, 12mo. London, 1770, 12mo., 4 vols. London, 1778, 12mo., 4 vols. And other eilitions. An account of an attempt to ascertain the Longitude at Sea, by an exact theory of the variation of the Needle. By Zacbariih Williams. London, 17,55. 4to. [Written by Dr. Johnson.] A Dictionary of the English Language, &c. In Two Volumes. I^mdon, 1755. fol. 2nd ed., 77.5.5, fol. Another, London, 1755, fol. Abstracted from the folio edition, by the Author, in Two Volumes, London, 175G, 8vo. 3rd ed.. Two Volumes, London. 1765, fol. 4th ed., revised by the Author, in Two Volumes, London, 1773, fol. oth ed.. in Two Volumes, London, 1773. 8vo. 4th ed., in Two Volumes, Dublin. 1775, 4to. oth ed., London, 1778, 8vo. fith ed., London, 1785, 4to., 2 vols.. Portrait by T. Cook. 5th ed., London, 1784, fol., 2 vols. London : Ilarriiton, fol., Portrait. 8th ed., London. 170!), 4to.. 2 vols., fine paper. London, 1805. roy. 8vo., 4 vols. 9th erl., London : Trade, 1806, 4to., 2 vols. Kith ed., London, 1810, 4to„ 2 vols. Uth ed., London: Trade, 1816. 4to.. 2 vols. London: W. Teqg, 1820. 4to., 2 vols. New ed., edited by Rev. J. H. Todd, London, 1818, 4to., 11 parts in 4 vols. New ed.. Z.o»(/o», 1827, 4to., 3 vols. Edited by Dr. Latham, London. 1850, 4to., 4 vols. Abridged, by Chalmers, London, 1820, 8vo. Pocket ed., 18mo. Abridged. Loudon. 1756. 8vo.. 2 vols. Again, in 1760. 8vo., 2 vols.. Edited by R. S, Jamieson ; London, 1S2S, 8vo : Lomlon. 1830, cr. 8vo. In Miniature, Edinburgh, 1837. 12mo,. portrait, pp.320; London: Simpl-in, 1851, 18mo. ; Teyg. 18.52, 32nio. By Todd, abridged by Chalmers. Longman. 18.53, 8yo. With Walker: — London: Washbourne, i.V56', 8vo. ; London: Orr, H'lmo.; London: Routledge. 18.57. 18mo. ; .Ife/e//, 32mo. ; Houtledi/e, 1862, I2mo. Edited by Rees : — London: Longman, 1859, 18mo. ; London: Collins. 18.56, pt. 8yo. ; Bohn, imp. 8vo., 18G0; London. 1870. 2 vols., 4to. ; 1876, roy. 8vo. Christi.\n Morals. By Sir Thomas Browne, with a Life of the Author, by S. J. "2nd ed. London, 17.56. 12mo. The Prince of Abissinia. A Tale. In Two Volumes. London, 17.59. 8vo. 2nd ed.. London, 17.50, 2 vols. ; f>ub- lin. 17.50. 8vo., 2 vols.; 3rd endon.lS12.l-2m0.: Edinburgh, 1812, 12mo.; London, 1815. Ditto, Dinarbas, with Rasselas, ioH- don, 1817. l2mo. With Memoir, by Sir \V;ilter Scott, London, 1823, 8vo. (Novelists' Library, Vol. V.) ; Ijmdon. 1823. 8vo. (Brit. Novelists). With pl.ates by Westall, London. 1S2S, 8vo. ; London, 1832. 32mo, (Tilt's Miniature Classical Library): The Hague, 1838. l2mo. ; douda. 1845. Svo. R:issclas, and Select Poems. E lited by .\. J. E(llis), phonetically printed, (London) 1840, I'timo. : London, 1852. Svo. (Classic Tales, ike): London. 18.5.5. 32mo. ; London. 1858, 32mo.; London, 18G0. 12mo,; The Histori ov Rasselas, &c., in the i-eportin stil ov Fonografi, London, JOHNSON (252) JOHNSON 1867., gyo.; Bath,18G7, V2mo.,pp.lOl; London, 18G8,9vo.; (Masterpieces of Fiction by Eminent Authors) ; New iori; 1860, llimo. ; With an Introduction by Kev. W. West, LiiikIuii. 1S60, lilmo. : Limdon. 1S70. Simo. ; London, n.d. (/.sr.'O. n;mi>. ; Londnn, ISSO.-lUno.; Classic Tales : com- nrisinj; Johnson's Rasselas. Ac, London, 1SS2, 8to. (Bolins Standard Library); The Vicar of Wakefield, Rasselas, &c.. with illustrations, London (1SS2), «vo. ; The History of the Caliph Vathek, by William Beckford ; also Rasselas. Ac. London. ISSS.. 8to.; A^nin, same i/ear, 18mo. ; again, 8vo. ; London. ISS-I. Svo. Voltaire's Cau- dide . . . and Rasselas. Z^ndoii, iSSJ, 8vo. (Morley's Universal Library). Thoughts on the Coronation of his present Majesty I King George the Third. [With Corrections and Improve- ments bv S. J.J h>iidon. 1701. fol. The" Idler. [ByS. J., Ac] In Two Volumes. Lon- don, 1761. 8vo. London. 1705. l'2mo. London, 1705, l*vo. (Harrison's Brit. Classics. Vol. ».). Cooke's edition, with engravings, London. 1700, r>mo. London, 1807, limo. London. 1810. Svo. (Brit. Classics. Vols. TA, 21). London, 1817, lim.0. (Chalmers's Brit. Classics. Vol. 33). London, 1823. ll'mo. (ditto. Vol. 27). Bmton (('..S.), 1S56, Xvo. (ditto. Vol. 27). London, 1823, 12mo. (Ferguson's Brit. Essayists. Vol.111). London, 1824. iimo. London, 1827, r2mo. (Lvnam's Brit. Essavists. Vol. 20). The "Plays of William Shakspeare. To which are added notes by S. Johnson. In Eight Volumes. London, 1765. 8vo. Mr. Johnson's Preface to his Edition of Shakspeare s Plavs. London, 1765. 8vo. "The False Alarm. London, 1770. 8vo. 2nd ed., ion- do?*, same year, Svo., i>p. 03. Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting the Falkland Islands. London, 1771. 8vo. History and Defence of Magna Charta. London, 1772. Svo. Edhibuii/h, 1704. 12mo. [Not Dr. Johuson's, but has his name on the title page.— COM- PILE u.] The Patriot. London, 1774. 8vo. 3rd ed., London, 1775. 8vo. Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces. In Three Volumes. London, 1774. 8vo. Taxation no Tvrannv. London. 1775. 8vo.. pp. 91. The Works of" R. Savage. With an account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by S. J. In Two Volumes. London, 1775. Svo. Ditto, in Two Volumes, Dublin, 1777, 12mo. A Journev to the Western Highlands of Scotland. io»(/oH, i7/5, "8vo. Dublin, 1775. »vo. London, 1701, »vo. London. 1702, 12mo. Edinhur(ih,n08,%vo. .ilnwick,lSQO, I2mo. Glasnou: 1811, limo. ' London, 1816, Vlmo. Edin- burgh. 1810. V2mo. London. 1S7G. 8vo. Political Tracts . . . London. 1776. 8vo., pp. 2(i4. The Convict's Address to his unhappy Brethren . . Delivered . . . bv W. Dodd. London, n.d. (1777). 8vo. 2nd ed.. London, 1777, 8vo. Salisbury, 1777, 12mo. [Writ- ten by Dr. John.son.j The Sixteenth Ode of the Third Book of Horace imitated. London, 1777. 4to. _ Thoughts in a Prison to which are added the Convict s Address. 3rd ed. London, 1770. 12mo. Prefaces, biograjAical and critical, to the Works of the English Poets, in Ten Volumes. London, 1770—81. 12mo. [The first edition of Johnson's Lives ol the Poets.] Republished, with Works of the English Poets, with preface biographical and critical, by S. J (>8 vols. Lon- don, 1770—81, 8vo.. (Lives, Id; Poets, .iG ; and Index, 2 vols.) LonrfoH.i770—«0.8vo., Portraits, 7o vols. London, 1810. 8vo., 21 vols. Chiswick. 1822, 12mo.. Uld vols., (Lives by Johnson, Singer, Davenport, &c.). The Lives of most eminent English Poets, Ac, in 4 vols. London. 1781, 8vo. London, 1783, 8vo., 4 vols. London, 1700—01. 8vo., 4 vols. London, i/33, 8vo., 4 vols. Montrose, 1800, 12mo, 4 vols. London, 1801, 8vo., 3 vols. I^ndon, 180.i—180G. 12mo., 7 vols. London, 1806. 8vo., 3 vols. London, 1810. 8vo. (Encyclopajdia of Brit. Lit. Vol. I.) London. 1826, Vlmo., 2 vol's. (Dove's Classics). London, 1840, Svo. London: Kent, 1844. 12mo. Aberdeen, 1847, 12mo. Bohn, 1848, 12mo. {See W. Hazlitt, A P. Cuninghaml. Leipsi, 18.58, 16mo. (Tauchnitz Edition. Vols. 418, 4111) iMidon (Ox- ford printed), 1864, 1865, 18mo. London, 1868, Svo. Abridu^ed with some account of Dr. Johnson. London, 1707. 12mo. {See Arnold, M.) The Life of I. Watts (extracted from Johnson's Lives) with Notes. Ac. Lon- don. 1785, Svo. The Lives of Dryden and Pope (extracted from Johnson's Poets). Oxford, 1876, 12mo. Ditto and Addison, &c. Oxford, 1877, 12mo. Poetical Works of Dryden .... with Life, in 4 vols. London, 1811, Svo. (See Milnes. Alfred.) Select British Poets .... with Lives, in 8 parts. London, 1810— S, Svo. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, Waller, Milton, Cowley (Cassell's Nat. Librarv). Tlie Beauties of Johnson . . . enlarged, in two vols. London. 1782. 12mo., pp. (I.) xv., III., 128, (II.) i., 206. (Two other editions published same year). Ditto, a Xew Edition, being the seventh, Ac. London, 1787, 12mo., iJort. Ditto, London, 1828, 12mo. Ditto, by .4. Howard, London, (1834). 12mo. The Wisilom of the Rambler, Adventurer, and Idler. By S. J. I^jndon. 1784, Uimo. The Poetical Works of Samuel Johnson, now first collected in One Volume. London. 1785, 12mo. ; Dublin, 1785. l2mo.; enlarged. O,ndon.l780.»vo. Cooke's Edition, London, n.d. il707). 12mo.; Edinburgh, 1705. Svo. (Ander- son's Poets of Great Britiiin. Vol. XI. ) ; London, 1805, Itimo. (Park's British Poets, Vol. 37, and Suji. Vol. (!) : London, 1808. iimo. {The iMnrel); London, 1810, 'fvo. (Chalmers's Works 01 Engli..^h Poets, Vol. XVI.) ; Philadelphia, 1822, 12mo. (Walsh's British Poets, Vol. XXXI.) ; Illustrated bv John Gilbert, London, 1853, Svo. (Routledge's British Poets); .^./.•)i6Hr(/A,iS55, Svo. (Gilfillan's Poets) ; London, n.d. (1878), Svo. (Cassell's Library of British Poets) ; Lon- don, n.d. (1881), Svo. Memoirs of Charles Frederick, King of Prussia . . . London. 1786. Svo. Debates in Parliament. Bv S. J. Two Volumes. London, 1787. 8vo.. (I.) 8 leaves, pp. 394, (II.) 4 leaves, pp. ol(i. London. 1811, Svo., 2 vols. ; lar. paper, roy. Svo. Oxford, 1825, 2 vols., lar. paper, roy. Svo. A Sermon (on John xi., 2.=>, 2G) written by the late S. J., for the funeral of his wife. Published hy S. Ilaya, London. 1788. Svo. Sermons on Different Subjects (attributed to S. John- son) left for publication bv John Tavler, LL.D., Ac. . . . in Two Volumes. London. 1788-80. Svo. 2nd ed., Lon- don 1700-02, 2 voU.: London. 1703, Svo.; 4th ed., 2 vols., London. 1800. Walpole, (A\ H.), 1806, Svo. 5th ed., Lon- don. 1812. Svo. The Celebrated Letter from Samuel Johnson to P. D. Stanhope. Earl of Chesterfield, now first published, with Notesby J. Boswell. London, 1700. 4to. A Conversation between His Most Sacred Majesty George IIL and Samuel Johnson. lUus. with Observa- tions by J.ames Boswell. London, 1700. fol. Prayers and Meditations, composed by S.J. Published from his Manuscript by G. Strahan. London, 1785, Svo. 2nd ed., same vear ; London. 1806, r2mo.; London, 1813, 12mo.; .')th ei\'.. London, 1817, S\-o.; Glasgow, 1823, V2mo.; Clas'jow. 1826, Iimo., pp. iv., 1.34, port.; Glasgow, 1826, 12mn.; London. 1836. 24mo. With preface by W. Gresley, Lichjield: T. G. Lumax. 1860. 12mo. A Dialogue between Dr. Johnson and Miss Knowles. London, 1700. Svo. [Appearcii originally in C^nf.'j Uag. (June, 1791).] Dr Johnson's Table Talk . . , London, 1708, Svo. ; iS25, Svo. The Table Talk of Samuel Johnson, Edin- burgh (1868), 16mo. The Works of Simiiel Johnson. [Sec Hawkins (Sir J) Murphy (A).] Edited bv A. Chalmers, Lowi/on, i*20, Svo.; /.oH'r/ox, Mie, 12mo., 12 vols. ; Oxford, 1825, »vo., 11 vols. Oxford English Classics [see Lynam (R.)], LoH- ' don, 1818, 12mo . 10 vols. ; London, 1850, 8vo., 2 vols. An Account of the Life of Samuel Johnson from his Birth to his Eleventh Year. Written by himself, Ac. London. 1S05. [.Vee Boothby (Miss H.), Wright (R.).] Preface to Lauder's Milton. London. 1750. 8vo. Introduction to Dr. James's Dictionary of Medicine. 3 vols. London, 1743 — 45. ' Preface to Dodsworth's Preceptor. ^ ol. I. London, 1748. Svo. DedicUion to Charlotte Lennox's Female Quixote. London. 1752. 12mo. Shakespear Illustrated. By the Author of the Female Quixote. In Three Volumes. 'London, 1753. Svo. [Deiicauon by Dr. Johnson.] Preface to Ttie Literary Magazine. London, 1756. Preface to Rolfs Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. London, 17.56. fol. Dedication and Preface to Payne's Draughts. London, 1756. Svo. Ditto to Hook's Jerusalem Delivered. 2 vols. London. 1762. Svo. ^ n^,. r. , Assisted Mrs. Lennox in her translation of The Greek I Theatre of Father Brumney. 3 vols. London, 1750. 4to. JOHNSON (253) JOHNSON Dedication to John Angel's Stenography. London, n.d. (17aOj. «vo. Introduction to The World Displayed. 20 vols. Lon- don, 1750. l2mo. Dedication to Baretti's Dictionary of Italian and English Language. 2 vols. London, 1700. 4to. Life of Ascham, and Dedication to Bonnet's English Works of Roger Ascham. London, 1781. 4to. London, 1815. dvo. Dedication to Kennedy's Astronomical Chronology. London, 1762. 4to. Advertisement and some pieces to Anna Williams's Miscellanies. London, 1766. 4to. Prologue to Goldsmith's Good Natured Man. London, 176S. 8vo. Address to the Public, to H. Kelly's A Word to the Wise. London, 1770. Svo. Preface to Macbean's Dictionary of Ancient Geography London. 177.3. 8vo. Preface to Joseph Barretti's Easy Phraseology. Lon- don, 1775. 8vo. De<-2-2] ; Letter correcting the above, by T. Sheldrake [ib.. pt. II., pp. Hi, 17] ; Letters of Dr. J. [Aulograpliic Mirror. Vol. III., XLL] ; Anecdotes of [Davies' (Jlio. (18H)] ; Johnson and Garrick [Miss Hawkins's Memoirs, II., IIIO : Boswell's Johnson, App.] ; Letters of Dr. J. to Barnard, Librarian to King George III. [MS. Vol.. Roy. Lib., Brit. Mus., iiji) — G4] ; Sanuiel Johnson, with portrait [European Mfif/., Vol. VI.] ; Life of Chaucer ascribed to Dr. J. [ih.. Vol. VII.] ; Letters by Johnson [Vol. XL] ; Letter of Dr. Johnson to Baretti [XIII.] ; Stricture on Piozzi's Book on Johnson, bv Baretti [ii.J ; Narrative of Hook's Visit to Dr. Johnson [XXXVI.J : Dr. Johnson [XXXIX.] ; on Johnson's Dictionary [XLL] ; Home of Dr. Johnson [LVIL] ; on the Writings of Dr. Johnson ['6.]. See also Shaw. I., 324— -J'.l ; Cli. Observer. I., .34, 18,i : II.. 3.i7, 404, 724 : III., 240 : IV., .300, 31.'), .348. 570 : V., 285, 308, .547 : VI., 370, 371: XL. tiOo : XIII.. 780 : XV., 740 : XVIL, V26: XXV.. 112: XXVI., 404— li. ()8l>— 112. 1.49-57: XXVII., .32, 33, 177— 8!1 : XXVIII.. 385 : XXX.. 1—13 : XXXL, 1. 13, 344—47 : XXXII., 1— 10, 75. 225. 344 — 17 : XXXIIL, 537, «28, 721 : XXXIV., 18,51— 02. 134. ti20, 021 : XXXV., 214. 471'., 4'.I4, .545. 5!l7, (ia.S, (i.56 : XXXVI., .35, .36, 683. 685, 813— Hi : XXXVII., 8, .34, 81. 251, 324. 3.55, 697 : XX;XVIII., 13, 210, 267, 268, .593: XXXIX., 143 : XL., 387. 58(i : XLIX.. 9 — 21 ; Grimshaw's Correspondence, II.. 269; Southev's Church. XV., 1.50; Wilks's Christian Essays ; Xorfh Brit. Bee, X.S., Vol. II.: Martyns Privately Printed Books. 22i'>, 265 ; Marryat's Pottery, 307h, 376, 383 ; Haslam's Old Derby Factory, 25 : Roberts' Hannah More. I 34—37, 40 — 12, '48. 49, o3— 56, 198-202,206,207,223, 225 '258. 259, 266, 298—302, 312, 313, .338, 399; Mrs. Oliphant's Eng. Lit., L, 12, 17, 26, .38, 192, 210, 219 : II., 135 ; Campbell's Erromanga, 85, 204, 356, 357 ; Monckton Family, 140; Olde Leeke. 188, portrait ; Sir Walter Scott's Journal (1890). I.. 3U9 : II., 14, 177, 190, 227, 251. 255, 257, 277 ; Rush's Court of London, 77 ; Angelo's Reminiscences ; I'orXs. Notes <)'• Queries, I., 120, 121 ; The Mirror, II.. 393 : 111,140, .307: IV., 163, 366. .390: V.. 16. 119: VI.. 119, I'O: VII., 76. 348: VIIL, 99. 190. 392, .393 : IX.. 422 : XII 39: XIII.. 368 [sef H. B.. and **H.) : XIV.. .32. 65, 248 :'XV., 214, 215 ; XVIL. 160 : XVIII., '22, 2.3. 281—84, 297—300 : XX., 257, '258, 272. 318 : XXL. 162 : XXIII., 25G. 261 : XXIV.. 1.59, 264, 330 : XXV.. IM—M : XXIX., 44,175: XXXI.. 176: XXXIIL. 77, 406 — 108: XXXIV.: XX-XVl., 39, 208 : XXX VII., 47. 48 : II.. N.S. : IV., 211 ; Xeic Con. Maij. (1812), 2o5. 207, 219— .30 : (1819) 430— .33 : (1822) '299, .506 — 508: (1823)460—62. .S« Oldham (D.) (1828), '282, .50.3, 504: (1837) 295—97; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I.. 266 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 758 ; Hill's Miniature Portraits, 170 — 81 ; Wilmot's Wilmot, 6, 7; IIm. .l/nj. (1787), 271 : (1791)166,167,280: (1803) 569.570: (1820)6611.671: (1829)744.745; Sleigh's Leek, 211; Leisure Hour (18.52), 737 — 12: (1856) 40: (1864) 268 — 70; Walmsley Phvsiognomic:»l Portraits (1824); Jackson's Rey. It. Newton, '28a ; (lent.'s Man. (1'89), 405 — 10: (1878)692—712: ( 1886) .30.5— 17 ; AUihone's Kranq. Mag., XV.. 141—55 : XVIL. 502 : Harper's Sew Miiulh'lg .l/a27— 33 : Uril. Quarl., LX.X.. 317—71; Content porart/ Iter.. X .\ .\ 1 1., 707— 27 : XLVIL, 2.5—39 ; A'cH' Monllit''/ .Ma,/.. ClII., 18—27 : IIL, N.S., 376—84. 432 — 10 ; Nat. Mag.,' I., 393, &c.. 488, &c. : II., 9. A-c, 488, &c. : III., 18, 295, &c. ; Forlnii/hllg Itev., XXXVI., N.S.. 780—86; Christian World .Uag.. XIII., 824—33: XIV.. 826— 31', : Ami,/. Ma,/.. IV.. 1—8: VI., 259—63: XL (Jan., 1887); Jilachntwl's .Mag., III., SH- IS : VIIL. 24.'l— .52 ; Xat. Kev., II., 317—32 ; Quart. Rev., XLVL. 1—16: LXXXVIL, .59— 68: ClIL, 279— 328 : CV.. 176— 233: CLIX., 147— 74 : N. .imerican Rev., l\ ., 38—47 : XXXIV., 91 — 119 ; Chambers's ./our. ( 1847). 6,5— 68 : XV., N.S., 380—82; Rerue ties lleux .1/oh,/y's Instructor, V., N..S., 89— 99, 20O— ,3, 214 —17; Red Drai/on. VII., 51— 60 ; Once a ll'ee/-. V., 651 — .56 : Port r,Aio'. 4th Ser.. X., 141—63. port. : XL, 300—9 : XII.. 32 — 12: Englishman's .Mag., II.. 97— 107; Supple- ment to Popular Science .Monthl,/. III.. 281. Ac; Bentle,/'s Miscellan,/. XXVIL. 397—99 : XXXVL, 4 15, 446 ; Duh\'in Univ. J/nff., XX.XVI., 477—89; Everg Satunlag, XVI., 349, &c. ; Redfern's Uttoxeter, 2nd ed.. 119; 'ihomasi CooiJer's Life, 64 : Pottry and Prose, by '" Elizabeth " (iioHca.««r, 7A'ii), 54. 85 ; Biog. Mag. : Brit. Poets ; Xotes t^ Queries ; see Husband (Rev. .!.), Baseom (J.), Black- burn (F.), Bolton (S. K), Boswell (J.), Brough (W.), Brougham (Lonl). BuckKand (Anna), Burnev (F.). Camp- bell (A.), C;irlyle (T.), C.ary (F. H.), Clark (F. L.), Courtenav (J.). Cniik (G. L.). Cuningham (ivo. Second Appeal . . . Oxford, 1841. Svo. Jokdan, Rev. John. b. Aldridge (baptized 5th Aug.), 1()87 ; s. of Thomas Jordan, Esq., and Mary, his wife ; of St. Catherine's Hall, Cam.; B.A., 1708; M. A., 1713; Fellow; Vicar of Inglesliaiii, Wilts., 1735 ; ?«. Dorcas, d(tu. of James Crewe, of Fisherwick ; d. 28th xVug., 1763 ; bur. in chancel of Inglosham Church, where is a monument ; Lord of the Manor of Aldridge ; Co- Founder of Gr. Sch. [Notes and Coll. of Aldridge, pt. I., 21, 22.] JoRD.\N, Rev. Joseph. Of Clare Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1867 ; M.A., 1871 ; Curate of St. John's, Wolverhampton, 18()7 — ()8 ; Holy Trinity, Wednesfield Heath, 18C8 ; in charge of St. Leonard's, Bilston, 181i9 — 70 ; Vicar of Gailey-cum-llathei'ton, 1870 — 74 ; of Ogley Hay, 1874 — 79 ; Chp., Royal Arsenal, and P.C. of Holy Trinity, Woohvich, 1879. Liberty, Tyranny, Lawlessness. A Sermon . . on the Secession of the Vicar of t^annock to the Church of Kome. li'tiL^nll : W. Uenry Robinson. 1872. Demy Svo., pp. 18. Notes of a Tour in Central Europe in the Summer of 187C . . Walsall : same imprint. 1870. 12uio., pp. SS. Walsall Jordan, Robert. Robert Jordan />. Eccleshall, 1711 ; .<. of JIat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 19th Feb., 1730 ; Wadh. Coll. B.A., 1734. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 776.] Jordan, Thomas, b. Ecclcsliall, 1718 ; s. of Robert Jordan ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 21st June, 1737 ; B.A., 1741. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 771!.] JowLiNG, Rev. John, Alcester. Letter to Dr. Wilkes, of Willenhall. [Shaw, II., x., xi.] JoYNsoN, W., Printer, Bursletn. [.See Rus.sell (Rev. W.).] JuKES, Alfred. Surgeon to the Birmingham Hospital. Case of Isaac Walters, of Burton-on-Trent. [Lancet (1844), 714 — lii.] JcKEs, Joseph Beete. b. near Birmingham, 1811 ; educated Wolverhampton Gr. Sch. ; M.A. ; F.R.S. ; Local Director of Geological Survey of Ireland ; Lecturer on Geology to the Mus. of Irish Industry : President of Geological Section of Brit. Association, 1802 ; d. 1870. Report on the Geology of Newfoundland. St. John's. 1839. 8vo., pp. 29. Excursions in and about Newfoundland . . . 1839 and 1S40. London, 1842. 2 vols., 12mo. Voyage of H.M. Ship " Fly " to the Coast of Australia. London', 1847. 2 vols., 8vo. A Sketch of the Physical Structure of Australia. ISoO. Popular Physical Geology. ISj.t. Inventory Catalogue of the Specimens of . . . Rocks in the Collection of the Museum of Irish Industry. Dublin, 1861. 8vo. Address to the Literary and Philosophical .Society. Wolverhampton, 1862. 8vo. Inaugural Address to the Wolverbampton Branch of the Dudley and Midland Geological Society. The Student's Manual of Geology . . Edinburgh, 1868. ind ed.. 18G2. 8vo.,pp. 764. 3rd ed., i87^. The School Manual of Geology. JUmdon, 1863. 8vo. 2nd ed., 1873. 3rd ed.. 1876. An Address to the Geological Section of the British Association at Cambridge, October 2nd, 1862. (Printed for pr irate circulation.) Svo., pp. 16. Sketch of the Geological Structure of South Stafford- shire Coalfield [Brit. Association Meeting (1866), 20]; The Geology of Charnwood Forest [Potter's Hist, and Antiij. of Cbarnwood Forest ( 1S42 ; 4to.)] ; The Geologv of Australia [in Letters on Gold (lS.-)2)] : The South Staf- fordshire Coalfield (2nd ed.) [Geological Survey Records]. JnKES, Joshua, Printer, West Bromwich. Annual Report of the Association of Minci-s . . . 1876. IVesl Bromuich : .fukes. n.d 8vo., pp. 8. Jukes, Miss. Sister of the above ; kept a Sch. for Young Ladies in Wolverhampton ; after- wards a resident at Penu. Letters and Extracts from the .Vdilrosses and Occa- sional writings of .1. Beetc Jukes, JL.V., F.R.S Edited, with connective .Memorial Notes, by his Sister. London : Chapma:. 4 Hall. 1871. 8vo., pp. 590. Jukes, Rev. Richard. Primitive Methodist Minister, West Bromwich. The Christian Emigrant's Guide to the Land of Canaan ; or. Hymns for the Living and the Dying. London: T lloUi'day. ISoO. 12rao. 1852. 12mo. The Tliief in the Candle. Being several satirical and other poems intended to check Error and defend Truth. 2nd ed., ii'5.2. 12mo. Nature's Good Night ; or, The Good Man going to Rest, having served his Genention, >tc. ... A Sermon preached in the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Brierley Hill, on Tuesday Evening, November SUh. 18J2, on the Occ:\,sion of the Deiith of the Venerable Hugh Bourne. London, 1852. »vo. JUNIUS ( -'58 ) KEATES The Book that will suit you. London, 1862. r2mo. Joseph and His Brethren. A Poem. London, 1863. 8vo. The Reciter. 1SG3. The Primitive Methodist Revival Hymn Book. Com- piled by \V. Sparland from K. J., &e. London, 1S61. 18mo. The Quarter which has past and that which has begun. A Poem rP. if. .Uar/. (Ii^.iO). 128] ; Portrait [(18.iI)] : A Xewsp;iper Spiritualized, in Verse [(18.r2), liSTj : Elegiac Verses on the Death of H. Bourne [TiiO] ; Obituary of Mrs. Elizabeth Brownhill [(18til|. 204—8] ; Lines on Mrs. E. B. [2.^(1]; Lines on Death of Rev. J. T. Harrison [(18ti2). 418] ; Biography of Rev. James Moss [(18(iS), (i.il— .=>:t] : Memoir of the' Rev. R. Jukes f (18(18) il!l— 104]. The Poet of the Million, or Memorials of the Life and Labours of Rev. Richard Jukes, of West Bromwich, &c. [See Prichard (Rev. J.).] JCNIDS. A Letter to Samuel Johnson, LL.D. London : J. .il- mon. mo. 8vo. Some New Facts, &c. [.See Dwarris (Sir F.).] "Junius Figolus." Brought to the Test ; his Arguments examined, their contradictions pointed out, and the Value of Unions established. Bv a Gentleman not connected with the Pottery Ti-ade. ' 2nd ed. Ila'dey : I'rhited hi/ .illhut ij- Kennedy, ilercury Office. 1S:!6. 12mo., pp. 2li. Jdrye, Richard, Lichfield. Letter from R. J. and Samuell Kyrke about Sir Walter Leveson's Executors, A-c. (24th Fel)., li;20) [Bodl. Lib.. S.3G (144), ."i21, .V22] ; ditto, to King of Arms from S. K. and 11. J., excusing themselves for del.ay in sending up fees, urging that Mr. Warner, of Coventry, and Mr. Dod, should be forced to pav theirs, &c. (Lichfield, Hrd Feb., 11120) [ib. (14.-1), hl~, o20] : ditto, from S. K. and R. .1. about fees demanded from Mr. Westcott. of Hands- aker (2iitli May, l(i2li) [/A. (14ii). .'>2.), .'.28] ; ditto, from R. J. and S. K. about fees received from Henry Sacheverell, of Moseley, and Ralph Sneade, of Bradwell (nth Nov., 1620) [ib. (148),r);iH,f)3l!] ; ditto, complaining that "Gents keepe tlieir buryalls secret, and are grown so miserable yt they will not have an estcutcheon of armes made for them" (Lichfield. 1st June. 1(121) [ib. (140), .i37. .i40] ; Certificate and arms of the husband of Mrs. Brockton, of Lont', and the funerals of Sir Edw. Devorax and Sir John Harper (Lichfield, 4th Xov., 11122) [I'S. (1.51). o4.-)l ; The humble petition of S. K., of Lichfield, to E. A.. Esq., stating that his son had refused to m:ike him partner in the Deputation, &c. [ib. (178), (ill]. JOVENAL. [See Madan (Rev. M.), Johnson (Rev. S.).] "Jdvknds," Stoke. 510.] Christmas Day. A Poem. [.Veu-. Cvn. .Mag. (1822), Kj58ids, Paul. Map of Staffordshire. Coloured. Engraved by P. K. [Prefixed to Harl. MSS., 3, 33G, p. 86.] Kaye, John. b. Penn, 1758 ; .«. of Rev. John Kaye ; Mat. Ch. Ch., 0.x., 18th Nor., 1775. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 780.] Keary, a. and Eh'za. Early Egyptian History for the Young. London, ISGl. 8vo. The Heroes of Asgard. London, 1857. Other Editions, 1860, 1871. Little Wanderlin, and other Fairy Tales. Keary, Annie, h. Stoke ; dau. of Alderman W. Keary. Blind Man's Holiday. London. 1803. 8vo. Clement Frankling. London. 1860. 8vo. Wia and Charlie. London, ISGO. Oldburg. In Three Volumes. London, 1800. 8yo. "The Nations around (Palestine). London, 1870. 8vo. New cd., 1803. Janet's Home. London. 8vo. Castle Daly . . Three Volume.?. London, 1875. 8vo. .A. York anrl a Lancaster Rose. London. 1876. 8vo. A Doubting Heart. London. 1870. .'t vols., 8to. Sidney Grey. 1883. Letters of Annie Keary. S.P.C.K. n.d. 12mo. pp. 88. Ke.vhy, Eliza. Sister of Annie Keary ; ()ak- hill. Stoke. Little Sealskin, and other Poems. London, 1874. 16mo. Magic Valley. London, 1877. 8vo. Pets and Playmates. London, 1877. Rays of Light. London, 1S84. River of God. London, 1884. A Casket of Pearls. London. 1884. At Home Again. London, 1S88. 4to. Memoir of Annie Keary. By her Sister. London : .Mncniillnn. 1882. 8vo. Edited Letters of A. Keary. f'SVe.] Collecting (jointly with Miss C. S. Burne, of Pyebirch) material for a Folk-lore of Staffordshire. [ Vide "circular, 1892.] Keary, Henry Mee. h. Stoke. 1X47 : .-■. of William Keary (and brother of E. & A. Keary) Solicitor ; Student Lincoln's Inn, 25th Jan., 18(18 ; Barrister-at-Law, 17th Nov., 1870 ; of Trin. Coll., Cam. ; M.A., 1872. Mr. Keary is a fretpient contributor to the Monthlies, and also to the Diet. Nat. Bioy. Keates & Co., Printers, llanley. Keates's Directory of the Potteries and Newcastle. 1879. Cr. 8vo.. pi>. 444, xciv. 1882, pp. 480, Ixx. 1886 : 1890: 181i;!. [See Alfieri (C), Medicr.ift ( Rev. J.), Higgs (Rev. K.).] Keates & Ford, Printers, Hanley. The Poll Book : showing how each voter jjolled at the Contested Election for the Northern Division of the County of Stafford, July 17th. 186.5. llanley: Keates ,J- J-'ord. 1865. 8vo., ).|i. '241. Keates and Ford's General Directory of the Potteries and Newcastle, with Almanack for 1866. Pt. 8vo. Ditto, 1867. [See Grreene (C. H.).] Keates & Garlan'd, Printers, Hanley. Byelaws and Regulations for the Borough of Hanley, &c. j/anley: Keates 4 'Garland, n.d. (1850). 8vo. pp. 80. Keates, James Eihvard. b. Cheadle, 22nd Aug., 1817 ; «. of Thomas Keates ((/. 1872) and Elizabeth, his wife (r/. 1868) ; educated at Marton Bank Awtdemv, Cheshire ; m., 10th July, 1839, Sarah TijiijeV, of Cheadle {d. 1880) ; in business sometime in Market Street, Man- chester ; in Burslem, 1)S40 to 1S7'J, as Draper, Tailor, &c. ; now of Roselle Cottage, Hereford. J. K. K. has been a frequent contributor to the .-Utlanee Xeies for over HO years, and was sometime Editor of The Beacon [.lee Jones (Elijah)] and a frequent contributor to its pages. Keates, John, Printer, Cheapsitle and Bruns- wick Street. Hanley. The Beacon. [.See Jones (Elijah).] Keates's Directory of the Potteries (issued every four years). 187-5. Cr. 8vo., pp. 410. cii. Bye Laws of the Ijorough of Hanley. llanley: J. Keates. n.d. 8vo., pp. viii. KliATlNG ( 25!) ) ki:lk Kkatino. Georg.'. Engraver; ft. Ireland. 1762 : in London, 178-1— 91). Engraved Portraits of— George Henry Grey, Earl of Stamford and Warrington, after Romney ; Henrietta, Countess of .Stamford. Keckb, Samuel, Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., Sae, Oil.] Keele. Monuments at. [Bodl. Lib., 853, 3<.] Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Keele. Three .sheets and Index sheet. Soiilliamploii, 1S76. Description and Plate of Hall. [Morris's Seats, UL, y, 10.] Rules and Regulations of the Keele Farmers' Club, 1«,>3. Neivcastle, 1S53. 12mo., pp. 2(i. [See Styche (Rev. J.); Stamer (Rev. F. C): The Sneyds.] Keeling Fajiii.y. Pedigree. [IMi'i; XV., li'T. -ia!! : XVI.. ISIO, 191. ic. : Bodl. Lib,, i7.50, 21.1 [See Fletcher (T. W.).] Kkelin'o, Rev. Isaac, i. Newcastle, 12tli Feb., 17K'.) ; .>■. of Robert Keeling {h. 1757 ; (I. 1835) and Elizabeth Ratcliffe (i., Bank Top, 7th Dec, 1763 ; d. lH47j, his wife ; educated Mr. Thos. Kemp's Sch. ; Designer and Engraver at Wedgwood's, Etruria ; VVesleyan Minister from ISll ; Letter Writer t,o Conference for 20 years ; Journal Secretary for several years : President, 1855 ; m. (1), 1815, Esther Brown, of Shelton ('/.. Sunderland, 15th Nov., 1k;!8) : (2) Margaretta Howell ('/., Islington, 1S57) ; (/., Kipnn, nth Aug., 1869 ; aged 80. Hvmn for the .Sund iv School at Burslem. Burslem : J. Tre'ywthu. Printer, ii.'d. (1808). Leaflet. A Sermon, on I. Chron. x.>tix. 28, in Park Chapel, Stockport. Stockport, 1820. 8vo., pp. 28. A Sermon, on Matt, xvi., 2U. 2nd ed. 1824. 12mo., pp. 28. A Letter to the Editors of the Leedii Mercury on the unhappv Dissensions of the Methodists in Leeds. Leeds. 1827. 8vo., pp. 8. [To this a reply was made : A Letter to the Rev. Isaac Keeling, in Reply to his Letters addressed to the Editors of the Leeds Mercur;/ . . . and his reflections on the Methodist New Conne.xion. By a Member of that Body. Seventh Edition. 182'. 8vo.'] A Reply to the Pamphlet entitled " A Statement of Facts." Leeds, 1827. 8vo., pp. 2S, Scriptural Views of Human Life stated and exempli- fied. A Sermon, on the occ;i.sion of the death of the Rev. Robert Newton, D.D. London (Leeds printed), 18.i4. Svo., pp. 22. On Conscience viewed in Connexion with Practical Judgment. London, 1862. 8vo., pp. l.i. A Valedictory Letter to the Quarterly Meeting at Burnley. London, 1803. 12mo., pp. 16. Sermons by the Rev. Isaac Keeling. With Memorials. [See Willan (llev. W.).] Sermons, Notes, and Letters in MS. [Penes Rev. G. R. Osborne]. Obituary. [ Wes. Min. (1870), 9—11.] An Enquiry after Happiness, with Answer : A Poem. [Wes. Ma;/. (1809), 311—12]; Lines written May 19th, 1809, after several days' successive Thunder and Lightning [ib. (1812),320] ; Letter on Circuit Intelligence [ib. (1818), 311] ; A Hymn for Missionary Meeting [ib. (1821), .■!8o] ; David's Lamentation for Absalom [ib. (1831). liilU — 7.i, 731 — 12]; On Performing Duties with all one's might: Two Sermons on Ecclesiastes ix. 10 [i6. ( 1834), 73.") — H!, 809—18, 893— 9(11] ; Obituary of Mrs. Esther Keeling [ib. (1839), 31] : of William Brown Keeling, M.D. [ib., 271] : To a Good Wife : a Poem [ib. (Feb., 1839)] : Obituary of Thomas Foster, jun.. B.A. [lA. (I8-I1;), 1027] ; Memoir of his Father and Mother [16. (1S70)]; Atli July, 1828; *■. of William Kenward ; educated in Senlland ; Assistant Master at Sudlniry, Claphani, and Cheltenham Schools ; C.E. ;" P.S.A., 1870 ; Chevalier of St. Stanislas, Russia, 1874 ; Manager of Messrs. Chance, Glass Manufac- turers, SmethwicU, from 1880 ; Member of General Committee of Brit. Association, 1891 ; Past President of Birmingham Phil. Soe. ; of Harborne. Lighthouse Illumination. [S. Timmlns's Industrial Birmingham ( 18(iG).] For Cambria. "Themes in Verse and Prose. London : Loni/miin.s. 1S6S. 8vo. Oriel: A Study in 1870, and other Poems. London: Chapman i$- //all. 1870. 8vo. Life an, oHC. 5il9. G.SiJ, 637, <)77, 691: IX., 12; Walsiugham's Hist. Angl.. II., 318; Le Neve's Fasti, ed. Hardv, I., -291;, 373, :w2 : II., K9, 117, 140,211: III., 29, 202; Wharton's .\ngl., Sacra, I., 1.V2 ; Godwin's De Prjesulibus, ed. Richardson, 321, 412, .582; Labbe's Concilia, XXVIL; Harwood's Lichfield, 144.] Kettle, Rev. Alfred Cooke, b. Wolverhampton, IHC,.-) ; g. of Sir R. Kettle ; Mat. St. John's Cidl.. Ox., 11th Oct., 1KS4; B.A., 1887; M.A., 1H92; of Cuddesdon Coll., 1887; Curaie of St. Columlia. Soiithwick, Durham, 1888 ; a Cowley Father. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 791.] Kettf.e, George, b. Chatham, 1830 ; educated Hackney College ; Congregational Minister from 1H14 ; at Burton-on-Trent, 1851 — 55; (I., Shrewsbury, 24th Dec, 1888. Obituary. [Congregational I'eai- jBooi (1890), 158.] Kettle, Sir Rupert Alfred, Knt. b. Birming- ham, '.)lh Jan., 1817 ; .V. of Thomas F. Kettle, Merchant : Student iliddle Temple, 2nJ June, 1842 ; Barristcr-at-Law, (Uh June, 1845 ; Judge of County Courts (No. 23) since 1859 : one of the Committee for framing County Court Rules ; Assistant Chairman of Staffs. Quarter Sessions for many j'ears, up to 1891 ; J. P. and Deputy Lieutenant for Staffs., and J. P. for Herefs., Worcs., and Merionethshire : m., 18th Dec., 1851, Mary, dau. of William Cooke, Esq., of Merridale, Wolverhampton ; of Merridale, Wolverhampton. A Note on R:iting to the Poor. London, 1S56. 8vo. A Paper on Coal .Mininf;. 1864. ! .Strikes and Arbitrations .... Wolverhampton: W. J'nrle. 1S6G. 8vo., pp. 48. Masters and Men . . London, 1871. 8vo., pp. 3^. [Men at the Bar, 2,M.] Kettle, Rupert Edward Conke. b. Merridale, 26th Dec., 1854 ; ». of Sir R. A. Kettle, Knt. ; Mat. St. John's Coll., 0.x., llth Oct., 1873 ; B.A., 1H78 : Student, Middle Temple, 19th Jan., 1874 ; Barristcr-at-Law, 7th May, 1879 ; on Oxford Circuit. FFoster's Alumni Oxon.. II., 791 ; Men at the Bar, 256. J Ketolton', William. Chancellor of Lichfield, 1st May, Idlli;, to death ; il. 1509 ; will dated 29th Aug., 1509. [Harwood's Licbtield, 198.] Kewley, Rev. Joseph William, h. Isle of Man, 1827 ; .V. of Thomas Kewley ; Mat. St. Ed- mund Hall, Ox., 27th March, 1847 : B.A.. 1851; M.A., 1874: P.O. of Cauldon and Waterfall, 1854— (;o : Rector of Thorpe, 18G0 — 72 ; of Armitage, 1872. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 792.] Kewlev, Rev. Walter Hercnles. b. Cauldon, 185(;; .«. of Rev. J. W. Kewley, M.A. : Mat. as a Non.-Coli. Student, Ox., 22nd April, 187G : New Coll., B.A., 1879 ; Chp. Magd. Coll., 1882; M.A., 1885; Vicar of Oakley, Bucks., 1883— 8(; : R?ctor of Fittleton, Wilts., 188(i. [Foster's Alumni O.ton., II., 792.] Kev, Rev. Thomas, b. Uttoxeter, 1782 : Wes- leyan Minister, 1809—44 ; Superannuated, 1844, to death ; d. 25th Jan., 1871 ; aged 89 ; Minister for (>2 years. Obituary. [ »'«, .I/in. (1871), 20, 21.] KiDD, Rev. Thornhill. Independent Minister at Newcastle, 21st Aug., 1800. [Kvaiig. .Mag. (1800), 439.] KlDSOROVE. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Kidsgrore. Sis Sheets and Index Sheet. Southampton, n.d. (1870). Kidston, Robert. F.R.S.E., F.G.S. On the Fossil Flora of the Staffordshire Coal Fields. Part II. (with a plate). Edinburgh, 1801. 4to., pp. 35. [Printed originally in Tr.ias. R>ual Soc, Edin.,XXXXl.,m. 65— 8S.] On the Fossil Plants collected during the Sinking of the Shaft of the Himstead CoUierv, Great Barr. near Birmingham. [/6., XX.XV.. pt. 6, p."317.] On a Xew Species of Calamite from the Middle Coal Measure (at Rowlev Regis). [.\nn. and Mag. of Natural History (Aug., 1888), pp. 129—32.] Kilbodrne, John. b. Walsall, 3rd Aug., 1840 ; .s. of William Kilbourne ; educated Private Schs. : m. Eliza, dau. of John Blakemore ; Editor of WuUallAdrertiser,lW2; ol Walsall Free Press, since 1880. KiLDERiiEE, Spencer (De Horsay). b. Camprey Ash, Suffolk, 1790 : .*. of Samuel Kilderbee, Esq. : Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 4th Nov., 1807 ; Scholar, 1812— 16; B.A.,1811; M.A., 1815; M.P., Aldeburgh, May, 1829—30; Oxford, 1830—32: Newcastle, 1837—41; assumed name of De Horsav. bv Royal Letters Patent, 20th April, 1832 ; d. 20th May, 1860. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 793.] Kilkenny, William de. Archd. of Coventrv, 1248—72 ; Preb. of St. Paul's ; Chancellor of England ; Bp. of Ely, 1286 ; Ambassador to Spain, where he died. [Harwood's Lichfield, 207 : Surtees's Hist, of Durham, II., 229; Shirley's Royal and Historical Letters, I.. 463, 475 : Le Neve's Fasti, I.. Mi : II., .379 : Madox's Ex- chequer, I., 69 : v., 461, 485, 508, 570 ; Foss's Judges, II., Killer, Robert Wagstaffe. b. Manchester ; s. of Geortje Killer, Hatter ; educated Man. Gr. Sch., 1774 ; Surgeon to the Manchester In- firmary : of Alton, Staffs., where he d., 25th May, 1841. Monument. [Man. Gr. Sch., Reg., I., 188.] KILMISTER ( 262 ) KINGSLF.Y KiLMisTEU, Abraham Kershaw, h. Leek ; (/., Leek, 2r)th Dec, 1858. Tlie Oaklei;;!! Shooting Code. . . . Edited by the Author of '• Xij^hts at Oakleigh OM Manor House." Loi>- tloti : ./limes KhUjwnij iV Suns. 1S36. pt. 8vo., pp. xxvii., VM. [Originally published as "Nights at Oakleigh Old Manor House." [.Vcic .^jioiliiig Mag. (1836).] The Roil and the Gun : being Two Treatises on Ang- ling and Shooting. By James Wilson and the Author of "Tom Oakleigh's Sliooting Code." London, 1840. 8vo., pp. xi., 4l!'.i. Doredale, Beauties of Derbyshire. By "Tom Oak- leigh." Illustrated. Macclesfield: James Sirinnerlon. lS6o. »vo. [Minor, XXVIII., IS.-!, 154, 191, l!l-2.] KiMBERLEY, Very Rev. Jonathan. h. Bronis- grove, Worcs., 1651 ; ,s. of William Kinibcr- ley ; D.D., of Pembroke Coll., Ox. : Vicar of Holy Trinity Ch., Coventry, 1G81 — 1713 ; Canon of Lichfield, 1(;84; Preb. of VVestmr., 1711 ; Rector of Baginton, and afterward.s of Leamington, Warws. : Dean of Lichfield ; Rector of Tatcnliill, 7th Jul}', 1713, to death ; d. 7th ^Larch, 1711) ; bur. Lady Chapel. Lich- field Cathedral. [Harvvocd's Lichfield, 187 ; Wood's Ath. Oxon., IV., 749; Fasti, II., 38,'); Hawlinson, III., 311: Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. s.")(l.] KiMBERi.isv, Rev. Jonathan. 6. Lichfield, 1701 ; 0. of Dean Kinibeiley ; Mat. Magd. Coll., O.x., 1st Ang., 171G : Demy, 1716 — 25; B.A., 1720: M.A., 1723; B.D., 1731; Fellow, 1725 — 3(1 ; Rector of Bubbenhall, Warws., 1726, to death : . fol. An Account of the Investiture of His Electoral High- ness of Bradenburg with the Order of the Garter. London, IGOO. 4 to. An Account of the Ceremonial at the Coronation of William and Mary. [Drawn up by G. K.] 1680. fol. Natur.il and Political Observations ;ind Conclusions upon the State and Condition of Great Britain. London, 160G. 12ino. [Published at the end of the 3rd ed. of Mr. O. Chalmers's Estimate, ]H(i2 ; and separately, with Life of the Author. London, 1810. 8vo.] Transcribed and embellished Dugdale's Visitation, 1-63. [Now in Coll. of Arms.] Ti'ansci'ibed the Family Muniments of Chetwynd Family, fol. vol., in vellum. \_Pfnes Earl of Shrewsbury.] [Bodl. Lib., ,2*3, (;8, 394: iKJ, 133; Harwood's Lich- field, 44(i, 447 ; D:illaway's Heraldic Signs ; Chalmers's Estimate: Shaw, II., p. xxv.; f,'eii/.'s .l/ni/., LXVIII., 921 : XC. (pt. 1), 233 ; Harl. MS., 3777 ; Nichols's Leics., IV., V. ; Hamiier's Life of Dugdale ; M.acaulay's England, III.; Pepys's Memoirs, V., 183.] KiN'ii, Right Rev. Henry. Bp. of Chichester. Letter to I/.aak Widton, prefixed to Walton's Life of Sanderson. King, Rev. Louis Henry. b. Newcastle, 1K.")() ; s. of Riclnird King ; Mat. St. Ednuind Hall, Ox., 25th Oct., iH80: B.A., 1883 ; M.A., 1887. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II., 79{J.] Kino, Rev. Thomas. Primitive Methodist Minister. Tlie Riches of Divine Mercy. A Sermon, delivered in the Piimitive Methodist Chapel, Tunstall, Staffordshire, on Monday morning, .Tune llth, I8tJ0, on the occasion of the celebration of the .lubilee of the Primitive Methodist Connexion. London, Ii. Dories. 1860. 8vo. King's Bromlev. Tlie Hall Engraved. [Shaw, L,* 147,] Scheme for the Management of King's Bromley Gram- mar ,School. KiNGsiiUROH, Hev. Edward, AI.A. ^'iear of Chebsev ; Preb. of Gaia Minor. Lichfield, 9th Feb., 1710—33. [Harwood's Lichfield, 233.] KlXGSLEV. Ordnance I'i;ui of the P;u*ish of K. Seven Sheets :ind i Index Sheet, Suulhiiniplon. n.d. (187S). KINGSTON ( 263 ) KITCHENER Kingston, Roliert. Preb. of Tachbrook, Lich- field, l;!71— H."). [Harwood's LichfieM, i.VJ.] Kingstove. Onln;ince Plan of the Parish of Kingstone. Southamp- ton, n.il. (1SH2). Kingstone, Richard. Archd. of Hereford, 1379 ; Pi-eb. of Flixton, Lichfield, Utli Dec, 1400—25 ; Dean of Windsor and Wolver- hampton. [Boill. Lib., 23 ; Harwood's Lichfield, ii'.K] KlNGSWlNKORD. History of. [Scott's Stourbridge, lUI — GO.] An Act for Effecting tlie Sale of Part of the (flebe Lands belonging to the Rectory of Kingswinford to the Bight Honourable .John William Ward, Viscount Dudley and Ward . . -iikh May, 18L'i;. fol., pp. ii. J Jewitt's Ceramic Art, I., i<>0 ; Shaw. II., 2-2(i— 29 ; ue Duncalf (J.), Illingworth (Rev. J.), Ford (Rev. S.), Hodgson (Kev. J.).] KiNNEUSLEY, Jobn de. Preb. of Eccleshall, Lichfield, 1332—56. [Harwood's Lichfield, 228.] KiNNEV, John de. Chancellor (jf Liclififld, 125i —70. [Harwood's Lichfield, 1!)7.] KiNVASTON. l'reben. 177, 2.58 : Husenbeth's Milner. 373; TablH (24th Jan.. 18.52): Cittholic Slndeat (24th Jan., 1853); 0/v/o(1853); Catholic DirecloryiWh^), 129; Catholic .\fai/. and liec. v.. ci.: Cent.'s Maq.. X.S., XXXVII., 304: CCXII.. .509; Rambler, IX., 241 — 19, 425; Smith's firewood (1874), 51.] Kirk, Rev. William Bovton. St. Aidan'-=, 18.")8 ; Trin. Coll., Dublin; B.A., 1874; LL.B, 1879: Curate of Burslem, ISCii ; other Curacies to 1875 ; Vicar of Two-Mile-Hill, Bristol, 1875 — 77 ; of Holy Trinity, Birken- head, 1877 — 82 : of St. John's, Ashton-under- ; Lyne, 1883. i The Immaculate Conception; or, The Martyrs of - Santiago. .A. Poem. Antiquities of Ashton-under-Lyne and Neighbour- I hood. KiRKE, Sam. \_See Jurye (R.).] Heralds Deputy to Staffs. [Bodl. Lib., 836, 495.] KiRKHAM, C, Printer, Leek. [See Hankinson (Rev. J.).] KiRKHAM, Walter de. Chp. of Easteringtou, Yorks., 1225 ; Dean of Pencrie (Penkridge), 1226 : of St. Martin's-le-Grand, London. lOth Oct., 1299 ; Preb. of Bole, York ; Archd. of Salop, 1232: Dean of York. 12-11 ; Bp. of Durham, 21.st April, 1291 ; d., Howden, 9th Aug., 1260 ; bur. Uurhani. [Matth. Paris. V..83. i;75 : VI.,52i;— :t2,:!;i5 ; Wilkin's Concilia. I.. 704—8 ; Tanner's Biblio. Brit.-Hib., 458 ; Le Neve's Fasti, I., 573 : HI., 121, 174, 287; Surtees's Durham, I., xxix.] KiRKi.Axn, W., Shenstone. [.See Cannock Chase.] KiRKwooD, John. Bookseller, &c., Piccadilly, Hanley. j [White's Staffs. (1834).] KiRTOs, John William. ' A Popular Explanation of the Permissive Bill for the ' Suppression of the Liquor Traffic. Stafford, n.d. (1858). I 8vo. ' KiTCBEN, Thomas. Map of Staffordshire. London, 1750. fol. Drawn and Engraved by T. K. Kitchener, Frances Anna (nc*" Hammond), m. Francis E. Kitchener, M.A.; formerly of High Sch., Newcastle. A Year's Botany. London : liiviitytuns. Cr. 8vo, (Several Editions.) KITCHENER ( -^01 ) KNOWLES KiTCHBNEit, Francis E. b. Newiiiarket, Camb., 30th Dec, 1H38 ; s. of W. Crip|>s Kitdi'ner, Esq. : edufutod Rcpton and Rugby Schools ; Fellow, Trin. Coll., Cam.; B.A.: M.A.; LL.M.; Assistant Master at Rugby, 1SG2 — 75 ; Head Master of High Sch., Newcastle, 1875—91 ; m. Francos Anna Hammond : nt Oulton Old Hall, Stone. The Ps,ilnis Chronologically arranged by Four Friends. London : MacmiUan. 1867. Cr. 8vo., pp. 48.S. 2nd ed., 1S70. 3rd ed., 1800. Gecimetrical Note Book . . . London: MacmiUan. X868. Medium 4to., pp. Il8. 'ind ed., 1875 ; 3rd ed., 1876 ; reprinted, 2.V70, 188.^, 1889. The Golden Treasury Psalter. London, 1870. ISmo., pp.271. Two Addresses to the Boys of Newcastle High School. Netvcastle : D. DUworth. n.d. 8vo., pp. 12. Prayers for the Use of the High School. (I'rivatety printed.) Two Addresses to the Boys of Newcastle High School. Newcastle: G. T. Bayijidey. 1801. 8vo., pp. I.'i. Naked-Eye Botany. London : Percival if Co. 1802. Cr. 8vo., pp. 181). Edited : — The Rugby School Natural History Society's Beport. 1864—74. 8vo'. KiTCHlNGMAN, Rbv. Joliu. Ltclifiold Theological Coll., 1«58 ; Curate of Stoke, I860— fiO ; Shelton, 18(!(;— (i8 ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Wolverhampton, 1868 — 74 ; Rector of Bon- sall, Derbys., 1874. [Crockford (1880).] Kn.\pi\ Rev. J. B. Primitive Methodist Preacher. Address to the Tunstall District Preachers' Literary Association, Oct., 1872. [7'. .1/. Mag. (1873), 230—34.] Knell, Thomas. Chp. to Walter, Earl of Essex, 1573, being present at his death, 22nd Sept., 1576. Epitaph on the Death of the Earl of Essex. In MSS. Account of Last Illness of the Earl of Essex. [Brit. Mus. Add. MS., 3i002, f. 6.] Knellrr, Sir Godfrey, Bart. h. Lubeck. 164li ; (I., Twickenham. 19lh Oct., 1723. Painted Portrait of — William Congreve. [In National Gallery.] Knight, Sir Arnold James, Knt. b. Sixhill's Grange, Lines., 17th May, 1789 ; s. of xVlexander Knight, Esq., and Catherine Caley, his wife ; educated Baddesley Green, Warws., and Oscott Coll., 1799— 1809 ; Edin. Univ., 1807: M.l)., Edin., nth June, 1811 ; Sur- geon in Sheffield from 1815—43 ; J. P. for West Riding of Yorks. ; in Liverpool from 1843—51 ; m., 1822, Harriet Isabel, dmi. of T. Milner-Sniith, Esq., of Dunstcm Hall, Derbys. ; d.. Great Malvern, 12th Jan., 1.S71. Author of numerous Pamphlets. Tracts, and Letters on Catholic Emancipation, iSrc. Memoir and Portrait of Sir A. K. [Osrad'nH, N.S. (Dec, 188K), 2o9— 80.] Knight, Ciiarles. Printer, London. Old England. 1845. fol., 2 vols. [Frontis. to Vol. I. — The Morris Dancers, from Window in Betley Hall.] Knmght, John Prescott. i. Stafford, 1803 ; .«. of Edwanl Knight, Comedian ; Pupil to J. Sass and J. Clint, and Student in Royal Academy, 1820 ; exhibited Brit. Inst., isis ; A.R.A.,* 1836; R.A., 1844; Professor of Perspective, Royal Academy ; Secretary to Royal Academy, 1848 — 73 ; d.. Liindoii, 26tb March, 1881. Painted I'ortraits of : — Alfred Bunn — Miss Chesters — Mr. Terry — Sir \V. Scott— Mr. (jlover — Edward Knight (his father") — T. Fitzhcrbert, Esq. Landscapes: — "List ve Landsmen all to me" (1828) —The Whist P.irtv (7SAs)— Auld Robin flrav {1820)— Smugglers Alariiiud (i.S.W)— The .-Vuld Frienifs (is:il)— A Bit of Courtsliip (/.V.Wl- Tin- Spanish Refugees, and ■lohn Anderson niv Jo (iA'3.3)— The Pedlar (7S3J)— Sunset {18.34)— T-.iin o' .Sli.anter (i,V3.5)— The Wreckers {1836)— English Harvest (W,S7)— The .Saint's Day (1838)— The Broken Heart (iS33)— Waterloo Banquet (1842). Knight, Rev. William. /;. London, 147() ; edu- cated Winchester Sell., 14s7 ; Mat. New Coll., Ox., 1491 ; LL.D.; D.C.L., 12th Oct., 1531 ; Fellow of New Coll., Ox., 1493 ; Secretary to King Henry VII. and VIII.; Canon of" St. Paul's, 1517—42 ; last Archd. of Chester while it remained connected with Lichfield, 11th Nov., 1522—41 ; lip. of Bath and Wells, 1541 ; d. 29th Sept., 1547. [Harwood's Lichfield, 20(; ; Wood's Atb. O.xon., II., 752 : Fasti, I., 8!i ; Foster's Alumni O.\on., If., 8ii3 ; Cas- san's Bishops of Bath and Wells, I., 417 ; Fuller's Worthies ( l(Jli2), '205 ; St. Pa. Hen. 8 ; Strype's Memorials, L (pt. 1), 8(i, l.SB, 188; IL (pt. 1), !l : IIL (pt. 1), 4o2 ; Cranmer, 77, 13."i.] Knolles, Richard. History of the Turks, &c. London. 1687-1700. fol., 3 vols. [Reviewed by Johnson in Rambler, No. 122.] Knowlks, Ann. h. Brierley Hill, 1784; d., Lye Waste, Worcs., 6th Jan., ISCO. Obituary. \_See Knowles (J.).] Knovvles, Rev. Charles. Of Emmanuel Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1854; M.A., 1857; Dixie Fellow; Curate of St. Peter's, Forsbrook, 1854-50; of St. Luke's, Leek, 1857—61; St. Luke's, Chesterton, Cambs., 1862 — 65; Rector of VVinteringham, Lines., 1866. A Pastoral Letter to the Parishioners of Wintering- ham. 1876. Knowles, J. Obituary of Ann Knowles. [/'. .1/. .Mai/. (IsOii), .'jG'.!.] Knowles, Mary (/aV Morris). /). Rngcley, 5th May, 1733 ; dint, of Moses and Mary Morris ; m. Tiiomas Knowles, M.D. ; '/., Lundon, 3id Feb., 1S07. A Compendium of a Controversy on Water Baptism between Rand, a Clergyman of Coventry, and M. K. (Anon.). II. p., pi., or d! (177G). 8vo., pp. I. Again, in fol., A sheet, a-nd I'eprinted twice ; Broailside (1777), 1 sheet; again, 8vo., pp. 3. London: Printed hi/ H. Struren . . 18U,5. 8vo., pp. 4. Republished in Tlie Irish Friend. IL, 71. A Dialogue between Dr. Johnson and Mary Knowles. 1700. 8vo., I)p. 4. London: Printed hi/ il. fitroren. 1805. 8vo.. ]ip. r>. Ditto [Cenl.'s Mar/. (Jan. J 17111), .500 ; Lady's Mai/. (March, 17il2)] ; Further Particulars of the Conver- s.ation [ 7'/i« Friend (Philadelphia), I., 1G3]. Three A'erses [without title]. n. p.,pl. or d. 4to., sm. sheet. Rejirinted, headed ''Verses \>y Mary Knowles." n. p., pi. or d. 8vo., pp. 2. A Poetic Correspondence between Capt. Morris and Mary Knowles, viz.: — "A Bone for Friend Mary to Pick," bv 'Thomas Morris, with the rei)lv, ''The Bone Picked," by Mary Knowles. [The Brit. Friend. IV., 110.] Account of Marv Knowles, with Portrait [77ie Lady's .Monthly Miis. (Nov., Is(i3)]: Obituary [Tlie Monthly Jieposifort/ of TJieitloi/if, IL, IGO. ] [Bos'wcU's Johnson (18(!0), .il7, .il8, .i91— 9.1, .Wo, ,59G ; Letters of Anna Seward (Edinburgh, 1811), /jassm.] KNYllT ( ^6;"i ) LAKE KxYHT, William. Chapter Clerk of Lichfield. [Bo.ll, Lib., W4, 147,] Knyi'Ersley Family. [Bodl. Lib., H33, 227, 211 : llaO, VAab, IK, 2ll«A.J Kynardeslkv, of StaEFs. Pedigree. [Bodl. Lib.. HU. v.. 1. f. 4ft, :') : Shaw, IL, loO, ir,2.] Kynneusley, Clement. /). Loxley, 1 746 ; ■<. of Thomas Kyniiersley : Mat. Maf. Loxley, 1800 ; s. of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 11th April, 1K18 ; of Loxley; m., 4th Jan., 11:30, Mary, (lent, of William Sneyd, Esq.; >l. i'nd March, ]M40. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II,, 807.] IvYNNEHSLEY, Clement Sneyd. h. Highfields, Uttoxeter, 1859 ; .«. of Thomas Clement Sneyd Kynnersley [«. Uttoxeter, 1812 : .■>•. of Thomas Sneyd Kyn- nersley, Esq.; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 3rd Nov., 1831 ; B.A., 1835 ; M.A., 1838 ; Rector of Draycott, 1838 to death ; (J. 9th June, 1841. [Foster's Alamiii Oxon., II., 807 : Rugby Sch. Reg.] Kynnersley, Edmund McKenzie Sneyd. h. Uttoxeter, 1841 ; .«. of Thomas Clement Kyn- nersley [.see] ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 11th Oct., 18e0 ; Fellow, St. John's Coll., 18(;5— 79 ; B.A., 18C6 ; M.A., 1871 : Barrister-at- Law, Inner Temple, 186!) ; Inspector of Schools, 1874. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 807.] Kynnersley, Herbert William Sneyd. A Parallel Syntax. Greek and Latin for Beginners. Lunilon, 1S77. 12"mo. Latin Prose Composition. Loii'lon, ISSG. 2nd ed.. 1X80. Kynnersley, Mrs. {nee Smith), h. Alrewas ; III. Mr. Kynnersley, of Burton, whore she re- sided until death ; (I. 17th July, 1811. Life and Experience of. [See Tayler [Rev. S.).] Kv.NNEitsLKy, Thomas Clement Sneyd. h. Lo.\- ley, 2:')rd July, 1803; .-■. of Tiiomas Sneyd" Kynnersley ; educated Ru'.jby ; St. John's Coll., Cam., 1828 ; Student, Middle Tein|)le, 27th May, 1824 ; Barrister-at-Law, 2oth June, 1828; B.A.; M.A.: Revising liariister, Oxford Circuit, 1832 — .tO ; Stipendiary Magis- trate, Birmingham, 1856 — 88 ; Recorder of Newcastle, 1858—88 ; Deputy Chairman, Warws. Quarter Sessions, 1863: J. P. and Deputy Lieutenant of StatTs.; m., June, 1834, Eliza Rose, dau. J. Sandars, Esq., of Taplow House, Berks. ; (/., Moor Green, Birmingham, 1893. Laws relating to Dealers in Old Metal and Marine Store Dealers. LdikIoii : Shaw ty Co. 1862. 12mo. Laws relating to Juvenile OfTen.lers. Lomloii : same 'nnprint. 1802. !2mo. Edited Pratt's Laws of Highway. Lundou, 1863. 12mo. L Lacey, Rev. Thomas Alexander. L. Notting- ham, 1853; s. of George Frederick Lacey, E.sq. ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 18th Oct.. 1871 ; B.A., 1876 : M.A., 1885 ; Assistant Master, Denstone College, 188.5—89: Fellow of the Soe. of the Coll. of St. Mary and St. John of Lichfield, 1 886—89 ; Second Master, King's Coll., Taunton. 18S'.) : Vicar of St. Edmund's, Northampton, 1891. A First Latin Accidence . . . Loudon: Pari:er >\- Co. pp. .ill. The Liturgical Use of the Litany. Kuoll. pp. Id. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 808.] Lache, Rev. Hugh. Master of St. John's Hospital, Lichfield ; Sacrist to the Cathedral ; a great benefactor to the Hospital for Women in Beacon Street. [Harwood's Lichfield. fiL^, ml ; Bodl. Lib., 855, 14:^.] Lacok, Rev. Ralph. Canon of Lichfield. His Chantry. [BodL Lib.. 804, :>l—'.l.] Ladkins, of Staffordshire. [Bodl, Lib., S5S. il7,] Lady, A. A .Journey to the Highlands of Scotland. With Occasional Remarks on Dr. Johnson's Tour. Bv a Lady, London, n.d. (1770). 8to. Laisg, David. Specimen of Proposed Catalogue of the Portion of the Librarv at Britwell House. Bucks., collected bv the late W. H." Miller, Esip [M.P. for Newcastle, Staffs.]. i'Jiii- bnrg/i. 1852. 4to. [3u copies only printed,] Laixg, Rev. John Fenwick. h. Tynemouth, 27th April, 1837 ; s. of Joseph Laing, Solicitor, &c. ; of Lichfield Coll. ; Curate of Caldmore, near Walsall, 18(i(') — 72 : Vicar of St. Michael and All Angels, Cahlmore, 1872 to date. The Church Catechism, with Note.s . . . U'nl.^nll : W. Heunj llobinson. n.d.(lSS4). 12mo.. pp. :t2. First Helps to Faith and Pietv. London: Mailers. 2nd ed., 1S75. 4lh ed., 1802. A Plain Guide to Peace with God. London : .Maslers. 1876. A Catechism of Christian Instruction. Who can forgive but God alone'/ Lake, Samuel, M.lv. and M. Inst. C.E. Some -Account of the Argentella Mines . . . With Extracts from the Reports of S. L. and R. N, B. Walsall : II'. Henri) Robinson. 1880. Demy 8vo„ pp. 14. [For private circulation.] II R. Nelson Boyd, LALLY (266) LAXIi Lally, Rev. William Michael, b. Whitegate, Cheshire, 1765 ; ». of Rev. EJmund Lally, Vicar ; cilucated Man. Gr. Seh., ITSO ; LL.B., St. Peter's Coll., Cam., 1803 ; incorporatcil St. John'-; Coll., Ox., 14th Oct., 1K29 ; D.C.L., 2fith Nov., 1829 : Vicar of Little Missemlon, BiicUs., until ]«00 : Hector of Drayton Hassett, I7'J0 to deatli : m. (1) Miss Cooper, (2) 2nil July, 1840, Susanna, mvV/o«' of F. Cooper, Esq. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 810 : JIan. Sch. Reg., II., loO.J Lama SAnAcnTiiAXi ; or, Cry of the Son of God. Wolverfiainplon, 1745. r2mo., pp. I(i0. Lamb, Rev. John. h. Hartley, Westmd., 1755 ; ?-. of John Lanil), Esq. ; ilat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 31st March, 1773 ; B.A., 1770 : M.A., 177(i ; Fellow ; Curate of Yoxall, 1801 : '.•. Landor, Rev. Charles Wilson. b. Colton, 1813 ; K. of Rev. C. S. Landor [gee'] ; edu- cated Rugby ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox.. 5th March, 1831; B.A., 1835: M.A., 1837; Rector of Over Wbitacre, Warws. ; Vicar of Lintlridge, Worcs., 1847 — 73 ; of The Grange, Cannington, Somers. ; d. 25th June, 1877. [Ungby Sch. Reg.. 1.V2 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. 8i:t; Colton and De Wasteneys, 116.] Landor, Rev. John. A. Rugeley, 1737 : «. of Robert Landor. Esq. : Mat. Jfagd. Coll., Ox., 8th Feb., 1755; Rector of Colton, 1767 to death ; d. 1806. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 81.3; Colton and De Wasteneys, llti.] Landob, Walter, h. Rageley, 1732 ; .«. of Robert Landor, Esq. ; Mat. Wore. Coll.. Ox., 29th Oct., 1750 : B.A., 1754 : M.A., 1757 ; M.B., St. Alban's Hall, 1760; of Ipsley Court, Warwick : d. Xov., 1805. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 81.3.] Landseer, Thomas. Enem3 on Various Subjects . . F, Xokex^ Printer^ Bititon. n.d. (1B32). Svo., pp. 28. Laxe, Jane. b. Bentley Hall : ilau. of Thomas Lane, Esq., ami Anne Bagot, his wife ; was residing with her brother, Colunel John Lam-, at Bentley- Hall, Srd Sept., lt!.")l, when Charles II. was escaping from the Battle of Worcester, and was in hiding at Moseley, close by ; was the means by which King Cliailes escaped — he acting in the capacity of serving man to her from Kith Sept. to the 16th, when she left him in safety at Castle Cary and returned to Bentley : within one month of his escape — nami'ly, on ]3th Oct., 1651 — it appeareil in print that King Charles had escaped by means of a lady : this led Colonel Lane to hurry himself and hi> sister out of tlie kingdom, arriving in France in December ; she stayed on the (,'ontinent until the Restoration, when a pension of £1,0i;i— C2) .193. (li;i;4— (io) .irtO; Luttrell's Re- lation of State Affair.-i, I., 607 : Cal. Clarendon Papers, II.. 157; Pepys's Diary (9th Jan., liJ6—()l) : Thomas's Dug- dale's Warws., II., 989 ; Whiteladies . . (lliiJO) : Evelvn's Diary (21st Dec, 1()51); Thurloe St. Pa., L, l!74 : V.,"84; Clarendon's Rebellion, Book XIII. ; and all Histories of Staffs.] Laxe, John Henry Bagot Newton, b. King's Bromlev, 1839 ; s. of John Newton Lane, Esq. ; "Mat. Ch. Cb., O.K.. 27th Mav, 1847 : Scholar, 1H47--64 ; B.A., 1854"; M.A., 1857: Lieut.-Colonel, Coldstream Guards; J. P., Staffs. ; of King's Bromley ; d. 22nd March, 1886. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II., 815.J Laxe, Lcttice. Siyter to Jane Lane : (/., Mart- ley, Woics., 3rd Nov., 1709. [She polished stones, some of which were in Xash's — the Historian of Worcestershire — possession.] [Xash's Worcs.; Harwood'a Erdeswicke (1844). 411.] Lane, Rev. Obadiah. Preb. of Gala Minor, Lichfield, 19th Dec, 1767— March, 17H(i. [Harwood's Lichfield, 2.34.] Laxe, Sidney Leveson. b. King's Bromley, 13th April, 1831 ; .«. of John Newton Lane, Esq. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., O.K., 31st May, It;49 ; B.A., 1K53 ; Student, Middle Temple, 19th Nov., 1853 ; Barrister-at-Law. 17th Nov., 1858; J.P. and Deputy Lirutonant, Vorks. : m. Mary Isabella, Dowaser Viscountess Downe : of Baldersby Park, Tliiisk : Manor House, Great Addington, Thrapstone, Northants. ; 8, Belgrave Square, S.W. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 815; Men at the Bar, 2ii4.J Laxe, Rev. Thomas, h. Bentley Hall. 1746 ; s. of Thomas Lane, Esq. ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., O.t., 29tii Nov., 1764: B.A., 1768; M.A.. 1772 : Rector of Handsworth, 1776 to death ; d. 2nd Oct., 1802. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 815.] Laxe, Rev. Thomas Leveson. b. King's Brom- ley ; s. of John Lane, Es(|. ; of St. John's Coll., Cam.; B..V., 1h23 : M.A., 1828; adm. ad enndem, 0.\. Univ., 7th June, 1853; Vicar of Wasperton, Warws., 1834 ; of Baswich, 1836 to death. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 815.] Langoale, Rev. Adam (or Alban). b. Vorks.: St. John's Coll., Cam.: B.A., 1532 : Fellow, 26th March, 1534: M.A., 1535; B.D., 1544; \).\i.. Cam., 1554, and on 14th April, same year, at 0.\-. Univ. ; Preb. of York, 2i;th May, 1554; Rector of Buxted, Sussex ; Archd. of Chichester, 16th April, 1555; Chancellor of Lichfield, 3rd Feb., 1558; Preb. of Alrewas, 19th Jan., 1659 ; deprived of all for denying the Queen's suj)remacy, 1560 ; in a list of recusants, 1561 : he was living in 1584. Catholica Confutatio impia: cuinsdam Determinationis D. Xicolai, Ridlei . . . PnrU, lihG. fol. Disputation on the Eucharist at Cambridge. June, l.i49 [Fox's Acts and Monuments] ; CoUoquv with Richard Woodman. 12th May. I.').j7 {\h.'\ ; Tetrastichon [end of Seton's Diaiectica (l.")74)] ; Cirmina diversa. [Harwood's Lichfield, 199 ; Cooper's Ath. CanUb., I., 509, 511) ; Cooper's Annals of C.im., II., 31, 85 ; Le Neve's Fasti, I., 260, .i85 : III., 169, 617 : Strype's Annals, I.. 87, 277; Strvpe's Cranmer, :t55 : App.,"l8.'!, 185; Strvpe's Memoirs, IL, 210 : III., .'i.-iu ; Dod.ls Ch. Hist.. II.," 128, 141: Wood's Ath. Oxon., I, 78, 6115, 711 ; Bliss's Wood's Fasti. I.. 146 : MS Parker. 106,art. 11 ; Pitt's, 181 ; Rymer, XV., .382, 544 ; Aschami, Epistoljc, 75, 1 16 ; Plow-den's Reports. 526; Tanner's Riblio. Brit.; Wood's Coll. and Halls, II., 124 ; Lemon's Cal. St. Pa. : Fuller's Ch. Hist. ; Ridley's Works. 169; Grindal's Rem.iins, 194; Zurich Letters, I., lln: Baker's Hist, of .St. John's Coll.. 116, 137, ;335, 462; Ascham's Works, ed. Bennet. 393; Add M.SS., iilb, f. 22 ; Lansd. MS., 080, f. 26U ; Lower's Wor- thies of Sussex. 70.] Laxuford, John Alfred. b. Birmingham, 12th Sept., 1823 ; .f. of John Langford ; educated privately in Classics and Matiiematics by Pro- fessor Lund, of Queen's Coll., Birmingham : LL.D. ; Fellow Royal Hist. Soc. from its formation : on Birmingham Sch. Board from 1874 ; m. Mary Ann, dan, of F. Price, Printer, of Biiston and Birmingham. Prison B^ioks and their .Viithors. London: Ttan. 1S61 Cr. .svo., pp. .357. •"' [Thomas Cooi>er, his Purgatorv of Suicides, and Stafford Gaol : pp. 3:14—57.] History and Description of Staffordshire and War- wickshire. In Four Volumes. ^fac^■. Bridgenorth, 17C8 : 8. of John Lanjjlev, Esq. ; Mat. Cli. Ch., Ox., lOth Oct., 17HC. : B.A., 17!»0 ; M.A., 1793 ; Chp., Stafford County Gaol : (/. 5th Jan.. 1835. [Foster's Alumni O-xon., II., 817.] Lang LEY. John. Golding, Shrewsbury. Letters to the Rev. Mr. Fielde, of Brewood. [Shaw, II., xvi., xvii.] Lasgley, Rev. Samuel, .v. of Thomas Langley, of Middlewich. Cheshire : Fellow of Ch. Coll., Cam. ; Minister of Swetteidiani, Cheshire, 1649; ejected, 1060 : removed to Tamworth, 1660, where he seems to have dwelt for some ' years, receiving, whilst there, a visit (13th Jan., 166(1) from the Rev. Henry Newcome, of Manchester. Su.^pension Reviewed. London. IGoS. 8vo. [Newcome's Autobioirraphv, !i, 121, '2HI, 2M : Marten- dale's Autobiop,rai)hv, lit: : Nonconformity in Cheshire, , 200, •>«■>.] Lanoi.ey, Rev. Samuel. /;. Checkley, 1720 ; .•<. of Rev. Samuel Laiigley : Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 10th May. 1738 ; B.A., 26th Feb.. 1742 ; M.A., 175S :"B.D.and U.D.. 1758 : Rector of Checkley, 1744; ..f Steventon, Salop, 1759 to death"; d. 1791. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. «17 ; Hutchinson's Stoke-on-Trent, «i.] Lanoley, Rev. Samuel, h. Checkley, 1756 : s. of Rev. Samuel Langlev ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 11th May. 1773': B.A., 1777 ; M.A., 1780: Rector of Checkley. 1791 to death ; li. 10th Feb., 1N3I). [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. S17; Hutchinson's Stoke-on-Trent, (13.] Langley, Rev. Thomas. I>. Checkley, 1767 ; .<. of the Rev. Samuel Langley, D.D. ; Mat. ■ Wore. Coll.. Ox., 30th Oct!, 1783: B.A., 1787. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 817.] Langley, Rev. William, b. Prestwich, Lanes., 1596 ; Vicar of St. Mary's. Lichfield ; ejected. 1643 ; afterwards of Wellington, Salop. The Persecuted Minister in Defence of the Ministrie, &c. London, 1656. 4to. Death of Charles I. lamented, with the Restauration of Charles II. congratulated, in a Speech at the Proclaim- ing of our gratious King at Wellington. London, 1660. 8vo. Port, of Charles II. Monarchy Asserted. London, 1660. 8vo. Certificate of Descent of Mr. W. Langley, minister of the Gospel, and late of Lichfield, from the house of Edge- croft (i.e., Agecroft), of Lancashire [Bodl. Lib., A'5S. '.**>, f. 125]. Letter to W. Langley from Is. Allen, certifying his descent and arras. 4th Sept.. 16.i6 [ib.,Sa8.91 f. 12.i, 126]. Autobiography of Mr. Langley, of Prestwich . . . "With an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. F. R. Raines. [Manchester Chelhitm Society (1878), Vol. 10;i] [Harwood's Lichfield, lay, 4(;0-, Walker's Sufferings, pt. II., 29M ; Nonconformist Memorial, III., 238 : ,«ee Satton (C. W.).] Lanoton, Walter de. b. West Langton, Leics.; Preb. of St. Paul's : of Wcstmr. : Canon of Lichfield ; Chp. ti) King Edward L and the Pope : Treasurer of Llandaff : Dean of Bruges : Keeper of King's Wardrobe and Great Seal : Master of St. Leonard's Hospital, York : Treasurer of King's Exchecpier : Bp. of Lich- field, 1296, to death : excommunicated : im- prisoned by Edward II.: a founder of Lich- field Catlieilral, building the Lady Cliapel, the wall round the Close, &c. : to it he left by Will 904 marks; ; Godwin de Prtesal ; .\nglia Sacra. I., 441. 447 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 11, I.lfl, 140 ; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield Cathedral, .'tn. hi, 76, 78. '.16, 108. 116, 122. !2.">, 128, lU, 146, 140, l.i4, 208, 20'.l. 217, 222 : Rvmer's Fcedera ; Le Neve's Fasti, ed. Hardy, I., .^40, a'M : Hill's Hist, of Langton, l.i, 17.] Lardner, Dr. Dionysios. Treatise on the Origin, Progress, and Improvement of Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. London : Cabinet Cijclopwdia. 1832. [Staffs. :— Astbury, 14 : Wedgwood, 1.5. Ifi, 17, 18, I'J, 27,53,75, i;t;i; Brindley, 38 : ElerBess.U; Staffs., 13,30.] Lascells, Amy. Norley, Frodsham. Wikey. A Scrap. (Second Edition). Reprinted from the Xmas Number of The Monthli/ Packet, n.p.. pi., or d. (W. IL Robinson, Walsall J. 12mo., pp. ;-i2. Latham, Rev. John. D.D. ; of Queen's Coll., Cambridge, 1847 ; Vicar of Little Eaton, Derbys., 1848; Canon Residentiary of Lich- field,'! S(;4 ; Clip, to the Female Training Coll., Derby. The Idolatry of the Church of Rome. A Sermon. A Visitation Sermon. Ladder, Rev. William. (I. 1771. An Essay on Milton's L'se and Imitation of the Moderns in his Paradise Lost. London, 1750. 8vo. [Preface and Postscript, written by Dr. JohnsoD.] A Letter by the Rev. Mr. Douglas, occasioned by his Vindication of Jlilton. London, 1751. 4to. [Drawn up by Johnson.] The Grand Imposter (Lauder) detected. London, 1754. 8vo. [Bcviawed by Johnson. Genl.'a May. ( 1854), 97.] Laurence, Henry, b. Willenhall, 1786 ; J. 28th June, 1844. Obituary. By T. J. [ Wes. Mmj. (1844), 332.] Laurence, Rev. Neville George Grey. b. Hamp- stead, Middlesex, 1826 : s. of John Laurence. Esq. ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 15th May. 1844 ; B.A., 1849 ; M.A., 1851 ; Viear of Forebridge, Stafford, 1H53— 72 ; Chp. at Frieburg, Baden-Baden, 1880. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. 82,5.] Laurence, Rev. Thomas, b. Dorset., 1598 ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 11th May, 1615; B.A., All Souls', 9th June, 1618 ; M.A., 16tb May, 1621 : D.D., 1638 : M.A., Cam., 1627 ; Master of Balliol Coll., Ox., 11th Nov., 1637 ; Margaret Professor of Divinity, 24th March, 1637 ; Chp. to the King ; Rector of Bemeiton and Foggleston, Wilts. ; Treasurer of Lichfield, 31st Jan., 1628 ; deprived of all LAW ( 269 ) LAWSON his preferments durins: the Civil War ; Chp. I at Colne, Hunts., wliere he d., \iii>~ . The Duty of the Liitv, &c. Oxford. 1635. 4to. Of Schism in the Church of God. Oxford, 1635. 4to. Sermon hefore the King. 1636. [Harwoods Lichfield, iWA: Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., i<,M ; Foster's Inde.-t Eccl. : Wooi4t;. Birmingham, n.d.. 1846. "to., pp. 12. A Collection of Acts for Building Additional Churches. London: Benning. 1847. 8vo. Ecclesiastical Statutes at Large. London: Rivington. 1S47. 8vo., o vols. Lecture on Ecclesiastical Law of England. Loudon : Ririnr/lOH. 1861. 8vo. bSce and Duties of Church Warden.s, Ac. Lichfield: T. n. Lomax. 1881. 8vo.. pp. 140. A Xew Set of Diocesan Mips of England and Wales. By J. T. L. and W. Francis. London, 1864. fol. Lecture (interspersed with ilaps) on the First and Subsequent Division of the Kingdom [i.e, England and Wales 1 into Province and Diocese. London, 1868. 8vo. [.See Law (E. C.) and (MLss).] Lawlev, Sir Francis. Bart. b. Canwell Hall, 1782 ; «. of Sir Robert Lawlev, Bart. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 20th Oct., 1800'; Fellow of All Souls until 1815; B.C.L., 1808: D.C.L.. 1813 ; 7th Baronet ; M.P., Worcester, Xov.. 1820—1832 ; d. 20th Jan., 1851. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 823.] Lawley, George T. b. Bilston, 1845 ; edu- cated Rev. S. Cozen 's Sch., Bilston. Price and Baebee's History of Bilston. Bilston: Printed and Published bi/ Price 4 Beebee, Market Plate. 1808. 12mo., pp. !lii. Birtord and Newitt's Visitors' Guide to Wolverhamp- ton .... Wolrerhampton : Printed and Published by Barford ij- Xewitl. 35. Qneen .Street. 1871. 12mo., pp. 54. [Signed "G. T. Lawlev."] The Bibliography of Wolverhampton. Bilston, 1890. Imji. 8to., pp. 72. [Only M copies.] Historv of Bilston in the County of Stafford . . . Bilston: Printed and Published bi/ John Price. 1803. 8vo., lar. .and sm. pipar. 4 leaves, pp. 2i;2. The Locksmith's Apprentice : A Tale [Midland f.'oHHties Express (187i))] ; Past Manners and Customs of Staffordshire [Birmingham Daily Post (18ti9) : Midland Counties Express (1870)]. Editor of — The Bilston Mercury. Printed by JeD'ery .)• Oiceu, Wolrerhampton. .ipril 24th, 1875, to May 12th, 1877 (.ill published.) Notes and Queries Column. .Midland Weekly Xews. Lawlev-Thompsox, Sir Paul Beilby, Bart. b. Canwell Hall, 1st July. 1784 ; »•. of Sir Robert Lawley. Bart. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 11th Feb., 1803 ; B.A., 1800 : Fellow, All Souls, 1806 —17: B.C.L., 1810; D.C.L., 1815; 8th Baronet ; M.P., Wenlock, 1826—32 : South Riding of Yorks., 1832 — 37 : assumed addi- tional name <>( Thompson by Royal Letters Patent. 1st June, 1839 : created Baron Wen- lock, 13th May, 1839 : d. 9th May, 1852. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IL, 823 ; Rugby Sch. Reg., llto: Loj, Joseph. I>. iSulton, 1 Htli Aug., 1 7'.I2 : (L, Stone, 22ud Aug., 1872. Oliitnary. [New Cjii. Mar/. (1x72), -iH— Hi.] Lawton", Mrs. Mary. b. Knighton, 12th April, 1820 ; d. Crewe, 2(lth Sept.^ 1881. Obituary. Bv Rev. W. J. Brownsou. [/'. .)/. Maq. (188;i), GUU.'liO?.]" L.\WTO\, Robert. h. Kiilsgrove, 5th March, 1813 ; d., Pitt's Hill, 25tli .luly, 18.-)2. Biograi)hical Notice of Thomas Meir. [/'. .1/. Mni/. (18.V2), 111,20.] Lawton, William. /;. Knuttou Heath ; d. 21st May, 1832. Obituary. [ ll'w. ^fay. (li<:i2), (389.] Lav.uu), Rev. Charles Clement. Of St. .Tohii's Cam., 1837 ; St. Bee's Coll., 1842— 43 ; Chp. to Trinity House Almshouses, Mile-End, Loudon, 18-1-9— 58 ; Vicar of Mayfield, 1858; of St. John's, Wembley, Middlesex, 1858 — 71 ; Curate in charge of Ch. Ch., Ramsgate, 1872 — 73 ; Rector of Combe-Hay, Somers., 1873—84 ; Curate of Winsley, Wilts., 1884 —89 : of Bath. Sabbath Trumpets. British and Foreign Bible Society .lubilee Hymns. Statement of Circumstances connected with the Re- fusal of the Bishop of Exeter to Licence the Rev. C. C. Layard to the P.C. of Escott, Devon. Layton, Richard, h. Dalemain, Cumb., circa 1500; he had 32 brothers and sisters ; B.C.L., Cam., 1522; LL.D. ; Rector of Stepney, 1522 ; Advocate, 5th June, 1531 ; Archd. of Bucks., l.'>34 ; Commissary for the Suppres- sion of Monastery at Licliheld ; Dean of York, 1539 ; Embassy to Flanders, 1543 ; d. 1544. [Cooper's jVth. Cantab., I., 14, itlil.] Lea, Rev. George, h. Kidderminster, 18(J5 ; .v. of John Lea, Esq. ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., O.K., 30th Jan., 1823 ; B.A., 182o ; M.A., 1829 ; P.C. of Ch. Ch., Birmingham, 1840—64; Preb. of Tachhrooke, liiciitield, 1840 — G4 ; P.C. of St. George's, Edgbastcm, 1804 to death ; d. 10th May, 1883. [Foster's Alunmi O.xon., II., 827.] Lea, Isaac, b. Birmingham, 1787; resident at Handsworth ; Trustei-, Aldridge Gr. Sch. ; (/., Handsworth, Gth Sept., 18G8, aged 81. [Notes and Coll. on Aldridge, I., 31.] Lea, James, b. Walsall, 1817 ; s. of James Lea ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 1st Dec, 1837 ; B.A., 1842; M.A., 1845; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 9th Nov., 1841 ; Barrister-at-Law, 1845 ; Owner of Lea Estate in Aldridge : m., 4tb Nov., 18G9, Ellen, daii. of Thomas Cooper, Esq., of Stourbridge : resident at Leamington. [Foster's Alumni O.'ion., II., 827 : Men at the Bar, 271 ; Notes and Coll. on Aldridge, I., 51.] Lea. Samuel. b. Stoke, 172C; f. of Rev. Samuel Lea; Mat. Magd. Coll., O.x., 17lh March, 1744 ; B.A., St. Ednmnd Hall, 1747 ; M.A., 1750. [Foster's Alumni O-ton., II., 827.] Lka, Thomas, d. Leek, 21st Sept., 1814. aged 85. Obituary. By .T. I.. [ IIV,--. .l/,i;/. I 18 11 ). !U;i.] Lkach, Rev. Thomas Henry, h. Barton-undcr- Needwood, 1830 ; f. of Thomas Leach ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., O.K., 10th Jan., 1847 ; B.A., 1851 ; Fellow, 1852— G2 ; .M.A., 1854 ; Vicar of Giliingham, Kent, 18G7 to death ; d. 24th Jan., 1871. [Foster's Alumni O.von., II., 828.] Leake, Mrs. Mary. Wife of the Rev. Robert Leake, Wesleyan Minister : d. Tipton, 22nd April, 1H45. Ohituiry. By J. E. [Wes. .)far/. (\Hiri), Hm.] Leak, Joseph. /). Middlewich, Cheshire ; re- moveil early in life to Tunstall, becoming one of the first Primitive Metiiodists ; d., Fegg Hayes, 22nd Feb., 1875. Obituarv. Bv Rev. D. S. Prosser. [/'. .1/. .1%. (187ii), (i88— ;hi.] Ledwaud, Richard Arthur. b. Bur.slera, 1857 ; s. of Richard Percy Ledward, of Pinder, Bourne, and Co., Potters ; studied at Burslem Scb. of Art and at South Kensington ; Model- ling Master at Westnn'. and Blacklieath Schools of Art ; made busts of Gladstone, H. Broad- hunst, &c.; m., 1883, Miss Wood, of Hanlev ; d., Chelsea, 28th Oct., 1890. [An Jimr. (18011).] Lke, Rev. Charles, b. St. James's, Piccadilly, London, 30th March, 1827 : s. of William Lee and Mary, liis wife : educated privately ; Scholar of St. John'^Coll., Camb., 1848 — 50 ; B. A. ,1850; M. A. ,1854; Curate, All Saints, Derby, 1851 — 52 ; Vicar of Ch. Ch., Leicester, 1853—55 ; of St. Mary's, Bilston, 1855 — 60 ; >f Holy Trin., Haverstock Hill, 1860—71 ; of St. Leonard's, Bilston, 1871 ; m. Sarah Anne Mansfield. 1^ The Deadly Poison of Sin. A Sermon ... on the Sunday Evening after the E.'fecution of William Palmer. Birininf/liniii, ISoG. 8vq. The Eclipse and the Solar System. A Sermon. . . Birminffliam, n.d. (1S57). 8vo., pp. 12. A Sermon to Ironra.asters and others on the .Sins of the Iron Trade. Birmiur/hnin ; .)/. Billing, n.d. (1858). 8vo., pp. 12. The Political Christian. A Sermon. London : J. Pant. n.d. 8vo., pp. 8. [Penny Pulpit. No. 4!t.] A Sermon on Frequent Services in the Church. Lon~ don: NailuH i\ Bond. 1860. l2nio., pp. 18. Freemasonrv : its Antiquity and Excellence. A Ser- mon. . . M.ay"l7th, 1878, at St. Mary's Church, Staflfovd. With Notes, Critical and Historical. Wolverhampton : Bio. J. Steen. 1878. 8vo., pp. 16. History of Mormonism. Lee, Edward Henry, 5th Baronet, of Ditchley Park, Oxon. ; m. Lady Charlotte Fitzroy ; created, 5lh June, 1G74, Viscount Quarendon and Earl of Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., 830. 188.] LEE (271) LEEK Lbb, Rev. Georiife. brother to Bisliop Rowland Leo [wi] ; 15. D., Cum. : Rector of Soutli Shdwlmry, Essex, -ttli June, l."i2(i ; Rector of Wooilf.ml, Essex, lotli .Inly, 1;")2'.) : of Ash- down, Essex, nth Nov., 15;^;! : Master of St. Jdim's H.^spital, Liclifiekl, 2:}rd .Ararch, loSC — .SO ; Preb. of Bisliopsliull, LiclitieM, 7tli May, Io37 — 4a : Wellington, L'7th Dec, 1;-,;)S_41 ; Treasurer of Liehtield, 27th Maicli, 1541—71 ; Dean of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, 8th June, 1542 : on its dissolution was awarded a pension of £6 lis. 4d.: d. 1574. [Owen and Blcikew.iy's Shrewsbury, II., 20 ; Churton's Smith. 1X5 ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Newcoiirt's Repert. II., Hi, .').S0, liHIi ; Bliss's Wooii's Fasti, I., 1)8, 13(i ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I. ; Harwooil's Lichtiehl. -.'U-i. 21S. 2.'):i, .'loSi.] Lee, George Henrv, Viscount Quarendon and Earl of Liehtield'; 6. 21st May. 1718; «. of G. 11., 2nd Earl of Lichfield : Mat. St. John's i Coll., Ox., 1st Jan., 17;!(; ; created M.A., I 14th Feb., 1737, and D.C.L., 25ch Aug., 1743 ; D.C.L. by diploma, 27tli Sept., 1762 ; • 3rd Earl of Lichfield : High Steward of Ox. Univ., 17G0 : Chancellor, 17(;2 : M. P., Ox- fordshire, Mar., 1740— Feb., 1743; Lord of Bedchamber, 17(10 ; P.C, 17C2 ; Vice-Presi- dent of Society of Arts : m. Diana, dau. of Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart. ; d. 19th Sept., 1772. I [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 831 : Burke's E.ictinct Peerage ; Doyle's Official Baronage ; Walpole's Keign of George II.] Lee, Rev. John Robinson, b. Market Drayton ; ,s. of — . Lee, Vicar ; of Magd. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1857 ; Fellow ; Curate of Bardsea, Ulverston, 18G0. History of Market Drayton, including .-Vshle.v, 'i'yrley. Hales, in Staffordshire. jVarket Drayton: J. Loclel. 1863. 8vo. Lek, Richard, of Wolverhampton. Spirituall Spring. A Sermon. Lonihm. IG25. -tto. Lee, Right Rev. Rowland, s. of William Lee, Esq., of Morpeth (Treasurer of Berwick), and Isabel, Ins wife ; educated St. Nicholas's Hostel, Cam.; B.C.L., 1510; Preb. of Norton Collev, 1512; D.C.L., 1520: Rector of Ashdown, Essex. 24th July, 1522 ; Chancellor of Lich- \ field and Preb. of Cnrborough, 7th April, , 1527—1534 ; Archd. of Cornwall, Sth Sept., i 1528; Commissary-General to Cardinal Wolsey for a Visitation of the whole realm, 1529 : . present at Convocation on King's Divorce, 1529 ; Vicar of St. Sepulchre, London, 19th ' Aug., 1532 ; married Henry VIIL to Anne Boleyn, at Sopewell, near St. Alban's, 14th Nov., 1532 ; Bp. of Lichfield, loth Jan., 1543 to : St. Pa., H. «. I. 421. 4.i4, t;33; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 81, 82, .'):«, .')3l ; Kichardson's Godwin; Harwood's Lichfield, 12. 147.148,223: Bliss's Wood's Fasti, I., Ii4 : Smith's Autogr.iphs : Xewcourt's Rupert, I., o;t3 : II., 1« ; Strypc : Rymer, XIV., 485, .i4SI, .")85 ; Le Neve's Fasti : Clive's Ludlow, l.i8. 285, 292 ; Ellis's Letters (3), II., 281. 2«5, 3(',2. 3119 : III., 13, 41, 74, 2'74 ; Churton's Smith, 87, 201. 245 : Coote's Civilian, 16 ; Owen and Blakeway's Shrewsburv. I., 312, 337, 340 : II., 201, 231; Wright's Monastical Letters, 24, 41, 238, 282; Nicholas's Proceedings of Privy Council, VII., 306 ; Fidde's Wolsev : Collectanea. 203; Pennant's Western Tour, 8th ed., I., 17 ; Dodd's Ch. Hist., I., 190; Herbert's Ames, 433 ; Collier's Ecclesiastical Hist., 143.] Leech, Arthur. />. Newcastle ; s. of Thomas Leech; F.G.S. ; formerly Town Councillor and Alderman of the Borough, and Mayor twice. Life. An Essay . . . HanUy: A'ealei ami Ford. 1863. 12mo., pp. 8. Tokens. .Stole: A. Crer/y. 12mo., pp. 8. The Arlington Livs. «. p., pi., or d. 12mo., pp. 8. Mr. Andrew Scob'le, Q.C. ... A Biography and Historic Sketch. Hanley : Keates ^ Co. 1885. 8vo., pp. 14. Memoir of J. Milner. The Vision of Lord Littleton. A Poem. r2mo., pp. 8. The Braggart. A Poem. 12nio.. pp. 8. Tokens. A Lecture. Staffordshire Printing and Publiihiity Co. 1875. 8vo., pp. 12. Leech, Rev. John, M.A. Preb. of Wellington, Lichfield. 25th Avig., 1749—77. [Harwood's Lichfield, 254.] Leeos, Edward, h. Benenden, Kent ; of Cam. Univ.; B.A.. 1543; M.A., 1545 ; LL.D., 1509 : a Monk ; Precentor of LichfieM Cathe- dral, 20ih June, 1500 ; resigned, 1581 : Preb. of Ely, 1551 ; Rector of Newton and Elm ; Chancellor to Bp. Goodrich of Ely : Chp. to Arelibp. Parker ; Rector of Cottenham : Mas- ter of St. John's Hospital, Ely, and of Clare Hall. Cam. : a Master in Chancery : Rector of Croxton, Cumb., 1573 — 84 ; (/. "l7th Feb., 1590 ; bur. Croxton ; a benefactor to Clare Hall and Emmanuel Coll., Cam. [Harwood's Liehtield, 195. 19(1 : Cooper's Ath. Cantab., 11.. (i4 ; Parker's Works. «3, U4 ; Cal. St. Pa. (Dom. Ser., ll.sl_90), 34— 47.] Leek. An Act for Repairing, &c.. the High Road leading from Ashbourne to the Town of Leek . . 1761. fol. An Act for Enlarging the Terms and Powers of. (Act, i7t;i.; nsi. foi. An Act for Continuing the above. 1803. fol. An Act for more effectually Repairing, »fcc., 5th May, 1826. fol., pp. 15. An Act for Lighting, Watching, Cleaning, Jkc. . . . Town of Leek, 20th May. 1825. fol.. pp. 41. An Act for Regulating the better Supply of Water to the Town of Leek. 28th .luly, 1827. foL, pp.' 15. An -A.ct for Enclosing Lands in the Parish of Leek. mu. fol. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Leek . . 39 Sheets, Inde.t Sheet, and Area Book. Southampton (1879). Oiilnance Plan of the Town of Leek . . 14 Sheets and Index Sheet. Southampton (1S79). History of Congregationalism in Leek [..V. Stt^lTs. Con- greyatiouai .May., I.. 2.5 — 9] ; Note on Leek Charter, with Facsimile [^Uefii/., II.. 231]; Manufactures of Leek [see " Esligh "; Marryatt's Pottery. 302, 40li ; Ray's Rebellion, 177; Gent.^g May. (3rd Dec. 1745); Doug-al Gpah;»m's Poems (1781) : Hulbert's 70 Years of an Active Life]. [See BeresfoRl (Rev. W.). Challinor (W.). Kilminster (— .), Bentlev (Rev. R.). Deacon (Rev.—.), Maude (Rev. — .), Parker' (T., Earl of M.acclestield), Sleigh (John), LKKS ( ) r.KUCiH Haiikiiismi ( llev. J.), Smith (F. .T.), Goshawk (Rev. R.). Hilli:inl (\i.) (W. F.), N:U1 (G.). Clemesha (W.), Hallowes (K.), Heath (G.). Bnint (G.), Johnson (S.), Miller (M. H.), Bi-nnt,'h (W. S.i, Ovson (Kev. J. B.). Aruiitt (Rev.—.), Chilow (Kev. W.), Jolnisiin (E.), Sngden (W. L,), Mark (T.), Kirkhani (T.). M.mlton (Rev. W. F.).] Lees, Rev. EJinuinl. Mat. All Souls' Coll., Ox.; B.A., 14th Ft'b., 1650 ; M.A., Otii July. 1658 ; Preb. of Bobenhall, Lichfield, 23rd Feb., li'tXA ; Rector of Ibstock, Leics., 1678 ; Canon of Lichfield, 16H6 ; of Peterborough, ICiST; Rector of Norton-b3'-Twycross, Leics., 1688 : d. 16'J1I ; bur. Ibstock. [Harwiiod's Lichfield, ilfl; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., Wlf).] Lees, Frederic R., Leeds. True fersus False Bible Temperance : An Analysis of Vicar Jeffcock's Sermon on the Temperance Movement and Christian Liberty. Glasgow. ISUS. 8vo., pp. \i\. Lees, Mrs. b. Wednesbury, 1763 : d. 29th Jan., 1838. [.See Fletcher I Rev. A.). J Lees, Rev. Samuel, b. Stone House, Hill Top, West Broniwich, 7th July, 1839 ; ■>•■. of Samuel Lees {b. 2 1 st March, l"8U7 ; (/. 3()th Sept.. 1883) and Sarah (c/o". of J. Botteley ; b. 16th March, 1807 : '/. 16th March, 1880), his wife: (>ducated Marshall's Academy, West Bromwich : studied under D. W. Raimliach at Binuingliam Sell, of Art ; Assistant to J. F. Sharp, C.L., of Hull, 1><62 ; National Medalist in Art, 18(;0 ; Wesleyan Minister from 1863; Assistant Secretary to Conference, 1881 — 90. Elswick Wesleyan Chapel. Newcastle-on-Tyiit : Reed. IS'5. 4to., pp. It). Gervase Smith, D.D. A Memorial Volume. London : T. WwAmtr. ISSi. Cr. Kvo., pp. ■!;)■.>. Finchpathe. " Midland J'ress." Wediieshiiri/. 1891. Her Majesty's Mails [City Jiaad May. {lH~i>)] ; Me- mori.ils of Dr. P'unshon [iynUliiiian (April, IX.SI)]. Joint Eilitor of — .Xewcaslle and Gateshead .Mag. 1K13 —76. 4to. LEoKxns of the Moorlands. [.Sec Dakeyne (Miss). Beresford (Rev. W.).J Legce, Right Rev. the Hon. Augustus, b. Saiiclwell, West Broniwich, 28th Nov., 1S39 ; ,v. of 4tii Earl of Dartmouth : educated Eton ; Mat. Ch.Ch., Ox.; B.A., 1861 ; M.A., lK(i4 ; D.D., 1891 ; Curate, Handsworth, 1864 — 66 ; St. Mary's, Bryanston Square, London, 1866 67 ; Vfcar, St. Bartholomew, Sydenham, 1867 79 ; of Lewi.sham, 1879 — 91 ; Hon. Canon of Rochester, 1877 ; R.D., of Greenwich, 1880 8() : of Lewisham, 1886 — 89 ; Proctor in Convocation, 1K85 ; Bp. of Lichfield, \W\ : m. Fanny Louisa, dmt. of W. B. Stopford- Saekville, Esq., of Drayton House, Thrapstone, Northants. Covenant with God. A Book of Instruction on ('ontirmation. London: Welh Gardner. Vnrton. i)"' Co. n.d. f-'mo., pp. I l!i. National t^ducation [Macinillan's Mag. {.Ian., 1874)] ; Clergy Pensions \_The Churchman (March. 18S(i)] ; Two Articles in "A Manual of Parochial Work. ' edited by the Rev. John EUerton {.s./'.C.K., 1888), viz.:— ■' Provident Societies and Clubs." in Part III., sec. vii.. and " Parochial Finance," in Part Vlll. Leooe, Rev. the Hon. Augustus George, y. of William, Earl of Dartmouth : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 22nd Aiiril, 1790 ; B.A., 1794; M.A., Mert.m Coll., 1796; Chp. to George III.. 1798; Rector of Wonston, 1797 ; of Crawley, Hants., 1800; Preb. of Ulveton, Lichfield, 1801 ; Archd. of Winchester, 1814 ; Preb. of Winchester. 1 HI 7 ; Chancellor, 1S20 ; Rector of North Waltham, isi'o to death; d. 21sl Aug., 1828. [Foster's Alnmni Oxini.. 11.. x.'il : Harwood's Lich- field, 241.] Legge, B., of Tipton. Guide to the Iron Trade. !'■■ 1" Leook, Rev. the Hon. Edward William, Earl of Dartmouth Ox., 14th June, 1784; B.A All Souls', 1789; B.C.L., 180.'); W.irden,1817 Kent, 1797—1827; 'ir d. Duo., pp. 181). b. 1767 ; .V. of Mat. Ch. Cli., 1788 ; Fellow, 1791 ; U.C.L., 27 ; Vicar of Lewisham, Preb. of Winchester, 1795 ; of Canterbury, 1797 : Canon of Wind- sor, 1802 ; Dean of Windsor and Wolver- hampton, 1805 — 15 ; Bp. of Oxford, 181."> to death ; d. 27th Jan., 1827. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 8;i4 ; Rugby Sch. Lists, .")1 ; Oliver's Coll. Ch. of Wolverhampton, 8(>,"87.] LEOciK, Hon. Edward Henry, h. 1834; .>■•. of William, Earl of Dartmouth ; educated Eton ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 12th June, 1851 ; B.A., 1855; M.A.. 1861; Lieut. -Colonel, Cold- stream Guards. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 8:il ; Eton Sch. Lists.] Leggb, George, Viscount Lewisham. /;. 1705 ; ». of William, Earl of Dartmouth ; Mat. Madg. Coll., Ox., 20th Jan., 1722 ; M.P., Bodmin, 1727 — March, 1729 ; m. Elizabeth, dni(. of Arthur Kaye, of Woodsome, Yorks.; (/. 29th Aug., 1732. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., s;il ; Hnlbert's Almond- bury, 210.] Legge, George, h. 1648 ; x. of William Legge (the "honest Will Legge" of Charles I.) and Eli/ubeth {jlav. of Sir W. Washington, of Packington, Leics.) ; went to sea when 17 years old ; Commander of the " Pembroke," " Fairfax," and the " Royal Catherine " ; Governor of Portsmouth ; Master of Ordnance : P.C. ; Connnander-in-Chief, 1682; created Baron Dartmouth, 2nd Dec, 1682; m. Bar- bara, dan. of Sir Henry Archbold, of Abbot's Bromley ; Admiral, 1082 ; Master of the Horse and Constable of the Tower under James II. ; Recorder of Lichfield, 1686—88 ; swore allegiance to William and Mary, 1688 ; arrested on suspicion of jilotting tlic return ot James II., 1691 : imprisoiieil in the Tower, where he died of apople.xy, 25th Oct., 1(!9]. [Many of liis letters (pt'iw.^ Lonl Dartinoutli) are given in lltli Rep. of Hist. MSS. Commission. .\pp. (1887). J A Vindication of the Conduct of George, 1st Biron Dartmouth . . . By Frederick Devon, Assistant Keeper of the Records. London, 185G. 8vo. [Hulbert's Almondburv, 2IJ8 — 10; Macaulay's Eng- land, II.. III., IV. ; Harwood's LichfieM, 4.-U ; (Jharter to (5ity of Lichfield by James II. : Foster's Peerage ; Lord LEUGK (273) LEGGE Torrington's Memoirs, 20, 2'J, 30, 32. 33 ; Uartmoiitli MSS. Index; Collin's Peerage (ITiW), IV.. 3(W ; Campbell's Admirals, II., .518 ; Naval Chrwide, XXVIII., 177.] Leogb, George, Viscount Lewisliurn. h. 3rd Oct., llitb ; s. of William, Earl of Dartiiiotith : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 22n(l Oct., 1771 ; created M.A., 3rd Juiv, 177S, and D.C.L., I'Cih Ort., 1778; 3rd Earl of Dartmouth; M.l'., Ply- moutli, June, 1778— SO; Start's., 1780 — 8G ; summoned to the House of Lords as Baron Dartmouth, on the 1.5th June, isol, during the lifetime of his father ; P.O., 17th March, 1801 ; Lord Warden of the Stanneries, 1783 ; President of India Board, 1801 ; Lord Cham- berlain, 1804; K.G., 27th May, 1805; m. Lady Frances Finch, dau. of 4th Earl of Aylesford; d. 10th Nov., 1810. Portrait. \^Arts Sochf'l TrniinactiouH (1813).] [Foster's Altimni Oxon., II., 83.5 : Hulbert's Almond- bury, 211; Genl.'s Ma;/. (,1810) (pt. 2), 51U ; Foster's Alumni Oxen. ; Georgian Era, I., .5.57 ; Parliamentary Hist., XX., 307 : XXI., 1084 ; Beatson's Political Index, I., 4ofi : II., 3811 ; Collin's Peerage, ed. Bridges, IV., 123 ; Lords' Jour., XLIII., 395 ; Diary, ifec., of Abbot Lord Colchester, I., .515.] Leoob, Heneage. b. March, 1704 ; .«. of William, 1st Earl of Dartmouth ; Mat. Magd. Coll., 0.\., 22nd Jan., 1720 ; Barri.ster-at-La\v, Inner Temple, 1728 ; King's Council, 173'.) ; Ser- jeant-at-Law, 1747 ; High Steward of Lich- field, 12th Dec, 1734—59 ; Baron of the Exchequer, June, 1741) ; m., June, 1740, Catherine, dau. of Jonathan Fogg, Esq. ; d. 30th Aug., 1759. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 835; Harwood's Lich- field, l.'iS ; Foster's Peerage ; Inner Temple Books ; Howell's State Trials, XVIII., 290, et seq.: 1118, et seq.; Walpole's George II., Vol. III., 118 ; Gent.'s Mag. (17.5!)), 442, 4',)7 ; Hasted's Kent, ed. Drake, pt. 1, 244.] Legoe, Heueage. b. 1761 ; s. of William, Earl of Dartmouth ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 33rd Oct., 1777 ; B.A.. 1781 ; d. 2nd Sept., 1782. • [Foster's Alumni Oxon., U., 835.] Legge, Hon. Heneage. b. 1788 ; s. of George, Earl of Dartmouth ; educated Eton ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 24th Oct., 1805 ; Fellow, All Souls' Coll., Ox., 1812—28; B.C. L., 1812 ; D.C.L., 1818; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1813 ; M.P., Banbury ; Commission of CustonH ; d. 12th Dec, 1844. [Eton Sch. Lists ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 835.] LE(i(;i.:, Henry. b. 20tli May, 1708; a. of William, Earl of Dartmouth ; Mat. Uh. Ch., Ox., 29th March, 1720 ; created D.t'.L., Wadh. Coll., 1st March, 1734 ; Chancellor of the E.x- chequer, 1754, 175(1 — ()2 ; assumed name of Billson in lieu of Legge ; M.P., East Looe, , Cornwall, Nov., 1740—41 ; Oxon., 1741 — Dec, 1759 ; Hants., Dec, 1759 to death ; m., 11th Sept., 1750, Mary, dau. of Edward, Lord Stawell ; d. 23rd Aug., 17(54. Britannia's Tears : An Klegy occasioned by the Dismission of the Right Honourable W. P 1 and H. L ge. Lomlcn, 1757. 4to., pp. IG. Some Account of the Character of the Lite Honourable Henrv Billson Legge. London, 1764. 8vo., pp. lit. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 835 ; Foster's Peerage ; Walp.ale's George II. ; ditto, George Itl. ; II. Walpole's Letters, VoU. I. — IV. : Chatham Correspondence, I., 11.: Bedford Correspondence, I., II. ; Grenville Papers, I., II.] Legge, Hon. Henry. //. -.iSrd Jan., 17(55 ; s. of William, Earl of Dartmouth ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 17th Oct., 1781; B.A., 178«; M.A., 1788; Student until 1829; Barrister-at-Law, 1790; Bencher, l!S30; Commissary of the Navy; Director of Greenwich Hospital ; L'nder Secretary of Irish Affairs ; d. IJSth April, 1844. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 835 ; Foster's Peerage.] Legge, Rev. the Hon. Henry. b. 25th Sept. 1803 ; «r. of George, Earl ofDartmouth ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 22ud .Ian., 1S22 ; B.A., \>^2i> ; Fellow, All Souls', 1825—42 ; B.C.L., 1S35 ; D.C.L. , 1840; Vicar of Lewisham, 1831— 79 ; m., 12th May, 1842, Marian, dau. of Sir Lemon Rogers ; d. 13th Fe'.)., 1887. [Foster's Peerage ; Eton Sch. Lists: Foster's Alumni Oxon., IL, 835.] Legge, William. //. 14th Oct., 1672 ; «. of George, 1st Baron Dartmouth : educated Westr. Sch. ; of King's Coll., Cam. ; M.A., 1G89; Lord Commisioner of Trade, 1702; P.C., 1702 ; Secretary of State, 1700; Keeper of Signet in Scotland, 1700 ; created Viscount Lewisham and Earl of Dartmouth, 5th Sept., 1711 ; Keeper of Privy Seal; a Lord Jus- tice ; m. Anne Finch, dau. of Heneage, Earl of Aylesford ; d. 15th Dec, 1750, aged 78. [Letters (in MS.) from the Enrl to Queen Anne nre at Pat- shull (see lull Rep. Hist. MS. ('oniinission, .\pp, V.). Annotations by him on Burnet (the original of which is also at Pat.shulO were printed iji the O.tford edition of Burnet's History of his own Times, 1824.— CliMPII.EH.] [Hulbert's Almondbury, 210; .liUograp/iic Mirror, IV., No. 40; Gent.'s .)far/. (1750), 570; Hasted's Kent (188«), -244, 245: Alumni West., 27, 28, If.r., 21(!, 351, 5.55, 550, 571, 573 ; Luttrell's State Affairs (1857). IV., V., VI.] Legge, William, Viscount Lewisham (the "'pious Earl of Dartmouth "). h. 29th Aug., 1731 ; s. of George, 2nd Earl ofDartmouth ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 14th Jan., 1749: created M.A., 21st March, 17.5i», and D.C.L., 28th April, 1756 ; 3rd Earl of Dartmouth, 1750 ; Recorder of Lichfield, 1757 to tleath; P.C, 1765; Presi- dent of the Board of Trade, 1 765 — 66 ; Colonial Secretary, 1772 — 75 ; Lord Keeper, 1775 — 82 ; Lord Steward nf the Household, 1783 ; High Steward of the Univ. of Oxford, 1786 ; m., 11th .Jan., 1755, Frances Catherine, dau. of Sir Charles Gunton Nicholl, K.B. ; d. 15th July. 1801. [ Karl Dartmouth was a great friend and correspondent of Rev. .John Xewton. the poet Cowper, Rev. Henry Venn, Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, &c.J Ten Letters are addressed by Newton to the Earl of Dartmouth in his Cardiphonia. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 835 ; HuUiert's Almond- bury, 210. 211: H,arwood's Lichfield, 4;t8 ; Foster's Peerage; Mahon's Hist, of England, V. VI. ; Bancroft's Americii. III.. IV., V. ; Bigelow's Franklin. II. ; Cecil's Newton, l.'t2 — 34 : Jesse's George III., Vols. I., II.; London Mag.. XLIX., 443 — 15. port.; (lenl.'s Muy. (IsOl), pt. 2, 7IJ8, 792 ; .liiii. Register (1801), 85*.] Legge, William, Viscount Lewisham. b. 29th Nov., 1784 ; *\ of George, 3rd Earl of Dait- LEGGE ( 274 ) LEIGH mouth ; Mat. Cli. Cb., Ox., 8id May, 1802 ; B.A., ISii.-); i-ivated D.C.L., 13tli -lure, 1834: 4th Earl of Dartmouth; M.L'., Mn.- bourne Port, Jan. to Nov., 1810; F.A.S. : F.R.S.; 7/!., (1) r)th April, 1K21. Lady Fnmces Charlotte, dan. of I'lid Earl Talbot, (2) 2r)th Oct., 1S28, Hon. Frances, dan. oF George, 5th Viscount Barriiigton ; (/. 22iid Nov., 1.S53. [Foster's Peerage; Foster's Aliimni 0.\on., II., 8;io ; Hulbert's Almomlbury, 211; Arts SociHij Transactions, port.] Legge, William Hcnea,i;e. b. Hill Street, London, Ifith May, IH.')! : s. of WilHam Walter, 5th Earl of Dartmouth ; educated Eton ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox.; M.P., West Kent, 1878—85: of Lewishaui, 1885— !)2 ; P.O., 1885 ; Vice-Chamberlain, H. M. Household, 1885_8G, July, ISSC— 92 ; Member of Com- mittee on Agriculture, 1888; late Major, now Hon. Colonel, South Staffs. Rifle Volunteers ; succeeded as lith Earl of Dart- mouth, 1892 ; Lord Lieutenant of Staff's., 1892 : m., 18th Dec., 1S79, Lady Mary Coke, dau. of the Earl of Leicester ; of Patshull House, Wolverhampton. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 835.] Legge, William Walter. h. Sandwell Hall, West Bromwich, 12th Aug., 182:5; s. of William, 4th Earl of Dartmouth ; educated Eton ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox. ; B.A., 1844 ; M.A., 1847 ; Captain, South Stafi's. Militia, ]84a_54 : Hon. Colonel, South Staffs. Ritle Volunteers; M.P., South Stalls., 1849-5:3; 5th Earl of Dartmouth, 1853 ; Lord Lieuten- ant of Stafi's., 1887 to death : m., 9th June, 1840, Lady Augusta Finch, dau. of the Earl of Aylesford ; rA 1S92. Manuscripts preserved at Patshull House. IfiSl. Demy Hvo., pp. .iOO. Address to Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce, Jan., 187:5, on Grain. {Staffs. Admtiser.l Letters on various subjects to papers. bury. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II.. SH.') ; Hulbert's Almond- ■, 80, ii>, ll.i, IIX, r2(i, 17.'), ISe, .-iUO, 304, 407.] Leicester, Robert de. Of Ox. Univ. ; D.D., Franciscan Friar, Lichfield ; Preb. of Stotfold, 10th July, 1313, to death ; d. Lichfield, 134S. Left numerous JI.S. [Leland's Descript. Illustrata, 230 ; Bale. Cent., 5, f. 428; Harwood's Lichfield, 247; Digby MS., 212, xix.; Pemb. Coll.. Cam.. MS.. 220 ; Monasticon Franciscana, I., 554 ; Hist. MSS. (Commission 4tli Rep., 44.'!.] Leicestek, William de. Brother of Robert Leicester [.w] ; Preb. of Ulveton, 1343; Canon of Lichfield ; with his brother founded a chantry at Coventry. [Harwood's Lichfield, 240 ; see Leicester (Robert).] Leigh. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Leigh ... 5 sheets and index sheet. Southampton (ISSl). Belfry Kinging Laws. [ /Wiry., XXI., 128.] [.See Lane (Archd.), B.agot (Rt. Rev.Bp.) (Rev.J.L.), Beaven (Rev. J.) (Hon. Robert, in Appemlix).] Leigh, Rev. Clement, M.A. Rector of New- castle, 1804—53 ; (/. 1853. The Effects of Righteousness and Sin on Communities. Xeu'castle : .J. Smith, n.d. (1804). 8vo., pp. :i3. The Unhapi>y State of the Sinner . . . London, 1S23. Hvo.. pp. 22. Justification. A Sermon. Newcastle: W. H. Hyde. 1S3G. Svo., pp. 35. The Importance of the Points of Difference between Protestantism and the Church of Rome ex)ilained and applied. Newcastle: W. H. Hyde. 1S3G. 8vo., pp. ;io. [Both the last were rcpriutcd in :— ] Lectures on Romani.sm. Newcastle: W. Jl. Hi/de. 1830. 8vo. [of wliioh Mr. Leigh wns (-tneral editorl. Leigh, Sir Edward, Knt. h. Sliaweli, Leics., 23rd March, 1602: Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., I(;i7; B.A., 1(!20 : M.A., 1G23; Student, xMiddle Temjile. 1 (■)24 : in France, 1025: resi- dent at Uushall Hall. Walsall, certainly from l('i29, when he was fined for playing at bowls at Bloxwich: M.P. for Stafford, in4(t: Delegate to Westmr. Assembly of Divines, l('i43 : Colonel in a regiment during the Civil War ; expelled the House of Commons and confined, 1G48 ; lived some time in Banbury : m., 162S, Eliza- beth, dau. of Thomas Talbot ; (/. Rushall, 2nd June, 1671. A Treatise of Divine Promises. London : G. Miller. 1633. 4to. London. 1G42, 8vo. ; London, IGoO, 8vo. ; London. 1G57, 8vo. ; London, 1G59, 8vo. Select and Choice Observations concerning the twelve first Ciesars. Emperours of Rome . . . L. Lich- field, for \V. Webb, Uxlord, 1G35. 12mo. Republished as '"Analecta Cffisarum Romanorum " — the first twelve by Edward Leigh. M.A., the last .six by Henry Leigh. Lon- don. 1G47, 8vo. ; Oxon., 1655, Svo. ; London : Printed bi/ Roger Daniel . . JC57, sm. 8vo., ti leaves, pp. 277 ; 4th ed., corrected and much enlarged, London, 1644, 8vo., 6 leaves, pp. 430 ; London. 1070, Hvo. Critica Sacra ; or, Philologicall and Theologicall Ob- servations upon all the Hebrew Words of the Old, and Greek Words of the New Testaments . . . London: Printed hii Robert Vonn;/. Anno Domini 1040. A in eights, pp. 031 ; Index. Tt — Aaa in fours, Bbb in two. London, 1642, 4to. Again, title differently arranged, London, 1640, 4to., 7 leaves, pp. 450 ; Indexes, Nnn — Qqii in fours, 2qq one. London. 1050. fol., port, by Cross. With a Supplement, London. 1002. fol., port, (tetatis liO) by T. Chantrv. In Latin, edited by Henry A. Middoch, .Imster- dam. lG70,Ut\. Again. .1 msren/am, 7C9C, fol., port. The Hebrew portion, translated into French by Professor Louie de Wolzogue, of Gronningon, Paris, 1703. Again, (in Latin, with Supplement), edited by J. J. Serochus, Copenhagen, 1713, fol. Supplement to the Critica Sacra. London, 1062. fol. Speech of Col. E. Leigh as it was delivered . .to Honourable House of Commons on . . . Presenting the Staft'ordshire Petition. London, 1044. 4to. Observations of all the Kings of England. London, 1001. Hvo. Prototyiies . . . With Mr. Wh.ateley's Life and Death. Published by E. L. and H. Scuddar. London, 1040. fol. The Saint's Encouragement In Evil Times .... London, 1048. Svo. London, 1051. Svo. Annotations upon all the Books of the New Testa- ment, Philologicall and Theologicall .... London : Printed bi/ II'. IK. and E. G.for William Lea. 1050. fol., port, by Cross, 5 leaves, pp. 024. Index, leaves. Trans- lated iiito Latin bv Arnold. Leipzig, 1732. fol. A Philologicall Commentary ; or, An Illustration of the most obvious and useful Words of the Law, with their distinctive and divers acceptation . . . London, 1652, Hvo. ; London, 1658. Svo. ; London, 1071, Svo. A System or Body of Divinity . . . London, 1654. fol. 2nd ed., London, 1662. fol., 17 leaves, pp. 1178 and 32 leaves. , „ , . . A Treatise of Religion and Learning, and of Religious and Learned Men. London 1650. fol. Some copies have the following title :— F«lix Consortium ; or, A Fit Con- iunctione of Religion and Learning . . London : Printed by Charles Adams . . . 1003. fol., 4 leaves, pp. 373, 6 leaves. LKiGH (275) LE NEVE Annotations on the Five Poeticall Books of the Old Testament, vi/..: — Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles. London^ 1657. fol. England Uesci-ibed : or, The Several Counties and Shires thereof brietly handled . . . Loudon ; J'riufed by A. M. for Henri/ Marsh . . . IGo'J. (!vo., S leaves, pp. i:)!. London, IBGl. (*vo. Three Diatribes or Discourses of Travel, of Money, and of ileasuring Distance betwixt Place and Place. Loudon; Freelhiff. 1671. sm. Xvo., pp. S7. Reprinted under the title of The Gentleman's (xuide. Loudon, IGHO, em. Hvo. Again, in Ilarl. MisceUauy. [Calendar of Deeds (Walsall), 21G ; Hist, of Banbury, AtJi\ Hist, of Enstone, 74 ; Willmore's Walsall, 270 — 74; all Biographical Collections and Histories of Staffs, and Literature contain notices of him and his works.] Leigh, Rev. Egerton. b. liyram, Cheshire, 173-t ; s. of Rev. Egerton Leigh ; B.A., St. John's Coll., Cam., 1758 : incorporated Brasenose Coll., Ox., 7th Feb., 1758 ; M.A., 8th July, 1758 ; Preb. of Bangor, 1758 ; Rector of Lyniui for 40 years ; Preb. Dassett Parva, Lichfield, 30th Aug., 1770, to death ; Archd. of Salop, 5th Aug., 1770, to death ; Chan- cellor of Lichfield, 22nd Sept., 17117 to death ; (/. 17th Sept., 1798. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II.. 83(1 ; Harwood's Lich- field, 2110. 2 Iti. 227.] Leigh, Rev. Francis, b. Cheadle, 1804 ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 11th Nov., 183G ; B.A., 1843 ; Curate of Caverswall and Werrington. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., S;i7.] Lkigh, H., Tunstall. Obituary of Mrs. Sarah Leigh. [/'. .1/. Mmi. (\Xnl), 124, V2h.] Lkkjh, Rev. Harvey, h. Tunstall, 'Jth July, 1815 ; Primitive Methodist Minister from 1840 ; m. Mary Bennion, of Market Drayton ; il., Barnsley, Yorks., 6th May, 1878, aged i\i. Jlemoir. Bv Thomas Dearlove. [/'. .1/. .Utu/. (1870), 411—51.] Leigh, Henry, .v. of Sir Edward Leigh, Knt. ; Lord of the Manor of Rushall on death of bis father, 11)71 ; d. 1705, at Rushall. Comi>iIer of six additional Lives of the Caesars in the 1057 edition of his father's " Aualecta Ca^sarum." Edited several of his father's books. [Plot called hiin"the learned Henry Leiglj, Esq."] Leigh, Henry Gerard, b. Wigginton Lodge, Tamwortli, 1857: ^•. of John Blundel! Leigh, Esq. ; educated Eton : ^lat. Ch. Cii.. Ox., 28th May, 1874 : Lieutenant, 1st Life Guards. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. II., 8:!7 ; Kton Sch. Lists.] Lkigh, John Blundell. h. Wiggintnn Lodge, Tamwortli ; brother of H. G. Leigh : Mat. Cli. Ch., Ox., 24th May, 1877. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 838.] Lkigh, John and Levi, of Guildford, Surrey. ! Letters concerning the Doctrine of Personal and Un- ' conditional Reprobation, ic. Guildford: Printed . . . Albert (Mlbnti, Hanley, Staffordshire. 1824. fcp. 8vo., pp. 68. Leigh, Rev. Samuel, b. Milton, near Hanley, 1st Sept., 1785 ; educated Gosport Academy, under Rev. David Bogue, D.U. ; Wesleyan (and pioneer) Missionary to New South Wales and New Zealand, 1815 — 31 ; returned to England and began circuit work same year ; supi'raunuated at Reading, 1X48 ; m. Mrs. Elizabetii Kaye, ividoiv of Rev. W. Kaye : d. 2nd May, 1852. Reports to Wesleyan Missionary Society in MS. [ II'm- leyan Missionary 0//tce. London], some of which have been printed in part in tlie Wes. .May. ( IMi; — 32). Remarkable Incidents in the Life of the Rev. Samuel Leigh. By Rev. Alexander Strachan. Second Edition. Loudon: ,/ames yichols. 185^. Demv 8vo. Portrait. pp.418. Leben and Wirken von Samuel Leigh. Bremen, 1864. Leigh, Mrs. Saraii. //. Tunstall, 17)^9: d. 9th Dec, 1826. [.^'ee Leigh (H.).] Leigh, Very Rev. William. h. Rushall Hall, Walsall, 1752; .-■. of Jolm Burridge Leigh (High Sberitt', Staffs., 1754) and Olympia (ilou. of Henry Houghton, Esq., of ()ngar, Essex), his wife ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 7th Dec, 1771 ; LL.B. ; Rector of Plumstead, Norfolk ; Lord of the Manor of Rushall on death of his father, 1773 ; Dean of Hereford ; m. (1) Ann, dau. of — Bedingfield : (2) Elizabeth, dau. of Stratford Canning, Esq. A Sermon, preached at Ashbourn on the 2Jth Feb 179o. Bath, n.d. (1705). Kvo., pp. 3.'t. '' The Interposition of Livine Providence Illustrated Bath: Printed by li. CruttweH. 1708. 4to. A Short Inquiry into Revealed Religion. Bath, 1702 —03. 8vo. Had an original portrait of Sir E. Leigh, Knt. Leigh, Rev. William, b. Atherstone, 1778 ; s. of Richard Leigh : Mat. Hertford Coll., Ox., 20th Nov., 1795 ; B.A., 1800 ; M.A., from Wore. Coll., 1820 ; Curate of Bilston, 1802 — 13; Incumbent, 181:! — 34; Vicar of Pul- ham, Norfolk, 18;U, to death ; d. 12th April, 1858 ; aged 80 ; btu: Pulham. An Authentic Narrative of the melancholy occurrence at Bilston, in the County of Statford, during the awful visitation in that town by Cholera in the months of August .and September, 1832. U'olrerhamplon : 11'. Parte 1832. 8vo., pp. 76, App 70. Leigh, William. Resident at, and owner of. Little Aston Hall, lx;!()— 41 ; afterward.s of Woodchester Park, Gloucs. ; received into the Roman Catholic Chureh 1844 ; founded the Roman Catholic Cathi'dral and Bishopric of Adelaide, S. Australia ; (/. 4th Jan., 1873. Funeral Sermon. [.Sfp Ullathorne (Archbn.) ] [Notes and Coll. of Aldridge, I., 41.] Leiohton, T. B. d. West Broniwieh. 6th April, 1842 : aged 60. Obituary. By J. .7. [ II'm. .l/di/. ^ 1842), '.128, 921).] Le Marchaxt, D. Report on the Barony of Gardner (of rttoxeter) Loudon, 1828. 8vo. Le Neve, John. Monumenta Anglicana. Loudon, 1717 — 10. a vols 8vo. "' Fasti Ecclesias Anglicana. London, 1716. fol. New Edition, edited by T. D. Hardy. Orford. 1856. 3 vols., 8vo. Lives, Characters. Ac, of Protestant Bishops. London 1720. 8vo. ' [In all tlie above works there are numerous references to StafTordshire persons.] LENNOX ( 27G ) LEVESON-GOWER Lennox, Mrs. Charlotte. Shakespeare Illustrated. Lamlon, 1753, 1764. Umo. 3 vols. [The Deilicatiou to Jclin. Earl of Orrcrj-, and probably mach more, was written by Dr. .Johnson.] Proposals for puhlishing the works of Mrs. Lennox. Bjr Dr. Johnson. LuiiJoti, 1775. 8to. Leofwin. Bishop of LichfielJ, 1054 to death : Alihot of Coventry, lOGO. [Harwood's Lichfield, 133.] Lester, Rev. J. H. St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1868 ; M.A., 1S71 ; Preb. of Whitting- ton, Lichfield, 1884 ; Diocesan Missioner, 1880 —85 ; Chp. to Bp. of Lichfield, 188.-)— 91 ; Eector of Lcxdeii, Colchester, 18'.»0; Warden of the Ch. Parochial Missionary Soc, 1801. The Lichfield Church Mission Hvmn Book. Lomloii : liemrose. ii.d. (1SS3). [ 1 III Hymns'] Sjiecial Tnnes arr.anged for the Lichfield (Church Mission Hymn Book. Same imprint. The Revelation of the Seven Words from the Cross. London ; Skeffluglon. 1885. 2nd ed. Letters. Letters and Essays on Several Subjects. In Prose and Verse. Bv . . . Congieve, &e. London, 1604. 8vo. Loudon, 1606. 8vo. Familiar Letters. By Butler .... Congreve. London, 1718. 8vo. 2 vols. Letters from a late Eminent Prelate, lic. [.S'eeHurd (Bp.).] Original Letters from Richard Baxter .... Dr. Johnson . . . Jtc. [.SVe Warner (Rebecca).] Leveson, Anne. Letter to Ashmole. 3rd Jan.. 1G73. [Bodl. Lib.. 17.32, f. 28;ia4.] Leveson, Edward. Temp. Edward VI. [Bodl. Lib., SW, 4i!li, 4(i7.] Leveson Family. Pedigree. [Shaw II., 109 : Bodl. Lib.. 1137, 1144.] Leveson, Francis. Petition of Fr.ancis, 2nd son of Richard Fowler, of Harnedge, in Shropshire, praying the King's special per- mission to take the name and arms of Leveson. according to the last Will of Sir William Leveson, of Trentham. Also the King's Order { KHh Jlay, l(Jtj4 ) referring the same to the Attorney-General, and his opinion thereon, signed '• G. Palmer." "[Bodl. Lib., 857, 122— 2i!. f. 280, 281.] The King's Warrant to prepare a Bill for such gr.ant, 2oth May, l(i(;4 [ib.. f. 282]. The Bill prepared [ih., 283, 284]. King's Warrant to Dngdalc Norroy, directing the marshalling of arms of Levisou with Fowler, 1st Aug., 16G4 [ih., i. 284— 8ti]. Dugdale's Patent assigning the name of Levison to Francis Fowler, 1st Aug., lt!(J4 [ib., f. 287, 288]. His Funeral, 1««7 [ib., 836, 91—104, 451]. Leveson, Sir Nicholas. *■. of Richard Leveson, of Prestwood, Staffs. ; member of the Mercers' Company : Sheriff of London, 10:34 ; m. Dionysius, dau. of Thomas Bodley, of Black Notley, Essex ; d. 20th Aug., 1539 ; btir. St. Andrew's, Undershaft ; of Hailing and Thome Place, Kent. [Private note from G. L. Gower, Esq.— COMriLEll.] Leveson, Sir Richard. Of Wolverhampton ; B.A. : Mat. Balliol Coll., 10th Oct., 1.592; Knighted at Cadiz : Vice-Admiral of the Fleet ; fought against the Spanish Armada ; in. Mar- garet, d(t>i. of Charles Howard, Earl of Notting- ham (Mijrriage Licence dated 13th Dec, 1587) ; d., London, 1st July. 1605 ; bur. Wolverhampton Collegiate Church, where is a monument by Le Sueur. Full length Portrait on staircase at Trentham Hall. Sir R. L. is the subject of the well-known Ballad, "The Spanish Lady's Love." [Percy's Reliques, S. UL. No. XXII.] [Bo5 ; Hinchliffe's B.irthomley, 301.] Lkvett, John. /;. W'iclnior, ISD.j ; s. of Theophilus Levcit, E ; of Wichnor Park and Packing- ton Hall; 7/1., 19th Feb., 1829, Sophia Eliza, dau. of Hon. Robert Kennedy ; d. 1st Dec, 1853. II., 8)3; Burke's Landed Cil., Hall, Little Kent, Kith Berkhampstead, 1753 ; of Wrotham, 1791 ; Preb. of Tachbrook, Lichfield, July, 1740—49. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 11., 8 13 ; Harwooi's Lichfield, 250J Levett, Rev. Richard, h. IJlitlilield, 1731 ; s. of Rev. Richard Levett, Rector of lilitli field and Leigh, and Catherine Waleot, his wife ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 2(5th May, 1749 ; B.A., 1753; M. A., 175(5; Vicar of West Wycombe, Bucks., 1765 to death ; m. Lucy Byrd (through whom came the Milford Estate), of Stafford ; (/. Jan. 18. of Richard Levinge, of Parwich, Derbys. (but of Leek, 1656 and 16«4), and Anne (dau. of George Parker, of Park Hall and Weston-Coyney ; Student, Inner Temple, Sept., 1671 ; Barrister-at-Law, Nov., 1678 ; Recorder of Chester, 1686 ; M.P. for Chester, 1690—92 : Solicitor-General for Ireland, 1690 —94 ; knighted, 1692 : M.P. lor Blessington, in Irish House of Commons, 1692; Speaker, Irish House of Commons, 5th Oct., 1692 — 95; M. P., Longford. 1695 — 1706; Commis- sioner to enquire into forfeited estates in Ireland, 1(599 ; committed to the Tower, 16th Jan. — 11th April, 1700; created a Baronet, 17tli A|iril, 1704 ; Solicitor-General for Ire- land, 17ii4 ; Bencher, Inner Temple, 1706 : M.P. for Derby, 1710 ; Attorney-General for Ireland, 1711 ; M.P. for Kilkenny ; Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas, Ireland, 1720 to death ; m., (1) 1(580. Mary, dau. of Sir Gawen Corbyn, and (2) Mary, dau. of Robert Johnston, Baron of Irish Exchequer; d. I'ith July. 1724. Correspondence of .Sir Richard Levinge. Bart., princi- pally with the Right Hon. EJwanl Southwell, Principal LEWIS (27X) LICHFIELD Secretary of State for Ireland. (Privately printed, 18TJ.) rM:isters Beiirlicrs of Inner Temple, (10; Luttrell s Brief llelation : Return of M.l'.'s ; Pl:i.vfair'8 Baronetage ; Burke's ditto ; .Sir Kicliav.l Levin^'e's Hist, of Levmjre Family (1877) ; Burtchaell's Parliamentary Hist, of l\i - kennv"; Cal. Treasury Papers, lUUii— 1719 ; Sleigh s Leek (•>nd"ed.), 81 ; Smollett's Hist, of England.]' Lewis, F. C. Scenery of the Rivers in En^'huid and Wale^. I.oiulon, 1854. fol., 64 plates. Lewis, James George, h. Brieilcy Hill, 27tli July, 1840 ; d. 7tb July, 1872. Obituary. By Rev. .T. Dorrieott. [Cli. .l/cweiiiye)- (1874), -i!!.] Lewis, Rov. John William. I'. Wolverlmiui>ton, 1855 : s. of .lolin Lewis : Mat. Kebk' Coll., Ox., 14th Oct., 1878; B.A., 1882; M.A., 18«7. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., TI., 817.] Lewis, Joyce ( Jocasta). i/. Kingston Bowey, Sussex, 1543 ; •". of Edward Lewkenor ; St. John's Coll., Cam., 10th Nov., 155'.) ; B.A., 1561; Fellow, 21st March, 1562; M.P. for Tamworth, 2nd May, 1571: for Shorehaui, 8th May, 1572 : for Maiden, 23rd Nov., 15H5, 20th Oct.. 1586, and 10th Feb., 1593 : and for Newport, Cornwall, 24th Oct., 1597 ; knighted, 11th May, 1603 ; (/., Den- ham Hall,' Sussex, 4th 'Oct., 1605; btir. Denham Chnrih. Palmer's TaniW(jrth, [Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 2£1 i App. xi.] Lexithanks. [See Johnson (Dr. S. i.] IjICHFlEI.n. Articles to lie en.iuirod of the ordinary Visitation of Richard (Bancroft). Archbishop of Caunterburie, in and for the Diocese of Coventry and Lichticlde, in the year of our Lord God, KiOO. London. IGOO. 4to. Remiirks on a late Pamphlet called .\ Defence of the E.xamination of a Book entitled A Brief Account of the Prosecution of the People callerl Qii.ikers, ic, so far as the Clergy of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry are concerned in it. London: I'rinleJ nnd .'(j). Reprinted, for presents, by Author, Rev. Thos. Costley, Rectory, Cavendish]. Histories and Guides of Lichfield and Cathedral and Diocese {see Harwood (Rev. T.), Jackson (J.), Lomax (T. G.), Woodhouse (J. C), Hewitt (J.), H.arradine (C), Lomax (A. C), Bickersteth (Dean), Abingdon (T.), Willis (B ) Stone (J. B.), Britton (J.). Plot's Hist, of Stall's.; Sh.aw's Hist., I., 2;!1— :!7r) ; Pitt's St-alfs., 811— 1.^1 ; Beres- ford (Rev. W.); Harwood's Erdeswick ( 1844 ), 28(1— 300 ; Cos's Staffs. ; Nightingale's Staffs. ; White's Staffs., 1834, 1851. Kelly's and other Directories contain more or less copious accounts.] Stafford Countie and Town, with Lichfield described. By J. Speed [see]. London (1610). fol. London, 166G. fol. Ecclesia; Cathedralis Lichfeldensis. Drawn and en- graved by W. Hollar. 1G72. S.W. View of the City of Lichfield. 1732. [See Buck.] E. View of the Cathedral and Clo.se of Lichfield, taken from the Pool. By R. Greene. Engraved by Wood. 1745. Stafford Countie and Towne, with the Ancient Citie of Lichfield described. 177(i. View of the West Front. By Isaac Carter. Engraved by Basire. i7iS';2. A Prospective View of a Part of the City of Lichfield. By E. Stringer. Engraved by Cook. 1785. ' The Gateway belonging to the Chorister House in the Close of Lichfield, taken in 1773. S.W. View, taken 17!IG. By T. G. Wortliington. En- graved liy B. Hewlett. View of Lichfield. 170G. View of Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Chad. By i Hamilton. Engraved by Lodge. 1700. LICIIFIELU ( 2Ti ) LICHFIELD Book Plate, containing Lichfield Cathedral. C. E. Stringer. 1800. View. By Roife. Engraved by F. Nasli. 1801. A Plan of the City and Close of Lichfield, from an actual Siirvev. By John Saape. Engraved by Beo-bie. With S.W. View of the Cathedral. A Topographical Map of Staffordshire, with a I^lan of the City and Clo.se of Lichfield. 1700. The Ichnography of the Cathedral Church of Lich- field. By Harris. S. I'ro.spect of the Church of Lichfield. By Harris. View of the Cathedral. By Hari'is. W. Prospect of the C.ithedral Church of Lichfield. By King. S. Prospect of the Cathedral. By King. W. View. By Perry. S. View. By Perry. View of the 'West Front. By S. Shaw. Engraved by Basire. N.W. View of the West Front. By Buckler. En- graved by Reeve. 1S07. S.W. View of the West Front. Engraved by Jukes. ims. A Bishop's Monument, formerly in Lichfield Cathedral. By S. Shaw. Engraved by Basire. A Dean's Monument. By ditto. Monument of the Paget Family, in Lichfield Cathedral. By ditto. Monument in Lichfield Cathedral to the memory of three children. By F. Chantrey. ISIO. Drawn on Stone by Corbould. Bishop Langton's Monument, formerly in Lichfield Cathedral. By S. Shaw. Engraved by Basire. View of Cieorge Inn, Lichfield. Engraved by Yates. View of Greene's Museum. By Stringer. Engraved by Cook. A Musical Altar Clock, in the possession of R. Greene, Lichfitdd. By S. Shaw. Portrait of I. Green, of Lichfield. By E. Stringer. Four Plates of Antiquities found at Lichfield. View near Lichfield, including a most remarkable Willow Tree. By Stringer. Engraved br Cook. View of Dr." Johnson's Willow, with' St. Chad's, near Lichfield. By I. Johnson. Engraved by Rawlins. 1804. Lichfield Cathedral. By S. Rawlins, after I. Nixon ISIO. Lichfield Cathedral. By R. Creighton. 1S32. View of Lichfield Cathedral, with Arms of See, circa 1050. Ground Plan. By J. Hardwick. 1816. West Door of the Cathedral. By J. Storer. 181G. Bosses in Lichfield Cathedral. Private plate by Caroline Howard. i,S'.50. Map of Staftiordshire. (Lichfield Cathedral engraved in the top corner.) [Moule's Counties of England (]833).l " I Map of Staffordshire. (Lichfield Cathedral engraved in right hand corner.) [Pigott's Directory ( IS.')2).] Map to Illustrate Annals of Diocese. ' S.P.C.K. Lichfield in Anastastic Ink. Lir/i/iel8, 7ij] ; Charlie Hen. Ducis et R Steph., de cumes monet;B, Waltero episc. concessa [ib.. 75 ; Charta E Iw. III. pro feria [HSU, 4.'!] ; Liter* de villa pavienda, 4 Edw. III. [7.55^. (B) 121] ; Duty of the Bellman concerning paving [8.15, 2.S3] : Seal of the Guild of St. Mary and St. John Bapt. (founded 1387) [ib., 215] ; Liber Fratrum Gildse, sen instilutio et leges, nomina magistroriim, etc. [U21. (A) I.] ; Ordinances of the Guild [835. 243 : 1.^21, (B) 45, .53] ; Masters thereof [1137 109 : l.iil. (A) 4] ; Lands thereof [855. 7o, ItiS, 1 lO, ■yi"] ■ Citv Tax, temp. Hen. VIII. ['A., 231] ; Charta Edw. III. [ib. 15] ; Notes thereon [1521, (A) 7J ; Biihffs and Sherift's [ib. 76] ; Ordinances and Decrees (1.55.S) [S.55, 71] ; Made a Countv bv Queen Mary [ib., 21 ] ; City Tax (loo8) [1527, (B) 58]; Bailiffs' Accounts (1577—78) [S55, 140 227]; Charta Jacobi I. [id., 23] ; Fire during the the' Siege [1521, (B) 105]; Sickness (1G4G) [«55. 21G] ; Ashmole's Gift of Plate (1G6G) [1136, 104]; Corres- pondence on proposed election as M.P. (lG78i [773/]; Lands and Tenements in and about Lichfield [S55, 211. 214 215]; View, bv Dugd;ile [l,y21. (B) 145]; Extenti Manorii, temp. E iw."VI. [864,:]: Chief Rents [855. 142] ; Curia Baron. Queen Elizabeth [ib., 227] ; Chief Rents of R Earl of Essex, 3'i Eliz. [ib.. 121] ; Crown Lands, temp. Queen Elizabeth and Charles I. [ib.. 122. 141]. Places in and near Lichfield :— Bacon Street [864, 2G7 ] ; Cu'.slable Street [i6., 73, 283] ; Gava Lane [I'ft., 255] ; The"George" rgJO Gj9]; Pipe Lane [«(?J,2G8]; Poole Hall, extra portam de Colestub [1521, (B) 179] ; Sandeforde Street [S64.-277] ; Ultra aqmm [ib., 280] ; The Wall [«55, 170] ; Wroo Lane [864. 277]. , , „ . Bi.'*HOPHio :— History of the See [860. 3] ; Extenti manoriorum episcopatus CestriiB (i.e., Coventry and Lichfield 1, -21; Edw. I. [864.7]; Lands at Lich. [ib., 7 34 1 ; Redditus et vecentions episcopatus, temp. Edw. IV., Hen. VIL, et Hen. VIII. [S.55, 2-28 ; 864, 32, 4G] ; Peter pence and svnodals [864. 43]. C XTHKDII.M. : — Clininican Lichfeldiensis Ecclesife, studio Guil. Whitloci [770, I.: 865, 277]; Verses over the West Door recording the foundation [S55. 103: i527, ( B) 143]; Charta Hen. III. [855, 105, 107: 1521. (B) 143] ; Warr.ints for digging stone and sand [864, 77, 78]; Churches appropriated [«55. 105] ; Pensions to the Dean ami Chapter [864, 47] ; Acta capitularia (1321 —84) [791 I.] ; Excerpta [864. 83] ; Prebends and Canon- ries [855, 107, 109, 111, 113: 864, 43: i.5i'i. (B) 143] ; The Vicars and their Lands [WJ, 255— 109 : i.5i'7, (B) I., G,"), 105 121]; Rent rolls of the Vicars, temp. Eliz. [ii(?3] ; Chaiiel of S. Mary [864, 77] ; Chantries [704, 48 : S55. 9:1, 101. 103 : 864, '.n) : Oidinatio capitnli pro niissa S. Ceddaj (1327) [,VG7. G9] ; Registrum chartanim super cantaria S. Blasii [;/)., 135]; List of Obits [ib., 4G7J ; of Sub- Chanters [ii., 74A]; Tower struck by Lightning (1537) [770 GG4] ; Notes about the De-^ecration (IGIG— 53) [826, 125]; Ruins and Reparations [1521, (B) 118, IGll; Versus de ropar.itione [I'A., 112]; Music supplied [ib., 123]; View by Dngdale [ib., 147]; Plan [M.?, 496] ; Tombs [ii., 4G ;" 864. I'i]; Arms and Inscriptions [853, 89] ; Liber Albus (copy of a part of it) [827] ; Extracts rS55, 149 : 8G4, 55, 71 : 'l521, ( B) G3] ; Registrum Chartar- um. etc. [252?]; T;ibula [*C7, 419] ; Registrum Parvi Register, sui Libri cum tagges [i6.. 444]; Registrum Tertii Register [ib.. 44G] ; Liber Niger Extracts [850, 79 ; 864,o: 7527. (B)G1]; Part of an Index to a Register [752/ (B) 93]; Composition with Abp. Cant;uir about probate of canons' wills (1313) [7.5i'7, (B) 15G] ; Extracts from the rolls relating to prebendaries ami others at Lich. [860 3(i— 8. 44, &c.] ;' Facsimile from the Book of S. Chad [864. 411 : /527, (B) 149, 151] ; A Book from the Cathe. Libr.avv [75/S]. Puusii CHtTIiCHEs, Parishks, &f.:— St. Ch;vds, at. Stowe Church: Pari-h [/.52/, (B) 8.5, 89, 91]; Church [ih., 83]: Extracts from Registers [ib., 73] ; Monuments [,S.53. 71]. St Mary's : Vicars [/5^7, (B) 80 | ; Extracts from Regi-sters [ib., 73] : Monuments [853, GS, 85] • An e:iglc shot on the steeple of [864. 251]. St. Michael's, al. GreenhiU : Parish [7527, (B) 8G] ; Church 15] : Fall of the roof [S'55. 219] : Monuments ,18. 87] : Extracts from Registers [75^7, (B) 7.'!]. Rei.kudiis HdfSES— Hospitals: — Rental of Lands and Possession of Dissolved Colleges &c. [S-55,124]; Grey- friivrs : Charta Hen. Campanarii de fontibus sui in Foul- well juxta Alreshawe (1301) [ii., 148] ; Indentura facta Gregoria Stoneing per Fratres Minores de hos|>itio vocato '■The Bisshopp's lodginge," 30 Hen. VIII. [ib., 144]; Gr,ant of the House to Richard Crumbilhome [i6., 14G] ; Held bv Jo. Hill [864. HI] ; Armes, etc., there [853, 73]. Ho-pit,'il of St. John the B:iptist : Charta Jo. filii Freke Hospitalisde Lichf. (1208) [752/, (B) 139]; Litera; pat. Edw. II. [ib., 131] ; Other Documents concerning it, and Chantries in it [427,30; AC/, 57— «3, 71, 72] ; Statuta (1495) r.S55, 150] ; Rentale (1.5,5G— 57) [1163]. Woman's Hospital, Beacon Street: Rentale (1.504) [cS55, 142]; Leases of Luids ( 1. 5.52, 15.55) [7527, (B) G9] ; Feoffments of Lands [,S55, 12oJ ; Note :ib'jut Deeds [i6., 111]. Gram- mar School : Documents [i6., 78, 91, 93, 95]. Lichfield Topography. Miscellaneous Tracts, &c., done up in 104 paper covers. [Salt Library, see Cat., No. Account of Chancellor's Fees for Wills, &c., in the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, from 1731—80. fol. vol. [Salt Library.] Official Papers of R. Raines, Vicar General of Lich- field and Coveiitrv. and Documents of Willi;im Walmesley, Letters. &c., 1G79— 17-25. fol. [lb.] , ^ . ,.^ „ ,,.,, Seal Book of Wills . . . Diocese of Lichfield, 1734 — 15. fol. [/*.] An Assessment made upon the City of Lichfield, 12th June 1717. fol. [/A.] Ordinances relating to the Vicars Choral, A.D. 14 19. [/*.] Transcripts of St;itutes relating to Dean and Chapter, A-c, made 1858. fol., unbound, [fh.] An Alphabetical Index to Names of Persons connected with Lichfield, 1G15— 1850. On slips laid down. 20 bundles. [/6.] Account of Cathedral of Lichfield, with numerous drawings of places and persons in and about Lichfield. [StattsrColl. in Salt Library.] [;6., ii; [853, G8 L( LICHFIELD (281) LICHFIKLD The Capture of Lichfield Close. Lomlun, 1043. Observations respecting Lichfield Cathedral. 1S19. Names of the Inhabitants of Litchfield, temp. Anne. [Brit. Mas., Had. MS., 7ii22.] Transcripts of the Parish Registers of Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, from ItiOO — 1800. [Archives of Bishop. ] Valuation of the Bishoprics, Deaneries, in England [Brit, llus., Harl. JIS., MH'i, f. 321j. Collection for a minute account of all Livings, arranged in Rural Deaneries [Hari. M.S., 6826J. [.See Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Henrv VII. Ij vols., fol. 1811—34.] Account of the Hale of Bishops' Lands, lulT — ol. [Nichols's Coll., Top. et Gen.. I., I, 222, '2*4 : Add. MS., now : Bodl. Lib. ; Rnvlinson MS., B 2:t«.] Surveys of the Possessions of Bishops, Deins, and Chapters, &.C., made by Parliament during Commonwealth [Lambeth Lib. MSS.," 902—22]. Record Books of Com- missioners ... to Augment Rectories and Vic;irages, time of Commonwealth \_ib., yO'J — 1021]. Notitia Paro- chialis, 170.5 [i6., %0— lid]. [&'en^'» J/«y., XVI., Wt, 46.J: LIX., 1201 : LXIV., 29J, 41H : LXV., .r20, liib. 921. 9'.l!l : LXVI., 193 : LXVIL. iSO; Edin's St. of the Poor, II., i;.')I ; Hari. MSS. (Brit. Mus.), 05, 19 : 139, 71 : 594. 1.3, U. l.'.l : 1759. 37 : l^ioO. 14, 24 : iV43, «. ti» : 2074. 52. 5S : 2U77, 50 : 2115, 22, 102 : gl29,-2S0: 2133,2: 38.39: 3868: 4799: Wilmot's Life of Wilmol, 5 ; To'dd's Bp. Walton, I.. 148 ; Jewitt's Ceramic Art, I.. 290 : II., 369, 432. 434 ; Jewitt's Wedgwood. 49, 90. 91,354; Stow's Chron., 68 ; Leland's Itinerary, IV.. 187, 318, 322; ArchiEologia, VII., .341: G. King's Political Conclusions (1696) ; Holme Coll. (Brit. Mus.), 204.3, p. 24 ; Howard's St. of the Prisons, 329 : App. 160 ; Rush's Court of London. 16, 132; Leisure Hour (1872), 318; Europ. Mag. (1810) ; Hist. Coll. of Staffs., I.. 3, 38, 51, .53, 28, 10, 51,56,83, 108, 110, 11.5, 117, 121, 124,245,246,249,2.50,261, •262, 265, 266, 269, 270. 272. 27.3. 277, 278, 284, 285. 287, 312, 316, 323, .332. 361, 371, 377 : II. (pt. I.), 70, 89, 159, 160, 103 — 66, 177 ; Vill. and Manor, 59, 64 : Assize Town, 30. 43, 101; Market. 157, 159, 160, 163: Environs, 212; Dean Dalham, 47, 52, 57. 66 ; Precentor W:ilter, 2114 : III., Lich- field Town. 18, 2ln. 25. 27. 33, 45, 97. 98, 100. 101—3. 112, 113, 114, 116, 121, 122, 124—26, 149, 17.5—79, 186 ; Bishop Hugh de Novant, 27 : Bishops of. 179 ; Canons. 71 ; Chapter, 74 : Church, 47, 167 ; Dean Hamo, 186 ; Dean Dalham, 203, 2.)4, '205 ; Altar at Lichfield, 189 ; Market, 93 : IV. (pt. I.), 117, 138, 140, 238, '241, 25.'{, 25.5. "257. 259 : V. (pt. L), Canon Breton, 100; (pt. U.) Eari of Lichfield, 9 : VI. (pt. I.), 55. 1.33, -244, -256, 272, 277; Dean of, 71, 91 ; Canon of St. Chedde. 2'28 ; (pt. IL) St. Mary's. 15; St. Michael's, 15, 58. 65, 102 ; .St. Chad's, .58. 65, 101 ; St. .Tnhn's Hospital, 108, 111, 135, 1.36, 1.50; Bacon Street. 101, 114. 144; Stowe Street, 114; Tamworth Gate, 117, 121, 134. 13s ; Markets, 118; Castle, 121; Sandford Street. 138 ; Citizens of, 1,53 ; Stone Cross, 173 : VII. (pt. I.), 9, 50, 00, 69, 84, 85. 105. 1 18, 123, 127, 146, 151, 180,235; (pt. IL).54. 112: VIII. (jit. I.), 133, 174; Stowe-y«j(n. 174; (pt. IL) 113ii, 119/i, 148; Merchants Robbed. 79: IX. (pt. I.), 8, 90, 96, 10(i. HI ; Stretehay. near, 31 ; Fulfen, near, 69 ; (pt. II.) 89. 90 : X. (pt. I.), 10, 83: Cox's Muniments of Lichfield Cathedral, pa/sim; Dr. Whalley's Journal, II., 114: The Mancetter Martyrs, xiv., 47, 48,' .50, 57, 10.5.] Lichfield Botanical Society. [Consisting of Erasmus Darwin. M.D.; Sir B. Boothby, Bart. ; and Rev. Joseph Jackson, D.D. .See.] [Whilst it existed the Society printed and published at least two very important works ("*■»• b-floitj, and no doubt was iustru- mental in fostering a taste for bot,iny in the rainils of a number of persims. as M. A. Jackson, Maria V. Jackson, R. \V. Darwin, M.U.. \\*. Jackson, all of wliom were born in, or lived near. Lich- field, aud published works on botanical subjects. (.See under the names).] A System of Vegetables. By a Botanical Society at Lichfield. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Lichlielil: Printed hif .lohn Jackson Jor Leiytt i^' Sothehy, York Street, Corent tlarilen, London. MDCCLXXXIU. 8vo., pp. Ivi. An Alphabeticil Catalogue of English and Scotch names of Plants (added 1784), 16 leaves. Plates xi., and pp. 4'24. Vol. IL, 1784, pp. 425—897. The Families of Plants. In Two Volumes. Lich- Jidd: J. Jackson. Sold by J. Johnson. MDCCLXXWH. "8to., pp. Ixxx. (3 leaves), 380. Vol. II., .387 — 84ii. Lichfield Cathedral. Dean and Chapter of. Catalogue of the Muniments and Manuscripts per- taining to the De:in and Chapter of Lichfield. Analysis of the Magnum Registrum .A.lbum. Catalogue of the Muniments of the Lichfield Vicars. Compiled 1X81 — X6. By .1. Charles Cox, LL.D. n.p., d., or pi. 8vo., pj). xvii 230, xxi. [Originally bsuel as pirt II. of Vol. VI. of Historical Collections of Staffordshire.] Lichfield Diocesan Choral Association. Establisli.Ml 18.5C. [This Society has organized various Musical Servi'-es. and rendered invaluable service to tlte Diocese by improving and ad- vauciiig musical culture. Tliere lias been issued, in couiiection with its eiTorts, a number of Service books for the Di«^cesau Festivals from 18.)6 to tlate ; also in eonuection with tlte above tl»e following liave come under my notice.— COMPII.KIl.] : — Choral M.anual. No. I. Compiled for the ise of the Lichfield Diocesan Choral Association. 1863. Xocello. 8vo., pp. 51. The Festival of the Choirs of the Walsall District, Monday, August ■28th, 1865. in St. Matthew's Church. London : Nocello <)• Co., for J. R. Robinson, Walsall. 8vo., pp. 15. Restoration of Pattinghim Church. The Music for Opening Services. July •25th, 1865. Nocello, u.d. 8vo. pp. -23. Order of Service appointed for the Central Festival of the Stoke and Leek Districts, to be held . . St. Edmund's Church, Leek. July 4th, 1867. Xocello if Co. pp. 40. Consecration of Wombonrn Church. The Music to be used at the Service, Aug. 20th, 1867. Novella. 8vo., pp. 23. Order of Service . . . Parish Church of Yoxall . . July 20th, 1859. Xovello. 8vo., i>i). 20. Order of Service . . St. Michael's Church, Hands- worth . . July 23rd, 1872. Novella. 8vo., pp. 23. Lichfield Gild or Societv of Corvisors or Shoemakers. Records of. [Original Records in Chetham Library, Manchester. Part jirinted in Trans, of Lanes, and Cheshire Antiq. Soc. (1893).] Lichfield Natives, Residents, &c. [See Johnson (Dr. S.) (.\£.), Potter (J.), Rislev (J.), Crofts (Rev. J., D.D.), Abbott (Archbp.), Abraham (Bp.), Acland (H. D.), ''A Clergyman," Addenbrooke (Dean), Addison (^Dean), Adey (W.), Alcock (J.) (J., jun.), .\llen (Rev. J.) ( Rev. W ), "Andrews (Rev. j.), Anson (T. W.), Archbold (Sir H.), Argentine (Rev. J.), Arnald (Rev. W.). Arnway (Archd.), Aruudell (Bp.) (Bp. J., jun.). Ashen- hurst (Rev. F.). Ashmole (E.), Audlev (Bp. Edmund) Babington (A.) (B.) (Z.), Biiley (R.) (Rev. H.), B.irker (Rev. W.), Bariow (Rev. W.). Barnet (Rev. J.); Bither (Ven. Archd.), B;iyley (Rev. R. S.) (Rt. Rev. L.), Bavnea (Rt. Rev. R.), Beane (H.). Becon (Rev. J.), Bell (Rt. Rev J.), Bentham (Rt. Rev. T.). Beresford (Rev. J.). Bicker- steth (Dean). Bicklev (Rev. T.). Binckes (Dean). Bi«by (Rev. N., D.D.), Blick (Rev. F.). Blocke (R.). BIythe (Rt. Rev. G.) (Jeffiey). Bodington (Rev. C), Bokvngiiam (J.), Boleyn (Rev. G.), Bolton (Rev. F. S.), Booth ( Rev. C). Boothby (Sir B.). Braybroke (R. de). Bromby (Bp.). Bromley-Davenport (W.), Brown (T.). Brownri'^g (Bp ) Buckeridge (Rev. C.) (Rev. T.), Buckley (Rev. W.), Bulkeley (Rev. P.). Burges.s (Rev. J.). B'urghill (Bp.), Bury (R. de). Butler (Bp.) (Bp. .Samuel), Butt (Rev. G.. D.D.), Bynns (Rev. R.), Calthrop (Rev. H.), Camden (S.i^ Cantelupe (T. de), Carte (Rev. S.), Cartwriglit (Rev. A. W. H.), Ceadda (St.), Champneys (Dean), Chandler (Bp.), Chesterfield (T.), Chetwvnd (W.), Chichele (H.), Churchill (M:ijor), Clarke (J.) "(Rev. J. E.). Close (Rev. F.), Coldwell (Rev. W. E.), Collins (Rev. S.)', Cobey (H.), Comberford (Rev. H.), Cornwallis (Bp.) i .-Vrcbbp."), Cox Rev. J. C), Curteis (Rev. G. H.), D:ilton i Rev. W.), Dar- win (E.) (C.) (E., jun.) (L., iLP.) (li. W.). Davies ( Rev. S.), Denton (Dean). Devereux (Robert, E:irl of Essex) ( Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex ). Dickson ( Rev. W. E.). Dobree (Rev. O.), Docksey (Mrs.), Doggett (Rev J.). Dolman (Rev. J.), Downam (Rev.J.). Dniycott (.inthonv). Ducket (-■v.), Dudley (Rev. A.). Du Gard illev.S.i, Durdent (.Bp.), Dyott (A.) (Sir R.(. E Iwards (Rev. E. J. G.), Egerton (Bp. ), Ellison (Rev. H. J.), Essington (Rev. R. W.). Fair- clough (Rev. W. H. H.), F.alconer (Rev. J.), Farmer (Rev. W.), Farquh:irson (A. C), Fell (Rev. S.), Fitzherbert (W.), FitzRiIph (R.), Fleetwood (Rev.J,). Flover (Sir J.l, Fotheriugham (N.), Fox (J.). Francis ( Rev. "W. F.), Fraser (Rev. W.). Fyton (J.), Gardner (Rev. L.». Gardiner (Rev. S.), Garnett(Rev. R.) (R., LL.D.). Geniugs (E.» (J.), Gilpin (Rev. L.), Gisborne (Rev. T.), Goodwin (Rev. LL LICHFIELD (282) LIGHTFOOT T.), Gower (G. L., lat Earl Granirille) (G. L., "ind Earl) (R. L), Grafton (Rev. A.). Graham (Rev. J.), Greene (R., 17S(i) (R., 1S2S) (T. W.i, Gre.sley {H. S.) (N. E.) (N. S.) (R.) (Sir T.) (Rev. W.), GreswoUi (Rev. H.), Grey (Bp. ). Grier ( Rev. R. Xr. I, Grostheul (Bp.), Grundv ( Rev. G. F. I, Hacket (Bp.l (Rev. P, |. Hale (Yen. \V. H.)", Hales (A. del, Hamlet (R.), Hand (Rev. W.). Hank (X.), Hard- ing (Rev. H.), Hardwlck (T. del, Harland (Rev. E.), Harrison (C.) (.1.) (Rev. R.l, Harry (J. ap.), Harstang (H. del, Harwarden (H.), Harwood (J. de) (Rev. T.i, Hassall ( Rev. J. |, Hawkins (T.), Haxey (.S.) (T.|. Hav- ward (J.) (R.|. Heath (X.), Heaton (Mrs. S.), Hector (B.), Helmore (Rev. T.). Heritage (T.), Herlaston (.1. de), Her- vey (.1.1, Hervvs (.J.), Hewitt (.J.|, Uevgate iJ.), Hevwood (T.). Hevwort'h (E.| (J.), Hicks ^E.'), Higgs (W.i, Hill (H.I i,T.r(Joseph| (M.) (R.) (Yen. T.) ( W.I, Hillarv ( R.), Hillur. (H.) (T.|, Hinckley (A.) (Rev. .1.) (R.| (R.,"l7!l2|, Hind iCr. W.) |A.|, Hinton (.1 ) (W.I, Hobhonse (Bp.), Hocknell (L.). Hodges (J.), Hodson [Ven. G.) ( Rev. H. E.), Hr>llreach (H.) (R. de), Holbrook ((.;.), Holes (A.), Hoo (A. del, Hopwas ( H. de), Horhery ( Rev. M. I, Horton (Rev. E. I (Rev. W.I, Hough (Bp.) (Rev. J.), How (Rev. A.), Howard (Dean), Hudlesfonl (W.), Hughford ( Rev. J.). Huinphev (Rev. H.), Humpheys (Rev. H.), Hunt (Rev. R.| (liev. Robert), Hunter (C.) (Rev. J.|, Hard (Bp.), Hurst (Rev. L.), Husband (Rev. .J.), Hutchinson (Rev.J.) (Rev. J.. 17ii;t) (Rev..I.R.) (Uev.SI.) (Rev. W.), lies (Yen. J. H.), Inge ( Rev. W., 1 122) ( Rev. W.). Ingram (Rev. A. F. ^V.). Islip (Simon ile). Jackson (Rev. H.) (Uev. J.) (.lohn. )uu.| (Rev. .fosephi. Jackson (Miss M. A.) (and Morgan) (W.), James (R.|, Jelfcock (Rev. J. T.), Jeffirevs (Rev. J.) (Rev. \V.), Jelf (E.) (L. W.) (Rev. W. E., b.D.), Jervis (W.), Jones (T.) (Rev. T. O.), jurve (R. ), Lonsdale (Bp.), Selwyn (Bp.), Maclagan (Archb)).), Xorth ( Bp. ), Lymsey (Bp"), Peche (Bp.), (Bp. Richard), Pucelle (Bp.), JTovaiit (Bp.), Seward (Rev. T.) (Anna), Griffith (T. A.), Wolferstan (iMiss), Morgan (J., Printer), Musehamp( B|).). Stavenby (Bp.).Pateshull (Bp.|, Lonsdale ( Miss M. ), Lomax I A. C.) iT. G.), Luckock (Dean), Weseham (Bp.), Liugton (Bj).), Myland (Bp.), Xorthburg (Bp.), Skirlaw (Bp.), Stretton (Bp.'l, Scrope (Bp.), Ketter- ick (Bp.), Keeke (S.), Ketulton (W.), Kilkenny (W. de), Kimberley (Dean) (Rev. J.) (Rev. S.), Kinardsley (J.), Kin,aston (R.), King ((;.), Kinner.sley (J. de), Kingsburgh (Rev. E.), Kinney (J. de), Kingstone (R.) (Richard), Kinwoldmarsh I W.), Kitchingman (Rev. J.), Knight (Rev. W.I, Smvth (Bp.|, Lee (B)).), .Sampson (Bp.), Overton (Bp.), Over.all (Bp.). Morton (Bp.), Xeile (Bp.), Wright (Bp.). Wood (Bp.), Llovd (B|).l, Smallbroke (Bp.). Madan (Bev. S.), Vyse ( Rev. W.), Lamb ( Rev. M. ), Andre ( Major), Robinson (6ean|, Woodhonse (Deani, Polkington (Preb.), Manders (Preb. ), Eggiugton and Brown. Meacham (F. W.), Petit ( Rev. ,T. L.|, Aniphlet (J.i. and the various Deans, Canons, Prebendaries, Treasurers, Cbvncellors, Arch- deacons of Chester, .Salop, Derby, Stafford, and Stoke, &c., besides those mentioned above.] LicHFiKLD, Nicbolas de. Preb. of Dassett Parva, Lichfield, 7tii July, l;i70, to death ; fl, 1375 ; bur. Lifhfield Cathedral. [Harwood's Lichfield, "iiil.l LiCHFiBLU Proh.\te Court. There are in this Court the following original volumes, all in manuscript ; — Indexes. — (!;onsistory Court : — Vol. I., 1.5"2(i — 02 [de- ficient in letters I., J, K.] ; IL, I5G2— l(i24; HI., I(;24— 1701! ; lY.. 1720 ; Y.. 17:!(l— 71 ; YI., 177.)— 1S2.T (A to J) ; Y'll., 177.')— I.S2.)(K to Z); YIIL, 1S2(;— .Vt ( A to J) ; IX., 182(i — 54 (K to Z; : X., 1S54 — 5,S ; from 1858 the Calendars are in yearly volumes. These Calendars have been re-copied and re-an-anged from :(i51. as follows :— Yol. IIL, Ifiol— 1700 : IV., 1701— 25; v., 172(i— oO; YI.. 1750— 75 ; YII., 177i;— 18(10; YIIL, 1801 — 10 ; IX , IS41— DO ; X., I8(il— 81 ; XI., 1882, in use. Vols. I. and II. are not yet (18(11) copied. The Indexes to the various Peculiar Jurisdictions in Staffordshire are contained in 12 vols.; they are all re- copied in two large volumes, chronologically arranged, one containing A — J, the other K — Z. The Acts Books relating to the Indexes of the Con- sistorv Court are contained in 15 vols., as follows : — Vol. L, 15;i2— lU; II., 15;i.i — tO; III., 1540— t;i; IV.. 1543 t'.l ; v.. 1.54;i— iKI; YI., l.">i;o— 72; YII.. 1572— 8.S ; YIII., 1.584 —ill; IX., 1,501— ;l;i ; X., 15'.1!1— l(iU(i; -XL. lUOli- 12 ; XII., Ii;i2— 18 ; XIII., IGl'J— 25 ; XIY.. 162.)— 27 ; XY., I(i3.)— 1830. There is a i)ap from lii27 — 35 of which no explanation a\n be given. There are no Acts Books between It>58 and their rerival in 18.58. There are no Acts Books to the Peculiar Indexes. There are, properlv speaking, onlv tivo small vols, of Registered Wills— Yol." I., 151ii— 2(i ; II., 1.528 — 10. There are, however, in this Registry, two vols, called the " Black Book," which contain many copies of Wills dated about the middle of the 17th century. No reason can be assigned for there being so few vols, of Regiatereil Wills in this Registry ; fjtit from a date much earlier than the commencement o/' the indexen to a compara- tire/;/ lute date ST.\KFi)llI)snil'iE WlI.LS are to be found registered in the bonk.i of the DioCKS.lN RElilSTRV. The above Indexes, Acts Books, itc, refer to the whole of the Diocese of Lichfield, under its various designations, and all contain information relating more or less to Staf- fordshire ; but there is no sep;irate vol. in the Registry which is erclusivelif devoted to Staffordshire matters. The only boolcs in the Registry are the Moilern Acts Books (Records) and copies of Registered Wills for Staf- ford, and Printed Calendars of Wills and Administrations for the whole of England and Wales since 1858. [Obligingly cominunicateil by J. T. Godfrey-Faussiett, Esq., Registrar.] Lichfield Society for the ExconnAOEMENT OF Ecclesiastical Architecture. Insti- tuted 1842. Reports. 7^J.3, 1S45, 1S4G, 1S50. 8vo. Lichfield, Thomas de. A Physician. [Founds a Chantry in St. John's, Zaehary, London. — Bodl. Lib., 860, 52.] Lichfield, William de. h. Lichfield ; Rector of All Hallow.s the Great, London ; d. 1447. Left numerous Sermons (3,083) and a Book in MS. [Shaw, I., 34'J ; Weever's Monuments, 194 ; Magna Brit., v., 7 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 440.] LiCHTFiELD, Caroline de. On Memoires D'Une Famille Prussienne, Par. Mme. De Montolieu. Quatrieme Edition. Ornee dejolies Figures . . . A. Paris, mil. 2 vols., 12mo., pp. XV., 271, 371. LiOHTFOOT, Rev. John. b. Shelton, 29th March, 1(JU2 ; .«. of the Rev. Thomas Lightfoot, Vicar of Uttoxeter, and Elizabeth Bagnall, his wife ; educated Whitehead's Gr. Sch., Monton Green, Congleton ; of Christ's Coll., Cam., 1617 ; B.A.: A.ssistant Master, Rpptoii Sch.; Curate of Xorton-in-Haies ; Rector of Stone, 1628; of Ashley, 1631— 43 ; Member of the Assembly of Divines, 1643 : Rector of (Much) Great Munden, Herts., 1644 to death ; D.D., 16r)2 ; Master of Catherine Hall, Cam.; Vice-Chancellor of Cam. Univ., 1655 ; Preb, of Ely; m., (1) 21st May, l(i28, Joyce (d. 1656), dati. of William Crorapton, of Stone Park (2) Anne, ividoiv of Mr. Austin Brograve ; il., Ely, 6th Dec, 1675. Erubhim ; or. Miscellanies : ChristLm and Judaical. Loudon, 1629. 12mo. A Few and New Observations Vpon the Booke of Genesis ; the most of them certaine, the lest prob;ible, all harmlesse, itc. Loudon : Printed hy T. Badtfer in the yeare 1642. 4to., pp. 20. Elias Redivivus. A Sermon. London, 1643. 4to. Handful of Gleanings out of the Book of Exodus. Loudon, 1643. 4to. The Harmony of the Four Evangelists among them- selves and with the Old Testament. In Three Parts. Lottdon, 1644, 1647, 1650. 4to. A Commentary upon the First Twelve Chapters of the Acts of the Apostles. London, 1845. 4to. A Fast Sermon. London, 1645. 4to. Sermons. London, 1645. 4to. The Harmony, Chronicle, and Order of the New Testament. London, 1647. 4to. LKiHTFOOT ( 288 ) LIPSCOMB Sermons before the Hou&e of Comnjons. London, 1047. 4to. The Temple. London, 1050. 4to. Description of the Temple Service as it stood in the Dayes of Our Saviour. London, 1060. 4to. Concerning the Anathema Maranatha. London, 1852. 4to. On the Canon of the Scripture. London, 1652. 4to. Horse Hebraicae et Talmudicae in Evanglium, S. ilatthseci. Cambridge, 1658. 4to. Ditto, in Evanglium JIarci Cambridr/e, 1003. 4to. Ditto, in Epistolam S. Pauli ad Corinthios. Cambridye, 1064. 4to. Paris. 1677. Amsterdam. 1677. Leipzir/, 1070 Ditto, S. Johannis. London, 1071. 4to. Ditto, .S. Lucae. Cambridr/e, 1674. 4to. Act:i Apostolorum et . . . Epistolam . . . Komano.s [posthumous J. London, 107H. 4to. CoUatio Pentateuchi Hebraicae cum Samarabico. London, 1660. 4to. Hora; . . . et Four Evangelists. Edited by Carp- zoo. Leipzig. 1674. 4to. 1084. 4to. Ditto, Acta Aposto- lorum et Corinthios. (.Same Editor.) Leipzig, 1670. Ditto, edited bj- Rev. K. Gandall, Oxford: J. //.<$■ J. Parker. 1H50. 8vo., 4 vols. The Works of the Reverend and Learned John Light- foot, D.D., such as were and such us never before were printed. In Two Volumes. With the Author's Life . . also Three Maps. London, 10S4. fol., Vol. I., pp. xxxix., 1170 ; Index, A — K in twos. The Second Volume, in Two Parts . , . Published by the care and industry of ./ohn Strype. London, 10S4. 8 leaves, pp. 13.^.i. Choro- graphical Table, by John Williams. Indexes, A — L in twos. Opera Omnia Latine. Edit, et Johannis Texelius. London, 1686. fol, 2 vols. Vertet J.Leusden. liotterodam. 1686. fol., 2 vols. Franc/ort, 1000. fol., 2 vols. Some Genuine Remains, consisting of Three Tracts. With a Pref. concerning the Author (by J. Strype). London, 1700. 8vo. The Works of the Rev. John Lightfoot, D.D. Edited by the Rev. J. P. Pitman, JI.A. In Thirteen Volumes. London, 1822—25. 