KRC 211 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID HJ11 ■py— "■■ ' jje ■ ^ ■— r...,^ yiiuji ^ "Tg^^^M '■>/ " X&Jf, ytggy "^' ^ "■—- -^"."^f (i ^tf^^^ ~~ AN ACCOUNT OF THE iftaltjpattt Jf eta, WHICH PREVAILED IN THE CITY OF NEW-YOl DURING THE AUTUMN OF 1805. CONTAINING, 1. The Proceedings of the Board of Health, to prevent the introduction of Malignant Fever. 2. The rise, progress, and de- cline of the late epidemic. 3. An Account of the Marine & Bellevue Hospitals, with the num- ber of patients received, and deaths which have occurred, at each of tbe.-,e establishments, during the sickly season. 4. Record of deaths, &c. &c. 5. Opinion of several eminent Physicians, respecting the cause of Malignant Fever, n several dif- ferent parts of the United States. 6. The situation of the convicts in the State-Prison, with respect to health during the last summer. 7. Desultory observations and reflections. 8. The various modes of cure adopted in the Malignant Fever. BY JAMES HARDIE, SECRETARY TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH NEW-YORK ; PRINTED BY SOUTH WICK If HARDCASTLE, NO. 2, WALL-STREET. MV J90f....i IV 1 f3, DEDICATION. TO THE HONORABLE DE WITT CLINTON, ESQ. mayor of the city of new- york. Sir, // has, from time immemorial, been it si; ters of Books and Pamphlets to dedicate their respective performances to such persons of influence and respecta- bility in society, as they thought they' might take such a liberty with, without giving offence. In addresses of this nature, however, s* much fulsome adulation is generally heaped upon the patron,as none but a sycophant could write, and a republican could not peruse without disgust. In this manner, I shall not transgress ; but the occasion surely requires, nor docs delicacy forbid me to record, that, during the last spring and early part of the summer, you, with the greatest vigilance and assidu^ ity, exercised every power vested in you by law, for the purpose of preventing the origin or introduction of ma- lignant fever into our city ; that after the commencement of that cruel disorder, you were never absent from your post, as President of the Board of Health, even for a single hour ; and that it was your highest ambition in conjunction with the other respectable members of that body to use your utmost exertions in bringing about such measures, as seemed best calculated to miti- gate the distresses of the poor and afflicted, to secure the property of the citizens and to maintain the peace and tranquility of this great metropolis ; and that your efforts to accomplish objects of such vast importance to the com- munity were crowned with a success, which the most san- guine could not have expected is so well known, that even your political opponents forgetting the distinction of par- ty, cheerfully coincide in opinion with your friends, that IV you acted in such a manner as to merit the honourable appellation of FATHER OF THE CITY. That you may long, continue to Jill a distinguish- ed station in which you may have it in your power t& promote the interest of your constituents, and receive the patriots best reward, the approbation of your country- men, is the sincere wish of Sir, Your much obliged, most obedient, and 'very humble servant, JAMES HARDIE. New-York, December 1805. PREFACE. THE Malignant Fever, which has of late years, been so prevalent, in different parts of the United States, has unfortunately been the cause of more dis- putes between physicians of respectability, than any other disease which has afflicted the human species, within the last century. Although the great question, whether the disease is imported from abroad and contagions, or of local origin, aud non-contagious, has been agitated, for many years, amongst practitioners in the West-India islands, and in the southern parts of Europe ; yet, if I am rightly informed, it did not become the subject of much discussion, amongst medical gentlemen in this country, till the autumn of 1/93, when the city of Philadelphia was afflicted with a Pestilential Fever, which, in respect to its mortality, has never been equalled by any endemic or epidemic ', which has since that time appeared, in any port or place of the Unit- States. Upon the close of that calamity, various publications appeared in Philadelphia, written by gen- tlemen highly respected for their literary and profes- sional abilities, some of whom espoused one side of the question, and some the other ; and since that pe- riod, a vast number of pamphlets and several volumes upon the same controversy, have issued from the press in many parts of the United States. Many ex- cellent essays, have, likewise, appeared in our public prints, written with a view to elucidate the subject, but still,it is to be regretted, that the point remains un- settled, and our citizens are in general as much in the dark, respecting the cause and origin of pestilence as ever, VI It is not because I have been greatly conversant amongst the sick in every malignant fever, with which our city has been afflicted since the year 1798, and that during these years I have thought and con- versed much with intelligent men upon the subject, that I have been induced to submit the following sheets to the public. Indeed, since the first, and most eminent physicians in America, notwithstand- ing all their exertions, have not been able to satisfy their fellow citizens with respect to the origin or na- ture of the disease, it would certainly have been un- pardonable vanity in me to have thought, even for a moment, that any thing could flow from my pen, which could settle" the matter in difference. From the nature of my official situation, however, during the last season, I was acquainted with all the proceedings of the Board of Health, and being persuad- ed that a summary thereof, would be highly gratifying to our fellow citizens, I respectfully present them with the following. Several of our physicians were, like- wise, pleased to furnish the Board with their obser- vations respecting the nature of the first cases of the disease in this city. On whatever side of the ques- tion their opinions lay, I have placed them before the public without reserve, thus affording an opportunity to those who wish to decide impartially, the more ef- fectually to judge for themselves; and I have like- wise, acted in the same manner with respect to com- munications respecting the origin of pestilence in other ports and places of the United States. The list, containing the names of the dead and some other tables connected therewith, it is hoped, will be found accurate and interesting. The chapter containing desultory observations and reflections, comprises a number of particulars which have come under my own cognizance. They are not advanced with a view to support any particular theory ; but merely to record Jacts, from which the intelligent reader can Vll draw his own conclusions. It is, therefore, hoped, they will be received with candour. Upon the whole, however, on taking a retrospective view of the different opinions, which have been ad- vanced this season, by the most eminent physicians, respecting the matter in dispute, it may be observed, that though those gentlemen who advocate the doc- trine of importation and contagion, consider, in op- position to their opponents, our present quarantine laws as very defective and susceptible of much legis- lative improvement; \et they readily agree with, them, that token the disease has once been introduced, offensive privies, filthy streets, foul docks, putrid ani- mal and vegetable substances, &c. tend greatly to spread and propagate the disease. Since, there- fore, we have, as yet, bad no proof sufficiently satis- factory to the public mind, to which of the two sour- ces the evil with which we have been afflicted is to be attributed, is it not the wisest and best policy to suppose, that it may proceed from either ? Should we be influenced by a belief of this kind, a wise and intelligent legislature, upon due represent- ation, will undoubtedly render the quarantine law s, so much more efficient and rigorous, as to preclude the importation of the disease from abroad ; and such undoubtedly will be the vigilance of our Board of Health, that for the sake of themselves as well as of their fellow-citizens, they will assiduously endea- vour to remove every cause of impurity, which can be supposed to engender or propagate it from with- in. Proceeding in this manner and living, in all re- spects, conformably to the nature of the climate, which we inhabit, may we not expect, under the blessings of Divine Providence, an absolute exemp- tion from the disease commonly called Yellow Fever, which has for so many years, been the scourge and terror of our country *? JAMES HARDIE. STORY OF THE MALIGNANT FEVER CHAPTER I. OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, TO PREVENT THE INTRODUCTION OF MALIGNANT FEVER. BEFORE I enter upon this subject, it will, no doubt, be deemed interesting to many of my readers, to be informed with what powers the Board of Flealth are, by law, invested, as they will thus be better able to decide, whether that body have not done every thing which they legally could, or which, indeed, could reasonably be expected of them to prevent the introduction or origin of so dreadful a calamity. It is weil known that the public opinion has, for a long time, been greatly divided with respect to the important question — Whether the Malignant or Yellow Fever, with which we have, of late years, been so grievously afflicted, be of domestic origin or imported ? Physicians of the first eminence, have espoused opposite sides. It was, therefore, the wis- est policy tor the Legislature, in forming the health laws, and for those entrusted with the execution of them, to act as if they believed, that the evil might proceed from either source - } and, I doubt not, that it will be evident to most reflecting persons, that they have conducted themselves in this manner. 10 The Corporation of the city, about the beginning of the present year, had deemed that it would contri- bute to the public health, if, instead of a Health Com- mittee, which it had heretofore been usual for them to appoint, as occasion required, a Board should be appointed, with more full and ample powers. A draft of a bill, for that purpose, was accordingly transmitted to the Legislature and passed, as fol- lows ; AN ACT, RELATIVE TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK — PASSED 9th MARCH, 1805. 1 . Be it enacted by the People of the State of New- York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That the rs granted in and by the thirty-first and thirty - A sections* of the act, entitled " an act to pro- * 7 he following are the sections alluded to : "XXXL And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for tlie said commissioners of the health-office or a maj #!ty of them, as they shall judge advisable, to make and execute the rules and orders for cleansing and scouring the streets, alleys, , curtilages, sewers, yards, cellars, vaults, sinks, and other places, where filth and corruption collect, wit bin the said city, and for removing all of- fensive, noxious, or putrid articles or substances i may be stored, or otherwise collected, within the said city ; and all necessary expences for carry- .o said rales and orders into effect, where the same relate to the cleansing of such places as are not the property of private individuals, shall be deemed as part of the contingent expences of the said city, and the monies for defraying the same shall be raised in like manner as the other contingent ex- 11 vide against infectious and pestilential diseases," to the commissioners of the Health-Office, be and here- pences of the the said city ; and where the same shall relate to the cleansing such places as are the property of individuals, such expences shall be paid by the owners or occupiers thereof; Provided, All such rules and orders shall be reported to and may be suspended or repealed at any time by the person administering the government of this State. " XXXII. And be it Jurther enacted, That whenever the city of New- York or any part thereof shall be annoyed or rendered foul by any manufac- tory, trade, work, or business, producing noxious va- pours or highly offensive smells, or by any place where noxious or putrid substances shall be stored or col- lected within the said city, it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, or a majority of them, if in their opinion, the public health or that of individuals shall be endangered thereby, to proceed forthwith to such place or places and to make due inquiry and strict examination respecting the same ; and that it shall be lawful for them or either of them whenever it may be necessary, to require the aid or assistance of a justice of the peace and constable in making of such inquiry and examination, who are hereby au- thorised and required to break open, whenever ad- mittance cannot otherwise be obtained, the iicoror doors of such place where such manufactory, trade, work or business is carried on, producing or afford- ing such noxious vapour or highly offensive smell, or where such offensive substances are deposited; and if the said commissioners or a majority oi them judge, any such manufactory, trade, work, business or repository to be carried on or kept in such manner as to be a nuisance, they shall declare it so in writ- ing to the o\yner thereof, or, in his absence, to such it by are transferred to the Mayor, Aldermen and . monalty of the city of New-York. And that the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty shall have power, in their discretion, to remove or order the removal of all persons and things, within the said city, infected by or tainted with pestilential mat- workman, clerk, keeper, or one of the family as they may then find on the premises, and, at the ^ame time, shall require the removal, abatement or discontinu- ance of the said nuisance, as the case may lequire, within the time to be limited in the said writing; and if, on t he expiration of the said time, the same order shall not have been complied with, it shall be the duty of the mayor cr recorder of the said city, upon representation thereof to either of them made by the said commishioners, or a majority of them, imme- diately to issue a warrant under the hand and seal of the said mayor or recorder, directed to the sheriff of the said city, commanding him forthwith without delay to cause to be removed, abated or discontinued such nuisance; and the person to whom such decla- ration and requisition in writing as aforesaid shall be made, shall besides for not complying therewith, be considered us guilty of a misdemeanor, and on complaint being made thereof in writing by any one or more of the said commissioners to any one of the justices c - uee of the said city, it shall be the duty of such justice to bind the person so complained of in a recognizance with sufficient surety in the sum of two hundred dollars, for his appearance at the next general sessions of the peace in the said city, to answer to the s&:d charge, and on due proof thereof it shall be lawful for the said court to impose a fine on the person or persons so offending, in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, out of which fine the €xpences of removing, abating or causing to be dis- continued such nuisance shall be paid." 13 ter, to such place or places as may, in their opinion* most conduce to the preservation of the health of the said city ; and that such penalties may be contained in such bye-iau\s or ordinances, relative to the pow- ers hereby granted, as the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty shall, from time to time, judge pro- per, in order to enforce a prompt and punctual com- pliance with the same, and for the punishment of all offenders in the premises, not exceeding one hun- dred dollars for each offence. c 2. And be it further enacted. That it "shall and may be lawful for the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty, to institute, from time to time, a Board of Health for the said city, consisting of the commissioners of the health-office, and such othef persons as they may think proper, and to invest the said hoard with such cf the powers of the said W or, AKL :id Commonalty, in relation to the public health? as they may judge' proper, and to enforce a compliance with the orders of said be by the infliction of penalties, not exceeding thousand dollars, for each offence. 3. And whereas doubts may exist, whether sels described in the second section of the act, sup- plementary to an act, entitled " An act to provide against infectious and pestilential diseases may not be permitted, after being discharged of their cai ; to approach within three hundred yards of the island of New- York ; therefore, Be it further enacted, That such permission shall not, in any case, be granted. \ 4. And be it farther enacted, That it shall be m the power of the Mayor of the said city, or of the Board of Health, to order to the quarantine ground, or some other place of safety, any vessel or vessels 14 at the wharves, or in the vicinity of the said city, which he or they may deem prejudicial to the pub- lic health ; and in case any master, owner or con- signee of such vessel shall refuse or neglect to obey such orders, the person so offending shall be consi- dered guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, or impri- soned lor a term not exceeding twelve months, in such case ; and also, in case the master, owner or consignee cannot be found, the Mayor of the City of New-York, or the Board of Health shall have power to remove as aforesaid, such vessel or vessels at the expence of the master, owner or consignee. 5. And be it further enacted, That if any surplus money shall, in future, remain in the hands of the commissioners of the Health-Office, after each an- nual accounting with the comptroller of the state, the same shall be paid to the Board of Health of the said city, to be by them applied to promote the objects of tbat institution." On the 23th of March the Common Council re- solved, that the Mayor, Recorder, and the Alder- men, of the first five wards, together with the Com- missioners of the Health-Office should be appointed a Board of Health, in conformity to the preceding law. The number was, sometime thereafter, ex- tended, so as to comprehend the Aldermen of all the nine wards, and the city inspector, and when the citizens began to flee, in consequence of the sickness, it was deemed expedient, that the assistants of the different wards should, likewise, be added. On the 3d of April, the Board having met and being organized, agreeably to the act aforesaid, elect- ed Jacob Delamontagnie, Esq. as their Treasurer, and James Hardie as their Secretary and Agent. At the same meeting, a committee was likewise ap- pointed to draft an ordinance for transferring such powers from the corporation to the board, as it might be deemed necessary, that they should be invested with Far the preservation of the public health, and for enforcing the orders and regulations of said board. In consequence of which, the following was presented to the board on the 15th April, and at the next meet- ing of the Common Council passed into a law. A LAW FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BOARD OF HEALTH. Whereas by an act of the legislature of this state, entitled, " An act relative to the public heal the city of New-York," passed the ninth day of March, 1805, the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of said city, are empowered to institute, from time to time, a Board of Health for the said city, con- sisting of the Commissioners of the Health-Office, and such other persons as they may think proper, and to invest the said board with such of the said powers of the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty, in re- lation to the public health, as they may judge pro- per, and to enforce compliance with the orders of the said board, by the infliction of penalties, not exceed- ing one thousand dollars, for each offence : therefore, 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the city of New-York, in Common Council convened, That a Board of Health shall be and is hereby instituted to consist of the Commis- sioners of the Health-Office, and of the Mayor, Re- corder and Aldermen of the city, who shall assemble at such time and place and as often as they may judge proper, to superintend and carry into effect all laws and ordinances of this state and of the Common Coun- cil, which at present exist or may hereafter be passed, providing against infectious and pestilential diseases, 16 or which relate to the public health of this city. And the said board are hereby invested with all the powers of the said Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of the city, which regard the public health of said city, to be by them exercised in such manner as, in their judgment and discretion, may best promote f lie important objects for which the said board is insti- tuted, and that any five of the said board shall be a quorum to transact business. 2. And be it further ordained, That the said Board of Health shall make diligent enquiry with re- spect to all nuisances that may exist, and which they may deem obnoxious to the health and lives of the inhabitants of this city, and shall have full power to order the removal of the same at their discretion, un- der the several penalties in such case made and pro- vided. 3. And be it further ordained, That the said Board of Health may provide or erect a suitable of- fice for their accommodation, on the public ground or elsewhere, and during the existence of any epi- demical disease, or upon its probable approach, shall have power at the public expence, to open the hos- pital at Bellevue, for the accommodation of the sick, and to make such rules and regulations for their re- ception, and also to determine what persons shall be entitled to admission, as they may think proper ; and moreover, that the said board of health, during the existance of any epidemic, shall have power to furnish and employ physicians, nurses, medicines, and other necessaries, not only for the use of the sick who shall have been removed into the the said hos- pital, but also for the use of the sick and indigent of the city. 4. And be it further ordained, That the said Board of Health shall have power in their discretion to re- move or order the removal of all persons and things 17 within the said city, infected by or tainted with pesti- lential matter, to such place or places as may in their opinion most conduce to the preservation of the health of this city, and in order to enforce a prompt and punctual compliance with the said order, all of- fenders in the premises shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offence. 5. " And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the city inspector and his assistant, to attend the meetings of the Board of Health, and to be sub- ject to such instructions as may be given to them in relation to nuisauces, and to execute the several re- solutions and orders of the said board." Having thus laid before my readers, the act of the state, and the ordinance of the Corporation, for the appointment of a Board of Health, I now proceed to relate the measures which were adopted by that body, to prevent the introduction of pestilence. During the winter, four discreet persons had been appointed to examine into the state of ail the pri- vies, within the first seven wards, and to report their condition to the City Inspector, by whom ordi- nances were prepared, and afterwards passed by the Common Council, for cleansing all such, the con- tents of which arose to within three feet of the sur- face of the earth. This duty was performed with great assiduity and attention, and though there were, no doubt, a few, who contrived to evade these ordi- nances, it is certain, that, in by far the greater num- ber of instances, they were complied with. On the loth of April, his Honour the Mayor stat- ed to the Beard of Health, that he had received a deposition concerning the health of Point Pet re,' of which the following is a copy. c IS * deposes, that he left, Point Pet re en the Oth of March, in the , and arrived here on Friday evening last ; that a Malignant or Yellow Fever prevailed there to an alarming extent, princi- pally on board of the shipping, the persons infected with it, dying within 12 or 14 hours after being taken, if they did not recover ; that the deponent and all his hands were sick, except one ; but that they all recovered ; that the disease was generally attend- ed with black vomit, and that it had considerably abated four or five days previous to the deponent's departure, two or three deaths only occurring at the most daily, whereas before that time, fourteen or fifteen deaths took place a day ; that the malignity of the disease was encreased by an interdiction of the landing of the sick." Sworn the 15th April, 1805, before DEWITT CLINTON. After reading the above deposition, the Mayor suggested to the board the propriety of issuing the following PROCLAMATION, By DE WITT CLINTON, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KB W- YORK. (< Whereas I have received information, that a ma- lignant or pestilential fever prevails at Point Petre, in the island of Guadaloupe, I do, therefore, in pur- suance of the authority vested in me, by law, direct, that all vessels arriving in this port, from the said island of Guadaloupe, be subject to quarantine. (L. S.) In witness whereof, &c. 15th April, 1805, DE WITT CLINTON." * As masters of vessels and others, who give information concerning the health of foreign places, might be unwilling that their names should appear in public, it is deemed expedient, in general, to suppress them. 19 The board unanimously resolved, that it was ex- pedient, that the said proclamation should be imme- diately published. On the 18th April, three vessels were sent down to the quarantine ground ; the reason for which will be seen from the following extract of a letter from the Secretary of the Board of Health to the Health- Officer, at Staten-Island. " Complaints had been made to the Resident Phy- sician, with respect to the foul situation of the ship General Wayne, from Toningen. The schooner John had, likewise, been stated to have come from Point Petre, a sickly port in the West Indies, and the ship Betsey, from Jamaica, had by the confession of the captain, (M'Dougal) lost two of her crew by sickness, at Savannah-la- Mar, the port which they had last left, and also two others, dining their passage to this city. " I accompanied the Resident Physician, this morning, on board the John, where he gave orders, that she should be immediately removed to stream, to the distance of at least three hundred yards from the wharf. We,*likewise, went on board the Betsey, where the Doctor gave similar orders, as iii the case above-mentioned. With respect to the ship General Wayne, directions were given to Mr. Grant Forbes, the gentleman to whom that \t was consigned, to cause her to be sent to the quaran- tine ground without delay. " All these orders were promptly executed. The following letter written by direction of the Mayor to the Secretary of the Board of Health of Philadelphia, will shew the extreme anxiety and at- tention of that vigilant magistrate to obtain such in- formation, not only within our own port, but likewise 20 from other places, as might be useful in preventing the scourge of pestilence. " Office of the Board of Health, New- York, 19th April, 1805. « Sir, CJ The friendly correspondence which took place last season, between the Boards of Health of Phila- delphia and this city, and which was unquestionably productive of reciprocal benefit, has induced his Ho- nour the Mayor to instruct me to solicit its revival. " With this -view, he has directed me to assure your board, that a full and candid disclosure of all facts; within our knowledge, relative to the objects of our appointment, shall be strictly adhered to on our part, in the correspondence, as we are fully per- suaded it will be on yours. Cf I inclose you the affidavit, on which the Mayor's late proclamation, restricting vessels from Guada- loupe was founded, and have, likewise, to inform you of the case of the ship Betsey from Savamiahda-Mar, which arrived at this port a few days ago. The cap- tain (M'Dougal) states, that while at Jamaica, he lost two of his crew by sickness, and two more on their passage to this place. The death of the two first was, in his opinion, to be attributed to an in- flammation of the bowels, occasioned by their fre- quent exposure to damps and rains, in the woods, where they concealed themselves in order to avoid ' < impressed by the British. One of the others died after an indisposition of about four hours, and from the manner in which the captain described the symptoms attending the fourth, the Resident Phy- sician was induced to apprehend, that he might have died of Malignant Fever.* * I he captain asserted, that at the time he left Savannah-la-Mar, it was remarkably healthy, and subsequent information from that port* shewed that lie" was perfectly correct. 21 " Although, at this early'period of the season, it is not probable that imminent danger was to be appre- hended from a circumstance of this nature, the Health Commissioners thought it most prudent to send Betsey to the quarantine ground, from the ? where she now lies, as also the ship General W<»yne, which lately arrived here in a foul state, with passen- gers, from Toningeu. " The alarming indications, which have taken place thus early, and the transfer of the seat of war Europe to the West-Indies inculcate- the abs ■■-■lute necessity of adopting all t\\e precautionary me;i in oiu power ; but while our conduct will be mark- ed by a spirit of this kind, we shall never lose sight of the respect we entertain for your board, nor of the duties we owe to your city. With great respect, I am, kc. JAMES BARDIE, SecVy. To Dr. James ReynpWfj becre^arv, ) Board of Health, Philadelphia. ) A polite acknowledgment of the aforesaid letter was. soon after received, in which a scrupulous transmission of every circumstance that should come to their knowledge of the existence of yellow i'e\er 9 either among themselves, or elsewhere,was promised. Altho' as yet, no sicknesshad appeared or even been supposed to exist in the city, the board deeming it expedient to take every precaution against the worst that might happen, proposed to the common coun- cil the adoption of the toll -wing resolution : " Besolved, That the buildings and grounds be- longing to the corporation at Bel ievue, be put under the direction of the Board oi Health, and that tfc authorized to make such repafcs for the 22 ©f the buildings, and the accommodation of such sick persons, as may be sent there by the said board.*' The resolution was accordingly agreed to, and di- rections were given, on the 18th day of May follow- ing, to the Superintendant of Public Works, to pro- ceed as speedily as possible to make the necessary repairs. The experience of former sickly seasons having sufficiently taught us, that a very great proportion of eases of Malignant Fever occurred in such taverns and boarding-houses, as were kept in a filthy state, and were generally overcrouded by lodgers, in order to obviate this evil as much as possible, it was deem- ed expedient to appoint an additional assistant to the City Inspector, who should have it in charge to pay particular attention to that business. In the mean time, care was taken to remove every nuisance which could be discovered > with all possible dispatch. It is to be observed, that all vessels coming from the West-Indies, and certain other places, between the 1st day of June and 1st of October, in any one year, are by law prohibited, from approaching within three hundred yards of the lower part of the island of New-York; but by a subsequent act, the Mayor or the Board of Health are invested with authority to order to the quarantine ground, or some other place of safety, any vessel at the wharves, or in the vicinity of the city, which he or they may deem prejudicial to the public health, at any season of the year. In conformity to this last act, on the 23d of May, the following resolutions were passed. u Nesolved,That all vessels which may have arrived at this port, from any port or place in the West-In- dies, since the 18th day of May instant, be directed forthwith to leave the wharves, and haul out into the stream, to the distance of at least three hundred yards from that part of the island, which lies southward of a line drawn from the house owned and occupied by William Bayard, on the north river, and Stuy vesant's dock upon the east river, and that the same regula- tion shall be observed, with respect to all vessels which may hereafter arrive from the West-Indies, un- der the penalty of being prosecuted according to law." " Resolved, That the Secretary of this board shall serve a notice of the above resolution in writing, upon the masters, commanders, owners, or consignees, of all vessels of the above description, which may have come to his knowledge. It was also resolved, that the said resolutions should be published in the several newspapers employed by tl*e Corporation." In consequence of the above resolutions, the Se- cretary, on the evening of the same day, (the 23d) delivered five different notices to Samuel G. Ogden, Esq. the owner or consignee of the ships Hindostan, Leander, Oliver Elsworth, Sophrona, and of the brig Dolly, and, on the day following, served another to the same purport, on captain James Newell, of the ship Clyde, from St. Thomas. All these vessels, the Hindostan excepted, were moved to the stream forth- with; but owing to some peculiar difficulties in car- rying out the Hindostan, she did not leave the wharf till the evening of the 2?th. It is evident, however, that no mischief arose from either of these vessels hav- ing been at the wharves, as no person was taken sick of lever, in the vicinity of any oftbes* places, at which they respectively lay, till at least two month* there- after. At a meeting of the board, on the 7th June, it was stated, that a man named Daniel Wright, was sick 24 in Roosevelt-street, of a disease which was deemed to be of a malignant nature. As this man's case was unfortunately the subject of a short controversy be- tween certain medical gentlemen, who are deserved- ly ranked amongst the most eminent in their profes- sion, I wouid have willingly passed it over in silence, but as it is indispensably necessary, that I should state how tremblingly alive the board were to every thing, which might endanger the public health, J cannot consistently with justice to that body, omit recording their proceedings upon the occasion. Af- I -: -e had been represented, it was immedi- ately**' Ordered, that James Hardie and John Dela- r, or either of them, cause the said Daniel 'it to be immediately removed to the Marine I ; litai, with all possible precaution for the safe- ty of the sick person and jor the prevention of a spread of contagion ; that they cause the bedding and cloathing infected or 4 suspected to be infected to be de- stroyed, and the house of the said Daniel Wright to be thoroughly cleansed, and that they furnish the fami- ly of the said Wright, with suitable accommodations and provisions until the farther order of the board/' In consequence of the above orders, the sick per- son was forthwith sent ro the marine hospital, and his wife, who expressed a desire to that purpose, was readily permitted to accompany him.* A fea- ther bed, on which he had laid, a straw bed, a sheet and bed spread, together with some wearing appa- n i, which lay upon the bed were forthwith destroy- ed • the house was thoroughly cleansed and white- washed, and hisiive children committed to the care of Mr. William Davis, a worthy man, and very par- ticular friend of the family. * The wives and relatives of such persons who were sent from this city either to the Marine Hospital or Bellevue were -not, in a single instance, refused a similar priviledge. 