presentet) bp tbe xaniversiti? of iDermont tbrougb tbe UberaUtg ot tbe late Ibon. 3freC)ericF? Billings. c> LIB R ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, GIKT OK Received MAR .31.1 893, i8g ^ ^j A ccessions No. SQ S"J^- - . Shelf No. wv -«>> CataloGue OF THE MARSH LIBRARY. Xnnipecsiti^ of t^ermont CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF (3C0VQC PcvMnQ /Ibarsb fuFIVEFSITT] BURLINGTON VERMONT PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY 1892 6~oS7^ PRINTED BY THE FREE PRESS ASSOCIATION BURLINGTON, VERMONT. PREFACE. The Marsh library represents at once the special collections of a scholar, the reference books of a man of affairs, and the miscellaneous accumulations of an omnivorous reader in many languages. Thus, to remarkable fulness in certain departments it joins the character of a serviceable general library ; while the fact that the books, on whatever subject, are in their original languages, translations as a rule having been avoided, greatly enhances the value of the collection for linguistic purposes. The beginnings of the library were made early in the life of its founder. A volume of Sallust, published at Salem in 1805, bears the inscription on its title-page : G. P. Marsh. Phil. Acad. 1816. Dart. Coll. 1817. During his college life, which ended in 1820, he collected the classics of the Romance literatures, with the necessary grammars and dictionaries for their study. In 1824, during a journey to New York, he purchased Sicard's Cours d'Instruction d'un Sourd-Muet, with reference to his Report on the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, presented to the Legislature of Vermont in October of that year. At the same time he made additions to his collection of literary works in the South-European languages. His copy of Wieland's Oberon is inscribed: Woodstock, 1825. In this year Mr. Marsh was admitted to the bar, and took up his residence in Burlington. Soon after this, in the course of his legal studies, he was led, in tracing the historical relations of English law, to the investigation of its northern origins, and thus to the study of the Scandinavian languages and literatures. In 1833 he wrote to C. C. Rafn, requesting "the titles of a few of the latest works upon the literary history, bibliography, and criticism of the three Northern languages." In the same letter, he mentions that, not being able to find an American bookseller who had a correspondent at Copenhagen or Stockholm, he had been obliged to procure his books through Germany. This letter was the beginning of a correspondence which was terminated only by the death of Rafn in 1864. Mr. Marsh's Icelandic Grammar was published in 1838, though written three or four years earlier. In 1844 he wrote to Charles Lanman the following description of his library : " My library consists of something less than five thousand volumes, and is such a het- erogeneous collection as of course so small a one, if suited at all to the purposes of a scholar of rather multifarious than profound reading, necessarily must be. It is meager in all departments except that of Scandinavian literature, in which I suppose it to be more complete than any collection out of the northern kingdoms. In old Northern literature it contains all the Arna-Magnsean editions of the Icelandic Sagas, all those of Suhm, all those of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, and, in fact, all those printed at Copenhagen and Stockholm, as well as in Iceland, with scarcely an exception. I possess also the great editions of Heimskringla, the two Eddas, Kongs- Skugg-Sio, Kununga Styrilse, the Scriptores Rerum Danicarum, Scriptores Rerum Svecicarum, Dansk Magasin, the two cornplete editions of Glaus Magnus, Saxo Grammaticus, the works of Bartholinus, Torfseus, Schoning, Suhm, Pontoppidan, Grundtvig, Petersen, Rask, the Atlantica of Rudbeck, the great works of Sjoborg, Liljegren, Geijer, Cronholm, and Strinnholm, all the collections of old Icelandic, vi PREFA CK Danish, and Swedish laws, and ahnost all the writers, ancient and modern, who have treated of the language, literature or history of the ancient Scandinavian race. In modern Danish literature, I have the works of Holberg, Ewald, Heiberg, Baggesen, Oehlenschlseger, Ingemann, Nyerup, with other celebrated authors ; in Swedish, those of Leopold, Oxenstjerna, Bellman, Franzen, Atterbom, Tegner, Fredrika Bremer, and indeed almost all the belles lettres authors of Sweden, the transactions of the Royal Academy of Science (more than one hundred volumes), those of the Swedish Academy, and of the Royal Academy of Literature, and many collections in documentary history, besides numerous other works. In Spanish and Portuguese, besides many modern authors, I have numerous old chronicles, such as the Madrid collection of old Spanish Chronicles in 7 vols. 4to, the Portuguese Livros Ineditos de Historia Portugueza, 5 vols, folio, Fernam Lopez, de Brito, Duarte Nunez do Liam, Damiam de Goes, de Barros and Couto, Albuquerque, Castanheda, Resende, Andrada, Osorio, also de Menezes, Mariana, Ponz : Y iage de Espana, Navarrete and otliers ; in Italian, most of the best authors who have acquired a European reputation ; several hundred volumes of French works, including many of the old Chroniclers ; a respectable collection in German, including many editions of Reyneke de Vos, the Nibelungen, and other works of the Middle Ages ; in classical literature, good editions of tlie most celebrated Greek and Latin authors ; and in English, a respectable collection of the best authors, among which I may notice as rare in this country many of the old Chroniclers (including Lord Berners's Froissart), Roger Ascham, the works of King James I., John Smith's Virginia (edition of 1624), Amadis de • Gaul, and Palmerin of England. In Lexicography, I have the best dictionaries and grammars in all the languages of Western Europe, and many biographical dictionaries and other works of reference in various languages. I have also many works on astrology, alchemy, witchcraft, and magic, and a considerable collection of works on the situation of Plato's Atlantis and the Elysian -Fields, such as Rudbeck's Atlantica, Goropius Becanus, de Grave : Republique des Champs Elysees, Ramus : Ulysses et Outinus unus et idem, and others." This account gives only a hint of the valuable English library from which he drew the illustrations contained in his two series of lectures on the English language, published respectively in 1859 and 1862. It makes, moreover, no mention of the two remarkable collections which grew about his studies for the later works, Man and Nature, — first published in 1864, with its various editions, the revision of which occujjied him until the day of his death ; — and Mediaeval and Modern Saints and Miracles, which appeared anonymously in 1876 ; while the meagre reference to his Italian library, contained in the letter quoted, gives no prophecy of the material illustrative of the language, literature, and dialects of Italy, which he collected with a view to a work never undertaken, an English-Italian dictionary, which should adequately present the grammatical relations of the two languages. In addition to this philological work inspired by his residence in Italy, Mr. Marsh had in contemplation a treatise on the Roman Campagna, for which he had gathered numerous books and pamphlets. While it is clear that a large portion of the library was procured as material for his various publications, to some extent his writings appear not so much to have directed liis reading, as to have resulted from it. In the preface to his edition of Wedgwood's Dictionary, he refers to his books as forming "a private library collected with no reference to etymological investigation, but only for the purposes of general culture." A feature that adds to the attractiveness of the collection is the large number of autographs of European scholars and men of science, contained in presentation copies of their publications. The notes quoted here and there throughout this volume were written or dictated by Mr. Marsh in his last years, as suggestions, in preparing an auction catalogue, the public sale and dispersion of his library after his death being at that time apprehended. Otherwise the books are unfortunately devoid of annotations ; his custom having been to mark lightly w itli PREFA (JE. mi pencil the margin opposite a passage or word that interested him, and then to note the number of the page on the last blank leaf or the inside of the cover of the book, sometimes adding the word referred to, but leaving the rest to his unfailing memory. For the history of the acquisition of the Marsh library by the University of Vermont, it is only necessary to quote Mr. Billings's letter of presentation, which ran as follows : Woodstock, Vermont, March 15th, 1883. President M. H. Buckham, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont : My Dear Sir : You are aware that in September last I bought the library of the late George P. Marsh for the University of Vermont. I have delayed making a formal communication on the subject until the books arrived from Italy. They were kept there a while for reference in the revision of Mr. Marsh's works, and have only just come to hand. I now forward them, with a catalogue made under Mr. Marsh's own supervision. With the books already in Burlington, the whole number will be about twelve thousand, constituting a library rich in rare and choice works, and considered by those familiar with it of more value than any other known library of its size. I ask you to accept it as a gift to the University. When it is remembered that Mr. Marsh was a son of Vermont, and her most renowned scholar ; that from early manhood until he went abroad in diplomatic life his home was in Burlington, near the University ; that for a while he was one of its Trustees, and often expressed the wish that the library he had built up with so much care and pride should go to the University, and would have himself placed it there if his long public life had not kept him comparatively poor, everyone will see that this disposition of this unique and precious collection is the fittest thing possible. I congratulate myself on being permitted to make the gift. What other man had so good a right to the privilege as one who is not only a Vermonter and a graduate of the University, blit who has had his home here in Woodstock for many years on the old Marsh homestead, fragrant with many memories, where George P. Marsh was born and lived until manhood ? And now the need of the University for a fire-proof library building, which has been pressing for so many years, can no longer be put aside. It would be almost criminal to allow the very valuable library thus enriched by the Marsh collection to run any further risk of destruction or damage. A substantial and graceful building, a fit home for such a library, should be built without delay. As the University has no funds to devote to the purpose, and as no time should be lost, I give seventy-five thousand dollars to secure such a building. I do this in grateful appreciation of my Alma Mater, the Alma Mater of two of my brothers, and in the hope that others of her children will remember her with gifts and help her to add to her old renown, and ever be worthy of her name. Sincerely yours, Frederick Billings. The first home of the Marsh library was the brick building described in Lanman's Letters from a Landscape Painter, which adjoined the residence of Mr. Marsh on the corner of Church and Pearl streets, in Burlington. This was a fire- proof structure, containing one story, very solidly built, and said to have measured 18 by 34 feet. It remained standing until the spring of 1887. The books were received at the Billings Library in 1885, and, until the beginning of 1888, were shelved in the apse. Meanwhile the present room had been built at the back of the main reading-room of the Library. Its interior dimensions are 30 by 39 feet, with a height of 21 feet. Until it was finally deposited in these quarters, the Marsh via PREFA CE. library was never all together. The size of the collection, and its owner's frequent changes of r(;sidence to Washington, Constantinople, Turin, Florence and Rome, with the uncertainty supposed by him to attach to his tenure of office, made the storage of less used portions unavoidable. The collection as delivered to the University contained numerous broken or unfinished sets, the completion of which involved the expenditure of $2,000; the same amount was also expended for binding ; these sums being additional to the $15,000 originally paid by Mr. Billings for the collection. The books were first arranged on the decimal system of classification, after which a combined accession- and shelf -catalogue was made. Pamphlets that came together under one subject were tied up in bundles of convenient size, and each bundle was numbered as a volume ; but isolated pamplets received separate numbers, so that the last accession number, 12,479, covers in this manner both volumes and pamphlets. An alphabetical card catalogue by authors and subjects was then written, and from these cards the present book has been printed. Since the collection contains few mere book-rarities, and since the catalogue is intended for the daily use of the ofiicers and students of the University, practical utility rather tlian bibliographical minuteness has been the aim of the compiler. As a matter of economy in cataloguing and printing, long lists of contents have in most cases been referred when possible, to other catalogues, those found most serviceable being the continuation of the Astor library catalogue, and the still more recent catalogue of the Peabody Institute library, which, with the Encyclopaedia Britannica and the works recorded in the following pages, formed the chief reference material of the cataloguer. The paging has been given for every work of less than 100 pages. In regard to the distinctive type of tlie catalogue, fall-face has been employed for author and subject words, the latter being further emphasized by CAPITALS. Similarly, the repetition of an author^ieading has been indicated by an ordinary dash [ — ] and that of a subject by a heavy dash [— ]. Prominence has in this way been given to the subject entry, from which everything has been excluded not of a strictly subject character ; thus, all purely local institutions have been entered under the name of the place as author, no distinction being made between governmental and voluntary organizations. As to the time involved in the work : the classification and accessioning of the library occupied six montlis, the cataloguing about twenty months, the completion of sets, binding, and marking of cards for the press about a year, and the printing another year ; the whole work, including all the proof- reading whatsoever, having been done by Mr. H. L. Koopman, the cataloguer. By the direction of the Library Committee. Marsh Library, University of Yermont, Burlington, 4 August 1892. fTIiriVBE.3IT7j CATALOGUE OF THE MARSH LIBRARY. A., E., editor. Illustrazioni storiche del se- colo 16, tratte da inediti documeuti. Firenze, 1840. O. 940 25 Contents: Qulrini, V. RelazionediBorsofrna. 1506.— Tie- polo, >'. Relazione ... da Carlo V. 1532. — (Jiustiiiiano, M. Relazione di Francia. 1535. — Oiustiiiiano, F. Relazione di Francia. 1538.— Oavalli, M. Relazione di Francia. 1546.— Navagero, B. Relazione ... da Carlo V. 1546. — t'oiitariiii, L. Relazione ... da Ferdinando rede' Romani. 1548. A., Gr. E. Handbuch der romanischen Um- gangssprache. Bukurest, 1857. O. pi. 459 9 A, preposition. Biauchi, B. Storia della preposi- zione a, e de' suoi compost! nella lingua itali- ana. Firenze,1877. O. 455 3 — Flecliia, 0. Del libro di B. Bianchi suUa pre- posizione a. {In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 4, 1878.) 450 11 A secreto agravio secreta venganza, see Calde- ron, V, 1. A travers les mots, see Rozaii, C. Aall, Jacob, translator, see Sturluson, S. Nor- ske Kongers Sagaer. 1838-9. 839.63 15 — Welhareii, J. 8. C. J. Aalls Erindringer. {In his Skrifter, 1867-8, t. 2.) 839.84 2 Aan de Amsteldamsche burgers op den 26 Feb. 1787, — Aan de vaderlandsche burgers, — Aan het vaderland, see Wolf, E. B. Et Aar i Kjobenhavn, af Carl Bernhard, see St. Aubain, A. IV. de. Aarb0ger for nordisk Oldkyndighed, see Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarets tolv Maaneder, see Andersen, H. C. Aarhnsiensis liber. (In Lang-ebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 6.) 948 76 — Nomina episcoporum Arhusiensis ecclesiee. — Series episcoporum Arhusiorum. il. {In same. V. 7.) 948 76 Aarstiderne, et Digt, see Hertz, H. Aas h0iere Landbriigsskole. Aarsberetning, 1862-4, af F. A. Dahl, Direkt0r. Christiania, 1865. O. [3 +] 92 p. il. 630 5 Aasen, Ivar Andreas. Norsk Grammatik; om arbeidet Udgave af Det norske Folkesprogs Grammatik. Christiania, 1864. O. 439.87 3 — Norsk Ordbog med dansk Forklaring; omar- beidet Udgave of Ordbog over det norske Folkesprog. Christiania, 1873. O. 439.87 2 — Dyrlnnd, N. K. F. Det norske Folkesprogs Grammatik ved Asen. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. OM.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrif t. v. 2, 1846-8.) 948 4 ABAILARD, Pierre, see ABfiLARD. Abano, Pietro di. Das Heptameron; oder, Ele- mente der Magie. {In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, V. 3.) 837 16 — Bonzoni, C. Della vita e delle opere di P. d' Abano, {In Rome— B. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 Abarca, Pedro de. Los reyesMe Aragon en anales historicos. Madrid, 1682-4.2v.F, 946 37.1 Abbattntis, Gian Alesio, psewd. o/Basile,Gr. B. Abbeoknta, see Tucker, S. ABBEYS, .see MONASllCISM. Abbon of St. Germain, Paris. De bello Paris- iaco libri 3. Hannoverae, 1871. O. [2 +] 51 p. (In Pertz,Gr.H.Script.rerumGerman.l.)943 16 — De obsessa a Normannis Lutetia Parisiorum. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772- 1834, V. 2.) 948 76 Abbot, Ezra. The New Testament text. {In SchaiT, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill. Sight and touch. London 1864. O. il. 152 1 ABBREYIATIONS. Mommsen,C.M.T. M.Vale- rius Probus de notis antiquis. {In Leipsic — K. sachs. Gesell. Berichte, 1853.) 063 3 —Probus, M. V. Opusculum de notis antiquis. {In Isidorus Mercator. Decretal., 1853, col. 1179-1196.) 262 8 ABBBING 2 AB YSSIKIA Abbriii?, Hermanns Johannes. Weemoedstoo- nen; of, Miine reisnaar Cura9ao. Groningeu, 1834. O. 917.2 6 Abdallah, eine Erzahlung, see Tieek, J. L. Schriften, 8. 'Ab(l-ol-Grhani-in-Nabolsi. Reisen im wiisten Arabien; von A. v. Kremer. [Wien, 1851.] O. 41 p. 915.3 7 —Reisen in Syrien, Aegypten nnd Hidschaf; von A. von Kremer. [Wien,] n. d. O. 44 p. 915.6 14 Abel, Carl. Ueber den Begriff der Liebe in einigen alten und neuen Sprachen. Berlin, 1873. O. 63 p. {In Tirchow cfe Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber Sprache als Avisdrnck nationaler Denkweise; ein Vortrag. Berlin, 1869. D. 29 p. 401 5 Abel, Caspar, Teutsche und sachsische Alter- thiimer. Braunschweig, 1729-30. 3 v. in 2. S.i>Z. 943 10 The date of v. 3 is blotted; the volume is: Sammlung etlicher noch nicht gedruckten alten Chronicken. Abel AUnutt, a novel, see Morier, J. Abel redevivus, see FnUer, T., & others. ABELARD, Pierre. Wright, J. Abelard and the scholastic philosophy. (In his Essays, 1846, V. 1.) 820 3 Abels D0d, see Palndan-MiiUer, F. Der Abend vor der Hochzeit, see Zschokke, J. H. D. V. 5. Abendgespriiche, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 10,— Schriften, 25. Abenteuer der Neujahrsnacht, see Zschokke, J. H. D. V. 4. Aberconway abbey. Register and chronicle; edited by Sir H. Ellis. 1847. {In Camden misc. 1; in Camden soc. 39.) 820 4 Abererombie, John. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investigation of truth. From the 2 Edinburgh edition. New York, 1832. S. (Harpers fam. lib.) 150 1 Aberg, Lennart. H'allristningar fran Bohuslan uti Sverige. tab. {In Copenhagen — K, nord. 01d..Selskab. Annaler. v. 2, 1838-9.) — An- markningar rorande figurteckningar fran forn- tiden. il. (In same, v. 4, 1842-3.) 948 2 Abgarns-Legenden paa Old-Engelsk med eng- elsk Overssettelse. (In Stephens, G, Tvende Digte. 1853.) 829 19 Also in Danish, old Norse, old Danish, old Swedish, middle high German, German prose of the 15th century, low Saxon, Dutch. Abingdon. Chronicon monasterii de Abing- don; edited by Joseph Stevenson. London, 1858. 2v. Q. facsim. {In {it. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron. and mem. 2.) 942 8 Abiosi, Agostino. Lettere. {In Rieci, C, ed- itor. Gli Spagnuoli e iVeneziani in Romagna, 1527-9. 1886; in Scelta di curiosita. 215.)850 10 ABIPONES. Dobrizhoffer, M. An account of the Abipones, an equesti-ian people of Para- guay. London, 1822. 3v. O. 918.9 1 ABNAKI LANGUAGE. Rale, S. A dictionary of the Abnaki language in North America; with memoir by J. Pickering. Cambridge [, Mass. , 1833]. sqQ. (In Am. acad. Mem. n. s. v.l.) 497 5 ABOLITION, see SLAVERY. Abont, Edmond Francois Valentin. A B C du travailleur. 2 edition. Paris, 1869. D. 330 1 — La Grece contemporaine. 3 edition. Paris, 1858. D. 914.9 22 — Le progres. Paris, 1864. O. 301 1 — La question romaine. Bruxelles, 1859. O. 282 37.1 — Rome contemporaine. Sedition. Paris, 1861. O. 914.5 73 Abraham a Sancta Clara. (Hans Ulrich Meger- lin.) Sammtliche Werke. Passau, Lindau, 1835-67. 21v. in 19. S. pi. 208 7 Contents; 1-7. Judas der Erzschelm. 8. Eeim dich. 9. Abrahamisches Bescheid-Essen. 10. Hull und pfui! der Welt. 11. Abrahamisches Gehab dich wohl ! 1'2. Mercui'ialis; oder, Winter-Grtin. 13. WunderwiirdiKes Narren-Nest. 14. Etwas fiir AUe. 15-18. Gramma- tica religiosa. 19. Heilsames Gemisch-Gemasch. 20. Gack, Gack, Gack, Gack a Ga einer wunderseltsamen Hennen.— Sterben und Erben. 21. Geistlicher Kramer- Laden. Abraham ben Meir Ibn Esra. Gedichte. {In Kampf, S. I., translator. Nichtandalusische Poesie. 1858.) 892 6 Abraham Blankaart, see Wolf, E. B., cfcDeken. Abraham Tonelli, Leben des beriihmten Kai- sers, see Tieck, J. L. Serif ten, 9. Abrahamson, Werner Hans Frederik. Versuch einer vollstiindigen danischen Sprachlehre fiir Deutsche. Kopenhagen, 1812. D. 439.85 9 — & others, editors. Udvalgte danske Viser fra Middelalderen; efter A. S. Vedels og P. Sy vs tryckte Udgaver og efter haandskrevne Samlinger udgivne paa ny af Abrahamson, Nyerup og Rahbek. Kj0benhavn, 1812-14. 5v. D. 839.81 6 ABRAHAMSTRUP, see J.FGERSPRIIS. Abreu Galindo, Jnan de. Historia de la con- quista de las siete islas de Gran Canaria, escri- ta, 1632. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1848. O. iltp. 946 63 Abrocome ed Anzia, see Xenophon ofEphesus. ABRUZZO. Gallenga, A. Abseits der Schie- nenwege; Reiseeindriicke. (Zw Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 1, 1874.) 945 41 ^Nino, A. de. Usi e costumi abruzzesi. Fi- renze, 1879-81. 2v. D. 390 17 Absalon, archbishop of Lund. Testamentum. (J/i Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772- 1834, V. 5.) 948 76 — Estrnp, H. F. J. Absalon, som Helt, Stats- mand og Biskop; et biographisk Fors0g. Soroe, 1826. O. por. 922 14 Der Abschied, ein Trauerspiel, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 2. Abnl Cacim Tarif Aben Tarik, pseudonym of Lnna, M. Abn-1-kasim, Khalaf Ibn Abbas, az-Zahravi, or Abulcasis. La chirugie, traduite en dialecte tolousain du 14e siecle; Ch. de Tourtoulon. {In Revue des langues romanes.v.l.l870.)479 5 ABYSSINIA. Desvergers, M. J. A. N. Abys- sinie. 1847. pi. viap. (in L'nnivers. 3.) 910 18 — Gobat, S. Journal d' un sejour en Abyssinie, 1880-2; precede d' une introduction sur Abys- sinie. Paris [,1834J. O. por, map. 916.3 1 AB YSSINIA ADAMS — Reybaud, 31. R. L. Voyage dans 1' Abys- sinie meridionale. (J/i his Marines. 1854.) 910 66 — Stnmm, F. Meine Erlebnisse bei der engli- schen Expedition in Aby^inien, 1868. Frank- furt a. M. , 1868. O. maps. 916.3 3 bound ivith 916.2 37 AcjMleiiiie fran9aise, see Paris — Iiistitiit. ACADEMIES. Arnold, M. The literary in- fluence of academies. (In his Essays in criti- cism. 1865.) 824 3 See algo SOCIETIES. The academy; a monthly record of literature, learning, science and art. London, 1869-83. v. 1-33. Q. 052 1 No. 1-16. monthly; no. 17-86, half-monthly, no. 87 and after, weekly. Accadeiuia del ciraento, see Florence. ACCADEMIA LETTERARIO PINO. Rocca, L. (In Cnriosita di storia subalpina. v. 3,1879.) 945 43 Accademia pontificia de' nuoci lincei, see Rome (city, modern). Accadeinicl filopatridi, see (raUani, F. ACCADIANS. Rnge, S. Die Turanier in Chal- daa, die Akkadier. (In his Weltanschauving des Columbus. 1876.) 910 53 Acciajnoli, Donate. Les vies de Hannibal et Scipion r Africain: traduites par C. de 1' Es- cluse. (In Phitarchns. Vies, 1565, v. 3.) 888 39 —Same; Englished by J. North. (In Plntar- chus. Lives. 1631.) 888 38 ACCXIMATION. Bucliner, H. Uber ... Infek- tionskrankheiten und Acclimatisation. Ham- burg, 1887. O. 34 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 ACCRA LAXOUAGE. Rask, R. C. Vejledning til Akra-Sproget pa Kysten Ginea, med et Til- laeg om Akvambuisk. K0benhavn, 1838. D. 70 p. 496 1 Acenlieiro, ChristoTam Rodri^ues. Chronicas dos reis de Portugal. (In Lisbon — Academia. Collec9ao de hist, port., 1790-1834, v. 5.) 946 68 Acliilleis, see Gotlie, J. W. von. v.40;— Statins, P.P. Acliilli, Criovanni Giacinto. Dealings with the inquisition; with important disclosures. New York, 1851. O. 272 9 Ackerhof, A. D. Die Nutzung der Teiche und Gewasser durcli Fischzucht und Pflanzenbau. Quedlinburg, 1869. D. pi. 639 1 Ackermann, Theodor. Ueber die Ursachen epi- 'lemischer Krankheiten. Berlin. 1873. O. 40p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 8 Se- rie.) 043 1 Acland-Troyte, see Troyte. L'acquisto di ponente, ai tempi di Carloma- gno. (In Scelta di curiosita. 118.) 850 10 ACROBATS. Gantier, T. Acrobates et saltim- banques orientaux. (In his L'orient, 1877, v. 1.) — Acrobates indiens. (In same, v. 3.) 910 39 See also STRENGTH. Across the continent, see Bowles, S. ACTION AT A DISTANCE. ZoUner, J. C. F. Ueber Wirkungen in die Feme. (In his Wiss. Abhandl., 1878, v. 1.) 504 8 ACTORS, see THEATRE. The actors remonstrance or complaint, 1643. (In Hazlitt, W. C. English drama; in his Rox- burghe lib. 4.) 821 3 Acufiia, Cristoval de. Relation de la riviere des Amazons; traduite par de Gomberville, avec une dissertation sur la riviere. (In Rogers. R. Voyage, 1716, v. 3.) 910 35 Adalbert, archibishop of Magdeburg. Contihu- atio Reginonis, 907-967. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 7.) 943 16 Adam de Marisco. Epistolse. facsim. (In Mon- nmenta Franciscana, 1858-83, v. 1; in Gt. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 4.) 942 8 Adam du Petit- Po7it(Lsitin Parvipontanus). De utensilibus ad domum regendam pertinentibus epistola. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8. 1867.) 805 1 Adam of Bremen. Gesta Hammaburgensis ec- clesiae pontificum, ex recensione Lappenbergii. Editio altera. Hannoverae, 1876. O. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 1.) 943 16 — Historiae ecclesiasticas libri primi capita 33, notis Ottonis Sperlingii illustrata. (/n Westpha- len, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45,v.3.)943 31 — Libellus de situ Danias. (In Steplianins, S. H. De regno Dania3. 1639.) 094 31,32 — Fenstking, C. F. Observationes ad Ada mi Historian! ecclesiasticam, 1670. (In Westphalen,. E. J. Ton. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 31 Adam of Cobsham. The wright's chaste wife ; a merry tale; edited by Frederick J. Furnivall. London, 1865. O. [6+] 36 [+3] p. (In E.E. text soc. Orig. ser. 13.) 820 5 — Same: Supplement; Additional analogs, by W. A. Clouston. London, 1886. O. p. 35-39, (In same. 84.) 820 5- — Koliler, R. Zu der Erzahlung, The wright's chaste wife. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) • 805 1 Adam, E. , editor, see Torrent of Portyngale. 1887. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 51.) 820 5.1 ADAM, Jean. Keddie, H., c& Watson, J. L.(In ^/leir Songstresses of Scotland, 1871,v.l.) 928 3 [Adam:] La leggenda d' Adamo ed Eva; testo del secolo 14. Bologna, 1870. D. 30 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 106.) 850 10 Adam Homo, et Digt, see Palndan-Miiller, F. Adam in ballingschap, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den. Adam og Eva, et dramatisk Pr0ve, see Ewald, J. V. 1. ' Adam Schrader, Fortaelling, see Lie, J. Adamnan, abbot of lona. The travels of Bishop " Arculf in the Holy Land, A. D. 100.(In Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.6 40 ADAMNAN, monk of Coldingham. Newman, J, H., <& others. (In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, V. 4.) 922 8 Adams, Clement. Anglorum navigatio ad Mos- covitas. (In Boxhorn, M. Z. Respublica Mosco- via?. 1630.) 094 48 ADAMS, John Qnincy. Parker, T. A discourse [on] the death of of J. Q. Adams, 5 March 1848. Boston, 1848. O. 66 p. 252 3.1 ADAPTATION- ^LFRIC SOCIETY ADAPTATION in creation, see NATURAL RE- XIGIO>. Adarga Catalana, see Garma y Diirhn, F. X. de. Adda, Cr. d'. Ricerche suUe arti e sull' industria romana; vasa vitrea diatreta. Milano, 1870. F. 54 p. phot. 666 6 66 copies, no. 65. Addison, Joseph. Criticism on Milton's Para- dise lost, 1711-13. London, 1868. S. (/wArber, E. English reprints. 8.) 820 9 — Essays; chosen and edited by John Richard Green. London, 1880. S. por. 824 1 —see The spectator. 824 19-21 Addrich im Moss, see Zschokke, J. H. D. v. 6. Adegild, see Leniiep, J. van. Poet, werken, 1. Adelard monk of Blandiniiim. Epistola de vita Sancti Dunstani. {In Stubbs, W. Memorials of Dunstan. 1874; in G\, Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 63.) 942 8 Adelplii, see Terentius Afer, P. AdenioUo, Ag^ostino. Marietta de' Ricci;ovvero, Firenze al tempo dell' assedio; racconto storico. 2 edizione, con aggiunte per Luigi Passerini. Firenze, 1845. 6v. O. })45 69 Adenes li Rois. Les enfances d' Ogier; poeme publie et annote par Aug. Scheler. Bruxelles, 1874. O. 841 7.2 — Scheler, J. A. H. Li roumans de Cleomades; publ. par A. van Hasselt. (/?i Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Adiniari, Alessandro. L' adorazione de magi, azione drammatica, 1642; per cura di Alberto Bacchi della Lega. Bologna, 1882. D. facsim. (In Scelta di curiosita. 189.) 850 10 Adler, Friedrlch. Der Felsendom und die hei- lige Grabeskirche zu Jerusalem. Berlin, 1873. O. 27 p. pi. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. 8 Serie.) 043 1 — Die Weltstiidte in der Baukunst. Berlin, 1868. O. 40 p. (In same. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Adler, George J., translator, see Fanriel, C.C. History of Proven9al poetry. 1860. 849 6 Adlerbeth, Gndmund Goran. Poetiska arbeten. 2 upplagan, tillokt. Stockholm, 1802-3 2 v. O. 839.72 1 —Same. 3 upplagan. Stockholm, 1818. 2 v. O, 839.72 1.1 Adiersparre, Karl August, grefve. Skizzer och reseminnen. Stockholm, 1844. v.l.D. 914.8 33 Adlerstani, Magnus, fransZa^or.see Jiimsviking- asaga;pa islilndska ochswenska.1815.839.63 49 Adolf Findling, see Sparre, P. G. Adolfi, Johann, see Koster, J. A. Adolfus. Metrical tales. (In Wright, T. Latin stories, 1842,appendix;in Percy soc. v.8.)820 6 ADOLFHUS TV., count of Holstein. Adolphi IV. memoria e Denckelboeck S. Marien Kerc- ken torn Kyi. jwr. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 2.) 943 21 ADOLPHUS, duke of Holstein-Oottorp. Behr- inann, H. Nachricht liber die Vermiihlungs- plane des Herzogs Adolph. (In Schleswig... Gesellschaft. Archiv. v. 2, 1834.) 943 42 Adonais, see Shelley, P. B. v. 3. Adonias, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den. L'adorazione de' magi, see Adiniari, A. Adriaui, Giovanni Battista. Lettera a Giorgio Vasari. (In Marchese, V. Manuale, 1846.) 709 2 — & Marcello. Scritti varii; a cura di Adolf o Bartoli. Bologna, 1871. D. (In Scelta di curi- osita. 121.) 850 10 Adrianus Romanus, see Roinanus. L' adulatore, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 10. The adventurer, see Johnson, S. Advice to a prince, see Mac Brody, T. J^.GEANSEA. Krienen, P. van. Abdruck seiner italienischen Beschreibung des griechi- schen Archipelagus; von L. Ross. Halle, 1860. O. facsim. 913 31.1 ^Lacroix, L. lies de la Grece. Paris, 1853. O. pi. maps. (In L'nnivers. 53.) 910 18 [Jilgidins St.:] Bruchstiick aus einer gereim- ten Legende vom heil. Aegidius. (In Grimm, J. L. K. Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v.6.)408 2 FMm, seeCEGIR. jEgtestand, see Gyllenibourg, T. C. iELFHEAH or GOD WINE, St.. archbishop of Canterbury. Yita & translatio S. Elphegi a Danis an. 1012 interemti. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 2.) 948 76 .Elfric, archbishop of Canterbury. Angel- sachsische Homilien; herausgegeben von Bru- no Assmann. (In Grein, C. W. M. Bibl. der angelsachsischen Prosa, 1872-89, v. 3.) M29 11 — Colloquium. — Homilies. (/nThorpe,B. Anal- ecta Anglo-Saxonica. 1846.) 829 16 — De vetere et novo testamento. — Pentateuch, losua, Buch der Richter und Hiob. {In Grein, C. W. M. Bibl. der angelsachsischen Prosa, 1872-89, V. 1.) 829 11 — Fragment of ^Ifric's grammar, ^Ifric's glossary, and a poem on the soul and body, 12th century; discovered among the archives of Worcester cathedral by Sir T.Phillipps. Lon- don, 1838. sqQ. [4+J8 p. 829 Uboundwith 9 — Lives of saints [Anglo-Saxon & English] , be- ing sermons on saints' days; edited by "Walter W. Skeat. London, 1881-90. 2 v. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 76, 82, 94.) 820 5 Pt. 2 of V. 2. not yet published. The work is issued as a third series to the two volumes of Homilies published by the iElfric society, — Paschal homily, extracts from his epistles, &c. [Anglo-Saxon and English], (In TluHup- son, E. Select monuments. 1849.) 829 15 — Sermones catholici; or, Homilies, in Anglo- Saxon, with an English version by Benjamin Thorpe. London, 1844-6. 2 v. O. (In Eltric soc. Pub.) 829 3 — translator. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil, or. Be Godes six daga vireorcum; and the Anglo-Saxon remains of [his] Ad filium spiritualem; now first printed, with translation, notes and account of ^Ifric, by H.W.Norman. 2 edition, enlarged. London, 1849. O. 20+57 p.. 829 13 Mfric society. [Publications.] London, 1843- 56. 5 V. in 4. O. 829 3-5 Contents: iElfric Homilies, with translation by B. Thorpe. 2 v.— The poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, with translation by J.M.Kemble. 2 v. In 1.— The dialojrue JELFRIG SOCIETY AFGHANISTAN' of Salomon and Saturnus, wilh historical introduction by J. M. Kemble. .Elnoth of Canterbury. Historia ortus, vitse & passionis S. Canuti. {In Laugebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 3.) 948 76 — Bircherod, T. B. Annotationes in libellum quern ^Inothus de vita S. Canuti conscripsit. (In Westplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 4.) , 943 21 .ELRED, see ETHELEED. EMELTHORPHUUS. Siuionsen, L. S. V. Ef terretning om Borgruinen Himmelstruphuus (^melthorphuus) i Fyen. -pi. (In €opeiiliag-en — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. V. 3, 1836.) 948 1.2 .ENEAS. Caxtoii, W., translator. Eneydos, 1490, englisht from the French Liure des Eney- des, 1483: edited by W [M.] T. Culley and F. J. Furnivall; , with a sketch of the old French Roman d' Eneas by Salverda de Grave. London, 1890. O. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 57.) 820 5.1 — (xuido of Pisa. I fatti d' Enea, libro secondo della Fiorita d' Italia; con note di D. Carbone. 6 edizione. Firenze, 1871. D. 873 11 See also Vergiliiis Maro, P. .Eneas i Carthago, lyrisk tragedie, see Kell- gven, J. H. .Eiieas Sylvius, see Pins II., po2)e. .Eneid, ^Eneis, see Vergiliiis Maro, P. .EQUI. Coined, (t. Gli Equi; o, Un periodo della storia antica degli Italiani. Firenze, 1866. V. 1. F. 937 Uboimd ivith 9U 17 .ERj9. Hiibertz, J. R. Beskrivelse over Mr0; et historisk, topographisk Fors^g. Kjoben- havn, 1834. map. 943 48 AEROLITES, see METEORS. .Eschines. Qua? exstant omnia [Greek and Latin, with full critical apparatus]. (In Ora- tores Attici, 1828, v. 12, 16.) 885 1 .Eschyliis. Tragoediaj ad exemplar Glasguense expressae. Nova editio stereotypa. Lipsiae, 1829. T. por. 882 1 — Agamennone.— I sette a Tebe. (In Niccolini, G. B. Opere, 1858, v. 1.) 852 14 — Prometheus bound; from the Greek. (In Browning, E. B. B. Poems, 1853, v. 1.) 821 21 — Heeren, A. H. L. Bemerkungen liber die dramatische Kunst des Aeschylus. (In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 3.) 908 2 — Xiccolini, CJ. B. Discorso sull' Agamennone d'Eschilo.— Lettera all' autore del Dialogo in- torno alle Tragedie d' Eschilo tradotte da F. Bellotti. (In his Opere, 1858, v. 1.) 852 14 See cdso PI103IKTHEUS. ^Esopiis. Esopus, von Burkhard Waldis [in verse]; mit Erlauterungen. Leipzig, 1862. 2 v. D. (In Knrz,H. Deutsche Bibliothek. 1,2.)830 6 — II volgarizzamento delle fa vole di Galfredo, dette di Esopo; edito per cura di Gaetano Ghi- vizzani,con un discorso intorno la origine della favola. Bologna, 1866. 2 V. in 1. D. (J?iScelta di curiosita. 75-6.) 850 10 — Fanfani, P. Delle favole di Galfredo, pubbli- cate da G. Ghivizzani, avvertenze; e lettei'e di N. Tommaseo e L. Barbieri. Bologna, 1867. D. 74 p. {In same. 91.) 850 10- — Lessing, G. E. Zur Geschichte der asopi- schen Fabel. (In his Werke, 1823-5, v. 2.) 832 6- ^ESTHETICS. Bliimner, H. Dilettanten, Kunst" liebhaber und Kenner im Alterthum. Berlinr 1873. O. 43 p. (In Vircliow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 — Bnrke, E. A philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beauti- ful; with an introductory discourse concerning taste. (I?t his Works, 1839, v. 1.) 825 1 — Engel, J. J. Asthetische Versuche. (In his Schriften. 1801-6, v. 4. 838 3 — Giraldi Cintio, Cr. B. De' romanzi, delle comedie[, delle satire] e delle tragedie ragiona- menti. Milano, 1864. 2 v. S. (In Bibl. rara 52-3.) 850 3 — Hardenberg, F. L. von. (In his Novalis Schriften, 1837-46, v. 2.) _ 833 13 — Lessing, (t. E. Laokoon; oder, tJber die Grenze der Malerei und Poesie. (In his Werke, 1823-5, V. 3.) 832 6 — Mazzarella, B. Della critica. Gen ova, 1866- 8. 2v. inl. O. 80i 3 Contents: 1. 'Storia della critica. '2. Della critica come scienza e come arte. — Montesqnien, C. de S. de. Essai sur le gout, dans les choses de la nature et de I'art. (In h is CEuvres, 1788, v. 5.) 340 5.1 — Niccolini, (x. B. (In his Opere, 1858, v. 3.) 852 .14 — Parini, (x. De' principii delle belle lettere. (In his Versi e prose. 1857.) 851 92 — Richter, J. P. F. Vorschule der Aesthetik. (Inhis Siimmt. Werke, 1840-2, v. 18-19.) 833 24 — Riegel, H. Ueber Art und Kunst, Kunst- werke zu sehen. Berlin, 1874. O. 30 p. (In Yir- cliow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Seliiller, J. C. F. von. Kleine Schriften. (In his Siimmt. Werke, 1855, v. 2.) 832 9 See also FIXE ARTS; NATURE; THE ROMAXTK'. Mtlwhyolil. St., bishop of Winchester, trans- lator, see Benedictines. Die angelsilchsischen Prosabearbeitungen der Benedictinerregel. 1888. (In Grein, C. W. M. Bibl. der angelsach- sischen Prosa. v. 2.) 829 11 iETNA, see ETNA. Afan de Rivera, Carlo. Del bonificamento del lago Salpi. Napoli, 1845. O. map. 627 33 Afectos de odio y amor, see Calderon. v. 2. The affectionate shepherd, see Barnfleld, R. Affixes in their origin and application, see Hal- denian, S. S. Aft'ra et Flavio, Versus de, (In Wright, T, Latin stories, 1842, appendix; in Percy soc. v. 8.) 820 6 AFGHAN LANGUAGE. Klaprotli, H. J. von. Afghan ische Worter. (In Eversmann, E. Reise nach Buchara. 1823.) 915.8 5 AFGHANISTAN. Kiepert, H. Karte von Iran; ostliche Hiilfte: Afghanistan, Balutschistanund die ozbegischen Khanate am Oxus. Berlin, 1878. 67x63 cm. in Q. 912 40 — Raymond, L, A. X. Afghanistan. 1848, p^ maps. (In L'nnivers. 24.) 910 18 AFFLICTION 6 AFRICA— WESTERN AFFLICTION, see PAIN. AFRICA. Avezac-Macaja, M. A. P. d'. Es- quisse generale de F Afrique et Afrique ancien- ne. 1844. pi. maps. (JnL'nniTers. 2.) 910 18 — — cfc others. lies de 1' Afrique. Paris, 1848. O. 2Jor. pi. {In same. 4.) 910 18 — Bohme, J. The fardle of facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes of Aflfricke and Asie. London, 1555. T. 916 3 — — Same. (In Haklnji;, R. Selection of voy- ages. 1812.) 910 57 — Hoefer, J. C. F. i*frique australe, — orien- tate, — centrale, — Empire de Maroc. Paris, 1848. O. pi. map. {In L'imiyers. 5.) 910 18 — Jameson, R., & others. Narrative of discov- ery and adventure in Africa; with illustrations of the geology, mineralogy and zoologv. New York, 1831. S. il. map. ' 910 2 — Lafltaii, J. F. Historia dos descobrimentos e conquistas dos Portugezes no novo mondo. Lisboa, 1786. 4 v. T. 954 7 —Leo, J. Africae descriptio. Lugd. Batav., 1632, Tt. 094 8 — Petermann, A. H., cfc Hassensteiii, B. Inner- Afrika nach der geographischem Kenntniss, 1861-3. Gotha, 1863. sqQ. maps. {In Peter- manns Mittlieihmgen: Ergilnzungsband 2.) 910 44 — Reclus, J. J. E. Geographie de 1' Afrique. Paris, 1885-8. 4v. Q. il. pi. maps. {In his Nouv. geog. univ. 10-13.) 910 13 — Revue de 1' orient et de F Algerie. Paris, 1843-58. V. 1-35. O. pi. facsim. 950 2 — Ritter, K. {In his Erdkunde, 1822-59, v. 1.) 915 1 — Treiitlein, P. Die Durchquerungen Afrikas. Berlin, 1884. O. 92 p. map. {In Virchow & Holtzeiidorff'. Vortrage. 19 Serie.) 04S 1 — Yaiioski, J. L' Afrique chretienne. — Histoire de la domination des Vandales en Afrique. — Histoire de la domination byzantine. {In L' imivers. 2.) 910 18 —CENTRAL. Arenz, K. Die Entdeckungen in Nord- und Mittel-Afrika von Richardson, Overweg, Barth und Vogel. Leipzig, 1857. S. map. 91(j.(j 1 Bartli. H. Reisen und Entdeckungen in Noid-undCentral-Afrika, 1849-55. Gotha, 1857- 8. 5 V. O. maps. 916.6 2 Boweu, T. J. Central Africa; adventures and missionary labors, 1849-56. Charleston. 1857. D. 916.6 3 Heiigliii, T. von. Die Tinne'sche Expe- dition im westlichen Nil-Quellgebiet, 1863-4; nebst Anhiingen. Gotha, 1865. sqQ. 8-F46 p. map. (/n PetermannsMittheiliuigen: Ergiinz- ungsband 3.) 910 44 Junker, V. V. Wissenschaftliche Ergeb- nisse von Reisen in Zentral-Afrika, 1880-5. Gotha, 1889. sqQ. maps. {In same. 20.) 910 44 ^Koner. W. Ueber die neuesten Entdeck- ungen in Afrika. Berlin, 1869. O 70 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — — Park, M. The journal of a mission to the interior of Africa, 1805. Philadelphia, 1815. O. "iop- 916.6 9 Ricliardson, J. Narrative of a mission to central Africa, 1850-1. London, 1853. 2v. O. map. 916.6 10 — — Roscher, A. Ptoleniaeus und die Han- delsstrassen in Central-Africa. Gotha, 1857. O. maps. 912 1 Sc'lnveinfurtli, H, A. Im Herzen von Afrika; Reisen und Entdeckungen im central- en Aeqviatorial-Afrika, 1868-71. Leipzig, 1874. 2 V. O. il.jJl. map>s. 916.7 7 Stanley, H. M. Through the dark con- tinent; or. The sources of the Nile, around the great lakes and down the Livingstone river. Hamburg, 1878. 4 v. D. map. 916.7 8 — EASTERN. Andree, K. A. Forschungsrei- sen in Arabien und Ost-Afrika, nach den Ent- deckungen von Burton, Speke, Krapf, Reb- mann, Erhardt und anderen. Leipzig, 1861. 2v. O. il. _pZ. map. 915.3 1 — — Krapf, J. L. Travels, researches and missionaiy labors during 18 years' residence in Africa; with appendix and account of research- es in eastern Africa by E. J. Ravenstein. Bos- ton, 1860. O. map. 916.7 3 —NORTHERN. Badia y Leblieli, 1). Voyages d' Ali Bev el Abbassi en Afrique et en Asie, 1803-7. Paris, 1814. 3 V. O. 916.11 Barth, H. Wanderungen durch das punische und kyrenaische Kiistenland; oder, Mag'reb, Afrikia und Barka. Berlin, 1849. O. map. 916.1 2 Biceps, ijseudomjm. Notes in northern Africa; being a guide to the sportsman and tourist in Algeria and Tunisia. {In his Talk and travel. 1872.) 420 2 Benhani, D., cfc Clapperton, H. Narrat- ive of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa, 1822-4. London, 1826. sqQ. il. pi. map. 916.6 4 Rohlfs, F. Gr. Reise durch Nord-Afrika, vom Mittellandischen Meere bis zum Busen ■von Guinea, 1865-7. Gotha, 1868-72. 2v. sqQ. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilnngen: Ergiin- zungsband 5, 7.) 910 44 For other works on north-central Africa see AFRICA -( EXTKAL; also VO^JEL, E. -SOUTHERN. Brown, J. C. Hydrology of south Africa. Kirkcaldy, 1875. O. 551.48 13 — — Livingstone, I). Missionary travels and researches "in south Africa. New York. 1858. O. il. x> 916.8 1 Magyar, L. Reisen in Siid-Afrika, 1849- 57; aus dem Ungarischen von J. Hunfalvv. Pest, 1859. V. 1. O. pZ. map. 916.8'2 — — Mancli, C. Reisen im Inneren von Sud- Afrika. 1865-72. Gotha, 1874. sqQ. [2+] 52 p. max>. {In Petermanns Mittlieihingen: Ergiin- zungsbandS.) 910 44 — ; — Moffat, R. Missionary labors and scenes in southern Africa. 2 edition. New York, 1843. O. 916.8 3 — — Pringle, T. Narrative of a residence in south Africa. London, 1840. O. 916.8 4 — — Thunber^, K. P. Resa til Goda Hoppets Udde; — Resor in at sodra Africas horn; 1779-5. il. pi. {In his Resa, 1778-93. v. 1-2.) 910 38 —WESTERN. Biiohliolz, R. W. Land unp AFRICA— WESTERN' AGRICULTURE Leute in Westafrika. Berlin, 1876. O, 47 p. {In Virchow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 — Omboni, T. Viaggi nell Africa occident- ale. Milano, 1846. Q. pi. 916.7 5 ,Sf« a/.vO ABTSSIMA; ALGERIA: ATLAS MTS; (ARTH- AGE: (HIRCH HISTORY-AFKKA; DARFIR: EGYPT; ETHIOPIA; FAYUJI; GlIXEA; JAHUBa; KAFFRAUIA; KOKDOFAX: LIBYA; MADAGASCAR; MAROWO; MGER; MLE; MBIA; RED SEA; SAHARA; S03IALI; SIDAX; SUEZ; TRIPOLI; TIMS. Africa, sive, De bello Pimico, see Petrarc.a, F. En Aften i Bergen, see Thoresen, A. M. K. En Aften paa Oiske, historisk Skuespil, see Mimch, A. En Aften 1723, Forspil, see Hertz, H. •DenaftmdsjukejComedie, seeDalin, 0. YOn. v. 2. Afzelins, Adam, editor, see Linn^, C. Yon. Egenhandiga anteckningar oni sig sielf. 1823. 925 12 Afzelius, ArYid Angust. Swenska folkets sago- hiifder ; 829-1523. 1-2 upplagan. Stockholm, 1840-4 [v. 1, '44]. 5v. O. 948 34 — & (Jeijer, E. (J., comjnlers. Alte schwe- dische Volks-Melodien; fiir das Piano- Forte bearbeitet von P. Gronland. Copenhagen, [1818]. ob O. [4-F] 40 p. 784 2 editors. Svenska folk-visor fran fornti- den. Stockholm, 1814-16. 4 v. D. iltp. 839.71 2 Vol.4, music. —editor, see Edda— Elder. 1818. 839. Gl 4 —translator, see same. 1818. 39.618 6 ^Ayafi^fivuv, see JEscliylus. Ag-amemnon, see Seneca, L. A. Agassiz, Jean Lonis Rodolphe. Hugh Miller. (In Miller, H. .Foot-prints. 1850.) 560 2 —The structure of animal life; six lectures. London, 1866. O. il. 575 1 — Volpicelli, P. Necrologia di Agassiz. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 1, 1873-4.) 065 3 AGATE. Lange, G. Die Halbedelsteine aus der Familie der Quarze, und die Geechichte der Achatindustrie. Kreuznach,1868.0. 553 13 — Xoggerath, G. A. Die Achat-Industrie im oldenburgischen Furstenthum Birkenfeld. Ber- lin, 1876. O. 31 p. (In Virchow & Holtzen- dorir. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Agatliiaso/lft/rwa. Ex Agathiae historia a fine Procopii. (In Grotins, H. Historia Got- thorum. 1654.) 943 5 Agatliokles, see Zscholtke, J. H. D. v. 9. L' Agatodemone, see Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. V. 2. AGE, see LOGEVITY; OLD AGE. Age of chivalry,— Age of fable, seeBulflncli, T. Ageno, Francesco. I casi della guerra per 1' indipendenza d' America; narrati dalF ambasci- atore di Genova presso la corte d' Inghilterra nella sua corrispondenza ufficiale inedita, [1770-80]; per Giuseppe Colucci. Genova, 1875. 2 V. O. 973 26 Vol. 1 lacks title-page and the preface of Colucci; v. 2 ends with p. 800. AGESELAUS 11., king of Sparta. Xenoplion. (In his Opera, 1826-7, v. 5.) 888 12 Aggenus Urbicus. De controversiis agrorum. (In Blume, F. Schriften der rom. Feldmesser, 1848-52, V. 1.) 526 2 Agiles, RajTiiond d', canon of Le Puy. His- toria Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem. (In Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, V. 1.) 940 10 AGINCOURT. Hnnter, J. Agincourt; a list of the commanders of the English host. Lon- don, 1850. D. [3 +] 56 p. 942 17 — Poeme anglais sur la bataille d' Azincourt. (In Buchon, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 15e siecle. 1838.) 944 17 Agnano zeffonnato, poemma aroico, see Per- ruccio, A. Agnellus, Tliomas, archdeacon of Bath and Wells. De morte et sepultura Henrici regis Angliae junioris; edidit J. Stevenson. (In Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron. and mem. 66.) 942 8 Agostini, Ciro d', annotator, see Spinelli, M. Idiurnali. 1865. 945 98 Agradecer j no amar, see Calderon. v. 3. Agrell, Olof. Bref om Maroco. Stockholm, 1796. D. 916.4 1 AGRICOLA, tneiiis Julins. Tacitus, C. C. Vita Agricolae. (In his Opera, 1, 832-9. v. 4.) 878 17 AGRICULTURAL CLASSES, see LAND. AGRICULTURE. Aas li0iere Landbrugsskole. Aarsberetning, 1862-4. Christiania, 1865. Q. [3 +] 92 p. il. 630 5 — Barral, J. A. L'agriculture. (In Tli^venin, E. Entretiens, 1860, p. 71-111.) 604 1 bound tvith 600 2 — Basile, M. II caseggiato delle aziende rurali ; trattato agronomico, con mescolanze morali e politiche. Messina, 1873. O. ^jZ. 630 31 — Bedii, E. Saggi di esperienze agrarie. Fi- renze, 1870-8. pt. 1-7. O. il. 630 6 — Bergman, J. M. Hand-lexicon for swenska landthushallare. Fahlun, 1838. O. 630 36 — Bertrand, J. Saggic.qual debba essere la legislazione per incoraggire 1' agricultura: tra- dotto dal francese. Venezia, 1767. S. 338 2 — Borgis, F, La lingua dell' agricoltore; ossia, L' Italiano istruito nella tecnologia campestre. Torino, 1870. D. 99 p. ^ 453 1 — Bonssiugaiilt, J. B. J. D. Economic rurale dans ses rapports avec la chimie, la physique et la meteorologie, 2 edition. Paris, 1851. 2 v. O. 630 8 — Canevazzi, E. Trattato di agrotimesia; ossia, Delia stima dei fondi rustici sui migliorie precetti della moderna agricoltura. Bologna, 1860. 2 V. in 1. O. 630 9 — Vocabolario di agricoltura. Bologna, 1871. 2 V. Q. 630 1 After ordnolo wanting. — Cliizzolini, G. Sui poderi nel Concorso agra- rio di Reggio d' Emilia, 1876; relazione. Mila- no, 1877. O. 7+89 [+2] p. pi. 630 30 — Crescenzi, P. de'. D'agricoltura. Venetia, 1542. S. 630 10 — Ciiffari, P. Manuale dell' agricolture. Fi- renze, 1870. D. il. pi. 630 11 AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE — Dalgas, C. F. I, Hvilke af de Producter, som vort Land er skikket til, kunne ansees for de fordeelagtigste ? tab, {In Collin, J. For Historie, 1822-5, v. 3.) 948 66 — i — I hvilket Forhold stiger Productet og den rene Indtsegt af en Jordlod efterden paaDyrk- ningen anvendte for0gede Arbeidskraft. Aar- huus, 1837. D. 85 p. tab. 631 3 ^Diiiiioiit, A. Des travaux publics dans leurs rapports avec 1' agriculture. Paris, 1847. O. 630 12 — (xallo, A. Le vinti giornate dell' agricoltura. Venetia, 1596. D. pi. 630 13 — Uerold, Carl's Solui. Die Literatur der letz- ten 10 Jahre [1857-66] aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Land- und Forstwirthschaft, in deutscher, franzosischer und englischer Sprache. Wien [1806]. O. 016 \% hound with, {S\{S 3 — Herrera, tr. A. DES. -DENMARK. Snhni, P. F. Historien af den danske Agerdyrkning og Landvaesen. {In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 9.) 839.88 5 -ENGLAND. Best, H. Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641, being the farming and ac- count books of Best. Durham, 1857. O. pi. {In Surtees soc. 33.) 820 7 — EUROPE. Colman, H. European agricul- ture and rural economy. Boston, 1846ft. 3 v. O. 630 31 -FRANCE. Lavergne, L. 6. L. Gr. de. Econ- omic rurale de la France depuis 1789. 3 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 338 7 See also LAXBES, — HOLLAND.'DelocIie. R. Note sur une ferme dans r ancien lac de Harlem. Paris, 1863, O. 24 p. 630 32 — ITALY. Cantoni, H, I comizi agrari del regno d' Italia; relazione. Torino, 1870. 3 v. O. tab. (In Italy— Min. diagric. Annali.)630 25 Congresso generate degli agricolturi ital- iani. IV congresso, in Ferrara, 1875: Atti ufficiali. Milano, 1877. O. 7nap. 630 29 Italy — (Tiinnta per la incliiesta agraria. Atti. Roma, 1881-3. v. 1, pt. 1-3; v. 2, pt. 1, 3; V. 3, pt. 3; v. 5, pt. 1; v. 6, pt. 3; in 3 v. sqF. 630 28 Ministero di ag'ricoltnra. Annali, v. 1, 1862; V. 2. 1864, fasc. 1-2;— Parte 1, agricoltura: 1870; 1871, 3-4 trimestre; 1873; 1873, 3-4 trime- stre; 1874. Torino, etc., 1863-75. 14 v. O. tab. 630 33 Annuario pel 1863. Torino, 1863. v.l. Q. 630 34 L' Italia agraria e forestale alia es- posizione di Parigi nel 1878. Roma, 1878. Q. pi. 630 27 Relazione intorno alle condizioni deir agricoltura in Italia. Roma, 1876-9. 4 v. O, & Atlas, ob F^. 630 26 Atlas bound with 39» 4 — —Marsh, G. P. Agriculture in Italy. {In Nation, v, 2, 1866, p. 183-4.) In main library. — — Michele, B. I catasti d' Italia e 1' econo- mia agricola in Sicilia. Messina, 1875. O. 336 5 Pareto, R. Sulle bonificazioni, risaie ed irrigazioni d' Italia; relazione. Milano, 1865. sqF. maps. 631 20 Pasqnale, G. A. Dell' agricoltura indu- striale nelle provinci meridionali d' Italia. {In Naples— R. ist. d' incor. Atti. 2 ser. v. 7. 1870.) 551.21 33 — — Passega, C. Delle bonificazioni ferraresi e dei lavori a conservazione della loro agricol- tura. Bologna, 1843. O. 79 p. 630 33 Se^ (dso LO.MKARDT; SICILY; VEXETIA: also under kU- BKLLTURE the headings PISA, SABDIXUN STATES, Slt'ILY, TUSCAN Y. —NORWAY. Schiibeler, F. C. Die altnorwegi- sche Landwirthschaft. {In his Culturpflanzen Norwegens. 1863.) 581 14 See also Aas Ii0ieri! Laiidbrugsi^kole. —PISA. ToscaneUi, G. La economia rurale descritta nella provincia di Pisa, ed illustrata A GRIG UL TUBE— PISA 9 ALAIN con una coUezione di oggetti e modelli alia es- posizione italiana del 1861. Pisa, 1861. O. tah. & Atlas. obO. 630 33 — SARDOIAN STATES. Niel, D. L'agricul- tiire physique, ,economique, technique et in- dustrielle des Etats Sardes. Turin, 1856. D. tah. 630 34 — SICILY. Alfonso Spagiia, F. Sui mali delle coltivazioni siciliane. Palermo, 1872. 42 p. O. 630 32 hound with 631 11 Sartorius von Waltersliausen, W. Ueber den sicilianischen Ackerbau; Vortrag. Got- tingen, 1863. O. 42 p. 630 32 —SWEDEN, lastadius, L. L. Om allmanna uppodlingei* i Lappmarken. Stockholm, 1824. D. [1 +] 143 p. tab. 630 38 —TUSCANY. Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Ta- bleau de 1" agriculture toscane. Geneve, 1801. O. 630 35 See also BIRDS; COTTON: DOMESTK! AMMALS; DRAIX- AGE; FEXS; FIBROUS PLANTS; FLAX: (JARDEMN«; GRASSES; HAIL; HYDRAILK EX(aNEEHI>(;; IRRKiA- TIOX; LAM); MAIZE; ORAXJE; PEASANTRY; PESTS; RICE: SHEEP; SOIL; TEA; THRASHING MACHINES; VINE; WATER: WHEAT. AGRIGENTUM, see GIRGENTI. Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius, of Nettesheim. Three books of occult philosophy; translated out of the Latin, by J. F[reake]. London. 1651. D. por. 033 23 Appended is His fourth booii; translated by Eobert Turner, i edition. 1(505. — The vanity of the arts and sciences. London, 1684. D. po7\ 501 1 — Von den magischen Ceremonien. {In Schei- l)le, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 AtJRO ROMANO, see CAMPAGNA. Agrumi, volksthiimliche Poesien,see Kopisch,A. AGRUMI, see ORANGE. Agiiilo J Fuster, Mariano, editor, see Biblioteca catalana. 1871-88. 869 3-7 Ahasverus, den evige J0de, see Paliidan-Miil- ler, F. Ahasverus, der ewige Jude, see WANDERING} JEW. Ahlstrand, J. A., editor, see [Frederick of Nor- mandy:] Hertig Fredrik. 1853. (in Svenska foriL-siil. Samlingar, v. 3.) 839.7 3 Die Almenprobe, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 3, — Schriften, 22. Ahrenlese, see Zschokke, J. H. I). 'Atas, see Sophocles. AIGUILLON, Marie Madeleine de Vignerot, duehesse de. Flechier, E. Oraison funebre de Mme. de Aiguillon. (In Bossuet, J. B. Orai- sons funebres. 1858.) 845 2 Aiken, Charles Augustiis. The proper names of the Bible. (In Schaff, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Aikin, Jolin F. The history of liberty ; a paper read before the N. Y. historical society, 6 ¥eh. 1866 ; with notes. New York, 1877. O. 324 1 Aiuie, moine du mont Cassin, see Amato. Aime-Martm, Louis, see Martin. Ainsworth, William Francis. Report of a jour- ney from Bagdad to Constantinople via Kurdis- tan, 1837. (In Chesney, F. R. Narrative of the Euphrates expedition. 1868.) 915.6 12 — Travels in the track of the ten thousand Greeks, ... as related by Xenophon. London, 1844. O. map. 888 17 — editor, see All round the world, 1861. 910 55 Aiol, see Ajolfo. AIR. Pettenkofer, M. J. von. Beziehungen der Luft zu Kleidung, Wohnung und Boden. Braunschweig, 1872. O. 613 8.1 — Wernicli, A. Ueber gute und schlechte Luft. Berlin, 1880. O. 35 p. (In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortriige. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Airey, Sir Richard. Opening address of quai-- termaster-general, Chelsea ; with his summing- up address, and a memorandum to the board on supplies of camp equipage. London, 1856. O. maps. 355 6 Airy, Osmund, editor. Letters to the earl of Lauderdale. [London,] 1883. sqO. [l+]2+43p. (In Camden misc. 8 ; in Camden soc. n. s. 31.) 820 4.1 Essex papers. 1890. (In same. 47.) 820 41 The Lauderdale papers. 1884-5. (In same. 34,36,38.) 820 4.1 Aitken, Lauchlan. Malarial fever at Rome. London, 1878, O. 12p. 616 22 — The sanitary state of Rome. [London,] 1873. O. lip. 614 2 AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Aachener Heiligthums- fahrt. Aachen [,186—]. D. 32 p. jjZ. 231 6 hound with 223 4 Ajello, (xiambatista. Vicende scientifiche e letterarie. (In Ouaranta, B., & others. Napoli. 1845.) 914.5 88 Ajolfo del Barbicone, Storia di, see Andrea di Jacopo. L' Ajone,favola burlesca, see Buonarroti, M. A., the younger. Akbar, een oostersche roman, see Brouvv'er, P. A. S. V. L. Aken, Hein van. Die Rose. (In Kausler, E. von. Denkmaler, 1840-66, v. 2.) 839.31 4 — Die rose ; met de f ragmen ten der tweede vertaling ; uitgegeven door Eelco Verwijs. 's Gravenhage, 1868. Q. 839.31 6 Akerly, Samuel. Observations on the language of signs. [New York, 1823.] O. 6 p. 414 1 Akerman, John Yonge, editor, see Great Brit- ain — Crown. Moneys for secret services, 1679-88. (In Camden soc. 52, 1861.) 820 4 AKKA. Rome — Societa geograflca italiana. Gli Akka. Roma, 1874, T. [6] p. 2^or. map. 572 12 ALACOQUE, Marguerite Marie. AsseUne, L. Marie Alacoque et le Sacre-Coeur. Paris, 1873. D. 48 p. 271 17 — Languet de Gergy. J. J. La vita della madre Margherita Maria. Edizione2. Venezia, 1748. O. pi. 922 14.1 Aladdin, dramatiskt Eventyr, see Ohlenschlii- ger, A. (x. Digtervaerker, v. 6. Alain de Lille (Latin Alanus de Instdis). Anti- claudianus. — Liber de planctu naturae. (In Wriglit, T. Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 1872, ALAIN 10 ALBIZZI V, 2; in Ot. Br.— Master of rolls. Chion. and mem. 59.) 942 8 Alamanui, Antonio. Stanza. {In Bernl, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 8o7 3 Alamanni, Luigi. La coltivazione [,e gli Epi- grammi toscani];e Le apide Giovanni Ruce]lai; colle annotazione sopra Le api di Roberto Titi ; in questa edizione La vita dell' Alamanni dal Giammaria Mazzuchelli, e le annotazioni sopra La coltivazioae del Giuseppe Bianchini. Ver- ona, 1745. 851 4 — Orazione delle lodi di Filippo Sassetti. {In Sassetti, F. Lettere. 1844.) 914.4 7 Alainontade, see Zschokke, J. H. D. v. 1. Alan, abbot of Tewksbury. Additamenta [to John of Salisbury's Vita S. Thomse]. 7n Rob- ertson, J. C. Materials for the history of Beck- et, 1875-85, v. 2; in Gt. Br.-Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 Alanus Anglicus, see Alain de Lille. ALAND, see OLAXD. Alard, Lambert. Nordalbingia; sive Historia a temporibus Caroli Magni ad 1653. {In West- phalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45. v. 1.) 943 21 Alart, A. Cliarte albigeoise. {In Renie des langues romanes, v. 3, 1872.)— Un fragment de poesie proven9ale du 13e siecle.— Annonces et avis de la foire de Montagnac— Documents sur la langue catalane de Roussilon et de Cei'dagne. {In same. v. 4-5, 1873-4.) Un certificat par les jurats de Pau, 1411. {In same. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 ALASKA. Denis, J. F. Amerique russe. 1849. (/w L'univers. 8.) 910 t8 ALATRI. Ceci. L. Vocalismo del dialetto d Alatri. (In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 10, 1886- 8-) ^ 450 11 ALBANIA. Der Anfstand der Griechen im Epirus; ihr Land, ihre Sitten und Gebniuche, ihre Lage unter der turkischen Regierung. Pest, 1854. O. [1 -^] 80 p. map. 949 70 — Fallinerayer, J. P. Das albanesische Ele- ment m Griechenland. Miinchen, 1857-60. 3 v. m 1. sqQ. 939 5 — Strang-ford, E. A. B. S., viscountess. {In her Eastern shores of the Adriatic. 1864.) 914.9 31 See also SCAXDERBEG. ALBANIAN LITERATURE. Hahn, J. G. yon. Griechische und albanesische Marchen. Leip- zig, 1864. 2 V. in 1. D. pi. 398 27 See also Die Aiifiiiauerung Scutaris. Albano, pseudonym of Adlersparre, K. A. Albano, La leggenda di sant'. {In Scelta di curiosita. 57.) 850 10 ALBANUS, St. Petersen, H. St. Albans Relik- \^V9¥^^^- *^- (^'^ Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 21, 1886.) 948 5 ALBANUS, Ferdinandus, see ALVA, F. A. de T. de. Albanzani, Donato degli, of Pratovecchio, Ca- sentmo, translator, see Petrarca, F. Le vite degli uomini illustri. 1874-9. {Bi Emilia. Col- lezione. 34-6.) 850 6 Life of Donato in v. 2. Boccaccio, G. Delle donne famose. 1881, {In same. 55.) 850 q Alberdingk Thijm, Petrns Panlns Maria. Ka- rel de Groote en zijne eeuw, 741-814, voorge- steld in zonderheid med betrekking tot Neder- land. 's Gravenhage, 1867. O. map. 274 8 ALBERT I., duke of Prussia. 1490-1568. Yoigt, J. Herzog Albrecht und das gelehrte Wesen seiner Zeit. (In Raiiiner, F. L. 0. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1831.) 905 1 Albert of Aix. Historia Hierosolimitanae expe- ditionis. (J?i Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Fran- cos, 1611, V. 1.) 940 10 Albert of Metz. Libellus de diversitate tempo- rum. {In Eckhard, J. (x. von. Corpus hist., 1723, V. 1.) 943 13 Albert och Julia, seen ur andeverlden, see Stagnelins, E. J. Albertano of Brescia. Albertani Brixiensis liber consolationis et consilii, ex quo hausta est Thetaleof Melibe; edidit Thor Sundby. Lon- dini, 1873. O. {In Chancer soc. Pub. 2 ser. 8.) 821 46 — Albertani Brixiensis tractatus de arte lo- quendi et tacendi, 1245. {In Sundby, T. Bru- nette Latinos Levnet. 1869.) 848 10.1 — Dei trattati morali, volgarizzamento fatto nel 1268 de Andrea da Grosseto; a^ura di Fran- cesco Selmi. Bologna, 1873. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 33.) 850 6 Alberti, Antonio degli, Canzoni inedite, del secolo 14; pubblicate per cura di Silvio Andreis. Rovereto, 1865. O. 36 p. 851 5 — Sonetti et canzone. Firenze, 1863. D. 76 [+ 2] p. {In Bonncci, A. Delizie. 2.) 850 4 Alberti, Carl Edmund Robert. Heinrich Pes- talozzi, ein Lebensbild. Berlin, 1860. O. 38 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 4 Se- rie.) 043 1 Alberti, Leandro. De claris viris reipublica? Venetaj; — De incrementis dominii Veneti dia- tribe. {In Contarini, (x. De republica Veneto- rum. 1628.) 094 39 Alberti, Leon Battista. Ecatomfila. — Deifira. por. {in T«oli, C. Mescolanze d'amore. 1863: in Bibl. rara. 6.) 850 3 Alberti, Tommaso. Viaggio a Costantinopoli, 1609-21; pubblicato da Alberto Bacchi della Lega. Bologna, 1889. D. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 231.) 850 10 Alberti, II paradiso degli, see Giovanni ofPrato. Alberti di Villanuova, Francesco d'. Nouveau dictionnaire fran9ais-italien. Nouvelle edi- tion, augmentee. Milan, 1834-5. 2 v. F. 453 24 Vol. 1, Fran9ais-italien, v. 2, Italiano-francese. Albertus magnus { German Albert, Oraf von Bollstiidt) bishop of Ratisbon. [Summae phil- osophise naturalis tractatus 1-5.] T. 502 1 Title-page wanting. ALBIGENSES, see WALDENSES. Albini. Ct. Guida del navigante nel littoral e della Liguria...Genova, 1855. O. 94[+l]p. 527 3 ALBINIA. Briosi, G. II marciume ed il bru- co dell uva, Albinia Wockiana Briosi. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. -^.^ 065 4 Albizzi, Alberto degli. Epistola a Martino V. , volgarizzata da Giovanni Dasamminiato. Bo- ALBIZZI 11 ALETIFILO logna, 1863. D. 46 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 53 ) 850 ]0 Pages 27-46 are Alcune leggende anonlme. ALBIZZI, Antonio (legli. Orlandini,— . A. degli Albizzi. {In Jalirbuch roni. u. eng. Lit. V. 4, 1862.) 805 1 Albon or Alban, William. Registrum de factis et actis tempore suo. (^In St. Albans abbey. Chronica, pt. 6, v. 2, 1873; in Ot. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 28.) 942 8 Albonis D'Azincourt, Joseph Jean Baptiste. Memoires. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 6.) 944 10 ALBRECHT, duke of Prussia, see ALBERT. ALBRECHT von Halberstadt. Grinun, J. L. K. <7/i his Kleinere Schriften,* 1864-90, v. 7.)408 2 Albrechtsberger, Joliann Georg. Methodes d' harmonic et de composition. Nouvelle edi- tion, traduitedel' allemand, avecdes notes, par Choron. Paris, 1830. 2 v. O. 780 1 Vol. 3, music. Albnm von Ulm. Ulm[, 184-]. O. [22]p.pZ. 914.3 10 ALBUMEN. Selnii, F. Alcaloidi venefici e sostanza amiloide dall' albumina in putrefa- zione. il. {In Rome — R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 0G5 4 Albuquerque, Alfonso de. Commentaries do grande Afonso Daiboqiiei-que. Lisboa, 1774. 4 V. D. 2^or. map. 954 1 ALBUiJUERC^UE, Francisco Fernandez de la Cueva, duque de. Espeio poetico en que se miran las heroycas hazaiias executadas por Albuquerque; celebradas por los ingenios Gra- nadinos in su academia. Granada,1662.0. 8(>1 7 Alcaeus. (In Boissonade, J. F. Lyrici Gra?ci. 1825.) 884 1 —{In Anacreon. Carmina. 1757.) 884 2 El alcalde de si mismo, see Calderon. v. 4. El alcalde de Zalamea, see Calderon. v. 4. El alcalde Ronquillo ; 6, El diabolo en Vallado- lid, drama, see Zorilla. v. 2. Alcamo, CiuUo d', see CiuUo. The alchemist, a comedy, see Jonson, B. ALCHEMY. Combachius^ L. Sal, lumen & spiritus niundi philosophic! ; or, The dawning of the day, sliewing the true salt and secret of the philosophers ; transplanted into Albyons garden by R. T[urner]- [London,] 1657. 540 1.2 — Eyssenhardt, F. R. Arzneikunst und Al- chemic im 17 Jahrhundert. Hamburg, 1890. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — Lewinstein, G. Die Alchemic und die Al- chemisten. Berlin, 1870. O. 36 p. (In same. 5 serie.) 043 1 — Lnlio, R. Codicillus ; seu, Vade mecum in quo fontes alchimicse artis uberx-ime trahuntur. Postrema editio. Rothomagi, 1651. S. 540 1 — Paracelsus. Aurora thesaurusque philoso- phorum. Basileae, 1577. S. il. 540 1.1 — — Of the secrets of alchymy discovered in the nature of the planets. (In his Of the su- preme mysteries. 1656.) 133 26 «— Trees wyk, G. van. De goude leeuw ; of, Den asijn der wyzen. Amsterdam, 1671. S. iltp. il. 540 2 — Weidenfeld, J. S. Four books concerning the secrets of the adepts, or of the use of LuUy's spirit of wine ; a practical work. London. 1685. sqO. 540 3 See also PHILOSOPHEB'S STOXE; SPIRITS OF WI>E. The alchemy of happiness, see Muhammad ibn Muhamnmd. AlciJito, Andrea, commentator, see Bertoli, P. F. Rime. 1888. {In Scelta di curiosita. 227.) 850 10 Alcida y Silvano, see Monte-mor, J. de. Alcidamas. Ulysses [ Greek and Latin]. (In Oratores Attici, 1828, v. 4, 14.) 885 1 Alcip en Amarillis, see Krul, J. H. Alcoforada, Marianne. Lettres portugaises. [Anon.] Nouvelle edition conforme a la le, 1669, avec une notice bibliographiqvie [and a Portuguese translation on opposite pages ; by D. J. M. Souza]. Paris, 1824. 846 5 ALCOHOL. MoUer, J. Ueber den Alkohol. Berlin, 1867. O. 35 p. (In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrilge. 2 Serie.) 043 1 Aldea na corte, see Antonio, B. Aldhebn, St., bishop of Sherborne, ^nigmata. (In Wright, T. Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 1872, V. 2 ; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 59.) 942 8 Sir Aldingar. (/n Percy, T. Folio ms., 1867-8, V. 1.) 821 6 Aleardi, Aleardo. Poesie. Napoli, 1860. S. 851 6 — Canto politico in morte della contessa Mari- annaGiusti. Firenze, 1862. O. 50 p. 8517 — Isettcsoldati, canto. Firenze, 1861. D. 59 p. 851 7 Alemaiu Mateo. Primera parte dela vida del picaro Guzman de Alfarache. Brucellas. 1604. S. ' 863 1 ALEMANNIC DIALECT. Rebel, J. P. Alle- manische Gedichte. Vollstiindige Ausgabe, mit Einleitung, Lesarten, Worterbuch und Be- merkungen zur Mundart. Leipzig, n. d. sqS. 839.1 4 Same. 6 Ausgabe. Aarau, 1841. S. pi. 839.1 3 ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond d'. Rosenstein, N. von. Lef vernes-beskrifning ofver d' Alembert,24 Juli 1787. (In his Skrifter, 1838, v. l.)839.78 1 ALEPPO. RusseU, A. The natural history of Alep])o, containing a description of the city and its neighborhood. 2 edition, London. 1794. 2 V. sqQ. pi. maps. 915.6 22 Alesandresu, Grigorie. Suvenire chi imprcsii, epistolc chi fabule. Bucuresci, 1847. O. 859 55 Alessandri, P. E. Nuovi processi d' imbianca- mento delle fibre tessili vegetali e animali e in specialmodo delle lanemec'aniche. {In Rome — R. accad. del lincei. A^ti- ^ ser. sci. fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) ^ 065 4 L' Alessandro, commedia, see Piccolomini, A. Alessandro e Timoteo, dramma, see Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. v. 3. Aletifllo, Lelio, translator, see Flores, J. de, Istoria di Aurelio e Isabella. 1864. 850 4 ALEXANDER 12 ALFIERI ALEXANDER, St., of Rome. Meginliard. His- toria de translatione S. Alexandri Wildeshu- sam, (i?i Laugebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 2.) " 948 76 ALEXANDER Yll., pope (Fabio Cliigi). Bar- grave, J. Pope Alexander VII. and the college of cardinals ; edited by J. C. Robertson. [Lon- don,] 1867. sqO. facsivi. {In Camden soc. 92.) ^ 820 4 ALEXANDER the Great. Arrianus. De expe- ditione Alexandri ; recognovit R. Geier. Lip- siae, 1856. D. 888- 37 For other editions see Arrianus. — Curtins Riifns, Q. De rebus gestis Alexan- dri. Bruxellis, 1778. D. 878 26 — AVilliaius, J. The life and actions of Alex- ander the Great. New-York, 1830. S. 023 7 — ROMANCE. Alexander and Dindimus ; or, [Their] letters ; being a second fragment of the alliterative romance of Alisaunder ; translated from the Latin about 1340-50 ; re-edited by W. W. Skeat. London, 1878. O. (InE. E. text soc. Extra ser. 31.) 820 5.1 Alexanders Saga, norsk Bearbeidelse fra 13de Aarhundrede af Philip Gautiers latinske Digt Alexandreis ; med en Ordsamling udgiven af C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1848. D. 830.63 20.1 Dionysius I., patriarch. Berilttelse om Alexander den Store ; ofversattning frsin syri- skan med anmilrkningar; ett bidrag tillAlexan- dersagn och dess historia ; of C. A.Hedenskog. Lund, 1868. O. [3 +] 72 p. 202 4 Fabelliafte Geschichte Alexanders des Gi-ossen. {In Briins, P. J. Romant. Gedichte. 1798.) 839.4 2 — — The gestes of the worthie king and em- perour, Alisaunder of Macedoine ; translated from the Latin about 1340. (in William of Pa- lerne, 1867 ; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 1.) 820 5.1 — — Kyng Alisaunder. {In Weber, H. W. Metrical romances, 1810, v. 1.) 821 10 Same. (In Miitzner, E. A. F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, pt. 1. 1867.) 820 8 Lambert U Tors & Alexandre of Bernay. Li romans d' Alixandre ; von H. Michelant. Stuttgart, 1846. O. 841 22 Lambreclit. Alexander. {In Massmann, H. F. Denkmajler. 1828.) 831 11 — — I nobili fatti di Alessandro magno, ro- manzo storico, tradotto dal francese nel buon secolo ; per cura di Giusto Grion. Bologna, 1872. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 32.) 850 6 Segnra de Astorga, J. L. Poema de Ale- xandro magno. {In Sanchez, T. A. Col. de poesias, 1779-90, v. 3.) 861 4 — — The wars of Alexander ; an alliterative romance, translated chiefly from the Historia Alexandri magni de preliis ; re-edited by Walter VV. Skeat. London, 1886. O. {In E. E. text soc Extra ser. 47.) 820 5.1 — — Zaclier, J.PseudScallisthenes ; Forschung- en ziir Kritik und Geschichte der illtesten Aufzeichnung der Alexandersage. Halle, 1867. O. 888 42 ALEXANDER 111., king of Scotland. Tytler, P. F. pi. {In his Lives of Scottish worthies, 1831-3, V. 1.) 020 17 Alexander, John Henry. Universal dictionary of weights and measures, ancient and modern. New York, 1867. O. 380 3 Alexander, Patrick Proctor. Carlyle rediv- ivus, being an occasional discourse on Sauer- teig. Glasgow, 1881. D. 51 p. 827 1 ALEXANDRA, ship. England— Court of ex- chequer. Trinity term, 26th Victoria; the at- torney general v. Sillem and others, claiming the vessel Alexandra, seized under the foreign enlistment act; report of the trial; with ap- pendix. London, 1863. Q. 341 7 Alexandre of Bernay & Lambert li Tors. Li romans d' Alixandre; herausgegeben von Hein- rich Michelant. Stuttgart, 1846. O. {In Stutt- gart-Lit. Verein. Bibl. 13.) 841 22 Alexandre of Villedieu. Carmen de algorismo. {In HaUiwell-Phillipps, J. 0. Rara mathe- matica. 1839.) 610 3 ALEXANDRIA. Lumbroso, (J. Ricerche ales- sandrine. — Descrittori italiani dell' Egitto e di Alessandria. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 3. 1878-9,) 065 5 — W^eniger, L. Das alexandrinische Museum; eine Skizze ans dem gelehrten Leben des Alter- thums. Berlin, 1875. O. 32 p. (/?i Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Alexi, Theochar. Dictionaru portativii germa- no-i'omanti. Bucuresci, 1866. sqS. 450 3 Alexis, St. Boncheriej A. La vie de saint Alexis, poeme du lie siecle; edition de Gaston Paris. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 5, 1874.) 470 .') — Englische Alexiuslegenden aus dem 14 und 15 Jahrhundert; herausgegeben von J. Schip- per. Strassburg, 1877. pt. 1. O. 821 13.1 — The legend or life of St. Alexius, in four ver- sions. ( In Furnivall, F. J. Adam Davy's 5 dreams. 1878; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 69.) 820 5 Alexis, Willibald, pseud, of Haring, (t. W. H. Alexis Michaelowitsch och Natalia Narischkin, drame, see Gustavus III. Alf og Rose, Skuespil, see Paludan-Miiller, F. Alfani, Augusto. Scene e ritratti; dialoghi edu- cativi in lingua e modi proverbiali parlati. Firenze, 1870. O. 852 2 Alferghani. Excerpta de annis Arabum. . {In Arabia. 1633.) 004 59 Alferne, Eventyr-Comedie, see Heiberg, J. L. Skuespil, V. 6. Alfleri, Vittorio conte. Una lettera. facsim. {In Curiositk di storia subalpina. v. 2, 1876.) 945 43 — Lettere inedite alia madre, a Mario Bianchi e a Teresa Mocenni, con appendice; per cura di J. Bernardi e C. Milanesi. Firenze, 1864. D. 856 1 — II Misogallo; prose e rime. Londra [,pref. 1799]. T. 000 32 The rare original edition; not included in that of Flor- ence, 1804. — Teatro comico originale. Piacenza, 1810. 2 V. Tt. 852 3 Contents : \. L' uno — I pochi.— I troppi. 2. L' anti- doto.— La flnestrina.— II divorzio. — La virtu sconosciuta, dialogo. Kehl, 1786. O. 59 p. 854 1 ALFIERI 13 ALGERIA — Vita, scritta da esso; col Panegirico di Plinio a Traiano. Milano, 1818. O. pi. (Opere scelte, V. 1.) 028 5 —French : Memoires, traduits de 1' italien. — Virginie, tragedie; traduite par Pelitot. {In Barriere & Lescure. Memories, 1857-81, v. 26.) 044 10 Alfleri di Sostegno, Carlo, marchese di, & Lu- cliini, 0. Discorsi inafigurali della Scuola di scienze sociali, 21 nov. 1875. Firenze, 1875. D. 36 p. 307 1 — editor, see Societa italiana di educazione li- berale. Esposizione. 1875. 370 9 Alflo Balzani;or, Extracts from the diary of a proscribed Sicilian, see Minnelli, 1). ALFONSO VII. of Leon & II. of Castile. Sando- val, P. de. Chronica del inclito emperador, Alonso VII. Madrid, 1600. F. 946 17 ALFOXZO VIII. of Leon &lll.of Castile. Mon- dejar, (t. de. Memorias historicas del rey Al- onso el nobile. por. (In Cronicas espanolas. V. 4, 1783.) 946 34 Alfonso X. of Leon & IV. of Castile. Las qua- tro partes enteras de la coronica de Espaiia, see Ocanipo, F. de. ALFONSO XI. of Leon & V. of Castile. Nniiez de Villaysan, J. Cronica del rey don Alonso el onzeno. Toledo, 1595. O. 946 25 Same. 2 edicion. {In Cronicas espanolas. V. 7, 1787.) 946 34 ALFONSO, Pedro. Douce, F. Analysis of Al- fonsus de clerical! disciplina. (In Ellis, (x. Specimens of romances, 1805, v. 1.) 821 4 — Wallenfels, A. Uber eine neuentdeckte alt- f ranzosische Bearbeitung des Petrus Alfonsus. (/w Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 Alfonso-Spagna, Ferdinaudo. Monografia sui prati artiticiali. Palermo, 1870. O. 633 1 bound ivith 631 11 — Precetti sulia coltivazione degli agrumi. Pa- lermo, 1869. O. il. 634 1 — Studii suUa economia dalle acque. Palermo, 1864. O. 631 11 — Sui gelsi e 1' industria serica in Sicilia. Pa- lermo, 1867. O. 638 1 bound with 634 1 — Sui mali delle coltivazioni siciliane. Paler- mo, 1872. 42 p. O. 630 32 bound ivith 631 11 Alford, Henry, dean of Canterbury. The queen's English; stray notes on speaking and spelling. London, 1864. 428 1 Alfred the Oreat, king of England. Blooms [Anglo-Saxon]; from Flores soliloquiorum of S. Augustinus. {In Cockayne, J. 0. Shrine. 1864-70.) 829 2 —Proverbs. {In Morris, R. Old English mis- cellany. 1872; in E. E. text soe. (Orig. ser. 49.) 820 5 — Proverbs [Anglo-Saxon and English]. (In Dialogue of Solomon and Saturnus. 1848.) 829 5 — Will [ Anglo-Saxon and English] ; reprinted from the Oxford edition of 1788, with a pre- face and additional notes. London, 1828. O. 12+32 p. 829 7 — Yule week [, continued as] King Alfreds book of martyrs. (In Cockayne, J. 0. Shrine, 1864-70.) 829 2 — translator. Anglo-Saxon version of Boeth- ius de consolatione philosophise; with an Eng- lish translation and notes by J. S. Cardale. London, 1829. O. 829 6 Baedse historia ecclesiastica Saxonice red- dita. (/n Bede. Historiaj. 1722.) 274 1 King Alfred's Orosius; edited by Henry Sweet. London, 1883. pt. 1. O. (/?i E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 79.) 820 5 Pt. 1, Old-English text and Latin original. King Alfred's West-Saxon version of Gregory's Pastoral care; with an English trans- lation, notes and an introduction, edited by H. Sweet. London, 1871. O. {In same. 45,50.) 820 5 The Old English version of Bede's Eccles- iastical history of the English people; edited with translation and introduction, by T. Mil- ler. London, 1890. pt. 1, sect. 1. O. facsiin. {In same. 95.) 820 5 [Selections from Alfred's translations] of Orosius, Boethius, Beda. {In Thorpe, B. An- alecta Anglo-Saxonica. 1846.) 829 16 — Pauli, 0. R. The life of Alfred the Great; from the German; appended, Alfred's Anglo- Saxon version of Orosius, with a literal Eng- lish translation, and an Anglo-Saxon alphabet and glossary, bv B. Thorpe. London, 1857. D, (Bohn's antiq. lib.) 923 8 See aho Olithere. ALCt^E. Piccone, A. Catalogo delle alghe raccolte durante le crociere del cutter Violante ...mediterranee. {In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 ALGEBRA. Battaglini, G. Nota sulla quin- tica binaria. {In same. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 — — SuUe forme ternarie bilineari. {In same. 3 ser. set. fis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Brioschi, F. Sulle condizioni per la decom- posizione di una cubica in una conica ed in una retta. — Sulle condizioni che devono essere veri- ficate dai parametri di unai curva del quarto ordine perche la medesima sia una conica ripe- tuta. — Sopra un proprieta dei piani tritangeuti aduna superficie cubica. {In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Brockliaus, H. Uber die Algebra des Bhtis- cara. {In Leipsic— K, siichs. Gesell. Berichte. 1852.) 063 3 — Favero, Cr. B. De aequationum differentiali- um partialium natura disquisitiones quaedam analyticae. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 8, 1879-80. ; 065 4 — Minicli, S. Sull' uso analitico delle differ- enze tra le radici nella teorica delle equazioni algebriche. {In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6. pt. 2.) 065 3 ALGERIA. Barbier, J. Itineraire historique et descriptif de 1' Algerie; avec un vocabulaire fran9ais-arabe, et un Resume historique des guerres d' Af rique. Paris, 1855. D. map. 916.5 1 — Daumas, M. J. E. Moeurs et coutumes de 1' Algerie: Tell, Kabylie, Sahara. Paris, 1853. D. 390 21 — Feullide, J. G. C. de. L' Algerie fran9ai8e. Paris, 1856. O. 916.5 2 ALGERIA 14 ALLITERA TIOK — firautier, T. Algerie. — Aissaouas. {In his L'orient, 1877, v. 2.) 910 29 —Napoleon III en Algerie. 2 edition. Florence [1865]. O. [3 +] 27 p. 965 1 Pitts, J. A faithful account of the religion and manners of the Mahometans. 4 edition. London, 1738. S. pi. 916.5 3 — Raasl0f, W. R. Riickblick auf die militai- rischen und politischen Verhaltnisse der Alge- rie, 1840-1. Altona, 1845. O. pi. 916.5 4 Revue de l'orient et de 1' Algerie. Paris, 1843- 58. V. 1-25, O. pi. facsim. 950 2 —Revue orientale et algerienne. Paris, 1852. V. 1-3. O. pi. map. 950 3 — Reybaud, M. R. L. Des colonies agricoles de I'Algerie. {In his Marines. 1854.) 910 66 — Rozet, €. A. ifc Carette, A. E. H. Algerie, 1850. jjZ. map. (In L'nnivers. 7.) 910 18 Shaw, T. Travels... to Barbary and the Lev- ant. Oxford, 1788. F.^ pi. maps. 916.1 3 — Watteiiwyl de Watteville, E. M. von. Zwei Jahre in Algerien. Bern, 1877. sqS. 916.5 6 See also ALGIERS; XUMIDIA. Alglie della laguna, rime, see Ong'aro, F. dall'. ALGrHERO, Sardinia. Guarnerio, P. E. II dialetto catalano d' Alghero. (In Arcliivio glot. ital. V. 9, 1886.) 450 11 ALGIERS, city. Seguin, L. 0. Walks in Al- giers and its surroilndings. London, 1878. D. il. pi. maps. 916,5 6 — Wattenbach, W. Algier. Berlin, 1867. O. 44 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendoiif. Vortrilge. 2 Serie.) 043 1 — Wilde, W. R. Algiers. (In his Narrative of a voyage. 1844.) 910 37 ALGORISM. Alexandre of Villedieu. Carmen de algorismo. — A treatise on the numeration of algorism. (In HalliweU-PIiillips, J. 0. Rara mathematica. 1839.) 510 3 Algorismus; eller, Anviisning til at kjende og anvende de saakaldte arabiske Tal; after Hauk Erlendssons Codex, med Overssettelse of P. A. Munch, (/n Copenhagen- K, nord Old.-Sels- kab. Annaler, v. 8, 1848.) 948 2 ALHAMBRA. Irving W. The Alhambra. (In his Works, 1840, v. 2.) 817 5 Ali Bey el Abbassi, pseudonym of Badia y Leb- lich, I). Aligliieri, Dante, see Dante Aligliieri. Alin, Oskar. Sveriges nydaningstid, 1521- 1611. Stockholm, 1878. O, il, (In Sveriges historia, v. 3.) 948 51 Alione, Giovan Giorgio. Commedia e farse carnovalesche nei diaietti astigiano, milanese e francese, misti con latino barbaro; composte sul fine del secolo 15. Milano, 1865. S. (In Bibl. rara. 60.) 850 3 — Maccheronea. (In Maccheronee.1864; in same. 34.) 850 3 — Poesie francesi composte 1494-1520; la Mac- cheronea. Milano, 1864. S. il. (In same. 61.) 850 3 Kyng .Uisauuder, see ALEXANDER. AUseans, chanson de geste; publiee par F. Guessard et A. de Montaiglon. Paris, 1870. S. (In Guessard, F. Les anciens poetes de la France. 10.) 841 3 Alizeri, Federigo. Di suor TommasinaFieschi, pittrice e ricamatrice, lettera. (In Societa li» gure. Atti. v. 8, 1868.) 945 48 —editor, see Genoa — Chiesa di san Sebastiano. Necrologia. (In same. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Alkeniade, Kornelis van, cfe Schelling, P. van der. Nederlands disple^tigheden. Rotterdam, 1732-5. 3 V. D. 2)1. 394 1 'A\Kr]a-TLs, see Euripides. Alkuna, see Legis-Gliickselig, G. T. All round the world; an illustrated record of voyages, travels and adventures; edited by W. F. Ainsvvorth. [W^eekly.] 1860-1. London [1861J. V. 1-2 in 1 v. sqQ. il. pi. 910 55 Allacci (Latin Allatins), Leone. Excerptum ex...diatribadeTheodoris. (/ji Synesius. Opera. 1859.) 208 12 Alla-Moddin, ein Schauspiel, see Tieek, J. L. Schriften, v. 11. AUard, Ernest. L'etat et 1' eglise, leur passee, leur existence et leur avenir en Belgique. Brux- elles, 1872. Q. 322 1 ALLEGIANCE. James I., of England. An apologie for the oath of allegiance. (In his Workes. 1616.) 320 8 ALLEGRE. Grellet, — . Esquisse geognostique du canton d' Allegre.( In Puy de Dome— Soci- ete. Annales. 1839.) 944 6i ALLELEIN-HORN . Stephen,L.TheAllelein-horn. (In Gallon, F. Vacation tourists, 1860. 910 28 AUemannische Gedichte, see Hebel, J. P. Allen, Carl Ferdinand. Haandbog i Fc-edre- landets Historic. 3 Udgave. Kjobevhavn, 1845. D. 948 59 ALLEN, Ethan. Sparks, J. Life of Allen. facsim. (In his American biography, 1835-9, V. 1.) 920 15 Allen, William. The Dead Sea, a new route to India, with other gleanings in the east. Lon- don, 1P55. 2 V. D, il. pi. facim. maps. 915.6 25 Allen, William I'rancis, & others, editors. Slave songs of the United States. New York, 1867. O. music. 398 31 Allen, Zachariah. Solar light and heat: the source and the supply; gravitation; with ex- planations of planetary and molecular forces. New York, 1879. 530 1 Aller Praktik Grossmutter, see Fischart, J. Allibone, Samuel Austin. A critical dictionary of English literature, and British and Ameri- can authors, from the earliest accounts to the middle of the 19th century. Philadelphia, 1858-71. 3v. Q. 015 1 — General index. — Index of texts. (In Schaff, P. Anglo-American Bible revision, 1879. )220 5 ALLIGHFERl FAMILY, see SERATICO. ALLITERATION. Lindner, F. The allitera- tion in Chaucer's Canterbury tales. (In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 3, 1876; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 16.) 821 46 —Marsh, G. P. Alliteration, line-rhyme and assonance, (/w /its Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 — -Skeat, W. W. An essay on alliterative poet- ry. (In Percy, T. Folio ms., 1868-9, v. 3.)821 6 ALLITERATION 15 ALPS — Wolzogen, H. P von. Poetische Lautsym- bolik; psychische Wirkungen der Sprachlaute im Stabreime, aus R. Wagner's "RmgdesNibe- lungen" versvichsweise bestimmt. 2 Abdruck. Leipzig, 1876. D. 4B6 1 See also POETRY; PROSODY; RHYME. Allori, Angiolo, called il Bronzino. Capitoli.— Stanze. {In Berni, F. Opera burlesche, 1760, V. 2-3.) »»7 6 The Stanze are by "Cristfano Bronzino." —I salterelli del Bronzino pittore. Bologna, 1863. D. 56 p. (/jiSceltadicuriosita. 34.) 850 10 All's well that ends well, see Shakespeare, W. Allston, Washington. Lectures on art and poems: edited by Richard Henry Dana, jr. New York, 1850. O. 811 2 —Outlines and sketches. Boston, 1850. obF.^ [3] p. pi. 7*® 1 —Dana, R. H. AUston's Sylphs of the seasons. {In his Poems and prose. 1850. v. 2.) 811 5 L' allnccate, see Cuorvo, N. ilni, Richard von der. Die Urtheile heidni- scher und jlidischer Schrif tsteller der vier ersten Jahrhunderte liber Jesus und die ersten Chris- ten. Leipzig, 1864. O. 232 6 Almack, Richard, editor. Papers relating to proceedings in the county of Kent, 1642-6. 1854 {In Camden misc. 3; in Camden soc. 61.) 820 4 Almanach de Gotha; annuaire geneologique, dinlomatique et statistique. 1850, 1853, 1857- 71 1873-82. Gotha [,1849-81]. v. 87, 90, 94-108, 110-119. Tt & T. por. 350 3 Almanach de i'empire ottoman pour I'annee 1850. Constantinople, 1850. T. 314 26 ALMANACS. Boucherie, A. Un almanach au lOe siecle. {In Revue des langues romanes. v. 3, 1872.) 479 5 — Magnusen, F. Almanak fyrir as 1837; utreik- nad f yri Reikiavik af C. F. R. Olufsen. Kaup- mannahofn [, 1836]. sqT. 839.68 21 The preface to a calendar or almanac for 1430. — Notes on early almanacs. {In Halliwell- Philiips, J. 0. Rara mathematica. 1839.) 510 3 See also YEAR-BOOKS. Almansur, ein Idyll, see Tieck, J. L. Schrif ten, V. b. Almeida-Garrett, Joao Baptista da Silva Leitao, viseonde de. Fra Luigi da Sousa, dramma; tradotto dal portoghese da Giovenale Vegezzi- Ruscalla. Torino, 1852. D. 84 p. 869 3.1 ^Umkvist, H. N., & others. Engelsk-svensk ordbok. Stockholm, 1875. O. 439.73 31 Aloe, Stanislao. Naples, ses monumens et ses curiosites. 2 edition, augmentee. Naples, 1853. S. maps. 914.5 89 — Vincendeecclesiastiche ed artistiche. — Chiese e monasteri.— Catacombe.— Edifize de' privati e loromusei e biblioteche. (In Qnaranta, B., & others. Napoli, 1845.) 914.5 98 Alonso, mozo de muchos amos, see Yanez y Rivera, G. de A. Alpenfreund; Monatshefte fiir Alpenkunde. Gera, 1870. O. por. pi. 551.43 G Alpertus, see Albert. ALPHABET. Barb, H. A. Die Transcrip- tion des arabischen Alphabetes. Wien, 1860. O. 89 p. 192.7 1 — Bombelli, R. Studj filologico-critici sulla genesi, forma e valore delle lettere dell' alfa- beto italiano. Roma, 1866. D. 451 1 — Bottcher, J. F. Un seres Alphabetes Ur- sprimge. Dresden [,1860]. O. 85 p. 411 3 ^Briigsch, H. C.'Ueber Bildungund Entwick- lung der Schrif t. Berlin, 1860. O. 31 p. p/. {In Yirchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 2 Ser.) 043 1, 411 2 — Helms, J. En Ligstensindskrif t fra det 14de Aarhuudrede, med rig Af vexling af Bogstav- former. il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 —Key, T. H. The alphabet, &c. London, 1849. D. 410 4 — Lepsius, K. R. Standard alphabet for un- written languages and foreign graphic systems. London, 1855. O. 94-73 p. 411 2 — Lundell, J. A. Det svenska landsmalsalfa- betet. 147 p. (/n Xyare bidrag. v. 1, 1878.) 439.77 3 — Miniscalchi-Erizzo, F. Sistema generale di trascrizione. Venezia, 1858. F. [1-I-] 31 p. pi. 411 1 — Tafel, J. F. L. & R. L. Latin pronuncia- tion and the Latin alphabet. Philadelphia, 1860. O. 471 4 See also CIPHF.R; DEAF AND DUMB; HlEROfcJLYPHUS; PALi:OGRAPHY; PHONOLOGY; Rl>ES. Alpharts Tod; herausgegeben von Ernst Martin. {In Ueutsches Heldenbuch, 1866-73, v. 2.)831 14 ALPHEGE, St., see iELFHEAH. Alphonsus, see Alfonso. Alpine club. Peaks, passes and glaciers; a series of excursions by members of the Alpine club; edited by John Ball. 5 edition. London, 1860. D. il. maps. 551.43 12 — Same. 2 series; edited by Edward Shirley Kennedy. London, 1862. 551.43 13^ Alpine journal; a record of mountain advent- ure and scientific observation by members of the Alpine club. 1863-71. London, 1864-71. V. 1-5. O. pi. maps. 551.43 5 No. 27, 30, 34 and after wanting. See Appendix. ALPS. Alpenfreund; Monatshefte flir Alpen- kunde. Gera, 1870. O. por. pi. 551.43 6 — Baretti, M. Studi geologic! sul gruppo del Gran Paradiso xA. maps. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser .sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— Studi geologici sulle Alpi Graje setten- trionali. pZ. maps. {Insame. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 — — Sui rilevamenti geologici ingrande scalal fatti nelle Alpi piemontesi nel 1875. .pi {In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 —Barrow, J. Expeditions on the glaciers, in- cluding an ascent of l^ont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Col du Geant, and Mont Buet. London, 1864. D. por. 551.43 14 — Baumgartner, J. Die neuesten und vorziig- lichsteu Kuust-Strassen iiber die Alpen. Wien, 1834. O. pZ. 625 2 — Berlepsch, H. A. Die Alpen in Natur und Lebensbildern. Leipzig, 1862. O. pi. 551.43 15 ALPS 16 ALPS ^Berndt, (x. Das Val d' Annivers und das Bassin de Sierre. Gotha, 1882. sqQ. [3+] 55 p. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilimgen: Ergiin- zungsband 15.) {)10 44 — Bonney, T, Gr. The Alpine regions of Switz- erland and the neighbouring countries. Cam- bridge, 1868. O. il. pi. 551.43 16 — Buchlieister, J. Eine wissenschaftliche Al- penreise im Winter 1832. Berlin, 1886. O. 32 p. (In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 — Ceresa, 0. F. 600 kilometri alle Alpi; escur- sioni alpine. Torino, 1869. D. 551.43 17 i— Clieever, (x. B. The pilgrim in the shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. New York, 1852. O. il. pi. 551.43 16 — — Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mont Blanc. New York, 1852. O. 551.43 18 i— Cotta, B. Die Alpen. Leipzig, 1851. O. il. pi. 551.43 19 ^CoweU, J. J. The Graian Alps and Mount Iseran. map. {In Gralton, F. Vacation tour- ists, 1860.) 910 28 — Debartoloiueis, L. (In his Oro-idrografia deir Italia. [1 87-; J in L' Italia. Parte 2.) 91 4. 5 8 — Desor, E. De I'orographie des Alpes dans ses rapports avec la geologie. Neuchutel, 1862. O. map. 551.43 20 — — Der Gebirgsbau der xllpen. Wiesbaden, 1865. O. il. map. 551.43 21 — Frey, J. Die Alpen im Lichte verschiedener Zeitalter. Berlin, 1877. O. 47 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — Giordano, F. Ascensione del Monbianco, partendo dal versante italiano ed escursione nelle Alpi pennine. Torino, 1864. O. 551.43 44 — King, S. W. The Italian valleys of the Pen- nine Alps. London, 1858. O. il. pi. m,aps. 551.43 40 — Kolil, J. G. Alpenreisen. Dresden, 1849-51. 3 V. in 1. O. 551.43 22 — Lioy, P. II mondo alpino. (In his Confe- renze. 1872.) 570 1 bound with 551.58 120 — Mayr, J. G. Karte der Alpen. Gotha, 1871. ob F.-* 8 maps. 912 31 ^Mayer, J. Physik der Schweiz. Leipzig, 1854. O. 551.43 23 — Morell, J. R. Scientific guide to Switzerland. London, 1867. D. il. 551.43 24 —Murray, J., publisher. A handbook for travellers in Switzerland, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. 10 edition. London, 1863. D, maps. 914.9 18 — Oinboni, G. Le nostre Alpi e la pianura del Po; descrizione geologica. Milano, 1879. D. il. 551.43 41 — Osterreicliisclier Alpen- Verein. Jahrbuch, Neue Folge. Wien, 1865-9. v. 1, 5. O. pL 551.43 7 —Payer, J. Die Adamello-Presanella-Alpen. .Gotha, 1865. sqQ. [3-f-] 36p. pZ. map. (/nPeter- mannsMittlieilnngeniErglinzungsband 4.)910 44 — — Die centralenOrtler- Alpen; Gebiete: Mar- tell, Laas und Saent; nebst einem Anhange zu den Adamello-Presanella Alpen. Gotha, 1872.8qQ. [2+] 36 T^{In same.7.)910 44 — — Die Ortler- Alpen; Sulden-Gebietund Monte Cevedale. Gotha, 1867. sqQ. pi. map. (In same. 4.) 910 44 Die siidlichen Ortler- Alpen . Gotha, 1869. sqQ. [2+] 30 p. il. pi. map. (In same. 6. )910 44 Die westlichen Ortler- Alpen ; Trafoier Gebiet. Gotha, 1868. sqQ. [2+] 30 p. il. pi. maps. (In same. 5.) 910 44 — II profllo geometrico delle Alpi [italiane]. 9 sheets. (In Atlante dell' Italia; Carte gene- rali; in L' Italia. Parte 3.) 914.5 22 — Ranibert, E. Les Alpes suisses. 1-4 serie. Paris, 1866-71. 4 v. in 2. O. iltp. 551.43 25 — Richthofen, F. P. W. D. von. Geognostische Beschreibung der Umgegend von Predazzo, Sanct Cassian und der Seisser Alpe in Siid- Tyrol. Gotha, 1860. sqQ, pi. map. 551.43 35 — Rivista delle Alpi, degli Appennini e vul- cani. Torino, 1864-7. v. 1-3. O. pi. 551.43 11 — Roth, A. Gletscherfahrten in den Berner Alpen. Berlin, 1861. S. 551.43 30 —St. Robert, P. de. Gita al Monte Ciama- rella uelle Alpe graie. Torino, 1867. O. 23 p. 551.43 46 — Saliizzo, A. di. Le Alpi che cingono 1' Italia, considerate militarmente. Torino, 1845. v. 1, pt. 1. O. 551.43 39 — Saiissnre, H. B. de. Voyages dans les Alpes; partie pittoresque des ouvrages de Saussure. 2 edition. Paris, 1852. D. 551.43 26 — Schaubach, A. Die deutschen Alpen. 2 Auflage. Jena, 1865-71. 5 v. D, 551.43 33 — Schweizer Alpenclnb. Jahrbuch, 1864, 5, '8- 9. Bern, 1864-9. v. 1, 2, 5. D. il. pi. map, & Artistische Beilagen. D-0. 551.43 8 — Sinunler, J. Vallesia9 et Alpium descriptio. Lugduni Batavorum, 1633. Tt. 094 60 — Sonklar, K. Die Zillerthaler Alpen. Gotha, 1872. sqQ. 4+61 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mittheiliingen: Ergilnzungsband 7.) 910 44 — Stiider, G. Ueber Eis und Schnee. 1 Abthei- lung: Berner-Alpen. Bern, 1869, D. 551.43 31 — —& others. Berg-und Gletscher-Fahrten in den Hochalpen der Schweiz. Ziirich, 1859-63. 2 V. D. pi. 551.43 27 — Tnrin— Club alpino Italiano. Bullettino trim- estrale. 1865, '6, '9, '74. Torino, 1866-74. no. 3, 4, 13-16, 22. O. il. pi. 551.43 9-]0 — Tyndall, J, From Lauterbrunnen to the J3ggischhorn by the Lauwinen-Thor in one day. (In Galton, F. Vacation tourists, I860.) 910 28 The glaciers of the Alps, Boston, 1861. O. 551.43 28 — — Mountaineering in 1861. London, 1862. O. pi. 551.43 29 — Waltenberger, A. Die Rhiitikon-Kette, Lechthaler und Vorarlberger Alpen. Gotha, 1875. sqQ. [3 -f-] 40 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Ergilnzungsband 9.) 910 44 — Wessely, J. Die oesterreichischen Alpen- Ifender und ihre Forste, Wien, 1853, 2 v. in 1. Q. 551.58 79 — Wills, A. Le Nid d'Aigle, et I'ascension du Wetterhorn; traduit de I'anglais par F. M. Paris, 1864. D. pZ. map. 551.43 50 ALPS 17 AMARI — Zolfanelli, C. La Lunigiana e le Alpi apuane. Firenze, 1870. D. ' 551.43 42 See also ALLELEIX.HOR> ; BLAXC; DOLOMITE MTS; EXGADIX; FIXSTERAARHORX; MATTERHORXrOTZTHAL; ROSA; SIXT; STUBAITHAL; VISO. ALSACE. Tachard, A. Les institutions de F Alsace au point de vue de la bienfaisance et de 1' economie sociale. Rome, 1875. O. 58 p. 339 1 Alsberg', Moritz. Die Anfange der Eisencultur. Berlin, 1885. O. 71 p. {In Virchow & Holtzen- dorflf. Vortiilge. 20 Serie.) 043 1 — Die gesunde Wohnung. Berlin, 1882. O. 44 p. {Ill same. 17 Serie.) 043 1 ALSEX. Hansen, — . Streitigkeiten iiber Al- sen zwischen Diinemark und Schleswig ini Mittelalter. (/ji Schleswig... Gesellschaft. Ar- chiv. V.2, 1834.) 943 42 Alsted, Johanu Heinricli. Series ac ordo prin- pum & regum Polonise. {In Respublica Po- lonicE. 1627.) 094 51 Altaicli, Bavaria. Annales Altahensesmajores; ex recensione W. de Giesebrecht et E. ab Oefele. Hannoverae. 1868. O. {In Pertz. 0. H. Script, rerum German. 1.) 943 16 This copy contains marginal annotations in pencil by Giesebrecht. Altayilla, Johannes de, see Hauteville. Altdentsche Neujahrsbhetter fiir 1874; mittel- und niederdeutsche Dialektproben herausgege- ben Ton Anton Birlinger und Wilhelm Crece- lius. Wiesbaden, 1874. sqQ. 6 [+74] p. 839.1 6 Altdentsches Musterbuch. [Nlirnberg,] n. d. F. 2-ipl. 726 9 Das alte Buch und die Reise ins Blaue hinein, — Der alte vom Berge, seeTieck,J. L. Novellen, 7,— Schriften, 24. ALTMARK. Danneil, J. F. Worterbuch der altm'arkisch-plattdeutschen Mundart. Salz- wedel, 1859. O. 439.43 2 Altopascio. Regola dei frati di S. Jacopo d' Altopascio. Bologna, 1864. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 54.) 850 10 ALTOVITI, Antonio, arehhishop of Florence. Ingresso dell' Altoviti in Firenze; narratione dei secole 16. Firenze, 1868. D. 22 + [1] p. (In Fanfani, P. Spigolatura fiorentina, no. 2.) 945 79 Der altsliclisische Beichtspiegel zur Zeit des h. Lindgei'us und seiner nachsten Nachfolger; mit tjbersetzung und Worterbuch von J. R. Kone; Zugabe, Verzeichniss der Bischofe von Miinster. Mlinster, 1860. Q. 439.2 7 ALUM. Cossa, A. Ricerche chimiche su mine- rali e roccie dell' isola di Vulcano. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fls. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 ALUMINIUM. Henient, F. L'aluminium. Paris, 1868. S. 36 p. 669 5 ALVA, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo duque de. Meurs, J. de. Ferdinandus Albanus. (In his Historica. 1638.) 948 78 Alvarez, Francisco. Histoi-ia de las cosas de Etiopia:...nuevamente traduzido de portugues en castellano, por Thomas de Padilla. Anvers, 1557. Tt. 099 40 Alvinns. Tractatus. (In Friesch genootschap. Oude kronijken. 1835-58.) 839.2 1-2 Alvisi, Edoardo. Cesare Borgia; notizie e docu- ments Imola, 1878. D. 923 18 Alwart, see Lennep, J. van. Romant. werk- en, 9. AlxJnger, Joliann Baptist. Bliomberis, ein Rittergedicht. Leipzig, 1861. 2 v. in 1. sqS. 831 21 — Doolin von Mainz, ein Rittergedicht. Leip- zig, 1861. sqS. 831 22 Aly og Gulhyndy, et Eventyr, see ^lilenschlii- ger, A. a. [Sir Amadas:] Amadas et Ydoine, poeme d' aventures, publie et precede d'un introduction par C. Hippeau, Paris, 1863. O. 841 8 —Ghost-thanks; or, The grateful unburied, a mythic tale in its oldest European form; Sir Amadace, a Middle-North-English metrical romance of the 18th century; reprinted, with an introduction, by George Stephens. Cheap- inghaven, 1860. O. 74 p. 821 97 —Sir Amadas. (In Weber, H. W. Metrical romances, 1810, v. 3.) 821 10 AMADEUS YII., count of Savoy. Cibrario, €r. A. L. Storia del conte Rosso. (In his Ope- rette. 1856. j 94.5 7 L' Amadigi, see Tasso, B. Aniadis de Gaule, see Lobeira, Y. de. Amado y aborrecido, see Calderon. v. 4. Aniager-Lands Beskrivelse, see Jerskiajg, M. H. Anialfl. Chapters and ordinances of the mari- time court of Amalphi, called the Amalphitan" table [Italian and English]. (J?tGt. Br.— Ad- miralty. Black book, 1871-6, v. 4; in (it. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 55.) 942 8 AMALIEXBORG. Collin, J. Om den uful- dendte Fredriks-Kirke ved Amalienborg. pi (In his For Historie, 1822-5, v. 2.) 948 66 Anmh-ic, Augier d', of Beziers. Actus pontifi- cum Romanorum ad 1821. {In Eckhard, J. Q, von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 2.) 943 13 AMANl), St. Leven van Sinte Amand, patroon der Nederlanden, dichtstuk der 14e eeuw Gent, 1842-3. 2 v. Q. (In Maetscliappy der Vlaem. bibL Werken. 1 ser. 4.) 839.3 2 Amanda, Lystspil, see Hertz, H. Les amans magnifiques, comedie-ballet, see Moliere, J. B. P. v. 5. L' amante di se medesimo, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 25. El amante liberal, see Cervantes. Novelas, v. 1. L' amante militare, commedia, see Groldoni, C. V. 18. Gli amanti timidi, commedia, same, v. 89. Amar despues de la muerte, see Calderon. v. 4, Amari, Michele.La guerra del Vespro siciliano. 2 edizione, accresciuta. Parigi, 1843. 2 v. D. 945 109 — Racconto popolare delVespro siciliano. Roma 1882. D. 945 no —Storia dei Musulmani di Sicilia. Firenze 1854-72. 3 V. in 4. O. 945 106 — Su i fuochi da guerra usati nel Mediterraneo neir 11 e 12 secolo. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 AMARI 18 AMERICA— DISC VJER Y — Su la data degli sponsali di Arrigo VI con la Costanza di Sicilla, e su i dlvani dell' azienda normanna in Palermo; lettera del O. Hart- wig e memoria del Amari. {In same. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 2, 1877-8.) Su le iscrizioni arabiche del palazzo regio di Messina, facsim. {In same. v. 6, 1880-1.) 065 5 — edtfor.Bibliotecaarabo-sicula; ossia, Raccolta di testi arabici che toccano la geografia, la storia, le biografie e la bibliografia della Sicilia. Lipsia, 1857. O. 892 5 & translator. Nuovi ricordi arabici su la stoi-ia di Genova. facsim. {In Societa ligure. Atti. V. 5, 1867.) 945 48 Ainat, Felix Torres, see Torres Amat. Amat di San Filippo, Pietro. Biografia dei viaggiatori italiani, e bibliografia delle loro opere. (In Rome— Soc. geog. ital. Studj. 1875.) 016 25 — Del commercio e della navigazione dell' isola di Sardegna nei secoli 14 e 15. Cagliari, 1865. O. 380 7 Ainati. Amato. Dizionario corografico dell' Italia. Milano [,1864-72]. 8 v. Q. iZ. {InU ItaUa. Parte 1.) 914.5 1 Amati, Girolamo, editor. Ubbie, ciancioni e ciarpe del secolo 14. Bologna, 1866. D. 33+53 [+ 10] p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 72.) 850 10 Amato, monk of Montecassino. L'ystoire de li Normant, et La chronique de Robert Viscart; publiees d' apres un ms. fran9ois .du 13e siecle, pour la Societe de I'histoire de France, par ChampoUion-Figeac. Paris, 1835. O. 944 59 Amato, L. IllagoFucino; inaugurazione dell' emissario Torlonia. Torino, 1863. 0. 15 p. 627 30 AMAZON RIVER. Aciifia, C. de. Relation de la riviere des Amazons; traduite par de Gom- berville, avec une dissertation sur la riviere. {In Rogers R. Voyage, 1716, v. 2.) 910 35 —Bates, H. W. The naturalist on the river Amazons; a record of eleven years of travel. 2 edition. London, 1864. D. map. 390 17 AMAZONS. Jahii, 0. tJber die ephesischen Aniazonenstatuen. (In Leipsic — K. sacks. Re- sell. Berichte, 1850.) 063 3 maj:). {In his 930 3 — Steiiier, M. Ueber den Amazonen-Mythus in der antiken Plastik. Leipzig, 1857. O." pi. 292 5 ^Strieker, >V. Die Amazonen in Sage und Gepchichte. Berlin. 1868. O. 40 p. {In Vir- chow & Holtzendorir. Vortrilge. 3 Serie.)043 1 AMBASSADORS. Macchiavelli, N. Istruzione a Raffello Girolami. {In his Opere, 1819. v. 6.) 858 10 — Tasso, T. II messaggiero. {In his Bialoshi, 1832, v.l.) 851117 AMBER. Goppert, H. R. Sull' ambra di Sici- lia e sugli oggetti in essa rinchiusi. il. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 — Neergaard, C. Ravsmykkerne i Stenalderen, il. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 — Runge, W. Der Bernstein in Ostpreussen. — Ove Kjajr, L. Amazonerne. Studier. 1864.) Berlin, 1868. O. 70 p. il. pi. {In Vircliow & Holtzemlorff. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Werlaiiff, E. C. Bidrag til den nordiske Ravhandels Historic. [Copenhagen, 183 — ?] sqO. 391 4 The amber witch, see Meiuliold, K. W. Ambra, Raffaele d'. Topografia. — Vicende po- litiche. — Agricoltura. — Industria e traffichi. — Istituti economic!. — Campisanti. {In Quaranta, B., & others. Napoli, 1845.) 914.5 88 Ambrose, Mr. Paul, pseiid. of Kennedy J. P. AMBROSIAN LIBRARY, see II codice irlan- dese dell' Ambrosiana, Ambrosoli, Francesco. Manuale della lingua italiana. Milano, 1828. D. 455 1 Amedeo, Luigi. La Sardegna, provincia ro- mana; saggio di studj antiquarj. Rome, 1874, O. 47 p. 937 18.1 Amelnng, Artlmr, editor, see Oi*tnit und die Wolfdietriche. {In Deutsclies Heldenbuch, 1866-73, V. 3-4.) 831 14 Amer, Miquel Victoria, editor, see Grenesi de scriptura. 1873. 869 4 AMERICA— ANTimjITIES.Copenliagen— Kon- gelige nordiske Oluskrift-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, 1843-64. Kjobenhavn, 1843-64. 7 v. O. i7. pZ. maps. 948 4 — — Rafn, C. C. Cabinet d' antiquites ameri- caines a Copenhague; rapport ethnograpliique. Copenhague, 1858. O. [3+] 60 p. il. maps. 913 63 See also ARCHEOLOGY; IKXTUAL AMKKKA; FALL RIVEK, J/a,s».,- KEXT, Conn.; >EWPOUT, li. I.; PEUl; Yl- I'ATAN. —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bartlett, J. R. Bibliotheca Americana: A catalogue of books relating to North and South America, in the library of J. C. Brown of Providence, R. I., 1482-1800; with notes. Providence, 1866-75. 3 v. in 4. Q. pi. il. facsim. maps. 016 26 Ludewig, H. E. The literature of Amer- ican local history. New York, 1846. O. 016 29 Smitli, J. R. Bibliotheca Americana: A catalogue of a collection illustrating the liistory and geography of North and South America and the West Indies. Loudon, 1865. O. 016 27 Stevens, H. Stevens's historical collec- tions; catalogue of the first portion; auction. 11 July, 1881. London, 1881. Q. jtor. facsim. 016 28 The collection comprised amon^ other works 3000 niss. and 300 volumes relating to Franklin. The cata- loffue is extensively annotated. — — Trubner and co. A catalogue of books on philology, American antiquities, Indians and languages, published during the last fortv vears in the U. S. A. London, 1858. O. 26 p. 427 11 —DESCRIPTION. Laet, J. de. L' histoire du nouveau monde; ou. Description des Indes occidentales. Leyde, 1640. F. il. maps. 917 1 See also ABIPOXES: ARAl('A>Li>S; ARGEXTIXE RE- PUBLIC; BRAZIL; BRITISH AMKRICA; CAXADA; (EXTRAL AMERKA: (IIILI: IXIHAXS; MEXICO; PAXAMA; PATAGO- MA: PERI: SOI Til AMERICA; I'XITED STATES; URUGUAY; WEST IXIUES: VU(ATAX. -DISCOVERY. Anderson, R. B. Die erste EntdeckuHK von Amerika. Hamburg, 1888. O. 62 p. (7n Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Anghiera, P. M. d'. De rebus oceanicis et AMERICA— DISCO VERY 19 AMERICAN novo orbe decades tres [ ; De insulis nuper in- ventis]. Colonial, 1574. S. 910 1 _ — i — The history of the West Indies; trans- lated by M. Lok. {In Hakhiyt, R. Selection of voyages. 1812.) 910 57 Brasseur de Boiirboiirg, E. C. Quelques traces d'une emigration do I'Euiope sepien- trionale en Amerique dans les traditions et les langues de I'Amerique centrale [: r^-view, M'ith extracts, in Danish]. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk TidssKrift. V. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 Dati, G. La lettera dell' isole che ha trova- to nuovamente il re di Spagna, poemetto; per cura di G.Uzielli. Bologna, 1873. D. il. facsim. {In Scelta di curiosita. 136.) 850 10 Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes, (x. Histo- ria general y natural de las Indias; por J. A. de los Rios. Madrid, 1851-5. sqF. jjZ. maps. 972 1 i_ — Hakluyt, R., editor. Divers voyages touching the discovery of America: edited by J. W. Jones. London, 1850. O. maps, facsim. (In Hakliiyt soc. Works. 7.) 973 18 _ — ^Navarrete, M. F. de., editor. Coleccion de los viages y descubrimientos por los Espa- uoles desde fines del siglo 15. Madrid, 1825-37. 5 V. O. por. maps. 910 59 For contents see Xavarrete. — — Peschel, 0. Die Entschleierung der atlan- tischen Kiisten Amerika's. {In his Geschichte der Entdeckungen. 1858.) 910 65 __ ^Rafn, C. C. Americas Opdagelse af Skan- dinaverne i det lOde Aarhundrede. maps. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 3, 1840-1.) 948 2 — — — Dutch : Narichten betreffende de ont- dekking van Amerika in de lOde eeuw; naar het deensche door M. Hettema. Leeuwarden, 1888. O. 35 p. 973 3 _ — — French: Memoire sur la decouverte de I'Amerique au lOe siecle; traduit par X. Mar- mier. Paris, 1838. O. 31 p. 973 3 _ Same [with Supplement to theAntiquita- tes Americanse]. il. maps. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. 01d.-Selskal). Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 — . Same. 2 tirage. Copenhague, 1843. O. 52 p. pi. maps. 973 3 With the Supplement, 1841. 27 p. — — — Italian: Memoria sulla scoperta dell' America nel secolo decimo; tradotta da J. Gra- berg di Hemso. Pisa, 1839. O. 47 p. maps. 973 4 — Spanish : Antigiiedades americanas ; noticias que tuvieron los Europeos de la Ame- rica antes del descubrimiento de C. Colon; re- cogidas por A. Bachiller y Morales. Habana, 1845. O. il. map. 973 6 _ _ — Spanish: Memoria sobre el descubrim- iento de la America en el siglo decimo; alcas- tellano. Caracas, 1839. S. [1+] 48 p. 973 5 _ — — Astronomical evidences for the site of the chief settlement of the ancient Scandina- vians in America, il. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 2, 1840-4.) 948 3 det lOde til det 14de Aarhundrede. Hafniae, 1837. sqF. pi. facsim. tab. maps. 839.63 21 — — Antiquites americaines, d'apres les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. Copenhague, 1845. sqF. maps. 839.63 22 Pages XXXIX-XL are "America discovered by the Scandinavians in the 10th century; an abstract of the evidence in this worli.'' See cUao The discovery of Amer- ica by the Northmen, 2 p., in his Nordboernes Forbin- delser med Osten. 948 1 — — Relazione delle scoperte fatte da C. Co- lombo, da A. Vespucci e da altri, 1492-1506; an- notata dal G. Ferraro. Bologna, 1875. D. il. {In Scelta di curiosita. 144.) 860 10 Storm, G. Studier over Vinlandsreiserne, Vinlands Geografi og Ethnografi. il. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarboger, V. 22, 1887.) 948 5' — English: Studies on the Vinland voy- ages, il. {In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 S Places Vineland at Nova Scotia. — — Tytler, P. F. Historical view of discov- ery on the northern coasts of America; with sketches of the natural history by J. Wilson. New York, 1833. S. il. map. 973 15 — — Yderligere Spor af de gamle Nordboer i America: Further traces of the ancient North- men in America, by A. Morse. {Iji Copenhag- en— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tids- skrift. V. 6,*1858-60.) 948 4 See also VsirtU^f,,1.; fjharlevoix, P. F. X. de; fOLOMBO, C. rf'F.; BRAKE, F.; (iKEEXLAND; (illIlAXA; Marquette, J.; Smith, J.; VKSPUCd, A. —HISTORY. Burke, E. An account of the European settlements in America. {In his Works, 1839, v. 9.) 825 1 — — Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Faste.s chrono- logiques du nouveau monde, 1248-1739. {In his Histoirede la Nouvelle France, 1744, v. 6.) 971 1 — — Josselyn, J. Chronological observations of America, from the year of the world [3720] to the year of Christ, 1673. {In his Account of two voyages to N. E. 1865.) 917.4 3 _ — Klee, F. Amerika, isasr 1 den nyeste Tid; en historisk-statistisk Haandbog, KJ0benhavn, 1837-9. D. 970 2 See esijeciaUy UNITED STATES. L' America, see Gnalterotti, R. America and her commentators, see Tucker- man, H. T. American association for the advancement of science. Report of the committee upon for- estry. [Salem, 1880.] O. 23 p. 551.68 48 See also Hough, F. B. American bank note company. [Specimens of engraving. New York,] n.d. sqF. pl.ntp>. 768 1 The latest date on any of the engravings is 186T. American camel company. Charter granted by the state of New York; with the natural history of the camel. New York, 1854. O. 15 p. 386 3 The American cyclopaedia, see Ripley, Gr., & Dana, C. A., editors. American dramatic library. New York [,1839]. 3 V. in 1. D. 812 1 Co») few te.-— Dawes, R. Athenia of Damascus.— Willis, N. P. Bianca Visconti;— Tortesa the usurer. editor. Antiquitates American8e...fra American geographical and statistical society. AMERICAN GEOG. SOC. 20 AMPEEE Journal. New York, 1879-81. v. 11-13. O. maps. 910 49 — Report and memorial on Syrian exploration. New York, 1857. O. 28 p. 915.3 16 AMERICAN LITERATURE. Allibone, S. A. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. Philadelphia, 1858-71, 3v. Q. 015 1 — Grriswold, R. W. The prose writers of Amer- ica; with a survey of the history, condition and prospects of American literature. Philadel- phia, 1847. O. por. 810 1 — Marclij F. A. Die Nationalliteratur der Ver- einii'ten Staaten, 1858-61 [English]. (InJalir- biicli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 4, 1860-2.) 805 1 —ORATORY. WiUiston, E. B., compiler. Elo- quence of the United States. Middletown, Conn., 1827. 5 v. O. 815 1 See also Ames, F.; Beeclier, H. W.; Clay, H.; Everett, E.; Kennedy, J. P. ; Phillips, W. : Winthrop, R. C. —POETRY. American dramatic library. New York [,1839]. 3 v. in 1. D. 812 1 Griswold, R. W. The poets and poetry of America; with an histoi-ical introduction. 9 edition. Philadelphia, 1848. iltp. 811 1 ^\Tiipi)le, E. P. Poets and poetry of Amer- ica. {In his essays, 1848-9. v. 1.) 814 16 See also Allstoii, W. ; Bloonifleld-Moore, C. J. ; Bryant, Vf. €'. • Colton. G. H. ; Comfort, K. ; Dana, K. H. ; I)avi(ls<»n, M. M. • Eastman, C. «. ; Emerson, R. W. ; Fields, J. T. ; Halleck, F. 'O-; Holmes, O. W.; Longfellow, H. W.; Lowell, .1. R.; Marsh, C. C; Pai-sons, T. W. ; Saxe, J. 0. ; Siifoiirney, L. H. ; Story, W. W.; Taylor, B.; Trumbull, .1.; Very, ,T.; Whit- tier, J. ()>• For other American authors see Bushnell, H. ; Dana, R. H.,?V ; Franklin, B-; Hawtlionie, >'.; How ells, W. D.; Gard- ner, S. J. ; Greenough, S. D. Ij. ; Irving, W. ; Johnson, D. ; Jones, W. A.; Judd,~ S.; Lanman, C; Manning, J.; Miirsh, G. P.; Minnelli, D.; Mitchell, D. G,; Stowe, H. B.; Thoreau, H. D.; Tuckerman, H. T.; Webster,>'. ; Whipple, E. P. For other American literature than that of the Lnited States, see ARGE>TL\E; BRAZILIAA; SPAMSH-AMERICAX. AMERICANISMS. Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms. 2 edition. Boston, 1859, O. 427 4 —Ellis, A. J. American pronunciation. {In his On early English pronunciation, 1869-89, v. 4; in E. E.'text soc. Extra ser. 23 ) 820 5.1 — Fliigel, F. Die englische Sprache in Nord- amerika. [Elberfeld, 1848.] O. p. 130-156. 427 5 Lowell, J. R. The Biglow papers. Series 1-2. opposite pages. ANNE, wife of James I. of England. En liden Tractat om den Process som blefif holden af ANSCHAIRE Boi-gerne i Eydenborg Dronning Anna til ^re. {In Bang, 0. Samling, 1743-7, pt. 7.) 839.8 1 ANNE BOLEYN, queen of England. Lettre d' un gentilhomme portugais sur V execution d' Anne Boleyn, Lord Rocheford, Brereton, Nor- ris, Smeton et Weston ; publiee, avec une tra- duction fran9aise, par Francisque Michel, ac- compagnee d'une traduction anglaise par le vicomte Strangford. Paris. 1833. Q. 15 p. 942 20 Edition of 100 copies. ANNE de Gonzague, of Cleves, princess Pala- tine, see GONZAGA. L'annee geographique. 1S62-78. Paris. 1863- 80. 17 V. in 16. D. 910 46 Vol. 9 and 10 are combined in one volume. Vol. 1-14 are edited by L. Vivien de Saint Martin; v. 15-17, 2 s6rie, V. 1-3, by C. Maunoir and 11. Duveyrier. L'annee scientifique et industrielle; par Louis Figuier. 1861-4, '79-81. Paris, 1862-82. v. 6-9, 23-5. D. 505 4 ANNIBALDI, Niccola. Notizie a confutazione deir articolo nel diario L'unita cattolica sulla giubilazione di officio deir...Annibaldi. n. p. [1869?] O. 53 p. 282 50 Annius, Joannes, Viterbensis, see Nanni, G. ANNO, archbishop of Cologne. Maere von Sente Annen; von neuem herausgegeben von H. E. Bezzenberger. Quedlinburg, 1848. O. (Bibl. Nat. -Lit. 25.) 831 58 — Poetai anonymi rhythmus de S. Annone. {In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1T27-8, v. 1.) 830 9 Anniiaire de I'economie politique et de la sta- tistique. 1866, '68, '70, '73, '75. Paris, 1866-75. v. 23, 25-7, 30, 32. S. 310 1 Edited by Maurice Block and others. Annnaire des eaux et forets pour 1872-3. Paris, 1872-3. V. 10-12 in 2. S. 551.58 80 Annuaire des voyages et de la geographic pour 1847; sous la direction de Frederic Lacroix. Paris, 1847. v. 4. S. 910 49 Annnaire scientifique; publieparP.P.Deherain. 1865-7, '9. Paris, 1866-70. v. 5-7, 9. D. il. 505 5 Annnario bibliografico italiano, see Italy— Mi- nistero delta pubblica istruzione. Annnario della letteratura italiana nel 1880, see GubernatiSj.A. de. Annnario della nobilta italiana, 1880. Pisa, 1879. V. 2. T. jjZ. 350 6 Annnario di economia sociale e di statistica pel regno d' Italia; per P. Duprat ed A. Gicca. Torino, 1863. v. 1. D. 314 3.1 Annnario scientifico ed industriale, 1869-70. Mi- lano, 1870-1. v. 6-7. D. 505 7 Annnario statistico-italiano; per cura di Cesare Correnti e Pietro Maestri. Torino, 1864. v. 2. T, 314 4 Un ano y un dia, drama, see Zorrilla. v. 2. ANOINTERS. Milan. Processo originale degli untori nella peste del 1630. Milano, 18o9. O. pi. 133 12 Ans saga bogsveigis. {In Rafu, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 2.) 839.03 12 Ansaldo, Francesco, editor, see Caffaro. Crona- ca. {In Society ligure. Atti. v. 1, 1858.) 945 48 Anschaire, St., archbishop of Hamburg tfc Bremen. Vita S. Willehadi. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 1.) 948 76 ANSCHAIRE 27 ANTS — Chronologia reruni septentrionalium aevi Anschariani. — (Tiialdoii. Poemade vita S. An- scharii.— Legendae veteres de Sancto Anschario. {In same. v. 1.)— Leg-eiidae. (v. 3.) 948 76 — Reinsert, St. S. Anschari vita gemina; ora- tione prosa per Rimbertum, nietrica per Gual- doneni; edidit C. Arrhenius. Holmias. 1677. sqQ. 923 93 — — Vita Anskarii; recensuit G. Waitz. Han- noverae, 1884. O. {In Pertz, (x. H. Script, rer- uni German. 9.) 943 16 Vita S. Anscharii, Latine et Svethice. — Appendix. — Legendse de S. Anschario. (In Fant, E. M. Script, reruni Svecicarum, 1818-28, V. 2.) 948 38.1 — —Vita S. Anscharii. {In Langebek, J. Script, reruni Dan., 1772-1834, v. 1.) 948 76 — Tetens, S. Christendommens Indf0relse i Norden ved Anscharius. Ki0benhavn, 1826. D. 270 9 Aiiselm, St., arclibishop of Canterbury, Die dietsche Lucidarius. {In Blommaert, J. P. M. Oudvlaemsche gedichten, 1838-51, v. 3.) 839.31 2 — Eadiuer. Historia novoruni in Anglia, et opuscula duo de vita Anselmiet miraculis ejus; edited by M. Rule. London, 1884. Q. {In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 81.) 842 8 Aiiserini, Alessandro. La forza unica nell' uni- verso. Prato, 1868. O. 531 1 — Idoli e santi. Milano, 1877. D. 231 5 Ansted, David Thomas. Physical geography. London, 1867. D. ool 12 Aiistey, Henry, editor, see Oxford university. Munimenta academica. 1868. (In Gtt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 50.) 942 8 A^^8VER, St., abbot of Ratzeburg. Acta S. Ansveri. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 3.) 948 34 ASTENN.E, see DIPTERA; FLEAS. Antes que todo es mi dania, see Calderon. v. 4. Anzia ed Abrocome, see Xenoplion of Ephe.sus. Antliologia Graeca, ad Palatini codicis fidem edita. Editio stereotypa. Lipsiae, 1829. 3 v. T. 881 1 — Lessing-, G. E. Griechische Anthologie. (Ii his Werke, 1823-5, v. 2.) 832 6 Anthon, Charles, editor, see Horatius Flaccns, q. Poemata. 1830. 874 3 Potter, J. Archajologia Greeca. 1825. 913 26 ANTHONY, king of Portugal. Explanation of the right and tytle of Anthonie, king of Portu- gal, againste Phillip, king of Castile; with a historye of the matter until 1583; translated into English. Leyden, 1585. D. [2-f ] 54 p. tab. 946 84 Anthony and Cleopater, see Shakespeare, W. ANTHROPOLOGY, see MAN. Antichrist and the signs before the doom; by Richard Morris. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 5, 1864.) 805 1 L' antidoto, commedia, see Alfleri, Y. De antieke Helicon, see Fokke, A. S. v. 11. Avrl-yovT), see Sophocles. The Aiiti-Jacobiuj or, Weeklv examiner. 1797- 8. 5 edition. London, 1803. 2 v. O. 942 29 ANTILLES, see WEST INDIES. Antinori, Yincenzio. Notizie istoriche relative air Accademia del cimento. {In Florence — Ac- cad, del cimento. Saggi. 1841.) 530 lO ANTIOCH. Gautliler. Antiochena bella. {In Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 Antioche, La chanson d', see Richard ZepeZen'n. Antiphon. Quse exstant omnia [Greek and Latin, with full critical apparatus]. {In Ora- tores, Attici, 1828, v. 1, 13.) 885 1 Antiquarie prospettiche roniane, composte per prospettivo milanese dipintore; [with] ricerche del G. Govi. facsim. {In Rome — R. accad. del liucei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3. , 065 3 Autiqiiarisk Tidsskrift, see Copenhagen— K. nord. Oldskrift-Selskab. Antiqnitates Americans, see Rafn, C. C. Antiqnites americaines, — ru.sses, see Rafn, C. C. ANTIQUITIES. Fosbrooke, T. D. A treatise on the arts, manufactures, manners and insti- tutions of the Greeks and Romans. London, 1833-5. 2 V. D. il. iltp. 913 24 — Hertz, B. Catalogue of [his] collection of Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Etrus- can, Roman, Indian, Peruvian and Mexican antiquities. London, 1851. sqQ. pi. 913 3 — Lessing, G. E. Antiquarische Briefe. {In his Werke, 1823-5, v. 5-6.) 832 6 — Ove Kjaer, L. Studier af Oldtidslivet og Oldtidshistorien. Ki0benliavn, 1864. O. map. 930 3 Contents: Den atheniensiske Kvlnde og Hetasre. — Frugtbarhedsgudinden i den seldste lilleasiatiske Kul- tus.— Kimmerierne.— Amazonerne. — ^Rafn, C. C. Breve fra og til Rafn; udgivet af B. Gr0ndal. Kj0benhavn, 1869. O. 913 1 Smith, W., editor. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 2 edition. Boston, 1849. O. il. 913 23 — Zaviziano, C. Sugli awenimenti preistorici; studii. Napoli, 1871. v. 1. D. 913 3 See also the division ANTIQUITIES under the various countries. Antisthenes, cynic. Ajax;— Ulysses [Greek and Latin]. {In Oratores Attici, 1838, v. 4, 14.) 885 1 Antologia toscana, see Fanfani, P. ANTONELLI, Giacomo, cardinal. Pio IX ed il cardinale Antonelli. Milano, 1859. S.pZ. 282 34 Antonio da Pistoia, see Pistoia. Antonio, Benito. Aldea na corte, e noites de verao, seguidas as Noites de inverno de Fran- cisco Rodrigues Lobo. Lisboa, 1750. S. 869 45 Antonio, Giovanni d'. Le opere. Napoli, 1788. S. {In Collezione napoletana, v. 33.) 859 19 Contents: Lo mandracchio alletterato, — asiliato,— re- patriate . — nnammorato .— Scola cava.iola, — cur ialesca . — La vita e morte de lo Sciatamone mpetrato. — Parte de pazzo.— Juoche. ANTONIUS, St., abbot. Hieronymns Sophro- niiis, E. Das ist sant Pauls leben und auch das leben des heyligen vatters sant Anthonigs. Strassburg, 1498. sqD. [93] p. il. 093 12 ANTS, Schumann, K, Die Ameisenpflanzen. ANTS 28 ARABIA Hamburg, 1889. O. 37 p. pi. (In Tirchow cfc HoltzeiMlorff.. Vortiage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Antwerp. Dit sijn de coren van der stad Ant- werpen. Gent. 1852. Q. [5 +] 60 p. {In Maet- schappy der Vlaeiii bibl. Weiken, 2 ser. 2.) 839.3 3 — MU8£E PLA>T1N. Vanderhaeg-lien, F. Musee Plantin a Anvers; notice sur la Bibliotheque Plantinienne. Gand, 1875. O. [4] + 38 p. i^oj-. 027 G bound ivith OKJ 19 — Dagrverhael van der oproer te Antwerpen in 1659. Gent. 1839. Q. v. p. (/n Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. 1 ser. 2.) . Webbe, W. A discourse of Eng- lish poetrie, 1586. XIII. 27. Baron, P. A harmony of the essays, &c., 1697-1626. XIV. 28. Roy, W., & Bar- lowe, J. Rede me and be nott wrothe, 1528;— A proper dyaloge; with A compendious olde treatyse, 1530. 29. Ralegli, W., & otiiers. The last fight of the Revenge, 1591-8. 30. (Jooge, B. Eglogs, epytaphes & sonettes, 1563. ARBITRATIO>'. Esperson, P. II trattato di Washington sulla questione anglo-americana dell' Alabama. [Firenze, 1871.] sqQ. 8 p. 341 8 — Pierantoiii, A. Gli arbitrati internazionali e il trattato di Washington. Napoli, 1882. Q. 341 8 See also TRAXSACTIOX. Arbois de Jiibainville, A. d'. Manuel du de- frichement des forets. Paris, 1865. O, tah. 551.58 9 Arbois de Jubaiiiville, Marie Henri d'. La langue franque, le vieux-haut allemand et la langue franyaise; les mots francais: auberge, heberger, arban, arriere-ban, frais, Geo-froi. — La phonetique latine de I'epoque merovingieiine et la phonetique fran9aise du lie siecle dans le Saint Alexis. {In Romania, v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 Arborea. Pergamene codici e fogli cartacei di Arborea; raccolti ed illustrati da Pietro Martini. Cagliari, 1863. sqF. facsim. 858 1 — Appendice. Cagliari, 1865. sqF. facsim. 858 1 — Borgognoni, A. I poeti dei codici d' Arbo- rea. {In his Studi, 1877-8, v. 2; in Scelta di cu- riosita. 163.) 850 10 — Fiorentino, V. Prosa e poesia italiane della raccolta arborense con un pensiero. Napoli, 1870. D. 858 2.1 — Oaian, G., & Rocliefort, M. de. Relation de I'ambassade de Louis I, due d' Anjou a Hugues IV, juge d'Arboree, en 1378. {In Bnchon, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 14e siecle. 183(:'.) 944 14 — Giozza, 0. Le pergamene d' Arborea; ossia, Le vere origin! della letteratura italiana; sag- gio storico. Torino, 1868. D. 128 p. 858 2 —Martini, P. Giudizi opposti di P Meyer e di A. Roux sovra le carte d' Arborea esaminati. Cagliari, 1865. D. 42 p. 858 2 — Scarabelli, L. Sulla carte d' Arborea, lettere al P. Fanfani. Cagliari, 1865. O. 27 p. 858 2 — Vesme, C. B. di. Relazione sui manoscritti d' Arborea; Osservazione intorno alia Relazione; Intorno all' esame critico delle carte d' Arborea di G. Vitelli. Torino, 1870, O. 858 3 ARBUES, Pedro de, St. Cozza, G. Della vita, miracoli e culto del martire P. de Arbues. Roma, 1867. O. por. 922 17 — Zirngiebl, E. Peter Arbues und die spanische Inquisition. 3 Auflage. Miinchen, 1872. 49 p. O. 272 7 ARC, Jeanne d', see DARC. Arcadia, see Sannazaro, Gr.^ Sidney, P. ARCADIA 31 ARCHITECTS L' Arcadia in Brenta, see Vacalerio, G. Gf. Arceri, Salvatore, editor, see Veneziaiio, A. Opere. 1861. 859 40 Archaeological institute of America. Papers. American series. Boston, 1881. v. 1. O. pi. map. ins 63.1 Contents: Bandeller, A. F, Historical introduction to studies among the sedentary Indians of New Mexico;— Keport on tlie ruins of the pueblo of Pecos. — Papers. Classical series. Boston, 1822. v. 1. O. il. pi. maps. 913 28 Contents: Clarke, J. T. Preliminary report of investi- gations at Assos, 1881.— Inscriptions found at Assos and Mitylene.— Lantoii, W. V. Notes. Bunarbashi and other sites in the Troad.— Walker, C. H. Notes on the map of the Acropolis of the Bali Dagh.— Diller, .J. )S. The geolo- gy of Assos;— Notes upon the geology of the Troad. ARCHAEOLOGY. Capellini, (i. Armi e utensili di pietra del Bolognese. Bologna, 1870. sqF. 16 p. pi. 571 2 bound with obi. Bl 7 — — L'uomo pliocenico in Toscana. jjI. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Cartailliac, E. L'age de pierre dans les sou- venirs et superstitions populaires. Paris, 1877. O. il. 571 5 hound with 551.2 2 — Castellaiii, A. SuU inciviiimento primitivo. Firenze, 1864. O. 49 p. 571 4 — Coct'hi, J. Di alcuni resti uniani e degli og- getti di uiuana industria dei tempi preistorici raccolti in Toscana. Milano, 1865. sqF. 32 p. pi. 571 2 bound icith bbl. SI 7 — Copeiihagreu— Kougelige nordiske Oldskrift- Selskab. Aarboger for nordisk Oldkynrlighed og Historie, 1866-89. Kjobenhavn [,1866-89J. V, 1-24. O. il. ])l. tab. maps. 948 5 Antiquarisk Tiddskrift, 1843-63. Kjoben- havn, 1845-64. 7 V. O. il. pi. maps. 948 4 — Desor, E. Les pierres a ecuelles. pi. (In his La foret vierge. 1879.) 551.58 120 — Oiastaldi, B. Frammenti di paieoetnologia italiana. il. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lin- cei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — — Nuovi cenni sugli oggetti di alta antichita trovati nelle torbieie e nelle marniere dell' Italia. Torino, 1862. sqF. 95 p. il. jjI. 571 2 bound ivith 552 2 — -Hayiies, H. W. Discovery of palaeolithic flint implements in upper Egypt. FBoston. 1881.] sqF. p. 359-361. i?/. 571 2 bound with ')bl. SI 7 — Incoronato, A. Scheletri della cavern a delle arene candide presso Finalmarina. pZ. (In Rome— R. accad. dei. lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Sopra uno scheletro umano dell' eta della pietra della provincia di Roma. pZ. (In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 —International congress of anthropology and prehistoric archaeology. Compte rendu de hi 5e session a Bologne, 1871. Bologne, 1873. O. 571 1 — Issel, A. Nuove ricerche sulle caverne ossi- fere della Liguria. il. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Lioy, P. II congresso di Bologna e la antro- pologia preistorica. (/% /its Conf erenze. 1872.) 570 1 bound with 551.58 120 — lovisato, D. Strumenti litici e brevi cenni geologic! sulle provinci di Catanzaro e di Co- senza. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Novi oggetti litici della Calabria, pi. (In same. v. 3, 1878- 9.) — Cenni critici suUa preistoria calabrese. (In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Lyell, C. The geological evidences of the an- tiquity of man. 2 edition. London, 1863. O. il. pi. 573 4 — Miiller, S. Mindre Bidrag til den forbisto- riske Archasologis Methode. (In Copenhagen— K. nord Old.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 19, 1884.) 948 5 — Pigorini, L. Le abitazioni palustri di Fon- tanellato dell' epoca di ferro. Parma, 1865. Q. 30 p. pi. 571 2 bound with 551.2 2 — Ruggero, 0. Oggetti preistorici calabresi del Catanzarese e del Cosentino. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877- 8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Schmidt, E. Die altesten Spuren des Men- schen in Mordamerika. Hamburg, 1887. O. 58 p. (In Yirchow & Holt/endorff*. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 — Stefani, C. de. Sulle tracce atfribuite ail' uomo pliocenico nel Senese. {In Rome— R. ac- cad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. ^. 2, 1877-8,. pt. 1.) 065 4 — Strobel, P. Avanzi preromani raccolti nelle terremare e palafitte nell' Emilia. Parma, 1863. pt. 1. sqF. [1 + ] -6 + 10 p. pi. 571 2 bound ivith bb2 2 — Worsaae, J. J. A. Des ages de pierre et de bronze dans 1' ancien et le nouveau monde; comparaisons archeologico-ethnographiques. il. pi. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. n. s. v. 3, 1878-82.) 948 3 See also AMIOl'ITIES; CAVE-DWELLERS: tRO.MLE( HS; OIUVE MOl'M>S: IKO-AGE; LAKE DWELLIMJS: MA>; MODEXA; MOLXDS; PERKJOKD; ROIM) TOWERS; SHELL-HEAPS; especially SCA>Dl> AVIA-AMIQIITIES. Archer, William, editor <& translator, see lb- sen, H. Prose dramas. 1890. 839.82 28 ARCHERY. Ascham, R. Toxophilus. 1545. London, 1868. 8. (In Arber, E, English re~ prints. 7.) 820 9 — —Toxophilus; the school of shootinge. (In his Whole works, 1864-5, v. 2.) 828 2 — Hammer-PurgstaU, J. von. tJber Bogen und Pfeil, den Gebrauch und die Verfertigung der- selben bei den Arabern und Tiirken. Wien, 1752. F.^ 36 p. pi. 399 4 —Hansard, G. A. The book of archery. Lon- don, 1840. O. pi. 796 2 ARCHES. Gnidi, C. Sulla determinazione gra- fica delle forze interne negli archi metallici. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Archibald, E. 1). The rainfall of the world, in connection with the eleven-year period of sun- spots. Calcutta, 1878. O. Il-h58p, 551.57 1 Archief voor Nederlandsche taalkunde. see Jager, A. de. 439.3 1-8 ARCHITECTS. Yasari, G. Le vite de' piu ec- celenti pittori. scultori e architetti. Firenze, 1846-70. 14 V. D. por. 927 4 For contents see Athenaeum catalogue. ARCHITECTURE 32 ARCTIC REGIONS ARCHITECTURE. Adler, F. Die Weltstadte in der Baukunst. Berlin, 1868. O. 40 p. {In Tirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Altdeutsclies Musterbuch. [Niirnberg,] n. d. F. 2-dpl. 726 9 —Bury, T. T. Rudimentary architecture; the history and description of the styles of various countries. London, 1849. D. il. 720 1 — Caveda, J. Geschichte der Baukunst in Span- ien. Stuttgart, 1858. O. il. 729 3 Fergusson, J. A history of architecture in all countries, from the earliest times to the pres- ent day. London, 1862-7 [v. 1, '65]. 3 v. O. il. w ^ 720 8 — Gothe, J. W. Ton. Altdeutsche Baukunst. {In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 39.) 832 1 (^wilt, J. An encyclopajdia of architecture. New edition, with additions by W. Papworth. London, 1867. O. il. pi. 720 6 — Heyer, R. Das System der Kulturgeschichte des Menschen , ins Besondere das System ihrer tektonischen Form und der Baustyl der Gegen- wart. Stettin [,1863]. O. 301 7 — Hoff, H. Bemterkninger om Skaalebygning- en. il. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sels- kal). Aarboger. v. 7, 1872.) 948 5 — Huber-Liebenan. T. von. Das deutsche Haus zur Zeit der Renaissance. Berlin, 1882. O. 32 p {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 Inkersley, T. An inquiry into the chronolog- ical succession of Romanesque and pointed ar- chitecture in France. London, 1850. O. 729 2 Jordan, H. Die Kaiserpalaste in Rom. Ber- lin, 1H68. O. 31 p. {In Virchow ; NORTHWEST PASSACIE; XOVA ZEMBLA; SPITZBEROEX. ARCULF, St. , bishop. Adamnan. Travels in the Holy Land, towards A. D. 700. {In Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.6 40 Arendt, Wilhelm Amadens. Der Genter Auf- stand, 1539. (In Raumer. F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch, 1842. Die brabantische Revolu- tion, 1789-90; eine Skizze. (In same, 1848.) — Ueber Verfassung und Geschichte der Stildte in Belgien seit dem Anfang des 17 Jahrhunderts bis zur Einverleihung des Landes in die franzosische Republik. {In same, 184'),) 905 1 See a;«o Etteiiius, E. Bericht. {In same 1839). — AreuZjKarl. Die Entdeckungen in Nord und Mittel-Afrika von Richardson, Overweg, Earth und Vogel. Leipzig, 1857. S. map. 916.6 1 Areopagitica, see Milton, J. Aret 1783, see Lidner, B. ARETIXE DIALECT. Corazzini, F. Appunti storici e filologici sula valle tiberina superiore. Sansepolcro, 1874. Q. 457 20 Aretino, Leonardo Bruni, see Bruni. Aretino, Pietro. Capitoli. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1726, v. 3;— 1760, v. 2-3.) 857 2-3 — Lettere scritte a P. Aretino; per cura di Te- odorico Landoni [and others]. Bologna, 3 873-5. 4 V. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 132.) 850 10 — L' Orlandino, canti due. Bologna, 1868. D. 30 [+1] p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 95.) 850 10 — II primo libro delle lettere. Milano, 1864. S. (In Bibl. rara. 51.) 850 3 — Berni, F. Vita di P. Aretino. {In his Opere, 1864, V. 2; in Bibl. rara. 45.) 850 3 Followed by Doni's Terremoto. L' Aretino, see Dolce, L. Arezzo {Latin Aretins), Clandio Mario. De situ insulae Siciliai libellus. (In Rernni Sicu- larum scriptores. 1579.) 945 105 Arezzo, Gambino d', see (xambino. Arezzo, Guido d', see (n}nido. Arezzo, Guittone d' see (iiiittone. Arezzo, Ristoro d', see Ristoro. Arezzo. Regolamento per...erigere un monu- mento europeo all' inventore delje note musi- cali [Guido d' Arezzo]. Arezzo, 1866. F.^ 6 p. 927 10 Arfwedson, Karl David. Forenta Staaternaoch Canada, 1832-4. Stockholm, 1835. 2 v. S. 917.3 1 — Konung Carl XI och hans gunstlingar, his- torisk roman. [Anon.] Norrkoping, 1W45. 2 v. in 1. S. 839.73 1 — Scener i Nord-Amerika. [Anon.] Stockholm, 1836. O. 917.3 2 Contents: Den siste batkaiien pa Ohio-floden.— Sven- sken i Amerika.—Quarteroon-flickan.—Hamden— Poca- hontas.— Eremlten vid Niagara, Tjiigu-ett ars alder.— Indianen.— Handen. — Wadstena kloster, historisk roman. [Anon.] Stockholm, 1848. 2 v. D. 839.73 2 The foregoing volumes by Arfwedson are presenta- tion copies to Mr. Marsh from the author. Argenis, see Barclay, J. Argenis y Poliarco, see Calderon. v. 1. Argens. Olivier d'. Memoires ou journal. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 33.) 944 10 Argenson, Rene Louis de Yoyer de Paulniy, marquis a\ Memoires. {In same. v. 1.) 944 10 ARGENTINE LITERATURE. See GARdA, E. M.;— MARMOL, J. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Archivo americano y espiritu de la prensa del mundo [Spanish, French and English]. Buenos- Aires, 1846-9. v. 3-4. sqF; v. 1-3, n. s. O <& Q. 982 1-2 The set contains no. 25-32; new series, 3, 4, 8, 10, 15. — Famin, S. M. C. Buenos-Ayres. 1840. pA. map. {In L"univers. 10.) 910 18 — Mantegazza, P. Rio de la Plata e Tenerife. Milano, 1867. D. 918.2 1 ARGOT. Michel, F. X. Etudes de philologie comparee sur I'argot, et sur les idiomes anal- ogues. Paris, 1856. Q. 410 6 Argullol y Serra, Jose de, & Maspons y Labros, F. La caza; derechos y deberes del propieta- rio y del cazador; coleccion de disposiciones que la reglamentan, comentadas. Barcelona, 1867. D. 349 35 Argnropoulos, K. P. A670J, 20 Mafot 1850 [on Adamautios Koraes]. ' Ev' Ad-qvats , 1850. O, 52 p. 928 35 Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th duke of. Primeval man; an examination of some recent speculations. London, 1869. D. pi. 573 2 Ariel, Cesare. Poesie scelte; a cura di Zanoli Bicchieri. Firenze, 1874. D. 851 8 Contents: La coltlvazione degll nliv'.— II corallo.— La pastorizia.— L'origine delle fonti.— Poemetti varj.— Inni di Bacchillde.— Versi sacri.— Frammenti. Aridosio, commedia, see Medici, L. di P. F. de'. Ariosto, Lodovico. L'Orlando furioso, con an- notazioni. Firenze, 1821. 4 v. O. por. 851 9 With the arguments of S. Ammirato prefixed to every canto. Vol. 1 contains Elogio per A. Fabroni. —Flight of Angelica [, with] translation in the ottava rima of the original by W. S. Rose. {In Cavalleri, E. Italian readings. 1865.) 851 1 —Der Kampf mit der Orca; aus dem Rasenden Roland des Ariost. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 4, 1877.) y45 4I —II primo canto dell Orlando furioso, recato in dialetto milanese [bv F. Bellati]. {In Col- lezione milanese, 1816-7,'v. 11.) 859 15 — Rime e satire, con annotazioni. Firenze, 1822. O. 851 10 — Le satire autografe. Bologna, 1875. Q. p>or. 857 1 hound with 853 13 Ser 3, with pre- Pubblicate a cura del Comitato ferrarese per la i-icor- enza del 4 centenario a face by Prosper© Viuni. -Supposes, a comedie. (In Gascoigne, G. Com- ARIOSTO 34 ARN'ASON' plete poems, 1869-70, v. 1; in Hazlitt, W. C. Eoxburghe lib. 5.) 821 2 — Bolza, Cr. B. Ariosts Nachahmung der Alten. {In Jahrbucli rom. u eng. Lit, v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 Aristarco; o, Censura de la proclamcion cato- lica de los Catalanes. n. p. [, 1640], D. 946 45 Aristippe, on, De lacour, see Balzac, J. L. (r. de. The aristocracy of England, see Hampden, J., jun. Aristodenio, tragedia, see Monti, V. Aristophanes. Ausgewahlte Komodien; er- klart von Theodor Kock. Leipzig, 1852-3. v. 1-2. O. 882 7 Contents: 1. Die Wolken. 2. Die Ritter. — The Acharnians; — The knights; — The birds; —The frogs;— The peace. (In Frere, J. H. Works, 1872, v. 2.) 821 58 —Die Vogel. {In Grothe, J. W. von. Werke, 1827-42, V. 14.) 832 1 —Frere, J. H. Review of Mitchell's Aristoph- anes. {In his Works, 1872, v. 1.) 821 58 Aristoteles....Historia animalium. Editio stere- oytpa. LipsijB, 1831. T. 888 21 — Uepl iroirjTiKrjs [Greek and Latin, with various readings]. [11—?] S. 888 22 Title-page wanting. — Trattato de' governi; tradotto da Bernardo Segni. Nuova edizione. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 56.) 850 3 — Enclicn, R. Aristoteles' Anschauung von Freundschaft und von Lebensgiitern, Berlin, 1884. O. 44 p. {In Vireliow & Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. 19Serie.) 043 1 — Raumer, F. L. 0. von. Ueber die Poetik des Aristoteles und sein Verhaltniss zu den neuern Dramatikern. {In his Hist. Taschenbuch. 1842.) 905 1 — Onclien, W. Aristoteles und seine Lehre vom Staat. Berlin, 1870. 38 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. SSerie.) 043 1 — Schnppe, W. Die Aristotelischen Kategorien. Berlin. 1871. O. [1+] 71 p. 888 24 Arlia, C. Del linguaggio degli artigiani fioren- tini; dialoghetti. Milano, 1876. D. 457 21 — & Fanfani, P. II lessico della corrotta itali- anita. Milano, 1877. D. 458 6 —editor, see II Borghini. 1874-7. 450 13 Scelta di curiosita. 169, 213. 850 10 ARMAtJNACS. Bartliold. F. W. Der Arme- geckenkrieg, 1444-5. (In Raumer, F. LM. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1842.) 905 1 Armaflis saga, see Jaeobsson, H. Las Armas de la hermosura, see Calderon. v. 4. Der arme Heinrich, see Hartmann von Aue. Armenante, A. Generazione dei connessi di 2o ordine e 2a classe. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 ARM1']NIA. Bore, E. Armenie. 1838. por. pi. maps. (In L'nnivers. 61.) 910 18 —Hamilton, MV. J. Researches in Asia Minor, Armenia and Pontus. London, 1842. 2v.O. il. pi. maps. 915.6 3 Armenian cliurcli. [Prayer book, 1850.] T. 264 13 Title page and p. 1-4 wanting. ARMENIAN LANGUAGE, see Bible— iV. T.— Armenian. 225 26 Die Armennoth, see Bitzins, A. v. IC. L' armeria reale di Torino, cantica, see Regal- di, G. ARMIES. Heeren, A. H. L. Biirgergarden, Miethtruppen, stehende Heere, universal hi- storisch angesehen. {In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 3.) 908 2 ARMIMUS, see HERMANN. ARMOR, ARMS, see DEYICESj JttETALS: MIL- ITARY SCIENCE. Armstrong, John. Life of Richard Montgom- ery, facsim. {In Sparlis, J. American biogra- phy, 1835-9, V. 1.)— Life of Anthony Wayne. facsim. {In same, v. 4). 920 15 Armytage, George Jolm. Index to the visita- tion of the county of Yorke, 1665-6, by William Dugdale. London, 1872. O. [3-f]40p. 820 7 Arnaboldi, Alessandro. Versi. Milano, 1872. D. 851 11 Arnaldo da Brescia, tragedia, seeMccolini, G.B. ARNALDO of Brescia. Clavel, Y. Arnauld de Brescia et les Remains du 12e siecle. Paris, 1868. O. map. 922 18 Arna-Magnaean legacy. The library contains the following Arna-Magnaean e^^ditions : Arnason, J. Jus ecclesiasticum novum. 1777. 839.68 12 Ed(laSiemundarhinnsfr6da. 1787-1828. 3 v. 839.61 1 Edda Snorro Sturlusonar. 1848-52. 2 v. 839.63 2 Eglls-saga. 1809. 839.63 27 Gnigas. 1829. 2 v. 839.68 8 Gula-iiiigs-laug. 1817. 839.68 20 (Juiiiilaugi, Sagan af. 1775. 839.63 68 Hervararsaga. 1785. 839.63 42 Hnngunaka. 1778. 839.63 43 fKlenzkir annalar. 1847. 839.63 45 Jariisida. 1847. 839.68 10 Koriiiaks saga. 1832. 839.63 51 Kristni-saga. 1773. 839.63 52 Laxdiela-saga. 1826. 839.63 53 Xials-saga. 1809. 839.63 55 Orkiieyiiiga saga. 1780. 839.63 57 KjiiilH'gla. 1780. 839.63 61 Viga-Olums saga. 1786. 839.63 69 —Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selsliab. Beret- ning om den Arna-Magnaenske Commission, 1838-51.— OmLegatets Pengevaeseni disse Aar. {In its Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v.2-3, 1846-51.) 948 4 — — Commission arnemagneenne. (In its Me- moires. v. 3,1845-9 ) 918 8 Arnason, Jon, bishop of Skdlholt. Eiktamork isleiidsk : Horologium Islandicum. (In Rym- begla. 1780.) 839.63 61 — Historisk Indedning til den gamle og nye islandske Raettergang; for0get, med Anmaei-k- ninger, of John Erichsen; med Kofod Anchers Fortale om den theoretiske Lovkyndigheds Nodvendighed. Ki0benhavn, 1762. sqO. 349 56 — Jus ecclesiasticum novum, 1775: Kristinnrettr inn nyi, edr, Arnabiskups; cum versione Latina ...edit Grimus Johannis Thorkelin. Hafnise, 1777. D. 839.68 12 ARN^ASOJSr 35 ARNOLD Ex mss. legati Magnaea^l. — editor, see leir aagigetu...psalma flockar. 1780. 839.62 23 Arnason, J6n, compiler. Islenzkar ij6gsj6gur og ffifintyri. Leipzig, 1862-4. 2 v. O. 839. (J3 4 —Danish: Islandske FSlkesagn. {In Copenha- gen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tids- skrift. V. 7. 1861-3.) 948 4 Translations of some stories in the first volume, not given in Carl Andersen's translation of the work. Arnaud, Joseph. Les Italiens prosateurs fran- 9ais; etude sur les emigrations italiennes depuis Brunetto Latini jusqu'a nos jours. Milan, 1861. O. 840 19 hound with 841 14.1 Arnaud, V. Le prince Dgem, chronique dauphi- noise du 15e siecle. Grenoble [, I860?]. O. 35 p. 841 9 Arnanld, Antoine, ahhi. Memoires, contenant anecdotes de la cour, 1634-75. {In Michand M0DLIN()}E. Munch, P. A. Arnmodlinge- slajgten i Norge, en genealogisk Unders0gelse grundet paa Fagrskinna. (/n Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 AR?<0. Fossombroni, V. Memoria sulla rela- zione tra le acque dell' Arno e quelle della Chi- ana. Firenze, 1844. S. 48 p. 551.48 16 — — Same. {In Opuscoli idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 — (Jrazzini, A. F. Delia inondazione di Firenze nel 1547. Firenze, 1865. O. 12 p. 551.48 17 — Ouasti, r. Dell' influenza che esercitar pos- sono sul corso dell' Arno le acque della Chiana. {In Opuscoli idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 — Libri, G. Analisi della memoria sulla.. .Arno e Chiana del Fossombroni. {In same.) 627 3 — Lonibardini, E. Nota alia memoria [of Guas- ti] intorno all' influenza della Chiana suU' Arno. {In same.) 627 3 — Morozzi, F. Dello stato antico e moderno del fiume Arno, e delle cause e de' rimedi delle sue inondazioni, Firenze, 1762-6. 2v. in 1. sqQ. 551.48 15 — Tadini, C. Opinione. {In Opuscoli idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 See also CHIANA. Arnold, abbot of Lubeck. Chronica Slavorum. Hannoverae, 1868. O. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 2.) 943 16 ARNOLD. Benedict. Sparks, J. The life and treason of Arnold. Boston, 1835. D. por. facsim. (In his American biography, v. 3.) 920 15 Arnold, Bernhard. Sappho. Berlin, 1871. O. 31 p. {In Yirchow cfc Holtzendorft". Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Arnold, Sir Edwin. The light of Asia; or, The great renunciation; being the life and teaching of Gautama, as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist. London, 1879. D. 821 14 Arnold, Matthew. Essays in criticism. Lon- don, 1865. D. 824 2 —Higher schools and universities in Germany. London, 1874. D. 373 1 Presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. — Irish essays, and others. London, 1882. D. 824 3 — Literature & dogma. 3 edition. London, 1873. D. 230 1 Arnold, Richard. The customs of London; otherwise called Arnold's chronicle; containing among other matters the original of the poem of The nut-brown maid; reprinted from the 1st edition, with the additions included in the 2d. London, 1811. sqQ. 942 32 Edited by Francis Douce. For continuation, see Mri- othesley, C. Arnold, Thomas, D. D., of Rugby school. Lectures on modern history; preface to the American edition by J. G. Cogswell. New York, 1843. F. 48 p. (New world, extra series, no. 71-2.) 940 33 bound with 913 17 — Life and correspondence; by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 1 American from 3 English edition. New York. 1845. D. 923 10 — Neander, J. A. W. Die Bedeutung des Arnold fiir den Standpunkt der kirchlichen Gegen- wart. Berlin, 1846. O. 33 p. 913 9 Arnold, Thomas, M. A. A manual of English literature, with an appendix on English metres. London, 1862. O. 820 12 —editor. Memorials of St. Edmund's abbey. London, 1890. v. 1. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 96.) 942 8 Henry of Huntingdon. HistoriaAnglorum. 1879. {In same. 74.) 942 8 Symeon of Durham. Opera omnia. 1882- 5, {In same. 75.) ' 942 8 ARNOLD 36 AUTHUR Arnold, Thomas Kerchever, & Riddle, J. E. A copious and critical English-Latin lexicon, founded on the German-Latin dictionary of C. E. Georges. New edition. London, 1868. O. 473 6 Arnold, Willielni. Deutsche Urzeit. 2 Auflage, Gotha, 1880. O. 943 ll — editor, see Zorn, F. Wormser Chronik. 1857. 943 40 ARSORR JARLASKlLD. (iislason, K. Et Par Bemterkinger til et Vers of Arnor Jarla- skald. (in Copenhagen— K. nord.01d.-Selskab. Aarboger. v. 14, 1879.) 948 5 Arnott, Neil. A survey of human progress. London, 1861. O. 301 2 Aron,Siegmund.Ueber LieferungsgeschM te und kaufmiinnischen Schwindel. Berlin, 1875. O. 86 p. (In Yirchow raiii; (iingalin; Grail; [>raiii; .Tosepli of Arimathie; Lancelot; Lauiifal; Libiiis Disconius; Merlin; Parzival; Perceval; Titurel; Tris- tan; Wigolais. The history of Arthur of Little Britain, a ro- mance of chivalry: translated by John Bour- chier, lord Berners. New edition, with plates from illuminated drawings in a nis. of the ro- mance [; edited by E. V. Utterson]. London, 1814. 843 3 300 copies printed. Artlmr, William. Italy in transition; public scenes and private opinions in the spring of 1860. D. 1)14.5 24 Artlius, Gottliard, continuer, see Annaeus, T. Historia Pannonite. 1608. 943 62 ARTS. Agrippa, H. C. The vanity of the arts and sciences. London, 1684. D. j^or. . 501 1 See also FIXE AKTS; IXDISTKIAL ARTS. Arvidsson, Andreas. En kort handledning til thet swenske poeterij. [1651.] 439.76 1 Title page wanting. Arvieux, Laurent d'. Memoires, contenant ses voyages; mis en ordre avec des reflections par Jean Baptiste Labat. Paris, 1735. 6 v. S. 915 7 Arwidsson, Adolf Iwar. Forteckning ofver Kongl. bibliothekets i Stockholm isliindska handskrifter. Stockholm, 1848. O. (In Svenska forn.-siil. Allmanna arsmote, 1847.) 839.7 2 —editor. Svenska fornsanger. Stockholm, 1834-42. 3v. O. music. 839.711 L' arzigoglo, see Crrazzini, A. F. Commedie. As you like it, see Shakespeare, W. Asarne, see Ling', P. H. Asbj0rnsen, Peter Christen. Anton Rosing; Biographie. Chri&tiania, 1869. O. [8-I-] 49 p. 925 19 —Michael Sars; nogle Trsek af en Naturfor- skers Levnet og Arbeider. Kj0benhavn, 1870. D. 24 p. 925 20 — Norske Folke-Eventyr. Ny Samling. Chris- tiania, 1871. O. 398 17 —Same. 2 Udgave. KJ0benhavn, 1876. O. 398 18 — Norske Folke- og Huldre-Eventyr, i Udvalg. Kj.0benhavn, 1879. O. il. jJl por. 398 20 — Norske Huldre-Eventyr og Folkesagn. 3 Udgave. Christiania, 1870. O. 398 19 — Om Skovene og om et ordnet Skovbrug i Norge. Christiania, 1855. D. 551.58 96 — Til Erindring om Michael Sars. Christiania, 1870. S. 8 p. 925 20 — Torv og Torvdrift. Christiania, 1868. O. il. 553 3 — Torvdriften, 1871. n. p., 1872. D. 8 p. 553 3 — & Moe, J. E. Norske Folkeeventyr. Chris- tiania, 1843. V. 1, pt. 2, 3; v.2, pt. 1. S. 398 13 Same. 2 for0gede Udgave. Christiania, 1852. sqD. 398 14 Same. 4 Udgave. Christiania, 1868. O. 398 15 Same. 5 Udgave, 7de Tusinde. Christi- ania, 1874. O. 398 16 Norwegische VolksmiUirchen ; deutsch von Friederich Bresemann; mit einem Vor- worte von Ludwig Tieck. Berlin. 1847. v. 1. S. 398 21 — editor. Ydale, et Vinterskrif t. Christiania, 1851. D. 914 2 Contents: Welliaven, J. S. Ydale.— Asbj(*rnseii, P. C. Billederfra en Middelhavsreise med Korvetten 0rnen.— Kjenilf, T. Fra Island.— Et Gjeiisyn, en Portielling.— Col- lett, P. I. Breve fra Rom. Norsk Landmandsbog, 1868-70. 839.88 3 — Jliger, H. Asbj0rnsen og "Huldreasventy- ret." por. (J?i Ude og Hiemme, 9 Okt. 1881.) 928 7 bound with 925 18 — Larsen, A. P. C. Asbj0rnsen; en literser-bio- grafisk Skitse; med Tilleeg af en bibliografisk Oversigt ved J. B. Halvorsen. Christiania, 1872. F. 50 p. il. por. 928 7 bound ivithd2'i 18 French : trad, par V. Molard. Christiana, 1883. F. 38+4 p. il. por. 928 7 bound loith 925 18 The translation contains an appendix, 4 p., Asb.i0rn- sen's Forfattervirksomhed, 1872-6. ASCETICISM. Bernard, St. Pistola a Frati del Monte di Dio [della vita remiticha]; da P. Fanfani. Bologna, 1867. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 84.) 850 10 — Hierouymus Sophronius, E. St. Epistola ad Eustochio [della misera della vita e della soli- tudine]. Bologna, 1869. D. (In same. 110.) 850 10 See also HERMITS; MOXASTICISM. Aschain, Roger. Whole works; now first col- lected and revised, with a life of the author, by [John Allen] Giles. London, 1864-5 [v. 1, '65]. 3 V. in 4. D. facsim. 828 2 —English works; with notes and life by James Bennet London, 1761. sqO. 828 1 —The scholemaster. 1 edition, 1570, collated with 2 edition, 1572. Birmingham, 1870. S. {In Arber E. English reprints. 23.) 820 9 — Toxophilus, 1545. London, 1868. S. {In same. 7.) 820 9 Aschrott, P. F. Aus dem Strafen- und Gefilng- nisswesen Nordamerikas. Hamburg, 1889. O. 60 p. {In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff'. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Ascoli, Griulio. Nuove ricerche sulla serie di Fourier. {In Rome— R. accad. dei Uncei. Atti. 3ser. sci.fis.Y. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Sulla rappresen- tabilita di una funzione a due variabili per serie doppia trigonometrica. (In same. v. 4, 1878-9.)— Sulle serie trigonometriche a due vari- abili. {In same, v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Sul concetto di integrale definito. {In same. 2 ser. V. 2, 1874-5.)— Sulle serie 2m ^ ^n, tin same, v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) o n ^g- 3 Ascoli, Uraziadio Isaia, editor. Archivio glotto- logico italiano. Roma, 1873-90. v. 1-1 1. O. facsim. map. 4.50 n Containing the following works by Ascoli: 1. Saggi la- dini. 1 V. tnap. 2. Del posto che spetta al ligure nel sistema dei dialetti italiani.-P. Meyer ell franco-proven- zale.— Ricordi blbliografici. 3. Schizzi franeo-proven- zali.— Annotazioni dialettologichealla Cronica deli im- AS (JO LI 38 ASIA MINOR peradori — Varia. 4. Annotazioni ai testi friulanl.— Cimeli tersestlni.— II participio veneto in -esto Altri a- blativi d' imparislUabi neutri. 6-6. II codice irlandese deir Ambrosiana. 2 v. facsiin. 7. Tortona e Tortosa, tosto; eancora dellaCronaca deliimperadori.— Versione letterale del testo soprasilvano. Barlaam e Giosafat. Sa^gio dl morfologria e lessicolofjia soprasilvana. 8. L' Italia dialettale. 9. Retia, retiare, retiaculum. 10. Due recenti lettere glottologiche e una proscritta nuova. Di -tr-issa che prenda il posto di -tr-ice —II tipo /jallo-romano seuv=sebo i franc.orteil e prlaive.— II dialetto tergestino. Pania impaniare. 11. Saggiuoli diversi. Ase^a-Buch, see Frieslaud. ASGARDSREIDKJ. Munch, P. A. Sagnet om Aasgaardsreien. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 Asher, David. On the study of modern lang- uages; the English in particular. Leipsic, 1859. D. 420 1 ASIA. Bohiue, J. The fardle of facions, con- teining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes of Affricke and Asie. London, 1555. T. 916 3 Same: {In Hakluyt, R. Selection of voy- ages. 1812.) 910 57 — Chasles, V. E. P. Voyages d'un critique a travers la vie et les livres: Orient. Paris, 1865. O. 950 4 — Cliesney, F. R. The expedition for the survey of the Euphrates and Tigris, 1835-7; preceded by geographical and historical notices of the regions between the Nile and Indus. London, 1850. 2 V. Q. il. pi. viap. 915.6 11 — Dapper, 0. Asia, naukeurige beschryving. Amsterdam, 1682. F. il. pi. maps. 915 3 — Herbelot, B. d.' Bibliotheque orientale. Maestricht, 1776. F.^ 950 1 — — Supplement, par C. Visdelou et A. Galand. [Maestricht,] 1780. F.^ tab. 950 1 — Jordanus, friar. Mirabilia descripta: The wonders of the East, circa 1330; translated, with a commentary by H. Yule. London, 1863. O. {In Hakluyt soc. Works. 31.) 915 5 — Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah, calledlhn Batuta. \ oyages; texte arabe; traduction par C. De- fremery et B. R. Sanguinetti. Paris, 1853-8. 4 V. O. 915 2 Same: Index alphabetique. Paris, 1859. O. [3+] 91 p. 915 2 —Pinto, F. M. Peregrina9ao. Nova edi9ao. Lisboa, 1829. 4 v. S. 915 8 ^Polo, M. The book concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East; newly translated and edited, with notes, by H. Yule. London, 1871. 2 V. O. il. pi. facsim. maps, <■ 915 13 — — La description geographique de I'lnde orientale, meurs, loix & coustumes des habi- tans. Paris, 1556. O. 099 24 — — Le livre, 1298; publie par G. Pauthier. Paris, 1865. 2v. Q. map. 915 14 — — II milione; pubblicato ed illustrato dal G. B. Baldelli Boni. Firenze, 1827. 2v. Q, & Carte. F. 915 9, 11 — —I viaggi; per cura di A. Bartoli. Firenze, 1863. D. 915 12 — Reclns, J. J. E. Geographie de I'Asie. Paris, 1881-4. 4 V. Q. il. pi. maps. {In his Nouv. geog. univ. 6-9.) 910 13 — Rerue de I'orient. Paris, 1843-58. v. 1-35. O. pi. facsim. 950 2 — Revue orientale et algerienne. Paris, 1822. V. 1-3. O. pi. map. 950 3 — Ritter, K. {In MsErdkunde, 1P22-59, v. 2-19.) ' 915 1 Contents .■ 2-4. Hoch-Asien. 5-6. Indische Welt. 7. Turan. 8-9. Iranische Welt. 10-11. Euphrat- und Ti- grissystem. 12-13. Arabien. 14. Sinai-Halbinsel. 16- 16. Palastina. 17. Syrien. 18-19. Klein-Asien. • — Sansevcrino, J. da. Viaggio; sec. 15. Lucca, 1868. O. 38 p. 915 15 — Ta vernier, J. B. Les six voyages en Turquie, en Perse et aux Indes. Suivant la copie im- primee a Paris, 1679-92. 3 v. S. pZ. maps. 099 26 C'ow^e^//*'.' 1. Turquie et Perse. 2. Voyages des Indes. 3. Recueil de relations et traitez. — — English : The six voyages into Persia and the East Indies; made English by J. P[hillips] ; added, A description of the kingdoms which encompass the Euxine and Caspian seas. Lou- don, 1678. 3 V. inl. F. jjL 915 16 — Vambery, A. Reise in Mittelasien, 1863. Leipzig, 1865. O. pi. map. 915 19.1 See also AFGHAMSTAX; ARABIA; ASIA MIXOB; ASSYRIA; BABYLOMA; BALUCHISTAX; CAMBODIA; CEYLOX; €HAL- DMX; CHIXA; GEXOESE COLOMES; IXDIA; IXDO-CHIXA; JAPAX; KUBDISTAX; LAOS; LEVAXT; MEDIA; MESOPO TAMIA; OXUS; PALESTIXE; PALMYBA; PERSIA; PH(E- XICIA; SUM; SIBEBIA; SUSIAXA; SYBU; TABTARY; TIBET; TURKEY; TLRKISTAX. For Asiatic maps see AFGHAXISTAX; ARABIA; ASIA MIXOB; IXDIA; PALESTIXE ASIA MINOR. Barth, H. Reise von Trapezunt durch die nordliche Hiilfte Klein Asiens nach Scutari, 1858. Gotha, 1860. sq. Q. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen : Erganzungsband 1.) 910 44 — Diest, W. von. Von Pergamon iiber den Din- dymos zum Pontus. Gotha, 1889. sqQ. pZ. maps. {In same.) 910 44 — Fellows, C. A journal written during an ex- cursion in Asia Minor, 1838. London, 1839. map. 915.6 2 —Hamilton, W. J. Researches in Asia Minor. London, 1842. 2 v. O. il. pi. maps. 915.6 3 — Hammer-Purgstall, J. von. Umblick auf einer Reise von Constantinopel nach Brussa und dem Olympos und zuriick iiber Nicaa und Nicomedien. Pesth, 1818. sqO. pi. maps. 914.9 36 — Le Bas, P. Asie Mineure, jusqu'a 1402; ter- minee par Cheron. Paris, 1863. O. (/?i L'univers. 14.) 910 18 ^Murray, J,, publisher. A handbook for the Ionian islands,... Asia Minor... London, 1845. D. maps. 914.9 24 — ^Mussabini, E. Un tour dans I'A^ie-Mineure. Smyrne, 1850. S. 95 p. 915.6 4 — Neale, F. A. Eight years in Syria, Palestine and Asia Minor, 1842-50. London, 1851. 2 v. O. 915.6 5 — Schropp, S., nndCo.,ptt6Hs7iers. Karte von Klein-Asien. Berlin, 1844. F.» 5 maps. 912 53 In portfolio 2. —Stark, K. B. Aus dem Reiche des Tantalus und Croesus: eine Reisestudie. Berlin. 1872. O. 59 p. 2)1- map. (In Yirchovv & Holtzen- dorflf. Vortrilge. 7 Serie.) 043 1 ASIA MINOR 39 ASTROLOGY — Tchikhatcher, P. Asie Mineure. le partie: Geographie physique comparee. Paris, 1853. O. pi. 915.6 7 — —Carte geographique de 1' Asie/ '^lineure. Paris, 1853. 75+126 cm. in F.« 912 38 Reisen in Kleinasien und Armenian, 1847- 63; Interare, mitKarte TonH. Kiepert. Gotha, 1857. sqQ. 8+68 p. map. {In Petermanns Mittheiliui^en: Ergiinzungsband 3.) 910 44 — Texier, C. F. M. Asie Mineure, description geographique, historique et archeologique. Paris, 1862. O. pi. maps. (In L'liniYers. 15.) ^ ^ ^j^ jg See also TAURUS. Asiatic society of Japan. Transactions, 1872-89. Yokohama, 1874-89. v. 1-17 in 10. v. O. pl.^ tab. map. 915.2 1 Vol. 12 contains index to v. 1-13. Asinaria, see Plautus, T. M. v. 1. L'asino cacadenari e la pentola meravigliosa, novella. {In Scelta di curiosita. 200.) 850 10 AslaciiS, Conrad. Om exorcismo, eller Besvfe- relsen i Daaben. (In Bang, 0. Samling, 1743-7, pt. 3.) 839.8 1 Asmundar saga kappabana. {In Rafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 3.) 839.63 12 Asmns omnia secum portans, see Claudius, M. Asmussen, Jens Frederik, editor, see Scliles- wig-HoIstein-Lanenburgisclie Gesellscliaft. Ar- chiv fiir Staats- und Kirchengeschichte. 1833-7. 943 42 ASPARAGINE. Gnareschi, I. Studi sull' aspa- ragina e sull' acido aspartico. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 'Affiraa-ia, see RizOS, J. Assas, France. Proclamations faites a Assas, pres Montpellier, par ordre des seigneurs du lieu, 1483; I'abbe L. Vinas. {In Rerue des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) 479 5 Asseline, Louis. Marie Alacoque et le Sacre- Coeur. Paris, 1873. D. 48 p. 27117 Asselineau, Charles, editor, see Diderot, 1). Le neveude Rameau. 1862, 848 4 Assenede, Diederic van. Floris ende Blance- floer; mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Glos- sar. {In Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1836-62, pt. 3.) 839.31 3 Cheuelere Assigne, see Knight of the swan. L' assiuolo, commedia, see Cecclii, Gr. M. Assmann, Bruno, editor. Angelsachsische Homilien und Heiligenleben. Kassel, 1889. O. {In Grein, C. W. M. Bibliothek der...Prosa. v. 3.) 829 11 ASSOCIATION, see COOPERATION. ASSOCIATION OF IDEAS. Ferri, L. Sulla dot- trina psicologica dell' associazione considerata nelle sue attinenze coUa genesi delle cognizioni. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. sci. mor. V. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 Associazione libraria italiana, see Bibliografla d' Italia. 015 6.2 The assumption of Our Ladv. {In Lumby, J. R. King Horn. 1866; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 14.) 820 5 ASSUS. Archaeological institute of America. Papers. Classical series. Boston, 1882. v. 1. O. il. pi. maps. 913 28 For contents gee Areliseological, etc. ASSYRIA. Ctesias. Assyrica. {In his Operum reliquiae. 1824.) 888 43 — Hoefer, J. C. F. Assyrie. 1852. pi. map. {In L'univers. 16.) 910 18 See also MNEVEH. ASSYRIAN LANGUAGE, see CUNEIFORM WRITING. ASTHMA. Berkart, J. B. On asthma; its pa- thology and treatment; London, 1878. O. 616 6 Asti. Codex Astensis qui de Malabayla commu- niter nuucupatur, edidit Quintinus Sella. Romae, 1880. v. 2-4. sqF. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. ser. 2, v. 4-7.) 065 3 Contents: 1, wanting. 2. Pars 1-3 codicis. 8. Pars 4-5 codicis. 4. Appendix et indices. — Muratori, G. F. Asti, colonia romana, a sue iscrizioni latine. Torino, 1869. O. 74 p. 471 6 Same. 2 edizione. Torino, 1869. D. 88 p. 471 7 ASTRAD. Stephens, G. Den danske H0v- ding Astrad. il. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Aarb^ger. v. 10, 1875.) 948 5 ASTROLABE. Chaucer, G. A treatise on the astrolabe, 1391; edited by W. W. Skeat. Lon- don, 1872. O, pi. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 16; Cliancer soc. 1 ser. 29.) 820 5.1,821 45 — — The treatise on the astrolabe; edited, with notes and illustrations, by A. E. Brae. Lon- don, 1870. O. pi. 821 42 ^Synesins. Sermo de dono astrolabii ad PaB- onium. {In his Opera. 1611.) 208 11 El astrologo fingido, see Calderon. v. 1. ASTROLOGY. Bertolotti, A. Giornalisti, as- trologi e negromanti in Roma nel secolo 17. (In Rinsta europea, n. s., v. 5, 1878, p. 466-514.) 133 20 bound with 113 1 ^Dee, J. A letter containing a discourse apol- ogeticall for [his] philosophicall studies. Lon- don, 1599. sqD. [23] p. 133 21 Private diary, and the catalogue of his library of mss. ; edited by J. O. Halliwell. Lon- don, 1842. sqO. (/m Camden soc. 19.) 820 4 — Eland, W. Tutor to astrology. 10 edition, en- larged by G. Parker. London, 1704. T. tab. 133 31 — Gaffarel, J. Curiositez inouyes sur la sculp- ture talismanique des Persaris, horiscope des patriarches, et lecture des estoilles. n. p., 1631, S. pi. 133 33 — Lilly, W. Christian astrology. London, 1647. sqD. 133 22 History of his life and times, 1602-81. London, 1715. S. 133 28 — Magnusen, F. Kortfattet Udsigt over Astro- logiens Opkomst, Uddanelse og Udbredelse i Norden. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Annaler. v. 3, 1840-1.) 948 2 — Mensinga, J. A. M. Uber alte und neuere Astrologie. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. (7n Yir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 —The new starr of the north shining upon the victorious king of Sweden. London, 1632. sqD. [2+] 50 p. j^or. 133 25 ASTROLOGY 40 ATLASES —Paracelsus. Of the mysteries of the signes of thezocliack; being the magnetical and sympa- thetica! cure of diseases. {In his Of the su- preme mysteries. 1638.) 133 26 — Ramsey, W. Astrologia restaurata; or, As- trologie restored. London, 1653. Q. 133 36 ASTRONOMY. Bonardo, G. M. La grandezza, larghezza, e distanza di tutte le sfere; con an- notationi di Luigi Groto Cieco. n. p., 1600. S. 520 1 — Bruno, Gt, La cena de le ceneri. Niiova edi- zione. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 36.) 850 3 — Grinzel, F. K. Ueber Veriinderungen am Fix- sternliimmel. Hamburg, 1889. O. 40 p. jjZ. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 Muller, J. H. J. Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik. Braunschweig, 1856. O. il. {In his Lehrbuch der Physik. v. 3.) 530 6 Atlas wanting. — Xiebiihr, C Astronomische Beobachtungen. (7n /lis Reisebeschreibung nachArabien, 1774- 1837, V. 3.) 915.3 6 — Respiglii, L. Declinazioni media pel 1885,0 di385 Campidoglio. (/>/ Rome— R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fin. v. 2, 1877- 8, pt. 2.) — Catalogo delle declinazioni nudie pel 1885,0 di 1463 stelle. {In same. v. 8, 1879- 80.) 005 4 ^Ristoro of Arezzo. Delia composizione del mondo; testo del 1282, gia pubblicatoda Enrico Narducci. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 54.) 850 3 — Tourtoulon, C. de. Predictions astronomiques pour 1290-5. (/w Revue des langues romanes V. 3, 1872.) 479 5 — ^Whewell, W. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology. Philadelphia, 1833. D. 213 5 — Zollner, J. C. F. pi. {In his Wiss. Abhand- lungen, 1878-81, v. 4.) 504 8 See also ASTROLABE; CHILIXDRE; (OMETS; GllEEX- WICH; LATITUDE; MARS; METEORS; \OKTHERX LIGHTS; PLANETS; PLURALITY OF WORLDS; ROTATION; SEA- SONS; SUN; TELESCOPES: UNIVERSE; ZODIACAL LIGHT. At home in the wilderness, see Lord, J. K. ATHEISM. HaU, R. Modern infidelity consid- ered with respect to its influence on society. (J« 7(is Sermons. 1814.) - 211 3 —Plato. Plato against the atheists; or. The tenth book of the dialogue on laws; with notes and dissertations by T. Lewis, New York, 1845. O. 888 18 — Vanini, L. Amphitheatrum aeternje providen- tiae ad versus veteres philosophos, atheos, Epicu- reos, peripateticos & stoicos. Lugduni, 1615. D. 211 7 See also RATIONALISM. The Athenaeum journal of literature, science and the fine arts. [Weekly.] London, 1860-82. V. [35-80] Q. 052 2 Atlienteus. Deipnosophistae libri 15, cum rerum et scriptorum indicibus. Editio stereotypa. Lipsiae, 1834. 4 v. T. 888 40 Deipnosophistarurh libri quindecim; emen- davit, nova Latina versions et animadversioni- bus cum Is. Casauboni aliorumque tum suis illustravit, indicibus instruxit Johannes Schweighaeuser. Argentorati, 1801-7. 14 v. O. 888 39 Athenia of Damascus, a tragedy, see Dawes, R. ATHENS {ancient). Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. La cite antique. 6 edition. Paris, 1876. D. 352 1 —Leake, W. M. Topographic Athens. 2 Aus- gabe, uebersetzt von J. G. Baiter und H. Saup- pe. Ziirich, 1844. O. pi. maps. 913 29 — Postel, (x. De republica seu magistratibus Atheniensium ; accessit A. Thysii Discursus politicus, & Collatio legvim. Lugduni Batavo- rum, J. 3Iaire, 1645. Tt. 094 12 —Stuart, J. & Revett, N. The antiquities of Athens, and other monuments of Greece, meas- ured and delineated. London, 1837. sqS. 70 2Jl. 913 30 Athens {modern)— Co\iri of the Areopagus. 'H Kara tt)v 19 iavovaplov 1853 diKT) tov Geo^tXoii Kai- pov Kal Tuiv aijv aiiTW... 'Ey 'A^T^i'ats, 1853. O. 40 p. 349 64 [Political decision in the case of Jonas King. Athens, 1852.] O. 42-8 p. ntp. 341 9 Translated on pages 103-108 ot Mr Marsh's Communi- cations relative to King under the title; Final .iudgment of the Areopagus. No. 18— Penal sentence. — National university. Jlp6ypafj.fM tQiv Kara ttjv XeiiJ.epivT]v e^afirjvlav rod 1849 Kal 1850 erovs iv T(f. Tov''Odij3vosiraveTn.(TT7]p.l(^ irapa5o6-q<7oixivu}v p.adrjiJ.6.TUiv. [Athens, 1849.] broadside, 62x47 cm. 378 9 — Bracebridge, Mrs. Notes descriptive of a I)anoramic sketch of Athens. London, 1839. sqQ. ^^. folded pi. 914.9 32 Atls och Camilla, see Creutz, Gr. F. Atkinson, John Christopher, editor, see fol- lowing publications of Surtees society: 820 7 69, 72. Mliltby. Cartularium abbathiaj. 1879-81. 83. Rievaiilx abbey. Cartularium. 1889. Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Oriental and west- ern Siberia, seven years' explorations and ad- ventures. New York, 1858. O. il. pi. map. 915.7 1 Atland eller Manheim, see Rudbeck, 0. Atlantica illustrata, see Rudbeck, 0., the younger. La Atlantida, poema, see Yerdaguer, J. ATLAS MOUNTAINS. Blanekenhorn, M. Der Atlas. Gotha, 1888. s<<^. 4-F63 p. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Ergiinzungsband 20.) 910 44 An atlas of the European states in 45 maps on a uniform scale, with plans of London and Paris. Globe edition. London, 1867. D. 912 9 ATLASES. Berghaus, H. K. W. Physikalischer Atlas. Gotha, 1845-8. 2 v. F.^ maps. 503 1 — Buchon, J. A. C, & Tastu, J. Notice d'un atlas en langue catalane, ms. de I'an 1375. [Paris, 1841.] sqQ. facsini. maps. 912 3 — Cortambert, P. F. E. Petit atlas de geogra- phic moderne. Paris, n. d. Q. 20 maps. 912 6.1 —Hall, S. Black's general atlas. Edinburgh, 1841. F.5 54 maps. 912 4 — Kiepert, H. Atlante antico. 5 edizione. Ber- lino, 1869. F.* 12 maps. 9111.1 ATLASES 41 A UG USTIJNKEK Kleiner Schul- Atlas. Berlin, 1871. sqQ. 4 p. 20 maps. 912 7 —Society for tlie diffusion of useful Itnowledge. Maps. London, 1844. 2 v. sqF.» 912 5 — Stieler, A. Handatlas. Gotha [,1872-3]. obF.^ 90 viaps. 912 8 See cdso NAVIGATIOX. ATOMS. Herscliel, J. F. W. On atoms; a dia- logue. {In his Popular lectures. 1867.) 504 6 See also MOLECULES. ATROPINE. Pesci, L. Ricerche suU' atropina. (In Rome — R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 7, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Selmi, F. Studio chimico-tosscologico per la ricerca dell' atropina. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Atterbom, Per Daniel Aniadeus. Lycksalig- hetens o; sagospel. Upsala, 1824-7. 2 v. D. 839.72 2 — Studier till philosophiens historia och system. Upsala, 1835. v. 1. O. 198 1 ATTERBURY, Francis, bishop of Rochester. Pope, A. Letters to Atterbury in the Tower of London; edited by J. G. Nichols. 1859. (In Camden misc. 4; in Camden soc. 73.) 820 4 AtthiU, WUliam. Documents relating to the foundation and antiquities of the collegiate church of Middleham, in the county of York, with a historical introduction. London, 1847. sqO. il. (In .same. 38.) 820 4 Attila, flagellum Dei; poemetto in ottava rima, riprodotto sulle antiche stampe [by Ales- sandro d' Ancona]. Pisa, 1864. O. 851 12 ATTILA, king of the Hum. Tliierry, A. S. D. Histoire d' Attila et de ses successeurs; suivie des legendes et traditions. Paris, 1856. 2 v. O. 943 64 ATTRACTION in grammar. Grimm, J. L. K. Ueber einige Fiilie der Attraction. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 3.)— tjber einen Fall der Attraction. (In same. v. 7.) 408 2 —in physics, see GRAVITY. Atwater, Caleb. Remarks made on a tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington city, 1829. Columbus, O., 1831. S. 917.7 3 Au bord de la mer; reveries d'un voyageur; par I'auteur des Horizons prochains. 2 edition. Paris, 1866. D. 844 1 Aubanel, Tli^odore (Provencal Teodor Auba- neu). A I'amigo que n'ai jamais visto.— La guerro. —Li dindouleto. (In Revu e des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870,)— Jaquet Arnaviello. (In same. v. 3, 1872.)— La perlo.— L'escalie di gigant. (In same. v. 4, 1873.)— A-n-uno Veni- ciano. (In same. v. 5, 1874.) 479 5 Auberi, Aus der chanson de geste von. (In Tobler, A. Mittheilungen, 1870, v. 1.) 841 10 Aubrey, Jolin. Remains of gentilism and Jud- aism. (In Thomas, TV. J. Anecdotes and tra- ditions. 1839; in Camden soc. 5.) 820 4 A portion of his materials for this work; see preface, p. 8. C'est d'Aucasin et de Nicolete. (In Moland, L. E. D., iO BOHEMIA; BOTZEX; CABMOLA; COJIMEBCE- AUSTBIA; CROATIA; DALMATIA; GALICIA; HUXGAliY; ISTRIA; KARST; LODOMERIA; POLAND; TRAIVSTLVAIVU; TRIESTE; VALTELLINA; VIEAXA. For Austrian maps see TYROL; VIEXXA. AUSTRIAN DIALECTS. Mareta, H. Proben eines Worterbuches der osterreichischen Volks- sprache. 2 Versuch. Wien, 1865. O. 11 + 72 p. ^ 437 7 Answalilaus desTeufels Papieren, see Richter, J. P. F. V. 4. AUTHORS, see LITERATURE. Aiitobiografe: Petrarca, Lorenzino de' Medici, Chiabrera, Vico, Raflfaello da Montelupe, Fo- scolo, Balbo. Firenze, 1857. Tt. 920 14 The preface is signed X. Der Autor, ein Fastnachts-Schwank, see Tieek, J. L. Schriften, v. 13. L' autre Tartufe; ou, La mere coupable, drame, see Beauniarchais, P. A. C. de. Autumn leaves, see Gardner, S. J. AUYERGNE. Flechier, E. Memoires sur les grands-jours d'Auvergne en 1665;annotes et aug- mentes d'un appendice par Cheruel, et d'une no- tice par Sainte-Beuve. Paris, 1856. O. pi. music. 944 60 L'avare, comedie, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. v. 5. L'avaro, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 40. L'avaro fastoso, commedia, same, v. 8. Are-Lallemant, Robert Christian Berthold. Die Benutzung der Palmen am Amazonenstrom in der Oekonomie der Indianer. Hamburg, 1861. S. 6+44 p. 552.58 116 Arentinus or Thurmayr, Johann. ... Chronica ...;durch Niclaus Cisner in Druck gegeben, mit Glossen. Franckfort a. M., 1850. F.-* 943 36 FRAU ATENTIURE. Grimm, J. L. K. Frau Aventiure klopft an Beneckes Thiir. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 1.) 408 2 See also Sclieffel, J. V. Les aventures d'un fifre, see Reybaud, M.R.L. Averani, Giuseppe, Del vitto e delle cene degli antichi, lezioni. Milano, 1863. S. por. {In Bibl. rara. 3.) 850 3 ATesbury,Robert of. De gestis mirabilibus regis Edwardi tertii; edited by E. M. Thompson. 1889. (In Gt. Br. — Master <»f rolls. Chron. and mem. 93.) 942 8 Les ayeugles de Chamouny, see Nodier, J. C. E. Avezae-Macaya, Marie Armand Pascal d'. Es- quisse gen^ale de 1' Afrique et Afrique an- cienne. 1844. pi. maps. {In L' univers. 2.) 910 18 — (fc others. lies de 1' Afrique. Paris, 1848. O. (In same. 4.) 910 18 —editor, see Cartier, J. Brefrecit. 1863. 973 16 — Harrisse, H. L'authenticite des "Historic" attribuees a F. Colomb. Paris, 1878. Q. 10 p. 923 31 — — L'histoire de C. Colomb attribuee a son fils Fernand; examen critique du memoire par d'Avezac, 1873. Paris, 1875. O. [3 +1 58 p. 923 31 Arianus, Flavius. Fabulae. {In Phsedrus. 1823.) 871 5 Avignone, Gaetano, Medaglie dei Liguri e della Liguria descritte. pi. {In Societa ligure. Atti. V. 8, 1868.) 945 48 AYILES, Spain. Wolf, A. Die Unilchtheit des Fuero von Aviles. {In Jahrbuch roni. u. eng. Lit. V. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Ayisa, see WiUoby, H. Avondstonden, see Conscience, H. Avril, Adolphe d', translator, see La chanson de Roland. 1865. 841 33 L'avvelenatrice, see Linares, V. Le avventure della villeggiatura, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 7. L'avventuriere onorato, commedia, same, v. 1. L'avvocato Massimo, e il suo impiego, seeVisconti Venosta, G. L'avvocato veneziano, see Goldoni, C. v. 4. Awdeley, John. The f raternitye of vacabondes, 1560-1; A caueat or warening for common cur- setors, by Thomas Harman, from the 3 edi- tion of 1567; A sermon in praise of thieves and thievery by Parson Haben or Hyberdyne; those parts of The groundworke of conny-catch- ing, 1592, that differ from Harman's Caueat; edited by Edward Viles and F. J. Furnivall. London, 1869. O. il. {In E. E. text Soc. Extra ser. 9.) 820 5.1 Axel, see Tegn^r, E. Axel och Anna, see Bremer, F. Axel og Valborg, see 01ilenschlager, A. G. Tragodier, v. 2. AXIOMS. Helmholtz, H. L. F.' Ueber den Ur- sprung und die Bedeutung der geometrischen Axiome. — Die Anwendbarkeit der Axiome auf die physische Welt. {In his Vortrage, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 AXULAR, Pierre d.' Michel, F. X. (In his Pays Basque. 1857.) 899 1 Ayala, Mariano d. ' Ordini militari. (//i Qua- ranta. B., & others. Napoli. 1845.) 914.5 88 Ayala, Pedro Lopez de, see Lopez de Ayala, P. Aye d' Avignon, chanson de geste; publiee par Am 44 BACir F. Guessard et P. Meyer. Paris, 1861. S. {In Giiessard, F. Les anciens poetes de la France. 6.) 841 3 Ayniard, A. Notice sur une decouverte de mon- naies du moyen age. {In Puy de Dome — Societe. Annales 1839.) 944 61 Aymard, Maurice. Irrigations du midi de V Espagne; precede d'un rapport de M. Lebasteur. Paris, 1864. O, l- majjs. 627 35 bound with 16. — Suir altezza di piena massima nel Tevere ur- bano e sui provvedimenti contro leinondazioni. Milano, 1875. F. 58 p. pi. map. 551.48 2'd hound xmth hf^l.M 7 BACCHANALS. Torre diRezzouico, C. C. della. Dissertazione sui misteri de Bacco, e suUa cista mistica. {In his Opere, 1815-20, v. 8 ) 858 5 Bacchanterna, sorgspel, see Stagnelius, E. J. Bacchi della Lega, Alberto, editor, see Scelta di curiosita. 132, 150, 182, 183, 188-190,198, 207, 216, 217,223, 231. 850 10> Bacchides, see Plautns, T. M. Bacelli, CamiUo. Ultime parole di giustizja ai minititri nel Vaticano. Roma, 1882. Q. lip. 282 40 Bachaumont, Francois le Coigneux de. Me- moires. (/riBarriere <& Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 3.) 944 10 Le baclielier de Salamanque, see Le Sage, A.R. Bachiller y Morales, Antonio. Memoria sobre las Antigiiedades americanas. {In Rafn, C. C» Antig. Amer, 1845.) 973 6 BUck, Abraham. Of the Icelandic elephantiasis. iBACK 45 BA G GEE (In Troil, U. vou. Letters on Iceland. 1780.) S14.9 13.1 Backstrom, P. 0., editor. Svenska folkbocker: Sagor, legender och afventyr, efter aldre upp- lagor och andra kallor. Stockholm, 1845. v. 1. O. 293 18 For contents, .«or. {In same.) 943 21 Bacmeister, Sebastian. Continuatio [Mareschal- ci ] Annalium Herulorum ac Vandalorum. ,{In same.) — Antiquitates Rostochienses. . . aucta & emendata a Joanne Bacmeistero.pZ. — IMega- poleos literataj; h. e.. Histories literariae Mega- polensis speciatim Rostochiensis, prodromus; — Liber 1, de jctis.; — Liber 2, de medicis; 1419- 1700. {In same. v. 3.) 943 21 Bacon, Francis, baron Verulam & viscount St. Albans. Works. New edition, with life, by- Basil Montagu. Pliiladelphia, 1844. 3 v. Q. por. 828 3 — The advancement of learning; edited by William Aldis Wright. Oxford, 1869. D. ((Clarendon press series.) 370 1 — A conference of pleasure, composed for some festive occasion about 1592; edited by James Spedding. London, 1870. O. 31+54 p. facsim. 822 2 The inner title is: Mr. Francis Bacon of tribute, or giving what is dew. — Essayes or counsels civill and morall; with A table of the colours of good and evill. Newly enlarged. London, 1639. D. 824 4 — Essays, and Colours of good and evil; with notes and glossarial index, by W. Aldis Wright. Cambridge, 1862. S. j^or. 824 6 — Essays; with annotations by Richard Whate- ,ly. 4 edition, enlarged. London, 1868. O. 824 5 — A harmony of ^the Essays, etc. London, 1871. S. (In Arher, E. English reprints. 27.) 820 9 —The historic of the reigne of King Henry VII. ; whereunto is now added a table. Lon- don, 1629. Q. 942 18 — Sylva syl varum; or, A naturall historic; pub- lished by William Rawley. 5 edition. Lon- don, 1639. Q. por. iltp. 500 1 Appended is his New Atlantis. — Macaulay, T. B. {In his Essays, 1843, v. 2.) 824 16 — ViUari, P. Galileo, Bacone e il metodo spe- rimentale. {In his Saggi. 1868.) 854 8 Bacon, Leonard Woolsey. Memorials of Emily Bliss Gould, of Rome. New York [, c 1879]. D. il.jMr. 923 44 Bacon, Rog'er. Opera quaedam hactenusinedita; edited by J. S. Brewer. London, 1859. O. facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 15.) 942 8 Contentii: Preface.— Opus tertium.— Opus minus.— Compendium philosophia?.— Appendix: De nuUitate magiffi. — The history of Friar Bacon; with the lives of the two conjurers, Bungye and Vandermast. {In Thorn, W. J. Prose romances, 1828, v. 1.) 823 2 See also Terilo, W. BACTERIA. Cohn, F. J. Ueber Bacterien. Berlin, 1872. O. 35 p. il. {In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 — Petri, K. J. Ueber die methoden der moder- nen Bakterienforschung. Hamburg, 1887. O. 62 p. {In same. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Bada, (xiambatista. Poesie. {In Gramba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 12.) 859 50 Baden, trnstav Ludvig. Afhandlinger i Fae- drenelandets Cultur- Stats- Kirke- og Litterser- Historie. Ki0benhavn, 1820-2. 3 v. D. 948 61 — Dfet norske Riges Historic ; en Haandbog. Ki0benhaven, 1804. D. 948 21 — XJdkast til en Historic of Danmarks og Nor- ges Handel og Naeringsveje, fra Oldtiden til Nutiden. Kj0benhavn, 1806. O. 380 14 — Molbech, C. Nogle Ideer til en Kritik over Badens Skrift om Griffenfeld. Ki0benhavn, 1808. D. 88 p. 948 98 Baden, Jakob. Forelsesninger over det danske Sprog; eller, Resonneret dansk Grammatik. 3 forbedrede Oplag. Kiobenhavn, 1804. D. 439.85 1 BADEN, Karl Ludwig, crown-price of. Rosen- stein, N. von. Personalier ofver Carl Ludwig, 17 Jan. 1802. {In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.) 839.78 1 Baden, Torkel. Omden nordiske Mythologies Ubrugbarhed for de ski0nne Kunster. Ki0ben- havn, 1820. D. 30 p. 293 21 Baden, Torkill. Roma Danica, harmoniam atq; affinitatem linguae Danicas cum lingua Roman a exhibens. Hafniae, 1699. T. 439.8 1 Badger, George Percy. Description of Malta and Gozo. Valletta, 1*851. T. pi. music, map. 914.5 104 Badia, Jodoco del, editor, see Giannotti, D. Novelettere. 1870. 856 11 Badia y Leblich, Domingo. Voyages d'Ali Bey el Abbassi en Afrique et en Asie, 1803-7. Paris 1814. 3v. O. 916.1 1 Badoaro, Andrea. Relazione, 1573. {In Docii- menti di storia ottomana. 1842.) 949 54 Baeda, see Bede. BtETYLS, see meteors. BAFFIN LAND. Boas, F. Baffin-Land, 1883-4. Gotha, 1885. sqO. maps. {In Petermanns Mit- theilungen: Ergiinzungsband 17.) 910 44 La baga d'or, romance populaire. {In Revne des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.)— La bago d' or, version de Belesta. {In same. v. 2, 1871.) 479 5 Bagehot, Walter. Physics and politics. 5 edi- tion. London, 1879. D. (Internat. sci. series.) 301 3 Bagger, Carl Christian. Min Broders Levnet, Fortaelling af Johannes Harrijig [pseud.]. Kj0benhavn, 1835. 839.83 6.1 — Smaadigte. Kjrrbenhavn, 1844. D. 839.81 11 JSA G GE&EN 46 BALE Baggesen, Jens Immaniiel. Danske Vterker; udgivne af Forfatterens S0nnei- og C. J. Boye. Ki0benhavn, 1837-32. 12 v. S. por. 839.81 12 —translator, see Holberg, L. Niels Klims un- der jordiske Reise. 1789. 839.87 4 Bagliijnken van Parijs, ook die wyse leeringe die Catho zijnen sone leerde. Gent, 1860. Q. 16+ri+] 40 p. (In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken voor de leden. 7.) 839.3 5 Bagnis, Carlo. Sulla vita e morf ologia di alcuni funghi uredinei. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser v. 2, 1874-5.)— Le pucci- nie, memoria. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Mycologia Romana. pi. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2") — S'ame ;centuriaseconda. pi. (In same. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 BAGrNOLS, France. Jacob,—. Memoire sur les eaux thermales de Bagnols, Lozere. (In Puy de Dome— Societe. Annales. 1839.) 944 61 Balmson, Ki'istian. Gravskikke hos amerikan- ske Folk. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarbgger. v. 17, 1882.)— Bronzealder- ens Mands- og Kvindegrave. il. (In same. v. 21 1886.) — Ethnogratiske Museer i Udlandet. (In same. v. 22, 1887.) — Nefrit- og Jadeitsager i Europa. (In same. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 Sepultures d' hommes et de femmes de I'age de bronze, il. — Les objets de nephrite et de iadeite en Europe. (In same. Memoires. n. s. V. 4, 1884-9.; 948 3 BShr, Johann Christian Felix, editor, see Ctesias. 1824. 888 43 Bailey, James, editor, see Facciolati, G., & Forcellini, E. Totius latinitatis lexicon. 1828. 473 3 Baillet, Adrien. Les vies des saints. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1715-16. 4 v. F.^ por. 922 1 BAILLIE, Lady Grrissell (Home). Keddie, H., & Watson, J. L. (In their Songstresses of Scot- andl, 1871, v. 1.) 928 2 BAILLIE, Joanna. Same. (In same. v. 2.) 928 2 BAILLIE, Robert. Carlyle,T. Baillie the cov- enanter. (In his Essays, 1860, v. 4.) 824 8 Bailly, — .Precis sur la revolution francaise. (In Celnart. E. F. Choix d'anecdotes, 1828, v. 4.) 848 1 Bainbridge, Christopher, archbishop of York. Liber pontificalis. Durham, 1875. O. (In Surtees soc. 61.) 820 7 Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Mammals, col. pi. (In U. S.— Naval expedition to southern hemi- sphere, 1849-52. V 2, 1855.) 918.3 1 — editor, see Heck, J. 6. Iconographic encvclo- psedia. 1851-2. 031 2 Baisienx, Jacques de. The tale of the priest's bladder: Li dis de ie vescie a prestre. (In Chaucer soc. Pub. 2 ser. 10.) 821 46 Bajza, Jozsef. Versei. Pest, 1835. D. 894 7 BdKxai, see Euripides. Baker, Sir Samuel ^Vhite. The Albert N'yanza, great basin of the Nile, and exploration of the Nile sources. London, 1866. 2 v. O. map. 916.7 1 Baker, Thomas. Reflections upon learning; by a gentleman. 7 edition. London, 1738. O. 215 1 Balaguer, Victor. Poesias catalanaa completas, con la traduccion en prosa castellana a la vista. La Bisbal, 1868. 2 v. O. phot. 869 12 The head-line of the title-page is El trovador de Mont- serrat. — Al tornala a veurer. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 2, 1871.) 479 5 — ,: Vox in deserto? ... poesia catalana revolu- cionaria. La Bisbal, 1868. O. 8 p. 869 13 The balance of emotion and intellect, see Waldstein, C. Balbo, Cesare. Vita. (In Autobiografe. 1857.) 920 14 — Manno, A. Cesare Balbo ed il traforo delle Alpi. (In Cnriosita della storia subalpina. v. 4, 1880.) 945 43 Balbo, Leonardo. Relazione dell' attacco e presa di Bonifazio; ristampata dal Vincenzo Promis. (In Society ligure. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Balbns. Ad celsum expositio et ratio omnium meusurarum. (In Blume, F, Schriften der rom. Feldmesser, 1848-52, v. 1.) 526 2 Baldassar, dramma lirico, see De-Toscani, Gr. BaldeUi Boui, Griovanni Battista, conte. Storia delle relazioni vicendevoli dell' Europa e dell' Asia, dalla decadenza di Roma fino alia di- struzione del califfato. Firenze, 1827. 2 v. Q. 915 10 Published as an introduction to his edition of Marco Polo. 915 9 Balders D0d, et heroiskt Syngespil, see Ewald, J. V. 3. • BALDNESS. Synesius. Calvitii encomium. (In his Opera. 1612.) 208 11 Baldovini, Francesco. Lamento di Cecco da Varlungo; colle note d' Orazio Marrini. Fi- renze, 1817. O. 851 13 With life bv G. M. Manni. — Stanze. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760. V. 3.) 857 3 Baldricus, see Baudri. Balduino, Gliovanni, annotator, see Davila, A. C. Historia delle guerre civili di Francia. 1755. 944 26 Baldur hin Gode, see 0hlenschlager, A. G. Tra- godier, v. 7. BALDWIN I, count of Flanders. Le livre de Baudoyn, conte de Flandre; suivi de fragments du roman de Trasignyes ; public por C. P. Ser- rure et A. Voisin. Bruxelles, 1836. O. il. pi. 843 4 Baldwin, Joseph Gr. Party leaders; sketches of Thomas Jefferson, Alex'r Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph... New York, 1855. D. 923 1 Baldwin, Thomas, <& Thomas, J. A complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical diction- ary of the world. Philadelphia, 1855. Q. 910 23 Baldwin, William, see Mrror for magistrates, pt. 3. 1815. 821 85 Bale, John, bishop of Ossori/. Kynge Johan, a play; edited by J. Payne Collier. London, 1838. sqO. (In Camden soc. v. 2.) 820 4 — Hnddesford, W. Joannis BaliBi summarium. (In his Lives of Leland ..., 1772, v. 1.) 928 4 BALEARIC ISLANDS 47 BALUCTIISTAJSr BALEARIC ISLANDS. Lacroix, F. lies Baleares et Pithyuses. 1847. pi. map. {In L'univers. 35.) 910 18 —Vargas y Ponce, J. de. Descriptiones de las islas Pithiusas y Baleares. Madrid, 1787. sqO. tab. 914.6 9 See afeo MAJORCA. Balestrieri, Doiueiiico. Opere. Milano, 1816. 4 V. S. {In Collezione milanese, v. 5-8.) 859 15 Contents: 1. Vita.— II figliuol prodigo.— Novelle.— Ses- tine.— Quartine. 2. Ottave.— Sonetti. 3. La Gerusa- lemme liberata, travestita indialetto milanese. 4. I>rose. Intermezzi. — Traduzioni d' Anacreonte.— Poesie varie. Brandana. Ballad society. Fifth report, by Furnivall, 1877. [London, 1877.] O. 820 5.3 BALLADS. Abrahamson. W. H. F. & others, editors. Udvalgte danske Viser fra Middelal- deren. Kj0benhavn, 1813-14. 5 v. D. 839.816 — Ai*nim, L. A. yon, & Brentano, C, editors. Des Knaben Wunderhorn; alte deutsche Lie- der. Charlottenburg, 1845-6. 3 v. O. iltp. 831 1 Vol. 1 contains an essay Von Volksliedern, by Arnim. Appended to v. 3 is a collection of Kinderlieder. ^Arwidsson, A. l.^editor. Svenska fornsanger. Stockholm, 1834-43. 3 v. O, music. 839.71 1 — Child, F. J., editor. English and Scottish ballads. Boston, 1857. v. 1-4. D. 821 3.1 — . — Same. [3 edition.] London, 1861. 8 v. D. 821 3.3 — Depping', (x. B., editor. Coleccion de los mas celebres romances espanoles. Londres, 1835. 3 V. S. 861 1 — Geijer, E. G., & Afzelius^ A. A., editors. Svenska folk-visor fran forntiden. Stockholm, 1814-16. 4v. D. iltp. 839.713 Vol. 4, music. — Grothe, J. W. von. Volkspoesie. {In his Werke, 1837-43, V. 46.) 832 1 —Hub, I., editor. Deutschland's Balladen- und Romanzen-Dichter. Karlsruhe, 1846. sqO. 831 8 — Janiieson, R. Popular heroic and romantic ballads, translated from the northern langua- ges, with notes. {In Weber. H. W., & Jamie- son, R. Northern antiquities. 1814.) 831 33 — Jeannaraki, A., editor. Kretas Volkslieder; in der Ursprache, mit Glossar. Leipzig, 1876. O. 889 10 — Kind, T. Anthologie neugriechischer Volks- lieder, in Original, mit deutscherijbertragung. Leipzig, 1861. sqT. 889 11 — Lemclie, L. Gf. Ueber einige bei der Kritik der traditioaellen schottischen Balladen zu beobaclitende Grundsatze. {In Jalirbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1863.) 805 1 — ^choa, E. de, editor. Tesoro de los roman- ceros y cancioneros espanoles. Paris, 1838. O. 861 3 — ^Percy, J. Folio manuscript: ballads and ro- mances; edited bv J. W. Hales and F. J. Fur- nivall. London, 1867-8. 3 v. O. facsim. 821 6 — — Reliques of ancient English poetry. 1 Am- erican from 5 London edition, Philadelphia, 1833. V. 1. O. 821 7 —Percy societj^. Early English poetry, ballads, and popular literature of the middle ages. London, 1840-53, 94 pt. in 30 v. D. il. por. pi. music. 820 6 For contents see Peabody catalogue. —Petersen, N. M. Om Behandlingen of Kjjem- peviserne. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.- Selsliab. Annaler. v, 4, 1843-3.) 948 3 —Robinson, T. A. L. v. J., translator. Volks- lieder der Serben; metrisch iibersetzt und hi- storisch eingeleitet. Neue vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1853, 3 v. S, 891 11 — Rodd, T., translator. Ancient Spanish bal- lads relating to the twelve peers of France; with English metrical versions, London, 1831, 3 V, O, il. 861 3 —Wolf, A. English and Scottish ballads, by F. J. Child.— The ballads of Scotland by W. E. Aytoun. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3. I860.) 805 1 — Wolflf, 0. L. B., translator. Halle der Volker; Sammlung vorziiglicher Volkslieder. Frank- furt a, M., 1837, 3v. S, 808 3 See also HOOD, Robin; SOXGS; SPANISH LITERATURE —POETRY. BALLANTYNE, James & John. Refutation of the mistatements and calumnies in Lockhart's Life of Scott respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne; by the trustees and son of James Ballantyne, From the 3 London edition, Boston, 1838. O, 928 48 Ballantyne. John. Biographical memoir of De Foe, (/?i Defoe, D. Novels, etc, 1840-1, v. 1,) 823 7 Ballot, Jules. Histoire de I'insurrection cretoise. Paris, 1868, O, map. 949 77 bound tvith 57 Ballot y Torres, Joseph Pau.Gramatica y apolo- gia de la llengua cathalana. Barcelona [,1814]. S. 467 8 The volume contains the following note by Mr. Marsh: "All the books in this curious dialect are important in a philological point of view, but they are unfortunately rare. At the end of this Catalan or Limousin Grammar, will be found a Catalogue of the works which have been written in that Dialect since the reign of D. Jayme of Ara^on, the Conqueror, whose Chronicle of his own achievements (if genuine) may be con.sidered one of the most curious Historical Monuments of the Middle Ages. That part which relates to the Conquest of Valencia was first printed in the very curious volume entitled OPUS AUREUM, containing the statutes and privileges of that city printed there by Diego Gumiel in 1515 folio, of which I have a very fine copy." BALLYALLY CASTLE. Ciiffe, M. The siege of Ballyally castle. {In Croker, T. C. Narratives of contests in Ireland. 1841; in Camden soc. 14.) • 820 4 Balnares, Henry. The confession of faith [re- vised by Knox in 1548].— An epistle tothecoi;- gregation of St. Andrews [by Knox]; with a brief summary of Balnaves on justification by faith, 1548. — Biographical notices and letters of Balnaves [by Laing]. {In Knox, J. Works, 1846-64. V. 3.) 208 4- BALSAMO, Ginseppe. Carlyle, T. Count Ca- gliostro. {In his Essays, 1860, v. 3.) 824 8 Balsamo-Crivelli,Griuseppe. Mammiferi; ucellie rettil), {In Cattaneo, C, & others. Notizie su la Lombardia. 1844.) 914.5 56 BALTIMORE. Howard, G. W. The monument- al city; its history and resources. Baltimore, 1873. O. maps. 917.5 1 BALUCHISTAN. Diibeux, L. & Valmont, V. BALTIC HIST AN Beloutchistan. 1848. pi. map. {In L'lmivers. Asie 6.) "1" '^^ BALZAC, Honore de. Gantier, T. (In his^ov- traits contemporains. 1874.) 9-0 Id Balzac, Jean Louis Oiiez, sieur de. Aristippe; ou, De la cour. Amsterdam, D. Elzevier, 1664. rp 350 1 Appended is Avis...des ministres & du ministere. — Lettres choisies. Amsterdam, chez les Else- viers, 1678. T. 846 1 — CEuvres diverses, augmentees en cette edi- tion de plusieurs pieces nouvelles. Leide. chez Jean Elsevier, 1658. T. 848 2 Balzano, Francesco. La tiorba a taccone, de Felippo Sgruttendio de Scafato [pseud.]. Na- poli, 1783. S. (In CoUezione napoletana, v. 1.) Bambersrer, Liidwig. Zur deutschen Mlinzge- sptzgebung Berlin, 1872. O. 30 p. (In Vir- chow & Hollzendorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 La banca rotta, commedia, see Ooldoni, C. v. 19. Banclii, Luciano, editor, see Bargagli, S. No- velle. 1873. 853 4 CiESAR, C. J. I fatti di Cesare. 1863. (In Emilia. CoUezione. 7.) 850 6 (jiglij G}. Scritti satirici. 1865. 857 11 Siena. Alcune legazioni del secolo 15. 1864. {)45 82 Statuti, 1863-77, v. 2-3. {In Emilia. CoUezione. 5-6.) 850 6 Spedale di S.Maria. Statuti. 1864. 3G2 1 Bancliini or Bacchini, triovanni, Dominican friar. II libro d' amore di carita; per cura del Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, 1889. O. {In Emilia. CoUezione. 66.) 850 6 Un viaggio a Perugia nel 1395; con alcune sue lettere. Bolcgna, 1864. D. 51 p. {In Scella di curiosita. 48.) 850 10 La banda y la fior, see Calderon. v. 4. Bandamanna saga, udgivet ved H. Fri8riksson. Ki0benliavn, 1850. D. {In Nord. lit. Sam- fund. 10.) 839.63 24 Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonso. Histori- cal introduction to studies among the sedentary Indians of New Mexico. — Report on the ruins of the pueblo of Pecos. Boston, 1881. O. pi. map. {In Archaeol. inst. of Amer. Papers. Amer. ser. 1.) 913 63.1 BAINDIERA, Attilio & Emilio. Conflenti, A. I fratelli Bandiera; o, I massacri cosentini del 1844; racconto documentate. Cosenza, 1862. O. 99 p. 945 101 — — Ricciardi, G. Storia dei fratelli Bandiera e consorti; corredata da F. Lattari. Firenze, 1863. D. 945 102 Bandini, Angelo Maria. Vita e lettere di Ameri- go Vespucci. Firenze, 1745. sqO. pZ. tab. 973 10 Banfl, (xinseppe. Vocabolario milanese-itali- ano. 3 edizione accresciuta. Milano, 1870. S. 457 9 Bang, Oluf, editor. Samling af adskillige og opbyggelige materier saa vel gamle som nye. rKi0benhavn, 1743-7.] 7 pt. in 2 v, S. por. pi. tab. 839.8 1 Bange, Johann, editor, see Thiiringische Chro- nik. 1599. 943 35 48 . BARB ABO Bangert, Heinricli. Origines Lubecenses. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 1.) 943 21 — Micraelius, J. Observation's ad Helmoldi Chronicon Slavorum, prfecipue ad H. Banger ti notes in idem chronicon ejusque Origines Lu- becenses. 1657. {In same, v 3.) 943 21 BA>K OF NORTH AMERICA. Webster, N. Origin of the first bank in the U. S. {In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 Banks, 14 Barros Arana, Diego. Histoire de la guerre du Paciflque, 1880-1. Paris, 1881-2. 2 v. O. mops. 983 3 Barrow, Sir John. A description of Pitcairn's Island; with an account of the mutiny of the ship Bounty. New-York, 1832. S. jjI (Harp- ersfam. lib.) 996 1 Barrow, John. Expeditions on the glaciers, in- cluding an ascent of Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Col du Geant, and Mont Buet. [Anon.] Lon- don, 1864. D. por. 551.43 14 Barry, David, editor, see Juan y Santacilia, J., & Ulloa, A. de. Noticias secretas de America. 1826. 980 1 Barsegape, Pietro da, see Pietro. Bjirselstuen, see Holberg-, L. Comedier, v. 2. Bartas, see Dn Bartas. Bartli, Heinrich. Das Becken des Mittelmeeres in natiirlicher und kulturhistorischer Bezieh- ung ; Vorlesung. Hamburg, 1860. O. 32 p. 911 3 — Reise durch das Innere der europaischen Tiirkei, 1862, Berlin, 1864. O. il. pi. map. 914.9 33 — Reise von Trapezunt durch die nordliche Halfte Klein-Asiens nach Scutari. 1858. Gotha, 1860. sqQ. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilnneren: Ergilnzungsband 1.) 910 44 — Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Cen- tral-Afrika, 1849-55. Gotha, 1857-8. 5 v. O. il. pi. maps. 916.6 2 — Wanderungen durch das punische und kyrenaische Kiistenland; oder,Mag'reb, Afrikia und Barka. Berlin, 1849. O. map. 916.1 2 Barth, J. B. Om Skovene i deres Forhold til Nationaloeconomien. Christiania, 1857. O. 551.58 97 Barth, L., & Pfaundler, L. Die Stubaier Ge- birgsgruppe, hypsometrisch und orographisch bearbeitet. Innsbruck, 1865. O. pi. map. 551.43 38 Barthelemy, Edonard Marie, comte de. editor ^ see Herouard, J. Jom-nal sur Louis XIII. 1868. 923 59 La Fosse, J. de. Journal d'un cure ligueur. 1865. 5)44 27 BARTHflS, Melchior. Cantagrel, B. Glossaire botanique languedocien, par Bartlies. (In Revne des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5^ Bartliold, Friedrich Willielni. Jlirgen Wullen- weber von Liibeck; oder, Die Biirgermeister- tehde. {In Rannier, F. L. G. von. Hist. Ta- schenbuch. 1835.)— Anna Joanowna; Cabinet, Hdf. Sitte und gesellschaftliclie Bildung in Moskau und St. Petersburg, por. {In same. 1836.)— Ausgang des Joan'schen Zweiges der Romanow und seiner Freunde. {In same. 1837.) — Hermann Christopher von Rosswurm. {In same. 1838.)— Deutsclies Biirgerthum in Pom- mern um [1450], (In same. 1839.)— Gebhard Truchsess, Ex-zbischof von Koln. (In same. 1840.)— Der Armegeckenkrieg, 1444-5. (In same. 1842.) 905 1 Bartholin, Albert. De scriptis Danorum; auc- tior editus aThonia Bartholino; nunc illustra- tus a Johanne Mollero. Hamburgi, 1699. S, 830.7 6 Bartholin. Caspar Tlionisen. De inauribus veterum syntagma: accedit mantissa ex Thomee Bartholini Miscellaneis medicis de annulis na- rium. Amstelodami, 1676. T. il. 391 1 Bai'tliolin, Thomas. 1616-80. Antiquitatum veteris puerperii synopsis, a Casparo Bartholino commentario illustrata. Amstelodami, 1676. T. il. pi. tab. 391 i — De armillis veterum schedion; accessit Olai Wormii de aureo cornu Danico. Editio novis- sima. Amstelodami, 1676, T. 391 1 Bartholin, Thomas Thomsen. 1659-90. Annales Danici, 777-1200. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 1.) 948 76 — Antiquitatum Danicarimi de causis con- temptaj a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres. Hafniae, 1689. sqD. 399 1 BarthoUno dal Canto de' Bischeri, pseudonym of Cecchi, G. M. Bartholomaeus Anglicus, see (Jlanvil, B. Bartholomew fair, a comedy, see Jousou, B. Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations, 4 edition, Boston, 1866. D. §28 4 Bartlett, John RiisseU. Bibliotheca Amer- icana : A catalogue of books relating to North and South America, in the library of John Carter Brown of Providence, R. I,, 1482-1800; with notes. Providence, 1866-75. 3v. in 4. il. facsim. map. Q. pi. 016 26 Ft. 1-2, 100 copies, pt, 3, 50 copies, printed for private circulation; no. 3.3. Pt. 2 has a supplement relating to Thevenot's Collection. —Dictionary of Americanisms, 2 edition, enlarged. Boston, 1859, O, 427 4 BARTLETT 52 BASTLE —The progress of ethnology. New York, 1847. O. 572 6 —editor, see Rhode Island {colony). Records. 1856-60. 328 6 BARTLETT, William Francis. Palfrey, F. W. Memoh-of Bartlett. Boston, 1878. D. iwr. map. 923 14 Bartlett, William Henry. The Nile boat; or, Glimpses of Egypt. London, 1849. O. il. pi. iltp. 916.2 1 Bartoli, Adolfo. I primi due secoli della lettera- tura italiana. Milano, 1880. Q. (inYillari, P., editor. Storia letteraria d' Italia; in L' Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 16 —editor, see Polo M. I viaggi. 1863. 915 12 II libro di Sidrach. 1868. {In Emilia. Collezione. 25.} 850 6 Bartoli, Adolfo G. Apparecchio per la determi- nazione dell' equivalente meccanico del calore. pi. — Le leggi delle polarita galvaniche. pi. {Ill Rome— R. accad. del. lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. V. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 Bartoli, Daniello. Missione al gran mogor del P. Ridolf o Aqua viva, sua vita e morte, e d' altri quattro compagni uccisi in Salsete di Goa. Piacenza, 1819. O. 915.4 1 — Quattro lettere. Bologna, 1868. D, 18 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 92.) 850 10 — La tensione e la pressione. Bologna, 1677. 533 1 Bartolo, Giovanni di. Delia coltivazione del cotone secondo le antiche pratiche diTerranova in Sicilia. Torino, 1864. 92 p. 633 4 Bartolomeis, Luigi de, see Debartolomeis. Bartolommeo, Fra, of San Concordio, trans- lator, see Sallustius Crispns, C. II Catilinario ■fc il Giugurtino. 1863. 878 8 Bartolozzi, Francesco. Apologia delle Ricerche listorico-critiche circa alle scoperte d' Amerigo Vespucci; in confutazione del padre Canovai. Firenze, 1789. D. 40 p. 973 11 Copy presented to Mr. Marsh by Giuseppe Ferraro. Bartseli, Karl Friedrich. Die Reimkunst der Troubadours. {In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 1, 1859.)— Der catalonische Can9oner d' amor der Pariser Bibliothek. {In same. v. 2, 1860.) — Garin der Braune. {In same. v. 3, 1861.) — Le tresor de Pierre de Corbiac en vers pro- vencaux ; par Sachs. — De los trovadores en Espana, por Manuel Mila y Fontanels. — Le breviari d' amor de M. Ermengaud, pub. , Be- ziers. {In same. v. 4, 1862.) — Altfranzosische Gedichte aus venezianischen Handschriften ; Ton A. Mussafia. — Ueber die Quellen der altspanischen Vida de S. Maria egipcaica, von A. Mussafia. {In same. v. 5, 1864.) — Guillem von Berguedan.— Les auzels cassadors, poeme proven9al de Daude de Pradas; par Sachs. {In same. v. 6, 8, 1865-7.) — Le roman deFlamenca; par P. Meyer. {In same.v. 7, 1866.)— Blancandin ■et 1' Orgueilleuse d' Amour; roman publ. par H. Michelant. {In same. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 — editor. Altfranzosiche Chrestomathie, 8-15 Jahrhundert; Chrestomathie, Grammatik, Glos- sar. Leipzig, 1866. Q. 841 2 Chrestomathie proven9ale; accompagnee d'une grammaii'e et d'un glossaire. 2 edition, augmentee. Elberfeld, 1868. O. 849 1 bound with 841 2 Der Nibelunge Not; mit Lesarten und einem Worterbuche. Leipzig, 1870-80. 2 v. O. 831 66 Conrad fon Wurzburg. Partonopier und Meliur. 1871. 831 51 Diu Klage. 1875. 831 28 Kndrnn. 1865. (inPfeilfer, F.Deutsche Clas- siker. 2.) 831 15 JJibelungenlied. 1866. (In same. 3.) 831 15 Wolfram vo7i Eschenbach. Parzival und Titurel. 1870-1. {In same. 9-11.) 831 15 — translator, see MbelnngenUed. 1867. 831 64 Le baruffe chiozzotte, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 28. BariifH, Giuseppe Filippo. Da Torino a S. Pie- troborgo e Mosca, passeggiata straordinaria. Torino, 1854. D. (No. 6.) {>14.7 i — Passeggiate nei dmtorni di Torino. Torino 1854-63. 4v. D. (No. 7, 9, 13, 15.) 914.5 54 No. 9 is "II camposanto de' Torinesi. 2 edizione, ampli- ata." — Piantamenti urbani; ai Torinesi. Torino 1871. O. 23 p. 551.58 48 — Saluzzo. Manta, Verzuolo, nell' 1863; passeg- giata autunnale. Torino[, 1863.] D. 80p. 914.5 54 — Suir istmo di Suez. [Torino, 1869.] O. 7 p 626 8 — Viaggio da Torino alle piramidi; 1843. To- rino, 1848. S. pZ. 916.2 2 — Cenni biogratici del Barufiii. Torino, 1868 O. 22 p. 925 2 — Danna, C, editor. Alia tomba del Baruffi, serto del amicizia. Torino, 1876. O. 925 2 Bary, Heinricli Anton de. Ueber Schimmel undHefe. Berlin, 1869. O. 18 p. il. (In \ir. chow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 4 Serie.) 043 1 BarzeUotti, Giacomo. Die literarische Bewe- gung in Italien seit 1848. {M HiUebrand K. Italia. V. 1, 1874.) 945 41 BarzeUotti, Pier Luigi. La questione commer- ciale d' oriente; 1' Italia e il canale di Suez; cenni storici e considerazioni. Firenze, 1869. O. j^or. pi. map. 626 7 BASALT. Lasaulx, A. von. Der Streit liber die Entstehung des Basaltes. Berlin, 1869. O. 38 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 4 Serie.) 043 1, 552 1 Basanier, Martin, editor, see Laudohniere, R. G. L' histoire de la Floride. 1853. 840 12 BASHAN. Freshfleld, D. W. Travels in the central Caucasus and Bashan. London, 1869. O, il. pi. maps. 914.7 24 — Porter, J. L. The giant cities of Bashan, and Syria's holy places. London. 1865. D. pi iltp 915.6 35 Basile, Domenico, translator, see Guarini, G. B. II pastor fido. 1785. {In Collezione napole- tana, v. 12.) 859 19 Basile, Giovan Battista,conse^Kio?i2/m Theodoras Veridicns. Ristretto de i moti moderni d' Inghilterra; tra- dotta dal latino dal Gio. Battista Birago Avog- adro. Bologna, 1652. T. 942 21.1 Batecchio, commedia, see Salvestri. Batery, Jehan de. Li dis des 8 blasons; von A. Tobler. {In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 Bates, Henry Walter. The naturalist on the river Amazons; a record of eleven years of travel. 2 edition. London, 1864. D. il. pi. map. 390 17 Bates, IViUlam. Discourses on the four last things. {In Marsh, J. Select practical theol- ogy. 1830.) 208 6 BATHS. Marggraff, H. Badewesen und Bade- technik der Vergangenheit. Berlin, 1881. O. 32 p. {In Virchow cfc Holtzendorft'. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 See also tLEAM.IXESS: MINEKAL WATEKS. BATHS of Agrippa, see PANTHEON. BarpaxoiJ.vofj.axio., see Homerus. Battaglini, Giuseppe. Nota sui circoli deila ge- ometria non euclidea. (/nKonie — B. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 1, 1873-4.) — Nota in- torno ad una superficie di 8o ordine. — Nota sulJa quintica binaria. {In same, v, 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 — Sul movimento per una linea di 2o ordine. {In same. 3 ser. sci. fis.v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) — Sui complessi di secondo grado. (In same. v. 3. 1878-9.) — Sull'equazione differenziale ellittica. {In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) — Sulle forme ternarie bilineari. {In same. v. 9, 1880-81.) 065 4 Battaglini, Nicolo. Torcello antica e moderna; studii. Venezia, 1871. O. pi. 945 67 Battle abbey. Custumals, 1283-1312; edited by S. R. Scargill-Bird. [London,] 1887. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 41.) 820 4.1 The battle of the books, see Swift, J. v. 2. A battle-door for singular and plural, see Fox. (x., & others. Batata, Ibn, see Muhammad ibn 'Abd AUah ibn Mnhammad ibn Ibrdhim, Abu 'Abd Allah, Al Lawati. Baudi di Vesme, Carlo, conte, see Yesnie. BAUDICHON DE LA MAISON NEUVE, Jehan. Proces de B. accuse d' heresie a Lyon, 1534; publiepar J.-GBaum. Geneve, 1873. S. 272 16 Bandoyn, see Baldwin. Baudri, archbishop of Dol. Hlstoria Iherosoli- mitana. (/n Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Fran- cos, 1611, V. 1.) 940 10 — Dclisle, L. V. Notes sur les poesies de Baudri. {In Romania, v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 BaudriUart, Henri Joseph L^on. Economie politique populaire. Paris, 1869. D. 330 2 — Vauvenargues. G. p. 15-44. ntp. {Inserted in Vauvenargues, L. de C. de. CEuvres com- pletes, 1821, V. 1.) 848 19 Bauer, Robert. Peter Vischer und das alte Niirnberg. Berlin, 1886. O. 36 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. NeueFolge. l.)043 2 Der Bauernspiegel; oder, Lebensgeschichte des Jeremias Gotthelf , see Bitzius, A. v. 1. Banm, Johann Wilhelm, editor, see Proces de BALBICHON DE LA MAISON NEUVE. 1873. 272 16 Carriere P. Memoires. 1871. 284 7 Baumeister, Hermann. Ueber In jurien. Berlin, 1880. O. 30 p. (/n Virchow cfc HoltzeiidoriT. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Baumeister, R. Die technischen Hochschulen. Berlin, 1885. O. 36 p. (/» same. Neue Folge. 1.) » 043 3 Baumgarten-Crusius, Detlev Karl Wilhelm, annotator, see sino+/»«iiic TvaiKmiiiine. fi Opera, 1816-18. Suetonius Tranquillus, C.% 878 34 BA UM GARTNER 54 EEC CARTA Baumgartner, Joseph. Die neuesten unci ror- ziiglichsten Kunst-Strassen iiber die Alpen. Wien, 1834. O. pi. 625 2 Bausteiiie, see Dahn, F. LES BAUX. Canonge, J. Notice historique sur la ville des Baux en Provence, et sur la niaison des Baux. 2 edition, precedee d' une descrip- tion. Avignon, 1857. D. 944 6;! Bavaria— Miiiisterial"Foi-stbiireau.Mittheilung- en iiber das Forst- vxnd Jagdwesen in Bayern. Miinchen, 1862. v. 4. O. %>l. 651. o8 72 — Aventiniis, J. Chronica; sampt Tafeln Gene- alogi betretf end. Franckf urt a. M. , 1580. F* il. tab. 943 36 BAVARIA?^ DIALECT. ScliiiieUer, J. A. Bay- erisches Worterbuch. Stuttgart, 1827-37, 4 v. in 2. O. 437 2 — — Die Mundarten Bayerns grammatisch dar- gestellt; beygegeben ist eine Sammlung von Mundart-Proben. Miinchen, 1821. O. map. 437 2 Bavo en Lieveken, see Conscience, H. BAYABD, Pierre du Terrail, chevalier de. Tres-joyeuse, piaisante et recreative histoire, composee par le loyal serviteur, des faicts, gestes, triomphes et prouesses du bon chevalier de Bayart. por. {In Midland & Ponjoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 4.) 944 9 — English: The right joyouis and pleasant his- tory of the feats, gests and prowesses of the chevalier Bayard; by the loyal servant [;trans- lated by Sara Coleridge]. London, 1825. 2 v. in 1. O. 923 15 Bayberg-er, Franz. Geographisch-geologische Studien aus dem Bohmerwalde. Gotha, 1886. sqQ. [5+] 63 p. il. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilnngen: Erganzungsband. 18.) 910 44 — Der Inngletscher von Kufstein bis Haag. Gotha, 1882. sqQ. [4-}-] 67 p. il. map. {In same. 15.) 910 44 Bayer, Edmund. Die Entstehung der deutschen Burschenschaft. Berlin, 1883. O. 48 p. {In Tirchow & Holtzendoiif. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Bayer, Francesco Perez, Dissertatio historica de Damaso et Laurentio. {In Migne, J. P. Patrol. Lat. v. 74.) 922 6 Bayer, Johann FriedrichWilhelm Adolf. Ueber den Kreislauf des Kohlenstoffes in der organi- schen Natur. Berlin, 1866. O. 32 p. {In Vir- cliow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Bayersdorf, Adolph. Ueber die florentinische Kunst der Gegenwart.(7n Hillebrand,K. Italia. V. 3, 1876.) 945 41 Bazelaire, H. de. Traite du reboisement; ou, Manuel du planteur. 2 edition. Paris [,pref. 1864]. D. 551.58 40 Bazin, Antoine Pierre Louis. Chine moderne: Arts, litterature et mceui's. 1853. pi. {In L'uni- vers. 18.) 920 18 BAZOCHE, seeBASOCHE. Bazzarini, Antonio, & Bellini, B. Vocabolario universale latino-italiano e italiano-latino; opera riveduta per cura del T. Vallauri. Torino, 1850[-4]. »v.sqF. 473 7 Contents: 1. Latino-italiano. 2. Protolessico italiano- latino, da B. Bellini, collagiuntaper opera del T. Val- lauri. BAZ7A, see RAZZI. Le bbinte rotolade lo valanzone, see Pagauo, N. Be domes dfege, see Bede. Beale, Lionel Smitii. Disease germs; their i-eal nature. London, 1870. D. col. pi. 016 2 — Disease germs; tlieir supposed nature. Lon- don, 18^0. D. 9+82 p. col. 2)1. 616 1 —On slight ailments. London, 1880. O. 616 5 Beanies, Joliii. Outlines of Indian philology. 2 edition, enlarged. London, 1868. D. ?»ap. 490 1 Beaiiiont, W. J. A concise grammar of the Arabic language; revised by Sheikh Ali Nady el Barrany. Cambridge [,Eng.], 1861. D. 492.7 4 BEAMS. Favero, Gr. B. La determinazione grafica delle forze interne nelle travi reticolari. 2)1. (In Rome— B.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 8 ser. sci.fls. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Gelia, M. Determinazione grafica degli sforzi interni nelle travature reticolari con aste sovrabbondanti. pZ. {In same, v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Gruidi, C. Sulla determinazione grafica delle forze interne nelle travi omogenee e nelle travi reticolari appoggiate agli estremi e soggette ad un sopraccarico mobile. pL {In same, v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Sayiotti, C. Sopra alcuni punti di statica grafica. jjZ. (In same, v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) — Le travature reticolari a membri caricati. pi. {In same, v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Sopra un nuovo metodo generale di composizione delle forze e sua estensione al calcolo delle travature reti- colari. pi. {In same, v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 Beardniore, Natlianiel. Manuel of hydrology. London, 1862. O. pi. 551.48 1 BEARNAISE DIALECT, see Terms, M. del. BEASTS, see FABLES ; ZOOLOGY. I beati Paolo, see Linares, V. Beatrice, see Paludan Muller, F. Poesier, v. 2. Beaniean,finiile Ambroise Amedee.abridger, see Littre, M. P. E. Petit dictionaire. 1876. 443 6 BEAUJOLAISE DIALECT, see LYOMAISE. Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caroii de. Theatre; precede d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par [L. S.] Auger. Paris, 1846. D. 2)or. 842 1 Beaumont, Elie de, see Elie de Beaumont. Beauvoir, Ludoiic, marquis de. Voyage autour dumonde. 6-8 edition. Paris, 1872-9rv. 1, '73]. 3 V. D. por. i)l. maps. 910 24 Contents: 1. Australie. 2. Java, Siam, Canton. 8. Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco. Beauvoir, Roger de, pseudoym of Bully, E. R. de. Becanus, Joannes Goropius, see Gorp, J. van. Beccari, Giovanni Battista. II commercio chi- nel 1865: cenni geografici, statistic! e com- merciali. S.Giovanni Valdarno, 1869. Q. 380 19 BECCARI, Odoardo. Giglioli, E. H. Beccaris wissenschaftliche Reisen. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 2, 1875.) 945 41 BECCARIA, Cesare Bonesana. Villari, P. (In his Saggi. 1868.; 854 8 BEGDELIEVRE 65 BEBRA GNE Becdelie\Te, — vicomte de. Quelques notes en reponse a celles de Merimee sur Polignac, ses antiquites et le musee de Puy. pZ. {In Puy de Dome— Soci(5te. Annales. 1839.) 944 61 Becli, Fedor, editor, see Harlmann yon Aiie. 1867-9. {In Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Classiker. 4-6.) 831 15 Bechamel, Francois, & Orillet, J. Journal du voyage dans la Goyane en 1674. {In Rogers, W. Voyage, 1716, v. 2.) 910 35 Beclii, Emilio. Coniposizione del sale, proveni- ente da parecchie saline italiane. {In Rome — R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 2ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 8 — Saggi di esperienze agrarie. Firenze, 1870-8. pt. 1-7. O. il 630 6 — Teorica del soffioni boraciferi della Toscana. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 8 ser. sci. fis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) — Su la coniposizione delle rocce della miniera di Montecatini.-Nuove ricerche del boro e del vanadio. (In same, v. 8, 1878-9.) 065 4 BECHSTEIN, Ludwig. Welharen, J. S. C. L. Bechsteins Faustus. {In Ms Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 2.) 839.84 4 Beclistein, Reinhold. Die Aussprache des Mit- telhochdeutschen. Halle, 1858. D. 437 20 — editor, see (xottfried von Strasshurg. Tris- tan. {In Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Classiker. 7-8.) 831 15 Heiiirich von Freiberg. Tristan. 1877. 831 42 Becker, Paul. Die herakleotische Halbinsel in archaologischer Beziehung. Leipzig, 1856. O. maps. 913 31.6 Becker, Peter WiUemoes. Om Knud den Hel- liges Dyrkelse i Rom. {In Copenhagen — K, nord. 01d.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidskrift. v. 3, 1836.) 948 1.2 Becker, Wilhelm Adolph. Charikles: Bilder altgriechischer Sitte; in 2 Auflage mit Zusat- zen von Karl Fried rich Hermann. Leipzig, 1854. 3 V. O. 390 2 — Gallus; oder, Romische Scenen aus der Zeit Augusts. 2 vermehrte Ausgabe von Wilhelm Rein. Leipzig, 1849. 8v. O. 390 8 BECKET, seeBEKET. Beckford, William. Vathek, an oriental tale. 2 American edition. Philadelphia, 1834. S. 823 3 Beckington, Thomas, bishop of Bath & Wells. Letters. {In Camden soc. 86, 1868.) 820 4 — Memorials of the reign of Henry VI. ; official correspondence; edited, with appendix of illustrative documents, by George Williams. London, 1872. 2 v. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 56.) 942 8 Beckman, Ernst. Fran nya verlden; reseskil- dringar f ran Amerikas Forenta Stater. Stock- holm, 1877. O. 917.3 8 This volume and the next bear the author's autograph. — Fran pafvarnes land. Stockholm, 1880. D. il. • 914.5 25 Beckman, Johan Wilhelm. Aminnelse-tal ofver Lars Jon, Lundgren. Stockholm, 1886. D. 30 p. 923 60 — Minnen af lediga stunder. Stockholm, 1824. D. 925 13 Contents; Tvenne iireminnen ofver Carl von Linne. — [Poems:] Reformationen ;— Hymn ;— Nattvardsbarnen efter nattvardsgangen. — Schwedische Bearbeitungen und Ueberset- zungen der Sequenzen Dies irae und Stabat mater.als Erstlinge hymnologischer Forschung- en. Stockholm, 1843. O. [3+] 89 p. 245 3 Beckmann, Johann. A history of inventions, discoveries and origins; translated from the German by William Johnston. 4 edition, revised and enlarged by William Francis and J. W. Griffith. London, 1846. 2 v. D. por. (Bohn's standard lib.) 608 2 Becqiierel, Antoine Cesar. Des causes d' altera- tion de divers nietaux. — Memoire sur la tem- perature de la terre et sur celle de I'air. — Memoi- re sur r ensemencement, la production, le prix et la consommation du froment en France. — Memoire sur les forets et leur influence climate- ri(|ue. — Memoire sur les zones d'orages a grele. {In Paris— Institut — Acad. des. sci. Mem. V. 35. 1866.) 551.58 59 — Des climats, et de I'infiuence qu'exercent les sols boises et non boises. Paris, 1853. O. majys. 551.58 58 — cfc Alexandre Edmond. Elements de physique terrestre et de meteorologie. Paris, 1847. O. pi. maps. 551 13 Bede, Beda or Baeda, the Venerable. Be domes dsege: De die judicii; an old English version of the Latin poem ascribed to Bede; edited, with other short poems, by J. Rawson Lumby. Lon- don, 1876. O. 6[+l] +87p. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 65.) 820 5 — Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri quinque; una cum reliquis ejus operibus hi- storicis in unum volumen collectis; cura et studio Johannis Smith. Cantabrigise, 1722. F. il. pi. map. 274 1 Contents: Epistola. Prefatio.— Chronicon; sive, De sex hujus seculi aetatibus— Hlstoriae ecclesiastical libri 5. Liber de vita et miraculis S. Cudbercti.— Vita S. Cud- bercti heroico metro descripta.-Vitaabbatum Benedicti, Ceolfridi, Easteruini, Sigfridi atque Husetbercti.— Epi- stola ad Ecgberctum antistitem.—Delocis Sanctis.— Mar- tyrologium, cum auctario Flori et aliorum.— B. Felicis confessoris vita.— Historia ecclesiastica, a rege Aluredo Saxonice reddita.— Appendix —Vita Bedse, cum elogio historico a Mabillonio.— Index rerum. — The Old English version of Bede's Ecclesiasti- cal history of the English people; edited, with translation and introduction, by Thomas Miller. London, 1890. pt. 1, sect. 1. O. facsim, {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 95.) 820 5 BEDELL, William, bishop of Kilmore. A true relation of the life and death of Bedell; edited, with historical and geneological chapters, by Thomas Wharton Jones. [London,] 1872. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 4.) 820 4.1 Bedemar, Vargas. Om vulcaniske Producter fra Island. Kj0benhavn, 1817. O. [6-f-]57p. 551.21 26 De bedevaartganger, see Lennep, J. van. Romant. werken, 12. BEDOUINS. Burckhardt, J. L. Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. London, 1830. sqQ. il. map. 915.3 8 Bedragne bachan, comedi, see Gustavus 111. BEEGHER 56 BEL a BAND Beecher, Henry Ward. American rebellion; report of speeches in [England], Mancthester, 1864. O. 973 38 — Norwood; or, Village life in New England. London, 1867. 3 v. D. 813 1 Beechey Frederick William. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, 1825-8. Philadelphia, 1833. O. 019.6 3 BEEMSTER. Bouman, J. Bedijking, opkomst en bloei van de Beemster; voorafgegaan door eene beschouwing van den vroegeren toestand van Nord- Holland. Purmerende, 1857. O. jpor. maps. 027 43 BEES. Clans, C. F. W. Der Bienenstaat. Berlin, 1873. O. 80+Ll] p. {In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1, 595 5 BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van. jVaumann, E. Ludwig van Beethoven. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. {In same. 5 Serie.) 04:3 1 Beets, Wcolaas. Camera obscura, van Hilde- brand. 7 vermeerderde druk. Haarlem, 1871. D. 839.33 1 — Gedichten. Nieuwe uitgave. Amsterdam, [pref. 1847]. D. 839.31 7 — Gerrit Witse, Novelle [; translated fi-om the Dutch into the German]. {In Wild, A. Die Niederlande, 1862, v. 2.) 949 13 BEG A, St., abbess. Newman, J. H., (fc others. {In their Lives of English Saints, 1844-5, v. 4.) 922 8 BEGGARS, see POOR; VAGABONDS. BEHAVIOR, see MANNERS. Belieim-Schwarzbach, Max. Die Besiedelung von Ostdeutschland durch die zweite germani- sche Volkerwanderung. Berlin, 1882. O. 32 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 Behemoth, see Hohhes, T. Behm, Ernst. Die modernen Verkehrsmittel : Dampschifl'e,Eisenbahnen,Telegraphen. Gotha, 1867. sqQ. [2-j-] 50 p. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen : Erganzgunsband 4.) 910 44 — & Wagner, H. Die Bevolkerung der Erde; jahrliche tJbersicht. Gotha, 1872-82. 7v. sqQ. maps. {In same, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15.) 910 44 —editor, see Geographisches Jahrbuch. 1874. 910 41 Behrend, Jakob Friedrich, editor, see Stendal. EinStendalerUrtheilsbuch. 1868. 349 5 BEHRING'S STRAIT, see BERINGS STRAIT. Behrmann,Heinrich. Grundrids til en historisk- topographisk Beskrivelse af Eoeskilde,med sine egne og Omegnens Maerkvaerdigheder. Kioben- havn, 1832. O. jjI. 914.8 48 — Kong Christian den Andens Historie. Ki0ben- havn, 1815. 2 v. in 1. D. por. 948 62 — Nachrichten iiber die Entfiihrung des Bischofs von Liibeck Balthaser Ranzau's durch Martin von Waldenfels, 1545. — Nachricht iiber die Ver- mahlungsplane des Herzogs Adolph von Hol- stein-Gottorp. (In Schleswig... Gesellschaft. Archiv. v. 2, 1834.) 943 42 Das Bein, see Zschokke, J. H. D. v. 5. BEIREIS, ChristophLndwig. Lichtenstein, M. H. K. Der Hofrath Beireis in Helmstadt, und das Universifatswesen seiner Zeit. {In Ranmer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1847.) 905 1 BEKET, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury. Garnier of Pont Sainte-Maxence. La vie de St. Thomas le martyr; publiee par C. Hippeau. Paris, 1859. D. 841 17.2 —Robert of Gloucester. The life and martyr- dom of Beket. London, 1845. D. pi. {In Percy soc. V. 19.) 820 6 — Robertson, J. C, editor. Materials for the history of Becket. London, 1875-85. 7 v. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of Rolls. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 'Content : 1. William o/' Cantertniry.—'-l. Benedict o/" P«<6r- 5(»w/(7/i.— Salisburj-, Joliii o/'.— Alan of Tewkesbtiry. —Urim, Edward. 3. Fitzsteplieii, William.— Herbert of Bosham. 4. Anonymous lives, Quadrilogus, &c. 6-7. Epistolae ad historiam Thomse pertinentes. —Thomas saga erkibyskups;Icelandic,withEng- lish translation, edited by E. Mamisson. Lon- don, 1875-83. 2 V. Q. (In same, 65.) 942 8 — Thomas saga erkibyskups; udgiven of C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1869.. O. facsim. 839.63 65 — Vie de Saint Thomas [; Anglo-Norman poem]. {In Benoist. Chronique, 1836-44, v. 3.) 841 10.1 Bekker, Balthasar. De betoverde weereld ; dee- sen druk vermeerdert. Deventer, 1739. 4 v. m 1. sqO. 133 14 Bekker, Elizabeth, see Wolflf, E. B. Bekynton, Thomas, see Beckington. Le bel inconnu, see Renanld de Beanjeu. Belanger, L., illustrator, see Voyage pitto- resque de Scandinavie. 1802. 914.8 6 Belcari, Feo. Vita del beato Gio. Colombini da Siena. Siena, 1869. O. 922 26 Novella di Belfagor arcidiavolo, see Macchia- velli, N. V. 6. Belfour, Francis Cunningham, editor & trans- lator, see Muhammad Ali Hazin. Life. 1830, 1831. 831 6-7 BELGIAN LITERATURE. Le Roy, A. Die fran- zosische Literatur Belgiens, 1859. {In Jahr- buch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Belgii confederati respublica, 1630, see Laet, J. BELGIUM. Arendt, W. A. Ueber Verfassung und Geschichte der Sfadte in Belgien seit dem Anfang des 17 Jahrhunderts bis zur Einver- leibung des Landes in die franzosische Repu- blik. (In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschen- buch. 1845.) 905 1 — Hasselt, A. H. C. ran. Belgique et Hollande. Paris, 1844. O. por. pi. map. {In L'univers. 32.) 910 18 — Messager des sciences historiques de Bel- gique; recueil publie par J. de Saint- Genois land others]. 1840. Gand [, 1840]. O. por. pi. "■ 949 19 —Richard, pseudonym. Guide classique du voyageur en France et en Belgique. Paris, 1849. D. maps. 914.4 3 — Robin-Jaequemj7is, G. Voordrachten over de grondwet. 2 druk. Gent, 1871-2. 2 v. D. 342 1 See espedally FLANDEKS; also CHURCH HISTORY; CHEAT; HAIXAUT; LIERHE; LUXEMBURG; XAMUB; ISETHERLAMW. * Belgrand, Marie Francois Eugene. La Seine; etudes hydrologiques. Paris, 1872-3. Q, & Atlas. F.6 551.48 14 BELGRANO 57 BELL O NCI Belgrauo, Lnigi Tomiiiaso. Necrologia.— Ren- diconto. {In Societa ligiire. Atti. v. 8, 1864.)— Relazione. — Necrologia. — Rendiconto. — Delia vita privata dei Genovesi, dissertazione. — Di una tavola del secolo 15, lettera. {In same. v. 4, 1866.)— Atlante idrografico del medio e\o; puVjblicato a f ac-simile dai C. Desimoni e Belgra- no. facsim. — Documenti ed estratti riguardanti la storia del commercio e della marina ligure; dai Desimoni e Belgrano. {In same. v. 5, 1867.) — Documenti ispano-genovesi ; pubblicati dai M. Spinola, Belgrano eF. Podesta. — Interroga- torii ed allegazione spettanti alia causa pro- mossa da ScipioneFieschi per rivendicazione dei feudi paterni. {In same. v. 8, 1868.)— Supple- niento alle Notizie [suUa tipografia ligure] pei N. Giuliani e Belgrano. {In same. v. 9, 1869.) — II palazzo del principe D'Oria a Fassolo in Genova ; illustrazioni di A. Merli, continuate da Belgrano. Tavole. (In same. v. 10, 1874.) 915 48 The atlas to the last work is bound with a separate edition of its text in 724 1 — Sulla recente scoperte delle ossa di Cristoforo Colombo in San Domingo; relazio)ie. Genova, 1878. Q. 37 p. pi 923 30 —Same. (In Society li^iro, Atti. v. 9, 1869.) 945 48 —editor. Documenti inediti riguardanti le due crociate di San Ludovico IX re di Francia. Genova, 1859. O. 384 p. facsim. 940 14 Unfinished; only 12 parts published. Genoa. II registro della curia arcive- scovale. 2 v. (7m Societa liffiire. Atti. v. 2, pt. 1-2,1862-70. 945 48 Scotto, B. Opuscoli. {In same. v. 5, 1867.) 945 48 Vara^gio, G. da. Due opuscoli. (In same. V. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Le belier, conte, see Hamilton, A. Believe as you list, see Massinger, P. Bell, Sir Charles. The hand; its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design. Phila- delphia, 1833. D. il. (Bridge water treatises. 4.) 213 3 Bell, Henry Glassford. Life of Mary queen of Scots. New York, 1831. 2 v. S. por. (Harper's fam. lib.) 903 67 BeU, John. Observations on Italy. Boston, 1826. D. 9U.5 2h La bella mano, see Conti, G. de'. La beUa selvaggia, commedia, see Goldoui, C. V. 27. Bellati, J'rancesco. Poesie. {In CoUezione mila- nese, 1816-7, v. 11.) 859 15 Bellavitis, Giusto. Sulla risoluzione delle con- gruenze numeriche, e suUe tavole che danno i logaritmi (indici) degli interi rispetto ai varii moduli. {In Rome— R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.)— Sulla statica.— Sviluppi in serie delle funzioni implicite, e rami infiniti delle curve algebriche. {In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 Belleforest, Francois de, translator, see Cicero, M. T. Epistres. 1569. 876 1 BeUenden, John, translator, see Liviiis, T. The first five books. 1822. 878 12 Belle-Plante et Cornelius, see TiUier, C. Bellermann, Christian Friedrich. Die alten Lie- derblicher der Fortugiesen; oder, Beitrilge zur Geschichte der portugiesischen Poesie, 13-16 Jahrhunderts, nebst Proben. Berlin, 1840. sqQ. [7+]82p. 869 34 Belli, Costantino, translator, see Ryeaut, P. Istoria dello stato presente dell' imperio otto- mano. 1672. 949 65 Belli, Francesco. Catalogo della collezione di pietre usate dagli antichi per costruire ed adornare le loro fabbriche, ora posseduta dai Stefano Karolyi. Roma, 1842. O. [4+]94[+l]p. 747 2 Belli, Giuseppe Giochino. Duecento sonetti in dialetto romanesco; con prefazione e note de Luigi Moradi. 1 edizione fiorentina. Firenze, 1870. D. lior. 859 27 — Sonetti satirici in dialetto romanesco attri- buti a Belli, annotati da Luigi Morandi, con un discorso intorno alia satira a Roma, ai sonetti e alia vita del Belli. Sanseverino-Marche, 1869. O. 859 28 Belliu, Jacques Nicolas. Remarques sur les cartes et les plans. (In Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 1844, v. 5.) 971 1 — Tableau des pavilions ou bannieres que la pluspart des nations aborent a la mer. [Paris,] 1756. 65x125 cm. 080 36 In portfolio 3. Bellincioni, Bernardo. Le rime; annotate da Pietro Fanfani. Bologna, 1876-8. 2 v. D. fac- sim. (/?i Scelta di curiosita. 151,160) 850 10 Bellini, Bernardo, & Bazzariui, A. Vocabolario universale latino-italiano e italiano-latino; opera riveduta per cura del T. Vallauri. Torino, 1850[-4]. 2v. sqF. 473 7 Bellini compiled three-fourths of v. 1, and all of v. 2. — c& Tommaseo, N. Dizionario della lingua itali- ana. Torino, 1861-79. 4 v. in 7. sqF. 453 18 Bellini, Loreuzo. La Bucchereide. Milano, 1863. S. {In Bibl. rara. 27.) 850 3 — Capitolo sopra il matrimonio. (In Berni F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 Bell-Lloeli, Maria de, pseudonym of Maspons y Labros, M. del P. Bellman. Karl Mikael. Fredmans epistlar. Stockholm, 1831. O. music. 839.71 3.1 — Fredmans handskrifter. Upsala, 1813. O. 839.71 3.2 —Fredmans sanger. . Stockholm, 1791. D. music. 839.71 3.3 — Scener ur Fredmans Epistlar och Sanger. Stockholm, 1827. obQ. 839.71 3.4 — Skaldestycken, efter C. M. Volschows ma- nuscripter forsta gangen utgifna. Stockholm, 1814. 2v. D. 839.71 3 Bello, Francesco. Perche si dice e f atto il becco a I'oca; novella del secolo 15. Firenze, 1863. D. 30+[l]p. (/wBonucci, A. Delizie.l.) 850 4 Two copies : first and second editions. Belloc, Louisa (Swanton), translator, see Hay, J. H. I). Le Maroc, 1844. 916.4 4 Bellonci, Giuseppe. Ricerche intorno all' intima tessitura del cervello dei teleostei. pi. {In Rome — R. accad.dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3,^ BELLONGI 58 BENNET 1878-9.) — Ricerche comparative sulla struttura dei centri nervosi dei vertebrati. pi. {In savie, V. 5, 1879-80.) — Contribuzione all" istologia del cervelletto. pZ. (I7i same, v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Belloni, Criuseppe. Storia dei Tartari. Milano, 1835. 7 V, D. por. pi. map. 951 3 Bellori, Giovanni Pietro. Vita di Pietro della Valle. (In Yalle, P. della. Viaggi, 1843, v. 1.) 915 18 BELLS. Ma^^i, (J. De tintinnabulis; F. Sweer- tius notis illustravit. Amstelasdami, 1689. T. pl. 789 1 — Otte, H. Glockenkunde. Leipzig, 1858. O. 789 2 — Troyte, J.T.cfcR. H. D. Acland-.The change- ringers' guide to the steeples of England. Lon- don, 1879. D. 789 3 — Wigraui, W. Change-ringing disentangled. 3 edition. London, 1880. D. 789 4 BeUncci, Giuseppe. Sulla pretesa esistenza deir acqua ossigenata nelF organismo delle piante. (/nRome— R. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 Belluno, Leonardus de, see Leonardo of Udine. Belocli, Ginlio. L' imperio siciliano di Dionisio. map. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v, 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 Beloe, Cliarles H. On the construction of catch- water reservoirs in mountain districts for the supply of towns. London, 1873. O. 48 p. il. pl. tab. 028 9 Belon, Pierre. Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables trouvees en Grece. Asie, Judee, Egypte, Arable, & autres pays estranges; reveuz de nouveau. Paris, 1588. O. 590 18 Belslieim, Jolianu, editor, see Bible— iV; T.— Gospels. Codex aureus. 1878. 226 3 Belt, Thomas. The naturalist in Nicaragua. London, 1874. D. il. p>l. map. 590 16 Beltrami, Eug-enio. Relazione intorno alia memoria del Pietro Conti sulla resistenza alia flessione della pietra serena[; by Beltrami and other8.](/n Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. V. 3, 1874-5.) 065 3 —Sulla determinazione sperimentale della den- sita elettrica alia superficie dei corpi conduttori. {In same. 3 ser, sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— SuU' attrazione di un anello circolare od ellittico. {In same, v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 Bel-ved6re; or, The garcjen of the muses, see Bodenham, J. BEMBO, Bernardo. Documenti riguardanti le ambascerie de Bembo, (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 Bemerkungen iiber Esthland, Liefland, Russ- land; nebst Beitragen zur Emporungs-Geschich- te Purgatschews. Prag, 1793. D. 914.7 18 Bemis, George. American neutrality; a protest against the proposed repeal of the neutrality laws. Boston, 1866. O. 341 9 Benci, Antonio. Discorso. {In Micali, G. L'lta- ha avanti Romani, 1826, v. 1.) 937 4 Bencivenni, Zucchero, translator, see Lorens. Trattatello delle virtu. 1863. {In Scelta di curiosita. 26.) 850 10 Bendixen, Bendix Edvard. Runebjerget ved Veblungnajs. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarb0gtr. v. 7, 1872.) 948 5 Benecke, Georg Friedrich. Worterbuch zu Hartmannes Iwein. Gottingen, 1833. D. 831 40 —editor, see Boner, U. Der edel Stein. 1816. 831 25 nartmann V071 Aue. Iwein. 1843. 831 37 Benedetti, Alessandro. De rebus a Carolo VIII. Gallia? rege in Italia gestis libri 3. {In Eck- hard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 2.)914 13 Benedict JXIV., poj)e (Prospero Lambertini). Opus de servorumDei beatificatione et beatorum canonizatione. Editio novissima. Prati, 1839- 42. 7 V. Q. (Opera, v. 1-7.) 231 1 — Opuscula miscellanea. Prati, 1845. Q. (Opera, V. 14.) 208 1 Benedict, abbot of Peterborough. Gesta regis Henrici II. , see Gesta. — Passio S. Thomee. — Miracula S. Thomte. {In Robertson, J. C. Materials for the history of Becket, 1875-85, v. 2; (in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls.. Chroh. and mem. 67.) 942 8 BENEDICT BISCOP, abbot of Wearmouth & Yarrow. Bede. Vita. {In his Historiae, 1722.) 274 1 Benedict f ra Nursia og Hans Amme, see Pain- daii-Miiller, F. Benedictines. Die angelsachsischen. Prosabear- beitungen der Benedictinerregel;herausgegeben von Arnold Schroer. Kassel, 1888. O. {In Grei n,C. W. M. Bibliothek der ... Prosa v. 2.) 829 11 A free translation by St. ^thelwold; entirely different from the following version. — The rule of St. Benet, Latin and Anglo-Saxon interlinear version ; edited with an introduction and notes by H. Logeman. London, 1888. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 90.) 820 5 •^Dantier, A. Les monasteres benedictins dj Italie. 2 edition. Paris, 1867. 3 v. D. 2713 BENEDICTIONALS, see Egbert, archbishop of York. BENEFICENCE, see POOR. Benelli, C. Augiisto. A Giorgio Perkins Marsh sonetto. ms. 65x50 cm. 080 36 Written on cardboard, with gold and silver ornament- ation. In portfolio 3. Benfey, Theodor. A Sanskrit-English diction- ary. London, 1866. O. (In Miiller, F. M. Handbooks for the study of Sanskrit. 3.) 491.2 3 Benivieni, Girolamo. Capitoli. {I7i Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1736, v. 3.) 857 2 — Descrizione del brucimento [delle vanita nel Carnevale, 1498]. {In Canzona d' un piagnone. 1864.) 851 24 — Egloghe. {In Rubbi, A. Egloghe. 1785.) 851 2 — Tancredi principe di Salerno, novelli in rima. Bologne, 1863. D. 61 p. {In Scelta di curiosi- ta. 28.) 850 10 Benjamin of Tiidela. Travels, 1160-73. {In Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.6 40 Benloew, Louis. De la naissance et de la fin des litteratures, Dijon, 1867. O. 45 p. 809 1 Bennet, James, editor, see Ascliam, R. English works. 1761. 828 1 BENNIGI 59 BEE GAM ASK Bennici, Giuseppe. L' ultimo clei trovatori arabi in Siciiia, versione daantico manoscritto. Palermo, 1874. D. 853 5 hound with 851 100 Beiiiiigsen-Forder, Rudolf yon. Das nordeuro- piiisclie und besonders das vaterlandische Schwemmland. Berlin, 1863. sqF. 4+56 p. 554.3 4 bound ivith bol.^1 7 BEJf>'0 II.j hishop of Osndbriiek. Norbert, ab- bot of Iburg. Vita Bennonis, 1118. (/nEckhard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 2.) 943 13 — Rost, M. Vita Bennonis metrica. {In same.) 943 13 Benoist. Chronique des dues de Normandie; publiee par Francisque Michel. Paris, 1836-44. S Y. sqQ. facsim. 841 10.1 — La partie de son Histoire des dues de Nor- mandie relative a la bataille d'Hastings, et eontinuee jusqu'a 1087. (In Michel, F. X.Chro- niques anglo-normandes, 1836-40, v. 1.) 841 5 BEXOIT of Sainte-Maure. Pey, A. L' Eneidede Henri de Veldeke et Le roman d' Eneas attri- bue a Benoit. {In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng Bit. V. 2, 1860.) 805 1 For paraphrases of his Roman d^ Troie, M'hich ap- peared between 1175 and 1185, and originated the roman- tic literature on this theme, see Caxtoii, W. ; Coloune, 0. dalle; Le Fevre, R. Lorenzo Benoni, see Rnfflui, tJ, Bent, Silas. An address upon the thermal paths to the pole, the eurrents of the" oeean and the influence of the latter upon climates. Saint Louis, 1872. O. 40 p. ??iap. 919.8 2 Bentivoglio, (xuido, cardinal. Memorie; con correzioni dell' edizione d'Amsterdam del 1648; aggiuntevi 58 lettere inedite tratte dall archivio del Carlo Morbio. Milano,1864. 3 v. in 1. S. {In Bibl. rara. 31-3.) 850 3 Bentley, Thomas, annotator, see Cicero, M. T. De ftnibus. 875 6 Bentzien, Wilhehn Bartholouiaeus. Dansk Grammatik. 3 Oplag. Kjobenhavn, 1831. D. 439.85 2 Benvenuto da Imola, see Rauibaldo, B. Benzelius, Erik. Prefatio de nova, quam parat, Ulphilaj editione. facsim. {In Sereuius, J. Die- tionarium. 1734.) 439.73 11 BENZILE. Panebianco, R. Note eristallogra- fiche e chemichfe. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei liucei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. Jis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.] 065 4 Beowulf; autotypes of the unique Cotton ms. Vitellius Axv in the British museum; with transliteration and notes by Julius Zupitza. London, 1882. Q. facsim. {In E. E. text soc Orig. ser. 77.) 820 5 — Beovulf . {In Grein, C. W. M. Bibl. der angel- silchsischen Poesie, 1857-8, v. 1.) 829 17 — Beovulf; mit ausfiihrliehem Glossar heraus- gegeben von Moritz Heyne. Paderborn, 1863. O. ^ 829 21 — De Danorum rebus gestis secul. 3 & 4; poema Danicum dialecto Anglosaxonica, edidit, ver- sione Lat. et indieibus auxit Grim. Johnson Thorkelin, Havniae, 1815. sqQ. 829 20 — Danish : Bjowulfs Drape, paa danske Riim ved Nik. Fred. Sev. Grundtvig. Kjobenhavn, 1820. O. 829 22 —German. {In Greiii, C. W. M. Dichtungen der Angelsachsen, 1857-9, v. 1.) 829 18 — Grein, C.W. M. Die historischenVerhaltnisse des Beovvulfliedes. (/n Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Sehiern, F. E. Et Paar Bemserkninger til Beowulf. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 B^ranger, Pierre Jean de. CEuvres completes, illustrees par Grandville. Paris, 1840. 841 11 — KuUberg, K. A. {In his Bref , 1844,v. 2.) 914 5 Berceo, Gonzalo de. Poesias. (/« Sanchez, T. A. Col. de poesias, 1779-90, v. 2.) 861 4 Berchet, GrUgliehuo. La repubblica di Venezia e la Persia. Torino, 1865. O. phot. 955 1 Berchtold, J. A. Das Maassensystem der Natur, und die daraus entwickelten Verhilltnisse zwi- sehen Zeit und Raum; herausgegeben von Joh. Baumgartner. Berlin, 1865. O. 389 5 Berendt, G, Geognostische Blieke in Alt- Preussens Urzeit. Berlin, 1871. O. 39 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorlf. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 B^renger, Adolfo di. Dell' antica storia e giu- risprudenza forestale in Italia. Treviso, 1859-63. O. pi. 551.58 85 — Same: Indici generali. Venezia, 1867. O. 86 p. 551.58 85 — Guida per il coltivatore di vivai boschivi. Firenze, 1880. D. 551.58 11 — Intorno alie cause precipue della divergenza delleforeste. [Firenze,] 1874. O. 25;p. 551.58 48 From Atti dei Georgoflli. — Nuovo metodo di tassare i boschi ed assestarne I'economia. Forli, 1871. D. 8-f 73 p. 551.58 86 — Saggio storico della legislazione veneta fore- stale dal sec. 7-19. Venezia, 1863. O. 551.58 87 — editor, see Giornale di economia forestale. 1871-2. 551.58 5 — Scolari, F. Delia relazione accademiche e specialmente di una intorno al saggio sull anti- ca storia e giurisprudenza forestale in Italia opera del Berenger; lettera critiea. Venezia, 1860. O. [3+] 17 p. 551.58 86 Beresford, James. The miseries of human life. 2 American from 3 London edition. New York, 1807. O. 827 3 — Same; added, posthumous groans. 11 edition, London, 1826. 2 v. in 1. S. 827 4 Berg, Carl Heinrich Edmund, Freiherr yon. Betrachtungen iiber den Einfluss der kleinei'en deutschen Staaten auf die Entwickelung des Forstwesens. Dresden, 1867. 35 p. 551.58 75 — Geschichte der deutschen Walder bis zum Schlusse des Mittelalters; ein Beitrag zur Cul- turgesckichte. Dresden, 1871. O. 551.58 76 bound with 43 — Das Verdrangen der Laubwalder im nord- liehen Deutschlande dureh die Fichte und die Kiefer. Darmstadt, 1844. O. [4-f ]88 p. 551.58 53 Berg, Wilhelm, translator, see Jonckbloet, W. J. A. Geschichte der niederlandisehen Litera- tur. 1870-2. 839.3 15 BERGAMASK DIALECT. Tiraboschi, A. Vo- BERGAMASK 60 BERLIN cabolario dei dialetti bergamaschi antichi e moderni. Bergamc, 1873. Q. 457 4 See also Ruggeri, P. Bergamo. Capitoli prohibenti le pompe della cittu. Bressa, 1540. O. [14] p. 099 27 Bersrau, E. Das Ordenshaupthaus Marienbui-g ill Pieussen. Berlin, 1871. O. 36 p. (7« Tir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 BERGELL, see BREGAGLIA. Berffen, Carl von, editor, see Framtiden. 1877. 948 32 Bergen. Bergens gamle Bylov; med Indled- ning, Oversaettelse og Anniperkninger, udgiven af Gr. Fougner-Lundh. Kjobenhavn, 1829. sqO. 839.68 1 — Mnsenni, see Urda. 1837-42. 913 61 — Holberg, L. Fragmenter om Bergen. {In his Holbergiana, 1832-5, v. 3.) 839.88 1 Berger, J. Moderne und antike Heizungs- und Venlilationsmethoden. Berlin. 1870. O. 48 p. il. (In Yirchow tfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Berggreen, Andreas Peter. Melodier til Fsedre- landshistoriske Digte. Kj0benhavn, 1840. obD. 12+83 p. 784 4 Berggren, Jakob. Bibel und Josephus iiber Je- rusalem und das heilige Grab wider Robinson und neuere Sionspilger. Lund, 1862. O. 915.6 26 — respondent. Monimenta lapidaria, see Sjo- l)org, N. H. Bergli, Laurent Philippe Charles ran deni. De Nederlandsche volksromans, Amsterdam, 1837. O. 839.3 14 Berghaus, Heinrich Karl WilJiebn. Allgemeine Liinder- und Voikerkunde; nebst einem Abriss der physikalischen Erdbeschreibung. Stutt- gart, 1837-44. 6 V. O. pi. 910 3 Vol. l-.S, Physlkalische Erdbeschreibung. —Physikalischer Atlas. Gotha, 1845-8. 2t.F.* maps. 503 1 Contents: 1. Meteoroloscie und Klimatographie.— Hy- droloffie und Hydrographie.— Geolugie.— Tellurischer Magnetismus.— Botanische Geographie. 2. Zoologische Geographie.— Anthropographie.— Ethnographie. — Physikalischer Atlas: Geographisches Jahr- buch. Gotha, 1850-1. 4v.sqQ. maps. 910 42 — Der Sprachschatz der Sassen -.Worterbuch der plattdeutschen Sprache. Brandenburg, 1880-3. 2v. Q. 439.43 1 A-Paddeln; the rest to come. — Was man von der Erde weiss; ein Lehrbuch. Berlin, 1856-7. 3 v. O. pi. 914 2.1 Berghaus, Hermann, & Stulpnagel, F. von. Chart of the world on Mercator's projection. Gotha, n. d. 95x153 cm, in F.» 912 6 Bergman, Carl Johan. De nummis Gothlandi- cis dissertatio. Upsalise, 1837. O. 16 p. pi. 737 3 Bergman, J, M. Hand-lexicon for sVenska landthushallare. Fahlun, 1838. O. 630 36 Bergman, Torbern Olof. Of the effects of fire at the volcanos and the hot springs, and of the basal tes. {In Troil, U. von. Letters on Ice- land. 1780.) 914.9 13.1 Bergmann, Anton, pseudonym Tony. Ernest Staas, advocaat; schetsen en beelden; met sterk- waterplaten door Willem Geets. Gent, 1874. Q. pi. 839.33 2 — Geschiedenis der stad Lier. Lier, 1873. O. pi. 949 23 — Verspreide schetsen en novellen. Gent, 1875. O. 839.33 3 Bergmann, Benjamin Filrclitegott Balthasar. Nomadische Streifereien unter den Kalmii ken, 1802-3. Riga, 1804-5. 4 v. D. 915.19 Bergmann, Friedrich Wilhebn. Aus einem un- gedruckten Commentar zu Dante's Conimedia. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862. )805 i — Cours de linguistique; analyse de la fable de La Fontaine, Le rat de ville etle rat des champs. Paris, 1876. D. 442 1 — Strassburger Volksgesprache in ihrer Mun- dart vorgetragen und erlautert. Stiat-tburg, 1873. O. 839.1 5 Bergpsalmeu, see Scheffel, J. V. Bergs0e, Adolph Frederik. Geheime-Statsmi- nister Greve Christian Ditlev Frederik Revent- lovs Virksomhed. Kiobeiihavn, 1837. 2 v. in l.p. tab. 923 84 — Motiveret Udkast til en Creditforening for danske Grundbesiddere. KJ0benhavn, 1839. O. 332 1 Bergs0e^ Sophns. Nogle danske Monter Ira Middelalderen i fremmede Samlinger. il. {In Copenhagen— K.nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarbpger. V. 17, 1882.) 948 5 Bergstrom, Hans. Dissertatio historica de tem- plis Lundensibus. Londini-Gothorum, 1756. sqO. [6+] 24 p. 274 6 BEROUfiDAN, Guillems de. Bartsch, K. F. Guillem von Berguedan. {In Jahrbnch rom.u, eng. Lit. v. 6, 8, 1865-7.) 805 1 De bergwerkers zangspel. see Lennep, J. van. Poet, werken, 10. Bering, Vitus. Florus Danicus. OtthiniaD, 1698. F. • por. 948 63 BERING'S STRAIT. Beecliey, F. W. Narra- tive of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, 1825-8. Philadelphia, 1832. O. 919.6 3 Berjeau, Jean PliiUbert. Catalogue illustre des livres xylographiques. Londres, 1865. O. il. 016 5 105 copies printed, no. 89. — editor, see BibUa pauperum. 1859. 761 1 Berkart, J. B. On asthma; its pathology and treatment. London, 1878. O. 616 6 Berlan, Francesco, editor, see Milan. Consue- tudini, 1216. 349 21 Petrarca, F. Parma liberata. 1870. {In Scelta di curiosita. 109.) 850 10 Berlepsch, Hermann Alexander von. Die Alpen in Natur- und Lebensbildern. 2 Auflage. Leip- zig, 1862. O. pi. 551.43 15 — Die Gotthard-Bahn, Beschreibendes und Ge- schichtliches. Gotha, 1881. sqQ.' [2-l-]77 p. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen : Ergiinzungs- band 14.) 910 44 Berlichingen, trotz von. Ritterliche Thaten; neuerlich aus den Handschriften gezogen von M. A. Gessert. Pforzheim, 1843. D. 923 43 Gotz von Berlichingen, see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 8, 42. Berlin, Nils Johan. Om nagra nordiska metall- legeringars sammansiittning. — Nagra materia- BERLIN 61 BERNI lier for bedomandet af samnianhanget mel- lan de antika bronsernas sammansattning och alder. {In Copenhagen— K, nord.Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 12, 1853.) 948 2 Berlui. Verhandlungen der zur Herstellung grosserer Einigung in der deutschen Recht- schreibung beruf enen Konferenz, 4-15 Jan. 1876. 2 Abdruk. Halle, 1876. O. 431 4 — Zelle, R. Waisenpflege und Waisen kinder in Berlin. Berlin, 1867. O. 36 p. (/« Virchow c& Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 2Serie.) 043 1 BERLIN, TREATY OF. Jaeini, S. Un po' di commenti sul trattato di Berlino. Roma, 1878. O. 85 p. 945 38 Berniondsey, England. Annales de Bermunde- seia, 1042-1432. {In Luard, H. R. Annales mo- nastici. 1864-9, v. 3; in Gt. Br.— Master of RoUs. Chron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 Bern. Correction des eaux du Jura; rapport des experts federaux de 1863. Lausanne, 1863. sqQ. 45[+2]p. pZ. ?tta^j. 627 31 hound with 607 2 — Instruktion iilier die forsttaxatorischen Ar- b^iten bei Errichtung von Waldwirthschafts- pllinen. Bern[, 1861]. D. 23p.pZ. 551.58 40 — Loi prescrivant la confection de plans d'ame- nagement [pour les forets]. [Berne, 1861.] D. 8 p. 551.58 40 — Loi sur les defrichments definitifs de forets. [Berne, I860.] D. 5 p. 551.58 40 — Rapport de la direction des domaines et forets et des dessechements pour 1868-73. Berne, 1869- 74. 6v. D. tab. 551.58 104 — Reglement forestier pour le Jura bernois. Berne, 1837. D. 25 p. 551.58 40 — Sammlung der bernerischen Gesetze iiber das Forstwesen. Bern, 1873. O. 551.58 105 — Tschaclitlan, B. Berner-Chronik, 1421-66; herausgegeben von E. Stierlin und J. R. Wyss. Bern, 1820. D. pi. 949 32 BERNADOTTE. Jean Baptiste Jules, see CHARLES XIV. JOHN, king of Sweden. Bernaldez, Andres. Historia de Fernando y Isabel, cronica inedita del siglo XV. Granada, 1856. 2v. inl. O. 946 36 Edited by Miguel Lafuente y Alciintara- Bernard, St., abbot of Clairvaux. Choix de sermons. {In Bible.— O. T. -Kings. Les quatre livres des rois. 1841.) 222 2 — De cura I'ei famuliaris [Latin, with para- ])hrase in Scotch verse]. {In Rawson, J. R. Bernardus, &c. ; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 42.) 820 5 — Dellibero arbitrio; testo di lingua, edito da Ugo Antonio Amico. Bologna, 1866. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 65.) 850 10 The original is Tractatus de gratia et libero arbitrio. — Epistola a Raimondo; volgarizzamento, edito a cura di Ugo Antonio Amico. Bologna, 1866. D. 19 p. (In same. 68.) 850 10 — Same; nuova lezione; a cura di N. A. Amico Bologna, 1866. D. 10 p. {In same. 73.) 850 10 — Pistola a Frati del Monte di Dio [della vita remiticha] : volgarizzamento del secolo 14, dato fuori da Pietro Fanfani. Bologna, 1867. D. (In same. 84.) 850 10 — Lo stimolo d' amore, attribuito a S. Bernardo. Bologna, 1866. D. 52 p. {In same. 68.) 850 10 Bernard le sage. Voyage, 867. {hi Wriglit, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.6 4(' Bernard o/ 3ibJ-Zas. De contemptu mundi. {In Wright, T. Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 1872, V. 2; in Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 59.) 942 8 Bernard!, Gaetano, translator, see Courier de Mere, P. L. Opuscoli. 1861 320 4 Bernardi, Jacopo, editor, see Alfleri, V. Let- tere. 1864. 856 1 Bernardi, M. Cavour. Hamburg, 1888. O. 58 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 8.) 043 2 Bernardino, St., of Siena. Novellette, esenipi morali e apologhi. Bologna, 1868. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 97.) 850 10 — Sermone sulle soccite di bestiami; volgariz- zato nel secolo 15; per cura di Cesare Ricco- manni. Bologna, 1862. D. 39 p. {In same. 13.) 850 10 Berndt, (Justav. Der Alpenfohn in seinem Ein- fiuss auf Natur- und Menschenleben. Gotha, 1886. sqQ. [3+] 66 p. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungsband 18.) 910 44 — Das Val d'Annivers und das Bassin de Sierre. Gotha, 1882. sqQ. [d+]55 p. map. (In same. 15.) 910 44 Berners, John Bourchier, M baron, translator, •see Arthur of Little Britain. 1814. 843 3 Froissart, J. Chronicles; with memoir of translator. 1812. 940 22 The boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux. 1882- 7. {In English Charlemange romances. 7-9, 11 ; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 40, 41, 43, 50.) 820 5.1 Berners, Juliana, see Barnes, J. BERNESE DIALECT. Kohl, J. Q. Eigenthiim- lichkeiten des Deutschen im Berner Oberlande. {In his Skizzen, 1851, v. 2.) 304 3 Bernhard, Carl, pseudonym of St. Aubain. A. N. de. ' Bernhardt, August. Waldbeschadigungen durch Windbruch, Schnee-, Eis- und Duftbruch 1875-6. Berhn, 1877. O, pi. map. 551.58 12 Bernhardt, Theodor. Lord Palmerston. Berlin 1870. O. 39 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Berni. Francesco. Opere. Milano, 1864. 2 v. S. (In Bibl. rara. 44-5.) 850 3 — Opere burlesche; con annotazioni, e con un saggio delle sue lettere piacevoli. Milano, 1806. O. 857 3.1 —Opere burlesche di Berni [e d'altri autori]. Nova edizione. Usecht al Reno, 1726. v. 1, 3. D. 857 2 —Same. 1760. 3 v. D. por. iltp. 857 3 Vol. 1 is the same in the two editions; vol. 3 Is entirely different. The later edition is printed in italics. — Orlando innamorato di Matteo M. Bojardo, rifatto. Milano, 1806. 4v. in2. O. por. 851 15 — Rime e lettere; aggiuntovi La Catrina, II dialogo contro i poeti, e le poesie latine. Firenze, 1863. Tt. por. 857 4 — Ceechi, (J. M. Lezione di Maestro Bartolino BEBNI 62 BERYJSr dal Canto de' Bischeri [pseud.] sopra '1 sonetto Passei-e e beccafichi raagri arrosto. Bologna, 1868. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 2.) 850 10 Bernier, Francois. Voyages des etats du grand moo'ol. Amsterdam, 1699. 3v. S. pi. maps. 915.4 1.1 BERNINA MOUNTAINS, see ENGADIN. Bernoni, Domenico Griiiseppe. Giuochi popo- lari veneziani. Venezia, 1874. D. 94 p. 859 51 Bernstein, Aaron. Alexander von Hunboldt und der Geist zweier Jahrhunderte. Berlin, 1869. O. 48 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. VortVage. 4 Serie.) 043 1 «EB,NSTORF, Andreas Peter, Greve af Berns- torf. [Hafnia", 1797.] D. 56 p. por. 92S 16 T?proaldo, Filippo, annotator, see Snetoniits TranduUins, C. 1494. 093 9 Beronie, Nicolas. Dictionnaire du patois du Bas-Limousin (Correze); public par Joseph ATuie Vialle. Tulle [,1825]. sqQ. . 447 2 BERBY, hirault du roy. Le recouvrement de Normendie. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 32.) 942 8 Bersezio,yittorio. Luigi Carlo Farini. Torino, 1860. T. por. (I contemp. italiani. ) 923 36 Bert, Ainedee. Aux membres de la paroisse evangelique vaudoise de Turin, Turin, 1865. sqQ. 3 p. 284 7 Bert, Paul. La morale des jesuites. 16 edition . Paris, 1881. D. 271 9 Bertagnolli, Carlo. La colonia parziaria. Roma, 1877. D. 333 3 Bertani, CJiiiseppe. Poesie. {In CoUezione milanese, 1816-7, v. 10.) 859 15 Berte, F. Contribuzione all' anatomia ed alia tisiologia delle antenne degli afanitteri. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fls. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 Bertel, Jan. Historia et descriptio ducatus Luxemburgensis. {In Respublica Namurcensis. 1634.) 949 24 Bertlielot. Sabin. Memoire sur les Guanches. n.p.,n. d. 913 46.2 BertWer, J. Notre- Dame de la Salette. Paris, 1872. D. 230 14 Berthod, Francois. Memoires, 1652-3. {In Midland & Poujonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 24.) 944 9 BERTHOLD, of Regensburg, minorite friar. Crrimm, J. L. K. KIing;Bruder Berthold. {In /lisKleinere Schriften, 1864-90. v. 4.) 408 2 Bertliold Auerbach's Volkskalender fiir 1865. Leipzig[,1864]. S. il. 838 2 Bertliond, Ferdinand. L'art de conduire et de regler les pendules et les montres. 5 edition. Paris, 1828. T. pi. 681 2 Bertl, Domenico. Di Giovanni Valdes e di ta- luni suoi discepoli secondo nuovi documenti dair archivio veneto.— Di Cesare Cremonino e della sua controversia con 1' inquisizione di Pa- dova edi Roma. (/nRome -R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. sci. mor. v. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 — Lettere inedite di T. Campanella, e catologo dei suoi scritti; memoria. Roma, 1878. sqF. 83 p. 504 2 —Same. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 — Storia dei manoscritti galileiani della Bi- blioteca nazionale di Firenze. {In same. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 —editor. II processo originale di Galileo Galilei, publicato per la prima volta. Roma, 1876. O. 272 3 Same. Nuova edizione accresciuta. Roma, 1878. O. 272 4 Berti, Oioyanni Lorenzo. Delia dottrina teo- logica nella Divina commedia. {In Dante Ali- gliieri. Opere, 1757-8, v. 3.) 851 33 Bertini, Romolo. Sonetti 63. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesclie, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 Annales Bertiniani, see Saint-Bertin abbey. Bertioli, Pierfrancesco. Rime: col commento di Andrea Alciato; con prefazione e note di N. Zingarelli. Bologna, 1888. D. 82 p. (In Scelta di curiositu. 227.) 850 10 Bertolini, Francesco. L'ltalia, 1814-78. Milano, 1880. Q. {In YQlari, P., editor. Storia poli- tica d' Italia; in L' Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 14 —Storia antiqua. Milano[, 1874]. Q. {Li same.) 914.5 7 — Storia delle dominazioni germaniche, 395- 1024. Milano[,1869]. Q. (In same.) 914.5 8 Bertolotti, Antonino. Artiste belgi ed olandesi a Roma nei secoli 16 e 17; notizie e documenti. Firenze, 1880. D. 709 7 —II conte Federigo Sclopis di Salerano, 1798- 1878. Firenze, 1878. O. 32 p. 923 90 — Giornalisti, astrologi e negromanti in Roma nel secolo 17. {In Rivista europea, n. s., v. 5, 1878, p. 466-514.) 133 20 bound with 113 1 — Passeggiate nel Canavese. Ivrea, 1870-4. v. 4, 7. D. 914.5 47 — editor. Convenzioni e statuti pell' estirpa- mento dei berrovieri e de' ladri dal Monferrato, Canavese, Vercellese e Pavese, nei secoli 18 e 14. Torino, 1871. O. 343 15 Bertram, Bonaventure Corneille. De republica Ebrseorum, cum commentario Constantini L' Empereur. Lugduni Batavorum, ex offlciiia Elzeviriana, 1641. Tt. 094 23 Title-page wanting. Bertrand, Jean. Saggio...qual debba essere la legislazione per incoraggire I'agricoltura ; tra- dotto dal francese dalF A. G. M., con annota- zioni del S. G. P. Venezia, 1767. S. 338 2 Bertrand, Josepli Lonis Francois. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Kepler. {In Paris — Insti- tut. — Acad, de sci. Mem. v. 35. 1866.)551.58 59 Bertrandon de la Brocquiere. Travels, 1482-3. {In Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.6 40 Berwick, James Fitz- James, duke of. Memoires, avec un suite a 1734; eloge par Montesquieu et portrait par Bolingbroke. por. (In Michaiid & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 23.) 944 9 — Montesquieu, C. de S. de. Ebauche de 1' eloge historique du marechal de Berwick. (In his (Euvres, 1788, v. 5.) 340 5.1 The tale of Beryn, vrith a prologue of the ad- venture of the pardoner veith a tapster at Canterbury; re-edited by F. J. Furnivall & W. BERTJSr 63 BEVAN- G. Stone; with English abstract of [the] French original and Asiatic versions of the tale, by W. A. Clouston; plans of Canterbury in 1588, and the road thither from London in 1675. London, 1887 [1876-88J. O. viaps. {In Supplementary Canterbury tales. 1; in Chancer soc. 2 ser. 17, 34.) 821 46 Berzelius, Jons Jakob, friherre. Undersokning of nietallniassan i nagra fornleniningar. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskal). Annaler. V. 1, 1836-7.) 948 2 Besant, Walter. Gaspard de Coligny. London, 1879. D. por. (The new Plutarch.) 923 29 Bescape, Pietro da, see Pietro. Bescheidenheit, see Freidank, B. Besclierelle, — , the younger. Le veritable ma- nuel des participes. Paris, 1856. D. 445 9 Bescherelle,Loiiis Nicolas,cfcpr6ceding. Diction- naire usuel de tous les verbes fi"an9ais. Paris, 1843-4. 2v. O. 445 7 — editor. Les grands guerriers des croisades, 1095-1268. Paris, 1851. F. [l-f]30p. il. 940 7 hound ivith 913 17 Besenral. Pierre Victor, haron de. Memoires. (/n Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 4.) 944 10 Beskow, Bernliard von. Dramatiske studier. Stockholm, 1836-7. 2 v. O. 839.72 3 — Erik den f jortonde, en dramatisk dikt. Stock- holm, 1837. 2 V. in 1. O. 839.72 4 — Witter he ts-forsok. 2 uplagan. Stockholm, 1829. pt. 1. O. 839.71 4 Bessell, P. Die Beweise fur die Bewegung der Erde. Berlin, 1871. O. 44 p, (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrlige. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber Zahl und Maass. Berlin, 1882. O. 36 p. {In same. 17 Serie.) 043 1 Bessell, Wilhelni. Ueber das Leben des Ulfilas und die Bekehrung der Gothen zum Chri^^ten- thuin. Gottingen, 1860. O. 839.9 11 Bessieres, Frrnce. Reglement sur la conduite des consuls de Bessieres; P. Barbe. {In Revne des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 Best, Henry. Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641; being the farming and account books of Henry Best of Elmswell. Durham, 1857. O. 2jI. {In Snrtee%soc. 33.) 820 7 Le bestiaire d'amour, see Fournival, R. de. A bestiary. {In Matzner, E. A. P. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, pt. 1, 1867.) 820 8 For other bestiaries, >iee FABLES. Beta, H., pseudonym of Bettziech, H. BETHMAN^-HOLWEC}, Moritz August von. Bliilime, P. Die gens Langobardorum und ihre Herkunf t;Festgruss,12 Sept, 1868, an Bethmann- HoUweg. Bonn, 1868. O. 35 p. 945 5 Bethune, C. R. Driukwater, editor, see Haw- kins, R. Observations in the South Sea, 1848. 919.6 1 BETHUNE, George Washington. Van Nest, A. R. Memoir of G. W. Bethune. New York, 1867. D. por. 922 20 Bethune, John Eliot Drinkwater. Life of Gal- ileo. London, 1829-80. O. il. (Lib. of useful Knl.) 925 5 —Life of Kepler. London, 1830. O. 54 p. il. (Lib. of useful Knl.) 925 10 — translator. Specimens of Swedish and Ger- man poetry. London, 1848. O. 839.71 41.1 Contents: Selections from the miscellaneous poems of Esalas Tegner.— The maid of Orleans, by Friedrich von Schiller. Betocchi, Alessandro. Effemeridi e statistica del Tevere e dell' Aniene nel 1873-80. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 1-3; 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, pt. 1; v. 2, pt. 2; v. 4, 8, 9.) — L' aumento dell' altezza media delle piene dei fiumi. .. confermati dalle osservazioni... della Theiss. {In mme. 2 ser. v. 3.) 065 3-4 De betooverde viol en het bloemenoproer, een drama-ballet, see Lennep, J. van. Poet, wer- ken, 11. De betooverde weereld, see Bekker, B. Betta, Edoardo de. Rettili ed anfibi. (In €ornalia,E., & others. Fauna d'ltalia. [187-]: in L'ltalia. Parte 3.) 914.5 6 Betti, Enrico. Sopra la funzione potenziale di una ellisse omogenea. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. xVtti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 Die Bettlerin vom Pont des Arts, see Hanff, W. Betts, William. Introductory address. * {In Columbia college. Addresses. 1858. ) 378 1 Bettziech, Heinrich, p)seudonym H. Beta. Entwickelung der englischen Nationalliteratur, 1858-60. {In Jahrbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. l-3„ 1859-61.)— Das neue grosse englische Lexikon. {In same. v. 3, 1861.; 805 1 —Der wirthschaftliche Werth der Wassernut- zung durch Fischzucht, von H. Beta [pseud.] Berlin, 1873. O. 44 p. (/n Virchow c& Holtzen- doi-ff, Vortriige. 8 Serie.) 043 1, 639 3 Betussi, Criuseppe. II Raverta, dialogo d'aniore e degli effetti suoi, con la vita dell' autore da Giambattista Verci. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 30.) ^50 3 —translator, see Boccaccio, Gf. I casi de gl' huomini illustri. 1598. 920 3 Libro delle donne illustri. 1596. 920 4 Beule, Charles Ernest. Auguste; sa famille et ses amis. 2 edition. Paris, 1867. O. 937 11 —Etudes sur le Peloponnese. Paris, 1875. D 914.9 29 — Nachgrabungen in Karthago; aus demFran- zosischen. Leipzig, 1863. O. pi. 913 31.7 — Tibere et 1' heritage d' Auguste. Paris, 1868. O- 937 12 Benter, Pedro Antonio. Primera parte de la coronica general de toda Espaiia, y especial- mente del reyno de Valencia, hasta los tempos del rey Jayme de Aragon. Valencia, 1546. Q. iltp. 946 59 — Segunda parte de la coronica general de E- spaiia, y especialmente de Aragon, Cathalufia y Valencia. Valencia, 1551 [colophon, 1550]. D iltp- 946 59 — Cronica generale d' Hispagna et del regno di Valenza; tradotta in lingua italiana dal Alfonso d' Ulloa, con due tavole, Vinegia, 1556. S. 946 ^ A translation of the first part of his chronicle. Bevan, WUliam Latham. The student's manual BEVAR 64 BIBLE— ENG LISS of ancient geography; edited by William Smith. New edition. London, 1867. D, il. pi. 911 1 — The student's manual of modern geography. London, 1869. D. t7._pZ. 910 5 Beverley, -E^wgr/awri. Sanctuarium ecclesiae sancti Johannis de Beverlaco. 1837. {In Siirtees soc. Pub. 5.) 820 7 Sir BcTis of Hampton. {In Ellis, G. Specimens of romances, 1805, v. 2.) 821 4 — The romance of Beues of Hamtoun; edited from 6 mss. and the old printed copy, with preface and notes, by Eugen Kolbing. London, 1885-6. pt. 1-2. O. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 46,48.) 820 5.1 Beyer, Conrad. Geist undlnhalt derdeutschen poetischen Literatur. (In Hiiirichsen, A. Das literarische Deutschland. 1887.) 928 4.1 Beyle, Marie Henry, .pseudonym de Stendlial. Pi-omenades dans Rome. Edition augmentee. 2 Serie. Paris, 1858. D. map. 914.5 74 Bezold, Carl. Die Fortschritte der Keilscrif tfor- schung inneuesterZeit. Hamburg, 1889. O. 28 p. {Iti Virchow & Holtzeudoiif. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 — Ueber Keilinschriften. Berlin, 1883. O. 31 p. {In same. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Bezzeuberger, H. E. Randbemerkungenzu den von der Berliner Konferenz aufgestellten Re- geln fiir die deutsche Orthographic. Halle, 1876. O. 431 4 — editor, see ANNO. Masre von Sente Annen. 1848. 831 58 Bhagavad-Gitd, see Mahdbhdrata. BHASCARA ACHARYA. Brockhans, H. tJber die Algebra des Bhaskara. {In Leipsic— K. siichs. Gesell. Berichte, 1852.) 063 3 Bianca Visconti; or, The heart overtasked, see WiUis, N. P. Bianclii, Bianco. Femine da conio; Inf. 18; 66. {In Ai-chivio glot. ital. v. 7, 1880-3.)— La de- clinazione nella toponimia toscane. (In same. V. 9-10, 1886-8.) 450 11 — Storia della preposizione a, e de' suoi com- posti nella lingua italiana. Firenze, 1877. O. 455 3 Bianclii, Bmnone, commentator, see Dante Aligliieri. La .conmiedia. 1863. 851 37 Bianclii, Luigi. SuU' applicabilita delle super- ficie degli spazi a curvatura costante. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 Bianclii, Nicomede. Carlo Matteucci e 1' Italia del suo tempo; narrazione. Torino, 1874. O. phot. 925 14 — Le nostre intenzioni e le nostre speranze. {In Ciiriositk di storia subalpina. v. 1, 1874.)— La verita sull' arresto e prigionia di Carlo Botta verso la fine del secolo 18. {In same. v. 2, 1876.) — Santorri di Santa Rosa; memorie e lettere inedite. — Scritti e lettere di Carlo Alberto. {In same. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 The volumes contain other matter edited by Banchi. Bianchi-Gtiovini, Anrelio. Sulla dominazione degli Arabi in Italia. Milano, 1846. O. [2-f] 65 p. 945 112 Bianchini, Domenico, editor. Due leggende divote, scritte nel buon secola della lingua, Napoli, 1862. O. 31 p. 922 12 Contents: La passione de' martiri Quirico e Giulitta Leggenda de' santi Savino e Savlna. Biancliini, Francesco. Carte da giuoco in ser- vigio deir istoria e della cronologia. Bologna 1871. D. 77 [+2] p. facsim. {In Sceltl di curiosita. 120.) ^50 10 Bianchini, Giuseppe, annotator, see Alanianni, L. La coltivazione. 1745. 851 4 Biarkoa riitten; hwar hoos follia nagra the aldsta konunga stadgar; medh register. Stock- holm, 1687. F. il. 349 47.1 Edited by J. Iladorph. La Bibbia, canti, see Regaldi, G. Bibbiena, Bernardo Dovizi da. Un awentura amorosa di Ferdinando d' Aragona. Bologna, 1862. D. 24 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 20.^ 850'l0 —La calandria, commedia; Un awentura am- orosa di Ferdinando d' Aragona. Milano, 1863. 5. x>Or. {In Bibl. rara. 14.) 850 3 Bibboni, Francesco. Morte di Lorenzino de' Medici. {In Medici, L. di P. F. de.' Scritti. 1862; in Bibl. rara. 2.) 850 3 —Same. {In Gnerra di Serrezzana. 1862.)851 79 Bible— Polyglot. Polyglotten-Bibel zum prak- tischen Handgebrauch; in iibersichtlicher Ne- beneinanderstellung des Urtextes, der Septu- aginta, Vulgata und Luther-Uebersetzung, so wie der wichtigsten Varianten der deutschen Uebersetzungen; bearbeitet von R. Stier und K. G. W. Theile. 2-3 Auflage. Bielefeld, 1854- 6. 4 v. in 5. O 220 4 —English. The Holy Bible, in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate, by John Wy cliff e and his followers; edited bv Josiah Forshall and Sir Frederic Madden. Ox^- ford, 1850. 4v. sqQ. 220 7 Contents : 1. Genesis— Ruth. 2. Kings— Psalms. 3. Proverbs— Maccabees. 4. Matthew— Apocalypse. The Holy Scriptures, faithfully and truly translated by Myles Coverdale, bishop of Ex- eter, 1535. London, reprinted for Samuel Bagster, 1838. sqQ. por. 220 8 The Holy Bible, newly translated out of the original tongues, and with former transla- tions diligently compared and revised. London, 1611. F. il. ' 220 9 The second of the tvfo standard editions of the version of 161.; called the "she Bible" from the reading in Ruth, 3; 15. The title-page of the Old Testament is wanting. The Holy Bible. Philadelphia, 1830. Q 220 9.1 Containing Mr. Marsh's family record. — —A compendious olde treatyse, shewynge howe that we ought to have the Scripture in Englysche, written about 1450. (In Arber. E. English reprints. 28.) 820 9 Davies, T. L. 0. Bible English; chapters on old and disused expressions in the author- ized version and the book of common prayer. London, 1875. D. 427 15 Eastwood, J., & Wright, W. A. The Bible word-book; a glossary of Old English Bible words. London, 1866. S. 423 2 Marsh, G. P. The English Bible. {In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 BIBLE— EN GLISH 65 BIBLE— TBARSLA TIOB — The proposed revision of the English Bible. {In Nation, v. 11, 1870, p. 238-9, 261-3, 281-2.) 080 33 — — Schaff, P., editor. Anglo-American Bible revision; by members of the American revision committee. London, 1879. D. 220 5 _ — Storrs, R. S., jr. John Wycliffe and the first English Bible ; an oration. New York, 1880. O. 85 p. 220 6 — Catalan. Genesi de scriptura, Compendi historial de la Biblia; que trellada, del proven9al a la llengua catalana Guillem Sena, 1451. Barcelona, 1873. D. facsim. (In Biblioteca catalana. 2.) 869 4 — Danish. Biblia paa Danske; effter Christian den nil. Befalning. Ki0binghaffn, 1607. D. 220 14 _ — Molbech, C. Bidrag til en Historie og Sprogskildriugaf de danske Bibeloversaettelser fra det 16 Aarhundrede, sserdeles Christian den Tredies Bibelaf 1550. Ki0benhavn [,1840]. sq.O. 220 13 — Dntch. Den gheheelen Bybel, inhoudende het oude ende nieuwe Testament; in duytsche van nyews overghestelt wt den Latijnschen ouden text. Loeuen, 1548. Q. il. 220 11 —FRENCH. Strumpell, G.Die ersten Bibeliiber- setzungen der Franzosen im 12-14 Jahrhun- dei-t, mit Proben... Braunschweig, 1872. O. 8-^56 p. 016 12 bound with 010 3 —GEORGIAN. Nast. J. Nachricht von einer hochst seltenen georgischen Bibel. (/nStrobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 4.) 830 10 — Gotliic, see Ulfllas. — Icelandic. Biblia; lit gefin ad tilhlutun hins islenzka bibliufelags. Reykjavik, 1859. sqQ. 839.68 2 — Italian. La Bibbia volgare, secondo la rara edizione del 1 di ottobre 1471, ristampata per cura di Carlo Negroni. Bologna, 1882-7. 10 v. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 56-65.) 850 6 With Latin at bottom of page. La Sacra Bibbia, secondo la Volgata; tra- dotta, con annotazioni, da Antonio Martini. Milano, 1845-8. 2 v. O. 220 16 La Sacra Bibbia;... ti'adotti da Giovanni Diodati; con riferenze. Firenze, 1868. O. 220 15 — Latin. ReuerSdissimi f ratris Jacobi de voragi- ne sanctorwrn ac festorum per totii anu Liber icipit. Venetijs, 1483. O. 246 leaves. 093 4 Better known as the Legenda aurea. It contains a translation of the greater portion of the Pentateuch and Gospels. — Mpongwe. The books of Genesis, part of Exodus, Proverbs and Acts, translated into the Mpongwe language, at the mission of the A. B. C. F. M., Gaboon, West Africa. New York, 1859. S. 220 17 — Saxon. Biblia; dat ys, De gantze Hillige Schrifft; vordiidtschet dorch Marti. Luth, Magdeborch, 1545. F. il. 220 10 The binder's title is "Niedersachische Bibel nach Lu- ther's Uebersetzung." —Swedish. Bibelen; eller. Den Heliga Skrift; tryckt pa Brittiska och utlandska bibel-sallska- pets bekostnad. Stockholm, 1855. O. 220 12 — ^Klemming, G. E., editor. Svenska medel- tidens bibel-arbeten. Stockholm, 1848-53. 2 v. O. (In Srenska forn.-sal. Samlingar, v. 6-7.) 839.7 3 — Paraplu'ase. Les oeuvres poetiques de G. de Saluste du Bartas. [Geneva,] 1593-1601. 2.v. T. il- 841 16 English: His divine weekes and other workes; translated by J. Sylvester. London, 1611. sqD. 841 17 A paraphrase upon the divine poems by George Sandys. London, 1676. D. music. 223 1 Contents : Job.— Psalms.— Ecclesiastes.— Song of Sol- omon. —Lamentations of Jeremiah —Songs collected out of the Old and New Testaments. Rymbybel, van J. van Maerlant; uitgege- ven door j. David. Brussel, 1858-9. 3 v. Q. facsim. iltp. 839.31 16 —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Stevens, H. The Bibles in the Caxton exhibition, 1877; or, A bibli- ographical description of nearly 100 repre- sentative Bibles, 1450-1877. Special edition, with additions. London, 1878. O. 016 11 —CONCORDANCE. Brown, J. A brief concord- ance to the Holy Scriptures. (In Bible— Ens- lish. 1850.) 220 9.1 — — Cniden, A. A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. New York, 1857. O. por. 220 1 — — -Eadie, J. A new and complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. London, 1850. O. 220 2 —DICTIONARIES. Smith, W., editor. A dic- tionary of the Bible; comprising its antiquities, biography, geography and natural history. Boston, 1860-3. 3 v. O. il. facsim, map. 220 3 —DISCUSSIONS. Arnold M. Literature & dog- ma; an essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. London, 1873. D. 230 1 Clieyne, T. K. The maintenance of the study of the Bible. (In Essays on endowment of research. 1876.) 378 3 — — At5a<7/caX^a ^Tri 5i8affKa\lav. AO-qvri; FLOOD; SLAVERY. Pentateuclu Diu Buochir Mosis. {In Mass- mann, H. F. Deutsche Gedichte. 1837.) 831 12 — — ^Tyndale. W. Prologues to the five books of Moses. {In Tyndale & Frith. "Works, 1831, v. 1.) 208 10 RUTH. Fuller, T. A comment on Ruth. London, 1654. S. 240 10 King's. Les quatre livres des rois; traduits «n fran9ais du 12e siecle, suivis d'un fragment de moralites sur Job, et d'un choix de sermons de Saint Bernard; publies par Le Roux de Lincy. Paris, 1841. sqQ. facsim. (Col. de doc. ined. surl'hist. de France.) 222 2 Die vier Biicher der Konige, in nieder- sachsicher Bearbeitung; herausgegeben von Merzdorf. Oldenburg, 1857. O. 222 1 Job. Le livre de Job, traduit de I'hebreu, avec une etude sur I'age et le caractere du poeme; par Ernest Renau. 3 edition. Paris, 1882. O. 223 2 Specimen of a revision of the English Scriptures; bv Thomas J. Conant. New York, 1855. sqQ. '[32] p. 223 3 hound with 016 6 Psalms— ^ngZo Saxon. Anglo-Saxon and early English psalter. London [, 1843-7]. 2 v. O. {In Surtees soc. 16, 19.) 820 7 Same. 223 6 Ead wine's Canterbury psalter; edited with introduction and notes, bv Fred Harsley. London, 1 89. pt. 2. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 92.) 820 5 Vespasian psalter. {In Sweet, H. Oldest English texts. 1885; in same. 83.) 820 5 Danish. Oversaettelse af Davids Psalter. {In Pedersen, C. Danske Skrifter, 1850-6, v. 4.) 839.88 4 Dutch. Berigt wegens de oudste verta- ling der psalmen in het Nederlandsch, met den 19 psalm als proeve, door J. H. Halbertsma. No. 1. [Deventer, 1837.] S. [4+]48 p. 223 4 English. The earliest complete English prose psalter, together with eleven canticles and a translation of the Athanasian creed; edited with preface, introduction, notes and glossary, by Karl D. Biilbring. London, 1891. pt. 1. O. (/nE. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 97.)820 5 Pt. 1, preface and text. A paraphrase on the seven peniten- tial psalms, in English verse by T. Brampton, 14] 4; with a legendarypsalter of Saint Bernard, in Latin and English verse; with notes by W. H. Black. London, 1842. D. 14 [+l]+70 p. {In Percy soc. v. 7.) 820 6 The psalms of David translated into lyrick-verse by George Wither. [Manchester,] 1881. 2 pt. in 1 V. sqO. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 31-3.) 821 3 Thirteen psalms, and the first chap- ter of Ecclesiastes, translated into English verse by John Croke. London, 1844, I). 16-1- 79 p. {In Percy soc. v. 11.) 820 6 Translations of some psalms. {In Frere, J. H. Works, 1872, v. 2.) 821 58 French. Libri psalmorum versio anti- qua Gallica, cum versione metrica aliisque mon- umentis pervetustis; nunc primum descripsit et edidit Franciscus Michel. Oxonii, 1860. O. facsim. 223 5 Friesic. Hymmelsch harp-luwd; dat is to sizzen, ijtlijcke fen Davids Psalmen. (In Japicx, G. Friesche rijmlerye. 1821.) 839.2 6 German. Altniederdeutsche Interlinear- version der Psalmen. — Bruchstiicke eines Psalmen-Commentars. (In Heyne, M. Kleinere altn. Denkmaler. 1867.) 839.1 7 Notkeri psalterium Davidicum e Latino in Theotiscam veterem linguam versum, {In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, v. 1. ) 830 9 Italian. I salmi di David recati in rime toscane da Giovanni Diodati. 1 edizione mila- nese. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 37 ) 860 3 1 sette salmi penitenziali trasportati alia volgar poesia; con annotazioni dall' abate F. S. Quadrio. (In Dante Alighieri. Opere. 1757-8, V. 4, pt. 2.) 861 33 Latin. Psalmi poenitentiales 7. (In Pe- trarca, F. Opera, 1581, v. 1.) 851 95 *- Wither, Gr. Exercises upon the first psalme, both in prose and verse. [Manchester ] 1882. sqO. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 34.) 821 3 — — A preparation to the Psalter, 1619. [Manchester,] 1884. F. {In same. 37.) 821 3 Song of Solomon. II libro delle lamentazi- oni di Jeremia, e il Cantico de' cantici di Salo- mone; volgarizzamenti del sec. 14. Bologna 1863. D. 50[+2]p. (/nSceltadicuriosita. 32.) 850 10 Willerami in Canticum canticorum pa- BIBLE— 0. T. 67 BIBLB—N. T.— SPANISH raphrasis gemina [Latin and old German]. {In SchUter, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, v. 1.) 830 9 — Isidoriis, St. Expositio in Canticum canticorum Salomonis. (In his Opera. 1617.) 208 3 — — ISAIAH. Terney, Lady. Practical thoughts on the fii-st forty chapters of Isaiah. London, 1858. D. 224 1 Jeremiah. II libro delle lamentazioni di Jeremia, e il Cantico de' cantici di Salomone; Tolgarizzamenti del sec, 14. Bologna, 1863. D. 50[+ 2]p. (In Seelta dicuriosita. 32.) 850 10 Jonah. The prophete Jonas, with an in- troduction before teachinge to understonde him, and the right use also of the Scripture, etc., by W. Tyndale; reproduced in fac-simile; added, Coverdale's version of Jonah; with an introduction by F. Fry. London, 1863. D. 16 [+56] p. il. 224 2 Tyndale, W. Prologue to the prophet Jonas. (In Tyndale & Frith. Works, 1831, V. 1.) 208 10 —NEW TESTAMENT— Greek (ancient and modern.) 'H N^a Aiad-^Kr], /leTa^-pacrdeiora els t^v dwXrjv tQiv vvv 'EW'/jvuv SidXeKTOf, ddelg. t^s ' AvaroX- iKTjs eKK\r](rlas, Kal i^eSddr] wapoLKeL/x^vov Kal rov 'EWriviKov. Ev Mpdpa, q-oiK-fj [1828]. O. 225 1 ... Novum Testamentum Greece. Glas- guse, 1829. T. . 225 2 The original Greek text after Scholz. (In Bible— iV. T.— Engrlish. The English hexapla. 1841.) 225 3 ...Novum Testamentum Greece ex antiquissimo codice AiexandrinoaC. G. Woide olim descriptum, denuo accuratius edidit B. H. Cowper. Londini, 1860. O. 225 4 Novum Testamentum Sinaiticum; cum Epistula Barnabae et fragmentis Pastoris; ac- curate descrijDsit Aenotheus Fridericus Con- stantinus Tischendorf. Lipsiae, 1863. sqF. facsim, 225 5 ...The Greek Testament, with the readings adopted by the revisers of the author- ized version [, edited by E. Palmer]. Oxford, 1881. S. 225 8 — — — Scrivener, F. H. A. A full collation of the codex Sinai tic us with the received text of the New Testament; prefixed, a critical intro- duction. Cambridge[, Eng.], 1864. D. facsim. 225 6 Tischendorf, L. F. C. von. Scoperto del manoscritto sinaitico. (In his Gli evangeli. 1868.) 225 7 Armenian. [The New Testament in Ar- meno-Turkish. 2 edition. Constantinople,] 1856. Q. 225 26 Presentation copy from W. Goodell, with following note: "This was to have been bound up with the Old Testament, which is now in press; but the demand for the work is so great that the whole edition is thrown into the market in its present form." Creole. Die Ny we Testament; ka set over in die Creols tael en ka giev na die ligt tot dienst van die Deen mission in America. 2 edi- tion. Copenhagen, 1818. D. 225 28 Danish. Oversaettlse af det Nye Testa- mente. (In Pedersen, C. Danske Skrifter, 1850- 6, V. 3.) 839.88 4 Dutch. Dat nyeuwe Testament. Ley den, 1542. S. rubricated. 225 19 Appended are Epistelen wt den ouden testamente, The fly leaves are of parchment, three of them written on. The covers are lined with a still older ms. English. The English hexapla. London, 1841. sqF. 225 3 Contents: Historical account of the English versions of the Scriptures; with biographical notices of translators. —Collation of the Greek text of Scholz with that of Griesbach.— Greek text after Scholz.— Wiclif, 1380.— Tyndale, 1534.— Cranmer, 1539.— Genevan, 1557.— Anglo- Rhemish, 1582.— Authorised, 161'. The New Testament, by William Tyn- dale; the original edition, 1526; with memoir; annexed, variations as marginal readings; by J. P. Dabney. Andover, 1837. D. por. 225 9 The New Testament; a fac-simile re- print of the Genevan Testament, 1557; with the references, wood cuts, prefaces and index. London [, 1842]. D. 225 10 The text of the New Testament, trans- lated out of the vulgar Latine by the papists of the traiterous seminarie at Rhemes; added, the translation used in the Church of England ; by W. Fulke. London, 1617. F. 225 11 The New Testament; translated with chronological arrangement, and improved di- visions of chapters and verses; by Leicester Ambrose Sawyer. Boston, 1858. D. 225 14 The New Testament; the authorised version, with introduction, and various read- ings from the three most celebrated mss. of the Greek text [Alexandrian, Sinai tic and Vati- can]; by Constantine Tischendorf. Leipzig, 1869. S. facsim. (Tauchnitz edition, 1000.) 225 15 The New Testament. [Paragrapli edi- tion.] New York [185-?]. O. 225 13 The New Testament; the version set forth 1611, revised 1881, Cambridge [,Eng.], 1881. O, 225 16 The New Testament; the authorized version and the new revised version, in parallel columns. Philadelphia, 1881. D. 225 17 Finnish. Uusi Testamenti; Englandin ja ulko-maiselda Biblia-Seuralda Londoniska toimitettu. Porwossa, 1850. O. 225 25 French. Le Nouveau Testament. New- York, Soc. bibl. amer. et 6tran., 1848. D. 225 20 (xerman. Protestanten-Bibel Neuen Testa- mentes; unter Mitwirkung herausgegeben %'on Paul Wilh. Schmidt und Franz v. Holtzen- dorflf. Leipzig, 1872. O. 225 18 A revision of Luther's translation, with notes and references, containing a general introduction as well as special introductions to the different books, embodying the results of modern German scholarship. Italian. II Nuovo Testamento. Roma, [187-?]. sqTt. 225 21 Negro-English. Da Njoe TestHment; translated into the Negro-English language by the missionaries of the United brethren; printed by the British and foreign Bible soci- ety. London, 1829. O. 225 27 Romansh. If \s6\ Nouf Testament; tradiit in rumansch d'Engadina Bassa. Paris, 1836. S, 225 32 Spanish. El Nuevo Testamento; traducida BIBLE— N. T.— SPANISH 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY al espanol de lavulgata latina por Phelipe Scio de S. Miguel. Paris, 1822. O. 225 23 Wjildensian. II Nuovo Testamento val- dese. secondo la lezione del codice di Zurigo; edito da C. Salvioni. {In Archivio glot. ital. v. 11, 1890.) 450 11 ^ — Gtruzmacher, — . Die waldensische Bibel. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4. 1862.) 805 1 Welsh. Testament Newydd. Caer Grawnt, 1846. D. 225 24 Gospels. Codex aureus: sive, Quatuor evangelia ante Hieronymum Latine translata; e codice inter quintum et septimum saeculum scripto; edidit Joannes Beisheim. Christianiae, 1878. Q. facsim. 226 2 John Wycliffe: The Gospel of John. {In Matzner, E. A. F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, pt. 2, 1869.) 820 8 Containing Madden's first text, preceded by one re- garded as still earlier. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gos- pels [Latin and Anglo-Saxon]. Durham [,1854- 651. 4 V. O. facsim. {In Snrtees soe. 28, 39, 43, 48.) 820 7 Same. 226 3.1 Ottfridi Wissenburgensis volumen evan- gelium, latinitate donatum, cum notis, a J. G. Scherzio. il. pi. {In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1727- 8, V. 1.) 830 9 Old German and Latin. 'L sant evangeli secound San Luca e San Giouan. Londra, 1838. O. 226 6 French and Piedmontese. Tatiani harmoniae evangelicte antiquis- sima versio Theotisca [with Latin translation] , &c. ; J. P. Palthenius edidit. Gryphiswaldiae, 1706. sqO. 226 1 Tischendorf, L. F. C. von. Gli evangeli quando furouo scritti ? — Scoperta del mano- scritto sinaitico. Firenze, 1868. D. 85-f [2] p. 225 1! bound with 22^ 4 — — — Vergilio, P. In Dominicam precem commentariolum. {In his De rerum inventori- bus. 1574.) 608 1 Matthew. [Christ's sermon on the mount, in Chinese.] n. p. [.before 1837]. D. 895 2 — Het evangelie van Mattheus; vertaald in het Land-Friesch, door J. H. Halbertsma. Londen, 1858. O. 226 5 The gospel according to Matthew, and part of the first chapter of Mark; translated, with notes, by Sir John Cheke; also 7 letters of Cheke; introductory account by James Goodwin. London, 1843. O. 226 3 The gospel according to Saint Matthew, in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian versions, synoptically arranged, with collations of the best mss. ; edited [by J. M. Kemble and Charles Hardwick]. Cambridge [,Eng.], 1858. sqQ. 226 4 — — — Tyndale, W. An exposition upon the 5-7 chapters of Matthew. {In Tyndale <& Frith. Works, 1831, v. 2.) 208 10 Mark. Evangelium Marci [Latin and Anglo-Saxon]. {In Boiiterwek, K. W. Screa- dunga. 1858.) 829 9 Luke. [Gospel of Luke in Chinese. Amoy? 1836?] 895 1 Epistles. La epistola di San Jacopo, e i capitoli 3 e 4 del Vangelo di San Giovanni; volgarizzamenti inediti, a cura di Giuseppe Tvirrini. Bologna, 1863. D. 44 -f [4] p. {In Scelti di curiosita. 30.) 850 10 Tyndale, W. An exposition upon the 1st epistle of St. John. {In Tyndale & Frith. Works, 1831, v. 2.) 208 10 Revelation. A paraphrase upon the Rev- elation. {In James I., of England. Workes. 1616.) 320 8 Followed by A fruitfull meditation. Miinter, F. C. • C. H. De occulto urbis Romse nomine, ad locum Apocalypseos 17; 5. {In his Antiq. Abhandlungen. 1816.) 913 2.1 — — —Trench, R. C. Commentary on the epistles to the seven churches in Asia, Revela- tion 2, 3. New York, 1861. D. 228 1 — — — Zimpel, K. F. ...Le millenaire... Franc- fort-sur-Main, 1866. O. 228 2 bound ivith 200 1 — Apocrypha. Libri apocryphi Veteris Testa- menti Graece; recensuit et cum commentario critico edidit Otto Fridolinus Fritzsche; acce- dunt libri Veteris Testamenti pseudepigraphi selecti. Lipsiee, 1871. O. 220 4 Contents: Libri apocryphi. — Libri pseudepigraphi: *aA;aol SaAo/aiovTos; — Liber Esdrae 4 5; — Apocalypsis. Baruchi;— Assumptionis Moyseos fragmenta. Hochst wichtige Gechichte vom [so'] dem Leben Jesu Christi, welches Nicodemus be- schriebenhat; von O. L.B.Wolff. Leipzig, n. d. D. 93 p. il. {In VolksbUcher. 48.) 833 32 Joachim und Anna; das sind die Geschich- ten von der Geburt Maria sowie von Joseph und von der Kindheit unseres Herrn; aus dem Ara- bischen neu verdeuscht [so'\ von O. L. B. Wolff. Leipzig, n. d. D. 90 p. il. {In same. 47.) 833 22 II passio o vangelo di Nicodemo, volga- rizzato nel buon secolo della lingua. Bologna, 1862. D. 8+52 p. (in Sceltadi curiosita. 12.) 850 10 Called also Acta Pilati. II Tobia, parafrasi in lingua milanese [by A. Garioni]. {In Collezione milanese, 1816-7, v. 10.) 859 15 The Bihle in Spain, see Borrow, Gr. Biblia pauperum; facsimile, with historical and bibligraphical introduction by J. Ph. Ber- jeau. London, 1859. sqF.^ il. 761 1 II bibliofllo; giornale dell' arte antica in istampe e scritture e ne' loro accessorii e ornati, colla relativa giurisprudenza; diretto da Carlo Lozzi. [Monthly.] Firenze, 1880. v. 1. Q. 010 6 Title-page wanting. Bibliografla d'ltalia; compilata sui document! communicati dal ministero dell' istruzione pubblica. [Half-monthly,] Firenze, 1868-71. V. 1-5. Q. 015 6.2 With V. 4, 1870, the title changes to Bibllograflaitaliana, giornale dell' Associazione libraria italiana. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Brunet, J. C. Manuel du libraire. 4 edition. Bruxelles, 1838-9. 4 v. O. Oil 1 Same. 5 edition. Paris, 1860-5. 6 v. O. il. Oil 2 — — Same: Supplement; par P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. Paris, 1879-80. 2v. inl. O. 0112 BIB LI GRAFHr 69 BIELLA — — Same: [Supplement:] Dictionnaire de ge- ographie ancienne et moderne; par [P. Des- champs]. Paris, 1870. O. Oil 2 Same: [Complement :]Bibliographie metho- dique et raisonnee des beaux arts; par E.Vinet. Paris, 1874. O. Oil 2 Never completed. —Gar, T. Letture di bibliologia. Napoli, 1865. Torino. 1868. O. tab. 010 2 — Gregoire, H. Rapports sur la bibliographie... Caen. 1867. O. 010 3 —Madden, J. P. A. Lettres d'un bibliographe. 1-3 serie. Versailles, 1868-74. 3 v. Q. 010 4 For contents see Madden. — N. Y. (state) — Library. Catalogue of the books on bibliography. Albany, 1858. O. 016 1 bound ivith 010 3 — Peiffnot, E. G. Essai de curiosites bibliogra- phiques. Paris, XIII— 1804. O. 016 2 — i — Varietes, notices et raretes bibliographi- ques; suite aux Curiosites bibliographiques. Paris, 1822. O. ^ 016 3 — Roiiveyre, E. Connaissances necessaires a un bibliophile. 3 edition augmentee. Paris, 1879- 80. 2v. O. pi. il. 010 5 — Suhin, P. F. Forn0dent Bibliothek, (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 7.) 839.88 5 See also his extensive notices of new books in various languages in v. 7, 10, 11. —Vienna— Hofbibliothek. Verzeichniss der unter Glas ausgelegten Schaustiicke, Wien, 1847. 20 [+ l]p. 016 4 bound loith 013 1 ^e« a^«o AGBICDLTUKE; AMERICA; BIBLE; BOOKS; CAT- ALOGUES; CATHOLIC CIIUUCH; CLASSIFICATION; ENG- LISH LITERATURE; ENGRAVING; FINTl ARTS; FOR- ESTRY; GEOGRAPHY; GERMAN LANGUAGE; INDEXES? INDIANS— LANGUAGES; ITALIAN LITERATURE; LAW^ LIBRARIES; ORIENTAL LITERATURE; PETRARCA, F; PROHIBITED BOOKS; NORWEGIAN LITERATURE; READ- ING; ROME— HISTORY; SPANISH LITERATURE; TIBER; WICLIF, J. Le bibliomane, see Nodier, J. C. E. Biblioteca catalana: sots direccio den Marian Aguilo y Fuster. Barcelona [, 1871-88?]. 12 v. D. facsim. 869 3-8.1 Contents: 1. Libre dels feyts del en Jacnie lo conque- ridor. 2. Genes! de scriptura. 3. Boades, B. Libre dels feyts darmes de Catalunya. 4-7. Martorell, J. Libre del Tirant lo blanch. 10. Boethlus, A. M. T. S. Libre de consolacio de philosophia. 8-9. LuHo, R. Libre appelat Felix de les maraueUes del mon. 11-12. Recull de exim- plis e miracles. — Tourloulon, C. de. Biblioteca catalana. {In Revue des langues romanes. v. 3, 1872.) 479 5 Biblioteca rara; pubblicata da G. Daelli. Milano, 1862-6. 65 v. in 26. S. il. por. pi. facsim. 850 3 Contents: 1. Pio«olonilni, A. La Raffaelle; ovvero, Delia bella creanza delle donne. 2. Medici, L. de'. Scritti e documenti. 8. Arerani, G. Del vitto degli antichi. 4. Onosander. Dell' arte della guerra. 5. GioTio, P. Ragio- namento sopra imprese. 6. Teoli, C, editor. Mescolanze d'amore. 7. Diedo, G. La battaglia de Lepanto. 8. Cecclii, G. M. L'assiuolo, commedia, e proverbj. 9. Sas- setti, F. Vita di F. Ferrucci. 10. Dolce, L. L'Aretino. 11. More, T. L'Utopia; La citta del sole di T. Campa- nijUa; La storia del Reame degli Orsi di G. Gozzi. 12. Caro, A. Gli straccioni, commedia, etc. 13. Doni, A. F. Tutte le novelle, etc. 14. Bibbiena, B. D. da. La calan- dria, commedia; Un avventura amorosa. 15. Coinpagni, D. L'intelligenza, poema. 16. Colombo, C. Lettere auto- grafe. 17. Erasmus, D. Elogia della pazzia. 18. Bruno, G. II candelaio, commedia. 19. Boccalini, T. Pietra dei paragone politico. 20. Ix>ngus. Gli amoridi Dafni e Cloe. 21. Petronius Arbiter, C. Satire. 22. ILenoyihon of Ej)?iesv^. Degli amori di Abrocome ed Anzia. 23. Luigini, F. II libro della bella donna, 24. Appuieius, L. L'asinod' oro. 25. Seneca, L. A. Dell' ira. 26. Bnino, fi. Spaccio de la bestia trionfante. 27. Bellini, L. La Bucchercide. 28. Piccolomini, A. L'Alessandro, commedia. 29. Aragona, T. d'. Della infinita dl amore. 30. Betussi, G. II Raverta. 81-3. Bentivoglio, G. Memorie; .58 lettere. 3 v. 34. Mac- cheronee de cinque poeti italiani del secolo 15. 85. Bruno, G. La cabala del cavallopegaseo; L'asino cillenioo. 36. Same. La cena de le oeneri. 37. Bible. I salmi di David recati in rime tosoane da G. Diodati. 38. Pius II., ;»/;«. Storia di due amanti. 39. La Boetie, E. de. II contr' uno. 40. Pico della Mirandola, G. F. La Strega. 41-3. Dante Alighieri. La divina commedia. secondo Carlo Witte. 44-5. Berni, F. Opere. 2 v. 46. Trissino, G. G. La Sofo- nisba, I Simillimi; I Lucidi di A. Firenzuola. 47. De tribus impostoribus, 1598. 48. Oppianus. Delia pesca e della caccia. 49. Trissino, G. G. II Castellano; ed II Cesano di C. Tolomei. 50. Gigli, G. II gazzetino. 51. Are- tino, P. II primo libro delle lettere. 52-3. Giraldi Cintio, G. B. [Scritti estetici]. 2 v. 54. Ristoro of Arezzo. Della eomposizione del mondo. 55. Plautus, T. M. Anfltrione. 66. Aristoteles. Trattato de' govern!. 57. Bruno, G. Gli eroici furori. 58. Cronaca d'Orvieto, 1342-63. 59. Clii- nazzi, D. Cronaca della guerra di Chioggia. 60. Alione, 0. G. Commedia e farse carnovalfsche. 61. Same. Poesie franchese; la Maccheronea. 62. Testi, F. II conte Testi alia corte di Torino, 1628 e 1635. 63. Dati, F. di S. La sfera; La nuova sfera di Tolosani; L' America de Gualte- rotti. 64. Malat«sti, A. La sf inge, Brindisi de' Ciclopi, e La Tina. 65. Foglietta, U. La republica di Genova. The volumes have various editors; v. 1-3) are mostly by Carlo T6oli. Bibliotlieqne des memoires relatifs a I'histoire de France, see Barriere & Lescure. Bibliotlieque des merveilles, see Cliarton, E. J. Bibliotheque elzevirienne; publiee par P. Jan- net, P. Daffiset autres. Paris, 1853-70. 31 v. S. 840 1-16 A portion of the set, namely: Caquets de raccouch6e; par E. Fournier. 1855. — Chartier, J. Chronique de Charles VII; par Vallet de Viriville. 1858. 3 v.— Daffls, P. Cata- logue raisonne de la Bibliotheque elzevirienne. 1870. — Evangiles des quenouilles [;by P. Jannet]. 1 855.— Four- nier, E., editor. Vari6tes historiques et litteraires. 1855- 63. 10 V. — (iirartz rfe Sossilho. Chanson de geste; par F. Michel. 1856.— .lehan d' Arras. Melusine; par C. Brunet. 1854.— Jehan de Haute Seille. Li romans de Dolopathos; par C. Brunet et A. de Montaiglon. 1856.— La Rochefou- cauld, F. de. Reflexions; par G. Duplessis. 1853.— La Tour Landry, G. de. Le livre pour ses fllles; par A. de Mon- taiglon. 1854.— Laudonniire, R. G. _ L' histoire de la Flo- ride; par M. Basanier. 18,56.— Miege, G. La relation de trois ambassades de Carlisle; par A. Galitzin. 1857. — Moland, L. E. D., & Hericault, C. d% editors. Nouvelles frangoises du 13e siecle. 1856.— Montaiglon, A. la C. de. Recueil de po6sies frangoises des 15-16 siecles. 1855-8, V. 1, 2, 6-8.— Somaize, A. B. de. Le dictionnaire des pr6cieuses; par C. L. Livet. 1836. 2 v. Bibliotlieque universelle et revue Suisse, see Archives des sciences physiques. 505 6 Bl^Xov rijs KovyK^ffras ttJs 'Pw/xavlas Kal toZ Mopalws. (In Buclion, J. A. C. Recherches sur la Moree, 1845, V. 2.) 949 38 Bicchierai, Jacopo, editor, see Faie, G. A. di. Cronaca. (In Society lig'ure. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Biccliierai, Zanobi, editor, see Arici, C. Poesie scelte. 1874. 851 8 Bicej^s^ pseudonym. Talk and travel; or. Two strings to your bow. 2 edition. London, [1872]. D. 420 2 Contents: Talk: British anthropology.— Travel: Notes in northern Africa. Bidpai, see Hitopadesa. Biedina, Luis Hernandez de. A relation of the expedition of Soto. {In Rela^am. 1851.) 973 14 BIELLA. Ma^gia, C. Relazione sulF ordina- mento della scuola professionale di Biella. Torino, 1871. O. 21 p. 607 3 BIEN 70 BIOGRAPHY BIEN, et Maanedskrift for Morskabslaesning, 1-3 Hefte. Welhaven, J. S. C. Maanedskriftet Bien. (/n/iis Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 3.) 839.84 2 Bieii vengas, mal, si vienes solo, see Calderon. V. 4. Biematzki, Johann Christopli. Der braune Knabe; oder, Die Gemeinden in der Zer- streuung; Novelle. 2 Aiiflage. Leipzig, 1852. 2 V. D. 833 5 — Die Hallig; oder, Die Schiffbriichigen auf dem Eiland in der Nordsee; Novelle. 2 Aus- gabe. Altona, 1840. S. 833 6 — English: The hallig; or, The sheepfold in the waters; a tale of humble life on the coast of Schleswig; translated from the German by Mrs. George P. Marsh, with a biographical sketch of the author. Boston, 1856. D. 833 6.1 "I have i"ead it with deep interest. Mrs. Marsh has given us an admirable version of a most striking and powerful work."— ^. C. Winthrop. "Already the tiook has gained a great success with the best class of readers. Wherever it goes, it fascinates the cultivated and the illiterate, the young and the old, the devout and the careless-"— i?'. D. Hundingdon. See al»o notices in the New Englander, v. 16, p. 221, and in the N. A. review, v. 83, p. 548. Biernatzki, K. L. Biographie von Johann Christoph Biernatzki. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1852. D. 922 21 Biffl, Griovaiini Anibrogio. Prissian de Milan de la parnonzia milanesa. {In Colleziono mi- lanese, 1816-7, v. 1.) 857 15 Bigazzi. Pietro, editor. Firenze — Milano; sag- gio di lettere diplomatiche del secolo 14 e 15. Firenze. 1869. O. 39 p. 945 12.1 Per nozze Arese-Serristori. Mazzetto di lettere inedite, con altre scrit- ture. Firenze, 1867. O. 58 p. 856 5 Recordo di nozze Ilertz-De Ferrari. Bigelow, John. France and hereditary mon- archy. London, 1871. O. 321 5 — Gli Stati Uniti nel 1863. Milano, 1863. D. 973 37 — editor, see Franklin, B. Autobiography. 1868. 925 3 Bignami, Enoa.Cenisio e Frejus; con una let- tera del generaie Menabrea. Firenze, 1871. D. map. 622 10 Bigot, Charles. Les classes dirigeantes. Paris, 1875. D. 172 1 —La fin de I'anarchie. Paris, 1878. D. 321 7 Bijdragen tot de Friesche geschiedenis, see Ippius Fockeus, E. Bilberg, Johannes. Refractio solis inoccidui. Holmiaj [,1695]. sqD. pi. 525 1 Latin and Swedish on opposite pages. Ein Bild aus seiner Zeit, see Robinson, T. A, L. V. J. Das Bild des Kaisers, see Hanff, W. BILDE, Eske. Palndan-Mttller, C. P. {In Copenhagen— K. nord 01d.-8elskab. Annaler. V. 13, 1853.) 948 3 Bilder aus dem Leben, see Hacklander, F. W. Bilderdijk, Willem. Nederlandsche spraakleer. 's Gravenhage, 1826. O. 439.35 1 BILE. Moriggla, A. Di alcune proprieta della bile, sperienze col concorso del A. Battistini. {In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, V. 2.) 065 3 Billaiid, B. Le voyageur surla Voie appienne; ou, Description des tombeaux sur cette voie Rome, 1853. D. 19+61 [+2] p. map. 913 10.1 BILLAULT-VARENNES, Jacques Nicolas. Notes sur [his] sejour a la Guyane. {In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 30.) 944 10 Billeder fra Nord og Syd, see Munch, A. Billeder fra Vestkysten af Norge, see Thoresen, A. M. K. ' Billerbeck, H. Ludwig Julius, annotator, see Cicero, M. T. De finibus. 1827. 875 7 Den billige Kunstdommer, see 0hlenschljiger, A. Gr. Digtervserker, v. 2. Bindi, Enrico, editor, see Tacitus, C. C. Opere. 1853. 878 21 Bing, Johann, & Corvin, J. De veterum Cim- brorum aliorumque septentrionalium populo- rum migrationibus; selecta commercii literarii. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 1.) 943 21 Bini, Francesco. Capitoli. {In Berni, F. Opere burlescke, 1726, v. 1;— 1760, v. 1-2.) 857 2-3 Biographia Britannica literaria, see Wright, T. Biographische Belustigungen unter der Ge- hirnschale einer Riesin, eine Geistergeschichte, see Ricliter, J. P. F. v. 10. BIOGRAPHY. AUibone, S. A. A critical dic- tionary of English literature and British and American authors. Philadelphia, 1858-71. 3 v. Q. 015 1 — Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders; sketches of Jefferson, Hamilton, Jackson, Clay, Randolph. New York, 1855. D. 923 1 — Bering, V. Florus Danicus. Otthiniae, 1698. F. por. 948 63 — BoccacciOj G. I casi de gl' huomini illustri; tradotti de lingua latina per G. Betusi, con una giuntaperF. Serdonati. Fiorenza,1598. S. 920 3 —Carlyle, T. {In his essays, 1860, v. 3.) 824 8 — Conterfet Kupfferstich deren jenigen regie- renden grossen Herren, von Kay sers Ferdinand des andern Geburt bis zu desselben Abschied. Leipzig, 1721. F. il.por. 923 3 — Cooper, T. Men of the time; a dictionary of contemporaries. 12 edition, revised by [T. H. Ward]. London, 1887. D. 920 19 — Diogenes Laertius. De vitis philosophorum libri 10, cum indice rerum. Lipsiae, 1833. 2 v. T. 888 47 — Erslew, T. H. Almindeligt Forfatter-Lexi- con for Danmark med tillwrende Bilande, 1814- 40. Kjobenhavn, 1843. 3v. O. 015 5.1 — — Same: Supplement, indtil Udgangen af 1853. Kjobenhavn, 1858-68. 3v. O. 015 5.2 —Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. New York, 1874. D. 920 7 ^Frischauer, E. Bilder aus der romischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig, 1877. D. 920 8 —Fuller, T. The history of the worthies of England. London, 1662. F. por. 920 9 — — Same. New edition, with [continuation,] notes and indexes by P. A. Nuttall. London, 1840. 3 V. O. por. 920 10 — —The holy state. 3 edition. London, 1653. Q. 920 11 BIOGRAPHY 71 BIOGRAPHY Appended is The profane state. 1642. — — Same. 4 edition, Cambridge, 1663. Q. por. iltp. 940 9 Appended is The profane state. 1663. — Qalati, D. Gli uomini del niio tempo; profili. Bologna, 1879. D. • 920 13 Oautier, T. Portraits contemporains: littera- teurs, peintres, sculpteurs, artistes drama- tiques. 2 edition. Paris, 1874. D. por. 920 13 — (Jubernatis, A. de. Dictionnaire international des ecrivains du jour. Florence, 1888-91. 1 v. in 2. O. 928 4.3 — Hoefer, .T. C. F., editor. Nouvelle biographie universelle. Paris, 1852-66. 46 v. O. 920 2 Vol. 10-46 are Nouvelle biographie gen6rale. — Hofinaiui, J. J. Historia Augusta imperato- runi Romanoruni a C. Julio Ctesare usque ad Josephum; ex Lotichii tetrastichis et Hofmanni tetrastichis et enarrationibus historicis; singu- loruni imperatorum effigies & supplementa ad- jecit H. C. Henninius. Amstelajdami. 1707. Y.^por. iltp. 937 2 —Jackson, C, editor. Yorkshire diaries and autobiographies in the 17-18 centuries. Dur- ham, 1877-86. 2 V. O. por. tab. {In Surtees soc. 65, 77.) ^ 820 7 — Lanfrey. P. Etudes et portraits politiques. 3 edition. Paris, 1874. D. 923 8 For contents see LanfVey. —Levis, P. M. tr. de. Souvenirs et portraits. {In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 14.) 944 10 — Nepos, C. Vitae excellentum imperatorum. Londini, 1819. T. 878 10 — Petrarca, F. Vitarum virorum illustrium epitome.— L. Sirichii Supplementum. (In his Opera, 1581, v. 1.) 851 95 — — Le vite degli uomini illustri [Latin and Italian]; per cura di L. Rozzolini. Bologna, 1874-9. 2 V. O. facsim. (In Finilia. Collezione! 34-6.) 850 6 — Plutarchus. Vitae parallelae. Editio stereo- typa. Lipsiae, 1818-21. 9 v. T. por. 888 27 For other editions and for translations see Plutarchus. — Rambaldo, B. Liber Augustalis. (In Pe- trarca, F. Opera, 1581, v. 1.) 851 95 — Smith, W., editor. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. Boston, 1849. 3 V. O. il. 620 1 —Sparks, J., The library of American biogra- phy. Boston, 1835-9. 10 v. D. iltp. facsim. 920 15 For contents see Sparks. — Tallemaut des Reaux, Gr. Les historiettes; memoires pour servir a I'histoiredu 17e siecle. 2 edition, par Monmerque. Paris, 1861. 10 v. in 5. D. por. 620 16 — Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies. London, 1S31-3. 3 v. S. por. pi. 620 17 For contents see Tytler. — Vaiinucci, A. I martiri della liberta italiana, 1794-1848. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1860. D. 945 21 — Vapereau, L. G. Dictionnaire universel des contemporains. 5 edition. Paris, 1880. O. 920 18 —Vicars, J. England's worthies; under whom all the civill and bloudy warres, 1642-7, are re- lated. London, 1845. D. por. 923 & For contents see Vicars. — Villani, F. Le vite d' uomini illustri fioren- tini; colle annotazione del G. M. Mazzuchelli. Edizione 2. Firenze, 1826. O. {In Villani, M. Cronica, v. 6.) 945 77 —Wright, T. Biographia Britannica literaria; or, Biography of literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1842-6. 2 v. O. 928 1 Contents: 1. Anglo-Saxon period. 2. Anglo-Norman period. See also ABSALON; AIACOQUE, M. M.; ALEXANDER the Great; ALFIERI,V.: the Great; AN'CHIETA, J. «le; AP0LL0XIU8 0/ ryawa; AKBUES, ; AROHI- TECTS; ARXALDO of Brescia; Amdt, E. M.; ARNOLD, T.; Anivabeiie, G.; AUOUSTIXUS, -^i!.; Azeglio, M. T. d'; Balbo, (.; BALLAXTYXE, JAMES & JOHN; BARD, M. J.; BARNES, A.; BARTLETT, W. F.; BARUFH, 0. P.; BAYARD, P. du T. de; BEDELIi, W.; Berlichingen, G. ?oii; BERXSTORF, A. P.; BETHUNE, G. W.; BIERNATZ- KI, J, C; BIRCH, J.; BIRGITTA, St.; BIXIO, G.; BLAKE, R.; BORiJIA, C. & L.; BOTTA, ('. G. G.; BOWEX, J.; Branistflii, J.; BRUXO, G.; BLTH, U von; Buddingh, D. ; BUONARROTI, M. A. ; BYRON, G. G. N. B. ; CAI^S, J.; (APPOM, 0. A. G. G.; CATHERINE DE' MEDICI; CAVOUB,C. B. di; CAXTON, W.; Cellini, B.; CERVANTES SAA\T.DRA, M. de; CHARLES XIL; CHAU- CER, G.; Chiabrera, G.; CHIPMAN, X.; CHOATE, R.; Cibber, C; Clarke, C. C. & M. X. C; COBDEN, R.; COKE, E.; COLIGXY, G. de.; COLOMBIXI, G.; COLOM- BO, C. E BOLEYN. BOLINOBROKE, Henry St. John, viscount. (joldsniitli, 0. The life of Bolingbroke. (In his Misc. works, 1837, v. 3.) 823 11 Bolintineanu, Demeter. Colectie din poesiile. Bucuresci, 1847. O. 869 56 BOLIYIA. Lacroix, F. Bolivie. 1843. pi. map. (In L'univers. 12.) 910 18 BoU, Franz Christian. Studi suUe immagini microscopiche della fibra nervosa midollare. pi. — SuU' anatomia e fisiologia della retina, pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 BOLL 79 BONDELIV — Ueber elektrische Fische. Berlin, 1874. O. 39 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Le vescicole di Savi della torpedine. pZ. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) — Nuove ricerche suUa struttura della piastrine elettriche della torpedine. {In same, V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — & Tommasi-Cnideli, C. Die Eeform der ita- lienischen Universitiiten. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 3, 1876.) Mo 41 Bolley, Ponipejns Alexander. Altes und Neues aus Farbenchemie und Fiirberei; Ueberblick der Geschichte der s. g. Anilinfarben. Berlin, [1867]. O. 35 p. {In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 Bolliacn, Cesar. Poesii nuoe. Bucuresci, 1847. O. 869 57 Bollinger, Otto. Ueber Zwerg- und Riesen- wuchs. Berlin, 1884. O. 32 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Bologna- Servi della Verglne gloriosa. Regola, 1281; pubblicata per la prima volta ed annotata dal Giuseppe Ferraro. Livorno, 1875. Q. 46 [+l]p. 271 16 For another specimen of the Bolognese dialect see Barigrazz, (i. — Malvasia, C. C. Felsinapittrice; vita de' pit- tori bolognesi; con aggiunte di G. P. Zanotti e dialtri. Bologna, 1841. 2v. O. 927 2 ^Mattiolo, P.di.Cronaca bolognese; pubblicata da C. Ricci. Bologna, 1885. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 202.) 850 10 — Nadi, 0. Diario bolognese [,1418-1505J. Bolo- gna, lS86. D. {In same. 216.) 850 10 Bologna-Pistoja-Firenze, Strada ferrata. Pano- rama della strada ferrata. Bologna [,1864]. O. 11 p. pi. 914.5 63 Bolten, Johann Adrian. Ditmarsische Geschich- te. Flensburg, 1781-2. 2 v. D. pi. tab. 943 50 Boltz, Angust. Das Fremdwort in seiner kul- tiirhistorischen Entstehung und Bedeutung. Berlin, 1870. D. 34 p. 432 9 Bolza, (xioyanniBattista. Ariosts Nachahmung der Alten. {In Jahrlmch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 Bombastus von Hohenheim, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus, called Paracelsus, which see. Bombelli, Rocco. Studi filologico-critici sulla genesi, forma e valore delle lettere deH'al'abeto italiano. Roma, 1866. D 461 1 Bombicci, Lnigi. Corse di mineralogia. 2 edi- zione, accresciuta. Bologna, 1873. 2 v. in 3, Q. il.jil- 549 1 — II diboscamento sulle montagne, special- mente d' ItaUa; polemica. Messina. 1873. Q, 94 p. 551.58 13 — Lettura sull' origine delle montagne. Bolo- gna, 1877. D. 48 [-fl] p. D. 551.43 1 — Processo di evoluzione nelle specie mineral!; discorso. Bologna, 1877. Q. 29 [-1-2] p. 649 2 bound with 504 2 Bonihoff, Derk. Nieuw woordenboek der Ne- derduitsche en Engelsche taal. 2 uitgave. Nijmegen, 1832. v. 2. D. 439.33 6 Contents: 2. Nederduitsch en Enijelsch. Le bon vieux temps, por P. L. Jacob, see La- croix, P. Bonainij Francesco. Sopra alcuni diplomi inedi- ti deir imperatore Federigo II. ...(7n Variety storiche italiane.) 945 10 Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules Laurent, prince of Canino. Charlemagne; or, The church delivered; an epic poem; translated by S. Butler and Francis Hodgson. Philadelphia, 1815. 2 V. S. 841 12 — Revolution de brumaire; extraits. {In Barri- ere cfcLescure. Memoires, 1857-81,v.30.) 944 10 Bonaparte, Jacopo. Tableau historique des evenemens survenus pendant le sac de Rome en 1527, par ... temoin oculaire; traduit de 1' Italian par [Napoleon Louis Bonaparte]. Paris. 1809. O. 946 85 BONAPARTE, Napoleon, see NAPOLEON I. Bonaparte-Wyse, see Wyse. Bonardo, Giovanni Maria. La grandezza, lar- ghezza, e distanza di tutte le sfere; con annota- tioni di Luigi Groto Cieco. n. p., 1600. S. 620 1 Bonatelli. Francesco. Di un' erronea interpre- tazione d alcuni fatti psichici per ris petto al pensamento delle idee. (In Rome -R, accad. deilincei. Atti. 8 ser. sci. mor. v. 6, 1880-1.) 005 5 Bonaventura, St., cardinal, originally Gio- vanni di Fidanza. Dit boeck is gheheten in den latijne Stimulus divini amoris [den prickel der minng godseiid]; ouergheset in duytsche, en gecorrigeert doer Lucas van der heij. Levden 1511. sqT. 099 20 Blaoli-letter. — Filomena; ridotta in terza rima dal Jacomo da Porto... Venetia, 1586. O. 20 p. 099 28 — Meditations on the supper of our Lord and the hours of the passion; drawn into English verse by Robert Manning; edited, with intro- duction and glossary by J. Meadows Cowper London, 1875. O. 18-h54 p. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 60.) 820 5 — II saltero della B. V. Maria: volgarizzamento antico toscano. Bologna, 1872. D, {In Scelta di curiosita. 126.) 850 10 Bonaventuri, Tommaso. Vita di Filicaja. {In Filicaja, V. Poesie. 1'747.) 861 71 Bonavra, Pere, translator, see Thomas a Kem- pis.Tractat de la imitacio de Christo. 1759. 242 3 Bonchamps,— , marquis de. Memoires; rediges par la contesse de Genlis; suivis de pieces ju- stificatives. {In Barriere <& Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 31.) 944 lO Chiefly a life of her husband, Gen. C. M. A. de Bon- champs. Bon-Compagni, Carlo. Della soppressione dei sodalizii religiosi. {In Mill, J. S. Torto e dirit- to, 1864, p. 42-112.) 282 49 Bond, Edward Augustus, editor. Chaucer as page in the household of the countess of Ulster, 1356-9. {In Life-records of Chaucer, pt. 3, 1886; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 21.) 821 46 Burton, T. de. Chronica monasterii de Melsa. 1866-8. {In Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron. and mem. 43.) 942 8 Bondeliv, Fortaellinger, see Nielsen, A, BONER 80 BOOK Boner, Charles. Transylvania, its products and its people. London, 1865. O, il. pi. maps. 9U.S 20 Boner, Ulrich. Der edel Stein; mit einem Worterbuche von George Friederich Benecke. Berlin, 1816. O. 831 25 — (jrimm, J. L. K. Benecke, Bonerius. {Inhis Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 6.) 408 2 Bonfadini, Antonio. Vite di S. Guglielma, re- gina d' Ungheria, e di S. Eufrasia, vergine romana; pubblicate do G. Ferraro. Bologna, 1878. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 159.) 850 10 Bonfadini, Romnaldo. SuU' indole e sugli eflfet- ti della rivoluzione francese nel secolo scorso. Milano, 1871. D. 77 p. 944 35 Bonfadio, Griacomo. Lettere, con un orazione di Cicerone per lui tradotta; e colle Notizie suUa sua vita da G. B. Corniani. Conio, 1825. S. 856 6 — Viani. P. Delia morte di Bonfadio. — Poesie inedite di Bonfadio scritte in carcere, colle sue tre ultime lettere, e un carme di P. Manuzio. (In his Lettere filol. e critiche. 1874.) 450 10 Bonflgli, Camillo. Alle popolazioni dell' Um- bria sul disseccamento del lago Trasimeno. Torino, 1864. Q. 48 p. map. 627 34 bound with 607 2 With a letter by Bonfigli clipped from II corriere ita- liano. — Ancora sul disseccamento del lago Trasi- meno. Torino, 1865. Q. 44 p. pi. 627 34 bound with 607 2 Bongars, Jacques, editor. Gesta Dei per Fran- cos; sive, Orientalium expeditionum et regni Francorum Hierosolimitani historia. Hanovise, 1611. 2 V. in 1. F. tab. maps. 940 10 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Bonghi, Rugpero. Alessandro Manzoni, la lingua italiana e le scuole. {In Manzoni, A. I promessi sposi, 1877, v. 1.) 853 21 — Camillo Benso di Cavour. 2 edizione, ac- cresciuta. Torino, 1861. T. por. (I contemp. italiani.) 923 23 — Frati, papi e re; discussioni tre. Napoli, 1873. D. 282 32 — Die italienische und die deutsche Kirchen- politik. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.) — Das Gymnasialwesen in Italien. {In same. v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 — Lettera [a Guiseppe Vacca]. {In Mill, J. S. Torto e diritto, 1864. pref. p. 3-43.) 282 49 — Lettera sulla forma del bilancio italiano ed inglese. Torino, 1865. O. 24+47 p. 336 5 — Perche la letteratura italiana non sia popo- lare in Italia: lettere critiche. 3 edizione, au- mentata. Milano, 1873. D. 850 11 — Pio IX 6 il papa future. Milano, 1866. D. 282 33 — translator, see Plato. Dialoghi. 1881. 888 9 Bon^hi, Salvatore, editor, see Lucca. Bandi. 1863. {In EmUia. Collezione. 1.) 850 6 Boni, Carlo. Riassunto storico-critico suUe ter- remare e palafitte modenesi. {In Modena. Sulle terremare. 1870.) 571 4 Boni, Filippo de. La chiesa romana e 1' Italia. Milano, 1863. S. 282 38 — L'inquisizione e i Calabro-Valdesi. Milano, 1864. S. 272 18 Bonichi, Bindo. Rime, edite ed inedite. Bo- logna, 1867. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 82.) 850 10 — ^Borgognoni, A, Bindo Bonichi e alcuni altri rimatori senesi. {In his Studi, 1877-8, v. 1 ; in Scelta di curiosita 156.) 850 10 BONIFACIO II., marquis of Monferrato. Hopf, K. Boiiifaz und der Troubadour Rambaut von Vaqueiras. Berlin. 1877. O. 40 p. {In Vir- cliow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. 12Serie.)043 1 Bonifazio, Nanni di. II controtumulto de' ci-- ompi; lettera del secolo 14. Firenze, 1869. D. 21[+ 2]p. (In Fanfani. P. Spigolatura fioren- tina, no. 3.) 945 79 BONIFAZIO, Corsica. Balbo, L. Relazione dell' attacco e presa di Bonifazio. {In Societa ligu* re. Atti. V. 10, 1874.) 945 48 Boninsegni, Jacopo Fiorono de'. Egloga: Ura- nio. (In Rubbi, A. Egloghe. 1785.) 851 2 Bonjean, Joseph. Le Mont Cenis; percee des Alpes; description des machines inventees par Sommeiller, Grattoni et Grandis. 4 edition. Paris, 1871. S. pi. 43 [+4]p. 622 5 Bonnardot, Fr., editor, see Document en patois lorrain. (i?i Romania, v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 Bonnecliose, £mile Boisnormand de. Histoire de France, jusqu'a 1848. 13 edition. Paris, 1864. 2v. O. 944 6 Bonnemere, Joseph Eugene. Histoire des pay- sans, 1200-1850; precede d'une introduction, an 50 avant J. C— 1200 apres J. C. Paris, 1856. 2v. O. 333 4 Bonney, Thomas George. The Alpine regions of Switzerland and the neighbouring countries. Cambridge [,Eng.]. 1868. O. 551.43 16 Bontekoe, C<»rnelis. Tractaat van thee. 3 druk, met twee verhandelingen. Van de coffi. Van de chocolate, 's Gravenhage, 1685. D. iltp. 643 5 Bonncci, Anicio, editor. Delizie degli eruditi bibliofili italiani, da mss. dissepolte o da irre- peribili stampe. Firenze, 1863-5. 7 pt. in 2 v. D. 850 4 Contents: 1. Ai bibliofili italiani.— Bello, F. Perche si dice e fatto il becco a I'oca, novella. 2. Albert!, A. degU. Sonetti e canzone. 3. Flores, J. de. Istoria di Aurelio e Isabella. 4. Aiiguillara, G A. delP. Stanze per lo duca d* Angiou.— Capitolo al cardinal di Trento. 5. (•oselliio, G. Congiura di Piacenza contro P. L. Farnese. 6-7. Lettere volgari del secolo 15. Two editions of part 1. Bonucci, Carlo. Vicinanze della metropoli. {In (^uaranta, B., <& others. Napoli. 1845.)914.5 88 BouYesino/' Riva. De le zinquanta cortexie da tavola de Fra Bonvexinc. {In Biondelli, B. Poesie lombarde, 1856.) 859 14 — (Same, Italian and English; summary of the cortexie. {In Rossetti, W. M. Italian court- esy-books. 1868; in E. E. textsoc. Extraser. 8.) 820 5.1 — II tractatodeimesi; per cura di EduardoLid- forss. Bologna, 1872. D. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 127.) 850 10 The book containing the treatises of hawking,^ 1496, see Barnes, J. The book of common prayer, see Protestant episcopal church in the C. S. A. BOOK 81 BOROUGH Book of the artists, see Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the dead, see Scliiaparelli, E. II libro dei funerali. The book of the navy, see Frost, J. The book; or, Fragments of modern chronicles, 1811, seeBuel, S. BOOKS. Blades, W, The enemies of books. Sedition. London, 1881. O. por. pi facim. 024 2 — Egger, E. Histoire du livre, depuis ses en- gines jusqu'a nos jours. 3 edition. Paris, [1881]. D. 010 1 — Polchau, A. Das Biicherwesen im Mittelal- ter. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. (In Yirchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 16 Serie.) 043 1 — Wattenbach, W. Das Schriftwesen im Mittel- alter. Leipzig, 1871. O. 651 1 See also BIBLIOGRAPHY; LITERARY EXCHANGES; PARCHMEXT; PRIXTIXG; PROHIBITED BOOKS; READ- ING . BOOKSELLING. Garrigue, R. P. Bericht an die Commission fiir die Begriindung einer deutschen Buchhandlung in den Vereinigten Staaten. [Leipzig, 184-.] O. 47 p. 686 3 See also MANUSCRIPTS. Boorde, Andrew. The f jrst boke of the Intro- duction of knowledge; A compendyous regy- ment; or, A dyetary of helth, made in Mount- pyllier, compyled by Boorde; Barnes in the defence of the berde; edited, with life of Boorde and large extracts from his Breuyary, by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1870. O. il. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 10.) 820 5.1 Boot, Johannes Cornells Gerhard, editor, see Gronovius, J. E. Ad A. Rubenium epistolae 10. (JnRoine— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. set. mor. V. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 Booth, David. The art of brewing. London, 1829. O. 64p. i7. (Lib. of usefulknl.) 663 1 Booth, John, editor, see Durham. Halmota pri- oratus. 1889. (In Snrtees soc. 82.) 820 7 Bopp, Franz. Kritische Grammatik der San- skrita Sprache. 2 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1845. O. 491.2 5 — Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Send, Armenischen,Griechischen, Lateinischen Litauschen, Altslavischen, Gothischen und Deutschen. 2 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1857-61. 3 v, O. 415 2 BORAX. Bechi, E. Teorica dei soffioni boraci- feri della Toscana. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. sci.fls. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.)— Nuove ricerche del boro e del vanadio. {In same. V. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 BORDEAUX. Michel, F. X. Histoire du com- merce et de la navigation a Bordeaux, princi- palement sous I'administration anglaise. Bor- deaux, 1867-70. 2 V. O. pZ. 380 5 Bordesholm. Diplomatarium Neomonasteriense & Bordisholmense, 1136-1570. por.— Origines Neomonasterienses & Bordisholmenses. {In Westphalen, E. J. von.. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 2.) 943 21 — Coronaeus, M. Antiquitates coenobii Bordes- holmensis. (In same.) 943 21 Bor^, Eugene. Armenie. 1838. maps. {In L'univers. 61.) 910 18 Boretius, Alfred. Friedrich der Grosse in seinen Schriften. Berlin, 1870. O. 55 p. (/wYirchow • cfc Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Borgesius, T. Landontginning en landbouw in de veenkolonien der provincie Groningen. Haarlem, 1856. D. 51 p. 627 45 Borghesi, Diomede. Lettere. Bologna, 1868. D. 88 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 92.) 850 10 Borghini, Raffaello. II riposo. Reggio, 1826. 3 V. in 1. S. 750 1 II Borghini; giornale di tilologia e de lettere italiane; compilata da P. Fanfani e C. Arlia. [Half -monthly.] Firenze, 1874-7. v. 1-3 in 1 v, O. 450 13 Vol. 3, no. 2, for 15 July 1876, is wanting. II Borghini; studj di fiiologia e di lettere itali- ane; compilato di Pietro Fanfani. [Monthly.] Firenze, 1863-5. . v. 1-3. O. 450 12 "Studj" in V. 2 and 3 is changed to "giornale " BORGIA, Cesare, duca di Romagna. Alvisi, E. Cesare Borgia; notizie e documenti. Imola, 1878. D. 923 18 — Thomasi, T. La vie de Cesar Borgia; traduit del'italien, imprimeea Monte Chiaro, 1761. T. 923 19 BORGIA, Lucrezia, duchessa di Ferrara. Gre- gorovins, F. Lucrezia Borgia; nach Urkunden und Correspondenzen ihrer eigenen Zeit. Stutt- gart, 1874. 2 V. O. por. facsim. 923 20 Borgis, Federico. La lingua dell' agricoltore; ossia, L'ltaliano istruito nella tecnologia cam- pestre. Torino, 1870. D. 99 p. 453 1 Borgognoni, Adolfo.Studi d'erudizione e d'arte. Bologna, 1877-8. 2v. in 1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 156, 163.) 850 10 C'ontenfe .- 1. Bindo Bonichi.— L'intelligenza. 2. I poeti dei codici d'Arborea. — Nina siciliana. — La scuola meri- dionale. — Gentile da Ravenna. Borgrninen, see Munch, A. Digte. 1855. Bormans, Jan Hendrik,edt^or,see CHRISTINA, Levenvan Sinte. 1850. 839.31 18 Born, Ignaz von. La monacologia ; ossia, De- scrizione metodica de' frati di Giovanni Fisio- filo [pseud.; Latin and Italian]; recata da C[arlo] B[otta]. Eridania[,1864?]. D.pL 271 2.1 B0rneballet, see St. Anbain, A. N. de. Novel- ler, V. 2. Borneman, Wilhelm. Plattdeutsche Gedichte; herausgegeben von Carl Bornemann. 6 Auf- lage. Berlin, 1854. S. 839.4 1 BORNEO. St. John, S. Life in the forests of the tar east; or. Travels in northern Borneo. 2 edition. London, 1863. 2 v. O. col. pi. maps. 919.1 1 BORNHOLM. Pannm, J. S. N. Beskrivelse over Bornholm. Slesvig, 1830. D. tab. 914.8 36 For Bornholm's archaeology se-e Vedel, E. BORNHOVED. Mollerup, W. Billedlige Frem- stilhnger af Slaget ved Bornhoved. il. facsim. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aar- b0ger. V. 23, 1888.) 948 5 French: Miniatures representant la bataille de Bornhoeved. il. facsim. {In same. Memoi- res. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Boron gh. Sir John. Notes of the treaty at Ripon betw-een Charles I. and the covenanters of Scotland. 1640; edited by John Bruce. [Lon- don,] 1869. sqO. {In Camden soc. 100 ) 820 4 BO REEL 82 BOTANY Borrel, A. Biographie d'Antoine Court; ou, • Episode de I'histoire des eglises du desert Ceve- nol, 1713-60. Toulouse, 1863. D. 922 37 Borriiig-, Laiirits Stephan. Conversations fran- 9aises e: danoises; suivies d'une comedie en un acte par Alex. Duval, avec la traduction. Copenhague, 1836. S. 439.88 2 — Dictionnaire frauQais-danois. 2 edition aug- mentee. Copenhague, 1859-60. 2 v. in 1. O. 439.83 7 — Grammaire fran9ai8e a I'usage des Danois* Copenhague, 1838. O. 445 5 — Kanut Lavard; narration historique d'apres la saga de Knytlinga. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 2 Borron, Robert & Helis de. The history of the holy grail, englisht, ab. 1450, by Kerry Lone- lich, from the French prose, ab. 1180-1200; re- edited by Frederick J. Furnivall. London, 1874-8. V. 1. O. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 20, 24, 28, 30.) 820 5.1 — Les romans de la tkble ronde, see Paris, A. P. 293 10 Borrow, George. The Bible in Spain; or, Ad- ventures in an attempt to circulate the Scrip- tures in the peninsula. 4 edition. Philadel- phia, 1843. O. 274 5 Bory de Saint- Vincent, Jean Baptiste George Marie. Histoire et description des iles de I'ocean. 1839. pi. map. {In L'miivers. 10,) 910 18 Borzi, Antonino. Flora forestale italiana. Firenze, 1879. pt. 1. O. 551.68 86 Pt. 1 : Ginnosperme. Bosch,—. Heinrichl. und Otto. I. Berlin, 1882. O. 32 p. (/nVirchowcfc HoltzendorfT. Vor- trage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Boscli, Andres. Summari, index, o epitome dels titols de honor de Cathalunya, Rossello e Cerdanya... Perpinya, 1628. F. 929 19 I boschi, poema didattico, see Riisconi, P. M. Bosliaui, Herbert of. Vita S. Thomse. {In Robertson, J. C. Materials for the hisiory of Becket, 1875-85, v. 2; {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 Bosio, Antonio. Memorie storico-religiose e di belle arti del duomo e delle altre chiese di Chieri. Torino, 1878. D. pi. 726 15 Bosl£ovi6, Stanoje. Theoretisch-praktischeS Lehrbuch der serbischen Sprache. 2 Auf- lage, durchgesehen von Johan Bo§kovi6. Pest, 1871. O. 491.8 3 BOSPORUS. Gilles, G. De Bosporo Thracio. Lugduni Batavorum, 1632. Tt. 094 18 — Great Britain — HydrograpMc office. The Bosporus, or channel of Constantinople. [Lon- don,] 1839. 67x50 cm. 912 52 In portfolio 2; with two other maps of the Bosporus. — Tchilihatchev, P. Le Bospore et Constanti- nople Paris, 1864. Q. il. pi. maps. 914.9 47 — Thorson, E, M. Bosporus og bosporanske Oldtidsminder. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old-Selsliab. Antiquarisk Tidskrift. v. 4, 1852- 4.) 948 4 — Timoni, A. Nouvelles promenades dans le Bosphore; ouvrage historique, archeologique, politique, descriptif et moral. Constantinople, 1844. 2 V. O. por. 914.9 40 Bosscha, Johannes. Schets der algemeene geschiedenis, en van die des vaderlands. 8 druk. Breeda, 1847. O. 909 6 Bosser, E. Heinrich der Lowe. Berlin, 1880. O. 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorf. Vor- trilge. ISSerie.J 043 1 — Kaiser Friedrich der Zweite. Berlin, 1881. O. 32 p. {In same. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Bossi, Giuseppe. Poesi. {In Collezione milane- se, 1816-7, V. 9.) 859 15 Bossuet, Jacqiies Benigne, bishop of Meaux. Oraisions funebres; notice e jugements sur Bos- suet; notes et variantes e notices par Dussault; suivies d'un choix d'oraisons funebres de Flechier et de Mascaron. Paris, 1858. D. 846 2 Boswell, James. The life of Samuel Johnson; including a journal of his tour to the Hebrides. New edition, with additions and notes by John Wilson Croker; added, two volumes of John- soniana, and notes by various hands. London, 1839[ iltp, '35]. 10 V, D. por. pi. iltp. facsim. 927 31 Bosworth, Josepll. A dictionary of the Anglo- Saxon language. London, 1838. Q. 429 1 The 208 pages of Introduction are wanting. See Mr. Marsh's Life and letters, v. 1, p. 397. — 'Cocliayne, T. 0. Dr. Bosworth and his Saxon dictionary. — Postscript. {In his Shrine. 1864- 70.) 829 2 BOTANY. Belliicci, G. Sulla pretesa esistenza deir acqua ossigenata nell organismo delle piante. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Bergliaus, H. K. W. Botanische Geographic. {In hisFhjs. Atlas, 1845-8, v. 1.) 503 1 — Blomqiiist, A. G. Eine neue Methode den Holzwuciis und die Standortsvegetation bild- lich darzustellen. Helsingfors, 1879. O. 9 p. 2)1. 581 1 — Blytt, A. Essay on the immigration of the Norwegian flora during alternating rainy and dry perions. Christiania, 1876. Q. 681 6 — Cesati, V., & others. Compendio della iiora italiana. Milano [,1867-84]. Q. pi. {In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 5 — Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. description des plantes principales de I'Amerique Septentrion- nale. pZ. (In his Histoire de la Nou velle France, 1844, V.4.) 971 1 — Chevreul, M. E., Tart. — Unsere Zeit; Jahrbuch zum Conversations- Lexikon. [Monthly.] Leipzig, 1857-60. v. 1-4. Q. 033 3 Brockhaus, Hermann. T sette savj nel Tuti na- mah di nakshabi; traduzione e giunte di E. Teza. (In Sandabad. II libro, 1864, pref. p. 37-64.) 293 18.2 —[Various articles.] (JTn Leipzig— K. siichs. Re- sell. Berichte, 1846-53.) 063 1,3 Br0drene Bernhard, see St. Aubain, A. ^'. de. Noveller, v. 1. Brofferio, Angelo. Canzoni piemontesi. 5 edi- zione, accresciuta. Torino, 1858. S. 859 21 —I miei tempi. Torino, 1857-61. 20 v. in 10. S. 945 14 — Storia del Piemonte dal 1814 ai giorni nostri. Torino, 1849-52. 5 v. in. 1. O. 945 44 Broglio, Emilio, & Griorg-ini, (x. B. Novo voca- bolario della lingua italiana. Firenze [,1879-]90, 4v. Q. 453 12 Bromme, Traugott. Atlas zu Humboldt's Kos- mos in 42 Tafeln mit erlauterndem Texte. Stutt- gart [,1851].^s. 551 24 Br^ndsted, Peter Oluf. Bidrag til den danske Historie, af udenlandskeManuscriptsamlinger. Kj0benhavn, 1817-18. 2 pt. in 1 v. D. 841 40 . Contents : Wace, B. Le romanz de Rou et des due de Normandie[;with Danish metrical translation on oppo- site pages] . — Reise i Gra^kenland, 1810-3; udgivet af N. V. Dorph. Ki0benhavn, 1844. 2 v. D. por. map. 914.9 23 "Vol. 1 contains Biographic ved J. P. Mynster. BRONZE, see METALS. BRONZE AGE. Pigorini, L. Terramara dell eta del bronzo situata in Castione dei Marchesi. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 — Wocel, J. E. Kelternes, Germanernes og Slavernes Bronzer. {In Copenhagen— K. nord Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 See especially the new series of the society's M6moires, also its Aarb0ger. See also ARCHAEOLOGY; SCA>DI\AVU— AMIQCITIES. II Bronzino, see Allori, A. Brooke, Fulke (xreville, 1st baron. [Select poems.] {In Southey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Brooke, Stopford Augustus. Englisli literature. 2 edition. London, 1876. S. {In Green, J. R. Literature primers.) 820 13 —editor, see Robertson, F. W. Life and letters. 1872. 922 47 Brooks, Charles Timothy. The river Mosel and its old Roman poet. {In Waring, G. E., jr. The bride of the Rhine. 1878.) 914.3 9 — ti'anslator. German lyrics. Boston, 1853. D. 831 2 Gothe, J. W. Ton. Faust. 1857. 832 3 Brouwer, Petrus Abraham Samuel van Lim- burg. Akbar, een oostersche roman. 2 druk. 's Gravenhage, 1873. D. 839.33 23 BROWN, Charles Brockden. Dana, R. H. The novels of Brown. (In his Poems and prose. 1850. V. 2.) 811 5 — Prescott, W. H. Life of Brown, facsim. dn Sparks, J. American biography, 1835-9, v.l.) 920 15 Brown, Goold. The grammar of English gram- mars. 5 edition [,with] index by Samuel U. Berrian. New York, 1860. O. por. 425 3 Brown, John. A brief concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 85 p. (In Bible— English. The Holy Bible. 1830.) 220 9.1 Brown, John Carter, see Bartlett, J. R. Bib- liotheca Americana. A catalogue of the libra- ry of J. C. Brown. 1866-75. 016 26 Brown, John Croumbie. A British school of forestry; present position of the question. Lon- don [.1881]. O. 12 p. 651.58 69 — A British school of forestry; review of opin- ions. London, 1879. O. 15 p. 551.58 69 — Forests and moisture. Edinburgh, 1877. O. 551.58 60 —Forests in South Africa. [Edinburgh, 187-.] O. 8p, 551.58 69 — Glances at the forests of northern Europe. London, 1879. O. 551.58 69 — Hydrology of South Africa. Kirkcaldy, 1875. O. 551.48 13 — On schools of forestry. [Edinburg, 1876.] O. 8 p. 551.58 69 BROWN 92 BE UCKE — Opinions of continental foresters on the loca- tion of a school of forestry. London, 1878. O. 11 p. 551.58 69 — Pine plantations on the sand- wastes of France. Edinburgh, 1878. O. 551.58 118 — Reboisement in France. London, 1876. O. 551.58 82 — The school of forestry at Evois in Finland. London, 1877. O. 15 p. 551.58 69 — The schools of forestry in Europe. Edin- burg, 1877. O. [2+] 72 p. 551.58 69 Brown, Marie A., see Shipley, M. A. B. Brown, Samuel Gribnan. A discourse commem- orative of George Perkins Marsh; Dartmouth College, June 5, 188J, University of Vermont, June 25, 1883. [Burlington, 1883.] Q. 37+4 p. 080 41 — The life of Rufus Choate. 4 edition. Boston, 1881. D. pov. 923 27 Brown, Thomas N. The life and times of Hugh Miller. New York, 1858. D. 925 15 Browne, Daniel Jay. The trees of America. New York, 1857 [c'4«J. O. il. 551.58 111 Browne, Peter Arrell. Trichologia mammali- um; or, A treatise on hair and wool; with an essay upon sheep. Philadelphia, 1853. sqQ. pi. 591 4 hound with 552 2 Browne, Sir Thomas. Works. London, 1686. 4 V. in 1. F. por. 828 5 — Works, including his life and correspond- ence; edited by Simon Wilkin. London, 1835-6. 4 V. O. pi. por. facsim. 828 6 Browne, William. Whole works, now first col- lected and edited, with a memoir and notes. [London.] 1868-9. 2 v. sqO. (In Hazlitt, W. C. Roxburghe lib. 2.) 821 2 Contents: 1. Britannia's pastorals. 2. Same.— The shepheards pipe.— The Inner Temple masque.— Miscell- aneous poems. —Britannia's pastorals. [In Southey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 — Britannia's pastorals, a third book; now first edited by T. Crofton Croker. London, 1852. D. [5+] 2+50 p. {In Percy soc. v. 30.) 820 6 Browne, William George. Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria, 1792-8. London, 1799. sqQ. pi. maps. 916.2 4 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (Barrett). Poems. 3 edition. London, 1853. 2 v. D. 821 21 —Aurora Leigh. New York, 1857. D. 821 22 —Last poems. London, 1862. D. 821 24 — Napoleon III. in Italy, and other poems. New York, 1860. D. 821 23 — On Chaucer; from her English poets, 1863. {In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 2, 1874; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 9.) 821 46 Browning, Oscar, editor, see Leeds, F. Gr. 0., duke of. Political memoranda. 1884. (/u Cam- den soc. n. s. 35.) 820 4.1 Browning, Robert. Poems. New edition. Lon- don, 1849. 2 V. D. 821 26 —Dramatis personae. London, 1864. D. 821 28 — La Saisiaz, and The two poets of Croisic. London, 1878. D. 821 30 —Men and women. Boston, 1856. D. 821 27 — The ring and the book. London, 1868-9. 4 V. D. 821 29 Brownlee, William Craig. Saint Patrick and the western apostolic churches; or.., The an- tiquity, tenets and sufferings of the Albigenses and Waldenses. New York, 1855. S. pi. 284 a Brnc, C, comte de. The republic of San Marine,: translated from the French [by W. W. Tuck- er]. Cambridge [,Mass.], 1880. D.pZ. 945 93 Copy presented to Mr. Marsli by the translator. Bruce, John. Biographical fragment [relating to William Prynne]. {In Camden soc. n. s. 18, 1877.) 820 4.1 — Inquiry into the genuineness of a letter dated Feb. 3rd, 1613, and signed Mary Magdaline Davers. 1864. {In Camden misc. 5; in Cam- den soc. 87.) 820 4 —Preface. (In Larking, L. B. Proceedings in Kent, 1640; in Camden soc. 80, 1862.) 820 4 — Preface : Leigh ton's case. {In Camden misc. 7; in Camden soc. n. s. 14, 1875.) 820 4.1 — editor. The quarrel between the earl of Man- chester and Oliver Cromwell; with a historical preface annotated :ind completed by David Masson. [London,] 1875. sqO. (/n Camden soc. n. s. 12.) 820 4.1 see the following publications of the Cam- den society: 820 4 1. Historic of the arrival of Edward IV. in England, 1838. 7. Hayward, J. Annals of the reign of Elizabeth. 1840. 27. Lwcester, R. D., ear^o/". Correspondence- 1844. 31. Verney, K. Verney papers. 1815. 46. Elizabeth cfe James I. Letters. 1849. 56. Letters and papers of the Verney family. 1853. 6.S. Charles L Letters to Henrietta Maria. 1856. 70. Whit«locke, J. Liber famelicus. 1858. 78. James I. Correspondence with Cecil. 1861. 96. Digby, K. Journal of a voyage into the Mediterran- ean. 1868. 99. Manninirham, J. Diary. 1868. 100. Borough, J. Notes of the treaty at Ripon. 1869. — & Crosby, A. J., editors. Accounts and pa- pers relating to Mary, queen of Scots. [London,] 1867. sqO. facsim. {In Camden soc. 93.) 820 4 — — Biskop Bjarne Kolbeinss0n og Snorres Edda. {In same. v. 10, 1875.)— En i Norge funden Spaende med Runeindskrift fra Mellemjernal- BUGGE 96 JBURATTI deren; af O, Rygh og Bugge. pi. {In same. V, 13, 1878.)— Runestenen fra Strand i Ryfylke. il. {la same. v. 19, 1884.) — Om Verserne i Kormaks Saga. {In same. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 — Remarques sur les inscriptions runiques des bracteates en or. {In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 1, 1886-71.) 948 3 —editor, see Edda— Elder. 1867. 839.61 2 — Stephens, G. Prof. S. Bugge's Studies on northern mythology, il. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Memoires. n. s. v. 3-4, 1878-9.) 948 3 — _ — Danish : Prof. S. Bugge's Studier over nordisk Mythologi. il. {In same. Aarb0ger. V. 18-19, 1883-4.) 948 5 Translated and revised by the author. II bugiardo, commedia, see Groldoni, C. v. 5. Biililer. E. C. W. DieVersumpfung derWalder. Tubingen, 1831. O. 551.68 14 Biililer, J. A. Grammatica elementara dil lungatg rhato-romonsch. Cuera, 1864. pt. 1, O. 459 15 No more published. BUILDING, see ARCHITECTURE. Buisson de Jonece, see Froissart, J. Bulbring, Karl D., editor, see Bible. The earliest complete English prose psalter. 1891. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 97.) 820 5 Bnlflnch, Thomas. Age of chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur. Boston, 1866 [c '58]. O. pi. 293 2 — The age of fable; or. Beauties of mythology. Boston, 1866 [c '55]. O. il. pi. 291 1 — Legends of Charlemagne ; or, Romance of the middle ages. Boston, 1866[c '62]. O. 293 15 BULGARIA. Blanqui, J. A. Voyage en Bul- garie, 1841. Paris, 1843. D. 914.9 50 — Wutzer, C. W. {In Ms Reise in den Orient. 1860-1.) 914 11 BULGARIAN LANGUAGE. Riggs, E. Notes on the grammar of the Bulgarian language. Smyrna, 1844. D. 24 p. 491.8 1 See also Gallaudet, T. H. BULL. Blrcherod, T. B. Taurus sacer ; seu, Cultus & idolatrise tauri apud plures gentes historia. pi. (In Westphalen, E. J. yon. Monu- menta, 1739-45. v. 4.) 943 21 Bullein, William. Bulleins bulvrarke of de- fence against all sickness. London, 1562. Q. il. 099 4 — A dialogue against the feuer pestilence. From the edition of 1578, collated with 1564 and 1573, edited by Mark W. Bullen and A. H. Bullen. London, 1888. pt. 1. O. facsim. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 52.) 820 5.1 Bnlly, Edouard Roger de, psevdonym Roger de Beaiivoir. Le cafe Procope. Bruxelles, 1835. S. 843 5 Bulteau, — ,abb€. Description de la cathedrale de Chartres, Chartres, 1859, O. pi. 726 14 Bundi, Jacopo. Cudisch dilg viadi da Jerusa- lem, lo91, {In Archivio glot. ital. v. 7, 1880-3,) 450 11 Bungener, Louis F^lix. Abramo Lincoln; com' ei visse, qual' opera compie. quol fu la sua morte, Firenze, 1866. D. 88 p. 923 58 Translated by B. M. , Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias, Freiherr von. Letter to the translator. {In Theologia Ger- manica, 1854, pref, p. 53-65.) 241 7 — Vorvport. {In Caird, J. Die Religion im gemeinen Leben, 1857, p. 5-13.) 240 7 — Die Zeichen der Zeit; Brief e anFreunde iiber die Gewissensf reiheit und das Recht der christ- lichen Gemeinde. Leipzig, 1855. 2 v, D. 172 5 — Stahl, F. G. Wider Bxmsen ["Die Zeichen der Zeit"]. 3 Abdruck. Berlin, 18 6. D. 172 6 hound with 15 2 —Williams, R. Bunsen's biblical researches. — Note. {In Essays and reviews. 1862.) 204 1 Bunyan, John. The greatness of the soul; No way to heaven but by Jesus Christ; The strait gate; prefixed. An introductory essay on his genius and writings, by Robert Philip. New York, 1846. D. ("Works of the English puritan divmes.) 240 3 — The Jerusalem sinner saved; The pharisee and the publican; The Trinity and a Christian; The law and a Christian [;Bunyan's last ser- mon; dying sayings]; An exhortation to peace and unity; with life of Bunyan by James Ham- ilton. New York, 1846. D. {Same ) 240 2 — The pilgrim's jirogress as originally publish- ed; being a fac-simile of the 1st edition. Lon- don, 1875. D. il. pi. 823 4 —Same. London, 1837. S. pi. 823*5 — Dutch. Eens christens reize naar de eeu- wigheid. Nieuw-York, n. d. S. pi. 823 5.1 Only the first part. — Macaulay, T. B. Southey's edition of the Pil- grim's progress, {In his Essays, 1843, v, 1.) 824 16 II biion compatriotto, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V, 40, La buona famiglia, commedia, same. v. 16, La buona madre, commedia, same. v. 34, La buona moglie, commedia, same, v, 27, Buonaccorso, Giovane. Prose; per G. B. C. Giuliari. Bologna, 1874, D, {In Scelta di curiosita. 141,) 850 10 Buonarroti, Michel Angelo. Le rime. [Rome,] 1817, O, 851 21 Contents ; [Prefatory matter,]— Rime.— Agpiunta di rime da vari autori in lode sua — Tre lezioni sopra Le rime [by M. Guiducci, and B. Varchi].— Lettere al Buo- narroti.— Note.— Giunta da rime inedite. — Gebhart, E. Dante, Savonarole, Michel-Ange, {In his De I'ltalie, 1876,) 945 4 —Springer, A.M. Michelangelo in Rom, 1508-12. Leipzig, 1875, O, 73 p. 927 6 Buonarroti, Michel Angelo, the younger. L'A- jone, favola narrativa burlesca: con note e con un Spoglio lesscografico di Pietro Fanfani. Firenze, 1852. D. 857 6 Buongioco, Yalerio. De' tre content!. (/nBerni, F. Opere buiiesche, 1760, v, 2.) 857 3 II buono e il cattivo per tutto, see Thouar, P. Buovo d' Antona, see Bovo. Burat, Amed^e. De la houille et du fer en France. (/nTh^yenin, E. Entretiens, 1866, v. 1, p. 25-99.) 304 5,1 Buratti, Pietro. Poesie, Venezia, 1817. S, {In Gamba, B. Col, venez. 8,) 859 50 BURATTI 97 B URNET — Poesie e satire, corredato di note ed annota- zioni dallo stesso autore. Edizione ad usum delphini. Amsterdam, 1820. O. 859 51.1 II biirbero beneflco, commedia, see (xoldoui, C. V. 9. Burcli, Lambert vaiider. Sabaudise respublica et historia. Lugd. Batav., ex offlcina Elzevi- riana, 1634. Tt. 094 54 Bnrchard & Conrad, a&6ofs of Usperga. Chro- nicon ex recensione O. Abel et L. Weiland. Hannoverse. 1874. O. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 2.) 943 16 Burchard, Jean, of Strasburg. Diarium; ab Aclnile Gennarelli. Florentiae, 1854. Q. 282 26 — Diarium curiae Romanss sub Alexandre VI. papa. (//i- Eckhard, J. Gr. von. Corpus hist., 1723, V. 2.) 943 13 II BURCHIELLOj Domeiiico.CJargani, G. Sulle poesie toscane di Domenico il Burchiello nel secololS; studi ed osservazioni. Firenze, 1877. O. 851 23 Appended are Sonetti 25 del Burchiello. Burckhardt, H. Aus dem Walde. Hannover, 1865. V. 1. O. 551.58 15 Burckhardt, Jacob. Der Cicerone; eine Anleit- ung zum Genuss der Kunstwerke Italiens. 2 Auflage, bearbeitet von A. von Zahn. Leipzig, 1869. 3 V. D. 702 1 — Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien; ein Versuch. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1869. O. 945 8 — Same. 3 Auflage, besorgt von Ludwig Geiger. Leipzig, 1877-8. 2 v. O. 945 9 Burckhardt, John Lewis. Arabic proverbs cur- rent at Cairo, translated and explained. Lon- don, 1830. sqQ. 915.3 3 Forming a second part of his Notes on the Bedouins. — Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. Lon- don, 1830. sqQ. il. map. 915.3 3 — Travels in Arabia. London, 1828. sqQ. viap. 915.3 2 — Travels in Nubia. 2 edition. London, 1822. sqQ. por. viaps. 916.2 24 Containing Memoir. 98 pages. — Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. Lon- don, 1822. sqQ. il. por. viaps.^ 915.6 15 Bure {Latin Huraeus), Anders. Regni Svecise geographica & politica descriptio. (In Soterus, H. Svecia. 1633.) 094 57 Burger, Gottfried August. Gedichte; heraus- gegeben von Karl Reinhard. Gottingen, 1817. 2 V. S. (Sllmmt. Schriften, 1-2.) 831 26 —Schiller, J. C. F. von. Ueber Biirgers Ge- dichte. (I?i his Sammt. Werke, 1855, v. 2.) 832 9 Der Biirgergeueral, ein Lustspiel, see Gothe, J. W. von. v. 14. Burgliley, William Cecil, baron. Macaulay, T. B. Nares 's Memoirs of Burghley. {In his Es- says, 1843, V. 2.) 824 16 BURGUNDY. Chastellain, G. CEuvres histori- ques [; avec notice biographique par J. A. C. Buchon.] Paris, 1827. Q. 944 16 — Quirini, V. Rehzione di Borgogna. 1506. {In A., E. lllustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 25 See also CHARLES (he Md. Burguy, Georges Frederic. Grammaire de la langue d'oil: ou, Grammaire des dialectes fran9ais au 12e et 13e siecles; suivie d' un Glos- saire [etymologique]. Berlin, 1853-6. 3 v. in 2. O. 447 13 BURIAL. Arnkiel, T. Cimbrische Heyden- Begrabnisse. Hamburg, 1702. sqO. pi. (In his Ausfiihrliche Eroffnung. 2.) 913 47.1 — Bahnson, K. Gravskikke hos amerikanske Folk. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 17, 1882.)— BronzealderensMands- og Kvindegrave. il. (In same. v. 21, 1886.) 948 5 — Dingley, T, History from marble; compiled in the reign of Charles II. ; with introduction and table of contents by J. G. Nichols. [Lon- don,] 1867-8. 2 V. sqO. facsim, (In Camden soc. 94, 97.) 820 4 — Engelhardt, H. C. C. Skeletgrave paa Sjse- land og i det 0stlige Danmark. il. pi. (In Cop- enhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. V. 12, 1877.) — Jernalderens Gravskikke i Jyl- land. il. pi. (In same. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 — Kornerup, J. Om Middelalderens Begravel- sesmaade i Danmark. il. (In same. v. 8, 1873.) 948 5 — L0ffler, J. B. Vestervig Kloster og "Li den Kirstins" Grav. il. (In same. v. 11, 1876.) — "Bispegraven" paa Sjorring Kirkegaard. il. (In same. v. 12, 1877.) 948 5 — Miiller, J. H. Versuch einer Abhandlung von den Urnen der alten deutschen und nordischen Volker. Altona, 1756. D. 393 1 —Petersen, H. Om Stenalderens Gravformer i Danmark og deres indbyrdes Tidsforhold. il tab. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Sorternp, J. B. Udsigt over Urner, Gravkar og jordf undue Kar f ra Nordens Hedenold. pi. {In same. Annaler. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 2 — Tuckerman, H. T. Sepulchres. (In his Cri- terion. 1866.) 814 15 See also GRAVE-MOUNDS; TOMBS. —Turner, D. Sepulchral reminiscences of a market town, Great Yarmouth. Yarmouth, 1848. O. tab. 929 17 Burke, Edmund. Works. Boston, 1839. 9 v. O- 825 1 Burke, Edmund Plunkett. Sir Edward Coke. London, 1828. O. 32 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 923 28.1 La burla retrocessa nel contraccambio, com- media, see Goldoni, C. v. 40. BURLINGTON, Vt. Lanman, C. (/n 7m Letters. 1845.) 814 12 Burmeister, Hermann. Geschichte der Schop- fung. 6 Auflage. Leipzig, 1856. O. il.por.^ol 1.1 — Die siid-amerikanischen Republiken: Argen- tina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, nach der geographischen Kenntniss in 1875; kartogra- phisch dargestellt von A. Peter mann, nebst einen geographisch-statistischen Compendium von Burmeister. Gotha, 1875. sqQ. [2-f-]24p. map. (In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Ergiin- zungsband 9.) gjQ 44 BurneU, George Rowdon. The rudiments of hydraulic engineering. London, 1858-9. 2 v. in 1. D. il. pi. g27 1 Burnet, Thomas. The sacred theory of the B URNET 98 B UTLER earth. 6 edition; added, the authors defence of the work, and an ode to the author by Ad- dison. [Anon.] London, 1729, 2 v. O. pZ. il. 213 1 Bnrnouf, Jean Louis. Grammatica latina; se- condo il metodo del Burnouf. Torino, 1857. D. 475 2 Burns, Robert. Complete poetical works; edited by John S. Roberts, with memoir by William Gunnyon. 7th thousand. Edinburgh [,pref. 1865]. D. ^or. pi. iltp. 821 32 — Carlyle, T. (In his Essays, 1860, v. 1.) 824 8 i— Corrodi, A, Rob. Burns und Pet. Hebel; eine literar-historische Parallele. Berlin, 1873. O. 43 p. (In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8Serie.) 043 1 Os burros, poema heroi-comico-satirico, see Macedo, J. A. Burrows, Montagu, editor, see Oxford univer- sity. Register of the visitors, 1647-58. (/w Cam- den soe. n. s. 29, 1881.) 820 4.1 BURSCHENSCHAFT. Bayer, E. Die Entsteh- ung der deutschen Burschenschaft. Berlin, 1883. O. 48 p. ^In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Burton. Edward, editor, see A short instruc- tion into Christian religion. 1829. 241 1 BURTON, Richard Francis. Andree, K. T. Burton's Reisen nach Medina und Mekka und in Ost-Afrika. — Die Expeditionen Burton's und Speke's von Zanzibar bis zum Tanganyika- und Nyanza-See. il. pi. (In his Forschungsreisen, 1861, V. 1. 2.) 915.3 1 Burton, Robert. The anatomie of melancholy; by Democritus junior. [3 edition? Oxford, 1628?] Q. 828 7 Frontispiece, title-page, and last leaf wanting. New edition, prefixed, life. London, 1826. 2 V. O. iltp. 828 8 Burton, Tliomas de. Chronica monasterii de Melsa, ad 1396; accedit continuatio ad 1406; edited by Edward A. Bond. London, 1866-8, 3 V. Q. facsim. (In Gft. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 43.) 942 8 Burton-upon-Trent. Annales de Burton, 1004- 1263. facsim. (In Lnard, H. R. Annales mo- nastici, 1864-9, v. 1; in same. 36.) 942 8 Bury, Thomas Talbot. Rudimentary architect- ure; the history and description of the styles of various countries, London, 1849, D, il. 720 1 Bury St. Edmunds. Wills and inventories from the registers of the commissary of Bury St Ed- munds and the archdeacon of Sudbury; edited by Samuel Tymms, [London,] 1850, sqO, (In Camden soc. 48,) 820 4 Busbecq,10gier Ghislain de. Ritus sepeliendi apud Servianos, itemque nubendi. (In Turcici imperii status, 1630,) 094 59 Biisching, Anton Friedrich, editor, see Ulfllas. J. ab Hire scripta. 1773, 839.9 12 Bttsching, Johann Grustav Gottlieb. Ritterzeit und Ritterwesen; Vorlesungen. Leipzig, 1823. 2v. O. 940 15 — editor. Deutsche Gedichte des Mittelalters, 1808, see Hagen, F. H. yon der, & BUsching. 831 5 Schweinichen, H. von. Leben, 1822-3. 923 89 — Grimm, J. L. K. Von der Hagen und Bii- sching, deutsche Gedichte des Mittelalters, (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 4.) 408 2 See (clso indexes in v. 5 and 8, Bush, George. The life of Mohammed. New- York, 1830. S. (Harper's fam. lib. 10.) 922 36 Bushnell, Horace. Nature and the supernatur- al, as together constituting the one system of God. London, 1863. D. 210 2 —Work and play. London, 1864. D. 814 1 BUSINESS. Defoe, D. The complete English tradesman. 2 v. (In his Novels, etc., v. 17-18.) 823 7 — Engelstoft, L. Nogle Bemaerkninger om For- retnings Stil. Ki0benhavn, 1818, sqO, Tl-l-l 10 p, 658 1 ^Newton, R. H. The morals of trade. New York, 1876, D, I74 i See also EXCHANGE. Busini, Giovambattista. Lettere a Benedetto Varchi sopra I'assedio di Firenze; accresciute per Gaetano Milanesi. Firenze, I860. D. 945 69.1 Die Buskenblaser, sotternie, (In Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1836-62, pt, 6,) 839.31 3 Bussaeus, Andreas, editor & translator, see Thorgilsson, A. Schedaj, 1733, 839.63 47 Busser, Johan B. Utkast til beskrifning om Upsala. Upsala, 1769-73 [v. 1, '73]. 2 v. inl. O. pi. maps. 914.8 30.1 Biissi-Rabutin.Roger, comte de. Histoire amou- reuse des Gaules. Paris, 1829. 3 v. O. 847 1 Bustellf, Giuseppe. Vita e frammenti di Saffo da Mitilene; discorsoe versione, prima intera, Bologna, 1863. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 37.) 850 10 BUTAN, India. Dubeux, L., & Yalmont, V. Boutan. pi. map. (In L'univers. Asie, 6.)915.8 1 Bntler, Alban. Florilegio di vite de' santi, con note ibtoriche e critiche; recate in italiano sulla libera versione francese. Monza, 1834-5. 4 v. in 8. O. 922 2 BUTLER, Benjamin Franklin, of New York. Mackenzie, W. L. The lives and opinions of B. F. Butler and J. Hoyt. Bostoif, 1845. O. 974 11 Butler, Clement Moore. Inner Rome, political, religious and social. Philadelphia, 1866. D. 914.5 76 Butler, Samuel. Hudibras; with annotations and a preface by Zachary Grey. 3 edition. London, 1772. 2v. O. 827 5 The illustrations are by Hogarth. This copy has writ- ten on its title pages: George P. Marsh, Dart. Coll, 1818. Butler, Samuel, D, D., translator, see Bona- parte, C. L. J. L. Charlemagne. 1815. 841 12 Butler, William Allen. Nothing to wear; an episode of city life. [Anon.] New York, 1862, D, 68p.i)Z. 817 1 — Two millions. 12th thousand. New York, 1858. D, [2+]93p, 817 2 Butler, William Francis. The great lone land; a narrative of travel and adventure in the north-west of America. 4 edition, London, 1873, D, pi. map. 917.1 1 BUTTON 99 CAD VIUS-MULLER BUTTON, Thomas, bishop of Exeter. Account of the executors of Thomas, bishop of Exeter, 1310. pi. tab. (In Camden soc. n. s. 10, 1874.) 820 4.1 Bnzzetti, Curzio. Stato meteorico. {In Catta- neo, C, & others. Notizie su la Lombardia. 1844.) 914.5 56 Bynseus, Anthonie. De calceis Hebraeorum; ac- cedit Somnium de laudibus critices. Dordiaci, 1683. T. 391 2 BYNO, George, viscount Torrington, see TOR- RINGTON. Byrne, Oliver, & Spon, E., editors. Spons' dictionaiy of engineering, civil, mechanical, military and naval; with technical terms in French, German, Italian and Spanish. Lon- don, 1873-4. 4 V. O. il. tab. 620 3 Same: Supplement; editedby E. Spon, London, 1879-81, 3 v. Q. il. 620 4 Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron. Works, including the suppressed poems, also a sketch of his life, by J. W, Lake. Philadelphia, 1831. 8 V. T. por. pi. iltp. 821 33 — De Abydeensche verloofde. — Het beleg van Korinthe. — Beppo. — Moorsche weeklacht. — Verwijt van den Griekschen zanger. (/wLen- nep, J. van. Poet, vp^erken. 1859-63, v. 6.) ' 839.31 15 — La profezia di Dante; tradotta in terza rima da L. da Ponte. 2 edizione. Nuova-Jorca, 1823. T. por. 821 34 —Gait, J. The life of Byron. New York, 1830, S. 928 12 — Macaulay, T. B. Moore's Life of Lord Byron. (Inhis Essays, 1843, v. 1.) 824 16 — Schmidt, I. Byron im Lichte unserer Zeit. Hamburg, 1888. O. 33 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorft". Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 — WliiDple, E. P. {In his Essays, 1848-9, v. 1.) '814 16 Byron, John. Narrative of distresses suffered on the coast of Patagonia, 1740-6; with a de- scription of St. Jago de Chili, also a relation of the loss of the Wager man of war. 2 edition. London, 1768. O. pi. 918.2 2 BYZANTINE EMPIRE. Bnehon, J. A. C. Recherches et materiaux pour servir a une hibtoire de la domination fran9aise aux 13-15 siecles dans les provinces de I'empire grec. Paris, 1840. 3 v. O. pi. tab. 949 37 Foi" his other researches see MOBEA. — Eliades, L. 'ExtTOyU.?; rrjs Bv^avTivTjs Icrroplas. 'Ev Ko3V(TTavTivovTr6\€i, 1861. O. 88 p. por. 949 34 — Engelstoft, L. Blik paa Forsvarsva'senets Forfatning og Tilstand i det byzantinske Rige under Justinian I. {In his Historisk Calender, 1814-17, V. 2.) 948 58 — Finlay, G. The history of Greece [,540-1566], and of the empire of Trebizond, 1204-1461. Ed- inburgh, 1851. O. 949 41 — Hopf, K., editor. Chroniques greco-romanes [,1200-1566]; avec notes et tables gen^alogiques. Berlin, 1873. O. 949 40 — Zampelios, S. Bv^avrlvai fieXeral, ^.-f. iKarovra- eTTjpidos iJ.. X- '^f 'M-fivM, 1857, O, 949 53 5fee o&o (IRCUS; COMNENI; COXSTAXTINOPLE. Byzantios, Skarlatos D. Ae^iKhv iW-qviKhv Kal -yaWiKhv. 'AO'^vriffiv, 1846, Q. 489 3 C, A. G. Lezione in forma di lettera sopra un codice manoscritto ligure del secolo 17. Fi- renze, 1869. O. 19 p. 945 46 C, G. G. Guida per la citta di Messina. 2 edi- zione, ampliata. Messina, 1841. D. 914.5 102 C, R., gent. The times whistle; or, A newe daunce of seven satires, and other poems; now first edited, with introduction, notes and glos- sarv, by J, M. Cowper. London, 1871. O. {In E. E.text soc. Orig. ser. 48.) 820 5. CABALA. Manuel de Mello, F. Tratado da sci- encia cabala, Lisboa, 1734, D. 133 17 La cabala del cavallo pegaseo, see Bruno, G. CabaUero, Fernan, pseudonym of Arrom de Ayala, C. F. J. B. de F. Cabanis,vaterra.ndscher Roman von W. Alexis, see Hiiring, G. W. H. Cabaret, Jean, see Orronville, J. C. d'. Los cabellos de Absalon, see Calderon. v. 4. CABESTANH,GuiUemde. Hiiffer, F.Der Troba- dor G de Cabestanh, sein Leben und seine Werke. Berlin, 1869. O. 68 p, 849 8 CABOT, Sebastian. Hay ward, C, jr. Life of Cabot, por. (In Sparks, J. American bio- graphy, 1835-9, V. 9.) 920 15 — HeUwald, F. A. H. von, Sebastian Cabot. Berlin, 1871. O. 43 p. {In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — Tytler, P. F. Remarks on a late Memoir of Cabot. {Inhis Discovery on the northern coasts of America. 1833.) 973 15 Caccia, Giuseppe, & Ferrari, C. Gran diziona- rio italiano-francese e francese-italiano. Pa- rigi, 1874. 3 v. Q. 453 33 Cacia, P. L'ipocrisia, satira. {In Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, 11.] 859 50 Cadacualcon su razon, comedia, seeZorrilla.v.2. Cada uno para se, see Calderon. v, 4, Cadalso or Cadahalso, Jose de. Los eruditos a la violeta; 6, Curso completo de todas las cien- cias; por Joseph Vasquez [pseud.]. Madrid, 1773. O. 68 p. 867 1 CADAVER. Moriggia, A. Sulla velenosita na- turale dell' estratto di cadavere umano. {In Rome — R, accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) — Same, 2a serie di sperienze, {In same. v, 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Las cadenas del demonio, see Calderon. v, 4, Cadet, Socrate. In quale delle due strutture nervee dell' uomo prevalga la proporzione dell' urea, {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti, 2 ser, V. 2, 1874-5.) — Considerazioni intorno I'ipo- tesi de' nervi per I'infrenare la contrattilita o la tonicity muscolare, e sperienze. {In same, v, 3, 1875-6, pt, 2.) 065 3 CADORE. Gilbert, J. Cadore; or, Titian's coun- try. London, 1869. Q. pi. map. 914.5 59 See also DOLOMITE MOUXTAINS. Cadovius-MUller, Johann. Memoriale linguse Frisicae, zum ersten Male herausgegben von L, Kiikelhan, Leer, 1875. O, pi. 439.2 6 'CJEDMON 100 CALASANS Csedmon. Genesis.— Exodus.— Daniel, (/n Grein, €. W. M. Bibl. der angelsachs. Poesie, 1857-8, V. 1.) 829 17 — Oerman. {In same. Dichtungen der Angel- sachsen, 1857-9, v. 1.) 829 18 Caerl ende Elegast, see CHARLEMAGNE— RO- JIffANCE. Caesar, Cains Julius. C. Julii Caesaris et A. Hirtii de rebus a Ca^sare gestis commentarii, <5uni fragmentis; ex recensione Samuelis Clarke express!. Glasguse, 1750. 3 v. T. 878 1 — Commentarii de bello Gallico; mit Anmer- •kungeu, Worterbuche und einem geograplii- schen Register,von F. W. Hinzpeter. Bielefeld, 1837. O. 878 2 — English: Commentaries on the Gallic and oivil wars, with the supplementary books at- tributed to Hirtius; literally translated, with notes and index [,by W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohn]. NesvYork, 1870. D. (Harper s class. • lib.) 878 4 — ^Delorme, S. J. Cesar et ses contemporains; essai sur les moeurs des Romains vers les der- niers temps de la republique. Paris, 1869. D. 937 15 —I fatti di Cesare; testo del secolo 14, pubbli- cato a cura di Luciano Banchi. Bologna, 1862. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 7.) 850 6 — — Mussafla, A. I fatti di Cesare; a cura di L. Banchi. {In Jahrbncli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 — Petrarca, F. Delia vita di Giulio Cesare. {In his Le vite, 1874-9, v. 3; in Emilia. Collezione. 36.) 850 6 Caesar, The life and death of Julius, see Shake- speare, W. C^SARS. De Quincey, T. The Caesars. Boston, 1851. D. 824 10 —Suetonius Trantiuillus, C. Opera; commen- ario illustravit D. C. G. Baumgarten-Crusius. Lipsiae, 1816-18. 3 v. O. 878 24 For other editions see Suetonius. Caesars Frafald, Skuespil, see Ibsen, H. Kejser og Galilaeer. Caesius, Philippus, see Zesen. Le cafe Procope, see Bully, E. R. de. Caffaro. Cronaca del prima crociata; ed altra del re di Gerusalemme da un anonimo; pubbli- cate dal Francesco Ansaldo. facsim. (In So- cietk ligure. Atti. v. 1, 1858.) 945 48 CAGLIOSTRO, Alessandro conte di, see BAL- SAMO, G. CaUlau, A. B. Les gloires de Notre-Dame du Puy. Paris, 1846. D. 230 13 Caimi, Pietro. Cenni sulla importanza e col- tura dei boschi, con norme di legislazione e amministrazione forestale. Milano, 1857. O. 651.58 55 Cain, pirata, see Zorrilla. v. 2. Caird, John. Religion in common life; a ser- mon. New York, 1856. S. 59 p. 240 6 — German: Die Religion im gemeinen Leben; mit einem Vorwort von Christian Carl Josias Bunsen. Leipzig, 1857. O. 52 p. 240 7 Cairnes, John Elliott. The slave power; its character, career and probable designs; an at- tempt to explain the real issues involved in the American contest. 2 edition, enlarged. London, 1863. O. 973 35 Calx, Napoleone. Saggio sulla storia della lin- gua e dei dialetti d' Italia. Parma, 1872. O. 467 1 — Die Streitfrage Uber die italienische Sprache. (In HiUehrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 — Studi di etimologia italiana e romanza. Fi- renze, 1878. D. 479 7 CALABRIA. Rath, G. Ein Ausfiug nach Cala- brien. Bonn, 1871. O. 914.6 93 See also BANDIEBA, A. hot. facsim. tab. 820 4.1 Contents: 1. The Fort«scue papers; edited by S. R. Gar- diner. 1871. '1. Sliillingfbrd, J. Letters and papers of mayor of Exeter, 1447-50: edited by 8. A. Moore. 1871. 3. Great Britain- t'liapel royal. The old cheque book. 1561- 1744; edited by E. F. Rimbault. 1872. 4. A true relation of the life and death of W. BEDELL; edited by T. W. Jones. 1872. 5. Klcart, K. The maire of Bristowe is ka- lendar; edited by L. T. Smith. 1872. 6. flreat Britain- House of coiuinons. Debates in 1625; edited by S. R. Gardi- ner. 873. 7. Koe,—. Military memoir of J. Birch; edited by T. W. Webb. 1873. 8, 9. Christie, W. D., editor. Let- ters from London to Sir J. Williamson at the Congress of Cologne, 1673-4 8 v. 1874. 10. Hale, W. H., <£- Ella- combe. H. T., editors. Account of the executors of Rich- ard, bishop of London, 130.3, and of Thomas, bishop of Exeter. 1810. 1874. 11,20. Wriothesley, C. A chronicle of England, 1485-1559; edited by W. D. Hamilton. 2 v CAMDEN S CIETY 103 CAMPA GNA 1875-7. \i. Bnice, J., editor. The quarrel between the earl of Manchester and Cromwell. 1875. 13. Halkett, Lady A. M. Autobiography; edited by J. G. Nichols. 1875. 14. The {^anideii miscellany, v. 7, 1875. 15. Prideaiix, H. Letters to J. Ellis. 1674-1722; edited by E. M. Thompson. 1875 10. Milton, .1. A common-place book; edited by A, J. Horwood. 1876; «;«o Revised edition. 17. Ciairdiier, J.,' editor. The historical collections of a citizen of London in the 15th century. 1876. 18. Gardiner, S. R., editor. Documents relating to proceedings against W. Prynne, 1634, '37. 1877. 19. Canterbury. Christ church letters; edited by J. B. Sheppard. 1877. 21. Harpsfleld,\. A treat- ise on the pretended divorce between Henry Vlll.and Ca- tharine; printed by N.Pocock. 1878. 22, 23. Hatton family. Correspondence; edited byE.M. Thompson. 2 v. 1878. 24. Great Britain— House of lords. Notes of debates, by H. Elsing, 1624. '26; edited by S. R. Gardiner. 1879. 25. Harris, A. The oeconomy of the Fleete; edited by A. Jes- sopp. 1879. 26. Simpson, W. S., editm\ Documents illus- trating the history of S. Paul's cathedral. 188 i. 27. The Hamilton papers, 1638-50; edited by S. R. Gardiner. 1880. 28. Galrdner, J., editor. Three 15th-century chronicles. 1880. 29. O.vford university. The register of the visitors, 1647-58; edited by M. Burrows 18S1. 30. Catliolicon Ang- licum; an English-Latin wordbook, 1488; edited by S. J. H. Herrtage. 1882. 81. The Camden miscellany, v. 8, 1883. 32. Olanville, J. The voyage to Cadiz in 1625; edited by A. B. Grosart. 188;i. !{3. Hanev, «. Letter-book, 1573-811; edited by E. J. L. Scott. 1884. 34, 30, 38. The Lauderdale papers; edited by O. Airey; 16.39-79. o\. 1884-5. 35. Ijeeds, VM.Q.^dukeof. Political memoranda; edited by O. Browning. 1881. 37. Pocook, >'., editoi'. Troubles con- nected with the prayer book of 1549. 1884. 3'J. Enicland. Reports of cases in the courts of Star chamber and High commission; edited by S. R. Gardiner. 1886 40. The Nicliolas papers; edited by G. F. Warner; 1641-52. v. 1, 1886. 41. Battle abliey. Custumals, 1289-1313; edited by S. R. Scargill-Bird. 1387. 42, 44, Pococke, R. Travels through England, 1750[-7]; edited by J. J. Cartwright. 1888-9. 43. Nornicli. Visitations of the diocese. 1492-1.532; edited by A. Jessopp- 1888. 45. Gardiner, 8. R., editm\ Documents illustrating , the impeachment of Bucking- ham In 1620. 1889. 46. Memoirs relating to the lord TORRINGTOX; edited by J. N. Laughton. 1889. 47. Es- sex papers; edited by O. Airy, 1672-9. v. 1, 1890. CAMEL. American camel company. Charter granted by the state of N. Y. ; with the natural history of the camel. New York, 1854. O. 15 p. 386 3 — Hammer-Pur^stall, J. von. Das Kamel. Wien, 1856. sqQ. 386 8 hound with 336 3 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Verpflanzung des Kameels nach dem Cap der guten Hoif- nung. {In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 2.) 908 5 —■Marsh, d. P. The camel. (In U. S.— Senate. 33 cong. 2 ses. Misc doc. 24. Report of Smithso- nian institution for 1854, p. 98-122.) In main library. — —The camel; his organization, habits and uses; considered with reference to his intro- duction into the United States. Boston, 1856. D. il. 080 18 — Miiller, F., cfc Wedl, C. Beitriige zur Anato- mic des zweibuckeligen Kameeles, camelus Bactrianus. Wien, 1852. F*. [14-] 24 p. pi. 699 4 bound with 399 4 —Re Kyan, W., bey. Letter on the treatment and use of the dromedary. [Washington, 1858.] O. 35 p. il. 386 3 — U. S.— War department. Report respecting the purchase of camels for military transporta- tion. Washington, 1857. O. il. pi. 386 4 Camerano, Filippo. Agrumi: Scenen aus dem Lustspiel, Pulcinella der Miiller, {In Kopisch, A. Gesam. Werke, 1856, v 4.) 831 54 La cameriera brillante, commedia, see Groldoni. C. V. 8. ' Camerini, Eugenio. Intorno alle commedie di G. M. Cecchi, studio. {In Cecchi, G. M. L'as- siuolo. 1863; in Bibl. rara. 8.) 850 3 Cainmarano, Salvadore. Folco d' Aries, melo- dramma tragico; musica del Niccola de Giosa. Firenze [,1852]. O. 24 p. 852 1 — Poliuto, tragedia lirica; musica del Gaetano Donizetti. Milano [,1852]. S. 32 p. 852 1 — II trovatore, dramma; musica del Giuseppe Verdi. Aquila, 1852. S. 34 p. 852 1 Camoens, Luis de. Lusiadas. Paris, 1815. 2 v. T. 869 36 Edited, with life and preliminary discourse, by Tho- mas Joseph de Aquino. — Obras. Nova edi^ao. Paris, 1759. 3 v. T. por. p>l. map. 869 35 Compendio da vida de Camoens, in v. 1. — Severim da Faria, M. Vida de L. de Camoes. {In his Discursos. 1791.) 914.6 14 CAMORRA. Hilton, D. {In his Brigandage, 1864, V. 1.) 343 19 — Monnier, M. La Camorra; notizio storiche, raccolte e do:umentate. Firenze, 1862. D. 343 21 The camp, a musical entertainment, see Slieri- dan, R. B. B. CAMPAGNA. Caneyari, R. Cenni sulle condi- zioni altimetriche ed idrauliche dell 'Agro romano. Roma, 1874. O, cfc Atlas. F.» {In Italy— Min. di agric. Annali. v. 70.)651.49 5.1 Atlas in portfolio. — Cipriani, L. Sul risanamento e colonizzazione deir Agro romano. Roma, 1872. O. 24 p. 551.49 7 — Garelli, F. La bonificazione dell' Agro roma- no. Roma, 1881. O. 91 p. 551.49 7 Giordano, F. Cenni sulle condizioni fisico- economiche di Roma e suo territorio. Firenze, 1871. O. maps. 651.49 6 — — Giti alle Paludi pontine; relazione. Roma, 1872. O. 36 p. map. (In Italy— Min. di agric. Annali.) 551.49 7 ^Guerzoni, G. Cenni storici sulla questione deir Agro romano; relazione. Roma[,187-j. O. {In same.) 661.49 7 —Italy— Commissione di risanamento dell'Agro romano. Relazione. Roma. 1872. O. {In same. V. 50.) 661.49 8 Commissione per il boniflcamento agario dell' agro romano. Atti. Roma, 1880. O. {In same. 1880, no. 30.) 551.49 9 ^Direzione di statistica. Monografia della citta di Roma e della Campagna romana. Roma, 1878. Atlas. F.' 914.5 71 ^Lanciani, R. Di alcune opere di risanamento deir Agro romano eseguite dagli antichi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei llncei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 4. 1878-9.) 065 4 — Mantovani, P. Descrizione geologica della Campagna romana. Torino, 1874. O. pi. map. 564.5 2 — Marsh, G. P. Pontine marshes. (In John- son's cyclopaedia.) M main library. — Moro, G. Lo stagno di Ostia ; monografia geologica ed idraulica. Firenze, 1871. O. 43 p. pi. map. 551.49 7 — Pareto, R. Relazione sulle condizioni agrarie ed igieniche della Campagna di Roma. Firenze, 1872. O. tab. {In Italy— Min. di agric. Annali.) 661.49 10 GAMPA GNA 104 CANALS — — Die romische Campagna. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 2, 1875.) 945 41 — ^Pericoli, Gr. B. Relazione sopra i provyedi- menti economici e legislativi per il boniflca- mento dell' Agro romano. Roma [,1872]. O. 74 p. (In Italy— Mill, di a^ric. Annali.)551.49 7 — Ponzi, (x. Del bacino di Roma; illustrazione alia carta geologica dell' Agro romano. Roma, 1872. O. 50[+ 1] p. map. 554.5 3 — Tncci, P. di. Dell' antico e presente stato della Campagna di Roma. Roma, 1878. O. pi. 551.49 11 — Vallardi, A. & T.^ publishers. Nuova carta topografica della campagna di Roma antica e moderna. Milano, n. d. 101x99 cm. in sqF.** 912 16 — Westphal, J. H. Analyse der Karte, Contorni di Roma moderna, zu [his] Romischer Kam pagna. Berlin, 1829. sqQ. 12 p. 914.5" See also ECCALYPTUS; MALARIA. The campaigns of the British army at Washing- ton and New Orleans, see Gleig, G. R. Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette Genest. Memoires sm- la vie de Marie- Antoinette; suivis de Souvenirs et anecdotes historiques sur les regnes de Louis XIV-XVI. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 10.) 944 10 Campanellaj Tommaso. La citta del sole. (In More, T. L'Utopia. 1863; in Bibl. rara.ll.) 850 3 — Lettere inedite, e catalogo dei suoi scritti; memoria del Domenico Berti. Roma, 1878. sqF.83p. 504 2 — Same. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 Campani, Niccolo, pseudonym il Strascino. Capitoli. (/n Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, V. 2-3.) 857 3 Campbell, Archibald, archbishop of Canter- bury. The church of the future. London, 1880. D. 261 1 CAMPBELL, Duncan. Defoe, D. The life and adventures of Duncan Campbell. {In his Novels, 1840-1, V. 19.) 823 7 Campbell, Thomas. Poetical works. Boston, 1827. S. pi. 821 35 — The pilgrim of Glencoe, and other poems. London, 1842. O. 82136 Campbell, William, editor. Materials for a his- tory of the reign of Henry VII, London, 1873- 7. 2 V. Q. {InGt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 60.) 942 8 CAMPEACHY. Dampier, W. Two voyages to Campeachy. map. {In his Voyages, 1703-5, V. 2.) 910 25 Campegins, Symphorianus, see Champier, S. CAMPHOR. Tomlinson, C. On the motions of camphor on water. — On the motion of camphor towards the light, il. {In his Exper. essays. 1863.) 539 2 Campidoglio, R. osservatorio del. Osservazioni meteorologiche, 1876-82. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. Transunti. v. 1-6, 1876- 82.) 065 6 — Respighi, L. Sulla latitudine del osservatorio. (In same. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 See also other writings of Bespighi. II Campiello, commedia, see Ooldoni, C. v. 32. Campo, Luchino dal. Viaggio a Gerusalemme di Nicolo da Este; par cura di Giovanni Ghi- nassi. {In Emilia. Miscellanea. 1861.) 850 5 CAMPOBASSO, Italy. Ovidio, F. d.' Fonetica del dialetto di Campobasso.— Giunte e corre- zioni. {In Archivio glot. ital. v. 4, 1878.) 450 11 Campori, Giuseppe. Carlo V. in Modena; com- mentario storico. {In Varieta storiche ital- iane.) 945 10 — editor. Lettere artistiche inedite. Modena. 1866. O. 704 1 Lettere di scrittori italiani del secolo 16. Bologna, 1877. D. {In Scelta di curiosita 157.) 850 10 See also no. 93, 103. Muratorl, L. A. Trentasei lettere. 1868. 856 13 Qc Camposampiero, Guglielmo, editor, see Boc- ^^ caccio, G. La Teseide. 1819. 851 19 Storia di Campriano contadino; a cura di Albino Zenatti. Bologna, 1884. D. facsim. {In Scelta di curiosita. 200.) 850 10 CANADA. Cartier, J. Bref recit de la naviga- tion en 1535-6 aux iles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres; avec variantes et intro- duction par d' Avezac. Paris, 1863. O. 973 16 —Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire et descrip- tion de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1744. 6 v. S. pi. maps. 971 1 — Lacroix, F. Possessions anglaises dans 1' Amerique du Nord. 1849. pi. {In L'univers. 8.) 910 18 —Traill, C. P. S. The backwoods of Canada; letters from the wife of an emigrant officer. London, 1836. S. 917.13 —STATISTICS. Supan, A. G. Archiv fiir Wirt- schaftsgeographie. 1: Nordamerika, 1880-5. Gotha, 1886. sqQ. [24-] 57 p. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungsband 18.) 910 44 Canale, Michel Giuseppe. Vita e viaggi di Cri- stoforo Colombo; preceduti da una narrazione della navigazione prima di lui. Firenze, 1863. D. pi. 973 9 CANALS. Frisi, P. Essay on navigable canals. {In his Treatise on rivers. 1861.) 627 9.1 — ^Illinois. Report of the Canal commissioners, 1870,'72. [Springfieid, 1870-2.] 2 v. in 1. O. pi. 626 1 — — Special report of the Canal commissioners, 9 Feb. 1872. Springfield, 1872. O. 29 p. 626 2 ^Marsh, G. P. The waters. — Great projects of physical change. (In his The earth as modi- fied by human action. 1874.) 080 28 — ^New York {state). The report of a commit- tee to explore the western waters in the state for inland lock navigation. 1802. {In O'Cal- laghan, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, V. 3.) 974 9 —Rossi, Y. A. Di una navigazione mediterranea in Capitanata, e della irrigazione di quelli ter- reni. Napoli, 1843. sqQ. 35 p. map. 631 23 bound with 607 2 —Seymour, H. Facts for tax payers; speech before the canal committee of the legialature of N. Y., 9 April, 1878. Utica [,1S78]. 16 p. 080 20.1 CANALS 105 GANTA GREL Strada, E. Progetto dei canali di deriyazione per Eoma e sua cainpagna. * Roma, 1876. sqQ. 23 p. map. 631 23 bound with 607 2 Afe afoo COMMERCE-FKIXCE; IKRIGATIOX; PANAMA; SUEZ; TEHUANTEPEC. CANAKY ISLANDS. Abreu GaUiido, J. de. Historia de la conquista de las siete islas de Gran Canaria, escrita, 1652. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1848. O. iltp. 946 63 — Fritsch, K. von. Reisebilder von der Canari- schen Inseln. Gotha, 1867. sqQ. [3+]44 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Ergan- zungsband 5.) 910 44 See also GUAXCHES. Canavari, Mario. I brachiopodi degli strati a terebratula aspasia Mgh. nell' Appennino cen- trale. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 CAXAVESE. Bertolotti, A. Passeggiate nel Canavese. Ivrea, 1870-4. v. 4, 7. I). 914.5 47 ^Nispi-Landi, C. Notizie storiche del Cana- vese. (In his Carlo Botta. 1876.) 928 11 Cancioneirinho de trovas antigas colligidas de um grande cancioneiro da bibliotheca do Vati- eano; precedido de uma noticia critica domes- mo grande cancioneiro. Vienna, 1870. D. 868 31 Printed from typ'(!OXEK d' amor; Carbonell, P. M.: Catalonia; Corbera, E.; Dante Alighieri La comedia; Desclot, B.: Fogassot, J.; Garnia j liiiran, F. X. de; Lulio, U. ; March, A.; Maspons y Labr6s,'F. ; 5Ia- theu, F, ; Mnntaner, K.; Partheno])eus; Peter IV.; Piijades, .!.; Quintana, A. de; Roig, J.; Rds, C. ; Salas v Berart., (j.; Thomas iiKenipis; Valencia; Verdaguer, J. ; Vidal j Valencl- auo, (j.; Xinienes, F. CATALEPSY. Maggiorani, C. Fisiologia della catalessi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V-. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 CATALOGUES. Jewett, C. C. Smithsonian report on the construction of catalogues of libraries and of a general catalogue. Washing- ton, 1852. O. 6+ [2 +] 78 p. 025 1 See also BIBLIOGKAPHY ; Bohn, H. 0. ; EXGRAVIXGS ; Indexes: LIBRARIES: MAINTStRIPTS ; MAPS; AU- MISMATIf S ; (^uarltch, B. ; West, C. E. ; WUUs and Soth- eran. Catalonia. Capitols dels drets y altres coses del general del principat de Cathalunya y comtats de Rossello y Cerdanya, fets en corts generals, 1481-1564; en 1575 corregils. Barcelona, 1635. O. 349 81 — Aragon — Archive general. Coleccion de documentos ineditos ; publicada par P. de Bofarull y Mascaro. Barcelona, 1847-70. v. 1-38 in 3 . V. O. 946 38 For contents see Aragon. — Aristarco ; o, Censura de la proclamacion catolica de los Catalanes. n. p. [,1640.] D. 946 45 — Boades, B. Libre dels feyts darmes de Cata- lunya; acabat, 1420. [Barcelona, 1875.] D. {In BibL catalana. 3.) 869 5 — Boscli, A. Summari, index, o epitome dels titols de honor de Cathalunya, Rossello y Cerdanya ... Perpinya, 1628. F. 929 19 — Corbera, E, Cataluna illustrada. Napoles, 1678. F. 946 46 — Garma y Duriln, F. X de. Adarga catalana; CATALONIA 113 CATHOLIC CHURCH arte heraldica y practicas reglas del blazon, con exemplos. Barcelona, 1753. 2 v. O. pi. 929 18 —Manuel de Mello, F. Historia de los movimi- entos, separacion y guerra de Cataluna en tiempo de Felipe IV. Nueva edicion. Paris, 1819-26. 2 V. Tt. por. 946 48 — Marca, P. de. Marca Hispanica ; sive, Geo- graphica & historica descriptio Cataloniae... Parisiis, 1688. V* map. 946 47 — Moncada, F. de. Expedicion de los Catalanes y Aragoneses contra Turcos y Griegos. Madrid, 1805. D. 946 49 — Muntaner, R. Cronica catalana; texto origi- nal y traduccion castellano, aconipaiiada de notas, por A. de Bofarull. Barcelona, 1860. 946 50 — — Chronik ; herausgegeben von K. Lanz. Stuttgart, 1844. O. 946 51 German; iibersetzt von K. F. W. Lanz. Leipzig, 1842. 2 v. O. 946 52 — Pujades, J. Coronica universal del principal de Cathalunya. Barcelona, 1609. Q. il. 945 53 Same. JBarcelona, 1829-31. 8 v. Q. 946 54 — RiiiS; tr. A. Cristal de la verdad; espeio de Cataluna. Zarago9a, 1646. O. 946 55 See also BARCELONA; JAMES I. Catalunya agonisant, novela historica, see Bofarnll, A. de. CATAKIA. Peters, C. H. F. Memoria sulla latitudine geografica di Catania, determinata nel 1841 per mezzo di passaggi di stelle zenitali del prima verticale. Catania, 1849. sqO. [l-f-j 21 p. 525 4 CATAWBA LANGUAGE. Lieber, 0. M. Vocab- ulary of the Catawba language; with remarks on its grammar, construction and pronuncia- tion. Charleston, S. C, 1858. O, 18 p. 497 2 CATECHISMS. Schilter, J., editor. Monu- menta catechetica Theotisca.(/n his Thesaurus, 1727-8, V. 1.) 830 9 —A short instruction into Christian religion; being a catechism set forth by Archbishop Cranmer in 1548; with the same in Latin, translated from the German by Justus Jonas in 1539 [; edited by Edward Burton]. Oxford, 1829. O. il. 241 1 CATEGORIES. ScUuppe, W. Die Aristoteli- schen Kategorien. Berlin, 1871. O. [1-I-] 71 p. 888 24 QiSiierinSL^ St., of Siena. Le lettere; con pro- emio e note di Niccolo Tommaseo. Firenze, 1860. 4 V. in 2. D. 856 8 — Gigli, G. Vocabolario cateriniano. Firenze, 1865-6. 2 V. D. 457 5 — Leggenda minore di S. Caterina e lettere dei suoi discepoli; pubblicate da F. Grottanelli. Bologna, 1868. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 26.) 850 3 CATHARI, see WALDENSES. CATHARINE, St., of Sweden, see KATARINA. CATHARINE, infanta, sister of Charles V, Droysen, J. G. tJber das Verlobnissderlnfantin Katharina mit Herzog Johann Friedrich von Sachsen, 1519. {In Leipsic— K. saehs Gesell. Berichte, 1853.) 063 3 CATHARINE, Pomeranian princess. K0ni^s- feldt, J. P. F. Documenter angaaende den baieriske Hertug Johans og den danske (pom- merske) Prindsesse Katharines Giftermaal. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 20, 1860.) 948 2 CATHEDRALS, see CHURCHES. CATHERINE^ St., of Alexandria. The life of Saint Katherine, with its Latin original ; edited, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by Eugene Einenkel. London, 1884. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 80.) 820 5 — Ranallo^ B. di. Leggenda di S. Caterina d' Alessandria. 1330. {In P^rcopo, E. IV. poe- metti. 1885; in Seelta di curiosita. 211.) 850 10 CATHERINE DE' MEDICI, queen of France. Disconrs merveilleux de la vie, actions & de- portemens de Catherine de Medicis. 1649, selon la copie imprimee a Paris. T, 923 22 Catholic clmrch. Breviarium Romanum ex decreto concilii Tridentini restitutum; cum officiis. Parisiis. 1851. S. 264 9 Along the front edge is written "Imperfectum." — Diario romano per 1854, '74, nel quale si annunziano le feste... Roma [,1853-73]. 2 v. S. 264 8 — Exercicio izpirituala. Edicione berria. [In Basque.] Bayonan, 1863. T. 264 12 — Salutatio angelica.— Salutatio B. M. V. — Symbolum apostolorum. — Introitus ad missam. [Palermo? 1889?] T. 4 p. il. . 264 7 Preceded by the alphabet, the vowels, and the first five consonants combined with the vowels, —About, E. F. V. La question romaine. Bru- xelles, 1859. O. 282 37.1 — Azeglio, M. T. d'. La politique et le droit chretienne au point de vue de la question italienne. 3 edition. Paris, 1860. O. 282 37.2 — Bacelli, C. Ultime parole di giustizia ai mi- nistri nel Vaticano. Roma, 1882. Q. lip. 282 40 — Beckman, E.Italienskaprester. {In his Fran pafvarnes land. 1880.) 914.5 25 —Benedict XIV. Opuscula miscellanea. Prati, 1845. Q. 208 1 ^Boggio, P. C. La questione romana studiata in Roma. Torino, 1865. O. 282 37.3 ^Bonghi, R. Frati, papi e re; discussioni tre. Napoh, 1873. D. 282 32 — — Die italienische und die deutsche Kirchen- politik. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.) 945 41 — Boni, F. de. La chiesa romana e I'ltalia. Milano, 1863. S. 262 38 — Burchard, J. Diarium Innocenti VIII, Ale- xandri VI, Pii III et Julii II tempora complec- tens; ab A. Gennarelli. Florentiae, 1854. Q. 282 26 ^Bntler, C. M. Inner Rome, political, relig- ious and social. Philadelphia, 1886. D. 914.5 76 — Channing. W. E. On Catholicism. {In his Works, 1848, v. 2.) 208 2 — Ciocci, R. Das Ketzergericht in Rom. New York [,185-?] S. 272 20 — —A narrative of iniquities practiced at Rome. 1 American edition. New York, 1854 [introd. '46]. S. 272 19 CATHOLIC CHURCH 114 CATHOLIC CHURCH -^lottoUni, A. Una tiratina di orecchi^ certi poco reverend! messeri. Firenze, 18t)«. ^- loP- — Clairiii, E. Le clericalisme, 1789-1870. Paris, 1880. D. 282 1 — Cnrci, C. M. La nuova Italia ed i vecchi ze- lanti. Firenze, 1881. O. 282 41 — — Ragione dell' opera, promessa alle Lezioni sopra i quattro evangeli. Roma, 1874. . 56 p. 282 *8 Sopra la soscrizione romana off erta a Pio IX dalia Societa per gli interessi cattolici. Roma, 1871. O. 8+40 p. 282 49 — Denzinger, H., editor. Enchiridion symbolo- rum et definitorum quae de rebus fidei ,et mo- rum a conciliis oecumenicis et summis pontifi- cis emanarunt. Editio 3, aucta. Neapolis. 1856. D. 282 2 — Donoso Cortes, J. F. M. de la S. Essays on Catholicism, liberalism and socialism; trans- lated by W. M'Donald. Dublin, 1874. D. 282 2.1 — Du pere Passaglia et de I'ltalie. Turin, 1862. O. 86 p. . 282 50 — Estienne, H. A world of wonders; or, An in- troduction to a treatise touching the conform- ity of ancient and modern wonders; translated out of the French. London, 1607. Q. 282 23 — Ffoulkes, E. S. H credo del la chiesa o il credo della corona? Firenze, 1869. D. 72 p. (Li- breria Rosmini.) 282 4 Filalete, E., pseud. Per la causa italiana, ai vescovi cattolici; versione dal latino di A. Fer- ranti. Firenze, 1861. D. 67 p. 282 30.1 — — Sulla guerra della corte di Roma contro il regno d' Italia. Torino, 1862. O. 16 p. 282 49 — Gennarelli, A. Le dottrine civili e religiose della corte di Roma in ordine al dominio tem- porale; considerazioni e. documenti. Firenze, 1862. D. 282 42 — — Intorno all' allocuzione e alia lettera enci- clica di Sua Santita e alle teorie di diritto della corte di Roijia. 2 edizioue. Firenze, 1859. D. 77 p. 282 45 _ — I lutti dello stato romano, e 1' avvenire della corte di Roma; rivelazione storiche. Fi- renze, 1860. D. 282 44 _ — La politica della santa sede e gli atti dei Buonaparte, con uncapitolatoperlaliberazione di Roma. Firenze, 1862. D. 282 45 — (ligli, (x. II gazzettino. Nuova edizione, per cura di L. Banchi. Milano, 1864. S. (/nBibl. rara. 50.) 860 3 —Gladstone, W. E. L' Italia e la sua chiesa; traduzione di C. Guerrieri Gonzaga. Roma, 1875. D. [l-M9+53p. 282 30.2 _ — The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance. 53d thousand. London, 1874. O. 72 p. 282 30 — —Vaticanism; an answer to reproofs and re- plies. 12th thousand. London, 1875. O. 282 30 — — I decreti del Vaticano e i doveri del citta- dino; — II vaticanismo ; traduzione di C. Guer- rieri-Gonzaga. Firenze, 1875. D. 282 30.1 — truerrieri-Cronzag;a, C. I parroci eletti e la questione ecclesiastica. Firenze, 1875. D. 73 [+ 2] p. 282 30.2 — Heyer, F. Die Ausbildung der Priesterherr- schaftunddie Inquisition. Berlin, 1877. O. 47 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. 12Serie.) 0*^ ^ — Hlrscher, J. B. Lo stato attuale della chiesa; traduzione dal tedesco di O. Tasca. Milano, 1862. D. 282 4 Same. 3 edizione. Bergamo, 1865. D. 282 4 —Hopkins, J. H. "The end of controversy," controverted. 2 edition. New York, 1855. 2 V. D. 282 5 — Italicns, pseud. Le condizioni presenti ed il prossimo avvenire della chiesa ; lettere. Roma, 1874. D. 282 4 —Italy— Camera dei deputati. Relazione della commissione sul progetto di legge per la esten- sione alia provincia di Roma delle leggi suUe corporazioni religiose, e suUa conversione dei beni immobili degli enti morali ecclesiastici, 3 aprile 1873. n. p. [,1872.] sqQ. 27 p. 282 40 Ministero degli affari esteri. Documenti diplomatici relativi alia questione romana, communicati 19 die. 1870. Firenze, 1870. sqQ. 282 40 Ministero di grazia. Allegati al progetto di legge per la estensione alia provincia di Roma delle leggi sulle corporazioni religiose e sulla conversione dei beni immobili degli enti morali ecclesiastici. n. p. [,1872.] sqQ. 282 40 _ Progetto di legge relative alia soppres- sione di corporazioni religiose e disposizioni sul' ecclesiastico. n. p. [,1863.] sqQ. [1 +] 60 p. 282 40 Italy and her church. {In Church quart. review, v. 1, 1875, p. 1-35.) 282 49 Jung, T. La France et Rome, etude histori- que, 17-19 siecles. Paris, 1874. D, 282 36 Keller, E. L'encyclique du8 dec. 1864 et les principes de 1789; ou, L'eglise, 1' etat et la li- berte. 2 edition. Paris, 1886. D. 282 6 Knox, J. An answer to a letter written by J. Tyrie. \ln his Works, 1846-64, v. 6.) 208 4 — Landor, W. S. Popery, British and foreign. — Ten letters to Cardinal Wiseman. {In. his Last fruit. 1853.) 824 15 — Lanfrey, P. L'eglise et les philosophes au 18e siecle. Paris, 1857. D. 211 4 — Langdon, W. C. Le odierne quistioni poli- tico-ecclesiastiche e la chiesa americana. Fi- renze, 1875. D. 283 1 —La Varenne, P. C. M. de. Les legations et le pouvoir temporel. (In his Italie centrale. 1859.) 945 26 — ^Laveleye, E. L. V. de. L'awenire dei popoli cattolici; saggio d' economia sociale; tradu- zione e cenni sulla tregua accordata al Vatica- no, per Carlo Guerrieri Gonzaga. Roma. 1876. D. 282 30 — —Protestantism and Catholicism in their bearing upon the liberty and prosperity of na- tions; with an introductory letter by W. E. Gladstone. 3 edition. London, 1875. O. 71 p. 282 30 — LeKoy, P., & others. Satyre menippee de la vertu du catholicon d' Espagne et de la tenue des estats de Paris. Nouvelle edition, par C. Labitte. Paris, 1841. D. 847 3 CATHOLIC CHURCH 115 CATHOLIC CHURCH — Lettera di cento vescovi congregati in Inghil- terra nel palazzo di Lambeth, luglio 1878. Ber- gamo, 1878. O. 15 p. 282 35 —Levi, D. Democrazia e papismo. Milano, 1864. S. 282 46 ^Littledale, R. F. Plain reasons against join- ing the church of Rome. 30th thousand Lwith additions]. London, 1881. S. 282 10 — Les lois ecclesiastique de Tltnlie; reponse a 1' ('veque d'Orleans. Rome, 1874. O. 78 p. 282 50 — Liica, prior. Vegli. Firenze. 1860-8. 6 v. D. 282 11 Namely: 4-5. Confiteor. 9. O ora o mai. 13. Discordia e colera. 18. Libera chiesa; terzo primato d' Italia. 19. Si stava meglio quando si stava peggio. 15-17. Esame e confessione.— La vita nuova— I preti dell' Alfieri. 282 28 — Macaulay, T. B.Ranke's History of the popes. {In his Essays, 1843, v. 8.) 824 16 — Maiiiu, D. Lettere aG. Pallavicino; con note e documenti sulla quistione italiana. Torino, 1859. D. 954 18.1 —Mariano, R. Cristianesimo, cattolicismo e civilta. Bologna, 1879. D. 282 13 — — Padre Curci e il probleraa religioso in Ita- lia, n. p. [1881?] O. 41-61 p. 282 50 — Martonne, L. (x. A. de. La piete du moyen age. Paris, 1855. O. 24G 1 ^Marvell, A. The rehearsal transpros'd; or, Animadversions upon A preface [by Bishop S. Parker], shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery. London, 1672. S. 282 13 — Mcliaud, P. E. De I'etat present de I'eglise catholique-romaine en France. Paris, 1875. D. 282 37 — Middleton, C. Letter from Rome showing an exact conformity between popery and pagan- ism; with [his] Defence; with introductory essay and notes by J. Dowling. New York, 1854. S. 282 16 —Mill, J. S. Torto e diritto dell' ingerenza dello stato nelle corporazioni e nelle proprieta della chiesa; tradotta dall' inglese e seguita da un discorso di Carlo Bon-Compagni; precede una lettera di R. Bonghi. Torino, 1864. O. 282 49 —Milton, J. Of true religion, and means against the growth of popery. {In his Works, 1863, V. 5.) 821 78 — Miiig^hetti, M. Sopra il disegno di legge per lasoppressione delle corporazioni religiose in Roma; discorso, 8 maggio 1873. Roma, 1878. O. 24 p. 282 50 ^Modo di dedicare se stesso e la propria fami- glia al San Giuseppe. Bergamo, 1871. T. 8 p. 282 25 — Molbech, C. Europa i Middelalderen, le Stykke: Om Hierarchiet fra dets Opkomst til Udgangen af det niende Aarhundrede. Kj0- benhaven, 1819. D. 940 5 —More, Sir T. The confutacion of Tyndales Answere. {In his Workes. 1557.) 230 5 — — A dialogue concernynge heresyes & mat- ters of religion. — Apology. — The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance. {In his Workes. 1557.) 230 5 ^Murray, N. Letters to Hughes; and Bishop Hughes confuted; by Kirwan [pseud.]. New York, 1849. 3 v. in 1. D. 282 17 — Miisio, Gr. Della questione di Roma e della re- iativa convenzione, 15 set. 1864; pensieri. Fi- renze, 1870. O. 51 p. 282 50 — Discorso sulla liquidazione dell' asse ecclesi- astico; 8 agosto 1867. Firenze, 1867. O, 16 p. 282 50 — —Parole in risposta al libello famoso contro r Italia da il... arcivescovo di Parigi. Roma, 1874. O. 24 p. > 282 49 — Newman, J. H. The idea of a university de- fined and illustrated. 3 edition. London, 1873. D. 378 4 ^Pantaleoni, D. Liberta o giurisdizione nel re- gime della chiesa edelF ordinamento della sua. proprieta. Firenze, 1876, O. 76 p. 282 SO —II papa e 1' Italia. Roma, 1881. O. 40 p.282 50 — II papa ed i popoli; traduzione dal polacco. Berlino, 1865. O. [2+] 41 p. 282 50' ^Pascal, P. Les provinciales. Paris, 1819, 2 V. in 1. T. 282 18- — — Same. Edition accompagnee de notes et d'un precis historique sur le jansenisme par C. Louandre, Paris, 1858. D. 282 19 — Pasquino et Marforio: les bouches de marbre de Rome; traduits par Mary Lafon. 2 edition. Paris, 1877. D. 282 7 — ^Paya, J. B. C. Les cachots du pape. Paris, 1864. D. 282 48 — PeUetan, P. C. E. Les unset les autres. Paris, 1873. O. 944 55 Contents; Le pape, — L'antipape; — L'empereur.— Le citoyen. — Perfetti, F. Ricordi di Roma. Firenze, 1861. D. 68 p. 282 30.3 — Persigny, J. O. V. F. de. Lettre de Rome. Paris, 1865. O. 32 p. 282 50 — Pierantoni, A. La chiesa cattolica nel diritto commune. Firenze, 1870. O. 282 28 —Pius IX., pope. The papal encyclical and syllabus, translated from the Latin; added, a translation of all the dogmatic decrees of the Vatican council. London, 1875. O. 47 p. 282 30 — Pio IX ed il cardinale Antonelli Milano, 1859. S. pi. 282 34 — Poce, P. Frammenti dell' opera, II sacerdozio guasto universale del mondo. Firenze, 1869. O. 282 50 — Ponier, S. F. von. Oratio de sacrorum juribus quibus senatus Norimbergensis jam ante tempora... usus est. {In Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 1.) 830 10 -Popes. Recueil des allocutions consistoriales ency cliques, et autres lettres apostoliques, citees dans I'encyclique et le syllabus du 8 dec. 1864; suivi du Concordat de 1801 et de divers autres documents. 2 edition. Paris, 1865. O. 282 27 Latin and French on opposite pages. —The religion of Rome, described by a Roman ; translated, with introduction and notes, by W. Hewitt. 2 edition. London, 1875. D. 282 20 —Ricordi della questione romana dall' elezione di Pio IX, 16 giugno 1846, all apertura dell' primo parlamento italiano in Roma, 27 nov. 1871. Torino, 1871. O, 282 49 CATHOLIC CHURCH 116 CATTLE — Eidley, N. A picture of popery, in his Farewell and Lamentation. Oxford, 1583, Salisbury, re- printed, 1835. D. 282 31 Robello, (x. Cenno critico intorno ad alcuni costumi ed usi dei Napoletani. Firenze, 1850. D. 282 11 — Rougemont, F. de. La chute d'une idole. Bale, 1871. O. 77 [+ 2] p. 282 35 — Roy, W., & Barlow, J. Rede me and be nott wrotlie. For I saye no thinge but trothe, 1528; A proper dyaloge betwene a gentillman and a husbandman, complaynynge of the clergye ; with A compendious olde treaty se, shewynge Jiowe that we ought to have the Scripture in Englysshe; written about 1450. London, 1871. S. (In Irter, E. English reprints. 28.) 820 9 — Sarpi, P. Raccolta delle opere. Napoli, 1789-90. 16 V. in 8. D. 208 8 — Savarese, G. B. L'ultima f ase della quistione romana. Napoli, 1882. O. 282 50 — Schwarze Punkte und Sonnenblicke am Lebenshimmel der Volker. Leipzig, 1871. O. 904 2 bound with 901 1 ^La situation; a M. Rattazzi, lettre historique. Turin, 1862. D. 282 30.2 — Stanffer, J. A. Sendschreiben. Trier, 1845. D. 15 p. 231 4 —Thomson, E., editor. Select monuments of the doctrineand worship of the Catholic church in England before the Norman conquest ; with translations, notes and introduction. London, 1849. S. facsim. 829 15 — Tillicr, C. Pamphlets. {In his CEuvres, 1846, V. 3-4.) 843 43 —Torre, M. della. Danni recati all' Italia dal papato; dedicato agli operai genovesi. Italia [Torino], 1861. O. 14 p. 282 50 — Trollope, T. A. A peep behind the scenes at Rome. London, 1877. D. 282 23.1 — Tyndale, W. An answer unto Sir Thomas Mo re's Dialogue. {In Tyndale cfc Frith. Works, 1831, V. 2.) 208 10 _ — The practice of prelates. {In same. v. 1.) 208 10 — Vangelo e cattolicismo romano; traduzione dal tedesco con aggiunte e note di K. Roenneke. Firenze, 1876. S. 282 22 — Yoigt, J. Ueber Pasquille, Spottlieder und Schmahschriften [,1501-50J. {In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1838.) 905 1 — Waltram, bishop of Naumburg. Liber de unitate ecclesiae conservanda. Hannoverae, 1883. O. {In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum Ger- man. 9.) 943 16 — Wiclif, J. English works hitherto unprinted; edited by F. D. Matthew. London, 1880. O. facsim. {In E. E. text S(»c. Orig. ser. 74,) 820 5 — Witte, L. Die religiose Frage in Italien. {In HUlebrand, K. Italia, v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 —Wordsworth, C. Union with Rome. "Is not the churcii of Rome the Babylon of the Apoc- alypse?" 5 edition. London, 1866. S. 282 24 —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Brunei^ J. C. Notice sur les Heures gothiques imprimees k Paris a la fin du 15e siecle e dans une partie du 16e. {In his Manuel, 1860-5, v. 5.) Oil 2 Congregatio de propaganda fide. Catalog© di editori diversi vendibili nella tipografia po- liglotta. Roma, 1874. D. 35 p. 013 1 — Catalogus editiouum quae prodierunt ex typographia polyglotta. Romae, 1874. D. 56 p. 013 1 See also BRETHREN OF THE COMMOX LIFE; CANON LAW; CHURCH AND STATE; CHURCH HISTORY; CONFES- SION; COUNCILS; DAVIS, J. D.; DEVOTIONS; Dnrhani; EXCOMMUNICATION; FESTIVALS; Gajani, G.; Genoa; HERESY; INDULGENCES; INQUISITION; JANSENISM; JESUITS; MARONITES; MARY; MASS; MIRACLES; MON- ASTICISM; OLD CATHOLICS; PATRICIUS, ,S^^,- PERSECU- TIONS; Poenitentaria Romana; POPES; PROHIBITED BOOKS; PURGATORY; RELICS; ROMAONA; Rome-Corte, -Sacra consulta;-Sna, 1871. 2 V. in 1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 1823-4.) 850 10 See also A ymon''H sons; Doon de Maience; Ferunibras; FREDEUICK I. Barbarossa; Gaufrey; Guerino; Gui de Bour- gogne; Hildegarde; Huon • of Borcleavx; Macaire; Oirier, the Dane; Otiuel; PA5IPL0XA; Parise; Rlnaldo; Rohmd; TERSIN. Charlemagne; or. The church delivered, an epic poem, see Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. Charles I., king of England. Charles I. in 1646; letters to Queen Henrietta Maria ; edited by John Bruce. [London,] 1856. sqO. (In Camden soc. 63.) 820 4 —Histoire entiere & veritable du procez de Charles Stuart. Londres, 1650. T. 343 5 — Milton, J. Ekovo/cXdo-TTjs, in answer to EIkwv BaffiKiKT]. (In his Works, 1863, v. 3.)— The tenure of kings and magistrates. — Observations on the articles of peace between Charles I. and the Irish rebels. (In same. v. 4.) — Brief notes upon a sermon, The fear of God and the king, by M. Griffith. (In same. v. 5.) 821 78 —Ogle, T., & others. A secret negociation with Charles I., 1643-4; edited by B. M. Gardiner. [London,] 1883. sqO. [1 +] 28+37 p. (In Cam- den misc. 8; in Camden soc. n, s. 31.) 820 4.1 See also REGICIDES. Charles II., king of England. Five letters; communicated by the marquis of Bristol. 1864. facsim. (In Camden misc. 5 ; in Camden soc. 87.) 820 4 For a description of his court, see Hamilton, A. Me moirs of Grammont. CHABLES v., emperor of Germany. Campori, (}. Carlo V in Modena ; commentario storico. (In Variety storiche italiane.) 945 10 CHARLES V. 123 CHART ON —Carlo quinto in Siena nell' aprile del 1536; relazione di un contemporaneo ; per cura di Pietro Vigo. Bologna, 1884. D. 24+53 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 199.) 850 10 — Raumer, F. L. (x. von. Kaiser Karl V und der Waffenstillstand von Nizza, 1538. {In his Hist. Taschenbuch. 1836.) 905 1 CHARLES v., kmg of France. Pisan, C. de. Vie de Charles V. {In Biichon, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 14e siecle, 1838.; 944 14 ^ — Le livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles V. por. {In Michaud & Poujonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 1-2.) '944 9 Vol. 2 contains Indication des documents pour les regnes depuis saint Louis jusqu'a Charles V inclusive- ment. CHARLES YI., king of France. Fenin, P. de. Memoires, 1407-27. (I7i Bnchoii, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 15e siecle. 1838.) 944 17 — — Same. {In Michand & Poiijoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 2.) 944 9 —Juvenal des Ursins, J. Chronique de Charles VI. {In Buchon, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 Hi-^torie de Charles VI, 1380-1422. por. {In Michaud cfc Poujonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 2.) 944 9 CHARLES VIL, king of France. Chartier, J. Chronique de Cluirles VII. Nouvelle edition, par Vallet de Viriville. Paris, 1853. 3 v. S. (Bibl. elzevir.) 840 5 CHARLES VIII., king of France. Comines. P. de. Memoires. 1464-98. {In Michaud & Ponjonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 4.) 944 9 — — English. Memoirs, containing the history of . . . Charles VIII. London, 1823. 2 v. O. 944 21 — Villeneuve, G. de. Memoires sur le regne de Charles VIII, 1494-7. {In Michaud & Poujonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 4.) 944 9 In V. 5 is Indication des documents pour les regnes de diaries VIII, de Louis XII et de Fran9ois I. CHARLES XII., king of Sweden. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de Charles XII. Paris, 1820. T. 923 25 CHARLES XIV. John, king of Sweden. Dahl- Strom, C. A. Teckningar till Carl XIV Jo- hans historia after Solie, Le Dru, Vernet, m.fl., med forklarande text och biographi. Stock- holm [. 1844]. O. por. pi. 948 37 CHARLES the Bold, duke of Burgundy. Comi- nes, P. de. Memoires, 1464-98. por. {In Michaud & Poiijoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 4.) 944 9 "■'—English: Memoirs, containing the history of... Charles the Bold. London, 1823. 2 v. O. 944 21 — La Marche, de. L'estat de la maison du due Charles de Bourgongne, 1474. por. (In Michaud cfc Poujonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 3.) 944 9 CHARLES the Dane, count of Flanders. Ano- nyniiis de passione S. Caroli Dani, comitis FlandrifE. tab. — Galbert of Bruges. Historia vitee & passionis S. Caroli.— Gautier of Tdrou- ane. Vita S. Caroli.— Mantissa ex variis auc- toribus ad acta S. Caroli. {In Lan^ebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 4.) 948 76 — L0ffler, E. Nogle Bemau-kninger om Karl den Danskes Billed i Briigge. il. (In Copen- hagen — E.nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 12, 1877.) 948 5 — — French : Remarques sur 1' image de Char- les le Danois a Bruges, il. {In same. Memoires. n. s. V. 2, 1872-7.) 948 3 Charles, Mcholas. The visitation of the county of Huntingdon under the authority of William Camden, 1613; edited by Henry Ellis. [Lon- don,] 1849. sqO. il. {In Camden soc. 43.) 820 4 CHARLES ALBERT, fcing of Sardinia. Bian- chi, N. Scritti e lettere di Carlo Alberto. {In Curiosita di storia subalpina. v. 3, 1879.) See also other articles in this periodical. CHARLES AUGUSTUS, crown prince of Swed- en.Rosenstein, N. Personalier ofver Carl Au- gust, 13 juli 1810. {In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.) goq no 1 CHARLES GUSTAVUS, grand duke of Finland. Oxenstjerna, J. G. Aminnelse-tal ofver prins Carl Gustaf , 17 maj 1806. {In his Arbeten, 1805-26, V. 3.) 839.71 32 Charleton, Walter, translator & editor, see Helmont, J. B. van. A ternary of paradoxes. 1650.) 615 9 Charlevoix, Pierre FranURSEK¥ RHYMES. CHILI. Barros Arana, D. Histoire de la guerre du Pacifique, 1880-1. Paris, 1881-2. 2 v. O. maps. 983 3 — Famiii, S. M. C. Chili. 1840. pi. map. {In L'linivers. 10.) 910 18 — U. S.— Naval astronomical expedition to tlie southern hemisphere, 1849-52. [Report.] Washington, 1855. v. 1-2. sqQ. il. pi. col. pi. maps. 918.3 1 Contents : 1. GlUis, J. M. Chile. 2. Macrae, A., A; HAMME, P. T. van; PEKIN. Chinazzi, Daniele. Cronaca della guerra di Chioggia; pubblicata da Lodovico Anton Mu- ratori. Milano, 1864. S. (In BiW. rara. 59.) 850 3 CHINESE LANGUAGE. Haldeman, S. S. On the relations between Chinese and the Indo- European languages. Cambridge [,Mass.]. 1857. O. [1-h] 201-213 p. 495 1 See also BMe—N. T.— Matthew,— Luke ; Gutzlaff, K. CHINOOK LANGUAGE. Lionnet,— .Vocabulary of the jargon or trade language of Oregon. Washington, 1853. O. [2+] 22 p. 497 3 Chipman, Daniel. The life of Nathaniel Chip- man; with selections from his miscellaneous papers. Boston, 1846. O. 923 26 Chirino, Alonso. Tratado llamado Mendrdano de medicina Sevilla, J. cronherger, 1529. Q. 099 38 Chirtani, Lnigi, & SelvaticOj P. Le arti del disegno m Italia, storia e critica: II medio evo. Milano, 1883. Q. il. pi. {In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 21 CHITI, Celestino. Giusti, G. Cenni intorno alia vita di C. Chiti. (In his Scritti. 1863.) 858 6 CHIVALRY. Biisching, J. G. G. Ritterzeit und Ritterwesen. Leipzig, 1823. 2 v. O. 940 15 — Froissart, J. Histoire et chronique memora- ble; reveu et corrigee par D. Sauvage. Paris, 1574. 4 V. in 1. F. 940 18 For other editions see Froissart. —Mills, C. The history of chivalry; or. Knight- hood and its times. Philadelphia, 1827. 2 v. in 1. O. 940 6 — Sainte-Palaye, J. B. de la C. de. Memoires sur i'iincienne chevalerie; avec une une intro- duction et notes historiques par C. Nodier. Nouveile edition. Paris, 1829. 2 v. O. pi. 940 17 See also ARTHUR, kitig; TEUTOMC ORDER. Chizzolini, Giovanni. Sui poderi nel Concorso agrario di Reggie d' Emilia, settembre 1876; re- lazione. Milano, 1877. O. 7-f89 [+2]p. ^Z. 630 30 Chizzoni, F. SuUe superficie e suUe linee che si ottengono come luogo o come inviluppo delle rette congiungenti i punti correspondenti di due curve omografiche plane, memoria di ge- ometria pura. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 CHOATE, Rufus. Brown, S. G. The life of Choate. 4 edition. Boston, 1881. D. por. 923 27 —Whipple, E. P. (In his Essays, 1848-9, v, 2.) 814 16 CHOCOLATE. Bontekoe, C. Van de chocolate. {In his Tractaat van thee. 1685.) 643 5 CROEPHOROI 128 CHRISTMAS CAROLS Xori(f>6poi., see ^Escliylus. Clioiseul, C6sar, due de, comte du Plessis-Pra- slin. Memoires, 1622-71. (In Midland & Poii- joulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 31.) 944 9 Choisnin, Jean. Memoires sur Felection du roi de Pologne, 1571-3. (/n same, v. 11.) 944 9 Choisy, Francois Timoleon, abbe de. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de Louis XIV. por. (In same. v. 39.) 944 9 Clioix d' anecdotes, see Celnart, E. F. CHOLERA. Cipolina, C. Molta luce sul cholera morbus. Genova, 1874. O. 22 p. 616 11 — Feniciaj S. Disertazione [so] sul cholera morbus. 2 edizione. Bari, 1867. O. 84 p. 616 11 Cliolmeley, William. The request and suite of a true-hearted Englishman, 1553; edited by W. J. Thoms. 1853. (In Camden misc. 2 ; in Cam- den soc. 55.) 820 4 Cliopin, Jean Marie. Provinces danubiennes. 1856. por. pi. maps. (In L'uniyers. 59.) 910 18 — Russie. Paris, 1838. 2 v. O. por. pi. maps. {In same. 60-1.) 910 18 — continuer, see Eyries, J. B. B. Danemark. 1846. (In same. 33.) 910 18 Clioraeus, Mikael. Samlade skaldestycken. 2 upplagan. Orebro, 1826. O. por. 839.71 11 Clirestien of Troyes. Du roi Guillaume d' Angleterre. (In Micliel, F. X. Chroniques anglo-normandes. 1836-40, v. 3.) 841 5 — Le Perceval ; un ms. inconnu, fragment unique; par C. Potvin. (In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 — Li remans dou chevalier au lyon; herausgege- ben von Wilhelm Ludwig Holland, Hannover, 1862. O. facsim. 841 14.1 Ciirestoleros, see Bastard, T. Ciirestoponlos, Athanasios. Choix de poesies, [modern Greek and French]. (In Kalvos, A. Odes. 1826.) 889 13 Chrimhild, Tragodie, see £opiscIi, A. CHRIST, see JESUS, the Christ. Christ church letters, see Canterbury. De Christelylie oflferande, — Den Cliristelylten hoveling, see Krul, J. H. Christian I., king of Denmark. Epistolse Christiani primi vel ad eum scripts. (In Langebelc, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 8.) 948 76 Christian II., king of Denmark. Diploma ad Johannem Ventelanth. (In same.) 948 76 Preceded by M. Gableri epistola metrica in laudem Christierni. — Behrmann, H. Kong Christian den Andens Historie. Ki0benhavn, 1815. 2 v. in 1. D. por. 948 62 CHRISTIAN III., king of Denmark. De coro- natione Christiani III. 1537, narratio. — Prigg, L. De coronatione Christiani III. carmen, 1539. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772- 1834, V. 8.) 948 76 — ^Krag, N. Annalium libri 6; additi S. J. Ste- phanii liistoriseDanic* libri duo;cumaccessioni- bus [by J. Grammius]. Hafnife, 1737. F. por. 948 67 CHRISTIAN IV., king of Denmark. Hilarius, 0. Rerum gestarura Christiani IV. libri duo [in verse]. 1636. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 — Suhm, P. F. (In his Skrifter, 1787-98, v. 4.) ' 839.88 5 CHRISTIANIA. Welhaven, J. S. C. Kristiani- as Vinter- og Sommer-Dvale. (In his Skrifter, 1867-8, V. 2.) 839.84 2 fSee also POOR. CHRISTIANITY. Canponi, G. A. G. G. In- troduzione air istoria civile de' papi; ovvero, Saggio suir istoria del cristianesimo ne' primi due secoli. (In his Scritti, 1877, v. 2.) 858 4 — Castiglia, B. Redenzione, primo annuncio. [Milano, 1872.J O. 284 11 Contents: Cattolicismo.— Protestantisrao.— Christiani- smo vero. — Channing, W. E. The great purpose of Chris- tianity. (In his Works, 1848, v. 3.)— Christian- ity a rational religion. (In same, v. 4.) — Means of promoting Christianity. (J?i same, v. 5.)208 2 — -Eiclimann, F. Die Ref ormen des osmanischen Reiches, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Verhiiltnisses der Christen des Orients zur tiirkischen Herrschaft. Berlin, 1858. Q. 949 56 — Grmelin, M. F. Christensclaverei und Renega- tenthum unter den Volkern des Islam. Berlin, 1873. O. 32 p. (ZnYirchow hagen— K. nord 0Id.-Sel8kab. Memoires. n. s. V. 1, 1866-71.) 948 3 CM'UE'GSES 132 CICERO ^^Guml0se Kirke i Skaane. il. pi. {In same. Aarb0ger. v. 1. 1866.)— Sailing Kirke ved L0g- 8t0r. it. i>Z.— Storheddinge Kirkes Alder og tidligere YovxiuiL{Insame. v, 3, 1867.)— Omno- gle i danske Kirker opdagede Kalkmalerier. U. pi. {In same. v. 3, 1868. i—Gamle danske Lands- bykirker med Tvillingtaarne. il.—Om den tidlige Middelalders Trsekirker i Danmark. tl. {In same. v. 4, 1869.)— Materialet i de seldste danske Kirker, il.—Om nogle af de gaadefulde Menneske- og Dyreskikkelser, som forekomme i vor Middelalders Konst. il. pi. {In same. v. 5 1870.)— Fjenneslevlille Kirke. il. pi. {In same. v. 10, 1875.) »48 5 — L0ffler, J. B. Rygberg Kirke. iZ.-Bergen Klosterkirke paa Rygen. il. pi. {In same. v. 8 1873 )— Vestervig Kloster og"Liden Kirstuis Orav. il. (J/i sa?7ie. v. 11, 1876.)— Kirkerne i Altenkirchen og Schaprode paa Rygen. il {In same. v. 13, 1878.)— Tamdrup Kirke. il. {In same. v. 16. 1881.)— Indskrifterne paa Kirkerne i Haraldsted og Allindemagle. il. {In same. V. 20, 1885.) y4» 5 See also various minor articles by L0ffler and, others in the Aarb0ger for 1887-8. — >'orton, C. E. Historical studies of church- building in the middle ages; Venice, Siena, Florence. New York, 1880. O. 726 7 — Otte, H. Archaologischer Katechismus;Un- terricht in der kirchlichen Kunstarchaologie des deutschen Mittelalters. Leipzig, 1859. O. il. 726 10 Geschichte der kirchlichen Kunst des deutschen Mittelalters. 2 Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1862. O. il. 726 11 — Qiiast, A. F. von. Die alt-christlichen Bau- wei-ke von Ravenna von 5-9 Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1845. F.^ pi. 726 21 Die Entwicklung der kirchlichen Baukunst des Mittelalters; zwei Vorlesungen. Berhn, 1858. O. [2+] 55 p. pi. 726 8 See also AMAUV.yBOm; BASILICAS; BODMIN; CHAR- TKES; CHIEIU; COLOGNE; CONSTANTIXOPLE; FLOR- ENCE; JERUSALEM; London; Ludlow; MILAN; MONRE- ALE; ODENSE; ORVIETO; SOR0; TRONDHJEM; VESTER- VIG; VIENNA; WALTHAM ABBEY; York. CliurcliUl, U. C, & Gilbert, J. The -Dolomite mountains; excursions, 1861-3. London, 1864. O. il. pi. maps. 551.43 36 Churchyard, Thomas. < ;hurchyard's chips con- cerning Scotland ; with historical notices and a life of the author by George Chalmers. Lon- don, 1817. O. il. facsim. 941 2 —The mirror of man, 1594;— A musicall con- sort of harmouie, called Churchyard's Charitie, 1595;— A praise of poetrie, 1595;— A pleasant discourse of court and wars, called his Cher- rishing, 1596;— A sad funerall, of sir Francis Knowles, 1596. Auchinleck, re-printed, 1816. sqO. (Frondes caducae.) 821 47 —The worthines of Wales; re-printed from the original edition of 1537. [Manchester,] 1876. sqO. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 20.) 821 3 — see Mirror for magistrates, pt. 3. 1815. 821 85 —translator, see Ovidius Naso, P. The first three books of Ovid de tristibus. 1816. 871 4 CHURCHYARDS, see BURIAL. CHURWALSCH, see ROMANSH. Ciaccheri, Matteo. Cronachetta di S. Gemi- gnano, 1355 [,in verse]; illustrata da E. Sarte- schi. Bologna, 1865. D. 43 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 60.) 850 10 Cialdi, Alessandro. Dei movimenti del mare sotto r aspetto idraulico nei porti e nelle rive. Milano, 1876. F. il. 627 21 bound with 16 — Effetti del moto ondoso allegati dal Maury. Roma, 1872. O. 19 p. 561.46 7 — Nozioni preliminari per un trattato sulla co- struzione dei porti nel Mediterraneo. Roma, 1874. O. pi. 627 22 — Les ports-chenaux et Port-Said. Rome, 1870. O. pi 627 23 — Sul moto ondoso del mare e su le correnti di esso specialmente su quelle littorali. 2 edizione, accresciuta. Roma, 1866. Q. maps. 551.46 6 With author's autograph. —see Ravioli, C. Viaggio della spedizione in Eeitto, 1840-1, sotto gli ordini del Cialdi. 1870. — Merrifleld, C. W. Guidizio intorno all' opera del Cialdi Sul moto ondoso del mare. Roma, 1873. O. 18 p. 551.46 7 Ciamician, G. L., * Bennstedt, M. SuU' azione del cloroformio sul composto potassico del pi- rolo. {In Rome— R.accad. dei. lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Ciampi, Ignazio. Innocenzo X Pamfili e la sua corte; stoiia di Roma, 1644-55, da nuovi docu- ments Roma, 1878. O. 945 87 With autograph of the author. _ . ., , , — Sopra alcuni documenti della storia civile del medio evo di Roma.— L'epistolario inedito di Fabio Chigi poi papa Alessandro VII. {In Rome — R, accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 Ciampi, Sebastiano, editor, see Gesta Caroli Magni ad Carcassonam, etc. 1828. 293 16 Le ciane di Firenze, see Zaunoui, tr. B. Cibber, Colley. An apology for [his] life; with an historical view of the stage during his time. 2 edition. London, 1740. O. por. 928 15 Cibrario, Giovanni Antonio Luigi, conte. Delia economia politica del medio evo. 5 edizione, accresciuta. Torino, 1861. O. por. 330 8 —Delia schiavitii e del servaggio, e special- mente dei servi agricoltori. Milano, 1868. 2 v, O. 326 1 — Delle storie di Chieri, con documenti. Torino, 1827. 2 V. O. 945 52 Cmtents: 1. Storia. 2. Documenti. — Onerette e frammenti storici. Firenze, 1856. D. 945 7 Ciccarelli, Antonio, editor, see Castiglione. B. II cortegiano. 1584. 395 1 La cicceide legitima, see Lazzarelli, (J. F. Cicero, Marcus TuUius. Opera ; ex editionis Oliveti et Ernesti [,recen8uit Joannes Carey]; accesserunt incerti authoris Rhetorica ad He- rennium. Londini, 1820. 12 v. T. 875 1 Contents : 1-4. Rhetorica et philosophioa. 5-8. Ora- tiones. 9-11. Epistolse. 12. Clavis Ciceroniana J. A. Ernesti. , A full list of contents is prefixed to v. 1. —Opera omnia; edidit C. F. A. Nobbe ; tomus 9: De natura deorum; De divinatione; De fato; De republica ; De legibus. Lipsiae, 1849. T. ^ 875 5 CICERO 133 CINTIO DEI FABRIZII — De finibus bonorum et nialorum libri quinque, et Paradoxwn liber unus; emendavit notisque illustravit Thomas Bentley. Cantabrigise, 1718. D. 875 6 — De finibus bonorum et malomm libri quinque; herausgegeben, mit deutschen Wort-und Sach- erkliirungen, von H. Ludwig Julius Biller- beck. Hannover, 1827. O. 875 7 — De officiis ad Marcum tilium libri tres ; er- klaert von Otto Heine. 4 Auflage. Berlin, 1871. O. 875 9 — De officiis libri tres ; item, Cato major, sive De senectute ; Lselius, sive De amicitia ; Para- doxa; Somnium Scipionis. Londini, 1817. T. 875 8 — De philosophia, prima pars ; cum scholijs & coniecturis Pauli Manutij. Venetiis, aipvd Pavlvm Manvtivm, 1556 [tp.'55J. S. 094 64 Contents : Academloarum qusestionum editionis 1 liber 2, editionis 2 liber 1.— De finibus bonorum & malorum libri '5.— Tusculanarum quEestionum libri 5.— Scholia P. Manutii. — Index. — De re publica quae supersunt, edente Angelo Maio. Romae, 1822. O. 875 10 — Same. Editio 1 Americana. Bostoniae, 1823. O. 875 11 — Epistolae, temporis ordine dispositae ; recen- suit, annotationibus illustravit Christianus Godofr. Schiitz Halae, 1808-18. 6 v. in 3. O. 876 2 — Les epistres familieres de Ciceron, latin- fran9ois, par E. Dolet & F. de Belle-forest; auec argumes, indice, & maniere d' entendre la date des Latins; on a adiouste a ceste edition cinq epistres du XH. liure. Chamberi, 1569. T. 876 1 — Librorum de re publica sex quae supersunt; recognovit Reinholdus Klotz. Lipsiae, 1857. D. 875 12 — Orationvm pars 1-3, cum correctionibus Pauli Manutii. Venetiis, v. 1, 1559; v. 2, 1624; v. 3, 1550. V. 1, 3. S; v. 2. T. 094 65 Vol. 3 ends with leaf 263. —Same. v. 3. 094 66 ■This copy of v. 3 has the end complete, supplying leaves 264-271, but lacks title-page. It was given to Mr. Marsh by Giuseppe Perraro . — Orazione in difesa di Milone; tradotta in vol- gare. (In Bonfadio, J. Lettere. 1825.) 856 6 — La prima orazione contra Catilina; volgariz- zata da Brunetto Latini ; testo di lingua, recato dair abate Giuseppe Manuzzi. Firenze, 1834. O. 8+28 p. 875 3 — Tusculanarum disputationum ad M. Brutum libri quinque; erklaert von Gustav Tischer. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1854. O. 875 13 — Capponi, 0. Studi sopra le Lettere di Cice- rone. (In his Scritti, 1877, v. 1.) 858 4 — Hngues, (x. d.' Une province romaine sous la republique; etude sur le proconsulat de Cice- ron. Paris, 1876. D. 937 17 —Schiitz, C. (x.Lexicon Ciceronianum. Lipsiae, 1817-21. 4 V. in 2. D. 875 14 Der Cicerone, see Bnrckhardt, J. THE CID, Rodrigo, or Riiy DIAZ DE BIVAR, called. Chronicle of the Cid; from the Span- ish by Robert Southey. London, 1808. sqQ. viap. 946 16 — Holland, W. L. Du poenie du Cid dans ses analogies avec la chanson de Roland, par E. Baret. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 — Poeina del Cid. (In Sanchez, T. A. Col. de poesias, 1779-90, v. 1.) 861 4 — Romaucero del Cid; publicado por A. Keller. Stuttgart, 1840. D. iltp. 861 6 —Translations from The poem of the Cid. {In Frere, J. H. Works, 1872, v. 2 ) 821 58 — Wolf, F. J.Rodrigo el Campeador und Poeme du Cid. {In Jahrbnch rom. und eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.) — Ein neues Zeugniss fiir den historischen Cid. {In same. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 Le ciel et 1' enfer, comedie, see Merimee, P. Cifuentes, Francisco Valerio, editor, see Mora- les, A. de. Opiisculos ca&tellanos. 1793. 946 7 Cigalla, Giuseppe de, conte. Bemterkning om Dronning Dagniars Kors. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Aunaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 Cihac, Alexandre de. Dictionnaire d' etymolo- gie daco-romane; elements slaves, magyars, turcs, grecs-moderne et albanais. Francfort 8. M., 1879. O. 459 5 CILICIA. Hugiies, (x. d.' Une province ro- maine sous la republique; etude sur les procon- sulat de Ciceron. Paris, 1876. D. 937 17 See also TAURUS. CIMBRI. Lindenbruch, E. Historia belli Cim- brorun:i per 8 annos cum Romanis. por. pi. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 3.; 943 21 See also other treatises in these volumes. CIMBRIAN DIALECT. Schmeller, J. A. Soge- nanntes cimbrisches "Worterbuch; das ist, Deutsches Idiotikon der 7. und 13. Comuni in den venetianischen Alpen; mit Einleitung und Zusiitzen herausgegeben von J. Bergman. Wien, 1855. O. map. 437 3 CIMINI. Verri, A. I vulcani Cimini. map. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 Cimiiio, G. T. Padre e figlia, novella; con pre- fazione di N. Tommaseo. Firenze, 1868. O. 10+84 p. 851 28 Cimino Folliero de Lnna, Anrelia. Massimili- anf) d' Austria e il castello di Miramare; ricordi di Trieste. Firenze, 1875. D. 55 p. phot. 943 59.1 With the author's autograph. — Questioni sociali. Cesena, 1882. O. 304 2 bound tvith 016 4.1 CIMMERIAJ^S. Ove Kj«r, L. Kimmeiierne. map. (In his Studier! 1864.) 930 3 CINCHONA. Great Britain— India office. East India, chinchona plant; copy of furtlu r cor- respondence, 1863-6. [London,] 1866. F. il. pi. map. 551.58 113 CINCINNATI. Mansfield, E. D. Notices of the early settlement of Cincinnati and some of its pioneer citizens. {In his Memoirs of D. Drake. 1855.) 926 3 CINNAMON. Schumann, K. Kritische Untersu- chungen uber die Zimtliinder; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Geograi)hie und des Handels. Gotha, 1883. sqO. [2+]53 p. map. {In Pe- termanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungsband 16.) 910 44 CINTIO DEI FABRIZII, Aloise. Lemcke, L. G. Cintio dei Fabrizii, ein Beitrag zur Ge- CINTIO DEIFABRIZII 134 CIVILIZATION schichte der Moiistrositilten der Litei'atur. Lie- brecht, F. Zu Cintio dei Fabrizii. {In Jalirbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.)— Bi'unet, F.Gr.Eii- coi-e quelques mots sur les Proverbii'de Cintio dei Fabrizii. {In same. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Cintolesi, Filippo. Ricerche e considerazioiii teoriche intorno alle immagini accidentali o soggettive. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. jis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 Ciocca, Fortunato, & Chiavacci, V. Studii sul migliorameuto ed amplianiento del porto di Genova. Roma, 1876. O. maps. 027 24 Ciocci, Raffaelle. Das Ketzergeiicht in Rom. New York [,184-?]. S. '272 20 — A narrative of iniquities and barbarities at Rome. 1 American from last London edition. New York, 1854 [introd.'46]. S. 272 19 Ciottolini, Antonio. Una tiratina di orecchi a certi poco reverendi messeri. Firenze, 1868. D. 16 p. 282 4 Ciparin, Timoteu. Crestomatia; seav, Analecte literarie dein cartile romanesci dela seclulu 16- 19, cv notitia literaria. Blasiu, 1858. O. 859 54 CIPHER. Porta, G. B. deUa. De occultis lite- rarum notis. Montis Beligardi, 1593. 651 3 — Smith, F. 0. J. The secret corresponding vocal)uiarv; adapted to Morse's telegraph. Port- land, 1845-. sqO. 651 2 Cipolina, Carlo. Molta luce sul cholera morbus. Genova, 1874. O. 22 p. 616 11 CipoUa, Carlo, conte. Storia delle signorie itali- ane, 1313-1530. Milano, 1881. Q. (In Ylllari. P., editor. Storia politica d' Italia; in L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 10 CipoUa, Francesco & Carlo. Dei coloni tedeschi nei 13 comuni veronesi. {In Archivio glot. ital. V. 8, 1882-5.) 450 11 Cipriani, Leonetto, conte. Sul risanamento e colonizzazione dell' Agro romano. Roma, 1872 O. 24 p. 551.49 7 CIRCASSIA. Faniin, S. M. C. Circasse. 1838. jil. map. {In L'nnivers. 61.) 910 18 — Kolenati, F. A. Die Bereisung Circassiens. Dresden, 1858-9. O. il. 914.7 26 CIRCLARIA(GerryianZerklare), Tommasino di. Oswald, E. An account of the Italian guest, by Thomasin von Zirclaria. {In his Early German courtesy-books. 1869; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 CIRCLE. Battaglini, G. Nota sui circoli della geonietria non euclidea. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 1, 1873-4.) 065 3 —Schubert, H. Die Quadraturdes Zirkels; eine kulturgeschichtliche Studie. Hamburg, 1889. O. 40 p. {In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vor- tr'dge. Neue Folge. 3.) ^ 043 2 Circonrt, Adolphe de. Man and nature. {In Nourelles annales des voyages, v. 185, 1865, p. 213-31 ) 080 35 — Orieine et histoire de la langue anglaise. {In Reyue britannique, aoiit, 1865, p. 461-83.) 080 35 CIRCULATION, see BLOOD. CIRCUS. Loyatelli, E. C. Di un antico musa- ico rappresentante una scena circense. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser sci. mor. V. 3, 1878-9.)— Di un antico musaico a colori rappresentante gli aurighi delle quattro fazioni del circo. jjZ. {In same. v. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 — Wilken, F. Ueber dieParteienderRennbahn, vornelnnlich im byzantinischen Kaiserthum. {In Raumer, F. L. U. von. Hist. Taschenbuch, 1830.) 905 1 Cirencester, Richard of. Speculum historiale de gestis regum Anglise; edited by John E. B. Mayor; 447-1066. London, 1863-9. 2 v. Q. facsivi. {hi Grt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 30.) 942 8 Cisato, Antonio. Guida di Vicenza. 1870. D. 2^1. map. 914.5 62 La cisnia de Inglaterra, see Calderon. v. 4. Cismar, Holstein. Diplomatarium monasterii ordinis S. Benedicti, 1282-1546; accedunt argu- menta diplomatum, 1237-1552. {In Westpha- len,E. J. von.Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.)943 21 Cisner, Niclans, editor, see Aventinus, J. Chronica. 1580. 943 30 CISTA, see BACCHANALS. Cistellaria, see Plautus, T. M. v. 1. The Cistercian saints of England, see Newman, J. H., & others. CITIES. Fnstel de Conlanges, N. D. La cite antique. 6 edition. Paris, 1886. D. 352 1 See also the names of the different cities; also BELGIUM; POMERAMA. A citizen of the world, see Goldsmith, 0. CITIZENSHIP. Gregorovius, F. Alcuni cenni storici sulla citadinaiiza romana. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 — Ru|?giero, E. de. Lo stato e il diritto di cittadinanza in Roma. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 See also XATURALIZATIOIV; POLITICAL ETHICS; PO- LITICAL SCIENCE. La Ciucceide,poemma arrojeco, see Lonibardi,N. CixLln{properly'Vmcenzo)ofAlcavio. II serven- tese, s herzo comico del 1247. Bologna, 1871. O. 80 p. 859 41 By Giusto Grion. — 11 sirventese; esercitazione critica del Giusto Grion. Padova, 1858. sqQ. 24 p. 859 41.1 — Mnssafla, A. II sirventese; esercitazione del G. Grion. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.) 805 1 The civic garland, see Fairholt, F. W. CIVIL SERYICE. Marsh, G. P. Official cor- ruption. (/7i World, N. Y., 15 June, 1860.) 080 33 CIVILIZATION. Berenger, A. di. Dell' antica storia e giurisprudenza forestale in Italia. Treviso, 1859-63. O. pi. 551.58 85 — — Same: Indici generali. Venezia, 1867. O. [4 +] 86 p. 551.58 85 —Berg, C. H. E. von. Geschichtederdeutschen Walder bis zum Schluss des Mittelalters; ein Beitrag zu Culturgeschichte. Dresden, 1871. O. 561.58 76 — Bnckle, H. T. History of civilization in Eng- land. From 2 London edition. New York, 1862- 3. 2 V. O. 942 4 (J I VILIZA TION 135 GLA UBIUS — Cartolano, F. La storia religiosa, artistica e civile e io svolgimento universale. Eoma, 1872. O. 901 1 Castelar, E. La civilizacion en los cinco prime- ros siglos del cristianismo. 2 edicion. Madrid, 1865. 4 V. O. 301 4 — Castellani, A. Sull' incivilimento primitivo. Firenze, 1864. O. 49 p. 5714 — Diiveyrier, C. La civilisation. {In Thevenin, E. Entretiens, l866, v. 1, p. 65-237.) 304 5.1 — Gagern,^. C. E. von. Civilisation. Leipzig, 1847. V. 1. D. 301 5 Heyer, R. Das System der Kulturgeschichte desMenschen. Stettin [,1863]. O. 301 7 — Hoftinann, F. Aus der Kulturgeschichte Europa\s: Pflanzen und Hausthiere. Berlin, 1880. O. 48 p. {In Yircliow & Holtzendorf. Vortriige. 15 Serie.) 043 1 — Jastram, H., editor. Lebensbilder und Skizzen aus der Culturgeschichte. Leipzig, 1875. O. 301 8 hound ivith 7 — Kolil, J. G. Panem! et circenses! oder, Be- trachtungen iiber die neuen Reformen in der Behausung, Kleidung, Nahrungs- und Vergnii- gungsweise der europiiischen Volker und na- mentlich der Deutschen. {In his Skizzan, 1851, V. 1.) ^ 304 3 — Lefevre, A. L'homme a travers les ages; ea- sais de critique historique. Paris, 1880. D. 301 9 —Maury, L. F. A. Les forets de la Gaul et de I'ancienne France. Paris, 1867. O. ool.58 84 — Schmidt-Phiseldek, C. F. von. Das Men- schengschlecht auf seinen gegenwartigen Standpunkte. Kopenhagen, 1827. D. 301 12 — ^Yillari, P.L'ltalia, la civilta latina e la civilta gerraanica. {In his Saggi. 1868.) 854 8 — Zschokke, J. H. D. Civilisation, Demoralisa- tion und Todesstraf en . {In his Aehrenlese, 1844, V. 1.) 833 32 Seecdso BARBAROUS RACES; CONSERVATISM; FLOR- ENCE: MIDDLE AGES; PROGRESS; REFORM; RENAS- CEXCE; RHIXE; SALT; SEIGNEUR; WOMAN. CIVITALI, Matteo. Yarni, S. Delle opere di Civitali, scultoreed architetto lucchese, com- mentario. {In Society ligure. Atti. v. 4, 1866 ) 945 48 CLAIMS. Parrish, R. A.., jr. Details of an un- paid claim on France for 24,000,000 francs. Philadelphia, 1860. O. phot.facsim. map. 336 6 CLAIRE, SCEURS DE SAINTE see SCEURS DE SAINTE CLAIRE. Clairin, Emile. Le clericalisme, 1789-1870. Paris, 1880. D. 282 1 Clairon, ili7Ze. Claire Joseph Hippolyte Legris de Latude. Memoires. {In Barriere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 6.) 944 10 Clappertoii, Hngh, & Denliam, D. Narrative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa, 1822-4. London, 1826. sqQ. il. pi. map. 916.6 4 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st earl. of. The his- tory of the rebellion and civil wars in England; added. An historical view of the affaii's of Ire- land. New edition, with the suppressed pas- sages, also the unpublished notes of Bishop Warburton. Boston, 1827. 6 v. O, 942 22 Claricio, Oeronimo, commentator, see Boccac- cio, G. Ameto. 1520. 851 17 Clark, Ewan. Pastorals, &c. {In Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects. 1839.) 829 1 Clark, John Willis. Journal of a yacht voyage to the Faroe islands and Iceland, map. {In Ualton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 Clark, Nathaniel George. An outline of the elements of the English language. New York, 1863. D. 420 4 Clark, William George. Naples and Garibaldi. {In Galton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 Clarke, Charles Cowden. Shakespeare charac- ters; chiefly those subordinate. London, 1863. O. por. 822 17 With the author's autograph. Clarke, Charles Cowden, & Mary Victoria. (Novello) Cowden. Recollections of writers. London. 1878. D. facsim. 928 3 Presentation copy to Mr. Marsh from the authors. Clarke, H. WQberforce. The Persian manual: pt. I, grammar; pt. 2, vocabulary, English and Persian. London, 1878. S. 491.5 4 Clarke, John. Thorough draining as applied to a dead level. Long Sutton, 1844. D. [2+[46p. 631 8 Clarke, Joseph Thacher. Preliminary report of the investigations at Assos during 1881. {In Archseol. inst. of Amer. Papers, clas. ser. 1.) 913 28 Clarke, Mary Victoria (Novello) Cowden. The complete concordance to Shakspere. New York, 1846. O. 822 16 — Honev from the weed; verses. London, 1881. D. " 821 48 — The trust and The remittance;two love stories in metred prose. London, 1873. O. 71 p. 821 49 — cfr Cliarles Cowden. Recollections of writers. London, 1878. D. facsim. 928 3 Clarke, Samuel, editor, see Homerus. Opera. 1814. 883 2 Clasio, Lnigi. Lezione, 22 marzo 1816. {In Grazzini, A. F. Le cene. 1857.) 853 15 CLASSICAL ANTIQUITIES,se8ANTIQUITIES. CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES. Lorentis, N. Af^iKbv tQv dpxaii^v Kvpiwv dvo/MTuv ttjs fiv6o\oylai, IcTToplas Kal yeu}ypa(plas. 'Ei'Bt^vj'Tj 1837. sqF. (In Gazis, A. A. Ae^iKSp. 1835-7, v. 3.) 483 1 See alKO ANTIQUITIES; BIOGRAPHT. CLASSICAL EDUCATION, see EDUCATION. CLASSICAL LITERATURE. Heeren, A. H. L. Geschichte der classischen Literatur im Mittel- alter. {In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 4-5.) 908 2 CLASSIFICATION OF KNOWLEDGE. Brunet, J, C. Table method ique en forme de catalogue raissonne. (/n /lis Manual, 1860-5, v. 5.) Oil 2 — Chevreul,M.E.Distribution des connaissances humaines du ressort de la philosophic naturelle. {In Paris— Institut—^cad. des. sci. Mem. v. 35. 1866.) 551.58 59 Claudianus, Claudins. Opera; ex editione Petri Burmanni secundi accurata. Londini, 1819. T. 873 16 Clandine von Villa Bella, ein Singspiel, see Gothe, J. W. von. v. 10, 57. Claudins, Matthias. Werke. 5 Auflage. Ham- burg, 1888. 4 V. D. il. pi. 831 27 CLA UBIUS 136 CLERGY Contents: 1-3. Asmus omnia secum portans; oder, Sammtliche Werke cles Wandsbecker Bothen. 4. Zugabe. CLAUERT, Hans. Der luarkische Eulenspiegel; das ist, Seltsame und Kurzweilige Geschichten von Hans Clauert in Trebbin. Leipzig, n. d. D. 51 p. il. {In Volksbttcher, 39.) 833 22 Claus, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm. Der Bienen- staat. Berlin, 1878. O. 30 [+1] p. {In Vir- chow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1, 595 5 Clausen, Henrik ^iikolai. Populaire Foredrag over Reformationen. Ki0benhavn, 1836. O. 270 15 — Grundlvigj N. F. S. Kirkens Gienmaele imod Clausen. 3 Oplag. Kj0benhavn, 1825. D. 10+ 45 p. 282 3 Clanss0n, Peder. Norriges oc omliggetide 0ers sandfaerdige Bescriffveise. Ki0benhalfn, 1632. sqD. 914.8 13.1 Clave, Jnles. Etudes sur F economie forestiere. Paris, 1862. D. 551.58 17 Clavel, Victor. Arnauld de Brescia et les Ro- mains du lie siecle. Paris, 1868. O. 7Map.922 18 Clarers, Mrs. Mary, pseudonym of Eirkland, C. M. S. Claviculse Salomonis ettheos(, +V, J ■'^^y persons unordained may lawfully wnetner y\ preach. '/ The Lord's prayer ought not to be used by \ all Christians. — Gregory I., St. King Alfred's West-Saxon version of Gregory's Pastoral care; with English translation, edited by H. Sweet. London, 1871. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 45, 50.) 820 5 — — II libro della regola pastorale; volgarizza- mento tratto da un ms. da A. Ceruti. Milano, 1869. D. 262 4 —Hall, R. On the discouragements and sup- ports of the Christian ministry. {In his Ser- mons. 1814.) 211 3 — Herbert, G. A priest to the temple; or, The county parson, his character and rule of holy life. {In his Remains. 1836.) 828 14 — [Lavacrum conscientiae:] En hojst sjelden svensk Palseotyp; udgivet af R. Nyerup. Kjo- benhavn, 1826. O. 15 p. facsim. 094 2 A reprint of chapter 18. — Michelet, J. Du pretre, de la femme, de la famille. 4 edition. Paris, 1845. 282 14 8 edition. Paris, 1862. D. 282 15 —Milton, J. Considerations touching the like- liest means to remove hirelings out of the church, &c. {In his Works, 1863, v. 5.) 821 78 — Pecock, R. The repressor of over much blaming of the clergy; edited by C. Babington. London. 1860. 2 v. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 19.) 942 8 —Sacerdotalism. {In Church quart, review, V. 1, 1875, p. 147-157.) 282 49 — Tnckerman, H. T, Preachers. {In his Cri- terion. 1866.) 814 15 CLERGY 137 COAL — Wiclif, J. Tractatus de officio pastorali; edidit G. V. Lechler. Lipsiae, 1863. Q. [1 +] 48 p. 2G2 16 See also POOR; PUEACHIXG. Clery, Jean Baptiste Cant Hanet. Memoires, (In Barriere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 9.) 944 10 Cleveland, Henry Russell. Life of Henrj Hud- son. (In Sparks, J. American biograpliy, 1835- 9, V. 10.) 920 15 Clifford, William Kingdon. Seeing and think- ing. London, 1879. D. il. (Nature series.) 152 2 Climaco, Giovanni, see Joannes climacns. CLIMATE. Becquerel, A. C. Des climats, et de I'influence qu' exorcent les sols boises et non boises. Paris, 1853. O. viaps. 551.58 58 — — Memoire sur les forets et leur influence climaterique. {In Paris — Institnt — Acad, des sci. Mem. v. 35. 1866.) 551.58 59 — Berghaus, H. K. W. Klimatographie. (In his Phys. Atlas, 1845-8, v. 1.) 503 1 — Contejean, C. Les climats d'aiitrefois. {In Revne scientifique. 2 ser. v. 1, 1871, p. 26-30.) 551.56 2 bound with 548 2 — Corbett, A. F, The climate and resources of Upper India, and suggestions for their improve- ment. London, 1874. O. 551.56 5 -—Banbeny, C. 0. B. Climate; causes of its differences, and its influence on vegetable life. Oxford, 1863. O. il. pi. map. 551.56 1 ^Disturnell, J. Influence of climate. New York, 1860. sqQ. 24 p. tab. map. 551.56 2 bound with 548 2 — Fallmerayer, J. P. Klima xtnd Pflanzenwelt in derZeit; von C. Fraas, 1847. (/?i7m Werke, 1861, V. 2.) 908 1 —Fischer, T. Studien iiber das Klima der Mit- telmeerlander. Gotha, 1879. sqQ. [2-I-] 63 p. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilnngen: Ergiln- zungsband 13.) 910 44 — Foissac, P. De I'influence des climats sur I'homme et des agents phvsiques sur le moral. Paris, 1867. 2 v. O. " 573 6 — Fraas, C. Klima und Pflanzenwelt in der Zeit; ein Beitrag zur Gescliichte beider. Lands- hut, 1847. O. 551.58 53 —Grebe, C. Gebrigskunde, Bodenkunde und Klimalehre in ihrer Anwendung aufForstwirth- schaft. 3 Auflage. Eisenach, 1865. O. 551.58 63 — Krecke, F. W. C. Het klimaat van Neder- land. Haai-lem, 1861-8. 2 v. in 1. O. il. pi. maps. 551.56 4 — Lorenz, J. R. Wald, Klima und Wasser. Miiiichen, 1878. D. il. 551.58 65 — Oppenheimer, Z. Ueber den Einfluss des Kli- mas auf den Menschen. Berlin, 1867. O. 35 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 — Pareto, R. Saggio di studi meteorologici sul clima di Roma paragonato a quello d'altre citta d' Italia, riguardo alia bonta dell' aria. {In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 — Sclionw, J. F. Beitrage zur vergleichende Klimatologie. Copenhagen, 1827. O. tab. 551.56 3 —Toner, J. M. Dictionary of elevations and climatic register of the U. S. New York, 1874. O. 551.53 1 See aim ACCLDIATIOX; BODILY HEAT; METEOROLOGY; TEMPERATURE. Clingnett, Jacob Arnold. Voorrede. (/» Schue- ren, 0. van der. Teuthonista. 1804.) 430.37 6 CLIVE, Robert, baron o/ PZassei/. Macaulay, T, B. Sir John Malcolm's Life of Lord Clive. {In his Essays. 1843, v. 3.) 824 16 La clizia, see Macchiavelli, K. v. 7, CLOCKS. Berthoud, F. L'art de conduire et de regler les pendules et les montres. 5 edition. Paris, 1828. T. pi. 681 2 Cloris en Philida, Mey spel van, see Krnl, J. H. Closener, Fritsche. Chronik, 1362. (Jn Munich — K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, V. 8. 1870: Strassburg, v. 1.) 943 24 Clot, Antoine Barthelemy, called Clot-Bey. Aper9u general sur F Egypte. Bruxelles, 1840. 2 V. S. por. maps. 916.2 6 CLO rn, see TEXTILE FABRICS. Clotilde, see Karr, J. A. Clongrli, Arthur Hugh. Poems; with a memoir. 3 edition. London. 1871. D. 821 50 Clou^h. James Cress well. On the existence of mixed languages. London, 1876. O. 410 2 Clouston, W. A. Additional analogs to The Wright's chaste wife. London, 1886. O. p. 25-39. {In E.E. text soc. Orig. ser. 84.) 820 5 — On the magical elements in Chaucer's Squire's tale, with analogues. {In Lane, J. Continua- tion of Chaucer's 'Squire's tale.' 1888-90; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 23, 26.) 821 46 — editor^ see Originals and analogues of Can- terbury tales. 1872-88. {In Chaucer soc. 2 ser.) 821 46 — translator. The merchant and the rogues; French original and Asiatic versions of the Tale of Bervn. {In The tale of Beryn. 1887; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser, 17, 24.) 821 46 Club alpino italiano, see Turin. CLUNY. M6rim^e, P. L' hotel de Cluny. {In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 Clnseret, Gustave Paul, general. Armee et democratic. Paris, 1869. D. 355 2 — Idee d' un corps special pour I'armee italienne. Turin, 1861. O. lip. 355 7 CLYTIE. Mannhardt, J. W. E. Klytia. Ber- lin, 1875. O. 52 p. {In Yirchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Cnattingins, Axel. Of versigt af svenska skogs" literatui'en ; bibliografiska studier. Stockholm, 1876. O. 43 p. 016 15.1 bound toith 010 3 COAL. Burat. A. De la houille et du fer en France. {In Thevenin, E. Entretiens, 1866, V. 1, p. 25-99.) 304 5.1 — Forchhammer, J. G. Om de bomholmske Kulforniationer. Kjobenhavn, 1837. sqQ. [1-f] 64 p. pi. map. 553 5 —Roth, J. L. A. Ueber die Steinkohlen. Berlin, 1866. O. 32 p. {In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) 043 1 —Thorpe, T. E., editor. Coal, its history and uses. London, 1878. O. il. 653 6 COAL 138 COHEN' —Wiltshire. T. The history of coal; lecture. London, 1878. O. 36 p. il. 553 6.1 See also SURTURBRAXD. COAST PILOTS, see NAVIGATION. COASTS. Laveleye, A. F. L. de. Affaissement du sol et envasement des tleuves survenus dans le temps historiques. Paris, 1859. D. 44 *p. 551.36 1 — Sexe, S. A. On the rise of land in Scandina- via. Christiania, 1872. sqO. 17 p. 551.24 1 — Tibe, A. Kiisten und Meer Norwegens.Gotha, 1860. sqQ. 24 p. il. pi. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungsband 1.) 910 44 Coaz, J. W. Die Hochwasser, Sept. und Oct. 1868, im biindnerischen Rheingebiet. Leipzig, 1869. O. [3+]75 p. 551.48 27 Cobbett, William. Cobbett's legacy to parsons; witli a pieface by the author's son, William Cobbett. London, 1869. S. 283 2 — A grammar of the English language; added, six lessons to prevent statesmen from using false grammar. New York, 1837. S. 425 6 — Selections from [his] political works, with notes by John M. Cobbett and James P. Cob- bett. London [,pref. 1835]. 6 v. O. 320 3 For contents see Peabody catalogue. —A treatise on Cobbett's corn. London, 1828. D. 633 1.1 COBDEN, Richard. Holtzendorff, F. yon. Rich- ard Cobden. Berlin, 1866. O. 38 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorlf. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Schwabe, J. S., editor. Richard Cobden; notes sur ses vovages, correspondances et sou- venirs. Paris, i879. O. 923 28 Cocaius, Merliuus, pseudonym of Folengo, T. Cocclii, Igino. Di alcuni resti umani e degli oggetti di umana indu stria dei tempi preistorici, raccolti in Toscana. Milano, 1865. sqF. 32 p. pi. 571 2 hound with 551.31 7 — Sulla geologia dell' alta valle di Magra. Mi- lano, 1866. F. 17 p. 2)1. 551.43 43 ho^md with 651.31 7 — Sulla geologia dell' Italia centrale; pubbli- cate per cura di C. Puini e di A. Mariani. Fi- renze, 1864. O. 99 p. pi. 554.5 3 — L'uomo fossile nell' Italia centrale. Milano, 1867. sqF. 80[+l]p. 571 2 hound with 551.31 7 Cochlajus, Johaim. Vita Theoderici regis Ostro- gothorum et Italiae, cum additamentis & anno- tationibus opera Johannis Peringskiold. Stock- holmife, 1699. sqO. ^ 923 92 Cochon, Pierre. La chronique normande, 1403-30. {In Cousinot, G. Chron. de la Pucelle, 1859.) 944 18 Cock Lorell's bote, a satirical poem; edited by Ed- ward F. Rimbault. London, 1843. D. lOf+l] -f 15 p. {In Percy soc. v. 6.) 820 6 Cockayne, Thomas Oswald. The shrine; a col- lection of occasional papers on dry subjects. London, 1864-70. 13 nos. O. 829 2 Contents: Dr. Bosworth and his Saxon dictionary. — Life of St. Neot [A.-S. and] English.— Postscript on Bos- worths dictionary.— Latin of to day.— Names of animals [Latin], 8. century.— Yule week [A.-S.] — Malchus[A.-S.]. —King yElfreds book of martyrs[A.-S.].— Wulfgeats will; —Same : Interpretation.- IkSyologikal [A.-S.].— Worship of springs, trees & stones[A.-S.].— Blooms by King Al- fred—Translation of a certificate of te hundreds of norS Hants.— Church dues [A.-S.]. No more published. — editor. Leechdoms, wortcunning and star- craft of early England ; dociunents ilhistrating the history of science belore the Norman con- quest. London, 1864-6. 3 v. Q. facsim. {In Gt. Br. Master of RoUs. Chron. and mem. 34. ) 942 8 Narratiunculse Anglice conscriptae. [Lon- don,] 1861. O. 4[+ l] + 87 p. 829 10 see the following publications of the Early English text sc)Ciety. ORIGINAL SERIES : 820 5 18. Seiiite Marharete. 1866. 18. Mali mcidenhad. 1866. 61. Liflade of St. Juliana. 1872. COCKBURN, .ilison (Rutherford). Keddie, H., & Watson, J. L. {In their Songstresses of Scotland, 1871, v. 1.) 928 2 CAPE COD. Thorean, H. D. Cape Cod. Lon- don, 1865. D. 818 4 Codascli da liger per I'amprema classa dellas scolas de Surmeir. Coira, 1859. S. [31 p.] 459 17 Same, per la sagonda classa. Coira, 1857. S. 459 18 Codex Alexandrinus, — Sinaiticus, see Bible— N. T.— Greek. Codex argenteus, see Ulfllas. Codex Vercellensis, The poetry of the; with an English translation by J. M. Kemble. London, 1843-56. 2 V. in 1. O. {In Mfric soc. Pub.) 829 4 II codice irlandese dell' Ambrosiana; edito ed illustrato da G. I. Ascoli. Roma, 1878-9. S v. O. facsim. {In Archivio glot. ital. v. 5-6.)450 11 Contents : 1. Testo e le chiose. 2. Appendlci e il" lustrazioni. Vol. 52 not yet completed. Coelho, Francisco Adolpho. Formes diver- gentes de mots portugais. {In Romania, v. 2, 1873.) 479 6 COilllR, Jacques. Clement, J. P. Jacques Coeur et Charles VII. Sedition. Paris, 1863. 2 v. in 1. O. il. por. pi. 944 19 See also Guiraud, A. La font Putanella. COFFEE. Bontekoe, C. Van de coffi. {In his Tractaat. van thee. 1685.) 643 5 Coffin, Nathaniel Wheeler. The forest Arcadia of northern New Vork, embracing a view of its mineral, agricultural and timber resources. [Anon.] Boston, 1864. S. 917.4 9 Cogg-eshall,Ralpli of. Chronicon Anglicanum. . . ; edidit Josephus Stevenson. London, 1875. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 66.) 042 8 Coffnetti de Martiis, Salvatore. Gli Stati Uniti d' America nel 1876; note. Milano, 1877. O. 973 46 With author's autograph. Cogswell, Joseph Green. Preface. (In Arnold, T. Lectures on modern history. 1843.) 940 23 hound with 913 17 Cohausen, Johann Heinrich. Hermippus redi- vivus; or. The sage's triumph over old age and the grave. Dublin, 1744. O. 613 11 Cohen, Asser Daniel. De mosaiske Troesbe- kjenderes Stilling i Danmark forhen og nu. Odense, 1837. D. 933 4 COHEN 139 COLLEGES En 8:eistlig Mands Amneldelse og Be- tragtning af Cohen's "De mosaiske Troesbe- kienderes Stilling." Kiobenhavn, 1837. D. 47 p. 933 5 Colin, Ferdinand Julius. Li ht und Leben. Berhn, 18G9. O. 32 p. {In Vircliow cfc Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 4 Serie.) 043 1, 535 1 — Ueber Bacterien. Berlin, 1872. O. 35 p. il. (In same. 8 Serie.) 043 1 Cohn, Oustav. Die Borse und die Spekulation. Berlin, 1868. O. 32 p. (In same. 7 Serie.) 043 1 COINAGE, see MONEY. COINS, see NUMISMATICS. Coinsi, Gautier de. Tlie boy killed by a Jew for singing Gaude Maria! [French]. (In Orig^inals and analogues. 1872-88; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 15.) 821 46 Cokavffne, The land of. {In Matzner, E. A, F. Alteng. Sprachproben. r. 1, pt. 1, 1867.) 820 8 COKE, Sir Edward. Burke, E. P. Coke. Lon- don. 1828. O. 32 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 928 28.1 —Letter of the council relating to the proceed- ings of Coke at Oatlands. 1864. {In Camden misc. 6; in Camden soc. 87.) 820 4 Colasanti, Giuseppe. La durata della vitalita della macula germinativa. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876- 7, pt.l.) — Sulla degenerazione dei nervi recisi. pi {In same, v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 3 — Ricerche sopra la recisione del nervo olf attorio delle rane. — L'infiuenza dell abbassamento di temperaturasuUosviluppodeir novo di gallina. {In same. 2 Serie. v. 2, 1874-5.) — Ricerche ana- tomiche e fisiologiche sopra il braccio dei ce- falopodi. pi. {In same, v. 8, 1875-6, pt. 2.)065 4 Coibacchini, Giuseppe. Ratfaello Sanzio ed un sue insigne dipinto; discorso critico. Bassano, 1878. O. 39 p. 755 4 COLD, .see FROST; HEATj TEMPERATURE. Coldinj^, Poul Jensen.Danias descriptio.(/» Ste- phanius, H. S. De regno Danise, 1629.) 094 21 Coldingliam, Geoffrey de. Liber de statu eccle- sice Dunelmensis. (In Raine, J., editor. Hist. Dunel. scriptores tres. 1839; mSurteessoc. 9.) 820 7 Coldiugliam priory, Scotland. The correspond- ence, inventories, account rolls, and proceed- ings of the priory. London, 1841. O. il. facsim. {In Surtees soc. 12.) 820 7 Cole, Charles Augustus, editor. Memorials of Henrv the fifth, king of England. London, 1858. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 11.) 942 8 For contents see HEXBY V. COLE, Thomas. Lanman, C. Cole's imagin- ative paintings. (In his Letters. 1845.) 814 12 Coleccion de las cronicas y memorias de los reyes de Castilla, 1779-87, see [Cr6nioas espa- nolas.] 946 34 Coleridge, Herbert. A glossarial index to the printed English literature of the 13th cenlurv. London, 1859. O. 427 11 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Aids to reflection; edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge. London, W. Pickering, 1843. 2 v. D. 240 4 — Same .-1 American from 1 London edition, with appendix, preliminary essay and additional notes, by James Marsh. Burlington, 1829. Q. 240 5 —The friend; a series of essays to aid in form- ing fixed principles in politics, morals and religion. 1 American from 2 London edition, [with preface by James Marsh], Burlington, 1831. O 824 9 —Hints towards the formation of a theory of life; edited by Seth B. Watson. Philadelphia, 1848. D. 94 p. 577 1 —Letters, conversations and recollections. New York, 1836. D. 826 1 —Literary remain?; collected and edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge. London, 1836. 4 v. O. 828 9 —On the constitution of the church and state; — Lay sermons : 1, The statesman's manual; 2, "Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters;" edited, with notes, by Henry Nelson Coleridge. London, W. Pickering, J.8'd9. D. 322 3 —Specimens of [his] table talk. New York, 1835. 2v. inl. D. 828 10 De Ouincey, T. {In his Literary reminiscen- ces. 1^51.) 82410 Whipple, E. P. Coleridge as a philosophical critic, (/w his Essays, 1848-9, v. 2.) 814 16 Coleridge, Sara Henry (Coleridge). On ration- alism, (/n Coleridge, S. T. Aids to reflection, 1843, v. 2, p. 335-556.) 240 4 — Phantasmion, a fairy tale; with an introduc- tion by Lord Coleridge. London, 1874. O. 823 6 —translator, see The right joyous history of the chevalier BAYARD. 923 15 Dobrizhoffer,M. Account of the Abipones. 1822. 918.9 1 Coliny, Gaspard de, admiral, marquis de Cha- iillon. Discours.. .le siege de Saint Queutin en 1557. por. (In Michaud & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 8.) 944 9 Besant, W. Gaspard de Coligny. London, 1879. D. por. (The new Plutarch.) 923 29 CoUan, K., translator, see Kalevala. 1864-8. ' 894 4 Coile, Charles. La verite dans le vin, comedie. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-8, v. 4.) 944 10 CoUecijao dos breves pontificios, see Portu- gal— Secretaria de estado. COLLECTORS' MANUALS. Paris— Museum d' histoire naturelle. InstruclHon& on collecting, preserving and transporting objects of natural history. (In Vattemare, A. Movement of exchanges. 1846.) 806 1 COLLEGES. Arnold, M. Higher schools and universities in Germany. London, 1874. D. 373 1 —Boll, F. C, & Tommasi-Crudeli, C. Die Reform der italienischen Universifaten. (In HiUebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 ^Bonghi, R. Das Gymnasialwesen in Italien. {In same. v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 — Coppi, E. Le universita italiane nel medio evo. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1880. O. 378 2 — Hebnholtz, H. L. F. Ueber die akademische Freiheit der deutschen UniversitSten . (In his Vortrage, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 COLLEGES 140 GOLLNER {In Leopardi, G. 808 8 — Lichtenstein, M. H. K. Der Hofrath Beiieis in Helmstiidt, und das Universitatswesen seiner Zeit. (//i Raumer, F. L. (J. voii. Hist. Tasclien- buch. 1837.) 905 1 —Newman, J. H. The idea of a university de- fined and illustrated. 3 edition. London, 1873. D. 378 4 See also Athens (niodeni) ; BUKSCHEXSCHAFT; CAM- BRIIMJE UMYERSITT, Copenhagen; KONIGSBERG; LEIP- SIC; LE¥DE>; MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE; Oxford Unlvei-sitj; Robert College; Uomeicity, modern); TESTS; UPSALA. Collennccio, Pandolfo, translator, see Plautiis, T. M. Anfitrione, commedia, voltata in terza rima da CoUenuccio, ag:giuntovi [Filotinio,] il dialogo dello stesso; preniesso il discorso di Giulio Perticari intorno alia vita ed alle opere dell' autore. 1864. {In Bibl. rara. 55.) 850 3 Collet, John. Commonplace-book. {In Thom- as, W. J. Anecdotes and traditions. 1839; in Camden soc. 5.) . 820 4 CoUett, Peter Jonas. Breve fra Rom. {In Asbj0rnsen, P. C. Ydale. 1851.) 914 2 Colletta, Pietro. Lettere Epistolario, 1849, v. 2.) — Storia del reame di Napoli, 1734-1825; con cenno aulla vita di lui. Napoli, 1861. 4 v. Tt. 945 100 — CapponI, Cr. Notizia intorno alia vita di P. Colletta — Lettera sulla Storia di P. Colletta. {In Ms Scritti, 1877, v. 1.) 858 4 Collezione delle raigliori opere scritte in dialette milanese. Milano, 1816-7. 12 v. S. 859 15 Contents : 1. Avvlso dello stampatore. — Awiso dell' editore. — Notizie de' componimenti mllanesi non inseriti nella collezione. — Indice generale. — Loniazzo, 0. P. Poe- sie.— Capls, G. Varon mllanes.— Biffl, G. A. Prlssian de Milan.— Varose,F. Sonetti. 2-3. Maggi, C. M. Opere. 2 V. 4. Birago, G. Poesie.— Larghi, P^ C. Poesie.— Simo- netta, S. Poesie.— Tanzl, C. A. Poesie. 5-8. Bnlestrieri, D. Opere. 4 v. 9. Corio, F. G. Poesie.— GinHni, G. Quartine.— Oltollna, C. A. Baltramina.— Marllani, L, So- netti.— Parini, G. Sonetti.— Bossi, G. Poesie.— Poesie di anonimi.— I conti d' Agliate, commedia. 10. Garioni, A. La Batracomiomachia. parafrasi;— II Tobia, parafrasi.— PertusatI, F. Poesie —Bertani, G. Poesie. 11. Grossl, T. Poesie.— Pellizzone, C. A. Poesie— Bellati, F. Poesie.— Zanoja, G. Terzine. 12. Porta, C. Poesie.— Elenco degli associati. ' Collezione delle migliori opere scritte in dia- letto veneziano, see Gamba, B. Collezione di leggende inedite, see Zambrini, F. Collezione di opere inedite o rare, see Emilia — R. commissione. Collezione di tutti i poemi in lingua napoleta- na. Napoli, 1783-9. 28 v. S. 859 19 Contentfi : 1. Balzano, F. La tiorba a taccone. 2-4. Cor" tese, G. C. Opere. 3 v. 5. Lonibardi, N. La Ciucceide- 6-7. Talentino, B. La fuorfece. 2 v. 8-11. Versilius Maro, P. L'Eneide. trasportato da G. Sitillo. 4 v. 12. Guarini, G. B. II pastor fldo, in lingua napoletana di D. Basile. 18-14. Tasso, T. La Gierosalemme libberata, votata da G. Fasano. 2 v. 16. Capasso, N. Poesie napoletane, maccaroniche e satiriche. 16. Perruecio, A. L'Agnano zeffonnato;— La malatia d' Apollo — Vinano,S. La sporchia de lo bbene. 17. Pagano. N. Le bbinte rotola de lo va- lanzone.— Homerus. Batracomiomachia, diN.Pagano. 18. Pagano, \. Mortella d'Orzolone;— La Fenizia,chelleta tra- gecommeca. 19. Valentino, G. B. La mezaoanna co lo vasciello de I'arbascia; — La cecala napoletana;— Napole scontrafatto dapo la peste. 20-1, Basile, G. B. II penta- merone;— Le muse napolitane. 22. La violejeda.— Panni- ero, J, A. Oomposezeiune poveteche 'n lengua napoleta- na.— Sarnelli, P. Posillecheata. 28. Antonio, G. d'. Opere. 24. Yelardiniello. Stanze.— Canzoni d'autori incerti.— Cuorvo, N. L'alluccate.— Capasso, X. Ncopp' a lo vernao- chio, soniette;— Poesie —Poesie d'auton incerti.— Villa- nl, A. Lo calascione. — Capasso, G. B. Lo ccapezzale. — Pe- corone, B. Lamiento de Cuosemo pezzente.— Poesie di varj autori.— Honierns. I>a Batraoommiomaohia, di F. Mazzarella Farao.— Yergllius Maro, P. La Buccoleca. spor- tata da M. Rocco. 25. Same. La Georgeca, sportata del Rocco. 26-7. Galiani, F. Vocabolario del dialetto napo- letano.— Tosco, P. L'eccellenza della lingua napoletana. 26. Galiani, F. Del dialetto napoletano.— Catalog© di questa collezione. Collier, John Payne.A bibliographical and crit- ical account of the rarest books in the English language... N. Y., 1866. 4 v. O. 015 4 — New facts regarding the life of Shakspeare. {In Shakespeare, W. Dramatic works, 1887, V. 1.) 822 13 —Notes and emendations to the text of Shake- speare's plavs. from early ms. corrections in a copy of the folio, 1635. London, 1853. O. 822 18 — editor. Ancient biographical poems on the duke of Norfolk, the earls of Essex, and Queen p:^lizabeth. 1855. (In Camden misc. 3: in Cam- den soc. 61.) 820 4 Lyrical poems selected from musical pub- lications, 1589-1600. London, 1844. D. {In Percy soc. v. 13.) 820 6 Old ballads, from early printed copies. London, 1840. D. (In same. v. 1.) 820 6 see the following publications of the Cam- den society: 820 4 2. Bale, J. Kynge Joban, a play. 1838. 12. The Egerton papers. 1810. 39. Bull of Innocent VIIL on tb ® marriage of HENRY YIL 1847. 67, 84. Trerelyan papers. 1857-63. 78. The skryvener's play. 1859. see the following publications of the Percy society: 820 6 Vol.1. The pain and sorrow of evil marriage. 1840. 1. The liing and a poor northern man. 1841. 2. The mad pranks of Robin Goodfellow. 1841. 8. Deloney, T. Strange histories. 1841. 3. The history of patient Grissel. 1843. 8. Heywood, T. A marriage triumph. 1842. 7. The liarniony of birds. 1843. Gfosson, E. The school of abuse. 1841. 827 9 Collin, A. Z. , cfc others. Engelsk-svensk ord- bok, seeMlsson, L. G. 439.73 3.1 Collin, Gaspard {Latin Casparns Colli mis). De Sedunorum thermis et aliis fontibus medicatis liber. (In Simmler, J. Vallesise descriptio. 1633.) 094 60 Collin, H. S., cfc Schlyter, C. J. editors. Corpus juris Sueo-Gotorum antiqui. Stockholm, 1827- 34. V. 1-3. sqQ. 349 44 Contents: 1. Westg6ta-lagen. 2. Qstgota-lagen. 8. Uplands-lagen. Glossaria et indices of v. 1-3 are bound in 489.68 7. Collin, Jonas, editor. For Historie og Statistik,. isoer Fa3drelandets. KJ0benhavn, 1822-5. 2 v. D. pi. tab. 948 66 Collins, William. Poetical works [;with a mem- oir, also An essay on the genius and poems of Collins by Sir S. E. Brydges, bart., and Obser- vations on the Oriental eclogues and Odes, by John Langhorne]. London, 1830. S. j?or.821 51 Colin, D. yon,translator 1873. D. il. 914.4 i — Petit atlas de geographie moderne. Paris, n.d. Q. 20 maps. 912 6.1 CORTE, Nicolo da. Yarni, S. Delle opere di... N. da Corte. (In Societa ligure. Atti. v. 4, 1866.) " 945 48 Corte na aldea, seeLobo, F. R. Corte Real, Jeronymo. Nauf ragio de Sepulveda, em verso heroico. Nova edi9ao, conforme a primeira de 1594. Lisboa, 1840. 2 v.Tt. 869 37 — Successo do segundo cerco de Diu, 1546; fiel- mente copiado da edi9am de 1574 por Bento Jose de Sousa Farinha. Lisboa, 1784. T. 869 38 Corteis, Pierre Carriere, called, see Carriere. Cortes, Donoso, see Donoso Cortes. Cortese, GiuUo Cesare. Opere. Napoli, 1783. 3v. S. (/n Collezione napoletana, V. 2-4.) 859 19 Contents; 1. Mlcco Passaro nnammorato.— Lo Cerri" gllo iicantato.— Viapgio di Parnaso. 2. La Vajasseide! annotazioni e una difesa per B. Zito. 3. La liosa.— Li travasliuse ammure de Cubio e Perna.— Lettere. CORTETE DEPRADES, Francois. Donnodeyie, A. Cortete de Prades, poete agenais du 17e siecle. (J?i Revue des langues romanes. v. 3, 1872.) 479 5 Fernando Cortez; eller, Mexicos Indtagelse, Opera, see Jouy, V. J. E., <& Esmenard, J. A. Corticelli, Salradore. Regole ed osservazioni della lingua toscana; accresiute per cura di Pietro dal Rio, 2 edizione. Firenze, 1846. O. 455 4 Corvin, Johann, & Bing, J. De veterum Cim- broi'um aliorumque septentrionalium populo- rum migrationibus; selecta commercii literarii. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 1.) 943 21 Coryat, or Coriat, Thomas. Three crude veines. London, 1611. O. 099 6 The first edition, more commonly found with the title Coryats crudities, etc. — Coryat's crudities ; reprinted from the edition of 1611; added, his letters from India, &c., and extracts relating to him. from various authors. London, 1776. 3 v. O. il. pi. 914 3 Cosci, Antonio. L'ltalia durante le preponde- ranze straniere, 1530-1789. Milano f ,pref . 1875]. (;Jw Yillari, P., editor. Stoi'ia politica d'ltalia; in L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 11 COSENZA, see BANDIERA, A. cfc E. Cosimo, pseudonym of Ucelli, F. Cosin, John, bishop of Durham. Correspond- ence; with other papers illustrative of his life and time. Durham, 1869-72. 2 v, O, (In Sur- tees soc. 52, 55.) 820 7 COSMETICS. Ricettario galante del secolo 16; per cura di O. Guerrini. Bologna, 1883. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 195.) 860 10 COSMOLOGY. Apuleius, L. Liber de mundo- {In his Opera, 1825, v. 3.) 878 27 A translation of the llepl Kottfiov attributed to Aristotle. — Babinet, J. Sur le chaos. {In Thevenin, E. Entretiens, 1860, p. 15-35.) 604 1 bound with 600 2 —Werner, K. Die Kosmologie und Naturlehre des scholastischen Mittelalters, mit specieller Beziehung auf Wilhelm von Conches. Wien, 1874. O. [2+]95 p. 113 1 See also SPACE. Cosmos; communicazioni sui progressi della geografia e delle scienze affini, di Guido Cora. Torino, 1873-88. v. 1-9. Q. maps. 910 48 — Supplemento. Torino, 1884-8, v. 1-2. Q. map. 910 48 Contents; 1. Marinelli, 0. Sagsio di altimetria. 2. Cora, G. Note alia Carta altimetrica dell' Italia, map. Cossa, Alfonso. Sul fluoruro di magnesio. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1,)— Ricerche chimiche su minerali e roccie dell' isola di Vulcano, — Sulla diabase peridotif era di Mosso nel Biellese, {In same. v. 2, 1877-8, pt, 1.)— Sul serpentino di Verrayes in Valle d'Aosta. pi. {In same. v. 2, pt. 2.)-r-Sulla diffusione del cerio, del lantano e del didimio. pi. {In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) — Sulla composizione di alcuni serpentini della Toscana.— Sulla eufotida d'Elba.— Sul tungsta- to neutro di cerio; nota del Cossa e M. Zecchini. (In same, v, 5, 1879-80.) 066 4 — Sulla predazzite periclasifera del Monte Som- ma. — Sulla diorite quarzifera porfiroide di Cos- sato nel Biellese. pi. {In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 COSSACKS. Merimee, P. Les Cosaques de rUkraine et leurs derniers atamans. {In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 —Stein, F. von. Die russischen Kosakenheere. Gotha, 1883. sqQ. [2-f ]39 p. map. {In Pe- t^rmanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungsband 16.) 910 44 COSTA 152 COUBTS Costa, Davide. Semiramide sul trono d' Assiria, azione eroico-mitica. Firenze [,1852]. D. 8 p. 852 1 Costa, Hippolyto Jose da, continuer, see Moraes Silva, A. de. Historia de Portugal. 1809. 946 66 COSTUME. Camden, W. Apparrell. {In his Remaines. 1638.) 420 3 — Fairholt, F. W., editor. Satirical songs and poems on costume, 13-19 century. London, 1849. D. il. (In Percy soc. v. 27.) 820 6 — ^Manno,A.Documentiper unastoriadel vivere 6 del vestire in Piemonte. {In Curiosita di storia subalpina. v. 2, 1876.) 945 43 See also SILK; TEXTILE FABRICS. Cota, Rodrigo de, see Min^o Revulgo. Cotgrare, Randle. A French-English diction- ary, with English and French [by Robert Sherwood]; added, animadvei'sions of James Howell. London, 1650. F. 443 7 Cotovicus, Joannes. Synopsis reipublicse Vene- tae. {In Contarini, Gr. De republica Veneto- rum. 1628.) 094 39 Cotta, Bernhard von. Die Alpen. Leipzig, 1851. O. il. pi. 551.43 19 — Deutschlands Boden; sein geologischer Bau und dessen Eiriwirkung auf das Leben der Menschen. 2 vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1858. 2v. inl. O. 554.3 1 —Die Geologie der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1866. O. il. 551 3 — & others. Brief e iiber Humboldt's Kosmos; ein Commentar zu diesem Werke. Leipzig, 1848-60. 4v. O. maps. 55125 — Same: Supplement-Theil : Humboldt's wis- senschaftliches Leben und Wirken, von W. C. Wittwer. Leipzig, 1870. O. par. facsim. 551 25 Cotta, Fabio, translator, see Onosander. Dell' arte della guerra. 1863. (In Bibl. rara. 4.) 850 3 Cotta, John. The triall of witch-craft. London, 1616. D. 133 6 Cotton, Bartholomew de. Historia Anglicana, 449-1298; necnon ejusdem Liber de archiepi- scopis et episcopis Angliae; edited by Henry Richards Luard. London, 1859. Q. facsim. (Jn Grt. Br. — Master of Rolls. Chron. and mem. 16.) 942 8 Cotton, Charles, translator, seeMontluc, B. de. Commentaries, 1674. 944 24 Cotton, James Sutherland. The intentions of the founders of fellowsliips. {In Essays on en- dowment of research. 1876.) 378 3 Cotton, John. The grounds and ends of the baptisme of children. London, 1647. D. 265 3 COTTON. Bartolo, d. di. Della coltivazione del cotone secondo le antiche pratiche di Ter- ranova in Sicilia. Torino, 1864. 92 p. 633 4 —James, C. T. Practical hints on the compar- ative cost of the culture of cotton and of its manufacture. Providence, 1849. O. 338 3 — Reyband, M. R. L. Lecoton; son regime, ses problemes, son influence en Europe. Paris, 1863. O. 677 4 Conlanges, Numa Denis Fustel de, see Fustel de Coiilanges. Conltas, Harland. What may be learned from a tree. New York, 1860. O. il. 551.58 19 COUNCILS. Del futuro concilio ecumenico e del concilio di Basilea. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1869. D. 91 p. (Libreria Rosmini.) 282 4 — Hnber, U. A. II papa ed il concilio, di Janus [pseud.]. Torino, 1869. O. 282 27.2 — Michaud, P. E. Discussion sur les sept con- ciles oecumeniques etudies au point de vue traditionnel et liberal. Berne, 1878. O. 262 9 — Der Staat und das allgemeine Concil. Leip- zig, 1873. O. [7+] 52 p. 322 7 — Titelleschi, F. N. Otto mesi a Roma durante il concilio'vaticano, per PomponioLeto [pseud.]. Firenze, 1873. D. 282 9 /S-es afeo CONSTANCE; MANTUA; TRENT. Count Julian, see Landor, W. S. COUP D'fiTAT, see FRANCE-HlSTORYj NA- POLEON III. La cour d'amour, see Froissart, J. Courcelle Seneuil, Jean (xustave. Interet et usure. {In Thevenin, E. Coursd' econ. indust. 4 Serie. 1866.) 330 18 Courier de Mere, Panl Louis. CEuvres com- pletes. Nouvelle edition. Bruxelles, 1833. O. por. facsim. 848 3 Contents: 1. . Pamphlets politiques. 2. Pamphlets po- litiques et opuscules. 3. Traductions. 4. Lettres inedites. The volume contains a ms. table of contents by Mr. Marsh. A note states that the book was "'much studied for style" by him. — Opuscoli politici; voltati in italiano da Gaeta- noBernardi. Napoli, 1861. O. 320 4 Furia, F. del. Ddlla scoperta esubitanea per- dita di una parte inedita del primo libro de' Pastorali di Longo. [Firenze, 1810.] O. 24 p. facsim. 888 52.1 — Wachler, J. F. L. P. L. Courier in Verhiilt- niss zu seiner Zeit. {In Ranmer,F. L. Gr. Ton. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1830.) 905 1 Le courrier de Vaugelas, journal bi-mensuel, consacre a la propagation universelle de la langue francaise. Paris, 1868-75. v. 1-5 in 1 v. Q. ^ ^ 440 2 COURT, Antoine, Borrel, A. Biographie d'An- toine Court: ou. Episode de i'histoire des eglises du desert Cevenol, 1713-60. Toulouse, 1863. D. 922 27 The court and country, by iST. B. , see Breton, N. COURT LIFE. Voigt, J. Fiirstenleben und Fiirstensitte im 16ten Jahrhundert. {In Rau- mer, F. L. Gr, von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1835.) ' 905 1 Old court life in France, see Elliot, F. . COURTESY, see MANNERS. COURTIERS. Castiglione, B. Ilcortegiano; ri- veduta da A. Ciccarelli. Venetia, 1584. S. 395 1 English: The courtier; done ino English by Thomas Hobby. London, 1577. D. 395 2 — Chartier, A. The curial ; translated by W.Cax- ton. 1484; edited by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1888. O. 8-h20 p. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 54.) 820 5.1 — Tasso, T. II Malpiglio; ovvero, Delia corte. {In his Dialoghi, 1822, v. 2.) 851 117 COURTS. Ancharano, P. d.» Incipit repeticio c[apituli] postulasti de foro compe[tenti circa punitionem delictorum & bonorum delinquen- cium cotiscationem]. Bononie, 1474. F. [12] p. 093 2 See also Walniysley, T. COURVAL 153 GRECCELIUS Courval, — vicomte de. Das Aufasten der Wald- baume; aus dem Franzosischen von C. J. W. Hoffler. Berlin, 1865. O. 7+74 [+1] p. pi. 551.58 20 Cousinot, Glaillaume, of Montreuil. Chronique de la I'ucelle. {In Buclion, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 15e siecle. 1838.) 944 17 — Chronique de la Pucelle, suivie de La chroni- que normande de P. Cochon, relatives aux regnes de Charles VI et de Charles VII; pu- bliees, avec notices, notes et developpements par Vallet de Viriville. Paris, 1859. D. 944 18 Contliaiid, E. MonographiedeDornholzhansen, colonie vaudoise en Allemagne. Hombourg- es-Monts, 1864. O. 943 39 — Precis chronologique de I'histoire des val- lees vaudoises, servant d'introduction a la Monographie de Dornholzhausen. Hombourg, L186I]. O. 4+78 [+1] p. map. 943 39 Coiito, Diogo do, & Barros, J. de. Da Asia; [dos feitos, que os Portuguezes fizeram na con- quista e descubrimento das terras e mares do oriente]. Nova edi9ao. Lisboa. 1777-88. 24 v. S. por. maps. 954 2-3 The last 15 volumes are by Couto. The final volume contains an index. * — Severiin da Faria, M. Vida de D, do Couto. (7w/l^■s Discursos. 1791.) 914.6 14 Conzinie J. P. Dictionnaire de la langue ro- mano-castraise et des contrees limitrophts. Castres, 1850. Q. 449 5 Coventry, Walter of. Memoriale: the histori- cal collections of Walter of Coventry; edited by William Stubbs. London, 1872-3. 2 v. Q. (/w (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 58.) 942 8 Coverdale, Myles, bishop of Exeter, tvaxml-atoY, see Bible— English. 220 8 Covino, Andrea. Da Torino a Chamberv. 3 edizione. Torino, 1871, D. pi. maps. 622 11 Cowell, Edward Byles, annotator, see Elpliln- Stone, M. History of India. 1874. 934 1 Cowell, J. J. The Graian Alps and Mount Iseran. 7nap. {In Galton, F. Vacation tour- ists, 1860.) 910 28 Cowper, Joseph Meadows, editor, see the fol- lowing publications of the Early English text society : ORIGINAL SERIES. 820 5 48. V.K.,r/ent. The times' whistle. 1871. 60. Boiiarentiira, S(. Meditations. 1875. EXTRA SERIES. 820 5.1 12. Starkey, T. England [under] Henry VIII. pt. 2. 1871. 13. Supplycacion to Henry eypht [etc.]. 1871 . 15. Crowley, R. Select works. 1879. 22. Briiiklow,H. Complaynt of R. Mors. 1874. COWPER, William. Rodrignez, F. William Cowper. {In Jiuova antologia, v, 51, 1880.) 851 52 Cox, Charles F. The amenities of verbal crit- icism. [New York, J 1875. O. 94 p. 404 1 Cox, George WiUiam, & Brande, W. T., editors. A dictionary of science, literature and art. New edition. London, 1865-7. 3 v. O. 032 1 Cozza, Giuseppe. Delia vite, miracoli e culto del martire S. Pietro de Arbues. Roma, 1867. O. por. 922 17 Crabb, George. English synonymes explained. From 3 London edition, revised. New York. 1826. O. 424 i Crabbe, George. Poetical works; with his letters, journals and life, by his son. London, 1834. 8 V. D. por. pi. iltp. 821 53 Craik, George Lillie. A compendious history of English literature and language, from the Norman conquest. London, 1861. 2 v. O. 820 14 — The English of Shakespeare illustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Caesar. London, 1857. D. 822 19 — Outlines of the history of the English lan- guage. 3 edition. London, 1859. D. 420 5 — Paris and its historical scenes. Boston, 1831. V. 1. S. il. pi. map. (Lib. of entertaining knl.) 914.4 11 CRAIN, see CARNIOLA. Cramer, Franz. Despotismus und Volkskraft, eine Goethe'sche Confession. Berlin, 1874. O. 32 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 9Serie.) 043 1 Cramer, John Anthony, editor & translator, see Nucins, N. Second book of travels. 1841. {In Camden soc. 17.) 820 4 Cranmer, Thomas, archbishoj) of Canterbury. Catechismus, see A short instruction into Chris- tian religion. 1829. 241 1 —The lyfe and death of Cranmer. {In Sichols, J. G. Narratives. 1859; in Camden soc. 77.) 820 4 — Morice, R. Anecdotes and character of Cranmer. — Cranmer and Canterbury school. {In same.) 820 4 Crasso, Nicola, the younger, annotator, see Giannotti, D. Dialogi de repub. Venetorum; cum notis et lib. de forma ejusdem reip. 1631. 094 62 CRAUFURD, (^uintin. Barriere, F.J. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Ci-auf urd. {In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81. v. 3.) 944 10 Craveri, Federlco. Idrografia sotterranea della citta di Bra. Milano, 1864. O. 24 p. 2 pi. 628 8 — Osservazioni meteorologiche fatte in Bra dai fratelli Craveri, 1862. Carmagnola, 1863. O. 8 p. tab. 551.5 1 La creaclon y el diluvio, espectaculo teatral, see ZorriUa, v, 3. CREATION. Bnrnet, T. The sacred theory of the earth. London, 17^6. 2 v. O,, 213 1 —Chambers, R. Explanations; a sequel to "Vestiges of the natural history of creation." New York, 1846. O. 215 4 — Du Bartas, G. deS. La sepmaine; ou. Crea- tion du monde. {In his (Envres, 1593-1601, v. 1.) 841 16 — — ^ng^Zis/i. His first week; or. The birth of the vsrorld. (7?i 7m Divine weekes. 1611.) 841 17 — Goodwin, C. W. On the Mosaic cosmogony. {In Essays and reviews. 1862.) 204 1 — Turner, S. The sacred history of the world in the creation and subsequent events to the deluge, philosophically considered. New York, 1832. S. 213 8 Creccelius, Johannes. Collectanea ex historiis de origine et fundatione mouasticorum ordi- num... Francofurti, 1614. sqD. pi. 271 3 ^RECCELIUS 154 CRIMINAL LA W The plates contain 99 figures illustrating monastic cos- tumes. Clrecelins, Wilhelm, editor, see Altdeutsche Neujahrfebljetter fiir 1874. 839.16 CREDIT. Bergs^e, A. F. Motiveret Udkast til en Creditforening for danske Grundbesiddere. Kj0benhavn, 1839. O. 332 1 ^Coq, P. Le credit. {In Thevenin, E. Cours d'econ. indust. 4 serie. 1866.) 330 18 Credner, Oeorg Rudof.Die Deltas. Gotha. 1878. sqQ. [2+]74 p. maps. {In Petermanns Mit- theiliingen: Erganzungsband 12.) 910 44 —Die Reliktenseen. Gotha, 1887-8. 3 v. in 1. sqQ. maps. {In same. 19.) 910 44 CREEDS. Channing, W. E. On creeds. (In his Works, 1848, v. 2 ) 208 2 — Joinville, J. de. Credo; fac-simile; disserta- tion par A. F. Didot, et traduction par Artaud de Montor. Paris, 1870. sqO. [3-l-J74p. il. 848 9 SeeaUo AUGSBURG COIVFESSIOX; CATECHISMS; COUN- CILS; EXCLUSION. Creichton, Capt. John. Memoirs. (In Swift, J. Works, 1859, v. 2.) 827 13 CREMATION. Griiiiin, J. L. K. UeberdasVer- breniien der Leichen. {In his Kleinere Schrif- ten, 1864-90, v. 2.) 408 2 Cremona, Liiigi. Sulla corrispondenza fra la teoria dei sistemi di rette e la teoria delle su- perficie. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Teoremi stereometrici, dai quali si deducono le proprieta dell' esagrammo di Pascal. {In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 CREMONINO, Cesare. Berti, D. Di C. Cremoni- no e della sua controversia con I'inquisizione di Padova e di Roma. {In same. sci. mor. v. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 Der Creole, see Zschokke, J. H. D. v, 10. CREOLE ^DIALECT. Wan hondro aria-singi nanga dem wyze vo dem, vo gebruike nahoso en na skolo. 's Gravenhage [pref. Paramaribo], 1861. D. miisic. 839.39 1 See also Bible— iV^. T.— Creole. Crescenzi, Pietro de.' D' agricoltura. Venetia, 1542. S. ' 630 10 Crescimbeni, Giovanni Mario. Vita di Dante. {In Dante Aligliieri. Opere, 1757-8, v. ].)851 33 Crescini, Vinccnzo, editor, see Flore and Blan- chetlor. II can tare di Fiorio e Biancifiore. v. 1, 1889. (In Scelta di curiosita. 233.) 860 10 Vol. 1 consists of a critical discussion by Crescini. Crespi, Vineenzo. Catalogo illustrato della rac- colta di antichita sarde del Raimondo Chessa. Cagliari, 1868. F. pi. 913 41 CRETE. Ballot, J. Histoire de 1' insurrection cretoise. Paris, 1868. O. map. 949 77 bound with 57 — Brnzzone, A., editor. Lettere di volontari garibaldini sull' insurrezione di Candia. Fi- renze, 186^. D. 31 p. 949 78 — Jeannaraki, A., editor. Kretas Volkslieder, in der Ursprache, mit Glossar. Leipzig, 1876. O. 889 10 — Ynle, A. F. A little light on the Cretan in- surrection. London, 1879. S. 949 78 CRETINISM. Kohl, J. 0. Ueber Cretinismus in der Schweiz. {In his Skizzen, 1851, v. 2.) 304 3 Creutz, Gustaf Filip. Yitterhets arbeten af Creutz och Gyilenborg. Stockholm, 1795. O. 839.71 16 La Crezia rincivilita, commedia, see Zannoni, G. B. Cricliton, Andrew, cfcWheaton, H.Scardmavia, ancient and modern; a history of Denmark, Sweden and Norway Edinburgh, 1838. 2 v. D. il. pi. map. 948 7 CRICHTON, James, the Admirable. Imperiali, G. par. {In his Mus. hist. 1640, p. 241-3.) 801 1 —Marsh, tf. F.{In Johnson's cyclopaedia; sup.) In main library. — Tytler, P. F.Life of the Admirable Crichton; with appendix of original papers. 2 edition. Edinburgh, 1823. D. por. iltp. 928 17 — Urauhart, T. '^Ktern. A. Milton und Cromwell. Berlin, 1875. O. 36 p. {In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Cron, Truels Lyng, EKALOG\. Csdszdr, Ferencz. Gramatica ungherese. Pe- stino[,184-?J. O. 494 7 Ctesias of Cnidus. Operum reliquiae; recog- novit, prolegominis et perpetua adnotatione instruxit indicesque udjecit Joannes Christi- anus Felix Baehr. Francof urti a. M. , 1834. O. 888 43 l Cudl es mayor perfeccion, hermosura 6 di- screcion ? see Calderon. v. 3. Cuba, Joliann. Dit is de genochlike Garde der suntheyt, to latine Ortulus sanitatis, edder Herbarius genomet... [Anon ] Lubeck, 1520. Q- il. 099 18 Cubasch, W. Der Alp. Berlin, 1877. O. 36 p. (/nVirchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 CUBED. Oglialoro. A. Studi sull' essenza di pepe cubebe. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) 066 3 Cuboni, Giuseppe, cfc Marchiafaya. E. Nuovi studi sulla natura della malaria. pL. {In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 066 4 Un cuento de amores, see Zorrilla. v. 3. Cuento de cuentos, see Quevedo de Villeffas, F. G. de. V. 3. ^ ^ ' Culfe, Maurice. The siege of Ballyally castle. (In Croker, T. C. Narratives of contests in Ireland. 1841; w Camden soc. 14.) 820 4 'CUFIC COINS, see NUMISMATICS. CUFIC LANGUAGE, see ARABIC. Cugnoni, Giuseppe, editor, see Pius II., pope. Opera inedita. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 8, 1883.) 066 5 Culley, Matthew Tewart, editor, see Caxton, W., translator. Eneydos. 1890. (/n E. E. text soc. Extra, ser. 57.) 820 5.1 Culmann,— Rapport au conseil federal sur les torrents des Alpes suisses, 1858-63. Lausanne, 1865. O. 627 17 CULTIYATED PLANTS, see BOTANY. CULTURE, see CIYILIZATION; PROGRESS. Culverwel, Nathanael. An elegant discourse of the light of nature; with other treatises. London, 1653. sqD. 210 4 Contents; The light of nature.— The schisme.— The act of oblivion.— The childe's return.— The panting soul.— Mount Ebal.— The white stone.— Spiritual opticks.— The worth of souls. CUMA. Fiorelli, G. Monument! cumani. Napoli, 1853. F.* pi. 8 p. 913 12 bound with 399 4 Cumano, Giuseppe. I oseleti, capricio ditiram- bico. {In Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 5.) 859 50 Cumberland, Richard. Henry; uit het Eng- elsch vertaald door Elisabeth Bekker wed. A. Wolf. Amsterdam, 1800. 2 v. O. pi. 839.33 30 CUMBERLAND DIALECT. Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects; dialogues, poems, songs and ballads; with a glossary. London, 1839. O. 829 1 Cummins, Adley H. A grammar of the old Friesic language. London, 1881. D. 439.2 4 CUNEIFORM WRITING. Dezold, C. Die Fort- schritte der Keilschriftfor&chvmg in neuester Zeit. Hamburg, 1889. O. 28 p. {In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Ueber Keilinschriften. Berlin, 1883. O. 31 p. {In same. 18 Serie.) 043 1 — Miinter, F. C. C. H. Versuoh iiber die keil- formigen Inschriften zu Persepolis. Kopenha- gen, 1802. O. pi. 492. 1 1 — Westergaard, N. L. On the deciphering of the second Achaemenian or Median species of arrowheaded writing, pi. {In Copenhagen— K. nord Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 2, 1840-4 ) 948 3 Cuneo. Consiglio provinciale: Relazione sulla conservazione e taglio dei boschi. [Cuneo 1865.J F. 21 p. ^51.58 89 bound witk 5iS 2 —Relazione dell' assedio di Cuneo, 1557. {In Yarieta storiche italiane.) 945 10 Cunningham, Allan. The lives of the most em- inent British painters and sculptors. New- York, 1831. 3 V. S. por. (Harper's fam. lib.) 927 1 Cunningham, Peter, editor, see the following publications of the Percy society: 820 6 Vol. 9. Tliompson, A. A poem to the memory of Con- greve. 1843. 11. Rich, B. The honestie of this age. 1844. Cuorvo, Nicolo. L' alluccate contro a li pe- trarchiste. {In CoUezione napoletana, 1783-9 ^- 24.) 869 19 Cuosemo pezzente, Lamiento de, see Pecor- one, B. CUPID. Grimm, J. L. K. Ueber den Liebes- gott. (In /its Klein ere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 2 ) 408 2 — Jahn, 0. Uber einige auf Eros und Psyche beziigliche Kunstwerke. pi. {In Leinsic—K. sSchs. Gesell. Berichte, 1851.) 063 3 ■—La Fontaine, J. de. Les amours de Psyche et de Cupidon. Paris, 1791. sqF. col. pi. 843 26 Cuppari. Pietro. Manuale dell' agricoltore. firenze, 1870. D, 630 11 — rnson, B.; Blicher, S. S.; Gyllenibourg, T. C. ; Heiberg, J. L. ; Herre, B.; Hertz, H.; Ingeniann, B. S.; Jansen, B. S.; Lie, J.; Lind, P. E. ; Muncli, A.; 01iien8clilager, A. G.; Saint Anbain, A. N. L.; Suhm, P. P.; Staffeldt, A. W. S. TOn; Thiele, J. ML; Thoresen, A. M. K.; Thomam, A. W. —MISCELLANEOUS. See Baggesen, J. I. ; Falster, ('. ; Gjenganger • Breve; Holberg, L. ; Molbech, C. ; Norsk Landmandsbog, 1865-70; Pedersen, C. ; Bafn, C. C. ; Staffeldt, A.W. S. von; Suhm, P. F.; Welhaven, J. S. C. ; IVergeland, H. A. T. —POETRY. Abrahamson, IV. H. F., & others, editors. Udvalgte danske Viser fra middelal- deren. Kj0benhavn, 1812-14. 5 v. D. 839.81 6 — — Barfod, P. F., reux-tran9ais du nioyen-age. (In Romania. V. 1, 1872.) 479 6 Darwin, Charles Robert. The effects of cross and self fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. London, 1876. D. 581 3 — The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms; with observations on their habits. London, 1881. D. il. 551.9 1 — On the movements and habits of climbing plants. London, 1865. O. il. 581 7 , From the Journal of the Linnean society. — On the origin of species by means of natural selection. New York, 1860. O. pi. 575 1.1 — Delpino, F. Sulla darwiniana teoria della pangenesi. Torino, 1869. O. 34 p. 580 1 — Laing, S. H. Widerlegter Darwinismus, Ab- stammung des Menschen. Leipzig, 1872. O. [3+]80p.^ 573 3 ^Mamiani, T. Della ipotesi darwiniana e sua trasmutazione in altra assai piu probabile. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 — Mttller, F. M. Meine Antworfc an Darwin, n. p. [,1875]. Q. 401 3 ^Quadri, A. Note alia teoria darwiniana. Bo- logna, 1869. O. 675 4 — Schleicher, A. Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft. 2 Aufiage. Weimar, 1873. 33 p. pi. 401 3 Darwin, George Howard. On the influence of geological changes on the earth's axis of rota- tion. London, 1877. sqF. p. 269-312. il. 625 1.1 bound with 504 2 Das ist sant Pauls leben, see Hieronymus So- phronius. Dasent Sir George Webbe. Introduction and life of Richard Cleasby. (In Vigfftsson, G. An Icelandic-English dictionary. 1874.) 439.63 6 — translator, see Rask, R. C. Grammar of Ice- landic. 1843. 439.65 5 — Tliomsen, G. The Northmen in Iceland; re- marks on a treatise of Daseni. (In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 Also separate. 949 5 DASS, Peder. Welhaven, J. S. C. Digteren fra Alstahoug, P. Dass. (In his Skrifter, 1867-8, V. 6.) 839.84 2 DA SSA MINI A TO 167 DA VIES Dassaiiiiniato, Giovanni, translator, see Albiz- zi, A. (legli. Epistola. 1863, {In Scelta di cu- riosita. 38.) 850 10 — Petrarca, F. De' rimedii dell' una e dell' altra fortuna. 1867. {In Emilia. CoUezione. 17-18.) 850 6 Dassi, Ginseppe, & Russell, J. S. Correspond- ance [so\ respecting a universal exibition {so\ at Rome, and the social question. Rome, 1872. O. 33 p. 606 7 Dasti, Lnigi. Notizie storiche archeologiche di Tarquinia e Corneto. Roma, 1878. O. map. 913 43 DATE-PALM, see PALM. DATES, see CHRONOLOGY. Dati, Carlo Roberto. Deir obbligo di ben par- lare la pi'opria lingua; con prefazione e note di Pietro Panfani. Firenze, 1870. D. 401 5 — Same. {In Fanfani, P. I diporti filologici. 1870.) 450 1 — Vite de' pittori antichi. {In Marcliese, V. Manuale. 1846.) 709 2 Dati, Ginlio. Lamento di Parione. {In Rimic- ci, T. Le usanze fiorentine. 1863.) 390 18 Dati, Giuliano. La lettera dell' isole che ha tro- vato nuovamente il re di Spagna, poemetto; per cura di Gustavo Uzielli. Bologna, 1873. D. il. facsim. {In Scelta di curiosita. 136.) 850 10 With life of Dati by F. Pontanl. Dati, Gregorio. 11 libro segreto di Dati; a cura di Carlo GargioUi. Bologna, 1869. {In same. 102.) 850 10 Dati, Leonardo di Stagio. La sf era, libri quattro in ottava rima, nel secolo 14; aggiuntivi due altri libri, e La nuova sfera di G. M. Tolosani; L' America di R. Gualterotti, con altre poesie del medesimo. Milano, 1865. S. {In Bibl. rara. 63.) 850 3 DAUBASSE, Arnaud. Donnodevie, A. A. Dau- basse, ouvrier et poete du 17e siecle. {In Rerue deslangues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 Daubeny, Charles Giles Bridle. Climate; causes of its differences, and its influence on vegeta- ble life. Oxford, 1863. O. map. 551.56 1 — Essay on the trees and shrubs of the ancients. Oxford, 1865. O. 551.58 21 — On the importance of the study of chemistry as a means of education. {In Yonmans, E. L., editor. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 2 DAUDE de Pradas. Bartsch, K. F. Les auzels cassadors, poeme proven9al; par Sachs. {In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 Dandet Alphonse. Les rois en exil, roman parisien. 25 edition. Paris, 1879. D. 843 6 Daiimas, Melchior Joseph Eugene. Les chevaux du Sahara et les moeurs du desert. 3 edition, avec des commentaires par Abd- el- Kader. Paris, 1855. D. 636 1 — Moeurs et coutumes del'Algerie : Tell, Kaby- lie, Sahara. Paris, 1853. D. 390 21 Danmas, Philippe. Quatre ans a Tunis. Alger, 1857. O. 916.1 4 Dannou, Pierre Clande Francjois. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de la convention natio- nale. {In Barri^re & Lescure. Memoires, 1857- 81, V. 12.) 944 10 — Lanfrey, P. {In his Etudes et portraits. 1874.) 923 3 Dautzenberg, Johan Micliael. Verspreide en nagelatene gedichten. 2uitgave. Brussel, 1875. O. 839.31 9 Davanzati, Bernardo. Le opere; annotate, per cura di Enrico Bindi. Firenze, 1853. 2 v. D. tab. 878 21 Contents: 1. Vita di Davanzati [,etc.].—Taoitus, C. C. Volgarizzamento degli Annali. 2. Same. Storie;— La Germania;— Vita di Giuio Agricola;— Delia perduta elo- quenza. Davanzati, B. Dello scisma d' Inghilterra.— [Miscellaneous.]— Lettere.—Eime. — Appendice. — translator, see Tacitus, C. C. Gli annali, V. 1, 1863. 878 22 Davenant, Sir William.Gondibert. {In Southey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Davenport, John, & Petronj, S. E. Nuovo dizionario italiano-inglese-francese. Edizione 4, aumentata. Londra, 1836. 3 v. in 2. O. 453 20 DAYID, king of Israel. Munter, F. C. C. H. Ueber das Davidische Familienbegrabnis unter dem Berge Zion. {In his Antiq. Abhandlungen. 1816.) 913 2.1 DAVID, St., abbot of Munhetorp. Historia S. Davidis; cum hymnis, antiphonis et respon- soriis. {In Fant, E. M. Script, rerum Sveci- carum, 1818-28, v. 2.) 948 38.1 David, Charles Louis Jules. Syrie moderne, contenant I'histoire des croisades. 1848. pi. map. (/n L'univers. 23.) 910 18 David, Christian Georg Nathan. Statsoecono- misk Archiv. Kj0benhavn, 1826-9. 2 v. D. 330 15 David, Jan Baptist, editor, see Maerlant, J. van. Rymbybel. 1858-9.3 839.31 16 Koning David herstelt, treurspel ; — Koning David in ballingschap, treurspel, see Yondel, J. van den. Davidson, Benjamin. The analytical Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon. 2 edition. London, [1 ed. 1848]. sqO. 492.4 3 DAYIDSON, Catharine Maria. Sedgwicli, C. M. Memoir of L. M. Davidson. {In Sparks. J. American biography, 1835-9, v. 7.) 920 15 Davidson, John. Notes during travels in Africa. London, 1839. sqQ. pi. 916.4 3 Printed for private circulation. Davidson, Margaret Miller. Biography and po- etical remains; by Washington Irving. Phila- delphia, 1841. O. 811 5.1 Davies, Charles. Mathematics; inaugural ad- dress. {In Columbia college. Addresses. 1858.) 378 1 Davies, Sir John. On the immortality of the soul. — Orchestra; or, A poem on dancing. {In Southey, R.Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Davies, John Silvester, editor, see An English chronicle, 1377-1461. {In Camden SOC. v. 64, 1856.) 820 4 Davies, Robert, editor, see Dugdale, W. The visitation of the county of Yorke, 1665-6. 1859. (/nSurtees soc. 36.) 820 7 Life of M. Rawdon. 1863. {In Camden soc. 85.) 820 4 Davies, Rowland, dean of Cork. Journal, 8 March 1688-9 to 29 Sept. 1690; edited, with DA VIES 168 DEATH notes and appendix, by Richard Caulfield. [London,] 1857. sqQ. {In same. 68.) 820 4 Da vies, T. Lewis 0. Bible English; chapters on old and disused expressions. London, 1875. D. 427 15 Davies, William. The pilgrimage of the Tiber, from its mouth to its source; with some account of its tributaries. London, 1873. O. il. pi. map. 914.5 73 Dayies, The life of Mrs. Cliristian, see Defoe, D. Davila, Arrigo (or Enrico) Cateriuo. Historia delle guerre civili di Francia, Francesco II.- Jlenrico IV.; con indice, vita dell' autore, e le annotationi di Giovanni Balduino. Londra, 1755. 2 V. sqQ. 944 26 Davis, Andrew Jacltson. Death and the after- life; eight evening lectures on the Summer- Land, phonographically reported by Robert S. Moore; also, A voice from James Victor Wil- son. 3 enlarged edition. Boston, 1871 [c'65]. D. pi. 236 2 Davis, Charles Henry. A memoir upon the ge- ological action of the tidal and other currents of the ocean. Cambridge [,Mass.], 1849. sqQ. [l+]40p. pi. 5olA7 lboundivithMS2 DAVIS, Jolin Dominic. [Attestations in the case of Davis; in Italian; without title. Rome? 1876?] F. 3+4+5+4+4 p. 262 1 bound with 282 39 ^Mag'g'i, I. Memoria per Davis. Roma[,1880]. F. 28 p. 262 1 bound with 282 39 — Positio rei actae a J. D. Davis apud Congre- gationem de propaganda fide ad Pium IX; pars 2, continens supplices libellos ejusdem, 1871-3. Rom8e,1873. F. 28 p. 262 1 bomid with 282 39 Appended, 2 p., is 'Ristretto con sommario sul recorso del... Davis, aprile 1871.' Davis, Natliau. Carthage and her remains, ex- cavations and researches. London, 1861. O. pi. maps. 913 31.8 Davy, Adam. Five dreams about Edward II. (In Piirnivall, F. J. Adam Davy's 5 dreams. 1878; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 69.) 820 5 Davy, Sir Hnmplirey, bart. Salmonia; or, Days of fly fishing; by an angler. 1 American from 2 London edition. Philadelphia, 1832. D. pi. 799 1 Davy, William, translator, see Timur. Insti- tutes. 1783. 954 8 Dawes, Rufus. Athenia of Damascus; a tra- gedy. {In American dramatic lib. 1839.) 812 1 Dawson, Sir Jolin William. The story of the earth and man. London, 1873. D. 651 16 Day, George Edward. Helps for translating the Hebrew Scriptures at the time the ancient ver- sion was made. {In Schaff, P. Anglo-Ameri- can Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 DAY, DIVISIONS OF THE, see CHROJiOLOGT. Dazzi, Pietro, editor. Alcune lettere familiari del secolo 14. Bologna, 1868. D. 72 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 90.) 850 10 See also no. 34. Sette lettere inedite del secolo 14, Firenze, 1867. D. 47 p. 856 10 Edition of only 125 copies. Dboec van den houte, see Maerlant, J. van. De falsis diis: Fragment af en angelsaxisk Homili, hvori naevnes nogle af Nordens he- denske Guddome; med en dansk Overssettelse ved C. R. Unger. {In Copenhagen — K.nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 De imperio magni Mogolis, 1631, seeLaet, [De itinere navali, de eventibus de que rebus a peregrinis Hierosolymam petentibus 1189 for- titer gestis narratio:] Rela9ao da derrota naval, fa9anhas, e successos dos cruzados que parti' rao do Escalda para a Terra Santa, 1189; escrita em latim por hum dos cruzados; traduzida e annotada por Joao Baptista da Silva Lopes. Lisboa, 1844. sqO. 940 13 De I'orient, par un oriental. Athenes, 1853. O. 28 p. 949 55 De laudibus divinse sapientise, see jVeckam, A. De monacho in flumine periclitato.(/H Benoist. Chronique, 1836-44, v. 3.) 841 10.1 De naturis rerum, see Neckam, A. De principatibus Italiae, 1628, see Segethns, T. De regno Danife, 1629, see Htephanins, S. H. De rerum natura, see Lucretius Cams, T., De tribus impostoribus, 1598; testo latino, con una notizia di FiJomnesto il giovane. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 47.) 850 3 De una causa dos efectos, see Calderon. v. 3. De vitiis et peccatis [Latin and Anglo-Saxon]. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 93, 1889. ) 820 5 De' vizi de' literati, see Manno, Gr. Deacon, William Frederick. Warreniana; with notes, critical and explanatory, by the editor of a quarterly review. Boston, 1851. D. 827 6 DEACONS. Jensen, H. N. A. Historische Nachrichten iiber unsere Diaconate. (/n Schles- wig...GeseUschaft. Archiv, v. 1, 1833.) 943 42 DEAD SEA. Allen, W. The Dead Sea, a new route to India. London, 1855. 2 v. D. il. pi. facsim. maps. 915.6 25 See also JORDAN. DEAF AND DUMB. Giuliani, G. B. Una sor- domuta di Cozzile in Vaidinievole e la sua fam- iglia. {In his Delizie. 1880.) 457 22 —Marsh, 0. P. [Report on the education of the deaf and dumb.] {In "Vermont — Gen. As- sembly. Journal, 1824, p. 23-30.) 080 1 — Peadola, T. La metodica applicata alia istruzione ed educazioce del sordo-muto. Siena, 1869. O. 371 1 — Sicard, R. A. C, abbe. Cours d'instruction d'un sourd-muet de naissance. 2 edition. Paris, 1813. O. pi. 371 2 See also VROyKE, D. De-Agostini, Giovacchino. Palestro, 31 maggio 1868; discorso, con illustrazioni inediti o rari. Edizione 2. Vercelli, 1868. O. 63 p. 945 38 DEATH. Bartholin, T. T. Antiquitatum Dani- carum de causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres. Hafnioe, 1689. sqD. 399 1 — Drelincourt, C. The Christian's consolations against the fears of death; prefixed, Life of the author, and A true relation of the appari- tion of Mrs. Yeal. Kay's 2 American edition. Philadelphia, 1836. D. pi. 236 1 DEATH 169 DEI^ — Pfuhl, F. Was geboren ist auf Erden Muss zu Erd' und Asche werden. Berlin, 1882. O. 36 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Tyiulall, J. Death by lightning. {In his Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 See also ESCHATOLOGT; FUTURE LIFE. Death, Alphabet of ,— Dance of, see Holbein, H. Death and the after-life, see Davis, A. J. DEATH PENALTY, see CAPITAL PUNISH- MENT. Debartolomeis, Luiffi. Oro-idrografiadeiritalia. Milano[,187-]. Q. (fu L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 3 II decamerone, see Boccaccio, G. De Castro, Giovanni, see Castro. DECIMAL SYSTEM, seeWEIGHTS AND MEAS- IJRES. Deckberg:, Olaf, respondent, see Wallin,G. Tri- ga diss, de gladio magico Gustavi Adolphi. 1746: Diss, secunda. 948 53 Deckers, Jan, seeBoendale, J. Deckert, EiniL Die civilisatorische Mission der Europaer unter den wilden Volkern. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Declarationen, see St. Anbain, A. N. de. No- veller, v. 1. DECORATION, see ORNAMENT. The decree of Canopus, in hieroglyphics and Greek, with translations, and an explanation of the hieroglyphical characters, by Samuel Sharpe. London, 1870. O. 419 2 DECRETAL, see CANON LAW. Decurtins, C., editor. Quattro testi soprasil- vani. {In Archiyio glot. ital. v. 7, 1880-3.) 450 11 Contents: Biiiidi, J. Cudisch diljj vladi da Jerusalem, 1591. IHseiitls. Cuorta memoria della ... claustra de Mu- ster.— Joannes of Damascus. Vita de soing Giosaphat; convertius de soing Barlaam.— Roman u historia de Oc- tavianiis. DEDUCTION, see INDUCTION. Dee, Jolin. A letter containing a discourse apologeticall for [his] philosophical studies. London, 1599. sqD. [23Jp. 133 21 — Private diary, and the catalogue of his libra- ry of mss. ; edited by James Orchard Halli well. London, 1842. sqO. {In Camden soc. 19.) 820 4 Deecke, Wilhelm. Corssi-n und die Sprache der Etrusker; eine Kritik. Stuttgart. 1875. O. 39 p. 477 1 DEER. Robertson, A. Our deer forests. Lon- don, 1867. O. 47 p. 551.58 69 DEFAMATION, see HONOR. La defensione delle donne, d'autore anonimo; scrittura del sec. 15, a cura di Francesco Zam- brini. Bologna, 1876. D. ( Zn Scelta di curiosity. 148.) 850 10 Defensor, monk, compiler. Liber scintillarum, with an interlinear Anglo-Saxon version, 11th century; edited, with introduction and glossary, by E. W. Rhodes. London, 1889. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser, 93.) 820 5 Defoe, Daniel. His life and recently discovered writings, 1716-29, by William Lee. London, 1869. 3 V. O. il. par. pi. facsim. 823 8 Vol. 1: Life. — Novels and miscellaneous works ; with me- moir [by John Ballantyne], literary prefaces,, notes, etc. Oxford, 1840-1. 20 v. D. por. pi. 823 7 Vol. 20 contains the life of Defoe by George Chambers, a general table of contents, and a list of his works ar- ranged chronologically. — '0 'Po^Stwwj' iv rrj vT^aif. roO, iK toO yaWtKoO virb X. XpiffTOTro6\ov. 'Ev 'A^T^wts, 1842. T. 823 9 —Minto, W. Daniel Defoe. 7th thousand. London, 1879. D. (English men of letters.) 928 22 De Forest, John William. Oriental acquaint- ance; or. Letters from Syria. New York, 1856. D. 915.6 1& DEFORMITY. Riidinger, N. Ueber die willkur- lichen Verunstaltungen des mensclilichen Kor- pers. Berlin, 1874. O. 43 p. il. {In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 Defremery, Charles Fran0; HAAR- LEM LAKE; HYDRAULIC ENGI>EERI\0; IRRIGATION; JURA; MAREMME; RIVERS; ZUIDEISZEE. Drake, Daniel. Pioneer life in Kentucky; a series of letters: edited with notes and a bio- graphical sketch by his son, Charles D. Drake. Cincinnati, 1870. O. por. 976 1 —Mansfield. E. D. Memoirs of Drake; with notices of the early settlement of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1855. O. por. 926 3 DRAKE, Sir Francis. Expedition de F. Drake en Amerique. {In Sauvage, J. Memoire. 1855.) 973 20 — Leng, R. Sir F. Drake's service against the Spaniards, 1587; now first edited, with appen- dix, by C. Hopper. 1863. {In Camden misc. 5; in Camden soc. 87.) 820 4 —Lives and voyages of Drake... New York, 1832.' S. por. 910 64 — Maynarde, F. Sir F. Drake his voyage, 1595; with the Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico; edited by W. D. Cooley. London, 1849. O. 12-1-8+65 p. {In Hakluyt soc. Works. 4.) 973 19 Drake, Nathan. A journal of the first and se- cond sieges of Pontefract castle, 1644-5; with an appendix relating to the third siege. Dur- ham, 1861. O. map. {In Surtees soc. Miscel- lanea; in its Pub. 37.) 820 7 DRAMA. Beanmarchais^ P. A. C. de. Essai sur le genre dramatique serieux. {In his Theatre. 1846.) 842 1 — Lessing, 0. E. Dramaturgische Werke. {In his Werke, 1823-5, v. 12-15.) 832 6 — Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Osserva- zioni intorno al dramma di Alessandlo e Ti- moteo. {In his Opere, 1815-20, v. 3.) 858 5 See also COMEDY; TRAGEDY. A drama of exile, see Browning, E. B. B. Dramatis personae, see Browning, R. DRAPER 183 BU BARTAS Draper, John William. History of the conflict between religion and science. 8 edition. Lon- don, 1877. D. (Internat. sci. series. 13.) 215 2 Draper, William. Life of Adam Smith. London, 1830. O. 33 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 923 91.1 The drapier's letters, see Swift, J. v. 2. DRAWING. AUstoii, W. Outlines and sketch- es, Boston, 1850. obF.^ [3] p. pi. 740 1 — Henke, W. Zeichnen undSehen. Berlin, 1871. O. 47 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 —Meyer, B. Die Beziehungen der Gewerbe- zeichnenschulen zur Kunstindustrie und zur Volksbildung. Berlin, 1870. O. 32 p. {In same. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Ruskiii, J. Notes, 1 : on his [collection of] drawings bv Turner; 2: on his own handwork illustrative 'of Turner. [Chiswick,] 1878. O. 740 2 See also Turner, J. M. W. Drayton, Michael. The harmony of the church, 1591; edited by Alexander Dyce. London, 1843. D. [7+] 71 p. {In Percy soc. v. 7.) 820 6 — Nymphidia.— Poly-olbion. {In Sonthey, R. Select works of British poets, 1831.) 821 9 —Poems, 1605. [Manchester,] 1888. sqO. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 45-6.) 821 3 — see Mirror for magistrates, pt. 3. 1815. 821 85 Dreadfiill newes; or, A true relation of the late earthquake at Callabria. London, 1638. D. [1+] 17 p. 661.22 3 DREAMS. Erichsen, J. De somniis. {In his Obs. ad. antiq. septent. 1769.) 398 30 — Grrimm, J. L. K. Der Traum von dem Schatz auf der Briicke. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, V. 3.) 408 2 —Jensen, J. Traumen und Denken. Berlin, 1871. O. 34 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — Siebeck, H. Das TraumJeben der Seele. Ber- lin, 1877. O. 40 p. {In same. 12 Serie.) 043 1 ^Synesiiis. De insomniis. — Nicephori Gregorae commentarius in librum Synesii. {In his Opera. 1612.) 208 11 See also SLEEP. Drechsler, Wolfgang. Historia Arabum. {In Arabia. 1633.) 094 59 Drei Rolandsknappen, Geschichte von den. {In Volksbiicher. 11.) 833 22 Drei Schwestern, Geschichte von den. {In same.) 833 22 Drejer, Salomon Thomas Mkolai. Flora excur- soria Hafniensis. Hafnias, 1838. T. 581 22 Drelincourt, Charles. The Christian's consola- tions against the fears of death; prefixed. Life of the author, and A true relation of the ap- parition of Mrs. Veal. Kay's 2 American edi- tion. Philadelphia, 1836. D. pi. 236 1 DRESDEN. Lehninger, J. A. Description de Dresde et de ses environs. Dresde, 1782. D. pi. map. 914.3 4 DRESS, see COSTUME. Drie daghe here, ene sotternie. (In Hoffmann Ton Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1836-62, pt. 6.) 839.31 3 Driftig vovet halv er vundet, see Heiberg*, J. L. Skuespil, v. 3. Drisler, Henry, editor, see Yonge, C. D. Eng- lish-Greek lexicon. 1870. 483 3 Drobisch. Moriz Wilhelni. [Various articles.] (In Leipsic— K. sachs. Oesell. Berichte, 1846- 53.) 016 1, 3 Les droits de la Roumanie, bases sur les traites » par un ancien diplomate. n. p., 1874. O. 341 9 Dr0m og Vii-kelighed, see Gyllembourg, T. C. DROMEDARY, see CAMEL. Dronning Margareta, see 0hlenschlager, A (J. Tragodier, v. 8. Dronning Margrete, see Ingemann, B. S. Een droom van Californie, kluchtspel, seeLen- nep, J. van. Poet, werken, 10. DROPLAUOARSONA SAGA. Thorlaciua, B. Unders0gelse over Fliotsdaelernes, eller Drop- l0gs S0nners, Saga. Ki0benhavn, 1828. S. [l+]64p. 949 6 Drottning Christina, drame, see Kellgren, J. H. Drottning Ingierd; eller, Mordet pa Eljaras, see Franzen, F. M. DROWNING. Sundt, E. L. Paa Havet; 5te Aars-Beretning om Forlis i Troms0 Bisped0m- me for 1865, samt Oversigt for 1861-5. Kri- stiania, 1866. D. [3-h] 56 p. 312 4 Droysen, Johann Gustav, & Samwer, K. Die Herzogthiimer Schleswig-Holstein und das Konigreich Diinemark, seit 1806. 2 Auflage. Hamburg, 1850. O. 943 41.1 Droz, Antoine Gustave. Tristesses et sourires. 5 edition. Paris, 1884. D. 848 5 Driide, Oscar. Die Florenreiche der Erde. Gotha, 1884. sqQ. [2+] 74 p. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheiliingen: Erganzungsband 16.) 910 44 Driimmond, James, ith earl of Perth, see Perth. Drummond, William. [Select poems.] (In Southey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 DRUNKENNESS, see TEMPERANCE. DRURY, Sir WiUiani. Churchyard, T. The rode of Sir W. Drury into Scotland, May 1, 1571. {In his Chips. 1817.) 941 3 DRYDEN, John. Macaiilay, T. B. {In his Es- says, 1843, V. 1.) 824 16 Du gar9on et de I'aveugle; saynete du 13e sie- cle. {In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 DUANE, James. Jones, S. W. Memoir of J. Duane. {In O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 4.) 974 9 Dnarte, see Edward. Dubarry, Armand. Le brigandage en Italic. Paris, 1875. D. 343 17 Du Bartas, GuUlaume de Saluste, sieur. Les oeuvres poetiques; le tout nouvellement r'im- prime, avec argumens, sommaires & annota- tions augmentees par S fimon] G [oulart de] S [enlis]. [Geneva,] 1593-1601 [v. 1, 1601]. 2 v. T. il 841 16 Contents; 1. La premiere sepmaine. 2. La seconde sepmaine —Les peres.— La loy.— Histoire de Jonas. — Histoire de Judit.— L'Uranie; ou. Muse celeste.— Le tri- omphe de la f oy.— Les neuf muses Pyr6n6es. BU BART AS 184 DUFF — English: His divine weekes and other workes; translated by Josuah Sylvester. London, 1611. sqD. 841 16.1 Contents : Corona dedicatoria, etc. - First • week.— Second week. — Urania; or. The heavenly muse.— The triumph of faith.— Tetrasticha; or. The quad- rains of G. de Faur, lord of Pibrac— Sonnets upon the peace in France.— A dialogue upon the troubles past.— An ode of the love and beauties of Astraea.— Epi- gramms and epitaphes upon warre and peace.— The profit of imprisonment, by O. dela None, lord of Teli- gni.— Of the worke, author and translator [by John Davies].— Index of hardest words —The historie of Jud- ith, a poeme; Englished by T. Hudson.— Table of wordes. The title-page is wanting. Dii Bellay, (xuillaume & Martin. Memoires, 1513-47. por. {In Michaud & Ponjonlat. Memoi- res, 1866, V. 5.) 944 9 Da Bellay, Joachim. La deffenoe et illustration de la langue francoyse; texte de I'edition origi- nale avec introduction, notes et glossaire, sui- vie du Quintil horatian de Charles Fontaine, par Em. Person. Versailles, 18^8. O. facsim. 447 16 Dabeux, Louis. La Perse. Paris, 1841. O. pi. maps. ( /u L'univers. 23.) 910 18 — & Valmont, V. Tartaria, Beloutchistan, Bou- tan et Nepal; Afghanistan, par Xavier Ray- mond. Paris, 1848. O. pi. maps. (In same. 24.) 910 18 Dublin— Abbey of St. Thomas. Register; edited by John T. Gilbert. London, 1889. Q. {In Gt. Br. — Master of Rolls. Chron. and mem. 94.) 942 8 — St. Mary's abbey. Chartularies; with the reg- ister of its house at Dunbrody, and annals of Ireland; edited John T. Gilbert. London. 1884. 2 V. (4. facsim. (In same. 80.) 942 8 — Craelic society, see Oaelic society of Dublin. Dubois, — . Memoires des choses a la mort de Louis XIII, 1643. {In Michaud & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 Dubois, L.Travaux de reboisement alacharrue forestiere dans le Blesois. Blois, 1862. O. [3-f] 83 p. 551.58 53 Dubois de Jancigny, Adolphe Philibert. see Jancigny. Du Burguet, (x. Essai sur I'aerage du tunnel des Alpes. Riberac, 1864. O. 15 p. 622 5 Du Cange, Charles du Fresne, sieur. Glossari- um mediae et infimaj latinitatis; auctum a mo- nachis ordinis S. Benedicti, cum supplementis P. Carpenterii, et additamentis Adelungii et aliorum; digessit G. A. L. Henschel. Parisiis, 1840-57. 8 v. sqQ. pi. 479 2 Vol. 7, Glossarium Gallicum, tabulas, indices, disser- tationes; [v. 8.] Glossarium Latino-Germanicum, con- cinnavit L. Diefenbach. Ducasse, Felix. Etude historique & critique sur le transformisme. Paris, 1876. O. 575 2 Du Clercq, Jacques. Historie van Artoys, 1459- 61, aengaende den Vaudois; vex'duytscht door G. Basson. {In Scot, R. Ondecking van tovery. 1638.) 133 9 — Memoires, 1448-67. por. (In Michaud & Pou- joulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 3.) 944 9 Daclos, Charles Pineau. Memoires secrets sur les regnes de Louis XIV et de Louis XV, 1710-25. por. {In same. v. 34.) 944 9 — Same. (In Barri^recfc Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 2.) 944 10 — Memoires sur la vie de Duclos, par lui-meme. {In same. v. 37.) 944 10 Du Couret, Louis, pseudonym Hadji-XhA^ el- RamiA-bey. Les mysteres du desert; souvenirs de voyages en Asie et en Afrique; precedes d' une preface par Stanislas de Lapeyrouse. Paris, 1859. 2 V. D. il. maps. 915.3 6 Dudevant, Amantine Lucile Aurore (Dupin), pseudonym George Sand. Andre. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1857. D. 843 7 — Francois le Champi. — Les mosaistes. Paris, 1852. D. 843 8 — Histoire de ma vie: par George Sand. Paris, 1855. 13 v. in 4. T. 928 23 — Un hiver au midi de I'Europe. Bruxelles, 1841. 2v. inl. S. 914.0 10 — Jacques, by George Sand; translated by An- na Blackwell. New York, 1847. 2 v. in 1. D. 843 9 — Lettres d'un voyageur. Bruxelles, 1841. 2 v. in 1. S. 846 2 — Teverino. — Leone Leoni. Paris, 1856. D, 843 10 Dudley, Arthur, pseudonym of Blaze de Bury, M. P. R. S. Dudley, Lady Jane (Grey). The life, death and actions of Lady Jane Gray, containing foure principall discourses, written with her owne hands. London, 1615. O. 38 p. 923 45 Reprint, 1829, of only 150 copies. Due farse del secolo 16; con la Descrizione del volume miscellaneo della biblioteca di Wolfen- biittel contenente poemetti popolari italiani compilata dal G. Milchsack, con aggiunte di A. d' Ancona. Bologna, 1882. {In Scelta di cu- riosita. 187.) 850 10 I due gemelli veneziani, commedia, see Goldo- •ni, C. V. 23. Due novelle aggiunte in un codice del 1437 con- tinente II decamerone di Boccaccio. Bologna, 1866. D. 12-f 71 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 71.) 850 10 Contents; Giovanni Cavedone e Elisa degli Onesti da Ravenna.— Bonaocorso di Lapo Giovanni. Due opuscoli rarissimi del secolo 16. Bologna, 1865. D. 31 p. (In same. 91.) 850 10 Contents: ProTerbii attiladi novi. — Ritio, D. Li nomi di provintie e citta. Dnellanterne, komisk Syngestykke, see Over- skou, T. DUELLING. Brantome, P. de. B. de. Discours sur les duels. {In his (Euvres, 1838, v. 1.) 920 5 —Lea, H. C. The wager of battle. {In his Su- perstition and force. 1870.) 340 4 — Wager of battle. — De materia duelli. (In Gt. Br. -Admiralty. Black book, 1871-6, v. 1; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and Mem. 55.) 942 8 Duelos de amor y lealtad, see Calderon. v. 4. The duenna, a comic opera, see Sheridan, R. B. B. Duff, Mountstnart Elphinstone Grant. The eastern question; a lecture, 14 Nov. 1870. Edinburgh, 1876. O. 62 p. 949 55 — Notes of an Indian journey, London, 1876. O. map. 915.4 2 —A political survey. Edinburgh, 1868. O. 320 6 BUFF 185 D U PLESSIS-PRASLIJST —The situation. London[,1878]. O. 20 p. 949 55 Reprinted from the Nineteenth century, March 1878. Du Fosse, Thomas. Memoires du sieur de Pon- tis, 1597-1652. {In Michaud & Poujonlat. Me- moires, 1866, V. 20.) 944 9 Du Fouilloux, Jacques. La venerie; piecedee de notes. Angers, 1844. O. il. 799 5 Dufour, Charles, & Forel, F. A. Recherches sur la condensation de la vapeur aqueuse de 1' air au contact de la glace, et sur I'evaporation. Lausanne, 1871. O. [1+] 64 p. pZ. 651.57 1 Dngdale, Sir William. The liistory of embank- ing and draining of divers fens and marshes. 2 edition, revised by Charles Nalson Cole. London, 1772. F." maps. 627 40.1 — The visitation of the county of York, 1665-6. Durham, 1859. O. {In Surtees soc. 36.) 820 7 With this is bound the following: — Armytage, G. J. Index to The visitation... London, 1872. O. [3+] 40 p. Dug'uay-Trouin, Rene. Memoires, 1689-1710.po?\ {In Michaud tfcPoiijoulat.Memoires, 1866, v. 33.) 944 9 DU GUESLIN, Bertrand. Chronique df Du Gueslin. {In Buchon, J. A. C. Choix de chro- niques, 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 — Le Fevre, J. Anciens memoires du 14e siecle de la vie du B. Du Guesclin. por. {In Michaud & Poiijoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 1.) 944 9 With Notice sur Du Guesclin, and Pieces relatives. Du Gruez, Giles. An introductorie for to lerne to rede, to pronounce and to speke French trevvly. {In Falsgraye, J. L'eclaircissment. 1852.) 447 15 Du Hausset, — madame. Memoires. {In Bar- riere dfcLescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 3.) 944 10 Dujardin, Edward, illustrator, see the works of Conscience, H. 839.33 4-18 Duker, Karl Andreas, editor, see Thucydides. 1731. 888 4.1 Et Dukkehjem, Skuespil, see Ibsen, H. Dnlaure, Jacques Antoine. Fragment des Sou- venirs sur les journees des 31 mai et 2 juin 1793, et sur la proscription des Girondins. {In Barri- ^re & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 30.)944 10 Du Laurens, Jeanne. Une famille au 16e siecle; introduction par Charles de Ribbe; lettre du R. P. Felix. 2 edition, augmentee de notes. Paris, 1868. D. 929 5 Du Loir, — sieur. Les voyages contenus en lettres du Levant. Paris, 1654. sqD. 914.9 33.1 Dumas, Alexandre Davy. Amaury. [Paris, first pub. 1844. J D. 843 11 Ascribed to F. P. Meurice. Title-page mutilated. — Joan, the heroic maiden; translated by Louisa C. Ingersoll. New York, 1846. O. 843 12 — Cenni sulle antichita agrigentine, 1835; vol- tati in italiano dalJ' artista Raflfaele Politi. Pa- lermo, 1861. T. 90[-h2p.] 913 42 Dumas, J. La science des fontaines. 2 edition. Paris, 1857. O. pi. 628 2 IJUMB, see DEAF AND DUMB. DUMERIL, Andr6 Marie Constant. Flourens, M. J. P. Eloge historique d' A. M. C. Dumeril. {In Paris— Institut. Acad, des sci. Mem. v. 35. 1866.) 561.58 59 Du M^ril, fidelestand Pontas. La vie et les ou- vrages de Wace. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng.Lit. V. 1, 1859.)— Ludus Sancti Jacobi, fragment de mystere proven9al, p. Arnaud. {In same. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Dumont, Aristide. Des travaux publics dans leurs rapports avec I'agriculture. Paris, 1847. O. ^ 630 13 Dumont de Bostaquet, Isaac Antoine. Memoires inedits sur les temps qui ont precede et suivi la revocation de I'edit de Nantes; publies par Charles Read et Frcis Waddington. Paris, 1864. O. 944 30 Dumouriez, Charles Francois Duperier. M6- moires.(/n Barrierecfc Lescure. Memoires, 1857- 81, V. 11-13.) 944 10 Dunbar, George. History of the Grecian states; Account of Greek authors. {In Potter, J. Archaeologia Grseca. 1835.) 913 26 DUNBAR, William. Tytler, P. F. {In his Lives of Scottish worthies, 1831-3, v. 3.) 920 17 — ^Wright, T. On the Scottish poet Dunbar. {In his Essays. 1846. v. 2.) 820 3 Duner, N., & others. Svenska expeditioner till Spetsbergen och Jan Mayen, 1863-4, af Duner, A. J. Malmgren. A. E. Nordenskiold och A. Qvennerstedt. Stockholm, 1867. Q. il. pi. map. 919 8 9 DUNES, see SAND. Dunham, Samuel Astley. History of Spain and Portugal. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1832-3. 5v.D. {In Lardner, D. Cabinet eye. 17, 18, 20, 21.23.) 946 3 Dnnnell, Mark Hill. American forestry; speech. House of representatives, 9 March 1882. Wash- ington, 1832. O. 16 p. 551.58 48 Dunstable. Annales prioratus de Dunstaplia, A. D. 1-1397. facsim. {In Luard, H. R. An- nales nionastici, 1864-9, v. 3; in Gt. Br.— Mas- ter of rolls. Chron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 DUNSTAN, St., archbishop of Canterbury. Stubbs, W., editor. Memorials of Saint Dun- stan. London, 1874. Q. (In same. 63.) 942 8 Dunstanus saga. {In Yigfusson, G. Icelandic sagas, 1887, v. 2; in same. 88.) 942 8 DUODECIMAL SYSTEM, see WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Dupaigne, Albert. Les montagnes. Tours, 1873. Q. il. pi. maps. 551.43 3 Dnparc, Arthur, editor, see Regnault, H. Cor- respondance. 1872. 846 9 Du Pays, Joseph Augustin, & Joanne, A. L. Itineraire de I'ltalie septentrionale. Paris[,1859]. D. majjs. 914.6 33 Du Petit Thouars, Abel Aubert. Reybaud, M. R. L. Voyage autour du nionde de Du Petit Thouars. {In his Marines. 1854.) 910 66 Dnpin de Saint- Andre, A., editor, see Poeniten- tiaria Romana. Taxes. 1879. 282 4 Duplessis, Georges Victor Antoine Gratet. Les merveilles de la gravure. Paris, 1869. D. il. (In Charton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 760 1 —editor, see La Rochefoucauld, F. de. Refle- xions. 1853. 840 10 Du Plessis-Praslin, Cesar de Choiseul, comte, see Choiseul. D UPONCHEL 186 DVRHAM Duponchel, Adolplie. Avant-projet pour la creation d'un sol fertile a la surface des landes de Gascogne. Montpellier, 1864. O. mop. 631 15 — Eaux de Nimes; projet de derivation des eaux filtrees de la plaine du Rhone. Nimes, 1865. O. 86 [+ 1] p. map. 628 8 — Traite d'hvdraulique et de geologie agricoles. Paris, 1868. ' O. pi. 631" 6 Duprat, Pierre Pascal. II parlamento italiano; versione dall' originate francese di G. A. Rossi. Torino, 1862. O. 328 2 — editor, see Annuario di economia sociale. 1863. 314 3.1 Dupre, Griovanni. Pensieri sull' arte e ricordi autobiografici. Firenze, 1879. D. 927 9 Dupreau, Gabriel, translator, see Willermiis. Histoire de la guerre sainte. 1574. 94:0 11 Du Paget, Antoine, sieur de Saint-Marc. Me- moires concernant les troubles de religion dans le midi de la France, 1561-97. {In Michaud & Ponjoulat. Memoires. 1866, v. 6.) 944 9 Dupiiit, Arsene Jules fitienne Juvenal. Des inondations; examen des moyens propoi^es pour en prevenir le retour. Paris, 1858. O. pi. map. 551.48 31 — Poiree, A. Quelques mots de reponse a Des inondations par Dupuit. Paris, 1858. O. 31p.pZ. 551.48 31 Durand, John Francis. Genuine and curious memoirs of the famous Captain Thurot. 1760. {In Percy soc. v. 21.) 820 6 Durand de Maillane, Pierre Tonssaint. Me- moires sur la Convention nationale.(7?i Barriere tfcLescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 36.) 944 10 Durant, Simon, & others. Album archeologique et description cles monuments historiques du Gard; par Durant, Henri Durand et Eugene Laval. Nimes, 1853. F. pi. map. 913 35 Dureau de la Malle, Adolphe Jules Cesar Au- guste. L'Algerie; histoire des guerres des Ro- mains, des Byzantins et des Vandales. Paris, 1852. D. 939 ^ — Lettera sopra le due Gerusalemme di Torquato Tasso.(/w Robert, monk. La guerra.l825.)099 36 —& Yanoski, J. Carthage. 1844. pi. mapys. {In L'uniyers. 2.) 910 18 DtJRER, Albreclit. Grimm, H. F. Albrecht Durer. Berlin, 1866. O. 46 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) 043 1 —Posonyi, A. Catalog der Diirer-Sammlung. [Wien, 1867.] Q. 10+79 p. 7614 — Retberg, R. L. von. Diirers Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte; ein kritisches Verzeichnis. Miin- chen, 1871. Q. pi. 761 3 Dttrer, Bernardo. Cenni idrologici e conside- razioni affini. Como, 1871. Q. [H-]16 p. 651.48 19 hound with 551.2 2 Durham. The acts of the high commission court within the diocese. Durham, 1858. O. {In Surtees soc. 34.) 820 7 —Bishop Hatfield's survey, a record of the pos- sessions of the see ; with an appendix of origi- nal documents and a glossary, by William Greenwell. Durham, 1857. O. {In same. 32.) 820 7 — Boldon buke; a survey of the possessions of the see of Durham, 1183; with translation, ap- pendix of original documents and glossary, by William Greenwell. Durham, 1852. O. {In same. 25.) 820 7 — Catalog! veteres librorum ecclesia? cathe- dralis Dunelm.; including catalogues of the library of the abbey of Hulne, and of mss in the library of Bishop Casin at Durham. Lon- don, 1838. O. {In same. 7.) 820 7 — Churchwardens' accounts of Pittington and other parishes in the diocese of Durham, 1580- 1780. Durham, 1888. O. {In same. 84.) 820 7 — Depositions and other ecclesiastical proceed- ings from the courts of Durham, from 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth. London, 1845. O. {In same. 21.) 820 7 — The Durham household book; or, Accounts of the bursar of the monastery of Durham, 1530-4. London, 1844. O. {In same. 18.) 820 7 — Feodarium prioratus Dunelmensis; a survey of the estates of the prior and convent, 15th century. Durham, 1872. O. (In same. 58.) 820 7 — Halmota prioratus Dunelmensis; containing extr^ts from the halmote court or manor rolls of the prior and convent of Durham, 1296- 1384. Durham, 1889. v. 1. O. (/n same. 82.) 820 7 — The injunctions and other ecclesiastical pro- ceedings of Richard Barnes, bishop of Durham, 1575-87. Durham, 1850. O. {In same. 22.) 820 7 — Liber vitae ecclesise Dunelmensis; nee non obituaria duo. London, 1841. O. {In same. 13.) 820 7 — Same. (In Sweet, H. Oldest English texts. 1885; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 83.) 820 5 — The obituary roll of William Ebch ester and John Burnby, priors of Durham, with notices of similar records, from 1533 downwards, let- ters of fraternity, &c. Durham, 1856. O. facsim. {In Surtees soc. 31.) 820 7 — Registrum palatinum Dunelmense; the reg- ister of Richard de Kellawe. lord palatine and bishop of Durham, 1311-16; edited by Sir Thom- as Duffus Hardy. London, 1873-8. 4 v. Q. {In Gt. Dr.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 62.) 942 8 — Rituale ecclesise Dunelmensis [Latin and Anglo-Saxon]. London [,1840]. O. facsim. {In Surtees soc. 10.) 264 2.1, 820 7 — Sanctuarium Dunelmense et Sanctuarium BeverJacense. London, 1837. O. il. pi. {In same. 5.) 820 7 —A description or briefe declaration of all the ancient monuments, rites and customes [of] the monastical church of Durham. 1593. Lon- don, 1842. O. {In same. 15.) 820 7 — Raine, J., editor. Historiae Dunelmensis scrip- tores tres; Gaufridus de ColdingViam, Robertus de Graystanes et Willielmus de Chambre. Lon- don. 1839. O. {In same. 9.) 820 7 — Symeon,TOonfc. Historia ecclesiae Dunhelmen- sis; eadem deducta ad 1144; varii tractatus de S. Cuthberto et Dunelmo. {In his Opera, 1882-5, v. 1; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 75.) . 942 8 See also Cosiii, J.; Granville, D.; Lawrence; Symeon; WlLIiS. DURING SFELD 187 D UTGH LANG UA GE Diiringsfeld, Otto Yon, see Reiiisberg-Duriiigs- feW. Dursli der Branntweinsaufer, see BitziiiS, A. V. 12. Duruy, Victor, & others. Italie ancienne. Parie, 1850-1. 2 V, O. pi. maps. (In L'univers. 54-5.) 910 18 Contents: 1. Annales. coutumes. 2. Institutions, mceurs et Dusaiilx, Jean. De I'insurrection parisieime et de la prise de la Bastille; discours historique. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 28.) 9U 10 Dusinani, Antonio Lefcocliilo. La missione di William E wart Gladstone nelle isole Jonie; nar- razione. Corfu, 1869. O. ' 949 49 Dassault, Jean Joseph, editor, see Bossuet, J. B. Oraisons funebres. 1858. 846 2 DUST. Tyndall, J. Dust and disease. (In his Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 DUTCH DIALECTS. Clianguion. A. N. E.Proe- ve von Kaapsch taaleigen. (In his Neder- landsche taal. 1844.) 439.35 2.1 — Firmenicli-Ricliartz, J. M. Niederliindische Mundarten. (In his Germaniens Volkerstim- men, 1846-54, v. 3.) 839.1 1 —Winkler, J. Algemeen Nederduitsch en Friesch dialecticon. 's Gravenhage, 1874. 2 v. in 1. O. 439.37 1 See also CREOLE; NEGRO-EXGLISH. DUTCH (early) LANGUAGE. Hoffman von Fal- lersleben, A. H. Glossarium Belgicum. (In his Horae Belgicae, 1836-62, pt. 7.) 839.31 2 — Oudemaiis, A. C. Bijdrage tot een Middel-en Oudnederlandsch woordenboek. Arnhem, 1869- 80. 7 V. O. ^ 439.37 4 — Scliueren, G. van der. Teuthonista; of, Duytschlender; uitgegeven door wylen C, Boonzajer, met eene voorrede van J. A. Cling- nett. Leyden, 1804. sqQ. 439.37 6 — Verwijs, E., & Verdani, J. Middelneder- lan'lsch woordenboek. 's-Gravenhage, 1885-9. V. 1-2. Q. 439.37 8 A-G complete; the rest to be sent as publislied. —Tries, M. de. Middelnederlandsch woorden- boek. 's-Gravenhage, 1864-5. 2 pt. Q. 439.37 7 A-Anxt. No more publislied. For substitute see Ver- wijs v«ling, R. S v.; Sleeckx; Wolf, E. B. —MISCELLANEOUS. See Beken, A.; Dekker, E, D.; Fokke, A. S. ; Verweer, E.; Wolf, E. B. —POETRY. Bloemen der vaderlandsche poezij. 4 druk. Amsterdam, 1864. T. pi. 839.311 Hoffman von Fallersleben, A. H., editor. Horae Belgicae. Hannoverae, 1836-62. 12 pt. in 3 V. O. facsim. 839.31 3 Jonckbloet, W. J. A. Geschiedenis der middelnederlandsche dichtkunst. Amsterdam, 1851-4. 3 V. O. 839.31 5 — — Kausler, E. von., editor. Altniederlandi- sche Gedichte des 13-15 Jahrhunderts. Tiibing- en, 1844-66. 2 v. O. facsim. {In his Denkma- ler. V. 2-3.) 839.31 4 — —Longfellow, H. W. Dutch language and poetry. {In his Poets and poetry of Europe. 1845.) 808 1.1 See also Akm, H. ran; Beets, >.; Boendale, J. ; Brit, CHABLEMACfXE; Christina, St.; Dautzenberg, J. M.; Deken A.; Genestet, P. A. de; Heelu, J. van; Klerk, J. de; Krul, J H.; Eomanvan Lano«lot; Lennep, J. van; Blaeriant, J. van Ollefen, L.van; Pennine; Potter, D.; Reimclironik van Flan dern; Staes, J.; Stoke, M.; ToUens, H. C; Vondel, J. van den; Vostaert, P.; Wachtendorp, S.;. milem van Hildegaers- berck; Wolf, E, B. —ROMANCES. Bergh, L. P. C. van den. De Nederlandsche volksromans; eene bidrage tot de geschiedenis onzer letterkunde. Amster- dam, 1837. O. 839.3 14 — —Jonckbloet, W. J. A. Geschiedenis der middelnederlandsche dichtkunst. Amsterdam, 1851-4. 3v. O. 839.31 5 See also Faust, J.; Huon of Bordeaux; Reynard the fox. Dn Tillet {Latin Tilius), Jean. De rebus Galli- cis. {In Respublica Galliae. 1626.) 094 27 Dutot, — . Reflexions politiques sur le commerce et les finances. {In Daire, E. Economistes. 1851.) 336 9 Du Trleu de Terdonck, Charles. Dissertation sur les meilleurs moyens de fertiliser les landes de la Campine et des Ardennes. [Brussels? 1846?] sqQ. 33 p. 631 17 Diitschke, Hans. Musiknlische Zustande in Italien. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 Duval, Alexandre Vincent Pineu. Les pro jets de mariage; ou, Les deux officiers, comedie en un acte [French and Danish]. {In Borring, L. S. Conversations fr. et dan. 1836.) 439.88 2 Duval, Jnles. Les societes cooperatives. {In Thevenin, E. Cours d'econ. indust. 3 serie. 1866.) 330 18 Duval, Valentin Jamerai. CEuvres; precedees des memoires sur sa vie [by F. A. de Koch]. 5. Petersbourg, 1784. 2 v. O. it. por. 846 3 Dnveyrier, Charles. La civilisation. {In Theve- nin, E. Entretiens, 1866, v. 1, p. 65-237.) 304 5.1 Duveyrier, Henri, editor, see Ann^e geographi- que, 1876-8. 910 46 Da Villars, Franviglit, T. W. Our municipal law. Marsh, G. P. An apolofry for the study of English. Dwight, Timothy. 1752-1817. Travels; in New- England and New York. New-Haven, 1821-2. 4 V. O. maps. 917.4 1 Dwight, Timothy. 1828—. True conservatism in respect to changes in the English and Greek text. {In Schaff, P. Anglo-American Bible re- vision. 1879.) 220 5 Dybeck, Richard. Sverikes runurkunder: Upp- land. Stockholm, 1860. F.* 30 p. pi. 439.61 14 hound with 399 41 Dyce, Alexander, editor, see Kemp, W. Nine dales' wonder. 1840. (Jn Camden soc. 11.) 820 4 Skelton, J. Poetical works. 1843. 821 98 see the following publications of the Percy society: 820 6 Vol. 5. Porter, H. The two angry women of Abington. 1841. 6. Wotton, H. Poems. 1843. 7. Drayton, M. The harmony of the church. 1843. Dyer, William Turner Thistleton. The needs of biology. {In Essays on endowment of re- search. 1876.) 378 3 DYES. See AXILINE DYES; BLEACHIXG; COLOR; EVE; PURPLE. D YKSTRA 189 EARTH Dykstra, Waling, editor, see Japicx, Gr. Frysce rymlerye. 1853. 839.2 8 DYNAMICS. Battaglini, (x. Sul movimento per una linea di 2o ordine. {In Rome— R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v, 1, 1876- 7, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Cerruti, V. Intorno ai movimenti non peri- odic! di un'sistema di punti materiali. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — — Intorno alle piccole oscillazioni di un corpo rigido interamente libero. {In same. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 Dyrlund, F. Rettelser og Optegnelser. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarbager. V. 10, 1885.) 948 5 — Tatere og Natmandsfolk i Danmark. Kjo- benhavn, 1872. O. 397 2 Dyrlund, Niels Kristian Folmer. Det norske Folkesprogs Grammatik ved Ivar Asen. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiqua- risk Tidsskrif t. v. 2, 1846-8.)— Dansk Dialect- Lexicon og Ordbog over det norske Folkesprog. (In same. v. 3, 1849-51.) 948 4 E., H. Die Einweihung der zoologischen Station in Neapel. [Berlin, 1875.] O. p. [541-] 556. 590 3 Eadie, John. A new and complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures; on the basis of Cruden, with introduction by David King. 13 edition. London, 1856 O. •220 2 Eadiner, precentor of Canterbury. Historia novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de vita S. Anselmi et miraculis ejus; edited by Martin Rule. London, 1884. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 81.) 942 8 —Vita Sancti Dunstani. — Liber miraculorum. {In Stubhs, W. Memorials of Dunstan. 1874; insame.Q'S.) 942 8 Eadwine's Canterbury psalter, see Bible— O. T. Psalms. Eannes de Azurara, Gomes. Chronica do conde Pedro de Menezes. {In Lisbon— Academia. Collec9ao dehist. port., 1790-1824, v. 2.) 946 68 — Chx-onica do descobrimento e conquista de Guine; trasladada do viscondedaCarreira; pre- cedida de uma introduc9ao, com notas, pelo visconde de Santarem. Pariz, 1841. sqQ. por. facsim. 967 1 With figured margins. EAR. Czermak, J. N. Ueber das Ohr und das Horen. Berlin, 1873. O. il. 46 p. {In Yir- chow & HoltzendorflF. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1, 534 2 —Magnus, A. Gehor und Sprache. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. (In same. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — — Ueber die Gestalt des Gehororganes bei Thieren und Menschen. Berlin, 1871. O. 35 p. {In same. 6 Serie.) 043 1, 612 3 Earle, John. Micro-cosmographie, editio prin- ceps, 1623; with additional characters from 5 edition, 1629, and 6 edition, 1633. London, 1868. S. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 12, 820 9 Early English alliterative poems in the West- Midland dialect of the 14th century; edited, with introduction, notes and glossarial index. by Richard Morris. London, 1864. O. (/wE. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 1.) 820 5 See also, by the same author, Gawayiie and the green knight. — Lemcke, L. G. Early English poems in West- Midland dialect. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Early English text society. Publications. Lon- don, 1864-91. Original series, 1-97; Extra series, 1-59. O, Q cfc F.^ il. por. pi. facsim. maps. For earlier contents arranged numerically, see Astor catalogue, continuation; arranged alphabetically, see Pea- body catalogue. ORIGINAL SERIES: 820 5 Contents: 75. Catholicoii Anglicum; an English-Latin wordbook, HSi; edited by 8. J. H. Herrtage. ^881. facsim. 76, 82, 94. Jllfric. Lives of saints [A. -S dfc English] ; edited by W. W. Skeat. 1881-90. pt. 1-3. 77. Beowulf; autotypes of the Cotton ms. ; with transliteration and notes by J. Zupitza. 18(^2. Q. /amw. 78. FurniTall, F. J., «;itor. The fifty earliest English wills,]387-1454. 1883. 79. King Alfred's Orosius; edited by H. Sweet. 1883. pt. 1. Extra volume. The Eplnal glossary, Latin and Old-English of the 8th century; photo-lithographed; with transliteration and notes by H. Sweet. 1883. F.^ facsim. 80. The life of Saint Katherine. with its Latin original; edited by E. Einenkel. 1884. 81. Langlaiid, W. The vision concerning Piers Plow- man; edited by W. W. Skeat: Notes, glossary, etc. Not yet issyed. 83. Sweet, H., editor. The oldest English texts. 1885. 84. C'loustoii, W. A. Additional analogs to The Wright's chaste wife. 1886. p. 25-39. 85. Joliann von Hil- desheim. The three kings of Cologne; edited by C. Horst- mann. 1886. 86. The liTes of women saints of England; edited by C. Horstmann. 1886. 87. The early South-English Legendary, or Lives of saints; edited by C. Horstmann. 1887. V. 1. 88. Bradshaw, H. The life of St. Werburge of Chester, englisht 1513; re-edited by C- Horstmann. 1887. 89. Vices and virtues ; aMiddle-English dialogue of about 12'i0; edited by F. Holthausen. 1888. pt. 1. 90. Benedict- ines. The rule of St. Benet, Latin and A -S. interlinear; edited by H. Logeman. 1888 91. Austin, T., editor. Two ].5th-century cookery books. 1888. 93. Bible. Eadwine's Canterbury psalter: edited by F. Harsley. 1889. pt.2. 93. Defensor. Liber sclntillarum, with interlinear A. -S. ver- sion. 11th century; edited by E. W. Rhodes. 1889. 95. Alfred, translator. The Old English version of Bede's Ecclesiastical history; edited, with translation, by T Miller. 189 1. pt. 1, sect. 1. 9&, Notyetissved. 97. Bible. The earliest complete English prose psalter; edited by K. D. BUlbring. 1891. pt. 1. EXTRA SERIES. 820 5.1 Contents: 84-41, 43-5, 50. The English Charlemagne romances. 1879-91. 12 pt. in 9 v. For contents s«€ separate entry. 42, 49, 59. The romance of Ouy of Warwick; edited from the Auchinleck andCaiusmss. by J. Zupitza. 1883-91. pt. 1-3. 46,48. The romance ot Beiies of Ham- toun; edited by E.Kolbinsr. 188.V6. pt. 1-2. 47. The wars of Alexander, an alliterative romance; re-edited by W. W. Skeat. 1886. 51. Torrent of Portyngale; re-edited by E. Adam. 1887. 52. Bullein, W. A dialogue against the feuer pestilence; edited by M. W. and A. H. Bullen. 1888. pt. 1. 53. Vicary, T. The anatomie of the bodie of man; edited by F. J. and P. Furnivall. 1888. pt. 1. 54. Caxton, W., translator'. The curial, by A. Charretier. 1484; edited by F. J. Furnivall. 1888. 55. Barbour, J. The Bruce; edited by W. W. Skeat. 1889. pt. 4. 56. Ellis, A. J. On early Eng- lish pronunciation. 1889. V. 5. 67. V,«s.\fin,yi,., translator Eneydos, 1490; edited bv W. T. Culley and F. J. Furni- vall. 189!i. 59. Caxton, W., tranMator. Blanchardyn and Eglantine, 1489; edited by L. Kellner. 1890. --Reports [,etc.]. [London, 1864-J91. O. 820 5.2 EARLY PRINTED BOOKS, see PRINTING. Th(i early South-English Legendary, or Lives of saints; edited by Carl Horstmann. London, 1887. V. 1. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 87.) 820 5 Contents: 1. Ms. Laud, 108, in the Bodleian library. EARTH. Bessell, F. Die Beweise fiir die Be- wegung der Erde. Berlin, 1871. O. 44 p. (JreVir- chow OLOGY; HIERO«LYPHICS. —MODERN. 'Abd-ol-Ghani-in-Nabolsi. Reisen in Syrien, Aegypten...; von A. von Kremer. [Wien,]n. d. O. 44 p. 915.6 14 — — Angrliiera, P. M, d', De Babylonica lega- tione libri 3, (in his De rebus oceanicis. 1574.) 910 1 Bartlett, W. H. The Nile boat; or, Glimpses of Egypt. London, 1849. O. iltp. 916.2 1 Bariiffl, (x. F. Viaggio da Torino alle pira- midi, 1843. Torino, 1848. S, pi. 916.2 2 — — Brelim, A. E. Reiseskizzen aus Nord-Ost- Afrika, 1847-52. Jena, 1855. 3v. O. 916.2 3 Browne, W. G. Travels in Africa. Lon- don, 1799. sqQ. pi. maps. 916.2 4 — —Clot, A. B. Aper9u general sur I'Egvpte. Bruxelles, 1840. 2 v. S. por. maps. 916.2 6 Fallmerayer, J. P. Aegypten. {In his Werke, 1861, v. 1.) 908 1 Figari bey, A. StudiiscientificisuU'Egitto, con carta geografico-geologica. Lucca, 1864-5. 2v. O, cfc Atlas. F.9 916.2 7 Atlas in portfolio 3. trautier, T. Egypte.— Le Fayoum, le Sinai et Petra.— Le Nil.— Egypte ancienne. {hi his L'orient, 1877, v. 2.) 910 29 Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Colonisation von Aegypten und ihre Wirkungen auf das europaische Staatensystem. {In his Werke, 1821- 30, V. 2.) 908 1 Klunzinger, K. B. Bilder aus Oberagyp- ten, der Wiiste und dem Rothen Meere. 2 Auflage. Stuttgart, 1878. O. il. pi. 916.2 20 Kremer, A. von. Aegypten; Forschungen iiber Land und Volk. Leipzig, 1863. 2 v. O. tab. map. 916.2 8 — — Lane, E. W. An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians, 1833-5. London, 1835. 2 v. D. il. pi. 916.2 9 Leland, C. 0. The Egyptian sketch-book. London, 1873. D. 916.2 10 — — Lepsius, K. R. Brief e aus Aegypten, 1842- 5. Berlin, 1852. O. pi. map. 916.2 12 Marcel, J. J. Egypte depuis la conquete des Arabes jusqu'a la domination fran9aise; — sous la domination francjaise par A. Ryme; — sous la domination de Mehemet Aly par P. et H. Paris, 1848. O. pi. (/wL'ttniYers. 6.) 91018 Minntoli, J. H. yon. Reise. . . in der liby- schen Wliste und nach Ober- Aegypten, 1820-1. Berlin, 1824. sqO. 916.2 21 Same. Nachtrage. Berlin, 1827. O. pi. 916.2 23 — — Partliey, G. F. C. Wanderungen durch das Nilthal. Berlin, 1840. S, & Anhang. F.^ 916.2 13 — — Poole, Sophia L. The Englishwoman in Egypt; letters from Cairo, 1842-6. 1-2 series. London, 1844-6. 3 v. S. il. pi. 916.2 14 Poole, Stanley L. Egvpt. London, 1881. S. pi. maps. 916.2 15 — — Regaldi, Gr. Da Siene a File, memoire. Torino, 1862. O. 88 p. 916.2 16 — — Vansleb, — . Nouvelle relation d'un voyage in Egypte. Paris, 1677. S. 916.2 18 — — Volney, C. F. C. de. Voyage en Egypte et en Syrie, 1783 5. 5 edition. Paris, 1822. 2 v. O. pi. maps. 915.6 24 Wilde, W. R. Egypt, il. {In his Narra- tive of a voyage. 1844.) 910 39 — —Wilkinson, J. G. Hand-book for travellers in Egypt. London, J. Murray, 1847. D. il. maps. 916.2 19 See especially LEYAXT, under which will be found every general book of travels through Egypt, Palestine, Turk- ey, etc., also ALEXANDRIA; FAYTM; KORDOFAN; NATRON LAKES; NUBIA. EGYPTIAN LANGUAGE, see HIEROGLYPH- ICS. Ehezuclitbttehlein, see Fischart, J. Ehrenmalm, Arwid. Reise durch West-Nord- land nach der Lappmark Asehle ; aus dem Schwedischen. {In Hogstrom, P. Beschrei- bung des Lapplandes. 1748.) 914.8 32.6 Ehrenstrale {previously Nehrman), David. Jus publicum Sveciae : eller, Swenska etats lagfa- renheten. [Ms.] F. 349 43 Ehrensvard, Carl August. Skrifter; auyo utgif- na af C. Eichhorn. Stockholm, 1S66. O. por. 704 2 Ehrenthal, Willielm. Das Kutschkelied auf der Seelenwanderung. 6 vermehrte Auflage. Leip- zig, 1871. O. 72 p. pi. 808 1 The poem was vn-itten by H. A. Pistorius, see Upper- heide, F. LiederzuSchutz und Trutz, p. 184. EICHHOFF 196 ELECTRICITY Eichhoff, Frederic Grustave. Les racines de la langue anglaise. Paris, 1864. D. 422 1 Eichmann. F. Die Reformen des osmanischen Reiches. Berlin, 1858. O. 949 56 Eicliwald, Karl, compiler. Niederdeutsche Sprichworter und Redensarten; mit Glossar, 4 Ausgabe, Bremen, 1870. D. 398 39 Eid und Pflicht, biirgerliches Trauerspiel, see Engel, J. J. V. 6. EIDSVOLU. Siindt, E. L. B0rnenes Husflid og Skoleflid i Eidsvold; Aarsberetniug. Christi- ania, 1872. O. 16 p. 379 6 Eidsvolds Fattig-Husholdning, 1871-2. [Eidsvold, 1872-8.] 2 v. O. 339 1 Eigensinn und Laune, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 8,— Schriften, 24. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Suhm, P. F. Naer- vaei-ende attende Seculi Characteer, {In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 5.) 839.88 5 Eike von Repgoiv. Das Zeitbuch; in urspriing- lich niederdeutscher Sprache und in friiher lateinischer tj bersetzung herausgegeben von H. F. Massniann. Stuttgart, 1857. O. {In Stuttgart— Lit. Verein. Bibl. 42.) 839.1 9 See also Sachsenspiegel. ELkwv ^aaiXiKT], see Gaiiden, J. Filers, Willielm. Dissertation on "The parson's tale," and the ' 'Somme de vices et vertus" of Frere Lorens; englisht, 1884. {In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 5; in Chaucer soc. 2ser. 19.) 821 46 Eilhart von Hobergen. Bruchstiicke aus Tri- tran und Isolde. {In Grottfried von Strassburg. Werke, 1823, v. 2.) 831 30 Einar Sokkeson, Fortaelling om. {M Copen- hagen — K.nord Old.-Selskab. Gronlands hist. Mind., 1838-45, v. 2.) 839.63 36 Einarsson, Baldvin. Om de danske Provind- sialstajnder, med specielt Hensyn paa It^land. Kjobenhavn, 1832. O. 40 p. 949 1 Einarsson, H^dan, editor & translator, see Konungs skuggsjii. 1768, 839.68 19 Einarsson, Halldor. Om Vaerdie-Beregning paa Landviis og Tiende-Ydelsen 1 Island. Kj0!:ien- havn, 1833. D. 336 2 — translator, see Finnsson, H. Om Folkmaeng- dens Foi-mindelse ved Uaari Island. 1831, 949 2 Einenkel, Eugen, editor, see CATHERINE, St. The life of St, Katherine, 1884. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser, 80.) 820 4 lattr Eireks rauda. {In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Gronlands hist. Mind., 1838-45, V. 1.) 839.63 36 Eireks saga viSforla; {In Flateyjarbok, 1860-8, V. 1.) 839.63 5 Eiriksson, Magntis, & others. Fjorir lasttr um Ailing og onnur malefni Islendinga. Kaup- mannahofn, 1843. O. 8+86 [+ Ij p. 839.68 5 —translator, see Elucidarius, Brudstykker af den islandske. {In Copenhagen K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 17, 1857.) 948 2 Ekbohrn, C. M. Nautisk ordbok, Gotheborg. 1846. O, il. pi. 439.73 8 Ekdahl, N. J., editor. Christiern II :s arkiv 1: Handlingar rorande Severin Norby och hans krigsforetagen mot Sverige, Stockholm. 1835- 6, 3 v. O. 948 38 Ekendahl, Cr. von, translator, see Fryxell, A. Leben Gustavs I. Wasa. 1831, 923 48 Ekkehard, dbhot of St. Laurent's, Urach. An- nalista Saxo, sive Eckehardi Uragensis chroni- con ab initio regni Francorum ad 1139. {In Eckhard, J. 0. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 1.) 943 13 Eland, William. Tutor to astrology, 10 edition, corrected and enlarged by Geo, Parker, Lon- don, 1704, T. tab. 133 31 ELASTICITY. Cerruti, T. Sopra un teorema del Menabrea, {In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti, 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5,) 065 3 Sulle vibrazioni de' corpi elastici isotropi. {In same. 3 ser, sci.fis. v, 8. 1879-80,) 065 4 —Menabrea, L. F. Sulla determinazione delle tensioni e delle pressioni nei sistemi elastici. (7n same. 2 ser, v, 2, 1874-5,) 065 3 ELCANO, Jnan Sebastian de. Navarrete, M. F. de, editor. Viage al Maluco de Elcano. por. {In his Coleccion devoiages, 1825-37, v, 4.) 910 59 Elder, William. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane, Philadelphia, 1858, O, por. pi. iltp. 923 54 ELECTRICITY. Bartoli, A. G. Le leggi delle polarita galvaniche, pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser, sci. fis. v, 8, 1879-80. j065 4 —Beltrami, E. Sulla determinazione sperimen- tale della densita elettrica alia superficie dei corpi conduttori, {In same. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Cantoni, Cr. Su la teoria dell' elettroforo. {In same. 2 ser, v, 3, 1875-6, pt, 2,) 065 3 — —Sulla teoria della pila voltiana, {In same. 3 ser, sci. fis. v. 3, 1878-9,) — Same, nota 2. {In same. v. 7, 1879-80, ) 065 4 — Ferraris, G. Teoremi sulla distribuzione delle correnti elettriche costanti, {In same. V, 4, 1878-9,) 065 4 —Franklin, B. I^etters and papers on electrici- ty, pi. {In hisWorks, 1840, Y. 5.) 818 1 — Govi, G. Intorno alia teoria dell' elettroforo, (/n Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Die neuere Entwicke- lung von Faraday's Ideen liber Elektricitiit. — Anhang. pi. {In his Vortrage, 1884, v, 2,) 504 5 — Maggi, G. A. Distribuzione dell' elettricita in equilibrio sopra due conduttori piani indefiniti, paralleli.., {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti, 3 ser, sci. fis. v, 7, 1879-80.)— Induzione elettrica su conduttori limitati da piani in- definiti... {In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Matteucci, C. Sull' elettro-fisiologia. Milano, 18(i7, O: 612 3 — Pannilini, M. Lucchetto elettrico e relativi studi fin dall' anno 1863, Siena, 1873, O, 52 p. il. 537 5 — Paparozzi, P. Ad una nota del A. Righi, ri- sposta. (In Ewme— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti, 2 ser, V, 3, 1875-6, pt, 2,) 065 3 — Ricco, A. Sulle curve percorse delle polveri elettrizzate. pi. {In same.) 065 3 —Righi, A. Richerche sperimentale sulle sca- riche elettriche, pi. {In same. 3 ser, sci.fis. V, 1, 1876-7, pt, 1.) 065 4 ELECTRICITY 197 ELIZABETH —Rosenthal, I. Von den elektrischen Erschei- nungen. Berlin, 1866. O. 32 p. {In Vircliow (fc Holtzeiidorff. Vortriige. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Rossetti, F. Sul potere assorbente, sul potere emissivo termico delle fiamme e sulla tempera- tura deir arco voltaico. pi. {In Rome — R. acead. dei Uncei. Atti.3 ser. sci.fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 066 4 — Toutain, — . Electricite medicale. Paris, 1870. D. 615 10 — Villari, E. Ricerche sulle leggi termiche e galvanonietriche delle scintille elettriche pro- dotte dalle scariche dei condensatori. pi. (In Rome — R. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 4, 1878-9.) — Intorno alle legge termiche della scintilla eccitatrice dei condensatori. pi. — Studi sulla carica dei coibenti, sulla teoria dell' elettroforo e sua analogia coi condensatori. pi. {In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Volpicelli, P. Appendice 2 suU' ^ettrostatico inducente costante. il. — Ad una obbiezione contro lateorica del Melloni sulla elettrostatica influenza — Sul piano di prova piccolissimo e non condensante. — Risposta alia nota del Can- toni su Melloni su la elettrostatica induzione. {In same. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. i.) — Risposta alle obbiezioni dal Pisati contro Mello- ni. pi. — Risposta alia nota del G. Cantoni contro Melloni. (In same. pt. 2.) — Rettificazione delle formule dalle quali viene rappresentata la teorica fisico-matematica del condensatore vol- taico. {In same. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 — — Sulla elettrica tensione. — Analisi fisico-ma- tematica degli effetti elettrostatici relativi ad un coibente armato, e chiuso. — Esperimenti e raziocini per dimostrare vera la teorica del Melloni sulla elettrica influenza od elettrosta- tica induzione. pi. (In same. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) — Sulla costruzione, sulle proprieta e sulle ap- plicazioni di un elettrostatico inducente co- stante. pi. — Alia domanda per ottenere la spie- gazione di un fenomino elettrostatico. il. — Ad una nota del GOvi sulla ellettrostatica indu- zione, risposta. il. — Sulla macchina del G. Belli, denominata duplicatore. — Teorica della elettrostatica induzione, risposta a J. C. Max- well, il. {In same. v. 3, 1875-6. pt. 2.) 065 3 Sunto della memoi-ia del F. Zantedeschi su i fenomeni elettrici della machina di Arm- strong. {In Rome— Acead. pont. de' nuoyi lincei. v. 1, 1847-8.) 065 1 ^Zollner, J. C. F. {In his Wiss. Abhandlungen, 1878-81, V. 1-2.) 504 8 See also lAGWi'SVSQ,; OD; TORPEDO. Elegant extracts, see Extracts. 'RX^KTpa, see Euripides;— Sophocles. Elektra, treurspel, see Sophocles. ELEMENTAL OCCURRENCES, see CALAMI- TIES. Elene, see Helen. ELEPHANT. Bolau, H. Der Elephant in Krieg und Frieden, und seine Verwendung in unsern afrikanischen Kolonien. Hamburg, 1887. O. 32 p. il. {In Virchow cfc HoltzendoriT, Vor- trage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 —Knight, C. il. {In his The menageries, 1830-2, T. 2.) 599 1 — Tennent, J. E. The elephant, and a descrip- tion of the modes of capturing and training it. {In his Sketches of Ceylon. 1861.) 590 15 — — The wild elephant and the method of cap- turing and taming it in Ceylon. London, 1867. D. il. pi. 599 3 ELEPHANTIASIS. Back, A. Of the Icelandic elephantiasis, {In Troil, U. Yon. Letters on Iceland. 1780.) 914.9 13.1 Elers, Johan. Stockholm. [Stockholm, 1800-1.] 4v. O. 914.8 31 ELEVATIONS, see HEIGHTS. Die Elfen, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 4. Elgskyttarne, see Runeberg, J. G. v. 3. EliadeS, LeonidaS.'ETrtro/ai; t^s Bv^avrlvris ia-roplas. El* Kuva-TavTtvovwSXei, 1861. O. 88 p. por. 949 34 Elias, see Knight of the swan. EUcona. Al Sig. Bossio. — L'hosteria. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1726, v. 3.) 857 2 filie de Be.aumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Leonce. Eloge historique d'Auguste Bravais. {In Paris— Institut — Acad, des sci. Mem. v. 35. 1866.) 551.58 59 Eliot, George, psewdont/m o/ Cross, M.A.E.L. ELIOT, John. Francis, C. Life of Eliot, the apostle to the Indians. Boston, 1836. D. il. facsim. {In Sparks, J. American biography, V. 5.) 920 15 Eliot, Sir Thomas, see Elyot. Elisa et Widmer, see Topfer, R. Elisa, romantisches Melodram, see Kopisch, A, Die Elixiere des Teufels, see Hoifmann, E. T.A. Elizabeth, queen of England. Household ex- penses of the princess Elizabeth at Hatfield, 1551-2; edited by Viscount Strangford. 1853. facsim. (In Camden misc. 2; in Camden soc. 55.) 820 4 — Letters of Elizabeth and James VI. of Scot- land; edited by John Briice. [London,] 1849. sqO. {In Camden soc. 46.) 820 4 — Gascoigne, G. Princely pleasures, with the masque intended to have been represented be- fore Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth castle, 1575; with introductory memoir and notes. London, 1821. O. por. inserted pi. 822 5 — — The princely pleasures at the courte at Kenelwoorth, 1575. {In his complete poems, 1869-70, V. 2.; in Hazlitt, W. C. Roxburghe lib. 5.) 821 3 — — The tale of Hemetes the heremyte pro- nownced before the Q. majesty att Woodstocke, 1575. (In same.) 821 2 — Laneham, R. A letter whearin part of the entertainment untoo the queenz majesty at Killingwoorth castl, 1575, is signified. [Anon.] Warwick, 1784. O. 90 p. 394 5 — — Same; with preface and notes. London, 1821. O. inserted pi. 822 5 — Naunton, R. Fragmenta regalia [; or, Obser- vations on the late queen, her times and favor- ites]. From 3 edition of 1653. London, 1870. S. 64 p. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 20.) 820 9 ELIZABETH of York. The most pleasant song of Lady Bessy; edited by J. O. Hall i well. Lon- don, 1847. D. 8+79 p. {In Percy soc. v. 20.) 820 6 ELIZABETH 198 ELYOT Elizabeth Musch, see Leuiiep, J. van. Romant. werken, 7-8. ELL, Carl Daniel. Vid... Herr C. D. Ells dod, 34 dec. 1843. Stockholm, 1843. sqQ. 4 p. 839.71 39.1 EUacombe, Henry Thomas, & Hale, W. H., editors. Account of the executors of Richard, bishop of London, 1303, and of Thomas, bishop of Exeter, 1310. [London,] 1874. sqO. pi. tab. (In Camden soc. n. s. 10.) 820 4.1 EUero, Pietro. I vincoli dell' umana alleanza; prolusione; 15 gen. 1876. [Bologna, 1876.] O. 19 p. 172 2 hound with 146 1 ELLERY, William. Channin^, E. T. Life of Ellery. facsim.. (In Sparlis, J. American bi- ography, 1835-9, V. 6.) 920 15 Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, 1st earl of, trans- lator, see Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Guide to northern archaeology. 1 848. 913 53 Den eUerte Junii, see Holberg, L. Comedier, V. 2. Elliot, Frances. Old court life in France. Leipzig, 1873. 2 v. in 1. S. (Tauchnitz edi- tion.) , 944 25 ELLIOT,* Jean. Keddie, H., <& Watson, J. L. (In their Songstresses of Scotland, 1871, v. 1.) 928 2 Elliot, Jonathan, editor. The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the federal constitution, with the journal of the federal convention, and other illustrations of the constitution. 2 edition, with additions. Washington, 1836-45. 5 v. O. 342 15 Vol 5, Madison's Debates. ELLIOTT, Ebenezer. Carlyle, T. Corn-law rhymes. {In his Essays, 1860, v. 3.) 824 8 Elliott, Ezekiel Brown. Preliminary report on the mortality and sickness of the volunteer forces of the U. S. government during the present war. New York, 1862. O. 28 p. tab. (Sanitary com., no. 46.) 312 6 Elliott, Greorge Percy, editor, see the following publications of the Camden society: 820 4 89. Lake, E. Diary. 1846. 55. Taswell, W. Autobiojjraphy. 1852. EUiott, (xi*ace (Dalrymple). Journal de ma vie pendant la revolution francjaise. {In Barriere & Lescare. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 27.) 944 10 ELLIPSE. Betti, E. Sopra la funzione poten- ziale di una ellisse omogenea. {In Rome — R. accad. del llncei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 066 3 — Dini, U. Sulla funzione dell' ellisse e dell' ellissoide. (In same.) 065 3 Ellis, Alexander John. On early English pro- nunciation, with especial reference to Shak- spere and Chaucer. London, 1869-89. 5 v. O maps. (In Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 1, 4, 5, 11, 25.) 821 46 —Same. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 2. 7, 14, 23, 56.) 820 5.1 EUis, George. Specimens of early English metrical romances, 14th century; prefixed, an historical introduction. London, 1805, 3 v. D. 821 4 —editor, see Le Grand d' Anssy, P. J. P. Fa- bliaux. 1815. 841 4 Ellis, Sir Henry, editor. Original letters of eminent literary men, 10-18 centuries. London, 1843. sqO. facsim. (In Camden soc. 23.) 820 4 Brand, J. Popular antiquities. 1841-2. 390 8.1 Fabyan, R. New chronicles. 1811. 942 9 Harding, J. Chronicle. 1812. 821 62 John of Oxnead. Chronica. 1859. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 13.)942 8 see the following publications of the Cam- den society : 820 4 9. Pfordeii, J. Speculi Britanniae pars 1840. 29. Verjfilio, P. Three boolis of English history. 1844. 86. Vergilio, P. English history, v. 1, 1846. 39. Aberconway abbey. Register and chronicle. 1847. 43. Charles, N. Visitation of the county of Huntingdon. 1849. 44. Smyth, R. Obituary, 1627-74. 1849. 61. The pylgrymage of Sir K. GUYLFORDE. 18.51. ELLIS, John. Prideaux, H. Letters to Ellis, 1674-1722; edited by E. M. Thompson. [Lon- don,] 1875. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 15.) 820 4.1 Elmliam, Thomas of. Historia monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis; edited by Charles Hardwick. London, 1858. Q. facsim. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. S.) 942 8 — Liber metricus de Henrico quinto. (In Cole, C. A. Memorials of Henry V. 1858; in same. 11.) 942 8 Elnonensia, see Willems, J. F., editor. ELOCUTION. Franceschi, E. Del leggere e del porgere; trattato. Torino, 1860. D. 808 4 bound with 800 1 See also VOICE. Elpenor, ein Trauerspiel, see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 10. ELPHEGE, St., see iELFHEAH. Elpliinstone, Mountstuart. The history of In- dia; the Hindu and Mahometan periods. 6 edition, with notes and additions by E. B. Cowell. London, 1874. O. map. 934 1 Elsing, Henry, reporter, see Great Britain- House of lords. Notes of debates, 1621, '24, '26. {In Camden soc. 103, n. s. 24, 1870-9.) 820 4, 4.1 Elsinore. Jura statutaria civitatum Hafnise & Helsingora3, 1443. {In Westphalen, E. J. von, %numenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 21 — Helsing0er og dets Omegn. pi. map. (In Danske Atlas. 1833.) 914.8 38 Elucidarins, Brudstykksr af den islandske; udgivne af Konrad Gislason. {In Copenhagen — K. nord Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 Danish; i Overssettelse af Magnus Eiriksson. (In same. v. 17, 1857.) 948 2 — Gislason, K. Smabemserkninger. {In same. Aarboger. v. 5, 1870.) 948 5 ELVEDGAARD. Simonsen, L. S. V. Om det gamle Kloster, der skal have ligget ved Elved- gaard i Fyen. pi. (In same. Nordisk Tidsskrift. V. 3, 1836.) 948 1.2 Elverhpi, see Heiberg, J. L. Skuespil, v. 3. Elvervelt, Jonas. Excerpta de Holsatia.(7?iSte- phanius,8. H.De regno Danise. 1629.)094 81, 22 Elyot, Sir Thomas. The image of governance; compiled of the actes and sentences of the em- perour Alexander Severus. n. p., 1541. O. it. 320 16 Picticiously asserted to be from the Greek. ELZEVIERS 199 EMMENTIIAL DIALECT Elzeviers,pit6Zis/ters, Respublicse vari3e.094 8-62 The Library contains the following works in this series : Arabia. 1633. Bertram, B. C. De republica Ebi'SBorum. 1641. Boxliorn, M. Z., editor. Respublica Moscoviae. 1630. Burch, L. Taiider. Sabaudiae respublica. 1634. Coutarini, G. De republica Venetorum. 16^8. Giaiinotti, D. Dialog! de repub. Venetorum. 1631. Gilles, P. De Bosporo Thracio. 1632. — De Constantinopleos topographia. 1632. Helvetioniin respublica. 1627. Laet, J. de. Belgii confederati respublica. 1630. — De imperio magni Mogolis. 1631. —Gallia. 1629. — Hispania. 1629. Leo, J. Africae descriptio. 1633. Portngallia. 1641. Postel, G. De republica Atheniensium. 1645. Respublica... imperii Romano-Germanici. 1634-40. Respublica... Hungariffi. 1634. Respublica... Gallise. 1626. Respublica... Poloniae. 1627. Respublica... Scotiffi. 1627. Schrjvcr, P., editor. Respublica Hollandije. 1630. Segethus, T., e.itor. De principatibus Italise. 1628. Sinimler, J. Vallesias descriptio. 1633. Smith, Sir T. De republica Anglorum. 1625. Soterus, H. Svecia. 1633. Sprecher, F. Rhetia. 1633. St«phaiiius, S. H., editor. De regno Danise. 1629. Another edition. J 629. Stransky, P. Respublica Bojema. 1643. Trigault, >\ Regni Chinensis descriptio . 1639. Turclci imperil status. 16.3'. Varen, B. Descriptio Japoniae. 1649. Werdenhatren, J. A. De rebuspublicis Hanseaticis. 1631. Zesen, F. B., count of. Leo Belgicus. 1660. — Bninet, J. C. Notice des auteurs iniprimes en petits formats par les Elsevier. (In his Manuel, 1860-5, V. 5.) Oil 2 EJ«A\CIPATION, see SLAVERY. EMBLEMS. See DEVICES; Holbein, H; Houbraken, A. ; Vondel, J. van den. De vernieuwde gulden winckel. EMBRYOLOGY, see GENERATION. Emerson, Ralplt Waldo. An address, divinity college, Cambridge, 15 July 1838. Boston, 1838. O. 31 p. 814 2 — Biographical sketch. {In Thoreau, H. D. Excursions. 1863.) 815 5 — The conduct of life, 2 edition. London, 1860. D. 814 5 — English traits. New edition. London, 1857. S. 914.2 1 —Essays. [3] edition. Series 1-2. Boston, 1845-8 [v. 1,'47J. 2v. D. 814 3 — Letters and social aims. London, 187€. D. 814 7 — Nature; Addresses and lectures. Boston, 1850. D. 814 4 — Poems. 4 edition. Boston, 1859 [c'46]. D. 811 7 — Society and solitude. London, 1870. S. 814 6 —Lowell, J. R. Emerson the lecturer. (In his My study windows. 1871.) 814 14 Emery, Carlo. Contribuzioni all' ittiologia. pi. {In Rome— R.accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fls. V. 3, 1878-9.) — Fierasfer; studi intorno alia sistematica, I'anatomia e la biologiadelle specie mediterranee di questo genere. il. pi. (In same. V. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 EMERY. Smith, J. L. Memoir on emery. [New Haven, 1851.] O. 33 p. il. 553 8 EMIGRATION, see MIGRATION. EMIGRES. Lescure, M. F. A. de, editor. Me- moires sur I'emigration , 1791-1800. C-f'^^ Barriere cfc Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 33.) 944 10 Emile et Sophie, see Rousseau, J. J. Emili: eller, En afton i Lappland, see Franz^n, F. M., V. 4. Emilia— Reale commissione pe' testi di lingua nelle provincie. Collezione di opere inedite o rare dei primi tre secoli della lingua: Prose. Torino, 1861-2. 2 v. in 1. D. 850 5 Contents: 1. Miscellanea di opuscoli dei secoli 14 e 15. 2. Bisticci, Y. Commentario della vita di G. Manetti. Collezione di opere inedite o rare deiprirai tre secoli della lingua. Bokigna, 1863-89. v. 1- 66, (fc Appendice. O. il. tab. facsim. 850 6 Contents: 1. Lucca. Bandi del secolo 14. 2-3. Andrea di Jacopo di Barberino di Valdelsa. Storia di A jolfo. 4-6. Siena. Statuti ne' secoli 13 e 14. 7. I fatti di Cesare. 8-9. La tavola ritonda; o, L'istoria di Tristan. 10. Giovanni, V. di. Cronache siciliane dei secoli 13-15. 11. Storia di Rinaldino da Montalbano. 12. Hippocrates. Trattati di mascalcia. 13-15. Commento alia Divina commedia [of Dante]. 3 v. 16. Giordano of Bivcdto. Prediche inedite, 1302-5. 17-18. Petrarca, F. "De' rimedii dell'... fortuna. 2 V. 19-20. Rusio, L. La mascalcia. 2 v.21-2. Ranibaldo, B. II Romuleo. 2 v. 23-4. Maximus, V. De' fatti e detti. 25. II libro di Sidrach. 26. Leggenda minore di S. Caterina da Siena. 27. Tempo, A. da. Delle rime volgari. 28-30. Dante AUsfhieri. Esemplare della Divina comedia [ ; 2 J codici]. 31. Rajna, P. I reali di Prancia, ricerche. 32. I nobili fatti di Alessandro magno. 33. Albertano of Bre- scia. Dei trattati morali. 34-6. Petrarca, F. Le vita degli uomini illustri. 2 v. 37. Joannes c iniacus. La scala del paradiso. 38-40. Dante Aligliieri. Commedia, col commento di J. della Lana. 41-4. Ancona, A. d', & Com- paretti, D., editors. Le antiche rime volgari del codice vaticano 3793. 5 v. 45. Barberino, F. Del reggimento e costumi di donna. 46-48. Le storie Nerbonesi. 49-52. Latin!, B. Iltesoro. 53-4. Joseplius, F. Volgarizzamento della istoria delle guerre giudaiche. 55. Boccaccio, G. Delle donne famose. 56-65. Bible. La Bibbia volgare, 1471. 66. Banchini, D. II libro d' amore di carita. Ap- pendice. Zanibrini, F. Le opere volgari a stampa dei se- coli 13 e 14. For supplementary publications, see II propugnatore;— Scelta di curiosita letterarie inedite o rare. Emilia Galotti, ein Trauerspiel,see Lessing',G.E. EMIN Pacha, see SCHNITZER, E. EMMA,gueen of England. Cnutonisregiagesta; sive, Encomium Emmae reginae, auctore monacho Sancti Bertini. Hannoverae, 1865. O. 8-1-37 p. (In Pertz, O. H. Script, rerum. German. 3.) 943 16 —Same: Encomium Emmse reginas. {In Lang'e- bek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 2.) 948 76 EMMANUEL, king of Portugal. Goes, D. de. Chronica do rei Emanuel. Coimbra, 1790. 4 pt. in 2 V. O. 946 79 — Osorio, J. Da vida e feitos d'el rei D. Manoel; ...vertidos em portuguez pelo F. M. do Na- scimento. Lisboa, 1804-6. 3 v. D. 946 80 EMMENTHAL. Bitzius, A. Die Wassernoth im Emmenthal 13 Aug. 1837. (in his Gesam.Schrif- ten, 1856-8, v. 23.) 833 7 Same. 2 Aufiage. Berlin, 1852. D. 70 p. 651.48 35.1 EMMENTHAL DIALECT. Rtttte, A. von. Er- klarung der dialektischen Ausdrucke in Jere- EMMENTHAL DIALECT 200 ENGELIIARDT mias Gotthelf's gesammeltenSchriften. Berlin, 1858. D, (In Bitzius, A. Gesam. Schriften, V. 23.) 833 7 Emminjrljaus, Karl Bernhard Arwed. Haus- wirthbchailliche Zeitfragen. Berlin, 1869. O. 44 p. (In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 4 Serie!^ 043 1 EMOTIONS. Horwircz, A. Zur Naturgeschich- te der Gefiihle Berlin, 1876. O. 39. p.(/?i sayne. 11 Serie.) 043 1 See also AXOER; LOVE. EMPEDOCLES. Lioy, P. Un filosofo di due- mila anni fa. (In his Conferenze. 1873.) 570 1 bound with ^ol.^S 120 Le einpenos de un acaso, see Calderon. v. 3. Emperor and Galilean, see Ibsen, H. Enipoli, Giovanni da. Lettera intorno al viag- gio a Malacca, e altre lettere; aggiuntavi la vita di esso, scritta da Girolamo da Empoli. (//? Varieta storiche d' Italia.) 945 11 En esta vida todo es verdad, y todo mentira, see Calderon. v. 1. Den ena for den andra, comedia, see (jiista- YUS III. ENAMEL. Darcel, A. Notice des emaux et de r orlevrerie rdu Louvre]. Paris, 1867. D. il. 751 2 — Laborde, L. E. S. J. de. Notice des emaux, bijoux et objets divers du Louvre. Paris, 1853. 2 V. in 1. D. il. 751 1 Contents: 1. Histoire et descriptions. 2. Documents et firlossiiir6. Enberg, L. M. Minne af C. G. Leopold. (In Leopold, K. G. af. Saml. skrifter, 1814-33, v. 4.) ' 839.71 20 El eneanto sin encanto, see Calderon. v. 2. ENCYCLICALS, see Popes. Encyclopaedia Americana, see Lieber, F., cfc others. ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Brande, W. T., & Cox, 0. W., editors. A dictionary of science, litera- ture and art. New edition. London, 1865-7. 8 V. O. 032 1 — Brockhans, F. A., publisher. Conversations- Lexikon; allgemeine deutsche Real-Encyclo- padie. 12 umgearbeitete Aufiage. Leipzig, 1875-9. 15 V. in 12. O & Q. 033 1 _i — Unsere Zeit; Jahrbuch zum Conversations- Lexikon. [Monthly.] Leipzig, 1857-60. v. 1-4. Q. 033 3 ^Chambers's encyclopaedia. London, 1860-8. 10 V. Q. il. maps. 032 2 — Fogh, C. J., & others. Nordisk Conversa- tionslexikon. 2 Udgave. Kj0benhavn, 1870-8. 5 v. Q. 038 1 — trlanvil, B. Liber de proprietatibus rerum. Argentine, 1485. F. '093 5 —Heck, J. (J. Iconographic encyclopaedia of science, literature and art; translated from the German, with additions, and edited by S. F. Baird. New York, 1851-2. 4 v. Q, & Plates. 3 V. obi. Q. 031 2 — Isidorus, St Originum, sive etymologiarum libri 20. (In his Opera. 1617.) 208 3 ^Lieber, F., & others. Encyclopaedia Ameri- cana. Philadelphia, 1830-3. 13 v. O. 031 1 ^ Supplementary volume, v. 14 ; edited by H. Vethake. Philadelphia, 1847. Q. 031 1 —Ripley, G}.,GLIA; GLOUCESTERSHIKE; KENTISH; NEGRO - ENGLISH ; NORTHUMBRIAN; SCOTCH; SHETLAND; SHROPSHIRE; SLANG; SIFFOLK; WESTMORELAND. ENGLISH {early) LANGUAGE. Boucher, J. A glossary of obsolete and provincial words, forming a supplement to the dictionaries of the English language [; edited by J. Hunter and J. Stevenson: Introduction, and A — Blade. Lon- don. 1832-3. J sqQ. 427 2 No more published. — Catliolicon Anglicum ; an English-Latin word- book, 1483; edited, with introduction and notes by S. J. H. Herrtage; with preface by H. B. Wheatley. [London,] 1882. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 30.) 820 4.1 —Same. O. facsim. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 75.) 820 5 —Coleridge. H. A glossarial index to the print- ed English literature of the 13th century. Lon- don, 1859. O. 427 11 ^Comenius, J. A. The gate of tongues unlock- ed; in Latine, English and French. 2 edition, by J. Anchoran. London, 1613, T. 478 1 — Davies, J. L. 0. Bible English; chapters on old and disused expressions in the authorized version and the book of common prayer. Lon- don, 1875. D. 427 15 , ^Geoffrey, grammarian. Promptorium parvu- loruiu sive clericorum; dictionarius Anglo- Latinus princeps, circa 1440; commentariolis subjectis, recensuit A. Way. Londini, 1865. sqO. facsim. {In Camden soc. 89.) 820 4 —Halliwell-Phillipps, J. 0. A dictionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs, from the 14th century. London, 1846-7. 2 v. O. 427 12 —Keller, H. A. von. A volume of vocabularies by T. Wright. — A glossarial index to the print- ed English literature of the 13th century, by H. Coleridge. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, I860. , 805 1 — Mackay, C. Lost beauties of the English language. London [,1874]. D. 427 13.1 —Marsh, G. P. Study of early English. {In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 — Matzner, E. A. F., editor. Altenglische Sprachproben, nebst einem Worterbuche. Ber- lin, 1867-91. 2 V. in 4. Q. 820 8 — Nares, R. A glossary to English authors. particularly Shakespeare and his contempora- ries. New edition, by J. O. Halliwell and T. Wright. London, 1859. 2 v. O. 427 14 — Oliphant, T. L. K. The Old and Middle Eng-- lish. London, 1878. D. 427 9 — Schipper, J., editor. Englische Alexiuslegen- den aus dem 14-15 Jahrhundert. Strassburg, 1877. pt. 1. O. 821 13.1 —Wright, T., editor. A volume of vocabula- ries, from the 10th century to the 15th; edited from mss. [Liverpool,] 1857. Q. il. 427 10 See also the references under ENGLISH (early) LITERA- TURE. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Asher, D. On the study of modern languages; the English in particular. Leipsic, 1859. D. 420 1 —Biceps, pseudonym. British anthropology. {In his Talk and travel. 1872.) 420 2 —Camden, W. Remaines concerning Britaine. Fift impression, by J. Philipot. London, 1637. sqD. il. 420 3 —Clark, N. G. An outline of the elements of the English language. New York, 1863. D. 420 4 — Clough, J. C. On the existence of mixed languages, an examination of foreign philolo- gy, especially as applied to English. London, 1876. O. 410 2 — Craik, G. L. The English of Shakespeare il- lustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Cfesar. London, 1857. D. 822 19 — — Outlines of the history of the English language. 3 edition. London, 1859. D. 420 5 -De Yere, M. S. Studies in English. New York, 1867. O. 420 6 —Harrison, M. The rise, progress and present structure of the English language. London, 1848. O. 420 7 —Latham, R. G. The English language. 4 edition. London, 1855. 2 v. O. 420 8 — Lounsbnry, T. R. On the terminology of the periods of the Englisli language [New Haven, 1875]. O. p. 77-107. 420 9 —Lowe, H. Deutsch-englische Phraseologie, nebst einem Systematical vocabulary. Berlin, 1877. O. 436 13 —March, F. A. The English language a new speech; an address. New York, 1861. O. 20 p. 420 9 — —Method of philological study of the Eng- lish language. New York, 1865. D. 420 10 ^Marsh, G. P. An apology for the study of English. {In Dwight, T. W., & Marsh, G. P. Inaugural addresses.; 080 15 — — [Language-charts, used in his lectures, illustrating alliteration, absence of punctua- tion, transposition, etc.] 13 sheets F. 080 35 — — Lectures on the English language. New York, 1860. O. 080 30 — — The origin and history of the English lan- guage and of the early literature it embodies. New York, 1862. O. 080 21 — — The student's manual of the English lan- guage : Lectures on the English language; edited with additional lectures and notes, by William Smith. 2 edition. London, 1863. D. 11+498 p. 080 25 ENGLISH LANG VA GE 203 ENGLISH LANG VA GE — Muller, R. On the origin, development, peculiarities and destiny of the English lan- guage. Gottingen, 1860. O. 420 9 — Olipliantj T. L. K. The sources of standard English. London, 1873. S. 420 11 — Treiich, R. C. English, past and present, 6 edition. London, 1868. D. 420 12 —Webster, N. A letter to S. Lee. — Modes of teaching the English language. — State of Eng- lish philology. (In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 —Wood, H. T. Changes in the English lan- guage, 1400-1600. London, 1870. D. [5 +] 69 p. 420 13 —DICTIONARIES. Andrews, I. W. Webster's dictionaries. Springfield, Mass., 1856. O. lip. 423 7 — — Bettziech, H. Das neue grosse englische Lexikon. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 — — The critic criticised and Worcester vindi- cated. Boston f,1860]. O. 67 p. 423 7 Eastwood, J., & Wright, W. A. The Bible word-book; a, glossary of Old English Bible vs-ords. London, 1866. S. 423 2 — — Fliigel, J. (J. A call for redress in piracy on [his] English and German dictionary. [Leip- sic, 1847.] O. 30 p. 423 7 — — — Extra-impression of the preface and in- troduction to [his] Practical dictionary of Eng- lish and German. London, 1848. O. 37 p. 423 7 — — — Literarische Sympathien; oder, Industri- elle Buchmacherei; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der neueren englischen Lexicograpliie. Leipzig, 1843. O. 6+41 p. 423 7 — — (jJarnett, R. English lexicography. (In his Phil, essays. 1859.) 404 2 Hoppe, A. English-deutsches Supplement- Lexikon. als Erganziing zu alien englisch- deutschen Worterbiichern , insbesondere zu Lucas. Berlin, 1871. Q. 438 13 Johnson, S. A dictionary of the English language. 1 American from 11 London edition: added. Walker's Principles of English pronunciation. Philadelphia, 1818-19. 4 v. O. por. 423 3 — —Levins, P. Manipulus vocabulorum; a rhyming dictionary of the English language, 1570; edited, with index, by H. B. Wheatley. London, 1867. O. (In Camden soc. 95.) 820 4 Same. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 28.) 820 5 Madden, F. Glossary. (In his Introd. to Syr Gawayne, 1839, p. 361-425.) 293 5 Marsh, G. P. Notes on the new edition of Webster's Dictionary. (In Nation v. 3-5, 1866- 7.) 080 33 — — — The two dictionaries [Worcester's and Webster's]. (In World, N. Y., June 15. 1860.) 080 33 — The vocabulary of the English lan- guage. (In 7m Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 Minshen, J. Ductor in linguas: The guide into the tongues; with etymologies in English, Welsh, Low*Dutch, High Dutch, French, Ital- ian, Spanish, Portuguez, Latine, Greeke, He- brew. Londini, 1617. F.* 423 4 — — Nnttall, P. A. Routledge's pronouncing dictionary of the English language. London, 1873. D." 423 5 —i— Phillips, E. The new world of words; or, Universal English dictionary, 6 edition, by J. K[er«ey]. London, 1706. F. iltp. 423 6 Ricliardson, C. A new dictionary of the English language. New edition [with Supple- ment]. London, 1856. 2 v, sqQ. * 423 8 — — Sargent, E. The critic criticised; a reply to a review of Webster's system in the Demo- cratic review for March 1856. Springfield, Mass., 1856. O. 16 p. 423 7 — — Serenius, J. Dictionarium Anglo-Svethico- Latinum. Hamburg!, 1734. sqQ. 439.73 11 Slielton, E. The dictionary of everv-day difficulties. London[,pref. 1862]. D. 423 9 — — Strathmann, F. H. Beitrsege zu einem Woerterbuch der englischen Sprache. Biele- feld, 1855[-60]. pt. 1-6. O. 423 10 Contents: A-Shy. — — Tolhausen, A. Dictionnaire technolo- gique dans les langues frangaise, anglaise et allemande; augmente par L. Tolhausen. Leip- zig, 1873-6. 3 V. S. 443 11 — —Webster, N. An American dictionary of the English language; revised by C. A. Good- rich. Springfield, Mass., 1848. sqQ. por. 423 11 Same. Philadelphia, 1859. sqQ. il. por. 423 11.1 — — Worcester, J. E. A comprehensive dic- tionary of the English language; revised. Bos- ton, 1860. O. 423 13 — — — A universal and critical dictionary of the English language. Boston, 1846. Q. 423 13 See also ETfGLISH DIALECTS; ENGLISH (early) LAN- GUAOE; ENGLISH LANGUAGE-ETYMOLOGY; LAW— DIC- TIONARIES; London— Philological society; TYR-IBUS. For other dictionaries, English and foreign, see the foreign language, as SWEDISH. —EDUCATION. Hales, J. W. The teaching of English. (In Farrar, F. W., editor. Essays, 1867.) 375 1 —ERRORS. Alford, H. The queen's English; stray notes on speaking and spelling. London, 1864. D. 428 1 Breen, H. H. Modern English literature; its blemishes and defects. London, 1857. O. S20 2 Hall, F. Modern English. London, 1873. D. 428 3 — — — Recent exemplifications of false philol- ogy. New York, 1872. O. 428 4 Marsh, Gr. P. Corruptions of English. (In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 Moon, Gr. W. A second defence of the queen's English ; in reply to the dean of Can- terbury. London, 1863. O. 40 p. 428 2 Trench, R. C. On the study of words. 12 edition. London, 1867. S. 428 5 — — Webster, N. Mistakes and corrections. New Haven, 1837, O, 28 p. 428 6 — —White, R. G. Words and their uses, past and present, a study of the English language. 3 edition, Boston, 1881 [c'70], D. 428 7 Every-day English; a sequel to "Words and their uses," London, 1880, D, 428 8 ENGLISH LANG UA GE 204 ENGLISH LANG UA GE —ETYMOLOGY. Eichhoff, F. G. Les racines de la langue anglaise. Paris, 1864. D. 422 1 Gtibbs, J. W. Teutonic etymology; the formation of Teutonic words in the English language. New Haven, 1860. D. 422 2 Haldeinan, S. S. Affixes in their origin and application, exhibiting the etymologic structure of English words, Philadelphia, 1865. D. 422 3 _ — Hoare, E. N. English roots, and the deri- vation of words from the Anglo-Saxon. 8 edi- tion. Dublin, 1863. D. 422 4 — Exotics ; or, English words derived from Latin roots. 2 issue. Dublin, 1865. D. 422 5 — —Koch, C. F. Etymologisches Worterbuch der engUschen Sprache von E. MuUer. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 — —Marsh, G. P. Notes on Wedgwood's Dic- tionary of English etymology, and on some words not discussed by him. [London, 1864?] O. 20 p. 080 23 — — — Sources, composition and etymological proportions of English. {In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 — ^Miiller, E. Etymologisches Woerterbuch der englischen Sprache. Coethen, 1865, 2 v. in 1. O. 422 6 — —Palmer, A. S. Leaves from a word-hunter's note-book. London, 1876. D. 422 7 — —Webster, N. Propagation of errors.— Er- rors in Richardson's Dictionary. {In his Mis- takes and corrections, 1837.) 428 6 — — "Wedgewood, H. A dictionary of English etymology, 2 edition. London. 1872, O. 422 8 A dictionary of English etymology; v, 1 (A-D); with notes and additions by G, P, Marsh, New York. 1862, Q. 080 22 —GRAMMAR. Brown, G. The grammar of English grammai-s. 5 edition [with] index by S. U, Berrian, New York, 1860, O, por. 425 3 — — -Cobbett, W. A grammar of the English language; added, six lessons to prevent states- men from using false grammar. New York, 1837, S, 426-'. 6 Fiedler, E., & Sachs, K. Wissenschaftliche Grammatik der englischen Sprache, Leipzig, 1861, 2v, inl, O, 425 8 Fowler, W. C.English grammar; the Eng- lish language in its elements and forms, with a history of its origin and development. New York, 1851. O, 425 9 — — — Same; enlarged. New York, 1860 [c'55], O, 425 10 — —Head, E. W. "Shall" and "will;" or. Two chapters on future auxiliary verbs; an essay on certain affirmative and negative particles in English; an essay on the provincial word "songle." 2 edition, London [,pref, 1858]. D, 425 13 — — Hjort, P. Om det engelske Konjugations- system; med en Tillaeg om Forholdet imellem Dansk og Engelsk, Kj0benhavn, 1843. sqO, 425 14 — — Hnme, A. Of the orthographie and con- gi-uitie of the Britain tongue; edited by H. B. Wheatley. London, 1865, O, ll-f-40 p. (In E. E. text see. Orig. ser. 5.) 820 5 — — Jonsoii, B. The English grammar. {In his Workes, 1640, v. 2.) 822 8 — — Kerl, S. A comprehensive grammar; a treatise on the English language. Philadelphia, 1859. O. 425 17 — — Koch, C. F. Historische Grampaatik der englischen Sprache. Weimar, 1863-8. 3 v. O. 425 18 Contents: 1. Laut- imd Flexionslehre. 2. Satzlehre. 3. Wortbildung. — — Marsh, G. P. The grammar of English grammars, by Goold Brown. — A treatise on the English language, by Simon Kerl. (In World, N. Y., 14 June 1860.) 080 43 — — — Interjections and intonations. — The noun, the adjective and the verb. — Grammati- cal inflections. {In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 — — Morell, J. D. A grammar of the English language. 84th thousand. London, 1864. D. 425 20 — — — A series of graduated exercises, adapt- ed to Morell's grammar. 84th thousand. Lon- don, 1854. D. 63 p. 425 20 Morris, R. Historical outline of English accidence. 2 edition. London, 1872. S. 425 21 — — Rask, R. C. Engelsk Formlsere. K0ben- havn, 1832. S. 425 24 — —White, R. G. Grammar. {In his Every- day English. 1880.) 428 8 Whitney, W. 1). Essentials of English grammar. London, 1877. D. 425 27 —PHONOLOGY. Ellis, A. J. On early English pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakespeare and Chaucer, London, 1869-89. 5 V, O. maps. {In Chaucer soc. 2 ser, 1, 4, 5, 11, 25.) 821 46 — — — Same. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 2, 7, 14, 23, 56.) 820 5.1 — —Payne, J. The use ol final -e in Early Eng- lish and especially in Chaucer's Canterbury- tales, {hi Essays on Chaucer, pt. 2, 1874; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser, 9,) 821 46 — —Walker, J. Principles of English pronun- ciation, (Jn Johnson, S. Dictionary. 1818-19,) 423 3 Weymouth, R. F. On "here" and "there" in Chaucer, {In Essays on Chaucer, pt, 4, 1878; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser, 18.) 821 46 White, R. G. Speech, {In his Every-day English, 1880.) 428 8 —PROSODY. Arnold, T. On English metres. {In his Manual of English literature; appendix. 1862,) 820 12 _ — Gascoigne. G. Certayne notes of instruc- tion in English verse, 1575, (In Arber. E. English reprints, 11,) 820 9 See also ALLITEBATIOX; POETRY; KHYME. —SPELLING. DeQuincey, T. Orthographic mutineers, (In his essays, 1851,) 824 10 — — EUis, A. J. English spelling, past and possible, (In his On early English pronuncia- tion, 1869-89, V, 4; in E, E. text soc. Extra ser. 23.) 820 5.1 — i — — On the correspondence of orthography with pronunciation from the i^nglo-saxon times to the present day. (In same. v. 2; in same. 7.) 820 5.1 ENGLISH LANG UA GE 205 ENGLISH LITERATURE March, F. A. The opening address before the International convention for the amend- ment of English orthography, Philadelphia, 15 Aug. 1876. O. n. p., n. d. 16 p. 420 9 Marsh, (x. P. English as affected by the art of printing.— Orthoepical changes in Eng- lish. (In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 AVhite, R. G. Writing. (/n /m Every- day English. 1880.) 428 8 —SYNONYMS. Crabb, G. English synonymes explained. From 3 London edition, revised. New York, 1826. O. 424 1 Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words; revised and edited by Barnas Sears. Boston, 1854. D. 424 2 _ — — Same. New American from 3 London edition with additions. Boston, 1855. D. 424 3 Smith, C. J. Synonyms and antonyms. London, 1867. D. 424 4 Whiately, R. A selection of English syno- nyms. London, 1851. D. 424 5 ENGLISH (earhj) LITERATURE. Arber, E., editor. English reprints. London, 1868-71. 30 V. in 14 S. 820 9 For contents see Arber. — Camden society. [Publications. JLondon, 1838- 72. 105 V. sqO. il. pi. facsim. map. 820 4 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Same. New series. London, 1871-90. v. 1-47. sqO. pi. phot, facsim. tab. 820 4.1 For contents see Camden society. — Early English text society. Publications. London, 1864-91. Original series, 1-97; Extra series, 1-59. O, Q & F.* il. por. pi. facsim. map. 820 5, 5.1 For contents arranged numerically, see Astor cata- logue, continuation; alphabeticalljr, see Peabody cata- logue. For contents after 74, original series, and 83, extra series, see Early English text society in this catalogue. — Fragment on popular science, from early English metrical lives of saints, (/n Wright, T. Popular treatises. 1841.) 602 7 — Great Britain— Master of rolls. Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the middle ages. London, 1858-68. 38 V. Q. facsim. 942 8 For contents see Great Britain. — Halliwell-Phillipps, J.O., editor. Rara math- ematica; or, A collection of treatises on the mathematics, from ancient mss. London, 1839. O. facsim. 510 3 — Hazlitt, W. C, editor. The Roxburghe libra- ry. London, 1868-70. 8 v. sqO. facsim. 821 2 —Lowell, J. R. Library of old authors. (In his My study windows. 1871.) 814 14 —Marsh, G. P. The origin and history of the English language and of the early literature it embodies. New York, 1862. O. 080 21 — Mjitzner. E. A. F., editor. Altenglische Sprachproben, nebst einem Worterbuche. Ber- lin, 1867-91. 2 V. in 4. Q. 820 8 — Percy society. Early English poetry, ballads, and popular literature of the middle ages. London, 1840-52. 94 pt. in 30 v. D. il. por. pi. music. 820 6 For contents see Peabody catalogue. —Spenser society. Publications. [Manchester,] 1867-88. 47 v. in 35. sq. O & F.* facsim. 821 3 For contents see Spenser society. — Surtees society. Publications. London,1835-89. V. 1-84. O. il. por. pi. facsim. map. 820 7 For contents see Athenaeum catalogue, Peabody cata- logue. — Warton, T. On the introduction of learning into England. (In his History of English poetry, 1840, v. 1.) 821 13 —Wright, T., cfcHaUiweU-PhiUipps, J. 0., ed- itors. Reliquiae antique; scraps from ancient mss. illustrating early English literature and language. London, 1841-3. 2 v. O. 82112 Ses also ASGLO SAXON LITERATURE; ENOUSH LITER- ATURE— POETRY,— ROMANCES; also AGINCOURT;— The ancren riwle; Arnold, R.; Ascliam, R.; Bullein, W.; Chau- cer, G.; Cheke, J.; Coverdale, M.; Crammer, T.; Fabyan, R.; Fortescue, J.; Froissart, J.; Gingalin; Gower, J. ; Grafton, R,; Grossetest*, R.; Hawes, S.; Hoccleve, T.; Ho Hushed, R.; Knox, J.; Langland, W.; Latimer, H.; Layanion; Liber cure cocorum; Lydgate, J.; Malory, T.; Maudetllle, J. ; Man- ning, R., o/5/'«rtwe; The mirror of majestie; More, T.; Ormin; Paston letters ; Pecocli, R.; Rastell, J.; Skelton, J.; Surrey, H. H. ; Tyndale, W.; Udall, X. ; WicUf, J.; Wyatt, T. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Arnold, T. A man- ual of English literature. London, 1862. O. 820 12 — Bettziech, H. Entwickelung der englischen Nationalliteratur, 1858-60. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1-3, 1859-61.) 805 1 — Breen, H. H. Modern English literature; its blemishes and defects. London, 1857. O. 820 2 ^Brooke, S. A. English literature. 2 edition. London, 1876. S. {In Green, J. R. Literature primers.) 820 13 — Craik, G. L. A compendious history of Eng- lish literature and language, from the Nor- man conquest. London, 1861. 2 v. O. 820 14 — Gothe, J. W. von. Englische Literatur. (In his Werke, 1827-43, v. 46.) 832 1 —Jahrbuch fiir romanische und englische Lite- ratur. V. 1-9. O. Berlin, 1859-68. 805 1 — Morley, H. Of English literature in the reign of Victoria, with a glance at the past. Leipzig, 1881. S. facsim. 820 15 — Shaw, T. B. A history of English literature. New edition, with notes and illustrations by W. Smith. London, 1864. D. (Student's manu- als.) 820 16 —Spalding, W. The history of English litera- ture; with an outline of the growth of the lan- guage. 7 edition. Edinburgh, 1861. D. 820 17 — Taine, H. A. Histoire de la litterature an- glaise. 2 edition. Paris, 1866-71. 5 v. D. 820 18 See also AMERICAN LITERATURE; ANGIX)-SAXOX LIT- ERATURE; NORMAN LITERATURE. —BIBLIOGRAPHY. Allibone, S. A. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, from the earliest ac- counts to the miadle of the 19th century. Philadelphia, 1858-71. 3 v. Q. 015 1 The two supplementary volumes, covering the period 1850-1888, are in the main library. — —Collier, J. P. A bibliographical and criti- cal account of the rarest books in the English language... New York, 1866. 4 v. O. 015 4 ENGLISH LITERATURE 206 ENGLISH LITERATURE Hazlitt, W. C.J editor. A catalogue of early English miscellanies formerly in the Har- leian library. Ib62. {In Camden misc. 6; in Camdeii soc. 87.) 820 4 Low, S. The English catalogue of books published, 1835-89, comprising the contents of the '-London" and the "British" catalogues, and the principal works published in the U. S. A. and continental Europe; with dates, size, price, edition and publisher's name. London, 1864-91. V. 1-4. Q. 015 3 Same. Index [of subjects], 1837-80. London, 1858-84. v. 1-3. Q. 015 3.1 Lowndes, W. T. The bibliographer's man- ual of English literature; with bibliographical and critical notices, collations of the rarer articles, and prices. New edition, enlarged fby H. G. Bohul. London, 1857-64. 6 v. in 11. D. 015 1.1 Vol. 6 is Appendix, containing an account of books issued by societies and clubs, privately printed ; and serials. Stevens, H. Catalogue of my English li- brary. London, 1853. S. 015 2 —COLLECTIONS. Knight, C, editor. Half- hours with the best authors; including bio- graphical and critical notices. New edition, remodelled. London [,1866]. 4 v. D. por. 820 11 See especially ENGLISH {early) LITEKATUUE. —DRAMA. Hazlitt, W. C, editor. The English drama and stage, 1543-1664, illustrated by doc- uments, treatises and poems; with preface and index. [London,] 1869. sqO. (In his Rox- burghe hb. 4.) 821 2 — — Lamb, C, editor. Specimens of English dramatic poets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare. New edition. London, 1835. 2 v. D. 822 1 — — Macaulay, T. B. Comic dramatists of the Restoration. {In his Essays, 1843, v. 4.) 824 16 _ — ^Whipple, E. P. Old English dramatists. {Inhis Essays, 1848-9, v. 2.) 824 16 See also BACon,F.; Bale, J.; Browning, R.; Buckingham, G. v., 2d duke of; ENGUSH LITEKATUBE— MIRACLE PLAYS; Gascoigne, G.; Goldsmith, 0.; Johnson, S.; Jonson, B.; Lamb, C; Landor, W. S.; Massinger, P.; Port«r, H'.; Richardson, S.; Shakespeare, W.; Sheridan, R. B. B.; Taylor, H.; Udall, N.; Wordsworth, W. —ESSAYS. Wliipple, E. P. British critics. (In his Essays, 1848-9, v. 2.) 814 16 Contents: .Jeffrey.— Mackintosh.— Sir William Hamil" ton.— Giff ord .—Hazlitt. —Hunt. See also Addison, J. ; Arnold, M. ; Baeon,F. ; Burke, E. ; Car- lyle, T.; Coleridge, S. T.; Defoe, D.; De Qulncey, T.; Frere, J. H.; Fuller,T.; Goldsmith, 0.; Hazlitt, W.; Johnson, S.; Lamb, C; Landor, W. S.; Macaulay, T. B.; Shaftesbury, A. A. C, Sd earl of; Smith, S.; Spectator; Swift, J. —FICTION. See Amory, T.; Beckford, W.; Banyan, J.; Chap-books; Coleridge, S.; Defoe, D.; Dickens, C; ENGLISH LITERA- TURE-ROMANCES; Goldsmith, 0.; Hope, T.; Howell, J.; Mallock, W. H.; Mayo, I. F„ <£ W.^S.; Morier, J.; Palgrave, F.; Rufllnl, G.; Sandwlth, H.;' Sidney, P.; Sterne, L.; Swift, J. —HUMOR & SATIRE. Fairholt, F. W. Satir- ical song.s and poems on costume, 13-19 century. London, 1849. D. il. {In Percy SOC. v. 27.) 820 6 See also Alexander, P. P. ; Amor}-, J. ; Beresfbrd, J. ; But- ler, S.; €• R., gent.; H.; Cock Lorell's bote; Dea- con, W. F.; Defoe, D.; Dekker, T.; Fish, S.; Frere, J. H., Fuller, T.; Goldsmith, 0. ; Gosson, S.; Hejwood, J. T.; Hob- son, W.; Hutton, H.; Jack of Dover; The man in the moone; Maroecus extaticus; Mathias, T. J.; The meeting of gallants; The peniles parliament; A poem on the d'jath of Edward II.; Pope, A.; Porter, H.; Rich, B.; ROBIN GOODFELLOW; Rowlands, S. ; Rowley, W. ; Smith, H., J.tfe S.; Sterne, L.; Stubbes, P.; Swift, J.; Taylor, J.; Terllo, W.; Wither, G. —LETTERS. Cliristie, W. D., editor. Letters from London to Sir J. Williamson at the con- gress of Cologne, 1673-4. [London,] 1874. 2 v. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 8, 9.) 820 4.1 — —Ellis, H., editor. Original letters of emi- nent literary men, 16-18 centiuies. London, 1843. sqO. facsim. {In Camden soc. 23.) 820 4 — — Letters from autographs in the possession of William Tite. 1864. {In Camden misc. 5; in Camden soc. 87.) 820 4 Margaret of Anjou, & others. Letters of Margaret, Bishop Beckington and otliers; edit- ed by Cecil Monro. [London,] 1863. sqO. {In Camden soc. 86.) 820 4 — — Plnmpton correspondence, Edward IV. — Henry VIll.; edited by T. Stapleton. London, 1839. sqO. (In same. 4.) 820 4 — — Savile correspondence; edited by W. D. Cooper. [London,] 1858. sqO. (In same. 71.) 820 4 Wright, T., editor. Three chapters of letters relating to the suppression of monaster- ies. London, 1843. sqO. (In same. 26.) 820 4 See also Arnold, T. ; Ascham, B. ; Bacon, F. ; Bowes, R. ; Canterbury; Carew, G.; Charles I.; Coleridge, S. T.; Cosin, J.; Elizabeth, queen; Essex papers; Fortescue papers; Gran- ville, D.; Gray, T.; Haddock family; Hamilton papers; Harley, Lady B. C; Harvey, G.; Hatton family; Herbert, G.; Howell, J.; Hutton, M.; Johnson, S.; Lamb, C. ; Lauder- dale papers; Leicester, R. D., earl of; Mountain, A. S. H.; Nicholas papers; Orford, H. Walpole, earl of; Prideaux, H.; Robertson, F. W. ; Robinson, H. C. ; Salisbury, R. Cecil, earl of; Shllllngford, J.; Sterne, L.; Stukeley, W.; Surtees, R. Swift, J.; Wotton, H. —MIRACLE PLAYS. Ebert, A. Die englischen Mysterien, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Towneley-Sammlung. (In Jahrbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.) 805 1 — — Genee, R. Die englischen Mirakelspiele und Moralitaten als Vorganger des englischen Dramas. Berlin, 1878. O. 32 p. (In Vircliow & HoltzendoriT. Vortrage. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — —A sermon against miracle-plays. (In Hazlitt, W. C. English di-ama, 1543-1664; in his Roxburghe lib. 4.) 821 2 Same. (In Matzner, E. A. F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, 1867-9.) 820 8 — —The Towneley mysteries. London [,1836]. O. (In Surtees soc. 3.) 820 7, 822 23 See also The ent«rlude of John Bon and mast person ; The harrowing of hell; Ingelend, T.; The interlude of the four elements; The Interlude of the trial of treasure; Everyman; The skryveners' play. —MISCELLANEOUS. Harington, J., & others. Nugse antiquaB; miscellaneous papers written in the reigns of Henry VIII. — James I. Lon- don, 1769-75. 2 V. S. por. pi. music. 828 13 — — Harleian miscellany; or, A collection of pamphlets and tracts in the earl of Oxford's ENGLISH LITER A TTIRE 207 ENGLISHWOMAN library; with historical, political and critical notes rby W. Oldys]. London, 1744-6. 8 v. soQ. 942 11 For contents see Peabody catalogue. — — Southey, R. Commonplace-book ; edited by J. W, Warter. New York, 1849. 2 v. O. por, 828 18 See also Ascham, R. ; Bacon, F. ; Browne, Sir T. ; Burke, E.; Burton, B.; Coleridge, S. T.; Corjat, T.; Euphranor; Felltham, 0.; Fuller, T.; Hare, J. C. ies, J. ; Dobell, S. T. ; Donne, J. Dorset, T. S., earl of; Drayton, M. ; Drumniond, >V. ; Early English alliterative poems; EXGLISH LITERATURE- HUMOR; Fergusson, R.; Fletcher, F. d6G.; Flore; Forrest, W.; Frere, J. H.; Gascoigue, G.; Gawayne; Generydes; Gold- ing, A.; Goldsmith, 0.; Googe, B.; Gower, J.; Gray, T.; The great assises; Guildford,N .de; iin^ofWar^vick; Habiugton, W. ; Harding, J.: Havelock; Hawes, S.; Heywood, J. & T.;Horn; Houghton, R. M. M., baron; Ingelow, J.; James L; Johnson, S. ; Jonson, B. ; Keats, J. ; Kendall, T. ; Lamb, C. ; Landor, W. S.;Lane, J.; Langland, W. ; Langtoft, P.; Layamon; Liber cure cocorum; Lovelace, R.; Lydgate, J.; Lyudesay, D.; Ljlton, E. G., baron; Maidstone, R. of; Mapes, W.; Markham, G.; Milton, J.; Mirror for magistrates ; Mountain, G. J.; Myrc, J.; Page, J.; Parsons, W.; Pierce the plough- man's crede: Plncherle, G.; Pollok, R.; Pope, A.; Rich- ardson, C. C; Roberto/" Gloucester: Robinson, C. ; Rolle de Hampole, R.; Roy, W.; Sandabad; Sandys, G. ; Scott, W.; SeiuteMarherete; The seven deadly sins; Shakespeare, W.; Shelley, P. B.; Skelton, J.; SONGS; Southey, R.; Spenser, E.; Stanyhurst, R.; Story of Genesis and Exodus; Swift, J.; Surtees, R.; Taylor, H, & J.; Tebbs, H. V.; Tennyson, A.; Thomson, J.; Thynne, F.; Torrent of Portugal; Tusser, T.; Urquhart, T.; Vaticinium votlvum; Waller, E. ; H'atson, T. ; Willoby, H. ; Wither, G.; Wordsworth. W.; Wotton, H.; Wjti- town. A.; Zepheria. —ROMANCES. EUis, tf. Specimens of early English metrical romances, 14th century; pre- fixed, an historical introduction. London, 1805. 3 V. D. 821 4 Halliwell-PIiillipps, J. 0., editor. The Thornton romances: Percival, Isumbras, Egla- mour and Degrevant. London, 1844. sqO. (In Camden soc. 30.) 820 4 Robson, J., editor. Three early English metrical romances; with introduction and glos- sary. London, 1842. sqO. facsim. (In same. V. 18.) 820 4 Contents; The anturs of Arthur at the Tarnewathelan —Sir Amadace.— The avovs'ynge of King Arthur, Sir Gawan, Sir Kaye and Sir Bawdewyn of Bretan. Tlioms, W. J., editor. A collection of early prose romances. London, 1828. 3 v. O. 823 2 ^ —Weber, H. W., editor. Metrical romances of the 13-15 centuries; with introduction, notes and glossary. Edinburgh, 1810. 3 v. O. 821 10 See also ALEXANDER the Great; ARTHUR; Bevis of Hamptoun; CHAP-BOOKSi CHARLEMAGNE; Ferumbras; Flore: Gawain; Generydes; Guy of Warwick; Horn; Lance, lot; Merlin; Paris and Vienne; Roland; Knight of the swan; Torrent of Portugal; IVllllam of Palerne. The Englishwoman in Egypt, see Poole, S. L. ENGLISHWOMAN 208 ERASMUS The Englishwoman in Russia; by a lady ten yeavs resident in that country. New York, 1855. D. yl. 914.7 3 ENGRAVING. American bank note company. [Specimens of engraving. New Yorkjn. d. sqF. pi. ntp. 768 1 The latest date on any of the engi-avings is 1867. — Duplessis, Gr. V. A. (J. Les merveilles de la gravure. Paris, 1869. D. il. (In Charton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 760 1 — Longhi, Gr. La calcografia. Milano, 1830. V. 1. O. por. 760 2 Vol. I: La teorica dell' arte. — N. Y. (sta^e)— Library. Catalogue, 1856: Maps, manuscripts, engravings, coins, &c. Albany, 1857. Q. 016 23, bound with 010 3 _ Catalogue of the books on bibliography, typography and engraving. Albany, 1858. O. 016 1 See also DIJUER, A. ; Holbein, H.; REMBRANDT; Sachs, H.; Biblia pauperum. Engstrom, J. Resa genom Norrland och Lapp- land til Suiitelma och Gellivare, 1834. Stock- holm, 1834. 2 V. in 1. D. 914.8 32.3 — Resa genom sodra Lappland, Jemtland,Troed- hem och Dalarne, 1834. Calmar, 1835-6. 2 v. in 1. D. 914.8 32.4 ENIGMAS, see RIDDLES. Den ensamna, see Bremer, F. Enslin, Karl. Frankfurter Sagenbuch. Frank- furt a. M., 1856. D. 398 5 The enterlude of John Bon and mast person; a dialogue, in verse; edited by William Henry Black. London, 1852. D. 28 p. t7. (7ji Percy soc. V. .30.) 820 6 ENTHUSIASM. Dana, R. H. Natural history of enthusiasm [by I. Taylor J, {In his Poems and prose. 1850. v. 2.) 811 5 Konung Enzio, see Nicander, K. A. EPAMINONDAS. S., S. G. The life of Epa- minondas, (In Plutarchus. Lives. 1631.) 888 28 Ephemeris parliamentaiia, see Great Britain — Parliament. 'E^hrem, St., the Syrian. Due sermone ela Laudazione di Josef; volgarizzamento, percura di Achille Neri. Bologna, 1867. D. 72 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 78.) 850 10 EPIC POETRY. Very, J. {In his Essays.) 811 24 Epicoene: or, The silent w^oman, a comedy, see Jonson, B. Epictetus. Enchiridion, et Cebetis Tabula, Greece & Latine; addita sunt J. D. Snecani notae; Sortitus animarum, ex Eris Pamphylii narratione; Ex Hipparcho Pythagoreo de animi tranquillitate. [Lugduni Batavorum, 1632?] Tt. 888 50 The title-page is wanting. — 'E7xetp/5ioj'[Greek and Latin]; ex editione Jo- annis Upton. Philadelphiae, 1793. T. 22+12 p. 888 51 — Manuale.(7n Theophratus. Characteres. 1826.) 888 55 Italian. {In Leopardl, G. Opere, 1849-51, V. 2.) 868 8 EPICURUS. Gebhart, E. La vie italienne a Pompei et les doctrines d' Epicure. {In his Del'Italie. 1876.) 946 4 EPIDEMICS. Ackermann, T. Ueber die Ursachen epidemischer Krankheiten. Berlin, 1873. O. 40 p. {In Yircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 Epidicus, see Plautus, T. M. v. 2. EPIGRAMS. Bastard, T. Chrestoleros; seven bookes of epigrames; 1598. [Manchester,] 1888. sqO. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 47.) 821 8 — Camden, W. Allusions. — Epigrammes. {In his Remaines. 1637.) 420 3 —Kendall, T. Flowers of epigrammes, 1577. [Manchester,] 1874. sqO. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 15.) 821 3 ^Lessing, G. E. Anmerkungen iiber das Epi- gram und einige Epigrammatisten. {In his Werke, 1823-5, v. 2.) 832 6 Des Epimenides Erwachen, see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 13.. The Epinal glossary, Latin and Old-English of tlie 8th century; photo-lithographed from the original ms. by W. Griggs, and edited, with translation, introduction and notes, by Henry Sweet. London, 1883. F.= 14+29 p. 28 facsim. {In E. E.text soc. Orig. ser. Extra volume [79.1].) 820 5 —Same. {In Sweet, H. Oldest English texts. 1885; in same. 83.) 820 5 EPIRUS, see ALBANIA. EPISCOPACY. Milton^ J. Of reformation touching church discij^line in England. — Of prelaticall episcopacy. — The reason of church- government urg'd against prelaty. — Animad- versions upon the Remonstrants Defence against Smectymnuus. — An apology against A confutation of the Animadversions. (In his Works, 1863, v. 3.) 821 78 En Episode, see Gyllembourg, T. C. Epistolae obscurorum virorum, et adversario- rum scripta[,v. 1-3]; recensuit E. B. Lipsiae, 1864. T. 879 4 Same: Epistolarum obscurorum virorum vol- umina duo. Editio 2, cum prefatione, illustra- tione historica atque notitia de vita et scriptis virorum in epistolis occurrentium, ab H. G. Rotermundo. Hannoverae, 1830. O. 879 3 Epistolffi ex Ponto, see Ovidius Naso, P. v. 3. EPITAPHS. Camden, W. {In his Remaines. 1637.) 420 3 Eplcema, Ecco. Woordenboek op de gedichten en verdere geschriften van Gijsbert Japicx. Leeu warden, 1824. sqO. 839.2 7 —editor, see Frieschgenootschap.Oude kronij- ken. 1835-53.) 839.2 1-2 With Levensschets van Epkema door J. van Leeuwen. Japicx, G.Friesche rijmlerye. 1821. 839.2 6 EPOCHS. Estrup, H. F. J. Om Epocher og deres Anvendelse i Historiens videnskabelige Behandling. {In his Hist. Blandinger. 1830.) 904 1 Erasmus, Desiderins. Colloquia, cum notis se- lectis. AmsteliBciatni, 1754. S. 879 5 An uncut copy. — Moriae encomium; or, A panegyrick upon folly; done into English, with above fifty cuts by Hans Holbein e; prefixed, Erasmus's epistle to Sir Thomas More, and an account of Hol- beine's pictures. London, 1709. D. por. pi. 879 6 JERAS3IUS 209 ERMENGA UB — Italian: Elogio della pazzia; antica versione italiana, con disegtii di Holbein. Milano, 1863. 5. il. por. (In Bibl.rara. 17.) 850 3 — Bohmei'j E. Erasmus in Spanien. (In Jahr- buch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Escher, H. Erasmus; ein Beitragzur Gelehr- tengeschichte des 16ten Jahrhunderts. (In Baumer, F. L. (x, von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1843.) ^ 905 1 Erasmus Montanus,* see Holberg, L. Comedier, V. 5. Erben, Karel Jaroinir. Fors0g til en Forkla- ring at' navnet Dagmar. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 6, 1855-7.) 948 4 Erceldonne, Thomas Learmont of, called the Rhymer. Romance and prophecies; printed from five mss. , with illustrations from the pro- phetic literature of the 15th and 16th centuries; edited, with introduction and notes, bv James A. H. Murray. London, 1875. O. (In E." E. text soc. Orig. ser. 61.) 820 5 — Sir Tristrem. (In (ilottfried von Strassburg. Werke, 1823, v. 2.) 831 30 — Sir Tristrem, a metrical romance of the 13th century; edited bv Walter Scott. 3 edition. Edinburgh, 1811. O. 821 110 — Same; Abschnitt. (In Matzner, E. A. F. Al- te)ig. Sprachproben. v. 1. pt. 1, 1867.) 820 8 ErchempertuSj monk of Monte Cassino. Histo- ria Longobardorum Beneventi. (/wEckhard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 1.) 943 13 Ercilla y Zufiiga, Alonso de. La Araucana. Madrid, 1776. 2 v. D. por. pi. map. 861 8 Erckmann, £mile,cfc Chatrian, A. Histoire d' un paysan: L'an 1 de la republique, 1793. 2 edition. Paris, 1869. D. 843 13 Same : lie citoven Bonaparte, 1794-1815. 3 edition. Paris, 1870. D. 843 13 Histoire du plebiscite, racontee par un des 7,500,000 oui. Paris. 1872. D. 843 14 Souvenirs d'un ancien chef de chantier a I'isthme de Suez. 3 edition. Paris [,1876]. D. 843 15 Appended, 9 p., is the poem: L'exile. Erdmann. Otto Linn^. [Various articles.] (In Leipsic— K. sachs. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-8.) 063 1 Erec, eine Erzahlung, see Hartmann von Aue. L' erede fortunata, commedia, see Gfoldoni, C. V. 18. Eredia, Luigid.' Rime; per cura di Salvatore Salomone-Marino. Bologna, 1875. D. 32+64 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 142.) 850 10 Ereks saga viSforla. (In Rafn.C. C.Forn. sogur, 1829-30, V. 3.) 839.63 12,62 Eremita, Daniel, see L'Hermite, D. Eremiten, see 0hlenschlager, A. (J. Digter- vaerker, v. 2. "Ep7a Kol vfidpai, see Hesiodiis. Eric XIII,, of Pomerania, fcmg' o/ Denmark. Historica narratio de origine gentis Danorum et de regibus deque eorundem rebus gestis. (In Stephanins, S. H. De regno Daniae. 1629.) 094 21,22 ERIC IX., St., king of Sweden. De S. Erico rege Sveciae. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 4.) 948 76 — Erlandsson, I. De vita et miraculis sancti Erici; edidit J. Scheflferus. Holmiae, 1675. S. 922 27.1 — — Miracula S. Erici regis et martyris, Latine et Svethice. — Legendae de S. Erico.— Offlcinm S. Erici.— Vita S. Erici. (In Fant, E. M. Script, rerum Svecicarum, 1818-28, v. 2.) 948 38.1 ERIC XIV., king of Sioeden. Celsius, 0. Ko- nung Erik den f jortondes historia. 2 uplagan, Lund, 1795. D. 948 36- — Hund, D. H. Konung Erik XIV :s kronika, pa rim; utgifven af F. A. Dahlgren. Stock- holm, 1847. O. (In Svenska forn.-sal. Sam- lingar. v. 3.) 839.7 3 — Tegel, E. J. Konung Erics den XIV: des hi- storia; jemte anmerkningar och register, utgif- wen af A. A. von Stiernman. Stockholm, 1751. sqQ. por. 948 36.1 ERIC mE^QH, king of Denmark. Sulim, F.F. Udf0rligere Character af Erik. (Inhis Skrifter, 1788-98, V. 4.) 839.88 5 Erichsen, Jdn. Forberedelse. (In Konnngs^ skuggsja. 1768.) 839.68 19 — Observationum ad antiquitates septentrio- nales pertinentium specimen. Hafniae, 1769. S. 398 30 — editor, see Arnason, J. Historisk Indledning til den islandske Rasttergang. 1762. 349 56 cfc translator, see Jon Lopts0ns En- comiast. 1787. 839.61 11 — iPdlsson, S. JEfisaga Jons Eyrikssonar. Kaupmannahofn, 1828. D. por. 839.63 31 Erik den fjortonde, en dramatisk dikt, see Beskow, B. von. Erik den fjortonde, sorgspel, see Lidner, B. Erik Menveds Barndom, see Ingemann, B. S. Erik og Abel, see 01ilenschlager, A. Gr. Trago- dier, v. 5. ERLANDS0N, Jakob, see JAKOB ERLANDS0N. Erlandsson, Israel. De vita et miraculis sancti Erici Sueciae regis; primus edidit, notisq. illu- stravit Joannes Scheflferus. Holmise, 1675. S. 922 27.1 — Miracula S. Erici regis et martyris, Latine et Svethice. {In Fant, E. M. Script, rerum Sve- cicarum, 1818-28, V. 2.) 948 38.1 Erlebnisse eines Schuldenbauers,see Bitzins,A. V. 19. ERLENDSSON, Haukr. Munch, P. A. Om Hauk Ei-lendsson og hans literaire Virksom- hed. facsim. — Tillaegsbemserkning. (In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler, t. 7, 1847.) 948 2 See also Algorlsmus; Trojuinanna sa$?a. Ermengand, Matfre. Le breviari d'amor; suivi de sa lettre a sa soeur; public par la Societe archeologique, scientifique et litteraire de Bezi- ers ; introduction et glossaire par Gabriel Azais. Beziers [,pref. 1862]. v. 1, v. 2, pt. 1. O. pi. 849 9 See Appendix. — Inedita aus dem Breviari d'amor; von Sachs. (/n Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 — Bartsch, K. F. Le breviari d'amor, publ. par la Societe archeol. de Beziers. (In same. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 ERMENGA UD 210 ESMOEIET — Mnssafla, A. tJber die zwei Wiener Hand- schriften des Breviari d'amor. {In his Hand- schriftliche Studien, pt. 3.) 849 10 Zum Breviari d'amor. (In Jalirbncli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 Ermoldus Nigellus. Narratio metrica de bapti- smo Haraldi Danorum regis, 826. {In Lailge- bek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 1.) 948 76 Ernest Staas, see Bergiiiaiin, A. Ernesti, Johann August. Clavis Ciceroniana. {In Cicero, M. T. Opera, 1820, v. 12.) 876 1 — editor, see Homerus. Opera. 1814. 883 2 ERNICI. Branco, W. I vulcani degli Ernici . nella vaile del Sacco. il. map. {In Rome — R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 8 ser sci.fls. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 Herzog Ernst. Leipzig, n. d. D. 54 p. il. {In Volksbucher, 34.) 833 22 See also Veldecke, H. von. Erofringen af Ceuta, skadespel, see Stagne- lius, £. J. Gli eroici furori, see Bruno, (J. EROS, see CUPID. Der Eros; oder, Die Liebe, see Zschokke, J. H. D. V. 1. EROSION. Greenwood, (x. Rain and rivers; or, Hutton and Playfair against Lyell and all comers. London, 1857. O. maps. 551.35 1 — Heim, A.Ueber die VerwitterungimGebirge. Basel, 1879. O. 40 p. pi. 551.37 1 Errera, Alberto. Daniele Manin e Venezia, 1804-53; narratione. Firenze, 1875. D. 945 62 Erri, Uiovanni Francesco. Dell' origine di Cento e di sua pieve, e la storia di Cento in compendio. Bologna, 1769. Q. 914.5 64 ERRORS. Leopardi, Gr. Saggio sopra gli er- rori popolari degli antichi. 3 impressione. Firenze, 1851. D. 858 8 Ersley, Kristian. Harald Htlrdrade i Limf jor- den. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 8, 1873.)— Ro8kildesaeldsteM0nter. il. {hi same. v. 10, 1875.)— Unionsbrevet -fxa Kalmarm0det, 1397. il. (In same. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 — Quelques remarques sur les plus anciennes monnaies du Danemark. il. {In same. Me- moires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Erslew, Thomas Hansen. Almindeligt Forfat- ter-Lexicon for Danmark med tilh0rende Bil- ande, 1814-40. Kjobenhavn, 1843. 3 v. 0. 015 5.1 Supplement, indtil Udgangen af 1 853. Kj0benhavn, 1858-1868. 3 v. O. 015 5.2 Los eruditos a la violeta, see Cadalso, J. de. Erwin und Elmire, ein Siugspiel, see (Jothe, J. W. von. V. 10, 57. Erzfthlungen im Nebel, see Zschokke, J. H. D. V. 4. Es ist sehr moglich, same. Esarcu, C, editor. Stefanu cellii Mare; docu- mente descoperite in arohivele venefiei. Bu- curesci, 1874. O. 949 73 With autograph of the author. Escalante Fontaneda, Hernando de. Memoir. (In Soto, H. de. Letter. 1854.) 973 13 Escayrac de Lauture, Pierre Henri Stanislas, comte d.' Memoire sur le Soudan. Paris, 1855-6. O. map. 916.2 27 — , editor, see Thibaut, — . Expedition a Nil. 1856. 916.7 9 ESCHATOLOGY. Bates, W. Discourses on the four last things. {In Marsh, J. Select practical theology. 1830.) 208 6 —Burnet, T. The sacred theory of the earth; concerning the deluge and paradise, the burn- ing of the world, and the new heavens and new earth. London, 1726. 2 v. O. 213 1 —More, T. A treatyce upon these woordes of Scrypture: Remember the last thynges and thou shalt never synne. (In Jiis Workes, 1557, V. 1.) 230 5 Escher, Heinrich. Erasmus von Rotterdam. {In Raumer, F. L. Gr. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1843.) 905 1 Esclot, Bernat d,' see Desclot. Escolano, Gfaspar. Decada primera de la histo- ria de la ciudad y reyno de Valencia. Valencia, 1610-11. 2 V. Q. iltp. 946 61 El esconinlgado, drama, see Zorrilla. v. 3. El escondido y la tapada, see Calderon. v. 4. Escourrou-Milliago, E. De I'ltalie agricole, in- dustrielle et artistique a propos de I'exposition universelle de Paris; suivie d' un essai sur 1' exposition du Portugal. Paris, 1856. D. 606 5 ESCURIAL. Ebert, A. Die Handschriften der Escorial-Bibliothek aus dem Gebiete der ro- manischen Literaturen sowie der englischen. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Knust, H, Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Escorialbibliothek. {In same. v. 8-9, 1867-8 ) 805 1 Esercitazioni filologiche. 1845-62. Modena, 1844-61. V. 1-18. D. 450 14 By Prof. M. A. Parent! . The title on the cover is Strenna pel nuovo anno. See also Streiiiia. — Appendice: Strenna pel 1863 [by B. Verattil. Modena, 1862. O. 42 [-1-2] p. 450 15.1 — Studj filologici: Strenna pel 1865 [by B. Ve- rattij. Modena, 1864. O. 85 [+2] p. 450 15.1 EStrER, archbishop of Lund. Actio regis Erici Menved in Esgerum coram pontifice Romano, 1317. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 6.) 948 76 ESKIL, St. , bishop of Nordanskog. Brynolph. Officium S. Eskilli. — De Eskillo relatio Svecica. Legenda S. Eskilli.— Vita S. Eskilli. {In Fant, E.M. Script, rerum Svecicarum, 1818-28, -v. 2.) 948 38.1 ESKILS0, see EBELHOLT. ESKIMO LANGUAGE, see tSREENLANDISH. ESKIMOS. Rink, H. J. Om Eskimoernes Her- komst. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Aarb0ger. v. 6, 1871.)— Om deeskimoiske Dialekter, som Bidrag til Bed0mmelsen af Sp0rgsmaalet om Eskimoernes Herkomst og Vandringer. (In same. v. 20, 1885.) 948 5 Esmenard, Joseph Alplionse, & Jouy, V. J. E. Fernando Cortez; elier, Mexicos Indtagelse, Opera. KJ0benhavn, 1827. D. 38 p. 842 4 Esnioriet, Een abei spel van. {In Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1886-62, pt. 6.) 839.31 3 ESOP 211 ESTR UP Esop, see Jlsopns. ESOPUS, N. Y. Kregier, M. Journal of the second Esopus war. 1663. {In O'Callaghaii, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 4.) 974 9 Espag'ne, Adelplie. Proverbes et dictions popu- laires recueillis a Aspiran. — L' Artiste. — Chro- nique. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) — Epigraphie romane, dialectes modernes. (In same. v. 5.) 479 5 Les Espagnols en Danemarck, comedie, see Meriiu^e, P. Espana sagrada, see Florez, E., & others. La Espaiiola inglesa, see Cervantes. Novelas,v.2. Espeio poetico en que se miran las heroycas hazan IS executadas por Francisco Fernandez de la Cueva, duque de Albuquerque; celebra- das por los ingenios Granadinos in su acade- mia. Granada, 1662. O. 861 7 Esperson, Pietro. II trattato di Washington suUa questione anglo-americana dell' Alabama. [Firenze. 1871.] sqO. 8 p. 341 8 Estratto dalla Rivista marittima, ottobre 1871. L'espinette amoreuse, see Froissart, J. Espoliii; Jon Jonsson. Islands arbaskur i sogu- formi. Kaupmannahofn, 1821-55. 12 pt. in 3 v. sqO. 839.63 44 Es^uilache, Francisco de Borja y Aragon, prtncipe de. [Las rimas.] Zaragoza, 1651. sqD. 861 9 The title has been cut out of the engraved title-page, and the above title writtten on the paper pasted on. ESROM. Kierulf, A. C. A. Esrom Klosters Hi- storic. Kj0benhavn, 1838, D. [2-I-] 76 [+2Jp. 948 96 — Kornerup, J. Minder om Cisterciensklostret i Esrom, om dets Stiftelse og dets Forbindelser med Clairvaux:— Tillaeg. il. {In Copenhagen — K. nord.Old.-Selskab.Aarb0ger, v, 14,1879.) — Om Esrom Klosters Forbindelser med Ven- den og de architektoniske Spor deraf . il. {In same. \. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Essai sur le-jeu des echecs; parun natif d'Alep en Syrie. Hambourg, 1770. S. 72 p. 794 1 Preface signed N. N. Essays and reviews. Leipzig, 1862, S, (Tauch- nitz edition.) 204 1 Essays for summer hours, see Lanman, C. Essays on the endowment of research, bj' vari- ous writers. London, 1876. O. 378 3 For contents see EDUCATION. Essellen, M. F. Das Varianische Schlachtfeld im Kreise Beckum. Berlin, 1874. O. 39 p. map. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage, 9 Serie.) 043 1 ESSENES. Mangold, W. Die Irrlehrer der Pa- storalbriefe. Marburg, 1856. O. 273 1 ESSEX COUNTY, England. Norden, J. Spe- culi Britanniae pars; an historical and choro- graphical description of the county of Essex; edited by H. Ellis. London, 1840, sqO. 44-1- 42 p. map. {In Camden soc. 9.) 820 4 Essex papers: edited by Osmund Airy. Vol. 1, 1672-9, [London,] 1890. v, 1, sqO, {In same. n. s. 47.) 820 4.1 Esslingen, Johann von. Ausziige aus einer Weltchronik. ( T/^i Dienier, J. Kleine Beitriige. 1851,) 831 2,1 La estatna de Prometeo, see Calderon. v. 3. Estcourt, James Bucknall Bucknall, major- general. Journey from the bay of the Orontes to Damascus, 1835. — Journey from Suedia to Reschid pacha's camp near Diyarbekr, 1835. — Report of the circumstances relating to the transport, 1835. (In Chesney, F. R, Narrative of the Euphrates expedition. 1868.) 915.6 12 — Marsh, G. P. The late General Estcourt. {In National intelligencer, Washington, 7 Feb, 1856.) 080 43 Same. {In Ryan, (J. Life of Estcourt, 1856, apx.,p. 2-8.) 080 34 Same. {In Marsh, C. C. Life of G. P, Marsh, 1888, v. 1, p 474-9.) 080 42 ■—Ryan, G. The life of Estcourt. London, 1856. D. 22+8 p. 080 34 ESTE, Nicolo da. Campo, L. dal. Viaggio a Gerusalemme di N. da Este. {In Emilia. Miscel- lanea. 1861.) 850 5 ESTENSE, Isabella, see GONZAGA, I. E. ESTHER, queen. Storia della reina Ester. Bo- logna, 1864, D. 31 p, {In Scelta di curiosita. 43.) 850 10 ESTHONIA. Holzmayer, J. B. Osiliana: Erin- nerungen aus dem heidnischen Gottercultus, und alte Gebrauche verschiedener Art, gesam- melt unter den Insel-Esten. Dorpat, 1872. O, 390 19 Estienne {Latin Stephanus), Henri. De Diodoro et ejus scriptis tractatus. {In Diodorus Siculus. 1793-7, V. t.) 888 46 — Le precellence du langage francois. Nouvelle edition, accompagnee d'une etude sur Estienne et de notes par Leon Feugere. Paris, 1850. D. 447 17 — A world of wonders; or, An introduction to a treatise touching the conformitie of ancient and modern wonders; translated out of the French [by R. Cudworth?]. London, 1607. Q, 282 23 The original is "L'introduction au traits de la con- formite," etc —annotator, see Thucydides. 1731, 888 4,1 — Passow, F. L. K. F. Heinrich Stephanus. {In Raumer, F. L. d, von. Hist. Taschenbuch, 1831.) .906 1 Estorch y Siques, Pati. Elements de poetica catalana, y diccionari de sa rima, Gerona, 1852, D, 467 10 Estre, Mrs. H. G. d.' translator, see Fantozzi, F, Nouveau guide de Florence, 1849, 914.5 65 Estr^es, Frantjois Aunibal, due d.' Memoires, la regerice de Marie de Medicis et le regne de Louis XIII. por. {In Michaud <& Ponjoiilat. Memoires, 1866, v. 20.) 944 9 SERRA DA ESTRELLA, Portugal. Rivoli, J. Die Serra da Estrella; mit spezieller Beriick- sichtigung ihrer forstlichenVerhaltnisse.Gotha, 1880. sqQ. [3+] 36 p. map. (/« Petermanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungsband 14.) 910 44 Estrnp, Hektor Frederik Janson. Absalon, som Kelt, Statsmand og Biskop; et biographisk Fors0g. Sor0e, 1826. O, por. 922 14 — Bemajrkninger paa en Reise i Normandiet i 1819. Kj0benhavn, 1821. D. 914.4 8 — Historiske Blandinger. Kj0benhavn, 1830, D, 904 1 ESTRVP 212 ETHNOLOGY — De makariske Oer og Elisa ; et Bidrag til Phoeniciernes Handelshistorie. Kjobenhavn, 1843. sqQ. 23 p. 380 4.1 — Om Slesvigs og Holstens Uadskillelighed efter Forsikkringsacten af 1460; en historisk Unders0gelse. Kiobenhavn, 1832. O. 23 p. 943 47 — Om Trseldom i Norden; en archseologisk Un- ders0gelse. Kiobenhavn, 1823. D. 326 3 — Om Underviisning og Opdragelse ved Sor0e Academie; et Indbydelsesskrift. Kj0benhavn, 1832. sqO. [4+] 41 [+5] p. 373 2 ETCHINO, see REMBRANDT. ETERNAL PUNISHMENT. PassagUa, C. Sulla eternita delle pene e sul fuoco dell' inferno; dissertazioni; volgarizzati dal F. Regonati. Milano, 1855. O. 93 p. 237 3 Ethe; Hermann. Die hofische und romantische Poesie der Perser. Hamburg, 1887. O. 48 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff, Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 — Die mystische, didaktische und lyrische Poesie und das spatere Schriftthum der Per- ser. Berlin, 1888. O. 52 p. {In same, d.) 043 2 ETHELBURGrA, queen of Northumberland. Newman, J. H., cfc others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 4.) 922 8 Ethelred, abbott of Rievaulx. On the saints of the church of Hexham. {In Raine, Rev. J. The priory of Hexham, v. 1, 1864; in Snrtees soc. 44.) 820 7 — Relatio de standardo. {In Hewlett, R. Chronicles, 1884-9, v. 3; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 82.) 942 8 — Newman, J. H., c£r others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 7.) 922 8 Ethelred, a legendary tragic drama, see Rich- ardson, 8. ETHICS. Albertano of Brescia. Dei trattati morali; a cura di F. Selmi. Bologna, 1873. {In Emilia. Collezione. 33.) 850 6 — —Liber consolationis et consilii; edidit T. Sundby. Londini, 1873. O. {In Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 8.) 821 46 —Bruno, G. Spaccio'de la bestia trionfante. Milano, 1863. S. {In BiW. rara. 26.) 850 3 — -Charron, P. Delasagesse. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1836. O. 170 2 —Cicero, M. T. De oflaciis. {In his Opera, 1820, V. 4.) 875 1 ^Joleridge, S. T. The friend; a series of essays. 1 American edition. Burlington, 1831. O. 824 9 — Felltham, 0. Resolves, a duple centurv. 5 edition. London, 1634. D. 170 3 — — Resolves, divine, moral, political. Cam- bridge [,Mass.], 1832. D. (/n Young, A. Lib. of old Eng. prose. 4.) 820 10 ^Franklin, B. Essays on religious and moral subjects and the economy of life. {In his Works, 1840, v. 2.) 818 1 i— Fuller, T. The holy and profane states. Cam- bridge [, Mass.], 1831. {In Young, A, Lib. of old Eng. prose. 1.) 820 10 — Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne. 2 edition. London, 1869. 2 v. O. 170 1 — Mackintosh, J. A general vievr of the pro- gress of ethical philosophy, chiefly during the 17-18 centuries. Philadelphia, 1832. O. 171 1 — Opzoomer, C. W. Het wezen der deugd; voorlezingen. Leyden, 1848. O. 170 8 — Parker, T. A sermon of the consequences of an immoral principle and false idea of life, 26 Nov. 1854. Boston, 1855. O. 32 p. 252 2.1 — Plutarchus. Varia scripta, quae Moralia vul- go vocantur, Lipsiae, 1820. 6 v. T. 888 31 For other editions and fcr translations see Plutarchus. — ^Prevost-Paradol, L. A. Etudes sur les mora- listes fran9ais; sui vies de reflexions. Paris, 1865. D. 171 2 Contents: Montaigne.— La Beotie — Pascal.— La Roche- foucauld—La Bruyere.— Vauvenargues.— De la chaire a propos de La Bruyere.— De Pambition.— De la tristesse.— De la maladie et de la mort. —Racine, J. Etudes morales. {In his Etudes. 1855.) 848 15 — Scarabelli, L. Letture morali, per la gente di campagna. Bologna, 1870. O. 177 1 ^Seneca, L. A. Opuscula moralia. {In his [Works,] 1702, V. 1.) 878 13 — -Trattato di virtu morali ; edito da R. de Visiani. Bologna, 1865. D. {In Scelta di cu- riosita. 61.) 850 10 — Vauvenargues, L. de C. de. CEuvres com- pletes. Paris, 1821. 2 v. O. 848 19 -CEuvres posthumes. Paris, 1821. O. 848 19 —Webster, N. Letter to a young gentleman. — Form of association for young men. {In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 See also BUSINESS; CHARACTER; CHASTITY; CHIL- DREX; COMPROMISE; DAACI>G; FAMILY; HONOR; IN- TERXATIONAL RELATIONS; LOTTERIES; MAN; MAR- RIAGE; PEACE; POLITICAL ETHICS; SELF-DENIAL; SELF-HELP; SOCIETY; THEOLOGY; THRIFT; UTILITA- RIANISM; VIVISECTION; WAR, The ethics of the dust, see Ruskin, J. ETHIOPIA. Alvarez, F. Historia de las cosas de Etiopia. Anvers, 1557. T. 099 40 —Goes, D. de. De flde, religione moribusque ^thiopum. {In Anghiera, P. M, d.' De rebus oceanicis. 1574.) 910 1 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ideen iiber die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel der alten Welt. il. maps. {In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 13.) 908 2 — Lepsius, K. R. Briefe aus Aegypten, Aethi- opien, ... 1842-5. Berlin, 1852. O. pi. map. 916.2 12 ETHNOLOGY. Bahnson, K. Ethnograflske Museer i Udlandet. {In Copenhagen— K, nord. 01d.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 22, 1887.) 948 5 — Bartlett, J. R. The progress of ethnoloary. New York, 1847. O. 572 6 — 'Berghaus, H. K. W. Ethnographic. {In his Phys. Atlas, 1845-8, v. 2.) 503 1 — Blumentritt, F. Versuch einer Ethnographie der Philippinen. Gotha, 1882. sqQ. [3-I-] 69 p. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilnngen: ErgRn- zungsband 15.) 910 44 — Brace, C. L. The races of the world: a rtian- ual of ethnology. New York, 1863. O. 572 14 — ^British association for the advancement of science. A manual of ethnological enquiry, London, 1852. O. 15 p. 572 5 ETHNOLOGY 213 ETNA — Castr^n, M. A. Ethnologiska forelasningar. {In his Noidiska resor, 1852-8, v. 4.) 947 13 — Dalin, F. Bausteine ; gesammelte kleine Schriften. Erste Reihe. Berlin, 1879. O. 834 1 — Doineny de Rienzi, 0. L. Oceanie, revue geo- graphique et ethnographiqiie. Paris, 1836-7. 3 V. O. por. pi. maps. (In L'uuiyers. 66-8.) 910 18 — Ethnolog'ical map of the British Isles. Lon- don [,185-:']. 45x38 c. m. 572 17 — Fallmerayer, J. P. Welchen Einfluss hatte die Besetzung Griechenlands durch die Slaven.'' Oder, Die Entsteliung der heutigen Griechen. Stuttgart, 1835. O. 949 45 — Gerland, Gr. K. C. tJber das Aussterben der Naturvolker. Leipzig, 186P. O. 572 7 — triseke, B. Thrakisch-pelasgische Stamme der Balkan halbinsel und ihre Wanderungen in mythischer Zeit. Leipzig, 1858. O. 572 12 — Kiepert, H. Ethnographische Ubei-siclitskarte des europaischen Orients; untere Donauliinder, Tiirkei und Griechenland; mit erlauterndem Text. Neue Ausgabe. Berlin, 1878. O. 12 p. map. 572 17 ^Kolil, J. tJ. Der Verkehr und die Ansiede- lungendei Menschen in ihrer Abhangigkeit von der Gestaltung der Erdoberflache. Dresden, 1841. O. pZ. 572 10 — Kriegk, Cr. L. ' Die Volkerstamme und ihre Zweige. Frankfurt a. M., 1848. O. 8+83 p. 572 13 — Lejean, t!. Ethnographie de la Turquie d' Europe [French and German]. Gotha, 1861. sqQ. [2+] 38 p. map. (In Petermanns Mit- theilungen: Erganzungsband 1.) 910 44 — Lioy, P. La schiavitii dei Negri. {In Ms Con- ferenze. 1872.) 570 1 bound ivith 551.58 120 — Magnnsen, F. Udsigt over den kaukasiske Menneskestammes aeldste Hjemsted og Ud- vandringer. Kiobenhavn, 1818. O. 24 p. 572 12 — Moreaii de Joiines, A. C. La France avant ses premiers habitants, et origines nationales de ses populations. Paris, 1856. D. 572 16 —Munch, P. A. Undersogelse angaaende Dan- marks ethnographiske Forhold i de aeldste Tider og om Eensartetheden i DanmarksBefolkning. {In Copenhagen— K.nord. 01d.-8elskab. An- naler. v. 8, 1848.) 948 2 — Perty, J. A. M.GrundziigederEthnogra]ihie. Leipzig, 1859. O. il. 572 1 — Pigorini, L. Di alcuni oggetti etnologici dell' Ecuador posseduti dal Museo di Roma. pi. (In Rome— K.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 — Quatrefages de Brean, J. L. A. de. L'espece humaine. 2 edition. Paris, 1877. O. 572 2 — — Unite de l'espece humaine. Paris, 1861. D. 572 9 — R^clus, J. J. £. Nouvelle geographie univer- selle; la terre et les hommes. Paris, 1876-91. V. 1-15,17. Q. maps. 910 13 See Supplement. — Rittich, A. F. Die Ethnographie Russia nds. Gotha, 1878. sqO. 6+43 p. maps. (In Peter- manns Mittlieilunffen: Erganzungsband 12.) 910 44 ^Rnscalla, (x. V. Le colonie serbo-dalmate del circondario di Larino, provincia di Molise; studio etnografico, Torino, 1864. O. 38p.572 18 Schiern, F. E. Om en ethnologisk Gaade fra Oldtiden. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Aarb0ger. v. 15, 1880.) 948 5 French: Une enigme ethnographique de I'antiquite. (In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 8, 1878-82.) »48 3 Treating of Asiatic races and migrations. —Schoolcraft, H. R. Plan for the investigation of American ethnology. New York, 1846, O. 13 p. 572 5 — Stenr, C. Ethnographie des peuples de 1' Europe avant Jesus-Christ. Bruxelles, 1873. 3 v. Q. map. 572 15 Ujfalvy, K.E.Recherches surle tableau ethno- grapliique de la Bible, et sur les migrations des peuples. Paris, 1873. O. [7]+54 p. pL 572 12 — Virchow, R. Die Urbevolkerung Europa's. Berlin, 1874. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Hoi- tzendorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Wagner, M. Beitrage zur Ethnographie des Orients. (In his Reise nach Persien, 1852, V. 2.) 916.5 6 — Wollschlager, C. S. Handbuch der Ethno- graphie und der Verbreitung der Sprachen. Leipzig, 1873. O. 572 4 See also ACCADIANS; AKKA; AMIQUITIES; ARAUCAM- A>S; ARCHJiOLOOY; BABBAKOUS RACES; CA^MBALISM; GYPSIES; MAN; MIGRATIOX; MLSCEflEXATIOJf; NEGROES SEMITIC RACE; SLATOMC NATIONS; VIRDALAND. fitienne de Rouen, see Rouen. ETIQUETTE, see MANNERS. ETNA. Ferrara, F. Descrizione dell' Etna, con la storia delle eruzione e il catalogo dei prodotti. Palermo, 1818, O. pi. 551.21 9 — Gennnellaro, C. Breve ragguaglio della eruzione dell' Etna del 21 agosto 1852. Catania, 1852. Q. pi. 551.21 10 bound with 13 Breve relazione della piccola eruzione dell' Etna in luglio 1863. Catania, 1863. sqQ. 12 p. 551.21 10 bound tvith 13 — Grrassi, M. Relazione storica ed osservazioni sulla eruzione etnea del 1865, e su' tremuoti flegrei die la seguirono. Catania, 1865. O. 92 p. 551.21 11 — Italy— Ingegneri del real corpo delle miniere. Relazione sulla eruzione dell' Etna, 1879. Roma, 1879. O. 7 p. map. 551.21 10 bound with 13 — Kopiscll, A. Die Besteigung des Aetna; ein Brief. (In his Gesam. Werke, 1856, v. 5.) 831 54 — Langley, S. P. Observations on Mount Etna. [New Haven,] 1880. O. p. 33-44. 551.21 10 — Recnpero, (J. Storia naturale e generale deir Etna. Catania, 1815. 2 v. Q. por. pi. map. 551.21 12 — Sartorius Ton Waltershausen, W. Ein Vor- trag iiber den Atna und seine Ausbriiche. Leipzig, 1857. O. 23 p. 551.21 10 ^Schouw, J. F. (In his Natur-Skildringer. 1839.) 580 6 — Silvestri, 0. I fenomeni vulcanic! presentati dall Etna, 1863-6. Catania, 1867. Q. phot, tab. 551.21 13 L'^tourdi; ou, Les contre-temps, comedie, see Moliere, J. P. B. de. v. 1. ETTt TIRIA 214 EURIPIDES ETRURIA. Conestabile, G. C. Di un anello etrusco in argento deJla coUezione Strozzi in Pirenze. il. {In Rome— K. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 Pitture niuraii e suppellettili etrusche scoperte in una necropoli preS!^o Orvieto. Fi- renze, 1865. F. 750 3.3 bound with 726 9 — Genthe, H. Ueber den etruskischen Tausch- bandel nach dem Norden. Neue Bearbeitung. Frankfort, 1874. O. 913 14 —Gray, E. C. J. Tour to the sepulchres of Etruria in 1839. 3 edition. London, 1843. O. il. 2il. maps. 913 5 —Taylor, I., M. A. Etruscan researches. Lon- don, 1874. O. il. pi. 913 16 ETRUSCAN LANGUAGE. Bttcheler, F. Populi Iguvini lustratio. Bonnae, 1876. sqQ. 39 p. 394 7 — Deecke, W. Corssen und die Sprache der Etrusker; eine Kritik. Stuttgart, 1875. O. 39 p. 477 1 — Risi, P. Dei tentativi fatti per spiegare le antiche lingue italiche, e specialniente 1' etru- sca. Milano, 1863. O. . 457 26 Ettenius, Cornelius, Bericht iiber die Reise des Legaten Vorstius um dem romischen Konige und den deutschen Fiirsten die Kirchenver- samnilung zu Mantua anzusagen, 1536-7; her- ausgegeben von A. W. Arendt. (In Raiimer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1839.) 905 1 Ettmiiller, Ernst Moritz Lndwig. Vaulu-spa, seeVoluspjl. 839.61 25 —editor, see Orendel und Bride, 1858. 831 70 fitndes sur I'ltalie. Turin, 1862. 2 v. O. 945 35 ETYMOLOGY. Bretton, L. P. de. Recherche sur I'origine de la ressemblance et de I'affinite d' un grand nombre de mots dans le fran9ais, le danois, I'islandais, I'anglais, I'allemand. le latin, le grec et le sanscrit. Copenhague, 1866. O. 412 1 ^xrlmm, J. L. K. Ueber Etymologic und Sprachvergleichung. {In his Kleinere Schrif- ten, 1864-90, v. 1.) 408 2 -Marsh, G. P. Practical uses of etymoldgy. {In his Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 — Tobler, L. tJber die Wortzusammensetzung. Berlin, 1868. D. 412 2 — Wimmer, L. F. A. Den historiske Sprogforsk- ning og Modersmalet. {In Copenhagen — K« nord. 01d..Selskab. Aarb^ger. v. 3, 1868 ) 948 5 Etzel, Anton von. Vagabondenthum und Wan- derleben in Nortvegen; ein Beitragzur Cultui'- und Sittengeschichte. Berlin, 1870. O. 397 1 EUCALYPTUS. Lambert, E. Eucalyptus; cul- ture, exploitation et produit; son role en Al- gerie. Paris, 1873. O. 56 p. 551.58 115 — Marolda-Petilli, F. Clli eucalitti. Roma, 1879. O. pi. 561.58 114 Contents; Gli eucalitti.— II comizio affrario di Roma. —Pinto, G. Gli eucalitti ; appunti critici. .Roma, 1879. O. 24 p. 551.58 115 — Torelli, L. L' eucalyptus e I'Agro romano. Roma, 1878. O. 86 [-flj p. 551.58 115 — — L' eucalyptus e Roma. Roma, 1879. O. 77 [+2] p. 551.68 115 ^Troubetzkoy, P. Sull' eucalipto. Intra, 1876. O. 24 p. 551.58 115 EUCHARIST, see LORD'S SUPPER. Encken, Rudolf. Aristoteles' Anschauung von Freundschaft und von Lebensgiitern . Berlin, 1884. O. 44 p. {In Virchow CIX>AT1; POLA>D; REXASCEXCE; RHINE; THIRTY YEARS' WAR; YAXDALS. —MAPS. Atlas of the European states in 45 maps on a uniform scale, with plans of London and Paris. Globe edition. London, 1867. D. 912 9 — ^Lnca, (x. de. Carte nautiche del medio evo disegnate in Italia; memoria. Napoli, 1866 F. 34[+l] p. facsim. 912 2 hound with 726 9 Stnlpnasel, F. von, & Bar, J. C. Karte von Europa und dem mittellandischen Meere. 7 Vermehrte Auflage durch A. Petermann. Gotha, 1874. 87x107 cm. in Q. 912 10 — . —Wagner, A. H. G. Die Veriinderungen der Karte von Europa. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. {In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 —POLITICS. Grazia, M. L'Europe en 1871; etude historique et politique, par un Americain. Bruxelles, 1871. D. 940 31 Grriscelli, (x. F. Memoires de Griscelli, agent secret de Napoleon HI 1850-8, de Cavour 1859-61, d'Antonelli 1861-2, de Fran9ois II, 1862-4, de I'empereur d'Autriche 1864-7. Bru- xelles, 1867. S. 923 46 Holland, H. R. F. V. Souvenirs des cours de France, d'Espagne, de Prusse et de Russie. {In Barriere M0DLINGE; BBOCKDORFF; DOUGIAS; DU LAl'REXS; FOBIM: GENEALOGY; HERALDRY; HERRICK; NAMES; NOBILITY; XORDBUBG; PASOLIXl; PAZZI; PLESSEX; HOUSE OF SAVOY; SEBATIOO. Une fainille au 16e siecle, see Du Laurens, J. La fainille de Carvajal, drame, see Merimee, P. Familien H * * * , see Bremer, F. FAMILY. Defoe, D. The family instructor. 2 V. {1,1 his Novels, etc., 1840-1, v. 15-16.) 823 7 — Kalund, K. Familielivet pa Island i den fprste Sagaperiodr, indtil 1030. {In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old. -Selskab. Aarb0ger v. 5, 1870.) 948 5 — Le Play, P. G. F. L'organisation de la famil- ie selon le vrai modele signale par J'histoirede touies les races et de tous les temps. Paris, 1871. D. 321 2 — Michelet, J. Du pretre, de la femme, de la famille. 4 edition. Paris, 1845. D. 282 14 Same. 8 edition. Paris,^1862. D. 282 15 — Pandolflni, A. II governo della famiglia; letto e spiegato a scuoladal... S.Pacini. Firenze, 1874. O. 173 2 — Ribbe, C. de. Les families et la societe en France avant la revolution. Paris, 1873. D. 944 32 — Tasso, T. II padre di famiglia. {In his Di- aloghi, 1822, v. 1.) 851 117 See also CHILDBEX; HOUSEHOLD; MARRUGE. Famin, Stanislas Marie Cesar.Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay, Buenos-Ayres. 1840. pi. map. {In L'uniyers. 10.) 910 18 — Colombie et Guyanes. 1837. pi. map. {In same. 9.) 910 18 — Crimee, Circasse et Georgie. 1838. pi. maps. (In same, m.) 910 18 FAMINES. Finnsson, H. Om Folkemaengdens Formindelse ved Uaar i Island; oversat ved H. Einarson. Kjobenhavn, 1831. D. 949 2 Fanfaui, Pietro. Una casa fiorentina da ven- dere; con un racconto morale e un esercizio lessicografico. Firenze, 1868. D. 453 5 — Delle fa vole di Galfredo, pubblicate da Gae- tano Ghivizzani,avvertenze; e lettere di Niccolo Tommaseo e Luigi Barbieri. Bologna, 1867. D. 74 p. (7?iSceltadicuriosita. 91.) 850 10 See also nos. 54, 84, 151, 160, edited by Fanfani. — Di alcune proprieta della lingua italiana. Firenze, 187i. O. [1-I-] 21 p. 450 2 — I diporti filologici, con altri opuscoli della materia medesima. Firenze, 1870. O. 460 1 FANFANI 220 FAROE ISLANDS — Una fattoria toscana, e il modo di fare F olio; con la descrizione di usanze e di nozze conta- dinesche e un esercizio lessicografico. Milano, 1877. D. 453 6 — La lingua italiana, c' e stata, c' e, e si niuova. Faenza, 1868. O. 23 p. 450 2 — Paolina, novella scritta in lingua fioreutina italiana. Firenze, 1868. D. 38 p. 855) 44 — Scritti capricciosi. Firenze, 1864. O. 857 7 — Vocabolario dell' uso toscano. Firenze, 1863. D. 453 8 — Vocabolario della pronunzia toscana. Firenze, 1863. S. 453 7 — Voci e maniere del parlar fiorentino. Firenze, 1870. D. 453 9 — & Arlia, C. II lessico della corrotta italia- nita. Milano, 1877. D. 458 6 — & Bigiitiui, Gr. Vocabolario italiano della lingua parlata. Firenze, 1875. Q. 453 16 — editor. Antologia toscana. Napoli, 1869. 2 v. D. 859 43 Due allegre novelle del secolo 17. Fi- renze, 1870. Tt. 29+ [2] p. 853 2.1 Only 49 copies printed, Rime burlesche di eccelenti autore, rac- colte, ordinate e postillate. Firenze, 1856. S. 857 8 Spigolatura fiorentina. Firenze, 1868-9. no. 1-3. D. 945 79 Contents: 1. Due lettere storiche dei secoli !5 e 16. 2. Ingresso dell' arcivescovo Antonio ALTOVITl in Firenze, narrazione del secolo 16. 3. Bonifazio, N. II controtu- multo de' ciompi; lettera del secolo 14. Edition of only 50 numbered copies. IlBorghini, 1863-5; '74-7. 450 12, 13 Buonarroti, M. A., the younger. L'Ajone. 1852. 857 6 Coiiti di anftchi cavalieri. 1851. 853 2 Coniniento alia Divina commedia [of Dante]. 1866-74. (/n Emilia. Collezione. 13-15.) 850 6 Dati, C. R. Deir obbligo di ben parlare la propria lingua. 1870. 401 5 Donienico of Prato. II pome del bel Fio- retto. 1863. 851 67 Crigli, ^. Vocabolario cateriniano. l'865-6. 457 5 Grazzini, A. F.Opere. 1857-9. 852 8, 853 15 Lori, J. La Mea di Polito. 1870. 859 45 Malatesti, A. La sfinge. 1865. 851 84 Ficcolomini, A. Dialogo della creanza delledonne. 1862. 858 12 La unita della lingua, 1869-73. 450 16 — translator, see La Bo^tie, E. de. 11 contr' uno. 1864. {In Bibl. rara. 39.) 860 3 Monforzio, L. Gli anabattisti. 1861. 286 1 Den fangne Cupido, see Stjernlijelm, (J. Fankwel, see Wood, W. M. Fanny, with other poems, see Halleck, F. 0. Fan^e, G. Den oldnordiske Bebyggelse af Arsukfiorden. il. {In Copenhag^en— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 8, 1873.) 948 5 F&nrik Stals sagner, see Runeberg', J. L. Fanshawe, Lady Anne (Harrison). Memoirs; with extracts from the correspondence of Sir Richard Fanshawe. New edition. London, 1830. O. par. 923 35 Edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Fant, Erik Mikael, editor. Scriptores rerum Svecicaruni niedii aevi. Upsaliae, 1818-28. 2 V. F.5 facsini. 948 38.1 Vol. 2 edited by E. G. Geijer and J. H. Schroder. Fantosme, Jordan. Chronique de la guerre entre Henri II et son fils aine, 1173-4. {In Benoist. Chronique, 1836-44, t. 3.) 841 10.1 —Chronique, 1173-4. (In Howlett, R. Chroni- cles, 1884-9, V. 3; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 82.) 942 8 French and English on opposite pages. — Same : Chronicle of the war between the English and the Scots, 1173-4; now first pub- lished, wnth translation, introduction, notes and appendix, l)y Francisque Michel. London, [1840]. O. {In Surtees soc. 11.) 820 7, 841 17 Fantozzi, Federico. Nouveau guide de Flo- rence; traduit de I'italien par Mme. H. G. D'Estre. Florence [,1849]. D. pZ. maps. 914.5 65 Fantnzzi, Hercol. La prigiona d' Hercol Fan- tuzzi, narrata da lui, e pubblicata da Corrado Ricci. Bologna, 1888. D. ( Zn Scelta di curi- osita. 229.) 850 10 Fanzago, Fllippo. Sopra alcuni miriapodi ca- vernicoli della Francia e della Spagna. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1 ) 065 4 Far ga, af Onkel Adam, see Wetterbergh, K.A. Farabiilini, David. Sopra una Madonna di Raf- faello a lui negata dal Passavant e da altri. Roma, 1875. D. 755 5 Faraday, Michael. .Observations on the educa- tion of the judgment. {In Youmans, E. L. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 2 ^Tyndall, J. Life and letters of Faraday. (In /lis 'Fragments of science. 1871.) ' 504 7 Farce ioveuse et recreative du galant que a faict le'coup. Paris, 1610. S. 25 [+2] p. 842 9 The fardle of facions, see Bolime, J. Farens Dage, Drama, see Overskou, T. Faria y Sousa, Manuel de. Asia portuguesa. Lisboa, 1666-75. 3 v. Q. por. 954 5 — Historia del reyno de Portugal. Nueva edi- cion, hasta 1730. Lisboa, 1779. F. ])or. pi. 946 64 FARINI, Luigi Carlo. Bersezio, Y. Farini. Torino, 1860. T. por. (I contemp. Italiani.) 923 36 Farley, Beii.jamin. A battle-door for singular and plural, see Fox, G., cfc others. Den farlige Taushed, Novelle, see Heibei'g, J.L. Digte, V. 1. FARNESE, Alessandro, 3d duke of Parana and Plaeentia. Dondini, d. Historia de rebus in Gallia gestis ab Alexandro Farnesio. [Vienna, 1750?] sqO. pi. 948 47 FARNESE, Pier Luigi, 1st duke of Parma. Grasellino, H. Congiura di Piacenza contro P. L. Farnese. Firenze, 1864. D. {In Bonucci, A. DeHzie. 5.) 850 4 FAROE ISLANDS. Faereyinga saga; im islan- dischen Grundtext, mit laroischer, danischer und deutscher Ubersetzung; herausgegeben von C. C. Rafn und G. C. F. Mohnike. Kupenhagen, 1833. Q. facsim. map. 839.63 32.1 For other editions see Fjeryiiiga. Duplicate of map in portfolio 1. FAROE ISLANDS 221 FAUST — (wrundtvig', S. H. Meddelelse angaende F8er0- ernes Litteratur og Sprog. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aaitoger. v. 17, 1882.) 048 5 — Haniniershaiuib, V. N. F8er0iske Folkesagn; f8er0iske Udtale. {In same. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) — Fasr0isk Sproglaere. {In same. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 — — Medd^elelser fra en Rejse pa F£er0erne i 1847-8. — Oluvu kvEeSi, Olufas kvad, en f8er0isk Folkesang; nied nielodi. {In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1846-8.)— Fa3r0iske Kvasder, med dansk Overssettelse. — Fa3r0iske Folkesagn, Hied Iiidholdet forudskikket paa Dansk. — Fae- r0iske Ordsprog. — Faer0iske Talemaader. — Fae- r0iske Skikke og Lege. — Barneviser og Ramser. Fasr0i.ske Gader. {In same. v. 3, 1849-51.) 948 4 ^Jacobs0n, L. Fseroae et Faeroa reserata; Jet er, Faer0ernis oc faeroeske Indbyggeris Beskrif- velse. Ki0benhafn, 1673. S. pi. 914.9 14 — Landt, J. Fors0g til en Beskrivelse over F?er0erne. Kiobenhavn, 1800. D. pi. map. 914.9 15 — Ljoniiir, et feroisk, gudeligt kvad. {In Co- penhag-en— K. nord. 01d.-8elskab. Aarb0ger. V. 4, 1869.) — Rettelser til Oversajttelsen af Ljo- mur [; by R. JensenJ. {In same. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 —Mackenzie, G. S. Kort Efterretning om Fae- r0erne; med Anmaerkninger af Lyiigbye og Forchhammer. {In Collin, J. For Historie, 1822-5, V. 1.) 948 66 — Marmier, X. {In his Lettressurle nord, 1840, V. 2.) 914.8 1 — Mulile, C. A. Om Emancipationen af F8er0- erne og Gr0nland. Ki0benhavn, 1835. O. 70 p. map. 949 5 — Nicoll, J. (In his Historical and descriptive account of Iceland. 1840.) 914.9 7 — Pl0yen, C. Faer0iske Trylleformularer. {In Copenhagren— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 6, 1848.) 948 2 — Schr0ter, J. H.Fa3r0iske Folkesagn. {In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 3, 1849-51.) 948 4 — -Thorsteinsson, B. Om den fasr/aeske Handels Tilstand i aeldre og nyere Tider, samt om denno Handels Frigivelse. {In Collin, J. For Historie, 1822-5, V. 1.) 948 66 FAROESE LANGUAGE. Carmen Fferoicum. Fmnur bin Fruji. {In Rafn, C. C. Antiquitates Americanae. 1837.) 839.63 21 FARRAGUT, David Glasgow, admiVaZ. Parker, F. A. The battle of Mobile bay, Aug. 1864. Boston, 1878. O. por. maps. 973 41 Farrar, Frederic William. The life of Christ. 12 edition. London [,pref. 1874]. 2 v. O. pi. 231 2 —editor. Essays on a liberal education. Lon- don, 1867. O. 375 1 For contents, see EDUCATION. FARSE. Gaudin, L., editor. Epitres farcies inedites de la Saint-Etienne, en langue romane. music. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 2, 1871.)^ , 479 5 —Paris, G. B. P. Epitre farcie pour le jour de Saint-Etienne. (7n Jahrbiich rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 4, 1862.) 805 1 Farse carnovalesche, see Alione^ G. G. Fasciculus lemporu; dat is, Vergaderige vS, al di historien va Adam tot Crist' tijt... Thantwerpen, 1529. D. 099 32 Rubricated title-pagre, with illustration of the tempta- tion of Adam and Eve. Fasti, see Ovidius Naso, P. v. 3. FASTING. Wier, J. Ein kurtzer Bericht von dem falschen und erdichten Fasten. {In his De lamiis. 1586.) 133 1 FASTS AND FEASTS, see FESTIVALS. La fata galanti, poema berniscu, see Meli, G. FATA MORGANA, see MIRAGE. FATHERS, see HERMITS. Fatime,ein Trauerspiel, see Lessing, G. E.v.ll. FATINELLI, Pietro. Sforza, G. La congiura di Fatinelli contro la signoria lucchese. raccon- tata sui documenti. Lucca, 1865. O. 77[-l-2] p. 945 80 I fatti e le prodezze di Manoli Blessi Strathioto, see Molino, A. Faugere, Arnaud Prosper, editor, see Pascal, B. Pensees. Ib44, 848 14 Faur, — . Vie privoe du marechal de Richelieu. {In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 17.) 944 10 Fanriel, Claude Cliarles. History of ProvenQal poetry; translated from the French, with notes and introduction by G. J. Adler. New York, 1860. O. 849 6 — editor & translator, see Histoire de la croi- sade centre les Albigeois. 1837. 849 14 Fausse-Lendry, Mme. (de Paysac) de Fars, marquise de. Quelques-uns des fruits amers de la revolution; et un faible partie des 2-3 sept. 1792. {In Barriere cfc Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 18.) 944 10 FAUST, Joliaun. Faust; das Volksbuch und das Puppenspiel; nebst einem Anhang iiber den Ursprung der Faustsage von Karl Simrock. Frankfurt a. M.[, 1846]. D. 832 5 ^Hamilton, A. L'enchanteur Faustus, conte. {In his CEuvres, 1825, v. 2.) 848 8 — [Historia von D.Johann Fausten:] Das alteste Faustbuch; Abdruck der editio princeps vom 1587; mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen von August Kiihne. Zerbst, 1868. O. 832 4 —Historie van Jan Faustus, grooten tooveraer. Amsterdam, 1714. T. 839.33 21 —The history of Dr. John Faustus.— The sec- ond report of Dr. Faustus. {In Thoms, W. J. Prose romances, 1828, v. 3.) 823 2 — Leben,Thaten,und Hollenf ahrt des berufenen Zauberers und Schwarzkiinstlers Dr. Johann Faust. Leipzig, n. d. D. 84 p. il. {In Tolks- buclier, 24.) 833 22 — Lessing, G. E. Doctor Faust. {In Jiis Werke, 1823-5, V. 11.) 832 6 — Scheible, J., editor. Doctor Johann Faust. Stuttgart, 1846-9. 4 v. S. por. pi. {In his Das Kloster, v. 2, 3, 5, 11.) 837 16 Cmdents: 1. Doctor Johann Faust. 2.Christoph War- ner, Fausts Famulus. 3. Die Sa^e vom Faust.— Faust auf der Volksbiihne.— Zauber-Bibliothek. 4. Die Ge- schichte von Faust in Reimen — Die deutschen Volks- biicher von Faust und Wagner. — Stieglitz, C. L. Die Siage vom Doctor Faust. {In Ranmer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1834.) 905 1 FAUST 222 FENICIA Faust, eine Tragodie, see (xothe, J. W. von, v, 13, 41, 57. Fansti, Ludovico, see Venanzi, (J., & others. Faustina, blyeyndend'-spel, see Krul, J. H. Faustina Strozzi, see Lie, J. Fauvel, Le roman de; publ. par A. Pey. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 186»l.) 805 1 Fauvei-Gouraud, Francis. Phreno-mnemotech- ny; or, The art of memory. New York, 1845. O. por. 154 1 Le faux Baudouin, see Saint- Genois, J. L. D. (J. de. Favero, (xiovanni Battista. La determinazione grafica delle forze interne nelle travi reticolari. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti.3 ser. sci.jis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.)— De aequationum diff erentialium partialiuni natura disquisitiones quaedam analyticae. (In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Intorno alle figure reciproche della statica grafica. pi. {In same. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 La favorita, drammaserio; musica di Gaetano Donizzetti. Firenze [, 1853J. D. 32 p. 852* 1 Favre de Saint-Castor, Jean Baptiste, abh^. Lettres inedites de I'abbe Favre; L. Gaudin. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 Fawcett, Henry. Manual of political economy. 4 edition, enlarged, London, 1874. D. 330 9 Faye, Andreas, Norges Historie. 3 Oplag. Christiania, 1842. O. 948 8.1 Faytinelli, Pietro de.' Rime, del sec. 14; con vita ed illustrazioni da Leone del Prete. Bo- logna, 1874. D. facsim. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 139.) 850 10 FAYUM. Lenoir, P. Le Fayoum, le Sinai et . Petra. Paris, 1872. D. por. pi. 916.2 11 Fazello, Tominaso. De rebus Siculis decades duse nunc primum in lucem editae. Panormi, 1558. Q. 099 44 — De rebus Siculis decades. {In Rerum Sicula- rum scriptores. 1579.) 945 105 — Italian: Delia storia di Sicilia deche due; tradotte in lingua toscana dal Remigio [NanniJ Forentino. Palermo, 1817. Sv.O. por. 945 107 Fazio, Eugenio. Terme di Porto d' Ischia. Na- poli, 1881. O. 76 [ + 1] p. 615 20 — Terme Fornello-Fontana in Ischia; anno 1. Napoli, 1882. O. tab. 615 20 FEASTS, see DINING. Febrer, Andreu, translator, Dante Alighieri. La comedia en rims cathalans. 1878. 851 40 Febrero, Jose. Febrero novisimo; 6, Libreria de jueces, abogados y escribanos; refundida, y adicionada con un tratado del juicio criminal, y algunos otros, por Eugenio de Tapia. Valen- cia, 1828-36. 10 V. O. 349 28 Vol. 1 and 3, 3 edition; V.1-3.18.S6; v.8 pub,at Perplfian. FECUNDATION, see GENERATION. Feddersen, Artliur. To Mosefund. il. {In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. V. 16, 1881.) — Nogle viborgske Oldsager og Ud- gravninger. il. {hi same. v. 5, 1870.) 948 5 Fedra och Hippolyt, tragedi, see Racine, J. FEELING, see TOUCH. FEELINGS, see EMOTIONS. Feierabende, see Langbein, A. F. E. v. IB. Feldborg, Andreas Andersen, editor. Poems from the Danish, with historical notes; trans- lated into English verse by William Sidney Walker. Philadelphia, 1816. T. 839.81 1 Des Feldpredigers Schmelze Reise nach Flatz, see Ricliter, J. P. F. v. 26. Der Feldweibel, see Zsclioklie, J, H. D. v. 10. FELIX, St. Bede. Vita. {In his Historise. 1722.) 274 1 Felix of Crowland. The Anglo-Saxon version of the life of St. Guthlac originally written in Latin; with a translation and notes by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin. London, 1848. D. 829 8.1 Felix de Jesus Maria. Vida, virtudes y dones sobrenaturales de la Puebla de los Angeles en las Indias Occidentales. Roma, 1756. O. por. 922 41 Felix de les marauelles del mon, see Lnlio, R. Fellman, Jacob. Fornlemningar fran stenal- dern funna uti Osterbotten i Finland. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 6, 1846.) 948 2 Fellows, Charles. An account of discoveries in Lycia, 1840. London, 1841. Q. pi. maps. tab. 913 31.3 — A journal written during an excursion in Asia Minor, 1838. London. 1839. il. pi. map. 915.6 2 — The Xanthian marbles; their acquisition, and transmission to England. London, 1843. O. pi. map. 933 31.4 Felltham, Owen. Resolves, a duple century. 5 edition. London, 1634. D. 170 8 — Resolves, divine, moral, political; with some account of the author and his writings. Cam- bridge [,Mass.], 1832. D. {In Young, A. Lib. of old Eng. prose. 4.) 820 10 Felsing, August. Wallhalla, ein deutsches Hel- den-Buch. Berlin, 1847. pt. 1. D. 833 9 Contents: 1. Hermann, der Cherusker. Felton, Cornelius Conway, editor, see Carlisle, G. W. F. H., earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. 1855. 914.9 35 FEMALE EDUCATION, see WOMAN. II Femia sentenziato, see Martello, P. J. Une femnie est un diable, comedie, see Meri- mee, P. Les fenunes savantes, comedie, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. V. 6. Le femmine puntigliose, commedia, see Goldo- ni, G. V. 11. Fenelon, Bertrand de Salignac, marquis de la Mothe Le siege de Metz par Charles-Quint en 1552. {In Michaud & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 8.) 944 9 FflNELON, FranKBLEAU; (JEMS; GLASS; IVORY; JEWEIJIY; M<)SA1(S; MUSt;UMS; <»£.\A.MEXT; PAIXTERS; PAIXTIXO: I'OTTEKY; R.IVE\- \A; SAI.XTS: S('ILPT01«; SdLPTI UE; TEdlXIC. La flnestrina, commedia, see Alfleri, V. Fineza contra fineza, see Calderoii. v. 2. FIniguerrI, Stofano. La buca di Monteferrato, Lo studio d' Atene, e II gagno; poemetti sa- tinci del 15 secolo: editi da Lodovico Frati. Bologna, 1884. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 203.) I..- I ., T. S'^O 10 r (nlaiid. Katalog ofver de artiklar hvarmed l^orstvasendet deJtager uti Allmiinna finska utstallningen, 1876. Helsingfors, 1876. D ^4 P- 551.58 95 — Komniissionens for undersokning af forhal- landena inom kronoskogarne i Finland slutliga yttrande och forslag i amnet. Helsingfors, 1872. sqO. .53 p. tab. 551.58 94 See also FORESTRY. — Castren, M. A.Nordiska resor och forskning- ar. Helsingfors, 1852-8. 5 v. O. por. plmaps. 947 13 i or contents see Castreu. — Djurberg,D.(/re his BeskrifningomSvearike, 1806-8, V. 4.) 914.8 29 — Europaeus, A. J. Nagot om Hunner och Fin- nar. {In Copenhagen—K. nord. Old.-Selskab. iiarb0ger. v. 1, 1866.) 948 5 — Friis, J. A. En Sommer i Finmarken, russisk Lapland og Nordkarelen ; Skildringer af Land og Folk. Christiania, 1871. O. pi. map. 914.7 8 — Ignatius,K.K.F.Legrand-duche de Finlande; notes statistiques. Helsingfors, 1876. O. [44- j 94 p. maps. 314 16.1 — . — Le grand-duche de Finlande; notice stati- stique. Helsingfors, 1878. O. pi. maps. 314 16.1 — ^Kekalainen, 0. Finlands nuvarande stats- forfattning. Stockholm, 1841. O. 52 p. 342 13 — ^Kuoharinen, P. Finland och dess framtid. 3 upplagan. Stockholm, 1840. O. 947 12 — ^Runeberg, J. L. Nagra ord om nejderna, folklynnet och lefnadssattet i Saarijarvi sock- en. {In hisSaml arbeten, 1861-4, v. 2.) 839.71 33 — Sallskapet Pro fauna et flora Fennica.Notiser ur forhandlingar. Helsingfors, 1871-4. v. 11,13. O. pi. 581 12 — Sclnibert, F. W. {In his Resa genom Sverige, 1823-5, V. 3.) 914.8 4 — Sultiii, P. F. Om Finnerne, deres ajldste Ssede og Herkomst. {In his Skrifter. 1788-98, V. 11.) 839.88 5 — W— 11, S. E. Hundrade minnen fran Oster- botten. Stockholm, 1844-5. 3 V. O. 839.78 3 See also XOTEBOIMJ ; SAVOLAX. Fiiilay, Gleorge, The history of Greece [540- 1566], and of the empire of Trebizond, 1204- 1461. Edinburgh, 1851. O. 949 41 — The last pages of the history of the last Greek republic [jCherson]. Malta [,1853]. O. 17 p. {Tn Malta— Lit. and sci. inst. Occas. paper, 3.) .^ 949 46 "From the author." FINMARK. Keilhau, B. M. Raise i Ost- og Vest-Finmarken, 1827-8. Christiania, 1831. D. 914.8 26 — Leenij K. Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lap- per ; med E. J. Jessen-s. Afhandling om de norske Finners og Lappers hedenske Religion. [Danish and Latin.] Ki0benhavn, 1767. sqQ. pi. 914.8 27 —Munch, P. A. Om Finmarkens politisk-com- mercielle Forhold til den norske Stat. {In Co- penhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 20, 1860.) 948 2 — Wulfsberg, C. A. Om Finmarken. Christi- ania, 1867. O. map. 914.8 28 Saga af Finnboga hinum rama. {In Yatnsdsela saga. 1812.) 839.63 68 — Sigiirdarson, S. Nogle Bemaerkninger til det Dr. Gerings IJdgave af Finnbogasaga, 1879, vedf0jede Glossar. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Finneblod, see Lie, J. FINNISH LANGUAGE. Enren, 0. E. Finsk spraklilra. Abo, 1849. O. 494 11 Finsk-swensk ordbok. Tavastehus, 1860. D. . 494 9 ^Skanke, H. Et Brev om Qveenerne og Fin- ners Sprogs Dialecter. {In Bang, 0. Samling, 1745-7, ptr 7.) 839.8 1 FINNISH LITERATURE. Fran Saimens och Paijanes strander; en samling ofversattningar och bearbetningar efter finskan. Helsingfors, [1870]. sqT. 894 1 — Hertzberg, R. Finska toner; ofversattningar ock bearbetningar efter finskan. Helsingfors, [1873]. S. 894 2 See also Holzinayer, J. B. Osiliana. 1872 ; Kalevala. .FIJVJ^jSSON 2;>8 FISH Fiuussoii, Haiines, hinliup. Dissertatio de Speculo regali. (/ji KonuiiffS skuggsju. 1768.) 837.68 19 — Om Folkeina3ngdens Formindelse ved Uaar i Island; oversat ved Haldor Einarsen. Ki0ben- havn, 1831. D. 949 2 Fiiioccliietti, Deiuetrio Carlo. Delia industria del iegno nell' esposizione di Vienna, 1873; re- lazione. [Roma, 1874.] O, 75 p. 674 1 hound with ^m 2 .With added title-page; Diciiiarazione, 1 p. ; and Omis- sioni, 6 p. — Delia scultura e tafsia in Iegno dagli antichi tempi ad oggi. Firenze, 1873. O. (In Italy — Min. di agric. Annali, no. 56.) 736 1 — Delle Industrie relative a He abitazione umane, con notizie sul mosaico e sulla scultvira e tarsia in Iegno. Firenze, 1869. O, 670 3 Finsen, Villijdlmur Hl03ver. Fremstilling af den isiandslie Familieret efter Gragas. {In Copenhagen— K. norrt. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 9-10, 1849-50.) 948 2 — Om de islandske Love i Fristatstiden. {In same. Aarb0ger. v. 8, 1873.) 948 5 — editor cfc translator, see Gri'dgas. 1850. 839.68 9 Finska forstforening'en. Meddelanden. Hel- singfors, 1879-81. v. 1-3. O. il. pi. tab. map. 551.58 93 FINSTERAARHORN. Roth, A. Finsteraar- hoi'nfahrt. Berlin, 1863. O. pi. map. 551.43 46.1 La flnta ammafata, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 10. Fioravante, see Floovant. Fiorelli, Giuseppe. Descrizione di Pompei. Napoli, 1875. D. il. map. 913 18 — Monumenti cumani. Napoli, 1853. F.^ 8p. pi. 913 12 bound ivith 399 4 — Notizie degli scavi di antichita, 1876-81. pi. facsim. (In Rome— R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3: 3 ser. sci. mor. v, 1-3. 5-9, 1876-81.) 065 3,5 — Grli scavi di Pompei, 1861-72; relazione. Na- poli, 1873. sqF. il. pi. 913 19 Fiorentino, F. Die philosophische Bewegiing Italiens seit 1860. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v.^ 3, 1875.) 945 41 Fiorentino, Vittorio. Prosa e poesie italiane della raccolta arborense, con un pensiero. Na- poli, 1870. D. 858 2.1 FIRE. Strieker, W. Die Feuerzeuge. Berlin, 1874. O. 30 p. (In Virchow tfc Holtzendorif. Vortrage. 9 Serie. ) 043 1 MILITARY FIRE, see GREEK FIRE. FIRE-ARMS. Blom, 0/ Lodb0ssen fra Vedel- spang, et Bidrag til Haandskydevaabnenes Historie i det 15de Aarhundrede. il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord.01d.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. V. 7, 1872.)— Det lybske Admiralskib "Engel- ens" Kanoner. (In same. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 — Cavalli, G. Aper9u sur les canons rayes se chargeant par la bouche et par la culasse. Turin, 1862. sqF. 63 p. pi. 368 1 bound with 314 14 — — Memoire sur les eclatements remarquar- bles des canons en Belgique, 1857-8, et ailleurs, a cause des poudres brisantes. Turin, 1867. sqF. pi. 358 1 hound tmth 314 14 Firenzuola. Agiiolo. Capitoli. (/n Rerui, F. Opere biirlesclie, 1726, v. 1;— 1760, v. 1,3.) 857 3-3 — I Lucidi, commedia. {In Trissiiio, G. G. La Sofonisba. 1864; in Bibl. rara. 46.) 850 3 — Ragionamento. {In Trissino, G. G. Opere, 1739, V. 3.) 851 136 — translator, see Appuleius, L. L'asino d'oro. 1863. {In Bibl. rara. 34.) 850 3 — II Grappa, pseud. Cominento sopra la can- zone in lode della salsiccia. Bologna, 1881. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 184.) 850 10 FIREPROOF BUILDING. Marsh, G. l\ Fireproof construction in Italy. {In Johnson's cyclopedia.) In main library. Firmenich-Richartz, Johannes Matthias, etWf or. Germaniens Volkerstimmen; Sammlung der deutschen Mundarten in Diclitungen, Sagen, MiUirchen, Volksliedern u. s. w. Berlin, 1846- 54. 3 V. Q. 839.1 1 Volksdichtungen nord-und sudeuropai- scher Volker; Nachti'age zu Germaniens Vol- kerstimmen. Berlin, 1867. Q. [4+j86p. 839.1 1 Bound withi bis Vollierstimmen, v, 3. Firniianus Symposius, Cceliiis. ^nigmata. (/uPhwdrus. 1833.; 871 5 Firmiciis Maternus, Julius. De errore pro- fanarum religionuni, cum notis J. a Wower. 83 +[3] p. (In Minucius Felix, M. Octavius. 1678.) 291 3 FIRST CAUSE. Scott, G. G. The argument for the intellectual character of the first cause, as affected by recent investigations of physical science. Cambridge [,Eng.], 1870. D. [8 +] 83 p. 122 2 Fischart, Johann. Samnitliche Dichtungen; mit Erlauterungen. Leipzig, 1866-8. 3 v. D. (In Kurz, H. Deutsche Bibliothek. 8-10.) 830 6 — Geschichtklitterung und aller Praktik Gross- mutter. {In Scheible, J. Das Kloster. 1845-50, V. 8.)— Flohhatz, Weibertratz, Ehezuchtbiich- lein, Podagrammisch Trostbiichlein, sanimt zehen kleineren Schriften. il. por. {In same. V. 10.) 837 16 Fischer, Frederik. Slesvigske Folkesagn, 2 Udgave. Kj0benhavn, 1861. O. 398 25 Fischer, Theobald. Die Dattelpalme; ihre geo- graphische Verbreitung und culturhistorische Bedeutung. Gotha, 1881. sqQ. 4-1-85 p. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungs- band 14.) 910 44 — Studien iiber das Klima der Mittelmeerlander . Gotha, 1879, sqQ. [2-1- [63 p. maps. {In same. 13.) 910 44 Die Fischerin, ein Singspiel, see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 11. Fisll, Simon. A supplicacyon for the beggers; reprinted from the original edition of 1524. London, 1845. D. 31 p. 827 7 — A supplicacyon for the beggers, written about 1529; i-e-edited by Frederick J. Furni- vall; with A supplycacion to Henry the eyght, 1544; A supplication of the poore commons, 1546; The decaye of England by shepe, 1550-3; edited by J. Meadows Cowper. London, 1871. O. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 13.) 820 5.1 —More, T, The supplicacion of soides; against the Supplicacion of beggars. {In his Workes. 1557.) 230 5 FISHEtt 229 FLANDERS Fisher, John, hisJiop of Rochester. English works, now tiist collected by John E. B. Mayor. London, 1876. v. 1. O. facsim. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 27.) 820 5.1 —The funeral sermon of Margaret, countess of Richmond and Derby, foundress of Christ's and St. John's college in Cambridge; with preface... London, 1708. pi. 378 6 FISHERIES. Ackerhof, A. I). Die Nutzung der Teiclie und Gewasser durch Fischzucht und Pflanzenbau. Quedlinburg, 1869. D. pi. 639 1 Bettziech, H. Der wirthschaftliche Werth der Wassernutzung durch Fischzucht. Berlin , 1873. O. 44 p. (/tj Virchow c& Holtzendoiff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1, 639 2 ^Dorotea, L. Sommario storico dell' alieutica nelle provincie meridionali e della legislazione correlativa alia stessa. Napoli, 1862. O. 639 B — Friedel, E. Aus der Vorzeit der Fischerei. Berlin, 1884. O. 63 p. (In Yirchow t& Hoi- tzendoi-ff. Vortrage. 19 Serie.) 043 1 —Italy— Ministero di ag:ricoltura. Progetto di legge sulla pesca. n. p. [,1871.] sqQ. [l+]73 p. 338 5 — Liiideinan, M. Die arktische Fischerei der deutschen Seesfadte, 1620-1868. Gotha, 1869. s(}Q. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungeii: Ergiinzungsband 6.) 910 44 Die Seefischereien, 1869-78. Gotha, 1880. sqQ. map. {In same. 13.) 910 44 —Marsh, Cr. P. Report, made under authority of the Legislature of Vermont, on the artificial lu-opagation of fish. Burlington, 1857. O. 080 14 Siiudt, E. L. Fiskeriets Bedrift: et Foredrag. Christiania, 1862. D. 639 5 Listerbaaden, til Oplysning om det norske Arbeide. Christiania, 1865. D. [1+] 20 639 5 Nordlandsbaaden, til Oplysning om det norske Arbeide. Christiania, 1865. D. [l + ]40p. il. 639 5 See aUo DROWMXO; OYSTERS. FISHES. Emery, C. Contribuzioni all' ittiolo- gia. il. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. scLfis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 — Kr0yer, H. N.Danmarks Fiske. Kj0benhavn, 1838. V. 1. O. il. 597 1 See also BRAIN; FIERASFER; LEBIAS CALARITAXA; PYLORIC APPEXUAOE. FISHING. Davy, H. Salmonia ; or. Days of fly fishing. Philadelphia, 1832. D. pZ. 799 1 — Oppianus. Della pesca. tradotto da A. Salvini, Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 48.) 860 3 —Walton, I. The compleat angler. London, 1810. sqS. il. 799 2 Fisiofllo, Giovanni, josewd., see Born, I. von. La flsiognomia; trattatello in francese antico, coUa versione italiana del trecento; pubblicato per cura di E. Teza. Bologna, 1864. D. 61 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 42.) 850 10 Fiske, Daniel Willard. Bibliographical notices. Florence |,1886-] 90. no. 1-5. Q. 1, I, o. Books printed in Iceland, 1578-1844; a [1st-] 3d supplement to the British museum catalogue. 015 .5..3 'X. Hand-list of Peti"arch editions in the Florentine pub- lic libraries. 012 2 bound with 010 3 3. Francis Petrarch's treatise De remediis fortuna\ text and versions. utriusque 012 2 —Icelandic notes. Berlin, 1880. Q. 4 p. 839.633 —Iceland's literary establishments. Berlin, 1880. O. 3 p. 839.63 3 Fiskeren og bans Datter, dramatisk Eventyr, see JBihlenschlager, A. t}. Digtervserker, v. 4. Fiskerjenten, see Bj0rnson, B. Fiskerne, et Syngespil, see Ewald, J. v. 3. Fitch, John. The original steamboat; a reply to James Rumsey. pi. {In O'Calla^han, E. B. Documentary history of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 2.) 974 9 Fitzgerald, Edward, translator, see 'Ulnar Khaiyani. Rubaiyat. 1872. 891 2 Fitz-James, James, duke of Berwick, see Ber- wick. Fitzstephen, William. Vita S. Thomse. {In Robertson, J. C. Materials for the history of Becket, 1875-85, v. 3; in Ot. Br.— Master of roUs.Chron. andmem. 67.) 942 8 FITZ-WAREVE, Fulk. Oesta Fulconis filii Warini : edidit J. Stevenson. 1875. {In same. 66.) 942 8 — Histoire de Foulques Fitz-Warin: publieepar Francisque Michel. Paris, 1840. O. 843 17 —Wright, T. {In his Essays, 1846, v. 2.) 820 3 FITZROY, Henrv, diikeof Richmond and Som- erset, see RICHMOND. Fizes, Nicolas. Poesies patoises. {In Revue des langues romanes. v. 3, 1872.) 479 5 Fjiirilar fran Pinden, .see Nicander, K. A. Flach, Hans. Der Tanz bei den Griechen. Ber- lin, 1880. O. 35 p. (In Virchow cfc Holtzeu- dorfr. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Flagellants. Statuto dei disciplinati di Poma- rance nel Volterrano, secolo 14; per cura di Pietro Vigo. Bologna, 1889. D. 22+64 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 232.) 850 10 — Le Conipagnie de' Battuti in Roma nell" anno 1399. Bologna, 1862. D. 14 p. {In same 20.) 850 10 Flagg, William Joseph. Three seasons in Euro- pean vineyards. New York, 1869. D. il. 634 3 FLAGS. Bellin, J. N. Tableau des pavilions des nations... a la mer. [Paris,] 1756. 65x125 cm. 080 36 In portfolio 3. -Petersen, H. Et dansk Flag fra Unionstiden i Maria-Kirke i Liibeck. il. pi. {In Copenhagen -K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 17, 1882.) 948 5 Le roman de Flamenca; public, traduit et ac- compagne d'un glossaire, par Paul Meyer. Paris, 1865. O. 849 11 — Bartsch, K. F. Le roiran de Flamenca; par P. Meyer. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Flanders. Sea-laws [Flemish and English]. {In Gt. Br.— Admiralty. Black book, 1871-6, v. 4; in Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 55.) 942 8 — -Chroiiique de Flandres, 14e siecle, en patois rauchy. {In Buchon, J. A. C. Choix de Chro- niques. 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 — Despars, N. Cronijcke van den lande ende graefscepe van Vlaenderen, 405-1492; met aen- teekeningen door J. de Jonghe. 2 uytgaef. Brugge, 1839-40. 4 v. O. 949 20 FLANDERS 230 FLOOD — Dixinude, 0. Merkwaerdige gebeurtenissen in Vlaenderen en Brabant, 1377-1443; door J. J. Lambin. Ypre, 1835. sqQ. 949 23 — Kronyk van Vlaenderen van 580 tot 1467. Gent, 1839-40. 3 v. Q. (In Maetscliappy van Vlaem. bibl. Werken. 1. ser. 3.) 839.3 3 -%e uUo AM'WEUP; BRABAXT: BRUGES; BRUSSELS: GENT; SIM-TBUYEN. Flateyjarbok; en Samling of norske Konge- Sagaer, med indskudte mindre Fortaellinger om Begivenheder i og udenfor Norge, sanit An- naler. Christiania, 1860-8. 3 v. O. 839.03 5 List of contents in vol. 3. Edited by G. Vigfiissou and C. It. linger. FLAUBERT, trustave. Oaiitier, T, Salammbo. {In his L'orient, 1877, v. 3.) 910 39 FLAX. Rafn, C. 0. Veiledning til at dyrke H0r og bearbeide den indtil Heglingen, 3 Ud- gave, vedH. A. Wulff. Kjobenhavn, 1837. D. 633 5 J'LEAS. Berte, F. Contribuzione all' anato- inia ed alia fisiologia delle antenne degli afanit- teri. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 0«o 4 Flechia, Giovanni. Di alcuni criteri per I'origi- nazione de' cognomi italiani. {In same. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 3, 1877-8.; 0(»o 5 — Intorno ad una peculiarita di iiessione ver- bale in alcuni dialetti lombardi. {In same. 8 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) • 065 3 — Postille etimologiche: Saggio di un glossario modenese del G. Galvani. {In Archivio glot. ital. V. 3-3, 1876-8.)— Del libro di B. Bianchi sulla preposizione a. {In same. v. 4, 1878.)— Confessione latino-volgare. 1000-1300, ed. e illlustr. {In same. v. 7, 1880-3.)— Annotazioni sistematiche alle Antiche rime genovesi e alle Prose genovesi; 1: Lessico. {In same. v. 8, 1883-5.)— 3: Fonologia; 3: Morfologia. {In same. V. 10, 1886-8.) 450 11 Flecliier, Esprit, hishop of Ntmes. Memoires sur les grands-jours d'Auvergne en 1665; an- notes et augmentes d'un appendice par Cheruel, et d'une notice par Sainte-Beuve. Paris, 1856. O. j^L music. 944 60 — Oraisons funebres. {In Bossuet, J. B. Oraisons funebres. 1858.) 845 3 Fleckeisen, Alfred, editor, see Terentiiis Afer, P. Comoediae. 1858. 872 3 Ficcknoe, Riclianl. A discourse of the English stage, circa 1660. {In Hazlitt, W. C. English drama; in his Roxburghe lib. 4.) 821 3 FLEET PRISON. Harris, A. The cBconomy of the Fleete, an answeare unto articles sett forth by the prisoners; edited by A. Jessopp. [Lon- don,] 1879. sqO. tab. {In Camden see. n. s. 25.) 820 4.1 Fleetwood, tteorge. Letter giving an account of the battle of. Lutzen and the death of Gus- tavus Adolphus; edited by Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerto". 1847. {In Camden misc. 1; in Camden soc. 39.) 820 4 Fle^eljahi^e,eine Biographie,see Riehter, J.P.F. V. 30-1, Fleischer, Heinricli Lebereclit. [Various arti- cles.] {In Leipsic— K. saclis. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-53.) 063 1,3 — commentator, see Seetzen, U. J. Reisen. 1854-9. 915.6 6 FLEMISH DIALECTS. Flrnienich-Richartz, J. M. Vlamische Mundarten. {In his Germani- ens Volkerstimmen, 1846-54, v. 3.) 839.1 1 — Schuermans, L. W. Algemeen Vlaamsch idioticon. Leuven, 1865-70. O. 439.33 3 FLEMISH LITERATURE. Blomniaert, J. P. M., editor. Oudvlaemsche gedichten der 12-14 eeuwen. Gent, 1838-51. 3 v. in 1. O. 839.31 3 —Maetscliappy der Ylaemsche bibliopliilen, Werken. 1-4 reeks. Ge)it, 1839-73. 44 v. in 37. Q & F.* it. facsim. music, tab. 839.3 3-4 Werken voor de leden alleen bestemd, Gent [,1848-]73. 10 v. in 2. Q. ' 839.3 5 For contents of both publications me Maetscliappy. For references to single Flemish authors, see DUTCH LITERATURE. Flemmlng, Carl Friedricli. Ueber Geistessto rungen und Geisteskrauke. Berlin, 1873. O. 31 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorfif. Vortriige. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Flensbnrg, Statuta civitatis, 1384; accedunt Blasii Eckenbergeri Glossa?; Collatio cum sta- tutis civitatis Slesvicensis ; Accessiones. — Fas- ciculus diplomatum civitatis. — Statuta ruralia prsefecturse Flensburgensis, e codice 1560. {In Westplialen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 4.) 943 31 Flerslieim, Franz Bertliold von, continuer, see Zorn, F. Wormser Chronik. 1857. 943 50 Fletcher, Giles. Christ's victory in heaven. — Christ's triumph on earth; — over death; — after death. {In Soutliey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Fletcher, James. The history of Poland. New- York, 1831. S. por. (Harper's fam. lib.) 943 60 Fletcher, James Cooley,cfc Kidder, I). P. Brazil and the Brazilians. Philadelphia, 1857. O. por. il. pi. map. 918.1 1 Fletcher, Phineas. The purple island. {In Southey R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Fletcher, Robert. An introductory review. {In Milton, J. Prose works. 1836.) 821 81 Histoire de Fleiir d' Epine, see Hamilton, A, Flenrange, Robert de la Mark, seigneur de. Histoire des choses memorables advenues des regnes de Louis XII et de Francois I, 1499- 1581. por. {In Michand cfc Ponjoulat. Me- moires, 1866, V. 5.) 944 9 Flenrs du gai savoir, see Flors del gay saber. Die tliegenden Bliitter des 16. und 17. Jahrhun- derts. (In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, V. 13.) 837 16 FLJ6TSDJELA saga, see BROPLAUGARSONA. FLOBERUS, Jolian.Rosenstein, IV. von.Lefver- nes-beskrifning ofver Floderus, 34 juJi 1790. {In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.) 839.78 1 Flohhatz, see Fischart, J. Flood (Latin de Fluctibus), RoberL Utrius- que cosmi. majoris scilicet et minoris, meta- phvsica, physica atque technica... Oppenhemii, 1617-19. 3 v. F. //. i)/. 099 47 FLOOB. Blestel, L. Die Sintflut und die Flutsagen des Alterthums. Berlin, 1871. O. FLOOD 231 FLORENCE 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 FLOODS. Bitziiis, A. Die Wassernoth im Eiiimenthal, 13 Aug.lb86.(/7i his Gesam.Schrif- ten, 1856-8, v. 33.) 833 7 Same. 3 Auflage. Berlin, 1853. D. 70 p. 551.48 35.1 Brown, J. C. Reboisenient in Fiance, with a view to pre^'entiug the destructive effects of torrents. London, 1876. O. 551.58 82 — Castellani, — .Dell' iinmediata influenza delle selve SLil corso delle acque. Torino, 1818-19. 3 V. in 1. sqQ. tab. 551.58 61 Chaiiiberet, E. de. Des inondations en France. Taris, 1856. 2 v. in 1. O. 551.48 31 — Ghaiiipion, M. Les inondations en France depuis le 6e siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1858-64. 6 V. O. 551.48 29 — Goaz. J. W. Die Hochwasser, Sept. und Oct. 1868. ini bundnerischen Rheingebeit. Leipzig. 1869. O. [3+]75p. _ 551.48 27 i— Deutschj J. Die tjberschwemmung und ihre Ursachen: Anschauungen iiber die Donau- Regulirung bei Wien, 1876. Wien, 1877. Q. %>l. 551.48 38 — Dnpuit, A. J. E. J. Des inondations; examen des moyens proposes pour en prevenir le retour. Paris, 1858. O. pi. map. 551.48 31 — DiireVj B. Cenni idrologici e considerazioni afflni. Como, 1871. Q. [l+]16p. 551.48 19 bound with 551.2 3 — Hericoiirt, A. F. d.' Les inondations et le livre de Valies. (In Aimales forestieres, 4 ser. V, 3, 1857.) 551.48 31 • — Landriii, A. Les inondations. Paris, 1880. D, //. {In Charton, E. Bibl. des nierveilles.) 551.48 24 — Lombardini, E. SuUe inondazioni awenute nella Francia in questi ultimi tempi. Milano, 1858. Q. 551.48 5 — Mardigny, — de.Memoire sur les inondations des.rivieres de I'Ardeche. Paris, 1860. O. [3+] 48 p. x>l. 551.48 31 — Marslijtr. P.Inundations and floods of rivers. {In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. Tlie woods. — The waters. {In Ms Earth as modified by human action. 1874.) 080 38 i— Messedaglia, A. Analisi dell' opera, Le in- nondazioni in Francia di M. Champion. Ve- rona, 1865. O. 551.48 30 — Monestier-Savignat, A. Etudes sur les eaux au iioint de vue des inondations. Paris, 1838. O, pi. map. 551.48 35 — Poiree, A. Quelques mots de reponse a Des inondations, par Dupuit. Paris, 1858. O. 31 p. pi. 551.48 31 — Poll, W. van de. Schets van den watervloed in Gelderland. Noord-Brabant, Utrecht en Zuid-HoUand, in Maart 1855. Tiel, 1855. Q. pi. 551.48 33 bound ivith 651.2 3 — Relazione delli danni cagionati dalle piogge ed escrescenza de fiumi, ottobre 1755, in Italia. Roma, 1755. O. 4 p. 561.48 17 — Ribbe, C. de. La Provence au point de vue des bois, des torrents et des inondations, avant etapresl789. Paris, 1857. O. 551.48 33 ^Rozet, C. A. Moyens de forcer les torrents des montagnes de rendre a I'agriculture une partie du sol (pi'ils ravagent, et d'empCcher les inondations des fleuves. Paris, 1856. O. 45[+3] p. pi. 551.48 31 —Switzerland. Die Berichte der Expertencom- missionen iiber die Ueberschweminungen im Jahr 1868. Bern, 1869. D. tab. 551.48 35 — Valies, F. de P. F. X. H. Etudes sur les inon- dations; leurs causes et leiu-s effets. Paris, 1857. O. pi. 551.48 36 See also AKNO; t'ORKSTUY; . II Filoeopo ; Rosaiia. — Llttre, M. P. E. Flore et Blanchefleur. {In his Etudes sur les barbares. 