8vo. Dr. Lightfoot assisted Bishop Brian Walton in the Compilation of ''The Polyglot Bible"; Dr. Edward Castell in his " Lexicon " ; and Matthew Poole in his " Synopsis." [Besides the Lives prefixed to his collected Works, others ap- pear iu all Biographical Dictionaries, Cyclopaedias, KncyclopjCdias. JtC, with whicli I am acqaaiated ; in all Histories of ^taffordTibire (except Slmw's)— the one iu Pitt's being a very good one: and Notices of him and his works will be found in all works on the literature of Knglacd. [Dr. Lightfoot was a correspondent of nearly all the learned of his age, of every country, and numerous Letters to and from him are extant iu MS.— Ciimpilkr.] Memoir of Hugh Broughton. [H. Broughton's Works (1662).] Portrait in Oil. [St. Catherine's Hall, Cam. En- gravei P. Brooksby. in West Smithtield, London. 1080. 4to. [Re- printed—Sleigh's Leek ( 1883), and Olde Leeke, pp. 71—3.] Letters to Ashmole FBodl. Lib., 170, 27: *4/. 202 : 368, 3 : 436, 3o6— J9 : 423 (8»). f. 218. 219 : (96) 2.')6, 2.i7] : Ashmole's Continuation of Lilly's Narrative of his own Life [421 (18). 73—5]; Epitaphs on Lilly, bv Ashmole [421. 22i; : 11.37, 80] : Ellegies on Lilly, by Bishop Smallridge [421, 2276, 228]. LiNDELOw, Christopher. Agent to the King of Denmark. Letter to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 1131, f. 26Ja.] LisDOP, John. b. Flashbrook, Leek, 17!t2 ; d., East Wall, Bishop's Castle, Salop, 15th Oct., 1857. Obituary. By R.Brown. [P. .l/.J/iij. (1858), 136—38.] LiXDSELL, Augustine. b. Burastead-Steeple, Essex ; Pensioner of Emmanuel Coll., Cam.. 4th April. 1592 : Fellow of Clare Coll., Cam.: B.A., 159(1 ; M.A.. 1599; D.D.. 1621; Rector of Wickfoid, Essex, March, 1(J10: Preb. of Lincoln, Nov., 1()12: incorporated M.A.. Ox. Univ., 9th July, 1014; Chp. to Bp. Neile, of Durham : Preb. of Durham, 5tli March, 1619; Dean of Lichfield, 15th Oct., 1628—32 ; Bp. of Peterborough, 10th Feb., 163.3 : of Hereford, March, 1(!34 ; d. 6th Nov., 1634 ; bitr. Hereford Cathedral. [Beqneathed all his Greek MSS. and some Greek Books to Clare Hall Library.] Commentaries on St. Paul's Epistles. By Theopylact. With Notes and Annotations, by Bishop Lindsell and Dr. Baily (published by the latter).' London. 1030. fol. [ Prvnne's Canterburies Doome : ditto Antipather, 304, 305': Heylvn's Laud, 55, 69. 214, 249 ; Parr's Ussher, 86,330,406,426; Troubles of Laud, 12, .366 ; MuUinger's Hist, of Cam. Univ.. II., 420m ; Ganton's Peterborough, 83 : Peck's Desiderata. I.. 52 : II., 52. 53 : Fuller's Worthies, 326; Cole MS., I., f. 34 ; Add. MS.. 5S-5. f. 5 ; Univ. Reg.; Hardy's Le Neve's Fasti, I., 471 : II., 145, 534, 535, 563 : IIL, 310, 318 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 184.] LiNE.\i.r. (Lyneall). John. Curate of Castle Church, Stafford : received a grant of £2i» from Cromwell. To His Highness Richard (Cromwell), by God's Providence the second Lord Protector of our (Jommon- wealth. For the .\uthor. 1058. 4to. [Deputy Keeper's 5th Rep.. App. II.. 260 ; Hist. Coll. StafiEs., VIII. (pt. 2), 90, 91.] LissEDs, Sir Charles. Principia Bot:inici. The Third Edition, corrected and enb\rged. by R. W. Darwin, M.D. London. 1810. 8vo. [Lichfield BotaniciU Society.] Lipscomb, George, M.D., of Birmingham. Journey into South Wales through the Counties of ord, W;irwick, Worcester, Hereford, Salop. Stafford ! Oxford in the year 1799. London, 1802.' 8vo.,' pp. xxvii.. 444. PIate.s. [Staffs., 280— 97.] Lister, Rev. Arthur Skidmore. b. Bilstoii. 1855 ; .■;. of James Stanley Lister ; Mat. LISTER ( 284 ) LITTLETON Kehle Coll., Ox., Litli Oct., 1873: Scholar, 1873— 7H; B. A., 1X78; M.A., 1882. ; [Fositer's Alumni Oxon., II., 8.11!.] Lister, Charles, h. Arinitagc, 7tli Nov., 1812 ; 8. of Thomas Lister ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., ; 17tl) June, 1831 ; of Aiiglesea, Hants; tn., 3rd Nov., 1834,Mary,rf(i»(. of William Stevens, Esq. ; d. 18th Aug., 1873. [Foster's Alumni O.'con., II., 85« ; Foster's Peerage.] LiSTEn, Harriet. SiMi'r to T. H. Lister [.see] ; Maid of Honour to the Queen ; m. liev. Sir Edward Hartopp Cradock, Bart., Principal of Brasenose Coll., 0.x. Anne Gray. A Novel. Edited by the Author of '•Granby." :t vols. Lomlon, 1834. ]2mo. LisTKR, Nathaniel, b. Gisburne Park, Yorks., 8th June, 1725; s. of Thomas Lister, Esq. (M.P. for Clitherop, 1710 — 4.5) ; Mat. Lincoln Coll., Ox., Hth Jan., 1744; of Arniitage Park, Staffs.; M.P. for Clitheroe, Lanes., 1761 — 73 ; m. Martha, dan. of John Fletcher, Esq., of Lichfield (Senior Proctor in Lichfield Diocese, and Registrar and Clerk to Dean and Chapter; fe. 17(i6 ; f/. 1799; few/-. Lichfield Cathedral) ; d. 23rd Sept., 1793. f Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 85G ; Foster's Peerage.] LisTKR, Thomas, b. Armitage, 10th Nov., 177"2 : s. of Nathaniel Lister, M.P. [.^ee] ; of Em- manuel Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1795 ; LL.B., 1798 ; Incorp. St. Mary Hall, 25th June, 1801; D.C.L., 17th June, 1802; of Armitage Park : m. (1), (itli Jan., 1800, Harriet Anne, m'Ktfr to Sir J. H. Seale, Bart., of Mount Boone, Devon. : (2) Mary, dun. of William Grove, Esq., of Honily, Warws. ; d. 28tli Feb., 1828. Speech on the formation of an Auxiliary Bible Society for StaiTordshire. UlttJ/hril, 1S12. Jtvo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. 11., x.itj ; Foster's Peerage; Dr. Whalley's Journals, II., -Jlil, 2«2.] Lister, Thomas Henry. b. Armitage Park, 1800 ; ». of Thomas Lister, Esq. [see], and Harriet Aime, his wife ; educated Westmr. Sch. ; of Trin. Coll., Cam. ; Commissioner on State of Religion in Ireland, 4th .fune, 1834 ; ditto, in Scotland, 19tli July, 1835 ; Registrar- General of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 19th Aug., 1830 ; m., Cth Nov., 1830, Maria Theresa, dan. of the Hon. George Villiers ; of Armitage Park ; d., Kent House, Knights- bridge, 5th June, 1842. Granby. A Novel. In Three Volumes. London: Henry Colburn. IfiX. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) 324, (II.) S42, (III. ) 330. In V2tao.. same year. With Portrait, by Finden. Tegy, 12mo. New ed., Buyce, ISoS, 12mo. Anne Gray. A Novel. In Three Volumes. London : }I. Culburn. [See Lister (Harriet).] Herbert Lacy. In Three Volumes. London: H. Col- burn. K3.i. Pt. 8vo. pp.. I., SO.i; II.. 289; III., 28.1. Arlington. In Three Vo.umes. London: II. Colburn. 1835. Pt. 8vo. pp., I., 32fi ; II., .'tl'.l : III., 32.3. Again, iSaS, 3 vols.,pt.8vo. Darton [Parlour Library], i45S, 12mo. Romance of Real Life. The Life and Administration of Lord Clarendon. In Three Volumes. London : II. Bobn. 1838. 8vo. An Answer to the Misrepresentations contained in an Article in No. 124 of the Qwirlerly Review, on the Life of Clarenrd Aug., 1X43 ; .<. of Edwar.l R., 2ud Lord Hatherton : educated privately and Royal Navy ; entered Royal Navy 14th -May, 1854; Lieut., IHO.") : Commander, 1X72: Capt., 1886; retired, 1890: in China and India, 18.56—58 ; in Pucitic, 1802—67 ; m., Uth Aug., 1874, Lady Margaret Needham, sister of 3rd Earl of Kilniorey ; of Cross Haj'es, Hoar Cross. [Peerages ; Xavy Lists.] Littleton', The Rev. the Hod. Cecil James, b. London, 12th Feb., 1850 ; *■. of Edw. Richard, 2nd Baron Hatherton [•-■/-«]. and Lady Mar- garet Percy, dau. of 5th Duke of Nortliumber- iand : educated Eton : Mat. Cli. Ch., 0.\. : B.A., 1874 : M.A., 1876 : Lieut. 2nd Batt. Staffs. Militia, 187<»— 74 : Curate of St. Peter's, Stoke, 1874 — 80: Vicar of Penkridge, IHHO— '.)3 : Rector of Chesterfield, 1893 : m.. 29th Jan., 1881, Katherine, dan., of Sir C. R. Rowley, Bart., of Tendring Hall, Suffolk. Through the W.-iy of the Wilderness. London, 1888. Kvo., pp. liiii. Littleton, (Sir) Edward, h. Pillaton Hall, 1577 ; s. of Sir Edward Littleton ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 1st Feb.. 1594 ; Student of Inner Temple, 1595 ; knighted, 22nd Aug., 1621 : M.P., Stafford, 1024, 1625. [Foster's Alumai Oxon., E.S., III.,9I9 ; Inns of Court Register.] Littleton-, (Sir) Edward (Bart.). h. 1599 : .*. of the above : Mat. Bras.-nose Coll., 0.x., 28th March, 1617 ; Student, Inner Temple, 1618 ; created a Baronet, 2xth June, 1627 : M.P., Staffs.. April — May, 1640, and in the Long Parliament, 164(». until disabled, 1(!44. [Foster's Inns of Court Ueg. ; Foster's Alumai.Oion., E.S., III., 919.] Littleton, Edward, h. Pillaton Hall, 1653 ; ,«. of the above : Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 12th July, 1670 : M.P., Stafford, 1685—87 ; d. 24th June, 1704. [Foster's Parliamentary Diet.: Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. III.. 919.] Littleton, Sir Edward, Bart. h. Teddesley, 1727 : .«. of Sir Edward Littleton, Bart.: educated Brewood Or. Sch. : of Emmanuel Coll., Cam. : raised a Company in the Regi- ment of Lord Gower, 1745 ; inherited the Teddesley Estates, 1742 : M.P., Staffs., 1784 — 1812; m. Frances, dau. of Christopher Horton, Esq., of Catton, Derbys. ; d. 28th May. 1812, at Teddesley. Letters from Bishop Hurd to Sir E. Littleton. [Kil- vert's Life of Hunl, .i7— (!0, 9.i, 9ti, 100, 101. 18.i.] Letters from Bishop Warburton to Sir E. Littleton. [/6., 59, 101.] [Originals /)^fi^« Lord Hatherton.] [To him Bishop Hurd dedicated his -'Q. Horatii Flacci Ars Poetica."] Littleton, Edward George Percy, h. Richmond, 15th Aug., 1842 ; «. of Edward Richard, 2nd Lord Hatherton, and Lady Margaret Percy, his wife ; educated Eton : entered Grenadier Guards, 1861 ; Lieut.-Colonel, Grenadier Guards, 18Sii — 81 ; Colonel in the Army ; Military Secretary to the Earl of Dufferin and the Marquis of Lome, Governor- Generals of Canada, 1880 ; C.M.G.; m., 16th Aug., 1867 : Charlotte Louisa, dau. of Sir C. R. Rowley. Bart. ; succeeded as 3rd Baron Hatherton, April, 1888. Portrait, in Oil, by Forbes. [Teddesley Hay.] Littleton, Edward John (VValhouse). b. Cam- berwcll, l8ch ilarch, 1791 ; .«. of Moretou Walhouse, Esq., of Hatherton, near Wolver- hampton, (High Sheriff of Staffs., 1820), and Anne Craycroft Portal, his wife ; assumed surname and arms of Littleton (in accord- ance with Will of his great uncle, the last Sir E. Littleton, Bart.), by Royal Letters Patent, 23i'd July, 1812; M.P., Staffs., 1812 — 35 ; Secretary for Ireland, May, 1H.S3— Nov., 1834: "P.C. for England and Ireland : created Baron Hatherton of Hather- ton, 11th May, 1835 : Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of Staffs., 1854 — 62 ; m. (1), 21st Dec, 1812, Hyacinthe Mary, dau. of Richard, Marquis Wellesley (rf. 2ud Jan., 1842). (2) 11th Feb., 1852, Caroline Anne, dau. of Richard Hurt, Esq., of Wirks- worth, Derbys. : d. 4th May, 1863 ; bur. Penkridge. A Letter addressed to E. J. Littleton. Esq.. M.P., on the Causes of the Disturbances in the Mining Districts of South Staffordshire. J. Smart. Wolverhampton. ISIO. 8vo. Again. 1S22 (no place of printing). 8vo., pp. 1»>. Letter from Mr. ilahonv to the Hon. E. 3. Littleton. il.P., on Irish Tithe or Land Tax Bill of I8;t4. London : J. L. Cox .(• Sons. Reprinted, .fune 10th, 1S34. *vo., pp. 40. Memoirs and Corre-ipondence relating to the Political Occurrences in June and July, 18.S4. By the Right Hon. Edward John Littleton, first tord Hatherton. Xow first published from the original Manu.«cript, by Henry Reeve. Esq. London : Longmans. 1S72. 8vo., pp. xv., 11,1. Speeches. [Han'^ard 1 181-2— .35).] Portraits, by Pickersgill and Lauder, in oil, and a Miniature by Cosway. Also a Mezzotint of a Portrait, by Slater, engraved by Lewis ; and also one of the first Lady Hatherton, by .Sir Thomas Lawrence, en- graved by Turner. [At Teddesley Hay.] [Lord Brougham's Autobiographv. III.. 391 — iOl ; Harwood's Erdeswicke (18+4). 18-»— 84 : Colburn's .Veie .Monthly .Mag., CX.XYIII.. 17ti— 8-2 (reprinted in Person.iI RecoUeclions. bv Cvrus Redding) ; Kirkpatriclv's Dan. OConnell's Correspondence. I.. 44.i— 18 : II.. 4.'il. 4.3-2; Greville Memoirs. 1st Series (1874): Le Marchant's Althorp n87t>l : Walpole's Hist, of England, II.. III.: (Jent.s .Mag. i 18(i:t) (pt. -2), 101—:! : The Times (.'ith Mav. 1SG:H) ; .itajl's. .idi-ertizer (9th and liith May. I8lj:j) : Iltuj. I^nd. Sews ( 16th Mav, 18t>,1) : Burke's Pee"rage ; .V. .(• Q... :ird Series, III., 3iii; : "IV., 4t) ; Official Return of Lists of M.P.'s (pt. -2). 249. ^W. 277. '291. ;tiii;. .320. :t;i3. 34.i. 356; Land. (Jazette (181-2) (pt. 2), 1.3(>5 : Parliamentarv Deb.ates, 1st Series', XXXII., 71-2, 713: XXXVI.,84r,— 18 :"X.XXrX., 8-26. 8-27, 845 : •2nd Series. XIIL. I-2i;— 3-2. 17i!— 247. 90-2, 903: 3rd .Series. XT., 51— 76 : X. XI.. 272— 3.-.-2, 69.5-7.54. .57-2—91 : XXIL. 13.-)-2— 61 : XXIIL. 42.). 426. 471. 678 : XXIV., 1157, 1-206, liPll— -26. 1099—1116, 1127— ;10, 1-2-2-2, 1-2-23. i:i05— 19: XXV., 160—69, 1204: XXVIIL..3.55— 58 ; Parliamentarv Papers (1831 — .35) ; House of Lords' Jour., LXVtI., 171.1 Littleton, Edward Richard, b. Teddesley, 31st Dec., 1815 : .*. of Edward John Littleton (afterwards 1st Lord Hatherton) and Hyacinthe Mary, his 1st wife; educated Eton: Mat. LITTLETON ( -'«6 ) LLOYD Ch. Cb.. Ox. : Colonel, 'iiHl Staffs. (K. O.) Militia. 1X.^:3•. M.P. for Walsall, 1847— 52 ; South Stnfl's., 18,53 — 57: C.B. ; sufceedod as •2nd IJaron llatherton, 4t.li May, l«(i3 : m., 23rd Sept., 1841, Lady Margaret I*ercy, dan. of 5tli Uuke of Nortluiniborland ; (/. April, 1888 ; bur. Penkridge. Portrait in Oil, bv Kiiiiis. [Teddesley Huy.] [Foster's Alumni Oxen. III.: Eton Scli. Lists; Foster's Peerage.] Littleton, Fisher, h. Lichfield, 1()4K ; .«. of Walter Littleton (Chaneollor) ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., loth June, KUU ; B..\., All Souls' Coll., 11th Feb., 1 609 ; M.A., 1672 ; B.C.L., 167:!; D.C.L.. 1678: Advocate, 1678 ; for the Admiralty, 169;!— 'J4 ; d. March, 1697 ; bur. St. Andrew'.^, Holborn. I Coote's Civilians, 100 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 919.] Littleton, Fisher, b. Tamworth, 1679 ; .«. of Sir Edward Littleton, Bart. [.«<--»] ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 31st March, 1696; of Wadh. Coll., 1702 : Fellow, All Souls', and B. A. ,1703; M.A.. 1709 ; Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple, 1708; d. 1740. [Foster's .Tudges and Barristers ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 919 ; Hearne, II., 293— 9.i.] Littleton, Rev. Gilbert, b. 1596 ; »•. of George Littleton, of Holbeck (Holbeach) : Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 11th May, 1615; B.A., 18th Jan., 1617; M.A., 8th July, 1619; Student. Gray's Inn, 160K : Rector of Hands- worth, 1636. [Foster's Index Eccl. ; ditto, Gr.ay's Inn Reg. ; ditto, Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 920.J LiTTLKTON (Lyttelton), Sir Henry. />. I(i24; «. of Sir Thomas Lyttelton, Bart., of Hagley, Worcs.; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 12th Sept., 1640; joined Royalists ; taken prisoner at Worcester, 3rd Sept„" 1651 ; a prisoner in the Tower till April, 1653 ; nominated Sheriff of Worcs., 1655 ; M.P., Lichfield, Feb., 1677— July, 1679 ; d. 24th June, 1693. TBurke's. .Sharpe's, and Foster's Peerage ; Commons' ./our., I., S69 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. III.J Littleton (Lytvltun), Rev. John. B.C.L., Dec, 1532 ; Preb. of Collegiate Ch. of Penk- ridge, 1547 ; Canon of Exeter, 1546 ; Parson of Mounslow, Salop ; made his Will, 12th Aug., 1560. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 920.] Littleton, Walter. .-'. of Sir Edward Littleton, Knt. [w^] ; kept 12 Terms at Cam. Univ. ; B.A., Lincoln Coll., Ox., 21st Oct., 1626 ; M.A., St. John's Coll., Cam., 1630 ; LL.D., 1639 ; knighted, 23rd Feb., 1662 ; Chancellor of Lichfield and Coventry, 1661—75: d. 1680, [Harwood's Lichfield, 192 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 920.] Littleton, Walter, of Sarsden ; .«. of the above ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 10th March, 1657 ; B.C.L., 1663; Barrister-at-Law, Inner Tem- ple, 1663 ; perhaps a Master in Chancery, 1666 — 70 [Foster]. [Foster's .Tudges and Banisters ; ditto, .\liimni Oxon.. E.S., IIL, 921.] Littlewood, Rev. Henry Charles. /'. t)ld Swin- ford, Worcs., 1851 ; «. of Benjamin Littlewood, Esq. ; Mat. Bra.senosc Coll., Ox., 20th May, 1869 ; B.A., 1X75 ; M.A., 1H76 ; of the Hyde, Staffs. ; Vicar of Goring, Bucks. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 8."i8.] Livingstone, Thomas Livingstone Fcnton. h. Longton Hall, 1829 ; .v. of Tlionias Fenton, Esq., and Selina, dun. of Sir John Heathcote Knt., of Longton Hall ; educated Lichfield Gr. Sch. ; succeeded, on the 12th April, 1853, his great uncle Sir Thomas Livingstone, Bart., of Westquarter, Stirling.shire, ami Bcdlornie, Linlithgow ; claimed Barony of Ijiiilithgow and Callander, to both of which he was declared heir, barring the attainder : assumed ailditional name of Livingstone : m., is."),j. Christian Margaret, only child of William Watklell, Esq., of Easter Moffat House, Ijanarksliire ; Lord of the Manor of Bedlormie, Linlithgow ; J. P., Stirlingshire ; r/., Easter Moffat, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, 18th Dec, 1891 ; bur. Polmont Family Burying Ground. Mammon : A Play. And other Poems and Transla- tions. Posthumously printed by Mrs. Fenton Livingstone, for private circulation. Ihuilcy : Atlbiit c)'- Daniel. 1803. 8vo. [50 copies.] Livinstekn, Staffs. [Bodl. Lib., i2i5, 207.] Lloyd, Francis, h. Shrewsbury, 1752 ; .«. of Edward Lloyd, Esq. ; Mat. Trinity Coll., Ox., 10th April," 176H: created M.A., 2Sth Feb., 1769 ; Student Middle Temple, 1766 ; M.P., Montgomeryshire, 1795 to death ; of Leaton Knolls, Salop, and Burton-on-Trent. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 8G1.] Lloyd, Francis, b. Burton, 1782 ; .«. of Francis Llovd, M.P. [.-w] ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 5th Feb., ISOO ; (/. 4th July, 1814. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 8i;i.] Li.OYD, John. h. Worcester, 1805 ; removed to Hanley, 1823 ; where he d., 6th Oct., 1850. Obituary. Bv George Bayley. [P. .V. Mnr/ (IS.il), 17, 18.] Lloyd, Rev. Julius, b. London, 1830 ; s. of Thomas Lloyd, Esq. ; educated Blackheath Sch.; ofTrin. Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1X52 ; M.A., 1855 ; Curate, Brentwood, 1855 — 58 ; of Coll, Ch. of Wolverhampton, 1858—62 ; Try- sull, 1862 — 66 ; St. Peter's, Pimlico, 1866— 68 ; Vicar of High-Cross, Ware, 1X6S — 71 ; P.O., St. John's, Greenock, 1871 — ; Rector of St. Philip's, Salford, 1891 ; Canon of Manchester, 1X91 ; . Orgreave, 1794 ; s. of Bell Lloyd, Esq. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., 0.x., 13th Dec.. IHl.i; B.A., 1819 ; M.A., 1824; Bar- rister-at-Law, Liner Temple, 1S24 ; Rector of Chris tleton, t'heshire. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.. 8iir).] Lloyd, Rt. Rev. William, b. Tilelnirst, Berks., l(;-.'7 ; .-■. of Rev. Richard Lloyd, Rector of Sunning and of Tilehinst, Berks. : of Oriel Coll., t).\., 1G37 ; Scholar of Jesus Coll., Ox., I(i4(>: B.A.. 1G42: M.A., 1(14G : Rector of St, Martin's. Readiny ; Vicar of St. Martin's, Westmr., 1()7(; ; Preb. of Salisbury, I(;07 ; of Ripon, lOGl ; Clip, t.i diaries II., ItlGli ; D.D., 1G67 ; Archd. of Merioneth ; Dean of Bangor ; Bp. of St. Asaph, 168t)— 92 ; of Liclitield, 20th Oct., 1692—99 : of Worcester, 1G99 to death ; Lord Almoner to William III.; one of tiie seven Bishops committed to the Tower of London by James II.; d.. Hartle- Imry Castle, :iOth Aug., 1717 ; hitr. Hadbury. The Late Apology in Behalf of the Papists, re irinted and Answered in Behalf of the Royallists. London, 1667. 4to. Letter to .lohn Evelyn, 4th Feb., Iii81. [Salt. Lib.] A Chronological Account of Pythagoras, and of other famous men, his contemporaries. The History of the Government of the Church, as it was in Great Britain and Ireland, when they first received the Christian Religion. A Dissertation upon Daniel's Prophesy of the Seventy Weeks. Numerous Sermons. [Biog. Brit.; Aiken's General Biog. Diet. ; the Litera- ture relative to the seven Bishops, and all general Biographical Dictionaries and Histories ; Wood's Ath. O.xon., I., xxxviii., xxxix. ; Rennet's Reg. (1728), 2.jO ; Clarendon Correspondence, II., 172, 17.'). 177, 179, 478— .')0, 481—84 ; Luttrell's Brief Relation, III., 4i!6 : Commons' Jour., XIV., 37 ; Lords' Jour., XVII., 1(18 ; Swift's Works (1814), III., 92 ; Burnet's Hist, of Own Times, I., ix., 34.'i. aiGii ; Evelyn's Diarv,II., 309 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 93f; Add. MS.. 32006. 33268; Rogers' Protests of the House of Lords, Nos. L.KXIX., LX.XX., C.XVI., CLII. : Cat. Exhibition of Portraits ( Ksiiiii, No. 1,001) : Plumptre's Bp. Ken, I., 9, 10, liil, 140, 14.1. 292— .ilii : II., 1—10, 302: Abbey's English Ch. and its Bishops, 17110—1800 (1887), I., 125—28: II., 2o; Ashmolean MS., 1134 : Disraeli's Misc. of Literature (IK 10), SS : Biog. Brit. (1700), V., 298(i— 92 ; Cole MSS., XXV., 1024. 103'/, 103n, 104n : XXXV.. I0.3n, l(Ma : Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, IV., 731 : Life of .\nt. i Wood ( 1772), 308 ; Lord Somers's Tracts (1814), 2nd. ed.. XII.. 74— 101; Pepys's Diary (18.^8), III., 22, 329: IV.. 248, 200 ; Reresby's Travels and Memoirs, 29 1 — 98 ; Lake's Diary (Cam. Soc"). I., 17. 18, '23, 24 ; Calamv's Hist. Ac- count of his Life ( 1830). I., 195 : II.. t!8— 71, 185, 382—84 : Memoirs of Mr. William Whiston, I., 31—35, lOII— 9, 124, 148, 182, 248, 427—29 : Salmon's Lives of English Bishops (1733), 147 — to ; Evidence in Sir .1. Pakingham's Com- plaint (1703); Mackintosh's England. 2.'i9— 78, 023,024: Macaulay's England (1889), I.. 490— 505, 508, .509,511—21, 544, 545, 5011, 713 : II., 112, 715 : Hearne : Howell's State Trials (1812), XII., 183— 524: X IV.. 54.5— tiO ; Chalmers' Biog. Diet.; Nash's Worcs. (17811, 449—51, 454, with three portraits; Coates' Re.ading (1802), 102. 110—15: Memori;ils Ch. of St. Peter and St. Wilfrid. Ripon (Surtees Soc), IL, 291, 299 ; Chester's Westmr. Abbey Reg. (Harl. Soc). 5; Granger's Biog. Hist, of England (I775i. IV.. 287—89; Continuation by Noble (1800). II.. 81— 3 ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Cat. Ox. Graduates, 418 : .V. o'- Q.. 7th Series XL, 27, 88 ; Watts' Biblio. Brit. ; Halkett & Laing's Diet, of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature ; Brit. Mas. C:it.] Lloyd, William Watkiss. h. London ; educated Newcastle Gr. Sch. On the Homeric Design of tlie Shield of Achilles. Loudon : Williams i(- Xorgate. 1854. 8vo., pp. 45. Panics and Panaclas . . London : Harrison. 1860. 8vo., pp. 55. History of .Sicily. London, 1872. Critical Essays "on the Plays of Shakspeare. /.Mndon : a. Bell .)'• Sons. iS75. Cr. 8v6., pp. 493. Age of Pericles. London, 1875. 2 vols., 8vo. Much .ido about Nothing. -V Comeily. By William Sluikspeare. Now first published in fully ie-covered metrical form . . . Prefatory Ess;\v. London : F, Xorgale. 1S84. 8vo., pp. 90. Locn, James. b. Drylaw, Edinburgh, 7th May, 17H0 ; »•. of George Loch and Mary Adams, iiis wife : admitted an .Vdvocate in Scotland, 1801 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, l.'ith Nov., ISdG : Auditor and Agent to 1st Duke of Sutlierland, to Lord Francis Egerton (^after- wards Earl of EUesinere), the Bridgewater Trustees, the Earl of Carlisle, and to the Dudley and Keith Trustees : originated and carried out what is known as the depopulating of Sutherland, between 1811 — 20, and which LOCKETT ( 2H8 ) LOMAX has been very much diseiissed at and since those times;" M.P., St. Germans, Cornwall, 1827—30; WicU Bui-glis, ls;iO— 52 ; F.U.S.; F S.S. : on Coniniittee of the Usefnl Know- ledge See; m. (1), IHIO, Ann, -.• Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. London, 1821—34. 4 vols., fol. [Several connected with Staffs.] Lodge, Richard, b. Penkhull, 20th June, 1855 ; s. of Oliver Lodge, Esq. ; educated Christ's Hospital, London ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 20th Oct., 1878 ; Exhibitioner, 1874 — 75 ; Scholar, 1875 ; Fellow, BrasenoseColL, 1878; B. A. ,1878; M.A., 1881; Lecturer, Brase- nose Coll., 1881—85 ; Tutor, 1883. Cardinal Beaufort. Oxford. 1S75. ^ „ , „ Student's Modern Europe, from the Fall of Constan- tinople to the Treaty of Berlin. London : John Murray. 18S5. 8vo. 2nd ed., ISSG. „ , ,■ -ri,„ Wrote Articles .m" The Hanseatic League and Ihe Modern History of Spain." [Hth ed. of The Encyclopaedia Britannica.] Edited— The Oxford Maijazine. 18S3. LoMAX, Alfred Charles. h. Lichfield ; .*. of Thomas George Loniax, Bookseller and Printer [s(!e] ; educated Halesowen Gr. Sch. ; suc- ceeded his father on his death, 1«73 ; Coun- cillor, 1881 to date ; Mayor of Lichfield, 1885 86, 1886—87 ; J. P. for Lichfield, 1888 ; m. 1887, Frances, dnu. of P. Bailey. Heaton Mersey, Manchester. Handbook to the City of Lichfield. Lichjield: A. C. Lomax, The '■ Johnsons Head." 1874. Cr. 8vo. 2nd ed., Lk-h/iehi I)\ocesan Magazine. A Monthly Record of Church Work in the Diocese. Koy. 8vo. {from 1880 to " *'Vestry Prayers for the Use of the Clergy and their Choirs. Compiled by Edward Bickersteth, D.D., Dean of Lichfield. LIchfeld : A. C. Lomax, The " Johnson s Head. 1880. Lar. pt. iivo., pp. 16. The Scriptural Argument against the proposed change in our Marriage Laws. A Letter to the Bi.shop of Lich- field by George H. Moberly, M.A. London: J. Masters >v Co.. 78. yew liond Street. Lichfield: .1. C. Lomax, The '■ ./iihnson's Head." ISSX. Demy Svo., pp. 7. Rules aiiil Instructions of the Lichfield Volunteer Fire Brig.ule. Lichfield: .{. C. Lomax. The " Jidinson's Head." 1884. fcp. 8vo., pp. If). 2nd ed. 1880. I'r. llhno., pp. 8. The Rampant Lion of the North: or, Porlridhs and the Violet. ACbiistmas Story. By Norman .\p Arvon. Same imprint. 188!>. Cr. 4to., pp. 1!'. New Christmas Carols. By .1. M. Williams, Lichfield. Same imprint, n.d. ( 188.'i ). pt. 8vo., pji. 8. Temperance Sunbeams. Same imprint. 1884. Roy. 8vo., pp. ".16. . Hints on Singing. Cultivation of the Voice, and Church Music. By .lolin T. Whvtcley, F.S.A., M.S.A. Same imprint, .'trd' ed., M. Ditto, 1840. Manchester, 1840. I2mo. Ditto, 18.53. Manchester, 1853. 12mo. London. 1S68. 12u)0. [Jewitt's Ceramic' Art,, I., 402 : II., 57, 64, 00, 07, 167, 285, 340, 380 — 124 ; Jewitt's Wedgwood, 101 ; see Hulme (Rev. S.) (llev. B.). Heathcote (SirJ. E.) (Sirli.), Cotterill (Rev. T.), Temple (Rev. L) (Rev. Canon), Brookes (Rev. — .), Vale (Rev. B.), Clay (H.), Williams (— .), Murphv (T.). Farmer (G. E.), Illsley (Bp.), Forester (E.), Wright (F. S.). Lucas (Rev. S.), Duesbury (W.), Ford (Rev. J.), Smith ( Rev. L).] LONSDAI-E, A. P. [.S« Heywood-Lonsdale (A. P.) in Appendix.] Lonsdale, Rev. Henry Gylby. b. Yorks., 19th Jan., 1791 ; s. of Rev. John Lonsdale, Vicar of Darfield, Yorks. ; Vicar of St. Mary's Lichfield, 1833 to death ; m. Anna JIaria, dan. of John Pemberton Heywood, of Wake- field ((/. 14th May, 1840 ; "A«;-. St. Chad's, Lichfieldj ; (/. 31st Jan.. 1851 ; bur. St. Mary's Ch., Lichfield. [Private information per A. P. Heywood-tonsdale, Ksq.] [White's Staffs., 88.] Lossp.Ai.E, Rt. Rev. John. b. York?., 1788 ; s. of Rev. John Lonsdale ; educated Eton ; of King's Coll., Cam.; M.A. ; D.U., 1843; Domestic Clip, to Archbp. of Canterbury ; Preacher at Lincoln's Inn ; Princii)al, King's Coll., London ; Archd. of Midillcsex ; Bp. of Lichfielil, 1S43 to death : in. ."^oiiliia, (hm. of John Holland, Esq.; d. TJlh Oct., 1ISG7 ; bur. Eccleshall. The Testimonies of Nature, Reason, and Revelation respecting a Future Judgment plainly summed up in Four Discourses. London, 1821. 8vo., pp. 70. Commentary on the Gosi)els. By Rev. John Lonsdale and Archdeacon Hale. London : Ririnijton. 1840. 4to. A Sermon preached at the Consecration of Whixall Church, 1807, being his last Sermon. 8vo.. pp. 8. Sermon on the Necessity of Faith in Christ ; on the Parable of the Unjust Steward ; on Music ; Latin and Greek Verses. [In Deuisou's Life of Bp. Lonsdale.] Blessedness in Death. A Sermon preached at Eccle- shall. October 27th. 1807, the Sunday after the Funeral of the Right Rev. Father in God, John Lonsdale, D.D. . . By the Vicar. Birmingham: William Ilodgetts. 1867. 8vo., pp. 12. Life of [see Denison (E. B.), Hale (Ven. W. H.).; Leisure Hour (18i;9), 352] ; Poem on Death of Bishop Lonsdale [Spare Minutes of a Country Parson, 09]. LoxsnAi.E, Rev. John Gylby. b. London, 1818 ; s. of Rev. John (afterwards Bp.) Lonsdale ; educated Eton and Shrewsbury ; Scholar of Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1841 ; M.A., 1845 ; Reader at the Temple Church, 1851—66 : Secretary to Nat. Soc, 1849— 6G ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Lichfield, 1866-78 ; Canon Resi- dentiary and Chancellor of Lichfield, with Prebends of Alrewas and AVeeford attached, 1855 to date ; Examining Clip, to Bishops of Lichfield (Selwyn, JIaclagan, and Legge) ; Proctor to Dean and Clip, of Lichfield, 1885 — 92 ; m. Sarah, 'tau. of Uavid Jardine, Esq., Recorder of Bath. Exposition of the Parables for the L'se of Teachers. London: Parker if Son. 1855. 12mo. Lonsdale, Rev. John Henry, b. London, 25th June, 1855 ; .s. of Rev. J. G. Lonsdale : B.A., Trin. Coll., Cam., 1«78 ; M.A., 18;13 ; Student. Lincoln's Lin, 17th Jan., 1879 ; Barrister-at- Law, 17tli Nov., 1882 : Curate of Winiborne Minster, Iss7 — 8S ; Weare, Somer.s., 1889 — 90; Vicar of Wall, ls90. [Foster's Men at the Bar, 285.] Lonsdale, Margaret, dau. of Rev. John G. Lonsdale. The Care and Nursing of Children in Health and in Sickness. London : Uatchards. 1885. 12mo., pp. 4fi. Life of Sister Dora. London : Kegan Paul ^ Co. (Several Editions.) Memoir of George Eliot. London: Kegan Paul i.fCo. LoTox, John. b. Uttoxeter, 1856 ; s. of Nathan Loton ; Mat. as a Non.-Coll., Ox., 16th Jan., 1875 ; B.A., St. John's Coll., 1879. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 873.] LOUGHBOROUGH (291) LOWE LoDGHBoitoDOH, Henry Har^tings, Lord. A Commander under (Jharh's L, &c. Correspondence witli Prince Rupert. Twenty Letter.s . . . dated 9th Feb., KUS— ;iOth July, Vila, from Tam- worth, Tutbury Ciistle, L'ttoxeter, Lichfield, &c. [Salt Lib.] LovAT, Dale. b. Penklmll, 1717 : s. of Jo-^eph LovSt; Mat. Magd. Hall, O.K., Utii Nov., 1738; B.A., 1742. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., f^7'-i.] Lov.vT, .lolin. b. Newca^itle, 1725 : s. of Thomas Lovat ; Mat. lialliol Coll., Ox., 26th March, 1743 ; li.A., 174(1. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., III., 87.').] Lov.\T, Richard. /;. Stoke, 1708 ; s. of Joseph Lovat ; Mat. Magd. Coll., 0.\., 20tii March, 1725. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., ST.'i. ] LovATT, James, b. Pensnott, 28th Nov., 1850 ; s. of E. H. Lovatt ; educated Owens Coll., Manchester ; Member of Newcastle Town Council, 1887—1)3; of Sch. Board. 1S«;) to date ; Managing Partner, Hammond & Co., Army Contractors, Newcastle and Manchester; J. P. for Newcastle ; m. Mary Elizabeth Mun- caster (, 91, 112, 117, 148.] LowK, Rev. Thomas. Primitive Methodist Preacher ; b. Staffs. The Pilot of the Galilean Lake. London, 1860. 8vo., pp. 140. England's Flag Half Mast High. Two Orations on the Death of . . . Prince Consort . . . delivered at Tunstall . . on Monday, Dec. 23rd, 18IJ1, and Sunday, January Jth, 18(;2. London, 186i. 8vo. The Gooil Intent ; or. The Heaven-bound Ship. A Tributary Sketch of the First Jubilee of Primitive Methodism. L'jndon, 1863. 8vo., pp. 'ii. Shakespeare under the Stars. L^tndon. 12mo. Poke your own Fire and Burn your own Lamp ; or. LOWE (292) LUCKOCK Sketches from the Remirkable Life and Career of Mr. CoiuiciUor Devev of WoIverhamptoQ. Wolverhampton^ 1SS4. 8vo. Jubilee Lines : Sprays from the Fountain. A Poem on Stratfor■»•»] and Harriet Ann, his wife ; educated Marlborough and Shrewsbury Schools ; of Jesus Coll., Cam. ; Scholar, 1854 : Fellow, 1862 : Members' Prize for Latin Essay, 1860— CI, 1X62 ; Carus and Scholefield Prizes. 1860 ; Crosse Divinity (I860) and Tyrwhitt Hebrew (1862) Scholar- ships ; 2nd Class Classical 'Tripos and 1st Class Theological Tripos, 1858 ; B.A., 1858 : M.A., 1862; B.D. and D.D., 1879: Classical LUCKOCK (293) LYONS and Divinity Lecturer, Jesus Coll., IXIJS — 80 ; Tlieological Lecturer at King's Ci'll., 1862 — 80; Select Preacher at Cam. Univ., 186.J, 1874 — 75, 1883—84, 1892 ; Vicar of All Saints', Cam., 18fi2— 03, 18(>.i — 75 ; Rector of Gayhurst -If.- Stoke -Goldington, Bucks., 18C3— (j5 ; Examining Clip, to Bp. (Wood- ford) of tlly, 1873—86 ; to Bp. (Compton) of Ely, 1886—87 ; Hon. Canon of Ely, 1874— 75 ; Canon Ilesidentiarv, 1873 — 92 ; Princi- pal of Ely Theological Coll., 1876—87 : Proctor to Uean and Chapter of Ely, 1892 ; Dean of Lichfield, 1S'.)2. Tables of Stone. London: MaciniUan. 18G0. After Death. Tlie State of the Faithful Dead, and their Relation to the Living. I^m-Ioii, 1S79. 'Jth ed., 1800. Stuilies in the History of the Prayer Book. Loudon, 1882. sui. Hvo. ;ir(l ed., 1880. An Appeal to the Church not to withdraw her Clergy from the 17 niversities. 1882. Footprints of the Son of Man. as traced bv St. Mark. •2 vols. LonJon, 1884. 4th ed., 1800. Ditto, "l vol., 1889. 2nd ed., 1800. The Bishops in the Tower. A Record . . . from the Reformation to the Revolution. London, 1887. 2nd ed., 1888. The Intermediate State between Death and Judg- ment. Being a Seipiel to " After De.ith." London, 1800. 2nd ed., 1891. .ith ed., 1891. Gth ed., 1892. The Divine Liturgy .... Loudon ; Longmans. 1890. Pt. 8vo. 2nd ed., Rivingtons, 1890. 3rd. ed., 1893. John Weslev's Churchmanship. 1891. Who are Wesley's Heirs ? 1802. History of the Church in Scotland. London ; Welh Gardner. 1803. Possibilities of Restoration in the Intermediate State [Ch. Congress Report (Manchester, 1888)] ; The Christian Ministry [i6. (Cardiff, 188'.!)]. Edited :— The Great Commission. By Bishoj) Woodford. With a History of the Oniinations of his Episcopate. Bishop Woodford's Sermons. 1888. 2 vols. LncKocK, Rev. Thomas George Mortimer, h. iladc'ley, lSalo|i, 4th Oct., 1797 ; .s. of Thomas Luckock, Esq. ; of St. .lohn's Coll., Cam. ; M.A.; Curate of Walsall, 1830 : of Aldridge, 1831—44 ; in charge of Great Barr, 1830 — 51 ; where he resided and tO(jk a few private pupils ; Vicar of Little Berwick, Salop, 1851 ; Rector of Ch. Ch.-w.-St. Ewen, Bristol, 1876 to death ; d., Clifton, Bristol, 12th Xov., 1880. [Xotes and Coll. of Aldridge, II., Go.] Luckock, Rev. Thomas Gilliert. b. Great Barr, 1831 ; s. of Rev. T. G. M. Luckock, Curate ; educated Brighton Coll. ; of St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1H54 ; M.A., 1878 ; Curate of St. Matthias Weir, Bristol, 1855 — 57 ; Domes- tic Chp. to Earl of Ducie, 1857 : Vicar of Emmanuel Ch., Clifton, Bristol, 1866-92. [Notes and Coll. of Aldridge, II., Go.] LciioLK, Job. Letter to Ashmole. ••Paris,2l 31 Aug., 1083." [Bodl. Lib., 1136, f. I«8a4— 109a6.] LuKKit, J., Bobbiugton, 1756. Answers to Dr. Wilkes's Queries re Bobbington. [Shaw, n., 278.] Ldnd, Rev. Thomas. b. Blackburn, Lanes., 2nd Dec, 1805 ; of St. John's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1828 : M.A., 1831 ; B.I)., 1837 : Chp. of Horningsey, near Cambridge, 1831 — 38 ; Fellow, St. John's Coll., 1829—41 ; Rector of Morton, Lanes., 1841 — 04; of Brindle, near Chorley, Lanes., 1804; Preb. of Gaia Minor, Lichfield, 1804 ; d. Brindle Rectory, 14th May, 1877. Wood's Algebra. Eleventh Edition, revised and en- larged. London: Lonr/mam. 1841. \it\i e'\.. 184.'> ; 1.3th eA.,1848; Uth ed., 18o2 ; l.'nh ed., 2*57 ; 10th ed., Mfii. Key to Wood's Algebra. Same imprint. 18G0. Companion to Wood's Algebra. Same imprint. 184S. 2nd ed.. 1852 ; 3rd ed., 1860. A Short and Easy Course of Algebra. Same imprint. 1850. 2nd ed.. 18.51 { 4th ed., 18.50 ; .ith ed.. 1860 ; Gth ed.. 1863 : 7th ed., 1866 ; 8th ed., 1870. pp. 14!', .\vi. Key to above. .S'«m«- imprint. 2nd ed., 1870. Elements of Geometry and Mensuration . . Three Parts. .Same imprint. Part I., 1854 ; 2nd ed., 1864. Part IL, 1X55. Part III.. 1859. Geometrical E.'cercises. Same imprint. 1850. The Necessity of a Studious and Le;irned Clergy. A Visitation Sermon. London, 1845. The True Theory of Missions according to Holy Scriptures. London, 1854. 2nd ed., iS57. The Reading and Deportment of the Clergy daring Divine Service. London, 1862. A Key to Bishop Colenso's Biblical Arithmetic. Lon^ don : Longmans. 1863. 2nd. ed., same year. People's ed., 1865. LuxMOORE, Rev. Charles Coryndon. b. Windsor, Berks., 1839 ; s. of Rev. C. Loxmoore ; edu- cated Eton ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 10th June, 1858; B.A., 1861; M.A., 1865; Curate of Lambourne, 1863 — 66 ; Vicar of Fawley, Berks., 1866—84 ; of Lapley, 1884; m. Janet L. P., widow of Lieut. W. E. Black, R.N. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., HI., 884.] Lyford, W., of Tamworth. Apologie for our Publick Ministerie and Infant Baptism. London, 1657. 4to. Lv.MESEV, Robert de. Bp. of Chester (Lichfield), 1088 to death ; removed his See to Coventry, 1101 ; d. Coventry, 1st Sept., 1117. [The daughter of this Bishop married — . Ncel. of EUenhall.] [Harwood's Lichfield, 132, 133; Dngdale's Warws., 100 ; Beresford's Diocese of Lichfield, 53, 57.] LvN.\M, Charles. Architect, Stoke and Hans- hill. The Church Bells of the County of Staffordshire . . . London : Sprague cj- Co. n.d. (1880). Imp. 4to., pp. xii., 00 Plates of Bells, pp. 136, Plates of Church Towers, xxxvii. Address on Chartlev {Rep. Xorth Staffs. Field Club (1809), 3j; Croxden Abbey [(l**'-*) ». •>. 2il— .35] : on Butter Cross, Leek [0] : Sepulchral Monuments of Staf- fordshire [(1875) -22—9]; on Church Bells of Stafford- shire [40 — 5] ; A Visit of Discovery to St. Thomas's Priory, Stafford [(1878) 58 — 07]: Address on Rugelev and the Ridwares [(1878) 1.5—23]; on Fowlchurch f"2!» —31]: on Bakewell [(I879). .33—7]; Ecclesiastical Nor- man Architecture of Staffordshire [(1881) M — UUl ; on Rushton Church [(1882) 17—20]; Note on Bosley Church [21]; Extract from Ormerod read by [5.5^7]; on Seighford Church [(1884) 29. 30]; on Buildwas Abbey [(1885) 11—22]. [The Papers on Croxden Abbev and English Mediaeval Arclntecture are reprinted in Ad- dress and Paper by North Staffs. Field Club (1875), at pp. Ill — '22 and lOih — 83, respectively.] Lyosbergh, W. B., Swedish Envoy. Letters to .\shmole, 10th and 10th May, 1071. [Bodl. Lib., 1101, 200a, 207a.] Lyons, Rev. John. Trin. Coll., Dublin : B.A.. 1829 ; M.A., 1834 ; Vicar of Tillington, LYSONS (294) MACGREGOR Essex, 1852 — 51) ; Vifar of Wednesbury, 1851). Sei-mons. Pamphlets. Lysons, Rev. Samuel. Collections for Staffordsliii-e. [Add. JISS., Brit, llus., 0450.} Lyte, Seliiia. Dreamland Painting. ". p. pi. or d. (W. II. Uohhigon, Printer, Walsall.) 12mo., pp. I'.i. Lyttei.ton, Hon. C. L. The Wlnte Lady. A Tale from the German. London, 1837. [Sold and written for Dudley Castle Bazaar.] Lyttelton, Rev. William Henry, b. 3rd April, 1821) ; «. of William Henry, 3rd Lord Lyttelton ; Canon of Gloucester, 1880 ; Rec- tor of Hasley, Worcs., 1 847 to deatb ; d. Malvern, 24th July, 1884. The Geology and Geography of C'lent. [Harris's Clentine Rambles (1«(18).] [See Littletons.] Lyttleton, Rt. Rev. Charles. Reetor of Alve- chureh, Warws., 1742 ; Clip, to Lord Cobhani's Guards ; Dean of Exeter ; President of Soc. of Antiquaries ; Bp. of Carlisle, 1762 to death. Letters to Dr. Wilkes. [Shaw, II., xi.— xvi.] History of Arley, Glent, and Brnme. [Origin.al MS. in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries. Printed in Shaw's Hist, of Staffs., under Arley, Clent, and Brome.] M "M. J." The Country-Man's Miscellany ; or, Reflections on the Sun, with other Poems (for Young Persons in Walsall). By"J. M." 1732. 8vo. Macadam, Robert, Gorsty Hill, Crewe. Cheese Making. Being a Practical Explanation of the Cheddar System. &c. New ed., revised and extended. Loudon: Jlaniillon. I^^ewcnslle : D. Dilworth. Ayr: Robert Maclahuse. 1867. 8vo., pp. 811. MacAldowie, Alexander Morison. [See Appendix.] Mac.vulay, Thomas Babington, Lord. Biographies, by Lord Macaulay, contributed to the Encyclopa'dia Britannica. Kdiiibnri}h,1880. 8vo. [Samuel Johiison, pp. 77 — \:ib.] The Works of ... In Eight Volumes. London, 1866. 8vo. [Review of Boswell's Johnson, V., 408 — 538 ; Life of S. Johnson, VIL, .^-24— .')«. Originally appeared in the JuUnbun/li Heriew {lS:t7) and the Ency- clopedia Britannica (18.')(l) respectively.] Essays on Dr. Johnson and on Mrs. Piozzi's Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson. [The Traveller's Library, Vol. 48.] McCoMiiiE, Alexander. Justice, Mercy, and Charity of the New Connexion exemplified in a "Letter to John Ridgway, of Cauldon Place, Sholti>n. Wortlei/, near Leeds: J. Baker. 1847. rimo., pp. 411 Macdonami, Sir Archibald, Bart. /(. Ediidnirgh, 1747 ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 2()tli Jan., 1764 ; B.A., 1768; M.A., 1772 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1770 ; K.C., 1778 ; Bencher, 1778 ; F.R.S., 1788 ; M.P,, Hindon, Wilts., 1777_80 ; Newcastle, 1780—93 ; one of the Judges of Wales, 178n ; Soiicitor-dloneral, 17H4_H«; Serjcant-at-Law, 171)3; xVltorncy- General, 171)0 — 1)3; knighted, 27th Jan., 17s8 ; Lord Chief Baron of Exchequer, 1793 — 1813 ; r.C, 1793 ; created a Bamnet, 27th Nov., 1813 ; d. 8th May, 1826. [Men at the Bar ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 8110 ; Fosss Judges ; .\lumni West., 380 ; Ingamells's Newcastle j various B.arouetages.] MAcnnNAl.i.. Rev. F. W. .V. of Rev. G. B. Macdoiiald ; Wesleyaii Minister ; Principal of Handsworth Coll. Fletcher of Madelev. London, 1885. Cr. 8vo., pp. 1!)(1. Life of William MoVley Pnnshon. London, 1887. 8vo., pp. .^li;. MAciioNAi.n, Rev. G. B., Wcsleyan Minister, W(dverliampton. The Church in the House. An Address delivered in the Weslevan Clia]>el, Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton : J. ilcll. lioehuch. n.d. 8vo. Macdonald. sir. lames, Bart. /;. London, 1784; s. ol Sir Archibald Macdonald, 1st Baronet ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox,, 15th May, 1801 ; B.A., 1S05 ; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 1.S04 ; a Clerk to Privy Seal ; M.P., Kirkwall Burjjhs, .Fane, 1805 — 6; Newcastle, 1806— 14 ; Sutherland- shire, 1812-16 : Calne, 1816— 31 ; Hants.. 1831 — 32 ; a Commissioner for India, 1.S27 — • 28, 1830—32 ; 2nd Baronet ; Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Isles, 2nd June, 1832 ; d. 29th same month. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 8.t1 ; Alumni West., ibh ; Ingamells's Newcastle ; various Baronetages.] McGahren, Rev. Father, Walsall. A Full Report of the Great Meeting of Catliolic Lay- men of Walsall, held in the Assembly Rooms, llth .\pril, 1807. With Appendix . . . Walsall : J. It. Robinson, n.d. (1SG7). I'imo., pp. 42. McGavin, William. Strictures on Dr. Milner's Work . . . '• The End of Religious Controversy." . . London: R. T. S. n.d. 32mo., pp. 41(J. McGhf.e, Rev. Robert James. Trin. (Joll., Dublin, 1H07 ; Rector of Holywell-!(\-Needing- worth, Hunts., 1846. Maynooth, Its Sayings and Doings; or, TheMaynooth Commission Analyzed and Tested (in Letters to the Earl of Havrowby). London, 185G. 8vo., pp. xi. Ort. Macouegou, Rev. Sir Charles, Bart. St. Catherine's Hall, Cam., B.A., 1842 ; M.A., 1852 ; Curate, St. George's, Wolveihampton, 1844—46 ; of Calne, 1846 ; P.C. of Bothan- sall, Notts., and Domestic Clip, to Didic of Newcastle, 1847 ; Curate of Axminster, 1K48 ; Minor Canon of Bristol Cathedral, 1849; Vicar of Cabourne, Lines., 1850 — 54 ; Select Preacher to Cam. Univ., 1864—65; R.D. of Grimsby (No. I.), Lines., 1850—75 ; Ri>ct(ir of Swallow, Lines., 1854 to death ; m. Eliza Catherine, dau. of John Jeffreys, Esq., of Fynonc, Glamorganshire ; (/. 1879. Remarks on Dr. Hook's Letter to the Times, Oct. .ith, 1850. ' An Attempt to Enquire in the History of the Law MACGHEGOR (295) MACKIE concerning Convocation, and the Expediency of Reviving them at the I"resent Time. 1852. Notes on Genesis. IHaO. India. A Sermon. 7*57. MacGheoor, Rev. William. h. Liverpool, 184H ; s. of Walter Fergii;: Macfiregor, Esq.; educate.! Rugliy ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 3iith Nov., 1807 ; B.A., 1871 : M.A., 1874; Curate of Hopwas, 1872 — 76 ; of vSt. Matthias, Liverpool, 1870 — 77; Vicar, 1877 — 78; of Taniwortli-i<;.-Aniington and Hopwa-i, 1^78 — 87 ; J. P. and County Councillor for Warws., resident at Taunvortli. [Fostev'.s Ahimni O.Kon., III., filKi ; Kugby Sch. Lists.] M.\CHIN, J., Printer, High Street, Cheadle. The Cheadle Ileralil. IHTs'to date. [.SeeSnell (Rev. J.).] Mai MIX, Hov. John. b. Seahridge, near New- castle, 2nd Oct., 1024 ; his parents lived on an estate which had been in the family since the time of Henry VI IL ; Jesus Coll., Cam., 1045; B.A., 1G4'.I; Minister at Whitchurch, Cheshire, 2(»th Feb., 1G50 ; settled at Ash- bourne, 1052; for 18 months at Atherstone, Warws. ; at Asthurv, Congleton, 1(>52 ; m. Mrs. Jane Butler, at Uttoxeter ; made a Will before marriage instituting a Lecture in several towns in Dorbys. and Staffs. : removed to Whitley, Chesliire, 1001; ublished by (t. Burder. London, 1709. 18mo. [Nonconformity in Cheshire, 141, l.iG, -211, 27:i, 36b, 405—11,440; Philip Henry's Life, chap. xi. : Olde Leeke, •i%, 2'.I7; Head's Congleton ; The Palatine Note Book.] Machon, Rev. .folm. /;. Machon Banke, near Shetlield, 1572 ; .v. of John Machon ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 20th Feb., 1591 ; B.A. Magd. Coll., 7th Feb., 1574 ; Vicar of Aston, Warws., 10U3 : Rugeley, 1620; Canon of Lichfield and Preb. of Wellington, yth Sept., 10;^1 ; Master of the Hospital of S. John de Forbridge, Statl'nrd, 1 O.'jU to death : (/. rirra 1640. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.."^., III., :1,)7 : Harwood's Lichfield, a.j.'i.] Machos, Rev. John. h. Stafford, 1G0;t ; x. of Rev. Canon Machon [«(v] ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 20th June, 1021 ; B.A. 7th Feb., 1684 ; M.A. 5th June, 1620; Master of Christ's Hospital, Slierburn, Durham ; ^'icar of Hart- burn, Durham, 1032 — 71 ; Master of St. | John's Hospital, at Lichtield, 30th Jan., 1030 — 71, when he resigned both appointments ; d. Dec, 167!). [Foster's .'ilumni Oxon., E.S.. III., 957; Foster's Visitation of Durham ; Harwood's Lichfield, 55'.l.] Machon, John. h. Penkhulj, 1025 : ,«. of Roger ]\Iachon ; Mat. New Inn Hall, Ox., 1st April, 1642. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 957.] I Machok, Rev. Thomas, s. of Rev. John Machon (10(13) [w.'] ; Mat. Hart Hall, Ox., 7th Nov., 1655; B.A., 12th Feb., 1(;59 ; M.A., 3l9t May, 1062 ; incorporated Cam. Univ., 1663 ; Resident at Slierburn, Durham, 1600 ; Chp. to Prince Rupert ; Vicar of Hartburn, 1671 ; Master of St. John's Hospital, at Lichfield, 1671, in succession to his fatlier ; Canon of Lichfield, 1671 ; d. 27th Feb., 1673. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 957 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 2.53,559.] McIi.wRAiTH, William, h. Freermemeni, Kirk- connel, Dumfrieshire, lOtb Dec, 1H45 ; s. of John Mclhvraith : educated Parish School, Minnigiitf, Kirkcudbrightshire ; in business in Wolverhampton. The Life and Writings of George Grote. An Essay. Wolverhampton : Barford if Newitt. n.d. (1884) 8vo., pp. 32. Theosophv Critically Examined. Wolverhampton: Cullwick Brothers. 1890. 8vo., pp. 32. Theosophv on the Defensive [in answer to the above]. By Madame Blavatskv and Stanley De lastryebskitts [Ag- wo.«<;c-./o«r.,XXVII...^10— 11,. •i25—2lJ,.S48— 49,357— 58,374 —75. 40 1—5 : XXVIII.. 5—6. 19—20. Sii- 38.] Theosophy at Bav. In Replv [XXVIIL, 59. 76-77, 84— 811, 101—2, 116-17, 131— 35, 150— 51, 166—67, 181—82, 197—98.] Macintosh, Rev. Moore Morgan. B.A.; Curate of Burton-on-Trent. Love proportionate to the Sense of Forgiveness. A Sermon. [ The Xew Irish Pulpit, I. (1853), 259—63.] Mackarxess, Right Rev. George Richard, b, Islington, 1823 ; .<. of Rev. George Mackarness ; Mat. Merton Coll., Ox., 22nd June, 1841 ; Postmaster 1841— 45: B.A., 1845 ; M.A., 1848 ; created D.D., 10th March, 1874 ; Fellow of St. Columba's Coll., Ireland, 1846 — 47 ; Curate of Barnwell, near Peterborough, 1848—54 ; Vicar of Ham, 1854—74 ; Fellow of St. IS'icholas' Coll., Lancing, 1866: R.D. of Alstonfield, 1870-74: Clip, to Bp. of Oxford, 1870—74 ; Secretary (and Founder) of the Ham Anastastic Drawing Society ; Bp. of Argvle and the Isles, 1874 to death ; d. 20th April, 1883. Edited — The Publications of the Ham Anastastic Drawing Society. 14 vols.. 4to. [Foster's A'lumni Oxon., III., 89.3.] Mackcodll, John. b. London ; .-■. of Benjamin Mackcoull, a Pocket-book Maker ; he was one of a family of three sons and one daughter all criminals ; a Law Stationer : in 1807 he was tried at Stafford for robbing the Edinburgh Mail and for forgery, but was acquitted [.*^^ Abuses of Justice] : he was afterwards known as "Marplot"; kept an Inn at Rush Green, Lewisliam : and at Hayes, Kent : afterwards opened the Apollo Library, at Worthing, Sussex, where he was in 1822. The Abuses of Justice, illustrated in mv own Case. Stajord, 1S09. 8vo. London ; .1/. Jonei. 1812. 8vo.. pp. viii., 239. [Life of James Mackcoull (1822), 3—9.] Mackie, C. Castles. Palaces, and Prisons of ilarv of Scotland. London, 1S40. 8vo. Portrait and Plates. [Contaius Tutbury and Cbartley Ciistles.] MACKILL (296) MA DAN Mackili,, Rev. Thomas, h. Bri.'i-ley Hill, 1810; Primitive Metliodist Minister from 1H41 : superaiiniiiitcil 1878 : (/.. Great Yanimntli, 7th Oct., 1«H3. Obituary. By Rev. G. Seamane. [/'. .1/. W/i/. (18S-2), p. 6.] Mackness, Rev. George, b. Welliiigliorough, Northants., 1834 ; s. of Mattiicw George Maeiviies?, Esq.; educated Bedford Gr. Sch. ; Commoner of Wadh. Coll., Ox., 1852; Exhibitioner of Lincoln Coll., Ox., 1854 —51; B.A., 185(! ; M.A., 1859; B.D. and D.D., 1S71 ; Assistant Curate of Hin- stock, Salop, 1858 — (iO ; Curate of Ston- ham Aspal, Suffolk, 18(!(t— 63 : St. John the Baptist, Woking, Surrey, IHiiS — 6(') : of Aldridge, 18G(! — 7(1: Rector of St. Mary's, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, 1870 ; Synod Clerk of the Diocese of Brechin, 1892. Receiving from God, not giving to God, the Central Idea of tlie Holv Communion. London : Master/, n.il. (1867). 12mo., pp. 12. Paradise. Newly set to Music. London: Xovello. 1S6S. «vo., s. sh. Sunday not the Sabbath. Dundee: W. Kidd. 1880. Svo., pp. 27. [Notes and Coll. on Aldridge, II., (i?.] Maclagan, Rt. Hon. and Most Rev. William Dalrymple. h. Edinburgh, 18th .June, 1826; s. of David Maclagan, Esq., M.D., Physician to the Forces, and Jane {ildu. of P. White- side, Esq., M.D.), his wife ; educated High Sch. and Military Academy, Edinburgh ; Lieut. 51st Madras Native Infantry : retired, 1852; St. Peter's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1856 ; M.A., 1860; D.D., 1878; Hon. Fellow, 1891 ; Curate of St. Saviour's, Paddington, 1856 — 58 : St. Stephen's, Marylebone, 1858 — 60 ; Hon. Sec. to London Diocesan Ch. Building Society, 1800 — 65; Curate of En- field, 1865—69 ; Rector of Newington, 1869 — 75 ; Vicar of Kensington, 1875 — 78 ; Hon. Chp. to the Queen, 1877 — 78 ; Preb. of Reculverland in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1878 : Bp. of Lichfield, 1878—91 ; Archbp. of York, 1891; m. (1), I860, Sarah Kate, dau. of George Clapham, Esq. ((/. June, 1862), (2) 12th Nov., 1878, Hon. Augusta Anne, dau. of William Kejipel, 6th Viscount Barrington. Pastoral Letters and Synodal Charges. London : Wells Gardner. 1802. Svo. The Body of Christ. London, n.d. 8vo., pp. 11. The New Criticism and the Old Faith. London : .f.P.C.K. 12mo., pp. 1«. Words of Counsel on the Evening of Confirmation Day. London, n.d. 12mo., pp. l.i. Parochial Papers : — No. 1 : Plain Instruction on Holy Communion. Sketlington ij- Co. n.d. (1871). 12mo., pp. 1 1. No. 2 : Meditation on the Comfortable Words of the Communion Office (1872). pp. l.i. No. 3 : Divine Service, pp. 12. No. 4 : The Study of the Bible. No. 5 : Thoughts and Questionings for use in Church, itc. pp. 4. The Church and the People. A Sermon. [The Church and the Age, pp. 42;i— (57.] Edited (with the Kev. Archibald AVeir, D.C.L.) :— The Church and the Age. London : J. Murray. 1870. Svo. 2nd ed., same year, 8vo., pp. viii., 499. Presidential Addresses at the Church Congresses of 18»2 and 1887. [Reports.] Hvmn Tunes. Lomax. Lichfield. [Composer of Tunes Numbered 1 Hi, 28n. :!18, 44.i, ;V>'4, .iiW, and l!2',l, in Hymns Ancient and Modern.] Macmichaei,, Rev. .John Fisher. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 18;>7 ; Headmaster Burton Gr. Sell., 1843 — -51 ; Lecturer in Parish Cliurcii of Burton, 1844 — 51 ; Curate of Bisiiop Moncktoii, Ripon, 1859 — 62 ; Headmaster Ripou Gr. Sell., Yorks., 1851. Our Dutv as Members of the House of (Jod. 1854. First Latin Class Book. 18G2. Edited :— Zenoi»lion's ."Vnaba^is, with Notes. London : Bell. 1847. 12mo., pp. 8li. New ed., 1854, 12mo., pp. IMII. Greek Testament, with Notes. London : Bell. Fcp. 8vo.. pp. 730. ^[(tcmilhln'x Maqazine. Sheridan and his Biogra])hies [Vol. IV.]. Life of .Tosiah Wedgwood [Vol. XXI.]. Sir Robert Peel and Comte de .Tarnac [Vol. XXXL]. MacMui.len, Rev. .Tames Alexander. Univ. of London ; B.A., 1857 ; M.A., Queen's Univ., Ireland, 1862 : Curate of .St. Coluinba, Liver- pool, 1868-69 : St. Peter's, liirkenhcad, 1869—71 ; Vicar of Cobridge, IS71. Various Educational Works. MacMonn, Charles Alexander. h. Easkcy, Sligo, 11th April, 1852; s. of .James Mac Munn, M.D.; eilucated privately ; Trin. Coll., Dublin ; Graduated in Honours at B.A. Ex- amination, 1871 ; B.A., 1871 : M.B., 1872 : L.R.C.S.I. and L.M., 1872 ; M.D., Dublin, 1875; M.A., 1884; F.C.S. ; F.R.M.S. : Honorary Pathologist to Wolverhampton General Hospital ; Stirgeon to Wolverliampton 0|ihanage ; tn. Letitia MacMunn ; in practice in Wolverhampton since 1872. The Spectroscope in Medicine. London, 18S0. 8vo., pp. mil. 3 Plates. Outlines of the Clinical Chemistry of Urine. London. 1880. 8vo., pp. 2.')4. 1 Plate. Researches into the Colouring Matters of Human Urine [Proceedintjs lini/. Soc. (1880 — 8])]; Observations on Invertebrate .and Vertebrate Bile, &c. [(188:1)] ; .Studies in Animal Chromatology [/Proceedings Birmini/hnm Phil. .Soc. ( 1883)] ; Chlorophyll in Animals [Bril. .Issociation 7?e^. ( 1 883 ) ] ; Myoha^matin, Histohiematin [Phil. Trans. (1881))]; Enterochlorophyll [(1881))]; Chromatology of Actinia; [(188."))]; Chromatology of .Sponges [Jour. Phi/siutni/i/ (1888)] ; Urohiematoporphyriu [(18811)] ; Chromatology of the Blood of Invertebrates [Quart. Jour. Microscopic Science (188:"))]; Chromatology of Anthea Cereus [(I88l>)] ; on the Excretion of Urohaematin [Brit. .Med.. four. (1883)]: Addison's Disease [(1888)]; and several other contributions to the same Journals, , The Irish Hospital Gazette, Dublin Jour, of Medical I Science, Quain's Diet, of Medicine, and A'ature. MacNicol, Donald. Remarks on Dr. Samuel Johnson's Journey to the [ Hebrides. London, 1779. 8vo., pp. 371. 1817. Svo. Macready, Edmund Neville. .«. of — . Macready, of Stafford Theatre ; in the Army : at the Battle of Waterloo. Extracts from his Journals. [United Service Mar/. (1852, 1853).] [His Account of the Battle of Waterloo highly conimeinled by Creasy in liis •' Fifteen Decisive Battles."] Madan, Rev. George, h. Lichfield, 1808 ; «'. of Rt. Rev. Spencer iMadan, D.D.: Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 2nd March, 1826 ; Student, 1829—37 : MADAN (297) MAGAZINE OF ART B.A., 1830 ; M.A., 1832 ; Vicar of Cam, Gloucs., 1838—52 : St. MaryV, IWcliffe, Bristol, 1852 — G5 ; Rector of Uurslcy, Gloucs., 18G5 to death ; Minor Canon of Bristol, 1851 — 87 ; Hon. Canon of Gloucester, 1887 to death ; m., 1837, Harriet, dan. of Rev. W. Gresley, of Nctherseale, Leics.; d. 1891. A Few Plain Words ... on the side of the Church Burial Service for Dissenters. Durstei/, 1S50. The Question Discussed : Are Private Confessions and Priestly Absolution justl}' disagreeable with blasphemy and jirofanity. In a Correspondence between Canon Madan and S. A. Walker. Durslei/, 1859. Svo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., HOO.] Madan, Rev. Spencer, b. Fulford (or Foul- forth), Yorks., 25th Aug., 1758 ; .?. of Rt. Rev. Spencer Madan, Bp. of Peterborough, and Hon. Charlotte Connvallis, his wife ; educated Westmr. Sch.; of Trin. Coll., Cam.: Honorary Degree of M.A., 11th Dec, 1778 : Honorary Degree of D.D., 180'J ; Rector of Ibstock, Leics., 1786 ; Rector of St. Philip's, Birming- ham, 1787 ; Preb. of Tachbrook, Lichfield, 4th March, 1785 — 86 ; Treasurer of Lichfield, 14th April, 1787 ; Chp. to George III., 1788 ; Canon Residentiary of Lichfield, 17'JO ; Preb. of Loughborough, Lincoln ; Rector of Thorpe Constantine ; m. Henrietta, dau. of William Phillips Inge, Esq., of Thorpe Constantine ; d. Ibstock Rectory, 'Jth Oct., 1836. Familiar Letters. Birmingham: Thompson. n.d. (170U). Svo., pp. 22. Ditto, same ^ear, 8vo., jip. lil. Ditto, pp. 4U. Ditto (1701). pp. 47. [To tliese a Reply was made by Dr. Priestley. 2n(l ed., Hir- min-jliinn. I79ft Originally issued iu 6 parts ; tlie first tour dealtug with ilr. .Madan.] A Letter to Mr. Priestler. Birmingham: Pierci/. n.d. (1700). 8vo., pp. 48. A True Statement of the Question between the Pre- bendary of .Sawley and the Perpetual ('urate of that place . . . Peterborough : C. Jacobs. ISOO. 8vo., pp. (J4. [Rev. T. Humphries, Curate. Contains Letters by Dr. Madan and Mr. Humphries.] The Lessee antl the Curate ; or, An Answer to the Perpetual Curate of Sawley, Wilne, and Long-Eaton in the County of Derby. By Spencer Madan, D.D. Leicester: T. Combe. ISIU. 8Vo., pp. 55. A Rejoinder to the Answer of Dr. Madan, the Lessee, . . . containing also An Anecdote respecting the Free School of llisley in the Soke of Sawley. By lie?. Thomas Humphries, .\,M. Nottingham: C. Sutton. ISll. pp. till. An English Translation of the Six Books of Hugo Grotius on the Truth of Christianity . . . Two Sup- plementary Books of M. le Clerc .... To which is added a Sermon . . . before the University of Cam- bridge. Lontion: Jiivingtons. 1814. 8vo.. pp. 4».] Mapax, Rev. Spencer, b. The Friary, Lichfield, 6th Oct., 171)1 ; s. of Rev. Spencer Madan, D.D.; educated Westmr. Sch. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., O.K., 8th June, 1811); Student, 1812—25; B.A., l!)th Feb., 1814: M.A., 5th June, 1816 ; Vicar of Batheaston, Somers., 1824 to death : of Twerton, 1 825 to death : Chp. to F]arl Corn- wallis, 1830 to death ; Canon Residentiary of Lichfield and Preb. of Oflley and Fli.xton, 1818 to death ; Vicar of High" Ottley, 1817: m. Louisa Elizabeth, d(tii. of Rev. W. Gresley ; d., The Close, Lichfield, 7th Aug., 1851. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.. lUMI ; Alumni West., 172; Hutchinson's Stoke, 87; White's Staffs. (1834), 87.J Madan, Rev. Spencer. b. Batheaston, Somers., 1833 : .«. of Rev. Canon Spencer Madan ; educateil Westmr. Sch. ; Mat., Ch. Ch., Ox., 12th June, 1851 ; B.A., 1857; M.A., 1858; Curate of Standon, 1858—62; Rector, 1862 to death ; m. Fanny, dau. of Rev. Joseph Salt, Hector of Standon ; d. 22nd Dec, 1869. [S.alt's Standon. 15U, 15!i ; p'oster's Alumni Oxon., III., 900 ; Alumni West., 523.] Maddocke, Thomas. //. Denson (Denstone), 1684 ; s. of James Maddocke ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 18th July, 1702 ; B.A., 1706 ; probably Vicar of Swineshead, Lines., 1715. [Foster'.s Alumni O.xon., E.S., 9.58.] Madelev. Ordnance Plan .... 8 Sheets with Index Sheet and Area Book. Southampton, n.tl. (1S7G). Monuments [Bodl. Lib., S.5.J, 344J ; Vision seen there [423. 182]. [.See Daltry (Rev. T. W.) (Rev. J. W.), Egerton (— .), Offley (Mrs. C), Shaw (Rev. C.) (Rev. W.); Omerod's Cheshire, 281—82, 379—80.] Madelev, Rev. Clement, h. Uttoxeter, 1774 ; s. of John Baily Madeley ; ]\lat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 16th Feb., 17'.i2 : B.A., 1795; M. A. ,1798: B.D. and U.I)., 1828: Vicar of Horncastle, 1802 ; of Stickford, Leics., 1829 to death : d. 21st March, 1845. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 901.] Madelev, Walter, b. Handsworth, 1865 ; .?. of Frederick ]\Iadeley ; Mat. New Coll., Ox., loth Oct., 1884 : Scholar, 1884. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 901.] Maer, Mere, Mear. Ordnance Plan . . Southampton, n.d. (1880). [See V.awdry (Rev. — .), Snape (Rev. W.). Stone (Rev. W.), Wedgwood (Josiah, 2nd), Davenport (.lohn.) ; Jewitt's Wedgwood, 375, .■S81 ; .lewitt's Ceramic Art, II., 327; The Wedgwoods ; Bodl. Lib., i2i5, 234.] Magazine of Art, The. (Cassell's.) Stafforiishire. [Vol.1.: — De Wint, Ii5 ; Engravings of Minton Ware. (Ki, 07, 97 ; Eler Bros., Bradwell Wood, Burslem, 108. liii* ; Aaron and Enoch Wood, 110 ; Vases, Brownhills Pottery, 113,114; Minton, 110; Wedgwood, 155 ; Bust of Izaa'k Walton, bv R. Belt, plate xxii. Vol. II. :— Thomas Wardle. 17, 48; Dovedale, by Edward Bradbury, 172 — 77 ; C, Cotton, 174 ; Ham, 170 ; "Laurence's Portrait" of Lady Peel, 231. Vol. III. :— Johnson. 74 ; Portrait of Lord Sandon, by James Sant. R.A.. 130 ; .lohn Moncktou. Esq., l.'ll ; Lord Ronald Gower, 210: Portrait of the Duke of Newcastle, bv H. H. Armistead. noticed, 422. Vol. IV. :— Peddie's Po'rtrait of Archbp. L'Uathorne noticed, 14: Cox's Signboard, Bettys-y-Coed, plate i. ; Trenth.im H:vll, by John Forbes "Robertson. 89—93 ; 1st Duchess of Sutherland. 91 ; Dancers, by Romney, con- taining Portraits of the Children of the 1st Manjuis of Stafford; Review of Bonney's Life of Elijah Walton, 107 — 9; Izaak Walton, 120; Trentham Hall, 204 — « ; Bonnev's Christ Church, Hampshire, 415 — 17, 44.5 — .50; Cardinal Pole, 440; Lonl Dudley, 451 ; Sir Robert Peel, .505. Vol. V. :— De Wint, 20, 2'7 ; Joseph Mayer, .^43; Bonney's Canterbury Cathedral (pt. 1), 300 — O'tj, (pt. 2) 410 — 22 ; Minton, 443 ; Crayon Portrait of Sheridan, by John Russell (1788), plate viii. ; Lord R. Gower's .Statue of Lord Beaconstield, plate xxix. ; F.iu, painted bv Cos- w,ay, contaiuing Mrs. Fitzherbert and the Prince of Wales. Vol. VI. : — Solon, plate xxviii. Vol. VII.; — Review of Solon's English Potter by Cosmo Monkhouse, .382. 383 ; Strand and Mall, by J. P. Brodhurst. 452—59 ; Bv Stream and Chase, by ditto, 504—8 : Portrait of Robert! Earl of Essex. 517; Note on Sleigh's Leek (2nd ed), p. xx. ; Philip Horsman and Wolverhampton, xliii. Vol. VIII.: — NN 3 Sheets with Index Sheet. MAGPIE (298) MAJENDIK J. P. Broiihurst's Hatfield House (pt. 1), -21— Hi, (pt. 2) 72 — 8 : Ric-heBton's Rtcliud Portrait of Slieriilan. xx. ; Solon, xxix. ; De Wint, xxxvi.; DouK^ty's Johnson, xxxviii. : Stafford Collection, xxxix. ; Peggy Booth, by J. P. Brodhiirst.] Magpie, The. With which is incorporated The Slaffonhhire UVi'/Zy Press. I'rhili-d awl I'iMisheii fur the Proprietors hi/ Oeort/e Bullock, at the Ol/ires in Albion Street. Hnnlei/. in the C'ounli/ of Stafford. No. I. Saturday. April Uth, 18!*8. One Halfpenny. To No. XX., August, 18is8, when it was suppressed. Magrane, Vincont John. h. OuhIoit, Ireland, lOth July, 1858; s. of Nicholas Ma-jrane, [ Esq. ; educated St. Stanislaus's Sch., Tulla- niorc : Lcdwieh Med. ^^ch., and Roy. Coll. of Surgeons, Dublin ; L.R.C.P.I. & L.M., 18H1 : L.li.C.S.I., 1881 ; L.M., Coombe Hospital, Dublin, 1881 : Mem. of Brit. Med. Associa- tion from 1884 : of Mid. Med. Soc. from 1889 ; ! Surgeon to Vol. Medical Staff' and Acting Surgeon to 3rd Vol. JSattalion S. Stall's. Hegt. ^ from 1889: Surgeon-Captain, 1S90 ; Captain, , 18th Aug., 189o ; Certitying Surgeon, Darlas- ton, from 1885 ; Lecturer to St. John's Ambulance Association ; m. Frances E. J Plunkctt ; in practice at Darlaston. Three Cases of Purpura Rheuinatica. [Brit. Med. | Jour. (1889).] j Mainewaking, Anthony. h. Drayton Bassett, 1G91 ; *-. of John ilainewaring ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 12tii March, 1709 ; possibly the same who took B.A. from St. John's Coll., Cam., 1712 : incorporated Trin. Coll., Cam., 31st March, 1717; M.A., Gth July, 1717; Rector of Horninghold, Leics , 1723. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 9.i9.] Mainwaring, Rev. Algernon. h. Whitmore, 1852 ; .s. of Rowland Mainwaring ; educated Clifton Coll.; Mat. Line. Coll., Ox., 24th April. 1874; B.A.. 1879 ; M.A., 1881; Curate of St. Bartholomew's, Dover, 1891. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 902.] Mainwaring, Rev. Charles Henry, h. Walcot, Bath, 1820; .«. of Admiral Mainwaring; educated Shrewsbury Sell. ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 15th March, 1838; B.A., 1843 ; Rector of Whitmore, 1848 to death; J. P., Pirehill, North Staff's. ; m. Jane, dau. of Sir Henry Delves, Bart. ; d. 3rd April, 1S78. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 9U2.] Mainwaring Family. Pedigree, entitled '' Amplius Mesnil War-norum, Vulgo Manwariug familiie." [Harl. MS.S., No. lAOO ; also in Her. et Gen., TI.] Mainwaring, Rev. John. b. Whitmore ; «. of Edward Mainwaring ((/. 1647) and Sarah, dau. of John Stone, of London : D.U. ; Rector of Stoke-on-Trent, 1633 — 92; m. (1) Susanna, dau. of Walter Pigutt, Esq., of Chetwynd, Salop : (2) Anne, dau. of — Gregson, of Turnditch ; rf. May, 1692. [Ward's Stoke; Hutchinson's Stoke. 12U ; Pitt's Staffs., -407.] Mainwaring, Rev. Percy Edward, h. Whitmore Rectory, 14th Dec, 1857 : .«. of Rev. C. H. Mainwaring [.sec] ; Mat. Pembroke Coll., Ox., 3rd Feb., 1879 : B.A., 1X82 : M.A., 1890 ; Rector of Whitmore, 1885 ; Chairman of Newcastle Board of Guardians, 1S;)2. [Foster's Alumni Oxon , III., 9()S.] Mainwaring, Randolph. I>. Wliitmore, 1839 ; g. of Roland Mainwaring ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 1st Dec, 1858; B.A., ]8i;2 ; of the Education Office, Christ Church, New Zealand. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 90.3.] Mainwaring, Right Rev. Roger. Clerk of All Souls', Ox.; B.A., Feb, 1608; M.A., 5th July, 1611 ; B.D. & U.D., 2nd July, 1625 ; Rector of St. Giles-iu-tiie-Fields, 1616 — 25; Chp. -in-Ordinary to King Charles L ; Rector of Stamlord Rivers, Essex, 1624 — 41 : of Mueklestoiie, 163n — 35 : of Mugginton, Derby s., 1631 ; Dean of Worcester, 1633 ; Bp. of St. David's, 1636 ; silenced, 1640 ; d., Carmarthen, 1st July, 1653 ; i«;-. in Collegiate Church of Brecon. [Foster's Alumni O.'con., E.S., III,, MO ; Wood's Ath. Oxon., IV., 810; Lan.sd. MSS., 985, f . 2l)U ; Add. MSS., 15,671, p. 1'2-i ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 110.] Mainwaring, Rowland. h. Whitmore, 31st Dec, 1783 ; .«. of Edward Mainwaring: entered the Navy; Capt., 1838 ; Admiral, 1S53. Annals of Bath from the year 1800 to the passing: of the New Municipal Act. Bath, 1S3S. 8vo., pp. xxvili., 484. Frontis. The First Five Years of My Married Life. Printed for the Author by F. Crewe, Xewcastle. 1S53. Cr. 8vo., pp. xii., 2(;4. [Very rare : only printed for presents.] Mainwaringe, Edward, h. Whitmore, 1577 ; «. of Edward Mainwaringe ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 8th Nov., 159 4 ; Student Midille Temple, 1595 ; Mayor of Newcastle, 1G09, 1640 ; High Sheriff, Staff's., 1646 ; M.P., Newcastle, 1601, 1625—26 ; (/. 1647. Articles for the Delivering up of Lichfield Close, July 16th, 1646. 16ie. 4to. [Fo.ster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., III., 959 ; Inns of Court Eeg. ; Ingamells'sNewcastle, 45, 47,48 ; Harwood's Erdes- wicke (1844), 78.] Majendie (Bp.), of Bangor. Obituary of Bp. Majendie, of Bangor, who died at Lichfield. [A'ew Con. Mag. (181)0), 519.] Majendie, Rev. Stuart, h. Windsor, 1800 ; s. of the Right Rev. Bp. Majendie ; Mat. Ch. Ch. Coll., Ox., 28th Jan., 1819 ; B,A., 1822 ; Vicar of Longdon, 1823 — 60 ; Rector of Barnwell, Northants., 1860 to death ; d. 27th Sept., 1871. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 904 ; Crockford (1870).] Majendie, Rev. Stuart Routledge. b. Longdon, 1S48 ; s. of Rev. Stuart Majendie [_see'\ ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 1st Dec," 1866 ; B.A., 1870 ; Minor Canon of Gloucester, 1878 — 83 ; Sacrist, 1878—81 ; Librarian, 1878—83 ; Precentor, 1882 — 83 ; Vicar of Brookthorpe, Gloucs., 1883. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.,:904.] MALABAR ( 20!) ) MANXEUS Malabar, Robert. Surveyor, Newcastle. Pl:in of the Borough of Xewc.istle-un(ier-Lyme. R. B. Moo'li/ ()■■ Co., Litkof/rapherg, Birmhu/ham. 1847. Again, .S'. Walerlow i)- Som. IHGl. On rollers ; but some- times foldeil in 8vo. leather cise. Plan of Township of Tunstall. Malcolm, J. Peller. Lives of Topographers and Antiquaries. With (2C) Portraits of the Authors List of their Works. London, 1815. 4to. Malpev, Percy. />. Pattingham, 1803 ; s. of Rev. Bingham Sihtliorpe Maiden ; Mat. Chars- ley Hall, O.x., lX8i ; B.A., KebleC'oll., 18«7 ; Curate of 8t. John the l>ivine, Kennington. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., HI., 90.i.] Malet, Henry, h. Cork, 0th Aug., 1X.")1 ; .«. of Francis Hodder Malet and Mary Hutton, bis wife ; educated Kingstown IScli. : Trin. Coll., Dublin, 18(;y ; B.A., 1873 ; B.Ch. & M.B., 1877 ; M.D., 1882 ; Hon. Physician to the Wolverhampton General Hospital, 1886 ; Medical Officer of Health Borough of Wolver- hampton, 1883 ; 7n., 1889, Helen Kate, dau. of E. Chesshire, Esq., F.R.C.S., Birmingham. Annual Report of the Health of the Borough of Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton : W'fiUehead Bros. 1884. ))vo. [ISN.")— y.', all «vo.] Treatment of Acute Rheumatism [Birm. Med. Jour. (1879)]. Presternal Fissure [Jour. .Inat. ij- I'hys., Vol. XIV.]. Binaural or Uniaural Stethoscope [Brit. Med. Jour. (18«2).] Paper on Gambling [Lichfield Dio. Mag. (1887)]. Mallorie, Rev. Thomas, b. Davenham, Ches- hire, 1005 ; •«. of Rev. Thomas Mallorie ; Mat. New Coll., Ox., 15th Oct., 1024 ; B.A., 7tii May, 1G28 ; M.A., 17tli Jan., 1032 ; D.U., 1st Dec, lOOi) : Rector of Easington, Oxon., 1632 : of Norlhenden, Cheshire, 1035; ejected 1644 ; re-instated 1002 ; Canon of Chester, 1000—62 : of Lichfield and Preb. of Wolvey, 19th Sept., 1000 — 71; deprived of the Lectureship Crooked Lane, London, l(i62. [Harwood's Lichfield, 2.56 ; Calamy, I., 11)7 : II., 32ti ; EarH aker's E;ist Cheshire, I., 292 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 9(13.] Manby, Charles. Secretary to the Institute of Civil Engineers ; F.R.S. ; M.LC.E. ilemoir of (Jeorge Benjamin Thorneycroft, Esq., Associate of Institute of Civil Engineers. . . Excerpt from Annual Report. London. Mandeu, Charles. Facts connected with the Case of the Old Meeting House in Wolverhampton, in Reply to a Statement which appeared in the Monthly liepoailory for March, 1818. Wolverhampton, n.d. (ISIS). Svo.. pp. 4. Minute Detail of Circumstances relative to the Old Meeting House in John Street, Wolverhampton. Wolver- hamptun. n.d. (ISIS). 8vo., pp. Iti. An Appendix to An Appe;il to the Public in the Case of the Old Meeting House, VVolverhampton. Wolverhamp- ton, ISl'J. 8vo. Remarks on An Appendix to an Appeal to the Public in the Case of the Old Meeting House. [See Pearson I Joseph). Mander, Rev. Henry (^or Harriciis). b. London, 31st Jan., 1688 ; .s. of H. Mander, Esq.: edu- cated Merchant Taylors' Seh., 1703; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 22th March, 1705 ; B.C.L., 2nd June, 1711; Chaplain, 1713; Fellow ; Vicar of Kirkby-Moorside, Yorks., 1714 — 56 : Rector of Hasketon, Suffolk, 1750 to death ; Preb. of Flixton and Canoa of Lichfield, 2iith Aug., 1714to death : "blind from his birth"; d. 1762. Parochial Letters on .Subjects of the Greatest Im- portance. London, 1720. 8vo. [Harwood's Lichfield, 230 ; Rawlinson, III., 34 : XVllI., 79 ; Robinson, II., 11; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., lU., 905.] Mander, Samuel S., Wolverhampton. The ilaynooth Grant. Facts and Reasons, /.^ndon: Seeley. n.d. Svo., pp. li. "The Relations of Children to the Church. A Series of Letters addressed to the Eclitor of the /'English Inde- pendent. Wolrerhamplon : .1. McD. Rotbwk. 1872. 8vo. Our Oi)ium Traffic with ('hina. With Appendix. Wolverhampton: J. McD. Roebuck. 1877. 8vo., pp. 72. Maxlev, John Herbert Hawkins. h. West Bromwich, 2itth Jan., 1857 ; •*. of John Man- ley, Esq ; Foundation Scholar at Winchester Coll., 1869—75; Scholar, Emmanuel Coll., Cam., 1875—79 : B.A., 1879 ; M.A., 1882 ; Guy's Hospital, London, 1879—84 ; M.B. and B.C., 1884 : M.R.C.S., Eng., 1883; L.S.A., 1882: D.P.H., Eng., 1889; Med. Officer of Health tor County Borough of West Bromwich ; m. Alice C. M. Uundas. The Pollution of the Tame . . . West Bromu'ich, 1801. 8vo., pp. 17 and Map. Manlev, John Shawe. b. Clieckendon, Oxon., 1794 : .«. of Isaac George Manley : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 22nd Oct., 1812 ; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 1814 ; of Manley Hall, Lichfield. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 908 ; Men at the Bar ; Inns of Court Reg.] Mavx, Arthur Henry. b. Norwich, 16th May, 185(1 ; Chorister and Assistant Organist at Norwich Cathedral, under Dr. Buck ; F.C.O., 1871 ; Mus. Bac, Ox., 1874 ; Mus. Doc, 1882 ; Organist, St. Peter's, Wolverhampton, 187U— 71 ; Tettenhall, 1871 — Christmas, 1875 ; Beverley Minster, Yorks., to Christ- mas, 1876 ; since then, of King's Coll., Cam. A Collection of Anthems for King's College Chapel. Cambridi/e, 18S2. [Jointly with E. C. Perrv, B.A. (s«).] Edited— Motet for Forty Voices. By'Thomas Tallis. Cambridge, 1888. Catalogue of the Music in Fitzwilliam Museum. Cambridge, 1S03. Musical Eilitor of — Church of England Hymnal. [Xow (^1893) publishing.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 910 ; Brown's Musicians, 411.] Mass, Rev. Isaac, Baptist Minister, Burslem. Short Discourses on the Lord's Prayer . . Printed and Sold by Butter •.)• Sons, London '. . . T. Allbut, Hanley; and Huulston. Wellington. 1814. 12mo., pp. xii., 13—146. (T. Allbut, Printer. Hanley.) Strictures on Heinekeu's Reply to Carlisle. Bradford, 1828. 12mo. Theological Essays. 1828. Twelve Lectures on Ecclesiastic.il History and Non- conformity. 1S20. On the Christian Ministry. 1830. Memorials of Christian Friendship. With Memoir. By J. Belcher. 1832. Mansers, Rev. Joseph, b. Yorks., 1769: New Connexion Minister from 1802 ; superannuated, 1834 : President of Conference, 1812 : d., Derby, 31st Oct., 1834. MANNING ( ;-5oO ) MARSH-CALDWELL The Mental Pole Star ; oi', The Youn^ Man and Woman's Gnide to Happiness, llanley. Allhul. 1823. f>vo., pp. 234. The Farailv Portrait, and other Pieces, /luiilei/: T. Allbut 4 Soil. 'iSBG. 12mo., 3 leaves, pp. 1.^5. Manning, 0., Godalmiiig, Surrey. Letters to Rev. Mr. Fielde of Brewood. [Shaw, II., xvii., xviii.] Mansfield, Rev. Nathaniel. Mat. Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox., 27tli Feb., 1G51 ; B.A., 6th Mareh, 1651 ; adni. Magdalene Coll., Cam., lUth May, 1647; ejected from Arniitage, 1662; lived at Wolverhampton and Walsall ; (I. Walsall. [Shaw, I., *211; Calamy's Memorials, III., 228; Foster's Aliimni Oxon., E.S., III., '.Mis ; Willmore's Wal- sall, 190.] M.vnsox, Rev. A. J., B.A. Clip, to .South Staffs. Hospital, Wolverhampton, 1860. The Peace of God. A Sermon. Wolverhampton : Steen if Blackett. 1860. 8vo. M.iPLETON, Rev. Harvey Mallory. b. Christ (!hureh, Surrey, 1824 ; s. of Rev. James Henry Mapleton ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 5tii March, 184.^ ; B.A., 1848 ; M.A., 1861 ; Curate of Nether Whitacre, Warws., 1849 — 53; of Frankley, Wores., 1854 — 55; of Broughton, Oxon., 1855—57 ; P.O. of Dua- stall, 1857 — 61 ; Rector of Badgworth, Somers., 1861. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., lUn ; Cruckford (ISIH!).] Marchington. History of. [Shaw, I., 80, il2.] [See Bodingtoa (Rev. A.),] Marchington Woodlands. History of. [Shaw, I., 112.] Mark, Thomas, Printer, Leek and Kidder- minster. Art and Socialism. [-See Morris (W.).] English Bells. [,See Beresford (Rev. W.).] The C'atalogne of Books in the Nicholson Institute, Leek. Leek : T. Murk. Cr. 4to. List of Voters for the Leek Division of the County of of Stafford. Roy. 4to., pp. ,iOO. Eight Centuries of a Gentle Family. Leek: T. .Mark. Cr. 4to., pp. .'ill. Olde Leeke. [See Miller (M. H.).] Marsden, Rev. Henry, New Connexion Minister, Tipton. Memoir of Jemima Marsden (4. Beverlev, Yorks., 17th Dec, 182!); i/., Tipton, 4th April, ISOS) [yew Con. Mar/. (18(iS), 300] ; The Church of Corinth [702—5], Marsden, Rev. Thomas, b. Leek. j The Poet's Orchard ; or, Miscellaneous Poems, Psalms, and Hymns. Dolyellij, ISiS. 8vo., pp. x., 303. Marsh, Rev. Walter. Pensioner, St. John's Coll., Cam., 15th March, 1578 ; B.A., 1582 ; M.A., 1585; Arclid. of Derby, 1586—90; Preb. of Gaia Minor, Lichfield, 4th May, 1590-99. [Le Neve's Fasti, I., .')77, 607 ; Willis's Cathedrals, I., 421—46 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 213, 232.] Marshall, Rev. Benjamin, b. London, 1673 ; s. of Benjamin Marshall ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 23rd March, 1700; Student, 1701 ; B.A.,1703; M.A., 1706 ; Rector of Naunton, Gloucs., 1711 : Canon of Lichfield and Preb. of Tarvin, 20th Sept., 1728—49 ; Rector of Allesley, Warws., 1740. [_Foster's Alumni O.xon., E.S., III., 974 ; St. Paul's Sell. Keg., tin ; Hawlinson, I., 398 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 202.] i Marshall, George W., LL.U. Barrister-at- Law, Middle Temple : F.S.A. ; Rouge Croix Pursui van t-at- Arms. An Index to the Pedigrees contained in the Printed Heralds' Visitations, *c. London : It. Ilartlwicke. 1866. Svo., ]ip. vii., 164. [Staffordshire : — Aston of Tixall, 12 [Berry's Herts., Gen. 10] ; Audlev, 13 [Visitation of Hants. (I(;i3). .i4] ; Bagot, 14 [Berry's Bucks., Gen, 15]; Biddulph, 21 [Berry's Sussex, Gen. 219] ; Congreve. 40 [Berry's Berkw., Gen, 27 — 30] ; Hoo, 77 [The Topoi/rapher, No. I., 53] ; Pelham, Duke of Newcastle, 115 [Berry's Sussex, 313]; Ryder, 128 [Berry's Herts., 230] ; Sneyd, 138 [Dwnn's Visitation of AVales, IL, 325] ; Stafford, 137 [Berry's Sussex, 26S : Bucks., 20]; Talbot, 141 [Berry's Bucks., 19] ; Astle, 12 [Berry's Essex, Gen. 80] ; Bowyer, 26 [Berry's Sussex, 1.341; IJroughton, 28 [Visitation of Somerset, .33 ; Dwnn's Visitation of Wales, I., 329 : II,, 315] ; Buller, .30 [Visitation of Somerset, 34] ; Clarke- Jervoise, 37 [Berry's Hants., .341]; Constable of Tixall, &c., 41 [Surtees Soc. xxxvi., 137]; Pershall or Peshall, ' 116 [Berry's Kent, 347]. J The Genealogist's Guide, 2nd ed,, 1S85. [Numerous Staffs, Pedigrees,] Marshall, Robert A., Leicester. The Sectional Boiler, Patented by Mr. Shepherd, of Manchester [Trans, yorfh Staff's. Min. and Mech. Eng.^ I II., 108— 115, 209— 13.] I Marshall, Tom Payne, h. Maryport, Cumb., 1850 ; .«. of J. R. Marshall, Journalist ; con- ] nected with the A/ari/port Examiner, 1864 — 69; Maryport Advertiser, XSiS^ — 71; Barron; Pilot, 1871 — 73; Market Drayton Adverti-ier, 1873—89 ; now of Stone. Founder and Manager of — Stone and Ecdeshall Adver- tiser. ISOU to date. A History of M.arket Drayton Parish Church, 1884. Market Drai/ton and Newport : Bennion tj" Home. 4to., pp, (2 leaves) 39. [.Staffordshire references, 2, 4, 6 — 8, 12 — 1, 17—9, 22, 23, 26—8, 32, 34—6, 39.] Local Place Names [Market Drayton Advertiser'] ; St. Luke's Church, Hodnet ['"&,] ; Two t'enturies in Nor- ton [•/>.]; History of Mucclestone Church [i6,] ; Stone, Past and Present [Stone and Eecleshall .Advertiser (1890 to date)] ; Ancient Register of Ashley [The Antiquary, XL, 201— i] ; Norton-in-Hales Register [ib., 244 — i?]. Marshall, William. Review of the Agriculture of the Midland District, London, 1S15. 8vo. Review and Complete Abstract of the Reports of the Board of Agriculture from the several Departments of England. London, 1S17. 8vo., 5 vols. Marsh-Caldwell, Annie. b. Linley Wood, Talke, 1791 ; dau. of James Caldwell, Esq. (.vc?); -m. A. C. Marsh, Esq., of Eastbury, Herts. ; assumed name of Caldwell in addition to Marsh, by Royal Letters Patent ; d. Lindey Wood, Talke, 1874 ; bur. Talke- o'-th'-Hill. Two 01<1 Men's Tales. The Deformed and the Ad- miral's Daughter, in Two Volumes, London : Saunders if Uttley. 1S34. Pt. 8yo., pp, (Ij 307, (II) 308. London: C. II. Clarke. 1860. 12mo, Tales of the Woods and Fields. In Three Volumes. London: Saunders if Ottley. 1836. Pt, 8vo., pp. (I.) viii. 299. (II.) 272, (III,) 323. New ed., London: C. H. Clarke. 1860. 12mo. Complete (both Series) in one Volume. London : Richard Benlley. 1844. (Standard Novels, No. xl. iv., pp, 364, MA us ON C 301 ) MARTYN The Triumphs of Time .... in Three Volumes. Loudon: Richard BeMlei/. 1S44. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) •'ilO, (II. ) .'WS, (in.) -288. Hodgson, 1840. 12mo. Mount Sorel, or the Heiress of the De Veres. . . . in Two Vohiuies. Loudon : Chtipman if Hall. 1845. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.I :tl8, (U.I ;i;!0. Amelia Wyndham in Three Volumes. London: Henri/ Colhmn. 1840. Pt. Svo., pp. (I ) .'fi'i, ( II) .T27, (IIll .'ilill. Reprinteil, iM9. l'2mo. Again, London : a. //. Clori-e 18(10. Vlmo. Fiither Darcv .... in Two Volumes. London : Chapman if J/all. 1840. Pt. Svo., pp. (I.) 317, (II.) 368. Ditto, 1855. IVard if Lock. 1860. Pt. 8vo. The Protestant Reformation in France ; or, The History of the Huguenots .... In Two Volumes. London: llicliard lirntle;/. 1847. 8vo.. pp. (I.) xii., 471. Portraits of Cardinal Chatillon, Admiral Ligny, De Anclelot, frontis. ; Louis De Bourbon, 232 ; Francisevs, •i:M; Margaret De Valois, 2;'). (II.) viii.. 4:)2. Portraits and Plate-s^Conference of Catherine with the Duke of (ruLse, 3 ; Charles Lorraine, 32 ; Henry, Duke of Uui.se, 87; Jeanne, Queen of Navarre, Kiii ; Vignon, 231 ;' Old Paris, 308 ; Henry IV., 3(l!l ; Citherine De Medici, 2(;0 ; Poissey, 27(i : Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 361. Norman's Bridge, or the Modern Midas .... in Three Volumes. London: Richard Beufler/. 1847. I't. 8vo., pp. (I.I 301, (II.) 308. (III.) 301. Reprinted, 1849. 12mo. London: r. 11. Clarke. 1860. 12mo. Angela. A Novel .... in Three Volumes. London: I/enri/ Colbnrn. 1848. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.J 312, (II.) 31,'), (III. i 311. C. II. Clarke. 1860. 12mo. Mordaunt Hall, or A September Night. A Novel. . . . . in Three V^olunies. London: Henry Colbnrn, 1840. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) 2111, (11.) 314, (HI.) 303. The Wilmingtons. A Novel .... In Three Volumes. London: Henry Colburn. 1850. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) 2;i2. (II.) .301, (III.) 277 Adelaide Lindsay. Edited by ... , In Three Volumes. London: Henri/ Colbourn. 1850. Pt. 8vo. London : Itoutledye. 1851. Fcp. 8vo, Time tiie Avenger .... in Three Volumes. London: Henry Colburn. 1851. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) 300, (II.) 202, (III.) 2',»a. London: Hod(/son. 1S53. 12mo. jlavensclitfe . . . . iu Three Volumes. London : llenr;/ Colburn. 1851. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) 314, (II.) 334, (III.) 347 (Castle Avon Henri/ Colbnrn. (III.) 214. C. H. Clarke. Aubrey in Three Volumes. London : 1852. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) 297, (IL) 294, 1860. 12mo. in Three Volumes. London: Hurst if Blacken. 1854. Cr. Svo., pp. ( I.) 307, (II.) 344, (III.) 318. C.H.Clarke. 1860. 12mo. The Song of Holland, as chanted before The Battle of Hastings. By the Minstrel Teillefer. Translated by . . . . London: Hurst if lilacketl. 18.54. Frontis., no pagination. Introduction 7 leaves. Songs 41 leaves. The Heiress of Haughton, or the Mother's .Secret. . . . . in Three Volumes. London: finest if Blackett. 1855. Pt. vo., pp. (I.) 307, (II.) 317, (III.) 334. C. H. Clarke. 1860. 12mo. LetticB ."Vrnold. A Tale .... in Two Volumes. London: Henri/ Colburn. 1856. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) 287, (II.) 28(5. Reprinted: C. IL Clarke. 1860. 12nio. Evelyn Marston .... in Three Volumes. Lon- don : l/urst if Blacketl. 1856. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) .■!U7, (II.) 313. (III.) 314. Reprinted as Lady Evelyn. C. II. Clarke. 1860. 12mo. The Rose of Ashurst .... in Three Volumes. London : Hurst and Blackelt. 2S.57. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) 300, (II.) 308, (III.) 30G. C. H. Clarke, 1850. Vlmo. Mauson, Rev. Charles, h, Sdutliwark, 1822 ; ,«. of Charles Marsoii ; Mat. Ch. Ch., 0.^., 2Gtii May, ISll : B.A., 1845 : M.A., 1847 ; Curate of liiildeiidLMi, Kent, 1845 ; Kiiiiljoltnii, Hunts., 1S47 ; St. George ihe Martyr, Blooins- liury, IS.M ; St. John's, Woking, 1854; Assoeiation Secretary to Ch. Missionary Soc, Metropolitan District, 18(51 ; Vicar, Cii. Ch., Birniiiighani, 18l)4 — 71 ; Preb. of Taehhrook, Lichlieia, 18(14 — 71 ; Vicar of Clevedon, Somers., 1871. An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer. Translated from the Latin of John Calvin. London : Seelei/, 1843. Readiness for Death and Judgment. A Sermon. London, 1846. 8vo. The Minister's Life and Doctrine. An Ordination Sermon. London, 1808. 8vo. A .Sermon preached at St. Paul's Cathedral . . 12th May, 1880. London : liicington. 1880. 8vo. ' Tbe Rev. C. Marson was a frequent contributor to the Christian Observer, 1873 — 75. Martek, Edward Bindon, M.I.M.E., A.I.C.E. Chief Engineer to late Midland Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, sold to the Scottish Fire and Life Insurance Company, 188S. Records of Steam Boiler E.xplosions. Utourbridye, 1871. 8vo. Notes for Lecture on Parish and Church of Pedmore. Stourbridije, 1887. sm. 4to. Illustrated. Marten, Frederick. Handbook of Contemporary Biography. London i Macmillan. n.d. 8vo., pp. vi., 288. Mauten, Henry John. Formerly Partner in the Firm of Dimmaek and Marten, Parkfield Furnaces and Collieries ; resident at The Birches, Codsall. A Metrical Study of the Book of Job. London : Bod- der 4' Stouffhton. 1869. sm. 8vo., pp. 123. Marten, Rev. Isaac, of Stafford, h. 1598; Mat. Broadgate's Hall, Ox., 12th March, 161!) ; Rector of Great Bolas, Salop, 1628. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 078.] Marten, Rev. James, of Stafford, b. 15H8 ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 2l!th Oct., 1604 ; B.A., Broadgate's Hall, 2nd June, 1608 ; M.A., 28th April, 1611; incorporated Cam. Univ., 1612 ; probably Vicar of Preston, Laacs., 1611. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 078.] Martin, John. Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books, London, 1834. 8vo. Large Paper, Imp. 8vo. 2nd ed., en- larged and continued, 1854. 8vo. Martin, Simon, Lichfield. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 1521, (b) 139.] [76., 129.] Martindale, Rev. Miles. Weslej'an Minister, 1789—1824. [Whilst travelling in Newcastle Circuit printed the follow- ing :~] The Glory of Heaven .... An Essay from the French. Newcastle: J. Smith, n.d. 12mo., pp. 48. Martineao, Harriet. Biographical Sketches. JS55— CS. [William Henry, Marquis of Anglesey; The Duke of Newcastle.] Martvn, Rev. Francis, b. Norfolk, Feb., 1782 ; educated at Sedgley Park and Oscott (Old) Coll. ; Priest at Brailes, Warws. ; Louth, Lines. ; Bloxxvich : and Walsall, 1K19 ; d. 18th July, 1838 ; bur. Walsall Chai)elyard. Homilies on the Book of Tobias. Printed for the Author, 1817. 8vo., pp. 3(>7. London, 18$2. Cr. 8vo., pp. 274. A Sermon preached at the Funeral Obsequies of the Eight Rev. John Milner, Bishop of Castaballa . . on the 27th day of April, 182(i, at the Catholic Chapel, Wol- verhampton. Wolrerhampton: J. Smart. 1826. 8vo. A Series of Ten Lectures on the Sacrament, ic. Walsall: Printed and Sold by Valentine .)'■ Throsby. 1827. Svo. MARTYN ( 302 ) MASSE Y A Sermon preached at the opening of the Chapel . . at Houghton Hall, Yorks. ... on Wednesday, Feb- ruary L'jth, 1M2'.I. Walsall: i'alentine ij- Thrmby. ii.il. (lHiO). !, John Richanl ISoech. h. Old Hall, Stoue, 1»50 ; s. of William Masefield, Esq., J. P. (rf. 1873), and Mary Elizabeth, daii. of Richard Beech, Esq., of Wootou Lodge, Eccleshall ; of Jesus Coll., Cam. ; B.A. ; M.A.: m. Susan, dau. of Charles John Blagg, Esq., of Rosehill, Cheadle. The Existing Indigenous Mammalia of North Staf- fordshire. ii.p..pl.,ord. 8vo., pp. H. The Existing Indigenous Mammalia of North Staf- fordshire. [Morth Staff's. Field Club Report (18S4), 78, 79 —92.] The Land and Freshwater Molhisca of North Stafford- shire ; The Wild Cattle of Chartley Park ; Presidential Address on The Pre.servation of our Local Fauna, cfcc. ; Local Reptilia and Amphibia, [lb. (various years). J Reports on Zoological Section, [lb. (yearly ).J Mason, Charlotte M. The Forty Shires : their History, Scenery, &c. With Twenty-one ilUistrations. London : Hatchards. 1881. Cr. 8vo., pp. xiii., 4ou. [StaSordsbire, 143—62.] Mason, E. T. Samuel Johnson : His Words and Sayings. New Yuri-, 1879. 8V0. Mason, Rev. Edmund Robert, h. Deiitl'ord, 1>^4:1 ; s. of Henry William Mason ; Mat. Hertford Coll., Ox., 19th Oct., 18G7 ; B.A., Queen's Coll., Ox., 1871 ; M.A., 1875 ; Curate of St. George's, Edgbaston, 1871 ; Vicar of Ch. Ch., Birmingham, 18.S1, and Preb. of Tachbrook, 1881 — 88 ; Vicar of Oxton, Southwell, 1888. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 924.] Mason, George. A Supplement to Johnson's English Dictionary ; of which the palpable errors are attempted to be rectified and its material omissions supplied. Luuduii, IbOl. 4to. A Review of the Proposals of the Albion Fire In- surance ; also a narrative of gross misbehaviour towards the Public in the British Critic on the subject of the Appendix to the Supplement to Johnson's Dictionary. London, 1800. 8vo. Mason, George, b. Warton Lodge (Staffs.), near Newport, Salop, 185-t ; ■«. of George Mason, Esq. ; of Jesus Coll., Cam., 1881 ; Student Inner Temple, 2uth March, 1^S77 ; Barrister-at-Law, 2Uth Jan., 1880 ; Nortiiem Circuit. [Men-at-the-Bar, 308.] Mason, Rev. J. A. Roman Catholic Priest at Stourbridge. A Shaver for John Cbettle, Methodist Preacher. ioH- don: W. H. .■indreirs. n.d.(l8i7). 8vo., pp. 46. The Triumph of Truth, in the Conversion of the Rev. J A. Mason from the Errors of Methodism to the Catholic Faith. London: Andreus. 1827. Svo., pp.48. .'^trictures on the Third and Fourth parts of Wesley's Pretended Roman Catechism. Stonrbridye. 1830. 8vo. Sermon on the Divine Authority of the Catholic Church .... delivered at the Catholic Chaiiel of St. Peter, Cobridge, June -iOth, 18311. llanleij: T. Allbul. n.d. (1830). 870., pp. 23. Mason, Philip Brookes. I>. Buitmi, 2nd Jan., 18-11 ; s. of William Mason, Surgeon ; edu- cated Rov. Med. Cull., Epsom ; Univ. Coll., London :" 1st M.B., Lend., 18(;3 ; M.R.C.S. and L.S.A., 18G4 : F.E.S., F.L.S., F.R.M.S., F.Z.S., ]\Iember of Path. Soc, mid Entomol. Soc. of France ; Surgeon to Burton Dis- pensary and Infirmary, 1867 ; m. Annie, dau. of W. Saunders, Esq. Micro-Lepidoptera of Burton and Neighbourhood [Trans. Burivn Archtrol. Sue, II. I — II] ; The Functions of a Local Natural History Society, with Special Reference to the Study of Plant Galls [ib., lo— 2il] ; The Irish .\rar with seven teates [ib., 32 — 19]. Various contributions to The Lancet. Mason, Thomas, b. Newcastle, 1815 ; ». of Thomas Mason and Sarah, his wife ; R.A.M.; Organist of St. Giles's and afterwards of St. George's, Newcastle ; Mayor of Newcastle, 18.55— .56 : w. (1) Elizabeth Ann Daniels, of Stoke, (2) Ann Pearson ; d. 6th Nov., 1.S73 ; bur. St. George's Cluireh. In Six Numbers. Gems for the Drawing Room. Con- sisting of Waltzes. Galops. Rondos, &c. London: Chappell. Music fol., separate i)agination. Finale from the Sonata in D Minor, composed for the Pianoforte. London: Cramer, Addison, t.^ Beale. First Series of .Six Original Melodies, Liednr ohne Worte (Songs without Words) for the Pianoforte. Lon- don : Cramer, Beale. i^* Co. The Norbury Waltzes for the Pianoforte. London : Joseph Williams. The Christmas Polka. Same imprint. The Newcastle Polka. „ The New Year Schottische. „ The Rifle Quadrille. " Songs should breathe of Scents and Mirth." Music by Thomas Mason. Loudon : Chappell. Spring Blossoms. A Brilliant Set of Waltzes for the Pianoforte. London : Addison O" Ilollier. A New Ballad, " The Lady Eleanor's Lament for her Warrior Boy." From a Legend of Dimsdale, by Capt. Lance. London: Cramer, ]youd, ij- Co. Mason, Rev. William. b. Newcastle, 1816 ; brother of Thomas Mason, R.A.M. [*cf'] ; Cli. Missionary Society's Missionary in Ruperts- land, 1854 — 75 ; Curate-in-charge of Long Horsley, near Morpeth, 1875 — 77 ; Rector of LongHursley, 1876 to death ; D.D., by Archlip. of Canterbury, 1880 ; d. 1892. The Bible translated in the language of the Cree Indians of North America. London : British and Foreign Bible Society. 1801, 1802. 8vo., pp. 825, 292. Mason, William Shaw. Bibliotheca Hibernia ; or. a descriptive Catalogue of a select Irish Library, collected by the Right Hon. Robert Peel. M.P. Dublin, 1823. 8vo. ; Large Paper, 4to. pp. vii., 51. [50 copies only printed.] Massev, C, Shelton. Reflections at the Close of the Year. A Poem. [New Con. Mag. (1821), 557.] A Devotional Rhapsody, [lb. (1823j, 123, 124.] Massev, Eilward. h. Newcastle, 1768 ; inventor of the New Improved Perpetual Log, Deep Sea Sounding Machines, and Hand Lead j \ MASSEY (303) MATHER Massey tried bis niaehinc iii the Lyme Brook, opposite Lester's Fuetory [;to/« J. Mayer, penfs Compiler]; patented DSll; lielil several pa- tents (or improvements ; received from Govern- ment the sums of £2(10 and fi.'jdO for his in- ventions ; he was living May, 1H48. Directions for using llassey's Patent Log. fol., s. sh. Directions for using the Deep Sea Sounding Machine. 4to., s. sh. Description and Testimonials of hie Inventions, n.d. (1837). \imo., pp. 17, 4. A Statement of the Case of Mr. Edward Massey. Prescott, 1830. 8vo., pp. 41. [L'nileil SeriHce Journal, various years from 1804 — 37 ; .\aulical Ma;j., Aug., 1837 ; Note above referred to.] Massev, Rev. Edwyn Reynolds, b. Ilatcliffe, near Grimsby, 1847 ; »■. of Rev. Thomas Massey ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 14th Oet., IHCo ; Exhibitioner, 18G(;— 70 ; B.A., 1870; M.A., 1872 ; Vice-Prinei|ial of Licbticld Tbeo. Coll., 1874—80 ; Vicar of Merton, Uxon., 1880—93 ; Rector of Marsh Gibbon, Bucks., and R.D. of Claydon, 18'J3. Sorellaccia, and other Verses. Oxford: Shrimpton. 1884. 12mo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 925 ; Exeter Coll. Reg., 163.J Massixoii.\ji, Rev. John Deacon. Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1851 ; M.A., 1851 ; LL.B. & LL.D., 1867 ; Curate of All Saints', Derby, 1851—53 : of St. Taul's, Derby, 1853— (53 ; Vicar of St. Paul's, Warrington, 1803 — 72 ; Clip, to Warrington Union : Lecturer to the Church Institution of London ; Vicar of St. Paul's, Burslem, 1872 to death. The Church of England in Relation to the State and the People. Derby, 1853. Infidel Objections to the Holy Scriptures Weighed in the Balance and found Wanting. Derby. 1854. One Hundred Questions for Roman Catholics. Little Mary ; or, a Child's Influence. Summary of English History. History of the Jesuits. Letter to Mr. Smedley in Defence of the Church of England. The Scriptural Connection of Church and State. 1864. What about the Prayer Boole '! or, the Objector Re- futed, and her Church of England Defended. 1866. A Public Discussion for Two Nights at Derby with Charles Williams. Baptist Minister, on the Property, En- dowments, and System of the Church of England as opposed to Dissent. 1867. Are these things True? or, the Aggressor Exposed, and the Church of England Defended. Lectures delivered in the Philosophical Hall, Huddei's- field. Williams Unmasked ; or, the Misstatements and False Quotations of a Liberation Society's Lecturer Ex- posed. 1867. The Assailant Answered ; or, the Union of the Church and State both Scriptural and Advantageous to the Nation. 1867. The Assailant again Answered ; or, the Fictions, Fallacies, and Misstatements of the Rev. W. Walters Ex- posed. 1867. The Liberation Society : Its Objects, Character, and Advocates. 1867. The Liberation Society : What it really wants. The State Cliurch Controversy. Tithes not Xational Property : proved to be the gift of Individuals, and not of the State. The Church of Ireland Defended. 2nd ed., revised. Preston, 1868. 8vo., pp. 27. Mr. Gladstone's Irish Church Bill. 1860. A fre(iueut contributor to The Church of England Maffazine, The London Pulpit, and The Church of England Sunday School lluarterly Magazine. Masteh, Rev. Augustus Chester, b. Haywood, near Colwich, 3rd Dec, 1823 : g. of William Chester Master, Esq. ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 1st Dec., 1842 : B.A., New Inn Hall. 1847 ; P.C. of Perbethorpe, Notts., 1851 — 58: Rector of Broadwas, Worcs., 1858 — 61 ; Vicar of All Saints, Preston, Gloucs., 1801 to death ; m., 29th July, 1858, Henrietta, dau. of Sir George Cornewall, Bart.: d. loth Dec, 1887. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.,'J26; Families of Chester and Astry, by R. E. Chester Walters (1881).] Masters, Charles, h. Tateuhill, 1663; s. of Thomas Masters ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 1st April, 1680; B.A., 1685 ; Fellow, 1682, to death : d., 1086. [Boase's Exeter Coll., 80; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 985.] Masters, Robert, of London, b. 1565 : Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 20th March, 1579 ; Fellow. All Souls ; B.C.L., 14th July, 1590 ; D.C.L., 10th Dec, 1594 ; Principal St. Alban's Hall, 1599 — 1603; an Advocate, 1599 ; Chancellor of Rochester : of Lichfield, 1013 to death ; M.P., Cricklade, 1601 ; d. lOth July, 1625. [Coote's Civilians, 65; LeXeve'sFasti,I.. 267 : Lansd. MS., 984, f . 64 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 986 j Harwood's Lichfield, 191.] Masters, Rev. Sanmel. b. Sarum, 1646 ; s. of George Masters : Mat. Wadh. Coll.. Ox., 13th' Nov., 1602 ; Fellow, Exeter Coll., 1663—68 : B.A., 1666 : M.A., 1669 ; B.D., 1080 ; Preacher at Stanton Harcourt and Sonthleigh, Oxon.; Canon of St. Paul's, 1678 ; of Lichfield, 1681 ; Preb. of Gaia Major, Lichfield, 1st March, 1680 — 93 ; Chp. to Lord Radnor, and Preacher to the Bridewell, 1077 : Rector of Shottesbrooke, Berks., 1685 — 93 ; of Dunton, Oxon., May to Sept., 1093 : d. Bath, 12th Sept., 1693; bur. Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Bath. [Boase's Exeter Coll., 75 : Wood's Ath. Oxon., iv., 386; Gardiner, 246 : Hearne. 11., 60 ; Rawlinson, I.. 45 : Foster's Alumni Oxon,, E.S., III.. 986 ; Harwood's Lich- field, 232.] Masters (or Maisters), Rev. Thomas. /). Lon- don, 1560 ; s. of Richard Masters ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox.. 1575; Fellow. Merton Coll.. 1577 ; B.A., 14th Dec. 1577 : M.A., 14th May. 1582 ; B.D., 12th July, 1592 ; Vicar of Isle' Abbots, Somerset, 1593—1627 ; Master of the Temple, 1601 — 28 ; Canon of Lichfield and Preb. of Pipa Parva, 1st Dec. 1613—26 ; Archd. of Salop, 14th May, 1014—28 ; d. circa, 1628. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 986 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 216, 243 ; O.H.S., iv., 272.] Mather, Rev. George. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B. A.. 1845; M..4., 1848; P.C, Oakamoor. 1854 — 05 ; Vicar of Freehay, 1847 — 57 ; R.U., Cheadle, 1857—90; Proctor for Arch- deaconry of Stoke, 1878 — 87 ; Preb. of Eccles- hall, 1S91 to death : Rector of Longford, Salop, 1.SS7 to death ; d., 1892. Bishop Rawle. A Memoir. By Rev. George Mather and Charles John Blagg. London: Kegan Paul. 1890. Svo. MATHER (304) MAYER Mather, Rev. Joseph. Congregational Jlinister at Bilston. Socialism Exposed. Lomlou : R. T. R. 1S30. l^mo., pp. 24. and ed.. 1S30. Church Kate-x indefensible. BIhluii, ISS'J. pp. 20. Mathew, — . Canon of Liclifielil. [Bodl. Lib., S64, (!7.] Mathkw, Hung., Lichfield. Petition to Dean of Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., ij^2, (B) 83.1 Mathews, James. For hi years Vicar Choral of Lichfield Cathedral: d. 2Sth Sept., IHC.l, aged 83 years. A Collection of Anthems and Choruses used in the Cathedral Church of Lichfield. 2nd ed., with addition. Lichfield: T. G. Lomajc. 1S3D. r2mo., pp. xii., 12(i, 10,10. Mathie, John Park, Surgeon, Bilston. L.F.P.S., Glasgow, and L.M., 1882 ; M.B., Glasgow, and CM., 1888. Singular Attempt at Suicide. [Lancet, 1830.] Matrons, The. Six Short Histories. Loiulon, 1762. 12mo. fiiib/iii, 71. (J. 12mo. [Contains The British Matron, an abstract of The Widow of the Wood.] Maude, Rev. Charles Bulmer. /;. Chapeltown, near Le(ds, 2i)th April, 1848 ; s. of Edmund Maude, Esq.; educated Leeds Gr. Sob.; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 12th July, 18«7 ; B.A., 1871 ; M.A., 1874 ; Vicar (and Rector) of St. Cyprian, Kimberley, South Africa, 187G — 81 ; P.C. of Wilnecote, 1881—87; Viearof Leek, 1887 ; m. Geraldine, dau. of Alexander Dona- van, Esq., J. P., D.L., of Framfield Place, Sussex. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., HI., !).50.] Maude, Rev. Josepli. h. Kendal, 177(1 ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 2nd March, 1792 : B.A., B.A., 1796 ; M.A., 1799 ; Assistant Preacher, St. Mary's, Stafford ; (/. 23rd March, 1852. The Kingdom f>f God. A Sermon. Stafford: A. Morgan, ii.il. (1815). Xvo., pp. 24. Alpha and Omega, or a Minister's Closing Address : A Sermon preached in the Church of St. Mary's, Stafford, on Sunday, August the 31st, 1817. Stafford: A. Morgan. 1S17. 8vb., pp. 30. Maurice, William, Printer, p. 14, iv., o — 104. The late Rev. H. Seals [AVw Con. Mag. (1835), 348] ; Memoir of William B. Wright, of Chester [361-67] ; of William Heaton [(18.36)161-69]; A Vi.sit to the Tomb of the late Rev. J. W. Fletcher at Madcley [(18.37) 10— II] ; Memoir of Samuel Goucher, Shrewsbury [320 — 24] ; On the Death of Christ: A Poem [391,392]; Letter [(1838) 120] ; Obituary of Mrs. Marv Lincaster [(1842) 472,473]; on Hull Circuit [(1843) 31.5— 17] ; Angels and Heaven [(1872) 646 — 18]. Mills, William, b. L'ek, 1740 ; s. of Thomas Mills ; Mat. Hertford Coll , Ox., 9th May, 1763 ; of iAlansfield-Woodhoiise, Notts. ; m., 1770, Katheriiip, dan. of William Cotton, of Bellaport ; d. 1781. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 962 ; Sleigh's Leek, 89.] MiLLW.iRD, Annie. Bookseller, Stationer, and Vendor of Patent Medicines, High Street [Parson & Bagshaw's Director)- (1818)] ; as Ann, of Upper Rushall Street [White's Directory (1834)], Walsall. MiLLW.\RD, F., Printer, Walsall. The Rudiments of English Grammar for the Use of the Rev. T. Bowen's Academy at Walsall. Walsall : Printed by F. .Mdlward. 1816. 12mo., pp. 62. [See Darwall (Rev. J.).] MiLLWARU, Harry. 4. Wednesfield. Love and the Law. BiUton, 1886. 8vo. Dolly's Dilemma. The Mu-ic Master. The Captain's Daughter. Maid Marian. Rowarue Revels. MiLLWARD, Rev. Richard. Vicar of Eccleshall, 1713 to death ; Rector of Wybunbury, Cheshire ; d. 1744. [Man. Sch. Reg.. I., .32 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 71 ; Ormeiod's Cheshire; Earwaker's East Cheshire.] MiLLWARD, Rev. Richard, b. 1731 ; «. of Rev. R. Millward, Vicar (and I'reb.) of Eccleshall ; educated Man. Gr. Sch., 3rd April, 1749 ; of St. John's Coll., Cam.; LL.B., 1755 ; Vicar of Newton Heath, Lanes., 5th May, 1764 : Clip, to Coll. Ch. of Manchester, 17th Nov., 1773 ; d. 15th April, 1789. [Man. Sch. Reg., L, 32.] Millward (or Milward), William, b. Stafford, 1660; «. of Robert Millward ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 12th Dec, 1679; Student, Westmr. Sch., 1679; B.A., 1683. [Alumni West., 184 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.8., IIL, 1016.] MiLSE, James, b. Iiigestre, 17o3 ; s. of Rev. James Milne ; Mat. Hart. Hall, Ox., 10th May, 1723 ; B.A., 14th Feb., 1727. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 962.] MiLNER, Rt. Rev. John. b. London, 14th Oct., 1752 ; a. of Joseph Miller, and Mary, his wife ; name changed by him to Milner ; edu- cated at Edgbaston Sch. ; Sedgley Park, 1765; Douai, 1766 — 77; Bishop of Castabala in pitrtibus, and Vicar Apostolic of the Mid- land District, 1st March, 1803 to death ; d. 1826 ; bur. Wolverhampton. Funeral Sermon on Bishop ChalUnor. London, 1782, 4to. A Letter to the Author of a Book called " A Candid and Impartial Sketch of the Life and Government of Pope Clement XIV. London, 1785. 8vo. A Sermon on the General Thanksgiving. London, 1780. 4to., pp. 34. The Clergyman's Answer to the Layman's Letter on the Appointment of the Bishops. London, 1700. 4to., pp. 27. [In reply to Mr. (afterwards Sir) John Throckmorton.] The Divine Right of the Episcopacy. Addressed to the Catholic Laity of England. London : Coyhlan. 1700, 4to., pp. 117. [In reply to a second Letter by Throckmorton. To this Sir John repheJ in a Znd ed. of his second Letter with " Further con- siderations on the same subject.") Ecclesiastical Democracy Detected, &c. London, 1701. 4 to. [MUnpr's//ta/ reply.) A Discourse delivered at the Consecration of R. R. WiUiam Gibson, Bishop of Acanthos, V. A. N., in the Chapel at Lulworth Castle, on Sunday the 5th Dec, 1790. London, 1700. 4to. Facts relating to the Contest amongst the Roman Catholics of the Kingdom, concerning the Bill to V»e intro- duced into Parliament for their relief London, 1701. 8vo. A Reply to the Report published by the Cisalpine MILNER (309) MILNE B Coghlan. 1701. 8vo., pp. 35. London, Clab. London 1795. 8to. Certain Considerations on Behalf of the Roman Catholics [on same subject]. London, 1701. 8vo. Audi Alteram Partem. Loudon, 1792. [In defence of Disliop Walmesley for suspending the Rev. Thomas Wilks {see).] Historical and Critical Inquiry into the Existence and Character of St. George. London, 1792. 4to. London, 1795. 8vo. Letter to the French Refugees by the Bishop of Leon. Translated by Rev. J. Milner. London: J. P. Coghlan. 1791. The Funeral Oration on his late Most Christian Majesty Louis XVL, April 12th 1793. London: Coghlan. n.d. 4to. (Tr.inslated into French.) Meditations of St. Teresa after Communion. London, 1793. Ecclesiastical Democracy Detected. London: Coghlan. 1703. 4to., pp. XV., 318. A Serious Expostulation to the Rev. Joseph Berington upon his Theological Errors concerning Miracles and other subjects. London, 1707. 8vo. [In answer to Berington*s Letters from Italy (i«).] The Hi.story, Civil and Ecclesiastical, and Survey of the Antiquities of Winchester. Ln Two YoUimes. London, n.d. (1790). 4to., pp. (L) 451. Plates, 41, S03, 433*, 44'J. (II.) ti, 4, 270, 8. Plates, 23, .57. 147, 177, 229, 249. 2nd ed., corrected and enlarged, Winchester. 1800. 4to., 2 vols., pp. (I.) 4, 2, l.i, 5, 1,451, (II.) 312. pp. 137 — 14 are re- pe.ited anil follow 174. 3rdeJ.. with Biographv of Author, Winchester, 18.30. Roy. 8vo., 2 vols. A Short View of Winchester. Chiefly from Dr. Milner. Winchester, 180G. 8vo., pp. 52. Life of Bishop Challoner, as preface to a new edition of Challoner's Grounds of the Old Religion. London: Coghlan. 1798. 8vo. Dissertation on the Modem Style of Altering Ancient Cathedrals, exemplified in that of Salisbury. London, 1798. 4to.. pp. xiv.. 54. 2nd ed.. London (Winchester), 1811. 8vo., pp. .39. 2 Plates. Letters to a Prebendary. Winchester, 1800. 4to. [In answer to Preb. Stnrges and the Rev. Jobii Hoadly Ashe's Defence of Bishop Hoadtv. A 2ad ed. w.is issued with a Notice of Milner {London, ISOO. »vo.).] Observations on the Means necessary for the further illustrating the Ecclesiastical Architecture of the Middle Ages, in a letter .... to Mr. Tayler. Winchester, 1800. 8vo. The Case of Conscience Solved, orthe Catholics' Claims proved .... compatible with the Coronition Oath . . . . With a .Supplement .... in answer to J. Reeves. London, 1801. An Elucidation of the Conduct of His Holiness P. Pius VII., with respect to the Bishops and Ecclesiastical Affairs of France. London, 1802. 8vo. A Treatise on the Ecclesiastical Architecture of Eng- land During the Middle Ages. London, 1802. 8vo., pp. xxiii., 150; (Tayler's Architectural Library), MiO. London, 1811. Roy. 8vo.. lar. paper 4to., 10 plates. London, 1835. 8vo., pp. xxii., 1.S4. Exercise for Sanctifying Sundays and Holidays, and for preparing to assist at Mass profitably. London, 1804. Instructions for the Lent of 1804. Authentic Documents relative .... to Winifred White, of Wolverhampton. London, 1805. 12mo. 2nd ed., Dublin. 3rd ed., 1806. j A Short View of the Arguments against the Catholic ' Petition now before Parliament. London: Keating. 1S05. 8vo., pp. 53. An Address to the Faithful of his District, 8th July, 1806. Wolverhampton, n.d. [Issued to correct false glosses in the Newspapers as to the part he played in Tayler r. Whaler and Milner.] Pastoral Letter .... to Clergy .... Mid- land District, dated Longbirch, 27th Dec, l.'^OS. Sequel to Pastoral litter. London, 1809. Appendix to the Sequel, dated Wolverhampton, 29th Nov., 1809. Explanation with Dr. Poynter. London, 1807. Second Edition of The Case of the Conscience Solved, to which is added Observations on a Publication by the Rev. T. L. Le Mesurier, entitled A Sequel, iSic. London, 1807. An Examination of the Articles in the Anti-Jacobin Review for Nov., Jan., Feb., and Mar. last (1807). [Not published.] An In" .,c .K„ \T t: r, T )„.i.>.) T .. ' . ^ -, Milner, by '■ F. C. H." [Husenbeth's Milner, otlO— 72] ; List of Works [572] : Milneriana [530 — 07] ; Historical [At Oscott 181G. Memoir [The Truthteller. III.]. Portrait. Painted by Barber College.] Portrait. Engraved by Radclyffe, after Barber, fol. Life of. [.See Husenbeth ( Rev. H. C.).] [Corrected by Dr. Parkinson, of Oscott CoUogc, and Dr. MoCarten, of Walsall.] MiLNEK, Rev. Thomas. Wesloj'an Minister, 1825 — 29 ; afterwards Roman Catholic Priest at Stourbritlge. The Projihetic Testimony of Haggai, and Zeckariah. Two Sermons. Stafford : Dreivry. n.d. 8vo., pp 8-2. An Exposition of the Epistles to the Seven Churches of Asia. MiLNES, or Milne [.?«« Milne (J.)] Rev. James. Created M.A., Ox. Univ., 11th Feb., 1704; Rector of Ingestre, 1691 — 1739 ; Canon of Lichfield and Preb. of Wellington, 1713—39. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III.. 1010 ; Rawlinson, II., 124, XL 46 ; Harwood's Lichfield, -2,54.] MiLNES, Richard Monckton, Lord Houghton, Boswelliana, London, 1855, 1850. 8vo, [Issued as No. 15, Vol. II. of Miscl. of the Philobiblon Society.] Milton, John, Poet. Editions of his Works, edited or containing Notes by Staffordshire persons : — MINORS (311) MIREHOUSE Paradise Lost. [Edited by E. Fenton.] /Miiilon: Tim.ioii. 1125. 8vo. Paradise Lost, Regained, ikc. [Edited by K. Fenton.] London, 1727. (*vo., 2 vols. London, 1730. Hvo., 2 vols. Paradise Lost. With Notes from various iutbora. By Thomas Newton, Bishop of Bristol. London, 1740. '2 vols. [Printed at the expen.se of the Earl of B.ith.] London, I7o0. 8vo., 2 vols. Dublin : J. Exchaic. 175L 8vo., 2 vols. London. 1753. 8vo.. 2 vols. London: Tonson. 1751. 8vo., Port, ami Plates, Life by Fenton. Ditto, with Notes selected from Bentley . . . Newton, and others. Loudon, 1751. 12mo., 2 vols. Ditto, to which is prefixed the celebrated Critiqne of .Samuel Johnson, LL.D. London, 1799. Rov. 8vo. Ditto, with an Abridgement of the Notes of Bishop Newton, itc. London: Cundee. 1SU4. 12mo., 2 vols. Paradise Regained. London, 1725. 8vo. Life by Fenton. Ditto, and other Poems, with Notes ... by . . , Thomas Newton . . . London, 2752. 4to., 2 vols. London. Hvo., 2 vols. Comus Masque ; Traductions Litterales . . Paris, ISOG. 4to. [Printed at the expense of and edited for Lord Francis EgertOQ (1st Earl of Ellesmere). Poetical Works of Milton. With Notes, &c. By Thomas Newton, Bishop of Bristol. London, 1749 — 52. •Ito., .'i vols. London, 1753, 8vo., 4 vols. London. 1754, 4to., ;i vols. Lo/kZoh, i757, 8vo., 4 vols. London: Tonson, not. 4to., 3 vols. New ed., London, 1763, 8vo., 4 vols. London, 176G, 8vo., 4 vols. London, 1770, 8vo., 4 vols. London, 1773, 8vo., 4 vols. London, 7775, 4to., 3 vols. 8th cd., 1778, 8vo., 4 vols. 9th ed., IISO, 8vo., 4 vols. With Life, by Johnson . . . London : ShariK, ISIO. Ditto (with Fenton'sLife and Johnson's Critique), London, 1S17, 8vo., 2 vols. Ditto, with Life by Bishop Newton, Oxford, 1824, 8vo. and 4to. Minors of Uttoxeter. Arms of [Bodl. Lib., 708, .Sit] ; Pedigree of [ib., S34, V. I, f. 8a4] ; Difference [ii., S5S, 100]. MiNons of Wooillande-y((.r. Guerilla Warfare ; or. Facts and Questions for Romish Controversialists. The Foundations of the Earth. London, 1857. 8vo. The First Resurrection. A Reprint of Two Articles from the Quarterly Journal of Prophecy. Forbid Him Not. A Sermon. London : Seeleyi. 1860. Cr. 8vo., pp. .30. Letter to the Bishop of London in favour of Liturgical Revision. Loudon ; Longmans. 1863. The Philosophy of Prayer, ifcc. London, 1865. The Central Superstition of Christendom . . 2nd ed., 1866, 8vo. The Destiny of the Elect Church. Frame, 1870. 8vo. The Glory of Christ in the Creation, &c. London, 1868. 8vo. 2nd ed.. 1860. i!rd ed., 1871. The Merchants of Tarshish. London, ISGS. ISmo. A New Bible. ,Vc. London. 1871. 8vo. The Moral Value of an Hereditary Monarchy. London, 1872. 8vo. The Harmony of Scripture on Future Punishments. London, 1872. The Confessional, the Altar, and the Chancel. London. 1874. 8vo. All Things are Yours. .\ Sermon. London, 1874. 8vo, Lnworthy of Eternal Life. Ijiudon, 1878. 8vo. Ascents. Thoughts on Psalm cxxi. London, 1SS6. 8to. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1273.] MiREHOusE, Richard Walter Byrd. h. Milford Hall, 5th May, 1849 ; .-•. of Richard Byrd MITCHELL ( 312 ) MONCKTON Levt'tt, Esq.; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 16th April, 1869 ; assumed surname of Mirehouse : J. P. ; Captain, Staffs. Rifle Volunteers ; m. Mary Beatrice, dau. of Thomas Entwliistle, of Woodhayes, Northant^.; of tiie Hall, Angle, Pembroke. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 063; Burke's Landed Gentry. ] Mitchell, George Bradnev. h. Wolverhampton, 13th Feb., 1842 ; s. of William Mitchell (a descendant of the Michalls of Michall, near Penn) : educated Wolverhampton Gr. Sch. ; in business as a Pawnbroker in Wolveihamp- ton : m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Steele, of Wolverhampton. Hints to Taxpayers ; or. How to Appeal against In- come Tax Assessments. With List of Forms in Use, Ac. Wolverhampton: Printed and Published bi/ G. B. Mitchell, n.d. (ISOO). 8vo., pp. 15. MiTFORD, Mary Russell. Recollection of a Literary Life. London, 1S52. Svo. [Izaak Walton and his Angler, chap. xv. ; Johnson, 200 — 2d.J MoBERLV, Rev. George Herbert, b. Winchester, 1837; «. of Rev. George Moberh-, D.D., Bp. of Salisbury ; Mat. Corp. Ch. Coll., O.K., Kitli Feb., 1855 ; Scholar, 1855—64 ; B.A., 1859 ; M.A., 1861: Fellow, 1864— 70 : Lecturer on Law and Modern History ; Tutor ; Curate of St. Peter-in-the-East, Ox., 1860—63 ; Chp. at Bonn, 1869 — 71 ; Rector of Duntesborne- Rouse, Gloucs., 1871 — 8i) ; Principal of Lich- field Theo. Coll. and Preb. of Lichfield, 1880— 85 ; Master of St. Nicolas's, Salisbury, 1878 ; Rector of Monkton-Farley, Wilts., 1887—92. Arnold Prize Poem, 1861 . . . Oxford, 18G1. Pilgrim Songs of the Return from Captivity (Psalm cxx.^-cxxiv., re-translated and versified). 1S72. Sacrifice in the Eucharist. A Conversation. M7.5. Life of William of Wykeham. Winchester, 1SS7. 8vo. Edited — Venerabilis Bedae Historia Ecclesiastica. With English Notes. 1S69. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., [II., 964.] MoGfiRiDGE, George ("Old Humphrey"), b. Ashted, Birmin.a;hara, 17th Feb., 1787 ; d. Hastings, 2nd Nov., 1854. The Young Fortune Seekers. Burton : Weslet/. n.d. 18mo. The New Ascent of Mont Blanc. Burton: Wesley, n.d. 18mo. Briery Wood. Burton: Wesley, n.d. 18mo. Old Humphrey's Country Strolls. London: R.T.S. n.d. 18mo.. pp. :W4. [Dudley Castle, 90—102; Ecton Mine, I.i6 — o8 ; Wetton Cave, "loo, 156 ; DoTedale, 155.] MoLLART, Samuel, Shelton. The Nun taking the Black Yeil [Xew Con. Mag. (1834), 147— .5)] ; Injuries of the He.id [16.] ; Minutes of Post Mortem Examination of Exhumed Bodies of Walter and Ann Palmer [Lancet (I85i;j]. Monckton, Hon. Eihvard. b. Si'lby, Yorks., 3rd Nov., 1744; s. of John, 1st Viscount Galway ; went to India early in life wliere he acquired a fortune, and, returning tn England, bought of Robert Barbour, .M.P., in 17<>1, the Sonierford E.«tate : in 1780, Brewood Hall from the Priestleys : and, same year, Engleton Hall from the Moretons ; M.P.,"Stafford, 1780 — 1S12 ; Colonel, Staffs. Yeomanry, ISOO — 25 ; m., 1776, Sophia, dau. of George, 1st (and last) Lord Pigott, of Patshull ; Lay-Rector of Brewood ; d. at the " Old Coaching Inn," Meriden, Warws., 1st July, 1832 ; bur. Bre- wood Chancel. [Monckton Family, 1.-J7, 138, v., viii.: port., 137, 138; Webster's Records of Staffs. Yeomanry Cavalry, 3, 5, 18, 51, 6'.i, 74— fi, 153, 158, 182 : App. v.— xii'i.] Monckton', Edward, b. Fort St. George, India, 1777 ; ■«. of the Hon. Edward Monckton ; edu- cated Westmr. Seh., 1792 : Mat.Ch. Ch., Ox., 11th May. 179(; : B.A., 1800 : M.A., 1803 ; Barrister-at-Law. Middle Temple, 1806 : of Sonierford Hall ; J.P., Staffs. ; High Sheriff, 183.5 ; d. 17th March, 1848. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.. tifi8 ; Monckton Family, l.f8.J Monckton, Francis. b. Stretton, 7tli ^larch, 1844 ; s. of General Henry Monckton : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 17th Oct., 1862 ; of Somerford and Stretton Halls : J. P. and Deputy Lieuten- ant of Staffs.: M.P.. West Staffs., 1X71—85. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 908 ; Monckton Family, .'i7, 46, iv., vii., xxxii.] Monckton, George. 2nd s. of Hon. Edward Monckton ; b. 1778 ; educated Brewood Gr. Sch.; went to India ; Commercial Resident at Rungpore ; returned to England, 1817; of ' Somerford Hall ; M.P. for Stafford ; d. 20th Dec, 1858 ; bur. Coven. i A Few Words, that High Priced Bread and High Wages are no evils to the Working Classes. By " One who wishes them well." London^ 1S39. 8vo. A Treatise on Deep Draining. To which is added a few words on the Food of Plants, the Potato Disease, Indian Cholera, &c. Wolverhampton, 1847. 8vo. The Fortunes of Mrs. Simmons, of Mayfield. By Uncle George. London, 1840. 8vo. Lord Needwood's Opinions on Financial Questions. Monckton, Herbert Hadcn. b. Coven, 1862 ; .«. of Rev. Inglis George ^Monckton, Vicar ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., 0.x., Kith June, 1880; B.A., 1SS3 : Solicitor (Colmore & Monckton), Birmingham. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., '.)fi8.] Monckton, Rev. Hugh. .<. of Hon. Edward Monckton, of Sonierford Hall ; h. 17lh Feb., 1792; educated Westmr. Sell., 18(16 ; Scholar, Ch. Ch., Ox., 1810 : Rector of Seaton, Rut- land ; d. and was bur. at Seaton, Nov., 1842. [Monckton Familv, 139 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., !I68 ; Alumni West.] Monckton, Rev. Inglis George, b. Futtyghnr, Bengal. 1832 ; s. of William Monckton, Esq.; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox.. 24th June, 1850 ; B.A., 1856 ; M.A., 1858 ; Curate of Wood- stock, Oxon., 1856 — 57 ; Vicar of Coven, near Wolverhampton, 1857. The True Chronology of the Bible. Wdverhampton: .i.IIimle. fol. Bible Dates. Wolverhampton : .i. Jlinde. foL Bible Beauties. (Being a Sequel to Bible Dates.) ' Wolverhampton: .1. I/inde. fol. The Three Prizes. Wolrerhamplon : A. Hinde. 1887. The .Souls under the .\ltar and the Opening of the Seals. Wolverhampton :. I. Hinde. 1887. Ishmael. (In Verse.) Wolverhampton: A. Ilinde. Elijah the Tishbite. (In Verse.) Wolverhampton: A. Hinde. Litany of the Clergy : '■ Brethren, pray for me." Wolverhampton: ,4. Hinde. Ascension and Whitsuntide. Wolverhampton : A. Hinde. A Key to the Figures of the Bible. Wolverhampton : Hinde. n.d. Enoch and Elijah. The Two Thieves. Wolverhampton : Hinde. n.d. A Wedding Blessing. A Marriage Prayer. H'olver- hampton : Hinde. Numerical Valne of the English Alphabet. Wolver- hampton : Hinde. n.d. My Firstborn. Wolverhampton : Hinde. n.d. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., ;iij8.] Monckton, Mrs. Rose. Wife of John Rivaz Monckton ; both murdered at Cawnpore. Letters from Futtyghnr. Williams ij- Co., Wolver- hampton, n.d, 12mo., pp. 8. MONCKTONS. Of Brewood [Monckton Family, 137. Ixxxviii.] ; of Rugeley [lit2] ; of Somerford [137. l.xxxviii.] ; of Stretton [ib.] : of Coven [138. I3il, Ixxxix.] ; of Staffordshire and Northamptonshire, Pedigree [i4., No. II.]. MoNEGHAN, — . Editor of The Wolverhampton Spirit of the Times. The Wolverhampton Civic Saturnalia. Wolverhampton, 1S5S. lar. 8vo., pp. lij. The Mysteries of the Iron Tratlc . . By a Chemical Agent. Birmingham: Josiah Allen, n.d. (ISoS). 8vo., pp. in. MoNT.iouE, Basil. Inquiries respecting the Insolvent Debtors' Act . . . Opinions of Dr. Paley . . . Dr. Johnson upon imprison- ment for debt. [ The Pamphleteer, V., 512 — 12.1 2nd ed , London. 1816. 8vo. Montague, Charles W. Recollections of an Equestrian Manager. W. ^ R. Chambers. 1881. Cr. 8vo.. pp. 108. [Dudlev Demon, 8 ; In Danger of a Tanning at Eccleshall, 33 : Visits Hunley, 54—7 : at Trentham Hall. 57—11 ; Mr. T. Ashworth, 54, 55 ; R. C. Litchfield. 55 ; Dr. Hayes, 55 ; Duke of Suther- land, .55 — 7 ; Colonel Roden, oti.] Montaigne, Michel Sr. de. Essays .... made English by Charles Cotton, Esq. London, 1603. 8vo., 3 vols. 4th ed., London, 1711, 8 vo., 3 vols. London, 1738. 8vo., 3 vols. London, 1743, 8vo., 3vols. [S« Cotton (C.).] Montgomerv, Philip de. Bailiff of Cannock. [Bodl. Lib., S60, 223.] Moon, Rev. Maurice .\.ugustine. b. Uttoxeter, 18."i7 : .-■. of Rev. James Hoare Moor ; Mat. as a Xon.-CoU., Ox., 5th March, 1876 ; B.A., 1886. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., !173.] PP MOORK (3U) MOORHOUSE Moore, Ann ("The Fastinjjr Woman of Tut- Inin"); lier maiden name was I'egs;. h. Roston, Derbvs., nrca 17G1. lieiiiu; at tlie time of licr i)retende(l fast about is years of age. When about 27 years oKi she m. .lames Moore, but soon separated from him and lived in service with a person by whom she liad two children. She seems to have commenced her fasting on 7th July, 18ii7, and continued it more or less till 1813. During this period she was visited by hundreds of persons curious to see her, and was the subject of much literary effort \_see below]. What became of her after her imposture had been discovered (1H1:3) is not known, except that she was in Maccles- field and in l\uul;^foril Gaol for robbing her kidgings. Doubts iiaving arisen in some minds us to the genuineness of her abstinence, a watch was arranged (inclmUng Sir A. Mosley, Bart., Rev. L. Richmond, and Dr. Darwin, amongst others), lasting from 21st Ajiril to 4th May, 1813, when she confessed her decep- tion and admitted she had taken nourishment [«t'? Richmond's Statement]. The Life ami Extr.ioniiii:irv Alistinence of Ann Jloore, of Tutbuiy. Attested liy Iv. Tayler and Mr. Allen, Surgeon, Tutl)iiry. Lomluii, ISdS. Mvo. An Account of the Extraordinary Abstinence of Ann Moore, of Tutbury . . who lias, for tlie space of two years, lived entirely witliont food. Bv -J- L . Uttoxeter: Printed for the Author hi/ R. Richards. 1800. 8to., pp. •'!!>. The Life of Ann Moore, of Tutbury, in Staffordshire. Newcastle, n.d. (ISOO). Vlmo. A Chapbook. A Faithful Relation, &c. Birmingham, ISIO. Ith ed., 1811. Svo. A Full Exposure of Ann Moore, the Tutbury Im- postor. Printed and Sold by T. W'aijte, Burton-on-Trent. 1811. Xvo., pp. 8. 3rd ed., IS13. 8vo.. pp. 30. A Kelation of the Extraordinary Abstinence of Ann Moore. Birmingham, n.d. (1S13). Nvo. Some Account of Ann Moore. Bv James Ward, R.A. London, 1813. fol. A Statement of Facts. [See Richmond (Rev. L.), Granger (Dr.), Henderson (Dr. A.).] Ann Moore, by Cuthbert Bede [Lei.7. Wolverhampton : W. Parle. 1867. 8vo., pp. 2(1. Charges, Speeches, itc, of Henry Moore, Archdeacon of Stafford. London: Skeffington if Son. 1S77. 8to. Moore, Henry, Printer, &c., Ashbourn. The Romantic Beauties of Dovedale and Ham . . . Ashbourn: Printed bij W.Hoon .... 1820. 12mo., pp. X., 11—7(1. Moore, James. A List of the Principal Castles and Monasteries of Great Britain. London, 1708. 8vo. Moore, Rev. John. b. Clerkenwell, 1788 ; s. of Rev. John Moore : Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., r)th Feb., 1806; Scholar, IHOti- 14 ; B.A., 1809; M.A., 1812; Fellow, 1814—18; Proctor, 1822 ; Vicar of Alrewas, 1832 to death ; d. lltli June, 1851. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 97o.] MooRE, John. Printer, Stone [Parson & Bag- shaw's Directory (1818)] ; of Cattle Market, Ecclesball [White's Directory (1834)]. Moore, Thomas, Poet. Resident at Mayfield, 1817 : whilst there, wrote and published his » Lalla Rookh." Lalla Rookh : An Oriental Romance. London : Lonq- man cj- Co. 1817. 4to. (ith ed., Illus. by R. Westall, 1817. 8vo Memoirs of the Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan [M.P. for Stafford]. London, 1825. 4to. London, 1825. 8to. 5th ed., London, 1827. 8vo.. 2 vols. Reviewed [Edin. Itev., SIX., 113— .10 : XX., 2.^-41, 201—14]. A Letter to Thomas Moore on the Subject of [his criticism on] Sheridan's School for Scandal By the Author of -An Essay on Light Reading [Edmund Mangin]. Bath, 1826. 8 TO. Memoirs, Journals, and Correspondence of Thomas Moore. Edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M.P. ^Yith Portraits. 8 vols. London: Longman ty Co. 1852 — 56. Pt. 8vo. [Contains an account of his residence at Mayfield Cottage.] MoonnoDSE, Rev. Matthew Butterworth. b. Holmfirth, Yorks., 6th July, 1840; g. of Joshua Moorhou>e, J. P. : educated Wesley Coll., Sheifield ; Mat. Queen's Coll., O.K., 18th March, 1858 ; B.A., 1862 ; M.A., 1864 ; Curate of Tintwhistle, Cheshire, 1863—68 ; P.C. of Hepworth, Vorks., 1868—70 ; Vicar of Bush- bury, 1871—80 ; of St. Mary Bredin, Canter- bury, 1880—88 ; of St. Luke's, South Lyn- combe, Bath, 1888; m. 12th Nov., 1868, Jane, dau. of William Sidebottora, J. P., of Etherod House, Cheshire. The Ten Virgins. Four Advent Sermons, &c. London: Stock. 1802. 12mo. Bushbury Bells, and other Verses. (Privately printed.) 2nd ed., 1803. The Village Blacksmith. A Temperance Story. 2nd ed.. 1803. MORUAUNT (315) MORGAN Jack the Joiner. 2nd ed., C. E. T. S.. 1803. The Children's Hour. Manchester : Onward Pubtith- ing Co. 1880. Autumn Leaves. 3°2mo. Web of Life. Story of a Lie. Sermons. (".-J// pt-ivateit/ printed.) Recitations. [The Temferance Reciter, London.] C. £. T. S., LonJott, 1801—02. 12mo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IIL, 970.] MoRD.^uxT, Rev. Osbert. b. Walton House, Warws., 184:; ; s. of Sir .loliii Mordaunt, Bart. : Mat. Ch. Ch., 0.x., ITtli Oct., 18(;o ; B.A., 18G5 : M.A., 1807; Curate of Click, Northants. ; P.C. of Handsworth, 1869—72 ; Vicar of St. Michael's, Handsworth, 187i — 75 ; Rector of Hampton Lucy, Warws., 1875. Nearer to Thee. Words on Hell, from the Orthodox Side. Instructions for Confirmation Candidates. Parables of the .Same. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 076.] MoREIIALL. [Bodl. Lib., iS?7, .346.] Moresby, Admiral Sir Fairfax. b. Stowe, Lichfield, 1787 ; s. of Fairfax Moresbj', Esq., of Stowe House ; created U.C.L., Ox. Univ., 28th June, 1854 ; entered the Navy, 1799 ; Commander of the " Meiiai," the " Pendjroke," the " Cauopus "; Comniander-in-Chief in the Pacific, 1850— 55 ; G.C.B., 1855 : K.M.T. ; Admiral, 1862 ; Admiral of the Fleet, 1870 ; '/. 21st Jan., 1877. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 078.] MoiiESBY, Henry, b. Stowe, Lichfield, 1805 ; s. of Fairfax Moresby, Esq. ; Mat. E.xeter Coll., O.X., ;5rd Nov., 1821: B.A., 1826; M.A., 1828 ; Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1833. [Men at the Bar ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., y7X.] MoRETOX of Engleton. Abstnjct of an Indenture between Edward Moreton, of Engleton, co. Staff., and Matthew, his son and heir, eelling lands in Acton Trussell to Thomas Eland ("2 March, 8 Jac. I.). [Bodl. Lib., 833 (67), 463.] MoRETOs, John, LL.D. Preb. of DernforJ, 137(i— 80 ; of Longdon, 1381 — 98 ; and Arehd. of Chester, 9th May, 1374—78 (all in Lichfield Diocese) ; Bp. of Ely, 1378 — 86 : Archbp. of Canterbury, 1386 to death ; d., Knowle, Kent, 15th Sept., 1400 : bur. Canterbury Cathedral. Life of John Moreton, Archbishop of Canterbury. By Dr. Budden. London, 1607. 4to. [Harwood's Lichfield, 205, 224, 236 ; Dugdale's Monast., 133.] Moreton, Ralph, b. Wolstanton, 1753 : s. of Ralph Moreton, Esq., of Moreton House ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 26th Oct., 1770 ; B.C.L., 1777. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 078 ] MoREWYXoE [Harwood's Lichfield], Morwing, or Morwent, Peter. Fellow, ilagd. Coll., Ox., 1552 ; B.A. ; M.A.. 16th Feb., 1560 ; Rector of Langwith, Derbys.. 15()0 ; of Nor- bury, Uerbys., 1564 ; of Ryton, Warws., 1566 ; Chp. to Bp. Bentham of Lichfield ; Preb. of Pipa Minor and Canon of Lichfield, 28th Oct., 1567—94. [Wood's Alh. Oxon.. I., 454 ; Linsd. M.S.. 081. t. 184 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E..S., III., 1M4U; Harwood's Lich- field, 242 ] Morgan, A., Printer, Lichfield. A Letter to .Sir John Wrottesley, Burt. By a Jlagis- trate of the Countv. With an additional Preface. .4. .\r<,ri/an, Lichlirhl. J'dij ltd,. 1811. ■ Morgan", Arthur, Printer and Bookseller, Mar- ket Square, .Stafford [Parson and Ba;?shaw's (1818) and White's (1834) Directories]. Twenty-Third -Vnnual Report of Staffordshire Auxili- ary Bible Society. .Stafford: A. Morijan. 18i3. 8vo., pp. 24. [.See Maude (Rev. J.).] Morgan, Charles Leveson Gower. b. Barton, 1850 ; s. of Rev. William Morgan : Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 17th Oct., 1868 ; Exhibi- tioner, 1868 — 72 : B.A., 1872. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IIL, 979.] Morgan, Herbert Major. b. 21st Dec, 1839 ; s. of Major Butler Morgan, Surgeon : educated Lichfield Gr. Sell, and Bromsgrove King Edward VL Scli. ; of King's Coll., London, 1858—61 : Gill Prizeman," 1859 : L.K.C.P., Lond., 1861 ; M.R.C.P., Eng., 1861 : Med. Officer to Lichfield Workhouse ; Brigade- Surgeon Lieut.-Colonel Staffonlshire Volunteer Infantry Brigade and Army Medical Reserve ; St. John Ambulance Association Lecturer and Examiner ; formerly Med. Officer of Health to Citv of Lieiifield: m, 1869, Catherine Jane, dau. of James Webb. Esq., of Stafford. The Proper Place of Alcohol as Food, Physic, or Luxury. London: Gue-ft. 1876. 8vo., pp. 15. Dilation of Pregnant Uterus [Brit. Med. Jnnr.(\i<72)]; How Epidemics are .Spread [(1871 1]: Operations in Pri- vate Practice [(1876)] : Inventor of Artificial Arnion I Bags [(1872)] ; and of Ovum Forceps [(1876)]. Morgan, John, Dean of Windsor and Wolver- hampton. [Bodl. Lib., ii^5, 316] Morgan, M., Printer, Alarket Place, Lichfield [White's Staffs. (1834)]. The Death and Burial of Cock Robin. Lichfield, n.d. Chapbook, woodcuts, pp. 16. Nimble and Quick — Riddle Book ; or, Whetstone for Dull Wits — Tommy Potts — Fairy Stories — Egyptian For- tune Teller — .\rt of Courtship — Sir John Barleycorn — Chevy Chase — House that Jack. .Same imprint, pp. 16. Morgan, Rev. Richard Turnill. b. Lichfield, 1841 ; .«. of Major Butler Morgan ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 13th Oct., 1S60 ; B.A., 1865 : M.A., 1871 ; Curate of St. Thomas's, Leeds, 1865—69 ; Puddlestone, Herefs., 1869 —71; Westhide, 1871—74; St. Matthew's, Stoke Xewington, 1874 — 77 ; St. Augustine's, Kilburn Hill, 1878; of Charlton, Dover, 1879 — 89 ; of Stonnall, 1889—91 ; Rector of Wootton, Canterbury, 1891 to death ; d. Aug., 1893. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 981.] Morgan, William, Printer, &c. [Parson & Bagshaw's Directory (1818)]. MORGAN (:il(!) MORTON Morgan, William, of Etruria. Memoir. By Himself. [Xew Con. 3[ag. (l*U), 2ri(i— 711, Sli'.l— !:>.] MoHiTZ, Cliavles P. Travels!, chiefly on foot, through several parts of Eng- land in 1782. In a Letter to a Friend. Translated by a Lady. Lomhii. 1705. I'imo. MoRLAND, Sir Samuel, l.?t Baronet. Letter to Ashuiole, requesting help in his intention of standing for Lichfield, vacant bv the Peerage of Sir Robert Shirlev. (" Excise Office. 8th Dec, 1«77.") [Bodl. Lib., 2737, f. 72a.] MORUIS, D. The Geography of Staffordshire. For Use in Schools. London, 181Z. 8vo. MoRuis, Rev. George. The Couutv Seats of England and Wales. 3facieuzie. n.il. li vols.. Ito. [Ham Hall. I., -11,42; Trentham Hall, nil, lil) ; Alton Towers. I'm. CS ; Beaudesert, II.. :!, 4 ; Keele Hall, III., y, lU ; Wolseley Hall, 5.5, M ; KoUeston Hall, IV., 7, 8 ; Ashcombe Hall, 75, 71) ; Oxley Manor, 55, oG.] Morris, James Tayler. b. West Bromwich, ISO'.): s. of VVilliaQi Morris; Mat. MagJ. Coll., 0.\., 18th Dec., 1837. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., y8G.] MoRRiB, Mary. h. Rugeley ; dan. of Richard Morris. A Prospect of Death. A Pindaric Essay. Printeil/or ami .'^. 5;iil] ; On Profitable Attendance on the Duty of Private Prayer [(1823) 21—5]; Memoir of the late Mrs. Francis Bjiggulev. Lane Delph [;i5:i. 354] ; Friendly Hints to Drunkards [372, 373. 417—111] ; Obituary of Mrs. Milner [(1824) 82, 83] ; of Harding Ellis, Shelton [210— 13J. Memoir of the Rev. James Mort. By his Son. [ Xew Con. Ma;/. (1828), 340, 341, 352-112, 3il(;— 104, 440—45, 485— 87, '525— 28.] MoRT, .Fohn Drewry. b. 179'.l : Printer, High Street, Newcastle, 1834 — 58; Part Proprietor of the Staffordshire Adrt-rtiser. A CoUectioQ of Psalms and Hymns from Various Authors. Newcastle: Printed by John Mort. Duo., pp. xlv., 334. Domestic Pastoral. [.See Vale (Rev. B.).] {See Madeley, Offley, Cuulift'e (Mrs.).] MoRT, John Drewry & Charles, Printers and Newspaper Proprietors, Stafford. [See Staffordshire Advertiser.'\ Morton, Rt. Rev. Tliomas. b. York, 15G4 ; .V. of Richard Alorton, Mercer ; Scholar of St. Jolin's Coll., Cam., 1584 ; B.A., 1586 : M.A., 1590 ; Fellow, 1592 ; Rector of Long Marston, Yorks., 1592 ; Chp. to the Earl of Hunting- don ; to Lord Euse ; to the Earl of Rutland : and to James I. ; President of the North ; Rector of Aylesford, Kent, 1609 ; Dean of Gloucester, 1607; of Winchester, 1609; Canon of York, 1610 ; Bp. of Chester, 1616 : Rector of Stockport, 1616—19 ; Bp. of Lich- field, 1619—32 ; Rector of Clifton Campville, 1619; Bp. of Durham, 1632 to death; d. 22nd Sept., 1659 ; bur. Easton Maudit, Northants. A Treatise on the Nature of God. London, 1,500. 8vo. A Just and Moderate Answer to a most injurious and slanderous Pamphlet, intituled An Exact Discovery of Romish Doctrine, &c. London, n.d. (1605). 4to. Ai>ologia Catholica, ex menis Jesuitarum contradic- tionabis conflata. [J. Xorton, London. 16UG.] 4to. Apologiie CatholicEe, in qua paradoxa hserues blas- phemiai scilera, quas Jesuitfe, and Pontificii alu Protestan- tibus imjn-ingunt, fere omnia, ex ipsorum Pontificiorum testimoniis apertis diluuntur libri duo. De notis Ecclesise Editio castigatior . . . . J Xorton . . . London. 1606. 8vo. A Full Satisfaction concerning a Double Romish Iniquitie, hainous Rebellion, and more than heathenish Equivocation. Containing in Three Partes . . . . H. field London, 1606. 4to. MORTON (317) MOSELEY A Treatise of the Threfolde State of Man, wherein in lianilled^t 1 ) His Created Holinesse in His Innocencie ; (2) His Siiifiilnesse since the Kail of Adam; (3) His Renewed Holines^e in His Regeneration, Printed . . . for R. Dexter and II. Jackmn. London. 1506. 8vo. A Preamble unto an Incounter with P. R. [R. Par- sons], the Author of the Deceitful! Treatise of Mitigation, concerning the Romish Doctrine lioth in Question of Rel)ellion and of Aequivocation. Printed by ^f. /iradrrood for J. Bill and E. Weaver. London, 1608. 4to. Salomon ; or, A Treatise declaring the state of the Kingdome of Israel, as it was in the dales of Salomon. AVbereunto is annexeologie for the Romane Faith, out of the Protestants [by J. Brereley] ; Manifesting the Antiipiitie of our Religion and satisfying all scrupulous objections which have bene urged against it. Imprimis, (i. Bishop and J. Xorton. Loudoni, 1610. fol. The Encounter against M. Parsons, by a Review of his last Sober Reckoning, and his Exceptions urged in the Treati.se of his Mitigation, wherein moreover is inserted : ( I ) A Confession of some Romanists . . . concerning the particular Falsification of principall Romanists, as . . . Bellarmine, Svarez, and others . . . (2) A Con- futation of Slauuders, which Bellarmine urged against Protestants. Printed for J. Bill, London, n.d. (1610). 4to. A Quiet and Sober Reckoning with T. Morton . . . London, 1600. 4to. A Defence of the Innocencie of the Three Ceremonies of the Church of England, viz. : The Surplice, Crosse after Baplisme, and Kneeling at the Receiving of the Blessed Sacrament. Second Impression, Imprinted for W. Barret, London. 1610. 4to. A Re,.ly to Dr. Morton's Generall Defence of Three nocent Ceremonies, viz. : The Surplice, Crosse in Bajjtism. and Kneeling at the Receiving of the Sacramentall Ele- ments of Bread and Wine. [By W. Ames.] (London) 1622. 4to. The Grand Imposture of the (now) Church of Rome ; Manifested in the One Article of the Xew Romane Creede, viz.: " The Holy Catholike and Apostolike Romane Church, Mother and Mistresse of all the Churches, without which there is no Salvation," proved to be a new, false . . and blasphemous Article. The Second Edition .... reviseil . . . with . . . additions. G. Miller for R. Milbonrne. London, 1628. 4to. Of the Institution of the Sacrament of the . . . Bodie and Bloode of Christ, ( by some called | the Masie of Christ. Eight Bookes, discovering the Superstitious. Sacrilegious, and Idolatrous Abominations of the Romish Masee . . . Printed by W. Stansby for R. Mylbouriie. London, 16.31. fol. The Second Edition, much enlarged . . . with . . . Answers to . . . Objections and Cavels . . laysed against the Worke. Printed for R. Mylbourne, London, 1635. Sermon before the King in Durham Cathedral. Lon- don, 1630. A Discharge of Five Imput;itions of Mis-Allegations falsely charged upon the . . Bishop of Duriesme, by an English Baron [T. Arundell of Wardour], showing that no solid answere is to be expected from the Romish party to his late Booke (against the Masse), so greatly maligned by them. Printed by .U. F. for R. Milbonrne. London, 1633. ?.] Moseley, Rev. William. Congregational Minis- ter ; Minister of the Tabernacle, Hanley, 1800 —16. Enoch ; or, the Advantages of High Attainments in Religion. A Sermon. . . . Hanley: Printed and Sold by T. .\llbut. 1S04. V2mo.. pp. 33. The Fall of Babylon. A Sermon. Hanley : T. Allbiit. A Memoir on the Importance and Practicability of Translating and Printing the Holy Scriptures in the Chinese Language. Hanley: T. Alliul. MOSES (318) MOSSE An Explanation of the Assembly's Catechism. (3 editions.) Map exhibiting the Geography of the Old Testament in one view. Hanle;/ : T. AUbut. 1805. Moses, Frederick Henry. M.R.C.S., Eng., 1867; L.R.C.P., Edin., and L.M., 1870; formerly of Wolverhampton. Case of Sterooraceons Vomiting lasting 17 days successfully treated. [Lancet (lH(i8).] MosLEY, Rev. Francis, b. AVilmslow, Clu-sliire, 1669 ; .«. of Rev. Francis Mosley, Rector ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., 0.\., 8tli April, KJSS ; B.A., 1088; M.A., Merton Coll., 1691; Rector of Rolleston, 1093 ; d. 1738. [Foster's Lanes. Coll. ; ditto Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1040 ; Mosley Family.] MosLEV, Jolm Peploe. b. 1732 ; .«. of Nicholas Mo.^ilcy, Esq. ; admitted Man. Gr. Sch., 27th April, 174;") ; m. dun. of James Buyloy, Esq., of Withinstiin ; created a Baronet 24th March, 1784 ; High Sheriff of Lancashire, 17«(i ; d., Rolleston, "29th Sept., 1798; in Rolleston Church there is a monument. [Man. Sch. Reg., I., 2.5, 2G.] Mosley, Oswald. b. 1074; s. of Oswald Mosley ; Mat. Brascnose Coll., 0.\., 19th Jan., 1690 ; of Rolleston, Staffs., and Ancoats, Lanes.; High Sheriff, Staffs., 171.") ; Student of Gray's Inn, 1G91 : created a baronet, 18th June, 1720; d. 9th June, 1701. [Foster's Gray's Inn Beg. ; ditto Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1040.] Mosley, Oswald. .«. of Sir John Parker Mosley, 1st Baronet ; educated Man. Gr. Sch., 31st Aug., 1771, and Macclesfield Gr. Sch.; hought Bolesworth Castle, Cheshire ; m. sole dan. and heir of Rev. Thomas Tonman, of Chester ; of Rolleston Hall, where he d., 8th Oct., 1782 ; bur. Rolleston Church. [Man. Sch. Reg., I., 1G7.] MosLEV, Sir Oswald, Bart. b. Moston, Cheshire, 27tli March, 1785 ; s. of Oswald Mosley, Esq.; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 13tli June, 1802 ; created M.A., 18th June, 1800, and D.C.L., 5th June, 1810; F.L.S. ; 2nd Baronet; M.P., Portarlington, 18O0 — 7 : Winchelsea, 1807 — 12: Midliurst, 1817— 18; North Staff's., 1832 —37; High Sheriff, Staffs., 1814; m.. Is04, Sophia Anne, dau. of Sir E. Every, 8th Baronet; d. 2oth May, 1871. History of the Castle, Priory, and Town of Tutbury, in the co. of Stafford (compiled from unpublished Manu- scripts and Documents in his possession). Loudon : Simpkui; IIobsoH, Tutbury; and Richardson, Derby. 1832. 8vo., pp. viii. ( 1 leaf blank), 386 ; plates — facing title, and pp. 67. 74, 188, 234, 24.'!. Gleanings in Horticulture. Printed/or prirate circu- lation. 1861. 8vo., pp. vi., 67. Family Memoirs. Printed for private circulation. 1849. 4to., pp. iv., 78 ; App., xxviii., 9 plates. A Short Account of the Ancient British Church. London : ./ame.f Hidgway. 1858. r2mo., pp. v., ly'.l. Natural History of Tutbury. Together with the Fauna .and Flora of the Surrounding District, &c. London: Van Voorst. 1863. Roy. 8vo., pp. xiii. (3 leaves), 408 ; Plates— pp. 16, 33, 64, 231, 38.i, 389, 405, 406. Funeral Sermon. By Rev. A. J. Ram [see]. Ditto. By Rev. E. Spooner, Vicar of Heston. [Foster's Alnmni Oxon., III., 991 ; Man. Sch. Reg., I., 168; Fi.shwick's Lanes. Lib., 219 ; Sutton's Lanes. Authors, Manchester Gnardian, 29th Mav, 1871.] [See Curr (Rev. ,T.), Gilbert (Rev. N.)]. Mosley, Oswald. /). Rolleston, 1805 ; *■. of Sir O. Moslcv, Bart. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 18th June, 1822 ; d. 25th Sept., 1856. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IIL, 991.] Mosley, Paget Pe[iloe. /). Hollest:in, 1837; g. of Rev. Paget Peploe Mosley, Rector of Rolleston ; Mat. Exeter Coll, Ox'., 28th May, 1854. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 991.] Mosley, Tonman. h. Anslow, Burton, 16th Jan., 1850 ; .«. of Sir Tonman Mosley, Bart. ; Mat. Corp. Ch., Coll., Ox.. 2i)th Oct., 18(;S ; B.A., St. Alhan's Hall, 1872 : Student Inner Temple, 4th Nov., 1870 ; Barri.ster-at-Law, Inner Temple, 2Utli June, 1874; F'.S.S. ; on Midland Circuit ; m. Lady Hilda Rose Mont- gomerie, dau. of Archibald William, 13th Earl of Eglinton. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 991 ; Men at the Bar, 328.] Moss, Rev. James. Primitive Methodist Min- ister at DarlastoD, 1825. [Letter on Darlaston Circuit. [/'. .1/. M(i(j., 1825. 142 — 14, 312—14.] Moss, Rev. Samuel, h. Middlewieh, Cheshire, 1701 ; s. of William Moss, Esq.; Mat. Brase- nose Coll., Ox., 21st March, 1719; B.A., 1722 ; P.C. of Horton, 1725 to death ; for 50 years Vicar of Dilhorne ; (/. 2nd Feb., 1776. [Man. Sch. Reg.. I., 74 : Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 991 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 89.] Moss, Rev. Thomas, h. Bilston \_.<. of Rev. Nathaniel Mott, Vicar [«<■<■] : ilat. New Inn Hall, Ox., 19th June, 1091 ; Vicar of Lapley, 1700. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1042.] MoTT, Rev. Nathaniel. Of New Inn Hall, Ox., 1648; Fellow, Univ. Coll., 1G49; B.A., 1st June, 1649 ; M.A., 18th Nov., 10.-.2 : Vicar of Abbot's Bromley, 1605 ; of Lapley, 1008. TBurrows, o.'JS, 5<;9 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 10-12.] MoTT, Stephen Light, b. Lamplew (Lapley), 1707; K. of John Mott; Mat, St. Mary Hall, Ox., 16th March, 1724; B.A. from Ch. Ch., 1727; M.A., 1730. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 091.] MoTT, William, b. LichBeld, 1S15 ; s. of John Mott: Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 23nl Mav, 1833: B.A., 1837 ; of Wall ; J.P.. and D.L. for Staffs.; Student of Inner Temple, 1836; (/. 1887. [Rugby Sch. Lists ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., HI., 992 ; Oliver's Pastoral Addresses to Inhabitants of Wolver- hampton, 1835.] MoTT, Rev. William Kynaston. h. Wall, 1840 : ,«. of William Mott ["?«>]: Mat. Ch. Ch., 27th Mav, 1858: B.A., 1804; M.A., 1865; Cur- ate 'of Heavitree, E.xeter, 1800—78; d. 1889. Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 992.] MooLD, Rev. John. b. Cownslow, near Cheaille, 1655 ; ?. of Michael Mould : Mat. St. Mary Hall, Ox., 7th June, 1072 ; B.A., Hart. Hall, 1076 : probablv Vicar of North Cave, Yorks., 1084. [Foster's Alumai Oxon., E.S., III., 1042.] MouLE, Thoma.'s. Bibliotheca Heraldica ilagn* Britanniie. Lnmlon, 1S22. lloy. ISvc, pp. xxiii., Iji)8. The English Counties delineated, or a Topographical Description of England. Illustrated by a Map of London, and a Complete Series of Count V Maps. Loniloii: Virtue, 1837. 4to., 2 vols. With new title. London, 1S30. Ho., 2 vols., maps coloured. [Many Staffordshire articles.] MouLTOX, Thomas William. b. Kidsgrove, 1861 ; *■. of Levi Moulton, Esq.; Mat. as a Non. Coll. Student, 21st Jan., 1882. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 994.] MocLToy, Rev. William Fiddian. b. Ballhave Street, Leek, 14th March. lS;i5 : .<>. nf R,"v. James Egan Moulton (Wesleyan Minister in Leek, 1833 — 30); <'ducated Woodhouse Grove Sch. and Wesley Coll., Shellield ; Mat. Lond. Univ., 1851 ; B!.V., 1854 ; M.A., 1856 ; Hon. D.D., Edin. Univ., 1874 ; Hon. M.A., Cam., 1877 ; Assistant Classical Tutor at Rich- mond, 1858—67; ClassicalTutor, 1868 — 74; Head Master and Governor of The Leys Sell.. Cam., since its foundation in 1874 ; Member of the Legal Hundred, 1872 : Member of the New Testament Revision Committee ; Scriptural Examiner, Lond. Univ., 1878 — 83 ; Wesleyan Minister since 1858 ; President of Conference, 181)1—92. History of the Engli.sh Bible. Lomlon. n.d. (Wii). Sm. Svo., pp. viii., 232. 2nd ed., 1SS4. 3rd ed., IfiST. Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. [Bishop Ellicotl's Commentary for English Readers. (Cassell).] A Popular Commentary on St. John's Gospel (jointly with Prof. Milligan). [Clark's International Commentary (1879. 8vo.).] ^ ^ Winer's Grammar to the New Testament in Greek. Translated and annotated by W. F. M. Introduction to Benjamin Hellier : His Life and Teaching. London, 1880. W e Preach not ourselves . . . Ordination Sermon delivered at the Methodist Conference. 1801. 8vo. [Slugg's Woodhouse Grove. 74, 114. 141, 147, 150. 1(55, 184, r.i.'i, 289, 290; Olde Leeke, 316. 317. port.; private communication from Mr. Moulton ; Men of the Time.] MoosTFORD, William, b. Staffs., 1659 ; "went early upon the stage"; "entertained for some time in the family of Lord Chancellor Jefferies "; assassinated by Lord Mohun and Captain Hill, in the year 1092 ; bur. St. Clement Danes. Injured Lovers. A Tragedy. London, 1688. 4to. Successful Strangers. Tragedy-Comedy. London, 1600. 4to. Edward the Third. A Tragedy. London, 1601. 4to. Greenwich Park. A Comedy. London. 1601. 4to. Life and Death of Dr. Faustus. A Farce. London, 1607. 4to. Zelmane. A Tragedy. London, 1705. 4to. [Cibber's Memoirs; Jones and Reed's Biog. Drama, I., 531—34 ; Pitt's Staffs., II., 119—21.1 MocNTFORT, Simon Smyth, b. Checkley, 1781 ; .«. of Simon MouutfoVt ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., nth April, 1799 ; B.A., 1803. [Foster's Alnmni Oxon., IIL, 994.] MoxoK, Rev. George, b. Wakefield : of Cam. Univ.; Lyric Poet to Sir W. Brereton ; Min- ister at St. Helen's, Lanes., until 1037, when he was expelled by Bishop Bridgraan (of Chester); went to Bristol; afterwards Pastor of Congregational Church at Astbnry, Cheshire; occupied parsonage at Astbury conjointly with Rev. J. Machin [.«/'c], preaching on alternate Sundays at Asthurv, and Rushton near Leek, till 1062 ; d. 1687." [Nonconformity in Cheshire, 155 ton.] -58 ; Head's Congle- Moxos, James. Printer, Medicine Vendor, and Distributor of Stamps. [White's Staffs. (18:«).] MncKLESTON, Rev. John. b. Lich6eld, 1801 ; s. of Rev. J. F. Muckleston. D.D. [.se/-] : Mat. Ch. Ch.. Ox., 27th Feb., 1819 ; B.A., 1822 ; P.C. of Wichnor, 1832—72 ; d. 1877. [Our Noble and Gentle Families, II.; Foster's Alumni Oxon., HI., 993.1 Muckleston, Rev. John Fletcher, b. Shrewsbury, 1704 : ». of John Muckleston ; Mat. Ch. Ch"., Ox., 17th Oct., 1782 ; B.A., 1780 : M.A., 1789 ; B.D. and D.D., 1814 ; of Merrington, Salop, which he sold : P.C. of Weeford and Hints, 1790 : Vicar of VVvbunbury, Cheshire, 1802 ; Preb. of Dernford, Lichfield, 19th March, 1790 to death : Divinity Lecturer, 1829 : Sub-Chanter, Precentor's Vicar, and Chancellor's Vicar; d. 24th Oct., 1843. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. III., 995; Harwood's Lich- field, 225 ; White's Staff., 1834, p. 87.] MUCKLESTON ( 320 ) Ml" LOCK 8 sheets with Index Sheet. MocKLESTON, Rev. Rowland, b. The Close, Lich- field, 2i)th August, 1811 ; «. of Rev. J. F. Muckleston, D.U. \_gee'] ; educated Repton Sch.; Mat. Wore. Coll., O.K., 18th Feb., 1830; Sch.. 1831—37 ; B.A.. 1833 : M.A., 1836 ; Fellow, 1837—56 : Dean and Tutor, 1839— 56 ; Vice-Provost, 18.")2 ; ^Master of the Sch., 1836 ; Public Examiner in Lit. Hum., 1847 ; Moderator, 185-t ; twice Public Examiner for the University Latin Scliolarsbips ; Rector of Dinedor, Heref., 1855 ; R.D., Hereford, 1869 —89. Bishop Tegner's Swedish Poems — 'The Frithiof Saga," and " Axel " — translated into English Verse. 1S60. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., '.lil.j.] Mdcklestose. Ordnance Plan . . liouthnmplou (1880). [See Hinchliffe (Rev. E.), Offlev (Rev. G.), Shaw (Rev. W.), Mainwaring (Rev. li.), Marshall (T. P.).] MnDFORD, William. A Critical Examination of the Writings of Richard Cumberland, Esq in Two Volumes. Loudon, 1812. Xvo. [Vol. I. contains numerous references to Dr. Johnson.] MuiRHEAD, James Patrick. The Origin and Progress of the Mechanical Inventions of James Watt. London, 1854. 8vo., 3 vols., portrait and plates. The Life of James Watt, with Selections from his Correspondence. London, 1858. 8vo., pp. oHO, portrait and woodcuts. MuLOCK, Dinah Maria, b. Longfield Cottage, Hartsbill, 1826 ; daii. of Thomas Mulock [«««] ; m., 1865, George Lillie Craik ; (/. 1887. Monument in Tewkesbury Abbey. Cola Monte; or, the Story of a Genius. London: A. Hall. 1840. 12mo. [Reduced to .S,(i, 1863.] Olive. A Novel. In Three A'olumes. London : Chap- man .(• Uall. 1850. Pt. 8vo. [Reprinted, same printers, 1850: illustrated by G. Bowers, Macmillan, 1875, cr. 8vo., pp. viii. (2 blank), 431 ; reprinted. 1888 ; cheap editions, 1881. 1882, 1883, 1880.] Alice Learmont. A Fairy Tale of Love. London : Chapman cy Hall. n.d. (1850). 12mo. [New Edition, 1851. 12mo., with Illustrations by James Godwin. A new edition, revised by the Author. London: Macmillan ij- Co. 1884. Globe 8vo'.. pp. viii., IbO, a page illustrations.] A Hero : Philip's Book. A Tale. London : Oeorge Routtedge. 1852. 12mo. [Reduced to li!, 18.i-4.] Agatha's Husband. A Xovel. In Three Volumes. London: Chapman ij- /lall. 1832. Pt. 8vo. [Reduced, 1858. With illustrations by Walter Crane, Macmillan, 1875, cr. 8vo., pp. viii. (3 blank), 420. Cheap editions, 1882, 1884. 1887.] Avillon, and other Tales. In Three Volumes. Lon- don: Smith j- Elder. 1853. Pt. 8vo. [New Edition, 1863, 12mo.] The Head of the Family. In Three Volumes. Lon- don: Chapman li- Hall. 1854. Pt. 8vo. [Reprinted, C tf. Clarke, 1862, 12mo. ; illustrated by Walter Crane, J/ac- millan. 1875, cr. Xvo., pp. viii. (3 blank). (iU2 (2 blanks) ; reprinted, 18.83; cheap editions, 1881, 1883, 18«i;, 18:iu.] The Ogilvies. A Novel. In Three Volumes. London: Chapman 4' Hall. Pt. 8vo. [Reprinted, same printers 1855; illustrated by J. McL. Ralston, .UacmiUun, 1875, cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 432; cheap editions, 188], 1882, 1884, 1888.] Little Lychetts : An Autobiography. London : Samp- son Low. 1855. Pt. 8vo. John Halifax, Gentleman. In Three Volumes. Lon- don : Hurst ^ Blacl-ett. 1856. Pt. 8vo., pp. (I.) 321, (II.) 331, (III.) 311. London, 1857, »vo., pp. ilV; London,1858, pt. 8vo. ; London, 1850, pt. 8to. Nothing New . . Two Volumes. London: Hurst i\- Blacken. 1857. Pt. 8vo., pp. .■!«(). (II,) 31.6. A Brave Lady . . London : Hurst 4' Blackett. n.d. Cr. 8to., pp. 35. Mistre.ss and Maid. In Two Volumes. London : Hurst <(• Blackett. 1857. Pt. 8ro. London, 1861, pt. 8vi). Bread ujion the Waters : A Governess's Life. New Edition. London : Madden. 1850. 12mo. Romantic Tales, including Avillon. London: Smith 4 Elder. i.S.59. Pt. 8vo. Leipzig: Tanchnitz. 1861. I2nio., pp. 3(J0. Woman's Thoughts on Women. London : llnrst ij' Blackett. 1850. Pt. 8vo. New ed., London, 1850. Domestic Stories. Loudon : Smith, Elder, ^ Co. 1850. 12mo. Our Year: A Child's Book. In Prose and Verse. Illustrated by Cl.irenco Dobell, Camhridi/e : Macmillan 4 Co. MDCtJCLX. Super Roy, 12mo., pp. vi., 313. 13 pp. of Illustrations. Studies from Life . . London: Hurst i^ Blackett. 1861. Cr. 8vo., pp. 33(i. Poems. [Vignette by B. Foster and J. Saddler.] London : Hurst cj* Blackett. n.d. Cr. 8vo., pjj. x., 32 1. The Fairy Book. The Best Pojnilar Fairy Stories, selected and rendereil anew, by Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." [Vignette] I^ondon and Cambrid/fe : Mac- millan 4 Co. 1863. Pott 8vo., pp. xi.. 3ii8, ( .IpnI. 1863.) Reprinted, Juh/, 1863. Ditto, with slight alterations, 1868, 1873, 1878, 1882. Golden Treasury Series, with Coloured Illustrations by J. E. Rogers, 1870' Cr. 8vo., pp. xii., 31)8. Ten Illustrations. Reprinted (very slightly altered), 1871, 1,S74. ISSO. Fair France. Impressions of a Traveller . . London : Hurst iSi Blackett. 1871. 8vo., pp, 313, Songs of Our Youth. Set to Music. London : Pub- lished by Dalhy. Ishister, i(- Co. 1875. 4to,, pp, vi,, "M. [Transferred to Macmillan & Co., 1880.] The Little Lame Prince and His Travelling Cloak. A Parable for Young and Old . . . With Twenty-four Illustrations, by J. McL. Ralston. London : Dalby, Isbister, if Co. 1875. Cr. 8vo., pp. Hi!). New ed., /■.ohJoh: Macmillan 4' Co. 1886. Cr, 8vo., pp, viii,, 170, Frontis, A French Country Family, By Madame De Witt, nee Gui/.ot. Translated by. Alexander Strahan, London, 1867. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 3IH!. Thirty Years. Being Poems, New and Old. London : Macmillan 4 Co 1880. Pt. 8vo., pp. xiv., 412. 2nd ed., 1881. fcp. 8vo. Incorporated in '• Poems," 1888. The Adventures of a Brownie, as told to my child. [Vignette.] Illustrated by Mrs, AUinglmm, New ed., London: Macmillan 4' Co. 1881. Globe 8vo., pp. viii., 137. Six Illustrations. Children's Poetry. London ; same imprint. ISSl. fcp. 8vo.. pp. viii., 22li. Reprinted, 1882. Little Sun,shine's Holiday. A Picture from Life. New ed., London : same imprint. 1881. Globe 8vo.. pp. viii., 278. Sermons out of Church. London : same imprint. 1881. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 208. Reprinted, 1884. Two Marriages. *' Hearken, sou — I'll tell tbee of two fathers." New ed., London : same imprint. 1881. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii. [Transferred to Macmillan & Co., 1881.] Reprinted, 1882 Globe 8vo.. 1884, 1880. My Mother and I: A Girl's Story. New ed.. with Eight Illustrations bv Ralston. London : Macmillan 4' Co. 1882. Cr, 8vo., pp. viii. (2 blanks), 318. Eight Illus- trations. (Printed 1881, dated 1882.) Re()rinteil, 1888. Miss Tommy. A Mediaaval Romance. London: same imprint. 1884. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., I'.l.'i. Printed, .iugust, 1884 i Reprinted, September and December. 1884, ami, with Illustrations, May, 1885, and 1886 (Macmillan's Colonial Library). An Unsentimental Journey through Cornwall. With Illustration by C. Napier Hemy. London : same imprint. 1884. Medium 4to.. pp. xii., 148. 12 page Illustrations. About Money and Other Things. A Gift Book. London : same imprint. 1886. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., '253. [Macmillan's Colonial Library (1887).] King Arthur not a Love Story. [Macmillan's Colonial Library.] Concerning Men, and Other Papers. London : same imprint. 1888. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 200. Think on These Things. A Sermon preached by the Rev. Henry F. Wolley, Vicar of St. Mary's, Shorthands. Preached at St. Mary's, on Sunday, Oct., "lOth, 1887. In Memoriam, Mrs. Craik. London: same imprint. 1887. 8vo., pp. 12. Mea2 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 10-46.] MussELWHiTB, Rev. Edward. Curate of Child's Ercall. Salop, 18,58— 60; Acton Trussell-w.- Bednall, I860 — 63; in charge of Messing, near Kelvedon, Essex, 1866 ; of Great Clacton, Essex, D^68 — 69; other Curacies to 1878; Rector of Salcott-w.-Salcott Virley, Kelvedon, Essex, 1878. The Collects for the Christian Tear, with .Scriptural Passages from Holv Scripture adapted for Weekly Medi- tation. London: Hunt if Co. 1865. [On Sheets attached to Rollers.] Mynors. Pedigree. [Shaw, I., 117; Harl. MSS. ; Brit, Mus., 1077, 101.] Mynors, Edward, b. Uttoxeter, 1596 ; s. of Walter Mynors, Esq.; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 6tU April, 1613 ; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 1614. [Inns of Court Reg. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., XIL, 1049.] NAISH ( 323 ) NARES N Naisii, . Pedigree of the Capper Family of Riigeley. By Naish and Capper. Nall, (jJporgp. Printer, Leek : sometime part- ner witli Mr. Bemrn.se at Derby ; came to Leek from l?akewell, Derbys., 1828 ; com- menced business in Spout Street, alterwnrds in the Sheep Market ; took his son, Kobi-rt Nail [.d Eceleshall Gr. Sch., at Eagle House, Wimliledon, and at Winchester Coll. ; Mat. New Coll., Ox., 14th Oct., 1870; Scholar, 1H70— 75 ; B.A.. 1875; Fellow, St. John's Coll., 187(5—87 ; M.A., 1877; B.D., 1881 ; Lecturer, 1877 ; Tutor, 1878— 8G ; Uean of Divinity, 1885 ; Rector of Poistead, Suffolk, 1886 ; m. Mary Ethel Ball. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., ] Nangreave, Riciiard. ,*. of Richard Nangreave, of Bury and of Walmesley, Lanes., and Ann Warinj,', his wife ; educated Man. Gr. Sch. ; of Netiierton Hall, Frodsham, Cheshire ; after- wards of Pipe Hall, where he (/., unmarried, and Whs buried in Lichfield Cathedral. [Man. Sch. Reg., III., 217.] Napier, Sir Charles J. Letter to Sir Robert Peel. London, 1S41. 8vo. Nares, Veu. Robert, b. York, 1 75:^. ; .«. of Dr. James Nares ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 30th May, 1771 ; B.A., 1775 ; M.A., 1778; Vicar of Easton Maudit, Northants., 1782 ; of Great Doddington, 1784 ; Usher, Westinr. Sch., 1786 — 88 ; Preacher, Lincoln's Inn, 1788 — 1803; Assistant Librarian, Brit. Mns., 1795 ; Librarian, MS. Department, until 1807 ; Rector of Sharnford, Leics., 17'.)K_ 99; Preb. of St. Paul'.s, 1798 : Canon Resi- dentiary and Preb. of Flixton, LichH.^ld, 1798 ; Preb. of OHley. 1799 ; Vicar of Dalby, Derbys. ; of St. ;Mary's, Reading, 1805 — 18 ; Rector of .Ml Hallows, London Wall. 1818 to death ; Archd. of Stafford, 1801 to death ; F.S.A., 1795: F.R.S., 1794; Vice-Presi- dent of Linnean Soc, 1823 ; projected The Br/iish Clitic; sold his interest, 1812; d. 23rd March, 1829. On the Demon of Socrates. London, 1ST2. 8vo. Discourses. Preached Ijefore the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn. London, 1704. Svo. Elements of Orthoepy. London, 1784. «vo., pp. xxvi., 372. Reprinted as Elements of English Language. Principles of Government, deduced from Reason, &c. London. 171)2. Svo., pp. xviii,, Ifjd. Remarks on the favourite Ballad of Cupid and Psyche. With an .Vccoiint of the Pantomime of the Antients. London. 17 — I8t3. 8vo., 1(14 vols., in Four Series, viz. :— (1) 17'.m— ISl.l [in 1812 Nares sold his interest, but continued to con- tribute to his death]; 12) Jan.. 1814 — Jan., I82.i; (3) Oct., 182.i— Oct., I82ii; and (4| Jan.. 1837— Dec, 1843. Article on Archd. Nares, by Rev. Sydney Smith. [Edinburgh Review, Iv.. 271 — .'So.'i, reprinted in Smith's Works, 4th ed., 3 vols. 1848. And again in 1 vol. Svo. 1840. Sermons on Faith, &c. . . . By the Very Rev. William Vincent, D.D., late Dean of Westminster. With a Life of the Author, by R. N. London, 1816. Svo. Lectures on the Church Catechism. By Dr. Punlay Edited by R. X. Wrcte Preface to, and assisted to complete — Brydes's Northamptonshire. The General Biographicil Dictionary. Revised and enlarged by R. N., Tooke, and Beloe. HarleUm Manuscript Catalogue. Vol. III. Prepared by R. N. Dr. N.ares was a frequent contributor to — Oent.'s Mag.; Classical ./onr. Obituary. [A'eic Con. Afar/. (1829), 212.] [Foster's .\lumni O.xon.. HI., l(io7 ; Alumni West., 33.1 ; Harwoocl's Lichfield. 212. 2:io, 238; Hutchinson's Stoke. 87 ; National Portrait Gallerv, Vol. II., port.; Ch. Oliserrer (18(P,i), 255, (1810) .■)lti, ("l814) .">I!I. (March, 181ii) U817) 4(ii). (1823) :,'.n ; ABecket's Biog. Diet., HI., 207, 208 ; Monthly Mag. ( I8UII) ; Gorton's Biog. Diet., III., article on Nares in App. ; »e< Cotterill (Rev. T.).] NASH ( 32+ ) NEED WOOD Nash, Rev. John. B.A., Ox. Univ.; incorpora- ted at Cam. Univ., 1693; MA., Trin. Coll., l(il);^ ; probatily the same who was Vicar of Seighford, 1(171 ; and Canon and Preb. of Pipa i'arva, Lichfield, 1G82— 95. [Foster's Alumni Oxoii., E.S., III., 10.i2; Harwood's Lichfield, 243.] N.vsn, Selirisht. h. Kinsjswinfnrd, 1()2G ; •<. of Riih.ird Nash : Mat. New Inn Hall, 0.x., 2nd April, UUl : created B.A., Balli.il Coll., 2nd Nov., 1G47 ; Student, Gray's Inn, 1647. [Gray's Inn Reg.; Burrows, -179 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1053.] Nayleii, Joseph. /». Tipton, 20th May, 1820; «. of Edward Nayh-r and Mary his wife ; edu- cated by Rev. G.'W. White, M.A., Darlaston, J. P., Starts., April, 1883 ; m. 184<), at Upper Gonial, Hannah Jane Cartwri^ht, of Walsall. Mr. Nayler has the following Portraits : — James Bagnall, Ironmaster, West Bromwich. Painter unknown. .John Barker, of Wolverhampton. Painter unknown. William D.iwes, West Brommch. Published by T. Milland. ^tourbridfje. G. B. Thomeycroft, Wolverhampton. Published by T. MUland, Stourbridge. James Foster, Ironmaster. Published by T. Milland, Stourbridge. Naylrr, Rev. William. Wesleyan Minister, 1802 — 68 ; was often in Staffordshire, where very many of his publications were issued ; d. 18G8. The Touchstone Touched. Gainsborough. 1S05. 12mo., pp. I •-'•J. The Visions of Sapience. Reply to a Malignant Attack on Methodism by J. Douglas. Leeds, 1815. 8vo., pp. (iO. A Sermon on the Death of Princess Charlotte, i'ort, 1817. Sv-o.. pp. 20. The Duty of Christians to Unconverted Relations. York. 1818. 8vo., pp. 28. The Necessity of Moral Reform. Loudon, 1832. Xvo., pp. -24. Bereaved Relations Comforted, &c. Loudon, 1832. 8vo., pp. 30. Miscellaneous Musings. Poems. London, 1835. r2mo., pp. 80. Compassion to Backsliders. London. 1835. 12mo., pp. 24. A Centenary Sermon at Deptford. London, 1839. 8vo., pp. 39. Christ Remembered in this Ordinance. London, 1841. 8vo., pp. 23. God's Displeasure against Sin. Bradford, 1846. 12mo., pp. IB. The Respon.^ibility of Parents in Baptism. London, n.d. 12mo., pp. 12. Hymns for Personal, Domestic, and Social Worship. Manchester, 1850. 12mo., pp. 84. The Church of Christ Exhorted to Diligence. Man- chester, u.d. 12mo., pp. 16. Sermon on Zeph. iii. 16. [Sermons by Wesleyan Ministers (1857).] Selections from a Minister's Manuscripts. llVJnfs- buri/, 1854. 12mo., pp. 328. Manifestations of the Presence of God. Printed by C. Britten, [i'ednesbury. 1857. 8vo.. pp. 24.' Children presented to Christ. Birmingham (Wednes- bury). n.d. I2mo., pp. 24. The Limitations of Human Life. A Sermon preached on the Day the Author attained the Age of Fourscore Years, May 8th, 1862. (Wednesbury.) 8vo., pp. 16. The Faithful and Wise Servant. (Wednesbury), 1862. 8vo., pp. 12. A Sermon on the Death of Prince Consort. Wednes- bury. n.d. 3rd ed., 1862. 8vo., pp. 24. A Sermon preached at the .Jubilee of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, Oct. 5th, 1863. London. 8vo., pp. 34. The Faded Leaf . . Wednesbury. 3rd ed., 12mo., pp. 16. Early Piety. A Sermon. Wedne.^bury. 3rd ed., 12mo. pp. 16. The Friend of Many Years. A Memorial of Mr. Thomas Simpson, of Armlev, near Leeds. Wednesbury. 1864. 12mo., pp. 56. Invitation to a Perpetual Covenant. Wednesbury, 186G. 12mo., pp. 16. Old Sarah. London. 32mo., pp. 46. Young Elizabeth. London. 32mo., pp. 30. Neale, Rev. John Mason, D.D. d. 1866. A Mirror of Faith. Bv Rev. J. M. Xeale and John Thomas Walters. Rugeley: J. T. Wallers. 1845. 12mo. Neale, Jnlm Preston. YieHs of the Seats of the Gentry and Nobility of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. London. 1818 — 23. Two Series. 11 vols., roy. 8vo., containing 792 ]^lates. Published in 132 parts, containing (i plates each. Large Paper, roy. 4to., with Proofs on India Pa])er. [.Several Staffordshire Hou.ses in Yol. lY. ] Nkale {or Neyle), Most Rev. Richard, b. King Street, Westminster, March, 1561 ; s. of a tallow chandler ; educated Westmr. Sch. ; of St. John's Coll., Cam. : B.A., 1583 ; M.A., 1587; B.D., 1505; D.D., 1600; incorporated Ox. Univ., 1.5th July, IGOO ; Master of Savoy, 1G05 ; Dean of Westmr., 1605 : Clerk to the Closet to James I. and Charles I. ; Vicar of Cheshunt, Herts., 1590 — 1605 ; Rector of Teddington, Beds., 1598; Canon, 1604, and Treasurer of Chichester, 1598 ; Rector of Souihtleet, Kent, 1G08 ; of Clifton Camp- ville, 1C12 ; of Droxford. Herts., 1G28 ; Vicar of Hambleton, 1629, and Rector of Bishop's Waltham, Herts., 1631 ; Bp. of Rochester, 1608 ; Lichfield, 1610 ; Lincoln, 1614 ; Dur- ham, 1617; Winchester, 1628; Arehbp. of York, 1631 to death; t/. 31st Oct., 1640: bur. York Minster. Alter Ecebolius M. A. de Dominis Arch. Spalatensis pluribus Dominis inservirt doctus . . . Printed by J. Biliius, Londoni, 1624. 4to. Articles to be inquired of, in the Metropoliticall Visi- tation of . . . Richard . . . Archbishop of York. 1633. 4to. A Vindication [in Verse] of the late -•Vrchbishop of York . . . London, 1647. 4to. Neale, Rev. Thomas, M.A. Candid Notes : Religious and Moral. Designed to Amuse the Mind and to Amend the Heart. Itugelev: John Thomas Walters. 1817. 12mo. An Improved ISdition. Rugeley; same imprint. 8vo., pp. xv., 260. Nedham (or Needham), Robert, b. 1587 ; «. of Sir Robert Nedham (Viscount Kilmorev, 18th April, 1625) ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 17th Feb.. 1603; M.P., Newcastle, 1614—20; 2nd Viscount Kilmorev ; d. Dutton, Cheshire, 12th Sept., 1G53. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., III., 1055 ; Ingamells' Newcastle, 44.] Needwood Forest. Case of Rupert Browne respecting the Grant of Charles II. of Needwood, 1690, Ac. Needwood Forest, A Poem. [See Mundy (F. C. N.).] Walks in a Forest. {See Gisborne (Rev. T.).] Proposals to enclose Needwood Forest. 1778. Proposals of the Officers of the Duchy of Lanca.ster for the Division of Needwood Forest. 1778. Case of the Gentlemen Freeholders and others who have rights of Common in the Forest or Chase of Need- wood, in the County of Stafford. (1778). fol., half sheet. NEILD (325) NEWBOLD Heads of a Bill to Enclose Needwood Forest, Aug., 1779. View of Needwood Forest, by Miss H. Sneyd, engraved by J. Landseer, private plate. History of Needwood Forest. fShaw, I., 00 — 70.] Particulars of '* N. F. in com' Staff." with a view to its being dis-altorested. [Bodl. Lib., 1148, xi., 273; we also 850, 219.] Opening of Christ Church. [Ch. Observer (1809), 348, 349.] [Drayton's Polyolbion, Song xiii.; Gongh's Camden, II., 377: Harl. MS., 71 and .i68; Marshall's Rural Econo- my of Mid. Counties, II., 3.i9 ; Memoir of Amos Green. ( Fori. 1S23), pp. 123—97, 223—20 ; Mary Howitt's Wood Leighton, I.] Neii.d, James. State of the Prisons in England. Scotland, and Wales. London, 1812. 4to. Nelson, Horatio. Isf. Lord. The Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton with a Supplement of interesting Letters by distinguished Person- ages, in Two Volumes. Lontlon, 1814. 8to. [In Supple- ment are letters by Earl St. Vincent.] Nendbick, — . Ye Joust of St. Peter's. A Record in Rhyme, by Venial Vidimus Vicissitude. ( Wolverhampton), 1860. Ness, John. /*. Knowlo, Rowley Regis, 1802 ; d. 18.')0. 47.] Obituary by John Hipwell. [/'. .^f. .Vug., 1850, f>\i) — Neve, Rev. Charles, b. Willenhall, 9th July, 1766 : s. (if Rev. Titus Neve \_iyith . . Tables . . calendereil by himself . . . for the correction of Chronometers [Trans. Liv. Lit. <(• Phil. Soc. (187.')— 7(5) ] ; Account of the Keeling or Cocos Islands in the Indian Ocean [ib. (1877 — 78)] ; On Modern Meteorology, considered with its bearings on Tropical Storms [I'A (1878 — 79J] ; Obser- vations at Melbourne Observatory, of Stars, .Jupiter and Saturn . . [i4. (1889— 81)] ; Notes on the Abnonnally High Barometer Pressure recorded in January. 1882 [i6. (1881—82)]. A New Needleholder for Vaginal Operations [Lancet (1885)]: On the frequent Association between Heart Disease and Lesion of the Pelvic Viscera in Women [Rou. Med. and Chir. Gazette (1889)] New, Rev. J., Birmingham. Compassion for Sinners. A Circular Letter written bv the Rev. J. N., and adopted by the Members of the Mid- land Assocuition of Baptist Churches, held at Wolver- hampton, 1850. Wolverhampton : Printed by G. W. Johnson. 8vo., pp. 8. Newheuuv, Rev. Francis. New Connexion Minister; at Haulev, 1816—17, 1830—32: Lane End, 1827—28. Irish Missionary Meeting, etc. [S'eic Con. Mag. (1829). 42, 43].- Notice of' M;iry Hurlev, of Gornal [(1842) 235. 23i)] ; Obituary of Mrs. Ruth iJevon, of Lower Gornal [313-14]. Newbold. History of [Shaw, I., 92—94]. NEWBOLD ( 32(; ) NEWELL I Newbold, George, h. Callingwoml, 27111 April, 1)^27 ; (/. Burton, Htli Dec, 1851. ObiHiary. By W. Whittingh:im. [P. .1/. .1%. (18.V>), ■263, -254.] Newbolt, Francis George. b. Bilstim, 21st Nov., 1S(>3 ; 6'. of Rev. Henry Francis Newbolt [see]: educate(K'liltonColl.,"lS76 — 83 ; Mat. Balliol Coll., O.x., KUli Oct., 181S3 ; B.A.. 1887; M.A., ISDO; F.O.S., l«lll ; Barrii-ter- at-Law, Inner Temple, 181H). [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 11)14. J Newbolt, Hev. Henry Francis ; b. Stepney, 30th June, 1824 ; s. of Capt. CliarU-s Newbolt, B.N.; educated Kov. Naval Sch. ; of St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1849 ; M.A., 1851 ; Curate of Holy Trinity, Maiilstone ; of St. Matthew's, Walsall ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Bilston, I860 to death ; m., 18(J0, Emdy, dau. of George Bradnock Cjtublis, Esq., of Walsall ; d. 24th May, 1806. A .Seimon, Preached in St. Matthew's Cliurcb, Walsall, on Siiiulay, Feb. !ltb, 1»IW. Walsall: Friuted hi/ ,/. R. Robinsun. IStJO. Svo., p[). 16. A Sermon on the Fatal Accident at Millfield, Bili-ton, reached ... on Sunday, April '2uth, 180*2, Bivmiiit/- am : M. Biliiii!/. n.tl. (ISSJ). Svo., pp. 8. Quiet Sunset. A Brief Memoir of the Rev. H. F. Newbolt, Vicar of St. Mary's, Bilstou. Wnlmll: ./. R. Robinson. iiSyC. 8vo., pp. 18. Newbolt, Henry John. b. Bilston, Otii June, 18ti2 ; s. of Bev. Henry Francis Newbolt [sf«]; educated Clifton Coll., 1876 — 81 ; Mat. Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., 27th Oct., 1881 ; Scholar, 1881—85 ; B.A., 1885 ; M.A., 1888 ; Bar- rister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1887. A Fair Death. A Poem. Walsall : W. //. Robinson. II. rf. (IUSS). fcp. 8vo., pp. 21. 'I'akeu from the Enemy. A Novel. London : Ckatto ij" Windns. 1SU2. 8vo., pp. 170. [Foster's Alumni Uxou., III., 1014.] Newborocgh, Staffs. History of [Shaw, I., !I2— ill.] Newcastle-UN DEn-LvME. A Statement of Facts connected with the Proceedings before the Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to try the Merits of the Petition complaining of the last Ileturn'for Newcastle-under-Lyme. London, n.d, (1803). 8vo., pp. 48. Ordnance Plan of the Parish of Newcastle-under- Lyme. 2 Sheets. Soidhamplon (1878). Ditto. 29 Sheets and Index Sheet. Southampton (1870). A Map of the Country round Liverpool and Manchester, including Preston, Leeds, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 1823. Map of the Staffordshire Potteries and Newcastle. By T. Hargreaves. 4 Sheets. BursUm, 1832. The Potteries and Neighbourhood (from Ordn.ance Survey). By .1. Bartholomew. London (1870). Report "of Conference of Various Denominations in the Potteries and Newcastle, held in the Baptist Chapel, Hanley, 9th March, 1829. [A'e«' Ton. J/ajr. (1S29),216— 18.] Act for Repairing and Improving the Road from Newcastle-under-Lyme to Leek . . . 21st March, 1828. fol., pp. 9 ; of Roaci to Blythe Bridge, 23rd May, 1823, fol, pp. 21 ; of Road to Derby, 1759, fol. ; to amend same, 1762, fol. ; for making and maintaining Canal from Stoke to . . . 1794, fol. ; for repairing and widening Road from N. to Hassop, &c., 17(i4. fol. : to enlarge the above, 1772. fol. : to still further enlarge. 1792. fol. A Writ of Privy Seal of John, Duke of Lancaster, allowing certain hereditary customs relative to the min- strels and bear baiting at" the fair of Newcastle-under- Lyme, to Will, de Brompton and Margery, his wife, 2(ith Nov., 40 Edw. III. [Bodl, Lib., «3.3, p. 41, Art. 6: 1137, i I36a.] Monuments at Newcastle. [Ih., 853, 40A.J Translation of Charters of Q. Eliz., Car. II., and James II., to the Borough of Newcastle [/Jfiics J. Gritliths], with Decrees of the Customs of the Copyhold Manor of same [ilace. [Salt Lib., and penes t'ompiler.] [Jewitt's Ceramic .-Vrt. 1., 97, 29li : 11., 97, 2;!2, 2.16, 247, .-126, 327. 432, 433 : Jewitt's Wedgwood, 14. 311. 4ii, 49, 71,107: /^c/f'/., I.. 72 ; Kranr/ Mat/., X... -iX ; Newcoine's Autobiography; Nonconformity in Cheshire (18641,210, 211,2:16.] Report of Auxiliary Bible Meeting. [(V(. Observer (I812), 8;-|9.] History of. [.Sec Ingamells (J.), Bate ( — ), Feutou (R.). Wedgwood (H.).] [Hee Palmer (Rev. C. F.), Burge.sses, Heathcotc (Sir J. E.), Chetwode (Sir «.). Bayley (T.) (J.) (J., Printer) (Rev. J.). Simms (R.|, .Sims (Dr. J.). Swann (Dr. J.), Crewe (F.) (C), Hickson (C), Peake (T.), Broad (Rev. J. S.). Wright (Rev.). Blunt (Rev. J.) (Prof. J. J.), Ve.ale (Rev. H.), Leigh (Rev. C). Hassells (Rev. G. S.), Francis (Rev. W,). Horton ( Hev. Dr.), Leech (A.). Fenton (R.), Dutton (W. H.). '■ .\ Man of Many Ways," Allen ( W. .S.), Chesters (C), Mort (J. 1). i. Dilworth ( D. ). Dihvorth iK.), Bagguley (G. T.). SinitluJ.), Smith A- Hyde, Hyde (W H.), Hyde & Crewe, Parsons (R.), Pye (W.). Hulse (J.), Mar- tendale (Rev. M.), Crowther (Re'v. J.). Newton (Rev. S.), Orton (C), Yates (J.). Hallam (W. H.), Hatton (G. S.), Fox (Wilson), Godwin (.loseph) (.lobni, Harrison (Major- Gen.), Bradsbasv (President), Kymiersley (T. C. S.), Dwarris (Sir F.), Caldwell (J.), Harding (S.). Astley (P.), Sleigh (Rev. T.), Evans (Rev. J.), Dawson (G. T Cr'osbie), Beeby (Rev. W. M.). Mellor (Rev. J.), Rhead (W.), Meadowcroft (J.), Bayley Bros., The Gowersand Levesons. Wilbraham (E. B.). Pitcbford (Rev. J. W.). Jones (Rev.), Macdonald (Sir A.), Hay (Sir J.). Mainwaring (E.), Lloyd (W. Watkins), Staffordshire Newspaper and Publishing Co., Barker (Rev. J), Hole (W. G.), Cotterill (Rev. T., Unitarian) (Isaac), Mayer (J.), Massey (E.), Buckler (J.C.).] Newcii.\pkl. [Jewitt's Wedgwood, 71 ; see Foster (Rev. T.).] Newcome, Rev. Henry. Letter to Ashmole, from his •* affectionate brother, H. Newcome" (Manchester. 11th Feb., 167§). [Bodl. Lib., 27SS, f. 143a.] Newoig.^te, Francis. b. Keele, 1774 ; ,«. of Francis Newditute, and Frances Sneyd, his wife ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 28th Nov., 1795 ; of Kirk Hallam, Derbys. ; 7n., 25th April, 1820, Lady Barbara Maria Legge, 'lau. of George, 3rd Earl of iJartmoutb ; (/. 21st May, 1862. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 101.'); Burke's Landed Gentry (1847).] Newdioate, Sir Richard, Bart. h. Erdisbury, Warws., 1602 ; .»■. of Sir John Newdigate, Kilt.; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 6th Nov., I(il8 ; Bairister-at-Law, Gray's Inn, 162s ; Benclier, 1650: Serjeaut-at-Law, 1654; Judge, 1654 — 55, 1656 ; Chief Justice of tbe Upper Bench, 165!) ; M.l'., 'J'aniworth, 1660 ; created a Baronet, 24th July, 1677 ; m., 1631, Juliana, duu. of Sir Francis Leigh, K.B. ; d. 14th Oct., 1678. Sir Richard, in 1674, purchased back the Estates of his ancestors at Haretield and Moor Hall, Middlesex, and also the Manor of Astley. [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I., Ixxx. ; Foster's Alum- ni Oxon., E.S., III., 1060 ; ditto, Judges and Barristers; Burke's Landed Gentry (1817).] Newell, John. b. Lichfield, 1688 ; s. of Jolin Newell ; Mat. Cli. Cli., Ox., 20th June, 1705 ; B.C.L., 1712. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1060.] NEWELL (327) NEWNHAM Newkll, Rev. Robert, M.A., Cam. ; incor- porated Ox. Univ., ICth July, HJOd ; B.l). ; Chp. to Bp. Neile ; Rector of Worniby, Herts., 1599—1610 ; Vicar of Cheslmnt, Herts., 1600— 10; Rector of Islip, Oxon., IGIO; Canon and Treasurer of Ciiichester, l(!l(t ; Canon, 1611. and Preb. of Colwicli, Liclifield, 1st Nov., 161?> to deatli ; Prel). of Pipa Parva, Lichfield, ISth March, 1610-1:5; Canon and Snb-Di-an of Lincoln, 1614; Rector of Ciotliall, Herts., 1617: Archd. of Bucks., 1617; Canon of Westnir., 1620 ; Rector of North Crawler, Bucks., 16;}1 ; Preb. of iJur- ham, 1620; d. 1643. [Wood's Fasti, I.. 289; Lansd. MS..0S5.f. 48 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., HMJl ; Harwood's Lichfield, '221, 222, 243.] Nkwey, Rev. John. b. Kynfare (Kiiivcr), 1664 ; s. of Rev. Jouathiin Ncwcy ; Mat. Penib. Coll., Ox., 2;'>rd March, 1682 ; B.A., 1686; M.A., 1689 ; D.D., Lambeth, i:3th Feb., 1728 ; Vicar of Wombourn, 169:3 : Rector of St. Ewe, Cornwall, 1696 ; of Itcben Abbotts, Hants., 1714 ; of Avington, Hants.. 1727 to death. Newev, Rev. Jonathan, of Kinfare. " A little man but a brave one" [Kinver Cb. Reg.]: bad a wife named Mary. " a great benefactor to the poor of Kinver" ; jointly tbey gave a large silver chalice to Kinver Church, on which is engraved " J. N. M." [Private information per the Rev. John Hodgson. M.A..] Sir, — Being requested by Mr. Illingworth to give you [Rev. S. Ford] an account of what I am able to say con- cerning John Dancalf, I apprehend the best way is by a bare and brief Narrative of that discourse that passed be- tween us whilst I was with him. If there is anything worth your cognizance you may make use of it as you please. Our Discourse was as followeth : — [Narrative printed at end of Ford's Judgments of God (1G78), occu- pying h leaves. Signed "Jonathan Jsewey, Kinfare. Aug. 17th, 11)77." .See Ford (Kev. S.), Illingworth (Rev. J., D.D.J.] Nkwh.voh, William. Preb. of Ulvcton, Lich- field, 16th Dec, 1:367-98 ; of Dasset Parva, 16th May, 141:3-23 ; Archd. of Chester, 10th July, 1390—1410 ; Vicar General of Lichfield,"l420. [Harwood's Lichfield, 189, 2115, 22G, 239.] Newitt, William Edward, b. Bradden,Northants., 24th Oct., 1847 ; ••*. of John Cox Newitt, and Mary, his wife ; educated Great Houghton, Northants. ; Partner in Firm of Barford & Newitt, Printers, Queen Street, Wolver- hampton, since 1869 ; Secretary to Cam. Local Examinations, Wolverhampton Centre ; m. Emma Rose. [For Printings, References, &c.. tee Barford & Newitt.] Newlixo, Rev. Charles, h. Montford, Salop, 1728 ; s. of Rev. Adam Newling, Vicar of Montford and Shrawardine and Rector of Fitz. Salop ; educated Shrewsbury Gr. Sch., 1739 ; of St. John's Coll., Cam. ; Fellow ; B.A., 1747 : M.A., 1751 ; Head Master, Shrewsbury Gr. Sch., 3rd Oct., 1734 — 72 ; Preb. of Taehbrook, Lichfield, and Rector of St. Philip's. Birniingliam, Aug.. 1770 to death ; Treasurer of Lichfield, 1770—87; d. 1787. [Harwood's Lichfield, 203; Hist. Shrewsbury Sch.. 128— .30.] Newlin'g. Rev. John. B.D. Rector of Ditcbing- ton, Norfolk, 18(i2 : Preb. of Wellington, Lichfield, Oct., 1802—22 ; Canon Residentiary and Prel). of Hansacre and Freeford, 18o7. Two Half-Bound Books in folio, and Five others in covers, of Collections by the Rev. Canon Newling, princi- pally relating to Staffordshire and Shropshire. [Salt Lib.] [Harwood's Lichfield, 2.^)4 ; White'sStaffs. (1834), 87.] Newman, John Henry, Cardinal. Letter on Sir Robert Peel's Speech at Tamworth. London : Mortimer, n.d. (1820). 8vo. Letter to the Bishop of Oxford (Bagot) on Tract No. 90. Oxford, 1841. 8vo. Lives of the Ent^lish Saints. London : Toovey. 1844. 12mo., 14 vols. [Vol. 4 contains Life of St. Bettelin of Stafford, pp. .56—72.] On Secular Knowledge in contrast with Religion, in reply to Sii Robert Peel. [Discussions and Arguments on various subjects. London, 1872:] Newm.\n, Rev. William Abiah. b. St. Pancras, London, 1811 ; s. of James Newman ; Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1888 ; M.A., 1842 ; admitted ad enndem Ox. Univ., 10th July, 1847 ; incorporated Trin. Coll., Ox., 30th May, 1855; B.D. and D.D., 7th June, 18.55"; Curate of St. George's, Wolverhampton, 1840 — 54 ; of the Collegiate Church, Wolverhamp- ton, 1854 : Chap, to the Wolverhampton General Hospital : Dean of Cape Town, South Africa ; d. 7th Feb., 1 864. The Martyrs, The Dreams and other Poems. Wolver- hampton : William Parke. 1847. 12mo., pp. 340. The Gospel of Christ, the power of God unto Salvation exemplified in the writings of the -\postle Paul. Wolcer- hamplon: T Simpson. 1848. 12mo.. pp 24^(t; M.A. and M.B., Cam.. 1H88 ; M. Brit. Mi'i). Association ; F. Obstel. Soc, London ; Assistant I'livsician-Accouclicur to the Bristol General Hospital. Case of Acute Chorea treateii by Massage [Lancet (1883)]; Rupture of the .Esophagus [i4. (1884)]; Suicidal Wound of Heart [Bril. Med. Jour. (1888)]. Newport, Rev. Gregory. Rector of Elford ; Chancellor of Lichfield, 1421 : Preb. of Dassett Parva, HiC— 83 ; of Flixton, 1443 — 51! ; Archd. of iSalop, 1433—56 ; d., 145(j. [Harwooil's Lichfield, 190, 21.5, 22(i, 229.] Newport, James, Lichfield. Arms and Family. [Bodl. Lib., 1121, 2.38.] Newport, William de. Preb. of Longdon, Lich- field, 29th May, 1411—36: Dean of Tarn- worth, 13th May, 1434—36 ; (/. 1436. [Harwood's Lichfield, 23G ; Palmer's Tamworth, 218.] Newport, Sir William, Knt. Master of the Guild, LichSeld ; lived in large house (after- wards occupied by Sir F. S. Darwin) in Tamworth Street, Lichfield. Arms. [Bodl. Lib.. 1137, 131.] [Short History of Lichfield, 1819, 152.] Newton, Andretv. /). 1729 ; wine merchant of Lichfield ; brother to Bishop Newton ; erected 1803, buildings for 20 widows or unmarried daughters of Clergymen, they having not more than £30 income, which he endowed with £20,000, and a further sum of £20,000 by Will ; gave his books to Cathedi'al Library ; d. 14th Jan., 1806 ; bur. Lichfield Cathedral, where is a monument by R. Westmacott, Sculptor, 1808. [Harwood's Lichfield, 293 ; Short HLstory of City of Lichfield (1819), 118, 131; Short Account of Lichfield Cathedral (1823), G(l.] Newton, Rev. David, b. Brierley Hill, 1842 ; Primitive Methodist Minister, 1865 to death ; m. Priscilla, dau. of Rev. James Jackson ; d., Rockland, Norfolk, 2nd Jan., 1879. John Kent ; or. True to Principle. Rhoda ; or, A Gipsy Girl's Mission of Love. The Queen of Humanita. Coster Jack ; or. No Business done at this Shop on Sundays. Adeline Mavfair ; or, The Sister that was Faithful and True. [/'. M. Slag. (Jan.— June, 1872).] Memoir. Bv Rev. James Jackson. [P. M- Mug. ( 1879), 241, 242 ;' P. M. M!n. (1879), 7, 8.] Newton, Rev. Sampson. Of Stafford ; A. 1603 ; Mat. Merton Coll., Ox., 19th Oct., 1621 ; B.A., 4th Nov., 1622 ; M.A.. 6th July, 1625 ; Vicar of Cliebsey, from which he was ejected 1648, for praying for the children of King Charles L; in exile fur a time; afterwards Rector of Weston-under-Lyziard, ejected for Nonconformity, 1662. [Calamy's Memorials, IlL, 245 ; I'oster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.,'IIL, U .] Nkwton, Samuel. b. King's Bromley, 1695 ; .V. of John NcwIoTi ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 1st March, 1711. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., lOtiiJ.] Newton, Rev. Samuel, h. Barnsley ; Methodist Free Church Minister from 1852 ; stationed in Newcastle, 1860—64; d. at Reiiditch, Worcs., 1885. The Young Heroes of the Bible ; or, illustrations of the Power of Youthful Piety. ^eivcmtle: T. bmjley. Printer, n.d. (lSG:t). Or. Hvo'., pp. 81. Obituary. [Melh. P. Church Minutes, (188(>).] [Hoyden & Askew's Digest. Meth. F. Churches, 27.] Newton, Right Rev. Thomas, h. Lichfield, 1st Jan., 1707 ; .«. of John Newton, Wine Mer- chant, and Isabel, his wife ; educated Liciifii'ld Gr. Sch., and St. Peter's Coll., Westr., 1717 ; elected to Trin. Coll., Cam., 1723 ; Fellow ; Curate, Assistant Preadier, and Lecturer of St. George's, Hanover Square ; Reader and after- noon Preacher at Grosvenor Chapel, South iVudley Street, London ; Rector of St. Mary- le-Bow, Cheapsiile, 1744; Clip, to the King, 1756 ; Sub-Almoner, 17.j7 ; Precentor of Vork and Canon liesidentiary of St. Paul's, 1759 ; Bp. of Bristol, 1761 ; Dean of St. Paul's, 1768 ; m. (1), 1747, a dan. of Dr. Trebeck : (2) Sept., 1761, the toidoto of Rev. — Hand, and natural dau. to John, Viscount Lisburne; d. 14th Feb., 1782. Dissertation on the Prophecies which have been remarkably fulfilled, Ac. In Three Volumes. London, 1756—58. 8vo. 2nd ed.. 2759— GO, 3 vols., 8vo. ; London, 1760. 3 vols.. 8vo. ; lOth ed., /.ouc/oh, 770i. 2 vols., 870. ; London, ISOi, 2 vols., 8vo. ; I'erlh, 1700, 2 vols., 8vo. ; Edin., ISM, 3 vols,, 12mo. ; London, 1817, 2 vols., 8vo. ; London, 1831, ^vo. ; London: Tet/g ; 1843, >^vo.; London: Simpkin: 1843; ed. bv Dobson, 1843, 8vo. ; and again, 186U. 8vo. Analyses of Bp. Newton on the Prophesies, and Butler's Analogy of Religion. By ,T. B. .Smith. LondoHj 1836. r2mo. New ed., London : Boone, 1845. 12mo. Two Sermons, on Luke xi. 1, and Matt, xxiii., 13. London, 1745. Svo. Reprinted, with one on Rev., ii., 5. London, 1745. 8vo. Sermon on Phil, iv., 5. London, 1764. 4to. Sermon on Matt. xi. 5. London, 1765. 4to. Sermon on John x. 1(1. London, 1760. 4to., pp. 29. Paradise Lost, with Notes from various authors. In Two Volumes. London, 1740. 4lo. Paradise Regained, and Minor Poems. In Two Volumes. London, 1740. 4to. [For other editions, nee under Milton (John).] Works of the Right Rev. Thomas Newton, Bp. of Bristol, with some account of his Life and Anecdotes of several of his Friends. In Three Volumes. London, 1782. 4to. Portrait by Collins, after Reynolds. Ditto, London, 1787. 6 vols., 8vo. On the Anglican Ritual. [Tracts of the Anglican Fathers. 1850. 4to.] A Poem, Moral. Philosophical, and Religious, in which is considered the Nature of Man : bis origin, his present existence. ... To which is added an Ajipendis, con- taining Bishop Newton's Thoughts on the Final Restitu- tion of Mankind. London: Printed/or the Author. 1788. 8vo., pp. viii., 1,32. [Attributed to Henry Clarke, a Sclioolmaster of Manchester.) [Shaw, I., 370; Harwood's Lichfield, 448; Pitt's Staffs., Part II.] Neylson, William. Preb. of Longdon, Lich- field, 18th May, 1466—1501. [Harwood's Lichfield, 23(>.] NICHOLAS ( 329 ) NICHOLSON Nicholas, Mary. b. Durham, 19th April, 1834; m., 1860, The Rev. Maiirice Nicholas; d. Newcaistle, 29th Sept., 1^75. Obituary. By Rct. M. Nicholas. [P. M. Mmj. ( 1877), 006,557.1 Nicholas, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. M. Nicholas and Mary, liis wife : spent her girl- hood at Newcastle, Talke, and Ramsor. Choice Poems. Nicholas, Sir N. H., Knt. Cat;ilogue of HenilJ'if Vi.sitations, &c. Lwnhii. 2nd ed., JS^o. 8vo. [Staffs., «G— 8 ; Gregory King, 117; Erdeswicke, lli>; Rev. S. Pegge, 120; Staffs. Herald's Visitation, 12.3, 12.i— 28.] Lives of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton, from an edition of the Complete Angler. London, 1837. Imp. 8vo. [Reprinted from Nicholas's Edition of Walton's Angler (183H). See below.] The Complete Angler . . With Original Memoirs and Notes. By Sir Harris Nicholas. Two Volumes. London: William Pickering. 18.36. Imp. 8vo., pp. (I.) xvi., ccxii. n., two portraits, 129 ; (II.) iv., 131 — 13ij, xxxii., plates. [OrigiDally issued in parts, comroencing 183S, price 6 guineas ; or plates on India Paper at io guineas. Numerous illustrations by Stutbard & Inskipp.] Second Edition. In Two Volumes. London : Nattali ^ Bond. 1860. 8vo., pp (I.) xvi.. ccxii.,iv., 12'.l, 2 portraits; (II.) iv., 1.11 — t.SB. xxxii. [A reprint simply, with Pedigrees of Ken and Chalkhill added.] NiCHOLDS, Joseph. b. near Birmingham ; d. Sedgley, Feb., 1860 : Musical Composer. Oratorios, Psalms, and Vocal JIusic. NicBOLL, Henry. Landmarks of English Literature. London, 1880. tfvo. [S. Johnson, 234—49.] NicHOLLs, Ann. h. Sedgley, 1791 ; d. Sodom, 20th Feb., 1860. Obituary. Bv Rev. N. W. Stafford. [/'. .)/. .1%. (1860), 750.] NiCHOLLs, Edward. b. Stafford, 1747 ; s. of William Nicholls, Attorney-at-Law ; educated Man. Gr. Sch., 26th June, 1758. [Man. Sch. Reg., I., 80.] NiCHOLLs, George Frederick, b. Tipton, 1833 ; s. of John Nicholls ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 7th June, 1878; M.A. by decree, 5th Nov., 1878 ; Hon. Fellow, 1878 ; Lord Almoner's Professor and Reader in Arabic, 1878 ; Lecturer in Oriental Languages, 1880 ; Pro- fessor of Sanscrit and Persian, King's Coll., London, 1879. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1020.] Nicholls, Thomas, of Slaflfs. b. 1590; Mat. Queen's Coll., O.K., 16th June, 1610 ; B.A., 4th Dec, 1611 ; M.A., Broadgate's Hall, Ox., 29th Dec, 1614. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1070.] Nicholls, Thomas. A. Stafford, 1735 ; .<. of W. Nicholls, Attornev-at-Law ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 1754 ; B.C.L., New Coll., 1763. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1024.] Nicholls, Thomas, b. Burton, 1823 ; d. Han- ley, 16th May, 1860. [Obituarv. By Rev. J. Goodwin. [/'. J/. J/ao. (1867), 105, 106.] Nichols, John. Bibliotheca Topographia Britannica, and Supplement. London, 1780—00. 10 vols. 4to. [Vol. IV.: Antii|uities of Bedfordshire Staffordshire, and Warwickshire. No. XXI. : The Hi-story and Antiquities of Eccleshall, it'c. See Pegge (Rev. S.)] History of Leicestershire. London, 1705 — 1815. 4 vols, in 8. fol. [Vol. Ill, Pt. I.: East Goscote Hundred, dedicated to Viscount Tamworth. Vol. IV., Pt. II.: Pedigree of Shirley (Ferrers) Family.] Nichols, John Bowyer, Printer. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogea. London, 1834—4.3. 8 vols., 8vo. (;Several Staffs, items.] Nichols, John Gough, Printer. Topographer and Genealogist. London, 1846 — 48. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. [Several Staff's, items.] NicHOLSov, Arthur, b. Leek, 15th July, 1842 ; s. of Joshua Nicholson (founder of Nicholson Institute), Leek ; educated Leek Gr. Sch., ] and Huddersfield Coll. ; Partner in Firm of I Brough, Nicholson, & Hall, Silk Merchants, I Leek ; J. P., Staffs. ; County Councillor for Leek, 1889 — 92 ; /n. Marianne, dan. of Robert Faulkner, Esq., of Castle Hill, Frodsham, Cheshire. Joint Editor with T. Bullock of — North Staffordihire Congregational Magazine. Nicholson, Benjamin. Of Poulton, Lanes. ; baptized Ith. May, 1704 ; s. of Richard Nicholson and Janet, his wife ; a Solicitor in Lichfield to death ; m., Lichfield Cathedral, 1722, Elizabeth, r/«». of George Nourse ; d., Lichfield, 6th July, 1781 ; bur. St. Michael's Church. [ Burke's Landed Gentry (1847) ; Ormerod's Cheshire.] Nicholson, Edith ilaud. b. Iloriicastle, Lines., 8th Jan., 1S64 ; dan. of Rev. William Nichol- son, Curate, and Rose, liis wife ; educated Ladies' Seminary, Springhill, Stockport, at home, and Geneva ; of Meerbrook Vicarage. Bent on Conquest. A Novel in Three Volumes. London, 1892. Pt. 8vo., pp. 903. Nicholson Institute, Leek. Birdseye View of Nicholson Institute. fSeeSngden CSV. L.).] The Nicholson Institute, Leek . . . Catalogue of the Free Library . . . Leek: Mark. 1884. 4to., pp. 182. Catalogue of the Inaugural Exhibition at the Nichol- son Institute, Leek, of Oil Paintings and Water Colour Drawings, &c. . . Leek : Printed by Clemesha if- Clowes for the Committee .... Anno 1884. 4to., pp. 58. [Note :— Facsimiles (18 in. by 22 in.) of Drawing 450.1 of the Nicholson Institute may be obtained at the Catalogue Stall of the Exhibition . " . . Plates, 6d. each ; China Proofs on Cards, 2 - each.] Architectural Drawing of the Nicholson Institute. By W. L. Sugden A- Son. 1884. [No. 450.\ in Cat.] [See Nicholson (John), Sugden (W. L.).] Nicholson, Isaac b. Egremont, Whitehaven, 1814 ; d. Tunstall, 19th Jan., 1871. Obituarv. Bv Rev. John Griest. [P. J/. Maa. (18721 179,180.] n ^ I, Nicholson, James. b. Lichfield, 28th Jan., 1744 ; .<. of Benjamin Nicholson [,-vc] and Janet, his wife ; Solicitor ; established him- RR NICHOLSON ( 330) NOKLLS si'lt early in Warrington ; Captain-Lieutenant, of \Varrin<;ton Volunteers ; m., Warrington, -2nd Nov., 1771, Elizabetli, dan. of Peter Seaman, Esq. ; fi. 4tli April, IJSIO ; of ; Thelwall Hall, Cheshire. [Burke's Landed Gentry (1847) ; Ormerod's Cheshire.] Nicholson, Joshua, i. 26th Oct., 1812 ; resi- dent in Leek, 1S37 to death ; (/. 24th Aug., 1SX5; Founder of the Nici)ohon Institute, Leek, which he provided with books. Accounts of Nicholson Institute, with Biographical Notices of Founder, appeared in numerous Papers in 1884. Portrait of J. Nicholson. Drawn by Arnst. Nicholson, Joshua OldBeld. h. Leek, 22nd March, 1839 ; .«. (if Joshua Nicholson [."«?] ; educated Leek (Jr. Sch. and Huddcrsfield Coll. ; J. P., Cheshire ; Representative of the Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire (Duke of West- minster) as Governor of King Edward VL Gr. Sell., Macclesfield ; Hon. President of Macclesfield Chamber of Commerce ; Chairman of Technical Sch., Macclesfield ; Hon. Sec. to Sch. of Art, and Director of Macclesfield Em- broidery Sell., 1870 ; Liberal Candidate for Leek Division, 1892 ; m. Ellen, dau. of John Pidduck, Esq., of Norwood, Surrey. Art in Every Day Life. A Lecture . . . January 30tb, 1884. Keprinted from the MacchsJielJ Chronicle. 12mo., pp. \a. Art Characteristics resulting from Natural Conilitions. A Lecture . . . March loth, 188G. Reprinted from the Maccteitjield Courier. l*2mo.. pp. IG. Caricature and the Grotescpie in Art. A Lecture . . December l.'ith, 188li. Reprinted from the Macclesfield Courier. Timo., pp. 18. Art Processes in Engraving, Etching, &c. A Lecture . . . December 17th, 1886. Reprinted from tlie Leek Time.':. r2mo., pp. 14. A Tour in Spain. A Lecture . . April IBth, 1888. Reprinted from the Macclesjield Chronicle, April 20th, ISSS. Nicholson, Rev. William, Curate of Ashley. Some Account of the Parish Church of Ashley, near Market Drayton, from the Parish Registers, beginning A.D. l.i.W. With a short Memoir of Dr. Lightfoote, many years Rector of Ashley. [Annals of Diocese (18(jl), 74 — 85, Plate of Church, 74.] NiGHTiNG.\LE, Rev. Joscph. /). Chowbcnt, Lanes., 1775 ; (/. 9th Aug., 1824. The British Atlas. Comprising a Set of County Maps London, 1810. Roy. 4to. With Descriptions. London, ISIG. 4to. Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Stafford. Loudon. 1S20. 8to., Map, l.'i plates. NiKHOLS, John. d. Tipton, 24th May, 1857. Obituary. By Samuel Stringer. [P. J/. J/aj. (1857) 69G.] NixoN, Elizabeth Barlow, of Tunstall. Memoir of James Nixon [see]. NixoN, J., Fenton. Pottery Poems. Stoke: Kenn. n.d. 8vo. Nixox, James, b. Goldenhill, 18th Feb., 1785 ; expelled from the Wesleyan Connexion, 1811, when he joined the Primitive Methodist Con- nexion, being one of their earliest Local Preachers ; d. 8th April, 1851. Memoir. By Elizabeth Barlow Nixon. [P. M. Mag. (1857), 449— 52.] NivEN, William. Olil Staffordshire Houses. A Series of 21 Etchings, with Descriptions . . . London, 18S2. fol. Large (only 50 copies) and Small Paper. Noble, John. h. Lichfield, 1G32 ; s. of Michael Nol.le [*•<>«] : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 12tli Oct., 1(;38 ; Student, Inner Temple, 1640. [Inns of Court Reg.; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., HI., 1073.] Noble, Rev. Mark, F.A.S., lioctor of Barking, Kent. Lives of the English Regicides and other Commons of the Pretended High Court of Justice appointed to sit in Judgment uijon their Sovereign (Charles I.). London, IJOfl. 2 vols., Svo. ( 1 ) Boscobel : Narrative of the Escape of King Charles II. With Notes added. (2) A Narrative of King Charles II.'s Concealment at Moseley, &c. MS., 4to. [Salt Lib.] Noble, Michael, of Staffs. h. 1591 ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 15th May, 1607 ; M.P., Liclifiekl, 1642—48 ; Town Clerk and Coroner (a|i])ointed liv Charter of James I.), 12th Sept., 1623—57. [Pari. Diet.: Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IIL, 1078 j Harwood's Lichfield, 346, 363, 438.] Noble, Rev. Thomas, h. Cockermouth, West- moreland, 1704; s. of Joseph Noble; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 9th Nov., 1722; B.A., 1726; M.A., 1733; Rector of Wolvey, Warws., 3rd Mav, 1740—84 ; Preb. of Wolvey, Lichfield, 3rd May, 1740 to death ; d. lOtli May, 1784. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 111., 1025 : Harwood's Lich- field, 256.] NoELL, James, Hilcot. Blazon of the Supporters assigned to " Edw. Noell, first Vise. Cambden." [Bodl. Lib., i?SO, f. 5o.] Arapla Prosapia Noellorum, a Noelo domino de Ellenhall, tempore K. Hen. I., et tilius Jaeobi Noell de Hilcote et uxoris ejus Eliz. Pode, descripta ; cum multis documentis autiquis. ad genealogium probandum et illus- trandam interpositis ; actore et scriptore. E. Ashmolio. [Bodl. Lib,, 1750 (1(1 : large roll of 7 sheets of paper.] [Bodl. Lib., 2750 (B).] NoELL, James, Pelsall. Sundry Descents of Noell, chiefly from Martyn Noell and Dorothy Cradock, and from James Noell, of Pelsall. [Bodl. Lib., i750, lab.] NoELL, Rev. Samuel. Of Ox. Univ., 23rd April, 1613; B.A., Trin. Coll., 27th Nov., 1617: M.A., Brasenose Coll., 27th June, 1621 ; B.D., Trin. Coll., 10th May, 1630 ; Vicar of Penn, 1G28 ; of Great Waltham, Essex, 1630 ; of Little Canfield, Essex, 1636. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1073] NoELLS of Hilcot, Pelsall, Newbold, &c. Chartse antiquse (cum sigillis) transcriptfe " Ex Evi- dencijs penes Walterum Noell de Hilcote in com. Staff. [Bodl. Lib., S33. (38) 259— (16. 271—75] ; ditto, from Chartulum penes Walterum, &c. [i6.. (39) 276—78] ; ditto, ad familiam de Nowell spectantis per Dugdalum, excerptse \ib . (40) 267, 268] ; Pedigree of Noel of Newbold, from Staff. Visit., 1614, C. 10. fol. 726 [.'6., (41) 279] ; ditto, of Noel of Pelsall, from Flower's Visit.. 1583 [ill., (42) 282] ; Glover's Large Pedigree of the Family of jfoel, continued to the third descent of Sir Andrew Noell, of Dalby, in Leicestershire, in 1.583, with arms tricked [ib., 1763, f. 26A, 27a] ; Prosapia Nowellorum, a tempore K. Hen. I., ad annum 1658, deducta, cum documentis quibusdam pro- NOKKS (331) NORMAN.SELL bativis, per D. Guliel. Dugdale ; cum A>*hinolii adflitaments [16., 1750, f. ib] ; Ejusdem familia; . [Cathe- dral Lib., Lichfield.] Printed, with marginal readings and with abstract of contents and remarks, by Bishop Hobhouse. [Hist. Staff. Coll., I., 241—88.] Institutions. Impropriation of the Church of Penn bv Bishop Norbuvy. to the College of Vicars Choral of Lichfield, 1350. [Original Deed, Vicars' Bequests, Lichfield Cathe- dral, marked K 3.] Bishop Norbury's Judgment, with Dean's confirma- tion . . as to Residence of Chancellor Nassyngton, X-c, 1.3.57. [Capitur Jurisdiction, Muniment Room, Lichfield Cathedral, mirkel GG 1.] Mandates from Bishop Norbury to the Dean, &c., aa to the Excommunication of R. Havering. Archdeacon of Chester, 1323. [Magnum Registrum Album, Muniment Room. Lichfield Cathedral, marked F 28!).] Confirmation Charter of Bishop Xorbary of Dean John of Derby's Augmentation in 1311 of the Vicar's Commons. 1341. [Vicar's Muniments, Muniment Room, Lichfield Cathedral, marked A 3.] Gave one pall to Lichfield Cathedral. [Coi's Muni- ments of Lichfield Cathedral, 210, 212.] [Anglia Sacra, I., 440 ; Dugdale's Warws., 72; Har- wood's Lichfield, 140,141, 2->2 ; Beresford's Hist, of Diocese of Lichfield, 134.] Norman, Rev. Deiiham Rowe. b. Chichester, 19th May, 182S ; King's Coll., London ; Th.A., 1st class, ls55 ; C'urate of Wirksworth, Derbys., 1855 — 5(> ; of Ashton-le-Willows, 1857—58; Vicar of Middleton-by- Wirks- worth, 1858—75 ; Rector of St.' Clary's, Stafford, 1875 to date. The Origin and History of the English Bible. London, The Crusades. London, 1872. The Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. London. 1873. Norman, Rev. George. Of St. Peter's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1822; M.A., 1826, and ad eundem Ox. Univ., 6th June, 18C1 ; Head Master of Stafford Sell. ; Vicar of Marston, 1830. and of Whitgreave, 1838 to death ; d. 1875. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1026.] Norman-, Rev. George Edward William. b. St. Mary's, Stafford, 1839 ; .s. of Rev. George Norman, M.A. [*c«] ; educated Stafford Gr. Sch.: Mat. Line. Coll., 0.\., 28th Feb., 1857 ; Scholar, 1857—61 ; B.A., 18C1 ; M.A., 1867 : Assistant Master, Repton Sch., 1864 ; Curate of Sileoe, Beds., 1867 : of Stevenage, Herts., 1867 ; Vicar of Marston and of Whitgreave, 1875. A Sermon addressed to those who are afraid of coming to the Holy Communion. London : Masters. 1860. Help in Temptation. London: Daris. 1873. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IIL, 102t;.] NoRMANsELL, Rev. John, of Staffs, b. 1595 ; Mat. Queen's Coll.. Ox., 7th June, 1611 • B.A., 6th July, 1015; Chp., Magd. Coll., 1616—33; M. A., 6th July, 1018 ; Vicar of Lilleshall, Salop, 1627 ; Rector of Holton, 0.xon., 1633. [Bloxam's Magd. Coll., II., 1,33: Foster's Alumni. Oxon.. E.S., III., 107.5] 1870. NOURIS (332) NORTHUMBERLAND NoMRis, Ann, & Son, Printers, Market Place, Uttoxeter. [White's Staffs. (1834).] TJttoxeter Church. A Lithogrri))h. St. John's Hospital, Alton. A Lithograph. Alton Towers. A Lilhoi^raph. Hymn Book for the Use of M.irchington Church. Uttoxeter: A'orris >(■ Son. Poems. [See Wakefield (G.).] Pictures of the Lowlv. [See Wakefield (G.).l " • ' Rev. H. The Christian Wreath. [See Armstrong ( The Course and End of David. [See Cooke (Rev. J.). The Course and End of David. [See Cooke (Rev. J.).] Alton Towers. A Poem. [See Rowbotham (Miss).] A Catechism. [See Beaven (Rev. J.).J Church History. [See Beaven (Rev. J.).] Letters and Diaries. [See Blagg (H.).] Farewell Sermon. [.See Broughton (Rev. C. F.).] Lecture on Botany. [Aee Jones (Rev. J. P.).] Lecture on the Philosophy of History. [.See Jones (J. P.).] Au Address to the Parishioners of Uttoxeter. By Anti-Trinitarian. Uttoxeter: Norris. n.d. (ISoG). I'imo., pp.8. Hymn Book for the Use of Uttoxeter Parish Church. Uttoxeter : A^orris ij" Son. Norris, Rev. J. P. M.A., Trin. Coll., Cam. Cheshire, Shropshire, and Staffordshire General Report for the year 18.5.'! of the Schools inspected by. 8vo., pp. 573. Norris, Richard. h. Birmingham, 2.5tli June, 18;!1 ; s. of Richard Hill Norris ; educated pri- vately ; Queen's Coll., Birmingham ; M.R.C.S., Eng., 18G0; M.D., St. Andrew's, 1802; F.R.S.E. ; President of Birmingham Phil. Soc. ; Professor of Physiology, Queen's Coll., Birmingham, 1862 — 81 ; resident at Birch- field, Staffs. The Physiology and Pathology of the Blood. London ; Smith, Elder, ij- Co. IHSI. Illustrated. A Consideration of Causes of Various Phenomena of Attraction and Adhesion in Solid Bodies, Vesicles, Liquids, Globules, and Blood Corpuscles [Proeeedini/s Hoy. Soc. (18r)'2)]; On .Stasis antl Exudation [/i.] ; Rigor Mortis not Muscular Contraction [t6.] ; Reports on Muscular Irritability [Brit. Association Hep. (l^tif) — 1)11); Aggrega- tion of the Blooil Corpuscles, both within and without the Vessels [Proceedings Roy. Soc. (18ti;t)]; Principles con- cerned in the Extrusion (without Rupture of the Vessels) of the Morphological Elements of the Blood [ih. (1871)] ; New Researches in Elasticity and Contr.actability [In- auguration of Birmingham Phil. Soc. (187i))] : On certain Molecular Charges in Iron and .Steel during separate Acts of Heating and Cooling [Proceedings Roy. Soc. (1877)] ; Origin and Development of the Mammalian Red Corpuscles [Biryningham Phil. Proceedings (1878)]; Further Researches on the Third Corpuscular Element of the Blood [ih. (1880)]; A Mode of Demonstrating the Invisible Colourless Disc in the Living Vessels of the Mammal [ib. (18S4)] ; Development and Coagulation of the Blood [Lancet (188.S)] ; Reply to Professor Legge's Defence of Bezozero [<6. (1884)]. Norris, Thomas. Printer, Market Place, Uttoxeter ; d. before 1834. Hymn Book for the Use of Uttoxeter Parish Church. Uttoxeter: Xorris, Printer. North, Rt. Rev. Brownlow. h. 1744 ; .s. of Francis, Earl of Guildford ; educated Eton ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., lltli Jan., 1700 ; B.A., 1762 ; M.A., All Souls' Coll., 1766 ; Fellow ; Canon of Ch. Ch., Ox., 1768—70; D.C.L., 1770 ; Dean of Salisbury, 1770 ; Bp. of Lich- field, 1771—74; of Salisbury, 1774—81; Prelate of the Order of the Garter and Bp. of Winchester, 1781 to death ; d. 12th July, 1820. Sermon on Prov, 20, 7 [Lying-in-Charity]. London, 1771. 4to. Sermon on Psalm 37. 3 [Smallpox Hospital]. London, 1773. 4to. Sermon on Jer. 31, .'13 [Magd. Hospital]. London. 1774. 4to. Sermon on 1 Tim. 6, 18 [London Hospit.il]. London, 1774. 4to. Sermon on Phil. 4, 3 [Martyrdom of Charles I.]. London, 1775. 4to. Sermon on Gal. 3, 14 [Gospel Propagation Society]. London. 777S. 4to. Sermon on Psalm 33, 12 [Charity Children of the Metropolis]. London. 1790. 4to. Two Sermons pre.iched before the King at the Chapel Royal, in Lent. (London, 1700.) 4to. Sermon on Prov. 14, 34. preached before the Lords [General Fast]. London, ISOl. 4to Uniformity and Communion. A Sermon [on 1 Cor. 1, 10] intended for delivery at the Consecration of St. James's Church in the Island of Guernsev, 1818. London, 1818. 4to Translated into French, IHIO. TFoster's Alumni Oxon., III.. I(i28 ; Harwood's Lich- field, 158 ; Eton Sell. Lists ; Beresford's Diocese of Lichfield, 268.] North, F. W., Rowley Hall, Staff'ord. Report upon the Coal Fields of Xatal. 1881. fol.. pp. Gl). North, Rev. John. b. Aishley (Ashley), 1675 ; .«. of John North ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 23rd March, 1702 ; B.A., 17th March, 1706 ; M.A., 1714 ; one of the name was Rector of Hawridge. 172.5 to death, or Rector of Braden- ham and Lechainpstead, Bucks., 1726 — 64. [Foster's Ahimni Oxon., III., 1077.] NoRTHBDROii, Michael de. Preb. of Colwich, 7th July, 1330 ; of Wolvey, 17th Oct., 1342 ; Archd. of Chester, 5th Feb., 1340—54 (all in Lichfield Diocese) ; Bp. of London, 1354 to death ; d. Copford, Essex, 9th Sept., 1361. [Harwood's Lichfield, 205, 220, 251.] NoRTHCOTE, Very Rev. James Spencer, D.D. /). Feniton Court, Honiton, Devon., 1821 ; *■. of G. B. Northcote, Esq. ; educated Uminster Gr. Sch. ; elected Scholar of Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox., 1837 ; President of Oscott Coll., 1860— 77 ; Provost of Birmingham Chapter, Roman Catholic Church ; resident at the Presbytery, Stoke. The Fourfold Difficulty of Anglicanism. Derby: T. Richardson. 1846. 8vo. ' Reprinted by Catholic Truth Society. 1801. Pilgrimage to La Salette in 1852. London: Burns. 1853. 8vo. Marv in the Gospels. London: Burns ij' Oates. 1867. 8vo. 2n'd ed., 1S81. Celebrated Sanctuaries of the Madonna. London: Burns if Oates. 1868. 8vo. Roma iSotterranea ; or. An Account of the Roman Catacombs. Compiled from the Works of Commendatore de Rossi. By Rev. J. S. N and Rev. W. R. Brown- low. London, 1860. 8vo. tievr ed., London, 1870. 2 vols., 8vo., pp 368, (II.) 515; plates. A Visit to the Roman Catacombs. London : Burns tj- Oates. 1877. 8vo. Reprinted by St. Anselm's Society. 1801. Epitaphs of the Catacombs. London : Longman *|' Co. 1878. 8vo. Short Sermons preached in the Chapel of St. Mary's College, Oscott. Edited by the President [J. S. Northcote]. London, 1876. 8vo. Lefebure's Life of Louise Lateau. Edited by. London, 1876. 8vo. W. Palmer's Early English Symbolism. Edited by. London, 1885. 8vo. NORTHDIIBERLAND, John, DuliC of. [See Dudley (John) and Appendix.] NORTON (333) NURTHAL NORTON-IN-THE-MOORS Ordnance Plan . . . Southampton (1870). [Jewitt's Ceramic Art, II., Lord Norton).] Norton-UN DER-C.\s"NOCK. [Bodl. Lib., 800, 75 ; Shaw, II., 57 — 'J.] 4 Sheets and Index Sheet. 95 ; see Adderley (C. B., Thomas Wilkinson. B.A., Cam. ; Vicar of Wrenbury, i F.G.S. the Ancient Chajjel of Rashton. Norwood, Rev. Queen's Coll., Cheshire, 1878 An Account of Leek, 1856. Notes and Queries. London, 1S56 to date. [There are namerous articles upon, and references to, StafEord- shire {tcrsons and places, the chief of which are given ander their Bereral heads.] NoTT, Sir — , of Lichfield. The Illastrioiis Modern, with a Commi.ssion to the Knight of the Solecisms. (A Rhapsody in Prose and Verse.) 1718. 8vo. [A satirical Poem, addressed to Nott.] Novelists. The British Novelists. Edited by Mrs. Barbauld. London, 1810. 50 vols., roy, 18mo. [Johnson's Rasselas and Bage's Man as He is Not.] The ^oveiists^ Magazine. London ; Harrison. 1780 — S8. 23 vols., 8vo. Plates by Stothard. [Risselas, by Johnson] Ballantvne's Novelists' Library. Edinburgh, 1821 — 25. Edited' bv Scott. Roy. 8vo.] 10 vols. 1 Fielding's Jonathan \Yild (Vol. I.), Rasselas (Vol. V.), Bagi's Mount Henneth (Vol. IX.).] Now.\NT (or Nunant), Hugh de. Bp. of Lich- field, 1185 to death ; High SherifT of Staffs, in 3rd, 4th, and fith year of Richard I. ; Legate ; robbed (1193) whilst on his way to King Richard, then a prisoner in Germany ; deprived of his bishopric for conspiracy with John (afterwards King), Earl of Morton ; became a Monk at Bethlevin, Normandy, where he d., :J7th April, 1198, or 21st March, 1199 ; bur. Caen. [Leland's Collect., I., 160; Harwood's Lichfield, 134, 135 ; Beresford's Diocese of Lichfield, 53 — 78.] NowELL, Edward, Shoemaker, Stafford. Alchemical Treatise by him. [Bodl. Lib., 1445, vii.] NowELL, Rev. Laurence, h. Whalley, Lanes. ; s. of John Nowell and Elizabeth Kay, his second wife ; educated Middleton Sch. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 1.J3G ; removed to Cam. Univ. ; B.A., 1542 ; M.A., 0.x. Univ., IHtii March, lo4| ; Master, Gr. Sch., Sutton Cold- field, 1st Oct., 1546, and was living there 9th Nov., 1550 : Rector of Hurting, Sussex, 1551 ; concealed during Queen Mary's reign, i)artly at Sir John Perrot's, Carew Castle, i'embroke, from whence he went to Germany : returning, on Mary's death, he was made Archd. of Derby, 1558 — 70 ; Dean of Lichfield, 1559 : present at Convocation and signed the 39 Articles, 1562 ; Tutor to the young Earl of Oxford, June, 1563; Canon and Preb. of Ferring, Chichester, 1563 ; Preb. of Ampleford, York, 27th May, 1566 ; Rector of Haughton, 1564 ; Rector of Drayton Bassett, 1553 ; in 17th Elizabeth bought House and Estate at Sheldon, Warws., and a meadow at Coleshill ; d. Nov., 1576. Will dated 17th Oct., 1576 ; proved 16th Aug., 1577. A Vocabulary of the Saxon Language. [MS. in Bodl. Lib.] [Formerly the property of Lambarde, Somner, and Selden.] Transcript of the above. By Francis Junius. [Bodl. Lib.] A Miscellaneous Collection, containing Early Peram- bulations of Forests, and other matters. MS. [Cott MS., Vittell, D vii.] [Formerly the property of R. Thoresby.] Excerpta quaedam Saxonica ab A.D. 189 ad A.D. 987 [Cott MS. Domit xviii., f. U] ; ditto, ab 1043 ad 1073 [f. 49]. Variae Mappse Chorographicae Hibemiae, Scotise, Anglise, et Wallise ; quarum illae quae Angliam describunt Saxonicis characteribus exarantuor additis quibusdam ob- servationibus historicus [f. 99J ; Gesta episcoporum Lindisfarnensum et Dunelmenium a tempore S. Oswaidi regis, usfjue ad Hugonem episcopum ; de communi libraria monarchorum Dunelmensium vel potius ex .Symeone Dunelmensi coUecta cum aliis curiosiosimiis analectis de D'Augustini Cintuariensis, ex historiis Thomae Sprott et Nicolai .Spinae et ex Saxonicis monumentis de Wigomensi aliisque ecclesiis et monasteriis ; aliisque rebus ex Chronico Gregorii Cserguent monarchi Gloucestriae. [Cott. MS., Vesp., A v.] Latin Letter to Sir William Cecil complaining of the inaccuracv of the General Maps of England, &c. [Lansd. MS., vi., a'rt. 54.] Answer to the Charge brought against him by Peter Morwin for having uttered seditious speeches against the Queen, «S:c., 1570. [State Pa. Office.] A Letter to Archbishop Parker. [C.C.C.C. MS., 114, p. 883.] [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I., 425 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 357 : Lansd. MS.. 081, i. 158 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1081 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 182, 213 ; Baines's Lanes. ( 18G7). II.. t)2, 63 : Burke's Landed Gentry (1847); Churton's Nowell. 12. .S8. 99. 140, 198, 233. 352, 36i ; Biog. Brit. ; Richardson's MS., 94 ; Nasmith's Cal. C.C.C.C, MSS., 168 : Willis's Cathedrals, I., 115, 400, 421 ; Kennett's Somers. (2nd ed.), 61 — 3; Dugdale's Warws., i>7() : Lemon's Cal. State Pa., 393 ; Le Neve's Fasti, LL, .'162. 577 : III., 169 ; Strype's Parker, 536 ; ditto. Memorials, II,, 257 ; ditto. Annals, I., 328. 329, 336, 343 ; Cat. of Cott MSS., 454, 575 ; Museum Thoresbyanum j Tanner'3 Bibl. Brit.] Nowell, Laurence, b. Lichfield (baptized 7th Dec), 1571 ; s. of Dean Nowell [see'\ ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 13th Nov., 1590 ; Com- moner, Brasenose Coll., 1590. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1081.] Nugent, — . Authority of the Roman Catholic Church. Barton, 1830. 8vo. Ndrthal, Rev. Samuel, b. Comptou, Kings- winfonl, 1642 ; >•. of John Nurthal ; Mat. Magd. Hall, 0.x., 22nd Nov., 1668 ; B.A., 1672 : Vicar of Rock, Warws. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IIL, 1082.] OAKELEY (334) OFFLEY O Oakelev, Sir Cbailes, Bart. b. Forton, 27th Feb., 1751 : s. of Rev. William Oakeley, M.A., Rector, ami Cliristian, dau. of Sir Patrick Strahan ; educated .Slire\v:iliury Sell. ; a writer at Madras, Oct., 17Cl) ; Secretary to Civil Department, 1772; ditto Military Department, May, 1777 — Nov., 1781J ; President of Board for Collection of Revenues, Madras Pre>idency, April, 1786 — 1789 ; Governor of Madras, April, 1790— 7th Sept., 1794 ; created a Baronet ath June, 1790 ; retired to the Abbey, Shrewsbury, 1794 — 1810 ; afterwards removed to the Palace, Lichfield, 1810, where he con- tinued till death ; created U.C.L., Ox. Univ., 15th June, 1825 ; d. 7th Sept., 1826 ; bur. Forton ; monument in Lichfield Cathedral. Some account of the Services of Sir Charles Oakeley, Bart., in India ; consisting of a Xarrative of Events drawn up by Himself ; and A Collection of Official Letters and other" Documents. Edited, with Notes and an Appendix, by his Son, Sir Herbert Oakelev, Bart., Dean and Kector of Booking. Loudon : Printed/or the Editor. 1X20. Sot published. 2nd ed., 1S3G. Roy. 8vo., pp. viii., l.-tj. Oakelev, Rev. Frederick. b. Holy Cross, Shrewsbury, 1803 ; «. of Sir Charles Oakeley, Bart. ; educated Shrewsbury Soli. ; Mat. Ch. Oh., Ox., 15th June, 1820; B.A., 1824; Fellow, Balliol Coll., 1827—45 ; M. A. ,1827: Tutor, 1831—37 ; Senior Dean, 1834 ; Cate- chetical and Logic Lecturer; Bursar, 1837 ; Preb. of Lichfield, 1X32—45 ; Incumbent of St. Margaret's Chapel, Margaret Street, Lon- don, 1839 — 45 ; seceded to Roman Catholic Church, 1845 ; Canon, R.C. Church, 1852 ; d. 29th Jan., 1880. De Tribunicia apud Romanes potestate ; Oratio in Theat. Sheldon, habita, Jun. 1.5, 1825. Oxford, 1S25. 8vo. The Influence of the Crusades upon the Arts and Literature of Europe. A Prize Essay. Oxford, 1S27. 8vo. Letter on the Principles of a "Bill for abolishing Subscription to Articles of Religion, in certain Cases." Oxford, 1S35. 8vo. An Ordination Sermon, preached at Oxford, May, 1836. Oxford. 1836. 8vo. Christians the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World. Oxford, 1838. Whitehall Sermons, with Preface. London (privately printed) ; Oxford, 1830. 8vo., pp. ix., 309. The Subject of Tract HO examined in connection with the History of the 3!1 Articles. London, 1841. 8vo. 2nd ed.. 1845. 8to.. pp. 87. The Dignity and Claims of the Christian Poor. Two Sermons, on Liike (J, 20, and Matt. 25, 2B. London, 1840. r2mo. Explanation of a passage in an article on certain words of Bp. Jewell published in the British Critic for July, 1842. By the Writer of the Article. London, 1842. 8to., pp. 75. Prayers for Blessing on the Work of Building a New Church,"in Latin and English. London, 1842. I2mo. Laudes Diurniae ; The Psalter and Canticles in the Morning and Evening Services of the Church of England, set and pointed to the Gregorian Time by Richard Red- head. With a Preface on Antiphonal Clianting bv Rev. F. 0. 2nd ed. London, 1843. 12mo. A Letter to the Lord Bishop of London, on a subject connected with the recent proceedings at Oxford. London, 1845. 8vo., pp. 3y. A Letter on Submitting to the Catholic Church. Addressed to A Friend. London, 1845. 18mo., pp. 36. Practical Sermons preached in 1847 — 18 ; to which is added a Sermon preached on a special occasion. London, 1848. 8vo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1034.] Oakeley, Rev. Sir Herbert, Bart. b. Madras, 1791 ; «. of Charles Oakeley, Esq., afterwards Baronet ; Mat. Cli. Ch., Ox., 25th April, 1807; Student, 1807—23; B.A., 1811; M.A., 1813 : Preb. of St. Paul's, 1816 : of Lichfield, 1816 : of Worcester, 1817; Dean and Rector of Bocking, 1834 — 45 ; Archd. of Chichester, 1841 ; Vicar of Ealing, Middlesex, 1822—34; 2nd Bar(,net ; d. 27tii Mar., 1845. Some Account, [.tc,, of Sir Charles Oakeley, Bart. [*«]. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., KK'il.] Oakeley, Rev. William, b. Steventen, Salop, 1719; s. of William Oakeley ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 1737; B.A., 6tli March, 1741; M.A., 17th Marcli, 1744 ; Rector of Eaton- under-Heywood and of Forton ; Vicar of Holy Cross, 1782 to death ; d. 3rd Oct., 1803. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.. 1U31.] Oakeley, William Edward, b. Lichfield, 1st Aug., 1828 ; s. of William Edward Oakeley, Esq. ; Mat. Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox., 27th March, 1817 : of Plas Tan-y-Bwlch, Merion., and Cliff House, Atherstone ; High Sheriff, 1874 ; J. P. and Deputy Lieutenant ; m., 1860, Hon. Mary Russell, dau. of the Baroness Clifford. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1034.] O'DoNSELL, Hugh Joseph. A Respectful Letter ... to Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., in reply to the False Charges ... on the Faith, Morals, and "Habits of the Irish People. Manchester, n.d. (1825). 8vo., pp. 24. O'DoNOGHDE, Rev. Francis Talbot. Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1841 ; P.C. Over Peover, 1842 — 52; Curate of Godolphin, 1852 — 55; Dom. Chp. to the Marquis of Westmeath, 1854—71 ; Curate of Wellington, Hanley, 1855—60 : Vicar of Tickenhall, Somcrs., 1860 — 65 : of Walsden, Lanes., 1865—74 : of St. Paul's, Devonport, 1874. St. Knighton's Keive. A Cornish Tale. London ; Smith .)■ Elder. 1864. Donnington Hall. A Novel. London: Saunders 4" Otlei/. 1865. j Offley, Charles. J. Leigh, 1675 ; «. of Thomas Oflley, Esq. ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 23rd March, 1701 : B.A., 6th March, 1706. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1085.] j Offley, Edward, i. Leigh, 1676 ; «. of Thomas Offley, Esq. ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 18tli Dec, 1704. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1085.] Offlev, High. Ordnance Plan. Southampton (1880). Offlev Huxdred. Tenure Roll of O. H. — temp. Hen. III., circa 1255 — transcribed by Mr. Ayscough for Mr. Chadwick. [Printed in Shaw I., pp. xvi.— xix. Original MS. [Harl. MS., Brit. Mus.] Offley, Sir John, Knt. M.P., Stafford, 1625, 1626 ; Knighted 25th April, 1615 ; m. Ann, dau. of Nicholas Fuller, Esq., of Gray's Inn ; d. June, 1647. OFFLEY (335) OKEOVER [Inns of Court Reg. ; Foster's Alumni Oion., E.S., III., 1085.] Offi.ey, John. h. Uladele)', 1651 ; .?. of John Offley ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., ibth March, 1007 ; m. Mary, dau. of Thomas Brougliton, of BroiiE;)iton : " tho friend" of Isaac Walton, to whom lie dcdicateil his " Coniph-at Angler"; d. I(;s4. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., E.S., III., I0S5 ; Foster's Peerage. ] Offley, John. b. Broughton, 1678 ; «. of John Offley ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., I'Jth May, 1694 ; Student Inner Temple, 1090. [Inus of Court Reg.; Foster's Alumui Oxon., E.S., TIT, 108.").] Offley, Thomas, h. Madeley, 1052 ; ,«. of .lohn Offley, Esq., ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 5th May, 1668. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., UI., 1085.] Offley, Rev. Walter, i. Crewe, Cheshire, 1G82 ; s. of Thomas Offley ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 15th July, 1699 ; B.A., 1705 ; M.A., 1709 ; Rector of Barthomley, 1704 — 21 : of Muccle- stone, 1702 to death ; Canon, 1715, and Preb. of Longdon, Liclifield, 10th June, 1721, to death ; Dean of Chester, 1718 ; d. 2oth July, or ISth Aug., 1721. [Kawlinson. IV., 6-2; Gutch MS., 216; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III.. lOSG ; Hinchliile's Barthomley, 47 ; Hacwood's Lichfield, 237 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, IIU ; Earwaker's East Cheshire ; Ormerod's Cheshire.] Ogilby, John. The Traveller's Guide. . . . Being Jlr. Ogilby's Actual Survey. London : I'rinled by T. Hiee. 1600. 8vo. pp. 254. [Staffs. :-44, 45, 71, 72, 94.] Britannia. Limdoii, 1675, fol. 2nd ed., London, 1G9S, fol. New ed.. Edited by J. Owen and E. Bowen. London, 1730. 8to. Ogilvie, John, D.D. An Inquiry into the Causes of the Infidelity and Scepticism of the Time. Occasioned by Observations in the Writings of Herbert . . . Hume . . . Toul- min [Wolverhampton], London, 17S3. 8vo. Ogle, Rev. Arthur Joseph Savile. b. Kynnersley, Salop, 1854 ; s. of Richard Ogle, Esq. ; Mat. St. Jolin's Coll., Ox., 17th April, 1871 ; B.A., 1875 ; Vicar of Dunston-w.-Coppenhall, 1882 — 86 ; of Bishop's Teignton, Devon., 1880 ; of Luton, 1880. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 10.'!7.] O'Hagan, Rev. M. A Letter addressed to Sir 0. Mosley, Bart., on the Subject of the London Hibernian Societv. Manchester, n.d. (1S25). 8vo., pp. 18. 0'Keefi-e, William. /;. l^all's Bridire, Dul.lin, 2.">th Dec., is;i5 ; .«. of Peter O'Keeffe ; edu- cated Haddington Road Academy, Dublin ; formerly of Fenton, now (1893) of Hanley ; MemlkT of liauley Town Council and Sch. Board ; m. Hannah Rowley, of Shelton. The Promptings of the Heart, and other Poems. Stol'e-on-Trent : O. Turner. 185S. fcp. 8vo. W. O'K. was a contributor to The Lamp, 1850 — 60. Okeover. Cartularium Familiae de Okeover in com. Staff. [Bodl. Lib., Wood MSS., No. C] ; Pedigrees [Bodl. Lib., 70S, 22* : 834, v. 1, f. 104, II]; Crest [844, 61 ]. [.S'ee the Okeovers, Ward (K. Plnmer), Dudley (Edmund).] Okeover, Rev. Charles (jregory. b. 11th May, 179;! ; ». of Rowland Farmer Okeover, of Oldbury Hall, Warws., and Okeover, and •ludith (^dau. of William Robinson, of Hill Ridware), his wife ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 29th Jan., 1811 ; B.A., 1814 ; M.A., 1817 ; Cbp. to the Duke of Sussex ; P.C.of Merivale, 1817 ; Rector of Baxterley, 1819 ; and Vicar of Nether Whitacre, (all) Warws. ; m., 1823, Marv Anne, dau. of Sir George Anson, G.C'B., M.P. for Lichfield ; d. 1st Aug., 1826. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1039 ; Burke's Landed Gentry (1847).] Okkover, Charles Hanghton. h. Atherstone. Warws., 14th Nov., 1825 ; .?. of Rev. Charles Gregory Okeover [.tee] ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 19ti> Oct., 1843; of Okeover Hall ; High Sheriff, Derbys., 1862 ; m., 12th July, 1859, Hon. Eliza Cavendish, dau. of Lord Water- park. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1039.] Okeover, Hanghton Farmer, b. Weddington, AVarws., 7th Sept., 1776 ; s. of Rowland Okeover, of Okeover ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 23rd Oct., 1794; created M.A.. 28th June, 1797 ; of Okeover Hall ; High Sheriff, Staffs., 1800. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. III., 1039; Burke's Landed Gentry (1847).] Okeover, Henry. b. Okeover, 1660 ; s. of Rowland Okeover : Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 29th March, 1077 : B.A., 1680. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1087.] Okeover, John. Organist and Vicar Choral of Wells Cathedral ; Mus. Bac, New Coll., Ox., 5th July, 1633. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1087.] Okeover, Sir Roland (or Rowland), b. Okeover, 1624 ; s. of Humfrey Okeover ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 8th May, 1640; knighted, 19tli April, 1661 ; of Okeover ; m. Mercy, dau. of Edward Goodyere, of Heythrop, Oxon. ; d. 1692. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1087; Burke's Landed Gentry (1847).] Okeover, Thomas, b. Okeover, 1()80 ; «. of Rowland Okeover; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 10th June, 1696 ; Student, Middle Temple, 1697 ; m.. 8th Jan., 1(;99, Catherine, dau. of the Hon. William Leake, Baron of the Ex- chequer. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IIL, 1087; Inns of Court Reg. ; Burke's Landed Gentry (1847) ; Trollope's Ch. Pbte of Leics., 308, 309.] OLDHAM (33G) OLIVER Oldham, Rt. Rev. Hugh. b. probably at Crump- sail, Lanes.; LL.B., Cam. Univ., U93 : Rector, St. Mildred's, Bread Street, London, 1485 ; Dean of Wimborne Minster, Dorset. ; Archd. of Exeter, 1492 ; Canon of St. Stephen's, Westmr., 1493 ; Rector of Swines- head. Lines., 1494 ; of Cheshunt, Herts., 1494 ; Canon of Lichfield, 1st Feb., 1495, and Preb. of Colwich, 10th Feb., 1494—99 ; of Saram, 1495—1504 ; Master of St. John's Hospital, Lichtield, 1495 ; Canon of St. Paul's, 1497—1504 ; of Lincoln, 1497 ; Rector of Warboys, Herts., 1499— 15Ul ; Canon^ of York, 1499 ; Master of St. Leonard's Hospital, Bedford, 1500-4 ; Rector of Shillingdon, Beds., 1500—4 ; of Overton, Hants., 1501 ; Preb. of Freeford, Lichheld, 31st July, 1501 —1st July, 1513 ; served the Free Chapel of St. Luke, Burton-Bradstock, Dorset, 1503; Bp. of Exeter, 1504 to death ; d. •25th June, 1519 Gave G,0U0 marks to Brasenose Coll. and Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox. ; founded a Free j Sch. at Manchester. rWood's Ath. Oxon., II., 713 ; Cooper's Ath. CaQtab., I -n- Lausd. MS., 07S, f. a-i; ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., e's ill 1088 ■ Richardson's Godwin ; Whatton s Man. Free Sch.'; Knight's Colet, 120, 122 ; Hutchins's Dorset., I , 512 • II 255 ; Granger : Le Neve's Fasti ; Fuller s Worthies ; Kewcourt's Reports, I., 1S7, 221 ; Test-Vetusti, 585; Wood's Colleges and Halls, 393, 3W App. 2^7; N & a VII., Hi4, 189, 271: VIII., 221, 2.-ii, 5u8; Symonds's Diary (Cam. Soc), 80 ; Harwood's Lichfaeld, 221, 231, 588. J Oldmixon, John. Reply to Bishop Attenbury's Vindication of Small- ridge (6. Lichfield), Aldrich, and himself. London, 1132. fol. The Harleian Miscellany. 1S08— . [Staffs. :— The Life and Death of the Earl of Essex, by Codrington (Vol. I \ ■ Strange and True News from Staffordshire concern- ing a Young Man lying under God's Vengeance for pleading his Innocence though Guilty, 10/, (Vol. ii.); Speech of Sir B. Rudyerd for accommodation between His Majesty and Parliament (Vol. V.) ; Robert, Earl of Essex's Ghost {ib.) ; A Second Speech spoken by the Earl of Essex, by Thomas Sprmgham.] Oliver, Rev. George, b. Papplewick, Notts., 5th Nov., 1782 ; *. of Rev. Samuel Ohver, Rector of Lambley, Notts. ; 2nd Master of Caistor Gr. Sch., 1803 ; Curate of Grimsby ; Vicar of Clee, Lines., 1821 ; of Scopwick, 1826—67 ; P.C. and Sacrist of St. Peter's Coll. Ch., Wolverhampton, 1834—46 ; Preb. of ditto, 1836 ; Rector of South Hykeham, Lines., 1846—67 ; D.D. honoris causa by Arclibp. of Canterbury, 1836 ; Chp. to Lord Kensington ; F.A.S., Scotland ; (/. Lincoln, 3rd March, 1867 ; bur. St. Swithin's, ?th March. ^ ^ ^ .. A Sei-mon . . . preached for the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans of Stephen Kitching, &c. . . . drowned in the River Humber, 20th Dec 18- 0. Great Grimsby: Printed by T. Squire. n.d. (1821). 8vo., ^^' Brotherly Love ... A Sermon ... at Slea- ford, 28th June, 1821 . . Great Grimsby : same rmprint. n d '(1822). 8vo., pp. vi., 21. „ . j ' A Vindication of the Fundamental Doctrmes and Principles of Christianity, &c. . . Great Grimsby : same imprint. 1821. 8vo. The Antiquities of Freemasonry. A Sermon . . . at Grantham . . . June 27th, 1822. Great Grimsby: same imprint, u.d. (1822). 8vo., pp. viii., 2t. The Antiquities of Freemasonry. London : Spencer. 1823. 8vo., pp. xvi., 3()(), and 5 maps. London: Spencer. 1843. 8vo. and ror. 8vo. The Monume"ntal Antiquities of Great Grimsby. Grimsbi/, 1S25. The Progress of Light ... A Sermon . . at Boston, Sept. 21st, 1825. Grimsbi/: ]V. Skelton. 1825. 8vo., pp. 24. The Star in the East. London, 1825. fcp. 8vo. Lon- don, 1843. fcp. 8vo Sermons on the Exellency of Freemasonry. London, 1825. 8vo. Signs and Symbols of Freemasonry, Illustrated and Explained. 2 vols. London, 1826. 8vo. History and Antiquities of St. James's, Grimsby. Grimsby, 182d. 8vo. History of Beverley. Beverley, 1820. 8vo., pp. xiii., 575. History of Initiation. London, 1829. 8vo. London, 1841. Demy 8vo. and roy. 8vo. Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry. London, 1832. Pastoral Address from a Minister to his Parishioners. London, 1832. 8vo. The Moral and Religious Tendency of Freemasonry asserted. A Sermon ... at Lincoln, November 9th, 1832. Lincoln : R. E. Leary. 18.33. 8vo., pp. 23. A Sermon preached before the P. G. Lodge at Spalding. Ditto, at Barton-on-Humber. Beauties of Freemasonry. A Sermon ... at Horncastle, loth Oct., 1833. Horncastle: James Bahi nylon. 1833. 8vo., pp. 10. An Essay on Education. London, 1833. 8vo. The Apostolical Institution of the Church examined in Six Letters to M. Beverley, Esq. 1833. 8vo. A Farewell Address to the Inhabitants of Grimsby. Grimsby: Skelton. 1833. 8vo. The Bible. A Sermon ... at Louth, Oct. 23rd, 1834. Louth : J. ij- J. Jackson. 1834. 8vo., pp. 21. A Selection of Psalms and Hymns ... as used in the Collegiate Church, Wolverhampton. Wolverhamp- ton : T. Simpson. 1834. lOmo., pp. xi., 72. An Introductory Address to the Inhabitants of Wol- verhampton. Wpli-erhampton: W. Parke. 1834. 8vo., A Second Pastoral Letter to the Inhabitants of Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton : W. Parke. 1835. 8vo., A Candid Statement of the Question relating to St. George's Church . . . Wolverhampton: W. Parke. 1835. 8vo., pp. 27. Hints for Improving the Societies and Institutions connected with Education . . in the Town of Wolver- hampton. Wolverhampton: J. Bridyen. 18.30. 8%'0.,pp. 31. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Collegi- ate Church of Wolverhampton, in the County of Stafford Wolcerhampton : T. Simpson. 1830. 8vc., Frontis. (Collegiate Church), pp. 197. . ^ , ^. ,„ , An Address on an Institution for Apprentices. n ol- verhampton: J. Bridyen. 1837. 8vo. Mysteries of Sleaford in the XV. Century. London, 1838 Historical Initiation to Freemasonry. London, 1840. 8vo. and roy. 8vo. , „.- , An Address to the Inhabitants of Wolverhampton in Reply to the Misrepresentations in a Circular issued by Messrs Thorneycvoft and Parke, on the 20th April, 1840. Wolrerhampfon : J. Bridyen. 1840. 8vo., pp. 28, App. 4. The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry. Nollmy- ham, 1840. 8vo., pp. 10,338. London, 1841. 8vo. London: Spencer. 1856. 12mo. „• t .. t Masonic Pamphlets and Orations. Six Letters from an Incumbent to his Curate on Church Services. 1841. A Brief History of the Witham Lodge. London, 1841. Demy 8vo. Historical Freemasonry from 1829 — 11. London, 1841. 12mo. , . , An Account of the Religious Houses formerly situated on the Eastern Side of the River Witham. London: Spencer. 1841. 8vo. History of the Temple Bruer. London, 1843. 8vo. Historical Landmarks and other Evidences of Free- masonry explained, &c. Two Volumes. London : Spencer. 1844 8vo. and roy. 8vo. Lar. pa. proof plates. Jacob's Ladder. London, 1845. fcp. 8vo., pp. viu., 195. OLIVER ( 337 ) OSBORNE An Apology for Freemasons. London, 1846. Mirror for Johannites. Loudon, 1848. 8vo. Origin of the Royal Arch. London, 1847. »vo. Lon- don, 1867. Remains of the Ancient Britons between Lincoln and Sleaford. London, 1847. Xvo. Account of the Schism. London, 1847. 8vo. Discovery of British Urns near Wold Newton, Lincoln- nhire. London, 1840. 8vo. Institutes of Masonic Jurisprudence. London, 1849. Svo. London. 1850. 8to. Book of the Lodge. London, 1840. 8to. London, 1856. 8vo. The Symbol of Glory. London, 1850. History of the Holy Trinity Guild at Sleaford, Lin- colnshire. London: Spencei-. 1850. Svo., pp. 150. Dictionary of Symbolic Masonry. London, 1852. 12mo. Revelations of a Square, &c. London : Spencer. 1855. 12mo. Book of Lodge Officers' Manual. London : Spencer. 1856. 12mo. Ye Byrde of Grime. An Apologue. London, 1866. 8vo. [''At the age of 84 years the following pages are in- scribed as a souvenir of friendship and a kindly farewell to the inhabitants of Grimsby and Clee, by their former parish minister, with sole charge for the period of 17 years, and now their obedient servant and well-wisher, — George Oliver, Lincoln."] Dr. Oliver edited — W. Preston's Illustrations of Freemasonry. With Additions and Notes. London: Spencer. 1840. 12mo. London, 1846. The Spirit of Freemasonry. By W. Hutchinson, F.A.S. A New Edition, with Copious Notes. London: R. Spencer. 1844. 12mo. The Masonic Manual ; or. Lectures on Freemasonry. By the Rev. J. Ashe, D.D. A New Edition. London: Spencer. 12mo. I The Golden Remains of the Early Masonic Writers, i First Series. Four Volumes. London : R. Spencer. 1846. 12mo. Portraits. — A Steel Portrait of the Rev. G. Oliver ; A Lithographic Portrait of the Rev. G. Oliver, D.D., by O. G. Rejlander [Plain, 5 -; India, 7 (j]. London: Spencer. The Golden Remains of the Early M:isonic Writers IFreemasons' Monthly Mag. (several years)] ; An Apology for Freemasonry \_Freemasons'' Quart. Mag. (184.^J] ; Addresses by Dr. Oliver [li. (184.1 — 15)]. Dr. Oliver was a frequent correspondent to Free- masonry Journals. Oliver, T. Milward, Surgeon, Tunstall. Trial of T. Milward Oliver at Stafford Assizes, 1797, for the JIurder of Mr. John Wood, an eminent Potter, at Brownhills. Stafford, 1797. 8vo. Oliver, Rev. Thomas, b. Lletherode, Cardigs., 1677 ; s. of Thomas Oliver ; Mat. Line. Coll., Ox., 10th Feb., 1(599 ; B.A„ 1703 ; M.A., 1707 ; probably Vicar of Wolfhainpcote,Warws., 1703 ; of Penn, 1709 ; of Dudley, 1721. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 108'.».] Olla Podrida, The. London, 1788, tj*c. [Essay on Dr. Johnson, by Bishop Home, in No. 13, pp. 132—41 ; ditto, 1820, pp. 92—7.] One and All. 1801 — 03. [Contains Articles on Adult Schools in the Black Country.] Ordnance Survey of England and Wales. An inch to a mile. 1844. Ill) Divisions. Size 40 in. by 27 in. [Staffs, on Sheets 61, 62, 72, 73, and 81.] Ditto. Six inches to the mile. Same size. Ditto. Twenty-five inch Parish Maps. Ditto. Sixty-two inch Town Maps. Orgell, Rev. Richard, h. Stalls. , 1584 ; Mat. Bailiol Coll., O.K., 16th Jan., 1598; B.A., 16th Feb., 1603; M.A., 23rd April. 1607; Rector of Newton-Regis, Warws., 1617. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., HI., 1091.] Orme, Thomas, b. 1637 ; s. of William Orrne, ofHanchHall; Mat. Hart Hall, 0.x., l.jth June, 16.-)7 ; J.P., Staffs. ; M.F., Lichfield, 168.5 — 87; Gentleman Pensioner ; m. Eleanor, dau. of VV. Marshall, of London ; rf., Earl's Court, Covent Garden, 27th May, 1716 ; bur. Longdon, where is a tine monument. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1092 ; Parlia- mentary Diet. ; Harwood's Lichfiehl, .'iiU ; .Shaw. I. 227, 228.] Orme, William. b. Wolverhampton, 169.") ; s. of Thomas Orme ; Mat. Penib. Coll., Ox., 6th March, 1712. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S , III., 1092.] Orton, Charles. King's Coll., London, and Edin. Univ. ; M.R.C.S., Eng., and L.S.A., 1862 ; L., 186.5 ; M., 1879 ; M.D., Durham, 1881 ; F.R.C.P., Edin., 1881 ; F. Obstet. Soc. : M. Brit. Med. Association ; President of Staffs. Branch, 1883—84 ; House Surgeon, North Staff's. Intirmary ; Consulting Physician of same ; Surgeon-Major, 3rd King's Own Staffs. Militia. What we Observed during a Visit to the .Seat of War in 1870. By C. O. and W. D. Spanton. London : J. ij- C. Churchill. 1871. Svo.. pp. 39. The Meilic.il Wants of the Potteries. Newcastle : D. Dilworth. n.d. 12mo., pp. 8. Health and Education. Treatment of Fnicture [.1/erf. Times and Gazette (1867)]; Injuries to Spine \ih. (1869)]; Treatment of Rheumatic Fever [Provincial Med. Jour, (1889)]. Orton, Rev. John. b. Sheldon, Warns., 1616 ; «. of Rev. William Orton, Rector ; Mat. Xew Coll., Ox., 13th May, 1631 ; B.A., 8th July, 1636 : M.A., Magd. Coll., Ox., 8th July, 1641 ; probably Rector of Harborne, 1663. Osborne, Rev. — , Minister of Darlington Street Chapel, Wolverhampton. A Letter to the Rev. Jlr. Osborne. [See BeU (J.).] [Mr. Osborne having replied, we have — ] A Reply to the Objections of the Rev. Mr. Osborne. [See Bell (James).] Osborne, E. C. & M., Printers, Birmingham. Osborne's Guide to the Gnind Junction Railway . . Birmingham: E. C. i.^' M. Osborne. 1S3S. 12mo., pp. 378 ; Adver., 136. [Staffs.— p|). 70, 75, 76, 78, SO, 81, 83, 128, 132, 1.13, 147, 151, 160, 177, 179. 185, 189, 192, 193, 198, 201, 203, 211, 213, 220, 221, 225, -228— .'iO, 234, '236, 251, 253, 254, 304,338.] . . > > Osborne, G. H., Perry Barr. Note on Stonehenge. [Anliq., IV., 86.] Osborne, George, b. Tamworth, 1717 ; s. of John Osborne ; Mat. .Mertou Coll., Ox., 14th Dec, 1736; B.A., 1740; M. A., King's Coll., Cam., 1750. [Foster's Alumni Oson., E.S., III., 1046.] Osborne, Henry John. b. Shifnal, Salop, 1848 ; s. of Peter Osborne ; educated Shifnal Gr. Sch. ; apprenticed to a Solicitor at Wolver- hampton ; Solicitor ; Clerk to Justices ; to Commissioners of Taxes ; Surveyor of High- ways, Shifnal ; m. Frances Mary Mackreth. The Supreme Court of Judic;iture. A Practical Sum- mary of the Supreme Court of Judicature -A.cts. 1873 and 1875 . . . With Notes and Observations thereon by OSCOTT ( 338 ) OVERTON H. J. 0. and Henry Stanley. Solicitors. Wolverhampton : Bar/onI 4 Xfwitt. 1875. 'l-imo., pp. 111. Investments bv Trustees, &c. London: Shaw ^ Son. n.d. 12mo., p|). 'iV. OscoTT College (or Mary Vale). The Oscotian ; or, Litcrari/ Gazette of St. Mary\. Edited by tlie Students of O.scott College. Birmingham, 1S2S — 20. 8vo., 2 vols. New Series, edited by the Rev. M. C. Glancy [see]. [Husenbetli's Milner, lit, 120, lo6, 18 1, lill, 317, 389 ; see Milner (Arcbbp.), Knight (Sir A.), Kirk (Rev. J.), Husenbeth (Rev. F. C). Baddeley (Rev. J.), Jones (Rev. W.) (Rev. S.), Brown (Bp.).] Otway, Sir Arthur John, Bart. /). >77), 43, 117, 129, liW: Cal. Cbancerv Proceeding.-? (Elizabeth), I„ 163 : III., IIIG ; Hackman's' Cal. Tanner MSS., 1040 : Haweis's Sketch of the Reformation, 193. 19ti ; Hay's Any Work for Cooper '/, 10; Herbert's Ames, 917 ; Ken- net's MSS., XLIX., 137, l.iO ; Lansd. MS., 12, art. .30 : 3-3, art. 14 : 34, art. 8 : 36, art. 14, 1«, 17, 29, 55 : 37, art. 41 : 45, art. 51 ; 50. art. 37 : 68, art. 25 ; 84, art. 80 : 110, art. 16; Lemon's Cal. St. Pa., 297. 305, 314, 331, tial ; Le Neve's Fasti, I., 208, .550 : III., 33 ; Lodge's IlUistr.itions, II., 407—12 ; Maitland's Index to Early Printed Books at Lambeth, 83 ; Marprelate's Epistle, o'; ditto. Epitome, 44; Bloxam's Magd. Coll., IV., 81: O. H. S.. I., 339; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1097 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 1.50. 151 : Cooper's Ath. Cantab., II., 515, 510 ; Wood's Annals. II.. 157 : Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I., 365 : II., 49. 817, 847 ; Wood's Fasti, I., 131, 138, 108, 109 ; ditto. Colleges and Halls, 321,320; Willis's Cathedrals, I., 393 ; Talbot Pa., H 5(i9 ; Strype's Annals, II., 057, 058 : UL, -23, 43, 91—9, 332—3.5, 405, App. 24—82 : IV., .54, .309 ; ditto, Grindal, 37, 40, 250, 20.3, 272, 273 ; ditto. Parker, 105, 271, 302, 517 ; ditto, Whitgift, 99, 100, 283, 525, 535.] OwEN', Arthur Allen. b. Bilston, lOtli Jan., 1842 : s. of Rev. Joseph Biitterwortii Owen, M.A. ; educated St. P.-iul's Sell. ; entered the Army as Ensign in 88tli (Connaught Hangers) Regiment ; on duty under Commandant Gritfiths at Transkei, S. Africa, Nov., 1877 ; A.A.G. to Transkei Field Force, under Colonel Glynn, Dec, 1877 ; Commanded the Attack- ing Column at the Battle of Neuniaka and subsequent operations ; mentioned in Dis- patches, 17th and 20th Jan., 1878; honour- ably noticed by Colonel Glynn and Sir A. Cuningham for service rendered on that occa- sion : Brevet-Lieut. -Colonel, 11th Xov., 1878 ; Colonel, 1882 ; Hon. Corps of Gentlemen-at- Arms, 3r(l March, 1885 ; Jledal for S. Africa, with Clasps for 1877 — 79 ; Jubilee Medal, 18s7 ; m. Janet, dnii. of Edwin Lewis, Esq., of Goldthorn Hill, Wolverhampton. [Dispatches, care of W^ar Office ; Army aud Navy Gazette (various years; but special, 21st Jan., 1881).] OwEN', Edward Annesley. b. Bilston, 5th Nov., I81t; ; .-■. of Rev. j'. B. Owen, M.A. [.w] ; educated Eton ; Trin. Coll., Cam. ; M.A., 1871 ; Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1871 ; Revising Barrister ; Recorder of Walsall, I8'.t3 : m., 18th June, 1873, Charlotte Matilda, duu. of the late Sir E. S. Gooch, Bart., M.P. Lecture and Sermon. By the late Rev. Joseph Butter- worth Owen. M.A. With a Brief Memoir. London, 1S73. Cr. 8vo., pp. 284. Owen, Gabriel, b. " Haftcott," Staffs., 1G83 ; s. of John Owen ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 22nd April, 170(.) ; B.A., 7th March, 1703. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., HI., 1098.] Owen, Ven. Hugii. b. Shrewsbury, 17GI ; 8. of Pryce Owen, M.D., and Bridget {dau. of John Whittield, of Shrewsbury), ids wife ; educated Shrewsbury Gr. Sch. ; of St. John's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1783 ; M.A., I8(i7 ; Minister of St. Julian's, Shrewsbury, 17i)l ; Preb. of Gillingham Minor, .Salisbury, 1803 ; Portionist of Bampton, O.xon., 1819 ; Preb. of Bishopshull, Lichfield, 1822 ; Archd. of Salop, 1822 to death ; Minister of the Royal Peculiar of St. Mary's, Shrewsbury, 182(5 ; Mayor of Shrewsbury, 1819 ; m. Harriet, r/au. of Edmund Jeffreys, of Shrewsbury ; rl. 23rd Dec, 1827 ; bttr. St. Julian's Church, Jan., 1828. Historv of Shrewsbury. Two Volumes. Shrewsbary, 1826. 4to.' Plates. [Jointly with the Rev. J. B. Blake- way.] Some Account of the Ancient and Present State of Shrewsbury. Hhrewfhury, 1808. 8vo. [Published anony- mously. Reviewed in (Jent.'s May., LaXX., (pt. 2) 458, 550.] Descriptions of Wenlock Abbey and Ludlow and Stokesay Ca.stles (jointly with Blakeway) [Britton's Architectural Antiquities, IV.] ; The .State of Churches, Churchvards, Jtc, in Shrewsburv \_(ieut.''s May., LXXV., 024] ; A View of the Old Church of St. Chan(lon dressmaker, as it exposed the cruelties practised ou lier apprentices. Tlie sale of the book was stoi ped, and the author heavily lined ; which line, hail be allowed them to do it, the apprentices were desirous of paying, as a token of their gratitude for tlie good done by tlie book to their cause.l Tract upon Tombstones. London; Burns. 1843. 12mo., pp. 2i> ; Plates, 7. Tales of the Village Children. First Series. London : J. Burns. 1840—43. 1845. 12mo., pp. 240 ; Plates, (!. Sermons on the Living ami the Dead. London: Ricingtons. 1845. Cr. 8vo., pp, 3j8. The Christian's Day. London : J. Burns. 1845. 12mo., pp. 264 ; everv page engraved. Praver.* on Behalf of the Church and her Children in the Time of Trouble. Lnndun, 1845. 12mo. The Churchman's Calendar for 1844, as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer, 1843. London, 1844. 12rao. St. Antholin's. London, 1841. 3rd ed., London, 1842. London, 1853. 12mo., pp. 147; plates, 3. The Idolatry of Covetousness. A Sermon. London, 1842. 8vo. The Warden of Berkingholt. Oxford, 1843. 2nd ed., with Kotes and Appendix of Religious Placards. Oxford, 1843. fcp. 8vo. London : Masters. 1852. 12mo., pp. 300 ; plates, (). Some Account of Elford Church. Rugeley: J. T. Walters. 1844. 12mo. Luke Sharp. London, 1845. London : Masters. 1853. 12mo., pp. 240. Tales of the Katzekopfs. Rugeley, 1848. 12mo. London :./. Masters. 1847. 12mo., pp. 211. The Living and the Dead. Cambridge, 1845. Coniston Hall ; or. The Jacobites. London : J. Masters. 1846. London, 1840. ISmo., pp. viii., 312. Sursum Covda. In Two Parts. London : J. Masters. 1847. 12mo. I., pp. 242 ; II., pp. 208. Tales of the Village Children. 2nd Series. London : J. Matters. 1847. 12mo., pp. 242 ; plates. 4. Tales of the Village. 1st and 2nd Series. London : Burns. 1841, 1842. r2mo. London: J. Masters. 1855. 1 vol., 12mo., pp. 351) ; plates, !•. Sermons ou Daily Life. Uugeley, 1844. London : J. Masters. 1848. Cr. 8vo., pp. 387. Sermons for Saints Days. London : Masters. (Lich- Jield: Lomax) 1848. Cr. 8vo., pp. .'(76. A Collection of Hymns and Anthems, &c., for the use of Elford Church. Lichjield : T. G. Lomax. 1853. V2mo., pp.118. Manual for Mourners. London : J. Masters. 1853. 12mo., pp. 215. The Owlet of Owlstone Edge. London : Masters. 1856. Cr. 8V0., pp. 233. The Parish and the Priest. London : Masters. 1858. Cr. 8vo., pp. 304. [Publi-shed anonymously .J The Curate of Cumberworth and the \ icar of Roost. London : .Masters. 1850. Cr. 8vo., pp. 412. Sermons for Special Occasions. London : Masters. 1858. 12mo., pp. 264. Lucretia. A Kovel. London : Masters. 1868. 8vo., pp. 310. Some Account of Elford Church. Lichfield: Lomax. 1870. 12mo., pp. 50. Ashtead and its Howard Possessers. Lichjield: A. C. Lomax. 1873. 4to., pp. 241 ; plates, 6. [For private circulation only.] Concalo of San Payo. Lomax, Lichjield. 1874. 8vo., pp. 16. [Wi-itten for Charlton Park Bazaar.] Plain Village Sermons for a Tear. Two Volumes. London: ,Sl:eJington. 1874. Cr. 8yo., pp. (Lj 230, (II.) 260. Faith and Patience. London : Skejjinglon. 1875. Cr. 8vo., pp. 292. A Student Penitent of 16115. London: .Masters. 1875. Cr. 8vo., pp. 1'.I2. Homeward Bound. London : Masters. 1876. 8vo., pp. 19!l. 2 editions. Wanted ! A Wife. [Parker's Series of Tales for Young Men and Women (Oxford: Parker. 1855—56).] Hobson's Choice. [/6.] Mother and Son. pp. 132 ; plate, 1. [/*.] Squitch. pp. 107 ; plate, 1. [/6.J Tenants at Tinkers End. pp. 156 ; plate I. [/6.] Windvcote Hall. pp. 151 ; plate, 1. [/4.1 Child"of the Temple, pp. 165 : plate, I. [/i.j Memoranda Parochialia. Rugeley. n.d. New ed., on Writing Paper, n.d. A Few Prayers and a Few Words about Prayer. Demy 32mo. How to be Useful and Happy. Demy 32mo. How to Spend Sunday Well and Happily. A Card. Address to the Parishioners of Elford. (Issued yearly.) The Destinies of God's Temples. A Sermon preached at the Re-opening of Elford Church, Aug. 2nd, 1840. A Paj>er of Advice to Parishioners in the time of the Cholera. 1S31. A Letter from Swing to the People of England [upon the Chartist Riots]. Sermon on Psalra 65, 4. [Sermons preached at St. Barnabas. Pimlico, during the Octave of the Consecration. (London. 1850. 12mo.. pj). 60.)] The Cloud u)icin the Mountain — It might have been worse — Xothing Lost in the Telling — Too Old to be Questioned — The Day that Never Came. [Short Tracts.] Oxford: Parker. 1840,1850. Paget, Henry William. /;. ITtli May. 176H; s. of Henry, 1st Earl of U.xbriilgo ; Mat. Cli. Ch., O.K., 14th Oct., 17H4; created M.A., 28th June, 17K6 ; K.G., 181S : G.C.B., 1«15; G.C.H., 1810; K.M.T. ; K.S.G. ; M. P., Carnarvon, 1 790— 96; Milbouriie Port. 1796—1804, 1806—10 ; Second in Command at Waterloo ; Captain, Staffs. Militia, 12th Dec, 1792 : Colonel, 7tli Regiment of Dragoons ; Lieut. -General in the xVrmy ; Colonel of Royal Guards, 1842 ; Field Marshal, 14th Feb., 1S46 ; Lord Lieutenant of Anglesey ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1,Sl'8— 29, 1830 — 33; Constable of the Castle and Mayor of the Borough of Carnarvon ; Ranger of Snowdon Fore.st ; Vice-Adnjiral of North Wales and Carmarthenshire ; Captaia of Cowes Castle ; Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotiilorum of Stafls., 30th Jan., 1849; Gold-Stiek-in- Waiting ; 2nd Earl of Oxbridge, 1812, and 9th Lord Paget of Beaudesert, 13th March, 1813 ; created Marquis of Anglesey, 4th July, 18ir) ; m. (1), 25th July, 1795, Caroline Elizabeth, dan. of George, 4th Earl of Jersey (from whom hi' was divorced, 1812), and (2) Charlotte, (/aii. of Charles, Earl Cadogan ; d. 29th Aliril, 1854 ; bur. Lichfield Cathedral. The Trial of Lord Paget for Crim.-Con. with Lady Wellesley, from the Shorthand Notes of Messrs. Blanchard and Ramsey. London, 1800. 8vo. [Foster's Alumni Oxou., HI., 1057 ; Pitt's Staffs., II., 276—87; Southey's Waterloo, 212; Nat. Port. Gallery, II.; European Mag., Vol. 80; Autographic Mirror, I., No. 9 : III.. No. 14 : IV.. No. 33 ; Gurwood's Dispatches of Wellington. XII., 318,337,390,403,4.32,4.3.3,472,483, 499, 573, 582 ; Doyle's Otficial Baronetage, I., 51 — 3.] Paget, Thomas. •<. of William, 1st Lord Paget ; summoned to Parliament as 1st Baron Paget, 4th April, 1571 ; became 3rd Lord Paget of Beaudesert on the death of his brother Henry, 28lh Dec, 1578 ; Jii. Nazaiet, clau. of Sir John Newton, of Barrs Court, Somers. ; attainted (together with his brother Charles) by Parliament, held Westminster, 29th Eliza- beth, and their lands and possessions confiscated; d., Brussels, 1589. Letters Patent to him. [Bodl. Lib., 850, 75.] [Pitt's Staffs., II., 277 ; and all Peerages.] PAGET (343) PALMER Paget, Thomas, Banker, Tamworth. A Letter to ... on the true Principles of Esti- mating theE.ictent of the late Depreciation in the Currency and on the Effect of Mr. Peel's Bill for the Resumption of Cash Payments by the Bank. London, 1822. 8vo., pp. 47. Paget, Rev. Thomas Bradley. b. Tamworth, 1782 ; s. of Thomas Bradle.v Packet, Banker ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., O.v., 2ml May, 180U ; B.A., 1HI)4 ; M.A., 18o9 ; Incumlient of Long Acre Episcopal Cliapcl ; Hector of Eviiigton, Lcics., 1842 to death ; d., Cheltenham, 2(ith March, 184G ; bur. Eringtou. Letters to Paget. By Bev. H. Alford. [Memoirs of Rev. H. Alford, a, I!. 8.1 [Foster's Alumni Oxon., Ill , 1057 ; Memoirs of Rev. H. Alford, 4, 141.] Paget, William, b. Wwlneshury, circa 1506 ; g. of — Paget, one of the Serjeants-at-Mace in t!ie City of London ; educated St. Paul's Sch., under W. Lily ; of Trin. Coll., Cam. : about 1529 went to France on the King's Service; in 23rd Henry VIIL was Clerk of the Signet ; had grant of Maxstoke, Warws., during minority of Peter Comp- ton: Embassy to Saxony, 1532 ; on a private mission to Protestant Princes of Ger- many, 1537 ; Secretary to Queen Anne of Cleves, 1539 ; Clerk of Privy Council, lOtli Aug., 1540 : had grant of Arras made to him, 1st Jnne, 1541 ; P.C, 23rd April, 1543 ; Executor to Henry VIIL, who left him a legacy of £3iiO; K.G., 17th Feb., 154G ; Custus Kotulorum of Stalls, and Derbys. ; created Baron Paget of Beaudesert, 3rd Dec, 1549 ; had Manor of Beaudesert made over to him ; made Lord Ijieutenant of Staffs., jointly with Earl Warwick and Viscount Hereford ; fined £G,iiUO for malversation of his office of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and banished into Staffs., 1552 ; High Steward of Cambridge, Aug., 1554; Lord Privy Seal, 29th Jan., 1555 ; m. Anne, dati. of Henry Preston, Esq., of Pieston Patrick, Cumb. ; rf.. West Drayton, Middlesex, 9th June, 15C3, where he was buried. Monument in Lichfield Cathedral. Will dated 4th Nov., 1560; proved 1st July, 15C3. Gr.int or Confirmation of Arms to W., Lord P. of B.. hy King Edward III. [Bodl. Lib., 8SS. 34. f. .S«, 37] ; Cfommission to the Lords Pagett and Hastings for in- stalling Walter. Viscount Hereford, as the proxv of Adolph, Duke of Holstein. dated " 13 Dec. 13 Eliz." '[;«., f. 107]. Lord Paget's Common Place Book. [Penes Lord Boston, 1797.] Three-quarter length Portrait. P.ainted by Holbein ; engraved several times, fol. to 8vo. [Bodl. Lib., 1110.lU.{-Ht): 857, M: J109.>tA: 1110, 16: 1134.irn: 1112. I!I6: Pitt's Staff.^*., II., 27i; ; Bagnall's Wednesbury. 12t», 121 ; all Peerages, especially Dugdale's and Collins's ; Strype's Annals ; Tytlers's fedward VI. and Queen Marv ; Lemon's Cal. St. Pa. ; Cooper's Annals of Cam.. I., 427," 442 : I[.. I. .i. 1 1. 2;(, -26. 40, 108 : North's Rep. D. K. Reconls, App., IL. 247 : Rvmer, XV.. 28, 2!i. 79. 82, 9:i. 114, 13.^), 178, 212. 230, 3:(8. 377. .380: Excerpta Historical 297, 301 ; Life of Sir Peter Carew : Wood's Annals, IL, 81, 9.i, 831 ; WiflEen's Russells, I., 318 ; Lloyd's I State Worthies ; Gough's General Index ; Smith's Auto- biography : Burgon's Gresham. I., 182,183; Chronicles of Queen Jane. 27, 48, l,i2. 188 ; Smith's Cat. of Caius ' Coll. MSS., 272; Originalia, 28 Hen. 8, p. 3, r. 90 : ■ 36 Hen. 8, p. 8, r. 20 : 37 Hen. 8, p. 6. r. 78 : p. 8, r. 43 : 38 Hen. 8, p. 4, r. 2 : 1 Edw. «, p. 1, r. 43 : 2 Edw. i\, p. 1, r. 79 : 1 Mary, p. 3, r. 3.i : 1 and 2 P. & M., p. 3, r. 14 : Memm. Scicc. Trin., 1 and 2 P. 4 M., r. «0 ; Pasch. 2 and 3 P. & M.. r. 42 ; Peck's Desid. Curiosa, I., 8, 9 ; Langley's Desboroagh, 90 ; Knight's Colet, 393 ; Nasmith's Cat. of C.C.C.C. MSS., 87. 147; Aschami Epistolae; Machvn's Diary; Lodge's Illustrations, I., 170—72; Journal of Edward III. ; Lelandi Encomia, 99; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.; Foxe's Acts ; Harl. MSS., 38, 282—84. 3.i3, .023, 1507, 1529 ; Pennant's Chester to London, 131, 147 ; Coll. Top. and Gen., II.. 201 ; Miitland's Essays on the Reformation. 71, 309, 323— 29. .3.3.5— 37. .139 — H. 441 ; St. Pa. Hen. 8 ; Miss Wood's Letters, IIL, 214- lU ; Havne's St. Pa., 6—8, 11. 15, 110, 207, 208, 210; Ellis's Letters (1>, IL, 171—75; Sadler's St. Pa., I., '221; Ashmole's Garter, 285, 622; Lansd. MS., II., art. .33 and art. 78; Antiq. C.C. of Lich- I field, 8 ; Nichols's Proceedings Privv Council, VII., 4. ' 268, 280, 283, 300, 314. .352; Commiinications to Cam! Antiq. Soc, I., 101 ; Shaw's Staffs., I.. 8, 212—15. 220, 221. 247, 268 ; Lipscomb's Bucks., I., 232 ■ II.. 48 : IIL, 79 : IV., 592; Cit. of Cott. MSS., 164. 16.i. 271, 27.3, 276, 368, 509, 520. 521, 529, 569 ; Burney MS., 300, t. I. ; Lord Herbert's Henry VIIL. .301 ; Avscough's Cat. Addit. MSS., 75, 125, 131, 132.852: Chaloneri Miscellani, 354; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I.. 221 — 24, .554 ; Lord Hatherton's M.S. ; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield Cathedral. 14 ; Haddoni Poemata;, US; Thorpe's Cal. St. Pa.: Baker MS.. XXIV.. 85; Lee's Pole, 49, 85, 111, 118, 2.34 ; Hist. CoU. Staffs., lU. (pt. 2j. 122 : VL (pt. 2;, 14 : IX. (pt. 2), 100. 101.] Paget, William, b. 1572 ; s. of Thomas, 3rd Lord Paget ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 1587 ; B.A., 15th Feb., 1589 ; restored to the honours and possessions which had become forfeit on the attainder of his father \_Ber Paget (Thomas)], 1603; summoned to Parlia- ment as Baron Paget, 5th Nov., 1(505 — 7th March, 1628 ; m. Lettice, dau. of Henry Knollvs, Esq., of Kingsbury, Warws. ; d. 20th Aug., 1629. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1107 ; Pitt's Staffs., IL, 277; Harwoods Erdeswicke (1844), 197; Hist. CoU. Staffs., V. (pt. 2), 341.] Pagrt, William, b. 13th Sept., 1609; s. of William, 4th Lord Paget \_see] ; commanded a Regiment at Edgehill ; Lord Lieutenant of Bucks., 11)42 : summoned to Parliament, 1639 — 61 ; 5th Lord Paget ; K. G. ; m. Ladv Frances Rich, ilati. of Henry, Earl of Holland ; d. 19th Oct., 1678. Speech to the Recorder of Westminster. 1637. [Bodl. Lib., S^S, (100) 170, 171.] Pain-teu, Rev. William Hunt. Curate of Barbon, Westminster, ls61 — 65 ; High Wycombe, 1865— G6 ; St. James's, Edgbaston, 1866 — 71 ; Holy Trinity, Derby, 1871—79 ; St. Luke's, Bedminster, 1879 — 84 ; Biddulph, 1885 ; of Knypersley. Carboniferous Fish [.Science Gossip (1872), 176, 177] ; A Visit to Castleton [(1874) 195—97] ; More about Car- boniferous Fish [253, 254]. Palmer, Rev. Charles, b. Coventry, 1653 ; s. of Edmund Palmer ; Mat. Magd.Hall, Ox., 7th Marcli, 1679 ; B..\... Lincoln Coll., 1G82 : M..\., 1GS5 ; Vicar of Towcester, Northants.. 1688 — 1734 : Canon and Preb. of L'lveton, Liclitield, 4th April, 1691, to death; d.. Towcester, 12th Dec, 1734. [Rawlinson's MSS., I., 189. 881: V., 105; Hearne's IL. 63. 74 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III.. 1108 ; Harwood's Lichfield, '240, 241.] PALMER ( 344 ) PALMER Palmer, Rev. Charles Ferrers (Raymund). b. Taniworth, 9th Sept., 1819; s. of Shirley Palmer, M.D., and Marie Josephine Minettc Breheault, his wife ; educated Tamworth Gr. Sch. ; Queen's Coll., Birmingham ; M.R.C.S., Eng., 184(5; joined the Dominican Order, 1853, and took Orders in tlie Roman Catholic Church ; at Woodchester, Gloucs., until 18G6, when he was removed to St. Dominic's Priory, Haverstock Hill, London. The History of the Town and Castle of Tamwovth in the Counties o"f Stafford and Warwick. Tamuvrlh : J. Thompson. 1S45. 8vo., pp. xvi., 520, Ixxvi. ; with folded map and illustration. , , „ , , Life of Beato Angelico da Fiesole. of the Order of Friar-Preachers. Translated by a Memher of the s.ime Order from the French of E. Cartier. London : J. Pliilps. 1865. 8vo., pp. xl., :t.oO. The Dominican Tertiary's Guide. By Two Fathers of the Order. Two Volumes. Derby: Richardson if Son. H.d. lUmc, pp. (I.) viii., 14i), (II.) viii., 340. 2nd ed., 186S. [Vol. I. by C. F. 11. P.] The Life of Philip Thomas Howard, O.P., Cardinal of Norfolk, Grand Almoner to Catherine of Braganza, Queen Consort to King Charles II. . . . Compiled from Original Manuscripts. With a Sketch of the Rise, Mis- sions, and Influence of the Dominican Order, and of its Early History in England. London : T. Richardson i». Birminyham awl .Midland In.1t. (1880)]; The Blackfriars of Warwick [(1884)]; of Leicester [Trans. Leics. .Irchi- tectural o'- Archaol. Soc. (1884)]; The Friar-Preachers or Blackfriars of Shrewsliury [Shrop. Archival. Soc. Trans., IX., 2ol-lili (I88i;)"] ; Anotlier Paper on Leicester [Leics. and Rutland iV. if Q., I. (1890)]; The Earl of Cornwall's Cross ['The Aniiq., N.S., XXI. (April, 1890)] ; The Kings' Confessors, 1250—1422 [XXII., XXIIL (Sept., Oct., Dec, 1890: Jan.. 1891)] ; Burials at the Priories of the Black Fri;vis [XXlll., XXIV. (March, July, Aug., Sept., Dec, 1891)]; Prelates of the Black Friars of England [X.VVI. (Aug., 1892, et se>j.)] ■ A Con- secrated Life : Memoir of Bishop William, O.P., 1()()8 — 1740 [Merry Enyland, Nos. 55, ,50 (Nov., Dec, 1887)] ; Under the Penal Laws : Memoir of Fr. Thomas Worthington, O.P.. 1071—1754 [Nos. 07, 08 (Nov., Dec, 1888)]; Bygone Colleges: Bornhem, in Flanders, 1700 — 1825, and Carshalton, 1794—1811 [Nos. 70, 71 (Feb., March, 1889)]; The BLack Friars of London, 1225—1559 [Nos. 72—7 (April— Sept., 1889)] ; Forgotten Colleges of S.S Giovanni e Paolo, Rome, 1075 — 90, and S. Thomas Aquinas, Louvain, 1097 — 1794 [Nos. 88, 91 (Aug., Nov., 1890)]; In Exile: History of the Convent of Bornhem, 1001-1825 [Nos. 95, 90 (Feb., March, 1891)]. Palmeb, F. p. Educated Sedgley Park Sch.; Assistant Surgeon to Dr. Richard Cooper, of Bilston ; sometime in practice as Surgeon in Walsall ; m. a sister of Dr. Cooper ; cl. 1879. The Wanderings of a Pen and Pencil. By F. P. P. and A. Crowquill. London : Jeremiah How. 184G. 4to., pp. 375. Pai.meu, Rev. Hugh. Fellow of New Coll., Ox., ir>-24— ->8; B.A., UUh July, 1528; M.A., 5th July, \b?,2 ; Vicar of Cluii, Salop, 1544 ; of Bishop's Itchington ; Canon and Precentor of Liclificld, 5th Feb., 1544, to death ; Rector of Portishead, Somers., 1554. His Will is dated (ith March, 1554 ; proved 22nd June, same year. [O. H. S., I., 340; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1109; Harwood's Lichfield, 195.] Palmer, Rev. John. b. Kent ; Pensioner of St. .John's Coll., Cam., Oct., 15C7 ; Scholar, 15(iS; B.A„ 1571; Fellow, 1573; M.A., 1575 ; incorporated in Ox. Univ., 12th July, 1580 ; Proctor, 1587 ; created D.D,, 1595 ; Master of Magd. Coll., 24th Dec, 1595 — 1604 ; Dean of Peterborough, 3rd Dec, 1597 ; Preb. of Dernford, Lichfield, 18th Nov., 1(505, to death ; d., in prison for debt, July, 1G07. Latin Verses. [University Collection to Sir Philip Sidney, 1.587.] Letters (in MS.) to Lord Burghlev. [Extant.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IIL, 1109; Baker's Hist. St. John's Coll., Cam., .340, 305 ; Bridge's Northants., II., 503 ; Proceedinys Cam. Antiq. Soc, I.. 354 ; Cooper's Annals of Cam., IL, 305 ; Fuller's Worthies (1840), II., 491 ; Gunton and Patrick's Peterborough, 89 ; Heywood and Wright's Univ. Trans.. I., 511,51.3,519: II., 17— 19, 84; Lansd. M.SS., 03, art. 95 ; Laud's Works, VI., 357; Legge's Ricardus Tertius (ed. Field), 75, 109, 128 ; Le Neve's Fasti, I., 597 : II., 539 : III., 020, 090 ; Strype's Annals, II., 304 : III., 304 ; ditto, Whitgift, 271 ; Willis's Cathedrals, I., 430 : II., 521 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., IL, 457, 458 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 225.] Palmer, Rev. Richard. Curate of Tutbury. Sermons on Various Practical Subjects . . Burton- on-Trent: Printed for the Author by T. Wayte. 8vo., pp. vi., 290, vi. PALMER (345) PALMER Palmer, Shirley, b. Colesliill. Warws.. 27th Aug., 178C ; -1. of Edward Palmer, Solicitor, and Benedicta Mcars, his wife ; educated Coli's- hill Gr. Sell, and Harrow ; apprenticed to Mr. Salt, Surgeon, LieliBcld ; Pupil under Dr. Abernctliy at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London ; M.R.C.S., Eng., 1807 ; M.D., Glasgow, 1815: settled at Tamworth ; partner with K. Wood, Esq. till 1H15; Hitjli BailiiT, Tamworth (Staffs, side) 2nd Aug., 1819, and 2n(i Aug., 1S;^,0 ; established himself at Bir- niingliam in 1M31, but kept family dwelling and connection with Tamworth ; m., Cannock, 29th Sept., 1813, Marie Josephine Minette Breheault {h. 18th Feb., 1787, at Soissons ; d. Kingswood, near Knowle, Warws., 5th Feb., 1868 ; bur. Water Orton) ; (/., Tam- worth, 11th Nov., 18.J2 ; bur. St. Editlia's Church, IGth Nov. The ShIbs Exile. Lichjield, 1S04. 4to. [A scathing denunciation of Jsapuleun. Dedicated to .Miss Anna Seward, who toolt umbrage liecause the work was laid in her garden patli and not presented to iier in person. Frontis. is a l>ortrait of Thomas Bramall, Kscj. (afterwards of Tamwortli). whom Miss Seward always introduced as her Adonis. In after years Dr. Palmer suppressed the juvenile poem. It is now exceedingly rare.] PopuLir Illustrations of Medicine. London, 18'i9. 8vo., pp. xvi., Silt). Popular Lectures on the Vertebrated Animals of the British Islands. Part First : on the British Mammifera ; with a Tabular View of them arranged according to Blumenbach's System .... London, 1832. Svo., pp. X., 96. [These were four Lectures delivered by Dr. Palmer in the winter of 1H31 at the Mechanics' Institute of Birmingham. No more liublished.] A Pentaglot Dictionary of the Terms employed in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Practical Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Medical Jurisprudence, Materia Medica, &c. . . Part I., with leading terms in French, &c. . . Part II., A German-English-French Dictionary . . London, 1846. 8vo., pp. viii., IJ.'iT. On Kevisiting a Favourite Scene in "Winter : A Poem r The Anali/.it, I., 1 IS (IKSl)] ; Lines of Affection to [1^2.^7]; To My Horses p)(M] ; To Poland [.^IS] ; To a Young Poetess [41'.l] ; The Suicide : A Sketch from Xature [II., 8il (lH:i.i)] ; Epigram [131] ; On the I'himage, Nest, and Eggs of the long-tailed Titmouse [I., 2M ] ; lieview of the " Songs of Science," by Walter Wugstatte, a work only hi nuhlbiis [.'i.^O] ; An Outline of the British Mustelada: [II., 17] ; A Retrospect of the Literature of British Ornithology, from the close of the 17th century to the present time [ill., 7S (ISIi.i)] ; Sketches of European Ornithology: Gould's Birds of Europe [III., 'itia : IV., ','7, -271 (iK.'til)] ; An Outline of British Caterpillars [III., •283] ; The Iteptiles and Amphibia of Britain, alpha- betically arranged [V., 101 (1836)]. Leading Articles to The Lichfield Mercury, whilst John Woolrich was Editor. Editor (jointly with William Shearman, M.D., and James Johnson, Esc).) of the Xew Medical and Physical Journal, 181.'> — 19. Ditto (jointly with D. Uwins, M.D., and S.aniuel Frederick Gray, ftsq.), of the London Medical Repository, Jan., 1819— Dec, 1821. Dr. Palmer contributed many articles to tlie above Journals. Palmer, Thomas. B.C.L., 0-\. Univ., June, 1518; D.C.L., 7th Dec, 1525; Dean of Tamworth, 1487 ; to valuation by Henry VIIL, 1534 ; Chancellor of Worcester, 1522 ; Canon of Hereford, 1524; Precentor, 1531 ; Chancellor of Salisbury ; it. before 1535. [Palmer's Tamworth, 224, 226, .",14; L.ansd. MSS., arS.f. 173 ; Le Neve's Fasti, I., 70; Valor. Eccl., 26 Hen. 8 ; Foster's Alumni 0.\on., E.S,, III., 1 1 16.] Palmer, Thomas. The Saint's Support in these sad Times. London, 1644. 4to. [Contains Portrait of Robert, E:irl of Essex, to whom it is dedicated.] Palmer, Rev. Thomas, h. Rugeley, 1828; $. of William Palmer, Timber Merchant, and Sarah, his wife ; apprenticed to Mes«rs. Evans & Sons, Chemists, Liverpool ; of St. Bee's Coll., 1848—50; residing at Coton Elms, Derbys., 1850 ; Rector of Trimley St. Martin, Ipswich, 18fU). A Letter to the Lord Chief Justice Campbell. Con- taining Remarks ujion the Conduct of the Prosecution and the Judges ; with .Strictures on the Ch.arge delivered to the Jury ; illustrative of its dangerous tendencies to the long-enjoyed rights and privileges of Englishmen . . . London:.!'. Tayler, 3Sa, .Vew Bridge Street, Hlachfriars. IHoG. 2nd ed., London, same year. 8vo., pp. 80. [Repudiated by Mr. Palmer in The Times a few days after l)ublication.] Palmer, William. h. Rugelev, Oct. (baptized 21st), 1824; .«. of William" Palmer, Timl.or Merchant, and Sarah, his wife : educated Ruijeley Gr. Sell., under Clarke and Bonney ; apprenticed to Messrs. Evans & Sons, Chemists, Lord Street, Liverpool, who discharged him for opening letters : when 18 years old he was apprenticed to Dr. Tylecote, of Haywood, near Colwicli ; Pupil at the Infirmary, Stafford ; placed under Dr. Stegall, of London, in 1846 ; Stuilent, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, [..luidon, in the same year ; commenced practice in Rugeley, 1847 ; m., 7th Oct., 1847, at Abbot's Bromley, Ann Brookes, dau. of Colonel Brookes (who shot himself in 184(1), of Front Street, ^itafford, and Ann Thornton ; owner, about 1H5(), of several racehorses, and gave up "physic for the turf"; began his poisoning career about the same time ; Mrs. Thornton, his mother-in-law, and a Mr. Bladon from Ashby-de-la-Zouch (one resident and the other a visitor at his house), both died under very suspicious circumstances at this period, folldwed by the death of a Mr. BIy, a Norfolk geiiile- man ; bis children all died in infancy, except the eldest, 1S51— 54 ; his wife died, 25th Sept., 1854, and by her death he "nets £13,00(1": Walter Palmer, his brother, died Kith Aug., 1855 ; leaving out a few other deaths we come to that of John Parsons Cook, a gentleman from Lutterworth, Leics., whom he falls in with at Shrewsbury Races, 18th Nov., 1855, and who dietl, poisoned by Palmer, on the 21st of the same month, at Rugeley ; for this he was indicted, tried, and condemiietl at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London, the Trial lasting from the 14th to 2Gth May, 185(;, when he was brought back to StalToril (Jaol, where he was hangetl on Satur- day, the 14th June, 1X5(5, in the presence of a crowd of spectators, numbering 20,000. The Illustrateil and Unabridged Edition of the Timet Report of the Trial of William Palmer for the Poisoning of John Parsons Cook at Rugelev. London: Ward A- Lock 1856. 8vo.. pp. 184. The tjueen r. Palmer. Verbatim Report of the Trial of W. Palmer at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London, May 14th and following days, 1856 . . [Entered TT PANKHURST C S4G ) PARKER Stationers' Hall.] London: J. Allen. JS56. 8vo., 2 parts, pp. 32ti. Illustrated Life and Career of William Palmer of Rugeley. Containing liis Conduct as a Schoolboy, Medical Stuiient. Racing Man. :ind Poisoner. Original Letters of William and Ann Palmer . . the whole of his Private Diary . . Illustrated with Views. Portraits, and Repre- sentations of the chief incicjents of his career. Lonilon: ir«r(/, Lock, if to. ISiG. »vo., pp. I3G. Price One Sliilling. Sketch of the Life of Palmer, with an Account of his Execution . . Hill ij- Halden, Oaolyate Street, Stafford, n.d. (ISiG). 8vo., pp. 24. A Letter to Lord Chief Justice Campbell. [See Palmer (Rev. Thomas).] The Rugeley Tragedy Revealed. Being a Review of all the Startling Disclosures of the Rev. Thomas Palmer, proving the Innocence of his brother, William Palmer, sentenced to die at Siafford, on a Charge of Poisoning the late Mr. Cook, as derivetl from his conlidential Confession to his Council. Family, and Friends ; clearing up all the charges laid against hiui, and justifying a res]>ite of his sentence. Including Remarkable Cases, demonstrating the Deceptive Nature of Circumstantial Evidence and the Danger of Executing Innocent Persons. London: T. Jhtyi/dn, 20, Sea Coal Lane . . n.d, Cr. 8vo., pp. 1(1. Trial of William Palmer, A'C. [Another Report.] With Report of the Great Burden Slow Poisoning Case at Darlington. ISoa. fivo., pp. 240. [Evidently made up and paged continuously to sell off the Darlington rase.] Poisoning by Strychnia . . . With Comments on the Palmer Poisoning Case. By A. S. Tayler, M.D. London, 1S5G. Svo. The Fatal Consequence of Gambling, as illustrated in the Rugeley Poisoning Ca,se. [See Scott (Rev. John).] A .Sermon on the Death of Palmer the Murderer. [See Walker (Rev. Thomas j. J The Duty of Intercession .... Two Sermons preached in the Chapel of Stafford County Prison, on June 11th and loth. \t>M. [.See Goodaci'e (Rev. R. H.).] The Trial of William Palmer. Extra Numlier of the Illn.(). The Painter Poets. Selected and Edited, with an Introduction and Xotes. by K. P. London ; Walter Scott, n.d. •24mo., pp. xxxvi., "25G. [The Canterbury Poet Series.] /(/drasil. A Magazine of Literature, Art, and on Social Philosophy. Edited by William JIarkwick and K. P. . . George Allen of Temple Bar. London, and Orpington, Kent, moo. 8vo., jjp. S'.l-i. [A Monthly Periodical, largely devoted to Ruskin's Works.] The English Republic. By W. J. Linton. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by K. P. London : Swan Sonnenschein. .(■ Co. ISOl. Cr. 8vo., pp. xvi., 21C. [Social Science Series.] The Leek Press Papers. Edited by K. P. No. I., The Relation of Art to Education and Social Life. By Walter Crane. Printed at the Leek Press. 1802. 4to. [2G copies only on hand-made paper.] Sq.Xvo. [2(KI copies.] The Library Revietv and Record of Current Literature. Edited by K. P. . . . 1892,1803.' Demy 8vo., 2 vols., pp. (I.) viii., K.^2, (II.) iv., HU. (Printed by C. Kirkham at the Leek Press, Leek; Published by Hutchison ij* Co., London.) The Library Association in Paris. Rei)rinted from the Athenreum, Sept. 24th, 1S92. [Privately printed at the Leek Press.] Cr. Hvo., pp. 24. [Only 50 copies.] W. K, ['. has contributed Articles, itc. to The Bir- mingham Daily Gazette, Birmingham Inst. Mag., The Mid- land .\atnralist. The Raskin Guild ./our.. Time, The Sun, The Artist, Victorian Mag.. Alalanta, Studio, Poet Lore (Boston, U.S.A.), The Athenteum, The .inti-Jacobin. ij'c. Parkins, Rev. William Trevor. h. London, 1851 ; s. of William Trevor Parkins ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 21st Oct., 1869 ; B.A., 1873; M.A., 1877 ; Curate of Wellington-u--.- Eyton, Salop, 1875 — 78 ; of Windermere, Westmd., 1878 — 83 ; Vicar of Wiclinor. 1883. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., ni., 1070.] Parkinson, Rev. Henry Thomas, b. Cbeadle, 30th Jan., 1852 ; «. of Henry Parkinson and Isabella MilUvard, his wife ; educated Sedgley Park Sch., ISGo— 68 ; Douay Coll., France, 18G8— 73 ; St. Bernard's, Olton, 1873—74 ; English Coll., Rome, ls74— 77 ; Vice-Rector of Olton Seminary, 1877 ; Senior Curate, St. Chad's Cathedral, Birmingham, 1887 — 89; Vice-Rector of Oscott Coll., 1889. Adjumenta Philosophise Definitiones Quaestione Tabellse. Privately Typographed, 1891. 4to., pp. Ixviii., 221. Definitiones Universse Philosophise quae conscripsit . . . Brugis: Ch. Beyaert, Editor. 1803. 8to., 2 leaves, pp. o6. Pauley, Peter {_i.e., Samuel Griswold Goodrich]. Famous Men of Modern Time, &c.. [Parley's Cabinet Librarv, I. (Philadelphia, 1816, Svo.), S. Johnson, 207— 27.] ■ Parr, Rev. Samuel, LL.D. Tracts by Warburton and a Warburtonian (Bp. Hurd) not admitted into their collected works. Edited bv Dr. Parr. With Preface. London, 1780. Hvo. Letter to the Rev. Dr. Milner r\\'olverhampton], occiisioned by some passages in his End of Religious Controversy. London: Jfawman. 1825. 8vo. Parry, John Morgan. /;. Wolverhampton, 1868 ; s. of Rev. John Parry, Vicar of St. Luke's ; Mat. Wore. Coll., 0.\.," 22nd Oct., 1885. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 107.'!.] Parsons, Rev. Henry, b. Tamworth, 3rd June. 1837 ; s. of William Parsons, Esq. ; edueatetl Moseley, Appleby, and Bridgnorth ; Mat. Trin. Coll.. Os.., GthMay, 1857 ; B.A., 1861 ; M.A., 1865 ; Curate of Welford-it'.-Wickham, Berks., 18G1 — 63 ; of St. Leonard's, Bridg- north, and Afternoon Lecturer at Badger, Salop, 1864 — 69 ; in charge of Winterbourne- Kingston, Dorset., 1869 — 71) ; Minor Canon of Llandaff. 1870—79 ; Vicar of St. Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth, 1870. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1075.] Parsons, Rev. John. b. Cubbington, Warws., 1697 ; *■. of Thomas Parsons ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 13th June, 1713; B.A., 1717: M.A., Sidney-Sussex Coll., Cam., 1728: Vicar of Wasperton anil of Farnborough, Warws., 1725; Canon and Preb. of Ulveton, Lichfield, 12th Dec, 1729—50. [Foster's Alumni Oxnn., E.S., III., 1123; Harwood's Lichfield, 240.] Parsons, Rev. John. b. Denbigh, 1812 ; Con- gregational Minister from 1840 ; at Brierley Hill, 1840—50; Bromsgrove, Worcs., 1851 — 61 ; Lapf; M.A., 1818; Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temi)le, 1823 ; High ,Sherilf of Beds., 1851 ; Deputy Lieutenant, 1852 ; Chairman of the Biggleswade Division, Beds. ; P.C. of Legislative Council of St. Bartholomew, 1833 ; m. eldest ikiu. of Rev. Thelwall Salusbury ; d. 21st May, 1870. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1081 ; Dod's Peerage (1856).] Payne, Rev. Peter Samuel Henry, b. Hands- worth, 1810 ; s. of Peter Payne, Esq., and brother of the above ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 29th Nov., 1827 ; Scholar, 1827—31 ; B.A., 1831 ; Fellow, 1831—41 ; M.A., 1835 ; Bursar, 1838 ; Dean, lis39 ; Senior Dean, 1840 ; (1. 30th June, 1841. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1082.] Payne, William. Connected with the Stafford- shire Knot, Hanley, for some years up to 1889. Stafford Gaol and its Associations ; with a Record of County Crime and Criminals. Printed (from stereotype plates) by J. Ilitchinys, Hanleij. 1SS7. Cr' 8vo., pp. 173. The Siege of Caverswall Castle. The Great Orme and its Antiquities. Historical Sketches and Tales of the Waveneg Valley. The Coal Seam of the Scottish Highlands. The Raven's Wing. History of the South Staffordshire Coal-field. [All the above contributed to the columns of the Staffordshire Knot.] ■ Pavton, J. A Quaker ; of Dudley. An Authentic History and Description of the Castle and Priory of Duiiluy, chiefly compiled from the works of Leland, Erdeswicke, Plott, Grose, Ac. Dudlei/: Printed for the Author by . I. Rann. 1794. 8vo., pp. 30. Peak (or Peake), James, b. Dronfield, Derbys., 1744 ; .«. of Rev. Jonathan Peak, Vicar ; edu- cated Man. Gr. Sch., l'5th June, 1759 ; of St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1767 ; M.A., 1775 ; Rector of Kingsley, 1790 to death ; Clip, to Duke of Devonshire ; Incuinbent of Edensor, Derbys. ; e Edwards (Rev. E. J.).] .Special Rules .... Whitfield Colliery. Printed by Tfionias Peitke, Publisher to the North Staffordshire Coal and Ironmasters^ Association^ Newcastle. 8vo., pp. 8. Reports of North .Staffordshire Infirmary. UiO — 86. Lichfield Diocesan Calendar. 1»)*0— 188ti. Pe.xrce, Edward Sainthili. Surgeon ; L.R.C.P., Edin., 1XU7 : M.H.C.S., Eng., 18G7 ; in practice at Brierlev Hill since. Unqualified Assistants. .Successful Case of Colotomy. [Lancet {\f,lZ).^ Pe.\rce, Thomas. Clerk of Walsall Races, 1809 — 12 : Agent to Biriningiiain Life Insurance Company ; Constable ; Vestry Clerk, 1812. The History and Directory of Walsall. Containing its Anti(|uities, and a modem survey of its Improvements, a description of its Public Eilifices, Ac. To which is added A Correct Account of the Trial between the Borough and Foreign, Ac. Ac. Birminf/ham ; Printed by Thomson ^ Wrightson, New Street. 1S13. 8vo., pp. ix., 234. Frontis.: " Walsall Racecourse." Pearce, Rev. Thomas. b. Harford, Berks., 1820 ; «. of F. Joseph Pearce ; Lincoln Coll., Ox.; B.A., 1843; M.A., 1848 ; Curate of Goldenhill, 184.5—47; Highcliffe, Hants., 1847—49 : Waterpcrry, O.xon., 1850 — 52 ; Sparsholt. Berks. ; Vicar of Morden, O.xon., 1853 ; Rector of Cliarborough, Oxon., 1871 ; d. 24th !^ept., 1885. The Dogs of the British Islands. London : Horace Cox. 1S66. (Tbe Rev. T. Pearce wrote the larger portion.) The Dog. Cassell. 1S72. The Idstone Papers. London : Horace Cox. 1872. Articles in The Field. &c. Pearson, Caroline, h. Graisley House, Wolver- hampton, Nov., 1796 ; dan. of Joseph Pearson, Esq., J. P. ; m., 1827, Rowland (afterwards Sir) Hill, father of the Penny Post ; was a very active correspondent in the postal reform movement originated and carried on by her husband ; d. May, 1881. Many letters extant : some printed. Pearson, John. b. Manor House, Tettenhall, 1772 : s. of Thomas Pearson ; educated Wol- verhampton Gr. Sch. ; Mat. Ch. Cb., Ox., 24th Oct., 1789 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn. 1802 ; on the Oxford Circuit ; Advocate- General in India, 1824—40 ; d. 16th April, 1841. Poems on various occasions. London, 1706. 8vo. Letter to the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Stafford- shire on the late County Meeting. Stafford, 1707. 8vo. The Rights of the Inhabit:ints at large to attend County Meetings asserted, in a second letter to the Free- holders. Manufacturers, and Inhabitants of Staffordshire. Stafford, 1707. 8vo. A Review of Lord Selkirk's objection to a Reform in the Representation of the People. 18(19. 8vo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1086; Gent's Mag. (18^n, pt. II., 428; Lawley's Biblio. of Wolverhampton.] Pearson, John Yardley. b. West Bromwich, 1860 ; s. of Joseph Hitchmau Pearson, Esq. ; Mat. New Coll., Ox., 1 1th Oct., 1878 ; Scholar, 1878—83 ; B.A., 1883; M.A., 1888. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., HI., 1086.] Pearson, Joseph. Of Graisley House, Wolver- hampton ; J. P., Staffs. Report of the Case of the Wolverhampton Meeting- House : Mander v. Pearson. London, 1836. 8vo. Pearson, Thomas, h. Wolverhampton, 1733 ; g. of Edward Pearson ; Mat. St. Edmund Hall, Ox., 14th Feb., 1749 ; B.A., from Ch. Ch.. 1753 ; M.A., 1756. [Foster's Alimni Oxon., UI., 1086.] Peche, Ricliard. Supposed to have been a son of Robert de Peche (Bp. of Liclifield, 1121 — 27); 1st Archd. of Chester, 1125—40: of Coventry, 1127 ; Bp. of Lichfield, 116'2— 82; one of the Justices of Ireland, 1181 — 82; became an Augustinian at St. Thomas's Priory, Stafford (which he had founded) ; d. there, 6th Oct., 1183. [Dugd. Monast., IIL, 220; Harwood's Lichfield, 134, 204 ; Beresford's Dio. of Lichfield, 57 ; Cox's Muniments of Lichfield, 110, iV>, 117— I'J, 124, 130, 140, 146.] Peche, Robert de. Bp. of Lichfield, 1121—27 : Chp. to Henry I. ; d., Coventry, 20th Aug., 1127. [Harwood's Lichfield, 133.] Peck, .John. h. Grindon, 1639 ; «. of Rev. Samuel Peck, Vicar of Grindon, 1631, and of Husband's Boswortb, Leics., 1648 ; Sizar, St. John's Coll., Cam., 3rd Dec, 1655 ; B.A., 1659 ; M.A., 1663 ; Fellow ; incorporated Ox. Univ., 12th July, 1664. [Mayor, 124 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.,E.S.. III., 1135.] Pedigrees, &c., relating to Staffordshire, in MS. and printed. Pedigrees and Arms [Lot 268, Salt Library] ; ditto, relating to .Staffs., Worcs., Derbvs., Salop, ice, in 23 par- cels, fol., arranged from A — Z [lb.. Lot 269] ; Family of Colton [ib., 271]; of K. S. Cooke (Claimant to Stafford Barony [ib., 272]; of the Audleys, Barretts, Lanes. Oke- overs, Ferrers, Ac. [lA., 274] ; of Aadley Family [ib.. 277]; Devereux Family [ib.. 280] ; of James of Lvtton. co. Stafford [i'*.. 281] ; Joliffe, of co. Stafford, &c. [li., 282] ; Pigot Familv [ib., 28.'). 286]; other references. Stafford- shire Families, Ac. [ib., 287, 2931; Shirlev Familv [ib., 294]; Aston, of Tix:ill [lb., 29a]; Talbo't Familv [ib., 296—298]; Pigot Family Evidences [i6.,:i0.i,306]. Others will be found in the Harl. MS.S., Brit. Mus.. ami. S18, 1983, 199.i, 1990. 1077. I17:i, Itl."). 1139, 1570. 22(i.S. 2113, 6104. 6128. 7022. 2043. b. 47 L ; 2145, f. 99 : 1429 ff. 284, 33. .344! 37A. 384, :m, 426, 454, 496—524. 99 ; Lansd. MS., 843 ; Bodl. Lib., 834, art. V. Coll. of Arms, Philpot MSS., 39L! 47L. [See Bowen (Jas.), Dugdale (Sir W.), Pegge (Rev. S.), Flower ( W.), Glover ( — ), Erdeswicke (.S.), Harwood (Rev. T.), Nicholiis (Sir N. H.). Sims (R.), Sims's M:>nual for Genealogist,s, 5, 51, 56, .57. 157. 173. 219, 239, 293, 321. 328. 333, 338, 434 ; Hist. Coll. of Staffordshire. Vol. I. to date ; Shaw's St;iffs. (for all parts of the County e.xce,'t Pirehill North) : Plott's Staffs, (contains a very fine map. giving Coats of Arms of nearly all who had a right to beir arms at the time ( 1686) of issue ; Erdeswicke's Survev of Staf- fordshire. 1717. 1723, 1786, 1820. 1844 I the two Litter edited by Rev. Thomas Harwood [see] i ; Tunnicliffe's .Survey contains Coats of Arms. Besides the above, numerous works relating to other counties contain pedigrees, data, facts, Ac, essential to the enquirer on this subject. Re- ports of the North .Slaffonlshire. and Burton. Tamworth, and other Archa?ological Societies contain numerous facts ; as also does the Midland Muf/azine (4 vols.). Sleigh's Leek, Redfern's L'ttoxeter. Ward's Stoke-upon-Trent, Willmore's Walsall, WiUett's West Bromwich, Booker's, Twamley's, Payton's, Simms's Dudley Castle, Palmer's Tamworth and Tamworth Church. Bagnall's Wednesbury. Lawley's BU- ston, Hackwood's Darlaston and Tipton, Amphlet's Clent, Salt's Standon, Ac, Ac] PEDLEY ( 352 ) PEEL Burke, Lodge, Debrett, Dod, Playfair, Dugdale, Jacob, Collins, Wootoii, Waif oni, and other Peerages, Baronetages, and Knightages, contain Pedigrees, &c., of Staft'ordshire persons ; as also Burke's Commoners and his Landed Gentry. [Besides the above, there are numerous publications issued, dealing with Peerages, Claims, iSic, as Shrewsbury, Stafford, &c., all of wliifh are invaluable to the searcher. / luive mil {Mailed them «.* Ihfiij are (jnen so far as nece-uary in the bodij of the trork. — COMPII.EH.) Pedlby. Rev. Charles, h. llaiiley, 1827 ; Con- gregational Minister from 1844 ; at Chester- le-Street, 1840 ; at St. John's, Newfoundland, 1857; at Cold Springs, Ontario, 18G(! to death ; m. Miss Stowell, dau. of Dr. Stowell ; d. 2yth Feb., 1872. History of Newfoundland. London, 1863. 