25 Mr. Wright's illness was severe and tedious; but after some weeks, he, at last, returned to the cil , good health, and received a satisfactory com'pr tion for that part of his property, which it had I deemed necessary to destroy, with a view to the pre- servation oi the general health of the city. From this period till the beginning of July, nothing remarkable occurred to the board ; the city enjoy- ed good health, nor did the citizens appear to be un- der the least alarm. On the 1st of July, the Secretary wrote a letter to the Mayor, of which the following is a copy. New-York,.\st July, 1805. " Sir, " Complaint having been made to me this morn- ing, that a sloop was lying, at the west side of the Old-slip, which emitted so o e a smell, as al- ready to have occasioned the sickness of one person, I immediately went to the spot, and found the vessel alluded to, to be the sloop Polly, of Xew-O; leans. cc With respect to any person having beerj rakeri sick there, I have made particular enquiry, and am perfectly satisfied that it is not true j but the hold of the vessel is foul, and the bilge-water emits an offen- sive smell. I am, therefore, oi' opinion, that this ves- sel should be moved to the distance of three hundred yards from the wharf. I am, &c. James Hardie, Sec'ry, Hon. De Witt Clinton." ■ In consequence of the above letter, the Mayor is- sued an order, directing the said vessel to be forth- with moved into the stream to the distance afore- The vessel, however, having immediate!-. tho IV 26 roughly cleaned, and as there was not a single article on board, she was permitted to remain. No evil re- sulted from this vessel. A vessel named the Happy Couple, last from Ha- lifax, had been detained in the stream, because she had been cleared out from St. Mark, a sickly port in the West-Indies. A petition, praying that she might be permitted to come up, was presented to the Board of Health, on the 21st June. This was accompa- nied by the following deposition. " Thomas W. Story maketh oath, that he sailed in the brig Happy Couple of New-York, as master, from the port of St. Mark, in the island of Hispa- niola, on the 22d day of February last, bound for New- York, and on said passage, said brig was inter- cepted and seized as a prize, by the British ship of war Cambrian, and carried into Halifax, where this deponent left said brig, and came to New-York some time since; and this deponent further saith, that there was not any sickness nor any death on board said brig Happy Couple, at any time during said pas- sage, from St. Marks to Halifax, and that said vessel hath lately arrived at New- York from Halifax, as he has been informed and believes. THOMAS W. STORY. Sworn 20th June, 1805, before > John Keese, Public Notary." J It being, likewise, made evident to the board, from other respectable testimony, that the Happy Couple had been about three months at Halifax, it was re- solved, that the Happy Couple cannot be considered as a vessel coming from the West-Indies, and that she may, therefore, be permitted to come into the dock. Complaint having been made concerning the state of the Fiy-market-slip, the same was referred to the Street Commissioner, on the 1st of July, who report- ed as follows. 27 " That the Fly-market-slip is now so much filled with mud, as to stop the drain, and that the Super* intendant of Scavengers believes it can be dug out with shovels, in the evenings, at low water, without injury to the health of the citizens. " That the people who pay for the use cf the slip for their market-boats, complain ot the want of ac- commodation at the ferry-stairs, and that they can^ not land their goods on the wharf at low water. " That it would probably be well to cause a plat- form to be run across, on the head of the slip, with a small stairs on the west side for their accommoda- tion, and to prevent the noxious effects upon the mud in the head of the slip, which is bare at half tide." These measures were afterwards adopted ; but not till a committee, appointed to examine into the circumstances, had given it as their opinion, that it could be done consistently with the health of the city. But why, it may be asked, was not this and some other slips cleaned before this period ? It was owing to no neglect in the Superintendant of Scavengers, than whom no man can be more attentive to the d u tie* of his office ; but to the circumstance, that there was* only one mud machine, and that it could only be used for a very short period this season, as it was unusually late before the winter broke up. The corporation, at so early a period as the 24th January, were aware that one machine was inade- quate for the purpose of cleaning all the slips, at the proper time of the year, and then advertised for pro- posals to construct two additional ones, similar to that which they had already : but as no person could be found, who would contract for having them fin- ished, so as to answer any purpose this season, the 28 business was, for a time, postponed. Contracts, however, have been since formed for their construc- tion, and there is no doubt that these machines will beat work early next spring, so that all the docks and slips will bethoroughiy cleansed, previous to the commencement of hot weather. Complaints having been made that bad smells •were emitted from the vats of several tanners and curriers, on the 8th of July it was resolved, that the existing laws, concerning these objects, should be strictly put in force. A Committee was, at the same time, appointed to draft an address to the citizens, containing an abstract of the laws, which have been enacted for the preservation of the public health. This Committee made their report to the Board on the lith following. As it is rather long, I, at first, doubled the propriety ifcgfaiflg it a place, in this publication, but when I consider how very desirable it is, that every citizen should be acquainted with the existing laws respecting health, and that the perusal of them might, likewise be interesting to strangers I have deemed it advisable to insert it : — ADDRESS TO TH-: CITIZENS OF NEW-YORK. " The Board of Health find it expedient, at the present, critical period of the season to call the atten- tion of their fellow-citizens to the measures, which are now in operation for the purpose of providing against malignant and pestilential diseases. They consider this duty as the more important, as they are anxious to diffuse information on this subject, to ■ vent undue apprehensions, to secure the vigilance aiM.) co-operation ofevjry good citizen, and to attach that clegree of confidence, which is requisite, to the success of their exertions. 29 cc The system of measures which is now in full ope- ration, may be divided into etffeihal arid internal, or into such as are intended to guard against foreign and domestic causes of disease. llih July, 1805." J 55 On the 15th July, the following letter from the building committee of Trinity Church was received. No. 10, Broadway, July \3th, 1805. " Gentlemen, u The Corporation of Trinity Church having lately purchased the ground between Rector-street and the house of Mr. John Livingston, in Broadway, for the purpose of erecting thereon a house tor public wor- ship, the committee of the vestry charged with this business, are ready to begin the building ; but as it may be requisite to remove a vault, and open such of *the graves as shall be found in or near the line of the walls of the building, we have considered it to be our duty to consult your board previously to doing so, and to request that you will be pleased to infirm us, whether, in your opinion, there will be any objection, on the score of the public health, to our now going on with the business. It will be recollected that the ground has been but little used for burial, and rarely of late years. With sentiments, &c. RUFUS KING, In behalf of the Committee." The above was referred to the medical gentlemen of the board and the City Inspector, who after an in- terview with the committee of the vestry, reported, that these gentlemen were satisfied, that on the score of the public health, it would be most prudent to sus- pend the work till the month of November. On the 16th of July, the Secretary was directed forthwith to visit the ship Experiment, from Newry, at the bottom of Courtlandt-street, represented to be in a foul situation, and report her state as soon as possible to the proper authority. S6 The following extract of a letter from the Secretary to his Honour the Mayor, written on the evening of the same clay, will shew the state of that vessel. cc Agreeably to the directions of the board, I have this afternoon, particularly examined the ship Expe- riment, and have the pleasure of informing you, that she is so far fr m being in the state represented, that 1 consider her to be remarkably clean. cc A barrel or two of putrid pork, from on board of that vessel, was yesterday started into the river, from the far end of the dock, and this, by occasioning, for a short time, an offensive smell, might have given rise to the report, that the ship was foul. All the beef \* hich was on board has, according to information, which I deem to be correct, been carried to a pack- ing yard, at the upper end of Greenwich-street. We have, therefore, in my opinion, not even the slightest reason to be apprehen&ive oi danger either from the ship or her carg^." On the 18th July, the fo'lowing case of disease oc- curred, which was universally acknowledged to be Ma- lignant or Yellow Fever, by every physician* who vi- sited him, as well as by several other persons, who bad been accustomed to see that disorder. A man by the name of Christopher Hibbron, hostler, in the employ. meat of Mr. Andrew Stay ley, who kept a livery-stable in an alley, m the rear of No. 92, Maiden-Lane, was taken sick on the 9th July. His case was no ways alarming until the 1.4th, when he was reported to Dr. Miller, the Resident Physician, who, on visiting him, did not regard him as being in a critical state, until the 18th, when the symptoms had became so alarm- ing as to induce that gentleman to recommend his re- * Hit: uiusiciarj., who saw him in this City, weie Drs. JViilltr, Jones, Moore, Walker and Mauley. At the Marine Hospital, he was unde? the care of Drs. Rodgers and Bayley, 37 Snoval to the Marine Hospital, where he died on the third da\ r alter his arrival. On the same day, a man named William Aylesbury, another hostler, who was, likewise, in the same employment, and under the same roof, was likewise sent to the Hospital. He was Lr some time very sick, but at last recovered. I, for the present, pass over the medical opinions and observations concerning these men, in order that 1 may go on in chronological order with the most re- markable transaction* of the board. I shall, there- fore, only observe, at present, that every p *ssible pre- caution was taken to prevent the spread of infection, by destroying the bedding and wearing apparel of the persons removed, aud by thoroughly cleansing and white-washing the apartments, in which they had slep t, &c. On the 20th of July, the following deposition was taken before the Mayor. deposes, that he left the Havannah in the , on — July, when that port was remarkably healthy; that at the time of the departure of the said vessel, there were but two or three cases reported to be so, that the deponent was informed of, of Yellow or Malignant Fever, in that place, and that no person was sick or died, on board of the said vessel, during the passage, as this deponent believes. " There were, at that time, two vessels which had just arrived from the Havannah, viz. the Eliza and the Mary. The former of these was lying in the stream opposite the city ; the latter had not yet come up from the quarantine ground. To captain Bur- gess, master of the Eliza, the Secretary, on the same day, delivered an order from the Mayor, directing her immediate removal, which was promptly compli- ed with. He, likewise, wrote to the Heaith-Oflicer, S8 at Staten-Island, requesting the detention of the Mary till further orders. It mav be observed, that in the above deposition, there was nothing very alarming. Reports had, bow ever, gone abroad, that two captains, who had be- longed to the Eliza, had died in succession. The Mayor, therefore, from motives, which every reflect- ing citizen must deem to have been highly prudent, thought it advisable to have the vessels detained at quarantine, till further information could be procured. The captains of the Mary and Eliza, having peti- tioned the Board of Health to be permitted to come up from quarantine, the Mayor directed the Secre- tary, on the 21st of July, to write to the Health-Offi- cer, requesting him to put questions, on oath, to the following purport, to the sailors of the Eliza sepa- rately. 1st. Did captain Burgess go out as master of the Eliza ? If not, who did, and what became of him? 2d. What persons were engaged, as captains at the Havannah before Mr. Burgess, and what became of them ? Did they die there ? 3d. Was there any Yellow or Malignant Fever at the Havannah, when the Eliza left that port ? 4th. Did any person die, or was any person sick rm board of the vessel, at the Havannah, or in the passage, or in this port ? To these queries, the Secretary, on the 22d July, received a letter from Dr. Rodgers, containing the depositions of the mates of the Mary and Eliza, and also of six seamen belonging to the Mary, and of five LeloDgrog to the Eliza; all of which amounted to the .39 same purport, \iz. that Captain Eiiab Burgess com- manded the Eliza at the time of her departure from New- York, in May last, and ever since ; that no per- son had died or been sick on board the Eliza since she had left this port ; and that at the time they left the Havannah, they believed it to be perfectly healthy. On the 24th of July, the ship John Jones, likewise arrived from the same port, the master of which, cap- tain Sherry, deposed, that the port, at the time of his departure, was remarkably healthy, and that he had brought back all his former crew, no one of them hav- ing been sick. Upon the board having received so satisfactory evidence upon this subject, it was deemed advisable to permit the vessels to come up and an- chor in the stream. The following extract nf a letter from the Health- Officer to the Secretary, dated the 21st of July, will shew the state of the shipping, with respect to health, previous to that time. " You may assure the Board of Health, that not a vessel has passed through our hands t his summer to the city, from any part of the world, which the law contemplates, that has lost any of her crew by sickness, or on beard of which any person was taken sick with fever. This I aver, if any confidence is to be placed in the oaths of mas- ters of vessels $ but if people will perjure themselves, I am not responsible." On the morning of the 22d of July, it having been represented to the board, that Mr. Thomas Young was sick of a suspicious disease, at No. 2a Rose-street, the Health Commissioners, Drs. Miller and Jones, were requested to examine into the nature of the complainr, and report to the board at a meeting, which was to be held in the afternoon of the same day. The following is their report upon this sub- ject : " The undersigned, Commissioners of the Health-Office, to whom was referred, by the Board 4G of Health, the consideration of the case of Tho- mas Young, at No. 25 Rose-street, report, that, having visited and carefully examined the case of the said Young, they find him, after an illness of thirteen days, apparently convalescent, and unless some un- expected reverse should take place, likely to recover in a short time. They think, however, that thil case, though mild and moderate in degree, when considered in its whole duration, may be justly sus- pected of partaking of the nature ot malignant fever." Mr. Young lingered for some time and recovered. On the 22d day of July, the board, for the first time, received some private information, that a ma- lignant or pestilential fever existed in New-Haven, Connecticut. The intelligence, however, did not appear to carry along with it, that degree of authen- ticity which' would warrant the interdiction of com- merce between the two cities. It was, therefore, deemed expedient to postpone the business tilt the nature of the complaint at New-Haven should be more particularly ascertained. By the 26th, private letters, as well as the deposition ota respectable gen- tleman from that quarter, had fixed it beyond a doubt, that a fever, prevailed in that city, concerning which there was a considerable diversity of opinion, some believing it to be bilious, and others to be the true yellow, or malignant fever. It was, how- ever, admitted, en all hands, that several persons had fallen victims to it, after an illness of a few days. The board, upon receipt of the above information, recommended to his Honour the Mayor, " to issue his proclamation, subjecting all vessels from New- Haven to quarantine of course, and prohibiting all persons from that city to enter this city, unless they had been fourteen days from that place." The following proclamation was, therefore, issued on the same day. 41 PROCLAMATION, BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. " Whereas it appears to me, that an infectious or pestilential disease doth prevail in the city of New- Haven, in the State of Connecticut, I do, therefore, by virtue of the powers, in me vested, by the act, en- titled " An act to provide against infectious and pes- tilential diseases," and in pursuance of the advice of the Board of Health, order and direct, that all ves- sels which shall arrive at this port, from New-Haven, shall be subject to quarantine, of course, and that no person shall be permitted to enter the city and county of New-York, who shall have been within the said city of New-Haven, within fourteen days next pro- ceeding his or her arrival, at the said city and county of New- York. c< Whereof, all pilots and other officers entrusted with the execution of the said act, and all other per- sons, are requested to take notice, and govern them- selves accordingly, under the pains and penalties im- posed upon offenders by the said act, which will be rigorously enforced. In witness whereof, &c. the 26th day of July, 1805. DE WITT CLINTON." On the 27th of July, the following letter from our Mayor, was transmitted to the Mayor of New- Haven. « New-York 21th July, 1805. " Sir, " Information from various quarters, of the preva- lence of a malignant disease, in the city of New-Ha- ven, has enforced upon me the duty of issuing the en- closed proclamation, F 4$ " It is scarcely necessary to assure you, that this measure was taken, not without mature deliberation, and the most unfeigned regret. We sincerely pray, that the cause which has induced it, will soon cease, and that a speedy change in the health of your city, will produce a renewal of our usual intercourse; and we trust, that you will feel persuaded, that there is nothing in this step, which can, in the remotest de- gree, he deemed unfriendly to the interests of your city, and that we entertain every disposition to im- prove and extend the friendly communication, which I: as hitherto taken place between us. I am, &c. DE WITT CLINTON. The Mayor of New- Haven. We shall be happv to hear from you on this sub- ject." On the same day (July 26), the Mayor wrote a letter to Dr. Rodgers, of which the following is a copy. " New-York, 26th Jul]/, IS05. " Dear Sir, «' It is of the utmost importance to ascertain the origin of the Yellow Fever ; but in order to do this. to general satisfaction, it is proper, that the adv ocates of both theories should have an equal chance in ex- ploring the sources of information. " Under this impression, I have concluded, in my own mind, to furnish them indiscriminately and im- partially with all the information in my power ; but as the patients in the Marine Hospital, have only undergone the inspection of medical gentlemen, in favour of domestic origin, previous to their being sent from this place, I have to request, that you will per- mit Dr. Hosack and the gentlemen accompanying 43 him, to see those sick persons. This cannot be con- sidered an interference with your department, and the emergency of the occasion, and the interests of the city require a step of the kind, in order that a full investigation, satisfactory to all parties, may be had. I am, &c. DE WITT CLINTON. " On the afternoon of the same day on which the above was written, Dr. Hosack, accompanied by Drs. Williamson and Stringham, proceeded to the Marine Hospital, at the quarantine ground. Tne result of their observations will appear presently. At a meeting of the Board of Health, held on the 30th July, 1805, it was " resjlved, that James Har- die be, and he is hereby authorized, to cause James Dougherty, from No. 127 Water-streei, to i*: forth- with removed to the Marine Hospital, and that he also cause all proper means of purification and pre- vention to be enforced." In conformity with the above resolution, Mr. Dougherty was forthwith re- moved; the whole of his cloathirlg and beddnig i? either sent along with him to the Marine Hospital, or completely destroyed, and the apartments fumi- gated, thoroughly cleaned, and white-washed. It is to be observed, that this was not only represented to be a case of Malignant Fever, by medical gentlemen, who believe in the local origin of the disease, but also by Dr. Hosack, whose opinion is in favour of its im- portation. On the 1st of August, the Mayor wrote a letter to Dr. Hosack, of which the following is a copy. "Sir, " I understand, that in consequence of a request made by me, (with a view that the advocates of both theories might have an equal chance of exploring the 44 sources of Malignant Fever) you, in company with two other gentlemen, proceeded to the quarantine ground, in order to examine the cases of the patients there sick, or supposed to be so, with that disease. If perfectly agreeable to those gentlemen ai:d your- self, I will thank you to favour me with your obser- vations and opinions on this subject. I have the honour, kc. DE WITT CLINTON." In consequence of the above letter, the following answers were received. " Neiv-York, August ith, 1805. " Dear Sir, " In compliance with your request of July 26th, conveyed to me by Alderman Van Zandt, one of the members of the Board of Health, I called upon Dr. Hugh Williamson and Dr. James Stringham, re- questing them, in your name, to accompany me to Staten-Island, to examine the two patients who had been sent from the city, and reported to be ill of the Yellow Fever. " Impressed with the belief, that the Health-Offi- cer would readily afford us the opportunity we de- sired to see and examine the patients, it was from de- licacy concluded, not to deliver your letter, unless, which could not be supposed, it should become ne- cessary, in order that the object in view should not be frustrated. " Discovering, however, in the Health-Officer, a reluctance to shew us the sick, or to give us the in- formation we desired, Dr. Williamson presented him your letter. We were then admitted to the Hospital. " The first of the two hostlers shewn us, as those from Stayley's livery-stable, was Aylesbury. He had a yellow skin,, but @f the natural temperature ; a fee- ble, but not a quickened pulse; bis stomach was re- tentive, although we were informed by the nurse, that, in the beginning, he had thrown up large quan- tities of bile, and that the evacuations from the bow- els had been of a dark green colour ; they were now natural. Upon enquiring into the state of his urine, we were informed that it had been very yellow ,• that it still remained so, a;d that it stained his linen. " We next visited the man last sent down, by the name of Kirkwood j* his symptoms were all so mild, that we could scarcely perceive the marks of febrile action of any sort; indeed it was admitted on all hands, that his illness was not the Yellow Fever. " Hibbron, the first person sent down, and whose case had excited the most attention, and given the most alarm, we were informed, had died the Mon- day preceding. We, therefore, could only satisfy ourselves as to his case, by enquiry, and having seen it asserted in one of the public prints, in such a man- ner as to induce the belief, that the information had been received from the Health-Office, that Hibbron had died, with all the decided and most malignant symptoms of the Yellow Fever, and, that he had the black vomit, attended with bleeding at ike nose, we examined as far as we could into these facts. It appeared, that he had voided blood from the intes- tines, and that he died of a mortification of the bow- els. I asked the Health-Officer in particular, whe- ther he had had the black vomit? He answered, that he did throw up a dark coloured matter, as he was informed by the nurse. The question was then urged in a more precise shape, and he was asked if he had had the particular species of black vomit, which attends the Yellow Fever, either the coffee- * James Kirkwood was sent to the Marine Hospital from Mr. Stay- ley's on the 23d July. s 46 ground or the jlakey f He answered, No, he could not say he had. " Such, sir, is the history of the material facts, that we saw and ascertained at the quarantine ground. The remainder,necessary to complete the cases, will be found in the affidavit of Mr. Stayley,* who attend- ed upon these men, prior to their removal to the Marine Hospital, at whose examination I was pre- sent, as was also the Resident Physician. " As yoU request not only a detail of particulars, but also my opinion of the nature of the disease of those persons^ I do not hesitate to express it. " I have no doubt that the illness of those three men was the effect of cold from exposure to the night #zV,and,excepting Kirkwood,of intemperance; and that their disease, was the common Bilious Fe- ver of our country, to which strangers (as all those persons were) are particularly liable on their first arrival. And I have no hesitation to pronounce that after a minute and I trust a candid and im- partial examination of all the facts, there has been no Yellow Fever in either of the above cases, but that the unnecessary and injurious alarm, which has, in this instance, been raised and propagated respecting our city^ has been without any adequate cause to justify it. " I have the honor, &c. DAVID HOSACK, The Hon. De Witt Clinton." " New-York, Aug. 2, 1805. "Sir, i€ It had been asserted, and the story was often repeated, that " two men, sick of the yellow fever, * For Mr. StzyUfs affidavit see page 50. *7 were lately sent to the marine hospital from a house in Maiden-lane," and that" a third subject, labour- ing under the same disease, was sent to the hospi- tal after a few days, from the same house." Re- ports of this kind have a rapid circulation, and in every case are exceedingly injurious to the commu- nity ; therefore, the sooner they are corrected, if false, the better. As there was no reason to suspcc I , that either of the men in question had caught imported disease, it must follow, that the Yelk Fever is a complaint of domestic origin, provided these men have been ill of that disease. Sundry cases of Yellow Fever, generated in the country, had been slated to me by respectable authority and I believed the report, but had reason afterwards to be satisfied that in every case my informants had been deceived. It was alledged, however, that the case above mentioned was a case in point ; that is, was indisputably a Yellow Fever of do- mestic origin. Wishing, if possible, to discover the truth on this question, in which our fellow citi- zens are so deeply interested, I visited the Marine Hospital on the 26th ult. in company with Dr. Ho- sack and Dr. Stringham. It is understood that the three men to whom I refer, had been hostlers at the same livery-stable, and that they had lately arrived from Europe. It is also understood, that one of them who w T as first seized of the fever, died at the Hospital before we made the visit. Of the other two, whom we saw 7 , 1 think it may be said with con- fidence, that they were not afflicted with the Yel- low Fever; they laboured under a common Bilious Fever, from which they have since recovered. This complaint is prevalent in the Southern States, dur- ing the summer season, and in many cases is fatal, especially to strangers who come from a northern climate. But, common as the fever may be, a great proportion of the cases that I have seen could be traced to some act of imprudence in the patient, or 48 to obstructed perspiration by rain or dew. The symptoms of the fever, by which those men were afflicted, according to their own account, have been precisely the same from the beginning, with the symptoms which attend the Bilious Fever that oc- curs every year in the southern states, and fim the general appearance of the patients, it must be admit- ted that the fevers are of the same kind. The cause also of the fever in those men appears to be exactly the same as that to which I have alluded. The man who was last taken ill, is a native of Scotland, in the vigor of life, and lately arrived in the United States. He sat out of doors one night in a gig, expecting the return of a customer, after midnight, and fell asleep. He caught a cold, and in two or three days, the fe- ver came on. It must be admitted, that fevers which proceed from the same cause, and resemble one ano- ther in every particular, should be called by the same names. " Of the man who died at the Hospital, or of his fever, the gentlemen who saw him are the competent judges; but if his fever was not strongly marked by the peculiar features of the Yellow Fever, if the at- tending physicians retained any doubts concerning the family to which it belonged, we are justified in sup- posing that it was also a Bilious Fever. By the way, it is not uncommon for a Bilious Fever, in particular seasons and circumstances, to personate the Yellow Fever in many of its alarming symptoms ; but it dif- fers from the fever in this essential character, in not being contagious, for which reason it should not be- come the subject of general apprehension. I have presumed that the patient who died at the Hospital had not the Yellow Fever, because bis disease was not contagious. His companions, who lived with him, and sickened after him in the same place, did not take the Yellow Fever, but sickened with a dif- ferent disease; but I take for granted that the Yel- 49 low Fever is infectious, and that it has more than once been imported. I have presumed also that the complaint alluded to was not the Yellow Fever, be- cause, upon the supposition that the Yellow Fever is a domestic disease and not contagious, it would follow that it cannot be imported, in which case the T foundation of our Quarantine Law would vanish into air; but that law seems to be the dictate of prudence and parent of much safety. I am, sir, with the utmost respect, your most obedient and very humble servant, HUGH WILLIAMSON. The Hon. Ds. Witt Clinton. " " New-York, August 3, 1805. " Sir, " In consequence of your request, I visited the quarantine ground, in company with Drs. Hosack and Williamson. While there, our attention was principally directed to two persons, who had been taken ill at Mr. Stanley's, in Maiden-lane, and who were reported to have had Yellow Fever. After an attentive examination, as to the mode of attack, and the symptoms which had since supervened,! leel great pleasure in declaring to you, that none of these cha- racteristics, which peculiarly designate that disease, were in either of these instances, to be detected; on the contrary, I consider them merely as cases of the common Bilious Fever, which, for many years past, has prevailed more or less in New-York, during the months of summer. With sentiments of respect, Sir, I remain your very humble servant, JAMES S. STRINGHAM. * The Hon. Dje, Witt Clinton." g 5® DEPOSITION of Mr. Andrew St.