1867.) 940 4 Florence. Relazione sulle spese e le entrate per la pubblica istruzione del comune; pre.senta- ta dal sopraintendente scolastico P. VilJari Firenze, 1879. D. 48 p. tab. 379 6 — Tariffe e istruzioni per la riscossione del da- zio di consume della citta di Firenze. Firenze 1866. Q. 58 p. 336 7 — Accademia del cimento. Saggi di naturali esperienze. 3 edizione fiorentina, preceduta da Notizie storiche dell' accademia. e seguita da aggiunte. Firenze, 1841. F. pi. 530 10 —Circolo fllologico, Statute. 30 die. 1771. [Fi- renze, 1871.] O. 15 p. 404 1 — Collegio Ferretti. Report of the executive committee of the Protestant orphanage for girls, for 1879, 1880. Florence, 1880-1. 2 v. O 362 3 FLOREISCE 233 FL ORES Ferretti, S. Parole alia buona. Firenze, 1867. O. 362 3 . With list of gifts, 1865-G. — Commissione per le ricerche intorno alia casa di Dante. Delia casa di Uante; relazione con docunienti al consiglio generate del comune di Firenze. Firenze, 1865. Q. 93 [+3] p. iZ. pZ. 928 20 La casa di Dante Alighieri; relazione. Fi- renze, 1869. O. 36 [+3] p. col. pi. 928 20 —Consign© provinciale. Atti del comitato pro- motore della esposizione dantesca. Firenze, 1864, pt. 1. O. 851 61 hound with 44 -CONVENTO DI S. GIUSTO ALLE MURA. Uccelli, tr.B.Il convento di S. Giustoei gesua- ti; aggiungonsi i capitoli della loro regola. Fi- renze, 1865. D. 271 12 — Deputazione promotrice. La facciata di S. Maria del Fiore; relazione. Firenze, 1875. Q. 66 p. 726 16 —Esposizione dantesca, 1865. Cataloghi. [Fi- renze, 1865.] Q. 851 62 hound ivith 49 C'ontentu: Codici e documenti.— Krtizioni.— Oggetti d' — Lotteria florentina di beneflcenza. Relazione sonimaria alia commissione di sorveglianza, 2 luWio, 1880. Firenze, 1880. O. 32 p. 174 2 hound with 146 1 —Palazzo di San Donato. Catalogue de la bibliotheque; vente, 5 mai 1880 et suivants. Paris [,1880J. F. pi. 017 5 —Prima esposizione nazionale di lavori feninii- nlll. 1871. Catalogo ofliciale. Firenze, 1871. D. 331 6 — Reale accademia della criisca. Adunanza so- lenne, 13 set. 1868. Firenze, 1868. O. 81[+2] p. 450 9 Contents: Tabarrini, M. Rapporto sui lavori dell' acca- demia neir anno correntc .— Toiiiinasw), >'. Intorno all' unitii della lingua Italiana. — Societa italiana di ediicazioneliberale. Espo- sizione, a cura del presidente Alfieri. Firenze, 1875. O. 370 9 —A.deniollo, A. Marietta de' Ricci; ovvero, Fi- renze al tempo dell' assedio; racconto storico. 2 edizione, per L. Passerini. Firenze, 1845. 6 v. O. J)45 69 Busini, (J. B. Lettere a B. Varchi sopra 1' assedio di Firenze; accresciute per G. Milanesi. Firenze, 1860. D. 945 69.1 — Capponi, G. A. U. G. Storia della repubblica di Firenze. Firenze, 1875. 2 v. Q. 945 70 — Cavalcanti, B. Lettere. Bologna, 1869. D. {Ill Scelta di curiosita. 101.) 850 10 — Corsinij N. Storia di quattro ore, 27 aprile 1859. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1859. D. 16 p. 945 79 — Dati, tr. 11 libro segreto di Dati; a cura di C. Gargiolli. Bologna, 1869. D. (/n Scelta di curiosita. 102.) 860 10 —Delia decima e di varie altre gravezze im- poste dal comune di Firenze, della moneta e della mercatura de' Fiorentini, fino al secolo 16. Lisbona, 1765-6. 4 v. sqQ. 336 1 — Dix, J. A. A summer in Spain and Florence. pL (In his Winter in Madeira. 1851.) 914.6 15 — Fanfani, P. Spigolatura florentina. Firenze, 1868-9. no. 1-3. D. 945 79 Pertaining to the 14-16 centimes ; for contents >iee Foiifaiii. — Fantozzi, F. Nouveau guide de Florence; traduit de Titalien par Mme. H. G. D'Estre. Florence [,1849]. D. pL maps. 914.5 65 — Ferrigni, P. F. L. C. Su e gin per Firenze. Firenze, 1877. D. 914.5 65.1 — Laniento di Fiorenza; con la guerra, e con patti e convenzioni con la Santita, 1529-30. Bologna, 1864. D. 36 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 47.) 850 10 The first two parts are in verse. — Langdon, W. C. Tlie facts concerning the American episcopal cliapel. Florence, 1871. O. 35 p. 283 1 — Macchiavelli, N. Discorso sopra il riformare lo stato di Firenze. (In his Opere, 1819, v. 6.) 858 10 Descrizione della peste di Firenze. 1527. {In same.) 858 10 r-Frammenti istorici.(i?i same. v. 3.) 858 10 — — Istorie fiorentine.fJjt same. v. 1-2.) 858 10 — . — Legazioniecommissioni. {Insame.x. 8-10.) 858 10 — Malispini, R. Istoria, dalla edificazione di Fiorenza ail' anno 1281; con 1' aggiunta di Giachetto al 1286; jiubblicata per C. Giannini. Bologna, 1867. D. 945 71 — Osvaldij 0. II palazzo vecchio; memorie storiche. Firenze, 1865. D. 945 79 — Passerini, C. Curiosita storico-artistiche fior- entine. 1-2 serie. Firenze, 1866-75. 2 v. D. 709 5 — Periizzi, S. L. Storia del commercio e dei banchieri di Firenze, 1200-1345. Firenze, 1868. O. por. pi. facsim. 945 72 — Ridolfl, C. Breve nota a una Storia di quat- tro ore, 57 aprile 1859 [by N. Corsini]. Firenze, 1859. D. 15 p. 945 79 — Rinuccini, T. Le usanze fiorentine del secolo 17; con Lamento di Parione di G. Dati. Fi- renze, 1863. O. 40 p. 390 18 — Sclieffer-Boichorst, P. Florentiner Studien. Leipzig, 1874. O. 945 73 — Setticelli, L. Sguardo storico suUa facciata del duomo di Firenze. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1875. D. 726 17 — TroUope, T. A. A history of the common- wealth of Florence, to 1531. London, 1865. 4 V. O. 945 74 —Varchi, B. Stoi-ia florentina. Milano, 1803-4. 5 V. O. por. 945 75 — Villani, G. Cronica. Firenze, 1823. 8 v. O. por. 945 76 —Villani, M. Cronica. Firenze, 1825. 6 v. O. 945 77 — Wiss, G. E. Aus der Kulturgeschichte von Florenz. Berlin, 1877. O. 945 78 See also FOKIM \UAA ; ITALY-CAPITAL ; Strozzi, A. M. iii'gli. Lettere del sec. 15. FLORENTINE DIALECT, see TUSCAN. Flores, Jose Mignel de, editor, see Castillo, D. E. del. Cronica del rey Enrique IV. 1787. 946 34 Flores, Juan de. Istoria di Aurelio e Isabella; di lingua castigliana in italiana tradotta da Lelio Aletitilo. Firenze, 1864. D. [20-}-] 66 [ + 1] p. {In Bonucci, A. Delizie. 3.) 850 4 Flores historiarum [to 1326] ; edited by Henry Richards Luard. London, 1890. 3 v. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 95.) 942 8 See also Flores historiarum by IL o/" Weiidowr. ' FLORET 233 FOLENGO FLORET, Balthazar. (Jlaize, A. Ecrivainscon- temporains en langue d'oc. (in Revue des lan- gues romanes. v. 2, 1871,) 479 5 Florette; oder. Die erste Liebe Heinrichs IV., see Zschokke, J. H. D. v. 8. Florez, Enrique, & others. Espafia sagrada; theatro geographico-historico de la iglesia de Espafia. Madrid, 1747-1860. 47 v. O. il. maps. 946 4 For contents see Ticknor catalogue. Vol. 5, 6, 8, 9 are 3 ediclon, v. 25, 29-31, 42 are 2 edicion. "Very curious and important work." Ms. note by Mr. Marsh. Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de. La jeunesse de Flonan; ou, Memoires d'un jeune E«pagnol, {In Barrlere & Leseure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 37.) 944 10 FLORIDA. Laudonniere, R, Gr. L'histoire de la Floride, con tenant trois voyages par capi- taines fran9ois; un quatriesnur voyage par Gourges; mise en lumiere par M. Basanier [,1586]. Paris, 1853. S. (/ra Bibl. elezevir.)840 13 — [Relagam verdadeira. . . :] The discovery and conquest of Terra Florida by F. de Soto; trans- lated by R. Hakluyt; edited, with notes and introduction and a translation of a nanative by L. H. de Biednm, by W. B. Rye. London, 1851. O. map. {In Haliluyt soc. Works. 9.) 973 14 —Soto, H. de. Letter; and Memoir of H. Es- calante Fontaneda; translated by B. Smith. Washington, 1854. sqF. map. 973 13 Florida, see Apuleius, L. v, 2. Dit du Florin, see Froissart, J. Florio, John. Florios second frutes [for] Ital- ians and Englishmen; annexed, his Gardine of recreation, yeelding six thousand Italian proverbs. London, 1591. D. 468 2 — Queen Anna's new world of words; or, Dic- tionarie of the Italian and English tongues. London, 1611. Q. 099 29 See also Torrlano, G. Floris and Blanchefieur, see Flore. Las flors del gay saber, estier dichas Las leys d'amors; traduction de d' Aguilar et d' Escou- loubre. facsim. {In (xatien-Arnonlt, A. F. Monumens de la litterature romane, 1841-9, v. 1-3.) 849 12 Florns, Lucius Annaeus. Epitome rerum Ro- manarum; ex editione J. F. Fischeri [recen- suit Joannes Carey]. Londini, 1818. T. 878 29 — Italian: Compendio di storia romana, volga- rizzamento inedito; per cura del Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, i881. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 180.) 850 10 — Eyssenhardt, F. R. Hadrian und Florus. Berlin, 1882. O. 32 p. {In Yirchow cfc Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 17Serie.) 043 1 Florus Danicus, see Bering, V. Flotats, Mariano, translator, see James J. of Aragon. Historia del rey Jaime I. 1848.946 19 Flourens, Marie Jean Pierre. Eloge historique d'A. M. C. Dumeril. {In Paris— Institut — Acad, des sci. Mem. v. 35, 1866.) 551.58 59 Der Fliiclitling im Jura, see Zscholfke, J. H. D. V. 8. Flud, Robert, see Flood. Fliigel, Felix. Die englische Sprache in Nord- amerika. [Elberfeld, 1848.] O. p. 130-156. 427 5 From Arcniv fiir das Studium der neuesten Sprachen, Fliigel, Joliann Gottfried. A call for redress in a matter of piracy committed on [his] Eng- lish and German dictionary. [Leipsic, 1847.] O. 30 p. 423 7 — Extra-impression of the preface and intro- duction to [his] Practical dictionary of English and German. London, 1848. O. 37 p. 423 7 — Literarische Sympathien oder industrielle Buchmacherei; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der neueren englischen Lexikographie. Leipzig, 1843. O. ^ 423 7 — translator. Flowers of German poetry [Ger- man and English]. Leipsic, 1835. D. 831 3 FLUORIDE OF MAGNESIUM. Cossa, A. Sul fluoruro di magnesio. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 Flygare, Emilie, see Carlen, E. S. F. Focacci, Francesco. Del modo di dirigeie e regolare il corso dei fiumi e dei torrenti. Fi- renze, 1811. O. pi. 627 7 Fockea H. C. Neger-Engelsch woordenboek. Leiden, 1855. O. 427 6 Fockens, E. Ippius,' see Ippins Fockens. Fodelsedagen, divertissement, see Oustavus III, F0dselsdag' i Slutteriet, Vaudeville, see Over- skou, T. Fogassot, Johan. Romans (Elegie) sur I'impri- sojiiiement du prince de Viane [,1461]; par F. R. Cambouliu. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 4, 1862.) 805 1 Fogazzaro, Antonio. Miranda. Firenze, 1874. D. 851 72 — Valsolda. Milano, 1876. D. 851 78 Fogh, C. J., c& others. Nordisk Conversations- lexikon. 2 Udgave. Kj0benhavn, 1870-8. 5 v, O. 038 1 Foglietta, Uberto. La republica di Genova. — Due relazioni di Genova nelsecolo 16. Milano, 1865. S. (Gli stati italiani.) 945 54 —Same. {In Bibl. rara. 65.) 850 3 FOHN, see WINDS. Foissac, Pierre. De I'influence des climats sur Fhomme et des agents physiques sur le moral. Paris, 1867. 2 v. O. 573 6 — Meteorologie; deutsch bearbeitet von A. H. Emsmann. Leipzig, 1859. O. 551.5 3 FOIX. Verms, M.deLChronique des comtes de Foix, en langue bearnaise. {In Buchon, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 14e siecle. 1838.) 94414 Fokke, Arend SImonszoon. Versameling der werken. Amsterdam, 1834. 12 v. O. facsim. 839.37 1 Contents: 1. De verscheidene tiidperken des mensche- lijken levens. 2. Socratisch-comisoh onderzoek naar de karakters in den mensoh. 3. Verhandelin? over de ge- laatkunde.— Verzameling van zinledige uitdrukkingen.— Hettoekomend jaar M M M. 4. Leven van Lucifer. 5. Vroegere redevoeringen en verhandelingen. 6. De Am- sterdamsche kermis.— Amsterdamsche winteravonduit- spanningen. 7-8. lets over alles. 9. Dorus; of, Het wonderkind.— Het psycho-chemisch geheim om van den nood eene deugd te maken. 10. Ironisch comisch psy- cho-chemisch woordenboek. 11. De antieke Helicon. 12. De moderne Helicon, en Apollo serjant. Folco d' Aries, melodramma,seei Scelta di curiosita. 212.) 850 10 Reclus, J. J. E. La France. Paris, 1877. Q. il. pi. maps. {In his Nouv. geog. univ. 2.) 910 13 — —Richard, pseudonym. Guide classique du voyageur en France et en Belgique. Paris, 1849. D. iJiaps. 914.4 3 __ ^Ritchie, L. Wanderings by the Loire; with 21 drawings by Turner. London, 1838. O. pi. iltp. 740 3 Sigourney, L. H. H. Pleasant memories of pleasant lands. 2 edition. Boston, 1844. D. 811 20 Woods, J. Letters of an architect from France, Italy and Greece. London, 1828. 2 v. sqQ. il. pi. 729 6 Young, A. Voyages en France, 1787-9; iiouvelle traduction par Lesage. Paris. 1860. 2 V. D. 914.4 7 See also CAXJJES; HAUTE-LOIRE; HArXE-SAVOlE; HT- ERES; MESTONE; MOXACO; MCE; XORMAXDY; PARIS; PYREXEES; SAVOY. —FINANCE. Boisguillebei"^P. le P. de. Detail de la France: Factum de la France, et opuscu- les divers. {In Daire, E. Economistes. 1851.) 336 9 — —Horn, I. E.Le bilan de I'empire. 4 edition. Paris, 1868. O. 336 5 Vauban, S. le P. de. Projet d'une dixme royale. n. p., 1708. S. tab. 336 8 — — Same, (/n Daire, E. Economistes. 1851.) 336 9 Se^also CLADIS; LAW, J. —GOVERNMENT. MacchiaveUi,N.Ritratti delle cose della Francia. (In his Opere, 1819, v. 6.) 858 10 — — Sanford, H. S. Memoir on the adminis- trative changes in France since the revolution of 1848. {In his Penal codes of Europe. 1854.) 343 7 —HISTORY. Bailly, — . Precis sur la revolution fran9alse. {In Celnart, E. F. Choix d'anec- dotes, 1828, v. 4.) 848 1 Barriere, F. J., <& Lescure, M. F. A. de^ editors. Bibliotheque des memoires relatifs a I'histoire de France pendant le 18e siecle: avec avant-propos et notices. Paris, 1857-81. 37 v. in 19. D. 944 10 — — Boufadini, R. SuU' indole e sugli effetti della rit^oluzione francese nel secolo scorso. Milano, 1871. D. 77 p. 944 35 — — Bonnecliose, E. B. de. Histoire de France, jusqu'a 1848. 13 edition. Paris, 1864. 2 v. O. 944 6 Buclion, J. A. C, editor. Choix de chro- niques et memoires sur I'histoire de France, fl4e siecle]; avec notices litteraires. Paris, 1838. Q. 944 14 For contents see Buclion. — — — Choix de chroniques et memoires sur I'histoire de France [,15e siecle]; avec notfs et notices. Paris, 1838. Q. 944 17 For contents, see Buchoii. — — — Chroniques etrangeres relatives aux ex- peditions francaises pendant le 13e siei le. Paris, 1841. Q. 944 10.1 For contents w^ Buclion. .. Carlyie, T. The French revolution, a his- tory. Boston, 1838. 2 v. D. 944 36 — — — Parliamentary history of the French revolution, ilnhis Essays, 1860, v. 4.) 824 8 — — Chartier, J. Chronique de Charles VII, roi de France. Nouvelle edition, par Vallet de Viriville. Paris, 1858. 3v. S. (Bibl. elzevir.) 840 5 — —Clement, J. P. Jacques Coeur et Charles VII; ou. La France au 15e siecle; etude histo- rique; precedee d'une notice desanciennesmon- naies fran9aises. 2 edition. Paris, 1863. 2 v. in 1. O. 944 19 FRANCE— HISTOR Y 244 FRANCE— HI8T0R Y .i— -.Coiisinot, Gc. Chronique de la Pucelle; La chroaique normande de P. Cochon ; relatives aux regnes de Charles VI et de Charles "VII; publiees par Vallet de Viriville. Paris, 1859. D. 944 18 — — iDavila, A. C. Historia delle guerre civili di Francia, Francesco II. — Henrico IV.; con indice,e le annotationi di G. Balduino. Londra, 1755. 2 V. sqQ. 944 26 — — Delord, T. Histoire du second empire, 1848-70. Paris, 1869-75. 6 v. O. 944 4iJ — —Elliot, F. 014 court life in France. Leip- zig, 1873. 2 V. ih 1. S. 944 25 — — Fabyan, R. The new chronicles of Eng- land and France; from Pynson's edition of 1516. by H. Ellis. London, 1811. sqF. 942 9 — — P'ouriiier, E., editor. Varietes historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1855-63. 10 v. S. (In Bibl. elzevir ) 840 8 — — Uaguin, R. Compendium super Francorum gestis. [Paris,] 1500. Q. iltp. 944 3 — — Ixans, E. Vorlesungen liber die Geschichte der It^zten 50 Jahre. {In Rauiner, F, L. (r. Ton. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1833-34.) 905 1 — — Uilles, N. Aniiales et croniques de France; impriraees sur la correction de D. Sauvage, & additionnees jusques a 1562. Paris, 1562. 2 v. in 1. F. il. 944 1 Griinshaw, W. The history of France, to the death of Louis XIV. [Philadelphia, 1829.] D. pi. 944 5 — — H^iiaiilt, C. J. F. Nouvel abrege chronolo- gique de I'histoire de France, jusqu'a Louis XIV. Paris, 1775. 3 v. S. 944 4 — —Hugo, V, M. Histoire d'un crime. Paris, 1877-8. 2 V. in 1. O, 944 44 Jacob, K. G. Ueber den politischen Ein- fiuss der Kdiiigin Marie Antoinette. {In Raii- mer^ F. L. G. yon. Hist. Taschenbuch, 1838.) —Die Frauen in der franzosischen Revolution. {In same. 1840.) 905 1 — — Le Bas, P. France: annales historiques. Paris, 1840-3. 2 v. O. maps. {In L'univers, 36-7.) ^ 910 18 — — — France: dictionnaire encyclopedique. Paris, 1840-5. 12 v. in 10, & Planches, 3 v. O. {In same. 38-50.) 910 18 Michaud, J. F., cfcPoujoulat, J. J.l\,edi- tors. Nouvelle collection des memoires pour servir a I'histoire de France, 13-18 siecle, pre- cedes de notices biographiques et litteraires et accompagnees d' eclaircissements historiques. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1866. 34 v. Q. por. 944 9 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Michelet, J. Histoire de France [to 1789]. 1-2 edition. Paris, 1835-67. 17 v. O. 944 2 — — Mignet, F. A. A. 'la-ropla t^s TaWiKTJs iwava- ardffew. 1789-1814 ; neTaippaffduaa imb E. A. Sf/ioJ'. 'Ej/ 'A^ijmts, 1847. 2 v. O. 944 37 Monstrelet, E. de. Chroniques [; avec no- tice biographique par J. A. C. Buch<5n]. Paris, 1836. Q. 944 15 — — Monti uc, B. de. Commentaires; par A. de Ruble. Paris, 1864-72. 5 v. O. 944 23 — — — English: Commentaries [; translated by C. Cotton]. London, 1674. F. por. 944 24 — — -Moreau de Jonnes, A. Etat economique et social de la France, depuis Henri IV jusqu'a Louis XIV, 1589 a 1715. Paris, 1867. O. 944 28 — — Racine, J. Etudes sur I'histoire de France: sur le commencement, — sur le regne de Louis XIV, 1644-78. {In his Etudes. 1855.) 848 15 Remnsat^ C. E. J. G. de V. de. Memoires, 1802-8; publics par P. de Remusat. 1-8 edition. Paris, 1880. 3 v. O. 944 37 — — Respiiblica sive status regni Gallias. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1626. Tt. 094 27 — —Saint Simon, L. de R. de. Memoires sur le siecle de Louis XIV et la regence. Paris, 1820-30. 21 V. O. 944 31 — —Stevenson, J., editor. Letters and papers illustrative ot the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry VI., king of Eng- land. London, 1861-4. 2 v. in 3 pt. Q. {In Grt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 22.) 942 8 Snger, abbot of St. Denys. CEuvres com- pletes; recueillies, annotees et publiees par A. Lecoy de la Marche. Paris, 1867. O. 944 8 — — Taine, H. A. Les origines de la France contemporaiue. 1-4 edition. Paris, 1876-87. 4 V. O. 944 33 Contents: 1. L'ancien regime. 2. La revolution. 3 v. Tallemant des Reaux, G. Les historiettes; memoires pour servir a I'histoire du 17e siecle. 2 edition, par Monmerque. Paris, 1861. 10 v. in 5. D. por. 920 16 — — T^not, P. P. E. La province en decembre 1851; etude historique sur le coup d'etat. 12 edition. Paris, 1870. D. 944 45 — — — Paris en decembre 1851 : etude histori- que sur le coup d'etat. Paris, 1870. D. 944 46 — -^Tocqiieville, A. C. H. C. de. L'ancien regime et la revolution. 7 edition. Paris, 1866. O. 944 34 — — Veron, L. D. Memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, comprenant la fin de Tempire, la re- stauration, la monarchic de juillet, la repu- blique jusqu'au retablissemeut de I'empire. Paris, 1857. 5 v. S. 944 40 — — — Nouveaux memoires d'un bourgeo's de Paris, 1848-63; le second empire. Paris, I866. O. 944 41 — — Vinas, L., editor. Documents relatifs aux guerres du 15e siecle. {In Revue des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) 479 5 — —Webster, N.' Revolution in France. {In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Franklin, A. L. A. Les sources de i'histoire de France; notices biblio- graphiques et analytiques des inventaires et des recueils des documents. Paris, 1877, O. 944 8.1 See also AUVEBGIVE; LES BAUX; BRITONS; BIRGUNI)!'; CALAIS; CATHERINE DE'MEDICI; CHARLEMAGNE; CHAR- LES V.-VIIL; COLIONY. G. DE.; COLOGNE CONGRESS; DARC,J. : FARNESE, A. ; FEUDALISM; FRANCIS L ; FRANKS; GAUL; HENRY IV. ; HUGUENOTS; lANGUEDOC; LEAGUE; LOUIS IIL, IX., XL, Xin.,XVin.; MARIE ANTOINETTE; METZ; MOREA; NAPOLEON I., III.; NORMANDY; NORTH- MEN; PUY DE DOME; LA ROCHELLE; ROUEN; ROUSSIL- LON; SAVOY; STBASSBURG; TULLE; VANDALISM; VELAY; VERDUN; VERSAILLES; YOLANDE DE FRANCE; also the historical novels of Erckmann-Chatrian, I^acroix, P., and Merimee, P. FRANCE— MAPS 345 FEANCISCANS —MAPS. Andriveau-GrOHJon, E., publisher. Carte speciale des chemins de fer de I'empire fran9ais. Paris, 1869. 84x97 cm. in O. 912 13 _ — Joanne, A. L. Atlas de la France. Paris, 1870. F.-* 95 maps. 912 14 See also MONT BLANC; GRENOBLE, —POLITICS. Bigelow, J. France and heredi- tary monarchy. London, 1871. O. 321 5 — — ^Bi^ot, C. La fin de 1' anarchic. Paris, 1878. D. 321 7 Corinenin, L. M. de la H. de. Pamphlets anciens et nouveaux. Paris, 1870. O. 944 42 The articles are divided as follows: Monarchie de 1830; La seconde republique; Second empire; Gallicisme et liberie religieuse. — —Courier de Mere, P. L. CEuvres completes. Nouvelle edition. Bruxelles, 1833. O. por. pi. 848 3 — — — Opuscoli politic!; voltati in italiano da G. Bernardi. Napoli, 1861. O. 320 4 — — (jasparin, A. E. de. La declaration de guerre. Paris [,1870]. O. 16 p. 944 50 — — — La France; nos fautes, nos perils, notre avenir. [v. 1,J 3 edition. Paris, 1872-3. 2 v. in 1. D. 944 54 — ^trinstiniano, F. Relazione di Francia. 1538. {In A., E. Illustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 25 _ — triustiniano,M.«S'a7ue.l535.(/n same. )940 25 — — Lanfrey, P. Etudes et portraits politiques. 3 edition. Paris, 1874. D. 923 3 For contents see Lanfrey. — — Le Roy, P., & others. Satyre menippee de la vertu du catholicon d'Espagne et de la tenue des estats de Paris. Nouvelle edition; par C. Labitte. Paris, 1841. D. 847 3 — — Michelet, J. La France devant I'Europe. Florence, 1871. D. 944 52 — — Pelletan, P. C. E. Les uns et les autres. Paris, 1873. O. 944 55 Contents: Le pape. — L'antipape — L'empereur. — Le citoyen. — — Pre vest- Paradol, L. A. La France nou- velle. 10 edition. Paris, 1869. D. 944 49 — ^Renan, J. E. La reforme intellectuelle et morale. Paris, 1871. O. 944 53 — — Ro^eard, L. A. Pauvre France ! R. F. [Inverse.] Bruxelles [,1865]. S. 84130.1 — — — Les propos de Labienus. Londres, 1865. D. 31 p. 944 48.1 Tillier, C. Pamphlets. (In his CEuvres. 1846, V. 3-4.) 843 43 TocquevilIe,A. C. H. C. de.Speech,27 Jan. 1848 [predicting the revolution]. {In his De- mocracy in America, 1863. v. 2. p. 469-484.) 321 10 — — Vitolo de Avitaya, F. La lotta tra vecchio e nuoTo. Napoli, 1873. O. 944 56 See also EASTERN QUESTION; NAPOLEON L, UL; Bey- bsiid, M. R. L. JerSme Paturot. —SOCIAL LIFE & CONDITION. Fonrnier, E. editor. Varietes historiques et litteraires. Paris, 1855-68. 10 V. S. (In Blbl. elzevir.) 840 8 — — Le ttrand d'Aussy, P. J. B. Histoire de la vie privee des Fran9ois depuis I'origine de la nation jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle edition, par J. B. B. de Roquefort. Paris, 1815. 3 v. O. 390 14 — — Le Play, P. Gr. F. La reforme sociale en France. Tours, 1872. 3 v. D. 301 10 -^ — Meray, A. La vie au temps des trouveres, 11-13 siecles. Paris, 1873. D. 390 15 — — iMoreau, de Jonnes, A. Etat economique et social de la France, depuis Henri IV jusqu'a Louis XIV, 1589 a 1715. Paris, 1867. O. 944 28 i_ — Ribbe, C. de. Les families et la societe en France avant le revolution. Paris, 1873. D. 944 32 Robert, C, editor. De I'ignorance des populations ouvrieres et rurales en France, et des causes qui tendent a la perpetuer. Mont- beliard, 1863. O. [l+]64p. 33110 ^Twesten, C. Die Zeit Ludwigs XIV. Ber- lin, 1871. O. 29 p. (/7^ Virchow OF THE COMMON LIFE, -OF THE LIFE OF POVBBTV; Uoskllde. Fraiicisci, Erasmus, translator, see Valvasor, J. W. Die Ehre des Grain. 1689. 943 59 Francisco de Jesus y Jodar, see Jesus y Jodar. FRANCISCO XAVIER, St., see XAVIER. Frauck, Adolphe. Des principes du droit natu- ral et de ses rapports avec la faniille. {Tn Thevenin, A. Entretiens, 1866, v. 2, p. 107-169.) 304 5.1 Franck, Sebastian. Clironica, Zeitbuch unnd Gescliichtbibell von Anbegyn bis in 154B Jar verlengt. n. p., 1543. F. 901) 5 Franco, Lucio. De' rivolgimenti contempora- nei in Italia. Roma, 1872. v. 1, D. 945 40 Franco, Matteo. Un viaggio di Clarice Orsini de' Medici nel 1485. Bologna, 1868. D. ^23 p. (in Scelta di curiosita. 98.) 850 10 Francois de Neufchateau, Nicolas, comte, edi- tor, see Le Sage, A. R. Histoire de Gil Bias. 1820. 843 28 — translator ,SGQ Muret, M. A. Advice of a father lo his son. 1871. 879 8 Francjois le Cliampi, par George Sand, see Du- devant, A. L. A. D. FRANCO-PROVENCAL DIALECT. Ascoli, «. I. Scliizzi franco-provenzali. — P. Meyer e il franco-provenzale. {In Archivio glot. ital. v, 3-4, 1878.) 450 11 FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR, see GERMANY— HISTORY. Guillaume le Franc-parleur, see Jouy, V. J. E. Frank, Louis. Tunis. 1850. pi. map. {In L'nnivers. 7.) 910 18 FRANKI'ORT on the Main. Knox, J. A narra- tive of tlie proceedings and troubles of the English congregation at Frankfurt, 1554-5. {In his Works, 1846-64, v. 4.) 208 4 — Kriegk, tl. L. Deutsches Biirgerthum im Mittelalter mit besonderer Beziehung auf Frankfort a. M. Frankfurt, 1868. O. 390 12 Frankfurter Sagenbuch see Enslin, K. FRANKISH LANGUAGE, see FRENCH LAN- OUA(iE ETYMOLOGY. Franklin, Alfred Louis Auguste. Les sources de I'histoirede Fiance; notices bibliographiques et analytiques. Paris, 1877. O. 944 8.1 Franklin, Benjamin. Works; with notes and life by Jared Sparks. Revised edition. Phila- delphia [,cl840]. 10 v. O. por. pi. facsim. iltp. 818 1 —Autobiography; edited from his ms., with notes and an introduction, by John Bigelow. Philadelphia, 1868. O. por. 925 3 — Marckmann, J. W. Bogtrykkeren B. Frank- lins Liv og Levnet. KJ0benhavn, 1839. S. 9254 Franklin, Sir John. Narrative of a second ex- pedition to the shores of the polar sea, 1825-7; including an account of the progress of a de tachment to the eastward by John Richardson. Philadelphia, 1828. O. map. 919.8 5 FRANKS. Gag-uin, R. De origine et gestis francorum, Lugduni, 1497. F. 093 6 — Olsner.L. Jahrbiicher des f rankischen Reiches unter Konig Pippin. Leipzig, 1871. O. 943 15,1 — Ricliter, W. Die Auflosung des Karolingi- schen Reiches und die Griindung dreier selb- standiger Staaten. Hamburg, 1889. O. 52 p. (/uVirchow tfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 04^ 2 *eato CHARLEMAGXE; CHUBCH HISTORY-FRANKS; FRANCE; (JERMAXl; SALIC LAW. Franskt och svenskt handlexikon. 26fversedda upplagan. Stockholm [,1848], sqT. 439.73 9 Frati, Lodovico, editor. II sacco di Volterra nel 1472: poesie storiche contemporanee, e com- mentario inedito di Biagio Lisci. Bologna, 1886. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 214.) 850 10 See also 303. — & Medin, A., editors. Lamenti storici dei secoli 14-16. Bologna, 1877-90. v. 1-3. D. {In same. 219, 226, 236.) 850 10 — & Ricci, C.J editors. II sepolcro di Dante; documenti. Bologna, 1889. D. il. pi. {In same. 235.) 850 10 Franz Sternbalds Wanderungen,seeTieck, J. L. V. 16. Franz und Rosalie, see Langbein, A. F. E. ^\ 9. Franzen, Frans Mikael. Skaldestycken. Ny upplaga. drebro, 1824-36. 5 v. O. iltp. 839.71 13 — Columbus; eller, Americas uppfdckt, poem. Stockholm, 1831. pt. 1. S. pi. 839.71 14 Unfinished. —Sketch of the life of the author of Frithiof s saga. {In Tegner, E. Frithiof 's saga. 18h9.) 839.71 45 Franzesi, Mattio. Capitoli. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 2-3.) ' 857 3 Franzi, Adriano. II Polito. {In Trissino, U. G. Opere, 1729, v. 2.) 851 126 II frappatore, commedia, see Ooldoni, C. v. 40. Fraticelli, Pietro. Storia della vita di Dante Alighieri; compilata sui documenti in parte raccolti da Giuseppe Pelli, in parte inediti. Firenze, 1861. D. 928 18 — annotator, seeDante Alighieri. Opere minori. 1856-7. 851 41 FRATICELLI, see BRETHREN. FRAU AVENTIURE, see AVENTIURE; also Sclielfel, J. V. Frauenstadt, Paul. Die Todtschlagsiihne des deutschen Mittelalters. Berlin, 1886. O. 32 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 Historia del Fray Gerundio de Campazas, see Isla, J. F. de. FRECKENHORST. Grimm, J. L. K. Frecken- horster Heberolle. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, V. 5.) 408 2 See also indexes in v. 5 and 8. Frederick VII., king of Denmark. Bemaei-k- ninger angaaende Oldtidens Bygningsmaade af Gravkamre og de saakaldte Joettestuer. il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Anti- quarisk Tidsskrift. v. 5, 1855-7.) 948 4 FREDERICK VII 247 FRENCH DIALECTS — Om Bygningsmaader af Oldtidens Jaettestuer. 2Udgave. Kjobenhavn, 1863. O. 22 p. U. MS 49 — Sur la construction des salles dites des geants. Copenhague, 1857. O. 19 p. il. 913 49 —Same. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Sel- Skab. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 —Wegener, C. F. Mindeskrift over Frederik VII. — BeniaBrkninger, af C. Irminger. {In same. Aarb0ger. v. 1, 1866.) 948 4 FREDERICK I. Barbarossa, emperor of Ger- many, (xottfried of Viterbo. Gesta Friderici I. et Heinrici VI. Hannoverae, 1872. O. ll-(-52p. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, reruni German. 4.) 943 16 — trrimm, J. L. K.Gedichte des Mittelalters auf Konig Friedrich I. den Staufen und aus seiner und der niichstfolgenden Zeit. facsim. (In Ms Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 3.) ' 408 2 — HJiiissner, J.UnsereKaisersage. Berlin, 1884. O. 56 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendoi*ff. Vor- triige. 19 Serie.) 043 1 — Otto & Rahewin. Gesta Friderici I. Han- noverae, 1884. O. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 7.) 943 16 — Sepp, J. N. Kaiser Friedrich I. Barbarossa's Tod und Grab. Berlin, 1879. O. 56 p. (In Yirchow & Holtzendorif, Vortrage. 14 Serie.) 043 1 FREDERICK II., emperor of Germany. Bmser, E. Kaiser Friedrich der Zweite. Berlin, 1881. O. 32 p. (In same. 16 Serie.) 043 1 FREDERICK II., the Great, king of Prussia. Boretius, A. Friedrich der Grosse in seinen Schriften. Berlin, 1870. O. 55 p. (hi same. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Engel, J. J. Lobrede auf den Konig, 1781. (In his Schriften, 1801-6, v. 4.) 838 3 — Hetzel, H. Die Stellung Friedrichs des Gros- sen zur Humanifat im Kriege. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 — Macanlay, T. B. (In Tits Essays, 1843, v. 4.) • 824 16 — Thiebault, P. C. F. A. H. D. Souvenirs de vingt ans de sejour a Berlin, (In Barriere iIle, J. de; La Rochefoucauld, F. de; Ligne, K. J. von; Menage, G.; Michelet, J.; Mcole, P.; Pascal, B.; Racine, J.; Reybaud, M. It. L.; Rozan, C; Yauvenargues, L. de C. de. —ORATORY. Bossuet, J. B. Oraisons f une- bres, et choix d' oraisons f unebres de Flechier et de Mascaron. Paris, 1858, D. 845 ^ Cormeniii, L. M. de la H. de. Livre des orateurs. 18 edition. Paris, 1869. 2 v. O. %>or. 845 1 —PERIODICALS. NemenyijA. Journale und Journalisten derfranzosischen Revolutionszeit. Berlin, 1880. O. 63 p. {In VirehoYY & Hoi- tzendorff. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 —POETRY. Barbazan, E., editor. Fabliaux et contes des poetes fran9ois des 11-15 siecles. Nouvelle edition, augmentee par M. Meon. Paris, 1808. 4 v. O. pi. 841 4 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Bartsch, K. F. Altfranzosische Gedichte aus venezianischen Handschriften; von A.Mus- safia. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 editor. Altfranzosische Chrestomathie, 8-15 Jahrhundert; Chrestomathie, Grammatik. Glossar. Leipzig, 1866. Q. 841 2 (Jautier. T. Les progres de la poesie fran- 'E- MEXT Loois; Del tumbeor Nostre-Dame; Delille, J. ; Dn Bartas, G. de S.; Fantosrae, J.; Ferumbras; Fontenelle, B. le B. de; Froissart, J. ; Gamier of Pont Salnte Maxence; Gresset, J. B. L. ; Grosseteste, R. ; Hamilton, A. ; Have- lolt the Dane; Hugo, V. M.; JACQUES of Amiens ; Jelian de Haute Seille; La Coudrette; La Fontaine, J. de; Lam- bert 11 Tors; La Motte, A. H. de; La vie de saint Leger; LorrlH, G. de; Marie de France; Meung, J. de; Passion du Christ; PASTOUEELLES; Pliillppe de Beimes; Pibrac, G. du F. de; Bene d'Anjou; Reynard the fox; Richard Ig pelerin; Riehars li biaus; Rogeard, A.; Roland; Teligny, 0. de la >. de; Villon, F,; Voltaire, F. M. A. de; Wace, R. —ROMANCES. Brynjulfsson, G. G. De I'ancien reman fran9ais et de Tinfiuence exercee sur son developpement par les Normands; memoiretra- duit par L. S. Borring, -{In Copenhagen— K. nord.Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9.) 948 3 — — (xuessard, F., editor. Les anciens poetes de la France. Paris, 1859-70. 10 v. S. 841 8 Contents: 1. Guide Bour^ogne- — Otinel.— Floovant. 2. Boon de Maience. 8. Gaufrey. -1. Fierabras.— Parise la duchesse. 5. Huon de Bordeaux. 6. Aye d'Avignon— — Gui de Nanteuil. 7. Gaydon. 8. Hugues Capet. 9. Macaire. 10. Aliscans. Le Grand d'Aussy, P. J. B., editor. Fabli- aux of the 12th and 13th centuries; translated into English verse by G. L. Way ; with notes by G. Ellis. New edition. London, 1815. 3 v. D. il. 841 4 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Moiand, L. E. D., & H^ricanlt, C. d.' editors. Nouvelles francoises en prose du 13e siecle, avec introduction et notes. Paris, 1856. S. (TriBibl. elzevir.) 840 13 — — Wright, T. Chansons de geste; or, Histori- cal romances of the middle ages. {In his Es- says, 1846, V. 1.) 820 3 See also ALEXANDER t/ie Great; Amadas; Artliur of little Britain; Auberi; Aucasin et Nicolete; BALDWIN; BLAN- CA>DIX; CHAKLEMAGXE; Chrestien of Troyes; Conquete de Jerusalem; Fauvel; Fitz Warlne, F. ; Flamenca; Girartz de RossUho; Guy of Warwick; Havelok the Dane; Huon of Bordeaux; La Sale, A. de; Lorris,; Melusine; Meung, J. de; Philippe de Beimes; Reynard the fox; Richard le pe- lerin; Richars li biaus; Roljert the devil; Roland; Knight of the swan; Trasignyes; TRISTAN de Nanteuil. FRENCH REVOLUTION, see FRANCE— HIS- TORY. Frenfanelli Cibo, Seraflno. Cenni storici sugli Stati Uniti d' America. Foligno, 1865. D. tab. 973 23 Frentzel, J. P. Ueber die Landespferdezucht im Regirungsbezirk Gumbinnen. Berlin, 1875. O. 56 p. {n Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Frenzel, Abraham. Etymologica Vandalica & Slavica Megapolitana. {In "Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta. 1739-45, v. 2.) 943 21 Frere, John Hookham. Works, in verse and prose, now first collected, with a prefatory memoir by his nephews, W. E. and Sir Bar tie Frere. London, 1872. 2 v. O. por. 821 58 — Prospectus and specimen of an intended na- tional work by William and Robert Whistle- craft, relating to King Arthur and his round table. 3 edition, London, 1818. O. 7-t-61 p. 821 92 FRESCO. Marsh, G. P. (In Johnson's cyclo- pasdia.) In main library. Fresh gleanings, by Ik. Marvel, see Mitchell, D. G. Freshfleld, Douglas \^illiam. Travels in the central Caucasus and Bashan. London, 1869. O. il. pi. maps. 914. 7 24 Thet Freske riim, met aanteekeningen van E. Epkema; vorafgegaan door eene levensschets van laatstgenoemden door J. van Leeuwen. (JnFriesch genootschap. Oude kronijken. 1835- 53.) 839.2 1-2 Freske sjemstin, see Nissen, M. Fretwell, James. The family history begun by Fretwell. tab. {In Jackson, C. Yorkshire di- aries, 1877-86, V. 1; in Surtees soc. 65.) 820 7 Der Freudenleere. Der Wiener Mervart. {In Lambel, H. Erziihluneen. 1872; in Pfeiffer, H» Deutsche Classiker. 12.) 831 15- Freund, Wilhelm. A copious and critical Latin- English lexicon, on the basis of the larger Latin-German lexicon of Freund, with addi- tions, by E. A. Andrews. New edition. Lon- don, 1865. Q. 473 1 See also White or la Real academia espanola. Madrid, 1815. F. 349 27 La fuerza de la sangre, see Cervantes. Novelas V. 2. Fulcherius Carnotensis, see Foulcher of Char- tres. Fnlda, Friedrich Karl, edtYor & translator, see Ulfllas. 1805. 839.9 2 FULKE 255 FURNIYALL Fiilke, William, editor, see Bible— iV. T.— Eng- lish. 1617. 225 11 Fulkomniell^e skill... 1607,see SIGISMUND III. Fuller, Andrew S. The forest tree culturist. New York, 1866. il. 551.58 26 Fuller,;Henry William. On rheumatism, rheu- matic gout and sciatica. Sedition. London, 1860. O. 616 28 Fuller, John E. Computing telegraph. New York, 1852. sqQ. pi. 511 2 Aecompanied by a tablet containing: Palmer's com- puting scale, and Puller's time teleccraph. Fuller, Thomas. Andronicus; or, The unfortu- nate politician. 2 edition. London, 1646. T. 172 3 — The cause and cure of a wounded conscience. London, 1647. T. 241 2 — The church history of Britain, until 1648. London, 1655. F. pi. map. 274 2 Appended are The history of the University of Cam- bridge since the conquest, and The history of Waltham abbey in Essex. —A comment on Ruth. London, 1654. S. 240 10 — The history of the lioly wane. 2 edition. Cambridge, 1640. Q. iltp. map. 940 8 — Same. 4 edition. [Cambridge,] 1651. Q. iltp. 940 9 — The history of the worthies of England. Lon- don, 1662. F. por. 920 9 — Same. New edition; with [continuation,] notes and indexes by S. Austin Nuttall. Lon- don, 1840. 3 V. O. por. 920 10 — The holy and profane states, with some ac- count of the author and his writings. Cam- bridge [,Mass.], 1831. D. (In Young, A. Lib. of old Eng. prose. 1.) 820 10 — The holy state. 3 edition. London, 1653. Q. 920 11 Appended is The profane state. 1642. —Same. 4 edition. Cambridge, 1663 [iltp,1648]. Q. por. iltp. 940 9 Appended is The profane state. 1663. — The infant's advocate of circulncision on Jewish and baptism on Christian children. London, 1653. S. 265 3 — Joseph's party-coloured coat, containing a comment on the 11. chapter of 1. Corinthians; with severall sermons; by T. F. London, 1640. sqD. 232 7 —The life of Henry Smith. (In Smith, H. Ser- mons, 1866, V. 1, pref. p. 7-9.) 252 4 — Life out of death; a sermon. [London,] 1655. S, 27 p. 262 3 — Ornitho-logie; or. The speech of birds. Lon- on [so], 1655. T. 827 8 — Perfection and peace; a sermon. London, 1653. S. [7+]24p. 265 3 — A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof; with the history of the Old and New Testament acted thereon. London, 1650. F. pi. iltp. maps. 915.6 27, 28 — The profane state, see above The holy state. —A sermon of reformation; fast day, 27 July 1643. London, 1643. sqD. [l+]28p. 240 9 — A sermon preached 27 March, the day of his majesties inauguration. London, 1654. S. [4+] 30+37 p. 262 3 The appended 37 pages are A fast sermon -preached on Innocents-day. - -A triple reconciler. London, 1654. S. 262 3 — Two sermons; the first, Comfort in calamitie, teaching to live well; the other, The grand assize, minding to dye well. London. 1654. S. [5-f]77p. 240 10 — cfc others. Abel redevivus; or. The dead yet speaking; the lives of modern divines. London, 1651. D. por. iltp. 922 10 —editor, see Great Britain — Parliament. Ephe- meris parliamentaria. 1654. 942 21 FULTON, Robert. Renwick, J. Life of Fulton. (In Sparks, J. American biography, 1835-9, v, 10.) 920 15 II fumoso, pseudonym of Salvestro. Fundinn Noregr. {In Mobius, T. Analecta. 1859.) 839.63 11 FUNEN. Simonsen, L. S. V. Fyens Vilkaar^i den saa kaldte Grevens Feide. KJ0benhavn, 1813. D. map. 947 97 — Fyens Stifts literaire Selskab. Aktstykker til Oplysning isser af Danmarks indre Forhold iseldreTid. Odense, 1841. 2 v. sqO. . 948 69 Funfzehn Jahre, von Talvj, see Robinson, T. A. L. V. J. Der Fiinfzehnte November, Novelle, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 19. FUNtrl. Bagnis, C. Mycologia Romana. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei.Atti. 3 ser. sci. fls. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.)— Same; centuria se- conda. pi. {In same. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Neelsen, F. Unsere Freunde unter den nie- deren Pilzen. Berlin, 1883. O. 32 p. {In Vir- chow c&HoltzendorflF.Vortrage. 18 Serie.)043 1 See also MOULD; PUCCINIA; UREDO. La Fuorfece, see Valentino, B. Flirer. Christoph, of Haimendorf. Reis-Be- screibung in Egypten. Arabien, Palastinam, Syrien, etc ; sambt Jacob Fiirers constantino- politanischer Reise. Niirnberg, 1646. sqD. il. por. pi. iltp. 915 4 Furia, Francesco del. Delia scoperta e subita- nea perdita di una parte inedita delprimo libro de' Pastorali di Longo. [Firenze, 1810.] O. 24 p. facsim. 888 52.1 Furinij Francesco. Saggio di alcune rime. — Vita di Furini con giudizio d' arte sul niede- simo. {In (xargani, G. Commentario della famiglia Forini. 1876.) 929 6 Furman, Gabriel. Introduction and notes. {In Denton, D. Brief description of N. Y. 1845.) 917.4 7 FURNITURE. Finocchietti, D. C. Delle In- dustrie relative alle abitazione umane. Firenze, 1869. O. 670 2 Furnivall, Frederick James. Chaucer's prior- ess, her chaplain and three priests, illustrated by the Survey of the abbey of St. Mary, Win- chester, 14 May 1537. {In Essays on Chaucer, pt 3, 1876; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 16.) 821 46 — A temporary preface to the six-text edition of Chaucer's Canterbury tales; pt. 1, attempt- ing to show the true order of the tales, and the days and stages of the pilgrimage, etc. Lon- don, 1868. pt. 1. O. {In Chancer soc. 2 ser. 3.) 821 46 — Trial-forewords to my Parallel-text edition of Chaucer's minor poems; with a try to set FUBNIVALL 256 GABIilELLO Chaucer's works in their right order of time. London, 1871. pt. 1. O. facsim. {In same. Q.) 821 46 — editor. Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II. ; The life of St. Alexius; Solomon's book of wisdom; St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before dooms- day; The lamentation of souls. London, 1878. O. {In E. E. text soc Orig. ser. 69.) 820 5 The babees book; The bokes of nuture of Hugh Rhodes and John Russell; Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of keruynge; The booke of de- meanor; The boke of curtasye; Seager's Schoole of vertue, &c. ; with French & Latin poems, and forewords on education in early England. London, 1868. O. pi. {In same. 33.) 820 5 The half-title is: Manners and meals in olden time. Chaucer as valet & squire to Edward III; King Edward H's household and wardrobe ordinances, 1323, englisht by Francis Tate in 1601, with extracts from Edward' I Vs house- hold book. London, 1876. O. por, {In Life- records of Chaucer. 2; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 14.) 821 46 The fifty earliest English wills in the court of probate, London, 1387-1489, with a priest's of 1454. London, 1882. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser; 78.) 820 5 Hymns to the Virgin & Christ, The par- liament of devils, and other religious poems. London, 1867. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 24.) 820 5 Political, religious and love poems. Lon- don, 1866. O. {In same. 15.) 820 5 Queene Elizabethes achademy, by Sir Humphrey Gilbert; A booke of precedence, &c. ; varying versions of The goode wife, &c. : maxims, Lydgate's Order of fools, &c.; with essays on early Italian and German books of courtesy by W. M. Rossetti & E. Oswald. London, 1869. O. {In same. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 see the following publications of the Early English text society. ORIGINAL series: 820 5 2. Arthur; a short sketch in verse. 1864. 12. Adam of Cobsham. The Wright's chaste wife. 1865. 16. Hermes Trlsmeglstus. Book of quinte essence. 1866. 25. Stacioiis of Rome. 1867. 41. Lauder, W. Minor Poems. 187''. 64. Thymic, F. Emblemes and epigrames. 1876. EXTRA series: 820 5.1 3. Caxtoii, W. Book of curtesye. 1868. 9. Awdeley, J. Fraternitye of vacabondes. 1869. 10. Boorde, A. The fyrst boke of the Introduction, [etc.] 1870. 18. Fish, S. Supplicacyon for beggers. 1871. 20, 24, 28, 80. Borron, B. l. {In Ulfllas, 1836-46, v. 2.) 439.9 5 Same, with Glossarium. 839.9 3 Uppstroms Codex argenteus ; eine Nach- schrif t zu [their] Ausgabe des Ulfilas. Leipzig, 1860. sqQ. 20 p. 839.9 8 (Jabler, Mathias. Epistola metrica in laudem regis Christierni II. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 8.) 948 76 Gabriel, — • Quelques mots sur la question d' orient. Athenes [,1853]. O. 23 p. 949 55 Gabriello, il consolatore; racconto, see Aure, L. d.' GAD 257 GALICIA Gad, Johannes. Korperwarme, Arbeit und Kli- ma. Hamburg, 1887. O. 36 p. {In Vircliow cfcHoltzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. l.)043 2 GADEILD, the word. Lyngbye, H. C. Om Ga- deild og de jydske Ord Gadebasse, Gadinde, Gadelam og Gadelamsgilde. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskah. Nordisk Tidsskrift. V. 2, 1833.) 948 1.3 GADELAM, the ivord. Petersen, N. M. Et Brev til Oplysning om Ordet Gad(;lam. (In same. Annaler. v. 3, 1840-1.) 948 3 GAELIC LITERATURE, see Ossian. Gaelic society of Dublin. Transactions. Dublin, 1808. V. 1. O. 891 7.1 Contents: 1. Advertisement.- -Rules and regulations. — O'Brien, P. Address.— M'Ellig:ott, P. Observations on the Gaelic language.— MacBrody, T. Advice to a prince, with English [and Latin] translation by T. O'Planagan. —Deirdri, an Irish tale [.with same].— Kill, Colum. Fare- well to Aran [.with same].— Ossian. The blackbird of the grove of Carna [.with same].— The poem of Talc [.with same]. — Advertisement. GAETA. Memoires sur le siege de Gaete, 1860-1. Stockholm, 1861. O. 43 p. maps. 945 104 Gaetani d' Aragona, Bernardo. I manoscritti •membranacei della biblioteca della SS. Trinita di Cava de' Tirreni. faesim. (in Cava— Badia della Trinita. Codex diplomaticus: appendix. 1871-3.) 327 3 Galfarel, Jacqnes. Curiositez inouyes sur la sculpture talismanique des Persans, horoscope des patriarches, et lecture des estoilles. n. p., 1631. S. pi. 133 33 Gagern, Hans Christoph Ernst, Freiherr von. Civilisation. Leipzig, 1847. v. 1. D. 301 5 No more published. Gagliardi, Lnigi Teodoro, editor. La morte di Vittorio Emanuele II, e 1' esaltazione al trono di Umberto I; cronografia, ed opinione della stampa europea. 3 edizione ampliata. Roma, 1878. O. 945 43 Gaguin, Robert. Compendium super Franco- rum gestis, ab ipso recognituni & auctum. [Paris,] 1500. Q. iltp. 944 3 — De origine et gestis f rancor um pegutile com- pendium. Lugduni, I. Trechsel, 1497. F. [4-f ] 123 1. 093 6 Gaian, Gnillannie, <& Rochefort, M. de. Rela- tion de I'ambassade de Louis I, due 'Anjou a Hugues IV, juge d'Arboree, en 1378. (In Bnchon^ J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 Gail, Jean Baptiste. Clef d' Homere; precedee de dissertations grammaticales... Paris[.1805?]. D. 883 13 —editor & translator, see Thncydides. Histoi- re grecque. 1807-8. 888 6-7 Gaimar, Geffrei. Lestorie des Engles solum la translacion IVIaistre Geffrei Gaimar; edited by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy and Charles Trice Martin. London, 1888-9. 3 v. Q. (In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem, 91.) 942 8 Vol. 1. text; V. 2, translation. — Extrait de sa Chronique des rois anglo-saxons. (In Michel, F. X. Chroniques anglo-normandes, 1836-40, V. 1.) 841 5 Gairdner, James, editor. The historical col- lections of a citizen of I^ondon in the 15th cen- tury. [London,] 1876. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 17.) 820 4.1 Contents: Page, J. Poem on the siege of Rouen.- Lyd- gate, J. Verses on the kings of England.— Oregon', W. Chronicle of London. Letters and papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII. Lon- don, 1861-3. 3 V. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 34.) 942 8 Three fifteenth-century chronicles; with historical memoranda by John Stowe, and con- temporary notes written by him in the reign of Elizabeth. [London,] 1880. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 28.) 820 4.1 Paston letters. 1873-5. 826 6 cfc translator, see Andre, B. Historia Henrici VII., necnon alia. 1858; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 10.) 942 8 Gaiter, Luigi, editor, see Latini, B. II tesoro. 1877-83. (In Emilia. Collezione. 49-52.) 850 6 Gajani, Guglielmo. The Roman exile [, an au- tobiography]. Boston, 1856. D. 921 4 El galan fantasma, see Calderon. v. 1, Le galanterie parigine, see Blasis, C. GALATA. Sauli d' Igliano, L. Della colonia dei Genovesi in Galata. Torino, 1831. 2 v. O. 949 69 Galateo espafiol, see Gracian Dantisco, L. Galati, Domenico. Gli uomini del mio tfmpo: profili. Bologna, 1679. D. 920 13 Galba, Marti Jolian de, continuer, see Marto- rell, J. Libre del Tirant lo blanch. 1873-9. 869 6 Galbert of Bruges. Historia vitse & passionis ^. Caroli comitis Flandrias. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 4.) 948 76 Gale, Roger & Samuel. Antiquarian and other correspondence. (In Stukeley, W.Family mem- oirs. 1883-7; in Surtees soc. 73, 76, 80.) 820 7 Gale, Thomas, annotator, see Herodotus. Hi- storiarum libri. 1763. 888 3.1 Galeotti, Marzio. De egregie, sapienter, jocose dictis ac factis S. regis JMatthias liber. (In Rerum Hungaricarum scriptores. 1600.) 943 63 Galfredo. Favole, see J^sopus. Galfridus de Vinosalvo. Itinerarium regis An- glorum Richardi I, et aliorum in terram Hiero- solymorum. (In Historiie Anglicante scrip- tores quinque, 1687, v. 3.) 942 11.1 Galfridus Ehoracensis, — grammatieus, — Mo- nemutensis, see Geoffrey. Das Galgenmannlein, see La Motte Fouqne, F. H. R. de;— Lutze, A. Galiani, Ferdinando. Del dialetto napoletano. Edizione 3 accresciuta. Napoli, 1789. S. (In Collezione napoletana, v. 29.) 859 19 — Vocabolario delle parole del dialetto napole- tano, che piu si scostano dal dialetto toscano; opera postuma [accresciuta da F. Mazzarella- Farao, ed aggiuntovi L'eccellenza della lingua napoletana di Partenio Tpsco]. Napoli, 1789. 3 V. S. (In same. v. 36-7.) 859 19 Galibert, Leon, <& Pelle, C. Angleterre. Paris, 1843-4, 4 v, O. map. (/n L'univers, 28-31.) 910 18 Vol. 4 is Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande. GALICIA. Suhm, P. F. Om Galicia. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v, 10,) 839.88 5 GALICIAR DIALECT 258 GA3ILE OALICIAN DIALECT. Griizmacher, — . Zur gallicischen Liederpoesie. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 €ralig:uani, Jean Antoine, William, slwAgq., pub- lishers. Galignani's new Paris guide for 1854. Paris [,1853]. S. pi. viaps. 914.4 10 SEA OF GALILEE. Wilson, C. W. pi. map. (In Morrison, W., editor. The recovery of Jerusalem. 1871.) 915.6 30.1 Galilei, Galileo. Capitolo in biasimo della toga, {In Berni, F. Opereburlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 — Berti, D. Storia dei manoscritti galileiani della Biblioteca nazionale di Firenze. {I7i Rome— R. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 editor. II processo originale di Galileo Galilei, pubblicato per la prima volta. Roma, 1876. O. 272 3 — — Same. Nuova edizione accresciuta. Roma, 1878. O. 272 4 — Betliune, J. E. D. Life of Galileo, with illus- trations of the advancement of experimental philosophy. London, 1829-30. O. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) 925 5 — Cariitti, 1). Note inedite intorno a Galileo. {In Rome — R. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 —Galileo Galilei; sein Leben und seine Bedeu- tung fiir die Entwickelung der Naturwissen- schaft. Berlin, 1856. O. [2-t-] 76 p. {In Fort- scliritte der Naturwiss. 3.) 925 1 — Govi, G. Galileo e i matematici del Collegio romano nel 1611. {In Rome— R.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 —Henry, C. Documents nouveaux. {In same. 3 ser. SCI. mor. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 5 — Parcliappe, J. B. M. Galilee, sa vie, ses de- couvertesetsestravaux. Paris, 1866. D. 925 6 —Pilgrim, L. .Galilei. Berlin, 1885. O. 44 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Se- rie.) 043 1 —Pisa. Nel trecentesimo natalizie di Galileo, 18 feb. 1864. 2 edizione. Pisa, 1864. Q. 68[-M] p. 925 7 Chief contents: Lettere di C4alileo.— Lettere a Galileo.— Selinl, F. Un ignoto della vita di Galileo.— Biioiiainicl, P. Pisa e la sua universta ai tempi di Galileo^-Oargaiii, 0. Saggii) di Concetti di Plauto col volgar fiorentino. — Villari, P. Galileo, Bacone e il metodo speri- mentale. {In his Saggi. 1868.) 854 8 — Wolilwill, E. Der Inquisitionsprocess des G. Galilei. Berlin, 1870. O. 272 5 Galitzin, Augustin, prince. Mi^ge, G. Les trois ambashades dt- Carlisle. 1857. 840 4 Galland, Antoine, <& Visdelon, C. de. Supple- ment, 1780, see Herbelot, B. d.' Bibliotheque orientale. 950 1 Gallardo, Bartolome Jos^. Ensayo de una bibli- oteca espanola de libros raros y curiosos;... co- ordinados y aumentados por M. R. Zarco del Valle y J. Sancho Rayon. Madrid, 1863-6. 2 v. Q. 015 7 Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins. [The child's book of the soul; in Bulgarian. 2 edition. Smyrna,] 1851. pt. 1. D. 891 10 Gallenga, Antonio. Abseitsder Schienenwege; Reiseeindriicke. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.; 945 41 — Country life in Piedmont, London, 1858, D. 914.5 52 Gallia, 1629, see Laet, J. de. GALLISON, John. Channing, W. E. Memoir of J. Gallison. {In his Works, 1848, v. 5.) 208 2 Gallo, Agostino. Le vinti giornate dell' agri- coltura ; nuovamente ristampate, Venetia, 1596. D. pi. 630 13 Gallotti, G. C. Processo dei quattro briganti deir Aunis, Cipriano La Gala e compagni; pre- cedutodaun'introduzionestorica, Napoli, 1864. S. ijor. 343 18 Gallus, see Becker, W. A. Gait, John, The life of Lord Byron, New York, 1830. S. (Harper's fam. lib.) 928 12 Gallon, Francis. The art of travel. 3 edition, enlarged. London, 1860. il. 910 19 — editor. Vacation tourists and notes of travel in 1860. Cambridge, 1861. O. il. maps. 910 28 Galyani, Giovanni, conte. Delle genti e delle favelle loro in Italia dai primi tempi storici sino ad Augusto; con un' appendice de studi relativi, Firenze, 1849, O, {In Archivio sto- rico italiano, v. 14.) 470 1 — Sulla verita delle dottrine perticariane nel fatto storico della lingua; dubbi. Milano, 1846, O. 450 19 Gamba, Bartolommeo, editor. Collezione delle migliori opere sci'itte in dialetto veneziano. Venezia, 1817. 14 v. S, 859 49-50 Contents: 1-2. POETI ANTICHI: 1. La guerra de' Nicol- otti e Castellani deirannol521.-Rime tolte da una raccolta intitolata La caravaiia. 2. Veniero, M. Poesie.— Iiigee-iie- ri, A. Poesie. M2. POETI MODhENI: 1-8. Lambertl, A. Poesie. 4. Mazzola, (J. tJ. I cavei de Nina.— Past*, L. Poesie. 5. Pastrt, A. El vin friularo;— La polenta.— Ciimano, G. I oseleti.— (Javanis, M. A. La zuca. 6. Gritti, F. Apologhi scelti. 7. Sams. 11 brigliadoro.— Giovaiielll, B. Sonetti.— Sala, P. Capitolo per accademia. 8. Buratti, P. Poesie. 9, Goldoiii, C. Scherzipoetici.— Gritti, C, B. Canzone, e Risposta di Goldoni. 10. Labia, A. M. Poesie satiriche. 11. Barbaro, A. M. Poesie diverse— Zorzi, M. A. Madrigali. — Cacia, P. L'ipocrisia.— Teozzi, P. II ciar- latano;— I debiti.— Priuli, N. II bouquet. 12. La Monio leta.— Merati, T. Sonetti.— Pozzoboii, G. Poesie.— Bada, G. B. Poesie. — Xovelli, P. A.Soiietto. — Salutazione a Venezia. Gambino of Arezzo. Versi, con un carme di Tommaso Marzi; editi da Oreste Gamurrini, Bologna, 1878. D. {In Scelta di curiosita, 164.) 850 10 Gamble, J. Sykes. On the state forests and forest schools of France. Edinburgh, 1872, O. 34 p. il. 551.58 69 GAMBLING, see DICE. Gambs, J. H, G. Ollendorff's Neue Methode: Anleitung zurErlernung der niederlandischen Sprache. 3 Auflage, vermehrt von D, Schram. Frankfurt a. M,, 1873. D. 439.38 1 GAME LAWS. Argnllol y Serra, J. de, & Ma- spons y Labros, F. La caza; derechos y deberes del proprietario y del cazador; coleccion de di- sposiciones que la reglamentan, comentadas. Barcelona, 1867. D. 349 35 Gaines, G II tierre Diez de.Cronica de Pedro Nino, conde de Buelna. {In Cr6nicas espanolas. v. 3, 1782.) 946 34 — Wolf, A. Le victorial, traduit par A. de Cir- court et le comte de Puymaigre, {In Jalirbnch rom, u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 GAMES, see SPORTS. Den gamle Rabbin, see Ingemann, B. S. No- veller. GAM ON 259 GARNETT (j^aniou, Achille. Memoires, 1497-1558. (In Mi- chaiid & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 8.) 944 9 Gamurrini, Francesco. Antica bilanciavenuta dal Veionese. Roma, 1869. O. 12 p. pi. 389 5 Gamurrini, Oreste, editor, see Gainbino of Arezzo. Versi. 1878. {In Scelta di curiosita. 164.) 850 10 Ganar perdiendo, comedia, see Zorrilla. v. 2. Gandolfo, Persian. Libro delle medesine de falconi; pubbllcato dal Giuseppe Ferraro. Bo- logna, 1877 D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 154.) 850 10 Gans, Eduard.Vorlesungen liber die Gescliichte der letzten 50 Jahre. (In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1833, 34.) 905 1 Gar, Tonimaso. Letture di bibliologia, fatte nella Regia universita degli studi in Napoli, 1865. Torino, 1868. O. tab. 010 2 — editor. Documenti risguardanti Giuliano de' Medici e il pontefice Leone X. {In Varieta storiche italiane.) 945 10 & translator, see Strage di San Barto- lomeo. 1870. 272 1 Garat, Dominique Joseph, comte. De la con- spiration d'Orleans; ecrit en 1797. {In Barri- ^•e cfeLescnre.Menioires, 1857-81, v. 25.) 944 10 Garbo, Tonimaso del. Consiglio contro a pisto- lenza; da Pietro Ferrato. Bologna, 1866. D. 59 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 74.) 850 10 GARCIA, Eduarda (Mancilla), pseudonym Dani- el. Wolf, F. J. Weitere Beitiage zur Geschich- te des Romans im spaniscben Siid-Amerika. (/n Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 Don Garcie de Navarre, comedie, see Moliere, J. B. r. de. V. 2. Garcilaso de la Vega, see Vega. GARD. Darant, S., & others. Album arche- ologique et description des monuments histo- riques du Gard. Nimes, 1853. F. pi. map. 913 35 GARDENING. Vallemont, P. le L. de. Curi- ositez de la nature et de I'art sur la vegetation: ou, L'agriculture et le jardinage. Pans. 1708. S. 630 20 Gardiner, Samnel Rawson, editor. Documents illustrating the impeachment of the duke of Buckingham in 1626. [London,] 1889. sqD. {In Camden soc. n. s. 45.) 820 4.1 Documents relating to the proceedings against William Prynne in 1634 and 1637; with a biographical fragment by John Bruce. [Lon- don,] 1877. sqO. {In same. 1%.) 820 4.1 Letter of the council relating to the pro- ceedings of Sir Edward Coke at Oatlands; and Documents relating to Sir Walter Raleigh's last voyage. 1864. {In Camden misc. 6; in Camden soc. 87.) 820 4 Letters and other documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the 30 years' war. [London,] 1865-8. 2 v. sqO. {In Camden soc. 90, 98.) 820 4 see the following publications of the Cam- den society: 820 4 81. Great Britain— Parliament. Parliamentary debates 1862. 101. Jesus y Jodar, F. de. Narrative of the Spanish mar- riage treaty. 1869. 103, n s. 24. Great Britain— House of lords. Notes of de- bates, by H. Elsins. 1870-9. 104. Bristol, J. D., earl of. Defence. 1871. n. s. 1. The Fortescue papers. 1871. 6. Great Britain— House of oonimons. Debates in 1625. 187.3. 14. Heath, R. Speech in case of A. Leighton;— Croke, G. Notes of the judgment in the case of ship-money; —Roe, T. Letters relating to [his] mission to Gus- tavus Adolphus. 1875. 27. Hamilton papers. 1880. 31. Strafford, T. W., earl of. Four letters;— Mancliester,E. M., earl of. A letter on Cromwell. 1883. 39. England. Reports of cases in the courts of Star chamber and High commission. 1886. Gardner, John. Longevity: the means of pro- longing life after middle age. 3 edition, en- larged. London, 1875. D. 613 12 Gardner, Samnel Jackson. Autumn leaves. New York, 1865. D. 814 8 Gardimade Sevilla,see Castillo Solorzano, Garel, see Pleier. Garelli, Felice. La bonificazione dell' Agro romano. Roma, 1881. O. 91 p. 551.49 7 Garelli, Giovanni. Delle acque minerali d' Ita- lia e delle loro applicazione terapeutiche. To- rino, 1864. O. map. 615 16 Garelli, Vincenzo. Antonio Rosmini. Torino, 1861. T. par. (I contemp. Italiani.) 921 5 Gargani, Gargano. Commentario della fami- glia Forini di Firenze, con documenti ed anno- tazioni. Firenze, 1876. O. tab. 929 6 With autograph letter to Mr. Marsh from Emilio Fo- rini. — II giardino dei Soderini di Firenze, attual- mente di Emilio Forini, pressoS. Salvi; memo- ria con illustrazioni. Firenze, 1878. O. 7-1-84 [ + l]p. tab. 929 13 Edition of 100 copies, not for sale. Copy containing autograph letter to Mr. Marsh from Emilio Forini. — SuUe poesie toscane di Domenico il Burchiello nel secolb 15; studi ed osservazioni. Firenze, 1877. O. • 851 23 GargioUi, Carlo, editor, see Scelta di curiosita. 36, 89, 102, 166. 850 10 Garibaldi, Giuseppe. I mille. Torino, 1874. D. 945 31 A historical novel. — Chambers, — . Garibaldi and Italian unity. London, 1864. O. 945 28 — Marchese, G. 8. Garibaldi. 2 edizionf . To- rino, 1861. T. por. (I contemp. Italiani.) 923 39 — Ricciardi, G. Vita di Garibaldi; continuata al 9 nov. 1860. Firenze, 1860. D. 923 40 — Vecchj, A. V. La vita e le geste di Garibaldi; precedute da una lettera di G. Carducci. Bo- logna, 1882. D. por. facsim. 923 41 GARINS lo Bruns. Bartsch, K. F. Garin der Braune. {In Jahrbuch rom u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Garland, John. Dictionarius. {In same. v. 6, 1865) 805 1 The garland of good-will, see Deloney, T. Garma j Duran, Francisco Xavier de. Adarga catalana; arte heraldica y practicas reglas del blazon, con exemplos. Barcelona, 1753. 2 v. O. pi. 929 IS Garnett, Richard. Philological essays; edited by his son. London, 1859. O. 404 2 For contt-nts see LANGUAGE. GARNIER 260 GA UDEAMUS Gamier of Pont Saint-Maxence. La vie de saint Thomas le martyr, archeveque de Canter- bury; publiee et precedee d'une inti"od action par C. Hippeau. Paris, 1859. D. 841 17.2 — Pey, A. La vie de saint Thomas par Garnier; publ. par Hippeau. {In Jahrbnch nom. u. eng. Lit. V. 2, 1860.) 805 1 Garrett, Edward, pseudonym o/Msiyo, I. F. GARRICK, Gavid. Murphy, A. Memoires de Gari-ick. (In Barriere <& Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 6.) 944 10 Garrigiie, Rudolph P. Bericht an die Commis- sion fiir die Begriindung einer deutschen Buch- hanJlung in den Vereinigten Staaten. [Leip- zig, 184-.] O. 47 p. 686 3 Garzoni, Costantino. Relazione, 1573. (In Do- cumenti di storia ottomana. 1842.) 949 54 Gascard, A., cfc Dupont, C. Krankenheil pres deToelz. Paris[,1870]. O. 20 p. 615 15 Gascoigne, George. Complete poems; now first collected and edited, with memoir and notes. [London,] 1869-70. 2 v. sqO. pi. (In Hazlitt, W. C. Roxburghe lib. 5.) 821 2 — Certayne notes of instruction in English verse, 1575;— The Steele glas, 1576;— The com- playnt of Philomene, 1576; preceded by George Whetstone's A remembrance of Gascoigne. London, 1868. S. (In Arber, E. English re- prints. 11.) 820 9 — Princely pleatures, with the masque in- tended to have been represented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth castle, 1575; with in- troductory memoir and notes, London, 1821. O. por. inserted pi. 822 5 — [Select poems.] (In Southey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Gascoigne, Thomas. Loci e Libro veritatum; passages from Gascoigne's Theological diction- ary illustrating the condition of church and state, 1403-58; with introduction by J. E. T. Rogers. Oxford, 1881. sqO. facsim. 274 3 GASCON DIALECT, see Jasmin, J. GASES. Bartoli, J). La tensione e la pres- sione, disputanti qual di loro sostegna I'argen- tovivo ne' cannelli doppo fattone il vuoto. Bologna, 1677. T. pi. 633 1 — Govi, G. Suir invenzione dell' accendi-fuoco pneurAatico. (In Rome— R.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Topfer, H. Die gasformige Korper und die heutige Vorstellung vom Wesen der Gasform. Berlin, 1877. O. 40 p. (In Virchow c& Hol- tzendorflf. Vortriige. 12 Serie.) 043 1 Gasparin, Agenor iltienne, comte de. Le bon vieux temps. 3 edition. Paris, 1874. D. 301 6 — Le bohheur. 3 edition. Paris, 1865. D. 240 11 —La declaration de guerre. Paris [,1870]. O. 16 p. , 944 50 — Les Etats-Unis en 1861; un grand peuple qui se releve. Paris, 1861. O. 973 31 The half-title bears the following: note in the hand- writing of Mrs. Marsh: "The marginal marks in this volume are transcribed from similar ones found in Baron Ricasoli's copy of the same worlc which he sent to Mr. Marsh in the summer of 1861." — La France ; nos fautes, nos perils, notre avenir. [v. 1,J 3 edition. Paris, 1872-3. 2 v. in 1. D. 944 54 — Innocent III,le siecleapostolique,Constantin. Paris, 1873. D. 270 10 Gasser, Achilles Pirminius. Chronica. (JwWel- ser, M. Chronica der Statt Augspurg, 1595, pt."2.) 943 38 Gastaldi, Bartolomeo. Cenni sui vertebrati fos- sili del Piemonte. [Torino, 1858.] sqF. 68 p. pi. 566 1 bound with 552 2 — Cenni sulla giacitura del cervus euryceros. pi. (In Rome — R. accad, dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 2, 1874-0.) Sui fossili del calcare dolomitico del Chaberton. pi. — Sui rilevamenti geologici in grande scala latti nelle Alpi piemontesi nel 1875. pi. — Frammenti di paleoetnologia itali- ana. il. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Frammenti di geologia del Piemonte: Sugli elementi che compongono i conglomerati mio- ceni. Torino, 1861. sqF. 50 p. il. 552 2 — Intorno ad alcuni fossili del Piemonte e della Toscana, breve note. Torino, 1866. sqF. 46 p. pi. 566 1 hound with 552 2 — Nuove osservazioni sulla origine dei bazini lacustri. [Torino, 1866.] O. 8 p. pi. 551.43 51 — Nuovi cenni sugli oggetti di alta antichita trovati nelle torbiere e nelle marniere dell' Italia. Torino, 1862. sqF. 95 p. il. pi. 571 2 hound with 552 '2 — Su alcuni fossili paleozoici delle Alpi marit- time e deJl' Apennino ligure studiati da G. Michelotti. pi. (In same. 3 ser. sci fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— Sui rilevamenti geologici fatti nelle Alpi piemontesi, 1877. pi. map. (In Rome — R. nccad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Sulla riescavazione dei bacini lacustri per opera degli antichi ghiacciai. Milano, 1865. F. 28[+lJp. map. 651.317 GASTALDITE. Strttver, J. Sulla gastaldite, nuovo minerale del gruppo dei bisilicatianidri, nota. (jfjiRome- R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 Gaster, M., editor. II Phvsiologus rumeno. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 10," 1866-8.) 450 11 Gatien-Arnoult, Adolphe F^lix, editor. Monu- mens de la litterature romane depuis le 14e siecle. Paris [,1841-9]. 4 v. in 2. Q. facsim. 849 12 Contents: 1-3. Las flors del gray saber, estier dichas Las leys d'amors. 4. Las joyas del gay saber. Noted ^s a work "much valued by Mr, Marsh." Gatta, Luigi. L' Italia; sua formazione, suoi vulcani e terrempti. Milano, 1882. O. il. pi. maps. 551.21 7 — La sismologia ed il magnetismo terrestre se- condo le piu recenti osservazioni fatti in Italia. Roma. 1875. Q. map. 561.2 2 —translator, see Maury, M. F. Geografia fisica del mare. 1872. 551.46 2 GATTERER. Johann Christoph. Heeren, A. H. L. (In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 6.) 908 2 Gattinara, Mercurino, conte di. II sacco di Roma nel 1527, relazione; con introduzione & annotazioni del barone D. Camillo Trasmondo- Frangipani dei duchi di Mirabello. Ginevra, 1866. S. 83 p. 946 86 Gauchmatt, see Murner, T. Gaudeamus! see ScheflFel, J. T. GA UDEN 261 GEER CrAUDEN, John, bishop of Worcester. Milton, J. EkowKXdo-TTjs, in answer to FJkuv /SacrtXiKi?. {In his Works, 1863, v. 3.) 821 78 Gaiidin, Leon. Epitres farcies inedites de la Saint-Etienne, en langue romane. music. — Opera de Frontignan (In R«vue des langues romanes. v. 2, 1871.) — Poesies patoises de Nico- las Fizes. (In same. V. 3, 1873.) — Lettres ine- dites de I'abbe Favre. {in same. v. 4, 1873.)— Traduction du 2e chant de I'Eneide par Jour- ^ dan. (in xame. v. 5, 1874.) 479 5 Gaudy-Lefort,— . Glo&saire genevois. [Anon.] 2 edition, augmentee. Geneve, 1827. O. 447 1 Gaufrey, chanson de geste; publiee par F. Guessard et P. Chabaiile. Paris, 1859. S. {In Gruessard, F. Les anciens poetes de la France, 3.) 841 3 Graugen^i^l, Ignaz, editor, see Ulfllas. Ael- teste Denkmaler der deutschen Sprache. 1853. 839.9 4 (.'as, 18.37. Gazul, Clara, pseudonym of Merim^e, P. II gazzettino, see Gigli, G. Gebbia, Michele. Determinazione grafica degli sforzi inter ni nelle travature reticolari con aste sovrabbondanti. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lineei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v.9, 1880-1.) 065 4 GERHARD Truchsess, archbishop of Cologne. Barthold, F. W. Gebhard Truchsess von Wald- burg. (In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschen- buch. 1840.) 905 1 Gebhart, £mile. De I'ltalie; essais de critique et d'histoire. Paris, 1876. D. 945 4 Gebir, see Landor, W. S. Geferoeders, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den, GEER, Anton de, friherre. Oxenstjerna, J. G. Aminnelse-tal ofver A. de Geer, 10 mars 1780. (In his Arbeten, 1805-26, v. 3.) 839.71 32 Geer van Jutphaas, Barthold Jacob Lintelo de. Over de zamenstelling van de Lex Frisio- num. (/n Friesland. Lex Frisionum, 1868.) 349 62 GEFFR Y 262 GEMS Geifroy, Mathieu Anguste. Marie Antoinette et Fersen. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser, sci. mor. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 5 Die Cregeiiwart; eine encyklopadische Darstel- lung der neuesten Zeitgeschichte. Leipzig, 1848-9. V. 1-3. O. 940 28 A supplement to Brockhaus's Conversations-Lexikon. Oelieiiiimisse der Juden, see Reckendorf, H. Der Greheimiiissvolle, eine Novelle, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 14. Grcier, Robert, editor, see Arrianus. De expe- ditione Alexandri. 1856. 888 37 Creiger, Ludwig. Deutsche Satiriker des 16 Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1878. O. 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorif. Vortriige. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — editor, see Burckhardt, J. Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien. 1877-8. 945 9 Geijer, Erik Gustaf. KonungGustaf III:sefter- lemuade papper; ofversikt, utdrag ocli jemnfo- relse. Upsala, 1843-4. 3 v. O. 948 41 Vol. 3 has only pt. 1. — Om var tids inre samhallsforhallanden i syn- nerhet med afseende pa faderneslandet; tre fo- relasningar, 1844. Stockholm, 1845. O. 948 43 — Svea rikes hafder. Upsala, 1825. O. iltp. 948 42.1 Part 1; no more published. — Svenska folkets historia [till Carl X Gustaf]. drebro, 1832-6. 3 v. O. 948 43 — Thorild; tillika en philosophisk eller ophilo- sophisk bekannelse. Upsala, 1820. pt. 1. O. 839.71 49.1 — & Afzelius,A. A., compilers. Alte schwedi- sche Volks-Melodien; flir das Piano-Forte be- arbeitet von P. Gronland. Copenhagen [,1818J. obO. [4 +] 40 p. 784 2 editors. Svenska folk-visor fran forntiden. Stockholm, 1814-16. 4 v. D. iltp. 839.712 Vol. 4, music. — continuer, see Fant, E. M., editor. Scrip- tores rerum Svecicarum, 1818-28, v. 2. 948 38.1 editor, see Litteratur-bladet.1838. 839.7 1 Thorild, T. Samlade skrifter. 1819-35. 839.71 49 Geiler Ton Kaisersberg, Johann. Weltspiegel; Oder, Narrenschifif von Brandt und Geiler. por. (Jn Scheible, J. DasKloster, 1845-50,v. l.)837 16 GeinOZ, Francjois. 'AvoXoyla hr^p rod "Rpoddrov. {In Herodotus. 'laTopla, 1836, v. 3.) 888 4 In modern Greek. Geise, Otto. Die Reblausgefahr, Hamburg, 1888. O. 24 p. pi. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.)' 043 2 Geisenheimer, Leopold. Erdmagnetismus und Nordlicht. Berlin, 1873. O. 28 p. il. {In same. 8 Serie ) 043 1 — Ueber Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. Berl in , 1879. O. 44 p. pi. {In same. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Der Geisterseher, see Schiller, J. C. F. von. Gelasius I., St., pope. Sacramentarium ; anno- tavit Muratorius. {In Migne, J. P. Patrol. Lat. V. 74.) 922 6 Geld und Geist; oder, Die Versohnung, see Bitzius, A. V. 1 3. GELDERLAND. Sloet, L. A. J. W., 'arducci, E. Opere geografiche nelle biblioteche governa- tive deir Italia. —DICTIONARIES. Deschamps, P. C. E. Dic- tionnaire de geographie ancienne et moderne. a I'usage du libraire; par un bibliophile. Paris, 1870. O. Oil 2 Hoffmann, W. Encyklopddie der Erd-, Volker- und Staatenkunde. Leipzig, 1864-6. 2 V. Q. 910 21 — —Murray, H. The encyclopaedia of geogra- phy; revised by T. G, Bradford. Philadel- phia, 1837. 3 V. Q. il. 910 12 — ^Ritter, K. Geographisch-statistisches Le- xikon. 6 Auflage, von O. Henne-AmRhyn. Leipzig, 1874. 2 v. Q. 910 22 — —Thomas, J., & Baldwin, T. A complete pronouncing gazetteer, or geographical dic- tionary, of the world. Philadelphia, 1855. Q. 910 23 —MATHEMATICAL. Hann, J. Astronomische Geographie. {In his Allgemeine Erdkunde. 1872.) 502 3 Steinhauser, A. Grundziige der mai,hema- tischen Geographie und der Landkartenprojec- tion. Wien, 1857. Q. il. pi. 526 3 bound with 504 2 —PERIODICALS. AU round the world; an illustrated record of voyages, travels and ad- ventures; edited by W. F. Ainsworth. [1860-1.] London [, 1861]. v. 1-2 in 1 v. sqQ. il. pi. 910 55 — — L'aunee geographique. 1862-78. Paris, 1863-80. 17 V. in 16. D. 910 46 — — Anniiaire des voyages et de la geographie pour 1847; sous la direction de F. Lacroix. Paris, 1847. v. 4. S. 910 47 — — Berghans, H. K. W. Physikalischer Atlas: Geographisches Jahrbuch. Gotha, 1850-1. 4 v, sqQ. maps. 910 42 Cosmos^ communicazioni sui progressi della geografia e delle scienze affini, diG. Cora. Torino, 1873-88. v. 1-9. Q. maps. 910 48 Supplemento. Torino, 1884-8. 2 v. Q. map. 910 48 — —The geograpliical magazine; edited by C. R. Markham. London, 1874-8. v. 1-5. Q. maps. 910 40 Geographisches Jahrbuch, 1874; herausge- geben von E. Behm. Gotha, 1874. v, 5. D. 910 41 — — Magazin for Reiseiagttagelser; udgivet af R. Nyerup. Kj0benhavn, 1820-5. v. 1-4. D. 910 45 — — Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geo- graphischer Anstalt iiber neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie. [Monthly.] Gotha, 1855-89. v. 1-35. sqQ. il. pi. maps. 910 43 __ — Same: Erganzurigsband. Gotha, 1860-89. V. 1-20. sqQ. pi. maps. 910 44 — —Same: Inhaltsverzeichniss, 1855-74. Gotha, 1865-77. 2 V. sqQ. 910 43 — — highways; edited by C. R. Mark- ham. London, 1873-4. n. s. v. 1. O. map)s. 910 39.1 —SOCIETIES. American geographical society. Journal. New York, 1879-81. v. 11-13. O. maps. 910 49 London — Royal geographical society. Journal. London, 1879. v. 49. O. maps. 810 50 — i — — Proceedings, and monthly record of ge- ography. London, 1880. n. s. v. 2. O. maps. 910 51 Rome— Societa geograflca italiana. Bol- lettino. Firenze, 1868-70. v. 1-5. O. pi. maps. 910 52 GEOLOGY. Anderson, H. J. Geological recon- naissance of part of the Holy Land. (In Lynch, W. F. Official report of U. S. expedition to Dead Sea. 1852.) 915.6 30 — Bennigsen-Forder, R. von. Das nordeuro- paische und besonders das vaterlandische Schwemmland. Berlin, 1863. sqF. 4-)- 56 p. 654.3 4 bound with 651.31 7 — Berendt, G. Geognostische Blicke in Alt- Preussens Urzeit. Berlin, 1871. O. 32 p. (In Yirchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 —Berghans, H. K. W. Geologic. (In his Phys. Atlas, 1845-8, v. 1.) 503 1 GEOLOGY 367 GEOLOGY — Backland, W. Geology and mineralogy con- sidered with reference to natural theology. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. O. pi. 213 2 — ^Biirmeister, H. Geschichte der Schopf ung. 6 Auflage. Leipzig, 1856. O. il.pof. 551 1.1 — Capellini, (x, Ariano e dintorni; cenni geolo- gici suUa valle dell' Ufita, del Galore e del Cervardo. Bologna, 1869. V. 23 p. pi. 554.5 6 hound with 551.31 7 — — Compendio di geologia. Bologna, 1870. pt. 1. O. pi. 551 2 — — Congresso geologico internazionale, 2 ses- sione, Bologna, 1881 : Relazione a Ministro di Hgricoltura. Roma, 1881. O. 56 p. 550 2 — — Ricordi di un viaggio scientifico nell' Ame- rica settentrionale nel 1863. Bologna, 1867. O. map. 017.3 5 — Cocchi, I. Sulla geologia dell' Italia centrals. Firenze, 1864. O. 99 p. pi. 554.5 3 — Cotta, B. von. Deutschlands Boden ; sein geologischer Bau und dessen Einwirkung auf das Leben der Menschen. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1858. 2 V. in 1. O. 554.3 1 — • — Die Geologie der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1866. O. il. 551 3 —Dawson, J. W. The story of the earth and man. London, 1873. D. il. pi. 551 16 — DiUer, J, S. The geology of Assos. — Notes upon the geology of the Troad. il. map. {In Archseol. inst. of Amer. Papers. Clas. ser. 1. 1882.) ^ 913 28 — Figari hey. Etudes geographiques et geolo- giques de 1' Egypte, de la peninsule de 1' Arable Petree, et de la Palestine. Paris, 1864. 6 maps. obF.9 9J2 54 In portfolio 3. — Forchhamnier, J. G. Danmarks geognostiske Forhold, forsaavidt som de ere afhaengige af Dannelser, der ere sluttede. Kj0benhavn, [1835]. sqO. 554.8 1 — Fraas, 0. Aus dem Orient; geologische Beo- bachtungen am Nil, auf der Sinai-Halbinsel und in Syrien. Stuttgart, 1867. O. pi. 555 1 — Grastaldi, B. Frammenti di geologia del Pie- monte: Sugli elementi che compongono i con- glomerati mioceni. Torino, 1861. sqF. 50 p. U. 552 2 ^ — & Baretti, M. Sue rilevamenti geologici in grande scala fatti nelle Alpi piemontesi nel 1875, 1877. pi. map. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v, 3, 1875-6, pt 2; 3 ser. Hci. fis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 3-4 — (Jatta, L. L' Italia; sua formazione, suoi vul- cani e terremoti. Milano, 1882. O. il. pi. maps. 551.21 7 — triordano, F. Sul sistema usato pel rileva- mento della carte geologica d' Italia. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — (xorini, P. II plutonismo attacato da una commissione accademica, e difeso da Gorini. Lodi, 1853. O. 552 1 — Ootlie, J. W. TOn. {In his Werke, 1827-42, V. 51, 60.) 832 1 — Hann, J. Asti-onomische Geographic. {In his AUgemeine Erdkunde. 1873.) 502 3 — Hartung, G. Die skandinaviscbe Halbinsel, eine geologische Skizze. Berlin, 1877. O. 40 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — Hoclistetter, F. von. Geologie. {In Hann, J. AUgemeine Erdkunde. 1872.) 502 3 — lyernlf, T. Einige Chronometer der Geolo- gie. Berlin, 1880. O. 87 p. il. {In Tirchow & Holtzendorir. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 — — Veiviser ved geologiske Excursioner i Christiania Omegn. Christiania, 1865. Q. 4 + 43 p il. 554.8 3 hound with 552 2 — — & Dalill, T. Geologisk Kart over det sondenf jeldske Norge. Christiania, 1866. O. 16 p., cfc Atlas. sqF\ 554.8 4 — French: Carte geologique de la Norvege meridionale. Christiania, 1866. O. 19 p. 554.8 4 — Lyell, C. Elements of geology. London, 1838. O. il. pi. 551 6 — — Principles of geology. 8 edition. London, 1850. O. il. pi. maps. 551 7 Same. 10 edition. London, 1867-8. 2 v. O. il. pi. maps. 551 7 — Mantovani, P. Descrizione geologica della Campagna romana. Torino, 1874. O. pi. map. 554.5 2 — Miller, H. The old red sandstone. From 4 London edition. Boston, 1851. D. pi. 551 9 — — The testimony of the rocks: or. Geology in its bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealed. Boston, 1857. D. pi. il. 215 2 — Montagna, C. Nouvelle theorie du metamor- phisme des roches fondee sur les phenomenes de fossilisation. Naples, 1869. O. pi. 551.6 1 — iNeues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefakten-Kunde. Stuttgart, 1841. O. il. pi. maps. 550 1 — Omboni, (J. Le nostre Alpi e la pianura del Po; descrizione geologica del Piemonte, della Lombardia, del Trentino, del Veneto e dell' Istria. Milano, 1879. D. il. 551.43 41 —Page, D. Economic geology; or. Geology in its relations to the arts and manufactures. Ed- inburgh, 1874. O. il, pi. map injiocket. 553 1 — — French: Geologie techiiologique ; traduc- tion libre par S. Meunier. Paris, 1877. S. il. 553 1 — -Palissy, B. CEuvres completes; por P. A. Cap. Paris, 1844. D. 553 2.1 — Ponzi, (x. Del bacino di Roma; illustrazione alia carta geologica dell' Agro romano. Roma, 1872. O. 50 [+J] p. map. 554.5 3 — — Osservazioni geologiche fatte lungo la valle latina da Roma a Montecassino. map. (In Rome — Accad. pont. de' nuovi lincei. Atti. V. 1, 1847-8.) 065 1 — —La Tuscia Romana e la Tolfa. maps. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 —Ramsay, A. C. The physical geology and ge- ography of Great Britain. London, 1863. D. il. 554.2 1 — Rotli, J. S. A. Die geologische Bildung der norddeutschen Ebene. Berlin, 1870. O 36 p. {In Vircliovf & Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — St. Gotliard tunnel. Geologische Tabellen und Durchschnitte uber den Gotthardtunnel. Bern, 1876-81. pt. 1-8. F.^ pi. 622 9 GEOLOGY 268 GETtBERT — SarSj M. Geologiske og zoologiske lagttagel- ser i Trondhjems Stift, 1862. Christiania, 1863. O. [H-J88p. 554.8 5 — Scliumann, J. Geologische Wanderungen durch Altpreussen; gesanimelte Aufsatze, mit einer Lebensekizze. Konigsberg, 1869. O. 554.3 2 hound with 551.58 114 — Spratt, T. A. B. On the geology of Malta and Gozo. [Malta,] 1852. O. 24 p. pi. map. 554.5 4 — Staring, W. C. H. De boden van Nederland. Haarlem, 1856-60. 2 v. O. pi. maps. 654.9 1 — — Het voorkomen van diluviale gronden op Java. Amsterdam, 1864. O. 11 p. 559 2 — — Voorinaals en thans; opstellen over Neer- lands grondsgesteldheid. Haarlem, 1858. O. maps. 554.9 2 — Stoppani, A. II bel paese; bellezze natural!, geologia e geografia fisica d' Italia. Milano, 1876. O. 554.5 1 — — Corso di geologia. Milano, 1871. 3 v. O. 551 10 Contents: 1. Dinamica terrestre. 2. Geologia strati- graflca. 3. Geologia endograflca. & others. Geologia d' Italia. Milano, [1879-] 83. 3 V. in 1. Q. il. pi. maps. (In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 2 Contents: 1. Negri, G. Descrizione dei terreni. 2. Stop- pani, A. L'era neozoica. 3. Mercalli, G.Vulcani e fenome- ni vuloanici. A glacier map in 8 leaves belonging to r. 2 is bound -with L'ltalia: Carte diversi. ■— Taramelli, T. Catalogo ragionato delle rocce del Friuli, memoria. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7. pt. 1.) 065 4 — Thomassy, M. J. K. Geologie pratique de la Louisiane. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1860. sqQ. pi. 557 1 — Venema, Gr. A. Over het dalen van de noor- delijke kuststreken van ons land. Groningen, 1824. O. [8+] 79 p. pi. 627 44 — Vogt, C. Grundriss der Geologie. Braun- schweig, 1860. D. il. tab. 551 11 See also ALL^GRE; BASALT; BOHMERWALD; CAVES; CHALK; COAL; COASTS; DANUBE; EARTHQUAKES; EMERY. EROSION; GEMS; GLACIERS; GRANITE; GRAPHITE; ICE AGE; ICEBERGS: LAKES; LAZIO; LOMBARDY; MINERAL WATERS; MOUNTAINS; OCEAN; PEAT; PEPERINO; PE- TBOLEUM; PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY; PISA; PRECIOUS METALS; SAND; SANDSTONE; SEASONS; SERPENTINE. SOIL; SURTURBRAND; TARENTO; TERTIARY PERIOD.' VALLEYS. GEOMETRY. Caporali, E. Sopra i piani ed i punti singolari della superficie di Kummer. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Chizzoni, F. Sulle superficie e sulle linee che si ottengono come luogo o come inviluppo delle rette congiungenti i punti corrispondenti di due curve omografiche plane, memoria di ge- ometria pura. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 —Cremona, L. Sulla corrispondenza fra la teoria dei sistemi di rette e la teoria delle su- perficie. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 8 — Helmholtz, H. L. F.Ueber den Ursprungund die Bedeutung der geometrischen Axiome. (In his Vortrage, 1884, v. 2.) 604 5 —Lucas, E. Sur un principe fondamental de geometric et de trigonometric. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877- 8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Ovidio, E. d'. Le funzioni metriche fonda- mentali negli spazidi [n] dimensioni e di curva- tura costante. (In same. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Paolis, R. de. Sui fondamenti della geome- tria projettiva. (In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 —Veronese, G. Sopra alcune notevoli configu- razioni di punti, rette e piani di coniche e su- perficie di 2o grado e di altre curve e superficie. (In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 See also CIRCLE; COMPLEXES; HEXAGRAM. —ANALYTICAL. Battaglini, (J. Nota intorno ad una superficie di 8o ordine, (In same. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 — — Bianclii, L. SuU' applicabilita delle super- ficie degli spazi a curvatura costante. (In same. 2 ser. sci.fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — —Ovidio, E. d'. Alcune proprieta metriche dei complessi e delle congruenze lineari in ge- ometria projettiva. — Sulla reti di comples&i lineari nella geometria metrico-projettiva.— Le serie triple e quadruple di complessi lineari nella geometria metrico projettiva. (In same. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — — Paolis, R. de. Le trasformazioni piane doppie, memoria. (I7i same. 3 ser. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) — La trasformazione plana doppia di se- condo ordine, e la sua applicazione alia geome- tria non euclidea. (In same. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) — La trasformazione plana doppia di terzo ordine, primo genere, e la sua applicazione alle curve del quarto ordine. (In same, pt. 2.) 065 4 GEORGE, St. An Anglo-Saxon passion of St. George; edited, with a translation, by C. Hard- wick. London, 1850. D. [5-I-] 84-28 p. (In Percy soc. v. 28.) 820 6 — Reinbot von Darn. Der heilige Georg. (In Hagen, F. H. von der, Deutsche Gedichte. 1808.) 831 5 GEORGE IV., king of England. Croly, G. Life and times of George IV. New- York, 1831. S. por. 923 42 GEORGE A GREEN. History of George a Green, pindar of the town of Wakefield. (In TliomSjW. J. Prose romances, 1828,v.2.) 823 2 George Dandin; ou, Le mari confondu, come- die, see Moli^re, J. B. P. de. v. 5. LAKE GEORGE. Lanman, C. Lake Horicon. (In his Letters. 1845.) 814 12 Georges, Karl Ernst. Deutsch-lateinisches Worterbuch, see Riddle & Arnold. English- Latin Lexicon. 1868. 473 6 Georgi, Otto. Die heiligen Statten nach Origi- nalzeichnungen nach der Natur. Leipzig, n. d. sqQ. 6+91 p. pi. iltp. 915.6 28 bound tvith 913 17 GEORGIA, 4sm. Famin, S. M. C.Georgie. 1838. pi. map. (In L'univers. 61.) 910 18 Georgica, see Vergilius Maro, P. Georgiewits, Bertalan. De Turcarum moribus epitome. Lugduni, 1553. Tt. il. 390 20.1 G6rard de Rossillon, see Girartz. Gerbert, Martin, Baron von Hornau. Iter Ale- mannicum; accedit Italicum et Gallicum. Editio 2. Typis San-Blasianis, 1773. D. pi. facsim. 914.3 1 GERBINO 269 GERMAN DIALECTS [Gerbino and Rosina:] Anmuthige Geschichte von Prinz Gerbino und Prinzessin Rosina. Leipzig, n.d. D. 34 p. %l. (J/i Volksbilcher, 44.) 833 22 Gerda, see Teg-ner, E. Geret, Samuel Luther von. Polenin 1766-8; aus den Berichten des Tliorner Residenten am War- schauer Hofe, S. L.v. Geret, von Leopold Prowe. Berlin, 1870. O. 943 61 Crerhard, Johann. Soings discurs dad iin' olma fidevla, cun Deus a cun saseza, par sa muentar si tier iinna vera temma da Deus; ussa mess giu en rima runionscha tras Johann Moeii ad ussa tras Barnabas Moeli. Squitschau en Ba- naduz, 1789. nar. S. 245 5 Bound in stamped calf, with brass ornamentation. Crerlach, L. Illustrirtes Worterbtich der mit- telalterliclien Kirchenbaukunst. Stuttgart, 1871. O. il. 726 6 Gerland, E. Die Dampfmaschine im 18 Jahr- hundert in Deutschland. Hamburg, 1887. O. 44 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. NeueFolge. 2.) 043 2 — Der leere Raum, die Constitution der Korper und der Aether. Berlin, 1883. O. 40 p. {In same 18 Serie.) 043 1 —Das Thermometer. Berlin, 1885. O. 4S p. (7n same. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Garland, Georg Karl Cornelius. tJber das Aus- sterben der Naturvolker. Leipzig, 1868. O. 672 7 GERMAN, St., bishop of Auxerre. Newman, J. H., & others. {In their Lives of the Eng- lish saints, 1844-5, v. 6.) 922 8 GERMAN,^/ie tt'ord. Watterich, — . Derdeutsche Name Germanen; und die ethnographische Frage vom linken Rheinufer; eine historische Untersuchung. Paderborn, 1870. O. viap. 943 2 GERMAN DIALECTS. Altdeutsche Neujahrs- blsetter fiir 1874; mittel- und niederdeutsche Dialektproben herausgegeben von A. Birling- er und W. Crecelius. Wiesbaden, 1874. sqQ. 6 [+74] p. 839.1 6 •—Ellis, A. J. German dialectical changes. {In his On early English pronunciation, 1869-89, v. 4; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 23.) 820 5.1 — Firmenich-Richartz, J. M., editor. Germa- niens Volkerstimmen; Sammlung der deut- schen Mundarten in Dichtungen, Sagen, Miihrchen, Volksliedern u. s. w. Berlin, 1846- 54. 3 V. Q. 839.1 1 — Gielme, F. Deutsche Mundarten; Anthologie aus den Gebieten mundartlicher Dichtung. Wien,1873. D. 839.12 — ^Munich— K. baier, Akad. der Wiss.— ffist Commis, Die Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, 14-16 Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1862-89. v. 1-21. O. facsim. maps. 943 24 —HIGH GERMAN. See, ALEMAXMC; AUSTRIAN; BAVARIAN; BERNESE; CARINTHIAN; CIMBRIAN; OOTTSCHEE; PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN: PIEDMONT; STRASSBURG; SWISS; VIENNESE ato Aveiitinus, J. Chronica; Brunscliwysrk, H. Liber de arte distillandi. 1500 (Strassburg) ; Dietz, C. Annales. 1621 (Augsburg); Fuchs, L. Den nieuwen Herbarius. 1543 (Basel); Oobius, J. Himelstrass. 1610 (Augsburg); Hierony- nius, St. Das ist sant Pauls leben. 1498 (Stn Hitfelt, E.Falkenbuch. (1350? Vienna?); Karajaii, T. G. von. Kaiser Maximilians I. Jagdbuch, etc. (1508? Viennaf); Klingenberg, J. von. Chronik,-1460 ; Rauwolff, L. Aigent- liche beschreibung. 1581 (Augsburg) ; Regimen sanitatis. 1482 (Augsburg) ; RUNKELSTEIN. 1493 (Bozen) ; Schilt- berger, J. Reisen, 1394-1427 (Munich) ; Stumptt', J. Schwy- tzer Chronica. 1554; Tauler, J. Sermones. 1508 (Augsburg); Tschachtlan, B. Berner-Chronili, 1421-66; Von den siben slafaeren, 13 Jahrh.; Welser, M. Chronica der Statt Augs- purg. —LOW GERMAN. Ber^liaus, H. G.Der Sprach- schatz der Sassen : Worterbuch der plattdeut- schen Sprache. Brandenburg, 1880-3. 3 v. Q. 439.43 1 A — Paddeln. ~- ^Brnns, P. J. Romantische und andere Gediehte in altplattdeutscher Sprache. Berlin, 1798. D. 839.4 2 Dannehl, C. W. G. Ueber niederdeutsche Sprache und Literatur. Berlin, 1876. O. 64 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — — Eicliwald, K., compiler. Niederdeutsche Sprichworter und Redensarten; mit Glossar. 4 Ausgabe. Bremen, 1870. D. 398 39 — — Frelise, F. Worterbuch zu Fritz Renter's sammtlichen Werken. Wismar, 1867. D. [4-I-] 94 p. 839.4 12 Hamburg — Verein fiir niederdeutsche Sprachlorschung'. Jahrbuch. 1875. Bremen, 1876. O. 439.1 1 — — Heyne, M., editor. Kleinere altnieder- deutsche Denkmaler: mit Glossar. Paderborn, 1867. O. 839.1 7 bound ivith 838 7 — — Kosegarten, J. G. L. Worterbuch der niederdeutschen Sprache alterer und neuerer Zeit. Greifswald, 1856-60. v. 1, pt. 1-3. sqQ. 439.1 2 A— angetoget. No more published. — — Marahens, A. Gramuiatik der plattdeut- schen Sprache. Altona, 1858. D. 439.45 1 Schiller, K., 1- 831 19 See also Alpharts Tod; Alxinger, J. B.; Ancelnius; Anno; Arndt, C. M.; Bible— 6>. J'.— Diu Buochir Mosis; Biterolf und Dietlieb; Bodenstedt, F. M. ¥on: Boner, U. ; Brandt, S.; Bur8rer,G. A.; Chamisso, A. yon; CIIARLEMAOA'E; Clau- dius, M.; Dietricljs Ahnen,— Flucht; Fiscliart, J.; Frei- dank, B.; Geograpliie aus dem 13ten Jahrhundert; GER- MAN LITERATURE-ROMANCES; Der Got Amur; Gotlie, J. W. TOn; Gottfried von Strassburg; Gregorovius; Der grosse Rosegarten; Gudrun; Hagedorn, F. von; Harden- berg, F. L. von; Hartmann der Anne; Hartniann ton Aue; Hauff, W.; Hebel, J. P.; Heine, H.; Heinricli der arme Knecht; Heinrich von Freiberg; Heinrich von Melk; Heli- and; Hildebrandslied; Holty, L. H. C; Hornen Siegfried; JoNepii; Diu Klage; Kieist,E.C.von; Kopiscli, A,; Komer, K. T. ; Kortnni, K. A.; Lambreclit; La MotteFouque, F. H. K. de; Langbein, A. F. E.; Laurin; Lessing, G. E. ; Lichten- stein, U. von; Livlandischc Reimchronik; LOUIS III.; Der Moncli von Heilsbronn; Mumer, T.; Nibelungeniied; NIco- lay, L. H. von; Orendel und Bride; Ortnit; Oswald von Wolkenstein; Ottfried von Weissenburg; Pilatus; Pleier; Rabensehlacht; Redwltz-SclimeltJS, 0. von; Reinbot von Born; Reynard ttie fox ; Robinson, T. A. L. v. J. ; Ron, K. von der; ROTHEB, king: Rucliert, J. M. F.; Saclis, H.; Salis-Seevvls, J. G.G.; Sanders, D.; Sclilegel, A. W. von & K. W. F. ; Sclieffel, V. ; Scliiller, J. C. F. von; Schneclten- burger, M.; SOLOMON; Der Striclter; Tatianns; Tlieuerdank; TYROL jfcingr,- Uliland, J. L. ; Veldecke, H. von; Vintler, H. ; Volniar; Von Tieren unde von Fogilen; Voss, J. H.; Walberan; Wieland, C. M.; Wolfdletrich; Der Wartburgkrieg; Der Winsbeke; Wolfram von Eschenbach; Wiganiur; Wyss, J. It.; Zeno. —ROMANCES. Brans, P. J. Romantische und andere Gedichte in altplattdeutscher Sprache. Berlin, 1798. D. 839.4 2 — —Grimm, W. K. Die deutsche Heldensage. Gottingen, 1829. O. 831 4 — —Never, J. Richard Wagner und die deutsche Sage. Hamburg, 1889. O. 42 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 — — Volksbiicher, herausgegeben von G. O. Marbach. Leipzig, 1838[-45]. 53 v. in 6. D. il. 833 22 For contents see Peabody catalogue under Marbach. Weber, H. W., & Jamieson, R. Illustra- tions of northern antiquities, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian romances. Edin- burgh, 1814. sqF. 831 22 See also Aymon's sons; BLUEBEARD; Dietrich of Bern; FAUST, J.; Hermann der Cherusker; Melusine; Reynard GERMANIC LANGUAGES, see TEUTONIC. GERMANIC RACES, see GERMANY. GERMANICUS CAESAR. Wietersheim, K. A. W. E. von. Der Feldzug des Germanicus an der Weser im Jahre 16. {In Leipsic— K. sSichs. Gesell. Abhandl. phil.-hiat. cl.v.l. 1850.) 737 1 GERMANY— ANTIQUITIES. Grimm, J. L. K. Deutsche Grenzalterthiimer. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 2.) 408 2 Idunna und Hermode ; eine Alterthums- zeitung fiir 1816 ; herausgegeben von F. D. Grater. Hall [,18661. sqO. pi. facsim. music. 830 1 — — Major, J. I), Bevolckertes Cimbrien ; oder. Die Halb-Insel Deutschlandes, nebst dero ersten Einwohnern und ihrer Ankunfft. Plon, 1692. Q. 913 34 — — — Prodromus Atlanticas ; vel, Regnorum septentrionalium in achate alho exprefrs-orum declaratio praeliminaris chorographica. Kilise, 1691. Q. il. pi. map. 913 34 — — Riecke, C. F. Die Urbewohner und Alter- thiimer Deutschlands. Nordhausen, 1868. O. pi. map. 913 35 — —Tacitus, C. C. Libellus de situ, moribus et populis Germaniae. (In his Opera, 188i-9, v. 4.) 878 17 rr — — Germanische Alterthiimer: mit Text, tibersetzung und Erklarung von Tacitus Ger- mania, von A. Holtzmann; herausgegeben von A. Holder. Leipzig, 1873. O. 878 20 Worsaae, J. J. A. Den nationale Oldkyn- dighed i Tydskland. (7w Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.,) 948 2 GERMANY— ANTiq VITIES 274 GERMANY— HISTOR Y Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum ; he- rausgegeben von Moriz Haupt. Leipzig, 1841- 79. 23 V. in 12. O. 830 3 See also AUGSBURG; HILDESHEIM. —CROWN, see INSIGNIA. —DESCRIPTION. Ascham, R. A report of the affaires and state of Germany. {In his Whole works, 1864-5, v. 3.) . 828 2 — — Bagffesen, .f. I. Digtervandringer. {In his Danske Va^rker, 1827-32, v. 8-11.) . 839.81 12 — — Bers?haus,H.K.W.Was man von Deutsch- land weiss. {In his Was man von der Erde weiss, 1856-7, v. 2-3.) 914 2.1 Cecchi, Gr. M. Compendio di piu ritratti, Bologna, 1867. D. 95 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 81.) 850 10 Cesare, C. de. La Germania moderna. Roma[,1872?] O. 943 27 — — Grerbert, M. Iter Alemannicum; accedit Italicum et Gallicum. Editio 2. Typis San Blasianis, 1773. D. pi. facsim. 914.3 1 — — Kernell, P. U. Anteckningar under en resa i det sydliga Europa. 4 uplagen. Linko- ping, 1833. T. 914.5 34 — — Kohl, J. Gr. Reise zur Wesermiindung. — Die Donau. — Eine Moselfahrt von Trier nach Koblenz. {In his Skizzen. 1851.) 304 3 — — Kullberg, K. A. {In his Bref, anteckning- ar och skizzer fran utlandet, 1844, v. 1.) 914 5 — —Murray, J., publisher. Handbook for travellers in southern Germany. 13 edition. London, 1876. D. maps. 914.3 6 ^ ^Slyke, J. vander. Journal van onze reyze naer Weenen, 1716. Gent [, pref. 1849]. Q. {In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 2ser. 10.) 839.3 3 Stael-Holstein, A. L. €f. N. de. De I'Alle- magne. 4 edition. Paris, 1818. 4 v. S. por. 914.3 2 ^ ^Staffeldt, A. W. S. von. Beretning om bans Reise i Tydskland og Norditalien, 1796- 1800. {In his Samlede Digte, 1843-7, v. 3-4.) 839.81 51 SeecUso AUSTRIA; BOHMERWALD; DRESDEN; FRISIAN ISLANDS; HARTZ MOUNTAINS; MOSEL; PRUSSIA; RHINE; SCHLESWIG: ULM. — FOREIGJN RELATIONS. Gardiner, S. R. Letters and other documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the thirty years' w^ar. [London,] 1865-8. 2 v. sqO. {In Camden soc. 90, 98.) 820 4 Mommsen, C. M. T. Agli Italiani. Ber- lino, 30 agosto 1870. O. 26 p. 943 28 — —Strauss, D. F. Krieg und Friede, zwei Briefe an Renan. Leipzig, 1870. O. 66 p. 943 28 — — Sybel, H. K. L. von. Der Frieden von 1871. DiisseldoVf, 1871. O. 943 28 See also Johnson, D. The political comedy of Europe; SCHLESWIG. —GEOLOGY, see GEOLOGY. —GOVERNMENT. Macchiavelli, N. Ritratti delle cose dell' Alemagna. — Rapporto di cose della Magna. — Discorso sopra le cose di Ala- magna. {In his Opere, 1819, v. 6.) 858 10 —HISTORY. Abel, C. Teutsche und sachsische Alterthiimer. Braunschweig, 1729-80. 3 v. in 2. S. pi. 943 10 Arnold, W. Deutsche Urzeit. 2 Auflage. Gotha, 1880. O. 943 11 Aventinus, J. Chronica. Franckf ort a. M. , 1580. F.^ il. tab. 943 36 Belieim-Schwarzbach, M. Die Besiedelung von Ostdeutschland durch die zweite germani- sche Volkerwanderung. Berlin, 1882. O. 32 p. {In Virchow <& Holtzendorflf.Vortrage. 17 Serie.) 043 1 Eckhard, J. G. von, editor. Corpus hi- storicum medii sevi. Lipsiae, 1723. 2 v. F. 943 13 For contents see Eckhard. — — Earinhard. Les ceuvres; traduites en fran- 9ais par A. Teulet. Paris, 1856. D. 943 13.1 _Eike von Repgow. Das Zeitbuch; in nieder- deutscher Sprache und in lateinischen Uber- setzung herausgegeben von H. F. Massmann. Stuttgart, 1857. O. 831.1 9 —Forbes, A. My experiences of the war be- tween France and Germany. Leipzig, 1871. 2 V. S. (Tauchnitz edition.) 943 30 ^Freytag, G. Bilder aus der deutschen Ver- gangeuheit [,1200-1848]. 5-17 Auflage. Leipzig, 1867-89. 4 V. O. 943 25 Hagen, K. Ueber die offentliche Meinung in Deutschland von den Freiheitskriegen, 1813- 19. {In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschen- buch. 1846.) 905 1 Historischer Verein fiir Niedersachsen. Zeitschrift. 1869. Hannover, 1870. O. pi. map. 943 55 IHustrirte Kriegs-Chronik ; Gedenkbuch an den deutsch-franzosischen Feldzug von 1870-1. Leipzig, 1871. F.^ il. por. pi. iltp. maps. 943 29 ^—Klopp, 0. Geschichten, charakterische Ziige und Sagen der deutschen Volkerstamme aus der Zeit der Volkervanderung bis zum Vertrace von Verdun. Leipzig, 1851. 2 v. D. 943 14 Le Bas, P. Allemagne. Paris, 1838-9. 2 v. O. maps. {In L'univers. 25-6.) 910 18 Etats de la confederation germanique. Paris, 1842. O. por. pi. {In same. 27.) 910 18 Lipperheide, F., editor. Lieder zu Schutz und Trutz; Gaben deutscher Dichter aus der Zeit des Krieges, 1870. Berlin [,1870-1]. 4 v. in 1. O. facsim. iltp. 831 10 Marselli, N. Gli awenimenti del 1870; studio politico e militare. Torino [,18'70]. D. 943 31 del 1870-1. Torino,1871. 2 v. D. maps. 943 32 Munich— K. baler. Akad.der Wish.— Hist. Commis. Die Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, vom 14 bis in's 16 Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1862- 89. V. 1-21. O. facsim. maps. 943 24 Contents: IS, 10, U. Niirnberg, 5 v. 4-5. Augsburg. Sv. 6,16. Braunschweijr. 2v. 7. Magdeburg. 8,9. Strassburg. 2 v. 12-14. Coin. 3 v. 15. Regensburg.— Landshut.— Millildorf.— Miinchen. 17-18. Mainz. 2 v. 19. Liibelcv. 1. 20. Dortmund.— Neuss. 21. Soest. Mutius, H.De Germanorum prima origine, moribus, institutis, legibus & gestis, ad 1539. Basiled, 1539. F. 948 84 GERMANY— HISTOE Y 275 GERSON' Pertz, G. H., editor. Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, in usum scholarum ex Monu- mentis Germaniae historicis recusi. Hannove- rae, 1839-90. 39 v. in 9. O. 943 16 For contents see Pertz. Rauiiier, F. L. tr. von.Geschichte Deutsch- lands von der Abdankung Karls V. bis zum westphalischen Frieden, 1558-1648. (/?WiisHist. Taschenbuch. 1831, 32.) 905 1 Respiiblica et status imperii Romano-Ger- manici. Lugduni Batav., 1634-40. 2 v. in 1. Tt. 094 ^9 Schilter, J., editor. Thesaurus antiquita- tum Teutonicarum. Ulmse, 1727-8. 3 v. F. il. pi. iltp. 830 9 __. —Schroder, R. Die niederlandischen Kolo- nien in Norddeutschland zur Zeit des Mittel- alters. Berlin, 1880. O. 48 p. map. (In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff.Vortrage. 15 Serie.)043 1 Wachsnmth, E. W. (J. Geschichte deut- scher Nationalifat. Braunschweig, 1860-2. 3 V. O. 943 1 Westphalen, E. J.voii, editor. Monumenta inedita rerum Germanicarum praecipue Cim- bricarum et Megapolensium. Lipsise, 1739-45. 4 V. F.-* por. pi. 943 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Brenner, 0. Nord- und Mitteleuropa in den Schriften der Alten, bis zum Auftreten der Cimbern und Teutonen. Miinchen, 1877. O. 943 12 The half title reads : Quellen zur Kunde des alten Ger- manlens. — — — Lorenz, 0. Deutschlands Geschichts- quellen im Mittelalter [,1250-1400]. Berlin, 1870. O. 943 4 Wattenbach, W. Deutschlands Ge- schichtsquellen im Mittelalter bis zur Mitte (^s 13ten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1858. O. 943 3 See also .EB0; ABMAGXACS; AUGSBURG; BRUNSWICK; CHABLEMAGXE; CONBAD IV.; DITMABSCH; DOBMIOI.Z. HAUSEN; FBAXKS; GOTHS; HAMBURG; HANSEATIC LEAGUE; HENBY I., IV., VI.; HEBMANJf; HOLSTEIIV; KATZIANEB, H.; LIMBUBO; LOMBABDY; LOBBAINE; LUTZEX; MOBILITY; OTHO I., III. ; POLAND; POMEBANIA ; PRUSSIA; BHIXE; SCHLESWIG; STBASSBUBO; SWABIA; THIBTY YEABS' WAB; THUBINGIA; TOLZ; VANDALS; WOBMS; WtJBTEMBEBG. — MAPS. Ravenstein, L. Special-Karte von Deutschland, der Schweiz und benachbarten Landern. Hildburghausen, 1868. obF.^ 12 maps. 912 11 In portfolio 1. «_ — [Seven German maps.] 912 47 In portfolio 1. —MILITARY AFFAIRS. Moltke, H. K. B.von. Reden, 1867-78. Berlin, 1879. O. 83 p. 355 7 —NAVY. Kohl. J. G. Die deutsche Kriegs- flotte. (7?i Tizs Skizzen, 1851, v. 1.) 304 3 —POLITICS. Bluntschll, J. C. Die nationale Staatenbildung und der moderne deutsohe Staat. Berlin, 1870. O. 47 p. {In Yirchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — — Contarini, L. Relazione... da Ferdinando re de' Romani. 1548. {In A., E. Illustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 25 Fallnierayer, J. P. Zur europaischen Politik. — Deutschland. {In his Werke, 1861, v. 2.) 908 1 Heeren, A. H. L. Der deutsche Bund iu seinen Verhaltnissen zu dem europaischen Staatensystem. 1816. {In his Werke, 1821-30, V. 2.) 908 1 Hnber, J. N. Das Verhaltniss der deut- schen Philosophic zur nationalen Erhebung. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 Marselli, N. Gli awenimenti del 1.870; studio politico e militare. Torino [,1870]. D. 943 31 del 1870-1. Torino, 1871. 2 v. D. maps. 943 32 Navagero, B. Relazione... da Carlo V. 1546. (In A., E. Illustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 25 Richter, J. P. F. Friedenspredigt an Deutschland.— Dammerungen fiir Deutschland. —Mars und Phobus Thronwechsel — Politische Fastenpredigten, (Inhis Sammt. Werke, 1840- 2, V. 25 ) 833 24 Tiepolo, N. Relazione... da Carlo V. 1532. {In A., E. Illustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 25 See cOso BURSCHENSCHAFT. —SOCIAL LIFE. Korn, F. Die Sitten und Gebrauche der Deutschen und ihrer Nachbar- volker. Stuttgart, 1849. S. {In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, v. 12.) 837 16 ^Kriegk, G. L. Deutsches Biirgerthum im Mittelalter. Frankfurt a. M., 1868. O. 390 12 Rochholz, E. L.Altdeutsches Burgerleben. Berlin, 1867. O. {In his Deutscher Glaube und Branch im Spiegel der heidnischen Vor- zeit, V. 2.) 390 10 Scheible, J., editor. Die gute alte Zeit; zur nahern Kenntniss der Sitten, Gebrauche '* und Denkart in den letzten fiinf Jahrhunder- ten. Stuttgart, 1847. S. pi. {In his Das Kloster, v. 6.) 837 16 Schultz, A. Das hofische Leben zur Zeit der Minnesinger. Leipzig, 1879-80. 2 v. O. 390 13 GERMS. Beale, L. S. Disease germs; their real nature. London, 1870. D. col. pi. 616 2 — — Disease germs; their supposed nature. London, 1870. D. 9-f82 p. col. pi. 616 1 — Filrst, L. Das Sterilisiren und Pasteurisiren der Kindt-rnahrung. Hamburg, 1888. Q. 24 p. il. {In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Gerner, Henrik Thomesen, bishop. Epitome philologias Danicse [Danish]. Kiobenh., 1690. S. 439.8 3 Gerold, Carl's Sohn. Die Literatur der letzten 10 Jahre [1857-66] aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Land- und Forstwirthschaft. Wien [,1866]. O. 016 16 bound with 010 3 Gerrard, John. Siglaiium Romanum. {In Facciolati * Forcellini. Lexicon, 1828.) 473 3 Gerrit Witse, Novelle, see Beets, N. Gerson, Jean Charlier.Tractatus de probatione spirituum. (In Sprenger, J., k, or book of remembrance, of the Chapel royal, 1561- 1744; edited by Edward F. Rimbault. [London,] 1872. sqO. facsim. {In Camden soc. n. s. 3.) 820 4.1 — Commission on virisection.Estratti dagli ap- punti di prove testimoniali sulla vivisezione in Inghilterra; versione di E. M. Firenze, 1876. D. 179 2 bound with 150 2 — Crown. {William I.) The laws of William the Conqueror, with notes and references. {In Kelham, R. Dictionary of the Norman lang- uage. 1779.) 447 11 {Edward II.) Household and wardrobe ordinances, 1323; englisht by F, Tate, 1601; and edited, with extracts from Edward IV's household book, by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1876. O. por. {In Life-records of Chaucer. 2; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 14.) 821 46 {Edward V.) Grants, etc., during the reign of Edward V.; and two speeches for opening Parliament by John Russell, bishop of Lincoln, lord chancellor; with introduction by John Gough Nichols. [London,] 1854. sqO. {In Camden soc. 60.) 820 4 {Henry VIII.) A declaration conteyning the causes of this present warre with the Scot- tis [,1542]. {In E. E, text soc. Extra ser. 17, 18.) 820 5.1 {James I.) Five speeches. {In his Workes. 1616.) 320 8 {Charles 1.) A large declaration concern- ing the late tumults in Scotland. London, 1639. Q. por. 941 3 — Declaration concerning lawful sports to be used on Sundays, 1633. [London,] 1862. O. [3+] 17 [+2] p. 263 1 {Charles II. & James II. ) Moneys received and paid for secret services of Charles II. and James II. , 1679-88; edited by John Yonge Ak- erman. [London,] 1851. sqO. {In Camden soc. 52.) 820 4 —Department of practical art. First report. London, 1853. O. pi. 740 4 — House of commons. Debates in 1625; edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [London,] 1873. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 6.) 820 4.1 Notes of the debates officially taken by Henry Elsing, clerk, 1621, '24, '26; edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [London.] 1870-9. 2 V. sqO. (In same. 103, n. s. 24.) 820 4, 4.1 Report from the select committee on weights and measures; with proceedings, min- utes of evidence, appendix and index. [Lon- don,] 1862. F. 389 2 820 4, 4.1 — Hydrographic ofBce. The Bosporus, or chan- nel of Constantinople. [London,] 1839. 67x 50 cm. 912 52 In portfolio 2. — India office. East India, chinchona plant; copy of furtlier correspondence, 1863-6. [Lon- don,] 1866. F. map. 651.58 113 GBEA T BRITAIN 289 GREAT BRITAIN East India, forest conservancy; a selection of despatches and their enclosures to and from the Secretary of state for India. [London,] 1871. 3v. in 4. F. ma'ps. 551.58 107 — Lord cliancellor. Two speeches for opening Parliament, by J. Russell, bishop of Lincoln, lord chancellor; with introduction by J. G. Nichols. 1854. {In Camden soc. 60.) 820 4 — Master of the rolls. Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the middle ages. London, 1858-90. No 1-96 in 226 v. Q. pZ. facsivi. 942 8 Contents: 1-7-1, gee Astor catalogue, continuation. 75. Symeoii of Durham. Opera omnia; ediditT. Arnold. 2 v. Stnbbs, Sv., editor. Chronicles of the reigns of Edward I. and Edward II. 2 v. 77. Peckhani, J. Kegistrum epi- stolarum; edited by C. T. Martin. 3 v. 78. Salisbury. Vetus registrum; edited by W. H. R. Jones. 2 v. 79. Ramsey. Cartularium monasterii; edited by W.H.Hart and P. A. Lyons. 2 v. 80. Dublin— St. Mary's abbey. Chartularies; edited by J. A. Gilbert. 2 v. 81. Kadmer. Historia novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de vita S. Anselmi; edited by M. Rule. 82. Hewlett, R., editor. Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. 4 v. 83. Ramsey. Chronicon abbatise; cura W. D. Macray. 84. Wendover, K. of. Flores historiarum; edited by H. G. Hewlett. 3 v. 85. Canterbury. Literas Cantuarienses ; edited by .1. B. Sheppard. 3 v. 80. Ro- berto/" Glovcester. Metrical chronicle; edited by W. A. Wright. 2 V. 87. Wace, K. The story of England, by. R. Manning of Brunne; edited by F. J. Furnivall. 3 v. 88. Tigfusson, G., editor. Icelandic sagas relating to the Northmen on the British isles. 2 v. 89. Stokes, W., editor and tranMator. The tripartite life of Patrick. 2 v. 90. Halmesbury, Vi. of. De gestis regum Anglorum; Historise novellfE libri; edited by W. Stubbs. 2 v. 91. (jaimar, G. Lestoria des Engles; edited by T. D. Hardy and C. T. Martin[; with translation]. 2 V. 92. Knighton, H. Chro- nicon; edited by J. R. Lumby. v. 1. 93. Murimuth, A. Continuatio chronicarum; Robertide Avesbnry de gestis mirabilibus Edwardi III.; edited by E.M.Thompson. 94. Dublin— Abbey of St. Thomas. Register; edited by J. T. Gilbert. 95. Flores historiarum; edited by H. R. Luard. 3 v. 96. Arnold, T., editor. Memorials of St. Ed- mund's abbey, v. 1. — Parliament. Correspondence with the gov- ernor of the Cape of Good Hope relative to the Kafir tribes. London, 1847. F. map. 968 1 Ephemeris parliamentaria; or, A faithfull register of the transactions in the third and fourth years of the late King Charles. London, 1654. Q. 942 21 With preface by T[homas] F[uller]. Parliamentary debates in 1610; edited, from the notes of a member of the House of commons, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [Lon- don,] 1862. sqO. {In Camden soc. 81.) 820 4 The statutes at large, from Magna charta until this time; with a new table; by Joseph Keble. London, 1684. F-^. 346 2 — — Verney, R. Notes of proceedings in the Long Parliament; edited by J. Bruce. London, ,1845. sqO. (/n Camden soc. 31.) 820 4 Wither, (J. Respublica Anglicana; or, The historic of the Parliament. [Manchester,] 1883. sqO. [1H-] 47 p. (7?i Spenser soc. Pub. 36.) 821 3 — ANTK^UITIES. Camden, W. Remaines con- cerning Britaine, Fift impression, by J. Phili- pot. London, 1637. sqD. il. 420 3 — — Grodwin, H. The English archaeologist's handbook. Oxford, 1867. pi. 913 31.9 — — Oarnett, R. Antiquarian club-books. {In his Philol. essays. 1859.) 404 2 — — Hearne, T. Reliquiae Hearnianae; ex- tracts from his ms. diaries, with notes, by P. Bliss. 2 edition. London, 1869. 8v. D. por. 942 27 — editor. Curious papers. {In Laiigtoft, P. Chronicle, 1725, v. 1.) 821 72 — — Hnddesford, W. The lives of those emi- nent antiquaries, J. Leland, T. Hearne and A. a Wood. Oxford, 1772. 2 v. O. por. pi. 928 4 Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Giornale del viaggio d' Inghilterra, 1787-8. {In his Opere, 1815-20, V. 4.) 858 5 —CONSTITUTION. Fortescne, Sir J. The difference between an absolute and limited monarchy, as it more particularly regards the English constitution. London, 1714. O. 321 6 — — Le Play, P. G. F. La constitution d'Angle- terre ; precedee d' aper9us sur la nature du sol et I'histoire de la race. Tours 1875. 2 v. D. 342 2 — — Macaulay, T. B. Hallam's Constitutional history. {Jn his Essays, 1848, v. 1.) 824 16 — —Maurice, J. F. D. The workman and the franchise; chapters from English history on the representation and education of the people. London, 1866. D. 324 3 — —Smith, T. De republica Anglorum. Lug. Batavorum, 1625. Tt. 094 27 —DESCRIPTION. Blouet, P. John Bull and his island; by Max O'Rell [, pseud.]; translated from the French. New York, 1884. D. 914.2 7 — —Drayton, M. Polly-olbion [, a poem]. {In Southey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 Fmerson, R. W. English traits. New edition. London, 1857. S. 914.2 1 — — Gascoig^ne, T. Loci e libro veritatum; illustrating the condition of church and state, 1403-58; with introduction by J. E. T. Rogers. Oxford, 1881. sqO. facsim. 274 3 — — ^reen^ J. R. tfc A. S. A short geography of the British islands. London, 1879. S. maps. 914.2 3 — ^Kinkel, J. G. Englische Zustande in der Mitte des 18ten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. (Tn Virchow cfc Holtzendorft. Vor- trage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 — — Lester, C. E. The condition and fate of England. New York, 1843. 2 v. D. 914.2 5 — — — The glory and the shame of England. New York, 1841. 2 v. D. pi. iltp. 914.2 4 — — Miller, Hngh. First impressions of Eng- land and its people. Boston, 1855, D. por. 914.2 6 — — Nucius, N. The second book of The trav- els; edited, with translation, by J. A. Cramer. London, 1841, sqO. {In Camden soc. 17.) 820 4 — —Parma, D. F. Diario del viaggio fatto in Inghilterra nel 1639 dal nunzio pontificio Rossetti. Bologna, 1885. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 212.) 850 10 — — Pococke, R. Travels through England, 1750[-7]; edited by J. J. Cartwright. [London,] 1888-9, 2 V. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 42, 44.) 820 4.1 — —A relation, or rather, a true account of the island of England, about 1500; translated, with notes, by C, A. Sneyd, London, 1847, sqO, {In same. v. 37.) 820 4 GREAT BRITAIN 290 GREA T BRITAIN Sigourney, L. H. H. Pleasant memories of pleasant lands. 3 edition, Boston, 1844. D. 811 20 Taine, H. A. Notes sur I'Angleterre. 2 edition. Paris, 1872. D. 914.2 8 Taylor, J. Works in folio of 1630. [Man- chester,] 1869. F.^ facsivi. {In Spenser soc. Pub. V. 2-4.) 821 3 _- Works not in folio of 1630. 1st collec- tion. [Manchester,] 1870. sqO. facsim. (In same. v. 7.) 821 3 Thiele, J. M. Breve fra England og Skot- Jand, 1836. Kiobenhavn, 1837. O. 914.2 9 — — Togiia, A. Memorie di un corriere. Fi- renze, 1873. D. 914.2 10 See also ESSEX COUMY; ISLE OF MAX; LOXDOX; ORKNEY ISLANDS; SHETLAND ISLANDS; YARMOUTH. — FOREKJN RELATIONS. Heeren, A. H. L. Versuch einer historischen Entwickelung der Entstthung und des Wachsthums des britti- schen Continental-Interesse. (In his Werke, 1821-30, V. 1.) 908 2 See also ALEXANDRA, «Ay); Bowes, R.; CRIMEA; EAST- ERN QUESTION. —GOVERNMENT. Hampden, John, junr., pseud. The aristoci-acy of England; a history for the people. 2 edition. London, 1846. D. 942 31 — — Twysden, R. Certaine considerations upon the government of England ; edited by J. M. Kemble. [London,] 1849. sqO. (In Camden soc. 45.) 820 4 —HISTORY. Bacon, F. The history of the reigne of King Henry VII. London, 1629. Q. 942 18 — —Bate, Cr. Ristretto de i moti moderni d' Inghilterra; tradotto dal latino dal G. B. Bira- goAvogadro. Bologna, 1652. T. 942 21.1 — —Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in England. Fi-om 2 London edition. New York, 1862-3. 2 v. O. 942 4 — —Burke, E. An abridgment of English his- tory, from the invasion of Caesar to the end of the reign of John. {In his Works, 1839, v. 5.) 825 1 Camden society. [Publications.] London, 1838-72 .105 V. sqO. il. pi. facsim. map. 820 4 For contents see Peabody catalogue. — — — Same. New series. London, 1871-90. V. 1-47. sqO. pi. phot, facsim. tab. 820 4.1 For contents see Camden society. Clarendon, E. H., earl of. The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England; added, An historical view of the affairs of Ireland. New edition, with the suppressed passages, also the notes of Warburton. Boston, 1827. 6 v. O. 942 22 — —Cooper, Rev. Mr. A new history of Eng- land. 10 edition. London, 1798. T. 942 5 ^Cronliolm, A. P. Forn-nordiska minnen. Lund, 1833-5. 2 v. O. 948 8 Contents; 1. Nordboarne i Vestryiking. 2. Nordboarne i Austrvegr. Fabyan, R. The new chronicles of Eng- land and France; from Pynson's edition of 1516, by H. Ellis. London, 1811. sqF. 942 9 ^ —Frondes caducae: Ane tractat of a part of ye Yngliss cronikle, shawand of yar kings part of yar ewill & cursit gouernance and yar vn- happie lynage... Auchinleck press, 1818. sqQ. [l-l-]9[-H] leaves. 942 15 Grallbert, L., cfc Pelle, C. Angleterre. Paris, 1842-4. 4' v. O. por. pi. maps. {In L'univers, 28-31.) 910 18 Vol. 4 is Angleterre, Ecosse et Irlande. i— — (xrafton, R. Chronicle: or. History of Eng- land. London, 1809. 2 v. sqF. 942 10 Gtreat Britain— Master of the Rolls. Chro- nicles and memorials of Great Britaiii and Ire- land during the middle ages. London, 1858-90. 226 V. Q. pi. facsim. 942 8 For contents see under Great Britain. — -Harding', J. Chronicle, to the beginning of the reign of Edward IV. ; with continuation by R. Grafton, to the 34th year of Henry VIII. ; added, biographical and literary preface, and index, by H. Ellis. London, 1812. sqF. 821 62 — — iHarington, J., & others. Nugse antiques; miscellaneous papers written in the reigns of Henry Vlll.-James I. London, 1769-75. 2 v. S. por. pi. music. 828 13 — — Hearne, T. Reliquiae Hearnianae; extracts from his ms. diaries, with notes, by P. Bliss. 2 edition. London, 1869. 3 v. D. por. 942 27 — ^Historiae anglicanse scriptores quinque. OxonisB, 1687. v. 2. F. 942 11.1 Contents: 2. Annales Marganenses.— Wilies, T. Chroni- oon.— Annales Waverleienses.— OallVldus de Vinosalvo. Hi- storia.— Walter of Hemingfm'd. Historia.— Index. — — Hobbes, T, Behemoth; the history of the causes of the civil- wars of England, 1640-60. London, 1682. D. 942 24 — — Holinshed, R., & others. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1807- 8. 6 V. sqF. 942 12 — —Howell, J. Epistolse Ho-Elianse; familiar letters, domestick and foreign. 9 edition. London, 1726. O. por. 826 2 — — Langtoft, P. Chronicle, as illustrated and improv'd by Robert of Brunne, from Cadwal- ader to Edward I. ; published by T. Hearne. Oxford, 1725. 2 v. O. 821 72 — — — Chronicle, in French verse, to the death of Edward I.; edited by T. Wright. London, 1866-8. 2v. Q. (In m. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron.and mem. 47.) 942 8 — . — Layamon. Brut: or. Chronicle of Britain; a poetical Semi-Saxon paraphrase of the Brut of Wace; now first published [,with] transla- tion, notes and glossary, by Sir F. Madden. London, 1847. 3 v. Q. facsim. 821 73 — — Macaulay, T. B. Mackintosh's History of the revolution in 1688. {In his Essays, 1843, V. 3.) 824 16 Mackintosh, J. The history of England. Philadelphia, 1830-3. 3 v. D. 942 6 _ —Michel, F. X., editor. Chroni^ues anglo- normandes ; recuel d'extraits et d'ecrits rela- tifs a I'histoire de Normandie et d' Angleterre, 11 et 12 siecles. Rouen, 1836-40. 3 v. O. 841 5 For contents see Michel. — —Milton, J. The history of Britain, to the Norman conquest. {In his Works, 1863, v. 5.) 821 78 GREAT BRITAIN 291 GREAT BRITAIN — Neale, J. M. English history for children. 6 edition. London, 1867. S. pi. 942 7 "A churchman's view of the history." Orford, H. Walpole, Iiih earl of. Letters, [1735-97]. London, 1840. 6 v, O. por. 826 7 Letters to Sir H. Mann, 1760-85. Phila- delphia, 1844. 2 V. O. 826 8 Paris, M. Historia major, 1067-1273; edi- tore W. Wats. London, 1640. F^ 942 13 Paston letters, 1422-1509. New edition, by J. Gairdner. London, 1872-5. 3 v. S. 826 6 Panli, G. R. Bilder aus Alt-England. Gotha, 1860. O. map. 942 19 — — Rastell, J. The pastime of people; or, The chronicles of divei-s realms, especially of England; reprinted, with fac-simile wood-cuts; Iby T. F. Dibdin]. London, 1811. sqF. por. 942 14 _ —Robert of Gloucester. Chronicle; pub- lish'd by T. Heame; added, a continuation Oxford, 1724. 2 v. O. 821 93 _ — Soiithey, R., compiler. Common -place book; edited by J. W. Warter. [1-] 2 series. New York, 1849-50. 2 v. O. por. 828 18 — — Surtees society. Publications. London, 1835-89. V. 1-84. O. il. por. pi. facsim. map. 820 7 For contents see Athenseum catalogue, Peabody cata- logue. — — Tliierry, J. N. A. Histoire de la conquete de I'Angleterre par les Normands. Nouvelle edition, suivie de la liste des conquerants, et de la description de la tapisserie de Bayeux. Paris, 1870. D. il. 942 16 — —Vicars, J. England's worthies; under whom all the civill and bloudie warres, 1642-7, are related. London, 1845. D. por. 923 6 — — Wace, R. Le roman de Brut; publie par Le Roux de Lincy. Rouen, 1836-8. 2 v. O. facsim. 841 38 — — — Le roman de Rou et des dues de Nor- mandie; publie par F. Pluquet. Rouen, 1827. 2 V. O. facsim. 841 39 — — Worsaae, J. J. A. Den danske Erobring af England og Norniandiet. Kj0benhavn, 1863. O. map. 948 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hardy, T.D.Descriptive catalogue of naaterials relating to the history of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry VII. London, 1862-71. v. 1-3 in 4 V. Q. facsim. (In Grt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 26.) 942 8 Vol. 3 brings the bibliography down to 1327. See also AGINCOURT; ANGLO-SAXONS; ANNE BOLEYN; BlUTONS; BUCKINGHAM, G. V., 1st duke of; CALAIS; COBDEN, R.; COLOGNE CONGRESS; EDWARD IV.: GEORGE IV.; GUNPOWDER PLOT; HENRIES; HERST- MONCEAUX; HUTCHINSON, J.; IRELAND; KENT; LON- DON; MANCHESTER, E. M., earl of; NEWMINSTER ABBEY; PONTEFRACT CASTLE; PURITANS; REGICIDES; REVENGE, ship; RIPON; SAVILE, T.; SCOTLAND; SPAN- ISH ARMADA; U. S.— HISTORY; WALDEMAB IV.; WILLS; WYATT, T., the younger. — LITERATURE,see ENGLISH LITERATURE. —MILITARY AFFAIRS. Airey, Sir R. Open- ing address of quartermaster-general, Chelsea; with his summing-up address, and a memo- randum to the board on supplies of camp equi- page. London, 1856. O. 7naps. 355 6 Calvert, H. Journals and correspondence, comprising the campaigns in Flanders and Holland in 1793-4: with an appendix, contain- ing his plans for the defence of the country in case of invasion; edited by H. Verney. Lon- don, 1853. O. maps. 942 28 Grose, F. Military antiquities respecting a history of the English army from the conquest to the present time. London, 1801. 2 v. sqQ. pi. 355 5 Moore, J. A narrative of the campaign of the British army in Spain commanded by Sir John Moore. 2 edition. London, 1809. por. maps. 942 30 — NAYAL HISTORY. Glanville, J. Th«- voyage to Cadiz in 1625, a journal; edited, with intro- duction and notes, by A. B. Grosart. [London,] 1883. sqO. (In Camden soc. n. s. 32.) 820 4.1 Halliweli-Phillipps, J. 0., editor. The early naval ballads of England. London, 1841. D. (In Percy soc. v. 2.) 820 6 —POLITICS. The Anti-Jacobin ; or, Weekly examiner, 1797-8. 5 edition. London, 1803. 2 v. O. 942 29 Burke, E. Works. Boston, 1839. 9 v. O. 825 1 — — Carlyle, T. Past and present, chartism. New York, 1848. D. por. 824 7 — — Cobbett, W. Selections from [hisj political works, with notes, by J. M. and J. P. Cobbett. London [,pref. 1835]. 6 v. O. 320 3 For contents see Peabody catalogue. Defoe, D. (In his Works, 1840-1, v. 20.) 823 7 — His life and recently discovered writ- ings. 1716-29, by W. Lee. London, 1869. 3 v. O. il. por. pi. facsim. 823 8 — —The Harleian miscellany ; or, A collection of pamphlets and tracts in the earl of Oxford's library,* with historical, political and critical notes [by W. Oldys]. London, 1744-6. 8 v, sqQ. 942 11 For contents see Peabody catalogue. — —Milton, J. A letter concerning the rup- tures of the commonwealth. — The ready way to establish a free commonwealth. — The pres- ent means, and a brief delineation of a free commonwealth. (In his Works, 1863, v. 5.) — Pro populo Anglicano defensio contra Salmasii Defensionem regiam [,etc.J. (In same. v. 6.) — A defence of the people of England in answer to Salmasius 's Defence of the king. — Letters of state [etc.]. (In same. v. 8.) 821 78 — — Pepys, S. Diary and correspondence; with life and notes by Richard, lord Braybrooke; with additional notes by M. Bright. London, 1875-9. 6 V. O. por. pi. tab. facsim. 942 26 — ^Reresby, J. Memoirs and travels, the former containing anecdotes and secret history of the courts of Charles II. and James II. Lon- don, 1813. Q. 942 25 The Saturday review of politics, litera- ture, science and art. London, 1861-9. v. 12-28. F. 052 3 — — Starkey T. England in the reign of Henry VIII. London, 1878. O. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 32, 12.) 820 5.1 GREAT BRITAIN 292 GREECE {MODERN) — — Swift, J. Works, with notes by T. Roscoe. New York, 1859. 6 v. D. por. 827 13 — ^Vanity fair; a weekly show of political, social and literary wares. London [,1868-70]. V. 1-3. F. col. por. 052 4 Wrifflit, T., editor. Political ballads pub- lished in England during the commonwealth. London, 1841. D. (/n Percy soc. v. 3.) 820 6 — — — Political poems and songs relating to English history, Edw. III.— Eic. III. Lon- don, 1859-61. 3 V. Q. {In Ot. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 14.) 942 8 — The political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II. Lon- don, 1839. sqO. {In Camden soc. 9.) 820 4 See also CHARLES I. For other works pertaining to Great Britain, see BRITISH COLONIES; CHURCH HISTORY; GEOLOGY; IRELAND; SCOTLAND. The great lone land, see Butler, W. F. GREAT YARMOUTH, see YARMOUTH. Grebe, Carl. Gebirgskunde, Bodenkunde und Klimalehre in ihrer Anwendung auf Forst- wirthschaft. 3 Auflage. Eisenach, 1865. O. 551.58 63 hound with 42 GRECIAN ARCHIPELAGO, see ^GEAN SEA. GREECE (ancient.) Becker, W. A. Charikles: Bilder altgriechischer Sitte. 2 Auflage, von K. F. Hermann. Leipzig, 1854. 3 v. O. 390 2 — DondoriT, H, Das hellenische Land als Schau- platz der althellenischen Geschichte. Ham- burg, 1889. O. 42 p. {In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrilge. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 — Heeren, A. H. L. Handbuch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthums. {In his Werke, 1821-30. V. 6.)— Ideen iiber die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel der alten Welt. [In same. v. 15. ) 908 2 —Herodotus. Historia [ Greek and Latin J ; ex editione J. Gronovii. Glasguae, 1761. 9 v. S. 888 2 For other editions, see Herodotus. — Klepert, H. Wandkarte von Alt-Griechen- land. Weimar, 1847. 911 8 In portfolio 1. — Macaulay, T. B. On Mitford's History of Greece. {In his Essays, 1843, v. 3.) 824 16 — Malkln, E. History of Greece, to its subjec- tion to Rome. London, 1829. O. (Lib. of useful knl.) 938 1 — M^rimee, P. De I'histoire ancienne de la Grece. {In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 — Negri, C. Memorie storico-politiche sugli anti- che Greci e Romani. Torino, 1864. O. 933 6 — Parregopoulos, K. 'laropla roO 'EXXrjnKoO ^dvovs Ev Kd-fivais, 1853. O. 938 2. —Potter, J. Archaeologia Graeca; or, The anti- quities of Greece; added. History of the Gre- cian states, and Account of Greek authors, by G. Dunbar. 1 American edition, by C. Anthon. New York, 1825. O. 913 26 — Ponqueville, F. C. H. L. Grece. Paris, 1835. O. pi. maps. {In L'univers. 51.) 910 18 — Rhangabes, A. R. Antiquites helleniques. Athenes, 1852-55. 2 v. F. pi. map. 913 27 TA 'EW-nvLKd. 'Ej/ 'A^i)votj, 1853. v. 1-2. O. 914.9 25 — Schmitz, L. A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth, B. C. 146 ; based upon that of Thirlwall. New York, 1851. O. 938 3 ^Thucydldes. ...De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo [ Greek and Latin] ; curavit C. A. Duke- rus. Amstelaedami, 1731. F.° il. map. iltp. 898 4.1 For other editions and translations see Thucydides. —Wheeler, G. Voyage deDalmatie, de Grece... La Haye, 1723. 2 v. D. 914.9 26 — Xenophon. Historia Graeca. (In his Opera, 1826-7, V. 4.) 888 12 See also IEOV:xy SEX; ANTIQUITIES; ASSOS; ATHENS; BYZANTINE EMPIRE; CHERSON; CITIES; CRIMEA; CY- PRUS; CYRENE; DANCING; HAIR; HALCYONIA; ITHACA; LEVANT; LYCIA; MOREA; PELASGIANS; PERGAMUS; TROY; WEIGHTS & MEASURES; XANTHUS. Greece {modern.) OleWrjvLKol Kud-qKes, rb ttoXi- TiKbv cnjvrayfia ttjs 'EXXdSos, /cat Trapdprrjfxa, vwo T. A. PdXX?; KoL M. JlirXi?. B'. UdoaLS. AO'^vrjaiv, 1844. 2 V. T. 349 63 —DESCRIPTION. About, E. F. V. La Grece contemporaine. 3 edition. Paris, 1858. D. 914.9 22 — — ^Br0ndsted, P. 0. Reise i Graekenland, 1810-3. Kj0benhavn, 1844. 2 v. D. por. map. 914.9 23 Carlisle, G. W. F. H., earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters; edited by C. C. Fel- ton. Boston, 1855. D. 914.9 35 — — Gantier. T. L'imperatore Lodovico. — Le Piree. — Les Propylees. {M his L'orient, 1877, V. 1.) 910 29 Murray, J., publisher. The hand-book for the Ionian islands, Greece... London, 1845. D. maps. 914.9 24 Rhangabes, A. R. TA eXXij^/cA. 'Ev 'A^^wis, 1853. V. 1-2. 0. 914.9 25 — ^Wheler, G. Voyage de Dalmatie, de (rrece. La Haye, 1723. 2 v. D. pi. 914.9 26 — — Woods, J. Letters of an architect from France, Italy and Greece. London, 1828. 2 v. sqQ. il. pi. 729 6 _ — Wutzer, C. W. {In his Reise in den Orient, 1860-1, V. 2.) 914 11 — -_Wyse, T. Impressions of Greece; with let- ters from Greece by A. P. Stanley. London, 1871. O. 914.9 27 See also ATHENS; BRIGANDS; CORFU; LEVANT; MOREA. —HISTORY. Brunet de Presle, C. M. W., & Blanchet, A. Grece, depuis la conquete romaine jusqii'a nos jours. Paris, 1860. O. pi. {In L'univers. 52.) 910 18 — — FaUmerayer, J. P. Welchen Einfluss hatte die Besetzung Griechenlands durch die Slaven auf das Schicksal der Stadt Athen und der Landschaf t Attika ? oder. Die Entstehung der heutigen Griechen. Stuttgart, 1835. O. 949 45 — —History of modern Greece ; with the ge- ography, antiquities and present condition of that country. Boston, 1827. O. map. 949 47 Muntaner, R. Chronique. (In Buchon, J. A. C. Chroniques etrangeres. 1841.) 944 10.1 — — Paparregopoulos, K. 'laropla rod e\\r)PiKov idvovs. 'Ev 'Ae-^mis, 1853. O. 938 2 GREECE {MOBERJST) 293 GREEK LITER A TURE Bhan^abes, A. B. Greece; her progress and present position; from the French. New York, 1867. sqO. 949 50 _ ^TrikOlipe« ^."Iffropia rrts iWriviKijs iiravaffra- aews. 'Ev KovUvit, 1853-7. 4 v. O. 949 48 ^Wachler, J. F. L. Vorbereitung und Aus- bruch des Aufstandes der Griechen gegen die osmanische Pforte. {In Baumer, F. L. (x. TOn. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1831.) 905 1 See also ALBAMA ; BYZANTINE EMPIRE ; COMNENI ; MOBEA. —MAPS. Kiepert, H. Das Konigreich Hellas und die sieben ionischen Inseln. Weimar, 1849. 60x70 cm. with text, 2 p. 912 52 In portfolio 2. —POLITICS. Papadopoulos Vretos A. Le compte rendu du Miroir grec; journal redige en grec et en fran9ais, mai 1832-jan. 1833. Athe- nes, 1839. O. 80 p. 949 51 See also CORFU; EASTERN QUESTION; IONIAN ISLANDS. —STATISTICS. Leconte, C. Etude economique de la Grece: suivie de documents sur la com- merce de I'orient, etc. Paris, 1847. O. tab. map. ^14 25 (Jreek church. 'A7r6(rToXos, riord. Lit.-Samfiind, 16.) 839.63 37 GREVENS FEIDE. Paliidan-MttUer, C. P. Fire Studier til Grevefeidens Historie. {In Copen- hagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 13, 1853.) 948 2 Greville, Fulke, 1st baron Brooke, see Brooke. Grey, Lady Jane, see Dudley. Grey, Zachary, editor, see Bntler, S.Hudibras. 17*^2 8^7 5 GREY FRIARS, see FRANCISCANS. Grey of Wilton, Arthur Grey, 14th baron. A commentary of the services and charges of William, lord Grey of Wilton; with a memoir of the author, and illustrative documents; edited by Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton. London, 1847. sqO. facsim. (In Camden soc. 40.) 820 4 Grida della civilta e dell' umanita contro le vivisezioni. 4 edizione. Torino, 1881. O. 179 2 bound with 146 1 II grido d' Italia, see Peruzzini, G. Grieb, Christoph Friedrich. English-deutsches und deutsch-englisches Worterbuch. 6 Stereo- typ-Ausgabe. Stuttgart, 1863. v. 1. Q. 433 12 Contents: 1. English-deutsch. GRIFFENFELI), Peder. Molbech, C. Nogle Ideer over G. L. Badens Skrift om Griffenfeld. Ki0benhavn, 1808. D. 88 p. 948 98 Griffiths, Jolin. Laws of the Greek accents. 11 edition. Oxford 1863. T. 481 1 Grigor, John. Arboriculture; or, A practical treatise on raising and managing forest trees. Edinburgh, 1868. O. 651.58 27 GrUlet, Jean, & Becliamel, F. Journal du • voyage dans la Goyane en 1674. {In Rogers, W. Voyage, 1716, v. 2.) 910 35 Grim, Edward. Vita S. Thomae. (7?i Robertson, J. C. Materials for the history of Becket, 1875- 85, V. 2; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 Grimald, Nicliolas. Songes and sonettes. (In Tottel, R. Miscellany. 1870; in Arber, E. Eng- lish reprints. 24.) 820 9 De Grimbergsche oorlog, ridderdicht uit de 14e eeuw. Gent, 1852-4. 2 V. Q. coZ.jpZ. (//i Maet- schappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 2 ser. 14.) 839.3 3 Grimm, Herman Friedrich. Albrecht Diirer. Berlin, 1866. O. 46 p. {In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) 043 1 — Notizen uber Lionardo da Vinci. {In Hille- brand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.) 945 1 Grimm, Jakob Ludwig Karl. Deutsche Gram- matik. Gottingen, 1822-37. 4 v. O. 435 2 — Same. 3 Ausgabe. Gottingen, 1840. v. 1. O. 435 3 — Same. 2 Ausgabe ; neuer, vermehrter Ab- druck. Berlin, 1870-90. v. 1-3. O. 435 4 Vol. 1-2, besorgt durch Wiliielm Scherer; v. 3, durch Gustav Roetiie und Edward Schroder. — Deutsche Rechtsalterthiimer. Gottingen, 1828. O. 349 1 — Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1853. 2 v. O. 430 1 — Kleinere Schriften. Berlin, 1864-90. 8 v. O. facsim. 408 2 Contents: 1. Eeden und Abhandlungen; 2. Abhand- lungen zur Mytliologie und Slttenkunde. 3. Abtiand- lungen zur Literatur und Grammatiic. 4-7. Recensionen und vermischte Aufsatze. 8. Vorreden, Zeitgeschich- tliciies und Personliches. Vol. 1-5 edited by K. Miillenhoff, with index in v. 5; V. 6-8 by E. Ippel, with index in v. 8. — Om oldnordiske Egennavne i en i Reichenau skreven Necrolog fra det 9-10 Aarhundrede. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. An- tiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 — Sendsclireiben an Karl Lachmann iiber Rein- hart Fuchs. Leipzig, 1840. O. facsim. 837 4 — Wober, F. X. Wort- und Sachverzeichnis zu Grimm's Deutscher Grammatik und Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Wien, 1860. pt. 1. sqO. 435 5 Contents: 1. Wortverzeichnis. — onienico. Lombardini, E. {In his Dell' origine della scienza idraulica. I860.) 551.48 5 GUGLIELMITI. Ognlben, A. I guglielmiti del secolo 13; una pagina di storia milanese. Peru- gia, 1866. D. 272 14 Guglielmo, Jew, of Pesaro. Trattato dell' arte del ballo; testo del secolo 15. Bologna, 1873. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 131.) 850 10 Guhrauer, Gottschalk Eduard. Graf Karl Fried- rich Reinhard. (In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1846.) 905 1 Gui of Amiens. Widonis carmen de Hastingas proelio. (In Michel, F. X. Chroniques anglo- normtmdes, 1836-40, v. 3.) 841 5 Gui de Bourgogne, chanson de geste; publiee par F. Guessard et H. Michelant. Paris, 1859. S. {In Guessard, F. Les anciens poetes de la France. 1.) 841 1 Gui de Nanteuil, chanson de geste; publiee par P. Meyer. Paris, 1861. S. {In same. 6.) 841 3 See also TBISTAIV de Nanteuil. GUIANA. Famin, S. M. C. Guyanes. 1837. map. {In L'univers. 9.) 910 18 — Grillet, .1., & Bechamel, F. Journal du voy- age dans la Guiane en 1674. {In Rogers, W. Voyage, 1716, v. 2.) 910 35 —Ralegh, Sir W. The discovery of Guiana, 1595; reprinted from the edition of 1596, with notes by R. H. Schomburgk. London, 1848. O. map. {In Hakluyt soc. Works. 3.) 988 1 Guibert, abbot of Ste. Marie de Nogent. Histo- ria Hierosolymitana. {In Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 Guicciardini, Francesco. Istoria d' Italia; edi- zione eseguita su quella dal Giovanni Rosini. Livorno, 1882-4. 12 v. in 6. D. por. 945 2 Vol. 1 contains Notizie, and Giudizio di T. Porcacchi; Vol. 12 contains Indice generale. For continuation see Botta, C. G. G. G UICCIARDINI 301 G UL A- THINGS-LA UG —Cornet, E. Guicciardini's unedirte Weike; 1: seine Considerazioni und Ricordi. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 (xuicciardiiii, Lodpvico. Descriptio comitatus Namui-censis; — Hannonise. (In Respublica Namurcensis. 1634.) 949 24 — Hollandi8e,Selandi8eque descriptio. (Jn Schry- yer, P. Respublica Hollandise. 1630.) 094 37 Guichard, J. Marie. Introduction. (In Tlieophi- lus. Libri. 1843.) 602 1 Griiiche, Arniaud iKa la-ropiKo. ■rrepl Tvi\(pop8. 'Ei/ 'Ad-fivais, 1846. O. por. 923 17 Guildford, Nicholas de. The owl and the night- ingale ; an Early English poem ; with some shorter poems from the same ms. ; edited by Thomas Wright. London, 1843. D. 84-84 p. (7n Percy soc. v. 11.) 820 6 GUILDFORD, Sir Richard. The pylgrymage of Guylforde to the Holy Land, 1506; edited by Sir Henry Ellis. [London,] 1851. sqO. facsim. tab. (In Camden soc. 51.) 820 4 Guiilaume, archbishop of Tyre, see Willermus. Guillanme o/ BZois. 1135-1203. Alda [Latin]. (In Wright, T. Latin stories, 1842, appendix; in Percy soc. v. 8.) 820 6 GUILLAUME of Conches. Werner, K. Die Ko- smologie und Naturlehre des scholastischen Mittelalters, mit specieller Beziehung auf Wil- helm von Conches. Wien, 1874. O. [2-Fl95p. 113 1 Guiilaume of Tudlle. Historie de la croisade contres les Albigeois, see Histoire. Guiilaume de la Barre, roman, see Vidal de Castelnaudary, A. Guillemin, AmM^e Victor. La vapeur. Paris, 1873. D. il. (/nCharton, E. Bibl. des mer- veilles.) 621 3 Guilliman, Francois, & others. Brevis Helve- tiae geographica descriptio. (In Helvetiorum respublica. 1637.) 094 34 GUINEA, Eannes de Aznrara, G. Chronica do descobrimento e conquistadeGuine; trasladada do Carreira, com notas pelo Santarem. Pariz, 1841. sqQ. por. facsim. 967 1 — Monrad, H. C. Bidrag til en Skildring af Guinea-Kysten og dens Indbyggere, 1805-9. Ki0benhavn, 1822. D. 916.6 8 —Santarem, visconde de. Memoria sobre a prioridade dos descobrimentos portuguezes na costa d' Africa occidental; para servir de illu- stra9ao a Chronica da conquista de Guine por Azurara. Pariz, 1841. O. 967 2 — Tardieu, E. A. Senegambie et Guinee. 1847. pi. map. (In L'nnivers. 3.) 910 18 Guiraud, Anguste. Que i'a de nou? sous-dialecte de Montpellier, 1830-40; A. Glaize.— La font Putanella; ou, Jacques Coeur a Montpellier, comedie en vers f ran9ais, provencaux et langue- dociens. (In Revue des langues romanes. v, 4, 1873.) 479 5 GUISCARD, Robert. Amato. La chronique de Robert Visc9,rt, {In his Ystoire de li Norman t. 1835.) 944 59 Guise, Francois de Lorraine, due d'Aumale et de. Memoires, etc., 1547-61. por. (In Midland & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 6.) 944 9 — La Chatre, C. de. Memoire du voyage du due de Guise en Italie, etc., 1556-7. (In same. v. 8.) 944 9 Guise, Henri II. de Lorraine, due de. Me- mories, 1647-8. por. (In same. v. 31.) 944 9 With Eloge, par le due de Saint- Aignan. Guittone of Arezzo. Rime. Firenze, 1828. 2 V. in 1. O. por. 851 80 Guizot, Francois Pierre Guiilaume. Diction- naire universel des synonymes de la langue fran9aise. 5 edition, augmentee [by V. Figa- rol]. Paris, 1859. O. 444 1 — L'eglise et la societe chretiennes en 1861. Paris, 1861. D. . 261 2 —Tvi^dirov BapiyKTUf, iK tov TaWiKOv. 'Ev Ild- rpais, 1652. O. 923 96 The preface is signed P. I. Chalikiopoulos. — Lanfrey, P. (In his Etudes et portraits, 1874.) 923 3 [Gula-iings-lang :] Regis Magni legum re- formatoris leges Gula-Thingenses ; sive. Jus commune Norvegicum ; cum interpretatione Latina et Danica. variis lectionibus, indice. Havniae, 1817. sqQ. 839.68 20 Ex manuscriptis legati Arna-Magnaeani. Index bound with 489.63 7. G ULBIIOLM 302 GUY OULDHOLM. Lorenzen, C. C. Nogle Be- maarkninger oni Guldholm Kloster. {In Copen- hairen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 19. 1859.) 948 2 GULF STREAM. Kohl, J. G. Geschichte des Golfstroms und seiner Erforschung. Bremen, 1868. O. maps. 551.47 2 GULIELMA, St. Bonfadini^ A. Listeria di santa Gulielma. {In his Vite. ]878; in Scelta di curiosita. 159.) 850 10 Gulliver's travels, see Swift, J. v. 2. Giimppeiiberg-Pottmes, Joseph, Frieherr von. Der Wasserbau an Gebirgsfliissen. Augsburg, 1854. sqQ. 8+83 p. pi. maps. 627 10 GUNHILI), ''mother of kings." Petersen, N. M. Udsigt over den norsJie Dronning Gunhildes Levnet. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sels- kah. Aunaler. V. 1,1886-7.) — Yderlige Beniaerk- ninger om Gunhilde. {In same. v. 4, 1842-3.) 9482 — — German: Gunnhild der Konige Mutter; in gedrangten Auszuge iibersetztvon A. A.Wolff. {In same. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 Gunlog, mytliisk dikt, see Stagnelius, E. J. Ounlogsen, Albert H. The commonwealth of Iceland. [London, 1890.J D. 19 p. 949 3 Reprinted from Open court, Chicago, 12 & 19 June 1890. GUjSNAR. Thorarensen. B. Om Gunnars Hoi Ted HliSarende. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d..Selskab. Annaler. v. 7, 1847.) 948 2 GUNNER, bishop of Viborg. Vita Gunneri. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772- 1834.) 948 76 Gunnerus, John Ernst, annotator, see Leem, K. Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper. 1767. 914.8 27 Sagan af Gunnlangi ormistungu ok skalld- Rafni;cuminterpretationeLatina, notis, chro- nologia, tabulis genealogicis et indicibus. Haf- niffi, 1775. sqQ. jjI. tab. 839.63 38 Sumptibus legati Magnaeani. Index vocum bound with 439.63 r. GunnlaugS saga ormstungu ok skald-Hrafns. {In Mobiiis, T. Analecta. 1859.) 839.63 11 Gunnyon, William. Biographical sketch. {In Bnrns,R. Complete poetical w^orks. 1865.) 821 32 GUNPOWDER PLOT. James I., of England. A discourse of the powder treason. {In his Workes. 1616.) 320 8 GUNS, see FIRE-ARMS. Gurney, Daniel, editor, see Lestrange family. Extracts from accounts. 1833. 640 2 bound with 631 20 Gurowski, Adam G. de, count. Diary, 4 March 1861-18 Oct. 1863. Boston, New York, 1862-4. 2 V. D. 973 34 — Russia as it is. 3 edition. New York, 1854. O. 914.7 4 — A year of the [Crimean] war. New York, 1855. O. 947 6 Giistaf Adolf och Ebba Brahe, heroisk drame, see Gustavus III. v. 2. Gustaf Adolph och Ebba Brahe, lyrisk drame, see Kellgren, J. H. Gnstaf den tredje och hans hof , see Knllberg, li.. A. Gustaf Liudorm, see Carl6n, £. S. F, Gustaf Vasa [, drama], see Gustavns III. v. 2. Gustaf Wasa, lyrisk tragedie, see Kellgren, J.H. GUSTAVUS I., Vasa, king of Sweden. Celsius, 0. Konung Gustaf den forstgs historia. Sup- lagan. Lund, 1792. 2 v. D. 948 35 — Fryxell, A. Leben und Thaten Gustavs I, Wasa, Konigs von Schweden ; aus dem Schwe- dischen von G. v. Ekendahl. Neustadt, 1831. O. 923 48 GUSTAVUS II. Adolphus, king of Sweden. Glafey, A. F. De gladio quo cum Gustavus Adolphus occubuit. Lipsiae, 1749. sqO. 43 p. pi. 948 53 —The new starr of the north shining upon the victorious king of Sweden. London, 1632. sqD. [2-^] 50 p. jjor. 133 25 — Roe, T. Letters relating to [his] mission to Gustavus Adolphus, 1629-30; edited by S. R. Gardiner. [London,] 1875. sqO. {In Camden misc. 7; w Camden soc. 14.) 820 4.1 — Taddel, E. Hiertelig og smertelig Klage- Pre- dicken otfuer den wformodende dog salige oc heyprijselige d0delige Affgang den h0y8erver- digis Gustavi Adolphi..., Rostock, den 18. De- cemb. ... Ki0benhaffn, 1633. sqS. 22 p. 252 6 — Wallin, G., prceses. Triga dissertationum de gladio magico Gustavi Adolphi, 1738-9. Lipsiae, 1746. sqO. 948 53 See also LUTZEX. Gustavus III., king of Sweden. Skrifter i po- litiska och vittra amnen, tillika med des bref- vexling. Stockholm, 1806-12. 6 v. O. por. pi. 839.72 4.1 — Geijer, E. G. Konung Gustaf III: s efterlem- nade papper ; ofversikt, utdrag och jemn- fdrelse. Upsala, 1843-4. 3 v. O. 948 41 — Oxenstjerna, J. G. Areminne ofver Konung Gustaf III. (In his Arbeten, 1805-26, v. 3.) 839.71 32 Gustos y disgustos son no mas queimaginacion, see Calderon. v. 3. Die guten Weiber, see Gothe, J. W. von. v. 15. GUTENBERG, Johann. Madden, J. P. A.Etudes sur Gutenberg et sur Schoiffer. {In his Lettres, 1868-74, V. 3.) 010 4 GUTHLAC, St. Felix of Crowland. The Anglo- Saxon version of the life of St. Guthlac; with a translation and notes by C. W. Goodwin. London, 1848. D. 829 8.1 GUTHORMR SINDRE. Olsen, B. M. Bemajrk- ninger til to Vers af Guthormr Sindre. {In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. V. 21, 1886.) 948 5 Gutierrez, Juan Maria. Beitrage zur Geschichte der spanisch-amerikanischen Literatur. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) 805 1 Gtttslaif, Karl. [The doctrine of redemption, in Chinese, compiled by Ai Han.] n. p., 1836. Q. 896 3 GUTTA-PERCHA, see RUBBER. Saga Guttorms Sigur9arsonar. {In Copenha- gen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Fornmannasogur, 1825-47, V. 9.) 839.63 7 Guy of Warwick. {In Ellis, G. Specimens of romances, 1805, v. 2.) 821 4 GUY 303 HABB GK FAMIL T —Guy and Phillis.— Guye and Amarant.— Guy and Colebrande. (In Percy, T. Folio ms., 1868- 9, V. 2.) 821 6 — The romance of Guy of Warwick; edited from the Auchinleck ms. and from ms. 107 in Caius college by Julius Zupitza. London, 1883- 91. pt. 1-3. O. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 43, 49, 59.) 820 5.1 — The romance of Cruy of Warwick; the sec- ond or 15th century version; edited by Julius Zupitza. London, 1875-6. O. (In same. 25-6.; 820 5.1 GrUYLFORDE, Sir Richard, see GUILDFORD. (Jiiyot, Arnold Henry. The earth and man; lec- tures on comparative physical geography in its relation to the history of mankind; translated from the French by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1849, D. il. map. 551 17 —Same. New edition. London, 1875. D^ pi. maps. 551 18 —Physical geography. London, 1673. sqF. il. 551 19 tluzman, Juan de. Glosas. {In Manrique, J. Coplas. 1779.) 861 11 Vida del (i^uzman de Alf arache, see Aleinan, M. Grwilt, Joseph. An encyclopasdia of architec- ture. New edition, with additions by Wyatt Papworth. London, 1867. O. il. pi. 720 6 Gyldenstalpe, Daniel. Norlandz chronika och beskriffning, the aldste historier om Swea och Gotha rijken, sampt Norrie och een-deels om Danmarck. Wijsingzborg, 1670. F. 948 31.1 Gyldensljerne, Axel. Udtog af Dagbog holden paa bans Reise til Moskow, 1602-3; med An- maerkninger og et Anhang af L. Engelstoft. {In Engelstoft cfe M0ller. Historisk Calender, 1814-17, V. 1.) 948 58 Gylfe, see Ling, P. H. Gryllembourg-Elirensvard, Thomasine Christi- ne (Buntzen) Heiberg. Noveller, gamle og nye; udgivne af Johan Ludvig* Heiberg. KJ0ben- havn, 1833-4. 3 v. D. 839.83 10 — Nye Fortsellinger; udgivne af Johan Ludvig 'Heiberg. fv. 1,1 2 udgave. Kiobenhavn, 1835- 9 [v. 1 '39]. 3 V. D. 839.83 11 —To Noveller; udgivne af Johan Ludvig Hei- berg. Kj0benhavn, 1837. S. 839.83 12 Contents: Montanus den Yngre.— Nisida. — Maria, Novelle; udgiven af Johan Ludvig Heiberg. Kj0benhavn, 1839. S. 839.83 13 Gyllenhorg, Gustaf Fredrik. Forsok om skal- dekonsten; poeme; med Anmarkningar om svenska versification. Stockholm, 1798. O. 839.71 17 — Sednare vitterhets arbeten. Stockholm, 1795. O. 839.71 17 — Taget ofver bait, hieltedikt. [Anon.] Stock- holnf, 1785. O. 839.71 17.2 — Theater-stycken ; utgorande tredje delen af des arbeten. Stockholm, 1797. O. 839.7117.1 —Vitterhets arbeten af Creutz och Gyllenborg. Stockholm, 1795. O. 839.71 16 Gyllins, Petrus, see GUles, P. GYMNASIA, see COLLEGES. GYMNASTICS. Kuppers, I. Der Apoxyo- menos des Lysippos und die griechische Pala- stra. Berlin, 1873. O. 56 p. pi. {In Yirchow & HoltzendoriT. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 — Salviati, L. Sulla ginnastica degli antichi. (In his Prose. 1873; in Scelta di curiosita. 129.) 850 10 — Schreber, D. G. M. Aerztliche Zimmergym- nastik. 11 Auflage. Leipzig, 1867. O. il. 613 25 Gynerera de le clare donne, see Sabadino degli Arienti, G. GYPSIES. WUslocki, H. yon. Zur Volkskunde der transsilvanischen Zigeuner. Hamburg, 1887. O. 40 p. (/?i Yirchow cfc HoltzendoriT. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 See also VAGABONDS. Gysbrecht van Aemstel, treurspel, see Yondel, J. van den. H., C. The French schoolmaister, 1615, see HoUyband, C. 448 3 H., C. A philosophical discourse of earth- quakes; occasioned by the late earthquake, 8 Sept. 1692. London, 1693. D. [2 +] 31 p. 551.22 8 Haag, Friedrich. Vergleichung des Prakrit mit den romanischen Sprachen. Berlin, 1869. O. 68 p. 491.2 6 HAARLEM LAKE. Amersfoordt, J. P. Het Haarlemmermeer. Haarlem, 1857. O. [o+] 72 p. 627 44 — Deloche, R. Note sur une f erme dans I'ancien lac de Harlem. Paris, 1863. O. 24 p. 630 32 Haarlems verlossing, zangspel, see Lennep, J. von. Poet, werken, 9. Haben, or Hyberdyne, — ,parson. A sermon in praise of thieves and thievery. (/nE. E. text soc. Extra ser. 9.) 820 5.1 Habington, William. Castara. {In Sonthey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 —Castara. 3 edition of 1649. London, 1870. S. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 22.) 820 9 Hiickel, Ernst Heinrich. Das Leben in den grossten Meerestiefen. Berlin, 1870. O. 43 p. il. pi. {In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber Arbeitstheilung in Natur- und Men- schenlebfen. Berlin, 1869. O. 40 p. il. pi. {In same. 4 Serie.) 043 1,590 3 — Ueber die Entstehung und den Stammbaum des Menschengeschlechts Berlin, 1868. O. 80 p. (/n same. 3 Serie.) 043 1, 573 3 — editor, see Bleek, W. H. I. tJber den Ur- sprung der Sprache, 1868, 410 3 —Semper, C. Der Haeckelismus in der Zoolo- gie. 2 Auflage. Hamburg, 1876. O. 36 p. 590 3 HACKERT, Philipp. Gothe, J. W. von. {In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 37.) * 832 1 Hacklander, Friedrich Wilhelm. Bilder aus dem Leben. Stuttgart, 1850. sqD. il. 838 4 bound with 833 11 — Der Pilgerzug nach Mekka, morgenlandische Sagen und Erzahlungen. Stuttgart, 1847. sqD. 833 11 — Das Soldatenleben im Frieden. 3 Auflage. Stuttgart [,1871J. O. il. 833 11 Haddock family. Correspondence, 1657-1719; edited by Edward Maunde Thompson. [Lon- HADD GK FAMIL Y 304 HAIR don,] 1881. sqO. 8+58 p. tab. {In Camden misc. 8; in Camden soc. n. s. 31.) 820 4.1 Haden, Francis Seymour. The etched work of Rembrandt; with an appendix. London, 1879. Q. [8+] 53 p. pi. 767 1 Hadersleben, Schleswig. Statuta Haderslebi- ensia, 1292. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monu- menta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 21 Hadji-Abd' el-Hamid-bey, pseudonym of Du Coil ret, L. Hadley, James. A Greek grammar. New York, 1860. D. 485 8 Hado y divisa, see Calderon. v. 2. Hadorph, John, editor, see BiSrkoa ratten. 1687 ; — (Jothlands-laghen. 1687 ; — Wisby lag. 1689. 349 47.1 HADRAMAUT. Wrede, A. von. Reise in Ha- dramaut, Beled Beny 'Yssa and Beled el Had- schar ; herausgegeben von H. von Maltzan. Braunschweig, 1870. O. facsim. map. 915.3 14 Maltzan gives an appendix Ueber die Konige und Vol- kerSiidarabiens. HADRIANUS, Pnbliiis jElius, emperor of Rome. Eyssenhardt, F. R. Hadrian and Florus. Ber- lin, 1882. O. 32 p. {In Yirchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 See aJUo TIBUR in ser. 18. Haen-Carstanjen, -de. Die Wasserglas-Gal- lerte, ihre Anwendung und ihr Nutzen. Diis- seldorf [,1856], D. 16 p. , 666 1 HwHsa-ioris saga. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d..Selskab. Isl. sogur, 1843-7, v. 2.) 839.63 9 Hsermsendene paa Helgeland, Skuespil, see Ibsen, H. Hafelin, Franz. Die romanischen Mundarten der Siidwestschweiz: l,Die Neuenburger Mund- arten. Berlin, 1874. O. 447 4 Hagbart og Signe, see 0hlenschliiger, A. Gr. Tragodier, v. 2. Hagedorn, Friedrich von. Sammtliche poeti- sche Werke. Carlsruhe, 1777. 3 v, in 1. S. 831 32 Hagemans, Gustave, editor. Relations inedites d'ambassadeurs venitiens dans les Pays-Bas sous Philippe II et Albert et Isabelle. Bru- xelles, 1865. O. 86 [+1] p. 914.9 16 Hagen, Ernst August. Norika, das sind nlirn- bergische Novellen aus alter zeit. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1855. D. 833 12 Hagen, Friedrich Heinrich von der, & Bii- schmg, J. G., editors. Deutsche Gedichte des Mittelalters. Berlin, 1808. v. 1. sqQ. facsim. 831 5 Contents: 1. Einleitung.— KonigRother.— Valdecke, H. TOn. Herzog Ernst — Wigamur. — Balnhot von Born. Derhei- lige Georg.— Salomon und Morolf . — & Primissgr, A., editors. Der Helden Buch in der Ursprache. Berlin, 1825. v. 2 of pre- ceding. sqQ. 831 6 Contents : 2. Gudnin.— Bitterolf und Dietlieb.— Der Gro8Ke Rosengarten. — Ron, K. von der. Das Heldenbueh.— Hornen Siegfried.— Dletrlclis Ahnen und Flucht zu den Heunen.— Die Ravenna-Schlacht.— Anmerkungen. ^ — —Grimm, J. L. K. Von der Hagen und Biisching, deutsche Gedichte des Mittelalters. {Jn his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 4.) 408 2 See also index in v. 8. — editor, see Gottfried von Strassburg. Werke. 1823. 831 30 Hagen, Gotfrid, Dit is dat boich van der stede Colne. {In Munich— K. baier. Akad. Chroni- ken der deutschen Sfadte, v. 12, 1875.) 943 24 Hagen, Hermann. Der Roman vom Konig Apollonius von Tyrus in seinen verschiedenen Bearbeitungen. Berlin, 1878. O. 32 p. {In Yirchow & HoltzendorlT. Vortrage. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber elementare Ereignisse im Alterthum. Berlin, 1884. O. 43 p. {In same. 19 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber Wesen und Bedeutung der Homer- frage. Hamburg, 1889. O. 40 p. {In same. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Hagen, Karl. Ueber die offentliche Meinung in Deutschland von den Freiheitskriegen, 1813- 19. {In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschen- buch. 1846.) 905 1 Hagenbach Karl Rudolph. Vorlesungen liber die altere Kirchengeschichte: 1-6 Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1853-5. 2 v. in 1. O. 270 1 — Vorlesungen iiber die Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters; 7-15 Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1860-1. 2 V. O. 270 2 Hageriip, Ejler Henning. Det danske Sprog i Angel. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Sel- skab. Annaler. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 Haggenmacher, G. A. Reise im Somali-Lande, 1874. Gotha, 1876. sqQ. [2-h]45 p. map. (/n Petermanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungsband 10.) 910 44 Haghen, Jan van der. La bienvenue de Jean de Hembyze a Gand, 23 oct. 1583; public en fac- simile par C. R[uelens]. Bruxelles, 1861. O. 16-f-ll[-t-2]p. por. facsim. 394 6 Hagmann, J. G. Die englische Biihne zur Zeit der Konigin Elizabeth. Hamburg, 1889. O. 36 p. (In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Hahn, Johann Georg von. Die Ausgrabungen auf der Homerischen Pergamos, in zwei Send- schreiben an Georg Finlay. Leipzig. 1865, O. 36 p. pi. maps. * ' 913 31.2 — Griechische und albanesische Marchen. Leip- zig, 1864. 2 V. in 1. D. pi. 398 27 Hahn, Karl Angnst. Auswahl aus Ulfilas; mit Worterbuch und Grundriss zur gothischen Buchstaben- und Flexionslehre. 2 Auflage. Heidelberg, 1864. O. 839.9 10 HAIL. Becquerel, A. C. Memoire sur les zones d'orages a grele. {In Paris — Institnt— ^cad. des sei. v. 35. 1866.) 651.58 59 HaimendorfT, Christoph Fiirer von, see Fttrer. Haimonskinder, see Aymon's sons. HAINAUT. Gilbert of Mons. Chronicon Ha- noniense. Hannoverae, 1869. O. {In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 4.) 943 16 — Guicciardini, L. Descriptio comitatus Han- noniae. {In Respnblica Namurcensis. 1634.) 949 24 HAIR. Browne, P. A. Trichologia mamma- lium; or, A treatise on hair and wool. Phila- delphia, 1853. sqQ. pi. 591 4 hound with 552 2 — Helbig, W. Sopra il trattamento della capel- latura e della barba all' epoca omerica. pi. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 5, 1879-80.) 066 5 See also BALDNESS. HAJEGH 305 HALL Hajech, Gamillo. Ricerche sperimentali sull' evaporazione di un lago. {In Milano — R. ist. lomb. Rendiconti, ser, 2, v. 3, 1870, p. 785-90.) 551.67 1 Hajji Baba, seeMorier, J. Hakluyt, Richard, editor. Divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the islands adjacent; edited, with notes and intro- duction, by John Winter Jones. London, 1850. 0. maps.facsim. {In Hakluyt soc. Works. 7.) 973 18 A selection of curious, rare and early voy- ages, not included in his celebrated compila- tion. London, 1812. sqF. 910 57 — ^rawsZa^or, see [Relacam...:] The discovery of Florida by Soto. 1851.) 973 14 Hakluyt society. Works issued : 1. Hankins, R. Observations in the South Sea. 1848. 919.6 1 2. Colombo. C. Select letters. 1847. 973 7 8. Ralegh, W. Discovery of Guiana. 1848. 988 1 4. Maynarde, T. Sir F. Drake his voyage. 1849. 973 19 6. Stracliey, W. Historic of travaile into Virginia. 1849. 975 2 7. Hakluyt, R., editor. Voyages touching the discovery of America. 1850. 973 18 8. Riindall, T., editor. Memorials of Japon. 1850. 915.2 3 9. [Rehu-aiii...:] Discovery of Terra Florida. 1851. 973 14 10-11. Herberst«iii, S. von. Notes upon Russia. 2 v. 1851-2. 914.7 5 81. Jordaiius, /ria/'. Mirabilia descripta. 1863. 915 5 Hakon III., Icing of Norway, translator, see Barlasims ok Josaphats saga. 1851. 839.63 25 Hakon Jarl, see 0hlensclil[iger, A. G. Trago- dier, v. 1. H^konar saga Hakonarsonar. — Addenda. {In Vlgfusson, G. Icelandic sagas, 1887, v, 8; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. «8-) 942 8 Hakonar saga hins gamla. {In Flateyjarb^k, 1860-8, V. 3.) 8^9.63 5 Saga Hdkonar Hakonarsonar. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Fornmanna sogur, 1825-37, V. 9-10.) 839.63 7 Saga Hdkonar komings herSibreiSs. {In same. V. 7.) 839.63 7 Saga Hdkonar Sverrissonar. (7w same. v. 9.) 839.63 7 De Hakone Vicensi anecdoton Islandicum, edidit, vertit et prefatione instruxit Birgerus Thorlacius. [Havnise. 1823.] F. [6+] 16 p 839.63 39 Halbertsma, Justus Hiddes. Berigt wegens de oudste vertaling der Psalmen in het Neder- landsch met den 19 Psalm als proeve. No. 1. Deventer, 1837. S. [4-f ] 48 p. 223 4 50 gift-copies printed; no. 42 for J. M. Kemble. —translator, see Bible— iV. T.— Matthew. Het evangelic van M. vertaald in het Land-Friesch. 1858. 226 5 HALCTONIA. Forchhammer, P. W. Halky- onia; Wanderungen an den IJfern des halky- onischen Meeres. Berlin, 1857. O. 34 p. il. 913 30.1 Haldeman, Samuel Stehman. Affixes in their origin and application, exhibiting the etymolo- gic structure of English words. Philadelphia, 1865. D. 422 3 — On the relations between Chinese and the Indo-European languages. Cambridge [,Mass.J, 1857. O. [1+] 201-213 p. 495 1 From Proceedings of American association for ad- vancement of science, 185(3. — Report on the present state of our knowledge of linguistic ethnology. [Cambridge, Mass.,] 1856. O. 414 1 Hale, William, & Ellacombe, H. T., editors. Account of the executors of Richard, bishop of London, 1303, and of Thomas, bishop of Exeter, 1310. [London,] 1874. sqO. pi. tab. {In Cam- den soc. n. s. 10.) 820 4.1 — editor, see the following publications of the Camden society: 820 4 69. London. The domesday of St. Paul's. 1858. 91. Worcester. Registrum prioratus b. Marite. 1865. Halelujali; or, Britans second remembrancer, see Wither, G. Hales, John Wesley. The teaching of English. {In Farrar, F. W., editor. Essays. 1867.) 375 1 —editor, see Percy, T. Folio manuscript. 1867-8. 821 6 Hdlfdanar saga Eysteinssonar. {Bi Rafn, C. C. Forn sogur, 1829-30, v. 12.) 839.63 12 Mttr H^fdanar svarta. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Fornmanna sogur, 1825- 37, V. 10.) 839.63 7 Half-hours with the best authors, see Knight, C. Saga af Hdlfl ok Halfsrekkum. {In Rafn, C.C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 2.) 839.63 12 Hali meidenhad, an alliterative homily of the 13tli century ; edited by Oswald Cockayne. London, 1866 O. 8-f 50 p. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 18.) 820 5 See also Clene maydenhod, in same, 25. Halieuticon, see Ovidius Naso, P. v. 1. Halkett, Lady Anne (Murray). Autobiography; edited by John Gough Nichols. [London,] 1875. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 13.) 820 4.1 Hall, Gapt. Basil. Voyage to the eastern seas, 1816; including an interview with Napoleon at St. Helena, 1817. New York, 1827. S. 915.1 2. Hall, Edwin. The puritans and their principles. New York, 1846. O. 285 1 Hall, Fitzedward. Modern English. London, 1873. D. 428 3 — Recent exemplifications of false philology. New York, 1872. O. 428 4 —editor, see the following publications of the Early English text society: ORIGINAL SERIES. 820 5 3. Lauder, W. Ane compendious tractate. 1864. 11, 19. Lyndesay, D. The monarche and other poems • 1865-6. 35. LjTidesay, D. Historic of William Meldrum. 1868. 37. Lyndesay, D. Satyre of the thrie estaits. 1869. HaU, John. An historian expostulation against the beastlye abusers, both of chyrurgerie and physyke, in oure tyme; edited by T. J. Petti- grew. London, 1844. D. 28-1-60 p. por. {In Percy soc. v. 11.) 820 6 Hall, Robert. Sermons on various subjects, now first collected. New York, 1814. 211 3 Contents: Modern infidelity, its influence on society.— Reflections on war.— Account of the benevolent society instituted at Cambridge, 1801.— Sentiments proper to the HALL 306 HAMBURG present crisis.— Advantages of knowledge to the lower classes— On the discouragements and supports ot the Christian ministry.— The work of the Holy Spirit. Hall, Sidney. Black's general atlas. Edinburgh 1841. F.^ 54 maps. »12 4 Hallager.Oeorg rrederik,editor,see Denmark. Kong Christian den f jerdes norske Lovbog at 1604. 1855. 349 39 Hallager, Laurents. Norsk Ordsamling; tilli- gemed Viser i det norske Bondesprog. Kj0ben- havn, 1802. O. 439.87 1 Halldorsson, Bjorn. Lexicon Islandico-Latino- Danicum; cura R. K. Raskii; prefatusest P. E. Muller. Havnise, 1814. 2 v. in 1. sqO. 439.63 3 Halleck, Fitz-Oreene. Fanny, with other poems. New York, 1839. D. iltp. 811 9 Hallenberg, Jonas. Quatuor monumenta aenea e terra in Suecia eruta ; accessere nonnuUa de litteratura cufica. Stockholmiae, 1802. O. [6+] 71 p. il. pi. 913 50 HALLENSTJERNA, ttustaf. Rosenstein, N. von. Tal ofver Hallenstjerna, 18 aug. 1813. {In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 2.) 839 78 1 Haller, Albrecht Ton. Lissauer, A. Albrecht von Hailer und seine Bedeutung fiir die deut- sche Cultur. Berlin, 1873. O. 39 p. (In Vir- chow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 Hallfre9ar saga. (In t^islason, K. 44 Pr0ver. 1860.) 839.63 6 Die Hallig; oder. Die Schififbriichigen; Novelle, see Biernatzki, J. C. Halliwell-Pliillipps, James Orchard. Descrip- tive notices of popular English histories. Lon- don, 1848. D. il. (In Percy soc. v. 23.) 820 6 — A dictionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases, pro verbs, and ancient customs, from the 14th century. London, 1846-7. 2 v. O. 427 12 — Notices of fugitive tracts and chap-books. London, 1849. D, il. pi. (In Percy soc. v. 29.) 820 6 — editor. The early naval ballads of England. London, 1841. D. (In same, v, 2.) 820 6 The nursery rhymes of England; collected principally from oral tradition. London, 1842. D. (In same. v. 4.) 820 6 -; Poetical miscellainies, from a ms. collec- tion of the time of James I. London, 1844. D. 6-h47 p. (In same. v. 15.) 820 6 Rara mathematica; or, A collection of treatises on the mathematics; from ancient mss. London, 1839. O. facsim. 510 3 For contents see MATHEMATICS. The Thornton romances: Perceval, Isum- bras, Eglamourand Degrevant. London, 1844. sqO. (In Camden soc. 30.) 820 4 -■& Wright, T., editors. Reliquiae antiquae; scraps from ancient mss. illustrating Early English literature and language. London, 1841- 3. 2 V. O. 821 12 see the following publications of the Cam- den society: 820 4 10. Warkworth, J. A chronicle of Edward IV. 1839. 15. RlHhanger, W. de. The chronicle of the barons' wars. 1840. 19, Dee, J. Private diary, and catalogue of mss. 1842. see the following publications of the Percy society: • 820 6 Vol. 2. Ljdgate, J. Selection from minor poems. 1840. 4. The boke of curtasye. 1841. 6. The ineetiiig of gallants at an ordinarie. 1841. 9. Ilobsoii, >V. Pleasant conceits. 1843. 14. Audelay, J. Poems. 1844. 14. The romance of the emperor Octavlan. 1844. 15. Terilo, W. Friar Bakon's prophesie. 1844. 16. The romance of Syr Tryaiiioure. 1846. 20. Barnfleld, B. The affectionate shepherd. 1845. 20. The most pleasant song of Lady Bessy. 1847. 22. The interlude of the four elements. 1848. 22. Iiigelend, T. The interlude of the disobedient child. 1848. 22. Kinde Kit of Kingston. Westward for smelts. 1848. 28. The interlude of the trial of treasure. 1850. 29. The man in the moone. 1849. 29. Walker, G. A manifest detection of dice play. 1850. 29. The loyal garland. 1850. The harrowing of hell. 1840. 822 6 Maudeville, J. Voiage and travaile. 1839. 910 33 see Nares, R. Glossary. 1859. 427 14 Torrent of Portugal. 1542. 821 112 Warkworth, J. Chronicle. 1839. 820 4 HALLKELSSON. Tindr. Jonsson, F. Bidrag til en rigtigere Forstaelse af Tindr Hallkelssons Vers. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sels- kab. Aarb0ger. v. 21, 1886.) 948 5 Halmota prioratus Dunelmensis, see Durham. Halte-Hulda, Drama, see Bj0rnson, B. HALYARD, St. Fragmenta de S. Halvardo martyre. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 3.) 948 76 Halvorsen, J. B. P. C Asbj0rnsen's Forfatter- virksomhed, 1835-72. (In Larsen, A. P. C. Asbj0rnsen. 1872.) 928 7 —Same: trad, par V. Molard. (In same. 1873.) 928 7 The French contains an appendix, 4 p., 1872-6. Hamburg, Germany. Codex antiquissimus ju- ris Hamburgensis, vulgo Liber ordaliorum anni 1270; accedunt additiones. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 21 — Necrologium Hamburgense; sive. Liber me- moriarum & donariorum ecclesise Hamburgen- sis. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 5.) 948 76 — Verein fiir niederdeutsche Sprachforschung, Jahrbuch, 1875. Bremen, 1876. O. 439.1 1 —Verein zur Forderung weiblicher Erwerbs- thatigkeit. Jahresbericht, 1867-9. [Hamburg, 1867-9.] 3 V. O. 331 6 Adam of Bremen. Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontiflcum. Hannoverae, 1876. O. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 1.) ^ 943 16 Historise ecclesiastics libri primi capita 32, notis Ottonis Sperlingii illustrata. (In Westwhalen, E. J. von. Monumenta. 1739-1845. V. 2.) 943 21 — Archiepiscopi Hamburgenses. — Catalogus pontificum Hamburgensium. (Jn'Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 6.) 948 76 — Lappenberg. J. M. Hamburgische Chroniken in niedersachsicher Sprache. Hamburg, 1861. 943 54 HAMBURG 307 HAMSFORT — Schliiter, M. Origo & descriptio concordato- rum civitatis Hamburgensis, 1691; accedunt Concordata Danise, 1470; Memorioe Schaum- burgico Holsaticse Hamburgi, 1690, delineatse. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 4.) 943 21 — Tratziger, A. Chronica der Stadt Hamburg, a Carolo Magno usque ad Carolum V. , 1557. {In same. 1739-45, v. 2.) 943 21 Hamckeii (-La^wHamconiiis), Martinus. Frisia; seu, De viris rebusque Fi-isia3 illustribus libri duo. Monasterii Westph.,1609. sqD. il. 949 17 Mostly In latin verse. HAMERLING, Robert. Kleinert, K. E. Robert Hamerling, ein Dichter der Schonheit. Ham- burg, 1889. O. 63 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 HAMILTON, Alexander. Baldwin, J. ^. {In his Party leaders. 1855.) 923 1 Hamilton, Anthony, count. CEuvres; precedees d'une notice historique sur sa vie et ses ouvra- ges, par J. B. J. Champagnac, et augmentees d'une suite des Quatre Facardins et de Ze- neyde. Paris, 1825. 2 v. O. por. 848 8 Contents; 1. Notice sur Hamilton — Epitre a Gram- mont.— Relations veritables de differ6ns endroits d'Bu- rope.— Lettres et epitres. 2. Contes— Poesies diverses.— Chansons. HAMILTON, Elizabeth. Keddie. H., cfc Watson, J. L. (/n meir Songstresses of Scotland, 1371, V. 1.) 928 2 Hamilton, James. Life of Bunyan. {In Buu- yan, J. The Jerusalem sinner saved, 1846.) 240 2 Hamilton, Nicholas Esterhazy Stephen Army- ta^e, editor, see Malmesbiiry, W. of. De gestis pontificum Anglorum. 1870. {In Grt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 52.) 942 8 Hamilton, William Douglas, editor. Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of John Milton. [London,] 1859. sqO. (/nCam- den soe. 75.) 820 4 Wriothesley, C. A chronicle of England. 1875-7. {In same. n. s. 11, 20.) 820 4.1 Hamilton, William John. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia; with some ac- count of their antiquities and geology. Lon- don, 1842. 2 V, O. il. pi. maps. 915.6 3 The Hamilton papers; selections from original letters in the possession of the duke of Hamil- ton and Brandqn, 1638-50; edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [London,] 1880. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 27.) 820 4.1 The tragedy of Hamlet, see Shakespeare, W. Hamley, Edward Bruce. The story of the cam- paign of Sebastopol. Edinburgh, 1855. O. pi. map. 94,7 7 Hammarskold, Lars, editor, see J6msvikinga- saga. 1815. 839.63 49 Stagnelius, E. J. Samlade skrifter. 1830- 33. 839.71 36 Stjernhjelm, tl, Vitterhets-arbeten. 1818. 839.71 37 HAMME, Petrus Thomas ran. Het leven van Pater P.T.van Hamnie, missionnaris in Mexico en in China; 1651-1727. Gent, 1871. Q. tab. (in Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 14.) 839.3 4 Hammerlein {Latin Malleolus), Felix. Tractatus [duo] de exorcismis; — de credulitate daenioni- bus adhibenda. {In Sprenger, J., & others. Malleorum, 1582, v. 2.) 133 10 Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph, Freiherr von. Ge- schichte der Chane der Krim unter osnianischer Herrschaft. aus tiirkischen Quellen, mit der Zugabe einesGaselsSchahingerai's; als Anhang zur Geschichte des osmanischen Reichs. Wien, 1856. O. pl.facsim. 951 4 — Histoire de I'empire ottoman, jusqu'a nos jours; traduit de I'allemand sur la 2 edition par Dochez. Paris, 1840-2. 3 v. Q. maps. 949 58 — DasKamel. Wien, 1856. sqQ. ' 386 2 bound with 336 8 — Die Schuld der Tempi er. Wien, 1855. sqF. [2+] 36 p. pi. 369 1 bound ivith 336 3 — Uber Bogen und Pfeil, den Gebrauch und die Verfertigung derselben bei den Arabern und Tiirken. Wien, 1752. F.'* 36 p. p>l. 399 4 — Umblick auf einer Reise von Constantinopel nach Brussa und dem Olympos und zuriick Tiber Nicaa und Nicomedien. Pesth, 1818. sqO. pi. maps. 914.9 36 — Falliuerayer, J. P. [Various articles.] {In his Werke, 1861, v. 2-3.) B08 1 — Schlottmann, K. Joseph von Hammer-Purg- stall ; ein kritischer Beitrag zur Geschichte neuerer deutscher Wissenschaft. Ziirich, 1857. O. 73 p. 890 1 Hamniershaimb, Venceslans Ulricus. F£er0iske Folkesagn; f«r0iske Udtale. (7?i Copenhagen — K. nord.;01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.)— Fser0isk Sproglajre.(/n same. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 — Meddelelser fra en Rejse pa F£er0erne i 1847- 8.— Oluvu kvae9i, Olufas Kvad, en fffir0isk Folkesang; med Melodi. (In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 2. 1846-8.)— Fa3r0iske Kv^eder. med dansk Oversaettelse. — F8er0iskeP''olkesagn, med Indholdet forudskikket paa Dansk. — Fee- r0iske Ordsprog. — F8er0iske Talemaader. — Fae- r0iske Skikke og Lege. — Barneviser og Ram- ser. — F9er0iske Gader. {In same. v. 3, 1849-51.) — Snorre Sturlasons Ynglinga saga, tolkad och upplyst af Carl Save. {In same. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 • —editor, see Sjfiraar kveedi. 1851. 839.61 23 Haniond, Walter. A paradox, prooving that the inhabitants of Madagascar are the happiest people in the world; prefixed, A description of that island. London, 1640. D. map. 916.9 1 Hampden, John. The tryal of John Hambden in the great case of ship-money. London, 1719. F." 347 11 — Croke, J. Notes of [his] judgment in the case of ship-money; edited by S. R. Gardiner. [Lon- don,] 1875. sqO. [3-I-] 17 p. {In Camden misc. 7; in Camden soc. n. s. 14.) 820 4.1 — Macaulay, T. B. Lord Nugent's Memorials of Hampden. {Inhis Essays, 1843, v. 2.) 824 16 Hampden, John, junr, pseudonym. The ari- stocracy of England; a history for the people. 2 edition. London, 1846. D. 942 31 Hampole, Richard Rolle de, see Rolle de Ham- pole. Hamsfort, Cornelius. De rebus Holsatorum vicinarumque gentium gestis libri 4. 1579. {In HAMSFORT 308 HAMALDAR Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 1.) 943 21 — Series regum Danise. — Chronologia rerum Danicarum secunda, 687-1448. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834,v. 1.)— De familia Sprakalegum in Dania. {In same. v. 3.)— Cata- logus episooporum Slesvicensium. — Chronicon ecclesise Ripensis. il. — Series episcoporum Ot- thoniensium. {In same. v. 7.) 948 76 Hancock, Rev. Thomas. Autobiographical nar- rative. {In Nichols, J. Gr. Narrative. 1859; in Camden soc. 77.) 820 4 HAND. Bell, C. The hand; its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design. Philadelphia, 1838. D. il. 213 3 Handbook for travellers, see Mnrray, J. A handefnll of pleasant delites, see Robinson,C. , & others. Handtke, F. Carta topografica speciale del teatro della guerra sul Mincio, con una pianta di Mantova. Torino, 1864. 3 maps in O. 912 21 — Special-Karte der Halbinsel Krym. Glogau, [185-]. 912 50 In portfolio 1. — Specialkarte von Tyrol und Salzburg. Glo- gau, n. d. 45+57 cm. in D. 912 34 Hanel, Grustav Friedrich. [Various articles.] {In Leipsic— K. sachs. Gesell. Berichte, 1846- 53.) 063 1,3 Hankey, Thomson. Tasse e spese; discorso, 2 nov. 1863 ; precede una lettera di Ruggiero Bonghi sulla forma del bilancio italiano ed inglese. Torino, 1865. O. 24+47 p. 336 5 Hann, Jnlius, & others. AUgemeine Erdkunde. Prag, 1872. O. il. pi. 602 3 Contents: Hann, J. Astronomische Geographie und Meteorologie.— Hoclistotter, F.von, Geologie.— Pokoniy, A. Biologic. Hanna, see Riineberg, J. C. v. 3. Hanne Niite un de liitte Pudel, see Renter, F. V. 7. ' HANNIBAL. Acciajuoli, 1). La vie de Hanni- bal. {In Plntarchus. Vies, 1565, v. 2.) 888 ^9 English. {In same, hivea. 1631.) 888 28 — Bnchheister, J. Hannibals Zug iiber die Alpen. Hamburg, 1887. O. 28 p. (In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.)043 2 —Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Dissertazione sul passagio d' Annibale per le Alpi. (In his Opere, 1815-20, v. 8.) 858 5 Hans Dampf in alien Gassen, see Zsehokke, J. H. D. V. 5. ' Hans Guck in die Welt. (In VolksbUcher, 45.) _ 833 22 Hans Jakob und Heiri,— Hans Joggeli der Erb- vetter, see Bit/ins, A. v. 17, 12, Hansard, George Agar. The book of archery. London, 1840. O. pi. 796 2 HANSEATIC LEAGUE. Denicke, H. Von der deutsohen Hansa, eine historiche Skizze. Ber- lin, 1884. O. 36 p. (In Yirchow. pi. 551.5 2 — Physical geography; from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edinburgh, 1861. O. il. map. 551 21 — editor. A manual of scientific enquiry; pub- lished by the commissioners of the admiralty. London, 1849. O. il. maps. 502 4 HERSTMONCEUX. Venables, E. The castle of Herstmonceux and its lords. London. 1859. O. 82 p. il. pi. 942 34 Hertel, Christian Vest. Nye udt0rlig Be- skrivelse over den S0ef£estning Christians0e... Aalborg, 1809. S. 914.8 50 Hertig Fredrik af Normandie see Fredei'ick of Normandy. Hertlein, F. K., annotatorr, see Xenophon. Anabasis. 1854. 888 15 Hertug Skule, Tragoedie, see Munch, A. Hertwig, Richard. Der Zoologe am Meer. Berlin, 1881. O. 31 p. {In Virchow & Holt/en- dorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Hertz, B. Catalogue of [his] collection of an- tiquities. London, 1851. sqQ. pi. 913 3 Hertz, Henrik. Amors Geniestreger, versifice- ret Lystspil. [Anon.] Kj^benhavn, 18o0. S. 839.82 15 — Kjaerligheds Veie, Nytaarsgave for 1836. Kj0benhavn [, 1835]. S. 839.82 13 — Kong Rene's Datter, Lyrisk Drama. 4 Oplag. Kj0benhavn, 1854. T. 96 [-M] p. 839.82 14 — Lyriske og dramatiske Digte. Kj0benhavn, 1841-4. 2v. in 1. S. 839.82 15 — Svend Dyrings Huus, romantisk Tragoedie. Kj0benhavn, 1837. S. 839.82 16 Hertz, Martin Julins. Renaissance und rococo in der romischen Literatur; ein Vortrag. Ber- lin, 1865. O. 50 p. 870 1 — editor, see (jellins, A, Noctium Atticarum libri. 1871-2. 878 31 Hertz, Wilhelm. Die Nibelungensage. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 Hertzberg, Ebbe. Grundtrsekkene i den seldste norske Proces; udgivet ved F. Brandt. Kri- stiania, 1874. O. 349 42 Hertzberg, Rafael. Finska toner; en samling af ofversattningar och bearbetningar efter finskan; med inledningsord of Z. Topelius. Helsingfors [, 1873]. S. 894 2 — Kalevala berattad for ungdom. Helsingfors, 1875. D. pi. 894 5 Hertzberg, Wilhelni Adolf Bogiislaw. Bemerk- ungen zu : Trois traites de lexicographie latine du 12-13 siecle. — Nachlese zu Chaucer. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 HERULI, see MECKLENBURG. Hervarar saga ok HeiSreks Komings. {In same. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 1.) 839.63 12 Hervarar saga pa gammal gotska; med Olai Verell uttolkning och notis. Upsalae, 1672. F. pi. 948 38.1 Hervararsaga.(/n Rafn,C. C. Antiquites russes, 1850-2, V. 1.) 839.63 60 Hervararsaga ok Heidrekskongs; versione La- tina, lectionibus, indieibus illustravit Stepha- nus Biornonis; dldditus est Commentarius de situ regionum Pet. Frid. Suhm. Hafnia?, 1785. sqQ. 839.63 42 Ex manuscriptis legati Arna-Magnaeani. Herzen, Alexander. La condizione fisica della coscienza. (/?% Rome — R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 — Sulla parentela fra I'uomo e le scimie. 2 edi zione, coll' articolo del Lambruschini e la ri- sposta del Herzen. Firenze, 1869. O. 30+ 36 p. 575 3 HERZLIEB, Christiane Frederike Wilhelmine. Hesse, A. Minchen Herzlieb; erlauternde Be- merkungen zu Goethe's Wahlverwandschaften und Sonetten. Berlin, 1878. O. 56 p. {In Virchow i& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 13 Serie.) 043 1 Hese, Joannes de. Fragment eener Nederland- sche vertaling van hetReisverhaal; uitgegeven door M. de Vries. {In Teereeniging Ned. Ict- terknnde. Verslagen, v. 2, 1845.) 839.3 6 Hesiodus. Carmina. Edition stereotypa. Lip- siae, n. d. T. [3+]80 p. 883 15 — Titanomachia d' Esiodo. {In Leopardi, Gt. Studi filologici. 1845.) 858 8 — Works and days. {In Homerus; trans, by Chapman, 1857-65, v. 5.) 883 8 Hesperider, see Nicander, K. A. Hesperus; oder, 45 Hundsposttage, see Richter, J. P. F. V. 5-8. Hesronita, Joannes, & Sionita^ (J.De nonnuUis orientalium urbibus. (/n Arabia. 1633.) 094 59 Hesse, August. Minchen Herzlieb; erliiuternde Bemerkungen zu Goethe's Wahlverwand- schaften und Sonetten. Berlin, 1878. O. 56 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 13 Serie.) 043 1 HESSE, Germany. Schroter, J. H. De origine ...vita & rebus gestis pi'ineipum Hessiae com- mentary tres. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Mon- umenta, 1739-45, v. 2.) 943 21 Hettema, Montanus, translator, see Rafn, C.C. Narichten betreffende de ontdekkingvan Ame- rika. 1838. 973 3 Hetzel, H. Leiden und Thaten der Frauen im Kriege. Hamburg, 1888. O. 30 p. (in Vir- chow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 — Die Stellung Friedrichs des Grossen zurHu- manitat ini Kriege. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (In same. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Heuglin, Theodore von. Die Tinne' sche Expe- dition im vrestlichen Nil-Quellgebiet, 1863 4; nebst Anhangen. Gotha, 1865. sqQ. 8-t-46p. map. {In Petermanns Mittheiluugen: Ergan- zungsband 3.) 910 44 HEUPEL 321 HIERARCHIE Heiipel, Georg' Friedrich. Diss. hist, philol. de Ulphila, 1693. {In Ulfllas. 1773.) 839.9 12 LES HEURES GOTHIQUES, see CATHOLIC CHURCH— BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hewlett, Henry Gay, editor, see Weiidover, R. of. Flores hi«toriaium. 1886-9. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 84.) 942 8 HEXAGRAM. Cremona, L. Teoremi stereome- trici, dai quali si deducono le proprieta dell' esagrammo di Pascal. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liucei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 3.) 065 4 —Veronese, G. Nuovi teoremi sull' hexagram- mum mysticum, memoria. {In same. pt. 1.) 065 4 Der Hexen-Sabbath,see Tieck,J.L.Schriften,20. Hexerie; eller, Blind Allarm, see Holberg,L. Comedier, v. 4. Hexham, John of, s e John. Hexham, Richard of, see Richard. HEXHAM, England. Raine, Rev. J., editor. The priory of Hexliam. Durliam, 1864-5. 2 v. O. il.j)l. (/*! Surtees soc. 44, 46.) 820 7 Contents: 1. Chronicles, endowments and annals. 2. Title deeds, Black book, etc. Heydenreich, Ednard. Livius und dieromische Plebs. Berlin, 1882. O. 48 p. fJu Virchow cfc Holtzendorflf. Vortriige. 17 Serie.) 043 1 Heyer, Franz. Die Ausbildung der Priester- herrschaft und die Inquisition. Berlin, 1877. O. 47 p. (/«sam''. 13 Serie.) 043 1 Heyer, Gnstav. Das V.nhalten der Waldbaume gegen Licht und Schatten. Erlangen, 1852. O. [5+] 88 [+1] p. pi. 651.58 54 Heyer, R. Das System der Kulturgesohichte des Menschen, ins Besondere das System ihrer tektonischen Form und der Baustyl des (ieg- enwart. Stettin [,1863]. O. 301 7 Heymonskinder, see Aymon's sons. Heyne, Christian Gottlob. De fontibus et auc- toribus Historiarum Diodori et de ejus auctor- itate. {Tn Diodorns Siculns. 1793-7, v. l.)888 46 —annotator, see Zosimns. Historiae. 1784. 937 10 —editor, see Vergilins Maro, P. Opera, cum excursibus. 1818. 873 1 & translator, see Homern8.Carmina.1802. 883 1 Pindarns. Carmina. 1815. 884 3 — Carlyle, T. Life of Heyne [by Heeren]. (In his Essays, 1860, v. 1.) 824 8 —Heeren, A. H. L. C. G. Heyne. biographisch dargestellt. por. (In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 6.) 908 2 Heyne, Moritz. Kurze Laut- und Flexionslehre der altgermanischen Sprachstamme. Pader- born, 1862. O. (Grammatik, pt. 1.) 439 1 — editor. Kleinere altniederdeutsche Denk- maler; mit Glossar. Paderborn, 1867. 839.1 7 bound with 838 7 Beowulf; mit Glossar. 1863. 829 21 Heyse, Johann Christian August. AUgemeines verdeutschendes und erklarendes Fremdworter- buch; neu bearbeitet von K. W. L. Heyse. 9 vermehrte Ausgabe. Hannover, 1844. 0.4338.2 — Deutsche Grammatik; oder, Kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache; neu bear- beitet von K. W. L. Heyse. 18 Ausgabe. Han- nover, 1854. O. 435 8 — Hiilfsbuch in der deutschen Aussprache und Rechtschreibung. Neue vermehrte Ausgabe. Hannover, 1833. O. 11-1-84 p. interleaved. 431 6 — Theoretisch-praktische deutsche Grammatik ; oder, Lehrbuch der deutsclien Sprache. 5 vermehrte Ausgabe [von K. W. L. HeyseJ. Hannover, 1838-44. 2 v. in 1, O. 435 6 Vol. 2, pt. 2 is wanting. — Theoretisch-praktische deutsclie Schulgram- naatik; oder, Kurggefasstes Lehrbuch der deut- schen Sprache. 15 Ausgabe. Hannover, 1847. O. . 435 7 Heyse, Karl Wilhelm Lndwig. System der Sprachwissenschaft; hei'ausgegeben von H. Steinthal. Berlin, 1856. O. 401 4 Heyse, Paul, translator. Metrische Ueber- setzungen aus dem Italienischen des G. Giusti, —des Leopardi. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 1,3, 1874-6.) 945 41 Hey wood, John. A dialogue on wit and folly; prefixed, an account of that author and his dramatic works by F. W. Fairholt. London, 1846. D. (In Percy soc. v. 20.) 820 6 — Proverbs and epigrams; reprinted from the original (1562) edition, with appendix of vari- ations. [Manchester,] 1867. sqO. facsim. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 1.) 821 3 • Hey wood, Thomas. An apology for actors; from the edition of 1612, with introduction and notes. London, 1841. O. [3-t-] 16-^66 p. (Shake- speare soc.) 827 9 — The first and second parts of King Edward IV., histories. Reprinted from the edition of 1600. collated with those of 1619 and 1626, with • introduction and notes by Barron Field. Lon- don, 1842, O. (Shakespeare soc.) . 822 7 — The hierarchie of the blessed angells; their names, orders and offices; the fall of Lucifer with his angells. London, 1635. sqQ. pi. iltp. 235 1 In verse and prose. — A marriage triumph on the nuptials of the prince Palatine and the princess Elizabeth, daughter of James I. Fi"om the edition of 1613, with introduction and notes. London, 1842. D. 12-F32p. (J?z Percy soc. v. 3.) 820 6 — Porta pietatis. {In rairholt,|F. W. Lord mayor's pageants, 1843-4, v. 2; in same. v. 10.) 820 6 Historia Hialmari regis Biarmlandiae atque Thulemarkia?, cum gemina versione Johannis Peringskioldi. {In Dietrich of Bern. Wilkina saga. 1697.) Bound with v. 2 of 839.63 13.1 Historia Hialmari regis Biarmlandiae; ex frag- mentorunici msti., cum gemina versione. {In Peringskjold, J. Thiundaland, 1710-19. v. 2.) 848 57.1 HICKES, George. Wotton^ W. Short view of Hickes's Grammatico-critical and archeologi- cal treasury of the ancient northern languages; translated by Maurice Shelton. 2 edition. Lon- don, 1737. sqQ. 429 8 Hiemkomme S0mand, et Skuespil, see Hanch, J. C. The hierarchie of the blessed angels, see Hey- wood, T. HIER GL YFHICS 322 HINZPETER HIEROGLYPHICS. The decree of Canopus, in hieroglyphics and Greek, with translations and an explanation of the hieroglyphical char- acters, by S. Sharpe. London, 1870. O. 419 2 — Ebers, Gr. M. Ueber das hieroglyphische SchFiftsystem. Berlin, 1871. O. 36 p. il. {In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1, 419 1 — Parker, J. H. The twelve Egyptian obelisks in Rome; their history explained by transla- tions of the inscriptions upon them. 2 edition, enlarged. Oxford, 1879. O. pi, phot. (In his Archeology of Rome. 4.) 913 10 See especiaUy EGYPT. Hieroiiymus Sophronins. Eiisebius, of Stridon (English, St. Jerome). Das ist sant Pauls leben des ersten eynsidels, vnd ist auch das leben des heyligen vatters sant Anthonigs... Strassburg, 1498. sqD. [93] p. il. 093 12 — Epistola di S. Girolamo ad Eustochio [della miseria della vita e della solitudinej; volgariz- zamento autico. Bologna, 1869. D. (In Scelta dicuriosita. 110.) 850 10 — Lettres choisies; texte latin revu, traduction et introduction par J. P. Charpentier. Paris. ri85-?J. D. 240 13 HieriiSiilem verwoest, treurspel, .see Vondel, J. Tan den. Higden, Rannlph. Polychronicon; with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the 15th century; edited by Churchill Babington [,v. 3-9] by Joseph Rawson Lumby, London, 1865-86. .9 v. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 41.) 942 8 Higgins, John, see Mirror for magistrates, pt. 1. 1815 821 85 La hija del aire, see Calderon. v. 2. El hijo del sol, Faeton, same. Los hijos de la fortuna, same. 'iK^iSes, see jEschylus, — Euripides. Hilarius, Georg. Rerum gestarum Christiani IV Daniae regis libri duo [in verse]. 1636. (In Westphalen, E. J. yon. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 3.) 943 21 Hildebrand, pseudonym of Beets, N. Hildebrand, Bror Einil. Description of Inge- borg's arm-ring. pi. (In Tegn6r, E. Frithiof's saga. 1839.) 839.71 45 HILDEBRAND, Friedrich. Delpino, F. SuU' opera La distribuzione dei sessi nelle piante del Hildebrand. Milano, 1857. O. 34[-t-l] p. 580 1 Hildebrand, Hans. Das heidnische Zeitalter in Schweden; eine archaeologisch-historische Stu- die; nach der 2 schwedischen Ausgabe ueber- setzt von J. Mestorf. Hamburg, 1873. O. il. map. 948 44 — Sveriges medeltid, 1350-1521. Stockholm, 1877. O. il. (In Sveriges historia, v. 2.) 948 51 Hildebrand, Rudolf. tJber Grimms Worter- buch in seiner wissenschaftlichen und natio- nalen Bedeutung; Vorlesung. Leipzig, 1869. O. 23p. ^ ^ 433 3 [Hildebrandslied :1 De Hildebrando antiquis- simi carminis TeUtonici fragmentum edidit Guilelmus Grimm. Gottingae, 1830. F.* [5] p. facsim. 831 49 Hildebrandslied; herausgegeben, nebst Bemer- kungen, von C. W. M. Grein. Gottingen, 1858. O. 42 p. facsim. ' 831 48 Hildegaersberch, Willem von, see Willem. Hildegard, ett sorgespel, see Beskow, B. von. HILDEGARDE, wife of Charlemagne. Hilde- gardis och Talandus. (In Biickstrom, P. 0. Svenska folkbocker, 1845, v. 1.) 293 18 Hildegonde, een verhaal, see Sleeckx. Hildesheim, Germany. Annales Hildesheimen- ses; contulit cum codice Parisiensi Georgius Waitz. Hannoverae, 1878. O. 8+69 p. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 1) 943 16 — Holzer, H. Der Hildesheimer antike Silber- fund; seine archaojogische und artistische Be- deutung. Hildesheim, 1870. O. pi. 913 32 Hildesheim, John of, see Johann. Hillebrand, Karl, editor. Italia. Leipzig, 1874- 7. 4 V. O. 945 41 Hillernp, Frederik Christian. Italica ; eller, Mindeblomster fra mit Ophold i Italien. Kj0- benhavn, 1829. 2 v. in 1. D. 914.5 29 Hilliard, George Stillman.Lifeof Captain John Smith, por. (In Sparks, J. American biog- raphy, 1835-9, V. 2.) 920 15 — editor, see Spenser, E. Poetical works 1839. 821 100 Ticknor, G. Life, letters and journals. 1876. 928 49 Hilton, David. Brigandage in South Italy. London, 1864. 2 v. O. 343 19 Himelstrass, 1510, see Gobiiis, J. HIMYARITIC INSCRIPTIONS. Maltzan, H. K. E. H. von. Himyarische Inschrift von 'Obne erklart. facsim. (In Wrede, A. von. Reise in Hadramaut. 1870.) 915.3 14 — Rodiger, E. Excurs iiber himjaritischen In- schriften. facsim. (In WeUsted, J. R. Reisen in Arabien, 1842. v. 2.) 915.3 13 Hincmar, archbishop of Reims. Epistolse. (In Eckhard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 2.) 943 13 Hiiide,'John Hodgson, editor, pee Symeon of Durham. Opera, v. 1. 1868. (In Surtees soc. 51.) 820 7 Hindenburg, T. Bemserkninger i Anledning af den Internationale archeeologiske Kongres i Kjobenhavn, 1869. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. 01d..Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 4, 1869.) 948 5 HINDUISM, see RELIGION— INDIA. Hingberg, H. K. vam. Ut auler un neier Tied; Erzahlungen in niederdeutscher Mundart. Leip- zig, 1872. 3 V. in 1. D. 839.4 9 Contents; 1. Meister Beekwahter. 2. De lessde Bruh- lew in Ewwekowwe.— Di Opgeregden. 3. De hermeti- sclie Gesellschaf. Hingeston-Randolph, Francis Charles, see Randolph. Hinrek fan Alkmer. Reinke de fos, see Bark- liusen, H. Hinriehsen, Adolf. Das literarische Deutsch- land; mit einer Einleitung von C. Beyer. Ber- lin, 1887. O. 928 4.1 Hinzpeter, F. W., editor, see Ctesar, C. J. Commentarii. 1837. 878 2 HIP PEA u 323 HISTORY Hippeau, Celestin. Dictionnaire de la langue fran9aise au 13-13 siecle. Paris, 1873. 2 v. in 1. O. 447 9 — L'instruction publique dans lesetatsdu nord, Suede, Norvvege, Danemark. Paris, 1876. D. 379 4 — editor, see Amadas et Ydoine. 1863. 841 8 Coiiquete de Jerusalem. 1868. 841 28 Gamier of Pont Sainte-Maxence. La vie de St. Tlionias de Canterbury. 1859. 841 17.2 Fournival, R. de. Le bestiaire d'amour. 1860. 848 7 Raoul de Houdeiic. Messire Gauvain. 1862. 293 6 Reuaald de Beaiijeu. Le bel inconun. 1860. 293 1 "lirwTjs, see Aristophanes. Hippocrates. Pronostichi, volgarizzati nel buon secole della lingua. Bologna, 1866. D. 67 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 67.) 860 10 — Trattatidi mascalcia, attribuiti adippocrate; tradotti dall' arabo in latino da Maestro Moise da Palermo, volgarizzati nel secolo 13; niessi in luce per cura di Pietro Delprato; corredati per cura di Luigi Barbieri. Bologna, 1865. O. {In Emilia. CoUezione. 12.) 850 6 'IttttAXutos ffTe(pai'7](f>6poi, see Eiu'ipides. Hippolytus, see Seneca, L. A. Hippolytns, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den. Hirlanda. Leipzig, n. d. D. 48 p. il. {In Volksbiicher, 21.) 833 22 Hirsclier, Joliann Baptist. Lo stato attuale della chiesa; traduzione dal tedesco di Ottavio Tasca. Milano, 1862. D. 282 4 —Same. 3 edizione. Bergamo, 1865. D. 282 4 Hirtius, Anius. For the commentaries attributed to Hirtius, see Ciesar, Hirzel, Carl. .Teanne d'Arc. Berlin, 1875. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 His, Wilhelm. Ueber die Bedeutung der Ent- wickelungsgeschichte fiir die Auffassung der organischen Natur; Rectoratsrede. Leipzig, 1870. O. 40 p. 5^5 3 Hispania, 1629, see Laet, J. Hispano, Luca, see Lucas, hermit. Histoire amoureuse des Gaules, see Biissi- Rabutin, R. de. Histoire d'un crime, see Hugo, V. M. Histoire d'un paysan, seeErckmann,E.,cfc Clia- trian, A. Histoire de Foulques Fitz-Warin, see FITZ- WARINE. Histoire de Huon de Bordeaux, see Huon. Histoire de I'invention de I'imprimerie par les monuments. Paris, 1840. F. [42J p. par pi. il. facsim. 016 30 Histoire de la croisade contre les heretiques albigeois, ecrite en vers proven9aux par un poete contemporain; traduite et publiee par C. Fauriel. Paris, 1837. sqQ. facsim. (Col. de doc. sur I'hist. de France.) 849 14 Attributed to Guillaume of Tudde. Histoire des Vaudois, see Brez, J. Histoire du Petit Jehan de Saintre,see La Sale, A. de. Histoire du plebiscite, see Erokniann, E., & Chatrian, A. Histoires normandes, see Karr, J. A. Historia chronologica Pannoni8e,see Ann8ens,T. Historia compendiosa Daniae regum; studio Erpoldi Lindenbruch. {In Steplianius, S. H. De regno Danise. 1629.) 094 21, 22 Historia de la reyna Saba, see Horozco, A de. Historia dos descobrimentos dos Portuguezes no novo mondo, see Lafitan, J. F. Historia y vida del gran tacano, see Quevedo r Villegas, F.G. de. Historiae Anglicanae scriptOres quinque. Oxo- nia3, 1687. v. 2. F. 942 11.1 Contents: 2. Annales MARGANEXSES.— Wikes,T.Chroni- con.— Annales WAVEKLEIENSES Galfridus de Vinosalvo. Historia— Walter of Hemingfwd. Historia.- -Index. Historic doubts on the life and reign of King Richard III., 1768, see Orford, H. Walpole, earl of. 923 50 Historical and descriptive account of Iceland, see KicoU, J. Historic of the arrivall of Edward IV. in Eng- land, and the finall recouerye of hiskingdomes from Henry VI., 1471; edited by John Bruce. London, 1838. 15+52 p. sqO, {In Camden soc. 1.) 820 4 Historien der Konigkreich Hispannien, Portu- gal und Aphrica... von dem Kriegszug Konig Sebastiens in Aphrica... Miinchen, 1589. Q. 946 1 The title at the beginning of the text adds the phrase "newlich auss Italianischer sprach verteutscht." Historien en minne-beelden, see Krul, J. H. Historien om de ti vezirer, see Ten yiziers. Historischer Verein fUr Niedersachsen. Zeit- schrift. 1869. Hannover, 1870. O. pi. map. 943 55 Historisohes Taschenbuch, see Rannier, F. L. G. von. Historisk Calender, see Engelstoft, L., & M0l- ler, J. Historiska markwardigheter, see Lonboni, S. Historisk-statistisk aterblick pa Sveriges sist- forflutna trettio aren... 2 upplagan, tillokt. Stockholm, 1843. O. 948 45 HISTORY. Carlyle, T. (/n Tiis Essays, 1860, V. 2, 3.) 824 8 — Cartolano, F. La storia religiosa, artistica e civile e lo svolgimento universale. Roma, 1872. _0. 901 i — Ferriar, J. Menippean essay on English historians. {In his Illustrations, 1812, v. 2.) 823 31 — Lobell, J. W. tJber die Epochen die Ge- schichtschreibung und ihr Verhaltniss zur Poe- sie. (In Ranmer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschen- buch. 1841.) 905 1 — Macaulay, T. B. {Inhis Essays, 1843, v. 1 ) « 824 16 —Marsh, G. P. The American historical school: a discourse before the literary societies of Union College. Troy, N. Y., 1847. O. 29 p. 080 9 —Putnam, G. P. The world's progress; a dic- tionary of dates, with tabular views of general HISTORY 324 HISTOR r history, and a historical chart. New York, 1851. D. pi. ^^2 1 — Rauiner, F. L. Gr. von, editor. Historisches Taschenbiich. Leipzig/ 1830-47. v. 1-10, n. s. V. 1-8. S. por. 'J05 1 — Regaldl, (J}. Storia e poesia, discorso. Tori- no, 1861. O. 15 p. 901 3 —Saint-Real, C. V. de. Sept discours sur I'u- sage de I'histoire. {In his Conjurations des Espagnols. 1803.) 946 37 — Sayce, A. H. The needs of the historical sciences. (In Essays on endowment of research. 1876.) 378 3 —Schiller, J. C. F. von. Prosaische Schriften. — Kleine Schriften. (In his Sanimt. Werke, 1855. V. 2.) 83''2 9 — Schwarze Punkte und Sonnenblicke am Le- benshimmel der Volker. Leipzig, 1871. O. 904 2 bound with 901 I See also EIGHTEENTH CENTURY; EPOCHS; MEDITER- BAXEAN SEA; MIDDLE AGES; MNETEEXTH CEXTIRY; also the different countries. —ANCIENT. Bede. Chronicon; sive, De sex hujus seculi aetatibus. {In his Historise. 1722.) 274 1 — — Diodorus Siciilus. Bibliothecae historicae libri quisupersunt exrecensione P.Wesselingii, [Greek and Latin]. Biponti, 1793-7. 11 v. O. 888 46 — — Fasciculus temporum; dat is, Vergade- ringe van al die historien van Adam tot Crist' tijt. Thantwerpen, 1529. D. 099 22 — — dirundtvig', N. F. S. Haandbog i Verdens- Historien. Kiobenliavn, 1833-6. 2 v. O. 930 1 — — Heeren, A. H. L.Handbuch der Geschich- te der Staaten des Alterthums. 5 Auflage. Gottingen, 1828. O. (in his Werke, v. 7.) 908 2 — Ideen iiber die Politik, den Verkehrund den Handel der alten Welt. Gottingen, 1824- 6. 6 V. O. maps. {In same. v. 10-15.) 908 2 — — Isidorns, St. Chronicon. {In his Opera. 1617 ) 208 3 ^— Justinus. Historiae Philippicse. Londini, 1818. T. 878 7 — — —Italian: Delle istorie, volgarizzamento; per cura di L. Calori. Bologna, 1880. D. (hi Scelta di curiosita. 173.) 850 10 Published with Sallustii Opera. ^ — Nanni, G. Antiquitatum variarum volu- mina 17. [Paris,] 1515. F. il. 099 43 A work little trusted ; most of the fragments being in- ventions of the compiler. — —Negri, C. La storia antica restituita a ve- rita, e raffrontata alia moderna. Torino, 1865. O. 937 6.1 — — Petrarca, F. Rerum memorandarum li- bri 4. {In his Opera, 1581, v. 1.) 851 95 — — Rndbeck, 0. Atland eller Manheim: At- lantica sive Manheim... Upsali8e[,1675-] 89. V. 1-2. F. pi. iltp. <& Atlas. F.6 930 6 Suliui, P. F. Fors0g til et Udkast af Vi- denskabers og Konsters Historie til SyndHo- den — Skilderie af Verden [, fra Syndfloden til Isaaks D0d]. {In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 5.)— Anmaerkninger over den almindelige Verdens Historie. (In same. v. 12-14.) 839.88 5 —MODERN. Arnold, T. Lectures on modern history. New York, 1843. F. 48 p. 940 23 bound ivith 913 17 — — Die Gregenwart; eineencyklopadischeDar- steliung der neuesten Zeitgeschichie. Leip- zig, 1848-9. V. 1-3. O. 940 28 — — Michelet, J. Precis de I'histoire moderne. 7 edition. Paris, 1842. O. 940 24 —UNIVERSAL. Bos^clia,J. Schets der alge- meene geschiedenis, en van die des vaderlands. 8 druk. Breeda, 1847. O. 909 6 — — Enlogium (historiarum sive temporis) : chronicon aborbe condito usque ad 1366; acce- dunt continuationes ad 1490; edited by F. S. Haydon. London, 1858-63. 3 v. Q. facsim. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 9.) 942 a — ^f ranck, S. Chronica, Zeitbuch unnd Ge- schichtbibell von Anbegyn bis in 1543 Jar verlengt. n. p., 1543. F. 909 5 Hidden, R. Poly chronicon: with English translations; edited by C. Babington [,v. 3-9] by J. R. Luraby. London, 1865-86. 9 v. Q. facsim. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 41.) 942 8 __ — Miiller, J. von. Vierundzwanzig Biicher allgemeiner Geschichten, besonders der euio- paischen Menschheit. Stuttgart, 1840. O. por. 909 2 — —OttOf bishop of Freising. Chronicon, ad- jecta continuatione [-1276]. Hannoverae, 1867. O. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 6.) 943 16 — — Prevost-Paradol, L. A. Essai sur I'histoire universelle. 2 edition. Paris, 1865. 2 v. D. 909 3 Reg:ino, abbot of Prum. Chronicon [A. D. 1-906], cum continuatione Treverensi [-967]. Hannoverae, 1890. O. {In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 7.) 943 16 Rotteck, K.W. R. von.Allgemeine Weltge- sihichte fiir alle Stande, bis zum Jahre 1831. 4 Originalausgabe. Stuttgart, 1839. 6 v. in 3. sqT. por. tab. 909 4 _ — Schedel, H. Liber Cronicarum. Nurem- berge, 1493. F. por. pi. 093 8 — — L'univers: histoire et description de tons les peuples. Paris, 1835-62. 68 v. O. il. por. pi. facsim. maps. 910 18 For contents see Astor catalogue, continuation. The history and description of the Isle of Man, see Waldron, G. History from marble, see Dingley, T. History of modern Greece; with the geogra- phy, antiquities and present condition of that country. From the London edition, with con- tinuation. Boston, 1827. O. map. 949 47 Republished from Josiah Conder's Modern traveller. The history of silk, cotton, linen, wool and other fibrous substances; also an account of the pastoral life of the ancients, their social state and domestic arts. New York, 1845. O. pi. map. 677 1 The history of Switzerland,B. C. 110-A.D.1880. Philadelphia, 1832. D. {In Lardner, D. 'Cab- inet eye. 19.) 949 26 History of the American revolution, see Shep- herd, W. IIITA 325 HOFFMANN Hita, Arcipreste de, see Ruiz, J. Hitfelt, Eberhard. Incipit aucupatorium hero- dioruin, ex antiquorum philozophorum dictis per magistrum ebirhardum hitfelt collectum et translatum in- laijcum ijdeoma. sqO. 58 p. ms. 091 1 Later ms copy of a work written about 1350. "Codex M. S. Vindobonens. Philosophic. N. cccxiii. olim Ambr. 247." Hitopadesa. The 1st book, containing text, interlinear transliteration, grammatical analy- sis, and English translation. London, 1864. O. {In Miiller, F. M. Handbooks for the study of Sanskrit. 1.) 491.2 1 — The 2-4 books; text, with interlinear transla- tion. London, 1865. Q. {Same, 2.) 491.2 2 — Del governo de' regni sotto morali esenipi di animali ragionati tra loro [; tratti prima di lin- gua Indiana in agarena da Lelo Demno Sara- ceno, e poi dall' agarena nella greca da Simeone S^tto, et hora di greco in italiano] Bologna, 1872. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 125.) 850 10 Seealso Manuel, J. El condeLucanor;PAXTC'HATANTBA. Hitzig, Jiiliiis Eduard, editor, see Clianiisso, A. YOn. Leben und Brief e. 1839. {In his Werke. V. 5-6.) 833 8 Un hiver au midi de I'Europe, par George Sand, see Diiderant, A. L. A. D. Hjdlmters ok divers saga. {In Rafti, C. C. Forn sogur, 1829-80, v. 3.) 839.63 12 Hjaltalin, Jon Andresson. The thousandth an- niversary of the Norwegian settlemen [so] in Iceland. Reykjavik, 1874. S. 949 3 The first English pamphlet printed in Iceland. Hjaltalin, Oddnr Jdnsson. Islenzk grasafrajSi; lUgefin a9 tilhlutun bins i-ilenzka bokmenta- feiags. Kaupmannahofn, 1830. D. 839.63 3 Hjort, Peder. Om det engelske Konjugations- systein; med en Tillaeg om Forholdet imellem Dansk og Engelsk. KJ0benhavn, 1843. sqO. 425 14 — Udtog af Breve til en Ven i Sjaelland om det slesvigholsteenske R0re ; udgivne af L. S. Navne [pseud.]. KJ0benhavn, 1847-8. 3 v. O. 943 43 Hoare, Edward Newenham, dean of Waterford. English roots, and the derivation of words from the Anglo-Saxon. 3 edition. Dublin, 1863. D. 422 4 —Exotics; or, English words derived from Latin roots. 2 issue. Dublin, 1865. D. 422 5 Hobbes, Thomas. Behemoth; the history of the causes of the civil- wars of England, 1640-60. London, 1682. D. 942 24 —translator, see Tlincydides. 1841. 888 9 HOB-GOBLO, see ROBIN GOODFELLOW. Hobson, John. Journal, tab. {In Jackson, C. Yorkshire diaries, 1877-86, v. 1 ; in Surtees soc. 65.) 820 7 Hobson, William. The pleasant conceits of old Hobson, the merry Londoner, 1607 ; edited by James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1843. D. 8-h40 p. {In Percy soc. v. 9.) 820 6 Hoby. Sir Thomas, translator, see Castiglione, B. The courtier. 1577. 395 1 Hoccleye, Thomas, poems, never before print- ed, selected from a ms. in the possession of George Mason; with a preface, notes and glos- sary. London, 1796. sqO. 821 63 Hochsletter, Ferdinand von. Geologie. {In Hann, J. AUgemeine Erdkunde. 1872.) 502 3 — den Ural. Berlin, 1873. O. 58 p. (7n Virchow & Holtzendorif. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 Hocquart, Edouard, editor, see France. Les 57 codes. 1855. 349 7 Hodgson, lYancis, translator, see Bonaparte, C. L. J. L.Charlemagne. 1815. 841 12 Hodgson, William Ballantyne. On the import- ance of the study of economic science. {In Yonmans, E. L. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 2 Hoefer, Jean Chretien Ferdinand. Afrique au- strale, — orientale, — centrale. — Empire de Ma- roc. Paris, 1848. O. pi. map. {In L'nniyers. 5.) ^ 910 18 — Chaldee, Assyrie, Medie, Babylonie, Mesopo- tamie, Phenicie, Palmyrene. Paris, 1852. O. il. pi. map. {In L'univers. 16.) 910 18 — Etats tripolitans. 1850. pi. map. {In same. 7.) 910 18 — editor. Nouvelle biographie universelle. Paris, Didot, 1852-66. 46 v. O. 920 2 Vol. 10-46 are Nouvelle biographie generale. Hofdijk, Willem Jacobs. Voor 300 jaren; histo- rieschilderingen uit Neerlands vrijheidskriig. Utrecht, 1869. Q. pi. 949 7 Hofer, Edmund, compiler. Wie das Volk spricht; sprichwortliche Redensarten. 7 ver- mehrte Auflage. Stuttgart, 1873. sqS. 398 36 Hoff, Hannibal. Bemasrkninger om Skaalebyg- ningen. il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 7, 1872.) 948 5 Hoff, Karl Ernst Adolf yon. Geschichte der durch tlberlieferung nachgewiesenen natiir- lichen Veranderungen der Erdoberflache.Gotha, 1822-41. 5 V. O. map. 551 22 Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm. Ausge- wahlteSchrif ten. Berlin, 1827-8. 10 v. S. pi. 883 19 Hoffmann, Ferdinand. Aus der Kulturge- schichte Europa's ; Pflianzen und Hausthiere. Berlin, 1880. O. 48 p. {In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 — Der Einfluss der Natur auf die Kulturent- wicklung der Menschen. Berlin, 1885. O. 36 p. {In same. 20 Serie.) 043 1 — Die neuesten Entdeckungen auf dem Plane- ten Mars. Berlin, 1883. O, 40 p. {In same. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Der Sinn fiir Naturschonheiten in alter und neuer Zeit. Hamburg, 1889. O. 62 p. {In same. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Hoffmann, Fridolin. Geschichte der Inquisi- tion, 1878. 2 V. O. 272 8 Hoffmann, CJeorg. Der kleine Windgellen. — Der Oberalpstock. — Der Kreutzli stock. — Der grosse Windgellen. {In Studer, B., & others. Berg- und Gletscher-Fahrten. 1859.) 561.43 27 Preceded by a biographical notice by J. Pestalozzi. Hoffmann, Konrad, editor, see Lnlio, R. Ein katalanisches Thierepos. 1872. 869 14 Hoffmann, Wilhelm. Encyklopadie der Erd- Volker- und Staatenkunde. Leipzig. 1864-6. 2 V. Q. {>10 21 HOFFMANN 326 HOLLAND — Der Zustand des weiblichen Geschlechts in der Heidenwelt. 3 Auflage, neue Ausgabe. Heidelberg, 1873. D. 396 3 Hoffinaiiu von Fallerslebeii, Augnst Heinrich, editor. Horse Belgicse. [pt, 1-2, 7, 2 edition.] Hannoverae, 1836-62 L,pt. 1, '57]. 12 pt. in 3 v. O. facsim. 839.31 3 Contents: 1. H. toh F. Uebersicht der Mirtelnieder- landischen Dichtun^. 2. Same. Niederlandische Volks- lieder. 3. Floris ende Blancefloer, door Diederic van Assenede. 4. Caerl ende Elegast 6. Laiitsloot ende die scone Sandrijn.— lleiiout van Montalbaen. ii. H. von F. Altniederliindisehe Schaubiihne ; abele spelen ende sotternien. 7. Sa7)ie. Glossarium Belgicum. 8. Same. Loverkens ; altniederlandische Lieder. 9. [Proverbia communia:] Altniederlandische Sprichworter.— GesprScli- biichlein, romanisch und fliimisch. 10. H. von F. Nieder- landische geistliche Lieder des 15. Jahrhunderts. 11. Antwerpener Liederbuch vom 1514. 12. H. von F. Bruch- stiicke mittelniederliindischer Gedichte, nebst Lovei"- kens. Barkliusen, H. Reineke Vos. 1834. 837 5 Holier, GfUStav. Bad Krankenheil zu Tolz in Oberbayern; zugleich Fiihrer in Tolz und seiner Umgebung. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1866. O. 615 15 — Eau alcalines acidules iodosuJfurees de Krankenheil pres Tcelz. [Fribourg, 1865?] D. 23 p. 615 15 Hofiuan, Tycho de. Historiske Efterretninger om velfortiente danske Adelsmaend; oversatte, for0gede og forbedrede. Ki0benhavn, 1777-9. 3v. sqQ. il. por. tab. 929 4 Hofmann, Johaun Jakob. Historia augusta im- peratorum Ronianorum aC. Julio Ceesa re usque ad Josephuni; ex Joannis Petri Lotichii tetra- stichis mnemonicis et Hofmanni tetrastichis et enarrationibus historicis; adduntur singulorum imperatorum effigies; additamenta & supple- menta adjecit Henricus Christianus Hennini- us. Amstelsedami, 1707. F.* por. iltp. 937 2 Hofmaiiii, K. B. Das Blei bei den VcUkern des Alterthums. Berlin, 1885. O. 48p. (/?iVir. chow cfcHoltzendorflF.Vortrage. 20 Serie ) 043 1 Uogadals prostgard, berattelse, see N,, A. Hogarth, William, illustrator, see Butler, S. Hudibras. 1772. 827 5 Hogg, Lewis M. What is doing in furtherance of church reformation in Italy. London. 1867. O. 36 p. 284 11 Hoggn^r, — Jriherre von. Reise nach Lappland und dem nordlichen Schweden. Berlin, 1841. O. 914.8 32.5 Atlas wanting. Hogstrom, Peter. Beschreibung des Lapp- landes; nebst Arwid Ehrenmalme Reise durch West-Nordland nach der Lappmark Asehle; aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt. Copenhagen, 1748. D. pi. map. 914.8 32.6 Hohenstein. Adolph. Der Wald,"8ammtde8sen Einfluss auf das Klima der Lander, Wohl der Staaten, sowie die Cresundheit der Menschen. Wien, 1860. O. 551.58 54 Hojeda, Alonzo, see Ojeda. Holbein, Hans. Alphabet of Death; illustrated with old borders engraved on wood, with Latin sentences and English quatrains, selected by Anatole de Montaiglon. Paris, 1856. O. [36] p. 761 8 — illustrator, see Erasmus, D. Elogio della pazzia. 1863. {In Bibl. rara. 17.) 850 3 Panegy rick upon folly. 1709. 879 6 The latter contains A catalogue of the paintings of Holbein. Holbein society. Fac-simile reprints. Man- chester, 1869-70. V. 1-8. sqO. il. 761 5-7 Contents: 1. Les simulachres & historiees faces de la Mort, commonly called The dance of Death; translated and edited by Henry Green ; with a sketch of Holbein's life and works, and notes. 1869. 2. Icones historiarvm Veteris Testamenti; edited by Henry Green. 1869. 3. The mirrovr of maiestie ; edited by Henry Green and James Croston. 1870. Holberg, Ludvig, Friherre af. Comedier; ud- givne af R. L. Rahbek. Ki0benhavn, 1824-7. 6 V. sqT. 839.82 17 — Dannemarks Riges Historie. [v. 1-2,] 3 Oplag. Kiobenhavn, 1754-63 [v. i, '62]. 3 v. sqO. por. 948 72 — Holbergiana; Smaa-Skrifter af og om Hol- berg; udgivne ved A. E. Boye. Kj0benhavn, 1832-5. 3 V. S. por. 839.88 1 — Levnet, forfattet af ham selv, i tre Breve; ny oversatte af Latin, med Anmserkninger, ved K. L. Rahbek; samt dan447fleaf dedanske Epistler. Kj0benhavn, 1814. D. 928 29 — Niels Klims underjordiske Reise, efter Hol- bergs latinske Original. {In Baggesen, J. I. Danske Vterker, 1827-32, v. 12.) 839.81 12 Niels Klims underjordiske Reise; fra Latin oversat af N. V. Dorph ; med Oplysninger af E. C. Werlauff. Kj0benhavn, 1841. O. {In Samfundet til den danske Literaturs Fremme. Skrifter, 2.) 839.87 3 Historiske, Bibliographiske Noticer om Niels Klims Reise, p. 290-319. An English translation is in the main library. — Niels Klims underjordiske Reise ; oversat after den latinske Original af Jens Baggeseii. Ki0benhavn, 1789. sqO. pi. 839.87 4 — Peder Paars, et heroiskcomisk Poema; nd- givet paa nye ved et Selskab. Ki0benhavn , 1772. sqO. pi. 839.87 5 — Suhm, P. r. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 4.) 839.88 5 — Welhaven, J. S. C. Om Holberg. {In his Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 6.) 839.84 2 — Werlauff, E. C. Historisk Antegnelser til L. Holbergs Lystspil. Kjobenhavn, 1838. v. 1. O. 839.82 18 Holden, Edward Singleton. On the number of words used in speaking and writing. Phila- delphia, 1876. O. [7] p. 401 3 Holder, E. Savigny und Feuerbach, die Kory- phaen der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft. Ber- lin, 1881. O. 44 p. {In Yirchow cfc Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Holger Danske, see Ingemann, B. S. HOLIDAYS. Tuckermann, H. T. {In his Criterion. 1866.) 814 15 Holidays on high lands, see Macmillan, H. Holinshed, Ralph, & others. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1807- 8. 6 V. sqF. 942 12 Holland, Frederick Whitmore. Explorations in the wildei'ness of Sinai, pi. map. {In Mor- rison, W., editor. The recovery of Jerusalem. 1871.) 915.6 30.1 Holland, Henry Richard Fox Yassal, 3d baron. Souvenirs des cours de France, d'Espagne, de HOLLAND 327 HOL Y R OMAN EMPIRE Prusse et de Russie; traduits del'anglais pair E. F. {In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857- 81, V. 27.) 944 10 — Macaulay, T. B. {In his Essays, 1843, v. 4.) 824 16 Holland, Philemon, translator, see Pliniiis Se- cundus, C. Historie of the world. 1601. 500 4 Plutarchus. Morals. 1603. 888 33 Holland, Wilhelni Lndwig. Du poeme du Cid dans ses analogies avec la chanson de Roland, par E. Baret. — Ueber den Roman de la poire. {In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 —editor, see Chrestien of Troyes. Li romans dou chevalier au lyon. 1862. 841 14.1 HOLLAND, see NETHERLANDS. Hollant, Heynric van. Die cracht der mane; uitgegeven door M. de Vries. (In Vereenig'ing Ned. letterknnde.Verslagen, v. 4, 1847.)839.3 6 HoUe, Carl. Die Prometheussage mit Besonde- rer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Bearbeitung dnrch Aeschylos. Berlin, 1879. O. 32 p. {Inyir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 14 Serie.)043 1 HoUyband, Claudius. The French schoolmai- ster; corrected by P. Erondelle. London, 1615, T. 448 3 Holmboe, Christoffer Andreas. Descriptio or- namentorum aureorum et numorum sseculi 8-9, in prtedio Hoen, 1834, repertorum. Chri- stianije, 1835. sqO. 16 p. pi. 391 3 — Runde og aegformede Stene i Gravh0ie. — Stedsnavne, hvori Ordet kind forekommer. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiqua- risk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 — Anmeldelse af Skrif ter af Holmboe om Helle- ristninger, Amuletter, hedenske Korsmonu- menter, Krodo en sachsisk Afgud. {hi same. V. 6, 1858-60.) — Archaeologisk-liuguistiske Af- handlinger; Anmeldelse af Smaaskrifter af Holmboe. {In same. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Astraea; the balance of illusions: a poem. Boston, 1850. D. 39p. 817 4 —John Lothrop Motley, a memoir. English copyright edition. London, 1878. D, 928 40 — Mechanism in thought and morals ; an ad- dress, with notes and afterthoughts. 2 edition. London, 1871. S. 131 1 •—Poems. London, 1846. D. 817 3 Hoist, Hans Peter, translator, see Winther. R. V. C. F. Judith. 1837. 839.81 60 Holstein, Frederik Adolf. Om de danske raad- givende Provindsial-Staenders Vaesen og Veerd. 2 Oplag med Tilssetninger. Kjobenhavn, 1832. O. 94 p. 328 4 HOLSTEIN. Elvervelt, J. Excerpta de Holsa- tia. {In Stephanius, S. H. De regno Daniae. 1629.) 094 21, 22 — tJrnudtvig, N. F. S. Politiske Betragtninger med Blik paa Danmark og Holsteen. 2 Oplag. Kiobenhavn, 1831. D. 948 71 — Petersen, J. Chronica der Lande zu Holsten... bis in 1531. Franckfurta. M., 1557. Q. 943 44 — Visby, C. H. Holsteens Erobring og Omven- delse td Kristendom af Keiser Carl den Store. Kj0benhavn, 1826. O. map. 943 46 — Westphalen,E. J.Yon, editor. Monumenta in- edita rerum Germanicarum, prascipue Cimbri- carum et Megapolensium. Lipsiae, 1739-45. 4 V. F.^ por. pi. 943 21 See also DITMARSCH; SCHLESWIG. Holty, Ludwig Heinrich Christoph. Gedichte. Gotha, 1828. Tt. 96 p. por. (Miniatur-Bi- bliothek.) 831 50 —Gedichte. Gotha, 1828. D. por. (Hand- Bibliothek.) §31 51 Holtzapfel, Charles. Das Schleifen und Poli- ren der VVerkzeuge und Instrumente: deutsch bearbeitet von Carl Hartmann. Weimar, 1853 P«, . . 689 i Plates wanting. Holtzendorff, Franz von. Die Auslieferung der Asylrecht. Berlin, 1881. O. 71 p. (7?i Vir- cliow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 16Serie.) 043 1 — Die britischen Colonien. Berlin, 1871. O. 38 p. {In same. 5 Serie.) 044 1 —England's Presse. Berlin, 1870. O. 32 p, (In same. 4 Serie.) 043 { — Eroberung&n und Eroberungsrecht. Berlin 1871. O. 40 p. {In same. 6 Serie.) 043 1 —Die Idee des ewigen Volkerfriedens. Berlin 1882. O. 72 p. {In same. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — John Howard und die PestsperregegenEnde des 18 Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1879. O. 64 p. {In same. 14 Serie. ) 943 { —Die Psychologie des Mordes. Berlin, 1875. O. 48 p. {In same. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Richard Cobden. Berlin, 1866. O. 38 p. {In same. 1 Serie.) 043 1 —Die Verbesserungen in der gesellschaftlichen und wirthschaftlichen Stellung der Frauen. Berlin, 1867. O. 46 p. {In same. 2 Serie.) 043 1 —editor, see Bible— A". T.— Gferman. 225 18 — Stork, F. Franz von Holtzendorff, ein nach- ruf. Hamburg, 1889. O. 34 p. por. {In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff'. Vortrage. Neue Folee Serie 3, Heft 71.) 043 2 An obituary notice by Virchow is appended to Heft 69. Holtzmann, Adolf. Altdeutsche Grammatik, umfassend die gothische, altnordis^che, altsiich- sische, angelsachsische und althochdeutsche Sprache. Leipzig, 1875. v. 1, pt. 2. O. 6r-l-ll +78 p. 439 2 Contents: Vergleichung der Laute. — Germanische Alterthiimer ; mit Text, tjber- setzung und Erklarung von Tacitus Germania; herausgegeben von Alfred Holder. Leipzie'. 1873. O. 878 20 —editor, see Der grosse Wolfdietrich. 1865. 831 92 Holtzmann, Heinrich Julius. Die Ansiedelung des Christen thums in Rom. Berlin, 1874. O. 40 p. (/n Virchow * Holtzendorff.' Vortrage. 9 Serie.) o43 I HOLY ALLIANCE. Schmidt-Phiseldek, C. J. von. Die Politik nach den Grundsatzen der heiligen Allianz. Kopenhagen, 1822. D. 341 2 HOLY COAT OF TREVES, see TREVES. HOLY GRAIL, see GRAIL. HOLY HOUSE OF LORETO, see LORETO. HOLY LAND, see PALESTINE. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, see GERMANY. HOL Y SPIRIT 328 HONORIUS HOLT SPIRIT. Hall, R. The work of the Holy Spirit. {In his Sermons. 1814.) 211 3 The holy state,— warre, see Fuller, T. Holzer, Heinrich. Der Hildesheimer antike Silberfund; seine archaologische und artisti- sche Bedeutung. Hildesheim, 1870. O. pi. 913 32 Holzinayer, J. B, Osiliana : Erinnerungen aus dem heidnischen Gottercultus und alte Ge- brauche verschiedener Art,gesammeltunter den Insel-Esten. Dorpat, 1872. O. {In Dorpat— Estnische tfesellschaft.Verhandl. v. 7.) 390 19 Homans, Isaac Smith, sr. <& jr., editors. A cyclopedia of commerce and commercial navi- gation. 2 edition. New York, 1859. O. 77iap. 380 1.2 Hombre pobre todoestrazas,seeCalderon. v. 1. Tlie home face of the "four points," see Urqu- liart, D. The home of the Eddas, see Lock, C. Gr. MW HOMEOPATHY. Liberal!, C. The homeopa- thic treatment of certain diseases. {In Jiis Hy- gienic hand-book for Italy. 1878.) 615 17 Homeriis. Carmina [, Greek and Latin]; cum brevi annotatione; accedunt variae lection es et observationes, curante C. G. Heyne. Lipsise, 1802. 8 V. O. 883 1 Contains only the Iliad. Opera omnia; ex recensione et cum notis Samuelis Clarkii; accessit varietas lectionum cura Jo. Augusti Ernesti. Glasguse, 1814. 5 v. O. maps. 883 2 Vol. 5 contains the hymns, epigrams and fragments, indexes, Wolf's Prolegomena, and Plutarch's life of Homer. — llias. Nova editio stereotypa, iteratis curis castigata. Lipsiae, 1824. 2 v. T. por. 883 3 — Odyssea. Nova editio stereotypa, iteratis curis castigata. Lipsiae, 1824-39. 2 v. T. por. 883 4 — Danish: Iliade [,Odysee] ; oversat af Christian Wilster. Kj0benhavn, 1836-7. 4 v. in 2. O. 883 11-12 — English: The whole works of Homer; trans- lated by Geo. Chapman; with introduction and notes by Richard Hooper. 1-2 edition. London, 1857-65 [v. 1,'65]. 5 v. D. por. iltp. 883 6-8 Hymns. {In Shelley, P. B. Poet, works, 1855, V. 3.) 821 96 Paraphrases, {hi Browning, E. B. B. Last poems. 1862.) 821 24 — German: Werke, von Johann Heinrich Voss. Stereotyp-Ausgabe. Stuttgart, 1842. 2 v. sqS. pi. maps. 883 10 llias. in Hexametern iibersetzt von Her- mann Monje. Frankfurt a. M., 1846. D. pi. 883 9 — Icelandic: Odyssea a islenzku litlagdar af SveinbirnJ Egilssyni. Videyar Klaustri, 1829- 40. 5 V. in 1. D. 839.61 10 — Italian: La Batracomiomachia. — Same, ri- fatta, 1826. — Discorso sopra la Batracomioma- chia. — Saggiodi traduzione dell' Odissea: canto primo. {In Leopardi, G. Studi filologici. 1845.) 858 8 Batracomiomachia, de N. Pagano. {In CoUezione napoletana, 1787, v. 17.) 859 19 La Batracomiomachia, parafrasi in lingua milanese. (In CoUezione milanese, 1816-7, v. 10.) 859 15 - - — La Batracommiomachia; tradotta da Fran- cesco Mazzarella Farao. {In CoUezione napole- tana, 1783-9, V. 24.) 859 19 — Blackie, J. S. Homer and the Iliad. Edin- burgh, 1866. 4 V. O. 883 5.1 Contents:!. Homeric dissertations. 2-3. The Iliad in English verse. 4. Notes philological and archaeological. — Eyssenliardt, F. R. Die Homerische Dich- tung. Berlin, 1875. O. 32 p. {In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Frere, J. H, Remarks on the 9th book of the Iliad. {In his Works, 1872, v. 1.) 821 58 — (xail, J. B. Clef d'Homere; precedee de dis- sertations grammaticales, d'un tableau des verbes primtifs, d'une lettre a M. Bast, et d' observations sur plusieurs morceaux d'Homere. Paris [,1805?]. D. 883 13 — Hagen, H. Ueber Wesen und Bedeutung der Homerfrage. Hamburg, 1889. O. 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — Herodotns. Liber de vitaHomeri [, Greek and Latin]. (/?i /lis Historia, 1781, v. 9.) 888 2 —Pope, A. Preface to Homer's Iliad. {In his V^orks, 1764, v. 4.) 821 90 — Racine, J.Analyse de I'lliade. (In his Etudes. 1855.) 848 15 — Ramns, J. Ulysses & Outinus unus & idem; sive, Disquisitio historica & geographica quS ex collatis inter se Odyssea Homeri & Edda Island. Homerizante... Editio nova. Hafnise, 1713. S. 883 14 — Ross, L. Das Grab des Homeros auf los. {In Krieuen, P.van. Ahdruck seiner Beschreibung. 1860.) 913 31.1 Homes, Henry Augustus, translator, see Mu- hammad ibn Muhammad. The alchemy of hap- piness. 1873. 297 1 Homeyer, Carl tJustav, editor, see Richtsteig Landrechts. 1857. 349 4.1 Hommaire de Hell, Adele. A travers le monde; la vie orientale; la vie Creole. Paris, 1870. D. 910 31 L'homme des champs, poeme, see Delille, J. Homulus, see E very-man. Hones, Christian. Ludwig Uhlan d, der Dichter* und der Patriot. Hamburg, 1887. O. 52 p. {In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Tlie honestie of this age, see Rich, B. Honey from the weed, see Clarke, M. V. N. C. Den honnette Ambition, see Holberg, L. Come- dier, v. 6. H<»nnorat, Simon Jude. Dictionnaire proven- 9al-fran9ais, suivi d'un Vocabulaire fran9ais- proven9al. Digne, 1846-8. 4 v. sqQ. 449 1 HONOR. Baumeister, H. Ueber Injurien. Ber- lin, 1880. 30 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 — Osenbrttggen, E. Die Ehre im Spiegel der Zeit. Berlin, 1872. O. 32 p. {In same. 7 Serie.) 043 i Honorius, Philippus, see Onorio, F. HOOD 329 HORNEMANN HOOD, Robin. Child, F. J., editor. (In his English and<5cottish ballads, 1861, v. 6.)821 3.2 —The noble birth and gallant achievements of Robin Hood; added, The life of Robin Hood. (In Thorns, W. J. Prose romances, 1828, v. 2.) 