8vo. Obituary. [Con. Year Book (1873), 34«, SW.] Pedley, Samuel. Master Tamworth Gr. Sch. Examples in Arithmetic. London : Macmillan cj- Co. WO. Cr. 8vo., pp. viii., 371. Published in Two Parts, 18S5. I., pp. iv., I'.IO ; II., unpaged. The Pupil Teacher's Handbook. Peel, Rt. Hon. Arthur Wellesley. h. London, 1830 ; ». of the Rt. Hon. Sir Rohert Peel, Bart., of Drayton Manor ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 6th April, 1848 ; B.A., 18(i2 ; M.A., 1865 ; created D.C.L., 22nd June, 1887 ; Student, Middle Temple, 1853 ; M.P., War- wick, 1865 — 85 ; of Warwick and Leamington, 1885 to date ; Patronage Secretary to Treasury, 1873 — 74 ; Under Secretary, Home Depart- ment, April to Dec, 1880 ; Speaker of House of Commons, Feb., 1884 to date. Speeches. [Hansard's Debates, IHIW— 81.] Decisions as Speaker. [/*., 1884 to date.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1088.] Peel, Edmund, b. 8th Aug., 1791 ; s. of Robert (afterwards 1st Bart.) Peel, Esq. ; edu- cated Harrow; M.P , Newcastle, 1831 — 32, 1835 — 37 ; unsuccessful candidate, 1830 and 1832 ; m., 1812, Jane, dau. of John Swiiifen, Esq., of Swinfen. [Palmer's Tamworth, 437 ; Ingamells' Newcastle, 4G.] Peel, Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick, h. 26th Oct., 1823 ; .'*. of Robert Peel (afterwards Kt. Hon.), Esq.; educated Harrow; of Trin. Coll., Cam.; M.A., 184'.l : Student of Inner Temple, 5th May, 1845 ; Barrister-at-Law, 1849 ; M.P., Leominster, 1849—52 ; Bury, 1852—57, 1859 — 65 ; Under Secretary for Colonies, 1851 — 52, 1852—55 ; ditto, for War, 1855 — 57 ; Financial Secretary to Treasury, I860 66 ; Chairman of liailway Commission, 1873 to death; P.C., 1875; Deputy Lieuten- ant fin- Warws. and High SherifT, 1873 ; K.C.M.G., 3rd June, 1869; m. (1), 12th Aug., 1857, EHzabeth Emily, dan. of the late John Slielley, Esq., of Avington House, Hants., (2) 3rd Sept., 1879, Janet, dau. of Philip Pleydell-Bouverie, Esq., of Brymore, Somers Numerous Reports on Railways jects to Parliament. [Men at the Bar, .358.] Peel, Rev. Herbert Richard. 1831 : K- of Dr. John Peel and connected .Sub- h. Canterbury, Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 31st May, 1849; B.A., 1853; M.A., 1H56 ; Rector of Handsworth, 1860— 73 ; (/. 2nd thine, 1885. [Poster's Alumni Oxon., III., 108:i.] Pekl, Rev. John. /). 22nd Aug., 1798 ; s. of 1st Sir Robert Peel, Bart. ; Vicar of Stone, 1828; Preb. of Canterbury, 1829; m., 6th May, 1824, Augusta, dau. of John Swinfen, Esq. [Palmer's Tamworth, 438.] Peel, John. b. Manchester, 4th Feb., 1804 ; s. of Thomas Peel, of Peelfold, Lanes., and Dorothy Bolton, his wile ; educated Man. Gr. Sch.; M.P., Tamworth, Oct., 18(;3— 68, 1870 to death ; Trustee to Man. Gr. Sch. ; J. P., Staffs, and Warws. ; of Middleton Hall, Tam- worth ; m., 8tb Oct., 18;!0, Esther, dau. of Edward Peel, Esq., of Church Bank ; d., suddenly, of apoplexy, at Middleton Hall, 2nd April, 1872. [Man. Sch. Reg., III., li;.->, I'.IO.] Peel, Sir Laurence, b. 1800 ; s. of Joseph Peel, Esq., of Southgate ; educated St. John's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1821 ; Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple, 1824 ; Advocate-General in Bengal, 1840—42 ; Chief Justice of Calcutta, 1842 — 55 ; Vice-President of Legislative Coun- cil at Calcutta, 1854 — 55 ; created Hon. D.C.L., Ox., 1858; Member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; knighted, 1S42 ; Treasurer of the Middle Temple, Dec, 1866. Sketch of the Life and Character of Sir Robert Peel. London, 1860. 8vo., pp. 314. Peel, Sir Robert, Bart. b. Peelfold, Lanes., 25th April. 1750: s. of Robert Peel (Cotton Manufacturer, of Peelfold, near Blackburn, and afterwards of Burton-oii-Trent), and Elizabeth {Iish its Proceedings. London, 1837. 8vo., pp. 32. .Speech on his Inauguration as Lord Rector of Glas- gow University. London, 1837. 8vo. Letter to Sir Robert Peel, in refutation of the Calum- nious Attacks on Americ;i and her Citizens, in his Speech at Glasgow. London. 1837, 8vo. Authentic Report of the Peel Banquet at Merchant Taylors' Hall. May, 1838. London, 1838. 8vo. The Peel Banquet. . . Speeches of Sir Robert Peel . . . Lord Stanley, and Sir James Graham . . , with Debates. London, 1838. 8vo., pp. IG. The Government of Ireland. The Substance of a Speech ... in the House of Commons. By Sir Robert Peel. London, 1830. 8vo., pp. 44. The Speeches of l^ir Robert Peel ... on the Corn Laws. . . . Second Edition. London, 1830. 8vo., pp. 64. Another edition, pp. 8. Speech on the Corn Laws, Feb. 19th, 1839, with James MacQueen's Letter to Lord Melbourne on the Statistics, &c., of Agriculture and Manufactures. London, 1830. 8vo. Speech on the Government of Ireland. London, 1830. 8vo. Speech on resigning the attempt to form a Ministry in May, 1839. London, 1830. 12mo. Speech on .Sir .J. Yarde-Buller's motion on want of Confidence in the Government. London, 1840. Svo. A Letter to Sir Robert Peel, Baronet, in Reply to his Speech on Mr. Yiiliers's motion for an Entpiiry into the Operation of the Corn Laws. By a Member of the Man- chester Operatives Anti-Corn Law Association. Man- chester, 1840. 8vo., pp. IG. Address on the Establishment of a Library and Read- ing Room at Tamwoith. London. 1841. 8vo., pp. 30. 2nd eil., corrected, 1S41. 8vo., pp. .30. Tamworth Reading Room. A Letter on the Address of Sir R. Peel. London, 1841. Svo. [Another] Letter ... By Catholicus. London, 1841. 8vo., pp. 42. Meclianics' Churches. A Letter to Sir Robert Peel, Bart., on Church Extension, Ac. Bv Rev. John Livesey, M.A., Incumbent of St. Philip's, Sheffield. London, 18W. 8vo., pp. 28. The Arrogance of Sir Robert Peel Exposed, and his Sliding Scale committed to the Fire by J. W. Massie's Speech, Marcli 2nd, 1842. Manchester, n.d. 12mo., pp. 12. Custom's Duties ; Sir R. Peel's intended Rates. Man- chester, n.d. (1842). 12mo., pp. 32. Another ed., 8vo., pp. 16. Financial Statement in the House of Commons, 1842. London, 1842. 8vo. New Scheme of Taxation. A Speech. By Sir Robert Peel. London, 1842. 8vo., pp. 16. Fireside Musings of an Idle JIan, on Sir Robert Peel's late Financial Policy. London, 1843, Svo. Sir Robert Peel and his 15ra. London, 1843. 8vo., pp. 284. Speeches in the House of Commons, May 6th and 20th, 1844, on the Renewal of the Bank Charter. 'London, 1844. 8vo. The Qui Tam Actions. A Letter to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel. By James Thomas Russell, Solicitor. London. 1844. 8vo., pp. 12. A Letter . . . to . . . Robert Peel .... occasioned by some observations he is reported to have made in a speech in the House of Commons on the Dissenters' Chapels Bill. . . . June «th. 1844 By a Deputation from the Presbyterian Church of England. London, 1844, 8vo., pp. 20. Sir Robert Peel's New Corn Bill and Tariff. Official Edition. London, 1840. 8vo., pp. 16. UU PEEL ( 354 ) PEGGE Sir Robert Peel and the Corn Law Crisis. 3rd edition. London. 1S4G. 8to., pp. 33. Report of a Meeting ... at Glasgow ... in support of Sir Robert Peel's suggestion in reference to Railways. f:itli May, 1841 ; Attache to British Embassy at Madrid, .June, 1844 — May, ]84fi ; Secre- tary to British Legation in Switzerland, May to Nov., 1846 ; Charge-d'-alTaires there, from Nov., 1840 — Dec., 18.-)0 ; a Lord of the Admiralty, March, \Sbf> — 57 ; Secretary to S|)ecial Mission to Ru.ssia at the Coronation of the Emperor, 1S,5(J ; Captain, Staffs. Yeo- manry, 18.34—5!) ; M.P., Tamworth, 1850 — 80 ; " Huntingdon, 1884—85 ; Blackburn, 1885—86 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1861 —65; P.O.; G.C.B., 5th Jan., 1860 ; 3rd Baronet; m., 1856, Lady Emily, rfa«. of 8th Marquis of Tweeddale. Letter to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P., on a Plan for Converting the Royal Dublin Society and Museum for Irish Industry into a National Institution for Ireland. London, 1864. 8vo., lip. 11. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1089 ; Webster's Staffs. Yeomanry Cavalry, App. xxiii.] Pebl, Rt. Hon. William Yates. b. Chamber I Hall, Bury, Lanes., 3rd Aug., 1789 ; s. of I Robert Peel (afterwards 1st Baronet), Esq. ; j educated Harrow ; of St. John's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1812 ; M.A., 1815 ; Barrister-at-Lawj Linccdn's Lin, June, 1810 ; Commissioner of Biiard of Control, 1820 ; Under Secretary to the Home Office, 1820 ; a Lord of the Treasury, 1830, 1834— April, 1837 ; Deputy Lieutenant for Staffs.; M.P., Bossiney, 1817 ; Tamworth, 1820—30, 1835—37, 1847; Yar- mouth, Isle of Wight, 1830 ; Ox. Univ., 1831 ; m., 17th June, 1819, Lady Jane Elizabeth Moore, dau. of Stephen, Earl of Mount Cashel ; P.C. [Debrett's & Dod's Peerages ; Palmer's Tamworth, 437, App. xiv.] Pegge, Rev. Sanuiel. b. Chesterfield, 5th Nov., 1704 ; s. of Christopher Pegge, a Woollen Draper ; Pensioner of St. John's Coll., Cam., 20th May, 1722 ; Scholar, Nov., 1722 ; B.A., 1725; Fellow, March, 1726; M.A., July, 1729 ; Curate of Sandwich, Kent, 25th March, 1730 — 24th June, 1731 ; Vicar of Godmershain, Kent, Dec, 1731 — 51 ; P.C. of Brampton, Derbys. ; Vicar of Whittington, Derbys., 11th Nov., 1751, to death ; Rector of Brindle, Lanes., Nov., 1751 — 58 ; Vicar of Heath, Derbys., 1758 to death ; P.C. of Wingerworth, Derbys., 1765 ; Vicar of Whittington, 1763 ; Preb. of Bobenliall, Lichfield, 1757— 17th June, 1763 ; of Whit- tington, 4th Feb., 1703, to death ; of Louth, Lincoln, 1772 ; created LL.D., Ox. Univ., PEGGE (350) PENFOLU 1791 ; F.R.S.A., 1751 ; m., April, 1732, Ann, (lau. of I'lenjuiiiin ('lurkc, Esq., of Stanley, near WaketiV-ld ; iL 14tli Feb., 1790 : bur. in Chancel of Wliittington Church, Uevhys. An Examination of the Inquiry into the Meaning of Demoniacs in the New Testament . . . London, 1739. 8vo. Popery an Encourager of Vice and Immorality. A Sermon. Loudon, 1746. 8vo. Dissertation on some Anglo-Saxon Remains. London. 1756. 4to., pp. xi., 42. Memoir of Roger de Weseham. London, 1701. 4to. Essay on the Coins of Cunabelin. Loniloii, 1766. 4to., pp. iv., 135. An Assemblage of Coins fabricated by authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1772. 4to. St. Thomas Fitz-.Stephen's De.-cription of London. Newly translated from the Latin Original, with a necessary Commentary, a Dissertation on the Author, and . . a Correct Edition of the Original .... With various readings and some useful annotations by an Antiquary [Peggej. London, 1772. 4to., pp. ix., 81. The Form of Cury. London, 17S1. 8vo. The History and Antiquities of Kccleshall Manor and Castle, and of Lichfield House in London, pp. 20, with title. [Forms Part XXI., Vol. IV., of Bibliotheca Topo- graphica Britannica in Eight Volumes. London : Nichols. 1781—00. «vo.] Anuales Elije de Trickerham, mouachi ordinis Bene- dictini. Ex Bibliotheca Lamethana . . . Compendium compertorum ; ex Bibliotheca duels Devoniae. London, 1789. 4to., port. Sketch of the History of Bolsover and Peak Castles in the County of Derby. [No. XXXII., lA.] The Life of Robert Grosteste, the celebrated Bishop of Lincoln, Ac. London, 1703. 4to. The Bull Running at Tutbury, Staffordshire. Dar- linffton I're.i.^. n.d. An Historical Account of Beauchief Abbey, in the County of Derby, from its foundation to its final dissolu- tion. London, ISOl. 4to. Remarks on the Miscellaneous Observations upon Authors, ancient and modern. In several Letters to a Friend . . . Anonymiana. London, 1809. 8vo. •2nd ed., 1818. 8vo., pp. vii., 371. Letter in Answer to Dr. Greene [Gents.'s Mag. (1759), 1)5 ; reprinted in Shaw's Staffs., I., 254 — 5GJ ; Letter on Pig of Lead at Hints [ifi., XLII.; reprinted in Shaw, II., 17— 9J; Letters to Huddersford [Bodl. Lib., 1822, f. 17, 20,47,48. 71,7li, 92]. Catalogue of the Collection for the History of the County of Derby, formed by Samuel Pegge, LL.D", Rector of Whittington. [CoUectania Topographica, &c., HI., Dr. Pegge was a frequent contributor to Gent.'s Mag., 1746—9.3, under the signatures of Paul Gemsege (Samuel Pegge), T. Row (Rector of Whittington), and L. E. (final letters of his name). [Harwood's Lichfield, 220, 254, 255 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.. 1090 ; Raines's Lanes. ( 18118), II.. 1.57 ; Chal- mers's Biog. Diet., XII., 244—49 ; UenCs Mag., LXVI. ; Nichols's Bowyer.] Pegge, _Sanniel. b. 1731 : s. of Rev. Preb. Pegge [«c] ; Barrister-at-Law ; rf. 22nd Mar, IHOlt. Life of Dr. Samuel Pegge. {Gent.'s Mag., LXVI.] History of Beauchief Abbey. [By his Father.] [Assisted .Mr. Nichols in publishiug the above.) Peggs, Rev. J. Baptist Missionary to Onssa ; afterwards of Burton-on-Trent, &c. The Suttee's Cry to Britain. Shewing that the Cus- '■ torn of Burning Hindoo Widows is not an Integral Part of Hindooism and May be Abolished with Ease and Safety. 2nd eil., London (Loughborough printed), 1828. 8vo., pp. 17 ; woodcuts. Pelham, Henry, h. 1695 ; .«. of Thomas, Lord Pelliiim, and brother of Thomas, 1st Duke of Neweastle-under-Lyme [«cf] ; educated Westr. Sch., and Trin. Coll., Cam. ; an active politician — a very energetic supporter to hir; lirother ; m. Lady Catherine Manners, dau. of 2nd Duke of Rutland; rf. 6th March, 1764. The Coniluct of the Two Brother.-!. [See Pelham (Thomas).] A Second Series of Facts, Ac. . . . Two Brotliers. [.See ditto.] Letter . . . Two Brothers. [.See ditto.] Pelham, Thomas Holies, g. of Thomas, Lord Pelham ; Piimc Minister of England ; created Duke of Ncwcastle-nnder-Lyme, ISth Xov., 1756 ; (i. 17th Nov., 1768. An Examination of the Principles and an Inquiry into the Conduct of the Two Birothe)rs [The Duke of New- castle and Mr. H. Pelham], in regard to the establishment of their power. London, 1740. 8vo. 4th ed., revised, ' Loudon, 1740, 8vo., pp. 79. The Conduct of Two B(rothe)r8 vindicated, the Examiner's Contradictions exemplify 'd, and Conjecture exploded. Loudon, 1749. 8vo. A Second Series of Facts and Arguments to prove that tlie Abilities cf the Two B rs are not more extra- ordinary than their virtues. 2ud ed., London, 1749. 8vo., pp. xii., 334. I Letter to the Author of " An Examination of the Principles and Enqury [.tic] into the Conduct of the Two B(rothe)rs." London, 1740. 8vo., pp. 82. The Conduct of a Noble Duke [Newcastle] in regard to the Resignation of the Post of Honour. London, 1752. 8vo., pp. 31. The Duke of Newcastle's Letter, by His Majesty's Order, to Monsieur Michell, the King of Prussia's Secre- tary to the Embassy. Loudon, 1853. 4to., pp. 4G. The Conduct of the Ministry impartially considered. London, 1756. 8vo. Resigiiation ; or, The Fox out of the Pitt and the Geese in with B g at the Bottom. Loudon. 1756. 8vo. A Letter to the Duke of Newcastle on the Duty he owes Himself, his King, his Country, and his God. Lou- don, 1757. 8vo. The Coalition ; or. An Historical Memoir of the Negociations for Peace between His High Mightines.s of C(lare)m(on)t [i.p., Thomas Pelham, Duke of Newcastle] and His Sublime Excellency of H(a)v(e)s [i.e., William Pitt, Earl of Chatham] . .' . Publi.shed by one of the Contracting Parties . . . -2^1 ed., London, 1762. 4to., pp. 13. The Anatomy of a late Negotiation. London, 1763. 4to., pp. ii. [On Pelham controversy.] A Letter from the Hon. Thomas' Pelham to the late King. To which is prefixed one to the Duke of Newciistle. London, 1763. 8vo., pp. 4G. Pendleton (Pendylton, Pendulton, Pennylton), Rev. Henry. B..\., Brasenose Coll., 0.\., 16th Xov., 1542; M.A., 18th Oct., 1514; D.D., ISth July, 1552; Rector of Blymhill, 1552 — 55 ; Domestic Chp. to Bp. Bonner : Canon of St. Paul's, 1554—57 ; Rector of St. Martin's, Outwich, London, 1554 ; Vicar of Todenhani, Gloues., 1554; Canon of Lich- field and Preb. of Ulveton, 15th June, 1554 — 57 ; (t. 1557. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. III., 1141 ; Lansd. MS., 081, f. 7; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I., 325; Harwood's Lichfiel.l, 239.] Penfold, Rev. George Saxby. h. Epsom, Surrev, 1770 ; g. of Hugh Penfold. Esq.; .Mat. Merto'n Coll., Ox., 13th June, 178«; B.A., 1792; M.A., 1814 ; B.D. & D.D.. 1825 ; Rector of Pulham. Dorset, 1797 : of Ch. Ch., Maryle- bone, 1825: of Trinity, Marylebone, 1828; of Kin.irswinford, 1832", to death ; d. 13th Oct., 1846. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., HI., 109i?.] PEN FOLD ( :-ir,o j PEPLOE Pekfold, Rev. William, b. Steyning, Sussex, ISOO ; s. of Rev. .IdIiii Penfold ; Mat. Lincoln Coll., O.X., 14lh Dec, 1819 ; B.A., 1823 ; M.A., 182(! ; P.C. of Wordslcy. 1831—51 ; Rector of Ruerdcan, Gloncs.. 1851 to death ; Clip, to tlie Duke of Beaufort ; d. 22nd May, 1881. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 10',I3.] Penhoiin, Daniel. Stoke. Obituary. {New Con. Man. (1823), 555.] Pknkuidge fmodern), Penkeryche (Inventory of Goods, 1553), Penkerick (Valor. Eccl.), Pen- keriz (Memoirs of Archlips. of Dublin), Pen- krich (Register, 1653), Pencrvcli (Reg., 6th July, 1601;, Penrich (19th May, KSG!)), Penn- kic (Tax Eccl. Nieh., 1291), Pencriz (Rec. D. K. 3G Hen. III.), Pancrize (Domesday Book), Pen-cryth (17 E.lw. III.), Penkrixhe (Rydding's Memorial Penkridge Church), Pen- krize (Register, 1575), Pancridge (True Re- former, 24tli May, 1645). History of. [.See Tildesley (J. C.) ; Plott's, Shaw's, Pitt's, and'otlier Histories of StaCFordshire.] Penkvidge Chartulary. [Archiepiscopal Archives, Dublin.] Deeds rel.iting to Penkridge. [Salt Lib.] [Liitidiiu Gazette (Sept.. 1674. Iii79) ; Schofiehi's Mi'l- dlewU-h Jour. (Aug., 175i!) ; Gent.'s Mat/. (18-2-2). I.; Weslev's Jour. (1745j; Tour through Great Britain (17;i4)"; Stukeley's Itinerary ; Huntbach MSS. ; Wolrer- Jiampton Chronicle (18-29): Close Rolls, temp. Hen. III.; Bere,(ford's Dioce.se of Lichfield ; Bodl. Lib., 853, 74 : 864, 55 1 [See Peploe (Rt. Kev. S.) (Rev. W.). Wilbraham (Rev. C. P.), Littleton (Lords), Fell (Rev. Preb.), Andrews (W.).] Penn, Penne. Concessio patronatus ecelesiae [Bodl. Lib., Ia2~, i>.T] : Historv of [Shaw, U., 218] ; S. View of Over Penn Hall [218].- Penn, Rev. Thomas, b. Kinfare (Kinver), Nov., 1675 ; s. of Thomas Penn : Mat. Pembroke Coll., Ox., 8th April. 1693; B.A., 1696; M.A., 1099 ; Vicar of Great Missenden, 1701 — 9 ; Rector of Aston-Sandford, Bucks., 1708 ; served the Donative of Princes Risborough, Bucks., 1721 to death ; d. 28th June, 1755. [Rawlinson's MSS., \l.. 117 : XYUI., 198 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IIL, 1141.] Pennant, Thomas. A Jonrnev from Chester to London. London : B. While. MDVi'LXXXII. 8vo.. Large and Small Paper. [Staffs.— pp. 44—121; ; Plate of Shugborough, 67 ; Temple of the Winds, 68 ; Antiquities at Stafford, Lichfield, &c., no ; Portrait of John Talbot, .S12 ; of his Counties, 312.] Penny, Rev. Alfred. b. Bubbenhall, Warws., 1845 ; s. of Rev. C. J. Pennv ; educated Rugby : Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1868 ; M.A., 1871 ; Curate of Hemel-Hempstead, 1869—72: Andover, 1872—73; Vicar of Swindon, 1873 — 74; Missionary in Melanesia, 1875 ; Curate of Stoke-on-Trent, 1888-89 ; Vicar of Ch. Ch., Tunstall, 1890. Ten Years in Melanesia. London: Smith, Elder, t^- Co. Penny, Anne. .\nningait and Ajutt : A Greenland Tale. Inscribed to Mr. Samuel .lohnson. Taken from the 10th Volume of his Rambler. Versified bv a Lady [i.e.. Anne Pennv]. London, ISGl. 4to. Penny Merimentb. [,See .Morgan (A.).] Penny, Rev. Nicliolas. b. 1672 ; Fellow Queen's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1698; M. A., 1701; B.D., 1710 ; Incorporated Ox. Univ., 14th July, 1712 : D.D., 1724 ; Rector of Ardwick, Camb., 17(M; : of Hickling, Notts., 1721 ; Canon of Norwich, 1723; Preb. of Weeford, Lichfield, 20th Sept., 1723 — 31 ; Rector of Boddington, Surrey, 1730; Dean of Lichfield, 1730 to death"; d. IStli Jan., 1744. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 111.') ; Harvvood's Lichfield, 187, 2o2.] Pensell, Richard. /;. Rugelev, 1647 ; a. of Richard Pensell ; Mat. Queen's Cdl., Ox., 3rd July, 1663 ; Barrister-at-Law, Middle j Temple, 1674. [Judges and Barristei-s ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., in., 1142.] Pensell, William, b. Rugeley, 1G56 ; s. of Richard Pensell, and brother of aiiove ; Mat. Magd. Hall., Ox., 22ud May, 1672; B.A., 29th Jan., 1675. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1144.] People. Famous People and Famous Places. London, n.d. (1883). 8to. [Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Thrale, 4.-t— 59.] The People's Art Union. The Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings. London. n.d. (1871). 8vo. [Dr. Johnson, IIL, 178—88.] Peploe, Right Rev. Samuel, b. Dawley Parva, Salop, l(i69 ; i«. of Padniore Peploe ; Mat. Jesus Coll., Ox., 12th May, 1687 : B.A., 12th March, 1690 ; M.A., 1693 ; B.D., Lambeth, 10th March, 1718 : Vicar of Kedleston, Derbys., 1695 : Vicar of Penkridge ; Vicar of Preston, Lanes., 1700 — 27 ; Wanien of the Collegiate Church of Manchester, 1718 ; Bp. of Cliester, 1726 to death ; m. Anne, dau. of Thomas Jtrowne, of Shredicote, Staffs. ; d. 2l8t Feb., 1752. A Sermon preached at the Assizes held at Lancaster, 7th April, 1710. London, 1710. 8to. A Steadfast Affection to the Proi,estant Religion and the holy Government of His Majesty King George, in opposition to the wicked designs of the Present Rebellion. A Sermon. London, 1716. 8vo. God's Peculiar Care in the Preservation of our Religion and LiVjerties. A Sermon. London, 1718. 8vo. A Sermon preached at the Anniversary Meeting of the Children educated in the Charity School. London, 1730. 4to. A Sermon preached before Parliament on . . Tues- day, January xxs., 1732. London, 1733. 4to. [Cketham Soc. Trans.. N.S., VI., 157; Rawlinson's MS., II., 165: Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1145; Raines's Lanes.; Burke's Landed Gentry.] Pei'loe, Rev. Samuel, b. Penrich (Penkridge), 1701 ; «. of the above ; Mat. Jesus Coll., Ox., 19th Feb., 1720 ; B.C.L., Wadh. Coll., 1726 ; D.C.L., 17G3 ; Vic^r of Preston, Lanes., 1727; Preb. of Chester, 1727—81 ; Archd. of Richmond, 1728 ; Rector of Tattenhall, PERCEVAL (357) PERRY Cheshire, 1727 — 43 ; Warden of Manchester Coll. Ch., 17:^8 ; Cli;incoilor of Chester : m. (1) Anne, dnii. of Rev. Tlionius Birch, {'!) Itclieica, (lau. of Edward RuluTt, Deputy Rejjfislrar of Chester; (/. iiud Get., 1781. [Kaine's Wardens of Manchester; Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., lO'.iO ; Burke's Landed Gentry, art. Peploe of Garnston.] Peuceval, John. h. \Yesttninster, 24th Feb., 1711; .s. of John, 1st Earl of Kgniont; d.. Pall Mall, London, 4th Dee., 1770; bur. Charlton, Kent. An Kyamiuation of the Principles and an Inquiry into the Conduct of the Two B rs. [See Pelham (Thomas). J London, IHO. 8vo. A Second Series of Facts and Arguments [on same]. London, 1740. 8vo. PeR100IC.\I, PonLICATIONS. The Annual Monitor and Memorandum Book for the year l.Sl.'i. J'ori-. n.d. 18mo. [Lines addressed to a young woman who had resided under the Author's roof for 12 months, &c., by Mary Knowles, l"i — 14; Contro- versv on Water Baptism, 1.38, l.'i'.).] The Annual Monitor. N.S., 1S5^. [Account of Richard Smith, extracted from a Memori.al of him issued by the Monthly Meeting of Staffordshire in 182.i, pp. lOS, 104.] Perkes, Rev. John. b. Bradley, 1690; s. of Thomas Perkes ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 30th Oct., 170!) ; B.A., 17 1 :i ; Vicar of Caverswall, 1715 to death ; d. 1709. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1117; Hutchin- son's Stoke, 5*j.] Perkes, Thomas. b. Bradley ; s. of John Perkes; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 22nd Oct., 17U8 ; B.A., 18th June, 1712, as Parkes. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1117.] Perkin's, R., of Shutborrow (Shughorough). Information of R. Perkins, of Shutborrow. London, 1081. Perks, Bernard, b. Wolverhamiiton, ISOli ; ,«. of Samuel H. Perks ; Mat. Magd. Coll., 0.\., 2;}rd Oct., 1885. Perks. Edwin Hollis. h. Newbriilge. 1863 ; s. of Samuel Hollis Perkes ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 16th Oct., 1882 ; B.A., 1887. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1099.] Perrrtt, E. & E., Printers, Queen Street, Wolverhampton. Rules and Tables of St. Paul's Provident Society, Wolverhampton. Wolverhampton : E. cj- £. I'erretl. 18X2. 8vo., pp. 24. Perry (Perye, Purv), Rev. Daniel, of Gloucs. b. 1509 ; Mat. (Queen's Coll.. Ox., lOth Dec, 1585; B.A., Maffd. Coll., Ox., 20th Jan., 1591 ; M.A., 4th July, 1094: Proctor, 1602 ; Canon of Lichfield and Preb. of Dcrnford, 27th Jan., 1607 ; deprived during Civil War ; re- instated, 1600. [Harwood's Lichfield, 225; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1149.] Peurv, Rev. Edward, h. Bilston, 1802 ; s. of Joseph Perry ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 15th Oct., 1821 ; B.A., 1826 ; Student of Lincoln's Inn, 1825 ; Vicar of Llangattock-Vibon-Avel, Mon., 1844 to death ; il. 19th July, 1875. [Foster's Alumni 0-xon., III., llOn.] PfiRiiy, Edwin Cooper, b. Wednesbury, 1856 ; .«. of Rev. E. C. Perry [«^<>] ; of King's Coll., Cam.; B.A.. 1883'; M.A., 1883; M.B., 1880; M.D., 1888; Fellow, King's Coll.. Cam., 1«80 — 87 ; Assistant Physician to Guy's Hospital, London, 1887 ; Superin- tendent, Guy's Hospital, 1892. A Collection of Anthems for King's College Chapel. Cambridi/e, 1882. [Compiled ( iointlv with A. A. Mann, Mus. Doc.) bv E. C. Perry.] [.See Mann (A. H.).j Perrv, Rev. Edwin Cresswell. b. Darlaston ; s. of William Perry ; of Caius Coll., Cam. ; B. A. ,1855; M.A., 1858; Curate of Wednes- bury, 1850 : Vicar of Seighford, 1801. The Confessional, Its Unscriptural Character and Injurious Tendencies. 1859. Perry, F. Etching of Fairwell Church, 1741 ; altered, 1797. [Shaw, L, 229.] Perry, Frederick Charles, b. Bilston, 5th Aug., 1819; .«. of Thomas Perry and Mary, his wife ; educated Bridgnorth Gr. Sch. ; .T.P., Staffs. : High Sheriff, 1888 ; m. Harriet, dau. of G. Tliorneycroft, Esq., of Tettenhall. Address to Staffordshire Agricultural Society on ''The Labourer." [Staffs, .idnertiser (1892).] Perry, Rev. John. b. Pattingham, 1713 ; s. of John Perrv; Mat. Perab. Coll., Ox., 14th Nov., 17M1 ; B.A., 1756; Vicar of Clent, July, 1737, to death ; Rector of Axle and Vicar of Farningham, Kent, 1754 to death : m. Agnes ]\Largaretta, dau. of Walter Little- ton, of Lichfield ; d. 14th Sept., 1780 : bur. Clent. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. III., 1101; Amohlett's Clent, 47, GO, 194.] Perry, Rev. Littleton, b. Clent, 14th Feb., 1746; s. of Rev. John Perry, Vicar: Mat. Masjd. Coll., Ox„ 12th June, 1765; B.A., 1769 : Vicar of Clent and of Rowley Regis, 1780; resigned, 1816 ; d. 1816. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1101 ; Amphlett's Clent, 160, ICl, 170, 171, 174, 194.] Perry, Thomas, b. Wolverhampton, 1703 ; «. of George Perrv ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 15th March, 1721 ; B.A., 1724. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1101 ; Lawley's Bilston, 138.] Perry, Thomas. b. Bilston, 1705 ; s. of E.I ward Perrv ('/. 18tb ]Mareh. 1728) and Mary Pipe, his wife : Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox.. 19th N..V., 1722 ; B..\., 1726 ; Curate of Wednesbury, 1725 ; d. 1728. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1101 ; Lawley's Bilston 151.] Perry, Thomas Corbet. b. Wolverhampton, 1809 ; «. of John Perry : Mat. Line. Coll., O.X., 8th May, 1828 ; B".A., 1832. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1101.] TERRY (358) PHILIPS Perry, Thomas Sarjoant. Enylisli Literature in tlie Eighteenth Century. Xeir I'ork, IXS3. Hvo. [Dr. Johnson, 40:i—li').] Pebry, William ("The Boy of Bilston"). b. Bilstou ; s. of Thomas Perry ; when a boy a Roman Catliolic Priest laid hold of him and exorcised him for evil spirits ; this went well for a while, bnt, owing to the trial of a poor old woman for having bewitched Perry, Bp. Morton (then of Lichfield) took the matter in hand and soon made him confess his imposture ; tried at Stafford Assizes, 1621, on wliich occasion he confessed his duplicity, and on begging pardon was liberated, becoming an industrious citizen ; compounded for his estate as a " malignant," 16-18 ; m. a d*. [.See Fothergill (S.), Phipps (Joseph).] Pii-KiNGTON, Rev. Richard. M.A., Emtnanael Coll., Cam., 1593 : incorporated in Queen's Coll., Ox, 30th Oct., 15119 ; B.D., 27th June, 1600; D.D., Gth July, 1607; Rector of Hamlileden, Bucks., 1595 ; Archd. of Leicester, 16:^5; Treasurer of Lichfield, 1625 — 28; er ... in modum dialogico scriptus. Lovanii. 1,560. 8vo. Florem Historise s;icri CoUegii. S.R.E. Cardinallum, par. Ludov. Donni d'Attich. Paris, 1660. Epistolarum R. P. . . et aliorum ad ipsum Vita Cardinalis . . . Brixia;, 1744. 4to. Vita di Reginaldi Poli Cardinalis. [.S« Beccatelli (L.).] History of the Life of Cardinal Pole ... By Thomas Phillips [..eej. .Second Kdition. Two Volumes London: T. Payne. .StDCCLXVIl. 8vo.. foldin" port pp. (I.) xxxi., Vih, (IL) xii.. 34l», folding Petaii ii.. Card. St. Mariai in Cosmedin loHiJ. Mail 22 [reprinted from Imperialis Mas ] ■ ditto, Polus, Vander Wsrtf. P. a' Gunst. .Sc. : ditto, printed m colours, "from a curious old painting in Lambeth Pakice— W. Maddocks. Sc." [Lambeth Palace Illustrated (180(;)]; ditto, In Imagin XIL, Card., l.ili.s— T. Galle: ditto, by Pernetas ; ditto, bv F. Wvngard [in AIbi Elopes Cardin], by Picard. .Sc. 181«, from Lord Arundell's Titian [Lodge's Illustrations] ; ditto, small oval [L-mdon: Printed by Richard Chisur/lj; ditto, an etchin" in out- line ; another, without title [Crachwode Collection, Brit. Mus.J : ditto, engraved for Cnicersal Magazine 1743 • again, D'Apiesle Tableau de Raphael . . . gravi par Nicholas de Larmes.sin (a line engraving. Imp. 8vo.) [lu Phillips' Pole] ; ditto, line engraving. sm.all oval. 8vo. — J. S., sculpt. ; ditto, with coat of arms [London, 1820, 4to.] ; ditto, oval, mezzotint [London, 1817]: ditto by H. r. Ryall [London : ,/. Tallis ,J- Co.; 4to.] ; ditto, small 8V0., oval, between two Doric pillars, bv Gunst, after Wertf [slightly different from the one before mentionetl by same artist] : ditto, 8vo., oval [Tweede Dul. fol. 477, with 8 quartenngs] : ditto, bv P. S. Simms. lar. 8vo • by R. White, lar. 8vo. ; again, lar. fol. [Cracherode Col- tection, Brit. Mas.] ; ditto, 8vo., in line and mezzotint: Ltching, from Arundell portrait, as frontispiece to Lee's Life of Pole. [Bodl. Lib.. oC: 1121. 220: Shaw, II ■'(i.i 2fiS ■ Bhsss Wood's Ath. Oxon.. I., 114, 274; Cooper's Ath. Cantab, I., 18.'5 — 8.5. ool : Smith's Autographs ; Xetlier- clift's Autographic Miscl. : Hutchin's Dorset.. II 'OS 53.) ; Biog. Universelle ; Biog. Brit. ; .Machvn's Diarv ;' Wood's Halls and Colleges. 2tr4. 32(1 ; Fuller's Worthies • Godwin de Pra^stulibus : X ij- Q.. v.. 10.5, 153, 5G7 : Harl' Miscl., IX.. 142: Collect. Topog. et Gen.. I.. 2!)5 310- Hasted's Kent. IV., 737 ; Lingard's England : Ch:.lmers's Biog. Diet., XXIV.. 45<.l : XXV., 107 : Trevelvan Pai«rs, 143, l.>i; : Lloyd's State Worthies : Ellis's Letters (3) II U7, 12i;, 315: St. Pa., Hen. 8 ; Frowde's England, temp. Hen. 8, Edw. B, Marv : Kemp's Loselv MSS.. 1.54 : Gor- ham's Gleanings, 5, 302, 335, 33i;, 374; .Smiths Cat of CC.C.C. MSS., 191; Cowrie's Cat. of St. John's Coll. MbS., 85, a.'!, 04, 122: The Earls of Kildare; Gutch's M.->b., L, ;t'.)0: Lansd. M.S.S.. 080, ff. 24!>A. 251. 255. 257 2fi0 : Fosters Alumni O-wn.. E.S.. III.. 117t;: Vanghan's' English Revolution, II.. 2.58— 1;5, 441. 4(i2. 4li8.472 ; Foxe's Acts and Monuments (1.597). IL! 13^11—43: Hook's Archbps. of Canterbury, art. Pole: Dart's Canterburv Il!9, 171, plate of tomb engraved ; Wharton MS. (Lambeth Library), 50.i, 123: King's Librarv MS.. 10213 f 43- W ilkms's Concilia. IV. ; Acts of the Consistorv at Rome '• Guirini, IV., 12(5: V., 2:18: Original Letters on the Reformation ( Cambridge. 1846) ; Cardinal Pole's Rcister Book, in Lambeth Libr.irv. f. lit; ; Cott. MSS. (Brit, ifus.1 ■ \ itell. F. v., F. 2. I. 72] PoLLASi), Hev. Arthur. Of Staffs. ; h. 15G7 ; Mat. JFerton Coll, Ox., 5th March, 15S4 ; B.A., (Uh Feb., 1587 ; M.A., 11th July, 1590. [Foster's Alumni Dion., E.S., III., 1176.] rOLLAND ( 36-t ) POTTS Poi.LANi), Thomas. Memlier of the Church at Liclifiold. The Holy Scriptures clearing itself from Scandals. [.See Farnworth (R.), Fo-k (G.).] Pooi-E, Rev. George. Queen's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 184(; ; Curate of Colwich ; P.C. of Hauinierwifli, 1S.")2 — 5S ; Vicar of Burnt- wood. 18">8 — 1880; '/. llamnierwich, May, 1889 ; hur. Hanimerwich. The Path of the Just. Lomlon : Ilodihr i^- Slunghlon. 1S70. PooLE, Hcv. George Avliffo. b. 1810; of Eninianucl Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1831 ; M.A., 18;38 ; Vicar of Welford, Nortliants., 1843— 76 ; Rector of Winwick, Northants., 187G — 83 ; d. 1883. A History of England from the Earliest Era to the Accession of Queen Victoria . . . Two Volumes. Rugeley: W.J. Walters. 1S45. 12mo., pp. (I.) xix., 474, (II.) xvii., 455. Poole, George Henry, LL.D. Legends, Manners, and Customs of the County of Staflord. Lomion: G. Rowney and Co. 1X74. Cr. 8vo, An Attempt towards a Glossary of the Archaic and Provincial Words of the County of Stafford. Now first collected. Strat/ord-oii-Avon : St. Gregorys Press. 1S78. 8vo. ^> ,' f '_ ' PooLE, John. Hamlet Travestie. In Three Acts, with [burlesque] Annotations. Bv Dr. Johnson and G. Stevens, Esq. London, n.d. (1S53). 12mo. [Vol. X., Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, cSic] PooLE, John. Obituary. [New Con. Maij. ( 18-24), 4;iU— 32.] Pope, Samuel, Q C. Unsuccessful Candidate for Stoke-on-Trent, 1805. Union and Emancipation Tracts. Xo. 1 : The American War and Slavery. A Lecture . . delivered in Tunstall, Staffordshire ("loth J.an., 18G3). Munchester (Hanley printed), n.d. 12mo., pp. IG. Popish Riots In Wolverhampton ; or. Priestly Intrigue to suppress Liberty of Speech. London : Protestant Electoral Union . . StranH. 1SG7. 12mo., pp. oG. Port, Rev. Bernard. h. Ham, 1777 ; .«. of John Port ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 23rd Jan., 17y4 ; B.A., 1797 ; M.A., 1800 ; Vicar of Ham, 1804 to death ; (/. 30th Jan., 1854. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1132 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, '.10.] Port, John. b. Ham, 1774 ; «. of John Port ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., 0.\-., 11th March, 1791. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.,-III., 1132.] Porter, Rev. Robert, b. Haigh, Wigan, Lanes., 1774 ; s. of William Porter ; educated Man. Or. Sch., 12th June, 17S7 ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., O.x., 23rd May, 1792 ; Exhibitioner, 1792 ; Hulme Exhibitioner, 1790 ; B.A., 14th Jan., 1796 ; M.A., 24th Oct., 1796 ; Curate of Buiy, 1799—1800 ; Rector of Draycott-le-Moors, 1800 to death ; m. Mary, daii. of Rev. H. Thomas, Curate of Leigh ; d. 26th March, 1838 ; bur. Draycott. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.. 1133; Man. Gr. Sch. Keg., II., 152 ; Hutchinson's Stoke. 68.] Potter, G. G. h. Walsall ; ». of Peter Potter, J. P. ; educated Ockbrook, Derby s., and Ijcam- ington Coll. ; Partner in Firm of Marlow, Potter, and Marten, Solicitors, Walsall ; Steward to Walsall Manor ; resident at Nether- stowe, Lichfield : m. Amy Charlotte, ilau. of Edward Moore, Esq., of Lonlas, Meath. Answer of .\nti-Pew to Matthew CluirchiU. By G. G. Potter. Walsall: W. /I. Robinson. 1S75. Potter, Rev. John Hasloi-h. h. Walsall, 10th Feb., 1847 : .s. of John Potter, Esq., S.ilicitor ; educated Leamington Coll. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 11th April, 1866; B.A., 1869; M.A., 1873 ; Curate of Banbury, Oxon., 1870 — 71 ; Senior Curate of Sunbury-on- Thame^ Middx., 1871—74 ; of St. Leonard's, Streatham, Surrey, I?<74 — 82; Editorial and General Secretary of C.E.T.S., 1876 — 82 ; Vicar of Holy Trinity, Upper Tooting, Surrey, 1882 ; R.D. of Streatham, 1892. A Present Christ . . . London: Wells Gardner, 4' Co. 187 S. 8vo., pp. 184. Sermons ; Tales : Carols ; Hymns. Contributor to the Church Temperance Chronicle, 1877—82, an.l The Church Monlhty, 1888—93. Editorof The Church of England Temperance Chronicle. Potter, Joseph, Architect, Lichfield. The Ancient Ecclesiastical Architecture of the Diocese of Lichfield. Rugeleg, 1844. fol. The Remains of the Ancient Monastic Architecture of England. Imp. and rov. fol. Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire. 4G plates from drawings by, with letterpress. Lichfield. 1847. fol. [Huseubeth's Weedall, 177.] Potter, Rev. Peter, b. Walsall, 22nd June, 1841 ; .V. of Peter Potter, J.P. ; educated Walsall Gr. Sch., 1850—54 ; Ockbrook, Derbys., 1854—56 ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 29th May, 1866 ; B.A., 1872 ; M.A., 1892 ; Curate of St. John's, Chatham, 1869-71 ; St. Andrew's and Ch. Ch., Wolverhampton, 1871—73 ; of Ch. Ch., Wolverhampton, 1873 — 76; P.C. of Minsterley, Salop, 1870—79: of St. Thomas's, Overmonnow, Monmouth, 1879 — 91 ; Rector of Bishopston, Swansea, 1891 : CT., 1809, Georgina, dan. of Edward Elwell, Esq., of The Forge, Wednesbury. Anglican Chants for Village Choirs. London : Novella. 1801. [Foster's Alumni Oxou., III., 1135.] Potter, R. An Inquiry into some Passages in Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets . . Lomion, 1783. 4to., pp. 50. Por- trait of Gray. Potter, Simon, of Stafford, b. 1581 ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 5th May, 1598 ; B.A., 26th Jan., 1001. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III.. llsG.] Pottery Magazine (The). [\'o\. I., 'So.S, September, 1825.] Hanley: Printed by G. Gibbs . . . 8vo., pp. 138—200. Potts, Sampson, b. Stone, 22nd July, 1579. Notes on his birth. By John Booker [of whom he ight f. 53.] [of Lib POTTS (365) POYNTZ Potts, Rev. Thomas. Etluoated Douay, June, 1705 ; on English Mission, Oct., 1780 ; Vice- President of Oseott Coll., to 1808 ; President to death ; (1. 5th Dec, 1819. Introduction to the Latin Grammar of Douay College, revised by Potts. London, ISIO. Funeral Sermon. [See Weedall (Bp.).] Potts, William Henry, b. Ilanley ; formerly a ' secondhand Bookseller in Newcastle ; now (1893) in Liverpool. Shades of Character. By H. VVedpwood and W. Potts. Lonqton: Printed by Kmonij and I-'armer, Market Street, Longton. 32mo., pp. S. PoDLsoN, Thomas, b. Stoke, 1710 ; .". of John Poulson ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox.., 17th Feb., 1727. [Foster's Alumni Oxou., III., llSri.] PouNDLEY, J. W., Kerry, Montgomeryshire. Designs for Two Sets of Farm Steadings . . J'ub- lished by Lomax, Lichfield, n.d. (1855). Oblong 4to., 4 plates, with descriptions. ' PoDNTSEY, Francis, b. Wolverhampton, 1836 ; s. of Rev. Humfrey Pountnev : Mat. Exeter Coll., O.K., 7th June, 1854. [Foster's Alumni Oxod., III., 1136.] PoDNTNEY, Rev. Humfrey. b. St. Martin's, Birmingham, 1803 : .«. of Humfrev Pountnev ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 2nd July, 1821 ; B.A., 1825 ; M.A.. 1828 ; Vicar of St. John's, Wolverhampton, 1831 to death : (/. 31st Dec, 1857. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.. 113i^] Powell, Rev. Charles, h. Stafford, 1645 ; s. of Rev. Edward Powell; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 2(;tli Nov., 1662 ; B.A., 1666 ; Curate, South Marston, Wilts. ; Chp. to John, Earl of Bridgwater ; Rector of Cheddington, Bucks., 16th April, 1684 ; d. before IGth March following. [Le Neve's Fasti, II., 289 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., lU., 1190.] Powell, George Henry Croxden. Volunteer National Camp, Cannock Chase, Stafford . . . With Map. London: Alej-ntider if Shepheard. 1888. 8vo., pp. 39. Powell, Rev. John Harcourt. /). St. James's. Middlesex, 1762 ; s. of Harcourt Powell, Esq.; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 29th April, 1777 ; B.A., 1781 ; Vicar of Ecclesliall, 1801 ; of Duiichurch, Warws. ; d. 1822. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1138; Hutchinson's Stoke, 72.] Powell, John Joseph, h. Gloucester, 3rd Sept., 1816 ; .«. of Thomas Powell, Esq. ; Student, Middle Temple, 28th May, 1842 ; Barrister- at-Law, 16th April, 1S47 ; Q.C., 3rd Feb., 1863 ; Bencher, 23rd Nov., 1863 ; Treasurer, 1K76 ; Recorder of Wolverhampton, 1HC4 to death ; Judge of County Courts (No. 1 1), 9th April, 1884 to death : M.P. for Gloucester, 1862—65 ; d. 1892. [Men at the Bar, 374.] Powell, Rev. Robert, of " Park Hall, Staffs." B.A., Pemb. Coll., Cam., 22nd Jan., 1648; incorporated 0.x. Univ., 15th Feb., 1648; Fellow, All Souls', 1649: M.A., 30th May, 1651 ; incorporated Cam. Univ., 1654 : B.D. and D.D., 1st Oct., 1663 ; re-incorporated Ox. Univ., 1678 ; King's Chp. and Canon of St. Asaph, 1660 ; Rector of Whittington, 1666—68; Archd. of Salop, 1666 ; Chancellor of St. Asaph, 1670 ; d. 1683. [Wood's Fasti, II., 270 ; Burrows's Worthies of All Souls', 476; Thomas's St. Asaph, 240 ; Blakeway's Sheriffs of Salop, 170, 171 ; Foster's .\lumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1193; Harwood's Lichfield, 216.] Powell, Rev. Thomas. Preb. of Longdon, Lichfield, 12th Aug., 1543—56 ; Will proved, 1558 ; desired to be buried in Cheadle Church ; left hi.s Oxford Estate to Dame Katherine Bulkeley for life. [Harwood's Lichfield, 230.] Powell, Rev. Thomas, b. Swansea, 1755 ; s. of Gabriel Powell ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 12th March, 1773 ; B.A., 1776 ; M.A., 1780 ; P.C. of Sedgley, 1793 to death, which occurred either in 1828, or at Peterston Court, Glamor- gan, 2nd Dec, 1832. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1139; Gent .'a Hag. (1828), n., 648 : (1832) II., 653.] Powell, Rev. Thomas, b. Sedgley, 1793 : «. of Rev. Thomas Powell [s««] ; Mat. Wore Coll., Ox., 13th Dec, 1815 ; Scholar, 1819— 28 ; B.A., 1819 ; M.A., 1823 ; Fellow, 1828 to death ; (/. 17th Feb., 1865. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1139.] Power, Sir Alfred, Knt. b. Market Bosworth, Leics.. 1st Feb., 1805 : *\ of John Power, M.D., of Lichfield, and Mary Knowles, his wife ; edu- catedRepton Sch. ; of Clare Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1826 : M.A. and Fellow of Downing Coll., Cam., 1829 ; Student, Middle Temple, 3rd Feb., 1827 ; Barrister-at-Law, 12th Feb., 1830 ; Assistant Poor Law Commissioner, England, 1834 ; Ciiief Commissioner, Ireland, 1849 : Vice-President, Local Government Board of Ireland, 1872—79 ; K.C.B., 27th March, 1873 ; 77!., 3(nh Sept., 1836, Lucy Anne, dau. of Thomas Starkie, Q.C. ; d. 7th June, 1888. Political Catechism. London, 1858. Sanitary Rhymes. London, 1871. [Foster's L.incs. Coll. ; Men at the Bar, 374 ; Dod's Peerage, &c. (1874),] Powis, Rev. Henry. Consolations for Christians. Wedneabury, 1836. 8vo. Powlett, Edward. Letter to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 204, 10.] PoYSTZ, Rev. Newdigate. b. Tidenham, Gloucs., 1842 ; «. of Newdigate Povntz. Esq. ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 13th Dec, 1860 ; B.A., 1864 ; M.A., 1867 ; Curate of Kennington, Surrey, 1865—69 ; of St. Mary's, Soho, Westminster, 1869—74 ; Vicar of Little Drayton, Salop, 1876 — 85 ; Rector of Stone, PRATT ( 3(;(i ) PRICE 1885—91 1891. Vicar of St. Mary's, Shrewsbury, [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1112; Sir .1. Maclean's Family of Poyntz.] Pratt, Rov. Charles O'Neil. Trin. Coll., Dub- lin ; B.A., 183G ; M.A., 1H42 ; Ciinite of Ch. Cii., Macclesfii'M ; Vicar «{ St. Paul's, Biirslen), 1864. Twenty Sermons on Various Subjects. Maccleslieldj 1849. 8vo. Metrical Translation of the "Ars Poetica." ^facc^es- field, 1S50. 12mo. Pratt, Rev. Henry. />. " TiighiU " (TnckhiU), Bobliington, 1730 ; .«. of John Pratt ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 24th Oct., 1747; B.A., 1751 ; M.A., 1754 : Vicar of Orpington and St. Mary's Cray, Kent : m., 17(17, Mary Pomeroy Roope ; . A Treatise on Gunpowder-Proof Locks, Gunpowder- Proof Lock Cliambers, Drill-Proof Safes, &c. London: Himpkin. ISGO. 8vo. The Church of Christ. A Poem. Woh-erhamplon : Sirnpfon ij' Sleen. 1863. 8vo. Forty Burglaries of the years 1803-1-5, the Hearing before the Sligistrates of some of the Burglars, and their subsequent Trial and Conviction. The Trial of Walker L\ Milner in the Court of Queen's Bench, February 14th and l.ith, IS66, before the Lord Chief Ju.stice and a Special Jury . . . London: Himpkin. 1S66. 8vo., pp. 158. A Brief Narrative. [See Price (J.).] Pbice, Henry Samuel Benbow. b. Uttoxeter, 1850 ; s. of Edward Price, Esq.; Mat. Merton Coll., Ox., 7th Oct., 1SG8 ; Postmaster, 1868 —73; B.A., 1873; Barrister-at-Law, Lin- coln's Inn, 1876. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., UI., 1148.] Price, John. The Seaman's Return ; or, The Unexpected Marriage. An Operatic Farce, as it is performed by Their Majesties' Servants of Worcester, Shrewsbury, and Wolverhampton The.itres. London: Longmans, f Ludlow printed.) 1795. 8vo, Price, John, Printer, Market Place, Bilston. A History of Bilston . . By G. T. Lawley. Bilston : Printed and' Published by John Price. 1803. 8vo., pp. (4 leaves) 2«2. Price, Joseph, b. BiLston, 1775; Printer; d. April, 1849. A Summary of Mr. Leigh's History of the Cholera in Bilston, in 183'2. Bihlon : Printed hy and Jor the Author. 1833. 8vo. An Historical Account of Bilston, from Alfred the Great to 1831, particularly of the Ancient Chapel, the Dissolution thereof, and its Re-establishment, Contests for the Incumbency . . Bilston: Printed and Published by and/or the .\uthor. 1835. 8vo., 4 leaves, pp. 130. [Only 400 copies printed.] A Narrative of the Proceedings relative to the in- tended Election of a Minister to succeed the Rev. W. Leigh to the Incumbency of St. Leonard's Church, Bilston. Bilston: Printed by J. Price. 183G. 8vo.. pp. 12. A Brief Narrative of the Events relative to the Cholera at Bilston in the year 1832. With an Appendix shewing in a summary manner the Amount of Deaths as they daily occurred . . . By Joseph Price. Bilston : Printed and Published by George Price. New Town, and Sold by ./. Ktheridye, Church Street . .' 1840. fcp. 8vo., pp. 24. PuicE, Rev. Thomas, b. Hope Bagot, Salop, 1732 ; s. of William Price ; Mat. Hertford Coll., Ox., 31st May, 1750; B.A., Mat,'.l. Coll., 1754; M.A., 1756; Usher, Magd. Coll, Sch„ 1752—61; Head Master, Lich- 6eld Gr, Sch., IStli Jan., 1764 — 75 ; Rector of Caldecote, Warws. ; Hi'ad Master, Kin>,' Edward VI. Sch., Birmiiijjham, 177.") to death ; (/, 12th Jan., 1797. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. III., Il.iO; Bloxam's Magd. Coll., Ill,, '237 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 4;i'.t,] PuicE, Rev. Thomas, b. LichBeld, 1775 ; «. of Rev. Thomas Price ; Mat, Ch. Ch., Ox., 3rd May, 1792; B.A., 1796: M.A., 1799; Rector of Brcdicot, Woivs,. 1821 ; of Eiiville, 1824 to death ; d. 4th Jan., 1837. [Foster's Alumni Oxon,, III., I160.J Price, Rev. William James. Scholar, Jesus Coll., Ox.; B.A., 1866 ; M.A., 1868 ; Curate of Shelton, 1870 — 72 ; of Mirfield, Yorks., 1872 — 75 : St. Peter's, Wolverhampton, 1875 —79; Vicar of Lilleshall, 1879-91 ; Uar- borne, 1891. Lay Ministration \ Lichfield Diocesan May.. XII., 96 — 8,] Price & Willi.\ms, Printers, Wolverhampton. A Treatise on , . . Bathing. [.See Perry (E.),] Primrose {or Prymrose), Rev. William, of Cheshire, b. 1586 ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 23rd Oct., 1601 ; B.A., 5th July, 1605 : M.A., 5th Jiilv, 1609 ; Rector of Stoke-on- Trent, 1618—32 : Preb. of Wolvey and Canon of Lichfield, 9th Sept., 1626—33. [Hutchinson's Stoke, 120: Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III,, 1214 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 256.] Prixgle, G. Multum in Parvo Grammar. Designed for that hope- ful race, the Race of Beginners . . London : Partridge ((■ Oakey . . . 1840. 12mo„ on back of title—" Allbut, Son, if Hobson, Hanley." pp. viii., 9 — 97, 4 leaves, Prinsep, John. b. Tamworth, 1717 ; *■. of Reginald Prinsep ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 28th March, 1735 ; B.A., 1738. [Foster's Alumni Oxon,, III., 1154,] Prinsep, Thomas. b. Wychnor (Wichnor). 181 1 ; «. of Theophilus Levett, Esq., and Frances (dau. of Thomas Prinsep, of Croxall Hall, Derbys.), his wife ; educated Eton ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 17th June, 1828; assumed name of Prinsep in lieu of Levett: m. (1) Margaret, dau. of David Monro, Esq., (2) Caroline, dau. of Rev. John Templar. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1154; Burke's Landed Gentry (1847).] Prior, Henry Grainger, b. Tettenhall, 1860; s. of James Prior, Esq. ; Mat. Hertford Coll., Ox., 25th April, 1877. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1154.] Pritchard, Rev. Charles. President of the Roy. Astronomical Soc, 1870 ; F.R.S. Ess.ay on the Bible and Science. [Report of Wolver- hampton'Church Congress (1867).] Pritch.^ru, Henry. b. St. Olave's, Surrey, 1820 ; .?. of Henrv Pritcliard, Esq. ; Mat. Merton Coll.. Ox.." 27th May, 1837; Post- ma>ter, 1K37 — 38 ; Scholar. Corp. Ch. Coll.. 18:^8—47 : B. A. ,1841 ; M.A., 1844 : Fellow, 1844-57 : B.D., 1853 ; Senior Dean, 1851 ; Matheinalical Lecturer, 1852 ; Proctor, 1852 ; Incmnbeut of Sheen, 1848 : resigned, 1851 ; d. 14th April, 1857. [Foster's Alumni O.ton,. Ill,, 1155; Hutchinson's Stoke, 117,] PRiTCH,\iiD, Rev. John. Primitive Methodist Minister for many years in Staffs. The Poet of the Million ; or. Memorials of the Life and Labours of the late Rev, Richard Jukes, of West Bromwich , . , Loudon: F. Uurd. 1S67. Cr, 8vo,. pp. 193, How to Make a Good Girl and a Useful Woman. London: Whiston. ISGS. 12mo,, pp, 135. PRITCHARD (86ff) PUGH How to Slake a Good Boy and a Great Man. London, 1S68. Himo., \)]>. HO. Memoirs of the Literary and Itinerant Labours of the Rev. Philip Piigh. Loudon : Cturgt Lamb. 1870. 8to., pp. 31«. PRiTCHAnD, Lorenzo Alfred, h. VVednesbary, ISOS : s. of Thomas Pritchanl, Esq. : ilat. Wadh. Coll., O.X., lltli Oct., 1«84; B.A., 1887. [Foster's Alamni Oxon., III., Pkohy, Very Rev. Baptist, D.D. b. 1726 : Rector of Doddington, Ely : of Thornhinigh, North- ants. ; Dean of Lichfield, 2oth March, 1776 to death ; d. 1807. An Appeal to the Candid Inhabitants of Lichfield, occasioned by Rev. Mr. Proby's Address. [By Rev. G. Burder.] Covtulry. n.d. 12nio., pp. 12. A Second Appeal . . Connliij : Printed . . . X. ileriden. n.d. (1SV3). 12mo., pp. 12. A Serious Warning to the Inhabitants of the City of Lichfield, Nov. 14th, 1»08. single sh. 4to. (IV. .\forgan, Printer.) A Vindication of the Dissenters of Lichfield . . A Warning to the Inhabitants. With Appendix. London : Printed by Richard JCdurards. 1808. r2mo., pp. 22. Procter, Thomas. h. Newcastle, 1710 ; s. of Samuel Procter ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 26th March, 1728 ; B.A., 1731. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1156.] Pboctor. W. T., Burton, Joseph: A Sacred Drama, Burton-on-Trent : T. Waite. 1802. Svo., pp. .i«. Fkosser, Rev. William, b. St. Mary'n, Mon- mouth, 1832: s. of Rev. William Prosser ; Mat. Jesus Coll., Ox., 13th March, 1851 ; S.C.L., Magd. Coll., 1855; B.A., 1856; M.A., 1857 ; Senior Curate in charge of Wrockwardine, 1868 — 74 ; Senior Curate of St. James's, Wolverhampton, and Chp. to Wolverhampton General Hospital, 1»74 — 77 ; in charge of St, Luke's, Bilston, 1877 — 80 ; Vicar of St, Luke's, 1880. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 11.57.] Provasd, Rev. Charles Maxwell, b. Glasgow, 1798 ; •«. of James Provand ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 16th Nov., 1829 ; B.A., 1833 : M.A., 1836 ; P.C. of Coseley ; d. 9th April, 1873. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1158.] Psalms and Hymns. Stafford, 1813: Uttoxeler. 1818, 1834: arranged by Vf. N. Darrell, 1830; Hauleu. 1810, 1847 ; Xew Connexion, ib., 1827: Burton-on-Treui, 1846: by R. A. Scott, ib., 1830: Hvmns for Zion's Travellers, ib., n.d.; Lichfield, 1811; Anthems sung at St. Mary's, ih., 1746: St. Chad's Hymns, lA., 1848 ; another, 1830) St. Mary's Hvmns, ib., 1848. [See Snevd (Rev. H.), Dunderdale (R. J.), Matthew (J.). Lomax (t. G.) (A. C). Mort (J. D.) (J.), Allbut (T.) (& Son) (& Daniel), Moore (Rev. H.), Crewe (F.), Wolse- ley (R.), Cotterill (Rev. T.). Abud (Rev. H.), Norris (Ann 4 Son).] PucELLE, Gerard la. Bp. of Coventry and LichBeld, 1182 ; a Civil Lawyer : Chp. to the Archbp. of Canterbury ; d. 12th Jan,, 1184 ; said to have been poisoned ; bur. Coventry. [Harwood's Lichfield, I.S5.] PucKLE, Rev. Edwin, b. West Bromwich, 1832 ; s. of James William Puckle, Esq. ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox.; B..V., 1K58 ; Curate of Blisworth. Northants., 1859—68 ; Rector of Alby, Norfolk, 1H68, [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1 liiO.] PuDSEV, Thomas, b. Seasdon (Seisdon), 1649 ; i<. of Th(omas) Pudsev. Esq, ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 23rd March! 1665: B.A., 1669; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1677 ; Licensed 17th !May, 1680, to marry Mary Trowtes, of St. Dunston-in-the-West. [Judges and Barristers ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IIL, 1218,] Pddsev, William. Brother of above : b. Kill ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 27th May, 1661. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1218.] PnoH, Rev. George Augustus, b. Abergwili, Carraarthens., 1849 ; i>. of Rev. Enoch Pugh, B.D. : Mat. Jesus Coll., Ox., 1869 ; S.C.L. and B,A., 1872; M.A., 1876; Curate of Wombourn, 1873 — 82 : Vicar of Swindon, 1882 — 93 ; Rector of Ashton-under-Lyne, 1893. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1168.] PcoH, Rev. Philip, b. Shrewsbury, 17th July, 1817 ; *. of Thomas Pugh ; Primitive Metho- dist Minister frotn 1835 ; Editor of Magazines, 1867 to death ; Missionary to Ireland, Dec, 1835—39 ; d., Newcastle, 31.st Jan., 1871 ; bur. Newcastle Cemetery, 4tli Feb., 1871. Essay on the Being and Attribute.^ of God [Essays by our Ministers]. The French Revolution [/*. SI. Mag. (18ti7— 68). Days worth Remembering [Jh. (1867 — 6!)j]. Strictures on a Sermon published by the Rev. S. Cozens, on the Divine Decrees. Wiilenhall: Hackett. 1852. Cr. 8vo. .lohn Wesley, the Papa of British Rome ; and Philip Pugh. the modern Pelagius ; weighed in the balances of eternal truth and found wanting. Wiilenhall: W. U. Ilughes. 1852. Cr. 8vo. The Rev. S. Cozens' Weights and Scales Kxamioed and found False, and not bearing the Government Stamp, are rejected : or. a Second Letter to that Gentleman. Wiilenhall : Ilackett. 1852. Cr. 8vo., pp. 7!l. Philip Pugh's Adjustment without Divine Authority; or, The Adjuster Adjusted, and the False Witness Detect- ed and Condemned bv his own words. Being a second replv to Philip Pugh, by S. Cozens. Wiilenhall: W. H. Ilughes. 1852. Cr. 8vo. The Re-adjustment of the Adjuster ; or, The Doctrine of Unrestricted Grace, Free-will, and (Christian Holiness Vindicated against the Restrictions, Ac. ... of the Rev. S. Cozens. . . . In a Third Letter to that Gentle- man. Wiilenhall: S. Hackett. 1852. Cr. 8vo. A Supplement to the Re-adjustment of the Adjuster. 4c. ... In reply to the last .Six Letters of the Rev! S. Cozens. Wiilenhall, 1852. Cr. 8vo. Philip Pugh's Adjuster, ifcc. . . In Twelve weekly numbers. Wiilenhall : H'. IJ. Hughes. 1852. Cr. 8vo., pp. -288. Arminianism f. Hyper-Calvinism. Being Three Letters from Philip Pugh to the Rev. Samuel Cozens. Baptist Minister. Tunstall : .irlhur Tomkinmu. 18G0. Cr. 8vo., pp. 276. [A Hrd eflition was afterwards published.] A Lecture on Education [Pritchard's Pugh. 272 — .SI 8]. The Original Institution of the Sabbath [P. M. Mag. (18.i0), 7-11— 12]. The Old Year [lA. (18,52). l-ll]. Sketch of an Expository Sermon on Rom. xiii. [76., 424 — 25]. Jesus Christ the Creator, Proprietor, and Conservator of the Universe [iA, 58.5 — 97]. Review of Pugh's Letters to Cozens [lA., 686]. Editorial Preface on Bourne [I'A. (1853), iv.— 14], Remarks on Heb. vi. 4 — 6 [lA. (18.55), 79—84]. PUG IN (369) QUIRKK PoGiN, A. Welby. Architect. Lectures on I'iCcle.siastical Architecture delivered to the Students of .St. Mary's College, Oscott [Calh Mag., II., 19;i— -iU]. 2nd Lecture [ib., 321—27]. ;!rd Lecture [i6., III., 17—34, 89-98]. PuRCHAS, Rev. William Henry, h. Ro.ss, Herd's., 1822 : Univ. Durham ; L.Th., 1857 ; Curate of Tickenhall, Uerbys., IHoT — 59 : Lydncy, Gloucs., ISlJo — 07 ; Tredwoith St. .lames, Gloues., lHt;7 — 70 ; Vicar of Alstontield, 1870. The Flora of Herefordshire. (Jointly with the Rev, A. Ley.) Hereford: Jakeman if Carver. 1880. Svo., pp. 545 ; 3 plates and Map. Botanical and other papers in The Pht/tnlogist (I84ii — 53), The Botanical (Jazette (18411—51), The .fourual of Botany (1878J. PoRSLOW, .John. Sheet Iron Worker, Totteuhall. Prize Essay, showing the Advancement made in the Social and Political Condition of the Working Man during the Century. Wolcerhampton, n.d. 12mo. PusEY, Rev. E. B., D.D. Regius Professor of Divinity, 0.\. A Letter to the Right Rev. Richard [Bagot], Bishop of Oxford, on the Tendency to Romanism imputed to the Doctrines held of old as now, by the English Church. Second Edition. Oxford, 1830. 8vo., pp. 239 : App. 24. Pyb Family. Clifton Hall, &c. [Hen. et. Gen. Vol. 5.] Pye, Henry .John. b. Faringdon, Berks., 31st Jan., 1827 ; *. of Henry John Pye, Esq. ; of Trin. Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1848; M.A.., 1882; admitted ad eundem Ox. Univ., 11th Jan., 1853 ; Rector of Clifton Campville, 1851 — 72 ; Student Inner Temple, 3rd Nov., 1873; Barrister-at-Law, 28th Jui.e, 1871;; J.P. & D.L. Staffs. ; m., 21st Ort., 1851, Eniilv Charlotte, dan. of the Right Rev. Bp. Wilberforce ; of Clifton Hall. [Men at the Bar, .381; Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1165; Burke's Landed Gentry.] Pye, Rev. Thomas. ■ b. Darlaston, 1559 ; Mat. Balliol Coll., O.X., 2Uth Dec, 1,577 ; Clip. Mertoii Coll., 1581 ; B.D., 21st June, 1585 ; D.D., -tth July, 1588 ; Rector of Newton- Toney, Wilts., "1577—80 : of Earnley-(t).-Al- l modington, 158(1 : Vicar and Schoolmaster of i Bexhill, (both) Sussex, 1589 ; Canon of Chi- ; Chester, 158(5 ; d. 1(')09 : Will dated 20th | Dec, 1609 : proved 20th March, 1610. Re- I built tower of Darlaston Church. A Computation from the beginning of time to Christ by Ten Articles. London, loiO. ' A Confirmation of the same for the time controverted before Christ : As also that there wanteth a year after Christ in the cusual computation. [Printed with the above, and both afterwards issued with the title of " An Hour Glass."] i Epistolaad orn.">tum virum D. Johan. HowsonumS.T.D. i Acad, Oxon. Procancellarium qua Dogma ejus novum et admirabile de Judaeorum divs:)rtiis refutatur, et suus S.S. I Scriptura; nativiis sensus ab ejus glossematis vindicatur. London, 1003. [This epistle was answered bj Johu Howsou, Joho Raynold, A. Geutileit, and Robert Burbill.] Usury's Spright Conjured : or, a Scholastical Deter- mination of Usury, London, 1604. Answer to a Tre;itise written in defence of Usurv, London, 1G04. Epistola responsoria ad Clariss, virum D, Alb. Gen- tilem. MS. [Plot. 297 ; Shaw, II,, 92 ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., II., 59; Lan,sd. M.SS., 98.3, f 1G9 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. III., 1222; Hackwood's Darlaston, 5.3—54, «0, «4, 82, 91, 137.] Pye, William. Printer, Newcastle. The Emblematical Pilgrim. [See Smith (Rev. P.).] Pye, Rev. William. B. A., Ox. Univ., 28th .Jan., 1528; Fellow Oriel C)] ; Obstetrical Memoramla [(,]88(i)]. r.Vew Con. Mil;/. R " R. P.," Newcastle. Mortality. A Poem. [.\'c«' Con. J/aj. ( ISI'.I), .jlil] "R. T." Obituary of J. Jones, of Willenhall. (18(;6), lU-)— •).■) ; reprinted on pp. 2lii— 65, Radclii'fe, Charles. Artist, Birmingham. Engraved a series of views in Statl^ordshire, privately printed at the expense of Mrs. Gouj^^h. of Perry B.irr. Engraved the plates in West's Views of StatFordshire. Birminf^hain, 1830. -Ito. Raocliffe, Re\'. Charle.* Edwanl. h. Cliiirch Eaton, ISOl ; .''. of Charles Edward Radolifi'e, Esq. ; Mat. Braseno.se Coll., O.K., lOtli Nov., 1830; B. A. ,18:34: M.A., 1837 ; of Little Park, Hants. ; (/. l.Jtli April, 1862. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., 111., 1170.] Ram, Rev. Abel John. b. St. George's, Hanover Square, London, 1805 ; .«. of Abel John Ram, Esq. ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 2'.)th March, 1822 ; B.A., 1827 ; M.A., 1830 ; Vicar of Towcester; P.C. of Beverley Minster, 1840— 44; Vicar of West Ham, 184.')— 08; Hon. Canon of Rochester, 18(;7 ; Rector of Rolles- ton, 18G8 to death ; m. Lady Jane, tiau. of 3rd Earl of Courtown ; 9 : of Tam- worlh, 1869; Bp. ot Trinidad, 1872—88; D.U. by diploma, Durham Univ., 187('i ; '/. May, 1889, at Codrington Coll. Life of. [See Mather (Rev. . 12'.I8 — 1322 [Salt Lib., Cat. 32U] ; " .\ssize Rolls, temp. Henry III., for .Staffs., translated Hh., 322] : Pra?cipe direct to the Sheriffs of Staffs., fromlE Iw.ird III.— Elizabeth [/A.. .323] : E.vtracts from the Great Roll, 32 Kenrv VIII., relating to Staffs., and Two Rolls of Stills. Rentals, lemp. Elizabeth [i'A., 320] : Five Rolls relating to Staffs., translated [ib., 327] : Abstracts of Feet of Fines, Edward I., II., and IlL, relating to Staffs. [/'A.. 328]; Inqithltione^ ad/jnod damp- num, temp. Edward II. anil III., relating to Staffs. [16., 320] ; /nquhitlijn.< post ni'irteiii for .'>ratfs., translateil ['b., 3.30J : Patent Rolls for Staffs., Henry III., Edward I., II., and III. [ib. 332] ; Feet of Fines" relating to Staffs., Richard I.— Henry IIL [lb., 334]. REDDAt.L, John. b. Aldridge, (baptised 4th Feb.) 1773 : .«. of Luke Reddall and Elizabeth, his wife ; f/. March, 1.S56, at Dallington, Yorks. ; bur. in the Mortuary Chapel there. [His career was remarkable. In early life lie went t« India, wliere lie made a fortune. Having retiirne«l home, we finil him, ill 1S2J. at Lenniington, where he became ncquuiuted with a Mr. 1'rotniaii, iiiid lost his fortune. Me went a^ain to Itxlia in search of tinotlier fortune, hut retunietl without it. On arriving in ICnpIiiiid he fiurnl his friend. Trotman. Vicar of Dallington, and paid him a visit. The Lady of the Manor, the vicar's aunt, was an cMerly widow lady ; and. on being intro»!ueed to her by Mr. Trotinan. it occurred to Heildall he might make his iioine there. In the end he accomplished this by marrying the widow, and becnlne Lord of tlie Manor, |Kttroil of the living, a magistrale of the county, and High Sheriff, cirett IS.IS. At her dfuth his wife left him a life iuteri'st in the estate, besides leaving £7,0U0 to a nephew of HeildHll's. who came from Austntlia to visit his uncle. This nephew, after being educated at Cambridge University, was ordained and for some time was curate of Co- bridge, but. having returned to Australia, he soon afterwanls died. After the death of his wife, an aged niece kept home for Reddall until Ins death.] [Smith's Xotes on .Mdridge, I., 40.] Reddall, Tiiomas. b. Aldritlge, 1782 : ^«. of Luke Reddall and Elizab.'th, his wife, and brother of the above ; Mat. St. Alban Hall, Ox., 23rd June, 1815. [Ko.ster's Alumni O.xon., III., 11S3.] KKDKERN (372) HE ID e ItlK. Ll„ ifsj ; vMl I3eu:ira [to., iheckley ami Jlarstnn fV.. 21121 ; ' the Lord's Supper [16., -Mi;1 ; nan Station at Uttoxeter [10., Eedfern, Francis, b. Uttoxeter. Historv of Uttoxeter . . . Oerhi/ : Bern rose if Son. 2SG5. Cr.'Svo. ind ed.. JIaiilei/ : Allbut if Dainel. ISSG. Cr. 8vo., 11 leaves, i>p. 4(>."). Dove Valley Kli.ymcs. London: Bern rose ^f Son. 187a. ]2ino., pp. .'ii;. Memoir of George Heath [Memorials of George Heath, the Mourlanil Poet . . London : Bemrose (1870), pp. 1—21 ; reininted in 2nd ed. (ISSO), pp. 11— 112] ; Pre- face to Second Edition of >lemorial>i of George Heath [tfi., pi>. vii. — X.] ; Note on the Word Lannock [lirlh/.. I., 2.t1 J ; On Sir Simon Dcgge [iVi.. II.. 18] ; On Bellard [16., III., isiij ; Kpitaph.'i at Checklt '" "' ■''' An Olii Oak Carving of ' On the Site of tlie Roman XA'TII.. 17. IS] ; Note of Correction [ik, XVIII., IM] A Brief Notice of Captain Dunstal. of Exeter [16., VI.. 7(1 — S] : The Anti(|uities of Utto.xeter and Rocester [\orll, .Sl„fs. Firl.l rluh Itrport tlS7i;), .■), (1877) 10—7]. Eeufeun, John, Solicitor, Leelv. The Beauties of .Shakspeare. .Selected a]id arranged by .luhn Redforn, Altorney-at-Law. Ilunh'y: Ki^ales tV Forti ISdIi. sm. 4to., 5 leaves, pp. 122. Redgr.we, Richard and Samuel. A Century of Painters of the English School. Second Edition. London : Sampson Low. 1800. 4to., pp. xxiv., 479. [Several natives and residents of Staffordshire are given.] Redman, Ven. John. b. 1499 ; of Corp. Ch. Coll., O.X., and Univ. of Paiis ; B.A., St. John's Coll., Cam., 1525 ; M.A. and Fellow, 1530; B.D., 1534; D.D., 1537 ; Master of King's Coll., Cam., 1542— 4G ; of Michael House, and 1st Master of Trin. Coll., Cam., 1546 ; Public Orator, 1537 ; Lady Margtiret Professor of Divinity, 1538 — 12th July, 1541) ; a Comjiilcr of the Liturgy ; Preb. of West- minster, 1 7th Dec, 1540; of Wells, 1540; Rector of Ualverton, liuoks., Sth April, 1548 ; Archd. of Stalfofd, 13th Nov., 154U— 47 ; of Taunton, 1541 ; (/. 5th Nov., 1551 ; btir. Westminster. Opus do Jnstiticatione. Antwerp. 155S. 4to. Hymnus in (pto piecator justificationum Quaerens rndi imagine describiten. [Printed in above work.] De Gratia. Translated into English by Dr. John Young, under the title of " The Complaint of Grace." London, 156G. 8vo. [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I., IflS ; Alumni We.st., 4 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I.. 107, 542 ; Lan,sd. ISIS.S.. i)80, if il.it;- ;■)(( ; Foster's Alumni O.xon., E.S., III.. 124.^; Har- wooil's Liclitield. 211 ; Dowue's Lives, CXLI. ; Churton's Novvell, Ht. lu ; Tanner's Bibl. Brit. ; Univ. & Coll. Doctrine, I., 104—294 ; Bp. Fisher's Sermon on Lady Margaret, ed. Hymen, li.'i — (>(! ; Parker Correspondence, 34, 38 ; Latimer's Works, ed. Corrie, II., 2il7, 4(;8 ; Zurich Letters, III., l.M, 264, 2112 ; Lelandi Encomia, 4() ; Foxe's Acts and Monu- ments ; Strvpe: Burnet's Reformation ; Brooks' Puritans, I., 211;, 217'; Baker's Hist. St. John's Coll.. .184 ; Aschami Epistolaj. 07, (ill, 70, 77, 70, 81. 82, 97, 204—207, 403 ; Cole's Ath. Cantab. ; Dodd's Ch. Hist., I., 384 ; Brit. Mag., XXXVI., .308, 407 : Pit's, 741 ; St. Pa. Hen. VLU., I., G3o ; Gotham's Gleanings, l(i.i, 240.] Red Street. [Jewitt's Ceramic Art, II., 304.] Reeves, Joseph. The History and Topography of West Bromwich and its Vicinity. Printed liy T. Dai-ies, ]Vest Bromwich. n.d. (1836). 12mn., pp. 17t;. Reid, Lady Anne. b. Peterhead ; daii. of John Craig and Margaret, his wife ; m. Sir H. G. Raid, Knt. [.vy*-]. Women Workers in the Liberal Cause. With Preface by Mrs. Gladstone. London: Fisher Tnwin. JSSS. At Christmas Time with the Children. Edinburgh : R. >)'■ R. Ciitrh: 1801. Reid, George. /'. Ahcrdoen, 1S54 ; ,«. of David Reid, E?q.; educated Aberdeen Grammar Sch.; Univ. of Aberdeen; M.L5. & CM., 1875; M.D., Aberdeen, 1881 ; D.P.H., 181)0; Med. Oflicer of Health, Stafford Rural District, 1879 — 1)0 ; Visiting Physician to Staffs. Private Lunatic Asylum, 1884 — 90 ; Med. Otiicer to Stall's. C()Ut"ity Council, 1X90 to date ; Presi- dent of Staffs. Branch of Soc. of Med. Officers of Health, 1891—92 ; Gen. Sec. to Staffs. Branch of Brit. Med. Association ; Fellow, Member of Council, and lO.xiimiiier of Sanitary Listitute : I'resident of Staff's, iiraiicli of Sanitary Lispectors' Association. Practical Sanitation. London: thij/in if ('"■ 8vo.. pp. .300, and 04 diagrams. Reports on the Health of the Stafford Rural District. 1879—00. Reports on the Health of the County of Stafford, 1890 to date. Reip, Sir Hugh Gilzean, Knt. b. Cruden, Alierdeenshire, 11th Aug., 1837 ; s. of Hugh Reid and Ciiristian Gilzean, his wife ; educated Parish Sch., Cruden, and at Aberdeen and Edinburgh ; entered the office of the Aberdeen Free Press ; afterwards becoming reporter on the liaiijfshire Joiinial ; editor of Eilinbiirgh News, 1859 ; removed from Ediid>urgh in 1802 to his native county, where he established the Biichun Ohscrver, still a prosperous weekly paper ; having purchased the Middle.yhorotigh Gazette he settled there in 1MC5 ; in 1808 he estal)lished the North Eastern Daili/ Gazette (Yorks.) ; in 1886 he brought out the North Dailij Telegraph at Blackburn, and later the Daili/ Argus at Birmingham. Besides the above papers, Mr. Reiil owns the Stockton Herald, the Northern Weekb/ Gazette, and is interested in otlfr publications, addressing 6,00(t,OiiO readers weekly and employing in connection therewith over 10,000 men and boys. In 1883, having become associated with Andrew Carnegie, ttc, in forming a news- paper syndicate, Mr. Reid removed near Birmingham, viz., Warley Abbey, situated in Staffs., Warws., and Worcs., where he now resides; Vice-President of Birmingham Liberal Association, 1885 ; M.P. for Aston Manor, 1885 — 86 ; contested Handsworth Division in 1892 ; President of Birmingham Press Club, 1888—90 ; President of Nat. Association of Journalists'Institute, 1889 — 91 : J. P., Warws.; in., 1803, Anne, dau. of John and Margaret Craig, of Peterhead, N.B. Life of Rev. John Skinner. Peterhead: W. L. Tayler, 1850. Old Oscar, the Faithful Dog, with illustrations after Landseer, Wilkie, .and Weir. London : Partridge. 1860. London : " Home Words " 0[!ice. 1880. [Over 500,000 have been published, and it has been translated into several languages.) Lowland Legends. Edinburgh: Ximmo. 1865. Past and Present ; or. Social and Religious Life in the North. Edinburgh : Edmonston if Douglas. 1872. rl;i'Ton (a-3) RHEAU Life of President Grarfield. London : " Home Word) " Office. ISSl. Thumpson, Artist. Londan : '■ Home Words" Offkv. 1881. Middlesborough and its Jubilee. 1S81. Bios^rupliical Sltetch of Jacob. Edlnburri- ous appearance of Cln-ist to judge the world. Witii a recommendatory preface by Isaac Watts. London, 1720. «TO. Zeal and Virtue ; or, A Discourse concerning Sacred Zeal. London 1730. 12mo. An Epitaph on Bigotry, out of Latin by J. Watts. [Watts's Ilelitpiia3 Juvenilia.] Memoirs of the Life of Mr. John Revnolds. Cliiefly extracteil from his manuscripts. To which is added his poem, '■ -^ View of Death." London, Sided.,Londott,t735. sm. 8vo., pp. 17(5. [Willmore'sW.alsalI, 353,354 ; Foster's Alumni O.xon., E.S., IIL, 1-248.] Rkvnoi.ds, Rev. John White. Of Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1853 ; Curate of St. Matthias, Manchester, 1853 — 54 ; Ecdeshall, 1855 ; other curacies, 1856 — 77, when he became Curate of St. Mark's, New Brompton, Chatham. The Sacrifice of Isaac. A Sermon. Future FunishmentB. Edinburgh : Shepheard mo., pp. xv., 278 ; with illustrations. Rhodes, Rev. George. M. A., Clare Hall, Cam.; incorporatoil Ox. Univ., 14tli .July, 1074 ; Rector of Blitlitield, 107G ; of CliecUley, 1703 —13. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1241) ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 62.] Rhodes, Tlioiiias. h. Manchester, lOih Dec., 1771; s. of Thomas Rhodes, mariner; edu- cated Man. Gr. Sch., 17th Jan., 17S0 ; settled at Handiwortli : ?n., 180/), Elizabeth, dan. of John Hodges (Boulton & Hodges, Soho) ; d. 12th Oct., 1852 ; bur. Handsworth Church. [Man. Sch. Reg., II., G4.] RiCARDO, John Lewis. M.P. for Stoke. Mr. Ricarilo's Speech on the Subject of Commercial Treaties. London, 1S4.3. 8vo., pp. 23. The Anatomy of the Navigation Laws. Londou, 1847. 8vo.. pp. 33G. I Rice, R. C. j Note on Two Epiiaphs from Burton. [lieliq., XIII., 192.] Richard, called Armachanus, and sometimes Fitz-Ral]ih [srd Church, with Memoirs and Pedigrees of the Lords of Elford. London, IHSi. fol, coloured plates. [A few copies hand painted.] Richardson, J. Lincoln. On the New Type of Pumping Engine as applied to the Florence Collievv. [Trans. North Staffs, ilin. i^- .Mec. Enij., II., .i— 10.] Richardson, Rev. James, b. Crosby Garrett, Westmr., 16S2 ; Mat. Queen'.s Coll., Ox., 9th Dec, 1700; B.A., 1705; M. A., 19th Jan., 1708 ; Master of Mr. Coif's Free Sch., Black- heath, 1711 — 23: Canon of Lichfield ami Preb. of Ofifley. 1722— 15th July, 174«: Vicar of High" OfHey, 1722— 4S ; Reading Clip, at Whitehall, 1732. [Rawlinson MS.. III., 4 1(1: X\'IIL, 2,>*0 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., III.. 12.i4 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 87 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 238.] Richardson, Rev. .Fohn. Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1857; M.A., 1863; Curate of St. Mark's, Wolverhampton, 1H57 — 59 : St. George's, Birmingham, 1S59 — 60 ; Vicar of St. George's, Wolverhampton, 1860 — 68; Rector of Darlaston, 1868 — 79 : Vicar of Stretton-on-Dunsmore, Worcs., 1879. The Offei-torv. A Sermon. M'olrerhampton : .A. Iliiide. 1867. 8vo. RICHARDSON (375) RIDGWAY RiCHAKDSON, Rev. William Moore. Mat. MiTton Coll., Ox. ; Postmaster; B.A., 1«69 ; M.A., ]«76; Curate of St. Peter's. Wolverhampton, ISO!) — 71 : St. Aii.lrew's, Wolverliampton, l«71_7;i : of Uedininstcr, Bristol, 1«74 — 76 ; 2nil Master of -VU Saints' Seh., Blo.xliam, 1x70—79; Curate of Dcrcbe.ster, 1879. Ritual. A Lecture on Churches : their .Structure, their Position, and Vestments; the Holy Eucharist and its orderly Celebration. Birmingham, 1873. 8ro., pp. G8. RicHiioNn, Rev. Leigh. Rector of Turvey, Beds. Mr. Richmond, with Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., Dr. Darwin, and others, formed the Committee who watched, and eventually ex- posed, the imposture of Ann Moore, of Tutbury, as deserihed in the work uientioncxl below, and published by Mr. Hichmond. A Statement of I-'acts. relative to the supposed Ab- stinence of Ann Moore, of Tutbury, Staffordshire. . . . Compiled and published at the request of the Committee formed for the investigation of the Case, by the Rev. L. Richmond. Kurton-on-Trent : J. Croft. 1813. 8vo., pp. ott : App. Ixxvii. RiCHMONii, Rev. Robert. Roman Catholic Priest at Caverswall Castle. A Sermon, preached at the opening of the Roman Catholic Chaiiel of St. Peter, at Cobridge, in the Stafford- shire Potteries, on Sunday, April 2uth, 1817. Loti'loii, 1817. 8vo. pp. 40. [Printed by .Stephen Brougham, BursUm.l Richmond, Rev. William. Roman Catholic Chajilain at Swinnerton. The Amirable Discussion on the Church of Ensfland and on the Reformation in General. Bv the Right Rev, J. F. JI. Treverin, D.D., Bishop of Strasburg. Translated bv the Rev. W. Richmond. Vol. I. London : Booker. 1828. 8vo., pp. (I.) vi., 441 : (II.) 380. [//. Tomkinson, Printer, Stone.'\ An Address to the Tenants, Labourers, and poor de- pendents on the Swinnerton Estate. Derbt/ : Printed by Thomas Richardson ij- Sons. 1843. 12mo., pp. 3G. [.S'« Scott (Rev. A.). RiCKETTs, J. H. Ot Leek, Lichfield, &c. Attempts in Verse. Leek: Printed /or the Author by G. yall. 1820. Pt. 8vo., pp. li;-2. The Sacred Minstrel. Second Edition. Evesham : Printed for the Author by Oeort/e May. 1830. 12mo., pp. X., 173. Third Edition. London: Published by Simpkin 4 .Varshall 1831. 12mo., pp. s., 25 — 168. Fourth Edition. Same publishers, ij'C. Anticipation. A Poem. [New Con. Mag. (1830), 425 -2«.] RiCKMAN, Thomas. An Attempt to Determine the Styles of Architecture in England . . . from the Conquest to the Reformation. London : Longmans if Co. 1835. 8to., pp. iv., 339. (Staffordshire, 239— 42.J RicKAKT, Josiah. A Survey of England's Champions and Truth's Patriots. London, 1G47. 8vo. (Portrait of Robert, Earl of ICssex, p, 1 : of Lord Brooke, p, 41,) A Funeral Elegy on Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. London, 1G4G. fol., broadside. RiDDELL, Rev. James, h. Little Govan, Renfrew- shire, 1095 ; s. of Henrv Riddell : Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 7th April,' 1713: B.A., KK! : M.A., 1719 ; Rector of Easton, Hants., 171G — MG ; Vicar of Hauburv, 1730 — 1)3 ; il. 13th May, 1778. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1198.] RiDDELi., Sir Walter Buchanan, Bart. b. Rams- gate, 1810 ; Mat. Ch. Ch,, Ox. ; B.A., 1831 ; M.A., 1834 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1834: Revising Barrister; Steward to the Duke of Northumberland, Feb., 1842 ; Re- corder of Maidstone, 1846: resigned, 1868: Judge of the County Courts of North Staffs, and of Whitechapel, Jan., 1H59 — 72 ; m.. 1859, a (lau. of William Ripley, Esq.: (1. Aug., 1892. [Dod's Baronetage (1874) ; private communication from Sir W. B. Riddle, Bart,] Rider, Rev. Henry. B.A., Emmanuel Coll., Cam., 1707 : M.A., 1711 : incorporated Ox. Univ., 9th July, 1711 : D.D., 1749 ; Vicar of Grindey, \Vorcs., 1713 ; Rector of St. Nicholas's, Worcester, 1717 ; Canon of Lich- field and Preb. of Pipa Parva, 12th June, 1719 to death : Arehd. of Derby, 14th Sept., 1719, to death ; Rector of Hertingfordbury, Herts., 1723 ; of St. Andrew's, He.rtford. 1773 : Canon of Lincoln, 1742 to death : d. 19th April, 1755. [Fosters Alumni Oxon., E,S.. III.. 12oG ; Harwood's Lichfield, 214, 244.] I Rider, I. Printer, Uttoxeter. A Country Wake. [■•See Wakefield (G.).] Rider, James. Printer, Derby Street, Leek. Raising Jairus's Daughter. [See Baxinall (Rev. J.).] Evil Speaking. [See Vaudrey (Rev. J. H.).] Rider, Most Worshipful Richard, h. St. Ann's, Middlesex, 1693 ; .■^. of Richard Rider, Esq. ; :Mat. Queen's Coll.. O.X., 2Gth June, 1710: LL.U., Lambeth, 4th Aug., 1715; Student, Middle Temple, 1709 ; Chancellor of Lichfield. 1735—40. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. III.. 1257 ; Harwood's Lich- field, 192.] Rider, Samuel, Printer, Leek. The Royal Supremacy. [.See Goodacre (Rev. R. H.).] Rider, Symon, West Bromwich. Fly|iomnema. Being a record of transactions in which he and his father were engaged. Begun, 1580. MS. [Salt Lib., Cat. 336,] Rider, W. A., Printer, Bradley Street, Uttoxeter. The Uttoxeter Journal. Uttoxeter: W. A. Rider. 1875 to date. b. Staffs. ; New Con- RiDGE, Rev. Tiiomas. nexion Minister. Obituary of John Paskin, Dudlev [Seic Con. Mag. (1830), 551, 552] : Notes on the Deaths of Mrs. Hawley and John Miinstield, of Burslem [(1832) 4.f3] ; of Mrs. ] Hannah Rowley [(18.36)71]; Irish Mis, : and very many of the laws and regulations adopted by the New Connexion Conference, from 181.') onwards, to Mr. Ridgway 's death, were the outcome of his experience and thought, as he was often chairman, and always a member, of the Com- mittees dealing %vith these questions. Ridgway, Joseph, Hanley. Memoir of Samuel Cooper (i. Werrington. 12th Jan., IT'.il : — 9] : Visit to the Canadian Conference [(1842) .35]; The Canadian Mission [186—88,228—34]: Trial by Jury among the Cherokee Indians [291- '.18, 326 —33,371—79,409—19]. Ridgway, William Henry, b. Hanley. The Plagues and Troubles of a would-be Town Councillor. (Written for the Anniversary of the Bethesda Band of Hope, Hanley, Dec. 9th, 1863.) Hanley: Alltut A Daniel. 1863. 12mb. Part IV.— Men and Places of Note in the Potteries (bv W. H. Ridgway) : Noah Heath and his Poetry. Billy Clevery . . . Seven numbers form a volume. Hanley: Allbut cj- Daniel, n.d. 8vo., pp. 97—128. Ridley, Rey. Gloucester, LL.B. Review of Mr. Philip's History of the Life of Reginald Pole. London, 1766. 8vo., pp. v.", 374. Ridley, Rev. T. W. New Connexion Minister of W'olverhanipton, Longton. &c. Obituary of Elizabeth Neal of Shrewsbury [New Con. Mag. (1838), 353, 354]; Memoir of Benjamin Tramlew, barley Green [41 — 8] ; Letter on the Dawley Green and Madeley Circuit [(1837) 279, 280]. RiGBY, J. T., Leek. The Churnet. [_llep. North Staffs. Field Club (1880), 27—9.] RiGc, James, Chester. Exhibits and Explains Coal Tipping Models [ Trant. North Staffs. Min. and Mech. Eng., IV., 59, 60]; On Tiiiping and Screening of Coal [i'6., 1 113 — II]. Rii.AXM, Ri'V. John. h. Sutton Coldticld ; .«. of Rev. John Riland, M.A.,and Anno Hudson, his wife ; 15.A.; M.A.; Curate of Yo.xall ; m. Mary, dan, of Sir W. Wolseley, Bait. A Sermon to Farmers. Birmingham : Printed by E. Jones. ISOi. 8vo., pp. 16. A Letter addressed to a clerical advocate of the British and Foreign Bible, Church Missionary, and Hibern- ian Society, on the intimate ('onnection of those and similar institutions with the abolition of Coloni.al Slavery. London : Printed by Ellerton and Henderson. 1829. 8vo., pp. 12. Ecclesiae Decus et Tutamen London : Hamilton, .Ulams, .(■ Co. 1830. 8vo.. |)p. xxii. 297. Review. [Ch. Obserrer (l)^3U), 286—88 ; (1832) 397— 407, 470 — 17.5.] Antichrist ; Papal, Protestant, and Infidel London: Hamilton, .idams. i\ Co. 1820. 12mo. Review of. [Ch. Observer (1829), 175—78.] Memoirsof a West-Imiia Planter London: Hamilton, Adams, 4- Co. 1827. 12mo., pp. xxxv. 218. Review of. [Ch. 04.«en-er (1827), 427— 34, 462— 65 ] Letters to Ch. Remembrancer and Ch. Obserrer (1828), 50—8. Two Letters, severally addressed to the Editors of Ch. Observer and Ch. Remembrancer, relative to the Slave- cultured Estates of the Society for the Proiiagation of the Gospel. London: Hamilton. Adams, o'- Co. Reflections on Recent Occurrences .at Lichtield ; in- cluding .an Illustration of the Opinion of .Samuel Johnson, LL.D., on Slavery Addressed to the Rev. Thomas Gisborne. M.A London : Hamilton, Adams, tj* Co. Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the subject of the Cobrington Estates. [Ch. Obserrer O830i, 707.J The Doctrine of Judicial Blindness ; as applied to the Papal Apostacy. London : Hamilton, Adams, 4' Co. 1835. Svo., pp. 12. Riland, Rev. John. [See Ryland (Rev. J.).] Rilaxd, Rev. Richard Bisse. M.A.; Rector of Sutton Coldfield, 17.">8— 90 : Preb. of Dern- iord, Lichfield, 9th July, 1784—90 ; d., 1700. [Harwood's Lichfield, 225 ; Sutton Chase, 84, 86.] Riles, J., Walsall. Relative Duties ; or. The Effects of Personal Religion. Walsall. 1811. Duo., pp. 199. I Riles, Rev. John. h. Chesterton ; Wesleyan ; Minister, 1788 to death ; d. 3rd March, 1846. Limborch's System of Divinity, abridged from the I translation of W. Jones. Macclesfield, 18(17. 8vo., pp. 392. An historical View of the Principal Sects which have I appeared in the Christian Church from its Rise to the Present Day. Bnrslem : J. Tregortha. 1800. 8vo., pp. 512. I Discourses intended to Explain and Enforce Relative ! Duties and Shew the effects of Personal Religion. Wal- sall, 1811. 12mo., pp. 199. I An Address to the Methodist Societies recommending the Proper Settlement of their Chapels. Truro, 1S13. 8vo., pp. 111. Remarks on a Sermon preached at .St. Mary's. Tiuro, Oct. 4th. 1812, by the Rev. R. Polwhele, entitled the " Churchman and the Methodist Contrasted. Truro, 1813. 8vo.. pp. 23. An Account of a Recent Revival and Advice to Young Converts, and remarks on a Publication of the Rev, Mr. LeGrice. Penrhi/n, 1814. 8vo., pp. 47. Stricture on Female Attire in Two Epistles, published under his direction. Penrhijn. 1811. 8vo., pp. 23. Memoirs of the late W. E. Griffiths, containing Ex- tracts from his diary. Frame, 1816. 8vo., pp. 125. The Journal of S, Plummer, a Private in the 22nd Regiment of Foot. 1821. 12mo.. pp. 8.3. RILEY (377) ROBEY Memoirs of John Greenwood Riles [Meth. Maij. (1S25) US]: of Mrs. Annie Boulden [ih., 71]: of Jane, the wife of the Rev. Charles Colwell [2H]: Mrs. Thomas Triggs [i4., 2141: Margaret, wife of the Rev. John Riles Ub., 218— 254 J : of Mrs. Nepeau Ub., [\M\) 4.(1]: Ann Bligh [i6. (1837) 23'J]: of John Syraons [i4., 717]. [Osborne's Biblio. of VVesleyan Meth., 141 ; Hall's Wesleyan Memorials.] Riley, Rev. Edward, b. Haiiistall Ridware, 18()o ; s. of Edward Rilev : Mat. Line. Coll., O.K., 6th April. 1824; B.A., 1H27 : M.A., 1831 ; it. loth May, 1862. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1202.] Riley, Richard, Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., i.55i (a), U.5.] Ring, Rev. Theoplulus Percy. Sch. of Queen's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1872 ; Curate of St. Mary's, Leeds, 1872—74 ; of All Saints, Shrewsbury, 1875 — 77 ; Clerical Organizing Secretary C.E.T.S., Dioceses of Gloucester and Bristol, and Bath and Wells, 1877 ; Rector of Hanloy, 1882. The Most Certain Fact in History. Addresses on the Resurrection .... London : Skeffington ^ Sons, laO-Z. Cr. 8vo., pp. xi. 101. Ritchie, John James, b. Tean, Dth July, 1825; s. of John Ritchie, Surgeon ; educated Cheadle and Univ. Coll., London : M.R.C.S. Eng., 1851 ; L.S.A., 1851 ; Medical Officer of Health of Leek Urban District since 1859 ; Certifying Surgeon under Factory Acts since 1866 ; m. Caroline Louise Towle, of Borro- wash, Derbys. {jleceai-ed). Numerous contributions on Sanitary and Temperance Questions to Brit. Med. Journ., and Temperance Med. Journ. HoAF, Rev. John. Minister of Queen Street Chapel, Wolverhampton. Seven Lectures on the Religious Principles of the Reformation .... Wolverhampton: Smart if Parke. lS-30. 8vo., pp. 113. RoBiiiss, George. b. Birmingham, 1804 ; De- signer at Messrs. Walton and Co., Old Hall Works ; landlord of the Woolpack Inn, Snow Hill, Wolverhampton : d. 2i)th June, 1866 : bur. Witton Lane Cemetery, Birmingham. The Slaves, A Tragic Interlude, with .Songs and Poems . . . . London: Longman ^f Co. 1832. 12mo., pp. 84. The Cream of the Party Wolverhampton : ./. Bridgen. 1835. 12mo., pp. 8. The Canine Colony, a Political Satire. Wolverhamp- ■ ton : J. Bridgen. RoBBiNS, Rev. George. b. West Bromwicli, 1812 ; «. of William Robbing ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 16th Feb., 1820; Chp. in Tus- cany, 1836 — 50 ; Rector of Courteidiall. Northants., 1851 to death ; R.D. of N..rtb- ampton, 1851 to death ; d. 9th Feb., 1S73. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1204.] RoBBiss (or Robyns), Rev. Humphrey. b. Bilston ; s. of \ycolas Robyns ; an Acolyte of the ilonastery of Hales Owen, Idtli Dec, 1524 ; Chp. to say Mass in Cidlege of the Blessed Virgin, Xewport, Salop, 1525 ; em- braced the Protestant Reformation and became Minister of Newport. [Lawley's Bilston, 141.] RoBHiNs (or Robyns), Rev. John. b. Bilston ; Stud.-nt All Soul.*' Coll., Ox., 1516 ; Fellow, 1523 : M.A.; B.D., 1531 ; Chp. to King Henry VI IL; Canon of All Souls', Ox., 1532 ; of Windsor, 1543 ; Chp. to Queen Mary : Preb. of Monmore, Wolverhampton ; (/., Windsor, 25tli Aug., 1558. Left some MSS. on .istrology, Ac. [Bodl. Lib.] [Lawley's Bilston, 141 — 12 ; Ame's Notes in Church Register of St. Leonard's, Bilston.] RoBBixs, John. b. Bilston. 1C75 ; s. of John Robbins ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 2nd Feb., 1691. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S. III., 12t;i;.] Roberts, Rev. Edward, b. I^langemiew Rec- tory, 12th Ang., 1818; educated at Chester and Birkenhead ; of Trin. Coll., Dublin : B.A., 1846 ; M.A., 1859 ; Curate of Kingswood, Bristol ; of Halesowen : of Harborne, 1851 — 58; Vicar of Harborne, 18.")8 to death ; m., 1845, Eliza J(janna, dait. of Mr. Thos. Aquila Dale, of Liverpool : d. 11th June, 1890. Obituary and Portrait. By '• W.C." [Birmingham Facei and Places, IV., 77 — 8.] Roberts, Henry. Printer, Sentinel Office, Hanley. The Island. A Poem. [See Cyples (W.).] Roberts, W. Reginald. [See Coleridge-Roberts (W. R.) in Appendix.] RoBERTSox, James. Religions Liberty applied to the Case of the Old Meet- ing House, John Street, Wrlverhampton : including Re- marks on the Conduct of the Editors of the Congregational Magazine ; and the Resolutions of the Congregational Board, Julv 7th London: .losiah Conder. 1818. 8vo., pp. «3. Robertson, Rev. William. h. Dublin, 16th Oct., 1705 ; educated under Dr. Francis Hutchison ; of Glasgow L'niv.. 1722 — 25 ; M.A., 1725 : Curate of Tullow, Carlow, Feb., 1727— loth Xov., 1729; Rector of Ra\n"lle, Carlow, nth Xov., 1729, and of Kilravello, Wicklow, afterwards becoming Vicar of the said parishes ; Vicar of Rathmore, of Straboe, and Curate of Rahill, fall) Carlow, 1738 ; Chp. to Lord Cathcart. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1732 ; Curate of St. Luke's, Dublin, 1743—48 ; resigned all his beneficfs owing ta change of opinions, 1764 : D.D., Glasgow, 17()7 ; Master of Gr. Sell., Wolverhampton. 1768 to death; m., 1728, Elizabeth, dau. of Major William Baxter ; d. of gout in the stomach, at Wolver- hampton, 20tli .May, 1783 ; bur. there. A Scheme for utterly Abolishing the present heavy and vexatious Tax of Tithes. London. 1740. An Attempt to F,xpl;iin the Words, Reason. Sub- stance, Person. Creeds. Ac. ... By a Presbyter of the Church of F.ngland. London, 1766' 12mo. 3rd ed. London, 1767. l2mo.. pp. xii.. 2a2. Portrait. Publislied in 8vo. Life. From Xtatcrial furnished bv himself. [Gent.'s Mag. (1783) ; reprinte 117—22.] J ^ I, XX nuuiNs (378) ROBINSON Robins, J. The Stanley Lectureship at West Bromwich. With Remarks by Taunton, and Reply by J. Robins. Three Volumes. Birmingham, 1815, 1816. RoBixsoN, Georsi^. /'. Dudley, 2nd Nov., 1793; Solicitor, of WolvL'rhiitii]itoii ; IMayor of Wol- verlianipton, 9th Nov., 1(S49, boinf? the secoutl after incorporation ; part Proprietor with W. Parke of the Wolvirhampton Chronicle, to which lie frequently contrihuted. A Letter to His (late) Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the Revenues ami Patronage of the Estab- lished Cluircii, respecting the Wolverhampton Church Estates. Woleerhampton : W. rarke. 1837. Xvo., pp. Ki. Robinson, George T., Wolverliampton. Architecture of the Middle Ages, illustrated by Kenil- worth, Warws., and Maxtoke Castles. 1850. Duo., pp. 56. Robinson, Rev. Hastings, b. Lichfield ; .«. of Rev. Canon Rohinson ; St. John's Coll., Cam.: D.D. ; F.S.A. ; Rector of Great War- ley, Essex; Canon of Rochester; d. 18th May, 1866. The Zurich Letters . . . Chiefly from the Archives of Zurich. Translated . . and Edited for the Parker Society bv . . . Cambridf/c : Printed at tlie Unirersity Press .'. . 1842. 8vo.. pp. xvi., ilTS, vi., Iil8. Second Series, 1845. 8to., pp. xxiii., .S77, vi., 207. Second Portion of Second Series, 1847, pp. xxiv., 377 — 784. Robinson, J. R., Printer, The Bridge, Walsall. An Address. [See B.ayley (Rev. J.).] Observations [See Bayliss (J. B ).] Prove all Things. [.See Bradley (Rev. J.).] Christinas Carols. [See Bradley (Rev. J.).] The Unchangeable Saviour. [See Burnet (Rev. W.).] The Dviug's Man's Hope. [See Dowues (Rev. J.).] History of Walsall. [See Glew (E. L.).] Praise, a Necessary Part of Worship. [See Ince (Rev. W.).J The Blessed Dead. [See Irvine (Rev. A. C.).] Catholic Re-union. [See Gahren (Father).] [See Walsall Advertiser.] Robinson, James, b. St. Mary's, Lichfield, 1723 ; s. of James Robinson ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 20th May, 174U ; B.A., Cth Jan., 1744 : M.A., Wore. Coll., 1746. [Gent.'s Mag. (1792), IL, 7G7 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., m., 1211.] Robinson, Rev. Jeremiah, b. St. Mary's, Lich- fielil, 1727 ; s. of James Robinson ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., ;)th May, 1745 ; B.A.,22nd Feb., 1749 ; M.A., 1751 ; Rector of Swinner- ton, 176(J— 63 ; d. 1763. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., lU., 1211; Hutchinson's Stoke, 138.] Robinson, N., Cheadle. The Heavenly Rest. A Poem. [New Con. Mag. (1843), 31,32 ] Robinson, T. G., P.G.S. The .\ir Breatheis of the Local Coal Measures [Rep. North SlaJ/;. Field Clnb (1882), 8, (1883) o2— 5] ; The Reasoning Faculties of Birds as evidenced in the construc- tion of their nests [8, 7G — 82]. Robinson, Rev. Thomas, M.A. Vicar of St. Mary's, Leicester. The Parochial Minister's Address to those Persons under his care who are of a proper age to be confirmed . . ISl'i. Hijli ^ Crewe, Newcastle. 32mo., pp. 31. Robinson, Rev. Thomas, h. Longton ; Method- ist New Connexion Minister ; Superintendent of Canadian Mission. Anecdotes [New Con. Mag. (1827), 429] ; A Contribu- tion on Heading ."cripture [(1828)73.74] ; Life of William Kobson, of North Shields [(182UJ 207, 2.i8] ; Letter from T. Robinson on Irisli Missions [478—80] ; Ditto [(1830) 33, 34] : Ditto [2i;i, 214] ; On Scripture Learning [(1832) 22li]; Letters to Conference [(183li) 278, 279] ; Portrait of Thomas Robinson [(1842) 201]. Robinson, Walter. b. Wolverliuniiiton, 3rd Jan., 1S30 ; *. of George Robinson, Lsq. [•<««]; Student of Inner Temiile, 2nd Nov., 1H52 ; Certificate of honour, Jan., 1854 ; Barrister- at-Law, 0th June, 1855. The Straits of the D.ardanelles and the Bosphorus under Intei'national Law. London : Ilidgwaij. 1878. [Men-at-the-Bar, 397.] RoiiiNsoN, Rev. William, b. St. Mary's Parish, Lichfield, 1718 ; «. of James Robinson ; Mat., 15tli May, 1735 ; B.A., 1st Feb., 1739 ; M.A., 1741 ; Rector of Swinnerton, resigned 1750; again, 1763 to death; of Stoke, 1770 to death ; d. 11th Sept., 1797. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 121.5; Hutchinson's Stoke, 120, 138.] Robinson, Hev. William, b. Hanbury, 1777 ; s. of Carey Robinson, Esq.; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 15th Dec, 1794 ; B.C.L., 1801 ; Rector of Stoke, 18()1 — 12 ; of Swinnerton, 1801—12 ; Preb. of Lichfield ; m. Ellen Jane, dan. of the Very Rev. Dean Woodhonse ; d. 21st March, 1812. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1215 ; Short Account of Lichfield Cathedral (1823) (IS, 69 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 120, 138. Robinson, William, b. Hill Ridware, 1788 ; s. of Charles Bernard Robinson ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 6th Jnlv, 1805 ; B. A., 1809 ; M.A., 1812 ; Fellow, 18*12— 36. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 121.5.] Robinson, William Henry, Printer, The Bridge, Walsall, b. Walsall ; .«.. of J. R. Robinson, Printer [«cc]. Cader Idris. " Doing Cader." A Chapter of Tribula- tions. Walsall: same imprint, n.d. (1870). 12mo., pp. 23. 2nd ed., 1876. The Amateur Athletic Annual for 1879. Compiled anil Edited by H. C. Powell. Walsall: same imprint. 1879. Cr, 8vo., pp. 'l«8. Musical Notes. Walsall: same imprint. 1880. 12mo., pp. 1(1. The Walsall Red Book, (i'earlg.) Home Daughters, Walsall: W. H. Robinson. 1881. 12mo., pp, 23, The Ethics of Love. (Addressed especially to Parents and Educators.) A Preface by a Leading Barrister. Walsall : same imprint. 1881. 8vo,, pp, si,, Ixvi,, right- hand pagination. GO. Beauty and the Beast. A Grand Comic, Romantic, Operatic, Melodramatic, Fairy Extravaganza, in Seven Scenes, Abridged from the works of the late J, R, Blanche. 1882, Walsall : same imprint. Pt. 8vo., pp. 19. Account of the Funeral of the Rev. J. Parton, Rector of Oldbury, R.D, and Preb. of Hereford ; and the Sermon Preached in Oldburv Church, Bridgnorth, on Sundav, July 22nd, 1883. I.— By the Rev. G, Bellett, Rector of' Whit- bourne, II. — By the Rev. W. H. Lambert, Rector of Stoke- Edith. Walsall : same imprint. 188i. Svo., pp. 23. [100 copies.] "A Friend's Hand." The Special Prayers bv the Very Rev. E. Bickersteth, D.D., Dean of Lichfield. "Five Hlus- ROBINSON ( 379 ) RODDA trations bv Mary Smyth. Second Edition. London: S.F.C.K. 'ti.il. nSS4). pp. 7.3. (Compiled and Printed by \V. Ih'iifi/ liohiiison.) Questions on the Church Catechism. Walmll : tame imprint. 1SS4 8vo.. pp., itii. [200 copies.] "When found make a note of." — Captain Cuttle. Road Note Book. Arranged especially for Members of the Cyclists' Touring Club. Walsall: same imprint, n.d. 6 leaves. The Queen's Jubilee. Official Programme of the Celebration in Walsall. July 'iOth and 21st, 1887, with Map of Particulars. Walsall : same imprint, n.d. Fcp. 8vo.. pp. 48. The Socialist. Walsall: same imprint. 18SS. 8vo., pp. 33. A Fair Death. London: SImpkln. Walsall: same imprint, n.d. 12mo., pp. 21. Transcript of the Fir.st Register of the Parish Church of St. Martin, Birmingham, l.i.)4 — li;,J3. Transcribed b}' J. Hill anil .J. B. Bickley. Fifty Copies (only) Printed by Subscription for the Archaeological Section of the Birm- ingham .and Midland Institute. 1880. Walsall: same imprint. 8vo., pp. xv., 2lii). A Sermon relative to the Death of Mr. Walker. [.See Rogers (Rev. S.).] A more Exact and Perfect Account. [See Pitt (F.).] Important Truths for Important Times. [.See Pigott (Rev. A. J.).] The Midland Antiquary. Walsall: same imprint. 1880—S4. i vols.. 8vo. Our Parish Church. [.See Potter (G. G.)J Self E.xamination. [.See Peile (Rev. T. W.).] The Peace of God. [.See Pugh (Rev. J.B.).l "Till the end comes." A Sermon, by the Rev. C. C. Prichard, M.A., Vicar of Whallev. Lanes, n.p., pi., or d. Or. 8vo.. pp. 8. ( Printed hij W. ti. Rohinson.) Death Abolished. [.See P.addon (Rev. H.).] Transcript of the Old Parish Register of St. Mary and All Saints, Fillonglej', co. Warwick, ]o38— Kl.'i.'i. By Kev. A. B. Stevenson. Walsall: W. Henry Rohinson. 1803. pp. xxix., 98. [See Allen (Rev. Preb. W.), Beaven (Rev. F. H.), Benson (Archbp.), Bodington (Rev. A.), Bolton (Rev. C. N.) (Rev. R. K.), Brunt (Mrs. C). Bull { H. G.), Claughton (Bp.), Downes (Rev. J.), Duignan (W. H.). Farrar(Rev. Canon), Gounter (Col), Havergal (Rev. F.T.), Jackson (Rev. A. G.), Jacob (Capt. A.), Lauig(Rev. J. F.), Lake (S. M. E.), Lyle (Selina), Willmore (Dr.), Walsall Advertiser, and Appendix.] Robinson, Rev. William- WooiUiouso. b. Lich- field : s. of Rev, Canon Robinson ; of .St, John's Coll., Cam.; C.A., 1><26 ; M.A., 1829; Curate of Storgussev, 182('> ; of Roclifiml, 1826—37; Yeovil, 1837—4.5; P,C. of Ch. Ch., Chelsea, 1845 — G5 ; Curate of Great Warley, Essex, 1805- (57 ; Clip, to the Earl of Plymouth, Farewell Sermons. A Word in Season. The Last Great Exhibition, Yeovil Handbills (a Series), A Clergyman's Reasons for Teetotalism, A Sermon fm- the Trinitarian Bible Society. Temjierance Comparisons. The Converted Family ; or, The Riches of Divine Grace. London, 1860. llth ed., 1872. 12mo., pp. 72. Roisv, Henry .lolin. h. Lichfield Street, Tam- worth, 12th Aug,, 1S30 ; ,.] RusHTox, Joseph, b. Barton, 1840: .etiial Covenant. Lomlon, 1SG2. Parochial Addresses. Russell, Colonel. Commandant of the Close, Lichfield, during its seige, 1642. Valour Crowned : or, A Relation of the Valiant Proceedings of the Parliamentary Forces in the Close of Litchfield against Prince Rupert! discovering the honour- able corditions on %vhich it was surrendered, as it was written by Colonel Russell. London, 1043. 4to. Russell, Edward Watts. h. Ham Hall, 1845 : s. of Jesse Watts Russell, Esq., J. P., Deputy Lieutenant ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox. ; B.A., 1867 ; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 17th Oct., 1867 ; Barrister-at-Law, 10th June, 1870; m., 28th Dec., 1867, Margaret Alice, dnu. of Anthony O'Reilly, Esq., of Beltrasna, Meath. [Men at the Bar, 40i!.] Russell Family, of Handsworth. Arms and Pedigree. [Misc. Gen. el Her., N.S.. IV.. IX, 19.] Russell, Rev. George. AVesleyan Minister, 1802 — 34 ; d., Newcastle ; bur. Chapel-yard. A Prize Essay, descriptive of the truly philosophical mind. Translated from the French. Pbjmoulh Dock: ISIS. *vo.. pp. 31. 1855. Original Sunday School Anecdotes. The Abominations of the .Jesuits exposed. Translated from the French of De la Berthier. London. ISiU. limo., pp. 281. Russell, Rev. Jauies. Of St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1852 ; M.A., 1853 ; Curate of St. Stephen's, Willenhall, 1853—54 ; P.C. of Holy Trinity, Oakengatcs, Salop, 1855 — 56 ; Vicar of Woinbridgc, Salop, 1856 — 70 ; of St. Piiilip's, Sheffield, 1870. Sermons on the Lord's Temptation. London ; Seelei/s. 5. A Suffering Christ. London : Seelei/s. 18.55. Repent To-Day. London: Seeiet/s. lSo7. A Threefold Cord for Children. Woiverhninptnn. 18.50. Scattered Seed. A Religious Thought Book. London: Mncintosh. 1808. Sound Words for Confirmation Candidates . . . .Simpson if .Slenn. Woherhampton. 1HG3. l"2mo., pp. 34. Paper on Responding. Hints for the New Year. A Series of Questions for Believers and Cnbelievers. Russell, Jane. [.SeeFletcher (Mrs. J.).] Russell, Jesse David Watts, h. Marylebone,1812; ». of Jesse Watts (afterwards Watts Russell), Esq. \_see'] ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 21st Oct., 1830 ; B.A., 1835 ; of Biggin Grange, Northants.. and Ham Hall ; M.l'., North StaflTs., 1841—47; (/. 7th March, 1879. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. III., ILSt;.] Russell, Jesse Watts, b. Whitcchapel, 1786 ; .«. of Jesse Watts, Esq. ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 13th Nov., 1804; B.A., 1808; M.A., 1811 ; created D.C.L., 23rd June, 181!); of Ham Hall : assumed name of Russell by Royal Licence, 28th March, 1817 ; M.P., Gatton, 1820—26 ; d. 26th March, 1875. A Catalogue of the Ham Gallery, 1S27. .\shhourn: Printed hij If. Hoon. 1828. Imp. 4to., pp. 21. [Only 25 copies printed.] [Foster's Alumni Oson., III., ll.'jtj; Martyn's Pri- vately Printed Books. 3,i.T.] Russell, Rev. John Fuller. IjL.B., Cam. Univ., 1838 ; F.S.A. ; Rector of Greenhithe, Kent, 1856. Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson. London, 1847. 8vo. Russell, John James, b. Wednesbury, 24th May, 18u7 ; s. of James Russell, Esq. (of Russell & Son, Tube Manufacturers) ; m., 5th June, 1834, Elizabeth, (/a«. of Joseph Smith, Esq., of Sunimerheld House, West Biomwich ; (if Endwood Court, Handsworth ; d. 26th April, 1871 ; bur. 30th April, at Hands- worth. The Gas Tube Trade [Illus. Lond. Xetrs f4th July, 18G3), with Two Illustrations ; reprinted in Cyclop.nedia of Arts, I., S17 ; Hackwood's Wedgbury Workshops, 81 — 104] ; Case of Russell and Cowley [Patentee's Manual (Longmans), 23. 209 ; Webster's Reports of Patent Cases, 237, 273, 4.i9— 67]. Rcssell, Rev. Michael Watts Watts, h. Ham, 1815 ; s. of Jesse Watts, Esq. Cafterwards Watts Russell) ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 12lh Dec, 1833 ; B.A., 1838 ; M.A., 1841 : RUSSKLL ( 385 ) RYDER Rector of BeneBeld, Nortliants. Rome; d. IGth March, 1875. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., llSti.] Russell, Robert, Wadliurst, Sussex. .Seven Sermons . . . Bartlem : PrinleJ by \V. Joynson. n.d. r2mo., pp. 120. RossELL, Rev. Rohcrt. b. f.eek, 2rul Jan., 1841 ; s. of John Russell, Esq., J.P. : edu- cated Kensington Proprietary Sell.; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., i2n(l Oct., 1X511 ; 13. A., 1«63 ; M.A., 186(i ; Curate of Ilminster, Somers., 1864 — 66 ; Kibworth-Beauchamp, Leics., 1866 —68; St. Margaret's, Barking, 186H— 72 : Vicar of St. Barnabas, Rotiierhitbe, London, 1873 to date. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1257.] RuTTER, Rt. Rev. Samuel. Rector of Waber- tliwaite, Cuinb., 1630 ; Preb. of Longdon, and Canon of Lichfield, 29th Nov., 1660, to death ; Bp. of Sodor and Man, 1661 ; th May, 1x25, Lady Georgina Augusta Stnnerset, dau. of Henry Charles, 6tli Duke of Beaufort : of Westbrook Hey, Herts. : d. 24th Nov., 1879. [Dod's Peerage (1874), 797 ; Foster's Peerage (1882), 336,] Ryder, Right Rev. Henry, b. 21st July, 1777; s. of Nathaniel, 1st Baron Harrowby ; ..f .St. John's Coll., ('amb.; D.D.: Rector of Lutter- worth, IXol ; Vicar of Clavbrook : Dean of Wells, 1812; Bp. of Glouces'ter, 1X15— 24 : of RYDER (38G) RYDER Lichfield, l«2i, to death : m., loth Dec, 1802, Sophia, (Inn. of Thomas Mart-h Phillips, Esq., of Garcndon Paik, Leics.: (I. 31st March, 1836. A Sermon preiicbed at Leicester, at the Animal Meet- ing of the Governors of tlie Infirmary. Leicester, 1806. 8to. A Sermon preached at Leicester, at the Visitation of the Lord Bisliop of Lincoln. Leicenter, 1806. 8to. On the Propriety of Pre;vching the Calvinistic Doc- trine. A Sermon. Leicester, 1SU6. 8vo. A Sermon ... for ... St. Mary's School, Leicester. Lutterworth, 1813. Svo. A Farewell Sermon . . preached in the Parish Churches of Lutterworth and (^lavbrook. on Sunday. July 2nd, ISIT). Lntterirurth : I'riiited hi/ .1. Bollrill. 1815. 8vo., pp. 2;). Review [('/(. Obserrer. .Kill., 442— .")(l]. SeruKjn on Luke 23, ;{4 [ London Soc. for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews]. London. 1814. 8vo. A Chirge delivered to the Diocese of Gloucester at the Primary Visitation, 181IJ. Gloucester: I/oui/li if Son. 181G. Ho', pp. :!ii. 2nd ed., same year. Review [CA. Obserrer, XV., lio.-i— 65J. Three Sermons on Particular Occasions. London : Ilatchards. 1818. 8vo.. pp. Gl. Review [CA. Observer, XVII., pp. 114] A Charge at the Third Visitation of the Diocese of Gloucester. Gloucester, 1822. 4to., pp. 40. Three Charges delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Gloucester, at the Three Visitations held in the years 1816, 181'.). 1822. Gloucester: I). WaU-er ,(• Son. 'lS24. 8vo., pp. 117. Three Sermons preached upon . . . final departure from Gloucester. Gloucester: Printed hy IK W'aHcer ij- Son. 1824. 8vo., pp. «1. A Charge to the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, at the Primary Visitation. 1824. London. 1824. 4to. Ditto, 1828. London, 1828. 4to. A Charge to the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, at Third Visitation, 1832, London, 1832. Svo. Sermon on Acts 4, 12 [Report of Soc. for the Prop, of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. ISlllj. Sermon on Isa. 40, 11 [Report of S.P.C.K. 1821]. Sermon [;*.. 18221. Ser- mon on 2 Tim. 1, la [Report Prayer Book and Homily Society. 182'.1] : on 1 Cor. 1. ;tO [Original Family Sermons. 18.S3— ;i.'). A'ol. IL, 1— 10] : on Mat. 1.5, 28 [;6.,'lII., 251— 64]. Biog, and Portrait IC/iristian Keepsake {Wltl), 115— 20]. Obituary [Ch. Observer. XXXVI., .-(15-18, .503— 8, £6(i- 73, Cc".!- 30], The Rev, G, D, Ryder on the Obituiry [ih., X.KXA'Il., i;i8— ;i'.i]. Memoranda of Bishop Ryder at Lutterworth [ib., 213 — 17], [Ch. 0/j.'errer, XXXIII,, 00. 121, 700 : XXXIV,, 177, 273: XXXVII,, 127. 100, 1!I8, 21.3, ,3.58 : XXXVIII., 169 : XL., G27 : XLI., 250, 703 ; See Appendix.] Ryder, Rev. Henry Dudley, b. Garendori Park, Leics., 12th Oct., 1803 ; s. of Right Rev. Henry Ryder, D.D. ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 22ud Jan., 1821 ; B.A., 1825 ; M.A., 1828 ; Vicar of Tarvin, Clieshire : of High Offley, 182H, to death ; Canon Residentiary of Lich- field and Preb. of Ryton and Pipa !Minor annexed, 1833, to death ; m., (1) 30th April, 1828, Cornelia Sarah, dau. of George Cornish, Esq., of yalconibe, Devon : (2) 27th May, 1841, Eliza Julia, dan. of Lieut.-Col. John Tucker ; d. 19lh Jan., 1877. The Temple in the Wilderness. A Poem. London : Hatchard. 1S3G. 12mo. On the Proper Mode of Supporting the Ministry of the Christian Church. London, 1836. Svo,, j)p. 15. Reasons ftir the Preservation of St. Stephen's Chapel, and the way to do it. London, 1836. 8vo,. pp. 13. Sonnets on the Divine Attributes. London: W.Smith. 1840. 32mo. Poemata Lvrica, Versa Latini Riiminte Scripta. Lich- feld, 1S43. 181U0. [ Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1240 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 87—88 ; White's Staffs. (1834), 87,] Rydeu, Hon. Henry Dudley, b. 3rd May, 1836 ; s. of Dudley, 2nd Earl Harrowhy ; Mat. Ch. Ch., 0.\., 8th June, 18.34 ; Cornet, Staffs. Yeomanry Cavalry, 1861 ; Captain of ditto, ir.tii July, 18()4 ; m., 17th May, 1859, Susan Juliana Maria Hamilton, dau. of Yilliers Dent, Esq., of Barton Cliff, Hants. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III.. 1240; Dod's Peerage (1874); Webster's Records .Staffs. Yeomanry Cavalry, App. XXV., xxvii. ; Foster's Peerage (1882), 330; Lodge's Peerage (1893), 312.] Rydeh, Rt. Hon. Richard, b. .")th July, 1766 ; s. of Nathaniel, 1st Baron Harrowhy ; Regis- trar of Consistory Court ; Bencher of Lincoln's Inn ; P.C. ; ?«., 1st Aug., 1799, Frederica, dau. of Sir John Skvnner, Knt. ; d. 18th Sept., 1832. A Letter to the Right Hon. Richard Rvdcr on the State of Vaccination. Ev Charles McClean, M.D.. formerly of Calcutta. Loudon. 1S03. Svo. [Foster's Pi-t-r.ige (1882), 32i;.] RvDEit, Richard Caltliorpe Whitmore. b. 22nd July, 1822 ; s. of Rt. Rev. Henry Ryder, D.D.; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 1844 ; M.A., 1850 ; Fellow ; Student of Lincoln's Inn, 27th May, 1844 ; of the Inner Temple, 19th April, 1848 ; Barrister-at-Law, 15th May, 1848. [Jlenat the Bar, lO.'*.] Ryder, RobtM-t. b. Otley, Y'orks., 15th March, 1844 ; s. of Robert Ryder and Ann, his wife ; educated National Sch., Knaresborough ; Printed and Published The Northern Reporter (which he established) at \Yetherby, Y'orks., 186li — 78 ; bought The Wediieshttn/ Herald from The Wednesbury Newspaper Co., Limited ; ?n., 1866, Rebecca, dari. of James Vint, of Wetherby. The Wednesbury Herald [established 1875 ; see Wednesbury Newspaper Co., Limited]. 1878 to date. Demy, 8 pp., 48 columns. Ryder's Annual [established 1878, and published in November of each year], 1S78 to date. Cr. 8vo., pp. 200. [Contains : — 1HS7— Portraits of Alriermen R. Williams, Trow, Kilvert. Wultou, Mr. Joseph { ICbb) Smith, auri (Jeorge Holilen : — 1889— Portraits of tlie Hon. P. Stauliope, M.P,, Alilermau W. Lloyd, Revs. R. B. Store.v and J. Hopkin, Councillors Olilbury, Hackwooil. Joynson, and Llovil, and Mr, J, Slater ; — 1892— Portraits of Councillor J, H. Thursfield and Mr. G. Rose ;-.1893-Messr9. W. H. Lloy.i, G. S. tJuv. V. II. Llo.vd ;— 1894— Portraits of Mr. Walford D.'Oreen, B..\.. Conncillurs SUeldou and W. B. Thursfield, and Mr. A. Di'.-kinson, J. P.] Voting Lists. (Irref/ulnrly since 1870.) Catalogue of the Books of Wednesbury Free Library, 1885. Cr. 8vo., pp. .384. An Account of the Life of Thomas Blackwood, M.D. n.d. (ISSH). Demy 8vo., pp. 16. Ryder's Wednesbury Jubilee Memento. Being a . Record of Her Majesty's Reign, together with an Histori- cal Sketch of Wednesbury from . . . Accession to Jubilee, and a Coloured Plan of the Brunswick Park. n.d. (1887). Cr. Svo., no pagination. Bye-Laws of Wednesbury Local Board. .Vai/azines of the Parishes of St. Bartholomew and St. James (Wednesbury). .Monthh/. Tithes ... By Mr. J. Chilwell. 1880. Cr. Svo., PP- ■'^ Wednesbury Art Gallery Memento. 1801. [A demy broadside of photographs and printed matter.] Tom Brown's Black Country Annual, 18114 . . Cr. 8vo.. pp. 80. [.Sec Hackwood (F. W.), T.adema (Alma), Hopkin (Rev. J.).] RvDER, Thomas Dudley, b. Gloucester, 17th April, 1815: s. of Ri. Rev. Henry Ryder; Student, Gray's Inn, 10th Jan., 1853; Bariister- RYDWARE ( 387 ) SACHEVERKLL at- Law, 17th Nov., 1850 ; Rcfjistrar, Diocese of Manchester; d. Sandon Hall, 23rH Jan., 1886. CBelievcd to liare beon the Eilitor of The Wild Duck, a pri- vately prjnteit quarterly iiiajrazine (Afaiicfwster, 187^ — 7"/; 8vo.).] [Men ;it the Bar, 4U« : Fo5ter'.s Peerage (1882), 3»G ; Lodge's Peerage (1892), 314 ; See .Appendix.] RyDWAIlK. Pedigree. [Bodl. Lib., 70S, .S3 : 845, 123.] Rylands (or Rilamls), Veil. John. b. Redbmok, Gloucs., 1G2U ; s. of Richard Rylands ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 27th June, 1634 ; Demv, Magd. Coll., 1635—40; B.A , 13th May, 1637; M. A., 6th Feb., 1639 ; Fellow, 1640 — 49 ; Rector of E.xhall, Warivs., until ejected by soldiers, 1647 ; of Bilton, Warws., 1060 ; of St. Martin's, Birmingham, 1003 ; Preb. of Freeford, Liehfield, Otii Sept., 1660 ; Archd. of StatTord, 16(iO ; of Coventry, 1661 to death ; rl. 3rd March, 1672. [Bliss's Wood'.s Ath. Oxon., III., 983 ; Bloxam's Magd. Coll., v., 1-11 ; Burrow's Worthies of Magd. Coll., 514 ; Harwood's Lichtield, 209, 231 ; Foster's .\lunini Oxon., E..S., III., 1294 ; Sutton Chase and Forest, 84, 85.] Ryley, Walter, b. Newbold, 19th Feb., 1607. Dr. Booker's Notes on his Birth. [Bodl. Lib., 3^0, 33(172).] Rylev, William, Printer, Bell Street, Wolver- hampton. [.See Wrottesley (Sir J.) ; Parson & Bagshaw's Directory (1818).] Rymer, R., Great Bridge. A Visible Church and no Invisible Members. 1S61. Duo., pp. '■i'M'i. Ryvks, Bruno (nr Bruen). s. of Thomas Ryves ; Mat. 0.\-. Univ., 21st Oct., 1014 ; Clerk, New Coll., 1010; B.A., 20th Oct., 1616; Clerk, Magd. Coll., 1017—29: M.A., 9th June, 1619; B.D., 30tli June, 1632 ; D.D., 25th June, 1639 ; Vicar of Stanwell, Middle- sex, circa 1640 ; Chp. to Charles I. ; of Gray's Inn, 1634 ; Rector of St. Martin-le- Vintry, London, 1628 ; of Lincoln's Inn, 1656 ; Dean of Chichester, 1646 (installed 1660) ; Master of Hospital at Chichester ; Dean of Windsor and Wolverhampton, 1660 to death ; Registrar of the Order of the Garter, 1661 ; Rector of Acton, Middlesex, and of Haseley, Oxon., at his death ; d., Windsor, 13th July, 1077. Meyt'itiiit.^ Jiiu^ticus ; or. The Co'intry's Complaint. Recounting the snd events of this unparalleled War. [First number issued 22nd Aug., li!12.] Jfercnriujt liiLiticuf. The 2nd Part, giving an Account of Sacrileges in and upon C.ithedrals, &c. [When the War was eudcil the Sfercurus were collected, and repriiiteil, ICIO, in Svo., coutainiog the followiug additional papers:-] (1) A (ieneral Bill of Mortality of the Clergy of London, Ac. ; or. A Brief Martyrology and Catalogue of the Learned and Religious Ministers . . . (2) Querela Cantabrigiensis. (3) Micro-Chronicon ; or, A Brief Chronology of the Time and Place of the Battles, &c. ... (4) A Catalogue of all, or most part, of the Lords, Knights, &c. . . slain or executed by Law Martial. [.\uotlior editiou of 1647 contains more than that of 1646.] Several Sermons. OfHcial Papers, Ac. [Bodl. Lib., 1100, 170, 2114: 1112, tJ9, 1146 : 1113, 94, 18« : 1131, 13, 42, 90, 100. 158] ; Letters to Ashmole [Hi.. 1131, 109—18, f. 2i.5a— 220a : in, US, ft. 225a, 22i;a, 23i;«, 237«. 2384, 239a, 24cj«. 2 1 la, 2426. 245o, 24«a, 251o, 2.52a, 23oa6, 259a, 2(iOa. 2(;ia, 2(;2a. 271a, 27.56, 2780, 279a]; Other references [ib., 1114, 2: 1111, 74: 1131. 17, 247]. Dr. llyves was an Assistant in the Polvglot Bible. [Bli3»"'s Wool's Ath. Oxon., III., 1110; Blo.xam'a Magd. Coll., II., 51 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1293 ; Oliver's Coll. Ch. of Wolverhampton, 74 : Todd's Bp. Brian Walter, I., 4h : II,, 48, 3011—9 ; Chauncey's Herts., 342 ; Grey's Hudibi-as, verse G29.] RvvES, Rev. ICdmiind, D.D. A Visitation Sermon at Stafford. London, 1717. 8vo. Ryves, Rev. George, b. Bransbury, Hants., 1674 ; s. of Major .John Ryves ; Mat. Magd. Hall., Ox., 5th Julv, 1689 ; Demv, Maud. Hall, 1689—1701; B.A., 1093; M.A., Gth March, 1693: FeUow, 1701-14; B.D., 27th Jan., 1707 ; D.D., 1708 ; Rector of Swinner- ton, 1707 to death ; d. .3rJ Nov., 1728. Rawlinson's M.S.. I., 375: XVIIt., 337; Bloxim'a Magd. Coll., VI., Ill: Burrows's Worthies of Magd. Coll., 5.S0 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., III., 1295 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 138.] Ryves, Rev. Georee Thomas. b. London, 1834: •«. of William Harding Ryves, Esq.; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 3rd Feb., 1853 ; B.A., 1857 ; M.A., 1860 : Curate of F.iuls, Salop, 1859; Hasfield, Gloucs., 1801 ; Nut- hall, Notts., 1865 ; of Sutherton, near Spalding, 1S70; Vicar of Buildwas, Salop, 1871 ; of L'pper Tean, 1874. Numerous contributions to periodicals and newspapers on meteorological subjects. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., III., 1240.] " S. J.," Stoke. On the Prostitution of the Sabbath. [Xew Con. Mag., (1831), 577, 378.] " S. T." Obituary of William Smith, of Dixon's Green. [.Veio Con. May. (i8tiG), 410, 441.] " S. W.," Wolverhampton. Obituary of Caroline Prettie, of Wolverhampton, and Mary Caddick, of Tipton. [.Veic Cow. Maij. (1832), 214.] Saiuse, Francis St. Cardinal ; Dean of Lich- field, 1371—81. [Harwood's Lichfield, 179.] SACHEVEitKt.i., Rev. Henry, b. Marlborough, Wilts., 1674 ; s. of the Rev. Josiali Sacheverell ; educated Marlborough Sch.; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 28tli Aug.. 10S9 : Demv, 10S9 — 1701 ; B.A., 1603 : AI.A.. 16th Mav". 1090 ; Fellow, 1701 — 13 : B.D., 4th Feb., 1703 ; D.D., 1st July, 170S : incorporated Cam. Univ., 1714 ; SADLER (3S8) SALT Vicar of Cannock ; Preacher of St. Saviour's, Southvvark, 1705 ; preached his famous senuon at Deiliy and in St. Paul's, 1709 ; impeached before tlie House of Commons, his trial lasting from 27th Feb. to i'M-A March, 1710 ; Rector of Selattyn, Salop, 1710— 13 ; of St. Andrew's, Holhorn', 13th April, 1713, todeath : "heartily hated by those whom he had benefited, as well as by bis enemies"; c-a.<(/c : W. II. Ili/de. 1S3G. Cr. 8vo., pp. xxxiv.. 4(J4. The Life of St. Peter. A Tract. The Evils of Owenism as a Bible-rejecting System. The Youth's Church Guide to . . . Protestant Christianity. London (Xeii'castle printed). n.d. (1841). 12mo., pp. Sal. Safetij Lamp (The); or, Monthli/ Chvrch Expositor. [See Brougham (Mary).] S.vG.VH, Stephen. Last Abbot of Hales, Gloucs.; Preb. of Ulveton Decani, Lichfield, 20tb July, 1543—48. [Harwood's Lichfield, 2.19.] Sainter, J. D., F.G.S., Macclesfield. The .Jottings of some Geological. Archa;ological, Botanical, Ornithological, and Zoological Rambles round Macclestield. Jlacclesfleld ; Swinnerlon i(' Brown. 1878. 8vo., pp. l.W. [Includes several parts of Staffs.] The Geology of Mop Cop. Congleton Edge, and sur- rounding District. [Rep. North Stajf's. Field Club (1875), 140—411.] Saint Kenelm. bur. Clent. Accounts in MS. [C.C.C.C. MSS., No. 3G7 ; Bodl. Lib., Douce MSS.. 36S, ff 711— .S2 : also 285. ff 80— .S ; Tanner MSS,. No. 15; Lansd. M.SS., ^/JC, ff 88— HI ; St. John's Coll., Ox.. MSS., No. 14'.l, ff 70h: Cotton MSS., Tiber E.. YL, I., f. 7sm ; Harl. MSS., No. 2377.] Life of St. Kenelm. Edited from the Harl. MSS., 2377, bv F. J. Furnivall, for the Philological Society. 1862. [Accounts are given in Amphlet's Clent, 177 — 9.3; Florence of AVorcester ; William of Malmesbury's Gesta Regium ; ditto, Gesta Poutiticum ; Matthew of Paris ; Brompton's Chronicle ; Shaw's .Staffs., under Clent ; Nash's Worcs., II., App. X. *.] Salf.. Rev. Ricliard. Rector of Weston, Derby?.; Preb. of Ulveton Decani, Lichfield, ICth Feb., 1577—1001. [Harwood's Lichfield, 239.] Sale [or Savll), William. Ox. Univ., B.A., Feb., 1542; M.A., 17th July, 1550 : "n Schoolmaster at Stafford"; Rector of Quatt, 151(5; Preb. of Wolverhampton, 1546 ; of Lichfield, 15(13 ; Rector of Aston, Derbys., 15()8 ; of Stoke-upon-Tern, Salop, 1571. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IV., 1302.] Salmon, Nathaniel, LL.B. b. Mepsall, Beds. ; Mat. Bene't Coll., Cam., 11th June, l(i90 ; d. 2nd April, 1742. A .Survey of the Roman Antiquities in the Midland Counties of England. London, 17211. 8vo. A New .Survey. London, 1731. 8vo., 2 vols., with plates. A Survey of the Roman Stations of Britain, according to the Roman Itinerary. London, 1721. 8vo. Letter to Dr. Wilkes. [Shaw, IL, vi.] Salt, Charles. /;. Lichfield : s. of Thomas Salt, Surgeon, and brother to Henry Salt, F.R.S. ; practised as a Surgeon at Cheltenham ; m. (1) Miss Meacock, of Chester, (2) Miss Wolferstan, of Stafford. Letter. [Hall's Salt, I., 38 ; see also p. 5.] Salt, Rev. Edward, b. Standon Rectory, 1847 ; «. of the Rev. Joseph Salt, M.A., Rector; educated Eton ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 12th Oct., 1866 ; B.A., 1871 ; Curate of Stoke, 1873 — 75: Rector of Standon, 1875; m. A. C, (tail, of Rev. E. J. Wrottesley, Vicar of Brewood. The History of Standon Parish, Manor, and Church. Birminghatn ; Cornish Brothers . . 18S8. 8vo., 3 leaves, pp. 274. (Printed by J. endis.] Salt, Rev. Thomas Fosbrooke. b. Burton, 1842 : s. of Thomas Fosbrooke Salt, Esq. ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 20th Oct., I860 ; Scholar, 1860—64; B.A., 1865: Curate of Buxton. Derbys., 1865 ; of St. Paul's, Bolton, Lanes., 1806—68 ; P.C. of Curbar, Derbys., 1870 to date. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 124C.] Salt, Rev. William, New Connexion Minister. A Memorial of the Wesleyan Metholist Xew Con- nexion . . A Short Account of the Circuit Ministers who have diefl . . . Compiled by . . . W. Salt. Sottinqham : Printed and Sold by Sutton if- .Son . . 1822. I2mo., pp. vii., 25ii. (Dated " Hanley, 1822.") [Full of Staffordshire notices an J now become very rare.] Salt, William. \^See Appendix.] A List and Descrijition of the Manuscript Copies of Erdeswicke s Survey of Staffordshire, which, after careful inquirv, have been traced in Public Libraries or Private Collections, bv William Salt, 1842 — 13. ii. p., pi., or d. (J. B. Sichols', Printer.) [Only 20 copies issucl in a separate form. My copy is No. 17, signed '• \V. Salt, 9, Russell Sqaare."] [Printed in the 1844 edition of Harwood's Erdeswicke, pp. Ixxix. — ci.] [Dr. Harwood acknowledges the great help he received from W. S. in compiling his 1S44 Erdeswicke,] Salt (The William) Archjsological Society. Established at Stafford, on the 17th Sept., 1879. [ Present at the Inaugural Meeting : — Lord Wrottesley, Very Rev. Dean Bickersteth. The Hon. and Rev. Canon Briiigeman. Colonel the Hon. G. Wrottesley, Colonel Bagnall, Captain Congreve, Messrs. .T. Averill, C. H. Bayley, Alan Bagot, The Revs. W. Berresfoni and F. P. Parker, Messrs. J. W. Duignan. Dr. Garner, M. Hancox, J. Hi.tsmith, J. Horton. X. Jovce. W. Llovd. J. Morgan, W. Molyneux. W. J. Pater, F. C, Perry, J. Stubbins, J. C. Tildesley, E. Viles, and F. Whitgreave. [Its Objects are said to be : — " Editing and printing of original documents relating to the County of Stafford." Management — "A Council of ten, of whom five shall be trustees of the William .Salt Library." Officers — "Treasurer, a Secretary, and an Auilitor," "an As.*istant Secretary, to be paid at the discretion of the Council." Subscription — "shall be One Guinea annually." [Its tirst Council consisted of the following : —Colonel the Hon. G. Wrottesley. the Revs. R. W. E.non and F. P. Parker, Colonel Gould Weston, and F. Whitgreave, Esq. ; five from the Trustees of the William Silt Library, viz.. Lord Wrottesley, Dean Bickersteth, the Hon. and Rev. Canon Bridgeman, H. Sydney Grazebrook. Esq., and W. Molyneux, Esq., together with the Officers. [Its first Editorial Committee was : — The Revs. R. W. Evton and F. P. Parker, H, Svdnev Grazebrook, Esq.. and F.' Whitgreave, Esq,] The Society has published : — Collections for a History of Staffordshire. Edited by The William Salt ArchiBological Society. Vol. I.. 1880. Birmingham : Houghton ij' Hammond, Scotland Passage. 8vo. [They have now reached the I3th Volume, with plates, coats of arms. 'ecially, very valuable.] Salt (The William) LiiiRAnv, Stafford. [This Library was formeil by the late William Salt. F.S.A., regardless of expense, ami with much labour and taste. Every attempt was made by Mr. Salt to render the collection complete, so far as his knowledge, (aided by SALT ( 390 ) SAMUDA Thorpe, the Bookseller, and Captain Ferneyhough), of the subject extended. Tlie Library was supposed to contain at the time of his death much of the manuscript and nearly all the printed material relating to the County of Stafford, in the following several departments ; — (1) Purely Topographical Books, wholly devoted to the Countv or some portion thereof ; (2) Ditto, of other Counties, containing references to our Conntv ; (3) Books, tnacts", ic, by natives of the County ; (4) Ditto, by residents in the County ; (5) Ditto, by persons taking title from the County ; (ti) Ditto, relating to persons so connected ; (7) Ditto, printed or published in the County ; (8) Prints, portraits, engravings, and etchings, so connected.] [Before the turn over of the Library to the Tnistees by the representatives of .Mr. .Salt, it was catalogued for sale by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson, & Hodge, as follows :— ] A Catalogue of the Extensive and valuable Library of the late William Salt, Esq., F.S.A. n.p.,pl., ord. {London, 1S6S). 8vo., pp. rjl), containing 2,8011 Lots. A Catalogue of the Important Collection of Manu- scripts, Ancient Deeds, and Autograph Letters . . 8vo., pp. 72, containing in ail G08 Lots. [Happily it was saved to the County by the liberal-miuded- ness and thought of the representatives of Mr. Salt, aided by the generosity of some of the old County's sons and daughters, and is no\s' lodged (as before said) at Staffoi-d. [Since its being located at Stafford, several notices of its contents have appeared, and a small catalogue was compiled and printed, through the favour of the proprietors of the ^ttiforilshire Adferliser, viz.:—] An Index Catalogue of The William Salt Library at Staft'ord. Reprinted from the Staffordshire Adrerllser, and presented by the Proprietors. Stafford: J. ij- C. Mori, '•Advertiser" Office. 1S7S. 12mo.. pp. 187. Salt, Rev. William John. fc. VVedne.sbury, 1856 ; s. of Rev. Samuel Salt ; Mat. St. Et)mund Hall, Ox., 18th Oct., 1879; B.A., 1883; M.A., 1886 ; Cheltenham Coll. Mis?ioner, 1890 — 94 : Vicar of St. Laurence, Colford, Kent, 1894. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 124i) ; See Appendix.] Salter, Joseph Howell, b. Staflbrd, 1829 ; s. of William Salter; Mat. Pembroke Coll., 0.x., 25th Nov., 1847 ; B.A., 1851 ; M.A., 1854. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1247.] Salter, Richard. Principal of New Inn Hall, Ox., 1504 — 10; LL.U. ; Chancellor, 1st May, 1501, and Precentor of Lichfield, 14th Feb., 1504, to death : Preb. of Handsacre and Canon of Lichfield, aoth May, 1489— 3rd May, 1501 ; Member of the Guild of St. Mary, Lichfield, 1489; Rector of Stanlake, Oxon., 1503: d. 1519. [Le Neve's Fasti, I., 579 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 19.5, 198, 23.5 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1303 ; Wood's Colia. and Halls, 678.] Salter, William. Printer, Stamp Office, and Commissioner for taking special Bail. [White's Staffs. (1834).] Samones, Aylett. Britannia'Antiqua Illustr.ata. London, 167G. fol., pp. 682. Sampson, Right Rev. Richard. Originally of Clement's Hostel, Cam., but Subscribed of Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.C.L., 1505 ; studied at Paris and Sens; D.C.L., 1513; Advocate, 20th March, 1515; Chp. to Cardinal Wolsey ; in Commission with Bp. Tunstall, etc., to treat with Burgundy, 7th May, 1515 : Dean of Westminster xVbbey, 1516 : of Chapel Royal and King's Chaplain ; King's Proctor for Tournay, 12tli Jan., 1517 ; Aichd. of Corn- wall, 3rd Feb., 1518 ; Preb. of York, 23rd April, 1519; incorporated Ox. Univ., 1521 ; Uean of Windsor and Wolverhampton, 14th Nov., 1523 — 36 ; Vicar of Stepney, Isth June, 1526—34 ; Preb. of Chiswick in St. Paul's ; Preb. of Langford-Ecclesia, Lincoln Cathedral, 1527; Archd. of Suffolk, 11th Jan., 1529; Preb. of Stotfold, Lichfield, 19th March, 1533; Dean of Lichfield, 20th June, 1533 ; Rector of Hackney, Midtllesex, 31st March, 1534 ; Bp. of Chicliester, 11th Juno, 153(i ; Dean of St. Paul's, 24th July, 1534—40; Bp. of Lichfield, 19th Feb., 1543, to death; Lord President of Wales, 1542—48 ; d. Eccleshall Castle, 25th Sept., 1554 ; bw. Eccleshall Church, where is a fine monument. Explanatio in D. Pauli Epistolam ad Romnnos at qua in Priorem ad Corinthos. Londoni; in Offivina IIerfordi(e. 1526. 8vo., 235 leaves. In L. Psalmos prioris Davidicos explanatio familiaris. Londoni, 1529. fol. Ricardi Sampsonls Regii SecuUi Decani Oratio qua docet. hortatur, admonet omnes potissimum Anglo regise dignitati cum primis ut obediant. Londoni in yKidbvs: Tho. Bertheleti. n.d. (1533). 4to., 14 leaves. Explanatio in L. Psalmos Sequentes. Londoni, 1548. fol. Inpriores Quinqnaginta Psalmos Davidicos familiaris explanatio jam primi ledita. Londoni: Tho. Bertheleti. 1530. fol., pp. 16, 248. Defensio Johanni Episcopi Roft'en, et Thoma; Mori adversus Richardum Sampsonum. [In ('ochlanis's An- tiqua et Insignia Epistola, kc. Leipzifj, 1530. 4to.] The Epistle to the Romans. 'Translated by Bp. Sampson. Bishop's Bible. One of the Compilers of " The Institutes of a Christian Man." Contra quasdam positiones Wiclevi in MS. Answer or Declaracions in the presence of the King's Majestic against the Sixt Reason or argument of John Lambartc concerning the most holy anil blessed Sacrament of the Altar. [In Strype s Cr.inmer.] [Tanner's Bibl. Brit ; Bliss's Wood's Fasti, I., 57 ; Coote's Civilians, 11; Newcourt's Report.. I., 47; Le Neve's Fasti ; Richardson's Godwin ; Fidde's Wolsey, 64, 160, 161, 224: Collect., 131, 135, 1311; Strype's Cranmer and Annals ; .St Pa Hen. VIII. ; Burnett's Reformation ; Fuller's Ch. Hist.; Knight's Erasmus. 43 : Rvmer's Faedera, XIII., 497. 518, 542. 5'.H): XIV., 478, 57U, o73. 577 ; MS., Parker, CVI.. art. 61 ; Ellis's Letters (1 ), I., 260 : (3) I., 347: II., 12, 211; Clive's Ludlow. 162, 292 : Antiq. of Ch. of Lichtiel.l, 48 ; Dodd's Ch. Hist., L, 482 ; Harl. MS., 295, 297; Hen. VIII.'s Scheme of Bishoprics, 31, 33; Pari. Hist., III., 73; Hall's Chron., 834, 844 ; U.illaway's Chichester, 71; Trevelljan Pa., 1.52 — 54; Arc seologia, XVI., 181; Dallavvay & Cartwright's Sussex, I., 71; Herbert's Ames, 460, 578 ; Howard's Letters ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 119—121,545; Clutterbuck's Herts,, I., 517 ; (!^hurton's Lives of Sutton & .Smyth. 480 — 81 : Mait- land's Early Printed Books, 20.5 ; Harwood's Lichfield.] Samson, Rev. Edward, h. Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, London, Ifith Nov., 1845 ; «. of Louis Samson, Esq. ; ]\Iat. Ch. Ch., Ox. ; B.A. ; M.xV. : Curate of Rugcley, 1870— 73 ; Vicar of Pipe Ridware, 1873 — 75 : of Brereton, 1X75 ; m., 1880, Alice Mary, dau. of General the Hon. A. C. Legge. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1248.] Samuda, J. D. A. Secretary to North Staffs. Railway Co. ; lived at Hartshill ; d. there. A Treatise on the adaptation of Atmospheric Pressure to the purposes of Locomotion on Railways. With Ten Plates. London, 1S44. 8vo., pp. 50. SAN DA I. K (391) SAUNDERS Sandale, John de. Rector of Solilmll, Warws., Dean of St. Paul's; Chp. to Edward II.: Chancellor of E.xchequcr, 1307 ; lield tlie Churches of Wimbledon and of Dunliar, Scot- land, in 1305: the Cliurch of Simondesborn, near Dublin : of Minn's, Herts. ; Chancellor of Dublin ; Preb. of Wells ; Treasurer of Lichfield, 12th Jan., 1311— Ki ; Treasurer of England, 1313: Chancellor, 131.5: Bp. of Winciiester, 1316 ; d. 1319. [Harivood's Lichfield, 201 ; Anglia Sacra, I., 316, 4.i2.] Sandhy, Paul. .\ Cullection of 150 Select Views in England, ion- don, nSl. Obi. 4to.. 2 vols. The Virtuoso's Museum. Containing Select Views in England. Londo}i : 177S. Obi. 4to. 108 Plates. Sanders, Rev. Henry. Curate-in-cbarge of West Brorawich, 1752 — .J7 : Curate of Sben- stone. The History and Antiquities of Shenstone, in the County of Stafford. London ; Xiiliols. 1704. 4to., pp. XV., Mb. View of Shenstone. [Published as Xo. IV., Vol. IX., of Biblio. Topog. Brit., but issued separately, as above. It was edited by his son, the Kev. J. B. Sanders. (See).] Sanders, Rev. John Butler, b. "Wediiesbury, 1740 : «. of Rev. Henry Sanders : Mat. Wore. Coll., O.K., 11th March, 1774; B.A., 1777; M.A , 1786 : Minister of English Church at Gottenburg, 1786 ; Curate of Bread Street Hill, London : 2nd Master of St. Olave's Gr. Sch.; d. l.jth March, 1830. Memoir of his father, the Rev. Henry Sanders, pre- fixed to History of Shenstone. Edited his father's History of Shenstone, 1794. [Gent.'s Mag. (1830), I., 473 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1250.] Sanderson', Right Rev. Robert. Bishop of Lincoln, 1660 — 63. Thirtv-six Sermons, with Life by Isaac Walton. London. JGGO. fol. 1671. 1674. 16S6, 1687. Edited by Robert ilontgomerv in Two Volumes. 1841 ; and again by H. (i. Bohn. Walton's Life of Sanderson has been incorporated in Vol. V. of Wordsworth's Christian Biography ; and has also been reprinted under the title of " Walton's Lives," the others being Sir H. Wotton, G. Herbert, Dr. Donne. Saxdf.rson, Rev. Robert Nicholas, b. Tutburv, 18th Dec, 1833 ; «. of Rev. Charles Sander- son, Curate ; educated St. Paul's Sch.; Mat. Magd. Hall, O.x., 20th March, 1852 ; B.A., 1857 ; M.A., Hertford Coll., 1879 ; Assistant Master Ipswich Gr. Sch., 1859—69; Sub- Master, 1869—82 ; Bector of Wyverstone, Suffolk, 1882 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of George Trewinnard, Esq. What is Freemasonry, a Sermon. Ipsmkh : Paiisei/ <.f Bayes. 1S5S. 8vo. The Christian Soldiers' Confidence. Ipswich : Paiaey .(• Ifaves. 1860. 8vo. 'rhe Temple of Freemasonrv. Ipswich : Pawsey >)'• I/ayes. 1S62. 8vo. Sandlands, Rev. John Poole, b. Dswley, Salop, 29th April, 1838 : s. of John Sandlands, Esq.: educated Old Hall, AVellingum, Salop : Trin. Coll.. Dublin ; Lichfield The... Coll.: B.A. (Dublin), 1870 ; M.A., 1873 ; Curate of St. Luke's and St. John's, Hanley, 1866—69 : in charge of present Parish, 1869 — 73 ; Vicar of Brigstock-(f.-Stanion, Thrapstone, 1873 to date ; m. Janet Pitcairn Simpson. The Voice and Public Speaking. London : //odder ^f St ought on. How to develop Vocal Power. London : Sampson Low if Co. The Xew Art of Healing. London : Marihall Brothers, A Contributor to the Clerical H'orld, Church Pulpit, and to the Christian Advocate (New YorkJ. Saxdon. Act for repairing .... Road from Sandon, &c 1824. fol., pp. 21. Ditto for amending above Act .... 22nd Jlarch, 1826. fol., pp. 19. Sasdon Family. Pedigree. [Bodl. Lib., 834, V., 46.] Sandon Park. A Guide to Sandon Park. Seconrl edition. Stafford : Hill i(- 1/alden. 1834. 12mo.. pp. 45. Woodcuts. View of Sandon Park. Lithograph. Published by J. Gundry, Stone. Imperial. Sandwei.l Park. History of. [Shaw, II., 128— .'i'2.] S.E. View of Sandwell HaU. [76., 128.] Sansome, George, b. Brewood, 1724 ; s. of George Sansome : Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 31st March, 1742 ; B.A., 1745. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., V2b-l.] Saravia, Adrian a', b. Hedlin, in Arlois, 1531 ; D.D., Leyden : incorjioratcd O.K. Univ., 9th July, 1590 ; Preacher at the French Church, at Leyilen ; kept a Sch. in Jersey and at Northampton ; Canon of Worcester, 1591 ; of Canterbury, 1596 ; of Westminster, 1601 ; a Translator of the Bible ; Rector of Tatenhill, 1588 ; Vicarof Lewisham. Kent, 1596 — 1610 ; Rector of Great Chart, Kent, 1610 to death ; d., Canterbury, 15th Jan., 1613. The Works of the Rev Adrian a" Saravia. Ij)ndoa, 1617. fol. [Bliss's Wood's Fasti, I., 252 ; Lan.sd. MS., 983. ff 191, 192; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1312; Zouch's Walton's Lives ; Strvpe's Whitgift, 42'2, 441 ; Burmann's Sylloge Epistolarum.]] Sarjeant {or Serjeant), William, b. Staffs., 1557 ; Mat. Exeter Coll.. Ox., 3rd Dec. 1575: B..\., 27th Jan., 1582. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1313.] Saunders. James, b. Cheltenham, 27th May, 1842 ; educated St. Paul's Training Coll., Cheltenham ; Master, St. George's Sch., Wol- verhampton, 1872 to date. Practical Hints for Pupil Te.acher8 on Class Manage- ment. IVolverhtiinpfon : W. Moseley tj' Co. n.d. sm. 8vo., pp.141. 2iid ed.. improve 1, LoH'/o/i ; Thomas Laurie, n.d. sm. 8vo. [Laurie's Kensington Series.] A "Jubilee " Code of Education. A Lecture. London : Simptin, .\/arshall. .(• Co. 1SS7. 8vo., pp. 45. Raygarth's Gladys, and other Poems. London: Thomai Laurie. 1SS8. 12mo., pp. I'i.i. Saunders, Rev. John. b. Colton, 1648 ; •«. of Rev. .John Saunders ; Mat. Gloucester Hall, Ox., 23rd Jan., 1667 : Rector of Leigh, 1672 —1717. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1315 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 102.] SAUNDERS (392) SAY Saunders, Rev. John. b. Colton, Warws., 1618 ; s. of John Saunders, Esq. : Mat. OnVl Coll., O.X., 24lh March, 1G37 ; B.A., 16th Nov., 1640: M.A.: Rector of Colton, 1651 —82 ; Preb. of Pipa Parva, Lichfield. 1672 — 82 : m. Dorothy Cronipton, from the Peak, Derbys. ; d. 1683 ; bur. Colton. [^Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 13, 1.5 ; H.irwood's Lichlield, 243; Colton and De Wasteneys, 115 — 17.] Saunders, Laurence, ft, Harrington, Northants.; s. of Thomas Saunders and Margaret Cave, his wife ; educated Eton ; elected to King's Coll., Cam., I.i38 ; B.A., 1541 ; M.A., 1544 ; Divinity Lecturer in the Coll. of Fotiieringay, Northants. ; Header at Lichfield ; Rector of Church Langton, Leics.; Preb. of Botevant, York : Rector of All Hallows, Bread Street, London, 28th March, 1553 ; tried and con- demned for heresy at St. Mary Overies, Southwark, 30th Jan., 1555 ; burnt at the stake at Coventry, 8th Feb., 1555. Letters and Poems, extant in MS. [Alumni Eton, l.')7; Strype's Annals; Foxe's Acts and Men; JIachvn's Diary, 81,82; Newcourt's Report, I., U6 ; Bradford's Works.'ed. Townsend, I., .H74. 40:), 41(1, 44o. 4.S2, o55: II., 83, 175, 177, 1751. I'.W, llil : llidley's Works, ed. Christian, ;'i80, 391 ; Zurich Letters, III., 171, 172 ; Tanner's Bibl. Brit. ; Middleton's Evang. Biog., I., 304 ; Bonnev's Fotheringay, i>6 ; Sir A. Croke's General Hist, of Croke Family. I.,'t.able 22 ; Cole MS., XIV., 21 : Xichols's Leics.. II.. (JtJtJ ; Malcolm's London Redivivus, IL, 17; Granger's Biog. Hist.] Saunders, Rev. Thomas, b. Brome, 1867 ; g. of John Saunders ; Mat. St. Edmund Hall, Ox., 1st June, 1704; B.A., St. Alban Hall, 27th Feb., 1708 ; M.A., 1710 ; Rector of Avon-Dassett, Warws., 1711. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1316.] Saunders, William, b. Leigh, 1693 ; s. of Rev. John Saunders, Rector ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 10th Oct., 1710 ; B.A., 1714. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 131(i.] Savage, Rev. Ernest Bickcrsteth. b. Nuneaton, Warws., 16th Oct., 1849 ; .». of Rev. R. C. Savage, M.A., Vicar ; educated Haileybury Coll. ; Mat. Emmanuel Coll., Cam. : B.A., 1871 ; M.A., 1875 ; F.S.A., 1886 ; Curate of Perry Barr, 1872 — 75 ; of Holy Trinity, Shrewsbury, 1875 — 77 ; Eastington, Gloucs., 1877 — 78 ; Yicar of Kirk-Michael, Isle of Man, 1878—82 ; of St. Thomas's, Douglas, 1882 ; rn., 11th Sept., 1877, Annette, dau. of John Urmson, Esq., of Wiklerspool, Warring- ton. Editor of — The Sodor and Man Diocesan Magazine, Savage, Rev. John. Detny, Magd. Coll., Ox., 1568 ; M.A., 4th July," 1572 ; Rector of St. Michael's, Sutton Bonington, Notts., 1580 ; Vicar of Yaxley, Hunts., 1583 ; of South Sheepv, Leics., 1586 ; Preb. of Stotfold and Canon of Lichfield, 23rd Jan., 1587—1613. [Bloxam's Magd. Coll., IV., 1G4; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1317 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 248.] Savage, Richard. Life of Richard Savage. By S. Jolin.son. London, 1744. Svo. The Works of Richard Savage. With an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. Bv Samuel .lohnson, LL.D. London. 1775. 8vo. 2 vols. Savage, Rev. Robert Chapman. b. Hayes, ]\Iiddlesex, 1st Aug., 180(l : educated privately ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1835 ; M.A., 1839 : Curate of Tamworth ; Vicar of Tamworth, 1845: of Nuneaton, 1845 to death ; Hon. Canon of Worcester Cathedral, 1849 ; Diocesan Inspector of Schools ; Dmn. Chp. to Viscount Lifford ; R. I), of Nuneaton; m. Emma, dan. of Paul Storr, Esq., of Becken- ham, Kent; d. Oct., 1871. An Ordination Sermon. A Sermon on the Death of the Rev. .7. Bickersteth. A Protestant Catechism for the Members of the Church of England. A Short Catechism on Oaths. Savage, Warwick. Printer, Market Place, Burslem. A Handbook and Catalogue of the Collection of Works of Art E.xhihited at the Wedgwood Institute, 18()9. Burs- lem : Warwick Savarje. n.d. Cr. 8vo., pp. 35. Savexsbv, nr Stavensbv, (dia.< de Wendock, Alexander. Bp. of Lichlield, 1224 to death; built the monastery for the Friars Minor ; d. Andovcr, 26th Dec., 1238 ; bur. Lichfield. [Harwood's Lichfield, i:i7.] Savill, a. Slater. The Exhaust Ejector. [Trans. Xorlli Klaffa. Min. ij- Mech. Eng., VII., 34 — I'.l.] Sawyer, A. R. Assistant Mining Inspector for North Staffordshire, 1880—90 : now in the Transvaal. Accidents in Mines. Hanley : .illhiit 4' DanieL 1888. Svo. Plates. Second and abridged edition. Manchester, 1890.^ Notes on the Prussian Mining Laws [7'rnH.<. North Staffs. Mining and Mech. Eng., V., li:t — 23] ; Discussion [i6., 124 — 34]. Notes on the use of Puwder in Jlines \_ib., 144 — 151. An Account of the Accident which occurred at the Fontaine Pit of the Rochebclle Colliery, in the South of France, on 20th ,Tuly, 1S81 [ib., 14i;— .53 : VI., 47 — 4'J] Results of some underground experiments made with the Belgian Typical Muesdan Davy Lamps, kc. [ib., VII., IGO— '.Mi], Saxton, Christopher. Maps of England and Wales. London, 1570. fol. Saxton, Rev. Lot. New Connexion Minister at Burslem, Wolverhampton, &c. Conversations Nvith an Infidel [yew Con. Mag. (1837), 340 — 45]. The Folly and Danger of Living in an Uncon- verted .State [ib., 421 — 23]. The setting apart of the Rev. J. Addyman for Canada [ib.. 43s — 3!)]. Notices of the death of Lydia Plant, of Burslem [ib. (I8.'i8), 157] : Mrs. Mary Thomas, of Wolverhampton [t4.. 511] ; Mary Lee [ii. (1873), 495— %]. Say, Rev. Humphrey, b. Windsor, 1654 ; s. of Edward Sav : Mat. All Souls' College, Ox., 13tli July, 1675; B.A., 1679: M.A., Hart Hall, 16H2 : of Wiidley, Berks. ; Clerk ; Licensed 15th Sept., 16X4, to marry Frances Porter, of Wadley, Spinster : Vicar of Dodd- ington, Northants., 1690 ; Rector of Stoke ; SAYER (393) SCHONBERG Preb. of Weeford and Canon of Lichfield, 1st Aug. 1692, to death ; d. 27th Feb., 1722. [RawUnson MS., XX., 19; Foster's Alumni Oion., E.8., IV., 1321 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 252.] S.WER, James. Cariciitures and Humorous Satires. A Collection. Containing Sketch of Dr. Johnson. Scales, Rev. Thomas. Minister nf Queen Street Chapel, Wolverhampton. A .Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Robert Simpson, D.D., preached at Wolverhampton. August 20th, 181i*. Wolver/tamptun : Joseph Smart. 1818. 8vo. ScARRATT, William. Hariley. Pheebus, and other Poems. HaiUey : Alfbut if Daniel 1877. 