-yley, alluded to in Dr. Hosack's LETTER. Andrew Stayley, of the city of New-Yoik, keeper of a livery stable, No. 92 Maiden-lane, deposes, that " Christopher Hibbron was in bis employ as hostler, and that on the JKb inst. he complained of pains in the ancles and legs, which made the deponent be- lieve, that he had the rheumatism 5 that on Wednes- day morning, he was unable to do his work ; that, in the afternoon, he drank a great, deal of cold water (which he had been in the habit ofdnnking alter tak- ing salts, also of taking salts frequently, working af- terwards in the sun, although he had not taken salts that day, but a few days before) from the pump in the yard, which is of a very hard quality, and that about an hour or two afterwards, he fell down sick in the stable, in attempting to harness a horse, and that the deponent immediately called in Dr. Manley, who bled and blistered the patient; that on Friday night, there was a stoppage of urine, and on Saturday morn- ing, he complained of a continuance of pains in the legs and ancles; that Dr. Manley, on the evening of Saturday, administered a remedy for the stoppage of water, which produced a vomiting soon after : on Sunday morning he had a stool, ami his water came; that he turned yellow on the stoppage of his urine; that, on Sunday morning, the deponent called in Dr. , Walker, and the Resident Physician, by his advice, was called in about twelve o'clock of that day; and that, on the Thursday following, he was sent down to the Marine IL spital; that on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday previously, he was much better; that on Tuesday he walked in the yard, and washed his feet in rain water; that on Wednesday, he ate * plentifully of soup, and said he was bravely, and wish- ed to go to work; that on Wednesday night he had a relapse, and appeared to be delirious, and that a bleeding of the nose took place on Thursday; that SI the deponent attended him during his sickness in this city; that he arrived in this place from England, on the 12th of May last, and continued from the 14th of that month, in the deponent's service; that he was a man of strict temperance, kept good hours, and held never been out late at night, but the night before his sickness, when he did not come home until one in the morning, having been to visit a shipmate of his in Oak-street ; that he had hardly ever been out of the yard of the deponent ; that there was nothing offensive or nauseous about the depo- nent's premises ; they, on the contrary, being re- markably clean ; that William Aylesbury, another hostler in the deponent's employment, took sick last Thursday, and was sent to the Hospital with Hib- bron ; that he was somewhat intemperate, and had been intoxicated that day ; that James Kirkwood, another hostler, also in the deponent's employment, took sick on Saturday last, and was sent down on Tuesday ; that his symptoms were the same as those of Hibbron, as well as Aylesbury ; that the two last persons were in the habit of taking salts, drink- ing cold water, and exposing themselves to the sun in like manner as Hibbron. ANDREW STAYLEY. Sworn 26th July, 1805, before) De Witt Clinton." } The further examination of Andrew St ay ley, who being duly sworn, deposes, " that when Dr. Man- ley was first called in, he stated that he belieyed Hib- bron, in consequence of pains in his ancles and legs,had the rheumatism ; that the patient did not complain of pains elsewhere. Dr. Manley was called in on Wed- nesday night. Christopher Hibbron first complained on Tuesday night. The first symptoms of indispo- sition was vomiting. He threw up his supper. Dr. Manley, on Wednesday evening, bled and blistered him, his tongue having a white fur upon it. On Thursday, the patieut said, that were it not for the pains in his legs, be would get up and go to work : made no complaint of any pains in his back or head. On Wednesday, his countenance sunk to a death-like appearance. On Friday he felt so much better, as to walk about the yard, sit at the door and eat pana- do; but walked lame, and said if it were not for the rheumatism, he would go to work. Hitherto, his evacuations by stool were of a natural appearance. On Friday night there was a suppression of urine. The evacuation of urine of Friday morning was thick and yellow : he felt worse on Saturday night. Hibbron complained of his bowels on Saturday night. All the illness the deponent perceived, was arising from pains in the lower part of the belly, in his limbs, and stoppage of urine. He did not sup- pose him dangerous. On Sunday morning, the pa- tient felt himself alarmed, and wished for more me- dical assistance ; he walked down stairs to the ne- cessary, and returned easier. He turned of a high bright yellow (between gold and orange). A blis- ter was applied to the pit of his stomach, by Drs. Manley and Walker; of the weight of which he complained On Monday, as the deponent thinks, on dressing the blister, there was a discharge, from a wine glass to a gill of water, as yellow as his skin. Three or four days before he went to the Marine Hospital, he was worse in the evening, but better in the morning. On Sunday evening and the sub- sequent, he appeared delirious. On Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday, his stools became of a light colour. On some day, between the first illness and Sunday, he had a dark stool, asStayley was informed, but did not see it. On the Wednesday after he was first taken, his complexion w^as of a pale livid colour; his eyes not inflamed. Throughout the whole of his illness, his complexion was uniformly pale. There was the most unlimited intercourse between the family and patient; the children play- ed with him. On Monday night, he visited his fel- 53 low passenger, a gunsmith, in Oak-street. On his return home, about one o'clock at night, Mr. Stay- ley could not but remark that he had been drink- ing, being somewhat merry; but not intoxicated. The deponent states, that he is particularly careful as to the cleanliness of his stable yard That Wil- liam Aylesbury was removed the same dav he was taken sick, and had arrived here from England, seme time in May last, and resided with the depo- nent, as hostler, from that time; that Aylesbury complained of pains in his legs, although the depo- nent did not believe him ; that he was in the habit of laying his head out of the window at night, and, in other respects, followed the same mode of life, as to hours, as the other hostlers ; that when he took sick, he vomited a good deal, and drank brandy. That James Kirkwood, the other hostler, took sick as before-mentioned, and complained at first, of pains in his legs, and the deponent does not recol- lect of pains in the back or head ; that he told the deponent, that he had not had a passage but once, for fourteen days before, and then about eight days previous; that he was very sick on the day of his removal, vomited a good deal, and was considera- bly thirsty, and. so lame, that he could scarcely walk, and complained, at the same time, of a violent pain in his belly; in vomiting, he did not throw up any thing, except what appeared to be the food and drink he had recently taken ; that he was from Scot- land, and had arrived here some time last fall or winter, and was a man of temperate habits; that when he took sick, and some days afterwards, he appeared pale, and his eyes did not indicate unu- sual redness. ANDREW STAYLEY. a: nvorn 29th July, ISOj, before } De Witt Clinton." ) On the 7th of August, the Secretary was direct- ed " to request of the physicians who may have 54 seen, or shall hereafter see any cases, or suspected cases of Malignant, Yellow, or Pestilential Fever, in this city, this season, all Such information as they may possess, respecting the origin and nature of the disease in question. " In consequence of which, the Secretary wrote a circular letter to the physicians of the city ; to which, he received the following answers, from Drs. Ho- sack and Walker. " New-York, August 5th, 1805. TO THE PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. cc Gentlemen, ' " In reply to your letter of the#d instar*t, request- ing* any information tending to illustrate the origin and nature of any real or supposed eases of Malig- nant Fever, which may have occurred in this city, the present season/ I am happy to remark, that the only cases of Malignant Fever, either real or supposed, that I have seen i.t the present season, were the host- lers from Stay ley's livery-stable, in Maiden-lane, two of whom I visited at the quarantine ground, and Mr. Dougherty, the clerk of Moore and Storey* "For the account of the first of those cases, I beg leave to refer to my letter to the Mayor, which con- tains all the facts I have been enabled to obtain rela- tive to them. " On Tuesday morning, July the 30th, about nine o'clock, Dr. Riddle, for the first time, requested me to visit with him in consultation, Mr. Dougherty in Water-street, a clerk in the employ of Messrs. Moore and Storey, which I did immediately. 55 " As scon as I entered the room of the patient, I perceived his skin to be of a dusky yellow colour, es- pecially about the neck and chest. He lay in a state of stupor ; but upon Dr. Riddle's raising his eye-lids, to shew me the state of his eyes, I observed them also to be of the same yellow colour with the skin; his pulses were slow, not exceeding 60 in a minute, but . i; and of their natural healthy fulness — his skin was temperate — his tongue was moist, and nearly of its natural appearance, excepting somewhat furred in its centre; upon speaking to the patient, I found his mind to be quite incoherent. Enquiring into the state of his stomach, I was told it had been so much afflict- ed by vomiting, that the Doctor had found it neces- sary to apply a large blister; but notwithstanding this application, the vomiting still continued. The matter discharged was represented to me, both by the Doctor and the nurse, to be very black. As it had been just carried out of the room, I did not see it. " Dr. Riddle informed me, that his patient had been sick since the preceding Wednesday, the 24th inst. that this was the seventh day of his disease — that he was attacked with excruciating pains in the/ore- head, immediately over the eyes, attended also with pains in the back and limbs — that his eyes were suf- fused with blood — thai* his countenance was also of a highly florid colour. Upon retiring, I did not he- sitate to express to Dr. Riddle, my belief of the na- ture of the disease. Dr. Riddle immediately replied, that the patient had not been out of the city. Upon enquiring of the gentlemen, in whose employ he bad been, the answer was the same; but a lady sitting at the table, and accidental !y hearing the question, im- mediately remarked, that some time since, he had been down at Staten-Island, to procure letters from some of the passengers then detained at quarantine. As she could not ascertain the time precisely, she re- ferred us to his cousin, who was then attending him. 56 The cousin stated, that the Sunday preceding, was the third Sunday since he had been down at the is- land. I asked her if she meant three icceks from the last Sunday ? she said no, but the " third Sunday." Lest there might be some mistake, and Dr. Riddle expressing some doubt, we went up stairs a second 1 imc, when she, as before, stated that it was not three necks, but that the last Sunday was the " third Sim- day" since lie went down to the island. Hence it appears, that the patient had been at the quarantine ground, on Sunday the 14th instant, and that he was taken sick on Wednesday the 24th instant, ten days after. Dr. Riddle, doubtless, has made the same distinction in his report to the Board of Health, other- wise it would induce a belief, that seventeen days had elapsed between his visit to the quarantine ground, and the time of his attack ; whereas, the interval was but ten days. As the patient was near his dissolu- tion, I immediately made a report to the Mayor, of the case, and the circumstance attending it — the steps afterwards pursued by the Board of Health, and the result your records contain. "Having never, gentlemen, met with a case, of fever attended with the above-mentioned symptoms, that could not be traced to contagion, I cannot but believe, that in this instance also, the patient had been exposed to the atmosphere of an infected vessel, or to persons that had been sick, or in some way con- nected with the sick of the Yellow Fever. " Had Mr. Dougherty not been out of the city, nor in any way exposed to the contagion, I should have wanted candor not to have acknowledged it> domestic origin. Under the present circumstances, it certainly cannot be considered as generated here; the unusu- ally healthy state of our city, is also directly opposed to this belief. I am, gentlemen, with respect, yours, DAVID IIOSACK." 57 " New-York, August 11, ISO& " GENTLEMEN, " Bvthe letter which I received a few days ago, from the Board of Health, I have been encouraged to re- late the case of a man who fell sick of a disease, ac- companied with very malignant symptoms, in an al- ky adjoining to Maiden-lane. " This has been considered by myself, and a num- ber of other witnesses, as an instance of our Malignant endemic or Yellow Fever. And I communicate it as such, in the face of those who admit that a febrile dis- ease, with slighter symptoms than this case exhibits, is a true Yellow Fever, provided they can trace it to a sea-vessel, or something that has been brought from the West-Indies ; but deny that the disease, I am about to describe, however malignant and violent ^ however distinguished by appropriate and character- istic signs is Yellow Fever, unless they can trace its origin in some occult cause of foreign derivation. " The unfairness of which mode of reasoning, is only surpassed by the fashionable, but pernicious notion of deriving all our ills of this kind from distant places, without reflecting that in so doing, we lay down a precedent, authorizing all the inhabitants abroad, to retort our charges of imported infection, to recrimi- nate with positiveness and pertinacity equal to ours, to assail ourselves, climate and institutions, with as much railing and abuse as we bestow upon them and theirs, and finally to have thereby confirmed the na- tives of Cuba, Jamaica, St. Domingo, and other is- lands of the south, who are mighty sticklers for the purity and healthiness of their respective places, that they should always escape the Yellow Fever, ii they had no commercial connection with New-York, Phi- ladelphia, Charleston, and the other foul and pestilen- tial cities, situated on the continent of North America j foeces 8 And in this way the favourers of importation, like Isnmael, raise indeed their hands against every man, and ought to remember that every man's hand will be raised against them. But as k is my chief inten- tion to relate to the board an instance of Yellow Fe- ver, which occurred this season, in the course of my practice, I shall detail the particulars, with all the plainness and candor that I possess, without forging a chain of connection with the West-Indies, on the one part, or concealing or disguising facts as plain as noon-day, on the other. " Christopher Hibbron, aged about thirty, born in Yorkshire (England) arrived at New- York early in May last, in the ship Hudson, from Liverpool. On the fourteenth of the same month, he was retained in the service of Andrew Staylej', No. 92 Maiden-lane, in the capacity of an hostler, with whom he resided until he was removed to Staten-Island. He posses- sed a mild and obliging disposition ; was not subject to violent passions, nor did he indulge in dissipation or intemperance ; he seldom went from home, his em- ployment requiring all his attention, from early in the morning, until late at night. " He enjoyed good health from the time of his ar- rival in this country, until the ninth day of July last ; when he complained of great languor, aversion to mo- tion, and depression, of spirits. " The next day following, he was suddenly seized with vertigo, and fell upon the ground ; this affection soon subsided, and was succeeded by constant nau- sea and frequent vomiting of bilious matter, accom- panied by acute pains in the caifes of his legs and knees, which gradually progressed upwards, until his thighs, back and head were equally aifected ; the pain was excruciating, and there seemed to be a spas- modic, act ion of the muscles of his legs. - These ail- 59 tions induced him to speak of extreme cold, being ap- plied to his body; this sensation almost immediately passed off, and great irritation, tumult and excite- ment of the vascular system became very conspicu- ous. The pain at this time seemed to be altogether removed from the lower extremities, and fixed in his back and head ; pulse 100 or upwards, hard, labour- ing and irregular ; heat of the body burning and con- centrated ; skin dry and rough ; tongue white, slimy, and moist ; countenance flushed, agitated and anxi- ous ; eyes red, disturbed, watery and wandering. " Dr. Manley judiciously prescribed bleeding, blis- tering, bowels evacuated, and the antiphlogistic re- gimen enjoined. " On the third day of his disease, the violence of the symptoms were greatly subdued ; eye and counte- nance more natural and cheerful; tongue dry and rough ; continual thirst; feeces charged with yellow or bilious matter; pain in the stomach and nausea; skin moist, but rather clammy and cool when lightly touched, but when hard pressed, conveyed a sensation of morbid heat; pulse soft and swelling. " There were no particular variation of symptoms during the fourth and fifth days of his disease ; but on the sixth day, he complained of great pain and un- easiness throughout his body; this, however, soon be* came local, and was confined to his stomach and uri- nary bladder, attended with vomiting and suppres- sion of urine, his skin was dry. and the heat unequal. His medical treatment, was full and regular; at this time blistered freely; alkalies with acids; Sp. Nit. Dul. tepid bathing; injections; fomentations; calo- mel and opium, &c. &c. every thing requisite under such circumstances. On the morning of the seventh d?tj of disease, there obtained a copious discharge of urine, loaded with a dark coloured matter; feeces 60 having the appearance of tar or molasses, pain in the stomach, constant vomiting, which was no longer bi- lious, but rejecting every thing thrown into it. The colour or his skin was, on this day, completely chang- ed; in health, his skin is uncommonly fair, but its present bright and general yellowness is beyond all description ; it bears a strong analogy to a high co- louring of gambouge upon fine glazed paper. ei The eighth and ninth clays of his disease were not marked by any particular occurrence. On the tenth, his pulse was slow and regular, apparently soft and full ; a great proportion of animal heat retired from the extremities ; discharge from his bowels, black and seemingly charged with blood ; confused and ir- regular ideas ; delirium ; haemorrhage from his nose; his tongue was loaded with a dark brown thick incrus- tation j skin moist but evidently morbid, and widely different from the warm and fluid moisture arising from an healthy action of the extreme vessels; sigh- ing, anxiety, throwing his arms and legs from one side of ihe bed to the other; a constant desire to change his situation, iviih nit assigning a cause; hick- up, with a mahogany countenance, and a variety of malignant symptoms, not easily described. In the evening oftbis day lie was removed toStaten-lsland; v< >rr\iting f black matter came on, during his passage, arid continued at intervals until he died, which took place on the thirteenth day of his disease, attended with all the horrid and a*vfnl appearances that usu- ally occur in malignant cases of concentrated epde- mic, or Yellow Fever. < f I have sought with ail the diligence and care that I pessess, for the origin of this frightful disease. Jt has beep impossible for me to trace it to any sjiip pr vessel whatever. And indeed if I had been able to do so, it would not have followed, that the uiir an rubbish of a ship had been taken on board irj 61 bulk at a foreign port, and not have been engender- ed and manufactured within her. " For a ship, from her construction and use, being first a manufactory of pestilential matter, and then a vehicle to transport it from place to place, where- ever she goes, is herself the local source of the great- est part of that very mischief, which is unreasonably ascribed to the ports between which she sails. * As to local nuisances in and about the alley and stable, where the man lived and worked, there did net appear to be any one, which could be fairly sup- p i to excite the disease; tor it would be extrava- gant to ascribe such to stable-dung. " As far as I can penetrate the cause of this dis- ease, I will state it. The patient was an English- man ; he had been accustomed to a portion of earth and atmosphere, by i'ar cooler than ours ; he had the northern constitution and habits of a Yorkshire man, and he had been but a short time in our city. " It is well known when men of such tempera- ments migrate to the south, they commonly undergo a seasoning as it is called, to their new place of resi- dence; Englishmen have to undergo this operation when they remove hither, as our own people are obliged to submit to it, when they move to Orleans. Men so circumstanced, often become diseased before they are reconciled to their new situations, and in many cases, the stamina of life break before they can be bent to the required shape. " In the case of Hibbron, there was the ordinary predisposition of an English stranger, and he seems to have fallen a victim to the combined agency of causes, which a native scarcely feels, because he is seasoned and habituated to them, but which frequent*- 62 \y act with irresistible powers upon visitors from the north. With sentiments of high respect and esteem, I remain your most obedient, RICHARD L. WALKER. The President and Members > oi the Board of Health." ) The following extract of a letter from Dr. Man- ley, published in the Morning Chronicle, will shew that gentleman's opinion of the disease in question. Ci I shall now take the liberty of examining briefly, such parts of Dr. Hosack's letter, as relate to the case of Hibbron. * It appeared/ said the Doctor, ' that he had voided blood from his intestines, and that he had died of mortification of the bowels/ As I am the person more interested in the opinion which the public shall form of this case, than any other man, I should be glad to know, for the sake of information, how it appeared to him, that he died with a morti- fication of the bowels. As a man of candor, his rea- sons for such an opinion should have appeared in print as well as the opinion itself, and he is hereby informed, that they are still expected. He could not draw this conclusion from the circumstance of the man's voiding blood, for this we see every day oc- curring in cases of the Dysentary ; yet we do not be- lieve the mortification of the bowels to exist any length of time, proportionate to the duration of the disease ; we know that patients will labour under the most ag- gravated form of Dysentary for the term of six weeks, and during all that time pass blood ; comparatively few instances even then are found to terminate in mortification of the intestines, as has been repeatedly proved upon dissection. But suppose for a moment, the man had mortification of bowels, as expres- sed, how is it possible to be accounted for ? the mor- tification surely was not the consequence of the ap- plication of a caustic; it must have been preceded by 03 inflammation; if such inflammation did exist, it must have been apparent, from the torturing pain, the ob- stinate costiveness, and the peculiarity of pulse, which in such cases, do exist, and he must have died* according to the common course of such a diseasej long ere the termination ol the thirteenth day efhia illness — neither of which circumstances did obtain. I therefore shall rest satisfied in the belief, that he did not die with mortification of his bowels, as a primary disease, as represented; and the public will, no doubt, do themselves the justice to withhold their belief of such a statement, until more clearly proved. " I asked the Health- Officer in particular, whe- ther he had the black vomit ?" He answered, " that he did throw up a dark coloured matter, as he was informed by the nurse. " The question was then urged in a more precise shape, and he was asked " if he had the particular species of black vomit which at- tends the Yellow Fever, either the coffee grour. the flaky r" He answered, " no, he could not say he. hacir " The public will observe, that the last sentence here given, as delivered by the Health-Otiicer, was not divided into two distinct parts, as Dr. Hcsack would wish it to be believed, by printing one part in capitals, and another in italics. J pledge myself that Dr. Rodgers did not expect to be thus understood, when he was more particularly interrogated whether the vomiting was either the coffee ground or the flaky f He answered he did not know ; the information he had received from the nurse ; he himself had not seen it, and he possessed too just a sense of the value of truth, to assert that for fact, which rested merely upon the statement of one of the hospital attendants! Dr. Hosack's enquiry of the Health Olncer, amounts of course to nothing more nor less than he could not precisely define the appearance of the matter, having 64 never seen it. It is certain, however, that the patient had an irritable stomach during the whole course of his disease, and that he had black vomiting before .he arrived at Staten-Island ; and whether he had or had not, is not a circumstance essentially necessary to the point in question. Had Hibbron Y&Ubiv Fever-? It is acknowledged, on all hands, that Yellow Fever^ notwithstanding it is a disease of peculiar malign^}, does not possess one single sympi m which, taken alone, can characterize it. Again, if it be necessary that black vomiting should be present to constitute the disease Yellow Fever, at least nine out often at- tacked by it must die ; for in cases where that symp- tom obtains to any extent, the chances of recovery are still iess than this proportion, as wiil appear from the experience of many of our most able physicians. Yellow Fever, though malignant, is not so generally fatal as would thus appear. " Dr. Hosack thus concludes his letter. c I have no doubt that the illness of those three men was the effect of cold, from exposure to the night air, and ex- cepting Kirk wood, of intemperance, and thai; their disease was the common Bilious Fever of our coun- try, to which strangers (as all those persons were) are particularly liable on their first arrival. And I have no hesitation to pronounce, that after a minute, and, I trust, a candid and impartial examination of all the facts, that there has been no Yellow Fever in either of the above cases, but that the unnecessary and in- jurious alarm which has, in this instance, been raised and propagated respecting our city, has been with- out any adequate cause to justify it.' " It will here readily appear to the reader, that the D ctor, with all his caution, has not been able to avoid absurdity. He, in the first part of this letter, imputes the death of Hibbron to a mortification of the bowels, and now in common with Kirkwood and $5 Aylesbury, he had the common Bilio&s Fever of our country, to which strangers are particularly liable; this needs no further comment; the contradiction would scarcely have been more apparent if it had occurred in the same sentence. " I shall now conclude my observations on this let- ter, by remarking upon the candor and humanity of Dr. Hosack, which charged Hifrbrori with btfiffg cessory to his own death, when, if he hau\ not ktte the least enquiry would have satisfied him that he was a man temperate even to a fault, if I may so ex- press it. Mr. Stayley told me, when speaking bf his habits, that he had never seen him intoxicated dur-» ing the whole time he was in his employ, and that it was with difficulty he coukt prevail upon him d? the warm weather, to drink any other thing rha'n c I water ; yes the illness of these three men was (he effect of cold, from exposure to the night air, and except- ing Kirk wood, of intemperance. " I have now said all that the public required of me, and no more. It was my intention to have ana- lyzed the letter of Dr. Hos&ek, on the case of Dough- erty ; but that, I am informed, will come from its proper source, in the course of a few days-, and as that case a (lords ample matter for a lengthy comment, we trust that it will meet with its merited attention. I trust that I have done away art injurious impres- sions- that the public may have entertained of me, as the physician of Hibbron j and 1 likewise hope that 1 have done some service to the public, in exposing the designed misrepresentations in the above case. " I shall only observe, in regard to the paragraph in Mr. Coleman's fast evening paper, that if* by those who know better/ he would be understood as- meaning Dr. Hosack and- himself — lie is perfectly 66 correct ; since they (and their communications) alonfc prompted me to come before the public. JAMES R. MANLEY." " Dear Sir, Cf As you have requested the most important facts in the cases of Hibbron, Aylesbury and Kirk wood, I have been as particular as my memory, (aided by nurses and patients) admit of. " Christopher Hibbron was received into the Ma- rine Hospital on the 18th inst. late at night. The morning of the 19th, I first visited him. His body was of a dusky yellow, especially his face ; his eyes were yellow, and the blood vessels turgid ; his tongue covered with a dark brown fur, but moist, except at the edges, which were dty, and darker than the rest; pulse full, soft and frequent, beats 100 ; mind collect- ed ; he had ten or twelve thin evacuations in as many hours, which were of a dark bloody colour ; urine red- dish and turbid ; he vomited four times, at an inter- val of twelve hours between each, except the last twenty-four hours of his life, when he did not throw up any thing; the fluid vomited was the colour of por- ter, with some ash coloured mucous floating in it, except immediately after he was admitted, which is stated to have been very dark ; porter was his drink, and when he did vomit, it was shortly after he drank ; volatile alkali and laudanum were prescribed for him, which produced a free perspiration, and lessened the number of his stools ; at night blisters were applied to his ancles. " 20th. The same medicines were continued, he having expressed sensible relief therefrom ; some coma taking place, a blister was applied between his shoulders, which drew well ; during the night he had a dark green stool, of natural consistence. 07 a 2 1st. Coma increased ; pulse soft and quick; me- dicines continued, with the infusion of bark as the ve- hicle ; blisters applied to the legs, and cataplasms to the feet. " 22d. All the symptoms increased, with laborious breathing ; had several convulsions, and died at three o'clock, P. M. JV. B. He bled several times at the nose. * William Aylesbury was admitted into the Ma- rine Hospital with Hibbron. His body was of a natural colour ; eyes slightly inflamed ; tongue white - y pulse tense and frequent ; skin hot ; had taken a ca- thartic, which had ceased its operation before he came here; a sudorific was given at short intervals, with acidulated tepid drink, which caused a free per- spiration ; had several dark green stools ; urine tur- bid and high coloured ; in the evening complained of heat and fulness at his stomach, with increased pain in the back part of his head, and aching of his back and limbs ; twenty-four ounces of blood was taken from him, which produced relief. " 20th. Had the same sensations at his stomach and head as last night ; pulse full and frequent ; bldbd- ed him eight ounces ; sudorific mixture continued; in the evening costive ; mixture omitted ; took 10 grains of calomel every four hours, and rub mercurial oint- ment nn the thighs ; had many dark green stools dur- ing the night, and vomited onee some light greenish bile, which was very bitter. t ?th, in an- to one written to hivn by the Score- arv, shew that there could be no possibility of contagion at the quarantine ground. " In answer to yours of yesterday, I have fo say, that no case of Yellow Fever has exUted, either at the hospital, or on board the snipping at the qua- rantine ground, since the 1st of July last,, except those sick persons who have been sent from the city ©f New-York." Yv'ith respect to the case of Mr. Stay ley and j men who were taken sick at 'his his house, it appears difficult to assign any probable cause. The different physicians who visited thern, previous to their being sent down to Staten-Island, perceived no nuisance of any kind, which could possibly be supposed to have engendered a pestilential disorder. Biif as it was deter. nined to use every precaution, Mibbron and Aylesbury, the first two patients, were no sooner removed than, as has already been observed, their bedding and wearing apparel were destroyed, and the apartment in which they had lain, as well as those adjoining to it, were thoroughly cleansed and white-washed. The same process was likewise re- peated, at the time Kirkwood was reur\ed. The yard and all the adjoining premises, were examined by me with the greatest care , but nothing was dis- covered, which could, in the least, be siispected to be the cause of so dreadful a malady. It had, indeed, been said, that a privy situated directly under the window of the room, in which Mr. Stayley common- ly sat, emitted a very oilensive smell ; but upon exa- mination, it appeared, thai it was at the distance of 76 at least six feet from the window, that it was very deep, and that it was kept as clean as any in the city; besides, the hostler who first got sick, resided in a part of the house, the most remote from this privy. It cannot, therefore, be well supposed, that there was in it any cause of disease. That there may, however,* have been some reason of complaint, with respect to the premises, a short .time before the evil commenced, although, most pro- bably, not sufficient to have excited it, appears from the affidavit of a very respectable gentleman of this city, who deposes as follows : City of New-York, ss. Nathaniel Prime deposes, Cf that he recently kept his carriage at Mr. Stayley's livery-stable ; that in passing to it some short time before the men took sick, who were removed to the quarantine ground, he experienced a very disagreeable smell, which the deponent supposed to proceed, either from Mr. Stay- lev's or Mr. Cheetham's possessions, and Which he ascribed to some old privy, the smell of which was probably excited by the removal of rubbish, as the Vard, at that time, was undergoing a repair. NATHANIEL PRIME. Sworn '29th August, IS 05, before > Those acquainted with Mr. Prime will, no doubt, place the fullest confidence in the truth of his depo- skfti. Still, however, there is reason to believe, thai though an offensive smell might have been emit- M -A from some old privy, either in Mr. Cheetham's or Mr. Stay ley's yard, it could not, with propriety, have been considered as the cause of fever. Indeed, if the privy alluded to, can be supposed to have oc- casioned so great an evil, why, it may be asked, were not some persons taken sick in Mr. Cheetham's, to 77 whose house the privy was more contiguous? But, in the house of this gentleman, every one enjoyed good health, whilst in Mr, Stay ley's, the case was widely different. To this source, thereibre, the evil cannot, with propriety, be attributed. ■ There are also two depositions sworn to before his Honour the Mayor; the one by Mr. John Hyde, de- ceased, late keeper of the Toutine Coifee House, dated the ith of August, 1805; the other by Mrs. Ca- therine Stayiey, widow cf the late Mr. Andrew Stay- ley, dated the 5th of September, ISO J. Although the substance of these depositions might be summed up in a very few words, yet, that there may be no room for an accusation of partiality to either of the theo- rists respecting the origin of Malignant Fever, I ha/e deemed it most correct to give them at length. " John Hyde, keeper of the Tontine CofTee- House, deposes, that Andrew Stayiey formerly lived in his employ as hostler; that the deponent went to Stayiey 's, the day after Hibbron, who lately died at the quarantine ground, was removed there, and en- quired of him, the circumstances of Hibbron's case; that Stayiey told the deponent, that Hibbron had been out an eveningor two before he was taken sick, and had come, at a very late hour, rather in liquor; that he (Stayiey) desired him to go to bed, and that Hibbron told him he had been on bfrard some vessel, and had bought an English sheep ; but that the sheep was never brought home, owing, as Stayiey supposed, to Hibbron's sickness ; that Stayiey also told '-the de- ponent, that this was the first time that he knew of, that Hibbron had been out of the yard. JOHN HYDE. 'worn the 5th of August, 1805,) before De Witt Clinton." j " Catherine Stayiey, widow of the late Andrew Stayiey, livery-stabler, Maiden-lane, being duly 78 sworn, doth depose and say, that William Aylesbury told this deponent, that Christopher Hibbron, in his dying moments,had declared,that he was very sorry, he had told Mr. Stayley, that he had not been on board of any vessel; for that he had staid part of a night on board of a vessel at or near Long-Island, about eight days previous to his being taken sick ; and further this deponent saith not. CATHERINE STAYLEY. Sworn the 5th September, 1S05, > before De Witt Clinton." C But although from the two last affidavits, it ap- pears more than probable, that Hibbron had been on board of an English ship, yet there are few people who will suppose, that Yellow Fever could be brought to this country from that quarter. The truth is, it appears impracticable to assign any satisfactory rea- son for the diseases of Stayley ' and the hostlers who resided with him, unless we suppose, that,as they had lately come to this country, they had not as yet be- come sufficiently inured to the climate, to support the intense heat of an American summer • and that they had been imprudent in exposing themselves to the night air. Various cases of Malignant Fever were reported *by gentlemen, who believe in its local origin, during the latter part of August, and the beginning of Sep- tember s but by those medical gentlemen who believe in its importation, they were, in general.supposed to be only the common Bilious Fever of the country. To fgive the advocates of both theories an equal chance, the Board of Health, on the 4th of September, f < Besolved, that when any case of Ma- lignant Fever shall be reported by medical gentle- men, who believe in the domestic origin of that dis- ease, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to call upon some of those gentlemen, who espouse a different 79 theory, and that the physicians so employed, shall be paid by this board, and give their opinions in writing." In consequence of the preceding resolution, the Secretary applied to Dr. Hosack. The following letters from that gentleman, will shew the proceed- ings which took place in consequence thereof. " New-York, September 5th, 1805. " Dear Sir, " Yesterday, at the request of the Board of Health, conveyed to me by the secretary, I visited John Pel- sue, No. 4, Church-street. His symptoms appear to me to be those of the last stage of the Yellow Fe- ver. His short illness, and the manner of his attack, as related to me by his mother, also serve to confirm me in that opinion. His removal to the quarantine ground* will, I believe, afford him the best chance of recovery, and as it regards the health of our city, will certainly be a proper measure. I am, Sir, respectfully your's, &c. The Hon. De Witt Clinton." " New-Fork, September 6th, 1805. the Board of Health." j At a meeting of the Board of Health, on the 6th of September, the following interesting communica- tion was received from Dr. Sir James Jay. " Nezv-York, September 5th, ] 805. " Sir, M The inclosed piece is written by a man, who is an impartial spectator of the scene going on among the faculty. Should the hints and observations it contains, contribute in the least to elucidate the con- troversy, and pave the way to truth, he will not re* h gret the trouble of -writing it. You are at liberty to make what use of it .you may think proper. I remain, Sir, Your very humble servant, JAMES JAY. De Witt Clinton, Esq." " When different opinions are entertained on a leal subject, and both parties. pretend to found their system on facts, it is obviofifs,that the first step to be taken towards a true decision, is accurately to ascertain the principal facts on which a solid and con- clusive judgment can be formed. Could this be done in the case of Yellow fever, in such a way, that men cf tolerable education and common sense, who are net of the profession, could easily see into the merits of the dispute, and form a rational and solid judgment on the subject, it would, I presume, afford considera- ble satisfaction, and be of no less utility. " This, I think, might be effected in a great de- gree, were some such mode of proceeding as the fol- lowing to be adopted. Desire the leaders of each party to give you, in writings an accurate history or description of Yellow Fever, mentioning particularly the peculiar symptoms attending its commencement, progress and termination, which distinguish Yellow Fever from any other fever. These descriptions of Yellow Fever will be a kind of standard for you and other gentlemen to judge by, of all doubtful cases that may subsequently occur. When you have obtained such a history from each party, whenever a suspici- ous case appears, let a physician of each party visit the patient, and if they disagree as to the disorder, let them give you an account of the symptoms at- tending the case ; from whence, by comparing it with the standard, you may be able to judge whether it is Yellow Fever or not ; and whether the sick person should be removed or not, to the Marine Hospital. 