823 2 — Ritson, J., editor. Robin Hood; a collection of poems, songs and ballads; prefixed, histori- cal anecdotes of his life. London, 1823. D. il 821 8 Rees's expurgated edition. —Wright, T. On the popular cycle of the Robin Hood ballads. {Inhis Essays, 1846, v. 2.) 820 3 See also BALLADS; Jonson, B. The sad shepherd. Hooker, Richard. Of the lawes of ecclesiasti- call politie. Eyght bookes. London [, 1594]-7. 2v. inl. Q. 2G2 5 Only five books. The fifth book has a separate title-page and paging. — Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie. Eight bookes. London [,1639]. Q. 262 6 Only five books. The fifth book has a separate title- page, 1638. Appended are Certain divine tractates, and other godly sermons, 1639; including several title-pages, 1635-6. — Works, in eight books of ecclesiastical polity, compleated out of his own manuscrips[soJ; with an account of his life and death [by Izaak Walton] . London, 1666. F. par. iltp. 262 7 With the tractates of the preceding edition. — Walton, I. Life of Hooker. (In his Lives, 1832, V. 2.) 820 10 Hooker, William. Hooker's new pocket plan of the city of New York. New York, 1824. 32x 40 cm. in T. 912 43 Hooper, Richard, editor see Honierns. Whole works; translated by Chapman. 1857-65. 883 6 Hope, Thomas. Anastasius; or, Memoirs of a Greek, written at the close of the 18th century. London, 1836. 2 v. D. pi. map. iltp. 823 12 Hopf, Rarl. Bonifaz von Montferrat, der Ero- berer von Konstantinopel, und der Troubadour Rambaut von Vaqueiras; herausgegeben von Ludwig Streit. Berlin, 1877. O. 40 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorfif. Vortrage. 13 Serie.^ 043 1 —editor. Chroniques greco-romanes inedites ou peu connues [, 1200-1566]; avec notes et tables genealogiques. Berlin, 1873. O. 949 40 Hopkins, John Henry, bishop of Vermont. The American citizen; his rights and duties. New- York, 1857. D. 172 4 —Autobiography in verse; printed for the family on the occasion of the golden wedding. Cambridge [,Mass., 1866]. O. por. 922 34 — "The end of the controversy," controverted; A refutation of Milner's [work]. 2 edition. New York, 1855. 2 v. D. 282 5 — Essay on Gothic architecture; with plans for churches, Burlington, 1836. sqQ. 6-1-46 p. pi. iltp. 726 2 Hoppe, A. Englisch-deutsches Supplement- Lexikon. Berlin, 1871. Q. 433 13 Hopper, Clarence, editor, see the following publications of the Camden society: 820 4 78. London chronicle,Henry VII.-VIII.— Lydgate, J. The childe of Bristow. 1859. 87. Leng, R. Drake's service against the Spaniards.1863. Hoppe-Seyler, Felix. Ueber die Quellen der Lebenskrafte. Berlin, 1871. O. 35 p. (In Vir- chow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — Ueber Spectralanalyse. Berlin, 1868. 0.36 p. pi. (hi same. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Horae Belgicae,see Hoffmann von Fallersleben, A. H. Horatius Flaccns, Quintus. Opera; ex editione J. C. Zeunii [; receusuit Joannes Carey]. Lon- dini, 1822. T. 874 2 — Poemata, illustravit Carolus Anthon. Novi Eboraci, 1830. O. 874 3 — Art of poetrie ; made English by Ben. John- son [,Latin and English]. (In Jonson, B. Workes, 1640, v. 2.) 822 8 — L' arte poetica; esposta in dialetto milanese. Milano, 1836. O. 81 [4-4] p. 874 4 — Lundy, F. J. Metra Horatiana. Burlington, 1838. S. 26 p. 476 3 —Pope, A. Satires and epistles of Horace imi- tated. (In his Works, 1764, v. 2.) 821 90 — Rosch, W. Der Dichter Horatius und seine Zeit. Berlin, 1885. O. 40 p. (In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 — Suhm, P. F. Anmserkninger over Horatius. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 7.) 839.88 5 HORBERG, Pehr. Molbech, C. Tlie life and works of the painter Horberg; translated and abridged by G. P. Marsh. (In American eclec- tic, V. 1, 1831.) 080 32 Les horizons celestes; par I'auteur des Hori- zons prochains. 5 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 944 2.1 Les horizons prochains. 4 edition. Paris, 1861. D. 844 2 See also, by the same author, Au bord de la mer, Les horizons c61estes, Vesper. Horkel, J. Die Lebensweisheit des Komikers Menander ; Vortrag. Konigsberg, 1858. O. 4+50 p. 882 8 King Horn. (In Miitzner, E. A. F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v, 1, pt. 1, 1867.) 820 8 — King Horn..., with notQs and glossary by J. R. Lumby. London, 1866. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 14.) 820 5 — Horn et Rimenhiid; recueil de ce qui reste des poemes relatifs a leurs aventures, composes en fran9ois, en anglois et en ecossois dans les 13-16 siecles : public par Francisque Michel. Paris, 1845. sqQ. facsim. (Bannatyneclub.) 821 64 — Hornkind und Maid Rimenild. (In (jrrimm, J. L. K.Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 6.) 408 2 HORN, Fredrik, grefve. Oxensljerna, J. G. Aminnelse-tal ofver Horn, 2 april 1796. (In his Arbeten, 1805-26, v. 3.) 839.71 32 Horn, or Einhorn, Igndtz Edu^d. Le bilan de I'empire. 4 edition. Paris, 1868. O. 336 5 A horn-book, printed about 1570. pi. (In Hal- liwell-Phillips, J. 0. Notices of fugitive tracts. 1849; in Percy soc. v. 29.) 820 6 Frontispiece, % original size, with notice on p. 30-1. Hornemann, Frederich Konrad. Journal of travels from Cairo to Mourzouk, 1797-8. Lon- don, 1802. sqQ. maps. 916.1 5 Hornemann, Jens Wilken.De indole plantarum Guineensium. Hauniae, 1819. O. 681 25 HORNEMANN 330 HOSA US — Fors0g til en dansk ceconomisk Plantelsere, [v. 1,] 3 for0gede Oplag. KJ0benhavn, 1831- 37. 2 V. O. 581 21 Hornen Siegfried. {In Hagen, F. H. von der. Der Helden Buch. 1825.) 831 6 Horner, Heinrich. Der Saugling, eine toskani- sche Geschichte. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 2, 1875.) 946 41 Horner, Susan. The Tuscan poet Giuseppe Giusti and his times. London, 1864. D. 928 27 HORNS. Arnkiel, T. Cimbrisch gulden Hey- den-Horn bey Tundern 1639 gefunden. Ham- burg, 1702. sqO. pi. {In his Ausfiihrliche Er- offnung. 2.) 913 47.1 — Bredsdorff, J. H. tjber die Inschrift auf dem letzt gef undenen goldenen Home. {In Copen- hagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 —Gram, H. Af handling om det 1734 ved M6- geltonder fundne Guldhorn ; med Indledning og Bemserkninger af E. C. Werlauff. {In same. Annaler. v. 13, 1853.) 948 2 — Henneberg, K. Hvad er Edda ? eller, Rai- soneret kritisk Undersogelse over de tvende ved Gallehuus fundne Guldhorn; med et Anhang, Om der har vaeret fiere Odiner til. Aalborg, 1812. sqO. pi. 913 54 1 — — Forsvar for Skriftet, Hvad er Edda ? Aal- borg, 1813. sqO. [l+]34p. 913 54.1 ^Munch, P. A. Om Indskriften paa det i Son- der-Jylland 1734 fundne Guldhorn. — Tillaegs- bema3rkninger. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.* Selskab. Annaler. v. 7, 1847.) 948 2 — Mftller, P. E. Antikvarisk Undersogelse over de ved Gallehuus fundne Guldhorn. Kioben- havn, 1806. sqO. pi. 913 55 — Rafn, C. C. De tvende ved Gallehuus fundne Guldhorn, efter de seldre Beskrivelser. pi. — Guldhornindskriftens Forklaring. {In Copen- hagen- K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 15, 1855.) 948 2 — — French: Sur les deux cornes d'or trouvees pres de Gallehus; d'apres les anciens descrip- tions, pi. — Inscription de la come d'or inter- pretee. {In same. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 The plates are in Atlas de I'archSologie du nord. 918 52 —Worm, 0. Aureum cornu Danicum. pi. {In /lis Danicorum monumentorum. 1643.) 91361.2 — — De aureo cornu Danico. {In Bartholin, T. De armillis. 1676.) 391 1 HOROMETRY, see CHRONOLOGY. Horozco, Alonso de. Historiade la reyna Saba> quando disputo con el rey Salomon en Hierusa- lem. Salam'anca, 1568. T. 868 6 A collection of sermons. Horrebow, Niels. Tilforladelige Efterretninger om Island, med 2 Aars meteorologiske Obser- vationer. [Kjobenhavn,] 1752. D. map. 914.9 5 — English : The natural history of Iceland; translated from the Danish. London, 1758. F. map. 914.9 6 HORSE. Daumas, BT. J. E. Les chevaux du Sahara et les moeurs du desert. 3 edition. Paris, 1855. D. 636 1 — Frentzel, J. P. Ueber die Landespferdezucht im Regirungsbezirk Gumbinnen. Berlin, 1875. O. 56 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. lO Serie.) 043 1 —Hippocrates. Trattati di mascalcia, attribuiti ad Ippocrate; per cura di P. Delprato. Bologna, 1865. O. (J?i Emilia. Collezione. 12.) 850 6 — Neergaard, J. V. Anmserkninger til Indberet- ningen af den Commission til at unders0ge det kongl. Stutteri. Kjobenhavn, 1827. D. [44-] 43 p. 636 2 — — Fors0g...den engelske Fuldblodshest...til Hesteavlens Forbedring i Danmark. Kioben- havn, 1830. D. 8-h44 p. 636 2 — — Har ProBmie-Uddelingen hidtil gavnet Landets Hesteavl? Kiobenhavn, 1831. D. 10-t- 43 p. ' 636 2 — — Hesteavlen i Danmark. Kjobenhavn, 1827. D. 636 2 — — Lseren om Hestens Exterieur. Kj0ben- havn, 1837. v. 1. O, & Atlas. obO. 599 5 — — Oplysmnger om S. T. Stutterdirectionens Indberetning om mine Skrifter angaaende Hesteavlen i Danmark. Kjobenhavn, 1838. D. 636 2 Et par Ord om Danmarks Hesteavl. Kio- benhavn, 1832. D. [8-t-] 6+71 p. 636 2 — RusiOj' L. La mascalcia [Latin and Italian]; da P. Delprato. Bologna, 1867. 2 v. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 19-20.) 850 6 Vol. 2 is Notizie storiche degli scrittori italiani di vete- rinaria. — Vegetins Renatus, F. Ars veterinaria ; sive Mulomedicina. {In Scriptores rei rusticae, 1783-4, V. 5.) 878 36 — Xenophon. De re equestri. {In his Opera, 1826-7, V. 6.) 888 12 — Youatt, W. The horse; with a treatise on draught. London, 1831. O. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) 636 3 Horstmann, Carl, editor. The Paris beggar- boy murdered by a Jew for singing "Alma re- demptoris mater?" (Jn Originals and analog- ues. 1872-88; in Chancer soc. 2 ser. 15.) 821 46 see the following publications of the Early English text society; original series: 820 5 85. Johanii von HUdeslieim. The three kin^s of Cologne 1886. 86. The lives of women saints of England. 1886. 87. The early South-English legendary. 1887. 88. Bradshaw, H. The life of St. Werburge. 1887. Horton, Samnel Dana. Discouro et documents. 72 p. {In Internat. monetary conf. 1881. Pro- ces-verbaux.) 332 2 Horlns sanitatis, 1520, see Cnba, J. Horwircz, Adolf. Zur Naturgeschichte der Gefiihle. Berlin, 1876. O. 39 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Horwood, Alfred John, editor, see iWilton, J. A common-place book. 1876. {In Camden soc. n. s. 16.) 820 4.1 & translator. Year books of the reign of Edward I., years 20-2, 30-5; Edward III., 11-12. London, 1863-83. 6 v. Q. {In (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 31.) 942 8 The last volume has preface & index by Luke Owen Pike, who continued the series. HosS^us, A. Die Wasserverdun stung derPflanze und ihre Bedeutung im Haushalt der Natur. {In Weimar— Realschule. Programm. 9. 1870.) 581 8 HOSPITAL 331 HO USEHOLD Hospital transports; a memoir of the embark- ation of the sick and wounded from tlie Penin- sula of Virginia in the summer of 1863; com- piled at the requestof the sanitary commission. Boston, 1863. D. 362 7 HOSPITALS. Bo, A. Raffronti storici sui prov- vedimenti sanitarii antichi e nuovi nel porto di Brindisi, lettera. {In Societa ligiire. Atti. v. 8, 1868.) 945 48 —Collin, J. Efterretning om F^dsels- og Pleie- Stiftelsen. {In his For Historie, 1822-5, v. 2.) 984 66 ^Virchow, R. Ueber Hospitaler undLazarette. Berlin, 1869. O. 32 p. {In Virchow cfc Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Wernlier, A. Die Armen- und Krankenpf lege der geistlichen Ritterorden in friiherer Zeit. Berlin, 1874. O. 53 p. (In same. 9 Serie.) 043 1 See also LUBECK; NURSIIVG; BOME; SIENA; U. S. sanl- tary coniniis8ion. H0st, Georg. Efterretninger om Marokos og Fes, 1760-8. Ki0benhavn, 1779. sqQ. il. por. pi. facsim. map. 964 1 H0st, Jens Kragh. Der danischeGeheimecabi- netsminister Graf Johann Friedrich Struensee und sein Ministerium. Kopenhagen, 1826-7. 2 V. D. por. 948 73 — Rigshofm ester Grev Korfits Ufeld og Eleo- nora Christina Ufelds Levnet. Kj0benhavn, 1825. D. 923 93 Hostlanga, see Edda— Younger. HOT SPRINGS see MINERAL SPRINGS: SPRINGS. Hotten, John Camden. The history of sign- boards, see Sadler, L. R., & Hotten. 394 8 — The slang dictionary. 13th thousand. Lon- don, 1865. D. map. 427 7 Houbraken, Arnold, artist. Dichtkundige be- spiegelingen op 57 zinnebeelden door Houbra- ken van Gezine Brit. Amsterdam, 1782. il. iltp. 839.31 13 Hough, Franklin Benjamin. An address on our schools and forests. Washington, 1881. O. 18 p. 551.68 48 — Cultivation of timber and preservation of forests. [Washington, 1874.J O. {In V. S.— Ho. of rep. 43 cong. 2 ses. Report 259.) 551.58 48 — Report upon forestry. Salem, 1878. O. 14 p. 551.58 48 From Am. assoo. for adv. of science. Proc. 1878. — Report upon forestrv, Washington, 1878. O. il. ' 551.58 30 Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, baron. On the present social results of classical educa- tion. (In Farrar, F. W., editor. Essays. 1867.) 375 1 — Selections from [his] poetical works. Lon- don, 1863. D. 821 77 HOUSE PLANTS. Perkins, G. H. Hygiene of house plants. {In American naturalist, v. 10, 1876.) 551.58 121 HOUSEHOLD. Account of the expenses of John of Brabant and Thomas and Henry of Lancaster, 1292-3 ; edited by J. Burtt. 1853. {In Camden misc. 2; in Camden soc. 55.) 820 4 — A breviate touching the order and govern- mente of a nobleman's house, &c. ; copy of an original ms. communicated by Sir J. Banks, bart. [London, 1800.] sqQ. p. 315-389. 640 1 bound with 631 20 — Carena, G. Vocabolario domestico. Edi- zione2. Torino, 1851. O. (/w ^ts Prontuario, V. 1.) 453 2 —Durham, England. The Durham household book; or, Accounts of the bursar of the mon- astery, 1530-4. London, 1844. O. {In Surtees soc. 18.) 820 7 — Emminghaus, K. B. A.Hauswirthschaftliche Zeitfragen. Berlin, 1869. O. 44 p. {In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Fieschi, S. Arredi ed armi, inventario. 1532. (in Societk ligure. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 ^Fornari, P. II nuovo Carena : La casa ; o, Vocabolario metodico domestico. Torino. 1878, D- 453 10 — France. Comptes de I'hotel des rois de France aux 14-15 siecles; publies par L. Douet-d'Arcq. Paris, 1865. O. 640 3 — Furnivall, F. J., editor. King Edward II's household and wardrobe ordinances, 1323, eng- lisht by F. Tate in 1601; with extracts from Edward IV's household book. London, 1876. O. por. {In Life-records of Chaucer. 2 ; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 14.) 821 46 — Guala, L. Consigli di economia domestica. {In his Elementi di economia politica, 1863, appendice.) 330 3 — — Lezioni di economia domestica. Vercelli, 1869. 2 V. O. 640 4 Contents: Pt. 1. Prolegomeni : storia e costituzione della famiglla. 2. Economia ed amministrazione do- mestica. —Hale, W. H., & EUacombe. H. T., editors. Account of the executors of Richard, bishop of London, 1303, and of Thomas, bishop of Exeter, 1310. [London,] 1874. sqO. pi. tab. {In Cam- den soc. n. s. 10.) 820 4.1 —Household expenses of the princess Elizabeth at Hatfield, 1551-3; edited by Viscount Strang- ford. 1853. facsim. {In Camden misc. 2: in Camden soc. 55.) 820 4 — Howard. W., o/iVawor<7i castle. Selections from [his] household books. Durham, 1878. O. por. {In Surtees soc. 68.) 820 7 — Huber-Liebenan, T. von. Das deutsche Haus zur Zeit der Renaissance. Berlin, 1882. O. 32 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Lestrange family. Extracts from the house- hold and privy purse accounts of the Les- tranges of Hunstanton, 1519-78; by D. Gurney. [London, 1833.] sqQ. 640 2 bound with 631 20 —Nichols, J. G., editor. Inventories of the wardrobes, etc. of Henry Fitzroy, duke of Richmond, and of the wardrobe stuff of Katha- sine, princess dowager. 1855. facsim. {In Camden misc. 3; in Camden soc. 61.) 820 4 — Swinfleld, R. de, bishop of Hereford. A roll of [his] household expenses, 1289-90; edited by J, Webb. [London,] 1854-5. 2 v. sqQ. {In Camden soc. 59, 62.) 820 4 — Walmysley, T. The expenses of the judges of assize riding the western and Oxford circuits, 1596-1601; edited from the ms. account book, by W. D. Cooper. 1858. {In Camden misc. 4; in Camden soc. 73.) 820 4 HO USEHOLD 332 HUDBE8F0RD — Xeuophon. Oeconomicus. (In his Opera, 1826-7, V. 5.) 888 12 See also DINING; FOOD, HEATING; LIGHTING; VENTIL- ATION; WILLS. Hoveden, John. Practica chilindri ; or, The working of the cylinder ; edited, with a trans- lation, by Edmund Brock. {In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 2, 1874; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 9.) 8ai 46 Hoveden, Roger of. Chronica; edited by Wil- liam Stubbs. London, 1868-71. 4 v. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 51.) 942 8 Hovelacque, Abel. La linguistique. Paris, 1876. D. (Bibl. des sciences contemp.) 400 1 Howard. George W. Tlie monumental city; its history and resources. Baltimore, 1873. O. maps. 917.5 1 Howard, George William Frederick, 7th earl of Carlisle, see Carlisle. Howard, Henry, earl of Surrey, see Surrey. HOWARD, John. Holtzendorff, F. von. John Howard und die Pestsperre gegen Ende des 18 Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1879. O. 64 p. {In Virchow ublislier. {In his Handbook for Denmark. 1858.) 914.8 2 — ^Marmier, X. Lettres sur I'lslande. Paris, 1827. O. 914.9 9 — — Nicoll, J. An historical and descriptive ac- count of Iceland. Edinburgh, 1846. D. maps, iltp. 914.9 7 ICELAND 338 ICELANDIC LANGUAGE Olafsson, E. F. Olafsens og B. Povelsens Reise igiennem Island. Sor0e, 1772, 2 pt. in 1 V. sqO. pi. 914.9 10 — — 6lafsson, 0. Oeconomisk Reise igiennem Island; tilligemed O. Henchels Underretning om de islandske Svovel-Miiner og Svovel-Raf- flnering, samt C. Zieners Beskrivelse over Surterbrands-Fielde. Ki0benhavn, 1780. 2 pt. in 1 V. sqQ. pi. maps. 914.9 11 Sartorius yon Waltershausen, W. Phy- sisch-geographische Skizze von Island, niit be- sonderer Riicksicht auf vulcanische Erschei- nungen. Gottingen, 1847. O. 551.21 25 ^ —Shepherd, C. W. The north-west peninsu- la of Iceland, 1862. London, 1867. D. pi. map. 914.9 12 — — StreyC) D. Kortfattet Beskrivelse af den O Islandia; fra Polsk oversat med en Indledning af E. M. Thorson. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d..SeIskab. Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 Followed by Nogle Bemaerkninger, ved S. Jonasson. ^— Troil, U. von. Bref rorande en resa til Island, 1772. Upsala, 1777. D. pi. map. 914.9 13 English. Letters on Iceland. London, 1780. O. pi. map. 914.9 13.1 —FINANCE. Einarsson, H. Om VaBi-die-Bereg- ning paa LandsviisogTiende-Ydeisen i Island. Kjobenhavn, 1833. D. 336 2 —HISTORY. Annates Islandorum regii. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 3.) — Annales Islandorum vetustissimi. (In same. v. 2.)— Fasti necrologici Islandici. (In same. v. 8.)— Necrologiiimlslando-Norvegicum vetus. (In same. v. 2.) 948 76 Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Sel8kab. Islen- dinga sogur. Kaupmannahofn, 1829-30. 2 v. O. , 839.63 8 — Islendinga sogur. Kjobenhavn, 1843-7. 3 V. O. facsim. tab. map. 839.63 9 — — Espdlin, J. J. Islands arbsekur i sogu- formi. Kaupmannahofn, 1821-55. 12 pt. in 3 v. sqO. 839.63 44 Finnsson, H. Om Folkemsengdens For- mindelse ved Uaar i Island; oversat ved H. Ei- narson. Kjobenhavn, 1831. D. 949 2 Grunlogsen, A. H. The commonwealth of Iceland. [London, 1890.] D. 19 p. 949 3 Hjaltalin, J. A. The thousandth anniver- sary of the Norwegian settlemen [so] in Iceland. Reykjavik, 1874. S. 949 3 — — -Islenzkir annalar; sive, Annales Islandici, 803-1430; cum interpretatione Latina... Haf- nise, 1847. sqQ. 839.63 45 — — Joiisson, A. Tractatus de Islandicoe gentis primordiis & veteri republica. (In Stephanins, S. H. De regno Danise. 1629.) 094 21, 22 J6nsson, B. Annalar [,1400-1645]. Hrapp- sey, 1774-5. 2 v. in 1. sqO. 839.63 46 ^Lacroix, F. Islands. 1840, pi. map. (In L'univers. 10.) 910 18 Petersen, N. M. Islands Opdagelse og f0rste Bebyggelse. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsekrift. v. 1, 1832.) 948 1.2 ^ — — editor. Historiske Fortsellinger om Islsendernes Faerd hjemme og ude. Kjoben- havn, 1839-44. 4 V. 6. 839.63 18 2 — — Rymbegla ; sive, Rudimentum computi ecclesiastici et annalis veterum Islandorum; versione...auxit S. Biornonis ; addita 8unt Tal- byrdingus, Oddi Somnia, J. Arnae & F. Johan- nsei Horologia. Havniae, 1780. Q. pi. 839.63 61 Stephensen, M. 0. Eptirmaeli atjandu aldar eptir Krists hingaburd fra ey-konnuni Islandi. Leirarg0rdum vid Leira, 1806. D. 839.68 14 — — — Islandi det 18de Aarhundrede,historisk- politisk skildret. Kjobenhavn, 1808. S. tab. 949 4 StnrlAnga-saga; edr, Islendinga-saga hin mikla. Kaupmannahofn, 1817-20. 2 v. in 4 pt. sqO. 839.63 63 — i — iThomsen, G. The Northmen in Iceland; remarks on a treatise of G. W. Dasent. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 4, 1820-60.) 948 3, 949 5 — — Thorgilsson, Ari. Schedae; seu Islendinga- bok; in Latinam versus ac illustratus ab A. BusssBO. Havnise, 1733. sqO. 839.63 47 — — Thorlacius, B. Undersogelse over en i det 12te Aarhundrede skreven islandsk Historic kaldet Fliotsdfelernes, eller Droplogs Sonners, Saga. Ki0benhavn, 1828. S. [l-h]64p. 949 6 Yidalin, P. J. Udtog af Vidalins Afhand- ling om Islands Opkomst: Deo, regi, patriae; samt andres af samme Indhold. Soroe, 1768. 949 7 ^MAPS. island a ofanverSri tiundu old eptir Krists bvirS ok um aldamotin ar 1000. 38x58 cm. 912 52 In portfolio 2. From Antiquitates Americanae. 1837. —POLITICS. Einarsson, R. Om de danske Provindsialstaender, med specielt Hensyn paa Island. Kjobenhavn, 1832. O, 40 p. 949 1 — — Eirlksson, M., cfc others,. Fjorir iasttir um Ailing og onnur malefni Islendinga. Kaup- mannahofn, 1843. O. 8+86 [-MJ p. 839.68 5 _ — Stepliensen, M. 0. Athugaverdt vid ssetta- stiptanir og forlikunar-malefni a Islandi. Vide- yar Klaustri, 1819. S. • 839.68 7 —SOCIAL LIFE. Leo, H. Einiges uber das Leben und die Lebensbedingungen in Island in der Zeit des Heidenthumes. (In Raniner, F. L. a, Ton. Hist. Taschenbuch 1835.) 906 1 For other works on Iceland, see CHURCH HISTORY ; COMMERCE; HECLA. Icelandic annals, 1392-1430, see N:^i annall. ICELANDIC LANGUAGE. Bryn.iiilf8Son, G. G. Oldengrelsk og Oldnordisk. (hi Copenhagen — K, nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. V. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 — Gislason, K. Umfrum-partaislenzkrar tungu i fornold. Kaupmannahofn, 1846. D. 439.6 3 ^Lnnd, G. F. W. Om det oldnordiske Sprogs Forhold og Stilling til Nordens nuva?rende Sprog. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, v, 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 — Maurer, K. von. Ueber die Ausdriicke; alt- nordische, altnorwegische & isl'&ndische Spra- che, Miinchen, 1867. sqQ. 439.6 2 bound ivith 411 1 — MiUler, P. E.Om det islandske Sprogs Vigtig- hed, Ki0benhavn, 1813. D. 439.6 4 ICELANDIC LANG UA GE 339 ICELANDIC LITERATURE ^Petersen, N. M. Sprogkundskab i Norden; BemiBrkninger til noiere Overveielse. {In Co- penhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 3, 1840-1.)— Den nordiske Oldtids Betydning for Nutiden. {In same. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 2 — Rask. R. C. Undersogelse om det gamle nor- diske eller islandske Sprogs Oprindelse. Kjo- benhavn, 1818. D. 439.6 5 — Westergaard, N. L. On the connection be- tween Sanscrit and Icelandic. {In Copenha- gen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 2, 1840-4.) 948 3 See also FAROE ISLANDS ; RUNES ; SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES. —DICTIONARIES. Dyrlund, F. Rettelser og Optegnelser. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 20, 1885.) 948 5 — — Egilsson, S. Clavis poetica antiqute lin- guae septemtrionalis; collegit B. Grondal (Egils- son). Hafnife, 1864. 439.63 2 Latin-Icelandic. — — — Lexicon poeticum antiquae linguse sep- tentrionalis. Hafnise, 1860. 439.63 1 Icelandic-Latin. — — (jrislason, K, Donsk or8ab6k me8 izlenz- kum iy8ingum. Kaupmannahofn, 1851. F. 439.63 8 — — Halldorsson, B. Lexicon Islandico-Latino- Danicum ; cura R. K. Raskii. Havnise, 1814. 2 V. in 1. sqO. 439.63 3 J6nsson, E. Oldnordisk Ordbog. Kjoben- havn, 1863. O. 439.(83 3.1 Mobins, T. AltnordischesGlossar; Worter- buch zu einer Auswahl alt-islandischerundalt- norwegischer Prosatexte. Leipzig, 1866. O. 439.63 4 — — Oddsson, (^. Ordabok, sem inniheldr flest fagiaet, framandi og vandskilinn ord, er verda fyrir i d0nskum bokum. Kaupmannah0fn, 1819. D. 439.63 5 — — Olafsson, J. Glossarium quo explicantur et brevibus etymologiis illustrantur pleraeque voces antiquae. [4+] 91 p. (In liis Syntagma debaptismo iiLboreali ecclesia. 1770.) 265 1 — — Signr3arson, S. Nogle Bemaerkninger til det Dr. Gerings Udgave af Finnbogasaga, 1879, vedf0.iede Glossar. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. 01d.-SeIsbaJ). Aarb0ger. v. 16, 1881 ) 948 5 Specimen glossarii. (I?i Edda— Elder. 1787- 1828, V. 2.) 839.61 1 Vigfiisson, G. An Icelandic-English dic- tionary, based on the ms. collections of R. Cleasby. Oxford, 1874. sqQ. 439.63 6 — — Werl, 0. Index linguaj veteris Scytho- Scandicge sive Gothicae opera O. Rudbecki edi- tus. Upsalae, 1691. F. Bound with v. 1 of 839.63 13.1 See also GRENAZ; KUETT; KYLFINGAR; MUNU; MALA- SPJOT; ffiGIR; RIBR; TEGGR; VERA. —GRAMMAR. Gislason, K. Malfylling.— En Halvstrophe af HallvarSr Hareksblesi fortolket. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aar- b0ger. V. 3, 1868.)— ^Idre og nyere Boining af f0rste Persons Plural-Possessiv i Oldnordisk- Islandsk. (In same. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 — — — Om de reduplicerede Datider i Old-Is- landsk. (In same. Annaler. v, 20, 1860.) 948 3 — —Marsh, G. P. A compendious grammar of the Old-Northern or Icelandic language; com- piled and translated from the grammars of Rask. Burlington, 1838. D. 080 1.1 Munch, P. A., * Unger, K. R. Det old- norske Sprogs eller Norr0nasprogets Gram- matik. Christiania, 1847, O. 439.65 1 — — Nygaard, M. Om Brugen af det saakaldte praesens Particip i Oldnorsk. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. A arb0ger. v. 14, 1879.) 948 5 — — Rask, R. C. Anvisning till islandskan eller nordiska fornspraket ; fran danskan ofversatt och omarbetad af forfattaren. Stockholm, 1818. O. 439.65 3 — A grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse tongue; translated from the Swedish by ,G. W. Dasent. London, 1843. O. pi. 439.65 5 — — — Kortfattet Vejledning til det oldnordi- ske eller gamle islandske Sprog. K0benhavn, 1832. S. [4+] 76 p. 439.68 4 — - — Vejledning til det islandske eller gamle nordiske Sprog. Kj0benhavn, 1811. D.439.65 2 Wiinmer, L. f. A. Altnordische Gram- matik ; aus dem Danischen iibersetzt von E. Sievers. Halle, 1871. O. 439.65 4 &OM??d with 1 —PHONOLOGY. Ellis, A. J. (In his On early English pronunciation. 1869-89, v. 2; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 7.) 820 5.1 — . —Gislason, K. la eller Ja i Oldislandsk. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 23, 1863.) 948 2 — ^ — Den ved u eller v bevirkede Omlyd af a i den stockholmske Homiliebog. (In same. Aarb0ger. v. 19, 1884.) 948 5 —PROSODY. Gislason, K. Str0bem8erkninger til oldnordiske Digte. — Forandringer af 'Qvanti- tet' i Oldnordisk-Islandt-k. {In same. v. 1,1866.) — Hlj69stafr^ hlj68fylJandi ( - hljoSfyllendr), hli68fylling.— Rimhenda eller runhenda.'' {In same. v. 10, 1875.) 948 5 — — Gr0ndal, B. Str0bemaerkninger. (In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 _ —Olafsson, J. Om Nordens gamle Digte- konst. Ki0benhavn, 1786. sqO. 439.66 1 See also Volnspa. — READING-BOOKS,see,beZow,COLLECTIO>'S. ICELANDIC LITERATURE. Only one edition of a work is siven under this subject; for other editions, see the author or title entry. —Copenhagen— K. nordiske Oldskrift Selskab. BoSsbref til Islendinga um fornrita-skyi slur og fornsogur. (In its Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 — Firinenich-Richartz, J. M. Alte islandische Lieder... (J?i 7m Volksdichtungen. 1867.) 839.1 1 Bound with v. 3 of his Volkerstimmen. — Fiske, D. W. Icelandic notes. Berlin, 1880. Q. 4 p. 839.63 3» — ^Iceland's literary establishments. Berlin, 1880. O. 2 p. 839.63 3 —Grimm, J. L. K. Recensionen und vermischte Aufsatze. Berlin, 1869-84. 4 v. O. {In his Kleinere Schriften, v. 4-7.) 408 2 — islenzka b6kmentaf61ag. Sk^rslur og reik- ningar, 1858-9. Kaupmannahofn, 1859. O. 48 p. 839.6 1 ICELANDIC LITERATURE 340 ICELANDIC LITER A TURE — Keyser, J. R.Nordmaendenes Videnskablighed og Literatur i Middelalderen. (In his Efter- ladte Skrifter, 1866-7, v. 1.) 948 9 — Le^is-Crluckseli^, Cr. T. Die Runen und ihre DenkmiUer, nebst Beitragen zur Kunde des Skaldenthumes. Leipzig, 1829. O, pi. {In his Fundgruben, v. 1.) 839.6 5 — Marsh, Gr. P. Old Northern literature. (In American whig review, v. 1, 1845, p. 250-7.) 080 31 — — [References to Icelandic works ; with index; ms.] 1834. sqD. 39 p. 080 35 — Mttller, P. E.Om den islandske Historieskriv- nings Oprindelse, Flor og Undergang. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1832.) 948 1.2 — — English : The origin, progress and decline of Icelandic historical literature ; translated, with notes, by G. P. Marsh. (In American ec- lectic, V. 1-2, 1841.) 080 32 — — German : tjber den Ursprung, die Bliithe und den Untergang der islandischen Geschichts- schreibung. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Hist.-antiq. Mittheil. 1835.) 839.6 4 — Nyernp, R. Udsigt over vort Fsedrenelands Litteratur i Middelalderen. (In his Hist.-sta- tistisk Skildring, 1803-6, v. 2.) 948 14 — PeterseiijN. M.Bidrag til den oldnordiske Li teraturs Historie. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d..Sel8kab. Annaler. v. 21, 1861.) 948 2 — — De I'importance de la litterature islan- daise; traduit par X. Marmier. (In same. Me- moires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 —Stephens, Cr. Forslag til I&laendemes uud- givne Folkesagnsog SangesOptegnelse og Be- varing. (In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v, 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 — Troil, U. von, (Iii his Letters on Iceland* 1780.) 914.9 13.1 —Worm, 0. ...Danica literatura antiquissima* vulgo Gothica dicta; accessit de prisca Dano- runi poesi dissertatio. Hafniae, 1836. sqD. il. 839.6 6 — — Olai Wormii et ad eum doctorum virorum epistolse medici, anatomici, botanici, physici, historici argumenti; rem vero literariam, lin- guasque & antiquitates boreales potissimuni illustrantes. Havnise, 1751. 2 v. D. por. 839.6 7 — BIBLIOtiRAPHY. Arwidsson, A. I. F6r- teckniiigofverKongl.bibliotheketsi Stockholm, islandska handskrifter. Stockholm, 1848. O. (liiSvenskaforn.-sal.Allmanna arsmote, 1847.) 839.7 2 — — Fiske, D. W. Books printed in Iceland, 1578-1844; a flst-3d] supplement to the British museum catalogue. Florence [,1886-] 90. 3 v. 4n 1. Q. (Bibl. notices, 1, 4, 5.) 015 5.3 — — London— British museum. Catalogue of the books printed in Iceland, 1578-1880. Lon- don, 1880. F. vp. 015 5.2 — — Mobius, T, Catalogus librorum Islandico- rum et Norvegicorum eetatis mediae, editorum, versorum, illustratorum; Skaldatal: sive, Poeta- rum recensus Eddae Upsaliensis. Lipsiae, 1856. O. 016 18 Verzeichniss der auf • dem Gebiete der altnordischen (altislandischen und altnorwegi- schen) Sprache und Literatur 1855-79 erschiene- nen Schriften. Leipzig, 1880. O. 016 19 — — Miiller, P. E. Conspectus criticus librorum Islandicorum ad antiquam litteraturam perti- nentium. (In Halldorsson, B. Lexicon, 1814, V. 1.) 439.63 8 —COLLECTIONS. Dietrich, F. E. C. Altnor- disches Lesebuch, bis zum 14 Jahrhundert; mit Grammatik und Glossar. Leipzig, 1843. O. 439.68 1 — — Fridriksson, H. K. IslandskLaesebog;med Ordregister og Formlsere. Kjobenhavn, 1846. D. 439.68 2 Muncli, P. A., cfc Unger, K. R. Oldnorsk Lsesebog, med tilhorende Crlossarium. Christi- ania, 1847. O. 439.68 3 — — Rask, R. C. Lestrarkver handa heldri manna bornum. Kaupmannahofn, 1830. D. 6+65 p. 439.68 5 — — — Oldnordisk Lsesebog, med Ordregister. K0benhavn, 1832. S. 439.68 4 —MISCELLANEOUS. Algorismusj efter Hauk Erlendssons Codex, med Oversaittelse af P. A. Munch. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Sel- Skab. Annaler. v. S, 1848.) - 949 2 — — Anecdoton historiam Sverreri regis illu- strans ; edidit E. C. Werlauff . Havniae, 1815. D. 948 31 — — Arnason, J. Historisk Indledning til den gamle og nye islandske Rsettergang. Kii'iben- havn, 1762. sqO. 349 56 Containing: extracts from laws in Icelandic. — — — Jus ecclesiasticum novum, 1775: Kris- tinnrettr inn nyi ; cum versione Latina.., editG. J. Thorkelin. Hafniae, 1777. D. 839.68 12 — — Bergens gamle Bylov; med Indledning, Overstettelse og Anmserkninger, udgiven af Gr. Fougner-Lundh. Kjobenhavn, 1829. sqO. 839.68 1 ^Biblia. Reykjavik, 1859. sqQ. 839.68 2 -Eiriksson, M., & others,. Fjorir ffettir um Alfing og onnur malefni Islendinga. Kaup- mannahofn, 1843. O. 8+86 [+1] p. 839.68 5 — — Elucidarins, Brudstykkeraf den islandske; udgivne af K. Gislason. (/w Copenhagen — K. nord. 01d..Selskab. Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 — — (xautier of Lille, P. Versio Islandica cap. 26 libri Moralium dogma. (In Snndby, T. Bru- netto Latinos Levnet. 1869.) ^ 848 10.1 — — [Grdgds :] Hin forna logbok Islendinga sem nefnist Gragas ; cum interpretatione Latina, lectionibus variis, indicibus: praemissa com- mentatione ab J. F. G. Schlegel. Havniae, 1839. 2v. sqQ. facsim. 839.68 8 Tlie indexes are bound in 489. 6S 7 — — [(jrula-iings-laug;] sive. Jus commune Nor- vegicum ; cum interpretatione Latina et Danica, variis lectionibus, indice. Havnise, 1817. sqQ. 839.68 ?0 — —Iceland. Diplomatarium Islandicum : Is- lenzkt fornbrefasafn [834-1263]. Kaupmanna- hofn, 1857-62. 3 pt. O. 839.68 6 — — — L0g-f ingis bookin .. rettinum. 1775-7. Hrappsey. 1775-8. 3 v. in 1. sqO. 839.68 13 Tiaindi fra Allingi, 1 Jul.-5 Aug. 1845. Reykjavik, 1845. 839.68 4 ICELANDIC LITER A TURE 341 ICELANDIC LITER A TURE fslendska lands-uppfraeSin^ar felag. Sam- ivctir. Leirarg0rdum vid Leira, 1796. S. 839.68 16 Islenzka bokmentafelag. Almenn landaski- punarfraedi. Kaupmannah0fn, 1821-7. 2v. D. maps. 839.68 15 [J^rnsida:] Hin forna logbok Islendinga nefnist Jarnsida e8r Hakonarbok; cum interpre- •tatione Latina, lectionibus, indicibus, et histo- rico tentamine a T. Sveinbjornsson conscripto. HavniiM, 1847. sqQ. facsim. 839.68 10 Jonsson, (x. Safn af islenzkum orSskvi- 8um... Kaupmannahofn, 1830. D. 839.68 17 Koiigs-skiigg-sio; utlogd a daunsku og la- tinu; udgivet af Halfdan Einersen. S<)r0e, 1768. sqQ. 839.68 19 Magiiusen, F. Almanak fyrir ar 1837; litreiknad fyri Reikiavik af C. F. R. Olufsen. Kaupmannah0fn [, 1886]. sqTt. 839.68 21 _ _Pliysiologiis i to islandske Bearbejdelser; med Indledning og Oplysuinger af V. Dahlerup. facsim. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sels- kab. Aarb0ger. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 Stepliensen, M. 0. Athugaverdt vid saetta-stiptanii- og forlikunar-malefiii a Islandi. Videyar Klaustri, 1819. S. 839.68 7 — — — Eptirmeeliatjandu aldareptir Kristshin- gaburd fra ey-konnuni Islandi. Leiiarg0rdum vid Leira, 1806. D. 839.68 14 Thordarson, G. Ritgjord um tuna- og engjarsekt. Kaupmannahofn, 1844. O. 839.68 25 —. — Werlauff, E. C, editor. Symbolas ad geographiani medii aevi ex monumentis Islan- dicis... Hauniae, 1821. sqO. [l-f]62p. facsim. 839.68 26 —POETRY. Bjarnason, H., & KonrMsson, ^. Rimur af Andra Jalli. Videyar Klaustri, 1834. S. 839.61 8 — — Brage den Gamles Kvad om Ragnar Lod- brogs Skjold; ved G. Brynjulfsson. (In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 20, 1860.) 948 2 _^;;ato, D. Hugsvinns-maJ, asamt ieirra latinska frumriti, litgefin af Hallgrimi Sche- ving. Videyar Klaustri, 1831. D. 839.6112 — — Daglegt kv0lld og morgunoffur. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1780. S. 839.61 21 __ — Edda Saemundar hinns froda. Hafnia3, 1787-1828. 3 Y. sqQ. facsim. 839.611 For other editions, see Edda— Elder. _ --F8er0iske Qvseder om Sigurd Fof nersbane og bans -^t; samlede og oversatte af H. C. Lyngbye. med en Inledning af P. E. Miiller. Randers, 1822. O. 839.61 24 — —Five pieces of runic poetry [Icelandic and English]. (In Mallet, P. H, Northern antiqui- ties, 1809, V. 2.) 293 28.1 Contents: 1. Incantation of Hervor. 2. Dying ode of Regrner Lodbrog. 3. Ransom of Egill the scald. 4. Fun- eral song of Hacon. 5. Complaint of Harold. — — Crr0ndal, B. Hrungnersmythen, med al- mindelige Bemserkninger om den oldnordiske Poesie. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Annaler. v. 20, 1860.) 948 2 — — Homerus. Odyssea a islenzku litlagdar af S. Egilssyni. Videyar Klaustri, 1829-40. 5 v. in 1. D. 839.61 10 __ —Jon Lopts0ns Encomiast ; nied dansk Overssettelse ved J. Erichsen. Ki0benhavn, 1787. sqO. 839.61 11 Klopstock, F. t}. Kloppstokks Messias, af i^zku a islenzku smiinn af Joni sal. lorlaks- syni. Kaupmannahofn, 1838. O. 839.61 13 ^Eraknnidl. Krakas Maal; med dansk, la- tinsk og f ransk Overs8ettelse,L8esemaader, samt Anmasrkninger, udgivet af C. C. Rafn. Kj0- benhavn, 1826. sqO. music. 839.61 14 ^Longfellow, H. W. Icelandic language and poetry. (In his Poets and poetry of Europe. 1845.) 808 1.1 — —Milton, J. Paradisar missir, a islenzku smiinn af J. lorlakssyni. Kaupmannahofn, 1828. O. 839.61 15 Olafsson, E. KvseSi. Kaupmannahofn, 1832., O. 839.61 16 _ _01afsson, S. Liodmseli. Kaupmannahofn, 1823. S. 839.61 18 — — Ein ny psalma bok islendsk. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1751. S. 839.61 20 — — Petursson, H.Psalterium passionale; edur, Pijslar-psaltare. Editio 16. Hoolum i Hiallta- dal, 1780. D. 839.61 19 Brot af Placidiis-drdpu ; utgefid af S. Egilssyni. Videyar Klaustri, 1833. D. 65 p. 839.61 9 _ — Sjfir9ar kvseSi; samlede og besorgede ved V. U. Hammershaimb. Kj0benhavn, 1851. D. (iwNord. Lit.-Samfund. 12.) 839.61 23 _ — iieir aagisetu og andrijku psalma flockar ut af feeding, pijnu og upprisu vors Drottenns, asamt psalmum ut af Hugvekium J. Gerhardi, og viku psalmum. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1780. S. , 839.61 22 Edited by J. Arnason. Thomsen, (x. Et Bidrag til det gamie nor- diske Poesies Charakteristik. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.. Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 6 Thorarinsson, T. Nockur liood-msele, af psalmum, andlegum vijsum og kvaedum saman- standande. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1780. T. 839.61 22.1 _ _[yolasM':] Vaulu-spa; dasaltesteDenkmal germanisch-nordischer Sprache, nebst'Gedank- en uber Nordens Wissen und Glauben und nordische Dichtkunst, von Ludvpig Ettmiiller. Leipzig, 1830. O. 839.61 25 — SAGrAS. Alexanders Saga; med en Ordsam- ling udgiven af C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1848. D. ^ 839.63 20.1 — Arnason, J., compiler. Islenzkar ijoSsogur ogsefintyri. Leipzig, 1862-4. 2 v. O. 839.63 4 — — — Danish: Islandske Folkesagn. (In Cop- enhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 Translations of some of the stories in the first volume. Bandamanna saga, udgivet ved H. FriS- riksson. Ki0benhavn, 1850. D. (In Nord. Lit,-Samfiind, 10.) 839.63 24 — i — Barlaanis ok Josaphats saga, paa Norsk af Kong Haakon Sverresson ; udgivet af R. Keyser og C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1851. O. facsim. 839.63 25 — — [Bjarnar saga :] Sagan af Birni Hitdsela- kappa; besorget og oversat af H. FriSriksson. ICELANDIC LITERATURE 342 ICELANDIC LITERATURE Ki0benhavn, 1847. D. (/n Nord. Lit. -Samfund, 4.) 839.63 36 __ — iBjorner, E. J. Nordiska kampa dater i en sagoflock samlade, om forma hongar och hjal- tar. Stockholmiue, 1737. F. 839.63 4.1 Copenhagen— X. nordiske Oldskrift-Sel- skab. Fornmanna sogur. Kaupmannah0fn, 1835-37. 13 V. O. facsim. 839.63 7 _ _ — Danish : Oldnordiske Sagaer. Kj0ben- havn, 1836-37. 13 v. O. 839.63 17 _ — — Latin : Scripta historica Islandorum de rebus gesfcis Borealium. Hafniae, 1838-46. 13 v. O. tab. 839.63 18 _ — — Gronlands historiske Mindesmserker. Ki^benhavn, 1838-45. 3 v. O. rul. maps. 839.63 36 -_ — i — Islendinga sogur. Kaupmannahofn, 1839-30. 3 V. O. 839.68 8 _ _ — Islendinga sogur. Kjobenhavn, 1843-7. 3 V. O. facsim. tab. map. 839.63 9 _ _i — Om nordiske Oldsager og deres Opbeva- ring. [Kjobenhavn, 1831.] 16 p. 948 1 __ —[Dietrich of Bern.] Wilkina saga, samt Niflunga sagan; in Svecicam atque Latinam translata, opera J. Peringskiold. Stockholmis, 1715. F. 839.63 70 Appended is Hlstoria Hialmari regis. _ — Edda Snorra Sturlusonar. Hafnise, 1848-53. 2 V. O. 839.63 3 For other editions »ee Edda — Younger. _ — Commentarium de Egillo sub Canuto Born- holmise praefecto, edidit cum versione Latina et prsefatione B. Thorlacius. [Havnise, 1823.] F. [4+]10p. 839.63 38 _ — Egils-saga; cum interpretatione Latina, notiSjChronologia. Havniae, 1809. sqQ. facsim. 839.63 37 — — Esp61in,J. J. Islands arbsekur i sogu-formi. Kaupmannahofn, 1831-55. 12 pt. in 3 v. sqO. 839.63 44 ^ — Eyrbyggia-saga; sive Eyranorum historia, versione auxit G. F. Thorkelin. Havniae, 1787. Q. 839.63 29 _ — Fsereyin^a saga, im islandischen Grund- text, mit faroischer, danischer und deutscher tJbersetzung; herausgegeben von C. C. Rafn und G. C. F. Mohnike. Kopenhagen. 1833. Q. facsim. map. 839.63 32.1 _ i— Fagrskinna; kortfattet norsk Konge-Saga; udgivet af P. A. Munch og C. R. linger. Chri- stiania, 1847. O. facsim. 839.63 32.2 — — iFlateyjarbdkjen Samling af norske Konge- Sagaer, med indskudte mindre Fortaellinger om Begivenheder, i og udenfor Norge, samt An- naler. Christiania, 1860-8. 3 v. O. 839.63 5 List of contents in vol. 3. — —Saga af FI6res ok Blankifliir; i Grund- texten med Oversaettelse ved Brynjolf Snorra- son. — TilliBgsbemaerkninger. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 10, 1850.) 948 3 — — F6stbr8edra-saga. Kaupmannahofn, 1832. O. 839.63 33 — — [Gisla saga Siirssonar:] Tvaer Sogur af Gisla Surssyni; udgivne ved K. Gislason; med en Forklaring over Qvadene af S. Egilsson. Kj0benhavn, 1849. D. {In Nord. Lit. -Sam- fund, 8.) 839.63 35 — — Crislason, K. Fire og fyrrety ve Pr0ver af oldnordisk Sprog og Literatur. Kjobenhavn, I860. O. 839.63 6 — — Grettis saga: udgivet af G. Magnusson og G. Thordarson. Kjobenhavn, 1853. pt. 1. D C/wNord. Lit. -Samfund, 16.) 839.63 37 Sagan af Grunnlaugi ormstungu ok skalld-Rafni ; cum interpretatione, Latina notis, chronologia, tabulis genealogicis et in- dicibus. HafnisB, 1775. aqQ. pZ. tab. 839.63 38 — — De Hakone Vicensi,anecdoton Islandicum, edidit, vertit et prtefatione instruxit B. Thor- lacius. [Havniae, 1833.] F. [6+] 16 p. 839.63 39 — — Hervararsaga ok Heidrekskongs; versione Latina, illustravit S. Biornonis. Hafniae, 1785. sqQ. 839.63 42 — — Hungurvaka, Pals biskups saga, & lattr af Thorvalldi vidforla; cum interpretatione La- tina... Hafniae, 1778. O. tab. 839.63 43 Islenzkir annaler: sive, Annales Islandici, 803-1430; cum interpretatione Latina. . . Haf- niae, 1847. sqQ. 839.63 45 — — Jacobsson, H. Armaiis saga. [Hrappsey, 1782.] sqO. 38 p. il. ntp. 839.63 33 — —Saga Jitvardar koniings bins helga; udgi- ven [,med dansk Oversaettelse, af C. C. Rafn og J. Sigur8sson]. Kjobenhavn, 1852. O. 43 p. facsim. 839.63 48 — — Jonsson, B. Annalar [of Iceland, 1400- 1645]. Hrappsey, 1774-5. 3 v. in 1. sqO. 839.63 46 — — Jdnsson, S. ^fisaga J. J. Therkelsen. Kaupmannahofn, 1835. D. 839.63 64 — — Karlamagnus saga ok kappa bans; ud- givet af C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1860. O, 839.63 50 — — Kolbing, E., editor. Riddarasogui- : Par- cevals saga, Valvers iattr, Ivents saga, Mir- mans saga; mit einer literarhistorischenEinlei- tung. Strassburg, 1873. O. 839.63 59 — — Kormaks saga; cum interpretatione Latina. Hafniae, 1833. O. 839.63 51 Kristni-saga, nee non iattr af Isleifi bis- kupi ; cum interpretatione Latina... Hafniae, 1773. O. tab. 839.63 52 — — ^Laxdiela-saga ; sive, Historia de rebus gestis Laxdolensium; cum interpretatione La- tina... Hafniae, 1826. sqQ. 839.63 53 — — Marcfisson, B., editor. Agiaetar fornmana s0gur, eru aa Irick wtgeingar. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1756. S. 839.63 10 — ^Mobius, T.j editor. Analecta Norroena; Auswahl aus der islandischen und norwegischen Litteratur des Mittelalters. Leipzig, 1859. O. 839.63 11 Mttller, P. E. Critisk Undersogelse af Dan- marks og Norges Sagnhistorie; eller, Om Tro- vaerdigheden af Saxos og Snorros Kilder. Kiobenhavn, 1823. sqO. 948 13 — — — Sagabibliothek, med Anmaerkninger og indledende Afhandlinger. Ki0benhavn, 1817- 30. 3 V. D. 839.63 18.1 — ^NjAls saga:] Sagan af Niali lorgeirssyni ok sonum bans. Kaupmannahaufn, 1773. sqO. 839.63 54 — ^Olafs saga bins helga ; udgivet of R. Key- ser og C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1849. O. 839.63 56 ICELANDIC LITERATURE 343 ICELANDIC LITERATURE Olafsson, J. Propsedeutisk Veiledning til Studium af denordiske Oldsager, 1752; oversat, med Fortale og Aninserkninger af E. C. Wer- lauff. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 13, 1853.) 948 2 _ — iOrkneyinga saga; Saga hins helga Magnu- sar; cum versione Latina et indicibus, edidit J. Jonajus.^ Hafnige, 1780. sqO. 839.63 57 — —Saga Osvalds konungs hins helga; udgiven efter en islandsk Oldbog, med Indledning af Jon Sigui'dsson, og med dansk Overssettelse af T.G. Repp (/n Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 — — Pdlsson, S. ^fisaga Jons Eyrikssonar. Kaupmannahofn, 1828. D. por. 839.63 31 — — Peterseiu N. M., editor. Historiske For- taellinger om Islasndernes Fserd hjemme og ude. Kj0benhavn, 1839-44. 4 v. O. 839.63 18.2 Rafn, C. C, editor. Antiquitates Ameri- caaae... 10-14 Aarhundrede. Hafnige, 1887. sqF, pl.facsim. tab. maps. 839.63 21 — ^ Antiquites americaines, d'apres les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. Copenhague, 1845. sqF. maps. 839.63 22 — ^ Antiquites russes, d' apres les monu- ments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. Copenhague, 1850-2. 2 v. F.* 839.63 60 — — Fornaldar sogur Nordrlanda. Kaup- mannahofn, 1829-30. 3 V. O. facsim. 839.63 12 — — — translator. Nordiske Fortids Sagaer. Kj0benhavn, 1829-30. 3 v. O. 839.63 19 Vol. 1-2 are a translation of his Fornaldar sogur: v. 3 is Didrik af Berns Saga. — ^ Nordiske Kaempe-Historier. Kjoben- havn, 1821-6. 3 v. O. 839.63 20 — — Rask, R. C. Oldnordisk Lsesebog, inde- holdende Pr0\rer af de bedste Sagaer i den gamle islandske Text, med Ordregister. K0- benhavn, 1832. D. 439.68 4, 4.1 — — Ryrabegla; sive, Rudimentum computi «cclesiastici et annalis veterum Islandorum; versione... auxit S. Biornonis; addita sunt Tal- byrdingus, Oddi Somnia, J. Arnae & F. Johan- naei Horologia. Havniae, 1780. Q. pi. 839.63 61 — — Storm, tr. Snorre Sturlassons Historie- skrivning; en kritisk Undersogelse. Kjoben- havn, 1873. O. 839.63 16.1 Sturlfinga-saga; edr, Islendinga-saga hin mikla [, edited by B. Thorsteinsson]. Kaup- mannahofn, 1817-20. 2v. in4pt. sqO. 839.63 63 ^Stirrluson, S. Heims kringla; eller, Nord- landske konungasagor; edidit, versione gemin a notisque, indici illustravit J. Peringskiold. Stockholmise, 1697. 2 v. F. 839.63 13.1 — —Thomas saga erkibyskups; Fortaslling om T: Becket; udgiven af C. R. linger. Christiania, 1869. O. facsim. 839.63 65 Thorgilsson, Ari. Schedae; seu, Islendinga- bok ; in Latinam versus ac illustratus ab A. Bussseo. Havniae, 1733. sqO. 839.63 47 — — Thorstens Viikings-sons saga, pa gammal gothska, och uthsatt, medh anteckningar. af J. J. Reenhielm. Upsalae, 1680. S. 839.63 66 Saga af Tristram og Isodd; i Grundtexten, med Overssettelse og Anmaerkninger af Gisle Brynjulfsson. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old- Selskah. Annaler. v. 11, 1851.) 948 2 — — Trojumanna saga ok Breta sogur; med dansk Overssettelse af J. Sigurdsson. {In same. V. 8-9, 1848-9.) 948 2 linger, K. R., editor. Heilagrfi manna s0gur. Christiania, 1877. 2 v. O. 839.63 40 Postola sogur. Christiania. 1874. O. 839.63 58 Vdpnflrdinga saga; lattr af lorsteinihvita; lattr af lorsteini stangarhogg: Brandkrossa iattr; besorget og oversat af G. Thordarson. Kj0benhavn, 1848. D. {In Nord. Lit.-Samfund, 5.) 839.63 67 — — Vatnsdsela saga ok Saga af Finnboga hinum rama; udgivneaf E. C. Werlauff. Kj0benhavn, 1812. sqO. 839.63 68 — — Viga-Glums saga; cum versione Latina... Havniae, 1786. sqQ. 839.63 69 Yigfusson, 0., editor. Icelandic sagas relating to the descents of the Northmen on the British isles. London, 1887. 2 v. Q. facsim. {In Gtt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 88.) 942 8 Contents: 1. Orkneyinga saga, and Magnus saga. 2. Hakonar saga, and a fragment of Magnus saga. Iconographic encyclopaedia, 1851-2. see Heck, J. Gr. Idatius, bishop of Chaves. Chronicon, illu- stratum a Joanne Matthaeo Garzon. {In Miene, J. P. Patrol. Lat. v. 74.) 922 6 Ideen van Multatuli. see Dekker, E. D. Les idees napoleon iennes, see Napoleon III. The idle man, see Dana, R. H, The idler, see Johnson, S. IDt)LATRY. Anserini, A. Idoli e santi. Milano, 1877. D. 231 5 — Minucius Felix, M. Octavius ; C. Cyprianus de idolorum vanitate; et J. Firmicus de errore profanarum religionum. Oxoniae, 1678. T. 291 3 See also MYTHOLOGY. Les idoles d'argille, see Reybaud, M. R. L. Idunna und Heimode; eine Alterthumszeitung fur 1816; herausgegeben von F. D, Grater. Hall [, 1816]. sqQ. pl.facsim. music. 830 1 lets overalles, see Fokke, A. S. v. 7-8. Iflgeni i Auliden, tragedi, see Adlerbeth, (J. (J. Iflgenie in Taureu, treurspel, see Euripides. Ignatius, Karl Emil Ferdinand. Le grand- duche de Finlande ; notes statistiques,... expo- sition finlandaise, 1876; traduit du suedois par G. Biaudet. Helsingfors, 1876. O. [4-f ] 94 p. 7naps. ' 314 16. 1 — Le grand-duche de Finlande ; notice stati- stique; traduit du suedois par G. Biaudet. Hel- singfors, 1878. O. pi. maps. 314, I6.I Published on occasion of the Paris exhibition of 1878- an enlarged edition of the "Notes statistiques" of 1876! IGUTIUM. Bttcheler, F. Populi Iguvini lustra- tio. Bonnae, 1876. sqQ. 39 p. 394 7 Ihre, Johan. Glossarium Suiogothicum, Up- saliaj, 1769. F. 439.73 10 —Letter concerning the Edda. (In Troil, U. Yon. Letters on Iceland. 1780.) 914.9 13,1 IHRE 344 INDIA — Swenskt dialect lexicon. Upsala, 1766. sqO. 439.77 1 — editor & commentator, see Ulfllas. 1773. 839.9 12 Ilff, Albert, editor & translator, see Cennini, C. Das Buch von der Kunst. 1871. 750 3 Heraclius. Von den Farben der Romer. 1873. 709 3 'IXtds, see Homerus. ILLEGITIMACY. Sundt, E. L. Om Saedelig- heds-Tilstanden i Norge. Christiania, 1857. D. 312 2 Illiers, Florent sire d.» Grodefroy, D. Memoiies relatifs a d'liliers. {In Midland & Ponjoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 8.) 944 9 Illinois— Canal commissioners. Report, 1870, '72. [Springfield, 1870-2.] 2v.ini. O. pi. 626 1 —Special report, 9 Feb. 1872. Springfield, 1872. O. 29 p. 626 2 TUnsa saga GriSarfostra. {In Rafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 3.) 839.63 12, 62 ILLUSIONS, see GHOSTS; SENSES. Illustrirte Kriegs-Chronik ; Gedenkbuch an den deutsch-franzosischen Feldzug von 1870-1 ; vom Verfasser der lUustrirten Kriegs-Chronik von 1866. Leipzig, 1871. F.^ iltp. maps. 943 29 La ilnsire fregona, see Cervantes.Novelas. v. 3. IMAGES, see EYE. IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS. Dialogue aux enf ers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu ; par un contemporain. Bruxelles, 1864. D. 320 5 — Fontenelle, B. le B. de. Dialogues des morts. {In his CEuvres choisies, 1779, v. 2.) 848 6 — Landor, W. S. {In his Works. 1846.) 824 14 Rosenstein, N. von. Samtal emellan dode personer. (In his Skrifter, 1838, v. 3.) 839.78 1 Suhm, P. F. Samtaler og Idyller. — Samtaler i de D0des Rige. (In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 1.) 839.88 5 — Vanvenargues. L. de C. de. Dialogues. (In his CEuvres posthumes. 1821.) 848 19 IMAGINATION. Tyndall, J. Scientific use of the imagination. {In his Fragments of science. 1871.; 504 7 L'imagination, poeme, see Delille, J. Imbriani, Vittorio, editor. XII conti pomigli- anesi, con varianti. Napoli, 1876. D. 859 26 —& Casetti, A. editors. Canti popolari delle provincie meridionale, 1871-2, see Casetti. 859 2 Imhoff, Yalentin. Chronicon inferioris comi- tatus Cattimelibocensis. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 8.) 943 21 Imitatio Christi, see Thomas k Eempis. IMMORTALITY. Channing, W. E. Immortal- ity. {In his Works, 1848, v. 4.) 208 2 — Digby, K.Two treatises; the nature of bodies; the nature of man's soule; by way of discovery of immortality. London, 1645. 2 v. in 1. sqD. por. 218 1 — Roehholz, E. L. Deutscher Unsterblichkeits- glaube. Berlin, 1867. O. {In his Deutscher Glaube und Brauch im Spiegel der heidnischen Vorzeit, v. 1.) 390 10 —Taylor, I. Physical theory of another life. New York, 1836. O. 218 2 See also FUTURE LIFE. Imperiali, Giovanni. Musseum historicum et physicum. Venetiis, 1640. sqO. por, 801 1 "This volume contains the most important piece of testimony to the existence and accomplishments of the Admirable Crichton.'' Ms. note by Mr. Marsh. IMPOSTERS. De tribus impostoribus , 1598; testo latino, con una notizia di Filcmnesto il giovane. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 47.) 850 3 L' impostor e, commedia, seeGoldoni, C. v. 19. L' impresario delle Smirne, commedia, same. V. i:i. L'impromptu de Versailles, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. V. 2. IMPROVISATION. Marsh, G. P. {In John- son's cyclopaedia.) In main library. Improvisatoren, Roman, see Andersen, H. C. Impruneta— Compagnia della Madonna. Capi- toli della compagnia. Firenze, 1886. O. 31 p. 271 15 Valuable as a specimen of the language, the society having been founded in 1340. Only 200 copies printed. In risaia, racconto, see Torrelli-Viollier, M. T. In the year '13, see Renter, F, INCAS, see PERU. Inchofer, Melchior, pseudonym of Scotti, G. C. Incidents of travel in Egypt... by an American, see Stephens, J. L. L' incognita, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 28. Incoronato, Angelo. Scheletri della caverna delle arene candide presso Finalmarina. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 8 ser. sci. fis. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Sopra uno scheletro umano dell' eta della pietra della provincia di Roma. pi. {In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 INCUBUS, see NIGHTMARE. INCUNABULA, see PRINTING. Index expurgatorius; — librorum prohibitorum, see Congregatio indicis. INDEXES. Marsh, G. P. Index, concordance, digest, table of contents. (In Johnson's cyclo- paedia.) In main library. — Wheatley, H. B. What is an index ? a few notes on indexes and indexers. London, 1878. O. 96 p. 029 1 bound with 016 19 India— Forest conference. Report of proceed- ings at Allahabad, 15-19 Jan. 1874; edited by B. H. Baden Powell and J. Sykes Gamble. Calcutta, 1874. O. 551.58109 —DESCRIPTION. Arrianus. IvSlk-t). {In his Scripta minora. 1854.) 888 37 — — Bartoli, D. Missione al gran mogor del R. Aquaviva. Piacenza, 1819. O. 915.4 1 Bernier, F. Voyages des etats du grand mogol. Amsterdam, 1699. 2 v. S. pi. maps. 915.4 1.1 Cleghorn, H. The forests and gardens of South India. London, 1861. O. il. pi. map. 551.58 110 _ — iCorbett, A. F. The climate and resources of upper India, and suggestions for their im- provement. London, 1874. O. 551.56 5 — i— Coryat, T. Letters from India, il. {in his Crudities, 1776, v. 3.) 914 3 INDIA 345 INDIANS ,— — Ctesias. Indicorum excerpta. (In Ms Ope- rum reliquiae. 1824.) 888 43 — — Dapper, 0. Het rijk des grooten mogols en Indien. il. pi. map. {^In his Asia, 1672, V. 1.) 915 3 —I —Duff, M. E. (t. Notes of an Indian journey. London, 1876. O. map. 916.4 2 _ — (i^aiitier, T. L'Inde a I'exposition univer- selle de Londres. (7n Ms L'orient, 1877, v. 1.) 910 27 _ — Great Britain — India office. East India, chinchona plant; copy of further correspond- ence, 1863-6. [London,] 1866. F. il. pi. map. 551.58 113 ^ — — — East India, forest conservancy; a se- lection of despatches and their enclosures to and from the Secretary of state for India. [Lon- don,] 1871. 3v. in4. F. m,aps. 551.58 107 — — Griibernatis, A. de. Memoria intorno ai viaggiatori italiani nelle Indie orientali dal secolo 13 a 16. Firenze, 1867. Q. 916.4 3 — — — Storia dei viaggiatori italiani nelle Indie orientali. Livorno, 1875. D. 916.4 4 — — Jacqiiemontj V. Correspondance inedite, 1824-32. Paris, 1867. 2 v. O. 846 4 ^ — — Correspondance pendant son voyage dans rinde, 1828-32. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1869. 2 V. D. 915.4 5 — — Laet, J. de. De imperio magni Mogolis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1631. Tt. 094 47 — — Markhain, C. R. A memoir .on Indian sur- veys. 2 edition. London, 1878. Q. maps. 555 2 ^ _^ig|htingale, P. Life or death in India, 1873; with appendix on irrigation, 1874. Lon- don, 1874. O. 63 p. 614 2 — —Pinto, P. M. Peregrina9ao. Nova edi9ao. Lisboa, 1829. 4 v. S. 915 8 — —Polo, M. La description geographique de rinde orientale. Paris, 1556. D. 099 24 For other editions gee Polo. ^ — iPyrard, P. Voyage aux Indes orientales. 3 edition. Paris, 1615-19. 2 v. S. 916.4 6 — — Bobinson, P. In my Indian garden; vs^ith a preface by Edwin Arnold. 2 edition. Lon- don, 1878. S. 828 15 _ — Roe, T. A voyage to East-India, (hi Valle, P. della." Travels. 1665.) 916 19 _ — SassettI, P. Lettere sopra i suoi viaggi nelle Indie orientali, 1578-88. Reggio, 1844. S. 916.4 7 ^ ^ — Same; annotate da E. Marcucci. Fi- renze, 1855. D. 916.4 7.1 — — — Same; con note. Milano, 1874. D. 916.4 7.2 Schlagintweit-Sakttnliinski, H. von. Rei- sen in Indien und Hochasien. Jena, 1869-80. 4 V. O. pi. maps. 915.4 8 ~- — Tavernier, J. B. Voyages des Indes. pi. map. (In his Six voyages, 1679-92, v. 2.) 099 26 English. (In same. 1678.) 915 16 Tli^venot, J. de. (In his Travels. 1687.) 915 7 VaUe, P. deUa. Viaggi. Brighton, 1843. 2 V. D. por. 915 18 English : Travels. London, 1665. F. 916 19 — — Vartliema, L. (In his Itinerario; in Scelta di curiosita. 207.) 860 10 — ^Vincenzo Maria, padre. II viaggio all' Indie orientali. Venetia, 1678. O. 915.4 9 — —Williams, M. Modern India and the Indi- ans. London, 1878. O. 916.4 10 — —Yule, H. An endeavour to elucidate Ra- shiduddin's geographical notices of India. [London, 1869.] O. 915.4 11 See also BUTAN; NEPAL. —HISTORY. Albuquerque, A. de. Commen- tarios do grande Afonso Dalboquerque. Lisboa^ 1774. 4 v. D. por. map. 964 1 Barros, J. de, <& Couto, I>. de. Da Asia ; [dos feitos, que os Portuguezes fizeram na con- quista e descubrimento das terras e mares do oriente]. Nova edi9ao. Lisboa, 1777-88. 24 v. S. por. maps. 964 2-^ — -Burke, E. Reports of a committee on the affairs of India, 1783. (In his Works, 1839^ V. 6.) 825 1 Castanlieda^P. L. de.Historia do descobri- mento e conquista da India pelos Portugueses. Nova edicao. Lisboa, 1833. 8 v. in 7. O. 954 4 — — Elphinstone, M. The history of India; the Hindu and Mahometan periods. 6 edition^ with notfts and additions by E. B. Cowell. London, 1874. O. map. 934 1 Paria y Sousa, M de. Asia portuguesa. Lisboa, 1666-75. 3 v. Q. por. 964 5^ Appended to v. 1 are "Las quatro decades de J. de Barros." — —Goes, D. de. Diensis urbis oppugnatio; seu, Bellum Cambaicum primum.— De bello- Cambaico commentarii tres. (In Anghiera, P. M. d.' De rebus oceanicis. 1574.) 910 1 Heeren, A.H, L, Ueber die Kunde der Griechen, — der Romer von Indien. (In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 3.)— Ideen liber die Politik,. den Verkehr und den Handel der alten Welt. (7n same. v. 12.) 908 3 Jancigny, A. P. D.B. de, & Raymond, L, A. X. Inde. Paris, 1845. O. pi. maps. (In L'univers. 19.) 910 18 — — Lafttau, J. P .Historia dos descobrimentos e conquistas dos Portuguezes no novo mondo. Lisboa, 1786. 4 v. T. 964 7 — —Mountain, A. 8. H. Memoirs and letters. 2 edition. London, 1858. D. por. 923 70 — — Ropell, R. Der erste Kampf der Franzosen und Engliinder in Ostindien. (In Raumer, P. L. G. yon. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1836.) 906 1 See also LutfuUah; Tiiiinr. —LANGUAGES. Beames, J. Outlines of Indian philology. 2 edition. London, 1868. D. maps. 440 1 —MAPS. Stanford, E. Stanford's portable map of India. London, 1869. 85x76 cm. in D. 912 36 Same. 1875. 912 37 —RELIGION, see RELIGION— INDIA. INDIANS of America. Atwater, C, Remarks on a tour to Prairie du Chien, 1829. Colum- bus, O., 1831. S. 917.7 3 With grammar and vocabulary of the Sioux or Dacota Iang:uage. — Catliii, G, Last rambles amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. Lon- don, 1868. D. 917.8 1 INI>IANS 346 INDUSTRIAL ARTS — — Letters and notes on the manners, cus- toms and condition of the N. A. Indians. Lon- don, 1841. 2 V. Q. por. pi. viap, 390 33 —Charlevoix, P. F. X, mpilata da a. Vimercati. 1869-70. Firenze, 1869-71. 2 V. S. 505 9 See also BLEACHING ; BREWIXG ; CLOCKS ; EXHIBI- TIOXS; FORCE; FURMTURE; GEXOA; GLASS; GRINDING INTENTIONS; IRON ; MACHINERY ; MOSAICS ; OLIVE ORNAMENT; PRINTING; TECHNIC ; TEXTILE FABRICS WASTE MATERIALS ; WATER-GLASS ; WOOD ; WOOD- CARVING; WOOL. INDUSTRIAL DRAWING, see DRAWING. Ines Mendo ; ou, Le prejuge vaincu,— ou, Le triomphe du prejuge, comedie, see Meriin6e,P. Inezie; traduzione dall' inglese. Imola, 1881. S. 7+70 p. 241 3 INFALLIBILITY, see POPES. INFECTION, see ACCLIMATION. Infessiira, Stefano. Diarium urbis Romae, {In Eckhard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 2.) 943 13 INFIDELITY, see ATHEISM: CHRISTIANITY —EVIDENCES; RATIONALISM. INFLAMxMATION. Marchiafava, E. Delia angi- oite obliterante nelle infiammazioni interstizi- ali ed in ispecie nella tubercolare. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Saga fnga BarSarsonar. {In Copenliagen— K. noi-d. Old.-Selskab. Fornmanna sogur. 1825-37, V. 9.) 839.63 7 Saga Inga komings Haraldssonar ok braeSra bans. {In same. v. 7.) 839.63 7 INlxEBORG, queen of France. Diplomata ad historian! Ingeburgae reginae. {In Langrebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 6.) 948 76 Ingegnieri, Maffeo. Poesie. {In Gamba, B. Poeti antichi venez. 1817, v. 2.) 859 49 Ingelend, Thomas. The interlude of the diso- bedient child. London, 1848. D. [8-t-] 60 p. {In Percy soc. v. 22.) 820 6 Ingelow, Jean. Poems. 12 edition. London, 1866. D. 821 66 —A story of doom, and other poems. London, 1867. D. 821 67 Ingemann, Bernhard Severln. Blade af Jeru- salem Skomagers Lommebog. Kjobenhavn, 1833. D. 839.81 21 — Digte. 2 Udgave. KJ0benhavn, 1817. D. 839.81 22 - -Dronning Margrete, et historisk Digt. Kj0- benhavn, 18.J6. D. 839.81 23 — Erik Menveds Barndom; en historisk Roman. Kj0benhavn, 1828. 3 v. O. 839.83 16 — Holger Danske, et Digt. Ki0benhavn, 1837. D. 839.81 24 — Hyrden af Tolosa, Tragoedie. Kj0benhavn, [1816]. D. 839.82 29 — Julegave, en Samling af Digte. KJ0benhavn, [1816]. D. 839.81 25 — Kampen for Valhal, Tragoedie. KJ0benhavn, 1821. D. 839.82 29.1 — Kong Erik og de Fredl0se, en historisk Roman. Kj0benhavn, 1833. D. 839.33 17 — L0veridderen, Tra.goedie. KJ0benhavn[,1816J. D. 839.82 30 — Morgenpsalmer og Cantater. 2 Oplag. Soroe, 1827. S. 839.81 26 — Noveller. Kj0benhavn, 1827. D. 839.83 18 — Prinds Otto af Danmark og bans Samtid, en historisk Roman. Kiobenhavn, 1835. 2 v in 1. D. 839.83 19 — Reinald Underbarnet, et Tryllespil. Kj0ben- havn [, 1816]. D. 839.82 31 — Reiselyren. KJ0benhavn [, 1820]. 2v.ini. D. 839.81 27 — Renegaten, et dramatisk Digt. Kjobenhavn, 1838. D. 839.82 32 — R0sten i 0rkenen, et bibelsk Drama. Kj0- benhavn[,1815]. D. 839.82 33 — De sorte Riddere, et romantisk Epos i ni Sange. KJ0benhavn [, 1814]. D. 839.8128 — Tassos Befrielse, et dramatisk Digt. Kjo- benhavn [, 1819]. D. 839.82 34 — De Underjordiske; et bornholmsk*Eventyr. Kj0benhavn[,1817]. D. 839.83 20 — Valdemar Seier; en historisk Roman. 2 Ud- gave. Kj0benhavn, 1828-9. 3 v. D. 839.83 21 — Varulven, Den levende Dode, Corsicaneren; tre Fortsellinger. Kiobenhavn, 1835. S. [4-I-] 67 p. 839.83 22 — Waldemar den Store og bans Msend, et episk Digt. Kj0benhavn, 1824. D. 839.81 28.1 Ingersoll, Louisa C, translator, see Dumas, A, D, Joan. 1846. 843 12 Ingiald Illrada, tragedi, see Adierbetli, G. (x, Droitning Ingierd, see Franz^n, F. M. Inglis, Charles, A memorial concerning the Iroquois [,1771]. {In O'Callaghan, E. B, Docu- mentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 4.) 974 9 Ingram, James, translator, see [Anglo-] Saxon chronicle, with notes, grammar, &c. 1823. 942 3 Ingvars saga viSforla. {In Rafn, C, C. Anti- quites russes, 1850-2, v. 2.) 839.63 60 Inkersley, Thomas. An inquiry into the chro- nological succession of Romanesque and point- ed architecture in France. London, 1850. O. 729 2 INLAND NAVIGATION, see CANALS. Gli innaniorati, commedia,see (xoldoni, C.v.ll. The Inner Temple masque, see Browne, W, INNOCENT III., pope (Lotario de' Marsi), Grasparin, A, E, Innocent III, le siecleapoatoli- que. Constantin. Paris, 1873. D. 270 10 Innocent IV,, pope (Sinibaldo de' Fieschi). Bulla in qua inseruntur literaB regis Hungariae. (In Bongars, J, Gesti Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 INNOCENT X., pope (Giovanni Battista Pam- flli). Cianipi, I, Innocenzo X Pamfili e la sua corte ; storia di Roma, 1644-55, da nuovi docu- ments Roma, 1878. O. 945 87 Innocentius, surveyor. Ex libro 12 de litteris et notis juris exponendis. (In Blume, F.Schrif- ten der rom. Feldmesser, 1848-52, v. 1.) 526 2 INNS, Tuckerman, H. T, {In his Criterion 1866.) 814 15 INO .348 INSTINCT Ino e Temisto, see IJiiccolini, G. B, v, 1. Le inqiiietudini di Zelinda, see Goldoni,C. v. 6. INQUISITION. Achilli, U. G. Dealings with the inquisition ; with important disclosures. New York, 1851. O. 272 9 — Boni, F, de. L' inquisitione e i Calabro-Val- desi. Milano, 1864. S. 272 18 — Ciocci, R. Das Ketzergericht in Rom. New York [,184-?]. S. 272 20 — —A narrative of iniquities and barbarities at Rome. New York, 1854 [1846J. S. 272 19 — Eymeric.N.Directorium inquisitorum.Romte, 1578. F. 099 45 ^Heyer, F, Die Ausbildung der Priesterherr- schaft und die Inquisition. Berlin, 1877. C). 47 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff, Vortrage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 ^Hoflfinaiin, F. Geschichte der Inquisition. Bonn, 1878. 2 v. O. 272 8 ^Lithgow, W. A narrative of the tortures he suffered in the Spanish inquisition. {In his Travels. 1814.-) 910 33 — Pegfta, F., compiler. Literae apostolicse di- versorum Romanorum pontificum pro officio sanctissimse inquisitionis ab Innoc. III. usque ad haec tempora. Romae, 1579. F. 099 45 See also AKBIIES,?.; BAUDICHON DE LA MAISON XEUVE, J.; CBEMOMXO, C; GAULEI, G.; GUGLIELMITI ; LEON, L. de. Inqvarteringen, see Braun, V. A, D. von,Calle. INSANITY. Engelhorn, D. Die Pflege der Irren sonst und jetzt. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (/n Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 — Flemining, C. F. Ueber Geistessorungen und Geisteskranke. Berlin, 1872, O. 31 p. (In same. 7 Serie.) 043 1 ^Pelman, C. Ueber die Grenzen zwischen psychischen Gesundheit und Geistesstorung. Berlin, 1884. O. 36 p. {In same. 19 Serie.) 043 1 — Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. K. Over de verwaarloozing der vereischte zorg, ter leni- ging van het lot der krankzinnigen,en tot hunne genezing in ons vaderland. (In his Ziel en ligchaam. 1864.) 131 7 ^Wlgan, A. L. A new view of insanity ; or, The duality of the mind proved by the struc- ture, functions and diseases of the brain. Lon- don, 1844. O. 132 1 INSCRIPTIONS. Comparetti, D.Iscrizioni gre- che di Olimpia e di Ithaka. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 6, 1880-1.) 065 5 — Haminer-Purgstall, J. von. Inschriften. (Jn his Umblick auf einer Raise nach Brussa. 1818.) 914.9-36 — Jalin, 0. Uber die puteolanische Basis. (In Leipsic— K. Sttchs. GeseU.Berichte, 1851. )063 3 — -Lanciani, R. Iscrizioni dell' Anfiteatro flavio. Roma, 1880. Q. 76 p. pi. 4715 — — Iscrizioni di Cures; lettera a T. Mommsen. n. p. [,187-.] Q. 8 p. 913 13 — — Supplementi al volume 6 del Corpus in- scriptionum Latinarum. Roma, 1881. Q. 47 p. Pl- 471 5 — Mominsen,C. M. T.EpigraphischeAnalekten. ,(/n Leipsic— K. sachs. Gesell. Berichte, 1850, 52.) 063 3 — Mttnter, F. C. C. H. Oratio de summa utili- tate quam Theologus ex veterum monumento- rum, orientalium maxime, accuratiore notitia percipiet. — Epistola ad Lindblom de duobus monumentis veteris ecclesiae. — Ueber einige unter den Ruinen von Babylon neulich gef un- dene Inschriften. {In his Antiq. Abhandlungen. 1816.) 913 2.1 — Muratori, G. F. Asti, colonia romana, e sue iscrizioni latine. Torino, 1869. O. 74 p. 471 6 Same. 2 edizione. Torino, 1869. D. 88 p. 471 7 — — Correzioni ed aggiunte alia Raccolta delle iscrizioni.' [Torino, 1865.] Q. 48 p. 471 5 — Petra, G. de. Le tavolette cerate di Pompei rinvenute a' 3 e 5 luglio 1875. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt 3.) 065 3 — Pio de Saboya, A. V. Inscripciones y antigue- dades del reino de Valencia; ilustrades por A. Delgado. [Valencia, 1845.] sqQ. pi. 913 46.1 bound with 912 3 — Remondini, M. Iscrizioni medio-evali della Liguria, raccolte e postulate, facsim. (In Soci- ety ligure. Atti. v. 12, 1874.) 945 48 — Remondini) P. C. Le iscrizioni bisantine del Santo Sudario, pubblicate e dichiarate. (In same. v. 11, 1875.) 945 48 —Sanguinetl, A., editor. Iscrizioni romane della Liguria. maps. (In same. v. 3, 1864.) 945 48 — Seconda appendice alle Iscrizioni roma- ne ed Iscrizioni cristiane della Liguria; aggi- untavi una dissertazione sulla lapide di Ferra- nia. facsim. (In same. v. 11, 1875.) 945 48 — Spano, G. Tavola di bronzo trovata in Ester- zili, Sardegna; con appendice di C. Baudi di Vesme. Torino, 1867. F. 53 p. pi. map. 471 8 bound with 411 1 — Sweet, H., editor. (In his Oldest English texts. 1885; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 83.) 820 5 — Zimmermann, A. Der kulturgeschichtliche Werth der romischen Inschriften. Hamburg, 1887. O. 40 p. (7n Virchow '; MADE-' IRA; MA I.DIVE; MALTA; MCOBAR; OCEANIA; PHILIP- PINE;P1TCAIR\'S ISLAND; SCHLESWIG; SICILY; SO- COTBA; SPITZBERGEN; SUMATRA ;TENERIFFE. ' ISLANDS 352 ITALIAN DIALECTS Islands landnamabok. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d..Selskal). Isl. sogur, 1829-30, v. 1.) 839.63 8 ~{In same. 1843-7, v. 1.) 839.68 9 Islandske Varsler og Tegn. {In same. Anti- quarisk Tidsskrift. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 lattraf Isleiflbiskupi. ( Jn Kristni-saga. 1773.) 839.63 52 Islendska lands-uppfrseQingar felag. Samljck- tir. Leirarg0rdum vid Leira, 1796. S. 839.68 16 Islenzka bdkmentaf^Iag. Almenn landaskipu- narfrsedi. Kaupmannalwfn, 1821-7. 2 v. D. maps. 839.68 15 — Sk^rslur og reikningar, 1858-9. Kaupmanna- hofn, 1859. O. 48 p. 839.6 1 See also Hjaltalin, O. J. Islenzk grasafraeB^i ; Iceland .' Di- plomatarium;— J6nsson,G.Safii af islenzkumorffskvi^um; Palsson, S. ^flsaga Jons Eyiikssonar; Sturlunga-saga; Th6r9arson,G. Ritgjord um tiina- og engjaraskt. Islenzkir annalar; sive, Annales Islandici, 803-1430; cum interpretatione Latina, lectioni- bus, prolegoniinis, nee non indice. Hafni^, 1847. sqQ. 839.63 45 Sumtibus legati Arnae-Magnaeaiii. ISLES OF GREECE, see JEQEX^ SEA. ISMAIL Pacha, khedive of Egypt. Pellegrini, F. de. Nel terzo anniversario dell' esaltazione al troiio di Ismail Pascia, omaggio [in verse, with French prose translation]. Firenze, 1865. O. 16+4 p. 851 93 Isocrates. Quae exstant omnia |',Greek and Latin, with full critical apparatus]. {In Ora- tores Attici, 1828, v. 3, 14.) 885 1 — Operette morali. {In Leopardi, (x. Opere, 1842-51, V. 2.) 858 8 — Dionysins of Halicarnassus. De Isocrate ju- dicium. (Jn /lis Opera, 1829, v. 5.) 888 49 Isola, Ippolito Gaetano, editor, see Le storie Nerbonesi. 1877-87. {In Emilia. CoUezione. 46-48.) 850 6 Vol. 3 is Delle lingue e letterature romanze, di Isola, pt. 1-2. Hieronymus, St. Epistola ad Eustochio. 1869. (InSceltadicuriosita. 110.) 850 10 ISRAELITES, see JEWS. Issel, Artnro. Del canale di Suez; relazione. Genova, 1865. O. 71 p. map. 626 10 — Nuove ricerche sulle caverne ossifere della Liguria. il. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 Istoria di Maria per Ravenna, see Maria. ISTRIA. Kohl, J. (i. Reise nach Istrien, Dal- niatien und Montenegro. Dresden, 1851. 2 v. S. 914.3 19 Sir Isnmbras. {In Ellis, (J. Specimens of ro- mances, 1805, V. 3.) 821 4 — The romance of Sir Isumbras. {In Camden sec. 30.) 820 4 Italia, 1874-7, see Hillebrand, K., editor. La Italia liberata da Gotti, see Trissino, G. G. L' Italia sotto 1' aspetto fisico, storico, lettera" rio, artistico e statistico. Milano [,1864-83]- 36 V. Q c& F.* il. pi. maps, & 2 wall maps. 914.5 1-22 Contents: PABTE 1. Amatl, A. Dizionario oorogra- iloo. 8 V. PARTE 2. Stoppanl, A., <& others. Geologia: 3 V. in 1. Debartolonieis, L. Oro-idrografia. 1 v.— Marieni, L. Acque mineral!. 1 v.— Cesati, V., d- others. Flora. 1 v. in 2.— Conialia, E., <& others. Yauna.. 4 v. in 1.— Villarl, P., editm: Storia politica d' Italia: The folloiving 8 vols. Ber- toliiii, F. Storia antica. 1 v. ; Dominazioni germaniche. 1 v.— Lanzani, F. I comuni. 1 v.— Cipolla, C. Le signorie. 1 v.— Cosci, A. Le preponderanze strainiere. 1 v.— Fraii- chettl, A. Storia. 1789-99. 1 v.— Castro, 0. de. Storia. 1799- 1814 1 v.— BertoUiii, F. L' Italia, 1814-78. 1 v — Villari, P., editm: Storia letteraria d' Italia: The folknving 6 mis; Tainagnl. C, * Ovidio, F. d.' Storia della letteratura ro- mana. 1 v.— Bartoll, A. I primi due secoli della lettera- tura italiana. I v.— Inveriiizzi, 0. II risorgimento. 1 v.— Caiiello, U. A. Storia della letteratura nel secolo 16. 1 v. Morsoliii, B. Storia, 1595-1748. 1 v.— Zaiiella, G. Storia, dalla meta del settecento ai giorni nostri. 1 v.— Selvatlco, B., rf- others. Le arti del disegno. 3 v. PABTE 3. Atlante corograflco, icnografico, storico e geologico. 4 v. With the Atlante were published two maps represent- ing the eastern and western hemispheres, each being 213 cm. in diameter. Italian church reformation commission, see Protestant episcopal chnrch in the U. S. A. ITALIAN DIALECTS. Ancona, A. d.' La poesia popolare italiana, studj. Livorno, 1878. D. 859 1 Archivio glottologico italiano, diretto da G. 1. A-coli. Roma, 1873-91, v. 1-11. O. facsim. map. 450 11 Ascoli, G. I. L' Italia dialettale. {In Archivio glot. ital. V. 8, 1882-5.) 450 11 Originally published in English on pages 491-8 of vol. 13 of the Encyclopiedia Britannica, ninth edition. — Biondelli, B. Saggio sui dialetti gallo-italici. Milano, 1853. O. map. 457 6 Contents: Lombard!.— Emiliani — Pedemontani. —Boccaccio, G. I parlari italiani in Certaldo alia festa del 6 centenariodi Boccacci: omaggio di G. Papanti. Livorno, 1875. O. facsim. 859 6 _ — Novella nona della giornata prima in di- vers! volgari d' Italia. {In Salviati, L. Degli avvertimenti, 1^84, v. 1.) 853 9 The dialects are : Bergamasca, Venetiana, Furlana, Istriana, Padovana, Genovese, Mantovana, Milanese, Bolognese, Napolitana, Perugina, Fiorentina di mercato veccnio. . „ , • , i, i- — Caix, N. Saggio sulla storia della lingua e dei dialetti d' Italia; con un' introduzione sopra I'origine delle lingue neolatine. Parma, 1872. O. 457 1 — Comparetti, D. Saggi dei dialetti greci dell' Italia meridionale. Pisa, 1866. F. 859 11.1 — —& Ancona, A. d,' editors. Canti e rac- conti del popolo italiano. Torino, 1870-2. v. 1-8 in 2 v. O. 859 2 Contents: 1. Ferraro, G., editor. Canti monferrini. 2. Casetti, A., ^ of Siena; Forteguerrl, G.; Fortinl, P.; Garibaldi, G.; Gentile Ricci, P. G. ; GiacopiM); Ginevra; Giovanni of Flor- ence; Giovanni of Prato; Gradi, T.; Grazzini, A. F.; Gualti- eri, L.; Gnidiccione, G.; Lancia, A.; Ijevaldini, L.; Linares, v.; Macchiavelli, X.; Maineri, B. E.; Mantova, M.; Manzoni, A.; Molza. F. M.; Kovella della figlia del re di Dacia; Oro- logi, G.; Papiri, P. E.; Percoto, C; Petrucelli della Gattina, F.; PiattI, R.; Pius IL, jiope; Rivalta, A.; Sacclietti, F.; Saivi, G. ; Sercanibi, G. ; La sirena; Storia di una crudele matrigna; Stuart, R. M.; Un testamento; Tliouar, P.;Valca- lerio, G. ft. ; Tisconti Venosta, G. —HUMOR & SATIRE. Berni, F. Opere bur- leschi del Berni [e d' altri autori] . Nova edi- zione. Usecht al Reno, 1726. v. 1, 3. D. 857 2 Same. 1760. 3 v. D. por. iltp. 857 3 Dne farse del secolo 16. Bologna, 1882. D. (/n Scelta di curiosita. 187.) 850 10 — —Fanfani, P., editor. Rime burlesche di eccelenti autori, raccolte, ordinate e postulate. Firenze, 1856. S. 857 8 — — Manzoni,L., editor. Libro di Carnevale del secoli 15 e 16. Bologna, 1881. D. facsim. {In Scelta di curiosita. 181.) 850 10 — — iPapanti, G., editor. Facezie e motti dei secoli 15el6. Bologna, 1874. D. {Insame. 138.) 850 10 — — Sozzini, A. Raccolta di burle, facetie, motti e buffonerie di tre huomini sanesi, cioe: Salva- dore di Topo Scarpellino, Jacomo, alias Sca- cazzone, e Marianotto Securini. Siena. 1865. D. 857 13 See also A\Aerl, V.; Alione, G.G.; Amomo; Aretino, P.; Ariosto, L.; B., H.; Berni, F.; Benivleni, G.; Bini, F.; Bo* nielli, B.; Bracciolinl, F. ; Buonarroti, M. A.; Caro, A.;Casa, G. della; Cintio deiFabrizii, A.; Con^iso, M.; Cornazano, A.; Desideroso; Doni, A. F.; Dolce, L.; Elicona; Fanfani, F.; Firenzuola, A. ; Folengo, T. ; Franco, M.; Gigli, G.;Guerrini, 0.; Lazzarelli, G. F.; Lippi, L.; Malatestl, A.; Mart«lli, N.; Mauro, 0.; Molza, F. M.; N., M. del; Pistoia, A. de; Pucci, A.; Pulci, L.; Sacchetti, F. ; Sansovino, F. T.; Strozzi, G.; Tassoni, A. ; Varchi, B. ; Zannoni, G. B. —LETTERS. Aretino, P. Lettere scritte a P. Aretino; per cura di T. Landoni [and others]. Bologna, 1873-5. 4 v. D. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 132.) 850 10 — — Bigazzi, P., editor. Mazzetto di lettere inedite, con altre scritture. Firenze, 1867. O. 58 p. 856 5 — ^Bonucci, A., editor. Lettere volgari del secolo 15. Firenze, 1865. 2 v, D. {In his De- lizie. 6-7.) 850 4 — — Campori, G., editor. Lettere artistische inedite. Modena, 1866. O. 704 1 — — Lettere di scrittori italiani del seco- lo 16. Bologna, 1877. D. (In Scelta di curi- osita. 157.) 850 10 — — Dazzi, P., editor. Alcune lettere familiari del secolo 14. Bologna, 1868. D. 72 p. {In same. 90.) 850 10 — — Sette lettere inedite del secolo 14. Firenze, 1867. D. 47 p. 856 10 _ — Graye, G., editor. Carteggio inedito d' arti- sti dei secoli 14-16; illustrate con docu)nenti pure inediti. Firenze, 1839 40. 3 v. O. facsim. 704 3 — —Lettere da vari personaggi illustri. {In Calegari, G. A. Cronaca. 1883; in Scelta di cu- riosita. 198.) 850 10 ITALIAN LITERA TUBE 357 ITALIAN LITERA TURE — — Malagola^ C, editor. Lettere inedite di uomini illustn bolognesi. Bologna, 1875. 2 v. in 1. D. {In same. 145-6.) 850 10 Paoli, C, & Piccoloinini, E., editors. Let- tere volgari del secolo 13. scritte da senesl. Bo- logna, 1871. D. {In same. 116.) 850 10 See also Alfleri, V. ; Amniannati, L. B. ; Aretino, P. ; Aze- gHo, M. T. d.'; Baretti, G.; Bartoli, D.; Bentivoglio, G.; Benii, F. ; Bonfadio, J. ; Borghesi, D. ; Buonarroti, M. A. ; Busiiii, (j. B.; Cappello, B.; Caterina, St.; Cavalcaiiti, B.; Cellini, B. ; Cesari, A. ; Davanzati, B. ; Giannotti, D. ; Gio- berti, V. ; Giusti, G. ; Leopardi, G. ; Maochiavelli, N. ; Manin, D.; Muratori, L. A.; Pallavlcino, G.; Prati, G.; Redi, F.; Salviati, L.; Segnerl, P.; Strozzi, A. M. negll; Tasso, B.; Tassoni, A.; Testi, F.; Vettori, P. —MISCELLANEOUS. See Buonaccorso, G.; Capponi, G.; Dayanzati, B.; Fanfani, P.; Giusti, G.; Guidoo/ Pisa; Leopardi, G.; Maccliiavelli, N. ; Piccolomini, A. ; La sirena; Tasso, T.; Tomniaseo, N.; Torre di Kezzonlco, C. C. della. —MYSTERIES. Ebert, A. Die altesten italieni- sciien Mysterien. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 5, 1864.) 805 1 —PERIODICALS. See Annuario scientifipo; Archlflo glottologico italiano; II bibliofllo ; Bibllografia d' Italia ; II Borgliini; Cosmos ; Esercitazioni fllologiche; Giornaie della bibllografia itali- ana: Giornaie di economia forestale; Xuova antologia; Periodic© di numlsmatlca; £1 politecnioo ; II propiignatore; La rassegna settimanale; Rirista contemporanea; Rivista delle Alpl; La rivista europea; Romania; La rosa di ognl mese; La sirena; Strenna bresciana; Strenna filologica. —POETRY. Ancona, A. d.' La poesia popolare italiana,*studj. Livorno, 1878. D. 859 1 — — — (£ Comparetti, D., editors. Le antiche rime volgari secondo la lezione del codice vati- cano 3793. Bologna, 1875-88. 5 v. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 41-4.) 850 6 — i — Borgognoni; A. Studi d' erudizione e d' arte. Bologna, 1877-8. 2 v. in 1. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 156, 163.) 850 10 — — Carduccl, tr. Musica e poesia nel mondo elegante italiano del secolo 14. {In his Studi. 1874.) 850 12 —' — Casini, T., editor. Le rime dei poeti bo- lognesi del secolo 13. Bologna, 1881. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 185.) 860 10 — — — Testi inediti di antiche rime volgari. Bologna, 1883. v. 1. D. {In same. 197.) 850 10 — — Cavalleri, E., editor. Italian readings from Dante, Petrarca, Tasso and Ariosto; with English translations and notes. Torino, 1865. O. 77 p. 851 1 — — -Ceniti, A. Rime di poeti italiani del secolo 16. Bologna, 1873. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 133.) 850 10 — — Desimoni, C, editor. Tre cantari dei se- coli 15 e 16 concernenti fatti di storia genovese. (In Societk ligure. Atti. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 — — Ferraro, G., editor. Poesie popolari re- ligiose del secolo 14. Bologna, 1877. D. 85 p. (7?i Scelta di curiosita. 152.) 850 10 ^ —Freiberg, (J. yon. Italiens moderne Lyri- ker. {In HilIebrand,K.Italia. v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 — i — Gabotto, F., & Orsi, D., editors. Le laudi del Piemonte. Bologna, 1891. v. 1. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 238.) 860 10 — — Grion, G.j editor. Alcune poesie del tre- cento deir Italia superiore. {In Tempo, A. da. Delle rime. 1869; in Emilia. Collezione. 27.) 860 6 Longfellow, H. W. Italian language and poetry. (In his Poets and poetry of Europe." 1845.) 808 1.1 ^Mango, F., editor. La guerra di Camellia e La presa di Roma; rime del sec. 16. Bologna, 1886. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 218.) 850 10 — — ^Manzoni, L., editor. Libro di Carnevale dei secoli 15 e 16. Bologna, 1881. D. facsim. {In same. 181.) 850 10 — — Mazzatiuti, G., editor. Poesie religiose del secolo 14. Bologna, 1881. D. (In same. 179.) 850 10 Medin, A., & Frati, L., editors. Lamenti storici dei secoli 14-16. Bologna, 1887-90. v. 1-3. D. {In same. 219, 226, 236.) 860 10 ^ — Milchsack, G. Descrizione ragionata del volume miscellaneo della biblioteca di Wolfen- biittel contenente poemetti popolari italiani; con aggiunte di A. d' Ancona. 1882. (In same. 187.) 850 10 — —Pellegrini, G., editor. Raccolta di sacre poesie popolari, fatta nel 1446; pubblicata dal G. Ferraro. Bologna, 1877. D. 83 p. (In same. 152.) 860 10 — — iPereopo, E., editor. IV. poemetti sacri dei secoli 14 e 15. Bologna, 1885. D. (In same. 211.) 860 10 Poeti del primo secolo della lingua italiana. Firenze, 1816. 2 v. O. 861 3 For contents see Boston catalogue, 1865. — — Rubbi, A., editor. Egloghe boscherecce del secolo 15., 16. Venezia, 1785. S. il. 851 2 — — Sarteschi, E., editor. Poesie minori del secolo 14. Bologna, 1867. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 77.) 850 10 — —Tasso, T. La Cavalletta ; ovvero, Della poesia toscana. (In his Dialoghi, 1822, v. 1.) 851 117 Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Ragiona- mento suUa volgar poesia dalla fine del passato secolo fino a' giorni nostri. (In his Opere, 1815- 20, V. 8.) 858 5 See also Alamanni, L.; Albertl,A. degli; Aleardi, A. ; Allori, A., Ammlrati, S.; Anguillara, G. A. dell'; Antiquarie pro- spettiche romane; Aragona, T. d'; Arborea ; Aretino, P.; Arid, C; Ariosto, L.; Arnoboldi, A.; Attlla; Balbo, L.; Baldovini; Barbaro, A.; Barberino, F. da; Bellincioni, B. ; Bellini, L.; Bello, F.; Benivieni, G. ; Berni, F.; Bertioli, P. F.; Boccaccio, G.; Bonaventiira, St.; Bonichi, B.; Bonvesin o/Biva; Bovo d' Antona; Braccesi, L.; Bracciolini dell' Api, F.; Bruscaccio of Rovezzano; Buonarroti, M. A.; Bur- chiello, D. 11; Oambray Diguy, T.; Storia diCampriano; Can- tare del bel Gherardino: Canzona d' un plagnone; Car- dueci, 6.; Cardulno; Carutti, D.; Cellini, B.; Cene dalla Chitarra; Cerbino; Clirysostomus, J.; Claccheri, M.; Ciniino, G. T.; Compagni, D.; Conti, G. de'; Contini, S.; Correggiari, M.; Dante Alighieri; Dati, G. <£; L. di S.; Di^vanzati, B.; Domenico of Prato/ Dottrina dello schiavo di Bari; Eredia, L. d'; Fabula del pistello; Faytinelli, P. d'; Fenzi, S.; Fer- rucci, L. C; Filicaja, V. da; Finignerri, S.; Fogazzaro, A.; Folgore of San Oemignano; Forestani, S.; Forteguerri, N.; Fua-Fusinato, E.; G&mhino of Arezzo; GetaeBlrria; Ghl- bellini, L.; Giambullari, B.; Gianni, L.; Gibello; Ginsti, G.; Giustiniani, L.; Griselda: Gnalterotti, It.; Guerra di IJALIAN LITERATURE 358 ITAL Y— MINISTER Serrezzana; Guerrini, 0.; Ouittone of Arezzo; Lamento della Virgiiie; Laiiieiito di Florenza; Leopard i, G.; Levi, D.; Lorenzi, B.; Lozzi, t'.; La Lusigiiacca; Macchiavelli, N.; Madonna Llonessa; Malatesti, A.; Mamiani, T.; Marchi, F. A. de; Maria per Ravenna, Marignolle, C. da; Marochus, T.; Marotta, S.; Marsi, A.; Marzi, T.; Merigotti, P.; Moli- no. A.; Monti, V.; Muzio,G.; NIceolini, G. B.; A'ina; Nini, G. B.; Occioni, O.; Ongaro, F. dall'; Ottinello e Giulia; Parini, G.; Pellegrini, F. de; Peruzziiii, G. ; Petrarea, F.; Petrucci, G. A. de; Pietro o/" Bescape; Pindemonte, I.; Pi- stoia, A. da; Ponte, L. da; Prati, G.; PBATO; ProverMi attiladi; Pucci, A.; Pulei, L.; Qulstlone d' amore; Redl, F.; Regaldi, G.; Bltlo, ».; Uucellal, G.; Buspoll, F.; Sal- vestro; SaUiatl, L.; 8andabad; Sannazzaro,G.; Savarese, L,: Laslrena: SOXGS; Spoherlnl, G. B.; Tasso, B. DIEBA, A. T; PRATO; RAVEXXA; ROME; RUFFIXI, G.; SAN MARIXO ; SAKDIMA ; SAVOY ; HOUSE OF SAVOY; SICILY; SUBIACO; TERRA DI SAX OIMIGXAXO; THEO- DORIC; TORCELLO; TUSCAXY; VEXETIA; VEXICE; VER- CELLI; VICTOR EMMAXUEL II. —LIBRARIES, see LIBRARIES. — MAPS. Atlante corografico, orografico, idro- grafico e storico dell' Italia. Milano [, 185-J-83. 4 r. F.« {In L'ltalia. Parte 3.) 914.5 22 Bound arbitrarily in 4 v. lettered: Carte generali; Pro- Yincie settentrionali; Provinoie centrali e meridionali; Carte diversi. The last contains title and table of con- tents. — — Cora, (x. Note illustrative intorno alia Carta altimetrica e batometrica dell' Italia. Torino. 1888. Q. 11 p. map. {In Cosmos: Sup. 2.) 910 48 — — Ferrari, (J. Carta figurativa e indice delie guerre municipali d' Italia. Milano, 1860. O. 28 p. map. 945 5 _ ^Ives, J. C . Military map of the seat of war in Italy. New York, 1859. 86x122 cm. in. O. 912 15 Schiaparelli, L., cfc Mayr, C. & E. Nuova carte generale d' Italia. 3 edizione. Gotha, 1871. 148x138 cm. in. sqF.s 912 16 [Thirty-two Italian maps.) 912 49 In portfolio 1. See also CAMPAGXA; LAGO MAGGIORE; LATIUM; MIXCIO; PIEDMOXT; ROME; SICILY. —MILITARY AFFAIRS. La Marmora, A. F. di. Un po' piu di luce sugli eventi politici e militari dell' anno 1866. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1873. O. 946 37 — — Schiarimenti e rettiflche. Firenze, 1868. O. 44 p. 945 38 — — Mig'nano, — di. Considerazioni sulF econo- mia senza riduzione e riforme amministrative deir esercito italiano. Firenze, 1870. O. 355 10 — — Miniscalclii-Erizzo, F. Discorso... riordi- namento dell' arsenale di Venezia, 13 gennaio 1868. Firenze, 1869. O. 18 p. 355 7 — — Ulloa, 0. La quistione militare; Napoli e 11 suo porto militare. Firenze, 1870. O. 355 7 — POLITICS. Andryaiie, A. Memoires d' un prisonnier d' etat. 4 edition, augmentee d' une correspondance de Confalonieri. Paris, 1862. 2 V. D. por. pi. 945 23 — — Azeglio, M. T. d.» Scritti politici. (^In Ms Scritti postumi. 1871.) 856 3.1 — ^Boccalini, T. Pietra del paragone politico. Milano, 1863. S. {In Bibl. rara. 19.) 850 3 — — Brofferio, A. I miei tempi ; memorie. Torino, 1857-61. 20 v. S. 945 14 Capponi, G. Ricordi, 1796-1849.— Settanta giorni di ministero. — Sul libro di E. Dandolo, I volontari lombardi. {In his Scritti, 1877, V. 2.) 858 4 — — Cibrario, Gr. A. L. Operette e frammenti storici. Firenze, 1856. D. 945 7 — ^Dopo il 18 marzo 1876; lettere di un Itali- ano ad un Tedesco. Roma, 1878. O. 55 p. 945 38 Etudes sur r Italic. Turin, 1862. 2 v. O. 945 35 — ^Franco, L. De rivolgimenti contempora- nei in Italia. Roma, 1872. v. 1. D. 945 40 — — Gruizot, F. P. G. L' eglise et la societe chretienne en 1861. Paris, 1861. D. 261 2 — — •(xennarelli, A. Atti e documenti diversi da servire di illustrazione e di complemento ai volumi, Sventure italiani, e Epistolario politico toscano. Firenze, 1863. D. 945 17 — — — Le sventure italiane durante il pontifi- cato di Pio IX ; rivelazioni accompagnate da documenti. Firenze, 1863. D. 945 17 — — Hillebrand, K. Uebersicht der politischen Lage Italiens. {In his Italia, v. 1-4, 1874-7.) 945 41 — — Jacini, S. Sulle condizioni della casa pub- blica in Italia dopo il 1866. 2 edizione. Fi- renze, 1870. O. 945 38 Witb supplement: La riforme elettorale e amministra- tiva. La Marmora, A. F. di. Un po' piu di luce sugli eventi politici e militari dell' anno 1866. Firenze, 1873. O. 945 37 — — Manin, D. Lettere a G. Pallavicino; con vote e documenti suUa quistione italiana. To- rino, 1859. D. 945 18.1 (fc Pallavicino, G. Epistolario politico, 1855-7; con note e documenti per B. E. Maineri. Milano, 1878. O. 945 63 ^Mannati d' Indiino, P. Memorie. Torino, 1869. O. 35 p. 945 16 — — MarianOjj R. II risorgimento italiano se- cond© i principii della filosofia della storia. Fi- renze, 1866. D. 845 36 Marselli, N. Gli avvenimenti del 1870; studio politico e militare. Torino [, 1870], D. 943 31 del 1870-1. Torino, 1871. 2 v. D. 7naps. 943 32 Marsh, G. P. The "Catholic party" of Cesare Cantii and American slavery. {In Na- tion, V. 2, 1866, p. 564-5.) In main library. — — — [Diplomatic correspondence as minister to Italy, 9 May 1861-29 June 1882.] {In U. S.— State dept. Papers relating to foreign affairs. 1861-83.) In main library. — — — The Italian cause and its sympathizers. {In World, N. Y.? June? 1860.) 0§0 43 bound with 1 — — — Italian nationality. {In same. 1860?) 080 43 bound with 1 — — Mazzini, G. Ai giovani, ricordi. Italia, 1848. D. 45 p. 945 19 — •— Montanelli, G. Memorie sull' Italia e spe- cialmente sulla Toscana, 1814-50, Torino, 1853. 2 V. in 1. D. 945 34 ITAL Y— POLITICS 363 J A CINI _ — Mozzoni) A. M. II bonapartismo in Italia; memoria. Milano, 1867. O. 32 p. 945 38 Jfew York (ctY^/). The unity of Italy; the American celebration, 12 Jan. 1871, with the ad- dresses, letters and comments of the press. New York, 1871. Q. pliot. 945 39 _ — Orsini; F. Memorie politiche. 5 edizione, appendice per A. Franchi. Torino, 1862. D. por. 945 15 — — Pallavicino, G. Due lettere: 1, Risposta al Bo^gio; 2, Delia politica francese e... italiana, al Linati. Torino, 1862. O. 48 p. 945 34 — L'ltalia nel 1867; considerazioni poli- tiche. Firenze, 1867. O. 21 p. 945 38 — — — Su le quistioni del giorno, alcune let- tere, 1871-3. Milano, 1874. O. 76 p. 945 38 — — Petruccelli della Gattina, F. I moribondi del palazzo Carignano. Milano, 1862. D. 945 33 — — Rassegna settimanale di politica, scienze, lettere ed arti. Firenze, 1878-80. v. 1-5. F. 055 2 __ — Regnoli, 0. Italia e Roma, considerazioni. Torino, 1861. T. 945 32 Society of the friends of Italy. Address. 5th thousand. London, 1851. O. 16 p. 945 20 Monthly record. Sept.-Dec. 1851. [Lon- don, 1851.] no. 1-4. O. 945 20 Tracts. London, 1851. no. 1-2. D. 945 20 Contents: 1. Non-intervention. 2. The charge of ter- rorism in Rome during the republic, refuted. — — Tominas^o, N. II segreto dei fatti palesi seguiti nel 1859, indagini. Firenze, 1860. D. 945 27 — — Yillari, P. Di chi e la colpa ? o sia la pace e la guerra. — Liberta oanarchia? {In ^isSaggi. 1868.) 854 8 — . — — Discorso agli elettori del collegio di Guastalla, 27 set. 1876. Firenze, 1876. 34 p. 328 3 — — Zobi, A. Saggio sulle mutazioni politiche ed economiche in Italia, 1859-68; con un discor- so preliminare. Firenze, 1870. v. 1. O. 945 30 See also Arrivabenc, G. ; Azeglio, M. T, d.' ; BERLIN, TKEATY OF; BIXIO, G.; BOTTA, C. C. G.; CAPPOM, G.; CATHOIJC CHUBCH; CAVOUK, C. B. di.; FAKINI, L. C; Gajani, G.; GAUIBALBI, G.; ITALY— CAPITAL; MAMIANI, T.; MANCIIVI, P. S.; MANIN, D,; OKSIIVI, F.; Pallavlclno, G.; PUS IX.; RICASOLI, B.; SANTA ROSA, P. D. di & S. A. D. di; SETTIMO, R.; VENETIA. —SOCIAL CONDITION. Ferrario, E. Qual' e la moralita de' campagnuoli e come possa mi- gliorarsi. Milano, 1875. D. 333 7 — — Lioy, P. Ueber die geistige Nahrung des italienischeu Volkes. {In Hillebraiid, K. Italia. V. 3, 1876.) 945 41 — — Michelet, J. Le pays de la faim. (Inhis Le banquet. 1879.) 844 6 Monnier, M. L' Italia all' opera, 1860-9. Milano, 1869. S. 304 10 — ^Negri, {}. B. ...Studj e risposte ai quesiti della Giunta agraria sulle [condizioni delle classi agricole in Italia]. Como, 1878. 0.333 16 ^ — Villari, P. Le lettere meridionali ed altri scritti sulla questione sociale in Italia. Fi- renze, 1878. D. 304 6 — — — La scuola e la quistione sociale in Italia. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1872. O. [4-h] 36 p. 379 2 — — i — Was die Auslander in Italien nicht bemerken. {In Hillebraiid, K. Italia, v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 See also BUIGAXDAOE; CAMOBBA; CRIME; POOR. —SOCIAL LIFE. Baretti, (J. Les Italiens; ou, Moeurs et coutumes d' Italie; traduit de 1' anglais. Geneve, 1773. S. 390 16 —STATISTICS. Annuario di economia sociale e di statistica pel regno d' Italia; per P. Duprat ed A. Gicca. Torino, 1863. v. 1. D. 314 3.1 — — Annuario statistico-italiano; per cura di Cesare Correnti e Pietro Maestri. Torino, 1864. V. 2. T. 314 4 — ^Castiglioni, P. Circoscrizioni e dizionario dei comuni del regno d' Italia. 2 edizione. Roma, 1874. 2 v. D. tab. 314 7 — —Italy — Ministro dell' interno. Dizionario dei comuni del regno. Firenze, 1871. Q. 314 6 — — Messedaglia, A. Sull' at! ante di demogra- fia italiana pubblicato della direzione della sta- tistica del regno, (/n Eome — K. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 5 See also Italy— Ministero di agricoltura; MINING; PISA; ROME; SICILY. Italy and her church. {In Church quart, review, V. 1, 1875, p. 1-35.) 282 49 ITCH. Sundt, E. L. Om Skab-Klaaens Udbre- delse. Christiania, 1867. D. 16 p. 616 27 ITHACA. Schliemann, H. Ithaka, der Pelo- ponnes und Troja, archaologische Forschungen. Leipzig, 1869. O. pi. maps. 913 31 Iran lejon-i-iddaren, see Iwain. lye, Antonio, editor. Prose genovese del seco- lo 14-15. {In Archivio glot. ital. v. 8, 1882-5.)— L' antico dialetto di Veglia. {In same. v. 9, 1886.) 450 11 fyentssaga. {In Kolbing, E. Riddarasogur. 1872.) 839.63 59 Ives, Joseph C. Military map of the seat of war in Italy. New York, 1859. 86x122 cm. in O. 912 15 IVORY. Pulszky, F. A. Catalogue of the Fe- jervary ivories, in the museum of J. Mayer; preceded by an essay on antique ivories. Liv- erpool, 1856 O. [3+]52 p. pi. 736 2 [Iwain :] Herr Ivan lejon-riddaren, en svensk rimmad dikt, ifran 1300-talet; af J. W. Liffman och G. Stephens. Stockholm, 1849. O. tab. {In Syenska forn-sSl. Samlingar, v. 2.) 839. 7 3 — Chrestien of Troyes. Li romans dou cheva- lier au lyon; hei-ausgegeben von W. L. Hol- land. Hannover, 1862. O. facsim. 841 14.1 — Hartmann von Aue. Iwein, eine Erzahlung; mit Anm^rkungen von G. F. Benecke und K. Lachmaim. 2 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1843. O. 831 37 Jacchia, M. R. Relazione suU' inondazione del Po, Ferrara, 28 maggio 1872. Roma, 1872. O. 17 p. map. 651.48 17 Jacini, Stefano. Un po' di commenti sul tratta- to di Berlino. Roma, 1878. O. 85 p. 945 38 — La proprieta fondiaria e le popolazioni agri- cole in Lombaidia. 2 edizione, accresciuta. Milano, 1856. D. tab. map. 333 10 — La proprieta fondiaria e le popolazioni agri- cole in Lombardia; studj economici. 3 edi- zione. Milano, 1857. O. 333 11 J A CINI 364 JAKOB ERLANDSON — Sulle condizioni della cosa pubblica in Italia dopo il 1866. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1870. O. 945 38 With supplement, 16 p., La riforma elettorale e la ri- forma amministrativa. Jack of Dover, his quest of inquirie, or, his privy search for the veriest fool in England; a collection of merry tales. London, 1842. D. 8+36 p. {In Percy soc. v. 7.) 820 6 JACKSON, Andrew, president of the U. S. Baldwin,/. Gl.(Iri his Party leaders. 1855.) 923 1 — Parton, J, Life of Andrew Jackson. New York, 1861. 3 v. O. por. 923 52 Jackson, Charles, editor. Yorkshire diaries and autobiographies in the 17-18 centuries. Durham, 1877-86. 2 v. O. por. tab. {In Surtees soc. 65, 77.) 820 7 see the following publications of the Sur- tees society : 820 7 54. De la Pry me, A. Diary. 1870. 62. Thornton, A. W. Autobiography. 1875. Jacme, lo conqueridor see James I. Jacob, — . Memoire sur les eaux thermales de Bagnols, Lozere. {In Pay de Dome — Societe. Annales. 1839.) 944 61 Jacob, Arthnr. On the designing and con- struction of storage reservoirs. London, 1867. [1+] 32 p. pi. 628 10 Jacob, Karl (xeor^. Ueber den politischen Ein- fluss der Konigin Marie Antoinette von Frank- reich. {In Rauiuer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschen- buch. 1838.) — Die Frauen in der franzosischen Revolution. {In same. 1840.)— Goethe's Mutter. {In same. 1844.) 905 1 Jacob, Jaul L., pseudonym o/Lacroix, P. Jacob, William. An historical inquiry into the production and consumption of the precious metals. Philadelphia, 1832. O. 553 9 Jacob von Tyboe, seeHolberg^, L.Comedier,v.3. Jacoba en Bertha, see Lennep, J. van. Poet, werken, 2. Jacobini, Liilg;! Clemente. Sull' arte enologica degli antichi italiani, nota. (In Rome — R. accad. del lincei.Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 Jacobinus, Joannes. Brevis enarratio rerum a Sigismundo anno 1595 gestarum. {In Rerum Hungaricarum scriptores. 1600.) 943 63 Jacobs0n, Lucas. Faeroae et Faeroa reserata; det er, F8Br0ernis oc f8er0eske Indbyggeris Beskrif- velse. Ki0benhafn, 1673. S. pi. 914.9 14 JACOBS0N, Peder, bishop of Roshilde. Korne- rup, J. Om Biskop Jacobs0ns Skibbrud ogD0d paa Kysten af Flandern, 1225. {In Copenliag'en — K. nord. Old.-Selskab.Aarb0ger. v. 13, 1878.) 948 5 Jacobsson, Halld6r. Armafis saga. [Hrappsey, 1782.] sqO. 38 p. il. ntp. 839.63 28 Jacobus^S'^. ,o/ Sarug. L'omelia sul battesimo di Costantmo iniperatore; pubblicata, tradotta ed annotata da A. L. Frothingham, jr. {In Rome — R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v, 8, 18S3.) 065 5 Jacobus de Vitriaco, see Jacques of Vitri. Jacquemart, Albert. Les merveilles de la ceramique. Paris, 1866-89. 3 v. D. il. {In Charton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 738 3 Jacquemont, Victor. Correspondance inedite avec sa famille et ses amis, 1824-32; precedee d' une notice biographique par V. Jacquemont neveu, et d'une introduction par Prosper Me- rimee. Paris, 1867. 2 v. in 1. O. 846 4 — Correspondance pendant son voyage dans 1' Inde, 1828-32; precedee d'une etude sur Jacque- mont par Cuvillier Fleury. Nouvelle edition, augmentee. Paris, 1869. 2 v. D. 915.4 5 JACQUES of Amiens. Brakelmann, J. L'art d' amors et Li remedes d'amors, zwei altfran- zosische Lehrgedichte ; herausgegeben von G. Korting. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 Jacques of Vitri. Historia Hierosolimitana abbreviata. (In Bongars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 Jacqnes, by George Sand, see Dudevant, A. L. A.D. En Jaegers Erindringer, see Herre, B. JiEGERSPRIIS. Wegener, C. F. Historiske Etterretiiinger om Abrahamstrup Gaard i den ajldre og nyere Tid. map. (Jw Copenhagen— K.nord. Old.-Selskab.Annaler. v. 15-16, 1855-6.) 948 2 — — En Vandring gjennem Jasgersprlis's Have ogLund. Kj0benhavn, 1858. O. [4-fJ 40 p. il. map. 914.8 43 Jsernbanen og Kirkegaarden, see Bj0rnson, B. Jager, Arie de. Latere verscheidenheden uit het gebied der Nederduitsche taalkunde. De- venter, 1858. O. 439.3 3 — editor. Archief voor Nederlandsche taal- kunde. Amsterdam, 1847-54. 4 v. O. 439.3 2 Nieuw archief voor Nederlandsche taal- kunde. Amsterdam, 1855-6. O. 439.3 2 Jager, Henrik, Asbj0rnsenog "Huldreteventy- ret." por. {In Ude og Hjemme, 9 Okt. 1881.) 928 7 bound with 926 18 — Henrik Ibsen, 1828-88; a critical biography; from the Norwegian by William Morton Payne. Chicago, 1890. D. por. 839.82 28.1 Jahn, Ferdinand Heinrich. Almindeiig Udsigt over Nordens Krigsvsesen i Middelalderen. Kj0benhavn, 1825. O. pi. 355 8 Jahn, Otto. [Various articles]. (In Leipsic — K. Sachs. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-53.) 016 1, 3 Jahrbuch fiir romanische und englische Litera- tur. V. 1-9. O. Berlin, 1859-68. 806 1 Jahresbericht iiber die Beobachtungs-Ergeb- nisse der im Konigreich Preussen und in den Reichslanden eingerichteten forstlich-meteoro- logischen Stationen. 1875, '77, '78. Berlin, 1877-88. V. 1, 3, 4, O. 551.58 73 Jahresberichte liber die Verilnderungen und Fortschritte im Militairwesen. 1876. Berlin, 1877. V. 3. O. 355 1 Der Jahrmarkt, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, 20. Das Jalirmarkts-Fest zu Plundersweilern, ein Schonbartspiel, see tjothe, J. W. VOn. v. 13, 57. Jaime I., el conquistador, see James. Jaime Alfonso,genannt el Barbudo, see Huber, V. A. JAKOB ERLANDSON. Processus litis inter Chri- stophorum I & Jacobum Erlandi. (In Lange- bek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 5.) 948 76 JAKOB S 365 JAN SON JakobSj des Handwerkse^esellen, Wanderungen durch die Schweiz, see Bitzins, A. v. 11. James I., the Conqueror, king of Aragon. Une assemblee nationale au 13e siecle: extrait de la chronique catalane du roi; C. de Tourtoulon. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 3, 1871.) 479 5 — Historia del rey de Aragon, don Jaime 1, el conquistador, escrita en lemosin por el mismo monarca; traducida al castellana y anotada por Mariano Flotats y Antonio de BofaruU. Barcelona, 1848. Q. por. 946 19 — Libre dels feyts esdeuengiits en la uida del molt alt senyor rey, en Jacme lo conqueridor. 1343. [Barcelona, 1878]. D. facsim. (In Biblloteca catalana. 1.) 869 3 "This work is prof essedly autobiographic, though its authenticity is disputed, but... it is probably as trust- worthy as any of the mediasval annals. It is.both histor- ically and philologically, among the most valuable and attractive of the old Hispanic chronicles."— J/r. Marsh, in Johnson's cyclopaedia. — Aureum opus "Valentie, cum historia Jacobi primi. Valencie, 1518. F. il 946 58 — Miiiitaner, R. Chronica; o, Descripcio dels fets del rey Jaume primer. Barcelona, 1562. Q. iltj). 946 20 — Tourtoulon, C. 09. — Me- langes diplomatiques. por. {In SLichaiul & Poiijoulat. Metnoires, 1866, v. 18.) 944 9 JEFFERSON, Thomas, president of the U. S. Baldwin, J. (x. {In his party leaders. 1855 ) 923 1 Jelinn d' Arras. Melusine. Nouvelle edition, coiiforine a celle de 1478; revue, avec une pre- face, par Ch. Brunet. Paris, 1854. S. {In Bibl. elzevir.) 840 1 Jelian de Haute-Seille (Latin Joannes de Alta Sylva). Dolopathos; sive, De regeet septeni sa- pientibus; lierausgegeben von Hermann Oester- ley. Strassburg, 1873. O. 293 18.1 — Li remans de Dolopathos; publie par Charles Brunet et Anatole de Montaigloh. Paris, 1856. S. {In Bibl. elzevir.) 840 6 Jehuda ben Salomo ben Alchofni, called Cha- risi. Makainen. {In Kampf, S. I., translator. Nichtandalusische Poesie. 1858.) 892 6 Jehuda ha-Levi ben Saninel. Gedichte. {In same.) 892 6 Jeitteles, Adalbert. Neuhochdeutsche Wort- bildung. Wien, 1865. O. 432 7 Jensen, Hans Nieolaus Andreas. Bemaerkning- er til et antiquarisk Koit over en Deel af Angeln. map. — Bemaerkninger til et Afrids af Slien. ynap. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 2. 1846-8.) 848 4 — Historische Nachrichten iiber unsere Diaco- nate. In Schleswig... (Jesellschaft. Archiv. V. 1, 1833.) — Zur Geschichte des Schleswiger Domcapitels, besonders nach der Reformation, {In same. v. 2, 1834.) — Geschichte des Kirch- spiels Gelting. {In same. v. 3, 1837.) 943 42 — Udsigt over Bispedommet Slesvigs gamle Omfang og Inddeling. map. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 9, 1849.) 948 2 Jensen, J. To Gravh0ie. it. pi. {In same. Aar- b0ger. V. 1, 1856.; 948 5 Jensen, Jens. Fors0g til en dansk Sproglsere. Kj0b6nhavn, 1833. D. 439.85 4 Jensen, Julius. Thun und Handeln. Berlin, 1878. O. 36 p. (7n Virehow Tlch. Visitations of the diocese. 1888. JESUITS 368 JESUS Y JO DAE JESUITS. Bert, P. La morale des jesuites. 16 edition. Paris, 1881. D. 271 9 — Cappelletti, Gr. I gesuiti e la repubblica di Venezia; documenti diplomatici con annota- zioni storiche. Venezia, 1873. O. 271 5 — Cayla, J. M. Questi buoni signori di san Vin- cenzo de' Paoli; prima traduzione italiana dell' aw. R. Corsi. Volterra, 1864. D. 271 11 —Clement XIV., pope. Breve, col quale e sop- pressa ed estinta la compagnia de Gesu, 21 lu- glio 1773; con prefazione [by D. Pantaleoni]. Roma, 1873. O. 27+34 p. 2714 — — Same. (JjiMouita secreta, 1865, p. 121-161.) 271 10.1 — De la destruction des jesuites en France. (In Barriere cfc Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 3.) 944 10 — Huber, J. N. Der Jesuiten-Orden, nach seiner Verfassung und Doctrin, Wirksamkeit undGe- schichte. Berlin, 1873. O. 271 7 — Jarrige, P. Jesuita in ferali pegmate ob ne- fanda crimina in provincia Guienna perpetrata. Lugduni Batavorum, 1665. T. 099 48 —Lisbon— Collegio da santa igreja. Lettera pa- storale a i fedeli del patriarcato ad effetto di dittruggere gli errori della Compagnia di Gesu. Lisbona, 1759. O. 56 p. 2717.1 — Michelet, J., & Quinet, E. Les jesuites. Paris, 1843. O. 271 6 — Monita secreta societatis Jesu [, Latin and French] : Instructions secretes des jesuites. 3 edition, augmentee de notes et d'une introduc- tion, par C. Sauvestre. Paris, 1864. D. 271 10 -—Latin & Italian: I gesuiti giudicati da se me- desimi; con prefazione e note del F. dall' Onga- ro. Milano, 1865. S. 271 lO.l Pages 160-192 are Compendloso raggualio storico-cro- nologlco della Compagnia di Gesu. — Nichols, J. Gr., editor, The discovery of the Jesuits' college at Clerkenwell, 1627-8. 1852. {In Camden misc. 2; in Camden soc. 55.)— Sup- plementary note. {In same. 4; 73.) 820 4 — Scotti, G. C. La monarchie des Solipses, tra- duite [par P. Restaut] de... latin de Melchior Inch of er de la compagnie de Jesus [pseud.]. Amsterdam, 1722. S. 271 13 Added are : Id6e du gouvernement des jesuites ; Re- quetes pour la r6forme des jesuites; Instruction au prin- ces sur le gouvernement des jesuites. — Tillier, C. Des jesuites. {In his CEuvres, 1846, V. 4.) 843 43 — Uccelli, Cf. B. II convento di S. Giusto e i ge- suati; aggiungonsi i capitoli della loro regola. Firenze, 1865. D. 271 12 See also BRAZIL ; Glrard, J. B.; Lettres 6difiantes. JESUS, the Christ. Aim, R. von der. Die Urtheile heidnischer und jiidischer Schriftstel- ler der vierersten Jahrhunderte iiber Jesus und die ersten Christen; eine Zuschrift iiber die Gottheit Jesu. Leipzig, 1864. O. 232 6 —Andrews, S. J. The life of our Lord. New York, 1862. O. 232 1 —Boccaccio, G. La passione del N. S. Gesu Cristo, poema attribuito a Boccacci; per cura di L. Razzolini. Bologna, 1872. D, facsim. {In Scelta di curiosita. 162.) 850 10 —Bremer, F. Morgon-vackter; nagra ord in anledning af "Strauss och evangelierne;" tros- bekannelse. Stockholm, 1842. D. 84 [-1-1] p. 232 1.1 bound toith 223 4 — Channing, W. E. Character of Christ.— The imitableness of Christ's character. — Love to Christ. (In his Works, 1848, v. 4.) 208 2 — Farrar, F. W. The life of Christ. London, 231 2 [pref. 1874]. 2 v. O. pi. —Godwin, T. Christ set forth;... vi^ith a treat- ise of Christ's heart now in Heaven. London, 1642. T. 099 8 Same. [London, 1856.] S. 232 11 — Isid<^rus, St. De nativitate Domini, passione & resurrectione, regno atque judicio. {In his Opera. 1617.) 208 3 Latin & Old-German. {In Tatianus. Har- monia?. 1706.) 22(> 1 — Koriierup, J. Om Middelalderens Fremstil- linger af Christus paa Korset. {In Copenliagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 — Mencacci, P. Storia del presepio e del santo bambino di Aracoeli. [Rome, 186-.] S. 23 p. pi. 231 6 hound with 223 4 — Miinter, F. C. C. H. Der Stern der Weisen; Untersuchungen iiber das Geburtsjahr Christi. Kopenhagen,''l827. O. pi. 232 4 — Neander, J. A. W. Der glorreiche Einzug Christi in Jerusalem ; eine Palmsonntagbe- traclitung. Berlin, 1848. O. 21 p. 232 5 — Paleario, A. The benefit of Christ's death; Italian, 1543, French, 1551, English, 1548; with an introduction by C. Babington. London, 1855. S. facsim. 232 9 — — German: Von der Wohlthat Christi. Leip- zig, 1855. D. 232 10 — Regius, U. The sermon which Christ made on the way to Emaus; set down in a dialogue [containing] the chiefe prophecies of the Old Testament concerning Christ. London, 1612. D. 232 8 — Seeley, J. R. Ecce homo; a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. London, 1866. O. 232 3 — Tafereelen uit het leven van Jesus, een hand- schrift van de 15 eeuw. Gent, 1863. F.-* [20]p. col. il. {In Maetscliappy der Tlaem. bibl. Wer- ken, 3ser. 8.) 839.3 4 Facsimile of illuminated ms. printed on vellum paper. —Taylor, T. Moses and Aaron ; or. The types of our Saviour in the Old Testament. London, 1653. D. 232 7 — Torini Bencivenni, A. Brieve meditazionesui beneficii di Dio. Bologna, 1862. I). 56 p. {In Sceltadi curiosita. 17.) 850 10 — Willet, A. Thesaurus ecclesiae : The treasure of the church consisting of the perpetual inter- cession of Christ. {In his Ecclesia triumphans, 1814, p. 35-83.) 283 5 See also Bible— Apocrypha;— CROSS; La passion du Christ, poeme; GRAIL; MARY; SACRED HEART. Jesus J Jodar, Francisco de. El hecho de los tratados del matrimonio por el principe de Gales con la infante de Espana Maria : Narra- tive of the Spanish marriage treaty; edited and translated by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [Lon- don,] 1869. sqO. {In Camden soc. 101.) 820 4 JETZER 369 JOHANNES JETZER, Johanii. La storia di Fra Jetzer. {In Un tesiaiiiento. 1864.) 853 35 hound with 34 Le jeu du prince des sotz, see Grringore, P. Jewel, John, bishop of Salisbury. Works; 3d portion; edited by John Ayre. Cambridge, [Eng.], 1848. O. (Parker society.) 283 4 Contents: Apologia eoclesiae Anglicanaj.— An apology of the church of England.— The dtfence of the Apology. JEWELRY. Cellini, B.I trattati dell' oreficeria e della scultura; per cura di C. Milanesi. Fi- renze, 1857. D. 671 1 — Darcel, A. Notice des emauxet de 1' orfevre- rie [du Louvre]. Paris, 1867. D. il. 761 2 — Laborde, L. E. S. J. de. Notice des emaux, bijoux et objets divers du Louvre. Paris, 1853. 2 V. in 1. D. il. 751 1 — Merimee, P. Inventaire des joyaux de Louis, due d'Anjou. (In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 See also (JEMS; OBXAMENTS. Jewett, Charles Coffin. Smithsonian report on tlie construction of catalogues of libi-aries, and of a general catalogne. Washington, 1852. O. 6 [+2J +78 p. 025 1 JEWS. Bertram, B. C. De republica Ebraeo- rum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1641. Tt. 094 23 — BynaJUS, A.De calceis Hebra?orum. Dordraci, 168;i. T. il.2)l. 391 2 — Cohen, A. I). De mosaiske Troesbekjenderes Stilling i Dainnark forhen og nu; tilligemed alle Lovsteder og offentlige Foranstaltninger deni angaaende. 1651-1836. Odense, 1837. D. 933 4 — Cornill, C. H. Entstehung des Volkes Israel und seiner nationalen Organisation. Ham- burg, 1888. O. 30 p. (7n Virchow cfc Holtzen- dorff.Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 ^En geistlig Mands Anmeldelse og Betragtning af Cohen's "De mosaiske Troesbekjenderts Stilling i Danmark." Kiobenhavn, 1837.. D. 47 p. 933 5 — Josephus, F. Volgarizzamento della istoria delle guerre giudaiche; da L. Calori. Bologna, 1878-9. 2 V. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 53-4.) 850 6 —Lloyd, L. The stratagems of Jerusulem. London, 1602. sqD. 355 3 — Marzo, (1. de. L' Ebreo nel secolo decimo- nono; fatti contemporanei. Firenze, 1878. D. 933 3 — Milman, H, H. The history of the Jews, from the earliest period to modern times. From the London edition. New York, 1866. 3 v. D. 933 1 ^Reckendorf, H. Die Geheimnisse der Juden; [fiction.] Leipzig, 1856-7. 5 v. in 1. D. 833 23 See also CABALA; CHRONOLOGY. Joachim und Anna, see Bible— Apocrypha. JOAN of Arc, see DARC, J. Joan, the heroic maiden, see Dnnias, A. D. Joanne, Adolphe Laurent. Atlas de la France. Paris, 1870. F.* 95 maps. 912 14 — Dictionnaire geographique de la France, de I'Algerie et des colonies. 2 edition, augmentee. Paris, 1869. O. 914.4 2 — & Du Pays, J. A. Itineraire de I'ltalie septen- trionale. Paris [, 1859]. D. maps. 914.5 33 Joannes a Sancto Felice. Supplementum. {In Rivadeneyra, P.-de. Flos Sanctorum, 1741, v. 3.) 922 3 Joannes climacus or scholasticus, St. La scala del paradise; per Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, 1874. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 37.) 850 6 Joannes de Alta Sylva, see Jehan de Haute- Seille. 3 OAnnes of Damascus. Barlaams ok Josaphats saga, paa Norsk af Kong Haakon Sveresson; udgivet af R. Keyser og C. R. Unger. Chri- stiania, 1851. O. facsim. 839.63 25 — Het leven en bedryf van Barlaam den here- mijten Josaphat koning van Indien; in Neder- duits vertaelt door F. v. H. Rotterdam, 1672. S. pi. iltp. 889 1 — Vita de soing Giosaphat; convertius de soing Barlaam.— Versione letterale e annotata del Barlaam e Giosafat, di G. I. Ascoli. {In Arohi- vio glot. ital, V. 7, 1880-3.) 450 11 —Vita sanctorum Barlaam eremitse et Josaphat Indiae regis; interprete J. Billio. {In Migne, J. P., editor. Vitfe patrum, 1860, v. 1.) 922 6 — Liebrecht, F. Die Quellen des Barlaam und Josaphat. [in Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 — Littre, M. P. E. Barlaam et Josaphat. (In /i,^s Etudes sur les barbares. 1867.) 940 4 Joannes Physiophilus, pseudonym of Born, I. yon. Joannides, Benjamin. TbQapdp, Trepiypa^ totto- ■ypagne. map. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. An- naler. V. 2, 1838-9.) 948 2 Enust, Hermann. Das Libro de los gatos. (In Jalirbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) — Itali- enische Marchen. (In same. v. 7. 1866.) — Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Escorialbibliothek. (Iti same. v. 8-9, 1867-8.) 805 1 Eny, Leopold. Das Planzenleben des Meeres. Berlin, 1875. O. 61 p. il. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 10 Serie.) 043 1 Knytlingasag:a. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Fornmanna sogur, 1825-37. v. 11.) 839.63 7 K6ber, Raphael. Die Grundprincipien der Sclir>l[ing'schen Naturphilosophie. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. (7vi Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Eoch, C. Friedrich. Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Weimar, 1863-8. 3 v. O. 425 18 — Shakspere's Name. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1885.) — Die vocalischen Ablei- tungen im Apgelsachsischen und derenVerlauf . — Etymologisches Worterbuch der engli.schen Sprache von E. Miiller. (In same. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 Eoch, P. A. de, editor, see Duval, V. J. CEu- vres...vie. 1784. ' 846 3 Eoch, (Jeorg Anotheus. Vollsfandiges Worter- buch zu den Gedichten des P. Vergilius Maro. 4 Auflage. Hannover, 1870. O. 873 10 Eoch, Johann. On 1 : An original version of the Knight's tale, 2: The date and personages of the Parlament of foules, 3 : Queue Anelida and the false Arcyte, 4 : Lollius; Chaucer and Boccaccio's Decamerone; Appendix, (/n Essays on Chaucer, pt. 4, 1878; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 18.) 821 46 Eoch, Earl Heinrich Eniil. Die Krim und Odessa;- Reise-Erinnerungen. Leipzig, 1854. O. 914.7 21 Eoch, Max. Gottsched und die Reform der deutschen Literatur im 18 Jahrhundert. Ham- burg, 1887. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 Eock, Charles Paul de. Jean. Paris, 1830. 4 v. D. 843 25 Eock, Earl Theodor, annotator, see Aristo- phanes. Ausgewahlte Komodien. 1852-3. 882 7 Eoderle, Johann E. Grundsatze der kiinstli- chen Dungur)g im Forstkulturwesen. Wien, 1865. O. il. 551.58 34 Eoenen, Hendrik Jacob. De Nederland^che boerenstand historisch beschreven. Haarlem, 1858. O. 333 12 Eoeppen, Adolphus Louis. The world in the middle ages, an historical geography. New York, 1854. F. maps. . 911 6 Eotod Ancher, Peder. Fortale om den theore- tisk Lovkyndigheds N0dvendighed. (In Arne- sen, J, Historisk Indledning. 1762.) 349 56 — Samlede juridiske Skrifter, udgivne af J. F. W. Schlegel og R. Nyerup. Kj0benhavn, 1809- 11. 3 V. D. 340 1 Contents : 1. Lovhistorien. 2. Afhandlinger henh0- rande til Lovhistorien. 3. Unders0gelser og Afhandling- er af historisk- juridisk Indhold. — editor & translator, see Jutland. Lex Cimbri- ca. 1783. 349 54 Eogftlniceanu, Michail. Chronicele romaniei; seu, Letopisetele moldaviei si valahiei. 2 edi- tiune. Bucuresci, 1872-4. 3 v. in 1. Q. 949 74 Eogler, Earl. Tirol als Gebirgsland. Berlin, 1881. O. 34 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Eohl, Johann Oeorg. Alpenreisen. Dresden, 1849-51. 3 V. in 1. O. 551.43 22 — Geschichte des Golfstroms und seiner Erfor- schung. Bremen, 1868. O. maps. 551.47 2 — Hundert Tage auf Reisen in den osterreichi- schen Staaten. Dresden, 1842. 5 v. O. map. iltp. 914.3 15 — Die Marschen und Inseln der Hei'zogthiimer Schleswig und Holstein. Dresden, 1846. 3 v. in 1. O. il. 914.3 12 — Reise nach Istrien, Dalmatien und Montene- gro. Dresden, 1851. 2 v. S. 914.3 19 — Reisen in Siidrussland. 2 vermehrte .\uflage. Dresden, 1847. 2 v. D. map. 914.7 22 — Skizzen aus Natur- und Volkerleben. Dres- den, 1851. 2 V. in 1. O. 304 3 — Ueber Klangmalerei in der deutschen Spra- che. Berlin, 1873. O. 56 p. (i?i Virchow s. 917 1 La Fare, Charles Auguste, marquis de. Me- moires et reflexions sur les eveneinents du regne de Louis XIV. por. {In Michaud & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 32.) 944 9 La Fayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, comtesse de. Histoire de Madame Henriette d'Angleterre. ^or.— Memoires de la cour de France, 1688 9. (In Michaud DS; JCTLAXD; U. S.-PUBLIC LANDS. Landais, Napoleon. Grammaire generale des errammaires francaises. 5 edition. Paris, 1845. Q. 445 3 Interleaved. — cfcBarre,L.Dictionnaire des rimes fran9aises. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1873. T. jpZ. 446 1 Lander, Richard & John. Journal of an expe- dition to explore the Niger. New York, 1833. 2 V. S. il. por. map. (Harper's fam. lib. 35-6.) 916.6 6 LANDES. Bivort, J. B. Dissertation sur les meilleurs moyens de fertiliser les landes de la Campine et des Ardennes. [Brussels? 1846?] sqQ. 60 p. 631 17 bound with 554.5 5 ^Diipoiichel, A. Avant-projet pour la creation d'un sol fertile a la surface des landes de Ga- scogne. Montpellier, 1864. O. map. 631 15 — Dn Trieu de Terdonck, C. Dissertation sur les meilleurs moyens de fertiliser les landes de la Campine et des Ardennes. [Brussels ? 1846?] sqO. 33 p. 631 17 bound with 554.5 5 — EenenSj A. M. Memoire sur la fertilisation des landes de la Campine et des dunes. Bru- xelles, 1849. O. il. 631 16 — Raing^o, G. B. J.De la fertilisation des landes dans la Campine et les Ardennes. [Brussels? 1846 ?] sqO. 68 p. 631 17 bound with 554.5 5 See cdgo PINE. Landgrebe, Gteorg. Naturgeschichte der Vul- cane. Gotha, 1855. 2 v. O. 551.21 3 Landois, Narcisse, & Barr6, L. Complement du Dictionnaire de 1' Academie fran9aise. Bru- xelles, 1839. sqF. 443 2 Landoni, Teodorico, editor, see Scelta di curi- osita. 8, 25, 63, 133. 850 10 Landor, Walter Savage. Works. London, 1846. 2 V. O. 824 14 — The last fruit off an old tree. London, 1853. O. 824 15 Landre. Gr. N. Dictionnaire de poclie fran9ais- hoUandais, hollandais-fran9ais. Dordrecht, 1821. 2 V. in 1. T. 439.33 9 Landrin, Arinand. Les inondations. Paris, 1880. D. il. {In Charton, E. Bibl. des mer- veilles.) 551.48 24 — Les plages de la France. 2 edition, aug- mentee. Paris, 1868. D. il. {In same.) 590 12 Landshnter Rathschronik, 1439-1504. {In Mu- nich— K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deut- schen Stadte, v. 15, 1878.) 943 24 Landt, J0rgen. Fors0g til en Beskrivelse over Faeraerne. Ki0benhavn, 1800. D. 914.9 15 Landtsoldaten; en teckning ur folklifvet i Westergothland, see Gotha. Landucci, Arabrogio. Origine del tempio dedi- cato in Roma alia Vergine detto hoggi del po- polo; data in luce dal . . . Niccolo Dalmatio. Roma, 1646. O. 230 9 Lane, Edward William. An account of the modern Egyptians, 1833-5. London, 1836. 2 v. D. il. pi. 916.2 9 —translator, see Arabian nights' entertain- ments. 1839-41. 892 2 Lane, Jolin. Continuation of Chaucer's 'Squire's tale'; edited by Fredk. J. Furniv^all; with notes on the magical elements in Chaucer's 'Squire's tale', and analogues, by W. A. Clouston. Lon- don, 1888-90. O. {In Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 23, 26.) 821 46 Lanehani, Robert, A letter whearin part of the entertainment untoo the queenz majesty at Killingwoorth castl, 1575, is signified. [Anon.] Warwick, 1784. O. 90 p. 394 5 — Same; with introductory preface and notes. London, 1821. O. inserted pi. 822 5 Lanfrey, Pierre. L'eglise et les philosophes aul8esiecle. 2 edition. Paris, 1857. D. 2114 — Etudes et portraits politiques. 3 edition. Paris, 1874. D. 923 3 Contents: L'hlstoire du consulat et de I'empire por Thiers.— Daunou.—Carnot.—Armand Carrel.— Gulzot et la question romaine.— Proudhon.— Du r6gime parlemen- taire sous Louis Philippe.— Un dernier mot sur Carnot.— Paris en Am6rique par E. Laboulaye. — Histoire de Napoleon ler [,1769-1811. v. 5,] 5 edition. Paris, 1867-75. 5 v. D. 944 38 — Histoire politique des papes. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1873. D. 282 31 Lang, Wilhelni. Neuere Machiavelli-Literatur. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 2, 1875.) 945 41 Lang, William. Animal magnetism or Mes- merism; principally from a wt)rk by Lang; supplement by Chauncey Hare Townshend. New York, 1844. D. 134 1 Langbarderne, see IQIIiIensclilager, A. G. Tra- godier, v. 5. Langbein, August Friedrich Ernst. Siimmtli- che Schriften. 2 Auflage. Stuttgart, 1841. 16 v. in 8. S. pi. 831 56 Contents: 1-4. Gedichte. 5. Jocusund.Phantasus.— Der Sonderling. 6. Thomas von Pampel.— Unterhaltungen fur miissige Stunden. 7. Die Kleinstiidterund der Fremd- ling. — Novellen. 8. Herbstrostn.— Der Brautigam ohne Braut 9. Franz und Rosalie.— Magister Zimpels Braut- fahrt. 10. Talismane gegen die lange Weile. 11. Neue Talismane.— Vacuna.— Df'r graue K6nig.l2. Zeitschwing- en. 13. Feierabende. 14. Der Ritter der Wahrheit. 15. Kleine Romane und Erzahlungen. 16. Schwanke.— Mahrchen und Erzahlungen. Langdon, William Chauncy. The facts concern- ing the American episcopal chapel. Florence, 1871. O. 35 p. 283 1 — Le odierne quistioni politico-ecclesiastiche e la chiesa americana. Firenze, 1875. D. 283 1 — The restoration of Christian unity, and the approaching Alt-catholic congress at Cologne; a letter to J. J. I. DoUinger. London, 1872. O. 284 11 — Some account of the catholic reform move- ment in the Italian church... London, 1868. D. 284 13 Lange, Christian Christoph Andreas. Notits om St. Michaels Kirkehule i Thelemarken i Norge. pi. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 10, 1850.) 94S 2 Lange, G. Die Halbedelsteine aus der Familie der Quarze, und die Geschichte der Achatindu- strie. Kreuznach, 1868. O. 553 13 Lange, Johann Michael. Schreiben an D. Spitz, {III Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 1.) 830 10 LANGEBEK 392 LANGUAGE Langebek, Jakob. Breve, meddeelte af B. W. Becker. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- Skab. Annaler. v. 16, 1856.) 948 2 —editor. Scriptores rerum Danicarum medii gevi. HafnijB, 1772-1834. 8 v. F.-* il. i)or. pi. facsim. tab. 948 76 Vol. 4-7 are edited by P. F. Suhm; V. 8, by L. En^els- toft and E. C. Werlauff . For contents see Peabody cata- logue. For Nachtrag see Lappeiiberg, J. M. —Suhm, P. F. Character af Laiigebek. (In his Schrifter, 1788-98, v. 6.) 839.88 5 Langhorne, John. Observations on the Oriental eclogues and Odes. (In Collins, W. Poetical works. 1830.) 821 51 Langlade, A. La Viradona. (In Reveu des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 Langland, William. Parallel extracts from 29 mss. of Piers Plowman; with comments, and a proposal for the society's three-text edition of this poem, by Walter W, Skeat. London, 1866. O. [1+] 12 [ + 10] p. (In E.E. text soc. Orig. ser. 17.) 820 5 — The vision of William concerning Piers Plowman; with Vita de Dowel, Dobet et Do- best secundum Wit et Resoun, about 1362-80; edited with prefaces, notes and a glossary, by Walter W. Skeat. London, 1867-77. v. 1-4, pt. 1. O. facsim. {In same. 28, 38, 54, 67.) 820 5 — The vision of William concerning Piers the plowman, according to the version revised about 1377; ed'ited by Walter W. Skeat. Ox- ford, 1869. S. (Clarendon press series.) 82171 —Marsh, (J. P. The author of Piers Plough- man and his imitators. {In his Origin and history of the English language. 1862.) 080 21 Langl^, Joseph Adolphe Ferdinand, editor. Les contes du gai savoir; ballades, fabliaux et traditions du moyen age, [Paris, 1828.J O. il. 843 1 Langles, Louis Mathieu, editor, see Chardin, J. Voyages en Perse. 1811. 915.5 1 Langley, Samuel Pierpont. Observations on Mount Etna. [New Haven,] 1880. O. p. 33- 44. 551.21 10 From American journal of science, v. 19. Langtoft, Peter. Chronicle, as illustrated and improv'd by Robert of Brunne, from Cadwala- der to Edward I. ; now first published by Thom- as Hearne; added, a glossary and other papers. Oxford, 1725. 2 v. O. (Hearne's Works, v. 3-4. ) 821 73 — Chronicle, in French, verse, to the death of Edward I.; edited by Thomas Wright. Lon- don, 1866-8. 2 v. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 47.) 942 8 — Fragment de sa chronique. {In Michel. F. X. Chroniques anglo-normandes, 1836-40, v. 1.) 841 5 LANOTOJf, Stephen, St., archbishop of Canter- bury. Newman, J. H., & others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v.' 5.) 922 8 LANGIJAUE. Ascoli, G. L Due recenti lettere glottologiche e una poscritta nuova. {In Ar- chivio glot. ital. v. 10, 1886-8.) 450 11 — Beames, J. Outlines of Indian philology. 2 edition. London, 1868. D. map. 490 1 — Biondelli, B. Studii linguistici. Miiano, 1856. O. por. 408 1 — — Sullo studio comparative delle lingue. Miiano, 1839. O. 26 p. 410 1 — Carlandi, E. Se il linguaggio articolato sia il solo carattere distintivo dell' uomo. Firenze, 1882. O. 14 p 401 3 — Castiglfa, B. Fase diffinitiva della scienza. Roma [,187-?]. T. 10 p. 401 5 — Cattaneo, C. Sul principio istorico delle lingue europee. Miiano, 1P42. O. 39 p. 410 1 — Clongh, C. On the existence of mixed lan- guages; being an examination of the funda- mental axioms of the foreign school of modern philology, especially as applied to English. London, 1876. O. 410 3 — Gfarnett, R. Philological essays. London, 1859. O. 404 2 Contents: Memoir. — English lexicography. —English dialects.— Prichard on the Celtic languages.- Antiqua- rian club-books.— Languages and dialects^of the British islands.— Probable relations of the Picts and Gael with the other tribes of Great Britian.— Origin and import of the augment in Sanscrit and Greeli.— Origin and import of the genitive — Derivation of words from pronominal and prepositional roots.— Certain initial letter-changes in the Indo-European languages.— Formation of words by the further modification of inflected cases. — Relative import of language.— Nature and analysis of the verb, —Grimm, J. L. K, Kleinere Schriften. Berlin, 1864-90. 8 V. in 4. O. facsim. 408 3 — Grlinbaum, M. Mischsprachen und Sprach- mischungen. Berlin, 1885. O. 48 p. {In Vir- chow cfc Holtzendorff.Vortrage. 20 Serie.)043 1 — Hehn, V. Kulturpflanzen und Hausthiere in ihrem tlbergang aus Asien in Europa. 2 Auf- lage. Berlin, 1874. O. 410 3 — Heyse, K. W. L. System der Sprachwissen- schaft; herausgegeben von H. Steinthal. Ber- lin, 1856. O. 401 4 — Holden, E. S. On the number of words used in speaking and writing. Philadelphia, 1876. O. [7] p. 401 3 — Hovelacque, A. La linguistique. Paris, 1876. D. 400 1 — Klee, F. De almeenculturhistoriske Principer for de europseiske Sprogs Dannelse. {In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 5, 1855-7.) 948 4 — Kraitsir, C. Glossology; a treatise on the nature of language and on the language of nature New York, 1852. D. 400 2 — Lysons, S. Our vulgar tongue; a lecture on language in general; with tables of the world-- wide affinity of languages. London, 1868. O. tab. 410 5 — Mauno, G. Delia fortuna delle frasi. .Torino, 1866. D. 854 5 — — Delia fortuna delle parole. Firenze, 1855. D. 854 4 —March, F. A. Address at the 6th annual ses- sion of the American philological association, 14 July 1874. New York, 1874. O. 19 p. 404 1 — Mariotti, F.Dante e la statistica delle lingue. {In Rome— R. accad. dei liiicei. Atti. 3 ser, sci. mor. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 5 —Same. Firenze, 1880. D. p7io^. music. 851 52 — MttUer, F. M. Lectures on the science of language. 2 series. London, 1864. O. il. 401 7 — — Letture sopia la scienza del linguaggio; tradotto da G. Nerucci. Miiano, 1864. D. 401 6 LANGUAGE 393 LANMAN —Murray, J. A. H. Eighth annual address of the president to tlie Philological society, 16 May 1879. [London, 1879.] O. 64 p. 404 1 Contents: Work of the society, 1878-9; — The society's dictionary;— Problems and principles of lexicography. Rajna, P. Dialects of Italy.— Scliieftier, F. A. Languages of the Caucasus. — Doniier, O. Finnish and Lappish.- Cnst, U. Jf. Korean language.— Conclusion.— Specimen of the dictionary. —Noire, L. Max Miiller and the philosophy of language. London, 1879. O. 401 8 — Osthoff, H. Das physio] ogischeund psycholo- gische Moment in der sprachlichen Formen- bildung. Berlin, 1879. O. 48 p. (In Virchow * Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 14 Serie.) 043 1 —Petersen, N. M, Sprogkundskab i Norden; Bemajrkninger til noiere Overveielse. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-8elskal). Annaler. V. 8, 1840-1.) — Den nordiske Oldtids Betydning for Nutiden. {In same. v. 5, 1S44-5.) 948 2 ^Rask, R. C. Samlede tildels forhen utrykte Afhandlinger; udgivne af H. K. Rask. K0ben- havn, 1838. pt. 3. D. 408 3 — Rozan, C. A travers les mots. Paris, 1876. D. 848 17 — — Petites ignorances de la conversation. 5 edition. Paris [,1 ed. 1856]. D. 848 18 ^^eymour, H. The use of short words. Utica, 1878. O. 8 p. 080 20.1 —Stengel, A. Die Anfange der Sprache. Ham- burg, 1888. O. 30 p. {In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. Neue FoJge. 3.) 043 2 — Stoddart, J. Glossology; or, The historical relations of languages. 1st division. London, 1858. D. ' 400 3 — Strangford, P. E. F. W., viscount. Original letters and papers upon philological and kin- dred subjects. London, 1878. O. 404 3 —Trench, R. C. On the study of words. 13 edition. London, 1867. S. 428 5 — Urquhart, T. Logopandecteision ; or, An introduction to the universal language. 1653. {In his Works. 1834.) 828 20 —Whipple, E. P. Words. (In his Essays, 1848- 9, V. 1.) 814 16 — ^Whitney, W. D. Language and its study, with especial reference to the Indo-European family of languages; edited by R. Morris. Lon- don, 1876. D. 401 11 — — Language and the study of language. London, 1867. D. 401 12 — —The life and growth of language. London, 1875. D. 401 13 — WoUschliiger, C. S. Handbuch der Ethno- graphic und der Verbreitung der Sprachen. Leipzig, 1873. O. 672 4 See also AiiCHA.; AFGHAX; ALPHABET; ANGLO-SAXON; ARABIC; AZTEC; BASQUE; BULGARIAN; CAMBODIAN; CATAWBA; CELTIC; CHALDEE ; CHINESE; CHINOOK; CREOLE ; CUNEIFORM WRITING ; DANISH; DIALECTS; DOUBLETS; DUTCH; ENGLISH; ETYMOLOGY; FINNISH; FRENCH; PRIESIC; GAELIC; GERMAN; GOTHIC; GRAM- MAR; GREEK; GREENLANDISH; HAWAIIAN; HEBREW; HIEROGLYPHICS; HUNGARIAN; ICELANDIC; INDLi; IN- DIANS; INDO-EUROPEAN; IRISH; ITALIAN; LAPPISH; LATIN; LEXICONS; LOVE; MACASSAR; MALAY; MPONGWE; NAMES; NEGRO-ENGLISH; NORSE; ORIENTAL; PERMUTa' TION OF CONSONANTS; PERSIAN; PH(ENICIAN; PHONOLO- GY; POLYGLOT; PORTUGUESE; PRAKRIT; PUNCTUATION; ROMANCE; ROMANSH; RUMANIAN; SANSKRIT; SERVIAN; SIGNS; SINHALESE; SLANG; SLAVIC; SPANISH; SWED- ISH ; TEUTONIC ; TURKISH ; VOICE ; WALLACHIAN; WELSH; WRITING. —ORIGIN. Bleek, W. H. I. tJber den Ur- sprung der Sprache; herausgegeben, miteinem Vorwort, von E. Haeckel. Weimar, 1868. O. 72 p. pi. 410 3 — — Doornkaat-Koolman, J. ten. Die Sprache nach M. Carriere und Anderen. Hannover, 1865. O. 38 p. 401 3 — — -Grorp, J. van. Opera. Antwerpite, 1569-80. 2 V. F. il. por. 401 1-2 — —Grimm, J. L. K. Ueber den Ursprung der Sprache. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, V. 1.) 408 2 lessen, E. Nyere Skrif ter om Sprogs Op- rindelse. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Sel- skab. Aarb0ger. v. 2, 1867.) 948 5 Marsh, (J. P. Tlie biography of a word. {In Nation, v. 32, p. 88-9.) In main library. — — — Origin of speech, and of the English language. (In /iis Lectures. 1860.) 080 20 Mailer, F. M. Meine Antwort an Darwin. n. p. [,1875]. Q [1+] 387.412 p. 4013 — — Rosch, W. Ueber das Wesen und die Ge- schichte der Sprache. Berlin, 1873. O. 30 p. in Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 401 3 — ^Schleicher, A. Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft. 2 Auflage. Wei- mar, 1873. 33 p. pi. 401 3 — — Stjernlijelm, G. De linguarum origine pre- fatio. {In Ulfllas. 1671.) 839.9 1 Voigtmann, C. G. Dr. Max Miiller's Bau- wau-Theorie und der Ursprung der Sprache. Leipzig, 1865. O. 401 9 Wedgwood, H. On the origin of language. London, 1866. S. 401 10 — — i— Sawe. (In /izs Dictionary. 1872.) 422 8 For philological societies see Breslau; Florence; Leipsic; Rome. LANGUEDOC. Ljitchitzki, I., editor. Docu- ments inedits sur I'histoire du Languedoc et de La Rochelle apres la Saint-Barthelemy, 1572-4. Paris, 1873. Q. 74 [+1] p. 944 62 Langiiet de Gergy, Jean Joseph, archbishop of Sens. La vita della madre iVlargherita Maria [Alacoque]; traduzione dal francese; con un discorso dal Alessandro Ignazio Sagromoso sopra la divozione del Sacro Cuore di Gesu. Edizione 2, cui si aggiunge un' orazione del Leonardo Cominelli sopra lo stesso argomento. Venezia, 1748. O. pi. 922 14.1 Lanjuinais, Jean Denis, comte de. Les 31 mai- 2 juin 1793, fragment; avec discours, 2 juin, e recit de cette journee. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 30.) 944 10 Lanman, Charles. Dictionary of the United States Congress ; from the foundation of the government. Philadelphia, 1859. O. 923 4 — Essays for summer hours. 2 edition. Boston, 1842. D. pi. 814 11 The author's copy, with ms. notes and corrections, presented to Mr. Marsh. LAN MAN 394 LA RIVE — Letters from a landscape painter. Boston, 1845. D. 814 12 Dedicated to Mr. Marsh. — A summer in the wilderness; embracing a canoe voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior. New York, 1847. D. 917.7 2 Copy presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. La Noae, Francois de . Memoires, 1562-70. {In Michaiiu & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 9.) 944 9 Lautsloot ende die scone Sandrijn. {In Hoff- maun yon Fallersleben. Horae Belgicae, 1836- 62, pt. 5, 6.) 839.31 B Lanz. Karl Friedrich Wilhelm, editor, see Miintaner, R. Chronik. 1844. 946 51 ^translator, see Same. 1842. 946 52 Lanzaiii, Francesco. Storia dei comuni italiani dalle origini [1024J al 1313. Milano, 1882. Q. '{In Villari, V,, editor. Storia politica d' Italia; in L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.6 9 Lanzi, Luigi, abate. Notizie della scultura degli antichi e dei varj suoi stili. {In Marchese, V. Manuale. 1846 ) 709 2 L.4,0C00N. Ctothe, J. W. von. Ueber Laokoon. {In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 38.) 832 1 Laokoon j oder, tJber die Grenzen der Malerei und Poesie, see Lessing, G. E. v. 3. LAOS. Mouliot, A. H. Travels in Siam, Cam- bodia and Laos, 1859-60. London, 1864. 2 v. O. il. por. pi. map. 916.9 1 Lapeyrousej Stanislas . Der min- nen loep. 1845-6. (In Vereeniging Ned. letter- kunde. Werken.) 839.3 11 De leeuw van Vlaenderen, see Conscience, H. Leeuwendalers, lantspel, see Vondel, J. van den. Lefevre, Andr6. L'homme a travers les ages; essais de critique historique. Paris, 1880. D. 301 9 Le Fevre, Jacques. Anciens memoires du 14e siecle de la vie du fameux Bertrand Du Gue- sclin. por. (In Michand & Pou,jonlat. Me- moires, 1866, V. 1.) 944 9 Le Fevre, Raonl. Le recueil des histoires troi- ennes, contenans troys liures. Paris, A. ve- rard [,149-]. Q. [175] leaves, il. rubricated. 093 7 — English : The ancient historic of the destruc- tion of Troy; translated by W. Caxton. 6 edi- tion. London, 1636. D. 939 2 Lefevre, Tli^otiste. Guide pratique dn compo- siteur d'imprimerie. Paris, 1872-3 [v. 1. '73]. 2v. O. 655 3 Lefinann, Salomon. Ueber deutsche Reclit- schreibung. Berlin, 1871. O. 32 p. (/?* Vir- cliow E, St.; JULIAN, St.; MABGARET, St.; MABTIALIS, St.; MIBACLES; SAINTS; THREE KINGS; TOBIA; TUNDALE; WANDERING JEW. La vie de saint L^ger j texte revu [, with intro- duction, by G. Paris], (/n Romania, v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 Leggenda del viaggio di tre santi monaci al 914.9 26 — Ziegler, J. Terrss Sanctee, Syrian, ^gypti... descriptio. Argentorati, 1536. sqQ. maps. 915.6 41 LEVELLING. Romersliausen, E. Das Spiegel- Niveau. 2 Aufiage. Marburg, 1851. D. 38 p. pi. 526 1 Den levende Dode, see Ingemann, B. S, Lever, Thomas. Sermons, 1550. London, 1870. S. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 25.) 820 9 Levi, Carlo. Rom als Hauptstadt des Konig- reichs Italien, 1871-6. {In Uillebrand, K.Italia. V. 3, 1876.) 945 41 Levi, David. Democrazia e papismo, per Julius [pseud.]. Milano, 1863. S. 282 46 — II profeta ; o. La passione di un popolo, dramma. Torino, 1866. Q. 862 12 — Vita di pensiero; ricordi e liriche. Milano, 1875. D. 928 36 Levin, Israel. Haandbog i det danske Sprogs Grammatik. KJ0benhavn, 1844. pt. 1. O. 439.85 5 Levins, Peter, Manipulus vocabularum : a rhyming dictionary of the English language, 1570; edited, with an alphabetical index, by Henry B. Wheatley. London, 1867. O. {In Camden soc. 95.) 820 4 —Same. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 27.) 820 5 L6vis, Pierre Marc Gaston, due de. Souvenirs et portraits. (J?i Barriere c&Leseiire.Memoires, 1857-81, V. 14.) 944 10 Lewenklaw, Hans, von Amelbeum. Neuwe Chronica tiirckischer Nation, von Tiirken selbs beschrieben ; in vier Biicher. Franckfurt a. M., 1595. F. 949 68 — Neuwer musulmanischer Histori tiirckischer Nation, achtzehen Biicher. Franckfurt a. M., 1595. F. 949 68 Lewes, Charles Lee, translator, see Renter, F. In the year '13. 1867. 839.4 13 Lewinstein, Gnstar. Die Alchemic und die Alchemisten. Berlin, 1870. O. 36 p. {In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 LEWIS 408 LIBYA Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, hart. An essay on the origin and formation of the Romance languages. 2 edition. London, 1862. D. 479 4 Lewis, John. The history of the life and suflfer- ings of John Wicliffe. London, 1720. O. 922 52 Lewis, Tayler. Plato against the atheists; or, The tenth book of the dialogue on laws; with notes, and dissertations on some points of the Platonic philosophy as compared with the Holy Scriptures, by Lewis. New York, 1845. O. 888 18 Lewis, Tliomas Taylor, editor, see Harley, B. C. Letters. 1854, {In Camden soc. 58.) 820 4 Lexer, Matthias von, Karntisches Worterbuch; mit einem Anhange: Weinacht-Spiele und Lie- der aus Karnteu. Leipzig, 1862. Q. 437 6 — Mittelhochdeutsches Hand worterbuch. Leip- zig, 1872-8. 3 V. O. 437 22 Vol. 3 contains Nachtrage. —Mittelhochdeutsches Taschenworterbuch, mit grammatischer Einleitung. Leipzig, 1878. D. 437 2o See aUo Grimm, J. L. K.cfe W. K. Deutsches Worterbuch, the letters N-Q, and T, compiled by Lexer. LEXICONS. Marsh, G. P. {In Johnson's cyclo- pedia. ) In main library. Leyden, Ernst. Ueber die Sinneswahrnehmung- en. Berlin, 1868. O. 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorir. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1; 152 3 bound with 146 1 Leyden— Academia Lugduno-Batava.'T ghevoe- len van de professooren nopende de proeve der toveressen int waeter. {In Scot. R. Ondecking van tovery. 1638.) 133 9 Leyer und Schwert, see Korner, K. T. Leymarie, Achille. Histoire des pay sans en France. Paris, 1856. 2v. inl. O. 333 13 Leys d'amors, see Flors del gay saber, L'Herniite {Latin Eremita), BanieL De Helye- tiorum situ,republica & moribus. (/w Helvetio- rum respublica. 1627.) 094 34 Libanius. Orationes et declamationes: recen- suit et perpetua adnotatione illustravit Jo. Ja- cobus Reiske. Alteuburgi, 1791-7. 4 v. O. 885 4 Liber albus. Liber custumarum et Liber horn; edited by H. T. Riley. London, 1859-62. 3 v, in 4, Q. facsim. {In Grt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 12.J 942 8 Liber albus; the white book of the city of London, compiled, 1419, by John Carpenter, common clerk; translated from the original Latin and Anglo-Norman, by Henry Thomas Riley. London, 1861. sqO. 942 33 Liber cure cocorum; edited by Richard Morris. Berlin, 1862. O. 4-1-61 p. (Philological soci- ety.) 821 74 Liber scintillarum, see Defensor. Liber vitse, see Dnrham. Un liberal pasado por agua, see Falacio, M. del. Liberali, Camillo. Hygienic-medical hand- book for travellers in Italy. Rome, 1878, D. 615 17 LIBERALISM, see RATIONALISM. LIBERIA. Marsh, G. P. Address delivered be- fore the American colonization society, 15 Jan. 1856. {In African repository, v, 32, 1856, p. 40-7.) 080 43 bound with 1 LIBERTY. Aikin, J. F. The history of liberty; a paper read before the N. Y. historical soci- ety, 6 Feb. 1866; with notes. New York. 1877. O. 324 1 Lieber, F. On civil liberty and self-govern- ment. Enlarged edition. Philadelphia, 1859. O. 320 10 —Mill, J. S. On liberty. London, 1865. D. [8+J68p. 324 4 — Villari, P. J. S. Mill suUa Liberta. {In his Saggi. 1868.) 854 8 Libiiis Disconius. {In Percy, T. Folio ms., 1868-9, V. 2.) 821 6 — Ly beaus desconus. {In Renauld de Beaiijeu. Le belinconnu, 1860, appendice.) 293 1 LIBRARIES. Italy— Ministero della pubbliea istriizione. Statistica del regno d'ltalia: Biblio- teche, 1863. Firenze, 1865. Q. 027 7 —Marsh, (x. P. Speech on the bill for establish- ing the Smithsonian Institute; House of Rep- resentatives, 22 April 1846. Washington, 1846. O. 080 6 — Rhees, W. J. Manual of public libraries, in- stitutions and societies in the United States and British provinces. Philadelphia, 1859. O. 027 1 — U. S.— Bureau of Education. Public libraries in the United States, their history, condition, and management; special report. Washington, 1876. pt. 1. O. 027 2 See also AJjEXASDRIA; Antwerp; Copenhagen; Durham; ESCURIAL; Florence; Harvard university; Iceland; London; Marsh library; Mass. historical society; Munich; New York (state); Paris; Rome. The library of the old English prose- writers, see Young, A. Libre de les dones, see Roig, J.; Ximenes, F. Libri-Carrucci della Sommaia,(iUglielmo Bru- to Icilio Timoleone, conte. Analisi della me- moria sulla. . . Arno e China del Fossombroni; tradotta dal francese. {In Opuscoli idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 — Stiattesi, A, Commentario storico-scientifico sulla vita e le opere del Libri. 2 edizione. Fi- renze, 1879. O. 925 11 II libro d' amore di carita, see Banchiui, (J. LIBRO d'e los gatos. Knust, H. Das Libro de los gatos. {In Jahrbuch rom.u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 II libro dei colori; segreti del secololS ; pubbli- cati da, O. Guerrini e C. Ricci. Bologna, 1887. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 222.) 850 10 II libro dei funerali, see Schiaparelli, E. II libro della cucina, del sec. 14. Bologna, 1863. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 40.) 850 10 II libro della vita contemplativa; saggio di un volgarizzamento del sec, 14. Bologna, 1862. D. 35 p. {In same. 16.) 850 10 Libro delle nature degli uccelli, fatto per lo re Danchi; testo antico toscano, messo in luce da Francesco Zambrini. Bologna, 1874. D. col. pi. {In same. 140.) 850 10 Liburnio, Nicold. Dialogo. {In Trissiiio, G. G. Opere, 1729, v. 2.) 851 126 LIBYA. Jordan, W. Die geographischen Re- sultate der von G. Rohlfs gefiihrten Expedi- tion in die libysche Wiiste. Berlin, 1875, O. 32 p, map. {In Virchow & HoltzendorfF. Vor- trage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 LIBYA 409 LIFE — Minutoli, J. H, ron. Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Amnion in der libyschen Wliste... Ber- lin, 1824. sqQ, cfc Atlas. F.« 916.2 31 — —Same: Nachtrage. Berlin, 1837. O. pi. »16.2 33 —St. John, B. Adventures in the Libyan desert and the oasis of Jupiter Amnion. London, 1849. D. il. map. 916.2 33 Liceate, Emerisco, pseudonym of Rocco, M. El liceuciado Vidriera, see Cervantes. Novelas, V. 3. LICHENS. Reess, M. Ueber die Natur der Flechten. Berlin, 1879. O. 47 p. il. {In Vir- cliOW c& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph. Gedanken und Maximen; miteiner biographischen Einleitung von Edward Grisebach. Leipzig, 1871. D. 838 5 hound with 1 Lichteiistein, Martin Heinrich Karl. Der Hof- ratli Beireis in H^lmstadt, und das Universi- tatswesen seiner Zeit. {In Ranmer, F. L. tt. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1847.) 905 1 — Vorrede. — Naturhistorischer Anhang. {In Eversniann, E. Reise nach Buchara. 1833.) 916.8 5 Lichtenstein, Ulrich von; mit Anmerkungen von Theodor von Karajan; herausgegeben von Karl Lachmann. Berlin, 1841. D. 831 85 Lichtenstein, see Hauff, W. v. 3-3. LICHTENTHALER, Georg. Rittershuss, C. Leichenanschlag auf Lichtenthaler. {In Stro- bel, (J. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81. v. 1.) 830 10 Liddell, Henry George, & Scott, R. A Greek- English lexicon. 6 edition, augmented. Ox- ford, 1869. sqQ. 483 3 Lidderdale, Thomas William, compiler, see London — British museum. Catalogue of books printed in Iceland. 1885. 016 5.3 Lidforss^ Volter Edvard. Le Memorie di Giorgio Pallavicino, giudicate"; traduzione dallo sve- dese. Torino [,1883]. S. 24 p. 923 78 The name on the title-page Is misprinted Lldfortt. Lidner, Bengt. Samlade arbeten. Ny upplaga. Stockholm, 1813-14. 3 v. in 1. D. 839.72 6 Lie, Jonas. Adam Schrader, Fortselling. Kj0- benhavn, 1879. D. 839.83 34 — Faustina Strozzi. Kj0benhavn, 1875. S. 839.82 36 — Fortsellinger og Skildringer fra Norge. 4de Tusinde. Kj0benhavn, 1873. D. 839.83 25 Contents: Nordfjordhesten.— 80ndm0rs.— Oitrlngen.— Flnneblod.— Svend F0ynog Ishavsfarten. — Den Fremsynte; eller,Billeder fra Nordland. 3 Oplag. Kj0benhavn, 1871. D. 839.83 26 — Lodsen og hans Hustx-u. Kj0benhavn, 1874. D. 839.83 37 — Thomas Ross, Fortaelling. Kj0benhavn, 1878. D. 838.83 28 — Tremasteren "Fremtiden;" eller, Liv nord- paa, en Fortselling. Ki0benhavn, 1872. D. 839.83 29 Liehen, Adolf. Relazione sulle analisi di quat- tre acque potabili mandate dal municipo di Torino. Torino, 1879. O. 62 p. 628 8 See also Calandro, C. Osservazioni. Liehenberg, Frederik Lndvig. editor, see Staf- feldt, A.Y. S. von, Samlede Digte. 1843-51. 839.81 51 Lieber, Francis. Inaugural address [as] pro- fessor of history and political science. {In Columbia college. Addresses. 1858.) 378 1 — On civil liberty and self-government. En- larged edition. Philadelphia, 1859. O. 320 10 — & others. Encyclopfedia Americana. Phila- delphia, 1830-3. 13 v. O. 031 1 Based on Brockhaus's Conversatlons-Lexlkon. A 14th volume appeared as: Same : Supplementary volume edited by H. Vethake. Philadelphia, 1847. Q. 031 1 — Preuss, H. Franz Lieber, ein Biirger zweier Welten. Berlin, 1886. O. 44 p. {In Virchow & HoltzendorflF. Vortrage. NeueFolge. l.)043 3 Lieber, Oscar Montgomery. Vocabulary of the Catawba language; with remarks on its gram- mar, construction and pronunciation. Charles- ton, S. C, 1858. O. 18 p. 497 3 Liebeswerben, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 13,— Schriften, 26. Liebeszauber, sam^. Schriften, 4. Liebig, Justus, FretVierr von. Chemische Brief e. Leipzig, 1865. D. 640 7 — Same. 4 vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1859. 3 V. in 1. O. 540 6 — Induction und Deduction. Miinchen, 1865. O. 34 p. 501 9 — Ueber Gahrung, iiber Quelle der Muskelkraft und Ernahrung. Leipzig, 1870. O. 612 3 — Ofele, E. von. Liebig und die bayerische Landwirthschaft. Wurzburg, 1865. O. [5-1-1 40 p. 630 16 Lieblein, Jens Daniel Carl. Aegyptische Chro- nologic; ein kritischer Versuch. Christian ia, 1863. O. • 529 3 Liebrecht, Felix, Zu Cintio dei Fabrizii. (In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.— Mi- scelle: Real, Reall — Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Geschichte der romantischen Poesie. — Die Quellen des Barlaam und Josaphat. {In same. V. 3, I860.)— Zum Pantschatantra. {In same. V. 3, 1861.) — Decameron von H, Steinhowel, herausgeg. von A. v. Keller. — English Redens- arten. — Marie de France, iibersetzt von W. Hertz. — Juan de los Tiempos. — Bienenkorbe. (In same. v. 4, 1863.)— Zum Kaufmann von Venedig. {In same. v. 5, 1864.)— Zu Petrarca's Trionfi. {In same. v. 8, 1867.) 808 1 Liebrecht, L. Schillers Verhaitniss zu Kants ethischer Weltansicht. Hamburg, 1889. O. 36 p. {In Tirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.; 043 2 Das Lied vom neuen deutschen Reich, see Red- witz-Schmeltz, 0. von. Lieder zu Schutz und Trutz,seeLipperlieide,F.; Marbach, Gr. 0. LIERRE. Bergmann, A.Geschiedenis der stad Lier. Lier, 1873. O. pi. 949 23 Lieutaud, — , dbb4. Contes populaires proven- 9aux. {In Revue des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 LIFE. Bonghi, R. La vita e dolore ? {In Plato, Dialoghi, v. 3, 1881.) 888 19 — Neergaard, J. V. Udsigt over Menneskeli- vets forskjellige Epocher, fornemmelig i psy- chisk Henseende ; et Fors0g. Kiobenhavn, 1836. D. [6+] 38 p. 136 1 See also BIOLOGY; SOUL. LIFE 8 A VING 410 LIN C EI LIFE SAVING. Schmnacher, H. A. Das Ret- tungswesen zur See. Berlin [,1867]. O. 48 p. {In Virchow* HoltzendorlT.Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 Liffniaiij J. W., editor, see Iwain. Herr Ivan leion-riddaren. 1849. (7n Svenska forn.-sal. Samlingar, v. 2.) 839.7 3 le liflade of St. Juliana; from two mss. of 1230; with renderings into modern English by O. Cockayne and Edmund Brock ; edited by Os- wald Cockayne. London, 1872. O. 8+90 [ + 1] p. {In E. E. text soc. Orig ser. 51.) 820 5 LIGHT. Cohu, F. J. Licht und Leben. Ber- lin, 1869. O. 32 p. {In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 4Serie.) 043 1, 535 1 .— Eiiffel, J. J. Versuch iiber das Licht. (In his Schriften, 1801-6, v. 10.) 838 3 — Gotlie, J. W. von. Beitriige zur Optik. (In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 58-9.) 832 1 — Herschel, J. F. W. On light.— On the ab- sorption of light by coloured media, in con- nexion with the undulatory theory. (In his Popular lectures. 1867.) 504 6 — Moleschott, J. A. W. Licht und Leben; Rede. 2 Auflage. Frankfurt a. M., 1856. D. 48 p. 535 1 ^Moutaiii, P. Suir azione meccanica della luce. il. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Schlegel, V. Ueber die Methoden zur Be- st immung der Geschwindheit des Lichtes. Hamburg, 1887. O. 32 p. (In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 — Tyndall, J. On chemical rays and the struc- ture and light of the sky. (In his Fragments of science. 1871.) 504 7 — ZoIIner, J. C. F. (In his Wiss. Abhandlung- en, 1878-81, v. 4.) 504 8 See also COLOR; EYE; MIRAGE; OPTICAL INSTRU- MENTS; TELESCOPES. The light of Asia, see Arnold, E. LIGHTING. Rammelsberg, C. F. Ueber die Mittel Licht und Warme zu erzeugen. Berlin, 1866. O. (JnVirchowcfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) , 043 1 LIGHTNING. Fonveille, W. de. Eclairs et tonnerre. Paris, 1867. D. il. (In Charton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 537 2 —Strieker, W. Der Blitz und seine Wirkung- en. Berlin, 1872. O. 31 p. il pi. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Lii^namine, Gianfllippo. Continuatio chronici Ricobaldini, 1316-1469. (In Eckliard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 1.) 943 13 Ligne, Karl Joseph, Filrst von. Pensees et let- tres: publiees par la baronne de [Stael-] Holstein. (7nBarri6re & Lesciire. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 20.) 944 10 Lignell, Anders. Upplysninger til sodra delen af gransbestammelsen mellan Sverige och Norge i sednare halften af 13de arhundradet. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 9, 1849.) 948 2 SAINTE LIGUE, see HOLY LEAGUE, Liguori, Alfonso Maria de,' -S'^., bishop of St. Agatha dei Ooti. Confessore diretto per le con- fessioni della gente di campagna, cogli avverti- menti ai confessori. Monza, 1825. D. 265 5 — Deir uso moderato dell opinione probabile; aggiuntevi una dissertazione dell' autore, e lettere divarjprelati. Monza, 1831. D. 230 16 — Le fflorie di Maria. Bassano, 1852. 2 v. D. 230 10 LIGURIA. Albini, G. Guida del navigante nel littorale della Liguria... Geneva, 1855. O. 94[+l] p. 527 8 — C, A. G. Lezione sopra un codice ms. ligure del secolo 17. Firenze, 1869. O. 19 p. 945 46 — Celesia, E. Porti e vie strate dell' antica Liguria. Geneva, 1863. O. 69[-f-2]p. 627 20 — Societa ligure di storia patria. Atti. Gene- va, 1858-75. V. 1-12. Q. pi. facsim. maps. 945 48 See also FIESCHI, G. L.; GENOA. LIGURIAN DIALECT. Celesia, E. Dell' anti- chissirao idioma de' Liguri. Geneva, 1863. O. 457 7 Lila, see Gothe, J. W. von. v. 11. Liljegren, Johan Gustaf.Run-lara. Stockholm, 1832 O. pi. 439.61 4.1 — las. Ev BUfv-ri, 1837. sqF. {In Uazis, A. A, Ae^iKbv, 1835-7, V. 3.) 483 1 Lorentz, Bernard. Cours elementairede culture des bois; complete et publie par A. Parade. 4 edition, augmentee. Paris, 1860. O. 551.58 38 Lorentz, Friedrich. Karls des Grossen Privat- und Hofleben. (In Baumer, F. L. (x. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1832.) 905 1 Lorenz, Josef Roman, Ritter von Liburnau. Wald, Klima und Wasser. Miinchen, 1878. D. il. 551.58 65 — editor. Das Forstwesen auf der Wiener Welt- ausstellung, 1873. Wien, 1874. O. il. pi. {In his Bodencultur. v. 2.) 551.58 10 Lorenz, Ottokar, Deutschlands Geschichtsquel- len im Mittelalter [,1250-1400]. Berlin, 1870. O. 943 4 Continuation of Wattenbach's work. Lorenz Stark, ein Charaktergemalde, see Engel, J. J. Lorenzen, Christian Claus. Dannevirke og Omegn. Haderslev, 1863. D. [4-t-] 89 p. map. 913 33 — De sydslesvigske Befaestningsvserker i og fra Oldtiden og Middelalderen. pi. map. — Om det tidligere Folkesprog i Byen Slesvig. — Om Byen Slesvigs Befasstning i Oldtiden og Middelalde- ren. map. — Nogle BemserkningeromGudholm Kloster. — Bemaerkninger til Afhandlingen om de sydslesvigske Befaestningsvaerker. il. — Danske Kongesagn i Sonderjylland. {In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 19, 1859.)— Popholt og Omegn. t7.— Harald Blaa- tands Daab, fremstillet paa et Oliemaleri i Si- versted Kirke. {In same. v. 21, 1861.) 948 2 Lorenzi, Bartolommeo. Delia coltivazione de' monti, canti 4. 3 edizione, arricchita di an- notazioni. Verona, 1810. sqF. 851 82 Large-paper copy. • LORENZO, St. Bayer, F. P. Dissertatio histo- rica de Damaso et Laurentio. {In Migne, J. P. Patrol. Lat. v. 74.) 922 6 Lorenzo, frate, de' predicatori, see Lorens. Lorenzo, Giacomo di. La insalubrita di Napoli in rapporto alia igiene pubblica della citta. NapoH, 1875. O. 614 2 Lorenzo Benoni, see Rnffini, Gr. LORETO. The miraculons origin and transla- tion of the church of Our B. Lady of Loreto:... tr. out of the Latin [by Robert Corbington]. Lo- reto, 1849. broadside, 53x40cm. il. 230 11 — Murri, V. Relazione istorica delle prodigiose traslazioni della Santa Casa di Nazarette, ora venerata in Loreto. Loreto, 1852. S. pi. 231 10 bound ivith 223 4 — Torsellino, 0. Lauretanfe historic libri 5, Moguntia?, 1600. S. pi. 271 14 Lori, Andrea. In lode delle mele. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 2.) 857 3- Lori, Jacopo. La Mea di Polito, poemetto mon- tanino; con annotazioni filologiche di Pietro Fanfani. Pistoja, 1870. D. 859 45 "Philologically very important." Avie by Mr. Marsh. Loriti, Heinrich, see Glare.anus. LORRAINE. Document en patois lorrain rela- tif a la guerre entre le comte de Bar et le due de Lorraine, 1337-8 [; edited by F. Bonnardot]. {In Romania, v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 Lorris, Guillaume de, & Meun^, J. de. Le ro- man de la rose. Nouvelle edition, par M. Meon. Paris, 1814. 4 v. O. por. pi. 841 24 Le roman de la rose. Nouvelle edition, par Francisque-Michel. Paris, 1864. 2 v. in L D. 841 25 Die Rose [van H. van Aken]. {In Kausler, H.van. Denkmaler altniederr landischer Litera- tur, 1840-66, v. 2.) 839.31 4 Same; met de fragmenten der tweede ver- taling: uitgegeven door E. Verwijs. 's Graven- hage;i868. Q. 839.31 6 Lost beauties of the English language, see Mackay, C. The lost tales of Miletus, see Lytton, E. G. Lotich, Jolian Peter. Historia Augusta impe- ratorum Romanorum, ex Lotichii tetrastichis mnemonicis; effigies & supplementa adjecit H. C. Henninius. Amstelasdami, 1707. F.* por. iltp. 937 2 LOTTERIES. Florence -Lotteriaflorentina di beneflcenza. Relazione sommaria alia commis- sione di sorveglianza, 2 luglio 1880. Firehze, 1880. O. 32 p. Xl^t 2 boundioith \i% \ Lottl, Bernardino. Di alcune recenti scoperte paleontologiche nei dintorni di Massa marritti- ma. {In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V, 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Louandre, Charles Leopold. Le jansenisme et Les provinciales. {In Pascal, B. Les provin- ciales, 1858, p. 3-29.) 285 19 LOUDUN. Ph^lypanx, P. Conference de Lou- dun, (/n Michaud cfc Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 19.) 944 9 LOUIS III., Mng of France. 'TS-ttivIklov rhythmo Teutonico Ludovici regi acclamatum, cum Nortmannos an. 883; interpretatione Latina & commentatione historica illust. pi. {In Schil- ter, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, v. 2.) 830 9 LOUIS IX 419 LOVE Lonis IX., St., king of France. De captione et liberatione sua. — Ludo^ici canonisatio. (In Bon&rars, J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 ^Belgraiio, L. T., editor. Docamenti, inediti riguardanti le due crociate di san Ludovico IX, re di Francia. Geneva, 1859. O. 384 p. fac- sim. 940 14 — Joiiiyille, J. de. Dissertations, ou reflexions sur I'histoire de saint Louys. (In Dn Caiige, C. du F. Glossarium, 1840-57, v. 7.) 479 2 — — Histoire de saint Louis, por. (In Midland & Ponjonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 1.) 944 9 With Indication des documents pour le regne de Louis, and Extraits des historiens arabes relatif s aux deux croi- sadesde Louis. — — Memoires ; or, Histoire et chronique de saint Louis; publies par F. Michel. Paris, 1859. D. pi. 944 11 For other editions see Joiiirille. ^Littre, M. P. E. Saint Louis et Joinville. (In his Etudes sur les barbares. 1867.) 940 4 — Sarrasins, J. P. Lettre sur la premiere croi- sade de saint Louis, por. {hi Midland 923 61 hound with 46 Luther, Martin. Fiinf bisher ungedructe Briefe Luthers an Veit Dietrich. (In Strobel, 0. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 1.) — Sieben unge- druckte Bi-iefe Luthers. (In same. v. 3.) 830 10 — Hauspostille; oder, Fredigten iiber die Evan- gelien auf die Sonn- und vornehmsten Fest- tage. 1 amerikanische Auilage nach Veit Dietrich. New- York, 1846. Q. por. 252 11 —Saxon: De Husspostilla auer de Euangelia der Sondage vnd vornehmesten Feste dor( h dat gantze jar; in Sassische sprake getriiwelick auersettet. n. p., n. d. Q. il. 252 10 On the cover is stamped : 1622. — Sinnreiche Tischreden. Neue, verbesserte Ausgabe. Stuttgart, 1836. 2 v. O. 244 1 — Andeer, J. Succinta descripziun della vita da Luther. (7n Tits lis reformaturs. 1845.) 859 31 — Carlyle, T. Luther's psalm. (In his Essays, 1860. V. 2.) 824 8 With orifrinal and translation. —Fisher, J. Sermon made agayn the pernicy- ous doctryn of Martin Luuther, 1521. (In his English works, v. 1. 1876; m E. E. text SOC. Extra ser. 27.) 820 5.1 — Murner, T, Ob der Konig von England ein Liigner sei oder der Luther. (In ScheiblOj J, L uriiER 423 L YNGB Y Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 4.)— Von dem grossen Lutherischen Narren.— Der Lutherischen Kir- chendieb- und Ketzerkalender. {In same. v. 10.) 837 16 — Schiiiidt-Phiseldek, C. F. von. Rede am Tage der Grundlegung des Denkmals fiir Luther, 31 Oct. 1817. {In his Proben. 1823.) 835 1 — Schwalb, M. Luther's Entwicklung vom Mouch zum Reformator. Berlin, 1884. O. 32 p. {Ill Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 19 Serie.^ 043 1 Lutheran cliurchj Germany. [Hymn book, with sonn- fest- und feyertagliche Evangelien und Episteln. 18— .J S. 246 2 Title-page wanting. — Bedenken der marggrafischen Theologen iiber die marggraflish- brandenburg- und niirn- bergische Kirchenordnung. {In Strobelj (x. T. Mi-cellaneen, 1778-81, v. 2.) 830 10 LUTJENBURG. Michelsen, A. L. J. Die Erb- uiiterthanigkeit der Stadt Liitjenburg im 16 und 17 Jahrhundert. {In Schleswig-... Gesell- schaft. Archiv. v. 3, 1837.) 973 42 Liitken, Otto Diderik. Kan Markfred i Dan- mark opnaaes uden ved Hegn? (In David, C. 0. N. Stats. Archiv. v. 2, 1829.) 330 15 Lutze, Arthur. Das Galgenmannlein, ein dramatisches Gedicht. Leipzig, 1839. S. 6-^91 p. 832 7 LUTZEN. Fleetwood, (x. Letter giving an a< count of the battle of Lutzen and the death of Gustavus Adolphus; edited by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton. 1847. {In Camden misc. 1; in Camden soc. 39.) 820 4 —The great and famous battel of Lutzen ; an abridgment of the kings life, and a relation of the king of Bohemia's death; translated out of the French coppie. n. p., 1633. D. [6-f] 39 p. 943 26 LUXDORPH, BoUe Willuni. Suhm, P. F. Character af Liixdorph. {In his Skrifter, 1788- 98. V. 6.) 839.88 5 LUXEMBOURG, Francois Henri de Montmo- rency, due de. Der Marscliall von Luxem- burg. {In Sclieible, J. Das Kloster. 1845-50, V. 3.) 837 16 LUXEMBURG. Bertel, J. Historia et descrip- tio ducatus Luxemburgensis. {In Respnblica Namurcensis. 1634.) 949 24 LUXURY. Bergamo. Capitoli prohibenti le pompe della citta. Bressa, 1540. O. [14] p. 099 27 Luzi, Lodovlco. II duomo di Orvieto. Firenze, 1866. D. 726 20 Liizzatti, Luigi. II centenario della pubblica- zione di Adamo Smith. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 — Die nationalokonomischen Schulen Italiens und ihre Controversen. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia. V. 2, 1875.) 94o 41 Lycksalighetens o, sagospel, see Atterbom, P. D'. A. LYCIA. fellows, C. An account of discoveries in Lycia, 1840. London, 1841. Q. pi. maps. 913 31.3 Lycksokaren, komedi, see Lindegren, K. Lycurgns. Qua3 exstant omnia [, Greek and Lithi, with full critical apparatus]. {In Orato- res Attici, 1828, v. 4, 14.) 885 1 Lydgate, John. The childe of Bristow, a poem; edited by Clarence Hopper. 1859. {In Camden misc. 4; in Camden soc. 73.) 820 4 — The historie of the destruction of the citee of Thebes. {In Chaucer, G. Workes. 1561.) 821 37 — A selection from the minor poems; edited by James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1840. D. (In Percy soc. v. 2.) 820 6 — Verses on the kings of England. {In Camden soc. n. s. 17, 1876.) 820 4.1 Lydgate and Occleve society. [Prospectus. London, 1872.] O. 4 p. 820 5.2 Lyell, Sir Cliarles. Elements of geology. Lon- don, 1838. O. 5516 — The geological evidences of the antiquity of man; with remarks on origin of species by va- riation. 2 edition. London, 1863. O. 573 4 — Principles of geology. 8 edition. London, 1850. O. maps. 551 7 —Same. 10 edition. London, 1867-8. 2 v. O. il. pi. maps. 551 7 Lyell, K. M. A geographical handbook of all known ferns, London, 1870. O. iltp. 587 1 Lygiim monastery. Necrologium monasterii Loci Dei. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 4.) 948 76 — Diplomata ad monasterii Loci Dei pertinen- tia, 1173-1578. {In same. v. 8.) 948 76 Det lykkelige Skibbrud, seeHolberg, L. Come- dier, v. 5. Lykken bedre end Forstanden, et Lystspil, see Wessel, J. H. Lykkens Kalosker, see Ander^n, H. C. Tre Digtninger. Lykkens Tempel, en Dr0m, see Ewald, J. v. 1, Lykkens Yndling, see St. Aubain, A. N. de. Noveller, v. 3. Lykkeridderne, see 0hlensclilager, A. G. Dig- teryaerker, v. 2. Lyly, John. Euphues : The anatomy of wit, 1579;— Euphues and his England, 1580. Lon- don, 1868. S. (7n Arber, E. English reprints. 9.) 820 9 Lynch, William Francis. Official report of the United States' expedition to explore the Dead Sea and the river Jordan. Baltimore, 1852. sqQ. pi. map. 915.6 30 Chief contents: Lynch, W.F. Report.— Anderson, H.J. Ge- ological reconnaissance. ^Conrad, T, A. Paleontological report. Lyndesay, Sir David. Works. London, 1865- 71. pt. 1-5. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 11, 19, 35, 37, 47.) ^820 5 Contents; The monarche, and other poems;— The his- torie of William Meldrum;— Ane satyre of the thrie es- taits; edited by Fitzedward Hall.— Minor poems; edited by J. A. H. Murray. — Poetical works. New edition, enlarged, with life, prefatory dissertations, and glossary, by George Chalmej-s. London, 1806. 3v. D. 82175 — Tytler, P. F. {In his Lives of Scottish worth- ies, 1831-4, V. 3.) 920 17 Lyngby, K. J. Bemajrkninger til den Afhand- ling[: Om det tidligere Folkesprogi Byen Sles- vig, af C. C. Lorenzen]. {In Copenhagen— K. L YNGB Y nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 19, 1859.— Om Sproget paa Hjaltlandsoerne. {In same. v. 20, 1860.) 94^ 2 — Skrifter af Moller, Raaf, Save, Djurklou og Rydqvist om det svenske Sprog og de svenske Sproi'-arter. (In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. vf 6,°l858-60.) 9AS 4 Lyngbye, Hans Christian. Anmajrkninger. [In Mackenzie, (J. S. Efterretning om FfW erne; in Collin, J. For Historic, 1823-5, v. 1.) 948 66 — Om Gadeild og de jydske Ord Gadebasse, Gadinde, Gadelam og Gadelamsgilde. {In Co- nenhaffen— K. nord. Old. -Selskab. Nordisk tidsskrift. V. 2, 1833.) 948 1.2 —editor & translator, see Faereyinga saga. 1822. 8^9.61 24 LYONNAISE DIALECT. Onofrio, J. B. Essai d'un glossaire des patois de Lyonnais. Lyon, 1864. O. 447 3 See also WALDENSIAN DIALECT. Lyons, Ponsonby A., editor, see Ramsey. Car- tularium monasterii de Rameseia. 1884-6. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 79.) 942 8 Lyra, F. W.Plattdeutsch6 Briefe, Erzahliingen, Gedichte, u. s. w., mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Sprichworter und Redensarten in West- phalen. Osnabriick, 1845. O. 839.4 10 Lyrici Grseci, see Boissouade, J. F. LYRKOVSHEDE. Worsaae, J. J. A. Hvor stod Lyrkovslaget ? {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old. -Selskab. Annaler. v. 12, 1852.) 948 2 Lyschander, Clans Christoffersen. Origines et antiquitates Cimbricse. pi. — Originum & anti- quitatum Megapolensium liber. {In "Westpha- len,£. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 2.)— De scriDtoribus Danicis libellus. {In same. v. 3.) ^ 943 21 —Storm, (x. Om Kilderne til Lyschanders "Gr0nlandske chronica," {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 De lyse Raetter, see Gyllembonrg, T. C. Lysias. Quae exstant omnia [, Greek and Latin, with full critical apparatus]. {In Oratores At- tic!, 1828, V. 2, 12.) 886 1 — Dionysius of Halicarnassus. De Lysia judi- cium. {In his Opera, 1829, v. 5.) 888 49 Lysons, SamueL Our Vulgar tongue; a lecture on language in general, with a few words on Gloucestershire in particular; with appendix containing tables of the world-wide affinity of languages. London, 1868. O. tab. 410 5 Lyttelton, George William Lyttelton,4. M. de. Mantegazza, Paolo. Elementi d' igiene, 3 edi- zione, accresciuta. Milano, 1867. D. 613 6 — Rio de la Plata e Tenerife, viaggi e studj. Milano, 1867. D. il. por. pi. 918.2 1 MANTEGNA, Andrea. Gtothe, J. W. von. Tri- umphzug von Mantegna. (In his Werke, 1827- 42, V. 39.) 832 1 Manteuft'eljH. E.,i^m/ter'rvon, L' art de planter les arbres forestiers, fruitiers et d'agrement; traduit sur la 3 edition allemande par S. P. Stumper; revu par C. Gouet. Paris, 1868. S. il. 551.58 39 Mantova, Marco. Novelle, del sec. 16, stam- pate a fac-simile. Bologna, 1862. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 22.) 850 10 Mantorani, Paolo. Descrizione geologica della Campagna romana. Torino, 1874. O. pi. map. • 554.5 2 Mantua. Da pellagra nella pi-ovincia di Man- tova; relazione della commissione provinciale. Firenze, 1878. Q. 78 p. 616 27 — Ettenius, Cornelius. Bericht iiber die Reise des Legaten Vorstius um dem romischen Ko- nige und den deutsciien Fiirsten dieallgemeine Kirchenversammlung zu Mantua anzusagen, 1536-7; herausgegeben von A. W. Arendt. (In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1839.) 905 1 MANUALS, see YORK. Manuel. C. Albert Bitzius, sein Leben und seine Schriften. Berlin, 1858. D. (/?i Bitzius, A. Gesam. Schriften, v. 24 ) 833 7 Manuel, Juan. El conde Lucanor, publicado por A. Keller. Stuttgart, 1839. D. (Bibl. ca- stellana, 1.) 863 8 Manuel annuaire de la sante, see Raspail, F. V. Manuel des amphitryons, see Griniod de laRey- ni^re, A. B. L. Manuel de Mello, Francisco. Epanaphoras de varia historia portugueza. [2edica,o.] Lisboa, 1676. O. 946 85 Cont-ents: Alterai€r's monthly, v. 9, p. 120. ' See also International review, v. 2, p. 120-5; the Nation, V. 19, p. 223-4; and the extract from a letter by Mr. Marsh in the Nation, v. 35, p. 136. — Same; a last revision of Man and nature. New York, 1885. O. 24+629 p. 080 56 — Extracts from Man and nature, or. The earth as modified by human action; with some notes on forests and rain-fall in Madras, by A. J. Stuart. Madras, 1882. O. 4[+l] + 125p. 080 29 —[Marsh to Rafn,] Burlington, Oct. 21, 1833.— t Marsh til Rafn,] Constantinopel, den 5te )ecbr. 1851: Turin, den Iste Januar 1864. {In Rafn, C. C. Breve fra og til Rafn. 1869.) 913 1 With one English and one Danish letter from Rafn to Marsh. — Mediaeval and modern saints and miracles; not ab uno e Societate Jesu. New York, 1876. D. 307 p. 080 30 "The book is not only well worth thoughtful considera- tion by those who are especially interested in the study of Romanism, but even more does it demand the atten- tion of those optimists who are inclined to believe that ignorance and superstition are of the past, and that the priesthood is no kmger a formidable enemy to human progress."— //arp«r's magazine, v. 53, p. 787. This copy contains the following ms. corrections: Page 4, line 16, read shall; p. 7. read PART II., and strike out the lst,4th and 5th titles quoted, 1. 21, read cavata da''; p. 8, read PART III., PART IV ; p. 9, read PART I., 1. 14, read Antwerpen; p. 11, read Eremificce; p. 38, 1.24-95 read Foro Ecclesiastico, 1. 35, Apostolicd; p. 53, 1. 21-22 read an endless decimal; p 62, 1. 32-33, read devices to a Church; p. 63, 1. 12, for our read an; 1. 15, read their treatment; p. 71, 1. 21, read det ; p. 118, 1. 9, read Laveleye; p. 124, 1. 3, read mamamouchis; p. 126, 1. 13, for paper read volume; p. 143, 1. 19, read apostles; p. 144, 1. 24, read Vieyra; p. 151, 1. 12, foro/" read at, 1. 14 strike out to; p. 179, 1. 30, read pos- sessed of; p. 181, 1. 12, read Catholic female servant; p. 192, 1. 13-16, read (the... discipline)', p. 1&7, 1. 5, read in a gene- ral; p. 198, 1 25, read Gregorovius, 1. 27, Infessura; p. 199, 1. 7, for received read usurped; p. 203, 1. 24, read fastigta; p. 212, 1. 23, read establishments; p. 215, 1. 8, read gearing; p. 224, 1. 7, read flrmitatem; p 293, 1. 4, read velleitis, 1. 9- 10, his motley adventurers; p. 295, 1. 15, read or upon. — Memorial for pay for diplomatic services; 1 Dec. 1854. 2 p. {In U. S.— Senate. S3 cong. 2 se.s. Misc. doc. 8.) M main library. Asking compensation for services as minister-resident to the Ottoman Porte, under act of 11 Aug. 1848, impos- ing judicial duties, and for his services under a special mission to Greece. — [Miscellaneous papers, in envelope.] 080 50 Contents ; Fallen column of Jupiter's Temple, Athens: measurements taken 6 May 1853.— Inscription for grave- stone of Charles Marsh.— Certificate of election to life- fellowship of the Metropolitan museum of art. N. Y., 1875.— Certificate of admission to practice in Vermont circuit court, 4 Oct. 18.S0.— Tracing map of country around Belgrade.— Draft of Latin acknowledgment of election to membership of the Academy of the Lincei. — Monumental honors [,by Viator]. (In Nation. V. 1, 1865, p. 491-2.) In main library. — Notes on Mr. Hensleigh Wedgwood's Dic- tionary of English etymology, and on some words not discussed by him. [London, 1864?] O. 20 p. 080 23 bound with 1 From the Transactions ? of the Philological society. Pages 15-20 are Postscript; with the following ms. cor- rections by the author: Page 15, 1. 22, read sit ende, 1. 27, for h:nd read land; p. 20, 1. 34, for in read is, and strike out following comma. — Notes on the new edition of Webster's Dic- tionary. {In Nation, v. 3, 1866, p. 125, 147, 186, 225, 268, 288, 369, 408, 515; v. 4, 1867, p. 7, 108, 127. 312, 373, 392, 516; v. 5, 1867, p. 7, b8, 208.) 080 33 bound with 1 19 papers; no. 1-17 are in main library- —Official corruption. (In World, N. Y., 15 June, 1860.) 080 33 bound with 1 — Old Northern literature, (In American whig review, v. 1, 1845, p. 250-7.) 080 31 Called "Article 1. Introductory;" but no more was published — Oration [before the New Hampshire state agricultural society, 10 Oct. 1856]. (/?i N. H. state agric. soc. Trans., 1856, p. 35-89.) 080 13.1 With the following ms. corrections by the author: Page 37, line 8. read All purely physical; p. 42, 1. 3-4, strike out commas after countries and Belgium; p 43, 1. 13, for otiier read those; p. 48, 1. 7, read those namely, 1. 36, read elsewhere, in, 1. 37, entail; the; p. .50, 1. 25, for their read this; p. 52. 1. 34, read or the eastern; p. 53, 1. 4, read abound; p. 54, 1. 5, for leafy read heavy, 1. 27, read com, hemp; p. 55, 1. 36, read a fertile; p. 56, line 25, read post-stations; p. 57, 1. 26, read by their; p. 58, 1. 30, read practical; p. 59, 1. 8, read hemp, silk, 1. 21, 28, read Karst; p. 64, 1. 32, read Hock; p. 66, 1. 4. read labors, 1. 17, for rude read such; p. 72, 1. 34, read Cornice, between; p 76. 1, 36, for appears read is thought; p. 77, 1. 23-24, read Fossombroni; p. 78, 1. 12, read/?oor is the, 1. 22. for it read the outer wall; p. 8ii, 1. 20. 21, semicolons after horns and instead; p. 81, 1. 17, read thills. To ; p. 82, 1. 28, for slim read thin, 1. 29, 32 read MAESH, G. P. 443 MAMSH, G. P. calks; p. 84, 1. 19. for samples read simples; p. 86, 1. 9, read crusaders, brought, 1. 13, read tothe; p. 88, 1. 9, for his read its. — Oriental Christianity and Islamism. {In Christian examiner, v. 65, 1858, p. 95-125.) In main library. With the following ms. corrections: Page 97, line 7, read Slaves; p. 118, 1. 18, for sternly read thereby; p. 122, 1. 23, for striking rea"J encouraging. — The oriental question. (In same. v. 64. 1858, p. 393-420.) 080 58 Page 412, line 25, read Zaregrad. — translator. The origin and history of the Danish sound and belt-tolls. {In Hunt's mer- chants' magazine, v. 10, 1844, p. 218-32; 303-8.) In main library. The second article is entitled "The other rights of sovereignty over the Danish sound and belts." The two are translated from the 6th chapter of Schlegel's Dan- marks og Hertugdommenes Statsret. 1837. 349 52 — The origin and history of the English lan- guage and of the early literature it embodies. New York, 1862. O. 154-574 p. 080 21 — Same. Revised edition. New York, 1885. 0. 15-1-574 p. 080 55 "In the statement of general principles and in the fe- licity of popular illustration, the former course is per- haps superior. The present volume has a higher special value, from its very full exhibition of those five centu- ries of growth which carried the language over from the barrenness of Saxon Chronicles to the culmination of its wealth and power in the age of Shaliespeare. All the materials are given here which a student requires, not only to follow the course of that development, but also to learn enough of the structure and vocabulary of Saxon and early English, to read the very ample illus- trations that are given, with independent knowledge and pleasure of his own. Mr. Marsh has labored that nothing shall be wanting in this work, except what is required by those who make of these dialects a separate and extended study. And even those who do, will find great benefit in the guidance of a scholar so admirable and accomplished."— y^ H. Allen in Christian examiner, V. 74, p. 448-9. See also Cornhill magazine, v. 7, p. 138; N. A. review, T. 96, p. 264-5; and Saturday review, v. 14, p. 480-2. The "revised edition" of this work was apparently printed from the old plates, the only change being to adapt the references to the first series of lectures to the paging of the new edition of that work. The following ms.corrections contained inMr.Marsh's copy of the first edition should have been incorporated into the second: Page 65, line 13, read Riwle ; p. 78. 1. 16, read »o«rf«r /I,' p. 133,1.20, read aegJer; p. 141, 1. 19, read frequently; p. 158. 1. 34, read *urfe ; p. 159, 1. 22, p. 160, 1. 16. read ifere; p. 160, 1. 4, read fan, 1. 5, read put, 1. 21, read iarne,: p. 161, 1. 7,/or pridde read *ridde; p. 163, 1. 22, read quiSef; p. 165, 1. 17, read uncuff; p. 167, 1. 12, tor meveMl've; p. 247, the concluded quotation is refer- red to p. 253 of Camden Soc Political songs, the next to p. 251, the Song given on p. 249 is referred to p. 69, and the quotation on p. 251 to same, p. 323; p. 262, 1. 6, for than read them; p. 334, 1. 13, strike out and; p. 441, 1. 10, for history the sense requires the reading literature. — — Circourt, A. de. Origine et histoire de la langue anglai^e. {In Revue britannique, aoiit 1865, p.*461-83.) 080 35 A review of Mr. Marsh's work; with ms. corrections by the author. — The origin of the Italian language. [Anon.] {In N. A. review, v. 105, 1867, p. 1-41.) In main library. — translator. The origin, progress and decline of Icelandic historical litei'ature, by Peter Erasmus Mueller, late bishop of Zealand in Denmark; translated from the original in the Nordisk Tidsskrift for Oldkyndighed, I. B. 1. H., with notes. {In American eclectic, 1841, V. 1, p. 446-68; v. 2, p. 131-46.) 080 32 "Part I." "To be concluded," but no more was pub- lished. — Physical science in Italy [; review of G. Boc- cardo's Fisica del globo]. {In Nation, v. 7, 1868, p. 420-1.) 080 33 bound with 1 — The principles and tendencies of modern commerce; with special reference to the char- acter and influence of the traffic between the Christian states and the oriental world [; dis- course before the Mei'cantile library associa- tion at Boston, 15 Nov. 1854]. (In Hunt's mer- chants' magazine, v. 33, 1855, p. 147-168.) 080 43 bound with 1 With the following ms. corrections by the author: Page 152. line 2 >, iov continued read contained ; p. 157. 1. . 21, read to theparents, 1. 37. read enumerated ; p. 158, 1. 24, read to resemble; p. 160, 1. 21, strike out It is only when the European; p. 161, 1. 37, read power, an; p. 166, 1. 6, for those read these; p. 168, 1. 40, for our, read an. — The proposed revision of the English Bible. {In Nation, v. 11, 1870, p. 238-9, 261-3, 281-2.) 080 33 bound with 1 — Protection to naturalized citizens. {In same. v. 3, 1866, p. 115-16.) 080 33 Signed H. — Pruning forest trees. {In Nation, v. 1, 1865, p. 690-1.) In main library. — [References to Icelandic works; with index; ms.] 1834. sqD. 39 p. 080 35 — Remarks on slavery in the territories of New Mexico, California and Oi-egon; delivered in the House of representatives, Aug. 3, 1848. [Burlington, 1848.] O. 12 p. 080 12 bound with 1 — Report, made under authority of the Legis- lature of Vermont, on the artificial propa- gation of fish. Burlington, 1857, O. 52-f62 [+2] p. 080 14 Page U. line 11, for those read these animals; p. 13, 1. 17, for the read their; p. 37, 1. 19, for best read least; p. 38, 1. 28, for affected read effected. — Report on claim of E. H. Holmes ; 30 Jan. 1846. 2 p. {In U. S.— Ho. of rep. 29 cong. I ses. Report 160.) In main library. Recommends extension of patent for dredging-ma- chine. — Report on claim of J. Dodge; 26 April 1848. 5 p. {In same. 30 cong. 1 ses. Report 589.) In main library. Recommends compensation for services rendered as special tobacco agent for the U. S. in Germany and Italy, and for other services to tobacco interests in U.S. Wrongly referred in the index of Poore's Catalogue to p. 551 instead of 557. —Report on claim P. J. Farnham and J. Frye; 3 March 1849. 34 p. {In U.S.— Ho. of rep. 30 cong. 2 ses. Report 142.) In main library. Recites the seizure of American bark Jones by Lt. Lit- tlehales of the British navy, at St- Helena, the sale of the vessel, and outrages upon its officers; and urges dt mand upon Great Britain for reparation. — Report on Durazzo library, Genoa ; 7 June 1844. 2 p. {In same. 28 cong. 1 ses. Report 553.) In main library. Its character; purchase inexpedient, as unsuited for use of Congress. — Report on memorial of J. A. Stevens; 24 May 1844. 15 p. {In same. 510.)7n main library. Experiments to determine resistance of water, and best forms for vessels proposed; provision for experi- ments recommended; remarks on models of vessels. —Report on petition of E. H. Hcflmes; 16 Feb. 1847. 2 p. (In same. 29 cong. 2 ses. Report 62.) In main library. Favorable to extension of patent for dredging ma- chine; adopts report made at preceding session. MARSH, G. P. 444 MARSH, G. P, —Report on petition of P. B. Holmes and W. Pedrick; 29 March 1844. 4 p. {In same. !B8 cong. 1 ses. Report 389.) In main library. Mr. Marsh recommends compensation for invention, while in government employ, of machine for cuttmg raw hides, and for its use by government. —& others. Report on publication of Squier And Davis's Ancient monuments. (In U. S.— Senate. 30 cong. l ses. Misc. doc. 33 : Report of Smithsonian institution for 1847.) In main library. —Report on spirit ration in navy; 28 Jan. 1845. 2 p. (In U. S.— Ho. of rep. 28 cong. 2 ses. Re- port 73. ) In main library. Its discontinuance recommended. — [Report on the education of the deaf and dumb.] (In Veriiiont- Gen. assembly. Journal, 1824, p. 23-30.) 080 1 —The Sicilian revolution. (In World, N. Y.? I860 ? ) 080 43 bound ivith 1 — Special report of the Railroad commissioner, October session, 1838 [,on the connections be- tween the Rutland & Burlington and Vermont central railroads]. [Burlington, 1858.] O. 8 p. 080 16 Pages 1-4 are extracts from the Report, 1858. —Speech on the bill for establishing the Smith- sonian institution, delivered in the House of representatives of the U. States, April 22, 1846. Washington, 1846. O. 15 p. OSO 6 bound with 1 Eeprinted in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections .338, p. 410-28. "What [Mr. Marsh] seeks is to provide for the speedy collection of a large library, and his speech is chiefly a well informed and intelligent appeal to Con- gress upon this point."— AsfiJ Englander, v. 4, p. 605. "In later life he estimated the value of large libraries somewhat less, proportionally, than at an earlier period, his own experience in the great libraries of England and Europe having suggested unforeseen limitations to their utility.''— iJ/e and letters, v. 1, p. 99. — Speech on the Mexican war; delivered in the House of representatives of the U. S., Feb. 10, 1848. Washington, 1848. O. 16 p. 080 11 bound tvith 1 Reprinted in his Life and letters, v. 1, p. 453-71. —Speech on the tariff bill; delivered in the House of representatives of the U. States, April 30, 1844. Washington [,1844]. O. 16 p. 080 3 bound with 1 —Same. St. Albans, Vt., 1844. O. 15 p. 080 4 bound with 1 "Alluding to this speech, many years after, Mr. Marsh said: 'I was fully convinced of the truth of my position (hen; but, though not yet prepared to declare myself a convert to free trade, I can now see there is another side to the question.' "—Life and letters, v. 1, p. 64. — Speech on the tariff question, delivered in the House of representatives of the U. S. , June 30th, 1846. [Washington, 1846.] O. 16 p. 080 7 bound with 1 —State sovereignty. {In Nation, v. 1, 1865, p. 554-6, 648-50, 715-16, 776-7, 810-12.) 080 33 bound with 1 — Statistics of the Mont Cenis tunnel [,by an American traveller]. {In same. v. 5, 1869, p. 259-60.) Not in library. — The study of nature. {In Christian examin- er. V. 68, 1860, p. 83-62.) 080 58 With the following ms. corrections: Page 35, line 14, read aW human power and virtue; p. 41, 1. 11-12, strike out an, a, and a; p. 58, 1. 5, for but read if, 1. 24 read conspicu- ous, from; p. 59, 1. 82, for have read has. — translator. Summary of the statistics of Sweden. {In Hunt's merchants' magazine, v. 24, 1851, p. 194-9.) In main library. Translated and extracted from Porsell's Statistik ofver Sverige, 4 upplagan, 1844-5. — Swedish literature. {In American eclectic, V. 1, 1841, p. 63-81, 813-32.1 080 82 Contents: 1. Olaf Rudbeck the elder, and his Atlanti- ca; the substance of a notice in the Skandinaviske Lite- raturselskabs Skrifter for 1813, by R. Nyerup ; trans- lated, with slight alterations and more copious extracts. 2. The life and works of the painter Ilorberg; translat- ed and abridged from an article by C. Molbech in the Skandinaviske Litteraturselskabs [so] Skrifter. 12te og 13de Aargang. — To the corporation of the University of Ver- mont [: A report in ms. on the condition of tlie library of the university, 27 Nov. 1855]. sqQ. 6 p. " 080 57 — translator. Trieste, and the participation of Austria in the commerce of the world, 1882-41 ; • translated from the Austrian Lloyd's journal. {In Hunt's merchants' magazine, v. 10, 1844, p. 495-521.) In main library. — The two dictionaries [.Worcester's and Web- ster's]. {In World, N. Y.,15 June, 1860.) 080 33 — The war and the peace. {In Cliristian exam- iner. V. 67, 1859, p. 260-82.) In main library. —Were the states ever sovereignV {In Nation. V. 1, 1865, p. 5-8.) 080 83 botind ivith 1 — Benelli, C. A. A G. P. Marsh sonetto. 65x50 cm. 080 86 Ms. written on cardboard, with gold and silver orna- mentation. In portfolio 3. —Brown, S. (x. A discourse commemorative of Gr. P. Marsh ; Dartmouth college, June 5, 1883, University of Vermont, June 25, 1888. [Burlington, 1888.] Q. 87 -F4 p. 080 41 — Carntti, D. Cenno necrologico del socio straniero Perkins Marsh. .{In Rome — R. accad. deilincei. Transunti, v. 7, 1882-8, p. 172-3.) 080 35 With the autograph of Carutti. See also the notice in Xiiova rivista foreslale. v. .5, p. 172. 080 36 ^Clay, J. B. Report on case of G. P. Marsh ; 12 March 1858. 5 p. (7n U. S.— Ho. of rep. 35 cong. 1 ses. Report 168.) In main library. On Senate bill for relief of Marsh, with instructions to procure information from the State dept. as to the amount of money already paid Marsh for services abroad. Committee recommend an amendment. — Ferraro, ti. A sua eccelenza I'ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti d'America signor Giorgio P. Marsh, in segno di alta stima e di prof on da ri- conoscenza, Giuseppe Ferraro dedica. {Dedi- cation of Rela/ione delle scoperte da Cplombo. 1875; in Scelta di curiosita. 144.) 850 10 —Fish, H. Letter on presents to G. P. Marsh: 19 Nov. 1875. 2 p. (/nU. S.— Senate, Ucong. 1 ses. Misc. doc. 16.) In main library. —[Government commissions to Mr. Marsh.] 080 49 Namely: Appointment by C. P. Van Ness, governor of Vermont, to report on education of deaf and dumb, 20 March 1824.— Appointment by Horace Eaton, governor of Vermont, of G. P. Marsh and Charles Paine to cor- respond with Iliram Pt)wers in regard to statues of Ethan Allen and Thomas Chittenden, 1 Dec 1846. -Ap- pointment by President Taylor as minister resident at Constantinople, 29 May 1849.— Second appointment, by the same, 24 .Tune 1850.— Appointment by President Lincoln as minister at Turin, 20 March 1861 . 3IABSH, G. P. 445 MAE8H LIBRARY — Griswold, R. W. George P. Marsh. (In his Prose writers of America,1847, p.414-16.) 810 1 With extracts: The Goth and the Roman;— Influence of the Bible on literature and art. — Jolowicz, H.Dem geistvoUen Sprachforscher George P. Marsh bevollmachtigten Minister und ausserordentlichen Gesandten der Verei- nigten Staaten Nordamerikas in Rom, gewid- niet von dem Uebersetzer. {Dedication of his translation of Lecky, W. H. E. Aiifklarung in Europa. 1873.) 211 5 See also Reclus, J. J. E. La terre. 1868-9. Preface to v. 2. — Koopman, H. L. A trial bibliography of G. P. Marsh, (In Library journal, v. 11, 1886, p. 474-7.) In main library. See also University cynic, v. 4, 1886, p. 101. 080 35 — Lanman, C. [Biographical sketch.] (In his Dictionary of Congress, 1859, p. 314.) 923 4 — — George Perkins Marsh. {In Literary world, V. 13, 1882, p. 352-3.) In main library. — — To the Hon. George Pei'kins Marsh, Bur- lington, Vermont. {Dedication and preface of his Letters from a landscape painter. 1845.) 814 12 — Lioy, P. Lettera al signer Marsh sul lato destro e sinistro. (In his Sulla legge dei sessv 2ed. 1873.) 577 3 —Marsh, Mrs. C. C. Life and letters of G. P. Marsh. New York, 1888. v. 1. O. por. 080 42 Vol. 2 not yet published. —Mason, J. M. Report on case of G. P. Marsh; 20 Feb. 1885. 3 p. (In U. S.— Senate. SScong. 2 ses. Report 534.) — Report [on same]; 22 Dec. 1857. 3 p. (In same. 35 cong. 1 ses. Report 2.) In main library. On memorial praying compensation for extra duties on special mission to Greece, and for judicial services; favorable. The former report is wrongly referred in the index of Poore's Catalogue to p. 601 instead of 661. — Nash, B. H., cfc F. P. George Perkins Marsh. (In American academy. Proc. v. 18, 1882-3, p. 447-57.) 080 52 — — Same: Notice of George Perkins Marsh. Cambridge [,Mass.], 1883. O. p. 447-57. 08052 —[Passports ; in morocco pocket-book. 1 S. 080 46 Namely: Prom U. S. Dept. of state, 17 April 1861, sign- ed by W. H. Seward. — In nome di Vittorio Bmmanuele II, 28 maggio 1875.— In nome di Umberto I, 20 giugno 1879. —Pennington, A. C. M. Report on case of G. P. Marsh; 23 May 1856. 5 p. iln U. S.— Ho. of rep. 34- cong.l ses. Report IQQ.) In main library. On Senate bill directing payment for judicial services while minister to the Ottoman Porte; adverse. -Porter, E. (x. Speech [on presenting an oil portrait of G. P. Marsh] . (In Phillips academy, Andover. Speeches at first dinner of alumni association. 1886.) 080 57 The portrait was painted in 1885-6 by Miss JaneE. Bartlett of Andover, who visited Mrs. Marsh for the purpose of studying the Powers bust, and other por- traitures of Mr. Marsh in her possession. The portrait measures 76x66 cm. — Regaldi, (J. (In Ms Da Siene a File, 1862, p. 14-16.) 916.2 16 —Rome — R. accaderaia dei lincei. [Notice in ms. of his election as foreign member in the class of historical, philological and moral sci- ences, 19 March 1876, dated Kal. April. MDCCCLXXVI.] F. 3 p. & bronze tablet in morocco case. O. 080 47 Societa geograilca italiana. [Certificate of his election as honorary member, 15 May 1870.1 31x42 cm. 080 48 In' diploma style, 2 leaves. — Royce, H. E. Report on claim of G. P. Marsh; 6 April 1860. 2 p. (In U. S.— Ho. of rep. 36 cong. 1 ses. Report 350.) In main library. On bill for relief of Marsh, as minister resident at the Ottoman Porte, claiming extra compensation for travel- ling expenses also for judicial services; recommended. — San Sepolcro— R. accadeniia della Valle Ti- berlna Toscana. Diploma [of his election as corresponding member, 3 June 1870, dated] 7 luglio 1870. obF. Broadside. 080 35 — Stillman, W. J. The late George P. Marsh. (//I Nation, v. 35, 1882, p. 304-5. )7?i mam library. See also the article in the same volume of the Nation, p. 75, 080 33 ; the notice by G. W. Curtis in Harper's magazine, v. 23, p. 561; the sketch by C. H. J. Douglas, in his Collection of family records, 1879, p. 118; the notices in Allibone's Dictionary of authors, and the various en- cyclopaedias, espe3ially Appletons' cyclopasdia of Amer- ican biography, which gives a two-column notice with portrait. — [Turkisli and Arabic letters to Mr, Marsh.] 34 pieces in envelope. 080 45 — [Turkish passports.] 5 pieces in cloth bag. 080 44 The library contains the following portraits of Mr. Marsh, numbered in probable order of age: 1. Crayon. 51 x 38 cm. 2. Photograph, copied. 11.5 x 9.5 cm. 3. Steel engraving of the same; frontispiece to v. 1 of Life and letters. 13.5 x W cm. 4. Photograph of Mr. Marsh in his study in the "Villa Forini, Florence. 17 x 21 cm. 6. Wood- cut in Harper's weekly, 5 Aug. 1882. 9 x7.5 cm. 6. Wood- cut in V. 4 of Appleton's Cyclopsedia of American biogra- phy. 4x3.5 cm. 7. Marble bust by Preston Powers. 84 X 58 cm. See alsointhe preceding column B. G. Porter's notice of the oil painting by Miss Bartlett. Marsh, James. Preliminary essay. (In Cole- ridge, S. T. Aids to reflection, 1843, v. 2, pref. p. 11-49.) 240 4 — editor. Select practical theology of the 17th century; with biographical sketches and notes. Burlington, 1830. v. 1. O. 208 6 Conteitts: 1. Howe, J. The blessedness of the righteous; —The vanity of man as mortal. Bates, W. Discourses on the four last things. No more published. The copy in the main library has the title: "Select practical works of J. Howe and W. Bates." etc., 1830. Coleridge, S. T. Aids to reflection. 1829. 240 5 -The friend. 1831. 824 9 — translator, see Hegewiscli, D. H. Introduc- tion to historical chronology. 1837. 629 1 Marsh, John B., compiler, see Shakespeare, W, The reference Shakspere. 1864. 822 14 Marsh, Leonard. The shadow of Christianity; or, The genesis of the Christian state; a trea- tise for the times; by the author of the Apoca- tastasis. New York [, 1865]. D. 320 12.1 Marsh, Othniel Charles. Introduction and suc- cession of vertebrate life in America; an ad- dress. [New Haven, 1877.] Q. 57 p. 666 2 Marsh library. [Alphabetical catalogue in ms. of the library of George P. Marsh.] 3 v. sqO. 080 38 — [Catalogue in ms. of the library of George P. Marsh.] 3 v. sqO. 080 37 With occasional notes in pencil by Mr. Marsh. MARSH LIB BAR Y 446 MARTIN —Catalogue of books belonging to George P. Marsh, ambassador to the Sublime Porte, and deposited during his absence in the Library of the University of Vermont. Q. 15 ms. sheets. 080 40 —List of incomplete works in the Marsh libra- ry, May 1890 [; compiled by H. L. Koopman. Burlington, 1890.] O. 4 p. 080 40 — Partial alphabetical list [in ms.j of books be- longing to the estate of G. P. Marsh; compiled by G. F. Edmunds and others, Sept.-Oct. 1882. sqO. 080 39 — Partial list [in ms.] of books belonging to the estate of G. P. Marsh; compiled by J. E. Good- rich and H. A. P. Torrey, at home of G. F. Ed- munds, Burlington, Oct. 1883. F. 44 vis. sheets. 080 40 With supplementary list, correspondence, etc. — Burlington free press and times. Illustrated edition [, with] supplement, 1 July 1885. F.^ 6 p. il. por. 080 40 Containing, among other commencement matter, "The Billings library" and "The Billings library dedi- cated;" with an exterior and an interior view of the building and a portrait of Frederick Billings. —Koopman, H. L. Treasures of the Marsh li- brary. {In Ariel. 1889.) 080 40 Proof-sheets in envelope. The article quotes, with important typographical corrections, Mr. Marsh's letter to Charles Lanman published in v. 13 of the Literary world for 1882, p. 353-3. See also in Library journal for June 1890. "George Perkins Marsh: on finishing the cata- logue of his library," a sonnet. —Lanman, C. [George P. Marsh and his libra- ry.] {In his Letters from a landscape painter, 1845, p. 111-18.) 814 12 —West, C. E. [Catalogue of] the Icelandic li- brary of George P. Marsh. {In his Catalogue, 1889, p. 73-80.) 080 40 Also anf)ther copy, with prices. 71 of the volumes here catalogued, including all not duplicate, were bought by Mr. Billings for the Marsh library, 31 May 1889. With a letter from Mr. West. For an account of Mr. Marsh's collection of engrav- ings, which was bought by the Smithsonian institution and afterwards greatly damaged by fire and neglect, see his letter to Lanman, dated 11 Aug. 1844, in the Liter- ary world, V. IS, 1882, p. 8.o3; his Life. v. 1. p. 139-40, and Prof. Jewett's account, 1851, in same, p. 472-3, reprinted from the 5th annual report of the Smithsonian institu- tion. Lord Vernon's collection of casts of gems in the UflBzi gallery at Florence, which was purchased by Mr. Marsh, is now, through the generosity of Mrs. Billings, the property of the University library. Marshall, Isabel, & Porter, L. Ryme-index to the ms. texts of Chaucer's minor poems; with introduction, and appendix of ryme-indexes to some spurious poems, by W. W. Skeat. Lon- don, 1889. O. (In Chaucer soc. 1 ser. 80.) 821 45 Marshall, William. Deutschlands Vogelwelt im Wechsel der Zeiten. Hamburg, 1887. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortr'dge. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 MARSHES. Tilihler, E. C. W. Die Versump- fung der Walder, mit und ohne Torfmoor-Bil- dung, und die Mittel zur Wiederbestockung derselben, Tiibingen, 1831. O. 661.6814 ^Reventlov, A. Om Marskdannelsen paa Vest- kysten af Slesvig og Midlerne til dens Fremme. Kj0benhavn, 1863. Q. 63 p. maps. 651,49 5 See also CAMPAOIVA; MAUEMIHE; SCHLESWIG; SPRINGS. Marsi, Antonio. I drammi pastorali; a cura di Italo Palmarini. Bologna. 1887-8. 2 v. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 231, 225.) 860 10 Marsili, Luigi de.' Comento a una canzone di Francesco Petrarca. Bologna, 1863, D. 51 p. {In same. 36.) 850 10 — English and Danish dialogues; originally English and German, adapted to the use of Danes by Frederick Schneider. 4 edition. Co- penhagen, 1834. D. 439.88 1 Marteilhe, Jean. Memoires d'un protestant con- damne aux galeres de France. [1757.] Paris, 1865. D. pi. 272 11 Martelet, — . De I'utilite des etudes scientifiques pour les ouvriers. (In Thevenin, E. Entretiens, 1866, V. 2. p. 171-238.) 304 5 Martelll, Lodovico. In lode dell' altalena. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 2.) 867 3 — Risposta alia epistola di Trissino. (In Trissi- no, (J. (i. Opere, 1729, v. 2.) 851 126 Martelli, Nicol6. Al P. Stradino. (In Bern!, F. Opere burlesche, 1726, v. 3.) 857 2 Martelli, Yincezo. In lode delle menzogne. {In same. 1760, v. 2.) 857 3 Martello, Pierjacopo. II Femia sentenziato, con postille e lettera apologetica inedite, a la vita scritta da lui stesso. Bologna, 1869. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 100.) 860 10 II martello, commedia, .seeCecchi, G. M. Martens, Edward Carl von. Purpur und Per- len. Berlin, 1874. O. 55 p. il. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrdge. 9 Serie.) 043 1 MARTENS. Georg Friedrich von. Heeren, A. H. L. {In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 6.) 908 2 Martensen, Hans Lassen. Prsedikener. 2 Op- lag. Kj0benhavn, 1847. O. 262 1 MARTIALIS, /S^. , bishop of Limoges. Leggenda di San Maiziale; a cura di Antonio Ceruti. Bologna, 1870. O. 39 p. 863 33 Martialis, Gargilius. Curae bourn. (In Scrip- tores rei rusticse, 1783-4. v. 5.) 878 36 MARTIALIS, Marcus Valerius. Lessing, G. E. (In his Werke, 1823-5, v. 2.) 832 6 Martignoui, Ignazio. Prefazione. (In Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Opere, 1815-20. v. 1.) 858 5 Martin, minorite friar. Flores temporum, ab. Hermanno Januensi continuati ad Carolum IV. (i^iEckhard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723. v. 1.) 943 13 Martin ofFulda. Chronicon ad 1379. (In same.) 943 13 Martin of Troppau, abbott of Onesen. Contin- uatio chronici Martini Poloni Austriaca a Ru- dolfo I. ad 1343. (In same.) 943 13 Martin, Charles Trice, editor, see Peckham, J. Registrum epistolarum. 1882-5. (7n Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 77.) 942 8 & translator, see Gaimar, G. Lestorie des Engles. 1888-9. (In same. 91.) 942 8 See also no. 72, v. 2. Martin, Ernst. Goethe in Strassburg. Berlin, 1871 . O. 34 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Sei-ie.) 043 1 — Grammatikund Glossar zu Der Nibelunge Not. Berlin, 1865. O. 35 p. 831 68 — Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik, nebst Wor- terbuch zu Der Nibelunge Not, und zu den Ge- dichten Walthers von der Vogelweide. 5 Auf- lage. Berlin, 1872. O. 98 p. 437 24 MARTIN 447 MARY — Vorwort. — Verzeichniss der Schriftsteller. (In Joiickbloet; W. J. A. Geschichte der nie- derlaiulischen Literatur. 1870-2.) 839.3 15 — editor, see Alpharts Tod. Dietrichs Flucht, Rabenschlacht. {In Deiitsclies Heldenbuch. 1866-73.) 831 14 Reynard the fox. Das niederl'andische Volksbiich. 1876. 837 8 Martin, Louis Aiiiie, editor, see Lettres edifi- antes. 1838-43. 910 58 Martin, William Charles Linnaeus. A general introduction to the natural history of niamnii- ferous animals, witli a particular view of the physical history of man and monkeys. London, 1841. O. il. pi. 509 6 Martineau, James. Endeavours after the Chris- tian life ; discourses. New edition. Boston, 1858. D. . 252 2 Martini, Antonio, translator, see Bible— Itali- an. 1845-8. 220 16 Martini, Lnca. Capitoli. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 2.) 857 3 Martini, Pietro. Giudizi opposti di Paolo Mey- er e di Amedeo Roux sovra le carte d' Arborea esaminati. Cagliari, 1865.' D. 42 p. 858 3 — Storia delle invasioni degli Arabi e delle piraterie dei barbareschi in Sardegna. Cagli- ari, 1861. O. 945 111 — editor, see Arbor6a. Pergamene codici. 1863;— Appendice. 1865. 858 1 Martino, Baretti. I ghiacciai, antichi e mo- derni. Torino, 1866. sqQ. 87 p. 551.31 6 bound with 551.2 2 Martinns Polonus, see Martin of Troppau. Martius Galeotus, see Qaleotti, M. Martonne, Louis Georges Alfred de. La piete du moyen age. Paris, 1855. O. 246 1 Martorell, Jolianot. Libre del valeros e strenu caualler Tirant lo blanch; scrites les tres parts per Martorell, la quarta per Marti Johan de Galba. [Barcelona, 1873-9.] 4 v. D. {In Bi- blioteca catalana. 4-7.) 869 6 Marty Caballero, Luis. Vocabulario de todas las voces que faltan a los diccionarios de la lengua castellana. Madrid, 1857. Q. 463 3 MARTYN, Henry. Dana, R. H. Memoir of Henry Martyn, by J. Sargent. {In his Poems and prose, 1850, v. 2.) 811 5 Martyr, Peter, see Anghiera, P. M. d.' Martyrerne, dramatisk Skaldedikt, see Stagne- lius, E. J. MARTYRS. Bede. Martyrologium, cum auc- tario Flori et aliorum. {In his Historiae. 1722.) 274 1 — Jouannaux, — . La geographie des legendes; ou, Table des lieux dans les niartyrologes. Paris, 1737. S. 272 17 ^Knox, J. The names of the martyrs in Eng- land [,1554-8]. {In his Works, 1846-64, v. 5.) 208 4 — Riola, C. Martyrologium magnum; oder, Jl cudesch grand dels martyrs. Sti-ada. 1718. pt. 1. sqO. 922 9 — Simeon, bishop of Beth Arsam. La lettera sopra i martiri omeriti, pubblicata e tradotta dal I. Guidi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 See also COLOSSEUM; INQUISITION; I^ssels, J.; PERSE- CUTIONS ; Tracy, W.; Tjiidale, W. Marufii, Oioacchino, editor, see Sanseverino, R. da. Viaggio in Terra Santa. 1888. {In SceltA di curiosita. 229.) 850 10 Marvel, Ik., pseudonym of MiMiell, D. Gr. Marvell, Andrew. The rehearsal transpros'd; or, Animadversions upon A preface [by Bishop Samuel Parker], shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery. London, 1672. S. 282 13 Marx, J. Geschichte des heil. Rockes zu Trier. Trier, 1844. D. 231 4 MARY, mother of Jesus. Berthier, J. Notre- Dame de la Salette, son apparition, son culte, le pelerinage national de 1872. Paris, 1872. D. 230 14 — Bonaventura, St. II saltero della Maria. Bo- logna, 1872. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 126.; 850 10 — Caillau, A. B. Les gloires de Notre-Dame du Puy. Paris, 1846. D. 230 13 — Kopisch, A. Das Fest der Himmelfahrt Maria in Messina. {In his Gesam. Werke, 1856, v. 5.) 831 54 — Landucci, A. Origine del tempio dedicate in Roma alia Vergine, detto hoggi del popolo. Roma, 1646. O. 230 9 "Rare and curious legend. "—iVi9te by Mr. Marsh. — Lasserre, H. O.-L. Vrouw van Lourdes. Gent, 1873. O. 230 12 — Leggenda del transito della Madonna, del secolo 14. {In Percopo, E. IV. poemetti. 1885: in Scelta di curiosity. 211.) 850 10 — Liguori, A. M. de,' St. Le glorie di Maria. Bassano, 1852. 2 v. D. 230 10 — Nau, — , abbi. L'apparition de la Salette envisagee dans ses consequences. Paris, 1861. D. 237 4 — Rimini— Ecciesiastica curia. Del prodigioso movimento degli occhi nella sacra immagine di Madre della Misericordia, in Rimini, 1850. Rimini, 1851. O. pi. 231 11 —Santa Maria, A. de. Santuario mariano e historia das imagSs milagrosas de Nossa Sen- hora. Lisboa, 1707-23. 10 v. O. 230 15 — ^Savonarola, G. M. F. M. Expositione sopra laoratione della Vergine. n. p.. n. d. O [12j p. 230 7 — Talavera, G. de. Historia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. Toledo, 1597. O. 230 11 — Vantaggi e do vet i [degli] ascritti alia pia unione del sacro abitino ceruleo di Maria eretta in S. Martino. Viterbo [,187-?]. T. 282 30 See also Assumption; Del tumbeor Nostre-Dame. MARY, St., of Egypt. Bartsch, K. F. Ueber die Quelle der altspanischen Vida de S. Maria egipciaca; von A. Mussafia. {In Jahrbnchrom. u. eng.Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 MARY, queen of Scots. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. New- York, 1831. 2 v. S. por. 923 67 —Crosby, A. J., <& Bruce, J., editors. Accounts and papers relating to Mary, queen of Scots. [London,] 1867. sqO. facsim. {In Camden soc. 93.; 820 4 See also Bj0rnson, B.; Schiller, J. C. F. Ton.; Tondel, J. van den. MAEY 448 MASS ON Mary Schweidler, the amber witch, see Mein- hold, K.W. Mary-Lafon, Jean Bernard Lafon, called, editor & translator, see Pasquino et Marforio. 1876. 282 7 Marzi, Tommaso. Carme. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 164.) 860 10 Marzo, (iualberto de. L' Ebreo nel secolo de- cimonono; fatti contemporanei. Fiieiize 1878. D. 933 3 Harzolo, Paolo. Saggio sui segni. Pisa, 1866. sqF. [l+]77[+2]p. 414 4 bound ivith 411 1 Marzy^ E. L'hydraulique. Paris, 1868. D. il. (Ill Charton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 627 4.1 Mas, Poco, pseudonym. Scenes and adventures in Spain, 1835-40. Philadelphia, 1846. S. 914.6 6 Mas vale llegar a tiempo que rondar un ano, see Zorrilla. v. 2. Mascaraden, see Holberg, L. Comedier, v. 2. Mascardi, Agostinho. La congiura del conte Gio. Luigi de Fieschi. An versa, 1639. D. 945 49 Mascaron, Jules. Oraison funebre de Turenne. (In Bossnet, J. B. Oraisons funebres. 1858.) 845 2 Mascll? (x. M. C. Das Ratzeburgische Wappen. (In Schleswi^... Gesellscliaft. Archiv. v. 1, 1833.) 943 42 Maschi) Luigi. Storia naturale del chimistno animale, flsiologico e patologico. Parma, 1863. O. 547 1 Masers de Latude, Jean Henri. Le despotisme de voile ; ou, Memoires; rediges par Thiery. (In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 28.) 944 10 MA.SHITA. Fergusson, J. Chapter on the Per- sian palace at Mashita. pi. (In Tristram, H. B. The land of Moab. 1873.) 915.6 39 Masken, skadespel, see Lindegren, K. Mas Latrie, Jacques Marie Josepli Louis de. Histoire de I'ile de Chypre sous le regne des princes de la maison de Lusignan. Paris, 1861- 5 3v. Q. 956 3 Contents: 1. Histoire. 2-3. Documents. Masing, Woldemar. Die tragische Schuld. Berlin, 1872. O. 35 p. (In Vircliow & Hoi- tzendorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Mason, George, editor, see Hoccleve, T. Po- ems. 1796. 821 63 Maspons y Labr<)s, Francisco. Jochs de la in- fancia. Barcelona, 1874. D. 869 24 — Lo rondallayre, quentos popuiars Catalans. 1-3 serie. Barcelona, 1871-4. 3 1. D. 869 25 — Tradicions del valles. Barcelona, 1876. D. 869 26 — cfc Argullol y Serra, J. de. Lacaza; derechos y deberes del propietario y del cazador; colec- cioa de disposiciones que la reglamentan, co- mentadas. Barcelona, i867. D. 349 35 Maspons y Labr6s, Maria del Pilar. Llegendas catalanas, per Maria de Bell-Lloch [pseud.]. Barcelona, 1881. D. 869 21 — Vigatans y botiflers, novela hist6rica, per Maria de Bell-LIoch [pseud.]. Barcelona, 1878. D. 869 22 MASS. Knox, J. A vindication of tiie doctrine that the sacrifice of the mass is idolatry. (In his Works, 1846-64, v, 3.)— The reasoning be- twixt the abbot of Crossraguell and Knox con- cerning the mass. (In same, v. 6.) 208 4 — Pedersen, C. Bog om Messen. (In his Dau- ske Skrifter, 1850-6, v. 2.) 839.88 4 —Simmons, T. F., editor. The lay folks mass book; or, Tiie manner of hearing mass, with rubrics and devotions for the people, in four texts, and offices in English, according to the use of York; from mss. of the 10th to the 15th century, with appendix, notes and glossary. London, 1879. O. (In E. E.textsoc. Orig. ser. 71.) 820 5 Massachusetts historical society. The Dowse library; proceedings, with the eulogy of Ed- ward Everett. Boston, 1859. O. 80 p. por. ill. 027 3 Tlie illustrations ai'e India proofs. Massai, Pietro. Elogio di Villani. (/// Yillani. G. Cronica, 1823, v. 1.) 945 76 Masser, Leonardo da Ca' di. Relazione sopra il commercio dei Portoghesi nell' India, 1497- 1506. (/r Variety storiche d' Italia.) 945 11 Masseras, E. Un essai d' empire au Mexique. Paris, 1879. D. 972 5 Le massere, comuiedia, see Ooldoni, C. v. 34. Massie, James William. America; tlie origin of her present conflict; her prospect for the slave. London, 1864. D. map. 973 39 Massimn, J. C, & Laurianu, A. T. Dictiona- riulu limbei romane. Bucuresci, 1871-6. 2 v. Q. 459 6 Glossariu, care coprinde vorbele d' in limb'a romana straine... Bucuresci, 1871. Q. 456 6.1 Massimo, see Carutti, D. Gioventii. Massinger, Philip. Believe as you list, a tra- gedy; now first printed; edited by T. Crofton Croker. London, 1849. D. (In Percy soc. 27.) 820 6 Massmann, Hans Ferdinand. Gedrangtes alt- hochdeutsches Worterbuch; oder, Vollstandi- ger Index zu Graff's AlthochdeutschenSprach- schatze. Berlin, 1846. sqQ. 437 17 — editor. Denkmseler deutscher Sprache und Literatur aus Haudschriften des 8ten bis 16- ten Jahrhunderts, zum ersten Male herausgege- ben. Miinchen, 1828. pt. 1. O. 831 11 Deutsche Gedichte des 12ten Jahrhun- derts und der nrechstverwandten Zeit. Qued- linburg, 1837. 2v.ini. O. 83112 Contents: 1. Hartinann der arme. Vom Crlouben. — Heiiirich der arme Knecht. Litanie.— Laiiibreclit. Alexan- der.— Pllatus. 2. Kuninc Rnother.— Bible. Diu Buochir Mosis.— Von Tieren unde von Fo^ilen.— Heiiirlch der aiine Knecht. Von des Todes Gehugde. Ulfllas. 1834. 839.9 8 Masson, Charles Franjjois Philibert. Memoires secrets sur la Russie, pendant les regnes de Catharine II et de Paul I. — Anecdotes histo- riques. (In Barrifere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 22.) 944 10 Masson, David. On college-education. (In Tou- mans, E. L., editor. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 2 — continner, see Bruce, J., editor. The quar- rel between Manchester and Cromwell. 1875. (In Camden soc. n. s. 12.) 820 4.1 MASS ON 449 MA UGHAN —editor, see Milton, J. Poetical works. 1874. 821 80 Masteriuan, Philip. An essay on the life and writinizs of Spenser. {In Spenser, E. Poetical works, 1839, v. 1.) 821 100 MITERIALISM, Sclileideii, M. J. Ueber den Materialismus der neueren deutschen Natur- wissenschaft; sein Wesen und seine Geschichte. Leipzig, 1863. O. 57 p. 146 1 — Tyndall, J. Scope and limit of scientific ma- terialism. (In his Fragments of science. 1867.) 504 7 See also SOUL. MATERNAL INSTINCT, see MOTHER-LOVE. Maten y Sanz, Lorenzo. Tractatus de regimine regni Valentiae, sive selectarum interpretatio- num ad principaliores foros ejusdem. Lugduni. 1704. F.^ 349 34 Matliam, Adriaan. Voyage au Maroc, 1640-1, [Dutch] ; avec notice biographique, introduc- tion et notes par Ferdinand de Hellwald. La Have, 1866. O. 6[-fl]+87p. 916.4 5 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. Sella, Q. Teorlca e pratica del regolo calcatore. Torino, 1859. S. 510 7 MATHEMATICS. Comte, A. The philosophy of mathematics; translated by W. M. Gillespie. New York, 1851. O. tab. 610 1 —Da vies, C. Mathematics; inaugural addi'^ss. (In Columbia college. Addresses. 1858.) 378 1 — De Morgan, A. On the study and difficulties of mathematics. London, 1830-3. [2+] 93 p. O. (Lib. of useful knl.) 510 2 —Fuller, J. E. Computing telegraph. New York, 1852. sqQ. pi 511 2 Accompanied by a tablet containing Palmer's com- puting scale, and Fuller's time telegraph. — Halliwell-Pliillipps, J. 0., editor. Rara mathematica. London, 1839. O. facsim. 610 3 Contents; Sacro Busto, J. de. Tractatus de arte nume- randi.— A method for taking the altitude of a steeple.— A treatise on the numeration of algorism.— Bourne, Vf. A treatise on glasses for optical purposes.— Bobyns, J. De cometis coramentaria. — Two tables: High water at Lon- don bridge;— Duration of moonlight.— A treatise on the mensuration of heights and distances.— An account table for merchants.— Alexandre of VUlediev. Carmen de algorismo.— Merley, D. de. Prefatioad librum de naturis superiorum et interiorum.— Proposals for inventions in the mechanical arts.— Preface to a calendar for 14;J0 — Norfolk, J. In arteni progressionissummula.— Appendix: Numerical contractions in mss. of the Treatise on ge- ometry by Boetius;— Notes on early almanacs. — Thibaut, B. F. Grundriss der reinen Mathe- matik. 4 Auflage. Gottingen, 1822. O. 610 4 See also k\M¥MVi!i; ALGOKISM; CALCULUS; OEOMET- K¥; LOGAUITHIMS; >UMBEB; PROBABILITIES; TUKi- OXOMETBY. Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana; ov, The ecclesiastical history of New England, 1620-98. 1 American from London edition of 1702. Hartford, 1820. 2 v. O. 974 5 — Peabody, W. B. 0. Life of Mather, facsim. (In Sparks, J. American biography, 1885-9, V. 6.) 920 15 Mather, Increase. Remarkable providences illustrative of American colonisation; with preface by Geoi-ge Off or. London, 1856. D. par. 974 6 Matheu, Francesch. Lo reliquian : morta, spleen, primavera. Barcelona, 1878. D. 869 18 hound with 11 Mathias, Thomas James. The pursuits of liter- ature, a satirical poem; with notes. 5 edition. [Anon.] Loudon, 1798. O. 827 10 Mathien of Coussy. Chronique, 1444-61. {In Buchon, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 15e siecle. 1838.) 944 17 Mathieu, P. P. Le Puy de Dome; ses mines, Mercure et les matrones. Clermont-Ferrand, 1876. O. 2)1. map. 913 36 Matilde, see Niccolini, (J. B. v. 1. La matinee du comedien de I'ersepolis, pro- verbe, see Mol^, F. R. II matrimonio per concorso, commedia, see Goldoui, C. V. 14. La matrona d' Efeso,novella,see Barbaro, A.M. Die Matrone von Ephesus, ein Lustspiel, see Lessing, (J. E. v. 11. Mattel, Antoine. Pruverbj, detti e massime corse: Proverbes, locutions e maximes de la Corse ; precedees d'une etude sur le dialecte de cette lie. Paris, 1867. S. 398 48 MATTER. Tait, G. P. Structure of matter. {In his Lectures. 1876.) 504 6.1 MATTERHORN. Hawkins, F. V. Partial ascent of Mont Cervin. il. {In Galton, F. Va- cation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 Matteucci, Carlo. Raccolta di alcune proposte di leggi, e di varie scritti suUa pubblica istru- zione. Torino, 1865. D. 379 8 — Suir elettro-fisiologia; letture. Milano, 1869. O. 612 3 — Bianolii, N. Carlo Matteucci e 1' Italia del suo tempo ; narrazione. Torino, 1874. O. phot. 925 14 Mattliseus Parisiensis, see Paris, M. Matthes, B. F., translator, see Koran. Proeve eener Makassaarsche vertaling. 1856. 899 2 Matthew of Westminster, see Flores his tori- arum. Matthew, Frederic David, editor, see Wiclif, J. English works. 1880. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 74 ) 820 5 Matthew Paris, see Paris, M. Matthisson, Friedrich von. Erinnerungen. Ziirich, 1810-16. 3 v. S. 838 6 — Gedichte. Tiibingen, 1811. 2 v. S. 831 59 —Schiller, J. C. F. von. Ueber Matthissons Gedichte. {Inhis Sammt. Werke, 1855. v. 2.) 832 9 Mattiolo, Pietro di. Cronaca bolognese; pub- blicata da Corrado Ricci. Bologna, 1885. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 202.) 850 10 MJitzner, Eduard Adolf Ferdinaiid,ediYo?-. Alt- englische Sprachproben, nebst einem Worter- buche. Berlin, 1867-91. 2 v. in 4. Q. 820 8 Contents: 1. Poesie.— Prosa. 2. Worterbuch. 3 v. A — makien. The rest to come. Mauch, Carl. Reisen im Inneren von Siid- Afrika, 1865-72. Gotha, 1874. sqQ. [2-f-] 52 p. map. {In Petermanns Mittheiluugen: Ergan- zungsband 8.) 910 44 Maiighan, Jolin. The runic rock at Barnspike, Cumberland, England, il. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. 01d.-Sel8kab. Memoires. n. s. v, 1, 1866-71.) 948 3 MAUNDRELL 450 MAYOR Maandrel), Henry. A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697; also A journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back; translated from a ms. by the prefetto of Egypt, by Rob- ert Clayton. London, 1810. O. ^l. 915.6 20 Added is Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to the Euphrates, Beer and Mesopotamia. — Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697. {In Wriarht, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) ' 915.6 40 Mannoir, Charles, editor, see Ann^e geogra- phique, 1876-8. 910 46 Maureubrecher, Karl Wilheliu. Don Carlos. JBerlin, 1869. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 4 Serie.) 043 1 Maiirer, Koiirad von. Ueber die Ausdriicke : altnordische, altnorwegische & isliindische Sprache. Miinchen, 1867. sqQ. 439.6 2 hound with 411 1 Maurice, John Frederick Denison. The work- man and the franchise; chapters from Etiglish history on the representation and education of the people. London, 1866. D. 324 3 MAURITANIA. Lacroix, L. Mauritanie. {In L'uniyers. 2.) 910 18 Manrizio, (jiovanni. La stria; ossia, I stinqual da I'amur, tragicomedia nazionale bargaiota; quadar dii costiiin da la Bragaja ent al secul 16. Bergamo, 1875. D. pi. 859 32.1 hound with 81 Manro, Francesco, i Scelta dicuriosita. 179.) 850 10 Mazzi, Filippo. Recherches historiques et poli- tiques sur les ^Etats-Unis. Colle, 1788. 4 v. O. 973 22 Mazzini; triuseppe. Ai giovani; ricordi. Italia, 1848. D. 55 p. 945 19 Mazzolk, Crian (jiacomo. I cavei de Nina, so- neti cento. {In Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 4.) 859 50 Mazzoldi, Augelo. Delia Valtrompia e del I a innondazione del Mella, 14 agosto 1850. {In Strenna bresciana, 1851.) 850 2 Mazzuchelli, Giovanni Maria. Vita de Berni. {In Berni, F. Orlando innamorato. 1806. ) 851 15 — La vita di Alamanni. {In Alamanni, L. La coltivazione. 1745.) 851 4 La mea di Polito, poemetto montanine, see Lori, J. Measure for measure, see Shakespeare, W. MEASURES, see WEIGHTS. MEAT. Salskowski, E. Ueber das Fleisch als Nahrungsmittel. Berlin, 1874, O. 44 p. {In Virchow & HoltzendorflF. VortrSge. 9 Serie.) 043 1 MEAUX, see MELSA. MECHANICAL ARTS, see INDUSTRIAL ARTS. MECHANICS. Dini, U. Su una funzione ana- loga a quella di Green. {In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Lipscliitz, R. Bedeutung der theoretischen Mechanik. Berlin, 1876. O. 32 p. {In Vir- chow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.)043 1 See also DYNAMICS; ELASTICITY; ELLIPSE; FBICTIOX; GBATITY; HEAT; ROTATION; TURBINE WHEEL. Mechanism in thought and morals, see Holmes, O.W. Le m^chant, comedie, see Gresset, J. B. L. MECKLENBURG. Westphaleil, E. J. von, edi- tor. Monumenta inedita rerum Germanica- rum, praecipue Cimbricarum et Megapolepsi- um. Li psiaj, 1739-45. 4 v. F." 943 21 Meda, Charles Aiidr^. Precis historique des evenements du 9 thermidor. {In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 29.) 944 10 MEDALS, see NUMISMATICS. Medea, see Niccolini, G. B. v. 1; Seneca, L. A. Medea, opera, see Lidner, B. Le medecin malgre lui, comedie, see Molifere, J. B. P. de. V. 4. MiJSeia, see Euripides. MEDIA. Hoefer, J. C. F. Medie. 1852. pi. map. (I7i L'univers. 16.) 910 18 MEDIEVAL, see MIDDLE AGES. Mediaeval and modern saints and miracles, see Marsh, G. P. La mediation en orient. Paris, 1877. O. 39 p. 949 55 MEDICAL BOTANY. Cuba, J. Dit is de ge- nochlike Garde der suntheyt, to latine Ortulus sanitatis, edder Herbarius genomet... Lubeck, 1520. Q. il. 099 18 Medicamina facei, see Ovidins Naso, P. v. 1. MEDICI, Alessandro de'. Cecelieregli, A. Delle azioni e sentenze di A. de' Medici, ragio- namento. Bologna, 1865. D. {In Scelte di curiosita. 66.) 850 10 MEDICI, Cosimo I. de'. Adriani, G. B. Vita di Cosimo.— Orazione in morte di Cosimo. (In his Scritti varii. 1871; in Scelta di curiosita. 121.) 850 10 ^Davanzati, B. Orazione in morte del grandu- ca Cosimo primo. {In his Opere, 1853, v. 2.) 878 21 MEDICI, Cosimo IlL de'. Segneri, P. Lettere al Cosimo III. Firenze, 1857. D. 856 16 With Notizle su Cosimo III e sulla sua famiclia, di P. Litta. MEDICI, Giuliano de'. Gar, T., editor. Docu- menti risguardanti Giuliano de' Medici e Leone X. {/?i Varietk storiche italiane.) 945 10 — & Lorenzo II. de'. Palliolo, P. Le feste pel conferimento del patriziato romano a G. e L. de' Medici. Bologna, 1885. D. {In Scelia di curiosita. 206.) 850 10 Medici, Lorenzo I. de', the Magnificent. Sim- posio; altrimenti, I beoni. {In Berni, F, Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 Medici, Lorenzo di Pier Francesco de', called Lorenzino. Scritti e documenti. Milano, 1862. S. {In Bibl. rara. 2.) 850 3 Oontents: Apologia.— Aridosio, commedia.— Lettere. Bibboiii, F. Morte di L. de' Medici.— Molza, P. M. Ora- zione contra L. de'' Medici. —Apologia. {In Autobiografe. 1857.) 920 14 — Ghibellini, L. II lamento di Lorenzino de' Medici e del duca Alessandro; aggiuntavi La morte di Lorenzino [by F. Bibboni]. (iriGuerra di Serrazzana. 1862.) 851 79 bound with 72 MEDICI VILLA. HUlTer, H. Die Abtretung der Villa Medici in Rom an Frankreich. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 4, 1887.) 945 41 MEDICINE. Bullein, W. Bulleins bulwarke of defece againste all sicknes. London, 1562, Q. il. 099 4 MEDICINE 452 MEHLI8 — Champier, S. Practica noua in medicina; Liber de omnibus generibus februm, n. p., n,d. D. 610 2 RosaGallica; una cu sua Margarita. [Paris, 1518.] D. il. 610 2 — Chirino, A. Tratado llamado menordano de medicina. Seuilla, 1529. Q. 099 38 —Cockayne, T. 0., editor. Leechdoms, wort- cunning and starcraft of early England; docu- ments illustrating the history of science before the Norman conquest. London, 1864-6. 3 v, Q. facsim. (/n (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 34.) 942 8 — Dorn, Gt, Monarchia triadis. il. {In Paracel- sus. Aurora. 1577.) 540 1.1 — Eyssenhardt, F. R. Arzneikunst und Alche- mie im 17 Jahrhundert. Hamburg, 1890. O. 32 p. (In Yircliow & Uoltzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — tfesner, C. Euonymus: De reniediis secretis liber 2; studio C. Wolphii editus. [Tiguri, 1569.] S. il. 615 2 — Groclenius, R. Tractatus novus de magnetica vulnerum curatione. Francofurti, 1613. S. 615 8 — Gregorio. Fiori di medicina. Bologna, 1865. D. 86 p. (/nSceltadicuriosita. 59.) 850 10 —Hall, J. An historian expostulation against the beastly e abusers, both of chyrurgerie and physike, in ouretyme; edited by T. J. Petti- grew. London, 1844. D. 28-f-60 p. por. (In Percy soc. v. 11.) 820 6 — Harpestreng^, H. Danske Lasgebog fra det 13de Aarhundrede ; udgivet, med Indledning, Anmaerkninger og Glossarium, af Christian Molbech. Kiobenhavn, 1826. O. 615 3 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Das Denken in der Medicin. (/n /iis Vortrage, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 •— Helraont, J. B. van. Opera ommia. Franco- furti, 1682. 2 V. in 1. sqO. 610 6 — — Of the magnetick cure of wounds. (In his Ternary of paradoxes. 1650.) 615 9 — Hfppocrates. Pronostichi, volgarizzati. Bo- logna, 1866. D. 67 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 67.) 850 10 — KSnipfer, E. Observationes physico-medicae curiosse. il. pi. (In his Amoenitatum. 1712, Ft- 3.) 915 6 — Manfredi, G. Vace, par un poete anonyme— Extrait de la vie de saint KDOIJAUD. — Iiangtort,P.Fraimient desa chronique.— Beiioist. Histoire de la bataille d'llastings... jusqu'a 1087. 2. De gestis HERKWAUUI Saxonis.— Vita et passio WALDEVI comitis.— De Juditha uxore WALOEVI comitis — Miracula Sanoti WALDEVI Vita HAItOLDI.— De inventione sanctaj (JKUCIS Walthamensis. 3. Oui of Amiem Widonis carmen de Hastingse picelio.— Chrestien of Troyes. Du roi Giiillaume d'Angleterre.— Le dit de GUILLAUME d'Angleterre. Benoist. Chronique des dues de Norman- die. 1836-44. 841 10.1 Bible— O.r.— Psalms— -Fre?ic/i. 1860. 223 5 — — Charleiiiag^ne, an Anglo-Norman poem. 1836. 811 13 Conquest of Ireland. 1837, 841 14 Des XXIII manieres de vilains.1833. 848 20 Histoire de FITZ-WARIN. 1840. N43 17 CreolTrey of Monmouth. Vita Merlini. 1837. 293 4 Girartz de Rossilho. 1856. 840 9 Lai de Havelok le Danois. 1833. 841 20 Horn et Rimenhild. 1845. 821 64 Joinville, J. de. Memoires. 1859. 944 1 1 Lorris, 0. de, EST; NUMISMATICS; SILVER. Monfar y Sors, Diego. Historia de los condes de Urguel. Barcelona, 1853. 2 v. O. (In Ara- gon— Arcliivo. Col. de doc. v. 9-10.) 946 38 MONFERRINE DIALECT. Ferraro, (J. Glos- sario monferrino. Ferrara, 1881. D. 66 p. 457 10" — — editor. Canti popolari monferrini. Torino,. 1870. D. 859 2 Monforzio, Lamberto. Gli anabattisti, narra- zionestorica; scrittain latino, e recata in itali- ano da Pietro Fanfani. Firenze, 1861. O. [8+] 53 [ + 3] p. 286 1 Monita secreta Societatis Jesu [, Latin and' French] : Instructions secretes des Jesuites. 3: edition, augmentee de notes et d'une introduc- tion, par Cliarles Sauvestre. Paris, 1864, D, 271 10' "We will not be so disingenuous as to refer to the fam- ous "Monita Secreta" as a genuine set of rules drawn up for the conduct of the Society of Jesuits by its author- ized heads, but it is not unjust to recommend it as a fair exposure of the principles by which its members are guided."— ifar«A, G. P. Mediaeval and modern saints, 1876, p. 118; seecdso p. 240-1 for a notice of this edition. — Latin & Italini : I gesuiti giudicati de se medesimi ; documenti e fatti concernenti la Compagnia di Gesu; con prefazione e note del F. dair Ongaro. Milano, 1865. S. 271 10.1 Moi\je, Hermann, translator, see Homerus. Ilias, in Hexametern iibersetzt. 1846. 883 9* MONKEYS. Martin, W. C. L. (In his General introduction to the natural history of mammi- ferous animals. 1841.) 599 Q, ISee also APES, Monk-Wearmouth. Inventories and account rolls of the Benedictine houses of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth. Durham, 1854. O. il. (In Surtees soc. v. 29.) 820 7 Monltic, Blaise de, see Montluc. Monmerqn^, Lonis Jean Nicolas, editor, see Tallemant des Reaux, (x. Les historiettes. 1861. 920 16 Monmouth, Henry Carey,^d earl of, translator, see Gualdo-Priorato, (J. di. History of the late warres of Christendom. 1648. 940 26 Monmouth^ James Scott, duke of. Original letters; edited by George Duckett. [London 1 1879. s(iO. 2 [+1] p. (In Camden misc. 8; in Camden soc. n. s. 31.) 820 4.1 Monn6, Jan. Au cementeri. — Poutoun. (In Revne deslangues romanes. v. 3, 1873.) 479 5 Monnier, Marc. La Camorra; notizie storiche, raccolte e documentate. Firenze, 1863. D. 343 21 — L' Italia all' opera, 1860-9. Milano, 1869. S 304 id Appended is Nulla d' inutile, dall' inglese. — L'ltalie est-elle la terre des morts? Paris, I860. D. 914.5 38 MONOD 470 MONTEL Monod, Adolphe. Les adieux k ses amis et a 1' eo-lise, oct, 1855— mars 1856. 6 edition, Paris, 1859. D. 240 14 Monrad, Hans Christian. Bidrag til en Skil- dring af Guinea-Kysten og dens Indbyggere, 1805-9; med en Fortale af C. Molbech. Ki0- benhavn, 1822. D. 916.6 8 MONREALE. Serradifalco, D. lo F. P. di. Del duomo di Monreale, e di altre chiese siculo- normanne. Palermo, 1838. F.^ [3+] 87 [+3] p. 726 19 Monro, Cecil, editor, see Margaret of Anion. Letters. 1863. {In Camden soc. 86.) 820 4 M. de Pourceaugnac. comedie-ballet, see Moli- ere, J. B. P. de. v. 5. MONSTERS. Bollinger, 0, Ueber Zwerg- und Riesenwuchs. Berlin, 1884. O. 32 p. (In Vir- cliow & Holtzendorff.Vortrage.l9 Serie.) 043 1 — Ferriar, J. Of certain varieties of men. (In his Illustrations, 1812, v. 2.) 823 31 — Moriggia, A. Tre embrioni di pulcino in un blastodermo unico. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. deilincei. Atti. dser. sci.fis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 —Sanctis, L. de. Sullo scheletro di un mostro viteliino sternopago. pi. — Cranio etrusco con singolare processo osseo sul tubercolo occipi- tale. pi. (In same. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 See also PYGMIES. MiMistreletjEnguerrand'de. Chroniques [; avec notice biographique par J. A. Buchon]. Paris, 1836. Q. (Choix de chroniques.) 944 15 El monstruo de los jardine3,see Calderon. v. 2. Montagna, Crescenzo. Nouvelle theorie du me- tamorphisme des roches fondee sur les phe- nomenes de fossilisation. Naples, 1869. O. pi 551.6 1 Montagnac. Annonces et avis de la foirede Montagnac; A. Alart. (In Revne des langues romanes. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 Montagu, Basil, editor, see Bacon, F. Works. 1844. * ' ' ' 828 3 Montaiglon, Anatole de Courde de, editor. Recueil de poei*ies francoises des 15-16 siecles, morales, facetieuses, historiques. Paris, 1855-8. V. 1. 2, 6-8. S. (In Bibl. elzevir.) 810 14 -Holbein, H. Alphabet of Death. 1856. 761 8 Jclian de Haute Seille. Li romans de Do- lopathos. 1856. 840 6 -La Tour Landry, (i, de. Le livre. 1854. 840 11 Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Essais; avec les notes de tous commentateurs, et I'eloge de Montaigne par Villemain. Paris, 1825. 8 v. T. por. 844 8 — Lettera circa alia ultima malattia ed alia morte dell' autore. (In La Bo6tie, E. de. II contr' uno. 1864; Bibl. rara. 39.) 850 3 — Traduzione di due capitoli di Montaigne: lib. 1, cap. 25; lib. 2, cap. 8. (In diusti, G. Scritti. 1863.) 858 6 Montalbani, Giovanni Battista. Rerum Tur- cicarum commentarius. (In Turcici imperii status. 1630.) 094 59 Montaldo, Adamo di. Delia conquista di Co- stantinopoli per Maometto II nell453; ripubbli- cato dal C. Desimoni. (in Societk ligure. Atti. V. 10. 1874.) 945 48 Montalenibert, Charles Forbes de Tryon, eomte de. La victoire du nord aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1865. O. 973 43 — Tallichet, E. M. de Montalembert et le pere Hyacinthe; histoire du proces intente par la famille de Montalembert au pere Hyacinthe et a la Bibliotheque universelle. Paris, 1877. O. 349 8 MONTALESE DIALECT. Nerucci, G. Saggio di uno studio sopra i parlari vernacoli della Toscana; vernacolo montalese. Milano, 1865. D. 457 25 Montanelli, Giuseppe. Memorie suU' Italia e specialmeute sulla Toscana, 1814-50. Torino, 1853. 2 V. in 1. D. 945 24 Montaner, Raimond, see Muntaner. Montani, P. Snll' azione meccanica esercitata dalla luce. it. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 sor. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Montanus,* Arnoldus. Description of New Ne- therland; 1617; translated from De nieuwe en onbekende weereld. pi. (In O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 4.) 974 9 Montanus den Yngre, .see Gyllembourg, T. C, MONTAUSIER, Charles de Sainte-Maure, due de. Flechier, E. Oraison funebre de M. de Montausier. (In Bossuet, J. B. Or. fun. 1858.) 845 2 MONTAUSIER, Julie Liicine d'Angennes de RamboiiiUet, duchesse de. Flechier, E. Orai- son funebre de Mme. de Montausier. (In same.) 845 2 Muntazio, Enrico. Felice Orsini. Torino, 1862. T. por. (I contemp. Italiani.) 923 75 — L' ultimo granduca di Toscana; cennibiogra- fici, storiri, aneddotici, ecc. Firenze [,1870]. D. por. 945 68.1 Monte Bianco, canto, see Cambray Dlgny, MONTE NUOVO. Preller, L. Uber den Monte Nuovo. (In Leipsic— K. siichs. Gesell. Berich- te, 1850.) 063 3 Montecastello, Pisa. Statuti et ordini ; per cura di Giuseppe Kirner. Bologna, 1890. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 237.) 850 10 MONTECATINI. DI NIEVOLE, see NIEVOLE. Monteiro, Joaquim Francisco, editor, see Se- rerim da Faria, M. Noticias de Portugal;— Varios discursos. 1791. 914.6 14 Montel, Achille, De I'orthographie.— L.Roumi- eux. — Francois Cambouliu.— L'Armana prou- ven9au de 1870-1. {In Revue des langues ro- manes. T. 1, 1870.)— Contes populaires rhyth- mes. — Archives de Montpellier : 1. Le livre des privileges de la commune cloture. (In same. V. 2, 1871.) — 2. Inventaire des archives du con- sulat.— 3. Inventaire des archives de la com- mune cloture. (In same. v. 3, 1872.)— 4. Le catalogue des chapellenies: — Le memorial des nobles. (In same. v. 4-5, 1873-4.)— Contes popu- laires. — Periodi^ues. (In same. v. 3, 1872.) — Contes populaires. — Petites compositions popu- laires. — Volo-Biou, poeme par A. Arnavielle, etc. (In same. v. 4, 1873.) 479 5 MONTELATTCI 471 MOORS Moiitelatici, Francesco. Relazione del trovato pratico per salvare le viti dalle fillossere; ovve- ro, Dei camini isolator! insetticidi, per Cecco da Sansalvi [pseud.]. Firenze, 1879. O. il. 632 2 Montellus, Oskar. Sveriges hednatid; samt me- deltid, 1060-1350. Stockholm, 1877. O. ii. {In Sveriges historia, v. 1.) 948 51 Moiiteliipo, Raffaello da, see Raifaello. Monte mor {Spanish Monteinayor)? Jorge de. La Diana. Parte primera. Madrid, 1795. S. 863 10 The volume contains also his poems, Historia de Alcida y Silvano. Historia de Piramo y Tisbe and Sonetos; also Elegla a la muerte de Montemayor per F. M. Dorantes. —translato7\ seeM-ATcli, A. Obras. 1864. 869 17 MONTENEGKO. Kohl, S. tf. Reise nach Istri- en, Dalmatien und Montenegro. Dresden, 1851. 2 V. S. 914.3 19 ^Serristori, A. La costa dalmatae il Monte- ne.u;ro durante la guerra del 1877. Firenze, 1877. O. 914.9 52 ^Strangford, E. A. B. %., viscountess. {In her Eastern sliores of the Adriatic. 1864.) 914.9 31 Montosquieu, Charles de Secondat,ftaron de la Brede et de. (Eavres. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1788. 5 V. O. por. maps. 340 5 1 MONTFORT, Simon de, earl of Leicester, see LEICESTER. MONTGOMERY, r^en. Ricliard. Armstrong, J. Life of Montgomery, facsim. {In Sparks, J. American biography, 1835-9. v. 1.) 920 15 Monti, Vincenzo. Cantiepoemi; a cura di G. Carducci. Firenze, 1862. v. 1. Tt. 861 89 — Tragedie. Firenze, 1822. O. por. 852 13 Contents: Aristodemo.— Cajo Gracco— Galeotto Man- f redi principe di Faenza. — editor, see Ubertl, F. degli. II dittamondo. 1826. 851 129 Montglat, FraiKjois d'^ Panle de Clermont, marquis de. Menioires, contenant I'iiistoire de la guerre entre la France et la maison d'Au- triche, 1635-60. jior. (/n Midland di: Poujou- lat. Memoires, 1866, v. 29.) 944 9 Montlosier, Fran(jois Dominique Reynaud, comte de. Memoires, extraits. {In Barriere & Lesciire. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 36.) 944 10 Montlue, Blaine de Lasseran Massencome, sei- gneur de, mar^chal de France. Commentaires, 1521-74. por. (In Michand & Ponjoulat. Me- moires, 1866, V. 7.) 944 9 — Commentaires. Edition revue et publiee pour La societe de I'histoire de France par Alphonse de Ruble. Paris, 1864-72. 5 v. O. 924 23 — English: Commentaries [; translated by Charles Cotton]. London, 1674. F. por. 944 24 Montlue, Jean de, hishop of Valence & Die. Harantyues, 1573. a la noblesse de Poulonne. (In Michaud & Ponjoulat. Memoires, 1866. v. 11) 944 9 MONTPELIER. Vermont capitol. Boston, n. d. 53x70 cm. 080 36 In portfolio 3. Mr. Marsh was one of the commission- ers on design. Montpellier. Archives de Montpellier [edited by Achille MontelJ : 1. Le iivre des privileges de la commune cloture. 2. Inventaire des archi- ves du consulat. 3. Inventaire des archives de la commune cloture. 4. Le catalogue des chapellenies; — Le memorial des nobles. {In Revue des langues romanes. v. 2-5. 1871-4.) 479 5 —Societe pour I'etude des langues romanes, see Revue des langues romanes. 479 5 Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans. diichesse de. Memoires, 1627-86. — Portrait par elle-meme, 1657. por. (in Michaud (fc Ponjou- lat. Memoires, 1866, v. 28.) 944 9 Montpensier, Louis Antoine Philippe d'Or- leans, due de. Memoires sur son arrestation et sa captivite. (In Barriere cfc Lescure. Me- moires, 1857-81, v. 9.) 944 10 Moutresor, Claude de Bourdeille, comte de. Memoires, 1632-7. C^" Michaud & Ponjoulat. Memoires, 1866,v. 27.) 944 9 MONTSERRAT. Cornet j Mas, C. Tres dias en Montserrat; guia historico-descriptiva. Barce- lona, 1858. O. il. pi. map. 914.6 8 See also, in same vol., El mansueto, leyenda historica. Monumenta Franciscana. London, 1858-82. 2 v. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 4.) 942 8 Vol. 1, edited by J. S. Brewer; v. 2, by R. Hewlett. For contents see FKAACISCAAS. Monnmenta inedita reruni Germanicarum, see Westphalen, E. J. von. Monnmenta Welforum antiqua; editore L. Wie- land. Hannoverae, 1869. O. 68 p. (In Pertz, Gr. H. Script, rerum German. 6.) 943 16 The monumental city, see Howard, G. W. MONUMENTS. Marsh, G. P. Monumental honors. (In Nation, v. 1, 1865, p. 491-2.) In main library. MONVISO, see MONTE VISO. Moon, George Washington. A second defence of the queen's English; in reply to the dean of Canterbury. London, 1863. O. 40 p. 428 2 Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield, see Bloomfleld-Moorc, C. J. ' Moore, James. A narrative of the campaign of the British army in Spain, commanded by Sir John Moore, authenticated by official papers and original letters. 2 edition. London, 1809. Q. por. maps. 942 30 Moore, Stuart Archibald, editor, see Shill- ingford, J. Letters and papers. 1447-50. (In Camden soc. n. s. 2, 1871.) 820 4.1 Moore, Thomas. De vuur-aanbidders. (In Len- nep, J. van. Poet, werken, 1859-62. v. 6.) 839.31 15 Moore, Sir Thomas de la. Vita et mors Ed- wardi II. (In Stuhbs, W. Chronicles of Ed- vrard I. and II., 1882-3, v. 1; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 76.) 942 8 MOORS IN SPAIN. Bleda, J. Coronica de los Moros de Espana. Valencia, 1618. Q. iltp. 946 26 ^Conde, J. A. Historia de la dominacion de los Arabes en Espana. Paris, 1840. O. 946 27 — Diercks, G. Die arabische Kultur im mittel- alterlichen Spanien. Hamburg, 1887. O. 36 p. (In Virchow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 1 MOORS 472 MOREA — Gruadalajara y Javier, M. Memorable expul- sion de los Moriscos de Espana. Pamplona, 1613. sqO. 946 28 Appended is Ripol's Dialogo por la expulsion de los Moriscos, 20 p. Viardot, L. Histoire des Arabes et des Mores d'Espagne. Paris, 1851. 2 v. O. 946 33 See also ALHAMBUA ; ARABS ; ORAXADA ; RODERICK, king of the Visigoths; SPAIN. Mora, Francesco. Di un canale di derivazione dal Tevere; abbozzo di progetto. Roma, 1873. O. 6+69 p. 627 14 Moraes, Francisco de. Cronica de Palmeirim de Inglaterra; a que se ajuntao as mais obras do mesmo autor. Lisboa, 1786. 3 v. O. 869 41 The additional works are Dialogos, etc.. which are found at the end of v. 3, with a separate title-page and paging. — Palmerin of England; corrected by Robert Soutbey, from the original Portugueze. Lon- don, 1807. 4 V. S. 869 42 A revision of the old translation by Anthony Munday. Moraes Silva, Antonio dec Diccionario da lingua portugueza. 6 edi9a,o, melhorada e ac- crescentada pelo Agostinho de Mendon9a Fal- cao. Lisboa, 1858. 2 v. sqQ. 469 3 — translator. Historia de Portugal ; compo- sta em ingles por uma sociedade de literatos; continuada por Hippolyto Jose da Costa. Lon- dres, 1809. 3 v. D. 946 66 MORAL SCIENCE,— MORALS, see ETHICS. Morales, Ambrosio de. Apologia. {In Zurita, J. Anales de Aragon, 1610-21, v. 6.) 946 43 — Coronica. — Las antigiiedades de las ciudades de Espana. {In Cronica general de Espaiia, 1791-2, V. 3-8, 9-10.) 946 10 Life of Morales in v. 3. — Opiisculos castellanos; ordenados y anotados, con varios noticias historicas, por Francisco Valerio Cifuentes. Madrid, 1793. 3 v. O. , il. 946 7 For contents see Ticknor catalogue. Morandi, Lnigri. Le correzioni ai Promessi sposi e i' unita della lingua; discorsi; preceduti dalla lettera del Manzoni al Casanova, e segu- iti da altri documenti. 3 edizione accresciuta. Parma, 1879. D 853 23 — La maestrina, e La figlia senza babbo, coni- medie; con un discorso sull' unita della lingua riepetto alia commedia. Torino, 1877. D. 859 46 hound tmtli 38 — Un prt-giudizio letterario intorno I promessi sposi, discorso. {In Manzoni, A. Le correzioni ai Promessi sposi. 1874.) 853 22 — annotator, see Belli, G. 0. Duecento sonetti in dialetto romanesco. 1870. 859 27 Sonetti in dialetto romanesco. 1869. 859 28 Morando, Filippo Rosa. Osservazioni. (In Dante Alighieri. La divina commedia; in his Opere, 1757-8, v. 3.) 851 33 MORATA, Olympia Fulvia, see GRUNTHLER, 0. F. M. Le morbinose,— I morbinosi, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 7. Morcaldi, Michaele, editor,' see Cava. — Badia della Trinity. Codex diplomaticus. 1873-5. 327 3 MORDAUNT, CIiarles,^d earl of Peterborough, see PETERBOROUGH. Mordente, Joao Mauoel. Exercises upon the Portuguese language; added, commercial let- ters in Portuguese. London, 1807. D. 469 9 Mordtmann, Andreas David. Belagerung und Eroberung Constantinopels durch die Tiirken, 1453. Stuttgart, 1^58. O. map. 949 43 More, Henry. Letter, with postscript. {.In Glanvill, J. Saducismus. 1681.) 133 5 More, Sir Thomas. Workes wrytten in the English tonge. London, 1557. 1 v. in 2. Q. 230 5 Contents: [Dedication.] — Fowre short thinges writ- ten in his youthe. — Tables.— Lyfe of Jhon Picus, erle of Mirandula.— History of Kyng Richard III — Trea- tice uppo the last thinges —Dialoge concerning heresies. —Supplication of soules.— Cofutation of Tindale.— Let- ter impugning the erronious writynge of Jhon Fryth agaynst the sacrament of the aulter.— Apologye.— De- bellacion of Salem & Byzance.— Aunswere to the fyrste parte of The super of ye Lorde.— Dialoge of comforte against tribulation. — Treatyce to receyue the bodye of our Lorde. — Treatice vpon the passion of Chryste.— Translation of an exposition of a parte of the passion of Chryst.— A godly instruction.— A godly in- sti'uction in Latyn.— A prayer in Latin.— A godly medi- tation.— A devout prayer.— Letter to his wife.— Mores epitaphe in latyn.— Certen letters written after he had gyven over the offyce of lord Chauncelloure.— Certen letters and other thinges while he was prisoner in the towre. —The apologye. [London, 1533.] T. 099 1 His defense after resigning the office of lord chancel- lor. Black-letter. Leaves 269-290 are wanting. — Utopia, printed in Latin, 1516; translated by Ralph Robinson, 2 edition, 1556. London, 1869. S. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 14.) 820 9 — Italian : L'Utopia; e La citta del sole di Tom- maso Campanella; version! italiane; aggiunta- vi. La storia del Reame degli Orsi di Gaspare Gozzi. Milano, 1863. S. por. {In Bibl. rara. 11.) 850 3 Tyndale, W. An answer unto More's Dia- logue. (7^?i Tyudale A Fritli. Works, 1831, v. 2. 208 10 MOREA or PELOPONNESUS. Beul6, C. E. Etudes sur le Peloponnese. Paris, 1875. D. 914.9 29 — Buehon, J. A, C. Nouvelles recherches histo- riques sur la principaute fran9aise de Moree et ses hautes baronnies; faisant ?uite aux Eclair- cissements historiques. [Secoude epoque: 1333- 1470.] Paris, 1843. 2 v. O. 949 39 Contents: Diplomes. Recherches et materiaux pour servir a une histoire de la domination frangaise aux 13-15 siecles dans les provinces de I'empire grec. Paris, 1840. 2 v. Q. pi. tab. 949 37 Recherches historiques sur le principaute francaise de Moree et ses hautes baronies. Pre- miere epoque: 1205-1333. Paris, 1845. 2 v. O. 949 38 Chroniqne de la principaute f ran9aise d' Acha- te; texte grec. {In Bnchon, J. A. C. Chroniques etrangeres. 1841.) 944 10.1 With French translation. — Coronelli, M. V. Description geographique et historique de la Moree, des lieux circonvoi- sins... Paris, 1687. F.-» pi. maps. 914.9 30 — Sclilieniann, H. Ithaka, der Peloponnesus und Troja; archaologische Forschungen. Leip- zig, 1869. O. pi. maps. 913 31 MOREA 473 MORRIS — Wyse, T. An excursion in the Peloponnesus in 1858; edited by W. M. Wyse. London, 1865. 2v. O. map. 914.9 28 Moreaii de Jonues, Alexandre. Etat econo- mique et social de la France, depuis Henri IV iusqu'a Louis XIV, 1589 a 1715. Paris, 1867. O. ^ 944 28 Noted by Mr. Marsh as an "Extremely valuable con- tribution to French history." Moreau de Joimes, Alexandre C. La France avant ses premiers habitants, et origines ra- tionales de ses populations. Paris, 1856. D. 572 16 Morell, John Daniel. A grammar of the Eng- lish language. 84th thousand. London, 1864. D. 426 20 — A series of graduated exercises, adapted to Morell's Grammar. 84th thousand. London, 1864. D. .63 p. 425 20 Morell, John Reynell. Scientific guide to Swit- zerland. London, 1867. D. il. 551.43 24 MorellijSalvatore.La donna e la scienza; o, La soluzione dell' umano problema. 2 edizione italiana. Napoli. 1862. D. 376 1 Preface by C. Katski. Morf, H. Aus der Geschichte des franzosischen Dramas. Hamburg, 1887. O. 38 p. (in Vir- chow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Morgante maggiore, see Pulci, L. Morgenpsalmer og Cantater, see Ingemann, B. S. Morhof, Oeorg. Argumentum de gente Brock- torffia. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monu- menta, 1739-45, v. 1.) 943 21 Morlae encomium, see Erasmus, D. Morianen, see Criisenstolpe, M. J. I moriboudi del palazzo Carignano, see Petruc- celli della (Tattina, F. Morice, Ralph. Anecdotes and character of Archbishop Cranmer. — Cranmer and Canter- bury school. — The answers of Thomas La wney. (/m Nichols, J. G. Narratives. 1859; in Camden see. 77.) 820 4 Morier, James. Abel Allnutt, a novel. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. D. 823 20 — The adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan; revised, with notes. London, 1835. D. pi. iltp. 823 18 — Zohrab the hostage. [Anon.] New York, 1833. 2 V. O. 823 19 Moi'iggia, Aliprando. Effetti di alcuni liquidi acidi e salini sopra i moti dei filamenti sper- matid... {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. .SCT.. /is. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) — Sperienze fisi- otossicologiche suUa delfina. {In same. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Tre embrioni di pulcino in nn blastoderma unico. pi. {In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 — La globolina, considerata conae reattivo per gli acidi. — Sulla velenosita naturale dell' e- stratto di cadavere umano. — Eflfetti del muco acido genitale della donna sui nemaspermi. — Sulla fecondazione artificiale negli animali.(/n same. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) — L' amigdalina, spe- rienze fisio-tossicologiche. — Di alcune propri- eta della bile, sperienze. — Sulla velenosita na- turale del cadavere umano, 2a serie di speri- enze. (In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2,) 065 3 Morins, Richard de. Annales prioratus de Dunstaplia, A. D. 1-1241, see Dunstable. Morley, Henry. Of English literature in the reign of Victoria, with a glance at the past. Leipzig, 1881. S. facsim. (Tauchnitz edition, V. 2000.) 820 15 —editor, see Spectator. 1868. 824 21 Morley, John. On compromise. London, 1874. O. 171 4 Morlotj C. A. de. Sur le passage de I'age de la pierre a Tage du bronze, et sur les metaux em- ployes dans I'age du bronze, il. {In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. n.s. V. 1, 1866-71.) 948 3 MORMONS. M^rim^e, P. {In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 Mornand, F^lix. La vie arabe. Paris, 1856. D. 390 22 Moro, (xiovauni. Le foci del Tevere. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. Jis. v. 3, 1878-9.) • 065 4 — Lo stagno di Ostia; monografia geologica ed idraulica. Firenze, 1871. O. 43 p. pi. map. 551.49 7 Morosi, Giuseppe. I dialetti romaici del man- damento di Bova in Calabria. — II vocalismo del dialetto leccese. {In Archivio glot ital. v. 4, 1878.) — Osservazioni e aggiunte alia Fonetica dei dialetti gallo-italici di Sicilia. (In same. V. 8, 1882-5.) — Emendazioiii alle sue Osservazi- oni. {In same. v. 9, 1886.)— L'odiernolinguag- gio valdese del Piemonte. {In same, v. 11, 1890.) 460 11 Morozzi, Ferdinando. Dello stato antico e mo- derno del flume Arno, e delle cause e de' ri- medi delle sue inondazioni. Firenze, 1762-6. 2 V. in 1. sqQ. il. pi. 561.48 15 MORPHOLOGY. Gothe, J. W. von. (In his Werke, 1827-32, v. 58.) 832 1 Morpurgo, Emilio. La critica storica e gli studi intorno alle istituzioni finanziarie, pi'in- cipalmente nelle repubblicheitaliane del medio evo. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 066 5 — Roma e la Sapienza ; compendio di notizie storiche suUa Universita rom.ana. Roma, 1879. Q. 82 p. 378 7 Morris, Richard. Historical outlines of Eng- lish accidence. 2 edition. London, 1872. S. 425 21 — editor. Legends of the holy rood, symbols of the passion, and cross-poems; in old Eng- lish of the 11th, 14th and 15th centuries ; with introduction, translations and glossariai index. London, 1871, O. il. (In E. E.textsoc. Orig. ser. 46.) 820 5 Old English homilies and homiletic trea- tises of the 12th and 13th centuries; with in- troduction, translation and notes. Series 1-2, London, 1868-73. 2 v. O. facsim. {In same. 29, 34, 53.) 820 5 An Old English miscellany; containing A bestiary, Kentish sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, Religious poems of the 13th century; with in- troduction and index, London, 1878. O, {In same. 49.) 820 5 MORRIS 474 MOTIIES see the following publications of the Early English text society; original series: 820 5 1. Early English alliterative poems. 1864. 4. Ganayne and the green knight. 1864. • 7. Story of Genesis and Exodus. 1865. 28. Michael, Dan. Ayenbite of inwyt. 1866. 57, 69, 62, 66, 68. Cursor mundi. 1874-8. 58, 63, 73. Bllckliiig homilies. 1880. EXTRA SERIES: 820 5.1 5. Boethius, A. M. T. S. Chaucer's translation. 1868. The last was reprinted, in 1886, in Chaucer society, 1 series, no. 76. Antichrist and the signs before the doom. {In Jahrbncli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.)— The seven deadly sins. {In same. v. 6, 1865.) 805 1 Chaucer, G. Prologue [,etc.]. 1867. 821 41 Liber cure cocorum. 1862. 821 74 Rolle de Hampole, R. The pricke of con- science. 1863. 821 94 Whitney, W. D. Language and its study. 1876. 401 11 Morrison, Walter, editor. The recovery of Je- rusalem; a narrative of exploration and dis- covery in the city and the Holy Land by Capt. Wilson, Capt. Warren, &c. ; with an intro- duction by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 3d thous- and. London, 1871. O. maps. 915.6 30.1 Morro, Oiuseppe. Commemorazione del sena- tore Antonio Caveri, parole 3 aprile 1870. {In Society ligure. Atti. v. 2, pt. 1, 1870.) 945 48 ^Crocco, A. Commemorazione del G. Morro, parole 1 agosto 1875. {In same. v. 10, 1874.) 945 48 MORS, Dietrich von, archbishop of Cologne. Rerum inter Moerseum et rempublicam Susa- tensem gestarum adversaria. (/nWestphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 MORSE, Abner. Yderligere Spor af de gamle Nordboer i America : Further traces of the ancient Northmen in America, (/n Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selsliab. Antiquarisk Tids- skrift. V. 6, 1858-61.) 948 2 Morsolin, Bernardo. Storia della letteratura italiana: il seicento [1595-1748]. Milano, 1880. Q. {In Villari, P., editor. Storia letteraria d' Italia; in L' Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 20 MORTALITY, see yiT.iL STATISTICS. Mortara, Alessandro. Argomenti. (Jn Tasso, T. Dialoghi. 1822.) 851 117 Morte xlrthure, see Arthur. Morte del re Acab, see Cecchi, G. M. Mortella d' Orzolone, poemma arrojeco, see Pagano, N, Mortillaro, Vincenzo, marchese di Villarena. Nuovo dizionario siciliano-italiano. 3 edizione accresciuta. Palermo, 1862. Q. 457 16 Mortimer, J. La secession aux Etats-Unis et son origine; par un journaliste americain. Paris, 1861. O. 30 p. 973 32 Morton, James, gcZt^or & translator, see Ancren riwle. 1853. {In Camden soc. 57.) 820 4 MORTON, James Douglas, earl of. Church- yard, T. The eaa-1 of Morton's tragedie, 1581; [verse;] prefixed, anecdotes of Morton. {In his Chips. 1817.) 941 2 Morton, J^^athaniel. The New-England's me- morial, with special reference to New Ply- mouth. Plymouth, 1826. D. 974 7 MORUS, Alexander. Milton, J. Defensio se- cunda pro populo Anglicano [,etc.]. {In his Works, 1863, v. 6.) 821 78 MOSAIC. Carducci, (x. B. Sul grande musaico scoperto in Pesaro. Pesaro, 1866. F.'* 55 p. pi. 747 3 ^Finocchietti, D. C. Del mosaico italiano. {In his Delle Industrie. 1869.) 670 2 — Marsh, C. C. {in Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. — Milanesi, G., editor. Dell' arte del vetro per musaico, tre trattatelli dei secoli 14 e 15. Bologna, 1864. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 51.) 850 10 — Salviati, A. On mosaics. 2 edition. London, 1866. O. 63 p. 747 1 MOSAIC COSMOGONY, see CREATION. De mosaiske Troesbekjenderes Stilling i Dan- mark, see Cohen, A. I). Les maitres mosaistes, par George Sand, see Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Mosclius. 'EiSiXXitt. {In Theocritus, 1829.) 884 5 — Greek, Latin & Italian: Idillj. {In Pagninl, G. M. Teocrito, 1780, v. 2.) 884 6 — Italian : Idillj. — Discorso sopra Mosco. {In Leopardi, d. Studi filologici. 1845.) 858 8 — Swedish : Ofversattning af G. Paykull. {In Anacreon. 1787.) 884 2.1 MOSCOW, Richter, J. Moskwa; eine Skizze. Leipzig, 1799. T. pi. 914.7 17 MOSEL. Waring, d. E., jr. The bride of the Rhine; two hundred miles in a Mosel row-boat; added, a paper on the Latin poet Ausonius and his poem Mosella, by C. T. Brooks. Boston, 1878. S. 914.3 9 Moser, Hans. Die Stenographic nach Ge- schichte und Wesen. Hamburg, 1887. O. 48 p. {In VirchoTV c& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Moses ben Jakob ibn Esra. Gedichte. {In Klimpf, S. I. translator. Nichtandalusische Poesie. 1858.) 892 6 MOSS, see PEAT. Mossman, Samuel. The origin of the seasons, considered from a geological point of view. Edinburgh, 1869. D, il. maps. 525 5 Mosso, Angelo. Sulla circolazione del sangue nel cervello dell' uomo. il. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 5, 1879- 80.) 065 4 The most pleasant song of Lady Bessy; edited by .James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1847. D. 8+79 p. {In Percy soc, v. 20.) 820 6 Mostellaria, see Plautus, T. M. v. 2. MOSUL. Sandreczki, C, Reise nacli Mosul. Stuttgart, 1857. 3 v. D. 915.6 13 MOTHER-LOVE. Schroeder van der Kolk, J, L. K.De moederliefde in de natuur. {In his Ziel en ligchaam. 1864.) 131 7 Mothes, Oscar. Die Basilikenform bei den Christen der ersten Jahrhunderte. Leipzig:, 1865, O. tab. 726 3 MOTLEY 475 MUHAMMAD Motley, John Lothrop. History of the United Netherlands. New York, 1861. v. 1-2. O. por. map. 949 10 Vol. 3-4, and "John of Barneveld" are in the main library. — The rise of the Dutch republic; a history. New York, 1861. 3 v. O. por. 949 9 —-Holmes, 0. W. John Lothrop Motley, a me- moir. London, 1878. D. 928 40 Motteville, Fran^oise Bertaut i Jalirbnch roin. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 — Flechia, G. Di alcuni criteri per I'origina- zioue de' cognomi italiani. (/liKonie — R.accad. del llnceLAtti. 3 ser. sci.mor. v. 2, 1877-8.)065 5 — Fortegnelse over Personsnavne i Island {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiqua- risk Tidsskrift. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 WitQ a full list of the fore-names of all persons in Ice- land 1 Oct, 185.5. — iUrinim, J. L. K.Om oldnordiske Egennavne i en i Reichenau skreven Necrolog fra det 9-10 Aarhundrede. {In same. v. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 — — Ueber Frauennamen aus Blumen. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 2.)— Von Ver- tretung milnnlicher durch.weibliche Namens- formen. {In same. v. 3. )— tJber hessische Orts- nainen. {In same. v. 5.) 408 2 See also indexes to v. 5 and 8. —Hansen, A, Fors0g til Tydning af nogle hid- til ikke forklarede gamle sjaellandske Steds- navne. (in Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 14, 1879.) 948 14 — Holmboe, C. A. Stedsnavne, hvori Ordet kind forekommer. {In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 — Kriegh, (i, L. Ueber die Landernamen. {In his Schriften zur Erdkunde. 1840.) 910 10 — Lower, M. A. English surnames; essays on family nomenclature, historical, etymological and humorous; with chapters on rebuses and canting arms, the roll of Battel abbey, a list of Latinized surnames, &c. London, 1842. O. il. 929 14 — Madsen, E. Sjielandske Stednavne. — Samsos Stednavne. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old. -Selskab. Annaler. v. 23, 1863.) 948 2 —Munch, P. A. Geographiske Oplysninger om de i Saga'erne forekommende skotske og irske Stedsnavne. {In same. v. 12, 1852, v. 17, 1857.) 948 2 — —Geographical elucidations on the Scottish and Irish local names occuring in the sagas. {In same. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9; v. 4. 1850-60.) 948 3 —Petersen, N. M. Bemaerkninger om danske og norske Stednavnes Oprindelse og Forkla- ring. — Bemserkninger om Stednavne i Norman- diet. {In same. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 2. 1883.) 948 1.2 — Reinsberg-Diiringsfeld, 0. von. Die Namen und Beinamen der Stadte Italiens. {In Jalir- bnch rom. u. eng Lit. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 —Hitter, E. Des noms de famille francais a terminaison diminutive. {In same. v. 7. 1866.) 805 1 — Schiern, F. E, Om den slaviske Oprindelse til nogle Stedsnavne paa de danske Smaaoer. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Anna- ler. V. 13, 1853.) 948 2 — Selnier, F. Om Endelsen -]0se i nordiske Stednavne. {In same. Aarb0ger. v. 19, 1884.) 948 5 — Taylor, 1. Words and places; or, Etymologi- cal illustrations of history, ethnologj' and ge- ography. 3 edition. London, 1873. D. maps. 929 16 — Varniing, L. Bemserkninger til A. Hansens Af handling: Gamle sjaelandske Stedsnavne, 1879. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old. -Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 — Verstegan, It. Etymologies of ancient Saxon names. (In /lis Restitution... 1673.) 942 3 — Vilniar, A. F. C. Deutsches Namenbiichlein. 3 Ausgabe. Frankfurt a. M., 1863. S. [l-f] 93 p. 929 15 See also DAOMAR; LODBBOK; OLAFB; BIBB; UJfDIR- FELL; VELAY. Namnlos och Valentin, see Valentine and Orson. NAMUR. Granunaye, J. B. Respublica Namur- censis. {In Respublica Namurcensis. 1684.) 949 24 Guicciardini, L. Descriptio comitatus Na- muf'censis. {In same.) 949 24 Nanni, (Tiovanni, called Annio da Viterbo. An- tiquitatum variarum volumina 17. [Paris,] 1515. F. il. 099 43 Nanni, Remigio, of Florence, translator, see Fazello, T. Della storia di Sicilia.1817. 946 lp7 Nannucci, Vincenzio. Analisi critica dei verbi italiani investigati nella loro primitiva origine. Firenze, 1843. O. 455 8 — Saggio del prospetto generale di tutti i verbi anomali edifettivi, e di tutte le loro varieconfi- gurazioni di voci. Firenze, 1853. O, 455 9 — Voci e locuzioni italiane derivate dalla lin- gua provenzale. Firenz e. 1840 . O. 452 3 ^^^ 0? TBD? fUHIVIHSITT] NANNUCCI 484 NARD UCCI —editor. Manuale della letteratura del primo secolo della lingua italiana. 2 edizione. Fi- renze, 1856-8. 2 v. D. 860 9 Vol. 1, poetry, v. 2. prose. Vol. 1 contains Della vita e delle opere di Nannucci. by Giovanni Tortoli. Xanquette, Henri. Cours d'amenagement des forets; precede d'une Notice historique sur I'art des amenagements par Parade. Paris, 1860. O. 551.58 42 EDICT OF NANTES. Marsh, G. P. The edict of Nantes, and its revocation. {In his Mediae- val saints. 1876.) 080 30 See especially HUGUENOTS. NAOGEORGl ( previously KIRCHMAIR), Tho- mas. Ende,— am. Nachricht von Naogeorgi Leben und Schriften. {In Strobel, (x. t. Miscel- laneen, 1778-81, v. 3.) 830 10 Napione di Cocconato, Giovanni Francesco Ga- leani, conte. Delle rovine della Grecia. (In Marchese, V. Manuale. 1846.) 709 2 NAPLES (kingdom). CoUetta, P. Storia del reame di Napoli, 1734-1825. Napoli, 1861. 4 v. Tt. 945 100 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Important." — Gemelli, G. Napoli e Austria: cenno storico- l)olitico. Firenze, 1859. D. 945 103 T— Giannone. P. Istoria civile del regno di Na- poli. Italia [Firenze], 1821. 8v. O. por. 945 95 — — Opere postume in difesa della sua Storia civile di Napoli. Palmyra, 1760. Q. 945 96 — Gindice, G. del, editor. Codice diplomatico del regno di Carlo I. e II. d' Angio, 1265-1309. 3v. F. 327 2 Vol. 2, pt. 2, wanting. — Liponari, N. Relatione delle rivolutioni popo- lari, successe nel distretto e regno di Napoli, iiel 1647 alii 7 luglio. Padova, 1648. S. 945 99 —Marsh, G. P. Sicilies, The Two. (In John- son's cyclopaedia.) In main library. — Niscia^ A. di. Storia civile e letteraria del regno di Napoli, Napoli, 1846. 2 v. in 1. O. 945 97 — Richardiis de S. Qerniano. Chronica [,1189- 1243]. Hannoverae, 1864. (In Pertz, G. H. Script, reruni German. 8.) 948 16 — Robello, G. Cenno critico intorno ad alcuni costurai ed usi dei Napoletani. P'irenze, 1850. D. 282 11 — Spinelli, M. I diurnali; con discorso del L. Loparco, e con note filologiche di C. d' Agosti- ni. Bari, 1865. D. 946 98 —Swinburne, H. Travels in the two Sicilies. 1777-80. London, 1783-5. 2 v. sqF. pi. map. 914.5.101 —Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Giornale del viaggio di Napoli, 1789-90. (In his Opere, 1815- 20, V. 7.) 858 5 See also CAMORRA; PISACANE, C. Naples (c/<2/)— Accademia delle scienze. Istoria deir incendio del Vesuvio, maggio 1737. Napo- li, 173§. sqQ. pi. 551.21 17 — Prisoners. Supplica alia maesta Vittorio Emmanuele II, e breve cenno delle infaraie in Napoli dei tribunali della pulizia e della dire- zione carceraria. [Napoli, 1869.] Q. 12 p. 366 2 —Aloe, S. Naples, ses monumens et ses curi- osite.s. 2 edition. Naples, 1853. S. maps. 914.6 89 — Clarlc, W. G. Naples and Garibaldi. (In Gal- ton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 — Fncini, R. Napoli a occhio nudo, lettere. Firenze, 1878. D. 914.5 90 —Lorenzo, G. di. La insalubrita di Napoli in rapporto alia igiene pubblica della citta. Na- poli, 1875. O. 614 2 — Marsh, C. C. (In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. — (^uaranta, B., cfc others. Napoli e i luoghi celebri delle sue vicinanze. Napoli. 1845. 2 v, Q. pi. maps. 914.5 88 — Rossmann, W. Vom Gestade der Cyklopen und Sirenen; Briefe. Leipzig, 1869. 0.914.5 91 See also POOR. Napole scontrafatto dapo la peste, see Valen- tino, G. B. NAPOLEON 1., emperor of the French. Chan- ning, W. E. Remarks on the life and character of Napoleon Bonaparte. (In his Works, 1848, V. 1.) 208 2 —Hall, B. Interview with Napoleon at St. He- lena, Aug. 1817. (In his Voyage to the eastern seas. 1827.) 915.1 2 — Lanfrey, P. Histoire de Napoleon Ier[,1769- 181 L V. 5,] 5 edition. Paris, 1867-75. 5 v. D. 944 38 — R^mnsat, C. E. J. G. de V. de. Memoires. 1802-8; jiublies par P. de Remusat. 1-8 edition. Paris, 1880. 3 v. O. 944 37 NAPOLEON III., emperor of the French, i. Napoleon III. Qu'avez-vouz fait de la France? Londres, 1867. O. 16 p. 944 48 — L'emperenr Napoleon III et son gouverne- ment ; etudes parisiennes par un non-diplo- mate; traduit de I'ailemande. Dresde, 1864. D. 944 47 — Les id<5es napoleoniennes. London, 1865. no. 1-7. O. 944 48 Contents: 1. Nassau Senior on the horrors of Dec. 1851; viith appendix. 2. Distress and degradation of Italy. 3. "Comme Francois II." 4. France pinioned, Europe paralysed and Italy prostrate. 5. The criminal aggression upon the Mexican republic, 6. Machiavelism and mystification. 7. France gagged and garotted. —Napoleon III en Algerie; par I'aviteur de L' orient rendu a lui-meme. 2 edition. Florence, [1865]. O. [34-] 27 p. 966 1 —Napoleon III et I'Europe en 1867. Paris, 1867. Q. 940 30 — Rogeard, A. Les propos de Labienus. Lon- dres, 1865. D. 31 p. 944 48.1 Same. 6 edition. Bruxelles, 1865. S. 19 p. 944 48.1 Napoleon III. in Italy, and other poems, see Browning, E. B. B. Napoli e sue vicinanze, 1845, see (juarauta, B., & others. Narcissus, ballet, see Stagnelins, E. J. Nardi, Francesco. Sui dialetti d'ltalia. Nuova edizioi.e accresciuta. Roma, 1872. O. 22 p. 457 2 Per le nozze del conte Guardino Colleoni con Caro- lina dei Giustiniani Bandini. Nardncci, Enrico. Di Benedetto Micheli e di un suo poema romanesco: La libberta romana. (In Rome— R. accad.dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 2, 1877-8.) — Intorno all' autenticita di NARDUCCI 485 NATURAL HISTORY un codice vaticano di Boezio De consolatione philosophiae, scritto da mano di Giovanni Boc- caccio; appendice di documenti riguardanti Bernardo Bembo. facsim. {In same. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 Intoruo ad un ms. della Biblioteca alessan- drina contenente gli apici di Boezio, senz' abaco e con valore di posizione. facsirn. (In same. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Opere geografiche nelle principali bibilothe- che governative dell' Italia. {In Rome— Soc geog. ital. Studj. 1875.) 016 25 — Saggiodel bibliografia del Tevere. Roma, 1876. O. 8+69 p. 016 15 bound unth 010 3 —Same. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 —editor, see Giordano of Rivalto. Prediche inedite. 1867. {In Emilia. Collezione. 16.) 850 6 Glares, Robert. A glossary to English authors, particularly Shakespeare and his contempora- ries. New edition, with additions by James O. Haliiwell and Thomas Wright. London, 1859. 2 V. O. 427 14 Ein Narr des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, see Zschokke, J. H. D. v. 3. Narrenbescliwornng, see Murner, T. Narrenschiir, see Brandt, S. Nascimento, Francisco Manoel do, translator. see Osorio, J. Da vida d' el rei Manoel. 1804-6. 946 80 iVash, Bennett Hubbard & Francis Philip. George Perkins Marsh. {In American acade- my. Proc. V. 18, 1882-3, p. 447-57.) 080 52 , — Same : Notice of George Perkins Marsh. Cambridge [,Mass.], 1883. O. p. 447-57. 080 53 A reprint of the preceding. Presentation copy from the authors. Nash, David William. Merlin the enchanter, and Merlin the bard. (In Merlin. 1865-9; in E. E.text soc. Orig. ser. 10, 21, 36.; 820 5 NASH, Richard, called Beau Nash. Goldsmith, O. The lite of Nash, principally from original papers. {In his Misc. works, 1837, v. 3.) 823 U Nasini, Raffaele. Studi sul potere rotatorio. U>i Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. /s. V. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Nast, Johann. Nachricht von einer hochst seltenen georgischen Bibel. (In Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 4.) 830 10 NATAL. Rogers, W. An account of Natal in Afrik. {In Dampier, W. Voyages, 1703-5, v. 2.) 910 25 Nathan der Weise, ein dramatisches Gedicht, see Lessing, G. E. v. 11. Nathan-David, Christian Georg, see David. Nathanson, Mendel Levin. Danmarks Handel, Skibsfart, Penge- og Finantsvsesen, 1730-1830; historisk fremstillet. Kjobenhavn, 1832-4. 3 v. D. 380 15 — Historisk statistisk Fremstilling af Dan- marks National og Stats Huusholdning, fra Frederik den 4de8 Tid indtil Nutiden. Kjo- benhavn, 1836. O. 330 16 — Udf0rligere Oplysninger om Handels- og Fi- nants- ViBsenet i Christian den 7des og Frederik den 6te8 Regjeringstid. Kjobenhavn, 1832 D. 380 16 NATIONALITY. Bluntschli, J. C. Die nationa- le Staatenbildung und der moderne deutsche Staat. Berlin, 1870. O. 47 p. {In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Mittel zur Er- haltung der Nationalifat besiegter Volker. 1810. {In his Werkfe, 1821-30, v. 2.) 908 2 NATRON LAKES, Egypt. Brugseh, H. C. Wanderungen nach den Natronklostern in ^gypten; Vorlesung. Berlin, 1855. S. 48 p. 916.2 5 Nattvardsbarnen, see Tegner, E. v. 2. La vievx Natura breuium, dernierment corri- gee et amend,' & cy nouuelment imprimee Londini, 1584. T. 347 2 NATURAL HISTORY. Bates, H. W. The nat- uralist on the river Amazons. London, 1864. D. il. pi. map. 390 17 — Belon, P. Les observations de plvsievrs sin- gvlaritez et choses memorables trowees en Grece, Asie, ludee, Egypte, Arable & autres pays estranges. Paris, 1588. O. il. pi. 590 18 —Belt, T. The naturalist in Nicaragua. Lon- don, 1874. D. il. pi. map. 590 16 — Horrebow, N. Tilforladelige Efterretninger om Island. rKJ0benhavn,] 1752. D. map. 914.9 5 _ — English: The natural history of Iceland. London, 1758. F. 7nap. 914.9 6 — Josselyn, J. New England's rarities discov- ered in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents and plants; with an introduction and notes by E. Tuckerman. Boston, 1865. O. il. 917.4 4 ' — Labsit, J. B. Nouveau voyage aux isles de I'Amerique. La Haye, 1724. 6 v. S. pi. maps. 917.2 7 — Mohr, N. Fors0g til en islandsk Naturhisto- rie. Ki0benhavn, 1786. D. pi. 590 14 — Olafsson, E. E. Olafsens og B. Povelsens Reise igiennem Island. Sor0e, 1772. 2 pt. in 1 v. sqO. iJZ. 914.9 10 — Pyrard, F. Traite et description des animaux, arbres & fruicts des Indes Orientales. {In his Voyage, 1615-19, v. 2.) 915.4 6 —Russell, A. The natural history of Aleppo. 2 edition. London, 1794. 2 v. sqQ. pi. maps. 915.6 22 — Tennent, J. E. Sketches of the natural his- tory of Ceylon. London, 1861. D. 590 15 — Thompson, Z. History of Vermont, natural, civil and statistical; with appendix, 1853. Bur- lington, 1853. O. il. 974 8 — U. S.— Naval astronomical expedition to tlie southern hemisphere, 1849-62. [Report.] Washington, 1855. v. 1-2. sqQ. il. pi. maps. 918.3 1 Contents: 1. GilHss, J. M. Chile. 2. Macrae, A.,cfc others. The Andes and Pampas. — -Yorkruzen, T. A. Norwegen, seine Fjorde und Naturwunder;eine naturwissenschaftliche Reise, 1871. Cassel, 1872. O. 914.8 20 — Yog'el, C. Naturbilder. 3 Auflage. Leipzig, 1852. O. ' 690 11 —Wilson, J. The natural history of the north- ern regions of America. {In Tytler, P. F. Dis- covery on the northern coasts of America. 1 833.) 973 15 NATURAL HISTORY 486 NAVIGATION —Yeats, J., & others. The natural history of commerce. London, 1870. D. map. 380 2 See also BOTANY; PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY; VOYAGES; ZOOLOGY. NATURAL MAGIC, see NATURAL MAGIC. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, see PHYSICS. NATURAL RELIGION. Babbage*C. The ninth Bridge-water treatise. 2 edition. London, 1838. O. 210 1 —Bell, C. The hand; its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design. Philadel- phia, 1833. b. il. (In Brldgewater treatises. 4.) 213 3 — Biickland, W. Geology and mineralogy con- sidered with reference to natural theology. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. O. pi. {In same. 6.) 213 2 Bnshnell, H. Nature and the supernatural, as together constituting the one system of God. London, 1863. D. 210 2 —Chalmers, T. On the power, wisdom and goodness of God, as manifested in the adapta- tion of external nature to the moral and intel- lectual constitution of man. Philadelphia, 1833. D. {In Bridgewater treatises. 1.) 210 3 .— Culverwel, N. An elegant discourse of the light of nature. London, 1652. sqD. 210 4 — Fownes, (J. Chemistry, as exemplifying the wisdom and beneficence of God. New York, 1844. D. (Actonian prize essay.) 213 6 — Hartwig, G. Gott in der Natur; oder, Die Einheit der Schopfung. Wiesbaden, 1864. O. il. 213 7 — Kidd, J. On the adaptation of external na- ture to the physical condition of man. Phila- delphia, 1833. D. (In Bridffewater treatises. 2.) 213 4 —Negri, G. La crisi religiosa. 2 edizione. am- pliata. Milano, 1878. D. 210 5 —Sander, H. Im Freien; Betrachtungen iiber die Giite und Weisheit Gottes in der Natur. 7 Auflage. Leipzig, 1862. D. 210 6 —Turner, S. The sacred history of the world in the creation and subsequent events to the deluge, philosophically considered. New York, 1832. S. 213 8 — Wliewell, W. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology. Philadelphia, 1833. D. (/n Bridgewater treat- ises. 8.) 213 5 NATURALIZATION. Marsh, G. P. Protection to naturalized citizens. {In Nation, v. 3, 1866, p. 115-16.) 080 33 Natnre: a weekly illustrated journal of science. 1869-82. London, 1870-82. v. 1-26. Q. il.por. 506 2 Several numbers are wanting. NATURE. Emerson, R. W. ^ature; Addresses and lectures. Boston, 1850. D. 814 4 — Hoffmann, F. Der Einfluss der Natur auf die Kulturentwicklung der Menschen. Berlin, 1885. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 — —Der Sinn f iir Naturschonheiten in alter und neuer Zeit. Hamburg, 1889. O. 62 p. (In same. Neue Folge. 3.) * 043 2 — Kober R. Die Grundprincipien der Schel- ling'schen Naturphilosophie. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. {In same. 16 Serie.) 043 1 — Marsh, G. P. The study of nature. {In Chris- tian examiner, v. 68, 1860, p. 33-62.) 080 58 — Motz, H. Ueber die Empfindung der Natur- schonheitbei den Alten. Leipzig, 1865. O. 701 3 — Sclialier, J. [Verhalten des Menschen zur Natur.] (in Cotta, B, Brief e iiber Humboldt's Cosmos, 1848-60, v. 2.) 561 25 A series of essays on nature, chiefly sesthetic, forming a commentary on pt. 8 of Humboldt's Kosmos. — Shairp, J. C. On poetic interpretation of na- ture. Edinburgh, 1877. D. 801 4 See also PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY ; THE llOMANTIC ; for the philosophy of nature see SCIENCE. DerNaturfreiind, see Tieck, J. L.Schriften, v. 15. Die natiirliche Tochter, Trauerspiel, see Gothe, J. W. Yon. V. 9. De natunr is mijne zanggodin, see Wolf, E. B. Nau, — , abbe. L'apparition de la Salette envisa- gee dans ses consequences. Paris, 1861. D. 237 4 Naufragio de Sepulveda, see Corte Real, J. Naiimann, Emil. Deutschlands musikalische Heroen in ihrer Riickwirkung auf die Nation. Berlin, 1873. O. 34 p. {In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 — Das goldne Zeitalter der Tonkunst in Venedig. Berlin, 1876. O. 48 p. {In same. 11 Serie.) 043 1 — Ludwig von Beethoven. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. (In same. 5 Serie.) . 043 1 Naumann, Karl Friedrich. [Various articles.] (In Leipsic— K. siichs. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-8.) 063 1 Nannton, Sir Robert. Fragmenta regalia, about 1630. From 3 edition of 1653. London, 1870. S. 64 p. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 20.) 820 9 Navagero, Bernardo, cardinal. Relazione, 1553. ( In Dociimenti di storia ottomana, 1842.) 949 54 —Relazione... da Carlo V. 1546. {In A., E. II- lustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 25 NAVAL SCIENCE. Ekbohrn, C. M. Nautisk ordbok. Gotheborg, 1840. O. i7. p?. 439.73 8 See also nOVVi^: GEIOIAM— >AVY; HARBORS; STEAM- BOAT. Navarrete, Martin Fernandez de, editor. Colec- cion de los viages y descubrimientos por los Espaiioles desde fines del siglo 15; con docu- mentos ineditos concernientes a la historia de la marina castellana y de los establecimientos espaiioles en Indias. Madrid 1825-37. 5 v. O. por, maps. 910 59 Contents: 1. Viages de Colon. — Documentos relatives a la dignidad del almirantazgo mayor de Castilla. 2. Documentos de Colon y de las primeras poblaciones. 3. Viages menores y los de Vespuoio.— Poblaciones en el Darien. — Suplemento. •!. Expedlcionesal Maluco: viage de Magallanes y de Elcano. 5. Expediciones al Maluco: viages de Loaisay de Saavedra. NAVIGATION. Albini,G. Guida del navigante nel littorale della Liguria, nel principato di Monaco, nella contea di Nizza e nell' isola di Capraja. Geneva, 1855. O. 94[-f-l]p. 527 3 ^Atlante idrografico del medio evo; pubblicato a fac-simile dai C. Desimoni e L. T. Belgrano. facsim. — Nuovi studi sull' Atlante Luxoro, pel C. Desimoni. {In Societk lignre. Atti. v. 5, 1867.) 945 48 NAVIGATION 487 NEGRI —Italy— Minister© di agiicoltura. Relazione e decreto sull' ordinamento del corso noimale per gl' insegnamenti nautici. Firenze, 1867. O. 12 p. 527 3 — Millet, C. (In his Merveilles des fleiives. 1871.) 551.48 6 —Ringgold, C. A series of charts, with sail- ing directions, state of California. 4 edition. Washington, 1852. Q. 48 Tp. pi. maps. 527 4 — Das Seebucli; von K. Koppmann ; mit einer nautischen Einleitung von A. Breusing; niit Glossar von C. Walther. Bremen, 1876. O. 830.1 8 — Supl^nient; ou. Description des cotes... depuis Acapulco jusques a I'isle de Chiloe. maps. {In Rogers, W. Voyage, 1716, v. 2.) 910 35 See also COMMERCE ; MABITIME LAW. Navne, L. S., pseudonym o/Hjort, P. ?(eale, Frederic Arthur. Eight years in Syria, Palestine and Asia Minor, 1842-50. London, 1851. 2 V. O. pi. 915.6 5 Neale, John Mason. English history for chil- dren. 6 edition. London, 1867. S. pi. 942 7 Neander, Johann August Wilhelni. Die Bedeu- tung des Thomas Arnold fiir den Standpunkt der kirchlichen Gegenwart. Berlin, 1846. O. 22 p. 923 9 — Der glorreiche Einzug Christi in Jerusalem ; eine Palmsonntagbetrachtung. Berlin, 1848. O. 21 p. 232 5 NEAPOLITAN DIALECT. Collezione di tutti i poemi in lingua napoletana. Napoli, 1783-9. 28 V. S. 859 19 For contents see Collezione. — (JaUani^F.Del dialetto napoletana. Edizione 2. Napoli, 1789. S. (In Collezione napoletana, V. 28.) 859 19 — — Vocabolario del dialetto napoletano. Na- poli, 1789. 2 V. S. {In same. v. 26-7.) 859 19 —Tosco, P. L'eccellenza della lingua napole- tana. {In same. v. 27.) 859 19 See also II coiitadin^l, 1873 ; Tasso, T. Lo Tasso napole- tano. 1689. Neckani, Alexander. De naturis rerum libri duo; with the poem of the same author De laudibus diviuag sapientiee ; edited by Thomas Wright, M. A. London, 1863. Q. {In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 34.) 942 8 — De utensilium nominibus. {In Jahrhuch roin. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.J 805 1 — De vita monachorum. {In Wright, T. Anglo- Latin satirical poets, 1872, v. 2: m same. 59.) 942 8 Neckelinann, Ludrig Conrad. Om Kommune- vaesenet i Danmark. Kj0benhavn [,pref. 1835]. O. 342 8 Necker de Saussure, Alberjtine Adrienne. L'e- ducation progressive; ou. Etude du corns de la vie. 4 edition. Paris, 1864. 2 v. D. 370 4 NECROMANCY, see ASTROLOGY. Nederlandsche niaatschappij voor grond-kre- diet. Droogmaking van het zuidelijk gedeelte der Zuiderzee; versameling van officieelle be- scheiden. 's Gravenhage, 1868. sqQ. maps. 627 46 Needhani, M. On the manufacture of iron. London, 1831. O. 32 p. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) 669 1 Neelsen, F. Unsere Freunde unter den niede- ren Pilzen. Berlin, 1883. O. 32 p. {In Vir- ohow f& Holtzendorff. Vortrdge. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Neergaard, Carl. Ravsmykkerne i Stenalde- ren. il. (7?i Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Aarb0ger. v, 23, 1888.) 948 5 Neergaard, Jens Veibel. Anmserkninger til Indberetningen af den Commission til at un- ders0ge det kongl. Stutteri. Kiobenhavn, 1827. D. [4-H] 43 p. 636 2 — Bidrag til Kundskab om Hovedstadens Straf- feanstalter og Varetsegtsfsengsler; med Hensyn til de nyere nordamerikanske Straffeanstal- ter. Kj0benhavn, 1839, O. tah. 365 3 — Fors0g . . . den engelske Fuldblodshest ... til Hesteavlens Forbedring i Danmark. Kioben- havn, 1830. D. 8+44 p. 636 2 — Har Prasmie-Uddelingen hidtil gavnet Lan- dets Hesteavl? Kiobenhavn. 1831. D. 10+ 43 p. 636 2 — Hesteavlen i Danmark. Kjobenhavn, 1827. D- 636 2 — Lseren om Hestens Exterieur. Kiobenhavn, 1837. V. 1. O, cfc Atlas. obO. 599 5 — Morderne Ole P. Koller0d's, Ole Hansen's, Peter Christian Knudsen's og flere andre For- bryderes Criminalsag, historisk-psycholcgisk bearbeidet. Kj0benhavn, 1838. O. por. 343 22 — Oplysninger om S. T. Stutteridirectionens Indberetning om mine Skrifter angaaende Hesteavlen i Danmark. Kjobenhavn, 1828. D. 636 2 — Et par Ord om Danmarks Hesteavl. Kioben- havn, 1832. D. [8+] 6+71 p. 636 2 — Udsigt over Menneskelivets forskjellige Epocher, fornemmelig 1 psychisk Henseende; et Fors0g. Kjobenhavn, 1826. D. [6+] 38 l + l]p. 136 1 Der Neife als Onkel, Lustspiel aus dem Fran- zosischen des Picard, see Schiller, J. C. F. von. Negri, Antonio cfc Giovanni de. Delia porpoia degli antichi e relazione di altri lavori nel labo- ratorio... pi. {In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Negri, Cristoforo. Discorso del presidente della Societa geografica italiana, 15 die. 1867;— 80 aprile 1871. Firenze, 1868-71. 2 v. O. 910 53 —Discorso letto 10 nov. 1874 nel Circolo lilo- logico di Firenze. Roma, 1874. Q. 22 p. 910 53 — La grandezza italiana ; studi, confronti e desiderii. Torino, 1864. O. 914.5 40 — Idee elementari per una legge in materia di acque. Torino, 1864. O. [2+] 32 p. . 333 15 — Leggi forestall ; memoria. [Torino,] 1864. O. 23 p. 551.58 86 — Le Memorie di Giorgio Pallavicino ; conside- razioni, Torino, 1882. S. 40 p. 923 78 — Memorie storico-politiche sugli antichi Greci e Romani. Torino, 1864. O. 937 6 Contents: Pref azione.— Quadro politico d' antica storia. — Sullo vicende dell' interne dlritto pubblico di Roma antica.— La traslazione della capitale a Bisanzio e la capitale dell' imperio in occidente. NEGRI 488 NETHERLANDS — Relazione del presidente della Societa geo- grafica italiana, 22 giugno 1868;— 4 die. 1868. [Fii-enze, 1868.] 2 v. O. 910 53 — La storia antica restituita a verita, e raflfron- tata alia moderna. Torino, 1865. O. 937 6.1 Chiefly Roman history. Negri, Domeulco Mario. Siciliae insulae descrip- tio. {In Rerum Sicularum scriptores. 1579.) 945 105 Negri, Gaetaiio. La crisi religiosa. 2 edizione, ampliata. Milano, 1878. D. 210 5 — Descrizione dei terreni componenti il suolo d' Italia. Milano [, 1879]. Q. il. pi. {In Stop- f^ani, A., & others. Geologia d' Italia; inL'Ita- ia. Parte 2.) 914.5 2 Negri, Giovanni Battista. . . . Studj e risposte ai qaesiti della giunta agraria sulle [condizioni delle classi agricole in Italia]. Como, 1878. O. 333 16 Negris, Alexander. A grammar of the Modern Greek language; with specimens of prose and verse. Boston, 1828. D. 489 4 NEORO-ENGLISH DIALECT. Foclte, H. C. Neger-Engelsch wooi'denboek. Leiden, 1855. O. 427 6 See also Bible— iV^. 7'.— Negro-English. NEGROES. Allen, W. F., & others, editors. Slave songs of the U, S. New York, 1867. O. vmsic. 398 31 — Wells, W. C. An account of a female of the white race, part of whose skin resembles that of a negro; with observations on the differences between the races. (/?i /m Two essays. 1818.) 535 4 See also MISCEGEXATION; SLAVERY. Negroni, Carlo, editor, see Bible— Italian. La Bibbia volgare, 1471, ristampata. 1882-7. {In Emilia. CoUezione. 56-65.) 850 6 Scelta di curiosita. 204, 228. 850 10 Nehrnian, David, see Ehrenstrale. Neidliart von Reuenthal; herausgegeben von Moriz Haupt. Leipzig, 1858. O. 831 60 Neissner, E, Horaz, Persius, Juvenal, die Hauptvertreter der romischen Satire. Berlin, 1884. O. 40 p. {In Virehow & Holtzendorff. Vortrdge. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Nem^nyi, Ambros. Journale und Journal isten der franzoischen Revolutionszeit. Berlin, 1880. O. 63 p. {In same. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Nemours, Marie d'Orleans, duchesse de. Me- moiret pendant la guerre de Paris jusqu'a... 1652, etc. {In Miehaud cfc Pomoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 23.) 944 9 Neocorns, Johann Adolfi, see Koster, J. A. NEOT, -S^. Life of St. Neot [,A.-S. and] Eng- lish. {In Cockayne, T. 0. Shrine. 1 864-70. )829 2 NEPAL, India. Dubeux, L., & Valmont, V. Nepal. 1848. pi. map. {In L'univers. Asie, 6-) 915.8 1 N€«^Aot, see Aristophanes. Nepos, Cornelius. Vitis excellentium impera- torum; ex editions Augustini van Staveren, [recensuit Joannes Carey], Londini. 1819. T ^ ,. 878 10 —English : The lives of nine chieftaines, trans- lated out of Latine from ^mylius Probus. {In Plutarclius. Lives. 1631.) 888 28 —French. {In same. Vies. 1565, v. 2.) 888 29 Le storie Nerbonesi, romanzo cavalleresco del secolo 14; per cura di I. G. Isola. Bologna 1877- 87. 3 V. O. {In Emilia. CoUezione. 46-8.) 850 6 Vol. 3 is Delle lingue e letterature romanze, di I. G. Isola. pt. 1-2. Nero, a tragedy, see Comfort, R. Nerucci, Gherardo. Saggio di uno studio sopra i parlari vernacoii della Toscana; vernacolo montalese. Milarjo, 1865. D. 457 25 NERVOUS SYSTEM. Angelucci, A. Osserva- zioni sulle alterazioni dei gangli intervertebrali in alcune malattie della midoUa. pi. {In Rome — R.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Bellonci, (x. Ricerche comparative s.ickleby, see Dickens, ',C. J. H. The Nicholas papers ; correspondence of Sir Edward Nicholas, secretary of state; edited by George F. Warner. Vol. 1: 1641-52. [London,] 1886. V. 1. sqO. (In Camden soc. n.s. 40.) 820 4.1 Nichols, John Gough, editor. The chronicle of Calais in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. , to 1540. London, 1846. sqO. (In Camden soc. 85.) 820 4 The discovery of the Jesuits' college at Clerkenwell, 1627-8. 1852. (In Camden misc. 3; in same. 55.) — Supplementary note. 1859. (In same. 4 ; 73.) 820 4 Inventories of the wardrobes, etc., of Henry Fitzroy, duke of Richmond, and of the wardrobe stuff of Katharine, princess dow- ager; with a memoir and letters of Richmond. 1855. facsim. (In same. 3 ; 61.) 820 4 Narratives of the days of the reformation ; compiled chiefly from the mss. of John Foxe; with two contemporary biographies of Arch- bishop Cranmer. [London,] 1859. sqO. (In same. 77.) 820 4 Two sermons preached by the boy bishop, temp. Henry VIII. and Mary; with introduc- tion by Edward F. Rimbault. [London,] 1875. sqO. 364-34 p. (/n Camden misc. 7; in same, n.s. 14) 820 4.1 see also the following publications of the Camden society : 820 4, 4.1 39. Chronicle oi the rebellion in LINCOLNSHIRE, 1470.— Coningsuf, T. Journal of the siege of Rouen, 1591. 1847. 42. Machyn, H. Diary. 1848. 48. The chronicle of Queen Jane. 1850. 63. Chronicle of the grey friars of London. 1852. 60. Great Britain. —Crown. Grants. 1854. 73. Pope, A. Letters to Atterbury. ia59. 94, 97. Dingley, T. History from marble. 1867-8 n. s. 18. Halkett, A. M. Autobiography. 1875. — & Bruce, J., editors. Wills from Doctor's commons; selection from the wills proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury, 1495- 1695. [London,] 1863. sqO. (/n Camden SOC. 83.) 820 4 Nicholson, John. The operative mechanic and British machinist. 1 American from 2 Lon- don edition, with additions. Philadelphia, 1826. 2 V. O. pi. 670 1 NICOBAR ISLANDS. Prahl, B. De nicobari- ske 0ers naervaerende Tilstand.samt Nytten for den danske Handel at befolke samme. Ki0ben- havn, 1804. S. 919.2 1 Nicodemus, Apocryphal gospel of, see Bible- Apocrypha. Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. Memoir of Thom- son, (/ri Thomson, J. Seasons. 1860.) 82111 —editor, see Chaucer, G. Poetical works, with memoir. 1866. 821 40 Digby, K. Private memoirs. 1827. 923 33 Fanshawe, A. H. Memoirs. 1830. 923 35 ^icolSMSf archbishop of Lund. Chronica episco- porum Lundensium. (In Langebek,J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 6.) 948 76 Sant Nicolaus, see Conrad von WUrzburg. Nicolay, Liidwig Heinrich, Freiherr von. An- thologie aus den Gedichten. Hildburgshausen , 1831. Tt. 94 [+2] p. (Miniatur-Bibliothek.) 831 69 Nicole. Pierre, pseudonym Guglielmus Wen- drockius. Choix des pensees de Nicole et son Traite de la paix avec les hommes. (In Pascal, B. Pensees. 1843.) 848 13 — annotator, see Pascal, B. Le provinciali. 1789. 282 19.1 NicoU, James. An historical and descriptive account of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe islands. [Anon] Edinburgh, 1840. D. maps, iltp. (Edmb. cab. lib.) 914.9 7 Nider, Johan. Liber de maleficis & eorum de- ceptionibus ex ipsius Formicario selectus. (In Sprenger, J., & others. Malleorum. 1582, v. 1.) 133 10 Niebuhr.Barthold Georg. Romische Geschich- te. Berlin, 1832-3. 3 v. O. 937 7 Vol. 1, 4 Auflage, v. 2, 2 Auflage. Vol. 8 was publish- ed from NIebuhr's papers by J. Classen. NIEBUHR 493 NINO Niebnhr, Carsten. Beschreibung von Arabien. Kopenhagen, 1772. sqQ. pi. facsim. maps. 915.3 9 — Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Landern. Kopenhagen, 1774- 1847. 3 V. sqO. por. pi. facsim. maps. 915.3 10 —Austin, S. T. Life of Niebuhr. London, 1829. O. 32 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 923 74.1 Mel, D^sir^. L'agriculture des Etats Sardes. Turin, 1856. D. tab. 630 34 NIELS, St. De vita beati Nicolai Arusiensis. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772- 1884, V. 5.) 948 76 Niels Klims underjordiske Reise.see Holberg,L. Nielsen, Anton. Bondeliv; Fort£ellinger. 1-3 Samling. [v. 1,] 2 Oplag. Kj0benhavn, 1867- 9 [,v. 1, '68]. 3 V. D. 839.83 34 Nielsen, 0. Heiregaarden Plovstrup ved Ribe". (In Copenhagen— K.nord. Old.-Selskab. Anna- ler. v. 20, 1860.) 948 2 Niem, Thierry. Vitse pontificum Romanorum a Nicolao Urbanum V.,inde ad 1418 con- tinuatae. {In Eckhard, J, G. von. Corpus hist. , 1723, V. 1.) 943 13 Nienhof or Ny'hof, Johan. Het gezantschap der Neerlandtsche Oost-Indische compagnie aan den grooten Tartarischen cham, keizer van China, 1655-7. Amsterdam, 1665. F. il. pi. 915.1 4 MEVOLE. Torrigiani, A. Le castella del Val di Nievole; studj storici. Nuova edizione. Fi- renze, 1867. O. map. 945 83 Niflnnga saga, see Dietrich of Bern. Nigellns, see Wireker, N, NIGER. Lander, R, & J. Journal of an ex- pedition to explore the Niger. New York, 1832. 2 V. S. il. por. map. 916.6 6 Nightingale, Florence. Cenni sulF assistenza degli ammalati ; tradotto dall' inglese da Sa- billa Novello. Nizza [,1860]. O. 95 p. 616 32 —Life or death in India, 1873 ; with an appen- dix on life or death by irrigation, 1874. Lon- don, 1874. O. 63 p. 614 2 NIGHTMARE. Cnbasch, W. Der Alp. Berlin, 1877. O. 36 p. {In Vircliow cfc Holtzendorlf. Vortrage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 Nigra, Costantino. Fonetica del dialetto di Val-Soana, Canavese.— II gergo deiValsoanini. {In Avchivio glot. ital. v. 3, 1878.) 450 11 Nigri, see Negri. , Nikolaus, St., bishop of Linkdping, translator, see Rembertus, St. S. Anscharii vita. 1677. 923 92 NILE. Baker, S.W. The Albert N'yanza, great basm of the Nile, and exploration of the Nile sources. London, 1866. 2 v. O. il. pi. map. 916.7 1 — Brun-Roliet, A. Le Nil blanc et le Soudan, Paris, 1855. O. por. map. 916.2 26 — Kloden, G. A. von. Das Stromsvstem des oberen Nil; nach den neueren Kenntnissen mit Bezug auf die alteren Nachrichten. Berlin, 1856. O. maps. 916.7 2 — Lombardini, E. Saggio idrologico sul Nilo. Milano, 1864. Q. 72+8 [+2] p. 551.48 5 — Miani, G. Confronto geografico intorno alle scoperte del Nilo fatte dai Speke e Grant e da Miani. Trieste, 1864. F. 4 p. irssyni; ved K. Gislason. 1849. 839.63 35 9. Jutland. Kong Valdemar den andens jyske Lov; ved N. M. Petersen. 1850. 349 54.1 10. Itaiidamaiina saga, ved H. Friffriksson. 1850. 839.63 24 11. firairas; af V. Pinsen. pt. 1. 1850. 839.68 9 12. SiiirSar kvffiffi; ved V. U. Hammershaimb. 1851. 839.61 23 13. Seeland. Valdemars Lov. og Absalons Kirkelov; ved P. G. Thorsen. 1852. 349 58.1 14. Eriks ssellandske Lov; ved P. G. Thorsen. 1852. 349 58.2 16. Fostbraeffra saga; af K. Gislason. 1852. 839.63 34 16. (Jrettis saga; af G. Magnusson og G. Thordarson. pt. 1. 1853. 839.63 37 JfordQordhesten, see Lie. J. NORDSJiELLANI), see SEELAND. Nordstjernan; witterhetsstycken och poemer. Stockholm [,1843-4]. 2 v. O. por. 829.7 5 Noreen, Adolf. Dalbymalets Ijud- ock bojnings- lara. 61 p. {In Nyare bidrag, v. 1, 1878.) 439.77 3 Norfolk, John. In artem progressionis summu- la. {In Halliwell-Phillips, 0. J. Rara mathe- matica. 1839.) 510 3 Norges Daemring, et polemisk Digt, see Wei- haven, J. S, C^Skrifter, v. 1. Norika, see Hagen, E. A. Nork, F,, pseudonym of Korii, F. Norlandz chronika, see Gyldenstalpe, D. Norman, Benjamin Moore. Rambles in Yuca- tan. New York, 1843. O. il. pi. iUp. map. 917,2 3 Norman, Henry Wilkins, editor & translator, see Basilius. Anglo-Saxon version of Hexame- ron... 1849. 829 13 NORMAN CONQUEST, see t}REAT BRITAIN — HISTORT. NORMAN LITERATURE. Meyer, M. P. H. Bribes de litterature anglonormande. {In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 —Michel, F. X., editor. Chroniques anglo-nor- mandes. Rouen, 1836-40. 3 v. O. 841 5 For contents see Michel. —Wright, T. Anglo-Norman poetry. {In his Essays. 1846. v. 1.) 820 3 — — Biographia Britannica literaria ; Bio- graphy of literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland: Anglo-Norman period. London, 1846. O. 928 1 See also Benoist; CHARLEMAGNE; Cochon. P.; Conquest of Ireland; Croniques de London; EDWAUD III.; Fanto- 81118, J.; Ciaiinar, G.; H^riiwXm of Fontenai; Great Britain- Master of the rolls; Grosscteste, R.; Mansourah; Marie de France; Oleron; Roiiianz de un ohivaler; Wace, R. NORMANDY. Benoist. Chronique des dues de Normandie; publiee par F. Michel. Paris, 1836- 44.3 V. sqQ. facsivi. 841 10.1 — Estrnp, H. F. J. Bemserkainger paa en Reise i Normandiet i 1819. Ki0benhavn, 1821. D. 914.4 8 — Stevenson, J., editor. Narratives of the ex- pulsion of the English from Normandv, 1449- 50. London. 1863. Q. {In Gt. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 32.) 942 8. — Walsingham, T. Ypodigma Neustriae; edited by H. T. Riley. London, 1876. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 28, pt. 7.) 942 8 See also NORTHMEN. Soguiattr af Norna-Westi. (In Rafii,C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 1.) 839.63 12 Norreports Vagt St. Hans Aften, Vaudeville, see Overskou, T. NORSE DIALECTS. Firmenich-Richartz, J. M. Norwegische Mundarten. {In his Germaniens Volkerstimmen, 1846-54, v. 3.) 839.1 1 NORSE LANGUAtJE. Hallager, L. Norsk Ord- samling; tilligemed Viser i det norske Bonde- sprog. Kj0benhavn, 1802. O. 439.87 1 — Petersen,N.M. Detdanske, norske og svenske Sprogs Historie. Kiobenhavn, 1829-30. 2 v. in 1. D. 439.6 1 ,S«(?afeo DANISH LANGUAGE; Nor^vay. Norges gamle Lov indtil 1387; Thorkelin, G . J. Analecta; for Old-Norse see ICELANDIC. —DICTIONARIES. Aasen, I. A. Norsk Ordbog med dansk Forklaring. Christiania, 1873. O. 439.87 2 — — Daa, L. K. Svensk-norsk Haand-Ordbog. Kristiania, 1841. 2v.ini. sqS. 439.73 4 — — Listov, A. Ordsamling fra den norske ae- sthetiske Literatur siden 1842. Kj0benhavn, 1866. O. 439.83 1 NOR^E LANG UA GE 496 NOR WA T— CONSTITUTION — —Welander, P. 0. Norskt- (och danskt-) qvenskthandlexikon; genomsedt af C. A.Guld- serg. Christiania, 1844. sqS. 439.73 6 — — — Svensk-dansk-norsk Lommeordbog; ud- given af S. Strohm. Kjobenhavn, 1846. sqT. , 439.73 5 — GRAMMAR. Aasen, I. A. Norsk Grammatik. Christiania, 1864. O. 439.87 3 — — iDyrlund, N. K. F. Det norske Foikesprogs Grammatik ved Asen. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tiddskrift. v. 2, 1846-8.) 948 4 --LITERATURE. Botten-Hansen, P. La Nor- vege litteraire; catalogue systematique et rai- sonne de tous les ouvrages imprimes en Nor- vfege, ou composes par des auteurs norvegiens, au 19e siecle; precede d'une introduction histo- rique. Christiania, 1868. O. 015 5 For other treatises, and for references to single au- thors, see DAM8H LITERATURE; see also ICELANDIC LIT- ERATURE. Norsk Landmandsbog for 1865-7; udgivet af AntonRosing[;1868-70, af P. Chr. Asbj0rnsen]. 1-3 Udgave. Christiania, 1865-70. v. 1-6. S. 839.88 3 Norske Forstforening, Aarbog for 1881. Kri- stiania, 1881. O. 551.58 3 Norske Turistforening. Aarbog for 1868-71. Christiania, 1868 [-71]. 4 v. S cfe O. il. pi. maps. 914.8 8 NorskeViser og Stev, see Mailing, P. T. North,' Roger. The lives of Francis North, baron Guilford, Sir Dudley North and the Rev. John North. [3] edition, with notes and illus- trations [by Henry Roscoe]. London, 1826. 3 v. O. por. 923 75 North, Thomas, translator, see Plutarchns. Lives. 1631. 888 28 NORTH AMERICA, see AMERICA; also BRIT- ISH AMERICA; MEXICO; UNITED STATES. NORTH FRIESLAND, see FRISIAN ISLANDS. NORTH POLE, see ARCTIC REGIONS. Royal society of Northern antiquaries, see Co- penhagen— Kongelige nordiske Oldskrift-Sel- skab. Northern antiquities, see Mallet, P. H. For the general subject see SCA>'DINA VIA— ANTIQUITIES. NORTHMEN. Amato. L'ystoire de li Normant, et La chroniquede Robert Viscart; publiees par ChampoUion-Figeac. Paris, 1835. O. 944 59 ^Depping, G. B. Normannernes S0toge pg deres Nedsaettelse i Frank erig i det lOde Ar- hundrede; oversat af N. M. Petersen K0ben- havn, 1830. D. 944 58 — Dondorif, H. Die Normannen und ihre Be- deutung liir das europaische Culturleben im Mittelalter. Berlin, 1875. O. 40 p. (In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrilge. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber den Einfluss der Normannen auf franzosische Sprache und Lit- teratur. (In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 2.) 908 2 — 'Laiiig, S. Preliminary dissertation. (In Stiir- luson, S. Heimskringla, 1889, v.l.) 839.63 16.1 — Schiern, F. S. Udsigt over Udvandringerne fra Normandiet til Italien. og Normannernes forste Erobring i Neapel og Sicilien. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler, V. 5, 1884-5.) 948 2 — The war of the Gaedhil with the Gaill; or, The invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen; the Irish text, edited, with translation and introduction, by J. H. Todd. London, 1867. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br. — Mas- ter of rolls. Chron. and mem. 48.) 942 8 — Wheaton, H. History of the Northmen, to the conquest of England. Philadelphia, 1831. O. 948 19 — Winckler, A. Gregor VII. und die Norman- nen. Berlin, 1875. O. 40 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Worsaae, J. J. A. Den danske Erobring af England og Normandiet. Kj0benhavn, 1863. O. map. 948 93 See also AMERICA— DISCOVERY; COMNENI; DENMARK; ICELANDIC LITERATUBE-SAGAS; NORMANDY; SCANDI- NAVIA; also the publications of Copenhagen- K. nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. NORTHUMBRIAN DIALECT, see Bible— iV. T. —Matthew ; Rolle de Haiapole, R. NORTHWEST PASSAGE. Ross, J. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a north-west passage, 1829-33. Philadelphia, 1835. O. map. 919.8 7 — Rnndall, T. Narratives of voyages towards the north-west in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496-1631. London, 1849. O. maps. 919.8 4 — Scotto, B. Opuscoli circa un progetto di navigazione pel settentrione alJa China; editi nel principio del secolo 17, e repubbJicati dal L. T. Belgrano. (/?i Societk ligure. Atti. v. 5, 1867.) 945 48 Chiefly in French. The north-west passage by land, see Milton, W. W.-F., & Cheadle, W. B. Norton, Charles Eliot. Historical studies of church-building in the middle ages ; Venice, Siena, Florence. New York, 1880. O. 726 7 — Notes of travel and study in Italy. Boston, I860. 914.5 41 — A review of a translation into Italian of the commentary by Benvenuto da Imola on the Divina commedia. Cambridge, Mass., 1861. O. 32 p. 851 53 The translation is by Giovanni Tamburini. It is pro- nounced "worse than worthless" by Mr. Norton. Norway. Jus aulicum antiquum Norvagicum, Hird-Skraa vocatum, a Jano Dolmero in lin- guam Danicam & Latinam transldtum, nOtis4; illustratum; curis Petri Joh. Resenii a quo adjungitur Jus aulicum antiquum Danicum, Witherlags Rsett dictum, cum versione Dani- ca & Latina ac notis. Haffnise, 1673. sqD. 349 41 — Norges ganile Lov indtil 1387 ; udgivne ved R. Keyser og P. A. Munch. Christiania, 1846-9. 3 V. F. 349 37 -Constitution. Kongeriget Norges Grundlov; tilligemed en Samling af de Lovbestemmelser der danne Norges constitutionelle, unionelle og communale Retsforfatning. Christiania, 1844. Tt. 342 9 — — Rieder, 0. M. Den norske Statsforfat- nings Historic og V»sen. Kjobenhavn, 1841. O. 342 10 NOR WA Y— FOR ST VMSEN 497 NOR WA Y—HISTOR Y — ForstvsBsen. Forskjellige Indberetninger fra de Funktionaerer, 1857-73. Christiania, 1874. V. 1. O. 551.68 98 hound with 81 Contents: 1. Det S0nden- og Vestenf jeldske. ^Uyenip, R. Historisk statistisk Skildring af Tilstanden i Danmark og Norge i aeldre og nvere Tider. Ki0benhavn, 1803-6. 4 v. in 5. S: 948 14 For contents see Jiyerup. — Pontoppidaii, E. Det f0r8te Fors0g paa Nor- ges naturlige Historie. Ki0benhavn, 1752-3. 3 V. sqO. pi. map. 554,8 2 — Schiibeler, F. C. Die Culturpflanzen Nor- wegens; mit einem Anhange iiber die altnor- wegische Landwirthschaft. Christiania, 1862. sqQ. il. pi. map. 581 14 _- — Die Pflanzenwelt Norwegens, ein Beitrag zur Natur- und Culturgeschiehte Nord-Euro- pas. Christiania, 1873-5. sqQ. il. maps. 581 15 — Sahm, P. F. Om Norge.— Om Oeconomien, saerdeles Norges. — Opniuntring til de Danske og Norske. — Om Danmarks og Norges Tilstand i Henseende til Handelen. {In his Skrifter, 1788-98, V. 6.)— Om de Norskes Fortiengster i Henseende til Videnskaberne. {In same. v. 7.) 839.88 5 See also GEOLOGY; SCA>DI>AVIA. — ANTIl^UITIES. The ancient vessel found in the parish of Tune, Norway. Christiania, 1872. F. 6 p. pi. 913 47 bound with 17 — — iElUirer, L. D. Norske Mindesmaerker, aftegnede paa en Reise igjennem en Deel af det Nordenfjeldske, og beskrevne. Christiania, 1823. sqO. pi. music, maps. 913 51 — — Sch^ning, (j}.Fors0gtil denordiske Landes, saerdeles Noi'ges, gamle Geographic. Ki0ben- havn, 1751. sqO. 914.8 17 — — Urda, et norsk antiqvarisk-historisk Tids- skrift; udgivet af Directionen for det Bergen- ske Museum. Bergen, 1837-42. 2 v. in 1. sqQ. pi. 913 61 —BOUNDARY. Lignell, A. Upplysningar till sodra delen af gransbestammelsen mellan Sve- rige och Norge i sednare half ten af 13de arhun- dradet. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- Skab. Annaler. v. 9, 1849.) 948 2 — — Mnnch, P. A.Bemserkninger ved Graendse- bestemmelsen mellem Norge og Sverige i det 13de Aarhundrede. map. {In same. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 — — Werlaulf, E. C. Graendsebestemmelse mel- lem Norge og Sverrig i det 13de Aarhundrede. {In same. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 2 —DESCRIPTION. Bowden, J.Norway, its peo- ple, products and institutions. London, 1867. O. 914.8 10 — —Breton, W. H. Scandinavian sketches; or, A tour in Norway. London [, 1835]. O. pi. map. 914.8 10.1 — — BuclijL.C. YOn.Resa igenom Norrige, 1806- 8; jemte ett bihang ur Hausmanns resa genom Skandinavien, 1806-7, en tabell ofver Norriges befolkning, ar 1801 ; ifran tyskan. Stockholm, 1814. D. ^ 914.8 11 — — — Voyage en Norvege et en Laponie, 1806- 8; traduit par J. B. Eyries. Paris, 1816. 2 v. O. maps. 914,8 12 Carpelan, W. M. Pittoresk resa til norska fiellen. Stockholm, 1821-3. 3 pt. in 1 v. F'. *' 914.8 13 Clanss0n, P. Norriges oc omliggende 0er8 sandfferdige Bescrittuelse. Ki0benhaflfn, 1632. sqD. 914.8 13.1 Forbes, J. D. Norwegen und seine Glet- scher; aus dem Englischen von E. A. Zuchold, Leipzig, 1855. O. 551.31 8 Friis, J. A. Hans Majestaet Kong Oscar II. s Reise i Nordland og Finmarken, 1873. Christiania, 1874. O. por. pi. 914.8 16 Muller, 0. F. Reise igiennem Ovre-Tille- marken til Christiansand og tilbage, 1775. Ki0benhavn, 1778. D. 914.8 14 Mumsen, J. Tagebuch einer Reise nach dem siidlichen Theil von Norwegen, 1788. Hamburg, 1789. S. 914.8 15 Norske Tiiristforening. Aarbog for 1868- 71. Christiania, 1868[-71]. 4 v. S (fc O. il pi. maps. 914.8 8 Sch0nlng,(i.Fors0gtil de nordiske Landes, sserdeles Norges. gamle Geographie. Ki0ben- havn, 1751. sqO. 914.8 17 Reise giennem en Deel af Norge, 1778-5. Ki0benhavn, 1778. sqO. pi. maps. 914.8 18 Siljestrom, P. A. Anteckningar och ob- servationer rorande Norrige, i synnerhet de nordligaste delarna af detta land. Norrko- ping, 1842. D. 914.8 19 Tozer, H. F. Norway, il. {In Galton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 VerkrUzen, T. A. Norwegen, seine Fjorde und Naturwunder ; eine naturwissenschaftliche Reise, 1871. Cassel, 1872. O. 914.8 20 Welhaven, J. S. C. {In his Skrifter, 1867- 8, V. 7.) 839.84 2 Wittich, W. A visit to the western coast of Norway. London, 1848. S. 914.8 21 Wolff, J. L. Norriga illustrata. Ki0ben- hafn, 1651. sqD. 914.8 22 See also COASTS; EGER-PB^TEOIELD; FINMAKK; GREXLAND; \OKWAY-STATISTICS; SCANDINAVIA; SIL- LEJORDS PBJESTEGIEID; SONDM0R; TRONDHJEM. —HISTORY. Baden, G. L. Det norske riges Historie. Ki0benhavn, 1804. D. 948 21 Falsen, C. M. Norges Historie under Kong Harald Haarf ager og bans mandlige De- scendenter. Christiania, 1823-4. 4 v. O, 948 22 ^Faye, A. Norges Historie. 3 Oplag. Chri- stiania, 1842. O. 948 8.1 Keyser, J. R. Samlede Afhandlinger. Christiania, 1868. O. por. 948 10 For contents see Keyser. Le Bas, P. Suede et Norwege. Paris, 1838. O. por. pi. map. {In L'univers. 62.) 910 18 — ~.Mnnch, P. A. Det norske Folks Historie. Christiania, 1852-63. 8 v. O. por. tab. maps. 948 24 — — i — Oplysninger om det pavelige Archiv og dets Indhold. fornemmelig for Norges Historie; udgivet af Gustav Storm. Christiania, 1876. O. [3+] 78 p facsim. 948 25 — — — Samlede Afhandlinger; udgivne af G. Storm. Christiania, 1872. v. l,pt. 1-2. O. 948 26 NOR WA Y—HISTOR Y 498 NO VELLINO editor. Symbolae ad historian! antiquio- renirerum Norvegicarura. Christiania [, 1850]. F. [7+] 8+59 p. facsim. 948 27 bound with 913 17 Contents: Breve chronicon Norvegiae.— Genealogia comitum Orcadensium— Catalogus regum Norvegiae. 8ch0lling, (x, Afhandling oni de Norskes Opx-indelse; med Tiids-Regningen til Harald Haarfagers Tiider.' Sor0e, 1769. sqO. tab. 948 20 Norges Riiges Historie. Sor0e, 1771-81. 3 V. sqO. 948 29 _ —Storm, (x, Norske Historieskrivere paa Kong Sverres Tid. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 Sturliison, S. The heimskringla; or, The sagas of the Norse kings; from the Icelandic by S. Laing. 2 edition, by R. B. Anderson, New York, 1889. 4 v. O. maps. 839. G3 16.1 For other editions see Stiirliisoii. — — Torfason, T. Historia rerum Norvegica- rum. Hafnise, 1711. 4 pt. in 2 v. F. 948 30 See ditto DKXMAUK: OLAF; SCAXDIXAVIA; SIGl'KI) I.; SVEBBE SIGUUDS0N; SVOLDEB. — POLITICS. Magnusson, A., collector. Diplo- matarium exhiljens monunienta historian! at- que jura Daniie, Norvegiae... illustrantia; edidit G. .J. Tl!orkelin. Havnia?, 1786. 2 v. in 1. sqO. pi. 327 5 Welliaven, J. S. C. Samlede Skrifter. Kjobenhavn, 1867-8. 8 v. in 4. D. jaor. 839.84 2 —SOCIAL CONDITION. Keyser, J. R. Nord- maendenes private Liv i Oldtiden. .{In his Ef- terladte Skrifter, 1866-7, v. 2.} 948 9 Sundt, E. L. Om Husfliden i Norge. 2 Oplag. Kristiania, 1867-8. D. 331 17 See also POOB; VAGABONDS; also references under —STATISTICS. Blom, (J. P. Das Konigreich Norwegen, statistisch beschrieben. Leipzig, 1845. 2v. O. maps. 319 19.1 — — Broch, 0. J. Kongeriget Norge og det norske Folk; Beretning af given til Kongressen for Sundhedsforhold og Redningsvaesen i Brvs- sel 1876. Kristiania, 1876. O. 314 '21 ^ — — Le royaunie de Norvege et le peuple norvegien; rapport a I'exposition universelle de 1878 a Paris. Christiania, 1878. O. il. maps. 314 21.1 — — -Wulfsbergj C. A. Norges naturlige Vel- standskilder. Christiania, 1872. O. 314 20 See also ABCHITECTUBE ; CHASTITY .' CLEANLINESS ; DROWNING ; EIDSVOLD ; FISHEBIES ; ILLEGITIMACY ; ITCH; 9IABBIAGE; POOB; TEMPEBANCE ; VITAL STA- TISTICS. NORWEGIAN, see NORSE. Norwich. Visitations of the diocese, 1492-1532; edited by A. Jessopp. [London,] 1888. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 43.) 820 4.1 Norwood; or, Village life in New England, see Beecher, H. W. NOSE. Desor, E. Etude sur le nez. pi. {In his La forat vierge. 1879.) 661.58 120 See also SMELIi. Not ab uno e Societate Jesu, pseudonym of Marsh, 0, P. Notaris, (linsejppe de. Descrizione di una nu- ova specie del genere trapa. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 066 3 NOTEBORG. Europaius, A. J. Om det note- borgska fredsfordraget og dess foljder. {In Copenhagen— K, nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 20, 1860.) 948 2 Notes on the recent murders by brigands in Greece, 1870, see Gennadius. Notes oi! the south Slavonic countries in Au- stria and Turkey in Europe; edited by Hum- phry Sandwith. Edinburgh, 1865. O. 66 p. maps. 949 71 Nothing to wear, see Butler, W. A. Notker, siirnamed Labeo, monk of St. Gall. Psalterium Davidicuni e Latino in Theotiscani veterei!! lii!guam versum, {In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1827-8, v. 1.) 830 9 Nott, George Frederick, editor, see Surrey, H. H., & Wyatt, T. Works. 1815-16. 821 101 Nonlet, Jean Baptiste, editor, see Joyas del gay saber. 1849. 849 12 Nouvel abi'ege chronologique de I'histoire de France, see Heiianlt, C. J. F. Nouvrtle biographie gei!erale, — universelle, see Hoefer, J. C. F., editor. NOUVELLE FRANCE, see CANADA. Nouvelle moralite d'vne pauure fille villageoise, laquclle ayma niieux auoir la teste couppee par son pere, que d'estre violee par son seigneur. Paris, n. d. S. 38 p. 842 9 Nova, Santillo, pseudonym of Yillano, S. Nova polei!iica di L. Stecchetti.see Guerrini, 0. NOVA ZEMBLA. Sporer, J. Nowaja Semla in geographischer, naturhistorischer und volks- wirthschaftlischer Beziehung. Gotha, 1867. sqQ. maps. {In Peterii!anns Mittheilungen : Erganzungsband 5.) 910 44 Die overwintering dei' Hollanders op Nova Zembla, see Tollens, H. C. Novalice monastery. Chronicon Novalicience, ex i-ecei!sione Bethmanni. Hannoverae, 1846. O. {In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum. German. 3.) 943 16 Novalis, pseudonym of Hardenberg,F. L. von. NOVARA. Rusconi, A., & others. Monografie novaresi. Novara, 1878. D. il. pi. maps. 914.6 58 Novelas exemplares, see Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Novella del Cerbino, see Cerbino. Novella della flglia del redi Dacia; testoinedito del buon secolo della lingua. Pisa. 1866. Q. 853 13 Edited by A. Veselovski. Edition of 100 copies. 8e^ alfo Bappresentazione di santa Ullva. Novelle, see Gothe, J. W. von. v. 15. Novell!, Pletro Antonio. Sonetto. {In Gamba. B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 12.) 869 50 Novellino provenzale ; ossia, Volgarizzamento delle antiche vitarelle dei trovatori scritte in lingua d'oc da Ugo di S. Ciro, da Michele della Torre e da altri. Bologna, 1870. D. {In Scel- ta di curiosita. 107.) , 860 10 Edited by G. Galvani. NOVELLINO. Ancona, A. d.' Le fonti del No- vellino. Pt. 1. {In Romania, v. 2, 1873.) 479 6 NO VELS 499 NUJSFES NOVELS, see FICTION. Nover, Jakob. Bedeutung und Nachwirkung germanischer Mythologie. Berlin, 1880. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 —Richard Wagner nnd die deutsche Sage. Hamburg, 1889. O. 48 p. {In same. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 — Wilhelni Tell in Poesie und Wirklichkeit. Hamburg, 1887. O. 34 p. (In same. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Novum Monasterium, see Neumftnster ; New- minster. Nowdk, A. F. P. Die Rathsel unserer Quellen. Leipzig, 1852. O. pi. 551.49 1 Noyes. Daniel James. Memoir of Daniel Gookin Upham. n. p. [,1871.] O. 58 p. phot. 923 94 NUBIA. Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in Nubia. 2 edition. London, 1822. sqQ. por. maps. 916.2 24 — Cli^nibini, S. Nubie. 1847. pi. map. {In L'lmivers. 3.) 910 18 — RUppeil, W. P. E. S. Reisen in Nubien... Frankfurt a. M., 1829. O. pi. maps. 916.2 25 NuciuSj Nicander. The second book of The travels; edited from the Greek ms.,with ti'ans- lation, by J. A. Cramer. London, 1841. sqO. (/n Camden soc. 17.) 820 4 NUEVA ESPANA, see MEXICO. NUMBER in grammar. Fox, (j., cfc others. A battle-door for teachers to learn singular and plural, you to many, and thou to one. London, 1660. Q. 099 10 NUMBER in mathematics. Bessel, F. Ueber Zahl und Maass. Berlin, 1882. O. 36 p. {In Virchow OKUEXCES; MATHEMATICS; M\E. NUMIDIA. Bureau de la Malle, A. J. C. A. L'Algerie; histoire des ^uerres des Romains, des Byzantins et des Vandales. Paris, 1852. D. 939 6 — Lacroix, L. Numidie. {In L'nnivers. 2.) 910 18 NUMISMATICS. Avignone, G. Medaglie dei Liguri e della Liguria descritte. pi. . {In Soci- ety ligure. Atti. v. 8, 1868.) 946 48 — Aymard, A. Notice sur une decouverte de monnaies du moyen age. {In Puy de Dome — Soci6t6. Annales. 1839.) 944 61 — Bamberg'er, L. Zur deutschen Miinzgesetz- gebung. Berlin, 1872. O. 30 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 —Bergman, C. J. De nummis Gothlandicis dissertatio, Upsaliae, 1837. O. 16 p. pi. 737 3 — Bergs0e, S. Nogle danske M0nter fra Mid- delalderen i fremmede Samlinger. il. {In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. V. 17, 1882.) 948 5 — Buclion, J. A. C. Monnaies des empereurs fran9ais de Constantinople, pi.. {In his Re- cherches, 1840, v. 1.) 949 37 —Copenhagen— Kongelige nordiske Oldskrift- Selskab. Om Mynt- og Medaille-Cabinettet. il. (In its Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1-3, 1843-51.) 948 4 — Du Cange, C. du F. De imperatorum Con- stantinopolitanorum numismatibus disserta- tio. (Jn/tisGlossarium, 1840-57, V. 7.) 479 2 —Duval, V. J. CEuvres. S. Petersbourg, 1784. 2 V. O. il. por. 846 3 — Erslev, K. Quelques remarques sur les plus anciennes monnaies du Danemark. il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab.IMemoires. n. s. V. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Roskildes feldste M0nter. il. {In savie. Aarb0ger. v.. 10, 1875.) 948 5 — Hallenberg, J. Explicatio nummorum Cufi- corum. il. {In his Quatuor monumenta. 1802.) 913 50 — Hauberg, P. Danmarks Myntvsesen og Myn- ter, 1241-1377. {In Copenhagen— K. nord.Old.- Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 19, 1884.)— Sa??ie, 1377- 1481. (//i same. V. 21, 1886.) 948 5 French : Coup d'oeil sur I'histoire de la monnaie en Danemark, 1241-1377. il. {In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 — Lindberg, J. C. Essai sur les monnaies cou- fiques frappees par les emirs de la famille des Bouides et les princes de leur dependance. {In same. v. 2, 1840-4.) 948 3 Orientalske (kufiske) Mynter. il. pi..— Om de kufiske Mynter... (In same. Annaler. v. 4, 1842-3.) 948 2 — Mommsen. C. M. T.tJber das romische Miinz- wesen. (In Leipsic— K. sSchs. Gesell.Abhandl. phil.-hist. V. 1, 1850.) 737 1 — Mi\nter, F. C. C. H. Ueber die Miinzen der vandal ischen Konige von Karthago. {In his Antiq. Abhandlungen. 1816.) 918 3.1 — N. Y. Cstofe)— Library. Catalogue, 1856 : Maps, manuscripts, engravings, coins, &c. Al- bany, 1857. Q. 016 23 — Periodico di numismatica e sfragistica per la storia d' Italia. Firenze, 1868-74. v. 1-6. Q. 737 2 — Thomsen, C. J. Occidentalske mynter. pi. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Anna- ler, V. 4, 1842-3.) 948 2 — Thwaites, E. Notes upon the Anglo-Saxon coins, 1708. {In Wotton, W. Short view. 1737.) 429 8 See also BRACTEATES. Nnnes de Carvalho, Antonio, editor,see Castro, J. de. Roteiro. 1833. 916.3 4 Nunes do Leao, Duarte. ...Chronicas dos reis de Portugal. Lisboa, 1774-80. 4 v. O. 946 71 — Cronicas del rey Do Joam o I... e as dos reys D. Duarte e D. Aflfonsoo V.; e Autos do le- vantamento, e juramentos del rey Joam o IV, ; NUNES 500 NYI e do D. Theodosio, & Proposi9ao das cortes. Lisboa, 164a [colophon, 1642J. Q. 946 73 Title-page wanting. In its place has been inserted ttie title-page of pt. 1 of the Chronica del Joam I. por F. Lopez. The work forms pt. 2 of the preceding, and is contained in v. 3-4. — Descrip9ao do reino de Portugal. 2 edi9ao. Lisboa, 1785. T. 914.6 13 — Particularis Portugalliae descriptio.— Series et successioregum. (7» Portugallla. 1641.) 094 53 Ifonez de Castro, Alonso, & Saavedra Fajardo, D. de. Corona gotica, castellana y austriaca. Parte 1-4. Madrid, 1789-90. 7 v. T. 946 11 Nunez de Villaysan, Juan. Cronica de Alfonso el onceno. 3 edicion, con apendices por Fran- cisco Cerda y Rico. Pt. 1. {In Cronicas espa- fiolas. V. 7, 1787.) 946 34 The appendixes are wanting, apparently never pub- lished. — Cronica del rey don Alonso fel onzeno. Toledo, 1595. Q. 946 25 NUNNERIES, see MONASTICISM. Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere ed arti. [Monthly.] Firenze, 1870-71. v. 13-18. O. 056 1 NuoYO palmaverde, see Palmaverde. Nur eine zwolf stiindige Todesangst, see Zscliok* ke, J. H. D. V. 8. NUREMBERG. Munich— K. baier. Akad. der Wiss. — Hist. Commis. Chronikenderdeutschen Stadte; v. 1-3, 10-11 : Niirnberg. Leipzig, 1862- 74. 5 V. O. facsim. map. 943 34 Contents: 1. Stromer, U. 'Piichel von meim geslechet und von abentewr,' 1349-1407 —Chroiiik aus Kaiser Sig- munds Zeit bis... 1441. 2. Tncher, E. Memorial, 1421-40.— Der Zug nach Lichtenburg, 1444.— Schiirstab, E. NUrn- bergs Krieg gegen Albrecht von Brandenburg, 1449-50; Kriegsbericht und Ordnungen. 8. Meisterlin, S. Chronilc der Reichsstadt Nurnberg,1488.— EinzugKonig Sigmunds und der Konigin Barbara in Niirnberg, 1414.— K. Fried- rich IV. und Niirnberg, 1440-4.— Zug niirnbergischer Kreuzfahrer nach Ungarn, 14.56. 4. Tuclier'sches Memo- rialbuch, 1386-1464— Jahrbttcher des 15 Jahrhunderts.— Deichsler, H. Chronik bis 1487. 5. Tucher'sche Portset- zung der Jahrbiicher bis 1469-99.— Deichsler, H. Chronik, 1488-1506.— Etllche Geschichten, 1488-91.— Muffel, N. Ge- denkbuch. 1468— Seheurl,C. Epistel iiber die Verfassung der Reichsstadt Niirnberg. 1516.— Rathsverzeichniss und imterbilchlein. 1516. — dlTentliche und Privatgebaude in Nurnberg. [Niirnberg, 184-?] sqO. SO pi. ntp. 729 1 — Strobel, U. T., editor. Miscellaneen litera- rischen Innhalts; grostentheils aus ungedruck- ten Quellen. Niirnberg, 1778-81. 4 v. in 1. O. 830 10 See also VISCHEB, P. Nuremberg chronicle, see Schedel, H. NURSERY RHYMES. Arnim, L. A. von, & Brentano, C, editors. Kinderlieder. {In their Des Knaben Wunderhorn, 1845-6, v. 3.) 831 1 — Firmenicli-Richartz, J. M. , ediif o /•. Ger manien s Volkerstinimen; Samnilung der deutschen Mundarten in Dichtungen, Sagen, Mahrchen, Volksliedern u. s. w. Berlin, 1846-54. 3 v. Q. 839 1 1 — Halliwell'Phillipps, J. 0., editor. The nurs- ery rhymes of England; collected chiefly from oral tradition. London, 1842. D. (In Percy 80C. V. 4.) 820 6 This volume formed the basis of William A. Wheeler's Mother Goose's melodies for children. 1869. NURSING. Nightingale, F. Cenni sull' assi- stenza degliammalati; tradottodall' inglese da S. Novello. Nizza [,1860]. O. 95 p. 616 32 — Yolz, R. Das rothe Kreutz im weissen Felde. Berlin [,1868]. O. 40 p. (7n Yirchow Ornitho-logie; or, The speech of birds, see FaUer, T. Ornsby, tleorge, editor, see the following pub- lications of the Surtees society : 820 7 37, 47. GraiiTille, D. Remains. 1861-5. 52, 65. Cosln, J. Correspondence. 1869-72. 68. Howard, W. Selections from household books. 1878. Orologi, Criuseppe. Novelle intitolate I successi. Lucca, 1867. O. 863 25 Edition of 115 copies, no. 83. ORONTES VALLEY. The valley of the Orontes; its position, climate and products. Malta, 1850. OROPUS, see AMPHIARAUS. « 15.6 23 Orosius, Paulns. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of [the history of J Orosius, with a lit- eral English translation by B. Thorpe. {In Pauli, G. R. Life of Alfred. 1857.) 923 8 — King Alfred's Orosius; edited by Henry Sweet. London, 1883. pt. 1. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 79.) 820 5 Pt. 1, Old-English text and Latin original. ORPHAN ASYLUMS. See BERLIN; Florence— Colleglo Ferretti; HAREMMA TO- SCANA. Orronville, Jean Cabaret d.' Chronique de Louis de Bourbon. {In Buchon, J. A. C. Choix de chroniques, 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 Orsi, Belflno, & Gabotto, F., editors. Le laudi del Piemonte. Bologna, 1891. v. 1. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 238.) 860 10 Orsilago. — .Sopra il buon essere di Livorno. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 867 3 Orsini, Felice. Memorie politiche. 5 edizione, aumentata di un appendice per Ausonio Fran- chi. Torino, 1862. D. por. 946 15 — Montazio, E. Felice Orsini. Torino, 1862. T. por. (I contemp. Italiani.) 923 75 Orsino^ Giordano. Relazione alia repubblica di Venezia intorno al modo di stabilire una mili- zia in pace, 1563. {In Variety storiche d' Ita- lia.) 946 11 ^rsted. Hans Christian. Der Geist in der Na- tur. Deutsche Original-Ausgabe des Verfas- sers. Miinchen, 1850. 2 v. D. 601 6 — Luftskibet, et Digt. KJ0benhavn, 1836. T. 839.81 48 Orth, Georg Michael. Die Wasserglas-Gallerte, ihre Anwendung und ihrNutzen. 2 vermehrte Auflage. Weimar, 1857. O. 45 p. 666 1 Ortis, Jacopo, Ultima lettere di, see Foscolo,, Ortnit^ herausgegeben von Arthur Amelung. (in Deutsches Heldenbuch, 1866-73, v. 3.) 831 14 Ortus sanitatis, see Cuba, J, Orvar-Odds saga. (In Rafn, 0. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, V. 2.) 839.63 12 ORVIETO. Cronaca d' Orvieto, 1342-63. Mi- lano, 1845[18651. S. {In Bibl. rara. 58.) 860 3- — Luzi, L. II duomo di Orvieto. Firenze, 1866. D. 726 20 Osbern, precentor of Canterbury. Vita Sancti Dunstani.— Liber miraculqrum. {In Stiibbs, W. Memorials of Dunstah, 1874; in Gt. Br.-— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 63.) 942 8 — Vita S. Odonis archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan. , 1772-1834, V. 2.) 948 76 Osburn, William, jr. Ancient Egypt; her testi- mony to the truth of the Bible. London, 1846. O. il. pi. iltp. 932 5 Oscanyan, Christopher. The Sultan and hi& people. New York, 1857. D. il. por. 914.9 34 With the author's autograph. Oscar, Ossians son, tragedi, efter franskan, see Knllberg, A. C. Oscar II.s Reise i Nordland og Finmarken, see- Friis, J. A, I oseleti, capricio ditirambico, see Cnmano, G, Osenbrttggen, Ediiard. Die Ehre im Spiegel der Zeit. Berlin, 1872. O. 32 p. (inVirchow* Holtzendorif. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 OSENBR UG GEN' 508 OTTFRID —Land und Leute der Urschweiz. Berlin, 1866. O. 36 p. {In same. 1 Serie.) 04*$ 1 — Neue culturhistorische Bilder aus der Schweiz. ' Leipzig, 1864. D. 914.9 19 —Die Schweiz in den Wandlungen der Neu- zeit. Berlin, 1876. O. 40 p. (/n Virchow cfe Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Osffood, Howard. The Hebrew text of the Old Testament. {In Schaflf, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 OSIANDER, Andreas. Staphylus, F. Historia acti negotii inter Staphylum et Osiandrum m Prussia contra calumnias J. Functii. {In Stro- l)el, G. T.Miscellaneen, 1778-81, V. 1-2.) 830 10 Osiaiider, Christian Nathaniel von, translator, see Thueydides. Geschichte. 1829-55. 888 10 Osiliana, see Holzmayer, J. B. Osmund, St., bishop of Salisbury. Registrum, see Salisbury. Osney, England. Annales de Oseneia, 1016- 1348.— Chronicon Thomae Wykes, 1066-1289. facsim. {In Lnard, H. R. Annales monastici, 1864-9, V. 4; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 Osorio, Jeronymo. Da vida e feitos d' el rei D. Manoel; ...vertidos em portuguez pelo Franci- sco Manoel do Nascimento. Lisboa, 1804-6. 3 V. D. 946 80 Ossian. The blackbird of the grove of Carna.— The poem of Talc [,Irish and English]. {In Gaelic soc. Trans, v. 1, 1808.) 891 7.1 ttrinim, J. L. K. tJber Ossian. (In his Klei- nere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 7.) 408 2 Heller, H. J. Das Neueste zur Ossian-Frage. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v, 2, I860.)— Zum Ossian. (In same. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 >— Shaw, W. An enquiry into the authenticity of the poems ascribed to Ossian. Dublin, 1782. S. 891 7.2 OSSOLI, Sara Margaret (Fuller). Villari, P. {In his Saggi. 1868.) 854 8 0sten for Sol og vesten for Maane, see Dracli- 111 ann, H. Ostergade og Vestergade, Lystspil, see Over- skou, T. L'osteria della posta, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 39. Osterley, Hermann. Die Narrationes des Odo von Ciringtonia. (In Jahrbuch rom. u.eng. Lit. V. 9, 1868.) 805 1 — editor, see Jehan de Haute-Seille. Dolopathos. 1873. 293 18.1 OSTERM ANN-TOLSTOI, Aleksander Ivanovich Tolstoi, count. Fallmerayer, J. P. {In his Werke, 1861, v. 2.) . 908 1 OsterreichisclierAlpen-Verein. Jahrbuch. Neue Folge. Wien, 1865-9. v. 1, 5. O. pi. 551.43 7 OstgSthe, Thorgeir. Ett ord efter stormen. Stockholm, 1838. D. 79 p. 824 5 — Rest-ransakning med den s. k. fria pressen. Stockholm, 1839. O. 324 5 Osthoff, Hermann. Das physiologische und psychologische Moment in der sprachlichen Forraenbildung. Berlin, 1879. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 14 Serie.) 048 1 — Scliriftsprache und Volksmundart. Berlin, 1883. O. 40 p. {In same. 18 Serie.) 043 1 OSTIA. Lanciani, R. Scavi di Ostia. Roma, 1881. Q. 13 p. 913 17 See also CAMPAGNA. 0STREVOLI). Manicns, C. Om Ostrevoldens Retning og Beskaffenhed. map. {In Copen- liaaren— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 2, 1838-9.) 948 2 OSTROGOTHS, see THEODORIC. Osvaldi, Osvaldo. II Palazzo Vecchio; memorie storiche. Firenze, 1865. D. 945 79 Saga Osvalds konungs bins helga ; udgiven ef- ter en islandsk Oldbog, med Indlediiing af Jon Sigurdsson, og med dansk Overssettelse af Thorleif Gudm. Repp. {In Copenhagen— K. nord.Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 14, 1854.) 948 2 Oswald, king of Northumberland. Newman, J. H., & others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, V. 4.) 922 8 Oswald von Wolkenstein. Gedichte;mit Einlei- tung, Worterbuch und Varianten, herausge- geben von Beda Weber. Innsbruck, 1847. O, 831 71 Os wald, Eugene. E.arly German courtesy-books. 1869. {In E. E. text SOC. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 OSWIN, king of Northumberland. Newman, J. H., & others. (In their Lives of English saints. 1844-5, V. 4.) 922 8 — Vita Oswini regis. {In Raine, J. Misc. biog. 1838; in Surtees soc. 8.) 820 7 Den otalige, komedi, see Silverstolpe, A. G. Othello, see Banff, W. Othello, the Moor of Venice, see Shakespeare, W. Othere, see Ohthere, OTHO I., the Oreat, emperor of Germany. Bosch,— . Heinrichl. und Otto I. Berlin, 1883. O. 32 p. (7n Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 — Liutprando. Liber de rebus gestis Ottonis. 1877. {In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 6.) 943 16 OTHO III., empei'or of Germany. Dondorff,H. Kaiser Otto III. Berlin, 1885. O. 40 p. {In \ir. chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 OTHOS, emperors of Germany. Ueber die Kriegsziige der Ottone gegen Danemark, {In Schleswig...GeseUschaft. Archiv. v. 1, 1833.) 943 42 Otinel, chanson de geste; publiee par F. Gues- sard et H. Michelant. Pai-is, 1859. S. {In Guessard, F. Les anciens poetes de la France, 1.) 841 3 Ottar, see Ohthere. Otte, Heinrich.Archaologischer Katechismus ; Unterricht in der kirchlichen Kunstarch'dolo- gie des deutschen Mittelalters. Leipzig, 1859. O. il. 726 10 — Geschichte der kirchlichen Kunst des deut- schen Mittelalters. 2 Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1862. O. il. 726 11 — Glockenkunde. Leipzig,1858. O. z7. pZ.789 2 Den otte og tyvende Januar, Vaudeville, see Heiberg, J. L. Skuespil, v. 6. Ottfrid von Weissenburg. Krist ; kritisch her- ausgegeben von E. G. Graff. Konigsberg, 1831. O. facsim. 881 72 OTTFRID 509 VIDIUS — Volumen evangeliorum, latinitate donatum, cum notis, a J. G. Scherzio. il. pi. {In Schil- ler, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, v. 1.) 830 9 La storia di Qttinello e Giulia; poemetto popo- lare in ottava rima. Bologna, 1867. D. 47+ 27 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 83.) 850 10 Ottino, E. Oghan-Oolo sceik Mansour, ossia padre G. Battista Boetti. {In CuriositJi di storia subalpina. v. 2, 1876.) 945 43 OTTO, emperor of Germany, see OTHO. OTTO, St., bishop of Bamberg. Herbord. Di- alogue de vita Ottonis. Hannoverae, 1868. O. {In Pertz, Gr. H. Script, rerum German. 5.) ' 943 16 —Ottonis legatio ex Pomerania in Daniam, 1238. (i?i Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 4.) 948 76 Otto, bishop of Freising. Opera, ex recensione R. Wilmans. Hannoverae, 1867. v. 1. O. (In Pei'tz, Gr. H. Script, rerum German. 6.) 943 16 Contents: 1. Chronicon [ab Adam usque in 1146], ad- jecta continuatione [1146-1276]. — Ottonis et Rahewini gesta Friderici I. impera- toris. Editio altera, recensuit G. Waitz. Han- noverae, 1884. O. {Jn same. 7.) 943 16 Otto of St. Blasius, Hartz Mts. Ottonis Fri- singensis continuatio. 1867. {In same. 6.) 943 16 Prinds Otto af Danmark og hans Samtid, en historisk Roman, see Ingeniann, K. S. OTTOMAN EMPIRE, see TURKEY. Ottonelli, Giiilio. Negoziazione alia corte di Spagna. Bologna, 1863. D. 34 p. (InScelta di curiosita. 26.) 850 10 Sir Otuel. {In Ellis, G. Specimens of romances, 1805, V. 2.) 821 4 OTZTHAL. Sonklar, K. von. Die Oetzthaler Gebirgsgruppe; mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Orographie und Gletscherkunde. Goi ha. 1860-1. O. pi. & Atlas. F.s 551.43 37 Oudemans, Anthonie Cornelis. Bijdrage tot een IMiddel-en Oudnederlandsch woordenboek. Arnhem, 1869-80. 7 v. O. 439.37 4 Oudvlaemsche liederen en andere gedichten der 14e en 15e eeuwen. Gent, n. d. Q. music. (In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 2 ser. 9.) 839.3 3 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, see MARY, Ouseley, Sir William, editor, see Biirckhardt, J. L. Notes on the Bedouins; — Arabic proverbs. 1830. 915.3 3 OUTCAST RACES, see YAGABONDS. OUTLAWS, see EUSTACHE, the monk; FITZ- WAROE, Fulk; HOOD, Robin. Outzen, Nicolaus. Glossarium der friesischen Sprache, besonders in nordf riesischer Mundart; herausgegeben von L. Engelstoft und C. IVTol- bech. Kopenhagen, 1837. sqO. 439.2 3 — & WerlaulF, E. C. Preisschriften die danische Sprache im HerzogthumSchlesswigbetreffend. Kopenhagen, 1819. O, 439,87 6 Ove Kjaer, L. Studier af Oldtidslivet og Old- tidshistorien. Kj0benhavn, 1864. O. map. 930 3 For contents see AMiqUlTIES. Orejas, Ildefonso de. Don Jose Zorrilla. {In Zorrilla y Moral, J. Obras, 1852, v. 1.) 862 2 Oyerbeck, Johannes Adolf. Geschichte der griechischen Plastik. Leipzig, 1857-8. 2 v. in 1. Q. 733 1 — Pompeji in seinen Gebauden, Alterthiimern und Kunstvrerken. 2 vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1866. 2 v. in 1. O. il. pi. map. 913 20 Orerskon, Thomas. En Bryllupsdags Fatali- teter, Lystspil. Ki0benhavn, 1840. O. 24 p. 839.82 46 — Duellanterne, komisk Syngestykke. Kj0ben- havn, 1885. O. [24-J 21 p. 839.82 46 — Parens Dage, Drama. Kj0benhavn 1826. D. 839.82 47* — En F0dselsdag i Slutteriet, Vaudeville. Kj0- benhavn, 1834. D. 74 p. 839.82 48 — Guerillabanden, Syngestykke. Kj0benhavn, 1834. D. [4+] 68 p. 839.82 49 — Hvilken er den Rette? Vaudeville. [Anon.] Kjobenhavn, 1829. 16 p. 839.82 46 — Kunstnerliv; eller. Den Ene arbeidet, den Anden l0nnen. Vaudeville. Kj0benhavn, 1832. D. 57 p. 839.82 50 — Norreports Vagt St. Hans Aften, Vaudeville. Kjobenhavn, 1830. O. 15 p. 839.82 46 — dstergade og Vestergade; eller. Deter Nyt- aarsdag i IMorgen, Lystspil. 2 Oplag. Kj0ben- havn, 1840. O. f2-f-J 40 p. 839.82 46 — Pak! Lystspil. Kj0benhavn, 1845. O. [l-F] 40 p. 839.82 46 — Storhien paa KJ0benhavn, Opera. Kjoben- havn, 1845. D. [l+]96p. 839.82 51 — Vor Tids Mennesker, Lystspil. Kjobenhavn, 1830. O. 839.82 46 — & Arnesen, A. E, Capriciosa; eller, Familien i Nyboder, Folkecomedie. Kjobenhavn, 1842. O. [1+] 36 p. 839.82 46 Oridio, Enrico d'. Alcune proprieta metriche dei complessi e delle congruenze lineari in geo- metria projettiva. — Sulle reti di complessi line- ari nella geometria metrico-projettiva. — Le serie triple e quadruple di complessi lineari nella geometria metrico-projettiva. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 sor. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Le funzioni metriche fondamentali negli spazi di [rt] dimensioniedicurvaturacostante. (In same. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 066 4 Oridio, Francesco d.' Sul trattato De volgari eloquentia di Dante. — Indici del volume. {In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 2, 1876.) — Fonetica del dialetto del Campobasso. — Giunte e correzioni. — Indici del volume. {In same. v. 4, 1878.) — Ricerche sui pronomi personali e possessivi ne- olatini. {In same. v. 9, 1886.)— Spigolatui-e ro- manze dalle pagine di un latinista. (J?i same. V. 10, 1886-8.) 460 11 — & Tamagni, C. Storia della letteratura ro- mana. Milano [, pref. 1874]. Q. {In Vlllari,P., editor. Storia letteraria d'ltalia; in L'llalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 15 Oyidius Naso, Publiiis. Opera; ad fidem edi- tionis Burmannianse. Londini, 1815. 3 v. T. 871 2 Contents; 1. Heroides. — Amorunalibri.— Artis amatorias libri.— Remedia amoris.— Medicamlna facei.— Halieuti- con.— Epicedion Drusi Cassaris.— Nux; elegia. — A. Sabini epistola; tres. 2. Metamorphoseon libri. 8. Fastorum libri.— Epistolarum ex Ponto libri.— Ibis.— Fragmenta ex Medea. O VIBIUS 610 PAIFER — Due epistole tratte dal volgarizzamento delle Eroidi fatto da Carlo Figiovanni nel secole 14. Bologna, 1 862. D. 37 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 21.) 850 10 —The 15. bookes of P. Ouidius Naso entituled Metamorphosis, translated into English nieeter by Arthvr Golding. London, 1593. sqD. 871 3 In black letter. — The first three bo^k^ of Ovid de tristibus, translated into English by Thomas Church- yarde. London, 1816. sqO. v. p. (Roxburghe club.) 871 4 A facsimile reprint in black-letter. —Sappho to Phaon.— The fable of Dryope. — Yertumnus and Pomona. {In Pope, A. Works, 1764, V. 1.) 821 90 Oviedo y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez de, see Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes. Owain, see Iwain. The owl and the nightingale, seeGuildford, OX, see BULL. Oxenedes, Johannes de, see John of Oxnead. Oxensljerna, Johan Gabriel. Arbeten. Stock- holm, 1805-26. 5 V. O. 839.7132 OXFORD THEOLOGY. M'llvaine, C . P. Ox- ford divinity compared with that or the Romish and Anglican churches. Philadelphia, 1841. O. 230 4 Oxford university. Munimenta academica; or, Documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford; by Henry Anstey. London, 1868. 3 V. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 50.) 942 8 Contents: 1. Libri cancellariietprocuratorum. 2. Same. — Acta curiae cancellarii.— Memoranda ex registris non- nulla. — The register of the visitors, 1647-58; edited, with some account of the state of the university during the commonwealth by Montagu Bur- rows. [London,] 1881. sqO. (/vi Camden soc. n. s. 29.) 820 4.1 See also TESTS. OXUS. Wood, J. A journey to the source of the river Oxus. New edition; with An essay on the geography of the valley of the Oxus by H. Yule. London, 1872. O. pi. maps. 915.8 3 —Yule, H. Papers connected with the upper Oxus regions. London, 1872. O. 44 p. maps. 915.8 4 OYSTERS. Kr0yer, H. N. De danske Osters- banker. Kjdbenhavn, 1837. O. pi. tab. 639 4 L'Ozio sepolto. see Bracciolini dell' Api, F. P. & H. Egypte sous la domination de Mehe- met Aly. 1848. (In L'univers. 6.) 910 18 P., S. Descrizione della f acciata e dell' interno del duomo di Milano. Milano, 1865. O. 45 p. 726 18 Pacchiani, Francesco. Della voce caribo adope- rata dall' Alighieri, nuova interpretazione. Prato, 1865. O. 14 p. ( 851 54.1 bound with 44 PACIFIC OCEAN. Beecliey, F. W. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, 1825-8. Philadelphia, 1832. O. 919.6 3 —Hawkins, R. Observations in his voyage into the South Sea, 1593; edited by C. R. D. Bethune. London, 1848. O. 919.6 1 —Stewart, C. S. A visit to the South Seas, 1829-30. New York, 1831. 2 v. O. 919.6 2 PACIFIC RAILROADS, see RAILROADS. Packard, Joseph. Inacurracies of the author- ized version of the Old Testament. (In Schaff, P. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Packe'^", John, collector, see The Fortescue pa- pers. 1871. (/w Camden soc. n.s. 1.) 820 4.1 II padre di f amiglia, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 4. Padre e figlia, novella, see Cimino, G. T. II padre per amore, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 29. PADUA. Marsh, C. C. (In Johnson's cyclopa?- dia.) In main library. Pagano, Nunziante. Le bbinte rotola de lo va- lanzone. — Batracomiomachia d' Omero. — Mor- tela d'Orzolone, poemma arrojeco. — La Feni- zia, chelleta tragecommeca. Napoli, 1787. 2 v. S. (In Collezione napoletana, v. 17-18.) 859 19 Page, David. Advanced text-book of physical geography. Edinburgh, 1864. D. il. 551 30 — Economic geology. Edinburgh, 1874. O. il. pi. map in pocket. 553 1 — French : Geologic technologique; traduction libre par Stanislas Meunier. Paris, 1877. S. il. 553 1 Page, John. Poem on the siege of Rouen. (In Camden soc. n. s. 17, 1876.) 820 4.1 PAGEANTS. Fairholt, F. W. The civic Gar- land, a collection of songs from London pa- geants; with introduction and notes. London, 1845. D. il. pi. (In Percy soc. v. 19.) 820 6 — — Lord mayor's pageants. London, 1843-4. 2v. inl, D. (In same. v. 10.) 820 6 Contents: 1. History. 2. Reprints. See also ELIZABETH; FESTIVALS; HEMBYZE, J. vaii; MEDICI, G. cfc L. de'; PHILIP IL; WILLIAM I. of Nassau. Pagenstecher, Heinrich Alexander. Die Insel Mallorka ; Reiseskizze. Leipzig, 1867. O. il. pi. 914.6 11 — Ueber die Thiere der Tiefsee. Berlin, 1879. O. 64 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. 14Serie.) 043 1 —translator, see Thury, M. Ueber das Gesetz der Geschlechter, mit eiiier kritischen Bearbei- tung von Pagenstecher. 1864. 677 2 Paget, Sir James, bart. On the importance of the studv of physiology. (In Youmans, E. L., editor. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 2 Pagine sparse, see Amicis, E. de. Paglierani, Franco, editor, see Trissino, G. G. La Sofonisba, con note di T. Tasso. 1884. (In Scelta di curiosita. 205 ) 860 10 Pagnini, Giuseppe Maria, translator. Teocrito, Mosco. Bione, Simmia, greco-latini, con la Buccolica di Virgilio latino-greca ; volgarizzati e forniti d' annotazioni da Eritisco Pilenejo [pseud.J. Parma, 1780. 2 v. sqQ. 884 6 Pahde, Adolf, Der Afrika-For.-cher Eduard Vogel. Hamburg, 1889. O. 36 p. (In Vir- chow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Paifer, Jean Baptist. . ..Die Fruchtbarkeit durch willkurlichen Regen zu befcerdern ; oder, Der JPAIFER 511 PALJEONTOL OGY wahre Gebrauch des Schiespulvers. Metz, 1814. O. 551.57 2 PAIN. Kuox, J. An exposition upon the sixth Psalm of David. {In his Works, 1846-64, v. 3.) 208 4 The pain and sorrow of evil marriage. Lon- Kion, 1840. D. 14+22 p. (/n Percy soc. v. 1.) 820 6 Paine, Martyn, A discourse on the soul and in- stinct, physiologically distinguished from ma- terialism. Enlarged edition. Nevr York, 1849. D. por. 128 1 — & Mary Ann (Weeks). Memoir of Robert Troup Paine, by his parents. New York, 1852. sqQ. por. col. pi. 923 77 In a postscript is given a notice of Mrs. Paine. Paine, Tlioinas. Common sense, addressed to the inhabitants of America. Philadelphia, 1791. O. 320 13 — A letter to the marquis of Lansdowne on his speech, 10 July 1782, respecting the acknowl- edgement of American independence. Dublin , 1791. O. 48 p. 320 13 Appended are two letters, to the authors of The re- -publican, and to the abb6 Syeyes. —Rights of man. Dublin, 1791-2. 2 v. in 1. O. 320 13 PAINTERS. Cunningham, A. The lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors. New- York, 1831. 3 v. S. por. 927 1 — Dati, C. R. Vite de' pittori antichi. (In Marcliese, V. Manuale. 1846.) 709 2 Contents: Zeusi.— Parrasio.— Apelle.— Protogene. — Malyasia, C. C. Felsina pittrice; vite de' pit- tori bolognesi ; con aggiunte di G. P. Zanotti e di altri. Bologna, 1841. 2 v. O. 927 2 — Tuclterman, H. T. Book of the artists; American artist life, comprising biographical and critical sketches. New York, 1867. O. por. 927 3 — Vasari, (J. Le vite de' piii eocelenti pittori, scultori e architetti. Firenze, 1846-70. 14 v. D. por. 927 4 For contents see Athenaeum catalogue. See also CORNELIUS, P. Ton; FINE ARTS; BAFFAELE SANZIO; RAZZI, G. A., TIZIANO VECELLIO. PAINTING. Borgliini, R. 11 riposo. Reggio, 1826. 3v. inl. S. 750 1 — Cederscliiold, G. Studier ofver islftndska kyrkomaldingar fran fristatstiden. (In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 22, 1887.) 948 5 '— Cennini, C. II libro dell' arte; o, Trattato della pittura; per cura di G. e C. Milanesi. Fi- renze, 1859. D. 750 2 — — German : Das Buch von der Kunst; oder, Tractat der Malerei; iibersetzt, mit Einleitung, Noten und Register, von A. Ilg. Wien, 1871. O. 750 3 — Conestal)ile, G. Pitture murali a fresco, e suppellettili etrusche scoperte presso Orvieto nel 1863. Firenze, 1865. F. 750 3.2 bound ivith 726 9 —Crowe, J. A., cfc Cavalcaselle, G. B. Geschich- te der italienischen Malerei. Deutsche Ori- ginal-Ausgabe von M. Jordan. Leipzig, 1869- 76. 6 V. O. pi. 750 6 —Dexter, F. Pictures and painters; essays upon art; the old masters and the modern artists. [Anon.] New York, 1849. O. 750 4 —Diderot, D. Versuch iiber die Mahlerey, mit Anmerkungen. {In Gotlie, J. W. Ton. Werke, 1827-42, V. 36.) 832 1 —Dolce, L. L' Aretino; owero, Diaiogo della pittura ; con lettere. Milano, 1863. S. por. (rwBibl. rara. 10.) 850 3 —Gotlie, J. W. von. Aeltere Gem'dhlde, Vene- dig, 1791. {In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 38.) 832 1 — Gray, T. Criticisms on architecture and painting during a tour in Italy. {In its Works, 1836, V. 4.) 821 60 — -Helmlioltz, H. L. F. Optisches iiber Malerei. il. (In his Vortrage, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 — Kornerup, J. To Foredrag om gamle Kalk- malerier. il. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 19, J884.) 948 5 — Philostratus. Philostratorum Imagines; re- censuit F. Jacobs ; observationes addidit F. T. Welcker. Lipsiae, 1825. O. 750 3 — — Italian ; Le immagini. (In Marcliese, V. Manuale. 1846.) 709 2 — -Tnckerman, H. T. Pictures. (In his Crite- rion. 1866.) 814 15 — Villari, P. La pittura moderna in Italia ed in Francia. Firenze, 1868. O. 54 p. 750 5 See also CORREdGIO, A. A. da; ENAMEL; GLASS; RAF- FAELE SANZIO; Rene d'Anjou. Pais, Ettore, II a-apddvios y^Xus. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 5, 1879-80.) — La Sardegna prima del dominio ro- mano, studi storici ed archeologici. pi. map. (In same. v. 7, 1880-1.) 065 5 Pajoii, Anselino. Descrizione dell' isola di Malta, 1654 [; edited by G. FerraroJ. (In NuOTC effemeridi siciliane, v. 2, 1875, p. 177-89.) 914.5 105 Pak ! Lystspil , see Overskou, T. Pal Varning, see Carl^n, E. S. F. Palacio, Manuel del. tin liberal pasado por agua; recuerdos de un viaje a Puerto Rico. Ma- drid, 1868. O. 861 12 bound with 869 25 With the author's autograph. PALAEOGRAPHY, Lupi, C. Manuale di pale- ografia delle carte. Firenze, 1875. D. pi. 417 1 — Watteubach, W. Anleitung zur griechischen Palaeographie. Leipzig, 1867. sqQ, & Atlas of 12 facsim. F. 481 2 With the author's autograph. PALAEONTOLOGY. Canevari, M. Ibrachiopodi degli strati a terebratula aspasia Mgh. nell' Appennino centrale. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti.3 ser. sci.fis. v. 8, 1879-80.) 065 4 — Capellini, G. Balenottere fossili e pachya- canthus dell' Italia meridionale. (In same. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— Gli strati a congerie e le marne compatte mioceniche dei dintorni di Ancona. pi. — Balenottera fossile delle Colom- baie presso Volterra. (In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) — Gli strati a congerie o la formazione gessoso- solfifera di Pisae nei dintorni di Livorno. pi. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.)— Resti di tapiro nella lignite di Sarzanello. pi. (In same. v. 9, 1880- 1) 065 4 PAL^NTOLOGY 512 PALESTINE SuUe balene fossile toscane. (In same. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 & Heer, 0. Les phyllites cretacees du Ne- braska. Zurich, 1866. sqQ. 22 p. pi. 561 1 — Conrad, T, A. Description of the fossils of Syria, pi. {In Lynch, W. F. Official report of U. S. expedition to Dead Sea. 1853.) {)15.6 30 — Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. A discourse on the revolutions of the surface of the globe, and the changes thereby produced in the animal kingdom. Philadelphia, 1831. D. pi. 560 1 — Gastaldi, B. Cenni sui vertebrati fossili del Piemonte. [Torino, 1858.] sqF. 68p.pZ. 566 1 hound with 552 2 — — Cenni sulla giacitura del cervus euryce- ros. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei liticei. Atti. 3 ser. V. 3, 1874-5.) — Sui fossili delcalcare dolo- mitico del Chaberton. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3. • 065 3 — — Intorno ad alcuni fossili del Piemonte e della Toscana, breve note. Torino, 1866. sqF. 46 p. pi. 666 1 bound with 552 3 — — Su alcuni fossili paleozoic! delle Alpi ma- rittime e dell' Apennino ligure studiati da G. Mich^lotti. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 — tremmcllaro, 0. G. Sugli strati con aspido- ceras acanthicum opp. sp. di Sicilia e sui loro cefalopodi. (In same. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Lotti, P. Di alcune recenti scoperte paleonto- logiche nei dintorni di Massa marittima. (In same.) 065 3 ^Marsh, 0. C. Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America. [New Haven, 1877.] Q. 57 p. 666 2 — Meli, R. Sui dintorni di Civitavecchia. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. Jis. V. 5, 1879-80.) — Sulla natura geologica dei ter- reni...a Ripetta, e sull' unio sinuatus Lamk, (In same. v. 8, 1879 80.) 065 4 — Meneghini, Gr. Nuovi fossili siluriani di Sar- degna. pi. (In same. 3 ser sci fis. v. 5, 1879- 80.) 065 4 ^ — Paragone paleontologico dei vari lembi del lias superiore in Lombardia. (In same.2 ser. V. 3, 1874-5.) 065 3 —Miller, H. The foot-prints of the creator; or, The asterolepis of Stromness. From 3 Lon- don edition. Boston, 1850. D. 560 2 — Pantanelli, D. Sugli strati miocenici del Ca- sino, Siena, e considerazioni sui miocene supe- riore. pi. map. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1878-9.)— I diaspri della Toscana e i loro fossili. pi. (In same. v. 8, 1879-80.) 066 4 — Ponzi, G. Lavori degli insettinellelignitidel monte Vaticano.— I fossili del monte Vaticano. pi. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 066 3 — — Le ossa fossili subapennine dei contornidi Roma. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Romer, F. Ueber die aitesten Formen des or- ganischen Lebens auf der Erde. Berlin, 1869. O. 36 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorif. Vor- tr'&ge. 4 Serie.) 043 1 — Scarabelli, G. Sugli scavi eseguiti nella ca- verna detta di Frasassi. pi. {In Rome — R. accad. deilincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 5, 1879- 80.) 065 4 — Seg^uenza, G. Nuculidi terziarie rinvenute nelle px-ovincie meridionali d' Italia, pi. (In same. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.)— Le formazioni terzi- arie nella provincia di Reggio, memoria. pZ. maps. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) — Le ringicole italiane. pi. (In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Zigno, A. de. Sopra un nuovo sirenio fossile scoperto nelle colline di Bra in Piemonte. pi. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) — Sopra un cranio di coccodrillo scoperto nel ter- reno eoceno del Veronese, pi. (In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 See also AMBER; ARCHJIOLOGY; CHALK; MAN. Palagi, Giuseppe, editor. Delizie storiche tratte dagli archivi privati toscani: Maniii, D. M. Dei fuochi d'allegrezza per la famlglia dei Pazzi, 1867. 929 » Palamedes, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den, Palaopliron und Neoterpe, see Gotlie, J. W. von. V. 11. Palau, Melcior de, translator, see Verdaguer^ J. La Atlantida, poema. 1878. 869 20 Paleario, Aouio. The benefit of Christ's death; reprinted in fac- simile from the Italian edition of 1543, with a French translation printed in 1551 [,and] an English version made in 1548 by Edward Courtenay, earl of Devonshire; with an introduction by Churchill Babington. Lon- don, 1855. S. facsim. 232 9 — Von der Wohlthat Christi ; unter Anfii- gung des italienischen Originaltextes ins Deu- sche iibertragen und bevorwortet von einem evangelischen Doktor der Theologie. Leipzig, 1855. D. 232 10 PALERMO. Marsh, C. C. (In Johnson's cyclo- paedia.) In main library. — Veneziano, A. Discorsi sopra le statue del fonte pretorio di Palermo. (In his Opere. 1861.) 859 40 PALESTINE. Bede. De locis Sanctis. (In his Historia3. 1722.) 274 1 — Biindi, J. Cudisch dilg viadi da Jerusalem, 1591. (Tn Archivioglot.ital. v. 7,1880-3.) 450 11 — Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in the Holy Land. London, 1822. sqQ. il. por. maps. 915.6 15 — Fallmerayer, J. P. Parastina.(/n his Werke, 1861, V. 1.) 908 1 — Fuller, T. A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof; with the history of the Old and New Testament acted thereon. Lon- don, 1650. F. pi. iltp. maps. 916.6 27,38 — Georgi, 0. Die heiligen Sfdtten nach Origi- nalzeichnungen nach der Natur, Leipzig[,1854]. sqQ. 6-1-91 p. pi. iltp. 916.6 38 bound tvith 913 17 —Leandro, padre. Palestina. Roma, 1753. Q. pi. map. 916.6 39.1 — Mauiidrell, H. A journey from Aleppo to Je- rusalem, 1679. London, 1810. O. pi. 916.6 30 — Munk, S. Palestine ; description geographi- que, historique et archeologique. Paris, 1845. O. pi. maps. (7?i L'uuivers. 31.) 910 18 PALESTINE 513 PALLA VICINO ^Neale, F. A. Eight yeai-s in Syria, Palestine and Asia Minor, 1842-50. London, 1851. 2 v. O. 915.6 5 — No^, padre. Viaggio da Venezia al a. sepolcro ed al Monte Sinai. Bassano,1791. D. iL 915.6 31 —Oliver, the scholastic. Historia regum Ter- ras Sanctae. (In Eckhard, J, G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, V. 2.) 943 13 — Paxton, J. D. Letters from Palestine. Lon- don, 1839. D. 915.6 32 — Petrarca, F. Itinerarium Syriacum. (In his Opera, 1581, v. 1.) 851 95 — Pierotti, E. La Palestine actuelle dans ses rapports avec la Palestine ancienne. Paris, 1865. O. 915.6 33 — — Rivista generale della Palestina antica e moderna. Firenze, 1866. sqQ. [9+] 59 [-f4Jp. 915.6 34 bound tvith 913 17 ^Porter, J. L. The giant cities of Bashan, and Syria's holy places. London, 1865. D. pi. iltp. 915.6 35 ^The pylgrymage of Sir Richard Guylforde to the Holy Land, 1506; edited by Sir Henry Ellis. S London,] 1851. sqO. facsim. tab. (In Cam- len soc. 51.) 820 4 ^Ritter, K. Ein Blick auf Palastina and seine christliche Bevolkerung; ein Vortrag. Berlin, 1852. O. 37 p. 915.6 36 —Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Palestine and the adjacent regions, 1838, '52, by Robin- son, E. Smith and others. Boston, 1856. 3 v. & Atlas. O. 915.6 37 .— — Physische Geographie des heiligen Landes. Leipzig, 1865. O. 555 3 — ^anseverino, R. da. Viaggio in Terra Santa. Bologna, 1888. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 229.) 860 10 ^Seydlitz, M. von. Griindtliche Beschreibung der Wallfahrt nach dem heiligen Lande, neben Gefengnuss derselben Gesellschafft... Gorlitz, 1580. sqO. il. 943 35 —Wilde, W. R. Palestine, il. map. (In his Narrative of a voyage. 1844.) 910 39 —Wright, T., editor. Early travels in Pales- tine; the narratives of Arculf,Willibald, Bern- ard, Saswulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir John Maundeville, De La Brocquiere, and Maundrell ; with notes. London, 1848. D. map. (Bohn's antiq. lib.) 915.6 40 See especially LEVAXT, under which will be found every general book of travels through Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, etc.; also CRUSADES; DEAD SEA; SEA OF GALI- LEE; JERUSALEM; JORDAN; MT. TABOR. —MAPS. Figari bey, A. Etudes geographiques et geologiques de I'Egypte et de la Palestine. Paris, 1864. 6 maps. obF.^ 916.2 7 In portfolio 3. — — Kiepert, H.Karte von Palaestina, Berlin, 1842. 67x51 cm. 912 53 In portfolio 2. ^ — Zinimermann, C.Atlas von Palaestina und der Sinai-Halbinsel. Berlin, 1850. obF.^ 15 maps. 912 39 See also JERUSALEM. PALESTRINA, Italy. Marsh, C. C. (In John- son's cyclopasdia.) In main library. Palestro, discorso, see De-Agostini, G. Palfrey, Francis Winthrop. Memoir of William Francis Bartlett. Boston, 1878. D. por. map. 923 14 Palfrey, John Gorhani. A history of New Eng- land, to the revolution of the 17th century; an abridgement of his History of New England during the Stuart dynasty. New York, 1866. 2v. D. 974 1 Palgrave, Sir Francis. Truths and fictions of the middle ages : The merchant and the friar. 2 edition. London, 1844. S. 823 21 Palgrave, Francis Turner, editor. The golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems in English. Cambridge [, Eng.], 1867. S. 8215.1 Palgrave, William Gifford. Personal narrative of a year's journey through central and eastern Arabia, 1862-3. 5 edition. London, 1869. D. por. maps. 915.3 11 Falingenesien, see Richter, J. P. F. v. 14. Palissy, Bernard. CEuvres completes; avec des notes et une notice historique par Paul Antoine Cap. Paris, 1844. D. 553 2.1 Contents: Notice sur Palissy.— Notice sur les pr6c6- dentes Mitions.— Recepte v6ritable...a multiplier thr6- sors.— Disco urs admirables des eaux, des m6taux...— Appendice. Palladins, bishop of Helenopolis. Lausiaca, in- certo interprete. (In Mfgne, J. P. Patrol. Lat. V. 74.) 922 6 Palladius Rntilus Taurus jEmilianus. De re ru- stica. (In Scriptores rei rusticte, 1783-4, v. 4.) 878 36 — English: On husbcmdrie; from the ms. of about 1420, edited by Barton Lodge; with a ryme index edited by Sidney J. H. Herrtage. London, 1873-9. O. (In E. E. textsoc. Orig. ser. 52, 72.) 820 5 Pallastrelli, Bernardo, conte. La eitt^ d'Um- bria nell' Appennino piacentino ; relazione. Piazenza, 1864. F. 73[-t-2Jp. phot. maps. 913 45 bound with 726 9 — II suocero e la moglie di Cristoforo Colombo^ memoria storica. Modena, 1871. F. 81 p. tab. 929 7 bound with 925 18 With a genealogical table of the Pallastrelli family. Pallavicino, Giorgio, marchese, Due lettere: 1, Risposta al Carlo Boggio; 2, Delia politica francese e della politica italiana, al conte Lina- ti. Torino, 1862. •O. 48 p. 946 34 — L' Italia nel 1867; considerazioni politiche. Firenze, 1867. O. 21 p. 945 38 — Spilbergo e Gradisca; scene del carcere dure in Austria. Torino, 1856. S. 365 1 — Su le quistioni del giorno, alcune lettere, 1871-3. Milano, 1874. O. 76 p. 945 38 —& Gioberti, V. II Piemonte, 1850-2; lettere, per cura di B. E. Maineri. Milano, 1875. D. 945 47 —<& Manin, D. Epistolario politico, 1855-7; con note e documenti per B. E. Maineri. Milano, 1878. O. 946 63 — iLidforss, V. E. LeMemorie diG. Pallavicino, giudicate. Torino[, 1882]. S. 24 p. 923 78 —Negri, C. Le Memorie di G. Pallavicino; con- siderazioni. Torino, 1882. S. 40 p. 923 78 PALLIOLO 514 PANAMA Palliolo, Paolo. Le feste pel conferimento del patriziato romano a Giuliano e Lorenzo de' Medici. Bologna, 1885. D. {In Scelta di cu- riosita. 206.) 850 10 Pallioppi, Zaccaria. La conjugaziun del verb nel idiom romauntsch d'Engiadin' ota. Same- dan, 1868. obi. S. 459 16 Palm, Hermann, editor, see Der Veter Buoch. 1863. 838 8 PALM. Av^-Lallemant, R. C. B. Die Benu- tzung der Palinen am Amazonenstrom in der Oekonomie der Indianer. Hamburg, 1861. S. 6+44 p. 551.68 116 —Fischer, T. Die Dattelpalme; ihre geogra- phische Verbreitung und culturhistorische Be- deutung. Gotha, 1881. sqQ. 4+85 p. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen: Erganzungs- band 14.) 910 44 — KHmpfer,E. ...Relationes botanico-historicas de palma dactylifera in Perside crescente. pi. {In his Amoenitatum, 1712, pt. 4.) 915 6 Palma, Stefano. Prontuario del linguaggio mercantile, ammii istrativo ed economico, se- condo il buon uso toscano; con parole pr^limi- nari di P. Fanfani. Milano, 1877. D. 453 13 — Vocabolariometodico-italiano parte che refe- risce all' agricoltura, alle arti ed Industrie che ne dipendone. Milano[, 1865-]70. 2 v. in 1. D. 453 14 II nuovo Palmaverde ; almanacco universale per 1870. Torino[, 1869]. v. 148. T. 350 5 Palmblad, Vilhelm Fredrik. Familjen Falken- sward, roman. Orebro, 1844-5. 2 v. O. 839.73 24 Palmeirim de Inglaterra, see Moraes, F. de. Palmer, Abram Smythe. Leaves from a vrord- hunter's note-book ; being contributions to English etymology. London, 1876. D. 422 7 Palmer. Edward Henry. A concise dictionary of the Persian language. London, 1876. sqS. 491.5 1 Palmer, Edwin, & Munro, H. A. J. Syllabus of Latin pronunciation. Cambridge[, Eng.], 1873. O. 7p. 471 3 PALMER, Julins. Thackham, T. Defence of his conduct towards Palmer. {In Nichols, J. G. Narratives. 1859; m Camden soc. 77.) 820 4 Palmerini, Italo, editor, see Scelta di curiosita. 321, 225. ^ 850 10 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, viscount. Lord Palmerston. Berlin, 1870. O. 39 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. VortrSge. 5 Serie.) 043 1 Palmieri, Lnigi. Cronaca del Vesuvio; somma- rio de' accendimenti, 1840-71, relazione dell' ul- timo incendio del 1872. Napoli, 1874. O. pL (Annali del R. osserv. meteorol. vesuv., n. s., V. 1.) 551.21 18 — Delia regione vulcanica del monte Vulture, 1852, see Scaechi, A. 551.21 24 —Incendio vesuviano del 26 aprile 1872. Ber- lino, 1872. O. 551.21 21 — Memoria suUo incendio vesuviano, 1855, see Scaechi, A. 551.21 22 PALMYRA. Hoefer, J. C. F. Palmyr^ne. 1852. pi. map. {In L'univers. 16.) 910 18 — Kremer, A. Ton. Notizen gesammelt auf einem Ausfluge nach Palmyra, pi. {In his Ueber zwei arabische Werke. 1850.) 915.3 7 —Wood, R. The ruins of Palmyra and Baal- bec. London, 1827. F.« [8+] 80 p. pi. 722 1 Palnatake, see |9hlenschiager, G.A, Tragodier, V. 1. Pals biskups saga. {In Hungnrvaka. 1778.) 839.63 43 Palsgrave, John. L'eclaircissement de la langue frangaise; suivi de la grammaire de Giles Du Guez; publics par F. Genin. Paris, 1852. sqQ. facsim. 447 15 Pdlsson, Sveinn. ^fisaga Jons Eyrikssonar; eptir tilhlutan BjarnaThorsteinssonar; litgefin a kostnaS ens Islenzka bokmentafelags. Kaup- mannahofn, 1828. D. por. 839.63 31 Paludan, Johan. Fors0g til en antiqvarisk, hi- storisk, statistisk og geographisk Beskrivelse over M0en. KJ0benhavn[,1822-4]. 2 v. O. pi. tab. maps, iltp. 914.8 45 Paludan-MuUer, B. Det Synlige og det Usyn- lige; et Fors0g paa en OpgJ0relse med Ny-Ra- tionalismen Ki0benhavn, 1877. O. 211 6 bound with 200 1 Palndan-Miiller, Casper Peter. En Bemasrk- ning om Vestervigstenen. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 13, 1878.)— Endnu et Ord i Anledning af Vestervigstenen. {In same. v. 14, 1879.) 948 5 — Fire Studier til Grevefeidens Historie. (In same. Annaler. v. 13, 1853.) 948 2 — Om Opdagelsen af Kong Knud den Hilliges Reliquer i Odense. pi. {In same. Nordisk Tids- skrilt. V. 2. 1833.) 948 1.2 Paliidan-Mftller, Frederik. Adam Homo, et Difft. 3 Udgave. Ki0benhavn, 1857. 2 v. D. 839.81 49 — Dandserinden, og Amor og Psyche: to Digt- ninger. 3 Udgave. Ki0benhavn, 1837. T. 839.82 52 — Kjserlighed ved Hoffet, Skuespil. Kjoben- havn, 1832. O. 839.82 53 — Poesier. Ki0benhavn, 1836-8. 2 v in 1. S. 839.82 54 Contents: 1. Eventyr i Skoven.— Alf og Rose. 2. Fyrste og Page.— Poetiske FortffiUlnger.— Blandede Digte. —Sex Digte. 3 Udgave. Ki0benhavn, 1872. D. 839.82 55 Contents; Kalanus.— Abels D0d.— Kain; eller, Vredens Barn.— Benedict fra Nursla og bans Amme.— Ahasverus, den evige J0de.— Pygmalion. — Zuleimas Flugt, enFortaelling. Kj0henhavn, 1835. *S. 839.81 50 Pamela maritata,— nubile, commedia, see Gol- doni, C. V. 2. Pampiere wereld, see Krul, J. H. PAMPLON.i.La prise dePampelune. (In Mussa- lla, A. Altfranzosische Gedichte. 1864, v. 1.) ' 841 6 Pan y toros, oracion, see Jovellanos, G. M. de. PANAMA. Nararrete, M. F. de, editor. Esta- blecimientos de los Espaiioles en el Darien. {In his Coleccion de los viages, 1825-37, v. 3.") 910 59 — Reyband, M. R. L. De la canalisation de 1' isthme de Panama. {In his Marines. 1854.) 910 66 PAJSTAMA 515 PAPAL — Seebach, K. ron, Central-America und der interoceanische Canal. Berlin, 1873. O. 36 p. map. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 —Wafer, L. A new voyage and description of the isthmus of America. London, 1699. D. pi. map. 917.2 5 —Wagner, M. Beitrage zu einer physisch-geo- graphischen Skizze des Isthmus von Panama. Gotha, 1861. sqQ. [2+] 25 p. map. (In Peter- manns Mittheilungen : Erganzungsband. 1.) 910 44 Fandolflni, Agnolo. II governo della famiglia; letto e spiegato a scuola dal... Silvio Pacini. Firenze, 1874. O. 173 2 " Very curious." — ^o(e by Mr. Marsh. Faiulolflni, Francesco. Letters. {In Fanfani,P. Spigolatura fiorentina, no. 1, 1868.) 945 79 Pandora, ein Festspiel, see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 40, 57. PanebiancOj, Ruggiero. Note cristallografiche e chimiche. pi. {In Rome — R.accad. dei lincei. Atti 3 ser. sci. fls. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.)— Sulla forma cristallina di alcune sostanze della serie aromatica. pi. {In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) — Biossido di molibdeno; memoria dei F. Mauro e Pane- bianco, pi. {In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 Panegyricus Trajano dictus, see Plinius Caeci- lius Secnndus, C. II Panfllo in antico veneziano, col latino a fronte, edito a A. Tobler. {In Archivio glot. ital. V. 10, 1886-8.) 450 11 PANICS. Boccardo, H. La legge di period icita delle crisi: perturbazioni economiche e macchie solari. Genova, 1879. O. 80 p. 332 4 Panizzi, Antonio. On the supply of books to the reading room of the British Museum. [London], 1846. O. 29 p. 024 1 bound with 016 19 Given to Mr. Marsh by Henry Stevens. Pannat, — chevalier de, compiler. Relation d'un officier echappe des prisons d'Auray et de Van- nes, apres I'affaire de Quiberon. (In Barri^re & Lescure. Memoires. 1857-91, v. 31.) 944 10 Pannilini, Maroantonio. Lucchetto elettrico e relativi studi fin dall' anno 1863. Siena, 1873, O. 52 p. il. 537 5 PANNOMA, see HUNGARY. Pantaleoni, Dioinede. Del miasma vegetale e delle malattie miasmatiche. n. p.[, 1870.] O, 79 p. 616 22 — Liberta o giurisdizione nel regime della chiesa e deir ordinamento della sua proprieta. Fi- renze, 1876. O. 76 p. 282 50 — Rapporto amministrativo sulle condizioni fi- nanziarie, igieniche e morali dell' Archiospe- dale di S. Spirito in Sassia. Roma, 1871. F. tab. 362 2 bound with 336 3 — Relazione del commissario degli spedali di Roma. [Roma, 1870.] F. 24 p. 362 2 bound with 336 3 Pantanelli, Dante. Sugli strati miocenici del Casino, Siena, e considerazioni sul miocene su- periore. pi. map. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. j^s. v. 3, 1878-9,)— I dia- spri della Toscana e i loro fossili. «Z, {In same. V. 8, 1879-80.^ 065 4 PANTCH AT ANTRA. Liebrecht, F. Zum Pant- schatantra. {In Jahrbucli rom, u. eng. Lit. v, 3, 1861.) 805 1 See also Hltopadesa. PANTHEON. Maes, C. II Pantheon; le espro- priazioni e le demolizioni alle Terme di Agrip- pa. Roma, 1881. O. 31 p. pi. 722 5 — — Le Terme di Agrippa; il Pantheon ripristi- nato a mausoleo dei rei d' Italia. Roma, 1882. O. [3-f]40p. 722 5 Panton, George A., editor, see Colonne, G. dalle. The "Gest hystoriale" of the destruc- tion of Troy. 1869-74. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 39, 56.) 820 5 Den pantsatte Bondedreng, see Holberg, L. Comedier, v. 5, Pannni, Jens Severin Natlianael. Beskrivelse over Bornholm, Slesvig, 1830, D. tab. 914.8 36 Paoli, Cesare, editor, see Azeglio, M. T. d.' Lettere a Torelli. 1870, 856 2 Paoli, Cesare, cfc Piccolomini, E., editors. Let- tere volgari del secolo 13, scritte da senesi, Bologna, 1871. D. (In Scelta di curiosita 116.) 860 10 Paolillo, Bartolomeo. Sugli ulivi coltivati nei circondarii di Cerreto ePiedimonte. {In Naples — R. ist. d' incor. Atti. 2 ser. v, 7, 1870.) 551.21 23 bound with 20 Paolina, novella, see Fanfani, P. Paolis, Riccardo de. Le trasformazioni piane doppie, memoria. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti, 3 ser, sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. l,j— La trasformazione plana doppia di secondo or- dine, e la sua applicazione alia geometria non euclidea, (In same. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) — La ti'asformazione plana doppia di terzo ordine, primo genere, e la sua applicazione alle curve de quarto ordine. {In same, pt. 2.) — Sui fonda- menti della geometria projettiva. {In same. v. 9, 1880-81.) 065 4 Paolo Varnefrido, deacon of Aquileia. De gestis Langobardorum libri 6. {In Grotius, H. Hi- storia Gotthorum. 1654.) 943 5 — Historia Langobardorum. Hannoveree, 1878. O. {In Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 7.) 943 16 — Same. {In Jornandes. De rebus Gothorum, 1515.) 943 6 L' papk dia maestra, commedia, see Zoppis, G. II papa e 1' Italia, Roma, 1881. O. 40 p. 282 50 II papa ed i popoli ; traduzione dal polacco. Belino, 1865. O. [2+j 41 p, 282 50 PAPACY, see POPES. Papadopoulos Vretos, Andreas. AlKarepivri eip-n- voiroiCf. (f-Hi) wi.vSapi.K-f), Bio'Ypaattle of Mobile bay, Aug. 1864. Boston, 1878. O. por. maps. 973 41 Parker, John Henry. The archaeology of Rome. Oxford, 1871-9. v. 1, 4, 7, 9, 12. O. por. pi. maps. 913 5-10 Contents: 1. Primitive fortifications.— Walls and gates. —Historical construction of walls. 1 & 2 edition. 1874, '78. 4. The twelve Egyptian obelisks in Rome. 1879. 7. The Flavian amphitheatre, called the Colosseum. 1876. 9. The tombs. 1871. 12. The catacombs. 1871. The 1st edition of v. l is in two vols. Ther€? are also four pamphlet catalogues of Historical photographs. 1871-3. — A glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic architecture. 5 edition, en- larged. Oxford, 1850. 2 v. in 3. O. 720 7 Vol. 1, text; V. 2, pt. 1 & 2, plates. — An introduction to the study of Gothic archi- tecture. 8 edition. Oxford, 1888. S. il. 723 1 PARKER 518 PAS G HA Parker,Martiu, see The king and a poor north- ern man. PARKER, Samuel, bishop of Oxford. Marvell, A. The rehearsal transpros'd ; or, Animadver- sions upon A preface [by Parker], shewing what grounds there are of fears and jealousies of popery. London, 1672. S. 282 13 Parker, Theodore. [Discourses.] Boston, 1846- 58. 10 V. in 1. O. 252 3.1 Presentation copies to Mr. Marsh, consisting of the following: The idea of a Christian church, 1846.— A ser- mon of war, 1846.— A discourse [on] the death of J. Q. Adams, 1848.— The function and place of conscience in relation to the laws of men, 1850.— The chief sins of the people, 185).—A sermon of the consequences of an im- moral jprinciple and false idea of life, 1854.— The great battle between slavery and freedom, 1856. — A new lesson for the day, 1856.— A false and true revival of religion, 1858.— The revival of religion which we need, 1858. Parker society. Annual report, 1844-5. Cam- bridge [,Eng.]. 1845-6. v. 4, 5. O. 270 17, 18 — Publications : 7, 18. Zurich letters. 1845-6. 270 16-17 23. Kobinson,H., editor & translator. Original letters rela- tive to the English reformation. 1846. 270 18 27. Church of England. Liturgies. 1847. 264 1 80. Jewel, J. Works, 3d portion. 1848. 283 4 43. —Private prayers. 1851. 264 2 Parkman, Francis, jr. History of the conspir- acy of Pontiac, and the war of the tribes against the English colonies after the conquest of Canada. Boston, 1851. O. maps. 970 1 Parma, Domenico Fantozzi. Diario del viaggio fatto in Inghilterra nel 1689 dal nunzio ponti- flcio Rossetti ; pubblicato dal Giuseppe Ferraro. Bologna, 1885. D. (In Sceita di curiosita. 212.) 850 10 PARMA. La Varenne, P. C. M. de. Parme de- puisl814. {In his Italic centrale.1859.) 945 25.1 — Petrarca, F. Parma liberata, 21 maggio 1341; canzone politica; esposta dal F. Berlan. Bo- logna, 1870. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 109.) 850 10 — Salimbene di Adamo. Chronica. Parmae, 1857. F. 945 68 Parmiero, Jacov' Antonio. Composezejune poveteche 'n lengua napolitana. (In CoIIezione napoletana, 1783-9, v. 22.) 859 19 Parnaso lusitano; ou, Poesias selectas dos auc- tores portuguezes antigos e modernos, com notas; precedido de uma historia da lingua e poesia portugueza. Paris, 1826-34. 6 v. Tt. pi. 869 32 For contents see Ticknor catalogue. PARNELL, Tliomas. Goldsmitli, 0. The life of Parnell. (In his Misc. works, 1837, v. 3.) 823 11 Parodi, E. G. editor. Rime genovesi del sec. 13-14. (In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 10, 1886-8.) 450 11 Parona, C. F. II calcare liassico di Gozzano e i suoi fossili. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 8, 1879-80.) 066 4 PARR, Thomas. Taylor, J. The old, old, very old man. 32 p. por. (In his Works. 1870; in Spenser soc. Pub. v. 7.) 821 3 Le parrain magnifique, poSme, see Gresset, J. B. L. Parrish, Robert Austin, jr. Details of an un- paid claim on France for 24,000,000 francs guar- anteed by the parole of Napoleon III. Philadel- phia, 1869. O. phot, facsim. map, 336 6 Parsons, Tliomas William. The birthday of Michael Angelo [;poem]. London, 1875. T. 15 p. 811 18 — Versi sopra un busto di Dante; tradotti dall' inglese dal Generale Masi [.English and Ital- ian]. Palermo, 1872. O. 9 p. 811 19 Parsons, William. A poetical tour, 1784-6, by a member of the Arcadian society at Rome. London, 1787. O. 821 93 Romans of Partenay, see MELUSINE. [Partlienopeus and Melior:] Assi comensa la general historia del esforsat cavalier Partino- bles, comptede Bles; novament traduhida de llengua castellana en la nostra catalana. Ge- rona, n. d. T. 869 27 For a discussion of this romance, see Jonckbloet. Dicht- kunst,v. S, p. 185 and after. See also Conrad TonWHrzburg, Partliey, Gustar Friedricli Constantin. Wan- derungen durch Sicilien und die Levante. Berlin, 1834-40. 2 v. D. music, & Anhang zum 2ten Theile. F.^ 916.2 13 Contents: 1. Sicilien und Malta. 2. Das Nilthal. PARTIES. Webster, N. Brief history of polit- ical parties in the U. S. {In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 See also the division POLITICS under the different countries. Partinobles, see Parthenopeus. Parton, James. Life of Andrew Jackson. New York, 1861. 3v. O. por. 923 52 Partonopier und Meliur, see Parthenopens and Melior. Partscli, Joseph. Die Insel Korfu; eine geo- graphische Monographie. Gotha, 1887. sqQ. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen : Ergan- zungsband 18.) 910 44 Party leaders, see Baldwin, J. G. ParviTordonis Diaconi explicationes,see Degn, T.I. Parville, Francois Henri Peudefer de. Cau- series scientifiques ; decouvertes et inventions, progres de la science et de I'industrie. 1869. Paris, 1870. v. 9. D. il. pi. 605 2 Parvipontanus, Ada, see Adam du Petit-Pont. Parzival und Titurel, see Wolfram ^;on Eschen- bach ; also Perceval. Pascal, Blaise. Pensees, fragments et lettres; publics par Prosper Faugere. Paris, 1844. 2 v. O. por. 848 14 — Pensees preced^es de sa vie par Mme. Perier, sa soeur, suivies d'un choix des Pensees de Ni- cole et de son Traite de la paix avec les hommes. Paris, 1842. D. 848 13 — Les provinciales; ou, Lettres de Louis de Montalte [pseud.]. Paris, 1819. 2 v. in 1. T. 282 18 — Same. Edition accompagnee de notes et d'un Erecis historique sur le jansenisme par Charles ouandre. Paris, 1858. D. 282 19 — Italian: Le provincial!; coUe annotazioni di Guglielmo Wendrok. 2 edizione d' Italia. Ve- nezia, 1789. 2 v. O. 285 19.1 Pascal, Jean Baptiste fltienne. abb^. Institu- tions del'art chretien. Paris, 1856. 2 v. in 1. O. 756 1 Der Pascha von Buda, see Zschokke^ J. H. D, V. 10. PASCO LI 519 PATAGONIA Pascoli. Lioiie. II Tevere, navigate e naviga- bile. Roma, 1740. O. 651.48 21 Pasolini, Pietro Desiderio. Delle antiche rela- zioni fra Venezia e Ravenna; memorie. Fir- enze, 1874. O. 945 60 — Memorie storiche della famiglia Pasolini, 1200-1867. Venezia, 1867. O. 91 p. pi. tab. 929 8 — Memorie storiche della famiglia Ponti; per le nozze Ponti-Greppi. Imola, 1876. O. pi. tab. 929 11 hound with 925 18 — Gli statuti di Ravenna ordinati e descritti. Firenze, 1868. D. 349 23 Pasqiiale, (J. A. Dell' agricoltura industriale nelle provincie meridionali d'ltalia. {In Naples — R. ist. d' incor. Atti. 2 ser. v. 7, 1870.) 551.21 23 Pasqualig'o, Cristoforo. Raccolta di proverbi veneti. 2 edizione accresciuta. Venezia. 1879. O. 398 53 Pasqnini, Pietro Vincenzo. Dell' unificazione della lingua in Italia. Milano, 1863. D. 144 p. 450 6 — Deir unificazione della lingua in Italia. Fi- renze, 1869. D. [3-I-] 17+430 [+1] p. 450 7 Pasquino et Marforio; les bouches de marbre de Rome; traduits et publics pour la premiere fois par Mary Lafon. 2 edition. Paris, 1877. D. 282 7 — Voigt, J. Ueber Pasquille,... [1501-50]. (In Raumer, P. L. G. yon. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1838.) 905 1 Passaglia, Carlo, abate. Sulla eternita delle pene e sul fuoco dell' inferno, dissertazioni ; volgarizzate dal Francesco Regonati. Milano, 1855. O. 93 p. 237 3 ^Du pere Passaglia et de I'ltalie. Turin, 1862. O. 86 p. 282 50 Passavant, Johann David. Rafael von Urbino und sein Vater, Giovanni Santi. Leipzig, 1839- 58. 3 V. O. pi. 927 12 Passavanti, Jacopo. Lo specchio della vera pe- nitenzia. Firenze, 1821. 2 v. in 1. O. por. 241 4 Passega, Carlo. Delle bonifieazioni ferraresi e dei lavori a conservazione della loro agricoltu- ra. Bologna, 1843. O. 79 p. 630 32 Una passeggiata pei borghi di Firenze, see Thoiiar, P. Passerini, Gr., & others. Compendio della flora italiana, per V. Cesati, Passerini e G. Gibelli. Milano [,1867-84]. Q. pi. (In L'ltalia. Parte 2 ) 914.5 5 Passerini, Luigi, conte. Curiosita storico-ar- tistiche fiorentine. 1-2 serie. Firenze, 1866- 75. 2 v. D. 709 5 —editor, see Ademollo, A. Marietta de' Ricci. 1845. 945 69 Passetti, Leon. Valle Varaita ; studi storico- militari del secolo 18. (In Curiosity di storia subalpina. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 Passio deutsch. (In Altdeutsche Neujahrsblaet- ter. 1874.) 839.1 6 La passion du Christ ; poeme en dialecte fran- co-venitien du 14 siecle ; A Boucherie. (In ReTue des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) 479 5 La passion du Christ; texte revu par G. Paris. (In Romania, v. 2, 1873.) 479 6 — Diez.F.C.Zvir Kritik der altromanischen Pas- sion Christi. (In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 7, 1866.) 805 1 La passione e altre antiche scritture lombardi; edite da C. Salvioni. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 9, 1886.) 460 11 Libro del pass© honroso; copilado por Juan de Pineda. 2 edicion. (In Cr6nicas espanolas. v. 5, 1783.) 946 34 Passow, Franz Lndwig Kai-1 Friedrich. Erin- nerungen an ausgezeichnete Philologen des 16- ten Jahrhunderts : Hieronymus Wolfs Jugend- leben, — Heinrich Stephanus. (In Raumer, F. L. Gr. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1830-3] .) 905 1 PASSPORTS, see MARSH, 0. P. Passy, Fr^d^ric. La liberte commerciale. (In Thevenin, E. Cours d'econ. indust. 4 serie. 1866.) 330 18 — De la monnaie. (/n same. Entretiens, 1866, V. 2. p. 15-105.) 304 5 — Les machines, et leur influence sur le deve- loppement de I'humanite. Paris, 1866. D. 621 1 Passy, (J. de. Etude sur le service hydraulique. Paris, 1868. O. 627 5 PAST AND PRESENT. Carlyle, T. Past and present. New York, 1848. D. 824 7 —Dana, R. H. (In his Poems and prose. 1850, V. 2 ) 811 5 PASTEURIZATION, see GERMS. The pastime of people, see Rastell, J, The pastime of pleasure, see^Hawes, S. Pasto, Andrea. El vin friularo de Bagnoli, di- tirambo. — La polenta, scherzo ditirambico. (In Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 5.) 859 50 Pasto, Lodovico. Poesie. (In same. v. 4.) 859 50 [Paston letters:] Original letters written dur- ing the reigns of Henry VI. , Edward IV. and Richard III.; with notes by John Fern. 2 edition, with additions. London, 1787. 2 v. sqQ. pi. facsim. tab. iltp. 826 5 Paston letters, 1428-1509. New edition, con- taining upwards of 400 letters, &c., hitherto unpublished, edited by James Gairdner. Lon- don, 1872-5. 3 V. S. (Arber's annotated re- prints.) 826 6 II pastor fido, tragicomedia, see Gnarini, B. The pastoral life of the ancients. (In The history of silk, etc. 1845.) 677 1 PASTORAL OFFICE, see CLERGY. Pastorale comique, see Moliere, J, B. P. de. V. 4. Pastors-adjunkten, af Onkel Adam, see Wet- terbergli, K. A. PASTOURELLES. Brakelmann, J. Die Pas- tourelle in der nord- und siidfranzosischen Poesie; nebst einem Anghange ungedruckter Pastourellen. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 9, 1868.) 806 1 PASTURAGE, see GRASSES. PATAGONIA. Byron, J. Narrative of dis- tresses suffered on the coast of Patagonia, 1740- 6. 2 edition. London, 1768. pi. 916.2 2 J^A TA G ONI A 520 PA YER — Lacroix, F. Patagonie. 1840. pi. map. {In L'lmivers. 10.) 910 18 Pater Brey,Ein Fastnachtsspiel von,see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 13. Patercnlus, Cains Velleins. Historia Romana; ex editione J. C. H. Krause[,recensuit Joannes Carey]. Londini, 1818. T. 878 29 Published with Floras, li. A. Epitome, Paternd, E. Ricerche sopra I'acido usnico, e sopra due nuovi principi die lo accompagnano nella zeora sordida. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Sulla identita degli acidi usnico e carbonu- snico. (In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Nuovi studi sulla picrotossina ; nota del Paterno ed A. Oglialoro. {In same. v. 3, 1878- 9.)— Ricerche dirette allasintesi deltimol; nota di Paterno e F. Canzoneri. — Ricerche e consi- derazioni sulla natura chimica della picrotossi- na; nota di Paterno ed A. Oglialoro. {In same. V. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 PATHOLOGIY. Beale, L. S. On slight ailments. London, 1880. O. 616 5 — Paracelsns. Anatomia corporum adhuc vi- ventium. il. {In his Aurora. 1577.) 540 1.1 — Perls, M. Ueber die Bedeutung der pathologi- schen Anatomie und der pathologischen Insti- tute. Berlin, 1873. O. 26 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 See also ASTHMA; BACTERIA; CALCULUS; CATALEPSY; CHOLERA; COXSUMPTIOIV; CONTAGION; CORPULENCE; CRETINISM; DUST; ELEPHANTIASIS; EPIDEMICS; GERMS; INFLAMMATION; INSANITY; ITCH; MALARIA; NIGHT- MARE; PARALYSIS; PELLAGRA; RHEUMATISM; SCIATI- CA; SEA-SICKNESS; SPINE; TUBERCULOSIS; WORMS. Patin, GJni. Nouvelles lettres, tiroes du cabinet de Charles Spon. Amsterdam, 1718. 2 v. S. 846 8 PATOIS, see DIALECTS. Patria e famiglia, poesie, see Contiui, S. PATRICIUS (English Patrick), St. Brownlee, W. C. Saint Patrick and the western apostolic churches. New York, 1855. S. pi. 284 3 II purgatorio di S. Patrizio. (In Villari, P. Antiche ieggende. 1865.) 861 59 —Stokes, W., editor. The tripartite life of Patrick, with other documents relating to that saint [; Irish text] with translations. London, 18"<7. 2 V. Q. facsim. (In Grt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 80.) 942 8 See also Calderon. Coraedias. v. 1. PATRONAGE. Vidalin, P. J. Skrivelse til Biskop J. Arnesen om jus patronatus i Island; oversat paa Dansk af S. M. J. D. Ki0benharn, n. d. D. 262 15 Patrone, Lazzaro, e (Alessandro Farnese). I vini d'ltalia giudicati da papa e dal suo bottigliere Sante Lancerio; pubblicata da Giuseppe Fer- raro. Firenze, 1876. O. 42 p. 643 7 Paul, Jean, see Ricliter, J. P. F. Paul!, Georg Reinhold. Bilder aus Alt-Eng- land. Gotha, 1860. O. map. 942 19 — The life of Alfred the Great; translated from the German; appended, Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius, with English translation and Anglo-Saxon alphabet and glossary, by B. Thorpe. London, 1857. D. (Bohn's antiq. lib.) .923 8 — editor, see Gower, J. Confessio amantis. 1857. 821 59 PAULINUS, St., archbishop of York. Newman, J. H., & others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 4.) 922 8 Paulsen, Paul Ditlef Christian. Bidragtil Spro- gets Historic paa den jydske Halv0e. {In Co- penliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Kordisk Tidsskrilt. v. 1, 1832.) 948 1.2 — Detdanske Sprog i Hertugd0mmet Slesvig. Kj0benhavn, 1837. S. 59 p. 439.87 7 PAULUS, St., the hermit. Hieronymus Sophro- nius, E., St. Das ist sant Pauls leben. Strass- burg, 1498. D. [93] p. il. 093 12 Panlus diaconus, see Paolo Varnefrido. PAUPERS, see POOR. Panthier, Jean Pierre Guillaumc. Chine ; ou, Description historique, geographique et litte- raire. Paris, 1837-53. 2 v. O. map. (Jn L'univers. 17-18.) 910 18 Vol. 2 is Chine moderne ; pt. 2, Arts, littfirature et moeurs, by A. P. L. Bazin. —editor, see Polo, M. Le livre. 1865. 915 14 Pauvre France ! see Rogeard, L. A. Payesi, Angelo, <& Rotondi, E. Studii chimico- idrologici sulle acque potabili della citta di Milano. Milano, 1876. F. [1-^] 27 p. pi. map. 628 7 hound ivith 551.31 7 PAVIA. Marsh, C. C. {In Johnson's cyclopae- dia.) In main library. Paxton, John D. Letters from Palestine, 1836- 8. London, 1839. D. 915.6 32 Paya, Jean Baptiste Charles. Les cachots du pape. Paris, 1864. D. 282 48 Payer, Julius. Die Adamello-Presanella-Alpen. Gotha, 1865. sqQ. [3-f ] 36 p. pi. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen : ErgAnzungsband 4.) 910 44 FA YER 521 PEIGJSrOT — Die centralen Ortler-Alpen; Gebiete: Martell, Laas und Saent; nebst einem A.nhange zu den Adamello-Presanella Alpen. Gotha, 1872. sqQ. [2+] 36 p. pi. map. {In same. 7.) 910 44 — Die Ortler-Alpen ; Sulden-Gebiet und Monte Cevedale. Gotha, 1867. sqQ. pi. map. {In same. 4.) 910 44 — Die siidlichen Ortler-Alpen. Gotha, 1869. sqQ. [2+] 30 p. il. pi. map. {In same. 6.) 910 44 — Die westlichen Ortler-Alpen; Trafoier Gebiet. Gotha, 1868. sqQ. [2-I-] 30 p. il. pi. map. {In same. 5.) 910 44 Paykiill, Gustaf, friherre af, translator, see Atiacreon, Sapho, Bion och Moschus. 1787. 884 2.1 Payne, Joseph. Supplement [on] the elementary study of mechanics. {In Youmans, E. A. Es- say on the observing powers of children. 1878.) 372 3 — The use of final -e in Early English, and espe- cially in Chaucer's Canterbury tales. (/?i Essays on Chaucer, pt. 2, 1874; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 9.) 821 46 Payne, WUliam Morton, translator, see Jager, H. Henrik Ibsen. 1890. 839.82 28.1 PayotjVenance. Oscillations des quatre grands glaciers de la vallee de Chamounix. Lausanne, 1867. O. 7 p. 561.31 4 Payra, A. C, editor, see Cruz, B. da. Chronica de elrei Sebastiao. 1837. 946 83 Fazzi, Alfonso de.' Sonetti 62 contro Benedetto Varchi; con madrigali e strambotti. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 S FAZZI FAMILY. Manni, D. M. Dei fuochi d' allegrezza artifiziati per la famiglia dei Pazzi di Firenze nel Sabato Santo; ragionamento. Firenze, 1867. Q. [4-I-] 39 p. il. 929 9 — Zamponi, F. Bozzetto storico della famiglia dei Pazzi. Firenze, 1873. O. 42 p. 929 10 ^ Fazzi de' Medici, Alessandro. Le tragedie me- triche ; a cura di Angelo Solerti. Bologna, 1887. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 224.) 850 10 PEABODY, George. Sterens, H. An account of the dinner given by Peabody to the Ameri- cans connected with the great exhibition, 27 Oct. 1851. London, 1851. Q. il. 606 3 Feabody, Oliver William Bourne, 1799-1848. Life of Israel Putnam, por. (In Sparlcs, J. American biography, 1835-9, v. 7.) 920 15 Feabody, WiUiam Bourne Oliver. 1799-1847. Life of Alevander Wilson, facsim. (In same. V.2.) — Life of Cotton Mather, facsim. (In same. v. 6.) — Life of David Brainerd. facsim. {In same, v. 8.) 920 15 FEACE. Nicole, F. Traite des moyens de con- server la paix avec les hommes. {In Fascal, B. Pensees. 1843.) 848 13 For other treatises on peace, see WAR. Feacock, Edward, editor, see MyrcJT. Instruc- tions for parish priests. 1868; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 30.) 820 5 Feaks, passes and glaciers, see Alpine club, Fearce, Zachary, bishop of Rochester. A re- view of the text of Milton's Paradise lost, in which Bentley's emendations are considered. London, 1733. O. 821 84 FEARLS. Martens, E. C. yon. Purpur und Perlen. Berlin, 1874. O. 55 p. il. {In Vir- chow & Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 FEASANTRY. Bonnem^re, J. E. Histoire des paysans, 1200-1850; precedee d'une introduc- tion, an 50 avant J. C.-1200 apres J. C. Paris, 1856. 2 V. O. 333 4 — Dpniol, H. Histoire des classes rurales en France et de leurs progrfes dans I'egalite civile et la propriete. Paris, 1865. O. 333 6 — Leymarie, A. Histoire des paysans en France. Paris, 1856. 2 v. in 1. O. 333 13 See also LABOR. PEASANTS' WARS. Wachsmuth, E. W. «. Aufstande und Kriege der Bauern im Mittel- alter. {In Raumer, F. L. G. yon. Hist. Ta- schenbuch. 1834.) 906 1 FEAT. Asbj0rnsen, P. C. Torv og Torvdrift. Christiania, 1868. O. il. 663 3 Torvdriften, 1871. n. p., 1872. 8 p. 563 3 — Noggerath. J. Der Torf. Berlin, 1875. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 10 Serie.) 043 1 — Yaupell, C. T. De nordsjaellandske Skovmo- ser ; en botanisk-mikroskopisk Undersogelse. Kjobenhavn, 1851. sqQ. pi. 563 4 Pebersvendene, et Lystspil, see Ewald, J. v. 4. See also v. 2. Peckham, John, archbishop of Canterbury. Registrum epistolarum; edited by Charles Trice Martin. London, 1882-5. 3 v. Q. facsim. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. '77.) 942 8 Pecock, Reginald. The repressor of over much blaming of the clergy ; edited by Churchill Babington. London, 1860. 2 v. Q, {In same. 19.; 942 8 Pecori, Luigi. Storia della Terra di San Gimi- gnano. Firenze, 1853, O. pi. 946 81 Pecorone, Bonifacio. Lamiento de Cuosemo pezzente. (In Collezione napoletana, 1783-9, V. 24.) 859 19 Peder of Dacia, canon of Ribe. Calendarium. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772- 1834, V. 6.) 948 76 Peder Paars, et heroisk-comisk Poema, see Holberg, L. PederseUjChristiern. DanskeSkrifter; udgivne af C. J. Brandt og R. Th.Fenger, KJ0benhavn, 1850-6. 5 V. O. 839.88 4 Contents: 1. Jasrtegns-Postil, Vinterparten. 2. Same, Sommerparten.— Tidebogen.— Bogen om Messen. 8. O- verssettelse af det Nye Testamente. 4. Oversaettelse fa Davids Psalter.— Smaaskrifter. 6. Kejser Karl Magnus Kr0nike.— Kong Olger Danskes Kr0nike.— Danske Kr0- niker. PEDRO, see PETER. A peep at the Pyrenees, by a pedestrian. Lon- don, 1867. S. map. 914.4 15 A peep behind the scenes at Rome, see Trol- lope, T. A. Peer Gynt, et dramatisk Digt, see Ibsen, H. Pegge, Samuel, editor, see The forme of cury. 1780. 641 4 Pegna, Francisco, see Feua. Pei^not, Etienne Gabriel. Essai de curiosites bibliographiques. Paris, X;iII-1804, O. 016 3 PEIGNOT 522 PEEA — Essai sur I'histoire du parchemin et du velin. Paris, 1812. O. 016 3 — Varietes, notices et raretes bibliographiques; suite aux Curosites bibliographiques. Paris, 1822. O. 016 3 PEKIN. Bretschneider, E.Die Pekinger Ebene und das benachbarte Gebirgsland. Gotha, 1876. sqQ. [2+] 42 p. map. {In Peternianns Mittheilungeii : Erganzungsband 10.) 910 44 PELASGIANS. Dodwell, E. Views and de- scriptions of cyclopian or Pelasgic remains in Greece and Italy. London, 1834. F.« [3+] 34 [+2] p. 131 pi. 913 25 PELLAGrRA. Mantua. La pellagra nella pro- vincia di Mantova; relazione della comniissione provinciale. Firenze, 1878. Q. 78 p. 616 27 — Selmij A.Delle alterazioni alle quali soggiace il granturco, e specialmente di quello che in- genera la pellagra, il. [In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 Pellarin, Charles. Le mal de mer. Paris, 1851. [3+] 49 [+2] p. O. 616 31 Pellati, N. Sul metodo Zoppi di cemetazione delle soluzioni cuprifere in Agordo. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Pell6, Clement, & Galibert, L. Angleterre. Paris, 1842-4. 4 v. O. por. pi. maps. {In L' univers. 28-31.) 910 18 Le pellegrine, commedia, see Cecclii, G. M. Pellegrini, Ferdinando de. Nel terzo anniver- sario dalF esaltazione al trono di Ismail Pascia, vice-re d' Egitto, omaggio [ in verse, with French prose translation]. Firenze, 1865. O. 16-F4p. 851 93 Pellegrini, Gioranni, editor. Raccolta di sacre poesie popolari fatta nel 1446; pubblicata dal G. Ferraro. Bologna, 1877. D. 83 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 152.) 850 10 Pellegrini, Pietro, editor, see Leopardi, G. Studi filologici. 1845. 858 8 Pelletan, Pierre Clement Eugene. Les uns et les autres. Paris, 1873. O. 944 55 Contents : Le pape.— L'antipape.— L'empereur.— Le citoyen. Pelli, Giuseppe. Elogio di Pulci. {In Pulci, L. Morgante maggiore, 1806, v. 1.) 851 102 — Memorie per servire alia vita di Dante. (In Dante Alighieri. Opere, 1757-8, v. 5.) 851 33 Pellicer de Salas y Tobar, Jos6. El fenix y su historia natural escrita en veinte y dos exerci- tationes, diatribes o capitulos. Madrid, 1730. T. 868 7 Pellicer y Saforcada, Juan Antonio de. Vida de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Madrid, 1800. T. por. 928 13 ^editor, see Cervantes. Don Quixote. 1798-9. 863 2 Pellico, Silvio. Cenni e lettere inedite. {In Curiosity di etoria subalpina. v. 1, 1874.) 945 43 —Brian©, G. Silvio Pellico. Torino, 1861. T. 79 p. por. (I contemp. Italian!.) 928 41 Pellissier, A. La langue fran9aise; tableau hi- storique de sa formation et de ses progres. Paris, 1866. D, 440 5 Pellizzone, Carl Antonio. Poesie. (in CoUezione milanese, 1816-7, v. 11.) 859 15 Pelman, Carl. Ueber die Grenzen zwischen psychischer Gesundheit und Gei-tesstorung. Berlin, 1884. O. 36 p. {In Vircliow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 19 Serie.) 043 1 PELOPONNESUS, see MORE A. Pena, Francisco, compiler. Literae apostolicae diversorura Romanorum pontificum pro officio sanctissimueinquisitionis... Romae, 1579. F. 099 45 —annotator, see Eymeric, N. Directorium in- quisitorum. 1578. 099 45 PENAL CODES, see CRIMINAL LAW. Pendola, Tommaso. La metodica applicata alia istruzioneed educazionedelsordo-muto. Siena, 1869. O. 371 1 PENDULUM. Saint Robert, P. de. Du mouve- ment d'un pendule simple suspendu dans une voiture de chemin de fer. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 Penelope, heroisk drame, see Gyllenborg, G,F. Penn, William. Preface. {In Fox, G. Journal, 1808, V. 1.) 922 31 The penniles parliament of thread-bare poets; or. All mirth and wittie conceites. 1608. p. 37- 57. {In Percy soc. v. 7.) 820 6 Pennine & Vostaert, Pi eter. Roman van Wale- wein; uitgegeven door W. J. A. Jonckbloet, Leiden, 1846-8. 2 v. O. {In Vereenlging Ned. letterkunde. Werken.) 839.3 12 Pennritningar ur folklifvet, see S., J. N, PENNSYLVANIA. Franklin, B. An historical review of the constitution and government of Pennsylvania from its origin. {In his Works, 1840, V. 3.) 818 1 PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN. Ellis, A. J. Penn- sylvania German the analogue of Chaucer's English. (In his On early English pronuncia- tion, 1869-89, V. 3; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 14.) 820 5.1 Pennock, Barclay, translator, see Keyser.J. R. The religion of the Northmen. 1854. 293 24.1 II pentamerone, see Basile, G. B. PENTAPOLIS, see CYRENAICA. Penzel, A. J., editor, see Schiltberger, J.Reise in den Orient. 1814. 910 36 Peoresta que estaba, seeCalderon. v. 1. PEPERINO. Tucci, P. di. Saggio di studi geo- logic! sui peperin! del Lazio, il. map. (/mRonie — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Pepoli, Carlo. I puritan! e i cavalier!, opera seria; musica del Bellini. Firenze, n. d. D. 28 p. 852 1 Pepys, Samuel. Diary and correspondence, from his ms. cypher in the Pepsyan library, with a life and notes by Richard, lord Braybrooke; deciphered, with additional notes, by Mynors Bright; with portraits from the collection in the Pepsyan library, printed in woodburytype. London, 1875-9. 6 v. O. por. pi. facsim. tab. 942 26 Pera, Turkey. Statuti della colonia genovese di Pera; editi da Vincenzo Promis. Torino, 1871. O. 349 22 PERANNI 523 PERMUTATION Peranni, Francesco, translator, see Mttnter, F. C. C. H. Viaggio in Sicilia. 1823. 914.5 96 PERCEPTION, see SENSES. [Sir Perceval:] Parcevals saga. {In Kolbiii^,E. Eiddarasogur. 1873.) 839.68 59 — The romance of Sir Perceval of Galles. (In Camden soc. 30.) 820 4 — Wolfram's von Eschenbach Parzival und Titurel; herausgegeben von K. Bartsch. Leip- zig, 1870-1. 3 V. D, {In Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Classiker. 9-11.) 831 15 Perclie si dice e fatto il becco a roca,seeBello,F. PERCIVAL, James Gates. Lowell, J. R. The life and letters of Percival. (In his My study windows. 1871.) 814 14 Pfercopo, Erasmo, editor. IV. poemetti sacri dei secoli 14 e 15; con appendice. Bologna, 1885. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 211.) 850 10 Percoto, Caterina. Racconti. 2 edizone con ag- giunta. Genova, 1863. 2 v. in 1. D. 853 27 Vol. 1 contains preface by N. Tommas6o. Percy, Thomas, bishop of Dromore.Folio man- uscript: ballads and romances; edited by t^ohn W. Hales and Frederick J. Furnivall. London, 1867-8. 3 V..0. facsim. 821 6 Life of Percy, by J. Pickford, in v. 1. — Same: loose and humorous songs; edited by Hales and Furnivall. London, 1867. O. 8216 — Reliques of ancient English poetry. 1 Amer- ican from 5 London edition. Philadelphia, 1823. V. 1. O. 821 7 Percy society. Early English poetry, ballads, and popular literature of the middle ages. London, 1840-52. 94 pt. in 30 v. D, il por. pi. music. 820 6 For contents see Peabodv catalogue. The society's re- ports for the years 1840-2, '44-8, '50-2, are contained in v. 3, 7, 17, 21, 22, 28, 30. The last volume contains a list of the publications by volumes, and by numbers. Perdonnet, Jean Albert Vincent Auguste. Les chemins de fer. (In Th^venin, E. Entretiens, 1860, p. 113-172.) 604 1 bound loith 600 2 P6reflxe, Hardouin de Beaumont de, bishop of Paris. Histoire de Henri-le-Grand, roi de France et de Navarre ; suivie d'un recueil de quelques belles actions et paroles memorables de ce prince. Paris, 1825. D. 944 29 Pereira Bayao, Jos^, editor, see Lopes, F. Chronica del rey Pedro I. 1760. 946 76 Perella, pseudonym of Salvestro. Perels, Emil. Ueber die Bedeutung des Maschi- nenwesens fiir die Landwirthschaft. Berlin, 1867. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 PEREYRA, Nuno Alvares. Teixeyra, D. Vida de Pereyra. Lisboa Occidental. 1723. F. por. 923 80 Perez, Antonio. Las obras y relaciones. Gi- nevra, 1676. D. 866 1 Perez, Luis. Glosas. {In Manrique, J. Coplas. 1779.) 861 11 Perez de Uita, tfines.Guerras civiles de Grana- da. Madrid, 1833. 2 v. S. 946 31 Contains the first and second parts. — Historia de las guerras civiles de Granada. [Paris, 1606.] D. iltp. 946 30 This is the first part, which is chiefly Action, but has more literary merit than the second. This edition con- tains marginal annotations by Fortan, giving French translations of difficult words. — French : Histoire chevaleresque des Maures de Granade; traduite de I'espagnol, precedee de reflexions sur les Musulmans d' Espagne, avec des notes, par A. M. Sane. Paris, 1809. 2 V. in 1. O. 946 32 Perfetti, Filippo. Ricordi di Roma. Firenze, 1861. D. 68 p. 282 30.2 PERGAMUS. Hahn, J. G. von. Die Ausgra- bungen auf der Homei'ischen Pergamos. Leip- zig, 1865. O. 36 p. pi. maps. 913 31.2 Pericles and Aspasia, see Landor, W. S. Pericles, prince of Tyi-e, see Shalcespeare, W. Pericoli, Giovanni Battista. Relazione sopra i provvedimenti economici e legislativi per il bonificamento dell' Agro romano. Roma, [1872]. O. 74 p. (In Italy— Min. di agric. An- nali.) 551.49 7 Perier, Gilberte (Pascal). Vie de Pascal, par sa soeur. (In Pascal, B. Pensees. 1843.) 848 13 Perier, Miss I. Simples entretiens sur la phy- sique et la cosmographie. Paris, 1873. D. il. pi. 530 7 PfiRIGORD. Lartet, E. A. I. H., * Cliristy,H. Cavernesdu Perigord; objets graves etsculptes des temps pre-historiques. Paris, 1864. O. 37 p. il. pi. 571 4 Peringskjold, Johan. Then forsta boken af Swea och Gotha minnings-merken uthi Up- lands forsta del, Thiundaland [; Swedish and Latin]. Stockholm, 1710-19. 2 v. in 1. F. il. pi. map. 948 57.1 —Same. v. 1. 948 57 Ai)pended to v. 2 is Historia Hialmarl, cum gemiua versione J. Peringskioldl. — editor, see Cochleeus, J. Vita Theodorici. 1699. 923 92 & annotator, see Messenins, J. Scondia illustrata. 1700-3. 948 12 & translator, see [Dietrich of Bern :] Wilkina saga samt Niflunga saga. 1697. Historia Hialmari. These two are bound \\ith v. 2 of the following : Sturluson, S. Heims kringla. 1697. 839.63 13.1 PERIODICALS. See the different literatures, as ENGLISH LITERATURE —PERIODICALS; also various subjects, as GEOGRAPHY- PERIODICALS. PERIODICITY, see PANICS. Periodico di numismatica e sfragistica per la storia d'ltalia. [Two-monthly.] Firenze, 1868- 74. V. 1-6. Q. il. pi. 737 2 Vol. 6, pt. 5-6, wanting. Perkins, George Henry. Hygiene of house plants. {In American naturalist, v. 10, 1876.) 551.58 121 Perls, Max. Ueber die Bedeutung der patho- logischen Anatomic und der pathologischen Institute. Berlin, 1873. O. 26 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendojfif. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 PERMUTATION OF CONSONANTS. Devan- tier, F. Ueber die Lautverschiebung und das Verba] tniss des Hochdeutschen zum Nieder- deutschen. Berlin, 1881. O. 44 p. il. {In same. 16 Serie.) 048 1 PERNILLE8 524 PERSIA Pernilles korte Fr0kenstand, see Holberg, L. Comedier, v. 5. Perona, Vittorio. Trattato di selvicoltura. Fi- renze, 1880. v. 1. O. pi. 551.68 43 No more published. Perranzabuloe, see Trelawny, C, T. C. Perrero, Domenico. Law e Vittorio Amedeo II di Savoia. — II testamento di Cristina di Francia ed il conte Filippo d' Aglie. — Singolare preponderanza dell' elemento deinocratico nei tre stati del ducato d' Aosta. — La prepotenza di Luigi XIV ed il matrimonio del principe Ema- nuele Filiberto di Savoia Carignano, 1683-5. {In Curiosity di storia subalpina. v. 1, 1874.) — La duchessa Ortensia Mazzarino e la principessa Maria Colonna sorelle Mancini ed il duca Carlo Emanuele II di Savoia, 1672-5. — L' abbate di Saint-Real; rivelazione autobiografiche, 1663- 93. — La condotta di Vittorio Amedeo II di Savoia verso la Francia prima e dopo 1701. — Lettera sull' articolo : L' abbate di Saint- Real. {In same. v. 8, 1876.) — Aggiunte e correzioni agli storici piemontese. — Un carcieriere ver- cellese del tempo antico. — Una discendente di Pietro Micca. — Madama di Warens ; appunti a Confessioni di Rousseau, 1726-62. {In same. v. 3, 1879.) — Prima carovana de' cavalieri dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro. — II presidente Giuseppe de Lescheraine corrispondente di Madama di La Fayette, faesim. — Lettere inedite di Madama di La Fayette e sue relazioni colla corte di Torino. — Una pagina da aggiungersi alia storia della Biblioteca civica di Torino. — Origine e vicende della disgrazia incorsa dall' abate Carlo Denina per la sua opera : Dell' impiego delle persone, 1777-80. {In same. v. 4, 1880.) 945 43 — editor, see Testi, F. II conte Testi alia corte di Torino, 1628 e 1635. 1865. {In BibLrara. 63.) 850 3 Perrin^, J. S. A survey of the pyramids at Abou Roash and to the southvp-ard. por. pi. map. {In Vyse, H. Operations at Gizeh, 1840- 2, V. 3.) 932 10 Perroncito^ Edoardo. Osservazioni elmintolo- giche relative alia malattia sviluppatasi ende- mica negli operai del Gottardo. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 7, 1879-80.) 065 4 Perruccio, Andreja. L' Agnano zeffonnato, poemma aroico, e La malatia d' Apollo, idillio. {In CoUezione napoletana,1783-9, v. 16.) 859 19 Perry, George Gresley, editor. Religious pieces in prose and verse; edited from Robert Thornton's ms. London, 1867. O. {In E. E. textsoc. Orig. ser, 26.) 820 5 see the publications of the Early English text society; original series: 820 5 8. Arthur. Morte Arthure. 1865. 20. Rolle de Hampole, R. English treatises. 1866. Perry, Mattheir Calbraitli. [Correspondence.] {In U. S.— Navy dept. Instructions relative to the expedition to Japan. 1855.) 915.2 4 Pers y Ramona, Magin. Historia de la lengua y de la literatura catalana, desde su origen hasta nuestros dias. Barcelona, 1857. O. 869 10 Persa, see Plautus, T. M. v. 2. U^fxrai, see jEschylus. PERSANO, Carlo Pellion di, conte. Maccia, R. L'ammiraglio Persano ; ossia, Confutazione di alcuni appunti sulla battaglia navale di Lissa. 4edizione. Torino, 1866. O. 54 p. 945 38 PERSECUTION. Castro, A. de. The Spanish protestants and their persecution by Philip IL ; translated by Thomas Parker. London, 1851. D. 272 15 — Der erangelischen Fiirsten Fiirbitte an den Senat zu Venedig fiir einige des Evangelii we- gen ins Gefangnis Geworfene, 1543. {In Stro- bel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 1.) 830 10 — J^rgensen, A. D. Om Kristenforf0lgelser i Danmark. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.- Selskab. AarbjEfger. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 —Nichols, J. G., editor. Narratives of the days of the reformation, chiefly from the mss. of J. Foxe. [London,] 1859. sqO. il. {In Camden soc. 77.) 820 4 — Shoberl, F. Persecutions of popery. Nevsr York, 1844. O. 272 2 — Sprenger van Eijk, J. P. De martelaars der protestantsche kerken vanHongarije in de 17de eeuw. Dordrecht, 1845. O. 272 6 See also AqVAVlYX, R.; Bocci, D.; BRETHREX OF THE LIFE OF POVERTY; CALAS, J.; FREEDOM OF COINSCI- ENCE; HERESY; HUGUENOTS; INQUISITION; KAIRIS,T.; MARTEILHE, J.; SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S DAY; Tergo- lina, V. di; WALDENSES. PERSEPOLIS. Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Versuche zur Erklarung der Denkmaler von Persepolis. {In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 3.) 908 1 PERSIA. Berchet, G. La repubblica di Vene- zia t- la Persia. Torino, 1865. O. phot. 955 1 — Chardin, J. Voyages en Perse. Nouvelle edition, par L. Langles. Paris, 1811. 10 v. O, & Atlas. F.8 il. 915.5 1 — Ctesias. Persicorum excerpta. {In his Ope- rum reliquiae. 1824.) 888 43 —Dapper, 0. Beschryving des koningrycks van Persie. il. pi. maps. (In his Asia, 1672, V. 2.) 915 3 — Dubeiix, L. La Perse. Paris, 1841. O. pi. maps. {In L'univers. 32.) 910 18 — Fiiippi, P. de. Note di un viaggio in Persia nel 1862. Milano, 1865. O. 915.5 2 — Gautier, T. La Perse. {In his L'orient, 1877, V. 2.) ^ 910 29 — Gouvea, A. de. Rela9am, em que se tratam as guerras que alcan9ou o grade rey da Persia Xa Abbas do grfto Turco Mahometto, & seu filho Amethe; das embaixadas del Felippe segundo a Persia. Lisboa, 1611. D. 955 2 — Han way, J. An historical account of the British trade over the Caspian sea, with journal of travels to Persia and back; added. The re- volutions of Persia during the present century, with the history of Nadir Kouli. 3 edition. London, 1762. 2 v. sqQ. il. pi. maps. 915.5 3 —Heeren, A. H. L. Handbuch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthums. {In his Werke 1821-30, V. 7.)— Ideen tiber die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel der alten Welt. maps. [In same. v. 10.) 908 2 PERSIA 525 PEIiTZ — Jnsti, F. Ein Tag aus dem Leben des Konigs Darius. Berlin, 1873. O. 32 p. {In Virchow . Hartmann von Aue. 7-8. Gottfried's von Strassbiirg Tristan. 9-11. Wolfram's von Eschenbach Parzival und Titurel. 12. Erzahlungen und Schwanke, herausgegeben von H. Lambel. LivlJindische Reimchronik. 1844. 831 57 Theologia deutsch. 1855. 241 6 Pfizer, Griistay, translator, see [Nibelungen- lied :] Die Nibelungen Noth. 1843. 831 67 Der Pflaiizer in Cuba, see Zschokke,J.H.D.v.9. Pfleiderer, Edmund. Theorie des Aberglaubens. Berlin, 1872. O. 43 p. (In Virchow & Hol- tzendorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Pfolfprnndt, Heinrich von. Buch der Biindth- Ertznei. 1460; herausgegeben von H. Haeser und A. Middeldorpf. Berlin, 1868. O. 610 3 Pfotenhauer, Carl Eduard. Die Gifte als be- zaubernde Macht in der Hand des Laien. Ber- lin, 1874. O. 48 p. (In Virchow cfe Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 Pfuhl, E. Thierpflanzen und Pflanzenthiere. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. (In same. 16 Serie.) 043 1 Pfiihl, Fritz. Was geboren ist auf Erden Muss zu Erd' und Asche werden. Berlin, 1882. O. 36 p. (In same. 17 Serie.) 043 1 Phadra, ein Trauerspiel von Racine, see Schil- ler, J. C. F. von. Phaedrus. Phsedri, Aviani aliorumque veterum fabulae ; P. Syri sententiae ; Catonis disticha moralia, et Symposii aenigmata. Londini, 1823. T. 871 5 Phaer, Thomas, see Mirror for magistrates, pt. 3. 1815. 821 85 — translator, see Vergilius Maro, P. The thir- teene bookes of Aeneidos. 1596. 099 5 Phantasienim Bremer Rathskeller, seeHauff,W. v. 10. Phantasiestucke, see Hoffmann, E. T. A. v. 7. Fhantasmion, see Coleridge, S. Phantasus, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 4-5. Pharsalia, see Lucanus, M. A. Phelypeaux, Paul, comte de Pontchartrain. Memoires concernant la regence de Marie de Medicis. — Conference de Loudun. por. (In Midland & Ponjoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 19.) 944 9 Philemon og Baucis, et Skuespil,seeEwald,J. v.2. Philets Forslag om Pebersvendene, same. PHILIP II, king of Macedon. S., S. «. The life of Philip. (In Plutarchus. Lives. 1631.) 888 28 PHILIP 530 PHILOSOPHY PHILIP II, Mng of Spain. Declaratie van der triumphe bewezen Philips binnen Ghend, 15 Julii 1549. Gent [,1851]. Q. [5+] 10+35 p. (In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken voor de leden. 3.) 839.3 5 PHILIP the Bold, duke of Burgundy. Jonghe, B. de. Het leven van Philippus den Stauten ende van Margarita van Male. Gent, n. d. Q. por. {In same. Werken, 2 ser. 13.) 839.3 3 PHILIP the Good, duke of Burgundy. Clia- stellaiu, G. (Euvreshistoriques; par J. A. C. Buchon. Paris, 1827. Q. 944 16 Philip, Robert. A chronological critique of the writings and genius of Bunyan. (In Bunyan, J. The greatness of the soul, 1846, pref. p. 1- 52.) 240 3 Pliilippe de Reinies. The romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin; edited by Le Roux de Lincy. [London,] 1858. sqO. (In Camden soc. 72.) 820 4 — Mussafla, A, The romance of Blonde and Jehan ; by Le Roux de Lincy. (In Jahrblicli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 Pliilippi, Jean. Memoires, 1558-90. {In Mi- dland & Poujonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 8.) 944 9 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Blumentritt, F. Ver- such einer Ethnographie der Philippinen. Go- tha, 1882. sqQ. [3+] 69 p. map. {In Peter- manns Mittheilung'eu : Erganzungsband 15 ) 910 44 Phillips, Edward. The new world of words; or. Universal English dictionary. 6 edition, revised, with addition of twenty thousand words, by J[ohnJ K[erseyJ. London, 1706. F. iltp. 423 6 Phillips, John, nephew of Milton. Responsio ad Apologiam pro rege Anglicano. {In Milton, J. Works, 1863, v. 6.) 821 78 — translator, see Tavernier, J. B. Six voyages. 1678. 916 16 Phillips, John, M. A. Vesuvius. Oxford, 1869. D. map. 551.2115 Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, lectures and let- ters. Boston, 1863. O. por. 815 5 Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. Speeches at the first dinner of the Phillips academy alumni association, Parker House, Boston, March 24, 1886. Boston, 1886. O. 72 p. pi. 080 57 Containing, p. 31-.5, the speech of B. G. Porter on pre- senting an oil portrait of Mr. Marsh. II Philocopo, see Boccaccio, Gr. ^tXoKT-^TTjs, see Sophocles. PHILOLOGY, see LANGUAGE. Der philosoph fiir die Welt,seeEngel,J.J.v.l-2. PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. Hermes Trisme- gistus. Tractatus de lapidis philosophici se- creto, scholiis illustratis; studio D. Gnosii editus. Lipsise, 1610. S. 615 8 PHILOSOPHY. Atterbom, P. D. A. Studier till philosophiens historia och system. Upsala, 1835. V. 1. O. 198 1 — Boethins, D. Stycken til beframjande af ratta begrep om philosophien , desa andamal och nftrvarande tilstand. Upsala, 1794. D. 140 1 — Cicero, M. T. Academicae questiones. — De finibus bonorum et malorum. — Tusculanae di- sputationes. — Paradoxa. {In his Opera, 1820, V. 2-4.) 875 1 — Condillac, E, B. de. Traite des sistemes. [Anon.] La Haye, 1749. 2 v. S. 140 2 — Diogenes Laertius. De vitis philosophorum libri 10, cum indice rerum, Lipsiae, 1833. 2 V. T. 888 47 — Engel, J. J. Philosophische Schriften. (In his Schriften, 1801-6, v. 9-11.) 838 3 — Feyjoo y Montenegro, B. G. Cartas eruditas y curiosas. Madrid, 1773-4. 5 v. O. 868 4 Ilustracion apologetica al 1-2 tomo del Teatro critico. Madrid, 1773. O. 868 3 Teatro critico universal. Madrid, 1773. 8 V. O. por. 868 2 There is an additional index-volume to the whole. — Fiorentino, P. Die philosophische Bewegung Italiens seit 1860. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, V. 2, 1875.) 945 41 —Flood, R. Utriusque cosmi, majoris scilicet et minoris,metaphysica,physica atque technica ... Opphenhemii, 1617-19. 2 v. F. 099 47 — Hebler, R. A. K, Die Philosophic gegeniiber dem Leben und den Einzelwissenschaften. Berlin [,1867]. O. 46 p. (In Virchow editor, see Wace, R. Le ro- man de Rou. 1827. 841 39 PL URALITY 538 POETIC PLUE4L1TT OF WORLDS. Fontenelle, B. le B. de. Entretiens sur la pluralite des niondes. (Jn Ms CEuvres choisies, 1779, v. 1.) 848 6 Fliitarchns. Varia scripta, quae Moralia vulgo vocantur. Editio stereotypa. Lipsise, 1820. 6 V. T. 888 31 — Moralia ; ex recensione Rudolfi Hercheri. Lipsiae, 1872. v. 1. D. 888 32 — English : The philosophie, commonlie called The morals; translated out of Greeke into Eng- lish by Philemon Holland ; annexed, summa- ries. London, 1603. F. 888 33 — French : Les oeuvres morales & meslees; translatees du grec en fran9ois par Jacques Amyot. Paris, 1572. 2 v. F." 888 30 The first edition. The two volumes are paged consecu- tively. — Vitae parallelae. Editio stereotypa. Lipsiae, 1818-21. 9 V. T. por. 888 27 The vols, dated 1818 read: "edidit G. H. Schaefer." — English : The lives of the noble Grecians and Romains; translated out of Greeke into French by James Amiot; with the lives of Hannibal and Scipio African translated out of Latine [of D. Acciajuoli] by Charles del' Escluse; and out of French into English by Thomas North ; added, lives by S. G. S. London, 1631. F. 888 28 — French: Les vies des hommesillustres; trans- latees de grec en fran9oi8 par Jacques Amyot. Paris, 1565. 2 v. F." 888 29 The second edition. The two volumes are paged con- secutively. Title-page wanting. Vol. 8 contains the lives of Hannibal and Scipio, translated by C. de L6cluse from the Latin of D. Acciajuoli; and the various lives, including that of Plutarch, compiled by S. G. S. — Uepl TTjs 'Hpo86Tov KdKO-qdelas. {In HerodotllS. •l(7Top/a, 1836, V. 3.) 888 4 In Modern Greek. — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber den historischen Werth der Biographieen Plutarch's. — Ueber die Quellen der Biographieen. {In his Werke, 1821- 30, v. 3.) 908 2 — Tasso, T. Risposta di Roma a Plutarco. {In his Discorsi, 1823, v. 1.) 861 118 Plutus ; eller, Proces imellem Fattigdom og Riigdom, see Holberg^, L. Comedier, v. 6. PLYMOUTH COLONY, see NEW PLYMOUTH COLONY. PNEUMATICS, see GASES. PO. Bottoni, A. Appunti storici suUe rotte del basso Po. Ferrara, 1873. O. pi. tab. map. 561.48 18 — Calandra, C. Sulla estrazione delle acque sotterranee nell' alta valle del Po; cenni. Tori- no, 1867. sqQ. 48 p. 627 13 —Italy — Direzione tecnina. Sulle rotte del Po a Guarda Ferrarese, e sui lavori d'interclusione e di riordinamento del' arginatura ; relazioni. Roma, 1872. O. 19 p. pi. 627 13 — Jaccliia, M. R. Relazione sull' inondazione del Po. Ferrara, 28 maggio 1872. O. 17 p. map. 661.48 17 — Lombardini, E. Altre osservazioni sul Po; colle quali si rettificano alcune cose espostedal Stoppani nella memoria sul prolungamento delle linee fiuviali. Milano, 1843. O. 55 p. 627 13 — — Dei cangiamenti cui soggiacque I'idranlica condizione del Po nel territorio di Ferrara. Milano, 1852. Q. [2-1- ] 48 p. pi. maps. 561.48 5 — — Delia condizione idraulica della pianura subapennina fra I'Enza ed il Panaro. Milano, 1865. Q. pi. maps. 651.48 5 — — Intorno al sistema idraulica del Po; ai cangiamenti ed opera pel suo regolamento. Milano, 1840. Q. maps. 627 13 — — Nuove considerazioni sulle piene e sulle inondazioni del Po nel 1872. Milano, 1874. Q. [1-f] 16 p. 551.48 19 hound with 551.2 3 — — Studi idrologici e storici sopra il grande estuario adriatico, e principalmente gli ultimi tronchi del Po. Milano, 1868. F. maps. 651.48 19 bound with 548 2 — — Sulle piene e sulle inondazioni del Po nel 1872. Milano, 1873. F. 561.48 19 bound with 648 2 ■—Marsh, G. P. (In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. Poce, Paolo. Frammenti dell' opera, II sacer- dozio guasto universale del mondo. Firenze, 1869. O. ^ ^ 282 50 Pochi, commedia, see Alfleri, V. Pocock, Nicholas, editor. Troubles connected with the prayer book of 1549. [London,] 1884. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 37.) 820 4.1 Harpsfleld, N. A treatise on the divorce between Henry VIII. and Catharine. 1878. {In same. 21.) ' 820 4.1 Pococke, Richard, bishop. Travels through England, 1 750[-7J ; edited by James Joel Cart- wright. [London,] 1888-9. 2 v. sqO. {In same. 42, 44.) 820 4.1 Podestk, Francesco, & others, editors. Docu- menti ispano-genovesi ; pubblicati dai M. Spi- nola, L. T. Belgrano e Podesta. {In Societk li^ure. Atti. v. 8, 1868.) 945 48 Podogrammisch Trostbiichlein, see Fischart,J. A poem on the times of Edward II ; edited by C. Hardwick. London, 1849. D. [3-f ] 114- 35 p. (In Percy soc. v. 28.) 820 6 Poema Germanicum vetus de amissione Terras Sanctse. {In Eckhard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723. V. 2.) 943 13 Poenltentiaria Romana. Taxes de la Peniten- cerie apostolique; d'apres 1 'edition, 1520; tra- duction nouvelle en regard du texte latin, avec introduction et notes, par A. Dupin de Saint- Andre. 2 edition. Paris, 1879. D. 22-f-60 p. 282 4 Poenulus, see Plautns, T. M. v. 3. II poeia fanatico, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 15. Poetee Grseci gnomici, curante J. F. Boisso- nade. Parisiis, 1823. T. 881 3 Poetaster, a comical satyr, see Jonson, B. Poeti antichi del dialetto veneziano, see (Jam- ba, B. Poeti del primo sec >lo della lingua italiana. Firenze, 1816. 2 v. O. 851 3 For contents see Boston public library catalogue, 1865. POETIC TOURNAMENTS. Diercks, «. Poeti- sche Turniere. Berlin, 1884. O. 32 p. {In Yirchow . il. 821 91 Propertius, Sextus Aurelius. Carmina; ex edi- tione C. T. Kuinoel accurata. {In Catullus, C. V. Opera. 1822.) 874 1 PROPERTY. Grimm, J. L. K. Das Wort des Besitzes. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, V. 1.) 408 2 — Lampertico, F. La proprieta. Milano, 1876. D. *^ ' 331 8 — Roscher, W. Grundziige einer nationaloko- nomischen ErklSrung des Privateigenthums. (In Leipsic— K. sSchs. Gesell. Berichte, 1852.) 063 3 See also JitiJiD; WATER. PROPHECY. Erceldoune, T. L. of. Romance and prophecies ; with illustrations from the prophetic literature of the 15th and 16th centu- ries; edited by J. A. H. Murray. London, 1875. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 61.) 820 5 — Sehaift, A, Ueber das Vorhersagen von Na- turerscheinungen. Berlin, 1886. O. 40 p. (In Virchow Louis Armand de. L'espfece humaine. 2 edition. Paris, 1877. O. 572 2 — Souvenirs d'unnaturaliste. Paris, 1854. 2 v. D. 590 8 — Unite de I'espece humaine. Paris, 1861. D. 572 9 Le qiiattro stagioni campestri e cittadine, see Lamberti, A. Qneck, Gustav, editor, see Statins, P. P. 1854. 873 15 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Denis, J. F. Les lies de la Reine Charlotte. 1849. {In L'univers. 8.) 910 18 The queen's English, see Alford, H. Queredo y Villegas, Francisco Gomez de. Obras jocosas. Madrid, 1798. 6 v. T. il. por. 867 2 Contents: 1. Historla y vida del gran tacano. 2. Visita de los chistes. — Cartas del caballero de la tenaza.— Libro de todas las cosas y otras muchas mas.— Agiija de nave- gar cultos.— La culta latiniparla.— El entremetido, la du- ena y el soplon. 8. Cuento decuentos.— Casa de los lo- cos de amor.— Pragmatica del tiempo. — Carta de las cali- dades de un casamiento.— Carta delautor...a Andalucia. — El alguacil alguacilado.— Las zahurdas de Pluton. — El mundo por dedentro.— Perinola contra el libro De para todos del J. P. de Montalvan.— Perinola al Montal- van. 4-5. Poesias escogidas. 6. Poema heroyco de los necedadesylocuras de Orlando el enamorado.— La for- tunacon seso y la hora de todos, fantasia moral. QUIBERON, see VENDUE. QUICHE LANGUAGE, see POPOL VUH ; RA- BINAL ACHI. Quickborn, see Groth, K, QUINCY, Josiah, 1772-1864. Lowell, J. R. A great public character. {In his My study win- dows. 1871.) 814 14 Quindes faule, see Rocca, L. Quinet, Edgar. L'esprit nouveau. 3 edition. Paris. 1875. D. 301 11 — & Michelet, J, Les ieduites. Paris, 1843. O. 271 6 QUININE, see CINCHONA. Quintana, Albert de. Dies irae; al castel de Montgri. (In Revue des langues romanes. v, 2, 1871.) 479 5 The book of quinte essence, see Hermes Trisme- gistus. Quintilianus, Marcus Fabins. De institutione oratoria libri duodecim; ex editione Jo. Mat- thiae Gesneri [, recensuit Joannes Carey] . Lon- dini, 1822. 2 v. T. 875 15 Des Quintns Fixlein Leben, see Richter, J. P, F. v;3. Quirini, Vincenzo. Relazione di Borgogna. 1506. {In A., E. Illustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 25 La quistione d' amore, testo del sec. 15. {In Scelta di curiosita. 161.) 850 10 QUOTATIONS. Bartlett, J. Familiar quota- tions. 4 edition. Boston, 1866. D. 828 4 —Defensor, compiZer. Liber scintillarum ; edited by E. W. Rhodes. London, 1889. O. {In E. E. text soc. Grig. ser. 93.) 820 5 Presenting the opinions of the fathers on numerous questions. Qvennerstedt, A. Anteckningar fran en resa till Jan Mayen, 1863. (In Dun^r, N., cfc others. Svenska expedifcioner till Spetsbergen. 1867.) 919.8 9 R., London correspondent of Die neue Zeit. Der Kampf um Kars. New York [, 1856]. O. 16 p. 949 55 JiAAB 556 RAFJSr V Raab, Fritz. Leonardo da Vinci als Naturfor- scher. Berlin, 1880. O. 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 15 Serie.) 043 1 RSaf, Karl A., & Brazelius, M. Specimen an- tiquitatura borealium. Lundae, 1816. sqD. [2+]26[+l]p. pi. 913 48 Kaasl0f, Waldeinar Rudolph. Riickblick auf die militairischen und politischen Verhaltnisse der Algerie, 1840-1. Altona, 1845. O. pi. 916.6 4 Rabbe, Alphonse. Resume de I'histoire de Portu- gal, jusqu'en 1823; avec une introduction par R. T. Chatelain. Sedition. Paris, 1827. T. 946 73 di mezzadria. 333 16.1 Rabbeno, Aronne. II contratto Reggio nell' Emilia, 1874. D. — Foreste in Italia; leggi, testo, commento, dottrina e giurisprudenza. Torino, 1877. O, tah. 651.58 90 Rabelais, Francois. CEuvres. Paris, 1835. Q. por. 843 31 — German : Affentheurliche, naupengeheur- liche Geschichtklitterung: Von Thaten der Hel- den : Grandgoschier, Gorgellantua vnnd Panta- gruel ; nun vberschrocklich lustig in einen teutschen Model vergossen, durch Huldrich Elloposcleron [Johann FischartJ. (In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-60, v. 8.) 837 16 — Les epistres escrites pendant son voyage d'ltalie ; nouvellement mises en lumiere, avec des observations historiques et I'abrege de la vie de I'autheur. Paris, 1651. S. 914.6 43 — Kohler, R. Zu Rabelais. (In Jahrbuch rom. u.eng. Lit. V. 3,1861.) 805 1 Die Rabenschlacht. (In Hagen, F. H. von der. Der Helden Buch. Ib25.) ' 831 6 Rabenschlacht; herausgegeben von Ernst Mar- tin. (In Deutsches Heldenbuch, 1866 73, v. 2.) 831 14 RABIN AL ACHI. Et americansk Drama, music. (In Copenhagen— K. nord Old.-Selskab. Anti- quarisk Tidsskrift. v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 Rabnsson, A. De la geographie du nord de I'Afrique pendant les periodes romane et arabe. Paris, 1856-7. 2 v. O. maps. 9115 Rabutiii, Francois de. Commentaires des der- nieres guerres en la Gaule belgique. 1551-8. por. (In Michand & Poinonlat. Memoires, 1866, V. 7.) 944 9 Racconti di una donna, see Piatti, R. Die Rache, see Robinson, T. A. L. y. J. Racliel, Samuel. Autobiographic; mitgetheilt von Ratjen. (In Schleswig ... Gesellschaft. Archiv. v. 1. 1833; v. 3, 1837.) 943 42 Racine, Jean. Etudes litteraires et morales; publiees par le marquis de Larochefoucauld- Liancourt. Paris, 1855. O. 848 15 Contains his own studies and other matter on his A - alio — Fedra och Hippolyt, tragedi. (In Adlerbeth, e. 0. Poetiska arbeten, 1802-3, v. 1.) 839.72 1 — De genade. (In Lennep, J. van. Poet, wer- ken, 1859-62, v. 7.) 839.31 15 — Phadra. ein Trauprspiel. (In Schiller, J. C. F. von. Sammt. Werke, 1855, v. 1.) 832 9 Racioppi, Giacomo. La spedizione di Carlo Pi- sacane a Sapri; con documenti. Napoli, 1863. D. 54 p. 945 103 — Sui tremuoti di Basilicata, die. 1857, Napoli, 1858. O. 28 p. 551.22 1 RACK, see TORTURE. Radclifife, Anne (Ward). Dana, R. H. (In his Poems and prose, 1850, v. 2.) 811 5 Radde, Gustav Ferdinand Richard. Aus den dagestanischen Hochalpen, 1885. Gotha, 1887. sqQ. 4-H64 p. maps. (In Petermanns Mit- theilungen: Erganzungsband 18.) 910 44 — Vier Vortrage iiber den Kaukasus, 1873-4. Gotha, 1874. sqQ. 6-1-71 p. maps. (In same. 8.) ' ^ 910 44 Radewich, see Rahewin. RADICATI DI FASSERANO, Ignazio Adal- berto. Saraceno, F. II manifesto del conte Radicati di Passerano. (In Curiosith, di storia subalpina. v. 1, 1874.) 945 43 Radinus. A., translator, see Herodotus.'Icrropia. 1836. 888 4 Radloif, Fredric Wilhelm. Beskrifning ofver Aland. Abo, 1795. D. 914.7 9 Radulescu, Giovanni Heliade, see Heliade Ra- dnlescu. Rseder, Ole Munch. Jury-Institutionen i Stor- britanien, Canada og de forenede Stater af Amerika. Christiania, 1850-2. 3 v. O. 340 8 —Den norske Statsforfatnings Historie og Vae- sen. Kjobenhavn, 1841. O. 342 10 RAFFAELE SANZIO of Urbino. Colbacchini, G. Raffaello ed un suo insignio dipinto; discor- so critico. Bassano, 1878. O. 39 p. 755 4 — Farabulini, D. Sopra una Madonna di Ra- fael lo a lui negata dal Passavant e da altri. Rome, 1875. D. 755 5 — Gebhart, E. Raphael. (In his De I'ltalie. 1876.) 945 4 —Lloyd, W. W. Philosophy, theology and poetry in the age and the art of Raphael. Lon- don, 1866. Q. 755 6 —Passavant, J. D. Rafael von Urbino und sein Vater, Giovanni Santi. Leipzig, 1839-58. 3 v. O. pi. 927 12 —Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. della. Riflessioni sulle pitture di Raffaello nelle camere del Vati- cano. (In his Opere, 1815-20, v. 8.) 858 5 Raffaello of Montelupo. Vita. (In Autobi- ografle. 1857.) 920 14 Raffanini, Odoardo, & Orlandini, 0. Analisi storico sulle cause d'insalubrita nelle Maremme toscane. Firenze, 1869. Q. 651.49 13 Rafn, Carl Christian. Americas arctiske Lan- des gamle Geographie. Kj0benhavn, 1845. O. 48 p. pi. maps. 919.8 10 Sserskilt Af tryk af Gr5nlands historislie Mindesmaerlcer. — Amei-icas Opdagelse af Skandinaverne i det lOde Aarhundrede. maps. — Bemserkninger om en gammel Bygning i Newport paa Rhode- Island, pi. (In Copenhagen— K.nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 3, 1840-1.)— Bemserkning- er om et Guld-Diadem med Rune-Indskrift. (In same. v. 4, 1842-3.)— Bemaerkninger om en dansk Runesteen fra det lite Aarhundrede, BAFR 557 BAFJSr funden niidt i London, il. pi. — Bem^erkninger oin Gorni den Gamles og Thy re Danabods Min- destene i Jellinge. il. pi. {In same. v. 12, 1852.)— De tvende ved Gallehuus fundne Guld- horn, after de eeldre Beskrivelser. pi. — Guld- horniridskriftens Forklaring. (In same. v. 15, 1855.)— Om Vaaben fra Nordens Bronzealder. pi. {In same, v, 16, 1856. Note. The plates to V. 15-16 are in Atlas del'archeologiedunord. 013 52.) — De sydslesvigske Runestene. maps. (In same. v. 19, 1859.) 948 2 — Antigiiedades americanas ; noticias que tu- vieron los Europeos de la America antes del descubrimiento de Cristobal Colon ; recogidas por A. Bachiller y Morales. Habana, 1845. O. il. map. 973 6 — Antiquites de I'orient, monuments runo- graphiques. Copenhague, 1856. O. 48+240 p. il. (Oldtidsminder fra dsten.) 439.61 12 Pages 1-240 are identical witli those of his Inscription du Pir6e; p. [5-48] : Rapports des Normands avec Torient. — Astronomical evidences for the site of the chief settlement of the ancient Scandinavians in America, il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 2, 1840-4.)— Aper9u de I'ancienne geographic des regions arctiques de I'Amerique. il. map. — Remarks on a Dan- ish runic stone from the 11th century found in London. — The tomb-stones of King Gorm the Old and Queen Thyi-e Danaboot at Jellinge. pi. — The runic stones of Bekke, of Laeborg and of Sondervissing. (In same. v. 3, 1845-9.)— Sur les armes datant de I'age de bronze du nord. pi. — Sur les deux cornes d'or trouvees pres de Gallehus, d'apres les anciennes inscriptions. — Inscription de la corne d'or interpretee. — In- scriptions runiques du Slesvig meridional, in- terpret^s. (In same, v.4, 1850-60. Note. The plates to V. 4 are in Atlas de I'archeologie du nord. 91352.) 948 3 — Bemaerkninger om en Steenoxe med Rune- indskrift. Kjobenhavn, 1854. O. lip. il. 439.61 7 — Breve fra og til Rafn, med en Biographi; iidgivet af Benedict Gr0ndal. Kj0benhavn, 1869. O. 913 1 — Cabinet d'antiquites americaines a Copen- hague-; rapport ethnographique. Copenhague, 1858. O. [34-] 60 p. il. maps. 913 63 — Inscription runique du Piree. Copenhague, 1856. O. [34-] 253 p. il. (Oldtidsminder fra Cisten.) 439.61 13 Pages 1-340 are identical with those of his Antiquit*s de I'orient; p. 241-253, Glossaire runique. — Inscriptions runiques du Slesvig meridional. Copenhague, 1861. O. ]3-f ] 374-435 p. il. map. 439.61 9 — Kort over Grolands Ostrebygd, efter old-nor- diske Beretninger. map. {In Copenhagen — K, nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5.)— Nord boernes Forbindelser med 0- sten i det 9de og ntermest f0lgende Aarhundre- der. — Bemaerkninger om en Steen0xe med Ru- neindskrif t. il. — Runestene fra Harald Blaa- tands Tidsalder. il. — En Antiquitet-Samling i det romanske Schweiz. — Bemaerkninger om en ved Aarhuus i 1850 funden Runesteen.i'Z. — Yder- ligere Bemaerkninger om Gorm den Gamles Mindesteen.i^ — Cabinetet f or'amerikanske Old- sager. il. {In same. v. 4, 1852-4.) — En nordisk Runeindskrift i Piraeus, med Forklaring. il. (In same. v. 5, 1855-7.) — Fund af en Runesteen paa Helnses i Fyen, med Forklaring. i7.— Min- desteen ved Kleggum Hoi, med Forklaring. il. (In same. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 — Memoire sur la decouverte de I'Amerique au lOesiecle; traduit par X. Marmier. Paris, 1838. O. 31 p. 973 3 Copy presented to Mr. Marsh by the author. — Same [,with Supplement to the Antiquitates Americanae]. pi. maps, (/n Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 1, 1836-9.) 948 3 — Same. 2 tirage. Copenhague, 1843. O. 52 p. pi. maps. 973 3 With Supplement, 1841, 27 pages, and 4 pages of press notices. — Memoria sobre el descubrimiento de la Ame- rica en el siglo decimo; traducida de [f ranees] al castellano por un ciudadano de Venezuela. Caracas, 1839. S. [l+]48p. 973 5 — Memoria sulla scoperta dell' America nel se- colo decimo; tradotta da Jacopo Graberg da Hemso. Pisa, 1839. O. 47 p. maps. 973 4 — Narichten betreffende de ontdekking van Amerika in de lOde euw; naar het Deensche door Montanus Hettema. Leeuwarden, 1838. O. 35 p. . 973 2 — Nordboernes Forbindelser med Osten i det 9de og naermest folgende Aarhundreder. Kjoben- havn, 1854. O. 8 p. 948 1 With Connection of the Northmen with the east, 2 p.; The discovery of America by the Northmen, 2 p., the latter also separate, in English: and in Spanish, 4 p.: Descubrimiento de Am6rica por los Normandos. — Remarks on a Danish runic stone from the 11th century, found in London. Copenhagen, 1854. O. il. pi. 439.61 10 Followed by the same in Danish, p. 71-111. — Renseignements sur les premiers habitants de la cote occidentale du Groenland; traduits en groenlandais par Samuel Kleinschmidt. [Niingme, 1864.] sqQ. 12 p. map. 998 1 — editor. Antiquitates Americanae; sive, Scrip- tores septentrionales rerum ante-ColumbiauT arum in America... fra det lOde til det 14de Aarhundrede; edidit Societas regia antiquari- orum septentrionalium. Hafniae, 1837. sqF. pi. facsim. tab. maps. 839.63 21 Antiquites americaines, d'apres les monu- ments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves; publiees sous les auspices de la Societe royale des antiquaires du nord. Copen- hague, 1845. sqF. maps. 839.63 22 Antiquites russes, d'apres les monuments historiques des Islaildais et des anciens Scan- dinaves; editees par la Societe royale des an- tiquaires du nord. Copenhague, 1850-2. 2 v. F." 839.63 60 Faereyinga saga. 1832, '3. 839.61 32, 32.1 Fornaldar sogur Nordrlanda, eptir gom- lum handritum. Kaupmannahofn, 1829-30. 3 V. O. facsim. 839.63 12 Contents: 1. Saga af Hrolfl koniingi Kraka ok koppum hans.— Volsunjfa saga.— Saga af Kjignari koniingi loff- br6k ok sonum bans.— Sogu*iittr af Norna-Gesti.— Sattr af Bagnars sonum.— Sogubrot af nokkrum fornkoniingum 1 Dana ok Svia veldi.— Sitrla *attr — Heravarar saga ok HeiSreks koniings.— Saga HelSreks komings ens vitra. RAFN 558 RAINE 2. Frd Fornloti ok bans settmSnnum.— Saga af Halfl ok Hafsrekkum.— FriaSjoft saga ens fraekna.— Af Upplen- dinga koniingum.— Saga Ketils haengs.— Saga Grims lo- ffinkinna.— Orvar-Odds saga.— Ans saga bogsvelgis.— Saga af Hromuiidl Greipssyni.— Saga lorsteins Vikingssonar.— Asmuiidar saga kappabana. 8. Saga Gautreks koniings.— Saga af Hnilfl komingi Gautrekssyni — Saga HerrauSs ok Bosa.— Gaungu-Hrolft saga.— Sagan af Elgli einbenda ok jfsmundi berserkjabana.— Sorla saga sterka.— Sagan af HjalmWr ok OKer.— Halfdanar saga Eysteinssonar. - Halfdanar saga Bronufostra.— Sagan af Stnrlaugi starf- sama Ing61fssyni,— Sagan af Illaga Gri5arf6stra.— Ereks saga vUf forla. „ „^ ^ , - -Krdkumdl. 1826. 839.61 14 (fc translator, see Saga J6tvar9ar. 1852. 830.63 48 —translator. Nordiske Fortids Sagaer. Kj0ben- havn, 1829-30. 8 v. O. 839.63 19 Vol. 1-2 are a translation of v. 1-2 of bis Fornaldar sogur; V. 3 is Didrik af Berns Saga. Nordiske Keempe-Historier. Kj0benhavn, 1821-6. 3 V. O. 839.63 20 Contents: 1. Hrolf Krakes Saga.— Volsunga-Saga.— Ragnar Lodbroks Saga — Krakemaal.— Fortfelling om Noma Gest.— Brudstykke om dansk-norske Konger. 2. Sagaen om Kong Didrik af Bern. 3. Fundinn Noregr.— Halfs Saga — Fridtbjofs Saga.— Sogubrot om Braaval- leslaget.— Ketil Haengs Saga.— Grim Lodinkins Saga.— OrvaroddsSaga.- AnBuesvingersSaga.— RomundGrejps- sons Saga.— Hervors og KongHejdreks Saga.— Registere. — Worsaae, J. J. A. C. C. Rafn's og C. J. Thom- sen's Fortjenster af Oldtidsvidenskaben. (In Copenhaffen— K.nord. 01d,-Selskab. Aarb0ger. V. 1,1866.) 948 3 _ — C.C. Rafn et C. J. Thomsen; discours com- memoratif. (In same. Memoires. n. s.v. 1, 1866- 71.) 948 3 A portrait of Rafn forms the frontispiece of the next volume. Rafn, Carl Oottlob.Veiledning til atdyrke H0r og bearbeide den indtil Heglingen. 3 for0gede Udgave ved H. A. Wulff. Kjobenhavn, 1887. D. 633 5 Saga af skalld-Rafni, see Ounnlaugi. II raggiratore, commedia, see Ooldoiii, C. v. 14. Saga af Ragnari koniingi loSbrok ok sonum hans. — laLtr af Ragnars sonum. {In Rafu,C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 1.) 839.63 12 Rahbeck, Knud Lyne. De antiquissimis eccle- sise danicae lingua hymnariis hymnorumque autoribus. Hauniae, 1818. sqO. 24 p. 245 8 — editor. Udvalgte danske Viser, see Abraham- son, W. H. F., cfc others. 839.81 6 Holberg, L. Comedier. 1824-7. 839.82 17 —translator, see Holberg, L. Levnet. 1814. 928 29 Bahe^rin, canon of Freisingen. Gesta Friderici I. imperatoris. (In Pertz, O. H. Script, rerum German. 7.) 943 16 RAHLFF, Georg. Sch0nberg, J. J. A. von. Biografiske Efterretninger om Rahlff. Kjo- benhavn, 1834. D. 16 p. por. 926 4 Rahn, Johann Rudolf. Ravenna; eine kunstge- schichtliche Studie. Leipzig, 1869. O. [1-f ] 69 p. 709 6 RAILROADS. Fairlle, R. F. Railways or no railways ; narrow gauge, economy with eflfi- ciency, v. broad gauge, costliness, with ex- travagance. London, 1872. O. pi. 626 5 —Italy— Mlnistero del lavori pubblici. Rac- colta delle leggi e decreti relativi alia costru- zione delle strade ferrate governative. Torino, 1862. F. tab. map. 349 18 — Marggraff, H. Die Vorfaren unserer Eisen- bahnen und Dampfwagen. Berlin, 1884. O. 64 p. il. (In Virchow . 1-2. {In Le storie Nerbonesi, 1877- 80, V. 3; w Emilia. Collezione. 48.) 850 6 —Jahrbnch fiir romanische und englische Lite- ratur. v. 1-9. O. Berlin, 1859-68. ' 805 1 —Lewis, G» C. An essay on the origin and formation of the Romance languages; con- taining an examination of Raynouard's theory on the relation of the Italian, Spanish, Proven- 9al and French to the Latin. 2 edition. Lon- don, 1862. D. 479 4 — Mussafla, A. Beitrage zur Geschichte der ro- manischen Sprachen. Wien, 1862. O. 31 p. 479 9 — Ovidio, F. d'. Spigolature romanze dalle pagine di un latinisto. (In Archivio glot. ital. V. 10, 1886-8.) 450 11 — Revne des langues romanes; publiee par la Societe pour I'etude des langues romanes. [Quarterly.] Montpellier, 1870-4. v. 1-5. O. por. music. 479 5 The following numbers are wanting: v. 1, no. 3; y. 3, no. 3-4, V, 5, no. 2-4. —Romania, recueil trimestriel. 1872-3. Paris, [1872-3]. V. 1-2. O. 479 6 — Ronsch, H. Sprachliches zu Diez, Altro- manische Glossare. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 8, 1867.) 805 1 See also CATALAN ; FRENCH ; ITALIAN ; PORTUGUESE; ROMANSH; RUMANIAN; SPANISH. The romance of the cheuelere Assigne; re- edited with preface, notes and index, by Henry H. Gibbs. London, 1868. O. [3-f ] 22-f 38 p. (In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 6.) 820 5.1 ROMANCES. Graf, A. Roma nella memoria e nelle immaginazioni del medio evo. Torino, 1882. v.l. O. 937 16 — Watson, T. Of the origin of romantic fiction in Europe. {In his History of English poetry, 1840, V. 1.) 821 13 See also under the various literatures. ROMANESK DIALECT,see ROMAN: also PRO- VENCAL. Romanij Felice. I Capuleti ed i Montecchi, tragedia lirica. Firenze, 1838. D. 24 p. 852 1 Romania, recueil trimestriel, consacre a I'etude des langues et des litteratures romanes. 1872-3. Paris [, 1872-3]. v. 1-2. O. 479 6 Roman in- Jacur, Leone. Sulla convenienza delle bonificazioni e sui diversi mezzi per con- seguirle. Padova, 1872. D. 80 p. il. 631 IS Romano, Enotrio, pseudonym of Cardncci, G. ROMANOF FAMILY. Barthold, F. W. Aus- gang des Joan'schen Zweiges der Romanow und seiner Freunde. {In Ranmer, F. L. G. yon^ Hist. Taschenbuch. 1837.) 906, l ROMANSH DIALECT. Andeer, J. Ueber Ur- sprung und Geschichte derrhaeto-romanischen Sprache. Chur, 1862. D. 459 13 — Ascoli, G. I. Saggi ladini. map. {In Archiyio. glot. ital. V. 1, 1873.)— Saggio di morfologia e lessicologia soprasilvana. (In same. v. 7 1880- 3.) 450 11 , — Briinet, C. Susanna, sacra rappresentazione del secolo 17, testo ladino, varieta di Bravugn; edito da G. Ulrich. {In same. v. 8, 1882-5.)— Annotazioni, di G. Ulrich. {In same. v. 9,1886.) 450 11 — ■Biihler, J. A. Grammatica elementara dil lungatg rhato-romonsch. Cuera, 1864. pt. 1. O. 459 15- — Carisch, 0. Grammatische Formenlehre der deutschen und rh'dtoromanischen Sprache ; nebst Proben aus der altesten rhatorom. Prosa und Poesie. Chur, 1852. O. 469 14 — Codasch da liger per I'amprema classa dellas scolas de Surmeir, Coira, 1859. S. [31] p 459 17 — — per la sagonda classa. Coira, 1857. S. 459 18. ^Decnrtins, C, editor. Quattro testi soprasil- vani. {In Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 7, 1880-3.) 450 11 Contents: Bandi, J. Cudisch dilg vadi da Jerusalem 1591.— Disentis. Cuorta memoria.. .della claustra de Mu- ster.— Joannes of Damascus. Vita de soing Giosaphat; convertius de soing Barlaam.— Roman u historia de Octarianus. ROMANSH 680 R OME—HISTOB Y Groden, der Grodner und seine Sprache; von einem Einheimischen. Bozen, 1864. O.' 469 12 The cover has the title: Zum Studium der rhetoladini- schen Dialekte in Tirol. — Marsh, (x. P. Romansch. {In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. — Pallioppi, Z. La conjugaziun del verb nel idiom romauntsch d'Engiadin ota. Samedan, 1868. obS. 459 16 — Bausch, F. Geschichte der Literatur des rhato-romanischen Voikes, mit einem Blick auf Sprache und Character desselben. Frank- furt a. M.,1870. O. 859 30 — Eoque-Ferrier, A. Un recueil de poesies ru- monsches [par J. Frizzun] , notice et extraits. (In Revue des langues romanes. v. 5, 1874. 479 5 — Salis-Marschlins, U. yon. Mittheilungen aus den romanischen Dialecten Graubiindens. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 — Ulrich, J., editor. Canzoni ladine. {In Archi- vio glot. ital. V. 8, 1883-5.) 450 11 See also Aiideer, J.; Bible— iV^. y.— Romansh;— Caratsch, S.; Gerhard, J.; Slaurizlo, G.; Riola, C. THE ROMANTIC. Friedliinder, L. Ueber die Entstehung und Entwicklung des Gefuhls fiir das Romantische in der Natur. Leipzig, 1873. O. [4+] 45 p. 701 3 ROMANTICISM. Gautier, T. Histoire du ro- mantisme; suivie de notices romantiques. 3 edition. Paris, 1874. D. 8417.1 — Liebreeht, F. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der romantischen Poesie. {In Jahr- buch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1860.) 805 1 — Revillout, C. La litterature du moyen age et la romantisme. {In Revue des langues romanes. V. 1,1870.) 479 5 Romanus, Adrianus. Arabise topographia & alia. {In Arabia. 1633.) 094 59 Romanus-Buchlein. [In Scheible, J. Das Klo- ster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 LI ROMANZ de la poire. Holland, W. L. Ueber •den Roman de la poire. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1860.) 805 1 ]Romanz de un chivaler e de sa dame e de un clerk; fabliau anglo normand [,with introduc- tion by P. Meyer]. {In Romania, v. 1, 1873.) 479 6 The romaunce ©f the sowdone of Babylone, see Ferumbras. ROME. Forcella, V. Catalogo dei manoscritti riguardanti la storia di Roma, nella biblioteca vaticana. Roma, 1879-81. v. 1-8. Q. 016 33 —Graf, A. Roma nella memoria e nelle im- maginazioni del medio evo. Torino, 1883-3. 2 V. O. 937 16 ^Kiepert, H.Umgebungen von Rom. Weimar, 1850. map. 911 7 In portfolio 1. — Mommsen, C. M. T, tJber die Unteritalien betreffenden Abschnitte der ravennatischon Cosmographie. (In Leipsic— K. sSchs. Gesell. Berichte, 1851.) 063 3 — Montesquien, C. de S. de. Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains et de leur decadence. {In his CEuvres, 1788, v. 5.) 840 5.1 — iReinaud, J. T, Relations politiques et com- merciales de 1' empire romain avec 1' Asie orien- tale pendant les cinq premiers siecles de I'ere chretienne. Paris, 1863. O. maps. 937 19 See also CJESARS; COMMERCE; LAW— ROME; WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. — ANTKJUITIES. Adda, G. d'. Ricerche sulle arti e suil' industria romana; vasa vitrea dia- treta. Milano, 1870. F. 54p. p/iof. 666 6 _ — Fiorelli,G.Notizie degli scavi di antichita, 1876-81. pi. facsim. (In Rome— R.accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3; 3 ser set. mor. V. 1-3, 5-9, 1876-81.) 065 3,5 Ritter von Rittershaiii, G. Die Reichspost der romischen Kaiser. Berlin, 1880. O. 33 p. (In Vircliow & HoltzendorfP. Vortrage.l5 Serie.) 043 1 — — Stretches of the domestic manners and in- stitutions of the Romans. Philadelphia, 1833. D. 390 6 — — .Worsaae, J. J. A. Fund af romerske Old- sager i Danmark. pi. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selsliab. Annaler. v. 9, 1849.) 948 8 See also ANTIQUITIES; APPIAN WAY; CIRCUS; CUMA ; DINING ; ETRURIA ; FIXE ARTS ; HERCULANEUM ; HY- GIENE; IGUVIUM; MONEY; POMPEII. —HISTORY. Appianns. Romanarum historia- rum quae supersunt. Lipsiae, 1818. 4 v. T. 888 34 — — Bertolini, F. Storia generale d'ltalia: Sto- ria antica [, dalle origini italiane alia caduta dell' imperio i-omano d'occidente, 395]. Milano, [1874]. Q. {In L'ltalia. Parte 3.) 914.5 7 — ^Brimi, L. La prima guerrapunica; pel A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1878. D. (7w Scelta di curi- osita. 165.) 850 10 For continuation, see Seconda e terza guerra. — —Caesar, C. J. Csesaris et A. Hirtii de rebus a CiBsare gestis coramentarii. Glasguae, 1750. 3v. T. 878 1 For other editions and translation, see Caesar. — — Cronica degli imperatori romani; per A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1878. D. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 158.) 850 10 — — Same: Cronica deli imperadori [1-1370], antico testo veneziano; pubblicatoda A. Ceruti. {In Archivio glot. ital. v. 3, 1878.) 450 11 — — Dio Cassius Cocceianus. Epitorne Romanae historisB, a Popeioraagno usque ad Alexandrum Mamaese filium, J. Xiphilino autore [; Greek and Latin]. Parisiis, 1593. F. 888 48 — — Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Antiquitates Romanae. {In his Opera, 1839, v. 1-4.) 888 49 — — Duriiy, v., & others. Italie ancienne. Paris, 1850-1. 3 v. O. pi. maps. {In L'univers. 54-5.) 910 18 Contents; 1. Annales. 2. Institutions, moeurs et cou- tumes. — — Florus, L. A, Epitome rerum Romanarum. Londini, 1818. T. 878 39 — — — Italian : Compendio di storia romana, volgarizzamento inedito; per cura del A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1881. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 180.) 850 10 — — Gibbon, E. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; with notes by H. H. Milman. Paris, 1840. 8 v. O. por. maps. 937 1 R OME— HI ST OR Y 581 ROME {city, ancient) Gsell-Fels, T. J. Chronologische Ueber- sicht der Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte Roms. {In his Rom. 1872, v. 1.) 914.5 80 — — Heeren,A. H. L.Handbuch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthums. {In his Werke, 1821-30, V. 6.) 908 2 Henzen, W. Osservazioni sul brano di fasti capitolini scavato nel f oro romano dinanzi al tempio di Antonino e Faustina. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 _i — HerodiamiS. Historiarum libri octo. Nova editio. Lipsiae, 1821. D. -♦ 888 52 ^ — Hoffmann, J. J. Historia augusta impera- torum Romanorum a C. Julio Caesare usque ad Josephum: ex Lotichii tetrastichis et Hof- manni tetrastichis et enarrationibus historicis; effigies & supplementa adjecit H.C. Henninius. Amstelaedami, 1707. F.* por. iltp. 937 2 __Holberg[, L. Om Aarsagerne til Roms umaadelige Tilvsext. {In his Holbergiana, 1832- 5, V. 3.) 839.88 1 ^—Hu^nes, G. d'. Une province romaine sous la republique; etude sur le proconsulat de Ci- ceron. Paris, 1876. D. 937 17 _ — Livius, T. Historiarum libri superstites. Londini, 1819. 5 v. T. 878 11 — — M^i'ini^e, P. Les Remains sous I'empire. {In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 — — Michelet, J.Histoire romaine: Republique. 3 edition. Paris, 1843. 2 v. in 1. O. 937 5 ^ — iMommsen, C. M. T. tjber den Chronogra- phen vom Jahre 354. (//i Leipsic— K. -saclis. GeseU. Abhandl. phil.-hist. v. 1, 1850.) 737 1 — —Negri, C. Memorie storico-politiche sugli antichi Greci e Romani. Torino, 1864. O. 937 6 — — i — La storia antica restituita a verita. e raffrontata alia moderna. Torino, 1865. 0. 937 6.1 ^ — Niebuhr, B. G. Romische Geschichte. Berlin, 1832-3. 3 v. O. 937 7 — — Paterciilns, C. V. Historia Romana. Lon- dini, 1818. T. 878 29 — — Polybius. Historiarum quae supersunt. Lipsiae, 1816. 4 v. T. por. 888 53 _ — Bainbald6, B. II Romuleo; dal G. Guat- teri. Bologna, 1867-8. 2 v. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 21-2.) 850 6 _ — Sclimltz, L, A history of Rome, from the earliest times to the death of Commodus, A. D. 192. Andover, 1847. O. 937 8 _ — Scriptores historiae Augustae, ab Hadri- ano ad Numerianum; H. Jordan et F. Eyssen- hardt recensuerunt. Berolini, 1864. 2v.ini. O. 878 34 — —La, seconda e terza guerra punica; per A. Ceruti. Bologna, 1875. D. {In Scelta di curi- osity. 149.) 850 10 — — .Tacitns, C. C. Annales. — Historiae.(in his Opera, 1832-9, v. 1-3.) 878 17 For other editions and for translations gee Tacitus. — — Tartara, A. Osservazioni di storia romana air anno 537/217 sulle legioni, sugli imperii, e suir istituzione delle provincie consolari. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 5, 1879-80.) — Tentative di critica sui luoghi liviani... relative alle provincie ed agli eserciti. {In sam'e. v. 6, 1880-1.) 065 5 Veen, 0. van. Histoire de la guerre des Bataves et des Romains ; avec les planches gravees par A. Tempesta ; redigee par St. Si- mon. [Amsterdam,] 1770. F.^ pi. maps. 949 11 Vertot d'Aubeuf, R. A. de. Histoire des revolutions dans la republique romaine. Paris, 1823. 2 V. S. 937 9 Victor, S. A. Historia Romana. Lipsiae, 1827. T. 878 28 ^^Zosimns. Historiae, Graece et Latine; re- censuit, notis et commentai'io illustravit J. F. Reitemeier ; subjectae sunt animadversiones C. G. Heynii. Lipsiae, 1784. O. 937 10 See also iEQUI ; AUGUSTUS ; BYZA5VTI1VE EMPIRE ; CXI- SAB,C. J.; CaiSAKS; CATIUNA, L. S.; CIMBIU; GERMAM- CUS; GRACCHI; ITALY; JUGURTHA; NUMIDIA; RIVALTA, A. Tito Vezio, racconto storico; SARDIMA; SICILY; SYBARIS; TIBERIUS. —MILITARY AFFAIRS. Saumaise, C. de. De re militari Romanorum. Lugd. Batavorum, 1657. O. 355 4 — — Votsch, W. Cajus Marius als Reformator des romischen Heerwesens. Berlin, 1886. O. 48 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorif. Vortrdge. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 —SOCIAL LIFE. Becker, W. A. Gallus; oder, Romische Scenen aus der Zeit Augusts. 2 Auf- lage, von W. Rein. Leipzig, 1849. 