8vo., pp. 32. ScATTERoooD, Rev. Antonj. B.A., Trin. Coll., Cam., 1623 ; M.A., 1630 : D.D., 1062 ; in- corporated Ox. Univ., 13th July, 1069 ; Rector of Winwick, 1641 : of Yelvertoft, (both) Northants., 1670 ; Canon of Lincoln, 1041 ; of Peterborough ; Preb. of Pipa Minor and Canon of Lichfield, 16th Aug., 1666— h2 ; d. 1687. [Le Neve's Fasti, II., 234 ; Fosters Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1323 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 242.] ScATTERfiOOD, Ri'v. Sainuel. b. Lichfield ; s. of the Rev. Antony Scattergood [««e] ; Fellow Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1004 ; M.A., 1069 ; incorporati'd O.K., Univ., 13th July, 1609 ; perhaps the Yicar of Tettenhall of that name who was licensed to marry, 5th Sept., 1681, Elizabeth Gilbert, of that place. Spinster ; Vicar of Blocldey, Worcs., 1681 : of Ware, Herts. ; Preb. of Pipa Minor and Canon of Lichfield, ;jth June, 1682, to death ; Canon of Lincoln, 1683 ; d. Dec, 1696. [Le Neve's Fasti, II., 312 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1323; Harwood's Lichfield, 242.] Sc.vTTERoooD, Rev. Thomas. New Connexion Minister, Shelton. Memoir of Mrs. Linda Bolton, of Shelton [.Veir Con. Maij. (1838), 241— 13]. ScHiMMELPENSiNCK, Mary Anne. h. Birming- ham, 2yth Nov., 1778: dan. of Samuel and Lucy Gallon, afterwards for many ye:irs of Great Barr Hall, which they rented from Sir Joseph Scott, Bart., and where Mrs. Scliimmel- penninck spent her girlhood : brought up a Quaker, afterwards a Wesleyan Methodist, lastly a Moravian ; m., 1800, Lambert Schitnmelpeiiuiuck, of Berkeley Square, Bris- tol ; (/., Bristol, 29th Aug., 1856 ; bur. Moravian Burial Ground, Bristol. A Tour to Alet and La Grande Chartreuse. By Dom. t'laude Lancelot . . . With some Account of the Monastery and Abbot Reformer of La Trappe . . . /.omtou : 'J'rintetiyor J. if A. .{fcfi^ Cornhiii . . 2nd cd., enlarged, 2 vols., London : same imprint. 1816. 8vo., pp. 320. Proofs of the Misstatements of Facts contained in an Attack upon the Fidelity and Veracity of the Author of '•The Tour to Alet," which is inserted in the Chrintian Observer for January, 1814 . . . with an Appendix. London : same imprint. 1814. 8vo., pp. 32. Theory on the Classification of Beauty and Deformity and their Correspondence with Physiognomic Expression . . . General Charts and Thirty-Eight Copper Plates. London ; same imprint. 1813. lar. 4to.. pp. 22it. Meditation of a Neophyte. London ; J. Hatchard, Piccadilly, n.d. Narrative of the Demolition of the Monastery of Port Royal des Cliamps, including Biographical Memoirs of Latter Inhabitants. London: Printed for J. if .4. .4rch. 1816. 8vo., pp. 194. .5th ed., abridged, IVarrint/ton, 1S56. 12mo.. pp. iv., 27tj. Biblical Fragments. London : Printed for Oqle. Dun- can ij- Co., 37, PiUernoster Row, and 2!>i, llMorn. 1821. 8vo., pp. xxxiv., 283. Ditto, Vol. LL, same imprint, 1H22. 8vo., pp. xix., 31.5. Asaph : or, The Hemhiitters Being a Rhythmical Sketch of the Moravians, London, 1821. I2mo. Is the System of Slavery Sanctioned or Condemned by Scripture? London : J. .1. .IrtA. Psalms according to the Authorised Version; with Prefatory Titles and Tabular Index of .Scripture Refer- ences, from Port Royal Authors. To which is added. An Essay upon the Psilms and their Spiritual application. London : Same imprint ; also by W. Richardion, Clare Street. Bristol. 1825. l2mo.. pp. 2.S1. Select Memoirs of Port Royal. To which are append- ed Tour to Alet, Visit to Port Royal, Gift of an Abbess, Biographical Notices, &c In Three Volumes. 3rd ed., London, 1829. 8vo.. pp. tiOi; ; 5th ed., LonJon, 7S5il, 8vo., pp. 684 ; Abridged, 1857, 12mo. Some Particulars relating to the late Emperor Alex- ander, previous to his arrival, and during his state in Paris, in 1815. Translated from the French of Henry Louis Empaytaz, Minister of the Gospel (by M. A. S.j To which is appended a brief notice concerning Madame de Krudener. London, 1830. 2nd ed.. with many aldilions. London: Simpkin .(• Marshall. Wright if Bagnall, Bristol. 1831. !8mo., pp. 4i. Manual of La Mere Agnes. Bristol: Wright if Bagnall. Cr. 8vo. Port Royal and its Saints. Being the Select Memoirs of Port Royal. The 5th Edition, somewhat abridged. London : It', ij- F. G. Cash, 5, Bishopsgate. (P. P. Carpenter, Printer, Oberlin Press, Warrington.) 1856. 12mo., pp. 140. The Principles of Beauty, as manifested in Nature, Art, and Human Character. An Essay on the Tempera- ments, with illustrations, and Thoughts on Grecian and Gothic Architecture. Edited by her Relation, Christiana C.Hawkins. London: Longmans. 1850. 8vo., pp. 448. Sacred Musings or Manifestations of God to the .Soul of Man, with thoughts on the symbolic language of Scrip- ture, the destiny of woman. With Preface by the Rev. J. Baylie. London. 1860. 8vo. Life of Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck. Eiiited by her Relation, Christiana C. Hankin. Two Volumes. Vol. I.. Autobiography. [Vol. II., Biographical Sketch and Letters.] London: Longmans. 1858. 8vo., pp. G44. Portrait. 2nd ed., 1 vol., 8vo., pp. xvi.. 544. Portrait. 1 3rd ed., 1850, 8vo. 4th ed., Longmans, 1860. Post 8vo. ScHOLFiEi.D, Rev. Samuel Barton, b. Ashton- under-Lyno, fjancs., 21st Nov., 18|)C ; Con- gregational Minister at Burslem, 1834 — Nov., 18ti7 ; 9), 276, 277.] ScHoi.FiEi.D, Rev. Stuart Clement. A. Smeth- wick, 1«42 ; s. of Joshua Scholfield, Esq. ; Mai. Wore. Coll., 0.x.. 12tli Oct., 1861 ; B.A. and M..\.. 186.S : Curate of Chard, Somers., 186.S — 7<> : of All Angels, Swan- more, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 1870 — 75 ; ia charge of Facconibe, Hants., 1875. [Foster's .\lumni Oxon., IV., 12ijl.] ScHONBERO, Edward, h. Wolverhampton, 1863 ; s. of Rev. Jloritz Schonherg ; Mat. E.\eter Coll., 0.\., 23rd Oct., 1883 ; Exhibitioner, 1884 ; drowned whilst bathing atO.xford, 18th Feb., 1880. [Foste.-'s Alumni Oxon., IV., 1201.] SI ' II W ERIN ( 3W ) SCOTT ScHWKRiN, Baron. Letter to Ashmole [Bodl. Lib., 1131, f. oSSaft]. Ash- mole's Answer [/'A., liijnaj. Scott, Rev. Abraham. New Coiin(>xioii Minister ; went ont from Drishouse, noiir Halifax, 1X1)1 ; superannuated, 1840 ; stationed in Lane End, 1825—27. Doctrine of Predestination. yewcasfle-oit-Tf/ne : J. Clark . . . .iUbnt,IIniih>j; Cke.^Ur, Xanastle. 1820. 8to., pp. 17. Tlie Doctrines calleii Calvinistic, stated and illustrated in replv to tlie Rev. Edward Parsous. Ilanleij : T. Allbiil, 1821. "8vo., pp. 5!l. Calvinistic Doctrines exhibited and refuted. New- ca)tle-im-Ti/ne : ./. Clurk . . . Allbul, Hanley ; Cheater, ^'eu•caslle. 1821. Svo., pp. 78. Imputed Righteousness Investigated. Xewcastle-oii- Ti/iie: J. riark . . . Allbut, Jlanley ; Chester, New- castle . . 1822. Svo., pp. 1)2. Popery Unmasked. An Answer to the Rev. William Richmond! /lanle,/: T. Allbut. 1825. 8vo. pp. 32. The Rise and i)ownfall of Popery. Hanley : T. Allbut. 1827. Xvo., pp. 2;!. Sermon before Conference. Ilnnlei/: T.-illbut. 1827. 8vo. The Holy Life of Mrs. Eliz ibeth Walker . . //«»- ley : Melhotlisl Bookroom. n.it. 12mo., pji. 1S8. Calvinistic Controversy . . With Portrait. Haiitei/: T. Allbut. 1827. Xvo. Dissertation on the Eternal Sonship of Christ . . . in replv to Adam Clark, LL.D. .Shef/ield : J. Blacktvell . . . .Ullinl, llaulei/ . . . Mart, '.\ewcastle . . 1828. 8vo., pp. SI). Tluee Sermons on the Evidences of Christianity. Ilanlei/: .Uethndist Boohoom. 1832. 8vo. Thoughts on the Duration c)f Futui'e Punishments . . . Hnttlei/ ; same imprint. 1832. 8vo.. i)p. 10. The Inspiration of the Scriptures. A Sermon preached at the Hanley Conference, 1811 [New Con. Mar/. (1815), 6 — 11, r>2 — ti. '.'." — 11] ; Review of Scott's Doctrine of the Holv Scriptures : A Sermon [(182;i| 2.5.1. 2.")4] ; Review of Scott's Doctrine of Predestination [298, 2!lil] ; Ditto, of The Atonement of Christ explained [384, 38.5]. Scott, Sir Edward Dolman, Bart. h. Great Barr, 17114 : .«. of Sir Joseph Seott, Bart. [se«] ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox.. lOth Feb., 1812 ; 2nd Baronet; M.P. for Lichfield, 1831—37; d. 27th Dee., 1851. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 12G3.] ScoTT, Edward Dolman. A. Great Barr, 1826 ; s. of Edward Dolman Scott (afterwards Baronet) ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox.. 2iid May, 1844 ; B.A., 1848 ; M.A.. IK.Jl ; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 1851 ; pucceeded his nephew, 18th March, 1884. Sir Edward was a patron of art, and formed a fine collection of enamels, which he presented to the Midland Inst., Birmingham, and of casts, now in the Museum at Aston Hall. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 12i;3.] ScoTT, David. History of Scotland. Westminster, 1728. fol., pp. 7G7. [Ded. to James, Duke of Hamilton, of Sandon.] Scott, George, Printer, Hi.gh Street, Bnrton-on- Trent. Rules of the Society of Needwood Riflemen. Burtoii- on-Trent: Printed by G. Scott, High Street. 1825. 12mo., pp. 141 and Diagram. [Parson & Bagshaw's Directory (1818).] Scott, of Great Barr Hall. Pedigree. [Shaw, 11., *10.] Scott, John Luther. The .Tesuit Fathers in Burton. Luther's Reply to the Priest's Pamphlet. Wolverhampton : Richards ij* Cope. 1860. 8vo., pp. 12. iScoTT, Sir Joseph, Bart. h. Aldridsje, 1753; s. of William Scott, Esq. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., O.K., 17th Feb., 1770 ; of Great Barr Hall ; High Sheriff, 1770; M.P., Worcester, 18u2— 6 ; created a Baronet, 3<»th April, ISOG ; d. 17th June, 1S2S. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 12i)6.] Scott, Yen. Melville Home. b. Gawcott, Bucks., 4th Feb., 1827 ; «. of Rev. Thomas Scott, M.A., Incumlient ; educated Christ's Hospital and by Private Tutor ; Mat. Caius Coll., Cam.; Scholkr, 1847—50 ; B.A., 1850 ; M.A., 1878 ; Vicar of Ocklirook, I)erl)ys., 1852 — 72 ; of St. Andrew's, Litchurch, Derby, 1872 — 78 ; of St. Mary's, Lichfield, 187S ; "Preb. of Boben- hall, Lichfield, 1877 ; Archd. of Stafford, 1888. Charges to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Staffoid, 1889— '.13. The Restoration of the Holy Communion. Lichfield: .4. C. Lomax. 1885. 8vo. The Divine and Human Bulwarks of the Citadel. Lichfield: .4. C. Lnmax. 1885. 8vo., pp. 8. The Higher Duties of Church Wardens. Lichjteld : A. C Lorn ax. 1888. Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. The Novelist. Edited — Poems of Miss Seward [see]. Letters of Miss A. Seward [see]. Wrote Introduction to A. Clifford's Sadleir Letters. [See Clifford (A.).] '•At Leeke." [Okie Leeke, 189—91!.] ScoTT, William, b. Aldridge, July (baptized 10th), 1(502 ; s. of Edward Scott and Frances, his wife ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 1st April, 1080. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IV., 1326; Notes on Aldridge, I., 17.] ScoTT, Rev. William, b. Kingswinford, 1794 ; s. of Sir Joseph Scott, Bart. : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 21st Oct., 1812 ; B.A., 1817 ; Curate of Aldridge, Jan., 1817 — 21 ; Rector, Aug., 1821 — 27 ; Chp. to Prince Leopold of Saxe- Cobourg (afterwards King of the Belgians) ; m., 15th July, IS19, Maria, dau. of the Rev. Dr. Gabell, of Winchester Coll.; d., Sidmouth, Devon., 7th Feb., 1829. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 12IJ7 ; Notes on Aldridge, L, 54, 55 : U., 63.] ScoTT, William, of Barlaston Hall. A Tour in Norw.ay . . . Hanley: Allbut i} Daniel. 1861. 12mo.. pp. viii., 9—130. Best Means of Diminishing Juvenile Depravity [New Con. .Mriff. (1838), 51 — 7] ; (5n Reading and Congrega- tional Libraries [ift., 414 — 19,475 — 771; The Climate of North Staffs. [Hep. North Staffs. Field C/«4 (1876), 37— 40] ; Rainfall at Barlaston, 1863—74 [41] ; Mean Tempera- ture [42]; Rainfall at Barlaston [(1879) 80]; Ditto, 1«79— 80, also 1875—80 [(1880) 91, 92]. ScoTT, Rev. William Henry, b. Aldridge, May, (baptized 13th), 1819 ; s. of Rev. William Scott, B.A. l^ee] ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 8th March, 1838 ; Scholar, Trin. Coll., 1834— 42 ; B.A., 1843 ; Fellow, Brasenose Coll., SCOWBY (395) SELWYX 1844—50 ; M.A., 1845 ; first Vicar of Great Barr, 1849 — 53 ; seceded to the Roman Catholic Cluirch in that year : d. 17tli Sept., 18o'.l, at Krciilz-nach on the Rhine. The Interpretation of the Apocalypse and the Chief Prophetical Scripture connected with it. London, 1853. 8vo., pp. iiiS. [Kugby Reg., 166 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., IT., 1267; ITotes on Aldridge, I., 55. j ScowBv, Rev. T. New Connexion Minister. Memoir of Joseph Booth, of Fenton [A'ew Con. May. (1869), 113] ; R. Brooks, of Fenton [lA., 325— 26]. ScRivEXER, Artiiur. Of Scrivener & Sons, Architects, Slielton. Castle Donington. [Bepoii Xorth Slqfik .V. F. Club (1880 J, 20—24.] Scrivener, Henry. History of the Iron Ti-ade. London, 1854. 8vo. ScROPE, Richard. Brother of William Scrope, Earl of Wiltshire; Bp. of Lichfi.-ld, I'Jth Aug., 1386— OK ; Archbp. of York, 1394 to death ; beheaded Sth June, 141)5. [Dugdale's Warws.. 225 ; Anglia Sacra, I., 4.50, 451 : Harwood's LichfieUi. 142 — I.-!.] " Scrutator," Wolverhampton. On the Support and Credit of Religious Boarding Schools. [New Coti. Mag. (1820), 151—5.^.] Seaton, Rev. John Montague. h. London, 21st June, 1833 ; s. of Rev. William Seaton ; educated Christ's Hospital and Bristol Gr. Sell. ; Mat. St. Edmund Hall, but afterwards removed to Hertford Coll., 0.x., 18.j3 ; B.A., 1858; M.A., 1861 ; Assistant Master, Repton Sch., 1858 — 63; 2nd Master, Cheltenham Proprietary 8ch., 1863 — 67 ; Head Master Lichtield Gr. Sch., 1867—71 ; Deputv Priest Vicar of Lichfield Cathedral, 186'9— 78 ; Curate of Weeford, 1870 — 71 ; Vicar of Chasetown, 1871 ; m. Madeline, dau. of Charles Sprague, M.R.CS., of Kimbolton, Hunts. Twenty-four Chants. London : Xovello. 1S63. Sermon on the Death of J. R. McClean. Esq.. M.P. for East Staft'ordshirc. Seatox, Rev. \V. New Connexion Minister, Longton. Memoir of Mrs. Ann Bailev. of Lightwood [New Con. Mar/. (I'*'*"). 1—6. 41 — 15. s'l- 86, 121—25]: of Ann Wootton, of Lightwood [lA., 77] : of Ann Hammerslev. of Hanley [i'6.. 276—77] ; Edith Brown, of Cheadle [ij., 3113-04] ; of Thomas Tatler, of Sneyd Green [ib. (18.H8), 243— 46J. Seckerne, James. Printer, Tunstall. A Collection of Hymns. [.See Campbell (Rev. T.).] Seckerson, James. Printer and Druggist, Market Place, Tunstall. Why should I be a Churchman? [.Sec Campbell (Rev. A.).] Separation no Schism. [See Campbell (Rev. A.).] A Review of the Pamphlets btelv published on "Schism." [Jb.] Sedoer, Rev. Thomas. Queen's College, Cam.: B.A., 1836 ; M.A., 1839 ; Chp. to Stafford County Gaol : P.C. of Rusland, Snrrey, 1852 —56 : of Fundenhall, Norfolk, 1862—70 ; in charge of Bracon-Ash, Norfolk, 1S62 — 77 ; P.C. of the Donative of Fundenhall, Norfolk, 1877. A Literal Translation of the Latin Text of Hugo Grotius on the Truth of the Christian Religion. With Grammatical and Exegeticil Notes. London: Whittaker. 2nd ed.. 1S59. 3rd ed., lS6.i. Sermons. [ The Fulpil.] Sedglev Park School. A View of Sedgley Park. Bv R. Paddy. [Reprinted inShaw, II., 221.1 Historv of. [.S>f Huaenbeth (Rev. F. C.).] [Husenbeths Milner, 101. 131. 138: Shaw, II., 221— 22; The Oscotian, N.S.] Segrave, Captain. Chief Constable of Wolver- : hampton ; afterwards the well-known permanent Magistrate in Ireland, so heartily hat.d by the ! Home Rulers and respected by the Unionists. ' Outline of Duties and General Instructions of Wolver- t hampton Police. Contained in a Report to the Watch Committee. £.'. Roden, H'olcer/iamplon. 186-3. 8vo. Selfe, Frederick Heniy. b. Milwich, 1829 ; *. of Rev. John Selfe ; Mat. Worcester Coll., Ox., 0th April, 1848. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1272.] I Selfe, H. Printer, LiehfielJ. An Alphabeticil Register of the Electors of the City of Lichtield. 1850. 4to. Selleck, Ven. John. h. 1610 ; B.A., Ch. Ch., Ox., 1 1th Feb., 1637 ; M.A., 29th Oct., 1638 ; D.D., Lambeth, 4th Feb., 1665 ; Rector of El worthy, Soniers., 1643; Canon of Wells, 1660; Archd. of Bath, 1661 ; Rector of Clif- ton Campville, 1664 to death ; d. 30th .June, 1690. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1332.] Selleck, Rev. Nathaniel, b. Wells, Somers., 1648 : s. of Ven. John Selleck [««] ; Mat. Hart Hall, Ox., 7th Dec, 1666 ; B.A., 1670 ; M.A., 1673 ; Canon of Wells, 1677 ; Vicar of Buckland Abbots, Dorset, 16S0 ; Rector of Clifton Campville, 169(1; Preb. of -Dernford and Canon of Lichfield, 20th Aug., 16'.I0, to death ; d. Aug., 1701 : hiir. at Clifton Camp- ville. [Harwood's Lichfield. 225: Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., I3.'t2.] Sellers, William and George. Stoke-on-Trent. Jubal's Lyre. A New Set of Psnlm and Hymn Tunes. Composed in a Familiar Style. London: Printed J'or the Author). Obi. 8vo. 48 Tunes on as many pages. ' Selwys, Right Rev. George Augustus, b. Hampstead, London, 1809 ; *'. of William Selwyn, Q.C.; educated Dr. Nicholas', Ealing, and at Eton ; Scholar St. John's Coll., Cam., 1827—33 ; B.A., 1834 ; Fellow, 1833—39 ; M.A., 1834 ; D.D., 1842 ; Hon. Fellow, 1867 — 78 ; adm. ad fundem Ox. Univ., 30th Jan., 1837, and again 29th Oct., 1841 ; created D.C.L., 3rd D.c, 1867 ; Bp. of New Zealand, 1847 — 67 : of Lichtield, 1867 to death ; Preb. of Licbtii'ld, 1867 — 73 : m., 184i», Sarah Harriet, dau. of Sir J. Richanlson, Justice of Common Pleas : d. 11th April, 1878. SELWYN (396) SHAW Are Cathedral Institutions useless? A practical answer to the question addressed to W. E. Gladstone, M.P. London, 1S3S. «vo. Remarks on Cathedral Reform. In Two Parts. Lon- don, 1S30. 8vo. A Sermon on Psa. 1.S7, 4. Kxeter, 1S42. Hvo. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of New Zealand at the Diocesan Synod, held September, 1847. 5th ed. London, 1S50. 12mo. A Visitation Tour through the Diocese of Xew Zealand. Loudon, 1840. 8vo. A Verbal Analysis of the Holy Bible, intended to facilitate the translation of the Holy Scriptures into foreign languages. Ciimpiletl by the Bishop of New Zealand, and junnted for the use of the Melane.sian Mission. Cambridt/t: Mncmitlan ty Co. Loudon; Bell i.f Daldy. Sm. fol., pp. xii., 245. The Work of Christ in the World. Four Sermons, preached before the University of Cambridge on the four Sundays preceding Advent in the year of our Lortl 1H54. Published at the request of the Vice-Chancellor. Cam- hridtfe : Maanillau ii Co. 1S55. Pt. 8vo., pp. vi., UU. [Re- printed Jan., 18.i5. Cr. 8to. ; and twice in Feb.. 1855.] Portrait. Published bi/ S. H. Setwyn, 230, Regent St. In Memoriam : George Augustus Selwyn. [See Mrs. Curteis.] Bishop Selwyn. [See Curteis (Canon) ; Tucker (Rev. H. W.).] Life and Portrait. [Church Bell.':, 1st July, 1877.] Pedigree of Selwyn. [Visitation of Gloucester, 1082 — S.'i. pp. Kill— 5.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 127.3 ; Helhj.. XIX., 6.3 ; private communication from Right Rev. J. R, .Selwyn.] Selwyn, Right Rev. John Richardson, b. New Zealand, 2Uth May, 1844 ; s. of the Right Rev. Bj). Selwyn [«<>*'] ; educated Eton : Mat. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1862 ; D.D., 18K5 ; Curate of Alrewas, 1869 : of St. George's, Wolverhampton, 1870: Vicar of ditto, ls72 — 77 ; Bp. of Melanesia, 1877 — 91, wlien he resigned ; Master of Selwyn Coll., Cam., 1892 ; m. (1) Clara Long, clan, of Captain J. L. Innes, (2) Annie Catherine Mort. Sempringham, Ralpli de. Dean of Lichfield, 1254 to deatli ; d. 25th March, 1280. [Harwood's Lichfield, 178.] Senhouse, Rev. Samuel Minton. \^See Minton (Rev. S.).] Serjeantson, Rev. Tames Jordan. Curate of St. Peter's, Stoke, 1859—68; Rector of St. Michael's, Lichfield, 1868 to death ; d. 1st Jan., 1886. Obituary Notice. ILIchfield Diocesan Mag., VII., 23.] Seward, Anna. /;. Eyam, Derbys., 1747 : flau. Rev. Thomas Seward [«f«] and Elizabeth Hunter, his wife ; resident in Lichfield from 1754 to death ; d. 25th March, 1809. Poem on Captain Cook. Lichfield : J. Jackson. 1781. 4to. 1784, 4to. 3rd ed., ISll, Vlmo. Monody on the death of Major Andr^. To which are added Letters addressed by her to Major Andre in the yavr 17i)ll. Second Edition. Lichfield: Printed by J. Jackson. 1781. 4to., pp. 47. Edited by E. C. G. Pen- zance, 1806, 8vo. Ditto, with Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre. London, 180S, 8vo. 12th ed., 1817. Poems to the Memory of Lady Miller. London, 1783. 4to., pp. 20. Louisa. A Poetical Novel in Four Epistles. Lich- feld: J. Jackson. 1784. 4to., pp. 95. 5th ed., 2752, 4to., 2 leaves, pp. 93. Ode to General Elliot, on his return from Gibraltar. London: T.Cadell. 1787. 4to., pp. 11. Llangollen Vale. Liclifietd : J. Jackson. 1706. 4to. Poetical Tracts. Lichjield. 4to. Original Sonnets on Various Subjects, and Odes para- phrased from Horace. Second Edition. London, 1799. 4to., pp. vi., 179. Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin, chiefly during his residence at Lichfield. London : J. Johnson. 1804. pp. xiv., 430. The Poetical Works of Anna .Seward, with Extracts from her Correspondence. In Three Volumes. Edited by Walter Scott, Esq. Kdiuburgh : J. Batlautyne ij- Co. 1810. 12mo. Letters of Anna Seward in the years 1784 — 1807. In Six Volumes. Ldinbun/h : A. Constable. 1811. Pt. 8vo. The Beauties of Anna Seward. Bv W. Oulton. Lon- don, 1813. 12mo. Verses Written in Dr. Darwin's Garden, 1779 [Genl.'s Mag. (1779), ,Ihh. ifei;. (1779) ; History of Lichfield, ii.5— 7]. An Epistle to R. Polwhele [Traditions and Recollec- tions (182(i), II., ti47 — 18 j. Anna Seward and Dr. Palmer [see Palmer (Shirley)]. [Chalmers's Biog. Diet. ; Roberts's Hannah More, I., 273—71; Oliphant's Eng. Lit., I., 218, 219, 221, 2.33: II., 305, 307 : III.. '207 ; Bloxam's Magd. Coll., A'll., 41 ; Dr. Whallev's Correspondence. I.. 12—14, 19, 22. 23, .39 — 11, 322, 34i;. .348, .357. 3(iii, 368. 390-92. 401, 415. 447. 449, 484, 494, 498 : II., 2, 4, 12. 29. .39. 40, 43. 46. 48, .56. 58, 75, 77, 83, 86, 97. 98, 104—106, 111, 113—15, 118, 119, 123, 131, 139, 184. 206, 232, 2.33, 236. 237, 243, 244, 249, 251, 254, 261, 272, 273, 276, 297, 300, 306, 320, 323, 324, 326—28, 336, 377, 392 ; Shaw's Staffs., I., .348—49 ; Edin. Rev. (1804).] Sewahd, Rev. Thomas, b. Evesham, Worcs. ; educated Westmr. Sch. ; St. John's Coll.. Cam. ; B.A., 1730 ; M.A., 1734 ; Rector of Kingsley ; Vicar of Eyam, Derbys. ; Preb. of Pipa Parva, 16th May, 1775 to death ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. John Hunter (Master of Lichfield Gr. Sch.) ; resident at Lichfield from 1754 to death, occupying the Bishop's Palace : d. 4th March. 1790. The Conformity between Popery and Paganism. London, 1746. 8vo.,'pp. 79. A Charge. 1774. The Poetical Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. Edited by Thomas Seward and — Simpson. Ten Volumes. London, 1750. 8vo. Poem, in " Dodsley Miscellany." 1740. [Gorton's Biog. Diet. : Seward's Dr. Darwin, 08 — 71 ; Whalley's Correspondence, I., 12 : II., 39.] Shapton, Abraham, b. Rowlston (Rolleston). Accidents. [Bodl. Lib., 180, 43, f. 83,] Shareshill. Monuments. [Bodl. Lib.. 853, 78.] Shaw, Rev. Brian, b. Mucklestone, 1650 ; «. of Rev. William Shaw, Rector ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 22nd March, 1667 ; B.A., 1670 ; M.A., 1673 ; Rector of Mavesyn Ridware, 1674 ; of Barthomlev, 28th April, 1685—99 ; d. 28th Aug., 1699. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S.. IV., 1340 ; Hinchliffe's Barthomley, 31, 43.] Shaw, Rev. Charles, b. Mavesyn Ridware, 1673 ; s. of Rev. Brian Shaw, Rector [«q. ; Mat. as a Non.-Coll., O.K., 13th Oct., 1883; B.A., St. John's Coll., 18K7 ; M.A. and B.C.L., 1890 ; of the Middle Temple, 1887 ; Curate of St. , Andrew's, Montfielier, Bristol, 1891. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1-.'8I.] Shaw, Rev. John. b. Madeley, 1654 ; «. of Rev. William Shaw : Mat. Brasenose Coll., i Ox., 10th Julv, 1G69; B.A., 1673; M.A., ' Ch. Ch., 1677: Vicar of Madeley, 1682; Rector of Mavesyn Ridware, 1685. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1341.] ' Shaw, Moses, b. Burslem, 1703 : .«. of Ralph Shaw; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 11th Oct., 1722. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1282.] ^ Shaw, Rev. Samuel, b. Repton, Derbys., 1635; educated Repton Sch. ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Cam., 1649 ; M.A. ; Master of Tamworth Gr. Sch., 1656— 1-;6 ; Rector of Long Whatton, 1658 — 6(1 : Master of Ashbv-de-la-Zouch Gr. Sch., 1666 ; d. 22nd Jan., 1691. Immanuel ; or, A Discovery of True Religion, as it ' imyjarts a living principle in the minds of persons. London^ \ 1667. 4to. Farewell Life ; Welcome the Plague as the Voice of One crying in the Wilderness. London. n.d.(1666). 12mo., pp. xiv., 1.5 — 1.34. Words Made Vi.-sible ; or. Grammar and Rhetoric accommodated to the Lives and Manners of Men. London, 1678. «vo. The Divine Art of Memorv ; or. The Sum of the Bible. London: Printed by Simon Wattel. 1683. 12mo. Adam Able, or Vain Man. London, 1692. ICmo., 2 leaves, pp. 123, The DitFerent Humour of Men. London. 1692. 8vo. Latin Svntax for Tamworth School. London, 1727. The True Christi;ui Test . . . Two Part.s. I., Of Man . . . in his Moral Capacity . . . II., Of Man . . . in his Political Capacity . . . London : Printed by Thomas James for Samuel Tidmarsh at the King's-Head in Corn hill. MDVLXXXIt. 12mo.. pp. 401. Immanuel : or, A Discovery of True Religion . . To which are prefixed — Memoirs of the Author, and a Dis- course concerning Communion with God . . . Fourth Edition, revised and corrected. Leeds: Printed by George Wilson, Ilunsley Lane. 1804. Pt. 8vo.. pp. xlii., 11.'). Sermons upon several Important Subjects . . . Fourth Edition, revised and corrected. Leeds: same im- print. 1804. Pt. 8vo., pp. xi.. 123. Nichols's Leics., III., 1110, 1111; Bibl. Topog. Brit., VII., 310,311; Calamy's Nonconformist Memorials, II., 404 — 11 ; see Appendix.] Shaw, Samuel. b. Tamworth, 1702 ; s. of Samuel Shaw ; Mat. Ch. Ch., 0.x., 10th Nov., 1719 ; B.A., Clare Hall, Cam., 1721. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1282.] Shaw, Simeon, b. Hauley ; LL.D. ; d.. County Asylum, Stafford. Nature Displayed. Six Volumes. London, 1823. 8vo. ; plates. History of the Staffordshire Potteries . . Hanley. Printed for the Author by J. Jackson, Printer and Boot- seller. 1S29. 12mo., pp. viii., 244. [One of the most valuable books, giving facts and incidents relating to the Potting trade not to be fomid elsewhere, except where they have been copied from this.] The Chemistry of Potter)- and a Dissertation on Chemical Substances. London : J. Ltwis. 1837. Sto. History of Stoke-upon-Trent. [Usually called Ward's ; was in part written and much of tlic information collected by Simeon Shaw 'his name appears on the first six parts) ; bat tie was poor, and when pressed mortgaged his book and rights to a lawyer. " Having fell into the hands of a Pliilisttne he was despoiled of his goods": he sowed and WanI reaped.] Tables to Facilitate Chemical Analyses. London : Sherwood. 1843. 8vo. Shaw, Rev. Stebbing. b. Stone, 1762 ; «. of Rev. Stebbing Shaw, Rector of Hartshorne, Derbys. ; educated Repton Sch. : Mat. Queen's Coll., Cam., Oct., 1780; Fellow; F.S.A. : Rector of Hartshorne, Derbys,, 1799 to death : Tutor to Francis Burdett (afterwards Sir Francis Burdett, Bart.) ; d., London, 28tb Oct., 1802. Tour to the Highlands of Scotland in the year 1787. London, 1787. 8vo. (Published anonymously.) [Tour made in connection with Mr. Burdett.] Tour to the West of England in the j-ear 1788. London. 1789. 8vo. The Topographer. London. 1789—91. 8vo., 4 vols. [Compiled by Shaw and Sir Egerton Bridges.] The Historv and Antiquities of the Countv of .Stafford. London, 1798, 'iSOl. [Vol. I. and Part 1 of Vol. IL only published. Price of Small Paper Copies, £10 10s. ; of Large Paper Copies, £15 15s.] Collation: — Vol. I.: Half Title. Title, and Preface, xvi. ; List of Subscribers, xxi. — xxiv. ; Introduction, 125. prefixed thereto is " Agri, Staffiordiensis Icon "; Appendix, xii. ; Index to Domesday Book, * xii. ; '' Liber Niger Scaccarii." xiii. — xxxviii, ; Historv, 434 ; Appendix, 38. In the bodv of the work, pp. 153— .W, IBo, 207, 214, 22y, 2.W, and 411— Ifi, are re- peated with asterisks. There are pl.ites numbered 1 to 5 and 1 to 40 in the volume, and also 18 in the letterpress, and a Pedigree of the Family of Wolferstan on p. * 416. Vol. II. (pt. 1) : Title and Advertizement, xxxii. ; Addi- tional List of Plates and Directions to the Binder. 14 ; Historv, 2'.>0 : Appendix, 20. In the Historv, pp. 21, 22, 27, 30,105— 7. 215, 217. 221, and 222. are repeated with asterisks; 107 is repeated twice, and 171 and 172 are re- peated on folding Pedigree of Pipe of Bilston ; contains also a Plan of Wolverhampton and 38 Plates, besides 14 Pbites in the Letterpress, and two folding Pedigrees on y,^ pp. 172, 188.] / [The following copies are worthy of special notice : — Copy, *' with four leases of the proof sheets having the author's correc- tions added — James Broughton's copy, with his manuscript additions " ; .A.uother. " with numerous additional engravings, consisting of portraits, views, ic including a set of the unpub- lished plates which were prepared for the continuation"; Another, " with many scarce additional ixirtraits and views inserted, and the original Propo.sals for Publi'"ation" ; ,\nother, "the Rev, H. White's cop,v, with autograph letter to him from the Rev. S. Sliaw, illustrated with 23 ilUimiuatious by the ,\uthor (13 of which are drawings in water-colours antl 10 views coloured by him), and a few additional engravings." The two latter volumes are on large paper. .\11 these copies are in the Salt Library at Stafford, [Shaw's History is now very valuable : a fair price for Small Paper copies being £24 ; for Large Paper, £36 to £4U, i,**.. without additions, and good copies uncropped. Copies have sold for as much as £68. [T/ie Compiler trill /«/ obliged to anp of ft is subscribers having eopies.or knotting o.f copies, o.f Shntt's .^'iffordshire. if fftet/ trill farour him ttith a coll-tlion of thirir copies, sptviftfiny especially all additions thereto beyond the collation t/icen aboce."} A Series of Engravings from Shaw's History of Staffordshire, with a Set of the Unpublished Plates which were prepared for the continuation. Folio Volume, circa 1842. [Salt Lib.] Forty Pl:ites . . from Shaw's Staffordshire. j Large Paper and Imp. Folio Volume. [Sold at Chet- j wynd Sale, 5th December, 18il3. Penes Compiler.] Plates of Monuments, Seals, Views, by Rev. S. Shaw ; in number 345, many duplicates. [Salt Library.] Account of Shenstone, An Excerpt from Shaw, Birmingham, issued circa 1800. fol. History and Antiquities of Handswort'n. Birming- ham : . .' . Swinney ij- Ferrall . . . 1812. fol., pp. 15. with 5 plates. Life. By Sir F. Burdett. Bart. [Ceiif.'j J/a.7..LXXIII.] [Bloxam's Magd. ColL,VII.. 41 ; Geii^.'j J/a;;. (various years to death, Mr. Shaw being a frequent contributor) ; Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844), Preface, with portrait; Nichols's Leics., III., 998.] t^HAW (398) SHELDON Shaw, Tlieoilore Freili-rick Charles Edwiini. b. VVolverhanipton, ]8()!) ; s. of Edward Detliick Shaw; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., lyth Oct., 1886. [Foster's Alumni Oxoii.. IV,. 1282.] Shaw, Thomas, h. Sedgley, 1732 ; s. of Thomas Shaw, Esq. ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 27th Oct., 1750 : B.A., 1775 ; M.A., 1777. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 128.3.] Shaw, Rev. William. IJector of Mucdcstone, 1666 — 7(1; of Maves^n Ridware ; Preb. of Pipa Parva, Licliheld, 23rd Jan., 1G63, to death ; d. 1672. [Harvvood's Lichfield, 243 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 110.] Shaw, William, h. Mavesyn Ridware, 1684 : s. of Rev. Brian Shaw \_see'] : Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 19th March, 1701. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 13-41.] Shaw, Rev. William Frederick, b. Gospel End, Sedgley, 24th Feb., 1843 : .*. of Thomas Shaw, Esq., and Sarah, his wife ; educated Shrewsbury Sch., 1857—62 ; Mat. Line. Coll., Ox., 21st Oct., 1862 ; B.A., 1865 ; M.A., 1869 : Curate of Caverswall, 1867—68 ; of Cheddleton, 1868—73 ; Rector of West Stoke, Sussex, 1S73: m., 5th Feb., 1867, Emily, dau. of John Bradford, Merchant, Liverpool. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1282 ; private infonna- tion.J Shawcross, John Peter, h. Xorthwood, Uanley, 1863 ; s. of Rev. William Shawcross ; Mat. as a jSTon.-Coll., Ox., 13th Oct., 1883 : B.A., 1886. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., 128.1.] Shawe, Henry Cunliffe. b. Cliff Hall, Tam- worth, 1833 ; .«. of Samuel Pole Sliawe, E?q. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 3rd June, 1852 ; of W^eddington Hall, Warws. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1283.] Shawe, Samuel Pole. b. St. James's, West- minster, 1789; . lines 154.] Sheldon, Most Rev. Gilbert, b. Stanton, 19th July, 1598 ; s. olRoger Sheldon ; sub^cribed Ox. Univ., 1st July, 1614 : B.A., Trin. Coll., 27th Nov., 1617 : incorporated Cam. Univ., 1619 ; M.A., 28th June, 162(1; Fellow, All Souls' Coll., Ox., 1622: B.l)., 1 1th Nov., 162S ; D.D.. 25th June, 1634 ; Warden of his Coll., March, 1635 — 48, when he was ejeclcd and cast into prison : on bis release, 28th Oct., 1648, he retired to Snclstone, Derbys. ; again Warden, 1660 — Jan., 1661 ; Mendier of Gray's Inn, 1664 ; Domestic Clip, to Thomas, Lord Coven- try, 1622 ; Vicar of Hackney, 2nd May, 1632 ; Rector of Oddington, Oxon., 1636 ; of Ickfoid, Bucks., 163(! ; of Newington, Oxon., 1639: Canon of Gloucester, 1633; Chp. in Ordinary to the King ; Clerk to the Closet ; Dean of Chapel Royal, 1661 ; Bp. of London, 9th Oct., 1660— (12 ; Archbp. of Canterbury, lllh Aug., 1663, to death ; Chancellor of Ox. Univ., 2()th Dec, 1667— 21st July, 1669; d. 9tli Nov., 1677; bur. Croydon. [Archbp. Sheldon erected, whilst Chancellor, the Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford ; its architect was .Sir C. Wren. The first stone was laid 2l)th July, IGiil; opened SUh July, llilili. It cost il.i.lliMi, besides 'which the Arch- bishop endowed it with £2.IIU() for its support, He also remitted in fines over ,t; 17.(11)0 on his accession to his Bishopric. &c.. and left bv Will to Lichfield Cathedral £4.i3.] Sermon before the King, June 28ih, lljfilP. London. 16G0. 4to. Portrait. Half-length, half-sheet, mezzo. Ditto. 8to,, mezzo. Ditto. Engraved by D. Logg.an. Half-sheet. Ditto, A head, engraved by Vertue, Lar, 4to. Ditto, An Engraving in Svo. [Burrow's Worthies of Magd. Coll., 474 ; Lansd. MS., OSG. f, 212: Foster's Alumni Oxon., E S., IV., 1343: Todd's Bp, B. Walton. I.. .i(i, 2'.M)-!13, 3(i3 ; Bp. Barlow's Remains (liUtS), i;i2; Le Xeve's Archbisluips, lil2; B'lor/. Mirror (17'.l.5 — 1813); Murray's Cathedrals (18111): lieliq., II., 37. 38 ; Burnet's Own Times ; Bliss's Wood's Ath, Oxon,. II, ; Wood's Annals ; Biog. Brit. ; Chalmers's Biog. Diet,: Granger's Biog, Hist,, III,, IM. liiU; Sup 3:17; Bodl. Lib., 1121, 47r) : 1131. 231. 274 : 1521, liil : 421. 223 : SCO, 400. J Sheldon', Henry. Brother to Arciibp. Sheldon : subscribed Ox. L'niv., 16th April, 1613. [Foster's Alumni Oxon,, E,S.. IV,, 1343.] Shei.iiox, Hugh. Anotlicr brother ; subscribed Ox. Univ., 1st July, 1614. [Foster's Alumni Oxon,, E,S., IV., 1.34.3.] Sheldox, James; Of Alstonfield, 1616. Token, engraved. [Jieiuj.,W.. 17.] Sheldon, Rev. John. /;. Rycote, Oxon., 1822 ; .-'. of Robert Sheldon, Esq. ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ux., 12th March, 1845 ; B.A., 1848 : M.A., 1851 ; Vicar of St. James's, Handsworth, 1856 — 81 ; of The Field, Stroud, Gloucs. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1284.] Sheldon, John Prince, b. Low Fields, near Bakewell, Derbys., 5th April, 1.S41 ; s. of George Sheldon and Jane Anne (datt. of John Prince, of The Brund, Sheen), his wife ; educated Longnor Sch. ; Professor of Agri- culture at the Roy. Agricultural Coll , Ciren- cester : and of Dairy Farming at Coll. of SHELDON (399) SHEPHERD Agriculture, Downton ; m. Margaret Ellen Milner, of Manchester ; of Tlie Brund, Sheen, since 186-2. Dairy Farms. A Paper read before the Midland Club. 1874. Hvo., pp. 20. The Rise and Progress of Improved Dairying in Englinil. Report of American Dairyman's Association. 187G. Prize Essay on Chee=emaking on the Factory Princi- ple. Wrilleii for, and Published by. The StaffurdMre Agricultural Suciely. 1S~G. 8yo., pp. 20. Prize E-isay ou Tenant Right. Published at " The Chroiticle and Mercury' Office, Leicester. 1876. 8vo. The International Dairy Show at Hamburg. 1877. 8vo., pp. IG. The Agricultural Outlook. An Address delivered before the Xewcastle Farmer's' Club. 1879. 8vo., pp. 18. The I'roduction of Milk and Buttermaking. A Lecture delivered before the Royal Dublin Society. 1870. 8yo.. pp 12. A Treatise on Dairy Farming. London : Cassell ij- Co. 1870. Ito.. pp. .i,0 ; 26 plates and 22(1 woodcuts. England's Future Granary. A Report on Canada as Special Commissioner of the Canadian Government. London, 1880. 8vo., pp. 28. On .Some Features in Dairying. London, 188i. 8vo. Dairy Farming and the 'Hilk Trade. 1882. 8vo., pp. 111. Lancashire Cheesemaking. Preston. 1882. 4to. Dairy Farming- Its Position and Claims. London, 1883. 8vo., pp. 8. To Canada and Through it nith the British Associa- tion. Published by the Canadian Government. 1884. 8vo., pp. 32. Illustrated. The English Dairy. A Lecture delivered in the Lecture Room of the International Health Exhibition. 1884. 8vo., pp. 20. Some Thoughts on Milk and Cows. 1885. 8to., pp. 7. The Manufacture of Butter and Cheese. 1885. Butterine. London, 1880. 8vo., pp. Ifi. The Condition and Wants of the Dairy Interest in Cheshire. 188G. 8vo. From Britain to British Columbia. A Report as Special Commissioner of the Canadian Government. 1887. 8to., pp. 75. Illustrated. The Farm and the Dairy. London : George Bell A Sons. 1880. «vo., pp. 154: 18' woodcuts. The Future of British Agriculture. London : Allen ci- Co. 1802. 8vo.. pp. 158. British Dairying. London : Crosby L^ckwood. 1803 8vo.. pp. 1711. Dairy Farming [Live Stock Jour. Almanack (Ul)^)] ; Farmers Difficulties [,'6. ( 187!!)] : The Milk Pail and the Cans that fill it [ib. (18»0)]; Butter and Cheese !ib (I881)J; The Roast Beef of Old England [li. (1884)1 ; ' What to do with Surplus Milk r,*. (l,S8ti|] ; What about Dairy Farming? [ib. (1887)]; 'Ranching in Alberta [ib. (1888)]; Grazing and Dairying in Summer [i6. (188'.l)] • The Practical Feeding of Covvs [ib. (1890)] : Mexico as a Ranching Country [i4. ( IS'.U)] ; The Use of Cattle at Dairy .Shows f .J. (I8!I2) J ; The Limestone Sheep of Derby- shire [i*. (1893)]; Feeding Live Stock in Winter when ' Borage is scarce [ib. (1894)]; Land and Agriculture in England [Jour. American Agricultural Association (1881 )]; Agriculture in England [i6. (1881)]. • Sheldon, ■\Villiam, of Staffs. Mat. Oriel Coll Ox., 1580. ' I [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IT., 1343.] ' Sheldon, William Roiiert. h. Handsworth, 1857 ; s. of the Rev. John Sheldon, Vicar of St. James's ; Mat. Line. Coll., Ok., 20ih Oct., 1876 ; Scholar. Ks76— 80 ; B.A., 1880 ; M.A., 1884; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1882. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I'V.. 1284.1 ■' I Shelton. [ Jewitt's Ceramic Art, I.. 95, 101, 303. 355, 433, 463 ' 404, 005 : II., 97, 112, lti7, 195, 203, 278—344, 422.] ' Sheltov, Joseph, b. West Bromwicli. 1682 ; «. of John Shelton and Mary, his wife ; Student, Inner Temple, 1696 ; Mat. St. Edmund Hail, Ox.. 26tli March, 1705 ; Vicar of Salford P.-iors, Warivs., 1721. [Foster's Alumni Ojcon., E.S., IV.. 1314; Willetfs West Bromwich, Pedigree Xo. 2.] Shelton, Sir Richard, Knt. b. of John Shelton, Jlercer, and Barbara (//. 42. liiiilintheca .^taffordiensis ; or. Bibliographical Ac- count of Bonks and other Printed and M.anuscript Matter, relating to. printed or published in, or written by a native, resident, or person deriving title from any portion of, the County of Stafford ; giving Collations and Biographical Notices of Authors and Printers, &c. Compiled by Ilupert Simms. Lichfield: Printed fur the Compiler by A. C. Lomax. 1S!>4. Large Paper, roy. 4to. ; Small Paper. Imp. Svo. [The issue is strictly confined to subscribers.] Numerous contributions to Newspapers, &c. SiMoxDi, F., Teacher of French, Cheadle. New Conversation Method of Learning the French Language . . Keats, Hanley, n.d. r2mo., pp. 108. Simons, Henry, C.E., Manchester. Chaudron's System of Sinking .Shafts through Aqueous Strata without using Pumping Machinery. [Trans. North Staffs. Mill, and .Mech. Kny., II., 2:!;i— 4?; 2711—82.] Simpson, Rev. John. h. Derby, 1798 ; s. of Robert Simpson ; educated privately ; St. John's Coll., Cam. ; 1st Class Coll. Prizeman, 1818,1819; B. A. ,1821; M.A., 1824; D.D., 1838 ; Vicar of Alstonfield. 1822 to death; R.D. of Alstonfield, 1837 to death ; m. Emmeline Hawkins ; d. 20th Jan., 1870. A Sermon on the Death of the Rev. John James Dewe. Derby: Printed for the Author by H. ilozley. 1822. 8vo., pp. 2y. The Power and Mercy of Christ Exhibited. Derby, 1827. 8vo. Two Sermons on the Death of Mrs. Dewe, Widow of the Rev. James John Dewe . . . Derby, 1841. 8vo. 1 Dipping not necessary to Baptism. An Appeal to I Lexicographers, Critics, and the Greek Church, &c., respecting the meaning of Baptism. Derby, 1841. 8vo. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns . . . 4th ed., I Derby. 18.56. Tvventv Plain Expository Lectures upon the History of Elijah the Prophet. London : Seeleys. 1866. 8vo. j Simpson, John. Printer (only, 1818), Medicine Vendor, and Circulating Library (1834), Wellington Street, Rugeley. [Parson & Bagshaw's Directory (1818); White's Staffs. (18:U).] Simpson, Rev. Robert, h. Dartmouth, 1807 ; formerly a Clergyman in the Church of Eng- land : resigned the living of Mitcham, Surrey, 1 to join the Roman Catholic Church ; Student at Oscott Coll., where he was ordained Priest in 1851 ; on Mission at Cheadle, 1852 — 56 ; afterwards at Deal and Canterbury ; at Wood- lane, near Burton, 1861 ; on Mission at Claphara, at Mitcham, at St. George's, South- wark, 1804 — 70, and again 1«71 — 78; re- turned to Dartmouth, 1878, where he cl., 24th \ March, 1887 ; Inir. in the Cemetery. Obituary. [ The Oscotian, N.S., VI., 227, 228.] Simpson (Th(jnias) & Steen (John), Printers, Wolverhampton. Analyses of the Geography of Palestine. With Historical Questions. Wolcerhampton : Simpson ij- Steen, Publishers to the (Irummar School. ISOG. 12mo. [Com- piled bv the Rev. T. H. Campbell, Master.] The Revision of the Book of Common Prayer. By an Ex-Churchwarden. Wolcerhampton : Simpson ij- Steen. 1861. 8vo. SIMPSON (405) SKRINE Simpson, Thomas. Printer, Genuine Medicine Vendor, of 20, Higli Green (1818); of Market Place (1834), Wolverhampton : after- wards partner with John Steen. A Colleotiiin of Psalms ami Hymns . . . I'rintfii and .Sfild hfj T/ttirnas Simpson, XVolcerhamptitu. 1835. Duo., ]jp. iv., ;i2l. A Course of Sermons on the Creed of Pope Pius IV., preacheii at Bilston in February, March. Ajiril, and May, 1811). By Kourtuen Clergymen of the Church of Eng- land. With copious Notes and Appendices. Wotver- hamplon : T. iSimpsuit. 1S41. Svo., pp. 6(j0. Egyptian History from its Earliest Records. By M, A. Leonard. Waruncl' : Printed . . . Wolver- knmpton; T. Sintpmu. n.d. (1843). 12mo. [.SVc Dalton (Kev. Preb.), Owen (Rev. J. B. i, B.irrett (Rev. C.;. Wroltesley (Sir J.); Parson & Bagshaw's Directory (1818) ; White's Staffs. (1834).] Sims, Richard, of the British Museum. Borough of Walsall : Calendar of the Deeds and Documents belonging to the Corporation of Walsall, in the Town Chest . . . from the reign of King John to . . . 1(188. With a List of the Charters relating to Walsall, referred to in the WalsiU Chartularv in . . . British Museum. Walsall : T. Kirbi/. 18S2. 'Svo., pp. 70. Index, x.^xiii. Skeffixgton, Jaue. dau. of Sir William Skeffington, Bart., of Fisherwick. Portrait. Painted by Wissing ; engraved by J. Smith. (1687.) half-sheet. Skeffingtox, Sir John, 2nd Baronet, and Knt. of Fisherwick. b. l.'JS4 : Knighted, 1()24 ; M.P. for Tamworth, Iliili, and, same year, for Newcastle ; High Sheriff, Staff's., 1649 ; m. Ursula, dau. of John Skefiington, Esq., of Skeffington. The Heroe of Lorenzo ; or. The Way of Eminence and her Fiction. A Piece of Serious Spanish Wit, originally in that language written. Loudon, lGo2. 12mo. [Address to the Reader, by I(zaak). W(alton).] Skbffington, Tiiomas. b. Fisherwick ; «■. of William Skcffington, of White Ladies, and FisliiTwick, and Joan {dau. of James Leveson), his wife ; Pensioner of Trin. Coll., Cam., U)!!;") ; Scholar, 1507 ; B..A., 1501); Fellow; M.A., 1572 ; LL.U., 1579 ; heqiieathed £20 to poor Scholars of Trin. Coll., and ahout 70 vols, to the Library. The identical vols. are now in Caius Coll. Library. [Baker MS., xxxiii., 282 ; CoUett's Early Printed Books in Caius Coll. Lib., I., -17 : Coote's Civilians, '65 ; Stanhope's Memorials Coll. Trin. MS., 98 ; Nichols's Leics., III., 44(1 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., II., 479.] Skeffixutom, Thomas. /). Fisherwick, H'i(!4 : jt. of Thomas Bnnne, Esq. ; Mat. Oriel Coll., O.K., nth July, 11)79; B.A., 168;?; Student, Inner Temple, 16H4 ; of Sketlington, Leics.; took name of Skefifington, under the Will of William SketliMgtuii, Esq., of Skefiington, Li'ics. ; m., 1st Di'c, 1092, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John DugJale, Knt., Norroy King-at- Arms ; d. 25th Dec, 17u9. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., K.S.. IV.. l.!40.] Skkfkinoton, William, b. Fislierwick, 1560 ; .«. of John Skonington ; Mat. Lincoln Coll., Ox.. 15th March, 1576: High Sheri IT. Staffs., 4;> Elizabeth and 21 James 1.; received licence for himself and family to worship at Elford Church, 30th Jan., 1598 ; created a Baronet, 8th May, 1627; ?«. Elizabeth, f/aw. of Richard Uering, of Plucklev, Kent; d. 10th Sept., 1 635. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 13i30 ; Reg. Whitgift, fol. 102a ; Nichols's Leics., Ill,, 44!).] Skerr.\tt, Rev. John. b. Newall, Cheshire, 1692; .«. of Edward Skerratt; Mat. Brase- nose Coll., Ox., 16th Apiil, 17o9 ; B.A., 1712 ; M.A., Christ's Coll., Cam., 1727 ; Vicar of Kingston-by-Taunton, Somers., 1716 ; Rector of BreretoD, Cheshire, 1731 ; Vicar of Biddulph, 1733. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 13GL] Skerratt, Joseph. Clockraaker and Herbalist, residing on the Pool Uani, Newcastle ; chief instigator of, and agent in carrying out, the annexation of Pool Dam from Stoke Parish to that of Newcastle. A Balance Sheet shewing the Particulars connected with the Pool Dam Rating Question. Newcasde, 1874. s. sb. A Second Balance Sheet, &c. 1874. s. sh. Sketohley, William. The Cocker : Containing Every Information to the Breeder and the Amateur of that Soble Bird, the Game Cock. To which is added a varietj- of useful information for the instruction of those who are attendants at the Cock-pit . . . Burtt,u-upon-Trent : Printed and Pub- lished by J. Croft, Hif/h Street . . . 1814. 8vo.,pp. iv., 5 — 148. Reprinted, 1880, same size and pagination. Skewes, Rev. Joseph Henry. b. Constantine, Cornwall ; formerly a Wesleyan Minister; Lich- field Theological Coll.. 1875 ; Curate of St. George's, Wolverhampton, 1876 — 78 ; Vicar of Holy Trinity, Liverpool, 1878 to date. The Polity of Methodism. 1870. 8vo . pp. 240. A Classiiied Index of Weslev's Journals. 1S71. Or. 8vo. Lay Preaching in the Church of England. London : Siinpl-in 4' .^farshall. 1876. 8vo. Book :ind Lecture Examination made easy. Lichfield: Broun. 1S7.5. 8vo. The Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin : a Revelation. London: Bemrose. 1889. 8vo., pp. 2!)0. The Pulpit Palladium of Christendom. London ; Partridge if Co. 1891. Svo., pp. 300. Skirlaw, Rt. Rev. Walter. Archd. of East Riding of Yorks. ; Preb. of York : Bp. of Lichfinld, 7th Jan. — 19th Aug., 1386 (at his installation the Kings of England and Bohemia, the Archbp. of Canterbury, and ten Bishops were present ; Bp. of Bath and Wells ; of Durham ; d. 1406 ; bur. Durhatn Cathe- dral. [Harwood's Lichfield, 141 ; Shaw's Staffs., I., 290.] Skrimshire, Fenwick, M.D., of the Skrimshires of Aqualate ; President of Nat. Hist. Soe. of Edinburgh, 1814. A Series of Popular Chemiol Essavs. Two Volumes. 1803. 12mo. A Series of Essays introductory to the Study of Natural History. Two Volumes. 1805. Vltao. Skrine, Henry. A General .\ccount of all the Rivers of Note in (ire;tt Britain. London, 1801. 8vo. [The Trent nmongst others,] SKRYMSHIRE (406) SLEIGH Skrymshikk, Edwin, h. 1603; s. of Gerard Skrvmsliire. of Aquaiate ; Mat. Trin. Coll., O.X.", itth Nov., 1650 ; B.A., 12th Oct., 1652 ; Student, Middle Temple, 1655 : M.P., StalTord, 1681 ; one of the intended Knights of the Royal Oak, temp. Charles II. ; m., 1659, Joyce, (lau. of William Awlirey, of Bishop's Grendon, Herefs.; d. 1689. [Le Neve's Fasti, II., 170; B-QSter's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., l.-!i-.3 ; Shaw's Staffs. (Gen. Hist.), I., 80.] Skrymshiue, Rev. Francis. /'. Brown (Brocton) Grange, 1667 ; .?. of R. Skrymsliire ; Mat. Cli. Ch., Ox., 10th April, 1085 ; B.A., Trin. Coll., 1689; M.A., 1602; Rector of Chetwynd, Salop, 1693. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., 131)3.] Skrymshire, Ralph. Probably elder brother of Sir Thomas Skrymshire, of Aqualate ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 28th March, 1617. [Foster's Alumni 0.xon., E.S., IV., 13G3.] Skrymshire, Rupert. /;. Norbiiry, 1056 ; .«. of John Skrymshire ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 19th March, 1673; Student, Inner Temple, 1674; (1. 19th July, 1674. Monument in Norbury Church. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1363.] Skrymshire, Sir Thomas, Knt. High Sheriff, Staffs., 1640. Concessio armorum per Guli, Flower. Norroy, Thos. Skrymshire tie Aquilot (13th April, 1584). [Bodl. Lib., S5S, n f. 120—21.] Pedigree. [Hist. Coll. Staffs., V. (pt. 2).] Slack, Rev. B., Darlaston. Speculum Reginm ; or. Pastoral Incidents. London, 1859. Duo., pp. 252. SL.-iDE, Rev. James John. b. Wylye, Wilts., s. of Thomas Slade, Esq. ; Mat. St. Edmund Hall, Ox., 28th Jan., 1847 ; B.A., 1851 ; M.A., 1857 ; Curate of St. Leonard's, Bilston ; of St. Mary's, Kingswinford ; Vicar of St. Andrew's, Netherton, Dudley, 1857 — 78 ; Rector of Holy Trinity (Wordsley), Kingswin- ford. 1878 to date. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1305.] Slade, Rev. John Raper, D.D.' Rector of Kewley ; Chp. to Earl Clarendon. Salvation of the Soul, the free gift of God, irrespective of religious systems or modes of worship. A Sermon preached in the Collegiate Church, Wolverhumpton, on Sunday morning, January 31st, 1847 . . . Wolver- hampton; Joseph Bridr/en. 1S47. 8vo., pp. 20. Slaney, Rev. Jonas, b. Walsall, 1743 ; s. of Jonas Slaney, Esq, ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 10th July, 1760 ; of Bescot Hall ; J. P., Staffs. ; in 1781, being heir-at-law of Jonas Slaney, sen., conveyed the property (Bescot estate) to trustees upon trust for sale, and which was sold by the trustees in 1791 to Richard Wilkes, Esq. ; Vicar of Rushall, 1791 ; d. at Cotteridge, King's Norton, Worcs. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1306; Deeds, penes James Slater, Esq., of Bescot Hall.] Slaney, Rev. Richard, b. Shifnal, Salop, 1769 ; .«. of Richard Slanev, Esq. ; Mat. Pemh. Coll., Ox., 3rd March, 1787; B.A., 1791 ; M.A., 1793; Vicar of Penkridge, 1794 ; Rector of Kimberton, and Vicar of Sutton, Salop, 1796 to death ; d. 13th March, 1830. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., UiOli.] Slater, — ., Printer, Walsall. Harvest Home Festival Hvmn. [See Wilson (Rev. J.).] Slater, Archiliald. b. Darlaston, 1H(;4 ; ,«. of Jonas Slater ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 23rd Oct., 1883. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 130(!.] Slater, Elward. b. Staffs . 1603 ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 15tli Oct., 1619. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., K.S., IV., 13(;i.] Slater, Samuel Mills. /;. Darlaston, 1K63 ; s. of James Slater, Esq. (now, 1H94, of Bescot Hall); Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 20th Oct., 1881 ; B.A., 1884 ; B.C.L. and M.A., 1888. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 130(1.] Slead (or Sledde), Rev. Jolni. Scholar, Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox., 1568 ; B.A., 2nd March, 1575 ; M.A., 22nd June, 1577 ; probably the same who was Vicar of Aston Cantlow, Warws., 1579 — iS9 ; Preb. of Pipa Parva and Canon of Lichfield, 1584—16(10. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 13G5 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 240.] Sleigh, John. b. Leek, 12tli Nov., 1826 ; .«. of John Sleigh, Esq. ; educated Ashburne ; Student, Inner Temple, 6th Nov., 1850; Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 26th Jan., 1854; J. P., Derhys., 1869; w., 27th July, 1853, Margaret, dan. of George Shaw Petty, Esq., Banker, of Ulverston. History of the Ancient Parish of Leek in Stafford- shire. Leek: Robert Nail. lH6i. 8vo. 2nd ed., X>er6y; Bemrose i)'' Son. 1SS3. roy. 4to. ; numerous plates and plates of arms coloured. [The issue was 6U0 on ordin-iry paper, and 254 ou hand-made paper, at 21,'- and 31/6 respectively.] "'45." A Lecture given at Leek, 31st March, 18(18. London : F. Davis 18GS. 12mo., pp. 28. Note on Wise Saws [/Wfy., I., 250, 251 ] ; Dieulecres Abbey [II., 6.5 — GO] ; Extracts from Parish Registers of St." Giles, Great Longsdon, .and Ashford-in-the-Water, Derbys. [15.5 — .58]; Note of Enquiry respecting the Armory of Derbyshire [III., 180] ; Extr.icts from Parish Register and Chuichwardens' Accounts of the Parish of Leek [211 — 17]; Review of the History of the Parish of Leek, by John sleigh [238—421; Molly Bray, the Ash- ford Dwarf (with woodcut) [I v., 40, 41] ; Note correcting Review of Sleigh's Leek [5'.l] ; The Wandering Jew in Stait'ordshire Moorlands [l.'i(i] ; Extracts from Parish Register of Youlgreave, Derbys. [180—35]; ditto, of Wornihill in the High Peak [237 — 40] ; Note on Knights of the Oak [263, 264] ; Extr.acts from Grindon Parish Registers [V., 21 — 3]; Note on Mr. Sleigh's Paper on the Youlgreave Register, by T. N. Ince [51]; Extracts from Registers of Monyash and Tadilington [8.5 — 8] ; An Attempt at a Derbyshire Glossarv [15(1 — (J4J ; A Derby- shire Armory [227— .34] ; ditto [VI. ,38 — 14]; A Derby- shire Glossary [92 — (i, 157 — 71]; Some Account of the Family of Kirke of Chapel-en-leFrith [2i;i— 19] ; Ex- tracts of the Parish Rcgi-ster of Fenny Bentlcy, Derbys. [VII., 104 — 8] ; Sarah Rose, a Derbyshire Centenarian [113,114]; Lord Chancellor Macclesfield (with portrait) [Piil^Sd] ; Rudyerd de Rudyerd, with portrait of Sir B. Rudyerd [211 — 19]; An Eye-witness to the Execution of SLEIGH (407) SMALLBROKE Louis Seize r2o5. 2o(i] ; B'ynnev of Fynnev (with plate of arms) [VUI.',45— ,S] ; Note on 'Riulyerd de" Riulyerd [li'i]; Asheiiljiirst of Ashenliiii'nt [117, W] ; Notes on Portraits of RoussfMu and Cromwell [127] : Verdun of Alton, with Pedigree flloj; Peilifjree of VVestloy Family [l-iH]; Lettei'.s of Francis Carew [liM), IHI]; Copy of Grant of John Greaves, of VVoodheaves. in the County of Derby, (Tent., to his heirs and assigns ["i.i'i, 2o3] ; The Family of Longs- don, of Longsflon, in the County of JJerhy, with Pedigree [IX., .'I'i] ; Cuttings from ISakewell ' Kegister [lil] ; Norman K irls-Palatine of Cheshire [79] ; Beresford of Beresford, folding Pedigree [177 — 7!>] ; Note on Ancient Church Manor Courts [IS2, IS.-iJ ; Note on Parish Kegister of Ipstones [2.iti] : Parker, of Park Ifall [X., 51. .■)2] ; Bagnalls of Bagnall [XIII., Ill, Hi] ; Ireton of Ireton, Derhv.s.. &c. [Ki'.l, 1711] ; Ancient Hartingtou and Clifton Deed's [1711, ISOl; Ferrers, Earls Ferrers, Earls of Derby [184, 22,"), 22(i] ; Worsley of Piatt, Lanes. [XI., 40— .1]"; Deeds relating to Codnor [.51] ; The Cheney Family [115, 116] ; Family of Sanders of Lullington, Caldwell, Ireton, &c., Derhys., with Pedigree [llJd] ; Gell of Hopton, Derbys. [22.5 — 2(1] ; Derbyshire Glossary [22(i — 27] ; Leek: A Relic of ''45" [rJ7 — 2C0] ; Gould of Hanson Grange [XII., 45] ; A Derbyshii-e Glossary, Addenda et Corrigenda [!13] ; Note on Ashford [127] ; Curious Rhyming Genealogy [128]; Facsimiles of Old Letters [Berti/g. An-html. 6"oc. Joitr., V., 115] ; Pedigree of Mom- pesson [iO., 1 1(J]. Large folio of MSS.. Pedigrees of Derbyshire and North Staffordshire Families. [Presented to William Salt Library, Stafford, Oct., 1892.] Si,KiGH, Samuel Edniund. /;. Leek. Cricket in New Zealand. Circa 1S70. Sleich, Rev. Thomas. Congregational Minister, Newcastle-under-Ly me, 1821. Portrait. By Freeman. [Evitur/. Mii;/. (1821).] Small Beginninus ; Or, The Way to Get on. Loiuinn : James Ifoi/ij .)'• San. n.d. Cr. 8vo., pp. 284. [■'Herbert Minton and Josiah Wedgwood; or, the History of a Tea-cup and Two Great Potters,'' pp. 37 — 61.] Smalmuiokk, Right Rev. Richard, b. Rowing- ton, l(i73 ; .V. of Samuel Smalibroko ; Mat. Trin. Colh, Ox., loth June, 1(588; Demv, Magd. Coll., IflS'J— 98 ; 15. A., 1692 ; M.A"., 26lh Jan., 1G95; Fellow, 1098— 1708 ; B.U., 20th Jan., 1707; D.D., 17o8; Rector of ■ Hadleigh, Suffolk, 1709—12 ; Chp. to Archbp. Tenison ; Rector of Witiiington, (Jloucs., 171 G ; Vicar of Lugwardine, Herefs., 1711 ; Canon of Hereford, 1710 ; Treasurer of Llan- daff, 1712 ; Bp. oF St. David's, 2nd Feb., 1723—30: of Liciifield. 20th Feb., 1730, to death ; (/. 22nd Dec, 1749. The New Arian Reproved ; or, a Vindication of some reflections on the Conduct of Mr. Whiston. London, nil. 8vo., pp. (is. The Pretended Authority of the Clementine Consti- tution Confuted. Lomlon. 1714. 8to. Gods Praise Perfected in the Mouths of Infants. A Sermon preached at Hereford, January 4th, 1715. London, 1715. Of True Christian and English Courage. An Assize Sermon in Hereford Cathedral, August 14th, 1715. Lon- don, 171.5. Sermon on Psalm 5, 2. London, 1715. 8vo. ldol;itry (^barged on Arianism. Two Sermons preached at Hereford Cathcclral in December, 17l!i. Lomlon. 1720. The Reverence due to the House of God. A Sermon preached at Llandaffi Cathedral, July 2nd, 1721. With Preface in Vindication of the Chapter of Llandaft". Lon- don, 1731. A Charge to the Diocese of St. David's, at Primary Visitation. London, 1723. Our Obligation to Promote the Public Interests. A Sermon iircached at the Cathedral of St. David's, Jidv 2(ilh. 1721. London, 1724. A Charge of the Right Rev. Richard, Lord Bishop of St. David's, at Primary Visitation, August and September, 1725. London, 1725. Christian Charity, a Rational Duty. A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, on Easter Monday, April 11th, 1726. London, 1726. Reformation necessary to prevent our Ruin. A Ser- mon. London, 1727. An Enquiry into the Authority of the Complutensian Edition of the New Testament, in order to decide the dis- pute about 1 .John v. 7, in a Letter to Mr. Archdeacon Bentley. Sermon before the House of Lords. January 30th, 1728. [Martyrdom of King Charles I.] London, 1728. A (Dharge delivered to the Clergy of the Dioce.se of St. David's in a triennial Visit-ation. 17"2S. London, 1729. 8vo. A Vindication of the Miracles of our Blessel Saviour ; in which Mr. \V oolston's Discourses on them are particu- larly examined. Vol. I., in which the Three First Dis- courses of Mr. Woolston are considered. London: Printed for James and .fohn Knapton, at the Crown, St. PanVs Churchyard. 1720. 8vo., pp. 506. Ditto. Vol, II., in which the Three Last Discourses of Mr. Woolston are considered. London : same imprint. nSL 8vo., pp. 620. A Fair State of the Controversy between Mr. Woolston and his Adversaries. Containing the Substance of what he asserts in his six discourses against the literal sense of our Blessed Saviour's Miracles, and what Bishops Gibson, Chandler, and Smallbroke have advanced against him. London, 1730. 8vo. The Principles of the Leading Quakers Truly Re- presented as Inconsistent with the Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Religion ; or, a Vindication of the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. London: Printed Jor James Roberts, near the Oxford .4rm.*, in Warwick Lane. 1732. 8vo., pp. 236. The Doctrine of Universal Judgment Asserted. A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, June 'Jth, 170(1. Oxford, 1706. 8vo. Three Letters to the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry . . . 2nd ed., London, 1833, 8vo., pp. 48. Remarks on Two Charges delivered by the Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry . . . By a Friend of Truth and Liberty. London, 1738. 8vo., pp. 70. 2nd ed., Manchester, 1750, 8vo., pp. 78. A Defence of the Lord Bishop of St. David's . . . in Answer to Jonathan Jones, Esq. . . 2nd ed., London, 1740, 8vo., pp. 40. A Charge delivered to the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, 1738—30. Lomlon, 1741. Svo., pp. 50. A Brief Discourse concerning the Credibility of Miracles ... To which is added a Postscript in Answer to the Bishop of Lichfield's Charge to his Clergy. By Arthur Astley Sykes, D.D., Preb. of Winchester. 2nd ed., London, 1740. 8vo. Sermon on Psa. ii.. 7, 8. [Rep. of S.P.G. in Foreign Parts (1730).] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1366; Bloxam's Magd, Coll., VI., 71 ; Rawlinson's MS., I., .332 : Harwood's Lichfield, ; Shaw's Staff's., I. ; Nichols's Bowyer ; Lardncr's Works; (lent.^s Mag., LXXV.] Smallbuokb, Most Worsiiipful Richard, b. Lugwardine, Herefs., 17115 ; s. of Rev. Richard Stnallbrooke (afterwards Bp. of Lichfield) [."^fj; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 18th Dec, 1733 ; B.A., 1736 ; M.A., All Souls', 1840 ; B.C.L. and D.C.L., 1745 ; Advocate at Doctors' Commons ; joint Chancellor of Lichfield, 1742 — 78 : (Chancellor, 1778 to death ; from 1783, joint with l{ev. William Vyse [.vc*'] ; il. 8fh May, 180.-,. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1308 ; Harwood's Lich- field, 102 ; Chalmers's Biog. Diet.] Smalmikokk, Uev. Samuel, b. Hereford, 1721 ; brother of the above ; JIat. Ch. Ch., O.X., 28th March, 173.-) : B..\., 1740 ; M.A., 1742 ; H.I)., and D.D., 1731 ; Preb. of Free- ford and Canon Residentiary of Lichfield, 21st June, 174 1 — 19; I'reb. of Stotfeld, 1730— SMALLBROKE ( 40H ) SMART 49 ; of Tervin, 3()th June, 1749 ; Rector of Warn, Salop, ITol to death : (/. 27th July, 1808. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1308 ; Grirnet's Wem ; Harwood's Lichfield, 231, 248, 2r)2.] Smai.lbroke, Most Worshipful Tlionia*. h. 1714 ; brother of the above, Satuuel and Richard Sniallbroke ; Mat. Triii. Coll., Ox., 10th June, 1732 ; B.A., 1736 ; M.A., 10th Feb., 1(;39 ; Preb. of Wolvey, Lichfield, 23rd May, 1739—49 ; Precentor of Lichfield, loth April, 1740, to death ; Vicar of Itchington, Worcs. ; Archd. of Coventry, 9th .lune, 1741 to death ; joint Chancellor of Lichfield with his brother Richard [s«e], 1740 to death; (I. 2nd July, 1778. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1308; Harwood's Lich- field, 1'.I2, 196, 209, 256.] Smallridge, Rt. Rev. George. h. Lichfield, 18th May, 16G2 ; s. of Thomas Smallridge, Dyer (Sheriff of Lichfield, 1674) ; educated Lichfield Gr. Sch. and Westtnr. Sell., 1678, at E. Ashniole's expense ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 18th Dec, 1682 ; B.A., 1686 ; M.A., July, 1689; B.D.. 1698: D.D., 1701; Canon, 1711 ; Dean, 1713—19 ; Deputy Professor of Divinitv. Ox. Univ., 1700—6 : Minister of New Chapel, Tothill Fields, London, 1692 ; Preb. of Flixton and Canon of Lichfield, 12th June, 1693—1714 : Minister of New Chapel, Broadway, Westminster, 1698 ; Lecturer of St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, London, Jan., 1708 —11 ; Dean of Carlisle, 1711 ; Bp. of Bristol, 1714 to death ; d. 27th Sept., 1719 ; bur. Ch. Ch., Ox., where is a monument. Will proved at Oxford, 10th Oct., 1719. Animadversions on the Eight Theses laid down . . in a Discourse entitled " Church Government. — Part V." Oxford, 16S7. 4to., pp. 68. Auctio Davisiono. Oxford, 1680. 4to. Sermon on Judges 19, ;tO [Martyrdom of Charles I.]. London, 1700. 8vo., pp. 16. Not as Pleasing Men, but God. A Sermon on Thess. 2, 4. London, 1710. 8vo'. Reprinted, 1717. Sermon on I.'fa. o!<, 3 [Fast upon Treaty of Peace]. London, 1712. 4to. Sermon on Luke 4. 14 [Spital Sermon]. London, 1714. 4to. Miscellanies, viz.: — I., A Speech to Convocation upon the Presentment of Dr. Atterbury. II., Two Speeches in the Theatre at Oxford upon Pre.senting Mr. Grabe for the Degree of D.D. III.. A Poem : Done from the Latin Original. London, 1715. 8vo. Bishop Atterbury 's and Bishop Smallridge's Reasons for not signing the Declaration lately put forth by the Archbishops and Bishops. London, 1715. Reprinted in "Scarce and Valuable 'Tracts," London, ISOO — 15 [Vol. Xn (1815)]. Letter to the Lord Bishop of Winchester. A Charge at the Primary Visitation of the Diocese of Bristol, 1716. Oxford. 1716. 4to. Sermon on Psa. llo, 1 [before the House of Lords]. London, 1716. 4to. Twelve Sermons. Oxford, i7i 7. [Reprinted in " Sixty Sermons " [see below) ; and in New Edition (1853), except those on Isa. 58. 3, and Prov. 24, 1.] Sixty Sermons, preached on several occasions. (Pub- lished from the Originals by his Widow.) Oxford, 1824. fol.. 23 leaves, pp. 616 ; very tine portrait. 2uded., Oxford, 1727. fol. New ed., 2 vols.. Oxford, 1S53, 8vo. Again, London : .Macmillan, 1S62. 8vo.. 2 vols. Sermon on Luke 8. 18 [Enfield's English Preachers, I., 43—58]; on Isa. 51, 12. 13 [II.. U9— 33] : on Psa. 42. 11 [III., 67—88], Notes on his birth. [Bodl Lib., 243, 149.] Georgii Smalridge disticha (piatuor, Ashmolii Ma;cenati suo gratia agentia. (|ui patu mortuo, ipsius curam susceperant. [lb.. 1138, 134a; printed in Bliss's Wood's ..\th. Oxon.. II.. 363.] "An Account of what passed (28th Dec. — 1st Jan., 1677 — 78) between Mr. (George) Smallridge and Mr. Jenner as to Kstp". A.'s interest, ye truth whereof is sub- mitted to ye censure of such who are minded further to enipure impartially thereinto.'' [lb., 1731, f. 98r/6,] Effigies on Lilly's Death. Latin and English, {/b., i(5i, 227ft, 228.] [Harwood's Lichfield, 2.W, 445; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., IV., 667 ; Alumni West., 194 ; Rawlinson's MS., 119; Hearne's Works, I., 236; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1367 ; Whiston's Life ; Memoir of Clarke ; Tatler ; Spectator ; Biog. Brit. : Bp. Newton's Life ; Skelton's Works, V., 542 : Nichols's Atterbury 's Corre- spondence ; Clialmers's Biog. Diet. ; Willis's Cathedrals, I., 184; Shaw. I., 330; Bodl. Lib., 243, 393: 332, 646: 1131, 98 : 1S21, 43.] Smalliudge, Thomas, h. Lichfield, 2.5th ftfarcb, 1667 ; Bailiff of Lichfield, 1717, 1720. Notes on his birth [Bodl. Lib.. .243, 149] ; other references [332, 646—8 : 11,SG, 134]. Smallridge, Thomas, s. of the above. [Bodl. Lib., 24.3, 395 : 332, 65.] Smallwood, Rev. George Arthur, b. Yiirdley, Worcs., 13th Nov., 1840 : .?. of George Smallwood, Esq. ; educated Repton Sch. ; Lichfield Theological Coll., 1864 ; Curate of Elford, 1866 — 68 ; in charge of Dawley Magna, Salop, 1868 — 70 ; of Caverswall, 1870 — 72 ; Vicar of Barmw-on-Trent, Derbys., 1872—75 ; of Holy Trinity, Ashby-de-la- Zouch, Leics., 1875 — 82 ; m. Miss Hall, of Lyncroft, Lichfield ; now of Willington, Burton-OQ-Trent. Contributor to various Magazines since 1882. Smalwood, Rev. Matthew. b. Middlewich, Cheshire, 1615 ; s. of James Smalwood ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., l.Jth Feb., 1633; B.A., 11th Nov., 1634; cre:ited M.A., 1st Nov., 1642 ; D.D., 11th Sept., 1660; Chp. to Charles IL ; Canon of St. Paul's, 1660, with Rectory of St. Martin's, Outwich, Lon- don ; Rector of Halsall, Lanes., 1661 : of Gawsworth, Cheshire, 16t)2 — 64 ; Dean of Lichfield, 7th July, 1671, to death ; d. Market Bosworth, 26th April, 1683 ; bur. Lichfield Cathedral. Several Sermons. Letter to him from Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., i737, 80,84.] [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., IV., 86 ; Lansd. MS,, 087, f. 43 ; Earwaker's East Cheshire, II,, 591 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon,, E.S., IV,, 1367 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 106, 186,] Smart, George. h. Wolverhampton, 1728; edui:ated Wolverhampton Gr. Sch. ; Printer in Wolverhampton, An Abstract of the Deed of Settlement of the Benevo- lent Society at S> afford, for the Benefit of Widows and Fatherless Children, Approved by Council and to be enrolled in the High Court of Chancery, bearing date the 1st day of January, 1770, With a preparatory discourse on the occasion, by a member, Wolrerhampton ; Printed bi/ G. .^mart. 4to., pp, 20. and List of Subscribers, The Charter of the Corporation of Walsall, with an Account of the Estates thereto belonging. To which is added a List of tlie Donations and Benefactions to the Town and Foreign of Walsall and Bloxwich, Wolver- hampton: Printed by G. Smart. 1774. sm, 8vo,. pp. 66. SMAH , (409) SMITH . ^^^ Chnstiad. An Heroic Poem, in Six Boolts. Written by Marcus Hieronymus Vida, and translated into English Verse. Corrected and improved from the former translations, and rendered conformable to the Word of God . . . Wolverhampton : Printed for the Author bu G. Smart. 1775. 8vo., pp. 133. [5«eMos8 (Rev. T.).] Smart, J. H. Printer, High Street, Uttoxeter. The Uttoxeter Era. Cttoxeter. 1S55. Smart, Joseph, b. Wolverhampton ; s. of George Smart, Printer [^see'] ; educated Wolvei-hanipton Gr. Sch. ; Printer, 18, High Street, Wolver- hampton, 1818; insolvent,' 1792, and again in 1802 ; took Mr. Gower into partner- ship, when the F^irm became Gower & Smart [«««] ; in partnership with W. Parke Uee\ 1828—31 ; d. 1831. Birmingham, Wolverhampton .... Directory. Smart (Joseph), Bookseller ij- Stationer, Hinh Street H'ol- verhamptou. nSU. Articles for Building an Inn and Market and Shambles in Dudley. Printed by J. Smart, Wolverhampton. 1786 8vo. A Proposal for the Consideration of those who interest themselves in the Abolition or Preservation of the Slave Trade. With some Observations addressed to the Mem- bers of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel By a Clergyman . . . Wolverhampton : Printed for the Author and Sold by J. Smart. 17SS. 8vo. A New and Improved Edition of Kobin Hood's Garland. With a Preface giving an Account of his Birth *c.. and adorned with 28 and curious cuts Wol- verhampton ; Printed and Sold hj J. Smart, n.d. 12mo. Memoria Technica : or, A New Method of Artificial Memory ... By Richard Gray, D.D., Rector of Hinton, in Northamptonshire. A New Edition, corrected \\ olverhnmplon : Printed by J. Smart. 1700. Theophihis ; or. The Pupil in.-truoted in the Principles the Obligations, and the Resources of the Roman Catholic Religion By the Rev. Mr. Appleton. Wolverhampton: Printed for the Author by J. Smart. 1704. 8vo., pp My.i The Garden of the Soul. With Prayers and Medita- tions for the Use of Sedgley Park School. Wolverliampton : J. Smart. 1800. 12mo. Gother's Prayers for Sunday and Festivals, adapted to the Use of Private Families or Congregations To which IS added an Appendix containing Prayers before and after Mass and some Evening Devotions. Wolver- hampton : ./. Smart. 1800. 8vo. The Lives, Acts, and Martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles of our Saviour, with the Lives of Mark and Luke, nolverhampton: J. Smart, n.d. fol. ; illustrated The Order of Confirmation. With Instruction for them that come to be confirmed, and Prayers to be used before and after Confirmation . . . Printed bu J Smart,-' Chronicle" Office. Wolverhampton. 1814 l-'mo pp. 12. " •' The King fer.«s B. Mander and others. The Trial at T,"'^^ °^ ''"^ Committee of the Wolverhampton Flour and Bread Company at Stafford Assizes, 18U, before Sir R Dalles, Knt and a Special Jury (being removed from the ,rown Bar by certiorari), upon a Bill of Indictment found by the Grand Jury at the Lent Assizes previous. Printed by J. Smart,'- Chronicle" Office. 1814. 8vo., pp. 48 The No-Popery ; consisting of Essays. Anecdotes, and Letters illustrative of the Genius and Tendency of that System. Wolverhampton : J. Smart, 18. High Street 78^5. fcp. 8vo., pp. 104. ind ed.. same year. Directory of Wolverhampton, combining an Alpha- betical List of the Inhabitants and a Classification of irades, aMap, and an Historical Account of the Town &c. . . . Also a List of the Inhabitants and Trades of Bilston, ■ WiUenhall, and Wednesfield, alph.abetically arranged. Wolverhampton: J. Smart, '• Chronicle" O/fic'e 18^7. 8vo. [See Clement (Rev. B.).] Smart, Rev. Josiah. h. Wolverhampton, 1710 ; s. of Thomas Smart [QH^ry— whether brother to G. Smart, Printer] ; Mat. Ch. Ch , Ox 4th iNov., 172G; B.A., 22nd March. 1734- M.A., 14th May, 1734 : Preb. of Dasset Parva, Licheeld, 19tii July, 1744, to death ; d. 1770. <: ,.,f??.;?T'' Alu'ni' Oson-, IV., 1.309; Harwood's Lich- field, 227. 1 Smethwick. [Jewitt's Ceramic Art, L, 145 : II., 4.54.] Smiles, Samuel, LL.D. Lives of Boulton and Watt. With a HLstory of the i"!^°"°° ^"i.'' Introduction of the Steam Engine. Londo>i, labb. 8vo., ill plates; portraits. T , ^i^'S' °^ ""^ Engineers ; comprising a History of Inland Navigation. First Series. London : John Murrau 2 vols svo. Second Series, I voL, 8vo. [VoL IL, Jam4 Brmdley, &c.] <- , -^ James Brindley and the Early Engineers. Abridged ,'iS? 'V^'T "^ ""^ ^°^''^^'"''-" London: John Afurrau 1864. Cr. 8vo.. pp. xin., 320. ' J., ^:-^'^^t^^t (l^S^X-igaged. at the age of 83, on a Life of Josiah Wedgwood. Smith, Abraham. Schoolmaster, Tipton. A Scriptural and Moral Catechism . Second Edition. Inscribed by permission to Her Roval HL^-hness the Pnncess Victoria . . . Birmingham :' Published hu Richard Peart,38,Bull St. n.d. rM35; I2mo.,pp. xxiv, Cd! Smith, Rev. Alan Gordon, b. Handsworth, 1863 ; s. of George Smith, Esq. ; Mat. New Coll., Ox., 14th Oct., 1882; B.A., 1886- Curate of Elm, Cambs., 1886—87;' of St' Saviour's, Denmark Park, London, ' 1887 to" date. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. 1309.] Smith, Albert, Hanley. 0«Ml8^8f b-Uj ''°"" ^''''- '''"'"' ""''■ ^-^ Smith, Alfred Russell, Bookseller, Soho Square London. ' A Catalogue of 'Tracts, Pamphlets, Prints, and Draw- ings illustrating Staffordshire, on Sale for ReLdy Money London, 1878. 8vo., 7 leaves. ^ouej . Smith, Rev. Arthur Jamson. b. Camberwell London, 5th June, 18.50 ; ». of George Henry Smith, Esq. ; educated Duhvich Coil. ; Mat St. Catherine's Coll., Cam.; BA 1871- ALA., 1877 ; Curate of St. Mary's, u'ttoxeter,' 1871—73 ; Assistant Master, King Edward VI. Sch., Birmingham, 1873—82 • Head Master, King Edward VI. Sch., Camp Hill Birmingham, 1882. ' French Readings London : F.. Arnold French Revolution Readings. London : K. Arnold Contributor to Encycloptedia of Education. Undon- Swan Sonnenschein. .-unuun . [Birmingham Faces and Places.] Smith & Bridoewater, Printers, Wolverhamn- ton. ^ The Messiah ; or The Sacred Oratorio, as performed in Birmingham Wolverhampton: Printed bySm^^ Brtdgewaler. 1767. 8vo. --"iiiii ij Smith. Charles Frederick Stuart, h. Shenstone 1829 : <;. of George Warwick Smith Esq ■ Mat. Pemh. Coll., Ox.. 19th Nov., 1846. ' [Fosters Alumni Oxon., HI., I3G.'J.] Smith, Charles John. b. Marrlebone, 19th Sept 1804 : ... of John Smith. Esq. (afterward- of Great Fenton Hall) ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 3-B SMITH (410) SMITH 81ft Oct., Itj23 ; m. Fraiu'c.-s, dim. of John Atkinson, Esq., of Maple Hayos, Lichfield ; of Great Fenton Hall ; il. rfnd Dec, 1874. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1313.] Smith, Charles Philip. l>. Alton, 185G ; s. of Charles Bowyer Smith, Esq. ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 29th Jan., 1875 ; B.A., 1883. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., l.'ilS.] Smith, Charles William Jervis. b. Geneva, 1840 ; s. of Charles John Smith, Esq. [see] ; Mat. St. John's Coll., 0.x., 9th Jnne, 18G4 ; B.A., 18G9 ; of Great Fenton Hall. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., I;il3,] Smith, Rev. Christopher. b. Staffs., 1611 ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 21st Nov., 1628 ; B.A., 4th Nov., 1630 ; M.A., 27th June, 1633 ; Rector of Cherington, Warws., 1641. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 13i;!l.] Smith, Rev. Daniel, b. Tinslev, Yorks., 1837 ; educated St. Bees, 1860 ; F.R.H.S. ; Curate of Brauishall, 1866 — 77 ; of Breaston, Derbys., 1877 — 79 ; Rector of Sandiacre, Derbys., 1879 to date. England's .Sin and England's Punishment. 1866, Anthems for Country Choirs. 1869. Thoughts on Heb. xiii., 10. 1870. Sermons for the Times. 1S72. Exposition of the Athanasian Creed. 1S72. Seed Growing Secretly. 1874. ■Will Worship. 1876. A Looking Glass for Ladies ; or, The Scriptural Por- trait of a Virtuous Woman. 1878. England's Church Attacked and Defended. 1888. Smith, Rev. Edward. J. Wombourn, 1584 ; s. o( Edward Smith ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 26th March, 1601; B.A., 1603; M.A., Magd. Coll., Cam., 1608 ; Vicar of Penn, 1609. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., liiTO.] Smith, Rev. Edward, b. London, 1813 ; s. of Henry Bates Smith ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 18th March, 1830 ; B.A., 1833 ; M.A., 1836 ; Curate of St. Paul's. Bedford, 1837—38 ; of Becking, Essex, 1838—43; of Holywell, Northants., 1843—46 : P.C. of Chesterton, 1844—50 ; Chp. of Partis Coll., Bath, 1850 to death ; d. 4th Dec, 1882. The Church of England before the Reformation. S.P.C.K. 1810. An Introduction to the Book of Common Prayer. S.P.C.K. 1841. Smith, Rev, Edward Herbert. Queen's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1827; Curate of Chapel Chorl- ton, 1829 — 30 : of St. Aubin's Chapel, Jersey, 1834 — 37 ; Curate of Killaniarsh, Derbys., 1841 — 43, and Rector, 1843 ; Corresponding Member of Academic des Sciences de Caen, and of Societe des Antiquaires de Norraandie. Eloge de Bochart. [Trans, de TAcad^mie des Sciences de Caen (1S33).] Smith, Erasmus. Lichfield. [Bodl. Llhi, IS^i, (B) 115.] Smith, Rev. Frederick Jeremiah, b. Fenton, 1812 ; s. of John Smith, Esq. ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 2nd April, 1827 ; B.A., 1830 ; M.A., 1836 ; P.C. of Holy Trinity, Taunton, 1842—69 ; Preb. of Wells, 1845 ; Vicar of St. John's, Bishopsliull, 1863 to death ; d. 30th Oct., 1884. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., I3U.] Smith, George. The " MMcklcstone Idiot." Kemarkalde Case of the Mucclestone Idict. Being a Collection of Newspaper Cuttings, inlaid ; a Pen and Ink Portrait of the Idiot ; and Trial of Smith-y.-Hodgetts and others for Libel. (lilriniu;iham Joufnal.) 18'2<>. 8vo. Vol. Compiled by James Broughton. [Now in Salt Library.] Smith, George, h. Clayhills, Tunstall, 16th Feb., 1831 ; s. of William Smith [see] and Hannah Hollins, his wife ; educated " Betty Wedg- wood's School" College — "a Primitive Metho- dist dame ; went to woik when seven years of age at Peake's Tileries, Tunstall ; began (1859) his agitation on behalf of tlie Brickyard (since extended to the Canal, Gypsy, and Van) Cliildren, by the issue of his " Cry of the Children from the Brickyards" [see below]; removed to Coalville, Leics., when he became Managing Partner of a brick, tile, and terra cotta works, until he gave it np to promote his Bills on behalf of the children : now (1894) living at Crick, near Rugby ; m. (1) Mary Mayfield, of Tunstall, (2) Mary Ann Lehmann, of Ockbrook, Derby. The Cry of the Children from the Brickyards of England, with Remedy. London : Simptiii, Marshall^ tj' Co. 1871. 8vo. And How the Cry has been heard. With Observations upon the carrying out of the Act. Sixth Edition. London : Hauijhton ij- Co. 1S70. Cr. 8vo., pp. l',lo. Illustrated. Our Canal Population. A Cry from tile Boat Cabins, with Remedy. London: I/aiirjIiton 4'" Co. 1875. 8vo. New Edition, with Supplement. London ; same imprint. n.. of Alfred Mat. Morton Coll., Ox., 24th SMITH (412) SMITH Smith, Rev. Isaac Gregory, b. Manchester, 21r;t Nov.. 1826 ; s. of Rev. Jeremiali Smith, D.D., Head Master, Man. Gr. Sch. ; educated Rugby; Scholar, Trin. Coll., Ox.; B.A., 1849 ; M.A., BrasenoseColl., 1854 ; Fellow of lirase- nose Coll., 1850—55 ; Hertford Scholar, 1846 ; Ireland Scholar, 1847 ; Bampton Lecturer, 1873; Hon. LL.U., Edin., 1886; Preb. of Pratura Miiiu.s, Hereford, 1870 — 87 ; Dioce?an Inspector of Schools, Hereford ; Hon. Canon of Worcester ; R.D. of Powyke, Worcs.; Rector of Tedstone Delaniere, Herefs., 1852 — 72 ; Vicar of Great Malvern, 1872 ; resident at Brewood, 1838 — 53 ; m. Agnes Augusta, dau. of Rev. George William Murray. Faith ami Philosophy. Lomluii ; Lonymaus. Epitome of the Life of oiir Blessed Saviour. With Introduction and Notes. London : Riiiinglons. '-'nd ed., S.P.r.h'., IS'Jl. Fra Angelico, and other short Poems. London : Lout/inan.-t. 2nd eil., ISOO. The .Silver Bells : An Allegory. London: S.P.C.K. The Characteristics of Christian Morality (being the Bampton Lectures). Oxford: Piirker. 1873. Prayers for every Hour. Or/ord: J. Parker li; Co. The" Conscience "Clause : Can it be justified. London: Rivinytuns. Anarchy. London: Itirinijtoiis. Diocesan History of Worcester. [With the Kev. Phipps Onslow.] S.'P.C.K.. ISSO. Aristotelianism. The Ethics . . . S.P.C.K., 1884. 2nd ed. History of Christian Monasticism. London : Innes it Co. 1802. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1315 ; Sutton's Lanes. Authors, 11;').] Smith, J. Infantile Diseases, i'tioxeter, 1805. 8vo. Smith, James. Printer, High Street, Newcastle; Proprietor of the Newcastle and Potten/ Advertizer (1818). Sorrows of Moetus. [See Snape (Rev. W.)] A Letter to Dr. Darwin. [/6.] Sketch of the Economy of Divine Providence. [See Willetts (Kev. W.).] A Speech at the Bible Society. [See Cotterill (Rev.T.).] Treatise on Arithmetic. [.See Brookes (R.).] The Glories of Heaven. [See Martiudale (Rev. W.).] Serious Reflections. [See Crowther (Rev. .T.).] Address to Youth. [See Wedgwood (J.).] The StajU'orditliire Gazette. Printed and Published by James .Smith. [First published lith April, 181.-!, on Mon- days and Tuesdays. 2nd ed., 1st Jan., ISl.'i.] A Copy of the Poll taken in the Borough of Newcastle- under-Lvm'c. 1774. 4to., pp. IS. Ditto. I7'.I0, -ito., pp. 20 ; ditto. lt!l2. 4to., PI) 2(i : ditto, 1802, 4to , pp. 23 : ditto, 1807, 4to., pp. 2.') : ditto. 1812. 4to., pp. 2:t ; ditto, 181.5, 4to., pp.20; ditto, 1818, 4to., pp. 20; ditto, 1820, 4to.. pp. 28 ; ditto, 182.?, 4to., pp. 26. A Statement of the Facts Relative to the Election for the Borough of Newcastle-under-Lvme, 1792. Neu'castle: J. Smith, (n.d.j Sm. fol. A Scheme for the Enclosure of the Six Town Fields in and near Newcastle-under-Lyme. Newcastle: James Smith. 1815. fol., pp. 8. Rules of the Newcastle-under-Lyme and Pottery Agricultural Society. Instituted 1800. Xewcastle : James Smith. 1800. 12m"o., pp. 20. Smith, James Hicks, b. Manchester, 11th June, 1822 ; s. of Rev. Jeremiah Smith, D.D. [sf«]; educated Man. Gr. Sch., 12th Oct., 1829, and at Brewood Gr. Sch. ; with Messrs. Gillander, Arbuthnot, & Co., of Calcutta ; afterwards Student, Lincoln's Inn, being called to the Bar of the Inner Temple, 1852 ; m., 27th July, 1869, Mary Ann Uaw, of Brewood; resident at Brewood from 1862 to death ; d. 28th Dec, 1881. Brewood Chancel, additions and emendations to " Notes and Collections." Wolverhampton: William Parke. 1884. 8vo. Brewood. A Resume. Wolverhampton : William Parke. 1867. 8vo. Enlarged edition, Wolverhampton, 1874, 8vo., pp. xvi., 96. Supplement, Wolverhampton. 1881. 8vo. Reminiscences of Forty Years. By an Hereditary High Churchman. (Reprinted from the Ecdesia.itic.) London, 1868. 8vo. Brewood Chancel and the Tombs of the Giflarde. Wolvvvhamplon. 1870. The Parish in History, and in Church and .State. (Re- printed from The t'hurch Jieriew.) London, 1871, The Parish in the Churchyard. London. 8vo. Collegiate and other -\ncient Manchester. Reprinted, with additions, from the Chttveh Review. With a Reply to "Memoirs of St. Anne's, Manchester." London, 1777. 8vo.. pp. 1.5. Memoir. [Man. Sch. Reg., III., 231.] [Sutton's Lanes. Authors, 10.') : Ten Years' Experience in St. George"s-in-the-East ; Brewood: a Resume (1874), 94— 9o.J Smith, Rev. Jeremiah. h. Brewood, 22nd July, 1771 ; s. of Jeremiah Smith and Ann, his wife ; educated Brewood Gr. Sch. ; Mat. Hertford Coll., Ox., 22nd Feb., 1790 ; Ex- hibitioner Corpus Christi Coll. ; B.A., 24th March, 1794; M.A., 16th May, 1797 : B.D., 1810; D.D., 1811; Assistant Curate of Mose- ley : of Edgbaston ; Assi.*tant, afterwards 2nd, Master of King Edward VI. 's Sch., Birming- ham, 1798—1807 ; High Master of Man. Gr. Sch,, 1807 — 37 ; Curate (successively) of St. Mark's Chapel, Chetham Hill : St. George's Chapel, Carrington : Holy Trinity, Salford ; Incumbent of St. Peter's, Manchester, 1813 — 25 ; Rector of St. Ann's, Manchester, 1822 — 37 ; one of the King's Preachers for Lanes,, 1824 ; Vicar of Great Wilbraham, Cambs., 1832—47 ; m., 27th July, 1810, Felicia, dau. of William Anderton, Esq., of Moseley Wake Green, Birmingham ; d., at Brewood (where he had resided since his retirement from Manches- ter), 21st Dec, 1854 ; bur. Brewood Church, in family grave, on St. Thomas's Day in that year. A Vindiciition of Defensive War. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Tewkesbury. Bivmiiiijham : Knott i(- Lloi/d. 1805. 8vo., i)p. vi., 22. Memoirs. [Manchester Courier, 22nd Dec, 18.54 ; Gent.'s May. ( 18.=)0) ; Man. Gi-. Sch. Reg., III., pp. 1 — 7.] Portrait in Oil. By Coleman, of Birmingham. (a miniature). By G. Hargreaves. Engraved, as Frontispiece to History of Foundation of Manchester. 18H1. Engraved, as Frontispiece to Manchester Grammar School Registers. Vol. HI. Smith, Rev. Jeremiah Finch, h. Manchester, 1st July 1815 ; s. of Rev. Jeremiah Smith, D.D. \_see'] ; educated Man. Gr. Sch., 22nd Sept., 1823 ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox,, 24th April, 1833; Scholar, 1833—36 ; B.A,, 1st Dec, 1837 ; M.A,, 14th Nov., 1839; F.S.A.; Curate of Smethcote, Salop, 1840 : St. James's, Handsworth, 1840—44 ; Great Wilbraham, Cambs., 1844 — 45 ; Ilfracombe and St. Mary Church, Devon, 1844 — 48; Rector of Aldridge, 1849—86; R.D. of Walsall, 1862— 82 ; Preb. SMITH (413) SMITH of Wellington, Lichfield, 1885 to date ; m., 8th May, 1847, Elizabeth Anne, dau. of Clement Ingleby, Esq., of King's Heath House, Moseley, Birmingham. Plain Statement of tlie Doctrine of the Church of Englanil on Ba|itism, with proofs from Holy Scripture. Loiiilfjii : Masters. 1S50. \'2mo. The Weeklj Olfertory. Its Siiccessfnl Adoption in many Parishes. London^ is04. 12mo., pp. it. The Register of the Manchester School, A.i). 17.-tO — 18.17. With Biographical Notices of some of the more distinguished Scholars. Three Volumes. Chetham Society, lH(iG—7S. Imp. 8vo. (For private circulation only.) Notes and Collections relating to the Parish of Aldridge, in the County of Stafford. Part I.: The Parochial Register. Leicester: W. //. Seal, J'riiiler. 1SS4. 8vo., p)). 73. Part II. : The Parish Church and its Clergy. Leicester : same imprint. 1SS9. 8vc>. 4 leaves, pp. lia. Smith, .Idlin. Piinter, Newcastle ; voted for Gower and Macdonald, 1790. St. Paul's Charge to the Ephesiau Elders. [See Leigh (Rev. C.).J Smith, John. I'rinter, Market Place, Leek. [Parson & Bagshaw's Directory (1818).] Smith, John. Printer, and Dealer in Periodicals, Market Place, Tamvvorth. [White's Staffs. (1834).] Smith, John. h. Stone, 1734 ; s. of liichard Smith, Esq. ; Mat. Trin. Coll., 0.\., 2Cth Nov., 1751 ; B.A., All Soid's, 1756. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., I'V., 131ii.] Smith, John. b. Stoke, 176(> ; .s. of Jeremiah Smith, Esq., and Elizabeth (dau. of John Jervis, Esq., of Darlaston), his wife ; Mat. Oriel Coll., O.K., Kith Nov., 1783; B.A., 1787 ; IVI.A., 1790 ; of Great Fenton Hall ; High Sheriff, Staffs., 1810; of Elmhurst ; m., at Trentham, Elizabeth, dau. of Julia Turner, Esq. ; (/. 6th March, 1840. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., i;illj.] Smith, John. h. Uttoxeter. 1771 ; «. of John Smith ; Mat. Brasenose Coll.. (_).\., 17th July, 1788; B.A., 1792; M.A., 1795 (as John Syth) ; M.B., 1798. Probably Author of "Infantile Diseases." [See Smith (J.).] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., llUii.] Smith, John. /;. Drayton Bassett, 1815 ; «. of William Smith, Es(]. ; Mat. E.veter Coll., O.x., 18th Nov., 1H30; B.A., 1834; M.A., | 1839 ; Barrister-at-Law, 1838 ; J. P., Oxon. ; of Bretwell House, Tetsworth, Oxon.; d. 1889. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., i:ilti,] Smith, John George, b. Manchester, 1829 ; .«. of Rev. Jeremiah Sniilh, D.D. [.<(•«■] ; educated Man. Gr. Sell, and Rugby ; Mat. Bailiol Coll., Ox., 1st Dec, 1847 ; B.A., 1852 ; M.A., 1854; Student of Lincoln's Inn, 14th Jan., i 1852 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 30th April, 1S56 ; Assistant Registrar to tlie Admiralty ; m., 12tii Aug., 1869, Amelia Sophia, dau. of C. F. Darwall, Esq., of Walsall ; resident at Brewood, from I8;>7 ; ' now of Worcester Park, Surrey. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1317; Man. Sch. Reg., lU., 281 ; Rugby Reg., 222 ; Men at the Bar, 432.] Smith, Joseph, i. Walsall, 1756 ; «. of James Smith, Esq. ; Mat. St. Mary Hall, Ox., 5th July, 1773 ; B.A., 1777. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1317; Gent.'s Mag. (181.^). II., 283.] Smith, Joseph. Manager to Russell & Sons, Wednesbury. Obituary. [Midland Adrertiser (1st Nov., 1884).] Smith, Joshua Hett. Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre, Adjutant-General of His Majesty's Forces in North America. To which is added a Monody on his Death, by Miss Seward. London, 1808. 8vo. ; por- trait and plates. Xew i'ork, 1809, 12mo. Smith, Jlrs. M., Printer, Newcastle. Poems on Various Occasions. [See Femeyhough (Rev. W.).] A Perspective View of Trentham Hall. [See Sanders (J-)-] Trentham Park : A Poem. [See Femeyhough (Rev. W.)] A Satirical View of London . . . (Printed by M. Smith, Netvcastle.) 1815. 8vo., pp. vi., 7 — 197. Narratives Illustrative of the Passions and Affec- tions . . . Newcastle: Printed by M. Smit/i. 1815. 8vo., pp. 48, 12,8,48. S.mith, Ven. Nicholas. B.A. and M.A., Ox. Univ., 24th Jan., 1562 ; Student of Philoso- phy for 8 years ; Canon of Hereford, 1554 — 67 ; of Lichfield, 1661 ; Archd. of Salop, in Hereford, 1560—61 ; of Salop in Lichfield, 1561 — 71 [Foster; but Harwood does not mention himj. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1377 ; Le Neve's Fasti, 1 , 15i».] Smith, Oliver, b. Dudley Priory, 2nd March, 1847 ; «. of Edward Fisher Smith, Esq. : Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 31st Jan., 1K05 ; M.A., 1873 ; Taylor Scholar, 1865 ; Student of Inner Temple, 15th Nov., 1869 ; Barrister- at-Law, Inner Temple, 7th June, 1875 ; Queen's Advocate of Lagos, West Indies, 1886 — 91 ; Attorney- General, Leeward Island, West Indies, 1891 to date ; m., 27th Oct., 1892, Marion Beatrice, dau. of the late G. S. F. Smith, Esq., J. P., and Deputy Lieutenant, of Grovehurst, Kent. Joint Editor of — Bateman's Law of Auctions. t>th ed. [Men at the Bar, 434.] Smith, Rev. Peter. Of Bradnop, near Leek, 1st June, 1827. The .Sovereigntv of .Iehov.-ih. A Poem. llanley: T. .Ulbut C\- Son. ISOl. 12mo., pp. xvi., 17— 102. Preparation for the Lord's Supper. Hantey : T. Allbnt. 1S25. I2mo. The Emblematical Pilgrim ; or. The Metaphorical Progres.s from Mystical B.ibylon to the New Jerusalem. Newcastle: Printed for the Author by W. Pye. 1827. pp. XX., Iti3. A Composition of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. The Ministry of the Two Kingdoms. A Serious Call to Sinners. The World Deceived. Satan's Policy Opened. The Mystery of Iniquity Opened. The Omnipotence of God. A Serious Call to lutidels. SMITH (414) SMITH Smith, Richard, b. Stone, 1726 ; s. of Richard Smith ; Mat. Ma<;d. Coll., 0.\., 17th March, 1740 ; B.A., St. Edmund Hall, ;^rd March, 1749; M.A., 1750: B.D., 1700. [Foster's AUimni Oxod., IV., 1.918.] Smith, S. Ashley, Bilston. The Training of Candidates for Holy Orders. [Lich- field Diiicemn May., XL, 14.i — 17. J Smith, Samuel. 6. Stoke, 16(io; «. of Thomas Smith ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 14th Oct.. 1681; B.A., 18th March, 1086. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., 1380.] Smith, Rev. Sidney, h. Wolverhampton, 1855 ; s. of Benjamin Smith, Esq. ; Mat. Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox., 10th Oct., 1875 ; Exhibitioner, 1877—80; B. A. ,1879; M.A., 1881 ; Rector of Wheldrake, Yorks., 1887 to date. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1320.] Smith, Rev. Theodore, b. Camberweli, 1849 ; s. of Baker Peter iSmith, Esq. ; Mat. Pemb, Coll., Ox., 28th .lune, 18(;9 : B.A., 1871; M.A., 1881 ; Curate of Presteign-M>.-Uisco.vd, Radnors., 1872—74; Walton. Lanes., 1874 —77 ; of St. Mary's, Stafford, 1877—81 : Vicar of Ch. Ch., Stafford, 1881 to date. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1320.] Smith, Rt. Rev. Thomas, b. Whitwell, Westmr., 1615 ; s. of John Smith ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 4th Nov., 1631 ; B.A., 10th July, 1635 ; Fellow: M.A., 10th May, 1639; B.U., 2nd Aug., 1660; M.A., by diploma, 9th Nov., 1660 ; Canon of Carlisle, 1660 ; Preb. of Tachbrook and Canon of Lichfield, 23rd March, 1661 ; Canon of Durham, 1661 ; Dean of Durham, 1672 — 78 ; Bp. of Carlisle, 1678 to death ; d. 12th April, 1702. [Lan.sd. MS., OSS, f. 2ir) ; Burrow's Worthies of Jlagd. Coll., .i44 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV,, 1382 ; Har- wood's Lichfield, 2.50.] Smith, Rev. Thomas, b. Lichfield, 1620 ; s. of Ralph Smith, Esq. ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 15th Dec, 1637 ; Chorister, 1635 ; B.A., 20th June, 1640 ; Clerk, 1639, until expelled by the Puritans, 1648; restored, 1660 ; Chp., 1660—65. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1382 ; Bloxam's Jlagd. Coll., I., 53.] Smith, Thomas, Sacrist of Lichfield. Letter to Dugdale [Bodl. Lib., 15:21, .(b) 111] ; Versus de eccl. Lich. reparatione [i6., I12J. Smith, Thomas. b. Oker (Okeover) ; s. of William Smith : Mat. Pembroke Coll., Ox., 10th April, 1712 ; B.A., 1715. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 138u.] Smith, Thomas. Mine and Land Agent, of Sandyfields, Sedgley. Treatise on Mensuration. Wolveiluimpton, 1797. The Miner's Guide : being a Description and Illustra- tion of a Chart of Sections of the Principal Mines of Coal and Ironstone in the Counties of Stafford, Salop, Warwick, and Durham. Printed for and Sold, with the Chart, by the Author. Birmiiii/ham: Ruddyffe <|- Co. 1836. 2nd ed., Birmingham, 1846. Fcp. 8vo., pp. 208. Smith, Thomas. Printer, High Street, Wolver- hampton. The Cliristian's Best Treasure. Containing the Book of Common Prayer, and . . . together with tlie Psalter. Pointed as they are to be said or sung in Churches. With Notes. Printed by T. Smith. Wolrerharnpton, circa 1770. No pagination : each page in a border. [Mr. Thos, Baker, of tUo. Boilleiaii Library, thinks it was printed from BaskerviUe type.] The Companion to the Altar. Unto which are added Prayers and Meditations. Wolrerhampton : Printed by T. Smith. II d. (1760). 8vo., pp. a(> ; Prayers, 4 leaves, without pagination. The Pilgrims Progress from thi? World to that which is to come. Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. Complete in two parts, witli Notes. Written by .Tohn Banyan. New Edition. .Adorned with a new-invented I set of cuts. Wolverhampton ; Printed by and /'or J. Smith, anil Sold by Megnm. SL-etchley if Luckman, hookneUers, in Birmini/ham. 1760. 8vo. Portrait of Bunyan. Preface by the Kev. B. Clement. Smith, Thomas George. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; Prizeman, English Essay, 1843 ; Prizeman, Coll. Exam., 1844; B.A., 1846 : M. A. ,1850; Curate of St. Peter's, St. Alban's, 1H46— 48 ; P.C. of Flax-Burton, Somers., 1848—51 ; Clip, to Bath Penitentiary and Minister of the Chapel, 1851 — 50 ; Lorinn Tenen.i of Aston, Derbys., 1864—65 ; Curate of Colton, 1805 — 08 ; afterwanls of Richmond House, Clifton Hill, Bristol. Aid to Private Prayer. London: .Macintonli. Smith, Thomas Jabez. b. Liverpool, 27th Dec, 1840 ; s. of William Smith, Shipwright ; educated privately, Liverpool Listitute, and Queen's Coll. ; Captain, 1st V. B. Prince of Wales's North Staffs. Regiment ; Manager of Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Leek; m. Jane Ellen, dan. of Alderman Thomas, J. P., of Crewe, Cheshire. Inaugural Address to Macclesfield Scientific Society. 1876. 8vo. Grave Mound Explorations. 1877. 8vo. The Connexion between Physical and Social Science. 1879. 8vo. Money and the Standard of Value. 1886. 8vo. The jjanks and Bankers of Leek. Leel- : T. .Mark. 1801. 8vo. Apis Mellifica. 1802. 8vo. Smith, Thomas Sheppanl. b. Uttoxetev, 1805 ; s. of John Smith, Doctor ; Mat. Wore Coll., Ox., 28th Jan., 1822 ; B.A., 1820 ; a Student Lincoln's Inn, 1828. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1324.] Smith, Sir Thomas Smythe. b. Abingdon, Berks., 1556 ; s. of Thomas Smith ; Student, Ch.Ch., Ox., 1573; B.A., 17th Dec, 1574; M.A., Nth June, 1578 ; Secretary to Robert, Earl of Essex; Clerk to Privy Council, 1587; M.P., Cricklade, 1588; Tamworth, 1593; Clerk of the Parliament, 1597; Knighteil at Greenwich, 20th May, 1603 ; Latin Secretary to James I. ; Secretary to Council of the North, 1603; Master of Court of Requests, 1008; d., Fulham, 27th Nov., 1G09. Will dated 12th Sept., 1609. [Pari. Diet. ; Lansd. MS., OS'i, f. 14.". ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., II., .">3 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon, E.S., IV., 1381.] SMITH ( 415 ) SNELSON Smith, Rev. Thomas Wade. h. Stroud, GIoucs., Sfjit., 1X;58 ; .V. of Thomas Wade Smith, M.D. ; educated Wiiu-hcster : Emiuauuel Coll., Cam.; B. A., 1861; M. A. ,1865; Curate of Uttoxeter, 1866—67: Hartshorn, Dcrhy.s., 1867—70: Rajleigh, 1870 — 71 : Burbai^e, near Marl- borough, 1871 — 77 ; Vicar of the Donative of Easton Roval, 1877 to date. Lectures on the Catechism, Confirmation, and the Communion Services. London: Ilamillun i.\- A'iam!t. pp. l.oJ*. Pocket Parochial Service. Lomlon : same imprint. pp. Kil. Diary for the Vestry. London : mme imprint, pp. 16tj. Uej^ister of Baptism. C )utirmation, and First Com- munion. Loudon : .^ame imprint. X'lmo. Two Prayers, and Twenty-four Examination Papers on the Catechism, Ac. London: same imprint. Diary for tlie .Study and Parish. London : same im- print. )>|i. KJii. Smith, Warrington, M.A., F.R.S. Iron Ores of North Staffordshire (^oalfield [Geological Survey of England, IV.j ; The North Staffordshire Coal- field [Coal and Coal Mining (18G7)]. Smith, Right Rev. William, b. Peelhouse, Widiies, Lanes.; s. of Robert Sfiiith ; educated at O.K. afid Cafu. Uiiiversitii'S ; LL.B. ; Clerk of the Hanaper, 2(lth Se|it., l-t85 ; Rector of Ches'hunt, Herts., Uth Jan., 14yi— 94 ; Bp. of Lichfield, lUth July, 1492—95 ; Lord President of Wales, rirca 1493 ; Dean of St. Stephen's, Westminster ; P.C. ; Bp. of Lincoln, 6th Nov., 1495 ; Archd. of Northampton, 1500 ; Chancellor of Ox. Univ., 1500 — 1502 ; d. Buckden Palace, Hunts., 2fid Jan., 1514 ; bur. Lincoln Cathcilral. Rebuilt and re-en- dowed St. John's Hospital, Lichfield, 1495 ; CD-lounder with Sir R. Sutton, of Brascnose Coll., Ox. ; Will dated 25th Dec, 1513 : proved 30th Jan., 1514. Statutes of St. John's Hospital. .Srd Nov., 1495. [.Abstracts in Churton's Lives of Smith and Sutton and in Harwood's Lichfield.] Statutes of King's College and Brasencse College, Oxfoid. Statuta Hosp. S. .To. Bapt. Lich. [Bodl. Lib., 855, 150.] Epitaph. [Ib.,SG4. IDS. J Portrait. Engraved by J. Faber. lar. 4to. Mezz, [Cooper's Atli. Cantah., I., bi)i ; Lansd. MS., 978, ff 159 — lilh, KJIi; Churton's Lives of Smith and Sutton; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., lliSIl; Harwood's Lich- field, 14(; ; Richardson's Godwin ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Ry- mer's l-'uelera; Wood's Colleges and Halls ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxou., II., (199 ; Clive's Ludlow ; Granger, I., 71 ; Stukeley's Iter Curls, 86 ; Chalmers's Biog. Diet.] Smith, Rev. Williain. D. of Decrees of Ferrara ; liicorpcu-ati'd ("am. Univ., 15o4 ; a relative of Bp. Smith ; Master (twice) of St. John's Hos- pital, Lichfield ; resigned ;iril June, 1494 ; again, 21st Sept., 1494— 20th June, 1495 ; LIj.B. ; Archdn. of Northampton, 4th June, l.'iOO ; incorporated Ox. Univ., 28th June, 1506 ; Archdn. of Lincoln ; d. June, 1528. [Churton's Smith and Sutton. :i7'2 — 8;1 ; Le Neve's Fasti; Dugd. Monast.ed. Caylcy, VI., I'2S4. Ii91 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., b27 ; Harwood's Lichfield, f).')8.] Smith, William. Ijettcr])ress Printer, liinen and Woollen Draper, Upholsterer, and Tea Dealer, Market Place, Uttoxeter. [Parson and Bagshaw's Directory (1818); White's Staffs. (1834).] ; , Smith, William. Printer, Ironmarket, Newcastle. [White's Staffs. (1834).] Smith, William, h. Chesterton, 8th Feb., 1807 ; s. of John Smith and Deborah Capper, his wife ; a Brick and Tile Maker ; established the North Stalls. Brick and Tile Works, Ches- terton ; Manager of the Brad well Brick and Tile Works, Tunstall, and also of John Walker's, Blue Brick and Tile Works, Tunstall ; invented several improvements in machinery for making bricks and tiles ; m., 1830, at Wolstanton, Hannah Hollins ; (/. 15th March, 1872 ; bur. Coalville. Hanani ; or, Memoirs of William .Smith. By Rev. A. B. Grosart, LL.B. London ; Bemrose if Sons. 1874. 8vo., pp. 90. Portrait. Smith, William, and Son. A Map of Staft'ordshire. (18G4). Smith, William Hawkes. b. Birmingham. Dudley Castle. 18.1(i. 4to. Birmingham and .South Staffordshire. Smith, Rev. William l^aac. h. Boulton, Derbys., 28th July, 1856 ; .«. of William Smith, Esq., and Annie, his wife ; educated Derby Middle Class Sell, and Lichfield Theo. Coll. ; Curate of All Saints, Darlaston, 1880 ; of Cannock, 1880—83 ; of St. Chad's, Stafford, 1883— 84 ; of Willenhall, 1884—87 ; Assistant Diocesan Inspector, 1883 — 87 ; Rector of St. John's, Longton, 1887. With Car and Camera. [Jointly with Rev. W. Beres- ford.] Longton : Hughes ij- Ilarber. 1803. Away East, &c. {Evangelist Monthly (1894).] Smith, Hon. William James, b. Handsworth, 1853 : s. of John H. Smith, Stockbroker ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1875 ; M.A. and LL.M., 1878 ; Student, Inner Temple, 16th Jan., 1872 ; removed to Lincoln's Inn, 19th July, 1873 ; Barrister-at-Law, 7th June, 1875 ; Puisne Judge in the Island of Cyprus, 1882 ; m., 24th Sept., 187s, Ella Rosa", dau. of Major Edward Herman Marsh. [Men-at-the-Bar, 436.] Snape, Rev. John. b. Norton Canes ; «. of Joseph Snape ; Mat. Jesus Coll., Ox., 12th Dec, 1769; Assistant Curate of St. John's Ch., Wolverhampton, 1773 — 1813. A Farewell Sermon, preached at the Cliapel of John's, Wolverhampton, March ilst, 1813. iVolrerhampton : Printed bg T. .Simpson, n.d. 1813 8vo., 16. A New Plan of Education. Wolverhampton : Printed and Sold by Philip Venman. n.d. l'2mo. [I liave part IV. M'olnrrfiampton : Printed and Sold by W. Ryley. ISll. 12mo., pp. 72.] [Foster's Alumni Oxou.. IV., 1315.] Snape, Mr. b. Birmingham ; Surveyor at Lich- field. Plan of the City of Lichfield. 1781. [No, of houses, 7'2-2.] Snell, Rev. J. W. Henry. Congregational Minister at Cheadle. Christ-Life. Cheadle: J. Machin. 1S83. 8vo. Snelson, Rev. Geoffi-ey. b. Eccleshall, 1740 ; s. of Thomas Snelson ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., SNELSON (416) SNEYD lUth Oct., 1757 ; B.A., 1761 ; M.A., 1764 ; Vicar of Hendon, 1790 ; and of Reigate, Surrey, at his death ; d. 11th April, 1812. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 132.i.l SsELSON, Rev. Richard Filewood. h. Hanbury, 1780; $. of Rev. Jeffrey (Geoffrey) Snelson \_see] ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 17th Dec, 1798 ; li.A., 1802 ; M.A., 1805 : Vicar of Reigate, Surrey, 1812, to deatli ; d. fith March, 1847. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 132() ; Robinson, llil.] Snepp, Rev. Charles Busbridge. Of Caius Coll., Cam.; LL.B., 1850; LL.M., 1861; Vicar of Perry Barr, 1854—91. Pastoral Address, (yearly.) The Healing Balm. The Great Physician. Songs of Grace and Glory. Being a Selection of 1,000 Hymns for Private, Family, and Public Worship . . . the Result of Twenty Years' Collection. Liimlon : Aifbet ij- Co. 1S61. Ditto ." . . 1,02.") Hymnal Treasures , . . the Result of Thirty Years' Collection . . . London : name imprint. ISll. Again, iS73. Pastoral Addresses and Sermons. Edited by. Eastern Tour to the Holy Land and the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Snepp, Rev. Henry Thomas, h. Chelteahani, 1822 ; s. of Thomas Snepp, Esq.; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 18th March, 1841 ; Vicar of St. Mary's, Bilston, 1866—72 ; of St. Luke's, Bilston, 1872 — 80 ; afterwards of Birehfield. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1326.] Sneyd, Ann. b. Bishton Hall, Colwich, 1704 ; dau. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq. ; m. George Spear- man, Esq., J. P., of Midilleham, Durham (who d. April, 1760). Portrait. By R. Philips. (2ft. TJin. by 2ft. 2in.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Ann. b. Bishton Hall, Colwich, 1st Aug., 1727 ; dau. of William Sneyd, Esq. ; d., unmarried, 16th Jan., 1784. Portrait. By Sir J. Reynolds. (2ft. TJin. by 2ft. 2in.; \_Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Charlotte Augusta, b. 1800 ; 4th dau. of Colonel Walter Sneyd [«fe]. The Winds. [A Collection of 73 Humorous Etchings drawn on Stone, by C. A. Sneyd, from Designs by Lady H. Bagot, Hon. I). Finch, Hon. H. Legge, Mary Emma Sneyd, Walter Sneyd, W. Mulready, &c.] (PrinteJ for presents only.) 4to. Sneyd, Clement, b. Bishton Hall, Colwich, 6th Feb., 1778 ; s. of John Sneyd, Esq. ; Admiral, R.N. ; of Huntley Hall, Cheadle ; m. (1), 27th Oct., 1813, Helen, dati. of Roger Swetenham, Esq., of Somerford Booths, Cheshire, (2) Eliza Catherine, dau. of John Cotton, Esq., of Etwall, Derbys. ; d. 12th Oct., 1854. Portrait. {Unsigned. Size 9Jin. by 9in.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Dryden Henry, b. Basford Hall, Leek, 2nd Sept., 1833 ; s. of Rev. John Sneyd [see^ and Penelope Holley [■«e<'], his wife ; J. P., Staff's. ; a pioneer of the Province of Canter- bury, N.Z., 1852 ; of Onecote, Belmont Hall, and Ashcombe Park, Leek ; now living (1894). Portrait. (Unsigned.) 1842. (2ft. Gin. by 2ft. 2 in.) [At Ashcombe Park.] Sneyd, Edward. b. Bradwcll, Tunstall, May (baptized 3rd), 1693 ; s. of R(_alph). T. Sneyd, Esq.; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 11th Oct., 1708; Student of Inner Temple, 1709; Barrister-at-Law, 1712 ; d. 1780. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1387.] Sneyd, Edward, of Lichfield. /;. 1712 ; s. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq., of Bishton {d. 1729); Major in the Oxford Blues (Royal Horse Guards); m., 1742, Susanna, dau. of the Rev. Moses Cook, of Sible Hedingham, Essex ; d. 1795. Portrait. {Cnsigyieil. 2 ft. 2^ in. by 2ft.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Rev. Edward, b. Keele, 1732; s. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq. ; Mat. Brasenoso Coll., Ox., 16th March, 1752 ; B.A., 1755 ; Vicar of Wolstanton ; d. 16th Oct., 1795. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., l.'i2(J.] Sneyd, Elizabeth, b. Gransden, Hunts., 1614; dau. of Robert Audeley, Esq. ; m. William Sneyd, Esq. [see], of Koele (1612) ; d. 20th June, 1686. Portrait. By Lee. 1663. (2 ft. 7i in. by 2 ft 2 in.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Elizabeth, b. Bishton, Colwich, 1672 ; dau. of John Bowyer, Esq., of Bishton Hall ; m. Ralph Sneyd, Esq., of Onecote and Bishton ; d. 1747. Portrait. By R. Philips. (4 ft. 3 in. by .^ ft. S^in.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Elizabeth, h. Bishton, Colwich, 1703 ; dau. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq., and Elizabeth Bowyer, his wife ; d. unmarried. Portrait. By R. Philips. (2 ft. 7i in. by 2 ft. 2 in.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Elizabeth, h. Lincoln's Inn, London, 31st July, 1726 ; dati. of William Sneyd, Esq., and Susanna Edmonds, his wife ; m. the Rev. William Lloyd, of Aston, Salop ; (/. 14th April, 1773. Portrait. By Sir J. Reynolds. (2ft. 7iin. by 2ft. 2in.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, George Edward, b. Belmont Hall, 1847 ; s. of Thomas Sneyd, Esq., of The Ashes ; edu- cated Harrow ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 24th Jan., 1866 ; B.A., 1870 ; M.A., 1872 ; of Bray, Morval, Cornwall ; Director of Cardiff Docks ; 7n., 1880, Charlotte Elizabeth, dau. of Rear-Admiral G. C. Stuart ; (/., at Bray, 14th Jan., 1894. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1320.] Sneyd Green. [Jewitt's Ceramic Art, II.. 297.] Sneyd, Rev. Henry, b. Darlaston Hall, 29th March, 1804 ; .<. of William Sneyd, Esq. [see] ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 11th June, 1822; B.A., 1826 ; P.O. of Wetley Rocks, 1834 to death ; m. (1), 22nd Feb., 1831, Mary Anne, SNEYU (417) SNEYD daii. of Thomas Siieyd-Kynncrsley, Ksq., of Loxlcy Park, (2) ilst Oct., 1834, Penelope, d(iH. of AlexHiiiler Day-IJrougliton, Esq., (3) 11th Fel)., 18.")H, Mary, d,iu. of Charles Stagg; resided at The Woodlands, Cheddleton, where he (■]; in. Mary, dau. of Thomas Chetwynd. Esq , of Ingestre ; High Sheriff, Staffs., 1 8th and 37th Elizabeth : built Keele Hall, 1581. where he resided : d. 1615. Portrait. Bv Cornelius Janssens 2in.) [Penes R.'Sneyd. Esq.] (2 ft. 7iin. by 2 ft. 3-C SNEYD (41K) SNIOYD Snevd, Ralph, b. BradvvoU Hall, 15G4 ; s. of Ralph Snt'vd, Esq. \_see'\. of Siieyd, Tiinstall, Kei'le, &c."; High Sheriff, Staffs., 19 James I. ; M.P., Staffs., 1C4U ; d. 1643. Portrait. By Lee. Iii:i4. (2 ft. 7J in. by 2ft. -'in.) [Penes Dry den Sneyd, Esq.l Skeyd, Ralph, b. Bradwell Hall, 1612 ; s. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq. [.>vc 1043]; of Siieyd, Tuiistall, Kl'cIp, &c. ; Colonel in Roy. Army ; M.F., Stafford, 1640 ; fell in the Isle of Man, 1U50. Portrait. By Sir P. Lely. (Sft. 7i in. by 2 ft 2in.) [Pent) Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyi), Ralph, b. The Birt-hes, Burslem, 1669; s. of William Sneyd, Esq. ; Mat. Brasenose ' Coll., Ox., ISth March, 16H6; Student of Mid-Temple, 1685 ; inheiited considerable property under the will of John Sneyd, s. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq., of Keele, to whom it had | come from Sir Robert Uryden, Bart. ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Bowyer, Esq., of Bisliton, by whom he became possessed of that Estate, and was ever afterwards of Bish- ton Hall ; d. 3rd Nov., 1729. Portrait. By R. Phillips. (4 ft. Sin. by ;i ft. ajin.) [Penes Drvden Snevd. Esq, J [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 13X7.] Sneyd, Ralph, b. Bradwell (bapt. 17th), Mav, 1692 ; s. of Ralph Snevd, Esq. ; Mat. Ma>,'d. Coll., Ox., 11th Oct., 170H : of Keele ; High Sheriff, 1713 ; M.P., 1713 ; m. Ann, dan. of j Allen Holiord, Esq., of Davenham, Cheshire ; d. Nov., 1733 ; bur., Wolstanton, on the 4th. Portrait. [Penes R. Sneyd. Esq.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 13S7.] SxEYD, Rev. Ralph, b. Bickton (Bishton), 1697; s. of Raljih Sneyd, Esq. \_see above'] ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., 0.x., 17th March, 1714 ; B.A., 1717; M.A., 1720: B.D. & D.D., 1742; Vicar of Colwieh, 1724; Rector of Little (Sible) Hedingham, Essex, 1733, to death ; m. Mary, dau. of the Rev. Moses | Cook, of Hedingham ; d. 23rd Dec, 1758. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV , 1387] SsEYo, R^lph. 6. Keele, 1723 [Burke] : 1726 [Foster] ; s. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq., 1692 [see] ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 21st Oct., 1743; ' of Keele ; m. Barliara, dau. of Sir Walter Wagstaffe Bagot, Bart. [«e«], of Blithfield ; . d., 10th Dec, 1793; bur. at Wolstanton. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1326.] Skeyd, Rev. Ralph, b. Norton, near Stone, 1753 ; s. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq., of Keele (1723) [see] ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 29th Oct., 1770; B.A., Ch. Ch., 1772; B.C.L., All Souls, 1777 ; Chp. to the Prince of Wales, ; Rector of Jevington, and Vicar of Rye, Sussex, 1781, to death ; m. Penelope, dau. ol the Hon. Sir John Moore: d. 13th June, 1808. A Letter to Dr. Toulmin. M.D.. in relation to bis book ' on the Antiquity of the World. , nS3. Xvo., pp. G3. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV.. l.-i2l>: ^re Toulmin (G. H.).] S.VEvn. Ralph, b. Bishton, 18th Sept., 1769 ; ». of Jolin Sneyd, Esq., 1734 \_see] ; Lieut. R.N. ; m. Mary dau. of George Cooke Var- horough, Esq., of Streethorpe, Yorks. ; of Abbot's Bromley ; d. 7th March, 1805. Portrait. Unsigned, (iljin. by !lin.). [Penes Dry- den Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Ralph, b. Ravenhill, 9th Oct., 1793 ; s. of Colonid Walter Sneyd [■^e^], of Keele ; Mat. Cii. Ch., Ox., 14th Nov.. 1811 ; of Keele ; High Sheriff, 1844 ; d., unmarried, July, 1870. Portrait. [Penes R. Sneyd, Esq.] Litho., Imp. Paper. [Foster's Alumni Oxon," IV., I.32i;.] Sneyd, Rev. Ralph, b. Barrowhill, 2iid Nov., 1799; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., I7th Jan.. 1818; M.A. : Viear of Caverswall ; d. 1H29, unmarried. MS. Diary. [Penes Drvden Sneyd, Esq.] Portrait. By Keeling. (2 ft. 7^ in. by 2 ft. 2 in.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] SxEYu, Richard. «. of Ralph Sneyd, of Keele ; Captain R.N. ; of Norton, near Stone, and the High House, Stafford ; m., Grace, dau. of Sir John Fenwiek, Bart., of Williugton, Northants.; d. 1683. Portrait. By Sir P. Lely. (2ft. 7iin. by 2ft. 2in.) [Penes Drvden Snevd, E.sq.] [Boscobel (Hili'O) : Plot's Stafts.] Sneyd, Sarah, h. Waterhouse, Onecote ; dau. of Edward Wctterhall, Esq. ; m., 3rd June, 1668, William Sneyd, Esq. \_see], of The Birches, Burslem; d. 1718. Portrait. By Sir P. Lely. (2 ft. TJ in. by 2 ft. 2 in.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Susannah, b. Hendon Place, Middlesex : dau. of John Edmunds, Esq. ; m., 8th Oct., 1724, William Sneyd, Esq., of Bishton ; d. 3rd July, 1734. Portrait. By R. Phillips. (4ft. Sin. by 3ft. 3Jin.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd. Esq.] Sneyd, Thomas, b. Leek, 20th Dec, 1800 ; e. of William Sneyd, Esq., of Ashcombe Park ; educated IJughy ; m. 19th June, 1832, Erama, dau. of George Whitley, Esq., of Norley Hall, Chester ; of the Ashes, Endou ; d. 1883. Portrait. By Keeling. (3ft. by 2ft. (iin.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd, Esq.] Sneyd, Thomas William, b. Belmont Hall, 14th Jan,, 1837 ; -v, of Thomas Sneyd, Esq. [«e«] ; educated Harrow ; Captain, Bengal Army ; served with 2nd Dragoon Guards in India Mutiny, 1858 — 59 ; Lieut. -Colonel, 2nd Dragoon Guards, 1877 — 82; Colon^l Com- manding, 1881 ; Major-Geneial ; retired 1887 ; m., 18th Oct., 1879, Charlotte Maria, dnu. of ■\V. W. Repton, Captain, Bengal Army; J. P., Staffs. ; of The Ashes, Ipstones ; now (1894) residing at Finsthwaite House, Lanes. Portrait. By T. Crantield. 1878. (8i in. by (ijin.) [Penes Dryden Sneyd. Esq.] SNEYI) (419) soAXi: Skbyd, Walter, h. Blitlifield, 11th Feb., 1752 ; g. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq., 17^3 {ste']; Mat. Brascnose Coll., Ox., loth .I.in., 17(j!) ; created M.A., Oth Julv, 177;^, ; of Kccle Hall : High Sheriff, 1814 ;" M.P. for Caslle Risin,l,^ Norf., 17K.t_9U ; Lieut.-Col. of StalYordsiiin' Militia, was ill eoinmand the whole time the Militia were in gi.rrisoii at W'iiidsor during the Freneh Revdlution ; m., !)th May, 178(;, Louisa, dau. of William, l.st Lord Bagot ; il. 23rd June, 1829 ; bar. at Keele. Portrait. \_Petiea U. Sneyd. Estj.] Lithographed Portrait. Imperial. [Foster's Alumni Oxen., IV., 132i;.] SsEYD, Rev. Walter, h. Keele, 23rd July, 1809 ; s. of Col. Walter Sneyd [.s^vj ; Mat. Ch. Ch.. Ox., 23rd May, 1827 ; B..V., 1831 ; M.A., 1834 : F.S.A. : of Denton House, 0.\on., to 1870; aftirwards, to death, of Keele Hall; J. P., Stalls. ; m., 14th Gel., 1S56, Henrietta Elij-.ahelli, ilau. of Richard Malone Sneyd, Esq., of Cherry Vale, Donegal ; (/. 2iid July, 1888 ; bur. Keele. Portrait. By Ouless. R.A. [/Vhm R. SueyJ. £.<([.] Lithographed Portrait. On Imperial paper. Edited: — Manuscripts of Dr.'.ro..;eph Butler. Bj). of Durham IMiddle IIHI J'ress (ISlii). p. t< : (18:i!l) pp. 12— 1-1] ; Continuation of same [ib.. 4(j — .").t] ; Additional since 1839 [ib. (181J2), p. 4]. Letters of Giacomo Lonanzo to his two sons, from the originals in his possession [Cat. JISS., in Bibliotheca Anglice. C. H'hiltini/linm, London. 1S54. I-, p. 16.]. Letters from Cardinal Bemho to Lorenzo Loridamo, Doge of Venice [ib, 21]. Letters from Queen JIarie Antoinette to Princess de Lamballe [Id. ( l.sii2 — f»;i), VII.. p. .'!]. Relazione Delia Regina de .Suetia [ib. p. .Sj. SxEYD {or Sneyde), Sir William, Knt. .v. of Richard Sneyde, of Bradwell ; Recorder of Chester, 10th to 27th Henry VHL : Mayor of Che-ter, 1543 and 150G ; Sheriff of Staffs.. 1549, and 3rd and (itii Philip and Mary ; en- gaged in the Scottish Wars, being present at the battle of Pinkey, 10th Oct., 1547 ; had grant from the Crown of Keele, in 36 Henry VIIL, and the Rectory and Advowson of Wolverhampton, 9th Elizabeth ; m. (1) Ann. (lau. of Thiimas Barrowe, Esq., of Flookers- bronke, Cheshire : (2) Jane, iluii. of John Salter, Esq., of Salter's Hall, Salop ; d. Gth .June, 1571 : bur. in Chancel of Wolstanton Church, where is a handsome altar-tomh ; d. possessed of Manors of Tunstall, Bradwell, Norton-le-Moors, and Keele, in Staffordshire. [Burke, Walford, &c., and the various histories of Staffs.] Snkvd, William. h. 1563 [Burke] : 1566 [Foster] ; .«. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq. ; Mat. I'rin. Coll., Ox., 1591 ;' Student of Cray's Inn, 1584; of Bradwell; ;«., 29th Aug., 1585, Clara, (/((((. of Sir Anthony Colclough, of Tintern Abbey, Kildare, Ireland ; (/. 29th Aug., 1613. Portrait. Artist unknown. [Penes R. Sneyd, Esti] [Foster's Alumni Oxen., E.S., IV., l.-t!<7.] Snevi), William, h. Bradwell Hall, 1C12 : .*. of Ralph Sneyd, Esq. (A. 1564) [see] ; M.P., Staffs., 1660 ; Higii Sheriff, Staffs.. 16 Charles IL; of Keele ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Audeley, of Gransden, Hunts. ; d. 1 7th Jan., 1694. ■ Portrait. By Lee. KifiH. (2ft. 7J in. by 2ft. 2 in.) [/V;/f.f Dryden Sneyd. Esfp] SxKYi), William, b. Keele, 1643; s. of William Sneyd, Es(j., of Keele : of the Birches (Burs- lem), and Oneeote ; M.P., Newcastle, 1685: m., 3rd .June, 1668 ; Sarah dau. of E per annum.'' ['■The Fellows of tbe Socratic School meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 5 o'clock," " usually closinjj about 7 o'clock"; "at present its raeetirgs are held at the 'Wheat Sheaf,' Stoke-upon-Trent."— W. Farmer, PresiiUnt.] Published the following : — Annals of the Socratic School of Stoke-u)^on-Trent, Staffordshire Potteries. Hahlwiii c(- Cradock. Lomlon. n.d. 8vo., pp. 48. (R. C. Tomkiiison, Printer, Sloke.) Sole, George. Roman Laws and Lawyers. Brierlei/ Jlil/^ ISOd. ?*vo.. pp. o8. SoLLis, Rev. William, b. Cliippintr-Campden, Gloucs., 171)3 : s. of William Sollis, Esq. ; Mat. Peuib. Coll., Ox., 24th March, 18()9 ; Scholar, 1812—16 ; B.A., 1812 ; M.A., 1815 ; Rector of West Putford, and P.O. of Woolfanliswortliy, Devon., 1823 — 39 ; Vicar of Fenton, 1839 to death ; ci. 14th Feb., 1873. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1328.] Solly, N. Seal, of the Firm of Fletcher, Solly, & Unwick, Willenhall Furnaces. Guide to the Fine Arts Department of the South Staff(U-dsbire Exhibition, ilolyneux House, Wolverlmmp- ton. isi;i| . . . Wulrerhampton : Steen if Blackett. ISG'J. Svo. Memoir of the Life . . of David Cox . . With Selections from his Qorrespondence . . . Photographs. Londnii. 1873. 4to., pp. xii., 331). Memoir of the Life . . . William James SluUer, a Native of Bristol, Landscape and Figure Painter. With Original Letters . . . Photographs. London, 1875. 8vo., pp. sxii., 3G9. Solomon, James Vose. Educated Birmingham General Hospital and St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital, London; F.K.C.S., Eni; , 1854; Presi- dent, Birmin<,'hani Medical Inst., I88(! — 87 : Professor of Ojililbalraic Surgery, Queen's Coll.. Birmingham ; Consulting Surgeon to Birmingliam Eye Hospital ; in practice and residing at Villafranca, Handsworth. Tension of the Eyeball — Glaucoma, the Operation practised in the lUth Century. With Cases. Epiphora or Watery Eye. Observations on some Injuries of the Eye. Myoma of Ciliary Muscle [Trans. Opthal. Soc. United Kingdom, Vol. II.] ; Mileno-Sarcomatous Tumours of Iris [i6-] ; Emplryment of Counter-Irritation in Ophthal- mic Diseases [Lancet (187!ij] ; Clinical Notes on the Tarsal Tumour [lA.] ; The Value of Incision of the Ciliarv Muscle in Certain Diseases of the Eve [.I/erf. Times' {ISGl)]. Numerous other communications to the Medical Journals. Solon, M. L., Stoke-on-Trent. History of the Art of the Old English Potter . . . Illustrated with Etchings on Copper, drawn by the Author. Derlii/: Hemroge if Sons. 1883. Imp. 4to. ; .oil plates. [Small Pa er copies ("2.iO), price .'> guineas each ; Large Paper (50 copies only), price 1(* guineas each.] Tlie Ancient Art of Stoneware of the Low Countries and Germany. . . . London: Chiswick Press. 1802. i vols., fol. ii>. Copper Plate etchings and '.'110 illustr.itions in the text, .'iO copies on Japanese paper and ■2.')ll on dated handmade paper. SoMERi, John de, 8tli Baron Dudley. Arms. [Bodl. Lib., 7/^/. 224.] SoMERi, liulpli di', I'nd Baron Dudley. CartiC dua;. [Bodl. Lib.. 833. 333.] SoMERi, Roger de, 5th Baron Dudley. Somerset, Edward Henry. /;. Trentham, 1X03 ; s. of Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 15th Feb., 1821 ; d. 19lli Feb., 1822. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1328.] SoMERviLLE, James, 11th Lord. Memoirs of the Somervilles. Edinhurqh, 1815. 8vo., 2 vols. [Portrait of Somerville, the Poet, Vol. II., 485.] SoMERviLLK, William. /). Oakedge. The Chase : A Poem. London : Printed for G. Hair- kins. 1735. 4to., 7 leaves, pp. lOG ; J-'rontis., bv Gravelot and Scotin. 3rd ed., 1735. Svo., pp. 131. London, 17.57. Another ed., with Hobbinol : or. The Rural Games, Bir- minqham : BankerriUe, 17G7, 8vo.. pp. 1 1)0. r)th ed., London : [V.'Bowi/er, 17G7, 12mo. Dth ed., Kdinl/tirr/li, 1773, 12mo. With a Critical Essay by Dr. .A.iken, London, 1706, I2mo. London; Bulmer, with 13 woodcuts, by John , but finished by Thomas Bewick. London : Bulmer, 1802, roy. 8vo., Bewick woodcuts. Hobi)inol ; or. The Rural Crames. A Burlesque Poem. London, 1740. 4to. 2nded., ioiiJoH, /^JO, 4to., pp. vii..G4. Somerville, &c. [.Select Brit. Poets (1794—1813), IL] Arms. [Bodl. Lib., 1121, 224.] SoDTH.iLL, John, Professor of Phrenology, Wol- verl)ampton. David's Sling at Goliath ; or. The Rev. J. Barker unmasked, and the Friend of the People exposed, showirg his unprincipled attacks on Public and Private Individuals in bis Budget called " The People." Wolverhampton: E. Moden. ISGO. Memoir of Enoch Bowkeley (i. Sedglev, 1817; d. Cradlev Forge, C.th Dec.. 1871 |. [A'ew Con. Mag. (1872J, 384, 38'5.] Southern, C. b. Wcdnesbury ; .■■'. of Thomas Southern, Printer. A Contributor to the Midland Advertiser. Southern, Rev. George. Wesleyan Minister, 1827—53. The Church in the World. W'ednesburi/: T. Southern. I8mo. The World in the Church. Wednesbury: same im- print. 18mo. The Conversion of Cleora. W'ednesbury: same im- print. 18mo. The Christian Ministry of the New Testament gener- ally viewed and classified. IVednesbury, 1853. 8vo.,pp. 116. A Few Thoughts on the Latest Legislation of the Wesleyan Conference. London, 1853. 8vo., pp. 42. Intolerant Toleration Intolerable ; or. Liberty of Conscience Impartially Reviewed. Southern (Thomas) & Son. Printers and Publishers, Wednesbury. [Thomas Southern ; began business in Wednesbury, 1842 ; took his son into partnership, 1880, when tbe title of the Firm became T. Southern & Son.] SOUTHERN (421) SPARK Til.- Miiiliind Adverliter. 1850 to date. Till- Wcdnesbury Parish Church Hymn Book. fVeJiiei- biiry. 1S4S. ISmo. JjMliiiiir and Rest . . . [By J. Morgan. J l\'ediies- bury, lHi2. IX-no. Sermon. By Rev Isaac Clark.son. Demy 8vo. Memoir of the late Mrs. Twigg. [See Twigg (Mrs.).] Olil Truth.s in New Lights. [See Southern (\V. H.j.J Dr. Newman and Prote.stantisin. [/ft.] Essays. "Eat vour Brown Bre.id hrst." [/6.] Poems. [.See Whitehouse (A. W.).] Serie-s of Tracts. [.See Montgomery (Rev. G.) in Appendix.] Progress of the Tube Trade. By Mr. Hardy. The Rise anrl Progress of the Iron Manufacture. [See Southern ( W. H.).] The Church in the World. [ .See Southern (Rev. G.).] The World in the Church, f/i.] The Conversion of Cleora. ['6.] The Christian Ministry', [/w.] Intollerant ToUeration IntolleraVjle. [/*.] Wedncsbury Art Gallery Catalogue. First Exhibition of Pictures. Weilnefhuri/, ISOl. The Incorporation of Weduesbury. 1878. fcp. fol. Southern, W. H. i. Wednesbuiy ; ^. ofTliornas Soiitliern, Printer [,««<>] ; 1st Clerk to Wednes- liurv Sell. Board. Old Truths in New Lights. Wedneibtiry : T. Southern (J* So}i. 18mo. Dr. Newman and Protestantism. Weduesbury : same imprint. 18mo. Essays. " Eat your Brown Bread first." Weduesbury: same priuter. IHmo. The Rise and Progress of the Iron Manufactures in Weduesbury. Weduesbury : same imprint. I8mo. A Contributor to the Midland Advertiser. Southwell, Rev. Herbert Burrows, h. London, 185G ; s. of Charles .losiali Southwell, Esq. ; Mat. Pemh. Coll., Ox., 23rd Oet., 187.J ; B.A., 1879 ; M.A., 1882 ; M.A., Durham, Curate of St. Mary the Virgin, O.xford, 1881 ; Domestic Clip, and Theological Tutor to the Bp. of Durham, 1882—85 ; Principal, Theo- logical Coll., Lichfield, 1885 to date; Preb. of L'lton Decani, Lichfield, 18x7. The Ministry of Reconciliation. An Ordination Ser- mon . . . December, aoth, 1885 . . . Lic/ifield: A. C. Lomax. 1HH6. 8vo., pp. 15. The Threefold Name. A Sermon preached at an Ordination of Priests .... Trinity Sundav. May 20th, I.S'.t:! . . . [Published by re73) ; of Uighfields, Bradley, circa 1700. Southwick Barons, Stafford. (No title.) 8vo., pp. •.'(). [Written b.v Willinni Southwi.k, then (IK-S) of Hall Ronil, Birmiiinliam. Tbe Pampblet, if true, is an exposure of one of the worst ca.ses of the incapacity of the law to remedy a gross wrong— might, not right, prevailing— with which l" am ac- quainted.] Sl'AiN, Rev. Tlionias Dixon, b. Lincoln, 184t) ; s. of Thomas Spain, Esq.; Head Master of the Lincoln Borough Sch., ISlJfi — 72; Organizing Secretary to the Lichfield Diocesan Cli. of Eng. Temperance Society, 1875 — 8() ; ditto, Bath and Wells, 188G to' date ; Curate of Twerton- on-Avon, Somers., 18S5— 93: of Oldfield Park, Bath. Parochial Blanches. Lichfield: Lomax. 188i. Temperance .Sunbeams. Lichjield: A. C. Lomax. 1884. roy. 8vo., pp. 90. A Practical Guide to the Formation and Management of District and Parochial Branches of the Church of England Temperance .Society. By the Rev. T. Dixou Spain, Diocesan Organizing Secretary. Bath and Wells. New ed., revised and re-written. Church of Enyland Temperance I)epM, 9, Bridye Street, Westminster. S.W. n.d. cr. 8vo., pp. xii., 1 — liti; index, 127 — .S2 ; adver.. 133—^8. Spaston", William Dunnett. h, London, 18411 ; educated Loughborough Gr. Sch. and Middle- sex Hospital ; Resident Obstetric Assistant, Middlesex Hospital, 18()2 ; House Surgeon, North .Staffs. Infirmary, 18C8 ; Assistant House Surgeon, Sheffield (jeneral Infirmary ; Pro- sector of Anatomy, Hoy. Coll. .Surgeons, Eng., 1861—02; M.li.C.S.", Eng., and L.S.A.. 1862; F.R.C.S., Edin.. 1881 ; Med. Officer and Hon. Surgeon, North .StaflTs. Iiifiriuary. since 18()7 ; Treasurer, North .Staffs. Nat. Field Club ; President, 18«3 — 84 ; President of StaflTs. Brand) of Med. Association, 1888 ; Representative Member on Parliamentary Bills Committee of the Brit. Med. Association ; Vice-President of Surgery Section of the Med. Congress at Washington, 1884 ; of the Gynreol. Soc, 1890—91; J. P., Staflfs. ; in practice in Hanley since 1866. Author of [with Dr. C. Orton] : — What we Observed during a Visit to the Seat of War in 1870. London : Churchill. 1871. 8vo.. pp. 3'J. The Immediate Cure of Inguinal Hernia by a New Instrument. London: Office of the British Medical Associa- tion. 1881. 8vo.. pp. HI. An Address on .'>urgical Instinct. London: ^'British Medical .Journal" Office. 18S8. 8vo., pp. HI. The Cure of Hernia [Brit. Med. yo«r. (187".))] ; Ex- cision of the Tongue [Lancet (18X1)]; The Immediate Cure of Inguinal Hernia l)v a New Instrument [Brit. .Med.Jour. (1880, 1S82)] ; On the Cure of Hernia in re- lation to Parents and the Profession [Trans. International Med. Congress (1881)] ; Some of the Recent Methods of Operating for the Cure of Hernia [.\nnals of Anatomy and Surgery {Brooklyn, 1882)1 • Cases of Excision of Tongue, with Remarks on Different Methods of Removing Tongues [Lancet (1881)]; The Openitive Cure of Hernia [Med. Times I 1885)] ; Surgical Instinct [Brit. Med. ./our. (1888)] : Cystitis in Women [i)th International Med. Congress (1887)] ; Faith Healing [Med. Press and Circu- lar (4th March. 1885)] ; Treatment of Uterine Tumours 'Pror. Med. .Jour. (1st Sept., 1890)]; Surgical Notes i6. r2nd Feb.. 18!I2)] : The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky Jlep. North StaJ's. Field Club (1885), 72— 81 ] ; Charu- wood Forest [ib. (1882), .-14 — 10]; Presidential Address [ib. (1883), ilO— 100] ; Disease Germs and the Evolution Theory [ib. (1884), 120—29]. Spark, Rev. Thomas, b. Northop, Hunts., 1G35 ; s. of Rev. Archibald Spark ; educated Westmr. Sch. ; Mat. Ch. Cli., Ox., 17th July, 1672 ; B.A., 1676 ; M.A., 1679 ; B.D., 18th Feb., 1688 ; D.D., 1691 : Chp. to Lord Chancellor JeftVeys ; Hector of Ewhurst, .Surrey, 1688; Preb. of' Ollley and Canon of Lich- field, 9tli April, 16M6— 92 : Hector of High Oniey, 1686—92 : Hector of Norton, Leics. ; Canon of Rochester, 1688 ; il., Bath. 7th Sept., 1692. Lactantii Firmiani oi>era quns exLant. ad (idem MSS. recognita. et commentariis illustrata. Oj^on., 1GS4. 8vo. Nota- in libros sex novie historic zozini comitis. Oxon., 1G70. 8vo. [.Vfterwards translated into English by another liaud. and printed in lGli4.j SPARKS ( -t-^2 ) SPENCER SPAiiKS, John, Engraver, h. Uttoxeter ; enlisted in the Army and was draughted to Van Dieman's Land ; whilst there he made sketches of the surrounding country, wliicli on his return he sold to a [lot nianufacturur in Hanley. Spaurow, Arthur. b. Wolverhampton, 28th Nov., 1826 ; .-■. of Wdliam Hanlmry Sparrow. Esq., of Penn ; educated privately ; F.S.A. ; Vice-President of Sijropshire Archasol. Sop. : Member of William Salt Archa;ol. Soc. : ditto of Pipe Roll Soc. ; ditto of Harl. Soc. ; J. P., Staffs, and Salop : Deputy-Lieut., Salop ; High Sheriff, Salop, 18,SG-^87 ; of Preen Manor, Shrewsbury, and Tenl)y, South Wales. An encnur;i<,^er and helper of Literary undertakiugs, especially relatinj; to his native county. [Burke's Landed Gentry.] Sparrow, Arthur William Haubury. b. Penn, 185(5 ; s. of Arthur Sparrow, Esq, ; edu- cated Rugby ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 16th Oct., 1875 : d., in his College, 30th Oct., 1878. [Foster's Alumni Oxen., IV., 1332.] Sparrow, Burslem. b. Woolstanton (Wolslan- ton), 1701 ; s. of George Sparrow, Esq. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 23rd Feb., 1722 ; after- wards of Sedgley. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 13.32.] Sparrow, Cecil Blair, b. Penn, 1859 ; .'. of Arthur Sparrow, Esq. ; educated Clifton Coll.: Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 14th Oct., 1878 ; B.A., 1882 ; Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 188-1:. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., I;i32.] Sparrow, George, b. Sedgley, 1728 ; s. of Burslem Sparrow [.?«<»] ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 1745 ; B.A., 1749. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1332.] Sparrow, John, of Bishton Hall, Colwicb. Portrait. Engraved by S. W. Reynolds, after Owen. A very fine mezzo. Elephant fol. Sparrow, William Hanbury. b. Wolverhamp- ton, (itli Jan., 1789 ; "one of the pioneers of the Railway System : as early as 7th April, 1824, he call'd a meeting at Wolverhampton, 10 consider the question of a railroad from Staff's. Ironworks, &c., to ilanchestor and Liveipool ; it was greatly through his efforts that the old Grand Junction Railway was formed and the opposition of the landlords broken down." [Minutes and MS., penes A. Sparrow, Esq.] Spatkmax, Rev. Thomas. M.A. ; Chp. to Dr. Hare, Bp. of Chichester ; Vicar of Chiswick, Middlesex ; Preb. of St. Paul's ; Preb. of Weeford, Lichfield, 2nd April, 1731—61 : cl. 18tb Jan., 17G1 ; bur. Chiswick. [Harwood's Lichfield, 252.] Si-ATEMAX, Rev. Walter, b. Yoxall, 1688: j. of Rev. Jiihn Spateman : Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 24tb March, 1705; Chorister^ ]7o(» — 1706: B. A., All Souls', 1708 : M. A., Magd. Hall., 171(1. [Bloxam's Magd. Coll., I., 12G j Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IV., 139.=i.] Sperlntor (The). The (Jueen of the Moorlands ^Thf .-'peclolnr, Slst Dec. IS.-*:. Reprinted in '• Olde Leckc." ins— 11 J. Speem, John. r.'V Description of England and Wales | T. Siiodham, for ./. Sutlhtirtfe and O. Humble. Lotulon. 1G05. Svn. The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain. Lon- don, IGll. fol. England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland Described. (1. Ilnmbh. n.pl. or p. 15. Two Sermons preached . . . Hinckley, Leicester- shire. Svo. Sermon preached at St. Michael's Church, West Bromwich . . . May 3Ist, 1841. Birminyham, 1841. 8to. A Letter to the Hon. and Rev. G. S|>encer on the Oxford Movement in the United States. By "Americo- Catliolicus." Aew Vork, 1842. 8vo. Thoughts and Affection on the Passion of Jesus Chri.-it for every day in the year . . . Translated from the Italian. Two Volumes. Limdon. 1854. Hvo. The School of Jesus Crucitied. Birmiuffham^ 1866. rimo. Ignace Spencer et la Renaissance du Catholicisme en Angleterre, 1818 — 72, par M. I'Abbe de Maudaune. Parti, 1873. 8vo. Life of St. Paul of the Cross. Translated from the Italian. London: Lane if Son. 1S75. 8vo. The Christian Armed. Translated by the Hon. and Rev. G. Spencer, 1 2th thousand. Life of the Hon. and Rev. George Spencer (Father Ignatius, of St. Paul). Compiled chiefly from his auto- biography, journal, and letters, Bv Rev, Father Pius a Sp. Sancto, Fassionist. Dublin: iJnjf'tj. 1866. Biographical Notice. [Men of the Time (.'>th ed.),] Contributed to The Catholic Magazine and The Edinburgh Catholic Magazine. Si'ESCER, Eev. John Louis, b. Nuwton, Moiits., 22iid Nov., 1848 ; s. of Michael Spenter-Jones, LL.B. ; educated All Saints', Blo.xham, and Lanijieter Coll. ; B.D., 1»78 ; Curate of Whit- church Caiinicorutu, Uorsct, 1871 — 72 ; Vicar of Kuowle St. Giles, Somers., 1873 ; Curate- in-charge of Marshwood, Dorset, 1873 — 77 : of Wem, 1877—84 ; Vicar of Pelsall, 1884, to date; m., Jane Gertrude, ilati. of R. Piice Edwards, of Tolley Llandillo. Steadfast in the Faith. Lichjield: Lomax. 1880. Cr. 8vo., pp. xii., llli. Contributions to: — lliclrnsou's Theoloi/ical Quarterh/, Oct.. 1882; The Literary I hnrchman. l! ; hnr. Austin Friars, Stafford. [Bodl. Lib., 358. vii., 89 : 1115, '.M:! : 1157, o8.] Stafford, Edmund. 2nd s. of Sir Riehnrd de Stafford (sninmoned to Parliament as Jiaron Stafford of Clifton in l;-i71) and Isaliel (i/ait. (if Sir Richard do "V'ernon, of Haddon, Derhys., and Harlaston, Staffs.), his wife; Hector of Worthen, Salop, 13G9 ; Preh. of Ufton, 13()9 — 77 ; of Weet'ord, (both) Lichfield, 1377 — 9.5 : Piel). of Welton-Paynshall, Lincoln ; of Knaresborongh-cum-Bickhili, York, and Dean of York, when he was promoted B|). of Exoter, Jan., 1395 ; Lord ('iianoellor of England, 23rd Oct., 139C. to abdication of Richard IL, and again in Jan., 14(ll, to Feb., 14(13; (L "in harness," at Clyst, Devon., 1419, aged 75. Will dated 24tli July, 141S ; proved ISth Sept., 1419. His Will. [Preserved in Reg. Archbp. Chicheley, I., 319, :C2U.] llegistrum Venerabilis Patris, Domini Edmundi de Stafforde, Ejiiscopi Exoniensis, qui consecratus fuit in Capella Manei-ii dt^ Lambith. Wyntoinensis Diocesis, per Reverendissitnun in Cbristij Patrcm et iJuminum. Dominum Willelmnm Courtenay, Archiepiscopnm Cantuariensem, die Dominica videlicit vicesimo die menais Junii Anno Domini Millesimo CCCmo. Nonagesimo quinto auctoritate Liter.irum Ajiostolicarum snbsrriptarum, assistentibus eidem Reverendis Patribus. Roberto Londoniensi, et Johanni Sarumensi, Eiiiscopus. [MS. FoHo Volume, written on vellum, consisting of 334 folios— or rattier. 324. for tliere is a clerical error, after f. c.xli.x., which is followed hy f. cl.\.~first date, 14th July, 1395 ; ending on folio 248, dated 3rd Sept., 1411).] Registrnm Reverendi Yiri M.agistre Radulphi Tre- grision. Legum Doctoris. Decani Exoniensis, Vener.ibilis in Christo Patris et Domini, Domini Edmundi, Dei Gracia Exoniensis Episcopi, ipso Venerabili Patre in remotis agente Vicarii in Spiritualibns Generalis, de Pi"esentacioni- bus et Institucionibns, virtutc et auctoritate cnjusdam Commissi 'nis sibi facte et inferins dcscripte : xiij. die mensis Julii, Anno Domini Millesimo CCCmo. nonagesimo qninto, prefatns Magister Radulphus Commissionem dicti Venerabilis Patris recepit. in hec verba. [.\. MS. Volume, as before, commencing 6th .Inly, 1305, end- ing 3rd Sept., 1419. It also contains numerous other docunieuts.] In 188t: the Register was j>ublished as follows : — The Register of Edmund Stafford (A.D. I;i9.i— 1410). An Index and Abstract of its Contents, by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston Randolph, M.A., Rector of Ringmore, Pre- bendary of Exeter, and Dean-Riiral. London : freorge 15G7 ; Master of his Coll., 1571—80 ; B.D., 10th April, 1575 ; D.D., loth April, 157G ; Vicar of Cumnor, Berks., 15G8 ; Rector of Wollaston, Notts., 1570: of Winterhourne Earls, Wilts., 1571 : of Fillinghnm, Lines., 1572; of Drayton, O.xon., I."i74; Canon of St. Paul's, 1578 ; Preh. of Colwich and Canon of Lichfield, 5th Sept., 158() to death ; Archd. of Middlesex, 1587 to death: ., 16114. [Parliamentarv Diet. ; Foster's .\lumni Oxon.. E..S., IV., 1404.] Staffdrii, Rev. Egerton. b. I'enkridge, 1764 ; s. of Rev. James Stafford ; Mat. Cb. Ch., 0.\., 14th June, 1781 ; B.A., 1785 ; M.A., 1781 : Rector of Thenl'ord, Northants., 17s7 — 94 : Vicar of Chacoinbe, Nortliants death : d. 22nd Feb., 1843. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1339.] 1794 to Stafford, Elizabeth, Marchioness of. dau. of William, 17th Earl of Sutherland ; m., 4th Sept., 1785, George Granville, 2rid Marquis of Stafford (created Duke of Sutherland, 1833) ; (/. 29th Jan., 1839. Views in Orkney iind on the North-Eastern Co.ast of Scotland. Etchings and Designs by the Most Noble the Marchioness of Stafford. Loiidoii, 1SU7. fol. [Only 12U copies printed f(»r i)riVHte circulation.] The Additional Case of Elizabeth Claiming the Title and Dignity of Countess of .Sutherland. By her Guardian. To be had at the Bar of the House of Lords upon day of 177... 4to., pp. 27, 70, 77. Portrait. Engraved by J. Freeman, after T. Philips. 8vo. Stafford Family. Nomina Baroniarum et feodorum in com. Salop et Staffs. [Bodl. Lib., 793, I. (20), liiih, Mb: SGG. 3.59]. Staft'ordiorum .Stemma post Humfredum voc;itum •' wt the silver hande" [ih., '00. I. (38|,2ln]. These large pedigrees '■ Owt of Sr Humfrv StaffoRi's great register of evidence, a", 25, H. 8 " [ib. IL (15), 22(;— 27] ; Two others ■' Owt of Lord Stafford s booke" {ib., 240J. '-A moate on instru- ment to declare how the ditt'ereuce was decided touching the subscripcon [.''ie] of the title untler the arms of her Matie, etc. : and the King of Fnince" which was attested at Paris, 3 Mar., 1584, by the Earl of Derby and Sir Edw. Stafforde, ambassadors, and bv Clarencieux and Somerset [ib.. 1110, IIL (*27), 9il«: 1113, VIIL, C. f. 118n]. De Chartis Petri Corbet domini de Kawes (23 Edw. III.), recitatis in Uteris de innoteseimus pro Radulpbo. domino Stafford (9 Junii, 31 Hen. VIII.) [ib., IIU, 102, f. 242]. De releviis Radulphi de Staffonl. Roberti tilii Rob. de Harley, et Edwardi de Cornubia, jiro p:irtibus suis baronife de cans (24 et 25 Edw. III.) [ih.. f. 243]. Stemma dis- cension ostendens Humfr. tilii Edmundi Comitis Stafford (qui Edm. ob. 21 Julii, 4 Hen IV.) ex inquisionibus [i6., f. 243]. Abstracts of the will of Harry Staffonl, j. of Humfrey, late Duke of Buckingham (dated 2 Oct.. 1471 : prob. 14 Mav. 1482) [ib., f. 2.58i]. Arms and Quarterings of Sir — St'afford [ib., 1121, VIII., 232]. Breve ad vie. Staff, de extenda facienda mediatatis terra; Johannis Hastonges, pro debito Iladulpho de Stafford et Johanni Mordak (22 Mail, 27 Edw. III.) [;«., ii,->^ (31)). 88]. De unione jurium et possessionum Comitis Heref.', Essex', et North.', ducatui Lane. a^. 2'' Hen. 5 per P:irliamentum [lA., 7757. f. 49J. Particia heriditatis Comitis Hereff.' fiicta per Henricum super Regem .