83 In the execution of this plan, it is probable that a good deal of reasoning may be offered by the parties, in support of their respective opinions ; but as all rea- soning on the subject, that is not founded on char, indisputable facts, tends rather to confound and ob- scure, than to elucidate the subject, S r will deserve no further attention than politeness dictates. Hip- pocrates, who wrote above two thousand years ago, was so sensible of the insufficiency of speculative opi- nions, that he declared, ' no benefit is to be del I in medicine, from mere reasoning, but from such as is demonstrated by experience to be true; for un- founded assertions, however strongly urged, with a profusion of words, are fallacious, and lead to error.' " Lest these reflections should appear illiberal, it becomes necessary to unfold, in some measure, the weakness of the profession. It is to be regretted, but it is nevertheless true, that an unhappy fatality has generally attended the science of medicine, which incited its professors, even the most learned of them, to dispute warmly about matters, which an unlet- tered man, of common sense, would think could be determined by plain experiments. For instance, it is reasonable to think, that were the same medicine to be given in similar cases, it would uniformly pro- duce similar effects, and impress every person with the same idea of its good or bad qualities; and that to ascertain its merits or demerits, nothing need be done but to give it a fair and accurate trial. Yet the utility of the bark, mercury and antimony, all excel- lent medicines, was contested many years, in the most enlightened parts of Europe. So true is the observation of Galen, ' that erroneous opinions, when they prepossess the minds of men, not only ren- der them deaf but blind, so that they cannot see what appears plain to other people/ And a little further he adds, * physicians seldom agree on medical sub- jects; they not only differ, but maintain the most 84 contradictory opinions.' The late learned and cele- brated Doctor Huxham pbserves, ' that from the days of" Galen, and indeed long before, vain hypothesis, the love of novelty, the fashion and faction of physic, too often led its professors devious, and attached them to error; and it is too well known, the same misfor- tunes still attend us/ It may with truth be added, that while physicians pursued a vain, delusive theory hi treating the Small-pox, they rendered that de- structive disease still more fatal. When they conde- scended to observe and follow nature, they then, and not till then, began to be of service to mankind in that distemper. " This little sketch of medical history, by shewing what lengths physicians have gone in support of a favorite theory, and the ill consequences resulting from such a procedure, will render men of sense cau- tious of adopting the opinion of any physician on a controverted point. It likewise strengthens what has been said above, that the only sure way to arrive at truth in the present case, is by adhering closely to an accurate enquiry into facts, till a sufficient collec- tion of them shall be obtained, to enable a man of common education and understanding, to form a just opinion on the subject. " To shew how cautious we ought to be in sending sick persons to the Marine Hospital, I shall make a few observations, which evince that the utmost cir- cumspection should be used on those occasions. The many instances of the amazing influence of the mind on the body, which are recorded by historians as well as physicians, prove that the passions and affec- tions of the mind, are among the most powerful and active instruments that can be emploj'ed for the de- struction or preservation of the body. Sudden joy, grief and fright, have occasioned immediate death. The fire of ambition^ confidence, faith and hope have S3 raised man\ persons from dangerous diseases to health and strength. On the other hand, anxiety, despair, and fear, not only make men more suscepti- ble of contagion, but have brought, on infirmities of the worst kind; and have even rendered diseases mortal; where no danger was otherwise to be ap- prehended. Thus, many people, who were long impressed with a belief that they would die with the small-pox, have sunk under the disorder before any symptom of its virulence appeared. " The consideration of the very pernicious influence of the mind, on people in general, in a place where contagion really does or is supposed to exist, and the frequent unfounded reports of yellow fever that are spread in this city, excite a wish that some steps were taken to prevent our citizens from crediting any ac- count of cases of yellow fever, except such as may be published by the Board of Health. " Let me now ask, whether it is not reasonable to think, if a person should be attacked with a common fever, and should apprehend it to be yellow i'evei^ that such an idea would endanger his recovery, and much more so, if his physician should adopt the same injurious opinion ? Still more dangerous w r ould such an idea be likely to prove, were persons in a com- mon fever, but in that unhappy state of mind, to be sent from their friends and family to the marine hos- pital, under a positive declaration that they had yel- low fever . The safety of the city is certainly not to be risked for the sake of any individual : but per- haps it would not be improper, nor paying too great a tribute to humanity, if a suspicious case should not be precipitately sent to the hospital, nor until a phy- sician of each party had examined the patient, and accurately reported his case to the Board of Health. This city and the neighbouring country, have tor a long period of time, been annually visited, at this 8f> season, with bilious fever, a disease which is neither dangerous, 'nor difficult of cure; unless the case has been neglected or injudiciously treated. Yet this fever, th oigh distinct from yellow fever, sometimes assumes appearances which might induce an incau- tious observer to pronounce it yellow fever. And that such mistakes have been committed, I' conclude, not only from the cases which I have seen, but from this remarkable circumstance, that in the reports of deaths and new cases, published by authority during the yellow fever of 1803, there is not a single instance of a person's being taken ill or having died of bili- ous fever. This omission is very extraordinary, and can only be accounted for on the principle that bili- ous fever, in all cases of it, at the time, was mistaken for yellow fever. " Notwithstanding the partiality of medical men to their own opinions aha tneories, it is to be hoped that the gentlemen of the profession in this city, will become impressed with the importance of rescuing our country from the dread and ravages of Yellow Fever. On this consideration, they will undoubt- edly lay aside all prejudices, and cordially unite in investigating the nature of the disease, and in endea- vouring to discover a method of rendering it less dan- gerous and destructive. Nor should they despair of effecting those desirable ends. The Small-pox, for a great length of time, was as fatal to mankind, as Yellow Fever is at present. Science at length found but a way to overcome its virulence, and it is no longer the dread and scourge of nations. And why may we not indulge the pleasing thought, that sci- ence may be equally successful in subduing the Yel- low Fever : and that our American physicians may have the honour of accomplishing the great work? Their liberal and spirited exertions in so laudable an attempt, would, in any event, insure them the grati- tude of their fellow citizens : and should they succeed, S7 they will do honour to their profession and them- selves, enjoy the satisfaction of imparting health and happiness to their country, and be ever ranked among the benefactors of mankind." In order, that I might exhibit, at one view, the opinions of different physicians respecting the ori- gin and existence of malignant fever in the city, I have deviated considerably trom chronological or- der. I now return to the proceedings of the board* towards the end of July. On.the 2yth of that month, the following report was published : — TO THE PUBLIC. Inconsequence of alarming reports of malignant cases of fever having occurred in this city, the Board of Health think it proper to state, that an unusual degree of health at present prevails, and that no case of malignant fever, so far as they know, now exists in New-York. A few cases of unfa- vorable appearance were observed a few days ago ; but the sick were removed to the marine hospital, and every precaution was taken to guard against any farther evil. The constant vigilance exercised at the quarantine establishment, the incessant at- tention to the removal of nuisances in the city and the present favorable state of the weather, all en- courage a reasonable hope, that the season will pass away, without any malignant epidemic. The Board pledge themselves to their fellow-citizens to give ear- ly and wire seized notice of danger, if any should occur. By the unanimous order of the board of health. DE WITT CLINTON, President. James Hardie, Sec'ry. Office of the Board of Health, > New-York, July 27th, 1805.") S8 On the 29th of July,in consequence, not only of private letters, but of the affidavits of different mas- ters of vessels, that a pestilential disease prevailed at Providence, in Rhode-Island, his Honour the Mayor, in pursuance of the advice of the Board of Heahh,issued a proclamation,directing "that all ves- sels which might arrive at this port from Providence, should be subject to quarantine of course, and that no person should be permitted to enter the city and county of New- York, who had been within the said town of Providence, within fourteen days, next pre- ceding his or her arrival, in the said citv and countv of New- York." On the same day (29th July) the following pro- clamation was, likewise, published. PROCLAMATION BY THE B©ARD OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. " Whereas, from a proclamation of the Board of Health of the city of Philadelphia, dated the 25th of this month, it appears, that Ludowick Brode, mate, and William Cross, seaman, of the brig Ann-Jane, had made their escape from the Lazaretto of the said city, and that it was supposed, that one of them in- tended to proceed to the city of New- York. In or- der, therefore, to enforce as far as practicable, on the part of this board, the health laws of Pennsylvania, as zvell as to deter infected persons from coming into this place, an additional reward of fifty dollars is here- by offered, for the apprehension of either of the said persons, within the bounds of the city and county of New-York. In behalf and by order of the Board of Health, DE WITT CLINTON, President. James Hardie, Sec ry." 8§ On the 5th of August, the following report was published. "Since the last address of this board, a case of Malignant Fever has occurred at No. 12? Water- street, and a Mr. James Dougherty, who was the subject, was removed to the Marine Hospital, on the 30th ult. and died on the evening of that day. h of rainy weather may reason- ably be expected. The consequent change from an extreme dry, to a humid atmosphere, may prove very Unfavourable, unless every mean be used to ventilate and purify cellars in the lower parts of the city. The board, therefore, recommend the utmost attention to this important subject, and confidently hope, that a vigorous perseverance, for a few weeks longer, in the precautionary measures hitherto pursued, will, under the smiles of Providence, avert every cause of danger. Bv order of the Board, DE WITT CLINTON, President. James Hardie, Sec'ry. ,> The following is a copy of the next report which was issued by the board, viz. on the Cih of Septem- ber, by which it will appear, that the pleasing pn &- pect which had been entertained oh i. ^ of August, were far fr< ig realiz. " Cue Board of Health, iSeplanbcr S, 1605, " Since the last reporl ith respect 1 altiipf'th.^city, td jus- tify ah/ . which ] n (1, the hoard have been assiduou Joyed, not only in executing the pi ►nary powers deposited in their hands, but in obtaining as accurate an account as possible, of the true state of the general health. " In the conflict of opinion, it is extremely difficult to arrive at the truth, but the board submit the fol- lowing as the result of their enquiries. Ten cases of Malignant Fever have occurred since Monday last ; five cases of a doubtful nature, some of which have been removed into the country or Marine Hospital, and four deaths. 91 <* Popular rumour has vastly exaggerated the number of cases, wherel lue alarm has been cited. The board are extremely anxious to impress on their fellow -citizens, the imp of giving credit to unauthehticated l rest j assured, that as long as the present state of the public health continues, a candid, undis- guised account of the real situation oi . shall be regularly published. " Considerable anxiety prevailed respecting the power of the board, to remove persons sick of Malignant Fever. This power, which has been le- gally invested in the board, and which has for a lev time, been exercised by the Commissioners of t Health-Office has, in even' instance, been used with the utmost delicacy and discretion. Of those patients who were citizens, it has been left entirely at their option, to provide retreats. Others, who have been removed to the Marine Hospital, were mos an- gers, friendless and without families, and have be provided with every comfort and convenience. Should the fever continue to prevail, Bellevue Hospital will be opened. The buildings belonging to this estab- lishment have been recently repaired, with cousid able improvements, and every accommodation hi been liberally provided for the si ** The part of the city which, at present, appears to be the principal seat of the disease, is Water am Front-streets, between the Fly-Market and Old-si*^ By order of the Board of Health, DE WITT CLINTON, President, James IIardie, See'ry." On the same day, the City-Inspectoi's Office was moved from the Federal-Hat! to the Office of the Board pf Health, corner of Chamber-street and Broad- way, where that gentleman, except between nine 92 and eleven o'clock in the morning, when he went daily to visit the Hospital at Bellevue, constantly at- tended, during the whole time of the sickness, from six o'clock in the morning, until nine at night. About this time also, the Banks, the Custom-House, the Post-Office, and the printers of the Daily News-pa- pers in general, moved their respective offices to the village of Greenwich, to which place also, a number of our most respectable merchants and others resorted. On the 8th of September, the Board of Health re- solved, that for the accommodation of poor patients, Bellevue Hospital should be opened. At the same time, Doctor Richard L. Walker was appointed as visiting physician, at the aforesaid hospital, Dr. Elias "Winfield as the resident physician, and Drs. M'Lean, Buchannan, Huyler and Kunzie, as physicians to at- tend the sick poor in the city. It was also resolved, that from henceforth, during the prevalence of the sickness, the board should meet daily. On the 10th day of September, the board reported twenty-nine cases of Malignant Fever and three deaths. They, at the same time, published the fol- lowing address. " Office of the Board of Health, September \0tk, 1805. " The Board of Health being extremely anxious to be informed of the precise state of the prevalent disease, they therefore request physicians to be prompt and accurate in making the returns required by law. The power of removal, which has been vested in them, will only be exercised in cases of transient persons, abandoned and without the means of support. The disease being unquestionably pre- valent, those measures which the public safety might have inperiously commanded, at its commencement, 93 are now in some measure unnecessary, from the con- viction, that the exercise of them in the unhealthy parts of the city, will be of little or no use. " The Common Council have, at their last meet- ing, entrusted, during the recess, thesuperintendance of the Fire and Watch Departments to this board. It is scarcely necessary to mention, that the city is, at this period, greatly exposed to danger, which might be prevented or obviated by a faithful and vigilant performance of the duties of the firemen and watch- men. The board have no reason to doubt the zeal and fidelity of their fellow-citizens attached to these departments. On the contrary they are persuaded, that their attention to their duties will be proportion- ed to the emergencies, which demand a faithful exe- cution of them. The citizens, who remove, are re- quested to send their tire-buckets to the City Hall or Bridewell, for which the corporation will be re- sponsible. The captains of the watch will make im- mediate reports of all delinquents, and the board w r ill not forget, at a suitable time, those men, who dis- tinguish themselves, by their meritorious exertions. The Board call upon all the officers of the city to ex- ert themselves upon this occasion*, and they earn- estly recommend to their fellow-citizens, in general, to lay aside any differences or animosities, at this sea- son of common calamity, and to unite with them in endeavouring to alleviate the evils, with which we are visited. Bv order of the Board of Health, DE WITT CLINTON, President, JOHN PINTARD, City-Inspector." * It is a circumstance, which certainly reflects the highest honour, not only upon the Board of Health, the Police Justices, and the officers em- ployed in different departments under the Corporation, but also upon theVitizens at huge, that, although the lower part of the city was, in a great measure, evacuated, no robbery, burglary, or lire, worthy of no- lice, occurred during this season of calamity. 34 On the ISth September the Board published the following address : " The Board of Health have made a considerable augmentation of the watch in the exposed parts of the city, and will not fail to make further arrange- ments from time to time as Ihe public exigencies may require. " They have also given special di rections for the preservation of the city against fire. They, therefore, trust, that their fellow-citizens will feel perfectly sa- tisfied, that every possible precaution has been a- dopted for the public security. The great amount of property, at present in the village of Greenwich stored in wooden buildings is exposed to considera- ble hazard from fire. cc The fire wardens of the eighth ward are especial- ly enjoined to use every precautionary measure, with the utmost promptitude and vigilance and report to this board. " Physicians have been engaged to attend the in- digent sick. DE WITT CLINTON, Presfdent. James Hardie, Secretary. " On the same day directions were given to Mr. Brown, chief engineer of the fire department to pro- vide an extra fire engine for the security of persons and property in the village of Greenwich, and the order was executed with a promptitude highly cre- ditable to that gentleman. A fire company was also immediately organized to take charge of it. On the 13th of September, directions were given .to the Secretary to endeavour to persuade as many persons as possible, who lived in the infected part of 95 the city to more to the country ; and on the 1 4th tL i following address was published by the Board : J\ " The Board have formed a decided opinion, that the principal seat of the prevailing disease is that part of the city included between Burling-slip and Old- slip as far west as Pearl-street. Almost ail the cases of disease, which have occurred^ can be distinctly traced to a communication with that part of the city. It is matter of extreme regret, that the repeated ad- monitions of the board, to remove from this quarter have been disregarded by a number of individuals, who have remained the self-devoted victims of d; ease and death. They conceive it their duty again to enjoin it upon their fellow-citizens, who have con- tinued there, to remove immediately. To obviat every plea of necessity, and to discharge the duties they owe to humanity, the board have erected build- ings for the reception and accommodation of the in- digent, at Bellevue gate, where they will be supplied with provisions by the Commissioners oftheAhns- House. Such as are able to remove without assist- ance, are enjoined to go into the country, and n into flie healthy parts of the city. The board wili consider it their duty to interpose and prevent sue removals, which have excited the apprehension of a number of wort by citizens, who regard their health, as thereby exposed to imminent danger.* Persons have been engaged in these practices, who ought to know better, and who, unless their conduct be changed, will become the objects of severe reprehension and public indignation. All persons who do not comply forthwith, with this advice of the board, to remove from the above described part of the city, which is — \ . * This alludes to two gentlemen who reside in healthy parts of the city, each of whom had taken a sick person into his house, from places E deemed infected. One of these died ; but it is a fact, that no individual in either family sickened in consequence thereof. All the neighbours, likewise, continued to enjoy good health. 9« deemed the principal seat of the disease, and which does not contain more than_33ja.Qres, will be consi- dered guilty of a wanton exposure of their lives, and will justify the board in resorting to compulsory mea- sures. By order of the Board of Health, DE WITT CLINTON, President. James Haroie, Sec'ry." At the same time directions were again given to the Secretary, to attempt to persuade as many peo- ple as he possibly could, to remove from the infected part of the city to retreats of their own choice, if they were in sufficient circumstances to maintain them- selves; if not, to advise them to remove to the new buildings at Bellevue gate. In consequence of which, the householders residing in the parts alluded to, were generally waited upon, and by far the greater number left the city. About this time, likewise, se- veral cases of the disease made their appearance in Rider-street and Eden's-alley. The buildings there are small, and much crowded ; the street narrow and confined ; and the greater part of the people poor, and far from being cleanly in their mode of living; besides, it was recollected, that in the year 1798, out of upwards of thirty families, who then dwelt there, no one escaped sickness, and that only two families were exempt from death. It therefore became pe- culiarly desirable, that as many of them as possible should be induced to more ; and in the space of a day or two, almost the whole of the inhabitants were lodged at Bellevue gate, and such were the accom- modations and treatment which they received, that many of those, who were with difficulty persuaded to go thither, have afterwards returned their most grate- ful acknowledgments. The number provided for at this asylum, amounted to one hundred and fifty men, women and children ; of whom, about thirty men were employed in working on the middle road lead- 97 iug through the property belonging to the corpora- tion, whose wages tended to lessen the expence in- curred for the maintenance of their families. The good order and regularity observed amongst these people, was extremely gratifying to all who visited them. None seemed discontented, but, on the other hand, they were friendly to each other, and seemed perfectly happy. This was, no doubt, in a great measure, owing to the superintendant, Mr. Richard Nixon, whose prudent and conciliatory mariners, had the most happy effect in keeping up that harmony, which was so eminently conspicuous. But whilst I record with pleasure the utility of the establishment at Bellevue gate, it would be highly improper to omit to mention the philanthropy of a private individual, whose examplej it is devoutly to be wished, may, at future periods of pestilential dis- ease, if such should unfortunately happen, be followed by other wealthy landlords of this city. The gentleman to whom I allude, is Mr. Patrick M'." a native of Ireland, who resides in Augustus-Street, in which he has a number of houses. Several cases of the disease had occurred in that street, and some deaths. Mr. M c Koy deemed it advisable to move with his family to a house, which he had lately built, at the intersection of the Bowery and Bellevue roads; but his humanity would not permit him to over the perilous situation of his poor tenants. He, with the greatest possible dispatch, had buildings erected for their accommodation near to his own house, to which there removed upwards of one hundred per- sons, men, women and children. I have, with most heart felt satisfaction, visited these people, a- mongst whom was observed the same good order and decorum to exist, as amongst those at the Belle vue- gate. By the humanity of the Corporation in the first of these instances, and of Mr. M'Koy in the second, there can be no doubt, that many of those N people are now in good health, who would otherwise have been numbered amongst the dead. I now proceed to the further transactions of the Board of Health. From the middle of September till the 1st of October, nothing very remarkable oc- curred before that body, except their unremitting care to relieve the exigencies of the poor, to mitigate the sorrows of the sick and afflicted, and to provide &r the general safety of the public. It, likewise, re- l much attention and was fraught with consi- derable expenees to supply suitable nurses for the sick poor. The care ot this department was, in a great measure, invested in an officer of the Board, whose duty it was, not only to procure nurses, but, from day to day, to visit the families in which they were, to examine into their conduct, and in case of improper behaviour on their pari, to remove them and substitute others. He was, likewise, from time to time, furnished with small sums of money for the oc- casional relief of such families. About this time, hhe reports had been spread abroad in the country, announcing the breaking up of several warehouses, &c. in the city. To obviate unnecessary alarm on this subject, the following address was published, on the 1st of Oct. " Unfounded reports having been propagated tend- ing to alarm the apprehensions of our absent fellow- citizens, that several ware- houses and dwelling-houses have been broken open, the Board consider it proper to declare, that no such occurrence, to their know- >, has happened. On the contrary, the vigi- lance of the watchmen, through every part of the city, especially in the lower parts is such that no attempt of the kind can be made without immediate detection. Our fellow-citizens may, therefore, rest perfectly satisfied, that as far as depends on this board and the departments under them, the safety and the tranquillity of the city will be secure." 99 On the 1 Jth of October, although the number of deaths had considerably diminished, yet the board thought it proper " to advise those of their fellow- citizens, who had removed into the country against returning, especially to tfe lower part of the clr , until notice be given that they may do the same with * safety/' It was also recommended to cause ail houses and apartments that have been shut up for some time past to be well aired before they are re-inhabit- On Fridaj E October, 12 o'clock, the following add reW ~v reed to. " The Board of Health have the satisfaction to announce to their fellow-citizens, that, in their opinion, every reasonable cause of danger from malignant fever has ceased, and that they may return to iheir respective homes with every probability of perfect safety. The Board recommend, however, that precautionary mea- sures be taken to" ventilate their dwellings. q DE WITT CLINTON, Presides James Ha r die, See'ry." Upon the publication of the above address, those of our fellow-citizens, who had upon the approach of the disease, fled with precipitation, were no less pre- cipitate in their return to their respective habitations, so that, in those parts of the city, where even at th middle of the day, there was scarcely any thing to be _ observed but a dead silence, within a few days t her after, the hammer of the mechanic was again heard, and all that life,activity and bustle, which is common in large and commercial cities was again renewed. CHAPTER II. OF THE RISE, PROGRESS, AND DECLINE OF THE LATE EPIDEMIC. THE origin, rise, progress and decline of {he dis- ; ease has, already been pretty fully recited in the pre- ceding chapter, it being deemed more agreeably to order, that the narrative of the steps taken by the board of Health to prevent the introduction of malig- nant fever should be continued, so as to include the measures, which they adopted to mitigate its fury. Upon mentioning the first causes, which occurred, it, likewise, became necessary to communicate the opin- ions of various respectable physicians, concerning the origin and nature of the disease. Any thing further necessary to be said upon that subject may be found in the following farewell address of the Board : OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. November 13, 1805. TO THE PUBLIC. On the termination of their duties of the late ca- lamitous season, the Board of Health consider it no more than a becoming mark of respect to their fel- low-citizens, to lay t)efore them such facts as may illustrate the extent of the distress that has so re- cently interested the sensibility, and affected, in a greater or less degree, the interests of all descrip- tions of the community. It is a subject of deep regret, that a collision of opinion exists, not only with respect to the origin, but also in relation to the nature of the malignant disease commonly denominated the yellow fever.... 101 While, on the one hand, it is contended that it is imported from abroad, and that it is propagated contagion, it is on the other hand asserted with equal earnestness, that it originates at home, or is gene- I rated on board of vessels, which arrive amongst us, I and that it is entirely non-contagious. These cordant opinions, maintained by medical gentlemen of the first respectability and eminence, and which enter deeply into the passions as well as the interests of the community, must necessarily have an inau- spicious influence upon most of the leading mea- sures, either of the prevention or remedy, adopted by the guardians of the public health. The partizans of the opposite theories, aniens he heat of debate, and impelled by their differ- ent views of the public good, will naturally approve or censure the measures proposed to avert or this overwhelming calamity, in proportion as they corroborate or militate against their favourite opinions. Although a man possessed of correct views, will proceed in the direct path of duty with- out being deterred by censure ; still it cannot be controverted, that the support and approbation of an intelligent public must animate and encourage his exertions. It is not to be denied, that with the most upright intentions, and with the most firm de- termination, to maintain an impartial official posi- tion in the conflict arising from these theories, yet that our conduct may sometimes, insensibly and un- intentionally, notwithstanding our utmost circum- spection, deviate from the strict line of impartiality*, That the inconveniences here stated have in some measure been felt and observed, is highly probable. But we are happy to note that we have received a candid and honourable support from our fellow citi- zens in general, and composed as the Board is o{ persons holding different tenets, yet that our pro- ceedings have been governed by a»spirit of harmony rarely manifested in public bodies. 