3 v. O. 390 3 Dotsch, P. Juvenal; ein Beitrag zur Sit- tengeschichte Roms unter den Kaisern. Leip- zig, 1874. O. 7+75 p. 877 2 — — Friedlander, L.Moeurs romaines du regne d'Auguste a la fin des Antonins; traduction libre sur la 2e edition allemande, avec des re- marques, par C. Vogel. Paris, 1865-74. 390 4 — — Marquardt, K. J. Romische Privalterthti- mer. Leipzig, 1864-7. 2 v. in 1. O. il. pi. 390 5 ROME {city). Marcker, F. A. Dasalte und das neue Rom; Vortrag. Berlin, 1865. O. 43 p. 937 3 — (city, ancient). Canevari, R. Notizie sulle fondazioni dell' edificio pel ministero delle fi- nanze in Roma. pi. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 — Canina, L. Indicazione topografica di Roma antica dell' epoca imperiale. 4 edizione. Roma, 1850. O. 913 4 — — Pianta topografica di Roma antica. [Roma,] 1850. 98+140 cm. in Q. 913 4 ^Eaton, C. A. Rome in the 19th century. From 4 Edinburgh edition. New York, 1827. 2 V. O. 914.5 78 Same. 5 edition. London, 1852. 2 v. D. pi. iltp. 914.5 79 — Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. La cite antique. 6 edition. Paris, 1876. D. 352 1 —Jordan, H.Die Kaiserpalaste in Rom. Berlin, 1868. O. 31 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — ^Lanciani, R. Intorno alia grande pianta di Roma antica. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3. ) 065 3 ROME {city, ancient) 582 ROME {city, modern) — — Sulle vicende edilizie di Eoma. Roma, 1878. Q. [l+]49p. 013 11 Topografia di Rama antica: I commentarii di Frontino intorno le acque e gli aquedotti ; silloge epigrafica aquaria. Roma, 1880. F. pi. 628 5 bound with 627 4 Same. {In Rome— R. accad. di lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 4, 1879-80.) 065 5 —Marsh, 0. P. The aqueducts of ancient Rome, [a review of the work by R. Lanciani]. (In Na- tion, V. 32, 1881, p. 147-8.) In main library. — Parker, J. H, Tlie archeeology of Rome. Ox- ford, 1871-9. V. 1, 4, 7, 9, 12. O. por. pi. maps. 913 5-10 Contents: 1. Primitive fortifications.— Walls and gates. — Historical construction of walls. 1-2 edition. 1874, '78. 4. The twelve Egyptian obelisks in Rome. 1879. 7. The Flavian amphitheatre, called the Colosseum. 1876. 9. The tombs. 1871. 12. The catacombs 1871. Also four pamphlet catalogues of Historical photo- graphs, 1871-3. — Scliulze, E. Das alte Rom als Grossstadt und Weltstadt. Berlin, 1878. O. 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorft'. Vortrage. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — Wey, F. Rome, description et souvenirs. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1873. F, 352 il. map. D14.5 85 See also CHUKCH HISTORY-ROME ; COLOSSEUM ; PAN- THEOX. — {city, moder/i)— Accademia pontiflcia de' nuovi lincei. Atti. 1847-8. Roma, 1851. v. 1. F. pi. map. 065 1 For the history of the society see Rome— R. accademia dei lincei. — Biblioteca Vittorio Enianiiele. Notizia di al- cune edizioni del secolo 15, nella biblioteca; data da Carlo Castellani. Roma, 1877. Q. 15-1-38 p. 016 6 — Collegio romano. Catalogo ragionato delle piu rare o piu importanti opere geografiche a stampa nella biblioteca, compilato da C. Ca- stellani. Roma, 1876. O. 016 24 — Comitato naziunale romano. Le rivelazioni impunitarie di Costanza Vaccari-Diotallevi nella causa Venanzi-Fausti, edaltri documenti; con considerazioni e note. n. p., 1863. D. 343 13 — CORTE.Filalete, E. psewd. Sulla guerradella corte di Roma conti'o il regno d'ltalia. Torino, 1862. O. 16 p. 282 49 — — Giennarelli, A.Le dottnne civili e religiose della corte di Roma in ordine al dominio tem- porale; considerazioni e documenti. Firenze, 1862. D. 282 42 — — — Intorno all' allocuzione ealla lettera en- ciclica di Sua Santita e alle teorie di diritto della corte di Roma. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1859. D. 77 p. 282 45 — — — I lutti dello stato romano, e 1' avvenire della corte di Roma; rivelazioni storiclie. Fi- renze, 1860. D. 282 44 — Direzione eomunale di statistica. Rapporto complementaresul censimento di Roma. Roma, 1872. O. tab. map. 314 13 — EXHIBITIONS.L'esposizione mondiale, 1885- 6. Roma, 1881-2. v. 2, no. 10-12; v. 8, no. 1-3. F.* 606 8 hound with 399 4 On the cover Is printed : Sua eocelenza G. Perkins Marsh. —HOSPITALS. Pantaleoni, D. Rapporto am- ministrativo sulle condizioni finanziarie, igie- niche e morali dell' Archiospedale di S. Spirito inSassia. Roma, 1871. F. tab. 362 2 hound ivith 336 3 — — — Relazione del commissario degli spedali diRoma. [Roma, 1870.] F. 24 p. 362 2 bound with 336 3 — Reale accademia dei lincei. Atti. Serie 2-3, 1873-83. Roma, 1875-83. 34 v. sqF. il. pl.fac- sini. maps. 065 3-6 Series 2, v. 4, unpublished. Series 3 is divided into Me- • morie and Transuntt. The Memorie are of two classes: Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali, and Scienze morali, storiche e fllologiche. [Bulletin.] Roma [,1876-7]. 13 nos. sqO. 065 7 A preliminary publication of the Transunti. Circolare, no. 530, 533; sci. mor. 46. Roma, 1881-2. 3 nos. sqQ. 065 7 Constitutiones Lynceorum, 1875. Romae, 1876. q. 11 p. 065 7 Elenco delle accademie, giornali, ecc, che ricevono le pubblicazioni dell' Accademia dei lincei... Roma, 1881. O. 50 p. 065 7 [Notice in ms. of the election of George P. Marsh as foreign member in the class of histor- ical, philological and moral sciences, 19 March 1876. J F. 3 p. cfc bronze tablet in morocco case. O. 080 47 Programmi de' premi. [Roma, 1881.] Q. 7 p. 065 7 Regolamento per la biblioteca. [Roma, 1879.] O. 4 p. 065 7 With two library blanks. — — Carutti, D.Degli ultimi tempi, dell' ultima opera degli antichi lincei, e del risorgimento deir accademia, {In its Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. V. 2, 1877-8.) 065 5 — —Sella, Q.DelF accademia dei lincei, discor- so. Bologna, 1879. O. [4-F] 21 p. 065 7 — — Volpicelli, P. Ragionamento istorico sull' Accademia dei lincei, 1795-1847. {In Rome — Accad. pout, de' nnovi lincei, Atti. v. 1, 1847-8.) 065 1 — Sacra consnUa. [Sentenza contro Gulmanelli, A. , Venanzi,G. , Fausti, L. , &c. ,] 30 maggio 1863. n. p., n. d. O. 70 p. 343 13 — ^ttennarelli, A.Processo di morte compilato dalla Sacra consulta contro Cesare Lucatelli esaminato. Firenze, 1861. D. 343 13 — Societh, geograflca italiana. Bollettino. Fi- renze, 1868-70. V. 1-5. O. pi. maps. 910 52 Studj bibliografici e biografici sulla storia della geografia in Italia. Roma, 1875, Q. maps. 016 25 Studj sulla geografia naturale e civile dell' Italia. Roma, 1875. O. tab. map. 554.5 5 — — Correnti, C. Discorso dal pi-esidente della Society geografica, 30 marzo. Roma, 1873. Q. 72 p. 910 53 — —Negri, C. Discorso del presidente della Societa geografica italiana, 15 die. 1867; — 30 aprilel871. Firenze, 1868-71. 2 v. O. 910 53 — — — Relazione del presidente, 21 giugno ""l;-4dic.l868. [Firenze, 1868.] 2 V. O. 910 53 ROME {city, modern) 583 R0MULU8 — UNIVERSITA. ROMANA.Morpurgo, E. Roma e la Sapienza; compendio di notizie storiche suUa Universita romana. Roma, 1879. Q. 83 p. 378"7 — VATICAN. Forcella, V. Catalogo del mano- scritti riguaidanti la storia di Roma. Roma, 1879-81. V. 1-3. O. 016 23 _« ^Muncll, P. A.Oplysninger om detpavelige Archiv og dets Indhold fornemmelig for Nor- ges Historie; udgivet af Gustav Storm. Chri- stiania, 1876. O. [3+] 78 p. fdcsim. 948 35 i— About, E. F. V. Rome contemporaine. 8 edi- tion. Paris, 1861. O. 914.5 73 —Aitkin, L. The sanitary state of Rome. [Lon- don,] 1873. O. 11 p. 614 2 — Beylej M. H. Promenades dans Rome. 2 serie. Paris, 1858. D. map. 914.5 74 — iBonaparte, J. Tableau historique des evene- mens survenus pendant le sac de Rome en 1537, par...temoin oculaire ; traduit de I'italien. Paris, 1809. O. 945 85 — BruU} F. S. C. M.Romisches Leben. Leipzig, 1833. 3 V. D. pi. 913.5 75 —Butler, C. M. Inner Rome, political, religious and social. Philadelphia, 1866. D. 914.5 76 — Calendario di Roma. Roma, 1875. v. 1. D. 314 13 — Canevari, R. Notizie sulle fondazione dell' edificio pel ministero delle finanze i Roma. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser.v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 — Cenni storici sugli avvenimenti di Roma, dal nov, 1848 al luglio 1849. n. p., n. d. 2 pt. O. 45 p. 945 89 — Giampi, I.Innocenzo X Pamfili e la sua corte; storia di Roma, 1644-55, da nuovi documenti. Roma, 1878. O. 945 87 ^ — Sopra alcuni documenti della storia civile del medio evo di Roma. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser, sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 — Clavel, V. Arnauld de Brescia et les Romains du 13e siecle. Paris, 1868. O. map. 922 18 — Collett, P. J. Breve fra Rom. {In Asbj0rn- seu, P. C. Ydale. 1851.) 914 8 — iDelatre, L. M. J. L. Ricordi di Roma. Fi- renze, 1870. D. 914.5 77 — Dwiglit, T. The Roman republic of 1849; with accounts of the inquisition and the siege of Rome, and biographical sketches. New York [, c 1851]. D. por. 945 90 —Eaton, C. A. Rome in the 19th century. From 4 Edinburgh edition. New York, 1837. 2v. O. 914.5 78 — — Same. 5 edition, London, 1852. 2 v. D. pi. iltp. 914.5 79 — Fornari, A. Pianta della citta di Roma. [Roma,] 1868. 62x85 cm. in S. 912 23 — Friscliauer, E. Bilder aus der romischen Ge- sellschaft. Leipzig, 1877. D. 920 9 — Gattinara, M. di. II sacco fli Roma nel 1527, relazione; con introduzione & annotazioni del barone D. C. Trasraondo-Frangipani. Ginevra, 1866. S. 83 p. 945 86 — (xebliart, E. Le sac de Rome en 1527. (In his Del'Italie. 1876.) 946 4 —Giordano, F. Cenni sulle condizioni fisico- economiche di Roma e suo territorio. Firenze, 1871. O. maps. 551.49 6 — Griustiniani, A. Dispacci di A. Giustinian, ambasciatore veneto in Roma, 1502-5 ; pubbli- cati da P. Villari. Firenze, 1876. 3 v. D. 945 84 — Gotlie, J. W. Ton. Rom.— Zweiter Aufenthalt in Rom. (In his Werke, 1837-42, v. 27, 29.) 832 1 — Gsell-Fels, T. J. Rom und Mittel-Italien. Neue Ausgabe. Hildburghausen, 1872. 2 v. D. il. pi. maps. 914.5 80 —Italy— Direzione statistica. Mongrafia della citta di Roma. Roma, 1878. 2 v. Q. pi. & Atlas. F.' 914.5 71 -Lombard-Martin,—. Precis historique sur I'insurrection romaine ; operations militaires dans Viterbe, 1867. Paris, 1868. O. 945 92 — ^Moltke, H. K. B. von. Wanderungen um Rom. {In his Wanderbuch. 1879.) 914 8 —Murray, J., publisher. Rome and its envi- rons. {In his Handbook for central Italy, 1853, pt. 2.) 914.5 81 — Nibby, A, Itineraire de Rome et de ses envi- rons. 11 edition. Rome, 1875. S. il. pi. maps. 914.6 82 — iPoujoulat, J. J. F. Toscane et Rome, corre- spondance d' Italie. Bruxelles, 1850. S. 914.5 69 — Ronclietti, L. Pianta di Roma. Milano, 1880. 55x70 cm. in T. 912 24 —Story, W. W. Roba di Roma. 3 edition. London, '1864. D. 914.5 83 — Toscani, D. La saison d'hiver, nov. 1880 a avril 1881, a Rome, et la sante des etrangers. Rome, 1881. O. 16 p. 615 20 — Vasi, Gr., 450 11 — Laurianu, A. T., & Massimu, J. C. Dictiona- riulu limbei romane. Bucuresci, 1871-6. 2 v. Q. 459 6 — Glossariu, care coprinde vorbele d' in limb'a romana straine... Bucuresci, 1871. Q. 459 6.1 — Lesiconromiinescu-latinescu-ungurescu-nem- tescu. Budae, 1825. O. 459 7 — Mircesco, V. Grammaire de la langue rou- maine; precedee d'un aper9u historique sur la langue roumaine. Paris, 1863. D. 459 11 — Mussafla, A. Zur rumiinischen Vocalisation, Wien, 1868. O. [24-] 125-154 p. 459 2 — Pontbriantj B. de. Dictiunaru romano-fran- cesu. Bucuresci, 1862. O. 459 8 — Buscalla, Q. V. Prolusione al libero corso di lingua, letteratura e storia rumana. Torino, 1863. O. 20 p. 459 1 — Scliuchardt, H. E. M. De I'orthographie du roumain. {In Bomania. v. 2, 1873.) 479 6 BUMANIAN LITEBATUBE. Cipariu, T. Cre- stomatia; seav, Analecte literarie dein cartile romanesci dela seculu 16-19, cv notitia litera- ria. Blasiu, 1858. O. 859 54 See also Alesandrescu, G.; Bolintiiieaiiu, D. ; Bolliacu, C; II Physiologus rumeno ; Romania; Vakerescu, I. BUMANIAN PBOYINCES. Ubicini, J. H. A. Provinces d'origine roumaine. 1856. por. pi. maps. (In L'univers. 59.) 910 18 BUMANSH, see BOMANSH. Bumohr, Carl Frledrich Liidwig Felix, Baron. Ueberblick der Kunsthistorie des transalbing- ischen Sachsens. (In Schleswig...C}esellschaft. Archiv. v. 2, 1834.) 943 42 Buiusey, James. A short treatise on the appli- cation of steam. 1787. pi. {In O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 2.) 974 9 Bumsey, Mary C, translator, see Tiecic, J. L, The midsummer night. 1854. 832 10 Bundall, Thomas. Narratives of voyages to- wards the north-west in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496-1631. London, 1849. O. maps. (In Hakluyt soc. Works. 5.) 919.8 4 — editor. Memorials of the empire of Japon in the 16 and 17 centuries, with notes. London, 1850. O. facsim. map. {In same. 8.) 915,2 3 Bnneberg, Jolin Ludvig. Samlade arbeten. Helsingfors, 1861-4. 5 v. D. 839.7133 — Nadeschda, a poem translated by Marie A* Brown. Boston, 1879. O. 839.71 34 Life of Runeberg, p, 3-10. RUNENBERG 589 RUNES Der Banenber^, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften, v. 4. RUNES. Beiidixen, B. E. Runebjerget ved Veblungsnses. (Ira Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 7, 1873.) 948 5 ^Bredsdorff, J. H. Om Runeskriftens Oprin- delse. Kjobenhavn, 1822. sqQ. 19 p. pi. 439.61 2 — Brynjulfsson, G. G. Periculum runologicum. Havniae, 1823. D. 439.61 4 — Bugge, E. S. Lidt om de aeldste nordiske Runeindskrifters sproglige Stilling. {In Copen- hagen— K. nord. 0]d.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 5, 1870.)— Veblungsnses Indskriften. {In same. \. 7, 1872.)— En i Norge funden Spsende med Ru- neindskrift fra Mellemjernalderen ; af O. Rygh og Bugge. pi. {In same. v. 13, 1878.)— Riv nestenen fra Strand i Ryfylke. il. {In same. V. 19, 1884.) 948 5 — Dieterich, U. W. Runen-Sprach-Schatz;oder, Worterbuch iiber die altesten Sprachdenkmale Skandinaviens. Stockholm [, pref. 1844]. O. 439.61 5 — Dybecks R. Sverikes runurkunder : Upp- land. Stockholm, 1860. F.* 30 p. 48 pi. 439.61 14 hound with 399 4 — Engelhardt, H. C. C. Kong Gorms og Dron- ning Thyras Mindestene i Jellinge ; Archaeolo- giske Bemaerkninger om Runestene og deres Oprindelse. il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 11, 1876.) 948 5 — CrislasoH, K. De seldste Runeindskrifters sproglige Stilling. {In same. \. 4, 1869; v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 — Goransson, J. Isatlinga; det ar, De forna Goters, har uti Svea rike, boksfafver ok sa- lighets lara, 2200 ar fore Christmn. Stockholm, 1747. sqO. 439.61 3 — Grimm, W. K, Ueber deutsche Runen. Got- tingen, 1821. S. facsim. 439.61 11 ^lessen, E. Smating vedr0rende Runeind- skrifter. 2 pt. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 2, 1867.) 948 5 — Legis-Gliickselig, G. T. Die Runen und ihre Denkmaler. Leipzig, 1829. O. pi. {In his Fundgruben. v. 1.) 839.6 5 — LiIjegren,»J. G. Run-lara. Stockholm, 1832. O. pi. 439.61 4.1 — Magnusen, F. Om en Steenring med Rune- Indskriftfra den hedenske tid, funden i Skaane. il. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Sel8kab. Annaler. v. 2, 1838-9.)— Om den paa Island fundne Stylus, il. {In same, v. 4, 1842-3.)— Om et ved Largs i Skotland fundet kostbart Spsende og dets tvende Rune-Indskrifter. {In same, v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 — — Om tvende Runestene i Norre-Jylland. pi. {In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1848-5.) 948 4 '— Maughan, J. The runic rock at Barnspike, Cumberland, England, il. {In same. Memoires, n. s. V. 1, 1866-71.) 948 3 — Munch, P. A. Rune-Indskrifter fra Oen Man og Syderoerne. il. {In same. Annaler. v. 10, 1850.) 948 2 — —Runic inscriptions in Sodor and Man. il. (In same. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9.) 948 3 — Rafn, C. C. Antiquites de I'orient, monu- ments runographiques. Copenhague, 1856. O. 48-t-240p. il. 439.61 12 — i — Same [with runic index] : Inscription ru- nique du Piree. Copenhague, 1856. O. [3-f-] 253 p. il. 439.61 13 — — Bemaerkninger om en Steenoxe med Ru- neindskrift. Kjobenhavn, 1854. O. 11 p. il. 439.61 7 — — Bemaerkninger om en Steen0xe med Ru- neindskrift. il. — Runestene fra Harald Blaa- tands Tidsalder. il. — Bemaerkninger om en ved Aarhuus i 1850 funden Runesteen. il. — Yderligere Bemaerkninger om Gorm den Gam- les Mindesteen. il. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) — En nordisk Runeindskrift i Piraeus, med Forklaring. il. {In same. v. 5, 1855-7.) — Fund af en Runesteen paa Helnaes i Fyen, med Forklaring. il. — Mindesteen ved Kleg- gum Hoi, med Forklaring. tZ. :— Yderligere Bemaerkninger af C. Save. (In same. v. 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 — — Bemaerkninger om et Guld-Diadem med Rune-Indskrift. il. {In same. Annaler. v. 4, 1842-3.) — Bemaerkninger om en dansk Rune- steen fra det lite Aarhundrede, funden midt i London, il. pi. — Om Gorm den Gamles og Thyre Danabods Mindestene in Jellinge. il. pi. {In same. v. 13, 1852.) — De sydslesvigske Rune- stene. map. {In same. v. 19, 1859.) 948 2 — — Inscriptions runiques du Slesvig meridio- nal. Copenhague, 1861. O. [3+] 374-435 p. t7. map. 439.61 9 — — Remarks on a Danish runic stone from the 11th century, found in London. Copenhagen, 1854. O. ' 439.61 10 — —Remarks on a Danish runic stone from the 11th century found in London, pi. — The tomb- stones of king Gorm the Old and Queen Thyre Danaboot at Jellinge. pi.— The runic stones of Bekke, of Laeborg and of Sondervis- sing. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 3, 1845-9.) — Inscriptions runiques du Slesvig meriaional, interpretees. (In same. V. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 —Repp, T. G. Om Kong Gorms Mindesteen i Jellinge. {In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 -Save, C. P. Nyfunna svenska runinskrifter. pi. {In same. Annaler. v. 12, 1852.) — Anmark- ningerom inskriften a Gorm den Gamles rune- sten i Jallinge. {In same. v. 13, 1853.) 948 2 — Seidelin, H. C. P. Et Runealphabet fra 1547. facsim. (In same. v. 14, 1853.) 948 2 — Sjoborg, N. H. Cippos runicos ad Dagsn^s, praedium Vestrogothise, positos. Lundae, [1802]. O. 15 p. 439.61 5.1 — — Dissertatio academica de monumentis ru- nicis extra Scandinaviam. Londini Gothorum, [1805-6]. 2 pt. in 1 v. O. 26 p. 439.61 8 — Stephens, G. Wimmer om Runeindskrifter. — Jessens Smating vedr0rende Runeindskrifter. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Af(,r- b0ger. V. 2, 1867.)— Om de aeldste old-nordiske Runeindskrifter. {In same, v. 3, 1868.) 948 5 — Thorsen, P. G. Virring Runesteen. pi. {In same. v. 5, 1870.) 948 5 B UN'ES 590 E US SI A. — Uppstrom, A. De lapide runico Tunensi. Ups^liae, 1858. sqQ. [1+J9 p. pi. 439.61 6 — Werlanff, E. C. Runestenen i Eegaae. il. (in Copenhasren—K. nord. Old-Selskab. Nor- disk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1833.) 948 1.2 Werl, 0. Manductio compendiosa ad runo- eraphiam Scandicam. Upsal*, 1675. F. il. ^ Bound with V. 1 of m^.Q% n.l Wibprgj K. F. Om D0befonten i Baarse Kirke, dens latinisk-gotiske Indskrift og saj- renge Runealphabet ; med et Tillaeg af Finn Magnusen. pi. (In Copenhag:eii— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 — Wiinmer, L. F. A. De aeldste nordiske Rune- indskrifter. il. (In same. Aarb0ger.v. 2, 1867.)— G. Stephens om Runeindskrifter. {In same. v. 3, 1868. )1-Runeskrif tens Oprindelse ogUdvikling i Norden. il. pi. (In same. v. 9, 1874.) — Store RygbjiBrg Stenen. (in same. v. 10, 1875.) 948 5 Wocel, J. E. Ueber die Runen der Kobelicher Urne. il. {In same. Memoires, v. 3, 1845-9.) 948 3 —Worm, 0. Danicorum monumentorum libri sex. Hafnia3, 1643. Q. 913 61.2 For runic writings ««e Icelandic, Danish and Swedish antiquities, history and literature ; also BBACTEATES; HOBNS; RUTHWELL OBELISK. Rnneswardet och den forste riddaren; sorgspel, see Nicander, K. A. Bunge« Wilhelm. Der Bernstein in Ostpreus- sen, Berlin, 1868. O. 70 p. {InTir- chow cfc Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 RUNKELSTEIN, castle. Schouherr, D. Das Schloss Runkelstein bei Botzen; mit einem In- ventar des Schlosses von 1493. Innsbruck, 1874. O. 56 p. 390 11 Runor, see Nicander, K. A. Rnnstavn och medeltidens bestandiga alma- nach. n. p., n. d. Broadside, 43x56 cm. 439.61 1 Ruotgeriis, see Roger. Rnperti, Gleorg Alexander, annotator, see Taci- tus, C. C. Opera. 1832-9. 878 17 Rttppell, Wilhelm Peter Eduard Simon. Rei- sen in Nubien, Kordofan und dem petraischen Arabien, vorziiglich in geographisch-statisti- cher Hinsicht. Frankfurt a. M., 1829. O. pi. maps. 916.2 25 Ruscalla, (xioveiiale Vegezzi. Colonia piemdn- tesein Calabria; studio etnografico. [Torino, 1862.] O. 33 p. 457 12 — Le colonie serbo-dalmate del circondario di Larino, provincia diMolise ; studio etnografico. Torino, 1864. O. 38 p. 572 18 — Prolusione al libero corso di lingua, lettera- turaestoria rumana. Torino, 1863. O. 20 p. 459 1 — translator, see Almeida-Garrett. Fra Luigi 869 39 891 13 1848. {In Bernij F. di Sousa, dramma. 1852. Nakwaska, A. K. Aniela. Ruscelli, (jirolamo. Capitoli, Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 2.) Riisconi, Antonio, cfe others. Monografie nova- resi. Novara, 1878. D. maps. 914.5 53 RiisconI, Carlo, translator, see Shakespeare, W. Teatro, 1873-4. 822 15 Rasconi, Pietro Martire.I boschi, poemadidat- tico. Milano, 1856. O. 851 109 hound with 12 RUSCOWIK, Giuseppe. Leghorn— Corte di assise. Processo contro il celebre falsario G. Ruscowik, 1868. Livorno, 1868. D. 56 p. 343 13 —The historie of Frier Rush. {In Thoms, W. J. Prose romances, 1828, v. 1.) 823 2 Riisio, Lorenzo. La mascalcia; volgarizzamento del secolo 14; messo in luce da Pietro Delprato, aggiuntovi il testo latino per cura di Luigi Bar- bieri. Bologna, 1867. 2 v. O. {In Emilia. Col- lezione. 19-20.) \ 850 6 Vol. 2 is Notizie storiche degli scrittori italiani di, veterinaria. Ruskin, John. The ethics of the dust; ten lec- tures to little housewives on the elements of crystallisation. London, 1866. D. 828 16 -i-Notes, 1 : on his [collection of] drawings by J. M. W. Turner; 2: on his own handiwork illustrative of Turner. [Chiswick,] 1878. O. 740 2 — The seven lamps of architecture. New York, 1854. O. pi. 720 3 — Time and tide by Weare and Tyne; twenty- five letters on the laws of work. 2 edition. London, 1868. S. 331 11 — ^Dexter, F. Pictures and painters; the old masters compared with the modern artists.. [Anon.] New York, 1849. O. 750 4 Ruspoli, Francesco. Sonetti, col commentodi Andrea Cavalcanti. Bologna, 1876. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 150.) 850 10- —Sonetti 16. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, V. 3.) 857 3 Russe, Johan. Fragmenta 35 rerum Dithmar- sicarum, 1040-1595. por. pi. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4,) 943 21 Rnssell, Alexander. The natural • history of Aleppo, containing a description of the city and its neighbourhood. 2 edition, enlarged, with notes, by Pat. Russell. London, 1794. 2 V. sqQ. pi. maps. 915.6 22 Russell, John, bishop of Lincoln. Two speeches for opening Parliament. {In Camden soc. v. 60, 1854.) 820 4 Russell, John, servant of the duke of Glouces- ter. The boke of nurture, folowyng Englondis gise. (In Furnivall, F. J. Babees book. 1868; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 32.) 820 5 Russell, John Scott, cfc Dassi, G. Correspond- ance [so] respecting a universal exibition [so] at Rome, and the social question. Rome, 1872. O. 33 p. 606 7 Rnssell, Michael, bishop of Glasgow and Gal- loway. View of ancient and modern Egypt; with an outline of its natural history. New York, 1831. S. il. 932 8 Lord William Russell, historisk Tragoedie, see Munch, A. I Russi d'oggidi; dell' autore del Deputato di Parigi; versione liberadall'inglese, see Murray, E. C. G. in Appendix. 914.7 6 Russia. Katharina der zweiten Instruction fiir die zu Verfertigung des Entwurfs zu einem neuen Gesetzbuche verordnete Commission. Riga, 1769. D. por. 349 36 — Castr^n, M. A. Nordiska resor och forskning- ar. Helsingfors, 1852-8. 5 v. O. por. pi. maps. 947 13^ R USSIA 591 RUSTEM —Chopin, J. M. Russie. Paris, 1838. 2 v. O. yor. pi. maps. {In L'lmivers. 60-1.) 910 18 — Masson, C. F. P. Memoires secrets sur la Russie pendant les regnes de Catharine II et de Paul I. — Anecdotes historiques. {In Bar- riere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 22.) 944 10 — Rittich, A. F. Die Etlinograpiiie Russlands. Gotha, 1878. sqQ. 6-1-43 p. maps. {In Peter- manns Mittheilunffen: Erganzungsband 12.) 910 44 — Russland am 1 Januarl871; voneinemRus- sen. Leipzig, 1871. O. 947 10 — Stieler, A. Die europaisch-russischen Grenz- lander. Gotha, 1857. IV 10 maps. 912 26 For other maps see CRIMEA . — Thorson, E. M,, translator. Antiquariske Meddelelser fra de slaviske Lande. {In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 — Worsaae, J. J. A. Ruslands og dt t skandina- viske Nordens Bebyggelse og seldste Kultur- forhold. {In same. Aarb0ger. v. 7, 1872.) 948 5 — — French : La colonisation de la Russie et du nord scandinave et leur plus ancien etat de civilisation, il. (In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 2, 1872-7.) 948 3 —DESCRIPTION. Baruffl, G. F. Da Torino a S. Pietroborgo e Mosca, passeggiato straordi- naria. Torino, 1854. D. 914.7 1 i— — Bemerkungen iiber Esthland, Liefland, Russland ; nebst Beitragen zur Emporungs- Geschichte Purgatschews. Prag, 1792. D. 914.7 18 — — Boxhorn, M. Z.,editor. Respublica Mosco- viae et urbes. Lugduni Batavorum, 1630. Tt. 094 48 i— — Boynton, C. B. The Russian empire; its resources, government and policy. Cincinnati, 1856. O. 914.7 2 — — DeniidoY, A. Viaggio nella Russia meridi- onale e nella Crimea, 1837. Torino, 1841. Q. il. 914.7 20 — i —The Englishwoman m Russia. New York, 1855. D. pi. 914.7 3 — — Gnrowski, A. G. de. Russia as it is. 3 edi- tion. New York, 1854. O. {In Hakluyt soc. Works. 10.) 914.7 4 — — Gyldenstjerne, A. Udtog af Dagbog hol- den paa hans Reise til Moskow, 1602-3 ; med Anmaerkninger og et Anhang af L. Engelstoft. (/n Engelstoft & M0ller. Historisk Calender, 1814-17, V. 1.) 948 58 — — Herberstein, S. von. Notes upon Russia; translated; with notes and introduction, by R. H. Major. London, 1851-2. 2 v. O. por. pi. map. 914.7 5 — —Kohl, J. G. Reisen in Siidrussland. 2 ver- mehrte Auflage. Dresden, 1847. 2 v. D. map. 914.7 22 — — Kruse, F. K. H. Om Russernes aeldste Til- vserelse i Russland og Byzanz under Navn af Gother, Yarseger, Foederati og Russer. (In Co- penhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 2 — — Mi6ge, G. La relation de trois ambassades de Carlisle vers Mosco vie... 1663-4. Nouvelle edition, par A. Galitzin. Paris, 1857. S. (Bibl. elzevir.) 840 4 Murray, E. C. G. I Russi d'oggidi ; ver- sione dair inglese. Firenze, 1878. D. 914.7 6 — — Sauvage, J. Memoire du voiage en Russie en 1586;...publies par L. Lacour, Paris, 1855 D. 104-30 p 973 20 — — Schlatter, D. Bruchstiicke aus einigen Reisen nach dem siidlfchen Russland, 1822-8. Neue Ausgabe, St. Gallen, 1836. O. pi. fac- sim. map. 914.7 23 Tiepolo, F.Relazione della Moscovia, 1560 Venezia, 1877. O. 39 p. 914.7 7 See also CAUCASUS ; CUIIMEA ; FINLAND ; LAPLAND ; MOSCOW ; ODESSA ; OLAND ; SAINT PETERSBUBO • STEPPES ; TRANSCAUCASIA. —HISTORY. Bredsdorff, J. H. Bemerkungen, die Genealogie des russischen Fiirstenge- schlechtes betreffend. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 2, 1840-4. ^ 948 3 ^Kruse, F. K. H. tJber die Herkunft des alten russischen Fiirstengeschlechtes aus Jilt- land. {In same. v. 1, 1836-9.)— Verbesserungen zu der Stammtafel des russischen Grossfiirsten Rurik. {In same. v. 3, 1845-9.) 943 3 Fallmerayer, J. P. Libanon und der Cza- renbesuch ini Vatican. -7 Vom anderen Ufer. {In his Werke, 1861, v. 2.) 908 1 — — Lamar che, H. D. de. Les Turcs et les Rus- ses; histoirede la guerre d'orient. Paris [,1854]. F. [l-l-]68p. il. maps. 949 55.1 bound with 913 17 Milton, J. A brief history of Moscovia. (In his Works, 1863, v. 8.) 821 78 Rafn, C. C, editor. Antiquites russes, d'apres les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. Copenhague 1850- 2. 2 V. F.* 839.63 60 Seidelin, H. C. P. Russernes Sammenstod og Forbindelser niedde ostromerske Rige indtil 988. In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 13, 1853,) 94$ 2 Senkovski, 0. LDe islandske Sager i deres Forhold til den russiske Historic. (In same v -7, 1847.) 948 2 Urqnhart, D. Progress of Russia in the west, north, and south. 5 edition. London 1853. D. 947 i — Recent events in the east, 1858. Lon- don, 1854. D. 947 3 See also ANNA, BERLIN, TREATY OF, CHAZARS; COS SACKS; CRDIEA; DEMETRIUS, tlie false; EASTERN QUES- TION; FINLAND; LITHUANIA; LIVONIA; POLAND; RO- MANCE FAMILY: SLAVIC PEOPLES; UZIS. RUSSIAN LITERATURE, see JOUKOFSKI* V. A. * Rnssland am 1 Januar 1871; von einemRussen. Leipzig, 1871. O. 947 10 Russo, Michele dello, editor, see Colonne, G. dalle. Storia della guerra di Troia. 1868. 939 3 I rusteghi, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 25. Rnstem effendi & Seid bey. Reponse h quelques journaux relativement aux affaires de Turquie. Bruxelles, 1853. O. 45 p. 949 55 B USTlClAJSrO 593 SACCHETTI Riisticiano of Pisa, see Polo, M. Lelivre 1865 Vlo 14 Ruth, E. Blanc, Versuch einer philologischen Erkiamng der gottl. Komodie. (in Jahrbuch rom. u. eiig. Lit. v. 3, 1861.)— Der Satirendich- ter Giuseppe Giusti. (in same. v. 4, 1862.)— Ueber einige Schriften aus dem Jubeljahre Dantes. (in same. v. 6, 1865.)— Dante Alighie- ri's Gottliche Comodie, iibers. von K. Witte;— Leben und Werke; von F. X. Wegele. {In same. V. 7, 1866.) 805 1 RUTHWELL OBELISK. Magnusen, F. Om Obelisken i Ruthwell og oin de angelsaxiske Runer. il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 1, 1836-7.) 948 2 —Sweet, H. Ruthwell cross, Dumfries. (In his Oldest English texts. 1885 ; in E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 83.) 820 5 Riitilius Namatianus, Claudius. Heimkehr; ue- bersetzt und erlseutert von Itasius Lemmacus fpseud.l. Berlin, 1872. O. il. maps. ^^ Hid 10 bound with SI 4r 4: Rutimeyer, Ludwig. Ueber Thai- und See-Bil- dung. Basel, 1869. O. il. map. 551.43 52 Rutland papers ; original documents illustra- tive of the courts and times of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. ; selected by William Jerdan. Lon- don, 1842. O. {In Camden soc. v. 21.) 820 4 Riitte, Alb. von. Erkliirung der dialektischen Ausdriicke in Jeremias Gotthelfs gesammelten Schriften. Berlin, 1858. D. {In Bitzius, A. Gesam. Schriften, v. 23.) 833 7 Runs, I. T., (fc others. Engelsk-svensk ordbok, see Nilsson, L. G. 439.73 3.1 Ruusbroec, Jan van. Werken. Gent, 1858-68. 6 V. O. col. pi. {In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. V7erken, 3. ser. 1, 4, 7, 9, 13.) 839.3 4 Contents: 1-2. Dat boec van den gheesteleken taber- nacule 8. Dat boec vanden twaelf dogheden.— Die spieffhel der ewigher salicheit.— Van den kerstenen ghe- love. 4. Dat boec van VII trappen inden graet der gheesteliker minnen. -Dat boec van seven sloten.— Dat boec vanden rlke der ghelleven.-Dat boec vanden vier becoringhen. 6. Dat boec van den twaelf beghinen. b. Die chierheit der gheesteleker brulocht.— Dat hantvingh- erlijn; oft, Vanden blickenden steene.— Dat boec der hoechster waerheit. Rnwaardes Geertruida, historische voorstel- ling, see Lennep, J. van. Poet, vrerken, 10. Rvan, (George. The life of Major-General Est- court. London, 1856. D. 22+8 p. 080 34 Rycant, Sir Paul. Istoria dello stato presente deir imperio ottomano; tradotta in francese dal Briot, e trasportata in italiano da Costantin Belli. Venetia, 1672. sqO. il. iltp. 949 65 For tbe original see the following : —continuer, see Knolles, R. Turkish history. 1687-1700. . 949 60 Ryccardus, see Richardns. Rye, Walter. Appendix on Chaucer's grand- father, and the poet's connection with Lynn and Norfolk, il. {In Life-records of Chaucer, pt. 3, 1886; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 21.) 821 46 Rye, William Brenchley, editor, see [Rela- cam... :] The discovery of Florida by F. de Soto. 1851. 973 14 Rygh, Olav. Om den eeldre Jernalder i Norge, {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Aar- b0ger. v. 4, 1869.)— Om den yngre Jernalder i Norge. il. (In same. v. 12, 1877.)— En i Norge f unden Spaende med Runeindskrif t fra Mellem- iernalderen ; af Rygh og S. Bugge. pi. {In sayne. v. 13, 1878.) 948 5 — La premiere periode de I'age de f er en Nor- vesce. {In same. Memoires. n. s. v. 1, 1866-71.) 948 3 --editor, see Keyser, J. R. Ef terladte Skrif ter. 1866-7. 948 9 Samlede Afhandlinger. 1868. 948 10 Rymbegla; sive Rudimentum computi ecclesi- astici et annalis veterum Islandorum; versione Latina, lectionum varietate, notis, indice auxit Stephanus Biornonis; addita sunt Talbyrding- us, Oddi Somnia, Joh. Arnse & Finni Johan- nseiHorologia. Havniae, 1780. Q. pi. 839.63 61 Ex manuscriptis legati Arna-Magnseani. Ryme, Am^d^e. Egypte sous la domination francaise. (In L'univers. 6.) 910 18 S., J. N. Pennritningar ur folklifvet. Gothe- borg, 1845. pt. 1. D. 839.73 25 No more published. S., S. Gr., compiler. Les vies d'Epaminondas, de Philippus de Macedoine, de Dionysius I'aisne, d'Auguste, de Plutarque & de Senecque ; item, les vies de neuf chefs de guerre, d'^milius Probus. 1594. {In Plutarchus. Vies. v. 2.) 888 29 —English. (In Plutarchus. Lives.1631.) 888 28 Saalfeld, tlunther Alexander C. A. Kiiche und Keller in Alt-Rom. Berlin, 1883. O. 48 p. (In Tirchow (fc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 18 Se- rie.) 043 1 SAAVEDRA, Alvaro de. Navarrete, M. F. de, editor. Viage al Maluco de Saavedra. {In his Coleccion de los viages, 1825-37, v. 5.) 910 59 Saavedra Fajardo, DiegOj conde de. Empresas politicas; 6, Idea de un prmcipe politico christi- ano. Madrid, 1789-90. 3 v. T. 320 14 — Republica literaria. Madrid, 1790. T. 809 4 — & Nunez de Castro, A. Corona gotica, castella- na Y austriaca. Parte 1-4. Madrid, 1789-90. 7 V. T. 946 11 Sabadino degli Arienti, Giovanni. Gynevera de le clare donne; a cura di Corrado Ricci e A. Bacchi della Lega. Bologna, 1888. D. facsim. {In Scelta di curiosita. 223.) 850 10 SabaudisB respublica, 1634, see Burch, L. van- der. SABBATH, see SUNDAY. Saber del mal y del bien, see Calderon. v. 1. SABINE HILLS. Kaden, W. Die Malernester in den Sabinerbergen. {In Hillebrand, K. Ita- lia. V. 2, 1875.) 945 41 Sabinus, Aulus. Epistolae tres tribus Ovidii epistolis respondentes. {In Ovidius Naso, P. Opera, 1815, v. 1.) 871 3 Saby, Viggo. Om Sprogformen i de paellandske Love, {hi Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 7, 1872.) 948 5 Sacchetti, Franco. Le novelle; pubblicate, con note inedite di Vincenzio Borghini e Vincenzio FoUini, per Ottavio Gigli. Firenze, 1860-1. 2 V. in 1. D. (Opere, v. 2-3.) 853 33 — Rime contro papa Gregorio undecimo. Luc- ca, 1868. O. 23 p. 857 13 Per nozze Bonghi-Ranalli. SACHS 593' SAINT- A UBAIN Sachs, Hans. Hans Sachs im Gewande seiner Zeit ; Oder, Gedichte dieses Meistersangers in derselben Gestalt wie sie zuerst gedruckt... worden sind. Gotha, 1821. sqF.^ [4+] 27 p. il. 761 2 SachSj Earl. Dictionnaire encyclopedique fran- 9ais-alleman'd et allemand-fran9ais ; avec la prononciation d'apres la methode Toussaint- Langenscheidt. Edition complete. Berlin, 1869- 74. 2 V. Q. 433 14 — Inedita aus dem Breviari d'amor. {In Jahr- bnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 — & Fiedler, E. Wissenschaftliche Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1861. 2 v. in 1. O. 425 8 Der Sachsenspiegel; herausgegeben von Julius Weiske. 4 Auflage, bearbeitet von R. Hilde- brand. Leipzig, 1870. D. 349 4 — Sassenspegel; mit velen nyen Addicien fan dem Leenrechte vnde Richtstige. Aussburch, S. Othmer, 1516. F. 099 17 See also Richtsteig. Wilutzky, P. Der Sachsenspiegel. Berlin, 1880. O. 31 p. (In Virchow & HoltzeiidorflF. Vortriige. 15 Serie.) 043 1 Sackmann, Jobst. Predigten ; nebst einer Bi- ographie. 4 Auflage. Ceile, 1840. S. por. 252 3 Sackville, Thomas, 1st earl of Dorset, see Dor- SACR.A.MENTS. Gelasius, I., St., pope. Sacra- mentarium; sive. Liber sacramentorum Ro- manaj ecclesias. (In Migne, J. P. Patrol. Lat. V. 74.) 922 6 --Knox, J. The form of prayers and ministra- tion of the sacraments, &c., used in the Eng- lish congregation at Geneva. (Ir, his Works, 1846-64, V. 4.)— The book of common order; prayers and ministration of the sacraments, etc., received by the Church of Scotland. (In same. v. 6.) 208 4 — Tyndale, W. A fruitful treatise expressing the riirht institution and usage of baptism and of the body and blood of Christ. (In Tyndalecfe Frith. Works, 1831, v. 2 ) 208 10 ;S««a/.w BAPTISM; LORD'S SUPPER, MASS. SACRED HEART. Asseline, L. Marie Alacoque et le Sacre-Coeur. Paris, 1873. D. 48 p. 271 17 — Lan»uet de Gergy, J. J. La vita della Mar- gherita Maria [Alacoque] ; con un discorso dal A. I . Sagromoso [so] sopra la divozione del Sacro Cuore. Edizione 2a, cui si aggiunge un' ora- zione del L. Cominelli sopra lo stesso argo- mento. Venezia, 1748. O. pi. 92^ 14.1 —Manning, H. E. The glories of the Sacred Heart. New York, 1876. D. 232 11 The sacred history of the world, see Turner, S. The sacred theory of the earth, see Burnet, T. Sacro Bnsto, Johannes de. Tractatus de arte numerandi. (In Halliwell-Phiilipps, J. 0. Rara mathematica. 1839.) 510 3 The sad shepherd; or, A tale of Robin Hood, see Joiison, B. SADE, Laura (de Noves) de, see Petrarca, F. Sadebeck, Morltz. EntwickelungsKang der Gradmessungs-Arbeiten. Berlin, 1876. O. 43 p. map. (In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Sadler, L. R., c& Hotten, J. C. The history of signboards; by Jacob Larwood [pseud.] and J. C. Hotten. 3 edition. London, 1866. D. pi. 394 8 Same. [Large-paper edition.] London, 1867. sqQ. pi. 394 9 Sadler, Thomas, editor, see Robinson, H. C. Diary. 1869. 928 45 S^MUNDAR SIGFUSSON, the Wise. Magnfis- son, A. Vita Sfemundi multiscii. (In Edda — Elder. 1787-1828, pt. 1, in v. 2.) 839.61 1 See also the various editions of the elder Edda. SsBWuIf. Travels, 1102-3. (In Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine. 1848.) 915.G 40 Saffo, zangspel, see Lennep, J. van. Poet, wer- ken, 9. SAGAS,see ICELANDIC) LITERATURE-SAGAS. Sagramoso, Alessandro Ignazio. Sermone del Cuore di Gesu. (In Languet de Gergy, J. J. Vita della Margherita Maria. 1748.; 922 14.1 SAHARA. Danmas, M. J. E. Des chevaux du Sahara et les moeurs du desert. 3 edition. Paris, 1855. D. 63G 1 — — Le Sahara. (In his Moeurs de I'Algerie. 1853.) 390 21 — Desor, E. Aus Sahara und Atlas; vier Briefe. Wiesbaden, 1865. O. pi. 916.6 5 — — La foret vierge et le Sahara. Paris, 1879. D. pi. map. 561.58 120 Die Sahara. Basel, 1871. O. 5 [-l-2]+59 p. (Oeffent. Vortriige, 1.) 551.58 121 — Gautier, T. (In his L'orient, 1877, v. 2.) 910 29 — Largeau, V. Le pays de Rirha, Ouargla, voy- age a Rhadames. Paris, 1879. D. por. pi. map. 916.6 7 — Laui'ent^ C. A. Memoires sur le Sahara orien- tal au point de vue des puits artesiens dans I'Oued-Souf, rOued-R'ir et les Zibans. Paris, 1859. O. [3+J 92 p. il. pi. map. 551.58 121 Sailer, Luigi. L'Europa e la casa d' Austria. Milano, 1865. O. 48 p. 943 58 SAILING DIRECTIONS, «ee NAVIGATION. Saint Albans abbey. Chronica monasterii S. Albani; edited by H. T. Riley. London, 1863- 76. 12 V. Q. facsim.. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 28.) 942 8 Contents: 1. Walsiii^liam, T. Historia Anglicana, 1S72- 1422. 2 V. 1863-4. 2. Rishanger, W. Chronica et aniiales 1259-1307. 1865, 3. Trokelowe, J. de, cfe others. Chronica et annales, 1259-1406. 1866. 4. Walslnjfliani, T. Gesta abba- tum monasterii 8. Albani. 793-1411. 3 v. 1867-9. 6. Amuii- deshaiii, J. Annales monasterii 8. Albani. 1421-40; Chroni- con. 1422-31. auctore ignoto. 2 v. 1870-1. 6. Registra quo- rundam abbatum monasterii 8. Albani qui Sfficulo 15 fioruere: J. Whethamstede.W. Albon et W. Walinffforde. 2 V. 1872-3. 7. Walslngham, T. Ypodigma Neustri®. 1876. —Paris, M. Vitae duorum Off arum, Merciorum regum, et viginti trium abbatum Sancti Alba- ni. (In his Historia major. 1640.) 942 18 Saint- Albin, Alexandre Denis Huot de Long- champ de, translator, see La chanson de Ro- land. 1865. 841 34 Saint- Aubain, Andreas Nikolai de. Et Aar i Ki0benhavn,Novelle af Carl Bernhard[pseud 1- udgiven af J. L. Heiberg. Kj0benhavn, 1835.' 2 V- in 1. S. 839.83 36 SAINT- A UBAIN 594 SAINT-BEAL — Fortaellinger ; udgivne af Carl Bernhard [pseud.]. Ki0benhavn, 1839. v. 1. D. 839.83 37 Contents: 1. Et L0vte.— EnFamilie paaLandet. No more published. — Noveller; udgivne af Carl Bernhard [pseud.J. Kj0benhara, 1836-8. 4 v. S. 839.83 35 Saint-Auban, Jacques Pape, seigneur de. Me- moires sur les guerres de religion, 1572-87. {In Michaud <& Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 11.) 944 9 SAINT BARrHOLOMEW'S DAY. Lutchitzki, I., editor. Documents inedits sur I'histoire du Languedoc et de La Rochelle apres la Saint- Barthelemy, 1573-4. Paris, 1873. Q. 74 [ + 1] p. 944 62 — iLa strage di San Bartolomeo ; dalla North British review, con introduzione ed aggiunta di docunaenti dall' archivfo generale di Venezia [by Tommaso Gar]. Venezia, 1870. O. 272 1 Saiiit-Bertiii abbey, Saint-Omer, France. An- nales Bertiniani; recensuit G. Waitz. Haniio- verae, 1883. O. (In Pertz, (i. H. Script, rerum German. 1.) 943 16 St. Clement's eve, see Taylor, H. SAINT EDMUND'S ABBEY, Suffolk. Arnold, T., editor. Memorials of St. Edmund's abbey. London, 1890. v. 1. Q. (/n Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 96.) 942 8 See also SAMSON, abbot. Saint-Genois, Jules Ludger Dominique (Jhi- slain, baron de. Le faux Baudouin, Flandre et Hainaut, 1225. Bruxelles, 1840. 2 v. in 1. S. 843 38 — cfc others, editors, see Messager des sciences historiques de Belgique. 1840. 949 19 Saint Gferman, Christopher. The dialogue in English betweene a doctor of divinitie and a student in the lawes of England; newly cor- rected, with additions, n. p., 1638. T. 347 2.1 The second dialogue follows without separate title- page. Saint Gotliard railway. Conferences Interna- tionales entre AUemagne, Italie et Suisse pour la construction du chemin de fer par le St.- Gothard, a Lucerne, en iuin 1877. Berne, [1877]. O. 75 p. 622 5 — Memoire a I'assemblee generale concernant la reorganisation financiere de I'entre prise, 1877-9. Lucerne [,1877-]9. 3 v. O. 622 5 1879 is Rapport, etc. — Memoire a I'assemblee generale concernant la situation financiere de i'entreprise, 17 iuin 1876. Zurich, 1876. O. 50 p. , 622 5 — Memoire du departement federal sur la con- struction du Chemin de fer du St.-Gothard. Berne [,1887]. F.^ tab. map. 622 8 Forming supplement to Rapports trimestriels. — Rapport de la direction etdu conseil d'admi- nistration du Chemin defer du Gothard [,1871-] 89. [Zurich, 1873-90.] v. 1-18 in 2 v. sqQ. pZ. T^ 622 6 — Rapport 5ur la situation de I'entreprise du Chemin de fer du Gothard, 30 juin 1880. Lu- cerne, 1880. O. 14 p. 622 5 — Rapports du conseil federal Suisse aux gou- vernements des etats qui ont participe a la sub- vention de la linge du St. -Gothard sur la marche de cette entreprise, 1871-81. Berne, 1874-82. 10 V. in 2. F.» pi. maps. 622 8 Being Rapports trimestriels 1-39. For report no. 40, supplementary and final, see M6moire du departement. 1887. — Rapports mensuels du conseil federal Suisse aux gouvernements des etats qui ont participe a la subvention de la linge du St.-Gothard sur la marche de cette entreprise, 1 oct. 1872 - 31 mai 1882. Berne, 1875-82. no. 1-114. F.^ 622 7 Rapports 1-35 have collective title-page. — Tableaux et coupes geologiques sur le grand tunnel du St -Gothard ; annexe special aux Rapports du conseil federal. Berne, 1876-82. 10 pt. in 3 V. F.5 pi. 622 9 Contents: 1. Gallerie nord. 2. Galleriesud. — Berlepscli, H. A. yon. Die Gotthard-Bahn, Beschreibendes und Geschichtliches. Gotha, 1881. sqQ. [2 -I- ] 77 p. maps. (J?i Petermanns Mittheilungen : Erganzungsband 14.) 910 44 — Eauffmann, J. Le percement du Gothard. Zurich, 1875. sqF. 11 p. pi. 622 4 bound with 607 2 ^KoUer, (J., cfc others. La ferrovia del Got- tardo neir aspetto commerciale. Lugano, 1864. O. map. 385 3 — Marsh, (J. P. {In Johnson's cyclopaedia. ) In main library. Saint John, Bayle. Adventures in the Libyan desert and the oasis of Jupiter Ammon. Lon- don, 1849. D. il. map. 916.2 23 Saint John, Henry, viscount Bolingbroke, see Bolingbroke. Saint John, James Augustus. The lives of cele- brated travellers. New York, 1832. 3 v. S. (Harper's fam. lib.) 923 5 Saint John, Spenser. Life in the forests of the far east; or. Travels in northern Borneo. 2 edition. London, 1863. 3 v. O. maps. 919.1 1 Saint-Jorioz, Alessandro Bianco, conte di. II brigantaggio alia frontiera pontificia, 1860-3. Milano, 1864. S. 343 16 SAINT MARY OF FOUNTAINS, see FOUN- TAINS ABBEY. Saint-Maurice, Charles de, Eloge de Vauve- nargues. (In Yauvenargues, L. de C. de. CEu- vres posthumes. 1821.) 848 19 SAINT MICHAEL'S CAVE. Lange, C. C. A. Notitsom St. Michaels Kirkehule iThelemarken i Norge. pi. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 10, 1850.) 948 2 Saint Pantaleon monastery. Monachorum S. Pantaleonis chronica regia usque in 1161. {In Eckhard, J. G. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 1.) 943 13 St. Patrick's day, a farce, «ee Sheridan, R.B.B. Saint Paul's cathedral, see London. SAINT PETERSBURG. Storch, H. F. Ge- msehlde von St. Petersburg. Riga, 1794. 2 v. S. pi. 914.7 19 SAINT-QUENTIN. Coligny, G. de. Discours... le siege de Saint-Quentin en 1557. {In Michaud & Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 8.) 944 9 Saint-R^al, C^sar Vichard de. Conjurations des Espagnols contre la republique de Venise; et des Gracques; precedees de sept discours sur I'usage de I'histoire. Paris, 1803. T. 946 37 SAINT-REAL 5'95 SALESB UR Y — .Perrero, D. L'abbate di Saint-Real istorio- grafo, cortigiano e politico; rivelazioni autobi- ografiche 1663-92. — Lettera. . .sull' articolo : L'ab- bate di Saint-Real. (In Ciiriosita di Storia su- balpina. v. 2, 1876.) 945 43 Saint- Robert, Paul aomte de. Cannocchiale pen- sile per la misura degli angoli verticali ad oriz- zontali. pi. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v, 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.)— Du mouveraent d'un pendule simple suspendu dans une voiture de chemin de fer. {In same. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 — Gita al monte Ciamarella nelle Alpi graie. Torino, 1867. O. 23 p. 551.43 46 Saint-Simon, Louis de Rourroy, due de, Me- moires complets et authentiques sur le siecle de Louis XIV et la regence ; publies par le mar- quis de Saint-Simon. Paris, 1829-30. 21 v. O. 944 31 Vol. 21 contains : Table des sommaires des chapitres; Table; Notes et r6olamations. — Extraits des Memoires en ce qui touche la re- gence. C^'^ Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 1.) 944 10 Saint-Simouj Maxiniilien Henri, marquis de, translator, see Veen, 0. Tan. Histoii-e de la guerre des Bataves. 1770. 949 11 Sainte-Beuve, Charles Aagnstin. Introduction. {In Fl^chier, E. Memoires surles gi-ands- jours d'Auvergne. 1856. 944 60 — Jasmin. {In Jasmin, J. Las papillotos, 1848- 51, V. 2,3.) 849 15 — La Rochefoucauld. {In La Rochefoucauld, F. de. Reflexions. 1853.) 840 10 — Vauvenargues. {Inserted in Vauvenargues, L. de C. de. CEuvres completes, 1821, v. 1.) 848 19 Sainte-Palaye, Jean Baptiste de la Curne de. Memoires sur I'ancienne chevalerie ; avec une introduction et notes historiques par Ch. No- dier. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1829. 2 v. O. pi. 940 17 SAINTS. Mfric. Lives of saints [Anglo-Saxon & English] , being sermons on saints' days ; edited by W. W. Skeat. London, 1881-90. 2 v. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 76, 82, 94.) 820 5 — Baillet, A. Les vies des saints. Nouvelle edition. Pans, 1715-16. 4 v. F< por. 922 1 —Benedict XIV., pope. Opus de servorum Dei beatificatione et beatorum canonizatione. Prati, 1839-42. 7 V. Q. 231 1 ^Butler, A. Florilegio di vite de' santi, con note istoriche e critiche. Monza, 1834-5. 4 v. in 8. O. 922 2 — iThe early South-English Legendary, or Lives of saints; edited by C. Horstmann. London, 1887. V. 1. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 87.) 820 5 — Historia sanctorum in Sella insula Norvegise. (In Langebek,J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 4.) 948 76 — Isidorus, St. De vita vel obitu sanctorum qui Deo placuerunt. {Inhis Opera. 1617.) 208 3 —Leonardo of Udine. Sermones aurei de Sanc- tis. Venetijs, 1473. O. 093 1 i— The lives of women saints of our contrie of England, also other lives of holie women, c. 1610-15; edited by C. Horstmann. London, 1886. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 86.) 820 5 — M., A. von. Die Attribute der Heiligen al- phabetisch geordnet. Hannover, 1843. O. 755 2 — Mag'nnsen, F. Om indenlandske Helgenes Skrinlseggelse og Dyrkelse i Middelalderen blandt Nordboerne. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 3, 1836.) 948 1.2 — Marsli, Gr. P. Mediaeval and modern saints and miracles ; not ab uno e Societate Jesu, New York, 1876. D. 080 30 — Newman, J. H., & others. Lives of the Eng- lish saints. 1-3 edition. London, 1844-5. 18 v. in 8. D. iltp. 922 8 For contents see Nenmaii. — Rivadeneyra, P. de. Flos sanctorum; seu vitffi et res gestae sanctorum; latine traduct^ additis annotationibus & vitis recentioribus a J. Canisio. Coloniae, 1741. 3 v. F.^ 922 3 — — cfc Rosweyde, H. Generale legende der heylighen. 6 druck. Antwerpen, 1686. 2 v. F.* iltp. 922 4 — ^olenne canonizzazione di ventisette beati nella basilica vaticana, 1862; vite dei ventisei martiri giapponesi, vita di S. Micheledei Santi. Roma, 1862. T. 922 13 — Stolfl, C. Leggende di alcuni santi e beati venerati in S. Maria degli Angeli di Firenze. Bologna, 1864. 2 v. in 1. D. (In Sceltadi curi- osita. 52-3.) 850 10 — linger, K. B„,editor. Heilagra manna sogur, Christiania, 1877. 2 v. O. 839.63 40 — Varaggio^ Gr. da. SanctoT^wi ac festorumper totu anu Liber icipit. Venetijs, 1483. O. 093 4 See also ALBANUS ; ANSCHAIRE ; AXTOXIUS ; BEKET, T.; CANUTE; CUTHBERT; DAVID; DUXSTAN ; EATA; ED- MUND ; EGWIN ; ERIC; ESKIL; EUPHRASIA ; FRAXCESCO of Paolo ; OODRIC ; GULIELMA ; HEXKY ; KIELD ; LE- GEXDS ; MARGARET ; MARY ; XIELS ; ODULF ; OLAF ; PATRICICS ; PAUL ; PAULUS ; PETER ; PHILUMENA ; REMBERT; ROMOALDO ; SEVEN CHAMPIOXS ; SIGFRID; SYRUS ; THORLAK ; VICELIXUS ; WERBURGE ; WILLE- HAD; WISTAN. La Saisiaz, .see Browning, R. Sajnovics, Jdnos. Demonstratio idioma Unga- rorum et Lapponum idem esse. Hafnise, 1770. sqQ. [10-I-] 88 p. 494 4 Sakellarios, Athanasios A. TA Kvn-piaKd, tjtoi., UpayiJ-arela wepl yeurYpa(plas...T7Js Kinrpov, 'Ej* Adi^- mis, 1855. V. 1. O. 915.6 10 Sala, Pietro.CapitoIo per accademia. (7w Oam- ba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 7.) 859 50 Dystorie van Saladine. Gent [,pref. 1848J. Q. [5-t-l 94-79 p. (In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibL Werken voor de leden. 1.) 839.3 5 Salas y Berart, Gaspar. Govern politich de la ciutat de Barcelona pera sustentar los pobres y evitar los vagamundos. Barcelona, 1636. D. 339 4 Salazar, Francisco Lobon de, see Isla, J. F. de. Salesbury, William. A playne and a familiar introductio, teaching how to pronounce Welshe, 1567.— A litle treatyse of the englyshe pronunciacion, 1547. (In Ellis, A. J. On early English pronunciation, 1869-89, v. 3; in E. E. text SOC. Extra ser. 14.) 820 5.1 SALETTE 596 SALVA NOTRE DAME DE LA SALETTE, see MARY. SALIC LAW. Antiquissimw legis Salicae textus vetustior; accedit Pactus legis Salicae ; cum notis. (/n Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, v. 2.) 830 9 — iGrrimm, J. L. K. Lex Salica hrsg. von Mer- kel. (7n his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 8.) • 408 2 —Kern, J. H. J. Die Glossen inderLex Salica, und die Sprache der salischen Franken. Haag, 1869. O. 437 13 Salig-nac, see F^nelon. Saliiiibeiie di Adaiiio,i^ra, of Parma. Chronica. Parmae, 1857. F. (Monumenta ad Parmensem et Placentiam pertinentia.) 945 68 '•Extremely curious mediaeval chronicle." Note by Mr. Marsh. — Massafla, A. Aus der Chronik von Fra Sa- limbene. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1865.) 805 1 Salin, Daniel, respondent, see Wallin, Gr. Triga diss, de gladio raagico Gustavi Adolphi, 1746: Diss, prima. 948 53 Salisbury, Edward Elbridge. Phoenician in- scription of Sidon. [New Haven, 1855?] O. p. 327-259. facsim. 492.6 1 Pasres 243-259 are by W W. Turner, From Journal of American oriental society, v. 5, no. 1. Salisbury, Jolin of, Bishop of Chartres. Vita S. Thomae. (In Robertson, J. C. Materials for the history of Becket, 1875-85, v. 2; in Gt. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 Salisbury, Robert Cecil, earl of. Letters to Sir ■George Carew; edited by John Maclean. [Lon- don,] 1864. sqO. (/n Camden see. 88.) 820 4 :Salisbury monastery. Vetus registrum Saris- beriense alias dictum registrum S. Osmundi;... edited by W. H. Rich Jones. London, 1883-4. 2 V. Q. pi. facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 78.) 942 8 — Wikes, T. Chi-onicon Salisburiensis monaste- rii, 1066-1304. (In Historiae Anglicanae scrip- tores quinque, 1687, v. 2.) 942 11.1 Salis-Marschlins, Ulysses, Freiherr tou. Mit- theilungen aus den romanischen Dialecten ■Graubiindens. (In Jahrbuch rom. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 Salis-Seewis, Johann Gaudenz Gubert von. •Gedichte. Ausgabeletzter Hand. Ziirich, 1843. T. 831 76 ■Salkowski, E. Ueber das Fleisch als Nahrungs- mittel. Berlin, 1874. O. 44 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 Sallengre, Albert Henri de, Memoires de lit- terature; par M. de S***. La Haye, 1715-17. 2 V. S. por. pi. 809 3 SliUskapet Pro fauna et flora Fennica. Notiser ur forhandlingar. Helsingfors, 1871-4. v. 11, 13. O. pi. 581 12 Sallustins Crispns, Caius. Quae extant; in usum delphini recensuit et notulas addidit Daniel Crispinus. Bassani, 1790. O. 878 5 — Quae Integra supersunt opera; quibus acces- serunt excerptae aliquot e deperditis ejusdem libris, illustrium virorum epistolsset orationes; ex editione Gottlieb Cortii [recensuit Joannes Carey]. Londini, 1818. T. 878 7 The volume contains also Justini Historise Philippicae. — Belli Catilinarii et Jugurthini historiae. Sa- lem, Mass., 1805. 878 6 The title page bears the inscription: "G. P. Marsh. Phil. Acad. 1816. Dart. Coll. 1817." — Historie om Catilinae Sammenrottelse [,with life of Sallustby the translator]. (In Suhm, P. F. Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 6.) 839.88 5 — II Catilinario e il Giurgurtino ; volgarizzati da Fra Bartolommeo da San Concordio. Fi- renze, 1863. Tt. por. 878 8 — La guerra di Giugurta, e La congiura di Cati- lina; volgarizzate da Carlo Castellani, col testo a fronte dell' edizione di Lipsia del 1856 per cura di F. D. Gerlach. Milano, 1864. D. 878 9 bound with 863 8 Salmasius, Claudius, see Saumaise, C. de. Salmoneus, treurspel, see Vondel, J. ran den. Salmonia, see Dayy, H. Salome, Ibn Gabirol. Gedichte. (In Kampf, S. L, translator. NichtandalusischePoesie. 1858.) 892 6 Salomon, see Solomop. Salomon de Caus, dramatisk Digtning, see Munch, A. Salomon, treurspel, see Vondel, J. ran den. Salomone-Marino, Salvatore, editor. Canti po- polari siciliani in aggiunta a .quelli del Vigo. Palermo, 1867. S. 859 39 La baronessa di Carini. 1873, 859 38 Eredia, L. d'. Rime. 1875. (In Scelta di curiosita, 142.) 850 10 SALOPIAN DIALECT, see Audelay, J. SALPA. Todaro, F. Sopra lo sviluppo e I'ana- tomia delle salpe. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 LAKE SALPLAfan de Rivera, C. Del bonifica- mento del lago Salpi. Napoli, 1845. O. map. 627 33 SALT. Bechi, E. Composizione del sale, pro- veniente da parecchie saline italiane. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser.v. 3. 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — Hehn, V. Das Salz; eine kulturhistorische Studie. Berlin, 1873. [2+] 74 p. D. 394 2 — MoUer, J. Ueber das Salz in seiner cultur- geschichtlichen und naturwissenschaftlichen Bedeutung. Berlin, 1874. O. 32 p. (In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrdge. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Rotli, J. L. A. Flusswasser, Meerwasser, Steinsalz. Berlin, 1878. O. 36 p. (In same. 13 Serie.) 043 1 — Taramelli, T. Sul deposito di salgemma di Lungro nella Calabria citeriore. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 5, 1879- 80.) 065 4 I saltei'elli del Bronzino, see Allori, A. Saluste du Bartas, Guillaume de, see Du Bar- tas. Salutati, Colnccio. Epistola a G. Dassaminiato. 1867. (In Scelta di curiosita. 80.) 850 10 Saluzzo, Annlbale di. Le Alpi che cingono 1' Italia, considerate militarmente. Torino, 1845. V. 1, pt. 1. O. 551.43 39 Salrd, Vicente. Gramatica de la lengua castel- lana. 7 edicion, aumentada. Paris, 1846. D. 465 1 SAL VA 597 SAIiCT — Nuevo diccionario de la lengua castellana, que comprende la ultima edicion, rectificada y mejorada, del publicado por la Academia espa- nola. 2 edicion, niejoi'ada. Paris, 1847. Q. 463 4 Salvd y Malleii, Pedro. Catalogo de la biblio- teca de Salva. Valencia, 1873. 2 v. O. il. 015 8 Abundantly illustrated, rare and of great value.— Note by Mr. Marsh. Salradori, Carlo. Murano e la sua esposizione; lettura. Milano, 1869. S. 69 p. 606 6 Salvartori, Tommaso. Uccelli. {In Coriialia, E., & others. Fauna d' Italia. [187-;] in L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 6 Salvagiioli-Marchetti, Antonio. Memorie eco- noniico-statistiche suUe Maremme toscane. Firenze, 1846. O. maps. 551.49 14 — Raccolta di documenti sul bonificamento delle Maremme toscane, 1828-59; appendice al Rapporto, 1859. Firenze, 1861. Q. pi. 627 37 — Rapporti sulle operazioni idrauliche e econo- miche eseguite nel 1859-60 nelle Maremme toscane. Firenze, 1860. O. 51 p. maps. 627 37 — Rapporto sul bonificamento delle Maremme toscane, 1828-59. Firenze, 1859. Q. maps. 627 37 Salyestro, called II fiimoso. Batecchio, com- media di maggio ; premessavi una letter a de Luciano Banchi sul vero autore della Profezia sulla Siena. Bologna, 1871. D. (in Seel ta di curiosita. 122.) 850 10 — Profezia sulla guerra di Siena, stanze del Perella. accademico Rozzo [, with Stanze del G. B. Nini a Don Ferrante] ; edite da Luciano Banchi. Bologna, 1868. D. 63 p. {In same. 91.) 850 10 Salvetti, Pier. Capitoli. ( In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1760, v. 3.) 857 3 Salvi, (xiacomo. Novella. {In Zainbrini, E. Tre novelle. 1867: mSceltadi curiosita. 85.) 850 10 Salvianns, presbyter of Marseilles. A second and third blast of retrait from plaies and theaters; the one by a reuerend byshop, the other by a worshipful gentleman ; set forth by Anglo-phile Eutheo, 1580. {In Hazlitt, W. C. English drama; in ^isRoxburge lib. 4.) 821 2 Salviati. A. On mosaics. 2 edition. London, 1866. 0. 63 p. 747 1 Salviati, Leonardo. Degli awertimenti della lingua sopra '1 Decamerone volume primo. Venezia, 1584. v. 1. O. 853 9 Appended Is Novella nova della giornata prima in di- versi volgari d'ltalia. — Prose inedite; raccolte da Luigi Manzoni. Bologna, 1873. {In Scelta di curiosita. 129.) 850 10 — Rime; per cura di Luigi Manzoni. Bologna, 1871. D. {In same. 117.) 850 10 Salvini, Anton Maria, annotator, see Boccaccio, G. II comento sopra La divina commedia di Dante. 1724. 851 46.1 Conti, (' Label la mano. 1715. 851 30 — translator, see Oppianns. Della pesca e della caccia. 1728. 883 16 Savfie. 1864. {In Bibl. rara. 48.) 860 3 Plato. L'Eutifrone.— II convito. {In Co- razzlni, F. Miscellanea. 1853.) 850 8 Xeuoplion of Ephesus. Degli amori di Abrocome ed Anzia. 1863. (J?i Bibl. rara. 22.) 850 3 Salvioni, C. Indici. (7m Arcliivio glot. ital. v. 8-11, 1882-90.) — La passione e altre antiche scritture lombarde. — Saggi intorno ai dialetti di alcune vallate all' estremita settentrionale del Lago Maggiore. {In same. v. 9.) — II Nuovo- Te^tamento valdese; edito da Salvioni. — Giunte e correzioni. {In same, v. 11.) 450 11 SALZKAMMERGUT. Simony, F. Die Seen des Salzknmmergutes. [Wien, 1850.] O. [1-I-] 23 p. 551.48 3e Sanianos, flloi. Traite de la culture du pin ma- ritime. Paris, 1864. O. pi. 551.58 117 Samfundet til den danske Literatnrs Fremme, Skrif ter : 1, Falster, C. Satirer; af C. Thaarup. 1840. 839.87 1 2, Holberg, L. Niels Klims Reise; af E. C. Werlauff. 1841. 839.87 3 3, Staffeldt. A. W. S. von. Samlede Digte; af F. L. Lieben- berg. 1843-6. 3 v. 839.8151 Samfiindets St0tter, Skuespil, see Ibsen, H, Samling af historiska bref om det svenska-re- gerings-siittet, see Schonberg, A. SAMOTHRACE. Miinter, F. C. C. H. Erklarung einer griechischen Inschrift welche auf die samothracischen Mysterien Beziehung hat. Kopenhagen, 1810. S. 47 p. 133 32 — — Same. {In his Antiq. Abhandlungen. 1816.) 913 2.1 SAMOYEDES, see SIBERIA. Samson of Tottington, abbot of St. Edmund's abbey. Opus de miraculis S. Edmundi. {In Arnold, T. Memorials of St. Edmund's abbey. V. 1, 1890; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 96.) 942 8 The volume contains also Jocelin's Chronica. — Carlyle, T. The ancient monk. {In his Past and present. 1848.) ^ 824 7 — Jocelin of Brakelond. Chronica de rebus gestis Samsonis, curante J. G. Rokewode. Londini, 1840. sqO. (/n Cam- den soc. 13.) 820 4 Samson, treurspel, see Vondel, J. ran den. Sagann af Samsone fagra. {In Bjorner, E. J, Nord. kampa dater. 1737.) 849.63 4.1 Samuel Henzi, ein Trauerspel, see Lessing, G.E. v. 11. Samwer, Karl, & Droysen, J. G. Die Herzog- tbiimer Schleswig-Holstein und das Konig- reich Danemark, seit 1806. 2 Auflage. Ham- burg, 1850. O. 943 41.1 Sancbez, Tomas Antonio, editor. Coleccion de poesias castellanas anteriores al siglo 15; prece- den Noticias para la vida del primer marques de Santillana; y la carta que escribio al conde- stable de Portugal sobre el origen de nuestra po- esia, con notas. Madrid, 1779-90. 4 v. D. 861 4 Contents: 1. Poema del Cid. 2. Bcrceo, G. de. Poe- sias. 3. Segiira de Astorga, J. L. Poema de Alexandre magno. 4. Ruiz, J., arcipreste de Eita. Poesias. Sanclio Garcia, composicion tragica, see Zor- rilla. v. 2. Sanct Hansaften-Spil, see 0hlenschlfiger, A. G. Digtervaerker, v. 1. SANOTACILIA 598 SANDSTONE 8anctacilia, see Barcelona. Costumbres. 8aucta Clara, Abraham a, see Abraham a Sane- ta Clara. Sanctis, Francesco de. Saggi critici. 3 edi- zione. Napoli, 1874. D. 854 6 Sanctis, Leone de. Monogx-afia zootomico-zoo- logica sul capidoglio arenato a Porto S. Gi- orgio. {In Rome — R, accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Sullo sclieletro di un mostro vitellino sterno- pago pL— Cranio etrusco con singolare pro- cesso osseo sul tubercolo occipitale. — Morfo- logia delle appendici piloriche dei pesci ossei. pi. {In same. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 0G5 3 PRIVILEGE OF SANCTUARY, see Durham. Sand, George, pseudonym of Dudevant, A. L. A. D. SAND. Andresen, C. C. Om Klitformationen og Klittens Behandling og Bestyrelse. KJ0ben- havn, 1861. O. il. map. 551.33 1 —Hull, W. van den. Over den oorsprong en de geschiedenis der hollandsche duinen. Haar- lem. 1838. O. pi. 551.33 2 — Krause, G. C. A. Der Diinenbau auf den Ostsee-Kiisten West-Preu sens. Berlin, 1850. O. 2)1. map. 551.33 3 —Marsh, 0. P. The sands, {In his Earth as modified by human action. 1874.) 080 28 — Wessely, J. Der europaisclie Flugsand und seine Kultur; im Hinblickauf Ungarn und die Banater Wiiste insbesondere. Wien, 1878. Q. maj). 551.33 4 .— AVinkler, T. C. Zand en duinen. Dockum, 1865. D. 551.33 5 See also LANDES. Sand-hiUs of Jutland, see Andersen, H. C. [Handabad :] II libro dei sette savidi Roma: per cura di Antonio Cappelli. Bologna, 1865. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 64.) 850 10 — II libro dei sette savj di Roma; testo del buon secolo della lingua [; edited by A. d' Ancona]. Pisa, 1^64, O. 293 18.2 — The proces of the seuvij sages. {In Weber, H. W. Metrical romances, 1810, v. 3.) 821 10 —The seven sages, in English verse; edited by Thomas Wright. London, 1845. D. {In Percy see. V. 16.) 820 6 — De sju vise mastare. {In BSckstronij P. 0. Svenska folkbocker, 1845, v. 1.) 293 18 — Storia di Stefano, figliuolo d' un imperatore di Roma; versione in ottava rima del Libro dei sette savi; pubblicata da Pio Rajna. Bologna, 1880. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 176.) 850 10 —Ellis, G. History of the seven wise masters. {In his Specimens of romances, 1805, v. 3.) 821 4 — Jehande Haute- Seille. Dolopathos; sive, De rege et septem sapientibus; herausgegeben von H. Oesterley. Strassburg, 1873. O. 293 18.1 — Mussafla, A. Ueber elne italienische Bear- beitung der Sieben weisen Meister. {In Jahr- buch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Teza, E. La tradizione dei sette savi nelle no- velline magiare. Bologna, 1864. D. 56 p. 293 19 — Wrig'ht, T. Introduction to The seven sages. London, 1846. D. {In Percy soc. v. 16.) 820 6 Sandbach, William R., translator, see Oera Linda book. 1876. 839.2 9 Sander, H. Im Freien; Betrachtungen iiber die Giite und Weisheit Gottes in der Natur. 7 Auf- lage, umgearbeitet von W. Osterwald, mit Vorwort von H. Masius. Leipzig, 1862. D. 210 6 Sanders, A. J. W. Farncombe. School, gods- dienst en gezond verstand; bijdrage totschool- wetherziening. Utrecht, 1876. O. 379 7 Sanders. Daniel. Aus den besten Lebensstun- den ; Eigeries und Angeeignetes. [In verse.] Stuttgart, 1878. • D. por. 831 77 hound with 74 — Deutscher Sprachschatz. Hamburg, 1873-7. 2 V. D. 434 3 On the plan of Roget's Thesaurus. — Erganzungs-Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Stuttgart, 1885. sqQ. 433 6 — Fremdworterbuch. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. O. 433 8.5 — Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1878. O.- 433 7 — Katechismus der deutschen Orthographic. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1867. D. 431 5 — Kurzgefasstes Worterbuch der Haupt- schwierigkeiten in der deutschen Sprache. 4 Auflage. Berlin, 1872. O. 433 8.6 — Programm eines neuen Wdrterbuches der deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, 1854. sqQ. 86 [-M]p. 433 8 hound with 411 1 — Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache; mit Be- legen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. Leip- zig, 1860-5. 3 V. sqQ. 433 5 —Worterbuch der deutschen Synonymen. Hamburg, 1871. O. 434 2 SANDERSON, Robert, hishop of Lincoln. Wal- ton, I. Life of Sanderson. {In his Lives, 1832, V. 2.) 820 10 Palazzo di San Donato, see Florence. Sandoval, Prndencio de. Chronica del inclito emperador de Espaiia, Alonso VII. Madrid, 1600. F. il. 946 17 Pages 185-491 give account of various noble families of Spain. — Historia de los reyes de Castilla y de Leon: Ferdinando I. , Sancho, Alonso VI. [,Dona Urra- ca, y Alonso VIL]. {In Coronica general de E- spaiia, 1791-2, v. 11-12.) 946 10 Life of Sandoval in vf 11. Sandras, E. (x. Etude sur G. Chaucer; consi- dere comme imitateur des trouveres. Paris, 1859. O. ^ 821 44 — Ebert, A. Review of Sandras's Etude sur Chaucer, 1859. {In Essays on Chaucer, pt. 1, 1868; in Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 2.) 821 46 Sandreczki, C. Reise nach Mosul und durch Kurdistan nach Urumia. Stuttgart, 1857. 3 v. D. 915.6 13 SANDSTONE. Beltrami, E., & o?/iers. Relazione intorno alia memoria del P. Conti suUa resi- stenza alia flessione della pietra serena. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 8AJSFB WITH 599 SANTA JiOSA Sandwith, Humphry. The hekim bashi ; or, The adventures of Giuseppe Antonelli, a doctor in the Turkish service. London, 1864. 2 v. D. 823 23 — A narrative of the siege of Kars; with a nar- rative of travels in Armenia and Lazistan. London, 1856. O. pZ. maps. 956 1 —editor, see Mackenzie, G. M., cfc Irby, A. P. Notes on the south Slavonic countries. 1865. 949 71 Sandys, George. A paraphrase upon the divine poems. London, 1676. D. music. 223 1 Contents: Job.— Psalms.— Ecclesiastes.— Song of Solo- mon—Lamentations of Jeremiah. — Songs collected out of the Old and New Testaments. — A relation of a journey begun 1610; contain- ing a description of the Turkish empire, ^gypt, the Holy Land, parts of Italy and Hands ad- ioyning. London. 1615. Q. il. pi. map. iltp. 099 7 — Same. 6 edition. London, 1670. F. il. map, iltp. 914.9 37 Sandys, William, editor. Fr stive songs, prin- cipally of the 16-17 centuries;. with an intro- duction. London, 1848. D. (/« Percy soc. V. 23.) 820 6 Sane, Alexandre Marie, translator, see Peres de Hita, G. Histoire des Maures de Granade. 1809. 946 32 San Filippo, Pietro Amat di, see Araat. Sanford, Henry Seymour. The different sys- tems of penal codes in Europe; also a report on the administrative changes in France since the revolution of 1848. Washington, 1854. O. 343 7 San (iemignano, Folgore da, see Folgore. Cronachettadi San Gfemignano,seeCiacclieri,M, Die Siiiigerin, see Hauff, W. v. 10. TERRA DI SAN ttLMHJNANO, see TERRA. Sanguineti, Angelo, editor. Iscrizioni romane dalla Liguria. maps. {In Society ligure. Atti. V. 3, 1864.) 945 48 — Seconda appendice alle Iscrizioni romane ed Iscrizioni cristiane della Liguria; aggiuntavi una dissertazione sulla lapide di Ferrania. fac- sim. — Iscrizioni greche della Liguria. il. (In same. v. H, 1875.) 945 48 SanguinettI, B. R., translator, see Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah, called Ibn Batuta. Voyages. 1853-8. 915 2 SANITARY DWELLINGS, see DWELLINGS. SAN JACINTO, U. S. frigate. Wood, W. M. Fankwei ; or. The Sail Jacinto in the seas of India, China and Japan. New York, 1859. O. 915 20 SANKT MICHAELS KIRKEHULE, see SAINT MICHAEL'S CAVE. SAN MARINO. Bruc, C. de. The republic of San Marino; translated from the French [by W.W.Tucker]. Cambridge[,Mass.], 1880. D. pi. 945 43 Sannazzaro, Giacomo. Arcadia, il. (In Rubbi. A. Egloghe. 1785.) 851 2 — Arcadia; ornata d' annotazioni da Francesco Sansovino, con vita dell' autore dal medesimo. Venetia, 1571. T. il. 851 110 SAN REMO. Reclus, J. J. E. (In his Villes d' hiver. 1864.) 914.5 52 Sansalvi, Cecco da, pseudonym of Montelatici, F. San Sepolcro— Reale accademia della Valle Tiberina Toscana. Diploma [ of the election of George P. Marsh as corresponding member, 3 June 1870]. obF. Broadside. 080 35 — Corrazzini, F. Appunti storici e filologici su la valle tiberina superiore. Sansepolcro, 1874. Q. 457 20 Sanseverino, Jacopo da. Viaggio; testo del sec. 15. Lucca, 1868. O. 38 p. 915 15 Sanseverino, Roberto da. Viaggio in Terra Santa. Bologna, 1888. D. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 229.) 850 10 SANSKRIT LANGUAGE. Benfey, T. A San- skrit-English dictionary. London, 1866. O. {In Miiller, F. M. Handbookf for the study of Sanskrit. 3.) 491.2 3 — Bopp, F. Kritische Grammatik der San- skrita-Sprache. 2 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1845. O. 491.2 5 —Miiller, F, M. A Sanskrit grammar for be- ginners, in Devanagari and Roman letters. London, 1866. Q. {In his handbooks for the study of Sanskrit. 4.) 491.2 4 For the literature see Hitonadesa ; Maliabharata ; PAXT- CHATAMKA ; SoniadeYa. Sansovino, Francesco Tatti. Capitoli. {In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1726, v. 3.) 857 2 — Historia universale dell' origine, guerre et imperio de Turchi ; accresciuta dal Maiolino Bisaccioni. Venetia, 1654. sqO. il. 949 53 —annotator, see Sannazzaro, G. Arcadia. 1571. 851 110 Brnni, L., of Arezzo. La historia de suoi tempi. 1561. 945 13 Sant' AlbinOj Vittorio. Gran dizionario pie- montese-itahano. Torino, 1859. F. 457 18 Santa Filomena, bozzetto del villaggiq, see Maineri, B. E. Santa Maria, Agpostinho de. Santuario mariano e historia das imag§s milagrosas de Nossa Sen- hora. Lisboa, 1707-23. 10 v. O. 230 15 With the autograph of Robert Southey. Santarem, Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sonsa de Masquita de Macedo Leitao e Carvalhosa, visconde de. Memoria sobre a prioridade dos descobrimentos portuguezes na costa d' Africa occidental ; para servir di illustracSo a Chronica da conquista de Guine por Azurara. Pariz, 1841. O. 967 2 — Researches respecting Americus Vespucius and his voyages ; translated by E. V , Childe. Boston, 1850. D. • 973 12 —editor, see Eannes de Azurara. Chronica de Guine. 1841. 967 1 Edward I. Leal conselheiro. 1842. 869 43 SANTA ROSA, Pietro Derossi di. Saraceno, F. Vita di Santa Rosa; con documenti inediti. Torino, 1864. D. 923 86 Santa Rosa, Santorre Annibale Derossi, conte di. Della rivoluzione piemontese nel 1821; versione sulla 3 edizione francese ; coll' aggi- unta della biografia ai Santarosa e di docu- menti. Geuova, 1849. O. por. 945 45 SANTA ROSA 600 SARNELLI — Biaiiclii, N. Santorredi Santa Eosa; memo- rie e lettere inedite. {In Curiosith, di storia subalpina. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 — trubeniatis, A. de. Santorre di Santa Rosa. Torino. 1860. (I contemp. Italiani.) 923 87 Santa Rosa Yorin, 0. Danicorum monumentcTum librisex. Hafniee, 1643. Q. 913 61.2 — — — Olai Wormii et ad eum doctorum viro- rum epistolae medici, anatomici, botanici, phy- sici & histoi-ici argument!. Havniae, 1751. 2 v. D. por. 839.6 7 Worsaae, J. J. A. Nordens Forhistorie efter samtidige Mindesmaerker. Kj0benhavn, 1881. O. map. 913 62 See also BlUIAL ; CROMLECHS ; DENMARK ; CiRA>Ti:- MOUXDS : HORNS ; NORWAY ; RUNES ; SWEDEN. —DESCRIPTION. Berghans, H. K. W. Die skandinavische Halbinsel.— Der danische Ge- sammtstaat. pi. (In his Was man von der Erde weiss, 1856-7, v. 1.) 914 2.1 _ —Bloni, Gf. P. Bemserkninger paa en Reise i Nordlandene og igjennem Lapland til Stock- holm, 1^27. 2 Oplag. Christiania, 1832. O. tab. 914.8 9 — — Marniier, X. Lettres sur le nord. Paris, 1840. 2 V. D. pi. 914.8 1 — i —Murray, J., publisher. A handbook for travellers in Denmark, Norway. Sweden and Iceland. 3 edition. London, 1858. D. maps. 914.8 2 __ — Sclionw, J. F. Skandinaviens Natur og Folk; et Foredrag. Ki0benhavn. 1845. D. 914.8 3 SCAN DIN A VIA 604 SCABABELLI Schubert, F. W. Resa genom Sverige, Norrige, Lapplaiid, Finnland och Ingeinian- land 1817, '18, '20; ofversattning. Stockholm, 1828-5. 3 V. D. 914.8 4 — — Skoldberg:. P. B. Beskrifning of ver skan- dinaviska halfon. Stockholm, 184(5. O. 914.8 6 ^ ^[Thirty-six Scandinavian maps.] 912 51 In portfolio 8. — —Voyage pittoresque de Scandiaavie. Lon- dres[,18U2J. sqQ. 24 p. 24 pZ. 914.8 6 — — Ziegler, A. Meine Reise im Norden. Leipzig, 1860. 3 v. D. 914.8 7 — — Ziegler, J, Schondiaj descriptio. viap. (In his TeiruB Sanctse 1586.) 916.6 41 — OEOLOUY, see (iEOLOttY. — HISTORY. Bjoriierj E. J. Nordiska kiimpa dater i ea rfagotiock samlade, om forna kongar ochlijultar. Stockholmife, 1787. F. 839.63 4.1 — — Bring-, S. SxeSiao-Ma historicum Scandi- navian! at gentium vaginam considerans; sub- mittit A. P. Stobseus, 1751. Loadini Gotho- rum [,1751]. sqD. [6+] 25 p. 948 17 Copenhagen— K, nordiske Oldskrift-Sel- skab. Foraaiaana sogur. Kaupmannah0tn, 1825-87. 12 V. O. facsim. 839.63 7 — — Danish: Oldnordiske Sagaer. Kj0- benliavn, 1826-87. 12 v. O. 839.63 17 — — Latin: Scripta historica de rebu» gestis Boreaiium. Hatnise, 1828-46. 12 v. O. tab. 639.63 18 — — Crichton, A., & Wheaton, Hi Scaadiaavia, ancient and modern; a history of Deamark, Swedea and Norway. Edinburgh, 1828. 2 v. D. il. pi. map. 948 7 — — Cronhoim, A. P. Forn-aoi-diska minnen. Lund, 1838-5. 2 v. O. 948 8 Contents: 1. Nordboarne i Vesterviking. 2. Nordboarne 1 Austrvegr. Uyldenstalpe, D. Norlandz chronika och beskriifniag. Wijsiagzborg, 1670. F. 948 31.1 — — JonLopts0asEacoaiiast; aieddansk Over- saettelse; samt T. Torfesens Brev-Vexling an- gaande den gamle nordiske Tiids-Regning, oversat, med Tillaeg, ved J. Erichsen. Ki0ben- havn, 1787. sqO. 839.61 11 K0aigsfeldt, J. P. F. Genealogiske Ta- beller over Daaaiarks, Norges og Sverrigs Koagefamilier. Kjobeahava, 1833. obF. 929 3 — —Magnus, 0. Historia de gentibus septen- trionalibus... Romae, 1555. sqQ. il. 948 U — — Messenins, J. Scondia illustrata ; seu, Chronologia de rebus Scondise usque 1612 ; edita a J, Peringskiold. Stockholmiae, 1700-3. 2 V. F. 948 12 MttUer, P. E.Critisk Undersogelse af Dan- marks og Norges Sagnhistorie; eller, Om Tro- vaerdigheden af Saxos og Snorros Kilder. Kiobenhavn, 1823. sqO. 948 13 — — — Sagabibliothek, med Anmaerkninger og indledende Afhandlinger. Ki0benhavn, 1817- 20. 3 V. D. 839.63 18.1 Munch, P. A. Nordens seldste Historie. [Christiania, 1873.J O. 64 p. 948 23 ^ — Rafn, C. C, editor. Antiquites russes, d' apr6s les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. Copenhague, 1850-2. 2 V. F.^ 839.63 60 — — i Foraaldar sogur Nordrlaada. Kaiip- aiaaaahofa, 1829-30. 'd v.O. facsivi. 839.63 13 — i — — translator. Nordiske Fortids Sagaer. Kj0benhava, 1829-30. 3 v. O. 839.63 19 Vol. 1-2 are a translation of v. 1-2 of his Fonialdar sogur. — — Nordiske Kyempe-Historier. Kjobea- hava, 1821-6. 3v. O. 839.63 20 Riant, P. Skaadiaavernes Korstog og Andagtbreiser til FaUestina, 1000-1850. Kjo- benhavn. 1868. O. 940 14.1 — — Sinding, P. K. History of Scandinavia. New York, 1858. O. por. 948 16 — — Strinnholm, A. M. Skandinavien under hedaa-aldern. Stockholm, 1884-0. 2 v. O. maps. {In his Svenska folkets historia, v. 1-3.) 948 54 — — Sturluson, S. Heims kringla: eller, Nord- landske konua'ga sagor; edidit, versione gemi- aa aotisque, iadici illustravit J. Peringskiold. Stockholaiiaj, 1697. 3 v. F. 839.63 13.1 For other editions and for translations, see Sturluson. Suhni, P. F., & Scli0ning, Gf. Forseg til Forbedriager i dea gamle daaske og aorske Hiotorie. Kiobenhavn, 1757. sqO. 948 18 Westphalen, E. J. von, editor. Monu- inenta ineditarerum Germaaicaruai, pr^cipue Cimbricarum et Megapoleasiuai. Lipsia-, 1739- 45. 4 V. F.^ por. pi. 943 31 — —Wheaton, H. History of the Northmen, or Danes aad Normaas. to tlie conquest of England by William of Noraiaady. Philadel- phia, 1881. O. 948 19 — — Worsaae, J.J. A. Oai Forlioldet mellem de skaadiaaviske P'olk i Oldtidea; et Foredrag. Kj0bealiava, [,1844]. O. 28 p. 948 20 See also DEXMAKK ; KALMAB LETTEU ; NORTHMEN ; NORWAY; SWEDEN. VICTUALLERS. SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES. Petersen, N. M. Det daaske, norske og svenske Sprogs Hi- storie. Kjobenhava, 1829-30. 3 v. ia 1. D. 439.6 1 — Varniing, L. Oia Overgang af Market J i nordiske Gerningsord. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 See also DANISH ; ICELANDIC ; NORSE ; SWEDISH. Scania. Leges provinciale terrae Scaniae, 1163, accedente collatione cum Jure Cimbrico. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 31 — Linn^, C. von. Skanska resa, 1749. Stock- holm, 1751. D. il. 581 19 Una scappata fuori del nido, see Visconti Yeno- sta, G. Scarabelli, Luciano. Letture morali, per la gente di campagna. Bologna, 1870. O. 177 1 — SuUe carte d' Arborea, lettere al Pietro Fan- fani. Cagliari, 1865. O. 27 p. 858 2 —editor, see Dante Alighierl. Comedia, col commento di J. della Lana. 1866. (In Emilia. Collezione. 38-40.) 850 6 Esemplare della Divina comedia [: 20 codici]. 1870-3. [In same. 38-30.) 850 6 SCAEABELLI 605 S CELT A Scarabelli Gommi Flamini, (x. Sugli scavi ese- guiti nella caverna detti di Frasassi. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 Lo scartafacciodeir amico Michele, see Visconti Venosta, Gr. Scelta di curiosita letterarie inedite o rare dal secolo 13 al 27. Bologna, 1861-91. v. 1-241 in 94 V. D. il. pi. facsim. music. 850 10 Contents: 1. Zanibrini, F., editor. Novelle del secolo 14. 2, Cecchl, G. 51. Lezlone sopra sonetto [by Berni]. 3. Filippo of Siena. Martirio d' una fanciuUa faentina. 4. Zanibrini, F., editor. Due novelle del secolo 14. 5. Vita di F. Petrarca. 6. Forestani, S. Storia d' una fanci- uUa tradita da un suo amante. 7. Caro, A. Commento sopra la prima Ficata del padre Siceo. 8. Doni, A. F. La inula, La chiave, e Aladrigali satirici. 9. Zanibrini, F., editor. Dodici conti morali di anonimo senese. 10. La Lusignacca, novella. 11. Dottrina dello sohiavo di Bari. 12. Bible— Apocryplia. II passio o vanfrelo di Nicodemo. 13. Bernardino o/" ^fena. SermonesuUa soc- cile di bestiami. 14. Storia d' una crudele matrigna. 15. II lanieuto della Vergine, e Le allegrezze. 16. II libro della vita contemplativa. 17. Torini Bencivenni, A. Brieve meditazione sui beneflcii di Dio. 18. Petrarca, F. La vita di Romolo. 19. II marchese di Saluzzo e la Gri- selda, novella. 20. Gentile Ricci, P. G. Novella.— Bibbi- ena, B. D. da. Un' avventura amorosa di Ferdinando d' Aragona. — Le conipagnie de' Battuti in Roma, 1339. 21. Ovidius \aso, P. Due epistole. 22. IHantora, M. Novelle. 23. Dell' illustre historia di Lancillotto dal Lago. 24. Maxiinus, V. Saggio del volgarizzaraento. 25. Filippo of Siena. >fovelle.— Novella del Cerblno. 2<$. I.iorenR. Trat- tatello delle virtu. 27. Ottoiielli, 0. Negoziazlone alia corte di Spagna- 28. Benivieni, G. Tancredi principe di Salerno, novella in rima. 29. Petrarca, F. Le vite di Numa e di T. Ostilio. 30. Bible. La epistola di san Ja- copo, e i capitoli 3-4 del Vangelo di san Giovanni. 31. Storia di san Cleniente papa. 32. Bible. II libro delle lamentazioni di Jeremia. e 11 Cantico de' cantici di Salo- mone. 33. Albizzi, A. degli. Epistola a Martino V. — Alcune leggende anonime. 34. Allori, A. I saltarelli del Bronzino. 85. Gibello, novella in rima. 36. Marslli, L. de.' Commento a una canzone di Petrarca. 37. Sappho. Vita e frammenti; di G. Bustelli. 38. Vai, S. Rime. 39. Caj^jitoli delle monache di Pont«tetto presso Lucca. 40. II libro della cucina, 41. Pucci, A. Historia della reina d' oriente. 42. La flsiognoniia, trattatello. 43. Storia della reina Est«r. 44. Redi, F. Sei odi. 45. La storia di Maria per Ravenna. 46. Trattatello della verginita. 47. Lamento di Piorenza. 48. Bancliini, G. Un viaggio a Perugia, 1395. 49. Rraccesi, L. II tesoro; — La canzone del Nicchio. 50. Storia di fra Michele minorita. 51. Milanesi, G., editor. Dell' arte del vetro per musaico. 52-3. Stolfl, C, editor. Leggende di alcuni santi e beati. 54. Regola dei frati di s. Jacopo d' Altopa.scio. 55. Bretliren of the life of poTerty. Lettera a tutti i cristiani. 56. Giacoppo, novella, e La Ginevra novella. 57. Ancona, A. d,' editor- La leggenda di sant' Albano, e La storia di san Giovanni Boccadoro. 58. Pistoia, A. da. Sonetti giocosi ; e sonetti satirici senza nome d' autore. 59. Gregorio. Fiori di medicina. 60. Claccheri, M. Croni- «hetta di S. Geminiano. 61. Trattato di virtu morali. 62. Cornanzo, A. Proverbi. 63. Latini, B. Piore di fllosofi. 04. Sandabad. II libro dei sette savi di Roma. 65. Ber- nard. St. Del libero arbitrio. 66. Ceccheregli, A. Delle azioni e sentenze di Alessandro de' Medici. 67. Hippo- crates. Pronostichi.— Carducci, G. Delia Scelta di curiosita letterarie. 68. Bernard, St. Lo stimolo d' amore;— La epistola a Raimondo. 69. Peruzzi, L. Ricordi sulla vita di Petrarca e di Laura. 70. GiainbuIIarl, B. Tractate del diavolo CO' monaci, in rima. 71. Due novelle in un codice del 1437contenenteIl decamerone. 72. Xmsiti,G., editor. Ubbie, oiancioni e ciarpe del secolo 14. 73. Augustinus, A., St. Specchio dei peccatori.— Bernard, St. Epistola a Raimondo, nuova lezlone. 74. Garbo, T. del. Consiglio iccold of Poggibonsi. Libro d' oltramare. 2 v. 184. II Grappa, pseud. Commento sopra la canzone [del Piren- zuola] in lode della salsiccia. 185. Casini, T., editor. Le rime del poeti bolognesi. 186. Kicciardi, F. Ricordi sto- rici, 1494-1.500. 187. Due farse del secolo 16. 188, 190. Storia di Ugone d' Avernia. 189. Adimari, A. L' adora- zione de' magi. 191. Forteguerri, G. Novelle. 192. Bicci, C, editor. Cronache e documenti per la storia ravennate del secolo 16. 193. Giustiniani, L. Poesie. 194. La di- scesa di Ugo d' Alvernia alio inferno. 195. Ricettario galante del secolo 16. 196. Le regole della Trappa. 197. Casini, T., edito): Testi inediti di antiche rime volgari. 198. Calegari, G. A. Cronaca di Brisighella e Val d' Amone. 199. Carlo quinto in Siena, 1536. 200. Storia di Camnriano contadi no. 201. I due primi libri della isto- ria di Merlino. 202. Mattiolo, P. di. Cronaca bolognese. 203. Flniguerri, S. La buca di Monteferrato, Lo studio d' Atene, e Ilgagno; poemetti satirici. 204. Gelli, G. B. Lezioni petrarchesche. 205. Trissino, G. G. La Sofonisba; con note di T. Tasso. 206. Palliolo, P. Le feste pel con- S CELT A 606 SCB.EFFER f erimento del patriziato romano a G. e L. de' Medici. 207. Varthema, L. Itinerario. 208. Pisa. Statute inedito deir arte degli speziali nel secolo 15. 209. El dyalogo di Salomon e Marcolpho. 210. Storia sioiliana. Pt. 1: Studii preliminari da S. V. Bozzo. 211. P6rcopo, E., edUxyr. IV. poemetti sacri del secoli 14 e 15. 212. Parma, D. F. Dia- rio del yiaggio in Inghilterra nel 1639 del Rossetti. 213. MarieiioUe, C. da. Rime varie. 214. Frati, L., editm. II sacco di Volterra nel 1472. 215. Rlcci, C, editor. Gli Spagnuoli e i Veneziani in Romagna, 1527-9. 216. >adi, G. Diario bolognese. 217. Tanara, V. La caccia degli uccelli. 218. Mango, F.,ec?itor. La guerra di CamoUia, e La presa di Roma. 219, 226, 236. Medln, A., 2 copies. Uma scena de nossos dias, see Calasans, P. de. Scene ^ ritratti, see Alfani, A. * Sceiier i Nord-Amerika, see Arfwedson, K. D, Scepeaux, Fran9<)is de, marc'chal de Vieille- ville, see Vieilleville. Scepperus, Cornelius Duplicius. Literae ad Jo. Dantiscum. (In Westphalen, E. J. yon. Monu- menta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 Schaclit, Hermann. Les arbres ; traduit d' apres la 2 edition allemande par Edouard Mor- ren. Bruxelles, 1862. Q. il. pi 651.58 49 Scliade, Oskar. Altdeutsches Worterbuch. 2 vermehrte Auflage. Halle a. S., 1872-83. 1 v. in 2. O. 437 19 Schiidtler, Otto Heinrich von. AUgemein ver- standliche Psychologie, auf Phrenologie, Tem- peranientslehre und Physiognomik begriindet. Hamburg, 1858. O. pi. 138 2 Scliafer, Gottfried Heinrich, annotator, see Theocritus, Bion et Moschus. 1829. 884 5 Scliaff, Philip. Der heilige Augustinus, sein Leben und Wirken. Berlin, 1854. D. 922 19 — editor. Anglo-American Bible revision ; by members of the American revision committee. London, 1879. D. 220 5 Schiiflfer, Martin Gottlob. Af handling om Sko- ves Opelskning. Kj0benhavn, 1811. D. 651.58 99 — Anviisning til Skovdyrkningen og Planta- gevaesenet i Danmark. Ki0benhavn, 1799. S. 661.58 100 Schaflft, Arnold. Ueber das Vorhersagen von Naturerscheinungen. Berlin, 1886. O. 40 p. (In Vii'diow & HoltzendorlT. VortrAge. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 Schaking in de 17de eeuw, see Lennep, J. van. Romant. werken, 14. Schaller, Julius. Brief e iiber Humboldt's Kos- mos, V. 2, see Cotta, B., cfc others. 561 25 Das 8chal1jahr, see Scheible, J. Schambach, Georg, <& MUller, W. Nieder- sachsische Sagen und Marchen. Gottingen, 1855. O. 398 10 Schanz, Julius, translator. Metrische Ueber- \ setzungen aus dem Italienischen Zendrini's und Carducci's. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 2, 1875.) 945 41 Scharnaggl, Simon. Die Forstwirthschaft im osterreichischen Kiistenlande, mit vorziiglicher Riicksicht auf die Karst-Bewaldung, Wien, 1873. Q. [H-]89p. 651.68 77 bound tvith 648 2 SCHARNHORST, Gerliard David von. Kluck- hohii, A. Der General von Schornhorst. Berlin, 1884. O. 39 p. (/« Yirchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Schasler, Max. Die Farbenwelt. Berlin, 1883. 2 V. in 1. O. pi (In same. 18 Serie.) 043 1 — Das Reich der Ii-onie in kulturgeschichtlicher und asthetischer Beziehung. Berlin, 1879. O. (In same. 14 Serie.) 043 1 Schat der gesontheyt. [Na de copie gedruckt tot Dordrecht, 1686-7.] 2 v. in 1. T. il 613 9 Der Schatz, see Lessing, G. E. v. 8. Schaubach, Adolph. Die deutschen Alppn. 2 Auflage. Jena, 1865-71 [,v. 1, '71J. 5 v. D. 651.43 33 Schechs, Jacobus Petrus. Bedenken, Evange- lisch-Lutherische bey den Leichen reformirter Personen... (In Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, V. 4.) 830 10 Schedel, Hartmann. Liber Cronicarum. Nu- remherge, A. koberger, liQd. F.^ [20-I-] 299-1- [1] leaves, il. por. pi. maps. 093 8 The famous Nuremberg chronicle, a summary of uni- versal history and geography. The first page is the title- page of the index and reads : Registrum huius operis libri cronicarum cu flguris et ymagibus ab inicio miidi. "It contains more than tv^o thousand impressions of wood-cuts, taken from about three hundred cuts— for the cut that served for the portrait of Paris of Troy was used for Odof redus of Germany and the poet Dante of Italy. Wood-cuts professing to represent cities and bat- tles in Greece and Syria were repeated for battles and cities in France and Germany, with an indifference to the anachronisms and a cool disregard of the incredulity of the reader that are amazing. The author had a keen relish for the marvelous— for men with one eye, with immense ears, with enormous legs, and like monstros- ities."— i)e Vinne. This volume is said to contain the earliest specimens of printed maps. The abovemen- tloned portrait of a perspiring Nuremberger did duty also for Thales, Nehemiah, Menander, Cato, Persius, Plutarch, Porphyry, Alcuin, Anastasius and Avenzoar. The Odofredusis not "of Germany," but the Bolognese jurist. SchefiFel, Joseph Victor. Bergpsalmen; Bilder von Anton von Werner. 2 Auflage. Stutt- gart. 1874. sqF. il pi 831 78 — Frau Aventiure; Lieder aus Heinrich von Ofterdingen's Zeit. 3 Auflage. Stuttgart, 1870. S. iltp. 831 79 — Gaudeamus ! Lieder aus dem Engeren und Weiteren. 9 Auflage. Stuttgart, 1872. S. 831 80 — Juniperus ; Geschichte eines Kreuzfahrers. Stuttgart, 1871. S. il 833 28 — Der Trompeter von Siikkingen : ein Sang vom Oberrhein. 17 Auflage. Stuttgart, 1872. S. iltp. 831 81 Scheflfer, Johann. Lapponia. Francofurti, 1673. sqO. il map. 914.7 15 — English: The history of Lapland; translated from the Latin; added. The travels of the king of Sweden's mathematicians into Lapland ; SCHJEFFEB 607 SCITIA VO The history of Livonia; also A journey into Lapland, Finland, &c., by Olof Rudbeck, in 1701. London, 1704. D. il. pi. map, iltp. 914.7 16 — Svecia literata...emendatius editum «fe hy- pomnematis historicis illustratum a Johanne Moilero. Hamburgi, 1698. S. 839.7 6 — annotator, see Erlandssoii, I. De vita sancti Erici. 1675. 922 27.1 — ecZitor, see Kiinunga styrilse. 1669. 321 6.1 Seheflfer-Boichorst, Paul. Florentiner Studien. Leipzig, 1874. O. 945 73 For critical estimate see Hillebrand, K. Italia, v, 1. — Die Neuordnung der Papstwahl durch Nikola- us II. ; Texte und Forschungen zur Geschich- te des Fapstthums im 1 1 Jahrhundert. Strass- burg, 1879. O. 262 13 Scheible, J., editor. Das Kloster, weltlich und geistlich ; meist aus der altern deutschen Volks-,Wunder-, Curiositaten und vorzugs- weise kouaischen Literatur. Stuttgart, 1845- 50. 13 v. S. il. facsim. tab. 837 16 Contents; 1. Volkspredifrer, Moralisten und frommer Unsinn.— IJrandt, S. Narrenschiff, mit Geilers von Kai- sersberg Predigten dariiber,— Murner, J. Schelmenzunft. 2. Doctor Johann Faust. 3. Cliristoph Wagner, Faust's Famulus; Don Juan Tenorio von Sevilla; die Schwarz- kiinstler, und die Beschworervon HoUe und Himmel. 4. Der Theuerdank. — Tliomas Murner's Schriften und sein Leben, nebst dessen Nari>enbeschw6rung und Ob der Konig von England ein Liigner sey oder der Luther. 6. Die Sage vom Faust,— Faust auf der Volksbiihne.— Zau- ber-Bibliothelc 6. Die gute alte Zeit. 7. Korn, F. Der Festkalender. 8. Flschart, J. Geschichtklitterung und AUer Praktik Grossmutter. — Murner, T. Giiuchmatt, nebst Satyren wider ihn von Utz Eckstein. 9. Korn, F. Mythologie der Volkssagen und Volksmahrchen. 10. Fischart, J. Flohhatz, Weibertratz, Ehezuchtbiichleln, Podagrammisch Trostbiichlein, sammt zehen kleineren Schriften. Murner, T.VonLutherischen Narren, Kirchen- dieb- und Ketzerkalender, und sieben Satyren wider ihn. 11. Die Geschichte von Faust in Reimen; die deut- schen Volksbiicher von Faust und Wagner und die Hi- storien von den Zauberern Baco, Zyto, Bruder Rausch und Andern. 12. Korn, F. Die Sitten und Gebrauche der Deutschen und ihrer Nachbarvollier. 13. Die flie- genden Blatter des 16 und 17 Jahrhunderts, in Einblatt- Drucken. Das Schaltjahr ; Ifc^elches ist der teutsch Kalender mit den Figuren und hat 366 Tag. 1-5 Band : Januar. Stuttgart, 1846-7. 5 v. S. 837 17 Scheler, Johann August Huldreich. Diction- naire d' etymologie fran9aise. Nouvelle edition augmentee. Paris, 1873. O. 442 6 — Glossaire. {In Froissart, J. CEuvres, 1867- 77, V. 19.) 940 20 — Trois traites de lexicographie latine du 12e et du 13e siecle. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 6-8, 1865-7.) Li roumans de Cleomades par Adenes li Rois; publ. par A. van Hasselt. {In same. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 — annotator, see Glossaire roman-latin du 15e siecle, 1865. 479 12 — editor, see Adenes 11 Rois. Les enfances d'Ogier. 1874. 841 7.2 Froissart, J. CEuvres : Poesies. 1870-2. 841 17.1 Grandgagnage, C. M. J. Dictionnaire de la langue walionne, v. 2, pt. 3, 1880. 447 7 Scheller, Karl Fcdedrich Arend, editor, see Barkhusen, H. Reinke de Fos. 1835. 837 7 Der Laien Doctrinal. 1825. 839.2 11 [Scliichtbuch:] Shigt-bok der stad Bruns- wyk. 1829. 943 56 SCHELLING, Friedrieh Wilhelm Joseph von. KobeVj R. Die Grundprincipien der Schelling' schen Naturphilosophie. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. {In Vlrchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 —Leopold, K. G. af. Stycken om Schellingska filosophien. {In his Saml. skrifter, 1814-33, v. 4.) 839.71 20 Schelling,Pieter van der, & A]kemade,K. van. Nederlands displegtigheden. Rotterdam, 1732- 5. 3 V. D. pi. 394 1 Die Schelmen ZuniFt, see Murner, T. Scheltema, Pieter. Rembrand ; redevoering over het leven en verdiensten van Rembrand van Rijn. Amsterdam, 1853. O. por. 927 13 Schenkl, Conrad Philipp. Der Barometer und seine Beniitzung, vorziiglich zum Hohenmess- en. 2 Auflage. Brunn, 1856. O. 46 p. 551.5 1 Scherer, H. Der Raub der drei Bisthiimer, Metz, Tull und Verdun, 1552 [-1648]. {In Ran- mer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1842.) — Der Verrath Strasburgs an Frankreich . 1681. (In same. 1843.) 905 1 Scherer, Wilhelm, editor, see Grimm, J. L. K, Deutsche Grammatik. 1870-89. 435 4 — & Mttllenhoff, K. V., editors. Denkmaler deutscher Poesie und Prosa aus dem 8-12 Jahr- hundert. Berlin, 1864. O. 830 8 Lo scherno degli dei, see Bracciolini, F. Scherz, Johann Georg, editor, see Schilter, J. Thesaurus antiquitatum Teutonicarum. 1727-8. 830 9 Scherz, List und Rache, ein Singspiel, see Gothe, J. W. von. v. 11. Scherzer, Karl, Bitter von. Die Anfange menschli'cher Industrie. Berlin, 1883. O. 32 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff, Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Scheurl, Christoph.Epistel iiber die Verfassung der Reichstadt Niirnberg. 1516. {In Munich — K. baler. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, V. 11, 1874.) 943 24 Sch^ving, Hallgrimur Hannesson, translator, see Cato, D.Hugsvinns-mal. 1831. 839.61 12 Schiani, Mauro, editor, see Cava de' Tirreni. Codex diplomaticus. 1873-5. 327 3 Schiaparelli, Ernesto. II libro dei funerali degli antichi Egiziani ; memoria. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3ser. sci. mor. v. 8, 1883.) 065 5 Containing three texts with transliteration and trans- lation. Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio. Osservazioni astronomiche e fisiche sull' asse di rotazione e suUa topografia del pianeta Marte. pi. map. {In same. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 Schiaparelli, Luigi, cfc Mayr, C. <& E. Nuova carta generale d' Italia. 3 edizione, Gotha, 1871. 148+138 cm. in sqF." 912 16 Sehiattarella, Raffaele.La missione dello stato. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 1, 1876-7.) 065 5 Schiavo di Bari, see Dottrina. SCHIGHTBUCH 608 SOUL A GINTWEIT iSchichtbiicli:] Dat schichtboick. 1514. {In Munich— K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen StMte, v. 16, 1880: Braunschweig, V. 2.) 943 24 — Shigt-bok der stad Brunsvs^yk ; herausgege- ben von Karl F. A. Scheller, Braunschweig, 18^9. D. 943 56 Schicksal, Erzahlung, see Tieck, J. L. Schrif- ten, V. 14. Schiern, Frederik Eginhard Amadeus. Be- misrkninger angaaende de af Kong Sigurd Jorsalafarer paa Sophiekirken i Konstantino- pel opsatte Dragefigurer ; et Foredrag. Kj0- benhavn [,1860]. O. [1 + ] 18 p. pZ. 949 36 — Descente en Angleterre projetee par le roi de Danemark Valdemar atterdag de reunion avec les Fran(;ais. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.)— Une enigme ethnographique de I'antiquite. {In same. n. s. V. 3, 1878-82.) 948 3 — Omen ethnologisk 'laade fra Oldtiden. (Jn same. Aarb0ger v, 15, 1880.) 948 5 — Udsigt over Udvandringerne fra Normandiet til Italien, og Normannernes forste Erobringer i Neapel og Sicilien. {In same. Annaler. v. 5, 1844-5.)— Om den slaviske Oprindelse til nogle Stedsnavne paa de danske Smaaoer. {In same. V. 13, 1853.)— Et Par Bemserkninger til Beo- wulf. (In same.Y. 18, 1858.)— Om Navnet Lod- brok hos Angelsaxerne. — Om en paatsenkt Landgang i England af Kong Valdemar Atter- dag i Forening med de Franske. (In same. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 Schieson da Treviso, see Pozzobon, G. Schiff, Moritz. Sopra due nuovi nervi arresta- tori. (In Rome— R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Sulla misura della sensazione e del movi- mento. Firenze, 1869. O. 74 p. 152 3 bound with 146 1 Schiff, Robert. Intorno alia costituzione del cloralammonio e dell' aldeidato d' ammonio. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fls. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.) 065 4 Scliildbftrger, Denkwiirdige Geschichtschro- nik der. {In Tieck, J. L. Schriften, 1828-45, V. 9.) 839 29 Der Schildbiirger wunderseltsame Geschichten und Thaten. Leipzig, 1838. D. 94 p. il. (In YolksbUcher, 4.) 833 22 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. Sammthche Werke. Stuttgart, 1827-8. 18 v. T. 832 8 — Sammtliche Werke. VoUstandige Ausgabe. Stuttgart, 1855. 2 v. Q. por. 832 9 — Bruchstiick aus einer spanischen Ueberse- tzung von Wilhelm Tell. {In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.)— Wilhelm Tell in roma- nischer Uebersetzung. {In same. v. 8, 1867.) 806 1 — The maid of Orleans. {In Bethune, J. E. D, Specimens. 1848.) 839.71 41.1 — Carlyle, T. The life of Friedrich Schiller, comprehending an examination of his Works. From the 2 London edition. New York, 1846. D 928 46 Schiller. {In his Essays, 1860, v. 2.)— Schiller, Goethe and Madame de Stael. {In same, v. 3.) 824 8 — De Quincey, T. {In his Biog. essays. 1850.) ^ 824 10 —Grimm, J. L. K. Eede auf Schiller. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 1.) 408 2 — Liebrecht, L. Schillers Verhaltniss zu Kants ethischer Weltansicht. Hamburg, 1889. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — Rambert, E. Les Alpes revees par Schiller. {In his Alpes, 1866-71, v. 4.) 551.43 25 —Schmidt, J. Schiller und Rousseau. Berlin, 1876. O. 47 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 See also PICCOLOMINI, 0. & M. Schiller, Karl, & Liibben, A. Mittelnieder- deutsches Wortei'buch. Bremen, 1875-81. 6 v. O. 439.1 3 Vol. 6 is Nachtrag. Schilling, A. J. Johann Jakob Dillenius, 1687- 1747, sein Leben und Wirken. Hamburg, 1888, O. 34 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 1 Schilling, Johann August. Die psychische Aetiologie derScoliosen. Augsburg, 1863. O. lO-f-70 p. 131 5 bound with 113 1 Schiltberger, Johannes. Reisen in Europa, Asia und Afrika, 1394-1427; herausgegeben uud erlautert von Karl Friedrich Neumann. Miinchen, 1859. D. 910 36.1 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Important." — Schiltberger's aus Munchen, 1395-1427, Reise in den Orient ; iibersetzt und herausgegeben von A. J. Penzel. Miinchen, 1814. D. 910 36 Schilter, Johann, editor. Thesaurus antiqui- tatum Teutonicarum. Ulmse, 1727-8 [v. 1,'28]. 3 V. F. il. pi. iltp. 830 9 Vita Schilteri, at end of v. 2. Schiner, Ignaz Rudolf._Fauna der Adelsber- ger -.Lueger -und Magdalenen-Gi'otte. (In Schmidl, A. Zur Hohlenkunde des Karstes. 1854.) 551.44 1 SCHINNER, Matthias, called cardinal de Sion. Giovio, S. Mattheeicardinalis Sedunensis elogi- um. {In Simmler, P. Vallesise descriptio. 1633.) 094 60 Schipper, J., editor. Englischt Alexiuslegen- den aus dem 14-15 Jahrhundert. Strassburg, 1877. pt. 1. O. 821 13.1 Schivardi, Plinio. Guida ai bagni ed alle acque di Recoaro. Milano, 1876. D. il. 615 22 SCHLABRENDORF, Christoph Georg Gustav, Oraf Ton. Varnhagen von Ense, K. A. L. P. {In Raumer, f . L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1832.) 905 1 Der Schlaftrunk, ein Lustspiel, see Lessing, G. E. V. 11. Schlaggert, Lambert. Chronicon coenobii Ri- benicensis ordinis St. Clarse, 1206-1540. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 4.) 943 21 Schlagintweit, Adolph <& Hermann. Karte des Monte-Rosa und seiner Umgebungen. Leip- zig, 1851. 52x70 cm. in D. 912 32 SGHLA G INT WEI T 609 S CUIUS WIG Schlagintweit, Robert von. Calif ornien; Land und Leute. Coin, 1871. D. il. 917.9 4 — Die pacifischen Eisenbahnen in Nordameri- ka. Gotha, 1886. sqQ. [3+] 31 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittheilungeu : Erganzungsband. 18.) 910 44 Schlagintweit-Sakunliinski, Hermann, i^reiVierr yon. Reisen in Indien und Hochasien ; eine Darstellung der Landschaft, der Cultur und Sitten der Bewoliuer, in Verbindung mit kli- matischen und geologischen Verhaltnissen ; basirt auf die Resultate der wissenschaftlichen Mission von Hermann, Adolph und Robert Schlagintweit. Jena, 1869-80. 4 v. O. pi. maps. 915.4 8 Schlatter, Daniel. Bruchstiicke aus einigen Reisen nach dem siidlichen Russland, 1822-8. Neue Ausgabe. St. Gallen, 1836. O. pi. fac- sim. map. 914.7 23 Schlegel, August Willielm von & K. W. F. Anthologie aus den Wei-ken. Hildburghausen, 1831. Tt. 94-1-2 p. (Miniatur-Bibliothek.) 831 82 Schlegel, Johan Friderich Wilhelm. Commen- tatio historica et critica de codicis Gragas ori- gine...(/?i Grjlgds. 1829.) 839.68 8 — Danmarks og Hertugdommenes Statsret. Ki0benhavn, 1827. v, 1. O. 349 52 No more published. — The origin and history of the Danish sound and belt-tolls; translated by G. P. Marsh. {In Hunt's merchants' magazine, v. 10, 1844, p. 218-32; 303-8.) In main library. A translation of chapter 6 of the preceding. — Om den ganile islandske Lov- og Retsbog kaldet Graagaas. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1832.) 948 1.2 Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the history of literature, ancient and modern; from the German. New York, 1845. D. 809 5 Schlegel, Victor. Ueber die Metnoden zur Be- stimmung der Geschwindheit des Lichtes. Hamburg, 1887. O. 32 p. (In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. VortrSge. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 Schleicher, August. Compendium der ver- gleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen. 2 vermerte Auflage. Weimar, 1866, O. 416 4 — Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwis- s.enschaft. 2 Auflage. Weimar, 1873. O. 38 p. Pl- 401 3 — Die Unterscheidung von Nomen und Ver- bum in der lautlichen Form. Leipzig, 1865. Q. [93J p. 415 5 — & others. Indogermanische Chrestomathie; Schrif tproben und Lesestiicke mit erklarenden Glossaren. Weimar, 1869. O. 418 1 Nebst Zusatzen und Berichtigungen zur 2 Auflage des Compendiums. Schleiden, Matthias Jakob. Fiir Baum und Wald; eine Schutzschrift. Leipzig, 1870. O. 561.58 50 — Die Landenge von Sues ; zu Beurtheilung des Canalprojects und des Auszugs der Israe- liten aus Aegypten. Leipzig, 1858. O. pi. maps. 626 14 — Die Pflanze und ihr Leben ; popuiare Vor- trage. Leipzig, 1848. O. il. pi. 580 5 — Ueber den Materialisraus der neueren deut- schen Naturwissenschaft. Leipzig, 1863. O. 57 p. 146 1 Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Kultur, see Hreslau. SCHLESWIG (duchy). Chemnitz, M., & Kiel- mann, J. A. Argumenta de suprematu ducatus Slesvicensis, 1624 & 1666. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 21 — Danckwerth, C. Newe Landesbeschreibung der zweij Herzogthiimer Schleswich und Hol- stein ; zusambt Landcarten von J. Mejero. [Amsterdam,] 1652. F.^ maps. 914.3 11 — Dirckinck-Hobnfeld, C. P. H. M. W. af. Essai historique sur la question de la succession du royaumede Dannemark; et analyse de droit quant aux duches de Slesvig et de Holstein. Copenhague, 1844. O. 55 p. 943 47 — Droysen, J. G., & Samwer, K. Die Herzog- thiimer Schleswig-Holstein und das Konigreich Danemark ; aktenmassige Geschichte der da- nischen Politik seit 1806. 2 Auflage. Ham- burg, 1806. O. 943 41.1 — Enewald, B. Schleswig-Holsteinische Ritter- Chronic. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monu- menta, 1739-45, V. 4.) 943 21 — Estrup, H, F. J. Om Slesvigs og Holstens Uadskillelighed efter Forsikkringsacten af 1460; en historisk Unders0gelse. Kiobenhavn 1832. O. 23 p. _ 943 47 — Hansen, C. P. Das schleswig'sche Watten- meer und die friesische Inseln. Glogau, 1865. O. pi. map. 914.2 11.1 — Hjort, P. Udtog af Breve til en Ven i Sjsel- land om det slesvigholsteenske R^re; udgivne af L. S. Navne [pseud.]. Kj0benhavn, 1847-8. 3 V. O. 943 43 —Jensen, H. N. A. Udsigt over Bispedommet Slesvigs gamle Omfang og Inddeling. map. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab.Anna- ler. V. 9, 1849.) 943 2 — J0rgensen, A. D. Slesvigs gamle Stadsret. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. OId..Selskab. Aar- b0ger. V. 15, 1880.) 948 5 —Kohl, J. Gr. Die Marschen und Inseln der Herzogthiimer Schleswig und Holstein. Dres- den, 1846. 3 V. in 1. O. il. 914.3 12 —Kupfer Schmidt, H. Chronicon episcoporum Slesvicensium. il.— Fragmentum historise Slesvicensis, 826-1526. por. pi. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 3.) 943 21 — Maack, P. H. K. von. Das urgeschichtliche schleswig-holsteinische Land ; ein Beitrag zur historischen Geographie. 2 Auflage. Kiel 1869. O. 564.3 5 — Molbech, C. Dansk og Tydsk. (In his Ana- lekter. 1846.) 839.84 1 — Registrum capituli Schlesvicensis. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 6.)— Slesvicensium episcoporum series.— Hamsfort, C. Catalogus episcoporum Slesvi- censmm.— Kupferschmidt, H. Catalogus epi- scoporum Slesvicensium.— Acta processus de ducatu Slesvicensi, 1424.— Attestationes in ea- dem causa.— Processus in curia Romana in causa super ducatu.— Copie literarum domini nostri pro concordia &c.— Liber censualis epi- scopi Slesvicensis. 1436. (In same. v. 7.) 948 7& SCHLESWIG 610 SCHMIDT — Twiss, T. On the relations of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein to Denmark and the Germanic confederation. Loudon, 1848. O. 943 45 Wegener, C. F. Ueber die unzertrennliche Verbiudung Schleswigs mit Daenemark in staatsrechtlicher Beziehung. Copenhagen, 1848. O. 943 47 See also AEB0; DANIVEVIBKE; FRISIAN ISLANDS; HOL- STEIN. _. , Schleswig {city). Diplomatarmm coeuobu Slesvicensis St. Johaunis, 1250-1566; ex auto- graphiscollectum aHieronymo Kupferschmidt. {In Westphalen, E. J. yon. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 3.) — Codicillus chartarum Svavestaden- sium, vulgo Schwabsteder-Buch; h. e. Docu- menta ad episcopatnm Slesvicensem spectan- tia, 1182-1551, aucta 1642. {In same. v. 4.) 943 21 —Petersen, U. Sciagraphia historisB civitatis. — Narratio historica de statu Slesvicensis coe- nobii nobilium virginum St. Johannis ; nebst eJnem Bericht von der vormahligen S. Ansgarii, ietzigen Haddeburger-Kirche. {In same. v. 3.) 943 21 Tratziger, A. Slesvici oppidi topographia. 1583. pf. {In same.) 943 21 SCHLESWIO DIALECT. Lorenzeu, C. C. Om det tidligere Folkesprog i Byen Slesvig. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler, V. 19, 1859.) 948 2 Followed by K. J.Lyngby's Bemserkninger. —Paulsen, P. D. C. Det danske Sprog i Sles- vig. Kj0benhavn, 1837. S. 59 p. 439.87 7 — Werlanflf, E. C, & Outzen, N.Preissschriften die danische Sprache ira Herzogthum Schless- wig betreffend. Kopenhagen, 1819. O. 439.87 6 Schleswig - Holstein - Lauenbur^ische (iesell- schaft fiir vaterlandisclie Geschichte. Archiv fiir Staats-und Kirchengeschichte der Herzog- thtimer Schleswig, Holstein, Lauenburg und der angrenzenden Lander und Stadte; redigirt von A. L. J. Michelsen und J. Asmussen. Al- tona, 1833-7. 3 v. O. 943 42 See also Michelsen, A. L. J., editor. Urkundenbuch des Landes Dithmarschen. 1834. Schliemann, Heinrich. Ithaka, der Peloponnes und Troja; archaologische Forschungen. Leip- zig, 1869. O. pi. maps. 913 21 Schlottmann. Eonstantin. Joseph von Ham- mer-Purgstall; ein kritischer Beitrag zur Ge- schichte neuerer deutscher Wissenschaft. Zii- rich, 1857. O. 73 p. 890 1 SCHLOZER, August Ludwig von. Heeien,A.H. L. {In his Werke, 1821-30, v. 6.) 908 2 Schlttter, Matthaus. Origo & descriptio con- cordatorum civitatis Hamburgensis, 1691. pi. {In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739- 45, V. 4.) 943 21 Schlyterj Carl Johan, & Collin, H. S., editors. Corpus juris Sueo-Gotorum antiqui. Stock- holm, 1827-34. V. 1-3. sqQ. 349 44 SCHMALKALDEN. Protocoll iiber einen von den Protestanten zu Schmalkalden, 1529, ge- haltenen Convent. {In Strobel, G, T. Miscel- laneen, 1778-81, v. 4.) 830 10 Schmeller, Johann Andreas. Bayerisches W6r- terbuch. Stuttgart, 1827-37, 4 v. in 2. O. 437 1 — Die Mundarten Bayerns grammatisch dar- gestellt : beygegeben ist eine Sammlung von Mundart-Proben. Miinchen, 1821. O. map. 437 2 — Sogenanntes cimbrisches Worterbuch ; das ist, Deutsches Idiotikon der 7. und 13. Comuni in den venetianischen Alpen; mit Einleitung und Zusatzen herausgegeben von Joseph Berg- mann. Wien, 1855. O. mops, 437 3 —editor, see Heliand [,text and glossary!. 1830- 40. 831 44 Rozmital, L. von. Reise, 1465-7. 1844. 831 57 Schmid, Friedrich Ernst Theodor. Leben des Dichters. {In Voss, J. H. Sammtliche Werke. 1835.) 831 86.2 Schmid, Reinhold, editor. Die Gezetze der Ang- elsachsen,inder Ursprache, mit Uebersetzung, Erlauterungen und einem antiquarischen Glossar. 2 vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1858. Q. 346 1 Schmidl, Adolf. Ueber den unterirdischenLauf der Recca. [Wien, 1851.] O. [1-1-] 28 p. map. 551.48 17 — Zur Hohlenkunde des Karstes. Wien, 1854. O, & Atlas. Q. 651.44 1 Schmidt, August, & Schmitt-Blank, J. C.Deut- sche Grammatik, Mannheim, 1865. O. 435 10 Schmidt, Carl. HiStoire et doctrine de la secte des Cathares ou Albigeois. Pai'is, 1849. 2 v. O. 284 2 — editor, see Merswin, R. Das Buch von den neun Felsen. 1859. 838 7 Schmidt, Eduard Oskar. Die Anwendung der Descendenzlehre auf den Menschen. Leipzig, 1873. O. 32 p. 576 3 Schmidt, Emil. Die altesten Spuren des Men- schen in Nordamerika. Hamburg, 1887. O. 58 p. {In Virchow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Schmidt, Ern Friderich, continuer, see Thtt- ringische Chronik. 1599. 943 35 Schmidt, Frederik. Psalmer ved Kirke-Hoiti- deligheden. {In Mynster, J. P. Prajdiken i Roeskilde, 1835, p. 27-32.) 252 6 Schmidt, Immanuel. Byron im Lichte unserer Zeit. Hamburg, 1888. O. 32 p. {In Virchow <& Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 Schmidt, Jes Nielsen. Olgerdige eg Friser-. grajndsen. (in Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- Skab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1846-8.)— Urnehoved-Engen i Slesvig. map. {In same. V. 3, 1849-51.) 948 4 — Undersogelser angaaende Troveerdigheden af Johan Mejer's Kort over Nordfrisland, 1240, med kritisk Kort som Revision, map. (In same. Annaler. v. 11, 1851.) 948 2 Schmidt, Johann Friedrich Julius. Die Erup- tion des Vesuv im Mai 1855; nebst Beitragen zur Topographic des Vesuv. Wien, 1856. O. il. & Vorbericht [to Atlsis]. F. 651.2119-20 Schmidt, Johannes. Schiller und Rousseau. Berlin, 1876. O. 47 p. {In Virchow & Hoi- tzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Schmidt, Karl Christian Ludwig. Westerwal- disches idiotikon. Hadamar, 1800. D. 437 11 8GHMIDT 611 SQHOPENHA UER Schmidt, Paul Wilhelm, editor, see Bible— iV. T. -German. 225 18 Schmidt, Willielm. Die Photographic, ihre Ge- schichte und Entwicklung. Berlin, 1886. O. 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. NeueFolge. 1.) 043 3 Schmidt-Phiseldeck, Conrad Friedrich ron. L' Europe et F Amerique; ou, Les rapports fu- turs du monde civilise; traduit de 1' allemand. Copenhague, 1820. O. 973 30 — Das Menschengeschlecht auf seinem gegen- wartigen Standpunkte. Kopenhagen, 1827. D. —Die Politik nach den Grundsatzen der heili- gen AUianz. Kopenhagen, 1823. D. 341 3 — Proben politischer Redekunst in sieben Re- den. Kopenhagen, 1833. D. 835 1 —Die Welt als Automat, und das Reich Gottes; ein Beitrag zur Religionsphilosophie. Kopen- hagen, 1829. D. 201 1 Schmidt-Rimpler, Hermann. Ueber die allmd- lige Entwicklung des sinnlichen Unterschei- dungsvermogens der Menschheit. Berlin , 1877. O. 39 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. i3 Serie.) 043 1 Schmitt-Blank, J. C. Lateinische Grammatik. Mannheim, 1870. O. (Deutsch-lateinisch-grie- chisclie Parallelgrammatik, pt, 3.) 475 11 — & Schmidt, A. Deutsche Grammatik. Mann- heim. 1865. O. {Same. pt. 1.) 435 10 Schmitthenner, Friedrich Jakob. Kurzes deutsches Worterbuch, see Weigand, F. L. K. Deutsches Worterbuch. 1857-60. 433 8.1 Schmitz, Leonhard. A history of Greece, to B. C. 146; based upon that of Thirl wall. New York, 1851. O. 938 3 —A history of Rome, to A. D. 183. Andover, 1847. O. 937 8 SchmoUer, Gnstav. Ueber die Resultate der Bevolkerungs - und Moral- Statistik. Berlin, 1871. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 Schneckenburger, Max. Deutsche Lieder, Stuttgart, 1870. S. 79 p. 831 83 Schneeweisschen. {In Volksbiicher. 11.) 833 33 Schneller, Christian. Marchen und Sagen aus Walschtirol; ein Beitrag zur deutschen Sagen- kunde. Innsbruck, 1867. O. 398 8 — Die romanischen Volksmundarten in Siid- tirol. Gera, 1870. v. 1. O. 457 17 SCHNITZER, Ediiard, Emin Pac^a. Trentlein, P. Dr. Ed. Schnitzer (Emin Pascha), der agyp- tische Generalgouverneur des Sudan. Ham- burg, 1887. O. 53 p. map. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 1 Schnitzler, Johann Heinrich. Marie Foeodo- rovna, avant son elevation au trone de Russie, 1759-81. Halle, 1865. T. 923 66 SCHOFFER, Peter. Madden, J. P. A. Etudes sur Gutenberg et sur Schoiffer. {In his Lettres, 1868-74, V. 3.) 010 4 The scholemaster, see Ascham, R. Schomburgk, Sir Robert Hermann, editor, see Ralegh, -Sir W. The discovery of Guiana. 1848 988 1 Schonberg, Anders. Samling af historiska bref om det svenska regerings-sattet i aldre och nyaretider. Stockholm, 1777-8. v. 3-3 in 1 v. D. 948 38.3 Schonberg, Gnstav Friedrich. Die Volkswirth- schaftslehre. Berlin, 1873. O. 36 p. (/n, Vir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 8 Serie.) 043 1 Sch0nberg, J0rgen Johan Albrecht von. Bio- grafiske Etterretninger om G. Rahlff. Kjo- benhavn, 1834. D. 16 p. por. 926 4 Schonherr, David. Das Schloss Runkelstein bei Botzen; mit einem Inventar des Schlosses von 1493. Innsbruck, 1874. O. 56 p. 390 11 Schonhuth, 0, F. H,, editor, see Mbelungen- lied. 1834. 831 63 Sch0ning, Gerhard. Afhandling om de Norskes Oprindelse ; med et Anliang om Tiids - Reg- ningen til Harald Haarfagers Tiider. Sor0e, 1769. sqO. tab. 948 38 — Beskrivelse over den Dom- Kirke i Thrond- hjem. Throndhjem, 1763. sqO. pi. 726 22 With Anhang, 96 p. — Fors0g til de nordiske Landes, saerdeles Norges, gamle Geographic. Ki^benhavn, 1751, sqO. 914.8 17 — Norges Riiges Historic. Soroe, 1771-81. 3 v. sqO. 948 29 — Reise giennem en Deel af Norge, 1773-5. Kiobenhavn, 1778. sqO. pi. maps. 914.8 18 — De Scythia Scythiseque vicinis, quae tradita narrat Herodotus; programmate...Typis Aca- demiee Soranee [, 1769]. sqO. p. 18-34. 939 4 — & Snhm, P. F. Fors0g til Forbedringer i den gamle danske og norske Historic. Ki0bcn- havn, 1757. sqO. 948 18 — editor, see Sturluson, S. Heimskringla, 1777- 1826, V. 1-3. 839.63 14 — Suhni, P. F. Character af Sch0ning. {In his Skrifter, 1788-98, v. 6.) 839.88 5 The school for scandal, a comedy, see Sheri- dan, R. B. B. The school of abuse, see Gosson, S. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. A bibliographical catalogue of publications in the Indian tongues. Washington, 1849. O. 27 p. 016 21 bound with 19 — Brief notices of a runic inscription found in North -America; with remarks by [C. C. RafnJ. il. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires. v. 2, 1840-4.) 948 3 — Plan for the investigation of American eth- nology. New York, 1846. O. 13 p. 572 5 — .De nordamericanske Indianerc. {In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift v. 7, 1861-3.) 948 4 SCHOOLS, see EDUCATION. Schopenhauer, Arthur. Ueber den Willen in der Natur; cine Erorterung der Bestatigungen welche die Philosophic des Verfassers durch die empirischen Wissenschaften erhaltcn hat. 3 Auflage, von Julius FrauenstMt. Leipzig, 1867. O. 501 7 — Meyer, J. Arthur Schopenhaur als Mensch und Denker. Berlin, 1872, O. 53 p. {In Vir- chow ^. 293 20 The seven deadly sins ; by R. Morris. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 805 Seven sages, see Sandabad. [Seven sleepers:] Von den siben slafaeren; Ge- dicht des 13 Jahrhunderts, herausgegeben von T. G. V. Karajan. Heidelberg, 1839. D. [3+] 16+42 p. 293 19.1 Seven stories, see Mitchell, D. Cr. Seven Swabians, see Geschichte von den sieben Schwaben. Seven wise masters, see Sandabad. Severim da Faria, Manuel. Noticias de Portu- gal; acrescentadas pelo Joze Barbosa. 3 edi9ao, augmentada por Joaquim Francisco Monteiro. Lisboa, 1791. 2 v. S. pi. 914.6 14 Vidade Severim in v. 1. — Varios discursos politicos ; fielmente reim" pressos por Joaquim Francisco Monteiro. Lis" boa, 1791. S. 914.6 14 — Vida de Barros. {In Barrps, J. de, & Couto, D. de. Da Asia, 1777-83, v. 9.) 954 2 Sewel, Willem, Histori van de Quakers. Am- sterdam, 1717. F. 289 1 SEWERAGE. Mttller, A. Die Ziele und Mittel einer gesundheitlichen und wirthschaftlichen Reinhaltung der Wohnungeri, besonders der stadtischen. Dresden, 1869. O. [2+] 89 p. 628 11 Sewerzow, N., see Sievertsov. SEX. Delpino, F. Sull' opera La distribuzione deisessi nelle piante del F. Hildebrand. Mi- lano, 1867. O. 34 [-M] p. 580 1 — Lioy, P. Sulla legge della produzione dei sessi. 2 edizione coH'.-.lettera al Marsh sul lato destro e sinistro. Milano, 1875. D. 577 3 — Ranieri, L. Legge statistica dell' influenza del sesso sulla durata della vita umana in Ita- lia. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sei mor. v. 9, 1880-1.) 066 5 — Thury, M. Ueber das Gesetz der Erzeugung der Geschlechter bei den Pflanzen, den Thieren und dem Menschen; aus dem Franzosischen, mit einer kritischen Bearbeitung von H. A. Pagenstecher. Leipzig, 1864. O. 45 p. 577 2 Sexe, Sjurd Aamiindsen. On giants caldrons; [English and Danish.] Christiania, 1874. sqQ. [2] -F 44 p. pi. 661.31 10 hound with 548 2 — On the rise of land in Scandinavia. Chri- stania, 1872. sqO. 17 p 551.24 1 Seydlitz, Melchior von. Griindtliche Beschrei- bung der Wallfart nach dem heiligen Lande, neben Vermeldung der Gefengnuss derselben Gesellschaff t ; auff s new vom authore uberseh- en. Gorlitz, 1580, sqO. il. 943 35 Seyflfarth, (Justav. [Various articles.] (tn Leip- sic— K. sachs. (Jesell. Berichte, 1846-8.) 063 1 Seymour, Horatio. Facts for tax payers; speech before the canal committee of the legis- lature of New York, April 9, 1878. Utica, [1878.] 16 p. 080 20.1 Valued by Mr. Marsh as illustrating the use of short words. — The use of short words; remarks, Utica, Feb. 1878. Utica, 1878. O. 8 p. 080 20.1 La sfera, see Dati, L. di S.; Tolosani, G. M. La sflnge, see Malatesti, A. SFORZA, Francesco Alessandro, duke of Mil- an. Simonetta, G. Rerum gestarum F. Sphor- tiae... Mediolani, 1486. F. 093 6 Sfurza, Giovanni. La congiura di Pietro Fati- nelli contro la signoria lucchese, raccontata suidocumenti. Lucca, 1865. O. 77 [-f-]2 p. 946 80 Ludovico Sforza [,tragedia], see Niccolini, G. B. V. 2. Sganarelle; ou, Le cocu imaginaire, comedie, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. v. 1. Sgruttendio,Felippo,pseMdon2/"i of Balzano,F. The shadow of Christianity, see Marsh, L. Shadwell, John Emilius Lancelot, & Wright, R. S., editors. A golden treasury of Greek prose. Oxford, 1870. S. (Clarendon press series.) 888 1 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d earl of. Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times, n. p., 1749. 3 v. T. iltp. 824 17 Shahingerai. Gasel; glossirt vom Dichter Sa- kib Efendi. {In Hammer-Purgstall, J. von, Geschichte der Chane, 1856.) 951 4 Shairp, John Campbell. On poetic interpreta- tion of nature. Edinburgh, 1877. D. 8014 Shakespeare, William. The first collected edi- tion of [his] dramatic works; a reproduction in facsimile of the first folio, 1623, by photo- lithography; executed under the superintend- ence of H. Staunton. London, 1866. F.« 822 10 — A reprint of his collected works as put forth in 1623 [; edited by Charles Wrightj. London, 1862-4. 3 V. sqO. iltp. 822 11 Contents ; i. Comedies. 2. Histories. 8. Tragedies. At the end of vol. 3 is given a general title page : "Shakespeare as put forth in 1623," &c. — Dramatic works, with life and notes. Bos- ton, 1837. 7 V. O. pi. 822 13 — The reference Shakspere; a memorial edition of Shakspere's plays, containing 11,600 refer- ences ; compiled by John B. Marsh. London, 1864. sqO. 822 14 — Teatro, voltato in prosa italiana da Carlo Rusconi. 6 edizione. Firenze, 1873-4. v. 1-2. Q. 822 15 Contents : 1. La tempesta.— Coriolano.— II mercante di Venezia— Riccardo III. 2. Macbeth.— II sogno di una notte d' estate.— Otellc— Romeo e Giulietta. SHAKESPEARE 623 SHERLEY —Macbeth, ein Trauerspiel. {In Schiller, J.C. F, von. Sammt. Werke, 1855, v. 1.) 832 9 — Otello, de Moor van Venetien, treurspel. (In Leniiep, J. van. Poet, werken, 1859-62, v. 11.) 15 —Romeo en Julia, treurspel. 839.31 {In same.) 839.31 15 —Clarke, C. C. Shakespeare-characters; chiefly those subordinate. London, 1863. O. por. 822 17 —Clarke, M. V. N. C. The complete concord- ance to Shakspere. New York, 1846. sqO. 822 16 —Collier, J. P. Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays, from early ms. corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632. Lon- don, 1853. O. 822 18 — Craik, G. L. The English of Shakespeare il- lustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Caesar. London, 1857. D. 822 19 — De Quincey, T. (in his Biog. essays. 1850.)— On the knocking at the gate in Macbeth. {In his Misc. essays. 1851.) 824 10 Ebert, A. Histoire de Tinfluence de Shak- speare sur ie theatre fran9ais, par A. Lacroix. (In Jahi'bnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.) ^ 806 1 Ellis, A. J. On the pronunciation of Shak- spere. {In his On early English pronuncia- tion, 1869-89, V. 3; in E. E. text see. Extra ser. 14.) 820 5.1 Qotlie, J. W. von.Shakspeare und kein Ende. — Erste Ausgabe des Hamlet. {In his Werke, 1827-42, V. 45.) • 832 1 Koch, C. F. Shakespere's Name. {In Jahr- biich rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 6, 1865.) 806 1 — Laudor, W. S. Citation and examination of Shakspeare [and others] touching deer-steal- ing, 19 Sept. 1582. {In his Works, 1846, v. 2.) 824 14 _ — Shakespeare's house. {In his Last fruit. 1853.) 824 15 — Liebrecht, F. Zum Kauf mann von Venedig. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 — Mommsen, K. J. T. The works of Shake- speare, by Dyce. (In same. v. 2, 1860.) 806 1 — MUiller, T. Shakespeare's Romeo und Julie; von Tycho Mommsen. {In same. v. 3, 1861.) 806 1 — Nares, R.A glossary to English authors, par- ticularly Shakespeare and his contemporaries. New edition, by J. O. Halliwell and T.Wright. London, 1859. 2 v. Q. 427 14 —Pope, A, Preface to the works of Shakespear. {In his Works, 1764, v. 4.) 821 90 — Runeberg', J. L. Ar Macbeth en christlig tragedi? {In his Saml. arbeten, 1861-4, v. 2.) 839.71 33 — Tieck, J. L.The midsummer night; or.Shake- speare and the fairies; from the German by M. C. Rumsey. London, 1854. O. 35 p. 832 10 — — Dichterleben, Novelle. (In his Schriften, 1828-54, V. 18.) 833 29 — Very, J. Shakspeare.— Hamlet. {In his Es- says. 1839.) 811 24 ^Whipple, E. P. Shakspeare's critics : Ver- planck, Schlegel, Ulrici, Hudson. {In his Es- says, 1848-9, V. 2.) 814 16 —Wilkes, (x. Shakespeare from an American point of view; including an inquiry as to his religious faith, and his knowledge of law, with the Baconian theory considered. London, 1877. O. 822 20 Shakespeare society. Publications : Gosson, S. School of abuse. 1841. 827 9 Hey wood, T. Apology for actors, 1841. 827 9 —King Edward IV. 1842. 822 7 FARMING ON SHARES, SHARE-SYSTEM, see LAND. Sharpe, Samuel, editor & translator, see The decree of Canopus. 1870. 419 2 Shaw, John. Life. tab. {In Jackson, C. York- shire diaries, 1877-86, v. 1; in Surtees soc. 65.) 820 7 Shaw, Thomas. Travels ; or. Observations re- lating to seveial parts of Barbary and the Le- vant. Oxford, 1738. F." pi. maps. 916.1 3 Shaw, Thomas Badd. A history of English lit- erature. New edition, with notes and illus- trations by William Smith. London, 1864. D. (Student's manuals.) 820 16 Shaw, William. An enquiry into the authen- ticity of the poems ascribed to Ossian. Dub- lin, 1782. S. 891 7.2 SHEEP. Certayne causes wherein is shewed the decaye of England by the multitude of shepe [,1550-3]. {In Fish, S. Supplicacyon. 1871; in E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 13.) 820 5.1 Der Sheik von Alessandria und seine Sklaven, see HauflF, W. v. 4. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetical works; edited by Mrs. Shelley, with a memoir. Boston, 1865. 3 V. D. por. 821 96 SHELL-HEAPS. Wyman. J. An account of shell-heaps in Maine and Massachusetts. Sa- lem, 1867. O. 26 p. 5714 An account of the fresh-water shell-heaps of the St. Johns river, East Florida. Salem, 1868. O. 27 p. pi. 571 4 Shelton, Edward. The dictionary of every-day difficulties. London [,pref. 1862J. D. 423 9 Shelton, Maurice, translator, see Wotton, W. Short view of G. Hickes's Treasury of the northern languages. 1737. 429 8 The shepheards pipe, see Browne, W. Shepherd, Charles William. The north-west peninsula of Iceland, 1862. London, 1867. D. pi. map. 914.9 12 Shepherd, William. History of the American revolution. [Anon.] London, 1830. O. 64 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 973 25 Sheppard, Joseph Brigstocke, editor, see Can- terbury. Christ church letters. 1877. (In Cam- den soc. n. 8. 19.) , 820 4.1 Literae Cantuarienses. 1887-9. (In Crt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 85.) 942 8 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Bntler. Works, collected by Thomas Moore. New edition, with biographical sketch. Leipsic, 1833. O. 822 21 —Whipple, E. P. {In his Essays, 1848-9, v. 2.) 814 16 Sherley, Anthony, Robert & Thomas. The three brothers; or. Travels and adventures in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, etc. London, 1825. D. por. 919 37 SHERMAN 624 SICILIAN DIALECT Sherman, William Tecumseli. Memoirs, by himself. New York, 1875. 2 v. O. mops. 97343 Sherwood, Robert. A dictionary English and French. (In Cotgrave, B. French-English dic- tionary. 1650.) 443 7 SHETLAND DIALECT. Laiirensoii, A. Om Sproget paa Shetlandsoerne. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selsltab. Annaler. v. 20, 1860.) 948 2 — Lyngby, K. J. Om Sproget paa Hjaltlands- oerne. (In same.) 948 2 SHETLAND ISLANDS. Thomsen, G. Den nor- diske Nationalitet paaShetlands-og Orknoerne. (Jji same. v. 22, 1862.) 948 2 — Ziegler, A. {In his Meine Reise im Norden, 1860, v.l.) 914.8 7 Shigt-bolf , see Schichtbuch. Shillingford, John. Letters and papers of Shil- lingford, mayor of Exeter, 1447-50; edited by Stuart A. Moore. [London,] 1871. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 2. ) 820 4.1 SHIN-TAU. Satow, E. M. The revival of pure shin tau. Yokohama, 1883. O. [14-] 87 p. {In Asiatic 80c.,'of Japan. Trans, v. 3, apx.) 915.2 1 Shipley, Marie A. (Brown), wife of John B., translator, see Buneberg, J. L. Nadeschda. 1879. 839.71 34 SHIPS. The ancient vessel found in the parish of Tune, Norway. Christiania, 1872. F. 6 p. pi. 913 47 bound with 17 — Tnxen, N. E, De nordiske Langskibe. il. pi. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aar- b0ger. V. 21, 1886.) 948 5 — — French : Les longues nef s de I'ancienne marine septentrionale. il. pi. {In same. Me- moires. n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 SeealsoBOk'tS. SHIPWBECK, see LIFE SAVING. Shirley, Anthony, see Sherley. Shirley, Walter Waddington. A catalogue of the original works of John Wyclif. Oxford, 1865. O. 012 1 — editor. Royal and other historical letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III., 1216-72. London, 1862-6. 2 y. Q. facsim. {In Gt. Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 27.) 942 8 Walden, T, N. of. Fasciculi zizaniorum J. Wyclif. 1858. {In same. 5.) 942 8 Slioberl, Frederic. Persecutions of popery. New York, 1844. O. • 272 2 SHOES. Bynaaiis, A. Decalceis Hebraeorum. Dordraci, 1682. T. il. pi. 391 2 Shoreham, William de. Religious poems; edit- ed by Thomas Wright. London, 1849. D. {In Percy soc. v. 28.) 820 6 Short, Charles. .The order of words in Attic Greek prose ; an essay. {In Yonge, C. D. Eng- lish-Greek lexicon. 1870.) 483 3 A short instruction into Christian religion; be- ing a catechism set forth by Archbishop Cran- mer in 1548 ; with the same in Latin, trans- lated from the German by Justus Jonas in 1539 [; edited by Edward Burton]. Oxford, 1829. O. il. 241 1 A short treatise against stage-playes, 1625. (In Hazlitt, W. C. English drama; in his Rox- burghe lib. 4.) 821 3 SHOBT-HAND. Moser, H, Die Stenographie nach Geschichte und Wesen. Hamburg, 1887. O. 48 p. (i?i Virchow cfcHoltzendorff.Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Shreve, Henry Miller. Memorial in relation to the removal of snags, sawyers, &c. , from the western rivers by the use of his steam snag boat; — Official evidence as reported to the House of representatives, 1834-47. Saint Louis,. 1847. D. 134-38 p. pi. 627 19 The slirine, a collection of occasional papers, see Cocliayne, T. 0. SHROPSHIBE DIALECT, see Audehiy, J. Shute, Josias. Judgement and mercy; or The plague of trogges ; in nine sermons ; added a sermon at his funerall, by Ephraim Udall. London, 1645. sqD. 232 7 SIAM. Beauvoir, L. de. Siam. pi. map. (In his Voyage autour du monde, 1872-9, v. 2.) 910 24 —Mouliot, A. H. Travels in Siam, 1858-60. London, 1864. 2 v. O. il. maps. 915.9 1 — Wood, W. M. Fankwei; or. The San Jacinto in the seas of India, China and Japan. New York, 1859, O. 915 20 Sibbern, Frederilc Christian. Om Poesie og Konst. Kj0benhavn, 1834. v. 1. D. 701 4 No more published. — Patriotiske Intelligentsblade; naermest i An- ledning af Provindsialstaendernes Forsamling i Roeskilde, 1835. KJ0benhavn, 1835-6. 2 pt. O. 328 4 Sibbern, Niels Peder. Supplementa & acces- siones ad Bibliothecam historicam Dano - Nor- vagicam 1716 ab ipso editam. {In Westphalen» E. J. von. Monumenta, 1730-45, v. 4.) 943 21 SIBEBIA. Atliinson, T. W. Oriental and west- ern Siberia; seven years' explorations and ad- ventures. New York, 1858. O. il. pi. map. 915.7 1 — Castr^n, M. A. Nordiska resor och forskning- ar. Helsingfors, 1852-8. 5 v. O. por. pi. maps. 947 13 For contents see Castreii. —Milne, J. Journey across Europe and Asia. {In Asiatic soc. of Japan. Trans, v. 7, 1879.) 915.2 1 — Wreech, C. F. von. Wahrhaffte und umstand- liche Historie von denen schwedischen Ge- fangenen in Russland und Siberien, nach dem A. 1709... Sorau, 1725. S. . 341 6 La sibila del oriente, see Calderon. v. 3. La sibilla, see (Jrazzini, A. F. Commedie. Sibote. Vrouwenzuht. {In Lambel, H. Erzah- lungen. 1872; in Pfeiflfer, F. Deutsche Classi- ker. 12.) 831 15 Sicard, Boch Ambroise Cucurron, abM. Cours d'instruction d'un «60urd-muet de naissance. 3 edition. Paris, an It, 1803. O. pi. 371 3 — Relation sur les dangers qu'il a courus 8-3 sept. 1793. {In Barri^re <& Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 18.) 944 10 SICILIAN DIALECT. Gioranni, V. di. Filolo- gia e letteratura siciliana, studii. Palermo, 1871. 3 V. D. 859 34 ^Gonzenbach, L, Sicilianische MSrchen. Leip- zig, 1870. 3 V. in 1. D. pi. 398 36 SICILIAN DIALECT 625 SIC UL US FLA C C US — GregoriOj G. de. Fonetica dei dialetti gallo- italici di Sicilia.— Morosi, G. Osservazioni e aggiunte. {In Archivio glot. ital. v. 8, 1883-5.) — Emendazioni e complementi. {In same-, v. 9, 1886.) 450 11 — MortillarOj V. Nuovo dizionario Sicilian o- italiano. 3 edizione. Palermo, 1862. Q. 457 16 — Pitre, G. Biblioteca delle tradizioni popolari siciliane. Palermo, 1870-89. 18 v. D. ^ pi. music. 859 37 Contents; 1-2. Canti. 3. Stiidi di poesia popolare. 4-7. Fiabe, novelle e racconti. 8-11. Proverbi. 12. Spetta- coli e teste. 13. Giuochi fanciulleschi. 14-17. Usi e costumi, credenze e pregfiudizl. 18. Fiabe e leggende. — Salomoiie-Marino, S., editor. Canti popolari Sicilian! in aggiunta a quelli del Vigo. Paler- mo, 1867. S. 859 39 — Traiiia, A. Nuovo vocabolario siciliano-itali- ano. Palermo, 1858. Q. 457 19 See also La baronessa di Carini ; Ciullo of Alcamo; Meli, G. ; Veneziaiio, A. A Sicilian summer, see Taylor, H. SICILIAN VESPERS. Amari, M. La guerra del Vespro sicilano. 2 edizione. Parigi, 1843. 2 V. D. 945 109 — — Kacconto popolare del vespro siciliano. Roma, 1882. D. 945 110 ^Giovanni di Procida e il Vespro siciliano. {In Emilia. Miscellanea. 1861.) 850 5 — Marsh, G. P. (in Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. Le Sicilien ; ou, L'Amour peintre, comedie- ballet, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. v. 4. THE TWO SICILIES, see NAPLES (kingdom). SICILY. Amari, M., editor. Biblioteca arabo- sicula. Lipsia, 1857. O. 892 5 ^Amato. L'ystoire de li Normant, et La chroni- que de Robert Viscart; publiees par Champol- lion-Figeac. Paris, 1835. O. 944 59 — Beloclu G. L' imperio siciliano di Dionisio. map. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 7. 1880-1.) 065 5 — Blaquiere, E. Letters from the Mediterrane- an. London, 1813. 2 v. O. map. 914.5 87 — Bozzo, S. V. Storia siciliana di anonimo autore, secolo 15 ; trascritta da Bozzo. Bo- logna, 1884. V. 1. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 211.) 850 10 Pt. 1 : Studii preliminari. — Brydone, P. A tour through Sicily and Malta. Paris, 1780. 2 v. T. 914.5 94 Same. New York, 1813. D. 914.5 95 — Fazello, T. De rebus Siculis. Panorum, 1558. Q. 099 44 — — Italian : Delia storia di Sicilia deche due; tradotte dal Remigio [Nanni] fiorentino. Pa- lermo, 1817. 3 V. O. por. 945 107 — [Foglio 120-174, with breaks, of a map of Sicily.] obF. 912 19 — Franchetti, L. La Sicilia nel 1876 : Condi- zioni politiche e amministrative. Firenze, 1877. O. 314 15 — Gioyanni, V. di, editor. Cronache siciliane dei secoli 13-15. Bologna, 1865. O. (In Emilia. Collezione. 10.) 860 6 — Hartwig, 0. Die Franzosen in Sicilien, 1674- 8. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 1, 1874.) 945 41 — Italy— Ginnta per I'inchiesta sulle condi- zione della Sicilia. Relazione. Roma, 1876. sqQ. 314 14 —La Lumia, I. I Romani e le guerre servili in Sicilia. 2 edizione. Torino, 1874. O. 937 18 bound with 6 Studi di storia siciliana. Palermo, 1870. 2 V. D. 945 108 — La Salle, A. E. G. de. Sicile. 1835. pi. map. {In L'univers. 56.) 910 18 —Marsh, G. P. (In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. — — The Sicilian revolution. (In World, N. Y.? 1860?) 080 43 .— Muntaner, R. Chronique. {In Biichon, J. A. C. Chroniques etrangeres. 1841.) 944 10.1 — Miinter, F. C. C. H. Viaggio in Sicilia ; tra- dotto dal F. Peranni. Palermo, 1823. 2 v. S. pi. 914,5 96 — Parthey, G. F. C. Wanderungen durch Sici- lien und Malta. Berlin, 1834. D. music. 916.2 13 —Pitre, G. Biblioteca delle tradizioni popolari siciliane. Palermo, 1870-89. 18 v. D. pi. music. 859 37 — —Usi popolari siciliani nella festa di s. Gio- vanni Battista. 2 edizione. Palermo, 1871. D. 23 p. 264 7 —Power, G. V. Guida per la Sicilia. Napoli, 1842. O. maps, iltp. 914.5 97 — Rerum Sicularum scriptores. Francofurti a. M., 1579, F. 945 105 For contents see Rerum Sicularum. — Riedesel, J. H,, Freiherr yon. Viaggio in Sicilia ; traduzione del G. Sclafani. Palermo, 1821. S. pi. 914.5 98 — Rossmann, W. Vom Gestade der Cyklopen und Sirenen ; Briefe. Leipzig, 1869. O. 914.5 91 — Serradifalco, D. lo F. P. di. Le antichita della Sicilia esposte ed illustrate. Palermo, 1834-42. 5v. F.5 por. pi. maps. 913 41.1 —Smyth, W. H. Memoir descriptive of the re- sources, inhabitants and hydrography of Sicily and its islands. London, 1824. sqQ. pi. map. 914.5 100 — Sonnino, S. [La Sicilia nel 1876:] I conta- dini in Sicilia. Firenze. 1877. O. 314 16 — Swinburne, H. Travels in the two Sicilies, 1777-80. London, 1783-5. 2 v. sqF. pi. map. 914.5 101 —Torre di Rezzonico, C. C. deUa. Viaggio della Sicilia, 1793-4. {In his Opere, 1815-20, v, 5-6.) 858 5 See also ARABS; DIONYSICS; ETNA; GIRGENTI. SICKINGEN, Franz yon. Manss, J. F. von Sickingen. Berlin, 1877. O. 35 p. {In Virchow bla3tter, 1874.) 839.1 6 I stinqnal da I'amur, tragicomedia, see Mauri- zio, G. Stivanello, Luigi Carlo. Proprietarii e coltiva- tori nella provincia di Venezia. Venezia,1872. Q. 333 18 SMernhjelm, Georg.De linguarum origine pre- fatio. (/nUlfllas. 1671.) 839.9 1 — Vitterhets-arbeten ; a nyo utgifne af L. Hammarskold. Stockholm, 1818. O. 839.71 37 Life, p. 1-64. Stjernhook, Johan Olofson. De jure Sveonum et Gothorum vetusto. Holmise, 1672. sqD. 349 46 S TJERKS TOLPE 647 STORM Stjerustolpe, Jonas Magnus. Lunkentus, dra- matiserad folk-saga, pa vers. Stockholm, 1824. D. 839.72 9 — Trollhandskarne, fee-saga. Stockholm, 1819. D. 70 p. 839.72 9 — Vitterhets-stycken. Stockholm, 1827-9. 2 v. O. 839.71 38 Stobaeus, Anders Pehr, respondent. XxeSLaff/xa historicum Scandinaviam ut gentium vaginam considerans,1751, see Bring, S., presses. 948 17 STOCKENSTROM,Erik \on,grefve. Rosenstein, N. von. Aremuine ofver Stockenstrom, 26 maj 1790. (la his Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.) 839.78 1 Stockhardt, Julins Adolpli. Die Schule der Chemie. 4 Auflage. Braunschweig, 1849. D. il. 540 10 Stockholm — KONOUGA BIBLIOTHEKET. Arvridsson, A, I. Fcirteckning ofver Kongl. bibliothekets i Stockholm islandska handskrif- ter. {1)1 Svenska forn.-sSl. Allmanna arsmote, 1847.) 839.7 2 — —Stephens, G. Forteckning ofver de for- namsta brittiska och f ransyska handskrifterna uti Kongl. bibliotheket i Stockholm. Stock- holm, 1847. O. 016 4.1 — — —Same. (In Svenska forn.-sal. Allman- na arsmote, 1846.) 839.7 2 — Kongliga svenska vetenskaps akademien. Svensk sprakliira. Stockholm, 1836. O. 439.75 1 See also Svenska foniNkrlft-sSllskapet. — Elers, J. Stockholm. [Stockholm, 1800-1.] 4v. O. 914.8 31 Stockholmslifvet, see Blanche, A. T. Stoddart, Sir John. Glossology ; or, The his- torical relations of languages. Ist division. London, 1858. D. 400 3 Stoifel en zijn broers, kluchtspel, see Lennep, J. van. Poet, werken, 9, Stoke, Melis. Rijmkronijk ; met historie-,oud- heid- en taalkundige aanmerkingen door Bal- thazar Huydecoper. Leyden, 1772. 3 v. O. 839.31 20 Stokes, Whitley, editor & translator. The tripartite life of Patrick, with other documents relating to that saint ; [Irish text] with trans- lations. London, 1887 2 v. Q. facsim. (In (^t. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 89.) 942 8 Stolfl, Casimiro, editor. Leggende di alcuni santi e beati venerati in S. Maria degli angeli di Firenze. Bologna, 1864. 2 v. in 1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 52-3.) 850 10 See also nos. S3, 80. Petrarca, F. De' rimedii dell' una e dell' altra fortuna. 1867. (In Emilia. Collezione. 17-18.) 850 6 Stolze, P.J cfc Andreas, F. C. Die Handelsver- haltnisse Persiens. Gotha, 1885. sqQ. [34-] 86 p. map. (In Petermanns Mittheilungen : Erganzungsband 17.) 910 44 Stone, Walter George, editor, see The tale of Beryn. 1876-87. (In Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 17, 24.) 821 46 STONE AGE, see ARCHAEOLOGY,- SCANDI- NAVIA- ANTIQUITIES. STONE CARVING, see SCULPTURE. STONE IMPLEMENTS. Lund, P. W. Om de sydaraerikanske Vildes Steenoxer. (In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 2, 1838-9.) 948 2 — Worsaae, J. J. A. Efterretning om Under- sogelsen af to Steendysser i Veiby Sogn. il. (In same.) — Fund i Steendysser i Danniark. (In same. v. 5, 1844-5.) 948 3 Stoppani, Antonio. II bel paese ; bellezze na- turali. geologia e geografia fisica d'ltalia. Milano, 1876. O. 554.5 1 — Corso di geologia. Milano, 1871. 3 v. O. il. pi. 551 10 — (Mothers. Geologia d' Italia. Milano [,1879- 83]. 3 V. in 1. Q. il. pi. maps. (In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 2 Contents; 1. Xegri, G. Desorizione dei terreni. 2. Stop- pani, A. L' era neozoica. 3. 9Iercalli, G. Vulcani e fe- nomeni vulcanici. A glacier map in 2 leaves belonging to v. 2 is bound with the Carte diversi of this series. Stora rimchronikan. (In Fant, E. M. Script, rerum Svecicarum, 1818-28, v. 1.) 948 38.1 See also Minsta rimchronikan. Storch, Heinricli Friedrich. Gemsehlde von St. Petersburg. Riga, 1794. 2 v. S. pi. 914.7 19 Storer, Horatio Robinson. Southern Italy as a health station for invalids. Naples [, 1875]. O. [&+] 70 p. phot. 615 18 Storia d' una crudele matrigna, ove si narrano piacevoli novelle. Bologna, 1862. D. 68 p. (In Scelta di curiosita. 14.) 850 10 Storia della colonna infame, see Manzoni, A. Storia della reina Ester, see Estlier, queen. Storia di due amanti, see Pius II., pope. Storia di quattro ore, see Corsini, N. Storia di Stefano, see Sandabad. Stork, Felix. Franz von Holtzendorff; ein Nachruf. Hamburg, 1889. O. 34 p. por. {In VircliOWtfc Holtzendorff. Vortrdge. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 3 STORM, Edvard. Welhaven, J. S. C. (In his Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 8, p. 254-267.) 839.84 2 Storm, Gustav. Etimologie. (In Archivio glot. ital. V. 4, 1878.) 450 11 — Norske Historieskrivere paa Kong Sverres Tid. (In Copenliagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 6, 1871.) — Yderligere Bemaerk- ninger om den skotske "'historia Norvegiae." (In same. v. 8, 1873.)— Nye Studier over Thid- reks Saga. (In same. v. 12, 1877.) — Studier over Vinlandsreiserne, Vinlands Geografi og Eth- nografi. il. (In same. v. 22, 1887.)— Om Kil- derne til Lyschanders "Gr0nlandske Chronica." (In same. v. 23, 1888.) 948 5 — Snorre Stui'lassons Historieskrivning ; en. kritisk Undersogelse. Kj0benhavn, 1873. O. map. 839.63 16.2 — Studies on the Vineland voyages, il. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Memoires, n. s. V. 4, 1884-9.) 948 8 — editor, see Munch, P. A. Oplysninger om det pavelige Archiv. 1876. 948 25 Samlede Afhandlinger. 1872. 948 26 STORMARlSr 64S JSTRA USS STORMARN. Petersen, J. Chronica derLande zu Holsten, Storinarn,...bis in 1531. Franck- furta. M., 1557. Q. 943 44 Stormeii paa Kj0benhavn, Opera, see Over- skou, T. STORMS. Mayer, P. Ueber Sturmfluten. Ber- lin, 1873. O. 40p. (/wVirchowcfcHoltzeudorff. Vortriige. 8 Serie.) 043 1, 551.5 1 — Sohncke, L. A. Ueber Sturme und Sturm- warnungen. Berlin, 1875. O. 31 p. il. maps. (In same. 10 Serie.) 043 1 See also HAIL; LIGHT\I!V(i; TORNADOES; WINDS. Stornelli italiani, see Ong-aro, F. tlall'. Storrs, Richard Salter, jr. John Wycliff e and the firrit English Bible: an oration. New York, 1880. O. 85 p. 220 6 hound with 200 1 8tory, William Wetmore. Roba di Roma. 3 edition. London, 1864. D. 914.5 83 — A Roman lawyer in Jerusalem; first century. Boston [,1868J. S. 32 p. 811 21 A story of doom, see Ingelow, J. The story of Genesis and Exodus ; an Early English song; now first edited, with introduc- tion, notes and glossary, by Richard Morris. London, 1865. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 7.) 820 5 Stourza, see Stiirdza. Stow, Johu. Historical memoranda, and con- tejnporarv notes in the reign of Elizabeth. 1880. (In Camden soc. n. s. 28 ) 820 4.1 — A survey of London, written in 1598. New edition, edited by William J. Thoms. London, 1842. O. 914.2 11 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth (Beecher). Oldtown folks. Boston, 1869. D. 813 10 — Uncle Tom's cabin ; or, Life among the low- ly. 312th thousand. Boston, 1864. 2 v. in 1. D. 813 8 — A key to Uncle Tom's cabin, presenting the original facts and documents. Boston, 1853. Q. 813 9 Strabo. Geographica; recognovit Augustus Meineke. Lipsiae, 1852-3. 3 v. D. 910 16 — German. Erdbeschreibung; unter Begleitung kritischer und erklarender Anmerkungen ver- deutscht von Christoph Gottlieb Groskurd. Berlin, 1831-3. 3 v. O. pi. 910 17 — Heeren, A. H. L. Ueber die Quellen der Ge- ographie des Strabo. {In his Werke, 1821-30, V. 3.) 908 2 Gli straccioni, commedia. see Caro, A. Strachey, William. The historic of travaile into Virginia Britannia ; edited by R. H. Major. London, 1849. O. facsim. {In Hak- luyt soc. Works. 6.) 975 2 Strada, E. Progetto dei canali di derivazione per Roma e sua campagna. Roma, 1876. sqQ. 23 p. map. 631 23 bound with 607 3 STRADIVARI, Antonio. F^tis, F. J. Antoine Stradivari. Paris, 1856. O. il. facsim. 787 1 Straffen efter D0den, see 0hlenschlfiger, A. {}, Digtervaerker, v. 2. Straflford, Thomas Wentworth, 1st earl of. Four letters, with a poem on his illness ; edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner. [London,] 1883. sqO. [3-t-] 8 [-t-lj p. {In Camden misc. 8; in Camden soc. n. s. 31.) 820 4.1 Strafforello, (xustavo. I fenomeni della vita industriale. Torino, 1870. D. 331 16 — II nuovo Chi si aiuta, Dio 1' aiuta. Torino, 1870. D. 170 4 — La terra e 1' uomo,seconda 1' opera diFederi- co di Hellwald. Torino, 1878-80. 2 v. O. il. pi. tab. 551 20 La strage di San Bartolomeo ; dalla North British review, con introduzione ed aggiunta di documenti dall' ai-chivio generale diVenezia [by T. Gar]. Venezia, 1870. O. 272 1 '"L'autore anonirao...6 iin giovane sentiluomo la cui famiglia 6 celebre eKualmente nei fasti dell' lag-hilterra, della Germania e dell' Italia, che oecupa uii poste nella Camera inglese dei Pari, ed 6 fervente cattolico."— /n- troduzione. Strahan, Lisbeth Grooch (Segnin). . Walks in Algiers and its surroundings ; by L. G. Seguin. London, 1878. D. il. pi. maps. 916.5 5 STRAINS, see BEAMS. Stral, Lorenz. Annales Danici. 1084-1314. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 3.) 948 76 Strange histories, 1607, see Deloney, T. Strangford, Emily Anne Beanfort Smythe, vis- countess. The eastern shores of the Adriatic in 1863 ; with a visit to Montenegro. London, 1864. O. phot. 914.9 31 Strangford, Percy Ellen Algernon Frederick William Sydney Smythe, 8th viscount. Original It tters and papers upon philological and kind- red subjects ; edited bv Viscountess Strang- ford. London, 1878. 6. 404 8 Stransky,Paalns. Respublica Bojema descrip- ta ; recognita et aucta. Lugd. Batavorum, ex offlcina Elezeviriana, 1643. Tt. 094 17 II Strascino, pseudonym of Campani, K. Strassburg, Gottfried von, see (xottfried. STRASSBURO. Munich— K. baier. Akad. der Wiss. —Hist. Commis. Die Chroniken der deut- schen StMte ; v. 8-9 : Strassburg. Leipzig, 1870-1. 2 V. O. facsim. maps. 943 24 Contents: 1. Closener, F. Chronik. 1362. 1-2. Konigs- hofen, J. T. von, Chronik, 1400 (1415). — Scherer, H. Der Verrath Strasburgs an Frankreich, 1681. {In Raumer, ¥. L. G}. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1843.) 905 1 STRASSBURO DIALECT. Bergmann, F. W. Strassburger Volksgesprache in ihrer Mundart vorgetragen und erlautert. Strassburg, 1873. O. 839.1 5 Stratmanu, Franz Heinrich. Beitrtege zu einem Woerterbuche der englischen Sprache. Bielefeld, 1855 [-60]. pt. 1-6. O. 423 10 Contents: A— Shy. Stratonice, Schauspiel, see Engel, J. J, v. 6. Strauss, David Frledrich. Krieg und Friede ; zwei Briefe an Ernst Renan, nebst dessen Ant- wort auf den ersten. Leipzig, 1870. O. 66 p. 943 28 STRAUSS, Jacob. Strobel, 0. T. Nachricht von Straussens Leben und Schriften. {In his Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 3.) 830 10 STUAW 649 STUART STRAW. MarslijG. P. Straw, Manufacture of. (Ih Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In viain library. Street, George £dinund. Some account of Gothic architecture in Spain. 2 edition. Lon- don, 1869. O. 729 4 Streffleur, V. tjber die Natur und die Wir- kungen der Wildbache. fWien, 1852.] O. pi. tab. 551.48 31 La Strega, see Grazzini, A. F. Commedie ; Pi- co della Mirandola, G. F. STRENGTH. DeppLrig. G. Merveilles de la force et de I'adresse. Paris, 1869. D. il. (In Charton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 796 1 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, see METALS : SANDSTONE. Strenna bresciana per 1' anno 1851. Brescia, 1850. O. pi. 850 2 Strenna filologica modenese per 1' anno 1863. Modena, 1862. D. 450 15 See also Esercitazioiii filologiche, 1844-61. Streyc, Daniel. Kortfattet Beskrivelse af den d Islandia ; fra Polsk oversat med en Indled- ning af Edvin M.Thorson. (/n Copenhagen — K. nord. 01d.-Selskab.Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 Followed by Nogle Bemaerknlnger, ved S. J(5nasson. La stria, tragicomedia, see Maurizio, G. Der Strieker. Der Pfaffe Amis. — Daz Bloch. {In Lambcl, H. Erzahlungen. 1872 ; in Pfeiflfer, .F. Deutsche Classiker. 12.) 831 15 — Rhythmus antiquus Germanicus de Caroli Magni expeditione Hispanica. (In Schilter, J. Thesaurus. 1727-8, v. 2.) 830 9 Strieker, Wilhelm. Die Amazonen in Sage und Geschichte. Berlin, 1868. O. 40 p. (In Vir- cliow (& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 — Der Blitz und seine Wirkungen. Berlin, 1872. O. 31 p. il. pi. (In same. 7 Serie. ) 043 1 — Die Feuerzeuge. Berlin, 1874. O. 30p. (In same. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Geschichte der Menagerien und zoologischen Garten. Berlin, 1879. O. 43 p. (In same. 14 Serie.) 043 1 — Goethe und Frankfurt am Main. Berlin, 1876. O. 55 p. (Ill same. 11 Serie.) 043 1 De strijd met Vlaanderen, see Lennep, J. van. Poet, werken, 3. Strinnholm, Anders Magnus. Svenska folkets historia. Stockholm, 1834-54. 5 v. O. maps. 948 54 Contents: 1-2. Skandinavien under hedna-Sldern. 8-5. Svenska folkets medeltlds historia [,1050-] 1319. Vol. 5 contains general index. Strobel, Georg Theodor, editor. Miscellaneen literarischen Innhalts ; grostentheils aus unge- druckten Quellen. Niirnberg, 1778-81. 4 v. in 1. O. 830 10 Strobel, Pellegrino. Avanzi preromani rac- colti nelle terremare e palafitte dell' Emilia. Parma, 1863. pt. 1. sqF. [H-] 3-J-lO p. pi. 571 2 bound with 652 2 Str0ni, Hans. Physisk og oeconomisk Be- skrivelse over Fogderiet S0iidm0r i Bergens Stift i Norge. Soroe, 1762. 2 v. sqO. pi. map. 914.8 25 — Physisk- oeconomisk Beskrivelse over Eger- Praestegiseld i Aggerhuus-Stift i Norge. Ki0- benhavn, 1784. D. pi. map. 914.8 23 Strom, Israel. Om skogarnas vard och skotsel. Upsala [, 1853]. D. 32 p. 551.58 40 Strouiborg, N. Svensk spraklara. Stockholm, 1852. O. pi. 439.76 2 Stromer, Ulnian. 'Piichel von meim geslechet und von abentewr,' 1349-1407. (In Munich— K. baier. Akad. Caroniken der deutschen Stadte, V. 1, 1862: Niirnberg, v. 1.) 943 24 Strong, James. Paragraphs, chapters and verses of the Bible (In Schaft', P. Anglo- American Bible revision. 1879.) 220 5 Strozzi, Alessandra Macinghi negli. Lettere di una gentildonna fiorentina del secolo 15 ai fi- gliuoli esuli; pubblicate da Cesare Guasti. Fi- renze, 1877. D. 856 17 Strozzi, Carlo, marchese, editor, see Periodico di numismatico. 737 2 STROZZI, Filippo. Niccolini, G. B. Filippo Sti'ozzi, tragedia; corredata di una vita di Fi- lippo e di documenti inediti. Firenze, 1847. D. por. facsim. 852 15.1 Strozzi, Giiilio. Capitoli. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1726, v. 3.) 857 2 STRUENSEE, Johann Friedrich von, Greve- Host, J. K. Der danische Geheimecabinets. minister Struensee und sein Ministerium. Ko- penhagen, 1826-7. 2 v. D. por. 948 73 Striimpell, Gustav. Die ersten Bibeliiberse- tzungen der Franzosen im 12-14 Jahrhundert, mitProben... Braunschweig, 1872 O. 8-f56p. 016 12 bound with 010 3 Striimpell, Ludwig Adolph. Die zeitliche Auf- einanderfolge der Gedanken. Berlin, 1871. O. 47 p. (In Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 Strutt, Joseph. The sports and pastimes of the people of England. New edition, with index, by William Hone. London, 1838. O. il. 394 4 Striiver, Johann. Studi petrografici sul Lazio. — Studi sui minerali del Lazio, pt. 2. pZ. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci Jis. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 1.)— Sopra alcuni notevoli ge- minati polisintetici di spinello orientale. pi. (In same. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) — Sulla forma cri- stallina di alcuni derivati della santonina, 2a serie. (In same, pt. 2.) 065 4 -—Sulla gastaldite, nuovo minerale del gruppo dei bisilicati anidri, nota. (In same. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) — Studi sui minerali del Lazio, pt. 1. pi. — Sulla forma cristallina di alcuni derivati della santonina. pi. (In same, v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 066 3 Strzelecki, Paul Edmund, Graf von. Physical description of New South Wales and Van Die- men's Land. London, 1845. O. por. pi. maps. 659 1 Stuart, Andrew John. Forests and rain-fall in Madras. (In Marsh, G. P. Extracts. 1882.) 080 29 Stuart, Charles Beebe. The naval dry docks of the United States. 2 tdition. New York, 1852. sqF. pi. 627 25 An elegant presentation copy. STUART 650 STURLUSON' Stuart, James, & Revett, ?i. The antiquities of Athens, and other monuments of Greece. London, 1837. sqS. 10 pi. 913 80 Stuart, Roberto M. Fiesole. Firenze, 1871. D. 853 34 Stuart Criennie, John Stuart, see Glennie. STUBAITHAL. Bartli, L., & Pfauudler, L. Die Stubaier Gebirgsgruppe, hypsometrisch und orographisch bearbeitet. Innsbruck, 1865. O. pi. map. 551.43 38 Stubbes, Philip. The anatomic of abuses; re- printed from the 3d edition of 1585, under the superintendence of William B. D. D. Turnbull. London, 1836. O. 827 13 100 copies printed. — Observations on the Elizabethan drama, 1583; extract. {In Hazlett, W. C. English drama : in /lis Roxburghe lib. 4.) 821 2 From The anatomie of abuses. Stubbs, William, bishop of Chester, editor. Chronicles and memorials of the reign of Rich- ard I. London, 1864-5. 2 v. Q. {In Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron. and mem. 38.) 942 8 Contents: 1. Viiv\i!iri\,canon of Holy TVim^y. Itinerarium peregrrinorum et gesta regis Ricardi. 2. Canterbury. Epistolae Cantuarienses : The letters of the prior and convent of Christ church, 1187-99. Chronicles of the reigns of Edward T. and Edward II. London, 1882-3. 2 v. Q. (In same. 76.) 942 8 Memorials of Saint Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1874. Q. {In same. 63.) 942 8 Coventry, Walter of. Memoriale. 1873-3. {In same. 58.) 942 8 Diceto, R. de. Opera historica. 1876. {In same. 68.) 942 8 Gervase of Canterbury. Historical works. 1879-80. {In same. 73.) 942 8 Gesta regis Henrici II. Benedict! abbatis. 1867. {In same. 49.) 942 8 Hoveden, R. of. Chronica. 1868-71. {In same. 51.) 942 8 Maluiesbury, W. of. De gestis regum An- glorum. 1887-9. 2 v. Q. {In same. 90.) 942 8 Stubs, John. A battle-door for singular and plural, 1660, see Fox, G., & others. 099 10 Studenten, see Thoresen, A. M. K. The student's manual of the English language, see Harsh, G. P. Studer, Bernhard. Geschichte der physischen - Geographic der Schweiz bis 1815. Bern, 1863. O- 554.9 3 — & others. Rapport sur eboulements qui pour- raient resulter d'un abaissement du niveau des lacs du Jura. Berne, 1866. D. 30 p. il. 627 32 Studer, Gottlieb. Ueber Eis und Schnee. 1 Abtheilung : Berner-Alpen. Bern, 1869. D. 551.43 31 — & others. Berg- und Gletscher-Fahrten in den Hochalpen der Schweiz. Zurich, 1859-63. 2v. inl. D. 551.43 27 Studj sul compimento dei bonifici nelle Ma- remme toscane. Firenze [,186-].D. 48 p. 627 38 Lo stufaiuolo, commedia, see Doni, A. F. Stukeley, William, M. D. The family memoirs of Stukeley, and the antiquarian and other cor- respondence of Stukeley, Roger and Samuel Gale, etc. Durham, 1883-7. 3 v. O. por. {In Surtees soc. 73, 76, 80.) 820 7 Stulpnagel, F. ron, & BSr, J. C. Karte von Eui'opa und dem mittellandischen Meere. 7 vermehrte Auflage durch A. Petermann. Gotha, 1874. 87x107 cm. in Q. 912 10 — & Berghaus, H, Chart of the world on Mer- cator's projection. Gotha, n. d. 95x153 cm. in F." 912 6 Stumm, F. Meine Erlebnisse bei der englischen Expedition in Abyssinien, 1868. Frankfurt a, M., 1868. O. maps. 916.3 3 hound ivith 916.2 27 Stumpff^ Johanu. Schwytzer Chronica, biss auff 1546. Ziirych, 1554. D. il. 949 38 Den Stnndesl0se, see Holberg, L. Comedier, V. 6. Sturdza, Alexandr Skarlatovich. ' Amfiv^aeis Kal eiKdves, E^^ctos Boij\yapi.s Kai 'NiKT]CES. See Dietricli of Bern ; Frederick of Normandy ; Iwain ; Valentine and Orson. Sweerts {Latin Sweertius), Robert. De fide hpereticis servanda dissertatio. Antverpiae, 1611. D. 099 46 Sweet, Henry, editor. The oldest English texts ; with introductions and a glossary. Lon- don, 1885. O. (In E. E.text soc. Orig. ser. 83.) 820 5 see the following publications of the Early English text society; extra series : 820 5 45, 50. King Alfred's West-Saxon version of Gregory's Pastoral care ; with English translation. 1871. 79. King Alfred's Orosius. 1883. Extra volume. The Epinal glossary. 1883. Swenska friheten, skalde-dikt, see Dalin, 0. von. V. 3. Swift, Jonathan, dean of St. Patrick's. Works; with notes and additions, and a memoir of the author, by Thomas Roscoe, New York, 1859. 6 V. D. por. 827 13 SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles. Lowell,J.R. Swinburne's tragedies. (In his My study windows. 1871.) 814 14 Swinburne, Henry. Travels in the Two Sici- lies, 1777-80. London, 1783 5, 2 v. sqF. pi. map. 914.5 101 Swindeu, Jan Hendrik. Geschiedkundig on- derzoek naar de eerste uitvinders der verre- kijkers ; uit :vanteekeningen zamengesteld door G. Moll. Amsterdam, 1831. sqQ. 522 2 hound with 504 2 SWINE. Viborg, E. N. Veiledning til Svinets Behandling soni Huusdyr. 2 Oplag, af C. Vi- borg. Kj0benhavn, 1836. D. pi. 636 4 Swinfleld, Richard de, bishop of Hereford. A roil of [his] household expenses, 1289-90; edited l)V John Webb. [London,] 1854-5. 2 v. sqO. (In Camden soc. 59, 62.) , 820 4 SWISS DIALECTS. Rambert, E. Une chan- son en patois. (In his Alpes, 1866-71, v. 2.) — La scie et le moulin. (In same. v. 4.) 551.43 25 — 'Stalder, F. J. Die Landessprachen der Schweiz ; oder, Schweizerische Dialektologie ; jiebst der GJeichnissrede von dem verlorenen Sohne in alien Schweizermundarten. Aarau, 1819. D. 437 9 — — Versuch eines schweizerischen Idiotikon ; samt einer Skizze einer schweizerischen Di- alektologie. Aarau, 1812. 2 v. in 1. O. 437 10 ^«eafeo BERXESE; EMMEXTHAL. Switzerland. Bericht iiber die Untersuchung der schweiz. Hochgebirgswaldungen, 1858-60. Bern, 1862. O. tab. 551.58 102 — French: Rapport sur les forets des hautes montagnes de la Suisse, 1858-60. Lausanne, 1862. O. tab. 551.58 108 — Die Berichte der Expertencommissionen iiber die Ueberschwemmungen im Jahr 1868. Bern, 1869. D. tab. 551.48 35 Appended, 13 p., is Vorschlage iiber die Vertheilung der Liebessteuer. — Rapport au conseil federal sur les torrents des Alpes suisses, 1858-63. Lausanne, 1865. O. 627 17 Written by Prof. Culmann, translated from the Ger- man by H. P. Bessard. —DESCRIPTION. Bitzius, A. Erzahlungen und Bilder aus dem Volksleben der Schweiz. Berlin, 1856. 4 v. in 2. D. {In his Gesam. Schriften, v. 7-10.) 833 7 — — (xothe, J. W. von. Briefe aus der Schweiz. {In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 16.) — Schweizerreise, 1797. {In same. v. 43.) 832 1 — — Helvetiorum respublica. Lugd. Bat., 1627. Tt. 094 34 — — Kullberg, K. A. {In his Bref .anteckningar och skizzer fran utlandet, 1844, v. 1.) 914 5 — —Meyer, J. Physik der Schweiz. Leipzig, 1854. O. 551.43 23 — ^Murray, J., publisher. A handbook for travellers in Switzerland. 10 edition. London, 1868. D. pi. maps. 914.9 18 — — Osenbriig'gen, E. Neue culturhistorische Bilder aus der Schweiz. Leipzig, 1864. D. 914.9 19 — — Studer, B. Geschichte der physischen Ge- ographie der Schweiz bis 1815. Bern, 1863. O. 554.9 3 — — Witte, K. Alpinisches und Transalpini- sches ; neun Vortrage. Berlin, 1858. S. pi. 914.9 20 See also ALPS ; BREGAGLIA ; EXGADIN. HISTORY. Bitzius, A. Eines Schweizers Wort an den schweizerischen Schiitzenverein. Solothurn, 1844. D. [7-l-]72 p. 356 1 — — — Same. {In his Gesam. Schriften, 1856-8, V. 23.) 833 7 Golb^ry, M. P. A. de. Histoire et descrip- tion de la Suisse et du Tyrol. Paris, 1838. O. por. pi. {In L'univers. 63.) 910 18 The history of Switzerland, B. C.llO-A.D. 1880. Philadeiphia, 1832. D. {In Lardner, D Cabinet eye. 19.) 949 2 Klingenberg, J. von. Die Klingenberger Chronik [-1460], mit Parallelen herausgegeben von A. Henne von Sargans. Gotha, 1861. O. facsim. 949 33 Miaskowski, A. von. Die Verfassung der Land-, Alpen- und Forstwirthschaft der deut- schen Schweiz vom 18 Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Basel, 1878. O. 551.58 106 Miiller, J. von, Der Geschichten schwei- zerischer Eidgenossenschaft 1-5 Theil. Leip- zig, 1805-8. 5 V. O. por. 949 27 OsenbrUg-gen, E. Land und Leute der Urschweiz. Berlin, 1866. O. 86 p. {In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff. VortrSge. 1 Serie.) 043 1 SWITZERLAND 658 SYRIA Die Schweiz in den Wandlungen der Neuzeit. Berlin, 1876. O. 40 p. {In same. 11 Serie.) 0*3 1 Rambert, E . Les Alpes et la Hberte {In his Alpes, 1866-71, v. 2.) o51.43 25 — — Stumpff, J. Schwytzer Chronica, biss auff 1546. Ziirych, 1554. D. il. 949 28 Suhm, P. F. Forinodning, at Schwei- tzerne stamme fra Scandinavien. {In his Skrif- ter, 1788-98, v. 14.) 839.88 14 Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de. Democracy in Switzerland ; a report, 1847. (/w his Democ- racy in America, 1863, v. 2, p. 445-468.) 321 10 __ — Tscliudi, A. Chronicon Helveticum ; he- rausgegeben von J. R. Iselin ; 1000-1470. Basel, 1734-6. 2 V. F.* iltp. 949 29 Vischer, W. Die Sage von der Befreiung der Waldstadte nach ihrer allmalichen Aus- bildung untersucht ; nebst einer Beilage : Das alteste Tellenschauspiel. Leipzig, 1867. O. 949 30 Zscliokke, J. H. D. Des Schweizerlands Geschichte. 5 Originalausgabe, mit Fottse- tzung. Aarau, 1834. O. 949 31 See also BERN ; CHURCH HISTORY ; FEUDALISM ; GRISOXS ; TELL, W.; VALAIS. —MAPS. Lenzinger, R. Karte der Schweiz. Berne, n. d. 93x65 cm. in F. 912 30 — — Miillhauptj J. Leuthold's new map of Switzerland. Zurich, n. d. 64x92 cm. in O. 912 29 — — Raveiisteiii,L, Special-Karte von Deutsch- land, der Schweiz... Hildburghausen, 1868. obF.* 12 maps. 912 11 See also parts of Dufour's Karte der Schweiz, in Port folio 1. _ _[Seven Swiss maps.] sqF. 912 18 SYBARIS. Caimonero, R. Dell' antica citta di Sibari e dei costumi de' Sibariti ; ricerche. Roma, 1876. D. 937 14 bound with 933 3 Sybel, Heinrich Karl Ludolph von. Der Frie- den von 1871. Diisseldorf, 1871. O. 943 28 Sylvester, Joshua, translator, see Du Bartas, G. de S. Divine weekes. 1611. 841 16.1 Ein Sylvestertranm, see Bitziiis, A. v. 23. Sylvius, ^neas, see Pius II., pope. Symbolae ad historiam antiquiorem rerum Norvegicarum, see Munch, P. A., editor. SYMBOLISM. Thunimel, C. Aus der Sym- bolik des altdeutschen Bauernrechts. Ham- burg, 1887. O. 44 p. {In Virchow <& Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Symeon, monk of Durham. Opera et collecta- nea. Durham, 1868. v. 1. O. (in Surteessoc. 51.) 820 7 All the works ascribed to him except the history of the church of Durham. — Opera omnia ; edidit Thomas Arnold, M. A. London, 1882-5. 2 v. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 75.) 942 8 Sjrmmons, Charles. The life of Shakspeare, with remarks upon his writings. {In Shake- speare, W. Dramatic works, 1887, v. 1.) 822 13 Symonds, Richard. Diary of the marches of the royal army during the civil war ; edited by Charles Edward Long. [London,] 1859. sqO. {In Camden soc. 74.) 820 4 SYMPATHETIC POWDER. Digby,K.,7i ToiroypcKpiKT) /cat laropiKri. 'Ec 'lepocroKifxois, 1867. O. 66 [ + 1] p. 915.6 29 Tacliard, Albert. Les institutions de I'Alsace au point de vue de la bienf aisance et de 1' economic sociale. Rome, 1875. O. 53 p. 339 1 Tacitus, Caius Cornelins. Opera quae super- sunt ; ex editione Jacobi Gronovii expressa. Glasguae, 1753. 4v. T. 878 15 — Opera ; recognovit et annotatione perpetua triplicique indice instruxit Georgius Alexan- der Ruperti. Hannoverae, 1832-9 [v. 1, '34]. 4v. O. 878 17 Contents: 1-2. Annales. 3. Hlstoriae. 4. Germania. —Vita Agricolae.— Dialogus de oratoribus. — Opera quoad extant ; recensuit C. H. Weise. Nova editio stereotypa. Lipsiae, 1846. 2 v. in 1. T. 878 18 — Opera quae supersunt ; recensuit Jo, Gaspar Orellius. Turici, 1846-7. 2 v. in 1.0. 878 19 — Italian : Volgarizzamento di Tacito. {In Davanzati, B. Opere. 1853.) 878 21 — Gli annali ; volgarizzati di Bernardo Davan- zati. Firenze, 1863. v. 1. Tt. 878 22 — Germanische Alterthiimer ; mit Text, Uber- setzung und Erklarung von Tacitus Germania, von Adolf Holtzmann ; herausgegeben von Alfred Holder. Leipzig, 1873. O. 878 20 — Botticlier, W. Lexicon Taciteum ; sive, De stilo C. Cornelii Taciti ; praemissis de Taciti vita, scriptis ac scribendi genere prolegomenis. Berolini, 1830. O. 878 23 Taddei, Gioacchiuo. Rapporto sulla comu- nicazione dal conte Campi sul modo di impe- dire la forma globulare nell' acqua delle cal- daie di macchine a vapore. [Firenze,] n. d. O. 11 p. 621 7 From Atti dei Georgofili, v. 24. Taddei, Elias. Hiertelig oc smertelig Klage- Predicken offuer den wf ormodende dog salige oc h0yprijselige d0delige Affgang den h0y8er- verdigis Gustavi Adolphi..., Rostock, den 18 Decemb. Ki0benhaffn,1863. sqS. [22] p. 252 6 Tadini, Antonio. Opinione estratta dall' opera Di varie cose alia idraulica scienza apparten- enti. (In Opuscoli idraulici. 1845.) 627 3 TafeL Gottlieb Lukas Friedricli, translator, see Eustathius. Komnenen und Normannen. 1852. 949 35 — Fallmerayer, J. P. {In his Werke, 1861, V. 2.) 908 1 Tafel, Johann Friedrich Leonhard cfc Rudolph Leonhard. Latin pronunciation and the Latin alphabet. Philadelphia, 1860. O. 471 4 Ein Tagebuch, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften. v.l5. Tagebucli einer Reise nach Norwegen, 1789^ see Mumsen, Jakob. Taget ofver bait, see Gyllenborg, G. F. Tagliasacchi, Gioachino. Notizie intorno al primo consorzio dei canali dell' alta Lombar- dia. Milano, 1871. O. 631 32 TAHITI. Reybaud, M. R. L. Parlement des lies de la Societe.— Voyage de Du Petit-Thou- ars ; occupation des iles de la Societe. {In his Marines. 1854.) 910 66 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Etude surMerimee. {In M6rim6e, P. Lettres a une inconnue, 1864, V. 1.) 846 7 — Histoire de la litterature anglaise. 2 edition, augmentee. Paris, 1866-71. 5 v. D. 820 18 —Notes sur 1' Angleterre. 2 edition. Paris, 1872. D. 914.2 8 — Les origines de la France contemporaine. 1-11 edition. Paris, 1876-87. 4 v. O. 944 33 Contents: 1. L'ancien r^tjime. 2. La r^Tolution. 3 v. — Villari. P. Taine e la critica dell' arte. (In his Saggi. 1868.) 864 8- Tait, Peter Guthrie. Lectures on some i-ecent advances in physical science ; with a special lecture on force. 2' edition. London, 1876. D. il. 504 6.1 Den talande taflan, opera-parade, see Leopold. K. G. af. V. 1. 214.ZA VERA 660 TARTARY Talavera, (^abriel de. Historia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. Toledo, 1597. O. 230 11 Talbot, Eugene. La satire en France au moyen- age par C. Lenient. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. V. 2, 1860.) 805 1 Talbyrdingus. {In Rymbegla. 1780.) 839.63 61 A tale of a tub, see Swift, J. v. 2. A tale of a tub, a comedy, see Jonsoii, B. TALES, see FICTION ,• FOLK-LORE. Talfoiird, Thomas Noon, editor, see Lamb, C. Letters, with life. 1837. 826 3 Literary sketches and letters. 1848. 826 4 —Whipple, E. P. (In his Essays, 1848-9, v. 1.) 814 16 Talismane gegen die lange Weile,see Langbein, A. F. E. V. 10. TALISMANS, see ASTROLOGY. Tallemant des R^aiix,G^d^on. Les historiettes; memoires pour servir a I'histoiredu 17e siecle. 2 edition, precedee d'une notice sur I'auteur, et accompagnee de notes et d'eclaircissements par Monmerque. Pai-is, 1861. 10 v. in 5. D. por. 920 16 Tallichet, Ed. M. de Montalembert et le pere Hvacinthe ; histoire du proces. Paris, 1877. O." 349 8 TALMUD. Lattes, N. Nuovo saggio di giunte e correzioni al Lessico talmudico Levy-Flei- scher. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. set. mor. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 5 Talon, Omer. Memoires, continues par Denis Talon, 1630-53. por. {In Michaud cfc Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 30.) 944 9 Talvj, pseudonym of Robinson, T. A, L. y. J. Tauiagni, Cesare, <& Ovidio, F. d.' Storia della letteratura romana. Milano [,pref. 1874]. Q. {In Villari, P., editor. Storia letteraria d' Italia; m Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 15 Tambien hay duelo en las damas, seeCalderon. V. 2. TAMBORA. Zollinger, H. Besteigung des Vulkanes Tambora auf der Insel Sumbawa und Schilderung der Erupzion, 1815. Winter- thur, 1855. Q. [l+]20[+2]p. maps. 551.21 29 bound loith 548 2 TAMBURINI, Giovanni. Norton, C. E. A re- view of a translation into Italian of the com- mentary by Benvenuto on the Divina comme- dia. Cambridge, Mass., 1861. O. 32 p. 85153 The translation is pronounced "worse than worth- less." Tamerlane, see Timur. The taming of the shrew, see Shaliespeare, W. Tanara, Vincenzo. La caccia degli uccelli : per CLu-a di Alberto Bachi della Lega. Bologna, 1886. D, {In Scelta di curiosita. 217.) 850 10 Tanari, Brigida Fava, marchesa. Description sommaire de 1' Album de la ville et province deSienne. Florence, 1873. Q. 12 p. 914.5 70 Ms. note by author : "Esposto a Vienna, sezione fem- mimle." Tancred, Trauerspiel, nach Voltaire.see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 5. Tancredi principe di Salerno, see Benivieni, G. II Tancredi, tragedia, see Torelli, P. Tanfncio, Neri, pseudonym of Fiicino, R. Tanhiinser, — . Hofzucht. {In Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum, v. 6, 1848.) 830 3 — English : Courtly breeding. {In Oswald, E. Early German courtesy-books, 1869 ; in E. E. textsoc. Extra ser. 8.) 820 5.1 Tautchen Rosmarin, see Zscliokiie, J.H.D.v., 5. Tante Francisca, see St. Aubaiu, A. N. de. Noveller, v. 3. La visione di Tantolo, see Tundale. Tanzi, Carl' Antonio. Poesie. (7n Collezione milanese, 1816-7, v. 4.) 859 15 TAPESTRY. Conti, C. Ricerche storiche sulF arte degli arazzi in Firenze. Firenze, 1875. D. 677 3 Tapia, Eugenio de, editor, see Febrero, J. Libreria de jueces. 1828-36. 349 28 TAR WATER. Underretning om den Tjaere Cuur. {In Bang, 0. Samling, 1743-7, pt. 5.) 839.8 1 Taramelli, Torqiiato. Catalogo ragionato delle rocce del Friuli, memoria. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fl,s. v, 1, 1876- 7, pt. 1.)— Sulla formazione serpentinosa dell' Apennino pavese. pi. map. {In same, v, 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) — Sul deposito di salgemma di Lungro nella Calabria citeriore, {M same. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 TARANTO. Fenicia, S. Sulle metamorfosi di Taranto. Napoli, 1858. O. [1+] 92 [-1-1] p, O. 551.21 8 Tarb^ des Sablons, S^bastien Andr^. Nouveau manual complet des poids et mesures, des mon- naies, du calcul decimal et de la verification. Nouvelie edition, Paris, 1839, S, (Manuels- Roret.) 389 1 Tardieu, Eugene Am^d^e. Senegambie et Gui- nee, 1847. pZ. map. (/w L'univers. 3.) 910 18 Tarente, Anielie de Hesse^ princesse de. Por- trait, par elle-meme. {In Michaud (fc Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, v. 28.) 944 9 TARIFF, see the different countries, as U. S. —TARIFF ; also FREE TRADE. TARqUINIA. Dasti, L. Notizie storiche ar- cheologiche di Tarquinia e Corneto. Roma, 1878. O. map. 913 43 TARRAGONA. M6riniee, P. Sur un tombeau decouvert a Tarragone. {In his Melanges. 1855.) 904 3 TARTAR. Helmont, J. B. van. The nativitie of tartar in wine. {In his Ternary of paradox- es. 1650.) 615 9 Tartara, Alessandro. Os^ervazioni di storia romana all' anno 537/ 217 sulle legion i, sugli imperii, e sull' istituzione delle provincie con- solari. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.mor.Y. 5, 1879-80.)— Tentativodi criti- ca sui luoghi liviani contenenti le disposizioni relative alle provincie ed agli eserciti della re- pubblica romana. (in same. v. 6, 1880-1.) 065 5 TARTARY. Atkinson, T. W. {In his Oriental and western Siberia. 1858.) 915.7 1 — Belloni, G. Storia dei Tartari. Milano,1825. 7 V, D, map. 951 3 TAB TAB Y 661 TATBA — Bergmanii, B. F. B.NomadischeStreifereien unter den Kalmiicken, 1802-3. Riga, 1804-5, 4 V. D. 915.1 9 — Carpini, G. dal P. di. Epistola de' costumi dei Tartari ; sec. 14. Livorno, 1871. O. 2'-|- 24 [-flj p. 390 22.1 — Dubeaux, L., & Valmont, V. Tartarie. 1848. pi. map. {In L'uiiivers. 24.) 910 18 — Hammer-Purgstall, J. yon. Geschichte der Chane der Krim unter osmanischerHerrschaft. Wien. 1856. O. pi. facsini. 951 4 —Schlatter, D. Bruchstiick aus einigen Reisen nach deni siidlichen Russland, 1822-8. Neue Ausgabe. St. Gallen, 1836. O. pi. facsim. map. 914.7 23 — Tott, F. de. Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares. Amsterdam, 1785. 3 v. S. 949 66 — Visdelou, C. de. Histoire de la grande Tar- tarie. (In Herbelot, B, d.' Bibl. orient. Sup. 1780.) 950 1 — Witsen, X. Noord en Oost Tartaryen ; be- helzende eene beschryving van Tartersche en nabuurige gewesten. 2 druk. Amsterdam, 1785. 2v. F. maps, iltp. 915.111 See also IXDIA ; SIBERIA. Tartini, Ferdinando. Memorie sul bonifica- nientodelle Maremme toscane. Firenze, 1838 F.^ pi. maps. 627 39 Le Tartnfe, comedie, see Moliere, J. B. P. de. V. 4. Tasclienbuch fiir Forst-und Jagdmanner. Leip- zig, 1854-62. V. 4, 6-8, 10-12. T. 551.58 74 TASMANIA. Lendenfeld, R. von. Der Tasman- Gletscher und seine Umrandung. Gotha, 1884. sqQ. [3-f ] 80 p. il. pi. maps. {In Peter- manns Mittheiliingen : F^rgiinzungsband 16.) 910 44 Tassi, Francesco, editor, see Cellini, B. Vita. 1829. 927 7 Tassis, S. A. Traite pratique delaponctuation, 2 edition augmentee. Paris [,1859]. D. 441 3 Tasso, Bernardo. L'Amadigi. Vinegia, 1560. Q. por. 851 115 — Lettere inedite ; vita ; per cura di G. Cam- pori. Bologna, 1869. D. (/n Sceita di curiosita. 103.) 860 10 Tasso, Torquato. Dialoghi ; con gli argomenti del Alessandro Mortara. Pisa, 1822. 2 v. in 1. O. {In his Opere, illustrate dal G. Rosini. 7-8.) 851 117 — Discorsi. Pisa, 1823. 2 v. in 1. O. (In same. 11-12.) 851 118 — La Gerusalemme conquistata. Pisa, 1822. 2 V. in 1. O. (In same. 28-29.) 851 120 — Calabrian: La Gerusalemme liberata,poema; trasportata in lingua calabrese in ottava rima in questa prima edizione da Carlo Cusentino. Cosenza, 1737. sqO. 851 122 — English extract: Arrival of the crusaders at Jerusalem [,with] translation in the Spenserian stanza by J. H. Wiffen. (In Cayalleri, E. Italian readings. 1865.) 851 1 — Milanese: La Gerusalemme liberata, tra- vestita in dialetto milanese. {In Balestrieri, D. Opere, 1816, v. 3 ; in Collezione milanese, V. 7.) 859 15 — Neapolitan : Lo Tasso napoletano ; zoe. La Gierosalemm libberata votata a llengua nosta da Grabiele Fasano. Napole, 1689. F. pi. iltp. 851 121 — Same. (In Collezione napoletana, 1783-9, V. 13-14.) 859 19 — Swedish : Det bef riade Jerusalem ; of versiitt- ning. {In Oxensyerna, J. (x. Arbeten, 1805- 26, V. 5.) 839.7132 —II mondo creato. Pisa, 1823 O. (Inhis Opere, illustrate dal G. Rosini. 27.) 851 119 —Rime. Pisa, 1821-2. 4 v. in 2. O. {In same. 3-6.) 851 116 —annotator, see Trissino, (x. B. La Sofonisba. 1884. {In Sceita di curiosita. 205. ) 850 10 — Durean dela Malle, A. J. C. A. Letterasopra le due Gerusalemme di Tasso. {In Robert, monh. La guerra. 1825.) 099 36 Torquato Tasso, commedia,see (xoldoui, C.v.31. Torquato Tasso, ein Schauspiel, see Gothe, J. W. von. V. 9. Tassoni, Alessandro. Due lettere. Firenze, 1865. O. 16 p. 856 18 Edited by D. Bianchini. Edition of 30 copies, no. 30. — Rime ; raccolte da Tommaso Casini. Bo- logna, 1880. D. 79 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 174.) 850 10 — La secchia rapita, poema eroicomico ; con annotazioni, e col canto dell' Oceano. Firenze, 1824. O. por. 857 14 With notice by Tiraboschi. Tassos Befrielse, et dramatisk Digt, see Ing^e- inann, B. S. Tassos dod, see Nicander, K. A. TASTE, see ESTHETICS. Tastu, Joseph, & Buclion, J. A. C. Notice d'un atlas en langue catalane, ms. de I'an 1375. [Paris, 1841.] sqQ. facsim. maps. 912 3 Taswell, William. Autobiography and anec- dotes, 1651-82 ; edited by George Percy Elliott. 1852. {In Camden misc. 2; m Camden soc. 55.) 820 4 Tatare, opera, see Beanmarchais, P. A. C. de. Tatham, John. The royal oake. {In Fairholt, F. W. Lord mayor's pageants, 1843-4, \. 2 ; in Percy soc. v. 10.) 820 6 Tatianus. Harmonia evangelica e Latin a Vic- toris Capuani version e translata in linguam Theotiscam antiquissimam ; accedit fragmen- tum Theotiscum, Christi cum Samaritana mu- liere colloquium. {In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, V. 2.) 830 9 — Harmonise evangelicaB antiquissimi^ versio Theotisca, ut & Isidori Hispalensis de nativi- tate Domini eadem lingua conversi fragmen- tum ; Jo. Philippus Palthenius edidit ; accessit fragmentum veteris linguae Theotiscae a Lam- becio productum. Gryphiswaldiae, 1706. sqO. 226 1 TATRA MOUNTAINS. Korlstka, K. F. E, yon. Die hohe Tatra in den Central-Karpaten ; eine geographiscbe Skizze. Gotha, 1864. sqQ, f3-f ) 36 p, il. pi. map. {In Petermanns Mit- theilungen : Erganzungsband 3,) 910 44 TATWIN' 662 TEERIB US Tatwin, archbishop of Canterbury, ^nig- mata. (In Wright, T. Anglo-Latin satirical poets, 1872, V. 2 ; tn Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Ciiron. and mem. 59.) 942 8 Tattler, Joliann. Predige [,niiwelick ynn ghude .Sc'ssyssche sprake transfereret vn ouerset]. Halberstadt, 1523. F. 099 19 — Predigten auf alle Sonn- und Festtage im Jahr ; nach den Ausgaben von J. Arndt und P. J. Spenei', auf's Neue herausgegebeu von E. Kuntze und J. H. R. Biesenthal. Berlin, 1841-2. 3 V. O. 252 7 — Sermones ; von latein in teiitsch gewendt. Augspurg, H. Otmar, 1508. Q. il. 099 15 TAURO-LIGURIAN COLONIES,see GENOESE COLONIES. TAURUS. Kotscliy, T. Reise in den cilicischen Taurus iiber Tarsus. Gotha, 1858. O. pi. maps. 551.43 53 Tavannes, Oaspard & tluillaiime de Saiilx de. Memoires, 1515-95. por. (/reMicliaud cfcPou- joulat. Memoires, 18()6, v. 8.) 944 9 Tayerner, Richard, compiler. Postils on the Epistles and Gospels ; published in 1540, and now edited by Edward Card well. Oxford, 1841. O. 252 8 Tavernier, Jean Baptiste, baron d' Aubonne. Les six voyages en Turquie, en Perse et aux Indes... Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1679-92. 3 V. S. pi. maps, iltp. 099 26 Contents: 1. Turquie et Perse. 2. Voyages des Indes. 3. Kecuell de relations et traitez. — English : The six voyages through Turky into Persia and the East Indies, finished in 1670 ; with a new relation of the grand seig- nor's seraglio ; made English by J. P[hillipsJ ; added, A description of the kingdoms which encompass the Euxine and Caspian seas, by an English traveller. London, 1678. 8 v. in 1. F. pi. 915 16 La tavolaritonda; o, L' istoria di Tristano; per cura e con illustrazioni di Filippo-Luigi Poli- dori. Bologna, 1864-5. 2 v. O. {In Emilia. Collezione. 8-9.) 850 6 TAXATION. Batbie, A. P. De I'impot. {In Th^v^nin, E. Entretiens, 1866, v. 1, p. 101- 164.) 304 5 Taylor, Bayard. Discorso. — The obsequies in Rome, 17 Jan. 1878 [,poem]. {In N. I. icity). Alia memoria di Vittorio Emanuele. 1878.) 923 95 — Lars, a pastoral of Norway. London, 1873. D. 811 23 —The picture of St. John. Boston, 1867. D. 811 23 Copy presented to Mrs. Marsh by the author. Taylor, Ueorge. A memoir of Robert Surtees. A new edition, with aaditions by James Raine. Durham, 1853. O, por. {In Surtees soc. 34. 820 7 Taylor, George, H. Paralysis, and other af- fections of the nerves ; their cure by move- ments. New York, 1871. D. 616 26 Taylor, Sir Henry. Poetical works. London, 1864. 3 V. D. 822 22 Taylor, Isaac, Physical theory of another life. [Anon.] New York, 1836. O. 218 2 — Saturday evening ; by the author ol Natural history of enthusiasm. 3 American edition. Boston, 1833. O. 240 15 — 1)ana, R. H. Natural history of enthusiasm. {In hi.'i Poems and prose, 1850, v. 2.) 811 5 Taylor, Isaac, M. A. Etruscan researches. London, 1874. O. 913 16 — Words and places; or. Etymological illustra- tions of history, ethnology and geography. 3 edition, compressed. London, 1873. D. maps. 929 16 Taylor, Rev. John. Journal of [his] missionary tour through the Mohawk and Black River countries in 1802. maps. (JnO'Callaghan, E.B. Documentary hist, of N.Y., 1850-1, v. 3.)974 9 Taylor, John, the water poet. Works comprised in the folio edition of 1630. [Manchester,] 1869. F.* facsim. {In Spenser soc. 2-4.) 821 3 — Works not included in the folio of 1630. [Manchester,] 1870-8. 5 v. sqO. il. pi. facsim. broadsides. {In same. 7, 14, 19, 21, 25.) 821 3 Taylor, Thomas. 1576-1632. Moses and Aaron ; or, The types of our Saviour in the Old Testa- ment. London, 1653. D. 232 7 Taylor, William Bower. A memoir of Joseph Henry; a sketch of his scientific work, Phila- delphia, 1879. O. por. 925 8 Tchikhatchev, Petr. Asie Mineure. le partie : Geographic physique comparee. Paris, 1853. Q. pi 915.6 7 — Le Bosphore et Constantinople, avec perspec- tive des pays limitrophes. Paris, 1864. Q. il. maps. 914.9 47 — Carte geographique de I'Asie Mineure, re- digee par A. de Bolotoff. Paris, 1853. 75x127 cm. in F.« 912 38 — Reisen in Kleinasien und Armenien, 1847-63; Itinerare, mit Karte von H. Kiepert. Gotha, 1867. sqQ. 8+68 p. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen :Erganzungsband 4.) 910 44 TEA. Bontekoe, C. Tractaatvan thee. 3 druk. 's Gravenhage, 1685. D. iltp. 643 5 — Saunders^ W. Tea-culture as a probable American industry. Washington, 1879. O. 21 p. 633 6 Ilteatroconiico, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v.l. Teatro critico universal, see F^jjo6 y Montene- gro, B. G. Tebaldeo, Antonio. Egloghe. {In Rubbi, A. Egloghe. 1785.) 851 2 Tebbs, Henry Virtue. Fragments in verse and prose. Bristol [, Eng.], 1873. D. pi. phot. 821 103 TECHNIC. Blttmner, H. Technische Probleme aus Kunst und Handwerk der Alten. Berlin, 1877. O. 36 p. {/n Virchow cfc Holtzendorflf. Vortrage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 TECHNOLOGY, see INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Teckningar utur hvardagslifvet, see Bremer,F. Tecumseh ; or. The West thirty years since ; a poem, see Golton, G. H. TEERIBUS, see TYR-IBUS, TEG EL 663 TEMPTATION' Tesel, Eric Joraiisson. Konung Erics den XIV: des historia ; jemte anmerkningar och register, utgif wen af Anders Anton von Steiern- man. Stockholm, 1751. sqQ. por. 948 36.1 Teg'n^r, Esaias. Samlade skrifter. Stockholm, [1847-9J. 6v. O. poT. 839.7140 Life, by K. V. Bottiger, v. 1, pref. p. 3-86. — Axel, from the Swedish. {In Marsh, C. C. Wolfe of the Knoll. 1860.) 811 17.1 — Axel ; translated by R. Muckleston. London, 1864. D. 839.71 42 — Frithiofs saga. Stockholm, 1831. O. pi. 839.71 43 — Danish : Frithiofs Saga ; oversat af A. E. Boye. Kiobenhavn, 1838. D. 839.71 47 Frithjofs Saga, oversat af J. P. Miller. Kjobenhavn, 1826. D. 839.71 48 — English : Frithiofs saga, a legend of the north; translated by G. S[tephens]: revised, with an introductory letter, by the author ; with various addenda. Stockholm, 1839. O. por, pi. music. 839. 7 1 45 Life, by F. M. FranzSn, pref. p. 11-30. — German : Frithiofssage ; schwedische Ur- schrift, mit Uebertragung in Prosa, sowiemit Aiimerkungen, herausgegeben von Gottfried v, Leinburg. 2 vermehrte Auflage ; i.ebst Gram- matik und Worterbuch von Leo Silberstein. Frankfurt a. M., 1872. O. viap. 839.7146 — Selections from the miscellaneous poems of Te?ner. {In Bethnne, J. E. D. Specimens. 1848.) 839.71 41.1 The chief poems translated are Sweden, Axel, and The children's communion. — Sm'arre samlade dikter. 2 upplagan. Stock- holm, 1832. V. 1. O. 831.7141 — Tal vid sarskilta tillfallen. Stockholm, 1831. V. 1. O. 839.78 2 TEHUA.NTEPEC. Stevens, S. The new route of commerce by the isthmus of Tehuantepec. London, 1871. O. 68 p. maps. 626 6 Teixeyra, Domingos. Vida de Nuno Alvares Pereyra. Lisboa Occidental, 1723. F. por. 923 80 TELEGRAPH. Siemens, C. W. Die electrische Telegraphie. Berlin, 1866. O. 40 p. (/JiVircllow & Holtzendorir. Vortrage. 1 Serie.) 043 1 TELECOPES. Saint-Robert, P. de.Cannocchi- ale pensile per la misura degli angoli vertical! ed orizzontali. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 1.) 065 4 — Swinden, J. H. Geschiedkundig onderzoek naar de eerste uitvinders der verrekijkers ; zamengesteld door G. Moll. Amsterdam, 1831. sqQ. 522 2 hound ivith 504 2 See also UMVERSE. T^ligny, Odet dela None, sieMr de.Tetrasticha; or, Quadrains ; translated by J. Sylvester. (In DuBartas, O. de S. Divine weekes. 1611.) 841 17 TELL, William. Nover, J. Wilhelm Tell in Poesie und Wirklichkeit. Hamburg, 1887. O. 34 p. (In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 — Vischer, W. Die Sage von der Befreiung der Waldstiidte nach ihrer allmalichen Ausbildung untersucht ; nebst einer Beilage : Das alteste Tellenschauspiel. Leipzig, 1867. O. 949 30 Der Knabe des Tell, see Bitzins, A. v. 16. Wilhelm Tell, Schauspiel, see Scliiller, J. C. F. von. TEMPERAMENTS, see PHYSIOGNOMY. TEMPERANCE. Biir, A. Die Trunksucht in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Gesundheit und die Gesundheitspflege. Berlin, 1881. O. 32 p. (/n Virchow cfc Holtzendorff, Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 — Channing', W. E. Address on temperance. (In his Works, 1848, v. 2.) 208 2 — Snndt, E.''L. Om ^drueligheds-Tilstanden i Norge. Christiania. 1859. Q. 178 1 — Welhaven, J. S. C. I den norske Forening mod Breendevins-Drik. (In his Skrifter, 1867- 8, V. a.) 839.84 2 See also ALCOHOL. TEMPERATURE. BecquereL A. C. Memoire sur la temperature de la terre et sur celle de I'air. (In Paris— Institnt — Acad, des sci. Mem. V. 35, 1866.) 551.58 59 ^Dove, H. W. Ueber die Zuriickfiihrung der Temperaturcurve des Jahres auf die ihr zu Gruadeliegenden Bedingungen. (/ri Zeitschrift fiir Meteorologie, v. 6, 1871, p. 1-6.) 551.58 48 — Ebermayer, E. Graphische Darstellungen Tiber den Gang der Boden- und Luf t-Tempera- tur im Freien und im Walde. Aschaffenburg, 1873. F. 551.58 62 bound with 551.31 7 — Heftye, T. J. Temperaturforhold pa Frog- nersaeteren. [Kristiania,! 1872. O. p. 75-81. 651.6 1 —Webster, N. Dissertation on the supposed change of temperature in modern winters. (In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 16.1 See also BODILY HEAT; FROST. The tempest, see Shakespeare, W. KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. Hammer-PurgstaU, J. von. Die Schuld der Templer. Wien, 1855. sqF. [2-t-] 36 p. pi. 369 1 bound with 336 3 — Sol dan, W. tf. Ueber den Process der Tem- pler und die gegen ihren Orden erhobenen Be- schuldigungen. {In Baumer, F, L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1845.) 906 1 Temple, Frederick. The education of the world. (7n Essays and reviews. 1862.) 204 1 Temple, Sir William. Memoires de ce qui s'est passe dans la chretiente, 1672-9; traduit del' anglois. lln Michaud cfc Poujonlat. Memoires, 1866, V. 32.) 944 9 — Macaulay, T. B.Life and writings of Temple. {In /lis Essays, 1843, v. 3.) 824 16 Temple d'honneur, see Froissart, J. Poesies, 2. The temple of glas,see Lydgate, J. in Appendix. TEMPLES, see CHURCHES. Tempo, Antonio da. Delle rime volgari, tratta- to, 1392; per cura di Giusto Grion. Bologna, 1869. O. (/?i Emilia. CoUezione. 27.) 850 6 TEMPTATION. Knox, J. An exposition upon Matthew 4, concerning the temptation of Christ in the wilderness. {In his Works, 1846-8, v. 4.) 208 4 TEMRHT 664 TEUTONIC ORDER TEMRHT LANGUAGE. Earth, H. Ein Wor- terbuch des Tema-schirt.— Die Erzahlung vom verlorenen Solin ini Tema-schirt. {In his Rei- sen in Afrika, 1857-8, v. 5.) 916.6 2 [Ten viziers:] Historien oni de ti vezirer og hvorledes det gik dem nied Kong Azad Bachts Son; oversat af Arabisk ved R. Rask. K0ben- havn, 1829. S. 892 3 TENERIFFE. Maiitegazza, P. Tenerife. (In his Rio de la Plata. 1867.) 918.2 1 — Wilde, ^\. R. Teneriffe. il. (In his Narra- tive of a voyage. 1844.) 910 39 Tengberg-, Rudolf, cfc Boethitis, S. J. Sverige under partitidhvarfvet, 1718-1809. Stockholm, 1879. O. il {In Sveriges historia, v. 5.) 948 51 Tenneiit, Sir James Emerson, bart. Sketches of the natui-al history of Ceylon; including a monograph of the elephant. London, 1861. D. il. pi 590 15 — The wiJd elephant and the method of captur- ing and taming it in Ceylon. London, 1867. D. ilpl 599 3 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. Poems. Boston, 1842. 2 v. D. 821 103 — Dora, idillio tradotto dall' inglese. {In Za- nella, G. Versi. 1868.) 851 131 —Enoch Arden, etc. London, 1864. D. 821 106 — Gareth and Lynette, etc. London, 1872. S. 821 108 — The holy grail, and other poems. London, 1870. D. 821 107 —Idyls of the king. Boston, 1860. D. 821 104 — Maud, and other poems. New edition. London, 1861. D. 821 105 — Brig'litwell, D. B. Concordance to tlie works of Tennyson. London, 1870. D. 821 109 TENORIO, Don Juan, of Seville. Scheible, J. Don Juan Tenorio von Se villa. {In his Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 /S«eatoZorlIlay Morales, J. Don Juan Tenorio, drama, in his Obras, v. 2. T^not, Pierre Paul Eugdne. Paris en decem- bre 1851 ; etude historique sur le coup d'etat. Paris, 1870. D. 944 46 — La province en decembre 1851 ; ^tude histo- rique sur le coup d'etat. 12 edition. Paris, 1870. D. 944 45 T^oli, Carlo, editor. Mescolanze d' am ore; ovvero, Raccolta di scritti amatori di Plotino, Leon Battista Alberti, Stefano Guazzo e Mel- chior Cesarotti. Milano. 1863. S. por. {In Bibl. rara. 6.) 850 3 Vol. 1-30 of the Biblioteca rara are mostly edited by T6oli. ' Teozzi, Pirro. II ciarlatano, novella.— I debiti, capriccio. {In Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 11.) 859 50 Terentius Afer, Publius. Comoediae; recensuit Alfredus Fleckeisen. Lipsiae, 1858. D, 872 3 With C. Suetonil Tranquilli vita P. Terentil. — L'Andria, tradottain toscano. {In Macchia* relli, N. Opere, 1819, v. 7.) 858 10 Terenzio, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v, 39. Tergolina, Vincenzo di. Quattro anni nelle prigioui deJ santo padre. Torino, 1860. D. pi 272 13 Terilo, William, Friar Bakon's prophesie, a sat- ire on the times, 1604; edited by James Orch- ard Halliwell. London, 1844. D. 8-f31p. (/?i Percy soc. v. 15.) 820 6 Termes de la ley, see Rastal, W. TERNI. Marsh, C. C. Terni, Falls of. {In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. TERRA-DEL-FUEGO. Lacroix, F. Terre-du- Feu. 1840. pi map. {In L'univers. 10.) 910 18 TERRA DI SAN GIMIGNANO. Pecori, L. Sto ria della Terra di San Gimignano. Firenze, 1853. O. pi 945 81 TERSIN. Meyer, M. P. H. Tersin, tradition arlesienne. (in Romania, v, 1, 1872.) 479 6 TERTIARY PERIOD. Zaddach, E. G. Die altere Tertiilrzeit, ein Bild aus der Entwick- lungsgeachichte der Erde. Berlin, 1869. O. 35 p. {In Virchow c& HoItzendorlT. Vortr'dge. 4 Serie.) 043 1 Terwen, Johannes Leonardus. Etymologisch handwoordenboek der Nederduitsche taal. Gouda, 1844. O. 439.32 3 Terzuolo, F. P. Etudes sur le dictionnaire de I'Academie fran9aise. 2 edition, accompagnee de remarques sur... dictionnaire de Littre. Paris, 1864. D. 443 3 La Teseide, see Boccacio, G. II tesoro, commedia, see Ongaro, F. dall'. Le tessitore, see Thouar, P. Un testamento, novella [; Stoi'iadi Fra Jetzer; Testament d'Antoine Fran9ois Gauthiot]. Mi- lano, 1864. S. 853 35 bound tvith 24 Testi, Fiilvio, conte. II conte Fulvio Testi alia corte di Torino, 1628 e 1635; documenti raccolti dall'...D. Perrero. Milano, 1865. S. {InBM, rara. 62.) 850 3 A testimonie of antiquitie, seeTliomson, E. Se- lect monuments. 829 15 TESTONA. Calandra, C. & E. Di una necro- poli barbarica scoperta a Testona ; memoria. Torino, 1880. O. 39 p. pi 913 44 TESTS. Smitli, Goldwin. A plea for the abolition of tests in the University of Oxford. Oxford, 1864. D. 378 5 Tetens, Steplian. Christendommens Indf0relse i Norden ved Anscharius. Kiobenhavn, 1826. D. 270 9 Teulet, Jean Baptiste Alexandre Theodore, translator, see Eginliard. Oi^uvres. 1856. 943 13.1 TEUTONIC LANGUAGES. Heyne, M. Kurze Laut- und Flexionslehre der altgermanischen Sprachsfamme. Paderborn, 1862. O. 439 1 — Holzmann, A. Altdeutsche Grammatik,um- fassend die gothische, altnordische, altsach- sische, angelsachsische und althochdeutsche Sprache. Leipzig, 1875. v. 1, pt. 2. O. 6 [-1-1] +78 p. 439 2 Contents; 1.^ Vergleichung der Laute. See also AXGLO-SAXON ; DAXISH ; DIPHTHONGS ; DUTCH; ENGLISH; FLEMISH; FBIESIC ; GER9IAN ; GOTHIC ; ICEIANDIC ; NORSE ; PERMUTATION OP CON- SONANTS . SWEDISH. Teutonic order. Code of the Teutonic order of Livonia [,Low German and English].' {In Gt. Br.— Admiralty. Black book, 1871-6, v, 4 ; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 55.) 942 8 TEUTONIC ORDER 665 THEBAIS — iBergau, R. Das Ordenshaupthaus Marien- burg. Berlin, 18T1. O. 36 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 6 Serie.) 043 1 — Voigt, J. Das Stilleben des Hochmeisters des deutschen Ordens und sein Fiirstenhof. (In Raiimer, F. L. G. yon. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1830.) 905 1 TEUTONIC RACES, see GERMANY. Teveriiio, par George Sand, see DiideYant, A. L. A. D. Tewkesbury. Annales de Theokesberia, 1066- 1263. {In Luard, H. R. Annales monastici, 1864-9, V. \;in Gt. Br.— Master of rolK Chron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 TEXAS. Channing'j W. E. On the annexation of Texas to the United States. [In his Works, 1848, V. 3.) 208 2 — Olmsted, F. L. A journey through Texas, with a statistical appendix. New York, 1861. D. 917.6 1 Texier, Cliarles F^Iix Marie. Asie Mineure, description geographique, historique et arche- ologique. Paris, 1862. O. pi. maps. {In L'univers. 15.) 910 18 — <& Pullaii, R. P. Byzantine architecture. London, 1864, F.^ pi. iltp. 726 4 TEXTILE FABRICS. Collin, J. De danske Klsedemanufacturers Historie, 1736-99. (In his For Historie, 1822-5, v. 1.) 948 66 —The history of silk, cotton, linen, wool and other fibrous substances. New York, 1845. O. pi. map. 677 1 — Mirag'lia, N. Relazione sulle materia tessili air esposizione di Vienna, 1873. [Roma, 1874.J O. 49 p. 677 2 bound with 670 2 — Rawert, 0. J. Hvorledes kunne Huusflidens Varer vorde godt KJ0bmandsgods ? {In Collin, J. For Historie, 1822-5, v. 1.) 948 66 See also COTTON ; SILK ; TAPESTRY ; WOOL. Te/a, Emilio. II dialetto curassese. [Milano, 1864.] O, p, 342-52, 467 12 — La tradizione dei sette savi nelle novelline magiare. Bologna, 1864, D. 56 p. 293 19 — editor. Saggi inediti di lingue americane. Pisa, 1868. O. 91 [-f 2] p. 497 1 Scelta di curiosita. 42, 125. 850 10 — translator. Gedichte Klaus Groth's und Heine's. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 4, 1877.) 945 41 Traduzioni. Bologna [,1863]. D. [3-F] 48 p, 851 128 La moglie di capitano Prijezda, 1864. 891 12 Thaarup, Christen, editor, see Falster, C. Satirer. 1840. 839.87 1 Thaarup, Frederik. Kopenhagen, mitder Um- gegend. Kopenhagen, 1828. T. pi. map. 914.8 40 — Same. Berichtigungen und Zusatze. Ko- penhagen, 1831. T, 43 p, tab. 914.8 40 — Statistisk Udsigt over den danske Stat. Kj0benhavn, 1825, D. tab. 314 19 — Udf0rlig Vejledning til det danske Monar- kies Statistik. Kjobenhavn, 1812-19. 6 v. D. tab. 314 18 — Veiledning til det danske Monarkies Stati- stik. 2Udgave. Kiobenhavn, 1794. D. 314 17 THACHER, Samuel Cooper. Channin^, W. E. Notice of S. C. Thacher. {In his Works, 1848, V. 5.) 208 2 Thackham, Thomas. Defence of his conduct toward Julius Palmer. {In Nichols, J. G. Nar- ratives. 1859 ; m Camden soc. 77.) 820 4 Tham, Willielm. Bidrag till svenska riksda- garnes og regeringsformernas historia. Pt.l: [1660]. Stockholm, 1845. O. 342 11 Thame, Philip de, see Knights of Malta. Thauler, Johann, see Tauler. Thaun, Philippe de. Li livre des creatures ; — The bestiary [;with translations]. (J?iWriglit,T. Popular treatises. 1841.) . 502 7 — Eberts, A. Philipps von Thaun Livre des creatures. {In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v, 5, 1864.) 805 1 —Meyer, M. P. H. Sur le Comput de Philippe de Thaun. (In same. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Thayer, Joseph Henry. Unwarranted verbal differences and agreements in the English ver- sion. {In Schaff, P. Anglo- American Bible re- vision. 1879.) 220 5 THEATRE. Barriere, F. J., editor. Memoires de ('lairon, Lekain, Preville, Dazincourt, Mole, Garrick, Goldoni; avec avant-propos et notices. Paris, 1878. D. {In Barriere tfc Lescxire. Me- moires. 6.) 944 10 — Bournonville, A. A. Mit Theaterliv. Kj0ben- havn, 1848. O. 839.82 8 — -Cibber, C. An apology for [his] life; with an historical account of the stage during his time. 2 edition. London, 1740. <). por. 928 15 — Ferrigni, P. F. L. C. Das italienische Thea- ter seit 1848. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v 2, 1875.) 945 41 — Gautier, T. Le theatre turc a Constantinople. {In his L'orient, 1877, v. 1.) 910 29 — .tfosson, S. The schoole of abuse, and A short apologie, 1579. London, 1868. S. 80 p. (In Arber, E. PJnglish reprints. 3.) 820 9 — Hagmann, J. (x. Die englisclie Biihne zur Zeit der Konigin Elisabeth. Hamburg, 1889. O. 36 p. {In Virchow <& Holtzendorflf. V^ortr'dge. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — Hazlitt, W. C, editor. The English drama and stage, 1543-1664, illustrated by documents, treatises and poems; with preface and index. [London,] 1869. sqO. {In his Roxburghe lib. 4.) 821 2 — Hey wood, T. An apology for actors ; from the edition of 16i2, with introduction and notes. London, 1841. O. [3+] 16-f-66 p. (Shakespeare soc.) 827 9 — Lessing, G. E. Dramaturgische und angeho- rige geschichtliche Werke. {In his Werke, 1823-5, V. 12-15.) 832 6 — Tuckerman, H. T. {In his Criterion. 1866.) 814 15 See also Copeiihageii-K. DANSKE THEATER. Theatrum sympatheticum, 1660, seeDigby, K., c& others. Thebais, see Seneca, L. A.j Statins, P. P. THEILE m^ THEOLOGY Tiieile, K. G. W., & Stier, E. R., editors, see Bible— Polyglot. 220 4 leir aagiaetu og andrijku psalma flockar ut af feeding, pijnu og upprisu vors Drottenns, asamt psalmum ut af Hugvekium Johannis Gerhardi, 04 Viku psalmum. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1780. S. 839.61 22 Edited by Bishop Jon Arnason. THEISS RIVER. Betocclil, A. L'aumento dell' altezzd media delle piene deifiumi... confer- mati dalle osservazioni ... della Theiss. (In Rome— R. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 THEMISTOCLES. Westermann, A. Beitrage zur Kritik der angeblichen Briefe des Tliemi- stokles. Leipslc— K. sachs. (Jesell. Berichte, 1849.) 063 3 Theocritus. Theocritus, Bion et Moschus; ad- jectae sunt Godofredi Henrici Schaeferi notae. Nova editio steieotypa iteratis curis expoliata. Lipsiae, 1829. T. 884 5 — Idillj ed epigrammi [, Greek, Latin and Ital- ian]. (Iw Pagniiii, Gr. M. Teocrito, etc., 1780, V. 1.) 884 6 —Paraphrase: The Cyclops; Idyll 11. {In BroTPningj E. B. B. Last poems. 1862.) 821 24 — Landor, W. S. The idyls of Theocritus. {In his Last fruit. 1853.) 824 15 THEOI»ORIC, Mng of the Ostrogoths and of Italy. Cochlaeiis, J. Vita Theoderici; cum an- notatiombus J. Perringskiold. Stockholmia?, 1699. sqO. 923 92 See also Dietrich of Bern. Theodorlch, monk. Historia de antiquitate regum Norwagiensium. {In Langebek, J.Script. rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 5.) 948 76 Theodorus, bishop of Mopsuestia. Scripta vel scriptorum fragmenta quae supersunt. {In Synesiiis. Opera. 1859.) 208 12 Contents: Fritzsche, 0. P. De Theodori vita et scriptis. — Allaccl, L, Bxcerptum ex...diatriba de Theodoris.— Theodorus. Commentarius in 12 prophetas minores.— Fragmenta in Genesin.— Expositio in Psalmos;— Jobum; — Canticum canticorum.— Commentarii in Novum Te- stamentum.— Fragmenta dogmatica. — Theodore of Mopsuestia and modern thought. (In Church quart, review, v. 1, 1875, p. 115-147.) 282 49 Theodorus en Dianira,treur-spel, see Krnl,J.H". THEODULFE, bishop of Orleans. Hedde, P. Notice sur le ms. de Theodulfe. {In Puy de Dome— Soci^t^. Annales. 1839.) 944 61 Theog-nis. TvQiiai. {In Poetae gnomici. 1823.) 881 3 — Frere, J. H. Theognis festitutus; the per- sonal history of the poet reduced from an an- alysis of his existing fragments. (In his Works, 1872, v. 2.) 821 58 Oeoyovla, see Hesiodus. Theologia deutsch; nach der einzigen Hand- schrift herausgegeben von Franz Pfeiffer. 2 verbesserte und mit einer neudeutschen tJber- setzung vermehrte Auflage. Stuttgart, 1855. D. 241 6 English. Theologia Germanica ; edited by Pfeiffer ; translated by Susanna Winkworth ; w^th a pr-eface by Charles Kingsley, and a let- ter by Bunsen. 2 edition. London, 1854. S. 241 7 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION. Chaiiniug, W. E. On increasing the means of theological ed- ucation at the university in Cambridge. (J?i his Works, 1848, v. 5.) 208 2 THEOLOGY. Abraham a St. Clara. Siimmt- liche Werke. Passau, 1835-67. 21 v. in 19. S. pi. 208 7 —Arnold, M. Literature & dogma ; an essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. London, 1873. D. 230 1 — Augustinus, A., 8t. Confessionum libri 13 ; herausgegeben und erlautert von Karl von Raumer. Stuttgart, 1856. O. 248 1 German : Die Bekenntnisse. 6 Auflage. Passau, 1856. Tt. 248 2 — — Manuell, or litle booke of the contempla- tion of Christ... London, 1577. S. il. 242 1 An undated reprint of this edition. — — Specchio dei peccatori; a cura di U. A. Amico. Bologna, 1866. D. 15-)-34 p. il. (In Scelta di curiosita. 73.) 850 10 — Barrl, (J. de. Giraldi Cambrensis opera ; ed- ited by J. S. Brewer [; v. 5-7, by J. F. Dimock]. London, 1861-77. 7 v. Q. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 21.) 942 8 —Benedict XIV. Opuscula miscellanea. Prati, 1845. Q. 208 1 —Bernard, St. Lo stimolo d' amore. Bologna, 1866. D.52p. (I7X Scelta di curiosita. 68.) 850 10 — Birgitta, St. Das puch der Himlischen offen- barung. Niirnberg, 1502. F. il. 099 14 — Bodin, J. Colloquium heptaplomeres de re- rum subliniium arcanis abditis; curavit L. Noack. Suerini Megaloburgensium, 1857. O. 230 2 — Bonaventura, St. Dit boeck is gheheten Stimulus divini amoris. Leyden, 1511. sqT. 099 20 ^Bunyan, J. The greatness of the soul ; No way to heaven but by Jesus Christ ; The strait gate ; prefixed. An introductory essay on his genius and writings, by Robert Philip. New York, 1846. D. (Works of the English puritan divines.) 240 3 — — The Jerusalem sinner saved; The pharisee and the publican ; The Trinity and a Chris- tian ; The law and a Christian [ ; Bunyan's last sermon ; dying sayings] ; An exhortation to peace and unity ; with life of Bunyan by James Hamilton. New York, 1846. D. (Same.) 240 3 — —The pilgrim's progress; a fac-simile of the first edition. London, 1875. D. 823 4 Same. London, 1837. S. pi. 823 5 — Cah'd, J. Religion in common life; a sermon. New York, 1856. S. 59 p. 240 6 — — German. Die Religion im gemeinen Leben ; mit einem Vorwort von C. C. J. Bun- sen. Leipzig, 1857. O. 52 p. 240 7 —Calvin, J. Institution de la religion chre- stienne. Paris, 1859. 2 v. O. 230 8 — Channing, W. E. Likeness to God. Works, 1848, v. 3.) (In his 208 2 THEOLOGY 667 THEOLOGY — Coleridgej S. T. Aids to reflection ; edited bv Henry Nelson Coleridge. London, 1843. 2\% D. 240 4 — Same. 1 American from 1 London edi- tion, with appendix, preliminary essay and notes, bv James Marsh. Burlington, 1829. Q. 240 5 — Deiiziiiger, H., editor. Enchiridion symbo- lorurn et definitorum quae de rebus fidei et morum a conciliis oecumenicis et summis pon- tificis emanai'unt. Editio 3 aucta. Neapolis, 1856. D. 282 2 —Dudley, Lady Jane tJrey. Life, death and ac- tions ; containing foure principall discourses. London, 1615 [,reprinted 1829J. O. 38 p. 923 45 — Eliicidariiis, Brudstykker af den islandske; udeivne af K. Gislason. (In Copenhagen — K. nofd. 01d.-SeIskab.Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 —Danish; i Ovtrssettelse af M. Eiriksson. (In same. v. 17, 1857.) 948 2 —Fisher, J. English works ; collected by J. E. B. Mayor. London. 1876. v. 1. O. facsim. [In E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 27.) 820 5.1 —Fuller, T. Two seruions ; the first. Comfort in calamitie, teaching to live well ; the other. The graiid assizes, minding to dye well. Lon- don, 1654. S. [54-] 77 p. 240 10 — triannone, P. Opere postume in difesa della sua Storia civile di Napoli. Palmyra, 1760. Q. 945 96 — Grohiiis, J. Himelstrass ; im latin genant Scalaceli. Augspurg, 1510. Q. il. 099 16 — Hieronymus, St. Lettres choisies ; texte latin ; traduciion par J. P. Charpentier. Paris, [185-?]. D. , 240 13 —Howe, J. The Redeemer's tears wept over lost souls ; Union among protestants ; Carnal- ity of religious contention ; Man's enmity to God ; and Reconciliation between God and man ; with life of the author, by W. Urwick. New York, 1846. D. (Works of the English puritan divines.) 240 12 — ilnezie; traduzione dall' inglese. Imola, 1881. S. 7+70 p. 241 3 — Isidorus, St. Opera omnia ; per J. Du Breul. Colonial Agrippinaj, 1617. F. il. 208 3 For contents see Isidorns. —Knox, J. Works ; collected and edited by D. Laing. Edinburgh, 1846-64. 6 v. O. por. pi. facsim. 208 4 ^Leighton, R. Whole works ; prefixed, life, by J. N. Pearson. New York, 1844, O. 208 5 — Lessing, G. E. Theologische Schriften. (In his Werke, 1823-5, v, 24-6.) 832 6 —Lather, M. Sinnreiche Tischreden. Neue verbesserte Ausgabe. Stuttgart, 1836. 2 v. O. 244 1 —Marsh, J., editor. Select practical theology of the 17th century. Burlington, 1^30. v. l.O. 208 6 Contents : 1. Howe, J. The blessedness of the right- eous.— The vanity of man as mortal. Bates, Vf. Dis- courses on the four last things. — Monod, A. Les adieux a ses amis et a I'eglise, 1855-6. 6 edition. Paris, 1859. D. 240 14 — More, T. Workes. London, 1557. 1 v. in 2. Q. 230 5 For contents see More. — Parker, T. A false and true revival of reli- gion : a sermon, 4 April 1858. Boston, 1858. O. 12 p. 252 2.1 — — The revival of religion which we need ; a sermon, 11 April 1858. Boston, 1858. O. 15 p. 252 2.1 — Passavanti, J. Lo specchio della vera peni- tenzia. Firenze, 1821. 2 v. in 1. O. por. 241 4 — Pedersen, C. Danske Skrifter ; udgivne af C.- J. Brandt og K. T. Fenger. Kj0benhavn, 1850-6. 5 V. O. 839.88 4 — Runsbroec, J. van. Werken. Gent, 1858-68. 6 V. O. col. pi. (In Maetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 1, 4, 7, 9, 12.) 839.3 4 —Savonarola, (x. M. F. M. De simplicitate Christianse vitae libri 5. Lugduni Batavorum, 1638. T. 241 5 — Scheible, J., editor. Volksprediger, Morali- sten und f I'ommer Unsinn. (Inhis DasKloster, 1845-50, v. 1.) 837 16 — Schwarz, K, Zur Geschichte der neuesten Theolojfie. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1856, D. 209 1 — Scongal, H. The life of God in the soul of man. Boston, 1823. S. 80 p. 243 1 —Spencer, J. Things new and old ; or, A storehouse of illustrations ; added, A treasury of similes, bv R. Cawdray ; edited bv J. G. Pilkington. London, 1867. Q. " 208 9 — Suso, H. Gudelig Visdoms Bog ; udgivet af C. J. Brandt, Kjobenhavn, 1858. O. 839.88 6 — Synesius. Opera, Greece et Latine, interprete D. Petavio. Lutetise, 1612. F. 208 11 Same ; accedunt Theodori Mopsuesteni episcopi, S. Arsenii eremitte scripta ; accu- rante J. P. Migne. Lutetise Parisiorum, 1859. Q. 208 12 —Taylor, I. Saturday evening 3 American edition. Boston, 1833. O. 240 15 — Theologia deutsch ; nach der einzigen Hand- schrift herausgegeben von F. Pfeiffer. 2te, mit einer neudeutschen tjhersetzung vermehr- te Auflage. Stuttgart, 1855. D. 241 6 — English: Theologia Germanica ; translated by Susanna Winkworth. 2 edition. London, 1854. S. 241 7 —Thomas il Kempis. De I'imitation de Jesus- Christ ;...traduits du latin par H. Ros-weyde. Paris, 1652. D. 242 2 — — Tractat de la imitacio de Christo; traduhit en llengua cathalana per P. Bonavra. y a la fi trobar algunas oracions... Gerona [,1759]. T. 242 3 — Tyndale, W., & Frith, J. The works of the English reformers ; edited by T. Russell. Lon- don, 1831. 3 V, O. 208 10 — Ulrich, J., editor. Trattati religiosi e libro de li exempli, in antico dialetto veneziano. Bologna, 1891, D. (In Scelta di curiositk. 239.) 850 10 -Vincent, S. Meditations religieuses. Nou- velle edition. Paris, 1863. D, 242 5 THEOLOGY 668 THIETMAR — Vinet, A. R. Etudes evangeliques. Paris, 1847. 6. 243 1.1 ^ — Nouveaux discours sur quelques sujets religieux. 3 edition. Paris, 1848. O. '243 3 — Wiclif, J. English works liitberto unprinted; edited by F. D. Matthew. London, 1880. O. facsim. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 74.) 820 5 — Den wises ledstjerna genom lifwet. Stock- holm, 1886. D. 27 p. 243 3 — Wolflf, E. B., & Deker, A. Onderwyzend ge- sprek over het geloof en de zedenleer der chri- stenen. 's Graavenhaage, 1781. O. 240 16 See also ANGELS ; ATHEISM ; BAPTISM ; BIBLE ; CAL- VINISM ; CANOMZATIOX ; CATECHISM ; COXSCIEXCE ; CREEDS ; DEATH ; ESCHATOLOGY ; ETERNAL PUMSH- MENT, ETHICS; EXCLUSION; EXCOMMUNICATION; FES- TIVALS; FREEDOM; FUTURE LIFE; HAPPINESS; HEAVEN; HOLY SPIRIT ; HYMNS ; IDOLATRY ; IMMORTALITY ; JESUS; JUSTIFICATION; LOLLARDS ; LORD'S SUPPER; NATURAL RELIGION; OBEDIENCE; OXFORD THEOLOGY; PAIN; PRAYER; PREACHING; PREDESTINATION; PRO- BABILITY; PROVIDENCE; RATIONALISM; REFORM; RE- LIGION; SACRAMENTS; SACRED HEART; SAINTS; SECTS; SELF-DENIAL; SERMONS ; SIN ; SOUL; SPIRITUALISM ; SUNDAY ; SUNDAY-SCHOOLS ; TEMPTATION ; TESTS ; WORSHIP. Theopliiliis, or Rngerus, priest & monk. Libri 3; sen, Diversarum artium schedula, opera et studio Caroli de L'Escalopier [, Latin and French]. Lutetias Parisiorum, 1843. sqQ. 602 1 With introduction, p. 17-72, by J. M. Guichard. Noted by Mr. Marsh as a "Valuable and rare work on medias- val art.'' Theophilus.(in Brims, P. J.Romant. Gedichte. 1798.) 839.4 2 Theophrastus, Opera quae supersunt omnia: ex recognitione Friderici Wimmer. Lipsiae, 1854-62. 3 V. D. 888 54 Contents: 1. Historia plantarum. 2. De causis plan- tarum. 3. Fragmenta. — Characteres ; Epicteti Manuale, et Cebetis Tabula. Nova editio stereotypa iteratis curis castigata. Lipsiae, 1826. T. 888 55 THERAPEUTICS. Paracelsus. Of the mys- teries of the signes of the zodiack; being the magnetical and sympathetical cure of diseases. {Mhis Of the supreme mysteries, 1656.) 133 26 See also ANiESTHETICS ; BRANDY AND SALT; MIND- CURE; SYMPATHETIC POWDER. THERKELSEN, Jon Joiissoii. Jdnsson, S. JE- fisaga J. J. Therkelsen. Kaupmannahofn, 1825. D. 839.63 64 THERMOMETER. [Comparative scale of Re- aumur, Fahrenheit and centigrade thermome- ters from freezing point of mercury to boiling point of water.] Broadside. 089 36 In portfolio 8. — Gerland, E.Das Thermometer. Berlin, 1885. O. 48 p. (/nVirchowcfc Holtzeudorif.Vortrage. SOSerie.) 043 1 — Volpicelli, P. Sunto sulla memoria del F. Zantedeschi sulla influenza del variare di pres- sione nelle indicazioni termometriche. — Deter- minazione tanto dei rapporti fra i gradi delle varie scale termometriche. (In Rome— Accad. pent, de' iiiiovi liiicei. Atti. v. 1, 1847-8.) 065 1 — Walferdin, F. H. Sur les echelles thermome- triques. Paris, 1855. sqQ. 20 p. 536 3 hound ivith 504 2 Tli^roulde. La chanson de Roland, see Roland. Der Tlieuerdank, nach der Ausgabe von 1819. il. (In Sclieible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 4.) 837 16 Th^venin, fivariste, editor. Cours d'economie industrielle. 3 serie. Paiis, 1866. D. (Asso- ciation poly technique.) 330 18 —Same. 4 serie. Paris, 1866. D. (Same.) 330 18 Entretiens populaires. 1 serie, 1860. Paris, 1860. D. (Same.) 604 1 bound icith 600 2 6 serie, 1865. Paris, 1866. 2 v. D. (Same.) 304 5.1 Th^venot, Jean de. Travels into the Levant ; newly done out of French [by A. Lovell]. London, 1687. F. 2>or. ' 915 7 THIAN SHAN. Sievertsov, N. A. Erforschung d'es Thian-Shan-Gebirgs-Systems, 1867, nebst kartographischer Dnrstellung von A. Peter- mann. Gotha, 1875. 2 v. Q. fnaps. (In Pe- termanns Mittheiluii^eu : Erganzungsband 9- 10.) 910 44 Thibaut, — Expedition a la recherche des sources d^u Nil 1839-40; journal, publie par le comte d'Escayrac de Lauture. Paris, 1856. O. map. 916.7 9 bound with 916.2 27 Thibaiit, Bernhard Frledrich. Grundriss der reinen Mathematik. 4 Auflage. Gottingen, 1822. O. 510 4 THIBET, see TIBET. IIDREKSSACJA. Storm, 0. Nye Studier over Thidreks^Saga. (In Copenliasren— K.nord. Old.- Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 12, 1877.) 948 5 Tliiebjiult, Paul Charles Francois Adrieu Henri Bieudonn^. Souvenirs de vingt ans de sejour'a Berlin. (In Barri^re & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 23-4.) 944 10 Tliiele, Just Matthias. Bjergmandsdalen, For- tselling. Kj0benhavn, 1817. D [l-l-]98p. 839.83 38 — Breve fra England og Skotland, 1836. Ki0- benhavn, 1837. O. 914.2 9 — Danmarks Folkesagn. Ki0benhavn, 1843-60. 3 V. O. 398 24 — Pr0ver af danske Folksagn; med en Fortale afR Nyerup. Ki0benhavn, 1817. O. 12+36 p. 398 23 bou7id loith 24 Thierry, Am^d^e Simon Dominique. Histoire d'Attila et de ses successeurs; suivie des le- gendes et traditions. Paris, 1856. 2 v. O. 943 64 Thierry, Jacques Nicolas Au^ustin. Histoire de la conqugte de I'Angleterre par les Nor- mands. Nouvelle edition, suivie de la liste des conquerants, et de la description delatapisserie de Bayeux. Paris, 1870. D. il. 942 16 THIERS, Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe. Lan- frey. P. L'histoire du consulat et de I'empire, par Thiers. (In /as Etudes. 1874.) 923 3 Thietmar, bishop of Merseburg. Chronicon ; post editionem J. M. Lappenbergii recognovit F. Kurze. Hannoverae, 1889. O. (Iii Pertz, G. H. Script, rerum German. 8.) 943 16 THIRL WALL 669 TH0M8EN Thirlwall, Couuop, hishop of St. David's. A history of Greece, see Sclimitz, L. 938 3 THIRTY YEARS' WAR. Gualdo-Priorato, i}. di. An history of the late warres and other state affaires of Christendom, beginning with the king of Swethlands entrance into Germany, and continuing to 1640 ; English by Henry, earleof Monmouth. London, 1648. Q. 940 26 —Schiller, J. C. F. von. Geschichte der drei- ssigiahrigen Krieg. (In his Sammt. Werke, 1855, V. 2!) 832 9 THIUNDALAND. Peiiiigskjold, J. Then forsta boken af Swea och Gotha minnings-merken uthi Uplands forsta del, Thiundaland [; Swed- ish and LatinJ. Stockholm, 1710-19. 2 v. in 1. F. map. 948 57.1 Same. v.,1. 948 57 Thomas, George Martin, editor, see Falline- rayer, J. P. Gesammelte Werke. 1861. 908 1 Thomas, Joseph, & Baldwin, T. A complete pronouncing gazetteer, or geographical dic- tionary, of the world. Philadelphia, 1855. Q. 910 23 The incredulity of St. Thomas, see The skryve- ners' play. THOMAS A BECKET, see BEKET. Thomas a Kempis. De I'imitation de Jesus- Christ; . . .traduits du latin par Heribert Ros- weyde. Paris, 1652. D. 242 2 — Tractat de la imitacio deChristo; traduhit en llengua cathalana per lo Rt. Pere Bonavra, y a la fi trobar algunas oracions... Gerona [,1759]. T. iltp. 242 3 The illustrated title page gives notice that: "Los II- lustrissims, y Reverendissims Senyors ArQuebisbe y Bisbes de Cathalunya han concedit 320. dias de perd6 a tots Ids qui llegiran, b ohirkn llegir ab atencio un Capi- tol del present Llibre." — MeUa, C. Delia controversia gerseniana, notizia illustrativa. Prato, 1875. O. por. 242 4 Ascribes to Gersen the authorship of the Imitatio Ohristi. Thomas, St.. of Aquino. Moral consideracio contra les persuassions, vicis y forces de amor. {In Boethius, A. M. T. S. Libre de consolacio de philosophia. 1878.) 869 8 Thomas of Erceldoune, see Erceldoune. Thomas of Reading, see Deloney, T. Thomas Ross, Fortselling, see Lie, J. Tli6mas saga erkibyskups; a life of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Icelandic ; with English translation, notes and glossary, edited by Eirikr Magniisson. London, 1875-83. 2 v. Q. iln Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 65.) 942 8 Thomas saga erkibyskups ; Fortaslling om Thomas Becket ; to Bearbeidelser samt Frag- menter af en tredie ; udgiven af C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1869. O. facsim. 839.63 65 Thomas von Pampel, see Langbein,A.E.F, v.6. Thomasi, Thomas. La vie de Cesar Borgia ; traduit de I'italien. imprimee a Monte Chiaro, 1671. T. 923 19 Tliomassy, Marie Joseph Raymond. Geologie pratique de la Louisiane. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1860. sqQ. pi. 557 1 Thome, Otto Wilhelm. Pflanzenbau und Pflan- zenleben. Miinchen, 1874. D. il. 581 2 Thommen, Rndolf. Unser Kalender. Ham- burg, 1889. O. 42 p. {In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Thompson, Benjamin Franklin. The history of Long Island. 2 edition, enlarged. New York, 1843. 2 v. O. il. por. pi. map. 974 12 Thompson, Edwanl M.a,unie,editor, see Chro- nicon Anglite. 1874. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 64.) 942 8 Murimuth, A. Continuatio chronicarum ; R. de Avesbury de gestis Edwardi III. 1889. (In same. 93.) 942 8 see the following publications of the Cam- den society ; new series : 820 4.1 15. Prideaux, H. Letters to J. Ellis. 1875. 22-3. Hattoii family. Correspondence. 1878. 31. Haddock family. Correspondence. 1881. Thompson, Sir Henry. The preventive treat- ment of calculous disease, and the use of sol- vent remedies. 2 edition. London, 1876. S. 72 p. 616 7 Thompson, Joseph Parrish. The workman, his false and true friends. New York [,cl879]. S. 331 18 Thompson, Richard. Letters to Henry Thomp- son of Escrick, co. York ; edited by James J. Cartwright. [London,] 1883. sqO. [3-1-] 8 [-f 1] p. {In Camden misc. 8 ; in Camden soc. n. s. 31.) 820 4.1 Thompson, Zadock. History of Vermont, nat- ural, civil and statistical ; with appendix, 1853. Burlington, 1853. O. il. 974 8 Thoms, William John, editor. Anecdotes and traditions illustrative of early English history and traditions. London, 1839. sqO. {In Cam- den soc. 5.) 820 4 A collection of early prose romances. London, 1828. 3 v. O. 823 2 The history of Reynard the fox. 1844. {In Percy soc. v. 12.) 820 6 Stow, J. Survey of London.1842. 914.2 11 Thomsen, Christian Jiirgensen. Occidentalske Mynter. pi. (/n Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 4, 1842-3.) 948 2 — Om den nordiske Oldtids Broncearbeider. il. {In same. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 1, 1843-5.) 948 4 — Om Guldbracteaterne og Bracteaternes tid- ligste Brug som Mynt. pi. — Tilleeg. {In same. Annaler. v. 15, 1855.) 948 2 — Sur les bracteates en or et sur le premier emploi de bracteates comme monnaies. pi. {In same. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 The plates are in Atlas de I'archSologie du nord. 913 52 — Worsaae, J. J. A. C. C. Rafn's og C, J. Thomsen's Fortjenester af Oldtids videnskaben. (In same. Aarboger. v. 1, 1866.) 948 5 — — C. C. Rafn et C. J. Thomsen ; discours commemoratif. {In same. Memoires. n s, v. 1, 1866-71.) 948 3 Thomsen, Grimur. Et Bidrag til den gamle nordiske Poesies Charakteristik. (Li same. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) — Den nordiske Nationali- tet paa Shetlands- og Orknoerne. {In same, v, 22, 1862.) . 948 2 THOMSEN 670 THORLAKSSON — Njals Saga i engelsk Overssettelse ; by G. W. Dasent. {In same, Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v, 6, 1858-60.) 948 4 — The Northmen in Iceland, remarks on a treatise of G. W. Dasent ; translated by G, Stephens. {In same. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3, 949 5 Thomson, Ebenezer. On the archaic mode of expi'essing numbers in English, Saxon, Friesic, etc. London, 1853. O. 16 p. 429 6 — editor. Select monuments of the doctrine and worship of the Catholic church in England before the Norman conquest ; with transla- tions, notes and introduction. London, 1849. S. facsim. 829 15 A reprint, with additions, of A testimonie of antiqui- tie. 156-. Tlioinsoii, James. A poem to the memory of William Congreve ; with preface and notes by Peter Cunningham. London, 1843. D. 32 p. [In Percy soc. v. 9.) 820 6 — The seasons [,with The castle of indolence, and a memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas]. London, 1860. D. por. 821 111 THOR, see THUNDER. Tliora, see Bagrgesen, J. I. v, 7. Thorarensen, Bjarni. Om Gunnars Hoj ved HliSarende. {In Copeiiliagen — K, nord. Old.- Selskab. Annaler. v. 7, 1847.) 948 2 Tliorarinssoii, Thorldkur. Lijted baena kver. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1780. T. 84 p. 839.61 22.1 Bound with the following : — Nockur liood-miBle, af psalmum, andlegum vijsum og kvsedum samanstandande. Hoolum i Hialltadal, 1780. T. 839.61 22.1 Edited by Halfdan Einarsson. Thord Degns Artikler, see Degn, T. I, Thordarsoii, (xiinnlaugur, Ritgjord um tiina- og engjarajkt ; gefin ut af enu islenzka bok- mentafjelagi. Kaupmannahofn, 1844. O. 839.68 25 —editor, see Grettis saga. 1853. 839.63 37 Thoreau, Henry David. Cape Cod. London, 1865. D. 818 4 — Excursions [,with Biographical sketch by R. W. Emerson]. Boston, 1863. D. por. 815 5 —The Maine woods. Boston, 1864. D. 818 6 — Walden. Boston, 1866 [c'54]. D. 818 7 — A week on the Concord and Merrimack riv- ers. Boston, 1862 [c'49J. D. ' 818 8 — Lowell, J. R. (In his My study windows. 1871.) 814 14 Thoresen, Anna Magdalene (Kragli). Billeder fra Vestkysten af Norge. KJ0benhavn 1872. D. 839.83 39 "Among tne best productions of modern Norwegian literature." — Note by Mr. Marsh. — FortasUinger. KJ0benhaTn, 1863. D. 839.83 40 Contents: En Aften i Bergen.— V0rringen.— Fra Har- danger.— Fra Sognef Jordan.— Studenten. — Et rigt Parti, Skuespil. Kj0benhavn, 1870. D. 839.82 56 — Signes Historie, en Fortselling. Kj0benhavn, 1864. D. 839.83 41 — Solen i Siljedalen; en Fortselling. Kj0ben- havn, 1868. D. 839.83 42 Saga lorflnns karlsefnisok Snorra lorbrands- sonar. {In Rafn, C. C.Antiquitates Americana-, 1837.) 839.63 21 —Same. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sels- kab. Gronlands hist. Mind., 1838-45, v. 1.) 839.63 36 iORGEIRSDRAPA. Gislason, K, En Bema>rk- ning til to Verslinier i lorgeirsdrapa. {In Co- penliagen— K. nord. Old-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 14, 1879.) ^ 948 5 Thorgilsson, Ari. Islendingabok. {In same. Isl. sogur, 1829-30, v. 1.) 839.63 8 Same. (In same, 1843-7, v. 1.) 839.63 9 Same. {In Mobius, T. Analecta. 1859.) 839.63 11 — Schedae ; seu, Libellus de Is-landia, Islen- dinga-bok dictus; in Latinam versus ac illu- stratus ab Andrea Bussaeo. Havniae, 1733. sqO. 839.63 47 Appended is Periplus Otheri; ab A. Bussaso. — Olsen, B. 31. Om Forholdet mellem de to Bearbeidelser af Ares Islaendingebog. (In Co- penhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. V. 20, 1885.) 948 5 Thorhallesen, Egil, editor & translator, see Iceland. Den islandske Lov. 1763. 349 57.1 Thorild, Thomas. Samlade skrifter. Upsala, 1819-35. 4v. O. 839.71 49 Edited by E. G. Geijer. — Geijev, E. G. Thorild; tilliiia en philosophibk eiler ophilosophisk bekilnnelse. Upsala, 1820. pt. 1. O. 839.71 49.1 Thorkelin, Grimur Jonsson, editor. Analecta quibus historia, antiquitates, jura regni Nor- vegici illustrantur; observationibus et indice adjectis. Havniaj, 1778. D. 349 38 Magnusson, A. Diplomatarium. 1786. 327 5 & translator, see Arnason, J. Jus ecclesi- asticuii). 1777. 839.68 12 Beowulf. 1815. 829 20 Eyrbyggia-saga. 1787. 839.63 29 Thorlaciiis, B0rge. Unders0gelse over en islandsk Historie kaldet Fliotsdailernes, ellei Dropl0gs S0nners Saga. Ki0benhavn, 1828. S. [1+] 64 p. 949 6 editor, see Commentarium de Egillo. 1822. 839.63 28 De Hakone Vicensi. 1823. 839.63 39 Stiirlnson, S. Heimskringla, 1777-]82f», v. 4-6. 843.63 14 THORLAK, St., bishop of Skalholt. DeS.Thor- laco. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, V. 4.) 94^ 76 Thorldksson, J6n, translator, see Elopstock^ F. G. Messias. 1838. 839.61 13 Milton, J. Paradisir missir. 1828. 839.61 15 Thorldksson, Sknli Th6rdarson, editor, see Sturluson, S. Heimskringla, 1777-1826, v. 3. 839.63 14 & translator, see Edda— Younger. Frag- menta Hostlangue et Thorsdrapae. 1801. 839.63 2.1 THORNAM 671 THUCYBIDES Thoriiam, August Willielm. Blade af en Lseges Dagbog; udgivne af Th. Manro [pseud ]. Kjb- benhavn, 1838. D. 839.83 43 Thornton, Alice (AVandesford). Autobiogra- phy. Durham, 1875. O. {In Surtees soc. 63.) 820 7 Thornton, Jolin Wingate. The first records of Anglo-American colonization ; their history. Boston, 1859. O. 12 p. 973 21 Thornton romances, see Halliwell-Phillipps, J. 0., editor. Thorpe, Benjamin, editor. Analecta Anglo- Saxonica; a selection in prose and verse from Anglo-Saxon authors of various age.-s, with a glossary. New edition. London, 1846. O. 829 16 — fra?isZa^or, see vElfric. Homilies. 1844-6. 829 3 — —Anglo-Saxon chronicle. 1861. {In (xt.Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 23.) 942 8 ApoUonius of Tyre, Anglo-Saxon version. 1834. 829 8 Edda— Elder. 1866. 839.61 5 Orosius, P. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius. {In Pa nil. (ir. R. Life of Alfred. 1857.) 923 8 Thorpe, Thomas Edward, editor. Coal, its his- tory and uses; by Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Riicker and Marshall. London, 1878. O. il. 553 6 Thorsen, Peder Goth. Virring Runesteen. pi. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aar- b0ger. V. 5, 1870.) 948 5 — editor, see Jutland. Valdemar den andens jydske Lov. 1853. 349 55 Seeland. Eriks Lov. 1853. 349 58.2 Valdemars Lov. 1853. 349 58.1 Thorson, Edwin Marius. Antiquariske Medde- lelserfradeslaviskeLande; — Tillaeg. — Bosporos og bosporanske Oldtidsminder. {In Copenha* gen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tids- skrift. V. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 — translator. Poland. Depecher fra den polske Legation i Kjobenhavn [, 1791]. {In same. An- naler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 Streyc, D. Kortf attet Beskrivelse af Islan- dia. {In same.) 948 3 lattr af lorsteini hvita. {In Ydpnflrdinga saga. 1848.) 839.63 67 Saga af lorsteini Si8u-Halls syni. (In (Jisla- son, K. 44 Pr0ver. 1860.) • 839.63 6 lattr af lorsteini stangarhogg. {In Vdpnflr- Singa saga. 1848.) 839.63 67 lorsteins saga SiSuhallsonar, — Draumr. {In Mobius, T. Analecta. 1859.) 839.63 11 Saga lor^teins Vikingssonar. {In Rafn, C. C. Forn. sogur, 1829-30, v. 2.) 839.63 12 Icelandic and Swedish: Thorstens Viikings- sons saga, pa gammal gothiska, och uthsatt, medh anteckningar, af Jacobo J Reenhielm. Upsalge, 1680. S. 839.63 66 Thorsteinsson, Bjarni. Om den f8er0e8ke Han- dels Tilstand i seldre og nyere Tider, samt om denne Handels Frigivelse. {In Collin, J. For Historie, 1823-5, v. 1.) 948 66 —editor, see SturlAnga-saga. 1817-30. 839.63 63 Tiiorsten, fiskare, romantiskt skadespel, see Stagnelius, E. J. Thortsen, Karl Adolf, Forsog til en dansk Me- trik. Kj0benhavn, 1833. 3 v. m 1. D. 439.86 1 THORVALDSEN, Bertel. Festen for Thorvald- sen i Hotel d'Angleterre, 7 Oct. 1838. - Kj0ben- havn[,1838J. D. 60 p. 839.8153 Tliorvallds vidforla saga. {In Hungurvaka. 1778.) 839.63 43 Thou, Jacques Auguste de. Memoires, 1553- 1601. por. (In Michaud (fc Poujoulat. Memoires, 1866, V. 11.) 944 9 — De Valachia; — PoloniiB regni descriptio. (In Respublica PoloniaB. 1627.) 094 51 Thouar, Pietro. Racconti popolari. Nuova edizione, con aggiunta di due racconti e d'una commedia. Firenze, 1860. D. 853 35.1 THOUGHT, see INTELLECT. THRASHING MACHINES. Italy— Ministero di agricoltura. Concorso di piccoletrebbiatrici a vapore, Perugia 1880. Roma, 1883. O. 48 p. il. tab. (Annali, 1881, no. 37.) 630 19 Thraziger, Adam, see Tratziger. Tliree crude veines, 1611, see Coryat, T. THREE KINGS. Johann of Hildesheim. The three kings of Cologne ; edited, with the Latin text, by C. Horstmann. London, 1886. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. v, 85.) 820 5 See also Zeiio. THRIFT, Smiles, S. Thrift. London, 1875. D. 170 6 Through the dark continent, see Stanley,H.M. Thuanus, Jacobus Augustus, see Thou,» Thucydides, ...Debello Peloponnesiaco libri octo [, Greek and Latin], cum adnotationibus integris Henrici Stephani & Joannis Hudsoni; recensuit,& notas suas addidit JosephusWasse; editionem curavit, suasque animadversiones adjecit Carolus Andreas Dukerus, cum disser- tationibus, collationibus et indicibus. Amste- laedami, 1731. F.»,iltp. 888 4.1 — ...Bellum Peloponnesiacum [.Greek and Latin]; ex editione Wassii et Dukeri. Glas- guae, 1759. 8 v. S. 888 5 — Histoire grecque ; accompagne de la version latine, des variantes, d'observations, par J. B. Gail. Paris, 1807. 4 v. sqQ. por. pi. map. 888 6 — De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo [, Greek]; recognovit Godofredus Boehme. Lipsiae, 18r)7. 2 V D. 888 8 —English; chiefly from the translation of Hobbes of Malmesbury ; with the various readings of Arnold, Goeller, Haack, &c. New edition, with notes and marginal analysis. Oxford, 1841. O. 888 9 — French ; traduite en fran9ais, accompagnee de notes, par J. B. Gail. Paris, 1808. 4 v. sqQ. 888 7 — German : Geschichte des peloponnes-ischen Kriegs ; ubersetzt von C. N. v. Osiander. Stuttgart, 1829-55 [v. 1,'55]. 6 v. sqT. 888 10 ^Dietsch, R. VersuchiiberThukydides. Leip- zig, 1856. O. 67 p. 888 11 Containing Die Volksversammlung in Sparta. Thuky- dides I, 67-87, with German translation and notes. THUCYDIDES ^T2 TIBER — Dionysius of Halicarnassus. De iis quae Thu- cydidi propria sunt.— De Thucydide judicium. [In his Opera, 1839, v. 6.) 888 49 — Lindemann, J. H. Zur Beurtheilung des Thucydides votn religios-sittlichen Standpunkte aus. (Jw /lis VierAbhandlungen. 1852.) 9012 Sulim, P. F. Nogle Steder hos Thucydides oplyste. {In 7iis Skrif ter, 1788-98, v. 7.) 839.88 5 Time, Heiining Jiiiiglians, editor. Norsk An- thologi. Kj0benhavn, 18'47. D. 839.81 5 Thnle ; or, Vertues historic, see Rous, F. Tlittmmel, Conrad. Aus der Symbolik des alt- deutschen Bauernrechts. Hamburg, 1887. O. 44 p. (In Yirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Tliunberg, Karl Peter. Resa uti Europa, A- frica, Asia, 1770-9. Upsala, 1788-93. 4 v. D. pi. 910 38 THUNDER. Grimm, J. L. K.Ueber die Namen des Donners. (In his KleinereSchriften, 1864- 90, V. 2.) 408 2 For thunderstorms see LIGHTNING. Thure, cousin till Calle och Carolina. Stock- holm, 1845. D. 839.77 11 Calle and Carolina are by V. A. D. von Braun. THUROGIA. Regel, F, Die Entwickelungder Ortschaften im Thiiringerwald ; ein Beitrag zur Siedelungslehre Thiiringens. Gotha, 1884. sqQ. map. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen : Erganzungsband 17.) 910 44 Thiiringische Chronick oder Geschichtbuch, biss autt" gegenwertige Zeit ; auss einem alten Exemplar, durch Ern Friderichen Schmidt vermehret.endtlich vonandern, jetzo in Druck geben durch Johan Bangen. Miilhausen, 1599. sqO. 943 35 THUROT. Frainjois. Durand, J. F. Genuine and curious memoirs of the famous Captain Thurot. 1760. {In Percy soc. v. 21.) 820 6 See also other matter in the volume. Thury, J. M. Antoine. Ueber das Gesetz der Erzeugung der Geschlechter bei den Pflanzen, den Thieren und dem Menschen ; aus dem Franzosischen, mit einer kritischen Bearbei- tung von H. Alex. Pagenstecher. Leipzig, 1864. O. 577 2 Thwaites, Edward. Notes upon the Anglo- Saxon coins, 1708. {In Wottoii, W. Short view. 1737.) 429 8 Thwrocz, Jaiios de. Chronica Hungarorum. {In Rerum Hungaricarum scriptores. 1600.) 943 63 Thyestes, see Seneca, L. A. THYMOL. Paterno, E., <& Canzoneri, F. Ri- cerche dirette alia sintesi del timol. {In Rome — R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fls. v. 9. 1880-1.) 065 4 Thynne, Francis. Animaduersions vppon the annotacions and corrections of some impres- siones of Chancers workes reprinted in 1598 ; now newly edited, with fresh collections for the lives of William and Francis Thynne, and a reprint of the only known fragment of The pilgrim's tale, by F. J. Furnivall, and a pref- ace by G. H. Kingsley. London, 1876. O. {In Chaucer soc. 2 ser. 13.) 821 46 — Chaucer; animaduersions uppon the annota- cions and corrections of some impressiones of Chaucer's workes reprinted in 1598; edited bv G. H. Kingsley. London, 1865. O. 15-h62 p. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 9.) 820 5 — Emblemes and epigrames, 1600; edited by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1876. O. (In same. 64.) 820 5 THYROID GLAND. Zoja, G. Ricerche anato- miche suU' appendiche della glandola tiroidea. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti 3 ser. sci. fis. V. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Thys, Anton. Discursus politicus de republica Atheniensium. — Collatio Atticarum & Ro- manarum legum. {In Postel, 0. De republica Atheniensium. 1645.) 094 12 TIBER. Arrivjibene, U. Le idee del Garibaldi sulla sistemazione del Tevere estesa alia boni- ficazione dell' Agro romano. Roma, 1875. Q. 16 p. 627 14 bound with 607 2 — Baccarinij A. Sull' altezza di plena massima nel Tevere urbano e sui provvedimenti contro le inondazioni. Milano, 1875. F. 58 p. pL map. 551.48 23 bound ivith 551.31 7 ^Barilari, P. Intorno ad un lettera dell' ing. Dausse sulla sistemazione del Tevere. (/?i Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 — BetoccIii,A.Effemeridie statistica del Tevere e deir Aniene nel 1873-80. pi. (In same. 2 ser. V. 1-3 ; 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 1 , pt. 1 ; v. 2, pt. 2 ; V. 4, 8, 9.) 065 3-4 — Brioschi, F. Le inondazioni del Tevere in Roma. (In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Same. [Firenze, 1876.] O. 46 p. 551.48 17 — Carcani, M. II Tevere e le sue inondazioni dall origine di Roma fino ai giorni nostri. Roma, 1875. O. 76 p. 551.48 17 — CastigUone, J. Trattato dell' inondatione del Tevere. Roma, 1599. T. [8-f ] 78 p. il. 551.48 22 — Cesarini, G, Un altro modo di prowedere alia sistemazione del Tevere. Milano, 1878. Q. 37 [+2] p. pi. 627 27 bowid unth 607 2 — Collyer, C. G. Proposed works for the pre- vention of the inundation of Rome bv the over- flow of the Tiber. Rome, 1875. O. 7 p. 627 14 — Davies, W. The pilgrimage of the Tiber, from its mouth to its source ; with some ac- count of its tributaries. London, 1873. O. il. pi. via]). ' 914.5 72 — Lombardini, E. Esame degli studj idrologici sul Tevere. [Milano, 1871.] F. 27 p. pi. map. 551.48 23 bound u-ith bbl.Zl 7 With appendix, 12 p. — Manzi, L. M. Progetto di canale di deriva- zioiie del Tevere. [Rome, 1874.] Q. map. 627 14 — Marsli, G. P. (in Johnson's cyclopasdia. In main library, — Mora, F. Di un canale di derivazione dal Tevere; abbozzo di progetto. Roma, 1873. O. 6 + 69 p. 621 14 — Moro, G. Le foci del Tevere. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 TIBER 673 TIMONI — Nardncci, E. Saggio del bibliografia del Te- vere. Roma, 1876. O. 8+69 p. 016 15 Pascoli, L. II Tevere, navigate e navigabile. Roma, 1740. O. 551.48 21 — Posseuti, C. Piano di sistemazione del flume Tevere dall' acqua acetosa al mare per impe- dire le iuondazioni di Roma. Firenze, 1871. O. 66 p. pi. tab. 627 14 SuUe piene del Tevere. Roma, 1872. O. 1.5 p. 551.48 17 — Preller, L. Uber Rom und den Tiber, {^.n Leipsic— K. saclis. Gesell. Berichte, 1848-9.) 063 1, 3 —Smith, S. A. On the futility of all schemes for preventing inundations of the Tiber. Rome, 1875. O. 22 p. 627 14 — —On the inundations of rivers, and the im- possibility of preventing them illustrated by Tiber. Rome, 1877. O. 224-8 p. 627 14 The Tiber and its tributaries ; its inunda- tions, their causes, and means proposed for their prevention. Geneva, 1871. O. pi. maps. 551.48 20 — Turazza, D. La sistemazione del Tevere. pi. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 ^Vescorali, A. Appendice agli Studi idrome- trici sul flume Tevere. Roma, 1876. O. 32 p. pi. 627 14 TIBERIUS, emperor of Rome. Beul4, C. E. Tibere et Theritage d'Auguste. Paris, 1868. O. 937 12 TIBET. Bogle, (x. Narratives of the mission of Bogle to Tibet, and of the journey of T. Manning to Lhasa ; edited by C. R. Markham. London, 1876. O. il. por. pi. facsim. maps. 915.1 7 — Schlagintweit-Sakunlttnski, H. von. pi. map. {In his Reisen in Indieh und Hochasien. 1869-80, V. 3.) 915.4 8 TibuUns, Albius. Carminum libri tres, cum quarto Sulpicise et alioi'um, ex editione C. G. Heyne accurati. (In Catullus, C. V. Opera. 1822.) 874 1 TIBUR. Meyer, L. Tibur, eine romische Studie. Berlin, 1883. O. 80 p. (Ire Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 Tlcknor, George. History of Spanish litera- ature. New York, 1849. 3 v. O. 860 1 3 American edition. Boston, 1864. 860 2 — Same 8 V. O. — Life, letters and journals [; edited by G. S. Hilliardl. 2 edition. London, 1876. 2 v. D. 928 49 Tideman, Jan, editor, see Maerlant, J. van. Dboec vanden houte. 1844 ;— Leven van Sint Franciscus. 1847-8. (In Vereeniglng Ned. let- terkunde. Werken.) 839.3 8-9 See also various articles in the society's Verslagen. 1844-8. 889.3 6 TIDES. Beardmore, N. Tides, estuaries, and tidal rivers. {In his Manual of hvdrology. 1862.) 551.48 1 Tieck, Johann Lndwig. GesammelteNovellen. 2 Auflage. Breslau, 1838-42. 14 v. S. 833 30 — Schriften. Berlin, 1828-1854. 28 v. D. 833 29 — The midsummer night ; or, Shakespeare and the fairies ; from the German by Mary C. Rumsey. London, 1854. O. 35 p. 832 10 —editor, see Hardenberg, F. L. von. Novalis Schriften. 1837-46. 833 13 —Cams, C. (x. L. Tieck ; zur Gescbichte seiner Vorlesungen in Dresden. {In Raumer, F.L.(x. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1845.) 905 1 Tiele, Cornells Petrus, editor, see G6nestet, P. A. de. Dichtwerken. 1869. 839.31 10 Tienhoven, Cornells van. Information relative to taking land inNewNetherland; 1650 ; trans- lated from the Dutch. {In O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1, v. 4.) 9749 Tiepolo, Francesco. Relazione della Moscovia, attribuita al Tiepolo, fatta 1560. Venezia, 1877. Q. 39 p. 914.7 7 Edited by Aurelio Magrini per le nozze Cuchetti- Rosada. Tiepolo, Niccolo. Relazione... da Carlo V. 1532. {In A., E. Illustrazioni del secolo 16. 1840.) 940 25 Tigri, (xiuseppe. Rispetti politici dalle prime riforme del 1846. {In Gradi, T. Racconti. 1862.) 853 14 — Le selve della montagna pistoiese, canti 5. 2 edizione, con aggiunta. Firenze 1868. D. 172 p. 853 124 TIGRIS, see MESOPOTAMIA. Tilbnry, Gervase of. Excerpta ex Otiis impe- rialibus ; edidit J. Stevenson. 1875. {In Gt. Br.— Master of roUs. Chron. and mem. 66.) 942 8 Tilfelt, Ebirhardus, see Hitfelt. Tilius, Joannes, see Du Tilletj J. Tillbury, WiUiani Paul. Breve explica9ao sobre a grammatica. Rio de Janeiro, 1823. D. 469 7 Tillier, Claude. CEuvres. Nevers, 1846. 4 v. D. il. por. 843 43 Contents: 1. A I'Sditeur [by] F. Pyat.— Sur C. Tillier [by] L. de Lahodde.— Mon oncle Benjamin. 2. Belle- Plante et Cornelius,— Comment le chanoine eut peur.— Comment le capitaine eut peur. 3-4. Pamphlets. Tilly, Jacques Pierre Alexandre, comte de. Souvenirs. (7?i Barriere cfc Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, V. 25.) 944 10 TIME. Ansted, D. T. The stars and the earth ; or. Thoughts upon space, time and eternity. 3 American edition. Boston, 1854. S. 88 p. 114 1 For measures of time, see CHBOXOLOGY. The times' vehistle, see C, R., gent. Timkovski, Georgi. Voyage a Peking, a travers la Mongolie, 1820-1 ; traduit du russe par M. N***, revu par J. B. Eyries ; public, avec des corrections et des notes, par J.Klaproth. Paris, 1827. 2 V. O, (fc Atlas. F. 915.1 5 Tinion, pseudonym of Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. Timon of Athens, see Sliakespeare, W. Timoni, Alexandre. Nouvelles promenades dans le Bosphore. Constantinople, 1844. 2v. O. por. 914.9 40 —Petit guide du voyageur dans Constantino- ple. Yeni-Keuiu, 1841. D. 914.9 48 TIMUR 674 TOLET Timiir or Tamerlane, emperor of the Moguls. Institutes, political and military ; translated, with marginal notes, by Major Davy ; the original Persian transcribed, and the whole published with notes by Joseph White. Ox- ford, 1783. sqQ. por. pi. 964 8 — Clavijo, R. 0. de. Historia del gran Tamor- lan. 3 impresion. (In Croiiicas espanolas. v. 3, 1782.) 946 34 La tiiia, see Malatesti, A. TIMGAARD. Petersen, H. Gravstenen fra Timgaard, "Dyvekes Ligsten" kaldet. il. (In Copenhagen— k. nord. Oid.-Selskab.Aarb0ger. V. 14, 1879.) 948 5 La tiorba a taccone, see Balzano, F. Tiraboschi, Ant<»nio. Vocabolario dei dialetti bergamaschi antichi e moderni. Bergamo, 1873. Q. 457 4 —editor, see Rugg'eri, P. Poesie in dialetto bergamasco, 1869. 859 9 Tiraboscliij Girolamo. Storia della letteratura italiana. 2 edizione modenese, accresciuta. Modena, 1787-94. 8 v. in 16. sqQ. facsim. 850 17 Tirant lo blanch, see Martorell, J. TIROL, see TYROL. TISCHBEIN, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm. Gothe, J. W. von. Tischbeins Idyllen. (In his Werke, 1827-42, V. 39.) 832 1 Tiscliendorf, Lobegott Friedrich Constantin von. Gli evangeli quando furono scritti? — Scoperta del manoscritto sinaitico. Firenze, 1868. D. 85 [+2] p. 225 7 bound with 223 4 —editor, see Bible -iV. T.— Greek. N. T. Sin- aiticum. 1863. 225 5 /Same— English. The N. T. from three mss. 1869. 225 15 Tischer, Gustav, editor, see Cicero, M. T. Tu- sculanarum disputationum libri. 1854. 875 13 Tissandier, Gaston. L'eau. Paris, 1867. D. il. (In Charton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.)551.57 5 Titan, see Richter, J. P. F. v. 15-17. Titi, Roberto, annotator, see Riicellai, G. Le api. 1745. 851 4 Tito Vezio, racconto storico, see Rivalta, A. TITUREL. Grimm, J. L. K. Docen, erstes Sendschreiben iiber den Titurel. (In his Klei- chrinere Sften, 1864-90, v. 6.) 408 2 Titus Andronicus, see Shakespeare, W. Titus, Vorspiel, see Engel, J. J. v. 5, TIVOLI. Marsh, C. C. {In Johnson's cyclo- paedia.) In main library. Tiziano Veeellio of Cador e. 'Letter e. (In Dolce, L. L'Aretino. 1863; in Bibl. rara. 10.) 850 3 —Gilbert, J. Cadore ; or, Titian's country. London, 1869. Q. pi. map. 914.5 59 TOBACCO. James I,, of England. A counter- blast to tobacco. (In his Workes. 1616.) 320 8 — — Same. (In Arber, E. English reprints. 19.) 820 9 Leggenda di Tobia e di Tobiolo; con note e con indice [by Michele Vannucci]. Milano. 1825. O. 858 36 Tobler, Adolf. Mittheilungen aus altfranzosi- schen Handschriften. Leipzig, 1870. O. 841 10 Contents: 1. Aus der chanson de geste von Auberi. — Nachtrag to Malms Artikel iiber Cercamon. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v, 1, 1859.)— Le dit du Magnificat von Jean de Conde. (In same. V, 2, I860.)- -Tigri, canti popolari toscani, 2 ed. (i?i same, v. 3, 1861.) — Sul vivente linguaggio della toscana, di G. Giuliani. (^In same. v. 4, 1862.)— Li dis des 8 blasons, von Jehan de Ba- tery. {In same. v. 5, 1864.) — Eine handschrift- liche Sammlung altfranzosischer Legenden. (In same. v. 7, 1866.)— Dits et coxites de B. et J. de Conde; par A. Scbeler. — Das Rathsel der Leys d' amors. (In same. v. 8, 1867.)— Zur ita- lienischen Literaturgeschichte. {In same. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 — editor. II Panfilo in antico veneziano, col latino a f route. {In Archivio glot. ital. v. 10, 1886-8.) 450 11 Tobler, Ludwig. tJber die Wortzusammense- tzung. Berlin, 1868. O. 412 2 Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel de. L'ancien regime et la i-evolution. 7 edition. Paris 1866. O. 944 34 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Most interesting." — De la democratie en Amerique. 4 edition. Bruxelies, 1837. 3 v. S. 321 8 — Same. 2 partie. Edition originale. Paris, 1840. 2 V. S. 321 9 — English: Democracy in America; translated by Henry Reeve; edited, with notes, by Fran- cis Bowen. 2 edition. Cambi'idge [Mass.], 1863. 2 V. O. 321 10 Appended to the translation are: Democracy in Swit- zerland, 1847 ; Speech predicting the revolution, 1848; Biographical notice of de Tocqueville. Tod des Dichters, Novelle, see Tieck, J, L. Schriften, v. 19. Todaro, Francesco. Sopra lo sviluppo e 1' ana- tomia delle salpe. pi. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 — Sulla struttura intima della pelle de' rettili. pi. {In same. 3 ser. sci fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 Todd, James Henthorn. The books af the Vau- dois ; the Waldensian mss. in the library of Trinity college, Dublin ; with appendix. London, 1865. D. 284 6 —editor, see Wiclif, J. An apology for Lollard doctrines. 1842. {In Camden soc. 20.) 820 4 & translator, see. ..The war of the Gaed- hil with the Gaill. 1867. (/n Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem, 48.) 942 8 Todero Brontolon, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 28. Der todte Gast, see Zschokke, J. H. D. v. 3. Het toekomend jaar M M M, see Fokke, A. S. V. 3. Togna, Angelo. Memorie di un corriere. Fi- renze, 1873. D. 914.2 10 TOILET, see COSMETICS. Tola, Pasqnnle, barone. Elogio di Odone di Savoia, 4 febbraio 1866. (In SocietJl ligure. Atti. v. 4, 1866.) 945 48 Tolet, Friedrich Schotus. Des Christoph Wag- ner's Leben und Thaten. por. pi. (In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 TOLHA USEJSf 675 TOPO SCARPJELLUSrO Tolhausen, Alexandre. Dictiounaire technolo- gique dans les langues fran9aise, anglaise et allemande; revue et augmente par Louis Tol- hausen. Leipzig, 1873-6. 3 v. S. 443 11 Tolkeii, Ernst Heinrlch, editor, see Minutoli, J. H.a YOU. Reise zuni Tempel des Jupiter Ammoii. 1824. 916.2 21 Tollensj Hendrik Corneliszoon. De overwin- tering der Hollanders op Nova Zembla, 1596-7. 6 druk. Leeuvvarden, 1855. S. 32 p. 839.31 21 Marked by Mr. Marsh as "interesting." Tollin, Henri. Cbarakterbild Michael Servet's. Berlin, 1876. O. 48 p. (7?i Virchow (fc Hoi- tzendorff. Vortrage. llSerie.) 043 1 Tollin, Israel. Dikter. Lund, 1844. sqT. 839.71 51 Tolomniei, Clandio. II Cesano, dialogp della lingua toscana. {In Trissino, tr. (x. Il'Castel- lano. 1864 ; in Bibl. rara. 49.) 850 3 —II Cesano, nel quale da piu dotti huomini si disputa del nome, col quale si dee ragionevol- mente chiamare la volgar lingua. Vinegia, 1555. O. 450 8 Tolosani, Giovanni Marla.Aggiunta alia Sfera. Conipen-iio di sfera e machina del niondo. lla Dati, L. di S. La sfera. 1865 ; in Bibl. rara. 6:5.) 850 3 TOLSTOI, Aleksandr Ivanovich, see OSTER- MANS-TOLSTOI. TOLZ. Hotter, (J. Bad Krankenheil ; zu- gleich Flihrer in Tolz und seiner Umgebung. Freiburg, 1866. O. 615 15 — Westermayer, tr. Chronik der Burg und des Marktes Tolz. Tolz, 1871. O. pi. 943 37 [TOM A LINCOLN :] Johnson, R. The history of Tom a Lincoln, the red rose knight. {In Thorns, W. J. Pi-ose romances, 1828,v. 2.) 823 2 TOM THUMB. Tieck, J. L. Leben und Thaten des kleinen Thomas, genannt Daumchen ; ein Mahrchen. (In his Schriften, 1828-45, v. 5.) 833 29 TOMBS. Parker, J. H. The tombs. Oxford, 1871. O. (In his Archgeology of Rome, v. 9.) 913 5 See also APP1A> WAY ; DAVID ; ETBUKIA ; TESTOXA. Tomlinson, Charles. Experimental essays. London, 1863. D. il. 539 2 Contents: 1. On the motions of camphor on water. 2. On the motion of camphor towards the light. 3. His- tory of the modern theory of dew. Tommaseo, Niccolo. A' lettori. (In Percoto, C. Racconti, 1863, v, 1.) 853 27 — Aiuto air unita della lingua ; saggio di modi conform! all" uso vivente italiano. Firenze,1874. D. 453 17 — Daniele Manin. il Veneto e 1' Italia ; deside- rio. Torino, 1859. D. 15 p. 945 64 — Di Giampietro Vieusseux e dell' andamento della civilta italiana in un quarto di secolo ; memorie. 2 edizione, con aggiunte. Firenze, 1864. D. 928 51 bound ivith 923 86 — Intorno air unita della lingua italiana. {In Florence— R. accad. della crusca. Adunanza 13 set. 1868.) 450 9 — Nuovo dizioiiario dei sinonimi della lingua italiana. Milano, 1858. Q. 454 1 — Scintilla. Tasso, 41 [1841]. O. 851 125 — II segreto dei fatti palesi seguiti nel 1859, indagini. Firenze, 1860. D. 945 27 — & Bellini, B. Dizionario della lingua itali- ana ; corredato di un discorso preliminare del [Giuseppe Meini]. Torino, 1861-79. 4 v. in 7. sqF. 453 18 — editor. Canti popolari toscani, corsi, illirici, greci ; con opuscolo originale. Venezia, 1841-2. 4 V. O. pi. 859 7 Noted by Mr. Marsh as a "Rare & important collec- tion." Caterina, St. Le lettere. 1860. 856 8 Tommasi-Crndeli, Corrado. Delia distribuzione delle acque nel sottosuolo dell' Agro romano e della sua influenza nella produzione della ma- laria, pi. maps. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lin- cei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fls. v. 3, 1878-9.) 065 4 — Same. Roma, 1879. F, 18 p. pi. maps. 616 24 — Sulla distribuzione delle acque nel sottosuolo romano, e sulla produzione naturale della ma- laria. pZ. maps. {In same. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 4 — & Boll, F. Die Reform der italienischen Uni- versifaten. {In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 3, 1876.) 945 41 — & Klebs, E. Studi sulla natura della ma- laria, pi. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Same. Roma, 1879. F. 66 p. pi. 616 25 Tondaliis, see Tundale. Tonelli, Alberto. Osservazioni sulla teoria della connessione. {In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2, 1874-5.) 065 3 Toner, Joseph Meredith. Dictionary of eleva- tions and climatic register of the U. S. ; with introduction on the orographic and other phys- ical peculiarities of North America. New York, 1874. O. 551.53 1 Tonge, Thomas. Heraldic visitation of the northern counties in 1530 ; with" appendix of other heraldic documents relating to the north of England ; edited by W. Hylton Dyer Long- staffe. Durham, 1863. O. il. {In Surtees soc. 41.) 820 7 Tonstall, Cnthbert, hishop of Durham. A sermon preached on Palm Sunday, 1539, before Henry VIII. London, 1823. D. 262 14 Reprinted from the original edition of 1539. Tony, pseudonym of Bergmann, A. Too good to be true, see The king and a poor northern man. TOOLS, see GRINDING. Topfer, Heinrich Angust. Die gasf0rmigen Korper und die heutige Vorstellung vom Wesen der Gasform, Berlin, 1877. O. 40 p. {In Tirchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 — Das mechanische Warmeaquivalent, seine Resultate und Consequenzen. Berlin, 1869. O. 36 p. {In same. 4 Serie. ) 043 1 Topfer, Rodolphe. Elisa et Widmer. (In Nodi- er, J. C. E., & others. Nouvelles. 1845.) 843 2 TOPO SCARPELLINO, Salvadore di. Sozzini, A. Raccolta di burle, facetie, motti e buffone- rie di tre huomine sanese. Siena, 1865. D. 857 13 TOPOGRAPHY 676 TORRIGIANI TOPOCiRAPHY, see SURVEYING. Topperij Max. Zur Geschichte der standischen Verhaltnisse inPreussen. {In Raiimer, F. L. (J. Ton. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1847.) 905 1 Topsell, Edward. The history of four-footed beasts and serpents ; collected out of the writ- ings of Conradus Gesner and other authors ; added, The theater of insects, by T. Muffet ; revised and inlarged by J [ohn] R [owland]. London, 1658. F. il. 590 3 TORCELLO. Battagliiii, N. Torcello antica e moderna. Venezia, 1871. O. pi. 945 67 Torcy, Jean Baptiste, marquis de. Memoires, 1697-1713. (/n Midland c&Poiyonlat. Memoires, 1866, V. 32.) 944 9 Tordenskiold, see 0hlensclilager, A. G. Trago- dier, v. 6. Tor do Diaconus, see Degn, T. I. Torelli, Giuseppe. Frammenti in continua- zione dei Miei ricordi. (In Azeglio, M. T. d.' Lettere a Torelli. 1870.) 856 3 Torelli, Luigi. Commemorazione di Matteo Fontaine Maury. Venezia, 1874. O. 30 p. 551.46 4 — L' eucalyptus e 1' Agro romano. Roma, 1868. O. 86 [ + 1] p. 551.58 115 — L' eucalyptus e Roma. Roma, 1879. O. 77 [4-3] p. 551.58 115 — La navigazione nel Mar Rosso e proposta della correzione della carta idrografica del mare. Venezia, 1871. O. 38 p. 910 53 — Ricordi intorno alle cinque giornate di Mi- lano, 18-22 marzo 1848. Milano, 1876. D. 945 59 — Le traverse, briglie o serre, rimedio contro i franamenti. Venezia, 1874. O. 52 [-f 2] p. pi. 627 13 Torelli, Pomponio. II Tancredi, tragedia ; nuovamente pubblicata per cura di Licurgo Cappelletti. Bologna, 1875. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 147.) 850 10 Torelli- VioUier, Maria Torriani, wife of Eu- genio, psettdonym La marchesa Colombi. In risaia, racconto di natale. Milano, 1878. D. 853 86.1 bound tvith 34 Torfason (Latin Torfaeus), Thormodnr. Brev- Vexling angaande den gamle nordiske Tiids- Regning, oversat af det Islandske ved J. Erich- sen. (In Jon Lopts0ns Encomiast. 1787.) 839.61 11 — Historia rerum Norvegicarum . Hafniae. 1711. 4 pt. in 3 V. F. 948 30 — Series dynastarum et regum Dani« antea 1664 ; nunc aucta. Hafnia^, 1702. sqO. tab. 948 91 — Torfaeana ; sive, Notee posteriores in Seriem regum Danise, Epistolee Latinae & Index in Se- riem regum Daniae. Hafnise, 1777. sqO. por. tab. 948 93 Edited by P. F. Suhm. Torgrim, see Janson, C. N. Torigni, Robert of, abbot of Mont-Saint Mi- chel. Chronica. (In Hewlett, R. Chronicles, 1884-9, V. 4: in Gt. Br.— Master of roUs.Chron. and mem. 82.) 942 8 Torini Bencirenni, Angelo. Brieve medita- zione sui beneficii di Dio. Bologna, 1863. D. 56 p. (In Scelta di curiosity. 17.) 850 10 Torkel Knutson, sorgspel, see Beskow, B. von, Torlonia, Alessandro, prince, see LAKE FU- CINO. TORNADOES. Hare, R. Of the conclusion [that] tornados are caused by heat... 3 edition. Philadelphia, 1852. O. 14 p. 551.5 1 — Helmholtz, H, L. F. Wirbelsturme und Ge- witter. il. (In his Vortrage, 1884, v. 3.) 504 5 TORPEDO. Boll, F. C. Ueber elektrische Fische. Berlin, 1874. O. 39 p. (7« Vircliow & Holtzeudorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 Le vescicole di Savi della torpedine. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. v. 3, 1874-5.) — Nuove ricerchesullastrutturadelle piastrine elettriche della torpedine. (In same. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 3.) 065 3 — Fritsch, G. T. Die elektrischen Fische im Lichte der Descendenztheorie. Berlin, 1883. O. 64 p. il. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 — Reiclienheini, M. Sopra il midollo spinale ed il lobo elettrico della torpedine. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fis. v. l, 1876-7, pt. 3.) 065 4 Torre, Gian Raffaele della. Congiura di Giulio Cesare Vacchero. (In Varieta storiche italiaDa.) 945 10 Torre, Maria, contessa della. Danni recati all' Italia dal papato; dedicato aglioperaigenoTesi. Italia [Torino], 1861. O. 14 p. 282 50 Torre di Rezzonico, Carlo Castone, conte della. Opere; raccolte e pubblicate dal Francesco Mocchetti. Como, 1815-20. 8 v. O. por. 858 5 Torrent of Portugal, an English metrical ro- mance, now first published by James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1842. O. 821 112 Torrent of Portugale ; re-edited by E. Adam. London, 1887. O. (/n E. E. text soc. Extra ser. 51.") 820 5.1 Itorrenti delle Alpi, ed i mezzi diretti alia lore difesa. Milano, 1859. S. 551.48 11 TORRENTS, see RIVERS. Torres Aniat, Felix. Memorias para ayudar a formar un diccionario critico de los escritor* s catalanes. Barcelona, 1836. O. 869 1 For supplemento, 1849, see Corminas, J. — editor, see Pujades, J. Cronica de Cataluiia. 1829-31. 946 54 — Marsh, G. P. Amat, F. de T. (In Johnson's cyclopaedia, sup.) In main library. Torri, Alessandro, editor, see Dante Alighieri. L'ottimo commento della Divina commedia. 1827-9. 851 35 Pindemonte, I. Poesie. 1858. 851 96 Torriano, Giovanni. Vocabolario italiano & inglese : A dictionary Italian & English, for- merly compiled by John Florio, augmented by himselfe, and now enriched with considerable additions : added, a dictionary English & Ital- ian. London, 1659. F. 099 29.1 TORRICELLI, Evangelista, Henry, C. Docu- ments nouveaux. (In Rome— B. acead. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. mor. v. 5, 1879-80.) 065 5 Torrigiani, Antonio. Le castella della Val di Nievole; stud j storici; Delle acque minerali di Montecatini, appendice. Nuova edizione. Fi- renze, 1867. O. map. 945 83 TORRIGIANI 677 TBAKI Torrigiani, Carlo, marehese. Delia abitazione del povero. Firenze, 1857. O. 27 p. 339 1 TORRINGTON, George Byng, viscount. Me- iiioirs relating to the lord Torrington; edited by John Knox Laughton. [London,] 1889. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 46.) 820 4.1 TorselliiiOj Orazio. De particulis Latinee ora- tionis. {In Facciolati cfc Forcellini. Lexicon, 1828.) 473 3 — Lauretanae historise libri 5. Moguntiaj, 1600. S. pi. 271 14 Tortesa the usurer, a play, see WilliSj N. P. Tortoli, triovanni. Delle vita e delle opere di Vincenzio Nannucci. (/« Nannucci, Y, Manu- ale della letteratura italiana, 1856-8, v. 2.) 8509 TORTURE. Lea, H. C. Torture. {In his Super- stition and force. 1870.) 340 4 — Mag'gl, (x. De equuleo, cum notis G. Junger- (J/i /m De tintinnabulis. 1689.) 789 1 Toseanelii, (Jiuseppe. La economia rurale de- scritta nella provincia di Pisa. Pisa, 1861. O. tab. & Atlas. obO. 630 33 "Exceedingly curious account of life in Tuscany."— JVote by Mr. Marsh. Toscani, Davide. La saison d'hiver, nov. 1880 a avril 1881 a Rome, et la sante des etrangers. Rome, 1881. O. 16 p. 615 20 Tosco, Partenio, pseudonym. L' eccellenza della lingua napoletana. {In CoUezione napole- tana, 1783-9, v. 27.) 859 19 Toselli, Gioranni Battista. Rapport d'une con- versation sur le dialecte ni9ois, dissertations, pieces justificatives et glossaire. Nice, 1864. O. 457 11 Tosi, P. A., editor, see Maccheronee. 1864. {In Bibl. rara. 34.) 850 3 Tott, Francois, baron de. Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares. Amsterdam, 1785. 3 v. S. 949 66 Tottel, Richard, printer. Miscellany : Songes andsonettes by Benry Howard, earl of Surrey, Sir Thomas Wyatt, the elder, Nicholas Grim- ald, and uncertain authors, 1557. London, 1870. S. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 24.) 820 9 TOUCH. Abbott, T. K. Sight and touch. Lon- don, 1864. O. il. 152 1 — En^el, J. J. tJber einige Eigenheiten des Ge- fiihlsmnes. (!» /lis Schriften, 1801-6, v. 9.; 838 3 TOURAINE, Brachet, A. Vocabulaire touran- geau. {In Romania, v. 1, 1872.) 479 6 'H HovpxoiJAxos 'EXXdy, see SoutSOS, A. TOURTE, Francois. F^tis, F. J. {In his A. Stradivari. 1856.) 787 1 Tourtoulon, Charles de. La chirurgie d'Abul- casis, traduite en dialecte toulosain du 14e si^cle. — Certificat en langue d'oc, 16e siecle.— Note sur le dialecte proven9al et ses sous-dia- lectes. — Note sur le sous-dialecte deMontpellier. — La baga d'or, romance populaire. {In Revne des langues romanes. v. 1, 1870.) — Une assem- bles nationale au 13e siecle; extrait de la chro- nique catalane du roi Jacques ler d'Aragon. {In same. v. 2, 1871.) — Predictions astrono- miques pour 1290-5. — Biblioteca catalana. {In same, v, 3, 1872.)— Les derniers troubadours de la Provence, d'apres Paul Meyer. — Dequelques formes de I'ancienne langue d'oc. — Note sur un sous-variete du dialecte de Montpellier. — De quelques imitations modernes de la poegie du moyen age. (In same. v. 4, 1872.) 479 5 — Jacme ler, le conquerant, roi d'Aragon ; d'apres les chroniques et les documents inedits. Montpellier, 1863-7. 2 v. O. 946 21 Tonssenel, Alphonse. Tristia; histoire des mi- seres et des fleaux de la chasse de France. Paris, 1863. D. 799 4 Toiitain, — . Electricite medicale. Paris, 1870. D. 615 10 The Towneley mysteries. London [,1836]. O. {In Surtees soc. 3.) 820 7, 822 23 — Processus Noe cum filiis. (In Matzner,E. A.F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v. 1, pt. 1, 1867.) 820 8 Townsend, Frederick, translator, see Occioni, 0. Old and new. 1880. 851 90 Tozer, Henry Fanshawe. Norway. {In Gal ton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 Tozzetti, Ottaviano Targioni, editor, see Car- pini, G. dal P. di, Epistola de' costumi dei Tartari. 1871. 390 22.1 Tpoxtwai, see Sophocles. Tracia, A. Diccionario de la rima o conso- nantes de la lengua castellana ; precedido de los elementos de poetica y arte de la versific- acion espanola. Barcelona, 1829. O. 466 1 Ane tractat of a part of ye Yngliss cronikle, see Frondes caducae. Tractato dei mesi, see Bonresin of Riva. Tracy, William. Testament, expounded by Willyam Tyndall and Jhon Frythe. (In Wiclif. J. Wicket. 1548.) 099 3 —Same {In Tyndale & Frith. Works, 1831, V. 3.) 208 10 TRADE, see BUSINESS; COMMERCE. Tradicions del valles, see Maspons y Labr6s, F. TRAGEDY. Masing, W. Die tragische Schuld. Berlin, 1872. O. 35 p. {In Virchow & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 7 Serie.) 043 1 Traidor, inconfeso y martir, drama, see Zor- rllla. V. 3. Traill, Catharine Parr (Strickland). The back- woods of Canada, letters from the wife of an emigrant officer. London, 1836. S. il. pi. (Lib. of entertaining knl.) 917.13 Traina, Antonino. Nuovo vocabolario siciliano- italiano. Palermo, 1868. Q. 457 19 Traits des sistemes, 1749, see Condillac, E. B. de. TRAJANUS, Marcus Ulpius, afterwards Csesar Nerva Trajanus Angnstus, emperor of Rome. Plinius CsBcilius Secnndns, C.Panegyricus Tra- jano dictus. {In his Epist. 1806, v. 2.) 876 4 _ — Italian: Panegirico a Trajano. {In Alfleri, V. Vita. 1818.) 928 5 TRAMPS, see POOR; VAGABONDS. Trani, Italy. Ordinances and customs of the sea, published by the consuls of Trani. {In Gt. Br.— Admiralty. Black book, 1871-6, v. 4; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 55.) 942 8 TBANSA CTION 678 TRENCK TRA^^SACTION. Sveistrup, F. C, editor. For- ordninger, Placater, Rescripter og Collegial- breve henh0rende til Forligelsesvsesenet i Dan- mark, Norge, Island, og de danske 0er i Vest- indien; i kronologisk Orden. 2 Udgave, 1795- 1805. Kj0benhavn, 1806. D. 349 53 TRANSCAUCASIA. Haxthausen-Abbenburg-, F. L. M. A. H. von. Transkaukasia; Reiseerin- nerungen. Leipzig, 1856. 3v.ini. O. por. viap. 914.7 35 — Koleuatij F. A. Die Bereisung Hocharmeni- ens und Elisabethopols, der schekinschen Pro- vinz und des Kaabek im Central-Kaukasus. Dresden, 1858. O. il. 914.7 26 See also CAUCASUS. — Eadde, (x. F. R. Aus den dagestanischen Hochalpen, 1885. Gotha, 1887. soQ. 4-h64 p. pi. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheiluiigen: Er- ganzungsband 18.) 910 44 Transformation, see Hawthorne, N, TRANSLATION. Marsh, G. P. Principles of translation. — The English Bible. {In his Lec- tures. 1860.) 080 20 TRANSLITERATION, see ALPHABET. TRANSPORTATIONjsee CAMELj COMMERCE. TRANSUBSTANTIATION. Wiclif, J. Uvick- lie£fes Wicket, n. p. [,1548.] T. [64J p. 099 3 See also LORD'S SUPPER; SYXGRAMMA SUEVICUM. TRANSVAAL. Jeppe, F. Die Transvaal'sche Republik ; nebist Annang : Dr. Wangemann's Reise in Siid-Afrika, 1866-7. Gotha, 1868. sqQ. 4+24 p. map. (In Petermanns Mit- theiluHgen : Erganzungsband 5.) 910 44 TRANSYLVANIA. Boner, C. Transylvania, its products and its people. London, 1865. O. il. pi. maps. 914.3 20 — EzekeliuSjF.Ein Bildaus derZeit derGegen- reformation in Siebenbiirgen. Berlin, 1885. O. 40 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorflf. Vor- trage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 — Wlislocki. H. von. Aus den Leben der Sie- benbiirger Rumanen. Hamburg, 1889. O. 84 p. {In same. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 — — Sitte und Branch der Siebenbiirger Sach- sen. Hamburg, 1888. O. 36 p. (In same. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 See also GYPSIES. TRAP A. Notaris, G. de. Descrizione di una nuova specie del gen ere trapa. {In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Trappists. Le regole della Trappa ; tradotte dal francese da Lorenzo Magalotti. Bologna, 1883. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 196.) 850 10 — Reybaud, M. R. L. Une visite au convent de la Trappe de Staoueli en Afrique. {In his Marines. 1854.) 910 66 Fragments du roman de Trasignyes. {In BALDWIN, I. Le livre de Baudoyn. 1836.) 843 4 LAKE TRASIMENO, see PERUGIA. Trasmondo-Frangipani, Caniillo, barone, duca di Mirabello, editor, see Gattinara, M. di. II sacco di Roma. 1866. 945 86 Trattatello della verginita, testo di lingua dell' aureo trecento. Bologna, 1864. D. 39 p. {In Scelta di curiosita. 46.) 850 10 Trattato di virtu morali ; edito da Roberto de Visiani. Bologna, 1865. D. (In same.Ql.) 850 10 Tratziger, Adam. Chronica der Stadt Ham- burg, a Carolo Magno usque ad Carolum V. ; 1557 geschrieben. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 2.) — Slesvici oppidi topographia. 1583. pi. — Concilium de compo- nenda lite.. .[Kiel], 1571-2. {Insame.v.S.) 943 21 Trauttweln von Belle, E. Wilhelm von Orani- en, der Befreier der Niederlande. Berlin, 1867. O. 32 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 Li travaglinse ammure di Ciullo e Perna, see Cortese, G. C. TRAVEL. Galton, F. The art of travel. 3 edition. London, 1860. D. il. 910 19 —Howell, J. Instructions for forreine travell, 1642. London, 1869. S. 88 p. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 16.) 820 9 —Lord, J. K. At home in the wilderness ; by The wanderer. London, 1867. t7. por. 910 20 See also COMMUMCATIO> , MOUXTAIX-CLIMBIXG. TRAVELLERS. St. John, J. A. The lives of celebrated travellers. New York, 1832. 3 v. S. 923 5 —Santo Filippo, P. A. di. Biografia dei viag- giatori italiani. (In Rome— Soc. geog. itaU Studj. 1875.) 016 25 TRAVELS, see VOYAGES cfc TRAVELS. TREATIES. See BERLIN ; DIPLOMACY ; Italy-Miiiistero degll affari esteri ; RIPOX ; RUMAMA ; U. S.-FOREIGX RELATIOXS. TREBIZOND. Finlay, G. The history of Greece, and of the empire of Trebizond, 1204- 1461. Edinburgh, 1851. O. 949 41 Trede, Theodor. Das geistliche Schauspiel in Siiditalien. Berlin, 1885. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie. ) 043 1 TREES, see FORESTRY. Treichler, Johann Jakob. Politische Wand- lungen der Stadt Ziirich. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Trelawny, Charles Trelawny Collins. Perran- zabuloe, the lost church foJind; or. The church of England not a new church. From 5 London edition. New York, 1846. D. 283 3 Trelawny papers; edited by William Durant Cooper. 1853. {In Camden misc. 2; in Camden soc. 55.) 820 4 Tremasteren "Fremtiden," en Forteelling, see Lie, J. Trench, Richard Chenevix, archbishop of Dub- lin. Commentary on the epistles to the seven chui-chesin Asia, Revelation 2, 3. New York, 1861. D. 228 1 — English, past and present. 6 edition, en- larged. London, 1868. D. 420 12 — On the study of words. 12 edition. London, 1867. S. 428 5 — Proverbs and their lessons. 6 edition, en- larged. London, 1869, D. 398 33 Trenck, Friedrich, Freiherr von der. Frag- ments concernant la captivite du baron de Trenck. {In Barriere & Lescnre. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 28.) 944 10 TRENT 679 TRISTAN TRENT. Sarpi, P. Istoria del concilio tridenti- no. [Napoli,] 1789-90. 8 v. in 4. D. 270 13 Treutiiiag'lia, Josef von. Bozen, mit seiner Umgebuug. Brixen, 1868. D. 30 p. 914.3 17 TREPANNING. Hansen, S. Om forhistoiisk Trepanation i Danmark. -pi. {In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 34, 1890.) 948 5 Los tres afectos de amor, see Calderon. v. 4. Las tres justicias en una, same. Los tres mayores prodigies, same, v. 1. Le tresoramoureux, see Froissart, J. v. 3. Treutleiii, P. Dr. Ed. Schintzer (Emin Pasha), der agyptische Generalgoaverneur des Sudan. Hamburg, 1887. O. 52 p. viap. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 1 — Die Durehquerungen Afrikas. Berlin, 1884. O. 92 p. map. {In same. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Trevelyan, George Otto. The life and letters of Lord Macaulay. Leipzig, 1876. 4 v. S. por. (Tauchnitz edition.) 928 37 Trerelyan papers. [London,] 1857-72. 3 v. sqO. tab. {In Camden soc. 67, 84, 105.) 820 4 Contents: 1. Prior to 1558 : edited by J. P. Collier. 2. 1446-1643; edited by Collier. 3. [1477-1776] with introduc- tion to pt. 1-3; edited by W. C. and C. E. Trevelyan. TREVES. (Jolscher. Gesta archiepiscoporum Trevirensium, 1132-1259. {In Eckliard, J. G. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 2.) 943 13 — Grorres, J. von. Die Wallfahrt nach Trier. Regensburg, 1845. D. 231 4 —Marx, J. Geschichte des heil. Rockes zu Trier. Trier, 1844. D. 231 4 — iDie Stimine eiiies "deutschen Volkslehrers" uber J. Ronge. Coblenz, 1845. D. 23 p. 231 4 Trevisa, John, translator, seeHlgden, R. Poly- chronicon. 1865-86. {In (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 41.) 942 8 Same, Kapitel 23-25. {In Miit/ner, E. A. F. Alteng. Sprachproben. v, 1, pt. 2, 1869.) 820 8 Trevisano, Donienico. Relazione, 1554. {In Document! di storiaottoniana. 1842.) 949 54 TRIALS. See ALEXANDRA, ship ; ANOINTEBS; BUCKINGHAM, G.y.,lst duke of; CHARLES I., of England; England; HAMPDEN, J.; HYACIXTHE, pire ; KAIRIS, T.; KOLLE- R0D, 0. P.; LA GALA, C; REGICIDES; RUSCOWIK, G.; VENANZI, G.; WITCHCRAFT. Sir Triamonr. {In Ellis, G. Specimens of ro- mances, 1805, V. 3.) 821 4 — The romance of Syr Tryamoure ; edited by James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1846. D. [7+] 63 p. {In Percy soc. v. 16.) 820 6 — Sir Triamore. {In Percy, T. Folio ms., 1868-9, V. 2.) 821 6 TRIBULATION, see PAIN. TRICKS, see NATURAL MAGIC. TRIESTE. Ascoli, G. I. H dialetto tergestino. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 10, 1886-8.) 460 11 — Cimino FoUiero de Lnna, A. Massimiliano d' Austria e il castello di Miramare ; ricordi di Ti-ieste. Firenze, 1875. D. 55 p. phot. 943 59.1 See cdso COMMERCE-AUSTRIA. Trigault {Latin Trigautius), Nicolas. Regni Chniensis descriptio. Lugd. Batav., ex offic. Elzeviriana, 1639. Tt. pi. 094 19 TRIGONOMETRY. Urqnhart, T. The trisso- tetras ; or, Table for resolving all triangles. 1645. pi. (In his Works. 1834.) 828 20 Trigoso de Aragao Morato, Francisco Manuel. Discurso preliminar. {In Lisbon — Academia. Collec9ao de hist, port., 1790-1824, v. 4.) 946 (18 Trikoupe, Spnridonos. 'la-ropla ttjs iWrjviKTjs iiramadTffeus. 'Ev Aovdiv({., I85d-1. 4 v. O. 949 48 Trina, see Groth, K, Trinchese, Salvatore. I primi momenti dell' evoluzione nei molluschi. pi. {In Rome- R. accad. del lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 7, 1879- 80.) 065 4 TRINITY, see GOD ; HOLY SPIRIT j JESUS. Trinnmmus, see Plautns, T. M. v. 3. A trip to Scarborough, a comedy, see Sheri- dan, R. B. B. Tripier, Louis, editor, see France. Constitu- tions. 1872. 342 3 TRIPOLI. Blaquiere, E. {In his Letters from the Mediterranean, 1813, v. 2.) 914.6 87 — Hoefer, J. C. F. Etats tripolitans. 1850. pi. map. {In L'nnivers. 7.) 910 18 — Hornemann, F. K. Journal of travels from Cairo to Mourzouk, 1797-8. London, 1802. sqQ. 916.1 5 Trissino, Giovanni Giorgio. Tutte le opere. Verona, 1729. 2 v. F. il. por. 861 126 Contents; 1. Poesie. 2. Prose. — II Castellano ; ed II Cesano di Claudio To- lomei ; dialoghi intorno alia lingua volgare ; con r epistola dello stesso Trissino intorno alle lettere nuovamente aggiunte all' alfabeto ita- liano. Milano, 1864. S. (/n BibL rara. 49.) 860 3 — Rime. — La Swphwnisba. Vicenza, 1529. D. 861 138 The third edition of La Sophonisba. — La Sophonisba. — Discacciamentode le nuove lettere inutilmente aggiunte ne la lingua to- scana. — I ritratti. — Oratione al principe' di Ve- netia. — Epistolade' la vita che' dee' tenere' una dwnna vedova. Roma, 1524. D. 861 127 The second edition of La Sophonisba, published in September. Two leaves after the half-title are wanting. — La Sofonisba; con note di Tasso ; a cura di Franco Paglierani. Bologna, 1884. D. 18 f-f 2] + 39 p. facsim. {In Scelta di curiosity. 305.) 860 10 — La Sofonisba, tragedia ; e I Simillimi, com- media ; aggiuntivi, I Lucidi, commedia, di Agnolo Firenzuola. Milano, 1864. S. {In Bibl. rara. 46.) 860 3 — translator, see Dante Aligliieri. Delia vol- gare eloquenza. 1868. 861 43 [Tristan:] Cantare quando Tristano e Lancie- lotto conbatetero al petrone di Merlino. 1873. r/n Scelta dicuriosita. 135.) 860 10 — Saga af Tristram og Isodd, i Grundtexten, med OversiBttelse og Anma?rkninger af Gisle Brynjulfsson. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.« Selskab. Annaler. v. 11, 1851.) 948 3 TRISTAN 680 TROY —La tavola ritonda; o, L' istoria di Tristano: per cura
  • d5es, see Euripides. Troades, see Seneca, L. A. Trogus Pompeius, see Justinus. Troil, Uno von. Bref rorande en resa til Island, 1772. Upsala, 1777. D. pi. map. 914.9 13 — English : Letters on Iceland. London, 1780. O. pi. map. 914.9 13.1 TROILUS. Pey, A. Nouvelles fran9aises du 14esiecle. (/n Jahrbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 1, 1859.) 805 1 Troilus and Cressida, see Shakespeare, W. Les trois regnes, poeme, see DelUle, J. Tr6jumanna saga ok Breta sogur ; med dansk Overssettelse af Jon Sigurdsson, {In Copen- hagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v.8-9, 1848-9.) 948 2 Trokelowe, John de, & others. Johannis de Trokelowe et H. de Blaneforde, necnon quo- rundam anonymorum chronica et annates ; edited by H. T. Riley ; 1259-96, 1307-24, 1392- 1406. London, 1866. Q. facsim. (In St. Albans abbey. Chronica. 3 ; in Gt. Br— Master of rolls, chron. and mem. 28.) 942 8 Trollhaiidskarne, fee-saga, see Stjernstolpe, J. M. Trollope, Tliomas Adolphus. A history of the commonwealth of Florence, to 1531. London, 1865. 4 V. O. 945 74 — A peep behind the scenes at Rome. London, 1877. D. 282 23.1 Tromnier, C. ' Die Bonitirung des Bodens ver- mittelst wildwachsender Pflanzen. Greifswald, 1853. O. pZ. 551.58 53 Der Trompeter von Sakkingen, see Scheffel, J. V. TRONDHJEM. Schoning, G. Beskrivelse over den Dom-Kirke i Throndhjem. Throndhjem, 1762. sqO. pi. 720 22 Reise giennem en Deel af Norge, 1773-5. Kiobenhavn, 1778. sqO. pi. maps. 914.8 18 Tropea, Giacomo, editor, see Gianni, G. Rime. 1872. 851 77 TROPICAL FRUITS, see FRUIT. TROPICS. Engel, F. Nacht und Morgen unter den Tropen. Berlin, 1875. O. 56 p. (In Vir- Chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage.lOSerie.) 043 1 — — Das Sinnen-und Seelenleben desMenschen unter den Tropen. Berlin, 1874. O. 31 p. {In same. 9 Serie.) 043 1 I troppi, commedia, see Alfleri, V. Trosien, E. Lessing's Nathan der Weise. Ber- lin, 1876. O. 32 p. {In VirchovF & Holtzen- dorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 Trostarinnan, see Bremer, F. TROUBADOURS, see PROYENgAL LITERA- TURE. Troubetzkoy, Pietro, see Trubetzkoi. TROUVERES. Meray, A. La vie au temps des trouveres, 11-13 siecles. Paris, 1873. D. 390 15 See also FRENCH {earhj) Jj\.yQV AQE; FREXCH LITERA- TURE—POETRY. II trovatore, dramma, see Cammarano, S. Troy, Paul. Inondations, reboisenients & pa- sturages; etude sur la loi du 28 juillet 1860 sur le reboisement des montagnes. Paris, 1861. O. 8+73 p. 551.58 53 TROY. Colonne, G. dalle. Historia Troiana. [Argentina}, 1494V] Q. 093 10 __ — English : The ''Gest hystoi-iale" of the de- struction of Troy; edited bv G. A. Panton and D. Donaldson. London, 1869-74. O. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 39, 56.) 820 5 Italian : Storia della guerra di Troia: vol- garizzamento del buon secolo: per cura di M. dello Russo. Napoli, 1868. O. 939 3 Spanish: Cronica troyana, en que se cotiene la total y lamentable destruycion de la nombra- da Troya. Medina. 1587. Q. 939 1 —Dictys cfc Dares. De bello Trojano; accedunt Joseplii Iscani de bello Trojano libri sex. Lon- dini, 1825. O. pi. 878 28.1 Italian: Della guerra Trojana ; volgariz- zati dal Compagnoni. Milano, 1819. O. pZ. 878 28.2 TROT 681 TUNDALE — "Dieregodgaf, S. De Trojaensche oorlog ; 12e eeuw. {In Bloiumaert, J. P. M. Oudvlaemsche gedichten, 1838-51, v. 1.) 839.31 2 See also v. 2. — Le Fevre, R. Le recueil des histoires troien- nes. Paris, [149-]. Q. il. 093 7 — — English : The ancient history of the de- struction of Troy; translated by W. Caxton. 6 edition. London, 1636. D. 939 2 — Schlieinaim, H. Ithaka, der Peloponnesus und Troja; archaologische Forschungen. Leip- zig, 1869. O. pi. maps. 913 31 Ti'oyes, Jean de, see Jean. Troyoii, Fr^d^ric. Om antiquariske Fund i Sch Welz's Inds0er. (in Copenliag'en — K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852- 4.) 948 4 — Foi'tidsminder i Schweiz's Indsoer ; Anmel- delse af Habitations iacustres, par Trovon. [In same. v. 6, 1858-60.) ' 948 4 Troyte, John Edward & Reginald Henry Dyke Acland.* The change ringer's guide to the steeples of England, London, 1879. D. 789 3 Truan, H., editor. Letture francesi scelte e graduate ad uso degli isituti d' istruzione se- condaria. Torino, 1878. O. 840 17 Trnbetzkoi, Petr, prince. Sull' eucalipto. Intra, 1876. O. 24 p. 551.58 115 Trftbner and co. A catalogue of books on phil- ology, American antiquities, Indians and lan- guages, publislied during the last forty years in the U. S. A. London, 1858. O. 26 p. 427 11 Truchsess, Gebhard, see Grebhard. Truculentns, see Plantns, T. M. v. 3. TrninbnlI,John. 1750-1831. M'Fingal,a modern epic poem ; with notes. Boston, 1826. T. 817 9 Trumbull, John. 1756-1843. Autobiography, reminiscences and letters, 1756-1841. New Haven, 1841. por. pi. maps. 927 15 Appended is Catalogue of paintings by Trumbull. The trnst, see Clarke, M. V. N. C. Syr Tryamoure, see Triamour. Tschachtlan, Bendicht. Berner-Chronik,1421- 66 ; lierausgegeben von E. Stierlin und J. E. Wyss. Bern, 1820 D. pi. 949 32 TschihatscheiT, see Tchikhalchev. Tschudi, ^^gidius. Chronicon Helveticum ; herausgegeben, mit Vorrede, Anmerckungen, wie auch Register, von Johann Rudolff Iselin ; 1000-1470. Basel, 1734-6. 2 v. F." iltp. 949 29 Tschudi, Friedrich. Ueber die landwirth- schaftliche Bedeutung der Vogel. St. Gallen, 1854. D. 14 p. 636 5 Tschudi, Johann Jakob von. Die brasilianische Provinz Minas Geraes ; Originalkarte nach H. G. F. Half eld, 1836-55, gezeichnet von Fried- rich Wagner ; beschreibender Text, 1862. Gotha, 1862. sqQ. \2+] 42 p. map. {In Peter- manns Mittheilungen : Erganzungsband 3.) 910 44 — Reisedurch die Andes von Siid-Amerika,von Cordova nach Cobija, 1858. Gotha, 1860. sqQ. [2-f ] 38 p. il. map. {In same. 1.) 910 44 —Travels in Peru, 1838-43 ; translated from the German by Thomasina Ross. New edition. New York, 1848. D. 918.5 2 Tschiisi-Schmidhofen, Victor von. Schiitzet und heget die Vogel; ein Mahnruf. Wien, 1872. D. [1+] 36 p. il. 636 5 TUBERCULOSIS. Milone, C. Sulla origine della cellula gigantesca del tubercolo. pi. {In Rome— R. siccad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci.fls. V. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 Tacci, P. di. Dell' antico e presente stato della Campagna di Roma, Roma, 1878. O. pZ. 551.49 11 — Saggio di studi geologici sui peperini del Lazio. il. map. {In Rome— R.accad. dei lin- cei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 4, 1878-9.) 065 4 Tiicher, Eudres. Memorial, 1421-40. — Tucher'- sches Memorialbuch, 1386-1454. — Tucher'sche Fortsetzung der Jarbiicher bis 1469-99. {In Munich— K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deut- schen Stadte, v. 2, 10, 11, 1864-74 : Niirnberg, V. 2, 4, 5.) 943 24 Tucker, Sarah. Abbeokuta ; or, Sunrise within the tropics ; an outline of the origin and pro- gress of the Yoruba mission. New York, 1853. S. pi. maps. 916.6 11 Tucker, William W., translator, see Brnc, C. de. The republic of San Marino. 1880. 94o i>3 Tnckernian, Edward. Introduction and notes. {In Josselyn, J. New England's rarities. 1865.) 917.4 4 Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. America and her commentators ; with a critical sketch of travel in the United States. New York, 1864. O. 917.3 11 — Book of the artists ; American artist life, comprising biographical and critical sketches; with an appendix containing an account of notable pictures and private collections. New York, 1867. O. por. 927 3 — The criterion; a series of essavs. New York, 1866. D. ' 814 15 — The life of John Pendleton Kennedy. New York, 1871. D. por. 928 34 TUCKERMAN, Rev. Joseph. Channin^ W. E. Discourse on the lire and character of J. Tuck- erman. {In his Works, 1848, v. 6.) 208 2 Tugdalo, see Tundale. TUKE, bishop of Borglum. Processus inter re- gem Christophorum II & episcopum Burgla- nensem Tuchonem. (T?? Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 6.) 948 76 TULLE. Scherer, H. DerRaub... Metz, Tull und Verdun, 1552 [-1648]. {In Raumer, F. L. O. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1842.) 905 1 [Tundale:] Libellus de raptu animae Tundali et ejus visione. — La visione di Tantolo. {In Villari, P. Antiche leggende. 1865.) 851 59 —II libro di Theodolo ; o vero, La visione di Tantolo ; posto in luce per G. B. C. Giuliari. Bologna, 1870. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 112.) 850 10 — Tondalus visioen. {In Blonimaert, J. P. M. Oudvlaemsche gedichten, 1838-51, v. 2.) 839.31 2 TUNDALE 682 TURKEY — Visione di Tugdalo ; volgavizzata nel secolo 14; posto in luce da Francesco Corazzini. Bo- logna, 1873. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 128.) ^ 850 10 Tuneld, Erik. Geografi ofver Sverige. 8 uppla- gan. Stockholm, 1827-33. v. 1-4^ in 5 v. D. 914.8 30 TUNIS. Blaquiere, E. (In his Letters from the Mediterranean, 1813, v. 2.) 914.5 87 —Daumas, P. Quatre ans a Tunis, Alger, 1857. O. 916.1 4 —Frank, L., & Marcel, J. J. Tunis. 1850. il. pi. max). (In L'univers. 7.) 910 18 — Gautler, T. (In his L'orient, 1877, v. 3.) 910 29 —truest, M. J. The Tunisian question and Bi- zerta. London, 1881. O. 30 p. pi. maps. 961 2 —Relation du voyage et prinse de quatre gall- ons de Tunis par les galeres de Malte. Paris, 1629. S. 15 p. 961 1 — Shaw, T. Travels ... to Barbary and the Le- vant. Oxford, 1788. F. pi. maps. 916.1 3 TUNNELS. Du Biirguetj Gr. Essaisur 1' aerage du tunnel des Alpes. Riberac, 1864. O. 15 p. 622 5 — Italy— Direzioue tecnica. Traforo delle Alpi tra Bardonneche e Modane; relazione. Torino, 1863. F. pi. 622 2 See also MONT CEXIS; SAIXT CiOTHARD. Turandot, Prinzessin von China, ein tragiko- misches Mahrchen nach Gozzi, see Schiller, J. C. F. von. Turazza, Domenico. La sistemazione del Te- vere. pi. (In Rome— R.accad. del lincei. Atti. 2 ser. V. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Turberville, George. Certain e letters in verse out of Moscovia, (In Herberstein, S. von. Notes upon Russia, 1851, v. 1.) 914.7 5 TURBINE WHEEL. Gautero, G. Delle ruote a turbine. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti 3 ser. sci.fis. v. 1, 1876-7, pt. 2.) 065 4 Turcici imperii status; seu, Discursus varij de rebus Turcarum. Lugduni Batav., ea? offieina Elzeviriana, 1630. Tt. 094 59 Turck, Leopold. Lavieillesseconsideree comme maladie, et les moyens de lacombattre. 3 edi- tion. Paris, 1869. D. 613 13 TUrckei: Chronica, Glaube, Gesatz, Sittenn, Herkofiien, Weiss und alle Geberden der Tiircken; von einem Sibenburger im 1436 Jar beschriben. Strassburg. 1530. sqO. 943 35 Turenne, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, vi- comte de, mar4chal de France. Memoires de sa vie, 1643-59. por. (In Michaud & Poujonlat. Memoires, 1866, v. 27.) 944 9 With Notice, Lettres de Turenne, 1627-43, Documents Inedits, 1657-9. — Fl^chier, E. Oraison funfebre de Turenne, (In Bossuet, J. B. Oraisons funebres. 1858.) 845 2 — Mascaron, J. Same. (In same.) 845 2 TURF, see PEAT. Tnrgot, prior of Durham. Brevis relatio de S. Cuthberto.— Vita S. Margaretae Scotorum re- gin^e-— Excerpta. (In Symeon. Opera, v. 1, 1868; wSurteessoc. 51.) 820 7 Turheim, Ulrich von, see Ulrlch. Turin. Relazione dal marcliese E. Lucerna di Rora al consiglio comunale, 24 nov. 1863. To- rino, 1863. sqQ. 32 p. 852 7 bound tcith 314 14 —Club alpino italiano. Bullettino trimestrale. 1865, '6, '9, '74. Torino, 1866-74. no. 3, 4, 13- 16, 22. O. il. pi. 551.43 9-10 — Giunta munici]>ale. Inchiesta amministrativa sui fatti avvenuti in Torino, 21-2 set. 1864. To- rino, 1864. F. 343 14 bound tvith 336 3 — Paroisse evang^lique vaudoise. Rapport, 1864-5, par le consistoire. Turin, 1865. O. 20 p. 284 7 — Societa anonima. Di una nuova condotta di acqua potabile. Torino, 1875. O. 32 p. 628 8 By V. del Carretto and C. Calandra. — Marsh, C. C, (In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. — Testi. F. II conte F. Testi alia corte di To- rino, 1628 e 1635; documenti raccolti dair...D. Perrero. Milano, 1865. (In Bibl. rara. 62.) 850 3 See especially PIEDMONT; also ITALY-CAPITAL. TURKESTAN, see TURKISTAN. Turkey. Manifeste de la Sublime porte, 4 oct. 1853 Constantinople [, 1853]. Broadszde. 080 36 In portfolio 3. — Manifeste sur I'etat des choses actuel, 15/ 27 juillet 1853. Constantinople, 1853. Broadside. 080 36 In portfolios; with four broadsides in Turkish. —DESCRIPTION. Almanach de 1' empire otto- man pour 1850. Constantinople, 1850. T. 314 26 — — Barth, H. Reise durch das Innere der eu- ropaischen Tiirkei, 1862. Berlin, 1864. O. il. pi. map. 914.9 33 Carlisle, G. W. F. H., earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters : edited by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1855. D. 914.9 35 — — Falhnerayer, J. P. Gesammelte Werke. Leipzig, 1861. 3 v. O. 908 1 — — Gautier, T. La Turquie. — Le theatre turc a Constantinople. (In his L'orient, 1877, v. 1.) 910 29 — — Georgiewits, B. De Turcarum moribus fpitome. Lugduni, 1.583. Tt. il. 390 £0.1 Jouannin, J. M., & Gaver, J. vjin. Tur- quie. Paris, 1840. O. por. pi. maps. (In L'univers. 64.) 910 18 — — Magni, C. Quanto di piu curioso...per la Turchia;...aggiontavi la relazione del serraglio del Gran Signore, da A. Bobovio. Bologna, 1685. T. 099 30 — —Murray, J., publisher. A handbook for the Ionian islands,. ..Turkey... London, 1845. D. maps. 914.9 24 Oscanyan, C. The Sultan and his people. New York, 1857. D. il. por. 914.9 34 — — Poujade, E. Chretiens et Turcs, scenes et souvenirs de la vie politique, militaire et I'e- ligieuse en orient. 3 edition. Paris, 1867. O. 949 64 Shirley, A., R. c& T. The three brothers; or, Travels and adventures in Persia, Turkev, etc. London, 1835. D. por. 910 37 — — Tavernier, J, B. Turquie. — Nouvelle rela- tion de I'interieure du serrail du grand sei- gneur. 2^1- (In his Six voyages, 1679-92, v. 1, 3.) 099 26 TURKEY 683 TURKISTAN English. {In same. 1678.) 915 16 — —Tiircici imperii status; seu, Discursus va- rij de rebus Turcarum. Lugduni Batav. , 1630. Tt. 094 59 — —Tiirckei: Chronica, Glaube, Gesatz, Sit- tenn, HerkoiSen, Weiss und alle Geberden der Tiircken; von einem Siebenburger im 1436 Jar beschriben. Strassburg, 1-530. sqO. 943 35 — — Ubiciai, J. H. A. Lettres sur la Turquie; ou, Table de I'enipire ottoman. 3 edition. Paris, 1853. 2 V. D. 914,9 38 Contents: 1. Les Ottomans, 2. Les Kaias. Valle, P. della. Viaggi. Brighton, 1843. 2 V. D. por. 915 8 -^ — —English: Travels. London, 1665. F. 915 9 — —Wagner, M. Denkwiirdigkeiten von der Donau und vom Bosporus. (In his Reise nach Persien, 1852, v. 1.) 915.5 6 — — Walsh, R. Narrative of a journey from Constantinople to England. Philadelphia, 1828. O. 914.9 51 Webbe, E. His trauailes, 1590. London, 1868. S. 40 p. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 4.) 820 9 — — Wutzer, C. W. pi. (In his Rtise in den Orient, 1860-1, v. 2.) 914 11 See especially LEVANT, under which will be found every general book of travels through Turkey, Pales- tine, Egypt, etc.; see alsoCHXhUEX ; ETHNOLOGY; KUU- DISTAN; MESOPOTAMLl ; MOSUL. —FOREIGN RELATIONS. Ferraro, Vt., editor. Curiosita storiche. Firenze, 1875. O. 8 p. 94955 Contents: Marflsa- — Discorso di lega tra i principi cri- stiani contro il Turco. — — Liutpraudo. RelaLio de legatione Con- stantinopolitana. {In Pertz, Gr. H. Script, rerum German. 6.) 943 16 — — Urqiiliart, D. Recent events in the east, 1853. London, 1854. D. 947 3 Volney, C. F. C. de. Considerations sur la guerre des Turks. (In his Voyage en Egypte et en Syrie, 1822, v. 2.) 915.6 24 See also CRIMEA ; EASTERN QUESTION ; RUSSIA- HISTORY. — HISTORY. Documenti di storia ottoniana del secolo 16. Firenze, 1842. O. 949 54 — — Hammer-Purgstall, J. yon. Histoire de I'erapire ottoman, jusqu'a nos jours ; traduit sur la 2 edition par Dochez. Paris, 1840-2. 3 V. Q. maps. 949 58 — — Knolles, R. The Turkish history ; with a continuation to 1687 ; added, The present state of the Ottoman empire, by Sir Paul Rycaut. 6 edition. London, 1687-1700. 3 v. F.^por. 949 60 — — Lamarche, H. D. de. Les Turcs et les Russes ; histoire de la guerre d'orient. Paris, [1854]. F. [l+]68p. il.maps. 949 55.1 bound with 913 17 — — Lewenklaw, H. Neuw^e Chronica tiircki- scher Nation, in vier Biicher. Franckfurt a. M., 1595. F. 949 63 ^ — — Neuwer musulmanischerHistori tiircki- scher Nation 18 Biicher, Fi-anckfurt a. M., 1595. F. 949 ;63 — — Moncada, F. de. Expedicion de los Cata- lanes y Aragoneses contra Turcos y Griegos. Madrid, 1805. D. 946 49 Ohsson, I. M. d.' Tableau general de 1' empire othoman, en deux parties : la legisla- tion mahometane; I'histoire de I'empire. Paris, 1787-90. V. 1-2. F.« pi. 949 61 Same. Paris, 1787-1824, 7 v. O. & Atlas to V. 1. F. 949 62 _ — Rycant, P. Istoria dello stato presente deir imperio ottomano : tradotta da C. Belli. Venetia, 1672. sqO. il. iltp. 949 65 For the original see the entry under KiioUes, R. — — Sansovino, F. T. Historia universale dell' origine, guerre et imperio de Turchi ; accre- sciuta dal M. Bisaccioni. Venetia, 1654. sqO. il. 949 53 — — Tott, F. de. Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares. Amsterdam. 1785. 3 v. S. 949 66 — —Walsh, R. A residence at Constantinople during the Greek and Turkish revolutions. London, 1836. 2 v. O. il. por. pi. map. 949 68 —MAPS. Kiepert, H. General-Karte von der europaischen Turkei. Berlin, 1853. 98x110 cm. 912 52 In portfolio 2. — — Petermann, A. H. Russisch-tiirkischer Kriegsschauplatz. 1877. Gotha, 1877. 57x70 cm. inQ. 912 35.1 See also CONSTANTINOPLE ; BOSPORUS. —POLITICS. Eichmanii, F. Die Reform en des osmanischen Reiches ; mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung des Verhaltnisses der Christen des Orients zur tiirkischen Herrschaft. Berlin, 1858. O. 949 56 Marsh, G. P. The future of Turkey.- Ori- ental Christianity and Islamism. (In Chris- tian examiner, v. 65, 1858.) — The oriental ques- tion. {In same. v. 64, 1858.) In main library. _ — Rnsteni effendi & Seid bey. Reponse a quelques journaux relativement aux affaires de Turquie. Bruxelles, 1853. O. 45 p. 949 55 For other works on Turkey, see ALBANIA; ASIA MINOR; BERLIN, TREATY OF ; BLACK SEA ; BOSPORUS ; CHAL- DJIA ; CONSTANTINOPLE ; CRETE ; CYPRUS ; GALATA ; KARS; KATZIANER, H.; LEVANT; SEA OF MARMARA ; PERSIA ; RHODES. TURKISH LANeUAG^E. Mallouf, N. Diction- naire de poche fran9ais-turc. Smyrne, 1849. S. 494 2 — Redhouse, J. W. An English and Turkish dictionary, in two parts. London, 1856-7. 2 V. D. 494 1 Grammaire raisonnee de la langue ot- tomane ; suivie d'un appendice contenant 1' analyse d'un morceau de composition otto- mane. Paris, 1846. Q. 494 3 TURKISH LITERATURE. Fleischer^ H. L. tjber den tiirkischen Volksroman Sireti Sejjid Batthal. (In Leipsic— K. sachs. Gesell. Be- richte, v. 2, 1848.) 063 1 See also Fusco, E.; SHAHINGERAI. TURKISTAN. Eversmann, E. Reise von Oren- burg nach Buchara ; nebst einem Wortver- zeichniss, einem naturhistorischen Anhang und einer Vorrede vonH. Lichtenstein. Berlin, 1823. sqQ. pi. map. 915.8 5 TURKISTAN 684 TUXEN —Forsyth, T. D.Ost-Turkestan und das Pamir- Plateau, 1873-4. Gotha, 1877. sqQ. [2+]76p. map. {In Petermanns Mittlieiluiig-en : Er- ganzungsband 11.) 910 44 — Uavazzij M. Alcune notizie raccolte in un viiigj^io a Bucara. Milano, 1865. O. map. 915.8 6 — iPrzhevalski, N. M. Reise von Kuldscha iiber den Thian-Schan an den Lob-Nor und Altyn- Tag, 1876-7. Gotha, 1878. sqQ. 4 + 31 p. maps. (In Petermanns Blittheilungen : Erganzungs band 12.) 910-44 — Schla^intweit-Sakiiulunski, H. von. Ost- Turkistan und Umgebungen. pi. (In his Rei- sen in Indien und Hochasien, 1869-80, v. 4.) 915.4 8 — ^Schuyler, E. Turkistan; notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara and Kuldja. 2 edition. London, 1876. 2 v. O. il. pi. maps. 915.8 2 — Vdmb^ry, A. Reise in Mittelasien. 1863. Leipzig, 1865. O. pZ. map. 915 19.1 See also OXUS. Tiirnbull, William Barclay David Donald, edi- tor, see Stewart, W. Buik of the croniclis of Scotland. 1858. (7n Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. €hron. and mem. 8.) 942 8 Turnei von Nantheiz, see Conrad von Wiirz- biirg. Turner, Dawson. Sepulchral reminiscenes of a market town, as afforded by a list of the in- terments within the parish church of St. Nich- olas, Great Yarmouth. Yarmouth, 1848. O. tab. 929 17 Turner, Joseph Mallord William, illustrator. Wanderings by the Loire, by Leitch Ritchie; "with 21 engravings from drawings by Turner. London, 1833. O. pl.iltp. 740 3 The illustrated title-page reads: Turner's annual tour, 1833. Milton, J. Poetical works. 1835. 821 79 — Raskin, J. Notes, 1 : on his [collection of] drawings by Turner ; 2 : on his own handi- work illustrative of Turner. [Chiswick,] 1878. O. 740 2 Turner, Robert, translator, see Combachins, L. Sal, lumen & spiritus mundi. 1657. 540 1.2 Paracelsus. Of the supreme mysteries of nature. 1656. 133 26 Turner, Sharon. The history of the Anglo- Saxons, from the earliest period to the Norman conquest. Philadelphia. 1841. 2 v. O. 942 1 — The sacred history of the world in the crea- tion and subsequent events to the deluge, phil- osophically considered. New- York, 1832. S. (Harpers fam. lib.) 213 8 Turold. La chanson de Roland, see Roland. TURPENTINE, see PINE. Turpln, 3e&n,archbishop of Reims. Chronique. Paris, 1835. sqQ. [13+]60[+l] p. 943 22 In black-letter. Edition of 120 copies, no. 93. — Histoire de la vie de Charlemagne et de Ro- land. (In La chanson de Roland. 1865.) 841 34 A modern French version by A. de St. Albin of the chronicle falsely ascribed to Turpin. — History of Charles the Great and Orlando. (/" Rodd, T., translator. Ancient Spanish ballads, 1821, v. 1.) 861 3 — Pseudo-Turpin, text poitevin du 13e siecle. (In Revue des langues romanes. v, 2, 1871.) 479 5 Turpyn, Richard. Chronicle, see CALAIS. Turreau de Grarambouville, Louis Marie, baron. Memoires pour servir a Thistoire de la guerre de la Vendee. {In Barriere <& Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81. v. 31.) 944 10 Turrini, Giuseppe, editor, see Scelta di curio- sita. 30, 32. 850 10 Tiirsellinus, Horatius, see Torsellino, 0. TUSCAN DIALECT. Arlia, C. :Del linguaggio degli artigiani fiorentini; dialoghf^tti. Milano, 1876. D. 457 21 — Fanfani, P. Una casa fiorentina da vendere; con un esercizio lessicografico. Firenze, 1868. D. 453 5 — — Una fattoria toscana; con un esercizio les- sicografico. Milano, 1877. D. 453 6 Vocabolario dell' uso toscano. Firenze, 1863. D. 453 8 — — Voci e maniere deJ parlar fiorentino. Fi- renze, 1870. D. 453 9 — — editor. Antologia toscana. Napoli, 1869. 2 V. D. 859 43 — (riuliani. (J. B. Delizie del parlare toscano; lettere e ricreazioni. 4 edizione. Firenze, 1880. 2 V. D. 457 22 — — Moralita e poesia del vivente linguaggio toscano ; nuove ricerche. Firenze, 1871. Tt. 457 23 — — Sul vivente linguaggio della Toscana. 3 edizione. Firenze, 1865. D. 457 24 — Tobler, A. Tigri, Canti popolari toscani, 3 ed. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 3, 1861.) — Sul vivente linguaggio della Toscana, di G. Giuliani, 2 ed. (In same. v. 4, 1862.) 805 1 — Tommaseo, N., editor. Canti toscani. (In his Canti popolari, 1841-2, v. 1.) 859 7 See also Corsi, D. Raccolta di scene ; Fanfani , P. Pao- lina; Lori, .1. ; Morandi, L. La maestrina e La figlia senza babbo; Rosa di ogni mese; Zannoni, G. B. Tuscany. Codice penale toscano, con le varia- zioni 1856. 3 edizione con aggiunta. Firenze, 1875. S. 343 9 — La Varenne, P. C. M. de. La Toscane et la maison de Lorraine. (In his L'ltalie centrale. 1859.) 945 25.1 — Maineri, B. E. H giardino d' Italia, peregri- nazioni. Milano, 1871. D. 914.5 67 —Murray, J., publisher. Southern Tuscany. maps. (In his Handbook for central Italy, 1853, pt. 1.) 914.5 68 — PoHJoulat, J. J. F. Toscane et Rome, corre- spondance d'ltalie. Bruxelles, 1840. S. 914.5 69 See also FLORE JiCE; LEOPOLD IL; PETER LEOPOLD I. Tusser, Thomas. [Complete works.] (In Sonthey, R. Select works of British poets. 1831.) 821 9 — A hundreth good pointes of husbandrie, 1557. London, 1810. O. 20 p. 821 113 One of only six copies on parchment. Iltutore, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 10. Tuxen, N. E. De nordiske Langskibe. il. pi. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. 01d.>Selskab. Aar- b0ger. V. 21, 1836.) 948 5 TUXEN 685 TYROL — French : Les longues nef s de I'ancienne ma- rine septentrionale. il. pi. {In same. Menioires, n. s. V. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 Tvilliugarne, see Bremer, F. De twee amiralen, see Lennep, J. van. Romant. werken, 14. De twee vrienden, zedenschets, see Conscience, H. Twelfe-Niglit, or what you will, see Shake- speare, W. TWELVE PEERS OF FRANCE, see CHAR- LEMAtJNE. Twesten, Carl. Machiavelli. Berlin, 1868. O. 36 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 —Die Zeit Ludwigs XIV. Berlin, 1871. O. 29 p. {In same. 6 Serie.) 043 1 Twischen Marsch un Geest, see Grotli, K. Twiss, Sir Travers. On the relations of the duchies of Schleswig and Holsteinto Denmark and the Germanic confederation. London, 1848. O. 943 45 — editor & translator, see Bracton, H. de. De legibus et consuetudinibus Anglise, 18^8-83. {In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 70.) 942 8 (Jreat Britain — Admiralty. Monumenta juridica; the black book of the Admiralty, 1871- 6. (In same. 55.) 942 8 The two angry women of Abington, see Porter, H. The two gentlemen of Verona, see Shakespeare, W. The two poets of Croisic, see Browning, R. THE TWO SICILIES, see NAPLES (kingdom). Two years before the mast, see Dana, R.H., jr. Twyne, Thomas, translator, see Vergilius Maro, P. The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos. 1596. 099 5 Twysden, Sir Rogers hart. Certaine considera- tions upon the government of England; edited by John Mitchell Kemble. [London,] 1849. sqO. (In Camden soc. 45.) 820 4 Tylor, Edward Burnett. Anthropology; an in- troduction to the study of man and civiliza- tion. London, 1881. D, il. 572 3 Tymms, Samuel, editor, see Bury St. Edmunds. Wilis and inventories. 1850. {In Camden Soc. 49.) 820 4 Tyndale, William. The prophete Jonas, with an introduction before teachinge to under- stonde him, and the right use also of all the Scripture, etc. ; reproduced in facsimile ; ad- ded, Coverdale's version of Jonah; with an in- troduction by Fi-ancis Fry. London, 1863. D. 16 [ + 56] p. il. 224 2 — The supper of the Lorde...; whervnto is ad- ded an Epystle to the reader [by Robert Crow- ley], And cofuted the letter of master More against John Fryth. n. d., 1533. T. [73 1 p. 099 2 The first edition, printed out of England. In black- letter. — & Frith, J. The works of the English re- formers; edited by Thomas Russell. London, 1831. 3 V. O. 208 10 Contents: 1. Tyiidale, W. Prologues to the fire books of Moses.— Prologue to the prophet Jonas.— Parable of the wicked Mammon.— Obedience of a Christian man, and how Christian rulers ought to govern. — Practice of prelates —Notes. 2. Answer to Sir T. More's Dialogue. —Exposition upon the 5th-7th chapters of Matthew. — Exposition upon the 1st epistle of John. — Pathway into the Holy Scripture.— Sacrament of baptism,and the sac- rament of the body and blood of Christ. 3. Testiiment of W. Tracy expounded.— Supper of the Lord. Frith, J. His life and martyrdom. — Disputation of Purgatory.— Bulwark against Rastell.— His judgment upon Tracy's Testament.— Letter written from tlie tower to Christ's congregation.— Mirror, or glass to know thyself.— Treat- ise upon the sacrament of baptism.— Antithesis between Christ and the pope.— Book of the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ.— Articles for which he died. —Epistle to the Christian reader, prefixed to the Revela- tion of Antichrist. —translator, see Bible— iV. T. — English. 1526. 225 9 Same. 1534. 225 3 —More, T. The answer to the first part of the poysoned booke whych a nameles heretike hath named the supper of the Lord. — Apology. — The confutacion of Tyndales Aunswere. — The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance. (In his Workes. 1557.) 230 5 Tyndall, John. The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers. London, 1872. D. il. pi. (Internat. sci. series, 1.) 551.43 30 — Fragments of science for unscientific people; essays, lectures and reviews. 3 edition. Lon- don, 1871. O. 504 7 — From Lauterbrunnen to the .^ggishorn by the Lauwinen-Thor in one day. (In Galton, F. Vacation tourists, 1860.) 910 28 — The glaciers of the Alps. Boston, 1861. O. il. pi. 551.43 28 — Heat a mode of motion. 3 edition, with ad- ditions. London, 1868. O, 536 5 — Mountaineering in 1861. London, 1862 O. pi. 551.43 29 — On the importance of the study of physics. (In Toumans, E. L., editor. Modern culture. 1867.) 375 2 — Sound; eight lectures. London, 1867. O. il, por. 534 1 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Ueberdas Streben nach Popularisirung der Wissenschaften ; Vonede zur Uebersetzung von Tyndall's Fragments of Science.— Zollner contra Tyndall. (In his Vortrage, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 TYPOGRAPHY, see PRINTOG. TYR-IBUS. Stephens, G. T^r hteb us, ye Tyr ye Odin ! music. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 10, 1875.) 948 5 Kuinig Tyrol von Schotten und Fridebrart sin sun. il. (In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1727-8, V. 2.) 830 9 —Grimm, J. L. K. Tyrol und Fridebrant. {In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 7.) 408 2 TYROL. Golb^ry, M. P. A. de. Tyrol. 1838. pi. (/nL'univers. 63.) 910 18 — Grohman, W. A. B. Tyrol and the Tyrolese. Leipzig, 1877. S. 914.3 16 — Handtke, F. Specialkarte von Tyrol und Salzburg. Glogau, n. d. 45x57 cm. in D. 912 34 — Kogler, K. Tirol als Gebirgsland. Berlin, 1881. O. 34 p. (/?i Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 TYROL 686 ULFILAS Bapp, L. Die Hexenprocesse und ihre Geg- ner aus Tirol. Innsbruck, 1874. S. 133 7 See also GUISOXS. TYROLESE DIALECTS. Sclmeller, C. Die romanischen Volksmundarten in Siidtirol. Gera, 1870. v. 1. O. 457 17 Tyrtseus. {In PoeteGrseci gnomici.l823.)881 3 Tj tier, Pjitrick Eraser. Historical view of discovery on the northern coasts of America ; with sketches of the natural history by James "Wilson ; added, Remarks on a late Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a vindication of Richard Hakluyt. New York, 1833. S. il. map. (Harp- er's fam. lib.) 973 15 — Life of the Admirable Crichton ; with ap- pendix of original papers. 2 edition, enlarged. Edinburgh, 1823. D. por. iltp. 928 17 Presentation copy from the author. — Lives of Scottish worthies. London 1831-3. 3 V. S. por. pi. 920 17 Contents: 1. Alexander III.— Michael Scott.— Sir Wil- liam Wallace.— Robert Bruce. 2. Robert Bruce.— John Barbour.— Andrew Wynton.— John de Fordun.-James 1. 3, James I.— Robert Henryson.— William Dunbar.— Ga- vin Douglas.— Sir David Lindsay. -Chapter of antiqua- rian illustrations. Tytler, Sarah, pseudonym of Eeddie, H. De Uadskillelige, Vaudeville, see Heiberg, J. L. Skuespil, v. 4. Ubbelohde, August. Ueber Recht und Billig- keit. Hamburg, 1887. O. 28 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff.Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 tjbereilimg, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 2, Schriften, 21. Uberti, Fazio degli. H dittamondo ; pubbli- cate dal Vincenzo Monti. Milano, 1826. S. 2)or. 861 129 Ubicini, Jean Henri Abdolouynie. Court aper9U sur la langue roumaine. {In MircescOj Y. Grammaire. 1863.) 459 11 — Lettres sur la Turquie ; ou. Table de I'empire ottoman. 2 edition. Paris, 1853. 2 v. D. 914.9 38 Contents: 1. Les Ottomans. 2. Les Raias. Provinces d'origine roumaine. 1856. por. pi. maps. (JnL'univers. 59.) 910 18 — La question d'orient devant I'Europe. Paris, 1854. D. 949 67 Uccelli, Fabio, Ricordi e fantasie letterarie di Cosimo fpseud]. Firenze, 1873. O. 854 7 bound unth 858 3 Uccellij Giovan Battista. II convento di S. Giusto alle mura e i gesuati; aggiungonsi i capitoli della loro regola, testo di lingua. Fi- renze, 1865. D. 271 12 Udall, Epliraim. A sermon preached at the funerall of Mr. Shute. {In Sliute, J. Judge- ment. 1645.) 232 7 Udall, Nicliolas. Roister Doister, written be- fore 1553. London, 1869. S. 88 p. {In Arber, E. English reprints. 16.) 820 9 Udalricus, see Ulric. Uden Hoved og Hale,see HoIberg,L.Comedier, V. 4. UFEL1>, Korflts, Greve. H0st, J. K. Rigshof- mester Grev Korfits Ufelds og Eleonora Chri- stina Ufelds Levnet. Kjobenhavn, 1825, D. 923 93 Uffelmann, Julius. Das Brot und dessen diate- tischer Werth. Berlin, 1884. O. 36 p. (In Vir- cllOW cfc Holtzendorff.Vortrage. 19Serie.)043 1 — Die Entwickelung der altgriechischen Heil- kunde. Berlin, 1883. O. 32 p. (In same. \S Serie.) 043 1 — Die offentliche Gesundheitspfiege im alten Rom. Berlin, 1880. O. 30 p. (In same. 15 Serie.) . 043 1 Liverotto Uffreduccij racconto storico, see Papiri, F. E. U(xO DI BUOSO, duca d' Avernia. La discesa di Ugo d' Alvernia alio inferno ; per cura di Rodolfo Renier. Bologna, 1883. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 194.) 850 10 — Storia di Ugone d' Avernia ; volgarizzata nel sec. 14 da Andrea da Barberino. Bologna, 1882. 2 V. D. (In same. 188-90.) 850 10 Uliland, Johann Ludwig. Gedichte. 6 Auflage. Cannstatt, 1834. S. j^or. 831 84 — editor. Alte hoch- utid niederdeutsche Volks- lieder. Stuttgart, 1844-5. 1 v. in 2. O. 831 17 — Hones, C. Ludwig Uhland, der Dichter und der Patriot. Hamburg, 1887. O. 52 p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff.Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 Uhlcniann, Max Adolph. Handbuch der ge- sammten agyptischen Alterthumskunde. Leip- zig, 1857-8. 4 V. O. pi. 932 9 Contents: 1. Geschichte der Aegyptologie. 2. Aegyp- tische Archaologie. 3. Chronologic und Geschichte der alten Aegypter. 4. Die Litteratur der alten Aegypter. Uhlig, y. Ueber das Vorkonimen und die Entstehung des Erdols. Berlin, 1884. O. 44p. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 19 Serie.) 043 1 Ujfalvy, Kdroly Eugenius, of Mezdlcovesd. La Hongrie ; son histoire, sa langue et sa littera- ture. Paris, 1872. D. 894 6 — Recherches sur le tableau ethnographique de la Bible, et sur les migrations des peuples. Paris, 1873. O. [7+J 54 p. pZ. 572 12 Ukert, Friedrich August. tJber Damonen, He- roen und Genien. {In Leipsic— K. slichs. Ge- sell. Abhandl. phil.-hist. v. 1, 1850.) 737 1 ULEABORG}. W— n, S. E. Hundrade minnen fran Osterbotten, Stockholm, 1844-5. 3 v. O. 839.78 3 Ulfeld, Eleonore Christine, daughter of Chris- tian IV. Levnet af hende selv beskreveil den 4 Maij 1697. {In Bang, 0. Samling, 1743-7, pt. 2.) 839.8 1 Ulfeld, Jakob Knudsen. Historia Danica, 1333- 1559. (In Westplialen,E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, V. 2.) 943 21 ULFELD FAMILY. Plaudan-MUUer, C. P. Ulfelderne til Oregaard, Bengaard og Var- gaard. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- Skab. Annaler. v. 13, 1853.) 948 2 Ulfllas, Aelteste Denkmaler der deutschen Sprache erhalten in Ulfilas gothischer Bibelii- berstzung, von Ign. Gaugengigl. 3 Ausgabe. Passau, 1853. 2 v. in 1. O. 839.9 4 Contents: 1. Einleitung.— Verhaltniss der gothlschen Sprache zur Sprachwissenschaft.- Sprachlehre.— Wor- terbUcher. 2. Einleitung.— Sammlung aller Lesarten.— Text.— Lithogr. Beilage. ULilLAS 687 UNDER- WO ODS — "Auslegungdes Evangelii Johannis in go- tliischer Sprache ; nebst lateinischer Ueberse- tzung, Anmerkungen, geschichtlicher Unter- suchung, gothisch-lateinischem Wiirterbuche UQd Schriftpiobeii ; ,von H. F. Massmann. Miinclien, 1834. sqQ. 839.9 8 — Aus'.yahl aus Uifilas gothischer Bibeliiberse- tzung ; mit eine;u Worterbuch uud einem Grundriss zur gothischen Buchstaben- und Flexionslehre, von K. A. Hahn. 2 Auflage. Heidelberg, 1864. O. 839.9 10 — Codex argenteus ; sive, Sacrorum evange- liorum versionis Gothicaj fragmenta ; editio- nem adnotationibus instructam, additis frag- nientis codicum Ambrosianorum, curavit An- dreas Uppstrom. Upsalise, 1854-7. F. facsim. 839.9 5 — D. N. Jesu Christi S S. evangelia ab Ulfila ex Graeco Gothice translate ; nunc cum paral- lelis versionibus, Sveo-Gothica, Norr8ena,seu Islandica & vulgata Latina edita. Stockholmiae, 1671. sqO. tab. 839.9 1 — Gothische Bibeliibersetzung, nach Ihre'ns Text ; mit einer lateinischen Uebersetzung, samt einer Spraclilehre und einem Glossar, ausgearbeitet von Friedrich Karl Fulda, das Glossar umgearbeitet von W. F. H. Reinwald; versehen und herausgegeben von Johann Christian Zahn. Weissenfels, 1805. sqO. 839.9 2 — Johannis ab Ihre scripta versionem Ulphi- lanam et linguam Moeso-Gothicam illustrantia; cum aliis scriptis edita ab Antonio Friderico Biisching. Berolini, 1773. sqO. 839.9 12 — Ulfila ; Oder, Die uns erhaltenen Denkmaler der gothischen Sprache ; Text, Grammatik uud Worterbuch ; bearbeitet und herausgege- ben von Friedrich Ludwig Stamm. Pader- born, 1858. O. 839.9 6 — Ulphilae partium ineditarura in Ambrosianis palimpsestis ab Angelo Maio repertarum spe- cimen curis Mail et Garoli Octavii Castillionaei editum [in Gothic, Latin and Greek]. Medio- lani, 1819. sqQ. 24-1-36 p. il. facsim. 839.9 7 — Veteris et Novi Testamenti versionis Go thicfe fragmenta quaj supersunt, latinitate do- nata, adnotatione critica instructa, cum glos- sario et grammatica, ediderunt H. C. de Gabe- lentz et J. Loebe. Altenburgi, 1886-46. 2 v. in 1 sqQ. facsim. 839.9 3 ■^BenzeliuSj E. Frefatio de nova, quam parat, Ulphilae eciitione. facsim. (In SereiiiiiS, J. Dictionarium. 1734.) 439.73 11 — Bessell, W. Ueber das Leben des Uifilas und die Bekehrung der Gothen zum Christenthum. Gottingen, 1860. O. 839.9 11 —ttabelentz, H. C. yon der, & Lobe, J. Upp- strdm's Codex argenteus ; eine Nachschrift zu [their] Ausgabe des Uifilas. Leipzig. 1860. sqQ. 20 p. 839.9 3 — (Jriinm, J. L. K. Castiglione, Uifilas. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1864-90, v. 5.) 408 2 See indexes in v. 5 and 8. Uli der Knecht,— der Pachter, see Bitziiis, A. V. 2, 3. Santa Uliya, see Rappreseiitnzione di santa Uliva. UUoa, Alonso de, translator, see Beuter, P. A. Cronica. 1556. 946 2 UUoa, Antonio de, & Juan y Santacilia, J. Noticias secretas de America, sobre el estado del Peru y provincias de Quito, costas de Nueva Graliada y Chile; sacadas a luz por D. Barry. Londres, 1826. 2 v. in 1. F. por. 980 1 UUoa, Grii'olamo. La quistione militare; Napoli a il suo porto militare. Firenze, 1870. O. 355 7 ULM. Album von Ulm. Ulm [,1848]. O. [22] p. pi. 914.3 10 Ulric of Bamberg, compiler. Codex epistolaris, eirca 1125. (In Eckhard, J. Gr. von. Corpus hist., 1723, V. 2.) 943 13 Ulricll, Jakob, editor, Canzoni ladine. — Su- sanna, sacra rappresantazione del secolo 17, testo ladino, varieta di Bravugn. (In Archivio glot. ital. V. 8, 1882-5.) — Annotazioni a Susan- na. {In same. v. 9, 1886.) 450 11 Trattati religiosi e Libro de li exempli, in antico dialetto veneziano. Bologna, 18^1. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 239.) 850 10 1 due primi libri della istoria di MerUno. 1884. (In same. 201.) 850 10 Ulricll, M[eichlor,c& o^/ie?'S.Berg- und Gletscher- Fahrten, see Studer, B. 551.43 27 Ulricll de zanger, see Lennep, J. van. Romant. werken, 12. Ulricll, der Empfindsame, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften. v. 15. Ulrieh von Lichtenstein, see Liclitenstein. Ulricll von Turheim. Tristan und Isolde ; Fort- setzung. (In Gottfried von Strasshurg. Werke, 1823, V. 1.) 831 30 Ultiine lettere di Jacopo Ortis,see Foscolo,X.U. L' ultimo dei trovatori arabi in Sicilia, see Bennici, G, L' ultimo papa, see Gualtieri, L, Ulysses & Outinus unus & idem, see Ramus, J. Ulysses von Ithacia, see Holberg, L. Comedier, V. 3. 'Ulnar Khaiyam. Rubaiyat; rendered into Eng- lish verse [by Edward Fitzgerald] . Sedition. London, 1872. O. 24-f36 p. 891 2 — Gantier, T. Poesie persane, — les quatrains de Keyam. {Inhis L' orient, 1877, v. 2.) 910 29 UMBRIA.' PaUastrelli, B. La citta d' Umbria neir Appennino piacentino; relazione. Piacen- za, 1864. F. 73 [+2] p. phot. maps. 913 45 hound loith 726 9 Unadelle ultime sere di carnevale, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 33. Uncle Tom's cabin, see Stowe, H. E. B. THE UNCONSCIOUS. Hartniann, E. von. Phi- losophie des Unbewussten. 4 Auflage. Berlin, 1872. O. 121 2 Underbill, Edward. Autobiographical anec- dotes. {In Nichols, J. G. Narratives. 1850: in Camden soc. 77.) 820 4 De Underjordiske, see In^emann, B. S. UNDERSTANDING. See IMELLECT ; PSYCHOLOGY ; KEASOX. Under-ivoods, consisting of divers poems, see Jonson, B. UNDINE 688 UNITED STATES UiHline, eine Ei-zahlung, see La Motte Foiique, F. H. K. de. UNDIRFFXL, the ivord. Olsen, B. M. Et is- landsk Stedsnavn. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d..Selskab. Aarboger. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Undset, Ingvald. Fra Norges aeldve Jern alder. il. {In same. v. 15, 1880.)— -Om den nordiske Stenalders Tvedeling. — Mindre Bidrag om den yngre Jernalder i Norge. il. (In same. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 Das Ungelieuer und der verzauberte Wald, eln musikalisclies Mahrchen, see Tieck, L. Schrif- ten, V. 11. linger, Karl Richard, cfc Mnnch, P. A. Old- norsk Laesebog, med tilhorende Glossarium. Christiania, 1847. O. 439.68 3 Det oldnorske Sprogs eller Norr0naspi-o- gets Graniiuatik. Christiania, 1847. O. 439.65 1 — editor. Heilagra manna sogur ; Fortasllinger og Legender om hellige Mfend og Kvinder. Christiania, 1877. 2 v. O. 839.63 40 Postola sogur; legendariske Fortsellinger om Apostlernes liv, Christiania, 1874. O. 839.63 58 With circular containing photograph of Unger. Alexanders Sage. 1848. 839.63 20.1 Barlaams ok Josaphats saga. 1851. 839 63 25 Fagrskinna. 1847. 839.6*3 32.2 Karlaniagnus saga. 1860 839.63 50 Oliifs saga bins helga. 1849. 839.63 56 Thomas saga erkibyskups. 1869. 839.6365 — translator, see De falsis diis : Fragment af en angelsaxisk Homili. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Annaler. v. 6, 1846.) 948 2 De Unges Forbund, Lystspil, see Ibsen, H. Die ntigleichen Hausgenossen, ein Singspiel, see Gotlie, J. VV. von. v. 57. THE UNION, see UNITED STATES. La unita della lingua; periodico. [Half-month- ly]. Firenze, 1869-73. v. 1-4. O. il. 450 16 UNITARIANISM. Channing, W. E. Unitarian Christianity, — Unitarian Christianity most fa- vorable to piety. (In his Works, 1848, v. 8.) Objectio-is to Unitarian Christianity consid- ered. (In same. v. 5.) 208 2 United States— Bnreau of education. Public libraries in the United States, their history, condition, and management; special report. Pt. 1. Washington, 1876. O. 027 2 — Congress. Memorial address on William Pitt Fessenden, 14 Dec. 1869. Washington, 1870. Q. 82 p. por. 933 38 — — Lannian, C. Dictionary of the U. S. Con- gress, containing biographical sketches from the foundation of the government. Philadel- phia, 1859. O. 923 4 —Expedition to explore the Dead Sea and the river Jordan. Official report, by W. F. Lynch. Baltin?ore, 1852. sqQ. pi. map. 915.6 30 -EXPLORING EXPEDITION. Dana, J. D. A brief account of the discoveries and results of the expedition. [Anon.] New Haven, 1843. O. map. 910 53 — Greolo^ical and geographical survey of the territories. Extracts from letters and notices of scientific men and journals commendatory of the survey. Washington, 1879. O. 42 p. 557 3 Letter by Mr. Marsh, p. 10-12. — Honse of representatives. Plan of the House, 1st session 30th congress. [Washington, 1847.] 55x40 cm. 080 36 In portfolio 3. Report of the committee on coinage, weights and measures, 17 May 1866. Washing- ton, 1866. O. 22 p. 389 5 —Naval astronomical expedition to the south- ern hemisphere, 1849-o2. [Report.] Wash- ington, 1855. V. 1-2. sqQ. il. pi. maps. 918.3 1 Contents: 1. Gilliss, J. M. Chile. 2. Macrae, A., & others. The Andes and Pampas. An elegant gift-copy from Gillis to Mr. Marsh. —Navy department, ... Instructions, corres- pondence and other documents relative to the naval expedition to Japan. [Washington, 1855.] O. 915.2 4 — State department. The assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln, and the attempted assassination of William H. Seward and Frederick W. Sew- ard, 14 April 1865; expressions of condolence and sympathy. Washington, 1867. sqF. por. 923 57 Copies of papers relating to the claim of F. Dainese. [Washington, 1857.] Q. 327 1 Containing letters by Mr. Marsh and numerous allu- sions to him. — War department. Report respecting the pur- chase of camels for military transportation. Washington, 1857. O. 386 4 — Bigelow, J. Gli Stati Uniti nel 1863. Milano, 1863. D. 973 37 — Cognetti de Martiis, S. Gli Stati Uniti d' Americanel 1876; note. Milano, 1877. O. 973 46 — Jannet, C. Les Etats-Unis contemporains ; ou, Les moeurs, les institutions et les idees de- puis la guerre de la secession. Paris, 1876, D 973 45 — Schmidt-Phiseldeck, C. F. von. L'Europe et I'Amerique: ou, Les rapports futurs du nionde civilise. Copenhague, 1820. O. 970 30 —ANTIQUITIES. See FALL UIVKR ; KENT ; NEW MEXICO ; NEWPOKT. -CONSTITUTION. Bluntschli, J. C. Die Giiindung der amerikanischen Union von 1787. Berlin, 1868. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Hoi- tzendorff. Vortrage. 3 Serie.) 043 1 Channing, W. E. The Union. (In his Works, 1848, v. 1.) 208 2 Elliot, J., editor. The debates in the state conventions on the adoption of the constitu- tion ; with the journal of the federal conven- tion, and other illustrations. 2 edition. Wash- ington, 1836-45. 5 V. O. 342 15 "Vol. 5: Madison's Debates. — —Madison, J. Correspondence respecting the origin of the present constitution. (In Webster, N. Collection of papers. 1843.) 81 4 15.1 —DESCRIPTION. Arfwedson, K. D. Forenta Staaterna och Canada, 1832-4. Stockholm. 1835. 2v. S. 917.3 1 UNITED STAlJbS 689 UNITED STATES — — Arfwedson, K. D. Scener i Nord-Amerika. Stockholm, 1836. O. 917.3 2 — i — Beckman, E. Fran nya verlden ; rese- skildringar fx-an Amerikas Forenta Stater. Stockholm, 1877. O. 917.3 3 — —Blackford, D. de, compiler. Precis de I'e- tat actuel des colonies angloises dans I'Ameri- que Septentrionale. Milan, 1771. D. 99 p. 917.3 4 — — Capelliiii, 0. Ricordi di un viaggio scien- tifico neir America settentrionale, nel 1863. Bologna, 1867. O. il. pi. map. 91 7.3 5 — — Marryatt, F. A diary in America, with remarks on its institutions. New York, 1839. D. 917.3 6 — —Mitchell, S. A. An accompaniment to • Mitchell's reference map of the United States. Philadelphia, 1834. O. 917.3 7 — — — Mitchell's travellers guide through the United States. Philadelphia, 1837. T. 74 [+4]p. viap. 917.3 8 — — Mui'ray, C. A. Travels in North America, 1834-6. New York, 1839. 2 v. D. 917.3 9 — —Putnam, G. P. American facts; notes and statistics. London, 1845. O. por. map. 917.3 10 — — RecliiS, J. J. E. Les Etats-Unis. Paris, 1892. Q. il. pi. maps. {In his Nouv. geog. univ. 16.) 910 13 — — Tiickerman, H. T. America and her com- mentators; with a critical sketch of travel in the United States. New York, 1864. O. 917.3 11 — —Williams, W. The traveller's and tourist's guide through the United States, Canada, etc. Philadelphia, 1851. S. 917.3 12 See also BALTIMOKE ; CALIFORMA ; HEIGHTS ; I\. DIAXS; MICHIGAN; NEW EXGLAXD; NEW YOBK; ROCKY MOUXTAIXS; SIERRA NEVADA; SOUTHERN U. S.; TEX- AS; WASHINGTON; WESTERN U. S.; YELLOWSTONE. -GOVERNMENT. Seaman, E. C. The Ameri- can system of government. New York, 1870. D. 320 15 Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de. De la demo- cratie en Amerique. 4 edition. Bruxelles, 1837. 3 V. S. 321 8 — — — Same. 2 partie. Paris, 1840. 2 v. S. 321 9 — — — English: Democracy in America; trans- lated by H. Reeve; edited, with notes, by F. Bowen. 2 edition. Cambridge [,Mass.], 1863. 2 v. O. 321 10 —HISTORY. Ageno, F. I casi della ^uei-ra per I'indipendenza d'America ; narrati dalF ambasciatore di 'Jenova presso la corte d' Inghilterra nella sua corrispondenza ufSciale, [1770-80J; per G. Colucci. Geneva, 1875. 2 v. O. 973 26 — —Force, M. F.Frora Fort Henry to Corinth. New York, 1881. D. maps. (Campaigns of the civil war. 2.) 973 33 — — Frenfanelli Cibo, S. Cenni storici sugli Stati Uniti d' America. Foligno, 1865. D. tab. 973 23 — ^(xasparin, A. E. de. Les Etats-Unis en 1861 ; un grand peuple qui se releve. Pai-is, 1861. O. 973 31 ttibbes, R. W., editor. Documentary history of the American revolution ; chiefly in South Carolina, 1764-76. New York, 1855. O. 973 24 — — (xleig', CJ. R. The campaigns of the British army at NVashington and New Orleans, 1814-15. London, 1836. D. 973 29 — — (xraydon, A. Memoirs of his own time, with reminiscences of men and events of the Revolution ; edited by J. S. Littell. Philadel- phia, 1846. O. 973 27 Gurowski, A. G. de. Diary, 4 March 1861- 18 Oct. 1863. Boston, New York, 1862-4. 2 v. D. 973 34 — —Marsh, G. P. Speech on the Mexican war; House of representatives, Feb. 10, 1848. Wash- ington, 1848. O. 16 p. 080 11 — — Mazzei, F. , Recherches historiques et po- litiques sur les Etats-Unis. Colle, 1788. 4 v. O. 973 22 Regnanlt, E. G. S. 0., cfc Labaume, J. Suite des Etats-Unis, depuis 1812. 1849. pi. {In L'univers. 8.) 910 18 Ronx de Rochelle, J. B. G. Etats-Unis d' Amerique. Paris, 1837. O. por. pi. faesim. map. {In same. 11.) 910 18 Shepherd, W. History of the American revolution. London, 1830. O. 64 p. (Lib. of useful knl.) 973 25 Sherman, W. T. Memoirs. New York, 1875. 2 V. O. maps. ' 973 42 Thornton, J. W. The first records of Anglo- American colonization ; their history. Boston, 1859. O. 12 p. 973 21 Se-e also AMERICA ; CALIFORNIA ; FLORIDA ; JACKSON, A.; JONES, J. P.; KENTUCKY; LINCOLN, A.; MOBILE BAY ; NEW ENGLAND ; NEW YORK ; OREGON ; PRISONS; U. S. sanitary coininlsslon ; VERMONT ; VIRGINIA ; WASH- INGTON, G. —LIBRARIES, see LIBRARIES. —LITERATURE, see AMERICAN LITERA- TURE. — MAPS. [Twenty-two American map8.]912 55 In portfolio 3. —MILITARY AFFAIRS, see U. S.— HISTORY^ also U. S. sanitary commission. — NAYAL.HISTORY. Frost, J. The book of the navy. New York, 1842. O. il. por. pi. iltp. 973 28 See also MOBILE BAY. —POLITICS. Ames, F. Works. Boston, 1809. O. por. 815 i.a — — Beeclier, H. W. American rebellion ; re- port of speeches in [England]. Manchester, 1864. O. 073 38 Cairnes, J. E. The slave power ; an at- tempt to explain the real issues involved in the American contest. 2 edition. London, 1863. O. 973 35 Clay, H. Life and speeches. New York, 1843. 2 V O. por. pi. 815 2 — — Cobbett, W. American writings, 1794- 1800. (In his Selections, 1835, v. 1, p. 15-211.) 320 3 Fowler, W. C. The sectional controversy. New York, 1863. O. 973 36 UNITED STATES 690 UPLAND Franklin, B. Works ; with notes by J. Sparks. Philadelphia [,cl840]. 10 v. O. por. pi. facsim. iltp. 818 1 Kennedy, J. P. Mr. Ambrose's letters on the Rebellion. New York, 1865. D. 973 44 _ _ — Political and official papers. New York, 1873. D. 320 9 — — Massie, J. W. America ; the origin of her present conflict ; her prospect for the slave. London, 1864. D. map. 973 39 Montalembert, C. F. de T. de. La victoire du nord aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1865. O. 973 43 —.^Mortimer, J. La secession aux Etats-Unis, et son origine. Paris, 1861. O. 30 p. 973 32 — —Paine, T. Common sense, addressed to the inhabitants of America. Philadelphia, 1791. O. 320 13 _ — — A letter to the marquis of Lansdowne on American independence. Dublin, 1791. O. 48 p. 320 13 — — Pliillips, W. Speeches, lectures and let- ters. Boston, 1863. O. por. 815 5 _ —Webster, N. A letter to Daniel Webster. — Vindication of the treaty with Great Britain in 1795. (In his Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 — — Williston, E. B., compiler. Eloquence of the United States. Middletown, Conn., 1827. 5 V. O. 815 1 See also ALEXANDKA, skip; ARBITRATION; CIVIL SER- VICE; HARTFORD CONVENTION; NEUTRALITY; STATE RIGHTS ; TEXAS. —PUBLIC LANDS. Foster, J. P. Geschichte der Entstehung und juristischen Gestaltung der offentlichen Domainen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Berlin, 1877. O. [3]+ 68 p. 338 8 —SLAVERY, see SLAVERY. -STATISTICS. Snpan, A. G. Archiv fiir Wirtschaftsgeographie. I: Nordamerika,1880-5. Gotha, 1886. sqQ. [3+] 57 p. maps. {In Peter- manns Mittlieilnngen : Erganzungsband 18.^ 910 44 — —Walker, F. A., compiler. Statistical atlas of the United States, based on the results of the 9th census, 1870. [New York,] 1874. F.« pi. maps. 317 2 —TARIFF. Marsh, G. P. Speech on the tariff bill ; House of representatives, April 30, 1844. Washington [,1844]. O. 16 p. 080 3 bound with 1 Same. St. Albans, Vt., 1844. O. 15 p. 080 4 bound with 1 — — — Speech on the tariff question; House of representatives, June 30th, 1846. [Washing- ton, 1846.] O. 16 p. 080 7 bound ivith 1 United States sanitary commission. Narrative of privations and sufferings of U. S. officers and soldiers while prisoners in the hands of the rebel authorities ; with appendix. Philad'a, 1864. O. phot. 973 40 — Sanitary memoirs, see Gould, B. A. Inves- tigations in statistics of American soldiers. 1869. 573 7 -7-Evans, T. W. La commission sanitaire det. Etats-Unis; avec un notice sur les hopitaux militaires aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1865. O. pL 361 3 — StilM, C. J. History of the U. S. sanitary commission ; being the general report of its work during the Rebellion. Philadelphia, 1866. O. 361 3 — Wormeley, K. P. The U. S. sanitary com- mission; a sketch of its purposes and its work. Boston, 1863. D. 361 1 See also Hospital transports. The nnity of Italy, see New York (city). 945 39 L'univers: histoire et description de tous les peuples. Paris, 1835-63. 68 v. O. il. por. pi. facsim. maps. 910 1 8 For conteuts see Astor catalogue, continuation. UNIVERSAL HISTORY, see HISTORY— UNI- VERSAL. UNIVERSE. Perty, J. A. M.Ueber die Grenzen der sichtbaren Schopfung nach den jetzigen Leistungen der Mikroskope und Fernrohre. Berlin, 1874. O. 30 p. (7?i Vireliow VE>"DS. Vauderliaeglien, Ferdinand. Musee Plantin a Anvers ; notice sur la Bibliotlieque Plantini- enne. Gand, 1875. O. [4+ J 88 p. por. 027 6 bound with 016 19 — editor, see Vaernewijck, M. van. Van de beroerlicke tiiden in die NederJanden. 1872-6. 839.3 4, 949 21 VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. Strzelecki, P. E. von. Physical description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. London, 1845. O. por. 559 1 Dalarne, Stockholm, 1829. D. pi. " 914.8 32.2 The illustrations were drawn by O. S. v. Unge. VANE, Sir Henry, the younger. Upbain, C. W. Life of Vane. por. {In Sparks, J. American biography, 1835-9, v. 4.) 920 15 Vanegas, Alejo. Primera parte de las diffe- rencias de iibros que ay en el vniuerso. Valla- dolid, 1583. T. 868 9 Vangelo e cattolicismo romano ; traduzione dal tedesco, con aggiunte e note, di K. Roen- neke. Firenze, 1876. S. 282 22 The title of the original is : Evangelinm and romischer Katholicismus. Stuttgart, 1871. Vanini, Lucilio. Amphitheatrum aeternai pro- videntiae di vino-magicum ,christiano physicum nee non astrologo-catholicum ; auctore Julio Caesare Vanino. Lugduni, 1615. D. 211 7 Vanity fair ; a weekly show of political, social & literary wares. London [,1868-70]. v. 1-3 in 2 V F.'*. col. por. 052 4 All after no. 76 is wanting. VAN NESS, Cornelius Peter. Bnel, S. The book ; or, Fragments of modern chronicles. Burlington, 1819. O. 099 11 Van Nest, Abraliain Rynier. Memoir of Rev. Geo. W. Bethune. New York, 1867. D. por. 922 20 VAUIJ^TA -f Vannetti, Giuseppe Valerian©. Lettera intorno ad alcune circonstanze della rita di Dante. (In Dante Aligliieri. Opere, 1757-8, t. 5.) 851 33 Vannozzo, Francesco di. Ein motto confetto des veroneser Dichters ; von J. Grion. (In Jalirbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 Vannucci, Atto. I martiri della liberta italiana, 1794-1848. 3 edizione. accresciuta. Firenze, 1860. D. 945 21 VanuHCci, Michele, editor, see Tobia e Tobiolo. 1835. 853 36 Vansleb, —pere. Nouvelle relation d'un vovage enEgypte. Paris, 1677. S. 916.2 18 Vantaggi e doveri [degli] ascritti alia pia uni- one del sacro abitino ceruleo di Maria eretta ins. Martino. • Viterbo [187-?]. T.14p. 282 30 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "Curious.'' Vauzolini, (jiuliano, editor, see Scelta di cu- riosita. 55, 132. 850 10 Vaperean, Lonis (xiistave. Dictionnaire uni- versel des contemporains. 5 edition, aug- mentee. Paris, 1880. O. 920 18 Vdpnflr9inga saga ; lattr af lorsteini livita ; lattr af lorsteini stangarhogg ; Brand ki-ossa iattr ; besorget og oversat af G. Thordarson. Kj0benhavn, 1848. D. {In Nord. Lit.-Sam- fund. 5.) 839.63 67 Varaggio, Giaconio da {Latin Jacobus de Vo- ragine). Due opuscoli [: Historia reliquiarum; Istoria translationis Johannis Baptiste]; pub- blicati... di L. T. Belgrano. {In Societa lignre. Atti. V. 10, 1874.) 945 48 — Ssinctorum ac festonim per totu anii Liber icipit. Venetijs, per Oetauianu scotu, i483. sqO. 246 leaves, rubricated. 093 4 The famous Legenda aurea, or, Golden legend. VARAITA. Passetti, L. Valle Varaita ; studi storico-militari del secolo 18. {In Curiosita di storia subalpina. v. 3, 1879.) 945 43 Varchi, Benedetto. Capitoli. (In Berni, F. Opere burlesche, 1726, v. 1.) 857 2 — Lezione sopra il primo sonetto di M. A. Buonarroti. {In Buonarroti, M. A. Le rime. 1817.) 851 31 — Storia florentina. Milano, 1803-4. 5 v. O. por. 945 75 Varen, Bernhardns. Descriptio regni Japonise. Amstelodami, apud L. Elzevirium, 1649. Tt. 094 40 Varese, Carlo. Storia della repubblica di Ge- nova, sino al 1814. Genova, 1835-7. 7 v. O. 945 53 Varese, Fabio. Sonetti. {In Collezione mi- lanese, 1816 7, v. 1.) 859 15 Vargas y Ponce, Jos^ de. Descripciones de las islas Pithiusas y Baleares. [Anon.] Madrid, 1787. sqO. tab. 914.6 9 Varieta storiche di diverse provincie d' Italia. Firenze [,184-]. O. 945 11 Contents : Chroiiiclioii Venetum, vulgo Altlnate.— Mas- ser, L. di f . di. Relazione sopra il commercio del Por- toghesl neir India, 1497-1506.— Orslno, 0. Relazione in- torno al mododi stabilire milizia in pace, 156.3.— Maiinel- li, U. d'A. Lettera intorno alia battaglia navale tra Fi- orentini e Veneziani confederati e i Genovesi, 14.31.— Ginpoli, G. da. Lettera intorno al viaggio a Malacca. — Canestrini, G. Intorno alle relazioni commerciali de' Fi- orentini co' Portoghesi — Arco, C. d% Notizie di Isabella Estense.— Vlscontl, F. Commentarius de peste, 1630, Me- diolani. VAEIETA 695 VE Varieta storiche italiane dal 14 al 17 secolo. Firenze [,184-J. O. 945 10 Contents: Uuinasria, M. Del sacco di Piacenza del 1447. — fjiippi). 0. F. Betulenses, carmen, 1546.— Voigt, J. Rag- guaeli di Roma nel secolo 15.— Oar, T., editor. Dooumenti risguardanti Giuliano de' Medici e il ponteflce Leone X. — (iiialtieri, (ji. II proemio delle Efemeridi del pontificato di Sisto V"— Torre, 0. B. della. Congiura di Giulio Cesare Vacohero.— Cappoiii, G. A. O. G. Sulla dominazione dei Longobardi in Italia, lettera 1 e 2.— Capei, P. Sulla do- minazione dei Longobardi in Italia. — Carta Longobarda deir anno 768; illustrata dal P. Oapei. — Boiiaini, F. Sopra alouni diplomi inediti dell' imperatore Pederigo II...— Notizia di alouni dooumenti spettanti a (iiovanni da PUOCIDA .— Belazioiie dell' assedio di Cuneo, 1557.— Cami)ori, G. Carlo V in Modena. These two volumes are made up from the Archivio storico italiano : Appendice. The pagings of the differ- ent articles are not consecutive. Vamiiii^, L.' Det jydske Folkesprog gramina- tisk freinstillet. Ki0benhavn, 1862. O. 437.87 8 — Oni Overgang af Maerket J i nordiske Ger- ningsord. (M Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Aarb0ger. v. 6, 1871.)— Bemaerkninger til A. Hansens Afhandling: Gamle sjaelandske Stedsnavne, 1879. {In same. v. 16, 1880.) 948 5 Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August Ludwig Piiilipp. Graf Schlabrendorf. {In Raumer, F. L. U. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1833.— Das Fest des Fiirsten Schwarzenberg zu Paris im Jalire 1810. (In same. 1833.)— Die Schlacht von Deutscb-Wagram, 5-6 Juli 1809 ; aus person - lichen Denkwiirdigkeiten. {In same. 1836.) — Aufenthalt in Paris, 1810. {In same. 1845.) 905 1 — Tagebiicher und Brief e. {In Humboldt, F. W. H. A. von. Briefe an V, von E. 1860 ) 836 1 — Carlyle, T. Varnhagen von Ense's Memoirs. (In his Essays, 1860, v. 4.) 824 8 Varni, Santo. Delle opere di Matteo Civitali, coiiimentario. — Delle opere di Gian Giacomo e Guglielmo della Porta e Nicolo da Corte, nie- moria. {In Soeieta ligure. Atti. v. 4, 1866.) 945 48 Varro, Marcus Terentius. De re rustica. {In Sci-iptores rei rusticae. 1783-4, v. 1.) 878 36 Vartlieina, Lodovici). Itinerario ; da Alberto Bachi della Lega. Bologna, 1885. D. facsim. (ZJ^Sceltadicurio^ita. 207.) 850 10 Varulven, see lugeniann, B. S. VARUS, Piiblius quintilius, see HERMANN. VasaeuSj Joannes. Chronici rerum memorabi- lium Hispaniae tomus prior. Salmanticse, 1552. Q. 946 12 Xo more published. Vasari, Giorgio. Levitede'piueccelentipittori scultori e architetti; pubblicateper cura di una soeieta di amatori delle arti belle. Firenze, 1846-70. 14 V. D. por. 927 4 For contents see v.l4, also Peabody catalogue. In v. 1 is Descrizione delle opere di Vasari. The last volume, In- dici, is by Gaetano and Carlo Milanesi and Carlo Pini. Vasi, (Jiuseppe, & Nlbby, A. ^ew guide of Rome and the environs, with the latest anti- quarian researches. Rome, 1859. pi. map. 914.5 84 Vasquez, Joseph, pseudonym of Cadalso, J. de. VASSALAGE. Waltz, G. Uber die Anfange der Vassallitat. Gottingen, 1856. sqQ. 78 p. 321 4 Vatliek, an oriental tale, see Beckford, W. VATICAN LIBRARY, see Rome {city, modern). VATICANISM, see CATHOLIC CHURCH. Vaticinium votivum; or, Palsemon's prophetick prayer ; with several elegies. [Manchester,] 1885. sqO. [10+] 80 p. por. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 41.) 821 3 The work has been ascribed to George Wither. Vatnsdaela saga ok saga af Finnboga hinum rama; udgivneof E. C. Werlauff. Kjobenhavn, 1812. sqO. 839.63 68 Vattemare, Alexandre. Movement of the inter- national litterary [.so] exchanges betweenFrance and North America, 1845-6; with instructions for collecting objects of natural history... Paris, 1846. O. [3+] 74 p. 806 1 Vauban, Jacques Anne Joseph le Prestre^ comte de. Memoires sur la Vendee. {In Barnere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81, v. 31.) 944 10 Vauban, S^bastieu le Prestre, mar^chal^de. Projet d'une dime royale. {In Daire, E. Eco- nomistes. 1851.) 336 9 — Projet d'une dixme royale. n. p., 1708. S. tab. 336 8 Vaublanc, Vincent Marie Vienot, comte de. Memoires. {In Barriere & Lescure. Memoires, 1857-81. v. 13.) 944 10 VAUDOIS, see WALDENSES. Vaughau, Robert. The life and opinions of John de Wyclitfe. London, 1828. 2 v. O. por. 922 53 Vaulundurs saga, see 0hlenschlager, A. G. Dig- tervasrker, v 1. Vaulu-spd, see Voluspd. Vaiipell, Christian Tlieodor. Bogens Indvan- dringide danske Skove. Kjobenhavn, 1857. O. 6-F63p. 551.58 101 — Da danske Skove. Kj0benhavn, 1863. O. il. map. 551.58 101 — De nordsjaellandske Skovmoser. Kj0ben- havn, 1851. sqQ. pi. 553 4 Vanvenargues, Luc de Clapiers, marquis de. CEuvres completes; precedees dune notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, et accompagnees des notes de Voltaire, Morellet et Suard. Nouvelle edition [ by J. L. J. Briere.] Paris, 1821. 2 v. O. 848 19 At the beginning of v. 1 are inserted notices of Vanve- nargues by Sainte-Beuve and H. Baudrillart. — CEuvres posthumes; precedees de son eloge par C. de Saint-Maurice, et accompagnees de notes et de Inttres inedites de Voltaire [; edited by J. L. J. Briere]. Pans, 1821. O. 848 19 Vayra, Pietro. Le streghe del Canavese, con due documenti inediti dell' Inquisizione, 1474- 5. facsim. {In Curiosity di storia subalpina. V. 1, 1874.) — II museo storico della casa di Sa- voia. {In same. v. 1, 3, 4, 1874-^0.) — Antica- glie; la liberty del matrimonio. — Un gran deca- duto; il balle e le sue feste. {In same. v. 2, 1876.) 945 43 Vayssier,— , abbe. Le dialecte rouergat. {In Revue des langues romanes. v. 3, 1872.) 479 5 VE. Magnusen, F. Om Nordboernes aeldste Gudsdyrkelsessteder, kaldede Ve eller Vi, samt denne Benasvnelses Oprindelse og Afledninger. (//I Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Anna- ler. V. 2, 1838-9.) 948 2 VEGCHIO 696 VENETIA II yeccliio bizzarro, commedia, see Goldoni, C. V. 16. Vecchio e nuovo, versi, see Occioni, 0. Vecclij, Au^usto Vittorio. La vita e le gesta di Giuseppe Garibaldi, narrate da Jack La Bolina [pseud.] ; precedute da una lettera di Giosue Carducci. Bologna, 1882, D. 'por. facsim. 923 41 VEDAS. Gubeniatis, A. de. Letture sopra la mitologia vedica. Firenze, 1874. D. 294 1 Vedel, Einil. Om de bornholmske Brandpletter. il. pi. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 5. 1870.) — Den ijeldre Jernalders Begravelser paa Bornholm. il. pi. — Tillseg. {In same. v. 7, 1872.) — Nyere Unders0gelser an- gaaende Jernalderen paa Bornholm. il. pi. (In same. v. 13, 1878.) — Yderligere Unders0gelser angaaende Bornholms Oldtid. il. pi. (In same. V. 20, 1885.)— Tale ved Oldskrifselskabets Jubi- Iseumfest, 15 Dec. 1888, i Anledning af Kong Christian IX. s 25aarige Prassidiuin. (In same. V. 23, 1888.) 948 5 — Recherches sur les restes du ler age de fer dans I'ile de Bornholm. il. pi. (In same, n. s. V. 2, 1872-7.) — Nouvelles recherches sur... Bornholm. il. pi. (In same. v. 3, 1878-83.) 948 3 La vedova scaltra, commedia, see Goldoni,C.v. 3. La vedova spiritosa, commedia, same, v. 4. Veen,Octavio \a,n{Latin Otho|V8enius).Histoire de la guerre des Bataves et des Romains ; avec les planches gravees par A. Tempesta ; redigee par le marquis de St. Simon. [Amsterdam,] 1770. F.5 pi. maps. 949 11 Veer, Ellert de, continuer, see Clironyeke van Hollant, Zeelant ende van Vrieslandt, 1595-7, pt. 2. 949 6 Vega, Garcilaso de la. Obras, con notas. Bar- celona, 1804. S. por. 861 10 Vega, Grarcilaso de la, called the /nca. Primera parte de los commentarios reales que tratan de los Incas...2 impresion,anadida... Madrid. 1723. F. 985 1 Noted by Mr. Marsh as "rare." Vega Carpi 0, Lope Felix de. Poesias selectas. Madrid, 1822. T. 861 13 Containing Noticias de Lope de Vega. Vegetable substances ; materials of manufac- tures [; timber trees; fruits], v. 1, London, 1833; V. 2. Boston, 1830. 2 v. S. (Lib. of entertain- ing knl.) 581 9 Vegetius Renatns, Flavins. Artis veterinariae ; sive, Mulomedicince libri quatuor. (7?z Scrip- tores rei rusticae, 1783-4, v. 5.) 878 36 Vegezzi-Ruscalla, Giovenale, see Ruscalla. VEGGR. Gislason, K. En Betydning af Ordet Veggr. iln Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Aarb0ger. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 Vegio, Maffeo (Latin Maphsens Vegius). The thirteenth book of Aeneidos. (In Vergllns Maro, P. The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos. 1596.) 099 5 VEt^LIA. Ive, A. L'antico dialetto di Veglia. (In Archivio glot. ital. v. 9, 1886.) 450 11 Veibnll, Martin,(£: others. Sveriges storhetstid, 1611-1718. Stockholm. 1889. O. pi. (In Sve- riges historia, v. 4.) 948 51 Velardiniello, — . Stanze. (In Collezione na- poletana, 1783-9, v. 24.) 859 19 VELAY. Mandet, F. Guerres civiles, politi- ques et religieuses dans le Velay. (In Pny de Dome— Society. Annales. 1839.) 944 61 — Sauzet, — .Memoire sur les origines etymolo- gique du Velay. (In same.) 944 61 — Smith, V^ editor. Chants de quetes et chants de mai du Forez et du Velay. — Chants de pau- vres du Velay. (In Romania, v. 2, 1873.) 479 6 Veldecke, Heinricli von. Die Eneidt, ein Hel- den-Gedicht aus dem 12ten Jahrhundert. (In Miiller, C. H. Sammlung deutscher Gedichte. 1782-3.) 831 1.4 — Herzog Ernst. (In Hagen, F. H. von der. Deutsche Gedichte. 1808.) 831 5 — Pejs H. L' Eneide de Veldeke e Le roman d' Eneas attribue a Benoit de Sainte-More. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 2, 1860.) 805 1 Vellelus Patercnlus, Caius, see Paterculus. Vellejns, Andreas S0ringsen. Promocondus scripiorum historiae Danise. (In Westphalen, E. J. von. Monumenta, 1739-45, v. 4.) 943 21 Velletti, Agostino. La storia di Ginevra degli Almieri, che fu sepolta viva in Firenze. Pisa, 1863. O. 48 p. 851 130 Edited by Alessandro d' Ancona. VELLUM, see PARCHMENT. Velschow, Hans Matthias. Commentationis de institutis militaribus Danorum regnante Val- dernaro secundo pars prior. Havnia?, 1831. D. 355 9 —editor, see Saxo grammaticus. Historia Da- nica ; recensuit P. E. Miiller. 1839. 948 86 Velthem, Lodewijk van, continuer, see Maer- lant, J. van. Spiegel historael. 1863. 839.31 17 VELTLIN, see VALTELLIJJA. VELVET. Marsh, G. P. (In Johnson's cyclo- paedia.) In main library. Vemundar saga ok Vigaskiitu. (In Copenhagen — K. nord. Old-Selskab. Isl. sogur, 1829-30, V. 2.) 839.63 8 Venables, Edmund. The castle of Herstmon- ceux and its lords. London, 1851. O. 82 p. il. pi. 942 34 Presented to Mr. Marsh by F. V. Tebbs, with accom- panying autograph letter inserted. VENANZI, Giovanni, & others. Rome— Comi- tato nazionale romano. Le rivelazioni impuni- tarie di Costanza Vaccari-Diotallevi nella causa Venanzi-Fausti, ed altri documenti ; con considerazioni e note. n. p., 1863. D. 343 18 — — — Sacra consulta. [Sentenza contro Gul- manelli, A.,Venanzi,G , etc.,] 30 maggio, 1863. n.p.,n. d. O. 70 p. 343 13 LA VENDEE. Lesenre, M. F. A. de, editor. Me- moires sur la guerre de la Vendee. (7n Barriere (fc Lesenre. Memoires, 1857-61, v. 31.) 944 10 Venegas, Alexio, see Vanegas. Venema, G. A. Over het dalen van de noor- delijke kuststreken van uns land. Groningen, 1854. O. [8+] 79 p. pi. 627 44 Venetia— Camera di commercio ed arti. Pro- spetti statistici dellanavigazioneedel commer- cio di Venezia. 1867, '68, '72, '74, Venezia, 1868-75. V. 7, 8, 12, 14. O. 380 9 VENETIA 697 VERATTI — Errera, A. Daniele Manin e Venezia, 1804- 53 ; narrazione. Firenze, 1875. D. 945 62 See also Haiiiii. — Fabris, R. II confine orientale d' Italia. Roma, 1878. D, 85 p. map. 945 66 — Stivanello, L. C. Proprietarii e coltivatori nella provincia di Venezia. Venezia, 1872. Q. 333 18 YENETIAN DIALECT. Bernoni. D. G.Giuochi popolari veneziani. Venezia, 1^74. D. 94 p. 859 51 — Dalniedico, A., editor. Canti del popolo di Chioggia. Venezia, 1872. O. 19 p. 859 51.2 — Gamba, B., editor. Collezione delle migliori opere scritte in dialetto veneziano. Venezia, 1817. 14 V. S. 859 49-50 For contents, see Gamba. — Ulrich, J., editor. Trattati religiosi e Libro de li exempli, in antico dialetto veneziano. Bologna, 1891. D. (/nSceltadi curios! ta. 239.) 850 10 See Bnratti, P.; CIMBKIAN DIALECT; Croiiiea dell im- peradori; Foscarlni, J. V.; Goldoni, C; Moliiio, A.; Oiigaro, F. dall'. Alffhe; II Paiiflio; Pioran Arloto.poema; Vaiinozzo F. di. ' Venezia eil Congresso geografico, 1881; giorna- le numero unico a beneficio della spedizione Bove. Venezia, 1881. F* 16 p. pi. 910 54 hound ivith 399 4 Veneziano, Antonio. Opere: riunite e tradotte pel Salvatore Arceri. Palermo, 1861. Q. 859 40 VENEZUELA, see SIERRA NEVADA DE Mfi- RIDA. VENICE. Artaria, F., e comp.Nuova pianta di Venezia, Vienna, n, d. 53x70 cm. in S. 912 25 — Bei'chetj tf. La repubblica di Venezia e la Persia. Torino, 1865. O. phot. 955 1 — Cappelletti, Gr. I gesuiti e la repubblica di Venezia ; documenti diplomatici con annota- zioni storiche. Venezia, 1873. O. 271 5 — Casotti, (x. B. Da Venezia nel 1713; lettere. Prato, 1866. O. 32 p. (In Misc, pratese. 12.) 914.5 60 — C^i'^sole, V. ...La verite sur les depredations autrichiennes aVenise. 2 edition. Venise, 1867. O. 945 65 — Chinazzi, D. Cronaca della guerra di Chiog- gia. Milano, 1864. S. {In BibL rara. 59.) 850 3 — Chrouichon Venetum, vulgo Altinate. (In VarietJi storiche d' Italia.) 945 11 — Cornet, E., editor. Le guerre dei Veneti neir Asia, 1470-4 ; documenti. Vienna, 1856. O. 945 61 — Contarini, G. De republica Venetorum. Lugd. Batavorum, 1628. Tt. 094 39 — Eyssenhardt, F. R. Die Verschworung gegen Venedig im Jahre 1618. Hamburg, 1888. O. 34 p. ( fn Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortriige, Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 ^(xautier, T. Venise. {In his L'orient, 1877, V. 1.) 910 29 — Giannotti, D. Dialogi de repub. Venetorum ; cum notis, et lib. de forma ejusdem reip. Lugd. Batav., 1631. T. pi. 094 62 — Ginstiniani, A. Dispacci di A. Giustinian, ambasciatore veneto in Roma, 1502-5; pubbli- cati da P. Villari. Firenze, 1876. 3 v. D. 945 24 — Howells, W. D. Venetian life. New York, 1866. D. 914.5 60.1 Same. 2 edition. London, 1867. D. 914.5 61 —Marsh, C. C. {In Johnson's cyclopaedia.) In main library. — Mutinelll, F. Del commercio dei Veneziani. Venezia, 1835. O. 380 8 — 'Naumann, E. Das goldene Zeitalter der Ton- kunst in Venedig. Berlin, 1876. O. 48 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 — Pasoliui, P. D. Delle antiche relazioni fra Venezia e Ravenna. Firenze, 1874. O. 945 60 — Saint-R6al, C. V. de. Conjurations des E- spagnols contre la republique de Venise. Paris, 1803. T. 946 37 — Sarpi, P. Raccolta delle opere, Napoli, 1789- 90. 16 V. in 8. D. 208 8 — Vacani, C. Delia laguna di Venezia e dei fiu- mi nelle attigue provincie. Firenze, 1867, Q. viap. 551.48 12 See also MA XIX, D. Venlero, Maffeo, archbishop of Corfu. Poesie. {In Gamba, B. Poeti antichi venez., 1817, v. 2.) 859 49 Venosta, Felice. II martirio di Brescia; nar- razione documentata. 2 tdizione. Milano, 1863. S. pi. 945 57 — Roma e i suoi martiri; notizie storiche, 1846- 67. 2 edizione, aumentata. Milano, 1867. S. pi. 945 88 Venosta, Giovanni Visconti, see Visconti Ve- nosta, G. II rentaglio, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 6. VENTILATION. Berger, J. Moderne und an- tike Heizungs- und Ventilationsmethoden. Berlin, 1870. O. 48 p. il. (In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortrage, 5 Serie.) 043 1 See also AIR. Ventura, Giovanni. L'incompreso verso di Dante, Pape Satan pape Satan aleppe; e La nuova maniera di intendere una scena [of Paolo and Francesca]. Milano, 1868, O, 75 p, 851 57 bound ivith 44 Ventiiri, Liiigi. Le similitudine dantesche or- dinate, illustrate e confrontate, Firenze, 1874. D. 851 58 Ventnri, Ponipeo, annotator, see Dante Ali- gliieri. La divina commedia. {In his Opere, 1757-8, V. 1-3.) 851 33 VERA, the verb. Warming, L. Om Roden til Gjei-ningsordet "vera," en Undersogelse. {In Copenhagen— K. nord.Old.-Selsltab. Annaler. V. 18, 1858.) 948 2 Vera Tassis y Vilarroel, Juan de. Fama, vida y escritos de Calderon. {In Calderon de la Barca, P. Comedias, 1827-30, v. 1.) 862 1 Veraldar saga, {in Gislason, K. 44 Pr0ver. 1860.) 839.63 6 De verantwoordinge des Princen van Oraen- gien teghen sijn wedersprekers. n. p., 1568. T, 949 14 Veratti, B., editor, see Esercitazioni filologi- che, 1863, '5. 450 15.1 VERB 698 VERGILIUS MARO VERB. Bock, C. W. Verstehen und sprechen die neuei-en Volker ihre Sprachen noch richtig ? Oder, Nachweisung der... Verba in den indo- germanischen Sprachen. Berlin, 1846. O. tab. 415 1 — Miissafla.AJch bin gehabt=icli bin gewesen. {Ill Jalirbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 VERCELLI. Brevicenni storici sulla basilica ed abbazia di sant' Andrea apostolo in Vercelli, 1200-1857. Vercelli, 1857. T. 282 25 — Dionisotti, C. Memorie storiche della citta di Vercelli; precedute da cenni statistiche sul Vercellese. Biella, 1861-4. 2 v. O. 945 55 Notizie biograflche dei Vercellesi illustri. Biella, 1862. D. 920 6 Verci, Giambattista. Vita di G. Betussi. {In Betussi, (i. II Raverta. 1864; in Bibl. rara. 30.) 850 3 Yerdagiier, Jasciiito. La Atlantida, poema; ab la traduccio castellana per Melcior de Palau. Barcelona, 1878. D. 869 20 Verdam, Jacob, & Verwijs, E. Middelneder- landsch vvoordenboek. 's-Gravenhage, 1885-9. V. 1-2. Q. 439.37 8 A-G complete; the rest in course of publication. YERDUN. Scherer, H. DerRaub... Metz, TuU und Verdun, 1552 [-1648] (7r> Raumer, F. L. I G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1842.) 905 1 — Vereetiigin^ ter bevorderiii^ der oude Neder- landsche letterkiiiide. Verslagen en berigten. Leiden, 1844-8. v. 1-5. O. 839.3 6 — Werken. Leiden, 1844-8. 17 pt. in 11 v. O. 839.3 7-12 Contents: Boeiidale, .1. Der leken spieghel. 6 pt.— Maer- laiit, J. van. Dboeo vanden houte. 1 pt.— -Sam*. Leven van SintFranciscus. 8 pt.— CHARLEMAGNE. Koman van Karel den Grooten. 1 pt— Potter, D, Der mlnnen loep. 4 pt.— Pennine c£- Vostaert, P. Roman van Walewein. 2pt. Vereiii fiir niederdeutsche Sprachforscbung, — Verein zur Forderung weiblicher Erwerbstha- tigkeit, .see Hamburg'. Vereliiis, Olaus, see Werl, 0. Yerfehlte Bestimmung,-Das vergebliclie Opfer, see Robinson, T. A. L. v. J. De borchgravinne van Vergi. (/n Blommaert, J. P. BI. Oudvlaeuische gedichten, 1838-51, v. 1.) 839.31 2 Vergilio, Polidoro. De rerum inventoribus; In orationem Dominican! commentariolum : om- nia ab auctore aucta. Basilese, 1575. D. 608 1 Across the title-page are written these lines : Virgilii duo sunt: alter Maro, tu Polydore Alter: tu mendax. ille Poeta fult. Owenus, in libro Epigrammatum uni, p. 74. — English history, from an early translation : Vol. 1, comprising the period prior to the Nor- man conquest; edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Lon- don, 1846. sqO. {In Camden soc. 36.) 820 4 — Three books of English history, Henry VI— Richard III., from an early translation ; edited by Sir Henry Ellis. London, 1844. sqO. {In same. 29.) 820 4 Ver^ilius Maro, Publius. Opera omnia : ex editione Heyniana, cum notis et interpreta- tionein usum delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, excursibus Heynianis, recensu edi- tionum etcodicumetindicerecensita. London, Valpy, 1819. 9 v. O. 873 1 — Opera, et nonnulla opuscula; ex editione C. G. Heyne [, recensuit Joannes Carey]. Lon- dini, 1822. T. < 873 2 — French: Les georgiques, — L'Eneide [; Latin and French]. {In Delille, J. CEuvres. 1840.) 841 15 — j^neis, English. The first four books of the Aeneid, in English heroic verse, vt^ith other translations and poems, by Richard Stanyhurst. Edinburgh, 1836. sqQ. 873 7 50 copies privately printed. With prefatory notice by James Maidment — : — Richard Stanyhurst. Translati(»n of the first four books of the ^neis ; with other po- etical devices. 1582. London, 1880. D. {In Arber,E. English scholar's library. 10.) 873 8 The second and fourth books of Virgil's JEneid. {In Surrey, H. H., earl of. Works. 1815.) 821 101 The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos;... the thirteenth, the supplement of Maphaeus Vegius ; translated into English verse, to the tenth booke, by Thomas Phaer, and the residue by Thomas Twyne. London, 1596. D. 099 5 Italian : II libro quinto dell' Eneide ; ver- sione di Giovanni Prati. Firenze, 1868. Q. 873 9 Edition of 300 copies, no. 258. -Traduzione del libro secondo dell' Eneide. dn Leouardi, G. Studi filologici. 1845.) 858 8 Milanese : I primi due libri dell' Eneide travestiti in dialetto milanese [by F. Bellati], {In Collezione milanese, 1816-17, v. 11.) 859 15 Neapolitan : L' Eneide, trasportato in ot- tava rima napoletana da Giancola Sitillo. Na- poli, 1784. 4 V. S. {In Collezione napoletana. v. 8-11.) 859 19 — Provengal: Traduction du deuxieme chant de I'Eneide par Jourdan. {In Revue des langues romanes. v. 5, 1874,) 4 79 5 — Scotch : The ^neid ; translated into Scottish verse by Gawin Douglas. Edinburgh, 1839. 2v. sqQ. (Bannatyne club.) 873 6 Virgil's ^neis ; translated into Scottish verse by Gawin Douglas. New edition, added, a glossary, and an at^count of the author's [Douglas's] life and writings [by Thomas Rud- dimanj. Edinburgh, 1710. F. 873 5 Swedish: Dafnis, eklog. — Fjerde boken i Eneiden. (In Adierbetll, G. G. Poetiska ar- beten, 1802-3, v. 2.) 839.71 1 — Bucolica et Georgica ; recognovit Otto Rib- beck. Lipsiae, 1878. D. [1-f ] 85 p. 873 4 — LaBuccolica QLatin, Greek and Italian]. {In Pagnini, G. M. Teocrito, 1780, v. 2.) 884 6 — Neapolitan : La Buccoleca, — La Georyeca; trasportata 'n ottava rima napolitana da Eme- risco Liceate [Michele Rocco]. {In Collezione napoletana, 1783-9, v. 24-5.) 859 19 —Koch, G. A. VoUsfandiges Worterbuch zu den Gedichten des Vergilius. Hannover, 1870. O. 873 10 — La leggenda di Virgilio mago. (in Villari,P. Antiche leggende. 1865.) 851 59 —The lyfe of Virgilius. {In Thorns, W. J. Prose romances, 1828, v. 2.) 823 3 VERGILIUS MARO 699 VERY —Die wiinderbare und merkwiirdige Ge- scliichte vom Zauberer Virgilius. Leipzig, [1848]. 44 p. il. (In Volksbttclier, 46.) 833 22 La leggenda di Verg'Ogna in prosa e in verso. 1869. {In Scelta di curiosita. 99.) 850 10 Verliandeliiig over de algemeene gelaatkunde, see Fokke, A. S. v. 3. Veridicus, Theodorus, pseudonym of Bate, G. La Y^rit6 dans le vin, comedie, see ColI6j C. Die verkehrte Welt, see Tieck, J. L. Schriften. V. 5. Die Verklariingen, see Zscliokke, J. H. D. v. 2. VerkrHzen, T, A. Norwegen, seine Fjorde und Naturwunder ; eine naturwissenschaftliche Reise. 1871. Cassel, 1872. O. 914.8 20 Die Verlobung, Novelle, see Tieck, J. L. Schrif- ten, V. 17. Die verlorene Handschrift, see Freytag, tJ, Der Vermaiiliingstag, Schauspiel, see Engel, J. J. V. 5. Vermerckent hie auff das Kiirtzest Wie der Tiirckisch kayser Rodis be kriegt und gestyrmbt hat ; Durch ain Rodisser Ritter den die von Rodis in Kandia haben gescliickt. n. p., n. d. s(iD. 7 p. 949 76 Vermont— Railroad comiuissioiier, see Marsh, W. P. — Cliipnian, N. Letter to General Washington upon the policy and course of Vermont in the Revolutionary war. (In Chlpman, I>, Life of N. Chipnian. 1846.) 923 26 — Coltou, (x. W. & C. B., and co. Colton's raih-oad and township map of Vermout New York, 1876. 98x69 cm. in S. 912 42 — Tliompson, Z. History of Vermont, natural, civil and statistical ; with appendix, 1853. Burlington, 1853. O. il. 974 8 Verms, Miguel del. Chroniques des comtes de Foix, en langue bearnaise. {In Buclion, J. A.C. Clioix de chroniques, 14e siecle. 1838.) 944 14 Verney, Lady Frances Parthenope (Nightin- gale ). Practical thoughts on the first forty chapters of Isaiah. London, 1858. D. 224 1 Verney, Sir Harry, bart. Our quarrel with Russia. London, 1855. O. 32 p. 947 4 — editor, see Calvert, H. Journals and corres- pondence. 1853. 942 28 Verney, Sir Ralph. Verney papers : Notes of proceedings in the Long Parliament ; edited by John Bruce. London, 1845. sqO. {In Camden HOC. 81.) 820 4 Verney family. Letters and papers, to 1639 ; edited by John Bruce. London, 1853. sqO. (In Camden soc. 56.) 820 4 De vernieuwde gulden winckel, see Vondel, J. van den. Vernon, Edward Johnston. A guide to the Anglo-Saxon tongue ; a grammar, after Rask, extracts, with appendix. 2 edition. London, 1861. D. 429 7 II vero amico, commedia, see Goldoni, C. v. 8. V6ron, Engeue. Les associations ouvrieres de consommation, de credit et de production en Angleterre, en Allemagne et en France. Paris, 1865. D. 334 2 V^ron, Louis D6sir6. Memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, comprenant la fin de rempire...jus- qu'au retablissement de I'empire. Paris, 1856- 7. 5 V. S. 944 40 "Contains much important historic material." JVote by Mr. Marsh. — Nouveaux memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, 1848-63 ; le second empire. Paris, 1866. O. 944 41 Verona. Regimen civile. {In Contarini, Gr. De republica Venetorum. 1628.) 094 39 — Cipolla, F. luspa. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d.-Selskab. Annaler. V. 3, 1840-1.) 948 2 — Snorrason, B. Nogle Bemaerkninger om Vo- luspa. (In same. v. 7, 1847.) 948 2 Volz, Robert. Der artztliche Beruf. Berlin, 1870. O. 47 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 04* 1 — Das rothe Kreuz im weissen Felde. Berlin, [1868]. O. 40 p. (In same. 2 Serie.) 043 1 VON 708 VO YA GES Von den siben slfifaeren ; Gedicht des 13 Jahr- hunderts, herausgegeben von T. G. v. Kara- ian. Heidelberg, 1839. D. [3+] 16+42 p. 293 19.1 Von Tieren unde von Fogilen. {In Massmann, H. F. Deutsche Gedichte. 1837.) 831 12 Vondel, Joost van den. Adam in ballingschap; of, Aller treurspeelen treurspel. Amsterdam, 1664. sqO. sq64 p. 839.32 1 — Adonias ; of , Rampzalige kroonzucht: treur- spel. Amsterdam,1661. sqO. [8+]55p. 839.32 2 — De Amsterdamsche Hecuba, treur-spel. Am- sterdam, 1647. sqO. 56 p. il. 839.32 3 — Batavische gebroeders ; of, Onderdruckte vryheit; treurspel. Amsterdam, 1663. sqO. 64 p. 839.32 4 — Faeton ; of, Reuckeloze stoutheit; treurspel. Amsterdam, 1663. sqO. 55 p. 839.32 9 — Gebroeders, treurspel. Amsterdam, 1650. sqO. 64 p. 839.32 11 — Gysbrecht van Aemstel, treurspel. De leste druk, vermeert. Amsterdam, 1659. sqO. 70 [ + 1] p. 839.32 12 — Hierusalem verwoest. treurspel ; nu her- drukt. Amsterdam, 1665. sqO. 76 p. 839.32 14 — Hippolytus; of, Rampzalige kuischeit; treur- spel. Amsterdam, 1658. sqO. 51 p. 839.32 15 — Jeptha; of, Offerbelofte; treurspel. Amster- dam, 1659. sqO. [10+] 61 p. 839.32 17 — Joseph in Dothan, treurspel. Amsterdam, 1644, sqO. unp. 839.32 18 — Joseph in Egypten, treurspel. [Amsterdam,] 1644. sqO. xmp. 839.32 19 — Koning David hersl^lt, treurspel. Amster- dam, 1660. sqO. [8]+54p. 839.32 5 --Koning David in ballingschap, treurspel. Amsterdam, 1660. sqO. [8+] 60 p. 839.32 6 — Leeuwendalers, lantspel. Amsterdam, 1648. sqO. [8+] 69 [ + 3] p. 839.32 20 —Lucifer, treurspel. Amsterdam, 1654. sqO. [16+] 79 p. 839.32 21 — Maeghden, treurspel, Amsterdam, 1639. sqO. wnp. 839.32 22 —Maria Stuart ; of, Gemartelde majestiet; rtreurspell. Keulen, 1646. sqO. itnp. %>or. *- 839.32 23 —Noah ; of, Ondergang der eerste weerelt; treurspel. Amsterdam, 1667. sqO. [8+] 48 p. 839.32 24 — Palamedes ; of, Vermoorde onnozelheit; treurspel. Amsterdam,1652. sqO. 84p. 839.32 25 —Peter en Pauwels, treurspel. Amsterdam, 1641. sqO. wnp. 839.32 26 —Salmoneus, treurspel. Amsterdam, 1657. sqO. [8+] 60 p. 839.32 27 —Salomon, treurspel. Amsterdam, 1648. sqO. 65 [+2] p. 839.32 28 —Samson; of, Heilige wraeck; treurspel. Am- sterdam, 1660. sqO. [8+J53p. 839.32 29 — De vernieuwde gulden winckel der kunstlie- vende Nederlanders; by ghevoeght het tweede deel, waer in 't welvaren der vereenighde Ne- derlanden, en de droeve vrtvaert van Henricus de Groote, &c., worden voor oogen ghestelt. Amstelredam, 1622. sqO. il. 839.31 22 — Zungchin ; of, Ondergang der Sineesche heerschappye; treurspel. Amsterdam, 1667. sqO. [8+] 52 p. 839.32 31 — translator, see Euripides. Feniciaensche. 1668. 839.32 10 Ifigenie in Tauren. 1666. 839.32 16 GrotiuSjH. Sofompaneas. 1655. 839.32 30 Sophocles. Elektra. 1658. 839.32 8 Herkules in Trachin. 1668. 839.32 13 Koning Edipus. 1660. 839.32 7 Vondels droom, tafereel, see Lennep, J, van. Poet, werken, 10. Vooclit, Grilles de. Het beleg van Gent ten jare 965, naer eeu hs.; 16e eeuw. Gent, 1845. O. [3+]6+39 p. {In Maetschappj der Vlaem. bibl. Werken. 2 ser. 1.) 839.3 3 Vopelius, Gaspard. Supplementum Europae Vopelianae ; das ist, Ein weiter Zusatz der Ta- feln Europe durch Vopelium. Colin, 1597. sqO. 94g 35 The preface is signed Matth. Quad. Form. Vor Tids Mennesker, Lystspil, see Overskoii, T. Voragiiie, Jacobus de, see Varaggio, G. da. V0rringen, see Tlioresen, A. M. K. VORST, Conrad. James I., of England. A declaration against Vorstius. {In his Workes. 1616.) 320 8 Vorstenscliool ; of, Vluchtige schets, see Dek- ker, E. D. Ideen, v. 4. Vosmaer, Carel. Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn; ses precurseurs et ses annees d'apprentis- sage. La Haye, 1863. O. pi. 927 14 — Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn; sa vie et ses oeuvres. La Haye, 1868. O. pl.facsim. 927 14 Voss, Johaun Heinricli. S'ammtliche poetische Werke ; herausgegeben von Abraham Voss, nebst einer Lebensbeschreibung von F. E. T. Schmid. Original-Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1835. Q. por. facsim. 831 86.2 —translator, see Homerus. 1842. 883 10 Vostaert, Pieter. Roman van Walewein, see Pennine & Vostaert. Votsch, Wilhelni. Cajus Marius als Reformator des romischen Heervvesens. Berlin, 1886. O. 48 p. {In VircUow & Holtzendorff, Vortrage. Neue Folge. 1.) 043 2 — Die Vertheilung der Menschen iiber die Erde. Berlin, 1884. O. 47 p. {In same. 19Serie.) 043 1 The vox and the wolf, see Reynard. jVox in deserto?...poesia, see Balaguer, A. Voyage pittoresque de Scandinavie ; 24 vues avec descriptions. Londres [, pref. 1802]. sqQ. 24 p. 24 pZ. 914.8 6 L. Belanger pinxit. A new voyage round the world, see Defoe, D. Voyage sur le Rhin, depuis Mayence jusqu'a Dusseldorf. Neuwied, 1791. 2v.ini. O. maps. 914.3 8 VOYAGERS, see TRAVELLERS. VOYAGES cfc TRAVELS. Cuvillier.Fleury,A.A. Voyages et voyageurs, 1837-54. Paris, 1856. D. 910 63 hou7id iinth 66 VOrAG£,S 709 VU^K —Dana, R. H,, j?'. Two years before the mast; a personal experience. New edition. Boston, 1873. D. 910 26 — (Jallon, F., editor. Vacation tourists and notes of tra\rel iu 1860. Cambridge, 1861. O. il. viaps. 910 28 — Hakliijtj R., editor. A declaration of curious, rare and early voyages, not included in his celebrated compilation. London, 1812. sqF. 910 57 — Hai'ff, A. von. Die Pilgerfahrt von Coin durch Italien, Syrien,Aegypten, Arabien, Aethiopien, Nubien, Palastina, die Tiirkei, Frankreich und Spanien, 1496-9 ; herausgegeben von E. von Groote. Coin, 1860. O. il. »10 30 — Lettres editiantes et curieuses concernant I'Asie, I'Afrique et I'Amerique ; avec quelques relations nouvelles des missions et des notes geographiques et historiques ; publiees sous la direction de L. Aime-Martin. Paris, 1838-43. 4v. Q. 910 58 — Litligow, W, Travels and voyages through Europe, Asia and Africa for 19 years. 12 edition, with notes. Leith, 1814. O. 910 32 —Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish and Dampier, including earlier discoveries in the Sout 1 Sea, and the history of the bucaniers. New York, 1832. S. por. 910 64 — Mandeville, J. Voiage and travaile ; from the edition of 1725, with introduction, notes and glossary bv J. O. Halliwell. London, 1839. O. il. pi. ' 910 33 — Navarrete, M. F. de^ editor. Coleccion de los viages y descubrimientos por los Espanoles d^sde fines del siglo 15. Madrid, 1825-37. 5 V. O. por. maps. 910 59 For contents see Xavarret*. — Purclias, H. Purchas his pilgrimes. London, 1625-6, 5 V. F. il. maj^s. 910 60 — RamusiOj W. B. Delle navigationi et viaggi, con discorsi. [2-4] editione. Venetia, 1563-83. 3 V. F. il. maps. 910 61 — Scliiltberger, J. Reisen in Europa, Asia und Afrika, 1394-1427 ; erlautert von K. F. Neu- mann. Miinchen, 1859. D. 910 36.1 Schiltberger's aus Miinchen, [1394-]1427, Reise in den Orient ; herausgegeben von A. J. Penzel. Miinchen, 1814. D. 910 36 — Sherley, A., R. * T. The three brothers ; or. Travels and adventures in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, etc. London, 1825. D. por. 910 37 — Tlinnberg', K. P. Resa uti Europa, Africa, Asia, 1770-9. Upsala, 1788-93. 4 v. D. pi. 910 38 — Vries, S. de. Curieuse aenmerckingen der bysonderste Oost en West-Indische verwon- derens-waerdige dingen, nevens die van China, Africa en andere gewesten. Utrecht, 1682. 4 V. sqO. pi. maps, iltp. 910 62 See also GEOGRAPHY. TOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD. Beauvoir, L, de. Voyage autour du monde. 6-8 edition. Paris, 1872-9. 3 v. D. por. pi. maps. 910 24 — Chaniisso, A. von. Reise um die "Welt mit der Romanzoffischen Entdeckungs-Expedition, 1815-18. por. tab. maps. (Jn Ms Werke, 1863-9, V. 1-2.) 833 8 —Dampier, W. Voyages and descriptions, 1-5 edition. London, 1703-5. 3 v, D. pi. maps. 910 25 — Fenzi, S. Gita intorno alia terra, 1876. Fi- renze, 1877. O, por. pi. 910 27 bound ivith 30 — Rogers, W. Voyage autour du monde, 1708- 11 ; traduit de I'anglois. Amsterdam, 17l5. 2 V. S. pi. maps. 910 35 Vreeswyk, Goossen van, De goude leeuw ; of. Den asijn der wysen. Amsterdam, 1671. S. il. iltp. 540 2 Vretos, see Padadopoulos Vretos. Vridank, see Freidank, B. Vries, Mattliias de. Middelnederlandsch woor- denboek. 'sGiavenhage, 1864-5. 2pt. ^. 439.37 7 A-Anxt. No more publisherJ. See Verwijs cfc Verdani. — Ontwerp van een Nederlandsch woorden- boek ; verslag der commissie van het 3de N<.- derlandsch letterkundig congres, 31 Aug.1851. Groningen, 1852. O. [6+] 90 [ + 1] p. 439.33 4 --Proeve van Middelnederlandsche taalzuive- ring ; voorbereidende opmerkingen voor de aanstaande uitgave van een Middelneder- landsch woordenboek. Haarlem, 1856. O. 439.37 5 — Verslag der redactie van het Nederlandsch woordenboek, 1852-62 ; in het 4de-7de Neder- landsch letterkundig congres, 1854-62. Haar- lem, 1854-62. 4 V. in 1. O. 439.33 4 — cfc others. Woordenboek der Nederlandsche taal. 's Gravenhage, 1882-. v.1-4. Q. 439.33 5 Vol. 1-4 complete ; the remaining parts to be sent as published. — editor, see Boendale, J. Der leken spieghel. 1844-8. {In Vereeniging Ned. letterkunde. Werken.) * 839.3 7 See also various articles in the society's Verslagen. 1844-8. 8R9.3 6 Maerlant, J. van. Spiegel historiael.1868- 79. 839.31 17 Vries, Simon de. Curieuse aenmerkingen der bysonderste Oost en West-Indische verwonde- rens-waerdige dingen, nevens die van China, Africa en andere gewesten. Utrecht, 1682. 4 V. sqO. pi. maps, iltp. 910 62 De vrije Fries ; mengelingen uitgegeven door het Provinciaal Friesch genootschapter beoefe- ning der Friesche geschied-. oudheid- en taal- kunde. Leeuwarden, 1839-58. v. 1-8. O. por. pi. tab. 949 16 Vol. 7-8 are Nieuwe reeks ; v. 8 lacks pt. 4. Vri.ilieid blijheid, vaderlandsch dichtstuk, see Wolf, E. B. Vrouw Snaversnel, volksliedje, same. Der vronwen Buoch,-Dienest,see Liclitenstein, U. von. Der vronwen heimelykheid, dichtwerk der 14e eeuw. Gent. n. d. Q. [5|+3-f68p. (In Maetscliappy der Vlaeni. bibl. Werken. 2 ser. 3.) 839.3 3 Vuk Stefanovicli Karajicli, editor. Narodne srpske pjesme, see Robinson, T. A. L. v. J., translator. Volkslieder der Serben.1853. 891 11 Rnneberg^ J. L., translator. Serviska folksanger. (In his Saml. arbeten, 1861-4, v. 2.) 839.71 33 Tomm&seOi'S,, translator. Canti illirici. {Inhis Canti popolari, 1841-2, v, 4.) 859 7 VUK 710 WA GNER — Grriiiim, J. L, K. Wuk Stephanowitsch, ser- bisches Worterbuch. — Serbische Volkslieder. — Serbische Grammatik. — Serbischer Kalender.- Talvj, serbische Volkslieder. — Narodne sipske pjesme. — Serbische Grammatik. — Volksmar- chen der Serben. (In his Kleinere Schriften, 1B64-90, V. 4, 5, 8.) 408 3 Vulfferius, magister. Versus in Bonifacium VIII. papam et mores cleri. (In Eckliard, J. 0. von. Corpus hist., 1723, v. 2.) 943 13 VuUiet, Adam. Histoire du moyen age. 3 edi- tion. Lausanne, 1857. 2 v. D. {In /lisEsquisse d'une histoire univ. 3-4.) 940 6 MONTE VULTURE. Scacchi, A. Delia regione volcanica del monte Vulture, e del tremuoto ivi avvenuto 14 agosto 1851 ; relazione da L. Palmieri ed A. Scacchi. Napoli, 1852. F. pZ. map. 551.21 24 Vyse, Howard. Operations carried on at the pyramids of Gizeh in 1837 ; with an account of a voyage into upper Egypt, and an appendix. London, 1840-2. 3 v. Q. por. pi. maps. 932 10 Vol. 3 is Appendix, containing a survey by J. S. Per- ring of the pyramids at Abu Roash and to the south- ward. W — n, S. E. Hundrade minnen fran Osterbot- ten. Stockholm, 1844-5. 3 v. O. pi. 839.78 3 Waa^eii, Gustav Friedrich. tJcer den Maler Petrus Paulus Rubens, por. {In Rauiuer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1833.) 905 1 Wace, Robert. Le roman de Brut, du 12e siecle; public avec commentaire et notes par Le Roux de Lincy. Rouen, 1836-8. 2 v. O. facsim. 841 38 — Le roman de Rou et des dues de Normandie, du 12e siecle ; publie avec des notes par Fre- deric Pluquet. Rouen, 1827. 2 v. O. facsim. 841 39 — [Le romanz de Rou et des dues de Norman- die:] Bidrag til den danske Historic af uden- landske Manuscriptsamlinger, ved P.O. Brond- sted. Kj0benhara, 1817-18. 2 pt. in 1 v. D. 841 40 With Danish metrical translation on opposite pages, — The story of England [translated] by Robert Manning of Brunne, 1338; edited by Frederick J. Furnivall. London, 1887. 2 v. Q. (In (Jt.Br. —Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 87.) 942 8 — Brink, B. E. C. ten. Wace und Galfrid von Monmouth. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 9, 1868.) 805 1 — iDn M^ril, E. P. La vie et les ouvrages de Wace. (In same. v. 1, 1859.) 805 1 ^Extrait de la continuation du Brut d'Angle- terre, par un poete anonyme. (Tn Michel, F. X, Chroniques anglo normandes, 1836-40, v. 1.) 841 5 ^Kortinff, G. Ueber die Aechtheit der einzel- nen Theile des Roman du Rou. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 8, 1867.) 805 1 — Raynouard, F. J. M. Observations philolo- giques et grammaticales sur le Roman de Rou, Rouen, 1829. O. 447 10 Appended, 28 p., is Supplfiment au notes historiques sur le Roman de Rou, par A. Le Prevost. See also Layamon. Wachler, Johann Friedrich Lndwig.Paul Lud- wig Courier im Verhaltniss zu seiner Zeit. {In Raunier, F. L. (J. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1830.) — Vorbereitung und Ausbruch des Auf- standes der Griechen gegen die osmanische Pforte. {In same. 1831.) 905 1 Waclismuthj Ernst Wilhelm trottlieb. Auf- stande und Kriegeder Bauern im Mittelalter. {In same. 1834.) 905 1 — Geschichte deutscher Nation alifat. Braun- schweig, 1860-2. 3 V. O. 943 1 Wachtendorp, Casparus. Oude Hollandsche geschiedenissen; ofte, Corte rym-kronyck, van de Suntvloet tot 1560. 's Gravenhage, 1648. sqD. il. 839.31 23 Wacliter, Johann Oeorg:. Dissertatio de lingua Codicis argentei. {In Ulfllas. 1793.) 839.9 1.2 WACHTMEISTER, Carl Axel, grefve. Rosen- stein, N. von. Minne af Wachtmeister. {In Ms Skrifter, 1838, v. 2.) 839.78 1 Wackernagel, Karl Heinrich Wilhelm. Die deutsche Glasmalerei. Leipzig, 1855. D. 748 1 — editor. Altfranzosische Lieder und Leiche ; mit grammatischen und litterarhistorischen Abhandlungen. Basel, 1846. O. 841 7 Proben der deutschen Poesie seit dem Jahre 1500. Basel, 1836. O. 831 18 Waddington, Francis, editor, see Dninont de Bostanqnet, I. A. Memoires. 1864. 944 30 Wadstena. Diarium Wazstenense, 1344-1545. {In Fant, E. M. Script, rerum Svecicarum, 1818-28, V. 1.) 948 38.1 — Wadstena kloster-reglor ; utgifna af Carl Ferdinand Lindstrom. Stockholm, 1845. O. facsim. {In Svenska forn.-sal.Samlingar, v. 2.) 839.7 3 See aim Blrgitta, St.; Katarina, St. Wadstena kloster, historisk roman, see Ar • wedson, K. D. Waes. De weerbare mannen van het land van Waes, in 1480, 1552 en 1558. Gent, 1861. Q. {In Maetschappy der Vlaeni. bibl. Werken. 3 ser. 6.) 839.3 4 Wafer, Lionel. A new voyage and description of the isthmus of America. London, 1699. D. pi. map. 917.2 5 Wagenaar, Jan. Vaderlandsch historie, in- zonderheid van Holland, van de vroegste tyden af. [Anon. l-]2 druk. Amsterdam, 1752-70. 21 V. O. por. pi. iltp. maps. 949 12 Vol. 21 is index volume ; appended is : Vaderlandsche historie verkort, en by vraagen en antwoorden voor- gesteld. 1759. WAOER OF BATTLE, see DUELLING. WAGER OF LAW, see LAW. WAGES, see LABOR. Wagnerj Adolph Heinrich Gotthilf. Die Ver- anderungen der Karte von Europa. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. (J?i Virchow l. (In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 Wagner, Hermann, & Behm, E. Die Bevolke- rung der Erde; jahrliche tjbersicht. Gotha,1872- 82. 7 V. sqQ. maps. {In Petermanns Mit- theilungen : Erganzungsband 7,8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15.) 910 44 WA GN'ER 711 WALDENSES Wagner, Moritz. Beitrage zu einer physisch- geographischen Skizze des Isthmus von Pana- ma. Gotha, 1861. sqQ. [2+] 25 p. map. {In same. 1.) 910 44 — Der Kaukasus und das Land der Kosaken, 1843-6. 2 Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1850. 2 v. in 1. D. 914.7 27 — Reise nach Persien und dem Lande der Kurden. Leipzig, 1852. 2 v. O. 915.5 6 WAGNER, Wilhelm Richard. Never, J. Richard "\Vagner und die deutsche Sage. Hamburg, 1889. O. 42 p. {In Virchow <& Holtzendorff. Vortriige. Neue Folge. 3.) 043 2 WAGRiM. Variihagen Yon Ens«, K. A. L. P. Die Schlacht von Deutsch-Wagram, 5-6 Juli 1809 ; aus personlichen Denkwiirdigkeiten. (In Rauiner, F. L. G. toil Hist. Taschenbuch. 1836.) 905 1 WAGRIEN. Petersen, J. Chronica der Lande zu Holsten, Stormarn, Ditmarschen und Wa- gern, bis in 1531. Franckfurt a. M., 1557. Q. 943 44 WAHABIS. Bnrckliardt, J. L. Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. London, 1830. sqQ. il. map. 915.3 3 Waliraus, Erhard. Chronik, 1126-1445, mit Nachtriigen zum 1462. {In Mnnicli — K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, v. 4, 1865 : Augsburg, v. 1.) 943 24 Die Wahlverwandtscliaften, ein Roman, see Gotlie, J. W. Ton. v. 17. Wailly, Joseph Noel,caZZedNatalis, de.Memoire sur la langue de Joinville. Paris, 1868. O. 944 13 Bound as vol. 2 of his 1868 edition of Joinville. — editor & translator, see JoiuTille, J. de. GEuvres. 1867, '68. 944 12, 13 Yillehardouln, G. de.La conquete de Con- stantinople ; avec continuation. 1872. 949 44 Waitz, Georg. tJber die Anfange der Vassalli- tat. Gottingen, 1856. sqQ. 78 p. 321 4 ^Klnckhohn, A. Zur Erinnerung an Georg Waitz. Hamburg, 1887. O. 36 p. {In Virchow <{; Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) 043 2 WALACHIA, see RUMANIA. WALACHIAN LANGUAGE. Mailer, P. Gram- matica Hungarico-Valachica. Buda, 1837. O. 494 8 Walberan. {In Dentsches Heldenbuch,1866-73, V. 1.) 831 14 Walbran, John Richard^ editor. Memorials of the abbey of St. Mary of Fountains. Dui-ham. 1863-78. 2 V. O. il. pi. {In Snrtees soc. 42, 67.) 820 7 WALBURGA,abbess of Heidenheim. Newman, J. H., cfc others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 1.) 922 8 Waldbrilhl, Wilhelm von, pseudonym of Zuc- calniaglio, A. W. F. Ton. Waldeinsamkeit, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 12 ,— Schriften, 26. Waldeniar II., the Victorious, king of Den- mark. Jordebog, see Denmark. Waldemar IV., Atterdag, king of Denmark. Tractaten 1 Spandau, 22 April 1340, imellem Valdemar og de holstenske Grever ; meddeelt af J. P. F. Konigsfeldt. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. 01d..Selskab.Annaler. v. 20, 1860.) 948 2 — Schiern, F. E. Om en paataenkt Landgang i England af Kong Valdemar Atterdag i Fore- ning med de Franske. {In same. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 Followed by Actstykker. — — Descente enAngleterre projetee par Val- demar atterdag, de reunion avec les Fran9ais. (In same. Memoires. v. 4, 1850-60.) 948 3 — Simonsen, L. S. V. Valdemar Atterdags Sagnhistorie der angaaer bans Forhold til To- velille. {In same, v, 2, 1838-9.) 948 2 Waldemar den Store og bans Maend, see Inge- mann, B. 8. Waldeniar Klein, seeCarl^n, E. S. F. Walden, Thomas Netter of. Fasciculi zizanio- rum magistri Johannis Wyclif , cum tritico ; edited by Walter Waddington Shirley. Lon- don, 1858. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 5.) 942 8 Walden, see Thoreau, H. D. WALDENSES. Bert, A. Aux membres de la paroisse evangelique vaudoise de Turin. Turin, 1865. sqQ. 3 p. 284 7 — Boni, F. d*. L'inquisizione e i Calabro-Val- desi. Milano, 1864. S. 272 18 — Brez, J. Histoire des Vaudois. Paris, 1796. 2 V. in 1. O. 284 4 — Brownlee, W. C. Saint Patrick and the west- ern apostolic churches ; or... The antiquity, tenets and sufferings of the Albigenses and Waldenses. New York, 1855. S. pi. 284 3 — Couthaud, E. Monographic de Dornholzhau- sen, colonic vaudoise en Allemagne. Hom- bourg-es-Monts, 1864. O. 943 39 — i — Precis chronologique de 1' histoire des val- lees vaudoises, servant d' introduction a la Mo- nographic de Dornholzhausen. Hombourg, [1864]. O. 4-f-78 [-1-1] p. map. 943 39 — Dii Clercq, J. Historic van Artoys, 1459-61, aengaende den Vaudois. {In Scot,R.Ondecking van tovery. 1638.) I33 9 — Gilles, P. Kerckelijcke historic vande gere- f ormeerde kercken in Piedmont, en... Walden- sen ; mitsgaders een aanhanghsel van 't bloed- badt des jaars 1655; uyt het Frans in't Neder- duyts vertaalt door G. van Breen. Amsterdam, 1657. sqO. iltp. 272 10 —Histoire de la croisade centre les heretiques albigeois, ecrite^en vers proven9aux par un poet contemporam; traduite et publiee par C. Fauriel. Paris, 1837. sqQ. facsim. 849 14 — ^Noel, B. W. Vaudois et vallees du Piemont visites en 1854. Paris, 1855. D. 284 4.1 — Parander, J. J. Abrege de 1' histoire des Vau- dois, jusqu'a 1871. Pignerol, 1872. D. 284 5 bound ivith 4.1 — ^Relation veritable de Piemont ; de ce qui s'est passe dans les persecutions & massacres cette 1655. annee... Ville-Franche, 1655. S. [64] p. 099 25 — Schmidt, C. Histoire et doctrine de la secte des Cathares ou Albigeois. Paris, 1849. 2 v. O. 284 2 —Smiles, S. A visit to the country of the Vau- dois. map. (In his The Huguenots in France, 1875, p. 285-426.) 284 9 WALDENSES 712 WALPOLE — Turin— Paroisse erangelique Taudoise. Rap- port, 1864-5. Turin, 1865. O, 20 p. 284 7 WALDENSIAN DIALECT. Callet, P. M. Glos- saire vaudois. Lausanne, 1861. D. 447 6 ^Grruzinaclier, — . Die waldensische Bibel. {In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 4, 1862.)- Nach- wort liber die waldensische Sprache. (In same. V. 5, 1864.) 805 1 — Salvioni, C, editor. II Nuovo Testamento valdese.— Morosi, Gr. L' odierno linguaggio valdese del Piemonte. (In Archlrio glot. ital. V. 11, 1890.) 450 11 —Todd, J. H. The books of the Vaudois ; the Waldensian mss. in the library of Trinity col- lege, Dublin ; with appendix. London, 1865. D. 284 6 WALDEVUS, seeWALTHEOF. Waldfried, see Anerbach, B. Waldis, Bnrkhard. Esopus, in Reimen gefasst. 1557. Leipzig, 1862. 2 v. D. (In Kurz, H. Deutsche Bibliothek. 1-2.) 830 6 Waldron, George. The history and description of the isle of Man. [Anon.] 2 edition. London, 1745. S. il. map. 914.2 13 Waldstein, Charles. The balance of emotion and intellect ; an essay introductory to the study of philosophy. London, 1878. D. 109 1 With the author's autograph. WALES. Annales Cambriae ; edited by J. Will- iams ablthel. London, 1860. Q. facsim. (In Crt.Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 20.) 942 8 — Barri, (x. de.Giraldi Cambrensis Itinerarium Kambriae, et Descriptio Kambriae; edited by J. F. Dimock. London, 1868. Q. (In his Opera. V. 6 ; in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls, chron. and mem. 21.) 942 8 — Brut y ty wysogion ; or. The chronicle of the princes [, 681-1282 ; Welsh and English] ; edited by J. Williams ab Ithel. London, 1860. Q. facsim. (In same. 17.) 942 8 —Churchyard, T. The worthines of Wales [, a poem], 1587. [Manchester,] 1876. sqO. (In Spenser soc. Pub. 20.) 821 3 See also GREAT BRITAIN. Roman van Walewein, see Pennine & Vostaert. Walferdin, Francois Hippolyte. Sur les echelles thermometriques. Paris, 1855. sqQ. 20 p. 536 3 bound with 504 2 Walhalla, ein Helden-Buch, see Felsing, A, Walid, Trauerspiel, see Kopisch, A. Walingforde, William. Registrum. (In St. Albans abbey. Chronica, pt. 6, v. 2, 1873 ; in Gt.Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 28.) 942 8 Walker, CanipbelL J. Report on English and Scotch forests. [London, 1872.] F. 36 p. 551.58 70 bound with 551.31 7 — & others. Reports on forest management in Germany, Austria, and Great Britain. London, 1873. O. 551.58 56 Supplement on forest management in France, Switzerland and lower Austria. [Lon- don, 1873.] O. 4+[l+]49p. pi. 551.58 57 Walker, Francis Amasa, compiler. Statistical atlas of the United States, based on the results of the ninth census, 1870. [New York,] 1874. F.* pi. maps. 317 2 Walker, Gilbert. A manifest detection of the most vyle and detestable use of dice play ; edited by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1850. D. 8-F44+4 p. (In Percy soc. v. 29.) 820 6 WALKER, Henry. Taylor, J. The whole life and progresse of Henry Walker, the iron- monger. 7 p. (In his Works. 1870 ; in Spen- ser soc. Pub. V. 7.) ' 821 3 Walker, John. Preface to Dictionary. — Princi- ples of English pronunciation. (In Johnson, S. Dictionary, 1818-19, v. 1.) 423 3 — A rhvming dictionary. New edition. Lon- don, 1836. D. 426 1 Walker, William Sidney, translator, see Feld- borg:, A. A. Poems from the Danish. 1816. 839.81 1 WALLACE, Sir William. Tytler, P. F. (In his Lives of Scottish worthies, 1831-3, v. 1.) 920 17 Wallace j or. The life and acts of Sir William Wallace, 1820, see Henry the minstrel. Wallenfels, August. Ueber eine neuentdeckte altfranzosische Bearbeitung des Petrus Alfon- sus. (In Jahrbuch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 WALLENSTEIN,AlbrechtWenzeslausEusebius, Graf yon, Herzog von Friedland. Forster, F. Wallenstein als regierender Herzog undLan- desherr. (In Raumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Ta- schenbuch. 1834.) 905 1 — Kugler, B. Wallenstein. Berlin, 1873. O. 39 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 — Ropell, R. Der Verrath Wallensteins an Kaiser Ferdinand II. (In Raumer, F. L. G, von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1845.) 906 1 Wallensteins Lager,— Wallensteins Tod, ein Trauerspiel, see Schiller, J. C. F. von. Waller, Edmund. Works in verse and prose ; published by Mr. Fenton. Glasgow, 1752. S. 821 114 Wallin, Georg, prceses. Triga dissertationum de gladio magico Gustavi Adolphi, 1738-9 in academia Upsaliensi habitorum nunc junctim editorum. Lipsias, 1746. sqO. il. pi. 948 53 The dissertators are Daniel Salln, Olaf Deckberg and Anders Hedengren. There is appended a fourth dissertation by Adam Friedrich Glafey. Wallin, Johan Olaf. Vitterhets-forsok. Stcck- holm, 1821. V. 1. O. 839.7154 WALLOON DIALECT. Grandgagnage, C. M. J. Dictionnaire etymologique de lalangue wal- lonne. Liege, 1845-80. 2 v. O. 447 7 — Meijer, J. I). Memoire sur I'origine de la difference relative a I'usage de la langue fla- mande ou wallone dans les Pays-Bas. [Amster- dam, 1825.] sqQ. p. 435-491. 439.3 5 —Remade, J. L. Dictionnaire wallon-francais. 2 edition. Liege [184-?] 2 v. O. 447 8 Walmysley, Thomas. The expenses of the judges of assize riding the western and Ox- ford circuits, 1596-1601 ; edited from the ms. account book by W. D. Cooper. 1858. {In Cam- den misc. 4 ; in Camden soc. 73.) 820 4 Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orford, see Or- ford. WALPUR GISNA CHT 713 WABENS DieWalpiirgisnacht, see Zscliokke, J. H. D. v. 4. Walsh, Robert. Narrative of a journey from Constantinople to England. Philadelphia, 1828. O. 914.9 51 —A residence at Constantinople during the Greek and Turkish revolutions. London, 1836. 2 V. O. il. por. pi. max). 949 68 Walsingham, Sir Francis. Journal, 1570-83 ; edited by Charles Trice Martin. 1870. {In Camden misc. 6; in Camden soc. 104.) 820 4 Walsiugliam, Thomas. Gesta abbatum mona- sterii S. Albani, 793 1411. London, 1867-9. 3 v. Q. facsini. (/re St. Albans abbey. Chronica; edited by H. T. Riley. 4 ; in (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 28.) 942 8 — Historia Anglicana, 1272-1422. London, 1863- 4. 2 V. Q. facsim. {In same. 1.) 942 8 — Ypodigma Neustriae. London, 1876. Q. {In same. 7.) 942 8 Waltenberger, A. Die Rhatikon-Kette, Lech- thaler und Vorarlberger Alpen. maps. {In Petermanns Mittheilungen : Erganzungsband 9.) 910 44 Walter of Hemingford. Chronica de gestis re- gum Anglise, 1066-1300. (In Historiae Angli- canae scriptores quinque, 1687, v. 2.) 942 11.1 Walter, F, Skuld och oskuld ; bilder ef ter na- turen. Stockholm, 1844. S. 839.73 29 WALTHAM ABBEY. Fuller, T. The history of Waltham abbey in Essex. London, 1655. F. 22 p. pi- {In his Church history of Britain.) 274 2 WALTHEOF, St., abbot of Melrose. Newman, J. H., & others. (In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 8.) 922 8 WALTHEOF, St. d. 1076. Vita et passio Wal- devi comitis.— De Juditha uxore Waldevi.— Miraeula Sancti Waldevi. {In Michel, F. X. Chroniques anglo-normandes, 1836-40, v. 2.) 841 5 Waltlier, Christoph. Glossar. (In Seebuch. 1876.) 839.1 8 Waltlier, Marx. Chronik.— Tournierbuch. (In Munich— K.baier. Akad. deryViss.— Hist. Com- mis. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte. v. 22 : Augsburg. 1892.) 943 24 Waltlier von der Vogeliveide. Gedichte. 2 Ausgabe, v(m Karl Lachmann. Berlin, 1843. O. 831 88 herausgegeben von Franz Pfeiffer. Leip- zig, 1864. D. (In Pfeiflfer, F. Deutsche Clas- siker. 1.) 831 15 —Grimm, J. L. K. Lachmann, Walthervon der Vogelweide. {In his Kleiners Schriften, 1864-90, V. 6.) 408 2 See also indexes in v. 5. and 8. —Martin, E. Worterbuch zu den Gedichten Walthers. (In his Mittelhochdeutsche Gram- matik. 1872.) 437 24 Walton, Izaak. The compleat angler. London, 1810. sqS. il. 799 2 — Life of Herbert. — Appendix. {In Herbert, (x. Remains. 1836.) 828 14 — The life of Richard Hooker. (In Hooker, R. Works, 1666, p. 1-30.) 262 7 —The lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker,Herbert and Sanderson, with some account of the author and his writings. Boston, 1832. 2 v. D. (In Young,A.Lib. of old Eng.prose.5-6.) 820 10 Waltram, bishop of Naumburg. Liber de uni- tate ecclesiae conservanda ; recognovit W. Schwenkenbecher. Hannoverae, 1883. O. (In Pertz, tr. H. Script, rerum German. 9.) 943 16 Wan hondro aria-singi nanga dem wyze vo dem, vo gebruike na hoso en na slylo. 's Gra- venhage r,pref. Paramaribo], 1861. D. mnsic. 839.39 I Wandsilia, see Krantz, A. The wanderer, ^jseudonym of Lord, J. K. WANDERING JEW. Ahasverus der ewige Jude. {In Volksbiiclier. 52.) 833 22 — Helbig, F. Die Sage vom " Ewigen Jude ;" ihre poetische Wandlung und Fortbildung. Berlin, 1874. O. 56 p. {In Virchow & Hol- tzendorflf. Vortrage. 9 Serie.) 043 1 See also Sue, E. Wandsbecker Bothen, see Clandius, M. Wangemanu, Hermann Theodor. Reise in Siid- Afrika, 1866-7. (7)t Petermanns Mittheilungeu: Erganzungsband 5.) 910 44 WAR. Channing, W. E. War. {In his Works, 1848, V. 3, 4.)— Lecture on war. {In same v. 5.) 248 2 — Hall, R. Reflections on war. {In his Ser- mons. 1814.) 211 3 — Hetzel, H. Leiden und Thaten der Frauen im Kriege. Hamburg. 1888. O. 30 p. (In Vircliowcfc Hoi tzendorir. Vortrage. NeueFolge. 3.) . 043 2 — Holtzendorff, F. von. Die Idee des ewigen Volkerfriedens. Berlin, 1882. O. 72 p. (In same. 17 Serie.) 043 1 — Parker, T. A sermon of war, 7 June 1846. Boston, 1846. O. 43 p. 252 2.1 — Richter,J.P.F. Friedenspredigt an Deutsch- land. — Dammerungen fiir Deutschland. — Mars und Phobus Thronwechsel. — Politische Fastenpredigten. {In his Sammt. Werke, 1840-2, V. 25.) 833 24 See also DEATH ; HOSPITALS ; MILITARY SCIENCE ; XURSIXG. ...The war of the Gaedhil with the Gaill ; or, The invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen ; the original Irish text, edited, with translation and introduction, by James Henthorn Todd. London, 1867. Q. facsim. {In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 48.) 942 8 Warburton, William, bishop of Gloucester, annotator, see Clarendon, E. H., earl of. History of the rebellion. 1827. 942 22 Ward, Adolphns William. Chaucer. 5th thous- and. London, 1879. D. (English men of let- ters.) 928 14 Ward, Thomas Humphry,ediYor, see Cooper,T, Men of the time. 12 edition. 1887. 920 19 Ware, William. Sketches of European capitals. London, 1851. D. 914.5 45 WARENS, Louise E16onore de la Tour du Pil, baronne de. Perrero, D. Madam di Warens ; appunti storici a schiarimento della vita di lei e dei libri 2 e 3 delle Confession! di Rousseau, tratti da document! inediti, 1726-62. {In Curiositii di storia subalpina. v.3,1879.) 945 43 WARING 714 WATER Waring, (Jeorgej editor, see Bible. The Lindis- farne and Rushworth Gospels, v. 2-4, 1861-5. {In Surtees soc. 39, 43, 48.) 820 7 Waring, (Jeorge Edwin, jr. The bride of the Rhine ; two hundred miles in a Mosel row- boat; added, a paper on the Latin poet Ausonius and his poem Mosella, by Charles T. Brooks. Boston, 1878. S. 914.3 9 Warliwortli, John. A chronicle of the first 13 years of th^_ reign of Edward IV.; edited by James Orchard Halliwell. London, 1839. sqO. facsim. {In Camden soc. v. 10.) 820 4 W^arining, L. Om Roden til Gjerningsordet " vera," en Undersogelse. {In Copenliagen— K. nord. 01d..Selskab.Annaler. v. 18, 1858.) 948 2 Warniuud, Arend, editor. Dat Sassishe done- ken-bok, sammed tor tydkortinge. Hamborg, 1829. D. " 839.2 12 Wai-nefrid. Paul us, see Paolo Varnefrido. Warner, George Fredericli, editor, see The Nicholas papers. 1886. {In Camden soc. n. s. 40.) 820 4.1 Warren, Charles. Excavations at Jerusalem. pi. maps. {In Morrison, W., editor. The re- covery of Jerusalem. 1871.) 915.G 30.1 WARREN, Joseph. Everett, A. H. Life of Warren, j^or. (In SparliS, J. American bi- ography, 1835-9, V. 10.) 920 15 Warreniana, see Deacon, W. F. The wars of Alexander, see ALEXANDER the Great ; ROMANCE. Der Wartburglcrieg ; herausgegeben,geordnet, ubersetzt und erlautert von Karl Simrok. Stuttgart, 1858. O. 831 89 Warton, Thomas. The history of English po- etry, from the close of the 11th to the com- mencement of the 18th century; prefixed, three dissertations. From the edition of 1824, by Price, now further improved. London, 1840. 3 V. O. por. 821 13 —annotator, see Hearne, T. Life. {In Pote, J. Lives of antiquaries, 1772, v. 1 ) 928 4 Warwicic, Mary Boyle Rich, 4th countess of. Autobiography ; edited, with introduction and notes, by T. Crofton Croker. London, 1848. D. 12+50 p. {In Percy soc. v. 22.) 820 6 Was man von der Erde weiss, see Berghaus, H. K. W. 6 > Washington, George, president of the U. S. Letter respecting the last campaign in the Revolution. {In Webster, N. Collection of papers. 1843.) 814 15.1 — Dragoumes, N,, translator. Bios Teupyiov ^Ova. John Wycliffe and the first English Bible ; an oration. New York. 1880. O. 85 p. 220 6 boimd with 200 1 — Vaughan, R. The life and opinions of J. de Wycliffe. London, 1828. 2 v. O. por. 922 53 — Walden, T. N. of. Fasciculi zizaniorum Johannis Wyclif, cum tritico; edited by W. W. Shirley. London, 1858. Q. facsim. (In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 5.) 942 8 Containing among other editorial matter: Life of Wyclif, Note on the two John Wyclifs. and a bibliogra- phy of printed works by and on Wyclif. Widmann, Leonhart. Chronik von Regens- burg, 1511-55. [In Munich — K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, v. 15, 1878.) 943 24 WIBMARK 732 WILKINSON Widmark, P. F., & others. Engelsk-Svensk ordbok, see xMlssou, L. G. 439.73 3.1 Wido, see Gui. Widter, Ueorg, & others. Volksmarchen aus Venetien. {In Jahrbucli rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 7, 1866.) 805 1 Widukind, see Wittekind. Wie Anne Babi Jo wager haushaltet, see Bitzi- us, A. V. 21-2. Wie das Volk spricht, see Hofer, E. Wie fiinf Madchen im Branntwein umkommen, see Bitzins, A. v. 12. Wie was de verdrukte ? blijspel, see Lenuep, J. van. Poet, werken, 11. Der wiederkelirende griechische Kaiser, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 4,— Schriften, 22. Wieg'aud, Willielm. Die wissenschaftliche Be- deutung der platonischen Liebe. Berlin, 1877. O. 39 p. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vor- triige. 12 Serie.) 043 1 Wieland, Cliristopli Martin. Musarion ; oder, Die Philosophic der Grazien ; ein Gedicht. Leipzig, 1769. S. il. 831 90 — Oberon ; ein romantisches Heldengedicht. Reutlingen, 1822-3. 2 v. in 1. D. 831 91 — Bottig'er, K. W. Wieland nach seinem eige- nen Ausserungen. {In Baumer^ F. L. 0. tou. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1839.) 905 1 — Gotlie, J. W. von. Zu Andenken Wielands. 1813. [In his Werke, 1827-42, v. 32.)— Gotter, Helden und "Wieland. 1774. {In same. v. 33.) 832 1 Wielant, Philips. Practijcke criminele ; uitge- geven door Aug. Orts. Gent, 1872. Q. {In Maetscliappy der Vlaeni. bibl. Werken, 3 ser. 15.) 839.3 4 Wiener, Lndwig Christian. Die ersten Satze der Erkenntniss, insbesondere das Gesetz der Ursachlichkeit und die Wirklichkeit der Aus- senwelt. Berlin, 1874. O. 28 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortriige. 9 Serie.) 043 1 Wier, Jan. De lamiis ; das ist, Von Teuflfels- gespenst,Zauberern und Gifftbereytern kurtzer Bericht ; sampt einem Tracfatlein von dem falschen Fasten ; lateinisch beschrieben; in unsere deutsche Sprach gebracht durch Henri- cum Petrum Rebenstock. Franckfort a M. , 1586. F. 133 1 Wierstraat, Christianus. Histori des beleegs van Nuis. {In Municli— K. baier. Akad. der Wiss.— -ffisf. Commis. Die Chroniken der deutschen StMte. v. 20, 1887.) 943 24 Wiese, Bertold, editor, see Ginstiniani, L. Poesie. 1883. (/n Sceltadi curiosita.l93.)8oO 10 Wietersheim, Karl August Wilhelm Eduard von. Der Feldzug des German icus an der "Weser in Jahre 16. {In Leipsic— K. sachs. Gesell. Abhandl. phil.-hist. v. 1, 1850.) 737 1 — Geschichte der Volkerwanderung. Leipzig, 1859-64. 4 V. in 2. O. pi. maps. 572 11 — [Various articles.] {In Leipsic — K. sachs. Gesell. Berichte, 1846-53.) 063 1,3 Wiffaniur. {In Hagen, F. H. von der. Deutsche Gedichte. 1808.) 831 5 Wigan, Arthur Ladbroke. A new view of in- sanity ; or, The duality of the mind proved by the structure, functions and diseases of the brain. London, 1844. O. 132 1 Wigandj Otto, editor. Der deutsche Fabel- schatz. Leipzig [,1847]. D. 84 p. il. (In Tolksbucher. 38.) 833 22 Wiggins, John. The practice of embanking land from the sea. London, 1852. D. 627 40 Wigglesworth, Edward. Encyclopaedia Ameri- cana, 1830-33, see Lieber, F., & others. 031 1 Wigolais vom Rade. Leipzig [,1841]. D. 72 p. il. {In Volksbiicher. 18.) 833 22 Wigrani, Woolniore. Change-ringing disen- tangled. 2 edition. London, 1880. D. 789 4 Wikes, Thomas. Chronicon Salisburiensis monasterii, 1066-1304. {Li Historiae Anglicanse scriptores quinque, 1687, v. 2.) 942 11.1 Wild, Albert. Die Niederlande ; ihre Vergang- enheit und Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1862. 2 v. in 1. O. 949 13 The wild duck, see Ibsen, H. Wilde, William Bobert. Narrative of a voyage to Madeira, Teneriffe, and all along the Medi- terranean. 2 edition, enlarged. Dublin, 1844. O. il. map. 910 39 WILFBID, St., bishop of York. Newman, J. H., <& others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, V. 7.) 922 8 Wilhelm, see Vilhelm. Wilhelm, Gustav. Der Boden und das Wasser. Wien, 1861. O. 6+87 [+2] p. 551.57 1 Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, — Wanderjahre, see Gothe, J. W. von. v. 18-23. Wilken, Friedrich. Ueber die Parteien der Rennbahn, vornehmlich im byzantinischen Kaiserthum. {In Baumer, F. L. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1830.)— Andronikus Konmenus. {In same. 1831.) 905 1 Wilkes. George. Shakespeare, from an Ameri- can point of view. London, 1877. O. 822 20 Wilkin, Simon, editor, see Browne, Sir T. Works. 1835-6. 828 6 Wilkina Saga, see Dietrich of Bern. Wilkins, John, bishop of Chester. Mathemati- cal magic ; or, The wonders [of] mechanical geometry. 4 edition. London, 1691. S. il..j)or. 621 2 Wilkins, William Noy. Visual art ; or. Nature through the healthy eye. [London,] 1879. O. 707 1 Wilkinson, James John Garth. Emanuel Swe- denborg ; a biography. London, 1849. O. 922 49 Wilkinsouj Sir John Gardner. Hand-book for travellers in Egypt ; being a new edition, con- densed, of "Modern Egypt and Thebes." Lon- don, J. Murray, 1847. D. il. maps. 916.2 19 — The manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. 3 edition. London, 1847. 6 v. O. 932 11 Wilkinson, William Cleaver. The dance of modern society. New York, 1870. S. 175 1 WILL 723 WILLIAMSON WILL. Bernard, St. Del libero arbitrio ; edito da U. A. Amico. Bologna, 1866. D. {In Scelta di curiosita. 65.) 850 10 See also PSYCHOLOGY ; SENSES ; SPINE. Wille, Hans Jacob. Beskrivelse over Sillejords Prsestegield 1 Ovre-Tellemarken i Norge. Ki0- benhavn, 1786. D. map. 914.8 34 Willehad, St. , bishop of Bremen. Anschaire, St. Vita S. Willehadi.— Legenda de S. Wille- hado, lingua Saxonica inferiori. (In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 1.) 948 76 WlUem Leevend, see Wolf, E. B., & Deken, A. Willein van Hildegaersberch. Gedichten ; uit- gegeven door W. Bisscop en E. Verwijs. 's Gravenhage, 1870. Q. -839.31 13 Willems, Jan Frans, editor. Elnonensia : Mo- numents de la langue romaine et de la langue tudesque du 9e siecle ; avec introduction et remarques. 3 edition. Gand, 1845. Q. 67 p. facsim. 437 15 •^ Heelu,J.van. Rymkronyk. 1836. 839.31 11 Klerk, J. de. De Brabantsche yeesten. 1839-69. 839.31 8 Reynard the fox. 1834, 1836. 837 9, 10 —translator, see Reynard the fox. Le roman duRenard. 1837. 837 14 Willeram, abbot of Ebersberg. In Canticum canticorum paraphrasis gemina[, Latin and old German]. (In Schilter, J. Thesaurus, 1737-8, V. 1.) 830 9 Willermus, archbishop of Tyre. Higtoria rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum a tempore successorum Mahumeth usque ad 1184. {In Bonsrars. J. Gesta Dei per Francos, 1611, v. 1.) 940 10 — French : Histoire de la guerre sainte, dite proprement la Franciade orientale ; traduite en francois par Gabriel Du Preau. Paris, 1574. F, 940 11 Book 23 is by Johann Herold, and continues the his- tory from 1184 to 1521. Willet, Andrew. Ecclesia triumphans; that is. The joy of the English church for the corona- tion of James. 3 edition. — Thesaurus ecclesite; that is, The treasure of the church consisting of the perpetual intercession of Christ. — A catholicon ; that is, A generall preservative against the pseudocatholike religion. Cam- bridge [, Eng.], 1614. F. 283 5 WILLIAM, St., archbishop of York. Newman, J. H., cfc others. (In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 3.) 922 8 WILLIAM I., the Conqueror, king of England. Chreslien of Troyes. Du roi Guillaume. — Le dit de Guillaume. {In Michel, F. X, Chro- niques anglo-normandes, 1836-40, v. 3.) 841 5 — Lectiones de legatione Helsini abbatis in Daniam circa 1067. {^In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1773-1834, v. 3.) 948 76 WILLIAM I., of Nassau, prince of Orange, the Silent. Beschryvinghe van. . . incomste van ... princen van Oraengien, Ghendt, 39 Dec. 1577. Gent, 1853. O. 37 p. (/nMaetschappy der Vlaem. bibl. Werken voor de leden. 4.) 839.3 5 — Bottiger, K. W. Wilhelms von Oranien Ehe mit Anna von Sachsen, {In Ranmer, F. L. G. Yon. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1836.) 905 1 — Menrs, J. de. Gulielmus Auriacus. {In his Historica. 1638.) 948 78 — Trauttwein von Belle, E. Wilhelm von Ora- nien, der Befreier der Niederlande. Berlin, 1867. O. 32 p. (/re Virchow cfc Holtzendorflf. Vortriige. 3Serie.) 043 1 — De verantwoordlnge des princen van Oraen- gien teghen sijn wedersprekers. n. p., 1568. T. 949 14 William, canon of Newburgh. Historia rerum Anglicarum. — Continuation to 1398. {In Hew- lett, a. Chronicles, 1884-9, v. 1-3; in Gt.Br.— Master of rolls, Chronandmem. 83.) 942 8 William, monk of Canterbtiry. Vita et pat-sio S. Thomte. — Miracula S. ThomiB. {In Robert- son, J. C. Materials for the histoiy of Becket, 1875-85, V. 1 ; in Gt. Br.— Master of Rolls. Chron. and mem. 67.) 942 8 William Lovell, see Tieck, J, L. The romance of William of Palerne; otherwise known as the romance of William and the werwolf ; translated from the French about 1350 ; added, a fragment of the alliterative ro- mance of Alisaunder, translated from the Latin by the same author, about 1340 ; edited by Walter W. Skeat. London, 1867. O. {In E. E. text soc. Extra ser . 1 . ) 820 5 . 1 William of Worcester, see Worcester. Williams, George, editor, see Beckington, T. Memorials of the reign of Henry VI. 1873. (In Gt. Br.— Master of Rolls. Chron. and mem. 56.) 942 8 Williams, John, archdeacon of Cardigan. The life and actions of Alexander the Great. New York, 1830. S. (Harper's f am. lib.) 923 7 Williams, John, ab Ithel, editor, see Annates Cambriie. 1860. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 30.) 942 8 — & translator, see Brut y tywysogion. 1860. {In same. 17.) 942 8 Williams, Monier. Modern India and the Indi- ans. London, 1878. O. 915.4 10 Williams, Roger. The bloudy tenent of perse- cution for cause of conscience, discussed. [Anon.] n. p., 1644. sqD. 099 9 With marginal notes in ms. Title-page wanting. The rare first edition. Williams, Rowland. Bunsen's biblical re- searches; — Note. (In Essays aud reviews. 1862.) 204 1 Williams, Samuel Wells. The middle kingdom; a survey of the Chinese empire and its inhabi- tants. 4 edition. New York, 1861 [ c'47]. 2 V. O. il. por. pi. map, iltp. 915.1 6 Williams, Sarah, editor, see Chamberlain. J. Letters. 1861. (/n Camden soc. 79.) 820 4 Williams, William. The traveller's and tour- ist's guide through the United States, Canada, etc. Philadelphia, 1851. S. 917.3 13 The map is wanting. Williamson, Charles. Description of the settle- ment of the Genesee country. 1799. pi. {In (In O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary hist, of N. Y., 1850-1. V. 2.) 974 9 WILLIAMSON, Sir Joseph. Christie, W. D., editor. Letters from London to Williamson at WILLIAMSON 724 WIN DISC H the congress of Cologne, 1678-4. [London,] 1874. 2 V. sqO. {In Camden soc. n. s. 8. 9.) 820 4.1 Willibald, St., bishop of Eichstadt. Travels, 721-7. {In Wright, T. Early travels in Pales- tine. 1848.) ' . 915.6 40 >^ewiiian, J. H., & others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 1.) 922 8 Willis and Sotlieraii, &oofcseZZers. A catalogue of 50,000 volumes of ancient and modern books. London, 1862. O. 018 1 With appended list, 36 p. WilliSj, Nathaniel Parker. Bianca Visconti ; or. The heart overtasked.— Torteso the usurer, a play. {In American dramatic lib. 1839.) 812 1 Williston, Ebenezer Bancroft, compiler. Elo- quence of the United States. Middletown, Conn., 1827. 5 v. O. 815 1 Willkomm, Heinrich Moritz. Ueber Siidfriichte, besonders in Siid-Europa. Berlin, 1877. O. 72 p. {In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 12 Serie.) 043 1 Willoby, Henry. Willoby his Avisa. [Man- chester,] 1886. sqO. facsim. {In Spenser soc. Pub. 42.) 821 3 Wills, Alfred. Le Nid d'Aigle, et I'ascension du Wetterhorn ; traduit de I'anglais par F. M. Paris, 1864. D. pi. map. 551.43 i^O WILLS. Bury St. Edmunds. Wills and inven- tories from the registers of the commissary of Bary St. Edmund's and the archdeacon of Sud- bury; edited by S. Tymms. [London,] 1850. sqO. {In Camden soc. 48.) 820 4 — Furnivall, F. J. The fifty earliest English wills in the court of probate, London, 1387- 1439, with a priest's of 1454. London, 1882. O. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 78.) 820 5 — UreenwelljW., editor. Wills and invento- ries from the registry at Durham [,1580-99]. Durham, 1860. pt. 2. O. {In Surtees soc. 38.) 820 7 —Nichols, J. (J., '- (^'^ same, Memoires, n. s. v. 4, 1884-9.) 948 3 WORSHIP. Channing, W. E. Christian wor- ship. (Inhis Works, 1848, v. 4.) 208 2 —The church of England and the public wor- ship act. (In Church quart, review, v. 1. 1875, p. 196-230.) 282 49 WORTHIES 731 WEIGHT The history of the worthies of England, see FiiUer, T. Wottou, Sir Henry. Poems ; edited by Alexan- der Dvce. London, 1843. D. 8+32 p. {In Percy soc. v. 6.) 820 6 — ReliquiiB Wottonianae ; or, A collection of lives, letters, poems, with characters and other pieces. London, 1651. T. por. 828 22 —Walton, I. Life of Wotton. (In his Lives, 1832, V. 1.) 820 10 Wotton, William. Short view of George Hickes's Gramniatico-critical and archeologi- cal treasury of the ancient northern languages, with notes ; translated from the Latin by Maurice Shelton ; added, other notes. 2 edi- tion, with additions. London, 1737. sqQ. 429 8 Wouwer, Jan van d^r, annotator, see Firmi- cns Maternns, J. De errore profanorum religi- onum. 1678. 291 3 Wrede, Adolph von. Reise in Hadramaut, Be- led Beny 'Yssa und Beled el Hadschar; heraus- gegeben von Heinrich Freiherr von Maltzan. Braunschweig, 1870. O. facsim. map. 915.3 14 Wreecli, Curt Friedrich von. Wahrhaff te und umstiitidliche Historie von denen schwedischen Gefangenen in Russland und Siberien, nach dem A. 1709... Sorau, 1725. S. 3416 WREN, S/r Christopher. Ker, H. B. Sir C. Wren ; with remarks on architecture. Lon- don, 1828. O. 32 p. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) 927 16 Wright,—. The name Daniel Johnson as entered in this catalogue is given by Gushing as a pseudonym of the above. Wright, Charles, editor, see Shakespeare, W. Reprint of works, 1623. 1862-4. 822 11 Wright, Charles Henry Hamilton. A grammar of the modern Irish language. 2 edition, en- larged. London, 1860. D. 15+60 p. 491.6 2 Wright, Robert Samuel, editor. The golden treasury of ancient Greek poetry. Oxford, 1867. I). (Clarendon press series.) 881 2 — (fc Sliadwell, J. E. L., editors. A golden treasury of Greek prose. Oxford, 1870. S. (Clarendon press series.) 888 1 Wright, Thomas, M. A. Biographia Britannica literaria ; or, Biography of literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1842-6. 2 V. O. 928 1 Contenls : 1. Anglo-Saxon period. 2. Anglo-Norman period. — The conquest of Ireland by the Anglo-Nor- mans. {In Conquest of Ireland. 1837.) 841 14 — Essays on subjects connected wth the litera- ture, popular supei'stitions and history of Eng- land in the middle ages. London, 1846. 2 v. O. 820 3 — A history of domestic manners and senti- ments in England during the middle ages. London, 1862. ^qO. il. 390 7 — editor. Anecdota literaria ; a collection of short poems in English, Latin, and French, illustrative of England in the 13th century. London, 1844. O. 821 11 The Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epi- grammatists of the 12th century. London, 1872. 2 V. Q. (In «t. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. andmem. 59.) 942 8 Early travels in Palestine, with notes. London, 1848. D. map. (Bohn's antiq. lib.) 915.6 40 Comprising the narratives of Arculf. Benjamin of Tu- dela, Bernard, Bertrandon de la Brooquidre, Sir John Maundeville, Maundrell, Ssewulf, Sigurd and Willibald. Political ballads published in England during the commonwealth. London, 1841. D. {In Percy soc. v. 3.) 820 6 Political poems and songs relating to Eng- lish history, from Edw, III. to Ric. III. Lon- don, 1859-61. 2 v. Q, {In tit. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 14.) 942 8 Popular treatises on science written dur- ing the middle ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo- Norman, and English. London, 1841.^ O. (Hist. soc. of science.) 502 7 A selection of Latin stories, from mss. of the 13-14 centuries ; a contribution to the his- tory of fiction during the middle ages. Lon- don, 1842. D. (In Percy soc. v. 8.) 820 6 Song and carols, from a ms. of the 15th century. London, 1847. D. (/n same. v. 23.) 820 6 Specimens of lyric poetry composed in England in the reign of Edward I. London, 1842. D. (In same. v. 4.) 820 6 Specimens of old Christmas carols. Lon- don, 1841. D. 7+80 p. {In same. v. 4.) 820 6 Three chapters of letters relating to the suppression of monasteries. London, 1843. sqO. {In Camaen soc. 26.) 820 4 A volume of vocabularies, 10th century to 15th; edited from mss. [Liverpool,] pri- vately printed, 1857. Q. il. 427 10 see the following publications of the Cam- den society : 820 4 3. Maidstone, B. of. Alliterative poem on Richard II. 1838. 16. Map, W. Latin poems. 18tl. 24. A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against Alice KYTKLER for sorcery. 1843. 50. Map, W. De nugis curialium. 1850. 102. Ludlon'. Churchwardens' accounts. 1869. see the following publications of the Percy society : ^20 6 Vol.8. GlfTord, G. A dialogue concerning witches. 1842. 11. Guildford, N. de. The owl ai* the nightingale. 1843. 14. St. Brandan, a legend of the sea. 1844. 16. Sandabad: The seven sages. 1845. 23-6. Chaucer, G. The Canterbury tales. 1847-51. 29. Slioreliani, W. de. Religious poems. 1849. Chancer, «. Canterbury tales. 1853. 821 39 Geoffrey of Monmouth. Vita Merlini. 1837. 293 4 Langtoft, P. Chronicle. 1866-8. (In Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 47.) 942 8 La Tour Landry, G. de. Book for his daughters. 1868. (In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 33.) 820 5 Mapes, W. Latin poems. 1841. 820 4 Nares, R. Glossary. 1859. 427 14 Neckam, A. De naturis rerum ; De laudi- bus divina? sapientise. 1863. {In Gt. Br. — Master of rolls. Chron. and men. 34.) 942 8 WEIGHT 733 WYTd & translator. The political songs of Eng- land, from the reign of John to that of Ed- ward II. London, 1839. sqO. {In Caindeu soc. 6. ) 820 4 —& Halliwell-Phillipps, J. 0., editors. Re- liquiae antiqufe ; scraps from ancient mss. illus- trating early English literature and langviage. London, 1841-3. 3 v. O. 821 12 Wriglit, Thomas, journeyman engineer. Some habits and customs of the working classes. London, 1867. D. 337 19 Wrig-ht, William, translator, see Caspari, C. P. Grammar of Arabic, 1859. 492.7 6 Wright, WiUiam Aldis, & Eastwood, J. The Bible word-book. London, 1866. S. 423 2 — editor, see Bacoii, F. The advancement of learning. 1869. 370 1 Essays and Colours of good and evil. 1862. 824 6 GJeiierydes, a romance. 1878. {In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 55, 70.) 820 5 Robert of Gloucester. Metrical chronicle, 1887. {In (Jt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and men. 86.) 942 8 The Wright's chaste wife, see Adam of Cobsham. Wriothesley, Charles. A chronicle of England, 1485-1559 ; edited by William Douglas Hamil- ton. [London,] 1875-7. 2v. sqO. (Jn Camden soc. n. s. 11, 20.) 820 4.1 WRITING, see ALPHABET: BOOKSj CIPHER; SHORT-HAND. Wiik Stephanowitsch, see Vuk. Wiilcker, Ernst, <& Diefenbach, L. Hoch- und nieder-deutsches Worterbuch der mittleren und neueren Zeit ; zur Erganzung der vorhan- deneii Worterbiicher, insbesondere des der Bru- der Grimm. Frankfurt a. M.[, 1874-]85. Q. 433 1 See also Grimm, J. L. K. & W. K. Deutsches Worter- buch, the letter V, compiled by Wiilcker. WHlfei*, Daniel. Bedenken von den Tanzen an Sonnfagen. {In Strobel, G. T. Miscellaneen, 1778-81, v. 1.) 830 10 Wulfgeats will [, Anglo-Saxon, with] interpre- tation. {In Cockayne, T. 0. Shrine. 1864-70.) 829 2 Wulfsberg, Christian Aagust.Norges naturlige Velstandskilder. CMristiania, lb72. O. 314 20 — Om Finmarken. Christiania, 1867. O. 914.8 28 Wnlfstan, archbishop of York. Sermo Lupi ad Anglos, tempore invasionis Danorum. {In Langebek, J. Script, rerum Dan., 1772-1834, v. 2.) 948 76 Wnlfstan, traveller. The voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan, see Ohthere. WULLEN WEBER, Jilrgen. Barthold, F. W. Jiirgen Wullenweber von Liibeck ; oder, Die Blirgermeisterfehde. {In Raumer, F. F. G. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1835.) 905 1 WULSTAN, St., bishop of Worcester. Newman, J. H., cfc others. {In their Lives of English saints, 1844-5, v. 3.) 922 8 Wnnderlichkeiten, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 10,— Schriften. 25. Die Wimdersttchtigen, same, Novellen, 6,— Schriften, 23. Wttrtemberg. Wirtembergisches Urkunden- buch ; herausgegeben von dem koniglichen Staatsarchiv in Stuttgart. Stuttgart, 1858. V. 2. sqF. 943 41 Wiirzbach von Tannenberg, Constant. Histori- sche Worter, Sprichworter und Redensarten in Erlauterungen. Prag, 1863. D. 398 34 Wutzer, C. W. Reise in den Orient Europa's und einen Theil Westasiens. Elberfeld, 186U- 1. 2 V. O. pi. 914 11 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, the elder. The works of Siu-rey and Wyatt ; edited by Geo. Fred. Nott. London, 1815-16. 2 v. sqF. por. pi. facsim. majx 821 101 — Songes and sonettes, {In Tottel, R. Miscel- lany. 1870 ; in Arber, E. English reprints. 24.) 820 9 WYATT, Sir Tliomas, the younger. Thelchronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary, and especially of the rebellion of Wyat; edited by J. G. Nich- ols. [London,] 1850. sqO. {In Camden soc. 48.) 820 4 Wyckliife, John, see Wiclif. Wykes, Thomas. Chronicon, 1066-1289. {In Liiard, H. R. Annales monastici, 1864-9, v. 4 ^ in Gt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 36.) 942 8 Wylson, see Wilson. Wyman, Jeffries. An account of some k jcek- keumoeddings, or shell-heaps, in Maine and Massachusetts. Salem, 1867. O. 26 p. il. pi. 571 4 — An account of the fresh-water shell-heaps of the St. Johns river. East Florida. Salem, 1868. O. pZ. 571 4 —Fossil mammals, pi. (In U. S.— Naval ex- pedition to southern hemisphere. 1849-52. v. 2, 1855.) 918.3 1 Wyntown, Andrew. Be orygynale cronykil of Scotland ; now first published, with notes, a glossary, &c , by David Macpherson. London, 1795. 2 V. O. 821 118 Tytler, P. F. {In his Lives of Scottish worth- ies, 1831-3, V. 2.) 920 17 Wyse, Sir Thomas. Education reform; or. The necessity of a national system of education. London, 1836. v. 1. O. 379 8 No more published. — An excursion in the Peloponnesus in 1858 ; edited by Winifrede M. Wyse. London, 1865. 2 V. Q. il. por. pi. map. 914.9 28 — Impressions of Greece; with an introduction by Miss [W. M.] Wyse, and letters from Greece by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. London, 1871. O, 914.9 27 Wyse, William Charles Bonaparte. A Frederi Mistral. {In Revue des langues romanes. v. 5, 1874.) 479 5 Wyss,Johann Rudolf.Neue Idyllen,Volkssagen, Legenden und Erzahlungen aus der Schweiz. Bern, 1822. D. 398 9.1 —editor, see Tschachtlan, B. Berner-Chronik. 1820. 949 32 Wyth, John. Portraits to the life, and man- ners of the inhabitants of Virginia. New York, 1841. O. pi. (In Graphic sketches of abori- gines, v. 1.) 390 24 XANTHONIG A CID 733 YOMIGK XANTHO>IC ACID. Canuizzaro, S. Azione del' idrogeno nascente sull' acido santonico. (Ill Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 2. 1874-5.) — Sui derivati dell' acido santonico. {In same. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 -Sopra alcuni derivati della santonina ; memoria di Cannizzaro e L. Valente, — Sopra due altri isomeri della santonina ; nota di Canizzaro e Carnelutti. {In same, 3 ser. sci. Us. V. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 Nasiui, R. Studi sul potere rotatorio. {In same. v. 9, 1880-1.) 065 4 — Sestini, — . SuU' acido foto-santonico. {In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 8 — StrUver, J. Sulla forma cristallina di alcuni derivati della santonina. pi. {In same.) 065 3 — —Same, 2 serie. {In same. 3 ser. sci. fis. v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.) 065 4 — Taleiite, L. Azione del cloruro acetilico sull* acido santonico. {In same. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 XANTHUS. Fellows, C. The Xanthian mar- bles ; their acquisition, and transmission to England. London, 1843. O. pZ. maj). 913 31.4 XAVIER, Francisco de, St. Liicena, J. de. Historia da vida do S. Francisco de Xavier. 2 edigam, por B. J. de Souza Farinha. Lisboa, 1788. 4 V. S. 922 55 Xeiiophoii. Opera. Editio stereotypa, curante C. H. Weise. Lipsiae, 1826-7 [v. 1, '27]. 6 v. T, lyor. 888 12 Contents: 1. Cyropaedia. 2. Memorabilia Socratis. 3. Anabasis. 4. Historia Graeca. 5. Oeconomicus.— Apolo- gia Socratis.— Convivium. — Hiero. — Agesilaus. 6. De re- piiblica.— De vectigalibus — De re equestri.— De officio magistri equitum.— De veiiatione. — Anabasis ; erklaert von C. Rehdantz. 1-2 Auflage. Berlin, 1864-7 [v. 1, '67]. 2 v. O. il. maps. . 888 16 — Anabasis ; erklaert von F. K. Hertlein. 2 Auflage. Leipzig, 1854. O. pi. map. 888 1.5 Themapis by II. Kiepert, who contributed also geo- graphical notes. — Du commandement de la cavalerie et de r equitation. (In Courier de M6r6j P. L. QEu- vres. 1833.) 848 3 — Aiiisworth, W. F. Travels in the track of the ten thousancl Greeks. London, 1844. O. map. 888 17 — Grrote, (x. (In his Plato and the other com- panions of Sokrates, 1865, v. 3.) 888 20 — Lindeiiianii, J, H. Ueber die religios-sittliche Lebens-Ansicht des Xenophon, {In his Vier Abhandlungen. 1852.) 901 2 Xenophon of Ephesus. Degli amori di Abro- come ed Anzia, libri 5 tradotti da Anton Maria Salvini. Nuova edizione, con emendazioni di Ennio Quirino Visconti. Milano, 1863. S. {In Bibl. rara. 22.) 850 3 Ximenes, Francisco. Libre deles dones. Bar9e- lona, J. Rosenbach, U95. Q. [12-f] 267 leaves. rubricated, iltp. 093 11 In Catalan. Xiphilinus, Joannes, epitomator, see Dio Cas- slus Cocceianus. XYLOGfRAPHIC BOOKS, see PRINTING. Yafiez y Rivera, (xer6nimo de Alcald. El dona- do habiador, vida y aventuras de Alonso, mozo de muchos amos. Edicion con notas. Madrid, 1804. 2 V. S. pi. 863 12 Yanoski, Jean.L'Afrique chi-etienne. — Histoire de la domination des Vandales en Afrique. — Histoire de la domination byzantine. {In L'nnivers. 2.) 910 18 —& Dnreau de la Malle, A. J. C. A. Carthage. 1844. pZ. maps. {In same.) 910 18 — (fcVeydt, M. Histoire de la Syrie ancienne. 1848. pi. map. {In same. 23.) 910 18 — & others. Italie ancienne, see Duruy, V. {In same. 54-5.) 910 18 YARMOUTH. Nail, J. -0. Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. London, 1866. S. pi. maps. 914.2 6 — Turner, D. Sepulchral reminiscences of a market town, as afforded by a list of the inter- ments within the parish church of St. Nicho- las, Great Yarmouth. Yarmouth, 1848. O. tab. 929 17 Ydale, see Asl)j0rusen, P. C. YEAR BOOKS. See Almaiiacli ; Aiiniiaire ; Aiiiinario ; Calendario ; Globo ; Jahrbuch ; Jahresberioiit ; Palmaverde ; Itirista. YEAST, see MOULD. Yeats, John, & others. The natural history of commerce ; with a list of commercial terms and their synonymes in several languages. London, 1870. D. map. 380 2 YELLOWSTONE. Hayden, F. V. The hot springs and geysers of the Yellowstone and Firehole rivers. [New Haven,] 1872. O. 28 p. 551.23 1 — Richardson, J., editor. Wonders of the Yellowstone region. London, 1874. D. il. p)l. max)s. 917.8 3 — Zittel, K. A. von. Das Wunderland am Yel- lowstone. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. {In Vir- chow & Holtzeudorff.Vortrage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Ynglinga saga ; mit Vorrede. {M Mobius, T. Analecta. 1859.) 839.63 11 — Hammer shainib, V. U. Snorre Sturlasons Ynglinga saga tolkad och upplyst af C. Save. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Anti- quarisk Tidsskrift. v. 4, 1852-4.) 948 4 YNGLLNtJATAL. Gislason, K. Nogle Bemterk- ninger angaende Ynglingatal. (In .same. Aarb0ger. v. 16, 1881.) 948 5 Ane tractat of a part of ye Yngliss cronikle, see Frondes caducai, 942 15 YOLANDE de France, duchess of Savoy. Me- nabr^a, L. C, editor. Chroniques de Yolande de France ; documents inedits. Paris, 1859. O. 944 20 Yonge, Charles Duke. An English-Greek lex- icon ; with Pillon's Greek synonyms : pre- fixed. An essay on the order of words in Attic Greek prose ; edited by Henry Drisler. New York, 1870. Q. 483 3 Yonge, Walter. Diary, 1604-28 ; edited by George Roberts. London, 1848. sqO. {In Camden soc. 41 ) 820 4 Yorick figlio di Yorick, pseudonym of Ferri- gni, P. F. L. C. YORK 734 ZAEN York, diike of, see Jamos II. of England. York. Breviarium ad usum ecclesiae Ebora- censis. Durham, 1880-3. 2 v. O. {In Snrtees soc. 71, 75.) 820 7 — The fabric rolls of York minister : with ap- pendix of documents. Durham, 1859, O. pi. {In same. 35.) 820 7 — Liber pontificalis Chr. Bainbridge archiepi- scopi Eboracensis. Durham, 1875. O. {In same. 61.) 820 7 — Manuale et processionale ad usum ecclesias Eboracensis. Durham, 1875. O. {In same. 63.) 820 7 — Missale ad usum insignis ecclesise Eboracen- sis. Durham, 1874. 2 v. O. {In same. 59, 60.) 820 7 — The pontifical of Egbert, archbishop of York, 732-66. Durham, 1853. O. {In same. 27.) 820 7 — The register of the guild of Corpus Christi in the city of York ; with illustrative docu- ments containing some account of the hospital of St. Thomas of Canterbury in the suburbs. Durham, 1872. O. pi. {In same. 57.) 820 7 Oray, W., archbishop of York. Register ; or. Roils ; with illustrative documents. Durham, 1872. O. pi. {In same. 56.) 820 7 Raiue, J-, editor. The historians of the church of York and its archbishops. London, 1879-86. 2 V. Q. {In Grt. Br.— Master of rolls. Chron. and mem. 71.) 942 8 _ Testamenta Eboracensia ; or. Wills registered at York, illustrative of the province- froni the year 1300 downwards. London, 1836, 84. 5 V. O. (7w Snrtees soc. 4, 30, 45, 53, 79.) 820 7 See also Hntton, M. YORKSHIRE. Best, H. Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641 ; being the farming and ac- count books of H. Best of Elmswell, East Rid- ing. Durham, 1857. O. pi. {In same. Sd.) 820 7 — Diigdale, W. The visitation of the county of Yorke, 1665-6, Durham, 1859. O. {In same. 36.) 820 7 With this is bound the following : ^ — Armytaee, G. J. Index to the visitation... London, 1872. O. [3-f-] 40 p. — Jackson, Creditor. Yorkshire diaries and autobiographies in the 17-18 centuries. Dur- ham, 1877-86. 2 V. O. por. tab. {In Surtees soc. 65, 77.) 820 7 For separate works of this character, see De la Prynie, A.; Hutton, M.; Thornton, A. W. — Kirkby, J. de. The survey of the county of York, commonly called Kirkby's inquest ; also Inquisitions of knights' fees, the Nomina vil- larum for Yorkshire, and an appendix of doc- uments. Durham, 1867. O. {In same. 49.) 820 7 YORUBA, see JARUBA. Youatt, William. The horse. [Anon. J London, 1831. O. il. (Lib. of useful knl.) 636 3 Yoiimaiis, Edward Livingston, editor. Modern culture, its true aims and requirements ; a sei-ies of addresses and arguments on the claims of scientific education. London, 1867. D. 375 2 For contents see SCIENCE-EDUCATION. Yonmans, Eliza Ann, An essay on the culture of the observing powers of children, especially in the study of botany ; edited, with notes and a supplement on the extension of the principle to elementary intellectual training in general, by Joseph Payne. London, 1878. D, 12-t-66 p. 372 3 Young, Alexander, editor. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the colony of Plymouth, 1602-25; with notes. Boston, 1841. O. il. por. maps. 974 3 Contents: Bradford, H'. History of Plymouth colony;— & Wlnslow, E. Journal.— Cushnian, B. Discourse.— Wins- low, E. Relation ;— Brief narration.— Bradford, W. Dia- logue ;— Memoir of Brewster. — Robinson, J., & others. Letters. The library of the old English prose writers. Cambridge [,Mass.], 1831-2. v. 1, 4-7. D. 820 10 Contents: I. Fuller, T. Holy and profane states. 4. Felltliani, 0. Resolves. 5-6. Walton, I. Lives. 7. Latimer, H. Sermons. Young, Artliur. Voyages en France, 1787-9 ; nouvelle traduction parLesage; precedee d'une introduction par Leonce de Lavergne. Paris, 1860. 2 V. D. 914.4 7 — Voyages en Italic et en Espagne, 1787 et 1789 ; traduction de Lesage ; avec une intro- duction par L. de Lavergne. Paris, 1860. D. 914.5 46 YOUTH, Fitzgerald, E. Euphranor, a dialogue on youth. London, 1851. D. [2+] 81 p. 828 11 Yrsa, see |9hlensclilager, A. G. Digtervserker, V. 3. Yttersta domen, skaldstycke, see Lidner, B. YUCATAN. Norman, B.M.Ramblesin Yucatan. New York, 1843. O. il. pi. map, iltp. 917,2 2 — Stephens^ J. L. Incidents of travel in Cen- tral America, Chiapas and Yucatan. New York, 1841. 2 v. O. pi. map. 917.2 4 — — Incidents of travel in Yucatan. New York, 1843. 2v. O. map. 917.2 3 Yule, A. F. A little light on the Cretan insur- rection. London, 1879. S. 949 78 Yule, Henry. An endeavour to elucidate Ra- shiduddin's geographical notices of India. [London, 1869.] O. 915.4 11 — An essay on the geography of the valley of the Oxus. map. {In Wood, J. Journey to the source of the Oxus. 1872.) 915.8 3 — Papers connected with the upper Oxus re- gions. London, 1872. O. 44 p. maps. 915.8 4 — translator & commentator, see Jordanus, friar. Mirabilia descripta. 1863. 915 5 Polo, M. The book. 1871. 915 13 Ywaine, see Iwain. Zacliarias, Otto. Die niedere Thierwelt unserer Binnenseen. Hamburg, 1889. O. 44 p. il. {In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 2 Zaclier, Julins,P8eudocallisthenes; Forschung- en zur Kritik und Geschichte der Alexander- sage. Halle, 1867. O. 888 42 Zaddacli, Ernst Gustav. Die altere Tertiarzeit, ein Bild aus der Entwicklungpgeschichte der Erde. Berlin, 1869. O. 35 p. (7w Virchow c& Holtzendorff, Vortrage. 4 Serie.) 043 1 Zalin, Joliann Christian, editor, see Ulfllas. 1805. 839,9 2 ZAIIRTMANN 735 ZENKER Zahrtnianu, Christian Cliristopher. Bemeerk- ninger om de Venetianerne Zeni tilskrevene Eeiser i Norden. (In Copenliagen — K. nord. Old.-Selsliab. Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 2, 1833.) 948 1.2 Zalli, Casimiro. Disionaii piemonteis, Italian, latin e franseis. Carmagnola, 1815. 3 v. O. 457 13 Vol. 3 contains Glonta. Zamboui, Filippo. Gli Ezzelini, Dante e gli schiavi; ossia, Roma e la schiavitu personale domestica ; studj storici e letterari. 2 pub- blicazione aumentata. Vienna, 1870. 851 60 Zambriui, Francesco. Libro di novelle antiche tratte da diversi testi del buon secolo della lingua. Bologna, 1868. D. {In Scelta di curi- osita. 93.) 850 10 See also no. 3-7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 21, 23, 28, 31, 40, 43, 48, 50, 59, 66, 68-70, 79, 81, 82, 97, 113, 114, 126, 130, 131, 137, 140, 148, 188, 190, 228. Zambrini was the projector of the series, and its editor during the publication of no. 1- 223, 1861-88. — Le opere volgari a stampa dei secoli 13-14, indicate e descritte. Bologna, 1866. O. [In Emilia. CoUezione. Appendice.) 850 6.1 — editor. CoUezione di leggende inedite. [Anon.J Bologna, 1855. 2 v. D. 231 3 Presentation copy from the author. Dodici conti morali d' anonimo senese ; testo inedito del sec. 13. Bologna, 1863. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 9.) 850 10 Due novelle morali d'autore anonimo del secolo 14. Ediz. 2. Bologna, 1863. D. 24 p. (In same. 4.) 850 10 Novelle d' incerti autori del secolo 14. Bologna, 1861. D. 98 [-M] p. (In same. 1.) 850 10 Tre novelle rarissime del secolo 16. Bo- logna, 1867. D. (In same. 85.) 850 10 The authors are G. Guidiccione, F. M. Molza, G. Salvl. ZAMOLXIS. Lnnd, K. ZdfwX^is, primus Geta- rum legislator. Upsalise, 1687. sqD. 349 47 Zampelios, S. Bv^avrlvai /jLeXeral trepl ir-qyQv veo- eWqvLKris iOvbrriTos awh i^. &XP'- ^- eKarovraerripldoi M. X- 'E" 'Ad'^vais, 1857. O. 949 52 Zamponi, Florido. Bozzetto storico della f anii- glia dei Pazzi. Firenze, 1873. O. 42 p. 929 10 Per le nozze Pazzi-Forini. Edizione di 200 esemplari. Zandkorrels, see Staes, J. Zanella, Giacomo. Storia della letteratura ita- liana dalla meta del settecento ai nostri giorni. Milano, 1880. Q. (In Villari, P., editor. Storia letterario d' Italia; in L' Italia. Parte 2.) 914.5 20 — Versi. 2 edizione. Firenze, 1868. D. 861 131 Zannoni, Giovanni Battista. Le ciane di Fi- renze; ovvero, Scherzi comici. Malta, 1857. S. 857 15 — Same; corredati di note filologiche di Giu- seppe Frizzi. Firenze, 1872. v. 1. D. 857 16 bound ivith 6 Contents; 1. La Crezia rincivilita. • "Very interesting views on the popular dialect of Flor- ence.''— iVbte by Mr. Marsh. Zanoja, Giuseppe. Terzine. (In CoUezione mi- lanese, 1816-7, v. 11.) 859 15 Zanotti, Oiampietro Cavazzoni. Lettere fami- liari in difesa del Malvasia. — Dialogo in difesa di Guido Reni. (In Malrasia, C. C. Felsina pit- trice, 1841, V. 2.) 927 2 Zapata de Cisneros, Cristoforo, eonte, editor, see Dante Alighleri. Opere. 1757-8. 851 33 El zapatero y el rey, drama, see Zorrilla, v. 2. Zarncke, Friedrich. Mittelhochdeutsches Wor- terbuch, M-R. 1863, see Mliller, W. 437 21 — Ueber das Verhaltniss des Brut y Tysylio zu Gottfried's Historia regum Britanniae. (In Jahrbnch rom. u. eng. Lit. v. 5, 1864.) 805 1 —editor, see Nibelungenlied. 1871. 831 63 Der Zauberflote, see Gothe, J. W. von. v, li. Der Zauberring, ein Ritterroman, see La Motte Fouqn^, F. H. K. de. Das Zauberscliloss, see Tieck, J. L. Novellen, 2,— Schriften, 21. Zaviziano, Costautino. Sugli awenimenti pre- istorici ; studii. Napoli, 1871. v. 1. D. 913 3 ZEALAND, Denmark, see SEELAND. Zeccliini, S. P. Dizionario dei sinonimi della lingua italiana. Torino, 1848. D. 454 2 Een zeenianshuisgezin, see Conscience, H. Zeipel, Karl Samuel Fredrik von. Carl XI, Rabenius ocli hexeri-processen, historisk ro- man. Stockholm, 1845. 2v. S. 837.73 34 Zeitgeist und Bernergeist, see Bitzius, A. v. 14. Zeitschrift des historischen Vereins fiir Nieder- sachsen, see Historischer Verein. Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alter thum; herausge- geben von Moriz Haupt. Leipzig, 1841-79. 23 V. in 12. O. 830 3 Vol. 17-18 edited by Karl Mullenhoff and Elias Stein- meyer; v. 19-23, edited by Steinmeyer, with the collabo- ration of Mullenhoff and Wilhelm Scherer. Vol. 13-23 are new series v. 1-11. Zeitschwingen, see Langbein, A. F. E. v. 12. Zell, Karl. Ueber die Zeitungen der alten R6- mer. 2 Ausgabe. Heidelberg, 1873. D. 070 1 Zelle, Robert. Reform der Vormundschaftsge- setzgebung; Staats-oder Selbsthiilfe, Berlin, 1870. O. 40 p. (/w Vircliow cfc Holtzendorff. VortrSge. 5 Serie.) 043 1 — Waisenpflege und Waisenkinder in Berlin. Berlin, 1867. O. 36 p. (In same. 2 Serie.) 043 1 Zeller, Eduard. Religion und Philosophie bei den Romern. Berlin, 1866. O. (In same. 1 Serie.) 043 1 Zeller, Heinrich. Piz Tschierva im Oberenga- din. (In Stnder, B., & others. Berg- und Gletscher-Fahrten. 1863.) 551.43 27 Zelos aun del aire matan, see Calderon. v. 3. El zeloso estremeno, see Cervantes. Novelas, V. 2. Zena. Canzone sopra il sacco di Genova del 1522. (In SocietJl ligure. Atti. v. 9, 1869.) 945 48 Zenatti, Albino, editor, see Storia di Canipriano contadino. 1884. (In Scelta di curiosita. 200.) 850 10 Zendrini, Bernardino. Metrische Ueberse- tzungen von Julius Schanz : Torquato Tasso ; Oder, Die heilige Muse. — Ariosfc's Hauschen in Ferrara. — Auch eine Konigin. — Meine Grie- chin. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 2, 1875.1 945 41 Zeneyde, conte, see Hamilton, A. v. 2. Zenker, Julius Theodor. Bibliotheca orientalis. Leipzig, 1846. v. 1. O. 01 G 20 ZENO 736 ZOJA Zeuo, NicoW & Antonio. Reiser, med Indled- ning og Anmaerkninger ved J. H. Bredsdorff. (In Copenhagen — K, nord. Old. -Selskab. Gronlands hist. Mind., 1838-45, v. 3.) 839.63 36 __ _Steensti'U]), J. Zeni'ernes Reiser i Norden; det sidste Tiaars Bidrag til Forstaaelsen af Zeni's Reiser, 1390 og 1405. maps. (In same. Aarb0ger. v. 18, 1883.) 948 5 — Zalirtmann, C. C. Bemaerkninger om de Ve- netianerne Zeni tilskrevene Reiser i Norden. (In sam^, Nordisk Tidsskrift. v. 3, 1833.) 948 1.2 Zeno. (In Brims, P. J. Romant. Gedichte. 1798.) 839.4 2 Zeno; oder, Die Legende von den heilegen drei Konigen ; Ancelmus, vom Leiden Christi ; her- ausgegeben von August Liibben. Bremen, 1869. O. 831 94 ZENOBIA, giteen of Palmyra, seeCalderon. La gran Cenobia, coniedia. Zenoni, Zenone, of Plstoia. La pietosa fonte, poema in morte di Francesco Petrarca ; con giunte e correzioni Bologna, 1874. D. il. (In Scelta di curiosita. 137.) 850 10 Zepheria ; reprinted from the original edition of 1594. [Manchester,] 1869. sqO. 11+44 p. (In Spenser soc. Pub. v. 5.) 821 3 Der zerbrocliene Krug, see Zscliokke, J. H. D. V. 5. Zeri, AngustOj translator, see Colombo, C Tre lettere di Colombo e Vespucci. 1881. 973 8 ZerklJire, Thomasin von, see Circlaria, T. di, Zesen {Latin Caesius), Filip Blau, Graf von. Leo Belgicus ; hoc est, Reipublicae Belgarum foederatae descriptio. Amstelodami, ex offl- cina Elzeviriana, 1660. T. 094 "42 ZETLITZ, Jens. Welhaven, J. S. C. (In his Skrifter, 1867-8, v. 8, p. 275-83.) 839.84 4 ZIBET, Cliristoffer Bogislaus, friherre. Rosen- stein, N. von. Tal ofver Zibet, 28 maj 1809. (Inhis Skrifter, 1838, v. 1.) 839.78 1 Ziegler, Alexander. Meine Reiseim Norden; im Norwegeu, auf den Orkney- und Shetland-In- seln, in Lapland und in Schweden, Leipzig, 1860. 2 V. D. 914.8 7 Ziegler, Jacob. Terrse Sanctae, Syriae, ^gypti & Schondiae descriptio ; TeiTse Sanctae altera descriptio juxta ordinem alphabets. . Argento- rati, 1536. sqQ. maps. 915.6 41 Zienei", Christian. Beskrivelse over nogle Sur- teibrands-Fielde i Island. (In Olafsson, 0. Oeconomisk Reise igiennem Island. 1780.) 914.9 11 Zigno, Achille, barone de. Sopra un nuovo si- renio fossile scoperto nelle colline di Bra in Piemonte. pi. (In Rome— R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3ser. sci.fis.v. 2, 1877-8, pt. 2.)— Sopra un cranio di coccodrillo scoperto nel terreno eoceno del Veronese, pi. (In same. v. 5, 1879- 80.) 065 4 Zimmerinann, A. Der kulturgeschichtliche Werth der romischen Inschriften. Hamburg, 1887. O. 40 p. (7?i Virchow cfc Holtzendorff. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 2.) • 043 2 Ziinmermann, Carl. Atlas von Palaestina und der Sinai-Halbinsel ; zu C. Ritter's Erdkunde, Band 14-16. Berlin, 1850. obF.« 15 majis. 912 39 — Fiinf Karten zu C. Ritter's Erdkunde von Arabien. Berlin, 1847. sqF.' 912 53 In portfolio 2. Zinunerniaiin, W. F. A., pseudonym of Voll- mer, K. ii. W. Zimpel, Karl F. ...Le millenaire... 4 edition. Francfort-sur-Main, 1866. O. 228 2 bound ivith 200 1 At top .of title-page is "1871, resurrection de Napoleon I. comme AntSohrist; bataille d'Harmageddon; 1875. retour de Jesus-Christ." — La pasqua della chiesa. Firenze. 1866. O. 264 6 Zinck, L. Oldsagfundene i de gamle Flodgrus- lag, navenlig i Somme-Dalen ved Amiens og Abbeville. il. (In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Selskab. Aarb0ger. v. 2, 1867.)— Om de sidsteAars Opdagelser af f ornhistoriske Mindes- muerker til Belysning af Menneskeslsegtens tidligste Optrseden i Indien. il. (In same. v. 4, 1869.) — Broncefolkets Gravh0ie og deres Forbindelse med Stenalderens Grave, il. (In same. v. 6, 1871.) 948 5 Zingarelll, N., editor, see Bertioli, P. F. Rime; col comento di A. Alciato. 1888. (In Scelta di curiosita. 227.) 850 10 Zingerle, Ignaz Vincenz, editor, see Geogra- phie aus dem 13ten Jahrhundert. 1865. 910 8 Pleier. Zu Pleier's Garel. 1865. 831 73 Vintler, H. Die Pluemen der Tugent. 1874. 831 86 Zink, Biirkard. Chronik, 1368-1468.(-Ju Munich — K. baier. Akad. Chroniken der deutschen Stadte, V. 5, 1866: Augsburg, v. 2.) 943 24 Zinkeisen, Johnnu Wilhelm. Versailles; histori- sche Riickblicke. por. (In Rannier, F. L. Cr. von. Hist. Taschenbuch. 1837.) 905 1 Zipoli, Perlone, pseudonym of Lippi, L. ZIRCON. UzLellijGr. Sopra lo zircone della costa tirrena. il. (In Rome— R. accad. de lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 065 3 Zirkel, Ferdinand. Die Umwandlungsprocesse im Mineralreich. Berlin, 1871. O. 40 p. (In Virchow cfc Holtzendorlf. Vortrage. 6 Serie. ) 043 1 Zirngiebl, Eberhard. Peter Arbues und die spanische Inquisition. 3 Aufiage. MUnchen, 1872. 49 p. O. 272 7 Zito, Bartolomeo. Annotazejune.— Defenne- miento de . la Vajasseide, (In Cortese, Cr. C. Opere, 1783, v. 2; in CoUezione napoletana, v. 3.) 859 19 Zittel, Karl Alfred von. Die Kreide. Berlin, 1876. O. 38 p. il. (In Vircliow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 11 Serie.) 043 1 — Das Wunderland am Yellowstone. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (/jisawe. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Zobi, Antonio. Saggio sulle mutazioni politiche ed economiche in Italia, 1859-68; con un di- scorso preliminare. Firenze,1870. v.l. O. 945 30 Not continued. ZODIACAL LltlHT. Marco. F. La causa della luce zodiacale. (In Rome— II. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 2 ser. v. 3, 1875-6, pt. 2.) 066 3 Zohrab the hostage, see Morier, J. Zoja, (xiovanni. Ricerche anatomiche sull' ap- pendiche della glandola tiroidea. pi. (In Rome — R. accad. dei lincei. Atti. 3 ser. sci. Us. v. 4, 1878-9.) ' 065 4 ZOLA 737 ZOSIMUS ZOLA, £inile. Aniicis, E. de. Emilio Zola. {In his Ricordi di Parigi. 1879.) 914.4 9 Zolfanelli, Cesare. La Lunigiana e le Alpi apuane. Firenze, 1870. D. 551.43 43 Zollinger, Heinrich. Besteigung des Vulkanes Tambora auf der Insel Sumbawa und Schilde- rung der Erupzion, 1815. Winterthur, 1855. Q. [l+T20[+2]p. maps. 551.21 29 bound with 548 2 Zollner, JohannCarl Friedrich.Wissenschaft- liche Abliandlungen. Leipzig, 1878-81. 4 v. in 5. O. por. jd. facsim. 504 8 — Helmholtz, H. L. F. Zollner contra Tyndall. {In his Vortrage, 1884, v. 2.) 504 5 ZOOLOtrY. Agassiz, J. L. R. The structure of animal life. London, 1866. O. il. 575 1 — Aristoteles. ... Historia animalium. Editio stereotypa. Lipsiae, 1831. T. 888 21 — Berghaus, H. K. W.Zoologische Geographie. {In his Phys. Atlas, 1845-8, v, 2.) 503 1 — Cornalia, E., & others. Fauna d' Italia. Mila- no [, 187-J. Q. {In L'ltalia. Parte 2.) 914.5 6 — E., H. Die Einweihung der zoologischen Sta- tion in Neapel. [Berlin, 1875.] O. p. [541-1556. 590 3 — tioldsmith, 0. A familiar introduction to the study of natural history. {In his Misc. Works, 1837, V. 2.) 823 11 — Hartwig, Cr. Das Leben des Meeres. 2 Auf- lage. Frankfurt a. M., 1857. O. 590 4 — Humboldt, F. W. H. A. von. Das nachtliche Thierlebeu im Urwalde. {In his Ansichten der Natur, 1849, v. 1.) 551 23 — Kr0yer, H. Jf. Grundtrtek af Zoologien. Kj0benhavn, 1838. D. 590 6 — Landrin, A. Les plages de la France. 2 edi- tion. Paris, 1868. D. il. {In Charton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 590 12 — jVEillet, C, Le^ merveilles des fieuves et des ruisseaux. Paris, 1871. D. il. {In same.) 551.48 6 — Nilsson, S. Illuminerade figurer till skandi- navisk fauna, med beskrifningar. Lund, 1829- 38. pt. 1-19 in 3 v. Q. col. pi. 590 13 — Pfulll, E. Thierpflanzen und Pflanzenthiere. Berlin, 1881. O. 36 p. {In Virchow cfc Hol- tzendorflf. Vortrage. 16 Serie.) 043 1 — Phipsoii, T. L. The utilization of minute life ; practical studies on insects, Crustacea, niollusca, worms, polypes, infusoria and sponges. London, 1864. D. il. 591 6 — Physiologus i to islandske Bearbejdelsermed Indledning og Oplysinger af V. Dahlerup. facsim. {In Copenhagen— K. nord. Old.-Sel- skab. Aarb0ger. v. 24, 1889.) 948 5 — Pokoriiy, A. Thiergeographie. {In Hann, J. Allgemeine Erdkunde. 1873.) 502 3 — Quatrefages de Br^au, J. L. A. de. Souvenirs d'un naturaliste. Paris, 1854. 2 v. D. 590 8 — SaUskapet Pro fauna et flora Feiinica. Notiser ur forhandlingar. Helsingfors, 1871-4. V. 11, 13. O. pi. 581 12 — Sars, M. Geologiske og zoologiske lagttagel- ser i Trondhjemens Stift, 1862. Christiania, 1863. O. [l-f]88p. 554.8 5 — iSchrader, 0. Thier- und Pflanzengeographie im Lichte der Sprachforschung. Berlin, 1883. O. 32 p. {In Virchow & Holtzeudorfl'. Vor- trage. 18 Serie.) 043 1 —Semper, C. Der Haeckelismus in der Zoolo- gie. 2 Auflage. Hamburg, 1876. O. 36 p. 590 3 — — Ueber die Aufgabe der modernen Thier- geographie. Berlin, 1879. O. 33 p. {In Vir- chow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage. 14 Serie.)043 1 — Strieker, W.Geschichte der Menagerien und zoologischen Garten. Berlin, 1879. O. 43 p. (In same. 14 Serie. J 043 1 — Topsell, E. The history of four-footed beasts and serpents ; collected out of the writings of C. Gesner and other authors ; added. The theater of insects, bv T. Muffet ; revised by J. R[owland]. London, 1658. F. il. 590 2 — Vogt, C. Vorlesungen iiber niitzliche und schildliche. verkannte und verlaumdeteThiere. Leipzig, 1864. D. il. 591 5 — Zacharias, 0. Die niedere Thierwelt unserer Binnenseen. Hamburg, 1889. O. 44 p. il. (In Virchow & Hoitzendorif. Vortrage. Neue Folge. 4.) 043 3 See also AMPHIBIAISS ; AlVTS ; BEES ; BIllDS ; CAMEL : CAITS ; CEPHALOPODS ; CHAMELEON ; COLLEtTOIW MANUALS ; CORYCillDS ; DIPTEBA ; DIVISION OF LABOR ; ELEPHANT ; FISHES ; FLKAS ; HAIR ; HORSE : INSECTS ; INSTINCT ; LLZABDS ; LOCOMOTION ; MOL- LUSKS ; MOTHER-LOVE ; MYRIAPODS ; NATURAL HIS- TORY ; OCEAN ; PHOSPHORESCENCE ; POLYPS ; QUAD- BUPEOS ; SPECIES ; WHALE ; WOOL ; WORMS. Zoppis, (xiovanni. Marioma Clarin,commedia. Torino, 1864. S. 86 p. 859 24 — L' papa dla maestra, commedia. Torino, 1864. S. 87 p. 859 25 Zoppritz, Karl. Ueber die Arbeitsvorratiie der Natur und ihre Benutzung. Berlin, 1870. O. 48 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorfl'. Vortrage. 5 Serie.) 043 1, 531 1 —editor, see Pruyssenaere de la Wostync, E. E. J. M. de. Reisen im Gebiete des Weissen und Blauen Nil. 1877. (In Petermanns Mit- theilungen: Ergiinzungsband 11.) 910 44 Zorn, Friedrich. Wormser Chronik : mit den Zusatzen Franz Bertholds von Flersheim ; herausgegeben von Wilhelm Arnold. Stutt- gart, 1857. O. (In Stuttgart— Lit. Verein. Bibl. 43.) 943 40 ZOROASTER. Magische Orakel Zoroasters, nebst den Scholien des Pletho und Psellus.— Zoroasters Telescop ; oder, Schliissel zur gros- sen divinatorischen Kabbala der Magier. pi. (In Scheible, J. Das Kloster, 1845-50, v. 3.) 837 16 Zorrilla y Moral, Jos6. Obras. Nueva edicion, con su biografia por Ildefonso de Ovejas. Paris, 1852. 3 V. O. por. (Col. de mej. au tores espan. 39, 40, 54.) 862 2 Zorzi, Marc' Antonio. Poesie. (In Gamba, B. Col. venez. 1817, v. 11.) 859 50 Zosimus. Historiae, Graece et Latine ; recen- suit, notis criticis et commentario historico illustravit Jo. Frid. Reitemeier ; subjectae sunt animadversiones C. G. Heynii. Lipsiae, 1784. O. 937 10 ZSGRECH 738 ZWINGLl Zschech, F. Giacomo Leopardi. Berlin, 1885. O. 31 p. (In Virchow & Holtzeiidorff. Vor- trage. 20 Serie.) 043 1 Zschokke.Johaun Heinrich Daniel. Aehrenlese. Aarau, 1844. 2 v. in 1. D. 833 32 Contents: Pandora: Civilisation, Demoralisation und Todesstrafen.— Die Rose vonDisentis, eine Erzahlung. — Ausgevvahlte Novellen und Dichtungen. 6 vermehrte Ausgabe. Aarau, 1843. 10 v. in 5. sqS. 833 31 Inhalt; Alphabetisches Register, at end of v. 10. — Das Goldmacher-Dorf ; eine anmuthige Ge- schichte. 6Auflage. Aarau, 1838. D. 833 33 hound with 838 1 — Des Schweizerlands Geschichte. 5 Original- ausgabe, mit Fortsetzung. Aarau, 1834. O. 949 31 — Eine Selbstschau. 3 Ausgabe. Aarau, 1843. 2 V. O. por. 928 52 — Zschokke, E. Heinrich Zschokke, ein bio- graphischer Umriss. Berlin, 1866. O. 47 p. (In Virchow & Holtzeiidorff. Vortrage. ISerie.) 043 1 La ziica, ditirambo, see Caranis, M. A. Zuccagni-Oiiaiidini, Attilio. Raccolta di dia- letti italiani, con illusirazioni etnologiche. Fi- renze, 1864. O. 859 8 Zuccalma^Iio, Anton Willi«lin Florentin von, pseudonym Wilhelm von Waldbrttlil. Natur- forschung und Hexenglaube. Berlin [,1869]. O. 39 p. (In Vircliovr & Holtzendorff. Vor- trage. 2 Serie.) 043 1 ZUIDERZEE. Kooij, K. K. Proeve van een ontwerp tot afsluiting der Zuiderzee. Sneek, 1870. O. 20 p. map. 627 44 — Nederlandsclie mattschappij voor grond- krediet. Droogmaking van het zuidelijk ge- deelte der Zuiderzee ; versameling van offi- cieeie bescheiden. 's Gravenhage, 1868. sqQ. maps. 627 46 Zuleimas Flugt, see Paliidan-MiUler, F. Ziiinbiiii, Bonarentnra. Die Sila in Calabrien. (In Hillebrand, K. Italia, v. 2, 1875.) 945 41 Znnipt, Karl Gottlob. Auszug aus Zumpt's Lateinischer Grammatik. 4 Ausgabe. Berlin, 1836. D. 475 13 Znngchin, treurspel, see Vondel, J. van den. Ziipitza, Jnlins, editor, see Beownlf; auto- types, with transliteration and notes. l882. In E. E. text soc. Orig. ser. 77.) 820 5 The romance of Guy of Warwick. 1875-6. (In same. Extra ser. 25-6.) 820 5.1 Same, Auchinleck and Caiusmss. 1883-91. (In same. 42, 49, 59.) 820 5.1 Zurclier, Fr^d^rie, & MarffoUe, E. Les gla- ciers. Paris, 1868. D. it (In Cliarton, E. Bibl. des merveilles.) 551.31 5 Les meteores. Paris, 1865. D. il. (In same ) 551.5 5 Volcans et tremblements de terre. Paris, 1866. D. il. (In same.) 551.21 5 ZURICH. Treichler, J. J. PolitischeWand- lungen der Stadt Ziirich. Berlin, 1885. O. 32 p. (In Virchow & Holtzendorff. Vortrage.20 Serie.) 043 1 Zurich letters, see nson. H., editor. Zurita, Jer6niiiio. Anales de la corona de Ara- gon ; anadida. Apologia de Ambrosio de Mo- rales, con un parecer del Juan Paez de Castr( , todo en defensa destos anales. ^arag09a, 1610- 21. 7 V. F. il. 946 43 Apologia in V. 6. Vol . 7 is Indice. — Dormer, D. J. Progresses de la historia de Aragon, y elogios de Zurita. Zarago9a, 1680. F. 946 42 Die Zwergenbnrg, (In Volksbucher.53.) 833 22 ZWINGLl, Ulrich. Andeer, J. Succinta de- scripziun della vita d' Ulrich Zwingli. (In his lis reformaturs. 1845.) 859 31 APPENDIX OF Additions and Corrections noted during the progress of the printing, 14 July 1891-4 Aug. 1892. Misprints in the body of a title, unless changing the sense, have generally been disregarded. The additional entries have been made in full ; of the corrected entries only enough has been given to serve as a clue ; the corrected item being preceded by a f . AGRICULTURE. Dalgas. I hvilket Forhold. 1 630 37 Albouis t d'Azinconrt, Album von Ulm. t[,1848]. t Alesandrescu, Alford, H. The queen's English, f D. ALGIERS, city. fStrahan, L. G. S., not Segiiin, L. G. Anacreon. Gedichte von Anakreon. {In San- ders, D. Aus den besten Lebensstunden. 1878.) 881 77 hound with 74 Ansted, David Thomas. The stars and the earth ; or, Thoughts upon space, time and eternity. [Anon.] 3 American from 3 English edition. Boston, 1854. S, 88 p. 114 1 Aragona, Tiillia d.' Le rime ; edite a cura di Enrico Celani. Bologna, 1891. D. (In Scelta di curiosita. 240.) 860 10 ARCHITECTURE. Weiss. t[,1842J. Arconati-Visconti, G. M. Appunti suU' eru- zione del Vesuvio del 1867-8. [Milano, 1868.] O. [2+] 17 p. 551.21 19 Arna-Magnsean legacy. Magniissoii, A. Diplomatarium. 1786. 327 5 Arnason, J