\nglia; Quintum et ducatui Lane' untEB et annexas [ib., 1157, f. ,58, recites petition of Com- tesse de Stafford to Parliament 1 Hen. VI. ( Rot. Pari. IV., 17B — 77)]. Articles against "the dlsccyvabille covetous rule and gydyng of certeyne ceducious persones. that is to say, the Lorde Ryvers. the Duchesse of Bedforde, his wyf, S' William Herbert Erie of Pembroke, Humfrey S[ t]afforde Erie of Devonshire, the Lordis Scalis and" Audeley, S' .lohne Wydevile, and his hretherne, S' .lohne Fogge, and other of theyre myschevous rule opinion and :isse!it " [ib., 1160, m. f. 24 — 1ft]. Articles of impeachment of high treason and other high crimes :uid offences ;igt W"> Erie of Powis, Win Viscount Stafford, Henry, Lord Arundel], of Wardour, Wm Lord Petrie, and .John L<1 Beliasis, now in the Tower of London [ISCXi, f. 9 — 12]. Reasons offered in the Lords by the House of Commons concerning the Lords in the Tower [ih., f. 27— .'io], Pe : S34, V. 46 : 1107. 207 : lllS, 2431. Evidences [ib., 790, 231), 2406 : Burke's Extinct Peerage.'] Stafford, Henry. Salisburv, :iiid Nov., u«a. Portrait. Engraved bv Houbraken. Amsterdami, 1745. Complaint of "Duke of Buck, his gohst." [BotU. Lib.. 36. f. (i— 104.] [Burke's Extinct Peerage, 5(10.] Staffoiu), Hoiirj. Youngest «. of Henry, 2ik1 Duke of Hufliingliani (lieheadeil 14H;i) ; created p]arl of Wiltshire, long ; d. 1523. Ceremony of the Creation of Edw. (Henry) Stafford, Earl of Wilt'shire (3rd Feb., 1 Hen. VIII.). [Bodl. Lib., nU0mi)),t. l.Wi— 9.] St.vifoud, Henry. .<. of Edward, Diikc of Buckingliaui (beheaded ITiil); .Student at Ox. and Cam. Univ. ; received Grant of Castle and Manc.r of StatTord, lf)th July, 23 Henry VIII., and Deanery of iStafford, 4th April, 4 Edward VI. ; created Lord Stafford by Edward VI. ; dissented from the Act of Uniformity ; compiler of Stafford MSS. ; m. Ursula, dull, of Sir Richard Pole, K.G., and Margaret Plantagemt, Countess of Salisbury, his wife ; (/. 5th May, 1563. The true dyfferens between the regal power and the ecclesiastical power. . . . Translated by Henry . . . Erie of Staltord. London : W. Cnpdand. nj. (1548). 8vo. London : \V. Copelttnd. it.d. duo. [The loaves ar ■ numbered on both sides, the former part with numerals, but afterwards they vary so as the same number to be on both pages up to folio cvi.] Two E]nstles of Erasmus, wherein is declared the brain-sick headincss of the Lutherans. Translated out of Latin. London, 1553. 8vo. An Act for the Restitution of Henry, Lord Stafford. 1 Edw. VI. Honour and Virtue Triumphing over the Grave. Exemplilied in the Life and Death of Henry, Lord .Stafford, with Eclogues bv A. Staft'ord. London. 1640. Stafford MSS. In two folio Volumes. [Ptiies The Earl of Shrewsbury.] Grant to him by Queen Mary. [Bodl. Lib., 837, 181.] [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I., 'liM ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab.. I,. ilC— 17, n.iS ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 140 ; Nicolas's Synopsis of the Peerage ; Dugclale's Baronetage, I., 171 ; Waljjole's Koyal and Noble Authors ; Strype; Lemon's Cal. St. Pa., 5.'^ 110, 13!). Itio, 180, 181 ; Miss Wood's Letters, II., 218: VI., 9('i, 1110; Aschami Epistolaj. I If), nil, 30.".; Webb's Epitaph. I.. 122; Bale Tanner's Bibl Brit.; Talbot Pa., B. 1. if. ; Coke's Reports, VII., 74 ; Burns' Livre des Anglais, 7 ; Maitland's Early Printed Books, 235.] Stafford, Hugh, 2nd Earl of Stafford, K.G. 2nd .«. of Kalpli, 1st Earl of Staft'ord ; attended King Edward in his wars with France, Flanders, and Scotland ; ?n. I'iiilippa de Beauchamp, (lau. of 4th Earl of Warwick ; (/., at Rliodes, in the Mediterranean, when returning from Palestine, 1386 ; bur. Stone Priory. Note on his Will, dated 1389. [Bodl. Lib., 1105, 2205.] Stafford, Humfrey. Created Lord Stafford of Soutlnvick, 1464, and Earl ot Devon, 1469 ; beheaded at Bridgewater, 17th Aug., 14 69. Created Lord Stafford of Southwick [Bodl. Lib,, 841, 317] ; Articles against him [i6., 1100, m. 26]. Staffcird, Humphrey (or Humfrey). 6th Earl of Stafford ; created Duke of Buckingham, 1444 ; Count of Perche, 8 Henry V. ; Earl of Herefiird and of Northampton ; Lord of Brecknock and Holderness ; m. Anne, dau. of I Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmoreland : killed at the Battle of Nortli;impton, 19th July, 1460. Grant of Arms [Bodl. Lib., 858, 93] ; Creation as Duke of Buckingham [ib.. 841. 21)7] ; Descent [it*., 1115. 213 ; Burke's Extinct Peerage, 5C0.] Stafford, Rev. James Charles, b. Farfhingoe, Northants., 1791 ; s. of Rev. Egerton Stafford [*(><>] ; educated Rugby, 1804 ; Mat. Trin. Coll., 0.\., 22nd June, 1811 ; Exliiliitioner, Lincoln Coll., 1813 — 15 ; Demy, Magd. Cdll., 1815— 32; B.A., 1816; M.A., 1817 : B.U.. 1832; Fellow, 1832-42; Vice-President, 1833; Dean of Divinity, 1835; Vicar of Penkridge, April, 1830— Dec, 1S33 : of Din- ton, Wilts., 1841, to death ; d., Clifton, near Bristol, 15th Dec, 1873. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., IV., 1.3.39 ; Bloxam's Magd. Coll., VII., 259 ; Rugby Sch. Reg., '.H) ; Tildesley's Penk- ridge, 49.] Stafford, John de. Preb. of Bobenhall, 3rd Mar., 1363—73. [Harwood's Lichliekl, 219.] Stafford, John de. b. Stafford ; flouiished circa 1427. History of England in Latin. MS. .Stafford, Most Rev. John. s. of .Sir Hum- plirey .Stafford, Knt., and Elizabeth (,'lieyney, his 2nd wife ; Keeper of Privy .Seal ; P.O., Dec, 14i'2 : Treasurer of England, Dec, 1424; Bp. of Wells, 27th Feb., 1432—43; Chancellor of England ; Archbp. of Canter- bury, 6th Aug., 1443, to death; (/., Maid- stone, Kent, 6th July, 1452. [Britton's Wells Cathedral, 44, 45 ; Anglia Sacra, I., 572 ; Hist, of Canterbury Cathedral.] Stafford, Ralph. Ist Earl of Stafford, 25 Edward III. ; K.G. ; Summoned to Parlia- ment as Baron de Stafford, 1 & 10 to 24th year of Edward 111. ; one of the Founders of the Order of the Garter, 23 Edward HI.; founded the Church and Convent of Austin Friars in Stafford ; m. Margaret, ^y«t(. of Hugh de Audeley, Earl of Gloucester ; d. 31st Aug., 1372; bvr. Tunbridge Wells. Collection for his Life. [Bodl. Lib., 1100, 227, 229— 39,241—5.] [Burke's Extinct Peerage, 499.] Deeds, dated 1349—51. [16., 1115, 212—423.] Stafford, Randolphus Comes. [Bodl. Lib., 1106, 227, 229, 238, 241—48.] Stafford, Roger. «. of Richard (3rd s. of Heniy, 1st Baron) Stafford ; heir male to the Barony of Staft'i.rd on the death of Henry, 5th Lord .Stafford, in 1637 ; compelled by Charles I. to surrender his Barony to the Crown, " because (said the King) he had no property "; d., 164u, vnmarrird. His sister Jane, the great-granddaughter of the mighty Edward, Duke of Buckinghau), married a joiner in Newport, .Salop, and had a son, a cobbler ; "thus terniinaied the chief line of the Clares, STAFFORD (427) STAFFOUDSllIRI': Eails of Gloucester, and the Boliuns, Earls of Stafford ami Hereford, Dukes of Bucking- ham, and Barons of Stafford." [Hiirwood's Erileswicke (1X44).] Stafford Tows. Seal [Bodl. Lib.. 113S. Ilii]; Pleas, (i-nip. Edward I. [850, 86] : Visit of James I. [SM. .J8:! : 857, 308] ; Storm at (1IJC2) [174, 4«3] ; St. Mary's Church given to the Bp. of Coventry [864, ij] ; Monuments [853, 104.]. An Act for repairing and widening road from Stafford ... to Uttoxeter, ic. 1702. fol. An Act for continuing the terms, Ac, of above. 1813. Au Act for repairing, &c. [same road], ItJth Jan., 1)J34. An Act for Paving, Lighting, Watching, and Cleaning. . . . 29th Ma)', 18.W. fol., pp. 1G9. The Stafford Corporation Act .... to acquire rights in Coton Field, .vc, 19th July, 188n. fol., pp. 44. Speech of Charles the 1st at the Head of the Army, near Stafford. London, 1G42. 4to. A Short Hand Map of Stafford Borough. Stafiord, 1817. An Account of St. Mary's Church. By G. G. Scott. 1842. (Not published.) 4to. Plates and Text 'lithographed. The Stafford and Rugby Railway Considered. London, 1841. 8vo. An Account of the Disturbances at Stafford on the 10th of January, IS.iO ; with a Report of the Trial and Acquittal, at the Staffordshire Summer Assizes, in the same year, of the Fifteen Persons charged with Riot on that occasion. Published on b'half of the Defence Fund. Stafford: Printed and Sold by Hill if Halden, Gaolgate Street. 1850. 8vo., pp. 48. [See Fitzherbert (Thos.), Cherry (J. L.), Staffordshire Adverti.^er. Staffordshire Chronicle. Hill & Halden. Ualden (Jo.«eph) (& Son). Wright (R. & W.), Lineal (J.), Walthoe (J.), Palmer (W.), Bynns (Rev. R.), Tayler (Thos.), Drewry (J.), Mort (J. & C), Morgan (W.), Dawson (E.), The Earls and Barons Stafford, Jernyngham (Sir W.), Betheny (St.), Swann (Rev.), Payne (J.), Cooper (Thos.), Talfourd (Judge), Mundy (J.). "Norman (Rev. G. W.) (Rev. D. R.), The Go.vers, Cooke (S. S.).] Stafford, William. b. Chebscy ; «. of Sir William Stafford ; educated Winchester Coll.; Fellow of New Coll., Ox., I.')??. — 7.J ; d. KUh Nov., 1612. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1405.] Stafford, William, Viscount [see Howard (W.).] Speeches on the Scaffold. London, 1680. 4 leaves. The Trial of William, Lord Stafford. London. 1680 1. Transactions of the Two Last Parliaments [on Lord Stafford, i-c] London. 1683. ind ed., Loudon, 1685, fol. Speech of the Lord High Steward in Pronouncing Judgment. London, 1680. fol. The Pope's Letter to the Lords in the Tower, con- cerning Lord Stafford. London. 1681. fol., pp. 2. Strange and Wouderful News from the Lords in the Tower. London, 1681. . Impartial Account of the Proceedings relating to Lord Stafford and the Plot of 1679. London, 1681. Memoir and Execution of Viscount Stafford. London. 1681. Anira-aaversions on the List Speech of Viscount Stafford. London, 1681. Proces du Vicomte de Stafford, pour Crime du haute Trahison. Coloi/ne (ICUecir), 1681. Memoir of William. Viscount Stafford. London, 1682. Answer to Stafford's Memoirs. By R. Hancock London. 1682. The Papists Blooly After Game. In Answer to Stafford's Memoirs. London. 1682. fol.. pp. 32. Trial of the Earl of Stafford for High Treason. With an -■Vccount of some other Matters of Fact, Arguments in Law. &c. By Rushworth. London, 16i0. fol. ; Portrait by White. Nahoth's Vineyard ; or. Instruction for a Monument to William, Lord Stafford. By a Prisoner in the Tower. London, 1605. Stafforde, Anne, Countass of. Here begynnehe a devout Invocason to Sainte Anne by P. Solempere religious Lidegatc, made at the Com- manilment of my Ladle Anne Counta.sse of Stafforde. [Bodl. Uh.'aO, f. 444 : 1 1 staves of 7 : Ritson No. 232.] Stafforde, Sir Henry, s. of Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham ; m. Margaret, Countess of Bichniond {mother of Henry VII.). Will, dated 1482. [Bodl. Lib., 1115. 2.t84.] Staffordshire. AxTigriTiK.-i : — Domesday Book of Stafford.sbire. Southampton, 1882. fol. fientlemnn'a Mai/azine (1734 to date) : — History of the County of Staffo.-d [(July, Aug , Sept., 1823), 27, 10.5, 217] ; Corrections [398]; Xa'tural Curiosi- ties [309] ; Notice of Lichfield [219] ; Eminent Men [386] ; Account of Moseley Hou.se [414] ; Collection for a History of Staffordshire noticed [1941 ; Curious Custom at Walsall [221, 589]. [Besides tlie above — which are eulered because the Volume is specially Staffordshire— tlifere are innumerable reference^ to the County : many ui which are given in the body of the Biblio. under the several lieads. For other references sec 'Lieut.-Col. Gommes's Gent.'s Mtuj. Library, now being issued ] Journal of the British Archasological Association (1873):- Early Industries of Staffordshire— Roman Roads in Staffordshire— Early Religious Houses of Staffordshire- Saints of .Staffordshire. The Genealotjist : — Funeral Certificate of the Leveson Family [I., 385] ; Grant of Augmentation to Mr. Robert Foley, of Stourbridge (1671) [II.. 37] ; Leveson Family [II.. 84] ; Arms of Swinnerton [IL, 164] : Wood of Northumber- land, including Pedigree of Wood of L'ttoxeter [II, 201]: William Ward. Vicir of Wal.sall (1571) [II 272 J; Wolseley Family [IL, .■(33] : Swinnerton of Wol- stanton [IV.. 129] : Notes on Heralds' Visitation of Staffordshire [N.S., II., 266]. [Testa de Nevill sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Henry III. and Edward I., folio (1807) 44 — 62 ; Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisi- tionum ad Quod Damnum (1S03). 8. 11 14 •'•' -'4 '>5 28, .30. 33. 34. 39, 41, 42, 45, 49. 59, 611. 67—9 7'' 76—8' 80, 82, 84, 86—9. 92—4. 9!l, lull, lU — 14, l-'l, I-'-' l-'.'^— .3o' 133, l.'U. 137, 141-13, 1 16— 4S. 1.5(1—54. I.5.S.' lim.' 164, 168' 169, 171, 172, 174—76, 178,181—83, 18.5—87, 189. 192 194 199 201. 206, 208, 209, 215, 220. 224, 228, 229. 231— 34, 237. 24o' 244, 246, 247. 254. 260. 263, 272—75. 278. 282—84' 30.5 803 —10, 312, 315, 318, 319. 321. .322, .327, 33.3, 3.35, 337, .346, 352, 353, 356, 358, 362. 364, 369. 370. 373, 374. 390 ; The Reliq., I., 42, 72, 73, 10.5—11, 121. 157, 180, 195, 241 242, 249-51 : II., 37-40. 48. 5.5-70. 1.55—58. 163, 172, 173, 186. 206—12. 218. 231 : III.. 25, 59. 117— 19, 131, 159. 162, 163. 16S. l.S(j— S3. 200—5, 211 — 17 2.38 — 12: IV., 17, 2:!— 30, 40. 41. 59, 60, 104, lu.s- 116' 13,5, 136. 157 — 60. 186-95, 237—13. 250—54 •>63 •'64- v., .3—8, 21—3. 26— .30. .39. 52 — I. 79—84, 109, 124, 1.31 — 13" 1.56—64, 171—73, 182, 202. 20.5—10. 217-31. 244—46 : VI 1— 11, 2'.l — 14. .5(1, .53—5, 61, 69—86, 92—6, 105—8. 135, 136,' 1.39 — 17. 151, 157—71. 179—83. I,s5— 90. 19.5—99. 201 — 19' 245: VII.. 100—8. 113. 114. 127, 129— .36, 211—19,249— .56 : VIIL, 45, 62. 97. 9.8. 127, 139, 145. 181. 182, 188 190 191. 229, 252. 2.53. 256 : IX.. 32. .58. .59. 64. 79. 126 177—79' 182, 183,2.56: X.. 24—8. .3.3—7. 51, 52, 61. 67—9. 78. 93! 103—12, 119, 120. 122, 169—72. 179, 180 184 19,3_-io-> •225, 226. 239. 248. 249 : XL, 5, 27—9, 40—2, 51, 63. 6.5. 66.' 78. 81,8:t. 109—1.5, 1.12, 1.33. 1.3.5—10. 166. 179 180 197-- 200. 22.5—36, 2,55, 256 : XII., 8, 9 — 16. 45, 63 93. 1'7 l-'8 ISS. 194—206 : XIIL. 69. 176. 192, 193, 247 : XIV ' iV 172. 17.5—77. 194. 249: XV.. 1(13,114.138 — 10,152.2.50:' XVI., 117. 118, 127, 128. 163— 61;. l.Sd. Ks|. l!Mi i<)| • XVII I, 2. 60. 63. 7.1—8(1, 113— M. 12(1. 129—34 138 147— 54' 193—201: XVIIl., 17—20.29—32.47-56,71—6 s| 103' 10!*, 115. 124. 127. 1.56—69. 192. 228— .'id 2.3.5—39. 2.56: XI.X.. 1 — 7. 37 — 16. 52, 62—64. 74—88. 9.'$— 6 9'l^i(i) "117 1.32—31. 20.5—9 : XX.. 1—8. 21—6. loi. Ui7, 113. l.tri--3-'" 139 — 12. 198— 204, 223— 28. 2.53: .\XI.. 21— ,'18 41 7;{— « 97—101. 126, 128. 135—1(1. 161. 169—73, LSI l;ii |"'U— 96' 20.5—8, 238, 2.19. 253: XXII.. 1 1 — 16. 2o8. 22.3, 2:t8, 2.39 ' X.XIU.. 17-28. 38 — 14, 97. 11,5. 14.5— .59, 209 ''lo' -ws 234. 23.5. 238 : XXIV.. M. 67. 71. 72. 81-7. 146-51 ■l6'i-; 67. 187. 22.5—3(1. 2:t3— 36 : The .inli.mar,,. I. 47 68 71. 109. 128— .to. 13.1. 136. 140. 277—79: II 6:^-6 85 107, 10.N, 127. 167. 21.'t. 218: III.. 41. 187. 259. 260 'm- IV.. 3. 28, 34. 86. 129. 167. 221. 231 : V.. 33. M,. 38, 69. 84, STAFFORDSHIRE ( 428 ) STAFFORDSHIRE liiS I7S. -222. --'IS, 2i>\. Sliil : VI., 28. 32. 33, 78, 82, 128. 129, 228, 22'.l. 27:>. 2711 : VII.. 13. 33. 77, 83. 89— '.13. 183 : VIII.. 21. 79. 8(1. 199, 291 — 1. 213. 214. 229. 230, 243 — l(i, 2(i(i ; Echviiivls's Walter llaleigh. I.. 208, 209. 21(1. 233, 40.% GIO : II., 427 ; Blaine's EncvclopaHlia of Rural Sports. 724. 725, 1192 ; Griflith's .Markets and Fair.s. 29, 30, 3li. 37, HI. 124, 23."). 391— 9(1. .■>42-47. ."wO— 71. 577. «05— 15. «24. (!lJ9, 745— 50. 773—78. 849-58.] BiiH;n.\rHV : — [Lancashire Authors, bv C. W. Sutton. 19. 29. 34, 38. (W. 79. 82—5. 88. 91. 94. 115. 129. 14li. 152. 161; The Monckton Family. 38. 4(i, 83. 10.'). 113. 115. 137. 138. 140. 14G. 192. V. — viii.. xxxi.. xxxii.. li.. Ixxxviii. — xc. xcvii.. cxv. ; Biog. Diet, of Living Authors (181(i). 4. 9. 10. 12. 15, 24. 29. 30. 33. 311. 3S. 50. 5.'). 58.—7. 84. 94, 107. 129. 147. 148, 17.'). 1811. 1S7. 2111. 2U.>. 207. 210. 217. 23."). 243, 248. 2117, 2lis. 274. 275. 305. 311. 313. 319. .321. 352. 357. 374, 382, 385. .395. 398. 421. 440 : Cunningham's Hist, of Eng. in the Lives of Englishmen, I., 380, 381 I II.. 18—20. 113. 64. 7.")- 8: III.. 22. 23. I;!(i— 38, 1.55, 1.56. 1.58—62. 168. 169. 2H8 — 13. 261—113: v.. 5.5—7. 7.5—85: VI.. 92—9, 120— 32.214—16. 300— lU: VII.. 165—85, .302—8. 454—58; Roberts's Hannah More (18:16). I.. 34— 7. 40— 2, 48. 49. 53 —6, 59. 64. 9.5-9. 126. 127. 198—202. 206. 207. 223. 225, 266, 273, 274. 298—3112, 312, .31.3, .330, 338, 396, 399, 403, 405. 559, 582 : II.. -248 ; Bateman's H. V. Elliott (1872j. 24, 25. 98, 103 — 5, 293, 294 ; Mrs. Oliphant's History of English Literature (3 vols.). I.. 12. 17, 26. 38. 192. 210." 218—39, 258 : IL, 21. 74, 123, 135, 263. 305—12. 379 : III.. 22, 207, 253.] Haslam's Old Derby Factory (1874) :— [L. Annoux. 6 — 7; William Duesbury. 15 — 25; Dr. Johnson, 25; William Pegg, 70—96. 248^9; Thomas Pegg. 96 — 7 ; S:imuel Keep, 104 — ,= : Jesse Mountford, 110—11; Thos. Brentnall, 111; William Hall. Ill— 12 ; Thomas Steele. 119— 121 ; Daniel Lucas, 121— 22 ; Henry L. Plait. 123 : John Hancock, 125 — 27 : George Hancock, 129—31 ; Josejih Slater, 134—35 ; Stephan, 153—55 ; Edw. and S. Keys, 160 — 62 ; James Tliomason, 165 — 66.] Civil W.\u Tu.vct.s: — Queries for Siaffordshire. Declaration of Parliament, with Instruction to the Lords Lieutenant of Warwick and Stafford. London, 1642. Speeches on the Staffordshire Petition. London, 1644. Testimony of the Ministers of the County of Stafford on the Solemn League and Covenant. London, 1648. Gkolouv .\ni) N.\Trit.\L Hi.story : — The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences. 7'k6- Ushed bi) It'. Owen, Temple Bar. 1762. 8vo. [Natural History of Staffoi'dshire (with Map), 179 — 95.] British Association Report, 1866. [North Stafford- shire Cciltield.] The Miscellaneous Tracts of the late William Wither- ing [sometime of Stafford] ... in Two Volumes. London, 1S22. 8vo. [Staffordshire— I., 36. 43, 55 : II., 417—20, 421—22.] Transactions ftf Geological Society — Account of . . . Argillaceous Limestone . . . Ironstone of Staft'ordshire [V., 375]. Discovery of Ich- thyolites in the S.W. portion of North Staft'ordshire Coal- field [Proceedings, II. . 202]. New Red Sandstone in Counties of Salop, Stafford, itc. [I'A.. 115]. Outlines of Principal (leologiciil Features of Salt-field of Cheshire and adjoining districts [Uuarl. Jour., IV.. 262]. On the Mill- stone Grit of North Staffordshire, &c. \ib.. XX.. 242]. Marine Fossils in Coal-shales. Lougton [Geol. Mag., II., 569]. Geology of Cloud Hill [ib.. 11. 374]. Marine Fossils in Coal-measures, Longton [/6., II., 234, 286]. A New Species of Aconthodes from Longton \_Q.nart. .fonr.. XXII., 468]. The Weaver Clays [Geol. .I/ay., IV.. .381]: Gravel Beds of Trentham Park [ih., IV.. 173]. On the Rhajtic Beds of Needwood Forest [ib.. VII., 2.38J. Copper and Lead Ores . . of Cannock Chase [ib., X., 18]. On Cycloptychius Carbonarius from the Coal-measures of North Staffiirdshire [ib.. Secoud Series, I., pi. xii., p. 241]. On the Affinities of Anthracoptera and Anthracomya [Quart, ./our.. XLL, 249]. 7'Ae A nalyst : — On the Geology of the Northern Part of the County of Stafford [IX., •2'33]. British Association Reports : — On an Economical use of the Granitic Sandstone of North Staffordshire [Report (1839). p. 7]. The Coal Strata of North Staffordshire, A-c. [(1859), p. 103]. Rem.arks on Fossil Fish from the Noith Staffordshire Coal-fields [(I860) p. 88]. Description of a ne\y genus of Carboniferous Fish from the Deep Mine of Longton and Fenton [(1863, 1865)]. Report of the Committee on the Distribution of the Organic Remains of the North Staffordshire Coal-field [(1864) 342]. Ditto [■( 1865) 42]. Appendix to Rejiort [i'6.. 317]. On the Circulation of Underground Waters, Sections of Boreholes :it Hatton Mill, near Eccleshall [(1877) 371]. Memoirs of Literar}' and Philosophical Society, Manchester ; — On the Origin of Ironstones . . . newly-discovered Red Stone at Ipstones . . . [Vol. XII., 3l"]. On Dis- covery of the IJones of a Mammoth ... at Waterhouses [(1864) 46]. Tran.sactions of Manchester Geological Society : — On the New .Sub-divi-sion of the Triassic Rocks of the Central Counties [ A'ol. II., jd. 3. p. 22]. On the Fossil Shells of the Lower Coal-measures [ib., part 7. p. 72]. The North Staffordshire Coalfield [III., 304]. The Upper Co.al Measures of England and Wales [VI.. .'18]. Notes on an Ossiferous Cavern recently discovered in the Car- boniferous Limestone of Staffordshire. [XII., p. 28]. Memoirs of Geological Survey : — Figures and Descrijitions of British Organic Remains (some from Silverdale) [Decade VI., PI. 2, Figures 1 — 3]. On the Geology of the Country round Stockport, Maccles- field, Congleton, and Leek [(1866)]. The Triassic and Permian Rocks of the Midland (Jounties of England [(1869) pp. X., 127]. The .Miniufj and .Smelling .Magazine : — The North' Staft'ordshire' Coalfield [Vol. II., 65]. Publications of the Palseontological Society : — A Monograph of the British Fossil Brachiopoda [Part v., No. 5 (1863) (Staft'ordshire). plates 51 — 55]. Observa- tions on Structure of Fossil Plants . . . Carboniferous Strata [(1871) Part II., .3.3—62]. Ditto [(1872) Part III.], The Ganoid Fishes of the British Carboniferous Forma- tion [(1877) Part I.] Transaction.t of Midland .Scieutijic .issociation : — On the Fossils of the Lower Coal-measure of North Staffordshire [(1864—65)]. On the Discovery of the Remains of the Mammoth at Waterhouses [(1865) 34]. List of Carboniferous Fossils at Wetton [ib.l. On the Calcareous Hsematite of the Churnet Valley [ib.]. The Fossil Fishes of the North Staft'ordshire Coal-field [(1870) pt. IL]. Transactions of Xorth of England Mining Institute; — Mines and Mining in North Staffordshire Coalfield [II. , 242 — 51]. Coal Working : the thick or 10 yard seam of South Staft'ordshire [X.. 183—97 : plates, 184,"l88, 195]. Engine Underground, at East Pit, West Bromwich [ih., 132]. Hawn Colliery, South Staffordshire [ib., 195], A Descrijition of Chatterley and Weston Coyney pumijing apparatus [XV., 38]. Park Colliery, South Staft'ordshire EX., 188]. Cost of raising Water at Wolverhampton XVI.. 136], Butties or Chartermasters of South Staft'ord- shire [X., 191]. The Geologist : — Notes on the Metalliferous .Saddles ... in Lower Carboniferous Rocks of certain parts of Derbyshire and North Staft'ordshire [Vol. III.. 357]. The Coal Fields of Great Britain. By E. Hull. 2nd ed., London, 1861. 3rd ed., London. 187.1. 4th ed., London, 1881. [Staffordshir,^ p. 179,] Iron Ores of Great Britain (1861) : — Iron Ores of North Staffordshire [Part IV., 25—296]. Transactions of fJudlei/ and Midland Geological Society : — The Distribution of the Organic Remains of the North Staffordshire Co:(lfield [Vol.11. (1865). 21]. TheTrentham Gravel Beds [III. ( 1876), 32]. The Bunter Conglomerate of Cannock Chase [III. 1 1877). 137]. On the Geology of the Neighbourhood of Alton [IV. (1880), .'SO]. Geological and History Reperton/ : — On the Drift of the Weaver Hills [(1866) 323]. Transactions of Geological Society of Glasgow : — On a New Species of Acanthodes from the Coal-Shales of Longton [IV. (1866), 57]. Co:il and Coal Mining. By W. W. .Smyth. London, 1867. [Stafford.shire, 58— 61]. ' Science Gossip : — Land-shells of the Coal Strata, North Staffordshire [No. 51, p. 64]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History : — On Acanthodopsis Ward! from North Staffordshire [4th Series. I.. 364]. Description of a Considerable portion of a Mandibular Ramess of Anthracosauress Russelli from Fenton [Vol. VII. (1871)]. Journal of Iron and Steel Institute: — North Staffordshire Iron Ores [II. (1871), 1]. STAFFORDSHIKl-: (429) STAFFORDSHIRE Proceedittf/.i of Geolwfhts' AgsiKint'wn : — The Geology of North Staffordshire [XI. (IS'JOj, p. cxvii.l. Iitajj'ord. Inciepenlent. Stafford County Herald (The). Newcastle, 1831—32. 2 vols., t'ol Staffordshire Daily Sentinel (The). Eatablished 18fi3. Published by above. Staffordshire Gazette (The). Raaeley and Stafford, 1830-42. 4 vols., fol. .Staffordshire .Jnnrunl (The Warwick and). 1737 — 40. Staffordshire Knot (The). Establi.'slied us the Potteries Examiner, l«4:f ; The Slaj/'ordshire Knot and Potteries Examiner. 1883: and latterly The Staffordshire Knot only. Die I Journal of Rev. John Wesley. London, 1856. 4 vols [Stafforclshire— L, 384, ■.^»H, 3;i7, 410—14, 425— 2s. 4i;7, 4K7 503: II., 10, »8, lo'.l, 21.5, 242. 308. 378, 408 .503- III U 44, 4.i, 41!, lot— .55. 181, 233. 2lil, ■.•9!l. 3«. 405. 410: II.. 272— 74 : III.. 14:1 — 15. 1 18 ' 'i; — li. 323. 324, 339, 340, 310. :S47. 350. 351. 383—87, 389— 9'l, 418 ; Narrative of the Depositions of Robert Jenison, Esa (lti79j, 1. .5— 11.] ^ TOPOUIt.Vl'HT, INCLCDIXC Gl'IDE BoOKS :— Matlock, Dovedale, &c. London : Ward .)• Loci. Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire. Leicestershire, and Staffordshire. London : J. Murray. Birmingham and District. London : Ward if Loci. Guide to Staffordshire. With Map. London: C. IV. Bacon. Alton Towers, Dove Dale, &c. Manchester: J. Hey- wood. England described; or, The Traveller's Companion. Wiyan, 1788. 8vo. England Delineated. [See Aikin (J.),] Forty Miles round Manchester. [See ditto.] History of Macclesfield. [See Cory (J.).] Directory and Gazetteer of Derbyshire. [See Bagshaw (S-)l The Curiosities, Natural and Artificial, of the Island of Great Britain. London, n.d. 8vo. 6 vols. fStafford- shire, II., 36.5-99.] The Family Topographer. Bv Tvmms. 7 vols.. 12mo. [Staffordshire, IV., 230—65 ; Map on p. 231.] Holborn Series. Geography of the British Isles. London, n.d. [Staffordshire, 6, 10.] England and Wales. London : C. W. Leonard. 1847. 12mo., pp. .308. [Staffordshire, 199—206.] The Traveller's Guide. London, 1690. 8vo., pp. 254 [Staffordshire, 44 — 6,70,75,9.3.] Guide to Knowledge. S. P. Useful Knowledge. 4to. [Map and Description of Staffordshire. IV., 232—66.] The .Mirror. [County Collections. Staffordshire. ; XVI., .354 : XVII., IS.] ' I The British Traveller. By G. A. Walpole. London: Bogy. 1700. folio. [Staffordshire, 99— 107: Plates : Map on p. 107.] The Beauties of England and Wales ; or, a Compre- hensive View of the Antiquities of the Kingdom. Second Edition. London : Davis. 1764. [Staffordshire, 281 — 87.] , Topographical and Statistical Descriptions of Stafford- shire [See Cook (G. A.). Cox (— ). Pitt (W.). Nightingale (Rev. J.), Shaw (S.). Pinnock (~), Simpson (S.).] ScRVEV of Staffordshire. [See Erdeswicke (S.), Hirwooi (Rev. T.), Tunnicliffe [Catholic Nonjurors, 1715 (1874). 61 — 1. 127 ; The Topographer (1789—91). I.. 21—7. 46. 47. 63—8. 105. 116 —24. 141. 1.50, 160—66. 169, 220—28. 272 -'73 ■'8>— 9] 301-8. 319—22. 371. 373. .'i80. ,391. 392. 4.54. 457. 458! 476, 478. 479, 514. 520— .32. 562. .582: II.. 1—17, 41—3; 82—157. 162—77. 221. 226—3.5. 313— ;t6. .'(.5:^— .59 : III .54 —7. 75—84, 107. 108. Ill, 339, 348. 3,55—58, 397, 398 : IV , 112—16. 190—94. 25:!— .5.5, 261 ; Gobbet's Rural Rides during the years 1821 to 18:32 (passes through Staffs.).] StajfonJskire Af/verliser (The). Stafford: J. 4 C. Mori, Greengate Street. Saturdays. Price 2d. [The Staffordshire .Advertiser was established bv Mr. Joshua Drewry. of Lincoln and Stafford. The first "num- ber was issued on Saturday, 5th Jan., 1795, and its price at that time was 4d. It was then a small sheet of four pages. The aildress in which Mr. Drewry introduced his venture to the public manifests a grave and commendable sense of responsibility. After referring to the War with France, destined to last for another twenty ye.irs, the first Editor of the Staffordshire Advertiser set forth in the following terms his own immediate objects and principles : [" If amidst the violence of party resentments the Editor may present to his readers a faithful History of the Times ; if he may contribute to soften the animosities of patty, support the Reign of Humanity and the laws, recommend and assist benevolent institutions, plead the ciuseof the distressed and unfortunate, expose vice and display the charms of virtue, instruct and form the minds of youth, and promote the interests of the artist, the manufacturer, the agriculturalist, and all that support and improve our common country ; he will leave to contending factions the disputes which disturb ■ the calm sequestered vale of life,' and if he is indulged with the candour and support of the public, particularly the inhabitants of the town and county of Stafford,' he will think himself honoured and compensated." [These few lines faithfully express the aims and sentiments of all succeeding conductors of the Staffordshire Advertiser. Mr. Drewry carried on the Paper until the end of 182.5. when his cousin, Charles Chester. Printer, of Newcastle, became the proprietor. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Chester handed over the management to his nephew, the late Charles Chester Mort, to whose ability, energy, discretion, and sound judgment, the subsequent and un- broken success of the Staffordshire .Advertiser is mainlv to be attributed. On the death of Mr. Chester the P.iper passed STAFFORDSHIRE (432) STAFFORDSHIRE into the hands of his nephews, Charles Chester Mort and John Drewrv Mort. Mr. Charles C. Mort remained Editor and took a leading share in the management until liis death in IH.iT. The management then devolved, for a number of years, upon John Drewry Mort, of Newcistle, and, on his retirement, to Charles Chester Mort, jun., and Frederick Drewry Mort, his brother. This arrangement continued until the death of Mr. C. C. Mort, in 18ill, smce whicli time the Paper has been under the sole manage- ment of Mr. F. D. Mort, the surviving brother. [From 17a.') to 182.), Mr. Joshua Drewry was his own Editor, excepting during a brief interval, when Mr. James Amjihlett (see) had charge of the liter.iry department of , the Paper. Mr. C. C. Mort conducted it for more than :-ill years, ami was succeeded by Mr. Edmund May- bury, cliief rejiorter. On the death of Mr. Maybury, in 187i>. Mr. John Law Cherry (see), of Hanley, who joined ; the staff in ls.")(l and had been assistant editor for some years, was promoted to the Editorship. [From IS 15 to ISJiU, every copy of the Paper bore an impressed fourjienny stamp, and the price of the little sheet was 7d. For many years pi-ior to 18:55 there was a duty of :-is. (id. upon every advertisement, large or small ; in that year the duty was reduced to Is. Gd. There was also a heavy excise duty upon paper. In process of time these duties came to be popularly known as the " Taxes on Knowledge." They were almost avowedly repressive, and an association was formed for their repeal. The com- | plete success of its agitation and its consequences in the ^ amazing developement of a cheap press are patent to all. After many changes in both size and price, the Slalfurd- , shire Adrertlser now supplies for 'id. a sheet containing several times the quantity of matter for which, in the days of the excessive duties, our forefathers paid 7d.J SrAKFOunsiiinE A(iricui.tdr.\l Sdciety. [E-stablished 18011. This Society has published annu- ally a Report of its proceedings, all— that is, as many as the Compiler has seen— have been printed at one house, viz Hifh Street, Newcastle, by its several occupants — beo-'inning with J. Smith, Smith & Hyde, \V. H. Hyde, Hyde & Crewe, F. Crewe, C. Crewe, C. Hickson, T. Peake, and now (18113) Ellen Peake. Uniformly 12mo.] Staffordshire Archscological and Naturalists' Field Club (The North). Establishoil April, 1865, at the Old Infirmary, East Vale, where a meeting was convened by Dr. Spanton of gentlemen interested in antiquarian pursuits. Objects.— '-The practical .Stuily of Natural History and the cultivation of a fuller knowledge of the antiquities of the neighbourhood." Its first President was James Bateman, Esq., then of Biddulph Grange ; Vice-Presidents : Dr Arlidge, J. E. Davis. Stipendiary of Potteries (smce dead). The Rev. S. T. Nevill (now Bp. of Dunedin), Dr. Garner (since dead), and W. S. Roden, Esq. (since dead) ; Treasurer : Alderman Dickenson, of Stoke ; Secretaries : The Rev. T. W. Daltry, M.A., and W. D. Spanton, Esq. Out of 117 names enrolled as members in ISli.')- liii, in 1885 eight-seven were not connected with the Society. The Society has published reports nearly yearly, as North Staffordshire Naturalists' Field Club and Arch- seological Society. Annual Report. . . . 18')6. In all 27. (In 181)7 no" report was issued). All uniformly 8vo. Mostly with plates. , . , , The North Staffordshire Field Club. Annual Addresses, Papers, &c., with Illustrations. Hnnle;/: Priiiterl for the rublimtiou Committee by WiUium Timmis. 1S75. 8vo., pp. xvii., 21)6. [A complete s't is now ditBcult to obtain.] Staffordshire Auxiliary Bible Society (The). Established at Wolverhampton, 1815. Annual Reports. [Printed by various in Wolver- hampton, Lichfield, Staitord, Newcastle, ire. See under Printers' names.] Staffordshire Chronide (The). Published Satur- day ; Independent in Politics ; R. Alison, Publisher, Stafford. Staffordshirf Congregational North). Maga:ine (The Publishei} hif J. Keates i)'- Co.. I^riiiter, Ilmtlef/. 1878. 12mo. [The Compiler h&a only seen two volumes.] Staffoudshire Congregational Union. Annual Reports. 8vo. SrAPFORDStiiRE Cn-oporativc News an'l Printing Co., Limited. Established rirra l>S(i4, in Hope Street, Hanley ; Mr. W. Owen, Editor and Manager ; iiftcrwards Mr. Mattiiias, formerly a liaptist Minister (I believe), in Rliondda Valley, South Wales. T/te Potteries Examiner. l^riiUeii (tmi Piihtished by the Stiift'orilshire Co-operatire Neirs and Priiitiiiy Co., Limited. Hope Street. Hanley. 1SG4—S3. Our Future Progress. [See Armstrong (A. W.).] "Staffordshire Curate" (A). Temper and its Abuses. By A Staffordshire Curate. London : Seeleys. 1838. 12mo., pp. xvi., 30.S. Staffordshire Dumb and Deaf Society (The North). Establislied 1S83. Annual Reports, 188.'! to date, uniformly 12mo. Staffordshire Gazette (The). 2nd Jan., l8Hil, to ;!rd March, 1812. Hnyetey mid Sin/'- ford, 18-30—42 -t vols., fol. Staffordshire Industrial Home for Discharged Prisoners ; with the Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society. Established lH7t). Secretary : The Rev. Charles Goldney, M.A., prison Chap- lain. Annual Reports have been issued, uniformly in 8vo., since its establishment. Staffordshire Journal ( The Warwick and). nsj — 40, [In Birmingham Free Library are Nos. 3_U8 (!ird Seiif.. 17.S7— 12th June, 1840). J Staffordshire Knot (The). Established as the A)«en>.< A'jfi/Hnic/-. 1841! : in 188;i becoming The Sta/fhrdshire Knot and Piitleries K-raniiiier, and latterly The Staffordshire Knot only. Us first Pro- prietor and Editor as The Staffordshire Knot was Mr. \V. Owen ; afterwards becoming the property of, and being edited by. Mr. Gould. " Died a natural death from want of supporters," 18'.I2. It was Published on The Crown Bank; Hanley. A daily edition was published for some time. Staffordshire Mercury (The). Established 1824. Owned and edited by Jas. Amphlet, and latterly by Mr. W. AUbut and — Kennedy. Died about 1844. During the Charti-st Riots, Ac, Mr. AUbut's house — he then resided in the one afterwards occupied by Mr. W. Ridgway, and now, I believe, occupied by Alderman George " Ridgway— situated in Northwood, Hanley, was sacked by the people, owing to Mr. AUbut having written rather strongly against their doings. Staffordshire Methodist and Noiiconl'ormi.';. of William StanYord, Mercer ; Student, (3.\. Univ. ; Hai-rister-at-Law, Lin- coln's Inn : Queen's Serjeant, 1553 ; Attor- ney-General, 1515; Serjeant-at-Law, 1552; Justice of Cotumon Pleas, 1554 ; Knighted, 27th Jan., 1555 : Lord of the Manor of Handsworth ; . Nottingham, 1847 ; «. of G. E. Sianger, M.R.C.S. ; educated Epsom Coll. ; Assoeiaie Member of Inst, of Civil Engineers ; Member of Inst, of Mining ST.VNHOPE ( 434 ) STEAU Kiiglni'iT.* ; M.S. A. : resident in Wolver- liariiiiton. House Sanitation. Loitilou, n.d. 8vo.. p]>. 'Mt. Stanmioi'k, Very Rev. Goorjie, D.D. Dean of Cauti'ibiiiy ; Clip, in Ordinary to George II. The Christian's Pattern : or. a Treatise of the Imita- tion of Je^ns Clirist. In Four Books, written orifiinally in Latin hy Tlionias ii Kempis, Wotverhamptoti : Printed by O. Wilson. lS-16. Sm. 8vo., pp. viii., 9 — 171. 411. Stanley Family. Diflference of Arms. [Boiil. Lib., S5S. KID.] Jlonuments of. [Shaw, I., 384 ; Archaolouical Jour., Vol. XXIV.] Pedigree. [Shaw, II., 138.] Stanley, Henry. Solicitor, VVolverliampton. The Agiiciiltuval Holdings Act, 1883. Wolrerltamp- ton ; Alfred Jliudc. Stanley, Sir Huinfiey. Lielifield. [Bocll. Lib., loil, (,B) uS.] Stanley, Rev. .lacob. Wesleyan Minister, 1795 — 185(1 ; laboured many years in Staffs. Nathan Kewnmn's Religion lluii Wild . . Wiihnll, 1511. \2m — 7.*'. Wolreihanipfon :. Joint .Steen i^f Co. IS79. Report of Charitable In.stitutions in connection with St. Paul's Parish, Wolverhampton, for the vears l!*7'J and 1880 . . . IVoli-eiiiamptoii : ./. Steen 4 Co. u.d. (1881). John .Steen A- Co. 'a Wolverhampton Guide anil Visitors' Handbook . . . 2nd ed.. edited anil enlarged by the Itev. .1, T. Jeffcock [»fe], [For 1st el, jre« uiider Steen A- Blackett.] Catalogue of Wolverhampton and South Staffordshire Fine Arts and Industrial Exhibibition , . , Wolver- hampton ; ./. Steen if Co. 1884. 8vo. Annual Reports of .Sedgley Temperance Home Mis- sion, from 18.')!) to 188i. By F" A. Homer, .IP. H'olver- hanipton : J. Steen ij- Co. 1S88. Stkkue, Ann Esther, b. London, 4th Feb., 1823 ; linii. of \Villiain Steere, Esq. ; resident at "The Spitai," Taiuworth, 1856 to death; (L, iinmurrieil, 24tli Ajirii, 1888. Conchology. lTran». Tamiporth Nat. Hist. Soc. (1871 —74). 23—31.] [Two speci'S of sbelU in tlic goiiea, *'01ira" ami *'Murex." were named after her iu Ileeve's COMcliologia Iconica ] Steebe, lit. Rev, IMward. b. Charles Street, City Road, London, 4tli May, 1828 ; s. of William Steere, Barrister-at-Law ; educated Univ. Coll. Sch., London, and at London Univ.; B.A., 1847: LL.B., 1848; LL.D., 1850 ; created D.D., 14th June, 1877 : Bar- rister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1850 ; Rector of Little Steeping, Lines., 1859 — 72 ; Missionary to Central Africa, 1872 — 74 ; Consecrated Bp. of the Universities Mission to Central Africa, 27th Aug., 1874 ; resident for some time at " The Spitai," Tamworth, and in Liclifield, 1855 — 56 ; whilst there he published the works enumerated below ; r/., Zanzibar, Africa. 27th Aug., 1882, An Essay on the Existence iind Attributes of God. London, 8vo., pp. 328. An Historical Sketch of the English Brotherhoods which existed at the beginning of the 18th Century. London, Duo. Edited Church Work (Organ ot the Guild of St. Alban), 18,il!. Notes of Sermons. Loudon ; CI. Bell cj- Sons. 3 vols. Memoir of Bishop Steere. Bv the Rev. R. J[. Heanley. London, ISHG. 8vo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1348 : private informa- tion.] Stephens, Rev, Arthur, b. WymoiiillKini, Leies., 1667 ; .<. of Rev. .lohn Stepiiens, Rector ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., ISth Dec, 16S2 : B.A., 1686; M.A., 1689: Rector of Greiidon, "Warws., 1715; of Yoxall, 1719. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., 1417.] STEi'm.;Ns, Rev, AVilliam, b. 1806 ; Viear of Wednesfield, 184s to death ; d. Nov., 1880. Funeral Sermon by Rev. H. Bollaiid, R.D. [ Lichfield Diocesan .Mni/azine (Nov., 1880),*;.] Stepuknsox, Rev, Ciiristopher, b. liotherham, Yorks., 1748; .«. of Rev. Christoiher Steplien- son ; jNLit. Wore. Coll., Ox., 3rd July, 1771 ; B.A., 1775; Vicar of Rowley Regis. [Foster's .\lumni Oxon., IV., I:).'!)!.] STEPHENSON ( 436 ) STOCK HAM Stephenson, Rev. .J ; •>•■. of Rev. Cliristoplu'i- Stephenson [--ve]; Mat. Queen's Coll., 0.x., lOtli .Inly, 1?!>'J ; B.A., 1803 ; M.A., IfSOG. [Foster's Alumni 0.\on., IV., l;i.')(i.] Stephenson', Robert, Engineer. [Docninents relating to the Trent Valley Kaihvay. (Map. Engineer, R. S., &c) Isl.^i. folic] Stephenson, Rev. William, h. Portland, Dor- set., 1S31 ; «. of \V. Hilborougli Stephenson ; Mat. Magd. (; ; B.A., 1851; M,A„ 1856 ; Curate of Wyre Piddle, Worcs,, 1851 — 52 ; of More, Saloji, 1852—56 ; of Berks- wich, 1857 — 65 ; of Bushlcy, Worcs., 1867 — 70; Rector of Standon, 1870 — 75; Vicar of Burton-ou-Wirral, Cheshire, 1875 — 76 ; Rec- tor of Aslichurch, Gloucs., 1882 — 84 ; m. Jane Corbett, dau. of Francis Holland, Esq., of Cropthorne Court, Worcs. ; now of Ash- chutch, Tewkesbury. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV,, l,').ili ; Rughy Reg,, 207 ; private information.] Steward, Henry Allen Holden. b. Stafford, 1865 ; s. of Walter Holden Steward, Esq. ; Mat. New Coll., Ox,, 8tli Dec, 1883 ; B,A., 1886, [Foster's Alumni Oxon,, IV., l:t,i:).] Steward, Rev. Henry Edward. b. Kiiiver, 17118 ; ,v. of Samuel Steward, E.sq, ; ediu'ated Rugby ; Mat. Ch. Oh., Ox., 20th Jan., 1815 : B..\.,"l818; M.A,, 1821 ; Clip, to Earl of Warwick, 1823 ; d. Oct., 1874. [Rugby Reg., M ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1358.] Stillingi'leet, Rev. Edward, M.A. Minister, Jan., 1757 — 82, and Lecturer, of West Bromwicli, 1758—82 ; Chp. to William, Earl of Dartmouth ; had a wife, named jSIargaret, and two daughters born at West l5roinwich, \'\y.., Margaret, baptized 'Jth Sept., 176f, and Elizabeth, baptized 28th Sept., 176(i; seems to liave removed to Didilin, Sermons on some of the Principal Doctrines of the Christian Religions, with Practical Inferences ami Im- provements, DnhlUi : Pr'niled hy William Wat^nu. 1H12, Pt. 8vo., pp. 35,'i. Stobart, Rev. Henry. b. Chestcr-le-Street, Durham, 1824 ; s. of William Stobart, Esq. ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 14th May, 1.S42 ; IJ.A., 1847 ; M.A. ,1848; Curate of Burton Agnes, Yorks., 1849—51 : St. Mark's, Glou- cester, 1858—59 : Salehurst, Sussex, 1860— 63 : Colton, 1864 ; Rector of Warkton, Notts., 1865 — 81 ; now of Wykeham Rise, Totteridge, London, Dailv Services for Christian Households. London, imi. Reprinted by S.P.C.K., 1SG7. Stocker, Rev. Charles William, b. Titchfield, Hants., 1794 ; s. of Richard Stocker, Esq. ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 29th June, 1812 ; Scholar and Fellow, 1812—24 ; B.A.. 1816 ; M.A., 1820; Public Examiner, 1823—39; B.D., and D.D., 1831 ; Dean of Arts, and Tutor, 1822 ; Vice-Princi]ial St. Alban's Hall, 1832— 3(! ; Select Preacher, 1832 ; Whyte's Prof, of Moral Pliilosophy, 1841—42 ; Prin- cipal of Elizalieth Coll., Guernsey, 1824 — 29 ; Rector of Draycott-le-Moors, 1841, to death ; R.D. of Cheadle, 1848, to death ; d. 20th May, 1870. Ode on the Assa.ssination of the Riglit Hon. .Spencer Percival. London, ISli. Alma Mater and the Stagyrite. London, 182U. Four Sections. Select Passages of Letters and Speeches, London, 1832. Conversation on the Lord's Supper, London, 1834. Herodotus : The Persian Wars. In Two Volumes. London. 1831. 2nd ed., 1843. Juvenal and Persius. London. 1835. 1830. 1845. The Minister of God. An Assi/e Sermon. London. 1836. T. Livius. First Decade. Two Volumes. Oxford: J. H. Parker. 1844. 8vo., pp. (I.) 3 leaves, 415: (II.) 416— 8G-.', T, Livius. Third Decade. Two Volumes. Oxford, 1838. Handbook of Twenty-one Tunes for Peculiar Metres in Four Parts for the Use of Congregations. London, 1856. Stockham, H. W. Printer. Post Office, Willen- hall. 1 "How we Titled it," ' WillnuU's "Once a Year." 1868. 8vo., pp. 31. Being the first numVjer of WiUenhall: H. W. Stockham. STOKliS (437) STONE Stokes, Rev. Henry Paine. Corpus Cliristi Coll., Camb. ; B.A., 187') : M.A. & LL.M., 1H78; Harness University Prizenian, 187«; Clip. toC.C.C, Cam., ami Curate of St. Paul's, Cam., 1875 — 7G ; ('urate of WydJial, Bunt- in.!^ford, 187(1 — HI ; V^icar of St. James's, Wolverhampton, 1H8-2— 90 ; of St. Paul's, Cambridge, 1891 to date ; m., 4th Feb., 1894, Sophia Manders, of Wolverliampton. An Attempt to determine tlie Chronological Order of Sluikusiiuarian I'kiys. The Harness Prize Essay, 1877. Ltiinltiii : MitcmiUnti. 1S7S. Svo.. pp. 220. Better Canals, Better Trade, cStc. Wolverhampton : BaifonI i)'- Newitt. (1SS5.) 8vo.. pp. -iC. Our Roving Popnlation [Lichtield Dlo. Mag., VII., .'■)1— .MJ ; On Oamhling [i7/.. 2:U— :)'.)]. Troilus and Cussida. Reprinted from the l(i09 edition Lnniioii : IV. Gibba. 8vo., jjp. 41. Bankside Shakespeare: Henry V. Ni'it York: Thu. Shakespeare Society. JH02. Svc. pp. 2i!3. Stokes, James Callcott. b. Tettenhall, 1771 : s. of Francis Stokes, Esq. : Mat. New Coll., Ox., sard April, 1791 ; B.A., 1795 ; M.A., 1800. [Foster's Alumni O.xon,, IV., 1.358.] Stokes, W. Burton-on-Trent. A Prize E^say on War. T!ie Doctrine of a Special Providence Demonstrated. Barton-npon-Trent ; Printed ami Sold hi/ W. Durlet/. Hiijh Street. 1838. 12mo., pp. 12i<. Stokeslev, Nicholas, LLD. Preb. of Bishops- hull, Lichfield, :.'4th Jan., 1518—27. [Harn-ood's Licli field, 218.] Stoke-upon-Tbrnt. The Stulce-upoit-Treut and Loufjton Guardian. A localised edition of the Staffordshire Weekly Sentinel. Ordnance Plan of Stoke-upon-Trent. . , 12 sheets. Sonthiimpton. (1878). Ditto. Southampton. (18S0). Ditto, and Pottnries. 72 sheets. Sonthnmpton. (1S70). A List of the Electors, and how thev Polled. 18.S2. JIanley: .UlbiU Cf Daniel. 1832. 8vo. " Ditto, 1837. Hantei/: .[llhiit if /laniel. 1837. 8vo. Ditto, 1811. //aii- ley : .'Ulbiit if Ihiiiiel. 1811. 8yo. Ditto, 1817. Hanley : Allbiil if Daniel. 1847. 8vo. Ditto, on Saturday, April .-iUth, 18.i'.l. Iliinley: Allbut if Daniel. 1850. 8vo ^ pp. (iO. Ditto, on Tuesday, September 2:!rd. 18(i2. llnnley: Allbut if Ifaniel. 1SG2. 8vo.. pp. \jh. Ditto. OTi Wednesday. July 12tli. 18G5. Hanley: Allbiil c(- Daniel. 1865. 8vo., pp. 77. Ditto, on Thursday. Pehruiry 2(lth, 1868. Han- ley : J. Keates. Cheap.nde. 1SG8. r2mo!. pp. 84. Stoke-upon-Trent Free Library. Index-Catalogne of Book.s in the Lending and Reference Library. Compiled by A. Caddie. Printed by ./. Fenn. 1887. SVo., pp. 141). China Making at Stoke. By Bernard H. Becks. [Enylish Illustrated May. (188.i). 781— i)0.] Stokoe, Rev. John. Sometime Methodist New Connexion Minister. Methodist Records, a selection from the Journals of Rev. Andrew Lynn London (Hanley : Printed by li. Roberts^ Cheapside.) Cr. 8vo., pp. xiv., 4(IU. Stonr. An Epitome of Oddities, Partiality, Bigotry, Tyranny, Malice and Oppression. Being an Extract from the Memoirs of a Country Curate, Don Ismida, an Englishman. Suppo-sed to have fallen into the Hands of the Holy In- quisition Collected by .\.\:.. .\.M., and C.F. . . . . Dublin: Printed by Hernard linker. 177(1. 12mo., 4 leaves. Preface and Address ["from my Thatched habitation near the famous ruins of Aston, Stoke, Stone, Staffordshire,"] pp. ix., 8ii, a folding page of additions pp. 10-11. [li-vt-eeiUngly rare, the Compiler has only seen one copy (iml that his own) in 10 years,] An Act for Amending and wiilening Road from. . . . Stone to Wordsley, ikc. 17G0, fol.; for continuing the Term (of above Act), 1782, fol.; for enlarging ditto, 18U.!, fol.; for amending and repairing road from town of Stone, &c. . . . 17 May. 1824. fol.. pp. l;i : ditto, SO .March, , 18;il. fol., pp. 7. Sermon preached to a Country Congregation in the ' County of Stafford. Stone, 1826. 8vo. Oi-dnince Plan of Pariish of Stone. lOSheets. South- ampton (1880J. Ditto, and Standon Parish .... 17 Sheets. South- ampton (1880). History and Description of Stone in Staffordshire, with an excursion from there towards Litchfield. [^Topoi/, (1789), llli-24]. The Martyrs of Stone. I pp. :!4 — 19 of Tales and Legends from History. London : Burns ; private informa- tion.] Stoneheweh, Joshua, h. Biddulph, 1730; s. of Joshua Stouehewer, Esq. ; Mat. Worcester Coll., Ox., lUth Oct., 1753; B.A., 1758; M.A., 17(i8. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., l.'iOO.] Stoneino (or Stonyng), Gregory. Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., 555, 141.] Stoney, Rev. Rohort Baker. Trin. Coll., Dub- lin : B.A., 1851 ; M.A., 1865 ; Curate of Bloxwich, 1860 : St. Paul's, Wolverhampton, 18G1— U3: All Saints', Loughborough, 1863 — 68 ; Rector of St. John's, Wednesbury, 1869—89 ; of Shirland, Alfreton, Derhys., 1889 to date. Church Music in Tonic Sol Fa type. ISHK. Stdnixg {or Stonyng), Ohver. B.A., Ox. Univ., 9th Feb., 1514 ; M.A., 1517 ; B.D., 17th April, 1534 ; Fellow of Eton Coll., 1530 ; Rector of Southmere, Norfolk, 1540 ; Preb. of Sandiacrc and Canon of Lichfield, 1546 ; deprived 1554; Vicar of Stogurrey, Soniers., 1540 : of Wantage, Berks., 1552 ; Rector of St. Paul's Wharf, London, 1555; ^'icar of Ealing, Middlesex. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S.. IV., 1430 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 24G.J Stoker, J. Engraver. History and Antiqnities of Lichfield. [History and Antiquities of English Cathedrals. 4 vols., 1S14 — 19, 2.'>tJ plates ; a new edition with letterpress of Lichfield, re-written by A. W. Pugin.] Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet. London, ■1800 — 12. fcp. 8vo.. published in 60 numbers, making 10 vols. Antiquarian Itinerary. London, lilo. fcp. 8vo., I published in 42 Xos.. making 7 vols. [Several places in StafTurdsliirc notices in both works ] Store V, Rev. J. Capes. New Connexion Minister. Memoir of Thomas Harris (A. Wolverhampton, 8th Feb., 17— {17]; X.W. A'iew of Siourton Castle and Kinver Edge [ih.. 207]; \V. View [ib.. 2(i7]. [See Pole iCardinal); Talbot (Bp.).] Stourtos Family. Arms. [Bodl. Lib., 840, 14.i.] Stowe. Ordnance Plan of Parish of .'^towe. . . . Soulhnmp- ton, 1882. Stowe-hy-Chartley. Monuments. [Bodl. Lib.. 853, 8 A.] Stowell, Rev. Hugh. Hector of Ch. Ch., Salford. The Importance of the Protestant Controversy. . . . A Lecture delivered at .St. Leonard's Church, Bilston. . . . . Feb. 14th, 1840. Wolverhampton: T. Simpson, n.d. (1841). 12mo., pp. 48. Stowell, Rev. Hugh Ai-hwurth. b. Peiidletdii, Salford, Lanes. ,^ 1830 ; s. of Rev. Hugh Stowell ; Mat. Brasenosc Coll., Ox., 27th June, 1848; Scholar, 1848— 62 ; B.A., 1852 ; M.A., 1855; Curate of Luddenham, Kent, 1853—57 ; P.C. of Ch. Ch., Maugh.dd, Isle- of-Man, 1858—03 ; of Warslow and Elk- stone, 18()3— 05 ; of Breadsall, Derbys., 1865 to death ; d. 16th March, 1886. Contributed various papers on Natural Histor\- to the Zoologist^ J'hytolotjist, and Leisure Hour. Strange, Rev. Cresswell. b. Abingdon, Berks., yth Sept., 1842 ; educated Abingdon Or. Sch.; Scholar of Pembroke Coll., Ox.'; B.A., ISfiO; M.A., 1808 ; Curate of Hale, Surrey, 1800- OS ; Senior Curate of Farnham, 1808 — 71 ; Vicar of Hales, ls71 — 72 : Holy Trinity, Southampton, 1872 — 84 : of Edgbaston, Warws., 1S84, to date. The Trinitv of Service. Birmingham : Cornish Bros. 18Se. An Attempt to Remove some Popular Difficulties in regard to the Athanasian Creed. Birmingham: Cornish Bros. 1880. (2 editions.) Victories of Faith. Birmingham: Cornish Bros. 1803. The Model Teacher. [Liclijield iJiocesan Maqazine, XL. mo— :i2.J Biog. Notice. [Birmingham Faces and Places. III., 59— 0(ij. Portrait. [lb. h7.] Strai'Has, John. Printer, Hanley ; a predecessor of T. Allbut [.«^«]. Proposals for the Institution of a Tontine and Bene- ficial Society in the Staffordshire Potteries to commence from the !'th of September, 179o. for the Purpose of erect- ing Public Granaries, Steam Engine for Grimling Corn, and Water Works for the supply of Hanley. Shclton. Burslem, Lane End. LaneDelph. Stoke, Tunstall.Cobridge. STUAITUX ( 439 ) STlilNG FELLOW &c., with Spring-water ; also for furnishinjj the respective Districts with Gniiii, Me.il, Ac. B.v T. Oulton. Public Commercial Accountant, Law Stationer, Sworn Appraiser, and Auctioneer, Newcastle. Haiiltif: Printed by J. Straphaii. n.d. (nOo). 12mo., pp. 20. Str.vttos, Rev. Jusepli. b. Clifton Campville, lH:^y : f. of Jolin Stratton ; Mat. Worcester Coll., O.v., 27th May, 1858: B.A., 1862; M.A., IftUT ; Cnr.ite of Ilalton, Cheshire, 1871 — 72 ; Holy Trinity, Swansea, 1872 — 74 ; of Biirto?!, 1874 — 75 ; Master of Leed's Ho-jiital, Xottinj^'hiini ; Curate of Winclifiekl, H;int-i., 18H7 — 8U ; Master of Lucas's Hospital, Wokingham, 188!) to date. [Foster's Alumni O-xon., IV., l.'irtl.] Stretch, Rev. John Cliffe Theodore, b. Wor- cester, 1819 ; ». of John Cliffe Stretch, Esq. : Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 9th June, 1842 ; B.A., 184G: P.C. of Penkhull, 1848—53; Incum- bent of Maldon, Victoria ; of St. Mark's, Melbourne, 1885. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1.5(>.').] Strkte, Richard. B.A., 0.x. Univ.. 3rd July, 1014 ; jjrohably the same wlin was Pieb. of Pipa Minor and Canon of Lichfield, 13th April, 1521, to death ; Arclid. of Salop, 1523 — 3t> : of Derby, 1528, to deatli : Chancellor, 21st Jan., 1531—34 ; d. 7th Jan., 1542. [Fester's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., 1435; Harnood's Lichfieltl, 191, 213. 215. '241.] STnETTKi.i,. John. b. Stoke, 1707 ; s. of Jo. Strettell ; Mat. Ma'>d. Hall, Ox., 1st Oct., 1724; B..A.., (jth March, 1730. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., 1365.1 Stretton, Rev. Henry, b. London, 1815 : .«. of Henrv Stretton, Esq. : ilat. Magd. Hall, Ox , 24th April, 1839 ; B.A., 1843; M.A., 1845; Assistant Curate of St. John's, West- minster, 1843 ; Curate of St. Paul's, Knights- bridge, 1844; of Chidwick, Dorset, 1847— 48: P.C.of Hixon, 1848—52: St. Mary's, Chiswick, 1852 — 58 ; Principal of Eni;lish and Foreign Coll., Highgate, London, 1858 — GO ; Head Master St. Albah's Gr. Sch., Herts., 1806— 70 ; Curate of Sonierby, Lines., 1870 — 74 ; of Market Deeping, Lines., 1874 — 7.1 ; of Spalding, 1875 — 70 ; Vicar of Eastville-if.- Midville. Lines., 1870. Visitatio Infirmorum ; or, Oflices of the Clergv. [Jointly with Rev. Sir W. H. Cope, Bart.] London, 184S. (3 editions.) The Acts of St. Mary Itagdalene. London, 184S. 8vo. Church Hymn;*. Luiidou : fihint/lons. 1850. r2mo. First Truths. London, ISoO. i 3 eilitions.) Guide to the Infirm. Sick, and Dnng Members of the Church of England. London, lSo2. Child's Catechism. London : Masters. 1S53. r2mo. (3 editions.) The Church Catechism Explaine>42 ; .«. of James Stringfellow, Esq. ; educated St. Mary's Coll.. Oscott : R.C. Curate of St. Austin's, Stafford, 1866 ; of St. Mary's, Walsall, 1867 ; of St. Philoinend's, Caverswall, 1868 — 73 ; of St. Gregory's, Long- ton, July, 1873—82 ; Rector, 1882 "to date." STRUTT (440) SUGDEN A Short History of St. Gregory's Mission, Longton. down to lHM-2. LonijtOH : W. Brickel. 1SS6. 12mo., pp. 14. [Compiled by Rev. ,1. S. partly from Father Massam's Notes.] Sthutt, Jo:.] ; House at Scarborough, for Edwin Brough. Esq. [Builder (I7th Oct.. 188.^), Ink-photo, by Spragues] ; Newcastle-under-Lvme Municipal Buildings [Buildinrj Kews (188,')). Photo.- litho. by Akerman] ; Altered De'sign [Builder (24th April. 188i;). Photo.-litho. by Wyman & Sons] ; Ditto. Baths [ib. (24th April, 18s'i;)] ;' North Front [ib. (4th May, 188ii), Ink-photo, by Spragues] ; View at Opening [H'ee/cly Graphic (f.'ith Oct.. I8ilO): fJaili/ Graphic (loth Oct.. 18'.I0); /llu.-:. Lond. AV«w (2.')th Oct.. 18110)]; Leek Town Hall, proposed Amelioration [.Architect (2oth Aug., 1887), Photo.-litho. by Spragues] ; Hartley's Model Village at Aintree [Builder (2oth Aug.. 1888), Photo.- litho. by Spragues; Building Neuis (7th .Sept., 1888)]; Description of preceding [Liverpool .Uercnri/ (2nd .lulv, 1888)] ; Sheffield Municipal Buildings [Brit. Architect (2lsti>'eb.,l81IO). Plioto.-litho.] ; Hanley Technical Museum [Bulldinff Neu'S (Oct., 181)0), Photo.-litho. by Akerman] ; Leek Police Station [Brit. Architect (3rd' Oct., 18110), Photo.-litho.; Leek Times (21st Feb., 18iM), Zinco.] ; Woodcroft [Builder (12th Dec, I81II). Photo.-litho. by Sprague] ; Ditto [Academy Architecture (I8!i:i)]. Obituary Notices [Leek Times (1st Oct., I8!)3) ; Leek Post (1st Oct., I81l.'i); Staffs. .Wi'ertiser (1st Oct., 181i:i) ; Slajfs. Sentinel (1st Oct., 18ii.M)]. Sdgdek, 'William Larner. b. Leek, 1850 ; s. oF William Siigden, Architect [see] ; educated Leeds Gr. Sch. ; articled to liis father, 1807 ; Partner with his father, 1881 to death of latter ; now sole snryiving partner in firm of William Sugden & Son ; Fellow, Roy. Inst, i Brit. Architects, 1892. I [Most of till; Works of wliicli particulars are given under i Williaui Sugdcn were designeii in part by W. L. S. since 1878.] Leek Bijou Reprints. No. 1 to 7. By Colonel Ingersol. I .lohn Asgill, an Oriental, James Thomson, and William Morris. London : IK Reeves. 1S81—S4. llinio. Sententiffi de Ratione Artis. London ; W. lieeves. ISOO. 4to. Photo. -tint by Akerm;in, and Ink-photo, by Atkinson. Opinions on the Leek Cemetery Competition. [From Professional Papers.] {Privately printed, .-lur/., 1889.) Woodcroft Ceiling Light. (Privateti/ printed.) Photo. 1893. I2mo. Weaponness Gardens. (Pricatel;/ printed. 1892.) 4to. Weaponness Estate. {Privateh/ printed, 1892.) 4to. Premises for the Leicester Secular Society. Humbe- stone Gate [Brit. Architect (24th Oc».. I87i'm. with a Photo.-litho.; Secular Reriew (,ith March. I88I), Zinco.] House at Leek, for W. S. Brough. Esq. [Brit. .Architect (20th Aug., 1880)]; Design for 0;ik Bedstead, for Mr. Phillips [ib. (4th March, 1881).] Oak Buft'ct for E. Challinor, Esq. [Brit. Architect (2'2ndOct.. I88i!i]. Flemish Sideboard, for W. H. Rider, Esq. [Brit. Archi- tect (22nd J.an., 18U2). Photo.-litho.] ; Stafford County Council Buildings [ib. (2:ird .Sept.. 18112), Photo.-litho.]; Catholic Church of St. John the Evangelist. Kidsgrove [Brit. Architect (181i;)). Photo.-litho.; .S7«//i. SentineU»t\l Feb., 1893), Zinco. ; Staffs. Weekly Post ('llth Feb., 1893), Zinco.; /.cei- ri'mcs ( 1 1 th Feb.. '1893), Zinco.] ; Cheadle Town Hall and Lilir.iry [Brit. .Architect ( 2Gth May, 1893). Photo. -Litho. ] ; Bo'ithouse at Rudyard Lake [Archi- tect (29th July. 181)3). Ink-photo, by Spr.-igues] ; Stafford- shire County Council New Asylum at Cheddleton [Brit. Architect (4th Aug.. 1893). Photo.-litho.] ; Alsop -Me- morial Hospital G;iteway, Leek (Alternatives; [Brit. Archi- tect (1X93). Photo.-litho.]; .Sanilers's Buildings, Leek [Leek Times (27th J;vn.. 1894), Zinco.: Bnildinij News (1894). Photo.-tint] ; Wetton Church [. 4 rc/i i'[S. [I';irt :it Mraforil Hii!l, Stone; part in tlie Britisli Museum. The lalttrr were preseiiti'ii by Miss Miirtlm Jervis, wljo also made copies uf tliose ut .Mealurd and included those iu her gift.] SwYNFEX, John. B.D., Eninianuel Coll., Cam., 161)7; incorporated 0.\. Univ., 16th May, 1704 ; Rector of Eaton Constaiitine, Salop. [Foster'.s Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1448.] SwYNFEN Pedigree. [Shaw, II., is*, •2'^* ; Bo.ll. Lib., 739, i.SSI.] SwYNFEN, Richai'd. /). Swvii''en, 1634 (baptised 23rd Mai-ch) ; \i.A., Cb.'Ch., 0.x., 1st March, 1654 ; Student, Gray's Inn, 1660. [Foster's Aliimni Oxon.. E.S., IV.. 1448.] SwYNFEN, Richard, b. Swynfen, 1678 : «. of Francis Swynfen ; Mat. Peinb. Coll., 0.\., loth Nov., 1694; Student, Middle Temple, 1693 ; M.P., Tatnworth, 1708—10 and Jan., 1723 to death ; d. 22nd July, 1726. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1448 ; Palmer's Tam- worth, App. xiii.] Swynfen, Samuel, b. Stafford, 1680 ; s. of Francis Swynfen ; Mat. Penib. Coll., 0.x., 31st March, 1696 ; B.A., 1699 ; M.A., New Inn Hall, 17th Maroh, 1703; M.B., 1706; M.U., Perab. Coll., 1712 ; Lecturer on Grammar to the University, 1705 ; d. 10th May, 1736. [Hearne's Works, I.. 8 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1448.^ Snvynnerton Family. By Rev. Canon Bridgman. [Hist. Coll. of Staffs.. VII., 1—1811.] SWYTIIAMLEY PaRK. A Story of Swythamley. By " Montefides." J/nii- chester, 1S74. History of Swythamley. [.S'ee Brocklehurst (P. L.).] Sydenham, Rev. G., Head Master of Hall Court Gr. Sell., Cannock. Notes of Lessons in their Principles and Application for the r.se of Teacher.i, &c. F.nglanii before the Norman Conquest Considered ; with Sjiecial Reference to its Literary Character. Sydenham's English Grammar. 8vo. The Church Catechism Explained . . . Stafford : R. if 11'. Wrinhl. 1SG8. 12mo., pp. 48. SYLVGSTEn, Rev. Gabriel. U.D., 1492 ; Master of Clare Hall, Cam., 1496—1506 ; Preb. of WeefonI, Lichfield, 3rd Feb., 1506—12 ; but: Croydon Ch., where is a monument. [Stenman'rt Crovdon. lill ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab.. I.. 17 ; Harwood's Lichfield. '252.] Symons, Edward William, b. Caldmore, 1857 : s. of Rev. James Symons ; Mat. New Coll., Ox., 15th Oct., 1875 : Scholar, Univ. Coll., 1876—80 ; B.A., 1879 ; Fereday Scholar, St. John's Coll., 1880—87 ; M.A. 1882 ; Head Master of Huddersfield Gr. Seh., 18S(I_87. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV.. 1381.] Symoxs {or Simons), Robert, h. Staffs., 1565 ; Mat. Mertoii Coll., O.X., 24th Nov., 1581. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., 144;!.] Taluot, Alethea. dau. of Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury ; m., 1606, Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundell, wlio was created Earl ALtrslial, 1621, and Duke of Norfolk, 1648. Thomas Howard et Alethea Talbot Arundellai et Sussex comite. Engraved bv Vorsterman. after Vandyck. lar. h. sh. Engraved by Holhir. 1IJ4G. h. sh. Talbot, Hon. Alfred Chetwynd. b. 14th Sept., 1848 ; .«. of Henry John Chetwynd, Earl Talbot (3rd Earl and 5th Lord Talbot, and 18th Earl of Shrewsbury) ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 1st May, 1867 ; B.A., 1871 ; M.A., 1872. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 138:!.] Talhot, Hon. and Rev. Artiiur Chetwynd. b. Ingestre Hall, 11th Jan., 1805 ; s. of Charles, 2iid Lord Talbot [«cc] ; educated Rugby ; Mat. Ch. Ch., O.X., nth Dec., 1822; B.A., 1826 ; Fellow, All Souls' Coll., 1827—29 : M.A., 1829 ; Rector of Ingestre and of Cburcli Eaton, 1829 to death ; R.D. of Lapley and Trysull; m. (1), 1st March, 1832, Harriet, dau. of H. C. H. Aston, Esq., (2) 1853, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of John Masterman, Esq., of Hull ; d. 13th June, 1884. [Rugby Reg., 1.10 : Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., l.'i83.J Tai.hot, Rev. Arthur Henry, b. Church Eaton, Oct., 1855 ; «. of the Hon. and Rev. Arthur Chetwynd Talbot, M.A. \_see'], and Mary Eliz- abeth Masterman, his wife ; Mat. Keble Coll., Ox., 20th Nov., 1874; B.A., 1878; M.A., 1881 ; Curate of Stoke, 1878—81 ; Vicar of Lapley, 1881—84 ; Rector of Church Eaton, 1884 to date. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV.. 1384.] Talbot, Augusta, b. 5th June, 1831 ; dim. of Hon. George Henry Talbot {brother to John 16th Earl of Slirewsburv) and Augusta Jones St. Paul {dau. of Sir Horace St. Paul, Bart.), his wife. On the death of her father, a dispute arose as to the education of herself and lier brother, John — and also as to custody — which resulted in a trial, now known as " The Talbot Case," which occupied attention more or less during 1839 — 41 ; at the conclusion she was liberated from a nunnery by order of the Lord TALBOT (445) TALBOT Chiin.-rllnr ; m., 22iid July, isril, Eiiward, Lor.l Howard of Glossop ; (/. ;:)nl July, 1H(J2. The Talbot Case. An Authentic and Succinct Account from l.s:ill to the Lord Chancellor's Judgment, with Notes and Observations, «fec. Seelei/, London. JS4I. 8vo., pp. xliv., Mil. [Talbot Claims, 27.] Tai.dot, Bertram Arlluir. /;. Tichboriic, Hants., 1 Ith Dec, 1832 ; s. of Lifut.-Coloiicd (Jliarlos Tliomas TalliOt and Julia {clan, of Sir Honry Jo<(lili Tichl.oine, Bart.), his wife : F.S.A. : Vic»- Admiral of Cheshire ; Deputy Lieutenant, Sl.Tffs. : Knt. Grand Cro=s of Order of Pius IX. : Knt. Commander of St. .John of Jern- .salem ; succeeded his cousin, John, Earl of Shrewsbury, as 17th Earl of Siirewsbury, 1852 ; r/., "Lisbon, lllth Aug., 185G ; hiir. Si. John's Roman Catholic Chapel, Alion, 2(ith Aug. Minutes of Evidence taken before the House of Lords on the Earl (Bertram .-Vrthur) of Shrewsbury and Water- ford s claiming the Office and Title of Lord High Steward of Irelanil. [Ordered to be printed.] lS5o. fol.. iip. .')"_'. [Lords' Journal, LXXXYI., 18 ; St. John's Reg.. Alton.] T.'VLUOT, Captiiin. Life and Surprizing Adventures of Captain Talbot. London. l.sOii. 12mo, T.\Li!oT, Charles, b. IfiGO ; ». of Francis, 11th Earl of Shrewsbury (who r/. Kith JLircb, IGGTj: Lord Chamberlain to James IL ; Principal Secretary of State to WilliaTn TIL, 1688; K.G., 1G88 ; created Marquis of Alton and Duke of Shrewsbury, 1G91; ; P.C. ; Viceroy of Ireland ; Lord Treasurer ; d. 1st Feb., 1717 ; bxir. Albrighton, Salop, 23rd Feb. An Account of the Life and Character of the Duke of Shrewsbury'. London, 1718. 8vo. Letters. &c. [.See Co.Ke (Archd.").] An Act for Annexing the late Duke of Shrewsbury's Estate to the Earldom of Shrewsbury, and Confirming Gilbert. Earl of .Shrewsbmy's Settlement in order thereto, and for other uiirposes therein mentioned. 1720. fol. [Lords' Journals. XIV. : XV., 4;iO. 4;il : .■Vlbrieliton Reg. : Cunningham's Biog. Hist. Eng., VL.SU — itl ; Whar- ton's Wits and Beaux. *27U ; see Vernon Papers.] Talbot, Charles. The Honour of the Seals ; or, Memoirs of the Noble Family of Talbot, attempting to do Justice to the Life, Character, and Descents of the late Lord Chancellor. London, 1737. 8vo. ; portrait. TAi.itOT, Charles, b. St. Andrew's, London, 8th March, 1753 : s. of Hon. Charles Talbot (after- wards of Hoar Cross, burton-on-Trent ; n., 8th Nov., 1828, Sarah Elizabeth, flan, of 2Md Marquis of Waterf( rd : 7. The Talbot Case. Letter of "Cu jus." containing full jiarticulais of the Case, with observations on the unsatisfactory state of the laws. Lomlim. 1SS7. 12mo., pp. 228. The Earl of Shrewsbury v. Trappcs. -An Appeal from the Decrees of the Court dismissing the Plaintiff's Bill, with Costs . . . Judgment. London, 1860. 8vo.,pp. 44. Tamsot, John. A. Biechniore, Salop, 1373 ; «. of Sir Richard Talb(jt (4th Lord Talbot), of Good- rich Castle, Herefs. ; Lord Justice of Ireland, 1412 ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1414—21, and again, 1444: with HeiiryV. in France, 1420; K.G., 1 Henry VI. ; remained in France many years, being taken prisoner, 1429 ; ^larshal of France ; created Earl of Shrewsbury, 20th May, 1442 ; appointed Ambassador to treat for peace with King of France, 1443 ; created Earl of Wexford and Waterford, 17th July, 1446 ; again in France, 1451, when he became General of English Fleet ; Lieut.-General of Aquitaine, 1452 : shot through the thigh with a canmm ball whilst besieging Chastiilon, and d. 20th July, 1453 : m. (I ) Maud, f/(j«. of Thomas, \ Lord Furnival, (2) Margaret, dau. of Richard i Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. At various ! periods he was created, besides the above — Earl of Valence ; Lord Talbot of Gooderich and (Jrchinfeld ; Lord Strange of Blechmore ; Lord Lowtofte of Worksop, Notts. : Lord Verdon of Alton : Lord Cromwell of Wing- field ; Lord Furnival of Sheffield ; and Lord Faulconbridge. [ Coronation Service as Lord Furnival [Bodl. Lib., 863, 52] : Creation as Earl Shrewsbury [ift.. 841. 2:i;t. .3;!1]. Portrait. In Oil. At Castle Ashby, Northants. Engraved by Basire. [Pennant's Chester to London, 312.] Engraved by T. Cecil. 4to. [Rapin's History of England]. [Chalmers's Biog. Diet., "XXIX.. 101— 110 ; Collins's Peerage: Monstrellefs Chron. : Rapin's Hist, of Eng. ; Biog. Brit. : a Becket's Biog. Diet., III., 785 ; Gorton's Biog. Diet., Vol. III.] Talbot, John. b. 1448 ; 3rd Earl of Shrews- bury ; m. Catherine, dau. of Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham ; (/. 1473. [Bodl. Lib.. 848, Sib.] Talbot, John. b. Grafton Manor, 18th March, 1791 ; .s. of John Talbot (.*. of George, 14th Earl of Shrewsbury) and Catherine {dau. of Thomas Clifton, Esq., of Lytham, Lanes.), his wife; succeeded as IGth Earl of Shrewsbury, &c., 6th April, 1827, on the death of his uncle Charles [see^ : K.G.C. of Royal Ernestine Order of Sa.xony : F.R.S.; Member of [Joyal Academy of Naples : (/. Naples, 9lli Nov., 1852 : bur. St. John's Roman Catholic Cljapel, Alton, 14th Dec, 1852. Re.a.sons for not taking the Oath. London, lS2o. 8vo. Ditto, 1828, 8vo. Letter to Lord Bexley. Loudon. ISSO. 8vo. Suggestions for the Improvement of the Poor. Lon- don, 1831. 8vo. Captain Graham's Case. London, ».d. 8vo. Present Posture of Affairs. London. 1841. 8vo. Letter on the Estatica of Caldaro, and the .\ddolorata of Capriana. London, 1841. 8vo. Second Edition, re- vised and enhirged. To which is added the relation of three successive Visits to the Estatica of Monte Sansarina, in May. 1842. London: C. Dolman. 1842. 8vo.. pp. 143. Siiarp Rebuke for a "Meek and Modest Reply. ' Lon- don. 1842. 8vo. Speech on Irish Arms Bill. London. 1843. 8vo. Speech on Irish College Bills. London, 1845. 8to. TALIiOT (448) TALl'.OT Hints towards the Pacifiaition of lielan'i. London, IS-ti. Svo. Thoughts on Poor Relief Bill tor Ireland. London, 1S47. Xvo. Di|)lomatic Relations with Rome. London, 1848. 8to. Reply to Archbishop McHale's Letter to the Eirl of Shrewsbiirv. n.p., pi., or d. [London. 18-JS.] (*vo., pp. 12. Letter' to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell. London, 1851. Svo., pp. Via. An Act for Vesting part of the settled Estates of the Right Honourable John. IJarl of Shrewsbury, in the Counties of 0.\ford. Chester. Salop. Worcester, and Staf- ford, to be Sold, and for laying out the monies to arise by such Sale in the Purcha.se' of ether Lands and Heredita- ments to be settled in lieu thereof to the same use and subject to the same restrictions, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1S44. folio. Letters from Piigin to Earl Shrewsbury [Ferrey's Recollections of Pugin, 117— IS"]. Portrait [p. 801 and Biog. Notice [p. 117. of Jubilee Xo. of The O.^cotian]. Talbot, John Clictwynd. b. S. Clement's, Lon- don (baptized St. Gilcs's-in-the- Fields, London, 25tli Fell.), 1750: s. of John Talbnt and Hon. Catherine Talbot, his wife ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 10th Feb.. 1766; created M.A., I'Jtii April, 1769 : M.P., Ca.^tle Rising, Yorks., 1777 — 82 ; 3rd Baron Talbot ; created Earl Talbot, 3rd July, 1784; m., 7th May, 1776. at St. George's, Hanover 8quare, London, Charlotte Hill, dau. of Lord Hillsborough (afterwards 1st Marquis of Dowiishire) ; d. 19th {bur. 29th) May, 1793, at Ingestre. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., l.'5«4 ; St. Giles's-in-the- \ Fields Parish Reg. ; St. George's, Hanover Square Reg. ; Shrewsbury Peerage Case ; Ingestre Reg.l Talbot, Eev. John Chetwynd. h. 1779 ; •«. of John, 1st Earl Talbot : Mat. Cli. Ch., 0.x., 22nd Oct., 1796 ; B.A., 1»00 ; Fellow, All Souls', until 1S14; M.A., 1806; Student, Lincoln's Inn, 1800 ; Rector of Church Eaton, 1813 ; of Ingestre, 1813. to death ; (I. 8th Feb., 1825. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., 1384.] Talbot, Hon. John Chetwynd. b. Ingestre, 1 806 ; s. of Charles, 2nd Earl Talbot ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., nth Dec, 1822: Student, lgi5_;il): B.A., 1827; M.A., 1829 : Bar- rister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1829 : of Middle Temple, ad tundem, 1S36 ; Q.C. ; Bencher, 1843 : Recorder of Monmouth ; m., 1830, Hon. Caroline Jane Stuart, dau. of 1st Baron VVharncliffe : (/. 26th May, 1852 : bur. Ingestre. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 138.i.] Talbot, Margaret, dun. of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick : m. John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury. Portrait in Oil. At Castle Ashby, Northants. Engraved by Basire. [Pennant's Chester to London. .Sli.J Talbot, Mary. dau. of Henry Talbot, 4th s. of George, Earl of Shrewsbury : m. Sir AVilliani Anne : founder of two hospitals — one at Bur- ton Grange, York?. ; d. 1675. Portrait. Engraved by U. Van Hove. [Clark's Lives. folio.] Talbot, Mary. dau. of Sir William Cavendish ; m. Gilb.'it,"7th Earl of Shrewsbury [*■«?]. Postscript by her. [Bodl. Lib.. 862. 411.] Talbot, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 18(i7 ; day. of Henrv, 2nd Mar([uis of Waterford ; m., 8th Xov.. 1S28, Henry .John, ISth Karl of Shrews- bury [#ct']. Portrait. [Costello's Eminent Englishmen (1844), I.] Talbot, Rt. Rev. Thomas, b. 14ih Feb., 1727 ; .«. of George Talbot and Maty Fitzwilliani, his wife; President of St. OuieV's Coll., 17(i2— 76 ; Coaiijutor Bp. of Midland l)istrict, 1766 — 78 : Vicar Apostolic, 177H : S)) and Dod's (IXort, 1874) Peerages; Lords' Journal (1858).] Talbot, Rt. Rev. William, h. Stourton Castle, Kinver, 1659 ; ^. of William Talbot (after- wards, 1674, of Lichfield) and Mary {dau. of Thomas Doughty, Esq., of Whittingtan, Kin- ver), his wife ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 28th March, 1674 : B.A.. 16th Oct., 1677 : M.A., 23rd June, 1680 : D.D., by diploma, Lambeth, 8th June, 1691 ; also by diploma, Ox. Univ., 8th Aug., 1699 ; Rector of Burgblield, Berks., 1682 ; Dean of Worcester, 13th July. 1691 ; Bp. of Oxford, 24th Sept., 1699—1715, with which he held his Deanery in commendam ; of Salisbury, 23rd April, 1715—20 : of Durham, 1721 to death ; Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of Durham : Governor of Charter- house, 1730 : in. Catherine, dau. of Mr. Alderman King, of London : d. 10th {bur. in St. James's Church, Westminster, 12th) Oct., 1730. A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Worcester, at the Monthly Fast, September 16th, 1691. Loudon, 1692. 4to., pp. 31. A Sermon on Isa. 58. 3. 7. London. 1704. 4to. The Duty and Advantage of setting God always be- fore ns. A Sermon preached . . . 2nd March, 1707. London. 7707. 8vo.. pp. 66. A Sermon on Psalm 113. London, 1101. 4to., pp. 16. The Bishop of Oxford, his Speech in the House of Lords on the First Article of the Impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell. London, 171(1. 8vo., pp. 16. TALBOT (449) TANGYE An Answer to the Arguments in the Bishop of Oxford's Speech on the Impeachment of Dr. Sacheverell, in favour of preventing suspension. In a letter from A. B. Lomlim, n II). Svo., pp. 24. Serious Answer to his (Bishop Talbot's) Speech on the 1st Article of Dr. Sacheverell's Impeachment. London, 1710. Svo., pp. Hi. The Lord Bishop of Oxford vindicated from the abuse of a Speech lately published under his Lordship's name. London, 1710. ! : Colton and the De Wasteneys, 115.] Tayler, Rev. John. b. Colton, 1C.S4 ; t>. of Rev. John Tayler [»^«?] ; Mat. Bra>euose Coll., O.X., 24th March, 17ol ; B.A., 1704 ; M.A., 17u7 ; Rector of Colton, 17o8 to death ; cl. 7iii Sept., 1735. [Foster's Alumni Oxen.. E.S., IV., 1460; Colton and the De Wasteneys, 115, 117 ; The Daily Journal (1735).] Taylor, A., Printer, West Bromwich. The Labour Tribune. Published weekly by .4. Taylor^ We^t Bromwich. Taylor, Christopher. Of Yorks., after of Wal- thaui Abljey, Essex, and la.stly of Edmonton, > London; d, Pennsylvania. 1686; brother to \ Thomas Taylor, of StaEFord. ( His Testimony concerning Thomas Tavlor. [Tavlor's Works (1697), 4 sL] Taylor, Ebenezer William, b. Stafford, 1852 ; s, of Solomon Taylor ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 21st Oct., 1873'; Mus. Bac, Hertford Coll., 1876 : Mus. Doc, 1883. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1392.] Taylor, Edward Richard, b. Hanley, 10th June, 1838; «. of William Taylor. Earthenware Manufacturer, and Ellen Howson, his wife ; educated Sch. of Art, Biirslem, and South Kensington ; Exhibitor at Royal Academy, Grosvenor Gallery, &c. : Head Master, Sch. of Art, Lincoln, 1863 — 70 ; Municipal Sch. of Art, Birmingham, 1876 to date ; Mem. Roy. Soc. of Artists, Birmingham. Elementary Art Teaching. /.onJon ; Chapman if Hall. ISOO. 8vo., pp. XT., 166. and 600 diagrams and illustrations. Geometric Forms, Letters, and Ornaments. 28 in number, on stiff boatds. ' Set of Two Drawing Books. Free-Hand E.tamples, on lio Cards. 7 X 5 inches. Enlarged Diagrams. Example on 60 Cards. 21 X 15 inches. Drawing and Design . . . ionJon ; Afacmiltaii. 1894. 8vo. pp. 114. Record of Tenhnicil and .Secondarv Education. [Technical Education in Art (1893), 154 — 58.] Contributor to Science and .\rl. Taylor, Ernest George, b. Wolverhampton, 1848 ; x. of George Tavlor, Esq. ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 5th Dec, 1866 ; M.A., 1870 ; Student, Inner Temple, 1870. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 139.!.] Taylor, Hannah, b. Stafford ; dau. of Thomas Taylor [^f^]. A Short Testimony of Hannah Taylor, concerning her dear Father. Thomas "Tavlor. [Taylor's Works (1697).] Taylor, J., Stafford. The Trent Fisher. Stafford, 1781. 8ro. Taylor, John, " tin- Water Poet." Part of this Summer's Travels ; or, Xews from Hell Hull, and Halifax, from York. Linne. Leicester, Chester, Coventry, Lichfield. Nottingham . . . Imprinted by J. 0. n. pi. or d. (Ijindon. lOHJ). 8vo. All the Workes of John Taylor, the Water Poet. Being Sixty-and-threj in Number. Collected into One Volume bv the Author ; with sundrv new additions. Printed by .1. H. for ./. BoUn. Loudon, 1630. fol. He- printed by The .'^pen.^er .Society. Taylor (or Tayler), Rev. Julm. b. C'oruton (Colton), 1714 ; .s. of Rev. John Tavler (Rector, 1708—35); Mat. Wore. Coll., O.v., 8th April, 1731; B.A., 1734; Rector of Colton, 1738—67 ; of Leigh, 1749—57 ; hatl dispensation under Great Seal to hold both livings together ; owned the advowson of Colton ; imprisoned in Stafford Gaol, 1749, being a warm Jacobite. [Foster's .\Iumni Oxon., IV.. 1.3.34; Colton and the De Wasteneys, 115—17; Hutchinson's Stoke. 102.] Taylor, Rev. John. b. Burslem, 7th Jan., 1843 ; ». of William Taylor. Earthenware Manufacture)-, and Ellen Howson, his wife ; Methodist Free Church Minister since 1804 ; now stationed at Northwich, Cheshire : Chair- man of Liverpool and North Wales District. Memoir of Rev. ilarmaduke Miller. [Melhoiliit Free Ch. Mimdei (1889). 12—18.] Various Contributions to .Methodist Free Ch. Mag. Taylor, Joseph, b. Wood Lane, Audley, 3rd May, 1858 ; »\ of George Taylor, Butcher and Farmer ; educated The Academy, Winsford, Cheshire ; Methodist Minister ; Unitarian Minister ; Secularist Lecturer and Journalist ; Agnostic ; Theosopliist, &c. ; Lecturer on Mining to Staffs. County Council, 1892 ; m. Annie, duu. of Charles Emery, of Newcastle. What h;»s Unitarianism done for the People '! A Manual of Agnosticism. Confessions of a Converted Sceptic. 8to., pp. 8. Is Re;ison a Sufficient Guide':' 8vo., pp. 8. Absolutism. Taylor, Lot Albert. M.R.C.S., Eng., 1886 ; L.R.C.P., Edin., 1887; D.P.H., Eng., 1889; Mem. Brit. Med. Assoc, and of the Mid. Med. TAYLOR ( 452 ) TAYLOR Soc. ; Assofiiite of Soc. of MeJ. Officers ; Medical OtHccr Kinsswiiiford No. 4, anil Vac- cination Officer of No. 2, District, Stourbridge Union. Liquor Sodii Ethvlates in th? Treatment of Lujius Exedens. [Bril. .Ueil.' Jour. (IXfS).] Taylor, Rev. Natiianifl. ft. StafTord, 1657 : .«. of Samuel Taylor ; Mat. Teniliroke Coll., 0.\., 2Gtli March, 1G75 ; Rector of Ciiecldey, 1072, to death ; Preb. of Pipa Parva, Lichfield, 8th Nov., 1095, to death ; d. 1708. [Foster's Alumni O.'con.. E.S., IV., Htil ; Havwood's Lichfield, 24;i ; Hutchinson's Stoke, G2.] Taylor, Rev. Robert, ]\LA. Rector of Clifton Canipville, 1S24, and n{ liarlaston ; (/. lOtli May, Ifi.jt). Vindication of John Rouge, the Luther of the 19th Century. Translated from the German. London : WiUiatn E. Painter. Tamworth : J. T/tomp»on. 1S45. Svo.. pp. iv.. 5— 5«. Taylor, Sainnel. h. Wolverhampton, 1719 ; «. of John Taylor ; Mat. Pcinbrol57. Being a Free-Gift Sermon, Mainly Touching the Religious Robbers, or Spiritual Murtherers, the Sermon and Prayer- Sellers of the former, latter and in-esent Times ; Even to the whole company of Mystery-Babylon's Merchants and Members a Warning. Loudon: Printed for Giles Catrert^ at the Black Spread-Eaf/te, near the West-end (if Paul's. 1657. 4to.. pp. 11. and in Works p. .37. A Trumpet .bounded from under the Altar; the ten days' persecution near an end. n.p., pi., or d. (1658). 4to. pp.4. [Written in Appleby Gaol.] To the People of England, T. T. London: Printed hy Thomas Simmons. 1G60. A Broadside, h. sh., and in Works p. U'.l. [Written against May-Poles.] A Testimony to the Lord God, and His Work on the Earth. Loudon: Printed J'or Robert Wilsou at the Sign of the Black-Spread-Kafjle, and Wind-Mill, in Martin's Le Grand. 1G6U. 4to. h. sh., and in Works on p. 1' and after 130. God's Controversie with England declared ; or, A Wanung Word by waj- of Reju'oof, to the Inhabitants thereof, even to such as forget God, and are adding one sin unto another. Loudon : same imprint. 1661. 4to. Broadside. pi>. 4. and in Works p. 1'21, A Faithful Warning to Outside Professors, and Loose Pretenders to Christianity of all sorts. n.p.,pl., or d. 4to., pii. 0. and in Works p. 123. Ignorance and Error reproved ; being an answer to some Queries that one John Reynolds wrote to two of the People called Quakers. Also a few words by way of Query to the Teachers and Professors called Presbyterians and indejiendents. With a word of Prophesie in Verse. Also a word of Exhortation and a warning of love to them to haste out of Babylon the mystery of initjuity into Zion the City of Holiness ; with a word at last to those who were Persecutors. Priuled in the year 166:2. 4to., pp. 25, and in Works p. 3*. [Partly written hy John Paytou, o£ Duilley.] For all in Authority upon the Earth, and in Special, those now in England, to Read and Ponder. London : Printed/or Robert Wilson. 1663. Broadside, s. sh. A Lcving Exhortation to all Kings, Princes. Poten- tates, Bishops, and People in the whole Christendom Wherein is a Distinction betwixt the True and False Teachers. To be Read over in Meekness and in the Fear of the Lord. Written by Thomas Taylor. Lnudou : Priuled i'l the Year 1G60. ito.. pp. G, and in Works p. I(i2. The Indignation of the Lord upon all Nations. [Works p. 94.1 [The .Same with] A Warning to the Nations, to Life aside all Prejudice and Enmity, the (ioui'mond of Stray and Wars ; and to come and Embrace the Light of Christ .Tesus. that they may see themselves, and come to be .Saved and Healed and Cnited in the Love of God. n.p.,pl., or d. (1667). 4to., pp. (i. and in Works p. 182. A Few Necessary Questions and Conclusions for the present Parish Teachers of England, Deeply ti> Ponder and Answer to in (Jod's Fear for the Good of their own and the People's Souls that are under them ; for the Lord is arisen to call all things to Judgment. n.p.,pl.. or d. 4to. pp. (), and in Works p. 171. A Testimony to the True and Spiritual Worship ; .and a Word of Consolation to the Children of Light. Also a Message of Truth to Professors. By Thomas Taylor. Printed in the >/ear 1670. 4to., pp. 11 ; and in his Works, pp. 38*. ib*. [Written partlv iu IGtiH. partlv in 1(170.] A Message of Truth to' Professors. 1670. 4to. ; in Works, p. 4.5. [The same, with] To the King. Works. ]>. t;7. To the King and both Houses of Parliament. Bv Thomas Taylor and Elizabeth Hooton. (1670.) 4to..pp. 4. A Strong and Terrible Alarm sounded out of the Holv Mountain against all the Wicked Inhabitants of the Earth. 1670. 4to., pp. 4 ; Works, p. 119. Richard Baxter's Book : entituled The Cure of Church Divisions, Answer'd and confuted. And he i)rov'd to be a Physitian of No Value; who hath manifested his Folly and Weakness in undertaking a Work which he had so little understanding in. By Thomas Taylor. Printed in the year 1671. 4to.. pp. 32 ; and in Works, p. 199. A Testimony for Christ Jesus, the Prince of Peace, against that Antichristian Spirit of Cruelty and Blood- shed which principally recides in the Papal Church. T. T. lu the i/ear 1672. fob. h, sh. A Testimony for the Lord, the Good Shepherd [and true Minister of the Sanctuary and true Tabernacle, which God hath pitched and not Man], Against .all the false Shepherds and Hirelings [Ministers and Teachers] of the World, aud more especially or particularly those of that sort in the Nation of England [under what name or notion or Form soever, who have run, and God never sent them, and therefore cannot profit the People at all]. By Thomas Tavlor. Printed in the year 1675. 4to., pp. 8 ; and in Works, p. 233. To the People at and about Stafford, a Testimony for God and his Truth, and against Deceit and Deceivers, especially the Hireling Priests, as a Warning, Informa- tion and Instruction in Righteousness, to them I and all People elsewhere concerned } by the Spirit of the Lord in his suffering Servant. Thomas Tavlor. n. p., pi., or d. (1670). 4to.. pp. 4 ; and in Works, p. 294. Thomas Taylor's Solemn Declaration to Clear himself from that Wicked Aspersion of being a Jesuit, and frotn Popery, &c. (Stafford, the 7th of the 4th Month, 1«79.) n. p., pi, or d. (1679). 4to., J sh. Some Serious Considerations concerning the Priests of the High Places called Churches, their Sprinkling Infants, Marrying People, and Burving their Dead, Arc. [The same, with] The Priests of the High Places called Churches, every time they either sprinkle Infants, or Marry People, or Burv their Dead, Commit these Great Evils. (The .")th Month, 1079.) u. p., pi., or d. (1670). Broadside ; and in Works, p. 70. The Collected Works, entitled — Truths. Innocency, and Simplicity shining through the Conversion, Gospel- Ministry, Labours, Epistles of Love, Testimonies, and Warnings to Professors and Profane, (with the Long and Patient Sufferings) of that Ancient and Faithful Minister and Servant of Jesus Christ, Thomas Taylor, who finish'd his Cause in the Year MDCLXXXI. 1 Thess. 2. 6, 6. — For neither at anj^ time used we flattering words, nor a Cloak for Covetousness ; God is witness : Nor of men sought we Glory, tVc. Loudon: Printed and Sold hy T. Sowle, next door to the Meeting-house in Wliite-Hart-Court in Gracecious-street, and at the Bible in Leadenhall-street near the Market. 1670. 4to., pp. 200. To Friends in Warwickshire and Staffordshire, &c.. 1668 [Works, 7—10] : To Friends' from the Place of my Confinement [.Start'ord Gaol] for the Everlasting Testi- mony of Jesus, in the Fifth Month. li;64 [ib. 28, 29] ; To Friends in Loudon (dated Stafford, 21st of the 12th Month, 1607) [30. 31]; To Friends on Sudbury Side (1008) [32, 33] ; To Friends, Richard Boothmjin and Robert Clough (Stafford, the 20th of the 8th mo., 1068) TAYLOR (453) TENISON [31] ; The Day of the Lord is Damned [;!'>] ; For the People of England to Weep (Ititi.')) [04] ; To the Comers and (Joers by the Prlson-Wimlow of Both Sorts (lf>70) [(io— «] ; To'lnformers (11)71 J [ll'.l] ; To the Presbyterians so called [«S, 89] ; To the Presbyterians (IGTll) [im] ; To the Blind Teachers ['.11] ; For the People of the Earth who love the Pleisures of Sin there [I'l, 92] ; Concerning Bread and Wine r!i:i— 107] ; To Loose an<'], and Mary VVylde, liis wife ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 22nd Oct., 1801 ; created M.A., 14th March, 1804; of Little Aston Hall, until 1830, when he sold it to William Leigh, Esq. \_see'\ ; m., 4th Jmie, 1804, Charlotte Pelham, ilau. of 1st Lord Yarboroiigh ; d. 13th March, 1835. [The Tennants were owners of Little Aston Hall, 1770—1830.] [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., HOO ; Notes on Aldridge, 41.] Terrick, Richard. b. Stoke \_quenj : whetber not Hill Farm, near Newcastle, but in Stoke Parish, where the Terrick M.P. for Newcastle (L.P.) hailed from, whose grandson he probably was], 1702 ; «. of John Terrick : xMat. Jfagd. Coll, Ox., lUth Oct., 1720 ; B.A., 1724. [Foster's AUimni Oxon., IT., 1400.] Testimonies concerning deceased ministers to the yearly meeting, 1848. A Testimony of .StutTordsliire Meeting for Discipline concerning Hannah Randall, pp. 'I — 4. Tettenhall. View of Church [^CHf.'." Mm/. (179(i), i>!3 ; Shaw, II., 1!)4] ; History of Tettenhall [.'^haw, II., 194— IW] ; Monu- ments [Bodl.'Lib., S53. iAb.; .Southwiek's Barons Stafford]; Wrottesley Charters [\b.. 833, 77—711: 1115, 207— 126] ; Arms in "Wrottesley House, Tettenhall [ib., 853, 23] ; Battle of Tetteiihall [Green's Conquest of England, li»5, 1%, 41i;; see Thorneycroft (Lieut.-Col.)]. An Act for making a Navigable Canal from the Staf- fordshire and Worcestershire Canal in the Parish of Tetten- hall .... to the United Navigation of the Ellesmere and Chester Canals in the Parish of Acton . . Chester. 1826. folio. History of Tettenhall. By G. Jones. [Now (1894) publishing.] Tew, Richard, "of Staff's." Mat. Morton Coll., Ox., 21st Feb., 1554 : B.A., 13th Dec, 1587. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E..S., IV., 14G8.] Th.^tcher, Rev. Ernest Grey. h. Auckland, New Zealand, 1851 ; .v. of Rev. Frederick Thatcher [see] ; Mat. Keble Coll., Ox., 18th Oct., 1870 ; B.A., 1874 ; M.A., 1877 ; His- tory Lecturer, 1875 — 77 ; Curate of Stoke, 1H77_80 ; Vicarof St. Mary's, Tunstall, 1881 —87 ; of Tamworth, 1887—90 ; R.D. of Taniworth, 1888—90; Curate of Bakewell, Derbys., 1890—92. [Foster's Alumni Oxou., IV., 1402.] Thatcher, Rev. Frederick, b. 1814: originally an architect; ordained in New Zealand, 1847; Vicar of Tamworth, 1877 ; Preb. of Oaia M.njor, Lichfield, 1H83, to death : lc;an), in which lie travelled 23 years"; at Leeds, &c., 17117 : Manchester, 1798; Nottingham, 1799— 180U; Hull, 18Ul ; Sheffield, 1802; Leeds, as Book Steward, 1803 — 6; Manchester, ditto, 1807 ; Hanley, ditto, 1808—11 ; d. Shooter'.-; Hill, Longton, 16th Dec, 1811 ; bur. Bethesda Chapel, Hanley. Serious Advice to Servants of the Methodist .Societies of the Town of Leeds. Lceil.i. 1707. lu'mo. pp. 12. Outlines of the Constitution of the Methodist New Itinerarv. With an Appendix. Bv and Alexander Kilh:im.' LeeJ/, 1707. 12mo., pp. 48. [liaggaley'^ Digest of New Con. Meth., 130, 15'2.] Thom.as, AllVcd Samuel, b. Ogley Hay, 18.")3 ; .V. of Edwin Thoma.s, Esq. ; Mat. St. Mary Hall, Ox., 27th Jan., 1875 ; Curate of South- end, Essex, 1891. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 140:!.] Thomas, Rev. George Arthur, M.A. Rector of Woolwich, Kent : of Wiei/i^ if Law. 1707. 8vo.. pp. 3t;. .Sermons and Charges of the Right Rev. John. Lord Bishop of Rochester. Ildited by Rev. G. A. Thomas. Two 'V'olumes. Louilon, 1803. 8vo. Tho.m.vs, Rev. John Wesley. Wesleyan Minister, 1822 to death ; stationed at Leek, Wolver- liampton, &c. Remarks on the Fly Sheets in a Letter to a Wesleyan. Loudon. 1S40. 12mo.. pp. 26. Byron and hi.s Times. A Satirical Poem. In Two Cantos. 3rd edition. To which is added a Third Canto. London, IfiaO. Xvo., pp. 161. A New Edition : Dudley. 1S55. 12mo., pp. 144. The Papacy Unveiled. A Lecture delivered at Dudley. London. IS.Jl. 8vo., pp. 21. The Trilogy ; or, Dante's Three Visions. Translated into English in the Metre and Triple Rhyme of the original. London, 18.50. 8vo., pp. 3oU. Vol. II., 18G2, 8vo., pp. 272. Vol. III. Letter to Nathan Rouse on Hereditary Holiness. Thomas (John William) & Co., Printers, &c.. Liverpool Road, Stoke. [Mr. Thomas was formerly a Schoolmaster ; Clerk of first Sell. Board for Stoke-on-Trent, and finally com- menced the business as above, in which he was not fortunate.] The Secret of a Town's Prosperitv. [6ee Stamer (Right Rev. Bishop).] Thomas, Pascoe. Journal of Commodore Anson's Voyage to the South Sea and Round the Globe. London 1745. 8to. Thompson, Joseph. Letter (to Ashmole) Describing his Voyage to the East Indies, dated Bantan House, Jan. 1650. [Bodl. Lib., ».2e(U3), 24.ja6, 2466.] Thompson, William. //. Burton, 1860: s. of Hi'nry Thompson, Es<|. ; Mat. as a Non.- CoU., Ox., 13th Oct., 1883 ; B.A., 1880. [Foster's Alatnni Oxon., IV., 141 1.] Thomson, Spencer, M.D. L.R.C.S., Edin. : resident at Burton-on-Trent. X Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Surgery. London: OroomOridge tj' .Son. 1853. 8vo., pp. 671. 8th edition, iSoO, pt. 8vo. British Cholera : its Nature and Causes. London : ./. rIouchiU. 1848. Temperance and Total Abstinence. London : ./. Churchill. 1850. Pt. 8vo. Structure and Functions of the Eye. Loudon : Groom- bridge. 1H57. Pt. 8vo. Health Resorts of Britain and How to Profit by them. London : Ward 4 Lock. 1800. 8vo., pp. vii., 330. Wild Flowers : Where to find and how to know them. London : George Houtledye ij* Som. n.d. Fcp. 8vo., pp. xiii., 17—322. Thornbdry, Samuel, b. Leek, 1698 ; s. of Joseph Thoridiury ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 24th ,Iune, 1715; B.A., Ch. Ch., 1719: M.A., Magd. Hall, 1723. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1413.] Thorn E, George R., Solicitor, Wolverhampton. The Corrupt and Illegal Practice Prevention Act. W'olrerhampton : .1. Hinde. Brotherhood. Wolverhampton, 1803. 8vo. Thorne, James. Rambles by Rivers : The Duddon, The Mole, The Adur, Arun and Wev, The Lea, The Dove. London: Charles Knight .j- Co. ' 1844. pp. 244. Thornewill, Rev. Charles Francis, b. Burton, 25th Jan., 1841 : s. of Robert Thornewill, Ironfouiider ; educated Repton Sch. : Mat. Corp. Ch. Coll., Ox., 15th Oct., 1859 ; B.A., 1803; M..\., 1866: Curate of Holy Trinity. Habergham Eaves, Lanes., 1864 — 67 : St. Man,'"?, Leicester, 1867 — 69 : Vicar of Burton. 1870—92 : Boylston Lecturer at Burton, 1870 —92 ; Vicar of Bakewell, Uerbys., 1892 to date ; m. Elizabeth Edmunda Anne, dau. of Edmunil Johnson, Esq., of The Firs. Knigiiton. Leies. Drink Allowances to Workmen. A Sermon. Burton : Perfect. 1876. 8vo. Lepidoptera and their Captors in the Midland Counties. [.Mid. .\at.. I., 14-16.] Caterpillars : How to find and how to rear them. [lb.. II., 177—82.] A Contributor to the Entomologist. Thorneycroft, George Benjamin, h. Tipton, 20th xVug., 1791 ; s. of Edward Thorneycroft, Ironworker, and Mary {daxi. of William Brad- ley, of Benthall, Salop), his wife ; in early life his parents removed to Kirkstall Forge, near Leeds, where he worked until 18 years old ; re- tnrned to Staffs, in 1809, and began to work at Jlourcroft In.n Works. Bradley ; became even- tuallv Superintendent of the Works ; founded a small Iron Works at Willenhall, 1817 : joined Lis brother, Edward Thorneycroft, in working THORNEYCROFT (456) THORNHILL the Shrubbery Iron Works, Wolverhampton in 1824 ; after the retirement of Mr. Eilward Thorneycroft the Firm became Tliorneycroft, Hartley, Perks, and Kesteven ; A.I.C.E., 1850 ; Telfourd Medalist, Dec, 1850 ; first Mayor of Wolverhampton, 1848—49 ; Con- stable of Manor of tlie Deanery of Wolver- hampton, 8th Nov., 1848 ; J. P., Staffs., 1849 ; J. P., Salop ; m., Wolverhampton, 9th April, 1814, Eleanor, dau. of Thomas and Hannah Page, of Moxley; d. ■28th April, 1851. Supplementary Facts and Remarks connected with the Corn Laws. Wolverhampton : WiUiam Parke. 1840. 8vo., An Address to the Nobilitv. Clergy, and other Inhabi- tants of "Wolverhampton and the Neighbourhood. Wolver- hiimpton ; ir, Parke. The Railway Interest and the Iron Trade. Wolver- hampton: W. Parke. 18i9. On the Manufacture of Malleable Iron, with the results of experiments on the Strength of Railway Axles. Wol- rerhampton: W. Parke. 1S50. 8vo., pp. 11 ; 1 plate. Special Rules of G. B. Thorneycroft & Co.'s Works. Wolverhampton: T. S:mp.':on. 12mo., pp. 10. Ditto, ZS57, 12mo., pp. i2. An Address to every Inhabitant of Wolverhampton, whether Churchmen, Dissenters, or of no religion at all. [On repairing of Collegiate Church of St. Peter, dated ■21st July, 18:!7.] fol., s. sh. On the Currency. [Wolrerhampton Chronicle, 28th Feb., 184<1.] , . ,., On Agricultural Distress. [Staff.''. Advertiser (Jan., 1850).] „ ., Evidence before the Oxford and Worcester Railway Bill Committee, pp. 3.%— GO. [Notes from a Clergyman's Parochial Visiting Book. Chap. XX. Published in South Af^rlcan Church Mag.; Gent.'s Mag., Aug., 18.il ; The Watchman. 14th May, 18ol ; Brit. Messenger (Stirling), No. 49, March, 18.t1 ; Tait's Mag., No. .iti, pp. (i4.')— .'i2.] Memoirs. [See Manby (C), Owen (Rev. J. B.).] Thorneycroft, Thomas, b. Willenhall, 10th Dec, 1822 ; s. of George Benjamin Thnrnpy- croft. Ironmaster [«ee], and Eleanor his wife ; educated Wolverhampton Gr. Sch. ; Partner in Firm of G. B. Thorneycroft & Co., until his retirement in 1877 ; J.P., Salop ; J. P. and Deputy Lieutenant, Staffs. ; High Sheriff, Staffs., 18(54 ; Lieut.-Colonel, Queen's Own Staffs. Yeomanry Cavalry ; m., 27th June, 1847, Jane, ilau. of Alexander Whitelaw, Esq., Drum Park, Lanark. A Continental Tour. . . September, I8.0G. Wolver- hampton : T. Simpson. 8vo., pp. 20. A Few Days in the North. . . . August 20th, 18C.5. Wolverhampton : T. Simpson. 8vo., pp. 20. A Scotch Trip. . . July Kith, 1857. Wolrerhampton: T. Simpson. 8vo., pp. 20. The Battle of Bothwell Bridge. . . Dec, 18(16. Pt. 8vo., pp. 7. A Trip to America. . . Sept., 1869. Wolverhampton: Steen cj- Blackett. 8to., pp. 60. A Visit to Inverie Knoydart, Inverness-shire. 1870. Wolverhampton : Steen Cf Blackett. 8vo., pp. 20. A Visit to Dunvegan Castle, Isle of Skye. . . Sept. 3, 1885. 8vo., pp. 10. Sports and Pastimes, with healthy Exercises, at Tettenliall Towers. May, 1886. 8vo,, pp. 35. The Thorneycroft Cousins. An Opera in three Acts. The libretto written and portion of the music composed by Lieut.-Col. Thorneycroft. the rest by Andiani. Wolrer- hampton : Steen if Co. 1886. 8vo. The Ascent of Balloon, -'The Dudley Castle," in wliich Lieut.-Colonel Thorneycroft andCapt. Morton went, 1886. Wolverhampton. Pure Air. Wreck of the Steam Launch, " The Ariel." Marriage Lines of A. Whitelaw, Esq., M.P., and Miss Barbara Lockhart. A Peep at the Highlands. Picnic at Apslcv Terrace. The AlbrightoriHunt Ball. A Sail to Henley Regatta. Description of a Concert at Tettenhall Towers. Lines to Miss Aitken. Lines to Madame and Monsieur Perdouet. Lines to Monsieur de Gouzenhalt. The Vogels and Civil Wars in Switzerland. Lines to Madame de Meio Muralt. Lines to Mr. Bedoner Quriele. Description of the '• Magnet " Steamboat being knocked about the Eternity Rocks in Canada, during a stormy night, but she did not come to pieces ; she was made of Thorneycroft's best S. Crown Plates and well put together. Shooting the La Chine Rapids in the Saint Lawrence River in Canada. Description of Niagara, after he visited it. Havre Boating. Driving four fast-trotting American horses together, at Coldspring, on the Hudson River side. Sleighing. Deer Stalking. Theatricals at Tettenhall Towers. Skating Rink and Billiard Tables at Tettenhall Towers. Description of Concerts at Tettenhall Towers. Pamphlet written to the Working Men of England. Lines to the Baron and Baroness George de Villates at Belsair, near Belleville, France. A Trip to the Riga, Switzerland. A Visit to Shrublands. Glen Bruar Deer Stalking. A Visit to Applecross, Scotland. Description of Tettenhall Towers, with particuliirs of his new system of drainage and ventilation. A Visit to Achnacarry Castle, Scotland. A Visit to Doune Castle, Scotland. Remarks on Whales seen sporting about when he crossed the Atlantic. Description of the "Russia" Steamboat running into an Italian Ship, loaded with Oil and Wine, which it sunk in five minutes, the crew being saved. [Lieut.-Colonel Thorneycroft, his son, and ilaugUter, were on the " Huss'a."] Particulars of the various Patents and Inventions of G. B. Thcrneycroft. first Mayor of Wolverhampton, about fourteen in number, of which several are photographed. Descriptions of Five Patents and Thirty Inventions of Lieut.-Colonel Thorneycroft, all illustrated' with Photo- graphs. Lieut.-Colonel Thorneycroft's Visit to Alicante in Spain, to see the Castle, where a member of the Thorney- croft family. Colonel Thorneycroft, 180 years ago, pre- ferred to be blown to atoms whilst defending the castle, rather than surrender to the French. A Short Family History, with Pedigree Complete. "Some love inForeign" lands to roam." Words and Music by Lieut.-Col. Thorneycroft. " Thou art mine." " I am Thine." "Come to me." "A Nameless Song, for a Nameless." "The Good Baron." " Down by the river side." Fancv Dress. Waltz. " I am Thine." Waltz. "Nimbly Step it." A Country Dance. " The Fire Brigade." March. The Battles of Tettenhall and Wednesfield, A.D. 910— 91. (Privately printed. Dee. 10th, 1802.) 8vo., pp. 6. A Day with the Tettenhall Driving Club. (Privately printed, August 1:2th. 1803.) 8vo., pp. 8. Memoirs of the Thorneycroft Family. With Patents, &c. Wolverhampton, 1801. 8vo., pp. 285. [Nearly all the above were privately printed, without p., pi., or d., for presents.] Thorneycroft Records. 4 large fol. vols. [J'enes I Lieut.-Col. Thorneycroft.] [Supposed to contain all printed and MS. matter relating to the Tliorneycrofts.] Biographical Notice, with Portrait, &c. [Biog. Mag.. X., 210— :I5.] ' Thornhill, C, Darlaston. 1 Physical Effects of Intemperance. 1840. 8vo., pp. 51. THORPE (457) TIMMIS Thorpe, Benjamin. Diplomatariiim Anglicaniis yEvi Saxonici. A Collec- tion of English Charters, from the reign of King Ethel liert of Kent, D.C.V., to that of William the Conqueror, with a translation of the Anglo-Saxon. London: Macmillaii 4 Co.. 1.SG5. 8vo., pp. ii«l. [Contains the Will of Wulfric of Barton.l Thorpe Cosstantine. Manor. [Bodl. Lib., 1115, •2.i.i6.J History. [Shaw, I., 405— 4U7.] Throckmorton, Mr. Staffordshire. [Bodl, Lib., 834, V., 76.] Thdrsby, Rev. George Augustus. b. Shifnal, Salop, 1771 ; «. of Captain Walter Horsley Thursby, and Dorothy, dau. of William Pigott, Esq., ot Edgmoud, Salop, his wife ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 3rd April, 1781) ; B.A., 1792 ; M.A., 1795 ; Rector of Abington, Northants., 1795: of Penn, 1808, to death; m., 24th May, 1800, P'rance.s, dau. of Henry Pelharn- Cresatt, Esq., cif Crowhurst ; d. 17th Jan., 183G. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., Hi**.] Thursfield, Rev. Richard. b. Wednesbury, 19th Oct., 1827 ; ^«. of John George Thurs6eld, Solicitor ; educated Sir R. Cholraondeley's Sch., Higligate, Middlesex, and Caius Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1854 ; M.A., 1875 ; Curate of Ch. Ch., Everton, Lanes. : Norwood, Surrey ; Vicar of Ullenhall, Warws., 1802—72 : Rector of St. Michael-in-Bedwardine, Worcester, 1872, to date ; m. Catherine Battersby. Best in Jesus. London : Houghton ij- Co. 2nd edition, 18t;G. 3ril edition, n.d., pp. 24. Helps for School Boys in True Religion. IVorcenler: Kaslon o'- .Son. 1870. ppl III Bethany ; or. Thoughts in Verse, on John xi. and other subjects. Evening Communion. U'oi'cester : Ea.flon <]• Sons. pp. 11. Thurstan, John Aubrey, b. Tettenhall, 1864 ; s. of John Thurstan ; Mat. as a Non-Coil. Student, Ox., 18th May, 1883. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1418.] Thynne, Sir Thomas, s. of Sir Henrv Frederick Thynne, Bart. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., "21st April. 1657 ; 2ud Bart. ; M.P., Ox. Univ., Jan., 1674—78 : Tumworth, 1678—79, 1679—81 ; ' created Baron Thynne and Viscount Weymouth, 11th Dec, 1682 ; P.C, 1702—11 ; m. \ Frances, dmi. of Heneage, 2nd Earl of ' Winchelsea ; d. 28th July, 1714. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 14S2 : Palmer's Tamworth, App. XII.] I 'J'llVUKYLE. Staffs. [Bodl. Lib., 834, V., 76.] TiLDESLEY, James Car[ienter. b. Suramerfcird, House, Willenball, 14th June, 1810; s. of James Tildesley, Lock Manufacturer, Willen- ball ; educated the Old Hall, Wellington, Salop ; J. P., Staft's. ; member of tirin of Carpenter and Tddeslcy, Willenball ; President of Wolverhani]it()n Chamber of Commerce, 1886 ; Chairman of Willeuhall Urban Sanitary Authority since 1882 ; m., 1868, Fanny, dctu. of Thomas Croydun, Esq., of Penkridge ; of The Firs, Penkridge. Sketches of Early Methodism in the Black Country, with the Romantic Story of Leek End Chapel. London : AdaiM ii- Co. n.d. 12mo.. pp. «(). [Preface signed "J. C.T., Feb. 18. 1(*71.] Second Edition, 187L A History of Penkridge, in the County of Statford. Wolvrrhampton : ./. Steen ij- Co. 1886. 12mo., pp. '.>.'i. Stafforilshire and Warwickshire [jointly with Dr. Langford and C. Mackenzie], 4 vols. 4to. 1872. Locks and Lockmaking [Birmingham and Midland Hardware District (18li(i)J. The Industries of Stafford- shire [Staff.s. and Warws. ]. Sketches of the Black Country in the Olden Times [Binnim/liam IJiiihj (iazette {Wi*>)\. Rambles in Staffordshire [jiirmini/ham ./nunial]. The Early Industries of Staffordshire [Brit. .Irchieol. Jnyl. Jour. (June, 187.3), pp. 173—82]. A Contributor to the Gentleman's Magazine, ('hambers's Journal, The (fairer, &c. Edited The Willenhall .Uar/azine (18B4). TiLLEsLEV, Ven. Richard, b. Eeclesliall, ].-,83 : .«. of Thomas Tilleslev ; Mat. Balliol Coll.^ Ox., 20th Jan., 1598 ;" Sch., St. John's Coll., 5tli July, 1605 ; M.A., 2.5th June, 16()7 ; B.D., 22nd Nov., 1613 ; licensed to jireach, 25th Nov., 1613; D.D., 7th July, 1617; Rector of Pu.xton, 1614 ; of Stone, Kent, 1615 ; Archd. of Rochester, 1614 ; Canon of Rochester, 1615 ; d. 1621 ; bur. Rochester Cathedral. [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon,, II,, .S03; Foster's .\lumni Oxon., E.S., IV,, 1487,] TiLsox-M,\RSH, Rev. William Tilson. Oriel Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 18;38 ; M.A., 1843 ; P.C, St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1857 — 64 ; afterwards of Stretham Manor, Cambs. Letter to Sir Robert Peel on the Church in Ireland. London. 1843. 8vo, Timings, William. History ot Clent Hills. Clentine Rambles, Ifalesowen, 1836. limo. TiMMiNs, Sam : /;. Birmingham, 27th P'eb., 1826 ; s. of Samuel Timrains and Mary Ann Marshall, his wife ; F.S.A. ; F.A.S. ; J. P., Birmingham ; of Arley, Coventry. Etlited : — Birmingham and the Hardware District. Birmingham, 1866. 8vo,, pp. 721, [Brit, AssocLition Meeting, ISO.i.] [Nunieroiis articles on Staffordsbu-e referred to in tliis work under proper heads,] Edited — Handbook of Birmingham. Harborne. and Surrounding District, Birmingham, 1886. 12mo., pp. 278. [Brit. Association Meeting. lS8ii.] Mr, Timmins has also written numerous articles, 0. Arrninianism v. Hyper-Calvinism .... 2nd ed. Tunsliill : Printed by Arthur Tomkinson. IHGO. 12mo., pp. 276. Tomkinson Brothkrs, Printers, Tunstall. A Companion for the Afflicted . . . 2nd eJ. . . . Tomkinson brothers, Tunstall . . . 1846. 8vo., pp. vii., 379. ToMKiNsu.s, Enoch. h. Leek, 1705 ; s. of Samuel Tondiinson ; Mat. Magd. Coll., 0.\., 23rd April, 1724 ; B.A., 19th March, 1727 ; M.A., 1731. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. 1 l2l.] Tomkinson, Henry, h. Kniglitley, Eccleshall, 1U.J5; .«. of Thomas Tomkinson ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 19lh March, 1(!73 : B.A., St. Alban Hall, 1077. [Booster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1493.] ToMKiNsos, J., Printer, Uttoxeter. A Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship . . . Uttoxeter : Printed and Sold by ./. Tomkinson. mo. pp. 128. ToMKissoN, James, b. Kniglitley, 1G53 ; s. of Thomas Tomkinson ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 30th Oct., 1069 ; B.A., 1671. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1493.] Tomkinson, Rev. John. h. Bagnall, 1693 ; s. of Martin Tomkinson ; Mat. Hart Hall, Ox., ! 22nd Feb., 1709 ; B.A., 1713 ; M.A., 1717 ; ; Vicar of VVinterbourne Stoke, Wilts., 1714. i [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1493.] Tomkinson, Richard Cyples. Printer and | Druggist, Stoke-on-Trent. A Lecture on Ancient Druidism. [See Vale (Rev. B.).] Theological Essays. Stoke: R. C. Tomkinson. 1S18 ' 12mo., pp. 21)3. [See Doncasler (Rev. J.).] A .Short Memoir of Racliel Anderson. Stoke: R. C. Tomkinson. 1S23. 12mo., pp. 2li. [See Anderson (R.).] Annals of the Socratic School. [See Socratic School.] The Watchman's Cry. A Sermon preached on the Occasion of a ^lan and Woman having been Executed for Murder at the Assizes held at Staiford, A.D. 1834. London : Simpkin .)• Marshall, n.d. (1834). 8vo., pp. 34. (R. C. Tomkinson, Stoke, Printer.) List of Persons entitled to Vote . . . Korthern Division . . . July, 183.'). Stoke-on-Trent : R. C. Tomkinson. n.d. Oblong 8vo., pp. 40. A List of Persons Objected to . . . September 5tb, 183.5. Stoke-upon-Trent : R. C. Tomkinson. n.d. Oblong 8vo., pp. 9. [See Tomlinson (Rev. J. W.J ; White's Staffs. (1834).] Tomkinson, Thomas, h. 1631 ; a Quaker, of Sladehouse ; ii2. Revised and abridged by the Author, and Printed in the year .\l l>(J('L\'l[. 8vo. The Mugglctonian's Principles Prevailing ; Being an Answer in full to a Scandalous and Malilious Pamphlet, intituled A Tine Representation of the Absurd and Mischievous Principles of the Sect called Muggletonians ; Wherein the aforesaid Principles are vindicated, and proved to be infallibly True. And the Author of that Libel, his Scandalous Title and .Subject, proved as False to Truth, as Light to D.irliness ; And that he knows no more what the true. God is, nor what the right Devil is, nor any true Principle or Foundation of Faith, for all his great Learning he so much hosts {sic) of, than those Jews that put the Lord of Life to death : For le.irned and taught Reason is but natural, and so falls short of the Glory of God ; as will ajjpear in the following Discourse. By T. T. Printed in the year of our Lord Ood, 1605. 4to., pp. 80. Reprinted by f. Haywood, Beach Street, Deal. 1822. 4to.. pp. 8U. Truth's Triumph ; or. A Witness to the Two Wit- nesses. Together with an Explanation of the Torments of Hell. Written by Thomas Tomkinson, decea-s'd. And now published bv T. B. Part VII. Printed in the year .u/>ri.\.\n: uo.. pp. 20. Truth's Triumph, itc, . . . And now Published by some Friends. Part VIII. Printed in the year MDCCXXI. 4to., pp. "24. Truth's Triumph : or a Witness to the Two Witnesses ; from that unfoldetl P;irable of our Lord anil Saviour, Jesus Christ, the High and Miglity God, Mathew, chap 13, Verse 30 to 42. . . . Being drawn up into these Eight Heads following ; That is to say : First, Of the True God. Secondly, of the Two Seeds. Thirdly, Of the Uight Devil. Fourthly, Of Preilestiuatiou. Fifthly, Of tlie Law's Nature. Si.\tlily, Of the SmuI's Mortality. SeventhIy,Of the Devil's Torments. Eighthly, Of the Saint's Joy. By Thomas Tomkinson, A Believer and True Lover of the Commission of the Spirit, being written for the benefit of himself and others, who are the Seed of the Son of Man, the Loiii Jesus Christ, the High and Mighty tiod, being both Father, Son, and •Spirit, in one Single Person, blessed for ever. Amen. (Heb. 13, 2.) Written in the Year of our Lord God U'7tJ. Transcribe*! by the Author, with some Alterations. lil'.IO, and Printed by Subscription, 1823. Loii- don : Printed by ]V. Smith, King Street. Long Acre. 1823. 4to., pp. 2.'i0. A Pr:icrioal Discourse upon the Epistle by Jade. Originally Written by Thomas Tomkinson, Gent. Being a copy of a Manuscript left with Thomas Tomkinson, Jun.. his Gnindson. Dent: Printed /or James May and Joseph tjandon. by J. B. rnderdown. 1823. 8vo., pp. 224. The Mystery of Faith. By Thomas Tomkinson. Copied by Samuel Morris Bailey. May. 1823. A System of Religion, Singular and Surprizing. Treating of the following Heads : I., Of the Nature of God, and that of Jesus Christ, as the only One and True God. II., Of the Trinity, in a Manner wholly difl'ering from either the Athana&iaiis or Arians. nearer to the plain literal Text of the Scriptures, and less liable to Philoso- phical objections. III., Of the Devil ; that he is no- where to be found, but incarnate in Man. IV., Of the TOMKYS (460) TOMPSON Soul's ilying with the Boily till the Resurrection, showing the Notion of an iinnniter'ial Soul distinct from the Borly is an inconceivable I'hilosophical Ahsnrdity, and against the whole Tenor of the Scriptures. V., Of Predestination VI., That there are in Man two Principles natural to his Constitution, a good and a bad, which Necessarily De- termines his Actions, and are at enmity with each other; and how to know which is predominant. VII., A Philo- sophical Manner of accounting for the Resurrection. Faithfully Collected from a Curious Manuscript found among the papers of Tho. Tomkinson, Gent. Loinhu : Printed ill the Year 1120. 8vo., pp. 132. Reprinted by T. Goode. 30, .Ujlsburi/ Street. Clerkeiiwell. JS57. 4to., pp. 132. Zion's Sons. lt)79. Manuscript Autograph. 4to., 113 leaves and Appendix of Hi leaves. The Soul's Struggle. Hi81. MS. [Transcribed by Arden Bonell.] The Christian Convarte ; or, Christianitie Reviewed. Ii;il2. MS. [An autobiographical work, transcribed by Arden Bonell.] The White Diuell Unrased. 1704. MS. [Two editions — in author's autograph — same year.] Joyful News from Heaven, for the Jews are called. MS. I'l.d. [A Poem of 2lj Stanzas, transcribed by A. Bonell.] A Brief Concordance of all the Chief Heads of all the writings of John Reeves and some of the writings of Ludowick Muggleton. MS. ».. 1851. The Four Night Watchers. London : .Masters. 1852. 2nd edition (of both the above), London. 1863. The Place was wont to be made. London : 1852. 2nd edition. The Church's Shadow. Second edition. Masters. 1861. Morning and Evening Hymns for Children. Masters. On Cards. Tonbridge School Chapel Stanzas. London : 1861. St. Mary's Home, Manchester, /..ondon .* Masters. 1868. Hymns' and Sermons for the Christian Season. Oxford : Parker. A Sunday Morning's Dream. A Contributor to :— The Churchman's Companion; Lays of the Sanctuary ; Lyra Mystica ; Penny Po Editor of- "' ' " 1870. ToMKYs, John. 1559; Mat. 1581 ; B.A, May, 1589. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., B.S., IV., 1493.] ToMKYS, Rev. John. s. of Richard Tomkys, of Bilston [Ames] ; he was temp. Queen Eliza- beth, and was probably same — being Minister at Shrewsbury — who " preach'd before ye Earle of Leicester at Shrewsbury (on Eph. 5. 1, 2), May ye 26, 1584." Sermon. [.Is above.'] 15S4. A Brief Exposition of the Lord's Prayer. 1585. [Lawley's Bilston, 134; Ames' MS., penes Vicar of Bilston.] Tomkys, Rev. John. b. Bilston, 1643 ; Mat. New Inn Hall, Ox., 14th June, 1661 ; B.A., 1664 ; M.A., King's Coll., Cam., 1668 ; incorporated in Ox. Univ., 13th July, 1669 ; Vicar of Siiitterfield, Warws., 1682 ; Preb. of Monniore and Hilton Collegiate Ch. of Wol- verhampton ; m. (1) Mrs. Bridgett Jevon, (2) Mrs. Susanna Stanton, of Wolverton, Warvvs. ; repaired Snitterfield Vicarage and gave by Will his lands and books to "ye minister of Bilstone for ever "; Will disputed by his nephew, Isaac Tomkys {b. 1672) ; d. June {bw: 19th), 1703, at Snitterfield. [Lawley's Bilston, 1.35; Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1493.J ToMLiNS, Rev. Richard, b. Shrewsbury, 1817 ; s. of Thomas Tomlins, Esq. ; Mat."Ch. Ch., Ox. ; Fell's Exhibitioner, 1837 ; B.A., 1839 ; M.A., 1812 ; Curate of Penworthan, Lanes., 1840—46 ; of Uttoxeter, 1846—64 ; Chp. Masters. London : London : Masters. -Rhvmes and Reasons. London: Masters ToMLiNsoN, Henry, Printer, Market Place, Stone. [Parson &, Bagshaw's Directory (1S18).] ToMLiNsoN, Rev. John. b. Liverpool, 1838 ; s. of William John Tomlinson ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 31st Jan., 1855; B.A., 1859; M.A., 1861 ; Missionary in Queensland, 1860 — 85 ; Chp. to Bp. of Brisbane ; Curate in charge of West Felton, Salop, 1865—68 ; Curate of Whittington, Derbys., 1868 ; of Sud- bury, Derbys., 1868—70 ; in charge of Cheadle, Cheshire, "l870— 72 ; Vicar of Great Hay- wood, 1872 — 92 ; Rector of Whittington, Derbys., 1892. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1425.] Tomlinson, Rev. John Wickes. b. Clifforde (Cliff vale), Stoke, isOl ; s. of John Tomlin- son, Esq. ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 25th April, 1817 ; B.A., 1821 ; M.A., 1823 ; Rector (and Patron) of Stoke, 1831 to death ; d. 13th Oct., 1857. The Reform Bill. Speech delivered at Stafford. New- castle. 1831. s. sh. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns. Addition to the Book of Psalms and Hymns in use at the Parish Church of Stoke-upon-Trent . . . Jan., 1835. .Stoke-upon-Trent: R. C. Tomkinson. n.d. pp.56. A Tragedy. Poems. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1425.] Tomlinson, Robert, b. 1590; "of Warws."; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 26th Feb., 1607 ; B.A., 2nd July, 1611 ; Hector of Elford, 1622. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV,, 1494.] ToMPsoN, Edward Henry, b. Sandon, 1803 ; s. of George Tompson ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 8th June, 1821 : B.A., 1825. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV. 1425.] ToMPsoN, Rev. Frederick Henry. b. Sandon, 1804 ; «. of George Tompson ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., Sth July, 1822 ; B.A., 1826 ; M.A., 1843 ; Curate of Dawley, Salop, 1827 TONGUE (401) TOUCHET — 2i) ; of Knoc'kin. Salop, 1S29— 43 ; of Cliiik, l«-i3 — 51 ; Vicar of LlaiillwTliaiarn, Montgs., 18:)1— 74 ; of Chirk, Denbigh, 1874 to death ; R.D. of Llangollen: H.D. of Caedewen ; d. 28th Jan., 1880. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., U^'),] ToNfsUK, Rev. Edward, b. .Swiiiliourn, parish of VVoml)Ourne, 1704 : s. of John Tongue; Mat. Pfnib. Coll., Ox., 14th Marcli, 1722 ; B.A., 1st March, 1726 ; Curate of Aldridge, 1732 to deatli ; m. Dorothy, dim. of Henry Wood, of Aldridge ; '/. May (hur. 2n(I June), 1782, at Aldridge. [Notes on Aldridge, 23, .iO ; Aldridge Reg. ; Foster's Alumni Oxou., IV., 1421.] ToNnuE, Edward, b. Aldridge, Oct. (baptized 17th), 178'J; s. of Edward Tongue; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 5th Nov., 1808 ; m. Sydney, daii. of Edward Croxall, Esq., of Shustoke, Warws. ; of Aldridge ; d. 11th July, 183U. [Aldri) ; Granger's Biog. Hist., Sup. 413.] Townshend, George. /;. IStli April, 1755 ; • i!. of George, 1st Marquis Townshend, and Lady Charlotte Compton, his 1st wife [.«#«] ; succeeded to the Baronies of Ferrers of Chart- ley, Basset of Drayton, Lovaine, Bouichier, and Compton on death of his mother, 14th Dec, 1770 ; created Earl of Leicester, 18th May, 1784 ; succeeded his father as 2nd Marquis, 5th Viscount and Baron, and 7th Baronet of the Family of Townshend, 19th Sept., 18(l7 ; m. Charlotte, dan. of Eton Mainvi'aring Elierker, Esq., of Risby Park, Yorks.; High Steward of Tamworth ; d. 28ih July, 1811. Will dateil 10th .July, 1811. Abstract. [Palmer's Tamworth, 385, 38li.] [Palmer's Tamworth, 378. 383— 8(i : Dod's Peerage, &c. (185(;).l Townshend, George Ferrers. b. 13th Dec, 1778 ; s. of George, 2nd Marquis Townshend, and Charlotte (dau. of E. M. Elierker. Esq.), his wife : succeeded bis father as 3rd Marquis and 0th Viscount and Baron Townshend, 28th July, 1811; m., 12th May, 1807, a. dau. o( Will. Dunn Gardner, Esq ; High Steward of Tamworth : d. 31st Dec, 1855. [Dod's Peerage (18.51!. 1874) ; Debrett's Peerage (1869); Palmer's Tamworth, 378,] Townshend, John. b. Ball's Park, Herts.. 28th March, 1798 ; s. of Lord John Tovpnsliend (.1. of 1st Marquis Townshend) and Georgina Ann (dati. of William Poyntz, Esq.), his wife ; educated Eton and Naval Coll., Ports- mo ith ; Captain, R.N., 1834 ; Naval Aide-de- Camp to the Queen, 1854 ; Candidate for Tamworth, 1837, 1841, but unsuccessful ; TOWNSHEND ( 463 ) IREGORTHA M.P., Tamwortli, 1847— Dec, 1855 ; suc- ceeik'il his cousin, Gnorge Ferrers, 3rd Marquis Towiislieiici, 31st Dec, 1855 ; Lord of Tam- worth Castle, &c, &c. ; m., 18tli Aufif., 1825, Ellzal)eth, dun. of Ri-ar-Adiuiral Lord George Stuart, C.B. ; d. 1803. [Palmer's Tamworth, 37H, App. xiv. ; Doil's Peerage (185G) ; Debretfs Peerage (ISli'JJ.J TovvNSHEND, John Villiers Stuart, /i. L!rit,'hton, lotii April, 1S31 ; .V. of Joint, 4tii Marquis Town.shend, and Lady i'^lizabeth Stuart, his wife ; educated Eton ; Clerk in Foreign Office, June, 1850 — Maruh, 1854 ; Deputy Lieu- tenant, Herts. : Lieut., Yeomanry Cavalry (Staffs.), 1855 ; M.P., Tamworth, Jan., 1856 — Ang , lH(i3 ; succeeded his father as 5th Marquis Townshend, &c, 1863; m., 1865, Aniie Elizabeth Clementine, datt. ol otli Earl of Fife. [Debrett's Peerage (18(i9) ; Dod's Peerage (1874).] TowssoN, Ven. Thomas. b. Much Lees, 1715 ; s. of Rev. John Towuson ; Mat. Ch. Cli., Ox., 31st March, 1732 ; demy, Magd. Coll., July, 1735—37 ; B.A., 2(nh Oct., 1730 ; Fellow, 1737—52 ; M.A., 2()tli June. 1739 ; Proctor, 1749; B.D., 13th June, 1750; D.D., by Diploma, 23rd Feb., 1779 ; Vicar of Hatfield, Peverall,Esse.x, 1746—49 ; Rector of Blithfield, 1749 — 59 : and of the Lower Mediety of Malpas, Salop, 2nd June, 1752, to death ; Archd. of Richmond, 1781, to death ; d. 15th April, 1792. Doubts concerning the last Piiblicition of the Con- fessional. London, 2767. 8vo. A Defence of them, in Answer to '■ Occasional Re- marks." London, 1768. 8vo. A Dialogue between Isaac Walton and Homologistes . . . London, 1768. The Manner of Our Saviour's Ministry. Oxford, 1778. Discourses on the Four Gospels. Oxford, 17 7S. 4to. Discourse on the Evangelical History of the Ascension of onr Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Oxford, 1784. 4to. The Works of Dr. Townsoti. Edited, with Memoir, by the Rev. Mr. Churton. Two Volumes. London, 1810. 8vo. A Letter, printed in Appendix to Dr. Horslev's Replv to Dr. Priestley. 1784. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., UHi ; Bagot Familv, 89, 121, \-2i\; Nash's Worcs., I., 269; Chalmers's Biog. Diet., XXIX., 500—5.] Traquair, Dr. R. H. On Cycloptychius Carbonarius from the Coal Measures of North Staftordshire. [Geological Mag. ('2), 1., \)\. ^ii., p. 241.] Travis, Elijah. Original Poems for Children. Stol-e-upon-Trent : Printed at the Ojjke of T. 0. Blackham, Liverpool Road. 1877. Pt. 8vo., pp. vi'ii., 135. Tregortha, Charles Gorst. h. Burslem ; s. of John Tregortha, Printer \_see'\ ; I'rinter, and wliolesaledealerin Juvenile Books, Swan Square, Burslem ; aft-'rwards nf Waterloo Ri)ad ; traded as Jcihn Tregortha. [White's Staffs. (1831).] TiiEGOuTUA, John. h. Cornwall ; Wesleyan Minister, up to 1795 ; stationed at Burslem, 1787 ; became a Printer and Bookseller, 1796, which business he continued to death ; liad large dealings with Rev. Hugh Bourne, founder of the Priuiitive Methodists ; some time ago an account liook of transactions between them was in existence. [It is interesting to note that Tlieophilu* Lessey, afterwards the cele- lirated Wesleyan Minister, was an apprentice with Tregortha, and that the old wooden press he used was preserved in R. Timmis's office 20 years afterwards.] d. 9tli Jan., 1H21. C. M. Now old Tregortha's deaJ anil gone, We ne'er shall see him more ; He us't to wear an old grey coat. All buttoned down before. [The last two lines to be repeated.) The Christian's Guide to Holiness. A Letter written to Eliza A ws, on her Removal from England. By JI. Bosancpiet. Printed bij ./. Tregortha, Burden. 1706. 8vo. Navigation Spiritualized ; or. A New Compass for Seamen. Consisting of Fortv-two Points of Pleasant Observations, Profitable Applications, and Serious Reflec- tions ; all concluded with .so many Spiritual Songs. To which is added The Seaman's Catechism, il-c., &c. By John Flavel . . . Burslem : Printed bi/ J. Trei/orlha. 1807. 8vo. Title— "To Every Sailor Sailing Heaven- ward," signed "T. M.," pp. 14; "To the Reader": a Poem, by J. F., p. 15; (p. 11! blank) pp. 17— 1'20. Domestic Medicine ; or. The Family Phyiscian. By Dr. Beecham. Burslem: Printed by J. Tregortha. 1807. 8vo., port., pp. GIJ5. 78. The Death of Abel. In Five Books. Attempted from the German of Gesner. Bv Mary Collyer. Burslem : Printed b;i J. Tregortha. 1808. pp. 120. The French Convert. Being a true Relation of the Happy Conversion of a Noble French Lady, from the Errors and Superstitions of Popery to the Reformed Religion, by means of a Protestant Gardener, her Servant. Wherein is shewn her Great and Unparalleled Sufferings on the Account of her said Conversion. As also her Wonder- ful Deli\erance from Two Assassins, hired by a Popish Priest to murder her. and of her Miraculous Preservation in a Wood for Two Years, And how she was at last Provi- dentially found by her husband ; Who, together with her Parents, were brought over to the embracing of the True Religion, As were divers others also. To which is added .\ Brief Account of the Present Severe Persecutions of the French Protestants. Burslem: Printed hij J. Tregortha. 1808. 8vo., pp. «7. An Historical View of the Principal Sects which have appeareci in the Christian Church, from its first Rise to the Present Day : giving a Clear Account of Their Rise, Opinions, Doctrines, and Disciplines. By the Rev. John Riles. Burslem : Printed by J. Tregortha. 1800. 8vo., pp. 512 ; Plates at end of book. The Life of Joseph, the Son of Israel. In Eight Books, Chiefly designed to allure young minds to a love of the Sacred Scriptures. By John Macgowan. A New Edition, corrected. Burslem : Printed by J. Tregortha. 1800. 8vo., pp. 119. Burslem: same imprint. 1816. 8vo., pp. vii., 8—128. Death : A Vision ; or, The Solemn Departure of Saints and .Sinners, represented under the Similitude of a Dream. By John Macgowan . . . Burslem: Printed by J. Tregortha. 1800. 8vo., pp. 109. The Sacred Classics ; containing The French Convert, Death of Abel, Macgowan's Life of Joseph, and Death : a Vision. Burslem : Printed by John Tregortha. 1800. 8vo., pp. (;7. 120. 119. 109. The Universal Gleaner; or, .\musing Companion . . Bv Emilius Montague . . . Burslem : J. Tregortha. 1800. 8vo., pp. mo ; Index. History of the Holy Bible in Dialogue, between a Pilgrim, Adam, Noah, and Cleophas. Published by J. Tregortha, Burslem. n.d. 8vo., pp. 385. A Companion to the Altar. Burslem: Printed by J. Tregortha. 1810. 8vo. The Advantage and Disailvantage of the Marriage State. Burslem : Printed by J. Tregortha. n.d. 8vo. Primitive Physic; or. An Easy and Natural Method of Curing most Diseases, By John Wesley, M. A. Burslem: Printed by ./. Tregortha. 1807. Another ed., 1810, 8vo. Reflections on the Death of His Majesty George the Third. Burslem : Printed and Sold by J. I'regortha. n.d. TREGORTHA (464) TREGORTHA The Life of oar Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; containing a full, accurate, and instructive History of the various Transactions in the Life of our Glorious Redeemer, from His taking upon Himself our sinful Nature, to His Cru- cifixion, Resurrection from the Dead, and Glorious Ascen- sion into Heaven ; Particularly His Genealogy, Fasting, Calling the Apostles, Travels, &c., &c., &c. Together with the Lives, Transactions, and Sutferings of the Holy Evan- gelists, Apostles, and others. Who have sealed the Great Truth of Christianity with their Blood; Including the Transactions of John the Baptist ... To which is added A Full Defence of the Christian Religion . . . The whole intended to set forth the Principles of pure and undefiled Religion, Ac. ... By the Rev. John Fleet- wood, D.D. Burslem ; Printed by J. Tregortha. 2811. 4to., pp. iv., 3.i8. and plates. Meditations and Contemplations amongst the Tombs . . . By the Rev. James Hervey ... To which is prefixed a Particular Account of the Life, Character, and Writings of the Author. Burslem: Printed by J, Tregortha. ISll. Svo., pp. xvi., vi., 528. Christ, the Believer's Wisdom, Righteousness, Sancti- fication, and Reilemption. A Sermon preached in the Wesleyan Chapel, Burslem, on Sunday, May .Srd, 1812. By Samuel Gates. Burslem: Printed by J. Tregortha. 1812. 12mo., pp. 2.S. A Plea for Religion and the Sacred Writings. Ad- dressed to the Disciples of Thomas Paine and Wavering Christians of every persuasion. With an Appendix con- taining the Author's Determination to have relinquished his charge in the Established Church, and the reasons on which that determination was founded. By the late Rev. David Simpson, M.A., Incumbent of Christ Church, Macclesfield. With numerous additional Notes by the Rev. Thomas Wood. A New Edition. Burslem : Printed by J. Trer/orlha. 1812. 8vo.. pp. xix., 444 ; Portrait. Pre- face dated "Stockjiort, May •2.')th, 1812." [This edition, altliough having the name of Tregortha on the title page, was printed in part, or wholly, by J. Gleave, Printer, Manchester.] Ditto, same year [but very different, containing a new Portrait], Printed and Published by J. Tregortha. 8vo., pp. xix. (xx. blank), Advertisement xxi. — xxx. ; Biog. Sketch. 12; Addenda et Corrigenda, 2 leaves unp.aged ; pp. 421 ; Index, 1.') leaves unpaged. The British Florist ; or. Flower Garden Displaj'ed. In which the most Ornamental Plants will be accurately represented in their natural colours, with their Names, Class, Order. Characters, Plans of Growth, and Time of Flowering; togetlier with the most approved methods of culture. Burslem : Printed by J. Tregortha. 1812. 4to., pp. 43. The History of Prince Le Boo. Burslem : Printed by J. Tregortha. n.d. The Christian Economy. Translated from an Original Greek MS., &c. Burslem : Printed by J. Tregortha. Culpeper's Complete Herbal, and English Physician. Wherein several hundred herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult properties are physically applied to the cure of all disorders incident to mankind ; to which are added Rules for Compounding Medicines, foiming a complete Family Dispensatory and System of Physic. To which is annexed The Florist ; or. Flower Garden Displayed, in which the most ornamented plants will be accurately represented in their natural colours, iS;c.,&c. . . Burslem : Printed by ,/. Tregortha. 1813. 4to., pp. iv., 232 ; Portrait, and xxxvi. plates ; then The British Florist [separate title, dated 1812], pp. 4.3. Pamela ; or. Virtue Rewarded. In a Series of Familiar Letters from a Beautiful Young Damsel to her Parents. Published in order to cultivate tlie principles of virtue and religion in the minds of both sexes ... By Samuel Richardson. Embellished with superb engravings. Burs- lem: Printed by John Tregortha. 1813. 8vo., 3 leaves, pp. 573 ; many plates. Henry, Earl of Moreland. A Beautiful and Affecting History. With the Life of the Author. A New Edition (woodcut vignette). Burslem: Printed by J. Tregortha. 1814. 8vo., Portrait, pp. Ii31. The Evangelical Expositor ; or. An Explanation and Illustration of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament Wherein the whole of the Sacred Text is inserted and explained, with practical remarks and observations, to which will be added a General Index and Concordance, comprising the substance of former commentators, par- ticularly Poole, Henry, Wesley, and Coke. Burslem : Printed and Published by John Tregortha. 1814. 4to. Vignette title and frontis. ; numerous plates, pp. vi. [Preface signed "J. T., May 2Ist. 1814"; evidently com- piled and edited by Tregortha himself.] Not paged; A — 1* Z in fours. The Comjjlete Family Bible ; or, A Paraphrase Ex- position and Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Teitament, with the whole of the .Apocrypha at large, forming a new and beautiful Edition of the Books of tile Old and New Testament Correctly and Distinctly Printed and Explained, with Practical Remarks and Ob- servations . . . B,7 Rev. James Wofjd. Minister of the Gospel. Burslem : Printed and Published by ./. Tregortha. Ditto. Second Eilition, revised and corrected. Burs- lem : Printed and Published by .1. Tregortha. 18(17. fol. ; l)lates. Ditto, a new ed., revised and corrected, Burslem: Printed and Published by J. Tregortha. 1S13. fol. ; plates. [I have another edition, different than the almve— A New Kdition, Printed ami I'HbtL-'hM by J. Trerjorthu at hi.i I'ltbtu-ution Warehouse, linrslfm rt.it. fol. up to Psalm xxxv ; it has head- lines and is paged, 19—540 ; then it is uot paged until Psalm Ixv., when it begins with p. 553 — G(JU (Isa. liv.), after which tliere is no pagiuation. It has plates ami mnpa, some "'priuted for Uev. J. Priestley's Bible," some •* printed for Rider's Bible," evidently not all Tregortha's printing ; probably liaviiig purchased the sheets of an incomplete Bible, he completed tlie work.] The Dairyman's Daughter. An Authentic anil In- teresting Narrative. By a Clergyman. Burslem : Printed by ./. Tregortha. n.d. 12mo.. pp. 311. A Short Account of the L.ate Mi-s. Biyan, wife of the Rev. J. Bryan, Preacher, of tiie Wesleyan Methodist Con- nexion. Printed by J. Tregortha. Phc-nix O^iee^ Burslem. n.d. 12mo., pp. 8. Dialogue between Mrs. Clinker and Miss Martha Steady. To which is added an evening conversation be- tween tw^o very good old Ladies over a comfortable game at Quadrille. Burslem: Printed Jor the ^Sunday .School by .fohn Tregortha. n.d. 12mo., pp. 48. The Pilgrim's Progrei>s, from this World to that which is to come. Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. With Copious Explanatory Notes. Also Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners and A Race for Eternal Life. By John Bunyan. A New Edition, revised, corrected, and improved. Burslem: Printed by ./. Trei/ortha. 1810. 8vo., pp. viii., 4154. Ditto, 1814, 8vo., ])p. viii'., 4114. Ditto, 1817. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners ; or, A Brief and Faithful Relation of the exceeding Mercy of God in Christ, to his poor servant, John Bunyan. . . To which are added his dying sayings. Burslem : Printed by J. Tregortha ISOS. pp. 104. Ditto, 1814, 8vo., pp. 104. A R.ace for Eternal Life : being An Extract from the Heavenly Footman. A Sermon on 1 Corinthians ix. 24, written by the Author of the Pilgrim's Progress. By the Rev. Mr. Fletcher. Buralent : Printed and Sold by J. Tre- gortha. 180'J. pp. Hi. Ditto, i.S'iJ, Svo,, pp. Hi. Visions ; giving An Account of the Glories of Heaven ; the Terrors of Hell ; and The World to Come. By John Bunyan. Burslem : Printed by ,1. Tregortha. 1814. 8vo., pp. '.Mi. The Barren Fig Tree ; or, the Doom and Downfall of the Fruitless Professor. By John Bunyan. Burslem : Printed by .1. Tregortha. n.d. 8vo., pp. iv., 70. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments with Notes and Illustrations. Burslem : Printed, and Sold Ay J. Tret/ortha. 1812. Ditto, 1814. Ditto, 1815. 8vo. Not paged A New Version of the P.salms of David. Printed by J. Tregortha. n.d. 8vo. Not paged. News from the Invisible World ; or, Interesting Anec- dotes of the Dead showing their Power and Influence on the Affairs of Mankind The whole designed to Prevent Infidelity, Shew the States of Separate Sinners, and Evince the certainity of The World to come. By John Tregortha. A New and Improved Edition. Burslem: John Tregortha. n.d. 8vo., pp. vi., 451. Plates and Index. Again, as — News from the Invisible World. . . Containing a Particular Survey of the most remarkable and well authenticated accounts of Apparitions. Ghosts, Spectres, Dreams, and Visions, with some valuable exti*acts from the works of the Rev. John Wesley, the Rev. David Simpson, and others. To which is prefixed an introduction, on the nature and importance of this Work. The Whole forming a Series of Useful and necessary information for the support of our Faith and Practice. By J. Tregortha. Burslem: Printed by J. Tregortha. n.d. 12mo., pp. x., 13, 4.^3. View of the Last Judgment. Burslem : Printed by J. Tregortha. n.d. 8vo., pp. l.')0. [Usually bound up with the Invisible World.] A Monument to the Praise of the Lord's Goodness, and the Memory of Eliza Cuningham. To which is added TREGORTHA (465) TRENTHAM some account of her Brother, John Cuningham. who died Jan. 221111 1777, in the twelfth year of his age, Written hy bis Mother. Published hy the"Rev. J. Newton, Rector of St. Mary's, Woolnoth, London, Member of the Royal Society of Ransomed Sinners ; rei)ubli.shed by George Parker, T.B.V. Burslem: Printed by J. TregoHha. n.d. 12ino., pp. 24. The World to come ; or, the Joys and Sorrows of De- parted Souls at Death, The Resurrection, and the Final Judgment. By Isaac Watts. To which are annexed Christ's Famous Titles. By William Dyer. Burslem: Printed bij J. Trei/urtha. 1815. (, A Selection of Psalms and Hymns . . By the Rev. J. Dunderdale. Burslem: Printed by J. Treyortka. 1817. Worth of a Soul ; or, a Treatise of the Soul of Man. Wherein the Divine original, its Love, the Existence, operations, and states of separate Souls, The Invaluable Preciousness of Human Souls, &c., are shewn. By John Flavel, late Minister of the Gospel. Burslem: Printed ly J. Treyortka. n.d. 8vo. Portrait, pp. viii., 9 — i71. A New Edition, in Twenty Numbers. Dialogue be- tween a Pilgrim. Adam. Noah, and Cleophas. Giving in the most delightful and Instructive manner A History of the Bible. Printed by J. Treyortka, Burslem. n.d. Svo. [I have parts 3, 7, 8.— COMPILER.] Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel Defoe. Treyortka, Printer, Burslem. 1800. Hvo. The Silk-Mercer's Daughter's Garland. Showing how the Silk-Mercer's Daughter, of London, fell in love with her father's Porter. To which is added the Faithful Shep- herd. Treyortka (Printer), Burslem. n.d. (1803). 8vo., pp. 8. The Northern Lord ; or, the Knight in Green. Shew- ing how a Noble Lord sold his daughter to a Knight, &c. Treyortka, Printer, Burslem. n.d. 8vo., pp. 8. The Christian Economy. Translated from the Original Greek of an Olil Manuscript found in the Island of Paimos. Burslem : Printed by J. Treyortka. n.d. 8vo,, pp. 140. Advantages of Warm Bathing illustrated by extracts from the writings of eminent medical men, ancient and modern. Burslem: Printed and Sold by J. Treyortka. 1816. 12mo.. pp. .'!2. Ditto, with description of the Warm Bath at Burslem. Burslem: ./. Treyortka. n.d. 12mo.,pp.35. Prophesies of Robert Nixon, the celebrated Cheshiie Prophet (from Lady Covvper's correct copy), in the reign of Queen Anne. Also, An Account of his Life and Death. Burslem: Printed and Sohl by J. Treyortka. n.d. 12mo. A Wonderful Account of God's Dealings with an Indian. In a Letter to a Friend. Burslem: Printed by J. Treyortka. n d. I2mo., pp. 21. Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language for Children. By I. Watts, D.D. To wliich i's added. The Beggar's Petition. Bui^slem : Printed by J. Treyortka. n.d. Chap- book, with woodcuts, pp. (>9. The Bank C)f Faith; or. The Footsteps of Divine Provi- dence wonderfully tlisplayed in the Government of the World, exemplified by a great variety of instances where- by the Almighty makes Himself known to His creatures. By J. Tregortha. Burslem: Printed by J. Trei/ortka. 1808. 8vo. Ditto, 1816. Halifoj-: .Milner ij- Sowerby. 1857. " Cottage Library," pp. iv., 448. Ditto. 1860. pp. iv., 5— 576. Verses on the late Mr. John Tregortha, of Burslem. Staffordshire, who died on Sth Jan lary, 1821, ./oAii Treyortka, Burslem. n.d. 12mo.. pp. 4. Black borders. Portrait. [.-Irminian May. Vol. XIII. (1790), p. .iOo.] Grand Quarto Edition of the New Testament. With Numerous Notes. Large letter ; fine paper and elegant plates. About GO Parts, at lid. each. Young Woman's Companion ; or, Guide to Knowledge and Happiness. 20 Parts, at lid. each. Sulcliffe's Young Man's Best Companion; or, New Book of Knowledge. 22 Parts, at (Jd. each. Different Sects of Christians Analysed. 1.5 Parts. The New Testament in octavo. 12 Parts. The Female Pilgrim ; or. The Travels of Hephzibah. 14 Parts. Hurd's History of all the Religions of the World. «0 Parts. Barclay's Dictionary and Gazetteer. G3 Parts. Life of Christ. By Stackhouse. 16 Parts. Encyclopaedia ; or. New School of Arts and Sciences. 48 Parts. Ambrose's Looking After Jesus. 22 Parts. Neal's Correct and Faithful History of the Puritans. 41 Parts. Fletcher's Grace and Nature. Translated by Rev. Miles Martindale. 7, -. Rise, Progress, and Discipline of the Methodists. 1,'-. Selection of Hymns for Sunday Schools. 3 -. The Shaver, iid. Revival Hymns. 3d. The Porch of Wisdom ; or, A Choice Selection of Moral Tales, from the Best Authors, designed to Amuse and Instruct ; and from Pictures of Real Life, to Promote Truth and Virtue. Compiled by J. Tregortha. Burilem : Printed and Publtsked by J. Tregortha. 1817. 8vo., pp. iv., 2.06. The Saint's Everlasting Rest ... To which is added A Call to the Unconverted . . . Mr. Richard Baxter. Bnrslem : Printed and Sold by John Treyortka. 1805. 8vo., portrait, pp. xi., 329. Ditto, 1811. A Call to the Unconverted ; containing Directions and Persuasions to a Sound Conversion . . . Mr. Richard Baxter. Burslem: Printed by John Tregortha. n.d. 8vo., pp. 144. A Short Memoir of Ann Sheldon, late a Teacher in Burslem Sunday School. Printed for tke Burslem Sunday School by J. Treyortka. n.d. 12mo., pp. 24, Chapbooks :— Cock Robin — Jack the Giant Killer — Jack and the Bean Stalk — Mother Hubbard, and many others. Tregortha, John. «. of John Tregortha. [I find this name on some Verses in Memory of John Tre- gortha, sen . but have no otlier trace of liim. I^L'Euy — Whether issued before name was cliauged ? as I fiud. iu IH34, Charles Gorst Tregortha (a son of the printer) iu business in Swan Square, Burslem. J Verses in Memory of the late Mr. John Tregortha, of Bur.slem. Staffordshire, who died 9th January, 1821. Burslem: P'rintedby Jokn Treyortka. n.d. 12mo., pp. 4 ; black borders. [See Tregortha (C. G.).l By Benneau, after Harris. Trentham. View of- Trentham Hal 1751. Perspective View of Trentham Hall. [See Sadler (J.)] Trentham. Engraved by J. Watts, after Barrett. 1776. Trentham Hall. [Norris's Views.] Ditto. [Neale's Views.] Ditto. [West's Views.] Ditto. [Hall's Baronial Halls.] Ditto. [Plot's Staffs.] Ditto. [Nightingale's Staffs.] Ditto. [Ward's Stoke-on-Trent.] Ditto. [Pnblisked by D. Dil worth. Xewcastle.] Plate of Trentham G.irden. [Itetii/., XVIII., 124.] Jlonuments. [Bodl. Lib., 85:1, 79.] Plan, with external and internal view, of the Cemetery at Trentham, erected by the Marquis of Stafford. 1808. Engraved by G. Cooper, from the original drawing by G. H. Tatham. London. 18U8. Guide to Trentham G.irdens. [See Molyneux (W.).] Geology of Trentham. [/A.] Ordnance Plan. 10 Sheets. Southampton, 1878. [See Gower family, Leveson-Gowerfamilv,Theed ( ) Butt (Rev. T.), Edwards (Rev. Preb.).] ' Trentham, Francis, h. Northumberland, 1,5(34 ; s. of Thoiuiis Tieiithiini, of Howester (liocester) ; Mat. Trin. Coll., O.v., 2'Jth Jan., 1580 ; Stu- dent, Gray's Inn, 1581 ; M.P., Staffs., Nov., Kill. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., 1507.] 3-1 TRENTIIAM ( 466) TRUSCOTT Trentham, Francis. h. Staffs., 1591) ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., 26th April, 1616. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1808.] Trentham, Tlionias. h. 1575 ; Mat. Balliol Coll., 0.\-., 4th Feb., 1592; of Rossiter (Roce?ter) ; M.P., Nencastle, 1601 ; Knighted 9th April, 1627. [Pari. Diet. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., LiOS.] Trent Riwr. An Act for m.iking and keeping the River Trent, in the Countie.s of Leicester, Derby, and Stafford, Na\ngable. J«98. fol., pp. 25. An Act for making a navigable Cut, or Canal, from the River Trent, at or near Wilden i'erry, in the County of Derby, to the River Mersey, at or near Runcorn Gap. 170i>. folio. Plan of River Trent, from Burton to C.ivendish Bridge. By R. H. Wyatt, Surveyor. (Lutidun, 1702.) An Act to Amend an Act, A-c. [a*- ttbot'c'\. and for Granting further Powers for thot Purpose. 177(1. folio. An Act to amend and render more effectual Tvt'o Acts [see rtioi'e]. 177.i. folio. An .\ct to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Navigation from the Trent to the Mersey to make a Navi- gable (!anal from the said Navigation, on the .'^outh Side of Harecastle, in the County of Stafford, to Froghall, and a Railway from thence to or near Caldon, in the said County, and to make the Railway. 177*i. folio. An Act to amend and render more effectual several Acts [as abore'\. 1783. folio. An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Navigation from the Trent to the Mersey to make a Navi- gable Canal from and out of a certain Branch of the said Navigation called the Caldon Canal, at or near Endon, to or near the Town of Leek, in the County of Stafford ; and also a Reservoir for the supplying of the several Canals of the said Compay with Water. 171)7. folio. An Act to enable the Company of the Proprietors of the Navigation of the Trent to the Mersey to extend several Branches of the Canal from and out of the said Navigation. 17tt7. folio. An Act to enable the Company of the Proprietors of the Navigation from the Trent to the Mersey to make Railways, to alter the Course of the Railway from Frog- hall to Caldon, and Part of the Course of the Canal from Froghall to Uttoxeter, and to amend the Trent and Mersey Canal Acts. 1802. folio. An Act to amend and enlarge the Powers of the several Acts passed for making a Navigable Canal from the Trent to the Mersey, And other Canals connected therewith. 1801). folio. [.See Harecastle. Hardingswood.] An Act for enabling the Companj' of the Proprietors of the Navigation of the Trent to the Mersey to make Two Branches or Cuts from and out of the same naviga- tion, and for further amending the Acts of the said Com- pany. 14th June, 1827. fol.. pp. 20. An Act for Building a Bridge over the River Trent, from Walton-upon-Trent, in the County of Derby, to Barton-under-Needwood, in the County of Stafford. 17th March, \Si3. fol., pp. 39. Tresise, J. N., Printer, Station Street, Burton- on-Trent. The Teaching of Scripture on the Sacraments. . . . Burton-iipou-Treitt : Printed by J. N. Tresise, 1S72. 12mo., pp. IS. The Burton Chronicle. Burtun-on-Trent. 1S60, to date. Treswell, Robert, Somerset Herald. Visits Staffs, and Salop. [Bodl. Lib., 858, 119, 132, 138.] Trevitt, Rev. James Fiirly. Corp. Ch. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1874 ; Curate of St. Mary's, Wolverhampton, 1874 ; of Brereton, 1875 — 79 ; of Longton, 1879 — 80 ; of EUastone, 1883—87 ; Rector of Bradley, 1887 to date ; Priest Vicar of LichfieM Cathedral, 1880— 82 ; Hon. Sec. to Lichfield Diocesan Choral Association for many year*. Music : Its use, &c. [Lichfield Dio. Mag., VL, lo:!— 7.] Trials, State. A Complete Collection. London, 1710, ifc, folio, 6 vols. ; 2nd edition, London, 17G0, folio, 8 vols. ; 3rd edition, London. 1742 — GG, folio, 10 vols. ; republished. Preface by Francis Hargrave. London. 1176 — 81. fol., II vols.; ditto, for .300 years, London. 1720 — .32, 8vo., vols.; ditto, for Adultery, London : S. Bltidon, 1770 — 81, 8vo., 7 vols. ; ditto, celebrated. 1 100 — 182.'), by G. Borrow, London, 1825, 8vo., G vols. ; edited bv T. B. Howell and T. J. Howell, London. 1800—26, roy. 8vo., .33 vols. [In all tlie above are several StatYordsbire Trials.] Trimmer, Rev. llargreave Edward, b. Hamstall Ridware, 1853 ; s. of Rev. Robert Trimmer [«ff] ; Mat. Keble Coll., Ox., 18th Oct., 1872; li.A., 1872; M.A., 1879; Curate of St. John the Evangelist, Upi)er Norwood. 1877—79 ; of Holy Trinity, St. Mary's, Guild- ford, 1879. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., H39.J Trimmer, Rev. Robert, b. Worcester, 1822 ; s. of Edward Trimmer, Esq. ; Mat. Perab. Coll., Ox., 16th March, 1837 ; Scholar, 1837 —39 ; Scholar, Wadh. Coll., 1839—46 ; B.A., 1843 ; M.A., 1846 ; Fellow, 1S46— 47 ; Assistant Tutor ; Rector of Hamstall Ridware, lfS52 — 58 ; Vicar of Stoneleigh, Warws., 1858—62 ; Rector of Holy Triiuty, and Si. Mary's, Guildford, 1863—82 ; Hon. Canon, Winchester, 1877. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1439.] Troman, Thomas, b. Rowley Regis, 1830 ; s. of Joseph Troman, Esq. ; Mat. New Coll., Ox., 19th Oct., 1874; Mus. Bac, 10th April, 1875. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1441.] Trodohton, Rev. James, b. Coventry, 1795 ; s. of James Troughton, Esq. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 27th Oct., 1814: B.A., 1818; M.A., 1827 ; P.C, Binley, Warws., 1821 ; of Wyke, Warws., 1823: Rector of Ashley, 1827 to death ; t/. 1st March, 1836. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1442.] Trower, Rev. Arthur, b. Bloomsbury, 1819 : s. of George Trower, Esq. ; Mat. Line. Coll., Ox., 29th Nov., 1838 ; B.A., 1842 ; M.A., 1849 ; Curate of Broughton-Astley, Leics., 1843—46 ; of West Wickhani, Kent, 1846— 47 ; P.C. of Codsall, 1847—59 ; of Hook, Yorks., 1859 — 64 ; Curate of St. James, Hatcham, Surrey, 1868 — 72 ; Bradpole, near Bridport, 1872 — 74 ; Rector of St. Mary's-at- Hill, London, 1874. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1442.] Trubshaw, Sussanna. Little Haywood, 1863 ; c/iiu. of — Trubshaw, Surveyor. Poems . . . Stafford: Printed bi/ II. if W. Wright, Greengate Street. 18G3. 12mo., pp. viii., 6G. Truscott, Rev. John. b. Lifton, Devon., 6th Dec, 1841 ; s. of Thomas Truscott and TRUSCOTT (467) TURNER Amelia, his wife ; Methodist Free Church Minister since 1863 ; Correspomiing Sec- retary, 1889 ; Conncxional Secretary, 1890 — 91 ; President of Anniml Assemlily,"l892 — 93 ; stationed at Bur>li'iii, IS.s!) to date ; m. Elizabeth Jam', dan. of Captain .1. Truscott, Linkiniidrne, Cornwall. America's Care for her Chililren [Free Methodist ("Srd Dec, 1891)] ; Church Life of America [ib. (ICth Dec, 1«91)]; on Gro.ving Old [United Methodist Free Church Mai). (Julr. 18111)]; Endowmeut with Power from on High [ih. (May, 18'.i:!)]. Edited — General Kegulations relating to Ministers, Candidates for the Ministry of the Methodist Free Church. Truscott, Mi?s. h. Macclesfield, i^Sltli Oct., 1870 ; (litu. of Rev. John Truscott ; resident at Burslem. Eclitor of the Lady's Column, Methodist Free Church Magazine, under the nom de plume of " Phillis." Tdnxiclii-k, Rev. Charles, b. Leek, 1750 ; We^lcyan Mini.ster, 1788—1828 ; super- annuateil, 18uO ; , (i«8. 71).'). liS'i ; Herbert's Ames, 2(>4. 270, 434, .il.i, (iO.i, l."):!4, l.')3l!, Ij82, 1824; Bale 713; Ducirel's Hist, of Lambeth. App. 40; Le Xeve's Fasti; Strvpe ; .St. Pa. Hen. VIII.; Ellis's Letters (I). I., 1.34: (3) L, 2,30.271: II.. 12, 8G : III., 14i; ; Nasmith's Cal. C.C.C. MSS., 109; Hymer XIIL, 497, 5;i8, .539, ,542, ,54li, .571, 700. 714, 7(53. 771. 774 : XIV., 1, 10. 192, 3()4. 378, 383; Knight's Erasmus. 190, App. GO ; M;inning & Brav's Survey, III., 508 ; Hoare's Modern Wilts., I., 180; Fuller's WoVthies ; Berkenhout's Biog. Lit., 98 ; Biog. Brit. ; Hutchinson's Durham. I., ,507 : III., 3,53 ; M.achyn's Diary, 218, 377 ; Tanner's Bibl, Brit., 724 ; Lodge's Illustrations. I., 15.5, 30.5 ; Fidde's Wolsey, 130, 193; Whittaker's Richmond, II.. .52. 272; Smith's Autobiogi-aphy ; Dodd's Ch. Hist.. L, 483; Newcourt's Repert., I.. 25, 037 ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. 0.\on., I.. 97, 98, .580 ; Granger's Biog. Hist. ; MS. Kennett, XLVI.. 29 ; Cat. MSS., Univ. Lib., Cant.ab.. II.. 274 ; Dr. Atterbury's Rights of Convocation (2nd ed.), App. Xo. V.; Tlicmias's Hist. Notes. 9, 1(1, 13, 111, 20, 30, 71, 114. 191, 192. 31(1, 311, 30.3, 371 ; Poulson's Holderness ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1517 ; Lansd. MS.S.. 08U. ff. '291—115 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 198—202. 552; Harwooil's LichfieM, 206 ; TallMt Papers, D oC, 00, 101, 121!, 133, 179; Giustianian's Despatches ; Leon. Howard's Letters, 274 ; McCries' Knox, (>3— 5. 423 ; Roper's Life of .More, 53-00 ; Haweis's Sketches of Reformation. 7, 31. 92 ; Foss's Judges, V.. 283 ; Laing's Kno.>c's Works. III., 33, 217. 423 ; Maitland's Early- Printed Books, 423; Thorpe's Cal. St. Pa., 41. ol, 52, 55, 64, «7, 88, 10.5, 108, no. Ill, 114.] TnRNBDLL, W. P. b. ILickness, Yorks., 8th Oct., 1841 ; s. of Robert Turiibull, Esq., and Mary, his wife ; educated St. Peter's Sch., York, and Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1864 ; M.A. and 2nd Smith's Prizeman, 1864 ; Fellow, Trin. Coll., 1865 ; Assistant Tutor, Trin. Coll.; Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools, since 1871 ; resident at Wolverhampton. An Introduction to Analytical Plane Geometry. Cambridye: Iteiyhton 0'" Bell. .Schneyer's First Lessons in Arithmetic. London : G. Bell if- Sons. ToRNER, Rev. Daniel. *. Bradnock (Bradnop, near Leek), 1709 ; .«. of Rev. James Turner ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 8th April, 1728; B.A., 1731. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1448.] TURNER (468) TURNER Turner, Daniel, b. Leek, 17u4: ; s. of Rev. Daniel Turner {see'] ; Mat. Ch. Ch., 0.\., loth March, 1773; B.A., 1777. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., U4x.] Turner, Dawson. The Bot.inist's Guide through England and Wales. By U. Turner and L. W. Dillwyn. LoiuJon, 1S05. Pt. 8vo. 2 vols. [Includes Stafl:ord.shire.] TuRNKit, Rt. Rev. Francis, b. pmhalily at Can- tei'burv ; s. "f the Very Rev. Thninus Turner, Dean of Canterbury (I (!41 — 72), and Margaret (f/r(«. of Sir Francis Windeliank, Knt.), his wife ; educated Winchester Soh. ; Fellow, New Coll., Ox. ; B. A., 14th April, 1G59 ; M.A., 1663 ; B.D. and D.D., 6th July, 1669 ; Rector of Tharfield, Herts. ; Preb. of'Sneating, St. Paul's Catiiedral, Dec, 1669 ; Master, St. John's Coll., Cam., 11th April, 167U ; Dean of Windsor and Wnlverlianipton, 16H3 [Oliver says KiSi']; Bp. of Rochester, 1683—90; one of till' seven Bisho]is committed to the Tower of London, (Slh June, KiSS ; dejirivcd of his Bishopric, 1690 ; 3 ; B.A., 179G ; M.A., 1801 ; Rector of Hagley-!«.-Frankley, Worcs., 1804 ; In- cumbent of St. Kenelm's Halesowen, 1836 to death ; Rector of Luekington, Wilts. ; of Horton, Gloucs. ; d. 13tb Jan., 1847. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., M.iO.] Tdrneu, John Fox. /;. Stone ; a Merchant in Manchester ; IMeniber of City Council : Secre- tary to Manchester Cbamber of Commerce ; now resident in Liverjiool. A Short Discourse or Sermon, suggested by Arch- deacon Sinclair's recent Charge. By Pyngle Layne. Loudon, 1856. i>p. In. Sketches. By Pyngle Layne. (Printed for private circulation.) 1855. Princess The;itre, Manchester. The Grand Christmas Pantoniime for 18tt4 and IHfJ.'i. Mother Goose. Written by Mr. Pyngle Layne. M(tnclie.iter. 1SG4. 12mo. The Proposed .\dmission of Merchants to the Indian Council. .Maucliester, 1870. Numerous Contributions to Manchester Papers. Tdrner, Ralph, b. Checkley, 1716 ; «. of AVilliam Turner ; Mat. Merton Coll., Ox., 1733 ; B.A., 1736: M.A., 1739. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1450.] Tdrner, Rev. Timothy, b. Tun.stall, Yorks., 1661 ; s. of Richard Turner ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 14th March, 1679 ; B.A., Univ. Coll., 1682 ; M.A., 1685 ; Rector of Tooting, Surrey, 1687; of Conlsden, Surrey, 1689; Preb. of Wolvey and Canon of Lichfield, 1.5th June, 1688— 89; of Eccleshall, 1st Oct., 1689 to death ; Viear of Eccleshall, 1st Oct., 1689, to death ; d. 1 720. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., I.i22 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 72 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 229, 257.] TuRNocK, Rev. James Robert, h. Stafford, 1829 : s. of James Turnock, Esq. ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., lOtb June, 1847 ; B.A., 18.51 ; M.A., 1853 ; Curate of St. Saviour'.s, Evesham ; St. Mary's, Staft'ord : Ch. Ch,, St. Pancras, Lon- don ; Incumbent of St. John's, Jedburgh ; Vicar of St. Mary-le-Tower, Ipswich, 1861, to date; Hon. Canon of Norwich, 1885. Sermons addressed to the Congregation of St. Mary- le-Tower, Ipswich. Loudon : Parker. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. 1451.] TuRNOCK, Samuel, b. Rudyard, 1738 ; s. of Samuel Turnock ; Mat. Brasenose Coll. Ox., 13th March, 1756 ; B.A., 1759. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. 1451.] TuRTON, Sir John, Knt. b. Alrewas, 1637 ; *'. of William Turton, Esq. ; Baron of E.xchequer, 1689 ; Justice of King's Bench, 1696 ; bought Manor of Alrewas from Sir F. Boynton, of Branston Castle, Yorks. ; m. Ann, dau. of Samuel !More, Esq., of Linley, Salop ; d. 1707 ; bur. Alrewas, 22nd May, 1707. [Collins's Baronage of England; Noble's Continuation of Granger, II.. 180 ; Harwood's Erdeswicke (1820), 232 ; Scott's Stourbridge. 223 ; Shaw, 128—29.] Poem on him. By Lieut. Bowes. [Shaw, I., 128 — 29.] His Will. [/J., 1-29.] TuRTOX, John. /). Wolverhampton, 1736 ; ,«. of John Turton : Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 23rd Oct., 1752 ; B.A., 1756 ; Ratdiffe Travelhng Fellow of Univ. Coll., 1761 ; B. Med.. 1762^ D. :\[ed., 1767 ; F.R.C.P., 176.S ; Physician to tbe Queen's Household, 1771 : in (>rdinary to the Queen, 1782, and to the King and Prince of Wales, 1797 ; F.R.S. ; d. 14th April, 1806. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1452.] Turton, John, b. Sugnall, near Eccleshall, 1781 ; s. of Jcdin Turt73 edition. Revised edition [with altered title], Loudon : by Ileurie Ueuham, 15Sti. 4to. [this is said to be the first com- plete, and last edition published in tlie lifetime of the author] : London ; bi/ Ileniii- Deuhnm. 15S5, 4to. ; London: hi/ llenrie Denham, iSSG. 4to. : London : for Ihe .-Usir/nes of iV Seres, 1500, 410. ; London: by R. Yardtey i(- /'. Short, 1503, 4to. : London : bi/ Peter Short. 1507, 4to. : London : by Peter Short. 1500. 4to. ; Edinbnryh : by R. Woldeyrare, 1500, ilo.; Loudon, lGU4,-lto.; London : for Ihe lonipiniy of Stationers, 1610, 4to, ; London, lUU, 4to. ; London, IGiO, 4to. ; Loudon, 1630. 4to., pp. 11)4; Loudon, 1G3S, 4to. ; London, 1672, 4to., pp. 14(i, exclusive ot Tables; Loudon, 1002, 4to., with Notes and Observations by Daniel Hilman, of Ejisom, Surveyor [under the title of Tusser Kedivivus]; London, 1710, 8vo., pp. l.')li; Loudon, 1744, 8vo. [a reprint of the 171(1 eilitiou, with new title], pp. 150, including title ; New edition, with Notes, Ac. ... by William Mavor. LL.D., Loudon^ l>il2, 8vo. ; Some of the Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, London, IMS, 18mo., 2 parts. Autobiography. In Verse. [Appended to Five Hun- dred Points of Husbandry, 1573, and all subsequent editions.] , . ,, . , t.- The Last Will of Thomas, with his Metrical Biogra- phy. C. Clarke, at his Pricate Press, Great Totham. 1840. [The 1567 edition of UiU points was reiiriiited hi Brit,. liibl., Ill 11 — 20. Some copies wtre taken ofi" in 4to. The -'points iucUided in Soutliey's Select Works of British Poets, 143 Loril Soniers' Tracts, III., 403.] are 99; [Dr. Mayor's Biog. Sketch of Tusser ; Alumni Eton, lliO ; Wright's Essex, I., 25'.! ; Tanner's Bibl. Brit. ; I'l it- zel, 3U3 ; Restituta, III., 2ii5 ; Page's Sup. to Sutfolk Traveller, 1 1 : Beloe's Anecdotes, I., 181 : II.. 711 ; Aubreys Lives IV , 5(i2 ; Chambers's Cvclopiedia of Eug. Lit., I., 48; Notes .and Queries, IV., 152: VIIL, 410: XIL, 119, 193 293; Warton's Hist. Eng. Poet, III., 248—57; Soiithey's Common Place Book, L, 171—74.497.498: II., 32:5, 337: IV., 290; Ellis's Specimens, II., 121; Farr s EUziibethan Poets, xxiv.,257 ; Collier's Reg. St:it. Comp., I 12 50, 51 ; Brit. Bibl., I., 2815 : III., 1—20 ; Mor.ant 8 Essex. II., 149 ; Herbert's Ames, t;29, 820. 899, 948, lUiO, 1207 1520; Donald.sim's Agricultural Biog., 7; Bibl. Angl Poet, 351— 54; Fuller's Worthies (Es.sex) ; Oldy s British Librarian, 88, 90 ; Jacob's Lives ot the Poets, IL, 15 ■ Nich(ds's Literary Anecdotes, XXX., iv., 139 ; Nichols's Lit. Illustrations, IV., 55(i, 557; Somers a Tracts, III., 403 ; Censura Lit., III., 308 : V., 109 : X., 22 • Strype's Stow, lib. III., 31 ; Hivwkins's Hist, of Music (1853) II., 537; Suffolk Garland, 255; (ient.'s Mag., LXXXII. (1), 431 ; MilUvrd's Hist. Notices of the Oftice of Chorister, 54, 73— ti ; Collier's Memoirs of Actors, xxvni. ; I Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 422—24 ; Cre;isy's Etonians, ' chap, ii.] j TnTBDRY. i An Account of the Beginning and Erection of the Duchy and County Palatine of Lanc:ister, and the ;uidi- tions made thereunto ; :ind of the Honours, Roy:ilties, : Privileges, and Exemptions, which have been granted and confirmed unto John, Duke of Lancaster, called John the Gaunt and also unto all the Officers, Tenants, and Resi- dents therein and throughout all the Duchy Possessions ; also of the Honour of Tutbury; and how and to whom I the Right of Inheritance, and with the offices of Feoiiary ' and Bailiff-Escheator, Clerk of the Market, and Carver, doth belong, and hath been executed therein. Lerby, 1735. 4to., pp. 15. TWAMLEY (471) TYLECOTE Tutbun- Chartulary. [Coll. of Arms, Norf. MS., No. LIX. (XLI.).] Printed .IS : — liegistoriiin Cartarurn Prior- atus Tutteburien.si.s. Edited hy Sir George Young, Garter. (Prieatebf printed.) Hoy. Hvo. Tutbury Chartulary." [Trin. Coll., Cam., MSS.; Duchy of Lancaster, Office No."4 ; Add. MSS., 0114.] Book of Ueffrence to the Plan of the Parish of Tutbury. Suuthumplon, IHHS. View of Tutbury Castle, from Drawing taken in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. .Socieli/ of Aiitiuiiarins, 173.3. East View of Tutbury Castle. By" N. & C. Buck. 1731. The Seal of the Priory. Engraverl by Bayley. 17Giii;is Beaufort, b. Tamworth, 1843 ; s. of Rev. Tliouias Tvlceote ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 23rd Oct, l«(i2 ; B.A., 1867 : Curate of Biagleswade, Bods., 1868— 70 ; Curate of Lowther, Cuiiib., 1870—78 ; Rector of Lowther, 1878 to date ; of Oakham Hall, Penrith. [Foster's Alumni Oxou., IV, 14.')5.] Tymms, Samuel. The Familv Topographer . . . London : J. B. Nichols A Son. ' 1S32. 12mo, 7 vols. [Staffordshire:—!, 64, 133, 135—37, IM, 173, 191, 217 : IL, 23, 72, 74, lOG, 120, 129, 130. 152, 181, IIM, 229, 240. 27(i, 281, 284 : III., 43, 81, 94—9, 137, 1.58, 171, 172, 190, 192, 20li : IV, 24, 25, 36, 39, 43, 80, 82, 103, 107, 141, 157, lliG, 1(;7, 174—80, 182, 183, 186, 187, 195—97, 204, 210, 214, 216, 222, 223, 227—29, 231 —66, 269, 277, 284, 285, 287. 288. 290, 291, 293, 294 ; V, 3, 6, 8—11, 13, 16, 18. 19, 23, 25—7, 31—5, 37—9, (pt. 2) 10, II. 19, 21, 22. 24, 26, 28, 29. (pt. 3) 14, 16, 24, 29, 36, 37, (pt. 4) 11, 20, 28, 32, 35, (pt. 5) 8, 9, 14. 21, (pt. 6) .3, Il- ls, 15, 24-7, 31, 33, 34, (pi. 7) 32, 40, 41 : VI.. 29, (pt. 3) 33 : VII., 97, 104, 109, 110, 123, 145, 148, 158—60, 163.] TvRER, Christopher, b. Tettenhall, 1723 ; s. of Rev. Christopher Tyrer ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 22nd March, 1742 : B.A., 1745. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1456.] Tyrer, Rev. Frank Barker, h. Wolverhampton, 1850 ; s. of John Tyrer, Esq. ; Mat. as a Non.-CoU.. Ox., 15th Oct., 1870 ; Commoner, Queen's Coll., 1871 ; B.A., 1873 ; M.A., 1877 ; Curate of St. Chrysostom, Everton, 1874 — 77 ; Vicar of All Saints, Liverpool, 1877 — 86 ; of St. Saviour's, Everton, 1887 to date ; Memlier of Liverpool School Board, 1893. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1456.] Tyrwhitt, Rev. Cecil Booth, b. Whitchurch, Dorset., 26th May. 1841» ; s. of Rev. Thomas Tvrwhitt and Margaret, his wife ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 16th Oct., 1869 ; B.A., 1872 ; M.A., 1875 ; Curate of St. Barnabas, Oxford, 1872—74 ; Clip, to St. Chad's Cnll,, Denstone, 1876—89 ; Vicar of Cauldon-iy.-Waterfall, 1889 to date. How to Live Well. Translated out of the Latin. Oj-fonl : J. B. Evans. 1SS7. 16mo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. 1456.] Tysan, Rev. Thomas. Educated Sedgley Park Sch. ; Roman Catholic Priest at Sedgley. An Address to the Members of the Dudley Auxiliary Bible Association. 2nd ed,, DuiHey. 1821. 8vo, pp. 41. Observations on Mr. Jacob Stanley's Remarks on the Rev. Thomas Tysan's Address ... To which is added A Dialogue between the Devil and Martin Luther, concerning the Abolition of Mass. Dudley, 1821. 8to., pp. 59. An Answer to the Rev, J. Dawson's Reply to An Address, &c. Dudley. 1821. 8vo., pp. 60. Via Directa ; or. The Shortest Way to End Religious Disputes. Dudley. 1826. 8vo. A Guide to Via Directa ; or. The Shortest Way to End Disputes. Dudley. 1828. 8vo., pp. .36. An Explanation of the Catholic Worship. Dudley, 1828. 8vo. u Udall, Thomas Bertram, b. Newcastle, 1851 ; s. of Thomas Udall, Esq., Solicitor ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 15th May, lSfi9 ; B.A., 1873 ; M.A., 1876 ; liarrister-at-Law, Lin- coln's Inn, 1872 ; practices in Newcastle. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1458.] Ullathorne, Rt. Rev. William Bernard, b. Poeklington, Yorks., 7th May, 1806; s. of William Ullathorne and Hatmah Longstaff, his wife ; educated at Downside Coll., Bath ; Professed Monk of Order of St. Benedict at Downside, 1H25 ; Priest, Sept., 1831 ; H.M. l{oman Catholic Ch]). in New South Wales, and Vicar-General of Australia, 1832 ; re- turned to England, 1841 ; on Mission at Coventry, 1841 ; Consecrated Bp. of Hetalona and appointed Vicar- Apostolic for Western District, 1S46 ; Vicar-Apostolic, Midland Dis- trict, Aug., 1848 ; 1st Bp. of Birmingiiam, Sept., 1850 ; resigned, Aug., 1887 ; created Archlip. of Cabasa, May, 1888 ; d. Oscott Coll., 21st March, 1889; bur. St. Dominic's Church, Stone. A Few Words to the Rev. Henry Fulton and his Readers, with a glance at the Archdeacon. Sydney: Stephens. 1833. 8vo. Replv to .ludge Burton. Sydney: Duncan. 1835. 8vo, pp. 98. Jiepriiited. 1840, 1841. Horrors of Transportation. Dublin : Coyne. 1836. 8vo., pp. 31. 2nd ed., 1837 ; Hrd ed, 1S.38. Sermon on Drunkenness. Sydney : Jones. 1834. 8vo, pp. 16. London: Keating 4' Brown, 1838 ; last ed., London : Burns i)' Oales. 18!)2. 8vo. ; Translated into Italian, Miiano, 1887. [Over .50.000 copies sold.] The Ceremony of Bles-ing and Laying the Foundation Stone of a New Church. Sydney : Jones. 1836. 8vo. Catholic Mission in Australasia. Liverpool: Iiocl:lifi\j- Duckworth. 1836. 8vo. 2nd ed., 7S.37 ; 4th ed., /J«6/i)i .- Coyne, 1838, 8vo., pp. 58. Observations on the Use and Abuse of the Sacred Scrip- tures, as exhibited in the Discipline and Practice of the Protestant and Catholic Communions. Sydney; Jones. 1834. «vo. London : Keating c)'- Brown, 1838, 8vo. Report to the Holy See on the Mission of Australia. Ti'anslated into Italian, entitled — Relazione suUa Alissione e ViGiriato Apostolic della Nuova Olanda. Jioma, 1837. 8vo. [Translated by Dr. Collier ; revised by Abbatc Peschiatelli.J Sermons. With Prefaces . . . London : Jones. 1842. 8vo. The Blessing of the Calvary on the Grace Dieu Rocks. London; /tobnan. 1843. Funeral Oration on the Rev. William Richmond, de- livered at the Solemn Requiem in St. Mary's Church, Brewood, November 16th, 1848. London: Burns. 1848. Remarks on the Proposed Education Bill .... London: Burns 4 Lambert. 1850. 8vo., pp. 24. The Office of a Bishop . . . London: Richard.ion (S; Son. 1850. 8vo. 2nd ed., same year. A Plea for the Rights and Liberties of Religious Women ; with reference to the Bill proposed by Mr. Lacy, M. P. London: Bichardson i^- Son. 1851. Svo. A Discourse delivered to the Clei'gy at the conclusion of the Diocesan Synod held in St. Chad's Cathedral Church, Birmingham . . . London : Richardson tf Son. 1853. The Holy Mountain of La Salette ; A Pilgrimage of the year 18.54. London: Burns if Lambert. 1854. 6th ed., the last, Richardson cj- Son, 1861. A Letter addressed to Lord Edward Howard on the proposed Committee of Enquiry into Religious Communi- ties . . London : Richardson ij- Son. 1854. Svo. The Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God. London : Richardson if Son. 1855. 8vo., pp. 227. Trans- lated into French and German. The Discourse delivered at the Opening Session of the Second Provincial Synod of Oscott. London : Richardson ^ Son. 1855. 8vo. ULLATHORNE ( 473 ) ULLATHORNE A Pilgi-image to the Pioto-Monasteiy of Hubiaco and the Holy Cirotto of St. Benedict. Lomlon : Rohmn, Levev, i)'' Fraiikl;/ii. 185G, 8vo., pp. (ill. Notes on the Education Question. Lonilnii : Hic/ianl- SOH 4 Son. 1857. 8vo., pp. 72. Letters on La Salette, in Reply to Articles in the Eiliiilnn-nh liainew -.iml Itamhlet: London: Barns ij- Lam- bert. 1S5S. (2 editions.) A Discourse delivered at St. Mary's Priory, Prince- thorpe (January 24th, 18(il)), on Occasion of the Solemn Jubilee of thu Reverend Superior, the Reverend Mother Agatha Josephine GocJefroi de Ste. Agnes. &c., ic. Jiead- hiff: Cowdaile. 18G0. 8vo. The Speech on the Question of the Pontifical States, delivered by the Right Rev. Bishop Ullathorae. at the Town Hall, Birmingham, on Tuesday, the 14th of Februarv, 18611. Biiniin(/ham: M. Maker. 1810. 8vo., pp. 2:i. Re- printed at Rome, with Italian translation and preface. A Letter on the Rambler and the Home and I'oieirjn Review, addressed to the Clergy of the Diocese of Birming- ham. London : Richardson ()'• Son. 1862. 8vo., pp. 42. A Discourse preached at the Birmingham' Cathedral on the Occasion of the Public Funeral of the late Mr. Councillor Maher. London: Richardson ^f Son. 18G2. 8vo.' On Certain Methods of the Rambler and the Home and Foreign Rerieii: A Second Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Birmingham. London: Richardson .{• Son tS63. 8vo.. p)). i»y. A Discourse delivered to the Clergy at the Diocesan Synod of June 1st, 18(;4. London : Richardson if Son. 1864. 8vo. ■" A Letter on the ''Association for the Promotion of the Unity of Christendom," addressed to the Clergy of the Diocese of Birmingham. London: Richardson' 6th 1881. ■ ' The Ground Work of the Christian Virtues. A Cour-e of Lectures. London : Burns d- Oates. 1882 Svo pp.411, inii ed., 1888. ' A Circular Letter to the Clergv of the Diocese of Birmingham on the Death of the Very Rev Edgar E Canon Estcourt. Dated April I8th. I8.S4; Christian Patience, the Strength and Discipline of the Soul. London: Burns ij- Oates, Limited. 1886. Svo pp. 2.56. 2nd ed., 1888. '' Memoir of Bishop Willson, first Bishop of Hobart Tasmania. London : Burns 4 Oates. Limited. 1887 Svo' pp._9i;. [First published in the Dublin Review' (laiy, Reply to the Address presented by the Reverend Clergy to the Right Reverend Bishop Ullathorne, on his retirement from the Diocese of Birmino-ham. Dated March 22nd, 1888. Birmingham: Drew 4 Smi n',1 C1S88) Svo. ' ■^' Pastoral Letters : — From 1846—48, as Bishop of Hetalona and Vicir- Apostolic of the Western District. ,,-..,^''Tt."*'*^~"''"' '■** ■''"°' ""'' Vicar-Apostolic of the Midland District. From 18.")0— ,51, as Bishop of Birmingham .and Ad- ministrator of the Diocese of Nottingham. From 18.50—88, as Bishop of Birmingiiam. Bishop Ullathorne was a contributor to the " -Vnnals of the Propagation of the Faith (18:18) " ; to the Rambler (July— Nov., 1856) ; Dublin Reriew (Julv, 1887) ; Three Letters to an Australian Paper, signed "S'vdney " - Intro- duction to Rev. H. Formby's - Life of St. Bened"ict '(I87->)"- Preface to " Life of Mother Margaret Hallahan " ; Intro- ductory Letter to the Month of St. Joseph (IS7I): Intro- ductory Letter to Miss K. O'Meara's "Life of BishoD Grant." ^ The Bishop gave evidenca before the Select Committee on ■Transportation [Report. Aug.. 1838] and Committee on Ecclesuistical Titles and the Roman Catholic Relief Acts [Report, 1867]. During the Bishop's term of office as Bishop of Birmingham, he held six Diocesan Synods, at which he presided, of which Reports were issued as follows :— Acta et Statuta primse Syuodi Diocesana; Birmin"- hamiensis habita;, Nov. 9 et 10. 18;>.-i. in Ecclesia Cathedrali Sancti Ceaddas. Derbite : Richardson. 1853. Secunda Synodus Diocesana Birmiiighamiensis habit-i in Ecclesia Cathedrali .Sancti Coailda'. die 4 Mail 1838 Derbiir: Richardson. 1.S5S. ' Tertia .Synodus . . . die 1 Junii. 1861 Richardson. 1864. Quarta Synodus ... die !• Junii, IS69 Richard.son. 1860. Quinta i'ynodus . . . dieSl Martii. 1875 Richardson. 1875. Sexta .Synodus ... die 2 Junii, ISSI ham : Drew. 1881. Derbite : Derbite : Derbict : Birming- 3-K UMBERS (474) UNDEIiHILL Characteristics of Aiclibisiiop Ullathorne. [.See Glancev (Rev. M. T.).l Aiitobii>j;r:i|>liv of Avchbishop niathorne. [See Drane iT. A.).] Letters of Archbishop Ullathorne. [fb.] Memoirs and Notices. [Oliver's Collections (I8.i7), 425 : Braclv"s Episcopal Succession. III., :i:iii. 100 : Calhclic Fireside I'.Ian.. I«.Sl!|; The Oscntiail (lS8(i. Sril- eil.) ; Afeii ofllie Times ('.)th eil.). '.ii>7 ; PncMiwiton H'eekli/ Sens (18S7); The Aiyus (Dec. 18S7) (an Au.stralian Paper); Birmiiufham Fares aiul Ptace^ (May. 1888).] Bihliograpliy of Works. [Characteristics of Archbp. Ullatliorne. jip. ix.— .s.wvi. (compiled by Rev. J. Caswell) ; The liiiinisiile Iterirw I.April. I88i;) (^incomplete).] Portrait. Bv Fidanza. of Rome. Iii42. Ditto. Bv jlr. Lee. [Peues Rev. Mr. East.] Ditto. By R. Burchett. IHbi. [ Downside Collection ; repliiii in St. Dominic's Convent. Stone.] Ditto. By Herr Barlhelme, of Munich. ISoO. [Penes Oscott College.] Ditto. By .John Pet tie. R. A. lS7r. [ Penes Tliomas Richauls. Esi|., Olton, Birmingham.] Ditto. Drawn from Life, by Edwin Cocking. Litho- graphi-rl hi/ D.iii c)' Sun. [DuUiii iler., n.. 274: V., 274 : (June, Dec, 185.5 : Jan.. July, 18ti5: April, Jiilv. 18Gi; ; Jan., Utu : April, 18118: Ja'n.. 1870: Julv. 1871: Jan.. 1875: Oct.. 187(3: Jan.. 1881 : Oct.. 1882: Oct.. 188i;): AV/iii. Catholic Mag., II.. 28 : v.. 7:U : VI.. 442 ; Catholic Fireside. XIII.. Xo. 1 ; Toft/ef (April. 1871 : Nov., 1872 : Feb.. Sept.. 18i5 : Oct. 30th, Nov. (!th and ISth, 1880: Oct. 7th and 14th. 1882: Sept. 18th. 18811); Times: Spectator; Pall Mall (iazette (Nov.. 18(111); Downside llev. (Jan., 1883); Month (Oct., 188t!)': Oscoliaii. V.. 312.] [Tlie Compiler is imlebtcl to the Rev. J. Caswell, of Trinrc- thori)e. Rugby, and to the Motlicr Prioress of St. Dominies Convent, Stone, for completeness of this article.] St. Paul'.s Terrai'i W, Umheiss. Aiiiii liiimptiin. Overland. Inland, and Upland. A Lady's Notes of Personal Observations and Adve:iture with eighteen illustrations. London: Seeler/, Jackson, l)'* Ilalli- day. Ifirs. Svo., pp. 342. Underhill, Aftliiir. />. Wolvcfliaiiiptnii, intli Oct., 18r)0 ; s. (if HciuT Underhill, 'I'own Clerk, and Emiiia ('/««. of Thomas Clark, Iroii- toiinder), his 1st wife ; educated Cliudleip;h Gr. Sell., Devon.; Mat. Trin. Coll., Dublin, 18G7 ; B.A., 1«7] ; M.A., 1.S78 ; LL.P., 1880 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1872; Lec- turer on Equity to tlie Incorporated Law Soc, 1.S8+, 188;') : Assistant Examiner in Law of Re;il and I'ersonal Property to tlie 1 our Inns of Court, 1889—91 ; m., 7th Sept., 1874, Alice Lucy, i/uit. of the late Moses Ironnioiiger, I'^si]., oi Wolverhampton. Annals of the Rocks : A Popular Sketch of the lead- ing facts of Geology. London: Sintp/^in. .]fp. 110. Some Hints on the Drifting of Deeds and Wills. A Lecture. Wolverhampton: .John Steen ij- Co. n.d. (1877) 8vo.. pp. 23. The Protection afforded by the Legal Estate. llV,/rer- hampton : Whitehead Bros. n.d. (1887). Participation in Profits without Liability for Debts. Wolverhampton: Whitehead Bros. 1889. 8vo., pp. 17. The Staffordshire Underhills and their connections in 1891. Compiled by Arthur Underhill. A folding Pedigree. In Pocket. Commercial iind Mercantile Precedents, with Notes. Simple Navigation in Home Waters. London: Xone if- Wilson. 1880. 8vo.. pp. 78. Our Silver Streak ; or, the Yachtsman's Guide to the English Channel. London : None 4' Wilson. 1802. Cr. 8vo., pp. 102. Undeiihill, Arthur Stopford. b. Tijiton, 1819 ; s. of Thomas Uiiderhill, Esq., and Mary Anne Owen, his wife ; of Duhlin Univ. ; Smior Med. Exhiliitioiier nf Trin. Coll., Diililin, 1870; B.A., 1870; M.B., 1K70 ; M.Ch., 1870 ; M,A. ; M.D., 1877 ; M.K,C,S., En^,, 1872 ; D,P.H., Cam,, 187.'i ; As.^oeiate of the Coll. of State Medicine ; Meui. Sanitary Inst, and Brit. Med. As:-ociation ; President, Bir- mingham and Midland Counties Soc. of Officers of Heaitli ; Med. Officer of Health and Public Vaccinator of 'J'i]iton Union District; m. Mary H. L., ildii. of Miijiir-Geueral ISynions. Carbonaceous Inf action of Colliers' Lungs. [Dublin Med. .lour. (1872).] Papers. [Lancet, Brit. Med. Jour., and Public Health.'] Underhill, Charles Edward, b. Ti[)ton ; s. of WiUiani Le^s Underhill, Esq. ; of Caius Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1867; M.A. ; M.D., 1870 ; F.R.C.S., Euf,'., 1872 ; SchoJiir and Tancred Student: F,R,C.P,, Edin,, 187G ; Ex-Presi- dent of Edinl)ur,y:h Obstetric Soc. ; Examiner, Roy, Coll. Surt;(>ons, Edinburgh ; m. Anna Wilhelmina Lamlie. Case of Spurious Pregnancy [Edin. Med. Jour. 1 1874)]. On the Structure of Three Ciirvical Polypi [ib. (1876)]. Measles in relation to Preguancv and the Parturient State [Obst. Jour. (USO)]. Underhill, Edward, h. Wolveihampton, 18-19; s. of .lohn Underhill ; educated Broius^i'ove Gr. Sch. ; .Mat. Line, Coll,, Ox„ 27t]i'j.an., 18(18; B,A., 1872 ; M,A., 1876. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. 1458.] UsDERHiLL, Elizabeth, dim. of — Thompson, of Tipton ; m. Rev. John Undeiliill [««« (1792)], Portrait. [Penes Willi.am Lees Underhill, Esq.] Underhill, Rev. Ernest, b. Wolverhampton, 18th Oct., 1857; s. of Henry Underliill, Town ' Clerk ; of Jesus Coll,, Cam, ; B,A,, 1881 ; Curate of St. Peter's, Liverpool, 1891 to date. [L^nderhill Pedigree.] UNDERHILL (475) UXTOX Un'derhm.l, Francis William, h. Tipton, 1848; s. of William Lees Umli'iiiill and Marv Anne, his 1st wife : educated 8t. George's Hospital, Lon. of Richard Unett, Esq. (b. 1702; d. 1734); Rector of Coppenhall, Cheshire ; Preb. of Tachbrook, Lichfield, 1st April, 1770—85; 7/1., 1760, Frances Godwin, of Stafford ; d. 1785. [Hanvood's Lichfield, 250 : Burke's Landed Gentry (1847); &c.] Unett, William. Temp. Henry V., Citizen and Draper of London ; owner of Estates at Tittensor. Letter relating to W. Unett [Rrmer's Fa;dora, IX., 160]. Receives itiSl 3s. 9d. [RoUs of Pari. temp. Hen. VI. and VU., 212]. UsETT, William. " Merchant of the Staple, London "; resident of The Close, Lichtield ; presented a Petition to Parliament, dated 16.J2, in which he states he has "resided in the Close for 32 years"; m. Alice. [Burke's Landed Gentry (1847); Report of Parlia- mentary Committee, lGo2.] Unett, Rev. William. b. Lichfield, 1618 [Curke says 1616]; *■. of William Unett; Mat. Merton Coll., Ox.. 13th June, 1634; B.A., 17tb Dec, 163--); M.A., New Coll., Ox., 2nd .June, 1(!;!S ; Rector of Chetwynd, iSalop ; d. 1659. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1530.] Unett. William, b. The Close, Lichfield, 1654 ; s. of Ph. Unett ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 3rd .Mav, 1672 ; B.A., 2sth Feb., 1676 ; M.A., 1679* [Foster's Alumni Oxou., E.S.. IV.. l.i.tO] Union, Rev. Thomas, b. Drayton, Salop, 1610 ; s. of Thomas Unton ; Mat. Trinity Coll., Cam., 29th Jan., 1630; B.A., 4th Feb.. 1630; M.A., 13lh Dec, 1632; Rector of Cresswell, 1638; Vicar of Montfoal, 1639: of Chetwynd, (both) Salop, 1662. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1530.] 'jPTON (470) VAI.H Ui'TON, Hon. Fullie Greville : b. Geneva, 1773 ; ■1. of Clotwortiiy, Baron Teinpletown ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 7tli Jan., 1791 ; Captain and Lieiit.-Col. 1st Foot Guards, 1804 ; M.P., Castle Risiiij,', Norfolk, 1 S08 — 32; assumed nanio of Howard instead of Upton ; of Ellord Hall ; )l. 4tli March, 1840. [Fostei-V Alumni Oxon,, IV.. M,")9 ; Ashted P;irk. 2^.] UitQUH.\RT, Uavid. h. licsoles, Cromarty, 18Uli : s. of David Urqiiliiirt, Esq. ; Mat. St. .lolni's Coll., 0.\., 31st Oct., 1822 ; " a Ru«sophol)ist " and Political Writer ; Secretary to Eniliassy at Constantinople, 1835; M.P. for Stafford, 1,S17 — 52 ; (I. 10th May, 1877. A few remarks on onr Relations with Russia, iiieUi- dlng some remarks on Col. Evans' '■ Designs of Russia." Loiiilim. 1H:1S. ;lvo. Remarks on the Conduct and Probable Design of Russia. London, 1S3:1 Svo. Turkey an J It-i Resources . . . Lonw Russia tries to get into her hruids the supply of Corn of the whtde of Europe. The English-Turkish Treaty of IKiS. London. /.S'.5.'). 8VO. The Invasion rif England. London, 1860. 8vo., pp. 18. The Leb oion (Mount Souria). A History and a Diary. 2 vols. London. 1860. 8vo. Answer to Mr. Cobden on the Assimilation of War and Peace. London, 18Gi. 8vo., pp. 114. The Right of Search. Two Speeches. London, 18G:i. 8vo. The Secret of Russia in the Caspian and the Euxine . . . 18G3. pp. 1U2. Consumption arre-ted bv the Turkish Bath. London, I 18G4. 8vo. I Manual of the Turkish Bath : Heat, a mode of cure i and a source of strength for men and animals, from the writings of Mr. Urquhart. Edited bv Sir J. Fife. London, 1SG5. 8vo. I The Declaration of Paris. A Letter to Mr. Gregory on his Motion . . . for sparing private property in War at Sea. London, 18GG. 8vo. The Four Wars of the French Revolution examined judicially . . . 1874. pp. iKi. Uttoxeteh. I The King's Majesty's Demands, and Proposition pro- posed to the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen of Stafford- shire, and near adjoining Conduct of South Wales, at Uxeter, Staffordshire, 19th Sept. London, 1G42. 4to. Ordnance Plan. 3 sheets. Soulhampton, n.d. (1882). Monuments. [Bodl. Lib., 853, 80.] [Harl. MSS., 5GS, 13 ; 2060. 9 ; 5138, 3.] UvEDALE, W. A Commissioner for tlie Survey of Colleges, &c., in Staftbrdsliire. lo49. [Bodl. Uh., 864, idfi.] ■'V. (T.)." .\bridged Sermons. Stone: I'vinfed ht/ J. tJnndrt/, Iliyh Street. 1850. 12mo., pp. 7(5. Sermon. By T. V. pp. 1—24. Y.\LE, Rev. Benjamin. Cam. Univ. ; LL.B. ; Curate of St. Peter's, Stoke, 1829 — 39 ; Rictor of Longton, 1839 to death; «■/. 18C3. Domestic Pastor.tl, in Five Parts . . . Newcastle; J. D. Mori, llijih Street, n.d. 8vo., pp. 1,^. Authenticity of the Scriptures ; Being the Substance of a Pastoral Letter to the Congregation of St. Philip's. New South Wales. Rije:G.Vale. 1827. 8vo. A New System of Chronology, and a Pastoral Letter to the Congregation of St. Peter'.s, Stoke. Hanley: Rowley, 1820. 8vo. Geology in Miniature ; including General Outlines of Mineralogy . . London : Printed by G. Odell. 1839. 8vo. Rhetoric in Miniature. VALENTIA (477) VAUX Logic in Miniiiture. The K'lrly Histor}' of E^ypl ; contaiiiinj^ the Old Testamunt Histiiry, from Die llierotrlyiihics of Pierius Valeriiniis ; The i'hionograjjhy cjf Synceiliis . . Illus- trated by the Muiiiiment il Kupre-Jeiitation-* of the Altars of Demon. Jiirmiufjham : Printi'il hi/ iJaii'son i^- Ganlner. H.d. Spo., pp. 121. Afterwards Oi/ Ihilchnnls, Loitdoii. Par.ilipomena. by the Kev. B. Vale, LL.D., Rector of Longton ; or, So much of a Manuscript of Universal History as can be remembered. Explanatory of Obscure Passages of Scripture, Which Perished on August loth, 18-1'2, when a Lawless Mob fired the Doctor's House at noonday, and Burneil and Destroyed the whole of his Books and Furniture. Lnnrjton : J^rintedbi/ Jtliz. Forrester, Market Sheet. 1S43. Mvo'.. pp. .i.i'2. Bible Commentary and Universal History. 2nd ed. Loudon: Published by .S. Sutton. .Market Street. IS65. Svo., pp. o77. [At the end we have KlU. Forrester, Printer, Louijtun. ] [This is realb' a Snd ecj. of his Fnralipomina, with an altered title-page anil imlcx ftdiled.] A Prayer Book. Loudon: Simpkin, MarshaU, o* Co. J. Deiin, Hurslem. Svo., jjp. (J.j. Philological Lectures ; .shewing that the Book of Genesis is contained in tlie Names of the Signs of the Zodiac, and in the Alphabet of all Languages. Lour/ton : mil. Svo. Ditto. Dedicated to the Mechanics' Institutions of — Tunstall, Bursleni, Hanley, Stoke, Longton, Tean, Uttoxeter, Rugeley, and Stafford. Tobe had of the .inthor, of Mr.t. Shaw. .Mr. Hill, Martin, all of Lonijtou. StaJford.shire. Lithof/raphed hi/ J. McGahey, Hold Sf/itare, Chester. 8vo., pp. Slj. A Sci-mon on the Millennium . . Loui/tou : Forrester. ISoU. Hvo., pp. tl). A Sermon preached in St. James's Church. Longton, on Sundav MorTiing, Nov. 18th. 185lt . . . Lout/ton: F. S. Wri'i/ht. IS5<). 8vo., pp. 17. MS. (Ill Natural Hi.story and Botany .... Pen and Ink Drawings of Birds, in 4to. vol. [Bookseller's Catalogue (1S.S4), marked :iO/-.] Can xaadilx — 41 be divided? [Annals of Socratic School (l!<)((l), No. III.] Valentia, Anno, Uowagor Vi,scouatess. Widow of George, 8tli Lord Valentia, and dau. of William, Viscount Courtney ; d. 1856. Portrait and Obituary. [Illiis. Times (18.ifi), 102.] Valbntia, George, 8tli Lord. h. Arley Hall, 4tli Dec, 1771 ; .•'. of Arthur, Earl of Mount- iiioriis, and Lucy {dau. of George, Lord Lyttleton), lii-i wife ; educated Upton-on- Sovcrn and Stamford, Worcs., under Dr. G. Butt [.s'fc] ; Hugliy, 17s;3 ; Mat. Brasenose Cull., 0.\., 17S(i ; in France, 178'J ; eiidiarked lo India, 1S(I2 ; returned to England, ISlIU ; M. P., Yarmouth; I?le of Wight, 18US ; F.K.S., F.A.S., F.Lin.S. ; one of the original pro- prietors of the Royal Institution, London ; afterwards settled down at Arley Hall, be- queathed to him by Thomas, Lord Lyttleton. 177(!; m. Anne, dtiii. of William, Viscount Courtney; d. 1844. Voyages and Travels in Xndii. the lied Sea. and Abyssini;i. Three Volumes. Omdon, ISOO. Ito. Large Paper Copies, Imp. Ito.; Proof Plates; only M copies printed. A few cojiics were issued with India Proofs and Etchings for presents. 2nil ed.. (i vols., 8vo.. and 1 vol. 4to. of Plates, Loudon, 1811. [Hall's Life of Salt. I., :t. (iO. (i2, li:!, 81—5, 87— !l, i:tO. 110, ll!!), 2(i2, 28ii, 381. 3!*G. ;t!U, 301), 398, 405, Wli, 408, 421, 4.30. 4(iO.] Valentine & Thkoshv, Printers, ]?ook-ellers, and Stationers, Vendors of I'atent .Medicines, Stamp (JlHce, Ac, High Street, Walsall. The Necessity of a National Seeking after God. \^See Fisk (Rev. G.).] ' A Selection of Psalms and Hymns. Walsall: Valentine .J- Throsbi/. 1S47. pp. 12-1. Vai.or E(;cle8iastes, temp. Henry VIH. London, 1810 — 34. ti vols., fol. [Vol. III. contains Hereford, Worcester, Lichfield, ifcc] Vance, Rev. AVilliam Ford. b. 1797; ofTrin. Coll., Dublin ; M.A. ; Curate of Brewood, 18 —49 : Vicar of Coseley, 1849 to death ; d. 14th Oct.. 1862; Ah/-." Co.seley Church- yard. Sermons. With a Voice from the Mines and the Furnaces. Wolverhampton: W. Parte. 1853. 8vo., pp.351. Vane, Lady Frances. Killed in leaping a gate near Westwood Hall, Leek, one of her Seats. Furni.shed Smollett with matter which he printed as *• Memoirs of a Lady of Quality." Vauguan, Rev. G. J. Quietness and Confidence, the Strength of the Church. A Sermoti preached on the Occasion of the Consecration of Trinity Church. Handsworth. May 17th, 18fi4 .... London and Cambridf/e : Macmillan i.^- Co. n.d. 8vo.,pp. 24. Vaughan, Ven. Griffith, b. Pisford, Northants.. Itj.'JG ; .«. of Edmund Vaughan ; Mat. Magd. Coll., Ox., ;3rd May, 1(J72 ; Chorister. 1(!68— 7G ; B.A., 1G76 ; incorp. Cam. Univ., 1G81 : M.A., Pembroke Coll., Cam., 1681 ; Vicar of Alrewas, 1681 ; Rector of C'oppenhall, Cheshire, 1681 ; Chancellor of Lichfield, with Preb. of Alrewas annexed, 26th Feb., 1689 ; Rector of Hinstock, Salop, 1705 ; Archd. of Salop, 1689, to death; licensed to marry, 1st Feb., I(i84, Annie Tomlins, of Bow, Middlesex, S|iiiister ; d. Aug., 1726. [Bloxam's Magd. Coll.. I., 94; Harwood's Lichfield, 139, 21i; ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV.. 153.5.] Vadghan, Rev. Maurice. JLA. ; Canon of Windsor ; Rector of Yelling, Hunts. : Vicar of High Oftley, 1692, to death ; Preli. of OfBev, Lichlield, 23rd Nov., n;'.)2. to death; d. 1722. [Hutchinson's Stoke, 87; Harwood's Lichfield, 238.] Vaughan, Very Rev. Peter, i. Leicester, 1770; s, of James Vaughan, M.D. ; Mat. Meiton Coll., Ox., 28th March, 1787; B.A., 1790; Fellow, 1792; Tutor; li.D., 18(16; D.D., 1810; Proctor, 1805; Warden of his Coll., 1810—25; Assistant blaster Rusjbv School. 1792 ; Vicar of High Offley, 'l812— 25 : Minister of St. John the Baptist. O.xon. ; Deau (if Chester, liS20, to death; Rector of Norlhenden, Cheshire, 182(1, to death ; d, 25th April, 1825. [Hutchinson's Stoke, 88 ; Foster's Alumni 0.xon.. IV.. 141)5.] Vaux, Rev. George Bowyer. h, Y'armouth, 1850 ; s. of Rev. Bowyer Vaux ; Mat. Corp. Christi Coll., Ox., 21st Oct., 1869; Exhibitioner. 1872—74; B..\., 1873: M.A, 1876; Curate of St. Mary's, W'olverhamptnn. Is75 — 78 ; Assistant Master St. Peter's College, Radley, 1878 ; Curate of Teddington, Middlesex, 1,S79 : of St. James's, Weilnesbury, 1879 — 84 ; Curat*' VAWDREY (478) VEHNON in charge "f Wellington, Salop, 18H4: — 85; Vicar of Ch. Cli., Wolveriianipton, 188.') — 8!) : Eector of Cliatliani, 1887.] Veale, Rev. Henry. Univ. Coll., Durham ; B.A., 1846 ; Curate of Wigan, 1846 ; P.C., St. Kenelm's, Romsley, 1847 — 49 ; in charge of St. George's, Wolverhampton, 1849—50 ; Curate of Walcot, Bath, 1850 — 51 ; in charge of Cleckheaton, Wilts., 1851—53 ; Rector of Newcastle, 1853—80 ; now of Clifton, Bristol. The Huttrell Charity, Newcastle. Sermons on the Trinity, in answer to the Rev. — Freckleton, Unitarian Minister. [In reply, we have — ] Ditto, not by the Rev. Henry Veale, but by the Rev. — Freckleton. Newcastle. Archdeacon Matthias and the Rev. Henry Veale, Rector. IPnncft, after reading this dispute, dubbed it as " Re-Vealed Religion."] Last Words. A Farewell Sermon, preached in St. Giles's Church. Newcastle-under-Lyme, on Sunday Evening, February IHth, Issl. being the Sunday before liis Official Resignation. Bv the Rev. Henry Veale, B.A.. late Rector. .Vewcaslle : U. liilworlh. itji. (ISSl). Cr. 8vo., pp. Hi. Veall, J. Old Houses in Wolverhampton and the neighbourhood, consisting of Twenty Original Etchings on stone, with short descriptions. 1880. folio. Venahi.k.s, Peter. b. Stafford, 1712 ; .«. of Joseph Venaiiles ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 9th June, 1727 ; B.A., 1731. [Foster's Alumni Oxou., IV., 14ti8.] Venables, Col. Robert. The Experienced Angler. London, 1662. I'lmo. A to H in eights. [Printed anonymously. Kecommendatory letter signed J. W., most protjjibly Isaac Waltun.] Fourth Edition. London : Marriott. 1676. 12mo. A to H H in fours, besides frontls., title, to the reader, to the Author signed I. W. and T. B.. and contents 8 leaves, also table 3 leaves. [Issued with 5tb edition of Walton and 3rd edition of Cotton.] Venarles, Sir William. Bradwell Hall, temp. 3 Edw. L [Bodl. Lib., 833, 23fi, 243.] Verney, Very Rev. John de. Dean of Lich- field, 2nd Dec, 1432, to death ; Vicar- General of Lichfield, IKth A|>ril, 1453; bur. in Cathedral. [Ilarwood's Lichfield, ISO, liW.] Vkrxon, Sir Edward, b. ITmiiidhill, Utto.xeter, 14t!i Dec, 1584: .«. of Walter Vernon, Esq. (/). 1552 ; (/. 1592), ami Mary, (Inn. of Sir Edward Littleton, of Rolleslon, liis wile ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 19th Nov., 16ii2; I!. A., 31st Oct., l(;o6 ; M.A., 3(lth June, IDd'.); TO., 1613, INIargaret, dau. of Henry Vernon, Esq., of Hilton Hall; d. 15th June, 1657. [Foster's Alumni Oxon, E.S., IT., 1542.] Vernon, Rev. Edwaiil. b. Stoke-Milborough, Salop, 1660; Mat. Balliol Coll., 0.\.. 31st May, 1677 ; B.A., All Souls' Coll., 22nil Feb., 1681; M.A., Lambeth, 16tli May, 1698; Rector of Mirrow, Surrey, 1684 ; Rector of St. George's, Bloomshury ; licensed, 30th March, 1687, to marry Mary iiutler, of St. Margaret's, Lothbury, London ; Rector of St. Mary's, Guildford, 1691 : of Eillaston, Derbys.. 1692 ; Vicar ot Wolstantou, 1695 — 97 ; Hector of Redmill, Leic-;., 169S, to death ; d. 23rd Dec, 1742. His interleaved copy of Erdeswicke's .Survey was (1781)) penes T. Astle. Letter to Bp. Lyttlelon. [Shaw II., p. xii.] [London Marriage Licences; Foster's Ahuniif O.xon., E.S., IV., 1542; Hutchinson's Stoke, 14«.] Vernon, Edward, b. Westminster, 12th Nov., 1689 ; went to sea early in life ; 1702 w;is in the West Indies with Commodore Walker ; 1704 with Sir George Rooke ; and in same year at the Battle of Malaga; .laii., 1705, Commander of •'Dolphin": 1707 of "Royal Oak": 1708 of the "Jersey": 1715, the " Assistance ": 172(;, the " Grafton " ; M.P., Penrhvn, Coinwall, 1739 : Ipswich ; d. Nacton, Suffolk, 29th Oct., 1757. Author of several Pamphlets in defence of himself and his opinions. Life of Admiral Vernon. London. 1758. Svo. Portrait. Engraved by Beuoist. 8vo. Vernon, Henry, "of Hilton." b. July, lli36; s. of Sir Henry Vernon, of Houndhill, and Muriel, dau. of Sir George Vernon, of Has- lingdon ; Mat. Cli. Ch., O.x., 28tli March, 1655 ; Student, Inner Temple, 1653 ; to., 1659, Margaret, dau. of William Ladkins, Esq., of The Shawe, Staffs. ; d. 10th April, 1711. [Inns of Court Reg. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1543.] Vernon, Henry, b. Hilton, 22nd ILircli, 1748 ; .•>■. of Henry Vernon, Esq., of Hilton, and Lady Henrietta Wentworth, dau. of Thomas, Viscount Wentworth, his wife ; " he iias seen, in tolerable preservation, a great part of the Tenqile of Ceres, has stood on Mount Calvary, Olympus, and the Aonian hills, and drank of the now exhausted waters of the Siraois and Scamander ; has fought, since England sheathed the sword, the Indians for America, and the Turks for the Empress. He was sometime in Gibraltar with VEUNOX (479) VINCENT Ocnoral Elliot." — (Seward); m. (1), 1775, Pciu'JDpi", dull, of Arlhiir Graliaiii, Esq., of Duliliii : (2) 2:^ra April, 17'.)4, Miirpiict, dau. of 'I'liOMias Eislier, Esq., of Acton, Middlesex ; d. 27tii Oct., IKU. [Burke's Laudeil Gentry ; SewMrtl's Letters.] Veiixon, John. I'ttdXi'tor. Kuner.il Discour.se. [•Nee Cooke (Kct. J.).] Vehson Pai'eus, Illustr.itive of the Ileign of William III., to 1708, addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury. Edited by G. P. B. James. London, 1S41. ^ vols., 8vo. Vernon Pediokee. [.Shaw. II.. 404 ; Burke's Landed Gentry (1S47, &c.).] Veunon, Ralph. Letter to Dr. Wilkes. [Shaw, II., \). x.] Vernon, Robert, b. Audlcv, 1612 ; s. of William Vernon ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., I4th Dec, 1G;32: B.A., iird Oct., 1633; M.A., 5th July, 1636. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., I.i4.'!.] Vernon, Sir Thomas, b. Houndhill, 1G17 ; s. of Walter Vernon [.«cf] ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 26th Oct., 1634. [Foster's Alumui Oxon., E.S., IV., l.ii:!.] Veunon, Walter, h. H.mndhill, 1589 ; s. of Walter Vernon ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 26th Oct., 16. (1) Anne Susanna, ihitt. of Rev. George Spearnian- Bishoii. of Middleham, Durham, (2) 20th April, 1780, Anne, rhm. of Field-M:irshal Sir George Howard, K.B., of Rookham, Surrey, and Stoke Place, Bucks. Vyse, Colonel Richard William Howard. /;. 25tli July, 1784; .«. of General Richard Vyse [.sw] ami Anne, his 2nil wife ; Deputy Lieu- tenant, Bucks. : High Sheriff, Bucks.', 1829 ; VVSIO (481) WAGSTAFFE M.P., Beverley, 1812; of Honiton, IHlfJ— 20 ; assumed name of Howard by Royal Licence, on tlie 14th Sept., 1S12, on succeed- ing to the Estates of his grandfather, Field- Marshal Sir George Howard, K.B., of Stoke Place, Bucks. ; m., lath Nov., 181(1, Frances, dau. of Henry Hesketli, Esq., of Newton, Cheshire. Vyse, Ven. William, h. Sambrook, Salop, 1710 : a. of William Vyse, of Stanilon. Staffs. ; Mat. Pembroke Coll.,"Ox., 11th Feb., 1727 ; B.A.. 1730; M.A., 1733; Pieb. of Sawley, and Treasurer of Lichfield, 4th Jan., 1733, to death ; Archd. of Salop, 1735, to death ; Rector of St. Phillip's, Birmingham, at his death ; m. Catherine, dau. of Bishop Smallbroke, of LichBeld ; d. 29th June, 1770. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., U77 ; Cent.'s Mag. ( 1770) Part II., ])• SIA; Harvvood's Lichfield, 203, 214; Short Account of Lichfield Cathedral (1823), 75.J Vyse, Ven. Willium. b. Lichfield, 12th Dec., 1742 ; s. of Ven. Archd. Vyse [.??«] ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 30th Oct., 175S ; B.C.L., All Souls', 1772 ; D.C.L., 1774 ; Rector of Newington and Brasted, Kent, 1772 : of St. Mary's, Lambeth, Surrey, and of Suiibridge, Kent, 1777 ; F.S.A., 177!) ; F.R.S., 17h'i ; Preb. of OfHey, 6th March, 1774—99 ; Vicar of High Ofifley, 1774—99 ; Canon of Lichfield, 1772^ Preb. of Plixton, 10th Oct., 1798; Chancellor of Lichfield, 20th Oct., 1798, to death; Archd. of Coventry, Kith J[ay, 1793, to death ; d. 20th Feb., 181G. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1477 ; Harwood's Lich- field, 200, 209, 230, 238 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 87 ; Short Account of Lichfield Cathedral (1823), 78.] \'y8E and Hill, Printers, &c., Wolfe Street, Stoke. [Charles Harry Vyse ; b. Stoke ; apprenticed to John Seddon, Printer, &c., of Liverpool Road, Stoke, on whose retirement from business he and Mr. Jesse Hill — who was also b. Stoke ; apprenticed to L. M. Woolley, Printer, of Stoke-upon-Trent ; manager for Messrs. Woolley (who succeeded L. M. Woolley) and Mr. Seddon, until the latter retired — formed a partnership, and began business as above, 1891.] B.icteriology. [SceWardle (T.).] Geology, &c., North Staffordshire. [See Ward (J.;.] The Birds of Staft'ordshire. [See MacAldowie (Dr.), in Appendix.] 'North Staffordshire Field Club Report, for 1893. 8vo., Ijp. 320. Printers of Stoke, HartshUl, and Cohrhlge ParUh Mar/azines, 1893, to date. Vyvyas, Sir Richard R. On the Commercial and Financial Policy of Sir II. Peel's Administration. London, 1S42. 8vo. w Waooinotox, Rev. Joliii Barton. St. Bees' Coll., 18G2 ; Curate of Slaidburn, Yorks., ^ 1863 ; of Ch. Ch., Burton, 18G4— 65 ; Vicar of St. Paul's, Low Moor, Lanes., 186C to death ; d. 1892. Gospel Tracts and Catechism for the Young. Waddy, Rev. Samuel Dousland. b. Burton, 5th Aug., 1804; i>. of Rev. Richard Waddy and Elizabeth, his wife ; educated at Wesleyan Academy, Woodhouso Grove ; Wesleyan ifini-S- ter from 1825 ; Governor of Weslev Coll., Sheffield, 1844—62 ; President of Wesleyan Conference, 1859 ; m., 25th Aug., 1829, Elizabeth, (Um. of — Danks, Esq., of Wednes- bury; Superannuated, 1870 ; (/. 1876. The Inaportance and Obligation of Early Religious Education. A Sermon. .Miinche/ter, 1S38. 8to., pp. 22. An Account of the Loss of the Bristol Steamer, the "Queen." London, 1S4.3. 8vo., pp. 8. Sincerity in its Relation to Human Actions. A Lecture. Loudon, JS63. 12mo., j>p. 4s. A Funeral Sermon for Jlrs. Mason. London, lSi4. 8vo., pp. Slj. Two Charges delivered at the Wesleyan Methodist Conference, ISOO. 8vo., pp. 40. Sermons. First Series. London : WesUi/an Conference Office. IS'S. Pt. 8vo. Memoir of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. Dr. Waddy. Bv his Daughter. London: We^ieyan Conference Office. 1S7S. Pt. 8vo. Wade, Rev. Frederic Tobias. Trin. Coll., Dublin; B.A., 1833 ; M. A. ,1842; adm. ad eundem Ox. Univ., 10th Feb., 1845 ; Clip, to the Earl of Albemarle ; Vicar of Kidsgrove, 18:17—80 ; Preb. of Whittington, Lichfield, 1855 to death; Rector of Tatenhill, 1880 to death : (/. 15th March, 1884. Letters on National Education and the Sub-division of Parishes. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. 1479.] Wadley, G. H. Printer, Longton ; workt>d in Printing Office of Richard Titumis, Burslem, after commencing business at Longton. Prize Essay on the Working Clashes. By H. Clav. Longton: G.H. Wadley. 1860. 12mo. Wagstaffe, Rt. Rev. Thomas, b. Stafford, 15th Feb., 1G45 ; «. of Thomas W^agstafle, of Stoke, Warws. ; educated Charterhonse ; Mat. New Inn Hall, Ox., 14th March. 1GG3 ; B.A., 15th Oct., 1664 ; M.A., 20th June, 1G67 ; went to Pendi. Coll., Canib., 15th Feb., 1645 ; Ch[i. to Earl id' Denbigh and to Sir Richard Temple, of Stowe, Bucks. ; Rector of Martins- thorpe, Rutland, 19th Nov., 1G69— 91 ; Curate of Stone, 12th April, 1676 : I'reb. of Alrewas, Chancellor, and Canon of Lichfield, 6th Dec, 1681 — 89, when he was deprived: Rector of St. Margaret I'atens-ic.-St. Gabriel's, Fen- church, Londtoi, March, 1664, until deprived, 1690, for not taking the Oaths ; licensed, 4th Feb., 1647, to marry Martha Broughton, of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster ; conse- crated SuftVagan Bp. of Norwich, 23rd Feb., 1694; practised physic in London: d. 17th Oct., 1712 ; bur. at Bixley, Warws., 20th Oct. 3-L WAINWRIGHT (482) WALDRON A Letter to the Author of a late Letter out of the CouDtr, occisioned by a former Letter to a Member of the House of Commons, concerning the Bishops in the Tower. LoiiiloH, 1690. An Answer to a late Pamphlet, entitled Obedience and Submiiision to the Present Government demonstrated from Bishop Overal's Convocation Book. With a Post- script in answer to Dr. Sherlock's Case of Allegiance. London, 1600. An Answer to Dr. Sherlock's Vindications of the Case of Allegiance to sovereign powers. &c., Ac. Loudon, 1602. An Answer to a Letter to Dr. Sherlock, written in Vindication to that pan of Josepbas's History, which gives the Account of Jaddas's submission to Alexander, against the Answer to the piece entitled Obedience and Submission to the Present Government. London, 1602. A Letter out of Suffolk to a Friend in London, giving an Account of the late sickness and death of Dr. William Bancroft, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1694. A Letter out of Lancashire to a Friend in London giving some account of the tryals there. Together with some seasonable and proper remarks upon it, recommended to the wisdom of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. London, 1604. A Letter to a Gentleman elected a Knight of the shire to serve in the present Parliament. London, 1604. Remarks on some late Sermons, and particular on Dr. Sherlock's Sermon at the Temple, December the 30tb, 1694. In a letter to a friend. The second edition, with additions. Together with a letter to the author of a pamphlet entitled A Defence of the Archbishop's Sermon, ic, and several other sermons, Ac. London, 1695. An Account of the Proceedings in the House of Commons, in relation to the re-coining of the clipped money, and falling the price of guineas. Together with a particular iist of the names of the Members consenting and dissenting. In answer to a letter out of the country. London. 1602. A Vindication of King Charles the Martyr ; proving that his Majesty was the author of "Eikon Basilike," against a memorandum said to be written by the Earl of Anglesey, and against the exceptions of Dr. Walker and others. To which is added a preface, wherein the bold and insolent assertions published in a passage of Mr. Bayle's Dictionary relating to the present controversy are examined and refute. Barlon-iinikT-Need- wood, IGOO; Mat. Uriel Coll., Ox., 16tli June, 1G15 ; LL.B. from Christ's Coll., Cam., 1C28 ; LL.D., 1640 ; of Bushey Hall, Herts., and Stretliam, Isle of Ely ; admitted Inner Temple, 1C42 ; Advocate of Doctors' Commons, 10th Fell., 1057 ; Advocate to Queen Catherine, wife to King Charles II. ; Judge of Admiralty and of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury ; Knighted IKth April, ICGl ; made a b.'quest to liarton-under-Ncedwood ; w). Mary, (/iin. of — Lyme, of Southwick, Northants. LCoote's Civilians. 84 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1358.] Walkkk, William. //. Croxton, 1710 ; s. of John Walker ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 26th March, 1729 ; B.A., Wadh. Coll., 1732. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1487.] Walkley, Thomas. A Catalogue of the Nohility of England and Ireland. London, 1G3U. 4to. Wall, near Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., 855, 75. Waller, Rev. Charles Henry, b. Eftingshall, 1«41 ; g. of Rev. Stephen Richard Waller, M.A. : Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 14th June, is;,;); Scholar, 1859—64; B.A., 1863: M.A., 1867 ; Curate of St. Jude's Islington, 1864 : of Christ Church, Mayfair, London, 1865 ; Reader at Curzon Chapel, Mayfair, 186U ; Tutor of London College of Divinitv, 1865—84; Minister of St. John's Chape'l, Ham[)Stead, London, 1870 — 74 ; Principal of London Coll. of Divinity. 1884 to date. Letter to every one who will know his Bible. London: Jlivini/ton.t, 1864. Names on the Gates of Pearl. London : Sampson Low ^ Co. 1875. A Grammar of the Words in the Greek Testament. Loudon : Sampson Low if Co. 1878. l*2mo. Commentary on Deuteronomy and Joshua [in Bishop EUicotfs Commentary]. London: Cassell. 4to. Silver Sockets and other Shadows of Redemption. London ; Sampson Low. Cr. 8vo. AnalytiCiil Vocabulary of the Words of the Greek Testament. London : Low. 1877. Pt. 8vo. When ye Pray. London : J. F. Shaw. 1883. Cr. Svo. 2nd ed., 1SS5. Everyday Life. Sa/ne imprint, 1885. Cr. Svo, The Authoritative Inspiration of Holv Scripture. Blaclie ij- Son. 1886. Cr. Svo. Handbook to St. Paul's Epistles. London : Shaw. 1887. Svo. Various Contribut'ons to Magazines. Wallkk, Rev. Stephen Richard. Mat. Brase- nose Coll., Ox. ; B.A., 1834; M.A., 1838 ; Curate of Etiingshall ; P.C. of Mitton, 1849—68 : Rector of St. Cuthbert's, Bedford, 1868 to death. An Address to the Inhabitants of Ettingshall. Bil- ston: O. Price. 1S38. 8vo., pp. 10. Wallis, George, h. Wnlvcrluimpton, 8tb June, 1811 ; s. of John Wallis {b. Liverpool, 29th Sept., 1783; (/. Wolverhampton, 23rd Dec, 1818) and Mary Price (b. Wolverhampton, nth July, 1784"; d. there, 14th Feb., Is64), his wife ; educated Wolverhampton Gr. Scb., 1820 — 27; won one of the six Exhibitions offered by Board of Trade in 1841 ; Head Master Spitalfields Sch. of Design, 1843—44 : of Manchester Scli. of Design, 1844 : of Biriningbani : South Kensington, 1858; Deputy Commissioner on Art, 1851 Exhibi- tion ; Keeper of the Art Treasures, South Kensington Museum, 1863—92; F.S.A. ; m., 30th June, 1842, Matilda, ilaii. of Mr. William Cundall, of Camberwell, London ; d. Oct., 1891. Introductory Address delivered the loth January, 1844, to the Students of the Manchester School of Design. J'rinled and Published by Order of the Council, Manchester, 1844. Svo , pp. 14. The Study of the History. Principles, and Practice of Ornamental Art. An Addres>; to the Students of the Manchester School of Design, January 20th, 1845. Man- chester. 1845. Svo.. pp. .W. A Letter to the Council of the Manchester School of Design on the System followed in the School. Oct. 22nd, 1845. Manchester: Simms if Venham. n.d. (1845). Svo., pp. 28. A Farewell Letter to the Council, Subscribers, Friends, and Students of the Manchester School of Design. Con- taining an exposition of the circumstances which led to Mr. Wallis's Resignation, May 1st. Manchester: Abel Heywood. 184G. Svo., pp. Id. Prize Essay " On Art, Science, and Manufactures as an Unity." In four Chapters. I.. What we have been doing, il,. What we are doing. III.. What we ought to ao, IV,, What we can do, ^^Ai-t JuurnaV Office, 1851. 4to, The Future Uses of the Crystal Palace, London : Georr/e Barclay. 1851. Svo , pp. 24. General Report of the Commission to the United States of America. Written by G. Wallis, Esq., by desire of his colleagues, and signed by them. Presented to Par- liament, March, 1853. London: Thomas Harrison, 50. Pall Mall. n.d. 8vo., pp. 120. Second Edition, 1853, Svo., pp 1G9. The Industry of the United States in Machinery, ilanufactures, and L'sefnl and Ornamental Arts. Com- piled from the Official Rejiorts of Messrs. Whitvvorth and Wallis. as pre.^'ented to Parliament. London and New York: George Routledije iJ- Co. 1854. 12mo., pp. 172. [Corrected in MS, by G, Wallis.] Schools of Art in relation to Trade and Manufactures. A Letter to Edmund Potter, Esq., President of the Man- chester School of Art, in reply to an Address on "The Position of Schools of Art," delivered 30th October. Privately printed, 1st December, 1855. Svo., pp. 18. The Artistic, Industrious, and Commercial Results of the Paris Exhibition of 1855, 4to., pp. 20. Notes on some remarkable objects exhibited by the French. British, and Colonial Departments of the Paris Universal Exhibition. Plans, .showing the relative positions of the several buildings and spaces occupied in each by Great Britain. Report to the Rt. Hon. The Lord Stanley, of Adderley, President of the Board of Trade, on the Position which certain classes of Birmingham Manufacturers held in the Paris L^niversal Exhibition of 1855. compared with similar productions exhibited by France, Belgium. Austria, Russia, &c. Paper on Recent Progress of Design as applied to Manufactures ; with a Discussion with Mr. John Ruskin. Reprinted from " Society ri/' Arts Journal." 1856. Roy. Svo., pp. 10. Schools of Art, their (!onstitution and Management. VVALLIS (485) WALLIS Comi)rising a statement of the progress, present position, and worlcing of the Birmingham Central and Branch Schools. A Paper re.ad before the Edncation .Section of the Social .Science Association for the Promotion of Social Science. October, ].Sy7. J^udon : Sinipkin ^f MarshalL Birriiiiif/ham : U.JInU. 1857. Hvo., pp. ;l.^. Irit'.niUictioa to Catalogue of Exhibition of Works of Art Maiuif.ictiire, designed or executed by Students of the Schools of Art in connection with the Science and Art Dep.artment. 18.')8. 8vo., pp. 10. On Embroidering by Machinery, with Illustrations. Reprinte'l from Society of Arts Journal, n.d, (1850). Roy. 8vo., pp. 7. On the New Art of Auto-typography. Reprii,ted from "Midland Counties Herald," Birminijham (1SI)2). 12mo., PP- '^• On the Decoration of the International Exhibition Building by J. Gregory Grace. Reprinted from "Society of Arts Journal," Loudon. (18G2). Roy. 870., pp. 7. Reprint of Articles on the Manufactures of Birming- ham. London; Virtue Brothers f.^' Co. 186.3. l*2mo., pp. itt. The Art of Auto-typography, invented and patented by George Wallis. A Paper re.i.d before the Society of Arts. Reprinted from Journal. (1863). Rov. 8vo., pp. 10. The Royal House of Tudor. Illustrated with Photo- graphs of Portraits from authentic contemporary Works, lie. Prirately printed. 1866. 8vo.. pp. 1 U. Technical Education. Reprinted from '" .Midland Coun- ties Herald" for private circulation. (1S6S). l"2mo., pp. 8. Special Report on the Local Manufactures of South Staffordshire and East Worcestershire, as exhibited in the Wolvei-hampton Exhibition. Prepared by order of the Committee of Council on Education. South Kensington Museum. Wolverhampton : Steen 4' Blackett. 18G0. 8vo., pp 23. Swedenborg and Modern Culture. A Paper read be- fore the Swedenborg Reading Society, June 15th, 1871. London : James Spiers. 1875. 8vo,, pp. 23. [N.B.— Delayed in publication, owing to the printer having mislaid the MS. from year 1 -71—75.] An Address to the Students of the Manchester School of Art, December, 18th, on the occasion of the distribution of the prizes by the Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Manchester. Printed by the Council of the School. J'or dis- tribution to Subscribers and Students, from the Reporter's ^'otes. Manchester, 1872. 8vo.. pp. Iti. Language by Touch. A Narrative illustrating the Instruction of the Blind and Deaf Mute. London : W. Tweedie.' 1873. 12mo.. pp. .i3. Decorative Art in Britain, Past, Present, and Future. An Acldress to the Students of the Manchester School of Art, February 2nd, 1877. Printed for the Council of the School. Manchester : Geurye Faulkner ij- Son. 1877. 8vo., pp. l.i. Construction as an Element of Design in Ancient Furniture. An Introduction to the Catalogue of a Special Loan Collection of Furniture at Bethnal Green Branch Museum, with illustrations. 1878. 8vo. pp. 3.a. Speech on the occasion of a Dance by the Fan Makers' Company, City, on Technical Eiucation, January 17th. Printed for and used by the Company. 1870. 8vo., pp. 7. The Lost Rembrandt. With Illustrations. Reprinted from the '*.I?'i Journal." 1870. 4to.. pp. 4. A Letter on the Origin of the Free Libraries' Act. Reprintedfrom the " Birminr/ham Daily Post." 1881. 4to., s. sh. British Art, Pictorial, Decorative, and Industrial. A Fifty Years' Retrospect : 1832 — 1882. A P.aper read before the .^rts .Society of Nottingham, at Nottingham Castle, October 31st. London: Chapm-tn 4 IlrJl. Nottinghant : Thomas Forman 4' Sons. 1SS2. 8vo., pp. 27. Introduction to the Catalogue of M.anufaclures, De- corations, and Designs, the Work of the .Students of the Schools of Art in (xreat Britain anil Ireland in connection with the Science and Art Department. South Kensington, exhibiterl at the International Health and Education Ex- hibition, 1881. 8vo.. pp. 7. Letter on the Unfair Treatment of Resident Artists in the Annual Exhibition of the Royal Manchester In- stitution [ Manchester Courier, 3rd Dec.', lS,3(i. ( N.B.— This letter founded the Manchester Academy of Art. Jlr. G. Wallis being the first Secretary)]. Lecture On the Culti- vation uf a Popular Taste in the Fine Arts of Painting and Sculpture [Stajfs. Fxaminer, 27th April, 183'.l] ; On the Principles of Natural Form [ib.. 2.ith March, 1840], Critii|ues on the Pictures and Objects of An in the Exhi- bition of Wolverhampton Mechanics' Institution [ib., 2iHh Aug., Tith Sept., lllth Sept.. 1840]. Eight Essays on The Fine Arts [Linten's r/ie A'ad'oiia/, 1841 — 42]. Lecture On ' the Principles of the Art of Design as applicable to Decoration and Manufacture [.StaJ's. Examiner, 24th Sep., 1842]. Letter in Support of the Proposal to«stablish the School of Design [Eastern Counties Herald, 184.i]. Critique on the Objects of Art and Manufactures contributed to the Manchester Mechanics' Institution Exhibition [ifan- Chester Times (181.6)] ; ditto, contributed to the ?ton Athenieum [ Wolverhumpton Chronicle (UJth Jan., 1858)] ; An Address to the Students of the Wolverhamp- ton School of Art " on the Study and Practice of Art " [16. (l.st Sept., 1858)] : Addre.ss to" the Friends of the Wol- verhampton School of Art [16. (12th Jan., 185'.!)]; On Embroidering by Machinery [Society of Arts Jour. (1851)). ! pp SIS — 24] ; On a Free Library, Museum, and School of > Art for Wolverhampton [Woleerhampton Chronicle ("iSrd May, 18(j(l)]; Letter on the Birmingham School of Art [nirmini/ham Daily Post (12th Feb., 18(!1)] ; Article "on the Xeiv Art of Auto-typography [JJidlanJ Countien' Herald (1st May, 18ti2)] ; " S[jeeches delivered and State- ments made by G. W. as to the Arrangements for Exhibi- tors in the forthcoming Exhibition of 181)2 [Xolls. Daily Guardian (Gth Sept.). The Independent (14th Sept.). .SA.^"- lidd Times (25th Sept.), Wolverhampton Chronicle (25th 'Sept.), Midland Counties' Herald (ard Oct.). Saturday ii-eniiij /"osMl'Jth Oct., 18ei)] ; Paper '• on the Decora- tions of the International Buildings by I. Gregory (Jrace " [Society nf Arts Jour. (18ii2j | ; A Series of Articles on "The Manufactures of Birmingham and its Xeighbour- hood. as Exhibited in the International Exhibition of 1862" [.Midland Counties Herald (1862)] ; Letter on " England and the United States " [Morning Star and Dial (i'.ith Jan., 1862)] ; ditto, "on Engines as u.sed in the United States " [Birmingham Daily Post (21st Jan.. 186.3)] ; Description of the Arrangements by Mr. Wallis of the Guards' Ball, given by the Household Brigade of Guards to the Prince and Princess of Wales on their Marriage [rimes (•27th June), Daily Telegraph (27th June, 1863)]; Address to the Marylebone and West London School of Art [Marylebone Mercury (7th Dec, 1863)] ; Report on the Employment of Students of Schools of Art by Manu- facturers of the United Kingdom, presented to Parliament, lOth February, 1863 [Report of the Science and Art De- partment, occupying 32 pp.] ; The Art of Auto-typography [Society of Arts Jour. I^17th April. 1863)] ; Lecture on Art to the South London Photographic .Society, Feb. 8th [Photographic News (16th Feb.), Brit. Jour, of Photo- , graphy (16th Feb., 1866)] : Six Articles on Art [Cas.seirs The iVorking Man (6th, 13th, 20th. 27th Jan. : 3rd, 16th Feb., 1866)] ; Article on "The Ghost of an Art Process practised at Soho, Staffs.. 1777 — 86, erroneously supposed to have been Photography" L.4rt Jour. (Aug., 1866)]; Lecture on "John Flaxman" [Holborn and Btoomsbnry Jour. (24th Nov.. 1866)] ; A Series of Articles ''on Bir- mingham and Midland Counties Art Manufactures and the Paris Exhibition" [Midland Counties' Herald (Uth, 18th, 25th July: 1st, 8th. 15th, 22nd Aug., 1867)]; ditto, "on British Art Manufactures and the Paris Exhibition " [Jllus. Land. Xeirs (1867; weekly)]; An Essay "on Various Objects of Art in the Paris Exhibition," 1867 " [Arl Jour.. Report at foot of pp.77 — 107]; Letter "on Technical Education" [Midland Counties' Herald (13th Feb., 1868)]; Article "on the Art Manufactures from South Kensington Museum, exhibited at Birmingham Museum Midland Institute [16. (10th Sept., 186S)] ; Speech at the Opening of Wolverhampton Free Library [ Woleer- hampton Chronicle (31st March), Birmingham Daily Post (30th March, 1869)] ; Origin of the Free Libraries and Museums Act [Midland Counties' Herald (1st April. I860)]; Article on "Worcester Porcelain in an Exhibition in the Loan Court, South Kensington Museum [ib. (6th May. 1860)]: Articles on '' The Ornamental Iron Work in the South Kensington Museum [.4r( Jour. (July and Aug., 1860)]; Letter on ''The South Staffordshire" Exhibition and Future Education in Science and Art " [Woleerhamp- ton Chronicle (lOthXov., 1869)]; Indian Architecture — The Eastern Gate of the Sanchi Topa. Bhopal. Central India, with illustrations [Art Jour. (March, 1871), pp. 65 — 8] : The Prospects of the International Exhibition, "1871 [I'A. (April, 1871)] ; Joseph Lockctt. of M:inchester : an Obituary [16. (May, 1871)]; The International Exhibi- tion, 1871 : an Essay printed at the foot of the " Editorial Notice of the Objects exhibited" [ib. (1871)]; ditto [Midland Counties' Herald (18th May: 1st, 22nil June: 6ih July : .ith Oct.. 1871 ) | ; Provincial Museum of Science and Art [The Builder ("iSud June, 1872)]; Birmingham .Tewellery in the International Exhibition of 1872 [Mid- land Counties' Herald (20th June, 1872 il; Essay on the Exhibition of 1872, printed at foot of the Editorial Notices thereof [Art ./our. (1872); reprinted, Midland Counties' Herald (24th Oct.. 1872)] ; The International Exhibition of 1873 [Midland Counties' Herald (17th .\pril. 1873)]; Silk Manufactures in the Midland Counties [16. (26th June)]; Carriages from the Midlands [16. (17th July)]; Manuf:icture of Steel [16. (17th Aug.)] ; Acquisitions by the South Kensington Museum during 1872 [.Art Jour. (March, 1873)] ; The Nottingh;>m Museum [16. (July)] ; The New Architectural Courts [16. (Aug.)] ; International Exhibition of 1873 [16. (Aug.), pp. 3.59, 360] ; The Ellison Collection of Water Colour Drawings at South Kensing- ton Museum [iA. (Feb., 1874)] ; The International Ex- hibition of 1874 [16. (March)]; Special Exhibition of Enamels, South Kensington Museum [ib. (July), pp. 203, 204] ; English Furniture and Decoration at the Intei- national Exhibition, 1874 [ib. (Aug.). pp. 241. 242] ; The Exhibition of the Works of Owen Jones [I'A. (Sept.), p. 285] : Acquisition by the South Kensington Museum in 1874 [lA. (Nov.), p. 125] ; The Indian Annexe to the Inter- national Exhibition. 1874 [ib. (Dec), p. 328] ; Note on the Close of the Exhibition [ib. (Jan., 1875). p. 23] ; The South Kensington Museum ; its Position as a National Institution [16. (May), p. 153] ; Gr«co-Budhistic Sculp- ture [I'A. (Nov.), p. 234] ; The Persian Collection in the South Kensington Museum [Ib. (April, 1876), p. 121] ; Museums and Schools of Industrial Art in the United States of America [iA. (July).p. 201] ; Recent Acquisitions in the South Kensington Mu.seum [ib. (Oct.), p. 295]; Speech at Distribution of Prizes to Hanley School of Art [Staffs. Adcerli.ter (21st Oct.), Staffs. Sentinel Cllst Oct., 1876)] ; Birmingham Industries at the Paris Exhibition 1878 [Midland Counties' Herald (27th June : 25th July, 1878)] ; Cotton, Woollens, and Silk in Paris Exhibition [The Economist (7th. 21st Sept.: 19th Oct.: 2nd Nov., 187s )] : The Lost Rembrandt, with illustrations [Art Jour. (1870), pp. 273—76] ; National Policy in rehition to Art as applied to Manufactures [ J/ai;. o"/".4rt, I., 173] ; Tussore, the Wild Silk of India [ib.. ll., 47]; Artistic Ironwork, with illustrations [ib.. III., 112, 139] ; Decora- tive Ironwork [I'A.. V., 61. 401] ; Original Designs for Art Manufactures: Introductory Article [.lr( Jour. (Jan., 1880), p. 13] ; Speech at the Opening of the New School of Art, Manchester. April 27th. 1881 [.\fanche.^ter Courier (28th April), .Manchester Examiner and Times (28th April, 1881)] ; Speech after a Paper on " Botanical Science in its relation to Ornamental Art," read by F. E. Uulme, F.L.S., F.S.A., before the Society of Arts."Jan. i8th. 1882 [Jour. (20th Jan., 1881)^ ; A Letter -'on the Origin of Free Libraries Act" [Birmingham Daily Post (6th June)]; Silver Plate at the Belhnal Green Museum, with illustra- tions [Art Jour. (April. 1885), pp. 73—5] ; Speech after a Paper on "Museums of Trade Patterns and Industrial Examples " read by W. H. AUett. Esq., before the .Society of Arts. Jan. 15th, 1886 [Jour. (18th Jan., 1886)]; Museums and Music [Notts. Daily Guardian (5th Oct., 1886)]; The Economical Formation of Art Museums for the People: a Paper at the Liverpool Meeting, in 1888, of the National Association for the Advancement of Art in its appliciition to Industry [Report (1888), pp. 286—88]. Filed and Mounted Copies of the above Contributions Mr. W. has had bound up in Seven Volumes, as follows : — I., 18.36— 50; IL, 1851— 60; ni., 1861— 70 : IV.. 1871— 80 ; v., 1881—90 ; Exhibitions, VI., 1850 and 1851 ; VII., 1855—87. Obituary. [Manchester Guardian (27th Oct., 1891).] Wallis, George Harry. \_See AppenJi.\-.] Wallis, Whitworth. b. Hamlswortli, 23rd June, 1856 ; s. of George Wallis [see'] : educated privately and at Bronipton Coll., London, at the Polytechnic, Hanover, Germany, and at the Pension Berchou(', Paris : F.R.G.S., F.S.A., K.C. and Kut. of several Continental Orders of Chivalry ; on Royal Commission Staff of Paris Exhibition, 1878 ; Special WALMESLEY (487) WALTERS Technical Asr^istant, S. Kensington Museum ; Officer in charge of Indian Collections of H.M. the Queen, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Edinburgli, Indian Museum, and Indian Government, at tli3 Exhibitions of Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Amster- dam ; Director of the Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, 1885 to date ; Member of Coun- cil, National Association for Advancement of Art ; of the Garrick Club, London ; m. Charlotte Mary, dan. of William White, Esq., of Harley, Chislehurst. Kent. Elitcd— Catalogue of the Works of Djvid Cox. Ditto of the Pre-Raphae(ite Exhibition at Birmingham, and m;in.v similar Works. W. W. is a frequent contributor on Art and Art matters to Art Journal, Magazine of Art. Enj/lish Illiis- trattil, &c. N'umerons Lectures and Addresses on "Pompeii," •■ Pompeian Art," " Across the Apennines," *fec., to various Institutions and Schools of Art in the United Kingdom. Walmeslev, Gilbert, b. Lichfield, 1681 ; s. of Rev. William Walraesley ; Mat. Trin. Coll., O.K., 14th April, 1C98 : Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 17o7 ; Registrar of Ecclesiasti- cal Court at Lichfield ; d. 3rd Aug., 1751 ; bur. Lichfield Cathedral. [Foster's Alumni O-xon., E.S., IT., 156:i.] Walmesley, Most Worshipful William, LL.B. Chancellor of Lichfield, 1G98 to death : M.P. for City ; '/. July, 1713 ; bur. Lichfield Cathe- dral, 18th July." [Harwood's Lichfield, l!)-2 ] B.A., Trin. Coll., incorporated in Preb. of Ulveton Walmeslev, Rev. William. Cam., 1707; M.A., 1711 Ox. Univ., Dth July, 1711 ; and Canon of Lichfield, 7tb May, 1718 — 20 ; Dean of Lichfield, 7th Ma_v, 1720 to death ; Vicar of Packington, Leics., 20th March, 1729, to death ; d. 18tb Sept., 1730. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IT,, 156.3; Harwood's Lichfield, 1)<7, 23;i.] Walrosd, Amos. b. Wells, Somers. ; s. of William Walrond [of Islebrewers, Somers., who compounded for his estates, in 1G46, as William Walrond, of Wells : d. 10(52, aged over fourscore, and bur. in Wells Cathedral] ; O.'c. Univ. ; M.P., Tamvvorth, IGGl to death ; d. 1G6!). [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IT., 1561.] Walsall. Records concerning the Church [Bodl. Lib., S39, 77] ; Church Rates [i6., 853, 774] ; Lands {ib., U27, art. 17]. Walsall (or Wallsall), Ven. Francis. B.A., from Benet's (Corp. Ch.) Coll., Cam., 162G ; M.A., 1G29 ; incorporated D.D., 21st Feb., 1C43, Ox. Univ.; Rector of Great Wig- borough, Essex, 1G36 : of Sandy, Beds., 1C39 ; Archd. of Coventry, 1642 ;" Preb. of Westminster, 16G1. [Wood's Fasti, II., p. ii. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IT., 15fi3 ; Smith's Westminster Abbey. 283 ; Will- more's Walsall, 315.] Walsall Taxpayers' Reform Association'. Address of the Walsall Ratepayers' Reform Associa- tion to the Taxpayers of England oa the Present Mode of Assessing and Collecting the Income an 1 .\ss(;ised Taxes. Walsall, n.d. (1866). 8vo., pp. 4. Walsh, James le. Canon of Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., 704, 120.] Walter, James, b. Batterley (Balterley), 1564 ; .«. of Edmund Walter ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 20th March, 1579 ; Student, Inner Temple, 15KI : perhaps same who was M.P. lor New Radnor, 1588—89. [Inns of Court Register; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. l\'., 15«1.] Wai.tki!, Rev. Thomas. A. Laplev ; «. of William Walter: Mat. St. Alban Hall, Ox., 19tli June, 1662 ; B.A., 16GG ; Rector of Blvmhill, 6lh Nov., 1668, to death ; Preb. of Das>ett Parva and Canon of Lichfield, 21st Nov., 1671—97 : d., Blvmhill, Aug. {bur. 2Gth). 1706. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E..S.. IT., Ihiiri ; Harwood's Lichfield, 22t) ; La Neve's Fasti ; Lichfield Diocesan Reg. : Hist. Coll. of Staffs , II. (pt. 2), '.19, U2.] Walter, Sir NVilliam, Bart. b. 16o3 ; s. of John Walter : Mat. Ch. Ch.. Ox., 16th March. 1620 ; created D.C.L., 1st {or 2nd) Nov., 1630 ; created a Baronet, 16th Aug., 1641 : M.P., Lichfield, 1628—40 ; elected for Oxford- shire, April, 1663, but seat declared void ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Lucas ; d. 23rd March, 1674. [Parliamentarv Diet. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IT., lUiJo ; Harwood's Lichfield, 363.] Walters, Rev. Charles. Trin. Coll., Dublin ; Primate's Hebrew Prizeman, 1848 and 1850 ; 1st, Archbp. King's Divinity Prizeman, 1850 ; B.A.. 1851 ; M.A., 1856 ;" Curate, St. John's, Hanley, 1852—56 ; of St. Mark's, Shelton, 1856 — 57 ; Resident Chp. to Philanthropic Soc. for the Reformation of Juvenile Offenders' Farm Sch., Red Hill. Reports of the Philanthropic Society's Farm .School. [IVar/y, since appointment.l Walters, John Thomas, Printer, &c., Rugeley. A Sermon on the Fifth of November. [See Wolselev (Sir C.).] Divine Truth. [See Bather (Archd.).] Christian Patriotism. [.See Bather (Archd.).] Historv of England. [See Poole (Rev. W.).] A Mirror of Faith. [See Neale (Rev. J. SI.).'] Traffic in Pardons. [See Hodson (Archd.).] The Truth, the Whole Truth, &c. [See Green (Rev. T.L.).] Catholic Clergymen versus Protestant Parsons. [See Wolseley (Sir C.).] Deeil of Settlement of the Staffordshire Hemp and Flax Company, established at Rugeley, 1838. (A copy.) Rugeley: J. T. Walters. Printer. [See Gresley (Rev. Preb.).] Lectures on the Seven Sentences. Rugeley: ./. T. Walters, n.d. Hymns of the Church, pointed as they are to be chanted . . . Revised and arranged bv Mr. Pemsall. Edited by Rev. F. E. Paget r»ee]. ■ " 1 Ha A Safe Guide. [See Watson How to be Useful and Happy. Rugeley: J. T. Walters, n.d. The Praver Book: (Rev. A.).] Hints on Ornamental Needlework. Sermons. [See Watson (Rev. A.).] A Lenten Address. [/A.] WALTERS (488) WALTHOi; Walter?, Philip. Partner in Firm of B. & P. Walters, Lock Smiths, Wolverhampton. The Wolverhampton Lock Trade : Its Present and Future Prospects . . . Birmingham: M. Billiiiff, Son, if- Co. ISGi. Walthal, Rev. Tliumas. b. Wistaston, Cheshire, 165G ; «. of Thomas Walthal ; Mat. Brase- nose Coll., Ox., 20th March, lfi73 ; B.A., 1676; M.A., 1679; Vicar of Leek, 1695 to death ; m., 1690, Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Watson, of Holditch, Staffs. ; d. 29th April, 1711. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., lijGfi ; Sleigh's Leek, 82.] Walthal, Thomas, b. Newcastle, 1793 ; ». of Peter Walthal ; Mat. Trin. Coll., 0.\-., 10th May, 1815 ; d. 2-tth Oct., 1857. [Man. Gr. Sch. Reg., III., 87 ; Foster's Alomni Oxon., IV., 1494; Sleighs Leek, 82.] Waltham, Rev. John. b. 1752 ; of Jesus Coll., Cam. ; M.A. ; RectDr of Darlaston, 21st Feb., 1800, to death ; J. P., Staffs. ; m., at Uarlaston, Uth June, 1811, Mary, dau. of AVilliam Fletcher, of Darlaston ; d. 1814. Portrait. [Lawneswood House.] Ditto. [Penes Rev. J. W. Fletcher, Ashleigh, Derby.] [Cottage Mag.,Vf ./id — 1; Ch. Guardian,^-c.'\ Walthob, J. Printer, &c., in the Middle Tem- ple Cloysters, and at his shop in Stafford. A General Abridgment of the.Common Law . . By Knightly D'Anvers. The Law of Last Wills and Testaments ; containing Rules. The Compleat Sheriff ; To which is added The Office of a Coroner. Second Edition : The Modern Conveyancer : or. Conveyancing Improved; being a choice Collection of Precedents on most occasions ... In Three Volumes. The Third Edition, with large additions. In the Savoy, Printed by J. .\Htt for ./. Walthoe, in the Middle Temple CloysterK. and at his Shop in Stajford. The Clergyman's Law ; or. Compleat Incumbent. Collected from the Common and Statute Laws relating to the Church and Clergy of England. By W. Watson, Dr. of Laws. The .Second Edition, with additions, in Two Volumes. In the Savoy, cjc. 1713. fol. [Written by Mr. Place, of York.] The Justice of Peace, his Companion ; or, A Sum- mary of all the Acts of Parliament to 171-^, whereby one, two, or more Justices of the Peace are authorized to act, not only in, but out of the Sessions of the Peace. With Alphabetical Table. Bv Samuel Blackeslev, of Grav's Inn, Esq. In the Savoy,\fc. im. fol. Crown L.1W ; or, "The Common and Statute Law of England, concerning Trials of High Treason, Misprison of Treason, and in all other Crimes and Offences relating to the Crown . . . By W. J., Barrister-at-Law. In the Savoy, ijc. 1711. Legal Provisions for the Poor ; or. A Treatise of the Common and Statute Laws concerning the Poor, either as to Relief, Settlement, or Punishment . . . With Pre- cedents . . . By S. C, of the Inner Temple, Esq. In the Savoy, ij-c. The History of the Common Law of England, divided into twelve chapters. Written by a Learned Hand . . . In the Savoy, ijc 171S. 8vo.."pp. 2(;t ; Table, 6 leaves. [Written by Sir Matthew Hale. J The Analysis of the Law ; teing a Scheme or Abstract of the several Titles and P.irtilions of the Law of Eng- land, Digested into Method. Written by a Leirned Hand . . . In the Savoy. 4'C- 1713. 8vo., 8 leaves, pp. 171, 2 leaves. [By Sir Matthew Hale.] Cases Agreed and Decreed in the High Court of Chancery. The .Second Edition. Law Dictionary ; or. Interpreter of Words and Terms used in the Common or Statute Laws of the Realm, and in Tenures and Jocular Customs. By Sam Cowell. In the Savoy,4c. fol. [Another ed.] 2 7i7. fol. The Law of Xature and Nations. In Eight Books, by Samuel Puffendorf. Translated into English by .several hands. The Second Edition. /» the Savoy, i(c. 7770. fol. Ditto, translated by J. Spanan, 7777, 8vo. Sir Orlando Bridgeman's Conveyancing. Being .Select Proceedings of Deeds and Instruments concerning the most considerable Est ites in England . . . The Fourth Eilition, with large additions. In the Savoy, tfc. fol. Cn Livre des Enterics, contenant auxium Report des Resolutions del Court, sur diverse Exceptions prises a les Pleading, et sur autres Matters en L;y surdant (par la plupart) in le Court de Commonbank, enter le :i4 .An del Roy. Charles II., et le 2 An de la Roy. Anne. By Sir Edward Lutwyche. London [as before]. 1704. fol., 2 vobt. Portrait by White. Reports of Divers Cases in Pleas of the Crown ad- judged and determined in the Reign of the late King Chirles II. : with Directions for Justices of the Peace and others. Collected by Sir John Keyling, Knt., late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench from his Original Manuscript. To which is added the llepjrts of Three Modern Cases . . . In the Saiwy, ifc. fol. Reports in the King's Bench from the 1 2th to the 30th Teir of Charles the II. ; with TwoT.ibles to each Volume. Bv Joseph Keble. In Three Volumes. In the Savoy, tJT. Folio. A General History of England from the earliest Account of Time to the Death of King William. With Effigies of all the Kings and Queens curiously engraven on large Copper Plates. In Three Volumes. In the Savoy, iJT. Folio. Lexicon Technicum ; or, An Universal English Dic- tionary of Arts and Sciences. In Two Volumes. By F. Harris, M.D. In the Savoy, ifc. Folio. [5 editions before 1741.] A Parallel of the Ancient Architecture with the Modern. The Second Edition, with large additions. By J. Evelyn, Esq. A Geographic il Diction ir.v representing the present and ancient X.imes .and Stat-s of all Countries, Ac. &c. Begun by Edmund Bohun, Esq. Fourth Edition. In the Savoy, (J-c. 'the Natural History of Oxfordshire. By Robert Plot, LL.D. In the Savoy, ijc. 7705. Folio, pp. 3.')8, not including Imprimatur and title. 2 le ives ; defiication. 2 pp.; to Reider, 5 pp : Errata, 1 p. ; Inde.v, 10 pp. ; Map bv Dr. Plot, and IG Plates at pp. IIJ. 'M, 100. 105, I11,12g', 130, 140, 146. 212. 238. 240. 272, 274. 328. & S.ili. The Gentlemen's Recreations, In Three Parts. Illus- trated with neir an Hundred large Copperplates. The .Second Edition, Corrected, with near half of Additions. In the Savoy [a.i be/ore]. 1710. Folio. [B; Richard Bloaie.] Ductor Dubitantium ; or. The Rule of Conscience in all her General Measures. The Fourth Edition. By Jeremy Taylor, D.D. In the Savoy, oc. 171G. Foiio. A Commentary on the Book of Common Praj-er. By W. Nichols, D.D. 'in the Savoy. 4c. 1710. Folio. Portrait by Vander Gucht. With Appendix, 7777, folio. Second Edition. 1712. folio. Portraits. The Roman History, from the Building of the City to the taking of Const intinople by the Turks. By Lawrence Echard. M.A. In Five Volumes. In the Savoy, cj-c. 7773. 8vo. ChaiTon on Wisdom. In Two Volumes. Translated into English by Geo. Stanhope, D.D. In the .Savoy, 4c. 8vo. The Solatary, or Carthusian Gardener. Translated from the French. The Art of Prudence ; or, A Companion for a Man of Sence. The Second Edition. The History of the World, Ecclesiastical and Civil, from the Creation to the present Time. By the learned M. Chevreau. Translated by Several Hands. In Five Volumes. The Gentleman's Dictionary. In Three Parts. Each Part done Alphabetically from the Sixteenth Edition of the Original French, Glossographia Anglicana Nova ; or, A Dictionary in- terpreting such bard words of whatever language as are at present used in the English Tongue. In the Savoy, ^c. 1707. 8vo. 7/70. 8vo. Moral Essays on the Source of the most curious and significant English, Scotch, and Foreign Proverbs. By Samuel Palmer. In the Savoy, ifc. 7770. 8vo. Essavs on Several Subjects in Prose and Verse. Written bv Ladv "Chudleigh. In the Savoy, ifc. 1703. 8vo. 7773. 8vo. ■Third Edition, 77^^. 8vo. Sermons on several occasions. By Thomas Sprat, Bishop of Rochester. Second Edition. In the Savoy, ifc. WALTON (489) WALTON Walton, Alexander, i. Wolverliampton, IS'^>G; 8. of James Walton, Esq. : Mat. St. ilarv Hall, Ox., 2nd Nov., 1872 ; B.Mus., 12th June, 1873. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1194.] Walton, Francis William. h. Handsworth, ]865; 8. of Rev. Daniel Nathaniel Walton: Mat. Keble Coll. Ox., 16th Oct., 18K;5 ; B.A., 1887. [Foster's Alumni Oson., IV., 1494.] Walton, Izaak (or Isaac), h. Stafford, Aug., 1593 : very early in life he removed to London, beginning business on the Royal Burse, in Cornhill, built by Sir T. Gresham — "his shop ■was 7^ feet long by 5 feet wide "; here he stayed till 1G24, when "he dwelt on the north side of Fleet Street, in a house two doors west of the end of Chancery Lane, and abutting on a messuage known by the sign of ' The Harrow'"; he was a sempster and milliner ; he retired from business 10 4-3 ; m., probably 1632, Anne, dau. of Thomas Ken, of Furnival's Inn, Lon- don, and sister to Bishop Ken, of Bath and Wells; d. Winchester, 15th Dec, 1G83. The Compleat Angler ; or, The Contemplative Alan's Kecreation. Being a discourse of tish and fi.shing not unworthy the perusal of most anglers. Simon Peter said, I go a fishing; and they said, we also will go with thee. — John 21. 3. London: Printed by T. Maxetf for Rich. Jfarriot, in St. JJun.age.] Ditto. The Fourth Edition, much corrected and en- larged. London: Printed for R. Marriot, and are to be gold by Charles Harper, at hi-f shop the next door to the Crotcn, near Serjeant s Inn, in Chancery-laue. 1668. 8vo. [A paginary reprint of the prece«ling edition.] The Compleat Angler; or. The Contempl:iti%'e Man's Recre;»tion. The First Part. Part L : Being a Discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing. Written by Izaak Walton. The Fifth Edition, much corrected! and enlarged. London: Printed for Richard Marriott. 1676. 8vo. A — V3 in eights ; or pp. xxiv., 275, vii., ii. [In thp first four editions the fir^t sentence was engraved on a scroll, dolphins above and below, and clusters of fish pendant on either side ; in this, the fiftli edition, this scroll is *' worked over," and tlie words, "The first part." is eneraved beneath. Appended to this edition of WaltonV wt-re the Works of Cotton (see; in its l3t edition) and of Venables (s^*-; in its 4tli edition) ; and they were issued with the following collective title :— ] The Universal Angler, made so. by three books of fishing. The first by Mr. Izaak Walton ; the second by Charles Cotton, Esq. ; the third by Col. Robert Venal?les. All which may be bound together, or sold each of them severally. London : Printed for Richard Marriott, and sold by most booksellers, 1676. 8vo. [Following the collective title is the title as given above, and to each of the work* of Cotton and Venables t!iere is a separate title and pagination. Th^s is the last edition published in the author's lifetime, and contains some verses entitled •' r...'iudatorum carmina." signed "Jaco. Dup., D.D." (i.e. Dr. James Duport. Pro- fessor of Greek to Cambridge University). On st;ver;d occasions the five first editions have been sold by public auction anublished with title as above.] Ditto. The sixth cJition, with additions. London: tame imprint ; IC. Bent and T. X. Lom/man added. 1707. 8to. Frontis., pp. VII., Ix.wi., 2liS ; portrait of Cotton ; pp. xxxii.. III., X., and 3 plates of tackle. [5J copies on finer iiaper. This is the last Hawkins edition.] Ditto. London: Printed yor Samuel Barjiter, in the Strand. ISOH. Mvo. and 4to. Half-title ("The Complete Angler. The seventh elition. With improvemeat.s and additions, both of matter and plates"), with woodcut of angler above. Frontis., title, pp. b\'2, and H plates. [The plates of this edition were re-engraved by Audinet, by whom are also the 17 engravings of fish in the text. In this there are two new views by Mr. Samuel. It is supposed Mr. Rigster, the printer, was also the editor. This edition was printed iu three sizes, viz., Kvo., Hoy. 8vo., and 4[o ; the latter being issued at d guineas. Owin^ to a fire which took place at the printer's, copies of this editiou are rare.] Ditto. London : same printer. 1810. Svo., pp. xviii., 2J6. [This is a reprint — but not a f.ac-3imile reprint— of the original edition. Prefixed is a portrait of Walton, engraved by Scott, after Honsman. Tliis is now rare, for the same reason as the next above.J Ditto. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt., and the prcseiit editor. London : Printed for Samuel Bayifter, in the Strand, by H. Wattij at Broxbourne. on the river Lea, Herts. 1813. 8vo., pp. jH, XX., and 50 plates. [The "present editor" w.is Henry (afterwards Sir Henry) Ellis. The engravings of the fish were '-a new series." It ^va9 published in two sizes— sm. and large 8vo.— and is known as Bagster's seconrl edition.] Ditto. London: Printed for James Smith, 163, Strand. 1822. itvo. Frontis., pp. Ix., 3X3, and 15 plates. [Plates re-engraved, ofterwar.ls issued separately, and used also to illustrate Zouch's Life of Walton, produced at the expense of Gordon ; has a new Preface, and some copies have " portrait only and no plates."] Ditto. ,To which are added, an introductory essay ; the Linnajan arrangement of the various river fish delinea- ted in the work; and illustrative notes. London: John Major, Fieet Street, adjoining Sergeant's Inn. 1823. 8vo, pp. Ix., 411 ; with 14 copper-plates and 77 wood engravings. [The plates of this edition were engraved by Cook and Pye, from the old drawings by Wale, which had been retouched by Frederick Nash. Its editor was R. Thomson, author of the *• Chronicles of I^ondon Bridge" (1827); the introductory essay was by Major himself.] Ditto. London: Maunder. 1824. 8vo. [No copy of this edition has been found, yet it is mentioned in the •■London CaUlogue, 1815—32."] Ditto. Second Edition. London : John Major. 1824. 8vo., pp. Iviii., 41ti ; 77 woodcuts and 14 copper plates. [The copperplates were re-engraved by W. R. Smith ; printed in two sizes, sm. and lar. 8vo. ; in the latter the plates are proofs. In this erlition some verses were inserted, written by the editor, but afterwards suppressed.] Ditto. Chistrick: Printed by €. Whi'.tinyham, College Hotise. Sold by Thomas Tegg. ij-c. 1824. 16mo., 2 vols. (I.) frontis., pp. viii.. 'itia, (II.) frontis., pp. iv., 284. [A reprint of the 17S7 edition.] Ditto. London; Printed for the Proprietors by . I. F. Dote. 1825. 12mo., port., pp. 420 ; 4 plates of fish, from blocks in the DenLson collection, supposed to be the work of Thomas Beswick. Ditto. London : iViHiam Pickering. 1825. .'!2mo.. frontis., pji. xvi., 314, iv. [Frontis. and title were engra^efl by Thos. Stothard.] Ditto, London : same imprint, 1826, Itimo.. port., engraved title, dated 1827, pp. xxv., 232 : port., pp. 2.33— .325. iv. Ditto. Chiswick: Printed by C. ^ C. Whittingham : Sold by Thomas Tegg, 4c., 1826, lUmo., 2 vols., (I.) frontis.. pp. -il'l. ill.) frontis., pp. iv., 2C4. [.\ reprint of 1707 edition, with woodcuts by S. Williams, &c., after W. Harvey.] Ditto. Embellished with portraits of the authors, and engravings of the river fish described in the work. London: Printed for William Cole. n.d. (1S28). !Svo., pp. XX., 314, 2 portraits. Ditto, edited by James Rennie, A.M. . , . Edinburgh : Published for the Proprietor* by W. and It. Chambers ; London: W. Orr ; Dublin: W. Carry, Jun.. and Co., 1833, Xvo., port., pp. iv.. 328, with engraved plate of music. Ditto, London : .Ulan Bell <$• Co., Simpkin 4 .Marshall ; Edinburgh (printed): Eraser 4 Co.; Dublin: H'. Curry, Jun., and Co., 1834, 8to., pp. iv., 328, i. [A volume of "The British Library," and a reprint of the 1833 edition.] Ditto. A new Edition. London : same imprint. 1838. 8vo. The same with different title. Ditto, a new ed., £lates ; a portrait of Dr. Thomas Wharton being added.] Ditto. Edited by James Rennie, A.M. London : Thomas Tegg 4 Son, Cheapside ; It. Griffin 4 Co., Glasgow : Tegg, Wise, 4 Co., Dublin. 1835. »vo. [.\ paginary reprint of the 1833 edition.] Ditto. With original memoirs and notes, by Sir Harris Nicholas, K.C.M.Cr. Two Volumes. London: William Pickering. 1836. Imp. 8vo., (I.) port., pp. xvi., ccxii., ii., port., frontis., pp. 1'29, 130 (blank) : (II.) pp. iv , 131— 43t>, xxxii., with plates. [This edition was originally issued in numbers in 1835, at 6 guineas, or, with impressions on India Paper, at 1<> guineas, the set. The )>Iates, with oae exception — "Cotton's Fishing House" — are engrave 1 on copper or steel. The plates engraved by Stothard and Inskipp, Fox, Cooke. Richardson, ic, were issued separately in small folio, as proofs on India Paper.] Ditto. Edited bv James Rennie, A.M. London : Allan Bell 4 Co. 1836. xVo. [A reprint of the 1833 edition.] Ditto, Edinburgh : Eraser 4 Co.; London: H. Washbourne, 1836. 8vo. [another reprint of same]. Ditto, in 2 vols., London: Charles Tilt. 86, Fleet-street ; J. .Vemies. Edin- burgh ; T. Wardte. Philade'phiu, 1837, '24mo., (I.) frontis., pp.' li., 1.52: (II.) frontis., pp. iv., 149 [Tilt's Miniature Classical Library]. Ditto, London: L. .4. Lewis, 125, Fleet-street, 1830, 8vo.. pp. xxvi., Ixxii., 396 [a reprint of Major's edition ; the '-Introductory Essay " being omitted and Hawkins's Lives of Walton and Cotton replaced ; it has 7i> woodcuts and 15 copperplates]. Ditto. London : I. J. Chidley, 1841, 8vo., pp. xx., 314, 2 portraits [a reprint of Cole's edition, with new title page]. Ditto, lA>ndot: Henry Washbourne, 1842, 8vo., frontis., pp. iv., xciv., 396 [a reprint of M.ajor's 1839 edition]. Facsimile of The Compleat Angler ; or. The Con- templative Man's Rccreition. The original frontispiece. 1653. (London : Sherwood 4 Bowyer. 1844.) 32mo., pp. iv., .335 [being Xo. 17 of -'Pocket English Classics"]. Ditto. Edited by John Major. Fourth Edition. London : I). Bogue, Fleet-street ; H. Wix, New Bridge- street. 1844. 8vo.. pp. Ix., 418, and 12 steel engravings [9 of the engravings are by John Absolon, ani engraved by J. T. Willmore, A.R.A.], and 74 woodcuts in text. Ditto, edited by James Rennie . . . Manchester: Samuel Johnson 4 Son, 1844 ; 8vo [a paginary reprint of the 1833 edition]. Ditto, same imprint, 1846, 8vo. [a reprint from stereotypes of the above]. Ditto, Dublin : W. Curry, Jun , and Co., 1847 : 8vo. [from the same plates]. Ditto, Man- chester: Printed and Published by Thomas Johnson, Licesey Street, 1847, 8vo. [still another]. Ditto, with copious notes (for the most part original), a bibliografihical preface . . and a notice of Cotton and his writings by the American eilitor ; to which is added an appendix, including illustra- tive ballads, music, papers on American fishing, and the most complete catalogue of books on angling, &c., ever printed ; also, a general index to the whole work ; New i'ork : Wiley 4 P'ltnim. 1847; 8vo.. Part I., pp. vi., cxii., 219 : Part tl., pp. 210 [the plates of Major's 1844 edition were used, and some copies were in Imp. 8vo., with dupli- cate impressions of the plates]. Ditto, New i'ork; Wiley 4 Putnam. 1848: 8vo [a paginary reprint of the preced- ing]. Ditto, edited by James Rennie . . . Lii-erpool : Thomas Johnson, 1848 ; Svo. [reprint of Manchester editiou of 1844]. Ditto. London: John Johnson. 30, Tligh Holborn : Thomas .fohnson, 2'. Livesey Street, Manchester, 1840; 8vo. [another impression of same]. Ditto, Manchester : Printed anil Published by Thomas Johnson, ij'c. ; n.d. (1840); 8vo. rstillanother,withnew title-page]. Ditto. London: Henry Kent Causton, 1851; 8vo., pp. Ixviii., 418, and 15 plates [edited by H.K.Causton]. Ditto, edited by James Rennie, A.M. . . .Manchester ; Printed and Published by Thomtis Johnson, Licesey Street. 1851; 8vo. [reprint of Manchester edition of 1841]. Ditto, iVe«' York: Wiley 4 Putnam, 1852; r2mo. [a paginary reprint from stereotype plates of WALTON ( -191 ) W'AL'JON Dr. Bethiine's 1817 edition]. Ditto, new eJ., edited by "Epiiemera," of " Bell's Life in London," London : liigram. Cooke, A- Co. J JS53 ; 8vo., frontis.. pp. xW., H2G, and 'A plates [edited by Edward Fitzgibbon ; forms a volnme jn ''The llliHtrited Library"]. Ditto, "ind cd., Loudon: Nathaniel Cooke: 1SS4: Svd, ; frontis.. pp. .viv., HH'.I, and 2 leaves. Ditto ; editetl by E Iward Je^se ; to which are added paper.^ on fishing-tackle. &c. . . by Henry John Bohn : London: //. G.Bolm; 1S5G : 8vo.; frontis , pp. xxi., 491! ; there are iO'.i woodcuts and "ili engraving* [this w.is re-issued with a new title-p.ige in IHtjIJ. Ditto : edited by James llennie, A.M. ; Manchester : Johnson ; 1857 : 8vo. [reprint of Manchester 18U edition. Ditto; Halifax: Milner ty Sow^rhy : 1S57 : Svo. [printed from stereotype plates purch:ised from .Tolinson. Ditto ; in Two Volumes ; London: (! loombridge ; 1S5S : 24mo. [a reprint of Tilt's edition of 1837]. Ditto ; edited by " Ephemera "; London: Routledye; 1850; 8vo. ; frontLs., pp. 313, and .'i leaves. Ditto; New York: ll'ilei/ ij- Putnam : 1859; 8vo. [another Impression of Bethune's edition of 1847]. Der "VoUkommene Angler Von Isa-iC Walton und Charles Cotton, herausgegeben von Ephemera, iibasetzt von I. F. Schumacher. Ilamhnrgh: Solomon tf- Co. 1850. 8vo., pp. xii., 308, and 10 plate-. Ditto ; with original memoirs and notes by Sir Harris Nicholas ; Second Edition ; in Two Volumes ; London : Nattali i^ Bond ; 1860: 8vo. ; Vol. I. : portrait, pp. xvi., ccxii., iv. : portrait, frontis., pp. 129 ; Vol. II. : pp. iv., 131— -tStJ, xxxii. [a reprint of Pickering's edition (I83()), with pedigrees of Ken and ChalkhiU added. Ditto ; elitel bv Edward Jesse, Esq. . By Henry G. Bohn ; London: Henrij 0. Bohn; 1881; 8vo. [the edition of 18.V; with a new title-page]. Ditto: Lon- don : Bell ij- Daldi/ and Sampfun Low ij- Co. ; 1803 : Iiimo. ; pp. xvi.,3U4 ; portrait of Walton after Housman : of Cotton after Sir P. Lely [a reprint ; printed at the Chisirick Pre.ts ; forming one of Bell A: Daldy's pocket volumes]. Ditto; London: Bell ij- Daldy ; 18G4; 8vo. [same as before, on large paper ; forming one of the " Elzevir Series." Ditto ; Boston: Ticknor and Field; 18GG; 8vo. [another impression of Bell & Daldy's editions, 18G3 & IMi]. Ditto ; New Vork : Wilet/ ij- Sons; 186G ; 8vo. [reprint of Bethune's 1847 edition]. Ditto; Edited by John Major; Boston: Little, Brown, if Co.; 18BG; Svo., pp. xiv., Hb [a reprint of Major's 1844.edition ; the woodcuts havingbeen re-engraved. The engravings are from the old plates ; there are 12 plates and 74 woodcuts ; only ItIO copies printed]. Ditto; Boston: Little, Brown, tj" Co.; 1867; Svo [a larger impression of the preceding e(iition]. Ditto; London: Alex. Murray if Son; 1860; 8vo., pp. 100. Ditto; London: Alex. Murray if Co.; 1872; 8vo., pp. 106, II. Ditto; London: Chatto cj- Windus; 1875; 8vo., pp. ccv., half-title, pp. 320 [the 3rd reprint of Pickering's edition i l83t>). with the illustrations on sepanite leaves. Ditto ; by Henry G. Bohn ; London : George Bell ij- Sons, York Street, Cofent Garden ; 1876 ; 8vo. [a paginary reprint of Bohn's 18.)(> edition]. Ditto ; being a fac-simile reprint of the first edition, published in 1G53; London: Elliot Stock; 1876; 8vo. and 4to. ; pp. x.. viii., 240. Ditto; Editeil by "Ephemera"; London if New York: Routledye; n.d (1878); 8vo. ; frontis., pp. 313, 3 leaves, and 2 plates [several reprints of this eJition have been issued without dates]. Ditto; A new illustrated editir n, with notes by G. Christopher D.ivies, author of " The Swan and her crew "; London : Frederick W'arne ij- Co. ; n.d. (1878); 8vo. ; frontis., pp. xii., 4)J7 [plates are from Major's 1st edition. This edition forms a volume of the '■ Chandos Libr.ary "]. Ditto; London: Ward. Lock. 4 Co.; 1878; 8vo. [a paginary reprint of Murray & Sons' edition of 1809]. Ditto; London: (J. Bell if Son's : 1870: 8vo. [a reprint of the 1803 edition]. Ditto ; The Fishing Gazette ; Vol. IIL ; Nos. 93—140 ; London, 1870; folio [a reprint of the Nt edition, with notices of Walton from the 1872 edition]. Ditto; Xew Edition, with some additions and corrections from the editor's own copy ; in Two Volumes ; New York: John Wiley .(• Sons; 1880: 8vo. [edite7. In the reprint, the plates are printed on India paper and •• laid down " in the text, besides those plates which were repeateil from the 1844 edition, 12 others by Cooj>er, Creswick, &c., are added. l.iO copies printed in .\meric;i .ind 100 in England]. Ditto; Edited by Edward Jesse, Esq. ; To which are added papers . . . By Henry G. Bohn ; London: Bell if Daldy ; 1870; 8vo. [reprint of B >hirs 18.->(; edition]. The Compleat Angler, j- Hall. n.d. (1830). 8vo., pp. vi.. 42. Iz;»ak Walton's Ghost. By E. Davies. s. sh. Wet Days at Edgewood. With . . . old pastorals. London, 1865. [Walton's Angler one of the pastorals.] Pierce Egan's Book of Sports, &c. , . . London : Teyy . . . 1832. 8vo. [Walton on pp. 137, 277.] Three Dialogues on the Amusements of Clergymen. London, 1820. 12mo. [Cont lins some interesting incidents relative to Angling and Walton.] Xorthern Memoirs London, 1G04. [Contains some severe remarks on " honest Iz lac.''] The Every-Day Book. Two Volumes. London, 1825, 1827. 8vo. [Vol.11., 0.50, 057, contains the "Advertise- ment of Walton's Angler, 10.53."] Hoouties of his writings."] Imaginary Conversation. By W. S. Landor. L^jndon, 1824 — 20. 8v'o., ic. [Contains in Vol. V., a convf tsation between -'Walton, Cotton, and Oldways"; and this is also found on pp. .■)72 — 77 of Vol. I, of'"Works" (Lcuiku, 1846 and 1853).] Art of Angling, augmented. Gathered out of Mr, Walton and others. A MS. [Formerly in Pic'-ierin? WALTON (492) WARD Collection.] Notes relating to Walton, Chetham, &c. MS. [Sold at Prince's sale.} English Country Life ... By Thon:as Milbr London, ISoO. [Contiins : "Angling in Spiing-- Izaak Walton, iVc."] Kecollections of a Literary Life By Mary Russell Mitforil. London. [In chap. xv. — "Izaak Walton's Com- plete Anjrler.''] Waltimiana. Inedited remains in prose and verse of Izaak Walton. With notes and preface by R. H, Shcfhetd. London: l^ickey'in;^, 1S7H. i*vo. Elegant Extracts in Vers-e By R. Smart. Newark, 1S13. svo. [In Vol. II., p. 'Jl, '-Epistle frcm Cotton to Isaac Walton. '] Lives of English Laymen: Loid Falkland. Izaak Walton, and Kobeit Nelson. By Rev. W. H. Teale. London, 1S42. Vlvao. Izaak Walton and the Earlier English Writers on Angling. By George Markham Tweddell. Part First. Stokesleij: Published by the Author. 1S54. 8vo., pp. l.o. Rules and Regulations of the Walton and Cotton Club: Instituted March V.nh. 1.SI7. London, 1821. 8vo. Revised, April .sth, 1840. London, 1S40, 4to.. 12 leaves. Rules aud Regulations of the Cambridge University Walton and Cotton Club. Instituted April 2:')th, 1825. Cttmbrid(/e, 1S2G. 4to. Rules of the Waltonian Society, held at the " Crown " Tavern. Pentonville Hill. Established 18;iU. London, IbOG. 12mo. Izaak Walton. By the Rev. M. G. Ward, [/"laser's Mag. (May, IsTii).] ' The "Chronicle of the Complete Angler of Izaak Walton aud Charles Cotton . . . By Thomas West- wood . . . London; Wiilis tj- Sotheran. 1SG4. 4to., pp. XV., i!4. Isaac Walton and his Friends. \^Bentlet/'s Misc., YII. (1840).] The Complete Angler . . . Edited bv John Major. London: .\immo. ISSO. Svo,, pp. xv., 2;mi. (Pt. II.) 2U1— 445 ; original etchings, 2 portraits, and 74 woodcuts. The Practical Fly-Fisher .... By Jackson. 1880. pp. llj ; plates. Sermons bv Dr. John Donne ; with Life. By I. W. London, 1640. "fol. Life of Sir Henrv Wotton. London. 1644. Life of Mr. Richard Huoker. London. 1662. Life of Mr. George Herbert. London, 167t). Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Kicbard Hooker, and Mr. George Herbert, collected in one volume. London. 1670. 8vo. ; portraits. Walton wrote: — Verses on "Our Donne is Dead"; ditto, to the author of the "Synagogue," prefixed to Herbert's •' Temple " ; ditto, prefixed to Alexander Brome's "Poems" (IGlti); ditto, prefixed to Cartwright's " Plays and Poems" (llJol) ; also, beneath aportraitof Dr Donne, prefixed to his '• Poems " { llJilo). Thealma and Clearchus. [See Chalkhill (John).] [See Zouch (Rev. Thomas, D.D.).] Walton, Ecv. Izaak. b. Staffnid, i6'^•2 ; s. of I[ap of the Potteries, litho- graphed by M. Scott, but which is very often mL.isiug, owing to its having been published separately. Copies contaioiug the Map are very valuable.] Poem on the Death of H.R.H. the Prince Consort. ». p., pi., or d. (1863). [A few were printed for presents. Her Majesty accepted a copy.] Ward, John. F.G.S. : Corresponding Member of Glasgow Geological Soc ; Vice-President of North Staffs. Field Club ; President, 1876. The Fossil Flora of the North Staffordshire Coal Field. Xewcastle : G. T. Bagguleij. 1S02. Svo. ; plates. William Molyneux. A Monograph, yeiivastle: Dil- tvorth. 8vo. The Progress of Geological Research . . . With Bibliography of Works relating to the Geology of Xorth Staffordshire, .\eucastle : (i. T. Baijipiley. 1893. 8vo. On the Distribution of Organic Remains in the Xorth Staffordshire Coal Field [Trans. IhoUei/ and .Mid. Oe(J. Soc. II., ".'1] : Notes on the Fos.sil Trees in Messrs, Hamp- ton's Marlpit, at .Joiner's .Sipiare. Uanley [Xorth Staffs. Field Club Report ( 1S70|] ; Marine Fossils from the Coal Measures of Xorth Staffordshire [O'eol. Maij., II., Ml] : X'otes on the Coal Fossils of Xorth Staffordshire Coal Field [Iron Ores of Great Britain, Pt. IV.] ; The Organic Renuiins of the Coal Measures of Xorth Staffordshire [Address and Paper. North Slajis. Field Cluk (187.i|. 184— 251] : Xotes on some Fossil Trees. Ac, at Haulev [.VoiM Stajts. Field Club Report (1870), 7.i— 8] : Some of the Earlier Forms of Vertebrate Life [I'A. (1881)]: Obituary of William Molvneux r/6. (1884)]: Presidential Address [ib. (187(j). 24-^:t2J : The Lower Co.il Measures of the Cheadle Co.alfield fi'A. (1889)] : The Geological Features of the Xorth Staffordshire Coal Fields [Trans. Sorth Staffs. Inst. Min. Eng.. X. (1891))] AVAUU (494) WARDE Ward, John William. [.See Dudley (J. AV.).] Ward, lU. Rev. :Midiad. ft. Newp.nt, Salop, 1643 ; s. of Richaril Waril, of Newcastle, where he spent his bovlmod ; Scholar, Tiin. Coll., Dublin, lOr.O: B.A., 16G0 ; Follow. 1GGl> : incorporated Cam. Univ. as D.D., and adni. at Ox. Univ., IStli .Inly, 1074; Provost, Trin. Coll., Dublin, Ui74 ; Vicc-Clumcellor, 1678 ; Regius Professor ; Bishop of Ossory, 24th Nov., 1678 ; of Londonderry, 107!) to death; d. 3rd Oct., 1681. [C.issan'.s Bishops of Ireland ; Wood's Fasti, I., 'M^i ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1570; Burke's Landed G-entry (1847).] Ward, Rev. Michael. A. Newcastle, 7th Dec, 1681 ; .«. of Michael Ward (baptized, New- castle, 28th June, l(i48) and Hannah (dau. of Rev. George Roades, Vicar of Leek), his wife ; LL.B., of Clare Hall, Cam., 1705 ; in- corporated Ox. Univ., '.>th Julv, 17Ut) ; Rector of Blithfield, 1713 ; of Leigh," 1723 to de.itli ; m., (1) 31st Jan., 1707. Elizabeth Green, (2) 10th June, 1714, Sarah, dau. of Rev. John Spateman, Rector of Yoxall ; d. 17th Sept., 1744. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., 1G70 : Hutchinson's Stoke ; Burke's Landed Gentry.] Ward, Rev. Michael, h. Islip, Oxon., 1769 ; s. of Rev. Richard Ward ; Mat. St. Alban Hall, Ox., 28th Nov., 1789 ; B,C.L., Wore. Coll., Ox., 1803; Vicar of Lapley, 1806; Rector of StifIkey-u\-Morston, Norf., 1830 to death; d. 8th Dec, 1841. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1498.] Ward, Rt. Rev. Seth. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib.. 1131, f. 21186, SO'.la, SGoab: 1134. T.in, 706.] Ward, Seth, ft. Repton, Derbys., 30th Dec, 1765 ; 8. of John Ward and Anna Beata Hobbs, his wife ; was in business as a Cooper in Aldergate, Tamworth, till 1850, when he went to London ; d. Dec, 1858 ; bur. Bronip- ton Cemetery, London, 20th Dec. '• Left in MS. numerous Sermons. Poems, ifcc. ; bought after his death by a Bookseller in Paternoster Row. Where they are now is unknown. He was remarkably ingenious in mechanics." — (Per S. Timmins.) Ward, Thomas. ft. Shenstone, 1084; s. of Alexander Warde ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 14th Dec, 1700. [Foster's AUimni Oxon., E.S., IV., li>71.] Ward, Thomas, ft. London, 10th Feb., 1780 ; 8. of Tliomas Ward, a Chancery Solicitor of London (6. Leigh, 1728 ; s. of Rev. Michael Ward — see), and Hannah Gill, his wife ; " shortly before the death of his father (i.e., before 1790) he removed to Cheadle (of which place his uncle. Rev. Francis Ward — see, was Rector), and served his articles with his brother- in-law, John Blagg" [Mr. Blagg m. Elizabeth, his father's 2nd dau.^ ; became an Attorney in Trinity term, 1804 ; settled in Newcastle, April, 1805 ; entered into 'partnershi|) with Peter Walthall (1805 — 15); practised alone till 18;>1, when he took his son, John William Ward, into partnership, subsequently being joined by H. S. and B. Cooper, Esqs.. when the Firm became " Wards and Coopers " ; Major of East Staffs. Militia before 1805 ; Captain of Newcastle Corps of Volunteers, when Dr. Northern was Colonel ; Mayor of New- castle, 1836—37; Trustee to Onne's Trust, up to 1870 ; a strong temperance man ; Free- mason, July, 1804, to death, first connecting himself with a Lodge at Longton, which died, when he transferred his membership to New- castle, 1S44 ; Worshipful Master, 1849 and 1850 ; Deputy Grand Master of Staffs, under Colonel Vernon, 1*^53 — (10 ; had portrait pre- sented to hiui by the members of his lodge ; m., 14th June, 1S08, Elizabeth, d2 ; B.A., 1«27 ; M.A., 1829 ; M.B., 1830 ; M.D., 1834. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., MHO.] Ward, William. A. Hindey Hall, 21st Jan., 1750 ; .«. of John, 1st Viscount Dudley [.«<'<> Dudley (John, 17o4)] ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 14th March, 1770 ; M.P., Worcester, 1780— 88 ; succeeded his brother as 3rd Viscount Dudley and 8th Baron Ward, 17H8 ; m., 1st Aug., 1780, Julia, dan. of Godfrey Bosville, Esq., of Gunthwaite, ; d. 25th April, 1823. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. I lilii.] Ward, William, ft. Bury St. Edmunds, 1817 ; 8. of William Humble Ward, Lord Ward ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 4th June, 1835 ; 13th Baron Ward ; created Viscount Ednam and Earl Dudley 17th Feb., I860; m. (1) Selina Constance, dau. of Hubert de Burgh, Esq., (2) Georgina Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Thomas MoncrieS'e, Bart. ; d. 7th May, 1885. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1499.] Ward, William, ft. Wolverhampton, IsOl ; .«. of Henry Ward, Esq.; Mat. Magd. Coll. Ox., 28th Jan., 1879 ; B.A., Merton Coll., 1884. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1494.] Warde, Alexander. Of Freeford. Dugdale's " Draught of a certificate to be signed by Mr. Warde (Coton, Salop) in the behalf of Mr. Alexander Warde, of Freeford, in .Staff.," declaring his kindred, and allowing him to bear armes (16G3). [Bodl. Lib., S40 (Ho), 427.] Two certificates of kindred signed by John Warde in favour of Alexander Warde, of Freeford, in Staffordshire, and Richard Warde, of Coton, Salop. WARDE ( 495 ) WAKDLE Warde, Thomas. Slienstone Park. Letter to Wfilliain] Warde .it the Temple. [Bodl. Lib., nsi, ff., 226.] \V.\RDE, William. Slienstone Park. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 1731, tt. 19a, 20a, 21a, 24a, 2;^.] rs« Ward (T.), Babington (Z.)] I Wardi.e, Dan. b. Leek, 1715 ; s. of Dan. Wanlle : .Mat. M.agd. Coll., 0.x., 22nd March, 1732 ; B.A., 1735 ; M.A., 1741. | [Foster's Alumni O.^on., IV., loOU.] Wardle, Elizabeth, h. Leek, 20th Oct., 1835 ; (Imi. of Hugh Wardle ; educated at Stone, Oulton, and Codsall ; Founder of Leek Em- hroidery Society ; m. Thomas Wardle, Esq., F.C.S." &c. [»<>>]. Guide to the Baye.iux Tapestry. Compiled from the book written by the Rev. J. CoUingwood Bruce, by kind permission of the Author. Warple, John. h. StDko, 1704; s. of John Wardle, Esq. : Mat. Oriel Coll., 0.x., 25th May, 1723; B.A., 4th Feb., 1727; M.A., 1734. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., I.')00.] Wardle, Tliomas. b. Macclesfield, 1831 ; s. of Joshua Wardle, Esq., of Cheddleton Heath, Leek ; educated Macclesfield Private School and Leek Gr. Sch. ; in business at Leek as a Silk-Dyer and Silk and Calico Printer ; Fellow of the Chemical, Geological, and Royal Statistical Societies ; Fellow of the Imperial Inst. ; Member of Council of the Pahvontographical Soc. ; Chevalier de la Legion d' Honneur of France ; Otficier d' Academie of France : Membre du Jury de rindustrie de la Soie an.\ Expositions Uni- verselles at Paris, 187« ami 1889 : Hon. Superintendent of Indian Silk Culture Court of Indian and Colonial Exhibition, London, 1886: Ciiairnian, Silk Section, Manchester Royal Jubilee Exhibition, 1887 ; Examiner on Silk Throwing and Spinning in the Techno- logical Examinations of the City and Guilds of London Institute; President, Silk Associa- tion of Great Britain and Ireland ; Member of Society of Arts ; Chairman of 1st Loan Silk Exhibition, held at Lord Egerton of Tatton's, St. James's Square, London, 1890 : Chairman National Silk Textile Exhibition, held at the Duke of Sutlu'i'laiid's, Stafford House, London, May, 189 f ; Hon. Working Secretary, Ladies' National Silk Association, May, 1894 ; m. Elizabeth Wardle, of Leek \_see']. Monograph of the Wild Silks and Dye Stuffs of India, Illustrative of .Specimens exhibited in the British India Section of the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1878. Lon- don, 1878. 8vo., pp. 4(). Monographe sur I'lndustrie des Soies Sanvage et des Matieres de Teinture de I'lnde, ilhistrt; par des Objets et des SiK'Ciraens ilaus la Section Britannique Indienne de I'Exposition Universelle de 1878 & Paris. Para, 187S. 8vo., pp. "29. Monograph on the Wild Silk Industry of India, form- ing Appendix " C " in the Handbook to the British India Section of the Paris Universal Exhibition of IS78. »vo. [Also an edition in French.] Report to the Sccret.iry of St:ite for India on Tussur Silk, and the desirability of the application of the native dyestuffs of India fof dyeing it for Indian purposes. Re- printed from Gnzetle of India. London, IS'O. 8vo. The Wild Silks of India. A Handbook of the Collec- tion arranged for the Government at the Indian .Section of the South Kensington Museum, illustrative of the Wild Silks of India. Publiihed by the Commitlce of Council on Education. London, 1881. 8vo. An Address on Art Culture, delivered at the Town Hall, Xe«castle-under-Lyme, on February 10th, 1882, on the occasion of the Distribution of Prizes to the Students of the Newcastle School of Art. Xeiccnstle. 1882. 8vo., pp. 30. [A Copy of this Address was presented to the Free Librarj-, Chester, Aug. 2lith. 18fll, by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, with marginal notices by him.] The Dyes and Tans of India. A Report to the Secretary of India, at his request, of a Seven Years' Examination of the Dyestuffs of India ; in six Instalments, with voluminous examples of dyed Silk, Tussur Silk. Cotton and Woollen Cloths. Calcutta : Published by order of the Government. [Blue Book, pp. 82.1 The Wild Silks of India and their Economic Utiliza- tions. Also translated into French bv M. Charles Mamas and Mr. Gilbert C. Wardle for Monsieur Rondot's L'Art de la Soie, 1885.] Reprinted by Imprimerie Nationale, Pari; 1888. 8vo. Researches on Silk Fibre. A Report furnished to Mons. Rondot of the Chamber of Commerce at Lyons. Lyons : By Order of the Chamber of Commerce. Report on the EnglLsh Silk Industry for the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction. [Report (188.i), III., 29—105 ; also in 1 vol., 8vo., pp. 1015.] On Several Species of Silk Fibre, and on the Silk Industrv. A paper read before the Society of Dyers and Colourists, Technical College, Bradford, on May 8th, 1885. Reprinledfrom the "Journal," Bradford. 1885. 8vo.,pp.60. Memoir on the Silks in the Iniii:in Silk Culture Court, Colonial and Indian E.xhibitiou. London, delivered to the Indian and Colonial Exhibition Conference, June 24th, 1886. London: Royal Commission. 1886. 8vo. Descriptive Catalogue of the Silks in the Indian Silk Culture Court of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London. Collected by the Author in India by order of the Royal Commission. ISSG. Svo. ' Report on the Silks exhibited in the Colonial Sections of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 188tj, with Examina- tion of the Physical and Structural Properties of the Cocoons and their Silk. Reprinted from Reports on Colonial Sections, i)c. London, 1887. 8vo. Descriptive Catalogue of the Silk Section of the Royal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887. Manchester, 1887. 8vo. Ditto, /Edition de Luxe, same date. .Silk : Its Entomology, History, and Manufacture, as exemplified at the Royal Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887. Edward Rumpus, 5 if 6, Holborn Bars, London, n.d, (1SS7). 8vo.. pp. 238. Paper and Discussion on the Silk Trade of England and the Continent. Read in the Economics and Statistics Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at JLinchester, Sept. 7th, 1887. Manchester, 1857. 8vo. Address on Education and Art, delivered at Stoke-on- I Trent on the occasion of the Presentation of Prizes to the : successful Students of the School of Art. Feb. 11th, 1890. Leek : Clemesha *.^' Clowes, n.d. 8vo., pp. 14. On the History and Growing Utilizations of Tussur Silk. A Paper read at the Society of Arts on May 17th, 1891. Reprinted from the Journal. London: W. Trounce. ISOt. 8vo., pp. 47. Xorth Staffordshire Xaturalists' Field Club. Anni- versary Address of the President. Thomas Wanlle. on the Entomologv and Uses of Silk. ic. Xewcastle: 6'. T. Barjguley. 'n.d. (1S92). 8vo.. pp. 40. Xorth Suiffordshire Naturalists' Field Clnb. Anni- versary Address of the President, Thonuis Wardle, on Bacteriology. .S(o^e: \'yse li- /lill. 1S9.3. 8vo., pp. :ifi. On Sewage Treatment and Disposal for Cities, Towns, j Village.?, Private Dwellings, and Public Institutions. I With Tables. Plans of Sewage Works. Filters, *c. Man- chester : J. fleywootl. 1803. 8vo., pp. 42G. On the Present Development of Power Loom Weav- ing of Silk Fabrics at Lyons. ( Harris tliicati'(.l ut tlie High School, Newcastle, and as a Designer at London and Manchester ; now Designer to his father. Designed the Ornamental Borders in his father's Paper on the Relation of Design to such Craft Teaching as may be undertaken by Technical Schools ; also the Covers for the Egerton Silk Exhibition Catalogue (1890). Wardle, Thomas. Bookseller and Printer, Kidsgrove. Draft Scheme for the Management of the School founded by the Reverend Edward Vernon and William Johnson at Audley . . . T. Wardle, Printer. Kids- i/rove. JS7G. 12mo., pp. 2.?. Wardroper, Ven. John. Clerk, Magd. Coll., Ox., 1486 ; Fellow, 1488 ; LL.B. ; D.C.L. ; Archd. of Salo]), 1501—4 ; Preb. of Dernford and Canon of Lichfield, 1st Sept., 1501 — 4 : Treasurer, 151(1, and Canon of Hereford, 1511 ; Archd. of Salop in Hereford, 1511 — 14; Eector of St. Michael's, Cornhill, London, 1503—15. Will dated 16th July, 1515, in which he expressed a wish to be buried in Hereford Cathedral. [Bloxam's Magd. Coll., II. (pt. 1); O H S I., 42 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1.571 ; Harwood's Lichfield. 210. 22.5.] Waring, Edmund, b. Staffs., 1578 ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 11th Feb., 1592. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IV., 1572.] Waring, E. (probably same as Ralph). Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Susanna Gray of Enfield [Enville] in Staffordshire. With Poems and Elegies. London, IGli. -Ito. [There were twiT issues— cue privately ami now very rare, and another to the public.] Waking, Ralph, b. Wolverhampton, 1611 ; s. of Edmund Waring [.sf«] ; Mat. Exeter Hall, Ox , 9th March, 1627. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1572.] Waring, Eobert. b. Lea, near Wolverhampton, 1614 ; s. of Edmund Waring [«ce] ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 24th Feb., 1(;32 : Student, 1632—48 ; B.A., 30th June, 1634 ; M.A., 26th April, 1637 ; Proctor, 1647 ; Camden Professor of Ancient History, 1647; ejected, 1648 ; d. Lincoln's Inn Fields, lOth May, 1658 ; bur. St. Michael's College Hill, London. [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., III., 4.511 ; Burrows's Worthies. 491 ; Alumni West.. 102 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1.572.] WARING (497) WATKINSON Warin(i, Waitor. b. Wolverhaiiqitoii, 1610; s. of Eilrnnnd Wariiif; and brother of Holiert and of lialph Wai-iiitf ; Mat. Ext'tor Hall, Ox., 9th March, lOi? ; Student, Gray'.-* Inn, 1(;27. [Gray's Inn Reg. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1573.] Warner, Rev. Charles. /;. Wolverhampton, 27th July, 181H; i<. of Wilham Warner, Esq.; educated Wolverhampton Gr. Sch. ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., ;^(ith March, l>^i;!: Schoh.r, 1844_G.j ; B.A., 184(;: M.A.. U-<4;) ; Fell.nv, 1865 ; Curate of St. Aldate's, U.xford, 1847 — 49 ; Incumh^nt of Wribbcidiall, Worcs., 1849 — 63 ; Rector of Henley-on-Tliann'S. Oxon., 1863— 08 ; Vicar of Clun, Salop, 1868 to date; Preb. of Hereford, 1881 to date. We have no King but Caesar. A Sermon preached before the Univer-sity of Oxford. Ox/'onl, IHfJo. Hvo. Letters to the Guui'duiit, Literary Churrhmau. t.^'C. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., loiii.] Warner, Jonas, h. Paget's Bromley, 1620 ; s. of Kuuiphrey Warner ; Mat. Hart Hall, Ox., 13th Oct., 1637. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., ]r)74.] Warner, Rt. Rev. John. b. London, 1.581 (bajitized St. Clement Danes, 17th Sept.) ; s. of Ilannan Warner: Mat. Maf,'i!. Hall., Ox., 13th Oct., l.')98 ; Demy, Magd. Coll., 1590— 1604 ; B.A., 13th Dec, 1602 ; Fellow, 1604 —10; M.A., 12th June, l(;ii3 : licensed to {.reach, 27th Nov., 1613 ; B.D., 1st Dec, 1613 ; D.D., 18th April, 1616 ; incorporated Cam. Univ., 1620; Rector of St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, London, 1614 — 19; Vicar of Beakesbourne and Rector of Bishopsbourne, 1619, and of HoUingbourne, Kent, 1624 ; Rector of St. Dionys Backchurch, London, 1623 ; Chp. to the King ; Governor of Eton Coll.; with Charles L in Scotland, 1633; Rector of Bromley, Kent, 1638, until se- questered by Wcstmr. Assembly, before 1644 : after his sequestration he led a wandering life for three years in Wales ; Dean of Lichfield, 1633 — 37 ; Canon of Canterbury, 1634 ; Bp. of Rochester, 163X to death ; m. the wiilow of Bp. Abbot of Salisbury ; (/. 14th Oct., 1666 ; bur. Rochester. Church Lands not to be Sold. Loudon, 1844. 4to. Ditto, 1G48. 4to. .Sermons on the Death of King Charles I. [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon.. 111., 7:il : Bloxam's Magii. Coll.. IV., '.'4.i ; Lands. MS., am. f. 78, Si ; Foster's Alumni 0.\on.. E.S,, IV., l.')74; Harwood's Lichfield. 184, 18.*> ; Burnet's Own Times, I., :S2 ; Chalmers's Biog. Diet., xxxi., ].')!< — Ii2 : Fuller's Worthies ; Biog. Brit.; Barwick's Life : Barney's Life of Bp. Tavler : Chalmers's Hist, of 0.xford.] \\',utNER, Rev William. /;. Tettenhall. 18.J1 ; .«. of William Warner, Esq. ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 17lh Oct., 1X70; Exhibitioner, 1869—74 ; B.A., 1874 ; Senior Student, Ch. Ch., Ox., 1874 : Lecturer, 1873 ; Tutor, 1S77; M.A., 1877; Master of the Schools, 1S83 and 1887; Classical Moderator, 1883 and 18,S9 ; Censor of Ch. Ch., Ox., ISS7— 92. [Foster's Aluuiiii Oxon., IV., l.'i(i:t.J Warrall, John. b. KinCare f Kinver), 1702 ; s. of Riehanl Warrall : Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 31st Oct., 1720. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., l.'iU.t.] Waters, Rev. Edward Pye. h. St. Martin's, Warwick, 1771 ; B.A., Wadh. Coll., Ox., 1783 ; Curate of Great Barr ; of Overbury, Worcs.; d. 1833. Sermons on \'ariou3 Subjects, London. ISOO. 8vo. W.vTKixs, Charles, h. Clifton Campville, 1742 ; 8. of Rev. IJichard Watkins ; Mat. Wadh'. Coll., Ox.. 23rd Aiiril, 17t;i ; '/. 1764. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., I.'>07.] Watkiss, Charles Severne. b. Rock, Worcs., 1783 ; s. of Rev. Riehanl Watkins ; JIat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 13th July, ISOO; created M.A., 27th June, 18(i8 ; of Clifton-Campville and Haunton, .Staffs., and of Houn, Derbys. ; Lieut., 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1.')II8.] Watkins, Francis, b. Clifton-Campville, 1748 ; K of Rev. liiehard Watkins ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 3()th Ma.v, 1766. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. 1.')IJ8.] Watkins, George, i. Enfield ( Enville), 1726 : K. of Henry Watkins : Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 29th Feb., 1714 ; B.A., Corp. Ch. Coll., 1747; M.A., 1731. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., l.'>08.] Watkins, Rev. John. b. Clifton-Campville, 1751 ; *'. of Rev. Richard Watkins ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 14th Jan., 1709 ; B.C.L., 1777; Rector (Patron, anil Lord of the Manor) of Clifton-Campville ; (/. 19th May, 1833. [Foster's Alumni 0.xon., IV.. I.'i08.] Watkins, Rev. Morgan G. Izaak Walton. [^Frnser'g Mat/. (May. I87iJ).] Watkins, Rev. Richard, b. Aynho, Northants., 1702 ; .V. of Charles Watkins, Esq. : JLit. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 4th April, 1720; B.A., 1723; M.A., 1726; Rector of Clifton-Camp- ville, 1736 to death ; d. 1770. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. l.">i)9.] Watkins, Rev. Richard, b. Clifton-Campville, 1745; s. of Rev. Richard Watkins; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., nth Feb., 1763; li.A., 1766 ; Lord of the Manor of Clifton-Camp- ville, of Haunton, Stall's., and of Houn, Derbys. : Rector of Rock, Worcs., 1770 to death ; (J. 1st May, 1803. [Foster's Alumni 0.xon.. IV.. l.Vi'.i.] Watkinson, Rev. William Lonsdale, b. Hull, 30tb Aug., 183s ; n. of John Watkinson, Esq.; Wesleyaii Minister ; stationed at West Broinwich some years : m. Phoebe, dan. of S. Swindley, Esq., of Oldbury, Worcs. Memorials of Mr. and Mrs. Davies, of The Hollies, Hill Top, West Bromwich, 8vo., pp. (Ill, and 2 portraits. J-N WATSON (498) WATT Watson, Rev. Alexander. Curate of St. John's, Clielteiiham. Catechism on the Common Prayer. Rugeley: J. T. Wallers. 1843. ]2mo., pp. xii.. 238. The Prayer Book: A Sate Guide. Itugeley: J. T. Wallers. Sermons. .Same imprint. A Lenten A(Uiress. .Same imprinl. The Righteous talcen from the Evil to come. Same imprinl. 8vo. Two Sermons. Same imprint. t2mo. First Doctrine and Early Practice. Same imprint. 12mo. A Letter to the Laity of the Church of England. 8vo. Christi;in Loyalty. Same imprint. 8vo. The Church a Gift of the Saviour's. Same imprint. 12mo. The Ministerial Blessing. .Same imprinl. 12mo. Watson (or Watsonne), Daniel, b. Builon, 1617 ; s. of Henry Watson ; Mat. Queens Coll., Ox., 10th April, lO^'.S ; Barrister-at-Law, Gray's Inn, 164.5 ; M.P., Lichfield, 1659—60 ; un- seated, 27th .June, 1660. [Judges and Barristers ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1582 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 363.] Watson, Eev. John. b. Darlaston ; Pemb. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1872 ; M.A., 1^75 ; Curate of Scnleoates, Hull, 1872—76 ; Vicar of St. John, Hanley, 1876 — 82 ; Vicar of Sculcoates, 1882 to d'ate. Sunday School Lessons on Old Testament History. London: Church of Enqlnnd Sunday School Institute. 1875. Vol. II., 1S76. Vol. III., 1877, pp. 140. Sunday School Lessons on the Miracles and Parables of our Lord. Loudon : C. E. I. Demy 8vo.. pp. loii. Tlie Church's Teaching for the Church's Year. Lon- don: Simpkin ij- Marshall. Ilanley : AUbut 4' Daniel. Demy 8vo., pp. 184. instructions for Communicants. 12mo. leaflet. [8,000 copies.] Sundiy School Lessons on Christian Faith and Duty. C. E. Insli'tute. Cr. 8vo., pp. 21G. Sunday Lessons on the Gospel History. C. E. Institute. Cr. 8vo.. pp. 21G. The Church of England. Four Plain Lectures to Churchmen on the Church of England, in its relation to : — I., The Church of Rome ; 11., The Sects ; III.. The State ; IV.. Church Parties . . . London : Marshall .)'• Co. Bauley : .illbut 4- Daniel. 18S4. 8vo., pp. GO. Church Teaching for Sunday Schools. 9 vols., as follows : — Christian Faith and Duty. The Gospel Story. The Church History of the New Testament. The Gospel in the Old Testament. The Church Catechism. The Prayer Book. New Testament Portraits. The Gospel according to St. Matthew. Our Mother Church of England. National Society. 8vo. The Claims and Position of the Church of England \_LichJield Diocesan May. (1880—81).] Watson, Robert. Arms Painter, Lichfield. Deputation of Robert Watson, arme?-painter. of Lich- field, to serve as deputv for William Dakins. Norrev, in the County of Stafford (2iith .Sept., 15711). [Bodl. Lib., 8S6, (129) 467.] Watt, .James, h. Greenock, 19th Jan., 1736 ; settled in Glasgow, 17.o4, to learn trade of Mathematical Instrument Maker ; in London, 19th June, 1755 ; returned to Greenock, 1756 ; Mathematical Instrument Maker to Glasgow Coll. : began his experiments in steam, 1759; invented ''separate condenser," 1765; visited Soho in 1767 : and .saw W. Boulton ; re- visited Soho 1768 ; entered into partnershi]iwitti Bonlton, 1775 ; first engine made liy the Firm ready for use in 1776. Watt in the first place resided in Birmingham, but having acquired Heathfield he ever afterwards resided there. He was one of the three discoverers of the composition of water. F.R.S., 1785; LL.D., Glasgow, 1806 ; Member of French Institute, 1808 ; (/., Heathfield, 19th Aug., 1819 ; bur. Handsworth Church, where is a fine monu- ment, life-size, by Chantrey. Account of the Navigable Canal, proposed to be cut from the River Clyde to River Carron. London. 17G7. 4to. A Scheme forMaking a Navigable Canal from City of Glasgow to Monkland Coallerys. n.d. 4to. pp. 12. Report concerning Harbour of Port Glasgow, n.d. 4to., pp. 7. The Use and Production of Factitious Airs. 1794. 8vo. 1705, 8vo. Aerated Barytes and Terra Ponderosa. 1780. 8vo. Description of a Pneumatic Apparatus, with Direction for Procuring the Factitious Air. Birminyham, 1795. 8vo.. pp. 40, and 3 plates. (2 editions.) Two Deeds relating to the Erection by Messrs. Boulton & Watt of a Steam Engine on the tTnited Mines of Gwennap, Cornwall, and at Werneth Colliery, near Old- ham, Lancashire. From the Originals in the Patent Library. 1770-00. Proposals to the Adventurers [in Goldice Mine]. By Boulton and Watt. 1800. 4to. Proceedings of the Public Meeting held at the Free- masons' Hall, the 18th June, 1824, for erecting a Monu- ment to . . . James Watt. London, 1824. 8vo., pp. xi., 01). Inventions, Improvements, and Practice of Benjamin Thomson . . . Colliery Engineer ; with some interest- ing particulars relative to Watt's Steam Engine, and Short Treatise on the Coal Trade Regulations. Newcastle, 184-3. 8vo.. pp. 1.13. Life of James Watt. By Arago. Translated by James Muirhead. London: Murray. 1830. 8vo. Arago's Life of James Watt. With Memoir on Machinery. Loudon : Groomhridye. 1830. 8vo. Correspondence of the late James Watt on his Dis- covery of the Theory of the Composition of Water. Edited, with Introductory Remarks and Appendix, by James Patrick Muirhead. London, 1846. 8vo., pp. cxviii., 264 ; portrait. Memorials of the Lineage, Early Life, Education, and Developement of the Genius of James Watt. By George Williamson, Esq. Edinburgh: Printed for the Watt Club by Thomas Constable. 1856. 4to., port., plates, and fac- similes, pp. 262. Boulton and Watt Engine, erected at the East London Waterworks, Old Ford. Thomas Wicksteed. Engineer. London, 1842. fol., 4 plates ; letterpress description in 4to. Mechanical Inventions of the late James Watt ; with Memoir. Bv James Patrick Muirhead. London: Murray. 1854. 3 vol's. 4to., and 3 vols. 8vo. Inauguration of the Statue of James Watt in connec- tion with Watt Institution and Edinburgh School of Art. Edinburgh : Sulherland ij' Knox. 1854. 8vo., pp. 23. Memoir of .Tames Watt. [See Watt (James).] The Life of James Watt ; with Selections from his Correspondence. With Portrait and Woodcuts. London, 1858. 8vo., pp. 580. Memoirs of Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain living in 1807—1808. Bv Robert Hunt. F.R.S., F.S.S. . . . London : Waller 4 Son. 1862. 8vo., pp. 228. [James Watt, pp. 210 — 16. with engraving.] The Inventions of James Watt and his Models pre- served at Handsworth and South Kensington. By Edward A. Cowper. [Mech. Eng. Inst. Proceedings (1883), 593 — 686.] James Watt. A Resume of his Life and Works by Sam. Timmins. F.S..i. [Trans, of Archfeol. Section of Midland Inst., Birmingham. Oct., 1872 (4to.).] Lives of the Engineers. The Ste.am Engine — Boulton and AVatt. By Samuel .SmUes. London : John Murray. 1874. 8vo. (.Several editions.) Life of James Watt [Encyclopaedia Britannica (9th ed.)]; James Watt, with portrait [Xorth Brit. Review, XXIII. (1855) ; European ,l/rt,7.. 78 (1820) : Imperial Mag:, II. (1820) i Tayler's Brit. Gallery of Contemporary Por- WATT (499) WEBB traits, II.l. Beviews, Ac. [Autoijraphic Mirror, No. 52, Vol. IV. ; Brit. Critic, XXI. (185.i) : Quart. Rer., LXXVII. (1840), CIV. (18.i8); Philofophicil ./uitr.. IV. (1820); Sew Philosophical Jour.,XX'Vll. (I8:i7); Thom- son's Annals of Philosophy, XXVIII. (184(;); CEuvres Completes ) The Ivy Hi.nse Works, (?