102 The importance of exploring every source of correct information, and the expediency of dispas- sionate and ample deliberation, before an official de- claration of the prevalence of malignant fever, must be obvious to all. The universal alarm excited by th'e existence of this disease, the serious injury to the commercial and agricultural interests of the commu- nity, and the extreme inconvenience to our fellow citizens in particular, render it necessary that the evil should absolutely prevail before it is acknow- ledged. On the other hand, it is due to the health as well as the security of the lives of our citizens, to apprise them seasonably of the calamity, which men- aces them. Circumstanced as the Board were at the commencement of the late malignant disease, well aware that many of their fellow citizens regarded the few cases, which, at that period, had occurred, merely as the common bilious feverofthecountry; sen- sible of the calamitous consequences, which in either case, would result, of announcing the prevalence of the fever, if it really did not exist; or or not avowing it, if it did 5 anxious to unite public opinion on a question so deeply interesting, and with the greatest deference and respect to the opinion of the medical gentlemen their associates, who early, uniformly and decidedly declared the evidence of malignant fever and the probability and danger of an impending pesti- lential epidemic, the Board considered it their duty to avail themselves of the observations and intelli- gence of professional gentlemen of different senti- ments. Measures were accordingly adopted to obtain their information and the result was an ad- mission on all sides of the existence of malignant fever. Although our health laws, in enforcing internal cleanliness, and in subjecting vessels entering our ports to examination, proceed upon the ground that the disease mayt>e either of foreign or domestic origin, yet it is evident they recognize, in common I OS with the health laws of other countries, the doctrine of contagion. Under this-impression the Commis- sioners of the Health-Office have been authorised, almost since their first establishment, to send all persons and things infected by, or tainted with pes- tilential matter, to the Marine Hospital at Staten- Isla-nd. By an act of last session, this Board was created, and the Legislature, sensible that the exer- cise of the power of removal, in this restricted form would be in some cases, extremely inconvenient, and in others highly pernicious, invested the Board with authority to remove either to the Marine Hos- pital or elsewhere. The Board and the Commissi- oners of the Health-Office have, consequently, a concurrent right to send infected persons and things to the Marine Hospital, and the Board, moreover, have an exclusive authority to remove them to other places. When some solitary cases occurred, the I?oard, with a view to arrest the progress of the dis- ease, exercised this discretionary power, but only with the consent of the parties concerned. After- wards, however, when it was ascertained that the disease was too firmly rooted, to be eradicated by the removal of the sick, the Board considered it ro be their duty to discontinue the application of a re- medy, at all times extremely irksome and afflicting, and which perhaps ought only to be resorted to in extreme cases. To the voluntary removal of the healthy from the infected parts of the city, the Board in a great riegrarc, ascribed the, comparative fewness of deaths, which have occurred. In the expediency of this step all parties concurred. Whether the dis- ease was communicated by the principle of contagi- on, or by the influence of an impure atmosphere, the danger was equally alarming, and it was equally ex- pedient to withdraw from it. From the commencement to the final extinction •f the late prevailing disease, six hundred Cases of Malignant Fever have been reported to the Board. Two hundred arid sixty two Deaths, as published in the daily Bulletins, including those that happened since their discontinuance nave occurred. Sixty four patients, moreover, were sent to the Marine Hospital, t wenty eight of whom died of malignant fever. The total number of patients admitted into Bellevue Hospital was owe hundred and seventy -five, one hundred and forty-nine of which were cases of malignant fever, and twenty-six of other diseases. The total number of deaths at the Hospital which were included in the bulletins, was sixty-nine, ■-two of which were by malignant fever, and the remaining seventeen by other maladies. The ratio of recoveries from malignant fever is very nearly two thirds, which considering that a very large propor- tion of the patients were received in the last stages of disease, and many, of them in the very article of death, reflects the highest credit on the practice of the visiting and resident physicians cf that establish- ment. To alleviate as far as possible the miseries of the indigent, deprived of all resource for their daily sup- port by the general abandonment of the city, the doors of the alms house were opened and rations issued to sixteen hundred and forty families. An asylum was erected on the public grounds adjoining Bellevue gate, for the reception of such poor families as the Board judged it expedient to remove from the seat of disease. Every accommodation was afforded to one hundred and fifty persons, men, wo- men and children, who were maintained by the pub- lic bounty. Of this number thirty men were daily employed in improving the middle road, leading through the property belonging to the corporation, whose wages tended to lessen the expence incurred by the support of their families. To improve the minds of the children in the asylum, as well as t& 105 preserve order and prevent them from becoming obnoxious to the neighbourhood, a school was opened, which afforded instruction, for the space of six weeks, to forty. On the propriety and good con- duct of this part of the establishment, the Board will long reflect with grateful complacency. These various objects,combined with the augmen- tation of the city watch, necessarily involved the Board in an expenditure of nearly twenty free thou- sand dollars, to which it is confidently trusted their fellow citizens will submit with that magnanimity, which has so peculiarly characterized them, on all si- milar occasions. Excepting the solitary contributions from Boston, and Richmond, in Virginia, already acknowledged, amounting to two hundred and fifty dollars* the Board have received no eleemosynary aid towards the public exigences. Voluntary assistance not being proferred, they did not conceive it just to call on their fellow citizens individually — most of whom had to struggle with all the inconveniences and losses attending removal and the consequent derangement of the regular course of business. The meetings of the common council being only weekly, the peculiar situation of the city, from its ex- posure to fire and robbery, in consequence of the eva- cuation by its inhabitants, rendered it expedient to invest the Board of Health,whosemeetingswere daily withasuperintending and controuling power over the watchmen and firemen. The board of course paid the utmost attention to these departments, and it is a circumstance of peculiar felicitation, a fact highly honourable to the character of our city, that not a. * Of the sum here alluded to, two hundred dollars were transmitted from Messieurs James and J. H. Perkins, of Boston, by the hands of Messieurs Grant Forbes and Co. of this city ; the other fifty dollars were received from a gentleman in Richmond, Virginia, by the hands of Messieurs Bailey and Bogert. 106 single fire, burglary or robbery of any consequence has happened. To the fidelity and good conduct of the officers of the watch and watchmen ; to the care and precaution of the chief engineer, and the indefatigable vigilance and attention of the special justices of Police, the Board deem it their duty to make the most ample acknowledgments. Nor can they omit to mention, in terms of the highest approbation, the unremitted attention of the City inspector in arranging the busi- ness and executing the orders of the Board, in all its multifarious details — of the superintendant and com- missioners of the Aims-House, in alleviating the dis- tress, and administering to the wants of the poor and afflicted — of the medical gentlemen attached to and employed by the Board, who spared no exertions, and who shrunk from no danger in the discharge of their hazardous duties— and generally of the officers of the city and persons in public employment, with whom the Board had official connection, with scarcely a single exception. The Board will on a future occasion, submit to the proper authority, such measures, as, in their opinion, may appear necessary to be adopted, in order to pre- vent as far as human means extend, a recurrence of the calamity recently experienced. In the mean time they earnestly solicit a free communication of the sentiments of their fellow citizens on this inter- esting subject. The Board would do injustice to their feelings, did they not, on this occasion, recommend in the most earnest manner, the destitute widows and orphans of the deceased, to the special benevolence and pro- tection of their fellow citizens. Nor can they omit, in this public manner, to offer up the incense of grate- ful hearts to the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe, in 107 whose hands are the issues of life and death, for the manifestation of his divine mercy and goodness, in preserving their health and lives amidst surrounding scenes of disease and mortality. By order, and in behalf of the Board. DE WITT CLINTON, Pres. JAMES HARDIE,Sec'ry. CHAPTER III. AN ACCOUNT OF THE MARINE AND BELLEVUE HOSPITALS, WITH THE NUMBER OF PATIENTS RECEIVED, AND DEATHS WHICH HAVE OCCURRED, AT EACH OF THESE ESTABLISH- MENTS, DURING THE SICKLY SEASON.' THE first of these establishments, the Marine Hospital, is founded on the eastern pari: of Staten- Isiand, on the banks of the river Hudson, in a situa- tion as airy and salubrious as any that can well be conceived, and having a charming \ lew, not only of the city of New- York and the Narrows, but also of a large extent of the Long-Island shore. Upon the Hospital being opened hero in the year 1799> as might reasonably be expected, at the commencement; of so important an institution, much remained to be done for the comfort and convenience of those for whose benefit it was intended. Since that year, how- ever, the Commissioners of the Health-Office have been annually adding greatly to its improvements, though more has been done, in this respect, during the last two years, than in any former period of the same length. The number of apartments, which were at first, very limited, is now such, as to render it al- most certain, that they will be found amply sufficient for the accommodation of any number of patients which may offer, even in the worst of seasons; and these are so arranged, as not only to keep the dif- ferent sexes , but also persons of different colour and si ttions of life ; to which, it may be add- ed, that a particular building is appr< priated for the convalescents, and there is also a separate room, to which the dying are removed, so that those who are sick, may not be alarmed by their groans and shrieks. The neatness and cleanliness observed in this estab- lishment, is so well known, as to require no eulogium. 109 On the 17th of June, the Marine Hospital was vi- sited by the Board of Health, at the request of the Health-Officer, when the following testimony, of probation was, by that body, entered upon thei ■ nutes. " Upon examining the Hospital xevy p cularly, the board are unanimously of opinion, that the Health-Officer is entitled to the highest degree of credit, for the humane and truly excellent arrange- ment which he has made, with respect to that insti- tution/' The following extract of a letter from Mrs. Stay- ley, the widow, and Mr. Herbert, the father-in-law, of the deceased Andrew Stayley, which was publish- ed in several of our daily papers, will shew the opi- nion which they entertained of the treatment of the patients at this Hospital. to dr. john r. b. rodgers, and dr. joseph bayley, at the marine hospital, &taten-island. " Gentlemen, " In the case of Mr. Andrew Stayley, who w r as sent down from No. 92 Maiden-lane, to the Marine Hospital, on the 23d ult. we, the widow and father-in- law of the said Mr. Stayley, have every reason, not only to be satisfied with your conduct, but think it our duty, in this public manner, to return you our most sincere acknowledgments. " Upon the arrival of the deceased at the hospital, you sent him to a large, air\ r , and commodious apart- ment, as well calculated as any that could have been devised, for the accommodation of himself and family, and you, in every instance, even anticipated his wants. Your siudy was to make him and those con- nected with him, comfortable and happy ; and such, in our opinion, was your skill and unceasing exer- tions as medical gentlemen, that if a cure had been 110 practicable, we are persuaded it would have been effected. " Gentlemen, your politeness, your humanity and attention, not only to us, but to every sick person committed to your care, demands, and will always re- ceive the thanks of those concerned. For our parts, words are wanting to express our gratitude, but vou shall always have our prayers and good wishes, &c.*&c. We are, &c. CATHARINE STAYLEY. FELIX HERBERT. New-York, September 4, 1805." The widow of the late Mr. William Fraser, like- wise speaks in terms of the highest respect, of the treatment received at this Hospital ; and Mr. Eustace Long and wife, in Rider-street, Wm. Bower and wife, 245 Greenwich-street, together with several others, who were sent down there sick and recovered, have repeatedly mentioned to me, that if they should again be in similar circumstances, instead of requiring per- suasion to be sent to the Hospital, they would re- quest it as one of the greatest favours. That this Hospital is chiefly designed for sea-faring people, is obvious, from its name ; but the Commis- sioners of the Health-Office and the Board of Health, have a concurrent jurisdiction to send thither, all per- sons and things within the city of New- York, infected by or tainted with pestilential matter, which they may consider as dangerous to the public health; and the" Board of Health have also the further power to send persons and things of the above description, to such place of safety as they may think proper. Be- ing thus vested with this authority, it has heretofore been usual, upon the first appearance of Malignant Fever, to cause the removal of the infected to the Ma- rine Hospital 5 but as soon as the disease becomes Ill prevalent, the Hospital at Bellevue is opened, and such citizens infected with pestilence, as cannot other- wise be provided for, are sent to the latter of these establishments, whilst sick seamen of every descrip- tion are sent down to the former. Daring the present season, viz. between the 18th of July and 28th of October, sixty-four patients were sent from the city to the Marine Hospital, of whom the following died of Malignant Fever, viz. July 18. Christopher Hibbron, $2 Maiden-lane, died July 22. 30. James Dougherty, Water-street, July 30. Aug. 7. Isabella Adams, corner Chamber and Green- wich-streets, August 7- 17. Mrs. Piifer, 102 Water-street, Aug. 17. Ji 23. Mr. Andrew Stayley, 92 Maiden-lane, Au- gust 31. 26. Daniel Young, Washington and Duane- streets, August 27. SO. Joshua Haines, snow Mehitable, Aug. 31. Sept. 1. Alfred Preston, Division-street, Sept. 1. 2. William Fraser, L. Chapel-street, Sept. 2. 3. Samuel Woodruff, Moore-street, Sept. 5. George Pymer, child, Pine-street, Sept. 7- 5. Jacob Christopher, brig Columbia, Sept. 11. 6. Charles Everte, Bear-market, Sept. 11. John Crowser, from the Aims-House gate, Sept. 10. Mat hew Burk, Fly-market, Sept. 12. 7. Richard Thompson, Front-street, Sept. 8. 8. Charles Diven, Elm-street, Sept. 8. Henry Blackham, Pearl-street, Sept. 8. Mrs. Beaman, Wall-street, Sept. 9- Richard Hollidge, sch. Weymouth, Sept. 18. 10. Jonathan Campbell, Pine-street, Sept. 13. 12. John Hardley, ship Flora, Sept. 16. 16. John Marino, ship Delaware, Sept. 19- 20. James Develin, Pine and Front, Sept. 24. US 24. Robert Davis, Pine-streef, Sept. 25- 25. Charles Crewel, George-st. wharf, Sept. 26. 27. William Behaut, St. James-street,Sept. 30. C . 9- WiiJiam Logan, Catharine-lane, Oct. 11. Of these, 8 died on the day of arrival. 7 on the day thereafter. 1 on the 2d day. 2 on the 3d day. 6 on the 4th day. 2 on the 6th day. 1 on the $th day, and 1 on the 10th day. Having thus given a short account of the Marine Hospital at Stat en-Island, I shall now proceed to give a brief statement of the situation of the Hospital at Bellevue ; but as this establishment was daily visited by the City-Inspector, who, at the close of the sea- son, gave in a report of his observations concerning that institution, I am persuaded, it would be impos- sible for me to present to my readers, any thing which would he equally satisfactory. In this official communication, he not only states the condition of that institution, during the present season, but, like- wise, points out a variety of objects, which, if duly attended to, (and the Board of Health will, no doubt, weigh them with that attention which the importance of the subject requires) will render the Hospital, in all probability, still more useful, if it should please Divine Providence, at any future period, to afflict us with Pestilential or Malignant Fever. The following is the report alluded to : — The City-Inspector has the honour to report, That in conformity with the wishes of the Board of Health, Bellevue Hospital was finally closed on IIS Saturday, the 28th of October. From its opening on the 9th of September to that day, the number of patients admitted amounted to 175 Of whom the malignant cases were 149 Other diseases, 28 175 The deaths, which occurred, were as follows : Of malignant fever, ... 52 typhus fever, 3 dysentery, 3 diarrhoea, 3 pneumonia, 1 phtbysis pulrnonalis, . . 1 epilepsy, .... .3 cholera infantum, . 1 diseases unknown 2 69 Discharged cured, . . 106 Total, 175 The Physicians of the Hospital remark, that only one person died, who was admitted on the first day of disease. Four of the patients were, on closing the Hospital, sent to the City Hospital, cured of fever, but convalescent from chronic diseases. Of the extreme cases there died within 24 hours after admission, .... 5 12 hours, 6 6 hours, 3 1 hour, 6 10 minutes, , 2 22 nearly one-third of the total amount of deaths. p 114 The ratio of cures from malignant fever to deaths by the same disorder is very nearly two-thirds.... which, considering that most of the patients were sent there in the last stage of disease and death, re- flects the highest credit on the practice of Doctors Walker and Winfield, the visiting and resident Phy- sicians. Accompanying this Report is the Return of the Physicians, with the list of patients admitted into the Hospital during the present season. ...likewise a schedule of the state of the Hospital for the year 1803 ; by which it appears, that the Hospital on that occasion was opened on the !2th day of Au- gust, and closed on the 7th of November, during which period were admitted Of malignant fever patients, . . . MO Of various other diseases, .... 21 Total, 191 The deaths which occurred were, Of malignant fever, . . . 100 phthysis pulmonalis, . . 1 diarhcea, 2 103 Discharged cuied, .... 88 191 Of whom were sent to the City Hospital, 3 to the Alms-house, . 10 13 On the 7th of November, when the Hospital was closed. A comparative view of these tables, shews that the present season, although nearly one month lis shorter, has been proportionably more active, and that the success attending the practice of the Hos- pital has been greater this season than the former : as the number of deaths in 1803 considerably ex- ceeded one-half of the cases, and, as before remark- ed, during the current year, amounted only to about one-third. The City Inspector wishes it to be understood, that the comparison is made from no invidious mo- tive, and without the most remote idea of reflection on the former services at the Hospital, but solely for the satisfaction of the Board, and to furnish data for reflection and calculation, whether the treat- ment of this awful malady is not better understood, and that a reasonable hope may be entertained, that at no distant day it will be divested of its horrors, and become more controulable and less mortal, by the skill and experience of medical professors. By the return from the Marine Hospital it ap- pears, that from the 18th day of July to the 28th of October, the number of patients sent from this City, amounted to 64 Of whom died of malignant fever, 28 Discharged cured, 50 Remained of chronic complaints, . 6 Total, G-l The total number of cases reported at the Office from the 5th of September to the 2 5th of October inclusive, amounted to COO The total number of deaths which occur- red in this City and at Bellevue Hospi- tal during the same period, as published in the daily bulletins, was .... 240 To which are to be added the deaths that have happened since the reports were 116 closed, and which have been announced in the bills of mortality amounting to 13 262 Making in all, 262 deaths of malignant fever. The total number of cases reported in 1803 ap. pears tu have been 1639. The deaths by malignant fever, which occurred the same year, amounted to 606. Inclosing his official report for the present season, the City Inspector begs leave to submit a few remarks respecting the establishment at B^llevue — the result of ins observation and experience. The Buildings called Hospitals erected at Bellevue appear to have been set up on tie spur of the oc- casion, and on the presumption that the fever would never recur again. Fatal experience has proved other- wise, and points to the conviction, that we may ex- pect repeated attacks from this insidious disease. The wards, the one appropriated for the men espe- cially, are every way inadequate to the wants of the patients or the comfort of the nurses and physicians. The buiidingsare on too contracted a scale — of mat- erials too slight to repeal the summer heat or autum- nal cold. Theeroi! .teof the Hospital, during the last season, must have had an unfavourable influ- ence on the spirits of the patients. Those nev ]y arrived were evidenth depressed by the surrounding scenes of maladv, and the groans and shrieks of con- vulsed and dying subjects. The senses were evi- dently offended, and the atmosphere rendered impure in consequence of the wards heing so overcrouded. M'>re extensive accommodation is absolutely neces- sarva-ainst another season ; which it is confidently trusted that the Board will, at all events, provide, * 117 To render this establishment more extensively use- ful, and to relieve such persons as may be in tin urn- stances to pay for comfortable accommodation, a Pay Hospital with suitable distmct apartments might be advantageously erected . The difficulty pf pro- viding for strangers and single gentlemen, 1 ibouring under malignant fever, in private families, has been sensibly experienced — such persons are competent and willing to pay Hbtrally for genteel accommoda- tions, were such provided, and there is no doubt that such a branch of the establishment, if not -pro- ductive, would at least not become burthenscme, and would be highly creditable to our City. Perhaps in regarding the proposed improvements at Bellevue Hospital, it might be of moxnent to con- sider whether a change of the establish men t to some other ground, appertaining to the Corporation, would not be eligible. The scite of Bellevue might in all probability, be sold for a sum adequate to very extensive improvements. The accommodation of poor families in suitable buildings, is a part of the whole establishment, which will also deserve the con- templation of the Board, and it is submitted whe- ther the present assylurh ought not to be preserved until more permanent buildings can be provided' All which is respectfully submitted. JOHN PINTARD, City-Inspector. New-York, 12th Nov. 1305. CHAPTER IV. RECORD OF DEATHS, By Malignant Fever, which have occurred in the City of New- York, at the Marine Hospital, or at Bellevue, during the Autumn of 1805; in which is likewise included the names of sundry persons, who, having caught their sickness in the City, afterwards died in the country. |j3^ The words in Italic, after the name of any deceased person, denotes the country, of which he or she was respectively a native. Oct. 7. Adams, Henry, cartman, 25 Garden, Ire- land, Aug. 17. Adams, Isabella, (a black) corner of Greenwich and Chamber, Sept. 29. Allen, Elizabeth, daughter of Mathias, 75 Courtland, aged 26, New. Jersey, ■ Arden, Thomas, S. from 186 Pearl, West- Chester, ; 30. Allen, Mary, 196 Broadway, aged 19, Ireland, 29. Allen, Mathias, 75 Courtland, New- Jersey, 30. Allen, Samuel, printer, 32 Lumber, Eng- land, Oct. 1. Allen, Stephen, mason, S3 Provoost, aged 38, New-York, Sep. 27. Amerman, Joseph B. 11 Vande water, Oct. 9. Anderson, Sarah, Cliff, Sep. 19. Baehr, Lewis, from 154 Wall, Hammond, Oct. 16. Baisely, Margaret, 47 Gold, 6. Barr, Hugh, Broadway, near Union Fur- nace, aged 25, Ireland, Sep. 15. Barry, Peter, from 26 Augustus, Bellevue, aged 26, Ireland, 119 Oct. *11. Bates, Sally, from Thomas, Bellevue, Sep. 18. Bazen, James, 34 Robinson, aged 5$, France, — *28. Bazen, Rachel, from do at Bellevue, Oct. 5. Beatty, Thomas, 186 Cherry, aged 22, Ireland, 24. Beekman, Wm. son of Dr. John, at the Waliahout, aged 1 1, New-Fork, Sep. 9. Mrs. Beaman, from 80 Wall, at Marine Hospital, 17. Benjamin, Everard, broker, 78 Broad, Connecticut, Oct. 6. Bennet Jacob, 13 Partition, aged 25. « 8. Bernard, Joannes Christian, from 195 Water, at Bellevue, Holland. Sept. 3. Behaut, William, from St. James-st. Ma- rine Hospital, i f27. Bingham, John, cartman, 33 Second. 12. Bininger, Abm.jun. 20 Maiden-Lane, native. 8. Blackham, Henry, from 136 Pearl, at the Marine Hospital. Oct. 27. Boerum, Sarah, 130 Fly-Market. Sept. 17. Bolen, Ann, 80 Read.' 7. Bolen James, 5 Moore, aged 24, Newark. • 1. Bowie Mrs. Ann, 55 Partition. 10. Bowie, Miss Flora, near State Prison, Greenwich. 22. Bowers, John, Robinson, corner of Greenwich, Baltimore. — 6. Brannon, John, 15 Augustus, aged 35, Ireland. 2. Britton, George, 1 5 BurMngsMp, England. * Was employed in nursing a sick person in the lower end of Parti- tion-street. t Attended his stan J as a cartman at the Cofiee-Housej till within eight days of his being taken sick. 120 Sept. 14. Brown, Mr. corner Depeyster and Front*. ■ 13. Brown, Laac, son or Saml. coiner of Greenwich and Robinson. Brown, Isaac, 26 Read. i fio. Brown, Mrs. Mary, 66 Roosevelt, . 12. Brown, Peter, 188 Pearl, aged 28, Scot- land. . 14. Browning, William, white-smith from 90 Water, Brannon, aged 36, England. * 11. Browning, Mrs. Nancy, wife of Win. do. do. aged 30 11. Burk, Mathew, from Fly-Market, at Ma- rine Hospital. 10. Burling, Jftsepb, son of Thomas,of White Plain ;, Vande water. . 25. Byass, Rebecca, 28 John, aged 21, New- Jersey. Oct. J4. Bru , T ':!, Hester, corner of Fourth. Sept. 13. Campbell, Jonathan, from lower end of Pine, at the Marine Hospital. Oct. 2. Cath< art, Allen, 7 Catharine-lane, aged 37, Ireland. i < 6. Christie, Elizabeth, from Dover, at Belle- vue, aged 3!, England. • 23. Christie, Mrs; Sarah, Front, near Crane- Wharf, Scotland, Sept. 12. Caywood, Abigail, 129 Water , aged 17 NeivYorJc. 17. Christopher, J«cob, brig Columbia, at the Marine Hospital • 28. Church, Julian, 15 Fa'r. 25. Coles, Chide* 10 Little George. Oct. 22. Coles, Sarah, 25 Water. f This person had not been out of her house for eight weeks previous to her being attacked with '^u fever. Her case was, notwithstanding, reported to h^ deeded* \ Died on the third day of dbtaoe. 121 Oct. 28. Collis Maria, 63 Roosevelt, aged 15. Collins, Mrs. wife of Isaac, from 189, Pearl, West-Chester. 2. Colver, William, from 72 Vesey, Belle- vue. — 3. Covet, Mary, 86 St. James', aged 76. 12. Craig, Mrs. 22 Garden, aged 24, Philadel. Sept. 28. Crane, Abner, son of David, aged 11, Greenwich, near Courtland. Oct. 26. Crowel, Charles, from George st. wharf, Marine Hospital. Sept. 10. Crowser, John, from the Aims-House gate, Marine Hospital. '8. Crygier, Corneliusjun. 18 Warren } native, 28. Culloden, Mary, wife of George,Chandler Baltimore, from 6 Stone, Bellevue. Oct. 5. Cushing, James, from 7 Hague, Bellevue. 1. Davis, James, 23 Fletcher. Sept. 25. Davis, Robert, from Pine, Marine Hos- pital. 24. Develin, James, from corner of Pine and Front, Marine Hospital, Ireland. Oct. 19. Decker, Elizabeth Beedie, 19 Water. Sept. 26. Deforest, Theodorus, jun. 13 Beekman- slip, aged 19, New-York. 5. Deforest, Mrs. Mary, 133 Water, New- Fork. • -26.Degraw, William, apprentice to Wm. Rider, 13 Barclay, aged 18, Neio-York. ■ 8. Dinah, (a black woman) 38 Church. 8. Diver, Charles, from Elm, Marine Hos- pital. 8. Dixon, David, merchant, 40 Wall. 27. Dixon, John, from 95 Pearl, Bellevue, aged 23. 19. Dobbins, Mrs. Charlotte, Water, corner of Beekman-slip, Pennsylvania. July 30. Dougherty, James, from 128 Water, Ma- rine Hospital, Ireland. Q 122 Sept. 28. Doughty, Morris, 63 E. George. Ireland. -14. Doyle, Michael, from Second, Bellevue. 26. Drake, Fanny, wife of John, Essex, aged 50. 14. Dufort, Mrs. Jane, 18 Fletcher. *24. Dunn, Mary, 3 Rider, aged 38, Ireland. Oct. 2. Dwyre, Anthony, from 7 Hague, Bellevue. Sept. 8. Ellis, Nancy, near the new church, Bul- lock, native. ■ 16. Ellis, William, 9 Dover. 6. Everte, Chas. from Bear Market, Marine Hospital. Oct.f4. Fanshaw, Harriot, daughter of Mrs. Sarah, 51 Cliff, aged 10, New-York. Sept. 28. Feely Michael, from Augustus, at Belle- vue. • ■ 6. Feeny, Edward, aged 25, Ireland. 29. Fine, James Lefferts, son of Jacobus, 1 17 Fly-Market, aged 1 8, New-York. 15. Finney, Catharine, from 11 Augustus, Bellevue, aged 26, Ireland. 16. Finney, John, 11 Mulberry, aged 38, Ireland. ■ 11. Finnick, Patrick, 25 Augustus, aged 25, Ireland. 21. Fitzpatrick, James, 152 Front, aged 22, Ireland. Flanagan, Christopher, book seller, from 151 Water, West-Chester. 16. Fleming, John, from Pingree's Alley, at Bellevue, aged 21, Ireland. - '27. Fleron, Andr'e, 144 Greenwich, France. 21. Fogerty, Eleanor, 306 Water, Ireland. Oct. 5. Foley, Margaret, 7 Hague, aged 28, Ireland. * Was employed in nursing James Develin, corner of Pine and Front streets. t Died on the third day of disease. 12* Oct. 23. Francis Tracy, 6 Upper Barley. 16. Fraser, David, son of Duncan, 8 Batavia Lane, aged 1$, Nezv-York. Sept. 2. Fraser, William, house carpenter, from 3 Chapel, Marine Hospital, Scotland. 30. Fulton, Alexander, grocer, corner Nassau and Ann, aged 30, Ireland. 28. Gall, Patrick, from 60 Beaver, Bellevue, aged 60, Ireland. 30. Gallaghan, James, from 5 Tryon Row, Bellevue, aged 24, Ireland. ■ 27. Garcy, George, from Pine, near Front, Bellevue. 29. Gathrey, Andrew, from 15 Rose, Belle- vue, aged 31, Ireland. Oct. 4. Giggins, Thomas, from 5 Cedar, Bellevue. 1. Gilchrist, Archibald, dyer, 174 William, aged 38, Scotland. Sept. 21. Gilchrist, James, 30 Lumber, aged 32, Scotla?id. Oct. 2. Gollow, Stephen W. 51 Roosevelt. 13. Gomez, Catharine, 77 Pine. Sept. 14. Gordon, Mrs. 98 Front, aged70,Sco(land. Sept. 8. ' Gowdy, John, 64 Cedar, aged 23, Ireland. Oct. 10. Graham, Mrs. Margaret, 21 Pump. Grice, Margaret,Arundel, corner of Hes- ter. * 8. Griffith, Robert, 41 Church. Sept. 28. Habbermil, Mary, 115 Greenwich, aged 17, New-York. 8. Haddock,, nearly opposite Albany Bason, Greenwich. Aug. 31. Haines, Joshua, Snow Mehitabel, from Havannah, Marine Hospital. Oct. 13. Hamilton, Catharine, 21 Rose, aged 40. 27. Hallman, Thomas, Henry. — - — - 15. Halsall, James, 134 William, aged 35, England. Sept. 16'. Hardley, John, ship Flora, Gained wharf, Marine Hospital. 124 Sept. 28. Hartman, John, taken up from the fields near the State Prison, 15th Sept. Belle- vue, aged 53, Germany. 19. Harvey, James, from 90 Front, Bellevue. Oct. 12. Havemeyer, Charles L. 31 Pine, Germany. Sept. 20. Hazard, Robinson, 86 St. James',aged 26. Oct. 2. Heroy, Clarkson, 142 Harman. Sept. 14. Herring, Charles, son of Abraham, Greenwich, native. July 18. Hibbron, Christopher, from 92 Maiden Lane, at the Marine Hospital. Sept. 29. Hink, Mary, 73 Broad, aged 16, New* Jersey. — — 7. Hobart Maria, 161 Fly-Market, aged 9. — — 7. Hodgkinson, John, Comedian, from the Ton- tin Coffee-House, died in Washington, England- Oct. 10. Hoffman, Daniel, from 3 12 Water, Belle- vue, aged 32. *3. Hogg, Mary, wife of John, taylor, 24 Beaver, aged 25, England. Sept. 18. Hollidge, Richard, from schooner Wey- mouth, North River, at the Marine Hospital. — • — 13. Honesty, Miss Nancy, from near Potter's Field, at Bellevue, aged 39. f 26- Howell, Silas, W. at Albany. Sept. 27. Hoyr, Lydia, wife of Saml. taylor, from 82 Liberty, at Bellevue. * 30. Hunt, Mrs. Rachel, wife of Dr. Hunt, Greenwich, near Budd. % 14. Hunter, William, and Mary his wife, 58 Front, Ireland. * Died on the third. day of disease. f Had been in New-Yoik a few days before, where it is sup- posed by some, that he got sick; others attribute his sickness and de^ith, as well as that of Capt. Lansing, to a parcel of skins on board the vessel, which are said to have emitted a very offen- sive smell. | Both died about 5 o'clock, p.m. 1 4th September, within a few moments of each other, after an illness of four days. l%5 Oct. 22. Huther, George, baker, Lombard, corner E. George, Germany. . 15. Hutson, John, from 23 Fletcher, at Belie. vue, aged 18, England. Sept. 9. Hyde, Mrs. wife of John, Tontine Cof- fee-House, Wall. 14. Hyde, John,of the Tontine CofTee-House, Rivington. 15. Jackson* Hugh, from 121 Water, 4 Roosevelt, Ireland. Oct. 4, James, William, from 3 Dover, at Belle- vue. Sept. 28. Jenkins, Manuel, 18 Chesnut, aged SO. Oct. 3. Innis, Lawrance, from 4 Dover, at Belle- vne. Sept. 13. Johnson, Dinah, (a black woman) 29 Chamber. 8. Johnson, Paul R. printer, 46 Cedar, aged 24, New-Jersey. 17. Johnson, Phcebe, Leonard, nearChapel. 11. Jones, David, son of John F. from 46 Di- vision, at Bellevue, aged 15, Wales. Oct. 1. Jones, James, son of Benjamin, janitor of Columbia College, aged 14. Sept. 10. Jones, John R. 142 Chatham, aged 22, Wales. 4. Jones, John F. Water, 11. Jones, Thomas, 1 Pine, aged 46, Wales. Oct. 2. Irvin, Sally, corner of Courttand and Washington, aged 32, New-Jersey. Sept. 30. Israel, Charles, from 5 New Slip, at Bellevue. Sept. 2S.K'41y,Hugb,31 Augustus, aged SZjreland. Oct. 28. Kennedy, Maria, 23 Old-slip, aged 2 years, it. 1(5. King, John, S6 Chamber.* 24. Kirkvvood, James, hostler, from 92 Mai- den-lane, aged 27, Scotland. f * Mr. King had been at work at the New Coffee-House. f This man was taken sick at the livery-stable of the late Mr. Stay- ley, and sent to the Marine Hospital, on the 23d Jaly, from whence he returned to the city perfectly recovered on the 1 9th of August, and re- 126 Sept. 29. Kniffin, Daniel, 70 John, aged 20, New- York. 29- Knowland, William, from Pearl-street, Belle vue, aged 27, Ireland.^ 26. Lansing, Abraham D. schooner Mohawk, Albany. See Howell, Silas W. Oct. 5. Lannuier, Stanislaus, 60 Broad, aged 24, France. 4. Latour, Francis, Greenwich, corner Ro- binson, aged 6, New-London. Sept. 19. Leuke, Henry, from Cross-street, at Belle- vue. 28. Lightbody, Isaac, from 25 Barclay,at Belle- vue, aged 23. 18. Lively, Dominic, 64 Front, aged 35, Ire- land. Oct. 20. Lloyd, Mrs. Laight-street, aged 45, New- York. 21. Logan, William, from Catharine-lane, Ma- rine Hospital. 9. Lomagne, Ann Theresa, 3 Water-street. Sept. 20. Long, James, Bayard. 28. Lnddington, Henry, Washington, near the Bear-market. 29. M'Andre, Patrick, Cross, aged 33, Ire- laud. Oct. 7. M'Dermot, George, from 51 Pearl, at Bellevue, aged 43, Ireland. Sept. 28. M'Dewitt, James, 18 Pearl, aged 4 1-2, years. Oct. 12. M'Dewitt, John, do. aged 40, Ireland. commenced his employment as an hostler. About the 18th of Septem- ber, he had gone toaNewark with a carriage, where, finding himself sick on the morning of the 23d, he caused himself to be conveyed to the door of the office, where he requested to be sent to the Marine Hospital. There was, however, at this time, no boat ; and as he had no lodgings in town, to which lie could retire, he was conducted to the Bellevue Hos- pital, where he died next day of black vomit. f This man had crawled from his lodgings to the office door, on the morning of the 16th Sept. from whence he was carried to Bellevue. 127 Sept. 27. M'Donald, Jane, daughter of Duncan, 45 Nassau, New-York. Oct. 2. M'Graw, Robert, 23 Mulberry, aged 24, Ireland. Sept. 3. MTntosh, Angus, 8 Batavia-lane, Scot- land. Oct. 12. M'Maaus, Michael, 62 Cedar, aged 35, Ireland. Mabee, James, S3 Ann-street. Mackaness, Thomas Thornton, son of Thomas Mackaness, Esq. of Windsor- "Hill, Greenwich. 8. Mackay, John, 8 Ferry-street. Sept. 29. Maden, Hugh, opposite the Catholic bury- ing-ground, Bowery, aged 28, Ireland. *28. Malice, James, from 33 Ann-street, at Bellevue, aged 42, Scotland. — — 27. Managhan, Edward, grocer, from \5% Front-street, at 333 Broadway, aged 35 , Ireland. — Managhan, Charles, brother of do. from 152 Front-street, at Esopus. Sept. 16. Marino, John, ship Delaware, Rector-st. wharf, Marine Hospital. 30. Marsh, Ephraim, 12 Rector, aged 24, N. Jersey. 8. Martin, Mrs. Bedford-st. near State-Pri- son, England. - 19. Maxwell, John, Crosby. Oct. 13. Miles, Ann, 20 Broadway, aged 18, New- York. Sept. 9. Miller, Mrs. William G. 41 Nassau. ■ 18. Miller, Miss Maria, from Front-street, at Greenwich, above Tyler's. 25. Mills, Jane, 55 Henry, aged 26, Ireland. 26. Mills, Mary Ann, 33 Ann, aged 12, New- York. * On the SCthof September, this man was sent to Bellevue, his wife accompanying him as a nurse. 12$ Oct. 2. Mills, Martha, 50 Stone. * 23. Mitchell, Lewis, 35 Read. 9. Murdock, Mrs. Jane, 28 Water, aged 36 5 Ireland. . 16. Murphy, Benjamin, from 78 Chatham, at Believue, aged 24, Ireland. - 5. Murphy, John, 4 Swartout's-Bason, aged 30, Ireland. 3. Murray, Andrew, from 100 William-st. Believue. 1. Murray, Mary, wife of do. from do. do. 3. Myers, Maria, daughter of Lewis, 24 Wil- liam-street, aged 9 3 Philadelphia. Sept. 27.*Needham, John, cartman, 103 Henry, aged 32, England. 16. Newkirk, Gysbert, news-carrier, 19 Rose, aged 60, Germany. 15. Nichols, Lewis, printer, 308 Broadway, native. 24. Nicholas, , from 86 Maiden-lane, Believue. 8. O'Brian, John, Cross- street, aged 28, Ire* land. Oct. 15. Otis, Eleanor, 36 Lower Robinson. Sept. 28. Parks, Thomas, from 90 Front-street, on Long-Island, aged 38, Ireland. 5. Pelsue, John, 4 Church, aged 17, N. Fork. Aug. 17, Pfifer, Mrs. from 102 Water-street, Ma- rine Hospital. Sept. 16. Phyfe, John, 80 Wall, aged 28, Scotland. - 1. Preston, Alfred, from upper end Division, at Marine Hospital, native. Oct. 6. Price, Margaret, Arundel, corner of Hes- ter, aged 25, Wales. 3. Prior, Rachel, 59 St. James, aged 4. * This man attended as a cartman, at the store of Post and Russel, corner of South and Pine-streets, till the 21st of September, the day oa which he sickened. 12? Sept. g£. Purcell, Dominick, from 8 Orange, Belle - vue, Ireland. 7. Pymer, George, son of David, from 76 Pine, Marine Hospital, aged 4. Oct. 11. Rapp, Oras, 151 Fly-market, aged 12. 27. La Ravine, Dr. Stephen Jean Henry Bap- tiste, 144 Greenwich-street, France. 12. Reynolds, Thomas, 4 mile stone, aged 50. Ireland. Sept. 14 Richards, Stephen, taylor, 5 Read-street. 27. Richardson, Horatio, from 156 Front, at Bellevue, aged 23, Boston. ■ 29. Rider, William, turner, 13 Barclay, n alive, Oct. 1- Ritcher, Andrew, from near Bunker's-hiil, at Bellevue, aged 36, Germany. Sept. 26. Robinson, Harriot, 86 James-street, aged 19, New-York. — — 15. Rodermond, John, tavern-keeper, 5 Pine, aged 40, Germany. Oct. 31. Rose, Ann, daughter of John, 1 13 Liberty. Sept. 14. Rumsey, Thomas E. merchant, from 1S2 Pearl, Greenwich. Oct. 2. Russel, Jacob, 104 Greenwich, aged 8. Sept. 11. Saltonstall, Miss Hannah, from 86 Pearl, Greenwich. 15. Schultz, Henry G. from Water, at 52 Cherry, Germany. Oct. 28. Sells, Mary, 22 Mulberry. Sept. 24. Sharp, Grace, 17 Thoma's, aged 35, Nezc- ^ Fork. 30. Simpson, Mary, from 23 Cedar, Bellevue. « Singer, James, from Greenwich-street, Bellevue. 11- Skillinger, Sarah, (of Philadelphia) from 95 Courtlandt, at Bellevue. Oct. 20. Sloan, Arthur, from 64 Front, at Bellevue, aged 25, Ireland. Sept. 20. Smith, Caleb, merchant, from 15 Market, field;, comer Fourth and Delaiy 130 Oct. 10. Smith, Deborah, 47 Gold-street, native. Sept. 17. Smith, James, Orchard, corner of Grand, aged 63, Neiv-York. Oct. 5. Smith, James I Iarvey,apprentice to James Carr, Elizabeth, aged 1?, Long-Island. Sept. 8. Smith, Paschal N. President of the Colum- bian Insurance Compair atHarsenville. 16. Smith, Rachel, Depeyste street, aged 27, New-Jersey. 17- Smith, William, from 100 Water, Bellevue, aged 21, Ireland. 24. Smithen, John, 277 Water, aged 16, Ha- lifax. i 27. Snyder, Elizabeth, 45 Nassau, aged 32, New- York. Sept. 4. Snythen, Daniel, 70 John. 4 # Spi image, Daniel, shoemaker, 122 Water, New-Jersey. , — . „ Stanley, Margaret, Charlotte. Aug. 31. St ay ley. Andrew, from 92 Maiden-lane, Marine Hospital, England. Sept. 19. Stewart, Mr. a ship steward, 88 Water-st. Nov . 1 . Stock well, Abel, cooper, 1 2 Fle\cher,nalive. Sept. 19. Sweeny, Nancy, from 29 George, Belle- vue, aged 21. 10. Sykes, John, grocer, 69 Catharine, native. Oct. 6. Tabcie, Mrs. 32 Nassau. 3 # Tabeie, Richard, merchant, 52 do. New* York. Sept. 1 1 . Taylor, John, 46 Cedar, aged 35, England. Oct. 3. Ten Eyck, Elizabeth, 37 Beaver, aged 60, New-Jersey. Sept. 26. Thomas, David, 193 Water, aged 26, Wales. 1 9. Thomas, John, cartman, 46 Chapel. Oct. 29. Thome, Fanny, 170 Division, aged 16, New-Jersey. Nov. 1. Thornton, Samuel, 28 Water. Sept. 29. Tice, Catharine, from 70 John, Bellevue, aged 26. 131 Oct. 8. Tiebout, Miss, daughter of Mrs. Sarah, 358 Pearl, native. Sept. 14. Tracy, Alexander, from 153 Water, Belle- vue, aged 14. Oct. 15. Turner, Sarah, 63 William, aged 50. Sept. 20. Underwood, John, butcher, Elizabeth. Oct. 1. Vail, Joseph, 54 E. George, aged 38, E. Chester. Sept. 27- Valence, John, First. 27. Van Gelder, Phoebe, 42 William, native. 30. Van Home, Philip, apprentice to Hiram Gardner, 91 Broadway. 15. Van r J%tls, Joshua, cartman, 2 Leonard, aged 35 y native. Oct. 2. Van Rantz, Peter, 33 Oak, aged ] 3, Long- /stand. • 4. Van Steenburgh, Samuel, 35 Cedar, aged 66, Nezv-York. Sept. 17. Van Wart, John, N. Catharine, aged 25, native. Oct. 2. Voisin, Miss Rosillana, daughter of Ma- dame Voisin, 146 William, aged 11, iV. York. 7- Wade, Elizabeth, Catharine, aged 9. Wainwright, Francis, druggist, from 152 Pearl-street, at Newtown, Long-Island. Oct. 1. Wallace, Mary Macomb, 95 Greenwich, aged 10, Iretand. Sept. 14. Walker, Mrs. Alice, 132 Front, IVigau in Lancashire, England. Oct. 10. Walsh, Arthur, 64 Front, aged 5 years, Ireland. 6. Walsh, Patrick, from 54 Pearl, at Bellevue, aged 46, Ireland. 27. Walsh, Patrick, aged 25, Ireland, Sept. 28. Walsh, John, Hester, aged 36, Irelaud. Oct. 12. Webb, Thomas, from Orange, Bellevne, Sept. 26. Webster, John, 156 Front, aged 27, M&« sachus'ells. 1S2 Aug Whelan, Eliza, 4 Dover, aged 23, Ireland. White, Jane, £6 Beaver, aged 26, do. White, John, from Coenties-slip, Bellevue. Wilder, Jonas, 24 Charlotte-st. aged 35, England. Wiggmton, Seth B. of the house of Richard S; Hackley & Co. 128 Broadway. Williams, Henry, from 72 Front, Bellevue. Windle, Thomas, 56 Lombard. Wilson, Alexander, from lOo William, Bellevue. 5. Woodruff, William, from Moore, Marine Hospital. 11. Wright, Susannah, from Water, corner of Lombard and Catharine. 15. Young, William, from 102 Water, Budd. 27, Young, Daniel, from corner Washington and Duane, at Marine Hospital, Scot* land. Sept. 28, Zellers, George, little George, aged 20, New-York. A TABLE, EXHIBITING AT ONE VIEW, THE NUMBER OF DEATHS BY MA-, LIGNANT FEVER, WHICH OCCURRhD IN EACH PARTICULAR STREET, AS ALSO AT BELLEVUE AND THE MARINE HOS- PITAL. Ann Anthony Arundel Augustus Barclay Barl«y Batavia-lane Bayard -street Beaver Bedford Beekmanslip 2 Brought over 19 1 Bellevue 52 1 Bloomingdale 1 3 Brannon-street 2 2 Br ad 2 1 Broadway 7 2 B vvery 1 1 Budd I 3 Bullock 1 1 Burling-slip 1 2 Catharine-lane 1 Catharine-street 3 19 91 153 Brought orer 91 Cedar 5 Chamber 2 Chapel 1 Chatham 1 Charlotte 2 Cherry 3 Chesnut 1 Church 4 Cliff 2 Courtlandt 3 Crane-wharf 1 Crosby-street 1 Cross 3 Depeyster 2 Division 2 Dover 2 East George 2 Elizabeth 3 Essex 1 Fair 1 Ferry 1 First 1 Fletcher 2 Fly-market 3 Fourth 1 Frankfort i Front 1 1 Garden 2 George 2 Gold 2 Greenwich 5 Greenwich-street 9 Hague 2 Hammond 1 Harm an 1 Harsenville 1 178 i Brought over Henry Hester James John Laight Leonard Liberty Lombard Lumber Maiden-lane Marine Hospital Moore-street Mulberry Nassau Oak Old-slip Orange-street Orchard Partition Pearl Pine Provoost Pump Read Rector Rivington Robinson Rose Roosevelt Ryder Second Stone Swartwout's Bason Thomas Vandewater Wall 2 2 4 3 I o I 3 S 2 28 J 2 6 l l 1 i 2 6 5 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 $ i 1 1 1 1 2 2 281 134 Brought over 281 Brought over 295 Warren 2 Washington 1 Water 12 William 6 295 302 If. to the above, we add 40, who, it is probable, caught the disorder in the city, and afterwards died in various parts of the country, the number will amount to 342, which is, perhaps, pretty near the truth. Although it is expected that the preceding table will, in general, be deemed interesting, it is believed that a list exhibiting the number of cases, which have occurred in each particular street, will be found, at least, fully as satisfactory. A table of the former kind, only informs us of the particular spots at which different degrees of mortality prevailed ; in particu- lar, it mentions the deaths of fifty-two persons at Bellevue, twenty-eight at the Marine Hospital, two in Brannon-street, one in Rivington-street, &c. where- as it is notorious, that no one of these sickened in either of these places. Again, when we are told of- ficially, that one hundred and seventy-six persons were sent to Bellevue, and sixty-four to the Marine Hospital, although it justly affords a very exalted opinion of the importance of these valuable institu- tions, it does not convey to the mind, a single idea of the precise part of the city in which the disease was most predominant. To enable the reader to judge for himself upon this subject, the following is sub- mitted. A TABLE* EXHIBITING THE NUMBER OF CASES OF MALIGNANT FEVER, WHICH HAVE OCCURRED IN EACH PARTICULAR STREET OF Ann Anthony Arundel Augustus Bancker Barclay Barley Batavia-lane Bayard-street Beaver Beaver-lane Bedford-street Bed low Bee km an Bloomini>dale o Brannon-street Bridewell Broad -street Broadway Bowery Budd-street Bullock Burling-slip Catharine-lane Catharine-street Cedar Chamber Chapel 2 Brought over 1<2S 10 Chatham 2 1 Chatham-square 2 13 Charlotte-street 6 S Cheapside 4 6 Cherry 5 4 Chesnut 2 3 Church 7 1 Cliff 4 5 Corlaer's-hcok 8 9 Courtlandt-street 6 1 Crane-wharf 1 4 Crosby-street 1 2 Cross S A Delancey J ct o Depeyster 30 1 Division 9 IS Dover 9 17 Duane 1 4 Dutch l 2 East George 8 1 Elizabeth 5 1 Elm 3 1 Essex 2 4 Fair 4 7 Fayette 1 7 Ferry 1 6 First 3 128 245 * It is necessary to observe, that in this Table, the streets mentioned, are those in which persons were taken sick, not those to which they were removed. It may, likewise be mentioned, that of the cases which occurred in Water- street, Front-street, Pearl-street, &c. at least riw- sixths were between Burling and Old-slips. 136 Brought over 245 Fletcher 4 Fly-market 1 1 Fourth-sreet 2 Frankfort 3 George 6 Gold 7 Gouverneur 1 Greenwich (village) 5 Greenwich- street 26 Hague 6 Hammond 1 Hannan 7 Harrison 2 Harsenville 1 Henry 10 Hester 5 Hudson 2 Jay 1 James 1 2 Jew Valley 2 John-street 4 Laight 1 Leonard 2 Liberty 4 Little Water 2 Lombard 5 Lumber 5 Maiden-lane 7 Magazine-street 1 Mary 1 Moore 8 MooreVBuildings l Moore-street (North) 5 Mott ■ 7 Mulberry 1 1 Murray 2 425 Brought over 525 Nassau $ New 1 New-slip 2 Norfolk-street 2 Oak 2 Old-slip 1 Orange-street 5 Orchard 1 Partition 3 Pearl 26 Pell 1 Pine 14 Pingree's-alley 3 Potter's-field,vicinity of I Pro voost-s tree t 2 Pump 6 Read 10 Rector 2 Rider 3 1 6 Rivington Robinson Roosevelt Rose Rutgers Second Sixth Skinner South Spring Stanton State Stone 6 7 5 8 I 2 I 3 I I 3 Stuyvesant's ground I Swartwout's Bason I Thames-street 2 Third 2 564 137 Brought over 564 Brought over £82 Thomas 2 Warren 2 Tryou-row I Washington 5 Vande water- street 4 Wate r 40 Vesey 3 Whitehall 3 Vestry 1 William 14 Wall 7 5b2 645 Upon comparing the foregoing tables with the of- ficial report of the City Inspector, contained in the preceding pages, it may, at first sight, appear that there some is difference. If, however, it be considered, that, in that gentleman's report, the twenty-eight persons who died of Malignant Fever, at the Marine Hospital, are not included, nor several others, who fell victims to the same disease, previous to the daily meeting of the Board of Health ; the statements will be found to be almost, if not altogether the same. A similar remark wiil be found equally correct with re- spect to the number of cases. CHAPTER V. THE OPINION OF SEVERAL EMINENT PHYSICIANS, RESPECTING THE CAUSE OF MALIGNANT FEVER, IN SEVERAL DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES. The firs! of these is from Dr. Pardon Bowen, a celebrated Physician of Providence, Rhode-Island, TO MR. JAMES HARDIE. ff Sir, cf YOUR letter of the 3d instant, written by the direction of the Board of Health of the city of New- York, requesting information of the origin and nature of the Malignant Fever, which then prevailed here, and a retrospective view of the fever in former years, came to hand while ] was in the country, in a state of convalescence, from a fever taken, I presume, by constant attendance upon patients labouring under the fever, before their removal ; and I have been com- pelled since my return to town, by the pressure of business, and the time necessarily taken to procure correct information, to defer my answer till the pre- sent time, as most of the persons, from whom the in- formation was to be derived, were scattered about the country ; and I hope the Beard of Health will not impute the delay to neglect* or want of respect. " I will now, without further preface, endeavour to give you as correct a statement of the fever, as the most careful investigation will admit, and I hope, with the candour the importance of the subject de- mands. <: And first, with respect to the origin of the fever. In order to investigate this point, it will be necessary 139 to take into consideration the following circum- stances, viz. u In the first place, the general state of the health of the town, and especially, of that part where the fever prevailed. " 2dly. The condition of the houses, wharves, docks, stores, &c. in the vicinity of the fever ; and, rc Sdly. The connection this district had with the shipping. • " With respect to the first circumstance, the health of the town, &c. u At the time the fever made its appearance, and for a long time before, the town in general was re- markably healthy ; and this was the case, more espe- cially, with that part of the town, which was the seat of the disorder, immediately 7 preceding its origin. For several years past, the town has been exempt from any remarkable epidemic catarrhal affection, angina, or other complaints, by many deemed the precursors of Yellow Fever. " 2dly. Respecting the condition of the houses, wharves, docks, stores, &c. comprising the seat of the lever. " On the most careful scrutiny, it appeared that this district was remarkably clean and tree from filth. There were no offensive gutters, nor accumulation of putrid animal or vegetable substances, to be found in or near it. The houses were detached from other, generally; and in the occupancy of families, who might vie with any equal number, in point of cleanliness, in any part of the town. The wharves s,ttd stores had nothing offensive about them, and the 140 clocks were as clean and free from any obvious, pu- trid and noxious effluvia, or tilth, as in the most cleanly part of the town ; and much more so than in some other parts, where the docks, at timts, have been extremely offensive, from the noisome stench issuing from them ; and which, at the same time, has been encreased by the putrid effluvium arising from damaged bed and tish m the contiguous cellars and stores; and yet as lar as my knowledge extends, no Malignant or Yellow Fever has ever arisen therefrom, although these apparently formidable agents, with their combined p nveis, have existed in a number of cases, for several years past, that have fallen under nay observation, and to snch extent as to have ex- cited very serious alarm Lr the consequences. " 3dly. With respect to the connection of the sickly district with the shipping. ec It is to be understood that the fever was confin- ed, except in three or four cases, to be mentioned hereafter, to both sides of Water-street, extending about I \S yards parallel with the wharves. From the back part of the houses next the river, the dis- tance may be about 35 or 40 yards from the head of the wharves, and from the opposite side of the street, about 80 or 90 yards; and it appears as a matter of fact, that all vessels from the West-Indies and else- where, have been permitted, and have actually come up to the town, and unloaded their cargoes at the wharves, with >ut cleansing, or performing quaran- tine, until since the commencement of the fever. " And it furthermore appears, that three vessels from different parts of the West-Indies, have arrived and unloaded at the wharves within the infected dis- trict, a very little while before the fever broke out, viz. the brig Plaster, from St. Croix, arrived on the 4? h July; the brig Hiram, from Antigua, and the 14 i brig Juno, front Havanna, both arrived on the 1 9th of July, and the fever began in Captain Stephen Rus- set's family on the 19«h following; between which time and the 25th, nineteen persons more were at- \|* tacked, seventeen in this district, and two living at a distance from it. At this time, the town c nncil or- dered all that part of the town evacuated, and the vessels removed; and the fever immediately ceased, except m two cases; one of which, a son of Captain Trowbridge, occurred on the 7th, and Mr. Clifford, on the 12th of \ugust ; the latter of whom declared to my partner, Dr: Eddy, and myself, that he was two or three times on beard the brig Hiram, which ves- sel had been removed from her former situation, where the lever began, to the wharf back of the shop where he was employed, instead of being sent down to the quarantine ground. She has since gone to sea, and there are the strongest grounds to believe that Trowbridge had been in the infected street ; and if hot, the shop where he worked was not more than i 30 or 40 yards from where the fever first began. " Of the two persons above-mentioned, who were early attacked, and resided at a distance from the in- fected part, one was Captain John Warner, and the other Mr. Jos Masury, jun. and it is perfectly well known, that both had been employed on these ; wharves, and had been on board the suspected ves- sels ; and there is no doubt but that they had the same fever the others had. Warner was quite yellow, and Masury died on the fifth day with the genuine black vomit, and other concomitant symptoms of Yellow Fever. " In addition to the above, I would beg leave to call the attention of the Board of Health to th® fol- lowing circumstances, viz. On the 25th of July, the order for the evacuation of the infected district, and removal of the shipping was issued and immediately 142 complied with, and the fever ceased, so that many families returned to their habitations, about the mid- dle of August, the very season when, in general, the Yellow Fever begins its ravages as an epidemic, and yet not the slightest case of fever or other sickness has appeared in this district, (August 28th) and the town continues very healthy ; and what renders the case still more remarkable, is, that this district was in so clean a state, that no kind of alteration of its former condition has been made in it, except that six loads of sand have been carted into one dock, and that merely because two privies were situated over it, but which were constantly washed by the ebbing and flowing of the tide, and of course, no considera- ble accumulation could, or did take place. This dock was not offensive, and the house adjoining the wharf, and very near to the dock, was the only one, whose inhabitants were exempt from the fever. u It further appears by the declaration of Captain Benjamin Dexter, who had three of his family taken with the fever, that when some of these vessels pump- ed out their bilge-water, it was so extremely offen- sive, that the workmen on his store were made sick, and in some of them to vomiting. And Mr. Goif declares, that the bilge-water pumped from one of these vessels was so particularly offensive, that he was obliged to shut up the doors and windows of his shop, notwithstanding his workmen (shoemakers) bad been much accustomed to the smell of bilge-water. " I would further state to the Board of Health, that the persons attacked with the fever had been on board the suspected vessels, as well as that they lived in the vicinity of them. " With respect to the condition of the abovemen- tioned vessels, the following' circumstances appear, viz. the brig Planter had two men taken sick with 145 yellow-fever on board, at St. Croix, early in the month of May, who w r ere carried on shore, as soon as the disease was ascertained, and died ; but I cannot learn that the clothing belonging to them was brought home, and the vessel underwent no cleansing, before or after, her arrival. " The Hiram arrived on the 12th, from Antigua, and on her arrival, Mr. Church, one of her owners, says that he threw overboard twenty dollars worth of sailors' clothes, and the reason he assigned for it was, that the countenances of the people did not look well, and he thought the air of the vessel was not good, and that part of the infection came from her. cc The brig Juno also arrived, 1 2th July, from Ha- %ana, and had one or two people sick on the pas- sage home. " All these vessels, without performing quaran- tine or being cleansed, immediately on their arrival, unloaded at the several wharves of the sickly district, a little before the sickness began, as before stated. I " Having thus related the circumstances respect- ing the origin of the sickness, as far as they have come to my knowledge, I am now to reply to that part of your request respecting its nature. " When the fever first made its appearance, con- sidering the number attacked, and in so small a compass, in the vicinity of the wharves and vessels, and very near to where the yellow fever had twice before appeared in an epidemic form, it highly ex- cited our fears, and when added to these circum- stances, w r e found them labouring under the follow- ing symptoms — rigours — violent pains in the head and eyes, back and limbs — prostration of strength*— sickness at stomach, with great distress, which was a constant and universal symptom with them all — with fever, &c. we were almost confirmed in the be- lief of Yellow Fever ; but as their eyes had not that suffusion so common to that fever, and the more de- cided and unequivocal symptoms kept off for four or five days, and considering the earliness of the season, we still hoped that we might be mistaken, and did not make a report to the council, officially, till the fifth day, when the symptoms assumed such an as- pect, as left no doubt of its real nature; for now one patient was attacked with the black or coffee-colour- ed vomit ; another had a livid countenance, with pe- techias ; a third turned yellow r ; a fourth had black vo- mit and was yellow ; a fifth had black vomit and stools ; and a sixth black vomit and stools, and pro- fuse haemorrhage from the irr uth, stnmach, &c. and all of them great sickness at the stomach. " Six persons died about the fifth and sixth day from the attack. These symptoms, connected with the suddenness of the deaths, &c. will clearly point out to any person competent to judge of the case, that it was unequivocally the Yellow or Malignant Fever. , " I will now take a retrospective view of the fore- going statement, and draw the conclusion that ap- pears to me, naturally and fairly to result from it. " It then appears that the town of Providence has enjoyed a great degree of health for seveial years past, and been exempt from those epidemics supposed the precursors of Yellow Fever. That about the ^Oth of July, seventeen or eighteen persons were attacked with Yellow Fever, in a small district, till this time remarkably health} — That this district was very clean and free from any obvious cause of sickness about the 145 bouses, stores, docks or wharves ; but that three dif- ferent vessels, from three different ports of the West- Indies, had arrived at, and unloaded on, the wharves of this district, without performingquarantine or being cleansed ; that one had lost two men with Yellow Fever, at St. Croix ; another was suspected to be in- fected, by the owner ; and that the third had had sickness on the homeward bound passage : that the inhabitants of this district and the vessels were remov- ed on the 26th of July, and that the fever ceased; that about the middle of August, many of the inha- bitants returned to their habitations in this district - y that they have been there about a fortnight, and no sickness had recurred, notwithstanding no alteration has been made in the condition of this district, except six loads of sand put into one dock, merely because two privies were over it, but which were not, in any manner, remarkably filthy ; that many of the sick j had been on board of the suspected vessels; and final- ly, that they had been much affected by the extreme olfensiveness of the bilge-water of these vessels. " From the foregoing premises, I think we may fairly infer, that the fever was the Yellow or Malig- nant Fever, and that it had its origin, or stood, some- L how or other, connected with one or all three of the vessels above-mentioned. This is, at least, my opi- nion, decidedly -, and not only of the fever of thisyear, but in each epidemic Yellow Fever in this town, I think I have the most unequivocal evidence of its im- portation ; and even in almost every sporadic case, I have been able to trace a connection with a source of foreign origin, either at the time, or perhaps, by knowledge of it obtained along time after. " Two such instances have come to my knowledge lately. " Now, notwithstanding my belief that the conia- 146 giou is imported, I think it proper to observe, that I also believe, that it requires some peculiar, appro- priate, and to me, inexplicable condition in our at- mosphere, to render it capable of propagation, either as a medium, through which the contagion may be spread, or by combining with it, and thus rendering it active. It is like tinder fitted to receive a spark of fire, and as far as this appropriate state of air ex- tends, when saturated or contaminated with the fo- reign or contagious principle, so far is it capable of communicating the disease to those who inhale it, and are predisposed to it : and I am led to this con* elusion from the following circumstances. The dis- ease, I believe, generally appears first as an epidemic, or in its propagating state, near to, or about wharves and docks, and extends its influence gradually and progressively, so that if a patient ever so bad, and even dies with it, is carried into the country, or, in the beginning of the epidemic, into a distant part of the town or city, remote from the water, he does not convey the disorder, even to those in frequent con- tact with him ; at least, this has been the case with us, and I believe is generally admitted as fact in other places. " Now, if this fever possessed the common charac- ter of other contagious diseases, it would like them, in all situations, and in all seasons, be more or less capable of propagating its kind under these different circumstances. " What this condition of the atmosphere is, that by assimulating with the contagion, or serving as a medium to it, which renders it so destructive to the human race, I cannot pretend to say, or even con- jecture : but that it is not the object of our senses, I am fully convinced, from long and much observation. The inference, however, from this hypothesis is obvi- ous, if we cannot comprehend the condition of our 147 atmosphere, which renders the disease capable of propagation, then we should be the more careful to prevent the foreign principle from being brought into contact with the domestic one. This, however, is a task truly peculiar, considering the thousand different ways by running articles from vessels, by clothes sent from them, by persons visiting them secretly, &c. <>: by which it may be conveyed. " Before I quit this subject, I must beg leave to call the attention of the Board of Health to one cir- cumstance attending Yellow Fever; a circumstance of the utmost importance in investigating its nature, and so obvious, that one would think, that the meanest capacity would comprehend it, and which, at the same time, is overlooked by many eminent and ingenious men. It is this : that the first frost, or what is called black frost, destroys the real Yellow Fever radically, although it may, at this time, have extended its influ- ence ever so far 5 whereas the Bilious and other fevers of our country, which are said to be oniy grades of the Yellow Fever, are often extended into, and through the winter and spring. Now it appears to absurd to suppose, that a cause which is capable to destroy the highest grade of a ieYer, should be una- ble to produce the same effect upon the lower de- grees of it; but as we every year see, that frost radi- cal!)' destroys the Yellow Fever at once, while our other fevers continue through v fa many cases, the inference is plain and irresistible, that there is a specitic difference between them, although there may be some symptoms in col them all. " With respect to a retrospective view of former years, I must beg leave to reier the Board of Health to some documents I am about to send on to Dr. 1 losaek upon this subject, and which I shall request him to give them the perusal of, if they should d them of sufficient consequence. 148 " You will please to tender my respects to the Board of Health. I have the honour to be, With much respect, Your obedient servant, PARDON BOWEN. Providence, August 28th, 18Go." cc September 10///, 1805. " Sir, " I have been under the necessit}' to withhold my communication until this time, as I was informed that one of the circumstances mentioned therein, was not correct, and the persons capable of giving correct in- formation were absent. I have this moment seen one of them, and am now able to say, that instead of the brig Juno's having one or two persons sick on the homeward boBnd passage, she had only one man sick or unwell several days in the Havanna, but was able to do his duty home. This vessel was also at New-Providence during her voyage. u No person is or has been sick in the district, where our fever prevailed, and the inhabitants are all returned, with but a few exceptions. Yours with esteem, &c. PARDON BOWEN." The next opinion, which we have concerning the origin of vellow fever is contained in a letter from Dr. John Stewart, of Grenada, to Dr. David Hosack, of this city. In order to understand this, it may be proper to observe, that Dr. Hosack about the mid- dle of November last, published a statement of his official conduct with the Board of Health ; but as his letters to that body have been already published in the preceding part of this work, it will be unne- cessary here to repeat them. It will, therefore, on- 14$ Iy be needful to give the other parts of Pie- man's statement. To the Editor of the Morning Chronicle. "Sir, " As every thing relating to Yellow Fever seems to have become so very unpleasant to many of your readers, it is with regret that I feel myself compelled to occupy a column of your paper on that subject ; but to pass over in silence, the misrepresentations, which have been circulated relative to my professi- onal conduct during the late epidemic, would not only be injustice to myself, but inconsistent with that respect, which I consider due to public opinion. As soon, therefore, as I could procure the necessary do- cuments from the Secretary of the Board of Health, I prepared the following concise, but I trust satis- factory statement, for , the inspection of my fellow- citizens. " Of the various charges circulated against me tlie first is, that I denied the existence of the yellow ver after it had appeared in different parts of our ci- ty, in consequence of which many persons were induc- ed to remain longer than they otherwise would have done, and some of whom actually fell victims to their misplaced confidence. The following documents will, I trust, shew that this new sort of calumny ((or till this year I have been pointed at by the same per- sons as an alarmist) is totally unfounded. It is ne- cessary previously to remind the reader that the Board oi Health published their first report of the existence of the epidemic on Friday the tith Septem- ber. On the 5th of August I addressed a letter to the Board, of which the following is an extract : " On Tuesday morning, July SO, about 9 o'clock, Dr. Riddle, for the first time, requested me to visit 150 with him Mr. Dougherty, in Water street, a clerk in the employ of Messrs. Moore and Storey, which I did immediately.' * " The Doctor informed me that this patient had been sick since the preceding Wednesday, the 24th inst" ! " Upon retiring (after having examined the state of the patient and heard the Doctor's history of the case) I did not hesitate to express my belief of the nature of the disease." " As the patient was near his dissolution I imme- diately made a report to the Mayor of the case." Dr. Hosack at the end of his letter of the 6th of September, makes the following remarks. " I have to observe, that at the very time when the above cases were shewn to me, as the only ones that had been reported, I have since discovered from an inspection of the minutes of the board, that there had been re- ported five more, neither of which was shewn to me by the Secretary. To the above letter the calumny attributing to me a denial of the existence of the dis- ease, is to be ascribed. I shall only add, that the five cases shewn me as Yellow Fever, but which I denied to be such, all terminated as will be found by examining the records of the board in recoveries. The other five I did not see." The above seems to convey a reflection upon me, as not having performed a particular duty enjoined upon me by the Board. It is well known, however, to several of the members, that the circumstances un- der which I at that time acted, were peculiarly dif- ficult and perplexing, several physicians having ex- pressly declared, that they would deem it an insult, if any medical gentleman should be introduced to see 151 a patient of theirs, without their consent. An im- partial public will, I am persuaded, be fully satisfied, that upon an occasion of this nature, it was proper for me to endeavour, by every means in my power, io prevent discord or dissention taking place amongst professional characters. The following part of Dr. Hosack's statement, not having appeared, in what I have already publish- ed relative to that gentleman, a regard to justice ren- ders it necessary, that it should be republished here. " It has been said, that a view to the compensa- tion offered by the Board of Health, was the motive of the unworthy conduct with which I have been charged. " The following letter from the Mayor, will, I trust, afford a sufficient reply to this calumny. " Utk November, 1805. " Sir, " Agreeably to your request, I have directed the Secretary of the Board of Health, to furnish you with copies of your reports, which I presume you have re- ceived before this time. " It is but an act of justice to you to declare, that previous to your acting under the request of the Board, you explicitly assured me that you would re- ceive no compensation. I have the honour to be, Your most obedient servant, DE WITT CLINTON. Dr. Hosack." " It has been said that I have departed from the ♦pinions I had heretofore entertained of the origin of the yettbw feVef-, and that as in the present year no particular vessel had been charged with the in- troduction of it, we were compelled to acknowledge its domestic origin. Such too appears to be the ob- ject and tenor of the last very extraordinary letter published by the Healtk-Oflicer. In reply to this misrepresentation of my opinion, I have only to re- mark, that if I had before entertained any doubt of the origin of this calamity, the circumstances attend- ing its appearance in the present season, would alone have satisfied me (as it has some others who have had opportunities of watching its early progress) that it is not the product of our own soil or climate, but is always introduced from abroad. The intercourse I might, perhaps, say the unlimited intercourse , which has existed between the Quarrantine ground and this city, by night as well as by day, sufficiently accounts for the origin of the pestilence of the last season. Ci It is unnecessary for me here to go into details; the clue to the investigation of the facts upon this subject, is in the possession of the proper authority, and I trust it will be pursued with the attention it merits, and the importance of the enquiry demands; but I will venture to predict, that unless our Legisla- ture enact a law that will make it necessary to qua- rantine the captains of vessels, the supercargo, the seamen, the passengers, their bedding, cloathing, 8Cc. as well as the vessels themselves, wc shall never be secure from danger, and that the now growing com- merce of