>) Bell Works ; bought the Ridge House Estate (now Etroria), 17111), and commenced to build the works since known as '-Wedgwood's, of Etruria"; took Thomas Wedgwood into partnership. 1760 (he '/. 17HC)). and Thomas Bentley in 17^, which latter lasted till 17fS0 (when Bentley died); F.S.A., 1786 : F.R.S., 1783 : m., 25th Jan., 1764. Sarah, ikiu. of Richard Wedgwood, Esq., of .Smallwood, Cheshire; d. Srd Jan., ]7'.I5 ; bw. Stoke Parish Church. .\n Address to the Yonng Inhibitanti* of the Potteries on the subject of entering the service of Foreign Manu- facturers, yewcjulle : J. Smitli. 1783. teriments and Observations on the Production of Light from dilferent bodies by Heat and by Attraction [Philo-'ophlcat Trans, (17l'2)]. An Account of a Methoe Willett (Mrs.).]_ [.sVc Itobins (J.). Jukes (Rev. R ), Jesse (Rev. W.), Stillingrteet (Rev. E.).] West, Rev. Charles Rock. S.P.G. Missionary in Newfoundland, 1862 — 71 ; Curate-in-charge of Stretton. 1«72— 74; Vicar of Stretton-w.- Wetmoor, 1874. Five Lectures on the Character of Abraham. iMudon, 1860. West, John Gill)y Ovedale. L^niv. Coll., Lon- don ; L.R.C.P., London, 1871; M.R.C.S., England, 1H71 ; Hon. Sec. to Staffs. Branch of Brit. Med. Association : Hon. Sec. to North Staffs. Musical Festival Committee ; Medical Officer Stoke Union Workhouse ; d. 1894. Case of Poisoning by Chloroform. [Lancet (1886).] Westbcry, Henry, b. Tunbridge, Kent, 15th Dec., 1615; s. of Thomas Westburv : Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., loth Oct., 1634 ;" B.C.L., 22nd April, 1610; adm. Merchant Taylor's Sch., 1624; Schoolmaster at Bloxwicb. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1602 ; Robinson's I., 113.] Westmacott, W., Surgeon, Newcastle. Scripture Herbal. London, 1604. r2mo. Another ed., 1805. [Copy, with title-page dated 1794 pasted on back of title, in Salt Lib.] Westminster Election, 1749. [Candidates : Lord Trentham and Sir George Vandepnt, Bart.] The Poll Book of the Wesminster Election, 1749. London, 1740. 4to. The Two Candidates ; or. Charge and Discharge. London, 1740. 4to. Weston, Antony, b. Staffs. ; Mat. Gloucester Hall, Ox., 30th Oct., 1618 : B.A., 15th Dec, 1618; M.A., 12th June, 1621; elected to Ch. Ch., Ox., from Westmr. Sch., 1614. [Alumni West., 83 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1G03.] Weston, Very Rev. Hugh. b. Burton Overy, Leics. : Mat. Balliol Coll.. Ox. ; B.A., 1530 ; Fellow, Lincoln Coll., 1530; Proctor, 1537; Rector of Lincoln Coll., 8th Jan.. 1538 — Aug., 1558 ; B.D., 1539 ; D.D., 1540 ; Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 1540 ; Rector of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, London, 19th May, 1543 ; Archd. of Cornwall, 17th Oct., 1547 ; Dean of Westminster, 18th Sept., 1553 ; Prolocutor of Convocation ; Archd. of Colchester, 22nd June, 1554 ; Rector of Cliffe, Kent, 2nd April, 1554 : exchanged Deanery of Westminster for that of Windsor and Wol» verlianipton, 1556 ; deprived by Cardinal Wolsey for adultery, 10th Dec, 1557 ; appealed to Rome, but whilst leaving England he was arrested and sent to the Tower, where he remained until the accession of Queen Elizabeth ; (/., Fleet Street, London, 8th Dec, 1558 ; bur. same day at the Savoy. His Disputations with Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer (1554) as also some Prayers by him, are in print. Oratio coram patiibus et clero Prabitoo, 16th Oct., 1556. [Bodl. Lib.. 815, 326 : 8-M), 615 : Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I., 29.') : Machyn's Diary ; Gough's General Index ; Le Neve's Fasti ; Strype's Aniials: Rymer's Ftedera, XV., 381 ; Dr. Lamb's Camb. Doc, 175 ;' Alumni West., 5 : Tanner's Bibl. Brit. ; Herbert's Ames, 788, 828, 1794 ; WESTON (504) WETENJIALL Cooper's Ath. CVintab., I., 187, 1«8 ; Oliver's Collegiate Ch. of Wolverhampton, 71 ; Trin. Eec. 3 et Phil, et Mar. Rot., 0-2.] Weston, Sir James, b. Staff.^^., 157?) ; Mat. Cli. Ch., 0.x. , 80tli Oct., 1590 ; Barrister-at- Law, Inner TenipK IC.UII ; Bencher, IGIO: Serjcant-at-Law, I'Jth March, Kj^l : Baron of the E-vcliecjiU'r. Kith, and Knighted tlie l^lst, May, 1G;31 ; d., Inner Temple, 1034. [Bocil. Lib.. Soo, 111 : Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E..S.. IV., 1603.J Weston, Rev. John. b. Weeford : s. of Rohert Weston, D.C.L. \_see'\ ; Student. Ch. Ch., 0.x.; B.A., :i7tii Feb.. 1572 ; M.A., 17th May, 1575 ; B. and D.C.L., 14th July, 1590 ; Canon, 1591 ; Treasurer; probalily Rector of Snitterton, Nm-f., 1578 — 82 ; m. Anne, dau. of John P'reenian ; '/. -'Oth July, 1632 ; Inir. Oxford Cathedral. Will proved at Oxford, 25th July, 1032. [Land.9. MS., OSi. i. 17-1 ; Foster's Alumui Oxon., E.S., IV., 1604 ; Harwood's Erdeswicke, lli.i.J Weston, Rev. John. B.A., llth July, 1572; M.A., Uith May, 1575 ; incorporated Cam. Univ., 1580 ; probably Rector of Stoke, 1G04 —18 ; of Checkley, IGIO— 20. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1604.1 Weston, Ralph, b. Ridgeley (Rugeley), IGll ; *. of Richard W^eston : Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 22nd Oct., 1630; B.A., 6th Dec, 1G30 ; M.A., St. John's Coll., 1st July, 1633 ; Student, Inner Temple, 1628. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 160-1.] Weston, Sir Richard, b. Staffs., 1579 ; •*. of Ralph Weston ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 14th Oct., 1596 : Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1GU7 ; Bencher, 1G26 ; M.P., Lichfield, 1622 — 23 ; Stafford, April— May, 164(1 ; Judge on W'elsh Circuit, 1632 ; Serjeant-at-Law, 25th Feh.. 1633 ; Baron of Exchequer, 1()34 till disalileil, Oct., 1(145, by reason of his defence of sliip money ; Knighted, 7th Dec, 1635; in. xViine, '/ Wood's Fasti, I., l.il i Harwood's Lichfield. liU, Weston-undeb-Lvziard. [Bodl. Lib., S53, 8.] Westwooo, Henry Samuel, b. Handsworth, 1808 ; s. .>f Henry Westwood, Esq. ; Mat. j Wore. Coll., Ox., 19th Oct., 1886. i [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., I.'>:t0.] Westwood, Thomas. 1 The t;hronicle of the Complete Anglm- of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Being ;i Bibliographical Record of j its various Phase? and Mutations. Ltmilon : Willis and Sotliernn. 1SU4. 4to., pp. xv., 64. Bibliotheca Pisratoria. A Catalogue of Books on Angling . . . Walton, i-c. By T. Westwood and T. Satchell. Loniloii : IT. Satc/iell. ISS.I. Svo.. pp. xxvi.. Lincoln Coll., Ox., Vicar of Brereton, Wetherall, Rev. Edward. B.A., 1832; M.A., 1835 184(1. Psalms and Hymns. Wetenhall (Wettenhall, Wythenall, or Wyth- j nail), Rt. Rev. Edward. 6. Lichfield [Harwood] ! or Tixall [Clifford], 7th Oct., 163(1 ; eihicated Westmr. Sch. ; adiii. Trin. Coll., Cam., 1656 ; I B.A., 1659 ; Chp. Lincoln Coll. ; in- i corporated Ox. L'niv., 18tli June, 1061 ; M.A., i l(Jth July, 1661 ; B.D., 25th July, 1609 ; i Minister of Coombe-Longa, Oxon. ; School- master at Exeter and Dublin ; Curate of St. Werburgh's and Chanter of Ch. Ch., Dublin ; D.D., Dublin, 1072 ; Fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin ; Curate of St. Alban's, Herts., 1661 ; Minor Canon of E.xeter, 1661 ; Master of High Sch., Exeter ; of Public Sch., Exeter ; Bp of Cork and Ross, 23rd March, 1678—99; of Kilmore and Ardagh, 13th April, 1699, to death ; m. (2) Piiilippa, dun. of Sir W. D'Oyley, Bart.: 'I. 12th Nov., 1713; bur. Westmr. Abbey, in the South Cross, 18th Nov. Sermon against Xeutrality . . . Lotidoii, 166.3. 4to. A Method and Order for Private Devotion. London. ' 1666. 12mo. Miserere Cleri ; a Sermon in Exeter Cathedral on the Miseries of the Clergy. Lomloii, 166S. 4to. WETTOX (505 ) WIIELEU Collvriam. A Sermon of Destructive Ignorance and Saving Knowledge. London^ 1G72. -Ito. The Catechism of the Church of England, with Mar- ginal Notes. Loiiiloi), 167S. 8vo. Of Gifts and Offices in the Public Worship of God. Dublin. 1(178. «vo. The Protestant Peacemaker. Lomlon. 1GS2. -(to. A .Judgment of the Comet, which became first generally visible at Dublin, Dec. l.Sth. 1(;»0. Jhiblin, 16S2. 8vo. Hexa|da .Tacobasa, a speciuien of loj-alty towards liis present Majesty, James II. In six pieces. By an Irish Protestant Bishop. Dublin, IGSG. 8vo., pp. 31, 3,5, 31, 1(7, 33. 42. I^crijiture Aiithentick and Faith Certain. A Discourse. Loufhiii, IGHG. 8vo. All Earnest and Compassionate Suit for forbearance to the learned Writer of some Controversies at present. London^ IGOl. 4to, A Letter to a Friend, occasioned by the Surrender of Mons. London, IG'Jl. -Ito. [Ascribed to Wcteuball ] The Case of the Irish Protestants in relation to Recognizing or Swearing Allegiance to, and Pr.aying for King William and Queen Marv, Stated and Resolved. Dublin. 1002. 4to. [AttributeJ to Wetcnliall.] A Sermon setting forth the Duties of the Irish Protestants. Dublin, IGOl. 4to. The Anti-apology of the Melancholy Stander-by, in answer to the Dein of St. Paul's apology, in writing against Socinianism. London, 1G03. 4to. " Be ye also ready." A Method and Order of Practice to be always Readv for Death and Judgment. [Anon.] London. 1G04. 8vo" The testimonv of the Bishop of Cork as to a Paper entitled Gospel Truths held, &c., by th3 People called Quakers ; and delivered to him by an eminent Member of them, Cork, July the 2nd, ICSS. [A copy of the above in the following :— ] A Defence of a Paper Intituled, Gospel Truths, against the Exceptions of the Bishop of Cork's Testimony. By W. Peun. London : Piind-d by T. Soule. IGOS. sm. 8vo., pp. 128. 2nd edition, printed in the year IGOS. sm. 8vo., pp. 134. [To tliis a reply was is.suefl as follows : — ] A Brief and Modest Reply to Mr. Penn's Tedious, Scurrilous, and riu'hri^tiaii Defence against the Bishop of Cork, itc. Printed October, IGOO. [Copy in a rejoinder as follows :— ] Thos. Wight's (of Cork) and Nich. Harris's Truth further Defended, and William Penn Tindicitei : being a Rejoinder to a Book Entltuled, A Brief and Modest Reply to Mr. Penn's Tedious, Scurrilous, and Unchristian Defence against the Bishop of Cork. Wherein that Author's Un- fairness is Detected, his Arguments and Objections are Answered. By T. W. & N. H. Printed in the year 1700. 8vo., pp. 1!12. Two Sermons preached to the Religious Societies in St. Michael's Church, Dublin. Dublin, 1701. 8yo. Invisibilia. A Discoursed Opening and Demonstrat- ing the Chosen World. A Sermon. LJublin 170.5. 8vo. A View of our Lord's Passion. With Meditation. London, 1710. 8vo. A Latin Graminar. The tenth satire of Juvenal translated in Pindaric Verse, by a person sometime fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. ■ Grascae Granimaticie Institutio. London, 1739. Funerril Sermon on James Bonnell. [Hamilton's Life of Bonnell.] [Harwood's Lichfield. 441! ; Alumni Westminster, 14.i : Lansd. MS.. 987 f. 3.-ili ; Hearne's Works, IT., 211 : Bliss's Wood's Ath. O.xon., IV.. :>&1 ; Foster's Alumni 0.\on., E.S., IV., KKI.t; Clitt'urd's Tl.\all ; Harris's Ware's Ireland; Chalmers's Diet.. XXXI., 320—22 ; Chester's Westmr. Abbey Reg.. 278 ; Cat. Trin. Coll. Lib.. Dublin ; Cotton's Fasti Eccl. Hibernia.] Wettox, Eli/.ah'tli. Linon ami Woollou Draper, Letterpress Printer, and Upholsterer, Uttoxoter. [Parson and Bagshaw's Directory (1818).] Whali.ev, Rev. tJohn. b. London, 17G1 ; .-■. of Daniel Whalley ; JIat. Exeter Coll., Ox.. 14th July, 1780; Exhiliitioner, 1780 ; B.A., 1784 ; M.A., 1788 ; Vicar of Rusiiail, 1807, to death ; fl. 12th July, 1839. [Exeter Coll. Reg., U(i ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., 1531.] Wharton, Piryan. b. Ashley, 1737: *'. of Theophilus Wliarton ; Mat. Exet«r Coll., Ox., 7th March, 172G ; B.A., 172'J. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., Ii>;i2.] Whauton, (Japt., alias Geo. Lamhert. Poetical Note to A.shmo!e [Bodl. Lib., 4^J, II. (Ill), 278]. Whatelev, George, h. Walsall, 1809 : k. of Rev. John Clements Whateley [««■<;] : Mat. Wore. Coll., 0.\., 14th June, 1«27. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1532.] Whatelev, John, Surgeon, Burton. An Account of Co^v Vaccine or Kine Pox. Reprinted from the Derbi/ .\fercury (loth Dec, 1800 j. Burton-on- Trent, 1800. 8vo. Whatelev, Rev. Joiin Clcnioiiis. h. Walsall, 1777 ; s. of Henry Whateley : Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., Kuh May, 1791; : B.A., ISilO : one of the Less"es of Walsall Racecourse : tlirn of Bireh-hill [sef deed dated 1811, printed in Pearce's Walsall] ; afterwards of Bloxwieli ; d. Jan., 1K4S. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1532 ; Pearce's Walsall.] Whatelev, John Clements, b. Bloxwieh, 1804; s. of Rev. .John Clements Whatelev. B.A. [«^e] ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 14tii June, 1823; Scholar, 1823—31; B.A., 1«27. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., IV., 1532.] Whatelev, Mary. m. Rev. John Darwall [«««]. Original Poems. London. 17G4. 8vo. [I hare two copies, one with ami one without the List of Subscribers.] [See Darwall (Mrs.).] Whattox, W. R. Manchester. On the Etymology of Lichfield. [GeiK.'s .1/07. (1818), 513— 11;.] Whrati.ev, William Amory. b. Stone, 1788 ; .--. of IIu:,'li Wheatley ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., Kith Oct., I8i)(; ; B.A., 1810 ; M.A., 1814 ; Bari'ister-at-Iiaw, Lincoln's Inn, 1815 ; (/., Boulogne, Sept., 1833. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1532.] Wheler, Sir Francis, Bart. b. Crakemarsh Hall, Uttoxeter, 1801 : s. of Sir Trevor Wheler, 7tli Bart. ; educated Rugby ; entered tlie Bengal Army, 1818 ; Captain Commanding 7th Irregular Bengal Cavalry, 1841 ; Major and Lieut.-Colonel 2nd Bengal Cavalrv. lS."i2; transferred to 1st European Light Cavalry, 1854; Brigadier in Oude. 185(1 : Brigadier in Command of Sangur District, 1857 ; Major- General and to Command Meerut Division of Bengal Army, 18(11 ; C.B., 18(12 ; retired from Army, 18('>7: Lieut. -General, 1870 ; succeeded his brother as lOih Bart., 1869 ; m.(l). 1827, Caroline, daii. of Rev. C. Palmer, (2) 1842, 3-0 WJIELEK (506) WHISTON Elizaheth, /laii. of William Bishop, Esq., of Grey's Wood, Surrey ; '/. 4th April, 1878. [Rugby Register; Baronetage by Debrett, and Dod ; Records of Rugbeians, 3!).] Wheleu, Rev. Thomas. A faithful relation of the proceedings of the Catholic gentlemen with the Boy of Bilson ; Shewing how they found him, on what terms tbey meddled with him, how farre they proceeded with him and in what case, and tor what cause thev left to deale further with him. London, 162(1. 4to. [No copy known.] Whf.lpdale. Rev. John. Preb. of Longdon, LichHckl, 2-2iid S.'id., Uo-t— .J8 ; Clip, to Henry VI.; Preli. of Tervin, Lichfield, l'4tli Oct.,"U.58, to death : d. 17th Maivh, US'J. [Harwood's Lichfield, 221, 23U.1 WiiinBonxE, Rev. George Ferris, b. Ne«toii- Abliott, Devon., 1«10 ; «. of George Ferris Whidhorne, Esq. ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 3utli Jan., 1828 ; B.A., 1832 ; M.A.. 1844 ; Curate of Cliarle?, Plymouth, 18?,2— :U : P.C. of ditto, is;i0 — 4(i : of Ch. Cli., Plymouth, 184(;— 49 : of Hanley, Staffs., 184',), to death; d. 19th June, 1809. " [Foster's Alumni Oson., IV., 153.5.] Whiddon, Veil. Oliver. B.A., 4th Feb., 15(il ; M.A., 8ili May, l.'ifi:! ; Fellow, E.xeter Coll., Ox., Oct. and Nov., 1573 ; Rector of North Bovev, 15()2: of Combenteignhead, 1572 : and of Haccombe, (all) Devon., 1575 ; Canon of Exeter, 15G7 ; Archdn. of Totnes, l."i08 ; Rector of Yoxall ; Will proved lOtli Dec., 1580. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1670 ; Wood's Fasti, I., 162 ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I., 483 ; Boase's Exeter Coll., 46.] ■WuiELUON, Arthur Edward, b. Colton, May, 1820 : s. of George Whieklon, Esq. ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 8th March, 1838 ; B.A., 1842 : of Wvke Hall, Dorset, and of Gwennyllt Park. " Denbigh ; J. P., Dorset; m.. 18(i2, Helena, dau. of J. Hatcliffe, Esq , of The Grange, Loyland, Lanes. [Foster's Alnmni Oxon., IV., 15.55.] Whieloox, Rev. Edward, h. Fenton Hall ; s. of Thomas Whieklon. E>q., Potter, and Sarah, dau. of John Turner, Esq., his wife ; Mat. Clare Hall, Cam., 1«10 ; Curate of Arley, 1810—18: of Dowles, 1818—24; P.C. of Bradley-le-Moors, 26th Feb., 1825—58 ; Rec- tor of Burslem, 1811 — 50 ; m. Mary, dau. of John Bill, E.sq., of Farley Hall ; (/.Bradley- le-Moors, 22nd July, 1859. Sermons. London : !rine Dorothea, dau. of Captain Engletield, R.N. ; d. 5th Mav, 1811. [Burke's Landed Gentry : Navy Lists.] Whitby, John. b. Great Haywood, 1716 : f. of Thomas Whitby ; Mat. Univ. Coll., O.'^., 24th March, 1730 ; of Great Haywood and Colwich ; Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple, 1742: pur- cbascd Oakedge, where he afterwards resided ; m. Anna, '/«». of William Northey, Esq., M.P., of Coiiipton Ba'ssett, Wilts, [afterwards celebrated as the " Widow of the AVood " — see Victor (B.)] ; d. 1750. [Foster's Alumni O.xon.. IV., 15'!7.] WniTitv, Rev. Thomas, b. Colwich, 1746 ; «. of John Whitby, Esq.; Mat. Tiin. Coll., Ox., 18th Jan., 1703; created M..A., 10th March, 1708; of Creswell Hall ; J.P. ; sold Haywood and Oakedge to the Hon. T. Clifford, of Tixall, and bought the remainder of Cres- well Estat3 ; m. Mabella, dfiu. of John Turton, Esq. ; d. 18th March, 1828. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 15'i7.] Whitby, William, b. Colwich, 1016 ; s. of Rev. Gilbert Whitby : Mat. Trin. Coll., 0.x., 4th Nov., 1636. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., E.S., IV.. Iiil2.] White, Rev. Darius .lames. Scholar, Queen's Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1805 ; Curate of Cam- borne, Cornwall, 1800 — 6'J ; of St. Ives, Cornwall, 180!)— 70 : of Sneyd, 1S70— 71 ; of Holy Trinity, Gainsborough, 1871 — 74 ; Vicar of West B"utterwick. Yorks., 1874—84 ; of Burgh and Pinthorpe, Lines., 1884 to date. Tracts on various Church Doctrines. Lincoln ; Williamson. Reprinted, London : Palmer. 1800. White, F. A. b. Wolverhampton : B.A. : Master of Wolverhampton Gr. Sch. The Complete Life of Homer. London : Bell if Son. 12mo., pp. 466. White, Rev. Francis I.e Grix. h. London, 1819 ; .V. of John White, Esq. ; Afat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 31st Oct., 1839: B.A„ 184S ; M.A., 1S49: F.G.S., F.R.S., E.lin.; Barrister- at-Law, Jliddle Templi', 1844 ; Curate of Betshangerand St. Clement's, Sandwich, l>i49 ; British Chj). at IvissiMigeii, 1850 — 55; Vicar of Croxtoii, 1.S57 — 09 ; Domestic Chp. to Marquis of Drogheda, 1851 ; L. Preacher, Carlisle Diocese, 1874. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV.. l.iSS.] White, Rev. George William, b. London, 1798, "of poor parents": of St. John's Coll., WillTH ( r,(i« ) WHITE HALGH Cam., 1819; M.A. ; Curate, Dailaston, 8th April, 1H2:^ ; of Bilston, 183G ; of Netlirrton ; Hector of Darlastdii, 184;! to doutli : d. 7tli Oct., 18G7. Poems. LoiiJuii, ISIS. l'2mo. White, Rev. Henry, Lichfield. Lilir.irv Catalogue, on Sale by Harding, Triijhook, it Leparcl. London, 1S'J4. 8vo. White, Rev. James. Lichfiekl Theological Coll. ; Curate of Weiiiiesbiiry, 1870—79 ; Vicar of t)aken^atef:, 1879 to date. Sabbath School Uecitana. 1863. The Seasons and Miscellaneous Poems. London, 1S73. fivo.. pp. l-_'8. -ind ed., U'ellini/ton, ISSIJ, 8vo..pp. luC. White {or Wliyte), Rt. Rev. John. h. Farn- liain, iiurrey, 1511 ; «. of Robert White, Esq.; educated Wykehaui Sch. ; Fellow, New Coll., 0\., 152;")— ;54; B.A., 13th Dec., 1529; M.A., 3(lth Jan., 1533 ; incorporated as D.D., 1st Oct., 1555 ; Rrelector, New Coll. ; Master of Wylieliam Sell., circa 1534 ; Warden, 1541 ; Rector of Clieriton, Herts., 1543 ; of Clianton, 1550: imprisoned in the Tower, 1551 ; Bp. of Lincoln, 1554 ; Preb. of Eccleshall, Lichiield, •>4th May. 1552—54 ; Bp. of Winchester, 1557, until deprived and again consigned to the Tower, 3rd April, 1559; '/., South Wemborough, Hants., 11th Jan., 1559. Diaco.sio-Martyriou, sive duceiitornm Viruvum testi- monia de veritate corporis et sanguinis Christ! in eucharistia adversus Pt^trum Martyrem. London, 1553. 4to. 1554, 4 to. Carmina in Matrimouium Philippi Regis, cum Maria Regina Aiiglicic. Sermon preached at the Funeral of Queen Mary, Dec. 13th, l.').')8. E]iigrammatum. Lib. I. [Hollingshe.ad's Chronicles, III., 11-20 ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., I.. ;tll : Lansd. MS., ftW. ffi. ai.^,;ur) ; 0. U. S., I., i:iO, :;f. Whitchurch, Cheshire (baptized Ipstones), IGl'J ; «. of Rieliard Whitehall and Elizabeth Tavler, his wife ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 9th" March, 1637 ; Student, Gray's Inn, 1G41 ; of Lockwood, Kingsley, [Gray's Inn Reg. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S.. IV., IIJI'J.] Whitehe.vb, Rev. Alexander Tlimna.*. Lich- field Tlicological Coll. ; Curate of Coseley, 1873—76 : \ir Bushbury, 187G— 77 : of S"t. Mattliow's, Walsall, ami in charge of St. Luke's Mission Ch., 1877 ; of Nortcju, Uerbvs.. 1881—84 ; of DronHeld, 1885—86 ; Clip! to North Staffs. Infirmary, Hartshill, 188G to date. A Parable for Farm Workers. Lichjifhl : .1. ('. Lomux. 18S:i. 12mo., pp. 8i. Whitehead, Rev. Henry. Senior Open Divinity Scholar and Divinity Professor's Scholar, lip. Hatheld's Hall, Dmhaiii, 18112 : Lichfield Theological Coll., 1802 ; M.A., Durham. 1SG7 : Curate of St. Paul's, Tipton, 1862-65: of St. Thomas's, Liverpool, 1865 — 67 ; in charge of Lenton, Skipton, Yorks., 1867 — 69 ; Curate of All Souls, Manchester, 18C9. The Absolution of the Church of England. 1868. SermoQ on Education. Manchater, 1870. 8vo. Sermons. [Ch. of Knyland Mag.'\ Whitehouse, Mrs. Elizabeth, Coseley. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Whitehouse. By Richard Fry. Printed by S. Basaford. Hihton. 1800. 8vo. Whitehouse, Rev. Ernest Frederic. Trin. Coll., Dublin : Curate of Netherton, Dudley, 1848 —52 : of Brierley Hill, 1854—56 : o'f Pens- nett, 1856 — 58 ; Vicar of Lache-iv.-Saltney, 1858 ; Chp. to Chester Infirmary, 1859—70. A New System of Shorthand. Lectures on Socialism. Whitehoose, Henry Bickerton. h. Sedgley, 1858 ; .«. of Henry Bickerton Whitehouse, Esq. ; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., 2iid Dec, 1877. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., l.jll.] Whitehouse, Rev. Howard Sidney Chavasse. b. Sedglev, 1864 ; s. of Henrv Bickerton White- house,* Esq. ; .Mat. Hertfo'rd Coll., Ox., 18th Oct., 1883 ; B.A., 18,s7 ; Curate of Church Stretton, Salop, 1887 — 91 ; of Hayes, Middle- sex, 1891 to date. [Foster's Alumni O.xon., IV., 1541.] Whitehouse, J., Tipton. A Few Words to Presbyterians and Independents ; with a Word of Prophesie in Ver.se. London, 1662. -Ito. Whitehodse, James, h. Sedgley, 1699 ; «. of Cornelius Whitehouse ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 13th April, 1717 ; B.A., 21st March, 1720. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., l.ill.J Whitehodse, Jeremiah, b. AVolverhampton, 1831 ; .?. of Edward Whitehouse, Esq. ; Mat. Pemb. Coli., Ox., 23rd Nov., 1849. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1511] WniTEHURST, — , Printer, Burton-on-Trent. Burton-on-Trent : Its Waters, &c. {See Jlolvneux (W.).] Whitelocke, Sir Bulstrode. b. Fleet Street, London, iith Oct., 16ii5 ; .*. of Sir James Whitelocke ; educated Merchant Taylors' Sch., 1615; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 8th Dec., 1620 ; Barrister-at-L.iw, Middle Temple, 1626 : Bencher, 1648 ; Attorney of Duchy of Lan- caster, 1644 ; member of the Assembly of Divines ; created Serjeant-at-Law by Parlia- nicMt, 1645: declared illegal, 1660; M.P., Stafford, 1626: Great Marlow, 1640—53: Bucks., 1654 — 55, 1G5G — 58; Knighted, 1659 ; Commissioner of Great Seal, 12th April, 1648; Speiker, 1656: one of Crom- well's Lords, 1657 ; First Commissioner, 1654 — 55, and 1659; Lord-Keeper, 1(;59 — 61: Constable of Windsor Forest, and High Steward and Recorder of Oxford : U.L.. Bucks, ami Oxford, 1642 ; Lieut.-Governor of Windsor Castle, 1644 ; Lord Commissioner to Sweden, 2iid Nov., 1653 ; fn. (1) Miss Bennet, of London : (2) Frances, dau. of Lord WHITGREAVE (510) WHITTINGTON Willotighby, of Parliam : (3) Mrs. Wilson ; (I. Chilton Park. Wilts., ■>M\ Jan., lOTi; : bur. Fawley, Buciedition of Brute to the Island to the end of the reign of King James the First. l^iibtUhed bi/ William Peun. Eifff. Preface by James Wellwood, M.D. Loutloii. 170D. Folio. Clareiidon and Whitelocke compared. [By John Davys. ] A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the year 1653, 1 li.') I. Written by the Amb.assador, the Lord Commi-ssioner AVhitelocke. With an Appendix of Original Papers. [Edited by Dr. Morton]. Two Volumes. London. 1772. 4to. [Foss's Judges ; Robinson, I., 88 ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon.. III.. 1042 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IV., I(i20.] Whitgbe.we, Henr_v. b. Staffs., 1562 ; .«. of Tliomas Wiiitgreave, Esq., of Bridgeford, and Dorothy {dan. of Thomas Noel, of Hilcote), his wife ; Mat. Mcrton Coll., Ox., 12th Oct., 1582. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IV., li;-2!.] Whitgreave, Robert. Grant of Arms and Crest, by Humfrey. Earl of Stafford, to Robert Whitgreave finFrench]. lath Aug., 20 Henry III. [Bodl. Lib., 858, 1 71, f. 'Si.'] WHrrGRE.\vE, Robert, h. Burton, near Stafford ; s. of Huinpbiey Whitgreave and — {dau. of — Fgerton, of Wriuehill Hall), his wife; m. Margery, daxt. of Thomas Staunford, of Rowley, near Stafford ; d. ;3rd Dec, 1552. [Burke's Landed Gentry; Harl. MS.. Xo. 14.-!9.] Whitgre.we, Thomas. 6. Moseley Hall, Wolver- hampton, 1(518 ; s. of Thomas Whitgreave, Esq., and Alice, dau. of Henry Pitt, Esq., of Bushbury ; " the preserver of Charles II." ; Barrister-at-Law ; m. Constance Degg, ividow of Whitehall Degg (only son of Sir Simon Degg, Knt.) ; d. Moseley Hall, 14th March, 1702 : bur. Bushbury Church. [This eentleman, for the part he look in preserving the King, was granted an annuity of £200 for life, which pension was continued to his son, Thomas Whitgreave, Esq., when it ceaseil ; he was also one of the persons on whom it was proposed to confer the Kniglithood of tlie Rnyal Oak. Tlie Hall was, in 1847, in the same state it wa-s when the King was hiding tliere ; bis hiding- place and the bed on which he slept arc still to be seen.] Account of the Wonderful Escape of His Sacrel Majesty King Charles II. An MS. at Burton Manor. [Printed in the Retrospeitife Hevieir. and in Hughes's Boscobel Tracts. ISSG and 1856.] Whitlocke, William. Preb. of Curborough and Canon of Lichfield, 14th March, 1560 — 83 : of Sandiacre, LichOeld, 1589—97. Chronicon Lichefeldensis Ecclesie quod ab initio rerum Britannicanum ad annum \oh'J deductum, fundationem illis docet, seriemipie regum et monumentis confutum, studio Gulielmi Whitlocke, Lichefeldensis. cmonici. [Bodl. Lib., 770 (4to). f. 1— olift : Cotton MS. ; Vesp. Ixvi., art. 2, S, 26 — 37 : one formerly in Dean Addison's possession, used by Wharton for his Anglia .Sacra.] Chronicon Lichefeldensis Ecclesia quod e vetustis monumentis ac libris congessit Guil. Whitlock. [Bodl. Lib.. S65. 11, f. 277— :i47.] [Harwood's Lichfield. 223, 24ti.] Whitmobe, Rev. Francis, h. Madeley ; s. nl Thomas Whitmore ; Scholar, Balliol Coll., O.x., 1573; B.A.. l^th June, 1575 ; Fellow, 1576 —81 ; M.A.. lUh July, 1579 : Rector of Bingham, Notts., 1581 : of Kirby-Wiske, Yorks., 1582; Vicar of Chesterton', Wilts., 1581; Canon of Southwell, 1589- ;)8 ; Will dated 10th March, 1597: proved 11th :\Iar, 1598. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV.. Ii;22.] Whitmore, Rev. .John. /;. Staffs., 1696 ; s. of John Wiiitinore ; Mat. Balliol Coll., O.v., 14th Jan., 1713; B. A. ,1717; M. A., 1720 ; Rector of Fenny Compton, Warws., 1727; of licch- lade, Gloucs., 1738. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV.. Ili22.] Whitmore, Rev. Peter, h. Staffs., 1566 ; .«. of Thomas Whitmore ; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 14th Jan., 15S3 ; B.A., 9ih Feb., 1584; Vicar of Outon, Notts., 1589 ; Will dated 16th Jan., 1608: proved 9th Dec. 1614. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1622.] Whitmore, William Woliych. /;. Dudniaston, Salop, 1787 ; «. of William Whitmore, Esq., and Fiances, dau. of John Lister, Esq., his 2nd wife ; M.P., Wolverhampton ; m., 29th Jan., 1810, Lady Lucy Elizabeth Georgiaua, dim. of Orlando, 1st Earl ni Bradford; d. 1858. Speech in the House of Commons, anil Letters to the Electors of Bridgenorth. London. 1825. 8vo. Speech on the Tr.ida with the West Indies and China. London. 1S20. 8vo. Letter to the -igricultnrists of the County of Salop. XjOndon. 1S41. 12mo. Second Letter to the Agriculturists of the County of Salop. London. 1841. 8vo. A Speech, the substance of which was delivered at the Public Dinner given to W. W. Wliitmore, Esq., M.P., at Wolverhampton. With Prefatory Remarks. By the Rev. C. Thompson. Wolverhampton : Smart (^* Parke. 1833. 8vo., pp. 8. A Letter on the Corn Laws to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. London. 1839. 8vo.. pp. 22. A Second Letter. London, 1830. 8vo., pp. 36. Whitt.\ker, Joseph, Wolverhampton. Poems. Wolverhampton, 1802. 8vo.. pp. 96. Whittingham, John. /). Staffs. ; s. of Eihvard Wtiittinghani, Farmer ; educated Manchester Gr. Sch,'^ 4tli Julv, 174(1 ; Mat. St. Edmund Hall, Ox., 11th Dec, 1745 ; M.A., 1748. [Man. Gr. Scb. Reg., I., 12.] Whittinotox. [Bodl. Lib.. 864, i<, 31.] Whittingtos, Rev. Grey. Preb. of Longdon, Lichfield, Nov., 1501. [Harwood's Lichfield. 236.] Whittikgtox, Wiivttvsuon', or WyNTYNUOy, Robert, b. Lichfield rirr.i 1480 ; educated Lichfield Gr. Sch. ; Magd. Hall Sch., under John Stanbridge ; Clip, and B.A. of Ox. Univ., 4th July, 1513 ; Laureated ; taught a Gr. Sch. in London, 15nl ; probably Master Lichfield Gr. Sch. ; after 14 years' study at Lichfield was made Doctor of Grammar and Rhetoric, 1513, and was the last who bore that title ; was living in 1530. Whittyntoni Editio cum interpretamente F. Xigri diomedes de accentu inpedestri ovatiae polins soluta WHlITlNaiON (511) WHITWOUTH observandae. Impressa Wynandum de WorJe in vico rulga- ritn nun cnpato (the Fleteftrete) ad sif/nam gods commotan- tnm. Anno poxt Virr/inium . . . partum xiii. supra sesqaimille./e or payination. Ditto, In edibus Winaudi de Woj'de, Londini, 1525, 4to., 28 leaves. Signatiues A — E, B.L. [Declinationes nominum] Editio Roberti Whittintoni liclifeldiensis gramm:itices . . . Declinationes norim ta latinorum . . grecoriim patronymicoru Ascensioamusation coUecte cu commentario interliniari dictionu interpreta- tiuncuUis. In quib' servatur mediaru suplabariim productio abbreviatio Per Wynandu de worde. London, 151G. 4to. Ditto, 1517. Ito., 14 leaves, B.L., no payination. Ditto, 1510, B.L.. 14 leaves. Ditto. Per wynandum de worde, London, n.d. (1520). 4to., 14 leaves, B.L. Ditto, Editio R. Whittintoni, Per Wynadum de Worde, Londini, 1521, 4to., B.L., 14 leaves (title-page has a wood-cut border). Ditto, GrammaticEe Whilintonianje Liber secundus de nominum declinatione, In tedibus Winandi de Worde, Londini, 1523, B.L., 4to., 14 leaves, signatures ,\ — c. Ditto, In edibus Winandi de Worde, Londini, 1525, 4to.. B.L.. 14 leaves. Ditto, ib., 1527, Aio. Ditto, 1520, \U). Ditto, In eedibus R. Pysonis, Londini: Chribti ab incaruationes anno 25 supra sesqui- milienium. n.d. (1535), 4to., B.L., 14 leaves. Ditto. Impressum ditiyentuqz correctum per me P. Treveris (Southwark, 1533), 4to., B L., 20 leaves, printer's device on last leaf. R. Whittintoni . . . de octo partib' orationis opu-rculum . . . de novo recognitum . . . Londini, 1513, 4to. Ditto, per Richard Pynson. 151S, 4to., 28 leaves. Per Winadum de Worde. Londini. 1510, 4to., 14 leaves. B.L., signatures A — c, no payination. Ditto. In edibus Winandi de Worde. Londini. 1521, 4to., 14 leaves. Ditto, //( .Kdibus R. Pynson, 1522. 4to., 14 leaves. Ditto, io^.3, 4to.. B.L., 14 leaves. Ditto, Impressus per me Wynandu de worde, Lo'dini. n.d. (1525), 4to., 14 leaves, B.L. Ditto, Impressum diltyenterrjz enucleatitm per me Petrum Treceris Houthuark, 1530), 4to.. B.L., 14 leaves, ornamental border. W. de Worde Mensi Octobis, 1531. 4to., 14 leaves. Ditto, Londini, In tedibus Winandi de Worde triyesino tertio supra sestjuimiffe.^imum no.- le;ives. De heteroclytis nominibus. Editio R. Whitintoni . . de heteroclytis noibus et gradibus co'parationes. Ayud wynadn de worde. Londini, 1520. 4to., 10 leaves. Signa- tures A — B. Syntaxis . . . R. Whitintoni Lichfeldiensis , . Opusculu deSyntaxisiveconstructione recensitu xxi. supra ses leaves; eugraveil border to title-page. Signatures a — I, B.L. Ditto. In adibus Winandi Wordensis, Londinii, 1524, 4to., H4 leaves. B.L. Ditto, In edibus Winandi de Worde, Londini, 1525, 4to., 34 leaves, B.L. In csdibus Winandi Wordensis, Ojndini (1527), 4to., 33 leaves, B.L., Ditto, Londini, in tpdihus Winandi Wordensis, Christi ab incarnatione anno xxxiij. supra sesquimillesimum (1533). 4to., 34 leaves. Grammatices Primjc partis Liber primus Roberti W. L. L. nuperime recognitus. De nominum generibus . . A"x typis Winandi Wordensis. viyesimo primo cerbi in- carnati supra sesf/uimiliesimum anno Pridie Xomas Februa [London, 4th Feb.. 1521 (O.S.).] 4 to., 13 leaves. Ditto. ib., Pridie Id' Octobi [London, 14th Oct.. 1521], 4to., V\ leaves. Ditto, Fx typis Winandi de Worden (London) 1524. 4to., 14 leaves. Ditto, Per me Petrum Trereris, in suburbia Londoniensi vulyariter. South wtrke nuncupato, (1530) 4to., 1*J leaves [the text differs considerably from any other edition]. Ditto. Impressum per me Petrum Treveris (Southward, 1530) 4to., 14 leaves. Ditto, Ex typis Winandi Wordensis (London) triyesimo quarto verbi incarnati supra sesquimillesimum anno (1534), 4to.. Iti leaves. R. Whitintoni L. Secunda grammatice pars de syllabu quantitate accetu (f. m. Diomedum grammaticum, cum interpretameto F. nigri) &. variis metrasu generibus, nuprime recesitu . . . adjectes coplusculis . . In (edibus Winadi de Worden, Londini. ctcesimo primo supra sesquimillesimn. nostrae salutis anno (1521) 4to., TtJ leaves. Ditto, In edibus Winandi de Worden, Lo'dini. 1524, 4tO., 2 parts. Ditto. In officina Petre Trereris, Londinis (1530). '2 parts, 4to., 82 leaves, Yerboru praeterita *k supina. Grammaticae Prima Pars. R. Whitintoni, L. L. nuprime recesita. Liber quintus De Verborum practentis et .supinis eu omenti necnon interliniari dictionu interpretatioue (Liber Seitas, de Verborum Formes de defeclivis et anomalis . . . ) In edib' Winadi de Worde, Lft'dini, 1521. 4to-. 20 leaves : signatures a — D, B.L. Ditto. In edibus Wina'di de Worde, Lo'dini, xxi. supra sesquimillesimum nostre redemptionis anno {1521), 4to.. 2o leaves. Diito, In edib' Winadi de Worde, Lo'dini, xxvj. supra sejrquimUlesimu nostri re- deptioris anno {1526 t-ito., 20 leaves ; signatures A — D, B.L. Ditto, in edib' Winadi de Worde, Lo'dini, 1524, 4to., 20 leaves, B.L. Ditto, In Edib' Winadi de Worde, Lo\Iini, xxix. supra sesqu'imillesimu nostre redeptiois (1520), 4to., 20 leaves, B.L. Vulgaria R. Whitintoni , . . et de institutione grammaticulorum opusculum ; libello suo de concinnitate grammatices accomodatu ; . . in quattuor partes diges- tum. Londini i edibus Winandi de Worde, sjl\. supra ses- quimillesimum nostre salutis anno {1521), 4to., 44 leaves (preceded by one. and followed by three, unnumbered) ; register a — k alteruatel}' in fours and in sixes ; title-page woodcut border. Ditto, In edibus Winandi de Worde, Londini, 1525. 4tc. Ditto, Ex caleographia R. Pynsonis, Londini, 1525, 4to. (date on colophon is la2ti). De heteroclitis Nominibus, Grammaticae Whitintoni- an« Liber tutius de nominum heteroclitusi in edibus Winandi de Worde. Londini, 1524, 4to.. 8 leaves. B.L.; signatures a, b. no payination. Ditto. Apud praelnm . . Winandi de Worde, Londini, 1527. 4to., 8 leaves. B.L. Ditto, Per me R. Pynson, Londini, 1527, 4to., 10 leaves, B.L. Ditto, Impressum per me Petrum Trecerris, n. p.. pi . or d. (Southwark; 1530). 4to., 8 leiives, b.l. Ditto! ib. (Southwark, 1530), 4to.. 20 leaves, B.L. Ditto, Impressum per me Winadum de Worde, anno ab incarnatione domini 1533. 4to., 20 leaves ; signatures A — E. [In this last edition Whittingtv^n complains about P. Treveris priutiog his grammars in a bad mauuer and spoiling them.] Verborum praeterita & supina; Grammatics prima pars R. Whitintoni L. L., nuperrime recessita . . liber quintas . . . (Liber sextus de verboru formis . . .t n. p., pi., or d. (P. Trereris, Southwark, 1530). 4to., 2»i leaves. B.L. Liber quintas prima; partis grammaticie Whitintoniante de verborum pneteritis, (Liber sextus i Lo'dini in cedib' Winadi de Worde, xxxij. supra sesqui mtllesimu nogtrtv redemptionis anno {1533), 4to., 20 leaves, r.l. Grammatice prima pars R. Witinlor, L. L. Noriiu diligeuter recensita. Liber ipiintus . . . (Liber sextus) n. p.. pi., or d. (Peter Treceris, .^outhwark, 1535). 4to.. 2lt leaves. Whitworth, CImrles. b. Blowerpipe : s. of Richard Wliitworth, Esq. (afterwards of Ad- baston), and Anne {dau. of Sir Oswald Moslev, Bart.), bis wife ; educated under tbe Rev. Mr. Stepney ; resident at tbe Diet of Ratisbon, 17U2 ; Envoy E.\.traordinary to WHITWOUTH (r.i->) WIG AN Russia, 170-1, and again in 1710; Plenipo- tentiary to Diet (if Augsburg, 1714; Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Prussia, 1710 ; to tlie Hagne, 1717 ; returned to Berlin, 1710 ; created Baron Wlntwortli of Galway, 1721 ; Ambassador Extraordinary to the Congress of Canibray, 1722 ; returned home in 1724 ; d., Gerard Street, London, 1725. An Account of Russia as it was in the year 1710. Edited by Lord Orfovd. Stniwbern/ Hill Press, 1768. 4to. ■[From Wbitwortli Papers.] Lord Whitworth left numerous State Papers and MS., mounted, in Volumes, which were at Knowle Parle. Whitworth, Charle?. b. Laybourne Grove, Kent, 1754 ; s. of Sir Charles Whitworth ; educated Tunbridge Gr. Soh. ; held a com- mission in the Guards ; Minister Plenipoten- tiary to Poland, 1786 — 88 ; Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Sept., 1788 ; Military Order of Bath, 1793 ; Minister Plenipotentiary to Denmark, 1800 ; created Baron Whitworth of Newport-Pratt in the Peerage of Ireland, 21st March, 1800 ; Am- bassador Extraordinary to France, 1802 — 13th May, 180:! ; a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1813 ; created Viscount Whitworth of Adbaston in the Peerage of England, 1812 ; P.C, 1813 ; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1813 — 17 ; Grand Master of the Order of St. Patrick ; Lord of Trades and Plantations ; High Steward of Stratford-on-Avon ; Lieut.-General in the Army ; G.C.B., D.C.L. ; 7n., 7th April, 1801, Arabella Diana, Duchess of Dorset, relict of Frederick, 3rd Duke of Dorset, and f/aii. of Sir Charles Cope, Bart., of Orton Longue- ville ; Earl Whitworth, 3()th Sept., 1815 ;" d., Knowle I'ark, Kent, 13th May, 1825. Lord Whitworth's De.spatches have been printed. [Ainiiial Rfij. (182.")) ; Gorton's Biog. Diet., III.] Whitwokth, Joseph. Letter to Jlr. .loseph Whitworth, of Abbott's Bromley, from Mr. Ludovick Muggleton, bearing date, May '10th, 101)5. [Spiritual Epistles; reprinted ife/i^.. V., Kill.] Whitworth, Richard. Blowerpipe and Ad- baston. Advantages of Inland Navigation. Loiuloii, I'GG. I'Jmo. ; portrait of the Duke of Bridgewater, and Plan of Canal between Burton, Liverpool, and Hull. Whorwood. Pedigrees, &c. [Shaw's Staffs., II., 12i)— 32, 2(i.i, 27(i, 278 : Harwood's Erdeswicke (1820), 27G, 278, 282. 283, 289, .-U3 : (1844) 12li. 377, 379, 381)— 88, 39.t, 3114, 415, 423, 424 ; Willett's West Bromwich, App. No. 4.] Whorwood, John. b. Stourton Castle, 1591 ; s. of Gerrard Whorwood ; Mat. Lincoln Coll., Ox., 30th Jan., 1608 ; Student Gray's Lin, 1612 ; living in 1641. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S.. IT.. 1G25 ; Scott's Stourbridge, 177 ; Harwood's Erdeswicke (1844), 377.] Whorwood, William, b. Sandwell Abbey, West Bromwich, 158IJ ; Mat. Gloucester Hall, 10th Jul)', 1601 ; Student Inner Temple, 1609; d., London, 1st July, 1614. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S,, IV., 1625.] Whorwood, William, h. Stafls., 15S7 ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 25th Feb., lOOl ; B.A., Gloucester Hall, 13th July, l(;0.s. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV„ li;2.") ; Willett's West Bromwich, 157.] Whvlkv, W^illiam. b. West Hronnvieh, 1785; g. of William Whvley : Mat. St. Edmund Hall, Ox., 4th Nov.,"l«00. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., lA'., 1517.] WiCKENs, ,Iames. Churchwarden of St. Marv'n, Lichfield. An Address to the Gentlemen and lidi.ibitants of the City of Lichlield. WiCKES, Rev. John Wight. //. London, 1768 ; s. of Thomas Croome Wickes, M.D. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 8th Dee., 1 7.S4 ; H.A., Pembroke Coll., Ox.. 179S ; M.A., 1792; Rector of Wardley-cum-Beltoji, Rutland : of Bur.^lem, 1809—11 ; (/. 181 L [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV., 1517; Hutchinson's Stoke, 124.] WiCKii.vji, Right Rev. William. /;. I'^nlield, Middlesex ; .«. of John Wiekham : educated Eton ; Scholar of King's Coll., C'ain., 18th Sept., 15.")(;: Fellow, lOtli Sept., 1559 ; B.A., 1560 : ]\LA., 1564 ; Fellow of Eton, 1568 ; Canon of Westminster, 11th Aug., 1570; B.D., 1569; Vice-Provost of Eton, 1570; Canon of Windsor, 22nd June, 1571 ; Royal Chp., 1574 ; Dean of Lincoln, 1577 ; Preli. of Eccleshall, Lichfield, 2nd Sept., 1579—81 ; Bp. of Lincoln, 20th Nov., I,")M4 ; preached sermon at the funeral of Mary Queen of Scots, at Peterborough, 1st Aug., 1587; Bp. of Winchester, 22nd P'eb., 1594 ; d. at Ids Palace, Sontbwnrk, 12lh June, 1595 ; hiir. St. Mary Overies, London. Interpretation of a Statute of Balliol (.'ollege. circa 1584 [Statutes of Balliol Coll., Ox, (1853), p. 29] ; Inter- pretation of some doubts in the Statutes of King's Coll., Cam,. 29th Nov.. 1591 [Haywood & Wright's L;iws of King's and Eton Colleges, 27li — 75]. Letters in MS. ; some printed. WicKsTED, Charles, b. St. Margaret's, We.-t- minster, Oct., 1796; g. of George Tollett, Esq., and Frances, (Inn. of William Jolliffe, E-sq., of Hull ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 27th Oct., 1815 ; of Betley Hall ; High Sheriff of Ches- hire, 1822 ; assumed, by .sign manual, surname and arms of Wicksted, 25tli March, 1814; d. 4th June, 1870. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1519. ] Wicksted, George Edmund. b. I'.etley Hall, 1836 ; .'. of Charles Wicksted, Esq. [«cej ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 8th June, 1S54; B.A., 1858; of Betley Hall ; Barrister-at-Law, Lin coin's Inn, 1863 ; J. P. Staffs. Portrait and Notice. [Baib/'s Maq. (Dec, 1883). pp. 311 — 12.] WiGAN, Rev. Septimus. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A,, 1856; M.A., 1859; Curate of St. Mary's, Dover, 1856—59 : Ticehurst, 1S59— 01 ; P.C. of Frim.', Norfolk, 1861—66 : Chp. WIGGINGTON (513) WILBKAHAIil to Almshouses, Faversham, Kent, 1800 — 1>7 ; Vicar of Ch. Cli., Tettenhall Woixl, l.Si;7— 74 ; Curate-in-cliarge of Holy Trinity, New Hythe, Kent, 1874—76 ; Viear of East Mailing, Kent, 1876 to date. Election : its Nature and Consequencei. Ticehursl, 1860. 8to. WiGGINIiTON. Minor [Boll. Lib., 85.9, Hi— Tab]. Linds at [ib., *55, 171j. WioHT.MAN, Edward. The proceed [inffi a]t Lichfield, in 7 court daye.^ [against] Edward W'ightman, iu case of b[lasphemy. and] heresie ; before Richard [Nich.l Bishop of Lichfield, in his Consistory Court, on the I'Jth, 'iiith, and 2'Jth of November, and the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of Uecember, Hill. [Bodl. Lib.. 1521, f. la, 1—43, (Probably oifice copy.)] [Crosby's English Baptists (1738), I., 1C8— 9 ; App. 1—7 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 304, 30.5.] WlGiiTWicK {or Wiglitwifke), Alexander, h. Wightwick, VVolvi-rhampton, 15H7 ; s. of Francis Wigbtwiolc and Margaret (jlaii. of IMatthew Moreton, Esq., of Engleton), his wife ; Mat. Oriel Coll.. Ox., 12th Oct., 1604 ; Student Inner Temple, 1610; m. (1) Anna, dan. of John Hunt, Esq., of Shrew.shury, (2) Alicia, dau. of John Lane, Esq., of Bentley ; d. 1660. [Inns of Court Reg. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1628.] Wightwick, Francis. J. Wightwick, 1618; s. of Alexander Wightwick \_see'\ ; Mat. Pem- broke Coll., Ox., 10th Oct., 16:54 ; Barrister- at-Law, Inner Temple, 1646 ; of Wightwick and Tunstall, Staft's.; m. Eliza, d((ti. of Richard Pyott, of Streethay ; d. 1692. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1028.] Wightwick, Francis. li. Tunstall, 1654; s. of Francis Wightwick [sec] and Eliza Pyott, his wife ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 8th July, 1670 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Walter Fowler, of Pen- deford. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., 11128.] Wightwick, Francis, b. Wightwick, 1683 ; s. of Francis Wightwick [««, 1654] and Eliza- beth Fowler, his wife ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 31st May, 1700. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1G28.] Wif.iiTWicK, Rev. George. Created B.U., 20lh Doc, 1642 ; Fellow, Pembroke Coll., Ox., 1644 ; of PatsluiU ; Will and administration at Oxford, 18th Jan., 1672. [Burrows' 'Worthies, .540; Foster's Aluuini 0.\on., E.S., IV., 1G28.] Wightwick, Henry. /'. I'atshnll, 1610 ; s. of Rev. George Wightwick ; Mat. Pembroke Coll., Ox., 25th June, 16:30; B.A., 11th June, 1632; M.A., 8th July, 1636. [Burrows' Worthies of JIagd. Coll.. 510; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV. ,-1(128.] Wightwick, Henry, h. Shedd. Stalls.. 1692 ; s. of Henry Wightwick ; Mat. Pembroke Coll., Ox., 17th May, 1711 ; B.A., 4th Feb., 1714 : M.A., 1718. [Foster's Alumni Oxon , E.S., IV., 1628.] Wightwick, Rev. John. Of Emmanuel Coll., Cam. ; admitted ail eundein 0.x. Univ., 4th April, 1646; B.A., 17lh Nov., 1649; Fellow, St. John's Coll., 1651 — 62, by Parliamentary Visitor.*, and M.A., 2nd June, 1652 : ejected, 1666. [Burrows's Worthie?, .i.iO ; Wood's MS.; Calamy's Memorials, I., 23ii ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IV., 1G28.] WniUTWicK, Jdiiii. b. Tunstall, 1655 ; s. of Francis Wightwick \_see'\ and Eliza Pyott. his wife ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 8tli, July. 1670 ; of Farewell ; m. Mary, dau. of Walter Fowler, Esq., of Pendeford : d. 1703. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1628.] Wightwick, Rev. John. b. Wolverhampton, 1708; «. of Francis Wightwick : Mat. Pem- broke Coll., Ox., 25th May, 1723 : 15. A., 9th Feb., 1726; M. A., 1729; Curate of Barnes, Surrey; d., Barnes, 4th March, 1740. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., I.'jjl.] W^iGHTvvicK, Stubbs. h. Wolverhampton, 31st Oct., 1794 ; s. ot Thomas Devey Wightwick, Esq., and Lucy, dau. of Humplirey .Stubbs, of Water Eaton, Penkridge, his wife ; Mat. Triu. Coll., Ox., 1st Feb., 1812 ; of Great Bloxwich, Staffs., and Capel Court, Chelteidiam ; J. P., Staffs, and Gloucs. : D.L., Stalls. ; m., 2ad May, 1829, Durothea, dau. of Richard Fryer, Esq., of The Wergs, Wolverhampton. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., I.j51.] Wightwick, Rev. Thomas, b. Wolverhampton, 1677 ; .?. of Rev. John Wightwick ; Mat. New Inn Hall, Ox., 17th March, 1694 ; B.A., St. Edmund Hall, Ox., 20th Feb., 1699 ; Vicar of Cosby, 1710 : of Shackerstone, 1714 (both Leics.) ; bur. at Shackerstone, 15th Dec, 1731. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1628.] WiLBRAHAM, Rev. Charles Pclham. I>. Rode Hall, Cheshire, 10th March, ISIO ; *■. of Handle \Vilbraham, Esq., and Siliyllo {ihnt. of Philip Egerton, Esq., of Oulton, Cheshire), his wife ; educated at Totteridge, Herts., and abroad ; of St. Peter's Coll., Cam., 1841—44 ; B.A., 1844: M.A., 1865; Vicar of Audlev. 1844—74; R.D. of Audley ; Vicar of Penk- ridge, 1874 to death ; m.. 19th Feb., 1877, Caroline Octavia, dau. of the H1. 32mo. [Private iaforinatioa b/ kiuduiss of Oeuer.iI Wilbrahaiu.] WILBRAHAM (514) WILLES WiLiinAHAM, Raiulle. h. Astbuvv, Cliesliiie, 1(;94 ; .-■. of R;uid!e Wilbraham, Esq., of Nant- wic'ti, and Mary ((Inu. of Sir Richard DrooUe, of Norton Priory, Cheshire) : Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., KlthOot., 1711 : BarristtM-at-Law, 171H; Treasurer, 1754 ; Deputy Higii Steward of Ox. Univ. ; LL.D. ; Vice-Chaniberlain of Cheshire ; M.P., Newcastle, Nov., 174U— 47 ; Appleby, 1747 — 54 ; Newton, Lanes., 1754 — G8 ; TO., 24th Aug., 1722, Dorothy, f/oa. of Andrew Kenrick, Esq., of Chester ; d. 3rd Dec., 1770. [Parliamentary Diet ; Foster's Alumui Oxon., E.S., IV., 1C211; priv.ite" information by General Wilbr.aham.] Wild, Charles. Illustrations of the Architecture of Lichfield and Chester Cathedrals. Two Volumes. London, ISIS. fol. ; plates. [A copy, with extra illustrations, in Salt Lib. J Wii.DE, Rev. Thomas, h. Newport, Salop, 1801 ; «. of Thomas Wilde, Esq. ; Mat. Ch. Oh.. Ox., nth Oct., 181'J ; B.A., 1823 ; M.A., 182G ; Rector of St. Andrew's, Worcester, 1826 ; resided at Sandyford, Staffs., where he (/., 15th May, 18C1. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1553.] WiLDiN'G, Rev. Charles James, b. Welshpool, Montgom., 22ud Oct., 1824 ; s. of Charles Wilding, Esq. ; educated High Wycombe Sch.; Mat. Trin. Coll., Cam., 1844; B.A., 1848; M.A., 1852 ; Rector of Mindtown, Salop, 185G— 62 ; Vicar of Upper Arley, 18G2 to date ; m., 18G3, Eliza, dau. of the Rev. T. A. Rickards, of Cosby, Leics. A Sermon on the Rainbow. Preached at Arley. Bewtlle//, ISIO. 8po. Notes on Arley. \_iihropshire Arckceol. Trans,, 2ud Series, Y., pp. viii. — xi.] Contributor to the Church (^England Pulpit. Wilkes, J., Printer, High Street, Walsall. Stricture on Popery. [See Chettle (Rev. J,).] First Lesson for Children. Second, or Easy, Lessons for Children. Reading made completely easy. Adapted to the Use of Schools and Private Families. Wilkes, Richard, b. Willenhall, IGth March, 1690 ; f. of Richard Wilkes and Lucretia [dau. of Jonas Asteley, of Wood-Eaton), bis wife ; educated at Treutham ; of St. John's Coll., Cam., 13th March, 1710; B.A., Jan., 1714 ; M.A., 1717 ; Fellow, 21st Jan., 171G ; Linacre Lecturer, 4th July, 1718 ; Lady Sadler's Algebra Lecturer, 11th April, 1716 ; Curate of Stowe-by-Chartley, 1718 ; settled as a Physician in Wolverhampton, Feb., 1720 ; 771., 24th June, 1725, Rachel Manlove, of Leigh's Hill, Abbot's Bromley: (2) 17th Oct., 175G, Mrs. Francis Bendish ; soon after his first marriage he settled on the family estate at Willeidiall ; (/. 1760 ; bur. Bilston, 4th March, 1760. A Treatise on Dropsy. London, 1730. 8vo. A Letter to the Gentlemen, Farmers, and Graziers of the County of Staffordshire, on the treatment of the dis- temper now prevalent among ho prevention and cure. London, 1743. Butler's Hudibras. Wilkes. MS. With led cattle, Svo. Annotations bv and its Richard Original Collections for the History of Staffordshire. A Folio Volume of liOO pages [Salt Lilirary]. Ditto, tran- scribed 18.12 by Capt. Ferueyhough. lar. "fol. [i6.]. Wii.KKS, Rev. Richard. b. Wolverhampton, 1773 ; «. of Richard Wilkes ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 18th May, 17'J1 ; B. A. ,171)5; M.A., 17'J9; Rector (and Patron) of Eiiville, 1800 to death : d. 1824. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. 1554.] WiLKiNS, Rev. W. J. Formerly resident in Wolverhampton ; in the Jajian Traile ; edu- cated at Hackney Coll., London ; Missionary to Lidia ; now in Manchester. Modern Hinduisms. London, 1SS7. 8vo., pp. -liU. Daily Life and Work in India. London, ISSS. 8vo., pp. 288. Wilkinson, Rev. Michael Joseph. Trin. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 1846 ; M.xV., 18G3 ; Curate of Melchbourn, Beds., 1854 — -56 ; of Penkridge, 1856 — 60 ; P.C. of Wessington, Derbys., 1861 — 68; Vicar of St. George's, Waterloo- ville, Cosham, Hants , 1868. Memorials of an Indian Missionary. London : Mac- intosh. 1S50. Svo. Wilkinson, Rev. Thomas. Vicar of Lawrence- Waltham, (?) Letter to Ashmole. [Bodl, Lib., 850, at end of vol.] Willacy, Rev. Tiiomas Robert. Corp. Ch. Coll., Cam. ; B.A., 18G6 ; F.G.S. ; Curate in charge of Couipton Mission, Lock, 1866 — 6i) ; of Holy Trinity, Southport, 1869—74; of St. Mary's, Crumpsali, Lanes., 1874—80; Vicar of Thorganhy, Yorks., 1880 to date. Testimony of the Fathers to the Validity and Efficacy of Sacramental Teaching. London, 1S6S. The Offertory's Place in the Woiship of God. London, 1871. Elementary Praxis of Latin Concord and Parsing. London, 1872. Prayers for Parishes. London, 1875. Notes on Mission Sermons. London. 1876. Willcock, Robert, AVolverhampton. [Bodl. Lib., 850, 215.] WiLLEs, Rev. Edward. b. Cirencester, 25th Jan., 1803 ; s. of Rev. William S. AVilles ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 15th Jan., 1821 ; B.A., 1825 ; M.A., 1827 ; Vicar of Ampney Crucis, Gloucs., 1827 ; Rector of Hamstall liidware, and of Yoxall, 1833 to death ; m., 1826, Laura, dau. of Lieut. -Col. Steward, of Myton, Warws. ; (/. 13th Oct., 1848. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1558.] WiLLEs, Rev. John. b. Newbold, Warws., 1647 ; *. of Peter Willes ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 3rd June, 1GG3 ; B.A., 12th Feb., 1G66 ; Fellow ; M.A., 1G69 ; probably incorporated Cam. Univ., 1674 ; B.D., 1st Feb., 1680 ; D.U., 23rd Feb., 1684; licensed, 27th Feb., 1684, to marry Ann, dau. of Sir William Walker, Knt., of Oxford ; Rector of Bishop's Itehington. Warws., 1681 ; Preb. of Ulveton, Lichfield, 2nd Oct., 1688, to death ; d. 29th June, 1700. WILLES (515) WILLIAMS Catalogue of MSS. in Lichfield Cathedral Library. [Cat. M.SS. Anglicani.] [Blias'a Wood's Ath. Oxon.. IV., (i.Sl ; Harwood's Lichfield, 2.'!9 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.H., IV., Hi.').").] WiLLEs, Rev. Samuel. Minister of All Saints, Derliy ; PrS] ; Remarks showing the probabilities of Explosions from the accumulation of Gas in the (iob or Goatt lib., V., lHo— 38 (.3 plates) : VI., 117 -2-2j. Williamson, Rev. John. Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 18(57 ; M.A., 187-t ; Vicar of St. Martin's, Bradley, 1SG5— 76 ; of St. Andrew's, Bordesley, 187() — 87 ; Rector of St. Andrew's, Droitwich, 1887 to date. The First Lecture on the Bible in Reply to the Rev. Dr. MoCave . . . Birminqhain: Billing, Son, ij* Co. 8vo., pp. 1-2. The Siege of Derry ; or, The Great Protestant Struggle of 1688 . . . Birmingham, 18G7. 8vo., pp. 12. Williamson, Sir Joseph. Ambassador at Cologne. Letters to Ashmole [Bodl. Lib..SiO,:i2:i : 11.31. f.300a. 209a] ; Ashmole's Answers [ib., 1131, i. iWb, 3IM)4]. WiLLiNGTON, Ri'v. Francis. A.Taniworth, 1762 ; s. of John Willington, Esq. ; Mat. Pembroke Coll., Ox., 24tli Feb., 1780 ; B.A., 1783 : Rector of Walton-upon -Trent and Rolleston ; d. 20th Oct., 1791. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1570.] Willington, Francis. Town Clerk of Tam- worth. Letter to the Parishioners of Tamworth (on Church Accommodation J. Tamworth. 1S5'2. 8vo. Willington, Rev. Henry Edward, b. Tamworth, 1839 ; s. of Francis Willington, Esq., Town Clerk, and Jane Ann ((Ian. of Henry James Pye, Esq., of Faringdon House, Berks.), his wife ; Mat. E.xeterHall, Ox., 2nd June, 1857; B.A., 18(51 ; M.A., 18G4 ; Curate of St. Alban's, Holborn, 18G6— 72 ; of Ham, 1862 —60. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. l.')7G.] Wii.Lis, Browne. b. Blandford, Dorset, 14th Sejit., 1G82 ; educated Westmr. Sch. ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 23rd March, 1699 ; M.A., by diploma, 23rd Aug., 1720 ; D.C.L., by diploma, 10th April, 1749 ; Student, Inner Temple, 1700 ; M.P., Buckingham, Dec, 1705 —1708; F.S.A., 1718; r/., Whadden Hall, Bucks., 5th Feb., 17(50 ; bur. Fenny Stratford Chapel. Notitia Parliamentaria. Three Volumes. London, 1730. niG, 1750. Survey of the Cathelrals of England [including L.cheeld]. London, 1727. 1742. 4to. WiLLMORE, Rev. Benjamin, b. King's Norton, Warns., April, 1821 ; s. of Thomas Willmore, Esq. ; educated privately, and St. Bees' Theo. Coll., ; Clip, to 3rd Batt. Staffs. Rifle Volun- teers ; Incumbent of Holy Trinity Church, West Bromwich, 1858—70 ; Chp. to West Bromwich Union ; Prov. Grand Chp. to Free- masons of Staffordshire; m., 1847, Louisa, (km. of R. D. Watson, Esq. ; d. Xov., 1870. Ten Lectures on English History. West Bromwich, 1S50. 8vo.. pp. 329. Birmingham : Brame Bros. ISoD. Evidences of Christianity. Eight Lectures. Same imprint. 1850. 8vo., pp. .329. ilormonism unmasked. Same imprint. 1855. 8to. pp. 184. Apostolic Admonitions. A Visitation Sermon. Same imprint. 1855. 8vo. Working and Watching. A Sermon to Volunteers. Same imprint. ISGO. 8vo. The Great Volunteer. A Sermon to Volunteers. Same imprint. 1865. Church Rates. Sajne imprint. 1860. Masonic Virtues. Some imprint. ISGG. Birminf/ham : Benjamin Hall. 18GG. 8vo. Watchman ! What of the Night ? .Some imprint. 1866. The Sword of the Lord and Gibeon. West Bromwich : H. Watson. 1866. 8vo.. pp. 16. Letter on Capital Punishment. Willmore, Frederic William, b. Trinity Vicar- age, West Bromwich, 1848 ; s. of Rev. Benjamin Willmore and Louisa Watson, his wife ; educated Atherstone Gr. Sch., and Queen's Coll.. Birmingham : M.R.C.S., Eng., and L.S.A., 1870 ; Mem. Brit. Med. Assoc; Consulting Surgeon to Walsall Cottage Hos- pital ; Med. (Jfficer and Public Vaccinator of Stafford Street District, Walsall Union. A History of Walsall and its Neighbourhood. Walsall : W. Htnrtj liobinson. 1887. 8vo. [Large and small paper copies were issued.] pp. xxi.. -Kil. Plates. Transcript of the First Register Book of the Parish Church of Saint Matthew. Walsall (1.17(1— 1(519). Tran- scribed by Frederic W. Willmore. Seventy-live copies [only] printed by subscription. 1S90. Walsall: W.Henry liobinson. Svo., pp. xx.xiv.. 300. Records of Rushall. co. Stafford. ItV(/. whom he made hi.'? surprizing escape from Barbary, the history of an Italian Captive, and the Life of Don Pedro Aijuilio. &c. . Full of various and ama/.ing turns of fortune. To which is added the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Castlemain. gent. ; with a description of the City of Philadelphia, and the county of Pennsylvania. Wolverhampton: Reprinted by George Wilson. 1744. 8vo. pp. 370. The Christian's Pattern ; or, a Treatise of the Imita- tion of Christ. In four books. Written originally in Latin. By Thomas a Kempis. Now rendered into English. To which is added. Prayers and Meditations, and Medita- tions for Sick Persons. By George .Stanhope. D.D., Dean of Canterbury, and Chaplain-in-Ordinary to His Majesty. Woherhampton : Printed by G. Wilson. 1746. 8vo.. pp.448. [*■« Eln-ell (E.).] WiLsox, James. Wolverlianipton. The Repentant Sinner Pardoned : a Relation of the Wicked Life and Penitent Pious Death of James Wilson, of Wolverhampton, in Staffordshire. London, 16G9. 4to. Wilson, Rev. James. Burton. The Elements of a Curiosity. Burton. 1S40. 12mo., pp. 14. Wilson, John. i. Cannock, 16.53 ; s. of Edward Wilson ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 15th April, 1671. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., liUG.] Wilson, John. b. Wooton Park, 1803 : s. of John Wilson ; Mat. Magd. Cull.. 0.x., 14th March, 1821. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1.584.] Wilson, Rev. .lohii Patrick, b. 17th Sept., 1821 ; of Durham Univ. ; Maltby Prizeman in Hebrew and Hellenistic Greek ; B.A. ; M.A., 1849; B.D., 1880: D.D.. 1881; Curate of Cannington, Somers., 1846 ; Vicar of Moxlev, 1847 — 92 ; now of Fj'Beld Road, Oxford. " Forty Hymn Tunes. Offertory Sentences. On Choirs and Choristers in Parish Churches. Sundry Tracts. A Plea for Morality and Religion in Strict Combina- tion with Artistic Excellence. London : Novello, Ewer, if Co. ISGO. The Catechumen's Handbook. A Glossary of Words found in the Church of England Catechism, ic. London, 1871. l-2mo., pp. 24. AViLsoN, John Wilson, h. Newcastle, 1838 : s. of Edward Wilson. M.D. : Mat. AVadli. Coll., Ox., 11th March, 1M56 ; of The Grove, , Salop, and Threckingham, Lines. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1584.] Wilson, Rev. Jonathan. Incumbent of Rus- land Chapel, near Windormcre, 1775 : Curate ' of Biddulpli, 1775 : Vicar, 17«3, to death : 2nd Master of Congleton Gr. Sch., 1770 — 77 : Master, 1777, to death ; d. 1810. Translated Town Charters and Records. [Penes 1 Town Clerk of Congleton] ! Fisher's Grammar Improved .... t^inr/leton : j Printed for the Editor by J. Dean . . . MDtX't'XIl. Pt. 8vo., pp. viii., 178. .Maccles/ield : Printed by ./. Wilson. \ 1802. 8vo., pp. viii., 170. ] Wilson, Mary, Printer, &c., Wolverhampton. Eli Lama Sabachth.ani ; or. Cry of the Son of God, ' set forth in all His Agonies, with a Crown of Thorns upon His Head, and His Crucifixion between two thieves : use- full at all times (especially Passion Week) for a devout and piou^ soul, in its nearest addresses to its Saviour, before it comes to be an actual partaker of the Body and I Blood of its Redeemer in the Blissful Sacrament. To- gether with the Death of Pilate ; some serious retiections and animadversions concerning the body, soul, ami resur- rection. With pertinent meditations and contemplations ' upon death, and a suitable prayer against the suildenness of it. Ac. Ac. Wolverhampton : Printed by .\fary Wilson. 1755. 8vo.. frontis. of the Crucifixion, pp. liw. Ded. to King George II. A Choice and Select Collection of Sermons taken out of the various works of the Right Rev. Father in God, Dr. William Beveridge. late Lord Bishop of .St. Asapli. As his whole works are so large that few can purchase them, that the generality of mankind may not be wholly de- prived of such a valuable blessing, the printer has presented the world with Twelve (of the choicest of them). Wolverhampton: Printed by M try Wilson, n.d. (1757). 8vo., pp. :iUl. Wilson, Thomas. M.B. .S: B.S., 1883 ; Univ. Coll., London ; Rot. Hospital, Dublin ; Medalist in Hv^iene and Patliolugy, Univ. Coll., Lon- don ;" M.D-, London, 1S.S,> ; M.H.C.S., Eng., 1883; F.R.C.S., 1892 ; Med. Officer Cannock Union ; Hon. Gynaecol, to Wolverhampton and South Staffs. Hospital. Case of Tubercular Peritonitis ami Pleurisy {^Lancet (1884)] ; Case of Gumma in the Right Sup. Temporo- Sphenoidal Convolution [ib . II. (1888)]. Wilson, Rev. William, b. Lichfield, 1G15 ; s. of Richard Wilson ; Mat. Exeter Hall, Ox., 2nd Dec, 1631. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. li;.)8.] Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan. b. Mayfield, 8th May, 1858; .*. of Rev. Samuel Allen Windle \_see'\ and Sidney Coghill, his wife ; educated Dublin Univ. ; B.A., 1879 ; Senior Mod. and Gold Medalist in Natural Science, 1879 ; M.B. & B.Chir., 1881 ; Diploma of State Medicine, 1882 ; M.A., 1883 ; M.D., 1883 ; D.Sci., 1891 ; Demonstrator of Anato- my and Histology, Roy. Coll. Surgeons, Ireland ; Ex.-President, Queen's Coll. Med. Soc, Birmingham ; Mem. Brit. Med. Associa- tion ; Mem. of Irish Med. Sch. and Grad. Association Anat. Soc. of Great Britain ; and Anat. Gesellschaft, 1884 : Professor of Anat., and Dean of Med. Faculty, Mason Coll., Birmingham ; Examiner in Anat., Cam., Dur- ham, and Aberdeen Universities ; Professor of Anat. to Birmingham Roy. Soc. of Artists ; Lecturer on Comparative Anat. to Birming- ham Municipal Sch. of Art ; Ingleby Lecturer, 1889. WIXDLE (519) WISE The Birmingham School of Medicine. Birmini/liam : Hall .(■ KmilUh. 1800. The Proportions of the Human Body. London : BaiUii-re, Tiiidnl. .jf Cox. 1802. A Manual of Sui-face Anatomy. Loudon .- /7. A'. Lewis. On the Embryology of the Short Muscles of the Manvs and Pe.^ of the Dog [Proceediitfis Royal Irish Academy, III.] ; The Embryology of the Short Muscles of the Human Hand [Trans. R I .Academy. XXVltl.] ; On the Pectoral Group of Muscles [ib., XXIX.] : Terato- logical Evidence as to the Heredity of Acquired Char.icters [Jour. Linu. Soc, XXIII.] ; On the Anatomy of Hydromys Chrysogaster [Proceedings Zuolo;iical Soc. (1887)]; On some Cr.inial and Dental Characters of the Domestic Dog (in conjunction with Mr. Humphreys) [i6. ( 18il0)] ; On an Abnormal Arrangement of the Large Intestine fJonr. 'i/' .Inat.. XX.] ; On Primary Sarcoma of the Kidney ib., XIX. ] ; On the Condition of the Brain in a case of Motor Apha-sia, with Deafness ^ib.. N.S., I.] ; Man's Lost Incisors [ib., 1] ; Anomalies of Muscles and Xerves [ib.] ; Two Rare Tumours connected with the Teeth [ib.] ; The Myology of Erethizon Epanthus [ib., II. J ; On the Arteries forming the Circle of Willis [ib.] ; On a Teratoma from the Sphenoid of a Calf [ib.] ; On the Myology of Procyon Cancivorous and others of the Ursid.ae [i6..1tl.] ; On the Origin of Double Monstrosity [ib.]; On the Flexors of the Digits of the Hand [/!)., IV.] ; Cnunitel Epiphyses [ib.] ; On the Stylo-Auricularis Muscle and Ligament [ib., v.] ; On the Occurrence of an Additional Phalanx in the Human PoUex [i6., VL] ; On Identical Malformations in Twins [i^.] : Sacculation of the Human Stomach [Proceedings Birminr/ham Philos. Soc, V.] ; Myology of Midas Rosalia [i6.] ; Myology of Hapale Jacchus [16.] ; The Adductor Muscles of the Hand [16.] ; The Extensors of the Manus in the Ape [16., VI.] ; On Congenital Malformations and Heredity [ib.] ; Researches on the Maturation of the Ovum [ib.] ; Certain Malforma- tions in Fishes [ib.] : Investigations in Artificial Terato- geny [lb., VII.]; Extra Cusps on Human Teeth [.inat. Anzeiger, II.] ; Congenital Deficiency of Thumb [It., III.] ; JLilformation of the Face [ib.. IV.] ; Musculus Sternalis [ib.] ; The Human SiiuU {^Blrmini/kani Med. TJ^ri'fK', XVIII.] : Hermaphroditism [ft., XX.]; Develop- ment of Intermaxillary Bone [16, XXV.]. WiNDLE, Rev. Samuel Allen, b. Birmingham, IH27 ; s. of William Windle, Esq. ; Ch. Missionary Coll.; B.D., Marburg Univ.; Curate of Mayfiild, 1852—54 ; Vicar, 1854— G2 ; Ineiinilient of Mariners' Chapi'l, Kingstown, Uul)lin, 1862 — 71 ; of St. Bride's, Liverpool, lM7t> — 78 ; Vicar of Market Easen, Leics., 1878, to death ; m., 1856, Sidney, (Jan. of Vice-Admiral Sir Josiah C. Coghill, Bart.; il., Market Ra.sen, ISHO. Follow Me ; or, Thoughts for the Children of God. Ashbourne: llohson if Son. ]2mo. (i'th edition). Words of Comfort for the AiBicted Children of God. Ashbourne: Hobson if Sou. l-2mo (SO.OJO). Popular Errors. No. 1 : He was a Good Liver. By a Clergyman. Ashbourne : Hobson if- Son. I'Jmo., pp. 12. God or Baal ? .ishbourne : Hobson if Son. l'2mo. Stone Steps through the Slough of Despond. Dublin : George Herbert. 12mo. (3 editions). Stop ! Stop I Stop ; On Intemperance. Dublin : George Herbert. Vlmo. (40,000). The Poison Tree and its Remedy. A Narrative of Facts. Dublin: George Herbert. r2mo. The Greater than Solomon. Dublin : George Herbert, n.d. (1870). 12mo., pp. 147. 2nd ed., pref. by the Very Rev. Dean McNeiie, D.D. Dublin : George Herbert. Trust : A Motto for 18,-<0. Being Thoughts on Jer. xvii,, 7, 8. Dublin : George Herbert, n.d., l2mo. 2nd ed., Dublin, 12mo., pp. 12. WiXDLE, (Mrs.) Sidney. rf<5 ; a great friend and helper of Dr. Plot, who refers to iiim repeatedly ; m. Hester, (Uiii. of .Inlm Bowyer, Esq. The Three Books of Ovid's de Ai'te Amendi. Trans- lated from the Latin. London, 1661. ]2mo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 111117; Plot's Staffs., plate 1, ifcc] Wolferstan, Francis Stafford Pipe. /;. Staf- ford, 14tli Oct., 1820 ; s. of Stanley Pipe Wolferstan, Esq., and Elizabeth Jervis {riau. of Swynfen Jervis, Esq., of Kensington), his wife ; Mat. Balliol Coll., 0.\., 7th dune, 1845 ; B.A., 1841) ; of Stotfold ; .I.P., Staffs. ; Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1857. The Law and Practice of Election Petitions. London, 1860. 12mo. Joint Author, with E. L. E. Dew. of— Reports of Decisions of Committees of the House of Commons on the Trials of Controverted Elections. London, 1850. 12mo. Also, with E. B. Bristowe, of — Rejiorts of the Decisions of Election Committees. London, 1S65. i'2mo. Editor of— F. N. Rogers's Law and Practice of Elections. 5th ed., London, 1857, 8vo. Selwyn's Law of Bankruptcy. London, 1861. 8vo. C. J. -Addison's Wrongs and their Remedies. ;ird ed., London, 1S70, and later editions. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., lolMl,] Wolferstan, Samuel Pipe. b. AValton-on- Trent ; s. of Rev. Samuel Pipe, M.A., Rector of Waltoii-on-Trcnt, and Dorothy {(/au. of Stotfold Wolferstan. Esq., of Stotfold), his wife : J. P., Staffs. ; of Stotfold Hall ; a learned antiquary ; a great friend and helper to the Rev. Stebbing Shaw and William Pitt in their several Histories ; and also to the Rev. Thomas Harwood, for his 1820 edition of Erdeswicke's Survey ; assumed, by Sign Manual in 1776, tlie surname and arms of Wolferstan in lieu of his own ; m. (1) JIargaret, dau. of Walter Biddnl])h, Esq., of Borton-under-Needwood, (2) 4tli Oct., 1796, Elizabeth, dan. of Philip Jervis, Esq. ; d. 1820. [A Copy of Shaw's History of Staffordshire with MS. additions by S. P. Wo'lferst.in is in the British iluseuui.] [Burke's Landed Gentry ; Shaw's Staffs. ; Pitt's Staffs.; Harwood's Erdesvvick'e (1x20).] Wolferstan, Rev. Stanford. h. Stotfold ; B.A., St. John's Coll., Cam., 1(;72 : M.A., 1676; Fellow, King's Coll., Cam.; incor- porated Ox. Univ., 10th July, lli77 : Vicar of Wootton-Wawen, Warws., 1676 to death ; 771. (1), 1679, Isabella, dmt. of Rev. .(ohn Hinckley, D.D., Rector of Northfield, Worcs., (2) Susannah, dau. of Mr. John Creed, of Cambridge : d. 29th Sept., 1698. An Enfiuiry into Diseases in general, and the Disturb- ances in the Humors of Man's Body . . . London. 1602. 12mo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., lijiii.] Wollastox, Rev. Samuel. 6. Northants., 1594 ; Mat. Trin. Coll.. 0.x., 24th Jan., 161 1 : B.A., 6th July, 1615; M.A., 18th May, 1618; WOLLASTON ( 521 ) WOLVERHAMPTON Rector of Thorpe Constantine, 1621 : of Leckington, Warvvs., 1620. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1667.] ■WoLLASTOK, Thomas. 6. Walsall, 1 644 : a. of John Wollaston (Mayor of Walsall, 1661); Mat. Mertoii Coll., Ox.. 3rd July, 1660 : Student, Middle Temple, 1660. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., VMH.] Wollaston (or Wooliaston), William, b. En- field (Kiiville) ; s. of Henry Wollaston \^queri/- whether the Henry, of Lichfield, who is said to have died at Chester, 1694] : Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 27th March, 1710. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1668.] Wollaston, William, b. Coton Clanford, 26th March, 1659 : s. of William Wollaston and Elizabeth Downs, his wife ; educated at a Latin Sch. at Shenstone, and at LichBeld Gr. Sch. ; one of those who followed the Master to his Private Sch. when he was turned out of the Gr. Sch. by the City authorities ; Pen- sioner of the Sydney Sussex Coll., Cam. 18th June, 1679 ; B.A. ; M.A., July, 1681 : went to live at Bloxwycti (Bloxwich), where his parents lived, on Michaelmas Day, 1681 ; Assistant Master, Birmingham Gr. Sch., circa June, 1682 : 2nd (really. Head) Master, 1686 ; inherited by Will the Shenstone (Leics.) Estate, on the death of his cousin, 19th Aug., 1688 ; went to London, Nov., 1688 ; m., Nov., 1689, Catherine, dau. of Mr. Nicholas Charlton, "a citizen of London"; d. Coton Clanford, 29th Oct., 1724: bur. Great Fin- borough Ch., Suffolk. The Design of Part of the Book of Ecclesiastes ; or, the Unreasonableness of Man's restless Contentions for the present Enjovments represented in an English Poem. London. 1600. Svo. The Religion of Nature Delineated. London, 1722. 4to. [Only a few copies printed for private circulation.] Ditto. London : S. Palmer. 1724. 4to. [lu connection with Ibis iisjue it is interesting to note that it is the otu^ icork on irhic/i it is certain the great Beujamio Franklin worked as a compositor when learning his trade of a printer in Palmer's office.] Ditto, London, 1725, 4to. ; London, 1726. 4to., Port, (on large and thick paper also) ; London, 1731. 4to., Por- trait by Vertue ; Sixth Edition, with a Preface containing an account of the Life, Character, and \Yritings of the Author, London. 1738. 4to., portrait, on fine paper ; London. 1760, 8vo.. portrait. Seventh Edition, i-c, with a Transla- tion of the Xotes into English, London, 1760, 8vo., portion iisuallv called the Best Edition. Ditto, Abridged, London, 1737. and London, 1738. Grammaticse Latinas Elementa. [Privately printed for the use of his four song.'] 1703. WoLSELEY, Sir Charles, 2nd Baronet, b. 1630 ; M.P. for Staffs., t^mp. Charles I. and U. ; m. Anne, dau. of Viscount Saye and Sele ; d. Oct., 1714. Liberty of Conscience. By ''A Protestant." London, 1668. 4t.). The Unreasonableness of Atheism made manifest. London, 1660. '2mi edition, revised and enlarged by the Author. London, 1660, limo., pp. Itfi'. 3rd edition, London. 1675. Reasonableness of Scripture Belief. Loudon, 1672. 8vo. Life and Death of J. Machin, of Astburv, Cheshire. London, 1671. 8vo. [Prefatory Epistle only.] Ca?e of Divorce and Re-marriage Discussed. Oc- casioned by the Act of Lord Rosse. London. 1673. Justification Evangelical. London, 1677. WoLSELEV, Sir Charles, 8th Baronet, b. Wolse- ley, 6th May, 1813 : s. of Sir Charles Wolseley, 7th Baronet : m., 23rd Sept., 1839, Mary Anne, dau. of Nicholas Selby, Esq., of xVcton Middlesex ; d. 15th Nay, 1854. The King against Sir Charles Wolselev, Bart., and Joseph Harrison, Schoolmaster, set down for trial at Chester on the 4th of April, 1820. Brief Remarks . by Jeremy Bentham. London: Printed by John McCheez-- 1820. 8vo.. pp. 3'.i. Catholic Clergy versus Protestant Parsons. Ruaeleu : J.T.Walters. 1838. 8vo.. pp. 17. Price Fourpence. Sir Charles Wolseley, Bart., to the Bishops and Clergy of the Protestant Establishment. London : Jones. 18-10. l"2mo., pp. x., 26. i Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, Viscount, b. 4th I June, 1833 ; s. of Major J. G. Wolseley ; Ensign, 80th Foot, March, 1x52 ; Captain, Jan., 1855 ; Major, 9Uth Foot, March, 1858 ; Lieut.-Colonel, April, 1859 ; Colonel, June, 1865; K.P.; G.C.M.G., 1870 ; G.C.B.,1871; Major-General ; served in the Burmese War, 1852 — 53 (raedal) ; in the Crimea and at tak- ing of Sevastopol, where he was wounded ; LegionofHonour, 5th Class; Order of Med jidie, 5th Class ; Osmaiiieh, 1st Class ; at siege of Lucknow and Defence of Alumbagh, 1X57, when he was made Brevet-Lieut.-Cnl.: in China, 1860 (medal, with 2 clasps) ; Deputy-Quarter- Master-Geueral in Canada, Oct., 1867 ; As- sistant Adjutant-General at Head-quarters, 1871 ; in Command on Gold Coast and during Ashantee War, 1873 ; created Baron Wolseley, 1880, and Viscount Wolseley, of Wolseley Bridge, Staffs., 1885 ; Commander-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Forces in Ireland. 1st October, 1890 ; Field Marshal, 2(;th May, 1894. The Soldier's Pocket Book of Field Service. London 1860. I6mo. Life of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. Two Volumes. London, 1804. Xvo. Marley Castle. A Novel. Edited by Sir G. Wolselev. Two Volumes. 1877. »to. Contributions to Reviews and Monthlies. Wolseley, Robert, b. Wolseley Hall, 1649 ; f. of Sir Charles Wolseley, 2nd Bart ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 26th July, 1666 : Student, Grav's Inn, 1667 : Envoy at Brussels, 1692 : d. 1697. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1668.] WoLSEV, Robert (probably same as above). Seamen Miscellaneum. Consisting of Verse . . by Wolseley. &c., London, 1702. 8vo. WoLSEY, Staffordshire. Arms and Quarterings. [Bodl. Lib., 8S8, 9.5, f. 124.] WoLVERHAMPTOS. History of. By Dean Wren [Bodl. Lib.. 1125. 62i] Other references [i6., 853, 2.5 ; 850. 215 ; llJl, 274.] Wolverhampton Directory. H'olcerhampton, 1827 Ditto, 1.S74. ic. Guide to Wolverhampton. [See Lawley (G. T. I.] A Catalogue of Book.< belonging to the Wolverhamp- ton Library, founded 17H1. To which are prefixed the Laws of the Institution, and the List of Proprietors and Subscribers. W'olrerhaniplon, ISSS. 8vo. Library Catalogue, with Supplements. Il'olcerhamp. ton. 1835 — 15. "^ The Rights of the Poor. Showing the Origiu and Mission of the Wolverhimptjn Grammar School, n.p., pi., or d. 8to., pp. 11. :-i WOAIDOURNE ( 522 ) WOOD The Wulfninlan. A Magazine written by the Boys of the Free Gnimmar Scliool. Wolverhampton. 18H4. Wolverliam|>ton Wesleyan Circuit. Copy of Docu- ments deposited in Stones in Cranmer Chapel. Newhampton Road, and in the Wednesfield and Blakenhall Chapels, October 9th, lS8o. Adventures of King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester. U'oleerhamptoii. 1S3S. Collegiate Church at Wolverhampton. [Jour. Brit. Archieol. Ansoc. (1873), Vol. XXIX.] The Wolverhampton Case. [ The Ch. Reformer, Vol. lU. (i!<:iii).] Guide to the Church Congress and Ecclesiastical Art Exhibition, to be held at Wolverhampton, October 3rd to 8th, 1887; including A Guide to Wolverhampton, with map, and the Readers and Speakers at the Congress. With a Diary for each Day. London. 1SS7. I2mo., pp. 144. Stafford Summer Assizes. Monday, July 28th, 18.')1. The Queen rerstif George Diiffield, Thomas Woodworth, and John Gaunt. Tuesday and Wednesday, July 2yth & 30th, 18.')1. The Queen versus William Peel, Frederick Green, Thomas Winters, Thomas Pitt, Charles Pratt, Henry Rowlands. Before Mr. Justice Erie and a Special Jury. Wolrerhampton: Bridijen. ISol. 8vo., pp. 130, 222. Authorized Report of the Papers, Prepared Addresses, and Discussions of the Church Congress, held at Wolver- hampton, on Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, and Friday, October Ist, 2nd, 3rd', and 4th, 181)7. London : Macmillan. 1867. 8vo. Ditto. Church Congress, held Wolverhampton, 1887. London : Bemrose if- .Son. 1887. 8vo. An Account of the Members of the Christian Clhurch assembling in Queen Street Chapel, Wolverhampton. Wolrerhampton ; Printed bfj William Sleigh. 1850. 12mo., pp. IG ; for 1S65, 12mo.. pp. 18. Manual for ditto. Wolverhampton : Printed by J. Mc D. Roebuck. 1ST>. 12mo., pp. t!4. [See B.irford k Xewitt. Hinde (A.) (F. H.), Edwards (C), Chilton (H. H.), Turner (F. A.). EUiot (J.), JefiEcock (Rev. Preb.). Wallis (G.), Haves (A.), Brevitt (H.), Parke (W.), Steen (J.) (D.). Steen & Blackett, Simpson (T.), Simpson ifc Blackett. Bridgen (Joseph), Lawlev (G. T.), Thorneycroft (G. B.) (T.), Birker (T. H.), Robertson (Rev. W.), Milner (Archbp.). Berington (Right Rev. C.) (Rev. J.),TheGiffard3, McRoebuck(J.M.).Gough(A.H.), Gough (Col.). Newnham (Dr.) (Dr., Jun.), Jackson (T. V.), Malet (Dr.), McMunn (Dr.), Segrave (Capt.), Oliver (Rev. 6.). Eagleton (.S. P., in A'ppendix). Mcllwraith (W.), Mitchell (G. B.), Hatton (H. H.), Saunders (J.), Jones (J.) (Rev. J.) (Rev. S.).J WoMBOnRNE. Monuments. [Bodl. Lib., 8i3, 74.] Wood, Anthony. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 2i3i, 281 a6 : 113G*. 2 ; 1700, 746, 75a.] Wood, Edward Herbert, b. Port Hill, 1848 ; »■. oi Edward Wood, Esq. : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 12th .liine, 1S67 : Captain Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry : of Newbold Revo], Warws., and Ramsey, Isle of Skye. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1.W7.] Wood, Enoch, b. Burslem : a Potter. Report of the Trial of an Action wherein John Ward, Gent., one of the Attornies of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench, was Plaintiff, and Enoch Wood, was De- fendant, tried at the Summer Assizes for the County of Stafford, on Wednesday, the 4th of August, 1819, before Mr. Justice Holroyd and a Special Jury. Counsel for the Plaintiff : Messrs. Jervis. Peake. and Pearson. For the Defendant : Messrs. Taunton and Puller. Stafford : Printed by J. Drury. ISIO. 8vo., pp. 73. Wood, Francis. Lichfield. [Bodl. Lib., io^i (A), 7*.] Wood, Hamlet. Burslem. The Negro. An Historical Poem. Burslem: Printed for the Author. 1833. 12mo., pp. xiii., 100. Wood. Rev. Henry, b. Wolverhampton, 1G66 ; s. of Henry Woml, Esq. ; Mat. Pembroke Coll., Os.., i!)th March, 1682 ; B.A , 1686 : M.A., 1689; Chp. Ma^'d. Coll., 16;i(i— 93: Rector of Aklridge, 16'J3 : Prel). of Ulveton Decani and Canon of Lichfield, 26th Oct., 1700, to death : Vicar of Wellington, Salop, 1709 ; (I., Aldridge {bur. 27th), Sept., 1718. [Bloxim's Magd. Coll., II., 170 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S, IV., 1G70; Harwood's Lichfield, 239 ; Notes on Aldridge, I., '22, 23, 31, 35 : IL, 51.] Wood, John. b. Taraworth, 1621 ; «. of Edward Wood; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 12th July, 1636. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1C71.] Wood, John. M.A., Oxon. : M.B., 1877 : L.R.C.S., Edin., 1880 ; L.S.A., 1M77 ; Univ. Coll., London, and Queen's Coll., Birmingham ; Member of Midland Med. Soc, and also Brit. Med. Assoc. : Surgeon to Walsall Cottage Hospital : Med. Officer Walsall W.irkhouse ; Med. Officer of Health Walsall Rural District. Case of Post Partuum Pemphigus. [Lancet (1888).] Wood, John Baddeley. b. Hamburgh, 1819 ; «. of Edmund Thomas Wedgwood Wood, Esq., of Porthill, anil Sophia, his wife : Mat. Merton Coll., Ox., 17th Oct., 1868; B.A., 1872; M.A , 1X75 : of Henley Hall, Salop, and Wirksworth, Derbys. : Barrister-at-Law, Lin- coln's Inn, 1874 ; J. P., Salop. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1599.] Wood, Rev. Joseph, b. Morridge, near Ipstones, 23rd April, 1829 ; .«. of Joseph Wn„d and Martha, his wife ; educated at Mr. W. Baim- bridge's Sch., Cheddleton, Mr. John Slack's Sell., Monyash, and by Mr. Thomas Hallam, Flagg ; Primitive Methodist Minister ; Secre- tary and President of Conference, 1882 ; Con- nexional Sunday Sch. Agent and Secretary, 1874 — 82 ; Governor of Theological Coll., Manchester, 1889—94 ; Hon. D.D., Wesleyan Coll., Jloutreal, 1879 ; m. Henrietta, dau. of John Leonard, Esq., of Patrington, Yorks. ; Superannuated, 1894. Sunset at Noonday. A Biography of Mrs. Robson. London, 1876. 8vo., pp". 242. A Lecture on Africa and its Resources. London, 1870. Christ and His Critics. London, 1878. 8vo. Numerous Contribationa to the Primitive Methodiat Magazine, &c. Wood, Rev. Richard, b. Woodboroiigh, Notts., 1665 ; «. of Montague Wood ; Mat. Corpus Christi Coll., Ox., 2nd April, 1680 ; B. A., 1683 ; M.A., 1686; Preb. of Stotfold, Lichfield, 15th Feb., 1689, to death : Rector and Vicar of Gelling, Notts., 1703 : Canon of Southwell, 1721, to death : d. 1734. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV . 1672 : Harwood's Lichfield, 248.] Wood, Rev. Richard, b. Burslem, 1841 ; s. of Enoch Wood, Esq. : Mat. AVorc. Coll., Ox., 19th Oct., 1863 : B.A., 1867 : M.A., 1870 ; Curate of Parish Ch., Leeds, 1868—71 : of Bishop's- Tachbrook, Warws., 1871 — 73 : of WOOD (523) WOOUIIOUSE Littlo Hey wood, 1873 — 74 : of Richard's Castle, Heref?., 187-J: — 76 : of Brampton Bryan, Herefs., 1877 — 78 : Rector of Harboroiigh Magna, Warws., 1878 ; Vicar of Elton, Herefs., 1887 to date. [Foster's Alumni Oion., IV., li'JO.] Wood, Rt. Rev. Thomas, b. Hackney : g. of Thomas Wood, Clerk to tlie Spicery of James I. : educated Westnir. Suh. ; Mat. Cli. Cli., 0.\-., lCi'7 : B.A.. 27th April, 1031 : M.A., 24tli April, lG3-t : (incorporated Cam. Univ., 1638) B.D., 15th May, 1641 : D.l)., 3rd Marcli, 1648 : Clip, in Ordinary to Charles I., 1635 ; Rector of Whickhain, Durham, 1635, until ejected during tlio Civil War : re- stored, 16G0 : Canon of Duiham, 1660 ; Chp. to Charles II., 1660 ; Dean of Lichfield, 1663 —71: P.p. of Lichfield, 1671 to death: r/. iSth April, 1692. [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., IV.. 881 ; Lansd. MS., 087, f. 15!) ; Alumni West.. 99 ; Chesters of Chicheley, 488 — ollii; Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., IGTi ; Ha'r- wood's Lichfield, 1.51!. 186.] Wood, Rev. William Hardy, b. North Somer- eotes. Line.'., 1836 ; s. of Rev. .Tames Wood : Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 22nd June, 1854 : B.A.. 1858 : M.A., 1861 : Curate of St. Peter's, Wolverhampton, 1859 — 63 ; Head Master, Wolverhampton Gr. Sch., 1863 — 65 ; Curate of St. Luke's, Leeds, 1865—68 ; Rector of Benwitk, Camb., 1868 to date ; R.D. of March, 1884. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1599.] Wood, W'illoughhy. The ileans of Increasing the Home Production of Animal Food . . . Birmingham : BiUiiit/ tj- Sou. n.d. {1S6S). 8vo., pp. 37. WooDAi.L, William. h. Shrewsburv, March, 1832 : x. of William Woodall, Esq.": educated The Crescent Congregation Sch., Liverpool ; chief Partner in Firm of Jlacintyre & Co., Potters, Washington Works, Bursleni : Chief Bailiff of Burslem, 1871 — 72 ; 1st Chairman of Burslem Sch. Board: J. P., Staffs.: on Royal Commission on Technical Education, 188 — 9 : ditto, on Education of Blind and Deaf Mutos, 189 : formerly President of Muni- cipal Corporations Associations : ditto, of North Staffs. Min. and Mech. Eng. Inst., 1890: Chairman of the Deputies of the Three De- nominations of Protestant Dissenters since 1888; M. P., Stoke, 1880— 85: of Hnnley, 1885 to date : Surveyor-General of Ordnance, 1885 — 86 : Financial Secretary to Treasury, 1892 to date : Chevalier Legion of Honour, 1892 ; m., 1870, Evelyn, dait. of James Macintyre, Esq., of Bursleni. Paris under Two Sieges. Hanlry : Allbut if Daniel. (After 1S72.) 12mo. Contributor to Contemporary lierietf. Cood Words. Once a Week. Enylish lUtistrated Afagazine, and Daily Graphic. WooDFORDE, F. C. B.A., Ox. Univ.: Assistant Master, High Sch., Newcastle, 188 —8 : Head Master, JIarkei Drayton Gr. Scli., 1890 to date. An Etymological Index to Shakspeare's Play of Henry V. . . . Printed and Published by I). Dilworth, Newcastle, n.d. 12mo., pp. 23. WooDHOusE, Rev. Charles Goddard. b. Tetten- hall ; s. of Rev. W. Woodhouse : Mat. Cli. Ch., Ox., 15th May, 1856 ; M.A., 1860. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1603,] WooDHoasK, Rev. George Girdlestone. b. Sedg- ley, 1831 : g. of Rev. George Windus Wood- house [«««] : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 16th Oct., 1850: B.A., 1854: Curate of Tong, Salop, 1857—61 : P.C. of Upper Gonial, 1861—67 ; Vicar of Yealmpton, near Plymptou. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1604.] WooDHOosE, Rev. George Windus. b. Cecil Street, Strand, London, 1801 : g. of James Wcodhouse, Esq. : Mat. St. Marv Hall, Ox., 2nd May, 1821: B.A., 1825: M.A., 1828 ; Curate of Sedgley, 182 — 36 ; Vicar of Al- brighton, Salop, 1836 to death ; d. 19th June, 1894. Practical .Sermons. Wolverhampton : T. Simpson. 1S39. V2mo. 2nd ed.. 1141, 12mo., pp. vi., 333. The Careless Christian. Wolrerhampton : T. Simpson, mil. 12mo. Parochial Sermons. Wolverhampton : T. Simpson. 1844. 12mo. Practical Sermons. IVolverhampton : T. Simpson. Ii46. 12mo. The Church of England : Her Fidelity to the Truth. A Sermon. Wolverhampton, 1S40. 8vo. The Portraiture of a Good Man and Faithful Pastor, as exemplified in the Life and Ministry of the Rev. George Fisk, D.D., for twenty-six years Vicar of St. Mary's, Wolverhampton. A Sermon preached at St. Mary's, on Sundav, Feb. 28th, 1869 . . . Wolverhampton : W. Parte'. 1869. 8vo., pp. 20. WooDHOcsE, James. A Shoemaker at Wom- bourne and Rowley Regis. Poems on Several Occasions. 2nd ed., corrected, with several poems never before published. London, 1766. 8vo., pp. XV., 181. Woodhouse, John. g. of John Woodhouse, of Wombourne Woodhouse : an active Parlia- mentarian : originally educated for Holy Orders but became a Presbyterian : kept an Academy at Sheriffhales, Salop, where he educated several notable persons — as Harley, Earl of Orford, and others : m. a dau. of Major Hubbard, of Rearshy Hall, Leics. ; because of his active- ness on behalf of the Parliamentary party during the Civil War, the Estates were alien- ated from him. [Shaw, I. ; Burke's Landed Gentry.] Woodhouse. Very Rev. John Chappell. b. Lichfield, 1748 : g. of William Woodliouse, M.D. (i. 1710: d. 1755): Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox.. 6th A].ril. 1765: B.A., 1770: M.A., 1773 : B.D. and D.D., 18(t7 : Rector of Dduington, Salop, 1773 to death : of Stoke, 1.S14 to death ; Preb. of Rochester, 1797 — 98 : Preb. of Freeford and Canon of Lich- field, 6ih March, 1793—1807 : Arehd. of Salop. Oct., 1798, to death; Dean of Lich- WOODLAND ( 5--ii ) WOOLRICH field, 1807 to death; m. Mercy Peate : d. ITth Nov., 1833. A Charge delivered at the Visitation of Salop. Lich- field, 1803. 8vo. The Apocalypse translated ; with Notes, critical and explanatory. Loudon, 1805. Roy. 8vo. Annotations on the Apocalypse. London, 1828. Roy. 8vo. Sermon on Matt. 10.8 [Society for Propogation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts], London, ISOS. 8vo. A Sermon preached before the House of Commons. London, 1808. 4to. Sermon preached at St. Paul's, at the Annual Meeting of the Charitv Children educated in and about London. London. 1804.' 4to. A Sermon preached at the Parish Church of Walsall. M'alsall. 1S14. 8vo. The Duty of the Clergy. A Charge. Liclifield: T. G. Lomax . . . 1817 8vo., pp. 12. A Short Account of Lichfield Cathedral. [By J. C. W., assisted by W. Newiing.] Lichfield, 1811. 9th ed., 1870. Vlmo. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1()04 ; Harwood's Lich- field, 21ii, 2:il ; Hutchinson's Stoke.] WooDL.tND, Eev. Eldred. Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox.: B.A., 18311; Rector of Stone, 1854— 77 ; Vicar of Milton, Portsea, 1877. Sermon on the Occasion of the French Revolution. 1848. Occjisional Poems. Poem upon the National Welcome of the Princess Alexandra . . . London; /^riuted by .^pottifiroode cj" Co. 1863. Pnhlished bi/ l/ie Aiilhor. Cr. 8vo., pp. 19. WooDNOOTH, Benjamin. Kidsgrove. The Economicjil Application of Steam Power to the Drainage of Mines and the Raising of Minerals. [Trans. North Staffs. M. iind Mecli. Eng.. I., 84—94, il'.l— 100.] "VVooDROFFE, Rev. Benjamin, h. Oxford, April, 1038 ; i". of Rev. Thomas WoodrofTe (ejected from Kin^sland, Herefs.) ; educated Westmr. Scb. ; Mat. Ch. Cli., 0.\., 23rd July, 1650 : B.A., 1G59; M. A. ,1002; (incorporated Cam. Univ., 1004) B.D.and D.D., 14tli Jan., 1672 ; Canon, 1072; Dean, 1088; Principal of Glouc. Hall (Wore. Coll.), 1092—1711: licensed to marry, loth Nov., 1070, Dorothy Stonehon.^e, of Besselsleigh, Berks. : Chp. to Charles II., 1674 ; ditto, to Jame.<, Duke of York, when in command of the " Royal Prince" in the engagement off Southwold Bay, May, 1002: F.R.S. : Lecturer to the Temple, 1672 : Vicar of Piddington, Dorset., 1073 — 74 ; of Slirivenham, Berks., 1075 : Preh. of Sandiacre, and Canon of Lichfield, 2nd Sept., 1678 to death ; Rector of St. Bartholomew's, Royal ExchaDge, London, 1678 to death; d., July, 1711 ; bur. 25th, same montli, in St. Bartholo- mew's Ch. Will ]iroved at O.xford, 22nd Sept., 1711. Sermons. London, 1jIj70. Sermons. Oxford, 1700. Ditto, 1703. Dahiel's Seventy Weeks . . . Explained and offered to the Jews. London. 1702. 4to. The Case of Gloucester Hall, in Oxford, rectifying the False Statement made by Dr. Woodroflce. [By J. Baron.] 1703. 4to. Examinis et Examinantis Examen. sive Reformationis et Keformatorum Defensis adversiis Calumnias F. Foris Otrokoesi . . . Oxon.. 1700. 4to. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV.. IG7G ; Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon., IV.. ItltO ; Alumni West.. 145 ; Raw- linson's MS., II., GO : XVIII., 1-28 ; Harwood's Lichfield, 24G.] Woodward, Willooghby. h. Wednesbury, 1841 : ». of Francis Woodward, Esq. ; Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 14th June, 18311 ; B.A., 1862 : M.A., 1808 ; entered Indian Civil Service, 1862. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., IGOG.] WooLFE, Rev. John. b. Stone, 1703 ; »■. of Rev. Benjamin Woolfe ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 31st Oct.. 1781 ; B.A., 1785: M.A.. 1788; Scholar until 1826; Master Dilhorne Gr. Sch. : d. 1826. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1G07.] WooLLEY, Rev. Henry Rushworth. b. Northamp- ton, 1777: 8. of Rev. Thomas Woolley ; Mat. Lincoln Coll., Ox., 3rd July, 17!)4: B.A., 1794; M.A., 1812; Rector of Shillington, Dorset, 1813 : of the Donative of Middleton, Worcs., 1813 : Vicar of Shenstone : Rector of Handsworth, 1841, to death ; d. 7th Oct.. 1847. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1G08.] WooLLEV (or Wollev), Rev. John. b. Shaw- bouse, Staffs., 1617; Mat. Wadh. Coll., Ox., 10th Apiil, 1035: B.A., Trin. Coll., 19th Nov., 1039: M.A.,2()tb March, 1042: Rector of Farley-Hungerford, Somers., 1657 ; Vicar of Bromsgrove, Worcs., 1660. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S , IV., 1G7'.1.] Woolley, L. M. Printer, Liverpool Road, Stoke. \_See Graves (Rev. R. D.] Hnrtshill AVorking Men's Institute. . . . Book of Words. Stuke-upou-Trent : L. M. Woolley. 1866. 8vo. No. 1., May 15, ISGO. The .Amnteur Authors' Mnrjazine. A Quarterly Magazine. Printed/or the .Amateur Authors' Society by L. .1/. Woolley, Liverpool Road. Stoke-upon- Trent. 8vo.. pp. 10. [3 numbers only issued.] Woolley and Son, Messrs. Prayers and Hymns to be used at the Meetings . . . during the Church (Tongress. . . Stoke: Woolley tf Son. 1875. Report of the Church Congress held at Stoke upon- Trent. Stoke; Woolley if Son. 1875. 8vo. Woolley, Thomas Edward, b. Gold's Hill, near Tipton, 1846 ; s. of Frederick Farmer Woolley, Esq.; Mat. Queen's Coll., Ox., ISth Oct., 1865. [Foster'.s Alumni Oxou., IV . 1G08.] WooLRiCH, Humphrey, b. 1633 ; a Quaker ; Newcastle ; (/., London, 31st June, 1707 : bur. 2nd July. A Declarations to the Baptists, concerning the name of the Lord, and what it is to be baptized thereinto : Written by one who was sometime one with them in the Shadows, feeding upon the Wind, and eating that which died of itself, and did not satisfie : But have now found the day wherein the shadows flee away, and hath received another name besides. London ; Printed for J. C.. and are to be sold by Thoma.^ Simmons. 1660. 4to. pp. 40. The Unlimited God, not limited by any of the Children of Light ; . . . Given forth from the Spirit of the Lord in Humphrey Woolrich. London, 1669. 4to., pp. 24. And John Pennyman and Thos. Coventry. Some Grounds and Reasons drawn from the Law of God. and this Nation, to Manifest the Unlawfulness of the Practice of those Magistrates, and others, who commit Men to Prison, or Fine, for not Putting Off the Hat, or not Standing Bare before Them. London : Printed for Robert Wilson. 1660. 4to., pp. 8. WOOLKICH (525) WORTLEY Oh London ! with thy Magistrates and Rulers [Writ- ten in Xewgate the 14th of the Uth Month, 16t!0. ii.p., pi. J or (I. fol. half sheet. The Rock of Ages Known, and Foundations of many Generations diseover'd. after this long and dark Night of Apostacy. London : Printed /or Robert Wilson An Martin s L'Grand. 1661. 4to., pp. 1«. A Visitation to the Captive Seed of Israel and a door opened to the Prisoner in the Pit, that the band of Dark- ness may be broken Given forth, in Bowels of Compassion to the scattered sheep that are yet of another Fold. London ; Printed/or Thomat Simmons. 1661. 4to., pp. Ifi. To All Presbyterian Ministers. 1661. Broadside. 1 sheet. To the King and both Houses of Parliament sitting at Westminster, and to every particular Member thereof ; . . . Printed for Robert Wilson, at the Sir/n of the Black Spread Earjle and Wlndmil. in Martins Le Grand, n.d. 4to., pp. 16. From the Shepherd of Israel to the Bishops in Eng- land. With some Queries and Councell to all Countries, and Judges, i-c. That they Incence not King Charles against the Lord's Heritage. London : Printed for Robert Wilson, u.il. 4to., pp. 16. [Xo title ; begins] " Is this to deny the Pope's Supre- macy." n.p.. pi.; or d. sm. 4to., Broadside. J-sheet. One Warning more to the Baptists, before their Day be wholly spent, and the Xight cover them, in which no man can work for God. London : Printed Jor Robert Wilson. 1661. 4to., pp. 24. This is written in Plainnesse of Heart, and Bowels of Everlasting Love, to my Prosecutors, who have shot sore at me, and hated me without a cause. Both Magistrates, Priests, and People in Stafford Shire, or elsewhere. . . . Printed /or Robert Wilson, n.d. 4to., pp. "22. A V^isitation and Warning is. Is this unto all Magis- trates and Law-Makers, Temporal and Spiritual, to Repent of Persecution and to forsake the Evil thereof, that so they may obtain mercy and find a Hiding-place in the Day of God's wrath Humphrey Wooldridge. London: Printed in the i/ear 1662. 4to., pp. .^0. To the Inhabitants of London, This is a ilessage in the Name of the Lord. London : Printed in the year 1663. fol., J-sheet. A General Epistle to the Friends of Truth and Righteousness, in England and Holland, or elsewhere ; . Written in the lltb Moneth, Anno 1665 With Another Epistle . . . bv Samuel Gates. . . . n.p., pi., or d (1665). 4to., 1 sheet. A Plaiue, and Good Advice to the Parliament-men, and OfiBcers of the Army, of the Common-Wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. (Written in Newgate). ii.<(. Broadside. 1 sheet. A Declaration of the Tender Mercies of the Living Lord in causing his Holy D.iy to spring from on High, in his own Age and Generation, after a long Night of D.irk- ness. n.p., pi., or d. 4to.. pp. 12. An Epistle to all Friends that be Travelling towards the Holy City and Rest that is in Everlasting Life, that they may not Over-Charge themselves, nor Burden them- selves on their Journey, n.p., pi., or d. (1674). 4to., pp. 12. A Warning and Testimony from the Lord who lives and abides for ever. Printed in the i/ear 16S0. 4to.. pp. 24. A Brief Testimony and Witness again-^t Friends Wearing of Periwigs, especially them that Minister to others. [Signed] Humphrey Woolrich. Made Publick in Obedience to the Lord by Richard Bury, 17IIS. n.p., pi., or d. (I'OS). Broadside. 1 sheet. [Posthumous.] Wooi.uiCH l^or Wolridge), John. b. StaEfs., 1562 : Mat. Univ. Coll., 0.\., 1st Dec, 15S1 : B.A., 22nd Feb., 15is2 : M.A., lOth Dec, 1584. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. lY.. 166.<.] "Woolrich, Rev. William Henr}-. b. Lichfield, 1825 : s. of Jolm Woolrich, Esq. ; Mat. Pemb. Coll., Ox., 2nd May. 1845 : B.A., 1S4'.1 : Curate of Jesus Chapel, Enfield, Middlesex ; Vicar (and Patron) of Crowle, AVorcs., 18{)0 to death : of Huddington, Wares., 1870 to death : d. 16th Sept., 1882. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IT., 1608.] WoRSDKLL, Edmund. />. Staffs., 1547; Mat. Balliol Coll., Ox., 1575. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1679.] WoRSFOLD, Rev. John Xapper. St. Bees, 1851 : Cnrate of Bramford, Suffolk, 1853 ; of Burs- lem, 1854 : of St. Clement's, Ipswich, 1855 — 57 : of Wolvey, Warws., l«57— 5'.) : Vicar of Tickenham, Somers., 185!) : P.C. of Welling- ton, Hanley, I860 — G8 ; Vicar of Ch. Ch., Somers Town, St. Paneras, iKfix — -74 ; Rector of Haddlesey, Yorks., 1874. The Doctrine of the Trinity practically and experi- mentally considered. The Fulness and Freeness of the Gospel. Wellington Series of Tracts. Hanley, 1862. Salvation by Grace. A Visit to the Vaudois of the Piedmont Valley. London ; J. F. Skmv 4 Co. 1873. 8vo. WoRswiCKE, John. b. Stafford, 1581 ; Mat. Merton Coll., Ox., 23rd July, 15!»6. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV.. 1681.] WoRswicKE, Thomas, h. Staffs., 1564 ; Mat. St. Alban Hall. Ox., 1st Dec, 1581 ; B.A., Merton Coll., 15th June, 1585. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1681.] WfMiTHiSGTOS, Rev. .John, h, Coton, 1832 : s. of Henry Worthington, Esq. ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 5th Feb., 1850 : B.A., 1854 : M.A., 1884 ; Curate of Little Bedwyn, Wilts., 1860—62 ; Vicar of Shuckburgh, Warws., 1866 — 78 ; of Farnworth, Lanes., 1878 — 88 ; Rector of North Law, Devon., 1885. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., Hill.] WoRTHiN'GTON, Rev. Thomas. b. Blainscougb, near Wigan, Lanes., rircd 1548 ; President of English Coll., Douay, France ; d. Staffs., 1626. [Bliss's Wood's Ath. Oxon.. II., 406 ; Dod's Ch. Hist., n., 391.] WoRTLEV, Rt. Hon. James Archibald Stuart- Wortley. b. St. James's Square, London, 3rd July, 1805 ; -s. of James A. Stuart- Wortley (afterwards 1st Baron Wliarnecliffe) : Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox.: B.A., Is-M] ; M.A.. 1S31 : Fellow, Merton Coll. : Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple, 1831 : Q.C., 1841 : Senior Bencher : Standing Counsel to Bank of England, 1844 — 45 : Solicitor-General to the Queen Dowager, 1845 : Attorney-General to Duchy of Lan- caster, 1845 : Judge Advocate-General. Jan., 1,'^46 — ,50 : P.C. ; Recorder of London, Sept., 1850 — 56 : Solicitor-General, Nov., 1856 — Ma_v, 1857 : J. P. and Deputv Lieutenant, Yorks., 1846 : J.P., Bute and Forfar: M.P., Halifax, 1835 — 37 ; Buteshire, 1842 — May, 18.')y : Commissioner of London, 1850 : m., 1846, Jane, dtiu. of Lord Wenlock ; of Can- woll Hall, near Tamworth ; d. 22nd Aug.. 1881. [Dod's Peerage (1874) ; Foster's Peerage (1882).] WOTTON (526) WRIGHT WOTTOX. Descent from Ancient Deeds and Arms. [Bodl. Lib., 833 (60), -JDlt, 4B0 : S44, iU] WoTTON, Andrew, b. Walford, Staffs., 1669 ; K. of Ph. Wotton : Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 8th April, 1G«,J ; B.A., 1<;k7. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., 1682.] WoTTON', Sir Henry. Reliiiuians ; with Life. By Izaak Walton. London, 16i4. WoTTOS, Thomas. Wrinehill, near Betley. The English Baronetage. Three Volumes. London, nil. «To. Arms of Baronets. Engraved on 106 plates. London, 1725. Wbagge, Clement Lindley. b. Stonrbridge, Worcs., 18tli Sept., 18.k' [lived at Oaka- moor from five months old upwards] ; s. of Clement Ingleby Wragge, Solicitor ; edu- cated Uttoxeter Gr. Sch., Belvidere House Sch., Upper Norwood, London, and privately under Rev. W. il. Birch, Vicar of Launce.«ton, Cornwall; F.R.G.S. ; F.R.Met.S. ; M.S.A. ; M.Scots.Met.S. : F.R.S. of S. Australia ; ditto, Queensland ; Gold Medalist, Ben Nevis Observatory ; Government Meteorologist of Queensland, to date ; m. Leonore, dau. of Edward Thornton, Solicitor, Adelaide, S. Australia. Eeports to Government of England, from Ben Nevis Observatory. Ditto, to Government of Queensland from Weather Bureau. Brisbane. C. L. C. is Author of numerous Contributions on Meteorological Subjects to Magazines and Periodicals. C. L. C. edited the Meteorological Articles in Midland ^^aturalist, 1878. Wken, Rev. Geoffrey. M.A., Ox. Univ., Utli Jan., l.')10 ; Clerk to the Closet and Chp. (or Confessor) to Henry VII. and to Henry VIII.; Master, Sherburn Hospital, Durham ; Rector of Loughborough, Leies. ; of Hanslope, Bucks., 1.511; Canon of York, 15()« ; Pre! >. of Cur- borough and Canon of Lichfield, 4th April, 1511_21, Aug., 1522, and 7th Dec., 1522, to death ; Canon of Windsor, 1515 to death ; Rector of St. Margaret's, New Fish Street, London, 1512 ; d. 5th April, 1527. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E..S., IV., 1684; Harwood's Lichfield, 22:i ; Genealogist, V., 330.] Wken, Very Eev. Matthew, b. London, 23rd Sept., 1585 ; «. of Thomas Wren, Mercer ; Mat. Perab. Coll., Cam., 23rd June, 1601 ; B.A., 1604 ; Fellow, 1605 ; M.A., 1608 ; (incorporated Ox. Univ., 12th July, 1608) B.D., 1615: D.D., 1623; re-inco"rporated, 31st Aug., 1636 ; President of his Coll., 1616 ; Vice-Chancellor, 162S ; Master of Peterhouse, Cam., 1625 : Chp. to Prince Charles, 1626 ; to Bp. Andrews ; Rector of Taversliam, Camb., 1615 ; of Bingham, Notts., 1624 ; Canon of Winchester, 1523 ; of West- minster, 1634 ; Dean of Windsor and Wolver- hampton, and Registrar of the Garter, 162H ; Bp. of Hereford, 1634 — 35 ; of Norwich, 1635 ; of Ely, 1638 ; imprisoned in the Tower of London nearly 16 years ; restored to his Bishopric, &c., 1660; Dean of Chapel Royal 1636 ; d. 24th April, 1667. Increpatio Bar Jesn ; sive Polemicae adsentiones locorum aliquot SacrjB Scriptune ab imposturis perver- sionum in Catecbesi Racoviana. London, IGGO. 4to. [Re- printed in Critic! Sacri, IX ] The Abandoning of the Scottish Covenant. London, 1661 Epistolae Varife ad Viros doctissimos. A Sermon preached before the King's Majestie. Cam- bridge, 1627. 4to. Ditto. London, 1660. 4to. Brief History of the Parish and Jurisdiction of Wolverhampton in Staffoi'dshire, from the time of King Edgar [Bodl. Lib., 1125, II.*. 27, f. 624— ,36] ; Letters to Sir Thomas Kowe, Chancellor [lb., 1132, f. 47a, 486. 494, 506. .">la6, b'Aab. ,54a. 546, 79a6, 806 : 1111. .i!!, .i06, 60—2, 133] : Notes on Garter for the Earl of Kelley [i6., 102a] ; Letters to Richard Bavlie. Dean of Salisburv [ib., 1132. f. 1810.18-26, )8ta, 1846']; Letters to Archbp'. Laud [i6., 1111, 1.366] ; to Sir J. Palmer. Deputy Chancellor [i6., i:i6, 13!i] ; Papers concerning the Order" of Garter [ib.. 1108, 123. 133, i:3.i, 1.39 : 1111. .3.3. 376, .W. i!74. 106, 1096, 110— 14, 123—296, 131— ,366, 141, 142: 111.3. 108: 1123. 49, &c : 1131, 1296 : 11.32: 1134, 249] : Arm.s set up by him at the Deanerv [i'6., 1115, 217] ; Warrants bv him [i6., 11.32, 137] ; 'His Expulsion [i'6., 1111. 143. 144"] ; Continuation bv him of Frith's Catalogue of Deans [i6., 1123, I., etc.] ; Letters from Sir T. Rowe to Dean Wren [i6., 7iii, 131, 1316, i;336, 1346] ; from Sir J. Borovigh, Garter [ib., i:ij]. Staluta noblissimi Ordinis in Anglia dicta a Periscelide, Adjectes ali(|Uot ad marginam Notai, in ijuibus vidue erit. Quantum .Statuta haec a prioribus discesserent, Quantum et ab his Statntis recessum ex eo tempore .-^it, Qiui per novorum decretorum accessiones. Qua per hodiernas con- suetedines denique Ex collectione et collatione M : W : Decani Windesorensis et Scribre Nobilissimi Ordinis, 1631 [i6.. 1131, 53, ff. 107-196 (in all, 25 pagesj] ; Acts at Ipswich, whilst Bishop of Norwich [ib. 829\. Articles of Impeachment in the House of Commons [against Wren]. London, 1641. 4to. Wren's Anatomy ; Discovering his notorious pranks, &c. London. 1641. 4to. The Wren's Bed Defiled ; or, Bishop Wren anatomized, London. 1641. 4to. Bishop Wren's Petition to Parliament in Defence of Episcopacie. London, 1642. 4to. Joyfull Newes from the Isle of Ely, Declaring the manner of the apprehending of Bishop Wren, &c. London, 1642. 4to. A Most Sharp Letter which was found in the Old Change, Dedicated to Matthew Wren, Lord Bishop of Ely. London. 1642. 4to, WniOHT, C. M. Not a bit like Christmas, and other Stories .... Walsall: W. Henry Robinson, ii.tl. (lSS6j. cr. 8vo., pp. 89. Wright, Edward Collier, h. Bradley, 1777 ; s. of Rev. Samson Wright ; Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., 7th April, 179(i ; B.A., IKOO : M.A.. 1805 ; P.C. of Bradley, IKOl : of Pilsford, Northants., 1824 to death ; d. 17th Aug., 1842. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 161 1.] Wright, Francis S., Printer and Bookseller, Market Place, Longton. Traih^acf ions of' Xorth SlaJJ'ordsliire Mining and Mechanical Engineers' Institute. Vol. I. — IV. Paper on Walker's Patent Detaching Hook, &c. Longton : F. S. Wright, n.d. 8vo., pp. 4, 4, 6. Colliery and Ironworkers' Boilers, By James Bromer, Longton : /'. S. Wright, n.d. (1874). 8vo., pp. 8. Furnace and Van A'entilation. Longton: F. H. Wriqht. n.d. (1876). 8vo., pp. 4. Revised Rules and List of Members of the North Staffordshire Mining and Mechanical Engineers' Institute. Longton: F. S. Wriqht. 1878. 8vo., pp. 16. [See Woodnoot'h (B.), Dunlop(P.), Goddard (T.M.).] WRIGHT (527) WROTTESLEY WRifiHT, George B., Electrical Engineer, Prince's Square, Wolverhampton. The Electric Light as applied to Rolling Mills . . . Wolcer/iamploii : PriiileJ hy John Sleen ij- Co. ii.d. (1SS6). 8to., pp. 1 J. Wright. Ilumitlirev. h. Woodhouse, l(i'.)9 ; «. of HumpLrey Wright : Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 22ud Feb., 1714: B.A., 1718; M.A., 1732. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. IV.. 1616] Wrioht, John. b. Lichfield, 1(582 : s. of Roger Wright : Mat. Ch. Ch., O.x.. 13th Oct., 1699. [Foster's Alumni Oxon.. E.S., IV., l(i(<7.] Wright, John. Staffordshire Collections, Coats of Arms in Colours, Drawings. A-c, formed 17»4. 4to. vol. [Salt Lib.] Wriuht, John, Printer, Stafford Street, Willen- luill. The History of WiUenhall, with a Legend of St. Giles's; also Trades' Directory, Almanack, and General Advertiser for the vear IS.VJ. Bv John Wright. fVillen- hall: J. Wriijht, 'Printer. Stafford Street. ».d. (1850). l'2mo., pp. j"2. Wright, Rev. Philip James. b. Newcastle ; New Connexion Minister. The Study of Creation, and other Subjects. London : 1S4B. Cr. !ini(>ns of General Sir John Fox Burgoyne. London : liichard Bentiey. 1S50. 8vo. The Life and Correspondence of Fielcl JIarshal Sir John Bnrjj:oyne, Bart., G.C.B. Two Volumes. Lon^ii n : likhuril JienUei/. 1873. 8vo. ; port. Edited— Collections for a History of Staffordshire. Published by the William Salt .4rch<10 ; «. of John, 1st Baron Wrottesley ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 28th June, 1X27 ; B.A., 1831 ; Fellow, All Souls, 1831—43 ; M.A., 1836 ; Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, ls36 ; m., 22nd June, 1843, Marianne Lucy, dau. of Colonel Archer, 16th Lancers ; d. 2nd Mav, 1872. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., Ii;i7.] Wrottesley, William dom de, Knt., temp. Edward I. ; a Commissioner for the observ- ance of Magna Cliarta, a.d. 1300. Ch,arta; Willielmi de Wrotisle, IsabelliB uxoris ([Uon- dam Willielmi Bagod, domini de Patshull, et duie chai-tfe Aliciae relictie Henrici le Fremau de Wrottesley [Bodl. Lib., 04 (2), 208] ; other references [li., 833, 78— 8S, 8.5, 88: i/25. 208— 106]. Parliamentary Writs. (Printed.) Wyatt, James, i. Burton, f/;Tf/ 174;!; about 1758, accompanied Lord Bagot to Rome ; from Rome he went to Venice, ^yllere for two years he was pupil to Viscentini, the architect and painter; returned to London, 1763, where he was employed in the Pantheon in Oxford Street ; on the death of Sir William Chambers he was appointed Surveyor-General to the Board of Trade : President of Royal Academy ; (/., Marlborough, 5th Sept., 1.S13. [Gent's Mag., LXXXIII. : Chalmers's Biog. Diet., XXXIL, 340— 43.] Wy.4tt, John. h. Weeford, near Lichfield, April, 1700 ; worked as Master Carpenter and Inventor for thirty years ; invented a machine for cutting files, to supersede hand and hammer work ; about 1732 invented a machine for spinning cotton yarn, instead of the old distatV and s]iindle, the beginning of the great cotton spinning industries ; in 173(> removed to Birmingham, where the first yarn spun by machinery was perfected in 1744 — a 3-U WYATT ( 530 ) WYNNE piece of which has been preserved and is now in Birniinghiim Art Gallery : joined with Lewis Paul, Edward Cave, and others, in a Cotton Mill, at Biniiiiighani, wliieli was worked for some years, but was unsuccessful as the road.? wore roay;h and the cost of freight enor- mous ; was afterwards employed by Boulton & Watt, >?oho (^Staffs.) ; invented and perfected tlie "compound lever machine," the first of the modern weighing machines now used, unaltered, and many other inventions ; d. 1706, leaving two Sons and four daughters ; btir. St. Philip's Churchyard, Birmingham, where Boulton, Baskcrville, and many other famous men assendiled at his graveside. He was a meclianic of rare skill, energy, and perseverance, and left a mass of papers, plans, and inventions, which are now preserved in the Reference Library, Birmingham, iiaving been given by Jlrs. Silvester, of Bath, a few years ago. Although he was unsuccessful in many of his ingenious inventions, he was a rare example of ingenuity and skill, and many of his relatives won higli honours and marked success. [Private information per S. Timmins, Es(i.] WvATT, Rev. Michael, h. Tamworth. 1781 ; s. of Thomas Wyatt ; Mat. Oriel Coll., O.x., 14th May, 18(11 ;"B. A., 1805; M.A., St. John's Coll., Cam., 1H(»<) : Rector of Asldey, AVilts., 1809 ; of North Wroxall, 1814 to death ; (/. 8th June, 1830. [Foster's Alumni Oxen., IV , 1G18.] Wyatt, Rev. Robert I'^dward. b. East Barnett, Herts., 1830; s. of Thomas Wvatt, Esq.: Mat. Exeter Coll., Ox., 11th May, ls48 ; B.A., 1852; M.A., 1857 : Curate "of Sheen, 1852 — 55 ; of Havward's Heath, 1855 — CG ; Vicar of St. Wilfrid's, Hayward's Heath, Sus:iex, 186C. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. li;ij<.] Wyatt, Robert Harvey Lyle. h. Acton, 1867 ; s. of Robert Wyatt ; Mat. as a Non.-ColL, Ox., 23rd Jan., 1886. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., liilS.] Wyatt, Rev. Thomas. /;. Staffs., 1574 : Mat. Brasennsc Coll., Ox., Julv, 15'.»3 ; B.A., 3rd Feb., 15'J6; M.A., Oriel Coll., 11th March, 1002; licensed to preach, 17th Dec, 1010; B.I)., 27th June, Kill ; D.D., 5th Dec, 1014 : Rector of Ducklington, 1010 — 53 ; of Nuneham-Courtney, (lioth) O.xon., 1010 ; Vicar of Stowe, Bucks., 1036. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., lO!)!.] Wyatt, Rev. Thomas Geoffrey, b. Sheen, 1854 ; «. of Rev. Robert Edward \Vyatt [see} ; Mat. Trin. Coll., Ox., 31st May, 1873 ; B.A., 1877 ; M.A., 1880 ; Cuddesdon Theological Coll. ; Curate of Cli. Cli., West Bromwicli, 1878—79 ; of St. Wilfrid's, Havward's Heath, Sussex, 187'J. [Foster's Alumui Oxon.. IV., UV.K] "Wykehamist, An Old." Recollections of the Two St. Mary Winton Colleges. Bv '■ .-Vn Old Wvkehamist." Printeti ntul Published for the . I'll lior. H'ttlsall: H'. J/enri/ Robinson. 1SS3. Cr. SVc, pp. viii., I'.'lt. Wyi.p, Rev. Edwin George, b. ilarUiorough, Wilts., 1847; ». of Rev. William Thomas Wyld ; Mat. Exeter Hall., Ox., Sth .Ian., 18(;5; B.A., 18(;K: Rector of (iratwich and Kingstone, 1872 — 73 ; of Woodborough, Wilts., 1K73— 81 ; Vicar of Mere, Wilts., 1881. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV.. liJlO.] Wyloe, Robert. b. I'ttoxeter, 17(')S; s. of Thomas Wvlde ; Mat. St. John's Coll., Ox., 28th Oct., 1789. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., llil'.i.] Wysdham, Sir William, b. Tnntham, 1089: s. of Sir Edward Wyndham. Bart., and Catherine (tlaii.of Sir William Leveson-Gower, Bart., of Trentham), his wife : educated Eton ; Mat. Ch. Ch., Ox., 1st June, 1704; of Orchard Portman, Soniers. ; 3rd Baronet ; ^Master of Buckhounds, 1710 ; Secretary of War ; Chancellor of Exchequer and P.C., Aug., 1713 ; M.P.. Somerset, in six Parlia- ments, April, 1710, to death ; arrested at Orchanl Portman, Somers., on suspicion of favouring the Rebellion, 21st Sept., 1715 ; m., 21st Sejit., 1708, (1) Lady Catherine, dati. of Chai-les, Duke of Somerset, (2) Maria Catherina, relict of Marquis of Blandford : (/., Wells, Somers., 17th June, 1740. A Full and Authentick Narrative of the Invasion ; containing n particular Account of the taking of Sir William Wyndham. LonJon, 17 IS. The Honour and Imp.-ivtiality of the House of Com- mons, .set forth in the Case of Sir William Wyndham. LonJon. 1715. 4to. [ Rawlinson's MS.. XXI.. 225 : Pari. Diet. ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. E.S.. IV.. lliM; Chalmers's Biop. Diet., XXXlI.,2(;;t—(;i;: Swift's Works; Pope's Works; Bridge's Collins; Gent's ilag.,\o\.'Ll\.; Coxe's Walpole ; Birch's Lives.] Wynx, Henry W. h. Wolverhampton. Ravenscourt : or, St. Hildred's Well. A Dramatic Legend. In Three Acta. As performed at Wolverhampton. Printed b>j .loseph Bridi/en, Wolrerhampton. 1S43. 12mo. Frontispiece by George Wallis. Wyxne, George. How shall we be governed ? Addressed to the Rate- payers of Wolverhampton. By one of themselves. Wol- verhampton : J. Bridgen. 1S47. Hvo., pp. 12. Fellowsiana : A Dramatic Sketch . . . Il'o^rer- hampton: J. Beddous. n.d. (1S02). 12mo., pp. 27. Wyxne, Ven. George Robert. Archdeacon of Aghadoe, Killarney. Ninth Tear. Church of Ireland Union for the Study of Holy Scriptures and Prayer. Quarterly Notes. 12mo. pp. 12. (Printed by liobins'un, Walsall.) Wyxxe, Thomas, b. Tenbury, 7th Feb., 1807 ; s. of John Wynne and Elizabetli, his wife ; educated at Ledbury; went to Longton, 1830; Manager of Mossdeld Colliery Co., 1836 ; twice Chief Bailiff of Longton ; resident in Longton 24 years ; H.M. Inspector of Jlines for Staffs, and Sahip., Jan., 1852 — 88 ; M.I.C. WYOT (531) YONGIO Engineers, Dec, 1854 ; F.G.S. ; ?«. (1) Snrah H. Orton : (2) Harriet Hitchcox : (3) Ellen, (lau. of Jiiliu .Joule, Esq., Brewer, Stone ; d. Gnosall Manor House, ■4th June, 18'Jl. Annual Reports on Mining, &.C., in StaSordehire and Salop, l»07 : of Ryton, LichBeld, 10th Feb., 15U9 ; Master Christ's Coll., 1509—10 ; Pre- centor of York, 13th Nov., 1519 ; D.D., 1519 ; Rector of Bingham, Xotts. ; (/., -luly, 1522 ; hur. Southwell Minster; A\ ill dated Oct., 1522. [Cooper's Ath. Cantab., I., 26 ; Le Neve's Fasti ; M.S., Cole, XX., 7 ; XXVI., 79.] VVyrlev, Humphrey, b. Staffs., 1574; «. of John Wyrley ; Mat. St. Mary Hall, Ox., 19th June, 1589 ; of Ilamstead Hall, Handsworth. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV., ICaC] Wyrlev, Sir John. h. Stafford, 1007 ; a. of Humphrey Wyrley \jee\ ; Mat. Magd. Hall, Ox., 17th May, 1622 ; Student at Gray's Inn, 1625 ; Knighted by Charles I., at Whitehall, 4th June, 1641 ; c/.", Sept., 1687. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.g., IV., 1G96.] Wyrlev-Magna. [Bodl. Lib., Soo, 75.] WynLEY, William. h. Staffs., 1565 ; ». of Augustine Wyrley, of Wyrley, Staffs., and Xether Seal, Leics., and Mary, dau. of William Charnells, of Snareston, Leics. ; Mat. Balliol Coll.. Ox., 29th Nov., 1594 ; Rouge-Croix Pursuivant at Arms, May, 1604, to death; d., Feb., 1617, at Heralds' College. The trve Vse of Armorie shewed by Historie and plainly proved by example. London: By J. Jackson^ for On&riell Cairood. 1602. 4to.. pp. 1G2 Reprinted as — The True Use of Anns. By William Wyrley. Reprinted from the original edition. \a'M. London : John Gray Bell. MOCCCLIH. Sm. 4to., pp. vii., 42. Phtes on pp. 15, 16, 17, 18,21. 26. Collections for a History of Leicestershire. MS. used by W. Burton. Survev of Churches in Leicestershire. MS. [Herald's Coll. Lib..'V., 197.] Ditto, with Burton, 1603, 1608, &c. [/A. V.. No. 127.] [Noble's Coll. of Arms : Philips's Theatrum Poetarum by Bridge : Chalmers's Biog. Diet., XXXII., 371—72.] Yates, Francis, b. Staffs., 1600 ; Mat. Brase- nose Coll., Ox., 2;}rd J.in., 1617 ; B.A., 23rd May, 1620; M.A., 10th July, 1623. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., IV.. 1691'.] Yates, Rer. James, M.A. Birmingham. The Duty and Manner of Deciding the more Im- portant Controversies. A .Sermon preachel at the Old Meeting House, Coseley. June 17th, 1817, at the Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Tract .Society, established in Birmingham for Warwickshire and adjoining Counties. Birmimjham, IHll. 12mo. Yates, James, b. Eccleshali, 14th Feb., 1824 ; s. of Samuel Yates, Esq. ; educated Eccle- shali and St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London ; L.S.A. ; M.R.C.S., Lond. ; for 25 years Med. Officer of Health to Newcastle Union ; m. Maria Madders Pinner. Wasps. [.Science Gossip (June, July, Aug., 1890).] Y^ATEs, James Deakin. b. Eccleshali, 1858 ; «. of Samuel Yates, Esq. ; Mat. Univ. Coll., Ox., 13th Oct., 1877: B.A., 1881. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1626.] Yates, John. b. Stalmine, Lanes., 1703 ; s. of Rev. George Yates ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 14th March, 1721 ; bur. St. Michael's, Lichfield. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1626.] Yates, Rev. Jonathan, b. Middlewich, Cheshire, 1610 ; s. of Thomas Yates ; Mat. Brasenose Coll., Ox., 29th Jan., 1629 ; B.A., 28th Jan., 1629 ; Rector of Bradley, 1636 ; Vicar of Spratton, 1660 ; Rector of Blisworth, (both) Northants., 1664. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S.. IV., 1700.] Yale, Rev. Thomas, LL.D. Preb. of Offley, Lichfield, 25th March, 1560 to death ; Dean of the Arches ; d. 1577. [Harwood's Lichfield, 238 ; Hutchinson's Stoke, 87.] Yates, Rev. William, b. Eccleshali, 1831 ; s. of Samuel Yates, Esq. ; Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 8th Feb., 1849 ; Scholar, Lincoln Coll., 1850 — 53 ; B.A., 1852 ; Fellow, Brasenose Coll., 185.3—67 ; M.A., 1855 ; Proctor, 1866 ; Senior Proctor, 1867 ; Greek Lecturer and .Junior Dean, 1859; Tutor, 1859 — 67; Curate of Gaydon, Warws. ; Rector of Cottinghani, Northants., 1866 to date ; R.D. of Weldon, 1st portion, Peterborough. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1626.] Y'eakwell, W., an Alchemist. Letters to Ashmole. [Bodl. Lib., 1137. S. 180, 181.] Y'oxge, Norman Bond. b. Charnes Hall, Eccles- hali, 16th Nov., 1829; «. of Weston Yonge, Esq., and Mary, bis wife ; educated Rugeley Gr. Sell., Stamford Gr. Sch., Birmingham Neolotrical Coll. ; of Owen's Coll., Manchester, 2nd Dec, 1847 ; d. 1872. The Shadow of the Yew, and other Poems. London : Saunders ij- Odey . . . ISSG. 8vo., pp. 208. Palmamqui meruit ferat [Poems]. London. 1857. 8vo. The still small Voice . . . London; Saunders 4 Otley. 1S60. 8vo. YoxGE, Rev. Skrymshire. b. Charnes Hall, 1686 ; *>. of John Yonge, Esq. : Mat. Oriel Coll., Ox., 18th March,"l702 ; B.A., 1706; Rector of Misterton, Leics., 1715. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., E.S., lA'., 1705.] YONGE (532) ZOUCH YoNGE, Vernon, h. Cliaines Hall, ITfift ; s. of Walter Ynni,'e, Esq. ; Mat. Wadli. Coll., O.K., 22iul Nov.," 1777 ; m. (1) Miss Mclloi-, of Derby, {'I) Miss Emery. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., IV., 1G28.] Y'oNGK, Rev. Vernon, b. Charnes Hall ; s. of Rev. (;et)rge Vernon Yonge ; Mat. Bnisenose Coll., Ox., 17tli Oct., ISCK ; Curate of Wol- stanton. [Foster's Alumni O.-ion., IV., lil'JS.] YoNfiE, Rev. Walter, h. Charnes Hall, 1073 ; s. of Jolin Yon-e, Esq. ; Mat. Wadh. Coll., 0.\., 3rd Dec., KiDU ; of Charnes Hall ; Student. Middle Temple, 1091 ; m. 2()tli Feb., . Marv, (liiu. of llidnias Vernon, Esq., of Audley : . The Man of Sin revealed in the past, and awaiting his doom in the future. I.oiiiloii, 1860. 8vo., pp. G7. The Remote Anticpiity of Man not Proven. Loiiilon, n.d.dSS:!). Svo., pp. lill. Modern Discoveries of Science Anticipated by the Bible Account of the Cre.ation. Biniiingkam ; Cornish liius. ISSO. Svo.. pp. KiU. YooNG, Rev. John. Wesleyaii Minister. The Affectionate African. Hinilei/: T. AUbut. ii.d. 12ino. The Scripture Lyra. Ilanley: T. AUbnt. 1827. I'imo. The Omnipotence of Deity, naiilei/ : T. Allbu'. 1830. Pt. Svo. A Surmon Preached at Potshead Barn. Ilanlci/: same i/iipi int. The Scripture Bilances. Haiiley : T. AUbut. 1820. Pp. xii., 15— 2B0. YoUNO, Will. Chantry at Lichticld. [Bodl. Lib , 8G4. (11.] Young, Alexander Waugh. M..V., London ; Fellow of Univ. Coll., Londmi ; Head Master of Tetteiiliall College. Proomenia Grasc.i. London: Simpkin, .Mar.^h d/.^i^Co. 1S85. Demy 8vo., pp. xi., 125. z ZoiJCH, Rev. Thomas, h. Sandal, Yc 1737: educated Wakefield Sch. ; of Trin. Coll., Cam., 1757 ; Lord Craven Sch.. 17G0 ; B.A., 17C1 ; Fellow, 1763 ; Rector of Wycliffe, Y'orks., 1770 ; Deputy-Commissioner for Archd. of Richmond, 1791 ; Clip, to Master of Rolls, 1793 ; Rector of Scrayingham, 1793 ; Preb. of Durham, 9th April, 1S05 ; D.D., 1805. The Life of Isaac Walton, including Notices of his Contemporaries. )'o/'^', 1700. 4to. London : Septimnif I'rowell. 1823. Pp. ii., 9.'!, and 20 plates. [H copies of tills edition were struck off on large paper, with proof piiites on Iiulia paper ] London ; Oosdvn. 182G. 8vo. [I'Ifttes in tliis ami the 1823 edition were taken from Gosden's " Compleat Angler," 1822. .Spe Walton (I.).] London, 1S30. Portrait, title, pp. 93. [l^riiitod on drjiwing paper for private circulation.] The Works of the Rev. Thomas Zouch. D.D. (including Waltoniana and Sidneiana). Edited by the Rev. Francis Wrangham. Two Volumes. Vort, 182U. Svo. LSii.si. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. ADDENDA ET OOERIGENDA. AMPHLEIT Ami'hi.ett, .lames. add in., Oct., 1H15, at Stafford, Aline, duu. of Edward Poole. Baoot, Bp. f'or Yen. Archdeacon Donison, read Denison. Baildon, W. p. add Elected one of the Council of the Selden Society, March, 1894. add Les Reportes del cases in Camera Stellata, 159.S to KJli'.l. from the Original MS. of John Howarde, of the Inner Temple. Es. Cambridt/e, 1809. 'Svo. ... Mainwarisg, Rev. Roger. add Religion and Allegiance. Two Sermons preached before the King. London, 1627. 4to. Mainwarino, Rowlami add The Lost Manuscript of a Blue Jacket. A'e«i- castle : Privately printed hi/ F. Crewe. 1850. Svo. Minton-Senhouse, Rev. Samuel, add Mat. Wore. Coll., Ox., Nov., 1837 ; Scholar, Wore. Coll., June, 1888 ; m., 20tli April, 1843, Cecil Mary, &c. MoBEiiLEY, Rev. G. H., rend Moberly. add The Pastor's Humility. An Ordination Sermon . . . Lichfield: Lomax. ISS'l. 8vo. The Scriptural Argument ag.ainst the proposed Change in our Jfarriage Laws. Lichfield: Lomax. 1883. Morton, Tliom.TS. afier Thomas, read {or Richard). MosELEv, Walter Acton. Mat. AVarlii. Coll., Ox., 5th July, 1733, not 1770. Robinson, George. <:id(/ s. of a Solicitor ; articled to hi.s father; m., 11th Aug., 1825, Sarah, dau. of Christopher Wood, Esq., of Oal\c'ii, Wolverhampton : d. at Walton-on- Thames, 15tli .lune, 1880, where ho is huried. Rorinson, J. R., Printer. reaci Robinson, John Uiis^cll. I). IJicester, Oxon., 14th Jan., I8i;i : went to Walsall in 1837, heing in- tended for the Legal Profession ; with Messrs. Harvey & Cotterill, Solicitors, Walsall, for some years ; afterwards became Printer and Booiiseller, Tlie Bridge, Walsall ; established Wal.-eeches, itc, by Mr. Salt are reported in Han- sard's Dcbntes of House of Commons, as follows : — Vol. HJo, p. 1404 ; 170.1210; 174,'23I ; 177,'.lo',l: 178, 12(;8 ; 209,802 ; 209,810; 211, U97; 212,030; 212. .340 ; 212,202; 211,99; 210, IS.iO; 210,190."); 209,1904: 209,1924; 21.5,1483; 210,1259; 210,991; 217,.55l; 217.795; 215.99; 214.1308; 214,892; 214,1101; 214.909; 214.1959; 215,219; 215, 1782 ; 215, 1803 ; 218, 707; 219, 1329; 220, 1081 ; 220, 259 ; 219,217: 218,334: 221,912: 21.S. 1493; 222.010; 222,3.52; 224,005; 22.3.28; 225,819; 222.120; 222.908; 222,1280; 224: 1200. 124li, 1249, 1250, 12.53.1375.1380; 225,1001; 225. 708 ; 225, 738 ; 222 : 397, 1 173, 1531 ; 224, 580 ; 224, 1772; 225,8.39; 228,870; 248:413,417,418; 243:030, 943 ; 24.5, 234 ; 217. 289 ; 245, 187 : 248, 1387 : 248. 1.393 & 1394 ; 248, 1 139 ; 245 : 1833, 1839, 1844—40. 1854—59, 1804 ; 271, 10O2; 2(;i;, 1870; 200, 1877; 273, 113S; 272,278—79; 271,2009; 272:294,301,342; 208,202; 271,105—00; 208,481: 274,1094; 274, 1037 & 1045 ; 270.1007; 273, 1517 : 273, 7.53 ; 200, 1,532 ; 207. 032 ; 208, 1452 ; 207, 1025 ; 207, 455; 274: 235, 201, 517, 792, 1519, 1.522. 1578, 1S49, 1701.1804; 275.04; 209: 717.731,748; 207,1525; 274, 1417: 274. 1029: 209,907; 271, 1002; 207,373; 208,056; 274. 055 ; 209. 583 ; 281, 1211 ; 278. 1162 ; 279, 13.3U ; 278, 1087 ; 279. 1927 ; 282, 830 ; 282, 1844 ; 278, 290 : 280. 1972, 1870 ;■ 277. 1085; 270,1470; 282,504; 279,1803; 280, 1004 ; 281 : 48.3—8.5, 487, 501, 531, 029, 877, 1403, 1422, 1423 —25; 277,047: 279,432: 270,1.539; 279,1367; 279,1390; 281:1248,1252; 281,1207: 277,1051; 276,1709; 281, 1272 ; 270, 1528 ; 281, 1261 & 1266 ; 270, 1163 ; 277, 1550 ; SALT ( 539 ) WROTTHSLEY 27(i. 19ii7; 21*4,887: 284,1583: 28.=), lU.'! : 288,472: 284 SOB, 891; 28B, 8;)6; 28G,830; 287, 4.i4 ; 287,244; 2X7,4.54 290, 94 ; 288, lli93 ; 285, 877—78 : 285, 641 ; 285. 140, 144 287: 1104. 1504, 1.524; 288,1051; 288, 159i> ; 288,1.560 289,489; 288,516: 297,1100; 294,620; 298,712; 299, 1064 ; 299, 228 ; 299. 211 ; 29X, I0I6 ; 299, 9.50 ; 299, 1777 299.321; 293,1709; 294,197; 294,181; 293,1099; 293. 1095 ; 293. 7.39 ; 300.201; 299,6.53; 299,7.50; 298,1015 297, 1185; .308, 1749; 308. 1763: 316, 244; 317, 1598 317,773; 317,795: 311,1087; 318,516; 312,24; 311 228,231.990; 312.61; 322,1817; .325,562; 324,1591 324: 1611,1621.1627; 322,1737: 32.3,446; .324,1.586 .330.833; 3.38,795; 337.1441: 338.1070; 342,752; .341 1318 ; 345 : 1248. 1257, 1274 : 341, 443 ; 347, 897 ; 341, 89 341. 267 ; 343, 767—69 ; 3.54, 154 : 354, 1426 ; 349, 1720. S.U.T, William. a«] ; educated privately and at St. John's Coll., Hurstpier- point : Medalist, National Art Schools, ]8()6 ; on Staff Roy. Commission, Paris Exhibition, 1807 ; Assistant Superintendent of British History of Labour Section : awarded Certifi- cate of Merit and Medals for service ; Assist- ant, Art Collections, South Kensington ilus., 1807 ; (Officer in charge of Bethnal Green Branch Mus., 1875 — 78 ; Member of Council of Nat. Association for the Advancement of Art ; Art Director and Curator of Museum and Art Gallery at Nottingham, 1878 to date. Editor of— Classical Antiquities at Nemi, Italy. Collection of Woiks by Thomas and Paul Sandby. Catalogue descriptive of Exhibition of Works of Thomas Barber and Rawson Walker. Catalogue of Works bj English Book Illustrators. Catalogue of Works on Decorative Bookbinding, &c. Wbottesley, Arthur, for Staffs. Hounds, read Albrighton Hounds, " 1849 — 52 ; for Lord Lieutenant, 1871, read 1871 — 87 ; add Mem- ber of Stafford County Council, 1889 to date ; for dau. of Arthur, read Albert, 1st Baron Londesborough. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. ALLEN Ai.i.EN, Miss M. C. (/an. of tlic Rev. Preb. Allen, Vicar of Eccleshall. Suggestions to Worshippers. A Card. ISS:!. AiiciiEit, J., Engraver, Pentonvillc. Maji of Staffordshire. Ito. B.\RKE, Frederick. h. Sliil'nal, Siilup, ;30th Nov., 1842 ; educated privately at Shrews- liury : Mining Engineer at Fentun ; ?ii. Agnes L. McCreery. A Contributor to Geological and other ilagazines. 1}aruu\v.s, Joseph, h. Birmingham. 1804; s. of William Barrows and Jenny, his wife ; Founder of the Firm of Joseph Barrows & Co., Wine Merchants, Birmingham ; J. P., Worcs.; resident for many years at Handsworth Hall ; t/. 18'J(). [Birui'imjJiam Face^ and Places. III.] B.VRiiows, .loseph. b. Birmingham, 12th Nov., 1831 ; ,s\ (if Joseph Barrows, Esq., J. P. [.««(,»] ; educateil King Edward VL Gr. iSch., Birniing- hani ; I'artner with his father in Firm of Joseph Barrows & Co., until 1888 ; now sole j)roprietor ; J. P. .Birmingham ; Trustee, Rhodes' Almshouses, Handsworth ; of Birmingham General Hospital ; of Jaffray Subui'han Branch Hospital : and of the Birmingham Provident and Benevolent Inst. ; on Committee of Blue Coat School, Birmingham, and Dundj and Deaf Inst., Edgbaston ; m., 187(1, Sarah Margaret, d/ R. Satjer. n.d. (1700). Fitzgerald, W. T. Poem on Himley. [Scott's Stourbridge. 287.] Fletcher, Rev. Jcilni Waltham. b. Birming- ham Heath, 5th Sept., 1810 ; s. of Thomas Fletcher, Esq. ; educated Bromsgrove Gr. Sch.; Mat. Brascnose Coll., Ox., 7th July, 1838 ; B.A., 1842 ; M.A., 1845 ; Minister of St. James's Church, Handsworth, 1844 — 51 ; Clip, of Leicester County Prison, 1854 — 77 ; m., -'0th June, 1844, Elizabeth Sarah, rhm. of Rev. John Dimock, M.A., Rector of Upping- ham, Rutland ; now of Ashleigh, Burton Road, Derby. Prison Reports. 1S54 — 77. [Foster's Alumni Oxon., II., 470 ; Burke's Landed Gentry.] Forth, Mrs., Stourton Castle. Practical Hints on Penny Dinners. [Lichfield Diocesan i»/a.9., VII., 1G8-70.] Fox, George, of Elmhurst Hall : J. P., Staffs. ; High Sheriff, Staffs., 1887 ; >/. June 30th, 1894. The Evangelization of Villages and Hamlets. [Lich- field JJion-.^an Mag., IX., G8— 70.] FuLLEitToy (Archibald) & Co., I'ublisbers, Glasgow. Map of Staffordshire. «. ) KYNNERSLEY HuGUKs, Emily Turner, b. Handswortli Wood, 3i(l Nov., IHfJ'J ; Uau. of William Uicliard Hii,i,'1h's [.vf*;] and sistfr of the aliove ; educated privately. Joint Author, with her Sister, of — Selections, &c. . . Constance Xiuien. [See Hnghes (Eilith Rosa).] HuoiiKs. William Richard, i. Old Windsor, l;3tli April. 1«30 ; s. of William Hughes and Hannah, his wife ; educated at Rev. Mr. Todd's Academy, at Hunnington, near Hales- ovrcn, Salop, and by Mr. Robertson, at Windsor ; studied Music under .Icjseph Richard- son, R..\.M., 1849 — 54 ; Assistant Secretary, St. Mary's Hospital, Paddin^jton, 1849 — 54; Secretary to Birmingham Geijeral Hospital, 1854 — (15 ; House Governor and Secretary, ditto, ISliS — G7 ; Treasurer to City of I'lirming- liani, 1^07 to date ; ditto, Birmingham Tame and Rea District Drainage lioard, 1877 to date ; Churchwarden, Handsworth I'arish Ch., 1871 — 77 ; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer to Restoration Fund, ditto, 1S74 — 84 ; one of the Founders of the Birmingham Nat. Hist, and Microscopical Soc. ; President, ditto, 1864 — GG, 1873 ; Founder and President of Socio- logical Section of Birmingham Nat. Hist. Soc; Founder of Birmingham Flute Soc, 185G ; F.Lin. Soc, 1865 ; m., 1860, Emily, (/au. of S. Hammond Turner, Esq., of Snow Hill, Bir- Hiingham ; resident at Handsworth Wood since 1JS()0. Reports relative to the Method of Repayment of the Birmiu^liam Corporation Debt. Birjinityhaiit, 1S76, 1876. Svo., jip. I7'i ; witii Tables. Principles and Management of the Marine Aquarium. Louiloii : ./. \'an Voorst. 2475. 8vo., pp. oU ; plates. Constance Naden : A Memoir. "SVith an Introduction by Prof. Lapvvorth . . . and Additions by Prof. Tilden and Robert Lewins, M.D. . . London : Bickers cj- .Sojj. Birmi in//ifim : Cornish Bros. 1800. 8vo., pp. xxi.,l)l ; port. A Week's Tramp in Dickens's Land. With upwards of 100 Illustrations by F. G. Kitton, Herbert Railton, &c. . . . London : Chapman ij- Hall. 1801. [-'fiW) copies.] •2nd ed.. 1S03, 8to., pp. xsv., 4;i-2. [1,000 copies.] W. R. H. was formerly a Contributor to the Zoologist (186'2— 7.")j, Nature, and Midland Naturalist (1878— 9.-J). I1.AM AkASLVTIC SOCIETV. [Established I8.i9, for the purpose of Collecting Amateur Topographical Drawings in Pen and Ink from all parts of the Kingdom to be printed bv the Anastatic Process. ] Ham Anastatic Drawing Societv Publications. 14 vols, nou—n. 4 to. James, W. F., of Stourbridge ; afterwards of Liverpool. Euville Hall, after Dodd. Em/raved hij W. F. James. Himley Hall, after Cartwright. /A. Dudley Castle, lb. Prestwood House, after Schutz. lb. JoNKs, N. Letter to the Rev. Vf. Farmer, of Hauley. Shellon ; Georr/e Bell. 1823. 8vo. KiXG, J. T., Printer, Horninglow Street, Burton. The Burton-on-Trent Express. Burton, 1874 to dale. Kynneusley, Anthony. h. Loxley Park, Uttoxeter, 1530 ; s. of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., and Dorothy (dau. of Sir Piiilip Drayeot, Knt., of Pensley), his wife ; m. Isaljel, i/^iu. of Lewis Walker, Esq., of Bramshall ; of Loxlev Park and Badger Hall, Shropshire; tl. 1622. Portrait. 1.59rt. rs ft. by 4ft.) [Penes Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynnerslev, Barbara. /;. Chilcote ; i/nu. of Sir Gilbert Clarke, Bart. ; m. Thomas Kvn- nerslev, Esq., of Loxley Park and Badger Hall ;" (I. 1717. Portrait. (2ft. 7iiu. by aft. 2 in.) [/Vhm Clement Sneyd-Kynnersiey, Esq.] Kynnersley, Barbara, h. Lr)xley Park ; dfiii. of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., of Loxley and Badger, and Barbara {dderick, Bart., of Hampton, Middlesex ; d. 1749. Portrait. (2 ft. 7 in. by 2 ft. 2 in.) [/"ciict Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynnersley, Clement Thomas Sneyd. h. High- fields, 21st Oct., 1833 ; «. of Clement John Sneyd-Kynnersley [.«(>(=] ; m., 1 5th Feb., 1K58, Ellen, dau. of Joseph Mallaby, Esq., of IJirken- head ; J. P. and Deputy Lieutenant, Staffs. ; of Loxley Park, &c. ; ' d. 2Nth Nov., 1876 ; bur. at Uttoxeter. Portrait. {S ft. by 2 ft. G in.) [Penes Clement Sneyd- Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynnersley, Dorothy. b. Loxley ; dau. of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., of Loxley and Badger, and Barbara Clarke, his wife ; d. un- married, 1759. Portrait. (2 ft. "^ in. by 2 ft. 2 in.) [Pen« Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynnersley, Elizabeth, b. Hints, 15th June, 1606 ; dati. of Ralph Floyer. Esq., of Hints ; 7n., 14th Dec, 162(;, Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., of Loxley and Badger ; d. 1(!68. Portrait. (2 ft. 7iin. by 2 ft. 2 in.) [/'<■«?,» Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynnersley, Helen. /;. Loxley, 1549 ; dau. of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., of Loxley and Badger, and Dorotha {dau. of Sir Philip Drayeot, Knt., of Pensley), his wife ; d., un- married. Portrait. lo9(! (age 4!)). (2 ft. 7} in. bv 2 ft. 2 in.) [Penes Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynni:rsley, John. b. Loxley, 1673 ; s. of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., of Loxley and Badger, and !Mary (dau. of — Joddrell. Esq., of Twamlow and Eardsley, Chester), his 2nd wife ; Sheriff for Salop, 1721 ; d. 1751). Portrait. By Thomas Gibson. 171.1. (2 ft. 7i in. by 2ft. 2 in.) [Penes Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynnersley, Lettice. b. Blithfielil Hall ; dau. of Richard Bagot, Esq. ; 771. Francis Kyu- 3-T KVNNEIISLEY (546) STAFFORD nersley, Esq., of Loxley and Badger ; d. 1634. Portriiit. ( I ft. fli in. by 1ft. Tin.) [/Viies Clement Sneyd-Kynneraley, Esq.] Kynnbrslev, Penelope, h. Wootfun Lodge ; onl;i (III Id of John Wlicelei', Esq., of Woottoii ; m. Tlionias Kjnnersley, Esq., of Loxley and Badger ; d. 1771). Portniit. (1ft. Gin. by 1ft. 3J in.) [/'cum Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] KyNNEnsi.KY, Thomas, i. Badger, 160".; «. of Praiieis Kynnersley, Esq., of Loxley and Badger, and Lottiee [daw. of Rieliard Bagot, Esq., of Blifhfield), his wife ; vi., ICiG, Eliza- beth, ddu. of Iial]ih Floyer, Esq., of Hints ; SheritT for Salop, 16.J3 ; of Loxley and Badger ; d. at Badger, 20th Nov., 1680. " Portrait. (2ft. 7i in. by 2 ft. 2 in.) [/'eiies Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynnersley, Thomas, b. Loxley, 1681 ; s. of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., of Loxley and Badger, and Mary (dau. of John London, Esq.), his wife ; m. Barbara, dau. of Sir Gilbert Clarke, Bart., of Chilcote, Derbys. ; of Loxley and Badger; d. 1735; bur. at Uttoxeter. Portr.ait. (2 ft. 7i in. by 2 ft. 2 in.) [Pc/ies Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynnersley, Thomas, i. Loxley, 1712 ; s. of Tliomas Kynnersley, Esq., and Barliara {dan. of Sir Gilbert Clarke, Bart.), his wife ; m. Penelope, onli/ child of John Wheeler, Esq., of Wool ton Lodge ; of Loxley and Badger ; d. 1755. Portrait. (2 ft. 7i in. by 2 ft. 2 in.) [/^cHes Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Kynnersley, Thomas Sneyd. b. Bishton Hall, 6th May, 1774 ; g. of John Sneyd, Esq., of Bishton and Belmont Hall, and Penelope (eldest dim. of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., of Loxley Park, &c.), his wife ; assumed the additional surname of Kynnersley by Royal Sign Manual, 1815, in pursuance of the AVill of his maternal uncle, Clement Kynnersley, Esq., of Loxley Park and Sutton Scarsdalo Hall, &c. (who d. 23rd April, 1815) ; J.P. and Deputy Lieutenant, Staffs. ; m. (1), 4th Jan., 1796, Maria Stokes (who d. 3rd Feb., 1800), (2) 25th Sept., 1802, Harriet Potts ; of Loxley Park, Highfields, &c. ; d. at Loxley, 7th Sept., 1844. Portrait. [Petiet Clement Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq.] Lawton, Alexander, Hanley. KoUin Rone; or, The Adventures of a Toper. A Satirical Poem . . . Priiited/ur the Author by T. Best, London. 1S47. Fcp. 8vo., pp. 25. Masfen, J. Views of the Church of St. Mary, Stafford ; with an Account of Its Restoration, History, &c. London : Day d- Son. 1S52. fol.; plates. " ^ Mason, Mary. The Experience and Happy Death of Mrs. Mary Mason {late of Walsall), who departed this life, January isth, IHHI, in the Both year of her age. Bristol, 18i0. «vo., pp. 20. Mason, Mr., Walsall. Plan of High Street, Walsall. 1817. MAnRicE, James, Walsall. Christian .Self-Denial in its Bearing on Teetotalism. A Sermon. London : Htfde. ii.d. (1840). 12mo., pp. 16. Morris, Thomas, b. Bilston, 1st March, 1829 ; g. of Thomas Morris and Sophia, his wife ; educated at the Orphan Cholera School, Bil- ston ; Working Man's Coll., Wolverhampton, whilst working as a Puddler at Thorneycroft'a L'onworks ; 2nd Class, Queen's Prize for Chemistry ; Foreman over Puddlers at Thorney- croft's Ironworks, 1st Jan., 1860 — 84 : took Uallain Forge, Warrington, 1864, which he now works ; F.G.S. ; m. Jane Cresswell Cooper, of Duke Street, Wolverhampton. [A frequent Contributor to Scientific Magazines (185a— 94).] Plant, Rev. John Holford. b. Westnu-upon- Trent, 1855 ; s. of Rev. Preb. Plant [se?] ; educated Oundle Gr. Sch. ; St. John's Coll., Cam.; B.A., 1877 ; M.A., 1880 ; Curate of Brereton, 1879 — >S4 ; Priest on Mehmesian Mission, 18S4— 91 ; (/. Worthing, 8th June, 1891 ; bur. at Weston, 11th June. [Private information ; H'eston Parish Jlag.] Powell, George Henry Croxden. b. Croxden, 10th April, 1847 ; s. of Joseph Powell and Louisa {dau. of William Stubhs, of Butterton), his wife ; educated Ipstones and Cheddleton National Schools ; studied at Birmingham Inst, and Liverpool Univ. ; Assistant Secretary, Birmingham Liberal Association and National Liberal Federation ; Secretary, North Staffs. Liberal Association, 1879 — 82 ; ditto, South- West Lancashire, 1882; founded National Liberal Club, 1SS2 ; ditto. National Associa- tion of Liberal ^Vgents, 1882 ; visited Lower Canada, 1890 — 91 ; Member of Council of Financial Reform Association, 1884 — 86 ; elected Hon. Life Member of Cobdcn Club, 1883. National Liberal Organization. Birmini/ham, 1886. Electoral Anomalie.s. London, 1887. Electoral Reform. London, 1802. The Ancient and Modern Privileges of British Citizens. London. 1803. One Man, One Vote. London, 1886. [A large Contiibutor to Newspapers and Periodicals, mostly on electoral matters, for many years, and is now engaged collecting material with a view to writing a His- tory of his Native County.] Stafford County Herald (The). 10th Oct., 1831, to 5th Nov., 1832. 32. 2 vols., fol. Newcastle, 1831- LICHFIELD : PRINTED BY A. C. LOilAX, THE "JOHNSON'S HEAD." ^'U':py Hup > '¥-^ ■ "* '-^ ■»?' 1 3- ' . ' • . T» ■*», mM