our city will be sacrificed to the repetition of this terrible calamity. u While I thus recommend a more strict and effi- cient Quarantine Law, to prevent the introduction irf contagion from abroad, I hope it will not be thought that I disregard the attention bestowed by our vigi- lant police in preserving cleanliness at home. On the contrary, it is conceded, that the Yellow Fever, 1.53 like other contagious diseases, is never so readily pro- pagated in a pure as in an impure atmosphere; per- haps I may go further and say, that the Yellow Fever, more than any other contagious disease that we know of, requires an impure air, as its conductor. But that the filth of our streets, our docks, or ?iew made grounds, grave yards or privies, have ever generated this species of fever, I cannot believe. I should as readily ascribe the origin of Small-pox, or Measles, or Plague, to the dirt of our gutters, as to trace the Yellow Fever to putrid animal or vegetable matter; and that I am not alone in this opinion, a vast body of testimony might be adduced, but I shall content myself with the following extract from an interesting letter, which I received a few days ago from Dr. John Stuart, an eminent physician, from the island cf Gre- nada, who has lately visited this city. " This gentleman has practised medicine 24 years in that island, resided there in 1793, when the Yel- low Fever was introduced from Boullam, by the ship Hankey, and which in the same year, communicated that disease to Philadelphia. The celebrity of Dr. Stuart, as an accomplished scholar and physician, entitles his observations to the particular attention of ©ur citizens. I am, Sir, with regard, vours, DAVID IIOSACK." " New-York, Nov. 12, 1805. a Deab. Sir, " I have received your favour of this date, desiring information concerning the fever which appeared, and proved so fatal, in Grenada, in March, 1793. I feel much disposed to comply with your request, but regret that my time will not allow me to do so in a manner satisfactory to myself; at all events, I hope you will make allowance for any inaccuracy I mav coin-,, 134 mil, in referring to a circumstance, 'wtich took place so long as 12 years ago, especially as I am possessed of no memorandum respecting the disease, all my papers having been destroyed in the insurrection which occurred in that island, in J 795. " It may be necessary to premise, that I had been engaged in an extensive practice in the quarters of St. Andrews and St. Patricks, for 19 years previous to the period referred to. My place of residence was on the east side of the island, and on the confines of these two parishes, about 24 miles from Sfe. George, the capital, and upwards of four miles from Grenville bay, the second harbour in the colony — The tract of country between my abode and the latter, is flat, and the shore low and swampy ; it is consequently extreme- ly unhealthy in the fall of the year ; I had become, of course, welt acquainted with Tertian Fever under its various forms, of intermittent, remittent, and conti- nued types. It is, however, worthy of remark, that 1 do not recollect an instance of an epidemic occur- ring among the white inhabitants in any part of the island, from January to July or August, previous to the year 1/93. (< My first acquaintance with the fever in question wa s as follows : In the month of March of that year I went one day on board the ship Adventure, then lying in Grenville harbour, to visit the carpenter, at that time under my charge for a gun shot wound in his hand. While there, captain Remington arrived irom St. George's by sea ; he had come round in a drogher, and had had heavy squalls, with rain, in his passage to windward. He then complained of be- ing feverish, and seemed low spirited, he had heat of skin, his pulse full and under one hundred, head- ache, pain in his back and limbs, and over his whole body : these symptoms I imputed to cold caught in his passage up, and accordingly took eight ounces 155 of blood from him, which unexpectedly neither ex- hibited the bussy coat, nor the coagulum any degree of contraction, nor consequent separation of serum. He took an emetic of Ipecacuanha in the evening, and a dose of Glauber Salts the following morning, During three days I continued to visit him, his pulse did not exceed one hundred, nor was the heat of his skin considerable ;• he took occasionally small doses of Antimonial Wine, with the addition of Laudanum at bed time, and made free use of tepid drinks..., At the end of that time, I was under the necessity of putting him in charge of a neighbouring practi- tioner, having a call to the other side of the island. On leaving him, I certainly did not entertain any idea of his being in danger; I was, however, forcibly struck with, and could not well account for an un- common degree of despondency of mind, that was then present, and it was not possible to remove the impression that he was to die ; nor was I the less surprised, on going to Grenville a few days there- after to be told of his death, and more especially to hear of that event having been preceded by haemorr- hage from his nose, stomach, mouth and urinary bladder. On this occasion, while in conversation with some gentlemen on the fate of this unfortunate man, I could not help noticing the malignity of the case, and the difference in the train of symptoms from what I had ever witnessed to take place in the worst case of our endemic fever. But a few min- utes had elapsed, when a gentleman arrived from St. George's ; I had no sooner mentioned capt. R's. death to him, and my surprise thereat, when he ins- tantly replied it was known to him, for that capt. R. had eat and slept on board the ship Ilankey, dur- ing several days that he was in town. This was the first notice I had of such a vessel being in the colony, and I therefore anxiously requested he would explain himself: this he did, by saying that the Hankey, capt. Cox, had arrived some time before 156 after carrying a number of settlers from England t® the coast of Africa, where she had remained tor some months, and that during her stay the greater part of those unfortunate people had been carried off by fe- ver, and concluded by saying, that there was,at that time,a cursed infection lurking on board of her. That the mate of the ship Baillieshad died, or was dying, and several other seamen were very ill when he left town. The melancholy scene that artervvards fol- owed at St. George's in '93. ...'94, is well and amply described by my respectable friend Dr. Chisholm, in his well known work, on West-India diseases. " As to the character of this fever,my experience has fully satisfied me that it was specifically distinct from every form of the Indigenous Bilious Remit- tent, which I had ever observed. Because it appear- ed at a season of the year which I had always found healthy, during a period of nineteen years I had resided in the colony. Because it did not particu- larly appear in those situations where bilious re- mittent fever usually prevailed during the unhealthy season of the year. Because there was an evident difference in the character and type of the two dis- eases ; there was a greater despondency of mind in this fever, the eyes were more muddy and inflamed, there was commonly a deep seated pain in the eye- sockets, the motion of the eye-balls was attended with uneasiness ; the pain in the back and limbs was greater than in bilious fever ; the vomiting was not of so violent and straining a nature, nor was there such evacuations of bilious matter. The black vomit* generally occurred at an early period ; the yellowness was of a dingy hue, not of the real icteric tinge accompanying cases of bilious fever. The delirium was in many instances of a peculiar nature, and much resembling a state of intoxication; * Which I consider as one of the characterislistics of this disease. 157 haemorrhage was more frequent, particularly by urine, and from the stomach and intestines. Pati- ents, on several occasions, made exertions not long before death, that I never witnessed in bilious fever. I have known a patient to get up, dress himself, and walk about his chamber, a very short time before his death. Medical practitioners, before being well acquainted with the deceitful nature of the disease, not unfrequently declared their patients out of dan- ger, when the fatal issue took place an hour or two after their departure. Because I never knew this fever terminate within a few weeks in intermittent, as tertian, remittent or bilious fever commonly does. Because the degree of weakness produced by the fever is greater, and the recovery of flesh and strength more gradual and slow in this than bilious fever Because I did not find the same mode of treatment successful in both cases of fever ; for the early, bold and free use of bark, which I have found very gen- erally to answer in bilious fever, seemed to aggra- vate this fever, and to hasten the fatal issue. "That this fever was contagious,Iconcludedfrom the manner in which it broke out and spread. It first appeared in two or three vessels that had a commu- nication with the Hankey, and from those sources it gradually extended itself to other vessels in the harbour, but not to all 3 for, where attention was paid to prohibit communication with infected ships, such vessels escaped. After some time it got on shore, both into town and in the garrison. There is also reason to think that it was carried from thence to the adjoining islands, as it appeared at most of those to windward, within two mouths of its break- ing out at Grenada; and some time thereafter, it shewed itself at Jamaica, and ultimately I believe in tember at Philadelphia. " Its contagious nature also appeared frommzny 15S instances of men ill 1793 and 1794, going to St. George's on business, and being attacked a few days after their return to the country with this fever, to several of whom it proved fatal ; but I must ob- serve that I met with no instance in the country of the disease being communicated to others, either visi- tors or attendants. It is indeed true that every at- tention was paid to keep the chambers of the sick well aired f their linen frequently shifted, and when a fatal issue took place, every article of wearing ap- parel and bedding was commonly destroyed. " From knowing several instances of young men who got wounded in 1795 and 1796, having been sent for convenience and proper attendance to town, and during their cure were attacked by this cruel disease, and on some occasions fell a sacrifice thereto. « From instances occurring, of people expressing a consciousness of the time, when they received the contagion, while visiting acquaintances labouring un- der the disease. " From a thorough belief in the minds of all the medical gentlemen in Grenada, who witnessed the disease, that it was so; Jet it be observed, however, that one of the most respectable practitioners in St. George's, and a particular acquaintance of my own, would not allow, at first, that it was contagious. And lastly, from a full conviction that I, as well as some other medical gentlemen, contracted the dis- ease in our attendance on the sick. " Respecting the propagation of this fever, I am decidedly of opinion, that it was occasioned by visit- ing infected apartments, or by the near approach to, or contact with people labouring under it. There is every probability also, that the infection was 159 brought to Grenada by the Hankey;* but what its nature was, whether it originated on board in conse- quence of the number of sick crowded together, while labouring under the endemic of a warm climate, and that in a sultry, moist atmosphere, is a question I do not take upon myself to answer. cc That vegetable and animal matter, in a state of putrefaction, does produce disease, is not to be de- nied -, but that vegetable matter only in a state of corruption, is on many occasions harmless, is evident, from the offensive heaps of cotton-seed, and the pulpy- covering of the coffee berry, which are daily to be met with in Demarara, without being considered as a cause of fever - y nor should this circumstance be omitted, that when fever does prevail, it is at a sea- son, when those causes do not act powerfully. Yours, &c. JOHN STUART. Dr. David Hosack." The next opinion which I shall adduce, with, re- spect to the origin of Yellow Fever in this country, is that of the celebrated French traveller, C. F. Vol- ney, in his vary interesting work, entitled, " A View of the Climate and Soil of the United States of Ame- rica." In page 297, of the London edition, printed in 1804, he begins thus: OF THE YELLOW FEVER. ^ " The disease, too well known by the name of Yel- low Fever, grows more and more common in the United States, and I shall speak of it, at some length, on account of the importance of the subject. Be- sides, as I was originally intended for the practice of ^* It is important to note here, that when the Hankey returned to Great-Britain, she was immediately ordered by the Board of Health t« be burnt, which was done accordingly. 160 physic, the studies of fitly younger days enabled me to reason upon this disorder with professional men, and discuss the various (pinions entertained concern- ing it, though with the diffidence becoming one who has only had a glimpse of the extensive career. Had I not been thus far qualified, I should have refrained from meddling with the subject ; for to talk of physic without having studied the art, is like discoursing of astronomy, mechanics, or military skill., without any preliminary information." i ; rom the above introduction, it will appear pretty evident, that Mr.Volney was well qualified to make remarks upon the nature of the diseases, which were most prevalent, in those countries, through which he travelled, but as want of room compels me to leave out his account of the different stages of the yellow fe- ver, the different modes of cure, &c. I shall con- tent myself, at present, by giving his opinion con- cerning the origin of this cruel disorder. After men- tioning a schism, amongst physicians, which he says, had been particularly notorious, he goes on thus, " Some have pretended, that it (the Yellqw Fever) was always imported from abroad, particularly from the West -Indies ; and that it was not, and could not, m any case, be the native produce of the United States. In proof of their opinion, they have advan- ced the non-existence or extreme rarity of epidemics before the peace of 1783 ; and they have ascribed their frequency since that period to their more active and more direct commercial intercoursce with the West-India islands and the Spanish main. They have even charged certain vessels, by name, with having imported the contagion, the existence of which they have supposed in a degree little inferior to the Plague." c< Other physicians,on tiie contrary,have maintain- ed, that from its very nature the yellow fever might 161 arise in the United States, as often as its disposing and occasional causes of time and place occurred to- gether ; and, in the first place, tracing to their source, the pretended facts of importation, they have demon- strated by the most positive testimonies, not only that the vessels accused of having brought with them the disease, or its germes, did no such thing, /but that it did not appear on beard of them, till after they had moored at the quays, and in the vicinity of the places, which were noted at New-York and Philadelphia, as the foci of the evil ; with this additional peculiarity, that it had even seized those of the crews first, who had had the most immediate contact with the infec- tious place ;* then, collecting all the circumstances of the disease, with regard to place, season, and the constitutions of the sick, they have demonstrated, " 1st. That it attacked populous cities, in prefer- ence to villages and country situations. " 2dly. That, in populous cities, as New- York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, it affected constantly and almost exclusively, the low parts, full of filth and stagnant water; streets not ventilated, not pa and dirty; and particularly the quays and their vici- nity, covered with nastiness to an inconceivable de- gree ; where every day, at low water, the shores are * Thus the whole city of Philadelphia was persuaded, that the epi- demic of 1793, came from the island of Grenada, to which they said it had been brought from Bulam, on the coast of Africa, by the ship Han- key. An English physician, who happened to be aUihat island, gave great weight to the authenticity of this secund part of the story in a pamphlet he wrote; yet three yeais after, Mr. Noah Webster and Dr. £. H. Smith published, at New-York, a journal of the whole voyage. of the Hankey, drawn up by one of the most respectable eye-witi which contains such a great body of proof, and bears so obvious a stamp of candour and veracity, that the reader is convinced, as » veil as Mr, Webster and Dr. Smith, of Dr. Chisholm's having been completely de- ceived. In like manner, Dr. Richard Bayley proves, in his excellent re- port to the Governor of New-York, that "the accusations brought against the vessels Antoinette and Patty, were vulgar rumours, completely des- titute of foundation, &c. See the New- York Medical Repository, 2d edition, vol. I. pa^e 439 and 121. X i6% exposed to an ardent sun. At New-York, for in- stance, Dr. R. Bayley has calculated, that to fill up the dock, between the Whitehall and Exchange-slip, twenty-four loads of every kind of filth, including even carcases of horses, dogs, &c. were used in one year ; whence it followed, that in July, the stench was so powerful in the neighbourhood, as to excite nausea and vomiting, the precursors of the epidemic, espe- cially in the evenings. " Sdly. That with regard to the course of the sea- son, it appeared only in July, August and Septem- ber ; that is at the period when the obstinate and in- tense heats of 24® or 25° Reaumur, (86* or 88° F.) excite an evident fermentation in these heaps of ani- mal and vegetable matter, and disengage from them miasmata, which every thing indicates to be the de- si r yers of health. Tbese v pbysicians have remarked, tnat the epidemic redoubled its fury, if the weather r the v • id south-east, or even north-east : that if was diminished by the cold and dryness of the north-west wind, and even by the copious rains of ihe,soulh west; that, in the difference of years, the ted those, in which the heats of summer e dryness and calm in ; air; no d.:ubl, because then the accumulated miasmata exercised a more powerful action on the lungs, and, hy their means, on the wiiole circulation. " Lastly. They have demonstrated, that in the choice of subjects, it attacks in preference", the badly fed and dirty inhabitants of the suburbs and quar- ters abounding in filth and marshes; workmen ex- posed to the heat of fire, as smiths and jewellers, and those who were addicted to spirituous liquors, ob- serving, that frequently the Yellow Fever has imme- diately succeeded a fit of drunkenness ; that it attacks also more particularly, people of full, sanguine, ro- bust habits, adults of warm constitutions, foreigners 163 from northern climates, black?, and men debilitated bv libertinism : that it spares foreigners from hot coun- tries, people temperate in drinking, and more parti- cularly in eating; and those who are in easy circum- stances, cleaniy in their persons, living more on ve- getable than animal food, and residing in paved, airy streets, and high situations. . " Farther, following the malady even to the places pointed out as the cradle and focus of its origin, they hare demonstrated, that even in the West-Indies, in the islands of Grenada, Martinico, St. Domingo and Jamaica, the Yellow Fever arose only where the same circumstances were combined; that it .shews itself only in certain places, and particular years, exactly similar to the cases mentioned in the United States; that places, where there is neither marsh nor filth, as St, Kitt's, St. Vincent's, Tobago, and J3arbadoes, are constantly healthy; that, if the fever has appeared at St. George's, in Grenada, and at Fort Royal, in Martinico, it was at the careen- age, near noisome marshes, and at a time when a superabundance of vessels, and the .extreme dryness of the season, had contributed to the deveiopement of ferments; that if its appearance in the cities of New-York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, had been owing only to importation, it must have been brought to them habitually, from Norfolk and Charleston, with which they had an extensive intercourse, and where the combination of all the causes above-men- tioned, rendered it almost endemic every summer. ({ The facts, on which these conclusions are founded, are dispersed through different tracts, published from 1795 and 1798, the time when I left the United States."* * See the report of the physicians of Philadelphia to the Go- vernor of Pennsylvania ; that of Dr. Richard Bayley (q the Go- 164 « It is impossible to read them attentively, and not he struck with the constant harmony and corres- pondence, that every where exist between the pri- mary and secondary causes, mediate or immediate, the concomitant circumstances and the effects, either isolated or combined into a series. Every where we find the fever originating and increasing in the com- pound ratio of the heat ol the atmosphere, of its con- tinued dryness or temporary humidity, of its calm- ness, of the vicinity and extent of marshes, and especially of the accumulated heaps of animal mat- ter, forming a focus of putrefaction, and deleterious effluvia. We even see the fevers are more or less violent according to the intensity of all these causes : if there be only excess ofh< ai, without masses of pu- trefaction, and without marshes, they are simply of the inflammatory kind, that is scarlatina and bilious \ without any complication of malignity ; if there be muddy ma shes, unimpR;;nated with animal matter the miasmata occasion putrid sore throats, the se- vere bilious vomitings called cholera morbus , and destructive dysenteries : if to these be added accu- mulations of putrefying animal matter, the disorder becomes complicated with symptoms, that always denote the nervous system to be affected by a kind of poison : when the evil is at its maximum, all the ether degrees have a tendency to assimilate with it ; whence it follows, that fevers may be graduated and measured by the degrees of the thermometer, and intensity of putrid miasmata ; and that in the course of the same summer and autumn, we may follow vernor of New- York ; the inquiry into the Cause of the Prevalence of the Yellow Fever in New-York, by Dr. Valentine Seaman ; Dr. Rush's Medical Inquiries and Observations : a letter from Dr. G. Davidson, on the appearance of the Yellow Fever at Mavtinico in 1796: Origin of the Pestilential Fever that prevailed in the Island of Grenada in 1703 and 17.04 by Dr. E. H. Smith ; an Inaugural Dissertation on the Bilious Ffevei and Dysentery that prevailed in Sheffield, in Massachu- setts, by Dr. W. Buel ; anil lastly the very interesting Collection of Letters on the Fevers of various places, published by Noah Webster. 165 their progress and affinity from simple synocha, to the plague, which is but the last degree in the scale, and the maximum of these causes united. In Such a state of things it is evident, that every country where heat and centres of putrefaction are united to a sufficient degree, will be capable of engendering all these diseases. I had already imagined, that I had observed in Egypt and Syria, a heat of 24° ofj Reaumur, (86 F.) to be the point at which a febrile disposition and commotion of a destructive ki:: denoted by the term of malig?iant freer took place in the blood ; and it was with surprise and plea- sure I saw the same opinion had been suggested to Dr. G. Davidson at Martinico, by similar facts, and that he thought with me, that setting out from thflr degree, equal to 86° of Farenheir, the characters of malignity and contagion are exalted as the heat rises, till at length they form the plague. " Through the means of the writings and facts I have quoted, these principles have acquired such a degree of evidence in the United States, that a very great majority of the physicians of New-York, Bos- ton, Baltimore, Norfolk and Charleston, have joined in declaring, that the yellow fever might, and actu- ally did arise in the United States. The college of Philadelphia alone has persisted in affirming its im- portation, and this opinion, which has in its favour the advantage of precedence in the minds of the common people, will long have partizans in every class, from several very potent motives : as " 1st. Because it flatters national vanity, and many persons want only a pretext, to authorise their own. " 2d. Because it favours the interest of jobbers in the sale of lands, and the emigration of foreigners to a country which enjoys the privilege of not engen- 166 d'ering fever. It is true that if it be so apt to receive it by innoculation, the case is almost as bad ; but the partizans of its importation cannot take a joke, and I have found many Americans, who were seri- ously put out of temper by contradiction on this sub- ject. " 3d. Because those physicians who first estab- lished this belief, are so engaged by self-love or sup- posed conviction, that they have almost prohibited to themselves the least modification of it; and be- cause they have made the government take mea- sures so decisive, and so burdensome to commerce, Jthat if they were now found to have been adopted Vithout reason, the authors would infallibly oc< ur ill-will. Yet I consider those offices of health or lazarettos in the ports of the United States, as a wise institution, particularly in the American trade up the Mediterranean, and in the Levant. " 4 tidy and lastly, because the contagious and almost pestilential character, which is joined with the prejudice of importation, very happily excuses the want of success of those, whose patients very seldom recover. " While I adopt the opinion of those physicians who consider the yellow fever as an indigenous pro- duct of the United States, I am far from inculpating the intention of those, who support the opposite side of the question; but I consider the doctrine of im- portation as dangerous and imprudent, both on ac- count of the dogmatic and intolerant tone it has assumed so far as to attack domestic liberty and se- curity, and to compromise the government ; and be- cause, in urging extravagant external measures, it has rendered men indifferent to internal steps of far greater necessity, that flow directly from the oppo- site opinion/ 167 " As to the question of its contagious character, I can neither admit the absolute negative mentioned by some physicians, nor the general and constant case supposed by several others. The latter is con- troverted by too many incnntestibic facts ; and the former, that is, the negative, seems to me inconsistent with the very origin of the disorder ; for if marsh miasmata and putrid matter possess the property of exciting it, surely a fortiori^ the miasmata of an in- fected hum£n body must have this quality, their affi- nity with the living fluids being much greater. Ac- cordingly, it was remarked in -Philadelphia in 1797> that several families, in returning from the country to their houses in town, in which some persons had been sick or died, without taking care to purify it from infection, were immediately seized with the dis- order, notwithstanding the weather w r as cold, and it bad disappeared. At Norfolk, it was still a more general remark, that they who had removed from 1 city, were more exposed to catch the disorder, T they who remained constantly in its atmos- e; and this case corresponds with that of stran- gers, particularly from the north, who were ob- served at Philadelphia, New- York, &c. to be parti- cularly liable to attack. " The men of theory endeavour to explain this singularity by saying, that strangers are more sus- ceptible of the fever in consequence of a superabun- dance of oxygen being infused into the biodtj, by the purer air of Europe or the country. But not to men- tion that this superabundance of oxygen is merely hypothetical, the ideas we have of oxygen gas, essen- tially conducive to health, are so contrary to it, that we have a right to demand stronger proofs ; and to assert, as they do, that oxygen is more abundant in low situations than high, is a new supposition in che- mistry, so much the less admirable, as the most learned chemists in Europe consider the contrary as 168 proved. It is not oxygen, that their experiments have shewn them to be disengaged from marshes and putrid matters, but carbon, hydrogen and azot : it even appears, that the combination of the first two of these gasses, has the specific property of generat- ing intermitting and remitting fevers? and that these do not become putrid, but by the addition of azot tw the compound. " Farther study, no doubt, will unfold the action of all these morbific gasses ; at present the best indi- cations of cure appear to lie : 1st. to counteract the inflammation, which is the first stage of the disorder, by diluents and refrigerants ; perhaps baths of such a temperature as to excite a slight shivering* would be among the most efficacious employed on the first suspicion of the disorder and continued for eight or ten hours. I leave it to the masters of the art to de- cide on very cold baths even near the freezing point, from which some American physicians assert, they have obtained good effects : it is certain, that in eases of phrenzy, they have sometimes effected astonishing cures; but the period of their application has a deci- sive influence, since their effect in the inflammatory stage is very different from what it would be in the succeeding. The remedies employed against aphixy too irtay be of use, since deleterious gasses appear to act a part in the disease. The essential object is, to prevent inflammation from increasing to such a degree, as to decompose the fluids; for in this case, nothing can prevent the disorder from running thro' all its three stages. Accordingly, the first few hours are decisive, and require all the celerity possible: and in them, taking away blood in small quantities, may be of great utility. An all powerful preserva- * Of 10° or 15° (55 w or 60° F.) according to the feelings of the patient. 169 tive is the most rigid abstinence,* with aqueous drinks, as soon as a sensation of heaviness is felt, with lassitude and loss of appetite ; and it must be conti- nued strictly two or three days, till the calls of hun- ger return, and both mind and body resume their wonted alacrity. " With regard to general preservatives applicable to the cities of the United States, these depend on the central government, and consist, " 1st. In regulating the strictness of quarantine, as well authenticated cases of disorders imported in ships may require. Vessels from the Mediterranean demand most attention. " 2d. In prohibiting the abuse of the pretended right of property, and of the liberty of individuals, who, in the vicinity, nay even in the heart of great cities, fill up low grounds with filth and even carrion. The Americans boast of their cleanliness ; but I can assert, that the quays of New-York and Philadelphia, with certain parts of the suburbs, exceed, in public and private nastiness, any thing I ever beheld in Tur- key, where the air has the advantage of salubrious dryness. " 3d. In establishing regulations of police, hither- to unadopted or neglected, for the paving of the streets, suburbs, and even the hearts of cities. It has been observed in Europe, that the great epidemics of Paris, Lyons, London, and other very populous cities, have ceased since the establishment of a gene- ral and regular pavement. u 4th. In preventing any stagnant water, accu- * See an excellent paper on the Effects of Abstinence at the ap- proach of Acute Diseases, by Edward Miller, M. D. New-York Me* dical Repository, 2d edition, vol. I. page 187. Y 170 initiation of putrid matters * in removing from the heart of cities, extensive burying-grounds, the pesti- lential use of which is generally retained with super- stitious respect. Philadelphia* has four vast ceme- teries in the handsomest quarter of the city, of the smell of which, I was very sensible in the summer, and it has not one walk planted with salutary ver- dure. cc 5th. In obliging the cities to wall and pave their privies, which, in their prevent state, commu- nicate so directly, through a sandy soil, with the wells, equally left destitute of wails, that on the melt- ing of the snow in winter, and during the droughts of summer, the water in both may be seen to assume the same level. It is so true, that the water drank in the lower parts of the city, (Philadelphia) receives filtrattons from the cemeteries and privies, that in Front-street, I found the water in my decanters be- come ropy, if kept three days in the month of May, and at length acquire a cadaverous stench. " Lastly, the government, while it directs the at- * if in the city of Philadelphia, there be four vast cemeteries in the handsomest quarter of the city, there are of cemeteries of one sort or another in the thick settled part of the city of New-York not less than eighteen, hi a letter which was written to me, November 24th, 1798, by Dr. Samuel L. Mitohill, who is, at present, one of our representa- tives in the senate of the United States, and which was afterwards pub- lished in my " account of the Malignant Fever" of that year, he makes this observation. ** It deserves to be mentioned, that human carcases, buried and accumulated for a long series of years, have poisoned the air in many parts of Christendom, and that by the concurrence of both mu- nicipal and spiritual authority, the practice of interring in cities and churchyards has been absolutely prohibited in many parts of Italy, on account of the horrid mischiefs occasioned thereby. Although the evil has not grown to such an alarming height amongst ourselves at this / day, vet it is certainly worthy of consideration whether it would not be tetter' at once for christians to discard the superstition, which leads to {his practice, and imitate the Jews and Mahometans in conveying their carrion entire!'/ out of town, and burying it in places remote from the habitations of the living. A regard for the preservation of posterity, as well as our own present and personal security, imposes on us the adop- tion of some decisive measures upon this head." 171 tention of the inhabitants of the United States to these objects of domestic concern, should promote their being properly instructed, with respect to one of the most essential and most radical causes of all their diseases ; I mean their dietic regimen, which, in consequence of their origin, they have derived from the English and Germans. I will venture to say, that if a prize were proposed for the scheme of a regi- men most calculated to injure the stomach, the teeth, and the health in general, no better could be invent- ed than that of the Americans. In the morning, at breakfast, they deluge their stomachs with a quart of hot water, impregnated with tea or so slightly with coffee, that it is merely coloured water ; and they swallow, almost without chewing, hot bread half baked, toast soaked in butter, cheese of the fattest kind, slices of salt or hung beef, ham, &c. all which are nearly insoluble. At dinner, they have boiled pastes, under the name of puddings, and the fattest are esteemed the most delicious ; all their sauces, even for roast beef, are melted butter ; their turnips and potatoes swim in hog's lard, butter or fat ; under the name of pie or pumpkin, their pastry is nothing but a greasy paste, never sufficiently baked ; to di- gest these vicious substances, they take tea almost instantly after dinner, making it so strong, that it is absolutely bitter to the taste; in which state it affects the nerves so powerfully, that even the English find it brings on a more obstinate restlessness than coifee. Supper again introduces salt meats or oysters ; as Chateleux says, the whole day passes in heaping in- digestions on one another; and to give tone to the poor relaxed and wearied stomach, they drink Ma- deira, rum, French brandy, gin, or malt spirits, which complete the ruin of the nervous system." After some further observations respecting the diet of the Americans, much to the same purport with the preceding, our author goes on thus : cc It is so 172 true, that their regimen is one of the grand predis- posing causes of disease, and of the Yellow Fever, that, in the height of the epidemics, a single case ne- ver appeared within the confines of the prison at Phi- ladelphia;* and this evidently because the system of diet there, is regulated by a scale of temperature, affording no opportunity for overloading the stomach, and consequently, for a depravation of the fluids. The abuse of spirituous liquors, in particular, is to- tally banished from this admirable establishment." i- i . i . i i ■ I. n * It is remarkable, that during the different seasons, in which th« city of New- York has been afflicted with Pestilential Fever, the Alms House, Debtors' Apartment, Bridewell and State Prison have almost been totally exempt from that calamity ; and that when any solitary case of such fever has occurred in either of these buildings, it does not appear even in a single instance, that the disease has been communica- ted from one to another. Note or the Editor. CHAPTER VI. OF THE SITUATION OF THK CONVICTS IN THE STATE-PRISON, WITH RESPECT TO HEALTH, DURING THE LAST SUMMER. UPON this subject, it is impossible for me to ad- vance any thing more satisfactory than the following official report of the physicians of that institution to the Board of Inspectors. " Gentlemen, " The undersigned, to whom was referred the re- quest of the Board of Inspectors of the State-Prison, to be informed of the causes of the great expence of the Hospital Department in that Institution, during the present year, and of all such other things relative to the health of the convicts, as it may be important to communicate, beg leave to report : u That it appears from inspecting the books of the prison, that from the 19th of May, to the 26th of November, 391 persons were admitted into the Hos- pital, which is a greater number than has been for- merly admitted, in the course of a year. The num- ber of patients will therefore explain the correspond- ing increase of the expences of the Hospital. " In order to account satisfactorily for the remark- able augmentation of the number of the sick, it will be necessary to recollect the peculiarly morbid con- stitution of the atmosphere, which prevailed during the late summer and autumn, not only in the city of New- York, but in a great number of other parts of the state. " The effects of this condition of the atmosphere, were clearly manifested, not only in the appearance 174 of an unusually great number of cases of fever, mrfiich from the beginning of July till the middle of October, amounted to forty-three, but likewise in the great number of cases of dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera and colic, all of which have a near relation, and frequently arise from different modifications of the same cause. H There is proof also of the remarkably unhealthy state of the atmosphere, in the singular disposition to diseases, sometimes light and transient, as well as more severe, which existed throughout the months of July, August, September and October. CHAPTER VII. DESULTORY OBSERVATIONS AND REFLECTIONS, IN adverting to the different tables, which have been published, in the preceding part of this work, and in reflecting upon various occurrences which took place during the prevalence of the late epidemic, several observations present themselves to the mind, which, it is thought, may be deemed interesting to the public in general, particularly as they are not ad- vanced for the purpose of supporting any one theory, but merely with a view to state facts, from which the intelligent reader can, at leisure, draw his own con- clusions. In the first place, the record of deaths kept at the Marine Hospital, and published in page 111 of this pamphlet, will shew, that six persons, viz. Christo- pher Hibbron, James Dougherty, Isabella Adams, Mrs. Pflfer, Andrew Stayley, and Daniel Young, who were sent from this city to the Marine Hospi- tal, died of Malignant Fever, previous to any person being sent thither from any of the shipping. Two other persons, viz. William Aylesbury, and James Kirkwood, had, likewise, been sent down, ill of the same disease, previous to the 30th day of August, when Joshua Haines, of the snow Mehitabel, who was the first seaman infected with the fever this sea- son, was lodged in the hospital, leaving an interval of forty-three days, between the time that Hibbron was sent down, viz. on the 18th of July, and the re- moval of Haines, on the 29th of August. Aylesbury and Kirkwood recovered. 2d. Mr. James Dougherty, who was removed from No. 128 Water-street, to' the Marine Hospital, ©n the 30th of July, on which day, he likewise died, z 17* -teas reported by all the physicians who saw him, to labour under the most decided symptoms of Yellow Fever. He was, at least, visited by six physicians : his two female cousins were constant in their atten- tion towards him, during his illness. Messrs. Moore and Story, as also the servants of the house, frequent- ly saw him, nor did several of his friends forsake him. My brother as well as myself, were, likewise, present at the time of his removal, and assisted in carrying him down stairs. It is remarkable, however, that no one r{ those who had intercourse with him, cer- tainly not less than twenty in number, exclusive of the boatmen, who carried him down to the island, received the least infection or contagion. 3d. John Pelsue, who died at the house of his mo- ther, ]Mo. 4 Church-street, on the 5th of September, Is supposed by some, to have caught his sickness at the place where he worked, viz. at the office of the Daily Advertiserjower end of Pine-street, while his mother imagines, that it proceeded from a cold which he had caught, in going down into a cistern, a few days pre- vious to his indisposition. But whatever might have occasioned his disease, physicians who espouse the theory of importation, as well as those who believe in the doctrine of local origin, were equally positive in asserting that it was Yellow Fever. He too was vi- sited by many physicians and others. His mother and sister were incessant in their attendance towards bun, and a member of my family sat up with him the last night of his life. Certainly not less than twenty persons had free and repeated intercourse with him, during his illness; no one of whom was attacked by Malignant Fever, during the season. 4tb. I think there can be no doubt, that the case of Isabella Adams, a black woman, who was moved to I he Marine Hospital, from the corner of Green- wich and Chamber-streets, on the 7th of August, 179 •was decidedly Yellow Fever, The circumstances respecting this woman's case, so far as they have have come to my knowledge, are as follow : On the even- ing of the 6th of August, between the hours of nine and ten, a gentleman called at my hotise, with informa- tion, that he, as well as his neighbours, were greatly alarmed, with respect to a black woman, who had been sick for several days, without medical assistance, and who was grenerally believed to labour under Ma- lignant Fever. I immediately went to the cellar in which she lay, and as, after the most critical exami- nation, of which I was capable, I was apprehensive, that the fears of my informant were well founded, I forthwith communicated my suspicions to the Resi- dent Physician, w r ho, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour, accompanied me to the place, and gave directions for her removal to the Marine Hospital, at as early an hour, as should be practicable. To com- ply with this order, Mr. Delamater, together with myself, went to the house next morning at day-break, where we found the poor creature, oppressed with black vomit, and otherwise so extremely low, as to render the propriety of sending her off, somew T hat questionable. When, however, we observed the cool- ness of the morning, the serenity of the sky, and that the wind and tide were both favourable, we were persuaded, that if no benefit should accrue from the passage, it was impossible that she could sustain any injury. From these considerations, therefore, as well as to remove the fears of the neighbourhood, she was sent to the Marine Hospital, where she died, within a tew hours after her arrival, under, as I have ince been informed, by the Health- Officer, the most marked and unequivocal symptoms of Yellow Fever At least one dozen of persons visited this woman, previous to her removal ; none of whom, if we except one,* was taken sick of the disorder. It ought to be * A few days after this woman's removal, Mr. Delamater was taken tick of fever ; but that he caught the disease of her, is certainly very problematical. ISO observed, however, that in this, as well as in every other instance of the same nature, every measure of fumigation and cleanliness, which experience had suggested, was uniformly resorted to. 5th. Of the numerous persons employed at the Marine Hospital, whether as physicians, nurses, washer- women, boatmen, and attendants of every description, no person was taken sick of fever, during the whole season; nor did any of those numerous persons, who, at different times, went down to Sta- ten- Island as passengers, in the same boat with the sick, sustam the least inconvenience. All the pilots^ likewise, who were employed in bringing up the dif- ferent vessels, continued to enjoy an uninterrupted state of good health. 6th. Such sick persons as were sent down to the Marine Hospital, were, in general, transported from the Whitehall-dock, where it frequently happened, that they were obliged to remain some time previous to the sailing of the boat. No person in that vici- nity, however, was afflicted with fever, till the 19th of September, whem a man was attacked with it, who resided at the corner of Whitehall and Front-street. He soon afterwards recovered. 7th. The City Inspector, who daily visited the sick at Bellevue, and spent considerable time amongst them, enjoyed an uninterrupted state of good health, during the whole season. The physicians, nurses, washer-women, and attendants of every description, were all, in the like manner, exempt from disease; and this is the more remarkable, as there was nothing more common with the nurses, that when fatigued, to rest on the same beds with those who were in the last stage of the disorder. The hearsemen, likewise, who were employed in the dangerous business of re- moving the afflicted and interring the dead, were ne- 181 ver infected with the disease, either during the last season, or any other season of Pestilential Fever. To this may be added, that my brother, as well as my- self, were constantly amongst the sick, as was also Mr. Delarnater, immediately after his recovery, yet we were not infected with the fever. 8th. The three clenrvmen of the Roman church, viz. the Reverend Dr. William O'Brien, the Reve- rend Dr. Mathew O'Brien, and the Reverend Mr. Hurley, were incessant in administering spiritual consolation to the sick of their congregation, nor did they, in the discharge of this duty, avoid the most til- thy cellars, or most infected places, yet none of them was, in the least, infected with lever, during the sea- son. Qth. Of the physicians, who occasionally visited those who were sick of the epidemic, there could not, at the most moderate computation, be less than sixty, no one of whom, so far as I know, died, or was even ill of Malignant Fever. Medical gentlemen, how- ever, did not fare so well, during the dreadful pesti- lence of l? 98 a . when no less than 16 were swept oif in^flTJcharging the duties of their profession, viz. Drs. Andrews, Brooks. D. Chickering, Dingley, Peter Faugeres, John B. Hicks, John B. Jones, Meicher Caldwell, Lamb, Millegan, J. B. Scandeila, Elihu H. Smith, Teller, Tredwell, Varick and Young. 10th. The number of persons who were occasion- ally employed as nurses, certainly exceeded sixty. These, however, were not so fortunate as the physi- cians ; four of them having fallen victims to the dis- ease, viz. Sally Bates, Mary Dunn, Mrs. Sells, and Mrs. Lloyd. It is to be observed, however, with re- spect to these four, that the apartments in which the sick persons lay, whom they had last attended, were low, confined and ill ventilated. One other nurse is* was taken sick - 3 but after a stay at Bellevue, for a few weeks, she recovered. 1 1th. Upon the first commencement of the dis- ease, and even during its continuance, a number of sick persons were removed from the infected parts of the city to the suburbs, and different parts on the western side of the town. But it is not recollected, that any evil resulted from such removal, not even in a solitary instance. 12th. Agreeably to the observations which I have made respecting the Malignant Fever, during the last, as well as the three preceding epidemics, it ap- pears that no age or sex is exempt from its ravages, since instances can be adduced, of children at the breast, being affected with it, as well as persons of seventy years and upwards. I believe, however, that those who have been most conversant with the dis- ease, will agree in opinion, that persons between the years of fourteen and forty, are more obnoxious to the disorder, than they of any other age. To males it is likewise, more frequently fatal than to females; and to foreigners, particularly from a cold climate, than to natives. 13th. Of the 302 persons who are stated to have died of Malignant Fever, in the city, at the Marine Hospital, and at Bellevue, it appears, that 88 were natives of the United States. <57 do do Ireland. 21 do do England. 17 do do Scotland. 10 do do Germany 7 do do France. 7 do do Wales. 1 do do Holland. 183 218 Brought forward. 1 do do Halifax, and 83 whose places of nativity were not properly ascertained. 30$ Total. That is, 88 natives. 13 i foreigners, and 83 whose country is unknown. 302 Total. Now, if, of the 83 persons whose native country is not ascertained, there should be the same proportion of natives and foreigners, as of those whose country we know, (and this is, at least, highly probable) the total amount would be, 116 natives, and 186 foreigners. 302 15th. Amongst the several nuisances which exist in this city, there appears to be none of a more seri- ous and alarming magnitude, ti an the allowing o people to lodge in low, damp cehars. Of a number of persons who were taken sick in such places, there is scarcely a single instance of any one having reco- vered, unless speedily removed to the Marine or Bellevue Hospital, or to some other place, where they could enjoy a pure and salubrious atmosphere. As it may be interesting to know in how many houses more than one person was taken sick of the epidemic, the following list is subjoined, which, it is believed, will be found tolerably correct. 134 Christopher Hibbron,* William Aylesbury, James Kirkwood,* ; Laughan and Andrew Stayley,* from the rear of No. 92 Maiden-Jane. Mr. John Hyde/ Mrs. Hyde,* Mr. John Hodg- kiuson,* and Miss Billington, Tontine Coffee- House. Paul R. Johnson* and John Taylor,* 46 Cedar-st. William Browning* and wife*, 90 Water-street. William* and Mary Hunter,* 58 Front. Robinson Hazard,* Harriot Robinson,* and Mary Covet*, 86 St. James. Elizabeth Snyder,* Jane M 'Donald,* 45 Nassau. John and Susan Webster, and Horatio Richardson,* 156 Front. Nancy Edwards and Rachel Quere, 38 Lumber. Will am M'Lean, George Lewis, and Abraham Mon- tagnie, 91 James. John M 'Dew it* and wife, Hannah Houston, James M'Dewit,* (a child) and Catharine Beam, IS Pearl. Mr. Hoyt and wife,* 82 Liberty. Marian Mills* and James Malice,* 33 Ann. Mrs. John Pope and sister, 12 Dover. Daniel Snythen* and Catharine Tice,* 60 John. Mrs. Deforest and son,* 13 Beekman-slip. Philip Mahon and John Hull, 91 Broadway. Hannah Wilson, James Wooden, and Maria, a black woman, 45 Broad-street. Stephen and Jarvis Powel, 95 Pearl. William Rider* and William Degraw,* 13 Barclay. Charles Israel* and Mr. Hull, 5 New-slip. Andrew* and Mary Murray,* 100 William-street. Lawrance Ennis and Eliza Wheelan,* 4 Dover. Andrew Kirkpatrick and wife, 6 Augustus. Jane Murdock* and daughter, 28 Water. Phoebe and Mary Fulkerson, and James Bolen*, 5 Moore. * Those marked * thus died of the distemper. 185 Richard Tabele* and Mrs. Tabele*, corner Nassau and Fair. Mrs. Cray* and George Jeweson, 22 Garden. Mrs. Sarah Coles* and Miss E. Snow, 25 Water. Margaret Baise-ly* and Deborah Smith* 47, Gold. Anthony Dwyre*, Margaret Foley*, and James Cushing*, 7 Hague. Susan and Mary Myers, 2 Beaver-lane. Jane and Margaret Armstrong, Mrs. Moore, and a boy 10 years old, 10 Depeyster-street. James Fifer and Samuel Bell, 359 Pearl. Tvvochildren of Mrs. Tiebout, 35S Pearl, (one died). 15th. There is reason to fear, that the officious in- terference of friends with the prescriptions of the phy- sician, has frequently been productive of the most fatal consequences to the afflicted. Of several m- * stances of this sort, which might be mentioned, I shall content myself with one. A practitioner, upon visiting one of his patients, whom he found considera- bly better, and as he had reason to believe, out of danger, on leaving the house, gave directions to the attendants to persevere in the observance of a cooling regimen. A brother of the sick man, however, think- 1 ing that a more speedy cure could be brought about than was likely to be effected by the skill of the doc- tor, and having heard the practice of sweating highly recommended in cases of fever, administered to the sick man, a drink so hot, that he complained of his mouth and throat being scalded, as he swallowed it. The consequence was, that instead of recovering, as there were great reason to expect, he died within a iew hours thereafter, of symptoms highly malignant. In the above, as well as in other cases of a similar nature, I am far from supposing, that persons thus disobeying the directions of physicians, were actuated by improper motives. To say the least, however, such conduct is highly injudicious ; for what chance has a practitioner of being useful to his patient, un- less hjs prescriptions be attended to, or indeed, why a a 186 send for one at all, if we think ourselves wiser than he, and are determined to follow no more of his ad- vice, than coincides with our own ideas of propriety ? And may not the great proportion of recoveries, which took place at Bellevue, of those who were sent thiiher in the earl) stage of the disorder, be attribut- ed, at least, as much tu the care which was taken, that every nurse should implicitly follow the prescrip- tion of the physician, as to the salubrity of the air, or to any other cause whatever ? 16th. There is one observation w r hich appears to me, to be highly deserving the attention of our fellow citizens, as, if it should be duly regarded, it may, in the case of a future epidemic, be the means of saving a number of lives. As soon as a person finds himself indisposed, in a calamitous sea.son of this kind, he ought Jorthzvilk to procure the assistance of a skilful physician. During the first few hours of the disease , time is peculiarly precious; as it can then be generally subdued with facility. If, however, it be permitted to acquire an ascendancy before medical aid be called in, (and this, alas ! is too often the case) the physician lias the mortification to find his skill oj but little use, and to see his unhappy patient perish in his hands, without being able, in the least, to con- tribute towards his relief. Ah hough the justice of this remark will be denied by no person of reflection, yet there is great reason to believe, that there are many who would readily have subscribed to it, now tenants of the grave, merely because they did not at- tend to it. Delay, where expedition is of such im- mense importance, is certainly highly culpable, par- ticularly as the corporation of this city have, in every season of pestilence, humanely made provision that the poor should be supplied with medical aid gratis. 17th. The fears of several of the poorer and more illiterate part of the community, especially foreigners, 187 of being removed to Bellevue, was very remarkable, of which I shall mention tne following instance. I had, one morning, fallen in with a man sick of the disease, in a low cellar, where he was, in a great mea- sure, destitute of every comfort and convenience, and I was informed by his physician, that his wife, who had only been a short time in the country, and had never seen a case of Malignant Fever, was pursuing a mode of treatment diametrically opposite to what he prescribed. As from every thing that I saw and heard, I had reason to fear, that the man, if permit- ted to remain where he was, would die, 1 was anxi- ous that he should be sent to Belleuie, where I thought he would have a considerable chance of re- covery. With a view to induce him to consent to this measure, 1 attempted to point out the advan- tages which 1 believed would result from it, and was happy to find, that my observations had the desired effect, as he expressed himself willing to go. Mis wife, however, and amther female, accosted him with tears, in a language which 1 did not understand, the purport of which, as I afterwards learnt, was to dis- suade him from his intention; but to this he still ad- hered. To induce his wife to acquiesce, 1 informed her, that the Board would be pleased, that she should accompany him ; but this was to no purpose. Finding the man,therefore,pe rfectly reconciled, 1 re- quested that the sick hearse should be sent for him ; but still apprehending some reluctance on the part of the woman, I deemed it advisable to accompany the drivers, not doubting that I should be able to prevail upon her to acquiesce in a measure, which I sincerely believed, might be conducive to her husband's reco- very ; but what was my surprize, upon opening the door, to find a large knife presented to my breast ? As I had no serious intention of resorting to coercive measures, an argument much less cogent would have Certainly induced me to relinquish my design. I, therefore, left the place with the gloomy presentiment of what was to happen. The man died within twen- ty hours thereafter. CHAPTER VIII. OF THE VARIOUS MODES OF CURE ADOPTED IN THE MALIGNANT FEVER. IN a disease, which has been so peculiarly fatal to the inhabitants of various places in the United States, a considerable diversity of opinion, as might natu- rally be expected has existed amongst practitioners concerning the most successful mode of cure. Su- dorifics, the copious use of mercury, and excessive bleeding have each had their respective advocates ; and I am persuaded, it may be asserted without fear of contradiction, that in certain cases of malignant fe\e\\ each of these methods has been severally found to be productive of the most beneficial consequences. To any one, however, who has been much conver- sant with the disease, it is evident, that it appears in a variety of different forms. Hence that mode of treatment, which, in one instance, might effect a ra- dical cure, might in another of the very same disor- der, when under a different grade and modification, tend greatly to aggravate the unfavourable symp- toms and terminate in a speedy dissolution. The judicious practitioner, therefore, in prescribing to his patients, is less influenced by the name of the dis- ease than by the symptoms and circumstances at- tending it. These he will examine with the greatest care and attentiou, arid after having formed his opi- nion respecting the nature of the case, will resort to such remedies as it may seem to require. After having introduced these preliminary obser- vations, I shall lay before my readers Dr. Currie's letter to Dr. Hosack, communicating his mode of treating the disease, the observations of the learned Dr. Chisholm of Grenada, relative to the use of mer- curv, and some observations on the utility of blood 189 letting in Yellow Fever, from the first volume of tie second Hexade of the Medical Repository, p. 193. From Dr. Currie to Dr. Hosack. DEAR SIR, " Since I wrote to you last, I have inquired into the practice of the physicians, at the yellow fever hospital this season, and find that after em. ploying mercury in a few of the first cases, without success, they entirely abandoned its use, except in a few particular instances, and then they combined it with some purgative. " They seldom employed blood-letting, even where the symptoms seemed to indicate it, as they seldom received their patients at a period sufficiently early to make it advisable. "They however, used purgatives freely, and after their operation, in recent cases, they had immediate recourse to the warm bath, followed by large and frequently repeated doses of acetated pot-ash, which they preferred to acetated ammonia, and the liberal use of warm diluting drinks, and particularly of an infusion of expotorium, which you have so highly re- commended. " When these means produced free perspiration, with an alleviation of the febrile heat, and pain of the head and back, the disease generally came to a speedy and favourable crisis ; but when the symptoms were aggravated by the bath, (and in some particular cases they appeared to be aggravated by it,) they spunged the whole surface of the trunk and limbs of the pati- ent, with cold water and vinegar, with the happiest effect. " In the second stage of th- disease, when disor- dered stomach was the predominant symptom, after 190 due attention to the state of the bowels, they em- ployed the bath era much higher temperature, than in the preceding stage, and immediately after its use, they applied blisters and sinapisms to different parts, and especially to those most affected, directing at the same time additional covering, and such mild palatable drinks, as upon trial were found to remain best on the stomach.... When the patient complain- ed of a burning sensation in that organ, calcined magnesia was administered in large doses, and fre- quently repeated, and when the bowels were not sufficiently tree, laxative injections. But the hot bath followed by blisters and sinapisms, extensively applied, appeared to produce the most beneficial effects. " In this disordered state of the stomach, however, when these remedies failed, they had recourse to stimulating injections, particularly to the spirits of turpentine, which were exhibited mixed with a suf- ficient quantity of warm water, from half an ounce to an ounce or more, and repeated at short intervals, till they occasioned considerable tenesmus, after which, the stomach generally became so well settled, as to retain any medicine or nutriment that was thought necessary. Perhaps the tincture of aloes would have been still more effectual, in bringing on this counteracting symptom, than the turpentine. " This practice which was prosecuted with that 2eal and assiduity, which does honour to the human- ity of the physicians, and conducted with a discri- mination which does credit to their judgment, has certainly been much more successful than that of former years ; for, although a considerable portion of the patients were admitted in the last stage of the disease, and consequently in a hopeless condition, nearly two thirds recovered, wmereas in former years when blood-letting and mercury were almost exclu- sively " the order of the day," more than half died. 191 " Marks of gangrene were seldom observed in the stomachs of those that died, though preceded by symptoms which strongly indicated its existence for some time before the decease of the patient. The black matter usually found in the stomach, had none of the characters of either blood or bile, for white paper dipt into it, was neither stained red, purple, yellow, nor green, but appeared like it does wh^n dipt in the fluid of a gangrene. Yet from the extra- vasations of blood, which always appeared on differ- ent parts of the surface of the stomachs of those who had vomited black matter, and the florid and exten- sive extravasation observed in the stomachs of some which appeared on the fourth day of the disease, who had not only thrown up very black but flaky matter, I am of opinion thatthe dark coloured flaky particles which give to the contents of the stomach the ap- pearance of coffee-grounds, are only small portions of mucus, coloured by the dissolved and black blood which oozes into it. ...It cannot be bile altered in its colour, in consequence of a morbid state of the~se- cretory vessels of the liver, because those vessels are seldom found in a diseased state, and because the bile in the gall-bladder, generally retains its natural colour, nor can the matter which resembles coffee- grounds, be bile changed in its colour and proper- ties, after its entrance into the stomach ; because this appearance is often found in the stomachs of per- sons who have had no vomiting at all, and without some vomiting, or at least some efforts to vomit, no bile can gain admission into the stomach. " Nor can this appearance be owing to portions of the abraded villous coat of the stomach, because ulcerations are seldom observed, without which, or the existence of gangrene, it could not be abraded." The following is the opinion of the learned and 192 respectable Dr. Chisholm, concerning the use of mercury in this disease. In his Essay on the Malig- nant Pestilential fever, introduced into the West- India Islands,from Boullam, on the coast of Guinea, as it appeared in 1793, 1794, 1795, and 1796, second London edition, vol. 1, page 351. " I was encouraged" says he, " to the practice of using mercury in this disease, by the appearance I perceived in the two first bodies I opened. — "The liver was evidently the most diseased part, and I knew that mercury was specific in all inflam- mations of that organ ; besides, it was, at all events, better to try a doubtful one, than remedies of no effi- cacy. I accordingly administered calomel, either combined with nitre, camphor, and the antimonial powder, or in the form of a pill. After many trials of both, I preferred the last, chiefly on account of the nitre and camphor disagreeing with the sto- mach. The pill was generally composed of five grains of calomel, two of the antimonial powder, and one of opium, and repeated four times in the twelve hours, or eight in the twenty-four. I con- fess it was with no small degree of anxiety, Iventured on this practice, unwarranted by any other author- ity than dissection and my own observation ; but its success justified my temerity. If salivation was speedily raised, the danger was removed, and the patient recovered. But in order to effect this, it was frequently necessary to increase the quantity, and number of the doses ; and in several instances I pushed it to what I then considered an almost in- credible length, with astonishing success. In one case, in particular, in whom signs of recovery did not appear till the twenty-first day., fully 400 grains were given before the salivary glands were affected. CC I have here stated my practice, and the extent I thought myself warranted to carry the mercurial 193 treatment, during the presence or" the pestilence in 1793. As it then not unfrequently happened, irom the necessary timidity a practitioner feels whoadopts a new remedy in the treatment of one of the most dangerous and destructive maladies the human frame is subject to, that that remedy was not always push- ed to the length which secures its efficacy : so on the re-appearance of the disease in 1794, I was de- termined to give calomel earlier, and in much great- er quantity than the preceding year. Accordingly, instead of preceding the administration o\ this excel- lent remedy, with the usual evacuating medicines, I began with it, and continued without the interposi- tion of any other, till salivation took place. The success attending this practice, exceeded my most sanguine expectation ; so great indeed, was it, that I did not lose a single patient in whose case it was pushed to the full extent. My practice will, no doubt, by many, be considered as unwarrantably bold \ but as its wonderful success has been expe- rienced by several other practitioners,-who can bear testimony to it, I feel not the smallest hesitation in recommending it with all the fervour which an ear- nest wish to save the lives of men, and the fullest conviction of, what, I am almost inclined to spy, its infallibility can give rise to. " My mode of using the calomel after the reap- pearance of the malignant pestilential fever in 1794, was to give ten grains, either alone, or with an equal or a double quantity of jalap, to an adult patient as soon as possible after I saw him. This generally acts as an evacuant in the degree required, about an hour or two after it is given. At the end of three hours T repeated the dose of calomel. At the end of three hours more,the same quantity is given, add- ing opium or not, as the preceding doses have acted. In this manner ten grains of calomel were given every three hours, till the salivary glands became affected, which generally happened in less than twen- ty-four hours from the commencement of the treat- r 194 merit, if it was faithfully conducted. The effect of the medicine given in this manner, may be per- ceived after the third dose in general ; the patient becoming calmer, less restless, less anxious ; his skin being softer, and possessed of an agreeable heat ; the stomach being perfectly retentive, however irri table it might have been before ; and the eyes reco- vering their former lustre and sensibility. When at length salivation takes place, the patient is left free from disease, with a moderate warm moisture on his skin; and very soon after signs of returning health pre indicated, by calls for food, &x. The recovery of strength is proportionally rapid to that from dis- ease ; nor is it at all necessary to have recourse to bark, or any other medicine whatsoever; a circum- stance truly gratifying both to the patient and the physician, in a disease wherein nature revolts at the very idea of it." BLOOD-LETTING IN YELLOW FEVER. The following facts afford the most conclusive evidence of the efficacy of this remedy in yellow fever, when timely arad sufficiently used. The malignity of the disease on this occasion, is proved by the mortality which took place under the first mode of treatment, and the comparative results of blood-let- ting exhibits so fair and full a proof of its safety and usefulness, that we cannot avoid considering this body of testimony as the most unexceptionable and satisfactory, that ever come under our notice; it is extracted from the Medical and Physical Journal, for the month oi: June last. " A successful method of treating Yellow Fever at its commencement.... Communicated May 25th, 1803, by Dr. H arness, commissioner for sick andzvound- ed seamen. " Lieutenant Douglas, of the 25th Reg. relates. 19* that he embarked on board the Chichester store-ship, at Jamaica, for England, with one hundred and eighty men, seventy four of whom died on the pas- sage previous to their reaching Halifax, in North America, exclusive of the captain, two lieutenants, surgeon and surgeon's mate of the ship. In conse- quence of the two latter having fallen victims to the disease, lieutenant Douglas felt himself driven to the necessity of undertaking the treatment of the sick ; and from the great fatality attendant on the calo- mel and purgative plan, pursued by the late surgeon and his mate, he (lieutenant Douglas) was induced to adopt bleeding, (as recommended hy Dr. Jack- son, and as had been suggested in lieutenant Doug- las' presence, by the surgeon's mate of the 6th Regi- ment, a short time previous to lieutenant Douglas' leaving Jamaica) which proved to be productive of the happiest effects, as will evidently appear from the following statement.